HomeMy WebLinkAbout1941-01-09 - Newport Balboa News Timesf , .. '\ . ' ~··-----ftll;naa A.lml -to· be cle&n, ta1r _ ... iiDpartial and thua VOLUME.l ~-­---- q J•lu ko'\J 1110' Mlto·h- c) und tov,k oU fur A l~<lla~"' f11r H\1' \' lll<'t lilt' h~tl· tdn~" lt'ta\lllg tlun.:~o '" tht' ('ltjilll•l•' hllthb "' tho: t't·>~t vr I h(l £slana 6USIO .. S>Imt'n. • ' On Cht1SI IIlii !I, ho,;• ,·,·r. snmt• uf these bUSint!AAn1!'11, Whfll<l' mlll\1'1' • I 'll nul m ent)OII loor ooh\'lttU:< n ·a· aora, eli<-" ...led t hut H .. lo pt .. hahly waa htn•mg tuu !:•"~~'' tt 111111' So they "-stnt bono .. a. t.•h•~;r.u11 Tht:< meaaage polnt~:d out to lho: ,.;roccr hand , thnt th,·y \\t'fl' l.~t•­ c,oming a ~'"''' nUtlHtnl't'. 1ond "'hal 11hould they dn w1th l'lll? -!:'lot only ttutl, but tlwyc:s t ..... wire collect ! -. There wasn't 1\ny ••·ply. 1Tthuu~h some o1 the mer••howt!l Uwu~h t:My deteeted aky that I!<JUndt'd hk•• somewhat d ommPd b·• """" .. r trip from Alnbama. Uut , Now Rob'l' m atlP n prt.ouloi~­ Eadl mc>m~r-nf-thr lllll'J"''' te-d band and they're plt•nly uf ··'!' Ia (Oing to g et B (\ro•>lo•ll l >'~•nll'l1111(' d uring the yf'ar fl'ttltl t ht' 'oll.•(:e gTOCI!r. And I bet• tuo ll wun't be poelell, either! ln C•ct. I've M arti lhut Rub's In lhe market (or 8ttlll\' ll\'t' !lnukNI, toada. and octo(\1. Loyk11 Ilk• ~ollr· rtnc time,. •head' "" Ml'lropolllan water. alley pll\'- t,.:, Sl rt't'l t'Xtl'IIIIIOnll, rnoteJ lel\8- "· 111 rt•et nlim{'8, .rt--znmng and •th .. r nllllll'tll of rommumly·wute nlo~ri',;r fJrtwodt'd more hlln ···mm llmt'n who mt't 'l•·~tuO a L \l1L-d t)' bal .. l,_.llUI"""'I,) .io~:ht. l)ittthtlf':<ll thl' m08t hoUy :o•slo-!1 ISSUC' Of l.ht> lot WIUI Wht'- tllt•l ur nut Nl'\\'port Be!lc,h 1hall .olfoluHf. wttb the Metropolitan \\ uh-r dtlllrlct. Such a ctio.n W&.ll p•rerttly-·rN'Oftlmt'nclf'd oy , the :"o·wrort H a rbor, Chambt'r of Com· ''"'tle foUuwmg report of a '""notti'P' .named by Chamber • 1 ''l!tdcnt J . 0 . Walk Ina to lnvuti- .ltc• lht• mlltlt'r. l'n1t.-..t. MWD tPe and \'Oiced hta bebeJ that ,. In the hl~h ratf'. of &II$!Mment "' Newport BeaC"h that the MWD tnx rate of 60 centJJ 11n the $ ·• s"e"se<t ''alual-WA-WOIJ ld-make • wit pruhll.ulove f6r local particlpa· '"'"· Ht•lh Wl!lhtt•e's rt'port •nd that uf thf' Chambt'r of Ccmmerce' rom- mit 1 .. e WI\JO foled for future atudy out1 reft'rNoce .. .... '-.• , ,. .• II - ; It ranc••· a,.ru. Temoo atlld Coleman a-u and oU h .. tetll, tt ll at am aaif\11 ndUC'Uona. Pnl"e del· lnlht will bt' fOund ln '\M T•Wimde ,.,, ,,;, Jl&l'• t ol nua a... or thf' l'r..u . mlt\H. o rana• Count)' Cout Mk~t-. w411 ~ .......... new u(flce,.. at "-next mMtlf\11 ur lh• aMOCiallon, .et for Jan, 11 ul Laguna Beat-h..Belected to -rv• ''" Uua commttt• an: -ltoben L. l'all ... M!p,..nUn,-N-po1'{' Kar- U\Ir and 8an·J&&an Cap6M-; Dr. C.·. 0 . HuMoR. Coeta M .. ; rt.cS S Warner, kn .clemeat.e; 1-' Ktrnmell, Lacuna; C. A.. Mllw . :it•otl Heactt; ~J. BrUtol, Hunt· tnatnn Beach , L. A. Patcll, Buuet lk&rh and ll:bnw KUCbla. ... 1 B4'a r h. ~ -~·· ,, I • """ .. "'"''~~~ nrr. I'RFJ(~ olf tlor 1 'ulor,ootttll Huulh 't'out diJilt'h'l a._~,~~~,,~,~~~ • N l I Mlii:U -45 in Big Gains IIIHIH tl' '"''" ht l\th'l ~.·--· hunJool ""'"'fit'\ ut-lr• Jr.: Utl<f hu\ tl\jl 1\ rf'o't 11ll•·•l tu 'tit oii)UII-tl\'1, lit ...,..,rt., 'l'l"t>'TTIIrrr-tn'TJI \\'t'"••k h_y fh t ... t lll.t"lt't ,_ ,,. t }It' I UIU 0 I II lilt)' J0 \'111-IUUli 111J lkJI u.&lUJa 'tttf" ttf t ht• IU••I"' II •l •,h}p h tl,.l• IW,_,.. IUt f''"••'M \\Jl,. lt~.t •ttiHJ atl lftt l """ l~llo nol .. ,..,,., ••~-.1•1~ fmm· "''""I' 11nlr11 l!•loolo•ol S\~114 ::~e II IC"III o)f .11.1\l t\1, Ul IPIII(hly 18 per C&lUI ''""'' 1~\+ ~---Jllr utfh'""' '" th" lao t th II tlol11 "'"' u f'\11\liJJStc.nt A~••ut lh'"''llh .. ul t hr )'~llr, rt'"l'""'IC•,,..,IIwr tr .. m lfllttl """_.t .. ,.._.n.._~.,. '"'" "--c·tul~&l~a rn•lltr•~:. "'""'' 1'h4' flrlit 1111111 lt•t ,,( 11140, ••ud· lnl(' M•t~·h :11-. .01"'''•"-' ,; a:nln ul $Hit M . tl1" ..,..( ""'' '1""''''1, "" '" • ,....",..,. u( •-;:, ';tJ Ttl• HIU uftt•·r •1unr-. • l"tHhrn• lhJ:' 1 '-• ltt••u1 h ' ,1( .J a tv. ~lll(ull{l;uol l'lt•pto uot .. 1 '''~"tt,.,l Ill .. ,,., .. ,; llltlt•,. ttl J ttd1t\.," ~""' •• , N26 M· vv .. r I Itt• "''"''' I"'''"'' ••( .... . h )JTION STA MESA .. n Tragic NU-rt.' Mer- Jam~ S. ~~ Nrwport tlw II n ."' ol iwldzly mom- he A k> x" Odt-r · c1 SHn<IR y At .JuhfUiton• or >itul. ii'Rty "' 2::t0 "tlt'l Cha~l. ...... ,. eula Al .. ander t In the raaa t. of N~ knowA &A4 aa.~ -.;...-~~ .-. H a ~'bot' toll& •lur trtc lit. M 1939, wlulo• lll411,. '""' h11lllt1C qunr· ... partlcl4peW ~~~~~ ~~~0b~a~!!h+~~.i·~.~~~·;~o.f'n~~~w~~~:·~~ir.~~~~~!l~~~~~~~~re~~~:~:~~~~ h~~8~r0:e~~~~::~T.::::~~~~~~~fir L~M~O~C~aa~d~le=-t~~;!::~~~;:.~.~~~ddr;:r!...~ .. ;~ .. u..~a:u~~~.~,)'~d:::~:~~~~=-·~~~~~~: •• -;:-:-:-:~-~-.~-·:-:-: -----i.ll~· .. =-: .. ::·)'anc~"":-)'ti&N.JII• ...... :.----:-...... lton throughout' lhe "''en1n1;. &C· nut Tuuday. . lllt'R'hanla, 10 .. ~ J\nniuersary ou~~~ rp==~ ~~~r-+.:JJtilt-tru't f'.h"' mhl)r ~~A~u:,.uu._,.III'I\Meda,_eftlla'fclWWU•ef-ten_.·(-U~"'-_1'--•Io·ruhl~ ~"'~ ... llll:\lUJJ.Y -VH(J tle-p Htandard 0 11 oom-"'1 wbo !~how· anlund 1'"1'"'"1'"" th,. ,,,,, ,, ""~'< P,_, 1led In the aut11lor1um, be· r-· h 1 1 1 1 r • 41 1 •• · ood plctui'H of ,.._ Pa.eltlc <!Oaal, ltV n~t • ""111 •·r 1'''11 11 '' • "'~r" o 11 Ju.rtuarr !l. J!•:JI. taOO r1ttzeru1 gtn1111og at 7:30 p. m . l'ooon <:~tnlllf'r. Nt·~t~pt•rt l~·•rh Ata•lia and Ka.;";r; tJerUc:ularly 11_ .,r ~'I '"'"" """' III'IV ~ l'""k aum .,, ="'l'"'l"'fl HariJo1t nnd Cu11ta With J011epb Jiamblt'l t act:nc All ..aty judll''· """ 1..-rrt ,,,,,..tt'd prMI· luatraU ... U.. _ .. 'U..t o&l ew. ntf'r .-,nl•l l ••onnt.: tho• p•url """'. ~-~ lh ..... t •I h-t~ the mul~r of ~.._,_._, Jud~r• P .i. ·-r-• •·•• 1 • ..,,-,.., grt ••r.-v " ,., " ·~ do-It nf tho· !1/c•IOo JMtrt llltrbul J un-plllyed In the development ot the '""' "6" '""''" '"'I f' Ill uM, ""''•I thodu·atll•n to( II llt'W $11(1,1)()() hlgn l>oc1J:1', plle•ldent of thf' board ot u ·--t. III'I'Uilllltt•IMI IIIj( 1"1 "\'O'n\lt! Of ......,_fl • ... tu r ChartttJ4•r ••f ("i ••u•u••r•·•', aut-"~ R('hool plant. trWitl'ea. wiU '"""' Y rt"Count uoe ruur Jl",...., .... In n•l•ltll••n tn whtch Tontght. 11 d••CAde 111t.•r, reat<ll'ntJI hiatury O( Ole Khool on hill ad-•·•·edm~e K«"nl H lll'lit·•.rk "' Ltdo rnom Ifill tu :11111 r•tulhf'a w•nt Ahaadoa Aile)'_ Pavtq of th~ _two Nommunlll<'ot wtll agRin dre .. •. -Ten Yean • Board Jobm· IRie •u hnd ut \h• ortc•nt7.atltth RAn 8TAND aa.asD -n·..S o&ally ,., 111 .. 1 ,.1wral df'llv· \\'l'th Bftlboa laland'a citizen.~ .tllllt'mble at l'o:ewpurt H!lrbor t:n1on ber_· A v.art'ect muatc,.L "ram O~r uffl<'"l'll llfllru'tl Itt ""'' s.,mewtwn In 8outhenl C.lllor· 01ry winduw. Muou•v ut'11rr InUlin•~ ····1:1Hterlng dillapprovaJ of the pro-Hllh ~hoot ·ll\18 tmle In recu~Cnl· hu been arranced. UI/Hirh ac:hool Thurlldl;y'a f'h"<'llllfl \\~rt• lt. I. nla theft'• a tlllbl··tnlllded pento.n ..t the lllland .,(u .... llllllllllllC'(I \II ['IOfled allf'y pavinl pJ'OIT'am by a lion of tO Y<'l\rl<' auccuaful man-orcht!lltra;under d~J~eCtion o f Mllll "l,'uba " Mtorro•. ltte·nl rw•ll•·• offll"er whQ will be weU..ctUipped to brt~ J.1t.7U.II7lnlnnk 111•0. 1411 tnr,_ THE IIOTAaJANM .unjoroty of 70 per ~nt qainat agemPnt dunng "1uch lime p roc-Ma ••e K let.cll'. ~ 'pt•Y "Mornlnc. whu wtll ...-rv .. ,.., f101l vLr~.prPII-on the blc ~ UMII IUIIUftel'--11"'0-of t280&.•t nvoer III!UI 8VRE 1101' ATE! .o pu cent who favored the ltn· reaa .nd (1'0Wth ·of the lnllhtuUon ~oon and Nlcbt lft VIenna," by Von dent~ • H1u•old lknedlct, MOOnd vldtna he lltaya out ot. JaU U.t Mt11. ,.~;.7.,/.valyr1 Rider .,... Tbla raplclly-aglna department pron .menl, the oounctl vot.d to hae eACeeded t.M rpoel optlmla-Suppe. "Batet,r r:tlln:h." and ~-prMidenL aDd Tuuy PlW!uner. tunc. ....,.s .,. pu~a•=·•• -41 ~~~~~~~y~~~~~~~~to~~~~~a ~~~~ ''Ano~~~~·~~by~·~N~·t~w~a~AI:H:o:r~·L~F~~=~y~n~~~·~:-~=~:~~~~~~~~~~~e~~~~~-~~~~ -----<Tueeda~:ty~·<~n~l!g=h~t.~l~~le~a~r~n~ed~~p~l~e~~~~~~~~~~~~!~~~~+.~~~~~~~~7,!;~~:~~~~;!~~~:~~~~;!";;:~t~~~~:;~:T.~~':~~,. •t wht~h t(lnP thr t•IMrd ufftr• wu l••·att'd In " K"'"'''' v "'"r•• 11nd wu u( fourt:h ,,, .... r~tlilltlo ..... lnv.· .. t I lo· _,__ ---. r•wk In I r H t~'"'"'fl•·r• It• pbf.. nom,.n•l rllrf' '"''"' fuurAh lu n,..rly IW"('flnd ('I""" rltl IIIII In .I••Ra NIII"IIM1J nol (I'W lllllf·-Ill Hooul hf'm ,.,... \1:1!01 •tnlinr I ' huoul~t•r hoonnl ··r . 2!'>0-yard reel. 12 ~k._ .. of 1.,.11,.,, .. ,,. • 1,111111~. b.o•k the rt'(lly cartS..--, -l~.Jl h.:u u.U ul uf t•'·""'l'< "h" w••nl Gilbert lf111(h Spnu~:o·r. ll1111)' """"· ""''k", two• boaM of hoolu o n feed· At 1.,.1,.1111 •l••l Milo A• '"'lot p,.,.,. off'n th~ ,,.,.,.11hot•h .oltt•fltl '''"1'•1•· 11tl t•ISI1I :oiiC1 SulllvRn, nnd "Strike up t.he i Ko•rol llill'lh"''k , J.,lo n ('rtllnh~tn ··r111111d an tapen•lve Calcutta ( .. h '"""A"' ,1,.,.11 l<lrtll 1,.1,.,,.,,. ·lhal tJible and l'rtth ... l !'4t,...t 11':11:tftiJIMn .,, lho ll>•' ,, "" to•:o rt •I rtlllll'l," r.erllhwon IHitl R I r.t ... ru• "·''"'' ll i•f'••lllh•cl JHtl(' 11140'• ll(lltltJI IIUit• , ...... "' lll'llrly sleeve. r:xll•rtSIHII n r \VaRhllllfl.l,ln l!lret't, • Tho:~.~ .... I .. ,. ••. tl \\'llll I t~ ~tu-...!c ----.... Its .... S• ""' l'ttlllllllll····· lltt· ,, .... , 41\ ·r ... r l'rnl ..... , II• :II IUI'tl'll•'nliJ Hub IPt uut n hnwl \\ h~rh ('tlllld •II• I l'l')>l'l mlly elll8bhshmg !l OY dt•IIIS 1•·•1 " II ~ ;,;, Course in N avJgation 'I llhop. "HIIIIJ:t•r" '"'1111; l'l'•llll•torl'd kt:i'C I\'I:a lfrt!LEN VI:HIC:LI: ........ r··· ""'' """ •. ~~"''"lot rr .. ·m havt' been hrart1/on till' ~'"11111~111:'1. lyp.-ttl ho•:11·h pa rking art>a. wall ' :0.:1\,ln,; ttl l!l'!;'!,fll'~ h C I I IIJ)' lht· Jlll•tt ''""1111•'1 An 11utumnbtle belonct"l to .AI· (oo11rtto.•hull• ltt 'lloloot "•llltVt nl thr If anyone"d llf'f'IM\",\"Hko•, A ,.,.ntnblr· lll(lor<lllldy lll'ulesll'd by R oy t.Tnn,l R~ac es one U8 on Tl ... ''1111' 1''""'''111 "'' II•H "'11 1 ..... 11\llun. 123 28th •trMt, N-· h•'tllllllllll; .,, llu• ''"' "' Vl'lll 111')11 Banl!hef' fl("ft'I'Ch r: H . l•ay and ulher8. Counctlml\n A l l••rll,:h\ .. ,,,.,'II I tl '··l··h~lt-1 •• h 15 Grad ·~ .... phtnno·tl "' ''"' "' ,, llll't•llnj; ul , ... rt . led an adventu~· 11/e Julv I AI•J•tllll lllt'll' "' lilt• Of'W This bruuj::hl holl•r n •m.trks Ll<~\·d <.:latre and Mayor Gordon \till, : .. ._l••·lltltn)( ,,,,,,,, ,.J lho•l \\tt 1 U&~ l '"lll•hlon~t•!lll·~·t•III"IHo•l~d "'II lrttnt lhl' Ume It wu alolen at J'"lllllllclllt•l "'II ltlo•IV lw 1111111,. rrom T t>mptornrv.l'll'-odl'nt Juhn ... ·n .. ono····· themseh•t•K 10 favur of """"'·' ........... ''"''111'11''' I••-... ~ •• ,,.. ilt•l 111' •• ,,,, "lld Bulh ··~'--lh .. anta t'llfiV '"'" '"""'"· 1(1 11" IJI'IIt·VIlll. . 1. ·k 1 . ' · . · . Foft,.rn Yllt'hll'men hav~ jUIIl • n w .... .., ., ... Allen. Myrttll f,.ughl 1·11 • Ct>n~onl( lwrllh ·o11l11 fl'orkon" but when lt 'l:tXflll\• Ill nl lit•· of ."'ltotl l\111 liP .t 2 k , 1 •1111, .... flnday nlaht, until It WU ~ I . , • , · · ... · • · 1 . •rnJ .. "l~ At I ·WH • ('ourw n " .., N-IOI)rl flftlo•r ,.,., kfo.·unl all Hub , . .,nt•d"",''l' "!"·'dmn,.;l· "'""~ '"''"' t ' ,-.,tong "" lhf exterunon "'' '""" n tht" !gil lo '~t •• ••·lo· "u!."