HomeMy WebLinkAbout1941-02-13 - Newport Balboa News Times• ·. ' ,. \ J -. _ ... -. ' ... lfl Photo Attractive YCIUDI I a d I e a from the barbor area are not tbe OD.Iy onea whaM pbot.oa • occ ... loaally appear m na- Uona.uy c:t.n:W&ted maruJ.ne.. ~r. &lld MIL C. H&rol4. Hop- ILIDa ol. Lila .._JllnauJ& recoc. Aiu4 •a pbclto ot their prtz.ed PaJomiDo ...... o D \be In· 8ide rear CO\'W ot tile current ..... ot tile Aaerk:&D. They bat poalUvely IDdenUtted It by ~ ............ I:Uibttlnc a pt'Oir...,ve aplrtt ta UMtr ftnlt .-..... dlnct«i ot ¥"• Ctiiial:: loc* etape to fonD a Mer. cb&nt'a INnau. Teo m a a y ttma IMf'dti&D&a .,. ca11..t upoe to ~ to Uata and that. EAc:ll Ume tt'a a rood c:uttomu wbo'a Mlect.ed to tJM 1"Htdt t!lrtlu.*-' IIIU .. • owr a barnl Now be'U a,. .:- fSSUi.D SEMI· .. WEEKLY I , I 1. . -...... ·w£EK.£ND EDITION EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA. WEST NEWPORT, SEA SHORE "'~·"'NY, LIDO ISLE, N'EWPQR-T HEIGHTS, BALBOA ISLAND. CORONA DEL MAR. COSTA MESA ----------------------------------~------~ .. ~L-------------------------------------- ·:- Allen to Get Civic Award at Jr. C. C. Fete; litduct-Ga·rdner -· Gala Proiram With Sa'een Actor Leo ··car-. Second Annual Sesaion of Younceet Hak--- bor Civic Organbation Marking the festive annual ·meeting of the ...Jitlewport I H•r'hnr Junior-Chamber of Commerce to be JW)d Friday r night. 6:30 p. m., February 1-4, at the Palisades Tavern wlU be the pre~entation of a huge gold key to Councilman Bob Allen, r:ecently voted aa having contributed the peatest c.._,tc ~rvioe to hls commw\Jty, and the induction of Judge Robert ~WPORT a&.afilll· t.'.U.U'OIL~I.\·, Tit\ K~U.\\, .. n:~l'AK\ ·Ia, ltttl. ,_T_o~s-:-E-•N_sT_AU..----o;...E_o_,; Hold R.it es If or PiOneer 'f. D. LeWis 11. t....w.a. bt•I~W•·•I rr111 vf C'I:M'ooa clfol Mllr f••• '"''t'l\ t+-~._ ................ &lo._.flA.~Il.Dou.& -· "'I'V11'1'11 WI'!'? hrld Tltr • .f\!Vf'ra,de. II w•• ll'arnf'ol lntf'rmf'nl ...,.,.,. •1E11•rn1,..n C'fomf't~ry. Rl\rf'talllo· lhf' 20 }'t'ar• Ill r .. · lin•• -lllJt.r, Wr. lll!ol Mn Lrwl~ llvt••l • UJ .. a&me hu\111(', In• An,t ,._,, "fltw Street. Only rf't;rull~· ~~; l lallll Wf'lll tu ~an Oabrlrl' I)C' .... ot h1e healtb "'"' Mr• &ail b-. br•n "'SidlnJI: in ,., .. 80IJ OA&D!fll:a A4t'elu ' llf-11 ~ llllasW • .,...... t'1. ol~artrd "" In .lllalor ~ et ~-... •1--..unJ .Grateful Dog In Baily Visit _._.__ •.• "'l 11Mtr111na ,.... ··•nln·· ........... ln ...... , ...... , .... '"" .... "' Mllh " rattl dttl l"f.f', UltUI lhf' llltth· rr•c•hf'• dttMft •nd 1~" him on ttw-tw•d. Ttt.n dHttlll•. IIIII M 111111n .. a. t ro ... nut If,!' ttl I!"• ""'' ... ~. Thf' .. tur) ~ \\ ""· tlftltN' ........ .. """ 1'. \. ''"'" ... •· s .... IMirl )•\\c:lt•r. l'f'VIu-d a dr~t '"•' had ""'-nm """' b')..Jift antft. lfto ·,n .. rut ... l llw' tlrvkf'ft Ira a..-1 h,•utrtll Uti' animal tM.•k ru hf'allh. t:, .. , ... " ....... """'· --·alk ..... an'"'"' ...,.,, c;r..-tntn tlw "'",. r\Pt) day aR411 ~ ..... ,... tH-fttl> fttr ......... So nt•ltrr """ dume.. •"""' I• "" t ''"'' . .................... . t~IHIIT 1'.\(JF.M NlJMftl:a II Realty Board T ~ld Action; Not Words~ Winter Re·ntal Solution· P. A. f•alm~r Utclares Tl;..e }·or Thoee ·Who Would lifm~fit " to Ad; U~fen~ Proarrama tn Nearby Cld~ ldt'al Opportunity 1~'\·ltu·ln~ thul nuw Is ttw tlnw to. l"l!Ul' t.alklna ~ alit Ieos 111\tl Jnkt• fk'flnlt«', adiw und Pf'OlCrMAive aU,. to ..... ~"Ill'' ""''"~' yt•nr .l'tound n.•ntt•01 nt Newport Harbor. llinof ·.a d\'k ll•;ut.·r~~ ,..,_~.,~· thnt mot'\' llii·YMr r't'tddMta are neecW : in all l'lt<t'liun!' -t•f tht• t:lty. P1ml A. Palmt'r, put board ~ 1 dt'flt nnd ht>flcl.pr ).ht' .l'loderal Savthp and Loan, prNMted a Jllnn to n~lt•vt' this acooJ at a breakfut ot the wa.s re-c ... .-to Rlv.-ralde In tllet~ • oetve the honor b~t-~ I nH-tion with th.-Rh.-rman tttenlly a ··Nil• 0t f"'loffnln" wttl 1 1l4"'-" Tlte Cham..-. . old · R<>nrolct. and 0\.arles K!Mr. • . • a J6ooHr oriUlfOt' .-rnwrr 1a lh!Jt aarv runda tn obtain umrur m• 1 I h . tee comprising both local Juri-Hush Sprili«er, David ~lhl, H,ar·l c I ... an lnatl~Uif' t.tf'r llf' two.•ftmo• ''""II .... launl'llf'ol '" ralat ., ......... ,..,, •• nttlw pfror1-.·nn bt• \'mbftrk«'d lor Chamber ~Js and n>·elt'Ctro statp Junior Ownbf'rl n ounc1 __ .... anoJ alJoo prarlll'f'll lew . ~ for .thr Ne.-pc>rt U..Ch Grammar • I)' llt'hlll t'ttll Kttt.•rtptlon on ! Hat.t of/ to the other .civiC leader,-' Qf New-diN>Ctor from the local group. hinl( HICJJ anll tPCU. l.iwla; Rrho11l Oand unoJar lh• oJirN'tlun thr• JWirt of thcl*' who lljCnte ·~-clAIIlquellft1pR11rr."tmnml)f'l'l)rR11f:--ftMM1t1-leil'bEH":--------+------~-. .tL.lJJe ~ l~kl'JaOJ J UnckwtMlll . * u..--.flflol'(1 ttM-1'tftnd-~f;!nl~~=~~H~'"~=~-~., Ont' of the lllOI!t elaboratf' din· · tr~ th.. t{IYHI'idr oJI•t rll't ""' I 11rd• wt~l II<Jon btl pr1nt .. ot whll'tl lo;tflll't' 10 1 ht• 1... fit h ·ld"' bor Jflp Schoot. Ttlelr Wln· Judge Gardnt>r will be Installed .. h 1 h ._ 1 rhart,.r mf'mbflr an•t IIUI 1 hav .. twu •la·lnr)l rulfle prtnlrrt 1111 .. fl(' H, r M .. ural b&rr'\era, t~ oeeea. \1111 ...,_ lllnr or tha )"•] cr~ Ia all a• p-ldftnl of lhft local Junt'or nrrs to mar-.. sue an f'Vent, n I e , ay I ---._ ... '' I ~~ 11•---· Hill ... aLa .. . ~ .,. ~u. ~ ·~3 .. • h lM-1 . 'I'Wid f'a&ullrd rulrr "' th .. F.lk• Mrh . ,..Acb Inch mark II pt~nc•h"•' 'n • .