HomeMy WebLinkAbout1941-01-23 - Newport Balboa News Times,. II -·· ·-• • 1 AN INDEPENDENT LOCAL . · --. V.OLUME I ~t:WPOHT BEACH. CA . . \'. ~ANlJARY 23, 1941 ~ ..... ~~--·--·· naJJ: I'Kr-MM I'IOJ1111ly .... , "'"1'111~ a,.. uf lhr <'oolol .. l lllol K<tulb l \>AJ<I 11t•l rto'l ~,,,,,,,,,,,~ ... -=......=-= ---~ ~ ~ --.. ......--: --w;:--_ !'.. -=-~-.,. IJ~ ·~~SeWer Proje~t tor Ne~p0rf Lo~l ~eks D!· Jas. W. w~erry, Plans for AnnuarDinner of ~i~~T~~t: Heig~.'ts·~wins_l\pproval.gf ·l ~~~t1_ed __ ~~=-ylce ,6\~~e:; ~~ler, Harbor Chal)1ber· Perfect _ Bnck has rtew lhj> ('o)(lJl. H;·has w PA Work to Start Soon \II (II'J\ngf' rounty J<liM eo.t4l Ed Al·nsw".,..f.h to ' Speak tak.-n his CtU111ly orll a t np tu I llllturt' _, M• "·' "'·""'Urlll.lli ttw death ot Or. UJ! tf~:: ~~~~k S tmday..,ancl ht• lui~ A movt>1me:l launched laat J~ne '\ I ~~~~~.,.,~~"-ot .:::•:•;:~~ .. ~-~~:~,::~n~a~::;·~kl=~ me ht' wu oum"' H~ ~~,·· Ito h.~ 'Ht'lf.hta and I • .. ... ' ~ u " IJy • property 0 t N -... _ .... t ,. ·••··• '1 "'' JWuu•.,•l &lll'ay Saturday a lot or thm~:s It• flor tor ~et n•~td~ . wnera 0 ewport 4 D ~·.: a t ...._ "' 'I 1 t \ and d idn't knolW h .. w h,• (\'ftS ~ll· l'-!t'lghl8 \4'tlo II<IUght ··~ral ILMUil· . e a u r Wlllt' ra"-e of Pl'l •• i\.1. ~~ ~~ill :lllhC'I_n_l I Vf'l~f' -hOm f', ~eft Tlw f'lf"t'lh•ll ''""""ltlo•l' oo( Nrw· H~trl••r l'hrtlloi'O't ,,f l'••lllloorn·r 1 <• "" , ore he ¥Of' "' \\'tw1ry "'""one of the m~t n•'"'"'"''" "'"' """"'" ror.• ""w ldt. So I thrJlwhl r C'IHJ'll .dol a-system '" thelt' cnmmunlty ... ap-Fetes Men Leavl·ng ( 't .. _ _..... Names New Boar·d, btoln,l( lllllllrol l•• 1111 '1"""'1•'<1 nortll• " ' parenlly on ttie verge ot rrullll(w11. · 0 ,,. .._ flOrl.utt " ""1 11•1o· 'lu<~KI'It•n In SouU..m ll~tle llbrnt'lhm~: tor ho~l h. 1m orut, j ' I 1111n1C or( the eve=-· Rol·•l''•••l o · olor.1111111, ,.01110011, t.o C'~t.a .. _. Mrtl. l'f'porrt" ~o·o·r"tltl y lt01rr,Y ~n\'crnment approval oC the pro e<'l --.. ·-W 1 h and Aatd 1 Wolltlll oJror ynu 11 hilt' h be F · A St t' too{ 11 n •aolutlon thl' •·r···''"'" 1,. ,,.,,.... :.!6 )'1'11111 atra and In that E r ,. 1'\o.•,. """"''"'''" """' "•'•'ll t,Q let yuu know lh<'l•' \\'l>UhJn't hor B\'tng •• ., l"eCt't\;ed thrs we .. k by or rmy a I On .. ( It ('1\01(' cenw <'lty ....... ll .. l 'I" ot lo·r 't'lll llr)< doubu-P"rfOI'Dl· lects Offl'ce:fir l'lj!lmNI f"'"' ..... h oil• It II I Ill Aoa.u. any "Bno·k 1)11~<1" l'ulumn t his Cti}l, .,;ngt~f't'r R. L. l'allt'n!On. .t:r_vperty 11U~ ~ah•h' ,. "I -.,1! ,.,,111,. n ( htll ,-..-tH t Nrvi<'N :1.;:) l+ottt lot with h Ill<• lou ll .. t jll'u\ ldr.. a .. ,_k .. -r~\1°4 Dcrl•k hnd "••n" lot e l'l~)' II appucat.lun. v.'hich W&ll ( U -• ..ltl•'• (or II II I I t I -~~ .... n""' '". .. • •Pr>m\•t'd,ard edl lTh a AI F rth l "·'' ""' ="r \1·••·11 ll.llllo ol ' the do thea-At lhlt. -.t·· '"IIO.IIIklll<l -· ~ ' "I ........ "'''"In Hoo\'er Dum. · -· 1 •lgn 1111 ur ..... ny th f 1 !I· A. Meyer ol Newport U..eh l h,.lr nwn """''"'"'""• Tit,, hl.:lto·•l H e'll ··~ bllftk ,'n R ,,.,,. dtl\'.~ lllld IJ:V P ruldent Rool'leYtolt.· pruvide!l Chlut)tl•·r of l '••ro•l•l•'l ' ,. to I ,,-tlo· "'. ,. ~rroup avotW ltll'tl .. tt ,.f ' . ,-:.!tl Vrll,. hf' ~n·ed "" flN'III· wu ___ _. p-....... -t ot ~ k Probnbtv Will WTit(' a \\'llln.;"ln"'l'r' J•J• the -lnsta.JiaUon ol ae.w.ta-ln 1'Jl('lur.c. brl'a.k.t..u.l "''"' '""1•11~1-~•Y K'" · !<t' c Y • '"'··1.!1 '' '• " ltlrvh•w t-•ann• WatH Col.ult7 .oo..t u, , ,, 1 t.l (rc It ba~ 1 1 f 1, -·-·--ra n 11111 o'llrooh•IKI•· 111 "'" h <11111110'1 J "" ._, th N t H I h tho• rro•to•'ll• o• .. t I.•·J. "IIII,U' c."-. S~· I l nult.llll~ In which J mll II •II• I • ••llll•:oooy, C'l\pat.ly «11~ that . UM>etololt4M·-.rt--tit..-f-wtU-~to~-ftftmf'O'I l ot rt'J11'l'R'nt t'hllt ol a dllOITin ll<>'XI "'''"k "'"' ~., .. k.. ~ e""P!" e g 1.3 l!t'('llon, 011 ' h.Hirll•t nnat tf l--·tt 1 It ... aiU)ual eielrUDn Whkh took plal!tl ! &Ill and 42nd 11tretot, and lhrnugh-11'\'ll''o· :-;,.1'1 11 ,. Jl,. ot·rl "'''"''"''II :u 1d 1 .--0 ..._ ......, ' '"' 1 "" • 1 1011" ''11 "'"''11J h 110me ot Ita TuMcla)' .. .-, at t --·na, ._Ah. up ror lllt:'rt' ih>l lll'ln;: nn(' tho!C 11oolldstt'l1 • . .... , turbliliont ,~ ....... -.. -· a ---... -~ week. So I wooulun't he too huN.! uut the mdWitrral nrea alonr tht• ''It)' ••ffll'lal~<. '"' ~ '"'~ lOll' II tlu!-It . I ted _.. t .. -I rt I ~· .._ --He ~ II, L. Crawtonl u T" • >~tat .. highway east ot the Arch!-'"· lltllrnln;.: r••llll'!"l>'ho·..t lho•u 11011k a>~ 1 Wl\ll po n _. ""' 11\1"11/:h 1 •·r mf'm wr nt Colat.a M-h.-4 o1 ua. ~Uon. "*' diMirll'f" '"" \\'o•"l N•'"l'"ll, on Bnck. If I WO"I'f' YI•U ~pprtiX IIImteiY.' 120"'reludrnees and prO\'Ult• l'll17•'"" hro•l ,,..,.,.,11,. filii-~ t'riiiiiOiidllllon a aw'eett~~il 1 .. 1,11 "' ~. ...... l'luh ~tnd held \'llrlotut ottlt'ee other otncen. M leeted by U.e .w hll'h t.r N '""1!"11"'~' t<llfl I' I kn••w Y••u \\Ill tk· nhlc II• (oil half Uur.t number or bulllnt8ll rlrm~< fl•••l~:•·ll '"''"'l"'''s .. r l'lh lo· Sunl·,. hll~<lnel\ll would ,....to ,., .. ,..,.,,. 10 "' lh•· t'lub Alnce lt.l round lnc. ll()mlnaUN CIOaUQilt.e and who .... V. I'Ark•" hot vo• ,,...." """''""'Ni. the •pare With suulethlll)( fulk:l woll be servl'd by the p. ruje.•t. nt·· f llt'at't'·llnlo• "ron,\' I f"''C'rnrnent-ownecl fed""'' lrlltl•l "''" rl\' It! )'!'111'11 "K": wa• an ar tiYt eelved the I&D&IU~ approyal ot New.,.,n-. wUf like. d t 1 Ill~. 1111 orolto•r u{ lh• 'hamber or COm• , .. _ ~t.. H ... "',.lolrul""r" 111111 (' I've bet•n lf,\'11\K 1,1 fiJ(1Irt'' out ''"r 111g o Jlre Ulllnary aurvey. I no l•llll"tl 111 t h•· f.! ,,,.,1, ,..,,,.111~ , .. l"embenhlp. wen: c. 4 . llttUer, .. N .._. m 1 .........._. "" •• •• IUld auppon.ct many wortJI ... __ , ......... -_ .. tl -• 11'.-~i ... ,., '·""' 1101 ... f4 A M~·-why Briel< \\'l'nt_ tn lloo\'t'r O:~m -TntaJ ('Oitt 111$.M~ 'f"W1'W'T1 MMIMI 11"llll~-fur :1" :tm l\' • -__.......Kl"'r I\ Iiiio· 't·h~nttr• w ·h-n t .. -C<~t.a _, -· .. rwt rice-.,........,t ; L. .r d l• .• t' ( ,.,_ W n ~ r ,_ -A ...... II er, a nd Kl'to l 11•1• h• '" k , i-•t N .. w. when the hl"'~o·st h<•l,\' uf "'Il ler • • · I'" Lll'ltoon >'lut o.•n • "'"H'\I :to•to• 111 <Jilul rem o .... est :'\o'I'J""' , . .-..t.c: , 8u~ lleach. Mn»nd ,.,., •· ''••·I ••( l h" trnd rl 1u u ·'''"" "unu·n·s..-luh .. -u_ w ... bullt ri.-ort II• • · •t t ' 1 ·' • • ~1 h I " n ~ l' u n.,. 1111 t'Ji· ('johfnrtllll. ",., ,. I,,' "'' " 11 .. 101 ~""""' waa aa.o -t'llf<'\1 •• I <'I "" -VIC!tl·,... .. nt. J. H. Henal\aw, LA-·-. • 0 .. •• "'" \' llllu ' a . In t t' wor d 111 I'IJ.:hl 111 hi& fro>ft l 1 1_ ... ,, 1_ \" k n-. 1 ... -Ill 10:!2 Ml " "'"'t rot ••""", lt.wu ""-1 1 l'~t" J 1 •• • rd • ' IIIHo""" u)' ""' ~or 10 r ':'•J:"I'ell" llw f-larh•or oh··lr I I l'r111k lt11 k"11 11 f~ct;•rrty OWne,.. etll\1116; ltlj.t\ 1\ ...,._.., C\lfta S.Ch. Wnl Yk»·~nt. ~n f'aon "''"'" l \~Ai klll. ya • liO to spo•:ak .\mJ tlw ~s~ Admtnt.lltntUt>n lil'lll ~ In th I "' ~ a• ... ,,,. \~l ... try whn ·~~~-INb· __ ... M .... lind v .... Whll··. l'•·nlnli\1110 ,.,... fishing P ho!l th•· fll\0'"' IW"I"k[ • " tis, .T1u k 1"1 I ..ran,• ''"" {.,,, ro·n< , • .M. w....., no lon.er ~to nil\ 1,.; .. to· 1 1 1 ..... ~ ft'eidl, ..cnt.ar)'·~· lll'lj;hbur~o<J o f $~.8:1:.!. U~ thiM I ~'\'C'('Ifl~. 1'\t•IIIIUfl f!o•;lf h, , ,OIJtf I hill Jlll'('t\0 0 Of till barhnr Xllto•o• ' olll Ill JHUl of the ~F'}' fl· UIW. Uuft. CouUIIIUiill'l l ' V Mo·t 'Arty But tht'n. it "AI< his ""'" ttll>tl, t S•9 2"" 7 6 &A4-jw._~-Aoo-~ ttr..-"'rn~<~t.,a,.,.· ~ t' ~~:_ ..... ,. n r lll•;__ .... r ct:bnl j Mhmw:t l lr•S,h I ...t..L.J....u...__p ,. hanp••l W.AIQI"Jt are..,• Wlllrr f+<l rtlllAnt a nd-k=n -... •••7-'Y1 .. ~'N-Miili--'f.~~";~~'7,~~~~-:~~~&a-- quenct'!l, 1 .. ,,,,,.s ··~ ,., ... our . ros •. w ..,.. ... 1rn y DrHJI:I'!' ,· .. ~r.• ~1 ,,,1 ,,11 , ... 1 • .,.,,. o•ral. jurt,lldl~tloft, a rf"l)u•"'' f.,r -land, All,..•t I'Aotl" 11tt•l Aro loo11 lf,.r . ,.. lht' ftdc-ral agenty, the bah•n•·l' "'I , _ f' .. 1 . 1 lr<"dgm .. wiU-be latd lll'lv• ,~. """'' l•r Wh .. rry had •n.)nJt'ld th• Vlce·praatdtnt.i' nam.d by u.. •hry. ,.,,....,1,. •lo•l M .. r lloohherd f>t'NII>n;•IIY. If I ''"llld ~0'1 a \\:1\' 16'w-'t •·-·~• b th ...,wlllll'•· • ' •''" I ,o•\r•rull( .. no h<·no•roiJO uf An unullhAI ~uca\.lon. m.ltt.ee H 1Jlr a. tr•n l'·' ....... I ' •''"'' u ~ ral~ y " fll"otJl• lot,. n( tlh' ="•" J••ll l'•lhl ,. Mar· t.u.u'd of auperv~ and .._1,.. lh,. . ... <'om to _,. Ia ay~ry nw*' and .... I. A ll•h """ N,..-t-•rt ......... ....~.nl( II lo>r ~ ..... 0"1"\V nwnrrl'l ttl t~ ~llllrlct l!t'rv ... l. I • I ''Y ,,;,unell . -l.n ............ , f~om lt1W11 ·WM11'yan n.pa.ctt )' IMNded atata Senator H•ljltiloi, ~I"" l<ot•~'"' "' r ltllol \\' II port O.·~to·h: \\'h>o 1 otlto•f 111"' <' Ill ~ ... ; . ., th; Cit\' do>e11 nut ha\ c 11111 1 k..t, "~~~ •I 1~''"1' '1 1' ··~I· 1 ·" 1 '~1 1111 1 ( 1 · -1 ....o.. ~ ~· . " "'"' •·r~ll\• "ho·r,. hi' a ttained • 'Mioe U Kt~ehet1 A ~~&helm C Trlvol v t\ """' •II~ I II• I h"" '"'"" the ruuutr\' h , 1 · • · Jlfi!Wil< ;111rl 1••• 1 1~ .,,.,,. tolnwcl Jn mot on ua ~ ,..,,""' "n r.t1111r,·r .. r s,.1t...n .. • .. __ .. _too') • · • on-N -'"' ·'" "'"' 1 lu oofft•r 110 ~t•nt fundi! ton hand lt) fln:•nl ,. I t 1,.1111 realtvr It WU YOtl'd to rr 1 •· " ........ ~. -• ........,... H&IY)r Ill. a...,_rd, crMtf'd lo'll h lto•110.t. h toiMrl ""'' A &II t'WJ>ot~l Bo•ath~ It lho>y w:ont l ht' "'o rk. , .. , .• , 1·• hPII 1' ''''"''' ,,, flit• ....... I l tiu . ~ ' 0 •· 11ft th .. lllotoiY ,,, IIIW at low' 8 t.lt e w.-~ D. c.: lld A.lnlrworth. R Rlrh101"ol ...... ""111111101••1 1\1' '*tn'l'' a qul'slloon loa lillllnar '"lno•lt( lht•:<o· \\I l t t r h lllllnollllg oofl ll o'l' ><l ""' otUIUi llllll !• .~. 1>4" ~'!-"" tho· llll·,loniVt'l"llll\', and lr""dua\l'd with Loa A--a..· ...... J . A. A.rmt•·--. loriOII ··•utlt<lul··" d 11'11 It en Q 1\t' IIUrYo•y II I ,, 11l8llotll ' lllo-ulalt' ··--OUIIijl uf o .,,.-. I ·-· -~ ra 10 qwz <'Xpt•t'll', lito~· OotJ.;hl too Ht'<'t'l<.'<itry t'Xp4.'nM wu mudt' ,..,111e · I 1 N _, .. ~-· 1 , 1 hnnorll t J'l(rn I'Omplt'llon ot hilt law 8~ &a.c;ll; ..__ H. H. Cotton, Jln ltt.•v,.r 1111,., '"'" """ will try thnt 01111'. T hat'c,•• .. Ill' t"~t llrO· I ..... ( '. '1111 .-w.,.... ·--lO III \\o•ICI II \\'h r It ... _t I • ~ .... ·u .. nth/1 ngo 11 wa!l *'Kllmat.·cl thnt '•H•n \' '-"'1:0• 1""'"'" ro 1\tonded .... rt t__.,-_._.. • •'o<ilr~to• r "rTY *' ...,. n Ball c...n.nt.t. Mn. 1:. L. n...o...-ny, IW'Nfl fur Hlorrtlor•t ,.,.r., "'r I·~ T J n IOI\II\\'o'r J>nYml'n t vr $40 ""r l(o\ In the ,,,_ t .... ·r··:ck11tsl \\ .... h \\'II!< lwlll In 'ld t.o ~ _ .. _ ... , .... ,. '" JOIIC'r'riUifully Jlf'AC'llc!e law Dohelly Park; K . P. ,.,....nco .. , ., R-.t .. r. I., I ...... 1 '·"' ..... p A bodv ra . . . I ,-,.~rwpo • ,_... .. _ •I II"'"''"' ... ~ Bv th 1. 1 -... '"'hi . ,.. Rl't' ,.. -,.,.t t.o trltuloJ>· . 1 ,. · t• "'1'-"· l hko· loo a.~k W>ll h'<'H'<I a.ro•A wuuld kn'e t.o eov .. r " It• II -.••ff•'•· sh'•f' :cl Ho.~lt~.r• d _........, _' I" '""I •I lw n~ry for him to l..cq llea.ell; J.-lnou ... -.• r alm*'r, 1. \\' l ltt~tl'" \\'••roluu .lilY, to t~tt th r tk • t· •u•ss urine ..---.,., '"'"'"ll~«'r -.. " e " "lh··rr hello' rnr me. lite tiO.HfUI<Jr'a llhare On thll baBIH A IIIII prt>l>o·nt too ••• ··<I tho> 1111•n O>f\ ·rh Uti ~ ~'"'t ... ! .... rtfll•c 1'11111~ pf hut detop-foundecl l noU.. "-Bell; a-....... MeCal· J . JJ:. "-dl••lr. (t -~ J( .. lt. ""'"'· rtv· I S..tt I h u I C ,~ . I' JW' OM. __..are u~n Into d I • *'r ra ,. ....,, 1 urtlrwr ho.'(OJI'{' p..t1110ns we~e Cln"Hiated ltY relll· thN r ~'tiY ,,,,.,,. ·'':•Y"': l r\'on t;, • ., '11.,. field UU. ..-. w&al be laid~-1 11"" A•·•·nrdln&l)'. hf' a h&ndoned len, HIUIU"-toa IIMclt;>-Or. Tbon;. an Hall. anjl.·\\'nlt••• ICIH•· .. r. he lllfH-11 loJ wurk rnr l'1wlt> S11n11 d ent.'! of Newport Hel&hl.ll, tht• Gordn n. S J\JIIHHh \\ar \do•l':on lA•w (nr c the ~1 ... ..al .._ ClODl· thr .. rl•n artf'r belnc admltt..d to u B...-r Mll&er, I.Acllna' .---·rh!i&;;~l IH ,_ k Thert' are-ju!lt "lnt./1 c.r rvu(, lht·l't' rellpcmk being particularly enthUII· Wallnre nnd ·''u "":< \\':~Llon•. pres· plcllon. ..., oor-•• tht' bar. Hon. P. A. 8taftton, a.J BMch · nl "'"'' ,_ ~ I'd like to liRY ht•llo lu. but 1 r an't llllillc. I(Jenl J)( the r hnlllb<!r of <'o mmcrce. Feelln« tlult he could a-t aid Hon. 'J. a . ~'/. '1'\aj\lnfa: rt.DII '"r tloo· ""'"'"' cll11n*'r :.... .ret away very ()(ten. r m .sure rig-To 8tart Ia .. ...,. All membt'NI or the board w ere mar,kl,....lh~lh ITfllodltlne, he en· aNI u.. ..... a,de Wat.on Or· mHtll)« nr "'" r h iHtl h••r ""' raP,Id · ur ln&' on commg down nut sum-pre~~ent. Chairman lle.rl 8t.aftley ...,.. the Oollef• ot PhJ*taM aNI .,..... ' ly la.klnf( 11h"l"' t•r .. ,.l•\>•nl WAtkin• mer, though. Since It lit hoped to at&rt actual actl"-aa maat.r ot a ~ . ...-....... -........-..._ p • , . annouftt'f'll 'nul1 YA A ln-urth ot W hen you aee St.ve Smith, would work o n tbe p roject w1Wn 10 .. ,.. Burr 111vwr1. ~ 'atiiOrMf WIG...... ·· ~. •-• •• ' • Ulla a.-A .... T\NN .wW a.. U. you ctve tum a.nd FranJl and the Ctty En.....-Pa&tanon 18 t.oclay Beach, a.nct ·A. c. P etenan. pub-,-roup. Hia .tudy or ment.aJ ...._..,... ....._ fill a.. .,.. .• -* ~ pnnc:tpal •Jif'tlkf'r, t'h. l'fav)' aft~ othan my bat ~rdll! You nev· ·ma iUnc nottcee to ru\denta or the Ill' he{ of the Soul h C'nn11t ~ewll at lowlnJl' l't'J)f•rt t hat lba' plannln~r rlf'O'I '!""' tn the hf'l«ht.l ot u.. pro-ef.tc W'Oftl.-. &lid ~ .,.,.. Ol•tr1r t l!:!•tl•}""'" ootrtr• .. tu 111110 er knew ll. I g'\1!'1'.~. but thol!e three u real! ukmg tlult t heir pro-Lagumt ~aC'h , :tddf'f'l<.~t'd tht' comml.ulon wu oonaider1"-z.ulilrtiC f•ouo1un arid brouJrht"lllm naU.-,a.ct..~~ chltnet ~-.,._..,t. bl' "'~'""'"""'"'' Umu Wht'n I wa~t wo.rk•ng CorY"" J'll'>l'tlonate <.:ontrlbutlons be 1\Ub-gr111;p. Tr·1111!'J",;.I.ltlo 11 • was In lhtll At>r ll•rll (M a trailer e&nlfl. In '"'ld<' :tn•lrttm for hbt ~Y1tw In 'n.... ._...: O ty ~Cftct,..., fl. L. '"'*' tll1111••r "rll "" hrlt1 "I N .. w . and :V()II wtre-luokm~ fn r m*' lx'· mitl~-d Ill unl'e , &JI nut until U\(' C'hllrge 01( Tht'oMiuro• R n1J10, l••enl ''"lllt'1orho '"'" o,f a flh!vloua ntlor~ thr (h•ltl uf r,..ow,.n-h. Pa ttenon. Newport BMch; Dr. pnrt UMrl••r ""'hi • lt1h .-1"''" cllu~e I was b+•hmd rn n1y w11r~. payntt>nl8 nre rtlt't L-..arreed upon, LcJ(wnnnllos ''"'"'lt•·<'TI III: tlw u~<r Mr'l ll,lfr..;·l P ott•t pret~ldo•tl ttl Tht• .:o•no•ntl ft'f'hnl of the l'otm · Howard W ...... r, ......,_ r.tand, .,.AIIu.: •rtiiHI-:;'""'"1• \1 111 l•r .. ll< ... well. I wru~ O\'l'r t:.lk ln~ lt> Ski•• .<.an wo~ (llll undf'r Wily. ln ~ ot thCJr ell~ u ... no,...luot\ ·mumt$" wtl~i!rp~ UU. ~A ~ eo.t& _.._, ,_ al,. o.1 .. 11" I I"Mru. um.l a ...llJ.O&l.o "'lnd li~tl<'nin~ tOJ hun t.•llabomt hll' nuUu•!! l!t'nt taxpayer11, Pattenon Ato•lr.,'" .1 l l.o\'no•ll ,,11,f •l•rk wo·•·k loY 1. T HraoJforrd, fl"'nl'*'r J• A . DIMfftOI'It,ln<lne; JnhnThoot O"IA' ~<!"'Ilk•·••' lul•l• "'''I 'l huf'll· t' X p I' I' I~ II' P IC I =""! J<o:o(lltj! to( roursco' • .<l:ot••s ll\111 paynaeniJI mlly ~ ntl&dt:' 01( tlw ""''"I a 111 trl Ill <hi ,j lhl; I'A \Oil:oo t-Kt:t:\\'A\' .,SL"II liloutho•r n ('uhf·•rnm t.kYelarH-r, Swa naon, l:merald Bay , II~ /la y, J 11rot1101\ 'too '" lit• •lnlo• "'' 101 llw 'ltv hall or tu the commit-flr:an~:r C•lollll\' c· .. ,111, tl .. r '""'n I nr11u~:• (',.oulty C•oa.8t ,.,.,.. .. 11, """' thlol 111 th•· :.!:'1 year,. hr 1uuJ Coward, ~na Beach ; R W ,,...,,..II"' flu• h1~ '" • ••l .. ro T o• k,.la t IOIIJll'""~ Ru \' 1':11 ko r. ;~ 1n noiA.· nn•l lhf'n "" ho:< "ny"hno k 1ttod rnrth rruru 1 '••~>tn :\J,.,.,, ~"""' thlv I hitfll' Itt J.;t>l <•\ , • ., '' ol h Rn ~·. H; . "J""CIY!I llllltl>to•ol Hll 1'·•.\'IIIK fo•l I lw drtnks '"'•fl . Y'"' kn•l\\ • unu "ho·n I left I I lunk he ".os "''"'''·" "I' ''" ntf'. Tt•ll R uy I II !;••I • <'<'II Wll h lto', ho•,tclo~l hy P OIItmalller \V. H IIlii Lo·~uJU. ; .o.ll ul "1"•'1 I flo• 1•1 t 10111, :ot 10 ...... '"~ l'teld Till' ... Ill~ kii .. W I1 l •r \\'h•·rry hf had Of'Ver RowlancS., ao. ~. Ralph arr In I"" hoo url ' •·I ""' .... , ••rltl ,\dams ~xpendltllrt'll rrum. the :.J')t',: """'"fl•OJ" •~ "II hill II•· I•, •I l••lllol Ill!: hi 11~ 1. 1~.:111110 Jll'nc·h, adotJllo•ol 11 ho 101rl 111111 "ll''llk 111 of ltny man, Quac kenbwlb., -D.na Point. f\obert lA hi,. • lotolroou•tt '''"' """"''I '"' ,.. •• '1101 ruml '"'Ill be IJUb~·t to apprv\ ... Ull<lrto t , .. , thollolll"ll~ "I hoonu· luwu ,, ........ , ... " Wj!llllt the-lmmrdmu . "JI"r." hf' llfll<l "did r rver 'h•r 1.. C".allla, Ban J uan Caplatran ... ••urNII'I"'"I'\J\ 1 ... "'. "' "" '"" . tl orr tho' r 1t y .t·ounc·11 and upon """'"1'·'1"'1~ 1 ,1 '''' ···I·· l••l' II• ,,,1,11,,,.1 ,.11 .. , Mnnrll~att'r a\'M1II" lillY rw.n IIJ,..Itk 111 "'him " • lJ. '('/. Le.,.S.n, Doben)' Park ; R.uy ltMS.nullll,.·t ""'' ••oo) I"• '"'"""""' • .. mplt;tloon or ~e.,rro,~e<:t. any a ur· r,.p11rto•rl th:o l :o il Ill•· pul•ll .h•·r~ 'Frr'"'' ,, r1 .. 111 th,.. t:Wtart or lh•· Hur\'lvuq "" luolr lull w1t~. Mna Ulva1, Ran Clemeftle ; Willia m Oa t o1ottMI phi:<'" the li!J('<'lal run..t Khali l)(' rl'· \\o'ro' ~o:laol , .. 'I• ., ... ,·ot·· 11 1111 woll l\lo '"·l~•l .l .ot'• ·h~tru I to OrAilj(O' M.otfiO• \\'li••rry lhrrl' hr<tthf'na, llrnne. HunUncton U..c h . l..onon R Tn r:w't 'Oint• ,, ... ru ........ ~,.. turno'oJ to lhJ! purt lt'S cuntnbullnjt !!lnrt !<loh~o I'IJ•I t• ·~" "'"" :o:• tho y , .. unl \' Th· 1• _,,fu twn. whk h wn11 l'ool\•m uf f)klrohtrt1111 , T f'. 11f IJf'A <"luud, LO. Alamlt.-: 8.· H . Nf'll, F u rllllll nOllfiCal ton or the pruJ· n'r"I'I\'C lltloll t'l<'• \\ "' I•· lit••. 111•'11 "'11111!111 l .. I II II ,,., o•nlly lldnptt-.1 hy MoolllO'IO, lown. '""'John 1.. or U:MI Ku.-t Beach : Ed Kupte rlt', 81'•1 ,., r·~ ii)tt>ro,·~:tl waft r('rtl\'ed rrom will he rn•'flllll"·ol \It•• :-; •• ,. 1• 11 11 o~l:~oor Cham~r oof ""a:••lt•/1 ·• Fun,.rnl 11r·r"nxc-m,.nlt1 U..ar h. l''oongro::o<!iman H arry R. Sheppl}nl 1 ·.,101111,.1,, , I• o1 1 ho· ahnndonmo•uf \1 o·ro· In , luorj/o• ,if ltltr•olfl K llrau· Nam~ "vtce-p,...ICMnt.t a t larl(l'" llllllllt t ho• ~I 1 o·l·l. no •I\' 10 nol I'I'''"'J:! "ho ha!< bl'eri RCII\'ely cq-operallfll: , ,f o•lo•• 11 1..., 1 , , , 10 uol lndtt-•1111 1,. ••I o·h~t l"'l. "I"'''"" tu••uoo•rlal urv-WI!~. lt.ay A.diUrwon, Banta A'"'. t;ut:"' "o'·•:u 111 t. '""" • ., • UJe folk!! du\\'11 thl'l'f' t :u11 Tnm , w1th thf' r 1ty cr,une ll tmd the sewer 1, .. 11,.1,.,,1,.,,.,. r,111Jrt lell u copsll 1, ,.,. '" .,,. , ,1,rtw lo·tl Fr·loru~try :z at ltoward lrwtn, ll'uiMrton, W H pl111. MJI,l•r•r lr\'ln (-; .. ,,l(in. "FF·iiJ, , . .,11, mnor m ~urms t tt. improve-Lc~,.ILuw.J_.-.; •. ,'-1"·• · ll.·~ 1111 1~ 11 ~··• ,. .. ,. 1,,,,hlrm "rorro•1·t. \\'•'"'"''"ql··• M,.,,.;nl • p~trk tty H*'ll'"· '1'\Uturi. W H. Holmeoo. Ran- Rinf'hnrt. r-:ar'f ~'"""'~· . .fothnny llll.'lll. .... ~, :!!II II I• ,.,,, . .,,,, '"''' ·II ••!' .• lllll! 1111· (ul•ll• ""'"'t" lind a .. ,;,.J thr ltrr 1·.-rry~·h.,. ... o.l;..,fllu>l'lau· til Ana, v. D. J ohNIOn, Oran~eo•. Vn~tc>l, "Dnd" \\'urkm:~to , To~mmv (o•\\ "i"''" ,,, II•·· I , ,, lr·11 11 ,1,11,,.11l ,.1 011 ,.,~,,. 1·o1unty" tu A ll·• 1•'1 1 10 1 l'••ll~tro•.:nt l"nal )o'luyll McCrack•n. Anahfolm, 11r Rour·ho;-y. Hub Allo•rt. t'h•··f """l:' 1'1(1-:I'AIUSct t'()R ~,·~MF.R 11.1( t h:ol lh• 4 • ol ,. t ., I I "' • 'lollf<'ll, ,, 1••111( 111101' (rtf'llll whuiW' 4:Arl Kumner Knopf , eouth lAI(Unll klnson. f'l:trr••ll K111~ ,\.I T\\o!ll !"lnf unlll'and, t•xclU~IVI' MpoortJI· on t h•• ''"'"I' 1 , ,.,, .• oJ 1'" l'lf l ).f:,\!'(t:~ 'l'111l11.ASU f 'AYF. ·"""''"'' ,,.