HomeMy WebLinkAbout1941-02-06 - Newport Balboa News Times¥MI-Wt:EK-END WEEKLY EDITION EMBRA.CING BALBOA PENINSU':_A. ·WEST NEWPORT, SEA SHORE c::=z:=-::.:::===- LIDO ISLE, NEWPO~:r HEIGHTS, BALBOA ISLAND, CORONADEL MAR, COSTA MESA S t:\\I'ORT B~ "SKINNY" . C. C. DINNER ; CITY SEEKS TO MESAft DR In . Tr•lnlno Harry Eatua. Shorty. Blue anti Earl Hall o..re all amatl'ur chela ot n o m ean ability Re. call lh«-dfllclou• rteh (0 aL-J~UJ-.jJ.III~At-:=-J--fLJ~I1r-'rf-­mwport lut yeu , It you ~on't bl'llevl' tt. The trio are What of Old Gambling Ship~· In Our Bay? n-) Ou ..... ,nt .1 r;Art lrt'.Jt be ~nrt •r,ld "S idnhy" S"lr lmprpuiona of th~ annu .. t ·suifRVISORS-:u u E ~tt ii~POSTOFFICE -_ · · CONSIDERING FOR CITY TO B£ A$1ED .----. Sumrbudy Mutlld llkll* tu ) t1 o I n g a lltUe preliminary training in Ult culinary art · by preparing the 'dinner to YACHTS ·-HERl i do ,;ontf'thlnl( about • hulk of a floatlq ('raft, lylna-oft thf' 8upt'rtor ou Nlni,.,.)·'• •••arwa. e.at til-In tiM-kaow, an-•ttll errak'tllq nolleoC'tt"" •Yadtt. PARKINC -CAR ,._,,.,,...,..,t ol thl' Newport ~•r· Ch.&m brr or Commcerce Ita the rrtttorl.tt' pao• 'oT thla .Jnd th~ C'olumn Ia full of aldcellghte -on the a ffair, of thou ... ho wtre there PORT BOARD iBY WOMEI'S rGRO:UPS lhe Ne'-'·port Beach BuaJneu M to · a .Auucla tlon F'r1day. F eb. 14th. ln11e 1-----,....:::-::---;:;::o:::':.. had a bli gnn today whtn ht ltllnled tbat for tht flnt tlmt llillct tht lt ague OJH'nc<l hla bowl- lllg team won all four point4 In thtlr m atch Wednuday. The kqlan wtre Bud Bns· coe. 0 t I • Weatherwax. 0 . lla,vl~ an d V"a1colm ReJd. Maybe the boy• will all gl't 11 fret ft~. -; .. Annual MHta Sptlling of annual mt~ inga, fhere'a 110 many of 'I' bl'log hl'ld l.n thla city t e tt,.t ~ ot tht monU} that It a fellow attended everyone he'd be a nervoua Yt'Tfd( In 1 COupk ot WMkl. And ahould anyone dulre t o atll'nd both the Jwuor Chamber and New- port Bualo ... Wen'a WNIODI, thty would have to be twtna lin~ they both come oc the ~--~am~ ~ ~ .. ; .. ...... Ctul Pr1or to thta week. Potf. muter Norn. Mellott hu had h'-duk jammed u p w It h olhl'r furniture n~euary In a poqeff1ce. 1n fact. no ool' ever k.cew whether he had a dt'llk or not. But now alt ot that It' chang~. Norrla. w~n n o t actually u•••llng 1 n handling mall. may ronduct bla other dutea from a hancl 80me deak at the front. aep&r. attod from the maia afflee . . :- Optlml.t ~ Hahn of Lo ne S.C:b lett Newport H.ubor alone &bou-4-bla M toote...W. w tor a.i D1ep. 11P1aere be"U *P .. -au..,t .. f'llld -··· ~ ~ wttb ..... blto lloutherD ......... Halla .,. It he doe11ft fiJid uy- ooe. he'll co aJone. Comu a .torm. I&Jd Hahn. &ad l 'U jult loc~er up &D4 co a- low, wb~Ai l.a one thine a fel· low can do with a boat that can't be done with u auto . One look from the roed In a car may be d.lautroua Real PI"'jec:t Newport Harbor \\'omen·• Aaaoclalloo h o. v •' advanc:ed the propo11a1 for a unllled postnffict sy11tc>m tt.,-thl' City of Newport Beach and p1u PfUtlon~ which w111 b4' IM'nt to postal llUlhorllll'll. Tbla la the beet r ommunlty projed the organiiitlnn haa brought forth llnt.l !!houlc.l recelvc> thf' 11upport Qf all 11eCtlon11 811 It will benefit t he city u whole. No d iHlri!•t llhOulll IO!W' ii.JI plare of rfcei\'lng mall IM'r· vl<'l', !'!nrc 11uh l!l11flton~ will bf' nN•rssary 'TI11 hnpec.l a --.--Help ~ .. ket p!-- Tht>r.··~ alway10 ~Omf'll n,. wh11 lhmk11 IIJ'IY•mr workm g fl•r th .. l'ity ha.'l a 11nap job. but a s••b..,.r.bc'r drnpJ'lf'd tn lo relate an lnl'l•ll'nt he over. h!'ard whrl«-talkmg to Auip · a nt Engmrf'r J l)hnny St«'$!1'1 Thl'ir conftren1·e wM inlerupt- et.l bv It fmnllf' Ntll from a lltl1y · w"ose hllmf' llnru!l!l a lilt' ro11( T ht Jlthful tale 11he poun-d 10ln J ohnny'!! ear wu In tha l'ffrrl that blrcll litter- ing ll(•r tIll' 1 our 8o prollfll'&lly tttat thr r!'llldul' wa11 m lllng uff Lhr lll(' •111111 hf'r pon h. re· IIUIUng in an nnho'•, mhlt• c•on. dillon llllol lh~t! 11lw under· Mood 8 u r h an emerji!eocy unoiC'r lhP pruvlnre .. r m11.11. Jl"lllely lmprtMion MESA CHAMBER . DIRECTORS TO MEET TUESDAY -n. tM Rf'x, OIN',..J_ ~ran•· bllq altlp. ow.tf'CI from t..o. A•· ph'lt llarbor. alld 110" t <.'umm.: ~tJl how they xted. Vot~ to ( 'ir<·ulatt• Petitions to l;o8tai''Uepart:. idly Growillg Ne\\-port Ha.r-1 bor I'Wt dell& ,,.,._ tlropp(',l d .. afl t' a r 1 ~ nlmntl,..hur, -untl<'l tf .,.,.,.,., •• I C'a~~l'l. 47. of Wt>st \\' Y'S BONDED 114h'laahllll~· ,11 nam11111 " o-noport that tiM> u~r •. laalf 11 to IN' nomo,·fod and lnadt' murnrnji! a J••w .,.\<~D•I• aner be Of tb .. '"lfialatun•, tu •~"" .. ,.,.1 SJ)efll Mail ~rvi('(', Sav~ J.~xPf'niJt. to-Citizena . .. loU~ othfor UIJ~Q•: aan{Jwt that had 111trkt'<lni';. c·nr m fl<un t . ol tM anot .. ,....,..,., N.-\4 l••rt llul~•r Ht•Nnlutlcm Wl\1' Jljt~l hy the• Nrwpor1 Oarbor Wo-no•\A ~1,.,.,, p-.~h•Htc·•· ' Tilt' hc'ftrd •hall l'llfl a••t ••I fiVf' • · A c ting undE-r autho rizatio n ttw. hull ' ••oi&Jd IN' ron'·"rt.-d Tra~;ll'· 11,. ,...,. do•ath Ia, PQIM· T TOTALS memh•·r• ruhJ 11, .~ .... ., .. ,.,"It th .. llll'll's ltAA4~e•l:.tlcltl nl It ,_.JNinl fliKbt nMle'-tlna la&l "n-'av Into natlo,nal drft'llM' uae; a . ( · t 1 L 1 II 1 · • -~ or the city eouncil,. Harbor' llllrd Ulat u wouW .... ..._, 'lulil.l II ··wn ~;n·llh•r trrt.t>djr lhilllt·l' wl\1 \:Jirrtt Wvn .... ··hair-Il l I II' r: ... (' uhhnllllt' Ill dn'Uinh• ···tltltNl~ In the• near tu- Master Thomas E. Bouchey Lc:' for • De\')' tralnlnl labJp In h .. ;: ...... Hmf~t~l "' tht• ..lt'lwt-l fill 11'1111 "1 111" 111'"1" •• , :-: ....... Vllk'f'll """' In '":.'*'Ill In ttw l l. s Jlllfilul thoritl ~·-· r I hi• o'olr II h•l·· nn tilt' ll>:td .... ht• h ·1•·······1 ...... lh•· hlliiM>r "•·•I . ' "" '"' " ,...... or ~~tactlng lhe owne rs of ~~B<'c;:::!!.a;~.;"\_, •. :. :II••• 1111 h~ 'th1· fac·t t hut hto hH I 250 00 .:'""1,-1,1 ,.,., 1, ftll """''I 1,. 111, •. 11 tllllfJt-tl r~~•~lofflt"' fur ttw d ly of Nt•W1111rt Jt.•ac·h . man y large yach ts to present I bu.llt In Mc-otland In IIIII.\ and ''"PIH'II ''"' mar hm•· '" mak• 1'111 ...... ,1\ '""' · m"r•· •" uoollnatl"n I ( ;u.~l ll 111 lht• nwe•tln..:. ht•ht Ill nl~o:hl lu ••nnblc> huabandll the attractive facilities of-ullf'OCI for Y"•"' .,. an Ala•kan f.!;~!~~~~;., ":~k;;;!: ~:~ •.• :~·~.·~~fd~ 11 1111 ,.,.., ... ,.1\J of 1111•ml11•t~ tu nllc•nel, "''"' tht• Wt'fll Nf'WJJOrt Clvlc INalue ft>red b y Newport • Harbor·, •uppl)• ..... p for f'&anf'n. And thro f'llll'\'lf'W 1-'ll rm,. Wtth•r com• ' • Allltoltt: ltH '11 '""''"• !Itt• ....... """ HJII'IIkc•r of tht• c•vt•nhlJ,: "'"" nr. llowntTt w c-~r .-c-"""' It loom• aa tlwo bttr&f'llt •• l••n •o·. ~~~~ I" J'l'l'Votll th .. t ,., "'""'' ..,..,.._ .. • w hich is resulting in th e rap-· .tllln'lr annat Ia s"~i'Ort bay. f>lin~k ., .• P.•~>.' ""'"~ w tthm a ~ .. __ 111,,., ... r 111,. 111,,111t,.1,. ,.11.,,.1,1 1,.. •··•lrtl') or thr nt) Jllr~nntn.: ''''"''I . --·--: id expanc;ion 'of tbe Annada :Wf'\• ~ lht• .fir!'! 111'1111( lht• .. t. _...dl'd ......... , lho· I'll\• "' Nt•111' • •• .• ' I . I I •• I h • :1 I "11~'1110, Whu f''IIIIIMII\rft lh•• mu·. Anulbc•r be•ooflt -«Nt14 ... ,.. lll'luvrod T•r Jitmt•,. W. WMrrr. ~ lk-~t•h IHIIIIIt•d l~t.:t:w "' ..... tlll<l lld ...... '"Ill;,_,., '""' ···r ··~nn 111111 n .. , .... 1..... ,•hly ....... c1fiiVC'I)' IU\'M:It 'far &11.-of p leasure yachts h ere, par-RIC prt>Mtlo'nl u( lh·· ('flmiNtny. C..· ..... eo. 11•:11• 1111 llVUA&.t u1. ..... ...-""' .. ,.......,, •• ~ famllt1lr Wtftl Ul,. ll1U.W61 l•li'NWlll)' ....... "n-.t lb In· IM't'liun~ uf lnwn lrurt...cj ol ~ ticularly large craft_~ the re-ryo ptA~ -l'4'1 Wit" ~ltnJ{'m. nr Plf'W'IIn•• AUIWI'-••. 10· ,,,, ..... h .. , lht' • 4!\Ji ,,,., IIIII II air olt•l•ll• •Jf ..... , .......... '" lc'llllnn ,,, lll'llllnn '"r 11 unlfhod In tw.. dhtlrkh ..... ~t. ,. stilt or ext ens iv e aerense. pro-I lnll'nfir·nl for till' "''''''r com~ ..... In tht• 'II \1 "'''"l'•hlljl tu II l'lll>f'rVII•ur N .. ~ w ............... ,. l•"'lllfflo •o• fur the· d ly, H•·· IUU.Cl· WIIHift nwan llltltltk;lnal ~-• S••r\'lrt·~ Will IJt> h••lcl Su tu~. IQtdy ut Jll'l 0 oJula botlhl•••l ,,,.bt o'lll lll•ll 1" ntn~ 1:11llw r1nw n•'C'f•taJIIIf'Y nlf'flt. P•--11• .. ,..--•b •••t'---de •I'Pr'*•·h lnll varltJUa 1-•1•l•• 111 lh<' .. ~ '" • " ..... -grams now un rway. ,· Ft•b Hth, :11 ~ J.l m .. ;•t• fhf' M<'lll of c:Uit'll, ju•t flllto lt I'Uhlll• hy \'all· llt~tn.·t Ofl thl' t)f••t llmllf'r •v•JI ''"'" 111111 lllf11NI1/IIIIHI Jllt'l'llr!t lnry Whk h """""'.he' • .... Tht' lattal )acht · wblch may j ('ommumt ~ l'hltrr.h with Harold fQfllla T&li i'IIY••~ 1uu..w 1,.t11111 Tho• tthlr , .. ,. thr 1_..,.1 \\'hilt· lu· ,.,.,,1,1 lu ''''"'"''1111.: ~til IIM'fll'rt)' •'llllflt' 11 t tho• flf make Nl'"''JlOrt Harbor lla borne " <irAud m d lllrJt•' uf·arran,.. ~-l'llllk~'<J ::n.t , ..... , th .. h•ICh ... t ··r" ,,,,,.:~·~~~":.,1~.11·~.,.~~·:.7''n'f;y~·~twr•l~twr~r;w]~f.rl~~~e}~~~~~~~~~~~~~--:3 han mo•nl!" lnl•'rrn!'nt 'will out n•mmit hlrn.-.. 1 kuu l'f~l'tl' ·• port Ia the dao~ ·110 foot 1 ,.,1 thiOt • numbf'r of llf'<'l'lr "'''''" numhC'r ol 1~ aJ~ ~wiMfo ·••ned -. mm< ••r · !'morw ~ c:-ta dtbl lh• .,,. .. ,,..11111 .. ., r .. ,.n.l •·mallO"""I In th4-f"'*•r -. -t• .j. • ~::~ ...,... • bt'ln.: ••un•ltlrtt••l. llni"IIIC I hr111 1' ... . tUO 1 ....., ..., •-• • uo and IA'hlch Ia now located at San • ANNUAL M EEl .'ff·n,o·,~r~·~~ had ~~-n C'onn~t· ~m,.nt• '' • "'''' ~ .. , , ... ,. ,,., ""' llan.to~ ll!'f'k•n•. J ti l':.t!JII, J,Avo• ~a,;.~~~r~ll r mMIIwrll. ~,,. .• • fk o . II Will c!a"'wt P~~act for mooring taclllttH.' . ;rr ";~mpan~ ~~~~:=, :ir;::yea~ ~~~:~ ~~~·::11111::·.7~~ ;:~S .:~~~.' .. '~.1 \~·.1111:\:,. T~~'lnk111';"'fl'•1 "'""II''~ I P.UU.. ~ .-.. h and prlur In lhnl h111l lll~·n ..m• ' '1111• I"'IIIIC•n" Mill IU<k fur llw With tho> total poatal huaUw. Puromlnbt'::_nt pfo::,·falcrde!__~ot yO...ac'hl'~.-'· . lll&e,..st an 5fl.: 4•ill r .. , r'"•l•·tuJIItuu Whf'lhf'r aJI nf I h .. ,... mrn hav• cillftr h " r .... tlwo t -~· _ .... ucuo .._ plo~o·d IIJlJ.Iroxmlll l•·l~: an t'Qual a total ,., $l l4 ,.,.1 ,.,llthlt•hnwnt uf • nratn JIII!IIHf; ,.,... ,•• .. , our -... I h t I lh ,.. 1 M ttf'lt n lt J•I•Iu.u h••d "'"'tt 11••t It'"'" t l 1 I II I 14 11r"'" tt••tulf......,._ tn t""--'tv -· man tor hla conalderaUon It Will •·n~l o lim•· ·~ I'.~ It" II t'111 'ttll' '"''I :::~1 l•••hl••l •I.-tot .. r• 111, ,.,. w t' ,,...., •u l·tllllt lfll' In .... ..... n, ·-·· ea.med ay. Already thr e • • ._ __ for th• 19•1 N e w· p or t ~ · ... -~·I" ultlv 11 1,,.,, ur Ill•· 1"1"1 ··- 1 .. .. I·' 1 1 N I tod , 1 umlw•r I'OfllJIIIO\ \\hill' corn'-t'd. but ttmuna th1•,... o .. n.tolrt"rol I•• , ...... ,..Mir'(l whrn• Jlol!fluffln•• ,.1 'Ina urttlt•r ,_. maln O(flal, lt > n aue ' .. 10 C'ttn!IH'I "llh m ·mhc•n< ot lM -. . ...... •tU"Itflo•cl '" Ill So•"l(•·• ...... "'"II) ''""'' Mtll M"""""" ulft ...... " ,.,.. ..... M)' f'Mitl t " f'WJil'lf"t yacbta which exceed lhe 100 foot , o -ar h ""-h ..-... .. m~t ....... t.•~uJar . ' . · I fill f8.13.000 ()(h• IHu~tl•·•l n•lo··ltcn t If ~-.. 1 fl •---1 th 1 ad Tb Good Will "" r,. • • :1 ~ .---hu1l!1m~; tnulc• ancl lalo·r ~ _......._ 1 t n hi• I"IIIC •••110'1 ,,., .. '' ,,., 1 'ullo' '"' ~Ju•·~llun nf Wll<'f'l• 11 nudn l••l "'""" niiV niC II l"'t r -11011• r &M, e nv «-r, I' ev.-nt of Its klftd on thf' COLit and 0 fthl' rairvw\A· Fann.~ 11,..11, Caa· ,_ ot lhl' •.trnv "11'1 I•• "I .:o·•···• n. nf th.. l'w t uf t .... Anl("l"• uffh••• •ttttOicl I•· ltlf',.to'f1 lutJI n<~t uffk'f' and the ~ooa have ~0 moor · which attf'&('tfd 20.000 vlaltor• s.-1 l'amt'd many fnl'ndtl durtnc -.\a 01• t "11'"rn1 .. ''"'•1""'11nK \\ h,.lh"' l •r ~r•.:rr ""''"''' ~"' on l~o·o·11 lnk••tt lnlu !'ufll'lolrrllllun, Sud1 " l'l"tu• Ia brllrwod_bso ed or factllliH art b«'lng prepartd hue lu i r~ar. will bf nutllnf'd I his 17 )'<'a rs In '"" Mc'M oom· at Junl' 30 111411 llu lntl,.hll';'ln""" '"'''"l"ol Ill tit~• Jlt.•l'itlu•• •'•1111•1 nul·~· II I• httll••veod th•t "' II llr'llb· ....,.n "! the MCJ¥e. wou&d f~aelit: to moor them n«-.ar the Lottie Car. at th.. annual mHtlng nf t b I' 1 mun111 II•· wn,.. horn in Kt*lt• -aac11 &vtr&jlt'd l l:lr. 07 rnr ""o'h IJr lr>flmt'•l ''"lay Th" '"*''' arr""", h•m lh•· J•u•tu1 Muthorllh.,. "hl10kl1 lat .. nlttalnlnJ r....-al Aid for tM 100 ott the city • Cout . Highway I Newport ~ach Buaineaa We. •• tu!'k\: a8d f\ltry m•n. wumau, ""'' f'hllo.l In an adviM»y 1'8.JHU'Ity wtthvul •l••t•••m ln.· Shuuhl the• 1111hrtlon •oon•tn~e•flun tlf • main puatottkle ~y frOIIt property. A.-oclation &l tht Harbor Legton J 1~ I•·~<V•'>< his widuw, Mrs. Ma· Ute at&l• Thla •lut>i not In-pe.y. , '"'· •llf'hiJII•'<f lcorally. It wuuld. bulldanc whkft IIWGUid t.. a dtft- lmalter Craft HaJI. F'r'lday nl«hl, Feh, 14th. J bt·l C'MM•I, two• "00111, Warren' 4llidt Ute ahare . of tht!c. II'...U.r•1 1mrbAhly r'I'IIUII In 11 l't*ltoWf'nlyl nit• -t tu thP "'"" ~ Harbor Muter ~uchey reVt"al-Plana for th• rratlfl( wert Phil Ca,.St•l 'and tt tlau~tht ... r. Mi81 cllllt wh.lrh ~111•1 alan rvrntu~lly Se T U l whk'h w•>~.~ld ,,.. unnrt"f'ta&ry and ly, M" M .. -u MAd. 8ud'l ....- ed today that h .. haa been con· made by lhe rtlreclora at a Ml· Vir~:ima Ca!llWI. ' .. ,akl by <..:allturnlana Thf' ""'1• ager e 8 puulhly hl~r •c•hlfiVf'fNtftl of a f'ftln'll'ftl Ud ~ .... -I lacUna' OWIIf:l"' at many amaJler aJoD beld lul Monday. Cblcken .. , debt limit. It appt"an, may or M PI mil<'h n.'f'Chld unllltod poatal ap-"'"" .... 'nrll :MI ,_ ,... ..... c raft Uld th&t nve ad<UUOII&J cba.nf:T will be Mrved at. 7 p. in. 300 H p "' ... be raJMd to N6.000.000,000; aste, an lrm. Mnr. Muwell lndkat.l'd. ........... emo:. ........ -.... ~~h::,:enuy mOiled Ul wac~er the dlreeuon or Cbat• J. to . ear .-•--~It:':... ~i~~r:: J "'o em~· Gronn. : •• ·~ ..._ '*.P'!•...,a-=· 'nlrM ot u..' Cf'&fl ban,_-....~ ~ ~.n. x. ~· .._ M•--.ia. Edl•tor -,_ ..a RIM --n A' " rv ~....,.. =••.., ._ ~ -· W -,la --'aad llllu111Ah. D1Dner Ucll.U wtJI -e--•" -·-r • --· ,. ........ ftatt fOf' Nflll . a ........... wuM ._ 8 ~o !o -:':" onJ ~· P ooe Mle at ~ cente -.cb and At JoJ•nt".Ueet .._.., and child In the UDtted Kfll';u_ln~~: hf'rnrco • f1.11.t mMI· JIOIItntfln-pl•n tit ttwo f.1Nnn.l •"· ...... •rtet ...... ._ ·-~lo, aelect.ed N rt Ba y tb""y u y member brlocJnc a new mem-1 ll ,statts. lnJr· ,.r lhr Nrwt• r1 till;'tor Wn· lnl( II w l!l f'f'llult In ~ta ,.,~ muW IIIII ...,. ~....,. home port ~v ......... _1 ... ~1 1:'~ ber wtth him will receive hla own ---•;:::--1 b-1 m,.n·• ,.,..,H·IIUIU,.IU'Itl Wut N•W· nu·n uf ,,,.. dty. At thr ~~......, ..,....,_ • ,..... ,....,._ · ... e """""' ...,. ~ ocu d hi t • dl t 1 t • UJ&mll r u unr •·r lh•• r11n't'JIIIn • 1 · 1 1.. .., ...... ,1 Umo, :1 ••~>nt ,..,.,,..,. Itt ~lnod aM Ha ...,_,,.,.._ .• t .... ~ moorlnga. Theae latte two u • guea • Mer ree. ' I An t'Xf)t.'Cit'd crowd or 300 pllr-t -·--Do ,,_ _.,n w .. port I lvtc· -'"!"'" .. .. ... ra .... ., .... iii" d , -f are p l<k t 0 11 Cam bell J nd ( . ru •JJ !0 -row)' .. uu). 'Ill/ .pr'l Cluh llltUIII' Uila Wf't•k llr ltow..: frlr " lt•OI'r O'A\'rUnt .,....... ·~ "'""' ....... rf , • the 38-foot. crulaer. WJnltred. ud '"" n •er P · · ttnlll 11 nt-n w. a rtfftd , thtt IN'nt a onco·llrt f'llmNh ltnol mu!>· N•'"''J••rt 11ntt Ill! Jill"'. lt.lt>cNI I•· ,,. arw•thrr anct -.uM .-., f'llml.· H Mill W A M•• II u 'alt r' I ~ ulll o hi--' tl of · ~trol \\' ~"Ill:••• •·•pl11111r•l l h•• prtn the 30-Coot aloop. Jezebel. The · 11 • • -w«-· " t r on; nnn " m . ·~ m~ nc , k wtll bo• fumt .. lwd,.,lty lh•· mu .. u• lurul 111111 f 'umnt\ 1lr·l M11r tlnttrr natr 1tw ~,...II)' tlf maJ.I _.. N '-00 a tl G G b lh N \•>JIO f 0 -h 'IJ•Io-uf It !th~l • 0 I'IKII f111 N l'llol Winifred la owned by Chris H«-lnll-"""ngm r n reatory or Y o· 1' r .-...· .. C' &rlllJ1mur dl'pltrtnwnt Jl,,..., . .,..,., llul llll: tile' ,..,.. 1w"lul l••tt•'l?. l"*"'n• ~ntl'ri -.ont '""" "'"' puatottw to. I.- bergen. fr nt Loe Ange1e!l and ~e,.. nsm~ 1111 a Cflmmitll't · to •<'hrll•l. :•ntl C'n,.la ~t'l'll !IC:'hool I'· r••f,....hm•·nt hmtr whlr'h ., 111 f11l· l••ll 11' •rll utrl .,,,, "'"''''·-l'"ri .. tllul••' 11 lrlt.: Anl(rl••• '" ,_. nolui"'W'd to ..oth· llhl' Jnebel be1onga ,to DT. 0 . W.l haodl«-Ur ktl n iH anl1 publlelu ~ A.~ lln:l 1 ~•: t:"f'\A'IIOr1 Harbt~r lttW ":Ill tw• m•·mltt•l"' .,f th•• c•JC· 'l h•· "1"1' 1"" pr•·~··.t"• ."~ lh~ •h\1111: 1 11 tlu• o•n tll"f• •~>mmunlt~ cor a-tcrlflrr wtthln lhP U.- 1 Bilker of Glendale: both enthuel. lhr IH'llllion .. l mttn I h~h "1 huol 1-'.·T A. tn N'UIIVI' l>unn1 ••f lh•· hit.: It "rh .. ul 71'1':\:·.~~~~ ,·,:~, "~;~'1 ," ~ .• 7:.' 11 " 11 1 ~~~~: 1 11111 tnt.: " vo·l•t ·, l"'riiJfl r4ty u tlc yachtemen Tht annuall'lf'rll•m nf dlr,.ctmll 1~'' IRtl .. r~ ~uftllunum. Tu..,.dJi). l'·T. A --- 1 Aulhonzatton Willi gtveo the t \A'lll be hPhl at thi mrtllng wllh ""11 II It t 7 =·111 ~~ 01 Mnc. lAura 1'*' """'" A Mroiol•• 1'1"'11 "1 \A hltiiJ . -w I · · H bo .. . . PT1"" uv'""" ""•t .. r .. , lhf" c -11101 " ,7••nln~o: ........ ,. ..... '"· , ... ,, ...... Land Ownen like II~ Ill, . or r .... u ter to c•mtact yacht fh~ to bt' r hnllt'n to IIUCCl'f'ol •h . I > • · • -• PIM1111re t'rllt""l~ ,. • ..,, t .. II•' owner" who may havl' to movr r ectnr" w hfl(lf' tl'rmll f'Xplr,. thlll mn I ar,.nt• anr1 Tarho·nc Mllga:• '!P ar• lhr "l'r.,nt .. · " :.u ""'' "" " .:ulollll~<t h " "•I '"' lulur,. . I thejr boat!! b«'raUI!e n' t.lt'fronl!co m<ml h 71~•·. h I•• ,..,. tlw lo:Jit''' "III'Bkt·r ~ttw1 "~""•I ''Y Ill• llntd ~-,,.,.111,,., llt""lh •lt·v•·l•·l"'"'"l ruul • 'I'"" ' B I I • • I Elect• b lldi I . n, .. ltc'ra,.lton rur lhr Jlllnt mN·I · f.......... .... ·II II '. Hu,•.·. ·,·r.ll'l'l·······,",'."",,','·"·v·····s····::.·.~~ .•. , .... , .. ··1,, ut ol Oil 0 101 u ng prog-ram n neighboring An·nrlllng tn '''llllltiVl' pill nil • . .. r .... ,. ... , ... ••IJ .... VIII II "" .... " .. porta that lhf'y mlly be acq ua inted th.-big Ji'lllh fo~rv will IW' lltagetl ms.: 1' '" N•mrn••mt~rHIItlfl of "n .s J,o k T""""~''"",. :,., t ., .. 1 with th.. farllitl«-s orrc>rro herr . ' t'arli"r I hi a vrar "'JIIIIIhl" duFth" 1-rourulo·r• t!:~ ~~~~rcillJ'l..&,..'O th .. ,....honer·• whit'h \A Ill '.,,..,,. ,.., ... ,.. M , •••. , l'ln" I lor• "'"'"I.,., I• •llol I t~ "''"'' "'''''" "'"''llttn• • I' rlv .. , hv I"'"' n .. r .. r • anNnd C ' · · ,.. .J ,.. t•r•• .. td••nt ~~",.. S >ucun tn\l .r · ••I t .. fiN'\••f ul UIMI"' .. ''" ....,,.,.,,. .-. "" -...~ ooperat1nn ha!! ·tx>en offered all lhf' )nontb Of Mlly. A-~rlallnn . 1 ... • :. • •• • • 111 y 10 T .. wn><•rul ,. ." •··•uolunl "' J•llr.·nllv "'"Y ,. '"~t•ll v h,. 1 ,1 1Uvt~r•d4-WA)' such boat owners l>y rlly ~fflrlala h•adrrl! lnt.lirat.t•d. '.'~••~ n h.~,, t.. ... n ": ."• Ill ull fll•r· l'u..S.rla &not " nw nlhf>r uf ,., • ., ''"'''' • ''''" will! ""' h " 1•11\11 ,,,,. wlthotul I•Hhlhohlnk n•ott•l'fl I n l•uriiiiC ""''Y l'l"'"'"r llaya our I to the belle! thllt tile Olllre ya\'hl~> • 1 nt. "' sc htl(ol chulrc n ttnd 11 Jtt•n· ut the m•>•l prum lru•nt fumllu·,. lr1 I• "'"1 ~' ,,. "1'1'' 1" I Ilk•· "" trw,.f'lolhf'u 1 .,. 1 .. ,1. "N" Ta•atton · · •·r>~l "1\riiiiiOn 111 ••II lfnrbor r1• 1 ""''''!!'' 0,1 ,,1•1 ... 0t1111Jt1,,,. 1 .. 11t.t11111 uc•w"l'"l"'''• 111 nr•·ttll wlwro• lh••v IIJrgr lind tomall lhRl a rl' niMrl'd '•, . ' , >. llllit I'II V n•lll~toO'' 1,. 1 ,.,r .. nl~tllun" A n-~. l hl'l'l', thl' J:rtO.ll'r wfll be• the bt>rtl"-\'•ntuir.t w ith tho• ~idnt'y II. dt•nt,J; In jom tho• P.-r A J{rlltli'S ""'"''"'II"" ... '"'')''''" ~' , ............. 1 ... h•·l•l. IIIIIIIY N ...... , ..... n .. ···- fit to th~ btlllt matnll'flllnr·o> In · l llll'llilltlllt< o•l 1 '11~11\ l\lt'IIR Ill .AJr~< l\l•'lfl~<·r-. of l,h<' htgh I'Chool RtiiJ (,noal•r,"f'"l'"rt llarh01r 11\'llllltl,lc• lfnllo11r ltiHJ .I 't~rolu l\1t'llll t 1117.f'lot< ::·~:~~~ f•:h~"''"'"'• ltiiiiW lOP' Unttf'r~ •• I du~try, nnol nil typt>s nf rnf'tt•harl!s 111\l'i<t...-.n·" -mntht•f Ill I 'atllhiHI -·--•ltrl ""' l it I I• •U fl lllllll, ltut l l th H bo llllllntl. .. ..... n e ar r area. \\'11111 1,,11111,'1 .,11,. l.a ••l ..,14,;., ••ftlol•l j .. oln, .. it ' ----1 u,~, '''""'I "'" ••••• II•••• 11 , """''.J. '"x 'tllll 'I• lhnll \\ lw n lilt' f1r ... 1 l l1n•r• swrhll<llt\ln.' Wl!Tu m41dl.•,. 'Me~.--tm,,..r ,?!,. "'"" hntl """'n-,.c'i•nir"nl· _ "':i ..-,~. -.---... ~. A fJ'I'IiO'I"fjt!)' Tli:Y:-.. ft: Tooay '" .. r .. ral•;•n .. ,., '"~h·l~· thnn 11 .. h,.•ll•l hll\'1' '""'fl A,. th•· wf'l l ":" hall«"l nul .I h••rl" """"' j np,;•a••nn~ "'"r•· undi't"U> a• tl••lmtl•' •ndlt'.llllrn:-11f "rolur,'' ..:a:- l lho· 'I111101Jll>ltn Wt•ll. \\'ll~nn untl .,,., • .,,111•• anrl th•• fhud lc•\t•l r:,.,.,.tj l l'lnr ••nllll .•tro•••IJ< l'uo;tn :\ol••sa, tu-11hnu1 11~1 (,.,.. (\'rork•·l" w .. ,... l tlrt~. 'to m ilk•• thc;o !'t'I.'Ond 111 1~·mp1 r••rl:un lh•·~ had a "'o•ll . ~\h••n tn h"lnt.: m ml aflt•r th•· f1r"t th•· 11l•l hucah••• 111 1111 M"'ll 1111 fall•'<! !':lrllf'r lht,. Wl'r•k "''"' 111 th•• Jlll•l Wlll•·r. iljl' Actuo.l-atlf'rnpt In hrlng In thr ,.,.;,n'ff W!'IJ Will fll' fllllflf' lafl' J-'rHI:I\ J\c!Ju•f Wll' '''tlrf'<Wtf h)' htH'k· aft!'rnr10n ur J)O!''>ihly Salurdn;. ,.,., uf lh,. ,, . .,, tha t lht> lrowf'r / IIN'nrdin~: fo th(' pr1•S!'nt ~rh...-lu1•· p••rfor:tlil•n hnd '"'''n marie• '\lighlj Thl' I:T'OIIp nf ~J() mf'n Wh (1 :llf' I~ Into !lo·t•p • fln11nrm J< thf' '"'' p rtll'<'t'tilng• m· . Operation,. tr~<1Ry rnmprli!N I •·f'· !111•'!.1 of 11 !'hallow Wt>ll \\ huih rnrnt mt.: off I Ill'' low('r tl"rfura· will <('1"\'f' ;'\!' k "m ral lll'kC't" tn tlon prlrtr '" mulnj(' " '""' Ill romlur·t mnr" •·xiHtU"IiVr> ntll'ral inn thl' 11pnt whNr t ht• I wu ur•prr at t.;n'lllf'r cl!'plh~. rC'C'f'i\o'f'cl 11 rc•11l ,,. .• (,.rill 1nn; "··•,. ontiHI•· Annual Junior .Chamller Session Till' Annual :"t'Wprorf lfnrlw1r fanlt'd llrlil t.:t•nJIII C'hllrflrf r r II( I·Jun1or Chnmhf'r nf C'nmmN'CC' th•• '4'rt••·n "'"' Cnmlln t,J''"' •1··-·1 MH,I\ .. , t il••"•' •Il l , ... ~ ,..... . ...... _......,..... ... ., ,.,.. •Ill\ lluu •11•1 11••1 k•t•"''l 14JJ<>u1 1l ttl ~•11 •mt•l Ill,.\' '""'' lrr fhr ,,.,\-· l•lt(" '" "'"' ttlr'•t II••'-" .. "'I'',., d t "'' , .. ,,,, 1 ,,.r , ,,, klu ll l••uu~~·· • •a)t '"'"'*'" ~ ,.(,. h dol V.ltl• h 14°iftlll t I •• J: ft I Jlf1l fo f lfl Ht•\A.,. 1,,.1,,., ~ "''" l'"l"'r" ""' ••nlv 1•111• lu ,,,. tf,,. tttttl•,th•t: lht •••l..:t• tt• l\tt¥.~t t t~ltUUhlll ttUI ,f,. U f1tf 1,f 111\'",.''Vftfttll( lnt u th,. ''" '" lth•l I ,,.,,.,., I'• t """' "'" v•.t •n.: I• "" Ul•••ll "" ..... , .... ,,. ••f ,.,.., .. ,v .. ,,...,., Ill~ ,.,,f'., •·• f•fl Ill'' •llr• I 1"11 "'"' "'"' .. ..,, • .,,,~ "''' "'' •tnv lttug ,,·, ft,,. l;••h•r tc tll , .. ,,,..,,. \1•HJt ltll•l •t Ill" • lty """· N"""l"''l ou .. t wh"" I hr (F·V•·II"h "' 111'11 v ••t 11 r•'•lllfll' duv • ,,.,,, • ., ftu ,., .~,. •• h•,urd tu••l flotlf t,r,ll•,t,. ''' t '•Ifill 'IU1d ttu• Jtf•._,,,. tr••wrd ut.uu t • t..:-.t • I""' lv ••••t"'' 1•·•1 "" lh•m will •"· t-1:. lw-~ •*-41f:M&• t"1'U'J<. ~ ll'l 1>1.11111• I W.UIJ ~ laa. ..a. I ""''" l'"r II!Wl 11_11.,.11 valu11llon. Vutl111( In 4)1" t•lr• lluu Ia ., .• I •• , •• ., ..... It• '"'11 .::•·. II wu '"""""· •·•I H• '".. t IJ,. .,.,.,. •JWIIInc a lnt ''"" .. l''"l"•rlt•mllto: numtlf'r of vlllra ,.., "'" m•u uwnln~t an arrl', whll•· ,,;.,,,..,tv •urh u lha lr· \ ,,., .UNCLE EO ~~Z- l ov~ "'" y b«-bllntt, but marrl•u• lo ,,n ~*Y~ "IMI"""· .,...,,, kll••w •••11••·1 hlu~e ''' 1 ,.,. hi• Hrnry Knudeen of defenM fame ''•'\' ••l'th•· '"""loU \'••uttlv 'v\1tl••r· now ••r • atrpla,.. production 11 I ·•~• ••• l II "" '•II' ""'''" v•·tt• ~ forging A hi! ad •ntt, by J uly neat lltt•• I•• l·•·•ol•·• I """ ""I••• Ill 1•1" year, -wilt have 3T.OOO dafenM •·I 1•••....-••v '""'""" In '"'' 1••w .. r planee.. AI •••t --m to bl ~·'"''" An • It tv•·• I• '"••• w lo•·rt 11 ', rlolng lo the ~aelon. • """ t .. llrv,.•l thai I•••: mw h \0(11 All -\'"' l.lnNIIn'• hlrthl1•y liP· l••t """ It~ lloiC lltk~" ""' •<f '''" l ,.r•1111 hr" """ ,.,,. ,.,.mln•.lf'd that · ml'"lln~ ''' hr hr>lrl F h t!ay night. I n a tl(h twn tn lht• mst!Ulau"" Fr•h 14th. AI lhf' PaliMd('l; TA \'• or nffl!'f'r~ llnrl p~rllm, lhf'N' ~'m will top :til prl"\'lfltls !'f't;~•on .. IA1 11 he-11 ftanr~· 1n lht> cpacJou-. h)· lhnt nr~:am7:ttlon ac to frcll\"1· T nw·m r1mm~ hnll with J•mtnr' Olreclon of lhl' ~ Mull 111"5 an~ prngr11m. Jun1•1r C'ham· Cllnmlwr lll••m1lt'rl' 11nd thf'tr Jadlro Olaintwr-ut ~mmfft'f l.lld Tm-1 ber elf~<!iala .. ~ klday. tlt'l}r'lytn~ lhf' r rh)1hrn 6 ~ 1 -I h" ••n lv ,,,.,.,, llu· Amr rll'lln :-~~rc....... whllfl ,... n n haa undt'r- l l•tc~n t, ''" .. t h,. w o..ttt. -·Jioward J,age Is rovt mtnt Al'_.latlon ••Ill 'mHt ! Arranji:PfTII"ntll for lht' d inn"r AIThit> llf'\"h""' r11. Thl' Jl t TU ada F b lSI.h t H .,nnd 11nnua l m.-.f'ltng arf' undl'r thl' hllndl,ln. lo J~t .... "''ll Df:lt e y. ~ _ · · a ar dvectloD ~~~t ~-trll'h~ ~ ~«:11·~~ m; th Cardnl"r, ••ho wlth othf'r f'('('l"f1tfv Squin'" hoth of whom e ::.:;! 0 t' ~~ ~IKtt'd 9frletn JViU ~ ~ed wtttt-bit: · n"""" IMtMIM. :t,;....,_..r~~~l-"""rah~~ 1-· ..... IM .._I<IM Of'W pu,._. tift ., in installation ~retnonft*ll th11t rm r 1111f11rntlt tnd IWt'l fTII". for• ~nnlte plana for lh.-COf!IDJ year n~t. 'nc:kf't~ 8,. n..-on Ql(l Ml'rly n( !WI ~)"'~ JlOI'IUtlti l•Y· are upac~ t.o be conaldf'f'ed. a~r rTW:'!!beMI and t~ Jirnltf'd <'hM!tr.. 11nd Mw COOM('tt'd _wtlh -~ ~ ~ nnt Wl'ft by ttw-mtm· rhntltm pi('IIJN' 'ludlot • l:njoytng a ti1p to li:nMn4A1& bl"r~hip will be-r?lt>aM'd on q~ to ~ (Amlllttr •1ih thr Pl'tredfo 1 n d · ftolartto Bach owr u.1 th,. puhlir . t,t banda and ~ wt»..~aaw ~-.. ~ ,..,.,. J7 H. fltherl Pfllt. ean tor an .-lsbonlff' buf·' IPJl"f'f'd "' lhfo ~ ball· &ad Mr ud Mp . Vernon 0 ., fet dinf'M'r. to b(o followt'd by ttw> mom In p!Ut )'I'IIMI, Will ~-I WrooiM. · procram, 'whtcll will ~adllne that ber RM.att and hla abllk)l~ -· ALL our I _. N -m d ( •nunty 1 "'"a" _,.._., hJM't 1 a Y , a e JU • I'UI"'pe ·-"OI,IId llot Dlleet another" Rad. T h . . --Wlfftef' .... ....... ,....... llut 10 ec n1nan I"" thty ev•" ... , .. ve lt\e _., ... ,._ ~ . -man In thllt cou11try. tifton ,.....,.,mm,.nlla tl•.n CJL WUI~ Womtllfl.. Ttt~tnd nl'ar tblo .W. crf .. am Rmffh, r•IJIJ• rtiiTl mltlnman l'h"' r•""l 111 l"rf'tmo, had her ~t ,,.,, th,. <~r•nc .. t 'otJDt)' HuperviA· on """ al<k. elolhH ~· ailct M&r '''" lh• bhar4 .appYtnlf"d Hr•w·r~ badly mu~. r ollc·ct <'OUidll't tell• tt t•alf'... JA. u rounty polllr.. It ahPJ had Mftl lllnockad tlown ·~ ·wn.o ~ ... -~·.or; ..... , ................... ~-··· Jt,. (lila • Vlll an~y ai-tM -r~io 1 by OIM. I "'""''n ud tr\adMt wnrk P'ebru. Mu..-.llnl .doo>an't ape~ r.:,_.. arv tift at 1 aiUJ nt ·fl&O JMir llatl, but "• undf'ratandJ at 1aut JIJI!IIItJr. ~ 00" .,...,lla~ 01 ·~nee c". _____ ........ ~Two ~. llil)H ol,enl.)• bJI -~rn~ to tlw- S&a&e' • 1ecaJ rtlCI III1"N8e• ta. but al110 .. nld • a• 0~ Count)' !'4u~rlur ( nurt d.-..•n-., nuak· 1-a ·n f'Urtblt~ w puhla.ai AI.L 14-&al ""tkt .... Newport-Balboa N £ W S -11M E S 1 I'IIO~~g I~ A lS _ Pz'M befl:wr)' ~ ._... Tllunday Af&eraOODII Volunw X)I(XJII Bubecriptjor. P•yable 1n Advance:-$:.!.50 per year m Uran~:e Count). 12.75 per year to 4th LO~; 13.00 per )·~r tu 8th zone. , 25c prr MOftU,~I'r. - ~-------llat.ered u Second-ctus matter a1 the P011tolllce 1rl N~wport• Beach. Calllomla, under ttw Act of March 3, 1879. "--,t-.-.. -.£1-rER_____ • • EDIToR AND MANAGER tfnc Plant, 2:1)8 W. <Antral Avenue, Nt'Wport Beach, aiiJfom&a WITHIN NINETY DAYS '"'''' n I f• h·hlktn~r •lea-I"'"''''"' " ., ... ,., ",., •' prompt In II ;.:II'\\'" : tl••ft•ll llt' "r Hm•lt>n, tlwq !'I'll• "" \\ "r ~ . ·~rwln "'"'" h•• "'""'' no•o•d 110~ A llo·o ~, ... rr Whll lt\'r• """ piAC• lind thu lltit ish will hH\'1' to 1 f, ,,. n •hn"r nwm"t IIi I fo•ltll•l wo• k,. ·'""'' • • ,, .. I.Jo·d n ret•'IOII· , • 1n W h ' o1 ·.lJ "t'(' 1 ~ ~ms to II(> .111 t•sJi· '"'' ''"'' ~·nnk "'""~"'.~~~' "'"' h ''"n an•l \\':oft • r :O:pl<'o'r w11~ ID a~· 1\S Ull!'>,on Kt.>I'Will Y Hl P t:. , • · ' _ • .,f l'lttt h A.• 1 "'" whtdt ,. n t "1 ·• ••m !Ia ~ nt•••l !'a~·. a ft'llow ~ tl fll•f~U- ~8nt~f,lf3' •. ,pr, "',...,,., ~~r f••t~leng \\'hill' nr• •·n~· """'" p 1 11 •.·•· r.eor~o~<' I •• 1 ~hwm• In ! h•• 11 11 m ,. • 1941. •!'d \\ II• I I "tp.lll~ fHII I'h.o" d lh• I·· .. r \\ " , .... \ T t .. , ·'' li:JII·"• I·-· II (. I'• 1/•lldt """ (.II' ').Itt· J ..... a '' • "'''~ ut~· 1. n fl .. I\ .... 1 ...; • .,, "" :·11 '"' rvltnc: th" htr \lo ollt•l \lo l'1 o11J.. \" oil• 1.1 "'" '"''"'''" '''"'"'" '" th•tr ""'''' ,,, 1\ '"'"' f> dl•1tl•·· :~rt•·r 'l"'ll•hn~; t ho· ltooltol,,~, 111 ,.,, • .\n· .:· J.