-.-...... n .. ,. --· ···-un· ....... ...-. • u • -the more remarkable and to . Ouunber by tttirlni president IU'bor area 15 ng pl'('f)Rred un· ~ · 1 · •lcor tM bMdln r ttw. IKl 1\aJ. Nnw a fiO,ooo,ooo.• ........._ Uaa credit ot both Ole boy' Kent H itchcock who was IO$tru: dt>r the din'Ction of O w r Ht>inz lhf'N' • out ... hul,j a ,.nny l'llnr r "'l''h W•;UI I I.M-n rn r ,, w plut and a Dew __ .. - • mental 1 n 1 h ~ • Kai!W'r Or the Bay Shori',C"alt>, well , LNvtnR Rh'f'lllhlr, hr •t"-""'' fo >r l'llrd rrprf'llf'ntl'tJ • r'"''· ur twrtn• ' r r••m ac'c·umrluih--,...,. -.,.. ..,d Coach Ralph Reed be--founding of the known civic leader who I!< con· I H ... rlnl( un the pro~ new j a lllort llmt' '" lhr ):itur fiVr·u.tn•l•• ro·nnl,.• •n•t thrrf' ""' , 0~1111 ,.,.., ~;! •uch a ICJ&l: lt\a prnl)trty owa· munlrtpaJ a..lrport bu ..._, ...... cawte their opporurcta have tributlng his l'('rYict'!l to ttw> oc-zoniQg law whlcb If ~e.J wlll j v•ey, wh"'" hr wu lntrrf'lltf'o.l In " mil•, ~bill num~r of o•ar•l• ~ ~•rlnl •to f'Wit tboolr hn!DH t'f1 'Mit' future ot Lllat ~--- all re~ted acboola from a oraani.zaticn and ca.flon. Thf' drnner wUI be IIC.'rvt'd talle place 0/ tbco preae.nt &onln&t ln U» .. llvr lnolu•try, lh~n '""''' .. Ill '"' C'lrrulat,.d Wh•n all ,.,., .... ~~" t • )"'at, r•altur• who woulcl Ill a halh elaM ........u.a .,. thinS to more thaD dowble tbe . who h.u tifton buffet style. ordinance. No UO, will be coa· t.o Car•"'• <.lrl J,far. whf'rt• br buill ,.,. cumpl.-led. lhf' •rlllrorrn r•mtl to ,_ htllll• by th• )'Mt, Defo<L.AOt _bt dwelt ~ at ...... number of . atudenta at the ~~~~~~e Duh' Leo C riU I rl d tinue<J at the meednc ot the city die Lewla hom•. whlrh hu n~ will ronlltilut.-a ".WII• ctt l'f'n· •n~t nuorrhanta d•lrtnl addtcloftaJ lttrakhontAI rumaunldia do • ol local lnaUtuUon. While OeclrJe Othen to tak~ ICrHn ~':!racter :~ ~c~t~-t•touncll neat WOGday, 7:3Q .P m .... tranafn~oJ lntu otbu h•nda nl"" I yr~r ""Jnd Cla.luma.ra, t• a 1 • • r •t.velc>r ar~ U.. lllraet ,._ B&mett ud BtU Ritter ba\'t oftlct' will bto R. ~m Calilom ia horvman Whe hall l in the ctcy hall. W'a&lt n Corona del Mer, Mr" c-.r•l• "'" UI!!Sl••l to to.. oJI• ,.,lnlrtl nul fadortaa. . ~ out.llt&Dd1Dc wtlen It came I. Morris, first It'd many. famed parad4'11 wlll be 'Mle hearlnl(. whlcb upened at ~ wu one at lhr mu•t JtromJ. lrtbutf'<l about lilt nrat or M¢h I lut~ ~fat~ . 1 ONet M.rtlet ' t.e atortnr. the bUic 80W'ee vice. prftldft\t: master-of·C't'rt'rilonles and ill ,.x· tbe council !J!Mion two wftka -.o . .._ worttua 111 lb.e County H•altb anll thf' o.:ampallrn will c'fllltlnu• ~ pi&D NQaaled b)' Pa.l ... r f<kl tO Ul&a ac".tt)' tM ~ ot .tren(tb -~ bU ID&de Harold Bmedkt. pcct'ed 10 conduct thf' festivit ies at I featured tbe controveray over the .a4 TubercuiOIIIa A~l.tlnn a.noJ fur a p.rlvd U( rnur wnk•. 1\cot•k l int 11111"• lllkln« •arh ltMltor t.u m.adoua Inc,..... 1a ., _ _. ~ aquad ODe ot Uae t1nat aecond ~·pres· a lively pact' l~ludlilr of t.hC' JO.foot buJ!dtq lll ftad era.. ·work. ~·ood .. td. •le<'t and P~l 10 hom• 11\d\-Uvtty and tha ,.....,. ... , -te ·::rtniu~ .:u.tnu!::: ~.:.:.: ide n t : Tony ctlnwdnc . the annu&J lft&lon I H t·back rutr1ctlon OC\ Uae P"''P· 'l"be ~a.Md leavH h,. wtdow. Ttl# pro~ acow ~lfomul ''" abl~ for year.round •lCCVpUCIJ, eo.. ...., _......_ .....,., Ill t1111 team play 8Dd ..,. .. l ~r. ~ will be a darice wtth m\Pic pro-! erty aJoac t b • SouU\ a6de o I Ill ra. A.lkle B. Lew&a: a alater. which the lund Ia bel~ creatNI ;::tal ~\a;!tbln a .........-.. HarW, M4 .. ~ ..... 1i1f ...... tar)'; treuurer~ .._ ABe. vided by ~ weU known buld Ocean Blvd .. owoed by Pfoos*t!• ~ ....,..11 Oobun ot K&naae lncl).lckl a .•-Mdl P'llll'-_...tet llacla ,._._n. at our tur•• ,a " RIM and AI Horvath ~HcSer AJoctU. ft.oeate 'Ibe atfalrl lncorpora~ and ltftottn u liM CJ9: tbree aou .. JoU" c . IAwla with fOld trta ud a pui'JIIt.. •nd un haa oM&Iu • • U.U.C hJr the ........... tit ·:- . '" ...,.... , ............... ..... ·-.. ~-----..... ... ....... -11"8 11M 4ltlru. .. A M'ITtaat . ~-~ ....... ,....__ ... ~ .. ~ .,lu. ~ "Jf..,..-t -.: .. ---..... :~-.. r ·• --............... •left ...afl/11 tW ......... : _, fWr ~-Chlaftlar 8eltool -.... ._.., llle -'.• -.a..--tall~ter. N~ directora tndude wW be illlonDa1. . rblutf roe. at eor-del ~· ., .......... HGWVCI 11. ,_,. ,tl--·-..... - --:.· :~ ..... "'!'" ............... ii·~=-·~e:Eii 1000. H . G I ot'Cihtane., ~ tt wtU ....... -----• ...._ tufead "· ~ .... 'fMoraWe II _. .. nr. oas.t .. uae awutt ot All appendectomy and he •>:,• It teela' mllbty pod. Calla Bluff it'a euy to aay "we 011gbt to have m ore wlntu rentAla a..n d year-round-reatdeut.a". In tact thue'a a · good many folk• will &grt'e. Qut lalk'a euy ..,d nothing much Ia ever donl'. Now come11 Paul Palmer to call tbe bluff ot we'una who "say 1l ought to be" wltb a CODCI'ete p I an wblcb he hu aub111ltted to thl' ReaJt~ Boarj,l. Paul say he'd like to ser all ftervlct:> c:luba dJICUA the pr OpoM I. A n y plan that might lncreu e the year around population and booet bustne111 Ia worth..Y of consldl' ration. New Idea Ttle "mile of J>tn nlu'· Ide" t.o~J'a.l.tle lunda f9r un.lt'orma ot ~ach Grammar !f'hool ~nd Ill IJOtnethlng new here. And when someone thinks up a_ new way to 'ralae money ~r a ll the dr1vu for vari· oua types or funde In the put. they've realyy ct o n t' ~~nm~­ thlnp; All Sldu Rect'ntly It wa.'l JXJinted out that 1•ertaln Nt>wport Be&<'h le&der11 wne l'Xpectl'd to op- po!lt' 11ny move t o unite the Scouting pro~am11 vf t h ,. bea<'h and Mesa. a aubJPct being l} 1 ~rIll! !I r tl tonight . Thursday. by thr Harbnr Co. ordmatlng Counrll Jn 11 I I fa.irn~u bnth !!lll1'11 ~hould 'bl' pruenll'd. Wh1le enme do not belirvt' in pooling th,. tl'· 80\JI'<'n of lhl' twn ~eroup11. -~ers point out that yuung- ~r" ol both a reu mtnKIP to. COI'IIIIdt'r blllh thl' bl'lll'h and Mesa . ftit tht>ir home ~nm­ m u n I t y , rPCnjtnu:ing no boundry llnl'll Sur h a union ..,.