<'lo .. u~tunl'r<•M/OIIAto'flth" B4'ru·h.C.J . .McDonakS,8ant.a Ana, Mr Flr·Jooho·r. t 'h rult'\' ,\11 7 ~:ot F:h-"''·rr ~11 .. 11 r•po•rttlcd al iOI E. Cen· ""'"''"''''h\1' 'rl·l•'', 'lo•· I''". 111 HK\' \\ ,.1,, ... nlnH.ol:t'f' of ro~tull · tt<•l:oy l-'ra10k Dundy, H unlln(ttln &al'li . lrn. l.<•uls IIIIJ.:l-·"· t1 :\1 l',q •q•l•••ll 11 ,1 '"' 11101., hy 1\JISII Emmn V l••of<l ,.,., .. lloo. ,, J,. , , 1 ... 1 11o. ILuoi\\SOJ•• 1 .. 1,111r y ur N•·"· lil•l II Wb)te, H unttnatnn ~···h. him rwxt lamo· I'm ""'' n. I nm \lllllj:!ln" ffi\'!<rlf ~:oo:n;: n .... -"''''' , .... ; ",-q ·t ,, ·:. ,. 1~·" tfAf ,.,,, I 'fl~tttdu ' I '' I • •l lllltf r I I ftlt" rtf'l"'''''' •I ,, l" · 1 I tl ·rtttltltt It t.: ••••tut11•t ft••· f•• I •11 •I 1 • • f •11 I•• 1 \ I'• It fl , .. ~._ v.hu'tl \\ttl• •t•.l• •.tit th•· t•n nuul utr•·t tn..: 11• ~~ 1 ft •• d.ty ru..,hl '"' lu•t••tl ,.,, II•• '.,.,,.,,lltl•••• ,., .• -. f. ~· l!toMII'•. t: .. u..... 1 • 1\li 1 ''""" t"'··fl N•'"'lf11''' ,:, ''" , tr\• t Un•l .I II M• !'l:u ll • lhjlt" • I l11 nol urorl c• tlurt.ltl ""''"''''' I~ d1~·m f'•'fllft· ....... ftlf ••• "·I•• \•I· I• 'u.~ ,,,.',,,,,, .. ,, ... .. .IUtiJ.;c> IJ"<II-•' t:•·l t :\I II< II • l< II IIJ.:h!',. 11 noJ ~f1,.11 y 10tel \\'lo>df'tnlll• h•u1rlor d '" oo I ., , t , . ,,1,. 1 1,.,11 11 11 1.,1 1:.,' nt: Lfongooo•. hu" Jo' W. Hlekm&n, lle&l ~h Wh1t •• ,,m, J.uu Vh,~ ~ }:..\·11. u~ ~ ~,.1,:_ 'l)~.,.J.u.J ~;~,;_...!,) L~~~MtJ~~;_"1rJ.'I.IIi':JI,a:IUI~~~~~~~~fi:.~;:ct~~==f{~1:DC~I~"=4ei~~;;:t~,~f~:.:-'~[:;s~~f:lf~~~;!;~§;t jU( ... ~q~-l<> ~~ rnnf• :'il~~ m beilllt""' t~ '"' ~ 1i .. ~~ ·l ftr port Hr ... h' ~ I ........ lr•hn~ '" 811lif'lfllll10n .. r II r..... '" I :1••1111 • I •I t t .... ,.11111111• I I • h Mo•xlr'll llnnl pNIIIIIMnt Elm•r C nawf<ortl, I ; .... 1 .... M r ;, • I I • ;, • I"" I Anrl I h•'lll' th ot flo\!.!'\' \~lo:o no· •tJ·IIf't'akang lllllllllll'r !'f'lt~ln. C' A Miller, L. 'A. Patrh. lA•hr )o' J l• \\'11llo ''· 1 ... 11~., ·''"" 1\11;~ "'"' h:t!l ....... ., .• llo•ol lo.oo k IH tho • Mo .... Hui(~S W&ll an tnl..e.I CMtcll Kr.mmell. flotMFt ... C.lllll a nd 1':1 r .. tho•r 111111••11 1'•' " ••• ' I" "··W SII\'Y· I 11111'1"'"'' 1'11'11.~ n;,. • h:tn)! ,q,.ndlllll Ill lhf' ~prml: St yle 11hot" tnl'r Hu&hM rnmprtNd the 1111n11 lll"ol H•·11g• t 1:o11 ·• I I 11 I Ill tnj;: lhf'rt' lokt• lll•·Y .oro> o\•'1\'Wh•'t •· hr•lll \IIIII WM'k "' ~~ l:hltmorl' hot--.. e•nare ..... 0 .......... D,'sl-·"""1'• -----e·Seuon 110\tlnr rommltteto """' olfl I I· "·I M ••• llll oOOOO IIIIII o·fth. hl);rldo•n<o•J·•· .. l••lon l;o:<,\nl(l.'lf•S,OI\dWhiiO"Ih••fl• .-., r ... , .... _,. • ••• ........ • ""'117' K o.•• ...... l l•lrht .. grt\111 \\'1,h h1111 I''""' luo k f••l '" 1,1.,,, ol oordl!rll (oor !lpnnJ: ~tn•! ''"' 1\ B. I I IS \'1TF.D TO &ATE MF.r:ri~U Will yoou ~ • 111110wr nwr< hnndl,..'. '"' tudlfllo: nn · ll'\'111~ I h a t I ~·I I v.rll IJ,• ttw h•"·' \ • ar in the history nf t lu· :"lo•WI~<•rl H a r bnr 1 1rr1rtal• .,1 N•wJ)f•rt l'*'•r h, "·" A nn no matt•·• "''·'' 11 '"· Y"" , "'"'"''"11111 hnt or n>tltY new ~<lylo·> f til'tru·t. t4o l 'r o ,, 1 tlla'l;,orratmg a J!o L1h\ltt 11lion Campa1~11 d•·r-•~n··d t" wrn thr co-1w*'ll u a ny tndlvlduallt ~ht• mAY rmfl 11·'11 '' "'··I• h "11 lh•· J••h r .. r t-:ast'"r w('ar t~pt·rallotll :111.f ~ ·l•f·"rl ••f .til liti7A'IlS :til l J•l ••flerl,y o wnt•rK in orolo·r-that ~til )lllrtJI o f r aroe to .,_rtJcl.,.te, han befon 111 ~1'1'110!< l tl noll I I •·.ool I h,o I ho·' Ill L___.._ nc;., ltr I"' dtlllj:t oof n-pttrl~~ .u>W.='+..,-,--:=~--,,.c:o-.--.=•··~ (' ,l'R l' c:tJDlO!II'H1:· lol ;> i,t ftll p.rtl d t rr',.mt·fh.rrr. ~foot whoo. 10rl' !!" 111.: lntn !ttl' wha t p r<tnll:-•" l" 1" ••til h.lllll•·r t1111rt· 1 "' .,,,;n . Non -rt·t~ldl ·llt pr•oJ>I•JI~· towner!!, llM r , thnl 1 r 'I 'l'h~\· fl• 11'! ,, no Lal"" lllllltn.~. the \\'11"1\l'r Wll"<'· 11 I 1 •· roo•·• ~ ' ''• • ' · ' ' .. .. Wt• :lh rt•-.;to •·Ill. 1 .t I h• · d 1~1 n r·t, a rc • IJ•·III .! IIIVil<."< l f1 jilin rn I h•·. rra. t\'0'!111'111 . 'lJw C1ty 11ny lt••tlr•r til ,,. fl.•rn· \\'•"• h II•, """" Jaw 11110 tlw 1'\llll"""' l .• nl~tr · , "'~s :o toro· ~1, .. ,.1 : .. 111,. ""I·· 1 "•·" f<•·l.o t1r1n11 lll•aru all rnme 1n fr•r C ••lllll'll. ('h;•r!11,, I 1 I I· """"'fl'l' anrl otl h • 1 • 1\'iC groupH &nh•r(•Hif'd 111 tlw nrfvanr·e- ltl~'rl' 1rn11 '" ••Ill• r n•'\' ·f··•'"·r· 1ho·11 ~<hn re '"""'-'"li:lllt.~lon At T ill'!<· nH·nt t,f tf'i7': :"\c \\ l''•rl lta rl'><~r llr1•a .urt· III J:•·d to Jo in in tlw 1·arnpaign 111e11. t •>l'r.' \\'lt••n '''" ,..,.,. hull. '"Y d11\' s 111''"1"'~' o~ro>~la Mj,'SII·:'IIc·w· \'er\' IH·~I b·~•or·tl~ 1 .. H:u·1~· 1~,;., llar'bu[ Lwmr l'lub Whrn· Wll· Tho· pla n""'::; !llrl •·:dl f1or th1· I~Hll!lll• 1 11f bondtt 11r Hro· l1•vy of any lax ur ·lli'HCMH: l .ro•rtllonfy o•n!'•\ ltw 1'1'•''!1 ~'l"~'l'\' 11101" ('.o rll'r, lll'o•rr·tnry n ( tho• ('It· nwnl. h t1t IS I ll }II' .1 • lUll! :try l'llfll't'fl•'" o•f f'•,rt ~0 thf• p ari It( lht· IH 'orfrll• l11 f'lc•an·Up w~l'k Thunlt:< 10 l•>l ( .. t ~•·ttrllttf.: 11 11~•·1111 Ali!OrH'IJo tlflll rof (lrlln~r ('rolln · h Lrl m•: ktooo\\ Wl1•·11 III V l<lll•S• ""' ty \11014 lllnt lto· .. n !lfWIIkO'I', Woll•·r t f' :--t r•·· ts. :11li·~·., .tllol \'al'alll ltJtH: p.o llll. ,, !'air and r:t·hahiUIHi f' lllllotl.:hll) and run · t111n 11111~ o.o1t 1 ""''ltln't 1\',lnl too .-;pwo•r, "'' ... pro•liHh·nl M 1111' Coolin · d~own h•IITdlfl"•;.' ;in•l I" rf• •1'111 ''ll;·h oth• r 1., .. 1-.!4 &A will ndd to tlw all r;11 I 1\ o•n••KM 11f the !Tlll<l< a ' .. ,,,. S.o\ ho II" '" :\h.-: ty l'll iZCI\l! ~.:roJUf' Willi pruJ(rtonl f·omm :\1 h I d u ll•· with -· C· thnt In• hill••!< 11lf th•· l'r""" ('J 'Illly Jnm"s \\', Whl'rry, prom1ntnt 1.11111~ You'rr )!1\'lnj: ="''" i••rl H•·al h :• 'lull llll'n1bcr, Wllil led by vruy ,\nd!'ril'i;n, -.. ----.. --.- .. I • • s r•vlrw will be maiM ot th• Kl11t•· rt • \I ro ad C<tm ml.llllon'a a nnuli I 0 ~··k~p vr 8outh*'rn Callfur{lla Jl'.tt '"''" r••mpeny rat•. The r .. nfN r1o;e I• llmti.A!d t•1 Nlllldtlnl8 or I 1r ana • nra. P'ullerton. Hunt1n~rtr111 lleAC11, t.ac'una, lA Hab,.., N*'w· 1'"" ~ach, Santa Ana, Real Uf~Ao·lo an~ 1'\ac~nua. I ,Jr. ( '. ol ( ·. La mwh••s lnrorJtnr;afion " .. , ... ; ('it~ Ual'klng · ~~~h'Jt•tf d , fl f•l l t d I . ftt\1' ,,,.,.,. lll•tft• ''' d II \ ·., • f•••tf Jtu t ,,_,,, .fiUith f I 'ft t l ''" t ,,, I 'tlflftl i'f • t•, t tu-U•·• •· ..... r v I• ,, .d ,..,, t•'• t"' "'K ,,,..,.,, 'IJ'I~"'·' •1 '•·' I h~t r dn v :-. fftf"t1\lfl.,r ''' t Itt J,, -j t .f lj 111 fttf '' whf, t1 '••tn ' u • •I 111 t IH 1 :.~ lf,.,...f-1"•"' tlttlltflrta! ., ... , Itt ,,.,,, I ,, ••• I •• I 11h l•·u~lutt~l t .. , 11•• t hi• II I h l't ,, I ,. t . ' I wnr•t n flli ·h •• l••r '• fl ... , ' ,,,, +1 u•l IM I , I t --- '• C01 BA Le11 Men .. Til& HOPE OF TIIJt WOALD The worit. aa a w~Jo~e doee not ~· u.1 very k indlY. 'W• are an of ·~ We Forgive OUr Debtors" -" By w. Ka III.A.XW'a.A,. U .AL.ITY · FD 0 OS COURTEOUS SERVICE FREE DELIVERY Appf'Oltlmat• lh• Womftl'a &ervlo. or th• the .._...._. ~I IAit« ) Vice Tuuday . • SlJBSCRlPTIUN RATES: are ••tin~ UD.ivenal petluOa, "The Lord'• Prayer." MOIIOM of YOicea are lilted in unilon in utterance of this invoeatloa, 80 comprehensive and 110 perfect that ita author- amp bu heeD attribUted by eom.mon coneent to the Savior of,the World. And every voice of the miillena will repeat: li-EmntM • 111'o!'Jiw ua our debts aa fi~org!ve oqr debtofl!." How many out ·of the millions p&Wie io wei1h the ful-1-H---tl~kh._.. . MI.__.~,_·~ a.n all·d.ky m~ ) · a reprNentat Commi.Ullty C the bl.tgry 0 cllwcta alncf' I • '!'h. flr•t llf Memor\al Jl"Un Jobn R. McC la.nd wbo t"''ad ~ll•l) Mp«h by Mw Mau a.nd Mra 8&r Bllboe laland. -rwad ..,til ~ t n co port of a 811 the tau M ra ; llt&rt IUCb a I active In cbur< Mra. Katbrr -latlve ot tit ·c.u,.r. told o the cburc:b J!a rei•• plu.a wl . lltiack. .At JW bouta of a ell ationat ball. chapel for 1.a "and nMdy ft came t.o Loe A •· Ia ~· County,'· $1.00 Per year. Oulii<M ot o,.q. CowltJ, •1.10 ·A Rumanian who has not loat hie.IK'n&e o( humor Writes .(rom Bucharest: "We are a merribe/or lhe Ax..W, all right. WC have bread like Gcrmany'M, soldiers like ltaly'a, revoluUod8 like Spain's &nd ear:t~quakes like Japao'8." . ' ---------· . A local philosopher. to pr1ivc that small town people an not intolerant, ~>ay~.t where pt·ople are few one muat freely forgive faults or soon run out or g•tOd pinochle players. ln other words. don't tx> too good or you'll be lonC*>me. comes t report Ilooeevelt wants the stat utory ~mit on the national debt re- pealed. The limit has bt·,·n rait;(.>(} IM!vcral tim'& and .J'\OW it lB propoeed to abolish it altogl'th(·r. And that is frankly RooeevelUan. hair aland on end: ':..VIlllll re~· tra Uoni. People cheering In th~ strMt.t. 8WIIn~ cloM:d for th~ duy. Banda pla)'ln«. F~g1 wuing. Drumi rolllnf"-tha! t• the lm· preaalon Euro~ana tulve ot Amer- ---------• lea. By golly, if Wt' had had that much tun out of 1t, w~'d n!irllt~r Uncle Sam will not mak" sati~.tfactory headway .in the twice a mo.nt.h. fiefenae program until hi." R<'L'! hiR foot down-on the rackneen1 PerhAp• tllart~lln~.,. i-he who are hindering pruduction of pl;lncs, tanka, ahipe and 110n why-we •re mJr~Jud"~d abroad. mun1Uontt. And the first mov(• in that direction should be A foret.-ner Pollllll nut our t•hlld· lah antlca and lnst.ead of rontrll' the elimination of radicals and t•ommunillts from poeltiolUI of dlctln« hlra, ~., art more likely meanl.na of th1a wonder.ful ,.entence from ~ prayer? "A• we forJiYe our debton." The forgivenea of our offenaes conttacent upon our forgtveneea of thdee wb'o offend ua- that w ~ eaence of the Universal ~~: It ie a weakneu of mankind that all our.conoeptlons of jwl~~. are coJored by setfishneaa. We want the law applied rigidly to the other teUow, but expect leniency for ourselves. w~ are, for the moat part, more eager to collect our receivable than to pay ouT bills payable. We_ ~~t forgi~e­ neu for our offense!~, but take a stubborn pride 10 withhold- ing fOJ"'i¥eDeu from others. given u the unforgiving. load is heavier to carry than a grudge. No poiSon so v.:~ri>s .the mind and diacolon the out- look on lite u cherished hatred. And no attribute so inti· mately Unka man._with Divinity aa that of forgiveneaa. · Orthodox: or heretic, Christian or non-Christian, thf' mo.t of ua p&y h omage to the Jeaus of the New Testament as the moet perfect type of gentle manhood the world ha.s everlmowii. What wa~r fhe crowning beauty of h1s person ali· ty t. The answer stands out from parable and deed all the way through the gospel: FORGIVENESS. In the federal rnmt:nt-<!Ven though auch· ac· to lAy: ''You'"' darn toottn'! And lll!t=~=--=11r::!!;~ar:llft:t--:=-'7t~~;;!;+.;~~·~.;,:=;,:;~::,,;:-· ---f~~~ . ..-w--cS~A~~~a.-tJrom here on • .ln!" t he party in power. --And uiat. t.hClu_gh It too IIOUndli There are no sublimer words than that prayer from the crO.·"f~U' fqrgjyJ ~~JD1 fo!_l_!l_ey kn?w not wha~ t~.ey uo.'' T'RtO HONO" NaLaGN, a"t ,.. ..... u ..... a. ... ,.. =:-.. -=. ....,. ,_._. .,.. GUrW Cll -..-... --~. .. la.t H..,_ ... ...._ fll I ~IL I ........ • Cl 'E . I .. --------hke tun. hl'ts !ar wlde pf the ell · 'nUt wu the bigne-ss of Je8us, the thing that lifted Him above the pretenders and bypocritea and ahamed the little 110ula which opposed Him. No man is too little to h arbor The line-up at the U. S . treuury is growing. Though still carrying some twel\'e billions on thl' books from the laat --~•RW~Bn~~~~~·· pna Wlf, oi:ff ~e~_erciiTs g'Mcmmc·nt ha.a ~nOy "loa \"ut sums t o Chma and ~ut h hnwriC'an countrie. and con· temptatt:w h:avh1g the \ .mtts wtrtfY•utJm tor Gl"t'at 8r1tatn. Now com<'s Ct>nera l Franro w1th a request for a hundred million dollars "to ·reli<'~c Rtiin ;ation and distreu' in Sp~ -a condition brought on by c;nc-ra l Franco blmaelf. . The people of Cu-choRiovakia-the U{tle republic·found; ed tn•middle Europe at the duS(' or the World War punuant to Woodrow Wilson'N dnc·trin(• of the right of aelf-determi- natlon-are IE'aming what it m(•ans to live under Gefll)an domination. Since the Nazi hordt's S'{Varmed into the coun- try following the Munic1r'treal1_ of appeuement, military and eeonomk contrc1l by tlw Rci~h:-h'as become complete. Not only have the Germans taxed •the Czechs more tban one bllUon dollars but they have (aken over the banks, indWI· prualon of the true Amntca th~ moet atahl• nation on rarth. 'nll' on~ nation with a mi'Mill{e for ,1,.0:il'td"::t;:tr-:not::-:!!:rt:ft~la:·fM'd;:;:_:n:;o;t tn.no.Deiiuni£i~, taJ<es a big man to forgive. "Mercy becofl\· Am~rwn standi! 11\.<~t..hold-eth the ~rowned monarch better than hie crown." Spite be· ll\i"pruiCl'Jll~ lll'r ""'~~.--...,gs'""' tOtlie pigmy e~-:--- n.ere 1a your stable Amr rtcll ·~ k d ld f th There Ia your ").menca tl\at hllll Nearly every commun11.y nowa its prou o a er nev~ lo8t tn~tht of tM freedom and ~oea tbtouch life in bitterness rather than to yield to the diJ'nlty of man. the nghts of th,. promptinp of humanity and fatherhood by forgiving an err- Individual. the ncht t<> ~~ell-determ-ing daughter or a prodigal son. No villageli to() small· to mation. T here Ulrough all our blul'l· _ tntng. our bot•temWin•"-"· our "Git harbor ita family quarrel, where brother hates brother with up and go" Ia Ule UllnJt we h<old unrelenting hatred. or its neigh)x>rhood feud marked witlt moat dear. The thing that yet "'"11 t;avage enmity. An~ all who see these things marvel at t he ri1!41 agaJn In Europe, In All'la, In A.lric-a , will· rille to conquer th~ false pride and spurious "honor" which permits human be· world while Ule •holl! of LexlnK· ings to embitter their own lives and to enter the very grave ton and Concord .cho In .Jfl~n·,. (•nsbrouded in hatred. Not Ure bated, but the hater, feela the hrart.t whet"''vu they ma9' ~ Thr~ l.s your t ... e AfY11rica. Am· deepest CUnte of hate. ~rlea, the hope or the world! -Are you storing up anger in your boeom against one Vl.sla Preaa. who haa transgressed your pride or your. pleuure? U so. trial plants and everything of value, thus reducing the na· &t1NNINO TOWA&D ROM&t Uvee to elavery. This ia what European llt&te.men ea11 a Once I ban lltarted no one can a "JII'Oteelorate." •lop me.-Benlto Muuollnl. you have not part in the universal prayer saves aelt condem· nation. l'or 1 •. · ~-- ---------·---------TREY HA vt; A "CINCH" n ia notf"d by. ciVic-ra er'll at fffi' coun y aeaf --.,.-;;r-n.;;-+-JIII&.Il&l'li-OILD!dw:lnl Mge county 'agged behind jts neighbors in growth of popu· laUon aJ14 indwitri&l dev-elopment during the 1938-Uia UQ:4.!"!!.!"'-=~~~:.:.:: ade. u shown by eensuR rrports. The Ranta Ana Register place& the blame on lack of county unity-with coutline in- t.ereeta, t he agricultural intt-resle and the iodulltrial inter- Mtt of"the larger townR working at croaa purposes. The La Habra Star auggests that h.u:k of ad\'t'rtis ing and promotional publicUy may buvc haii l'o mcfhing to do with it. It would appear that ~hE' ASIU~iutl.'d Chambers of Commf'rce should be able to co-ordinate a_nd rc\'lt alizc the varit'd intereat.a and communities'of the county in a prn~ram o.!_progrePs. -.-----·------ on their kneett. I... EXPU'TIJIOO " -..RACU: thf'lf \\'h~n 110m~ ·lW'nJllf' C"llllt· tbrtr bre•tl llf'<'" tM watus they l.'l<JWCl It to r~tum t<> lhf'm tn thf' fnrm of cak~. N()T ESOllOH l'Of7 Bt:R~ti!'O Thtn! tuls ~n A trl'm,.ncluu~ n • tlurtlnn In unempl .. ymettt f<'<'t'lt\1\' but tllf'rf' "'111 n~\'PT be rrll'ltl(h ,.. •fl job!~ to flO Around. "-,_ l't'TTI!'Iifl TIUNCI~ OFF Thl're Ill nn c111ubt lhat nH'1t lrt• quf'ntly put vet thl~ll lh•'Y ''",:Itt tn do. hut wnmrn nrt~n put nlf thAn~" thf'y <HIJ:hl In wear. "IF YE J'ORGIVE NOT MEN.. THEIR TRES- PASSES, NEITHER WILL YOUR FATHER -FORGWE YGUR 'J!RESP-ASSES.'' This is the contract and -eVi'ry time the sublime petition. goes forth with9ut true forgi"e~ back of it, it ~rings only deeper condempation. And suppoee you "satisfy" that grudge at last ? What is the profit? Did you ewr know of any real happiness-any pc~mancnt good-to come of the mere gratification of spite? As well expect good to come from the bite of a viper ! If YOU retum evil for evil. you are OD the same level With him wtll) has wronged you.· If you ~tum good for evil_:_ r.1eet orr~nses with magnanimity and wipe, away the memory of wrong with forgivencss-=-you rise abo\'e him at1d lift your life a .,tl'p nearer the standard of di\'inity. .. A!. wr forgive our debtors." ~ . Ca:-:t 1mt that grudge and cleanse your soul. BE BIG! The Women~God Bless 'Em! .A n lllinoTa editor who knows the character of the female 200 Oceaa Fwoat, Newpol'l -Meats • Groceries • Vegetables • FruRs · Telephone 633 DYE CLINIC \\rED~ESDA v; $1.00 Ott ~ham.-. ..... If~ "'~~ •. • 40e lbdtlndeM Purna~e .. SliM ap WITH E\'ER\' $:!.SG I'ER)IASE~T WT. ARE GI\'INO - 8 ··ar;E ~AU• TRF.ATMt:ST!oi: ER~IA LOU'S COLLt~GI·~ OF BEAUTY "'nM' B4'tt.-r ft4-aut\· ~honl" 1 t'nnn,.rty ('hlc-a~rn ('oiiPP) &I• NorUt Mala st:, S:lnla Ana (l'ltut4rnt \\'nrkl .. b. 4118 Mntt \\'at.rr t lllfld F.'l:clt~t•h f'l.' --· -'-----·----------" ------.- BULK WINES " AT Tilt: SEW · laQiauar~ lllquar . Stare ~ 44t NJ:WI'ORT HL\'D.' (TOI' Cit' TilE IfiLL) TilE Rt:NOWNt:D RO~IA \\'tNt:~ IN BULK. Hie· Pint 32<· (~uart .)6c Jlalf Gal. 99c Gal. FINt:.~T QllAUT\. G~.-\STI A.ND ASTI COI..GNY Z7C' Pint -l!k (}uart OOc llalf r.at ~.70 Gal. T hek wtnl!8 llrl' lhl' fanes! that money cnn lmy, and all are aced . . Vtlltt· us and satts!y you~•·lf OPEN Nl (iJITI:\" M ~I 4, STUDIO CLUB I oN THE CLIFf OVERLOOKING BALBOA BAY EN T E ItT A IN MEN T 'I The Wortd'• News Seen Through THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR A" /!llr•n•fiofUII D•ily Nl'u•sfklprr ·ril&i~ Tire CIIIISTIA!tl SCIESct l't'1JUSrTr,-c snrn:TY 0..., NO<W~1 su..t. llooloo .. \la..>dl~vll> It Trvthrui-Cotu1ruai ... ~Uabiawd-Frw frOfff ~·••i-al. ... -Editorialt An T._ty end ln.ttractiv~ and hi Dail1 F..aa,..., Tocftbn wid! dw .,Htrt, Mqui.,.. s.«iOe. Mab tiM Moe.itcw en Ideal N~wepap.r few th~ H om•. Price 112.00 Year!,., or $1.00 a Month. S.Nrda,. luu~. tncluding M.1garine ~crio':!( 12 60 • Yeou, Introductory Offer, 6 J ... .-. H I..Anta. Oll«airwhla at: CHRISTIAN SCIENCE READING ROOM 118 EAST CENTRAL A VENUE L--------------~--~-~~-ALJ--.FO-~~~ Wendell Willkic, Alfred F.. ~mith nnd many other pnllti· cal foe.J of Presidt•nt R·~~H«--vt'lt huvt' joint'd hand11tel support· ing his demand for unlimitl'd aitl to Britain. Some of these mE!fl frankly say W<' s houl.t )!d into the war "t once. Gover-n~r Smith's adrriirCTI\. will be· l'llrpti,--<1 to learn that he bas publicly endo~ a Kan"ns City Star editorial which de- mands that all snci<•til'~ an\1 urganizntions actively ·-.... --. .-.-.c~,m Pii{@Pat¥ 'fft,~~-=L.- t hc-~flt'<'ies quite we.ll . ._is..,r1etls.;~Hn.;!,~ibll'll~eN.fw2,_;tr~~h:,_ ele!Pft'llo!tll'lo-:1wttiief~l7': ~~.=, t'M "heiioll.e Wi1J ~ llc~~.::JlCl(l~_;f;.'l:~c !ittlf' quip!' and qulrks at WOman's vanity: and .bnly Ule CHENIL ' ! SEPARA ' "Va~ty of I be disbanded by law. But wr arc nc1t' under military law and th~ h&!i tx-t'n no rt'J'I<'a I .. r t hi• con!'