-- B~·ron R. ~ntlf'y, U~.n.. c•llrii!O II~ I .11 I\\ II! v:on ll••~t h•l\'1'0. ne\'rrthf\14'~... Jn7~ hn~ h~•·n al .. ::.'~;~,. !~~· ~=~"~nd"~!!~~n ;,~~~~: t•eplt'll In Ulr sa.rli tum of I h,. ~·rat lh••~ noav be IncA I vo.latoono. -. On IJH~c·flc qutst•on&. c.onsult '.' Thi• P.IIC'r tolrh·H lo IIW'C!•ra~ly dl-mi•Me IN'"'• of tiM' GFti&Wr Harbor Dilltric't: t.o be a I(Uld&A~e fo""oe ln Uw area'• fu'rtliler dt'velop· nwnt; and lo ..t.y aloof from aU obllcatloaa Uefpt that of fldf'llty lo the pubUc la&ereat. A Woman Looks On WASHINGTON POUTICS BJ Jlary. Pau8n. .... of' c!Ul be a J'Mt Amtricua .. 801DI· thtnc el8e -cain." audience In tbe QUeeo ud loudly American Clt.lun wbo not many yean act~ w .. tbi cOUDtry'l Idol, Ia hl.ed. Such wu the .ttuatlon recenUy In Co~:.UtuUon Hall. at Wublnrton. wb~ a pnvt ... of Chrtatmaa U n d 1 r Fire," w a 1 lbown to a rapneeDtalln au· dlence of 1:100 W&l!l1qtollla.Da. Quentin Re~. the author of the ltory. aDd Oae-of America'• ace war corretlp(lndenta, made a pe"-&1 appearance. and when a abot from one ot 1\Y earlier pic- turn. "Londoa Can Take It", ahowlng Queen Elizabeth tn~t· Inc aome rulnl made by a ~ent Genna.n bomb, wu thrown on \be acr~en. a apont&neoWI and tre- mendous cbeer came from the audience. Anothe.r . cheer came when Mr. Reynold•. In a brief 11peech. declared "Tbe lillie men a.nd women of England are ftght· lng with a bravery that on I y 11tory booka have known. Tbey are I g1vlng u.t aO aJd llhOrt Of no· r thing." And fven more voclferou11 plav~~e l'&me when be &ddt'd: 'lbill bittern .. toward. &Ad ..._ tru.t of Q»>oa•l Lllldberp, llu been Yolced llY uotBer ~ corn. apondeot. H. ll. KnicUrbock•. wbo recently baa ...turned to tiM United State. froiD the EuropNB w<ar zone. In fact, an~ to- Jr&rd b o t b Charla a n is A.D.De pn..ecs vt-. on the war and America'• rel&Uoaablp to It, t. ID· crea.tng rapidly In the United Statu. Severar new boata wtD ,.Ta.ce ~e Bay Shon Ya.cht Anchonce thla month for tbe nnt time. Dtck Stewart. former owner of ttl. Stranger I. al~ owned by Fred Lewill, plana to bring bla 46 toot ' racing cuttrr. Tantalua. tnlo New- port Harbor. Tbla aummer be will Join wtfb Lol An(elea cutter &all· lnJ' fana lD raeee oft Catalina .. Redecorate Oreater Newport Huttor T•ld.a)•• J!onl'ularilf of Jh,...l P•ll•, •h~r ••n1 ff'aU vi •orJd. Whit' 'nf". •uulr "ua.tt lA acttlf)trd at "'d~nce or .. ,.,,.,,~y uw.. An(f h•hrablr ~tuhi•C. r.-Kt.inr l.lt.olt iiOfJ NmdlhOftt TMw pbJ' tun•. h.-o. arprpr~ ,.,.,, wend o( adttrlltt"' '" n ad, t.k n.i),f"C1i•• or •~tell U QPtr to H'c•.cnmcnd n,.,.•, l'il:r a.t a c001l -l1urcuc trratannt fnr dt..,fl.tr of Ut: kulatf (uDChiJtl anJ for u ·licf of t&«: pa•n and wotr1 1t cau•u If mon p"pfc •nr ••.J.rt of ~q,• 1tbc kidot )t IJHUI cvtut..,ruJr rrt'O\,vr -..a•l«: • that C'annot •tat '" tlr lA(fttJ ... uhM1t ao· J\UJ IG itr)h•. tbrt«' •ou,~ bt-Mi•fr uo drutand•ttr of wbf' thr -.ht1f' t""tlr auftrn •kn ... dn«,. tu. an,l d1urtuc mrd1CA· uon •ouJd bt more ohcn ,,.,lnHtl 1\urnmw, W"ant • nr IAtJ hctiUt"nt anna 1ioa t.OCnf'1unu warn .,f t.h'fvrbN't ludl\f'Y funttmn. \"t•v ""' ,,.tlfrr ru..r r•n• buk· .a.cb,.. P'f1"'uh·ut »au.ta~obr. ltUf'k' of d1r• """•· tt.tUnr: up n••ht•. ••rlhnc. puftl "'h Ynd,.r tbc-C)'fl 4n·l •Uk, llf'TVOUI, all flaJ"d OHf, •· t u l'~~t~~•t·, /',1/, It it better hJ n lr on a m,..dlrtn«" that hu wun wmld ,.,,,,. f«'· c:Jafm th•• on ~~o<Jmithnut tnt fa,.utalllr known. At• )'evr '"'1tlltto"'' number of Gcml<'ln · s warpi:H.'\'S a.!_ tht~l;\'· ·~''-'"''''J!·I.o:•! ,,, '~" on ~~~~:.!''.!!...!!!,..!"'' """'-'';.LI. "" ,,•nr " 1.1 ror;a:et ~hl"l)_ hilt A nre -1 botn ll[ ,.u.~ lll!n'k' wtlt'!rt ot' :t..ll fltdt ~tttl'n li1' ~ ~"WWrt ltar- IIYOlflh••rtlo•,. Th.· Ill l!ll(lo nit.• "hll you• '"'·'' ~lll)riOtY ' ,utiL~~·\\.... -\,nrk .• upt.'rll-3 M~•--9"..:---:::~::":""::"~---:;..-.-.....-:;;;-.-... -...... ""'"'llll!~'llll .aoe to t'amt-IC•.-H•ll lft 'h ~a r T5A~ .. SR& -i.a •:ftlf'ft4,j!IJ'Y !lenny ,;, ... lm•tn ~la··-t ro u 'upnlol '" h.-ol ):II I 1\tl/1 lnjlll•·d In II ,., .. ~!0 Rtnket\\ !<ko "'" wo•lt II-" .III7.Zmastrr nonnt ... 11ft If' \\'hill' I hr • hthlr "'' Paul \\'JIIIf'mrtn haw• ptayo'd JA7.7. wo•rr rallll!= t111•11 )1111• It In """ (l( til 1'1\J'AI'IIy 1\lhli('nt'l'l! m J'htla· . I ht> l<o•howol r••on:!' ;I (o•llfl\\' '\I II· drlphta'~< , """"1'\'1111"' A • adt'nl\' olrnt I\\Jl<l•••l h••t 111m anol h11•k•• of J.fW~Ir · ·• · tl Th• 1 <' "'.Ill "" I ··:wh. r pr ··•rnt !"-'l •· hlrr Tnr1wlln.: lltl' '-'IJI 1~11111•111 '"'t rloflr::l•• o .. r l'nnunt•n'e .:ell RI'Vt'. '· • t ·~··d ,,, w oork wllh "'""''" ''" lhr IP):I'Ihrr ,,,. ,, ' ·'""""' meeltnf . This ls bcllc>ved to he ·alm<l!'t CXIH'tly ciouhlt• I Ill' numll('r .. ,,, ; nil\ A"" .lo•urnnt """ 1 ~. nt ~"'" ~···.',, 1 ",. nwny ,, lot ol fighting•aircraCt whkh. th(• Hoyal Air Fon'll,• hn~. ·But of t.'OUrse. t..tM> Briti~h hnn• st'\l'l'lll important ad-·nut nncl t'l'lhdnus 'nf narun• \\'hit,• l.nrd l .11thian wa~ a van~ which orrS<'t ronsidf'rahly ~m:h ·numl'rlc·nl c1c.itl". l'hn,tfnn !'c'it>ntist. 11:-tlif;t\. i" a m.-ml~<•r nf IIH' Chun·h or Flghtlng ncar UM>ir own baS(.'S, the British ~>ci n11t. lik•; j:··n,·lnnd 'tit• 1-..•lii'H'" in pt a~·"r a:-: ;, Jll':wti•·:1l thing. Ill.' be- the Nazis, spend valuablt> timt' tra.velin(:: to and (rum 1 ht•ir i•·w~ in ll\'t~nnnl ri'li)~inus h ahit.s such_ a~ l'l'st•'<'t ing tM airfteld8. and thus 8 relatively hi~-thf'r .JX'n'l•ntnstl' of HClynl ~alohath clay nncl kc'l'ping it h oly. Yc•ars ngo. whPn hf' was .Air f'oroe flghten can remain <'Ontinuously ('{)n,~nt rah>d 111 \''"'roy of India. tw gaint>d thC''ronfid l.'fh'<' of Uti' n:tt i\'<•s. by ..... o1 --••-·-_. t'l•fusin~ 'o trnvC'I n n ~~nct.ay. •• _ ... __ • · .. u-.; ~rea . ~... (' . ' \. · Th<' rww Rritis h arnhass.1dor is an aristocrat. H«i is a ' · BRITAIN'S NEW AMBASSADOR ,·ot~in o f Anthnny 1-;dPn, and likt' Diem. his lifl' hAs twen . . lln,.l nmicl~t Itt<' surroundings of his own das..;. Thr ~tory What 80r1 ot man~ l1;\ Lord Hn_lifax.-thP new amlms."'ldor Jll'l~ists thnt hi' nt"V<'r has bN>n insidf' :t s hop to mnkc .. from Great. Britain to th(> United Stat~t.ht' first envoy pliiThn~. llis knowiC'dJ;e of .th<> laborif,li Jl<'Oplf's nnd of the ever to anive' on our shores In 11 hnttlt'!'hip. th(> first nm· midc11P' t.dns.~. whntc\'t>r ·it may he. fhas not l)('t•n ~atned Tht• lrmpn nf mo.t .. rn t•nlP!! I !I t 11 l'llp••rvt:o•• I hr• r htldrf'n ol unn1= I rt'flf'<'trol m I"'PIIIBr mu!'ir f;rv. lht• nUI•Il hnur Tlw J(orl ~ rart'nb •ral Y"'"" rt~n l'UI'h \'no<lc>n rhv· frll I hat "'llh prorf'r ..,,~rn:otnn thm11 All · 1 hi' "l'lt Lnul10 Rh"'~.. th•• arc·ool••nt \\ ""'rl nnl h 1\'" 01' hflcl 111p """''' !'tn• r lh<"n thr t"IIITt>•l Th,.,. f•lf••l 1'1111 fnr .tam- lrt''nd hAll N>rn R\\"1\\' from th<" "~"" II$:Htrl;t lhl·~!ll'l\(l(ll ,•lu•lrk l. Ull:e{llt' tom-tom k.J,.;tl of mwolt' · rlatmtnK I hat 1t wa11 nei:JlltCIICC on towa nl a ~nCI.-r. JM'('f'l.Pr lypt>. Hyt th .. JlRrt or thr •it:olrlrt 111 fnll ,,... In lhl11 IIRy , n ( lltnrlhnR hht.z. furn l10h prf1prr lluprr\'1!11•10. T h P krle>ft!l. thl'rl' will 01'\'l'r h(' A r<"·· rahfornln f'IIIIM•·t t'llllf't ••f Ap· lUIJl lo .lhr lllnw-m<~\'in~. hillnwy J'I'UI!O Hphl'l.t lhr pnrrn111 T b t' 1 ayrupy mu!llr 'nr thl' F-¥hl ll'!'< • C•1urt lllBtl'd Con.. forrvu • nr.-lhr .lays of "Since the ;~~etldent occurred In I WHEN RIDING A JlaCU ••• -lOOK OUT fOR AUTOMOIIl~S th• 8(j11Rrl" oll\11\'1'!' nnol '·ThP r nlfl· .J achool . room during the lunch .. r11 nrr tn•t tn blart• to ,a .. ume tnat If the supc:r· by the President or the United Statrs.. .p.:rhnp~ thf' l)(•St insight o f Lord Halifn.~ may ht.' gained blf'l\t . nnl.l •• ,~t. -WIUl· thrir vlao,.· hlld~ pret'ent "In that ....... I ------~ r f I . . I ... ,. k I aaxnnhl'ln('• nne'! 1'11\'IOf'ho l"'c• rrl room. she would have obse ...... ed ' • u :e usua P"-"-'"'"''ure or n On> g11 ('n~··IS " ul~'lll 1ar · throu\!h hi!l mm worrls. nn t'"-('('1-pt fro m ont• n f I is !-ll)('('('hcl: Ull ... ~ho ,1~ nnt llkr ,1 tr~ t~ .N'Rr the unllfulll scuffling anc:i rough in New York• harbor: trnv<'l by t rain to \\':tshingtori. he' nwt "I nft••n thin~ how much l'asit>r the worlct \\'tllllrl have ..,lth It rt nur JA7.r niMten cl\n conduct of the etulknh aniS she • ~ollow These a SGiety Rules there by minor offtdall of the State Department. and '4jStall-IM't'll tc1 rmanagt' if Jll'rl' tlitlt.•r and Si!-,'TlOr ~ll~"olini had tak• mu~tl' In P'""E'!'· pt'rh:tpll ..,.ould naturally ha.ve commanded 1 • Ullh hlm8etf ln the domic il<.' provldt-d for .him by his ro.un~r> .. ·/,·hnl\1~ to h:t\'(' l)('('n at ()xford-tht>y woulci hnw hRd a eome grnJu8 "'111 rrnently come them to dulat. I • Fly your ki!e in an open field. away &om . · h along to pul It tngf'ther a~aln. "lndfed, wt may ueume that At the proper time, ll41Unlly two or thrt'(' day!' followmg IS/ hn dq::ro unct of thou~ht that mig ht hn\'f' ~imrlifit'ti many in-If the tracher had been prnent power lines. 1 . arrtva), he presents h lc; cn:!(k>ntlal.; at the Statt> l)(-partmcnt1 t<'rnntion nl p rohl<>ms." ot t.rnphiN• You <'a'll"t Pllt on tnr the acuffl•ng would not have oc· 2 r bu. penona1 conferen('(> with thf' Sccn'tary of State. artc.•t .. -----------..-.---~~----~--.Jplay 0~ Hamblt~ wtth Hamlet l€'ft,curred. Uftdet'th-elrcumatan..-.1 • Never use wire or tinsel ---'-or strinn ltha 1 h<f ~-odt. a.ntJ thtno l'r:xtldn't br an an-with thf aupei"VItlon r-equlroed by """n..a. y -'Wblch he .. ~rted ~ -v-Whit(' Hou~. to, bl' fonnnl y :\ c A s H~·--···p·w·A .• D .......... ~ aual mfttlng _wrlhou~ SMl1 a.nd law. the lnjurlu would not havf .that baa become damp £rom rain or fog. """: 'CIIft'ldl1ly pre.nted to and' l"('(.':t'ivcd by I he Preta~t. BUt • ~ Paul Palmer · Dr Go rd o n ruulted." / tileR ~ strangto and extnlordinnry da:rs in which we are Onmd.)·. •·bo L3 dOiflr; " lot_' Qf. Wh•r• the preaenre or I •each I 3. lt_yoyr kite_ catches man eliCtllo liiie;:. . dl f A SU~ ~ IEWilftt ]f1l! be-PBld {Of mfal': eM(' ~·o~ fN ..the _b&J:bot. .area. •r ~ltl n<>t---h11~-~~~ tlrP liVInlrr and nothtng ~ ~ doM :iC'rotd to trn t 0!'· wu nlc-el.'· llfrllblf. anct H rl n z arrldrnt 1 h ,. nb!ll'"l'r nf 1 h,. let ~! Don't try to pull it down. Pho""e the !--:.'--·.-:=:Ji-g .... ....--u r r· · h -mation lea141"'"' to the 1&.-ntincation of.a more modem, ._. u L.tUnJ aJlfiL~ is Stng\J any ta -SLX ('(>t l\'(' tnt• ('S. .,......, "*''-" Ka.iller offenod lo II c t u m 1 lt>al'hn '""'" not r•nllf'r lhf' IOI'hC'OI •· ' ,.,._..,_ t hi h th lin be But t.. ·~ IE'SS than that bcc8U!'(' hl" d?'f"S n ot srn~ hNtcr looking or mo~ con, r--··' ~ lei'Yklt cbettUr ~till lilt, Ill hf' Wl\8 wor . .ltlll)ll' \\'htno th~ fa.IIUrl' of lhl' I MJ'Vloe ·"""'"'~y 0 w c e . e longs ..._.._..t. Jl1a lboulden bend sJighfly. ln hl~ stature and qtr· ~t~tion than tM • rt.d about-my c·hrlt m~uunomfnt trarhrr to :OUJW'rvl!lr fltlpll~ prop. 1 &nd a lineman wilJ 00me tO qet your Jtite _...,.. ~ • 1 ••• 'nK-200 ~tlendlng at'f'mtd to erty oould .n.uonabl~· be Uf"'C'INI I for'you. rtqe ~ nm1nds eovm~ f1f Uncoln. Hto i.! thin of fllN" 8ftd Shell M " • SefwiM St lion ... concerned aboUt ··betll•r J 'to ruult lEL rou1Jh cond~l a nd I frule. It. '1lppNI"' mn:mery serious. He is quiet of manner I anne _:,... .. +--~~.;;iblo~ mr:,um··~ttwoullteo•'·-tdrrlli .. wr-.· .... ..,~,.,-.,'O,"""'UI~rl,n.,·t~~.,"IVltt•mTttv·· .... -.,fl('nr.U~~~h'~~~-;;:~~~.~~~~a~~.~ ..... ~.-. -----... : .. __ :.~-_. .. ::-.. ~ .. :=.:-::: •. x:;;x:.~.;..•;:-:,._::;-,,.wnol .... , ... "' ... ,..,._ _____ ,_,,, ...... _,. -.. --1-·· ... .... for )'OU. It wu a .... ow of ncgl{gtO('(' I Fnr(nnnt "" SiiiVW: s 0 u f" II.. Au~ ' • .a..... I D I u"" , A ..... ~....-.·~·tl·..----j.-~~ . ' a .,-rty. dor !'f<'"lll"TTI&n Elfmtntlry School! _ · ~ ft-1oV '·: .. . ' . . WE ARE PROUD TO WELCOME THE. NEW POSTOFFICE I ,j .... ' .· Tlll"HSP.\ Y. 1-'t-:HIU' A HY . . . Mesa Has Modern Educational Plant; Know Any of These Y Otlllgsters? ~~re Itt a ;ull \~14-"' of the-Main· !>W_.;. ~~ tile (~ta., M.--t:.,._· •....-llfd durln1 111~1\, Ha•· man) uf ttw ... )tltlhll"'"r' olu )nil knu" • . . ... aft' yuu ablf' to w.f.c:t u.c-wlao M\'e DOW ~W "-N .. • In~ Mc•hoctl !t)•,.trm, loc•atf'd at Itt'!' •'"""' and ~~wport bouleva ..... ,..1' ..a,~ Ulch ~ a114 a,.. attA"ftdlna oran~,. ('otlnly rnll......, TIN" ~oe·hooi h on .. of lhf' 11.-1 f'Winf'ntar)' IIC'hOOho In thf' C'Ountry ~· or laaYr hN·o1111,. 16trlllalt-.l ""h thf• hu!dn.-Ufr "' tho• \lo•"a ''"'" • 1 I ,. ' TM·o othf'r l'll'nlf'ntar,· planta arr hwludf'd In thfo •Y•Irm, hf'e4lfo4 bj -at) .. '' ,,.,.,·, •ul..,.·riJtllma tu tlw ~ .. "' Tlnlf'• fur Uw "'"' ••urr ... ·l Supt-rlntC'ndrnt Hrttr~· .,bram... The-lnwl'r &thfllo ""o" • thf' puplla .-wf'r. I . . .~ ...... -.... ........................ ,_ ....... -. __ (,ON(~ ltATlJ.I .. AT .. ONS From tbt' Employt»es ol The UFEWAY ' --'lew Postoffice Is Forward · · j ~esa <:~amber Is ~~~~~~~~~~t.~i..: ~~~~~~~~4~~~~~~~~~--•ri•~M-~mmu~u~~~· ~;n~A~~ T ilt-hiUld:<Om; ni'W Poetoftlrf' I COi rupnnt.lmg IO<'rf'IUIC' In s'lr· -BcMiy for Area --.--Th::nd .. ·= ...... Tf'\\' nld·· I California A Ne"· Addition to the Greater Harbor Distrk-t The New Costa Mesa Postoffice + Bay VIew Ice Company. Newport Boulevard COSTA MESA Telephone Newport Beach 863' ,OUR CONGRATULATIONS To The New Postoffice ' -r lhe CoHage Dining -Room \: Mrs. BelJe W~llits. Prop. DeUdou." Mu.h In a Home~Ukt> Sf-ttiag That \'ou Will Enjoy. Harbor Bouh-nrd COSTA MESA· 11:: mile from 'Newport Boulevard I CONGRATULATIONS Too 'The New Postoffice + rsey Dairy "Ol'l~ \0\\'S ALL fiLOOD-TESTI::D" + Telt>photlf' Nt>wport 149!'; COSTA Mt;8A t. anoth•r forwarol stndf' by Cnftta 110nn•r-hM ~n ni'<'I'Nary d ur· ~ ('C»>II M""', 1 'hum.,..," "' bulloltn~ n"w un•lrr . <~llfirl 111t11"n Mu a, thl' mol t rapidly growing In~ Ulf' J>llllt "l.:ht y•ara Back In Colnm•rrl' "n ·I l mpn•' ,. m ,. n 1 "" \\'r lt"TA1h 11lrrrt jltlll nff No•"' I I unincorporat ed lift' A in Orang I' 1932 lhf' poatmastf'r, OOC' ckrk A.-oc-latlron I .. ,. .. , lJo I hr I n•nJ'fllr rw•rt lilY• I '"'" .... a ..... ,,,, .. , ....... , Count y. ., -• IIDd tht' rural roult' carril'r COD. _.uoft of ('""Ill MP•II frum " Itt thr Mrq llu,.lnrN l'f'nlf'f' IJII•I 1 I Th P new l!trurturl' not only f'n.lau tutC'd thC' rtalf Today Uwre _.u rural "'"""" wllh • '1.