•ould al11o C'nll bll!' proprr ad- mlnlatration nf all youth ac· U~1tlu. 11ay ptoJlonenll! nf thP pl.aA. 01le thma, a program to fUJde youth• 10o·hn hav~ de· .tructlv~ ln.wt lnct.t.' 11uch Ill at Jfallo;..,•·en etr . would lx>De· fit both areu. C. w,::= of PIMmont, K&D.a. ..,..ho bu been vlalt.ln_IJ wtUt bla nepiii!'W, Marta Newlan6'. aDd hla it..ter Wi~l Elale Nf'wla.nd. ol. M.wpot't Beach l'f'turnec! this -~~ for hla mid-west home. Xr .. and Wra. J . H. ~alall and .._ f!ula Waleb. 188 8anla taa. Orsemen Oa ueelt!M a larrt> amount ot Uaa 13 H bo M SJ t d Fri A tbat U.. ow .. , .. ,.,_ lin actYuoe ,.,.,....,. ..,, .. ,,.. •••• . · · ~a~:.-~o~ c ~ u ~h~~; ~~~~u~~ ar r ~~ a e . ur rmy ~" .. ":~~,u~; .. ::;·~:;:~~~JfL ~~ ~~=~~~a.:~:U::.!t• .. i B 5 C . fl r1gh . th~y claim. Property own-Tratntng Startn~ March :Jrd r •J(•nl In turn pula Ufl In ··uh. 1'1711'1")'-and ··~uu .... en ...... ~g c·are row er I 00 lhf' Ntlf'lh llldl', who have 1111 00 lo'f' •••'h ttf hi• HI tmu-lnol\.wt riH · m " II t1 0 ned &. ~ , I . c . arniV a ion« COIUIIllf'rf'\l thd r hnm~ ~lt8 lncludt'\1 In thr llllr1y·flw• 10o•ho ()(ltralu. ll•tlrnu (• ~nlllh At I'"' whlo'll hP , ....... tvH full value In mrdlalllly In ordt~r. 1111 O('l'&n f!'llnt prn1,.,rty with the' haYf' ygJun\t>rrl'•l ur IM'r'n ~,.l,.o·l · thur II llrffi•·y. l..ortn P. Luktona . ""'' r·tlalnjt A II 1 1 UIMIO 00 _..., '· [ Rnuth 11lllr parkway ~tuaranUng rd to ?ht .. thr rif'Jll (jUvlll frnru 1'"""'·1 1-; \\'hlllln Mil "' l.MI{'lr na Thr "1(1'nl J•"~"lllly with 111" a lol t :, :;-• et tn' Ur · n.,._. rncttratlona are that over 1.000 may hC' ma.dl' t o worthy rom· i tht p1U1nrArnic ,.l,.w rl'malnlna un· ~l~"<tlve ~rvlr,. n l .. tn.rt 171 "" """"". 'M~trlr Y11f.-no l11 "'"I rcul,.., 1 llli•TiiiTTtio•ru" ••I th,. hunu .. c.wn•r ~~~~ 1100 00 "~n'"renUI ~~';!!! · hOnlt'JII With thto 8oulhl411d'.f mOflt munlly l'Oterprlzrll whtn t h lll!<llll'•l. ""~'k 1•1 retnlr1 thr wl Man·h 3rrl fnr unr ·''''"r 11 mllllllr\' WlllllotiiM "' S1111 .1111111 l'ltJIIIItl """· 11nd Willi 1111''11''""" '''"IJif'ratltm rtf han' J~l aJ" 1120 000 00 lA promlnl'nl horsemen will partk l· arlll l' y I b a,. k I o prtchlhll df'\'('fonmf'iiT~ tralnlrl« are thrr1...,..,. N"""l••rl l.iuvol flm11.1~ 1-:•IW~ttol II llr .. ,.luw ""' I 'tuunl"'r of ('ummf'rrf', f't.r· 1 an ... lion ,..:... · .:. .. r ,. 1'1 1 purdtiUIInc pow" r ,,.,.. duuo• patt> In the giant parade to be • whu·h miJJ:ht o ro•atf' an un@ll(htl),' lht.rbor l •urt rlr t m••n "' Tu~1 111 1-:Hrl ft'~t rr 11111. "' ~•u1 '" •· " '"· • I• ul1!1tln11 frum rtu•h · • · hl'h.l In ronnf'cUon with tht> C08lll t ommlttrf' rl'p<>r1s Wl'rl' hearcl t N>n•lltion 1\nol "1"111 wlml 111 ,,.1•11~: Vohlnlco••r• Inc Judo· .l•1l1n \.\'o•ool -1111·1:•• .. lu••k I • ~k••ll"n •of J>n•llt ,.,..., •'ht.nl " '"'""""' •uh~t~·rll•tltlll 1"11'. amullf'rn•nUI, elr. 1 I• not d.._ M e sa ScarM:row carnival t h t frOID-Harold K. r.rrmel, wbo re: I nlz,.,l "" orr~ of tht' (IIH·~t "'""''· rnw Buowtt "'"' M~trrn I '"l••r l'ulul '1'"'"'" ''"' •••lvr·rii•I"K rw-..1. 1Hl11 flt"l"''ll'rn•t• •n•l wll ,.,. tbe (.'CNila Mesa t.:ha.mber of (" 0 m . nortf'd 7 lli'W mrmberll, Presld••nl r••lnl.to nn lhl' l'tll'lfil-A nit h of NI'WJ><III Ill·,, h lllltl l<••n. u .. o·aiiiOI' ""~ ur mur•• .. , tlu• ···I "I"'" whitt fi ll "V"'""" family way In tutltltlttn•l .. In• In all ,_, me re-f' <fl re<'tnrll wpre lnformpd by \VIlli am Salis bury ''" s 1 r t e t 11 • Rt'MIIII s ''' ro· M>r1<••1 ,,. ,,,,. 11 nl'lh M. l<nllh lUI•! 1 ;ootthlfl I '''"'~ 11 ,.,, 'V"""ol niHI\'o• ·""'I' 11"l IH '" "'"''''' "1"'1111 fn hl11 •too• r, In tho• rrlltolrnl.ot •I •lrl'l;f'UIDJ ra.ta, f1rlnr1plll !'II d n t• y II Duvit1.oum .• ,,t w' •• II I i I fiC ti l n• ' .. W• mu•t tf'f'utrniM that._., have Morrl" Cnwley. rftrnivRI r halr-• 1 • •'••o ·'"' 1 ,. , r l''"l"'riy own uf l'OIJla Mr"'' •lur t•·•l 111 Ill•· lnolu• ll~on JOIIIII••u !1y • "'II~•· "' 11 \•·111 t th ..~ 1 man. at a ml'eting thlll week youth l'nmmrttN•: F.mi Gref'l\~r. t'rl! i!llnn~ Oc•r •-n lllvol ftn•l J ohn ~'~'lt'C'l~•~e amon,::: thr Mllr<lo :lr•l If.· "'"''"' , .. ,, •.•• Uu· r .. lluwln~e 1\1 lh•~ I'"'"'· wr """" 11111nu ... 11 "1 o.ur '1""ra "Jl • m•na '" ,_::j Oa t fo th 1 1 flre .. .t.tr. Hrll reporting_ for s:;har·,s hut,NI JlaN"I!f a( t•~-t l 1 'l""ta from ·tt'" llllthor an·11 In-"'""'" '"''" ""'" '" ••·•tlllt•··f ,,,. , .. , J: ... rr .. , 1111u" l :l '''"'l"•rnltlll( '''t'"'1"K '.'"r IKifrulallon. Tn Will ... ~ r, t l' sprc a c,utta r e\'('ntl •"'II TrWinkll', BE'Wf'r. w r a r I :ArpArAifi(l I :. ( tt wp,cr, ''"' 11 ,,, •••• ll()f'llf'thln. about It to taJI "" se a a comm er me,.. "' ., • n ~~a ••ma• 11 rrarll olllll<• TAll< Jo: ,lnv , l-lh...,llottr• ll<oY.