HomeMy WebLinkAbout1941-01-14 - Newport Balboa News TimesM iiCM Good ~*""'~ Hyeer •-m all .. good for Uw flrat \lme In the bl1tory of tht' country uu• FederaJ Govl'rnrn .. nt invu t- riCUie dl'velopiiltnt or a sttlctl~ .,t~·a•u~ harbor -anu fiVI' ~re later t:ol. Dent. member; o t..Ull' bollrd or Eogln,..ra approving tht> plan m Wuhlogton to lmprove Newport Bay, dK iaru tbe P rogre., abown hu proven the proJft't -'wat worlh while -a ap)endJd tribute to the public spirited cltliU'f\1 or tllls communJiy T~e Grim Reaper 1wung ru.. scythe over th" week eod and tondt'l.l -t he llvu or lhret> peraone. one or tll!'m Mlu Junt> Hmuly, another victim of Newpnrt Bo'ulevard'e at- t:nw'llv~ row ot veo-an I rona<." tWbt to the t rarh: "t'1'aah whlt"h anuffeu out a young lift' 111 that At lEa Hlncsly WIU ft'purtt•tlly .. uon t o g 11 t y San Diego to bt•eume •·unnl'<'l- e4 with ttw C'.Oniii',JI<Iated Air- craft Co. utrll•<> at an excel· leut aalary. . :- Camera Club Wonder If membe,.. of the Balboa t:ame ra Club realize bow f<!rtunate the.y an In having the eervtcu of Ed Chapman, w•ll known In Sou.YJianL fr>r h111 pi~•· lc _1?(1rtrallJI ant1-W~ . and lt<'g \\.hlte . I~J<•al photO II('IVICt' IIWflt'r tht'llf! -n aid tlle amatl'Urll. _eer· soo-· ..-- WEEKLY Jn I DDt A lltAt'T City Dads Qutline UdJAIJUU~ lll:Street-:Name=_. .)8-DRAmfS. Change Program-.·~ ...... ,•t•f)t'tutl f-11-H t"UIHfnlftt't' 1h•• lAS .THEY lEAV • E whool•·. tho· t'll\ "'1111C'II 1111lluu•l II ll•ntat 1\'o• p1·o~rnm fnr o'IHtO!;IIIt! lht• flllltll'~ vf l'o•r tllln •11'1'1'1' '" dmuru•t" '""f"''''" llrt•tn.,; fmm "''\t'l at t1uplh'ullnn' 11f throu..:hout t h•· <'ommuml~ A sli~thl token of farewt'll will Onh· st r.•..t llltnlo'" to•ntttll\ •·I~ be, gwen the 18 Dralteel til DiA· M"ht'<lult•d to '"' ('httngo•tl ar .. I hu"'' tract 171 . wben the-y leave· from IJl .. urh lllltlying du•trkts Ill' Nc'W- tllelr aN{'mbly station al Balbbu 'JlOrt II• ig'ht:-nnt1 Comnn 11rl !\f11r l un J 1111uary 23. a nd al,tn~ 4hc• O<"t•lln frnnt Wh<'l'f' A breakfut v.111 be ~~erved the 1 ht'r<' ur<' clupllc-lllltln,, Ct>nl r11.l au8plc-u or tlle Newport Harbor '" Po•nmsula Av,•rtut•. -unl1 otht•r 1 ('hamllt'r U( (.\•mrnt'rCe &ntl l'l)Uj()r tltor•uu.:hfarl'' Whl'ro• hu;.i·l Mayor Gf'o. Goruon v.·111 makf' 11 nl'!'!-hOUS4'll un• lncalo'tl. 11r whrl"'.· i!hort talk. In id.JIUon to otbf'n protr:<t lo nnnw rhunj;;"' 1'111\'1' !).'t'n wnu will bt> on the short prn. rt'<'t•IV<od. WI'!'(' nnr ron,ido11"f'd b)• I gTRm tho• humril. l Ttw boy11 Will· gathe r at Bal· · Tiw-J>lan •lrltwn 1111 ttl th" in· • boa. 1t was 11tatrd by ~>ecre!JUY formal ~~·~1\lon will '"' tni'OJ1IOI'IIItod Welch and art' ll<'ht>tlult>u tn J:n antn :m onlln:tnl'l', whwh nfl('r lw· via b\1: fr11m tht're at 9·27 a. m . m.: l"l~~•od ttl ~t'l'nn!l ro·atlin~;. "ill tu Lns Alljtt'IM and will ht' o.s~l~~:n-J;:i\••· 1111' pul11i(· ltrnplo• npr~tort unlly o•tl t.o Lhl'lr ca~p. • tn ~t"l.:l!<lrr nny 1""1.••'1 nr lllh 'IHlt'o· I Other Proc.eedlnga . illltflllllnlll 'UJ.!J.!•''IIon>. nrfwwl,. Th(' dtrerturs uf the· Chamber ~ait1. ml'l Mnnday 11l thf' Tall . 0 ' lb<' . , -I I BALB.OA ~·~:";·~s .. -~ _.l~l.~.l r. ••• ._ .• r; MID-WEEK . IDITION · ARE-A OVER WEEK-END . J~nt• · llint•Hiy Killt-d lnHtantly In Tra~ric ( 'raHh; '('it~· Lo~~" Piont~r Bard wart' Mer· rhant AH (.tOUiM A. Smith U~: JamH S. JohnHtcm Sut·t'umhM In I Tlw (:run l<c•nJII'I' hmtt~ht tf'll~l'lly tn thrt'(• Nt-wport llurl"'" h nt"''"' .,,., ... lht• wc'c •k-c•nd. C'lnlmln~ ttw II"""" of Mllrtf·l>c1 .lime• l lhu·,Jy. ~·n. wlto wus knk.a l'urly SunctA.y mom-- In~.: 111 1111 littltt ··nt,;h nn Nr\\'J)cU't ntvct ; l..nttl!c Ak> !.!!::..!:!!!!:.~---..::...1 ~mlfh. 'i:,n . '"'" nr "''' JlWI'I'hnnf "·ho <1fc'd Sundny At 1111' hntlll', :..'~~~~ ~'Ctfl1 St t:t'l'l. an• I .Jnmc•s Syrlnt•v .Jc)hn~ttun of H~t lhon. liti, who <lkocl ~1onclily In n nc>nrhy he~ •Tfiit -. Fwwt•ttl ~·n·h'l•s \, c't't' he• let for MlM Hlnf'Miy ~tt 2::l() p m .• lnclny, Tttl''illlty, In ttll' lfnt•ultt K. · Grntwl Chopttl, Cnstn Mt•Sit, with He•\'. E . n. -~--4 ;.x lt ... ll' nf CltrtMf Ch.tirt.oh .. ltu Ha"-" ~ ..... , ----• j COC'k and Wt<rco pr<'pare.l to llt'ar-Coo d" t' I Lt-~· H Wallan• tiii!('UIIJI hiS fop· r Ina tng ·poe1uon lo ~ rect'nl rl'porl .. , Group 'to Study· l J Tbf' lli'atll or~'· ~aaidlr . ltti• S.•u nfrldlltiJK....lllllclrmcnJt.;,IM""*-...,.._.~...,.r,-lir'-'"'"IDr---~ ........ w .... l'hk ~· • ('ftfuD4'1 r.m '" ... llornt. ""'" h,.,.d "'· thf' ,,...,.,., ....... h ,.~-Willi In \\t•itmhtslc•r Mt•murlnl (\( fll!lfiHr rtleh'l.nt. nt N"'1Nift twutrd, \Ohu madfo a IOUI'priee .tiM ..., 8outll ('~t '"'' ~>~•turd•~. ht.r lttdlnc ~"""'"t llllrbur. Ahot\t' Pnr k . j 1U.11r h Mmlth ••• knuwn and lo.. Ule Chambfor's MVo'D rKommen· dation lu ttlf' C'lt y co_u ncll, but IIUt· Gt" I Scout Plan t&--unf~~n -drr-ufustanl"t'r, Mr r Wslhn· .. -.·as unablf' to be prHO"nt ""' nwrubfo,... ot t llfo ~ Cfll. ~t on til · o·ua't tutor, J'h•l'-'d ~· ttwr ln...,...tN rrot~to•l .Mil!JI Uln ..t h)r mefty N-rnrt' tf&I'W;:.....!.-;~~--~;.,;o;,t d•maco-al Me-al ..._.. .. -·11ft' ..._ ·M•J•r ,.,..,,.., -ttt•trtt,. ... C'nl. ttnlt, M. r . tt'tt"""· ,_,.twi nr ·h·. whu r .. ,.~ • fir had m~ 1Titr1nl Uw ft'dr ral board; Dan Paid el ~ a.-h,.rhalru"'" "' ,..,. ('uuni)'C'-•t A»ft. •n"'-"' c•cotufllltt,..; ,..1 111 2022 yr~~:: thl.e city, .. \Vatt.rr Sp~r. a mcomber or (;1rt ~"""' oon.: om;,nt tun pnoh- .., l~t' \\'~k·r t·omtnlllt't•. !<l:tll'ol t~KI , krnF \\Ill bP tnllJ'hlo•r•·<l h\' t hf' fiD" jK1Hil 0\'ul'l•w4c.., ..U ~. ~N't'« JWII ( ~r .,..,111r~ rnornr--- Mit-hard U. t'.ato• of liMo t l ... ~)' ,......_,.... ctflln-. 1 ..... "Jtel"f,.•: C'tt)' t~nf'f'r IL I. lrtnt•,..•n ur H11rhror ntvtl "' 1 ~tot h~~ P'lrlll'f)ltat.d '""'"'rt Kc-.. ·h ; and ~ ...... .JIIH,..tary of , .... ( ""'' .\-.o·l•tlutl ........ ,...., (.............. ('filii II II f'.. f" Ytr or pnl k al ur. nt u.. "'atu. was the fart that uttter In~ '" tw hell! ,u· sJ11v. J11n tL ,.. ~ a·• Bt'rvlrP many photographer,. would 111111111 ' lu<'l''ll repowl C<JDt'fi"niiiR l'nt.lo) nRlln~: ('0110<'11 R! lito n••xt mP". t-(AR~ SlAN~R ~bamber l rtreu J ' ttln aut II u Anaheim. Fullt'rtQ_n • uub a& ,., .. hltc~ h~U.IIRI( *F ~ w o# ~ ----lh,_-1-- .. Santi\ Ana. Orang!'. l'tC. WIIUic1 Th .. f!llhjo•('t "'Ill bo'. <hill u-·.t h\ I r~-ay I 0 llarlwor I u.,. arr tht' w11ter dt'vC'Iup~>~l '" MIM Httr kw•·ll "' S11nt• Ana ~· Of C!-Aed Trafft" ~ LOTS t .N LIDO ~··.,~\1,1~1 !~~~a~~ •.h·~~n~:~ mr Mr Xmlth at ~ lime OparMN a harlhtl'lll'f' lllor"' on lhe Oee&ft ft'ront. "I'VI'Oillmat•ly .,.,.,.. U.. Nrwpurt balaery Ia now ~ • Upon hla rwt l,_..l, b. aolcl tile btt•ln•M. which a.t,r wu • . ....,.. r hiUM!d bx 111rry ICI!lue. upc.n being paid fur . :. Little Chance Anyone th1nk1n& lhal a drunk driving charte I• not aerloua had better .c:an the recordll of the Nnvport ~~h pollee departmeat for 194()- tltty'-peraona were charr ed wltb drunk drlvtnc and 41 !saved from that sourc<' lx'forl' It rc-rr<•JW>nlatlvo.