( it ut ion a I JfuRranty or f~ ape«h and thr ri~ht to nppt·nl In ('nngrt'AA. It's a queer situ&tion-we thought th<' w.1r wa~ lx•in~ fought to suppress thia sort of dictatorial nuhl<"ra <:y. ---------·--------- TomMrjlW. J anua(\7 z,t. will be th<' 93rd Mnivenary of the dlscu\'t'ry of j::nld nt Coloma, California by James W. Maf'llhall. Tt"' ('rn>H~n~ gtlld ru~h marked tht" bt-gitming of the tran~it inn nr C'~lifornia rw m n quiet C'.ountry of ranchos and mission!' to a \'ig-nrous Amt•ricnn 11tatf'. And t"Ven though th.f produc-Hnn of ~nlft n~ n lrn-~in~ intitJ!'Itry WU ·flOOD tiU~r· ~ed by a,:rr kultun• nnd fruit grnwlng-and later by pe- troleum and mot i•m pil'lun·s~t hf' mining iniiu11try bu con- twf'n SOW ··oil TJtt: 810 .lOR W ell. all th~ unwa nlffi f"hn~t mAs Jtlflll sh••ulct-hn\'t" t:w• .. n ,,, rhtln~:l'd hy this tlmt, and nn"· "• cl\n 1(1\'e nur .. ntlr~ ntt~>nlt<'n '" nAtlt•nlll dd~n.... VL~lfi l'rf'S.• MF.Ril\' -OO·R(lt'SD •. Tra\'ChnJt expl'lll!f'S or tlw •. ,,.,. uth·~>' 11nd lr~;1slntlvr llrnn• h<'• "' I Ill' fe-dt-,.,.1 ll"""'rAntf'nt Atii••Ht•f "'I lo SlOO.OI)(I,(\00 lui yl'nr ,\w l .1 fl01w1 111111' Wli.ll hnd by nil . --tinu<'d (o bt· an important part of our economic ~~et-up. When r-----------------------. the Roo&'\'Clt artmini~t ratinn rais1•rl th<' prier of the ycUow F . E . EAREL, M. D. *ctal from S20.67 tn ~l:l.OO an Cllttll'l' 1\ gi-f.atJ reyival begnl'l H . C. MAXWELL.:. ~1. n. in the Mother Lodr ('ountr~·. C'n lifomia lUI le-d all the other Unless Hitler is able in·a \'ery .-"hort. tim~ to Rmuh Greek and British resistancE' Mns.<tOlini must coinc out of the war a aure loeer. Present indk:Jti11nl' are that he .will low Albania. ~bkb be took Untlt'r a ••prnlcdorntt'~ (lfl'tcxt ~y the moet ~ ~-•od that hie Afri~an rolon~ wtU be taken . ,.., ..... I40J nat !'II. ~-!4t. ~la ..\_aa .... ...._: It) I ()ff'k-. ....._: •• 0\'el' by Britain-with Fmnr,• conc~i\'a-.ly getting a !~hare. .Dr t:a:Ralpb D. Hoard c t'IH•tit't'l ,,f us will take ·these sallies too seriou~ly. We know that t hr shaft8 of satire fall harmlessly as feat hers from lllllacl~•s armor of sex pride: we don't expect them to pehe· t ratc -wr know of long experit'nce that "when she will. sht' I\' I II." Ami our ,disappointment would probaqly exceed even 1.ur surpri~ if ~e jokesmith and the caricaturist should ,\l•an t hl' dear c~afure away from the whimsies of f~tshion 1\nd t~t·nd her back to us a stiff. prim person of sombre frocks an~f changeleM millmery.- Mut~t of WI don't give the matter much thought, but wh~o·n Wt' get t? ruminatinf about. it .a little we underst_and that ~loth<'r Nature knew her, business when she put the lattll' ~~ rt•ak <•f \'anlty in the femininr make up. It goes de<'per t han tlw l<klll. and it'a &Omething more than mere friyolity. If you tlun'L think 110, at.op long ·enough to censider what sort .,f a r:i~·,. we abould ha\'e in thts' planet within a f.ew gent'ra· I lull!'! if Wumtm ever ceased making t~&el\'t'S 8.1 6eautiful rue nat ur~· l and artl -allow• them. Somebody's got to look oUt J"b t., b.· ll•ft to buay, hant-working men. , Cr1•1.v about cletht"'? Not at llU. A woman that doesnjt "ant t .. f1~•k bel' betat it w~ng &Omewbere9and playing truartt w1th nahlre. Ja.h 'em. brother--and muvel. But do 'llQt t l;mk ~·,,u·re ro'DI to over-rule that di~ine gift of intuition . y ,,u\1 ~· m41bty. JD.ichly lOfT): il_yoY.dad ! Wo~ all. howe-n·r .... tht' loRS of (lrefl~·w1feri at vilization., lncorpc::JTated. . ____ Jaome and~ een~J'\ h:\rdships he b.aB broU~thl upon bia ~ ... .._,._ Air mOD are .tocibol<ten·rn_ our cf,·itiZatipn. We art• AJ -' ple: if either Mu880lini or fasdRm &un ·ive thia ~t 8erie8 ~ell all h,·m~ upoD dividendi that ci\'iHUtion (li!)'B, Whate\·t-r wt> o( humlliationa jt wiU lx-remarkable. n Ou~'11 mothree in • hRw bt~ ,1 able to ftm ot Naturt>·s •x-rets <'nmM~ h1 us a~ all ~ t>ttlering t~ war on. th.-~<ic ot th4) ula wU. of rouf'M', ru~ a dl\1,1,•n·t ,.,.._ -a.tttation. lnt'. Whatt>\'t>r fn4 re we. arc --.:.~:.~!!:~~.~~~~g~~h~a~r,~1~h~H'~k~n~l!.nlt~('~S~n~Cl~~d(!1Jl~~an~~ds~~·:o~~n~;~al~~--.a.t~oA..:.C~Ii.:._._~ :.b),. 'to ........... _. .. to our betn will corM from Ci\'ilia.allon. --~" ~-'\..... -~..._~;_~:t.....,.•"ifciifit~U:C:"IH1t'bfl't'fKK"Mln'MWf" :-------------1 Inc.-Rnlx>rt G.~ prw .. · . .... ~-· . .. R." .4. TIERNAN TYPEWRITER CO. 110 Weat Fourth ' Santa Ana Phone 743 Telephnr.c nr wnlc nnd a n·ptPsrntntl\'f' \\til t:tll at yuur 1 ,(t •• tt ~ •r hon•P ·-~ ,_-----~;...c:; ~"'7'~ -+-.,..L • ...... -. ... _ • . .· .. -·-• .. .. . I • ... J MUla l"rfncee Ynunjil and Chai'JM Smith drove to RoMmead Sunday whe~ they IIJ)Uil· the day Wlth the fonner'a cnusin, Mrs. Jo~rank Sm1th. Mr. and Mrs. Lylell Woody had u recent guesUI. Mr. and Mrs. A. E . Shoemakt-r and l'hlldren. Ruth Evelyn and Chari~ Earl, and Mr. and Mrs Charles c·umm1ngs, all of"Tiiatln. - Jackie May and Joye Kt'ostt-r (!( Collt.a M ea Wf'l"'l' Amon~: ~UI en· lertainf'd rt'(·ently 11 t a party hon- oring the birthday annw~>r of Ron- ald Owen, liOn of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Owen. of El Modt'na. Mrs. Dave ~~ltan1, the mnther of Mrt1. Harnld Sllll~·. 132 Brnad- way, 111 repnrt•od 1\11 ''rltii'RIIy 111 at her horn• nl'ar Jrvml'. Mrs. Spes!l· ard Will ~ rt>memtH>I'ffl as a form- er CNtn Mt~ot rMidrnt. Mr. and Mr11. Tony Wac;k , 281 Macnoha Btrt-t'l. .1ncJ the1r rnends. Mr. af'ld Mr8. Frank Tonrwr of Fox Hili., had an enjoyable Sunday mo· tor trip to Vlata, Ramona, and oth· er San Diego county polnbl. IZA \'E FOa OIU.AHOMA Wllliemina Hommel Dies at Metia Home C<lrb Sa.rchel. tonner owner and Jlllbll!!her of the C011lll Meaa Globe- H.-raid, ldt SaturdAy l'tlr Okla· homa wht're he haJI aC<'ept.cl a po· !!Ilion as lleC'relary of lbe chamber ut rommerct-of Pa.,.'huaka, a city of 10.000. Accompanylnlt him eut WllJI Mrt!. Sarchet, vlce-p'"ldent oC. the C011ta Meaa P'rlday Alt.ernoon r lub and fonnt-rly t10elety editor of the Olob--HeralcJ. Tbe San:hell have been I"Midenll of eo.ta M- for the put 11 montbl ancf prtor to that were located tn Newport Beach and Brea. Xark Sarchet and Mra. Wllhe'.'ll~ Hommel~ene of family have &1110 ~turned to Okla· Coltta Meaa's few nonogenart&rut, homa, w)\ert_ M_ Wlll e~~ tn died Monday at her hom•. 5e5 W. nt-w!!paper work. Wllaon s~t. WMre she had re.. Mlu Marguet Kllpple, ~,.hter ot Mr. and Mra. Ben Khpple. 357 E. 18th Alret'l, "''" gradul\te Mxt Sunday fmm lh.. M.-n'y Schnnl ~or Nuralng at San D~t,o wht-re ~<hi' hae bH-n tAking nurl<#s' training. ------llldf'd fnr the" past t~ yu"'. Bom WILL Wf;D IN FUatJAaV '" Germany In 18JI, she had been MINI Mary PhiiHjNr, daughter of a ~nt of Cellfornta for 56 ihe H 1Jo!h Srhonl F.rworth IAa-Mr. and Mra. B. F . Philllpll of )'f'Ara, . gue 111 plnnom~: a skstm~ot J)Arty at ('osta Meaa. thla week announr~ She 11'8\'fll c•nl.' "''"· JPI"'l'd K. Valt'nrul ballrunm nt'xl Mnndav h l t W II M 1 Humnwl, C',.!OIJ\ Mf'Nl . une dau•h· . • rr engagemen o 1 1am 1 u · " eve~m~: Lt'ngur ll'nd!'r AI la~<l Sun-1 <If Ontan n, lht' uuptial rltea being ler. Mr11. Jo:mml\ Jlarlow1 LN An· days !ll'r\'lt'e wn;1 Glvnn ~'lei!. l f F b 2 KPII'II. flvt; J(nt ,nikhtldr~ and one .. D G II M . th t 'be I M or e ruary · .-..111.!1 11\n~t '' :~rgwar. I • The bnde-elecl hu rulckod at grPIIt-grnn•lrhJid. - In <'hnr~:r nf Ill''< I ~und.ay s meet· C'CI!II.a MeliA for a number or yeara. fo'unc>ral ~rv!rt-!1. whu·h' IA'f're In lni. • atltndlng loca.J jtTammar echohlll c·hR r&•' nr Harold K. Grauel chapel, The Rr\' .luhn N Budlong or nnd g-ralluattng from Newport I Wf'rf' ht•ld Y••lllt·rday at Trinity Santa AM L'mtanan ch~:rc·h w1ll Harbor Union Hich 11ehpol with Lulht•rnn c·hurl'h, Sa.nllt Ana, Atlort be ltlle&l revk~ooo tr at the regular l!C'hnla11tlc honora. She al10 attend· rltf'a. 11180 bfomg h,.l~t Mountain Janunrv honk d•~c·u!llll•lft. set rnr I cd SRnta Ana J unior college. Mr. Vlt>w renwtrry. Pallacltnll. nrxt \\:ednr!ldfl\' at Ccostn Mc•~tn h · Mtlel! 111 lhr ann or Mr. and Mrs. brnry. "The• Pnwt>r ur Non-VIo· Ot18 Mlle10 and 11lnce hill gradua-IIOSORF.U AT SUO\\J,:R l<'n<'f'" by Rlr hnnl R r.r('J(Jf 111 thr t1<1n from Ontario achoolll hall bt'en M11<1! Ll\ura Wright. whnae mar- vnluml' rhtt~Pn .fur renrw. l "onnPrted with var1oWI ba~tde and r!B.Ile tu .Jol'c•ph .lunr~ will bf' an • onhe8tf'll.!! throughout Southem f'\'t'nt nr tum""""'· waR c7irnplt- Mrt!. C. A .Cut~t('r, I R~I''2 !1-:ew-C''allforn•R. ml'nll"d Sallorrlay,; urt••rnrwm at a port bouii'\'Rn1 w1t11 snddt>n('(l thll' I mllll'rllnn••m•" l)rulttl 11hower glvt-n week by thv drRlh nf ht•r aunt. W t Cl b H • by Mrtl, W R Mellott Jn thf' 11110• Mrll. SUMO A. TRibert nr Orange, Oman 8 Q eaJ"S mom of thP wurnrn/10 r l Merely Meddling By HELL Mt1kBAJ\oa ''Mlili1it\ thlna-e ar. ba4 Th .. y mtcht be "W'Drwe; Thla •-uocSon1 we have wont- l.t c~ll a lot to Uve. ot coune. But ttwn, lt'e Iota ot 1\ln too! -kary"C'arolyn Da¥1• • • • On4' of the n1<111t lntei'MU,_. I'~ bad Iii fll&.A¥ a. day wu 1M( ThlU'Itd!l)''l Red CroM luncheon Wh4'1"'l' I wu fortunate enoqh. to 1111 l~tw .... n Mra. J . J. ~naha.f\. nn.. uf C1111ll Me.a 'I moet acUve Rl'd C'I"''U knltten, and Mra. How- aru' Tftnnwna, Ora~ eounty pro- duct.ltfn" chairman for the RM <'"-0811, Contrary to what you mtcht 11upro--, we didn't cllac~ knltUna- nur aewlna-nor Red CI"'M .... uet '''ork . . . We talked about cen-~tnrshlp ot let¥_...-:-: . ~ ~ka. -------• MM&D Wlll'ftrcwat Anti-War PetltlonM C'olita M-broke lntu lh<' '"' tloftal new. ~ne 1hla w .. ,.k \\ '"'" liN, ~)' B. am.Jt.y. htt'IO) rortt .. t who ...act. al Jtl4 Nr•'l'"'l b1•nl ·~•rd •. rec.tv-s a "bllttf!ry · .. r 1.,. II tiona" from VeMI M""'h•ll. t •,.,1,., Rapldl· ntl,lltant ~llnr lh\\\ l"'"lt; tU< tht' I )11"11' ''"""n11 ... 1 Mra. Smallt')', f<lrm.,rh• .. r i •,. dar Raplda, In~'"· w"" f,;rtu••olv n N'Jll.lrter on M•nohAII'II """'~1'"1'<'1 a nd Ia aald tl) be ,• •'""'''• 1'<'1'~<••11111 fr1~ of hla. 8hf' w .... "'"'' '""'"' f'r uf the Coe t:uUrll•' ~· .. ~11,.,,. ., <'<~lit'•• nt~wapaper ''' 1111111 '""' 1 .. cr'4'dlt~ ••lth namtn.c lhl' c • .. ~Ill"' VISITORS WILCOto41 1 •lnh ""'" I II •I h:!l \\"lea IMtltuUeft. tt.. I" 1. , ,, 111 h "Prx-uy 1"'' 'I ".,u · "• '""t••nlfd by 'lli!J k hl\l'd W•>rk ta 11-''''''••' ·•t··· ''•"t h,fttu•to ·u..· d " l..• 1 ''' l•.jJ t h tpulhuL ln wv." It '"' •• 1'1'"•,1 11111. M,.,., Smalley '1 •II ~ .. ,., • · '' "'' • '" ulnUon ...r the .... ,,, IU \II\ I 'lift til .._, .... r.~ ''' .:....1-, "'I··• •• r 1 • .,;11 ~h "'1·· t·~~··'l\ '''''"d th" d.-ntal "'''' •1 ""' 111. 1'1 I'.A CU. In ·I 1• .. ,., :'II• ''I''' lh•llh•\'IIM11 Ia "'''' • '"' •l.tlo l,· I •• uf•'tl In tit• .,,.\, h· lh• tUb~ •••ud\ h•r h\u•an-, hr n r •rf ~ II•· 1\.11 t••IHolf' 111 tiM t'l•\tl t ... I ,, .. ,, ,,,. ~"''''. tUI\If't!M.. n .. I'•• ,. "''""' "'"'''"r thatrid """ I' •1•·• Sl ·~· l"'r )'l"er -. --.:---- Day Do you kno,._, a U(>lttr ~tilt Ill Ill<·· ii T1 rruoi1r.o Rnu..T In It you Wilt rtrul tho• r ..... .,, ....... ,, 1·1 0'\'t'l ""'"' whu want. _ • hu•ky, health ~!:!!Y,.....J..l~ l.lullcJI..u..uJ ,.,.ul. .,., ... , .. •-•h. I'"· ..... II~N are eome of th• thlllJrll M ilk ,.,.Ill ,j .. ,. (.,._.,.,. ... In llhunltiotll'"· ho•l)• 1(1\t• """ '''"''IIY and pep; ~--M f'h day ht'll>ll t .. k"''l' lho· d•·nl 11•1 IOWuy";· ~· P,...._ tht' nu•••·l,. nu•k•·•" ,,r lh·· ''"''' ''""">'· a.tlerfat, whkh •uppltr11 Ill•· l••lv ~' 11 h fuf'l "' 1nake It IOhlelhl"'' like •-•llnr tJ,,..~ I•• 11 1 111 MHk alitQ contaJna •• ._...,LUA. lr-, ~1*-r ell or wtttdl needed for h•alth . BE 811ART Rill HAI'I'Y Jtp; RTTtONO . •• ,.. •eu mar:a·a· ra•ovs ----~-----1 • • • SEE 1-941 GAS ·REfRIGEDTOI Costa Mesa Charcbes .U few P"UUCb, Mra. , ........ and her hWiband niM ·~on t.Mtr Mlnch north o ( TWitln . . . The)' have •bout• 2li btrdll and t.t them l"'l&&ll Ut. I1UlCh. ate&JJ.na ~r _.. nut An•l """'"lr lht'lr brooda , .. At f1not thf')' didn't truat thf' JN!Il· l\t'n'" llbthtiCA AR a molht'r and tf'Uod •tttnjt' ffll' to~an uniler com-0'1"" h~>n• • ~nnn found out that lhl' muthd ~~~~~ 4Mh1.clh their lit· Ur pt'llfowiA IIWJ much . , . they're vPry lndi'Jlf'od,.nl r N'AIUI"PP' and whf.n •tlo•ul 11 noonth old would w•nt II• 11lart ,......,llolt In the t.ree. wtulf' "'"""' hl'n lh•m~thl t~y 11hnuld lllJII ,,.. turkf'd Mftly u~r hl'r WIIIJ: • Thr trtlw .nrnollllf'd l" al:trnung prnpu "t1u1uo and while re In ''"'k. At , WllJin't 1/XIlctly a ""'""Y·IIlak1ng pr••I"HIItlnn, 110 thr Tlmr11111111 d•··•·•tlc••l If tlw uld Rom•n l'ftlJlf'rllr.l •·uul•l •·Ill """ rl'lhoh ptll· fnwl11, t h<'y •·•mid I'"' . , l"nund tht'm PJCir•••u•··lr pnlnlnl!lr, In tart eo.ta MN& Ooaull....,. C.•II'C'-11 fTlllllllo•r •uul lll•trr rtnvurful than (l•&erdf>ttnndea..._.) lurkry, nrul llloW l"'"l'•t<'k Ill ,. fll · Rev. Altrf'd C. Abba, Mlnlater rnlllar lli~<h •on Ill•• 'J''"""'''"' t.ablr l'htiOt' 311-J Thf' l•lrflll Wt'IJ(h 11rnm11J 12 JlOIIOdll, •#,~/ MOIST COLD .. DIY COLD You Gil lOTH I r-=:::~::::;;::-;~:=::""::;:;:--;;;;.-..-T'flltdmt l1f Ule t'?'1"'T f~!-Uie ~~ .. pe11t 2'7 yMr" Fullf'n;'l 11er\'il'es ___,•~--t§ •-n . were hrld Mnnl1ny, lntf'nnent be· on Greek Life many lc.wely lillft,. n.lnlf rec-elvl'd by th,. popular Jo"•Ung br'ld~·tn·be. Sunday, 9·46 a. m. -Iunday dl"f'IUII'<l ·~~f:{;;-j~:;;.~~:=i':;;;~;;-::..::;;;::;;:;:~;;::i. ... ·..... --::r * ··~>~ u.:. 1j4 _:-.. ~ lO:t& a. rn. Momlrc wonNp. ,. "P'•n lht" pnHlfont plan • 1:30 p. m. Colleae. t.Aall khool &ay little and t.am all ~ ean . .. . ln~t mai14! at.,..f1'!1li"M:!n eem-e~ -~::..::..;:;.. __ _ Fifty C\lella. repruenlln« virtu. ally every ff'derllled woman'a club 10 Orang• county, were pruent th110 week at the annual reclpnX'i· ty day p~ of O<Mt.l MHa Jo"Ti- 81..,.. (fft!Q'e' --~'IIlla U1*S Wl're IUW'd on dfoo<'<lntttn~. tea t11d c11ke twmg ~rvt"<l hy the h011let111 11nd ht-r I\NIIIIlanl8. Mno. Herbt'rt Churrhma n, Mrs w,. lt,.r Mf'Jiotl M"' Alire Cllrt'Yd·lght and Mrll. Ht'lrn Wr~ght. Forty·f•ve I'JCIIIJ! werr pN>Mnt ___ _,._. .. 7;30 p. m. Ev..U. ~~I Wh•h '.\t. cuuJd lli.IJlllnat. R.«tr~ Mr 11 nd MMI F"rank f>oRr!lons t>n· tertRincd lhl" !'<'llthhnrh•wod P i- nnrhll' rluh, Fnf1R:V I'VemnJ:, thm•e pret~ent lnl'ludlnJl Mr. JHWi. Mrll. Ben Core 11nd Mr. Rod Mrs. Je!IM DougiR~. 'CononR drl Mar : Mr And Mrll. Floy<l <11hl'On. 110d Mr. ttnd Mra. • W. R Hut<'lunJUon , C:o!<la Mesa. Mr11. A H. 01xon, n11w (tf Hunt- 'lngton ~llrh tmt·fn'r" m~ yi"M'B a re!ltdent or Co11tn. I!! mourning the dl"nth of hf'r brulh('r, Alex Syl\'t'lller or OnkeMifleld. who Wa8 killed in a traffic ~c<'ident 1&81 WMlol'!l•lny Mr11. ll1xon'!1 fRih('r Wl\11 Rl~o killed In a mot"r arc1dent Th(' two ~mall rhl.lclrl'/1 or Mr. And MMI Hnr(lld Stotll'y, pr .. rn~>· ' tn1'8 of El PRIHI rnurt, 1:12 Broad· way. Rrv Non\·nh•s•·lnl: from lltr· moms T hf' rt~rtHIY ptnn11 R ~hort I'IO,Iourn t.u 1'wrri1}."·!'1nr PRims thl~ w eek wherr •I ,,. hf•P~I the dry dell~>rt Air w1ll halltl'n the1r re<:ov- ery 'Memherll of ('r,~t.n Mr!IA F1rr· men's 11\uuluny fHI't ThursdAy nllht at lbe C~rehllll. the meetmg havlnlt ~ pn~~tpnnf'd ·fmm Tuel'· day. Fnllov•mg 11 !W'!OIIIon of ~f'Winrr a.nd enr\"1 Am,.nlttM, tht' ,rnnp 'itd- ,)oumrd.to th,. h"m"" C\f 'MrS. Orovner for refl"'l'llhmentll Pf't-Mnt we~ MettdAml'8 'Therr.M SchiA'AI· ger. Jimmy Cnlllnll, Harry A 11011, Ed Ed1ck. LenMrd W Gordon Almond. Art .erviee. . CI'Jlwlry f•,r ,.,. '" udrmy award or W ... 7.30 p m Mi4week NfV· IIOnlf'lhlllj( lt"J:I(II', whtJ Ia hla ice of prayer and'p~. hrothrr·~ nl(hL-hltn•l mlln In the Thun .. 7 4fl P m.-Cbotr re-meat nu.rko•l, h~tl' t..1 wAlk qut~ • hearal. dllllan• •· 1,, """'k 11nt1 f'VI'n when day Altt't:nonn club. P1nt ,..,_...,.. ~ .t you're ,.,, ,.,Jept "" Rrtgle, lt'a aUII c-aa .._ hard '" p,..ke v .. rv IC•Jf.od um~ on Speakrr of the aftemoon wu Mo811 J~~ebdl RMe wtlnee lllustratf'd le!'turt', "O.reat Little O~t'." prm·Pd .clucatlonal and enJoyable Mr!l Ro~~e, whOAe collel(e wnrk hal taken.her to many eountrlu, wu a L A Oil w;. ti 0 . Willard Steanw, Putor r rutrhr" 1'1•• ~ooo•h~tl hAJI h-done •. ro~XecU Ve 'Phone 1771-J but ,,.,.,_,,..,, I•• ,..,JI,.r llkllti' He Commit!il Suicide' Friday, 7·30 Evanaeu.uc •rv· put" • "k"'" ''" hu• "«ooct" t•>Ot Ice. And, r•N•J,..IIIII,K hlm""lf With the or O~ea ~o., a numtwr or yura a.nd 1poke from pertOnal ex- at Cosle-Mesa. ...y. a:ao .. ___ ....,....,_.,ul.LLC.ti<:Jl,. IC·-......... ,~ ttmorn . ~ Cl.-fnr all ..-. hlghwNy Ilk,. 11 "'''" "'"'"k ... J)@I'~ _Eun~~l"'l' hPIIrt-~lrl-,»-An a. m. Momtna-WOrahlp, And, II v .. u •1•!11 1 think that"• Rftlifnl)l'lft In Huntmgton Pllrk tor 1 :00 p. m.-Cruaa.clen. · ~t~lme f.,.111 J•ll!t y.,u try it aome-Mrs. Mary Batten Stetfen11on, C'omn11 del Mar aoJoillt, &C'CilfnJla· mf'd hy Mra. Edith Gllbt'rt WarN'n or OrRngl.', IIAnJ a ~troup o'f' fnvr ~~~n~s. "The Year 111 at the Spring:· "f!tar1" "Amertcsn Lullaby.'' 11nd "Homln~:." hrr t'orore belnlt "L'· Amour. Toujourll, Amor." Ml"'''. Steffl'ollen, w.ho dlnoc141 lh4! filmed Frsnk Harry Law. 51, office m•n· 7:00p.m. t~v .. nlna-..-v1c:e. lim,. .. '"" k••r ' R,KI.'r and engm~r tnr the Gener-Tu-s&y, 7:30 p. m.-Mid-week "'· Pelroltum company of Lr111 AI)· aervlce. IC"Iell, who rrrmmltti-d 1mlrlde In Thurwct.y. 10 a. m. -Prayer Co11ta Meaa Aun'iii.y nt~tlt. . meetlna-. Lllw, who had ~n re111d1nr: at ll"ttll noapel A.....,., 414 Eut Rurf, Balboa, f r,r the put net N-pert ....._ yur, •pJ>Arently parked hill car Rev. Gerald L ToUer, Paetor on ln•lnl.' AVt'nue Choral K!'oup at lAguna Bearh. Ia WI"'te Bl!V! r hoir dl~~r a t lhf' Flrllt ~,.,.,.1 nolf'll lndiratmr: Mapond- BIIptl!ll rhun-h of Santa Ana a.nd f'n!'y •nd then dr11nk a bottle of put pl"'l'llldent nt the Mu8ical Arlll ryAnl~. arrordinr: tn I'VIdn\ce pro- Society. a barkttround which durf'd at the autop~~y. Nu-1 L EJ . m10 ke8 her appuranct'B particular-llntt. a nnrher rHidinr: at 15e() ly Rpp~iAt~ Irvine avenue. noUrf'd the ptatk.cl Mr11 Gunnln!f lilutler pre~~id.cl at n r Sunday nlttht. ht' tnld offk'en. the Bhort buameae meeUnc. Mn. and •·hf'n he u w It atlll there ON& Onbte ll'acllna-the naa •· Monday monunc lnv..att«tJted and IUtt' Announcement wu rnaCSe of found the btldy No lnquf'llt wu tho> mu11fc ~eetlon mMtlna te~-Mtd. -- UTM ff\r ·~lnorTtlw at the club-l'urvtl'tn" •• tu• W1fl', M'rll Luel- hOWII'. covered-dJeh lunchf'On to be Ia La•·. """ dAu~thtu, M•• Ju11t1ne ~rv.cl at t\()On. Law, " lltlltl'r . .MI"'''. JamH Jnf'da.n Tea hoe(..._ •·ere Nra. John llnd hi.• • mothf'T. M"' o.o,.,,. Mornln( wunhlp, I o'dock. Evana-eltallc ,...rvlr•. 7:10 p. m Pra~r mHttna . Tueeday .. ,.,. Ice, 7 :30 p ""- PraiM t~ervl<'e, ihu,....,., T :JO ....._ .. Dar .Uu .. n.rdlt., ~ ............ - SabbaUI tehool, Sat~. t\10. ~Ina-Mrvi«. 11 &. a, W.sn.day njpt Nn1ee, fiJI. a.udt ., lilt. J\JAia4" ....... a•l••"..,_...., Rn. JUclliMII4 Burp, .... Sunday, 10 a. m 011'*-'• IIeut. II a. m. PI'Mchtnc ...,__ W-...clay, I p m. 0.. Ill aptntual rMtal'fltllln It 1n YJr. l'lnta place. , Rw,..l l'"lnl•"'ll. n11w ''"., of t~ M,.M .• thRill r ... , •• ,.,..,,,,._ ,., • .,,. JWit In ~b,. rJCpt'rlno•:JIIfl l llllllfl' her., 10 Y""r" "IC" In ll•'lll " ff'w Pf'<>PI" lnrd •m•ll f'"'' h"" with rem•rti- flhl,. ~turn••" . In Jo',.bn•ary nl Jff:l R.. w .. rb ••n ~lint• Ana ave- "''" ftntl ff J Ham••n Ill !r l"f'll at lh,. , ••rm•r ••f Hr""''"'"Y 11nt1 Banta A"" · Th .. ""'"'"ndlna Ill"-,,, th,.,... lw•• fl,.lfla ""rv..S to en- ' ltUI'Jl.~,. f•l rth"r piA PIIII)J 1~. fol· ltoV.1ttll V••kr """ n .. w. a ctH-.. l~at .. r. tlllll•lr ... llt ••f ,,,11• .., _...1 lltAat•~,. "'f,. !frr.wn "•"h y..,. on .. _ ,.. .... ~ • • f~ ,,...,., '~ 111ft" Jfarry Carr. IJ8.n •J '"''!"''"f"'r-t' -m.nnllbr; •· n nl'd " hu k '""' n .,. · ''"" )n wh~ll t~ f,.w lndl' 1rl1111l .. wtlo. 11,. wtlllna ~ c~o-'1')1\''flun~e l•·r I~ r•td r.f NJffltntlfllly llno 8NUIN'd b)' 'the oUwr11 •tl WllntJnlr t.l'l P\llllhi"''l ," W.._t•v•r "'"'" we •· let'• fJNU SERVE(. £LEt:1ltOU/K MI'RES SILENTlY 11{11/ Ntl MfJI'INfJ ,_,, .... ·-............... ., c .......... ( ... ..... , ..... ....... ... c. J , ....... .......... c-.. • .............. C.: II . .. ": BALBOA FURNITURE STORES S.rtnn ilrolth. John ·--.......... ~ ... ~ .. ··~·-·~'Oin"'a'iiCf"lKi"ll'lll!tm. ·~,. . - F. Wehllter, Ml"''' 8 , R. o.,-waa. Mool"f', Ttlt'llnn, AMz rtlftt'f"&J 3nd Mra. J~h C Payne. Mt• ranaem'ltnll ""'"'" in "h4rre All~ Phun•r and Mn. Reuben II. Ora~l chapel. ~ntombm~nt ~~·~~~· r.o pour: -· · ·~-u A'l'lrerti ~'lil'il-"/llimciT~m.