-w t'ttnAIIIutr,. a nnthrr mlrrur that I bancu UIC' Wua bualneu and are two regular clerlut. a IIU~; COUDtry ato,..., t " tbat " ( 1 h ,. r .. (l...-t• thP prucrra~~ ••f th" n•na pavu the way for gruter bu•i·l t utl' clerk and tbt> rural cartief, pNMDt rapidly ~:rc:wlnK and ar -munlty · I I nna de~lopment on lhl' Wut whou taak I• far gTl'&ln t.han In U•e ruldrnttal ·c·ummumty \\:lib Thr """'' •tru<'tul'f', whk'h will aid~ of N~wport Blvd , but rt'. ~ tbt' paat. &D U CC'III'nt l(rHUJ.! ,of mrrdl&nll! hnu,... I h t• T"Winklr Hulltlf'f''l l n (l('lll the faith in th~ community'& , l'~&ent J'O'IIIOnnrl of lht' M 'U14 lltoru In thf' bu1mru r r rol l'r llartlwaH l>ti..lnru brlnl(" ar~ttth•a . futurt-by Mr. and Mra. J ohll F 1 P D a totf1ce lnclu~ Po.t~ For many Y•'"{" c,,., •...... hu o·nmmrrri•l rat.abllahml'nt In w., .. II I Wt batl'r. who have l>Hn prom· Ml'llott . his daughtl'r , Wra. Haul bad a C ha m br r of t'umme~tb -'!H!'!'t· rm tlnulnl( thr Mr .. NOW • • a .. l'n Our New Location in the Postoffice Butlding • . ... POLLY APPAREl. I lnent In Ult' civic life of Coal$ WiiC'Olt. f'IPrk. Kmt' Ml'llolt, aub-llometim. l'l II 11rhlrv,.t1 " JlllfJK.HH',i bu•lnriiJI l't'<'llnn In that •llrrr llnn l I Mea& for many Yt'&rl!. I atltUI!~ jjn(J Harry &hick. rural otllt'r Umn It WILli ID na mf' unly, r In Nhllllllll Itt 1111 '71lfJ&nlittn buth L------------------"""":'-----~ The Post Otti~ recorda ahio ca rrier Thl' lll'Cuncl cl.rkahlp Ia &Dd uaually thr ~tlvttiN uf • th"l Nurth 111111 snuth alt>DI( NewJ .. •r1 .--........ -----....:...---------::--------, rdlect the dt'Vt iOJ.tment and 16"· now vacant. orsulullon tl l' J> r n d l' •I 11 p o n Blvd · • 1 'ONGRATUI ATJONS panalon of Oil' commun(t~, afoce _ Jdl'llotl ·baa wrvt'd u . poalmu· wbet!ler Ita prt'altlent lr"Jlpt-nt·tl 'tu Hrt•ur•llnec b u I I tl.! 11 I! nf n • w '-' · ~ (lUMTA MYJ4A CAUJIOilNIA 1933. when Norria p . Mellott wu tf'r f~ eight yean, lira. Wllc:oa be .. y. or oot. bumu ~n COIIt.a M-.and lha eo· TO 11IE'"'NEw POII'IOmCI: appointed potl(muter. Since that for 7 yean. 'whUe Harry Sc:blt ll 'J"kD tn recent yean. Oeor1e Ure Harbor· area U. p.rllaJiy ra· Ume the Me• poat.oltlce hu ,.. Ia the deaD of all ~ po.lal ·-· A. R....., 11-ly lnt.rHled In •pbllalble for Ole noc .... ly ol -.. All ~ to tile ......._ DIMitet . '*'ved a aecond cl._ raUDc on ployHa bavlnc C!lrriC'd lbe man d •lc: ~ve,lopment, conr•lved ¥ pandJn.« fat'llllle11 t o r bulldera' OM bula lncreaat'd .E<M~t.aJ te· throu b 11torm and • --,a--wptrr1rptu •rtJWar~. Tf'Wil\111• .. ld I T«1ir . -put 12 or 1:1 yura. .[to the w ... a Cham bl'r A• a r•·•ult I P011t1LJ rMtlptll, lc<*'dlng t o I · --·-of b1e plan, the l'hamLfor "'"" n·· Poatmu ter Mellott. g a inl'd (rom . A.. J Burtoh Pays 1 . nAmed thl' c'<)J;Ja MM& l'h"ml!l'r MYREI-t~ BROTHERS SERVICE STATION , ll t.Attal ot $3AOO m 1~2 IH SW .• · • · Of Oommrn-r un•l lrn t•rn\•rmo·nt 632 !13 In 1940 Hu~al routr ~r-Tribute 'to Posoffice I Auoclaltun v kc uvt•t tht ""m•·.pt•rtotl lncn•as· A 1ar1,.., bullJ•I ,,, tiU•·t t •••~" \4 ,1~ T\4•• vuun..: uu•n ""'I tlwlr ""'' Pol from 300~xt·ll In iAO bollt'll --1 authoriu •l f' a , h •ll••·tlur ,.. ,,.,. ,..~,. "'' I' I''"'' "' Ill• M•·• "' •I• uvt•r H :!II nul<· ruut•• Equal RRin hall t"¥'11 rrrtorolr•ol rn th!' JJtlfllal IIUVIJ\X/ h iiRillf'!l!O !'<!XICt'n HC'f'OUnL~ In 1932 ltol ah'<l $1200 wh1lo> t'tl(hl p •11r" t:at•·r l"'"u.l '""'111.:!0 Rmnunt . •·ol I•• S:lt.U'ti ~'""")' ••rdrr bUlll· 111'8!1 jumpo·tl (rum Sli4 fotr 1!.3:! In S 10 1.7!l7. 9fl In HHO. Congratulations 0 DH. C. G. H lJSTON A J . Rurlton. wo•ll known h.telll · · , 1 1 • L' 1 11 1 made thrtlrmAn .. , It ~ts.thllllt.:. \t•l.-l•rtl• .... u·v ...... r.tlll It I patnl• r t•:llol lriiHI ... In l hf' han!l 1 1 1 1 1 l(ltl)ll ·M\lolllt IAitn ,.,.,.,., 1l ,..,,,,. ("Om fDitt,.t• 'A11t h t•Ut I It ~~· ... I :cun1•· "''' ~ll th tUn·· t:ret1f!oll b\ 1 ~ 11 111 lr uu ,,1,,.11,.-u ..,.,_,,,,,. ~tut 1un ut F , · · other• t•• "'"' ,., wnl u• •· ""'' ~I I ~tnol ~''" .f.,hn V.r•bl!lt'r anol• '""'k 'I """It: mrn "'' ro· tnlo•t•·."l•·•l 1;111 '"'" ="• '"1~•11 ttlv•l nn•l l it•" \\hll'h h .. u~t·~ lh•· ~··y. poatofrh_• In ~ n: •• v•• ,.,. "''II ,, 1lt••'~• •• r rn•~n•th .. nn•l tt.1ut:••u• , .. ,,, .. t. .... IU!ol M r" \\o·ll" I nlly ApJ>8rrl , 1~ t ,., ~·ll•·n .. · 111 •l\1• ,... .. rk •·u·tl.l"t llt•ll lolll'llo• •• 1 .. 1'1""' liutl"'' ·h·• 1a tt·•l tlu· flt·v.· a clltiUuu ~ "rr I •trill ruak• ,1,,.-.~tltlf' 11 tf1\ UHI••,.,., vdlh lh• •··~ull 111111 llw "'I: tltl • tu th•· l•u~tnt·M14 !'4t't1aun Indic-Ated zuttun h,,,. t"''J''"'' It•• 11,,,.,.1 u•l t\• uwr 1~ ••vr, 1,,, •lftylnl•l "''"'tur•· that ( ·,·~t., ~1· ""'" \\a ~ ,::u1 nar: khctu1 llu1 1"n hn" r·rtrn•·d 11 n·putut I'""'" 1 If•· '"" 1,. J:IRd to •uh Ul ll ··~I I IIIHI•·" '"' '"'lnil!hln~: In 1•·1'11.,,. "' p:llnt•n~o: rxtrriOII! ol h~trn••!-t •II t•tuldtU).:~ u t l•r••parlltln,._ ' I ool l It•· ""'' tl., "1•1 111): l•llllll tip l!t·H ·"'••n \\ lh• h ..... fl*'" nr•t "u tu r qft ,• WHEN HUNGRY GO ·TO THE PALM PALM DR. C. J. CARTER TAKES PRACTI<;E .. llr. (' J l 'rul•·• "''"''1 """ tt~k•n ,.,,.,. ,,., ~''"'''' l•·fl t.\ tht IAI• Itt I ' t\ 1 ·.HI•' ~·r Ca.rt~r. v.hdfl u••v. '" II••" "''" nHUHty. •lt~t·Jur• d f•,..IH\ h1oe '•til ( 'm1gratulatinn~ . STOVALL'S DAIRY • JEAN •- P(•rmanent Wave S~iali~t ('OMTA IIFJJA . '· ('OMPI.IMir.NTH nf Dr'. C. J. Carter .. I T•·h•Jtriunt• St•\\ l"•rt I a~U '• , 1Kfi41 St·" JMtrt llhtl. ( 'U~TA Mt:."4A ~==~~,;;.-::-:;.:.;;_7.~-1::;;~~;;!!:;~~\i.r-J~~~:. l td..£!:0 .... •• ''t ... _• ·•··4t~~~=:c:::~::::::;;;::=.....: l--::l~;;;::;_:::,::?E;~===-~=r.::-;:-=~-:-:~'::"..;....-:::---:::==::~~M --: M r-11 an.) P'•lnl ~'ol I • • I h• Fin~ Nt• .from HELMS BAKERY L. W . .JOHNSTON, Drlnr I ~osta Mesa California CON~JlATULATIONS New P.ostoffice • ( Orange County Branch SPARK LETTS DRINKING WATER CORP. • Telephone Zenith Im-r • d • Trlfophonr .S t'Wport I 07 0 COSTA Mt;sA u .......... " )' Tlu· ~urro>un•tlnl(lt llrP blJ l!trl•lrlf , .. , .... '" '" alI ra• tlvo· a n •I '"' lhltl'l< .. nahlr v• k•pm""' "' " '"""' '" J•lllr•m" •·· J•:trk thr•1r 'ar riRhl r••nt••r t.y llu tln•tr t•• ••l•t.••n IK'rvlcr at ~ QUALITY MILK AT JEAN'S BEAUTY -SHOP I GIBSON'S DAIRY th•• • totu•t•·r ,., q• th•·•r t ar11 · ()lboon'a Jrr11o•y '''"'" ''" lllu WINS MANY FRIENDS ' tx.r ntvd ha• lunJ: 1 ... ,.,. knuwn I.•II'Aiinn or J••IUl" l!r11uty Rhop tor lhll quality 1of "" '"''k I'"" nn l!r•otttlwlly altur•llo t'ttly Jl8rk-l alt1 Olbonn lt1 )lOt• 11f flu· J•lt•n•~·r 1ing and Ulf' ~kill l\11 wo·ll 8!1 rmJr rrllld .. nta uf Uw '""" """ Itt• ""''" I ICJiy IJ( u.,erattira hu woo the ! &l.tive Ji'Uturl' Jo'a rnwrll •• , 1\rnt'l lth••l• mnny trll'rulft ·Ill lh1• ~~~~ i l<'rt, bavl' olf'vrlnpoool rtn ••11• ••llt·lll 1\f'l'A · dHtry l l.ock • c ..... ,.lr tr """ .. , UAIK\' I' RutH'( T~ ''"'' It\ c a•h and C atr) "' l'hun•· 1111 .I fur J.,.II\O'r\t TK\' CH K lit.-\\\ C Kt.\\1 l~tt h I o'l• 1 "" \ \1 tl~ llo:tl '·'"I 1 .. lw:tt • • \ l,)toor" t\lw•v• \\'rll'f>lllf' ·~''""" ,,.,.., , ''· "· '" 11 r•. "' BEST WISHES TO TU E NEW PQ~TOFt1Ct; "A CU~MER KEPT-IS 'A, \Us:I'OMEJ.l EARNED"--Thut's what w•· ulwaY," fit-:111'1'. . ...... Allo II S E il D 111 Y %2nd-ud Twttia Avenue . Pho.e Newport .1141 I, C08TA IIEKA WE DELIVER TO Balboa, Balboa Ialand, Newport Beuh, Costa Meu, Laguna 4 The Complete NEWSpaper -of the Grealer Newport Harbor ~ . S~rving the ENtiRE' AreaL ..... NewPort, Balboa, Balboa Island, COST A MESA, L:ido Isle, Corona del Ma·r and Newport Heights. . . -'CONGRATULATIONS TO TilE FAR-SJGH'tED . . ,, • .. Buildfn.c .. • The PALM· PALM Drive-In . I Y(tl ll< m x r m~r Fi l l< "A SNACK Ill( A C'fiMI'I.I<TI-: I •I NNJ·:H'" Tlrf'fll, Tuflf'1l and Ac·c'f'Mtnif'N ·-.T,.Ifophonr M4 ( 'AUYORNIA 17th unrl Nc•wJ~t111 Rlvd. CO~'TA ~A CONGRATULATIONS ,. • .1h -To Coata -Meaa un Ita New Postotlice I • -·- NEWPORT. IlAl...BOA NEWS-TIMES, • ---1- I•H Procr•m, fl•c l•isinc Jo 'NEW MESAttf Mark Dedication 'esa Postoffice -• ·~Poliil•al ~at ion or 11\t' m·w IIMI and tt\o;o(' pr('l!()nl ~111 be BUILT -RUN o-y~-"O.ua M~ po~~tofflt't' will bc held 1mtnlf'uco-cl a ncl Mt'lloU ~-all pn·· 1ft f ol ~ b 'ld Slit I s.•nt 1\ bnt•f ta lk. J unta":t Feb.' s: '::rt,~~ :R ; P., Pr s~~~~o~,~~~~L" \\~•;:;.t :;!..:~~-MELLOTI BRO. s Ia., J!'oatmuur 'Nonia 0 . Mr Uott to attmd.. M ('llott 5ald. ·lnelud-'i ~ today. tni A."~ Mc,Kinnt.'Y or Sant11 Ana. nt. &ala procram wiiJ lncludt> McKIW~('Y wtll reprt'5('nt Contel'l'flll· ,._ a band ~rt. naa raisin& Ol'n.'-man Harry Shf'PP&r-d. ~ wu j I ...-a.."'"'lo a,. c:onducted by lhr anvllf'd to bc p~nt. but will bc Two brothent have played t.n I 0... Meu American ~.~~ion pc».t unable to attend becau~e ot hlll Important role I.D C<Jjjta Meea'• and U.t.roctuc:tion of ~11. In· ron(ft'Uional duties. latf'llt achlenmftlt. a new F'olrt· • dud6nc county poll\al and lOY" Mellott pointed to s~~rd &! I otne,. . enunrnt otfk:iala Ol)e ol thf' ~n who wu laJ"Kely 1 'nM7 are WW&rd B. Yellott ami I Newport I"'ttd wiU be roped off fftpon.aible In Costa Me-u IM!CU':", Norrt. 0 Yellott, botb piMeer • tl; front ot the po~~tofficfo to ptor-intr lar&er and mo~ han<bomf' poll", Yf'&a r.11dent. who tocethu bualt mit ..,ectaton · to pt,hfr for thor tal facilities. SMrltf Jeu, Elliot I I muy early h0111n and bulldfoc•l ~rt, wtlld\ wiU be ~ and reprnt'ftt&Uva ol the ()rup I.D the commWIIty N o tr Willard ...,. prtu wtanlnc bAnd. pet will abo attmd. he I tor In th~ harbor a~a and th~ wtUc:h wtlJ be aceompu6eei b)' the Ji'ollowlnJ lM conctrt. flac bj.&.lldfor of the 'nf'W poetaJ build- pta• marc:h"'-COt'pa and major-cer't'fl"'ony and ,bnt'f tnt~ Ina. wtule h18 brother. Norrl8 0 etw. of viskin& otrioall. the po.tolfk'fo Mellot t. 18 f'OIItma.tlt.f'r. To IHempt Start of Mesa Park· Jy Raisin& Priv1te Fun~s low Attempts wjll be made, to get from pl"\vBte iOUTCl'll to ~nable the the:o 4neklpment-of an ~•ractlve• pro~l Costa Mt>sa public park underway of waitln~ until l.)t>cember wiU be In the near futun-by born~Win& ust>d to carry plant1ng that should money from. priv•te sourca>s to t'fl· be done late this winter and ear- uble trees and ahAI~cy to ly ~lng. Sprncer revealed. plantl.'d untJI the tint tax money Farst stt>p nt"Ceuary In a tart· from the n~wly fonned park dis-ing the park 1!1 to bbtain adequate trict Ia available. W. "Carl Spt-n· watt>r systt>m . ~rtaln tn!ft and· cfir. n-vealed this week. . shrubs mUJt ~ planted at this. Spftw:er, a director of -the . Col· time of year for the _besl. ~ ta Me-u chamber of cdtnnlf'~ sullll. and Improve~nt auociatlon and · While Mvelopmft'lt of a hand· c:halnnan of the pa(k commlt· some and attractive pubUc recre- tee. ll&ld be llU appolo.t.ed n-ed atlon park cannot be carried out. Finch, Vrrnott. Binzant, Otto Dodd at once beca~ of finances, Spen-an~ ~is Rochat to .erve un the <*" eDVI8lODed al u~ ba&uty lpol park committee. ._ • for the t.Jrs&. to be creeted att>p r:~=:~~~~~~~====~::~::~~~!!~~,~~~~+-~~~~~~~~~~~ ~a&nUonal work b po~~· I:J l"t"Ct'nt metir\1 paued a l'ftOiu· alble~ tlon to proceed to pu~ the • propoMd park a r •a from :a.u.. Wben the familiar w b I • t I e Tha ~rbov• photo ahow. t h • ha'"'-new building erect.ct by llilr. anti MI'L Jotu' F. Wtb-'Poatmutf'r W.t"-' lWd M hal wtll bf• opt-nf'd t'? tbfo•-,ub1Jc for , y .,nott for many Vt'lf' ~a • btvtted all po~tmu'ien from Or-lnapPCiion of ofhc.o. ~llotl an·. bHn not_~ for the w~rlulia.Nh.!Jl ..._. QCIIUillY to att~ tlw dedica· nouneed. , which roe• IDtf• bomu aad rnm-________ ...,... _____________ ._ ____ 1 mf'ITI&I •lnK'IUrt'a t'fll'<'lf'd undt't a l-C..U Mee.a.~ the .-.w home of Ule Meu Poatofflc:e. To Ule right of the poetOffloa Ia the new loutlon of the Polly Apparel I hop. AUce C. Plumer. advancinK . $1.· !Mlund.l. tbe~ 18 Ule Helm.l drtver 300 u the tint pa)'mf'nt •on the out.lde your door with a tnack ten a c r • • tiouDdecl by AJI a . load ot exed leot bakery cooda h~>lm, ~. 1...aguaa' 8qd w8 t with a wide vartety ot tempUDc 18th atreoeu. Spencer stated. puterlu. The Helm• Bakery-li&i' -- Money derived from the nt'W long aerved the Meaa area eftl· park d.lstrlct wW not be availat>lt> clently. There office 1.1 at U73 until December. Funds loaned South M&Jn Street. Santa Ana. The New Postoffice Building -.-+ bfa •urervt.lon Undl'r cQnat ruc- tion at lhl' Mmt' IIIT\f lUI thll' • f'oelufrlrt' atrurJure 18 a n e w twn·lltnr,. hulltllnjt' on, Nt'wpnrt ' Blv•l., adjal'ellt tu thl'' Hll'<l an<l Wlllle . Rtol'f', for Mr anct Mr~ ' <;.-or~tr Rrl'mt'r Thill "'"'' lA " : Mellntt t'nnt rat' I. ' 1 The lower picture aho-Poat· muter Norrie· 0 . Mellott ••teet 1 ~rt Thr' new dnk, altuated juat MESA CLEANERS EXPERT PR~ING aad MENDING J"lunng rl'r~>nt )'t'llrll. W11lartl j Mf'llntt hu ~l~o pin"'' rr• n~n•­ Unn lUI onr or thl' lra..lfn.: '"'"· 1ca.ctora &L N~·po.d Bcacb. ~·here , ~ off the lobby of Ule ne~<to&tof-1 I floe. He hill heljl the poelllon dur ... , ing the put i year-s. A .com. l ~unity celebration Ia planned to-+1--41iitlilrilirll mark formal dedication Of the new pottofflce Saturday after· ra ••P' Delivery Jack Schlllln& PbOM NmrportJ30 IKS4 Newport Blvd. , hr hu erl'<"tl'd a numbf'r nf hnm••s ..!.. _ _ _ ---------------------:~· 2 p. '"· I Nnt only hu thf' lll("al hu1hll•r bM-n a teallt'r In thai lndu111ry 1 W t,e W H d J. M. Miller Is t SHERMAN-SALTER ~~~-~~~~~~===~===============~Lh~f'~r~f' ~t ~ m~y ~r~ ha~ e r • ea .M~• rn~TDACTOR r '}'\r?\l'l\1lr4'ntln~ N1\f c ;;r.;,J-t -or---jP~r6Bigt'~eMi881111Dli~v·1eii-18Kttu~iltf1dl*e .. r-..... _.u&;._..,;t. -~~---- l'atll'n l)'llll'm. llf'rvTnJ; '"' ll mf'm. I onlruen . I ·, -Residence. Coiner Santa Ana and ~la Strt"et ·.W. B. MELLOTT GENERAL CONTRACTOR Ptloee 185'7-W A New p_,.toffice Baildlnc for £oeta Mesa • -'r • COSTA MI':O~A . DENNIS HOGLAND DODOE -. ft.YIIOU'111-DEALER TEXAOO PaoDlJCT8 n• Newport.Bivd. COSTA Ml:SA t)o>f' f>f Uw bo&rll ul ltual et•jl .. r -MAO.a.! Futu e r.mblematlc of the progress tx>-' ~t'OWinjt mOrt' Widely known thr Nf'wt><ort liarhnr t 'nion Ht~th ~_,u 8 r In~: made by the Co11ta !tfrsa ooal-lff1-tM Hll'rtlor buikllttf tn4ullt~ '-~l<-honl llr 111 Alii<• a •hrertor for. . . 1 n,e1111 area la J . M. Atlller. wbo &II Sherman Salter. wbo hu erectec;l l thf' Nt'~'l""t llrl~ehta lrri~tlltwn .' t; 1-r..