• llf thr Ornnl!t' NEW H 0 DJ"= ~ <'f'BIIh"ol lntu " ,......., '"' N•'«f1)ort re11rbt'd lht' t08lltal area County 1;1rl Stoute An elecl ton commttl t't' for tit•· Dele~:atl's rrom c:.rt »•uut .,,. R4-tolutt•lll ~H• 111,..,,.,1 h) thr • UJ vU... IU!a r llaker &,..a. a lt(Joyl 11nnus1 chnlct' ot di~tors will uani•Atlon• r NP'"""rt o-e~h · ,.,.,. mtf,. K<MJth ••rl ll{lltllf' Mlrtlfl'l comprl~~e L. w. Brig~·· oj ~· roilt;-M,.;,. nand .;~na ';f'~Ml REALT-Y BOARD~~~~~~ ~:;m~::.~~~;·•·; •. ~:::~t7,'~ OUT . OF Ass· N I A l~;;~~r or th4' ra r, vtnl'f'nt Hu· C'ampbell, Gr&Jncer H «'r. . wtll attl"nd ~~ 111'118100 W'lin& •tlllt• !Inti c trnn\(t' '~"'"'Y bert Krulu. 20; of 104t N 0 1&8· .a.tcN&IIy and C Harold H"pklna.l Announum~t ut thf' mtetln.r ' Cll'nriel• 10 ••~•"c .. <'un~truc'Hon _.11 Ktrl'f't. oranp, .-rt.d.ly fll!ll • ~ wu m~tdf' tlwilly by Mra t".e.,r. fl Manc:hHt4'r Avl'nut' ""' • fo'rt•t'· • aei"P at the whNI u the -couple ~ne Reber Of tlle Floll'ence '&ette MUWt'll 0( thf' cordlnatlnr • ., to llpl!f'd transportation fa · d lvt 8ouUI tow rd o.ta Bakery an4 bta family vlalted council, who Mid the committee eUitJel between lh" hf'art of mf't · Wft'tl ' r "I . a · Ttle d.eeu.d ....-.ef •'"'7 tr11111 •lee•anc. Ha 11M .,... a "•' nG Of -Calllon~ta lw fO ,_,., ......... lilta.....,,-.. ... 1 llaUUI:a relaUvea Ia Rtverllide Sunday and will hold Ita montbl meeUa • eenbtt and 6 1 mtae c:oun• 1 ben ~~.;~~~~~~*~~~~H eulVJed J*l't ot tbe day at· on e y o1 Ula ll nd rQI ~ .. .. C. • mem on ~ 'hduoed to ,_11_ ,,ld. w.._.. tbey lDitpected bup lllOI'Ilh •h•rtnc IHI IMtead of tbe I COIIUUDder ot tiM Jf~ ~ ~ltlll ......,. --2 ........ ._ a te. ---.or llm. JJar ebror. bomMra -ca a --,. •t.c+tlnt ·Thu~y ... hu bwn U.. bor ~ lAtri __ ......,_ 5 )' nc ''"""P"'~"' Oft ~~nland .... ~ ~ -···-• erected t.ber.. l cu.tom.· _ t•&(cted prealdent o1 the Newport '.Jadon pnJba.tn for lht' rttunly lind pm~".t ,. votorv out I or· e-but It coat them-Ule ---------------------------::---,Harbor Realty Board. IW M· f'j',...lll,.l"t.ttioft I* of vttltl lmJ1ur1· 1anl tk _an almoal un· oUwr day • mao wu coovlct· 1395 Co e e 0 f 1545 r r•edll H al Will Smith. of Balboa lara to ---th llnli 111-\•c•luJlm<'nt, llnlmou" votr of t!K.r In llltf"nd· ed of 602 for t.be third Ume t t d I •· ~-""< ... -be toe hl.e llcellaC' perman. IIIC lOIS I 0 181~ ffl -1 OW ,.l'tion ..pl!ntM """' . Thi• hlt11·k nf lot• 1.-.. wl\t'd b)' hor .,....,. rratdf>nt to bec-ome a • eoUy 1'0 wttllout a car. be • • er r. c.~•• e ~'('ted wer. A. I • 1 t.nfflth C'~tmpa.ny, w'hlch ta rr ·l lntflc falallt)l' ID INJ. wu weJJ • ~~'s:'-:!~~-..uat-=:-diaa.:Lf-=-~!'11fSIHIIH~Iilf~lll-·u •oi•AA II '40-J: TwU!t ot ''«ooa ~1 Mar, .-., t · J pnttf'fl '" ,,.. ··~ ... mpllltina: u•lnll known hi Ulla cOCDJDwuty. Abe Jamaa I. J..._ ... take a chance ..,.-~ ~ pr•••d•AI , Harry . W•k'b -" 't SCHWARU TlW"frnrt for hu~tnf·!"' prnJI"rtY. al·l wu a lfT&duate ot. H.-port Hir·j Jam~ 8 Ydnol1 JoiaMt., M. ~ ·:· tuy-t re:uuru: and lAw H. Wal-l • mcr'l o•\du,.lvc•ly 'I'll<• o·h~niC~ bor Union llllh lkhnol In ltlt7. -~ M&Jn '!~· Balboa. died at Reff'lehl"t Nearly complete compilation of 1043 Pt"J"SSru. wen· summoru.-d lu lace ot Nelll'JX!rt. at.a~A! dlr.ctol', ., m••nn' lh111 thf' Jrot ~ will n" lon~t••r J hav1n1 IIH'Yed •• lloenkw a... 11 n•atby ~t.al Iaiit M..-, I'\'CO~ for ·J!MO !!)' the N~rt roun nr rttl'd. lndud!nll 1r11ff1c Thf' l~·al Qf~wtaht •·ltl be ln. ho' un<t••r 1t'w r•·•trwllun~ 11r 1111, W<"ll'tary l'l.ir ln,-"l;'er •hocll l rnnmln• He hed blll'n a ,....._, 'TtJI rdreshlnc to hear .a !Wach Polict> Dc>partmt>nt mows <"ttat1nns. :mrl 50'.! v.t•rt• nrrt•!-11'11 llt8lled 111 " Jotnt mHtlna wllh Of CITY HALL A..,.....-tnllnn. "'hlr'h hn~ hnnl llntl , .• ,...r h•r .. ,..... hu '-" .,. .. ,,.., uf Ralbl• the put .... n ,..,.. man epeak 1ftlo gtve'a ble that or 1545 persons charged with on murc> ~io·ruou~ •'hHftiW" ~..&¥una u ... ll h ..... ,uary 15th by I 1 r11,1 "''''' •\n -IIN'hlto .. ·lur"l rf'· 1111 " ,...1,,,.,1 llllh"r• m•mbf't ot tht> P\m~al .. ,ICH will• be INtld audience 80m t'thintt new t o 11 vark>ty of offenlit's. th(ore W('l'(' An a naly,.u• of tho• J•llt('t• rt'c·mll< Stall' t•r.,,.lol,.nt 1'11111 S Bombft'· t I ,1111r,.nwnt ~. ,.,.,Jt1f•nllttl ''""'lflt'll' unltnrm hf>llrol ""'' nf th~ Natuf'lll We<jo•eday, II a . m., at U.. Har· tbi!Ul about aucb wu Hom-1395 <-un\'ICI inns. On I) St'V<'n V.('ll' J\hvv. t.h•• follctWtn~: tnlf•r••'l.'"l-: J!l'r "' M•wlut" ~ I , 11.,11,, "'''. 11011 whh'h will 1111t ltc•, lllet ury 1 1 111o an•t-had JNltt lf'I&IAt•il uld K flre urt l'hapotl, (;'oM& ...... f'!' c. Cbant'y·1 addre., bfo. ronvtc!lrd on chargt•s "n odOc('<,]" fact:<. F:t.:hl IM'n.t'lAK Wl'r<' f'hal'):'•••l Alcmlx'rl' tll.~cull.~c-11 aolvertMDt l j ,.,,., .. ,,,., .,11 •h•· "'"fll•tty 1111 1t1,, In IIAIIkrtllttll, yt)ll .. ybrlll, huc-k"Y I Ttlf' d-•••1 lfi\'M ht. widow, abnrt time puh\lr of>lnlnn¥wlll llgainst lhl'm. t•ta;:ht rn.<·t,.ll(l~ 1'\.\•t•nl) ·fl\'o' AnJ(<'h·l'l I >Ill"''" Bl•u ApprovNS the '11u· nu·•·• lu..: "'''' pr '''It!••• I fiV•·I ~Ill' Willi hurn In Oklahoma I!Jiy lrn , Mr• M: R••vla ..,~ Wre, N. fore Llon11 today "'~thin a from thoS<' origtnally pn•f,.rr<od ~ llh hur~o:l:tt:) an•l tho•ro· \\1 to·, now tx-.n..: carrh··.t ln th• a-WED IN YUMA m~ttnl .. rul 11nd ba .. batt. 1"''• Man-Ia Johotltqn;, two ..._ be 110 m oulded that tht' mlln R~tnkin~: hl~ht'l't 110111111: orrcn ... •< Wo•rfo ~h;u·.:rrl ~·llh .•h••lt: '.'."1 .. m· '''"" IIIIIC'Uil>lll~ ruAull In ~·, I hy l"r··~lt·nl Vo·rn llrHtton v.lu'•· lilld ullrlnl( th .. Ill Y•"" .,. .... lto .... rt, IN.Ch nr Vll.n Nuy•. who ralllf!ll t;1a voice to que• hnnr11NI by loca l polil"<' 11urinj;! 1~0 rltulin~o: ,111110· 11011 :la ""r ~1•11 ""'""' 11 wn11 RJ..'TI•t'd lhco rouDly • 1.1111'k \\'•·11 t1t'l•·•• '" ..,.,.,.,.,,.,, ,. rnltlr nt '"' lht11 lll•tr , h••l ma•t .. l Unn tht> right• of thi.s coun. "'''"" trnff1c ;mrl \'tolaltnnl' alli1..-1 \'ll'lt•of f our"""''' hatl•"1 1"1" '""! 1 -..· .. utol IH•n•·ftt lrnJC••Iy from tllt Alo,•H 11(1)' otltt·nll•·tl 111 tl11• l.lt1tt :r;· r 'hcom,. t hto r••t nlnfl y••lltJO In r---~~----------, . h h . r h'"'l I Hn o•mltc•ulo•mt·nl dtlll'~t''-, "11h I I I I t N try's poll<'y In thP F:uropean w11 t P Hl14'ratto"· o \'t• 1, ,.,.. un• ••arty ''"nlJ'!O'!tml .. r Mllllt:hteler ,.,,1"""'' 1 "' llttrl¥tf ar•a. U CLB war will 11uffr r the conse-cllunk••nnl'~~. · ,,,·,n\w11""' ()w· lll'l'!-llll Wll• ch:.•~· IH<·nu• :.,. " .,.,,., . .,.,,)' ruttl Paul A. Oolrtln« 1111 " rt•mJ'It-lo• ""'"~''""' ,,., d,...,. .. .,.,, Ill 11urvlv.,l hv ~; .. 1 I ''"" w11h "'"C (l((.-n"'' 1111d ""' I'• n· to Mr m11nv N•·"' JK" I II•'"' h J p I F qurnrrll as In the alit war Tlwrf' "''''rf' l'!l:l parkin!! t'lt/1· I l'llltn••r •·f Llrl" IIIIo· Whro RJIJiolnlC'd I . . :. • ury ane or ""'"'""· Mr ltlltl Mno w .I Chant'y IU!k•·d quelltiOil'll Clln-t IOn!l rlurin,:: lit<' Y<'llr with n:!l \It' I ...... ( lnP I' hill ~·· ant ""'' , . .,.1. t II t'VIIlllt'l 'llllnt y offld~t!AI anti I fr1end~ Wall till· lllltl'l llll(t' "1 M I" • lllnt>t~ly . I"''" lll oolh•·r•. llfnlltt"" uf C<'rnln~: the ac:-Uon11 .. r tltlll ,,111\'trtton!;, whilo• 3:\·1 w1•r,• C'h:trJ.:· \lt'llon Wit' I'I'C'nrt1•·•l fur '"'1111 1"11 till(•• "" a iJ-;,111 . rffnrt t o com.' ~Ia .