•·. ro·pl~<•·•·rr'''""' Any 1111111 ~" ,, ll•·hll"'"· "' l:lh~h"fll''" TI"'Y ,,,..,,. 1 .tf to In~ IICht'llulrd (or next Saturday I Rpent'l'l'. rlltrkll: Hoy Tuhlnr, phUl· 8 •rUf•m,nt Hrl' l'ltf""'''~' t "' Mlln Eljul~to·th "'' .,, ...... 1 .. M•'IIA 'llllrrol I•· r .. , •• ,,, "" II r•'l''"' ••11\0'hl " 1:'""" ll'llllll, '"' 1111' ....... "'I hilt 1'' mHitt• "" lntrlll(l'nt nr\ • 111og, Hnrarl' Parkrr s~erarultu ,. .. 0 r .. u to IJr will Inc to ..,..rwt m11ney noun. ( tawlr\' slall.'ol l'l~tn~ 1·all J M. MIJI 1 t rt 1 r rrvl'nlr" 111 tho• orouno·11 11r,..11(,,n t'lu11d,. R K,.rn~<. ll••rlll'~l l 'nrn. "'"''' '"' ''"'' unt lf••·•f "' l•11~1 II\ I '""'''""""· nl IIIOI HIH .II"' yo·~tr 1 t 1 rr rt M a,. 1~ rnr thf' largl'~l para(,ll' in the hill· r r, ln!llll a : ~nl o n 1.11~•••1. ('llllun ,.,lkhlll \\'11\'11•· ol11 v" l••l~ol •· tw "' "''l"lf••ollo. I• "' Jlllk,l)l.lllf .... l 11 11'1/lllot l r•·t~l•t l 11 I Ia "" • !"<!J-1 e. • -to r tl C i I l I I t.l Wacrlr, hnml' owno'r". anrl lln· D t C'-h d J l.4'r ny Rhotnnun l-'1111, ll•rir} Ar •h I"''' '"'"'"""''"'''"II''"'"'''; whloh th•l Jlf'rh•l"' we ..... nut ready YIJOOOJII Jr~~ a~;.";h·ll;r:~·l~~r ': fiOUIII'I'ml'nt 'wa.~ mllol!' thAI f'riUlk a e ~ e u ed i o•r ttnol \\''""'"''"' (' llltmlt•l. llll IA'afo•r A ('luu lo• :-,; I ''"'' (11\lllh' Ill $27<'!1110 W1111hl Ill' rl>l .. lllltl•<n•l l"lfliJlatlfiCl, &nd.per.t d lhpe r l ~ Ill.' Vau~:hn ""'" t•arry (Ill I hi' tra!(lr IF . . ....... 1' .. I III!Jl• nnl ,, ....... ,I'd to ,.,cefve u •• roh.iebnlt an dn ('r ,ra Utf'A, <.:o\'ICr l'l(. lllifl'ly prur:trlt.JTl 1<+1'-{;httlrman Jof' or 81fT Annual .. , :-il'Wj'W)rl Rf'&l'll. llo•uo:J\ ·····II '"'""'"' ~1111 ''"' Jlll'lllllol hy "'" '"''I"'''" .......... r t ... n .. fiUI tha t 11\ll'h a.ttdlllan would II a.n a Kll a pro~rram 0 1!11· • ' r I ,., l lthr r \'loi JIII•· .. •·• ... h••ollllo•ol '" IIH'nlr, Frllnk Vln•. Ill ,,., ...... ,.. .,,.. ltPIIII••r• In tum would Jlllt tertainmat fOf' tile teoord~ C~~~· nuw..J ~~pln~f'•l "t n•.:htl Float:a -lt1-hib•t ,.J(v from lJiatrti.-LJil ""' ~~~~~{·':->San~.An~e" T !'illj')""• ~"'''" "I' •'"'~' I"'' J•!.:orrtx_ ur ,,.1 expected are a.tso plaonf'tl "" ...... ~ pro.l"'rta, w~r ~X 1 A ~letett R •w 1\ MI'Tfli'A\1 rtrvl Anlo _,,, tr ~lltlnrt ~"'"'rt"r I'~ 11 '""""''f -fl~t111'F""•n•· •~:r:~·Wlltll<ttllillil ... ., Bell .-. r ... t J>lrl'rtorl!. llUihorlzec1 RC<'rPtar\' --·-~····•lerto•k T .... , •. I ..t_ 1.111:111111 ,., .. ' ~loll ····I ~'""'1: ,.,,,. ''''II"'" 'lllqol~ ~"'"''" , ... 1 .. ,. "" llll'l''""' UNCLE rv..,.. ont> o ... e m oe pro. 1 • · . .......-''- jVe&aU/e. movea ~cdc by J . 0 Talman to """'" (,:orge A 1 l"'lal••!! rur thf' ,;:.;;•A '..t)V&Ifl~""· ""'' H"Y .1 v .. rlnt ''' l·:r 1 .. 1 .. no1 K''''"''"' 1 • 111111:11 lin I "' ,,.,.,, l''l"'' tu. the total ot ua- Chaunbt>r.the ~ ors aufhorfzt'd ~ ~ tbe C-amber'a : ltarbo.;f' 0~ r Rlwrw-traVI' 'umlta6 ..-,·-.. ow~'"""' u .. ,.. '""' l~tll\noT ,.,..,.;') r,.rvffi rnll'ri'iilir. l'IVu _lUI adiffttonll-1 . 139011110 J:'halnnan Nr lllon Stafford of 1 h(• llln<'t're apprrrl11toon for hi@ 11n· """" ·""1 r11r A prll Ill llnd 20th '""'' B.. Nlo·k•·r,. .. n ool \'ui!N• I• l•·lol No·WJW•r1 A I• '"7." llilo!ll"l 11 I '"''" 'I' II ,. 1 ,,aml.,.r merchllllt'll rommlltf'e to proctNI lir1n~t tffortll whk h rP!Iullf'd tn A<'Nir•lln~r I•• Mr11 c 11. Hudol Ar'hur 11 ,., . ...,.,,. llu tiiH•I ~: M,.,., l'•·••·r l"omllltl • ''"'''""'" ""Khl '""nd 111111 ''"' '" $11 ~o1111 111 to pul lntv effect a plan \II bud-the ~owth uf \hl' ChiiJTiber Of ""'l'rf'lllrv or thf' I~Artl,.n Sl'<'tltm 1'"'1::, Yuklt•• ~lotr.okumt 1T•o111tl•l 1':1 Tort•• l!.,l,..rf l.l•o\'•1 llll•lo,o'llll• ""'' •l11n11lo• tt11 lltrll' ftiHI •'•1"'1'1 get lh-e.._chamber'l annual 1, x ·lC'ommPrl'•· "n t1 I he aucc!'SIIflll or th,. NI'Wflort Rf'ar h F~hf-11 ••hili H Kf'nnrcly. llll .. r H•uoln Ann I'T, IAK!ITlll, t;twrl•m Mlll•·r r... ,.,,.,. anol """'' 1n m>on•JC••mrnl pl'nllel!. with all buainell.'l men pay. arhlevf'm('n\Jt ''' that nrg11niP.A· N If 0 F:nlll~tn. prlndpa l or lh•• l ll•nahl W Me ~:tr••v rtolof'r1 ll ~""" "' thr tunol ln~t lnt11 a civic fund a rrordill,l{ troo ""''~r1 l~rh r.ra.mm11r Rl'h<.ool. • to the IIIZ(''nf lh<'l r t'lltRbllllhmenta I hu Altlllll n(fl"rf•tl lhr· """ nf llw H()N()R PI()N L~L~J) ,,,.Y~I',rA' N Under thlll pI a n no merchant Mrs. Adl'll' tlf'ddom~ Hallda•l ftllllllorlum rnr th(' F1nwf'r f'~-.. ...A rA \ 1 1.? ~ would rontrlhute .Individually to o1 :'lil!wr ort Bt'ar h 1\nonunred th,. hlhll 8"" hll' '"'"'l'f'r&ll•m ""Y 11olir1tnrl! rrnm organlz:tt•<•ns rn~tAI(f'menl of hn dau~rhtl'r rr -l Thl' Nrwp<lrt 1-trtrbnr rhumlt~'r or lndlvf(lualll, bu\ w ouhl rt'fPr , p•ntly, Milu• Ollvf' Actel Haddad to ;';,111 again ~';:'J'!t'rlltr In .t.&«lng them In Itt..-m('n-h11nt's commit. Mrlvin F:mr11t R11nf1vlg nf Loll An-", "~"nl w • 1,. h '" ho-romln,, ll'l'. gr lt>ll, Th•• Wf't'llllng will IK'Clll' ff'rn~tn 7.NI 1111,.-!l,'lf Of the IIIII· • • 'f w , Kl'rk ... standi~ dlllplav11 ,., fl••ral f,.1 Tht> plan cRIIII fur rlli11lnl' RUffl. In ·~ Art'h in thr • e or ..,,., t . ' · HNtlh••r , (';l,.n•lalt' urf'~t In !'\nUt h" r n f'aJifoml11 'dl'nl rundl! from ml'r<·hanta tn D11tra fnr thr F1nw,.r' llhow11 111 pay for rh,. Scarecrow ('1\rnival. Mr anti Mr11, !'llrll•on Staflnrd LR~tuna R<'Arh ha\'o• h•·f'n 101,.1,., 1, .. 