-1' .manatter of Ul•,the rt'rult of hill &jl:jt'Tf'Sl!IVt' l'am-•many new homu here. llh•trlr l ~\-~l•·r _Bnk n,; ( Hrnpany plant at palj!n hu l'nnstruct('d many ex· Sallt>r bu twc-ump recugnlud ;----"·'" :-; .. rth !\tnan l'ltreel, 8u\a rellt·nt home" In this communoty for the high atandard of work Mesa, Furn'fiure In Arm. •h·· ''"1>' lartte wboa-lt'l Miller wu t he ftnll In costa man•lllp wh1ch g•,e s mto the hnk••rv In ! lran~tl' County. de· !\I riO 1 10 &nnuunf't' he wouM bullll JJtructure8 he bu1lda. (J nique ServiCf' 'r .,,.,, t••l:o~ ht• appTt't'lated tbt' I a hume upun lhc owner'll lot or - I --lbr ("""'" M••'<ll l-''um11url' C'o , "1'1""1""'1" 1" t•XJHell• hl8 lftli·j Jw-rm•t-. lui lu be llt'lt~tt>•f and hi' KISER DAIRY KEEPS tudt' 1ur tlw sph•ndld ~upport ,tv-w .. ul•l PrKt the hnu-., and tum ''" \\'•1•·r ~ prn.t_llt 111 hby I he ~:-l tht· propt-rt v nvrr to the uwnir for ·PACE WITH CROWTH '" ''" !-'11• h '111'1'1'rt u been e, S l:'>il with '1.11 n<'~COIAllun" fur 1 •llr....-t tnf'"'nl'l throuKh wblch OW' F.H.A loan bo•tniO( h~tn•!lt'tl hy hos Thf' K l~r Oalry hiUO krnt n•('f' n~mpsuw 18 ahll' to malntalu UU. . c. · ~· ,. ,.o wtl•·rr IIH'y ha'''' n wl•lt• varlt'ty ·. ,. . • nfflt'l' v.·a!_h thl' di!'Vt>lopm .. nt or lht> l\11'111\ ••f 11(111 k irnm ~·hfrh In chooto<' If fnJust r~ 10 th rnunty with "1 ('ommunaty. A home town bosl· at 16641 ~~WJ10r1 lllv•l .. rr .. r.a lh•• llnll(lll' llf'IYH'l ' of 11\kfnjC ltll I Ul!• ltlml'fa oh ro" tty t\l thl' f!V'Inry fl I r-n r It Th 'Yt'IH )\' l''"'r .. ll .. r OVI'r $tOO.ooo., POLLY APJ·AREI I'"''' 1111 IIJ! f'W urn urt> t' il .. Frorto ; .. ,\1 ~ 1 n rlll', thr dairy hu been Improved fir~ al110 flu!' m~t1y Dllmrtav;;o •If· l''lfl . t•m lu '"'"~ 1\rr c~lly JS , NOW OPEN a n ll Its fa<'lllllt'll upanded t o ft'rtl In Ull•••l fumlttlft' un th/ planf p~vrc'll llnol over fttty ...: IN ~ molntaln efflt:itnt !K'I"\'i('e, w hUP Thu.., t't'nfronled with Jlmhl,.mll pt'n:enJ. ol lhf'~ have bef'O l«p.l NEW BUILDING continuous effort hu kep\ .. it. In IU'Tanrlnr or fumll!hlnJt the1r I Wf'tx-r.employf'f'l fOI' ten y@a""ft , quality ot milk at a hl(h lltand- home may tonault Jam~11 A LA.cy, ·mnr., manv (If lht'Jll tlwnfnr; tMr &rd. d«orator at the Mna Furniture. own hom~ • · Tlw-Polty Apparel Shop 111 DO'A' Wr fr•·l 1 ••rtl\ln ttiat 1 ·n,.ta )11'a mol'f' attraetl\'f' thlln rvt'r In Ill! hn" "hut It tAkf'll 1,;, nntlnu" to nev.· quarter11 In thP rrcPntly r!'lm· SPROUSE-~EJT~JS ·~tfl•l hullohn~ ··•\nstr·ut'lf'd hv :It r anol Mrll .t .. hn F \\'o'h!ltf'r. :"••I MODERN MESA STORE .... , ... , .. " ""'' f·•r th•" rraaon are l ~tnl11 1p:ttll1): , lllPa.Jy lncrMII!' In • tlW \llhlllh' ••I llUIIIIIO'IIIO tfl IJie only Ill lhr ~h'lp "\\ n •' ol !II ol Opt'nltl't1 by Mr~ (, 1nt \\'t'IP.o:-ul- COTTAGE DINING ROOM POPULAR 1 Thr !"(" nu~· H •·11' S I " r ,. fl t 1 • • n ull!n•l \ II• 1-'Tir• onlllcalt.t tract 1\, 111 "l'l"'" r·H , ,. lout 1 .-.,11\' L----------------------------l l·· .. 1ttfl ~1• "'11 I:C "' •• n ( thf' J•H l I ... I App.,r. I r.~·at tl' ~ ttn• nr lh•· n l .. ~t .crt•,'\j(l\'•' ruu·~ \\ htl h dtu lna,:_ n ,. . ---------..,....----------,--------,• I'"'' \rar hAll ••·• ar• ''""n'""' r .. r Servit.'t' I~ 1\e\'nOtt> 1 a ttr"''" · 11 "''" .. r t: .. la.:~ "'''" Ph PH N ""·po'ft 1-IH Tl"' t'••IIRK•• lllntnl( Huom "" lllHI•Hf Hf\'ol hl\!0 I''"''''" 1\ f•lll'll- 1 a r ('I"',. ( •• r !\It·~:• l•'l'lolf'r 111 I•• " · olf'7''""~ .tl nwal llnw Stnrt•·ol ,. .. .,u·1•m•· .,i:,o tht• I ttn1n..: u ...... , ha .. " fll tt\'•11 t ~th ( ··~~ '" ''JlU~' ,,( tth• ttu.thf\ ••t U4 'UIJi'IO•' Compliments The Entire Staff ALPH·A . ' • Costa Mesa -~ California ruo•lt'ru Uh•r,hftn•tuctna.: t:l 1 h··~1·ttt • I to bt.• 1"Jnd \\llla&n nan\ t:.•h· ... Of Har.old K. Graue trou n.l " •• hurh•r urra. """'"'""'t' !\l.rn •l!••r .,;,lpHir" k . An 1111 r• !'tua~:• s ·h·ll~:ht .. lh• v.h•' t utl 1;.' pt .U~P·I· tilt• n4'\\ 1w•~l · 1 I• Po I~ .\I' I 1_r•·l " "''" •paaat•·•,. '" ••frJe,l l'tf'U,Itllt' n,. a tiP,h~·d Ull~••t ,...,, • .,,rv th1 (tt l t t L• .,.1,,,.~ \\.t~ t•l),! l" Itt" In olf!'llllt'L BAY VIEW ICE -CO. SERVES MESA AREA lllll"'rtii.Dt than I Wt•h,.t.-r Th•• t ·.,•lll ~t•·-"·' H•·twty !"hnp thsot •~ Ill•· I"'"'" 1. 1 ,.vmpathetlo Mr:< \I' I a. .. ,,,, ... nra1 Ill•· n•·" l'"~tuffu•·· ,, •·•ali t"'' "I •I• ""'n••r. Harold l h•'''' ... nl'trlll t rd lh•· l•utlolang "nl"nl: lh•· l•'lhft'r" an itH fll'ltl , ;, 111,1 I whll'h """"''~ lhf' st .. rl• llp<'rlltl'!l hy 1'hn1ltolt•· l'• :lim kPII l 1 :rnt..-1 •··rio-• I • th• prr1rr1•11P~ve 111d Lnn :~tn•• llnfnl'l llh' '"':tuty TIW 1111'' \'to'\\' lr P f'nmpllny h:11< "I'"" "' llw :O.t •· • 11 ( 'nmmunlly.l MESA CLEANERS 'hoop "as """ "' till' fltlll bU:SI!II'•~- 1"'111 """'or~ tilt• !\t•·'ll ,.,.,. ..... nls t'•'n lnj.:' h f.t·· ·' loiiiiii>N' of veara '''" I•• "i'''il In lha.l hlu•'k Hll thr•l f"' "''\1'1111 yt•ar" nnol "' llw nnl\' "1:" 11~ 1111 •·n.ploov•·o· rot tti(' ('hl\pel,l HAS FINE RECORD 1.\\'1·~t 11t\J1• oo f :"rwpo•rt lllvol , In• 111 firm ,,, all' kino! 111 t',.,1.n 11• 10~1 c·at···l ,11,.1" llllprnvrnwnta : lur Ill~ ttw f'lll<l ~,.,.,•ral ~-t'ar!l ... aad 1t trul).,..rt>flfoctA our "lnctre dt-slrt> ~ have you saying-- ·~~~-.wN .u .r~.~-~.\lw~r .. ~ .. r.l~. ~,·~.t: .. ~-~~r· ...... ~ Complete Nine-Course Dinners 50c-65c-75c-85c 17th ...ct Ora~ StA., eo.ta M~ FAMILIES CATt:RED TO-SO LIQlTORS lo'ERVED CONGRATU LATIONS ,. .F. Gl81QN . F. W AAHBU&N f !. & F. Brass Foundry 110 \'lrginla Pia~ Plt6nr N'.-"·port 1616 ('o-.ta Mf'!<l8, California BRONZt:S -Mt:T AL l:tOLISHING - ALI 'MISI'M CASTJS(iS -•BOAT FITTINGS Phonf' u;;.w • SHERMAN E. SALTER • General Contractor and Builder ('ornt>r 16th and Pla4'f'ntia C'OE\tA Mt~A ... '"" I L ___ .:._ ______________________ ~ !\I••" I Tluoou~h '"11' t ....... '"'" '"0 ' "' hhlln..-llh• Ill ·•I uptl'olat• fun· I nurfn)o! th•' f'ri!Ot Qo•v••ral ,.,. ll'l< Ill·· :111',.1 llo'llll!~· l<hoop hnll !'llfno•ol liilllt'nl, 111'1\'ll'o' t h1•y han • o'IIJO~'o•o( o•t:l( olll " 1;1 111, hoi~ llo'I'D !'ll'tiVf' Jllrk ~oliiiii!I O: hK.-"l'f'rlll••ol tht•l lln 1'11\'lllhlo• to•putllll\111 fool' lt!< }u~h 'VI 111• u:.u!l~ lUlU:li .. J~lo4ilU.$:L...I-1-~~--ff'-t.4•~of \'n!lt& -M.-.: w.i M--\~k-11~ .-ac:nu:ts ft1t--•n-• sLaJJJ&J u -'-~·w·k.UWJJJ~J:u~.-JJ,;j,l l .tr-_..r~~ .... -..._ __ ...,._. ______ "'!""~--~.,.---...,rr--'"'.::::l"' I Itt.! ~tn,mf,v htut ,_f'l{1'1\1t>n I f ll I 'l .,-d-;;i ' . I '• I t'"' --"I · '-I •-'' · Inn \1 1"11• 1:1,., lit<' .hu-"lne!l.-an vlllblr' r~'J'IIIRIInn fnr 'lllnl1tv "'tork "n \ n roo!l r nmmoom ~ ml ·n -·-------· -----~--------CONGRA TUI..A TIONS -· Costa Mesa Lumber Co. ... + We are happy to have fu rnished some Materials for · the New Postbffice CONGRATULATIONS Hanson~ Sb~lte and -unoleum Shop Wlado"· Shad~'!' -Vrntttlan BUn""' llltolf'um f1oon and Drain Board~-. , ., .NEW LOCATION -17M Ne;rport 'Bh·d., C'Mta Mt'M Res. Phone 666-W Shop Phone Nf:'wport 1~~ CONGRATULATIONS . ' On the Opening qf ttie I New Postoffiee J. M. MILLER unol••r Ill• I:"'''"''' !hi' t 'hapel and dll•t•l'l , -t ,,11rt•·•·l" ,,.1, ~lllt oounohm: •·at1r·.• lllrltulln~1 Kulltl tin•alf'r ,,.-.. ,, .. rl llarlwor !t 1• o,, """ 1, .:n17,.,1 111 nmon«. vke ~Rntn Ar.11 th"t~ .. "II•· •n.,: t111· ftn••lll aerv1c&j S•·h•lhnl( who hv•'• on Rocliea· • ( 'ongratulations • MESA BEAUTY SHOP l .orrainP Chadntti- Shampoo & J. .. inger Wavt.' -75c Permanents ....,_ $2.50 •• Ct\U. FOR Phont.' t72R •. • I·· I,, I '" o! I -•lltht•rn Cl•hfor-1 tA-r ~trl'•·t "l'•'fllt••q '1 f'l' k·llf' Anol Congratulations n1.1 dr h\'•'1)' laundry 1 n -t • I• :onmc 8t'l"\'lt't' Tlw !'>t•·~A t 'h't\IIPr• al•" :\Irs. Hazt>l Gill • Open~ Flm\·er Shop hlkf' tt'drr~ r,., t:ulnr•'d !'lUll"' nt t h .-f r h••Arl(JIIIIrt"l !0 ••n :-.;,·wp••rt Rlwl Ill tht' !\11'1!.1 hll!<llh'~!l •11•- trlct :O.Ir~ II 71'1 •~Ill lll't ,.,. ,,..,_ m thr :-.t.·~~~ ""I• n· .m '"'J:'"'o Ap -1 Alpha Rt>ta Plays ltlhaf\· II!'! ""II IL• , 1\'h' orlf&lll· I ta t ~~ I 7RII••I'!" Ill tl~ "'lllmunfty. rt~t-mpor n '-0 e . 1\• fiJ'f'll('(l lho• I ;111 ~1•1\\ l'r Sbop at 17 ((I :"t•wpnrt Bl\ ol. --~~~~ •I "llh rl"\\'o•r,_ · ~IIV It WI! h OOIII'l' I' :Il l'~ I; ll'!l 11(0~. ' • F. & F. FOUNDRY . .. PRAISES BUILDING Th1• Alpha Bt•lR !'tMI' one of tht mO..t m•"'"'n :ln<l handsom .. l!lrut'lllrt'll In thr !\IP!ll\ .(t!ltrfl't ptay11 an lmJlllrtnnt rntr • In thr ('OI]1mUI1il)"l' lifr 1U11! WM thE' I tlriiJI 11tnr!' llwri> t .. rnn!ltru.-l park- Ing 11p8<'<' for 1111 l'll!lt l'ml'r& ,,,. m n d •• r 11 ~t n r~ rrfiN't !l _..II r Tlw F " lilt. I 1-Hnq<.• 1-' \ullolry of• :\11\II&Jit'r (;rant llhnJli'Wnrth and ,.,.!ltn :\tP-.t ''"''"'" '•' nrol with J immy llllnJ;!l\\nrth uno! ~t11ff In Plh, r l•\11'111"•~ farm~ 1~ •·nniratu-dny Jlll llf'(l wrlh o>thrr· :O.Ir!la nwr- l:ttln,: II••· • • l!lnlllllll\ nn•l Pol*-f'hantll r\rul rf'--itill'n i.Jo m tomplt· 111:\l'll'r :lt••ll••ll ltp<"n !hP baM·! mentln~r f'(>fll :ltalltc>r !\lt•ll<"tt luu1 llo •mr nP\\ r••llt••ffll'f' hulhllng. ~I Mr. ancl !\lr~ Juhn F \\'l'ht'tPr To ll1f' l'l'w Costa Mesa Postoffice • A. J. BURTON Paintin~ -Droorattn~ PaprrhanJtlna Free Estimates "\\'«:' at'(' happy to ha\'e .. u;o s ~'"port . Bini . ('o"ta Mf'M. Calif. Phon.-· Sr"·port 1662. ;-Compliments o( Harold K. Grauel • -We Take You · to the FactorY. + Costa Mesa Furniture Co. 1669 1'\f'wport 'BI,·d. -{'O~TA Mt:SA '· Telepbon~ 1668 N~w or Used I 1-~ Md F 1-\.runolry 1" lh(' ~ 1 on thr n~w J'C'!!.tnrrkt-b(\aldlg t-uMml'~· ~>ril • kln.t m lbe .... '-""T"-----------~ area..... -hraiflll, •• ,_ •• r S•-.-por• Harbor !.---...,----------J r-------------:'---------------, UU I Nf'•·port Bh·d. _c...,aa ~rq, ('auf. CONGR~TlJLAT.fON_S o~· THE ~W POSTOFFICE flTILDI~G IN ~-----· _.; COST.\ MESA ' ., .-:. .. J GILL FLOWER SHOP ----~"Ay-r.r WITH FLOWERS sA v rr WITH ouRS" ----·----I • ---nMm~=tJ·H·M-JI"C-·......-:.~;...,;,..---.....;;;;;vtiff:mtiMK!-.......gv-l-i~tft1.·-...t:~....,..L.·----·:.j.~.-~1ln~wp6rrRfVO.'-·-···=:. ·:.-·---. -rusT X' im'A-·--···-t·--·---- ..., ~-r - ,. ... . .. .-NEWPORT BALBOA NEWS.'fqdEs. N~ Beach, Oilfom18.1'nrrt'~n)\ Y. FEBRUARY tl. l!l-l I. .. P,ae 11w ----::-:--'------__........._ _______________ ----.-------=-----~--::!"'::-----~-- -. ' ELDREDGE WIRES NEW P. 0 . BUILDING. l\lt•Htt Luml).('r Co. IH Picmt't'r Firm llanHnn"M Fur · 1"\hadt'M And Linolt'um t '"nlplltlh'UI.,. ••I qu· t \•"t l\ "'''"It ( tne• t'f t1\t• I•'H.\I"J.:. l'fhl\dt• tlntl• All o'io•• l ~;io'tll ""'k lth ho.ltlll( I 111111• o • \• 1'1~'" 1111' ;.,,miiiUIIII.)' • lltoo •lt•\1111 (Ifill"' I~ II nil~"" • l••otl ~ U1fl~ 1t llol tn!'ltnll''' 11•1\ ••1 t•h·' lh'\\' I••HI,•tr '' r K 1 •· "PI""t'' lAtt•. '''' In the• ht~llrt ~·t t h•• ~'''"'" ''""'·· F I S H I N ~-8 A S K E T 8 A L 'L T E .N N IS TRACK -B A S·E B A,L 1:. ll 10 tll 11\llil o'l', \\:t•lt\ ll lo' "Ho•.l f oil H•""" llo•!OII'IIo-tllllol lltiiC'I lllf'l.!,' lll'lla oiiAirh'l ~[ORS II CLEAI SWEEP OVER SAlTA AlA .. :t.trt••1t:•' t-:t•lt"'1t:t· "t••• ''''ddt•" •·~''" ,,( th.• tlftll '""''' luult •u1• lluna•u• (t•Htu•r~ t')l''"' \\otk , -. . "" lr,th ,.,,,,.,., h11~ 1~·•·11 " '.''"'·j l'"' lo•ol Kll "'"" "'"''''~ m•n•hlp 4n th .. lnallliiAtH•u .. , atl Santa Am. ••• · Fin~ -t • .;. U~a~le to .s~~ Tide of ~r-[Estus Breaks Jje .te i.ead I' bor Waveu ~I Van.•ty W•n• 39-34 and Satl· , · _ . _ or Bees tr.urph ~», 20-1~ Score. Haitor luketull. Pennant lace tlo•nl ,., l ~~~ lull' but llrl'll flit •It\ lUI~' I, ... ••f tlo .. I'''""'''' """" '"' t .... _-' nw• nt wlrt;luw ahlltl"" lUll I ~~~ •• \'''"''" .to111n~o: "hh h ltnu• lw I"'" M••M llw l,ounh••r "" "'lllo'h """ " whll' .vatlety nf allr•dlv•• olo· """" thr· .. l,..·trll',al wo>t'k o•h m .. ny I'""''""'' ""'''''J•I~ r n r nl an y • •lan• rrocu 1 whkh to ~~el,...t fur ~-.. ttt. time ID btortD plaiUI~ Inn • I bulllllnl{a •n•l lu•mu . I t\1111\1~ llfl•l '"''""""" Itt ll>lll ...... ,1tnulfl!lth n oore. whether jt be tor • palnllf\1 J<!be for ttlt IPflq. • . • • hilA a l.,, "'''"'~''''' Ita ""''" f••·lll· a """" home or to "doll" up the ,. .umau111 tbe ~~or patnt for tbe BOYD AND' lf'V'DEN tlra f"''"ntty w~th ft luwd""nu• ur . kttot..n nr 1101111 otl\er rooin In ao ~ ll,et 18 OOmtlll UP, coulder .. ~ • .. ....... the paint JOU •lec:t Ia IOlaa ON CONCRETE WORK fh;.. Bll"'at'luno. oldf'r ....wenca.. .. • tbe con of tutu,. repainu.n,.L ., "' 0 '-The vars.i~y, a.r)d Class s· ba.sk~t~ teams of the New- port Harpor Un~on High School ~~"¥l clean sweep over the Santa Ana High School varslty 8Jl(l middleweights Tuesday afternoon at the Santa Ana gymnasium .. BreaklDI the dMd.loek ,ID the ! O•me Newport Harbor Community 'iJ-.1 lcortnt ~ cw acraplftC oil old palat, • ..... l"tt*IDUJI&. 18 boua4 " Nil llf l "onr r..t .. wurk In th• t'l>nll(nu·-,_ eoet. A •1.1 to nold W.. ....._ ll.etball Lea&"ue lut 'naeeday nlrbt. Crawford 2t ttie &atua HardWare quintet. lead J Landi~ I by. Howartl )llller. defea~ Craw-PWcekto , 8 ford'• DN« by a tour marp, 3(). Marcelld' 10 26. UalU that night. the two had J . Callahan 0 30 F .t F • I c • 0 4 Elltue Paa .... ~ 1tra1a 011 tba bu~ l8 te • Unn ot ·th• tt4'~' bull<ltna tur M·r e ... white lead paint. Tbt. .;;: anll Mra .lnhn· I'' W4'blltf'r whl;·h wdl Mt .-1J .,.. l"'U ttt. la .. r q. Ia n11~· t.hf' home nf Pully AJ>JIA~I ,_ el NlnOYiftC old cracked ... j 11n;J th• Mea& l'netntfk•. wu ohm• ,..a1111 PAIIIt but abo of 1 111w pria-1 by Boyd Mll ()Cll.c~. ~ lwu "'"" -.. ,at repalnUq Udle.. ll M..W "" hf'•n w•ll knc~ In th4'1r Wlth l h e lineup c b a n 1 e 4 1 • around.. c 0 a c h Reed'e var.lty wi.nnlnr column atter IOIIIf\1' two wtthitood the attack leacue cootuta. when they-~ored &Jld were •UII lD •the 'lead wbea eveT the match wu not u epee-'Mte Harbor Gray• phed t.be final whl..tle aounded. t.acular u that w&ged by the over the Food~et wh h wu tel befor• the connlct W&8 over Ana Hlgb School B equad. How-round. ~ 1 vanlllu. forced to play with one 1ft lack- The -match waa publicized aa J · . lalf. The ecore ended 28 to betWeen the St.nta Ana •ubllti-favor 0 ( the Gr&)'ll. tut.__uut 1be ~bor J!I&1U .ea1Jli.l <am\ acor.. .According to ~o.e preaent. the Varalty St ~ San~ Ana 'Mte Q. T . Pat'ktorw IOIIt, bu hey Harbof' vanity atepped . 0 u l i n F. Tftlt 2'-F t Wlnklneon won. even though It do.. not front early 1.n the gam• and Santa T. Ezak!.