~hWIII't~. "1 11"" ''11Y. 1'' (,J.{y (.,nur· t Ju •~'"II '"'"'It ""'' llllly w 10 y 11 ,., •I governmj>nt. lito ()'11idc•11 to rrl Wjlh nlt)rr lr:Jffll' \'il'll:ll fnn< llf n!lrl'OIIt' luw~. pl. I•• t hf' ('Inn~ ut-tl11• t>lrlleet Robert 1 .. Alton• of ~1111 II•• II 11 -"' n htltto,. ED whic:-h nO Anwrlt'll08 h8\'(' a :ami :vn ft~uncl J.:illll~ ('h:tlt.;t'' "1-:'1111'1 li fm '''"''11 0111 1 "''''.I. \\ llnto:~ """ IIJ'fiOintl'd dtDo Batun lny Ill "'111111 ""'"'111 Name.l ... ,f'r 1941 right tn lh•• 'IHHWI'r8 hf' Rnnktnt.; htt.;h IHlH•IIl! th.• ··.tu"' "' ltqllttr l.t"' "•'I•' ltl····· \\llh Hi, too '""'"' lh<· Sswla Alii\ anu Ttlt' no•\\ MtM Si .. ll• .. ·~ "'' \1 r , p!H nt:< nut. tltC' tnfCII'TJlal lttn I" for lil'll·~t \\a~ mtn\Watt1111 IJn on'; ''"11"~111'1,. 'llllrt)·thro•• "'1 ' 1'•••1111\' ,,,mrrtltl•••·" .. torolytng .all -daurhter "1 11~11 11''"1"' 1'''11'''' :->tw ,.,. "' :.!4 N•·v.r~•l l 11•·'" It REZ-- not rorthrnmln~: dt.ll'l:l'~ \\ t'l't' Jlfl'lo•r-ro •tl 11 ).!/ttn,.t d t.ll t.:··d ,, II h 111" "'1''1 I,\ ''""'" t . I'"' i ' . , .. ,., '"''"'''"' Ill (Jran•P PlOOlltwonl :-.!··"I'"' I • ''~I· 1''"1 I tool . I ... l·lo·r•l. i uo\'•• ...... 11 It, .... ;,\"" .. n :!Ill JM'I'•r.n .... tof ~hldt :./loll "''I t' "'"llf•IOJ,! Ill•• l"'"l'o• !11,1:.' ',!X \\oro· I "llllt \' l bU rellill'(j IIIH' r.,, I• II \'•Ill" llw jtl'\ JHIIIt •f (ur tlt••~·:1~,1~tf\ri'~";u;rt;:~~-'it1Jl;d~l.la~l!lt~1t. .. : ~ The Wlnnah! "Ptnk" l'inkJI'y rf'('I'IVf'tl :1 tiYit!IO!Itl\ tr_6'[)15'r • 9!.. wu i- n n,r nll PVI•nl hillh lt('t'lff -l otill ljoo\1. lll'IJ,: r ... r, "'')' pre· !ll'nll•ol nl tllf' U nn:o l!t'!'!<lnn. Pinklt>y wit~ trnphy tn h11nt1, o)rdllrt'•f It WII!O lh•• f r!l\ 1'111 h c\mht,•m ••f l'ktll -that hr 11 1'\"'•t Wt•l1 What'a The MilllttF' All j .. •utt l'ol 1111l 11<'\'~'1 al il'l!ue~ • nt;n v. Ctrk pro~o:n·s~t'tl rap1dly nn notr.ol\'inR" the-P F: '-'""J>Jl--'=>0!.-!.J.'-"-""""+ is haP· pt':'HOC' :\'no! 1111' ttl IIOI(NI ralls Jonk worl!c th11n \\ h~n In piRt'" "'h11l'11 hnhling 11(1 romplt'tioo'l uf lhr projrrt 7 n lot nf lltlwr lfnrhor folkll woulcl llk l' to know t oo .. Suatanlated . I , l'uJl\'l"l••tl 111•1• \l •·l•• .I •IJtl .:ool IPie C:hh,... 11 ltltw r·••l!lWUo' Jur-U;JJ-fur 1"" ~'t')1tU\Jl': t; 1100\ICII'(. \liiJI \':t~!lnp •lfl'~ (UUJJd ~tU.;-· _!.!l.:..~,!.l Uj,Li:Jll~ lJia ¥~l Pit-4Jl~~r-'1•1 Kftf' ~ .:mTf)l ~ • .. _..,f)ll._,. •. ,..,u,~~~ WI~ I J-'1\i(.-Jlt'IMln,.J n·t•r•• ·" rt• ,,o(f l·•r of UH! .!f&.ale t.oft&•rm•n f« *" f'f ~ by, Ill" ll"t '.,, H! ......,l.!J-1 • • .•. , -• .#.,.._ ~ .,.__ ~dnl(ll{ d 'lvf!JS aM 4 3 ~~ • ·, •• u-·'"W&. *Dd-lu-c;;onnc:t.;d. lh loot I nrr 11 tJie }ll~~JI ~~ 2 • l I t r1 ~ '• • :;;:"I .k d ·t ·J • -r th 1 :lJ ~ 1 1• .Jt ~· l!al•l'.l.tll llUII1I•l IJ.on•·• I• I Act"'' 'v (" (' mll \~r • rur: -~ 1.\ 111> quanlo•l bo•tnl( :.ppr•·h••fl•l•"' 111 .... 0 e oc d JUII. rf'.a Ill· A Wf'llolln~o: ,, ••I '•'·" 1·•·1•111• I Hloolloo pl •I 1-l"'•lll l'ht•· fl ooht·d ,!j~:tr ···:. !!!i!!'""' ''"-"''II' htl('r ,., .. I .:itt! "" ,, ('••II"'·' 11-.l-" II lr :O:troul·' "'" ,..,., ............ mmlttrr at "'• h••rr• •. , ,;1: ,,, "' 1:"•·110. 1'.,\•l I !• I 1:111'1'• """"'' 1'1•1\rl dun'll 111 J,.,, ,, nnu• \'1"l;t1 1un• \lhtt h ""• J,1fl•) ('••lin< 1•111,,11 t:. 1 t. (,,,.. tilt· rW'lrt • ~~"'"'· brolll.r J R• k ..,1.,1,, .. 1 :-;,.,, 1:•, •tll'h "' rt•t•kl··--til l\ 10•', Wtlh ;til •. , ,\llo·tl . . . F rt"l l 'ltfi 'OHI Koonl -"''~J, .. ..-11 PUBLISHER' .. l'r•*'lll "''r•· Slaul•). llllrry H nard!nn Sllllltol.o\ ''"''I \1 I I II l .. lllt .~oot•k '-1\ lu•int; ('nnvir·t·ll. thoro ftJI•' lt•:t\-• I I I •• ,. .. l o• ..... ,, I' :'0\o nt••ll \l•P •hll" "' '\\llllltrll~"" ,,. .. ,,. J.L.l\.. .. llrt"f', I. M le St•~ l~t• loot/' ·I•'"'' I I'•• •II ...:.,,,,., ~ IIKiotllt l • fi.•rt •'••·III"V "'''"IC ttM Ill\! hill on•• t•:•~· rn \~t.h14 h ,.,.,,,, • 'H•l t'l"ll ••t , ... , .. , \• ht••l l.t'' \\ . I~• tL!J.:,. .I I• H•fr uh.uu A J wltb l ht· !"• \\l~"•r t It~,,, h t '' ~ •~ "'II,,,,. l'nuu •.. ,lit 1'•·11• It .l u• k f;ultd , .. ~ .... ,,. I \•1111•1 ••f t ,. I I • ,, r '"'''' Itt ,.,.,,fll\lltt•. r ·,.ururnla, '!!IIIII~. . ~;" 1 .•• '"''""I• I',~·:,~··· ,,, . ""'' ·•'" H:ll t\ . ..r\\oojo h t-••1 011'1 cnllf'Ctlll ~ •l•t•lll llf,•l l ,,, • II Ito 1'1"11'1•'•11 ,. tt II··'" ••. z """"''''' v.lo\ .......... ,,., ......... h. I"'. '"lilt:.. •II • to' l• I• , .. ,, 1 '.··~ .l··lol ""' \\ rr hlllllll \O aJI un hf'r ot }''"I" :0:11• '· tit• I •• t •.• 1!•·1 .. rl .... !!····"'' Sloo ,.., .... Htoll/ .-,,,,. Ioiii. "'''" 'A'IIlklllj( ,.., fer ·n ... It~'""'~"''"''"''' 1:: , .. ,. ntrr• 11 11\11'11"11 • (II"• I ""''. l•lo• : .• hllo•nol •Ill• ,,, o\fl ott.I.Atk Vt mon l!oo d hi•· "''··'I tl ... ,, :f•l ,,,,. ~;Ioiii•\ \\tlll/1111 ''•1111 "ltoloolllw '"'"'I ,,, J .. ll•t I If· f:'t•t•d lu .. ,. ttf'lwo•t<n '"ll• "' I•' lt·f,.:o-.·.1 lo\ I"'"''•' "' h HHAitt.l··d :n d l:tlt.;"l. II ·•II•" I"' .,, ll<l "' • ollttl ."1 i'<'tR\II'Iool tr u•·i \' '"" '"'~'• \'II• It• 't 'ul' Ht•k••t ~"' l••t ~'~•·•IIV \• tf~ "''" f,,,t •••f•ot t• tau •1t•ttlVI"f'f'cJ I no dHIII!,t'.\o h<'I UI! Jll't fo·r I• •I. ..t\\ fu.fo• ,, ~ Al8o J•utt·nt,.. ''' H , ... , ..... " ,. '' -·1-1•' t ''' IS~tft,.,u '"'' ''"" d U~t~L ""·' ·"'~,. • III I )'Ut~ • aha4111t ~h .Prons -Fen :Attempt Is -Made ~:~:~ll: ~:r.,.:•"M'~ :t,~.~~ .. :~~~·~·~~~~-~~ ·~:::~~~::~;:: .. ;~~ ~;:<.~~~ .'~':~~~~~··~:::.:.··· .. ~~"-;:~.T:.~~ ... ,.: ... -~.!U_J:u!JL..,...I.r.LLL.._.;I:!M ...... ---4 I I a.·, Warranl·ed·, Says u. s. Eng'tneer Teo.· DB. r.Mea. kPo."sttooffice :.Coa-.:t)'s~l~ ... aH·~~~:~I'I"' .. r "" ... ,,,~·· ~~:.:. ~:~:.~·~;"~~-.::;:.',: H~~~ •• ~IM ~ •. ~·· ~ •• ::.;:::.'.:·~ .. 011"~:1 ·-..... ,"1:•.' ~"'""' .. ,. .. '''"·'''"I ~ ~ ' "r I' 1···1·1 II ~....... A"" ., II'. : (.ltoL .. CIIJ , ........... ~... rw-rttng 11n Aulo""'"'l" .. •.c.ldt nf, leavee A M k G I I """' ~· d I I b ' • . I I ~ I I I . I dllttht ,oo to the lA r 't njur 1!8 'I ( • rea a es rea es · 1 "i ' 11111 (1•, ~ 1 '' 11 0 " '"I •I •t~tln" .... u.ilt•n, In ~tt•mpt• 1111' llt'l1lt'nt1.,it,, :.;rto\l tit 'lltd do" tho• l 'nt\o•n.ll\ .,f 1'1tlt 111 "''' 111 1tt•· II• ,.,.,,. ,-,, 1,,.,,,,.,1 ,,1 11,,. ·" " '"!J' ,... v ~ ~ · \ .•• ,tl,'"llr·nl • 1 ' ,:--; •. " , ... ,.t 1 ~,:.'· · hi,, : :· '~,,,.i ;,:~,t~·:!:·" ~·,~.~~::.::::'~ ::: ,:.~::· ";.·.·.'~~ .. :~~::.:: '.~:;:,~~: Populalt·on Gat·n of Oran•e Counlv ';"' ~·" ·~:~ • .~::·:"'~,·~. ",·::.~:~~:··· ( ·~.:'." ~~~~o:··,;~~'. .. o~;~ .. ~~~p~::":~r. ~~1~~; 'lwo•n 11 'IIC 1 fl''"l''•rli"n' '" ·'' :\11• l lt·ril lontf,.l f lt)lol ol lh• ft 1 ""' •"''"""'"••t " nwr•• th11n "arrant th•' ri··C'I•t"n o~r 1no·1·r' I....... I I ·~·· hi ,,.,.,.,. MIIJ~ Pl'i!hlp be-Ing takl'n by COI\IIt which m ·,.r fl\'1' ~··ar~ a.:o approv· pnrt y -..:.-m•·• ;,t S•·:.l ~ommtmltiel 1n Oranjle Coun· .t.'<.l llw F l'tlcral ·dl'\'clupmo•nl IJr<,: :mrt t•t.i'rttt7•<l lfnwn th" ;ol th••rl);noflh•. N-pi•rt ll~trl.