1 j all Hoy Srool llCtiVJtil'll. Chri11t n (• ('Mia M~Jil ar~ thP grandpar · for April 4. r, nnol ~ whll,. lfunl I mllll !•~hltn~t ana bukt UI a o d ent11 of a l)a.by boy_ born In Mr ln,;t•m n.,11, h IIIII' ~~IN lr•l A or I cllh•·r n>~ulul" r ommuml y p r u . and M r~ , fl#rt Jo1nres 1 Dcoruthy 1 24 nnrl :!~.. , • I I 1 gr11m~ !Uhl ll'tw e an t•mergenry , St slforll 1 nt ~II. Jll1i'u11 r y 26. In ( 'h"'f' 1 '"•Jl'"r at 1.,n hrt Wl'rn 1 h• I -News-Time's Goes Streamline With Modern Head Letter Type Carrying out It~ polic-y . of keeping ·ahrenst :.or the timt'S anc:f continually SC€!kinJ;.t to provtd<' thc c-om- munity with a pr<>J;.tressivt' n<'wspaprr. the Ncws- Timt'S takes pride In announcing its latt'St step to- ward streamlinin the u....-of a mooem. attractive -a nd P~l'ily )pgible ead letter for it!l front page.-. Tile new type. which hu been used exclusively in rroni par{e headlines thil -..e iR ta.c;. mo~ legible than the type pl'f'Viously ~ and at thr arne time adds a distinctive nott> to lba appearance.- arr"n~ln~ a.o w .. ll 1111 in tt~~e•· .- thrll" f'VI·nt.'< lot ~vl<il'nl y thu ""'"ct onl( nr •f"'"~ w hiCh will ""·I ahlf' rltlr.f'llll of. 1111 "•mmunlllo•ll In attl'nrl ttl' ~·rll ~~~ t•• rntrr •ll•r•llly• Rt 1111 BhOWII I I I RAINFALL EQUc;J~oAoo.._....,.... THAT OF LAST YEAR ........ • l•ro• .-uc.tlon ••••• room '" Waahonglon, D. C. b .. thl1 appro- "''"'" atgn: "THE •TRAtH 01' ONE GENERATION 81:COM~I THE TREAaUAE& 0 F AN · OTHER" Twr. • hrrrrot N,.w 'l't)r1& oth<>WI n .. • · ... rt••· Motn Whn C 'am.. to and "'l'lu• Woman Who II will "tM! In· whtl'lt ••.Y t h t1 ~ tiWa,& fttentfld tfiUt ""It tr'OIIl Sacramento where )fr. Wallh bu been altddlnc the wr . .-t---ot Uae ~lature. 1llt" neYo• head leitt"r l11 oftly Ot1f' of many conlftn- pkated lrttpiUWft*"'Q·-tM Nftwa.nmt. ,bu. oiutlilwd for the coming month.~. • '\ , .._ --"=""'- I • , ' • ~ ~· ~ I Page Two Ml!."'WPPRT BALBOA NEWS.'I'DIES, N.-part ~. Callfomia, ~AY. FEBRUARY 13. 1941: ._ .. ... \-...1. --------------------------~~------------------------~----------- E.DI.TORIALS ,... ~ •ot ..,,)' lui" c-oalurntrd lv UM IMiallt'a lecal rt~qt~I~IA. bllt al.o hold• U ~ (',ounty !'MIIJf'riOr (nun clfoc'n'f', 111aj(· -U .a&t~thte kl ,\1.1. "'cal nntlr('.._ FEA .T ·UR~S Thl• paJW'r atrt"'-to *"atiltaiJ M .... ..., 'no'" • of the tirealltr Hartlor D'-t.rict; kl lie a c~tdlna for'C)e In the .,... •• ~ ""Hop- nk·nt; and lu "'411.Y aloof from all Altaa1Joa• t':\~111 that ul flt«"llly to the pObUcl la~l'f'tlt. Newport -Balboa 'NEWS -TIMES ruosis tt ~ 11 p;.;;. wL-.;,., ~~ &lid nunda> Af~noon. \·orume xxxm1 Bubk-npt'or. Payable In Advance -$2.50 per year m Oran~;(' County;_ S'J.115 Jlf'f year I<: <a th wn~: $3.00 pt'r }~r -11.1..&.tl...~•m•• 1 • • :l5c per month by carrtl'r. Dlte~ u &.~<lut matter -;j .the P01toffl~· in 'Newport .lk>ach, Callfomla. under the Act of March a. 1879. .. --A.-MEY--ER --EDITOR-AND MANAGDl Jlrlfttial PlaDl, 2D W. Ceqtral Avtnue, Newport Beach, Cautumtll ' Oi'riCIAL PAPD, ~BT a.u:iJoA. CAIOORNIA A Dt' hHe Lecel beUIIIUea F•r OYer II f_re___ _ -... Skinny S~rib~les • Wl&ll c. r . (~1) 81U&\'IN h··~da• h. I•• ="''" ,. .. rt H•·ack and ''"I"'' utlly 1" 1 hid ool l '•ohce Hot~«· k 1i11»•1l :cntl hu• fhn ,. nt ,. tew wl}o !>It' I'Xf't'C I I'll I• I kl·~~~ lht' -.&nlcl· 1 oil •I• 1'''' \lit··~ l ••I •h·rly w~ IM!V- eral lht•WIIUW llt UIIrnlll from van· LETTERS TO THE NEWS-TIMES \ o1.11o 1<0•uthl1tnol ad1...ols "atber al l THANKS .NEWI·TIMEI ~11uh r be:Qo·h for Lhe auter FOR HEALTH DRIVE. hoktlaya. Ttt.. • htd ...Uti receive · Santa Ana, CaiUo~la. ' th18 'Y~ar a .. mall hut expwttnc:e• • Februar 1o 1&41 .tl•·lall ( r f• m t.h" L I• • A.qtlka Dear Editor : y · · , JUVenile dt>partment. 'T b at will 'The Newport Balboa N e w a. 1 I help !lome but til )leep up wtth Tlmee ~ performed an Import· the •upbtatlcatlun ., mode r D ant publtc Mrvlce ln &1villc Ita 1 1 youtb wtu ta~e more U... U.. v&\uable i!Ooperatlcic durlne the L----:......---------=--'· •llgbt "IJlplifltallon •~&pplied by lHO Cbn.tmu Seal &ale. •-).__the metropolitan pollee. I mlfbt On bebalt of ~ Orance Ooun-1 8 )ilolhen are !lie that. Little tot 1 ;,((tr Cblef Hodph-U. •r· ty 1\lbereul'Oei• 'A H.-1\h A->: reprimanded for rJnnln' Into a l vice• Qf an experienced becJ.tlme ct&Uoo, 1 wtah to eap ...... our ap- box on the •h;lt'walk. So what 1 etory tille.r. If he wtU I'\IUU\ee l&UOO.. ... ~~~;i;ir-=-Jr-~ · 'Mile: "Why don't you watcfi Lhe audlencl:-. P~ larp _" f Ule credit "-whut' you art' ,olne •" Old mo· '...-''-:-for Ule wor~ wb.ldl 0 our ~. thu walrh where ehe wu cotnc Looked ltkor an ad~rned m•t.-lloo wUI be able to accompUab --;~~~~:=;;;;:;:~;r:;iii;i,iiU:-:;;::t;;;;;;;;;t:1i~~;;.ii;::;~~~-;J when abe waa lb&t chUd'• q e? l l.q of Ole Newport H&rtlor C'laam· durlnc lbe c~r year mu.t ac- PAGE POP-EYE! Pop.£)'(" the SaUor. who made more youn~sters want to eet sptnach. 'ha.tt an even hanif."r job now:produc~n~ot the product!1 War condition!~. IntE-rfering with \"1~~tlon." o f. .pnach M!'ed. forett'll redu<"l'C\ C'J'QPS. Ofospit.e Pop-~ye s labors. we have a hunch this war casualty will arouse few tears. ~ost.ly, youngsters. weep over spinach~nly when it's a vaH· Of cou~·m not lookinc for an ber at eo-a:me:ce lut ~y. ~ to .YOU for t.be artJct.. and arJUment wTrti JDoOier. am w n encoUfi~~Pa1Jl-t)bW. edlionale wbkb you Cievotea M~t'vcor, Jual curl~ enouch to more, Frank Andn!we an4 A. B. Out cUQpalp . matte an taterroraUon w b I c b Roueelle, all rn~·mbc'n at that Tfl;e... ruult.a of the Seal Sale r uultl etart a lot of trouble. And wkle-awake r I v.1 c orllUllalloo. lbua 1 .,... very eoc~c. wh~n 1. notice a mother alma.t 'J11ey bad bualn"!IIJ In Santa ·Ana. and we fee ~onftcknl !.hal 'wtaeo pull In( an arm out of ~-arm pit 1 I JU!