·-··r'!GiiliNiiiii;-or;JY-ln:a•·• ..!!~~~--~!~~-·'-?~.~ .. ~:~q~i.J"-"'--t ,ro..; .:_F~ ' ..... .. .. ' .. .. .,.. .. . '· Approxlmat tbe Women'a Be_rvtoe. of tb· . the Sea took eur-• ~.en , vice Tueaday an all·day meo a -nprNeotat Oommuii~ < the tu.lory 0 eburch al n<::e I Ttle nn~t • Memorial Ji"UJl JoM R. McC land -a'bo ~ad wntten Hp«ll b)' Ml~ Ma1 ~ Mra •. J:Jar Balb laland _flad irtu be tr tary aub«rl~ cbapel for 111 and · nftdy ft came to Loll A to becoa;ae atfl -· Let~s-All G8t -.Biiild CleaDUp Trade pur ·B•build . Jb->:;--·---·--.. ~,_r ..... J • The Case For Modernization-· It IsTMoney Well Spent r -· ---:-----. ~ - New Buslne8s Block Nears Completion·;· Leases Signed· Over 200QFamilies Own Summer Work on Balboa'a newut bual· H H ncaa block , the Clare11ce 'H, Reed omes ere bulldu~o~ at 61W I6 E. eentral ave-, · nue, 1.1 fut nearing completion, D uring the paat decade. accord- the atructure being proml.!led-for lng to re<·nrdll uf the U. s,, Cenaua occupancy at. an •arly date, &<'cord-Currau. Newport Harbor Jlialrlct ing to Contractor Irvin Georlifl! hns llho'IO.'n a g ntn In year-around Gordon. I populntlun uf 101 per c;.~nt, lncreu. The thoroughly modem building. 1 1ng from •2203 m 19:10 to 4438 tn Which (a beihg .ronstruC'tffl at a~ 1940. E\·~n j::rt'atn l11 the rain ln <·oat of leeOO, will "front" on the l!f'n!Wlnal p(1pulation, the Harbor <'um er of Palm atl'ef'.t and CenJral a~a now bolutmg more than 2200 avt'nue, the ~ice cornl'r unit to rNitd•·n•·r~ ~\\"ned and f)('CUpllld by ~ Ot'('Upt~ by the M"-' bWifnrill · the dehghtJ! of two- Tt'll'phone enrn-peny. lt 1.1 und4-r· homr ow~hip worthwhile. lllood that le&Ma ha\·e al~ady bf't'n n~ tu tnl'l(linphy or the dia- i!!lgnt'd for lhf' T'PmAimn« thrH tn•·t. huntlrl'dll' of N~>wport Har- umll! but idf'nhty or the futul"f' ur-hur'11 flnl'll t hom«'ll are afford~ the r upanll! hai-not u yet ~n en•= 1 1 uni!JU" n~\'llnt.a«' 11! frontln« on· clulled. tht" llht>lll'n•d watt'n of the bay Sub<ontractor"l! lnrlude V. A. 1 whf'N!, fmrn their own private Tr1pp, f'lt'Ctrlc, and J. H. Eatua. 1 fll""'· • huntr CJwnera (n&y board plwnbiq . -ttw-1r :r.t"h'" ~r Ntbin r'rulllera and OARAGEXAN WILL BU'Y' R. G. Lindley of HarUey'a gar- Age, 3001 W. Centra l avenue.. New. ~<«>t f"lrth nn rtt hl'r a quiet Sunday- artr rnnon Mil uver lht' Harbor or An ad\'t'nturt' · parked joum'ey around l h't world. port Bearh, ill building a new five· RP:MODEUSG APARTMI:Nnt room 11tucco ~11idcnce and garag.-Clyde E. Holley of Loll Angelea 1.1 ii~~~~~~--ttnt~l~8~8~~~~~~Cfm~a~~:;::~~~~~~~~ ~ 61 ~U~ li rlone rtt tht" Holl~>y~apartmenta on --~====~:~~-~~~·~------------~------------~------------------~~-----------.r-----~~~~~~~;.:~::~ 'I'hr• ~·:.:.~._. for ot old bam.,. U nw.nt<N~ "1tt11t" the Newport B t'Q&t)' J 1 COD• ~~ ol U.. .tudent. of the ,...,..,... Durtnc the a.ao. I*Dd ~pot : ..,......l._n floowera cetel ~- TRIO HONOft NKLaGN, 81tl ~ l:dk ... I ....... , • E I CHENll -·c • SEPAJU varil!ty ot All ... • I ' ,, WATCifNEXT WEEK'S ISSUE BEAL BUY·s IN BEAL ESTATE . Jordan, TWist ·and PaJ~keJ~i Plaoae 153 , 700 Ea11 Central, Balboa -··~ ---------- .NORMAN NURSERIES . CLEAN UP aad . PJ;Jllft ·~-' ,w WHETHER YOU CONTEMPLATE "\ REMODELING or JWmJ ••ww+ttc•tn,;. 111 rlrnriY ll••t forth In ~ "befor«' And nfl«'l'" Jlhuloj(raphl<. t.lvdPrniMllon u( outtnode4 d'Welllng~ nu•y be• fmanc·•·d Ul1•t"r llw FHA cre<ht plan <W b)l ptnte l~al loans. 1"rxTrrg-up au CJid proptorly IM a good lflv..un.nt Lep County in Construction First Ground Broken ~r-Ne\V-Building" at Costa-~esa Better Homes ~rliving Expt'n.-nc mg a n10mrntary lull 1.-'tJ,JM. ftJit.. George Htoa ley, fur many yean , ll.U.rr lhe Chnl'Lmnll h••II<!BYll and "'7 "f . foreman or th~'. bu1lding trade11 dt'· Oect>mber's wntrlwm.t fl018h which I' AddJUONI to tht< hoUl!f' nre UBU· partment of TeWinkle Hard .~boo.stl'd 1940's blulll•ntc actl\'ltiu ally eOincidentaJ with addlltons to l.'ompany, off Tul.'sdny tv•lrwd lay far ov,·r thl' mllllon-d•JIIAr mark. the taml'.. the cor ne-rstone for TeWtnkle'a ~ t H .. Y • · I'Wpnr rtruur ha,. :1gnin stru('k An extn room for lh«> g-rowlnR 18th street !liON!, which Is t o be de· hrr :o~~<te and 10 k~>~>ping with pM t ! rhlld awa tbe l'ellt ttf l.he MU8t', voted exclulll\'ely lo buildel'll' aup- l rt'f'or..., Ill onf'e more lt•adlng the ns well u tbe moth~·r. from a· lot plies. · ~>runge <'ounty Cit>ld for rel!idl'utial or wear and tear. n nnng winter Coming u lhl' rt'allzatlon or a ronstru<:llon. day11 parUcularJy, whl'n the ehll· dream cher illhed by TeWinkle a nd Twenly·I!IX permit" iuued by d~n 11penc~ 1oq nm~y houra In-Heall'y for eeveral yean pa11t, .ttle City Building lnepector A. M. Nel· door~~. ma~~7 Plftnll w18h Uley had new $6000 unit will fie 45 by IW) ao~ durin&' ~ tint 21 daya of Jan· anotl'ler ~ .......-hou8e. feet 1n area and wiD p-eaUy aU.v- uary 'have lnclud~ 12 nt'W home11 Cont tcterablf' expt!nM wtll be aav· late the prnent atore'a over-crowd. which ~~ bfotn~: ~111 at a c0111 or ed If a rww home a. oriJinally ffl conditions. Delford E. Hatch 'at ~.41W), Ill) 8\'l'rage expendit ure Of piann~ for the addition of another prellf'nt head.~ the btllldf'r'll df'pt\rl• 14204 each. room,. whlt b will not enly ~hapge :. m.~>nt. iH health having forced • Building s:r.ooo Jlome tbe IIVIIII: hnblta of a family but Healt'y's retirement 110111(' _mOf!Uul H eading th1s week'~ ~m11111 111 wttt-thm-tr.n e a dlftet mnuence-tmMr.- L,?te w" l. Boylt', jr .. h•Jme 1., lk' on the fuln1e ot tiM ch1Jc1ren. Strange I y, thl' Impromptu t'rected 011 Ba\' fslrtnd at 8 rullt 01 s;-ruund-breakmg reremony laat I 121.00o. -Th; dwelhng. wtuch '14 lll I Tue!ldoy, occurred alm011t ,to the , be of two :olnry t VJW' \\'Ill. mr lut1e , clAy on Mr nnd "fl'll. Tt'\\lnk~'a 10 rOfmll rtnd ~ h~se~lent. "" pr••· 1 :!61h anm\'PI'!OI\ry liS Colli&· Me3a , I vhuo~ ~wfng mndt' f••r 11 ..:ara~;f' 1 m<'n·hants, tht'1r f1 r10t stort', 11 gl'n- lllnre automohll<':c art nut nll"'"''l ,.·rnl mcrchandl!llllg Pmpnnum. 111110 t he stru;tly-Z<ml'd. highly r-c-hou!ling ~r Custa Me.!IR ptlll torrtce . 11!11\'1' i11land. Boyll', who 1~ nnw ·-- mAking h1!1 hom!' at 621 !"o. ':-;l'rtlll: 1 ~t'RF A~D !'4ASD RI':I'AIXTI:D strf'f't, Loll AnJ;Piell, plnn~t I•> "":'·r Sur[ and Sand. Emma V. UughH' to the HArbor upon rmnph•ll"ll or exdlllll\'l' rP:Idy-tu•\\'('loll' shop at tht' dwl'lllng . 701 E . Ct•nlrnl a\·rnur, \\'M rloaed · OUtH Sf'W llonal'fl'• ~tund:1y nnd Tlll'l'dlly nf thl!l Wl'tk On 'Balboa P cnln!!ula. ut (),·«'nn huulo•\·artl. Mr. 11111! :!.1 ar, ~~ .. ~ Chnt llunhllm ur l \mwn.1 ur•• h1uldlll.lf a lwn-r<lnry Kl lll'''" 1 ":tt· dence at an expl'ndolun• or H INI\). wtnle C. \V. !;nyd•'r n( ~nntu An:t Is btHldtng n fl\'<'·r<HIIII d\1 ••lhn.: \\'hill' t he lnh'r lur w M bl'lng com· 1•lrtrly r«'tlf'rorn trd nru1 rt'pnlnted 1n pr,.pnrat1nn for nn nntil•lpated 6anncr !Wa.'!on. ' F.I.ICiiiU.t~ t 'OR Rt;J•AfR!-4 l:SilEil t11A PIV)(;RAM 11ncl gnrn~c-nt :I ll ~nntn Ant ·" ,. Th~~«' h111hltngs mny ht-lmprov- nm•. l'C I'Wf'(lrt H«'IJ:h l:o. < 11 111~· 1'11" dlu\tntttona ahow a one b<><:J. Pd, rt'pnlrNJ. ur mr><l<'nllzl'll under Qcllllftt·rt·mpl"q&'' .. mt.·ot~ ... lltJ' .... +' ....... '~OWil~ ,...,.... ~~ u.. A4d;• Ule ~-tion CndM. Pan Olf II• n ••I "><•••·oneS bedroom. the Federa l Hml!lllll:' Admlmlltra-tng the ('nptra('tur~ 111 • hllr)!• Tit• ('0.~( \nil t7t> appro•XIIllrl\1'1)' $ olllkl .I RtnnherJt of Rt'di:Hlit~ It .~ "' cuted J>Cntllt to demvlll'h th,, l•lt'' rnt structure. At.. ::!13 20lh slrW!l a nd will b111f<J. 11 t hro:'<·· ro• •111 •I ••• • nn th•• ~Jtrn7~ ~ar;. nt an •"'<1 .. r~d,ttu• e>f $1 ~00. H.· H. Jt,..:•·n• tlf"orir 111 r hnr.:•' nf opo'rnllnrll' I' R r'·1··•• hss 111 bu1lthnr a lw ... ~t .. ry Sl!•••• !<lrudur<' Rl 10!1 "foraz :" • •• 1•·. RAII><'\11 blnnd, thl'-luwrr ,.1 .. 1' t .. conSilii 6f R douhll', j:nra.:•' '"'" lhf' llt'('Ond fltlt>l' j.!I\'Pil 1'1\1'1 It• II\ rn~luc.Jan,.: '"'~ t ~htfl\'< 1 11 1111 ~llnplet~t form lhl' on I'· tlun: l.,.ol,..w•m hou~ makes uee of one Hom!'~<. apartmt'nl hl'1114>ll, mulU- ''"'111 l••r hnng, dtnln~, and C'OOk· plt'·fanuly h•tll!!e~ hotels, offlc.~ •n.:-nn t hl' ad<tltlon of {he llt'CO[Id IUld o~r r omm"rclal bulldln«l'o t .. •II "·lit I hP half C'lollet becollll'!l R hQ.'Ipllal!!, tlrpha nA.:•·~. SC'hOOIII, • I r • • '"'I! hall tor the nt'w mom r hun·ht•ll. nn!l manufnrtunnJ( and l'lt• • 'I lnflo'<'l. plan a~ugge"L" lndustn.ll pllllllll. • tl t-11.• ·us c>batned through l'n· Th<' F <'<lcrnl 1 '' "I!'IOJ: Adnun\JI· · •r. • Ill• 111 of the llvln« M>Olll, 11rp-trr~tulfl dl>r!l nnt mak«' l<1anll Cor "tlt~>ll ••f the ttltchen fron\ lh<' hnmc' r1nanrin.: T hr J"nn11 ""' 1., I"C n•""· and acWitton or n 11111114! by hAn ks. '"t\'111~1' nnd loAn i'• I• It Th .. kitchen 1J1 laflr,f l'nou,::h R~ll•~t·ll\tiOn!l. 11 nd othrr qualified ' 1 •hllou,: 111~titutinn!l. Thr F«'dPrnl Hou~&lng Admlrw•tmt11>n m~tun•s thl' loan11 2:trd str.-et. The former large ------.-"Pflrtment on t he aecond noor 1.1 Paint! CJun Up! ~pair! Redr ~ CQm•ertM Into two elerant ~ PrHa for the Spnna ~palgn.l thrM·room 11u1tea. n\'1: YEA& BONDED TJ:&MJTE IH8VIATIO!'i TE&~ITE AND rrsocs ~N'IWOL OF O.fl.ANGE COUNTY • Phone Sanl!t Ana 1482 f"REE l'?f'!Wrrltos t'1lEE EATUIATEH flO S. MAIS ST. HANTA ANA, ('AUF. t------------------------------------------------+ Electrical Supplie$ FOR .ALL PURPOSES ELDiiBD(JE-ELECTRIC CO. Bernard ~-Eldredge, Prop. ' 1616 Meata A-Ave. <'0!-4TA MI':8A ·' • I ·sHERMAN .E. SALTER General Cont~ctor -and Builder I ftomt'r 16th and Placw!Ua, I ('O~TA MP:!'4A, ('AUt'. BURRIS -. -· Bock and Saad • Plaoae .. I23·W 2617 W. C.all'al ·-----------------------+ NEt/ CONSTRUCTION --fi"':t=n~d:-:h"-A=t7h"". '""u-=" •• '-,,.:.:ll=_•• H M•·Fall.11hf 1• the l'llnlrnr lor. J \\' ~: .. rn••,· '"!' :161-h ~t rrl't Ill h111ldui'g n f l\ ,. '""I" 1'11111( I.WHT DUI! ro nr.1.1 ~,·sTEJis \\'lilip_ i h('y ~Rl'i' mnctr nn Jo'ttA.J-~+11~~ ...... ,..~ .. " .. .,.~~ .... ~~ ...... ~~,.""~" lt'l'lllll. I, 11turrn At A j<n!~l of,$121'111 ""'•' ,,.;,~un liebt 1.1 bad in mnn~· ,_ ______ ...., _ _. ___ ... • • · •I• I· ' l~o•m,.ll Ia that nil changf hall LET M.M~ BE YOUR Man.y Altf:natlon" l'lllnn•'ll ••.• ., '" "I•• In the original lnst.Hlla· Altrrnll\)11 nncl rrm·~l•·ll••.: '" "~ II"" I· I<N•p pa4fe wtth ~e rnpid 11ure mort• plesuunt h\'111)! 111, ·•111 ""•" • •' lll'ltg!ltlng practice. modatl(lnA !11 undl'r wi1y 111 ,., ""' II " f\•\ll!llble, however, s t littlt• !NUt nf I hi' 'HArl:~o1r tlil"lt 11 I Mr11 >''!J'I'II•• Crt'aU)' to lmpJ:OVI' in.!!llll· MAr,::Rr~t G. Lc>w1s ·~ 111ulthlll. nn l:~tl•1rl"-h~· IIUblltltutlnfr modPNl tl<t rn J'air nf room~ "' cr h••• ~'' 1 •'•tll'l•ll "~' The two prlnciP~tl wny~ Ill ~ l j ,1\'f'l\lh' Jl.d II ltt J: At II 11 "I P •'I' '••d to. U~ ad\'8ntAJOte, Of There has never been a better time to nld Rirlll\rt)~t,lll z:-.ttp•l r~·l 1,.111 .1., ''•1m lnatlan IH"f: k. w•~tl lnJl SIOO 1n lntl'l'l"l n ll~r • I :-• ! !Ill' all bllre la mp.~ to 1'1'· ma e that "dream home" a reality. There ltO nl'. Mno. Btrthl\ .l.G• k "' r. •I • I. dltn-and to l'llm:nall' is no wiser investment for money in t'his llh;nghng lfrr h•111h' i.'t .1111 z:,lh ,,, < I I l'hadowa. 11111' mav h.· ~tl rl'l'l and J11c!1 i\lhnJ;hl I!' 1111k ·• • 'i I ·h~ b)' Ullin« modl'm-fi'C· unstable per.iQd than in t he • SeCU rity Of il\6: exltlllllt'l'"·4nll~1'111 t"ll~ lo> t,h• I II• • "l"'riaOy clecl~4'd for C'c>T· a home . front of hi!O rnfr nl :IZ.! ~l.1ru ,. I • ' !.11.1 ()Oftt,pl. 1 · • R\'Pnul'. Ralhnn T!<ll\11<1 :• ~·\I .. •1ve -of portAbll' l11blr We offer ·complet e information and ""'elp I:" n. r '-inpe wttlcll ""' prar- u ! '~;:;;n:;;;r:=--:==~-===tj~'~',.2': ,. 1 ~ lf ,wn _ .~..,.,_-__ in pJanning--=-wrthout obJ' Nr•rt------S'H ------....:-•" l•1 ou-Uebl. -c·. c. lT.RRELL J. i . MILLER, Gener3f Colitm:tor '?f.;.~~~" '1806 Newport Blvd. Phone 516 Costa Meea w. llamllton !ilt, •:. ... ta :\t,_ Balboa Paint Store ., - ,. ......... 101 • I ··- BUNGALOW . PAINT I . · White and 8 Attractive Colors $l.39'0id. \ ~ecomm~J!de~ for Fenc~s, Warehouses, It may be either br ushed or ,sprayed .and will not pe~l or blister. Free Estimates on Paint J obs TEWIHtE H.ARDWARE PHONE 1315 COSTA MESA .. ·- .... . .. . ---·- 1es • ' • : • BUILDINGL • ---tP~O'Mll:ll-~'!'1'~ f'IN PAIN cliNt ·~. ~-I H ,t ~t;q ~ -~II Nfi Pl.oee 847 L C JUI.t:Y ~ p,.,l.' I 17 I •,th St . N•wpoli .Building Ins Reviews Growth +--·-----------------.-------·----------Than Re~--~-----------------­DONAt.l) HEAd I 1\ IIWV· of Ci!Y. Jn1 ~40 An intUI!IIUng Sllnt111ary o( 1940 building -.l'liVIly Itt th~ H~triJ<Jr diS· tract hll1i Ju>lt 0.,..-ai n :h·!ised oy Caty Hualdmg lalhpe,·tor A. M. Nd- aon. Accordan~ h l Jnsp..-ctor :'llt'l· aon'a rl'cUt'ds the Ha a!J<1r d1stn\.t aub-area addanr; the ~;fi:ute:<t mHn· ber of nt'w hvttlt'" •hu·an~,; tlw p;t.~l )'e&L "'U ft"Om 15\h s lr..-et Wl•Sl the caty hnuts \\ n..-rr 44 "''\\ res•· For the 111o11t pu rt. the recordti ·Show these t o hln•e been leKS l'usUy Ulan werll l'un.~Ltu\.l..-d d~Wht'"Te In t.he Harbor art·a. 11111~ uf them fallln& In \_he coat dalil! vi J;!OOO lu $4000, 16 from $:.1000 tv $;woo; H trom $1000 to $:.1000, u.nd aax un- der $1000. .~ (:O.t Avf',..e SununaraJnC IIUipect.or Nelaon'a reJl<,rl, unt' f a11da lht' bulk of tht' Hurbor 4a..-,tract'll 207 new hornet, s~·acaoally 51 (lt'r Cf'nt, were buill a t exptonl!aturu of $3000 to $8000. rlas.•uC1e11 them u reaadem:ea of the so,callt-'<1 '·upper ru1~e clau." T'w .. nty pe' <:t>nt fall an the raflil' frum Sl!OOO to $3000 wath only 4.3 per .cent talllna a-ww $1000. ~ullding Permit. J.aa..t ~ U ~~-Homa-' Jan. 16, Donald RJcharda, 111 · . Z~th atreet, a lteratloiUI to lnterior Twenty JX"t C~nt uC !'11 ne.w hvmt':~ of four-tarnal • d lhn built ln the Haroor d1stral'l durang $IOO > V i. per owner, lRO are ·located on Hnlboa Island J ' · 16 M ' .,_ .... _ ' whe 42 d II l t an. • ra. oo:r..,.. Jack, 110 re we mg:; were l't.J;9S rue . 25th lltreet r ·eha I f eel at coats ~ang Ci"nm h•:;s .th11n uwner, $25.' e lli e roo · per $1000 to more than $10,000, a tru· J 17 G W .Iii de Sa .q ~l't'~n~hon. Thar-lin. · · . · , ny r, nta ty ·per Cellt of Ute Is land's lol<tl A~~· 5-room dwelhnc and car· conatnlctaon tell In thl.' pru:l· run~;e Mge a t 31 I Santr Ana avenue, ptor of '""~""" to "•ooo O!ange County Improvement Co .. ..,.,.,., • . $3000. Running 11 clu~~e l!('l'o.nd tol Bal- lilt bo& Leland wa.'l C'l;l .. nu df'l ~hir Jan. 18. Mn~. Marraret-.Q. ~Awls, With f l new homn·wtnr-tr hkeWfM' 21i Sapphare avenu., h Yin&" q~UU"· r&n&ed from lei!.S th.tlll SlOOO tu ten~ over garage, per owner, UOO. OfEI ~. Thlny ~..,..._.,..+.--..li.IUL~a_......~w.,~~~llt-f----.._,.-----~1-­ number were built at t'X(>endatures lltr~t. 5-room stucco, per owner. Of $Z~ tO $3000. While 40 per $ll!00. , , ·cent feU ln t.he $:1000 to ~ Jan. 20, Jack Albri(ht. 322 Var· bracket and 17 ~r n·nt 111 the '"" a \'enue, alteratJOIUI to front of $1000 to $2000 rang t'. · '· cafl', per Mort Shannon, $2:10. Jan. 20, C. R. PrentiU, two·llory gara&e-houae, two rovma an<t l;)tlth Twenty·flve new hume~ were 108 Topaz. Balboa bland, per Ceo. built on exci!JIIIve L1do lsi~· where H. Mc F'arland, Sl900. · only one lllructur., tell below the Jan. 2(), w.· J. Boyle, J.r: .• ~ Lilt PLAN ,, ' ' I '• I' I "I' , J.. t. 'flu' ft I I • lll •f *• .., t I I lluh t 1 t'• ,., . •• t' .... l l •'l \\ f,,, • 1'1• •I ld I I •' .,.,.l t. I ' 1 ) f I I I •I t.t.,., •• '""' I • • ll "•tl •I . • I " ... ,_ ,, t • ' I lt' i ••• h•·ll n .... ' I \ ,,, :.t ,,,, '" -· ... ., • It I " I' 'I r I • • t• • Ill• •u~ 1 th '' I $3000 mark nrid ~0 P<·r l' .. nt ut Ute AnJ!I'It'!l, two-story 10-room CJW;n. ,. total ran o\·er S!l<JOO <':1< h. An·· ·m~: and basement. No. 3, Bay ,I.e· other 40 pu t <'nt Cl'll 1n the $40® land, per A. J . Bf'rgh, 121,000. to $6000 prtt'(' mngt•. . Jan. 20, Mr. Blomberg, Red· Local Designe'r Gains tror~t ~ •lde walls ar·· ........ '"I ('alifur~lia no. \'e•rJtP r llcht-finished natunl ""''""'· n tuv-1 Be~con Uay. Ear: Slanl ... y s lundll, ·demoltllh old tnill<Un& at 213 choice IIUb·dl\'lllloll, n~cuuntt·d rqr :.w_th l<treet and build 3·room atucco 17 new hornell, ISO per <'J nt of whach nt ~~ame addre.u, per R. H. Rofen, were built at cust.s ran.gmg from $1700. ,._ $3000 to $6000, the greateet 11mgle Jan. 21. Clint Bonham. Pomona. number, Mven, being In the $4000 two-11tory 1tucco, carac• atlAc:l*, to 55000 price brackl't. 214~ Ocean boulevard, Balboa pe- National Reputation . orlte vacaUon...,.. IIC'hem.-Humr of Huiltlin ~ hnmn • Interior walls are paint('(! "tll<'i'(l 1 , , For Home Planning and noora are cement. pnlntec.t Ut•alturs. J uhl , marine blue. 8ev• wlnd~Jwa, all\ Oalniq wide recx)cniUon for bls tokl, ln. tbe llvU. ._.., dlralnc room ~fl·ll··· ~<U•Io: 111, • ""·""hJ !tully 1pecJ&UMd home plamalnc Ia Doll· co~ra admit IU", aCid the ltnod n •. :.rt1• .. ( ':\'•"\f"''' "'" hur 111ttl aid Beach Kl.rby, BaiiJC?& Leland a.Jt air from Uw bay, and thn•·'" 1 ~11-, , 1 Tio " .J ,, 1111o:hl, A. LA. l'hnn .. 3-16 ... --~-------·--:·-----::::.-.~~ ' - General C ontractor 307 Mariqald. Ta·lohone 222 CORONA DEL W. B. Me-llott · GENERAL. CONTRACTOR R .. adence Cot-r Saota ADa A••nue and Maqnofaa 'sir .. t _ _c_o•t• Meu CONRAD SHOOK C ONTRACTOR A ND BUILDE R COMPL[lf.: BlJit OHIG '•I 111.111:1 _.HiJN t: N I 'Wt'U14f I IJ 1<4 ., 21, M•••,..• Av t P n ...... ?"' r A i i t .. 11:1 Bayo tra~ l~ng betwl"l'n nlnsula. per ownn. $4000. lOth and lMh atreet. eW!t of Cen-Twenty-11x ~rmlta luued up to t.ra.l aV.IUJ4', logetht•r With the nai-Jllli.. n.-.total value. W.800. architect, who h&a been reepvnal-a b•• on.n fl replaie u wall "'' 11 1., 1 1 • r-,.;:; , •·J 1 .... J, ut .. r SouUtl~~ m011t nola!>JL~~ htnci-Uieo~tta~tn -nnrt 1•·•' -----1-.....L -1' 1 ~1-r-------"1;.-c: -1'1 f ·M row '1"&1p iy1n1 llCtWHil the !lame bounda?' llmllll And W<'llt of Cen· tral avenue, saw the er~um of 12 new homn "'·hiM! Wt>tl' dl~tl1hutl'd ble foe cSe•linmg aom e ~t the smrUy turn!'d out bar clOMt ,... I r:-o~ ~ LE '1!8, amung them the $50,000 borne 110fa are Cot\'rrf'd In dark blu4' nw l 11 'ol '·'1 111 '1 111" t:LE<'T&I(' PEBMITIII • bua.Jt m Sanla Ana bi'rl;he ~&har· ll~ht. Iron. Jela~~~<-toppl'd table~ 1;1,-• ,,,,, Jan. 16. E . E. F"hnn, 233 Nar-~~~~h of l ndore, one uf ndaa 1 mOIIt painted whilr. Tbe klt.cMn l8 jtu<l • ,. 1 11o 1, 'l'"lssos n\·enue. Corona dt'I-Mar, 3.., wt!althy Hindu prl rk..-, who later ~hind ~ lflnltiK l'oom a lid the r"· 1 r. .a .. utlei.JI, (Wr own,•r. c-~'01011118100l'd Ktrby ll des_agn hill mlllnder uf lht ll,..le s tnry c-un -1 "' 1 • Jan. 21. A HanMn. 231 2l8t $20,000 bt'adJ home a t Ernt""raJd talns four ~J)OOniS arid tw .. ·1i, .. H . \V. \Vright :-tr .. o•t, rommerc1al wmng. per V Bay. batlul " \\ .\. Tnpp. • • L:ndt'r the L1tle ut "\\'e~<t Coa.at A fi'W to( lh•• nther outJit..ndln~o: 111;. . f"'a£1>LJU :E \~'000, t'OAL I Jan. 21. S t.anlf'y Sawy~r. U Sea· ll<'a ch Huul<e,' the 1-'t•br uary ll'iaU~ homt'll dr~<a..:nf'd liy Kirby lnrluil•· II· AND ('IIAR<'OAI. r·t~n,BRy: 43 outlm...per Tnpp. or Arrwnrnn Hom~'magoz.lne, pub· l hl' 8 . M. Grafflth re.tldence on Lido I••·• I" ns .. Sf'WJKlrl Rotull'\ard I Jan. 21. 