-•r '"'" ·••'It '''" fyl•·l't l<:l'•"''llolf ''"'"' "'"'" '1'11111 •1. S o·w Y•nk, rounta . I It It• 1111''11 •11111'1111•' . c:emtral lt~lltl••ll ,,., II •· .,;t•nl muu 1"" _ 1 j .,.. -, 1,, 111,, f.iu·lrfi l lr:>fh•·-nn,. .. y .. ••WI! ll~·t.'l,_.-~-~-1 ty whtn It <'Oml"'l to t'ltpllfl. )''t't h<'rf" wh.•n ll rPqtH•;.I fnr fund~ r<o:i't tfo t h1• r11 ~ ~~~· (•n ~ Ent.:m••r•r ., n and rtf'Vtlopmenl build· wa~ · pl11rrd lfSCun• t h•· hoard In R I. Pall"'""''"· I tr11n"•' <'<t1rnt y 1~ llllUIItlcs have 'bornr out \\'11~hln~:1on h)' thl' lat<• harbilt "r<J"t<>n uulhnrll~ 11n11 S••<'rl'tary Utl.e contention and now It li'Acifor. Gf>org,. ·A. Ro..:"r~ llrt rr\' Wo•ldt 11! 1 h•· llll"nl rham· I Thnt Willi the opmion t'XJITf'!o~l'll ht•r 'strop' ·w,.rr mM'-111 ~unt .\ I.e' I!Ubl!tanlated by rM"t'nlly ,.. ~" fl ( hv C'olonPI Elhntt J. Dl'nl. r('~· 1"08'1 cHIP' ~hN'f' thl' narty v.·a~ publlahed cenl!ue (UI'f'll nr · ~ ,_ tlJ lhland rlrnt m,mtW-r and !'rnlor m~bt-r "'"komNI hy rtty ofttl"llllll e IIOU ~·-1 of the· Unit~ Stat<'!' EroJ<ion Colonf"l Ornt nn1l pr~ny 1n· LOCAL LAD'I PHOTO 1 Jltw\rd of Wa.<htnstton .and. If m('m· SJI('f'll'rl th•• tii'A,.h hnr rro1m the ht-r of tht' Board ot Enll}m'ers :ltj S11nta Ana· nvl'r tn th'f" Ralho.1 The band10me f eaturell nf U\e thr tim<' Nrwport Harbor ~IM'5!· PPni~ulll durlntt thf' morning Thr younr ft,)'lal cadet pictured on f'd F!'dt-r11l a td, whe'n hr paid a nffldlt1 ~ht+ 1 t t-ntt ~ 1 he 1 'fiil'lll"· fllo(tll"oo iftollo al•· tl1•t U1,. u•l•·r .•ululll.: I'd :1 '11 rr•'",';,'m":~~.,:1': :,:., 111 1•" ~nr';:; • .JIID lJi P'•l''tlutl••n ti~' tl,o llr:•"IC'' ; ''""' 1111,, •·nj••V"ol 11 1,., 1:'' pHrl ,,, . 1 ·,J1111, 11,. r,.1,,,.,.,.1111 ,1 1 h•• ltrw II•Hl 1 .,,,,. .n lln•l ll "'"r•· •·•hiC'at I ·• .,...___ 1 • · I t 1 •·1 •· lllllt~lllu l11 lhttllf' lr11Ytnor, h h h ,\ doo -..-ty ('t.,.lllhll•· •lll'•"ll "·'"I'"" th• JIJ '• 1.,.,, "fll ,.,1,11h,{l•"l ""In ll ''"' Arruoo 1" 1111• n ••• ~''""' • • Ill r anr•· t r11111: I ,. rtltll1 r • r .. !o4 Wl1,.11 I••• '"""Y ''"r• IC•'l In the hut •hrl ""' ,,,.,.,.,.,1 A Jt11'<'1' ul t.n JMr" '~"""•" t •=""'" l'"''"""· r,..••r•l .. tl ''" Ill hill(<' ,·,~mty lUI " Ill Utr l rttrnlttl It~'\'"''''''. •·rv•• ,. IUiollf•l at """ t lnte, thriMI two ~u••l n:lllo·tl '" lht• """' ''' r•nabl•• eel tble "'"' k. ""''"I wh<~l,. l'"llllluo foor llt411 !!h•owll "I T it!' ,,,., """'"' "' ,,,,,. ""'".' lo,.ltf "·' "' "Y"'. ''' "Y'I attd tell tile rn•trtll:tt I''" Ill II ,l>~r•·• n rlu<'lF'. hrul lDdlcatlnl( ll•" •ld.,;lt' t r •·nol ••f '· ,,unt >' P'•rutat.J•,n ,,, I :10,7110 .,. tit" I>''"' ••f "lmll•••l"' ~ ••f t)),. ... ntrul boJMrtl A ln't lift> wonder. ,..,.,.n JJ r;•.,l lotf "PIJil rt•nt ly by ,_ .~lopm,.nt I•M "''' Ill,. ''•llJII '••mJllll"'l with 1111.1174 In 11130 I !li•·WJl'ttt llllrt"'' Ya• ht ' l•llo -' tur· jlln('h har. .,. &If! lhl' tn• ... ,....... '''''"''" I c .. n•u• tahulalft.ns r .. t .. ._u l hlll lnj( Ill• IIUtrr .y··•r• .~ ... "111hrallrd rut~ f'()!o."hlo• ronnl'('flnn hl•twl'f'n th<' UeDe ln C<IIIJilal tltl~'ll Wl'ek &how lh.et In· 11130, n vt In-~ frlrn•l" with y•rn• "' 1t11 ra llgn Oft etrtc. ftear aevert, r·f.t•m •·r> nf 11 'lnl••n r11r on CCMAI I Oran1e rnunty "llJ'•Y"" • ~taJn j' la nd (Jrantte ('ounly rtU"" ha•l l.,.rl .. ll<'"• Hnta, Caltrornll: QUI Dl. TO Htl(hWa\ ~tt liil(llwrty ~9 hy Hunt~ I at al»ut 12,0110 prr.,onll olurtn~~; t h,. " pr~rulatlton uf 112 6711 and thai Th•· •lrt """r•,l . I,.IIV<'II MOVIE: ITA Kt• HOM I. I , •"Ill Uft• tngton f~ar!t f'rl!l<'ro and Shf'rltr•' ... daeatlf', •rror•ltnJr lll thr tHO In 1910 lhl> um,. t ltlr• hAll e Mr• Atltllr Mnrttm <of *" It anotftar al ft roeedlft --------------~ " -..'ii:A r•,.lll rlt lre lle~d. It R • rr fir-ma•1cTi', ,.,IT,..rtll, Tlle preci'i'C;' of adcflne "le¥ ... none · J <-lty ottidal.tO anti . IW'VPNII yroung IJlt'n whn attMnpted to .._ oo.atllne rummunlllu I• """" thai lhrr., major c:om· <.;an&da, at the eiMI ef e.eq, ••be,...· oUter thaD Uta. of .llm•Y ~ Jn~ludfod In; Ul!::;JI81'17 Yhrit'f"J ctvlc ludt-r~ aJ luncheon. wtth br= .. •k IAto • raf.,.,_ hen~ warf'd ~r tnttrHtin'l' not. hi ~--inuttrtllootl. NrwP:,m l1foir h, IACUM --------lan't wiM. N-Yef'il ._.. .. wtM o1 ~boa Ial&nd-tbe pltGlo ....... ~~rt Harllor w ith Col<>n4"1 M11ynr Irvin Gfoortr Gordon acti.PII aw11y l)y-ttW-pTI"fJW\I'Tnr who re· at ~ Toqo popul•lt<"' fCIItn b_y th.. flf'•rh iantl llunllntt•.on ~ac-h, I..•· It y H•JIC"rl "' •· 01., u.n,.. • 11r1 efta wae te '"'-l'talft -.... taken ·by ~rton Duncan.. wtll l Dent wt'f? Profr~$0r Murroudl as hmt. Followtnit lunchf'Oft. the' pnrt~ly Wt,.ldl>d • I(Un. ln'l thf' -.&)' eoutllnP •.n~ wu. the had " tr,.&l prtpulall"" ,,, 7,1174 P.•lf"'""" r,.turn,.tJ r;, h"r h•fllle ~fta wMic·and ae fell._.: "Caftftet 1caown pbot.or"&pber of U\t' Ia. O'Bnm of l_hr Erosion Boarj. and parly hoar!'l<od hollt ro r a two-hour n·ar nf thP 11t>&nttonf"f1 car olfkln'J ~-"'-d tn,.rPAM' • ,,, N-port 1n 11130 an!l. thAt a t••taJ tA 12;8.141 I•"' Hun•l•y r .. u.,wtnr a w•k .... Jimmy. •ring ,My f~ If land COIIUDWUty. head of the cnlfrwering staff of trip around thf' harbor. • taunt! a pinch bar end otMr toob . ll.cla i.Dd (;o.U Mu•. two,, of Ule wu r~OI'd~ In 111(0. 11.,.n1 J n · Y.l <.:tontrot. you ,.. love.'' _,., __ .. ~· ............. ·-·--·'"'· ~.-. ., .... -;-•. -~ ..... · ... -., ... ...--...-.. ,r.-~ .... -.~:;:;;:c;::,,_,.,.,=·~=-~ ... ~';:a;o::~•v. .. fn~~.-.~~':.o;;:1~;;~;;~;~~;.;..;===•ft-::=;;;~;;.;.;,;;...;~.;~:.:,.;..~=~~=-..1••.,.;.;...;.....;.;..;;. __ ... _ ... _____ ~...,.~1 tt he .... ea ;au.~ •. -... -........ ~ ...... _ ..... ..... ' . ,. .... "'1-• . . ,-. ' '-· ,., . . .,., , .. ' . ~ . ~~RT. BALBOA__NEWS.~, Newport~· California, 'ft!ESDAY .• JANUARY 141 1941. .· I · . ... ... {,... NEWS-TIME.S': .... L._-:_T E N N ..l WJIIERS -N·A MED-ll-U GU IG -T 0 U -.-. ~--~--~----------~-------~~~~-----+~----~~~ 1---L· __ Pinkley ~in• AII-Ev~t Tr_gp~q<~~Siilort~Ciult ledsv With _-· lo SaoJlea; Caldwell and Hoard Traumph In · •1 Doublei"; Kinafatber Plumber• Win Team' P~ize. ~ Garden Grove "In Last . ,, .... ,. . . . . . . I ThP Varl'lty lind r.lu8 n hlill• The last ball smasherl thl' ptnt'wood m lht> special holt-ketball teL!'IMI of th.-.· ' Nf.wport cbJy bowling tournamt>nl at lh<' Sportlanct Allt:'ys last Sunday Harhur Ullltln High Schr•nl hoarot. nigtk a.nd winn<'rs wen~ announ('('d Monday by Munagl'r c-d ~~~~~ tbla atte~CM•n. Tue~~<lay. Cha . lo mv&de Garden ( .rnvl' fnr thi'lr unc~ · Df'\J~k . Hand~omf' trophic~ Will llf• awarded this lut pradtce g&m .. twfll~ tan..: I· week l he winnc•~-tng In tbt'lr tlrat !4un•wt Lc.·Bj(Ut' •. --,,.., ... ~ • • _ _...!_ t gam,. or tht Y~·•r at Clrangr nC'xt of ~80 ~'rhta y · .... ,. ....... ,_. .... IIOIIIIEN nSH MARKET 11:1E1To1Y liME IS HERE.!··: 0 their. supplies and require them quickly and effec.iently. Thf' .varaity will .ll<'o•k t .. p<~llsb ~have laid in a complete stock of su~h .forms and among them list a few, as follows: . ' . ·Columnar-Pad. -.. § ...... wl&tl ~,u,·e ~~ ped o(:SO · ,10 coiODuls with dest-rfpUn s~, pad of 50 11 eohaoal .. wtth dNcrfpttv• "~*"'• pad of 50 -, It col .... with dNcrlptln spacP, pM of :SO _PENCILS All , Degrees of Hardness .. a nil -· I -· PH:tLS II U_ -=1_0·.'