<l haprwn •d to ~ Lhere. ~at all wbo recelvect eealll remit. we ~rtlln( a "cblld ac~ Ule alreel. 1 e&eb of them at the annual party will bave a bu~t' which wlll eo-1 w.-11. my eyt~~p&thy. Ia wlUl Lbe 1 a.m1 rcmrm~red IL able u. t.O G&rry uo ~1nl.ma1Y~,.. rhlld That our~t to b4' enourh to -• ram to hel .contrOl'--tu~r· 1 take my name otf mother'• book Pulu<llt a.! I~ I encuunler rancb-~~le In Oran--le County IJt tavora. I ert .,.-hu are In the valeocla or-UH 1 -e -1 any bualnf'llll Two of Ul .. In· . QUESSlE !Ill ANDERSON. 1 notice whuf' my fnendA F.arl l •llvloluala at.aftrcl a dlllc:UMIOII a Mrt Jamee w. An<leraon. Se~ M.orrow and LAw Wallace are 1n , fe'of day! agn Onl' lnqul~ of t.hl' acreemenl over eome water cun-"nt her "I••• Y"U atlll have your -. 1!5:~~~2~=-~~::=:::::::=:==::;;:::::::::;:;;=::::::=:::;::;;;:=---.~=-=-::--i t·rownr ~t ·t h e · beect\. That 11 7grov~ .... TM -repty wu wwntnt-Lettors From tunn)'. t ttlourbrttlr MetrepoUtanl.lttK:.an<1:&L~~e l!!M Mrojl~ So; -w.-.., project had. liUIVf'U I Utt> Wllh IJ()nll' ,J .. ubt . ''Well, I d•ID't n>"i."I"I"£'6~[T-------+--I-.:...-~ water problt·f'l\•· no uw 1 llPW w--nl'trrrr-t "Mill have It, or that watf'T Ia now 11nd a 1 ;t haa me.. · Then Ule conva.,.uoo lleen clviiiF.&tlon·1 KTt'& ,.1t ••·· tum,.•l to th,. mnr~ lllueory ~ub. Our dlatlngulahed corna· .-ty • Evrr 111n1'e thr (111<-.d U111t':1 Jl'<'l l•f ~~>••alhfr pondent, •en · .. vln: who II tht' turw ,,nb9<ly wu o·omplalnln~t -• -known from LGndon, Engl~nd, about 1a walf'r et·ard ty ~qua If thl' pupulmty nt• N-1""'-to CaPe T-n. ~th Africa, haa d~c:ldrd thl' dtoallny ... OI' 1 hay t·ontlnu··~ Ill trr!l'W. Harbor p-ta bel-lhe first of hll ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~!~ T hP a~rt nnr .. Ma~ .. ~ ~rl"w' tk~·~,··~~· •. ~ ~ •h• ~wN-· ~~~- easle rue.. What's It ~t blm! A yeUow-tkket for rlflklng hlouom ... l II k p a r•-. ., hill· will no• to ·nn.t l'ni"'Ujth pwkon( kn-• ~ weti.-Edltor. I '-'-•--bl.rd and CN>tting sprayed with c hatU>r box t'Onfe tti." I tr>r1ana ~port nvillzatlon s.-f'k• •pao·r ft•r n llft llf'"ktn~r moorinc• ,, Ullt ""'~ a-, , . " 1 thr at rea~ Whrn "''alf'r dill-1 Thr men n·Kp<•nlllhlf' tor thal •le· -Tbat means. tranAlated from 41 slang of UK-41 arm~· A •Prw-ant r lvlllutlon m 0 v e • nr velormtont vl atonw well wben they New11 r~hed me. about \lM> yCJUnC enthusiastiC pl)Ot riAked anti-aircraft fin' think an~ it prr1ahu •:ml\ Llld"'•lg'a book on JIN'tlk'\t"!l whllt 'o!W'f\lld happen and I Unit' tamf' U LunJ Halifax ln would Win him favor with the rankinR officer-on pay rating. ttw romanc" of watf'r r .. veala Ita 1 what hM h"pJ>f'nl'd The I•>O« Wuhlngtvn. Lhat ~aullful York . ~ b) ..... h . ro pllt'f' '" bl>th wlh.l a.nd tl'hmf'lll ll' yt'arll fll t"l' and f'llpenN haa blot'n Cattw.Jnl had been hit by a bomb. What dkl M accornpUah~ He was d1shonora Y u iSC a~ 11,,. So It LAw · a nd •:..rl kt'k Ju~tlfh••t , t have 1pent ao many hour• then· The Smouldering Fuse In Balkans Soon to Burst Into W3r's Whiteheat tor l'laldnc his plane unneoeM&rily and for being sprayed wlth tn put a valut-on "''ater tho'y arto I -' • ·-1 wlt.hln 1l11 11tately wall11 that I fel'l JDaCblne I\JI'l flre"l mf'letn' up with an vh.l prublf'm I ~till ~~>'11 11111.: fur thr romp&eh11n All though I baV«' twen. robl'lf'J of I By FLEETWOOD LAWTON) had. reedy-madt' n puwt>rful Ano1 lhe f the I too mu ·h i . ~ -• -"' I hill l'HHJ h :\I run l'ltrtotl n:tf'll-pall ,,, mv but P•-·llllltlniJ numerowt group \\ilhn~. l' \' .. n Slang ~ ~pper O anguage--C.: S l Will llflflll• OOt' ~~en•l tht' 11ulutH111 1111t•n ' t'nolt•r~ll\ntl l h~ 11tare hiUI Thl .. ,..;tht\Jral runlamf'<.l n 0 l THE SMOULDERING FUSE. t'llger. to I:M><'om"' hill ally unendurable, but It Is perfect seasoning. SpinE' or the fl('W I to " zoning probl!'m to thl' :>lew-bf'tn .!9<'1 (ut II but the lllrbway ''"'Y far mlln" mt'<lll'\'8.1 l(lal'lll than Oflt'n """ the ll ra t)f thP Ulllkanll But. for t hell full a n•l l'l ficl.-nt ~ Iiane. wlU ltick to enrich the lP,nguage, no doubl. IMtrl Htoach , Hy •·t•um 11. With a n·mam~ unftlll~h•·•l It tht>y cSo !lilt l 11ny nthH F.nglt11h rhun:h. b~t ttl· txo<'n '1"~rnh<·•l u th~ pow•l~r·krlt t'xplolt.atlon absolult>ly .-e.sl'n t l a 1' •euu.t .. -..• ~-a..., hash isn't bad· nor Is .. the eagll' n ics''.' guarantee \hilt It will pluAt· p ···ry-hurry "" unll oompl•tf' It OGf' of )41 lllxllll half "' Jtll that W&ll left ut F.uruJI<' ToKlay lllllfl• thRn ('Vf'f t " Hitler I& ll that Rumania ~·"'"•I • uoau..... • • budy Ttlt'r\''11 a t•harw<' tu be .. thf'l'r tl•w :t I "'"Y bfo malllnl lhl\l In th,. wurlt1. • 1~ 1"1' h a ,.,.~, nptllln npt. li nt! trt· shoultl be frtt frnm any sert!tu8 . ..... -'How Goes the World? ............. ......anc pay day. Molt slang diea. But slang that c h a nt:CS lO 1 cn'llle farn<~utl and 1m·rcoue your 11 ip •ltl,;ol IJ~' a whitt cane. I hav•· ,.n .. n '"'t tn I"" norlhl'm wnrdt~ that poiHIPr·kt-1( thrre rulll! lnt.