~· 11'1\'IJ:'ntoon undt>r ntlee of the t1nit-J•olt'cn J.uUIICh J)rl.\'e ,.., .. vertd naar Talbt'rt, Tueaday. .. hll w nund!<, lin 1\t hu• ,,,,,lint<' • \\"n~htn~tun slr~t't <.:hurt' rat:Jl the, tll/1 ,,,,.,, .. u ll\ lilt • ,.,,, .l>li'I'S· • r Sq ad fl I ' ~ A··-rt' .... ly ·-ken from Ita nerk· l tiJollttt llooll .. , ''"''"lo: lilt• '"'"''"' . I h o r-. . . . . . ol f\t&t.t'l! 'OWI'r ' u mn. fill ~ ..... .... .... a ny conrwd onhn \\II I t ; ; '.nlr ..... Jy ohs~··nttng vote. stalinj:: hi' I ~ .. ~" ••fi ll •. I I • '(:\111111rliW111! lw•niC llf't fnr Jan. 18. to t~nd Ut•st rtu·t ion 1111( plarf' hy a 16·y .. r -old boy, •nit•" """"""' •.d-IIIIV l•tt.lilufflo'(! ill And I. bt-IIIV, ••l\\o'•'n t 11' ·~·ng oluln'l IJlJII~I\' II( tlotr1j: lhr work rhtoouglt oltl : ..... , ,. ,,, lhr '" l'"' "I I d -• ~ • l llr ('"r w u fir"' ..driven to Arte-lhr ""''"·'' ....... 1:'" ,,, :-~ ..... l~·rl . r I h • H t . -' .... l lwtlruct.Hr llf """ oca aqua ron . • n ... pan Rnd Iotti' 11'1' "'"' llttl Ill~ II •h•o·p '11• "' and WloUid prefer lD t'ux l.olt• "' II•·· 1 ......... -··I•IIJ' """ . of Str•·•·t Jacrflts '"' Thtt blty lhen IM>UI"ht lo cet llrut" """'' , ... ,,.,., I•• \\' " h l ( ·' ~ 1 d t..1 • Ul'l t 1 I I I I Tl '' 11:0 f~tb Bttvt1. ~ret.Ary-l~RI'ur-• .-"' . w 0 K'.' llll'u ' I . vu .lllU . • '"' • I ·' plan and undert.Rkl' tht' th.ol ''''I'"" : .. , ' ,,, r· I• •n•• I,' ~>I H~ellr<>R \·:~,·ht c:hlb wht're the olll" lhf' l •aod I'•""' o( hur frlrl "'''""" "'t•·ll ~ II• ttl ,, .... ,,.,,. "I' .,na......,..t ' MYIM ,..,.., will be IMJ4 a.· at U.. Hat· •• f!OIIla ..... \ft!• hi• widow, •ott; two a&a. .. and Mra. N. a Nu'fa UNCLE ED ~EZ- I dodn t II q:ur \\ h· I· Ill "J"I'l a t Ont.e. ""' " . ..,,, •. ,, II ' • "II• I IIi· hi): n I i . . . h Ill \\'!root .... , II • ""' '"" I""'' Ill fill II ...... , or lfaw•llan Oal"den• hy $111111'< l•k .. , .•• , I h·· ... ,., 11111'1 Yt'll l. L><·~ptl<' lh•• filii' •1'111 J:"rlllll l:"l ~·,·, n• "11 ••f f'llltn HtrN'l tu th(' 1-o "'"" ""·'' ,, I tl•l • hoof'"' llv. I.\ X-• ·'"~''" "' rrll ~ . I tl tl ',.,,.,. "' ' I' 'ot a•· ''' '"1'1""~' ,f i•l•·.,..loloto• hf'r with a va luabl• can-"f'"t:""' "'' '"''" I ""I' ~ul••" '" I , , 1 .. · · · :-!111 •·•·811111 ,. Nlmp.. nl( '" • . .. .., that bnok. \\lloonl•t•lol• I "·~I'll''" 1'1 Fr••nl was \'lllt'd nt II rl-1"'""."' "'' '''" l "'"l''"f"•rl .J L ' u .. I' I t•lallo ""I' 11"'"1 ,,,,.,,,.,\,.,. •lo•l •Aroof'rRfuundln'"'·-c:ar'll•l•we $t: •. t tlf\~'J "'' "''"' I'.!J''''''Jil. ·--11 . . . . * tltlf.J'f• "·t\l't" r o lln,•qUIAl. RH ., · ' \..1111! • .-~ (onr ltnt" An t''<' 1 ""I l''"~r.tm. , , 11t nu'••tm.: of thP rounctl whtC'h I;,.,., h :on· I '· • ' • \1, '·' •I '<'U •• '" 1 It J ,.1 b"-U -""' .... ~ .. -.. '"" •• f'l" lJ t,. H•w~~~~~"'!PIIIR~IIJll'~~ ... ~ lflf' ~,;;. I Mfl quac;t• ...... ~ ..__ . I ' t I St; II . >"'1 ' ••·:<lc•r ,.,_u "" 40#----1 -,. ... :.:: _,...,._,_ 110tnr l{t>ll( ""'1:'111= •·'<••!• "1 · 1 ''''' w<•t•k. otflf'r c•onHodentbll' d ta-"·"';. ~ .. ,J.:L '' t...ot.lJ ~ ~·~ ~~· _..,_ 'rt~· Dla"'-Htlti'lf7l .,._.nn~,_,m M\'1""~ ""'"""'''" '" )'I l l'• ;1 """ Ill" Saw~·rr.nn!lfnH·•:nl••ota~111 .''"1 ···~·.1~-"lft:~"lll"lfl1111lllr "eK(~!llllon J .durmli, tit•• )!ltl!l 110.:1!11 rv~ or ;.,7~h•re~~""' lla rr·;J...e.,Jo'f'lhngll:•"'"'" )1,,,, lo•, •••1""•: 1<o1 "" '""'' 'I"'''''' ""'""" $~'Tifl !ICI -~tty Huti HO\~C\\1\llt:h~nmlt:h t"f \VRIIhtn~on lltll C'Oilnf $170 l\\ot lh tol' ,.f ll1t• •·l!l ll o• ••ost I II II . •t k H I I T IIH•t~l\·• ""I 1,1 1,1 \ r•~lll l'h•·fllllttllo•lll•t llo •.,ll•ol\ r\u~ot .. 1 , • , t, rvnnt. p Ar ... y. ant .. n. doWTI h\s !' el.'~l.'. . • :\lut~l Lease DlacU!M!!I • l it• lnHI•IIIo~ ~l: .DaiiJOCa ~ ~ ~~ j•,,._. ~ ~~·~~~~~--~lel11!~!"1!! ... ~r1111 .. "ttiiU':lll.q . .M!'~ • -.._ 1---.. ------b· buT!nl:' Hlf' .,,~, ~ ... ~ .. ,.;,., r tollln M••l411 , 1!: . .l. Knth-. J:lr-T ... ~~~· l;lllooo ..... , I t ho·~ ....... I""'"' lo I ,. II .1.112 ~~· Tnr·o~'T nJ:A'T Stoll llndo..-ldl'd 111 thl' qur11t lnn ot 'l!'t. t.o.ICI'·'''''~ 1 111· :-.;,.,, i""' ( .. ~. "" 1 '""l ol t~ll••• , '" 1 ,, 1111• ''" ,,,11,,.,.11, lat•r 1,~ated u1-~ar 1,..,,1~.: ,.1 ... 11 .. 1 '"' '"' '" ,.,,.,,,.r ·"·~··-r; .... r)(•• T .. t.a mm. .llJ:IIOit ~ ft r • THt: I.A\\. ;\f((ll lwtlwr "r no)l Uw I'IIY Wlllll'illlt' :• :0.1··-· "·'''''' \ltl• ,_,,,."$liS.· Ht•H oh. F:h•w .. rllo Mlnt'r ILnd H H \'lott!hllll loo•' l•' r 1 •• l;o ,. •I•· "'" traUe.d lha Y'•lin• ml .. 'rtllnt ., ..... , •. , "" 1 ......... llot·~"'""'"""' A l1111plt·u(\\l•••k"'aJ!""il'·•~llnt 0 11111111lllpnwo·d lrAr·t nf BayFmnl ,·,;, .. ,,, \\I ... • 11•1 \'oollld IW•<':i· \\'allno<·.l .. oii Au.;eiM. ,.,,.,,,.,fJ,•oo•I .. J 1 1 """rtto ·111n,uach tr,.r·k• lt'ft In 11 11,.wly Ito•· '''"' •rllo '''"'"'l w11lkrd tntn f)un r.unol•·llootll ' llrut.:"-,,·r"l •'I ty Ji, F"rnnk ~n•mdt>~ f<tr 11 , 1 .11 "·"' l''' d h ·" ll1•· ~<•'h•><•l l •l I" "II"' 1 , II,. 1 , 1 1 ,, • ,,..;.k ~ 1,1.,.,..,.,J fll'ld. Arter•. helnjC lak"n ;-.;, •1111•1•· I•• "" o, , r I 1.. '~. "'l""·t ~elorl'. dt·Spllf' llw fa• I tl 1\olrtl't 11111l••l '· ••urt nnd YRl'hl anrhorn~:e. ,,.,.,,,,,.;ttl "' 111. f.,t "'''I tlt.~ln• I I•,. lwftt 1 l·' r,o 1 II • '" $111 "'" r·u"ttody he UMrtedly ,.011r,.114 ll••11•11 ,,p t •• •1 ,.,. • l'ot•o II•' loult·• F.alllf'r \VI't•k. • . .;:llllloll•r!l. a ppeot rf'd bl'fltl't' thr Tl'l·· ,, :t '" 1·1' \• .•• lh·· ftJ,:IIft Ill· Storm at Sea Brings ,,, $t: •• I • Itt t • ' It htlll ·•I '" JO('Vflrlll ulher lheflll In var· •l.tlolo•luo.r .. 1 I '"' • I• I •l••lo'\'I'IY Tho!! 11011'. n so·nl w.ttltll•·<l fii•\\'O l """''I Mundl\y noght Wllh It p<'ll· ....... , '" '1'•:.!1"· IJ1U ,,,. th•' Tn.mporar.'-' Lull in • l"'l.:hl "'""' •'·'I" lilllllhf'rn Callln rnla )ll('lllt,lll'll , ....... '" l.o•l•· I I• \\. ' :-\t•\\l..:.lt t'lll' m ain !<11'••••1 1 11~>'1111••• hl',l lniJ b<•'lriiiJ:SI$:Olltllrl'll"(lrH!I()('111 t!•.ol.:7t•·l ll !,,.f lo'' J.,$4~1116 '' ,f llo •o•roll•l ''l'' 1 1,,1 11 .. •1.: on•t ';o,;,.-.,,,,1 ll•·•t hl "l•l•fltXI t hroll~ht nil lh•' "Hallloo:o rn···· h:ont~ r••!<ttlt•nL'I Whll appr•w ... ll h ill plan rtl•· \'•''" ool 1!•.7 ... Ill\' h '""''"!: Mackt•rf'l (!atch kor••···· ,. ... I '"'"''"" -'""'' h· 1\lllt I ,,,". I • ..... "'I ,,.,, h:odgon<'uut .. rhlll'lll•·!'~.··r:<l1111"·1 \'•·ttJ7.1'n's rnmmtttrr appnlnted •I ~17 .••:! t'• .... :• $t'<l•k:.! In ''"' 1t~tt1 · ... ",1 .. 1 l• .. ,(~okt&MettaChamoor '~'oll·••·l 1 ol·l Jl• • """' "' • htt t ••• tl t fll, II d f . &hV lttttl llll( "'""If lhe •ur. < ·,llf•trnla, '""" "l'l'roartr. alkllll( IWI fMr l ot lot" I~·IWt•o•n. " '"' '""'"'IYI'red rr y llll; " llhf'et ''"' lltl". The ··- thong, and hP \\'alo frrt• tn • """' am11 ~""''' \\"••t•k:< ng<o"by M11y•1r \.,~tt11'1n 1 :• .'• t•• 1 h• o\ 1 • olo J•tw•l o,ltt.:ht · \\'1th Rlurtn "' or nlnjtll pnlllf'd fur I,.,,,Jt, '"''" 1 . • • '• , • I\" II g o tu• he piPil!<l'd . '"" •••mptoll<·d or II L . ShPnnan. 1v I•' !·:•i .:••• .. ,.,,., .. ,.: 1111" yrar lh•· ~rrttto•r pao l "' the w~k a n•l '"'I '"' ,. · ,, • fllo•ol to }l;lf,ct OfflcerH A"'hvwnv. tw '""""'•··cl urnund' ~ (; "~'8flle....M.Jlxwdl. Lew WJll:__u, .S..:.ti.~Ol. :rtw l!t.X-o .• t...luc mlUU-o-"'=~ ~ on lhoae da.y•~tt .. ·~ t••~ ,__,___.._ -·•..,..11 -·---d lUI ht .. t iJJJ.'IJ Uac u.. -----'-t , d ''"'' ''' "" • r••I•J••\ • • \\ -M· I Llt uu ,,r n .m .... ,..-r,,,, r.-T"?tlt~ jua~l i1J<e "hl' ~~ llwP,onl, lin l11• •·. l'loul .. alrner. nne! Mr!' ll~tr·l 1:111111~ lloo '''""'' '" loll ' ;,11 ••·ntll I hut lb1• fuchort~ flf'et co.uld put t11 . I h• •• l 1 I I • I II•• lll.X '~lfefi ay ~, g 110m('(tfte c-allffi th•• r .. ~ That nur owtt )'otte r. after due lnvelltoga-1 .. :. ~ tnto ,.r ··•~"' , •I ,'f'i,,.., l'o••n 1111<1 ''"· ''""I ••anrw11ea havt' '-" l'n· .1\'• 1 '· .. 1 •;. 1 i• I·· 11 , ,,J r •• , ff tlnn-n•t ft ("•' f' f •rl.d H .1, ~-••I •l :l flk.!~ll4 1 •I \.17 t~ ft\'t•r -fo~II'C'!IIIO of l'lfftr enl Wilt llfl I hr law enrorrPr!< Wl'rrn I to"' !'lll'l'f'SI'· l t•lfl 1\'('0( lin rt>curd as opposm~ "' .,.,,.. ... •• , •• " "''·" tll .. nnl ,.,,.,.,_ ",,1•·•1-·t9 II Jl"rlll•· bUt • two hourll r Ill •• ' ••. ,, ••.. , ,, I' . I ' I ...... v Cut in rnptn,;: "·iih thl' tnlrllflf'l' was t lw plnn . .t<tntl~ .lhrlr beltd lhrtl , , .... ,. lhou llt.:l .. u.l I" r l'lll<l•·rrl '''J"' •honn~ \hr ym ttt ~~k l w tth lllU•· , 1111.•·11 I•· ''I•· 1• ,, '' ,, lo•H '" '""'" IJullllleJIII lllllkr OOI\IIIIkrlltlton I 11:.-1• A _.Jndlc:-sted ~y th,. fniii'W10.1:""f'J'fi'IT't : ..a tr prnr~.rty 11hould nl'll ~ tt_ed f ""' 1:.~-• 1 ... 1 .. "' 111,. :1\'l'rnS.:fl f'""!' ltkrllh•~"l thAI the next ~~evero;l '''" "' ,.,,,, ,, . 1. II· olt:lo"' "'"'" f~~~tt.a Mua t"h11mber ,,, r·., ... 1 "The !II' A 1 wn>' n•••l111~ .• nol ~tJ•Il· "il ton R lnng·ll'mt I~Rl'e "'""«' thr 1 h•• ''"' "'l •Ia v" ~.o.·tll l<h'•"'' mOJch irrlpm"""'""'· '" '" l-'1 • • 1 ; .•. • •. 1 , 1 1'1<~ •I '""r',. hl•lda 18 annual ITI"mhrr ,, ..... \' I ',\ I If t 1• h I t, 'I • It ffltf·$ ... I"''''''' •, t ··I 1•' '~ n•• nt P•• ~• 11 1• .-t t•'IIH f1•r -~term(: "II 11\"t'r Tho to .do·\\.olk II•• lllllllt1<• .. !lAid lhrn• 111 no .,.,·nr ltf ~, l•·t~•rlJI J11hn \\'althttr, nf'wly-llp· '"~'''"" •·I ll1• •·. ol•· 11 f l 1111 ''"" m.,..llnf( n••t·Tuiillday """"'"" 11tond bv holl t·onllt otnt':r.n:tl •·h:ht.~. lowwtnJo: whAt nN:d 1111~ftl AriAe fnT Ot ho•r ''" ltnlfl(''' l"••nl•·d 1\l(l•lll 11f th~ NI'Wfl'Jrl ~th•ot· 11, thr W<oml'n'll cluhhou,.. f'ro••l , I 11'1 " , I • , 1 ~I. lttt 1\,dltttf f tftt I howe,·e~. !lo lw wr~s ~"''" a•'flttlll<'r ' ot 111 th•· trrulol'<liate futur{' • "' 111 ''"' 1 I!""' h f'nnnf'l v Worken~· un111n. •l•·rol \\'llh"m Hatiabury tuu nam .. •J out of town " ""arll Wf'll All t, Walther no H•tlfN' f\OY Tult'nt', Nf'l,.,rn fltuf - t 'S "'JSt:!'i!'i i\ couph• of da~·!< H~" l ht~ 11••· pnrtment WI\S f,.rc o•d I" ·; 111 ult Earl Stan I!'\'. thf' H lfi>O • r HNo• ''" BAy. OttiY l't w n•n'l 11 ~ "'"' \'1."11 Tt wa.s tiu!'ltnt'>~S. utili h•· Wu.llll'l "~ t - tng 111 the hll run lotol 11!1 th•• dl'll· con or tht' d rnft b .. nnl I ftlll'd out a "'·' nu,.rnt•l w ha h forrl'd mP In IPII •oti. '''I'll doowr. to how rmtn\' I'''"~ I ltko• 111"111\' f'i'll llllllp But I fo fl'"l Ito h"t ''"'' (of my dependent!'. 11n<! I'd hkl· li• • nr- t c_tl llwtl ri~otht II"'~ l l.•ls fur dnllinK , and l'nl)!ltrur- t 1•111 of 11 lli'W wlltl'r wrll WPrr •I•''""'' nnd the I'Yrntrnrt I!Wardl'd • • c-ha rli'S \\' .t~on. Ora n~te rount y • ••ntrnrtnr The plllnnlnlh.,commt!l· • "'"· ht'nt1"d hy Dr Hnw11rd RrR- ,.,.r. pn•!trntl'd lt11 r~<pt>rt on thf' re- ""'"~' (J( c·ertaJn Jle<·tionll of th" ( ll)' 11111"'' and Italia n f•,n l. A J, J'lnkl .. y. and 1'. M Nt>l ,. 'i'"' I l•u ully l'root1tH'lll l nmt•rlny. A letter. dill· •In, w1lh II R Allf'n ·•nil J~tmr• r... II •••• "' I .... • ': ,,,,,.,,., and I'Rit•hf'd I hill \Ool ··k ln t.M National \ .... ,, •.• n I"""" &If altA!matett. •l"ol ' ""''"'"'~ lll •r,. rlon •r·t re-llllfllr lx•Ard h• Wa llh,.r ll•tJt th,. ·• ""'"' ,,, ,..,,J,l\• HJ"'"k"r nf _the flvenlnl( will hr l:l tr···m•hql IJ• (\\• ··n l• .. r•·nt~: :ond ntllnh~>r rot I'Aiilit'nt at lhe llalllln " •. :" f ,, I '" M•·•· '"' k l.tlllf', rl\lbllr rf'IAllltOII rllr .. •· 1:., ... h•·r~ ~' ,,., ~ ., 1 .. r \I Uti lniJli•r· I•IRnl •.dw h!olll pled&'e cardll In lh 1 • • • 1 \hill '"' ut the AII·V••r rlula nf *'"' ', '+' • I ,. 