~f 2 F 1• Cru.ze aound lotfkal. They won ~auae .An& eent in Ita first lltrlag 10 G Barnett 12 F 14 Gordon the Price te&m forfelt!d. btolnf remedy ma'ttera. The only 'trouble f D. Smith '3' G 3 DonovM uDIIble to ~uat.er a sufficient num- -wu the rt<medy did not l!(.ork. B. Ritter 15 G 2 Yoder bn or thetr own team member•. 'Mte Harbor feat moving varlity,1 Su~: N.H ~H. Shdlln I l l , SI-~The ~tamto. played -..;th anum· augmented by Ita.. stellar forward. hilling 14 1. Santa Ana Nimmer ber of •ubiiUtute~ on the P rice •George Bametl. w~ the Santa • 111 . ~e. Oreblow, H ill and W tl-~~quad. wu won ln act ual -.:ore ............... 110n 111 by the clothiers 30-18 BOWLING SHOES -BALUJ ... EQUIPMENT PRICF.S: lk Altemoona; tee Eve.: ZOe S.t.. 8ua. & HoiW.)'II SAM'S SEA FOOD CAFE Beer, Wines and Liquor for Sale at ~AM'S FISH MA}lKET ATLA.'IITJC COAST LOB8TEB DINSE& tt.ao 'Jt18TLE STEAA DDINt:.a tl-M D&LICACIU OP 1'11& Df!&l' SEA t"-IA1114et-.._.,._ ........ 8oft Shell C,..,_ o-r-Greea Turile 8tall. 1 lumbo t·roc lA!If1l o,..ten on the Half 8bl'l1 Ldb!lt.fifll . Shrlmpa aad All Ottter Kbuk of S.a l'ooda l.unrheon Mk, · Dbanen ~-l~·-.1.00 -STEAMED CLAMS · PhunPll •. 8 . IUII-19 or 1402-00 fo r ~n·•t11111 ... U!IPD till '! .\. M. price~ car with a 90-h. p. Valve-In-Head "VIctory" lnglne -the same tyPe of engine that holds alt world'_• records for per• tormance ' on lefttl,... ...... and In the alrt r 90H.P. (ff61fU COliC lAUD "'"" '"" 'MIDOffMTII _ .... ,., ·~h. St. and Cen¥&1 Ave. ... Grllya l6 H.alg 4 Crawford o Spink 8 21 F 0 F 18 c 0 G 2 Conlreru K . Miller Grl-r WUker8oo.. 10 Woody 8, Subs· _Gny• 121. Hlnuly G 3 ·McOell.ua -Jonee ( 41, Crane Price <:'A'IUn11 Sh•fl;n l'lptnk WllkPfA()fl MyT\'hn 30 " -8P'2S 4 F ~ P' II C G • 1.-<·r.-•t "'dl '' ,,, ..... I oiii • .. ~ .... Yam~l Cervanta• I. Nlabl 11t•· All-~1.•1' •'."Ill lu liP :tl-:11111•1 1 I• 11111 lha! l•ousl,. ~<i:t.o•,. "" • .. ,.11 11ft ....... l!a&. ancl wW ,_. .__,... I ...... a loot period of ,_... .. I ....... 111rt1 IN prol.aloca 1111UI ,._ THOS. M. MYERS ...... Uoa II dealr.d 1 · a ~ -u • rementber, -. a.t DOES PLASTERING _... lead lllterton caJI ~ ....... ,......, Mel Ulu1 be lr.pt d-Ia ~~n l'lulertn~e uf lhe bll.Dll.aome new f><•alllffh'r hulhtlnl( •t l 'o l"t./M .. ,.. ~..: Row un l kHp lll7 bile wl•~ IWrf••rmrol h;v Thn" M M ;v••r•. ..,_ becomJna ruot7 or dirty whlla wrll k n•'~"' In lhr llnrt•or hulltl t liCit ln UW1 11\J: lnoltuot rv 'J'hr llflf'Nifllllt ,. IIIIo I _.AN-r: "''f'P"" 'of b'anoparent flrll"h uf the• tlt'W "'""''lure• 1.-tl--hlloee malert.l ""' be bou&ht la-nJ11Niyel7rfor prntPrtlna 7'0Ur bll& I fl..,. to hla Aklll ..,..., ere tlpptod 'ldlh Nbber ID pr-.. the tulllna hf'ods Can I aet anywha,.. a HARRISON'S CAFE FAMOUS HERE w"r k .. n tht' nrw \\"f'h.,lt•r t\1111•11111( "''.hll'l> , lt•IW Ito II"' n••w hnrno• of 1111' M""" ,.,,., • ""'' o• 1111•1 1111~ of thr lllllfll Ill 1 ttto 'll\'r •I rul'ltll'<'a In 1 he• hulll. f ft py "'" llornu~:ho~oll 'lh•· l11ot loll •JI"Irlo I tl\!•11 ••Jtt:fllt'1•1 tor)o'lt ~·Hrll. Owena Roofina Firm Ia Active Here 1 '!'Itt• llwt'lt" Htou ftnl( I 'ntttlll\11\' I~ utu• of lhr n 1ot1l "''t tv~ ruuf.A'IU\ •·••rn" Itt "'" ll •otl~<•• II'"'' 1 In , .... uJd ,,.• h• ulth "II\ ••fft• pd ... ''' H I•· l•ark t • .,;l1•nf 1':''' ''" ''"" f, ~1 .,kl•tt f •t lll~~~~w \\'Ill•• ,.,.,,, 1•-cl 'J 111rl111 \\t 1\'11 17H foi llll~t t"", '-.1, ,, k l• tt "''', • It , , 1 d ilfld \\;t .. u t, atllt11: •tnt• f lfl ~~~~ t r J l•·\f 'I II• k --R t ; P ~n;.I!A R t: ll -- J..ET US TAKE ('AUE..; \ ,. It\ tt I .. ,j,, ... ,,,,' ~ ,.,, •I• It\,, f td • tt •• !'!•fttld • It uf \11HI ""~d ..... ,. "· Ill \\ \I• • "' II d lo o•· YOUR PIPE NEEUS -~..I:Q8.t&-Clol~-...,_ J!.ul... .... -,.lA .............. _.._ ~.. -... ~~~ --- . -lAM pe - BLACK WILL TREAT Ynt. \\'JilT)·. ~.a...~ BJeeL.:.~ .... s:leo •. h_,..!'Yf<'"'""'' __ ....,-+U.J.J .. ~•, UWIIi••-~ 'Ill II-'VVP' 't1;ei tf,.a;r:::::-'f'!t .,., Lto~j_l·t.., Y'''·'"'''!.....!.!'.!.....!!.. "''"'•' •'tl•••tnt',t lv ,,.r ~n1ttr LET 1.18 SI:U~ IT! Aa ~ .. ~cot. ...... d a.7 Or 881.1 YOIIT BHt -ao.t y .... i'l&W8·11aJtll -- ....,_II aM II ManufacturerR • Moorings • ·Rental» • Sale8 PAUL NORIIAN YMift MIL uw:a .. A ........... O.... ;~·:~.f ':· ,'.:;,~•;.•·;,,,'1'~,,:1~· ;~,.~.":·r~•~ IHHH ·v.t ,.,., tdrfhtla\-,,. lt1al tlhy !-\h•• v.·llr .... tH•n•.r• • ''' u 1ntUt .t:,\ t•tUf \ "' ltw h••ffH ''' lu•t f•'" • nl ~~~ """ M •~ It"!.' •t H f't dhh r• ,f •ut '''''" A \''''"'' Afb t P ll·''"''""h'•' t 11•tt •hutUt IU~ .... ,,. h h'•" I ''"' ',,,,,~(UI•' I,,,. ~;r,,., 1 .. 1 I "''" lb•· l•'ou11k \\ 1o,l• '''l" ,.,,. ,,, lltliti!J._' "' •• , .... ,,1111 '•Ill •tf '''"''I ,.,u• ·•~ ftoJI\ ...._, ,.~ • uti Mt h(u l \-11 1;Htfl'l l,tJrllffl'f "'flU 11f '-''" J\ fl.._f, ft ~ \-,Ill lfljH\' fill h•·~tn1hllt\ •·I t t,• \',,.,,,,,. ''"'Jll'f'" h'•I•J ltH• •t••, \11'4dlf,~ \l.llti tu 1 rnan v ' t r ,. nd" 1\, , ', d111f' 1 • y. ~-r J I t • 1 • , v•·• I f Htrll ~!111J I~''"'"" "t-1•·rh u~ l'lh• .. ..,... r~t fir t1 f r • •rr• h•·r N ;v,, V "r., '''P '~"•' "····~ t,~ ,.,.,,.\' trv· .,,,.,,,, nn•t "•un trwr '''· th" flr•l:ttld 1 M "' 1!. IL ltud•l u ( 'i'J'I. A t;illr /1 vo•Oolll) • lll••tlAIONI f••r II ljllllt1f'f i •1t t;r"t::" th1~ "'"'"k 'tuavin.: '" h•·r ICU"•"' Mr~ ltal,,n M "~k··v Mr" I, r.~llf'll llll•l M rN fo:ul(•·u•· F•·n•· .,. -.-.. ............... 0 -J;O.I....il!!,!. ..... ., THOUGHTFUL PAREnTS federal Savings Accoun.t f'a,'lna• KfoorHVM ftftfono UNo ltth f'.artt IM ...... e l"r.•n• lhf-l•t ef thf. M~tt~th . 8333 \'Ia IJdn ....... ·-. ~ .. .,,..,, f\reooh, ( 'allforttla We• 'ftu111k llu• I )wnc•t: und Mr. W. B. Mt•llotl. General ('ont r;wtor for ~colt'f'tln~ot lJtS to Dn Uw Wiring Rnd Sqpplyln~ot ttw t-:le•1·t ril' 1-'lxture..c. · . ~ 8. E. ELUREUGE, ~uter Eleetridan and ·-Eldretrge Eteetrlc · ShOp I :;e h 114f rN"I hrh\'f'rn J"Mfa Ana ancl f)ran«f' l'hunr s•:"tJMt(f '!II i\ 1.1. 1'11t: ( ·t:M t:NT \\'HICK UN Tllf: I'USTfWt'IC't ; UI 'II,UINU Wa" Uonr by ( 'EMl:_N'I' WOUK IM ,. em c ·u~·• HAC "I' 'lU·1K pr~tAkf' 1\\•e•nue• "· \\'•· 1·:\l•·nol (lilt' Th.ml< .... l q lit•· (~·no·rul ( 'nrtlrHd•u· I ltd till' Ill\ Ill' I 0., 'TA 1\JSA BUILUIN(~. -----.,._,_._ . ..,... - and LOAN ASSO('IA'l'ION Iiii i f-.;urflt MTtin :0:1,-, .. T:thu :tl a tt;•mf II)'; p:tyrrll'nl - 1111111 pia 11 I,.. 1 II" I tu'.'' II• ,, ;,, · '' lwr..t •Y in! ~>n~t :'"'I pl'i ll• 1 p:d 1 • •oltl• •• · • ·.wh 1111 •Ill h Tilt: IUCI(_'K \\HICK VII 1'11P: I'US'J'CWI'If:t . UHI.UISO ' \\'a • I loilo• II\ .~lakesl~e : & Suinn~r I a prw•·•·Htll' tlw 'll'l"•l'lltrllly •tf huving b•·•·n nhlf' In ";! J'Vf+ wif h W. H M•·llniY i'ri"'r)w I'On"'nu,.ton of ttw l"( lS'I'OFI'in.; BtiJI.IJINC: ' -· I .. - . -.... _, ~ ... '-=--.. Spring to -Bril)g Paint-Up Fix-Up Urge to Owners u( l'allt1 tU~. \Jt •i lhl ffJ! ,lllil 1tX" • IIIU Ill• th"t I• ', ollllllly " 'to·dll In the d l"trk l 1 •41 41JI\ lllfnllOH1111fl ll 'tt t u \\tH I•• .. , ).!n 1tlf ltd~'IC l' tH. itO)' "' Y"Ur llull\lln.: "l'r.tbl .. nuo" " lliUoJ\' "' the Uullllt>"" P~tge will -Many new · '"'"'" · IU • ,.;retl· r11pu.lly .. zui.u ·r With the hulhl. ln~e 11 h., Hot I""' r••iiW••otJI a'!ld er~ a mi contractor• ut the t)Jtrhor vl•it•\rs thrM•' <lltyll. 111 tho! urxe dbllrlct tU.tlid pracUcally 100 per· tbat comti annu11ll.y tu ~~~ tiline• 1 cent on thiJI Jl&l'e, It can aalely to r ,.a\llneu to• ~prlll~ot Mntl Sum. '* u11nJ all ll dlrl'ctur y fur "Wht·rt• mrr hu cau~ l v• ntable waVI!' .. . Greater Realty Activity Seen For This Year lk ttt·r 11 an• aht~d for 19H ,;; tiw ~t·,tl • st.•t• .,,.,.rh.t a• th•· fl.~JJlt u t •• r ••\,\ jt8\lt..olh J,:y. tu . • "''"".: w 1'11111 !' l!~tnii.M-r.:•·r 1 "'"·'''"''' ''' Ill•· ('~Jio fotrnra flt•lll ~:stat.. A~~lllrllo•n Th•• d.-fo•at st att:tudl' 'O ·rommvn tlw pa.!lt ft•\\' y•·ou ~ hus IJo•t•n lt'JIIncu.J Ly 't'llll: l1do·ru t', dr'll'rmlnatlf>n " n <I o p - ___ • :llus ro h·· .,,., lur,•t ._Building Permits January Builditc Value Dou~le :-;Hid lll•llll!t'i·~.:cJ . ·;Ut~•r,. un• at lo·u:ot ·til X lin I'~'' l11nt rt.•u~«'•nll why ' \\ c ran lw•k ro..!' ~e·r<'ater n•ul ...... 1 Nr:WPOKT Bt:J\(;H ~-~it of1at Month for.~940 t':u.r a•·tJVIt~· In 1!141 . • "I ,., •rt•t·l· •llltr'l'.tl l&rt• dt'('t't'U/1· ing lht' It 11 v t.> reached w hat 1 t•ermUa 19:10 348 1931 391 19.12 3(f1 1933 293 1934 298 1935 403 !936 ~3 19.17 563 T otal ntiJo:ht lA• o·allt•tl 11. llOI'Tnlil cunoJI. ... $7'..!6,:>40 All.,'llrtllJo: wo·U f11r the Newport cu'Wiilierable amou!ll ut small !'('·· t11m • • 1 · . 505,344 llarbur Uulldm.: !Jlduatry durt~ pair Job11 wfth only a f('w new ... ! T ht• pe.ll.k r1f the JlqDidM· 24? 600 1 !1~ 1 1~ 1 ht• fu< t tltul bulldlnr ptr· rulden<·es he·nK started. H o w· llun or oJisf'lleN NI propertlu hu . ·~:549 11,1Li fur the· (lrllt muoth ot ~ ever, t he, Jllrlf~r figur..A tor an • J•Ol!<!H';I I , • 1 ... 2 .. 074 }•··•• " .. r, oJ•JIIhl.. tilt' total Jcn ec.1ua1 numtlf'r of J>t'rmlu l11su~J "3 Plenty of mont·y is avall- 4 .440 J1u 11ta, ,\' "' l!Hfl. u.rrurdlng to t'lty the fl r11t month nt thi.!l YPR r in · ablf' (111 ro•aJ e~tate fiNancing at . ... 71i6.0k9 ,,., ''"'·1-: r"' 11rd10 dlcatu lhrlt " l~ge part nf build. '""' ratr11 uf intHest. I .. . ·For Building Information St-e \\'.UTEK S. lWU f R. O•·n.-r S lll S tate JIIJ(hWMY ·"'t Thtt A.rt"b8 ~EWPORT B.:ACII Phone 1150 WINDOW SHADES -VENETIAN BLINDS LINOLEUM FLOoRS and DRAIN BOARDS • Hanson's Shade and ~inoleum ·shop 1808 N~rt Blvd. eo.t& liMa Pboae Ne~-port 1843-Res. Newport 666-W ... 1938 548 ' -----~--,.lr~~~~~~~~~~~wn~~anmn~~--it~~ ~2 r. ~!.! Audits -Tax Advice 9b8.1J!)O 1'"'"'1: ""' 1.,,., m on.th of Ju· ong for l!lH , thu11 far. hall IM"t'n -4 ~ntlonal <!l'fenllt' llpendlng1L_.;..... ________________________ _. 9tl f>-17 u r\' :/!1 l111ll•hn"' pt>rmlta v.·~n new conetruC'tlon "' spt>t>thng u11 buameu ..U~',Illl.;·=--:1~----iiiiiii......,~====:..;=... ______________ __ 161 ~ 1,...0,., ,,,,,, ·"' utb1g a total t11t.l-Ht&thd 1Mt the put wN'k IS ery. mc·ro•IIJ!In~ purc·hwun~ l"•wer, t.ltm 1::.: ""'''" \alu" .. r Stl4.640, a new $3~ r.,,.uff'Jlc•o: f11r ~Irs J•utthtjC people t o work an ol ere· I . . I i-tt TH.IlU 8ECONDII AND' rra _OPEN I llurii.Jo: .January of tHO there H uaton 0 Hager at I 14 ~ R d e lltlnf: .. (Jemantl for a ll lin~ o( 29 64,Mu ,. ,., , :l l l'•·rrn!t" ruued, bU.t lbt . Slrfft, &!boa lsland. Thl' humt' g()0(1.s, ln(q udlng real t'lllate ., Automalk opf'rwr, w•altM'rtl&ht, low lwadroom. No .'ro~· JIUl · 7 ~.!>~Ill l••tnl "'lu•• U11·y rrpruent..d wu will have two llll)l it'll. ~ rooms a nd "5 Coets or b u 1 1 d 1 n g ma. lions on aide walt., or poets to lnt•rf•~ with llide dOor •n· y ,.b uoly SJ2 ~.:t; ll garagl' cwmeded w I t h t h ": tt'ilals. whllf' advandng, have not trances, work ~nchH Ol' fbdFf'I'L ~~_, tlyub~ffff · ~v... Tlot" ondu uto:!l tttat whlle t~ houae. . · _l"\!lLChe4 M point ~llc1ently high 1 fQW~ _ ~ltal "" '70.!ltll nunolwo ,,( lourldlng pt'rmita iaeued ! Anofher no>w -homt' atartt'd thia to ._rrt•at~1 ,·urtaJI construct iOn NEW ~ NOT llflllOD8A&Y -AIIJ' lJpe of Oa.-.,e llw rust "' 1940 and the flrwt ot week I• for Hobert V. Bf'08t' or · "6.-A new peycholugy or coo-~ t. J an 311 Jnhn .M•·urs. hutltl par H ti -~ D k t o.... 1 1 d ' ~ c.. Be IJ_. wtt1a .._ ~.....,-~ "' , 1111• v•· or Kro-about lbe -.me, un n.~n , ar • o ....-oca I' frdt>m'r and opUmWUI.!' tltlon In illllrl' bUII•IIn,, .:tt:. ( 111""'_111,. -1\'1,.. ,,r <'OAIItructlon 1e en- 1 at 228 Hazel Drive .. @orgna del ,., WINKLE HARDWARE Hl\lt.l • tlf'r owner. $40. '"""'-•I•H•·r••nt. Ma r. The one-•tory. attracl4vl' .ae · JIUJ. 30 llr ~H C. HuHmAll. 11 · ... c\•idl'nt that the fiiW'• three·rOOIJl beach home If uU-DEMAND SEEN FOR BUSINESS POSITIONS 0... ..._ • ..._.. N ..... rt 1111 bUild adrlltlnn to ltMrllJte fur •how-r .. r~ Jlullu.rv of IIHO repre-.t a matt'u at $1 :i00 L ____ ...:., ______ ...... ~:---------...,---__;. ru J11loJ make-RMeratlo_n tn rt>ill--.--__ . ____ __:...,....._ ....... __ .:-;..'-----~~--~=--= Ji'Unlua -R.oemee -Fleas Moth,prooftng, .Etc. t!.-nc·"· 1120 Wut ·uay Avl'. pl'r 1 Tht rra ;,, lndu.trtal, 'Coinmer· F. t~ llumrhr"~· $200. _ Aa·IIY'raft Worken FUN ZONE; C.ETS ___ --cl&l.-and..ctvu. SetvJce ~uvu.y-at- . Jan~ 11 w. :J", SCOt t. Tempt.. I"' s· CE LIFTED rl'acUy ~rtrd. ll .maklng IUJd will City, bullol n<lolitlon tu rt'lli'dt•nc·r t L• H • Ai' •d IT FA · . continue t o make-unprecedented 206 Agatf' An . Pl'r W . I' TltyiM. 0 ave ere, . I dem&ndll (or young men and W0- $!'1() • to Bid a Growth I The """ Zone at BalboA II the i men of \llllon, character, det•r-Jan. 31 W M. Appler. r rt•('t ~· • IICene of a &'enual p&intlng and mlnatlon. and adequate traln_lnl'. •• 1227 So. Main neon alffn. 100 Waln Street. J)f'r 1 . f fllunr up for tbe Spring Muon., clt>claru T Gray J ottnetoo, Bu. ..OWt>ll Net~n Rllfll Co . $l09. ElrC'trH AI nnd plumbiD&' penn~ 1 and Manager AI AnduiiOn Ia get· nesa MIUlllltr of )ohnlltOn Bull· V.b . 1 Fre0--4:...-.PhiAfMIY. bulltl r•·p .. rts 8h11w Ule trend ot build-t!J!~ ready for Ule blceeat year ne• ln•tltute. Santa An&. S tneu addition to realdence on rt'ar ur 1 In I( "' 11vrty at thie tlme of the. In 111 hla'ory-winy -lnno-. ia.JDaa1. .ct1aA laW ",." U... /lr.:-J~m1F1111!rl8:tmtrOIH~r:---f""rtr."'t::rTI:'Jfer1t1rr,~'" t1Wut'r, y~ar, anorrriiii'i&lll ft(f)cit:QJ"'t&y vatlonA anti chan~tu are planned or arti.Mn• ror all klndJI of tn. llrt" rar llht•Atl of Jut year. I WhiCh Will add to Ul(' gt'lleral bet. tlulltry. he point out. but mat IRVIN GEORGE GORDON .. . i Bt11LDING CONTRACTOR ~ 1111 w. Ce~tral Newport Beaeh I. Phone Newport 121 DONALD BEACH ~BY A. LA. A&CBITI:CT ...,.,_ ........ Callfon.la - C.M.TRUSTY & SONS ELECTRICAL CqNTRACTORS • . . . ~ . ~r BuUdla~. 26%6 "'· C.ntral. NewpOrt Bead~ Pfmne 733 • ISlAND CABINET -SHOP CHAS. NORRIS. Prop; P'vaJhm' R4-prOduN'd aad KeflaiAhf'd • 115 Apte ,,,.~.'"' ~-blaa41 Marine HARDWARE General • ~ BRASS HARDWARE -QUALITY 'J'O()LS W. P. FULLER .