0. T. J ohni!On, 219 2lllt hllht'd mnnthly Tn 1'\('W T urk, Cea· IJIIP, thP Cnrl l~llll: plaCf' ·~lin I• ,. ... lol .. J ·I ••t•IH• ltl ...... ll1o lo d I .._ , I I . t .... ltj I II J •ld CONTRACTOR Ptt·: 'J4 2 2 S.MARINE AVf • IJAL RUI\ I S LAND • l'borwo "'~-.I -'l :<ln't'l. 2l ouUelll, ~r Trtpp. turell Ute Ualbua ls land' home ot Mlirinn llnt1 llw ,..,\'erly Hilla hnmco I L· '---------11'.._' ______ , Mr . and M rs. C'lort \\'. Shattuck, 11r Mit<.'! 14-•rlha ('hrboUn, all c011t· l l'l.t'~BISO PEB..Ttl. another. of Kirby's :;peo·mlly·piBn· lllg In t'Xl'f'lll< .,( $2~.1)()(). _____ ...:._ ___ .:..._______ Jan. 18. J . J. Mulltard, ?21 Hello-n£'<1 relllr.li"rw<'l!. • · ' II j I olll ... --~-----------·-----·----~--L I• I ' I I .. Ill ISLAND ~ABIN£J SHOP I trnpe avenue. Corona del Mar. J)4'r Profu.tll'ly 11lustral•'d walh a " IJWnt•r, half·pa~>;e I'Xlo•rot~t \'ll'W n ( the oOmplet.e Cablnf't IUid I Jan. 21. Clint v. Bonham. 21~ homt>, twCJ inlf·rwr \'to•ws nnd 1'1101· Oarpeat.ry Servtce (kean boulevard. per ownl'r. pleU> CIOOtJlhtnl<, tta .. -mllgiiz.mt'IJ CIIAS. NORRIS accompanytng art1rllc' Alatt•s m 116 Apt.e Ralboa l.11land part: RA \' l>ltiORY. ('AYr: ,IMPRO\'ED '.'TI1e 1~11rh 11nd t:,lre :t.t;'"att'r~ or llt>lllZ Ku•H<•r's BRY Shore cafe Nt>W(tOrt Uay, Caltfu'hun, hf' r ight A. J . Bt;{'T~ PAINTING ·_ ut:<•ctRATlsi: • PAPEB !,!A."\ULSG ''" the (:C~•ut haghway nu r the twfore lh1R ""''·fll"r y !lf'IUIIdo• hu nt!', Uay ,bndge hall JUI!t received a SO) at nud~:cd up nearly tu the :<ldt•· cumpJel• ovuhawm.1~ remodallnl and~ Wltb .an)'.utbt!( ,.nd rf.pslntlnjt. St!~OO M ln« ex rmnf ynrd. Ttir twnrh 111 th•· ,,..,·n - pl'nded tn An f'ffort to put tl'!e er's outdc .. nr ll\'lng ruom "'' tht>r,. ul~r \'IU'fttio n l'lpt>t In A·l eond Ill litllt> net-d (or mtwh l:tnd »r .. un•1 ' . "Shirt J.,ront" Type of ' · ,,. Helme Is Oiven an Adverst• Ru.tbag .. ,, ....... I . :. • • • ~! ,.,,. \ Att'hlt~·tu r a I, dr•llllfiUI thRl nr•• • .. r II,. l.•ortllldcoro•d 0k:o•ak 1~h <Jr thot~e Ohllr<, 1 •1.,, ,.,·tt·rlllwd 1111 h~ I·• .. .,. rtrto vlewHt I•Y \\, . 11 m•.ldt'rn luuldu•~: .dllhuritl~ u C'olll· t.aift~rw a r-e.t .. r o.-...... o1,... .. · -.. ~ l'I"C'IIfity r .. r lll•llr••tl mortgat¢'''" 'rltl :, ,.. . ' than thu~~ "' "'h • h the arch lte•·· ·r lUI'lll t~\tJII III tlla \' be t'XJ)('I"lo•tl t , 1 1--. .. Cor t.he_summer_~n. the cot!;pa c, ThcJl!lWSW~ll.l:i..furc llrti.Yemurl procnm.. allo l.DC:Iud~ *~ .-n:~m'll_(t'l)w_~,. ·fnnt ansts.llat1on of a ntvt' lot, " ~~eruublc arranJie•·m,.nt \fh,.n · lp....ul•lal•l !till~~ ... ._, _ _,,....,..._, .. k.c.1 ro~ !luftlWl,.d. pcrtodlJ of Un.410r 1.,.- F'rce Esllmnlcs IIJl&C(' ail lllOrf' Ulleful IOI'Idt' lh•• systt'm. Th,.. ·;.ltltll•t. •• r t he J.'edera l I. lluiii<IIIJ! A•l11 ,,,. 11n t1on tuword , 1 , I than ouJ.~tde "'r. it. Hut tht: ph•n m&iy'll all Jl'>l<l!lble Ul<t• nC th!' P~ 184n • 480 s-·port Rh·d land. There'!! a !!hotrt 11tr1p ••I :<:rnll ('()~TA ~F.l'lA 1 bf'for• ylJU reno·h thto 1 n11p yt>llu\\ ~trulturN• .. r II•· • h1rt -Cront" t~'l"' .,,,., ~,:;~ ~;~'·::.~~: ·~~.:; :: ::~·~h:r t.~··,:: 1 1,.. Clt'an-up ~--------------' and whate front Rnd lhcrr's a !IIIlO II ""~" hwh "''"I" I 1l• hty a ll df'K II(n , ••. 1 ,.. ,,. . Oltlti(K llht~llhl lu· lit ~ood taatt•. I , , , 11..\,ROI.Il •. .JOII~SON, LockMhlth. .'!HW Lafa~f'lt,. st.. &-t.t•f'PII !8 aad !zt o• &lie !1-Y Canvas Porch Decks • AWnings AtJTO TOPS Boat cO!ertl -~ u~ NEWPORT AWNING CO. -. ....... Mrvicc y11rd out bAck &y til•• ,.J!IIt· Afi:f'. Th,.rf''ll AIM SU(fl('l('nt grnu11d hll\'e " 11liht~ l•.o:ll' tor adcl ~ttru.:-~ 1,. t urnl vah1e und ullrractlven.ae tn 1 1, .., I• I • I "An •·lttl~·•:ol•· ,,,,. ,,r motil and 11 , n 1<idr •cntrnn•·l" t" llw .sl~towt·r mom fur hiiJhrrs . "Tht' cheerful ltK•ku•~: rro.nt of thr hOIIIIP h1111 thr it1111pl1'!4! S• ht•lfll' lmA,elnablr, an l'rllran('e tl"•lr I'X · Rr tly centt'r and twu Wlurltow~< rather lltdr. lt.to appr·aran•·,. n11ght havt> been rnmmon·flln~",t' tor ;!Ntdl~· dull but the archtted 1 IJ<mAI!f Jlfo.arh K irby • gnvf' It " holld11 •h•l111l. · nn "'I'• Hoi pulnted out. I , ; . "thr In• 1111'1"11 .. t "" 11nn~AMry Ill, \'araety ,.f m•ol· II ••~. rtnd atraln 1 '"" f11r lh•l f•lfl •n• "I"" cannot In •·n ·al'" tlto· riol llllo! •·f I< h<llllle hy ' lhf' Ff~A I llrt ut. And ,. , h<-tl•·r U!ll n~: n\·er- 1\1~ v.1nf1nws rorf1UIIt1 lht> ,.nrnrr 11! thl' ll\•rnjt rt"IOm. Thv 1hnrng rnum luu It ('rtr'lrr wandrow h '\_\', (Ot}, Ay &ddlnjt lhtl }lrutN llve "'"'lt·ru h<Jt'od O\'er h\·an~ ... m wantlnw!l ·nnll . f"alw··r.nN"t• ,,.....,.,...fod "l:llt.' uf tnl"'' • II• • I ll of r"UUtlf1K talltl' hnlf·lltul•• r \'v•l<. or the un 1• · ~~~ .. 1 • .. ,ubii'UlUon "' 1 •I prtatPiy 1 111 lh" l'nrttrutar Clute 1.,. IO\'fllv••d . 'u~1111ll\ 11ff••l the f'l\lln~ I 1111\'C'tl'f'IV " ' !'1mpl;,.,,., l''"l .. '''''n, and chAr· I w trr v.:,.,... rl•·• • lo I rut qualltlt•l' I ' "'IIILh an• ("'fl'l·•l • ·II\ lltlr&qtl\·r • front dtJ(Jr, a d';Corallvf" <'V,r" rPtr nowtr bolt &nd I!IIJ unlfrr the Win-I . • • • I'URT RUt.~ ; dows, a nd a. quarter r<1und trclltll ( In' n t S '-" . . · I Aupporllnjt the hrtttd, thf' v.·ht11P I tt-1 P:AK Rf'II.UI~t • .moo.o ,,. front gaan~~ variety and per.tOnall· 111~ • 34~ · 1Tt2.MO '' ly. And at.l color Kbrtme ~ y~llow "'~' •• !Hil . 11turcl') walla, de:td white tnm, 11nd {&32 ~ J 07 n ')),, . , ... dark brown root bring11 •Jut th,. d"· 11133 • itf:l I!IKlJ. 1934 • :198 trt...-.• "&hind th8't rhe,.rful l',.,lur 111:tfl tOl Y hl'mt' th«>r<"'s nn rqunlly nttrsct· llnfl f12:J lntPrtror Ttw 1111nny h\'llljt-dln · I lfl7 ~.&:\ 11'\g ro"m ~~ r·amPd rl,.ur ltl'rr11110 111311 M8 ' . the wJ4lh uf the hnu""· 1111 l't'llmg 11139 ~42 ~., _____ ..., _________________ ,.. __ ....;;.l.•.f1~4••· •~·4ef~"""'~· and t.M-·1~·-.otO • ...... ~. -· 24?.&10 23e,IH9 216.tr74 4t7.44U v• 718,0811 1'' 008.0f..-l 811,8i17 811,?411 lh•·'l't· Y~"" ,,.., •,rm,aa. ir· • I •' " J; dl \\,I t 1·;. o1 I ' J 1t •I• ''' I ' II II If \ . ,, . HI f hrt I I .\I f'f) • 111111 1 f 1 lfNt I l'•i11 , ... """I ... h 1•1 II " " • I I • • I t ~~~~~' tl I ,,, .... ,,. ' • f ,,,,,,. ', ... ,'4t• •I I t' I ~ ., ,,. II ol ,. ~tt hllil ,, ,,, I, .. I j ·I ' .... ,,. I•· I ',tt h\ ,.,,. I ' t t 1J 1' J~t ····--.. ·' I N · S u -R A N C E MAI~I Nt COMPENSATION' • AUTOM OBI LE ,.tl , j • FIRE • COMMERCIAL • PRIVAT E EARL W. STANLEY. -, _..,. ~ OPPO!'frTt r o s Ol'l'lr I . -rtJ\.1 rltiA l~l APIIl BOY SHAFER Pia• bing and· Repaln Phone ··353 3114 WMt Central Newport •••ell FOB I .. BO~D AND UNIMPROVED . PBOPE&T1ES .. . B. C. PARKER~ "ReBito .. Boy Tulene, Mngr: · .1aoe ••wport atvd. Ph. 51& CO.ta •- ~la.ittl ..... lt Sheet Met~ WoJ. .. · A Complete Sheet'-Metal_ Seryice ' ' 111 ,, ' ~ ... , r 1 $I 1~1 It \ .. -W. V..tra.l N-po~r1 ......... 11toee 41 for r.aUtnate · LD 0. POTEET, Proprletol' ,. • . •.••.• , .. t.. ...... _,,_,,,,,,,,_ .. , -I • ·• r II -...,._ .. , ... COl B.t. I ' •'t ..... High_Schooi_Or.ators t La_guna Tonight - t ... J:My;N ELt:OI' OFI"f<JZU Elerl!on 1of new oftlcen wu ttle main bueu\eu to co• before ..-~ week'• meetlnl of -Newport Rar· bcor io'~r•m~·~~· cltlb, BIU Sfnlth be· 1111 pte11ld•nt of the oT~tanlutlon. AIAA tl•rt.ed were Orlando Bn..c:oe. flrat vice-prealdent ; Ed ZUbe, aec- Slx outlltandlnr high IW'h0<'\1 Or· ond Vlt·e-prellldent lind muter-at- alof'll of Oranre county m._..t ln """' And Her~rt ThomJIIIOn, aec- frendly co.mpeUUon In thl' AUditor-rf'lary-trf'IUiurn .( _pprOltlrnat tbe Wonnm'• Servtce of th • ·-tt,~ "&a ·took -lur'lmiWII.irof-tJLalfbii'U~""~nBe'lli!la.,C',..h-et"le..,m,.....e11n_ta.,..,;.,.4.,_;J,;8.,:_ n BriiK'flC', vi<'e-prelllden t of Ole Firemen IWJt!la~d u - AIIItant fire rhlef of the local de· partmt'nt otflciated at lnatallatlon fllt'll. ~1 ~"' ' vice Tuuday an aU-day mto• a repreMJ~ta t Community ·<~ tile bt_!t_!)ry 0 '~ llnu a n. flrlrt -.. Me_mgrw_ FU!.. John R. Me<; laDd wbo read written qp«ll., by K1» Mal 'taad Mra. Sar Balboa Jaland fwld wtJI be II aublcrlp .tart •ur b a MtJve In chun Mri, K.athN ..... uttv~ M tt ..O..t.rr. · tolcJ c .Uie chureb Jl& Jel.u plua w .U.Ck. At pt .,_...ofacl MJooal ball. Cbapel for 111 for ~ c-ounty finals uf ttw> annua.l American Legion euay-nnitot'IC'al cont•t on ''The Con11tltutlon."' Dtatrict wtnnen and Ulelr ora- Uon tltlea who -k til• higher hon- Of'll a~ Coney Kunu!. , "Timea Cfwlae." and Bud 1CN~¥,hton, "Dt'- mocacy at Wnr:k.' La~tuna OeRr h; Jack Neff, "Our ReJ!p.trulblllty 'til the CoNitltutlon," and rrancts OecldM. "Let Freedom Rln~t." Ran· ta Ana· Kee M1U1Wf'll, ''Fri-t-<1•1m Speech, a Safeguard of O.Omor- rac::y," Jl'uUerton. Donald Crllc•hlnw. "Ov.r Democn··r a Challton~tf' to American Youth," Br,.t~-OhndA, Cbatnnan for the "' w111 . anc-County ~nell Am«'rlrl\n U - C1orr Oratorical rhalmlan. 'l"'e addft'IUI of wekome 1.1 lo be rnadlt by thf' Rev. Raymond I. B~rnr putor of 141lJrUna _Com- "'uliltY Prellbytl'rlont rtiW'<'h. and mt* by~ IA«Uruo fiiKh ~~e'-<,1 or- ~ 1ft under dlrecUOn ot John Jl'eljuatln: No c:barce 111 ~nadt' for sdmls!llon. and aJI Lt'Cion pMlll of Orange oounty Invite Ule puhlk to att..,nd. an4 nH'<Iy " came to a..o. A AID roa WAll \'lf'TNH to become atft Aid for t~ bombed Orltlllh, m• -w. well u fear rdUICt"t'• whv flood th•lr Ia cb&IT• ·<II 1.1wn countr1e11 "'"d li N' nnw b(olnK wu Mn. f!. ou"ed for l'n the_~ ~ ta <tuction prior •I'IUn beln~ IIOll!'ttl'd, l't'p<•rtlt J J• t&lk 'tiVU ID.IIf WaUciNI, n( Eaat Nl'wpurt. r hAlr- Bodman, Mn.. m11n of th.-1~111 ,.""''l•lttf'f' o_r thl' the IJI&IItab Al DftUIItl Empire ~rvice IAAICUf' .• GarcSenta and Servin&' W'Uh C11iltmf'l). W11tk ~~----~~~--~ .. ~------~~ . -· .. tbe Newport l l:"ther mf'n Arl' arTllnglnK ruary 11 coa h!lndle Any <tnnntC'd ~~t~pplll'll ur -..,._. plana P.ln,. tD b(o lf'ft At the N.-wpurt ol uM lltuden~ l'~rMr Chllmber nf!Cbmml'r<'f' M· ol tbe p~ r 1'1'. BIAnketJI And w-.rm rlntntnr Du~ the ~ In ~J>C'lr.lal d«omand. ....,. hlaDd ........... of prr•tieat. wen ~ e.at. ~ .. c-,\liii;&A f"Ulii .TO MEET 1f11~;h RoMlf'r, formrrly rnnnect- , h Ttor flniMior, fnc .. In Lon- '! l,.,d a dlou·u~tl!lon nn color • phv wflen m~m~r11 nt TRIO HO.NO" r··~m"ra rlub mrt't next NKLaON, ita ,., . .,nlnlf nt Cluapm11n'11 Scout Council Plans ~ . Aired at Mee~g of Co-ordinatort~ Th• amaaln« progreaa a"" devel- opmrnt made by Girl Scouting In thf. Newport HArbor-Coata Meaa ares ·a"'ru1~r the put year ""!_U re- vrslf'ld 'rflurllday nlrht when Scout 1 .... ct~r~~ an~ 11thrr tntereeted per-"';o" c•mvened tor the m6nUIIy ltd· nRllnJ council . At tl¥' rre~~e~~t timf', according tn repor'lll jth•en at Uw meeting lhf' ~·omblnt'd H•rbor area hllll 131 111rlll t nr<ollrod' In 'the Scout pm- 11 ""fl'• thlll number lncludioe: ~rn\A-nt"~~. GJrl Sl'outll and Girl M.arillen. An e\'en erf&ler number •~ Mtd to bf' Affiliated wttfl the Huy &-uut o~:~tanlution, e.mbraceng Cubll, Boy SooulJI and Sea Bcoutll. The main purpoae of Jut week'• mHtlnlf wa11 dlll<'ltlllllon of way1 11t1tl ~ ... ,.11~< whf'rt"by a Scout coun- 1'11 o•nuld be or~tanla.ed locally, th«'rt'by almpllf)'lnlf manacement ·•f th.-,...veral narbor ctatrtct lrUOJJ&• MIM Rockwell. Oran~re ••<~unty. Sc-out oecuUve and molin ~<p.•nkf'r uf the ev~nlnl' deacrlbl'd the Atnctl;ml' and operation of a Rruut Co)uncll. f'ri!ll' to the ~ton· Milt MUll-Newport Har- b•~r dl11lrjf't are to ~nv•ne and work nut 11 feaalble bud&'et. Jead- ••rs .. r the boya' ,roup~ doll\&' llke- wls•• Their rellpeC'tlVe tll'\ll"t'' will th•·n .t,.. pr,.~nted to the council r.nll rurthrr coMidforatlo' «!Yen !!> " pr .. ~l'tlm of unified youth a ctiV · et tC'lll fur the entire Harbor area. Robfart Dorff Killed In Auto Accident i ,. .. IUperlor court..IJicl\acled WU a be- QUNl o~li,Tif to hia wtdow, Xrt. With mon than 92~.000 SOuthern Belle BmiU..-... MOOG to Meh e1 California ruldentll expectt'<l to file three cbiJclna. lAa. Leiter and Federal Income tax returna before Llewellyn, the deadline M March 1~. Capt. Jolul li. Rieke,, fDnner MO,OOO g f whom wiU he til Balboa ~t Wbo dlt'd l&at week the. flnt time. Collector -.;:.;~~=4-jll\ nal Revenue· Nat RogelJ\ thta week today 1uued lnstruf'tlOIUI de111gned to simplify the tuk of maklnc the required rep<lflll. Taxpayen tht.11 yeAr mullt NOT deduef: ~~~om~.-~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ollne J,axea paid in C'ahf•,rnla, fed· ~. and aU ~nil II(ICiaJ 8ecurely ~axel taken thy CO~ftY are truth. Con- from their payche~ks. ratlroa4 re· cernJ04 tb7 tMUmoniM, I have Urement tiixell take·n from 'their knoWft ol old U.t thou hut found- payl'heckll, riinli'ibulil•rut lfta<Se for ed .thaal for nw," oo1111Utute the rtt!J;em.:nt a.onuttiN!, ff'deral ln.-Golden Tat lD tbe ~n-Sermon .come \AXC'II fur pm•r year~~, hunt-on ''Truth" on-Sunday In all lng or f111hing h<'4'11MII. pa1111port ChurcM. of am.t. Bcientllt. f«'f'll, postagl', 11ped al llNt'lll!mentJI, A· llc:r1ptunJ •lecUon present. pen10na111v1nr exJl('a~te~~. pe1'110nally 01-'wordli Oil Ja.ua from Luke: eall prfflatlon. IQUell un ""'""'"n•• dence11 101d.-or •llmony paid Whoeoe•w camelJJ to me, Whether W., hat be wide of brtm, a -tiny toque, .a dn~ turban or a dramatic beret, mllllnen are tern· perlnc !,hem to lhe new pompaCiour hair-do. Tht~ model pictured ae- centa aophi•Ucated 111mpllclty-ao with neat grosgrain ribbon and abort 11lreamen at Ole are eminently atyl~,rlght, Dlllllei'OBY OP IIABBOB, DISDUCI'-ORGANIZA'I'ION8 (Note: TIM fol)owt~ di.Nctorj 1a publllhed for tM tJenittt of reader~ of tM Pr.M. There ta no ehafp for liatinp tn uua ct.partment. N..,.rt ....,.., ~ e1 CloauDenle: J . D .. waUct.na, prMI· dent; Harry Welch. MCret.ary. Meetlnc• twice monWy,utually OD MOIIdiy. -l - Pareat.Teeaer ~ o( Ne•P9'* llutlor UllloD HIP ~: "Kii. E. B. nixo n, pruldent; ,Krt. P're<t-k&hmall, 14ajletary-. High achool cafeteria, 7:30 p . m. 2nd Tu~y of 'October, December, February and April. . . ..- Pareat.T--.r .beoelatloe of Newport Reed~ Gnlaunar 8clMol: Mn. ~-·'Harold Hopkll\1, prutdent; Kn. Fay Bened1ct, secretary. Third Monday at ktndercart.eh room. . , · Parerat-1'eeoc:Mr A.ModaUo• of Ooata M-: Mn. A. L. Plnkley, president; Mi'll.· Otla Weatherwax, aect\!tary. Firat Tueaday at Gram· mar achdol auditorium, 2:30 p. m. Howard; Vice-commodore, Jame& V. Guthrie; N. Cdndon; 8e<"ret.ary, Loulll W. Brtcp. Ttllfpayenl MAY deduct : Cahfor-fleareth my ~. and doeth nta unem~oyment tMurance tAxes, t~m. I WUI IIIMw you to whom he fr<:lm their paychf'('kll, State of I• Uke: Ha 18 bQ a man which BliSH LEAGUE OaGAXIZE.D Balboa Y8dlt Club: E. H.-Reisen, commodore; T .. E . Johnlon. "'··lifol'lll.a ,_Anm• tAX•• paid In b lit ...,.,_ vlce-commodore;Fred 8. Hunie, rear-commodore . ""' u""" ~ •• u an ·--. tnd dlrred deep, _lf you bear tbe'nel.gbbor'a youna ttHO tor pnor yun, all ~noonal and lakl U.. foundation on a rock : hope~ul !>GlUtting of hia member-• Balboa blaad Yacllt Clab: Bob Clemmer, commodore; Kay property and all pmprrty taxea a.nd wtlen U.. flood ai-oee. the ship In the "Biacklllllr:tJI," don't Johnaon, sec.retary. Balboa Ialand. • • levied on 'UI~m and pstd by them, ltru.m be&t Wbemently upon that get alarmed anlrl\ot(fy-thfii'!SI, coat of au1nmob1lco llctonse plate~. hOwte, and could not ahake It: tor uya Coach Ralph Reed of Newport lloy Sc-ou~ NewpOrt Harbor: Harry Rae, Scout:nuter; Fri~. union duu, Cahfornta use tax, In-It_ wu founcSicl upon a rock. But he Harbor Union Hlarh achool. for 7 J!. m , Saout ~jut. l~th and Bay. · · ter"'t paid on all enstallment con·-that hea.reth, and doeth not. Ia like chances are. he'll only be talking tratJ UI .and b<orrowt'd money. con-a man that wtU.OUt a foundation about one of tfle hew teama tn the trtbullorut to rM"ogni~ rbutt•e• built an bouM upon the earth: hlch achool ballketbiUI buah ~e. tnrnrporated In the Unltt'd State~~, agalnat wbtell tbe •tre&m did bUt Eight team11 composed of boys not Adml.uion taxe11 1l ticket 11tub11 are vehemenUJt'· .:ad Immediately It playtng In any lnter-tR:hool compe· retained. tBXI'!I on ufe dep.lflll bo~· fell; and \he n1i11 of thAt house lltiOn hal'e been organized, the til. taxes ~on rlub due. or Initiation wu cr-t." nrst practice seulon being held fHA. and travtlln~o: I'XJ*ntr4!s Incur-Pueac• from "SclenC'e And. l.ut ThunKiay ni,ht with further l't'd 10 lheer f'mpffiymant but nol Health wtth Jl.i t.o the Scrlptu.res" gat~-IIC~uled for eacll Tbun- ln traveling b4;lw«n home and by Vary Baker ICddy, 11t.a~: "The day altemoon hereafter. NIUlle• aJ. plare nf bue••nesll pmvldt'd they belt aermon ever pre.arhed 111 Truth r-eady selected by the bush leacuen were not rtemburaed for such ex-practtaecl and clerr.onlltrated b tbe lnclu4e: Sen!on, Gray•. Black· J>eni!H. denruc:Uon fill atn. slckneaa. an , ~ Ceeaklrut •. Cee• and Bee- 4~ .£Qpl&a....II.C£.....UC:culcu..j dMt!i... 0 ow llaatei tqrtrt-wpn--Two&.- thll. year. CuiiHior Ro«an added. ,ltualtty by .antlltudetr and para- and only lbe o~maJ ta to be flied. biN. -'-• cltYine ttudt'nt he un. }.) J C J MArried c~uplt'8 lh'i~ toreltler folckd God to man. lllu•tratlnK "\C( .OrHUrOy on the last day of 1940 may tile IU)d demonatratina-Lite and Truth 1 , _ Joint return~ or Mparate returtul ·• .1: In htnuelf aDd by hl11 po.,..er over .,_ ll8 tht'Y eho'>~IM, tht-IIIUTle u here· the atck aDd 1iblntnc." tuforto · r · Taxn mAy be paid in full, or on ('ONJI'DENCE POSTPO~ 11 llt'nll-annulll or quarterly bull. but the ltrat payment mUll be A C'Onlere.nce arranred ftlr lllllt madt' by March 1601. Tax fonruo Tutoeday bet'tNerl BIIJM'rvlsor~~ N. E. wtll be mailed to ·.,.niOrut ,_,uut-\\·e11t and WlW. Warner And otti- r · • ~, cert of the State Park Board wu t_na ume. Send'tt'CIUUt to Collector ntrrn., Revenue, Federal BldC.. nereM&rll)' cflte to lllneu of ' who ·J11 1uf· Newport Harbor Womflll'• A.MoclaUoa: Mn. Georrette Maxwell, prelll4ent; Mn. Harry Earnatiaw. sec retary. 1st Tuesday after tat Monday; Ebell dubhouae, ~1~ W. Centnl. BaJboa. Newport Harbor-Betary CJub: Clyan Hall, president ; Marton C. Dodd, secretary. Tuesday evenlnea, 6:30 at White's Park Avenue cal e. .C..ta M--N-port Jlartlor L6oM {)halt~ Heinz fftiaer, preal- dent: Lea Steffen11en, secretAry. Tuellday noon. Bay Shore cafe, 17th and Cout Hlchway. W..-.•a Clarta~ Tempe~ VIII-of Cotlta M-: Mn. M1nme v. R.fl~. J>~4tllt~LII~J:all. c.onant. _.ecnt.uy. Meeta at !i0tQJ1 nt memben, 2nd-Friday of each montb. • .. Frtday Afte1110011 CJub of Coeta Meu: Mn. Gunnlnc Butler, prealdellt; Mrtl. BUrtln Lankford, secretary. let and 3rd Frlda)'l at Coata M.a clubhouae. . • r..-ta ,._ ILed 0~: Mn. J . C. PA)'nt, chairman; 'Mn1 Ralpb Viele, aecretary. 4UI Tueaday evening at Coata Mu a J:'frehafl, Ul Roc'-htr au.et, s-ua-&Del ProfeuloD&I \\'omaa'a Club of Jii"'Wport Harbor: Mn. Vera Miller, president; MIJdred Lockhart, secretary. lilt and 3rd I ThuradayL • • Mn. SUltAn B. Ruthtorford, preal- ,...,rr~·Ulrv 1st and 3rd Thursday at·. Ebell ----''------~~-~----·I !,lotphlc 'llt.!!dlo In Ulf' Balb<>a J!1M1 A,_.. .. , building. l.lult we.-k'll ~11111on ~.i.r'"N"o..Walk ---. ---~----------- t . .,.._to .... ,. Willi attendt-d _, HJ-mtomben, the I . ........ ,.rtr ''""''" •tudy tople bc-ll\lr photo-, W ith membe"'-of Fullerton Am· .... Ill .... '10hl1' paprr. Flnt anii llt'COnd rrii'An li~on pollt In char1fe, fUn-....,. ,_, I . t'~ for the •venlnlf'l uhlblt rnl IM'tvlee~~ were field Monday ,_ GMrlll e photott Wf'nt to lbl Will Smith. for Robert. Dorff who met dMth -. wt.o a. Jl''l"f'Y Park• took therd plare. I Wt'dnll'lldny In a traffic a«ldent -. ...... ni'Ar Norwalk, Dorff, who wu a lUI ..... ... • .......... •· C I f • • . -~Aru Variety 01 -- i~ I 'rtCADJAN.....l!l'F~l·:'\Tl' \'o.l'Ld war \'eteran. will~ ~rnem- . • /.