'I • t I 1 ,. ,,,,I t I h• pt•' '''""" "•J\ "'''' '" I'll' I ... ' j H•i ••I 1,,, t ' I -4 tl h \'t '\:I 114 llthl'' '" til•• "'"'"" nf th,. !'lll· '"''"' 11't11nn RtVI u ka that a •Jlf!('lal ''"'"""' u ,. 1 • ·I' r•or••l "'"'" l'allft~mla. w~ a nnttUfH'"'' I II•• ••If · • • • ''" I • • •• •I • lo"' ''" tlr•nl 10 ''"'"' '"' '" \\1111 h pro.l>-t let"lwn hf' I Ailed to ~U!rml~ l..nr)(.:h-,. , .. I I • I !I, 17hlolr· '"~· "('•IIIla Me~~a'• l'arl in u ... lillY ,.,,,, II ··,., , .. "'.,,,. "'''" '"'''tilt' Vl •·~l···t nt.J·.·nr.lnKI' ,,, thP Whl'lhl'r nr J'l(ll t.M majority or ''''"'"'"''"'' ,.. • ,,, '·'1'1'•11 Ill ''" y,.,., Kun J''eltlval."•l.lttt .. "' ''"'"" ••lloo •• " 1••1 •I• tk loto•• "'"' ''" 11 1 (•I nt 1 ..... 111 tl-''""'" l" r•1m· wnrk<'f'll Wtllh l~• a/filiate w1th the Jlllll • ;,~ I " I•" I• • ~· c..,,, Htl ••rtao•J#rwl onf' (Jf th,. t~ul•t.andtnl( ''""'' ,,,, ol io• · Ul">f'l'~s ftF.ACK O"~Eil.'41fiP -""' ,. 11,.,, 1 ,pnwn'l 11nd :opfl"•l t•• union 1·, ,, , •:1111 IJI•ak .. r• on thf' Pa.clltc Ct.Hut a nd ·rtw "' •• J"· t.,rr '" ''''•Jol ho)( Ill 1'11blw IIIA'nenhlp and oonlrol ol rro~p,.rtl\1' h.,mc ownt•Tiflln<1 year-Walther h11, heen named to lUI'· • •.1 "' ""IIC"''Y twoul(ht b'f l'lvlr IC '""' ,...,,;,.,.: • .. ,.·qoi•'IJ••" .,;,.1 l'oo~l I >I'll< ho:s Willi dli!C"UIIllf'd laAt nlt'ht ·r···•"'' r>"''-ldPr,l!! ' Cf'Cd l>eltw-rt F•orlune .. acenl. ...,. 1'111 ,, ltl)(l llflrVIrf' r lu!M. MMI .J. :. UJlcl.!A..U..t •·Hi t•lllplnl• il loy Supt>n•11t0r Wallll! Wamer 11l a ,._ ,,, t~ H~ will r t-a ITOUP or readln1a "'"v.ffifc 111 I•)' "'" f lli!t ot n .. d rtlnnfl' m('t1-in« bf the-... ,..-_at. .. lerit"' M.tr.AilA~CJI: ~AJ.& II&QD(I!L_ ll'tnn,.r wllh boe Mrvl'd at 8 :lll '""""' 1 'nnnl\· Ph1nn1T11t OlllnCIJ hf'td In Tn ••rtl~>r thR! th,. l'nmm•ll~lty '"T.mma HuJ:"h"l aa,a" the annual with advanf'., ,.1l11traUnn• t o bf' A f'f'J•r•·~··i•llll tH: "' th" f'Jvll · !'••nl ti~>nch \1\'lr audttorlum. M;m. may bcrnmc l~tLPr A<'~prnlnl.f'fl ••IHra!W'~ IWII" at IJurf and Sand naullt'Al nll·n 10.1"' .,,,. ''""' !11 k1111C 11111de by Mnnctay f'Ventnc 1'h'kPtlt JoC~>rvt,.,. t '~on,mlll.ol~>fl """~ lwr•• W•·•l· ,er, re,>ortlng Oldent, 1~'\111" ly'a lnjurlu' by tn. In Attempt· tie wily of the "emenl, In jury "I•IM "'" r" r,e m~~• •· •.• hu-nt••d h•utt• h·avln(. ,,.. ~··t '" ttte an. th-two ., :_......_ · ..... 1 t••lt the l llfr '!Yonder- neAl' • ...,.rt, OUIOi: TO •. Mf.l, •nd Ufl• n relldlng -__ ....,_.,....!!~ 'IPY-U]qfafft- ;ttoet ... wl .... ,.,_.I'Uin .,... ...,.: "Ceftftet -' N'f frl~. tf h•'r!' uf munorij~J plannlna cum· thf. M'h"'•l'" ~rnpl' n( nrtl•·ltlr.ll lend I two~etnll 'tonll(ht RAr. baf'l'llll\4 alS,nr('d n:t\'IIC"l"'" ,,, ""'-•ln<J,.r· 11r" prtlt"'arabt. from any dlrHtor '"'"'llf\' ""' •1; ··' '"' f 1,,, .• ,. "' Mlll!llnmr lhrou&hQut OTaf\&'e county w•ork pr••~:rnm · "fl"nh•n•~ ha11 '-" 1tyllllh fT\en'ro ~nd women'l ttw:o IMtrut lwn ,,f H~olwrl 1. Jlt.vd I""'' at vartou. Coeta ,._ bu•l· th,. "f'l'''' ""'" M,.,.,.,. ... Jl11mann, ..... __,...:~ll'nded the -'~~·:;:;:._•,-:;.._-_-;:::-_-"~~~~~ .;-.'.".: ~~·~nH·.tln~-.~;~~"a're:_o~f,:_:f_:e::red.::_,_..,.,.,..,..-.,.-."'!-=.:.::o:-":':':'!.'::":""::":;;..;w~e;:l:.;l;:·k;;n;_;;l'l:;;~'<;;:'~l\~~;;,.,;;.ij,.j,.;,;.,~~~~=~.#'~MJ~~'!!"" .. _;:::;I':"7'!=.,..~•111:.;::-.. -.~.--:~-~~=~'# .. ~~·~::~~.:;:~~-~'·;-:;-·--; -..l..-..:..t~, .. ~ ..... ;:······ ...... -·~-."" In IIStlna thto \'Ill i('Ull l:ri><'M')·· e'lll'n! Qf th<' fl'lmtl\' I onlll'l\ ,.rl,.nt- ly lf'ft l'lttt 011phzw I hi' I 1 '' k who'll d~'llnllely " drJWndt>n! """' I hAt •bf 'll quit ll'lytng_ "lt$:11 I hrlpe thP draft board . lak~ not1ce of "thla! ----~"'""'""""''··· ....... "''-i{·~ ::-. • • ·--· I t t-(_ ...... ... J ,._ _ .... ... •. COR Of lin Velma Sal boa Jal&nd UnO ~~-­to ..... La..,... ·----coD ~-rot Durtn• a doulll 1•w~~M by. -.. 'IO'Iftl couplt W. b,. ~. 0 ) .. . c ~ .Personal Mention · llr \\". I Covault. Stuart Ptil'e 11 nt1 1-;1rn~r Du1M-k returne1t Sunday frnm a Wf't"lr'e vacation at · the Robert E. McElhannon. 1\ae mov· lol~>llolt ···•hln In Monteauma :a l· id from ~ranre llve~;~ue to lo·y ._. ' 11161 NewpnCS bvulevard. 1 Tllf' r-·. !'J: Ruuella, wJvo are tn· MT. and Ml"'l. Cheater Hai\Jion !••y tn.:-a ll'llu~ly trip through he¥e m<Wed tnto A partDl~nl B or Arllllllla, apen' a week at Pboe- Camllk C'OUr~. 133 Broadway. n1x 11nd nrl' now aojournlq at Tuc- -~--., .. ler poet, IMt lut 1'11,unld.,y noon at C9mmunlty ·church IOCl&l --:..;;;.;;.:;;,..:_.:::::!:t:::::!:=:~~~-IAm..DDt.:a~IAi-to-40~ ....--.. ~~~ -~na-· . WiJJ!IJ&tt!S · mr And yet, Uke other hlrlfl« thln.ra. . f! annual lnttallatlon ceremony Th~y end up In a atew! which Ia wt for tbe even!nc ot ao did l, my lillie! friend-January HI. OfflclaUnc at tne 10 WW ~ Mlt!ll. W1JI be ElrtelJe...Qrax. ~cmuder Mnt. Addle Knl~hto·n, who \-Samuel Hotrenateln. of Orange County W.R.C. · Fec:kr- het<n spenc:Un.: \he w1nter ~ith~~.,_--• • •hon· No:-t granllsCJn, R. 11. Kn)&hten, •77 · ON ot. u.f ~ 1 enyoy~ th1e O!flc_e,.. to be Mate<! at thY tlnut :-.iewpurt bvuh:\ Rrd, ~'CJH'ClJI to week wu Jc&nnln& a J&-year-old Include Blanche Kujawa, prul· ljltove IJOOn for h..r h<Jme 111 Clarlui-•·opy of Vocue, tMarch, 18001 now d~>nt : MArgaret Dean, MnJor vice· fun, W..sh A bnet sloJJUV•·r 11t ~n 'JWned by t.be Olen WilHam•: pruldent: Allee KJnc. Ju.nior vtce- ,. . r . Thurwd&y, January e. 1Ml a laTfe pres~!'.!: Marcaret Lone. ~ at P:K I hu ~n oonrtnl'd to hilt home thl~ fruonrt.. -~ Kt-nn .. th L. K~:~l. :!70 E 18U• th~>at~ Mc:tlon ... Floradora Sn· lalnf ClAra """"iicMurtry, eecretary; War Relief Workers toARDF.N CLUB ELECT8 w~k •• itA a M\141re aM o f "Uu.'' Juper Waa-r ot W. w n "tr~t. wh•· w all lnjunld 10 an IWto t.elle wu pla)'t"' at the l)l. Y. lea Clar~. treuurer; Clara R2_1· • ne tormu ~ . Mra •. ~rrf~LeWIII," a new Collla ~lr.•c-l hi a Of~ employee :o.ta utcldent :..;t'W Yt'ar'li t'VO', I" rep<ort· Calli no •••• .,,e Foy 1\nd Com · llna, mul_lclan; Pearl Brown. con· to .Be Guests of Mrs. s. c. M. Sneve wu .e.l~~~Cted auAted at Alla4t M-rMident, b.u tak~>n an lipart-Mr~a YHd aton. In addf lon to t;d u .,..·u vl'rnig ~~Htafactorlly. pany were appearing lu "Man Be· duc trea.; Ida Balter. ruard; Phoebe preaid~<nt or lh~ Coeta MNI Oar· I:WoU •Junior Hit ment at E l Pallo court, 1:12 Broed· ... rvull( the Jlrm'• df:llvery route. 1<~1. who rt•• ··ntly l'llhJI~ In the h!nd the Oun ... " Tbe lawt sur· Mortimer, patriouc "lnttructor; Mesa Red PJ:'Oss den club at a m~"etlnr helcl Tuee- .luDklr Col.tep,· way. \\"IIKior will alllo ('Jerk In the ature 1'. s. Army, II> lllaiiOIII'4 at F ort Vt'Y had ju..t 4iacJOM'<i that New Pearl Goodman, preae corrupond· day In the home of-.Mra. 1', N. Uarou,t.out hw I The J. W . Payrye rl'aldenct-at "fwu tl('l'IUIIt.m dl'manda. ,..acArthur. San Pt-drv. .;: York'• 00 theatru WUI' attended l'nt. Cl:llo!" burera wtll be Clal~ Women of Cueta Mesa who have Gainea, 10 23rd ltftet. Alao named "-~ p&lt .. ~ Broadwa)' 11 rt't'l'lvlng Mn• lmo11 Berry and children, MoM M•ry l'h•lllp• Curne. who by an aver,.. of aoo,ooo peraona Wrigh\. Iva Coe. 'Florence Cleve· been engaged In knitting and aew-tu sen •e were Mra. L. B. Smalley, eGmJIIUty ·m Olal pal,.. loon KVf'llUt' for the put ~~eve raJ the hclme ul her parenlll, Mr. and fleldt Maaa~ ·, Ju!1t han ned ~ Named on the retft.hmenreom· lh~ past y .. ar w1ll be honored, :ou, h IICcretary·treMurer. PoUuck • ..... .lM lJW¥1 _putaea eetnet~t foundation 11nct ntl~...-~-1 \\:bu ..blutc-r~ded at 1827 Fuller· hu been 8J)I"ndong the holiday• at each w,ek . ~-~n.'lnrs at Spriq· land and i:lta Tead . • 1111: 'teor war rl!Hd purposea durlnr I Vll'C·pr~ldenl and Mra. Cora Bel- ~;:---.-.nF-,;dllel;:~"'~·~·~n";-----;uiMr~.,;and~~M~ra!·~O~I•~n~n~~=~~;+~1n~·::·":.:'~tu~··~a;re;_.:t~h~ia~w;ee;;k~mo~;v.~ln~tc~t;ngM~rs~. ~w~. ~L~-,i.e~u~rr~l~e.;;.· ~r~et~u~r~n~oo~~~~th:e~a~.t;r:e po.ter u7 the'-old tear· mitlt'e for lhe event are Membera S111'1Jl>! a t u lunl·heon tb be glvenj unc eon wu aerved at noon. --;,.. "Chull " (On-rtrio!1r-m-11~~~..XI.D.IWI~UlU't:I&JIIIl.-lii:G.w;,a,.+"''Xt Thursda • n.x•n J O.U.o.u * · ---------- w .. tc•nd ~~~~ lloom,.: ~$21 Poowt-11 street. llhylltl'al NJuc~ttlonuat 'San Juan fit the chanc~;;·w1111 pictured u and Baker, while Clara Me· ·ireus ta Mella Womt>n"s clubhv"t. \fiLL RFA"'En"E TAX MONO / -nq. Mr "'H.I Mn . W. J . ~ 1849 €'n-pllttr.nn Un~h 8dwcll, sayln~t. "Gee, ain't It hell to be Murtry and Iva Coe w11L be In EJCl'l'U lh't' buarcJ members of Costa In thf allocstfon t 1940 Cia~ Gray, 190 Albl'rt piau, .'1/cowl><•rl boulevard, Vlllled lul Mr. lind MrK. Aht>l Lan~<m uf 260 JkHJr:" Commenting on the tncl· ~harge of f'rttl'rtalnment. A ~~pedal Mx:.u Red Cc~ 11lld ~-H . B.111nt' tax mont-y, N~rt =: .iptnt Ytlday at lAkf HtnllhAw \''t•o•k.Mt the• homee of lhelr anna-In· 1-jjthu lll n~l ltncl th~>lr gu .. lltll. Mr. oll'nt. VoKue'a drama l'rftic reDl&rk· Invitation hu been extended Cout· ·Murtry, pruduc Uon chalmlan. \'ur<.l fell heir to $17,750 which ' when he enjoyed .... u t'eptiOtiAity L•w and 4Mul(hlel'll, Mr. and Mn. ami 'Mr:c. F.lmer Larsun. 11111'11. •·d: '_'It Ia all very wcoll to ma~e !:;t>Fpo~t and auxiliary, Veterant w.~l •wl ;ls t'l•,·ho14lt'81!ell. I Will be uM'd for lmprovtn& a ~, rood tlahl~. Murr111 P1t'r11tm ''' Chula Vlata and A 1 noerry at the· elll,._n~ of t~ c•n· ore gn WIU'!I, membera ot the '•I'll~ , udeJ1 .1 c .. Payne, ch•lr·. stret ch of 1.3 milea .. -tw .. n , __ ._ .. d · ~·flit' Ill Rubl'rlll and H~nry St,.. ""' "' two o •--tl 1 11111 1 · t 1 1 h """ ._._ _ __ l!:mol'}' Hu'!!f'r, :124 Magn,_ona ... r an Mn. Grant Howe, Sal'\ or l'itbllUlka.. WLte. ~-ft,1 .. JWlrll, but It eerta~nly' 111 tn the rgan._ una P an.alnl' to at· 1 v• ne oca •' aptl'r, JOint oth· Mesa ~ld Eddie Martln'a al rt, -.u -. .U..l 'ha.a a«:urcod t!mployment 1 '11'R0 -~~ ''"'se <1( rood morflrto mu.ae. \'I r.wrnbers of ~ otflci&l boilrd •n · ac:ettrdinr to ~port. 1!1ll&ct ~ ... -eoetet• -fll I"" .... ,.. Mn! F.mml\ Llll&u~. 2"'"'"' Har· contl'rtalnrd at d•nn.r m lhl' Arthur N ( Bwllnf'U r~pqrta at lut w~k"J t'XIenJmg a cordual I tat , -• . w ..... ,. -oJave CoMtru.·Uun COil)· """ !.arM.on !lumll, <;arden Cruv•. a wo rom being flaunted ""' nv1 •on to C•f lbe lmproveme-nta •. have IIOt • fwo tile 8cNtll c ~y at San bieco. l~<•r hulllf'ya rd, i11 rl'portC'd·u aom~-., th .. t!'Y" of thouaan(h of Innocent rt'H!fl1~ included 24 IIOCial call,., all ~wnen product•nn worker~~ and bel'n li!atnt'd It .,.. ~ . Mr. and Mn. Ben )btflaon have. whnt 1u1pruvt!d !rom a recent II}· C'hules M Plummer, who rorm· , hllfren who Will nPver lee the 3:1 lllck cAlls, U tlouqul'tr and one r<~lks ltU\1 IHh •nnee n·g1!<tratums f<Jr ' · __ ~--- ,,., ... to till& moved from 1780 Anaheim ave-nut i.o·t t""' lind hl~h fevf~ ruultln« erly rellil1ed At 2!11 23rd lltreet, bus pllly ... " Ah, yes, Ollwllld. ·We'v.e f~Ancornl !!pray. 81](. Ctuutmu 11u· l hw luu<Jheo•n be nu•U... With Mnt.l H~•.-\D !'lloN.-\LK -~·oa LAOUJii ..._.. .. tiM~ t.o Use Wacar property on O~ce Cr'•llu IWI ilbl.~Mt'd-tooth. She wu ff'C'rl\'l'd IIJlpiHnhnrnt u qurutrr· •''Jme a lone way "n•·e 1906 . . . kelll of .JrlflJI a.nca food were aup-.-.k Murcr:v. l'hune 469-J , St'wln~ A ...._ -..r..Jf.... avenue at Rochetlter. lllkt'fl tu . lit Loe AnceJea oounty ma11ter on the U.S ~slroyer Soh· rn· announcemenl8 or wedcff~ plied nHdy-. peraont pt lhe com-•lltt.l kn1tt1nJ: etomplelt'd for lhf! l1t11t La!)