~ADri'S-YA<J6I. HTilNGS 110-!11 JlutM Awue ~ ....._. " PboM N.wport 11M . SAM KINSFAtHER • • ............... r'MI......w- Ff'b 3 Mr-. Hu•t un 0 Hagl'r T'tw m11ny """' honaea that u ve termf'nt ot the Zon~. with ~veraJ , number• ot admlnlatratloo work· buUd 2 at.ory. ~. ~ ruidulce "1C''"~ Uf' ar ~ under ~-~ allllllloiUI being 'added • to th~ era of hlgh order wUJ be equally with 2 car rarar• connKled, n4 llun Mil l'"'nt tu a real ....on tD that were Ulere lut year. When 110ught f rom now on. Jadr Ave . ~r Holden (;onatrul'- 1 J!H 1 "•~>rclln~t to IJ<r\leral ol Ule I completed t't will COJDllr1~ a aolld I Durtn~~: the put 14 yeaN~ ot Its tlon Co., $3::.00. h~&rl"'' , ""''"'lora New ComaMr· bl(l('k that will be a. center ot blatory the Jobnaton. SU.Ine• In- Feb. 3 Jamn F. Johoaon, buJid nal ltftl\'11,\' 111 Alway• a ~y amuMment actlvltiea. that llhould I atltute ha. prepared ma.oy bun- one atory. frame rara~~:e. Wut llt~tn. an~l the llat of new lltol"t' d raw people from all ovtr the I dreda IOf' pcljlltlona u Account.. wall to tx-nre .-..l.a.nt It clowr I bulldln~ots tll•t h~e been built. or county. ant •. Aud.ltora. Sten~pher~. lb.an 3 IHt to a Jot hne. ~ .,,. AI••UI '" tJo> built. Ill at.o tar __ --I and ~ret.arin. Wllltam Rohb&C'her, $300. 1 Ahl'at.l of lut ynr. an anjtlt and may paa• over hnu --------- Feb. 3 Dobert V. BI"'Ott' o f lnqutrlre from .new emploJee• aome dl•~ce away. I 0 c juvenile orcan~Uooa are HunttDJton .. ark. one atory. 3 In thj' Lon~ Beach alrcratt area "2. Make a k ite atrtog o1 fabric urgl'd to empbul&e theM rulee .room lfouw. no f&ralt'. 228 Haul pl)llll I<• the dell!re ol Dl&n)' of cord Never uw wire. ttnael or to chJldreo, ao lbat the llappy Drive. pt>r owneP., ll~. I them tu lonte 1n Ule b&rbor ca. cord with me~al etrand11. Do, not I kitf'-nylng aeuon tnay be '"free Feb. 4 Henry Oaw.aon, make t·rtrt. and It 11 polnt..a out that Ul't' " cord that hu become damp or b.aurda." alteraUona and bulkJ add1tlon t o lt'\'t'ral huntlred will prot.bl7 be fm m raln;or' fog. ------------- exterior nf natdt-nce. 304 Nan:ta-ht'r• befur• the aummer ...-.. 3. If .your k.ltf" catt hu In an ·~ BIIJ' o,_ter Newport llai'Mr .u. Ave . per H. W Falconer. $200. arrtvu, whR:!J all addll to Uae el~trk: tllle Jet ro! 0o not pull ----l . ·' amount of tJulldlnr;. 1entta~ UMS tt, or climb the pole and try to Oriental·~-EJeclric:al P-.ita _reneral purchulnc mooey to '-brine It clown. Telepbooe the el~ Jan. :u 'N-port Bay lnvqt.. IJ)t'nt ~e-re. • trte, telephone or etreet ra.tiway • • • • • • • ment 0>.. MIUD Street and Bay •• • _ cornpuy to which !_he lin~• be-t' = •.z:. "";;: ~ ii Front n!*r wlri.QC tn r ocnmer· Play Safe FJvw!'J Jonr•. and a lineman With proper 1 nobbt,. Gff-eo ,._ .. ,.. • ••·• ;_ lldi c ~ ....... tv l . J '11 equipment will come-to takt> lh~ _ • A trill trill COft..,.. ~ / '. c ... "'' ng, pt>r . -trul ~ Ki Ed. Ch f Jdt.e llown aafe-ly ·~--.. ._ ..... .._ ...... ~ -~ an~~~·, (' f).m kr r. 323 Gra~d I tes, ·~n Je "Par~nta. lr&C'ht'rl! and ludi-n• ·• :;._-· • ~~ ... ' • C'arial. inlttall II\ IIUtll'ti" ill Ot'W~· urges. Children rnld«-nr·.-twr Sttl \\' HIIIC'kl>t"art.l · • ' lo'eb I L )1 Su<J.-nga, 12.11 p L u M B I N G and R E p A I R s QJ'Ill Avo•. lnlltall 4 1\ololtlton&l uul· Pl.ly ;oaf•• whPn flvlng . lf't.Jo In rr,.ltlt•tto ,., 1,..r '"''nl'r · that f11 thP aol\·to I' <•I I hi' ~them .... b 1 1; \\' s nytl;.r, :uu I 'Kitfur nw Jo:,.,,..,,. • "unlpany 1 o ~Alit& An11 A\ .... rn~tt~ll .34 uut o·h11tJrPn, a.cc,.rolln.: '" C;eor-Jf' J. ll'tll In lli'W rt•ard••fl• 1, r><'r· (' M \\'ht•at ntllrtll~;., (,., 1111' ••m•u"on v "'"b 3 ,,.,,,.., ( lrr St a,,.,.. I t:l Turqt;fllft' /l:vo• , uuotall llol•iti iHIIIll 'I•IIIIPIJ' on hlllllf', l"'f fo: J Allt•n 1 . ., • .,,, 3 .I J \lu·t or•' 7:!1 If, Itt •• IJ"I"' ,,,.,. lnKtllll :,a .. utlt·t8 1n """ r ''""'''"' l' I"' 1 Std \\' llh•· k · IJt•U!" News-Times In New Service w: Adye,r~ets .. Quality Lumber aad Building Materials" • COSTA MESA WMBER CO.' a. &. llo.ftTLD .. PltOM ~ · lll')~o·nlsu "' .. ( t h •' folln" tnt •111 "1\ >'ltl•'l' \\Ill n"t •lo'I IRCt lo om !111• ·run nnol "''' v I'' •·YI'nt '"'<"I· ·~•·lll!i · ;llo \\'It• at .. hi 'I ~h lo l•'ll .. Ill\ II 'I"'",,, •• , k,\\'tl~ rr .. nl t·l··· I, I hn··~ r h(ioUJite i t~r -r"l rrH rr~tlh ''"" r•·nu•rt,l~er ! 'Phone 353 :n U \\' ~st Central ll .. rt th•· lool. ~'""" I r ovel• at L---------.,.-----------------...J -. '\.. The Surest Way io u·appir1css Is to OWN -YOUR OWN HOME < .... and the safest way .to bring ~n" · army · of EXPERTS to mak~ your "Dreams Come True" is to consult T~e I_I_LD ·EIS PAlE ; lew~ lalha. IEWS:. TIMES • Systems I ,.., • Mnaa Underwood m KubJ~ AveaUfJ Balboa ~d PhOM: Newport t6% • Accounting -Supervision -Procedure P~iH lewport1920 .vo.: Ally Type., ~ Or ,Jioof ...... ~-ROOFING C 2205 Cout .d. _Newport Beeda. <&II. Alter 6 1!-ilL CaD Newport zoto CONRA~SHOOK OON'I'BACTOB ud BVILDI!It COMPLETE BUD.DINO IIDVICI: ..... Newpen .... , !lt ........ A.._ P. 0 . •• Ill . ............... CaiUM'IIIa . ' GORDON B. FINDLAY "Bullder of Homes of Distind:Jon" .. CONTRACTOR and BUILDER ... , Telephone 402 3410 Oout Blvd .. -Newport 8eac:Js --~1--+-'\'fi BEACON BAY Fastest Growing Community Development In the Fastest q row_il}g_ .Ocean Contmwtity In California. SEE I . Earl ·W. Stanley Op(¥)8Jte Postofflce, Balboa Island, Calif. -... ; t ---· -• Awnings ~ Ura~s -~arpet!} -Cushions and Mattresses Yacht Upholstering and Canvas Work PERCY H. BEYER PROPRIETOR ·!4~r to , NEWPORT . A WNJNG SHOP ~3rd Stl't'et and Coaat Bl\·d. Orange County ~oofinc k PAUL RACOBS, 'Owner 1101 ° 1109 SoA Jlala 8&. SANTA ANA I , Office 516 -Phone.-; Res. 1 06S:M · J. M. MILLER • I Contractor and Builder The Most ·eo.piete Listing of tt,e Building Trade --.-----In *LEft lite .~llarber . Ar:ea · .. ,.-· _. ~ ..... u..a~t.a..P. ~~'Ci'L• Ncw.~r.t . .A\YA~--~·---=--.. -Costa:' Mesa .. \ .. ...... t .. --.... ., .. · ... .. BUY REIT. ,.,.. U 01' lS -- ·' REAL EsTATE FoR SALE TO THa CONI.IIIIVATII ... II'UIIII· CH._.ft 01" ftaAL aSTAft- We -14 lllra ta ...... ,. fw ,_.,r -INNtiH -lieU .... ... ......... .......... e.-... Mer aM ,._ ~•'*"-et .. 1•1 .... WILLIAIHOH & WILLIAMSOH . -lllleal ....... llll ... tale ............ ~ ......... , ~---m. , •. .,., I Lata '" a..,,.,. Tract 1100 -"· I Late I" ~-'-1• Tr. t171 . ALL CLaAft I~ .... freftt ........ f't .. ._... -..... AM. ~ -....-tll~rloa­ Law H. Wall-... w-Cat~-.,.., Aw .... .._ a. ,_, .. _ F~ &ALE-7-r....., OcN.n ,.roftt llome. Wall.lac.ted at .. ,boa, Will ac:e.pt part e•ehaftge. C. A. MonaN.,, 30'1 lflal"' et., &.1- ~. tAte. far Motar Court. 0wMr.-a714 w. Dcaan ,.ront, N-port .. aell. t-ltp. ,.OR &ALIE--1.1• room• of fuml. tw ... by tfle place. 14& Venerla, MISCELLANEOUS .. DAILY ftUS• TO La. ANO.LIU lily lady. Call at ,111 eflway, C.Nfta 4al ... r. ...... ~,.,. ..... . IUAJI. AftCAD&-el.... fw ....... wu ... .,.. ..._.....,.,.. Watoll ,.,. ..J ..................... t. Ajax~. '" MalAk., .. 1. .... .., ... IHL...HINftY C, .vaL_ Ctll....,...lc .... lUI ~ ... -l. ................. GnA•..-• v .. ,.. .. ....... ~--S17N. L .. ........ AAaMIM. Calif. THE RADIO SHOP ~ ,,... 1111. H. ~n attto .... ,...,,.,. tfle lllltl Hari»er A,.. Q. 1!: ....... La .... 31t ewport alvei. '·• Mil No. of eo .. t &hid Newpart H\ltlhU · HousiiWARES IIIIKNTA~ .... ~. w .... ,.. IIIICA,..._ Vaeuu"' CleaMre PhOM 684 I l"a !ale -------..ltL-+----. -Basiaess and Prtfessional Directory DOL GREENr;R FURN1TURE SHOP .,_..-HaDel F\aralture WlDdow 8IUWIH aDd v-u-BUDda ' 1751 Newport Blvd. Pbone 167·\V C'Olltll Mf'sl1 DK. UALPH D. HOAKD .. PHYSIC IAN ~ 8VKO'r.ON · o s n:orATII Plloiie 18 II ao aaawer. eall MO .... • ~....-B&IMe ·-ArtMe DR. OO~RAD RICHTER Phy•h.fan end Sur..:••;>n ow~ 107 t'!nd lilt,...-t S'e"' ptlft Rrrwh lfount: 1 0-1'! a .m. k :J·,\ p.m. Phonr,._o rrtl'r 1 :tll : M•••. ; a-.1 I l I -IDRAII II. CURREY. M.D. F.)•e, Ear. NOM ucl nr-t ' 311 So. Main Slret't Teleplwne I!M 8uta Alia -- DR. B. ~TABLER . DESTUtT -- T elepbo-Newport- StpreJ Ball41q B&lboe • J.t :UO\' P. ANDERSOS .\TTORSR\' .\T LAW f "u .. ta ~1r'll ·R,.nk Bulldlnr; l'hune 1~6 ( ·n,.ia 'lr..a California 1•. V. P A.RKES Dr. C.ortlon M . Grund~· Ph~ •ll'l~tn and 1'\unwnn S r w1•urt Urnrh n 7,';;"rftlll C'f'ntral ,\,·r . "' Slnth Otnt'f' llr~.: 10·1~ a.m.;~-.~ r .m . \\ utC"hmukrr • .lf "ell'r · EDCTa\'f'r -1---....,02 OFI':ln f l'phl. :<:~·"p.•rf f:,;pl'rt l!h,-iOJ• \\'atco.J1 Rf'l~rln~t Hold Plattn& Trll'llhllnl' 3'7 HAimi.D K. GRAUEL CHAPEl. "We Our!ooCIV<'l' thr 11Nirr S<'rvl' fiy S<'rvin~ Olhrr!l Ut'M" P1ume Nf'wpnrt 1\61 C...ta MI'IIA, C•llfoml:\ t _ THE~E <;oES ~-lw\&~S SC~E .S~OODLES ' t:~·r t;l""""" Hc·paJnod i\LL \\'OTU{ Gt AH,\NH:I::D RO\''S BARBER SUOI• Fomwrly at lla lhoa l!.hond SOW Lnratl'd at - 108 Mt'Fadde n l'labo :"l'llr Pirr E.nt ranrr• 1\: l'WJXlrt Brnc~ • ' .. _,. -'--NEWPORT BALBO~, NEW~~~. N<:"•poa'1· BMch._ Clllfomln. 'Ttn 'n~I{Y. _. ____ ..__ P uauc NoTICES 1 Pu N ""'-" 1 '"-'"" '' "''""1"'1"'' "" 11 ''' 1 _ _ ____ 1_BLIC OTICE~ · nu" "'''"'~ """ h '"""' pr•••r1 .-1~ol CERTIFICATE OF DOING 1\0 Uw h1.,:11,:,., ''I'"""'''"' hlol-'''1 t h .. u~:bt """ '''1"~•'•'1 "Thf' a uStN£SS UNDER FICTITIOUS~. & C't'rtltlto ,.,, '""'"' lh'o'll~•· ,,, !"'"''",..;,,;., •11•1 "" ,.,, ••ll••lll Jooh ••I • FIRM NAME )i"tvtlf'J e I•• ""'' I hill '··rlolln l'lf'r ~llnllutnr; u p lhf' ,.,.,,. •. Rotarians Hear Warning Against Wastt' of Ma • ·- • anti ll 111'¥1 11\f'llthl'l 1111 ro .. h11·cod Wl\a .Ja rnC'" \\ l'•'~lr>n . .Jr. Y~<l'hl malnlt•nllllr'l' SELL Snuth Pl!Ul C'"o . a 1,1111rnmla kJCated Itt I I •· I'll~ ,,, :llcowpo•o l I ~rpnratlon. by lt'a Pruldent ...aa &ncl "hh•h o•>cl1•n,•b Int .. ·~~-thriy aulh,()('lr.t-<1. t't-rtl-&Dtowr Uw \\lllo·p ~'r J•,.,,r,.· 5t! per u.e I tlra OoMD o ppu11lla Mr t-'ad•l"n l 'llli'O' That It Ia t'Ondut'tllllt a gtolnera.l • .thfl Pllll'<•t'r .. r "••llna &n•l YOUR \\' IU IIIII.:" a..:lllll•l tht• WUif' ttf rutlur•l n,..,,,.,.l'" "' lhf'' llnlte.J l'lttlr• wa. 1('1\'r" hv tl•ru1·t~ t'ark- f'r. •arlt'ttltur•.l I"~' rllt'tur at 0\fl ~ngllah na we p • p ~ r headlined the fact that a big chena . """"' feunct It~ a Qaf'mafl plat~• ehet ..._,., 't!"• '*-tgh\__t~paper,. thlnklnt o .. rlng, hlmaelf, h. ct .... ~ cauehL I I I - 1 bo•at bu111neu, with all Itt allied ~IDj ~-~·n&f'r• an..t ~r1~1 . llnt a, tnrlu•llng the Nit-, bulldlQI', t.o ..CS ,..,m u lot ..tt y ""''"N pl..r MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS l'l'p&lrlnr. a.a.tnc. moorift«. equap. te llv• belt ttahtnr vt--lt aad -.,...------------ptnr. and· 1tortnr tberf'Of, uDder MMa. · ·T~INWAV O_IIIIAND, T ... '"'.,...._ Ult-name of Hubbard'a 8ouUt All blca muat be In WTitilla and USED ~CAR Nf'WJ~rt llarbur . II III "II tl '. h -,..See'Th-ea.o Cars · N,r'lhl<ol. Whf'll he "l"lllt! bo<ftiN! lh• ~ fii•WJ'I'rl 1\albc\&.. notary ·c lub at Whtt .. ·• -t • .. u.-. lih<•l•· naJtw,. ra- lan.s, ta•t 1'1•••1ay hiJht . .-.7~'\ . '40 Uull'k IIIW'l'ial cluf? coupe; a brauty. tat lflla"•· .. II '-•-tN" I Cout Oo. ._ __ ....U be-tU.t wllh Ule Clty C.rk # tlllnl. • ' .... prloa. D ... II • That It 111 the IIOie owner Ulere-., u.. City' of N•wpof't lle&dl Olll Hr a ftQUAR RS • ...,.,, "''-~· • H. 11•1" ot and tlt' ...-cteoce a.d jwtftel,.a ,. Won Ule fiour ot MY• o'o&ook 5.III.U I to P\lllolwtna r...-ker'a adllr.... a ~•raJ motion plt'hate .,.. rr•- wntf'tl ah11w1na tbe tam~ dlwl lx1w1 and wu •nlltlad, .. ,.,_ P1ow $695 '40 1"ucctlac dlo luae ~; 1000 tt., ...,.., Afta. 11-tfc place o1 ~ •rd atrMt P.M. 011 Wond&y, the 17th day nf Mill OIDtral A..nue, Newport .,...,...,.,, liU Said blda 111&11 us•o TIIIIUMP.TS;. ,CtariMUI aftd aa••"•-· Drvma aft4 .,..,.Y etMr lhetrv-"ta. T,..,.., aft411 ._ .... o. .. a.ectwfttdt 11'1•-ea .. .. N. Malft St., ..... UAN. . ....__ Beacb, 'C'aWoral&. ~ ... Ia ~ormlty with the apwl- lp wttae.l ,...,_ tiM ~ 811' .... Clll tu~· w1UI U.. City Cout Co., by Ill ~t ....._ 011' ol tbt City ~ ot N_,ort UD~ duly auUiorUed.. lllu ..,._. --. refe~t-belnr mad e 1~ name &Del Co IIMI 0. ..... fw f\lrtber part k'ulal'll Ukl t.ober 11. lMO. ,. y IU<' f'~Ce 'IIUJlN TilE ftvTa USED CO 'nl&t ""'Brc*• lha f'l&ln"._ Ramalndw of lh• procram WM dnott-d to the work of local boy. In 01• f'Jtur. hnn.11,. of Amer-. tea. In • yn,. 10 youtha at Har- • ml\toa: h1C'al car. like .,.., th~t . 16M '40 f'lymtlUth de luu coupe; lor• I car, ••~I lent CODdiU.. . $4~ llbf' RtP p'tmu nf 111.1100 fro~~~ their acrt-flnlah : T-D• ,...-.... a••-1" .., • I!IOUTR OOA8T 00.. .. ... a part ot thlt DOlloa .-f'Nia. _...... .,..__, By WaltOG H~abalard. Jr, 'l'llte City Coun<'ll Of the C\lJ hl o..-.... ~,_. ..,,,,.. c. .. • H. Prntdrt ~ S.ach r'f'wnl'l the llilctlt Mal" ec ........ A.... 11-tct State of OaUtornl& ) .. raject aoy anoJ lUI btda &ad to Cowlly of Oranc'e ) • "~ or CT&nt the ltcerwe ACCOJlDION, • a a....,. -... October. 11, 1MO. Wad .. ~ Jlrt~ ~rein mrntwll8d T"""' '"' '-"'· o. .. 11.tcllml4h Vera E. KUier, a NoC.ary. P\aiiUc. .., f'NIPOI\8ibl• hllld•r • · -I rultu..-1 pn•~·tt wtt.b u ID...t· $495 ml'flt of U .OOO ln fa.rm ~utpmenL ':\14 Studrbak.r Comm&nocln' l'arker rr-ntf'\1 Jobn Rhlr\ay, cntla\OC ..-dan: emnomksJ Harbor ltt(b JUnior. wJ\o .__ U.. mil~. VUY clHru Dr,we {."ruull.,y l'rol!Juctklo ~ ~ ' A-X'Iatll1ft rontf'lt Hhlrley ea-':ul ~·unt ;.., lulU' M5 Md&n; white lfllana C.., .. N. , Mal" M., per80nally a~ Wal\Dn H\lb. Dat.d and .. Jtllf'ol thll 8th day aanta AftA. 11.tfc bard, Jr.. kDOWD to me to be fit February. 1t41 the Pruldenl of· Soutb coUt Oo., JI'RANK l~ RINF.ItART &A&V 01111.4\ND 1111•-•· Coet &Dd wbo ac:llnowledtred to me t.b&t Ctt,y Clerk or lhf' <"lty of Nt-"''· .... ....00. n-Oftly ... 00 aucb Corporation execut.t t b • ,_ Beacb or w1i1 r • n t . Da"•·k""'ldt I above lnatrument. · -Pub. F'eh. II. 13, IIH 1 P lano Co.. !120 N, Main St., 1· IN WITNESS wbr~of I bere-, _ -~ 8lTY LOCALLY -• FOI& PERSONAl, 8ERVIOE AT Al.L nMF.SI rtalnf'd h o w , at•rtln. ,.. I t h rt' aldrwall tin.. Uf.,.ua,-d lan1bll, hf' had lnn" ... d hla n<H'k hth1.. Thl• r ar a bMutY.., . I'Oil .. llf'rllbty an.J lf\<llf'lltlorut a.... , $.'\M:') hr will tnllkf' a atua.ble prollt. '37 l\'1(111" tk• h111r c"'UI)f': beeu• t>r•-'•lftlt (.'lyan Hall pr.eldtod tltul hhtr k rtnlah: clean ("',()())) <'LEAN HJ-:CONI>ITHlNED tltruUIIhCIUI $:\f .... , ·:wl I till" r. IC'lmtna ·~n ; rww t>~~lnt , radlfl. Sfof' thla. Santa Afta. .. !l.tfe 1 t o ~t my hand and afflx my ot- __ __:___ !tctat ~ on thr . !'ay and yHI' POL YZOIDES TALKS -.PINIM"Tt-~~-~ .,,..._..,.~ .... ---. po ...... d. ft0"1' only SIM,OO. No r t~7~::.:w,e-wftttan~ • A-T-FUL~ERTOH,....13TH ,_ --------. flm "'Y"""' --·II'-J'* Vl!!RA • E . Mli..LER, \\'£ AKE Nc'n' IN A $.145 ·:w; t '"''"" tuurlna -tan: ract&e. !" "'""'"" krr 1!.1:\M S 1 "-:-,-~. -,..-od"-;-A-n,--=-Cl-v--l-1f-_---.