-rnal unrnt. Ct>rta1nly t h "1 -a ftiCUt& chink ln .a 1a.nguage may live on indefinite ly . l)flli\Jiarlty. "'-I -•-lriUlii!'Jll an.t ~C:~Uetl up at ll!! row• R li~htnl full<' whfl•h at llmr.11 G1111n1 has nt;>Ver been popullll , LINCOLN LIVES Abroad. the •--who "rU r 00 did" or "care kUied a cat" • -• -My Jl\)1"' frtl'n•l Or HO'W~rnl l of at&lne•l JtiUII windows mafte 1 11""m• only to wtth tht Rumanian ma-11• ILl-oatlona of t hla world are encared -v--says wqe Y ' ' Tht' rf'aaon wi Are having ~o 1 fkllgtr wtll t•njny an artldt In In tht• 13th century. The Runll~o:ht 11m o u I 0 e r , lhtHtllh that dlsauva.ntagt> (' n u 1 11 I 'II II gro>at war luting whether ,. Meamparllolw .are odorous", or "laugh t~t o ff", .or "gojrnany automobile 1\Ccldtnta Ia he~ the Febroary t1eue of t.he 4Jner. t.hat 11tream1 through them bean wh\le at other t'&ally hllve bt>t•n overc.ome by giv.l or nnl thf' thing• Abraham Un.· .. ,......, to~ e~~e·•~y quot.M ShakespeN~e! e&UM there are too IJ\&OY Inter. \can about huw Dee M.o1nu. Jowa. m-a~u of beauty &nd hope to 1 momrniJI l he lhg Ule Guard leatJen pown and coin Mid and atood for"Can lon.c ~ 4,.y ..., o1 '41 Ia U new U tomorrow morning; but ...::Uooa tor whk:b dr1vera hne j rout~ UIP d.-preeaton and '\ooll all beholden. F~c. tboN wbo made I aulhol lty. ba.cked by German endure. -ill bi ,.10 llttlr rep rd. ~&rveral thoul!l.nd off the rtllttf theae window• Wl're lm~d with •vark b 11 rete nrm11. atmlll\r to that wtllch tn 1 In ont of hlll~lee wtlll 0ouc: -~tile exdtletnent and terwenesa of training W · come ts _ • _ 1 roll and rehablllt.ate\1 their •If-f11IUI. and Lhey left an Imprint Ru.tdenly I nto GHmAny t he :'1/azl!l then:t~el.,f'!l lu, Um·ol'n d ed: "No man ., ~ to be ctUOted centuries hence--flinty ~parks or l"pt.kln~: nf F.AIIII'r: Milady'• rf'lllln('l' II'• an tntrrl'llllng lltory ,,, thl'h· C(lDYIC'tlon~ upon l hl'll a br1Rht flame Wll'h1 • ll' gootl rnoup _ $C1Yern another *4(! 1 don to live when lhls world crisis ls dim history. •. , I' h&t atlll rl'm&lna thf' r hlf'f attntr· nf •lf'tl'rlnlnatl~>n an •I ln~rconulty, wt•rk Hum&ma 1 11 '11.'\ t h.. tll·~t :'l/a7J mm (' v.-1111 mu.n wtOWIIt th11 m&n'e con~tenL" . • lion, bill It wouldn't IN' wnrlh " hut no duuht. the dt~ tM would ,uy Tllnu~nnll~ o( Engllllhmen hill'" sa.p I' u 8 c d 1 y t .. !'ll rtp numMia Iff t!.t• grf'KII'r l f thi~ f'l'lnrPpt wins. dt'mocracy thin 11fmr w1thm11 t'tlflnll'lll' lllltJ· too m1•, "Wtll W" havl' thHl kind I'""~'·' throtUJilh lht· V••rk l '><th•·.J 1,1,1tu•n .. r Tra ns\'lvAnar1 :'1 l<l~tl · l'llh It" elt'l'tlnns tn coxprtAII ttle WAR ON TWO FRONTS •p .. rt A hat wllhu11t lht• prop1•r ,ft fH"rh· ""'kIn l ks :O.tnlnea." ral unol hni'C lo>toko·d up In thulh• "11 1 '' m n r•• ll hl•h 11,.. /wn·o~v nnll••ronli_,11• 11.111 l•f Lh!' mnjnr1ty nnt1 ltJJ t'OO· . • ,,,..,,.I dl"t'llf .. ll""" W•tlllot ··-nntl'h . . ,., .. n····. ~IIU;,l Wllll . .hl\\ I' II$ I h.ln ' II llllljllll lllllh•l t h•· lllt'f'l '"' llllotr I :uno II 111\\••1 1~ ; .. ~nl"'•' ( rPfiPfRI slllutlonal ~uarllnleea to prolttl It wu to protect himst'lf R,gatn."~ thE' need of waginj:! •• , 1111 lnt•·l'f'~~ Tilt• hnt ~:rill II" T h p -oiiiO~ :-.;,,~~. I <'(lnn .. t h••lp thtnk· "1"1' "1 f ; •• ,,.,rtf Anl•tno·!'l• II l \ul .\nlool ··~·II llll'lallr•l hfml'o I( "'"' t h lht• ru:hu •IL lhP monnrltiPS la ... war on two fronts that Adolf llitll•r mactt• {t duhinus mar-ponprr ~fRill ll(tr•o th•· ""~ ~>:t•l eac er roves lfll: thai ll<ll lhr l•·a,.l 1>111 t .,, ID· Anloorl•'!ll II .. II'): I Ill" Ill ,,.,.,.., liP"" llrki··W••rm l:ualll IOUflJl"rt •• s hr·ad ~Ill l'll or II Inn~ 'life If it lo~tea, • c1 I . . I h•· prnt"'' • w-1·•·~ I 1111\('' a I ''" A t . Auth 'I"' :lllt•n '••• l h" h··r"" tiP I 1'11!11' ' c ;,·rman '"'l'ltt•l I. upun I ho· I nnr-.. r I h•' ~RIUJllinl:tjf )!uV•·rnm•·nt t.twn. tlltlliJiurla.n m I It h t w" I) riage tlf convenk.>l'l('{' betw(.'(!n hiS CO\lnt ry an ~us...;m_. 'HI• f.,, Jo~uotr•r ""' .lnrll II . ,.,... ma eur or Ill ~:llj;llnll """ ' .. nw rr .. m I'U• 1\ , ..... ,., f l:fO• ''"'"" \' .. r 1111' I{J!man. (llo\'HIUIII)' ~ l b I s arranl:'•'m•·lll. olumtrllltC' fl ~on. I porlCj' the Yet there are lncreasln~ sl~" lhnt c1t~pltt• his ('(for~· ~ut '" lllkt• II ooff "h•·n I ~ ... w.·th Promt·se I"''' t•ath •h ill~ l.tn nrmy Htorll\ Slmn nnol hll< fnllnwP rl' , ... ··nn h . to bt.illd a neutral wall for ('J('rmany to the East. Arlol(.llith•r '"'" 1 htll•" ""'' ~~>'hot 'ro lrn lit• liE=" HE\' I=" Th· 11''1' ':11 11'1 ha~ 1'~'''11 111" ~:"~"'''''' H~ unly a tcm('omry E'X· T·~lh\' Lon• nln 111 m han I f I I I I •tt•r 1 t~t 1 .:. J>aro•nll.v 1.1 lllht ·I hut nM11)' ••f 11 ~ · I toda ct 11 f ·h t h h s m~ f<'nr<'d-two hatiiC'· nl' n nt~ It'll~ 11 >~ • 'r •· ,., l"''"""t \\'II• n lhPy rNlll:r.NI that 1'\'t•r m ""r n11nd!l Only recent y, Y a ua .y aces" a (' a _ 1 trom lh<' t ttll\'•'rltaliun lt•l'h'l< Jlnrrtt f' Pnrk"r nf t:.llb-•11 lloland i A Crot0/1 Wra(t's About Wor'lston h•;tolt•'R 1'" "" at •lfll ;!•' anol \ll!'lt rl lht••ntt>rwd_lu l~t•t•nmt• pt•rma. while o·hatting with I!Oflle callere frontJ. AA long a.tt there l~ unrest In thf> &lknn s . II" long • _ .lpparrntly h~t.