! una <·lty council hu ukecl ._ .....,._ a. t Mr. and lln. sOb Sklla or ;t.tnltllnum by ambulance lut lt-y, now aLKUoned at Pearl Har· to rom., appeen:• "ROOSEVELT· mtanlty Announcement wu made ftuul t · w11l btl un dl11play 10 the the Sllltf' Highway officlala to ap-~ ~-~-~~--~-~~~~--~~~~--~-~~~~-~~-~~-----~~~~M~~um~r u~~~~ ~l~ ora~J"rt~andwhlte•~nt rlu~.~~e ~n~u11. pro"~a~~~tallatl~~m~. ----·- -ftw TeV ft&J WliJ WIU alread, ~ be fuJ ot a ,.. co pul •treet c. w.: '"' ha The by M all· plat 18th • lf.alboa ~ whiCh em. at TMW bra tell Mesa I el'lflllon 1818 1\ buiklln· to but' whk h Thl' under Weft'A •Ia to b ruary- bulldln, ~ta their .on~. ''.Dude" and .JACk Skllu, of Nf'w York City. Mr. 1.. Cook titiaay to join her husband tn 11110 ftOOMnlt ~ Mlsa Eea._n .. o""r'hr•t• "W!UI:hll'!Jl be llekt"'&M!Ie'"Xe --· ___ !".!::1 !l lrafCI ' lll&nala gn Cout Sou~----·- IM 20th 11!rcoel, had u Sunday Ht~\\·all. . Roo. evelt, cSaucflter .. r the late Mr Murtry home. 221 ioth llti'Mt, next ~CU. f4TATE PI('SIC -l::U:d .llt mt~IGN!ln ~t ctty. ---_-......:...:........: ,,,,. ... r guHlll the former'a broth~r After 1\Uidlng at 11:18 Anahehn Elllut ROOI!IeVelt wm be · Wcdneaday-.aiternoon. All CallforntAilJI rrom the Show-ll I;. hope<! li• place the automaUc ' _W-JU ~ Weill, ... ~to ...... ., ...... btroiU..Delt a.&-. m. .... .... wtUI u.. lk ..... Jfewpart Mia A+tlll~ ... of lin. c .• a .......... ........... . n r a ....J STOP LOOK 1be"' DIN~ "YEHUDI SerWw t1 lnSt • .. MY'. and 'Mra. Emil Cvfl('hole of I • th elreet and Santa Ana ave· •1 II' Are tbe parenla of a eon. born ~11turcky at an oiance bolpitaJ.. l<lld ltllth:r·III·II4W, Mr. llnd Mnt. 11\'I'OUe jfk lhe (>llSt thr~W yean~. (Ill ~o•r •.. 17 Mc:h.'. Ill the re":l~ence ------Me !<~It' llrl' Invited Mognalll at AMter l treet, IJro&dway, • \\'1ll1.un Cook 11nd daurhter. Doro· Mrs ~}tort K1nyun and 110n. Bob· ,,f the bride'e COUSin Mn1 1{ DIE!'! .-\T Ml:~.-\ RF.ST HOME Ml to attt'nd the 1 Ut'l'an avenUI' Forest avenue La ~ ·· II r ' , l)y, han• r-.tum~t t·' th•lr rvrm•r n,,rlah. Jr." . . enry .. . . I'IIOun IJil'nlc In Sycamore Grov~ ~una a\·enu~ ~nd I.e"" • • 1y, •• '""'II« Bfoach. On Wf<inN· ' '~ v ~ • • J "'"'· Ann Tr~wf!n, who for aomt Park, Los Ans:cle.s, Jan. 11. ,..on aytnue. clny the Cuuka vuuled relaUYtl at home at Twltln. The Kinyon prop-1\dvt!rtl!lf'mtntll lnt·luded 11' few Ume -put had been ruQS!q a t j Mr. and Mn. Albert DudeJl and nephew, Elmer Dudelr, or BnJad· Arl'Udla and GJen4ale. :ty "";lll:ubl' oo.•coup•f'd b,.-Atr. andt ••f thl' old standb)'ll. notably Ga«e the Mc<.:arthy RHt H6me. 16-49 Tht Prt'u Is only $1.~ a y All ~ltnddll otr.lthormt and etaUOD• -=-==----'"!!!!.·->!..<-l"..o...-utt!L(I.{~ai.,..Jhd.lor tlJ.r..Ls..a.nd Bhredd.td 1\"lw&L ear., t>ry pr111 e a e Pre1a ehop. huulevard. I) · rf k . -....... -F C ~-· M , amm c or Londun ~·ae adver-Yt'ANI. A native or Uverpool ---~·-~·-··-_ _ Ormer 08wa es&D Mn1 ~lll\'10 L imbert, 1962 Har· lUling: amart g.owna. mounlL'<S 00 Entcland, 11he made htr home u-; ..... -. .... --..-'lr--.-..-.. -.. ................................ .-...----.-•UI!-rl11MtHHI~ft-1~+-K-JIJed in Blut oT hnulevar<.l. who rectl\led a near l<llk linjnga for s·~ gulntaa ·CU· rsHfc'irnla for 'tfle put 30 yean, DR. p • ca·-----·,., Hkull fmrturt when IIJ\e ft'll frum <'Umber aod Elder F)vw~r cfOO thl' tcrraler portion pf whJch wu • ft• ~...-...&n at Corona lidc21'r .sam!' Ume llgn, hu WM recommended-for a ,.rfect ~1ft arSftt m&Cli. Surv von n· bara. Mr. and M111. '-Calf'y of Loll Cn11rlea Perry, fur 111 yeara a rl.'turned from Bellnower, wherr •••mplexlon . . . • dudl' a daY&hler, Mra., Sarah J. CBIBOPBACTOB llhc M11 11Pf'OI tht' pMt 11everRI The only automobile advertllled Southw~>ll oTNew York, and a aon. "'Ill ~t;N OFFICES AT l866 "'•'t'k" C'onvalt'll<:lnlf at the hOin~ In Vo~n1e of 3e )'tars 11g0 wu the J oh n A. Trewen o( Oxnard. • of rdullvea. • tour -cy linder Orient. or which aome I UL.E\' ARD, COS'tA M~A NEWRORT .ON J An,re._ havt.i&Jcen a cotta&e at f't'llll.lt"rtl ul C.111t11 Mua, wu killed Cam.We courta. 13& Bro.tway. Mr. rnrly Ttlulllday mornlnc In an ell· .0ue1 18 empk>)'ed at Hunun.rto11 l tHot<wn nt Corona, the blut oc- a..dl. · l l urrln~ when eec:apln& .ru ln •n llr. and Mra. A. L. Howard, U6 autu t>uurt cabulv.•u a c:eldentaUy .&. l•tb .U..t. ..-nt the weekend 1KIIIll'd by Perry. S.r1ou,ely InJured wttb their . IOD•ln·laW and daUC'h· I~ tht' 31UOI' Upl~on WU <Hoi'J't , W, llr. and Mra. r.cs Van DeUtn ot .St hlck, brother of Harry II'. lk:hlck • Mr. and Mnt. Clnrence C John· ~>nlhulllutic pre.-a,~l'hr claimed· T.-\KJ;S TO H08PITAJ.. I dANl]ARY 14th 1100 and aon. Olt-n, 329 SAnta Ana "The machine can be run by lh~ Ml1a Sandrw Knictlten. email Dr. Oaamwru11 ~au· bfoftt. lfx·attd at ~I'Wport Beadt dert •n-t-nu~>, were among lh011e pru· who are ·nel~r mechanic. nor dauaht.r ot Mr. a.nct Mn. lt. "·I tiN-.-• t-.u ) ... ,.... _. a. -oao¥1nc &. aa.,..r •uanera. ~ ent at a recent fam1ly reunion and f'nglneera and have no c:te.lrt to Knl«hten, •77 Ne-&'J)Ort boulevard. _...t.._ t4) u.htc tJMo Pa.lnwr end C'an· .. , rnrllllodlt of adjaaH•• dmner party htld In a Chi~ II'UPn the trade ... " It had ·a top W'fll taken to St. Joeeph bolepltal · Dr. ('tlamMrttn Itt aa Eltc'lro-~raplllt &eel DteUd ea -· cafe at Santa Ana. Rf'latlvea from spt;e<S or 20 mllee an hour. generat· JoTiday u rMUit of a Mvere attack -PIIOSI'; IBU- fianta Ana and Tu..ttn Completed f'd 20 hon~tpower 111\d aold for nf bronchial pneumonia. 8he ta re· lhe croup of 10. $2200, F.O.B. ported u ahowln.r aau.t~t.ory re· M~. and Mn. Floyd Glblton ot • • • VlfC1Jlia place entertained 'a C'J'OUP <lovery .• Mra. K.U.httll, U.. cldld'e v-..aa. l:lllltll A(~ ru~l mall C&.JTier and ...... au..l Clute, 477 N!WPOf't lonc·tune ruicient of the Hal'bor ---............ u -.kftMI i'u-ta dln11ct. • . --·- baYt .....,... on Oran«e avenue l'ull{'e N. T. McCollum and cOn·j Huntington J:Hoach have purchued Bt-IBtl'd congratulations to (laterdeanml-tlonal) tf'ormerly CltiC'..&eo CoDecel for the put .. veral yf'&ra, an now atable C. J . Uncoln, bOth ol Coro· ~~~ W. J. H lnuley reeldence Rt trio uf ~<well folk11, Con!llAble Bill Rev. Alfre<t C. Abbto, Minister (~drnt \\'otll) . PIL Ull locat.d In their n-borne at 111 na. Still daUd, eerlou111y burned J BroAdway from R. D. Sfl('nCI'r, l'<lllllru:. h1s h(tJe gr&ndlkln, Lowell Phone 3JJ.J Elll'la•h coly Jl1owar atnet. 1Ulc:llhn•11il'ntd by pn~umonla(rom ~untl nl!lnn f>~trk, M~. and Mn .l and th••tr 11111tual rood fri~>nd. Nor-j l"undny, 9:45 a. m. -Sunday l ------------:::::::::::~::.:.:.:~::==:::::::::::'. Mra. Myrtle Abell.' Lot .t.A•-•-f'llpueu~. he wa11 takf'n tot"'-.. ___ alhl'<M'k, '"'ho lUI' lht< partnlJI ol ma Stle\'e. Hit f•f whom cejf!brated sd11101. -•-'"" "'"' "Jin m\'" H lh k &.tnet aupenll.or for the A¥011 Pltal -..•hfore bt 11 aUll tn a criUcal F ' · 11 C'OC • uwntr of the h1rthd11y Annl\·tr~lu1ee on Monday. • 10 45 a. m. Mommg won~hip compu~y, Ia vlalllng at the home of condltoun, acoordln& to reporla. 1 :>ndba.qk',.t grcw~>ry. plan to mAkt e onttd .. nttnlly. 1 IIUIIpect Norma 1.11 6 ao p. m. Coll,.ge. hiJCh l!<'huol • • I her IOn, P'rank Abell ot 1110 New· Pt"rry dwd almuet lmml'dialely. wta ,M,.sn lhl•lr pernu•n••nt hume. o•njoytng abutil the moel "''ondl'r·l an~ llllermf'<tlate Epwtorth Ll'a gueA em 0 v • s • le port boule~ard. Jn addillun to hill wife, Mn . Ruth Mn1. A. c-A ndt"'"" 11f 1-'lower ful b1 rthd11y prcoKent anyone could I • ao p m. Enn•ng Gu!tpel Mr. and Mra .• Claude Ford and Perry, who Ia llkewllle well known lltr(~t hu rf'tllrnl'd tl'll'lflorartly to hll\"e. Aft..er..m:wg for nmny years t Rei"\' ICe. I 110n, DonaJd. have r•turntd from 1tl Co11t11 Mesa. the dece&Md Ia IUr· hf'r fom1er p.oiUtlllfl at. Brac1dy'11 111 a rl'ntPd h•o1114', lhe and FTAnk I Wed!~. 7 .;10 p. m. Midweek~!"\'· 'E MveraJ da18' vllllt a t lhf hum(' or Vl\"ffi by II 8111tt'r In Delller, M ... Rarbtor and Bt·Auty. !!hop, MIM Our-h .. ve just IIIII\('(! Into their 0\<11 ICC (J( prayer lind PrBI81'. ntire Stock -Daaau-; SUCKS the former'• pa.rtnUI, Mr. and Mra. II~> fornwrly uJ)f'rated a •ara&e and ••thy ClA rk whn hAll bt'~n rnfVIo1yl'd 1 lli'W hnmo• "II Fl<lw~>r streit. Should Thur11., 7 !4~ p. m Chc11r re· BOU.E COA .... aad IWEATEJll IC. J. Ford of Loa AnK•I~>' J:ol:«ohllt atat1on at Harbor boule· ~<II 0 Jlt'r•tor th~rt' hn,·•n.: llf'Ciitl'd vou J{o to n 1ll em 'I'm don't fall to ht-1\l'lllll. I Al Mr. and Mn. c . E. Cuok, 217 \'liN and 'Bernard etreet, Coeta A1hfr l'rnplhyml'nt 'at H untington OOlite lht•lr furniture ... Jt 's •·1,.,.1 t·our.qua,.,. Churc-h of SO ALL CRD~DJlEN'S CLOTHES Flower atre.t, had •• Friday M<liH . W1111 for wveraJ yeara en1· ikAch. nbt•llt thf' lltHiru'~;t 11turt y(lu ~ver • C0~~ta M- ,...u, Mr. and Mra. '· t... ChAM nr Jll••y+'d "' L'hapmart'a ct~te aM~ Mr. :urd M111, L, o.v rucnrr·And hud..e.~ un 111\d~OO.'t. think thla o. Willard steRrM . Putnr DBJiaf'ICJIL£Jf •EDUCED Lone beach, who will 1>1' rl'm•m· fur u lime Wi th the Orang" county "''n. Alrr«-d, 2fln Hurbo!" boul••· 8 Jl•l!t nylu.: fur a furniture com· Phone 177tl·J POLL bered u rormn Cleta Ml'aaM. ll'l<rlljilt' at Sant..A Ana. l"~<crd. :.re muvong to Bnkrrllfl<'ld P>Hl~·-Jo'n~nk 11111<1•• most of It him· Jo'rtd11y, 7:30 -Evang.-llstlc ll1'1'\'· .... Y JlllPP.IlBJ:L Mr. and Kra. JOIM!,pb c. f>Avn~>, 1-Ullernl 11ervtcH were hdd-yu-Rllo:r 111unv Y•·11r11' rt'Sidrn• e at ,"''" du11ng hl1 .l'rare tun~>. and tC<'. • 1815 NE~ORT · HI &ro.dway, had u Sundny dltl· lo••""y Ill Cun•M . CVflta Mes.1. Tilt 1110\"1' ill !wong "t'-U"e tmu• ~ ol h that boy :1fs aJ. Sunday, 9 :10 11. m. Sunda -ner ~_J.I. Mr. aod~Ka.. ..0 --mAde to {at•tlltRit' workmg cuwdl· r ""'"t 811 llllknnwn quantity ... l<t'hO<•I. Clf111!41'S for all ¥gl'~ y · · ._.,.,~ ttrct-vr. ~-n~f --i Ran-h ;; ..._ ,.,.... tao. 'T'Uf'Wt~ ... a.a ~~tUJatkW .. n:1JO •· ..,_Momlnt .,;; ... h!, - and Mnt. JaC'k )"okken. LAK111111 '--"' orn a ~ es h•'l'n l'lllpltoy(•d by II &kl'rKtldd lonppy relurn;c. • 6 ·00 p. m. Crusa~rll. • i-:-:--::-..... .:..-...:.:;.......:;:::::::--:"="',........:.::.:::=:...-...:.:..::..._:=::=::: ~h. Sub ~t of Add-ooll Nornpany fur lh(' past 111'\'l'ralj • • • 7:00 p. m.-Eveninj( 114!rVII'f' . N E w p 0 R T T H EAT Mr. and Mnt. Anton \Vacek . ~'-'" • • ~s )o•ar.o .lut~t lrnrr.l'fl I hat our ont-time Tue14day, 7 30 p. m. Mld-~·e~>k R E __..,. llllciaAIIi.wbeet;MIIan llad B, 8tepheft80tl-Mr. ,.nd Ml'll. J , H. Wnlsh and ft·lluw luwn"'"·"l• jie!_lry F 02,..n!. Ia ~rnce . -• ~~ ruau. Oie ratt .. r'll mothl'r~ . . uahtu. F.uta. 1.3! .&nta laabool tn 3 bAd WilY "II_'Uml ticker. Ha11 Thu nldAy, 10 L m. . Pea r Mn. Aimee Bukeley or f>aiiAdl'nA Jfl,.lurto· l'11hfnm 111 ranches ""d • •N .. t. l.•(t Molhh•y f11r ~arramt'n·j "'""" 111 thl' hoo11p1tlll, and although mt'ellng. • y~ • --,l'BONJ: ~ -· and Mr. and M111. w. w. Curran •hl'.l ucvl'lvpmt•nt fl\'lm the daya 1 ' whrrco Mr. \\"11l1<h Will att<'nu lhc a. .•• .,,. lin\\ IH "'oil ul)llble to ret urn •·uJI Oo.spel Allllt'mhl . Contln"01'" 14bmn M&turdaya &Dd 8DDdaya from J ·U of Loll Anptea. ,,f tho• llo•ns I<• Pl'tllent llmee form· l'llrrt'tll ~l·:liii<Hl u( tht• stn tc 1,..111. ,~" \\'nrk i\flo·r ll'tl\'lng Collllll Mesa 'l~OO Sf'w rt , ~ Week Day,. from 8 :4& ' Mra. Floyd Llndlllt')'. 