•o I fnr $2712 7!1 h11s tw•r•n fol f'd ht•r~•<1 11!1 A fnnntor ret~ldent of New· ·• IJW'I'lt>r <'•ourt n~:nu111t th•• I..'•HLM· f'"rt B.•arh wfll>rf' h.-wu f!'mploy- IV •ol Orange And Sup.•n 'IMr WUJts t-..:1 by John P . Hormen. Sine~ leav- Wnme-r of HunUn«l"'n A<-Kl'h by inl( tw... nine years llCO he had :tr~~. T'f\omrut E: Gnnt uf i\rrndea. ( on11dc-hi• home at FulleTton, C'On· ·htt ullt-ge.<~ she h•ll thruiiJ:h !I rio·· tonulng h)s frl,.ndllhlp with a laf'l{e .... ., IIC'•It"n .,,....,..11rd wAlk AI numlwr nf HArhor resld~nlJI by , : lllllf't ll<"•~tc•h ltu:t s .. ptrmll'l-r. ~~~~~-frf''llll'nl wt"t"kend trtr• and holl- t:~lnln~t 11 hrokf'~lit In U1,. ••• ,.,.·tiny visits. ol•·nL In hf'r s,dlt . ,the plntnl tff 1 At lhC' time of hta death. tie wu chnrg~ll thAl Stop.··rvl....:rl' W"rnc-r, .-mployt'd hy th.r!tt' hiJhWIIY de- lind kno••lt'd~t• nf thf' t"'nrolwnlk '~ J'lftrtmt'ot And on dut¥ wfterl deft'C't but fllllrod tn Clrdt•r •I put ~trurk hy " n aMertedly dri.ven In ate condition. hy Rnou\rln dC' Simone, of Do~y. \ -A c•nNrn4'r'll ·mqtrw~t-, called Friday, II&IM'Of: GETM PllUMUTtON he-ld dt' Simone cullty of necllgent Orland<• M. 1' Eud" 1 Brllk'<w, tor humlruie And he ~u bound over tD th~ put IIC'Vf'MII )'t'lll"l' l'lliJllnyt'd lUI ~urwrinr cn11rt . Thr de<·eaaed I• mechanic at the The<~)re Robtnll AuMtlvf'd by hill wife and two Ford pnce In Nf'wport 8Nu·h. dnuKhtt'rA. hu been promoted to the J>Mitum ------ of •rvftl~ rnanu!r 11t_ Rohln~~' WE WANT Yo,ra ·woaa Huntt.t.on 8e11C'h br11nc'h, Brtii('(W!, The Pn.-u ahop I• well f'<JUippt'd who wu Jut Wt't'k el«tffl rlr~~t to d .. all l'ommNTial and 80Ciety vlce-prHident nf tM Newport 1 prlnlln&. LAte type facea. Prlcu Beach Fln.-men;11 ~ICiatlun, re-Arf' r.tuuna~le. May we ~~en·e you ! ....-wtttt...,.. .,, • .wM:.,...~ rb ,...,.., • ..-. "",.."...._, etreet, Newport He~ghlJI. f piW at .2211 Cout Blvd. . CHURCH.SERVJCES quarantined t6r mump11 . Purpoee ot.tllle Gllllference wu to work out' deU.IIII ror .the lonc..cb.ll-~ ... -. ~ park ¥--" otta· Lt.D1' or 11011N'I' N.-nnrt and Rua~ lleuh. "AIIMW!I· --..-. CJA'I"BBO.Kl aiUIIOI New Yorur: ienator Taft ad-: Rev. P· J. B&ART, PrtMt vocaU. 'l~wtrlng the t.u rate on ~X... at t:tO; -IM, Ul:"uj)pir traclteta -~g 10:00 aM 11:00 L m. the tax on aver&Je lneom•. We OOM~tt!NITY ME'1110DI8T may Ulerrfort" -..ume that the CHtra<-'11 ()F NEWPOaT BEACII Senator Li nut niJihDIC fK &J)Y· a D. OoodiiD. M1•"W thing jllllt now . Bundoay Kbool at 1:10 L m. -===------=~~======--=--=---==------=---_:_, Two Bundoay mona1DC ...nc-. at r t :SO &nd U (clociL 1:10 p. m.-Intanudiate aDd W.b ecMol ~ at Use ebUI'Ch. '1;10 p, IIL-JMabla ..W., nii8T ClllJIICB OF CHRIST, aa&NTIBT 112 .:.at C.ntraJ avenue A branch of The Mother Church, The Ftnt Church of Chrtlt, 8clenuat. In ao.~n. M .... ORANGE'CAD 1 cup raisins .1 medium orange rind I :.~ eup nut.nl¥tl pared thinly Combine and put through grin'der. Set aside for cake mixture. 1 :: cup butter 1 cup sugar 2 egg!i 1 cup ~our milk or butter- milk 1 tsp. vanilla 1 tsp. soda 2 cups cake flour I:: tsp, saJt I above mixture) SundaY achool at 9 :30 a. m. Sunday aervice at 11 a . m. TeaU.monial meeUnJ eacb Wed· neecsay at 8 p. m. Cream butter, sugar, add eggs. vanilla. raisin-nut- Readlna-room, 118 Central orangt>, mixture, sour milk-in which soda is alternately ave., open dally 1 to 4 p. m. ncept with fl our which hu salt in it. Bake in moderate oven Sunda)'l and hollda)'l. The public ta C«dlally lnvttf'd 40 minutes. While very hot spread with 1 cup sugar !:a:t~ ~~ and~-t.ll_r mixed with ~ c~p orange juice. Ill rooft\ J L-------~------~--------~------~~~--~----------~----~--~~--J 11¥.. ED WHEELAN l o Vet.e,... of_ Forelp Wan, C..tthNJ P011t: Ruuell S'. Nor~n . cornman4er;· IMoyd Hoffard, adjutant. lat and 3rd Frtdayt, ce.ta M-American Leeton hall, 18th' atreet. ~ .. ~U.. T_,.._ VIII~ of N-port Bead~: Mra. Flora Beatfy, prelldent; Mn. Ltlllan Hill, secretary. 4th Wectne.day at homea of members. Amerk'aa Lea'ion P011t %91, Newport Harbor: Earl Stahley, com- mander; AI Dyclml n, lldjutant. lit and 3rd Tuesdays, Leclon hut, 16UI and Bay. "-ncaa Lertua P.oet 4M, Cat~ta M.,..: Frank Vaughn, com-. mander; Golla Grable, adjutant. -bt ·and 3rd Monday11, Le(ion hall, w. lith •tftet. "-rtc.. f4loD Au.xlllary of e-ta M-: Marie FiiiMr, pretrl· dent; Margaret D1e kenaon, secreta ry. Serond Monday, business meet· Inc at Legion Hall; 4th Mond.ty, !;OCIItl meeting at homea of mem-be~ - -Vet.eraaa of. Forelp \\'un Auslliary, Coaalltne Poet: Haul Gill, president; Ruel Hoffard, aecretary. 2nu and 4UI 1-'riday• at Coata Meaa .American Legion hall. Olrl Martnen: Clare Stim!lon, skipper; Lela Merritt. first mate; tat and 3rd '111un. p. m :a at htgh school; 2nd and 4th Monday evu Boy Scout hu" · ' Wome.'s lkrllef Corps of CoJ!ta M.etllt: Mn. Clara McMurtry, p~tdent; Mn. fva Coe, ~cret.ary. 1st Wednesday, bUillneu meetlnt at 80Clal hall. of Collta Mesa Comrn.unity church; 3rd Wedneada)'l, •oelal meetlnc at homes of mc!mber~~. won.;.·. Sodety of CluisuAa Sef'tlkle: dent-:-· Mn1. Mary sennett, secretary. 2nd Coata x-C9mmun.1ty clwl'ch. --'- Mn. D. E . -Hatc.il, preat-- Thurtlday at aoclal ball, Sea 8Coota: Harry Gartler, skipper: Con.~lanlln Flink, tint mate; Each Weds. eve, 7-9 o'clock, American Legion hall, 15th and Bay f11'ftDn'a AuxUiary, Newport &..ell': Mn. Herbert Thompaon, pruldent; Mn. Ralph Randal, 11e<:ret.ary. 2nd Thursday. tlomea of membcn. Flremt'n's , AIIIIO('Iatlon, Nt'wport-Ba.lboa-Balboabland Depta.:A Wllllsm Smith, prea1dent: H erbert Thompson, secretary. Second Mon- day. I ' Flremen'a A.aoclatloa: Coata M-Fire departmeat, AI Ogden, prellident; W1llard Minor, .Hcretary. Friday evenmgs at fireball. Ce·.;rd~natlnc CoaiM'IJ of Newport Harbor: S . H. D•m~nn. pr~l­ dcnt; Mrs. ~r~t1lte Ma.x,wefl, secrf'tuy. 'Third Thul'!lday at Newport Harbor Union Hegh achool, Rootn 133, l~th and Irvine avenue . ~ Altar Soclety,.Our IAd.y of Mouat Carmel Catimuc t:borrb-: Mrs T. ), _Johrutto~. prelltdent ; Mrs. W. J. Nenll<it. secretary F trst '1 hur,. _da)'! at recto~y. H2l· W. Central ave., Newport Bclll'h. captain; Morgan Le<!nard, sl'cretary, Secund Sunday 142~ W. Ctontral ave., 'Newport Beach. Coata Meaa O,....e. 11%: Hugo E . Belau. "'"~'l;r·: Mrs. Roberb: Rapier, llt!Cret.ary. Seconcf a,nd 4th Thundsys, Townsend hail, 220-4 Harbor Blvd., Costa Met!&. HOfiNJ f!c-oeomk-11 De-pt. of Coata M-Oranre. 61!: Mn. Fred Brace, cllstnnan; Mn. Harold Jl:ddy, aecrelary. Se.::ond and 4th Tues- da)'l at hom~:• ot members, _ _ __ Ol,l't 8coata, Newport BMell Troop: Mn. 0 . M. Briacoe. lMder; MIM Martha FJaher. C'O·leader. GraJ:nmar acl\ool ~rrarten room Wedn~ afternoon at 3 :30. -' W~'a ~ of Clartatlaa Sen•tce. Newport "-'h: Mrs. Mary 1,_ S~ley, preatdent; Mn. Geo. Horner, secretary. Second TuMd.ay 2 P· rn. at toctal ball of Chnlt ~un:h tu' tb~ S.. ' .----~~--_.------·--~--~----~- 'L I , 'I .... '· ~-Tb~y. January 23;1Mr r ---= e»uthfufEiplol'f'rs to Seek Loet City of ' ... ~~ ~onl•-·1 New. tortt Ott .. aln'ln -l"<'h of "the-L.uot .... ~~ _ ,... M MIIH'. Parkma n. SkaneatelN, City of the )fayu"/a...; N r ~ml pondant, a wtc11 ...... of plfUIIt\• Wrl.:ht Hullt and A. R. Truf', al"'t Ml"'t. O.na U.mb, y,>uthlul l)r I.:•• 1 .... 1 ... -.., ..... •··t "dllllllir~& the N il boltta whlt'h craft for .. wu -~ '"' ...,. .,,... county adv.ntUI"'tl"'t, wl\41 14-tl f'' a ~rMUOft ~ publll' th~n-rl\11.:1' t ruu1 10·fQOt akttta to 30· day tor Colt.ma. Moh'tl. '"''" -I'IUI't~ I.'Uit- r&ll a uxiliary c rulalna aloope. · • '"'II""""" "'h""" "-"-·....._ l••t ·w ...... k u t.be IIUI annlUII :\,.. Whi'RI.'e th.ey W111 aaaln I'""'"" -~ Mu1 .,,,. C'IIJ!lne d111pla~·· a t the • I '''"' I .II\ 1'. M. ALONG THE WATERFRONT T' B L. E Uonal Motor Boat 8how cui ~"~""Y "h''"' 1\rt• mr•rc-than their wa y Into t hil! unc~r>'"''"' \\ ,,.:1, u ..... t "'"" 1:61 -~-_...,...,_____ -. r I O _E ,·&A . ----t1'rJr'ftr.i~t:oodl-rt~--en·....t't:"t'l~!'T~rlrrftt"T'P'I'fttTl"n'nlt'I'I'I'M~mriJunal .. Rl Uw 8nut,Mrn.-¥o~l.lol.lo.*"-+oi~~~--...... ""'r-11ar-4 ----- -By SUE HITCHMAN' (Courteay Shell Marine Dock. Balbc.NI, llll~;ndt The Lolt City. tlrtl lt"l h\' I I I lral Palace. Tbe ... nC't't \'IIIli· ttl lll..sel pt>'IHr and wider appll· "" 8oaw 60 Y•"' 111'0 8porl n shtr· •A.NtT .. D'' n·-Low Rl•h Low I Col. '-'hu A.. Lindberah fro•nl I t~<• • ,_ ... .. pn..d {lO 'tiall, moet ol Uwrn ,.,.,,. •·lith"' uf the tuf' oil enalne~. New men awoke one mornmg to the T~uMI.A 2~ 1 b :&9 6.V I:M .o.e 1;%1 1.1 , dratttn• board c,_UoM, and l ht•)· lt11 ... ,11,"' '"' WC'II u 0 , .. 1 tnboltrd air 110me 16 )'1'art &ICI•,·h"" J<lll<•' fact lhat .tl)c waters oft Southern •Astr DY • -· u•-h Low Rlrll • ... ~n a&cht..d on MVC'ral '""'"""'"• • .,. _.... •-. attNcted" f\lU IMN ot attj)l\111•11 '''"'"~·· en.:lnt'll have bMn brouabt b t hu he4' · 1 1 1 C'-.1. Me '' utlt·na-... ·:(\(• ( l•h•~ I •••lrrnl 'l'a') California are an tlngll'l''s paradiSe. Fri. 2& i 0:19 1.7 j 8 :38 6.2 1:&9 -1.0 8:01 f .t trom the 0~ Dlebl thrun.:ll .,111 1111.t,th,•n• ,., ... 111,.ny new ,df'. u nf'v.r 11 "'"'"1''1 '·' Soon the me.thod urcat.chTng yel-S~t. . ·~ I ...I 1:08 1.8 . 7:2'1 6.4 2:%8 -1.! • l.:ft &,% am id otMr -~•U•nlt1!. nr '"""'~''"l'fllJI In u .. uutboard nwtor m~ldern •df'ntlatJ<, It th.• l.ltluh" lowtall. tuna. swordfll'h b.v rod and s110. ... 1 :"'" . 1.6 1 8 :00 6 4 S:08 • t.s 8:!1 &.1 · auC'"Hd In ,_,•hrna lhf'lr '"""'"' ""' '"' hun~ o1 m&rtM q lnr11 ~'"' 111111 ,r~lr"' '"'"'<! lr!llOAf'Cl ef'll!n~ • .-......... mel IIUlt.Md ol .t... ~ 01\: 27 I %:34 1!& j tt:!l9 e.a 1 :40. ·J.I 8:61' •.• lhouaand£ol boa'llnl aCceiiiUry ""'' rr.·lciM tnr mat. auuom n11'11 llf'nl'Vi· Ill·· "'•''''"'"' lin I~, J•n. 16 It, I• II l'•''''"" 1'ho111 l.cUII ~~ \llJ 1 Mw.wu: ... f3ilhl'lflr~ ~---or- hand llne8 wa8 lntroduC't'd and the Tuu. 28 I 3:13 1.4 I 11:17 6.0 4:1S -O.A ' IO:H t .4 ma r1ne hardwaN ltelnl. 1'ht•,Nh•'"' llt'''""*"Y department fHt will be ll•tf'41 with tlw II'''''' I Tuna club of Catalina was fourwk>d Wl'd. 29 I 3 :r>2 1.6· 11:.62 6 6 4 :U -0.5 I J :et f .l Ttie!re W.. a &7-toot motor Y"• ht n.:run Ill triiNI to ''"JHl"llY With Nl arcMI!Iotrlc:al dl~'tl'l'f'r lrll and had a worla lnff1,1ence in dill--Thurs. 30 I 4:33 1.8 10:28 :u 3 :14 0.0 II :S8 4.1 jult. 1 t 1 .• t 1 h .. '\bl'• ~ explorf'rt, who flr'llt II'"'" •I With a prtca a ew C'«!ll 11 N,IY IIIII riii!' Nlulfl ~ r•p une I'Jln .. -"--~oraglr1g "tllffi ·hO"S," and anAOUI"· .: ..... ,. fl I d t ... nation-wide l"f'COJ nlthlfl rr .. no II .. ' ~· LtghUace ftcurer ln<Ucate a . m.; ....,... aN' IU~ n lea e P· '"· 1 of $31,000, but U. ant.erut or th, ""\rt' numt•t\lua and uthu new cad· acini' "honest anglers'' and ''fa1r · · 11.400-mlle ."a"',. '"'Y"a" ti•>Wn th•• play to gamr fiShes." Nov.· the par-•-----~ -• :;;;;!eln ~~ bo&;::c!stA~~:~·~ ~,.~1! nnd Mtlllpm .. ~nl on \'IC'\11'. . Melle-an ~ and South An\'·rf, "" adiAial tiJIJung l(ronnrts and gen-C'OIUila 80me yH ra """· "'''"'' C'd up to Uw .. ,_lwlt polnt tht-t.••"· .. _ , . • ... tlemanly f lshmg rule!~ arr acc.-ptf'd uoa -n ·htna fur t. ......... t t lty "'"''" &LL IJlAlliL!l!..,.,.,..... ..... ~_.. ..... ....., ..... -i c.~u;~~~;i;i~i-~~M;Fil~~t~~~~~.~.~.~':'UJ'":'"u.~~iZ...--p'~'Ynrbludl.m"'"' •codiiH~illltn~·t~c·h..~~M'""'o"'t<+-•rt1nrriif~mm~t:1tHd1r.----t ('aJied home by t hf' ""''""t """'" Ulfiermen daily gomg In nnd out sail. Ttie be bad t of Ne~'J)Ort 11nrbor. Ex~pt ·tor tla~ w hen Bert ill ~ fllOlon I UU can •If 1 tha Lockh:-",lanl t han uoo. and ouU..rd "'"'' rock cod 11nd SNI ba..~!l. th1s is def· ~ '""' r When It apreart'd that their ad· and hulll can be ID&tcbed for,.\:_." lnllely the ott -seas.10 but •t 18 ~the • • • v,nturi"IIOrnC' r nnl!(' t.1 Honolulu, under tha f~. Popubtr r1u•111~; ·tJm e when t lshf'rm.-11 wandl'r ex· The SuakJIIt 8ertell for all k ln4a which had bet>n In ''uur!ll' of 'p!Tp· dull N il boat.l ..... prked at uiu.ll•r JI('Ctanlly through lllekle store11 of dinghya, thia year apo11110red by aralion fur m"rl' than a year, had '"" d l .. _ ..... H for all lYI'«' t and ..:.-'war•8, ch~·k and rach~k y ht I b ...... an S..., a n .,. ..-.u• • 0 naou~ ~ ~· ~ ~~ the Call!om la a c C U • ..._ lwt~n drfl'rreit-)\isl 11 feW"VI'H kll tno rr11 ft Inc,__ U Uillly l fuW Ill their gear. l!mllrtt·n up their boat Saturday and wlll continue for the lon&,_ thangs "";krrt prc_tty hope· at.u, power and ,quiPn)«!nl a nd a t night lime drenQ'1 ot tuna next three week enda. A new mem· lellll to Capt Clttudl' K1'arnll. ·ma~- l•apin"' 10 fe•t ·nut uf lh<' watr r "-r In th. • Balboa Dy•r Dink fleet d h 8.__. ... Ca au+ ~ " ' '"' ~ ~ t.-r ot the kl'tt·h ":-.lumiHI" an 18 -- and 'a ~wordfl!!h !II'R~•n surpa~'ling p i tending Oleae racu, Ia Everret f.-ll<>w . trll\'l'h:r, H"rton Smith . The apeedlt.en ot tiM wal!'rwlly~. even that ot la.'!t year. orris' "Tch Tch." Howev••r. today. through r1H1per:B· Inboard runabout.l, a~ Jlllll:ln~ot 11 • • • • • tlon of the tocnl St"l .. ctlve Service. com~baC'It thll yeer a~ ar.-11ht1~·u A ,,....t IUU'IIe lri .. , ... ,,.,.,.hl~t« I• M~Ddln.r Baf'l" tltl• week are board. H<'rythllli: fUiS lw:'en a rrang-in Krea ter numben. TMir 14'814 prt'- Zane lln:y. whn nmung nthl'r tht Smith Brothl'nt of Newport t'd In Khtp>!h~<pe -rn~tnner and the tt•ntloua alatert. U. "ut •htiC'!!," thlllJ•· llkt'd L• sl••••r h111 boat who have about a dozen of them twu Yhlllli: nt(•n a rt' Jllhllantly com-havf' !"HChed tht point wh•re 11 through (f. J(llm of. kllll'r whalt's. d.-mnndlng attention. ln1•hadtng the pll'lln¢ th•·tr phuts: becomea clilftcull tD dllllll>jtUhoh There are prnbAhly othrn but I ~~ landing rtoata from . the Fun Lvn~e aller · m1t1al prrpArati!>NI where a cabin uUII~ ot runHbt•ul came acro1111 tw •• I><•At14 IHI<'t br· Zone. "My Fimah," -there's 1 were made lhe &I'IN'tiVt' S01n·lce lea'I'C!II oU 1nd 1 orulln M£11111. longlnt; tn Znn•• Grl'y. and deJ'J~:n· nom.-a 28-foot cruller belon~ing act wa11 1:M1rn ami bttth Ko>arns and The u~UU• al 16 fHt and IIJI· ed for him wil h !<J't'<'lnl f111hin~e to J . R. Thompaon of Loll Angf'lel. Smith tound thl'niJICh'C!I 111 CIIU'It 1 wa rd ..... plain varlaUona of tht' tackle. now at lut'al Rnt·horaJ:ell. 1s n'<'elvmg a new palnl job at and ther.-ture !!UbJI'\'l to call Bl any mboard runabOut or of lafllllntkC' One, the "Suem>." bwlt In 1931 by fWort'ht"r8. The "New Moon." 43· IAmt'. Informed by tnends that mrn conalrucUon. 8tartln&' ln-prl<'<' Ill ~...J.VIIm ton Bnat worka a '34-~Dt.t..6~ t.t.!! c:ablnl a.nc1 n10u root spott flllhtr. wns u~•-d by f'. w. Lakes Ia being overhauled uun rerm•li.'IJun tCJ lt'A\'t' tht' C'oun· u Zane Grey as a ft!lhlng lnun1·h nnd at v1k1ng Port while nearby the try tor lungt'r than :10 dAys at a larger . Some uUIIU.. 11no.J run· earned on 1\ht dt'o·k uf h•s yMht. "Pte Peter" receives a coaf or twO lim~. tht• ad\·enttrrrn< had nt"llrly abouta rqJiy ~h 1M •·ru!Mr or "Fil!lurman n " Tht> ''Ruf'rto" Ill of pamt. • "Mercury." propt'rt)' of d~ldt'd to ~rlvr up t ht"lf an1rrlpat· 111'dan at.&«e. and In betwe.-n ""' equlppc'<l wUh ll\'f' bntl ll111ks. srw· the Sea Scnut troop from Alham· f'd l'n nllt'. "'hl'n Jll>~l tu mal.<' surf' ~~<'a aklftta and other tYJ'<'II uf •n· clal tanks for th<' rah h, rull.-rs f11r bra, 1s being titled with a new..~ron r-th~y callffi "'' tht' loc·al Selective buardl, both wtth _. • .,lhout haulln~r tl11h obt•ard. lnok-•mt pul-ket'l at Sm1th Brothenr. The R1t'h· Sl'f\'ll'l' buanl . IIlli. The 1maller ecllUOna 11t lh,. tn· pit, 11"1vel rhi\1"'· c-vrrythmg for a r!J c. Walkers or Loa Angelel! Rrc • Tu their surprise nnd supreml' hC'w .. ro runabout. can bC' hnd at. the <.'om tort of buth f a;..ho·rman 1111d j \·af'ntlomn~r on the lllland. and ~mlu•fnrtwn. tht-btwtrd Lt~Ok the under 11000. bul you'U pAY $11.000 fill h. She I~ now 11wtwd hy A I bert IIJWnd1ng most ot their Unte wnrk· mattt'r under ad,·o~l'mC'nt and fin· It you want one 30 fef't l11niC and Howarth. nnd ~~at tho• South C"Pa!lt 1111g on "Cafollne n." which they nlly u.:rl'ed t<• ~:r:ont them a IIIX· 1hal will a-et up and a-o 43 mllu an Landing. J\nnlh<'r x-7.nnP· c;:rt'y keep at Haley'a. month's leavl'. l'tl t•.W•y everything hnur. , boat 111 thf' ~\·,. Thr•·e." bUill In 1 • • • • • 18 ro11y arltund Sm1th Bms. Bt:lal Thirty fMt appear~ to be the Nova Sr11lia an \92f•. ftWnrd by l fOold to Dr. ('ullea of Long Beach ~·orkll with the "N11mnd" and her moaf popular 1ei\IUI tn cnrii!C'rl tor ~Ain11worth. A llrn, and H11djt'C of this wee~ 32-root 11lngl• acrew two-man· crew prepnrlng to aet 194( bul thel"'t &l"'t comp11ct and I.:Oil~e17'r,"1111ll unter'a nd (() Jreffi Yount •-r..,.,.1r l iit.IT fnrtheSOuth Se&.JJ I t c·c,mtortable t1o&UQ~ eM!. A mndern-lnrl''I'Pry-wny sport c r11rt trom BeecheMI, In which he date. 11mall u II feet ln ten(th. All of \ \\'11 h tht' appolnlmenJ of ("I )"de Wut:ttm. 74th DllltrJct IUIIf'mblyman lu ~ turtrmarll'lhlp nf thr lmpurtant fu•h 44n.l l &nlf' ,.,,mmltt-. f"ola4htl, li.Y Ill lureiiC't'o that the j)rul"'-1 to • rt•Hir •• tlt)11111: pr~f\'t' a lnna Or-llllltl' ,·,unty·a coaaUin~ ma y be re- ' ,,.,.d ut an t'arly datC'. Wnt~~;m, wh11 rf'J)I'totH'nta lhf' IOU· I ht'rn por.tl.un uf Onlfllf' CflUnty, n•·ta\'col\· bal"kf'ci thf' mi'IUIIIF1' dunn« t-Il" luJ<t 1\(oplun of tht• lco.rtalature ,1,.,1 "111 duu!>AieiOII tw .. ked to re- roun .. · th.-.fiRh l 111111 yt•ar, ac>t'Ord· IIlli lu m~ml'tf'r" uf the Oranaf' t'u11111y 0ntt11t lllt.'Wirllltlon, ort.rtn&i !<J>'OII""r 9f thl' plftn. Thu IIIII, u pre-ented In the put pmhihllJI npemtlnn 'of pUI"N·Mfn: .. ,.,. Within lhrt'C' miiH of thl' l'Oun· lht• l··~••l,.tur .. ,..., . .,MIJ yl'art 11&'0, dlffu ult y ,.,.,.,..., whf'n an attempt "''lUI nt~tolr Itt rnf•1n'o" ttlf' law. C&p · '"'"" """' rrf'WW" of MVf'ral pune- "'''"'""'· Krrt'l'h-d hy 11llltf'. tllh a.nd K•mr wrordC'IIII, "'rrf' rnnvtrted In Ju!ll tt'r o·uurt.s and aiiiiC'aaed h.-avy finn but III"Jn t'l\rrylnr the matter to• thl' fourth dl•lrtct cuurt of ap-P''"'"· htCal dKIJIInn~~ "'·ere rf'Vf'MMld on a t...-hnlcallty In numberln& the dUitm•tll. . Hlnre th.-n, , when•vl'r atumpta h• "" ltl'••n made to rrvtvco thf' t.lue, bltt'ki'MI JTpoi:t that funda raiJMtd -t:;.m-Tm'n:'lal fl11hliijfl'n havt' brnughl about Ill defeat. tl8her over /rhich 1 th1nk Zane lmml'dlately boated to San Dlt'fO. ----.--lht MW cruJ8erl are more com· Grey would wnx enthWilllllltr to· The 42-foot yawl, "Arrow ." chan(· LONO Cftl118E PLANNED modiOWI wtt.h addlld beam and I.OC 'AL •. YA(/HTH PICfUUD Oranat rounty ta.a rollec-htr. The Lam ba are well lu>nwn In ttw Harhor dllltrlc&. wtw>rr tho•\ have apent ttlf' pltcor p.•rtl;, .. -,:( their llvM, l.amb tun nnty lw'lllf ,.ctlve In the county llft"llllllnl 11t•n lrf'. Prior 'to her n\irrl•«"· totr,. Lamb wu V1TJ1nla llwohup ut 2U:U. Ranta Ana avenul', c ... ta Mr1011 • Thf'y •tamat• the r re,...nt tr iP will r.qutre from "IIIII numth• ,,, two yl'al"'t.'' ~rina put yart mur• th•n I. 1'100.000 JII'U"&l of 11hrtrnr> hftVf' ~n llHit tn l.-A""t'lnl hArl"'r 1 f'at'h )'f'ar from thf' tlulf 1'•IAIII htllty that ahrlmp •hlpmrnhl nu• \' hfo ma~ f rom Raja C'111lfnrnl11 I>)' 1 tnJCk Ia fortiM'('n, If Vrll/lf'IM ,., .. not obtainable. . CALIFORNIA SCHOOL ., IAenUIIaProt_._ Earell ............. ----day, 111 the 38-fool "Relmrtl<'," own-f'd handll, Tom Scott I!Oid her to . capt. Claude B. Mayo, who ...._ leftl'\h and M'lt ~Uoa fea-• eel by L. fw. Connlefl and kept a t Harri80n · Holloway. radio brau Cl'nlly peld an otttclal vlall lo New· torea and eq•lpmeet .....-necs for Newport Harbor •••In came In tor Ita 11hart~ .,r pictorial JNbllclty Dal' ... IC....., a.