-.lll Me Me- .7:k '7~ QualitY Pllonea: 12 or 13 ... NfJ!POrl ~h, Calif. ~ .. -· l . ,_.' .: ' ~ ~ rhRrnJ!I<•II19hlp. .t~>frAted Jordan HIKh !'lrhool ~·f Long Beadl, Ia. 1l1C1ttln.: tht' raltber Qt team U..· S•llorll will be f,n•wt tc1 meet. From p~U~t hlst<~ry of t.hia · -· "on. rh~tnn•ll fpr a 'VIU'IIIlJ ,.tc- tory will oh.'J><•Ild upon how _11tnlll• a He!• team (Jntllltt' can ....-.., ~h•••1lll · c '1111< h lt•·••.t t>t!llew bAa H••t•s •·at~r•ltlt· "' w1nnwg wtt,bout Boomer's Bombl>rs United ldoloMI Penlnaula C'lub Klnafather Plumbt'MI Th\.l~ay. League w L N~t Tburwday nlcht tbe New- port Harbor UD~ Hlp SchOOl BuM Leacue wtll pt unilitWay lor boya dMirtnc to play buket- llall but "bo are not playing on uy Nl'\llu team playing In ID- te~c com~tlon. 'Tbe pme~~ .nu be held 1m- after . ~~ebool e a c h Strikes p,ares .• ,... Tflflttc~ay League Dr. Luca.;. -ttaiek'a 0 . ~ 4n-~73 0 . Beddome Bt. Cicero ·63~ 466 B. ()quiet :S. KeT?er (AI 630 477 ~-Welah Tot. Spqt M 111-MH42-m7t 844-820-839-l:M)J SporUand 31 13 ~·a Mkt. 17 R. Morrison ~78 ' 517 20 B. Jl'ry 433 432 2:1 SportJ&fld Olckerll' HutchlnJIOI\1 I.Al Starck· 1 · Ca.fe 27 Lucu Kefl&nl 24 Pop'a Market · 19 13 A. H~ Lowell to Become Air · Pilot Instructor . -....--::::--';~·-•.. 162-771~16-2319 MoNally'a B. McNally 343 GrUnD do """"" 334 _·,;ne.v•na p.~ .• lt Tot. Spot_ .. 8~2-828-7 18.2391 . I TeWinkte l D. Ooprty 363 To Bowl Latf'r B. Noller 487 ... " .. 566-721-19:7 hal bHn rtytng !!IN1' 1937 •. O\'t'r Lowell·~ tnllk route .. - -~ -----A 1tlarry H111mad hH · lawlinc· ~i : ~~~~; lnMWnesl --learly Pail . ~ ... . . ,. tiS the rt-sult of an c>lt>cllon held 1n. 11 mt'f·t•ng Friday aftrmoon Hammond: Brehm. at lilt'-Chamber offices. . 0111 ' anti Fras-T' i .;;-mmandl'r c. ·v--:--i"iccarty. trn~ar-rover11 dt' 1' S. ~ r~>tlre<l, was namrd fl 1st rHidenta, also · own homea In thla I Vl<'l'·p~t>sll'lcnt : Carl DRnleU!on . rlt y and. • durmg the put , year seeonL "vlC~:JlfUide.nt; ¥'· B. have taken an active lnterat ·In J "Bill" Jonu . ll~ret&ry-treuurer. j the organization.-- . Honorary dlreetor8 1u e A a ¥r. Hammond tt>cenUy-tnfonn. Rou~t-111'. W. J . 'Neblett of River-ed local mem~ra that bla annual and A. J . Twlllt·.· Director. -¥aealioo l.n b.la Newport H&rtM>r __,....____ . Wall e T. Wuton Ja . home has never been u enjOyable -· "· ra.lnger Hy . H. B. Woodrougtl aa Newport Helghta. J. 0 . Wat. rMUit of ·the lawn bowling facU- ltlna. F .. J . Brehm of Riversldt! ltiea now available b~re .. f and D . FuHerton,olao of Rlvenide. Many other IIUmmer ntsldenu Committees lncl~. game11. W. from tnland communities have ex- v _ Jonu. C. H. Way and C. • H. pressed the IllUDe opinion. club i H~•pkina : grei'NI. Percy Wilson. ofrlclale declared. . 0 . F. WllliamiM.In. and w . E · Noteablt> achievement during Spicer: t!ntertalnmt>nt. Lonnl; 1940 ~;all the reduction ot the . _Yinc:ent . Sam Kin11falht>r, w. L. ·club's lndebtednns from $7~ to 1 J ordlln. C. H. Way. Mrs. Mollie a mere $25. The club. organl~ed Jones and Mrs. F. J. Bri'hm : pub· two years ago. lnlti11Uy apent lld ty, Wt'lch and S . A. about $1400 In starling the lav.'D - HO TEL MAN X • ' • ,., .. A .. -p • ...... -Cerlot ••• ~ tfte Blue ley of Monferey end wortd-femoua 5evettteeft-Mile Drive ••• btet ~ $2.50. .. PiAN YOVR. . - ~/P tAsr...ttl(£-rHts: ' ..... 10 CHlCAOO • tr• "'--ly ~--..... dtlac ...... k'-.... dldfty.• 3. ·-----·· .............. ,__m.au..... ..... .., ............ CllrlaWc....,. ~- ' * * * 4. ............... _, ..... ...... ot .... ~· •••••• * laiiJDII'I lUAU -.. ...... • toe a ... ,, c~a....W'd--. ..... .. .......... cu. • .. CHJCAGO_ ~39~ $61 llOuNDTII, . ,,.. llellfiU. IJUIII•IIIWAIMII _._.1\f .... ,.. ........... ........ ---k__ .............. ,a& ... lallllaltiC ........ -...... ,_, rei10aal»>a. 1••• ... _.aclflc'• ,,. * ... QOUI ......... lor-- • ... AlaO ....... _ ,__ .... ~ .. --..,.,.-~---:--·IS----=1 '. I. Newport-Bal~ · .. NEWS -TIMES Publlahfod E\'f'ry TUf'toda) and Thu~ay .o\rtt moona • --Club Program ~SHOT 8¥-IRAi'-I Next 9ub.erip!ien Payable In-Adva~.SG pt'i"--YN in-~ Coun~y;--~ •. $2.75 per )'CUr .'l) 4th ZOOt'; lJ.()() pt>r year to 8th ZOOt'. Somt'thlnjt unlll'lll\l Ill 1n lltO!'t' : . -25c pt>r month by carrier. for mtmbt'n '(If lhl' U&tbutt C"am ... l • • • ' ,;,..In !\1,.,.,1 ;-,;, . .,.I"'''' IIII I ""' Entt>red as~ond..Ciass mattcr a t the-P~t.office In Nt>wport-B<'ach. l'ra C'lub whton Hu~th ltueail'r HO~OWWER :·';'"' "'1 11 1 h•'lll~ ",".'k'''"~''."~'. "r' 1! or IS .SELL _.,.... ______ . ae,.. ... Callkm'llar~ -the Aet--ef ~ 3. 1819.--I II a.k.a-wr.orc the (•rnntutiOII . .. .... r lin' I"".'~ ··~ . 1!1 ( 11~ ".' '1 ':m,. • nt ht 7:30 m Jan --. •:-,•h•• 1 h'l!ll-•' I"'""' • llll•'f»-( ... 11. S. A. MEYER EDITOR AND MANAGER ~71 t} ..,.111' ;...h "· 1·,h.... 111111•"'· "~th 11 ,,., • !"pu•••• ;,, 1 Print'-ft Pla IYV\0 w ~ II •• ... arman" '"0 ' I PuBLIC .NOTICES MustCA.L 'I R u,. nt, .... uo . Avenue. Newport Beach, Callromla r~ hi Studio. Balboa Inn BujhJ:· l pm~:np11 •' 1111rmnn 1 NST UMENT8 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~p~c~~~ 1~r nll·r~~·· ~~~~''"~ rrl7•' lrn ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -llh .~'1lllTfohrmlt•rtly -.~1 Inability tn """ to u-. ·bar· I""' <>ltrnii'iiii"ti~lln, iwht 111 ' NOTICE OF l,.'tENOE.O QRUT JANUARY ,,.tANO aA\.& A De__.._ ... _ • _ 1 •-.. t .. _ ....._ -nf'rlf'll w ... e ec n ro ,,,. , • 1 • • '"" --... s 1 1 • t .--'\l,poo .. ...., ......... ao low --r~~--.....::...,.._ ______ ....,. __ ·a__: ... :.:.::...•..: .. :.:.:u.:"':=""_:_~''.:o:...r_~:.:...·e~.r:....:SS=-·".::..."a=":.:.. ____ · t Ul I day llJt;ht wbtch cau.d llila tD · pn11 1101 wn' l"''"''"''..t Tht"l'C 11)'1 MO.'(OA\T& "t ~.n Lc:~ulon and w.. ~ak ''" tako• " walk, ~eulted ln lbe .._. "'"'n h• A I. l'lnklo;.\ h) 1\tt~w I • •• ••· .,..,.,., •• •••· -' I Color Phututn'aphy -1 ...... ottwro at '"'· ••• •10 ....... II merl·ca Trea ... ·nc Path of . JIWOf'r (If a nlhhta ~tJO&t ..... iiO:•'I' 'nllUOI') l>"M'k h;•(un• lh·· U~r leetl¥' J4.40 Civil Code -Tllfo lo • cltaow:o of a lifo-• Attending thl' t'&ml'ra club eea·,11hot in lht' ahouhler w~ 1M WM I<:I"UJ1 . of the ltat• of California. . l •lon lut •tnnday nljtht Wt'n' IIIII · mlt'hk<'n for a "peepm. tc.". A1 llllr\'nlh nn•l llr T P Rl .. 'll••r ''""' Do not wall. c..... "-· 1914, AIL-.. Lt·ons Speaker teen memtlt'ra Jndlcalillj{ lbt' I TnF fi'fl111''rl\&ml' -war .......... WUT mtrqJuct"l ns nrw rnrmbl'f'll NO'DC"F. I~ tt,;nawy tH\~ ~::::: ~':. ~ ~:;:~~=:~ K;J 1 widnpr.-ad lnlt'l't'IOt bc.'mlt d~-wtthh;oli1. I" 1'11•'""'11' ll•·m' Kn•~··r 1111l•• Thllt \\'llllarn Arrl,.r tnt,.,;.(,; to ' Deoclarina thai hn, tiki' thr .. ~.lt • k ... I _ _, n I v~lot-J In the ~neal organutatlon. •.LL. I T t -.I '""""' 8 .. • •• lilt' l.ltlll' hollllvi llll't'IIOI: '"" mnrtjllljlf' to llu<ljtf't •'lnAnrf' l 'lan ...... .... 