20tt3 New. •·•I lho• lnfHt' olf on 1nlereatml' ad· lf<lurt• \'1111t1ng nt till' Wnls h ht•lll~ '1 ''''11 !•1.· nf yo·Jm< UJO, Hank work· R1-\· 0 ·ld iT l~hd. c:hlldn-n, Any fhue, lie--AU 8MI11 UDtll I I> M zk port boule\•ard ~turnl'd Suntlln-lo• '" l.:•'"t•n bo•(.,rt> lht Coata Afua '111 l'lund;w W•·r" n lh'phcow ond ··•I h> l'nn111 Ana for awhile and Ill s rl er~ 1 9 ° ~r. f>a~ttnr t,\'l'nln&~: IA•CNt Uk--toenf'raJ .-\dmiHion 3k _ stacie..; lie frOm two wHka' \'IIIII with na;. 1 \lt•·•·n ... m o:lub thlll W~>t'k \\"'~e. Mr .. nnu ,.,,.,. Lloyu Hnw11el """' •·mplnp •d All machlnlllt on ~~~:l~n~:~·Jot ~-o~hip :41~ ~ ~: 1 k (f>h• •·f'de~ Tu:) etow fr1fndll. Htr d&'ughtt'r, La ' . • 11\ ~l••i)hf~un, aulhonty on 1'~ dnu,::hlt·r. ~h;n.,n Annl' of/ ''1TI" ll~<luor••l tlo·fconae project tn E\·an(:f'h~ttlc l!l' : roc Vt>me, -wtH remain on the d<'ll('rt ' •' 1 •• u.1..:c 1 vuuty h1ston :-.;nrth L•m.: fto•nd1 '"'~ '' nJ:I'I•·~ " ,... lce.o;, 7 :lO J:l m !'lat. UnJ,·, .lan. l1 \\'f'od·ThUrW·F·rt., .laa. 11-1 .. 11 f • · · Th d 1 11 ' rl\\'l'r ml'i.'tlng' Tue~d11y aerY 1 r·~ or a f-d11ya longl'r. 1•,11 llj! the bualne118 -lon, l~rs ny 811\l Fru1Ay J:'lt'llt!l nt nr1·•·r fnrj!o•t Hank'll. boA!It on•. j ":10 p 111 · · · · anu•s -..,.gncy, Ann Sheridan P11ul Sha!rr 110n of Mr Rnd ,, o • h '' 11s <'MH.Iuctl'd by Mn1 Corb the \ ah•••l nc ;\rm h1'm•• tr1o E ll111t IJ,. Cfllllcl ~1\"1• nwoy a litter of r,·~. Th Rlld Frank C raven 4n COSTA NISA "'· W. E. Sharer tlf 1 ~tl\ ~lrt•!'l I .... ;' h•·t. 'tt'l'. prcllldl nt, prcJen , ,. r•·•· .• "t•ro• Mr and MNI.I " '''l!l nr pup,., fh!lter'n anybody !'41'\·t>a . ' ·• 'CIJY fQR C"ONQU£SJ' M ' · · · IRth ~, 1 ~ · ' I tt ~ ·•lnt' lll'r\"IC'e uraday 7·30 arii:l Irvine' avenue, la bulldln~ A j ,., I nil n~o·mi"'MI .We!~ reo minded ot f. rl\llk ij«'R>-lo•y vf Lun~ot ll<•11rh find • l><•• ••II M1un Ill rt·d ... A motorl!!t • · th Day .-\dv .. u.t. t--Jf--:---J--i:r.--•1'1.-~-----new-trann-"COttlrg-e-"lJTr"tlm(f lll!J,..-..J:w .. ~.~~~-for ~ r('(l lllnchm::n nnd ~..Muuu .. '·"••ll l•l ctr" ,. up lv h1a g&r~e. aru1 ( ~:~~~ Chrlllt ~ .• \\'al•at St. _ Cf!nt to his p.renu· pro))('rtY Hco -1 ·•· nl the clubhouse •.unroom Nh~tf!'r, of Ln10 Anj.!,•lcoll. Al.~n \"IIIII· 1 ,,,.k f••r J:!llt A~ llnnk 11lar tl'd to fill •clioOJ. SAturday, 1:30. s I llt IT -. ~. L ..... --~--... . ~·· = pin~ to occup.Y the atructur ·.. • • n opwslluol!f .. nd •n~ on 11111 nt tile Ann hum., r ... ·.,nlly, I ••1 IlL'• ht"l1 :<ay, •·.uy;George! You·j f>rt>af h)ng l'fr.·fce, 11 a.m. . lrr. anc:I .Mrw . .r·. A. Ml ~tugh. ••••·11 t npw11 will OCC'IIJlV 11 lar~t~> ,..,.,... lr11 •tnc1 1-r11nk !lyman ••f Los ,,, >'II~·· i11 lu• k .\sa ~tpecjal lid· Wcdne<lldlly ntgtlt ~rvlce, 7:30. 197~ N~>wport 1)('1111'\'llrd wl're l '~·rlh'n .,f llti'J'rogram'Mfl! A C' AOJII'h•~< nnol Mr Ant1 .MNI. F.llr d'"llt.!<ln,:: ••ffc•r tho:< mornll}g we'rl' • Olun-h of St. Andrewa Sunday \•!alton~ 11t thr \' lliama \ 1•1"' """ Wfhoct .11 "cou~te~~y · m;n•.~ Arm 1111•1 d}f•lllhlcor, .JnnP, 1 .. ,11g~ .1!" 1111' n SJW• 1 ol prem.lum to thf WorMn'll ClubhollA4', Nt"Wport Blvd home In Oard~na. latu d •lnlf to l••·t :shlp ''' ttir C'luh f!Jf lhl' balanc~> Hc•t~ch. • ~ 1••n-t ten 1 ~z~.·~~~··ro." He'd !'lAbor· Rtv. Rl<'hmond Burge; P&~~tor San Pl'dro wherl' thry lnllpl'('ted .. r lht" yc•11r. A<T••rdlll~ to wonl ,..,, ''""l'd hy •to' "II ho"' llu• 1 ro'mlum WR!l thr I ~ndny, 10 A.m. Chlldrtn"ll hou1. '<Jme of lht largt" lhl()l' In port. 1 ·r ... ,. hoour • hl\~<ti'MPtl '~ • L Pmk ley t r,•m hos lor,•ltwt.l I• .. I •n.-1· l .. 1o1 tnd how ll wu 1 • • "· m Preat'hln~t ser.•lce. rhnrn nmm \ ""''' P1nkw~·. F.ur.•rr:tl) n .. II•· T,o rl• ht:ht l h•• k lddlt>ll. Afltr \\ednf'l!d!ly, 8 p. m. Claaa In u eciltt>r of . Mrw. A. A. _ . the COI'Ita Mtost Olobe·HI'raJd Jllld ""'11fl('r, nnd MMI. P, F . FIIJ\er. 111110 \\h. I) ·~ llt)W l!tnli<>n"'l nt Zur-r. ol. han~:o• 1111111•· .•. ,d lhf' wmdllhll'ld bt'g:nmq thl11 \C'I'ek will '"' , . .,11• I. 11 h •J•nn~: flo>Wt'MI In blue and ll"l'l, R\,·otzt•rllllh1. plio n~ '\,, ro•t111 I\ " IJ~"''' '•((. hi' d '·• ,., "A,nd now ror nccted -..1lh the edltorllll 1111'11( or Y••llll\\' tunu Wtre Ulled In decor•· h<ltll(' by o'h flpt'r ~hlp ll••llll' I IIII\' l!\o'~t>lllllllll' "l;rl Into the front ~ Lon& Beach Spanlah nt\\"ll)lf<Jlt'r ••·•n II<'Xt mllnlh to t•nJ"~ 11 hr ... r lur-•·II h't'"d 1'1"1' ·I wlg«ling kltt~h Chaa. Weill. 1&4 )fal'liOIII street lolU$:h ":•It\' C'o!!tu MrM >\nd La-••r ·1 ""hiiiiJ'•'riO j! pup ... AI the haa MC:Uftd employment u paint· t'AT11EK DIES IH OOLOaA.DO $:1ona rt•lutl\·ett. ~''1"1''1n"r <l"""t• .. rt, Hank would er at a naUonaJ de!tn.ae bllUIIIn• -,cr nnd Mn .·Frt'll Atthman 11nd \\1\Vt' h•~ hnnl'l :-~rat remar1l. '1'he~! " -W,L, rurrl~ t•r Wlutuu .. venue rJnt"tt ''13 E Th I' 1 projeet near Sa.n Dl~><>o. Durfna '"' 1 t'rll, ·• . !lith slrct't hn\'P 11 11 AA f'llnJ.In~hlp. That man'JJ " " •• ""l'll'l"tro home 1100n from "'ort lllld ,,. .. · lu h Jf • t..be put awnmer Wella eerv...o •11 1 r ~ r<'<"l'nt .. oult'j(Ut'ttls, Mr ..... 11 wn~· to 1'·•1111 before he hap· "'' ~ i.'•oi iM, C'f1lorado, •whe~ he wu 11nd At H ld t h ak.lpper aboard lM Newport liar-r•'<'~>nth· <'Ailed by the dftth or •If Tatt''\) SA n ch And ramll~ •ru• <l l Ink th .. t be dJdn't want bor patrolboal hi" r:.thn J ohn Cu n und~y 1'\"f'nll\lf, Mno. '~~' pup n1•-huw .... 1ba ft.y ........ ,.._ ••• I S ible h . rrle. oMr. Cur· lOhmAn t!n.)oved a \'llllt •'lth ... _ • . ...... -·-"· . y rl~. ~· \)was 8:'. , ...... f I' ! -·0 • .,.. . aratn ef\JO)'In& ·!Mir Santa kMWt\ to rnany Coet& .::...x:·:. IIUI MYI'nl, w husb~ 1111'U A Tt~EL\" q t ()~N.· ~ .. avenue hom! alter nearly a tln~f vlalttd here on a nu~~ with oth munlty ·~I' ~ Ffn'r"IJtlt. ~lind; . .,. •164 and .)'-..;.a l'elldeoest ~¥11; :o&.ioi'Wo, Mc.t ~ .. ot wtridt wu ~ 0 ~>r mcmbera of 'tlltt Oooct 'rt)()ICe; for \tile t.pRD wtU do ·ramento county. wtl,re tAe k tv. 1 two ycoara aco. He wu one. ot the ~.:!' M ~· J'OJ'IUII\r r11dih ~~exttH•. l'r••At t"1n111.-.lot•1*2:2t. Mr. 8&1*)' M.t been emplo,..cl ln piOMer ll'tUera ot Colorado ~«:at htf' . I> and Mn~. Allt'.man hav• OOIIItnleUuat 1lr'Od., U~& at Fort Coll.lna t0 ' . n (' Ok fntnda lllnce ctuldhood All kmdl of forma and lt&UOn· ~ ,_,.. qo. da.)'ll. fry pnntl'd at lht' ,.,.._-~ Tht Prl'!lll i.s only $1.00 a year. CALIFORNIA SCHOOL of ............... PJty.ical Cal .... .....,... ..._ Prot-.Ao• r .::..0.. _,., ..,.. -... • , ......... ~ _, --' ac~--. ~ Ill Nortb ..._.,. ...... ·----··----:...;:;:.:=:;..... __ ... ' __. ~ ... .......;~..:;._ __ ,_,, ... -,-·-· ........... ,. __ _ ... • . .. . • ' -r. ·. -:-..--· C. Atrbf!Y._.Smith, Stuart 1:1wtJ1 Xan Grey, Butch and BuddJ and BIIIJ Otlbert Aleo Sefeetllld ........ ..... WI .. ~ ..... _ · .. . -.· "• . ... . ~- c --.. , women now •• b0ulev1 At J Ule tw under '"7ifl'r.C under81 ,ready I future Jeam.ed HAK84 PLAN I! Leon tractor build 11 lng at II land, aJao ca. carve. Conal under 1 At Cor Ia buUd pret~ent cbarz'e BRICK OOOD Good should mortar quarter l'll'lould and be which r~t' fr. siu sh 11180 WI ter. ISU c 115 ' A. PAIN •• A :. ·- .. ' • ·. 1 • .. -~--::---- t f ,...4, .... ' . •. 1 R£LIABLE -•' BUILDI'NG • FIRM& TeWlnlile Hardware . . , Plans EKpansion; Will Build Highway Conunlsslon Consicfertng Bids -· on South Main With two hu·ge brh:k 11tructurt-11 At·cardanl" to preaenl lndlca- al~~eady nearing complctwn. Costa u v.nJ4_Mttlr'Y Bro~~~ Co~truc:Uon ~fttnf'lt't"""\\-rt1-,roo ;rnmpapy oriAii An«elea will be be further imprct\":'I'U I~· ndd1t1on 11ward't'd the contract to complete ot a reinlorrt"d t'<HII'rf'tl' ttnd !!Ill!'· tht''lon~-delay~ South Main alreel co ~uildln& tv lJc .,r .. oc t .. ·ll u t 18th t•Xl.,mmm from Santa Ana t.o Cor- al.rftl •nd Newpor·t bvult'\'ttrd by ••na del J•iar, Miltry'a bid of $187,· C. W. :te\VK!kw.-cvsta J\tt•sa 's lead-4118.~ ha\'lng ~n the loweal of Inc hardware dealer'. rune btda·flled with the alate hl&h· The building, wh~t•h will be 4:) .. ·ay rommialllon .. by 60 feet In an·a. wrll haY.: an St-cond loweal bid wu enlenod all· plate g laM fmnt. t.t('lfl~ urf E. by the Gnlftth company • .deyelop- 18th etreet. lX.tnuhJ• s .. •,.Lh Klt by. (ors or L uSo .,le, whole figure' wu Q&lbM i11land lll'f'hiiM"t, 111 m $:!1 11.973.:10. lrt-tlli e\'ent that Mit· ~ iJ.C prcuarw~_Llte phtM try's btd If re,1ttl.cd. .{~--~-4)...,+- WhJCh call for a thuruu.:hh.-.noxl-'"'"· the contrac t w ill automatic· em, lltreumhnl'd strtll'lllrc · l ul)y rt'\'l'rt to Oriffith'll. T_he con- T•'Wmkle. whn th111. 111wllh l't•lt>-trat'L t'alls for 'w1d~ning the· brates hi1 211•t Y••llr '"' a Cua.ta ; h1~;hway, now,partlally (!aded, and MetA tne~httnt. \\'Ill !'nnllnuo· orr· for hurt! surracl.o.g tbe entire le~th eA&tlona IJ1 hUI pr .... .-nt stf•rl' at lllf 6X'ii1ill's. Approxtmately $300,- 1818 Nl'wpurt boult·\ nl<l, tho• new •1110 . ,,, ft'dernl state and county ~lldln~t tta be dn-ntrd t')(riiii!I\'MY 1 ruriili< h8Vi" lll~ady been expend~ to bulldera' hurtlwan.•. 11 hne 111 .. n thl! rQAd. whleh he hat~ Jon~; ~'r"'•·nrhzo.~d. · • The twu otlwr 111111<1111~1< llll\1' Bulldr~nO' Per"' .•.. ~ .. under con11tr·an'tion lndud•' the --e •-t. ~ .Meft'.J ne\\' $6000 fHrAt••fn<'\' Wl\lch •Ia to be ready f nr O.'!'IIJI:Hwy 1-'cb- .,,~o :t ONRAO SHOOK CO-NTRACTOR A N D BUIL0£1-l CO ... ~L.&:T£ aUILOIND 5ERVIC£ "HDI)I I NEWI"U.I IO.J 4 ,1 a la-.. ..... ; ....... ~l"tl ftt1•:101 .... l .DA ··~AND_, l:A I If . ' BOY IIIAI'Eil •l••llblg ~·-Repaln Plio"• 353 Gel)eral Contractor ruaryo. I. A Bec.-'l)nd uwt of the building. wh1r h Is l><-1111; •'te\.'led by ....W 8 Mello.U...!ur .Whu.J:.". \Y flb6 occupr .. a o~. Franlt Wellll, ownn uf l'vll y Apparel, women'11 nnd C"hlld~n·~o d rf'liS Shop now located ut 11>1:1 :'l:cwpurt Telehone 222 "' D-E-L MAR 307 MarlQald --.... 1=•.,._.=-r:----~-~rt----'--CORON A ~--~------------------~~~ .. boulevard. · BIUCKWORK REQI'IREI'4 OOOD WOaaMASMRIP Jan. 2, Car-l Zel«ler. 701 Good workmnmthlp 18 e~:.cnt~l JeUl'rll~ 8\'lmue. ce88pool, per David 1hould be laid lr\'t>l Wit h unlf••rm .Jron. 2. Leroy Zentner, lW)&.aGU\ mortar JoinU not 1'1!CI'f'dlng thr'<!t'·: :.l let:l. I~ Roy Stt.atu. quarter 1nch 10 thwkn .. ,.~ J ornL'! 1 J11n. 2. L idn Sea Food company, llhould be fllll'd snlld \nih nlflrtar :'116 .:Ot~ street, per Roy S hAler. and be wenthl'rrll 11r 1,.,,1,.d Hnl'k~ Jan •. 0 M. Gordo n. 408 Dahlta, Which a rf' Stlund. h""' hu rned, p.•r San~ K:~s!alhu. fnot> frorn f'ral'k" .. orul umf .. rm In I J:-n . ._ Ca r l Zeigler . 701 Mar- 1!1%.4' sht'llld '"' 11~, <I (;,.,.1 hrll'kJ< ~·ro·rllc """·· per Sam Ktnsfather. alllt) w111 nut 11bsooriJ l••• lllth·h wa· J >on. 7, J eiiSre E . Pinkham. :)24 ter. \'ra LuJn ='lord, per Sam KIM· f,llht'r __ ..~.:. G_rowth of Harbor and Costa Mesa . ICAU or 'llf "'o e o . . ~- Plan ErtAcfion of N_.w Clubhou~· In 1Uc "Annunl R~>\ It'\\' uf (lron~te T'htnll n r,. 11rugael1""'.: IIAt~fac- Cvomty P1 u~n·11~ ... pubhllll\·cl J unu-Quut1o n · Ia lt ~tbla to make t••rlnll)' f••r •·I••• ta .. rl"n'r" """'build· . .I an. '· nry 2 Ill '''""''' lr"n "•flo tJ,.. I'P~u-lrh:onjlr8 In the plana and apeclfl·l lng lu h""~·· I!J.Ihun .Y~tl'llt• dub, IRr t'!lll oon .,f llo.nl• )!I"" HNu·n •·ntrumo for a rl'llldfonce after a P'~-l lhr '!U!."''IIIJ•I ol•·ol l~t•lfol•t""rl•·r" tA;r :-.lo•\\'1', c•x ,.11~1\'• ~I"', 1._ d••\'t~led ,.rnl Hnullln& Admlnlalrallon lnaur-! 