-tfttlt • Used ears r•1 olrl\'1' l'hflht, "''Ill t'IIVf'no. All $:.!f .. ~ .,.,. out balan~. or ""111 rent , Notary Publle In and for the Nf'XI Thttrll.tuv h •l'"""' 1:\ "' ctMap. Dan~hmodt Plano Co.. 7 •" 'County or Orana-e. State ot C&ll-J :ov p. m In tho 1-'ullt-rt on HIKh t"'MmON TO .lt:OPAKDIZE !!olD N. M•ln $!., LlnU Ana. , tom I&. • 1 8chool Autllli•l 111111 I 11 A Tl1 nllt.:lll/11 11Jt0pmr•nt '"''" t'tlr 1~ ':\.'\ •·um ,.,mvf'f'tlhlf' ~n; r•,ttrwr•llnnr). ""'' 111 " mtlllutl hl'autlful •flllrt mndel e&f'.-: 11 tfc. My t'nmmllwlon rxplrf'• July 28. -PolyaoldNI "r I' 11 1' ,. • "1 l y ur USIED PIANQL__u lien ct n ;:-I 1942 l!loutht-m I '~thf,l nou .,.,11 urloln•" • loon. Oood poa"o• 111. 137. and '"PU'b. nlr"'JQ;Teb fl. 1.,, .'0 1941. 1 tlw 1"\ill..rt•"l hlf'nr-1"m'1mr'""t t45. Doune t.o choo• from. · ----Pof'yr.nldf'-'" 11 1•1 ... 1••""''' otf Ill Tenne or \lllrllt rent aom.e •• low. ae II 00' p t r month 0 a n z . khmld1 Plano Co', SlO N Moon St . Sonto An• I I lit . __ .._ --- F U~NITURE SERV ICE COSTA MILSA f'UfVj1TUIIIIIE C0.- 1600 N-port Bl;d. Vlltt o~ ~f'ltlque aho •• Atao haw • com· ptPtt hue of eood ua•d brd ..-onm, d t"•"O •nd llv•no room furn iture, r;Jr\Qtl. h~.-tera. waahtng m a. ch•nee •nd vacuum •wee-pera. Phone Nowpo•1 1660 10&-IOtc. REAL E s TATE FoR RENT ~ft· ~-f'urniiMd, newly- • decorolcd aportmf!n!. 1112!1 W . Central, Ntwpor! lkAch. 1·2\e ,... t((•J'"" ''" '.""' ' •t , ... ~ Q[Sll.tT \IIL.l..A ( t1hr-I• I c. .. , flo ,., o 4 f •'I f ' I lit ,,..llfi~I•J t:t .. ,. , Jf~ 0 I , •• W ' ~ ,, I ' •... ~-: ~~~'"!;. r ..... ' . '""• ..... : ... fl'l I It< '"' Htr ,-. tt• t•u I ••·(J ,.,,~ ... t f t' • ' p ,,._,.O r .... (1 E l,.v,lt•••n l.OOO "' l u l "''' • \w .111r f "·~ ..._ of O IQ B• ... cIt ' 1 ,,2.000 p , IC.t' '\1 000 p,,, 1 1 r .Jde Own,...-\()4 An.•dt> !lt , B.,lbra PhOt~f" blb. W I • 11 411 .. "'·"''" l lotlor IUiol l 'hlllito• I 'hill• 1111 \\I' I o• hurl! 111 t·:tt 1 "I"' \Itt• ,. Ito• ,\I oil t•:\.•t•l lt ~lhlly, \\P ''"''' na•~t • ~~·vpl. "•II lo1111:h ul II oil• 1 111 111 t'\1 I l:lllj.;IWtl :tl ''hnpltn NOTICE INVITING BIDS ttrnat1on111 H••l·•ll""" ""'I 11 .,.,.11 I 'll:ft.C)9.~ fttt\' ~,:qu NO'nCF. IS HEREBY C:IVJ:N: eom~ntat111 II• Thllt thl' :lly l'nun<'il .. r lh•· t'lty Alh••1111 1 :r , • · • ••( J'o:,•wptor1 UNtt'h v.-tll. pur•uant wu l'mplt•,·~·l to Hc>110la11on i'(l• 2063-A 11f thf' ID&Il. u ft ,J r ,, .r r ,; ".-.,_ •· ••r u • n '" d "he I..-tlt•"'rr '" ,, l 'llv nf N••wpo orl lk'a.rh un tile I with lbl' Cll'rk uf lhl' t:lly ol Nc-wpmt H1•arh. KiVr lllld &r&nl Xodrrnlt .. l•rt•at.-r 'r "'l•url tlarhur ·'"'' ·'" :1lt•:1 nl :1 H'\\ w lltr WOrtlf,•rlul loll\' ."'" • .111 ~· t' lwrt• in S t'\l fMirl l k lll'lt 1 ~:~x 1 ·1~ mouth Cu'lu·h On I~ :'I II .Cit I H~al Vurd H~ -Onl~·: ~~ •. uu Ht:u; Lint·oln Zt.·a>hyr· St.~a n Onl~· :·\:l:!;,_uu I ~:H) Ford Tnur. Sl'dan Only ~:~ l -,.oo :u I ._.,d ( :tr'" lu l'lwoM' lrulll, JAil '"••hi 1111 tlw \\llllll•·r lul i.if•·linl1' Ciuaruulf•r• und t:t, ... ~ To•rtll" THEODOR .E • '!:!iul nrul ('••ntrul OllK RF.PIJTAnON t'1111l 1!1:~ "'"Inn, rlttlln. IWWI)' n'· $22!\ llno•h•~• ''"'' nllt'lll'l fllll('f' """"'· ':\.'\ ••ont tudor IM'C(an; iww paint .\1'1• ••n c·o111c~toc 1 c '''"""" tho• K•••l 'h en• 1\ h"' h~tll I illflf'll FOK l,l IMT ON F. t ,.,.,'"'''I. l!l:u4 ''''\'1"' ln•mttru-$f).~ 1 1.1f•· htont '" IN·hl lhl• ""''· o•x-·:u llult•k .... tan. ·~ rnotanta: 11MED ('AK MA.LF.! r ..tlt•n t lltn>ll~h,.ut Nna lf'••c1 I,.,., rrolo•l 1'1'\:'o ,.,.,11•• Mnlnl nV1•r· $4.') huoclo.,f. l(tul pnlnl. n<'flrty n.-v.-•:11 llllllv~n :l·dnnr IM'dan ; aldr· 111lohr·1 A •''""" l'llr untl •h••W• lt. muontll. I ""1.:.•· 1!1'11 Jro(lnn lllll\11 j!und, $4~ t.:•W'WI llr•''• IIJihlll~trry, PIC' Jlfl!\ ':WI ,,,,.\'P,Irt 4·dnnt llf'Ciant aood S ltttl••h11k••r 1'1'11 ""llln lttm~ Vl'ry 1 1 t ,..,., mo ur lone 1'•••1 1 ntlll o ,.,.., lull I'Mt'f• I $.~ • ·· ~·hi 1•1:111 "''"'''' A .... ~11111 c:.wwl ':.11 ,.,.,ret tudor; llttlr w.,.,..lt; l lllol .. ·l '""I"' A -1 ; r'un, rtno• tun• ruud. IIE.Kt: A.Kt; A YY.W I • You ~\'Ill t.lkl' My C'nrM. "'I wa~ • Helm r.Jn 'K•\ Ml'rA'lAI.! I A R M•tl · . 1 .. ~11 1!1:1,. ..... 1 .. , .... ,,". 5175 . . • er 1 t~ PACIFic AVE: ~·(:t.L ._,Hit'~: · -· · 1111:..' ''""'''''UI> Aw• l'h f'tf\.'\•6.'\ 1 · LONQ BEACH · 1/INI; ltt:AC'II I 0pr•,·8'__..,-and ICftalnp -J -~ HI:W OldJ<m oh llo• "f1:• S4..odan. Mi11hly GciOd Trt~nll'porl n I tnn' --- ~~~~.; -·'"Who Wouldn't .IJQ ~~ ~ DOWN S75' IH)WN , •• It; • II-i '"'·I" I• 1-I ,, .... tt .,. 1c.1 .... ,. •• t1 a . f.\\ t II f ... ''"'HI ' 1 $125 uuw~ 1'•1•• • ,,, \till•' ''"'"''"'' , .... ,,. li ··I·" S t••l S195 ....... I .... I nO~N • H. W. Hartley, lnc.l ('ht•\'rulf•t a;ul ( Jl•IN11111hlk· l '\tllh :-\tr'•'i'l :111d Cc•ntt·HI /\\1•. ' •.• f . ' 't I .. -,, . t7 .. , ... .d ··~~ . !~ . ~f . ·:~'I a Car at These Prlcel? :., .- ( 'IIHYSI.I.;H 1-tluor "'-.hm I 'I.Y1\Ittt 'Til :.! do11or M ~lun ("lfi(\'SI .JO:H t ... ,fuor ~lf11tt1 ._.:......._ I 'I \' ;\11 II "rt I 1 rtnm-o;~•1f;sn :-\'1'1 '11)·.11,\1\I·.H "1,'' 1-d tNI,I M'ff:tll I· I 11:11 ol•· 111\o• :.' '~'"" '"111111~ ,...dun 1'1.\' \11 )[ "n I d.-I• I\•' l'llllpr• 1'1111\'S I.I·,J( .. ,, .. '"'II"' lo\.A•IIhivt•l I 'IIH'I'SI .I 'It h nl "'n!\1 1 ch wor lotlli llJ.! S~'fllln I 'I .Y;\11 tl 'Til I"""" l lllll'irl~.t ...:'tlnn <'I II :VHt 11 .1·~1' "I""'' ..... ,hm STl 'l'll·.B/\l\1.;1! 1-drMII' l lllll'hllo( III'Cillll I II.IIS !\11 IHII .1-: "';II'' 111\\'ll "'"""' Ill ))I( ;t·. d1• l11 w 1 rlro~~w tourln~.: Sf'flun ('hl'\"•l•'f·l ·l~llllioilllh llt-~~tlqlllll'll'l'!l •• , I . ' I. I v\\1 1·.1!11 ',\:" t\\'1•::--.n ·: . l'llt1Nfo: 7:17-:l7 1.1 INI ; I U·:A< 'I I • iWII81 WIG -II HIIB81 IIIIIICT='"~ • ·- • By Cy Hun~erford · AI'I'I.IA'C t.~ c · J .. lt;.t.V.II !\!!•) 111.1.:..,H<.:A Vtclul Scrvi(.W. W.•nill Whllf', l'h. se6. AI'TU MI 'I'I'UY.M A MrURT' f1UCJUK-• ll•ttllll•l'l"u lluwll J\q l., Sllfll•ll•••,':il() Mltln ~t. Gun•, Ammunition. \1 'JU\tHMII.t . tU.t• UICI"• -V I Ill S o•q I• • I.' I :\lr .. ',oololo t1 I 'lltt'o• Nr~IJ'•rl Jkllf'h. \1 TU\tU'HJ\••: "'t.K\11 t: -- 1 :tr•., •11 '1'11• • I tool t•·ro•·• V t •rr ~·rvlr•·. 1:.!•1 Mr F rttltlrn 1'1 .. N-,.t n., UAKY.Ht' c.uHnK- :-J• w,,.., t 1~1·•·• \', ~·1 1:/ c "'""" ll:1 k"ry ThAI Ia llrlter f'or Lraa. rtf:At,Tt' "1101'-. hilt• f-.; S lo•1• 1Kk1 :"o!Jol lllvrl . rr•t• Mt-l'tl 311-W. All Oil WIW&. Mot r-v'• hl~tn•l lt.•1tUty Shtop, 21& MarlnP. 81c11Jfocl fl.toductn1 M.-lhodl. f '61USP:T ~UCII'- h lrtnfl C'l•l•lnf't Nnv .. lty m.'lV f'\Jmlturw rti'IW'd. ll~ Atate. J'tl :r.\3-W llnl lot~r ('r•hln•·l & Nuv1..tty Sht111. Jl(X) 'Ill c.ntral l'hclrM' 399. nKr:I'I.Af 'P: A~U kiNUJ.INU WOOl»-• II. W Wtrto:ht . 171S4 N vt Ulvl1., O lttAI Meu. UIM'd l.tunbft' Ph. 1116-J., FHITMMHIP:K-., ' t ' ~ Y ltrnM Jo'oun"o1ry Jnhlne-r.A~~~tlna 110 vtratnht•f>l , C<•t• ~ ... CIJ:SP:IJtAI . f 'UNTKAf:TOil--., c . ..rl11on fl ·t'tn•ll11y;":WIO Cout Olvd. f'h ta'.l. Plan. an•l OJnalructka ( ··•'~''•~ •••11 l.lor f'n "lit 111 twlp }'111.1 plan your l umwo." J'tv~ne ll11y fmtt11't '"'ml,..r r:o. Phorw ll!\0. r.()fl11t Jfluhw11y At Arf'tMa, ~IAHI'IJ: Ml'fA'IAI.Tit':M-, Mllllrtl• S l"'''lllfl y S.,.•l•. ·~ ('I)Aal IIIWII)' Suj.,.llr·•. 111111\lil, •. ,,. Mf,Uf:l. AIIU'I.A~& .lJ .... I.Ir.._ Klla, SuVJIIIt'a llir'yl'le IWpa!n, SupPIIft. N"~' to h tt kror y, n .. ta M~ NUTAaY PITIII.I«:-.--.i 1 NorA Mup11rth. ZIOfl W . Cftltn~l Avf'11111' l'h•lfl4' 141 "' 13 N~ OYrtf'F. "llrPUFA-., . Nf'wl•flrt H~ertx•r Publlablne .0 •. l'h<"'"'• 12 -1.1. N.-pr~ n.dL · PRI~TINU-N~"'rt tlarbbr PubUJttllnl 0> l'hur.,.. 12 -13. N~ ~ I UDIO' tW.aVMJ&-. 1 1 f'Mir'• Uafi'fe·lt&dlo~ fii'JI)~ IIJilrr.~-+'••~ _____ ......, jMAL FJITAft, e !IIOTUI' P1111LIO-' ~oo SiE Ploceo A Hv'f St<vRr FER -~*-----~~~~aw~~ew~~~~~~~~~~A---------- y AIID:'n 11'1'011&-' Delboa ...._... VartttJ Ston ac.~ lek. Zk ..., ap. ,.._ ftli·W. W&LDI!CU- Ws'CI 1:~--..V.Oft ...... ,UtiMr$"1'' .......... ...._ t' .. ---,, . ~ eoRONA Dl:L MAR BALBOA ISLAND ~ISL-E. Mother Of Mra. Donald Beach .J(irby JAMBS CRAIG . _ .... _ . . ~. • THE -. Coming Events In· Harbor Area GRACE SIOPIIAN SCHOOL · of DANCING . Tap. Ballet. Too, Acroba tic and Ballroom ........ ,.~ .. ('.W a.n-. .,.. ... •YJ" N ... :n~ Martnr A vi'. \Voimm'!l Clubhou!<l' 41R ~Uih Main ... UW 81i1.~~ ..._ I :U lie· let! Balboa IslAnd Co~<tR MrAA !' .nt .• Ann-.................. PRIVATF. LI:~MONS -.• 1.00 ·l·i.A~~ U:~SOSS-.'Wlc- • 'h\'0 BALLROO~l CLASS!-~-.; Clliic1n•u tO to1 t:l yen,.,.. and ll•.:h Schoo) 14 to 17 )l'nrs LEADISO wo W.P.A. .Superviaor And Bride Honeymoon Here :; Mra. R. C. Owen, Mn. Edward Fruehan News Of The Churches FIAIT CHURCH OF CHRIST I Mld.We~k Praye~ Service, We-d· SCIENTIST neday: cover-dish dinner. 6:20. 11'1fH'Yln••nnfn~ 111 :-. c w Jl o r't 112 F.ast Central A venue - --- 1"\t•n, t1 nt 17U \\'•·~1 l ln•an FroDt Newport Ui'Rt'h FIRST FOURSQUARE CH\:IRCH \'<'f i' ~lr Rnd ~~~-~ Mlrhael Ma· A branch of The ~!other Chu?~h. OF COSTA MESA honey 'fbo v.·rri> married Iaiit Tbe Firat Churl'll of L'hri!lt. !Chun:h of the Highway) w•·••k In 1,,.~ ,, m;r•lt•" M r "fa. Se lent rat. In Bt•ston, MalOB. . Rev. G. Wilf011rd Stu rna, Paator hnnev 18 WI' A ~upPrvtsor tM 8und~v Schuot ttl 9:30 a. m. · Mae Stearne, Co·Putor :-:·•ll;,nlll 1\Pfl'fl~·· ~~•hH'IItt?n of Sunday Srrv!"c ttl 11 a m \\'I'd· Phone 1778-J 1.1•!< An.l!•'lf'" neaday T,•,.!lm"nllll ~IP•·t.lng fit 8 Fn.t11y. 7:30 p. m.. Worship Thv hndA .~. ih,• f.,nner .MS. . m. ltrn,1 n J~()llltl. 1111 t:£'ntrol Sprl!_t'e. fl,.,. ~ A!ae S~~ 1 Harbor Aaai.atance l,.earue Holda Luncheon Seaaion NEWPORT BEACH • COSTA MtsA .. Many Activitiea Are Planned For Me.a·· W.S.C.S. and W.C.T.U. .. . MORE CIVIL .SERVICE AID BUSIIESS POSITIOIS DAY AlliD • EVENING CLASS ES ~~~,.FOR •. !m~~ . jJ s . b ... tneu po.ttlon.e. Nallunal Dc>fe...., hill crated a • tltuatlt>n IJ.-e workera • r ~ I • d-.ct; P"""""" tur liM of the.. at· trm·tl\'t" Jvt'JJ n (l w. Start yoor IHJ"fl~~~ JtlllnlriJ( 81 URN!. C.omplete Pro~e·•ttonar Cour••• e IndiVIdual - Progreaa e A~cr~dltod lnotruc:tora a IEat•bltahod 14 yuro' • l'oa:tlo'l ~cured • St!cft'tartal ~ A~unctn.: • C'h11 Men·~e,. e OUh~ -Mac-hlnP'< -t~ PHONE 3029 ·' ""W~Tn "'M~"'"'·'?'f~ 1, ,. f·tt· m ~-[t118~e. ,,,,., r·tnry .. r t ;1.,., r ""r l'ulh<" t 01. n•pt SundRy~ nnd h·•lloln~·a. ~umlay Rchtu)l. 9 ·30 a m. !or ~htl'cll_years. She _. The puiJii•• 111 Nlrdllllly lnvitt>d Morning Wor!!hlp-:-11 o'clock: illiiir.lllrt.Wr..,PIIiP"''"''r~----=----~~~~~--.-~n~grwhJilt l' of AnRhrlm !'lc l1o1nla. ·I to nttcnd lh£> IK'rvlrt> ami ul!e thi> I Hpt>rlal mu~ic, pastor'!! IINllfon. ~lr anti Mill :lttthl>l)••v hiii!O' l ~t'e-Reading Rooru. I Cru81ldl'r s~n·lc!', 6 o'clock. Endo To"'o"ow llo\., ,.,b. I ) Morillo lcott-WIIIIa"' Oor,on In "I;HIIUII FQ" Mill Itt HO~" a l.. • f;,•~.·:~ ... ~."'~l' .. i< ~''.!~~·o~~":~~ lun., Mon .. fuoL '""· 1·11) "'•olpllo Mon)ou -Corolo LaMia In ""OAD SHOW" .... . . Llor: • .'~~~IND ~~~~ ,.,o.-w•:rri Sllrio .. :~d~·;~"~l. VN ao':.•b .. 11) FOX il'n01-To;;;..,; I lat., "•b1 I ) "HVOION'I a"'Y" .... ... 0 . NO, ~ANITTil" Tflyre., .. rl., &at. '"ob. U · U) "T"AIL 0" TH ll VIOILANT'Ia" •••o •tNVIItaLI WOMAN'' NEW ANAHEIM ________ ..:,...1 ---- En•• Tolftorrow' (lat., ~ ob. I) David Nlvon -L ertllo Vouno In •'CTE .. Nf<LLV YOU"I" •••• Oeoroo "•" -Joan aennott In "HOUlE AC .. OII THI aAv·· --4· ·-iun. 'to WM. ' _ l"ob. 1·12) John war;: H'~!~~.!' M''""'" "LONJa VOV ... OI HOMI" • • ••• "rank M••••" -Ann ""'""ford '" 'KIIPINQ COMPANl' FOX~:: (lat .. ,.ob. I ) VIO!LANTEI'' Wo4. to &at. C"ob. 11·11) "H!OH Ill"""'" •••• "THII THI.NO CALLED LOVI" ANAttEIJI PRONE &Ill TMa~ onll Tomorrow t"ob. ? ani I) "C"OII COUNT"Y "OMANCil" oiM 1400 Mon. Nlte · ''81Y2ND THI IAC ..... MINTO" ADULft ISc Mlfl., T.,... (III'M. 1 ·10·111 ..... ,;~~~K ~o.C~~TNl .. ~~T.I .. :~~H" ·-•.. - "'"" to Nrwport llarbnr Tur~de.y 4 -- - ---I 1-:vt>n•n~r 'F:viCng-ell<fal Service led to ma.ke Lhelr hume Ill LA" ..... CfofRIST CHURCH BY T ... £ ·~£A l by ·p~tor ~;elr~. • Rev. E. D. Goodell, putor. I Tuesday. DeE'per Sunday Srhool. 9:30 L m. Chc "'C!.n aubjecL T t>achlng SJ'•'n<illlg t he w.-.r k••nd With tJM l'r••"'t''" f'hnrttn,. nn • thl' UtUe l~llt ntf Wl'l'l' .Jn(k i'paul•lln~ aDd ~!Iss Ruth lt.·nt l••v '~'th u f (At A n~t'lt•~t. ~un,lll . ...-· j;ll•·lll!.• \•f Ule Pun<'Rns wNr ~r· 11no1 ~l r• f'a'ftd O'llrarn of Unllyw.-•d SWlday Mornlhg W orahlp. 11 Thur~y. 10 a. m.. Pray~r o'clock . ..Stle('ial mu•ir Chfr an. :\tt'ttlng;; Mr111. StE'arns In charge tbem and sermon. .._ , I Hlih School J\Dd tnter mediatt' FULL GOSPEL CHURCH League!!. 6 :30 p. m . I Corner of 22nd and Elden &ta .. Evcntng Wnr!lhtp, 7:30 p. m 1 Coeb Me1.1. California Quartrt music and sermon. j HE'v Jot'. C f'ronlr. f'll~tor ~undav ~chobl !l :4:1 a m. ......,...-Mommg Wor11hip ~~n·icc• 11 a. f!l 1005 Coa."t lli~hW!,lJ Phon.-l'\~wpor1 IM'!!t F.van~l'lllltlr ~l'n·ice T .311 p .m --------l 1'1tPIItlay an.J Tburl!day pf"Ayer Lit-en sed Yacht In~ . . {'har1rr. ' NOW IS THE TIMB TQ PL~NT ROSES!· -. .. ' OUr Stock-1e 6 Our Prkea • &re· '"Reuo~ IOIMII .IIISEIIES OOROMLDI:L liAR . ' ::y .. '". ·" ,,_, .......... ~··· _ .. "····---.. ~..,_ _____ ........ -..... -.................... ~ .... -· ......... _., •• IK'n1ru i 30 p m 0-...ta M•aa Tn,&•n ... nd. flail. S"turday m .... n•nc. 8&bbath Scbool -,30LIII l.,....hlllf ...,"'~<'~" It a m . OUIIII L 'DY M MT. CAAM£L CA" 40UC CMUACH ,.., ~ .1. eMPr. _.,._ II,_, at 8 a. m. aDd tO a.. •· ~---- COUA1 •RIA 'COMMUNITY ' ~~I': AM., M ... l*fo lkllool .• ,~ .. 11 a .111. a.otr aathftla u4 ~1&1 rr.Uk Putor· r~.:::· ~.,:oa -~-b.t.~late I u..u-. 1 :10 p. Ill . I j Event"-woneup. Sonf ~mtle., Putor'a ~~a~~ca. Hlctl 8dH* kl• I lowablp f oltowt"-tervke. 1 ·~~ Ti meo!Savers - for -first· of· the-· year office · C1 c. t I v I t le s F« iD•entol')', i« aew 19-41 rocordl. :~"!J oth~:r new officf actiYitieo • • 1 • ~ TIERNAN SERVICE! AD IOOCf Calculati':ll Machma, aad Add- Aa estra nlue ia a Two-Drawu Cabinet. jut SlUt! ~I'll office htl"llitvre, filiaa eabilleb •. fi~proof aafa, and MANY 01l£RSI Oled to nnt • eakulat-... ••l!lUM to ,ou for .. at U. c - I 30'7 f'out Hlp way j · PhOIIf' 580-W •.... ---Meday. 7:30 p. Ill. L I llO We.a.Fomtla Sunday IIIOnuDC. t L Ill., rh· ................... ~ ................ ~~~~~~~~~---·--~~~ ·-,.,.tory 11-llaralllp au.. --.~ ~~.·