108 lfc. .. .. ..... SJX'a <'r "''<' iln·u. te C'urrent which recfiv«'a thl' technic&! ad· -.-au rot'a t'r "' .....,. _ .. _.,.lt·hnn..:•o;t "' F ruh• nt"hl · I> :Ill h I -- ma)O. rily or tho Am<'rl('an JIUblic c•olumnl•t . . . I ' r . J)riV n.owt-• to . poa·---· . ; .. . . t •• (llllnWIIll( •• ,. .... ru .... t l"'rltl>l<l\1 PJAI\jO ••La:. J ....... ~ c> .. raiOc. ,~ • . ~ s gl\<' a \an t'> o pte-, vtc-c flf f'.d ChapmiUl and llrg " """~·..... --._ 11 m• nt tb••l~<•m•· ••I Mr nnol l\tno •rt wr1\' .,.~tt • was ·con(u~ ovrr lh<' pn·~·nl !UN'S of th<' prcS('n t \4 0I'Id situ· While of tht' BalbnA Photn ~r. at)(>ut 9·1~ p. m. bt' •w a tlace l ''··~m 1-'trkn .. ~·"1.1 1\t•• 11 I 'I · \!.." I 01 •••d• '" .,, • ., 00 6 ",... •• 11 "' World ~Situation and t hat ht< was auon. ma!W'g 11 ~icult to ..:a in I vice WIUI thl' ,.u.-m~ ' bv l ilt. tht' ~nduw ~ ht. bOIDt • ._. {.'. •·-Wull .' PI,:.U ;,111 t.:l~11111111111• All "'t"'""'""t lo...:al«'•1• at 1110 •• '": t-t&, tJ•. t4t, e&r. ••• nsklna· quc'l'tions whit~:,u -s still 11m· trul' Information ~ · r ing na••••W> llt'·aaw a ·mu ~ _ 1 Wam ~tr .. ct.. UalboA.. LaJtfumiA. . -f.,,.,. D•"' ~llnudt Pia"~ Co 1 ReAL EaTATa FoR SAL• -' '"'a-A\. _..,?ATS 1'0"' aAL. .. ,.,.. ,. ... ,,.aula T.-. t 1t4t1 t '"• ... Ocoo•" ••w. "" 1tte1t1 Atl aieu, • .,_... fM tfll .&. H. Wall-. - W . c..t• ~»lmlllulblt>. Homtr Chanty lpoke \\lt I . . I I camt'~l'nthUiriiUIIJo from l"anl& "--c" • __ ,._.. llll tnohll't'll lh•• "l"'akol . lt.<n111•r-( ~ nf • <rr111111 I'Afr lll"""'t ~r lin •wn NO .... o•th ""•'"• t>••"• An• '---ll~flft"tt~rhl!!~o~o.lltllr-~fl·--.ff-;,..,rrr-l",~n Y an• t II' Aml'f;ICi\11 Jl('JP c Ana 11• An .,..,8• 1 nln~o: dowa t hC'· 11tr~ and .,_. n 11111,,) • ' • I l l1frt"'111l> Tnlcrf<JtiS C:UIIt't'f'ihi~ -----t-m ttiJ t !ta ll I totct ---I <lr 1,1111 A \ IOC'a C'\J ICJI.Ifc bo U C hi . . . Sub .. •rt un•h•r t'Onlllderatlnll 11 " ' ' "" •t 1 ~ ·t II ~ t tn':f:+-------~----===-l---.IIUIL...JI6M~~ ... IKJ..__.i:JIII. ___ ..:_: Har r ons lub nn t 11 •·oun· th(' production of au·crart for eli'· " 1 1 The• man rC'fiiMd to .top -ud ''" n •'1""'' In 1~' (I Y l• try·a near futurt' f••n"''· Whr arl' !<0 manv r••m rlw1· wa;. l'hnt!'j;trl\rht(: Paro•r ltnl Ill! ht> took a ahM at then~·---·• Tw W :r• 1~ '('uunly uf llt·an.rf' "f I ACCO"DION "'"" on I.,. • \'144'11 With Rt'g \\ hlte 811 IIJW&kt'r D " .. -, 0· ay 10 "'I . Chan<'y, a rnrmo•r Wl'll known in~ ro•tlOrt,; j,!IU<'<! by our ~OVt'm· • . TruNtlo·.r tnrurmt•d pollee.. TroeM.er ...... lfomlfl, ""'' lllftl 1111 f''\l'tlll•••l 1 Orang<' county mRn und now or nw nt nrfw•als .• hr qul'nl'd 7 Th•'n Jlrlntll .,.., r•: t•xhlllltP<I '•Y' ultJ tw U~W•I a .2:: caliber "'J''Ul. Stolen FrO mun..:~t..:•· .. t lit•· "'u•w \4111 two ,,,.. Los Angell':,. n 'Cillln ) tlw dll),. 11f Th.r·n· hn~ IH't·n a d••Cinill' r lutJ m••mho·t ~ With lht•lr "'''"'"I _ · If\ C'l<'d .. n.t tho· • """''"'"'""" . . .. d l . ..~. 1, .• L • Th1• n•·xt m ornlntc. the YkU. Bo ''F]y '' 1914 wtwn war lt><IJl'" tu tho• ~.tll.an~e in uUr lJh&loeophy, ('hanty anu rnlf'rl " ,,..>nj: l ''" llt<llt'u ) , , a• • Alf 1, l11o'lt•f.,t 1'111•1 ftl l 2'liH u't'lo'O'k -Wl•rt> o u-miw{'() nnil llw "rnmtnl 'l'hftr~NI. This l:<'lll'r:llion h~,; not lhf' JC'I'O<lJ' IUhl 'ttwy Wf'~ ju<l~t'd I ul Ttqel!Ur A markllm!P'•blp I::; ... '-.1 ~ Nthtll Ill' t'rhliJ.)'. UIL' l11b diU' ~:ymna~tks" whff'h tlw puhlw llt'l'' tlu• ,ami' Afllt'nr<tn aiii1Ud<' that ' by Chllpman nn.t Whitt' 1~' Uu• ~'"11''" ttllt\inn and to • ---· . ••f Jllflllf\f\', 11141 111 7111 W lith (ormt'd lo lw t·o•udy It• j111n in I hi• 'Plll'r•••l nn our a. nct•stor.o p1•11plf' Flr1<l 11r.d Wl'untl pln.o·.·· fur l hn1 1 tu·,•r~< hP htt•l .:on,. for a ~I Rll)• Klmhnll r<'t'l•r1•••1 t. o t~·lh•l' l<t trf't tn lhl' 1 'ltv "' I,;•~ AnJI••I~>•. Europl'!tn war. tudli) Wan!.5L'C.Urity lind ai·t• will· t'VPrllnj:'ll o•xh1b1Cion wt>nl tu Hill 81'"'" 1"' wi<JO un~tblt> to aleep. ~Atur.llly 1hfll 11 '"'"·"II" ••ulln {'c>unty pf I~·• Art~o·l•·~ ~·,.urur. A~:ain, hr r)('(')!trf\11. wr un• br'in~: rn~ ro t't·l Sl\m•'<>n" t•IS<" WVI'I)' W ill Smith nr llalb<JII lrlruhl ~~·hlh·t ~l' w~ 1'11""1n~ thl' t't'llkleftcle at i.'t htul l:lt'o'n f!l••lt•rt (l't\111 nhnlll'\1 rua told that th l· tJ. S . mus1 aid lht• u ll<tul 11. Majority of m••rl WRnl a 11 phot•ll(raphcr IIY Jl'rry l'11r·k8.1'·1"119 So·tulhOrt' l>riV<'. th• I'QIIoD t.ol4 tho• fl•hln~ hollt. Fl~···r That, lhr tt•l.tr1·../1•t AHiol 1111ori· rlemocruci•'" if O.•mcK.Tilr~· '' It\ ~l>eKI tob. hut ft·w w~nt to ~n intn one of lht• )'ulln~•·r nwmt>4't'S of 1 pullet' hr AAW " lll(ht In a bed-f'nllrr Wl'rr ln(nrnw•l that A • 1:1\lt"r '" 4:'11111 ~""'" t.honh·• lth•11, ll"£'\'lltl. I nm a n Allll'f'll'llll ·•n•l hu"'"''"" r.,. tht•ms~~. C'hant•y tht' c•rJ:anl7"'11on. WDIO Ul'l'lalm•···,rnHm wrn•low an·d . went -... boat from N•n lllt•j.;ll h••' h·~· In 1110' l 'lty uf l.t•ll Allj!t•lrll, t ......... likt> thc majority o1 nth•·~. :r war pulntl'd out. thhd. J..akc..&. look. UW up DI!AT Ute Fl)'cr B.L lh"-liUh.t ..,.. nT -r..n~r ~~ll"'•'"· Rllltr• ''r t~fll\. roml'"· TWill folluw and 11)' 10 cJo P••rhnps thr pn•s.•nt lr('nrj rna/ · ---Thto vtc-llm 81lld Troellter'a ._ atrHt lan.tlna-tu ul when """" 1 f11rn!&. IUlol thr 11thlrf'Ait uf aahJ h1)' btl.~l!8id 'Chan.>y, hut now I hi> for thr ~t. Soon Amt>rica may Vl~ltln& hf'rf' fn•m fo'armln~ton. 11tru<'k him In lht> ahoulder, ~ thl'rf', th,. 1-,yr r "'"' t ... m 1h:htly m••r1II&IIM' 111 7tll w "l h .. ,,...,.,, am ~km~ t he answl'r.t to c1t>ar .l<'rk to lift• and rcalilf' t ht' fWlth hiJ! f!IAtrr. 8Jl<l brolhrr·m·l&w who l't>rdlng to pollr e ht lltal.ed: -lnMif'd A 10hurt .uu"' l&.ler thllt I Ill Jhf' l '\ty of 1..;140 Au11rt.-.. c •011111• lhc ronfuswn. '1t u treading is toward a tol&U· art hol.l.llt ~IJt•etl! or Mn Nora: "ol be11C'Vt' Troealu wu ....U nll(hl. tbt' F) yea v.·u founo.l un· t y "' l.t•• An~rrh•• ... tat,. ul f'ali- Wr arc a!lkNI to ba111•· to ~11\'1' ta rian rorm or govemll)('nt .and New Mt>Jlil'o. an• Lufer Hobtort•. within hl11 r1l(ht to abool U14 1 IOC'kf'd, thl' 15 w~tll rt"lll\.lrA.nJO. r .. n•l• drinocracy tn South :"mcnca, hut ht'<'Oflll' n slrangl'r [)('mocrary in· Margwar1h 1 ciUl't 11M' what m11de me dct ..-mltiM' llllt't rrrrlv••r mh,.lnto: IUhl l P atr•l JMuary 7, 1~1 ~t of th08t' countnel' nN• !:mHII '-tcar1 or ht><'oming wt>akP.r duP to the San Dlt'IIO llo•&t 11•on•· • Wlu.JAW Al'l'l..l'.:tl. l htt •• • h••ut y Come at one» O•n• !k hutldt ••••no Co • &~ No•U\ M••n !JI; .. , •• An,a tOI Uc. PIA!"~ SALI -N It• "'PI: [ Yft• ~ ttiA,O ttn t"il IAie &ptn~lleo oh•l ,., tt1M . 11 •. •IC I Olo l o Ch!'OU l•of!" •I dtf. 'f•• •"' l'r-'(""• Qig•ntlc •••...,:.. J-,olu•• y, IOI • 1"'8' tla)le o"l)l o ... , t~och..,ldl Pl·a,.., io.. _,. J ,...,.,,., Maon, I•••• An•".J91 t~. _: PIAI\jQ &ALS-Otalldo ae low ae .,. I" m•ct"lflcont co,.diU•n· ... .,uru• ,.,. r....... •r will .-... t •• .. 00 • "'•"'" o ..... klln•ull ,.,.,.o c.., .. "'~" Mlln, aonla A"a IOI.ttc. P IANO, LATE a TYL I ,. - R .. l ••••••· '"au••-...... ,.. m ll•-' c. .. ••••· •• , ..... .......,., , ,.ewport ..... tn. 101 ..... • REAL ESTATE FpR -RENT. -o.