1\f' built 111, II\'""' 1,,.,1,,.11\. ,.,.,..,,.,. tn IJuth :"t•Wj><•rl ll:orl"'' :o11J C11~ta I •·•I '""" ha" l:wl'n lmprov~! tltt· • hunn•l '"""''ll.ol••h ••nllt uf Mt•!<H • AIIIIWI'r: Only chana-ea Of very tho• rn·~~<-nl • hrhlt•·ll~·· ,, lrh h WAll F;. S. Ros.". :U7 E . Bny Th,. fun1,..1 ,.,.,,,,..1111t\' 111 fen· """"r n11tu~ may be ma$e. It lll itu •ltl nne! \'II•:OI•·clth ~t~ w•·•·k flruund turl'd untll!r '"I .~ ''"I"'"~ h:t~lnt•r l pr•·ferRbko to dl~tCua all propoll~' hr···rokllll: ,.,.,,.,., .... 1•·• "ill l~t• 8 !'ol- hnl'. "VI~<hm ~lt•·• 1,1111.,11111, y 11, ht·' •·hanjlt'll with the chief arfhlt~·t .,rful ,.1.,.11,,....,,, .. 1.t111..:' I•• 1 tub utfl· 101! ('t•nt!'rfnr :o\o\\pt.i'l 1\.tlhna." A l nf th!' l<wal lnJiurtn« ortlcea, par· ·•·Ill, \\ho ~~~ v..t "·'''' IHIIllt•d 110 ISLAND CABINET SHOP FroJnl •r Sum Klnl!!ather. ()< Complt"t.e Cnblnrt a nd 11: ,. t:.ur M.M~ BUILDING CONTRACTOR· -Plroneol6-- .. 1806 NEWPORT BLVD. COSTA MESA DONALD BEACH KIRBY A. LA. • w. B. Mellott (;;~ERAL CONTRACTOR "-'ld•ace: Coraer S.ate Aae A••aue and M•onoll11 Str••l Coet• M~·· • PHONE 185 7 -W {'llrJH'Dl r~· l'lf'n·lt-e ('IIA!il. NORIU!'I 115 Ap_te IMiboa L11land 1:-i ('IT\' J!o;;u • IH:N . KFII.UINCI RJI:('()RD OF NEWJ"'RT BEAL'II :Hs t7e:z.~~to 391 600,344 1 • .,1111,,.1.ho'll!'<l\ ,. 111 ,1 1• ,f t ill• ,. .. 111• I .c·rolarly thUllt' which may llfft~t·t •i..t IIII I•· ol1tlc 1 .,1 t tu.• u!Jrur. 111111111 ~··" ,,,., ,,;"1'1•~11111• l.t!< '"I• I fu · om<trutlon, Jf t~jor chanltl!'ll ltr" ="''" ~~ •:1•' l•·ol "' ''' •·I ~ ,.,.,, np-~+-------------------·_.. __ tur•· f""""lhrhl •••~< IJo •llro•lt;ol•·d With ! lllnde. " revtllllsiTon of the pruw .l"''"''\•• , .. ,.,, .. ,,,,.,.,,. .. ,. ll lrP~tdy r---------------------- 11 thn •f'·! .. 11111111 11 od·· t•ll••l" .,f ln••Al j ••rly Will I><" nt'~Milry. Thil', uf ''"" tlnlllll!: ,;,,. 1 ''"'"""""''' ~; If h oiiii'M nn!l ·""' ht' ,, J'" 1111,. llf •·.,ursf', will dPIRY action and nlltY rt1,.,.,.11 'l •·d 1 .. 111, .. ,. , 1, ,. c·omnon· - H. \\'. \\'ri~ht · FIIIKPWJfi.. W..OOQ. . ~"(jJU; AND Clli\R<"O.\ I. 1'784 Nrwpnrt Rnulo·\ ani f'hunf' ll.i,') •• f - A. J. Rl'RTO~ -·· PAJNTIN(; -llf:( CIR.\T ISfo I'AI'F.R 11•\:o\f.I Nfi Fn•e b;!'lllllllt•·.'l Plloae .1116% • •oo s.~ , ... r~h-d C.:OSTt\ )tt::-:A -.: . I I I I, •. 1 ~1'~ . ,, -:lOi 247,800 21!J 236.1149 1'·::-t -r.• .. !"J 298 235,074 403 497.140 ~e t93'f . ~----:18~ . . J9J'i . 548·. • Jll:J9 . 542 19411. !'>60 \USI~II' ZE .II£J(OHT 911.837 881.74:1 1.1~.122 N••wJ~•rl I Ia I""' • "' •'•T:<l akt•/1· l'""~lhly. rellult In a reduction of l"'•r•·. I· l•·ol 1 1•11 11• '' " , """"'"lun•. Wlflllllll: "l~tl l•· 1 ·.,1 ~ n" a ppears lht' 8muunt uf lhr lo41n upon which 1 ll•d 1f.,111 " II• 'A , •'I'' '"'· Jt11~11.,1J on IHliJiht•t J'•'l..' · • h<> frl'fll enmm1tment WAll baJuod. llnrol! n•1 I•· t~·r 1 , ,1,1 "" , '1111~ M ,,n-11t"T If"""""'' "·M)>~~nn~'iiniif."ri Q<wWaiM>t ~-......-ftrllla-"'-f.'ii .. 1\•·~ l" ~·· .. 11v;..-nt .... (•, 1. R u- llo••. "Cu~l n :0.1• ••• line• r.r Fr\.'ltt'st l'inaty whert" I plan to build drall\ll li•·rl II•·• I "' t.:''"l' 11•·1· 11-·V•I. ,....,. Gro\\lnl: f'tll•'" Ill f' .. unly," lhf' f:nrly well .. tllll ~veral of thl' Ot'Rr· ro•t.ol\ II• ' ,,,,I l·r"l II ltrtllwr, J>r .. gr.-11,. , •llll••n t•·l.o l•·• the• hill·' 11y bt)n8t"ll hs\·~ damp baMm,.nt tory of Mdlll ,..,.,.,OfJli'I?Jil. and ~1~-.after: i&Y~ nan. H9w ':'"" K"f91r. \'aniiiJ:t'S :-.;, \• 1'"'1 ll:tt l ... r l'no .. n I bfoo :uutured nr " dry h~m .. nt h"''" • 1 ..... II tl llt~h "'h"'''· \\ hh h tu.l:.y robltt>rves •. ;\f1AIA'f'l' Slnr P ~leT condtt.JOOII IM·I~hll• T""' lti'Tr.lTlaJr. ural methods which mtnt· th., tPnlh .llllll\•'l'·•l \'.,(II:' f•ollnd-a ppar•·nlly 8r•· not IN'Vert', dllmp-<'iur•ll• • I • l.o.:c tr .. iJI,\ •lr.ouulllll. jlht ·~ U!lually lhc mflllt lnf,!, I~ sllhJ~· I .. , II .I • oolllllln rllllil· J>rnufiOit of the b&Mmenl wslh• I'"'" H• I,,. t I I' II \'• ...... HRr· al and reaull In lima II trutroon Ill I ho loll••! lll••f\' •·an he etft'<'lr-d by mea rut f>f a I I•• r I• ol•lt• I II I I, II• lo• I• or, fr Stnrl·l ~I?.(' hf'l , •• unt.1n11C f better extcrtor prtJpor . t'f'lllt'lll plalltPr roat. at lerul onl'-...... ,, ' • t: II',, r~•·\"1' 01· n wben they art high in , h:1lf 1nrh thwk "PPlled on thl' nut-, , '"" "''" \\ \ l'r 11 ""lt't)"' to their w idth and J.-ngt.h. I'I.AS TO Rt~\IIIUF:I, -<tdf' ,,, tht walt 11nd covered with" •11\uw•ri I• 1 I:•, '", ... ,.,,.,It,..., huu~fl~ 0 l oons th8 n•lalinn .. Canvas Porch D~ks • Awnings > • I , A U'l'O• TOI'K -~ --"' ... ... -MariM I phol•t•rta.,; AWNttltlco~ ZSrd _. 0...'81\'d. ------Mr ~tnol :'olr!-. H.tSIIlllll P.:lsrnllll· rout o f h<Jt (Jar or Uphall. At (hi' I'• I• II ,., , · '" ,, ~; lit" .. kcp· up ~ur llupply of lll'n, 2\!1<1 :-::orrt.o ,\n.o 11\f'OIIo·. hll\'(' footing r:rctenrJ the pluter coal to I"'''"''"" ,. •'''• "'ll~·•tu~>r, FO R I STIMATF.S O N ts, letterhead!!, enveloi'M'II r•·,.•·nlly 1,111, 11"'"'''11 r11 ,. r11nm rt>s -thl' oul1<1d~ •Jf !he footlnJ. rmrnti·J"M,I11., 1 1•, •.. •1 ll,,lt"'" a..WGit'• ._ ••. ) I I 1. A • I j ehl'ek .~l.tll'llll'll e .. uTHE PAINT SHOP r pnnted matter for tht 11,.,. ,,11 :!',1:'\ ~1 1 ,,.1 tn•lw""" El-mg the unl(lr lo form a cove. rr • y,,, 111 , lut. 1.,~ 1 ••• I• toll•·ol 1 ~ _.1_...V oo ) ;f~· }-y:~....J('--1'•'\\~rlt-. t.lf-~- r. The Prl'l!ll would Ilk~> lo aru.l 111 ,.~1~, M'"'"" .. ,._ ~-h•f'l--lUUU-~to--100• 1•>4"41't!d thAt tt wH'· S• Ji11tT, ,,,. ,,,. ]., •• :r;~·~;;::......:~=-+J--..&..:...~-L C RILlY ---,. .I d .. , •t f . . ; PlOp pr n11ng-~tood work at 1111.,. r••m• •ilrliJlt.:. 1 nrto1rt.n~t " """" r·t·r'P \'f' l'llnlll •·r!l.u .e w er a t!'r II lo··ol•lt 1 .1 nrl othe 1\CW Yf'll '!'' yuur II'/ 1',11· ~~. t-J.,,.,,,.,, es. Phone \818 and salu-,.,.,.,.11t (niiiHI11t111n. 1~ cnnl,.mplat-ltt•II\'Y nun. 11 will be adviiiRhle t.. l•~t••l••l ,1, f .d 11 l!1•·>~ "· TN1 <!!Ill. r•d. ~ lay drnrn tilt' uround the houar •J. f.,l11,_.,1, f• 1: o1 1 1 , . r, :\II~ 1 :nu'" 'fR1r priC' mnn Will .. -· •· thr lm!IP of ttw footing. Drllln ltlf' ll•tf o·lol 1 t. f;,..,.,., <'qrfloo Mn r--------------•--------~~---~,.'11~,,:-:U\IC t: O:'\" ll.\l.r.-. "h"lfld l)f' r·•m~>•·•·ted with" li#W•·r ..,,11 _,\1 111, 11,, 'f• ,, l<•·"•l' 11111t -~ ••r dry welt 111 t~rder to diiiJ')OjM! f>f v ..:-; y.,,..,1 .. 30IUI \\'. ('t•ntrtll Newport • .._. l'hune• 41 for EeUIDatll LEE 0. POTEET., Proplt~ol' .---------------------~~~--~._ ________ __ INSURANCE. rlw "'"I'' I ••f h.oll "~''" •' and thr lliiCJ>hlll v.·.t,.r. tu \\h.ol ''"''' "' 11 111 ""~•··•I 11ro•1t (,JuC>~t1un f '.on· pluttc p11lnt '"' .. r IIIIP111'lRIIC«' 11~..q ul'f'r 011 J1:.1nt or plut4!r? Will ~r"'lll\'l• h•lllof• '. AniiWI'r M ... , plutlc palnt$o4'1ln ,, "'·'' lo • 'i I. ' ' • • ••f. u .. - Fcdcncl 11"''""'1: ,\•111\IOI'trnlr•otr tw nppht'd t•• any aurface, ('lt'twr "'"" •, ... , . •·''• •I• ;·• • "" 111~'" pllonlllh£ uuth• •I \t,t'ft th•• 1st re lhnt n•·\\' .,r ••Ill, t" which paint orr Vllr· I llol> "' 'I• ': I . . •· 1 I• ' tlw ••:rc hall ~p.c• '' I• ·'''' ,., •·If)' loo Jlrf•\'l<h• 0111h will Rflh•·rP Thill type of Pfllnt I• "''' ·" •r 1 • "• · · • tl ... y Mrf' Jlr'I\'Ut Y .tlo•l ''•1 11111111" Ill 1011 hfo. Ill highly nf'l(llrl~ and prt1perJy ·~·· """ •I "' It • of• 1 '• '"''~·•·n Jl,·u•.: , ... ,, .. '"·tl~t""'"'~ .. Rnd phPd 111hnuld n*•t fiake or pet'l. ,.,,,.,, •• ,, • ... ,, .r.l ,,("1nnd· hnlhl"tfllll 1\l lh·· •·•Ill•· l lllH'. I'X• ;'\;f)TE R"··•lfra or lhla P•«e are "'" ,,,. I. 1.• I Ill •••llflted '""J'l f••r ""'·'' \ •n•l 1\",."'"· It Ill 111\"l(ed tn !l""d In quuUnnll on ,,, '"'1•1•·•" I"' I·" ·"•'I ilnrllhf'd n"t llllltltlo· '"''''"' nllfl r.;r t"Conomy their bulldln~. a nd home flnanclf\i "''" ,. , ""''"' , .• a r. • "m,.nl II llh•Ml~ n••l f)O• h•r~:•·r than ~f!ll-,.problema. j ..... ,l l'.tll• I ,, I o\ i .. '•'•tlltlled lly ~..-.ry •IM\II•Il'"' ,,,,, •··'~''' •trran- Thr FHA flt•lltnll4'~ A hAll, In~ .. , riun-rAT ,.;..,AL ~ ''"Ill nr<hl •• r '" .. ,, ""'' t'llclllllr to •. . ' ........ ......___ ·~ .... ...--....·~-~ ... , ............................................ __ ... ___ . ......._ .... Frantz Overhta,ad (.iarag-: Uour~ Au...,._.AI"t SCHIAOE LOVKI4 01.0 OOLONY PAIN~ f: U I' T . .£\ . ...... __ _..,........__ ~----·-··-··--....................................... _ .. _ .. _ .. Olitllllllllll ffl n tl lUI li flJII'fol(lfhRtf'ly a · lttftt Ill<''" f,.l ~~"' • ' IIQIIIIr .. \\,th llr ... r ··J"'Illnl('l on Ill Rmr.ke PIJlMI, n~. and other ,., .... ,, • ,,.,.' ~MPENSATJ ON~AUTO~OSlU~~-~~~~-~-~~-~~~~-~~~~-~~-~~~~.:~~.n~n~-~~~~~~~~~ .. ~.~.t.~.~ .. ~l·~l~·~~~~~ MARIN E .. F'IRE 1 COMMERCIAL • PRIVATE · .. EARL W. STANLEY ?oSITE POSTOr~ICE, BALBOA 15 ~~,..0 -,..L.......,_' --,--.---·----:-• ------.---.:....1- Mml' nu1nh<•r .,f r••·n·~ Tht! m ia l· l trmpoora~u~ abould. be ...protec1"4 r IJ•Hi llll :t 11•.., ,,1 ,.r,,, y.;r;- mum hRII 111 lhu" trnollf'd l~• th,. wlth P•int Jl'"Jl'!lnrd MJ~eel&ll)' f•Jr l l \.I(J;)-obf.>CtmcwLhou.M. A.ca-1 that pu~ u~ liM awfa.c• rlttinnttl l)o>t1r•o~omll ,,,., {h,. llllf' 0(1 haye o~•ftl4! been prolec~ In ''r" nit" rnunl\' hn11 t>~'~>n IIIIO('Itt · t I ___ ..... l)l f"QUnltOfmanufaetun 8udl-tnt.a1Nf $"11,14'11.) t.y .lh,. Hlul>· lfiKhway tw•• 11 "rt"~ r"'l"",. ''' .,.,.,._,.. na · .-IILrt'll, wht• h ""l<•Uld"bte llaJ\~ fQr w 1U tf'nd w p~~ev,nt nail, and ,..1 n .mno1rur1u11 t••r .,. "rk un lla-l-t' I I I ~ kJn• the Uf• at u.. .. tal.. ' fiJildll Ill thUL. l •IIIII()' dur.,. I~· m n mun1 • ~. ... . _ . to be oonttnwtlty lnrnnv•·t~ ~...,, _.:.1 II\' th" rx ~~~t.~t~ce·of only on" k•y wh••11 )'''" )l:ov •. "''••d t••r tw•• or tlu'M. It only tak"" " Jiffy ''' "'••k•· "'flllpil• 111,., and .,. do It htrht ...,. In our m"' whll"' y tttl walt . HA&OI~ I. ciOHNHHN, l..oc·~"mith 1811 .......,_.. 8L, lletwtJa %11 and n • 1tn ttM! ~a)' ._ __ ... ·-0 ·-· ·-·~ ... --··;. ·-·~"• ·-·----··-··-· ... --.. -... ·---··"""''!-·--• -·• '._L_....._.--,!. ... ~ -) ... " ~ ........ , . ··r ... ., a.. ...... . --...._.-.c-~ • T . ~· . ' .. ,. •' ),.WEEK )ITION_ Nl1MIIt:R ' n Track 'art' Mer- Jamf's S. .,,... Ne'WJlOrt t.,.. ltYrl'll nf----'"--~ lunctn y mom- .is A&elu4PCS@r d Sunrlny at .Juhnston or ... ,.1. trHiy At 2::JO atM>I Ch11pcl, ..,..., tul• AleUJ'ilel' f In tlle rank• t. nf J'f~-~· llnown IUid lo.. rt •• a rtior folll chtrlnl'· lila Ia I tilDe OIJerUH on u.. ~ • • )' wtt.re tM t ftOW ......... .. ... .... a.. .. , .... ...... tlua ~ .... , ..... a n•' , ........... -llalboa, dt.d at lut ~ ,..n a ,....._l . .... " ,..,... will be Mad ... at tM...,.. •1. Coat& MHe. "'"• hla widow, •ton;. two .._ .. and Mra. H. "' NU)'II. UNCLE ED REZ- I •II hie c:l ... hi~~.~ ..... tdoon he oeta turlna-Jhuear. """ ltv.. ..,...._ llc•lhlln "lh•IU· lr•K 11lnro~e t he •II•·. I'IOIIfnrrol", 1111\11 "1'1'" ... h· alkltrl( ,.., (u I n ~u t.• fw•·•·n ht• •lll"f UYf'l t'td -rrvnnr 11 · lilii'• 1 .. ,. htlr The 'I l11NI I l1r t'Jl• I per, r•porllng 'k•tJ~nt. l,.l..,nu • I y '1 In Jurlc• by 11n. In· .tlt"lllPt· lilt' w :> y ,., the lvHII<'"'· In jury <.ill• •'II . M id· y.,,,, '•1\lllla • I• I• llr• ··~ r A lll.,r•• •·•lllllltrd hu~•· irnvlrtiC. ll,.. 1<• l In the ~~~'. ttw tw1 two a n•l tf'lt th• t llf( wnnder. .... .... ,. ..,.,., OUIOI: TO )Mf.t, and un. tn reading - ' ------- addlne .. ....,.,. tft#')' '-'-'' ... II. hMf.