-.. 'WflEBE-DID ·YOU GET THAT GIRL?' AINII "('ullln~t i\11 lh........_" l.u··•l·· l '~tu l•ltnka ...... ..... • ,,..., c -·~ ., ".Jl ~lUll U-Mt:N" · "'' h 1 "• I.,_,,. Jo:nd . J(t&l. and lh l ,tll~•. 'rvliJ:h 011)'1 l'ha :·. '' tl T•• 1 ... !'lhuwn at the M-rtn.,.c-nnty I-IIII , ..... ,......... ...... ,..., ... •••• ,,. lifltlll h ~tlhnllh•· llo•phurn and .1."'" • lii•'Wftrt .ln 'Thl Phll1dllpllll ltarg' llr-•MU\\tt)'• lln\\llnr y.., .... ~y Utt 111u,..., I rl .. .laA. tt---11 h •·1111 ~ llu k•·• •nt1 ,..t'''"'•·-.rt' ...... r .. m Ill '"' h ""•' h llrrllf'rt, Mut 'I ft,.l,.u•l. '''"' Mill•·• Hllll 1'"1"\ Kr<lly _..,.., ...... , ·-· .. -a: • ., K• "• ~1 .. ro'thth. II. .... lit• I\ f'Y ll.ot 1'1' 1-lii.JeriKitl Ill . "San a:r,nc•lllf'o lhM!ka" l 't t• t'll f.,l 1\ lit•nl IUI(I I'Cirn lftaJ rill• 1111n ''• l111l 1)1,. prr.·" ur wll4 O&U ~ •II ut ~u \Hill 1 t•UH\,11 thfl .. me. .. ' Haley'a. hat. Two new Garw~ we" de· J)(lft HRr bor Wht'n thJII locality wu a life of rreater--aftoaL CNII· • livered, one a runabout cap&ble .of hl'lng I'Oil!tldc rcod as fllture llite for er priCttll vary but u • broed rule tht11· wtek when thr Lt>11 Ana•IH .. Hortll C...t BIY4. • ~t.on Hubbard. S~uth _C~&.JJl'11 bO...m.ph.. to. Hfr._bert Day ot Sa!'..tatt-t--t'llmf<M'I'Ite---Mr.tt-..,.,_.~11141N111y,.t!J~~ can ICI}e their <lOMa at f rom head. attendt'd ,I he Roat Rhow n Rllrbara. and th~ other a 19-fool. to 112~ a lOOt r h&." jw;t Pmbark..d un an rxtend · . Enmlnl'r'" SAtunlay "port MCtlon ....._ Itt IINw'h Jean'a ..... ty lai- c a rrlrd • -tmlf~ rht*a 91--lw~ ...,;~....;;.;;....;;.;.; ____ .:,.. ____ ~tt -f~....-f -"''•"'•--A ....... ,~I------,t• Ney,· York awi nnw ·••s Jn cun er· two-C'ocltpJt 11pt'edboat to Charle8 aQd under; 11 26 to 11&0 per ,._ · f'C1 \'1>,\'J:I'. :\:1 \If the' S<'hOOl'll lllU• ~nre" In \\'ullhm~tun. n. '-· · Ltndwall t~ be uled on Lake Ar· tor cru!Mrt bttWMil Sl an4 dents !ltullng undt•r h1.'1 command • rnwhead. • • nbonrd thl' trnrnlng 11hip, "U.S.S. ftet; 117r> tq 12M per foot betw•n Cn.hfurma ~tate." Thr llhlp, whk h 38 and 40 feet, and from 1240 to dul'kl'cJ at Long He:lt'h l:tllt Thur8· $300 per tnot b'"'tween 40 and 4:1 in( tt l Vftr hi.JJ, th•• "'Win Blu II." l't :K 'I\' F.~T~. ti.N UP uwned. ""d Mllr'(j by Uuhby 'ZII'j(· H J D ~oluunt'"'' ""'' t'llll(f'FW&"'l_ ... ltr, and_tht" "RH mhllnrllnull," aklp-any s ump IIIII Urttntl'"•>• f '-le -- Jlf'N•d by J1m q,,i/.•Tr Th.-"l.oolllf' l""•tl \\ •tl'rt rt.. ·J- Cal"'lun" m11y ,.,.., h•· llf'f'll In l hf' bal'k~orruund llf lh•· fllllllrr. whlrh ... En co~ .. wa 11 mRfl,. by J<,,,, l~llo'hrock. BALIIOA" ......... "~ I ur 8f'e Kin~ ~rt and Rnth E.~tn· brnok'!'l new nktng. w11s laun•'hed Sundny frum Vaklrtl: P:•rt \\ 1th fml! ceh•bmtinn f)nl' hunrlrcod :111d tWI'll· t y·fl'l't" ~UI'Stll WC'rr• ('III'!<C'IIl and al· mMl a11 mAny ram••m!l, ranjllng lhr•Jujth LcJC'rll' nnd Grn'!l~tC'~ tn the mm·ic \·nrlet~·. maklnJ.! a snrt nt chrkanJ,: t·h•lrll!! for thf• olt·t·a:Hun. The Vlkanso: fAmily WAll ,wn· rt>Jl· rest-ntl'd. Or. n. \\'. C'nct~·. ow nc>r ot "EVP," Vaku1~ I. wal< 1 h<' oHt· rial opo•nPr of th" "It• J.! .. r n;uls," Mondy Shndsdl:ll'k. llttt\'1(' dtr~tnr, beC'aft\t' hwnrhttll{ !hr•···L•r 3;nd hn· ed up P\'l'rY"'lt fur Jll<'lur•'-"· Flag!~ were Clytnj:t-;04Wi th•' J:hlh·ry Wli!! pr.-pllrtnJ: n o·hrrr a!< H ulh E~tn· brook 1\Jntl'd thr holt lo.• nf ('hnrn · pagne at thr no!!•• .. r I hr "SPa King" 11>11'<' you 1"\'o•r l'rn••kNI Boat of Ute Weell iJI the "Idle Hnur." bt't'nu~e In hn sturdy way, she nn11wer11 the dt8rrtptlon of "St>akmdhnea~~:· ,ven by Calahan in hill book , "So You're Going to Buy a Boat.'' "A -kmdly boat 1:~ at-hnm.-tn a llfAWIIy. She go•• m·t"r th.-waves ln11tead of through thPm. s hr will 11houlder ott lh.- litllr onc>s, dodlt'~ the bllt one11 and k t•O'Jl j.!(lllllt'' wilhO¥t stoppln~r for hrt>nl h. She bt'h'a~ Ilk~ a 8k i11Pd h••x•·r rir'rrlnl'iri"'psrrylng t he hlow11 of the ~~ells lil{htly and without d · fqrt. clndj.!llll(, and weaving and nrvrr tRkln~t a blnw In the llefl w hlf'h w o u I d poun"-a clumsier hu:lt t n p le<'l'S." )'. Will lay •I\ t'r thPrf' fnr 11 day!l, tHt. Bey,nd 4r> fHt there IU11 are ll•a'I'IOi: nt>x t MuncJny r.1r San ()1• atock cruiiM'MI to be had bul th~ t'i:U nml 1h,,.,.,. Jln>I'Niing t•> Ae· prire,. pt'r·-1oot Jump!l .aharply de· upulr". Mt•xll'u: p 11,111ma. Peru, pendfrig-u pon nlnale or twin en-t"IMH A~O OAMF. (111F.f' Honolulu '"ltl r"luru. Thruujthuul gine tnetAllntlon"Af!d ttt. l'!llurto,ua- h .. r stAy in-1.1•01: lwnrh the natty neM or lnterioMI and appointment&. Overstuffed Hlllllrpn PBOPEIJ,F.R ffti 'Hfl(C\ t>.tween 28 and 29 on the Bay Ne.,.-port -Phone 620. RC8. 34&-J , Howard \V. Gerrish %111 w .. ('f'ntral Phone 461 for !'IARJSE • Al'TO nonrr:nm.n . A<'<1DE ST and u•'"E IDSURADCE SHIP'S and H~~ WASH CLF.ASISO and PRF.~l"L~O ,..._..,,. .. 181' S~rt Bh·cL \'f'MM••l wtll ''" oJ>!·n !It vuutoMI. HaJf-HulldJ'I'Id a..... • Th" "ldlf' Jlour," a double-endPd. !'lePI-hulll'd ring II fract1on lel\.,. b111lt Capl MltY" n·r•nrts. Fisht.'rmfAn, Sailors Must Hin ·e Permit to Lea\'e Country C'umm•·r•·ml nnd <~rwirt:o futh<'r · nlf'n, y:t~·h~u1rn, '"'"' ~·rf'WII fir nn~· mnl" 'atiun ,,f the' tfnttf'd R~-tl's lluhjt~t·t to So·l•·dtvl' SPrvic••· r nll nnd piHnnln.~: to I~"''" thP run· f11w!l nf th•• l'nl lt•tl Slntc-~. Ill flrHI Fu t torpedo 1Jn11l and "rocket" linea are fl'a tured In MW 'hulll for 1:M1Ul ruMbouUI 11'nd cruiNnt, and MVI'ral nf'w Onl'·df'l!li n clallaea are bt"lnjt lntrud UI't'iJ by Mil boat bU ""'·The 11hn\lll'tll'f'l nu mbert a, half· hundrrd lnhonrd powered. boata rruiMMI, IIUXIhllflt'l, utlli\IM, •Min· aboulll ami """ ilklffa ; 110me t ll o1utboard rimal)tulll! and mlac:ellan- l'llWI 11m1111 C'raft ""d 35 Nil boatll, 11\rludlng dey 11.nd family Kilen~. well u the many popular ~~ --~~~~·~~~~~~~--~~~~ vf'nrll n~ro and Alaak&n nnd '"'' !';pn·irP bon rd . Pup aounct -...tft1l far ..._ ....... _.,._.-w IIDttfxaUnlt ntr wt rf'IJ:hl. Purch!UW'd, re--condfUnned. thu1 ,..,.,.k hy '-"" al Board 111 , antS Rubert ~. Juhn~V~n ha¥11 enJtlter w1lh bunks, g alley and cablnll In· lri nddill•m to I>Pmg n rf'IJtrl rl'· exhlbl\.1 at thP 11h<1w, and Gar lltllllf'd, 8hr makes 8 Cine pa,MIU'e ml'nt nf th" law, It 111 tn thr III'IPr· Wood and C'hrtll·f'rllft have both yacht. Her, drlllel, a Mtanus 3·50 te,.·11 0 10-0 1>4-llt mtf'rt'!lt 1,1 romply ,·rulllt'rl ""d 1nbr•&rd. runaboutA. YIC'Id.<~ JWrle<'l combu11Uon without w1th thh• nrdc-r, ~<IAlP!! f"hief C"ll'rk Cf'ntury, Lymnn. l.udert. Wolver- r"s•due nr unburnt JtUMII. dllld&lns Ano1rl"w .I lfaymnn. a" nny Sf'IPf'· •ne. Thomplf'•11· 7.1ohel, Dunphy, nvt>rhauling. lmroru a high meu-live-!'lt•rvlrP rPI(I!Itrant wh•• IBrk:o Woodcraft ftnd t·~nn Yan have d.IJI· ure 11r 11afc-ty, and no doubt will rmrh ('l4'rml!l~'"" mnv find hlmllf'lf play11 of lnl .. •a r(l nm"bouta. uUII· hn "ponmma" 10tradfully on tor In 11,.r1011110 dtfflrulti"~ whrn h~ ties. outbtt~~nlll ·:uld other lftnall mnny yeat11 to com.-. lll'c>kll to rrturn tn lhl' l 'mtl'd ,·rnrt ThP Anl'hnr~tg~. cape Ccld. ownr111 now are H~&rold W . and Stale>!~. fi1 lbert l>unhHII>. :-.: .. w Enrland Rnbert H . M&Mn of Loll A'hlt'f'lell. P enni1111l•>n will 1n ru• ra~.. iw- H~trnld. ahle llk ipper, IJ:OWer aq\lad· ~trnniC'd fnr t .. ngf'r lhnn 11 • ~tix- rnn member. uae11 he'r mofll. A.nliC'I· m nnth11' ~fi')(J. wath :lfl dnv11 thll p1111ng prl'dlcled log race~~. he limit In "''o";e rlMIIIifrrniJ•m~ Ar· ·her r1ut Sund11y and found he made pliratlnn !thnuld be mnde nt thr hu~ (n!tll'llt time ever between lhr loca l hf'IHI(junr~ In :-.lr·wpurt i'iewport HRtb<lr hell buoy and ~~~ Harbor t•nlnn ll,i~h Rl'h"'•l. . Huntington &ach pier. She 11'1 rn•IQrecJ in front of the disappear· formC'r hl)me of the Balboll t hi~ ·rnunt ry are now buti<Un.( mil· hom; n1 trnmf's f\qt lo lila )' al. ()(>troll !\:I'W!I: B ftlmlt are the ' ISCO!'U: TAX AID ctt".-Y.RF.U For lh,. con\ Pnjc-ncof• ••f t hr,IIP In· km!f vnu have to see !\5 mor r <1f l'nlrotllPimll In tin\,., &Jt!lnllbled the full aet of ·How. Many in· Your Business? but few whltlet!AI" or l"'tt&ll llf'mA. "''lll" dtlll with thou· nf'llll that rf'AII'I' hAll an lt.em or t ,..n lA th~ ra • • • r • ph11rmllr1111 Aud he ml.l.ll know, All uraW)' a nd w1th- nut hf'llllll\11•11 V.'h"l"it .-eft and ,.,·ery """ ur 1-dfii.W.. .. Ml~ lh•rf' II!! f&UT' tllou· Yr'~~ ~m.I~~-'Ttrcan<rullrl,,. t t __aan.ct ~~ llf'!!!l In \bill, Hllrbor ffi,.t,.,et. Wttte I uur · • • Bnx A-4. rare Ne,.'J)Ort-Balbo& r ~~:"h. 2211 Coul_ Bh:d .. Newport 1 Al.LEM 'S PltARMACY ... IIAILORS: · Hardware • Rroue • Brue FCIR S AI.F: Nuh Mdan. a"ood MarliW' al l'arll A.- lranl!~;~"rlallon. AI1WJ 4-bumer, ....._ ...... ,..._ II trW . au nrvte. Bntt1 pn~ed cl\eap • fflio'lfllla . Fittln~M • Tools · • Rope W. P. Fulwr Paint,.. 8\V• DISpliCT. HARDWARE t1e ~·""" a.u.BOA lM.AllfD • ..... 11M . .' , Cly<Jc A. Walll<Jil. etsltl' 1\IUI~m· lll)lnll•n frotm ltll· 74th d111trll t, t'lll· r Harold I. John"on brltf'llli: lhP llolllh••rrt po•rtlnn of 1 &ADIO 8-VICit Omn~:c '''•IIIII v, hll~ 1"'''" nrromC'd I ... ror Auto•. Ho••• •nd R ..... r·h:!lnttan 4•~ ltl" fa:.h 1111•1 lt"lrl"l 1,.,111011!1•••·. 11, ,• .. nll n~ '" w~ord r,.. between 21 and 21 on the Day l'l'iVI·d frn111 Su• rfllll''lll" I hi~ Wl'rk Newport. -Phone 120, RM. :148 .J TU.,MOMl S76 . : =:::: ~ ':;:' .. :1 !lli m•" 1 l!ll!fllll1!l!lli!IIM!Iftlll!l!lt1!l'"lilllllllllllllfl!l n !tl'l !iii 1 =::. Do yoq watch your NE.I'OBT• PREll -. A $l~;:---__ ear-~ No p,&••· ~to ·c • .-.,. Just a Clean Local Newspaper \ ' II 1\ 'I'OT C U' C 'OI'YICJI I Ill.~ f """' rllcllwaJ I ---Klltlul( Kt~tolf'rwa¥• I I' h II M 1\ :-1 Jr. NT 8 Ult \UU,"K . ..' tJt..U l t.t\l.fl ll l ¥ r:i ~AU EL Jf11111'1 :tl O.:lpt.,rl .. ..,, ... lltl llrn~aAh••¥ (lpe .. .._ -------~~------ ROSSI CAh ., .. , • ''Jt:ICTAIL8, te. COIHJHA 0 1 L 114A .. . ........ ,., \VOIU\ BASKET e '' •·•II•·""'" lu~lrw·lluna 0,... "11" , ... .,to ........ r. Ma..,.... Il l '" llrttti\\A) Kula "- l'h<JOfl %111 tt~Y n i t HI, H ;ll t ' 1 Mil,... I'Wmtll ef l.p ac•uu• l..._r•ll .. JIJ , ..... , lea 't •,,., ••.• "'rl{""''" nnt1 .. ... '-----~· ..... ----...---- ., I ~--·--~~~~~~~--~::~·~~~~~==~~====~====~--~~~~·~~-~~~--==~~~~~~~::~~-R~T~·~BA~I~~~A~-~p~R=~~Sr.~~==~~~~~:==:~~~~~--;··----~~Th~.~~~Y~·~J~•~u~~~~~~·l~~~. · 'otiu ~ . A ~ · · -AI~~ NA\'loAnoN CIAfo\8 I!JTABTm , Miss Alice Shannon Bridegroom Honored .. OM, (i,lf,(Z, ~ J¥j A general <'OU.rse of IMtruct1on I S --. -.... In nii\'IJ(atiOn Ill beta~ laun<'hed a nd Duane Moore-at Un ique ttower 1 ·-1 ,1 -:•,,, 11 , "'"" ,,f u .• lbt>a Ja-Mr. ollll .'11 r ~ E llrs Shaw and lht!l week a ( :OO:ewport Harbo.r ~n· I to~~Wf!_e~d!_!.!!.l.U!rll ____ _j~~:i}WU.Oltl-l:1LOU18:--------M _ 1 ..... 1 \ , .... r.·d 1.1 Jl.ati.IJun 111 San Dt·_g~~~t.!!r!4.,_:_1,!;'••!!'.!1'~~:WJ~~=:-:-""'ilof~lun H rg!i Mhwl b)' Hubert K.~ . •':..•• tn ,\., l' Oftner'a w ooth··r. Jllr a. Jo;ffte' ~haw, •f C'IIJ<to M t>RO, wl\() hall f'llndu<"tl'd MIS/I AI we Slulnnon • ..dau.:hh'r u! "J,oe'' Jw&P8, who at an early J: ll ort ., o! !tu t frltnda aJJ ot 2:lrd ~{..v•·t, ('u:Hu ~ft·s11, ~•m•lar <'<~Urllel! dunng pa11t Yf'llr~>.I M r. 11nd~. R. W. Sh;innun, 144 d,1t1: Will l}t.'('Ome the brtdtl:l"'Om ''", ,,, ll ol.!lr 111•1 \Volter clrov. to :-.u1t 1 ~t .. 111,·,1, S~ol•trday, ('la!l.~t'l< ~111 be ht•ld (!ll'h Munday ,.,,,, phtct•, Cos ta Me5:1, and 11 ttf llt •sll Luura \\'rlght,"\\'lla honor Pilots' Class E lects N t •Nly-formcd Choir " ~~ 1, • r ,., , 1 .... ,,., ·• wtle,.. ttw \ •1,,,, rh,. w· •·k··nd at untl Wrdnt•sduy mghl.<~ rrom 7 t.d n11·•·e ur Hntb<Jm laat er'Thomas E. lfV<:#'t rhllt wt"f'l< '" 1\ untque ward· Plan!-' ApJ)Ca rancc ,,, ·' ~IJ '., ,, :-;,,,1 Mllla the hom,."' ~t. un<.l ~Jr,., L'h!Lrl•·ll !J n'l'll><'k , llllbjectl! lObe <'OVCrl'd i Buul'llL'Y .. r Bnlb<on, thts Wl'Vk lin· rnbe ~huwf'r .:lvl'n ny Dr. and Ml'll. Raymon d Eas t man . 1. , 1 , 1 :--·"~"··~· JSIII'sta, McDowell. •nul11tl1n~ p1lut mg, cell'lltllll nnv•~j ll1HIIl!Nt ht>r forth coming n~Brrllll:<' c. G. Hustnn .• Mrs. Tony Wacek A pproximate! t o Presidency ~x t Sunday 1\lo '"" \l r · .!J T ~t llb t.C \\'hit · Jern p ,.1111, '"""'·1ty VlH.'IIlrl<t t.:ottrrm. cours.-and dtlll.unl'(', 11111 1n·ll t1• llunn .. Mlk•rt', Lhl' e\·ent tn take nnd Afn~. Frank Vlcuwwhllf'rt, u· th~ Women'a R • •.,r ~ with DQn ('l!l'l• ~ "" ll••stra <tl u1,. 'I;; It pral'tll'tll-undcn~tnndrng uf I jJin••e E;asto:l S pndu)'l "''PI 13. uk.. &rvioe or Ulf' RAymond K Ell~lnHi n w .• ~ ,,. 'I h• r .... n;: , ..... ,. 1 • ' • """ " 1 A! or H-.f'. ........ 11 ... I!H~¥.;-1"111 ~ndtJVi';~ ....... ,, B:tll•llol, untl I'IOnlf)llll;l, Charts . sextant llnll (Jay follo wing the brll.it'·t'ICC't's 21st I Fl'n turHI~ th(' f.'\'l'lllnl('a h ilarity ~-&a-t~k t lectf.'d prt'sid~n( .,( !Ito·. l'ol"l ~ ·.;, ' •"·' I • 1 ·, 111 ' "' 1 1 ' ~t · ' 11 ·•1••~ , ,., 1 1•· J • •II• '" h.t•t 1111 r('(.:~nt more reeo·nt lv "1111 .Jn1·k1,. <'•~<•.Jlt·r·~ dil'llnom~tf'r. Thl're Will ht> nu loirthd uy. t v.·n11 th•· h urnlng nf l!f'\'f'r&l pa<'k· ,..,_1 IA«I M• claaa or Nr w1xirt Hntlo<>r ('.,n•ullon '1 "lo '' '" 'ol 11 1 '' ·'II "" .. 1c I_ 111 ol,!l :\It s .\\' A \\'IIIey IIW_In• "·:llil 111 u , 11,1'"''""· hH,s Jll.st 1'1111rge. Tlw unnnutH'f•rnl'nl \\'all rtt~· ""I'll of Jlllll.••rtt'd lnv•• 'e ttt'ra a nd ._,-.1 • , .. I I ( " II .... t.J • .. .. -... \ vfee Tueaday • ltyllllellluc!Jst rhun·h wl,..n :t:.!cl.,..,~ I '"~ lo••···• '·I'''· '' •I tool.~''·" aeoeptect nn rr1glll.:frntnt 11s 1·un ol· h1.~1 \\'t•tltw;;dav \llkn Ml88 S han·:pii'LIU't'l! •·f rornu•r ".:.rl ·frlendl!." an all·day mf'f't mem~ra m t>l la~<L Thur!*lll.\' ''' Ill•· ~: \\'•• 1 "• '"'' ,,. '\ 1 1 ""' k·· '': ''' '. I\., k• , .. 1 "'' ''"' 11 t lho· Cheater Jart WIUI R II:<N L u• kdt 11 nrc·hl'Slrtl Kr.c·t:J\'t:s tlf)()O l't:BLJCJ1'\' nun enlc..rwiu..d ~ ,;r•IUI.• 1•! 20 dnse 1 "WhO<• pel'" w 11 s aiM played, a <lea- a rep,._Dtall· home or th~ R.-v. llnlf ,.,.,. ~: I I i• ilol ' q " II 1' ... '" " 1 ~Ill"'.' I'" rwr ~· . :"li'l :nra l!l ret't. COli· In llayw •• ul :'o:t•ll'po rt Harbor \\'OS th{' rf'r>l p· fno•fld" Ill her parent!<' huntt', ht•r >~:rt l'OII~l,' of li)IJ'Ie poe and colt~ I Coa'lmunlty c. 'Ooodelt :lOOO (){'CAn Front ·ill I! r'.'' 't ol " 1 ,. 1 ' I "'' I.. oro! I '·• ,\lo ,\II ...... MN<. M .· L. Mr. and ·"""· ;\l.d lo•v \\'llltRmll, l•·nl IJf 11 .. ,, .. \'Cry (UI'Ilrllhlo• Jlllh· :.J!I[N', Mtl'l.'l ,lu:itiMl" !"tpnnnn, liS·' f'IH!Hiljt tht• festi\'ltl£'1'1, Many g ttlll ~..o..:...---;.--tba b latory nf er orrtcere name-d ttl lht• j.:I IJUJl ~ '• ot··•l lh•· ~''"':• '" 11 1 ''" 11 "'' 1 11 1: ... , 1 , 1 I.· \o t:••lo'f< ll2e Onyx ,ol't•nut'. l!,olhlllt (Niantl. lw1tv "' thr, !I~• I Yt•u rbcJOk n( th•· "":1111~ 11~ •·v-h .. s ii':SS. ThP {'\'l'nlnJ: fttr h1s r •·r!l()nul udurnmtllt were •• ......., 01 "" 10 oon~l m~""' w"'' M" w • II""" ' ' II " "'''"'' I"'' '"' "' "" ", . ,. .. ,. 'I,, , , .,,,,, "' "I tM R. '" t>o "'" ""' ol , ""'' """' h-~ "'' """ Cohto'"" o...w,. """'II"' "'"" "''''""~ •:• N"d "w". M ~' , '"""'""" ~ "" yO""' booodl<t .. "''he flret aer H . Tru11ty, \'lt'•'·liro·~ulo·llt, Mr,; '' " 1 1.:' ' 11 '"" 1 "''.'""' •·l'lJ,"'' -i· l'•tl•r ,, r•, ••fll•r· o't Cbl!ta ~r. bom ~·11 day a tthP r;,,.od Sa-~o\'<II<N't:lll"n, JUHt orr the J>r't'HII, ~t.·•lu ~"'"'.:!i· 1\'lllnllll{ h1~h scor('. elect . .... morta l Jl'und ,. 111~··• "' "tltt,,,...,.,j p h h ~I ss "h n " 1 j • · Allee Nlrt•nhl'rg. R•·•·r .. t.orv M •~ 11 11\\ , ._ ~!· I· :• rnrh~· At _aim manta:n h .. ,.1 t.d 111 1~'" A~•·IP!I. " i• fl'nhtrl'H an HttrnctJvo•l\· II· • r: '•> a non. u 1 •ru nr un10r Pf'\'l«'nt wert> Mt•I<Brs and Mea·. John R. McOt ~nf'vl~ve Ramf'l'l, t rf•AIIorro•t . M r ~ ''' 1 \1 ' 1 1 ' 1 '' \I ' '' ' 1 ' ' '" '· •' 1,1 ~ • 1 . o. • , • "J"''' tl t ht• usual 'n,. new ar111 t1 whu W•·r•' h, t1 S<'\'· lu:-<t n; tt•d '11tur v of the lnet1l l,.u\\·n ' ""''~•· strii:lt-nl . r;; it~o·tlmtc {IU!!l·, tittm~>~ M. 0 . Hon!Wln. Pntnk Vt.a.sr-land 1Vb O r.a.J 1 -:t I \ I I t Ill lo· o'11 A ~ "' ' ' d ( h Wilham Mork .. hvon, • h:•rnuuu ••f 1 • · ' 11 ' • 1 ...... d. , 1 • 1,. Jo•:.c'1 t. rCo~Wrt. en pyutidJI m Jllrth. 11,,,. t.i'f>nn a 1j'1• \'tlr14! r•lub. 1!:< r•r)::rll117.ntuon '""' fll',.sr I'll! u t <' Pdntt'cr:<, Santa 1 h.'\t'rt. Hrt nerl Churchman. T ony wnu~ """' 1 ' 1 p•bUeUJ' Mn., R <' <>w•·• "'." _, ' ,,., "'" ""'' 0 ... ~,, ;• ' '"::::, :; "".. •' • "' Oho· "'""' wu od """""'"' 1. , • .,,.,. •1='"1""""' I o """ ooft to d"h' '' "" !" >'' '"' ""'"" "'"'· "'"''•k. F.d "'"' Jk<l. S~ C~w- • ~d KIMura '!~~ ehaom""" ood M ~ '"'"'"' > "'" ''' "'" '"'" ' ' ' • • '" '"'"I ''Y. DooM ""' KM ,. "• • ·, ""· '""· F."'"'" ''" '"·' "'" ""'Y '"''I"'" • wo·U-"" d , Clyde " Rlo•'•U. Low"""' -.. oa.~• · '• , H~ot. ,p,, :'u .t L 1: 1t t r • t-:Bt. -~ Balboa laland hat~. 1\of!pllahty. ''"" 11 ,.,.,. 1 " 11 '" 1 ,. , , , ,, 1 1 • 1 • • \ "h•• w.,re nc· a id a venu•· 1: olto ,, I ~J.o: .. l; hn.s hall ph ~ot ... tJ d··~t·roptH•n nr th<· ad111 11-L!...~!~~~:;;;_~~~~~~~::..~~;:~~\\~·~n~~:~·h~t.~\~\~·,~l~lr~a:.:"r'~Pf.~''ronit:.:..Jf.-jij~~----1--~ t\aDd will be In Ounng th .. b•L"tnl'JI!I "•·AA~<•tP t h• \' c hw "' •' JI.,J, ll ot• \ II I. -~-'1'-"-'• __ _,,_. ..... _·J..•..I·:LWuo..ln~·.,.·l_t·lJ·a_Le..lJ..wlAI!IIItfflaa~rt:-rec'bee>~:r"':nlq,h ... ·~·IT·,.''.,.~n::l:-•·_,:-(ltl'IT,liLl. :...:.+.'~· ... ;::r•-.·i<=',.'',.,.,.,'::h_l'.._H_t\_Jh•_lr_llll_ u __ r.-_·J<_I_d<",.!l·.; n , tary aube<'rrpll ,,.,up pre.s.-nt...-1 lht· lt••\' Mr 1 ; ..... , _...._.........._-'~-....._ ~~~ , • , • ,, i • In an· lo \\'t••·kt'nd j.!llf''l~~. ;\Irs f\,a tlt·l :\I n~ =-<••ttr(' Rll'hHr<lll. Mtckte Bt>r· Ll ____ _;;:..~;;~;.:,f-_ __..._ _____ ~t-·wltlr...,.r.t11~Wt-rmoM!:-t'n1:-t'm ,, ,,, 1 ,1 1 :, , 1 lo 1 1, , 1 ,1,, t Lane Ot.llh1 • \lo ·mol ~I n; D. F .......... , .... !'"•""''''"'"'"''•"•"•"•''"'"'""•"•"•"·" l•·••n SHm•uu <>( S h•tra Mil In· ami t .. nP, fo~\'o•rptt Hr11•·e and Cheater '"'JIO«J of a Btb' ... hurch wurk. lhe tlun.o lll•ll t •• • 11 r '•·I•[ "\ •• I .II• ,,, I •.;. II It llunlap. 2096 AR).IItoy a rlit ~lt ,; '"'"l·h s.· .. tt .. i! CORONA DEL MAR ~~ ... .I n '!lhS<•II .. r All'uyu <:ranut• U.tn.o,un. tbe late Mra. J mRde pt>N'Iblr by ,.,., .... , ,, tlloolo \ .•• '•' II , .. , .. t. • ,.. I , 'nsta Mt'Ka, or Loe Ans:· .... ,,,,,~Irs. !lta~J:Hr· .. t -·-au<'hat' cal~ndarii.AI!poot·u•l'•-;t•·••f tlo "lk• '' •'' ,,,~·,·.:·,•~:::.'.J .j ,.,o •t ·• llw fo rmor 'sst ewart,ll oll llll,.,,. · I · · ·~O~!Q"'S:!i"':s'lO"! __,., t 1 •1 .,. '1'''"111•~1 "',q , • · I'!•I'VIna dt•l \ta r . Crnwu 11( lilt• So•u ~'~~~~~~ active In ctaurcr ,., ••• f'l """ ttw-rla:c ..... .,. ,.., "1·' , ,, ,, ,,, • , , ,. ..• , , , , 1 • 'I 1 \1 II f.". Skeen WlU • J •\'• l··•l'l"l rwk. nt>wl)'· · • ~ • l 1\'rlh • harm~ that \'lc \\'ttl) ( 111 llr • KaU!f'ri E 18tf.'Nf'wlnnd.foorho·t ou.oll\'\o''ll ' •'-''""'"' ••••••• , ., ... •'T""1:,. l oi i : .... ·Jo:ary ofeleclec:t "(JI,oo floollh ll.u holr,':~n:<l ll<tly I w~ae·· '4 e'+. St.~--taUve or lhe fAithful IW',.:..,,..., ll ~wt:. 1 1 C•ll "' 1 1 1 I ll• -"<·:.·;If '1.4,'• S unday klft lit .. l.tn.t 10/ ,.lulhot>t("" - -~ -I r~rrr--rr•r-r '"' ·~ ..... I .... ('rnl\'11 "J lht' St'll )[) Beaut y unu Olntn . 1'otd Clf .. ,.u-,.m thP .:r••llp .. , •.••. ,,1·:• 1 1• ... lOI II\' ,,, ' I '' lho I"''' \\' II \1 I ... : •• \\' Ray RYe· ADd aLUI&lw., .wJ JHilrn.·y•'<i ~<}HI_~; tHin! .. tbe churc:b jUI ~1111 ~ II J.t~otlo•rl l••loL••ol ;'.' 1 •,(, ,,1,,.,. •I I 110, \\'.,10 , 1;",""' , 1, J :. p,. ll 'l 'I Wt't•k for Bear w her,• ;til' ~J••nl t h o• lla ~· t'll• I lo•~lllll'll f~>r I.J.