•••"'T celd, co __ , •are '"' ,... - ....... l .. ofllle~Pw ...... ..... . .................. ~ . -.... . OCMfiiT YI\.LA, <:at._., .. • Ottl' ,. '"!'" ,,_ ....... ..... ...... ••-"'•lllo t:e .... W . L . .1~ -.~-...... ..., .... ,... .., ..... djctatorshlps. hc pointt'd out. .OUr 20 )'E')lFS o( <'as)' gOlnlt. t.hl' spe-ak·, H I . w·ll " c . Wnr1 .. ~ lt>a~r lt'lls us Wt' mu,, j:tl\t all c•r uidtcated. ow IZI I arve. • lhlnl(" orru•rtJO .... nt t hf' vk -III'I '!; .. :T FINANC'"Io~ l'l~AN. __ lu.,Aid EoiJarut~ bl.!t ts_ th•• t)'flC' ol l lim to a phy11trlan "'ho r"l"'r1r•1 1 L 1 l..rth MJT 1 Oc:mocraA:)' in En~:land worth th~ --~f ~-~ -.~-·~ ~ l~ll ----· . .!.. nat ton gambhng 50 hillillll• of !k>l· Asa Rtoed Is ept>ndlng Hveral IIIII I DCIF abslolder bl•l• An X·l'llY wu In Jan-14th. 11H 1 ~- ,... ... ,.," ... ell. ITa 01 to•r • .,.. Uro bal•ow;e O.IIW tM ..... 111ft• •d Wt ••• Ct llc,..tl Plafto C. , • 11110', \l>ne";.~._daiO. T.Jiii--11-:-:--------------.--.:::.; M1scaLLAN•oua lars and rrullions Lf tiv1-s!. ru.ked wtoekll herr with membera of hl111 be ma~ boo fur• nrrrslln~ tu rr- Chancy. Invasion is ~~~~irl.~<'d:_ family. . l ,_ move the INd aluJt ll('ll<>hlf' rrnl uf a no>lonou• F U,RNIJURE SERVICE but many countti.:s around ~o.>t•r· "MM~ Y\. H. I'TUity borne In NfW· -t-ey--FL~fiiT..WOOO nr-toflit~ ~ t rnll"' ,"~-.£ra.ru:.e. many have not I>N'n myallt·d. M•li·ll port Hf'lgblfl wu lbe acene of HttiC'r appt"ar11 onc-1' more to ltor prefnl"f'd by f'llhf'r t•rty In-lltt'", "•Y• l'l,.rl't' La&ar,.ff, For· t&ry Ncperts diff<'r on Informal len a g&la party Thuraday nenlnc !lave tumal hl.ll att.tonllon to -.. --...o volved In th" lncldt'DI ( mflr f'dllur nf lh,. f"H'lNit n-•: c:onct>m lng the U. S. defenses.! which wu attended by many ot • aout.he&et.ern Euro to be rt· But tht' Soviet envoy r.t-paJ"'r ~n .~ran<'r. and tfolla th• -..... ~ .......... AIM ........ --............. e_. ......... _. Everything ~Wems confu-.N. I hi' their-Harbor fr1endJi.. pt'. t Pr1 .. 'home, and there Ia every ~ The Orand ('any•on nf lh" <:'Oio-lntlldf' at•-or Ufte of h•r f.-, pared If nl'l't' .. ry t'Y~n o 1• to believe now · that thoee .....t. -·' t.Mrf' t~ poe!llbUtty of a wr1aua tnga proved entirely abort! ... At rado Ia tAe pllliU\til-dutinaUon nuwt ,. .... lro• ln l ha doubl .. .-.• - diaagrffment with Sov~t Ruaeia. 1 that Ume. too. F!Jlland &Del • ot Kr. ADd "''" J'rNlon lJuncan l llluatrat«<ll ftoatur.e In 'MI• .Amtr· B1si1as 11~ Profession1l Directory ••"!'It .... lhll"t r-tvNn11,.., floe-. ...... ~ ....... ~ -- c""'•• · a<WI v•u--.... Da. Jr.ALPII D. HOARD ...... 11 ............... ..... ~.ve.M. ..... pa. OONBAD RJCII'I'IiB \ ....,...... ......... Galee 1., 11M I!MNet M_...n ...... ...,.: ••u ..... A ·-~-. ............om. Ill; ~..,,_, "-~~••••• H ....... - lltorwJ ... I ...... 1 ot Balboa laiA.nd whn left Wf'd-Iran Weekly. thf' m .. utr.e dhl- lnalatent hav• ~n the rum.. alice of Rumanla were to b&" .................. " ·--•• ,I ... ' nteday f« th• farnf'~t to t,f'1butf'<l wiUt n .. t Wef!ll'a Loll orw tbat' Jlloecow ADd Berlin have been thto price of Scwtet ~-._._ J..,ac)wd an a.c-auon wJlb the ula. But u.. IIW .... pawto.. AncetH l'!aamtner Ad•. Hous8WA"D cord .-herebr obvlouely wu not. . auiGdenUiJ tbe N•sla.hl•b. to 1Dclude pre..U.I' tbaft It UMn _.., ~ t fi .-1 ~KJptM at a ~ Y1ctc117 ewer m.lllt&ly oceu-Br1\&1n very mt.Kb ... bou7U~ patton. wbUe, Ttwretore the pollllbillt, aiaU In ncbaDp. that Stalin will ftOt ~ hla R\1.111&& would p revtou-tnte1'TI!12Uan t& ...,. LIM be .,tven a Bulpn from olberw1M eefU1a tr-ee band In aubmtMioo to the NuJ ~· wwW &leo receive the wW. Now. tbe JI'Uilrer m.IPl IIGt Rumani&D pro¥tnce-of Molda¥1&. tum b&c:k to wutem J:u,.,.. M Under Hlller'a lalelt plan, ap-be did before when f&eed wWa parenUy, Rurnanl& Ia to leiU'll $t&lln'a oppoaiUOD. - OJ' 'I'll& lew;.rt IJl~l . I~S-TIMES --where QuieJdy, lnupenaively ·and EMily You May Diapoee of That Unwanted Item. ... pO.eALa .............. _...,..r.-..- . Ma~w.....,. -"'CA ....... . ,v-~ f"fleMm.M ....... , ...... ...... ~fll 5'oL• -Hu•IUI. ~ ,_. • .u,,, •• .,, ....... .... 114 AIM" .,.,._, c:.&a .... . HOUSf.WIVESI - L..., -1"' .......... ter• _.. ............... w._. ............. -...... :..,.. .......1 ............... ..... ................. -..,..., - w. Ciiit ............. .... .... -""" ,.., ............... . ,..... * ....... --. ... fJIIf ............ ................... ,._ .............. "-"' ... "' llJJ'I ...... u -· -.......... -. .,.,. .. _... ..... ...... a.. .... -· "-"'--"---.... ..... AIAX Afllc:AM-c._. w ,._. ,...... ~ .............. w..- !W~ ~ ............. 1U ... i ... AJ .. A,..., 1tt ,._. ....... . ... .. ... Dr. Oordoll a ONMJ ..,,,0 ........ .. tully the con.eequencu of colla-GermADy need.~ BulcVI& tor boratlon with the Nul conquer-~v~l ~. The Italian dia· on. The' RumaniAD atate I• to be u\o.-.-tn Alb&lilan and Ill Ubfa P. V. PAa-apln. and thla Ume completely. may -u b&ve broupt U.. Huf.a w 1, ....... ._ .. ~._ ,....._ ..... ..,.,.., partitioned PortloDJI of Rum.anja to the point wh•re they f•l tJM •n;; ~ rrc.t. ~~ Will be allotted to Bulp.rla. url'e.ot nKe•tty for -.,... Jut CaD 12 or IS And We'll Do the Rest fl---ET-~-T-O_C_K------------I-,i~--·~--~---~---... ~~;; .. ;;.,,~~----~ .-.. .....--· a .---...,;;; .... !f ................... ... .::9-lnl A.-. at Nllr .. ome;e lln.:t•u a.a.: •·• ~ ............ 11 RABOLD 1L GRAUEL aiAITL "We OuntNea the Better Serve Dr s.r.lnc OtMra BHt" . .._.l'f_,o~ Ml c.---. OaWonlla I ~T T ~ C.O ttOMI, """''"''' A. OfC. ,._RTY A'T "'"" HOU~l. . - ...,_. ..._ Watell • .,,... to Hun&'•'Y ADd to Ruata. -.:..-•~~' plture. 11\e C?CCiji.Oori GeM ~ remalndt'r. and It Ia a aalto bet of Bulprlk wo.uld-nn that ....S. .:,. oe.-.,,.,.. that thla will lnt'lude the oil fl•lda. while. at the ,.me time· \be ALL WORK QUARANTDD I• to be placed under direct ~r-arrlv&l of German troope at lbe ROY'S BABBD SIIOP FonMrly at Balboa llland NOW Located at- ·~ Mc:FaddeD Place Near Pit>r Entrance NtwpOrt Beach man rule. Greek frontier would be npec:Wd Thla Ia the ckoatlny of lbe BaJ. In Bulln to brine Athena llll· kane u forecut by Genn&n ptedlat.ely to an acceptance at a apokeemen. But SOviet a.cqulu-Nul dictated peace with lta11. cenoe lD auch a .chen~e Ia far A toni' nr1d!! neaTfl' would HU- rrom .-Jred. It mu•t be remem-ler be to pl&Dtlllc upon U.. tu- bered t.bat oa a p~vlou. occuton lh«'r ebore of lbe Dard&Dellea UM Berlin jubiiADUy proclaimed that IIWUtlka atuct&rft• But for the a cotilpltou ~ord with Ruaala Soviet eucb a development would bad been reached. when, Molotov be in the extreme danreroua. -----...,... .... W'U~:-~ ~"ioo.N' f')S A~'T' ~T .. C. Plt\RT'Y ~ IEWS-TIMES • WAHT&o-o.M ..._ r..-_ .. wire ....... ..,,,.,, "'"" .. c .. lld,....". T.....,._ ''7L .... When the TADII" C..,lp,. ~ the 1 ..... Ollp'n o. .. ~ Jut of the old w lnd.J&rnna.-r Alp. per•. opena hla 1.,. to .pln taiH never beton told of the bra••. .. rn·IIUunr .eu,. and tbetr .,......