-e wlrM entertain __.. ltowe: "Cannot boy frt~M, tf • • ' Mn. v.ama Bl ... a.tand UN ~Q(_~rc----._ .. lall .... ~ c:oa Bay, Newpo .• Du .... a ctouft •.ned by '-· ... at P. 1L -'De tormar Ml chaled at Alta4 ICblott Jun~ ·H\ -.J...lor Colle~. ! -~-.. .... tllll.,..,. tM Utlrd partY tn 01• ----s.l7--uc. c ,.. ....... c lt ... ..,.. .. . tM~tlau. \o tW ........... ............. ... .....,. .... J ... . 8-'1' 0-PJ-LOO ~ I Then • DIN!t I . "YEJIUI>ll a.m.. tf lnSI CllOI! I Local Young. People Yuma ltn. H.4r-ry u recen't ~~~~;~~'-N•ll. llnd John Larson• · I at A.t .a double-ring nremnny mark· The U«Uil\'1! board ~f!d by quiet &Lmplld ty, Mtu ltoee•I MeiLR O.-.nunar k .hool Parent· ma.ry 0.11 ot Balbo& [&land ---.nd Tl'at htr IMO<:IItton met Monday John t..a;..TencO. L&raon of Halton :'ii hunoon at \hi 'iiO me of llfs. A . Bay were marTil!!d 1 .. 1 Thunday L. Pu:kl•Y ll'hei'-11 npurta were r•v· 1 t St. Mary'& Ep .. cop11! f'hun-h. La· t·n. and plan. m&4e. Mn. DougJ.u CUI\& Beach, the Rlv. R. M. HG-Wud, ..,..Jf~re chairman. report· ·earth ortlctatln'r . L'l1 thrH pair .;;;~ ;;;;;;;;;;~ na. tonnn' )lt. ch.Ued tor C.O.LI ~-A d~P._u,ht.er or Mr:!-m~nlh uut uf the ~t'_.!:;::!::._~~';;~~~ Ball, allo of Balboa rfeillliry~ diiUncUon ot Announcement w.. made or charge. dr~ve, aet for Jan. 13 t~ Mn1. Marlon io'len•mlnK, _p~r A.mltiCin.l I try, amona: them rau..r-ln-\aw ur Gecrxe .· Sdwol r hUdren Wlllll ,>•\•I<•;; e venu<'!, (hill Wf'l'"k • • IKJIIOOL· P.· T. A.. wrlh b&lfl to be-I w<•rd of th•· death or ton. and Cui. De<..rJit• Barbour. comma.ndooc1 1 tn the UMbl" r•K•· UNd. I MML. Pearl Clark of Board1_memben or Newport Har- bor Hrch acboOI P .·T.·A. will Tu.day alterlllti>On at f'•MLOn.l ¥o'Lahlnlf to ("UnlrLb· wu a .-u•at m th" are not approached by hom• durlol U\e ~~altr I loOILclton , may leave of Iaiit aumrner. In U'la llomr ~f_ the~: . .";~-" - In thol drive will Meu. OJrl fkcrut. ".. It ..... "ported. It wu a\lo anrioun~ that no mor<'! .:;hof'o\all mtllt II to ba pro- ,.ltJf'd fvr Ltl)dberc -.;hool children IK&l. p ,\T._A . att•ndlnc Kenneth Slewart, tty. ·::-cc.cc Clinton thapter. Jill p,.... tnt"l:onneclionl an wiU'I tht South o-.t Boat. WUI"U, Newport S.ac::h. Altar Jan. 10 Mr: and MMI. .an wtU ba "at bome" to hian41at 211 WaYe atrwt, e-ch, _..,._ lA.non l.taude O.vil, et-t.l)t Nickell. E. A. Rea, Oeora;e ~~~~:I::;,~:~~ IX•LLII:IIU Ward, Clyde -Otto, P\nkl<!y, O~tt~nlna: Butler, 0,.. a lltudto of palnt.lilii' linll.artlty. • • • ~arce. Otle Weatha,....u, '""""' 1 MI-. FHICS. Wlll"llii'IC .lid 11!'1 Hendel"lbot. • • • Outstanding Speaker "'•--' Will Addre88 Women ,,. II._ Ka\MrtN· N6fa1M, Mad the Ol1tro:h of All Natlorv Pull•; -ot Mr. allld . . V. Park-. lOS Wf'P'adden · hu recenUy jotnecl U. II now atallontod at San atreet, NNMiy arr1viod from New dlnllf"r cuMt. at ..........,_..._.., ~;:~~:~~::~ Cl,. JH•-home 1n ee.UftC at llalboa 1\ave h<!lm. rn&r!Y former California Mr. 11nd MnL. Claf"C'mont Shf!r • A.lbr a brlet' ~.ojoum ~Btat.l~' ilr. S.rr will ,... -:-man of Harbot' bouk-¥arcl aM Vic- toria atrHt, Coeta M-. are-the Colombt.a,-¥" Barr: pal"lnlll of • 110n. born yuterday at ........ her ·tbna and loutl\ ·,-\"martca. Sanllf A.na Velley hoeplt&l. Ml"l'. Addle HeUJh, Ml"l. R 8. • • • Mr.-a.nd Ml"l. Robf,rt Cr)oltal aYenue. _u, ....... Herdcll.ILUP end Mr. and Mra. Harry Fountain dmve to S•n O!Pgo, Mon- 'A'here U'lf"y 1pent the day . ,....l,.tlv• and rne""'-. Ml"'l. William L.. Viall. ttrMl, COIIta lLhaa • a"' thl!' Pft.r?n .. of a babr boy. born Tl.Lt<IOd11y at an On.nK• ~pllal. MT. 11nd Mrs. c . M . Hartman. 423 Bay •venuP., returnHI home aftar 11pendln11: the JIIUit •t Oilman Hot moved lnta tMlr III!W San Bernardino Het«f!lll. Mr. cam. Harvey a~ a'"c:cpted.-U!.e requeat nf lhl ~-port atate chairman for 11.n ef.l '-cUI!~ at a lurieMon to in('rea.t memben~hip or the · bull-rn-Unlf hto:ing I h~urd 11.nd Prellld~nt Earl , 11.1 tM .. ~rlendly ::~~~~~;\~!.:,'f'";•:~·:•;ll':.~•:.ppotnt a member· BeeCh . Pla'YI for (yture 1 before th<! ne~~t will otrupy the ~~.rtl!'monn N"llllon l'rrllf'nt at the meeting at whlth Mrs. R11bl!'rt E. Rota wilt ~<.·f!rl ,l!:&rl Sl~tnl<!y, Harry,H. Wu- pnalct.. ltan\.IMm, Loo~~o· H . waQ.ace. L_, .W .I Mr. and Mn1. Mike Ortego, JCIIO .f. [) Hurnbam. A.. J. ,......lilt Cout boulevaro;l. N<!\11-port, had u · Wdch. ~o~onner Preal· r..cent ~t:LLellll, Mr. and Mn1. Hlll'r)' Hal W~ll S mith "''Ill unable ' A. Purtl'r and 110n.. Harry. jr .. and to ·llltt"n<l llu! seht hia gl'fttlnga l!'.d.w•rd nf &flcramento. The Por · tv the 11\'W "rru;e,.., LPnl: who were onf"·tun'<! ~llidl!'l'lle ----- nf -the Harbor dlltrl('t, hav<! livl!'d \"ALl'!liTF.t:H....; MAY HALt" Ln the NorthPrn f'ily 11 nc<'! 192:1. l.CM "Al. UkAtT QtiOTA lh .. belnjt their fi1"1Lt trip 11011lh In On Jllnllflr,v Z3, at 9 :30 a. m .. , m11ny _)'1'111"11, \8 youn"g "'o<,a from Bell'<'t\\'1' ~rv- 8-1-:IFIID --~· _..._ --"'--'---..... --- -Nallll sedan, 1ood tno.naportatJon. Alao t-bumt~i­ lo;ll.ll rau~o;<'!. Bnth priced cheap for quiCk aal.f. Ph. 1301 4~p WUI c lve tat tr'UIIt on mod· -em tnmnd.. bvildtnl' t.n ...._ u H(Urity. Phone lU. Utl HOME FURNISHINGS CLOSiN'9.0UT -Several t~o, S..rvel Gu ·Refrllfer•tora at 81.&' Olll"t"Ounlll. 8 -a ~b o a F\Lrnltul"l Store, 304 Main. 3lti' AT BLU~ e ·Bardware =--~--- iNVEftOBY ·cLBABANCE SALE OF GAS RANGES AND JIEATEBS NQTt; AND COMPARt: TIIESE PRICES:. O'KMff' aad Mf'tiiU Gas Ran~f', with four Jtlll>l uvlnK buraen, automatic pilot, drawt'r lyPf' round ,:;rid broiler. fuUy ln.sulated O\'f'D M"ith auton:-aiiC' N'~laiClr. and lar~e griddle -·-··--· ...... Welbullt Ga.~ Ranl{e, "ilh foUr lurgt> center burnt'rs and tabW. tjp~ on t'lther !ildt;1 largf' lmmlalt>CI onn, with automatic cOntroL draM·f't type brollt"r and latJtf' Utf'n!<>il ('Ompartment · $59.95 · $49.50 r.... Coolturaa rlub membe1"11 ""·ue iu dLatnr t 171, IIU''YinJ U\e Orange <'!nlertalnl'd "Monday In the nPwly· o·uunly r"tt~l MrPII, will l<!l\'f! NI'W· built t\.QmP ,)/ Mr. and Mra. W . H. f'Ort Fll'a d1 m .. tQr bWL d•pot e n TtJlaty, 330 roull' M .~rr 11.• ~·et unnaml!'d'"anny •:;-:·~~~~~::;~:I:~N~•r,•.~·port ·~~~~~~~~~~~~~,~~"~P;·~'~"~'~"~;'~"~~""~•;•.,~;•;"";'·~y;u;•;··::'~l::~'~'~:~,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·="=·'=':J:n:":'=·=~=·~lt~l~•=lo=u='='="="~'"~,.~~~~~~~~~~-1-.; ~ .. ,,.,., .. '" ; ·" • • ' Church Circle Meets For Di.scuasion of Future Plans N .. llo'JlOI't Circle. \\'(1tnf'll'ft ty or Chl'lltl&n· Servlt e ml!'l CS.y &tternoon at lhl D. W . Holtby. Mrs .. Georre Ooeldnl!'r rr.ported on the dlatrlbul\on of food. gar- ment. al\d other ""'IKt!llll\1" to Ntoefy « Ule ('Ommuntty and alloo madP an appeal tor clothlnl(. llhoell. buttoftll and llme\1 bottlea for WI!'!· tan-\1\'ark. Toreth<'!r with Mra. Marth• Fnrho<!s. ahf'' f"I!'('M\rted on IIIP C.,te Jof~llll !tahU'IIf Jtuot ~'t"tllllf from • M\'fl"'!' .. r ntump!l, M1"11. JJ.o\lp be JI:L\'<'!11. l.o;)nK , 42!'; .Ah110 :";:~: J"'""',' enbrla!ned th ... Nl!'wl"'rt Nf-'l~thho>r"s r lub fit lunth· -:~;I ;,::~t.~''~:y·~· (hop -~ftern"'""" bl'lf\J: "; ILI'""LnK,· 0UP~\S WH'I' Tf tzlllff. Mr11 . [1, K Mmm• Hnffmlln-:-· I'<!IPr JO>hnML n. :\tn. Mrn11 .Ill "' lhL' HPljo!hh. Mt11. Ma,:;ic Chef C t• _Oas Rangr,.wllh dh·i1k'il top a.ad large table ttpk'e ln .Cf'nlt!r. Automatic on•n control and "~linule Mlnd~r." l..arJtf" ou•n a01t draw.-r lypt' broll1•r, Tid~ 1~ an f".lU't•pllonal nlue ___ ; $8'9.55 1-'on.laJf 1-~aa Type Clrt'td&tlnJ: llt>Pter. llut trap ('OnstrucUon •. }'o~rly p~ at $87.50 .Spark" 011 H.-alf'r, Con!Mi~ 11"P'· burn,. !ftO\·e oiL will hr:._f aj:;r fin room .hmi!>le. l .. ow. operation ro8t $23.95. ~r-~~-c·~~tmu~ ~~~ 1·1' tulle\. ''""~ MMI. A. M. !inLit.h. ~~o1'1n f'nollid· ed, annnunr-t!d p!Arur tor Lon~{ l\.-1\rh, a nd M n Tl!'tzlaff'a ~o.<LIPr. Mn1. A ndre"·~ of Dl'n'""r . C'nlt\. who ,. .... 78 . ~.-~,.,.,. nf n_~,:o·. wu a naU\"1' of :\l •t"h r_~,:ILrr '"l'l h:1d mlldf" he-r horn"" n; C""lifnrn•:o r;.: U\i put 10 yf'al'!l. :':.qrn'"""' ur. lu.t1• only a llfe-lon,;: frwrr•t. :\tn: M"'nle lAVa of C(lll· t:t M"!<!l. wl1,, '"l.de 'an arrangl'· "'''Lib f<•r Ow fn n.eral. Burial wu marl.-~I \\",•!lnLinlter Mf"mor1al Tr-Rl('o Oil lleater, · fln• room rapadty, hnrns 8to,·e oil and hu a ._..._ .-s •• -5. ~- . b..autlr1~1 finhth. "fhltrt hf'aler ronnei-1)' ~ld tor $.~.95 ...... ,. ~ 'Ill i OrdonTo " PI I • dro:le,." to hi' led by M1111 Zum~t. a mP.mber or the lfri'UIIp, [ll!'t·ntinns wert' &'l\'en Mr-. ltary StAnley. Pnoaent were M~ad.lunl!'tl Smith, R. H. HUt. E . 0 . Mary 8tanl<'!)'. Martaf"l!'t Mary Hokkr. A. P. -T'hul'!ltfAY jfllf'ILI" "iii Ui• hnm• :;;;;;,;;JM"' Flnrf'ntP K... ToTTPnCI', 114 Z7th ILI N"P t, \t·fh Mr. n.nd Mr~. f:hl'r ~hLl•!lim 1111d ltai!j;ht'"r". h1rta anlt \\'andll. who> hll.\'1' L."i!flll}' 1\I'T\I"I"d In t'11llfi>MLUI the rr ho,lmf' In C'h!llll when• Mr. e nd MML. H11.:uo1tnn ar~ "''"''' \--------,-~----1 f'd •n m Lilllon11 ry work. Mr. R•~ plan. to tf'tum tn thf' IHAUR~- 8-Aturda,\·. I \\•Iff' • N'lcMllon. 11{. H. Ell:'';_;;;; , 0 ;;.;;;. I W. H'. W1l&on. (i "i: ~<;'~~~#,~ At-.rrood. ~; th~r. who '!"""nU)• came Mre ~:~:~~;~t~:~=t~ c..-_ry Worlte,. loraJ union ~ •• ·-----~-'·--Y----·---·----""-.. - .. j ... ~ ·.~­•• ,.,1 • I ,_ ,1.~ ....... ..I; -· -··· --. ' • ,. . ."'t ~-.;. r ,.. .... ~ -~--......... . . ~-=-... $39.95 All II \\'E IIA\'E EQl'IP!IIt:ST .FOR ALL JR:AnNG. GAS $1.19 TO $02.SO • • . ... .. ·~ , ... . ·" . . --.. /. / '· ' t. ·' ' ' _.:...,' .. -. ., --.-"""--... ..... .... .... .... ... ..... ·-N ... ·---,.,... ... , It~. -... ... , ''" n ...... .... .. .. .... ..... "'""' ...... "'""" ...... ,_, "'"' ...... ..... .... 0 ..... lllllt'" wallr· wood ... u ...... ,.. _., 1700. f ......... Doualt ..... I Bo . .. Mit, ' 110' ·~ II I • w: -- ' I • j • , . .. -... .- .. J ---.. r' . -I .P.PI P.ll ..... Y.MaldDs Nf'w Income Tax Law Newport.Leglonnail'f' ~ "l&epalis "'Ill Affect Many Victim of Accident 011.New~ Line Local Citizens-Near San Onofri' I llr .... th· llll:ulllt' t M '( .J'_\L\!.'l;.u.JJU:...Jlll-._.,,.........._.."-:t_._~ t.·.·t by 1 n .. '""' ""t "''"'"''" -..r "''"' ----UL..I¥:J3L...WLDe-41~.-~i~~::-:: .. ~ll··\\ .. ~ ..... 1 nH'tl._ oi-au. *'r'.!li.,. '" ,.,,,.,,, ~·n\c'l J.!''th \' ,lf•tf'\e\M .... s to'nliAy at '\'ht•rco thf' w•ll-ltnown N•wl••rt 1111\ll \\ ... taken rolh•whlll llll 1111111 111 l'hJcont 'ltcoar, tkn unurri. N"" "lilt t•nn •h.,... uf ~a&8tala ..t I I Su. R"od"'). ,.._t& .,.. l'huiWI tltl AJA)NO 'liD WA.TD FIION'I' J17-8Uil~ M• ..... Empty, deMrted, I I· &.at-1\a.ndl t.M 15·y•r-old home ot tM Balboa Ya cht club on t.M LltU. lai&Dd. ND eummer aln, but a cold wtlld plJ*I ln from the ocean ·- (OeuNIJ .... IA.HO.AAY .... ...... , .. .... Bnlt; ....... I I t ) .... <'•<IIIII p11l11111~ 1111 <'lh•rlllt•llol Ill· <'1'•'11:<<' 111 tk•• 11111111••·•· ••f ~ .. llthf'rn ~·atll••l ll)rl "'llhh •n t:o """ wtll' file \lh ••1111' n•lurn;o l!oJ" 1 ~411 In t11111 ''C'IIN't'VC!. -· ' ~~ ~:=:===::::!!!~====~!!5!.~ ---~-a..IMIIL:MI .. I!'-~t.mU..ka&laAf._....., ....... _""'....,...,....,...~~Rt.~-t--MIIitt'To'-'ho -i\Mf '-•• " ,,.jij.f"'- lo·tu~~J t...J .. ~ lo~· lo' 1-" 1-'l-"1\lllltlf'r, lit' Ill uf the' tiArbor Al'l'A f11r I hi' du,•t ••I tlu• '"''"II"' lnx •llvulhm a••u•t •o )'Mnt, w-a 11\Nnl~<-r ,,, n( llw h•••al hur''"'• ul' IIIIGrtiAI Ncowpo~rt H•rbOr Am.