-nutlfu l hunto·~ :In <.I -lea "'laaa wt th~tr n~w hom~ ' ,1 I\ , '• .. _.. . I • t I• '·•·r(' h<' WIU! joyln• an ol\ "'"' h ,\, "'""J•anym:: •-t" .,.-, ' oo! \'Ill I ,o o :-o•J\ • • .. 11 , . , fiH!IO', llback. A t PI' • p,._nt V.'t'rf' Mf'!<.~r .. Iiiii I M··· 11 llool ' ' ',., I ,.:u\'Crnmcnt her were M '"" \l.ti JIOI'It! 1-:n><IJ(Il ............ -. ot a ell 0 W H Ill ~ \\: H "'"" r '''~'II '" • t ...,. I t:ltl ,,,. t t r Mboul l(ll<,,t•d t.ry Uic Pao•tfll', M< ~l:.O nmn~·· ..._.. dltmf'• · · 0 1 • • 1 11 ,, 1·., , 1, h ,...., ·' o1 1,,. .. :.• II· I•· : .. ",,. u r} MAX Joninn nnrt l •.n·•rt Aln11mtt. 1 aiJonal hall •-J .... ,_ R. c..:. uv..•n. ~.41 Jo'r u. '1 ' '"" ' • -~ :nq• !1'!1. ' -r •. -u .. ..,, '••·I··· lllo•fo •lo\' ......... ,.: !Ito• '""'IJ.: l ·'''' ,,., ,... Mr. and Mil' l!o olll•rl ~lll:i, 5D;. 1.••1 f'•'"''' to~:ro•ato•t hf't)!hi><.HI'I~t· chapel for -hll.n. Wtlll•m Mwkf'l!fOn , ~1. ,.of ., ...... ~ ..... ,.1. t oo ·" l o "" '"'"' ,,, •• I,, •. 1'1'1 \l r I ' oil ,., d ' '• I'• II lluyruond San Ben lllldui·· ""''""''· ;\;t•Wp<tli Tv hlo·~o; l'uro.ola, t ··~II\ ll ~( I lit• !:'c·n . B'A'LBOA AND BALBOA ISLAND and ~ ft Ot-nt•vll'\'1' Rl<mt'll. l r<'n•• l lorm.' I ~·• ,., • ',. • \\ tlllllltl I ' Uu ni:..: It"'"' "'' ~·. ' .... ,;, ~~· ' I t•portf'd to Helch lfl, "'''~"" nmron~ thf' 1'11~:<1:« II ( I l:kv \'ull c&llle tO Loa A' ,\llf'n. Wllltf'r Hmwy•·u~l ~·""";; I' .\It \\'.,Jol• ,,1 • r b " II · II 'I 'd. w ....:: . ·til!..• r 'l'oo.-ollly after-ontArtalned ~'''"''"'v ,.....t'fltn~ :1t I '"I'·:::;:. or UICc jll'up c . I tobecome atnl J,, ~MaryStt•nlo•.)'.fAlllJJ~L.i '""'''1,,.,11,.,,cr••orJ• "''''!'""I rt " '''""'"·'·rhndt>;;c 3 n the Joeeph ''""" "''""''" !'.tnl:o ~1,., HIIIIWho• J:ak,r, 617 u,. 1 ,.,.' li;.o.....---+-a.. Mry. Allrt' Nlrt'rltwr~o: .~rlll'rr , ,,, , 11 , ,,,, '""lo: 1.,, , 1 .,1 01 1o ,,J 1 ... , 1, " It··• ).•'' '-'" ut ., Ana. Brid&A· ~'"1'1'''' tl llh• d lv"r"""' F • h D • d =.::o.;;:~:· :;::.-;; 'ri:~~·:.:":;;;,::;: '~.~.:·:;·~· ' ', :~ ,, ', ~:;· ',:.: ·;.· .:·.:·.: .. ···:·: ,, " ", :: ' " :: ' '•' ' ,; . I "' ' : '·""'"" or ~!::: :.:::::·: .. :' :; "::-::::~ .. ~;~;:" . "::. • .. ::::1 : ~·:: ..... :::: ~:::.. "' I s I n n e r s a n M ·M:~ Ellllf' N~~lanol, Mr!<:-~"''"'" 1 \\ 1 • ·• •r I' 11 , I • i lo u l ·'' .. •lurd.ty din-M laa Winllto llullll•·'"· ~:; T u:s· t&Jk 1VU , zn-.d llntrL'<t nl'. nnd Julln Art""'~ "''"' ' '""·· "' ·• •• • . ' \II ""' ~tr,.. ll<oug-IBJ! L:lrk~llr :1\'o•tlll••. "' ,,. :o'ur "" Boelman. Mr•. 'lo ,, tllll··~~· ..... ·~-~~"::'.!..~' .. !lllnl.'~lo· llo rt r:;jl7 ifl£~-mpa· ratrt· e· -steaK FOR tile 8~ AJ I \1 ,11.11\ltlt: ... ro \lt.t.l \\ I I \I• I ~,, 1: 1-\ ;\;url c.t.n. ,,, ... ~"' " --- ... -~-·-..... <::!• ~-•· Sh"'"'""r H onor" • · -.,....~,.. ·-• ''•-'~·-~·-·w \\":Ude __ u and 1 r •t ,, 11 • · ~ny ....., I -~A-~-. ·~ \1~·•' kl:.Jo',ll .,.cerJL..~ __ ~lr :.nlol .tn. .. ohn I ·' • "'"' < ~ •.:..--_;:.._-A'L..CIDIU.-..Ji~:-~'-------"--,i."'~ ""I"'' ll 1rlo.1 111 •1 1 · •, \!, I '''II andqutltln~:;IJ•,-!•·ol llt"aol ,\,lll':' ::1 ·:.:-.;.II'I'I:O•II~It\'•'rtlh'.h.ll o·to·IIH tr ' ~ ... _ .............. 8 II 1 ' I, ,.,,.,,I"' n ro•('t>n l nr the afto•t ... ,, ,.,, ..... , "'''' , • ......, , .. s_,....., 1 II ltoolol , )"' 1 r• • • r ,., ol II· •' • o'd Crom a mun lh '< 11111t"' t r•p '" ''''''''~''''',.;,.;''-'~X..'~~~~~O~!OI:Ss:!Oiil naary 1l ca. rll.:r .ng th,. lim o•h""''''' ll ot l•;•l 1.-~···•• htll ,,,: \l~.ol •. •··' '· •' ''' "'!.:• t•ullnt y Htuld·. Meedam~• Po·l •'t 1"1"~·<11. n li: Fr• .. lo•n.u K""'"'' llr .. l .,t lwr m ul-• . ~tplane t'(ifontofh:tn~nJrllf'lh••"1-1 l n·qlll' ····h lt l .... ll oll\l 'ol ,, r·.r 1\•r•~t'll~nd Blue,&bna1.•/l oll ~llll.t :-\oma n'\\'t•:<l•rn ~·lnt!'o .· --·"' ol tlleetudent. ··•Only"siJ!notltayl'll•·•h•••\1 1• .,.,., ....... ,,,,,. '''"'''"' ,, ,,, "·.I I J••olol llo•:tl'h K•rlly, andRobertt t~ ..... ,: \\'•·•·k··nd~:tl;.,,,,.,tlii••Errh·,tfo: .----=-:;.;-=-----?"== d tbe Pf'OIT&II ~ ... thf.' arr ... r $:1\'f'n laM! S.otlllol t\ b.l I "'"" ,.,II ,,: , .... Ill I . , •• ,1, 1·' ',, Ill I~ ·~ ll<~lden, Mra. H!Ut·l l:tll ''""'"''Il l ,., 1·'111111 11111110 . 1•;•:! :trill "'1•···1 \II'"' Du.rtnc U.. " ght 11t thf' p .. nnlll IIA•Ito 11 ).(" lo\ • r ~I •' II• I• " I< " •I•· I •· I'' • , 1 , 1 ' 'I 1 •, 1 ol 1 ;, . .,, ~·· l!ll k••nng . CoaaUine A ""'I""~ ,.,.,,."'"~ uf .\I,. 111111 M r,. \\'·n tk F louu •I J(··•l· ......_ l.&aad hnrn~. 223 ViA (Jvu•t.•. l.ulo• t•l• f•lotll t7tn \''•• 'l"'ol o ~: llr• Jlt:ot thrt•t' ForeJcn Wan<,"'' ·''''"11):: lht• llltol:. ~ll:<:<.fan.•l•'lo trn••l l lu\\111'\' ... dulllalp ol ' wlwn!t~guf'l!l ll;h,uor '""''''"'I ,\( lol:-1 ""'•·Ill "''''''·I"'' 1\••1.. l\tlh \lr '""!li N<(' \V, •pea.kera at""'''''"'~'"' S.tnt.•l an(l~lo»:<ll!trn,ot.\l)l 'tlllo<•·f ('u~lu ...,......t, -" .. r bf'lnK thl' llttn .. ·t•\··· \'""'·~·· .,......, •. ,, II ,,, .. , ',, t " I'" I,; '"•I• -: •>!• I:Jot.·n "''f'nue. Ana auxtuary, v "'\\' 11.-Jif Fn-~ Ml'>;l tliatwera e.ata rnothf'r WAJO.thf' ,.,.1,,.,.t11nt L•lho•r )''"" loor 1 i"'''l, , 111t 1,,,11\ fo'.f, 1'. 1 • \I• \lr lllol l\ln< T H. day evening In lh·· l.ollo·t· p t; J . ,I ~~~~~'""'· ('urunn rtol ~1.11 ~. RAymond K~nt Har\'o•y. fl:tll•;,, ,. I : Mr:-~~ ..... 1:. II'" 1\ I " '.. •• ol• I -"'" \II 1:"""·' F·•rlll•r Plan.~ were 0111!1•· '"' lht• S.·o-und )'I'··,: .. h.t!l '"'''" o•lt•rt••tl al!:OI:<ll•ll\ lAnd a rch itf'('t, /'"II. I'• ... ',,I,,"''",, ... i' I "'·' I :• '"'"' \1 ' ··It r ... lh•·lr hum,· ut Dlalrlct breakfH~I '" "" twld ut ,, 111):1' n ffw•·r of tho• =-':tlll'llf.:'l Rlflo• TRIO HONOR -•N&LMN, 8RI Allt>r dtnarr. Mr llurv••v "·'"' 1•1•1•/1 1111ol ,,.,,, lnuo·ul.., r .. 1 .. •I ,:,, I• "'"·' Santa Ana nt>xl S•111ola\' 1 '""' Ho•\'111\'f'r , luh. Jlowa.lll Hll r· "abOw~" w1tll 11 J!ro•nl h• ·•I' ••I h.•r..:•· "' M·• .. oJ ""', i·:u ,, 1 l ,, ~It ,,.,.J ~I I." ~'·' l.:o•o!!lt•r . '"' rn· Mr. a nd Mr1<. l'1111l A Pa lmt>r, '""!' •>f s anta Ann i:< th•• 'lulo'" .:-•ft. tif.'d In pink A nlf loll"' rllthooll 1 ;, "' ~;d tc llo r 11 .. n. untl J_,,,, 1 •· • II ••I ll.o r I '' ''''"'' '·"<I IIIHJ IIIIOI'f' 121 A balone fii'CIIII<>, Un I bon I!!-'"'"'ll'·•·lf·o·tr·cl pr•·sul••nt.. nnd cnnta mlnJt f'\'t•t')'lhnu,: ''"'" Stllttl. 1•··· ··rot II' "' Soh···r ,,, .... ,~. hll\'11 land, are h11ppy to have th('fr :,:,.~·more-P~tlll, yotlns;: 'C':,r"'"' •lo·l -~~:· OPEN AGAIN .......... "*' ....... ~ ...v ;rl ... ..... ~ ..... ....,..Nat, I ~ GUrlrll. --~ ... -. ...... boou .. and btlth pnwd .. r t .. IHmu·t~-· I'""'"" ""' k I•• _ c· .. ~la ~··;tn nnd _!!ll}!&hter, Pa.tJic.IJl.._ .~IR homf' Mnr · IITllst \\'hu 111 jtiHillll).: w rcl·· tlonabl~ • H u p -M-· -.. r •. ""\\ l••"ll ll'<l rn tht' old llnuman wolh thana. Mia "Pat." who is &t· re<'nt;nltinn for his Un.J'\Uf' c'I\CII'III'· Oue~~ta. who wcrr p r.-... ·ht fnr lh<'l aruor rovrs . _ceca l "r"Jwortv llll l'IIH t'nt rn lt\'cnur. fll'.llr lrnd lnJf 816nford unlvenlty at ter s tudlt•8 II( Lattn .. rt•nn· ''""lilt party Jnr lu<INt M •• ,..,,. 111111 For Weekend VJS Jt.ors 1\'. l!llh stl'f•..t P alo .\Ito, pla1111 to spend th•:o s .. -1){·on lrf<'. !m~ •rpt·m·d M rnr I M"l!ID.mu H~l \\'Ill Rrnrth C:l :tlfl 1 .. / M!~s .. Ath~n·~· lllrusd••ll. roC l llth 01~:41• r and t.be aum mer ll('a,<>on 111 •fh nnc••ll ~<rt s tutl<'nll', '"'"1 nr - r H y .. r, Rttlrh Ho ldru \\'111 \MH I 1 h.tl . ""'"'''''' 1 ' ""I far .'lr•tnnt 111ol P h• ~nttn. l'••~ta Mt•l<R, II! pr•·l' otll tlon for her 'Junior .I•'fl!' nt u~ts1 hll\'lng nil• tutt-.1 t ho• 111ol1ul f.AnKJahr. K . v. Jlillll. M r-;~ :-\o•lll "14 lu.:hll, '~,.J,•rtl l.o:o.l "' • ko•tr\.1 "l"''"l">t!.lh.> ~ wttn D r . .hun1.'11 the nrrrtetWity. !4•·~,.\i>n 1s11tt \\'o•o•lc ~·'1 \'11 '"'. ,.f ~~ _(A FTER R~PAIRS) For the Lasl -week-Of .... If .... ~ot -Nir-7 11. .ut- 111 .. ......... • c SEPAF Vll!Wty -I ?.~tva ~rnd.,Mrt! \~nlt~r n :u u r I"' u • ., .... n ll.t\ "h·····••llll\ ""''''' ,,, ... ,, J:lor~llo•ll "'La J llllll Or A ll oll~ In t he colorful 111ltfoot nt "'"'lo•l \\'Ill ho•/1\',lllalol,• ttt l11• "·'~'" • • • • c ''·• ,,. "l'• 11 • •I '"'" '" • ''I' • •I "' llro·t ~ Hl.•.-•1• 11 " ·~ tnr rowtl\' Jlrf'fllllt•nl ro( of 11 r; .. rdon H lchlander nnd l•lil,\'·l•m Thtu solun... • A.L'TIIO&J:.~ C'CI"IS c; IIH \tf: I''"'''!"""" ~J'f ul 1111••1•' llttlluo~o: 1n .• r•·" •n t '""''1:'' nntl "" wdl· 1111: '"'r tlal aln on-the b~jllpcs.: ~ra·us J Juhnw!n. o f :"t:IIIA'Jl"'' 1 "•\\1011111111; ,, \\IO!klt l! "'"' """ k!l<o\\11 •H '"" 11.111"'' :or···· i\l(to·ol Par k , jr .• or Swales Y.tohl Hf':IC h f'll\' f'l.lll'llflj! 1'101Jlml~"""' ~tumm~ tn ;\;r"•('l'i'rt 11.111 .. ·: 1 • f h h " • ' when. 11~ d id 1110, b u( lire J:r•"""' ''" " t: 1,/olo·n , Tho• !II• ""'I. "••~ ~!1 o• ol Mr" F rr11tll M l4ol.,nk, ""' J,, loo~e. wu on~ of the ft'Riur -1n l l'XJ'I.t lft I • "'''""'" Jl a.t• "· '''' ''""'n "''"" \\'hlllu·r : l tr 111011 !,•, \\'•folt o.lo plu••' t· .. ~la M,,,.,. h:u1 •··I • 1 !ro ll'llnere Ill th..llnnual f{,.i,., ~nnlllj.:, "" lu•lru~: tho• r!1111'h oJ,v ,,, !•'t ··tl ~: .• '" u ( s 11\l.o ,, lo.l s 11 "''" • \' t:ll•·~l' ,\1 r ..... 1 Mr.. • , I ~: l.o't lund\~Oil, hf.'l(l '" s .... ,;l t:l'<-<o'(l llc '''" I 111\'•• ""' l>:ll'k, \\ II• II · 1 •1• • "J••\ II!.. th•· P•'·'"' anti •t•tt•·l o:1. 1 n :o'u··•k .11:ol I I! Rt• h.ol•to~t.••l, ''' o lt•l Saturday by Emma S:uf. tw "1'1•'111" l"'f!J.rf' t ho• l'•ornnn ''" work on ht>r • urr+'lll 1 ... ~1 .,.IJ, r "R 11 ~l'llth'll Jo:J,.n. :\I r:; It ~I ,. F'irtrh.-r \\,II b. I ho ho n I• ol 1: I• I nt tunt~tht 11 lllf'l'lllll: "' :-;, "t••t 1 HlltboT Busrn('M nnd 1'•·•(•'1'~··•11 •1 1 tlu• • 1:. " ., 1: ,,. ·, "''' · nut! , 1,, !If,~~~ ~lr ""'I :\11'!'1 H .I " · lo •rter Unltf.'d Dnugntt·r,. .. r; )!.tJ I' I''' ·'"'"" •·"'"'' '"'""'r"" 1 (• t:-ltio /,,, • !J'"' tho• H11u ,., ~; .. h ,,.{,_.,, So•uth t:.orr. :onol ~lr,. ll h• I',, fooderacy. , uor;ht. 1'bo• tll••••llltl: ." ht• h ."'II 1 .. I ,;~11111 s "'"" !olo· .. t.l fir ~:tr ,. ltu " or.L .... 11. llkl ollo•IIIH ul\ Jl·r l:dward Fn.Hmn htlnw HI 1 ... 1ol Ill "" fo:oh\'111 \\ tll!,ll•l"' h••l11•· W omen·,. rluh nnd Ill' a '•"' 1 •o•tl Mt ~ ~I ~ 1'1.•1' 11lllo ''"''' :\It:. ,,,J,·l, lf lllh :.!..!.! l'oollo • ..!l •i ll•d a\'eniiE" WAll Lht> Sl'lllltJ;j l~:JUUll:anlJuulcL•Ill.\llllh•·••J"''' ro•urtesy ,..,II l•l'ell£u1 .a.n.\'.ut. L.l..uJ.I 1 I r 1 I I h ~ .., h • ( •· 1 1 · • •• 1 ).'""1' "' l l•·n• !I '' • 11 I 1\• ,.,,. J:.tlhu.• ,l>~l11ul \\Ill o•nl• 1 • ~,.,, •all\y nljt t 11 mPI'tlng " ,._,. .. '" lh•• I'll' r•· •nr, n'Vii'Vo' of lht'l"••k ll htoh ho• l'o\ h"nu• "''' Sol1111l11\' IIIJ'Iol t 1.r,ll,.• A lt.•t =-'•"to'l\'ool 11111 1 .... 11 I' '•'" Club, the f't· .. nrnj.! h(•tn.r.; "'""•"•''•''"'"'"'"'""•"•"•''"'"'••'·•''•''•""•""'" bruught h•·r nnlt•'ll·\\ ""' '·""'' 'f'l11 j E 0 mM>t•ng w II Ill' hrltJ nt \\'lu lo·" ";:,~:•:•:','\ .•. 101 1,., 1,,,.1,J a 111,, ·::,.,~:~:":~,1,.,.::;,~'";:~,.,:.'::','.::" .:.:";'~ :I• J ,'"\,~~e g~:rv";:;\'l~~· t~::lr~~~: C LAS S·l F I l'nrk A\'"Illlr rnfP.tll••!ltoll:.o•!<!\J II y ,,,, 1,,1 11 ,, .. ,,,1.,.· •.~r nrt<l .'lr~ , \I .,. ... th j " "' ·" ,'\ , .. lw fh·· IIWif\ ... t liJ•.tfti '1 ••f "I I, 1\C, rrUf'n nn, " t.•rs Jtl't·~· nnrt ftflnn Hl'rl'ht'y 1 " 1 "' 111 dl ort.:•· foj •• !. l•.olllo.tnk,.., ""' ol"'\n """• '"~· fn•tn ·1oJ11aJ.4 hrnoJ1, ''" h .. • ", ludlns Mesdn111c~ ~larl"ll p,...,.,d,.n t Vrra Mlllo•r. 1\1 1~:1 1 11 ' 1 " I' '"·"l••t• '· l•o ·'·I..IIIJ.: n ~;r o•ll f! "' ~,.,.1.,,,1 .II n ,,,11 •.r r,. .f. M. M1ller, R. l'. ()~"'" FOR l~t:JST Btanll'y nnd Mt~:< Agl1<'>< l:l"""lill~l l ll•'lld• loo ~h,.,,. lllo• J•l•"•~'''' ,.f :\It attol ~I I · l;,.,otl:o ~1 ''-"""I I \\ If. Tnlllty. I•J.:SEH,.. llf:;\;TAL:o' Ito\\' .n'\.Jout 0"' JlreflftntP<IC tfht~t Jo( nt ' lr" 'I ,, l ""; I I • .. '• h ,., , "I ~11..., . J•;•lur··· ·•'' '"'' 'of l t.dl ... ' ''' "'"\ '~~~ '.. 1,. '' .. ,. .. '•"J'"''''"'"'""•"•"•''•''•''"'""•"•''•"•''"'"' ·' ' • ., ,,,.,, til I hi·. 'A' :lin\ ~unstunf' llllrtc t fill rrf'nt'f' " 1 "'" \lo '"" ,\It • .1 1o ' 1:)11• ""' lll.olll:• 'II I·• '"' '' ,,,.,. !ltr \1 ' r' ol to ", .. ,. • ' 1 the Biggest Sale in I . 1 Our History _! 1 H ·URRY! HURBYI. I !· Swz{ awl Sawi P. W .. hl'ld IAit !'111111'1111\' "'"' S1111 j l w .. ht ,1 1 •11.,1 ·I • r<' 1.,.1"'1,111~1 t I ":\lll(•faC&r Tl00f'r In o•l l':dm Sprlll)!!l nr.•:1? F nr rt'n· cla 'E Of' '· ·'" '· ,,., 1'1 " • · "" :-.. s J< '"' '1.. t 1' ' '"""·"•It• ,, . .,lnl!< llo't' \V. L .)>nrdnl1. Jln 1 ~tro~ • '''"'"' ·''"""'"t ••·· ""' !\l r "'' ,, .o~ .. , ... 1 •• "' ~ •• ~· ,,,, I•· :~~ihH()re'sAnuual 1 ..... ,.,, v oll•• AI'"'·· C..:nthcdral "..,... .... ~ ,.01 .. .._:Cl ~tr,.· 11 1 1 •• 1 f!, ' ": 1 ~·!'4 \HJ...•·!•· ... 1 t'• • H l'l•:;. "' rd nf th•· H 1•1 l! 1 , d C R ,·~t\ ~., nult'"' (ron' Pnlm L __ =:=___ .. =::--_ .... =:-_~--=;: .. ---------•r·"-~ ... \Ito• ... , .. ,, ........ 111 lhror S'tf•J•Iuo •• •.• ; ........ 'I t ra n anyon un . One <"an hA\'f' nn tii'II\'P 111111•1 11 1 ,1, 11, It,. , ,., ,11 1 ~1,, 1 1 ,,,,, 111,1 , .. , 1 1 _ ="!"·"..;:. "" '"'"'' ho~lrll':oy. l'hnnl' 92. Thta WAll hrnu,;:ht too ltlf• \1 rot \ ,1 ~"' • • .:.,..V, ~.,;...._~1, ....... ~. ~;/'ot-.~--nw 'iutllf!T•• ., .~ 1 ·,.y;;., ..,.,......._ ~lrb!llfll •:ltL /101 E. CENTRAL . I~ BALBOA --t:iz" ....,I, ~11"1p"'etdlllll~. . "'""""""''"~"..., l h-P r • ( t ·~·· 11 'l ., , :-;, I\L.:... t 1., ,. h ~:1.:.11 1 , 11.1 1'81'!'1 rnmp;·tlnj:.' 111 1111' f'd from f:tt11 Grtfrtth to( B.dhu.t UWIJJutlll ,.,.,.nuco -•:'( If!" 1 \1: t I!' II •: lmono Gl'ftnd C'nn~·,.n R ur;r \\'A~Tt:U ~ ,.._ C'Ar;t Mll"'-1 thr \1 r11 • • M'l'"'r.~ :'1 11 MJ" ' •• •'l't'd b\' \\'tiiVl' .\nWrt• 1r e t'l attf'ntlfln to \\'nllo'r l.tpp •,,, ,, ,1 .• 1, ,, "'"I'"'' ,,, t.d, ,.,,,., 11,''1o', 1 •• 1 n enlMe!'l ln thts noll""'ol man'• addr.M fin "Thr F:lllllt•· .. r \It \l r· I' 1 . "·'", , • ' 1 I>; 17111 \ 't'IR..'<.~t<'. RN'nrthn~ I•• H Mode.mEduC"Atlnn"ln lh"Ln!'l \n :11 •1 ••• , l'··u •· """"'111:111 '1'• •' • '""' ''111 1\ lllt'ndnfthrT•'"Il~•n•l~t·•-' h·' I ~. t 1 \' ..... «ele. Ttm f'a nt J111nun r\' 1:, 1, •I , 1 • tit ~ ,11 .. 1111 , · : •. , \\ "' 11 ",.,, \\'lilY" den h>r 111 ='·•nl:o MIM ~Gnfflth hns hl'l'll Rll .... ,,. ' •• ,, ' ' ·' \I• 1!11 .. ,• \\1 .,,, •• ., I .119 \\'l'l'lt r lflh l't'lll ..... · .,., •• .., .... _ .. , •• If() ........ .., rntnr r .. r mRnv \'I'Rrfl nntl •• '''"' I. I' 1 ,, II r .... \\ ·-\1 ' 1\ tly at()fk \\'lily~< Alllo'rlt tr ... ..~ .... ·' ·~ lntere~~tf.'d In ~u<;,tlon \\'ooui,J 1 h >1 , • , 1 1, r •II 1~ 11 .,, 1 ,,. • M o • 1..< !· • .r '• .' 1 ,111 114'dHn. rlrt\'t'n h\· ,I I· \\'\;\;'I 1-:1 > T l I J:• IRJ:t 1\\' ~·;;,1111 \\'til J!l\o' 1>'1 tlll'l ol•·•••l "n llo••l , ''' h>ll'lll•" :< hu~l·trn~ 111 I:Ooll•o:• ·'" ""' unl\· l'h .. nn' l!o:~. 441f mnn-Jl"'plr \\'"!'~" m tr1 r-<'•·ol '" • I IJ · • ot~ , , • -.;, ''I''' 1 \t •' • 1 1' ,. '1' ' '1 1\11\d t' 29 06 nr t •l'ol u.o1o·~ U('AIIofh,l\s '" Mo!<.ocOnlfllh "I' "" ... t\,, .. ,,.,, "' "·' .. I• '( T hll •I I , .. , on the ~o:rurlhn~ <•!1!1 ; H ulin in Santa AnA Ro•p"l•·r \1 ;, J •I •I , '" ~~·· In • ''·"'"'' 11 ·, 1 """ 1' '11 1" '' 1 to achiPI'f' thf' ·,.,, •. , 111 I• \ 1'411 :-\TI1Y 1111,\lf' , I ' I• ,, I . ' \, 1 1 t J:.q •l::.l .I ·l• 1 1'. • I , ,,11 .. dlslln .. t lton ol\o'l tl! ·~h lllllTHDA \'" ORSf:R\ P:n I r. 1, • o1 '"' I I•·· ' "n' ,..,, ··lo·r ' ''\'en ..... ,. •• wrtl. t111.t1 .. , ··.r · .., ,..,., J:••r!l '''''"' 1 :'\t•\\ 1~ r l ·•'·' "''~ • 1 ( ~ Mr. and Mn1. Hnrn<'r 11 f:n,ogr• ",1 111 ,,. ·ll'.!lo r ,, 1 ~~ ll··· l ·'' 110' 1'11""' 1 ' 11 th~ <'•'ntrlll Tit.• \\'oily ... ~ll:S('ELI .. \~ ·:O ·s •~• W I t ,. I• 1\,' oir 1>1> I' • lo I >I fil ii l'""'"''l"~l.-. t'oJ 111'•1 .,...., e11trn n10 l'r 11\'f'llllf'. ,.;,.\\I'"' l 1 1, 1 11 i r ,,, I'"'" olol 11'1• n-1~ '" tl 1 ~,.-· ~ r ~ p••• ph•. •I'' ,,, :1 . u1 11 .• r .• ,.,.,,,.~ph• r••, Tt•tiiH •! • ••t , t•·ndan• t' P ltoooJo• I 11: Hf'l(hta. f'nk>rt nrn•'d :c;lllhl ll' •It' •• ",,. 111 1•'1 , .. \·"lr~· '""'" ,. '1'1 "1-··1"•' '" 42.41 m ilf'F f>t' hoolll II., 'I tl !;-';" ,,, I ,, n lntr "t ll' !!Urprlllf pnrt~· h"il~>l lltt: ., II h h I II'• It t•'\ h II ,. 1•('•'1' , t1l , 1 ,, ,• ,, II •·ol .f ., lhe_:'bt~hc1Ay snnh·,~r~!t n••s •lf 11\,•~r • , , ·~· .t 111 b n• ""' .11 i.!t11 .. , Tb. ... daur hter . Mra. CA l\' In I' St:ll" • II I J:, •• o1 , 1 1 , , •I ,., ''"" ,,., ""' '·' \l. 1 • • '! I •' of Ontario "Fan·tlln" o f Ka nf'. Mttrjfltlt' Anll l1o•nalrl ~n; Cn.l\'.ln Slrllwo•ll Mrs l·:u ~,.ne JUch<'!!. Mts.~ .Jny<' F tllf'll · r'ck ,and Mnx J 111'\lnn • f"UllfGE AND I.AC'IS ci ODJO&ATI\'1: TRIM!" ~:.. ,.._I ~\ t•Jif ,•t ll ' f "'" ,. '''""' ,.( '"'' 11\llllth 8ott trfl\l'f'S and h'lC"lOJt ;\f'\:. (\\tt !•'I I h'..J t ht• tl \ r , ... ,,,n tt( th,, •'\' " •If t.d... t I "'I' t' ,I t \ I I I• 11•. 1 ' ' ,,, t •\' • I. I·. • ,'f unw . 1; '" behind thl!! \! \I.TJo:IU:-\t: und RF:l'.\ lrti;\;G ~ •• n':;, \\ "'"''n's • lo ol h111j.:. nry 'h••u •nJ;. l.11111•:r\' Alph:o l'lt•nn,•r l'o:l7 :-\o•wp••r I 111\'d , (\ost !'--• \ .. , d ,,,,,, ='•'I'\ ··1 t~ ... Ht fn. • t t1 ,., .... 11111 1::o 1 "''·' Sh t • ·~•'I ~~.• \ I •I 1:,, F IH'I f o1 '- I I: \'111'1.1, 1111 l:l·'TIEI: \T J:i.l' :'\PT~: !1'11'S I(' I 'l l ~1l \\'1 :.-.'J· I • ;r '\\ ·:~ I • ' ' W I • IISED C4R · --• S!Ji\jR_t\\NTJEE ... &1 • t J 1 if ut···~·d fur ld•' ~t•C:t r ttl··~tt f•f I ~. I·· , I • ' ,., • Ji J..'• ' • t 'I; I'll ''' l1•l 1 '·'' .,,.,,. • .1 '''' ,,.,.,1 i •r tt I' •r1l ••I \S·:~·UJ\' rlr:li•·J~ (t 's l ''"d ,,.._ ftlt.! ,, .. \'otl 0\\U lhP r ' .~, Ot \rtf h .... !"t ,Y••,n :---u r I• dl~t t. 1 \Ju t I u;IH 11• \\• ·'"'''' U l'••( .th•• 1••\\tH.;I prwt•~ ~Ultl t<·t.:,..:•.·-1 tl n!· u 1 ,,JI._,, 111•.._ ... t•J .. ' ~··r ~,,., .. l atarH·h · I •I I ''•t; "lf ' "'\ !'\\,t fiJ'"TI ·"' I·· •. ,. t J ,\ .IUt l ldll lt1p•fc j.!~< 1'1•tl• ,,, tt( .11."";\\' 1 '.!., \•.t1 ••ld" .111 lor t .ol rst It of,•ol 111 I ho• no·\\, fast ~··llo •'HI Jt 1:-; ,\'t:ll,~ tt~tl.'l\· • IIIII I•• ro·oltood ~l l}•l•··•l h •Lt\' .: .. :d ,.,:.J )1.\fUit:'J' l'fUC t: ~:ottO I' I Specia l Sale Price t !l3G u~ror.x z•:•••n n I tl • •I :o-, ol.11 •• Th1:o cnr h .ts l>o•tllllflll. ~~"~" hl111'k IIIlo• h, \\,I h -"~'•.ll • oo\ t'r!', II IHI rl•lll' \ \\l lit Ill ~1 -\RKt:T I'Rir t: J:ill.l 4ec:orath-e tnma ~ lujtl'lh~r un , mn~. rn .. ll\' lo" 1'1\' ~\(110 brm~t J'ff... t:•lh hu . .u .. ,,., . ....,.,.., · 1 '"' , . • pretty pair or ,.,.hltf' h nrn ~h .... ll l'llh'l1 I hi' ho,nror,'•' 1''\o :unr ·'' ·' • I :.1 ' I...:' I r 1~1 ~TH ST~ ~A;\;TA A:-\ A _:!.'J,::'_-J_~~___:~~~,!!l!,_£~!,!;;~1....1..1.!-<J:;_ ___ .....;..__~~ . .;f) 11hown by a New Y ork tlo•:<•J:no'r • • • I ,l'\'-"•'1 ,,q,, \1 • J,. t \ 4 1 n\c ~ -n·• ltl ,,.. , . I ot\11 1 '""1' Tbe ""¥ 1.1 ·-~ • .hlab·b•"''-',... Mr """ M""' Ho•\' Ant<'~n. • ,. .,,,Jtt<'• .... u • ---..---------..Ua-1~~:-"L.~ h t1 .a • \I II 1-1 -• r • '• r ,..., • ., "' , .... ' · r " • pumptaced a'pllt f tf(lf'An uol\\ll ol ltl\"l:t ,l\o•l\'1>' I'"·' ,,011u . Il l the back ot the shAnk'. Thr t hr"nt 11 h .. I'""''"" ,.f ,, l• .. h v 1: 11. tt.•n , • 11111'1Xo-d h \ r•·l • •, 1 1 \ •• -Jtens f,ORil · ~U:R(TR\' · I .IX('OI.~ Zf:Pli\'R or ~ pump Is f.'dJ:NI wtlh 11 run Jun • '" lf• "' ~~ .1.-.. •h hn!tp•t l l 1:'\1<'1'1!' I\ • n 1 ,.,, \\ fif n arrow frlng~ rt'p<':1 lrrl '" n r•,,. J<rt·'TTi •·!fh•• '' n•J'" •n t•. r .. r t .... , ~· ~~~ .. , \I ' I' 11traJcht band belo w 'f'a<'h cros.'ffl thr (,\t'lllt y 111 lll\lhor t 'nlooll tlilih ~""''·'~ \ll.• 1:. h I I' ., Jactnc on uW toe. .,.ch,,.)J · ShtrJ,•y R11:.~,·1l '!'!nil ~ ... I. ·,.n,r f't>nl m l .\\ .-.. l'h""'' '!II, Sr" JHort ''I --... ··~----