_ au. voy,..e• over It raAI'e INlU to even at.rancer poru. ''Tbo' ..... ol Jllad ,.,..... a.nd the Ladj n.a.tu" bel1na thli Uu1JUnc -<Joubl,. P'c• .. ,._ In 1'ttte Amert· c&ll Wtekly, the ...., ,..,. W ... I 1$- .,,_,_~---....,_,----· ....,.,. ....... ~ ...... : .... ... w. o.eref ..... ..... ,_... ....... OMtf, ~ • ., ... 0... .. __ _ EMPLOYMIINT WANTED WOJUC WAHlaD-~Wit41, C.... _.. -til. ,., W. C:....NI ..................... • ._r ,.1 I ..... FoUr ~PORT BALBOA NEWS. 'I'Difa NcwP&ill-IIMcla. CaiMoiwa. TlJESI}-NY, J-ANUARY 14, 19U. ·~~--~-=~~----~--~~~--~~~---------- CORONA DEL MAR BAIIIOA ISLAND . Lme-tscv - I I< -THE wo ' ----------------------~----~------------~-----------;~~-----~----~~ ~--­-<.Wt;O~Y.,!!D,U'."IA.Sl'AR\' 1 HotiiN'II ( 'trdc• ul W . S Cllmaxill& a )'t'ILI' "' II.C t lVII Y :! 1• m Mr•. T, 'J . J ohn•lttn, 11140 p rt'IU· :"o•\0 pnM ll·orl •u S••C\ tn· ( 'lui• CS.nt of tbe AltJlr Soctt'ly ttf Our \\ lutt•~ l1;oltllo.l ('ull•"' Slt••ll· LAdy 'd wo .. nt Cannt'l <'hun·h. t;lrt 1::£~"''''· illli 'J_~~;u... ... rellnquf•Md thf' gavr l tl\ •)fflj~Jrrn~t:"r~n,, .. ,, ~LU' Doaald~>tl.n ot ..(:ol.1£ ~ l~>&lt. .. u. W!wu lt.&..-d Cr~ .wu: k who wu .. ~tl'd at T'hvrltllay r uw11 I )() 1c. I :111 11 m 1:.!11 ~lnt· nmlng'• ml't'llnf In th .. J.ohn•tnn ""' t\v••mJ<• boml' In CortlfiA <if' I M11r :--;,." pvrt Jl,u l~o1r lt•·-.11) l~.,.,,r Alilt1Ung J.trr Dona!deflll fur lnfllllllnTion Wllh La~;una llnh ttl .rt L--+------------1 Ole y«'ar are ldn. ,\dele Hal(b, Jlolo•l l.:o..:u,.;, vie-t' rrt'•ldt'nt: Mr• Hub..•rl C"olf>m · 1-'tr't Aut ('I""'· r.rammm DECK!> ALL CLEARED .. H , lleC'ret&r}'·lrt'aaurer: Hllll ~Ira S<'htNol mu~tt· '"""'· 7 :\(1 p. 111. 1 •rut r••toolv fur f\11ot•n v.a~ lht· J . E . Burke. MCrtatan. Out •• olnc I I lOIII rt·~lllf ur u ..... , .... Ish· ('itO I ottk ent who completf'tl tht>lr THl'RMUAV. IA.Sl'ARV 1~ murtlty A.o~"'~ '"''"" ~ 111<'<'1111~ un \ yt.&r'• Wotk Thunday tvl'nlnJ( In· N t•WJ)t>rl lw•lloh" f:bl'jf1 Chah, :.! JHn. IIIUI Tllo· plorn·l n( lan•l II• I f cludt' Mr1. J olln.etoo, pruldt<nt; 1, m, , ' 'tl"''~l '"" 111 """ f11~· 11( u,,. ,.,. Mn. M. J. Shapnom, vt<'t· &Heal· 1 lOth Annual N"wport llarlw.u ~~rh lh111~ •''" ruin,.: tlu• l"lanu It J dellt; lin W J :'III!VItll'. lll't'rt'• . V.,lll') hall U '8.C\Jt'. 7 1J m , h tl!h !110'1( f . · tary.trf'U\U't'r; and Mn G J ,.du•ul ~;rm Uu"'"'"M ,..-ntlllf'll "111 ,.,.~tit• 1 Me&ebt'm, a&<'rf8tAn i N••"'t••rt Ctrf'lt' tof \\' s C S., •l•·vo•l••t• llu·r• ,.., ~"I rn •Ill Ill•· 1 A comrlelt' t of actlviUI'I 1 'l m .:ruun•l ""''' lkd> ~~''1!... 111 • 1\11 "l't .. •rlunlly' t ~SOM~IATJ~ PARE~TS . ,. .. MMD',.._, 1tftiRe E~ . n..Y-.. ..;....._.,. -~-·· , .. ....,.... . ........ .......... __. ...... __ ..... ..-e ......... ,_.,_..._,, _, I ' _. ....._, n.e1 9tll Padftc Dedi!e lnlla 01 8oOior ~ ad . ,.....,....,_ . . _......._ •••••• w ... , ........ ···=· •,;.J.;:.;:;;:._ ___ .._ -. ----···-. C:O.ol Appro...-..:.. ~ ti_fktff l firM ,._ ,_ ._ ONS-WAY P'AAE .,..~ S .'75 ' .75 ROUND T'RIP FARE •1.10 .55 iHw>E nCKET (Indl~ Umltl 12.90 .43.2 • 10-~ roupd trip Ellcunion FaJ?. • 1111111111 \I'll~ JHUl ,., pr··~··l··nt o\f Vi~ltin~: ""'"''"'"" or llt•ijlhb•'lr - P hl I lnw.:u ~ .. r,.nty at 1'\u·~uny Ins;-, 'lui.,. I no lll•ltnl! t l•r N~~"t>Orl 1'\'o•n•n,.:" IW'I!l'loon """' ut Atauhrlm n .. a.-h 1-:1)1•11 \\Ill h· f"''~la at tbo> J u! the! l IIIUIJo:t' t • .. unty ~·ur • Fr£.1\U' 1-•'r.lliJJ>n J,:J1 • lta-t. •'t'Jttlt"fllt' ""'" .,.,_1HM~1't1 pprr•..Tt \' Pny pr .. ~;t 1m .lllntltlry -----~ in~l•~llnlt"ll ~· ~nt•otl1t'~<.IJ1 1-..• h t'lol 17 itt lh•• c .. ~ta lllo·•n \\'um1,11·~ In ~ ••hruu ry '" ''"1"'•·•1 I ho• t•vt•ntn,.: 1'11,1hh• IIIli•' ~I n• :\!.11 ,. IIA tlfn whrr h hru~ tW~!,'lll\'<1 It • ~tca,lktt olil~pb~~IOIO\Ir, el'il Mn. !Jia. N.r\flilfc (\((t('f'"' r~n to t8!tllt • ~1 Hu.••· "I ll•·n ••t "111 II(' ""·11111. MII'J! llruuk" '"'I" Mile,.· 111171'1 t:oi "" lho• J'ft•$;1:1111 OllphHnl. "~' .-.prt•Jihl• !l'. !Ill ~ .F ullu\\ till( ,.. 1\'o'lo ''""' tn n•ll !'tlllr lt•• "1itlr_ llt'l,ro•ttLry : t.nd \'l'lll'r• ):1\'t•ll Ill' thr f'rw<l<lt'fit Mr-H•lllilltl \'ut• o•nt ltt•a:<ltrt•r :li t" , ;1111,.111..: 1'1111. 1 :l!r~· I Th··y "Ill 1... '"""''''" ~'dlrURT)' ~···t•ll'"""" ill t • ..... Ill olli :lllr 1' \\ht• .ICI•ie li,ttll ht liL! 0 ""Ph•!'tt ,; :111M .l"'''t•hmt• K o·,·lo•J ,.( Bnl. I t I I • "''' • '' r '' • •, • • 111 ~ ·1::•••. 8outb Amrr Ira : :II •" .Itt\ lit-ani!<· "\Vhoopie Par9'' In Na,lor H.Gme Garden Section I . . 'Nt're laaut'd Tbura· 4t to mt'mber• of tbt' Spring Bridae Group Plan Trip To The Snow NO MATTER WHERE • • YOtr DINE! ·- • • r It Must Be the Best- Or We Will Not Serve It! DINNE&S 50c -60c -75c -85e .Jit:JNU4tud e+-__~ 17th and . Orange ~-Street Special Luncheon --35c CHINA HOUS.E ChinC'sc ManaJ.:cment Xl!t-X21 No. Main St. -SASTA AN.\ 1 h•llt r":lnn.t ,.,.,, :Ill:< l.~h· llo>•lo· llo ~Rnta ·'"" \\Ill .~m,.: ~ •• ,., ... •1 !ley, lotexko 11not ~l r.~ ·~larJtar••t' M ill_" 11uth llart l<'lt, IJp rl'ntlu1~ • 11ho \\Ill he• lrllt>llt•·•l 111 11 dlnJit'r· "''"''''""~' ,;r.·,1t 1.1111·· 1;1,"', ~*D. ·Unlh•d ~1111,.11 1111,1 Jts pvs-,lnstructnr tn f:anta Affll IW'hlH>l•.l m~·••llfl.fol Joo•hrwor ,. 4 111 Anallrhi1 1"-U~•I!" , h• .• 1 1, IW'ltrs~ .... ~ • .. hfo ·~u::t... ue.ac:Jil-._ !-J.-~~-.J:~ .. __ .:_ _______ 4 L ------~1,-.,1 "l~'<·ml ;>nlf'l lRttmwnt J<,,...,, f••l ·' t lwr""'-" ''''•ll"'l<'l! j J,n lhf' nbH•m 1• ,,, l'n•srd,.nt lornmmnr ~thnnl f'TA HuwJr.J. 01 n.ou..nJ. 01 n,., bel. -r_., tir. M,1., N.,.,m. M•'-GooJ .. ~~ f11f ~bWfv, gtN DR. NILS$ MUVIMS a .c:llaee to make JOOd fw YOU. Dca't walt UDtll _..,.. haw bpi .,_ ..... two-thzt\ ... UldS1 .,_ .. ....-. J\IIDP7 - CftDir:7. o.t • bottle ol Dr. --............ ,.,.. . .tn1 1kn: · Keep _it ...... Yo.a, ............. ,.. . ....... .:a ' ..... ~· -•• ,_. • .., a .. ....... ~--··1-•111 ........ -........_,it ... l ....... -.......... _.171 l ::::: .. =~-~~~- ........ , -_.., IAftl ••I .:-'uut h• "' F lr•'l"' · lira. 0 F. 11!11• 11. !llr" \\'ftrol .lllr.unr~· :!0. tn ..Jh•• kino 1 ho· 1-!l'"\\ II~ <ll •It•, "'-'41~._: .. Pilley prt.nfrd At tht' blllllnt'!j,~ Of\ tnc-8iih]t'<'l.' "lT<•Rml J!"llnl,. ""'' \'lltlt·l •• • .. r I hi' bour and R.nnOUIIt'l'ol tho• mt•••linl't i ll'trll" fln(f In lhl' < 'ommuntty." I 11'11111"11 l·kol pl:.,,t ,,,.,,. •IHr>tS.•I'\1 doal,le ot Ul t' i ctrd<'ll In Uw <'hth Fpii•IWlnt.: y.•:t rl! or R!Udy rnn- hy t;nr.t. II :-;,.t, .. n .Ill• mh··•~ Frt·l ~ tint 6 crrdt•s w•ll o·onv<'n<' l'ern4n,~: h1·althful .t•vtnfr .. ,~ tilly m lht' """ '''"'"I "' tl~o• • htb· January 23 and ('rr<'h• ; IN'IIl ml't't . Rltr tlrlt 110 Wl'tl qullhrh•d/'dtll. 1 hniiJOo'. ~I I' I;, •• ,. 1 ~ r 1 l•l•· 1. 1 th" January 22 • r1111!' t hr l!llbJrrt ::-be Will '"' fn. thtt'lll'!<tolll ol !=''''''Ill): tlnol , IIIII-MU.IIcal lnh•rhhll's t n)dllf' ,. •l'lllh•n~t ltrltl u.,,-~ I)( fO:uUro..ls 1 :nrtl,•n prt•l•km~ fur l Jar.uary W<'rr l'lt'phun.-.1 b1• ~n: L A ::"t•rml\11 "h11 W:'l~ ,' •·h<ll!t· r"" fnr th•· tiny "tlh lin• :-; o Mrll<•t l. Firemen'• Auxiliary Plana Valentine Fete If JOU have no Telephone ORDER NO\V ..