-rwan l..oolrh>l . ...... 11'11. . !: ....... 10 l 0:31 1.0 l :tl 0.1 1:11 ... , I 1 :11 .. , Sat .. .... , ... 11 1:01 J~ 1:10 a.o I :M .... , I l :lt ... Sun. ........ 12 .t :"· 1.t T:OI u l:et· .... t t:M ... Mon ......... 13 1.1 ;11-1.1 1:10 t .a l r• •••• lt:et ... 'l'u-. ...... K 1.; .a:~ u ..... ~ ... C&Itle, Bob Boyd, and Ted John· 1011 can1ed out t\lrnlt.ure and tro- ,., CUM and 'it11pJ*i £he plM Wed. Tbun. - ... :-:10 .... oll' / I ~ t 3:66 1.1 I t :U u t :tT O.t &j,JI &:tl ... , 11 :11 u 10:.1 u 1:11 ~· 11 :a .. , ' =--~ol~; ::;~ ::= Bee&'* u.a DoucJu boat leDdl mu 81111'8 11118T VACATE etepe. lAM of au: they fol;ded tbtt ~ lnte~ to plywood ooutJ'uo. ll•vy Inc ....... ot lblppin& at ~wool ot the club em~lll"""• tfon. -.au u.a Boat ol U. Week. Loe Anplee Harbor dunnc· OM -. •. • • _ _. ax monthl bM r-..uJUd ln ----- U.t 0... 'WIUCA t&tt.recl &Dd ...._ ~ ot r-• la tb. UU.hty c&lee ott Ca~Hom wa..a B. ( ) ) J'M a Cout Guard order few ..U. lblpe t.d ..... _ above OM rnanul and P&Mdlna baa bouebt a-Alba· to quit ~raJ ancho,...e to -• tro. and ., E. L. few · MAow deek.l to le.eeen. the welcht ol 11M tamoua 'rwe!ve Metre, VIm. ........... around t.M South Cout .---roem. ·you tlnd that deeka, ""'khv*, &Dd whole akttfe are .... ., a epeda1 m&l'tne plywood, ~ "WeWwood." You wtll .... ftDd U..t ~ Paine'• ·~ ton u.a 111rt &e· tual, lt 'a fOYen'UII•taJ. "'But wtt1s au lh1a ac:UYity" .,. Omu, "ltn II IUJ'e to be a &'oed ,.U for u.a l&llrnalte,-. ... • • • "STRANGE&" HEA.DDIO HOME Cnpt_ and Mn. Fred Le.W, 2100 E. Central avenue, ~ are U · pect.ct home 100n from an extand· ed northern cn.atee. 8a.Jilnc aboard l.b;W~ ~Ual 7aeAC. ...,..., ... the Lewia'a epent tiM lk>UdaJW'"'at • .._, __ "tttoiH'"fUo-lt .......-Olill Howard W. Gerrish ... , •• OIIIenl ....... ,. IIAaDiE · AtJTO IIOIJ8DIOLD • ACCIDENT ... un IIIIRIIGE .. Jaland. ott the cout of ..Br:WM Columbia and are now reported u cn.alltn~ let.urely homeward; nu definite cia~ havlnc been Nt for amval. . COt'NTY PiON"Ea DIU Mrs. Julla 8. Mc:KM.~7,J •. a pio- neer ,..ldent ot 0\"&nce county, died Frtday ntcht a t lAke ElalnOr., defl:tl Ot'curt~ u NU!t of a heart a ttack. Mrw. McKee, who wn.b ber huet.nd, Wlll1am R. McKee, ,... • huvy property holder at N-· port Beach, II eurvlved by her h11.1t.nd ot' Elllnore; two eona, Joaeph H., Newport Beach, and <nor~e R., HunUncton Beach, a alater, two brot.bel'l and tlve '--------------..~ Funeral eervlcv SHIP'S and HOME WASH Cl&&l'fiNO ... Pai:881NO ......... liM Newport llh'd.. 008TA MUA at MUII!I' MA&.E auTITVTIOM Paul SherwoOd, QJendale brok· e,...e t lerk who Jut Sept.mber uaerUdly atoM Mvera1 rtn.. from a ahooU,.. plJery opent.d by John r. V.el. Jr., at llt 12nd atrftt, "'~ a.dt, ,.. plecef on a nve-,_,.• probation and ordered to ~ ....UtuUon at U. rate of SIO a mont.b, wben be ap- pe&red ln ~pertor court lut rrt-.. _ 'I ... y. Wau«h: "Jeweltl and Oem~t.'' Mc- Donald: "How to Paint Slcne and Show Carcla " MattMwe; "Anyone C&n Draw," ZalCS.nberc : "8pUil for Llvl~ ... Frankl : "Sport for the Jl'un or It," Tuni.J: ''The Art of Ueetul Wnunc." Pitkin; "With Winp u ... 1 .. ,". Benet; "llue BriJ'ht t.ht AITCIWI," .lflllay ; ''Belt Playa of U13t-t0," ManUt; ''Do Not Dlltu_5l.'' Cue; ''With t.ow. and Jrony .... n : "Sona ot 8lnba4," Vllllen: "Anacua." Kllncel; ''Come Unto 1'MM Yellow ....... '""''· :lltl, havma ·Nr\'W\1 In Ill" tJ ~ Na\>y thrpu,-hciUt lh" W111''1.1 I•:AIU~. M. D . If (' MAXWF.t.L . 'M. 0 . Jil.t~)l ... lr ... ih!m'mTr11rfr,r-t,:7.,,;:". 7.,:-::,.:7 .. :7,,~tUHt till IIIIU r•t,•ll Jlt"'r "'HUI A. 1-' And A W. and •l lint I' .. ( •h-•th wu •mpluyt'd u "'"''llh· 1\UUII~·r at Italian ll'o'ltod r n_ttJu.-t ... ITAUAN DINNIU !len P'raM~ lily .. .. d COCitTAIL8, too "'Ilea Ia Maa ta Aaa Make .&ICit IIA88E'JTIM SHELL STATION , ........ Jlala 0..~-....: ......... 1 .. •111 ,.. ,.__.....,. ....... 111 .. •I 0..~~ .... Sloe-........ 171 . o-,..__.,... '·" ........... -. •I . . r I .... ....:, ............... 5I \\ t\11 I 11•'1 lJ.Wt•IIIC' t\1 }2~ 11r 111••1 ,. " •• ,,. I 1'1\lllf'o'\1 I•• (,,,. !"('. lUI II~ ~\•t 11141..1 lll4'~ I).IUIIIII'hOI\II 11111,. IH'o•n I•"' t'l ,., .. ''" lhnl •1114Ciet l"'rl<ulu• II II h ~~ t :RII~S l}\1'1111\1'-<If Jb(ltl 111111 111111'11\'0I I"''""L" wtth • tlRlhl~ 1111'11111•' .. r J ZOIIC) 10te 1\UW 11'\j Ill rt'tl .... I ( tlt• l<'lll Ill~ \\ IU'lht•r ••r ""I I h•·y lin"' n II) lux h> 'f)&)'. . t\ll•ry In Newport Beach. tl• Willi hurn At .Yan ClM ve, I11Wa, In 18111 ~tin•tvol"' ln4"1ude hi• wtr ... Mr~ Mn)'llll' MAth•)' IUid thrtoe •·hlldtf'h, . ......... _ .... :'11. ~-·· "" ,... A. lttr tu.rd. C'IAtre and Martin, all orr:---------':'""".,_ .................... _ .... --. 201 :lOth atrHI, N•wpnrt.'and l h,.,.,., KNo. f'hooe.,.: ~••'""'· Mrw. J-Cruuaban u( 1\!11 orne. "'--• II Dr. Ralph D. Hoard .... .r~"'-aad 'Mt~ri- 4ho._... .. • . How 'Many in Y•r Business?- ltum,. l'unl'oorna deal wtU. hut '""' whuiN&I,. or retall .mt;; doN I wtttl U.OU· kn.,w, aN'unttely aftd wtU... oul hNil•~n wt..re - and evfll')' one II. llaybe lhua...,.. taur ..... Mnd different lt.IM lA .... our ... Sale •tal'b 1oalglal aad GOatlaa .. lluoagla ·January (oaly wbUe Item• lUI) Biggt•st Ralt• ln <'ool-ees from $.1.95 to ~~ ValueH, ·· .. · · .. · ... '(brolten sizes) ., Fol' $1.95 ,_ • A 1 .. 1., nont;s ss 1/a TO r»«t'/t n•·~-' • \\'h l· nut gt•t Men'K Summt•r SlackK NO\\'? · \' ~u~ JIP __ to $2,~~ .......... _--~ {~~~.· POa -..H (iroup Su·t•att-i-H, up to. $2.!}!; \'uhu"H Fol' $1.00 (irnup Bathing SuitH up to $H.H.; valm·H Fol' $1.95 ----~ -~ ------------------~--(ii'nup of ShortH .up to !jtt!Ja-<\·ahu•R Fol' SOc and ti.OO Summt•r Sh!rtH, $1.Ha valu.-,... Fen-$1.()0 J)ifllf'! tiD-WEEK EDITION -· -_:osu MESA NUMBU t ·-· -If\ Tral(ie I ' dware Mer· 1; Jam~a S. t hn..-Nc'WJIOrt R the• ll\11~ or 1 sundny mom- :Mti" AlrnnctPr---=1 lit'(l SIII'Kift y It •y .JnhnHtun of lfiJIIrltl. UrlC'tl.l y at 2 ::\0 111 :tnuk'l Chaprl, . .. ........... ... y . .......... . ' .Jo~~Mtba, ... " .., ..... cUed at ........ __, bHn a~ loll anen ,....,., • Will be Nld .... at u.. ........ tp"l. CCMI.a IIHa. •v,. hie widow, Claloft; two · ..._ Nle and Mra, N. fan· Nuy• I UNCLE ED REZ- '""''h"11 11thw- lllu•: n1t.i1.r I he .Ill•·. l 'nllf••nlla, • "'"" ..... ., ... f'h· Notlklllj( 110 far I ''' I'" I11 1Wrfln 1 '"' .u ...... v .. red -~ lrl tVIII~ .. 'llt,.-et ----t-1 '''" htl"'. The .. "'··~· I he: I!Jl• ul aper,. reportln8 II t.lll11hl, le1ve1 u1y't lnjurl .. ltY • • t 6n, In •ttempt. the way of the ••vemenl, Injury I <-1"''"11'11 Mltl· /II Ynrk, I'O.JnW •llt!J; ltu· t'l,. l mur,. r•h1r,at4!4 I ho-lf'aYtntr. e"r• K"t In the In~. lhf',.. two ~ &not tell the. n ur.. wonder. ~tea,. ....,.Y QUIOl TO IOMtt, 6ft4 ~M- It" f"N41nt -;;;~;;~:;~~~~~~~;;~;;~~~~~~~. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ner; "Pot Luck." Alnlwort.t: -n. MeKennya Carry On," Mdrenny; Can't ·-~·~~--------------------...-----------~--~ ~__.... __ .. _. - I ., . " \ . . ~ # u' (· .... -------·-1....; I ,- ..,.~ •• ·~:·I .... I I 1 .. "John D. RoeW.U.," Me.tM; "Bom In ParacliM,'' TempM!. 101 E. cENTRAL aw.~ ruu1-suJ ·1". tat• u ··-·- --1· . \ . _....._...,..__.r -; '"";;I CORO ~ 1 Jolla t.: Lar COil Be)'. Ne-a'J)C Durtn •• ~ •wiled by _.. )oaan,. coupfe -' 'W'fdloclt ., RoM at_Bt. lltrrl 1 1Apfta Beeeb, at I P. II. ne JC~r~Der M ctuatad at A Jt• . II:IUoU Junior .K .1\IIIJor eou~,e. ~her .... tJie ,.. • tM third paJ'tDo ~y Ill 0 .. -· d!IM.-ner c ... Will opetl eeraake and ,_.. BMdt Wilt 'UMtr 'Male ane .. bJdtitt ta. ttl .Alta. A.tte'r' s .. ~t ·.-2Y ...,. . ......... '• .odet7---C ,_..,. .... lt .......... ........ to tile .............. ......... .JI( .. .. ...,... .... fill ,._..r A r=::::iiii~~~ a.: Oal 0.0. •~.......,n• • .. a,.. Rt ... tM .,.., (tie~ ~--~~ Lanmn ~ .... !lie IIUJI ........ ., Ule ......... ~ .. He. .,., ., u. .0. ~--­... ~ u.. w--.w...,. .... ....J .. ., Jilin. a. & ........ ...... ·CHOP 81 I ' . ·. .. . '. .. .~ ..... t.be commanct. of their Nazi 11\Utera, are aecreUy doing e¥erytllltq iD tbeir power to aid Great Britain. In ~-of UM -.Der 'countriea many people openly poly!. fun. at der ,...,_, aad f~ BeiJnde eomee the y~m that the Italian. IIOidlln ba" been m.tructed to IM!W buttona on the back of t.IMU' alfonaa tD mnulate an &dva.Dce • ---------·1--------~ 'n. ,.,._ of Calilomia are JU.Btly indlpant over· the 2 er 2 , (or wone) ~t baa ~paNed the bui14bll ol a .. prt.oD at-Cblnb, 'l'fie entire truth baa not come 11.100,000 to c::omplete it. The de~ wu eo qu.Uondle aod • dilatory U..t the WP A declined tD help f"~ce lt. ---------··--------- '-.Phere will be next in lin~ fur t'onquest. llenct>, in aiding -Britain we are ln reality deft'ndlng our own shores from agreuton: and it ill ~tter to'kt.i<'p the war in the old 'world tban to invite it to 9:''• side 6f th<' two J.rrt'al oceans. Much of the opposition "to the . P~ident'~ plan is baaed upon (1) the !flacovery af aecret treaties greatly nt \'ariance with the publicl.r.ed alma of the laat world war. 12) the. failure of European nationa to make any· serious effort t o pay tht'ir rJebt.8 to UU. country, and c3) the fact t hat munitiona makers ..S ot.&er ''W'&f mongera" Mek to plunge t his country into tM eollflkt. But the ~pie have con8idered all of these \\'lth "Our H4>rt1Age" 1111 lh•me .. ( thr 1\ft.cornnon'io pro,-n\m, mf'm· berw of Cq~tta M I'SII Wotnf'llll' So- i me ~ )'ith organ music ·and f"'JoWf'J"!> '3.11.1 all the re8t.'' And so last week, on the day be- fore Christmas, Joe and bta bridto of 25 years ago were mar- rit'd all ~ver again. wath "organ music and flowers and all fhc rest." m St. Tbomu church in Hollywood. Don, their eldHt &on, gave the bride away. She wu radiant and happy, :md eome of the elderly lac:Uea prN.nt wept, u they &lwfya do 1lt wedding~. Tb~t'• aU there is to the etory: N:othing tD -•~•-.. • m.!lk~ page one; DOl' to provide a juicy paragraph for a gouip column. But nat tliBe Hollywood providN a ltory that highU,bts the tiltlelly aDd Ynlovely lfde of human nature, lb~eooe>re in the rocme .pta~ wboee.prtvate livee are b)' the ttory .-,.t tile ,JO. .5 Bl'o,-: '11ltat bappeaed The Pni. • oaJy •uo a-.,.ar. Hollywood too!~ ' 1 • I Start the New Year Right . ·. • • BUY WHOLESQME FOOD AT THI _. OPEN NIGirt'LY .1~ f ---. -~-. ffl tUf,Q, l : ., .ftJDIO cum The World'• News Seen ""'rough THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR J A11 l 11lmr•licnul O.ily NtwsJMJw ~., TlR CHllSTtAH"SClt:NC£ ru•LJ HING JOCmT1' 0101. ,._., ................ !of_._,, .. Tftllhful--e-.-d-tleWeeed-FrM f..-s,. .. d,. .... .... -Editorial. Are n-11 and IM~n~cti'" eed I• D.t, ........._ T..,..._. wich ,dw w.-J, M .. ..U.. _.., ..... .. Momtor-ldul N•"''P•PH for c:he H-. Price fiZ.OO Yearl,, or 11.00 a Motuh . ..... ....., '-· includin11 M.pz(;'ne ~non, 12.60 a Y-. lntrod~~Ctory Offer, 6 I •• U Cerua. • OkejuMe ac: j CHRISTIAN SCIENC READING ROAM 118 I!A!In' ~NTLU. A~-_ "'U'IJnl;~ ~f- Newport Beach Balboa Island Balboa Costa Mesa .Corona del Mar N -.-- A Happy New Y ... ~nd don~t forget we hope to· get a ' Big~r and Better Fun Zone / ready for Spring! AL I ' • ------~~------------------·~-·~ . .... --~---·___....,;:·--·---·~-· _, ........ -_ .. ___ .. _ _.;::::-..;.8~1J.111-::::::;1 ,. I • 4 ., .. . I o ~ -.... " ... . •,