~ nt h• r tat .. nta ln Ch.urchlll 1r.flv••n•" l hroou~:lt•>ul thl' ! ""nl\".v l'nt, tht•y rPhl'lll'<l 111 hi" ~tu1ly at the White Houee . .. mUitary' defeats rontlnll<' undermining thC' nllll'rtiP of Thut "'"' "nW<II "on I hi' flrl' tn IIIII !IIIon •·· l hat "' ·•Jtl l ultuml , .. \owl II I Ill ~-tr••fll , '" l'oll•·r l"'llll.lfh lh~n Thrtr rPhl'tll"ll \\'Ill' hlllo.hl\' lhfo l'r<'l'l ol!'nt 1\llHI: "Thla Ia the Italy's .........Je as long as a stubborn FrnntV n•ftJI'('S to pros-I!"' foor .:'•'""l'"rl lwa•h "llnlfiP•I tnslnHI••r nt :-;I'WJ'"'t ll ~tr bor l I "" ho·o·a Wl\h \\'in•t"n C'huroh. thnl Qt tlw n .. rm nrll rllh'l. •ru~hrol lw Antuni'S•II'll sttloll"r~ l\.'lm~ r•••m frnm whlrh Lincoln ..,..""~-" • . l'""t .. rrh I' 18 all rlt:hl With mr t 'nlon lll~th s r h•"'' Ill ;t J!''1"' dt•al lato>ly. Ht•l·••n tly l ln~ttwllv tlh' • n• uur·fl~t'lll!',.l . "lt•l•lln~ ~~-t'IIIJOD!I ani! mannan;: lookrd ••ut ;t ntl lltiW the llghlll of tnt~ hen;etf befQre. her conqu<'ror. as lo ng ItS a war-s ickene<l1 ~nrn• tlnw11 1 wrtt,. n lt•t\1•r :..n•l Ttlc> flr't pnrtlnn ,,f • \\', ltt'rn I the t'r1m•· Mlmlllt'r saw ·1 pnvate or Adolf llltl••r ph•Y"'I 11n unpor~. t!lnks and "rmore<l <'llr!' whwh t h P l'onf•·dcrate Army·• camp· Spain ref\UieS to take u p 1\rml' for th€' A xis. a s Inn).! :t~ n:•-""'n'!<" 1t =""" 1w•rt Hnll1''" ru11l dotr~· wr1ttr n .,,. l'o~rkt•r "r rw-ar• lh""lln~t 1'f ·'Tht~ Gr.,at llu·tator·· ar1t rart 111 tit•• ~;ruwth nf lht• 111t1"r ,.11r1,1i<·d tn ttwm fnr tho• fires hurnml( a c;rus.'l the PolO· beUloul N chaf t th Nazi ok ~rmany fn~ a I lltho•r "'"'' ltall>nl\ !'11'\l'lh'ft jU!OI . Ill "Thl· \\'rl\n~l··r" I • .. rnt'l II( tht Ill' I huu~o:ht I~ wa.. IIIIJh'l'h t•!l· ltum811111n ln •n f :unrol ll\11\ ''llll'nl l•llfJ'IIflr 111:11 Htv••r .. . " or.vay es a e Y' e, · 1 lu tt»lir l\1.-ltn amparllal ut t1t11•J•• mai(RZin" Wold \\ , ... t. ·~•ut ••f pt"eultl~~o "" " puhlll "prak••r h•• Tht· • ;un• ot at 11 • .-11 nlo'h 11\'<'T· llul th•• rrhel INIIIC'r!< rrmaan 0 1 l.<'rs 11( us have sePn In our CC~J~tinent or h ostile .&x•ople o n e\·pry s)dt¥ • s"4" u ... ftll lt .~lttl!l:!!'l•'l'll .-an F•·hnlllry 1 ~1 \lith I flnllllPnt bY'I IIk•·d l"llllfllln'll '""~ oWI!tiOD at t hrl'\\ 1-\1111: i'·ltOI an.l t>;ll'l'l' lht• (rP<' Al\hllllj:h olri\'Pil mtn hldlnJ! mu.ol'/1 t'YP th•' llllln who hlld com· While waging wur hgain.._t l:;nglanrt. ('tf'rmrtny rnusl nt r~"""''' tit•· pdi•lrxlly I'll "•' 1•11 tlw '""'"' tlw t'"'' "' lhP m<•\'H' ""Y fnr th•• ••nlr\' 111(,. Hurrmnln tht'ir peowo•r Ill fll'Ob3bly nnw rar I I"""""" 111r IJ<llh rmiPA. the man thP u t tl I r be o(~lll.dlOIII ··n~y ~tro•d Ill!" ln. anti :PAdy tn Thr ynrn '" l'llttft,..t "H••IIj rn ot I l.lkt' !I rPI\1 w rlt··r. D(• 81.'1\rcht•a II( the NaZI 1\~rrt~· ~otr•·>ll•·r· thAn .. vl'r l'inn• they may \\ hll llf\H'k. tn tht• hardt'ilt job In. I8Jne Jn(>l a on rtrgC' num rs tht> Russian~ ,...,,,.,v .. tu .. ll .wnl tu lllut H•hlr~ll-" lhl· F'l·lollln' ......... t'nmuwnl h)' f<•r wnr•l" !IIIII ,,. :olw:.y,. JOIIill~ It i• tmpHPihlt• tu think llllll• \It'll .,,. 111111' '" .:nthpr Rmllnll tllr Wlorld . altllltUj!h fle lunged ,.a.Jpng lb. C RtJ.,"-'>tan fnm_ r~P · !'\t'WIIOr\ f:.lt't\f h •'IIJ:hl Uhr ma):IHII11 ... ltl••r ,,. as ffll· j .lnwn lcl•·nll nnol o·xprr•llihns. Soom<'· tilt' Fu• hn•r 11n11 hl't•n 1\nythln~ t 11" m n II pri'\'hntsly tlil·"r)::,.nt lu ~n bar k to Rrrlng fi E'Id and ln Roland. Continuing disasters for ltaJy mny sh;1kr th<' tn h"''" ;, ~ ~r J'f'~~~ f1n·n.~"rr-·~r~r ..... ,..,.,-um. ~._ Q!rUerJ ~ .,,·e.o .w 1Mt-"...., -wtW..-1tt.e u..t ... .,.,.._.....,__. -p~·&<aJ'J:.t.l h• unLl(' !JI JS>r;t.,.tl~c ;: law on•·<· mur" wttb Bllll.. =1:::=:--~MtdiiL.afii,IDI .o~wly &hat. fo.r her 0\\ln S<lfC~lY, Gcr· "lu•n • "" mall &luulhl " ftrl•llln~; • "''' '" 1 rr " ~1'''1 •nlrt\' lhl\t J lh•..Jntthr•'"111 lh· ''"J''Y" th•' ,,.,,... m~.n1 of thr r :ountl 111n1'r t h~<l •~·mm•m "Pf>'lsallnn to Ute ·German 1·Jhf[ndtm ..~-- .--, , I M <I lt. thf'rf' 111 1\n)' rsll fo r rxtm a;.r.. out ••f lh•' nllmll r l&aL • er l.hal hie pn .. -o1 o tt ll' ~ a ....,..m-111 .U111 u1 •aal:&lAtuan bt: IIIV.Iidf.I'JI, IJut we mu~t lllllt' nurst'IVe.ll 1n many may be tor"<X'd to pour Tl('\\' troops mtOJMlt~hnl.!l: un-'"'''' ... rrnol 1'•"'\ I llrd~ r ll try \\'11•, th.ll loT hull I ;,II ~·ou'vf! Orlfaln'll !1p11ko-!ttrlnn l'!Rng!l nrm ' .. -· Hrr 1\rlmltf\t ·nn of 1\ llln~tlt ~:- happy land to streng1h<'n thC' h a n d of thp faltt>dn).! nu<'<'. \""' ftt•ntl fl frm l m n .. t lnt.•r•~<l j;l\'f'n th .. ''"'"' I h;llriM ..... eomf' Pt•lll!tpll ht• rnje>ye ll An mul'h be. tilly LIOl'nln Jl<tiT\'I\'C'!' becnuae hll Along thiA dangerously fnr-nung lint• fr'l\ln ~·anctin:wia , .. t 'T'nyllt'lf •11~11"' 1 tvr 1 "'1' 111""1=11 111'' n~-('1\ll.'l" '"r ~~~ many Y1'"r ... h·· wu A \'''"'~ nr. t r '"' Mol r1~htPOUa al- the Bla CO-• R . bo _. ,.._ . fo'alltrf Wf'l'k "'"~' ,..,.:-,. l'l' nl11nl olin hAll lh•• 111•'-"l ""I"' I hert • dtnlrd I~ l:l•):l'lh• r Thill tnll figure In the to r k .,. .... rrom Fn.tn <"C to th l' U.SSI:ln h a('r ,. ~r 1 •"1.11'~ Itt ll<•m•• hut It 8 .on 1\hlltllll o•nuu..:h plot '" ··~rry tlw atDry, AnywRy·. ~ r-~ ~rrhtll rt>h~hrll lr ·~ k I ttl\! And phi~ h8l will w&lk many must keep a rmies on gwu"rl to mt"~' tfh\ pi•rprltml mt•n · . :--•.. --ltlt' H•IP nf pul ttn~ot tntl~ll lht• Woman Looks On am•tnl<( lll! ID\'ISihly. fnrevt'r He ace of unrest. hatred. sabotage, insurrection a nd civil war. flt.'l't' I'I'IIMin fn t· tht• ~m·i••l hl.1f lo Jntn tlw n"" !l0\\1'1'S as fuhnl(ll 11( thr ttrltll!h p;>oplt> I . •'xprf'.!<.<t·s tu ld 1.rnoo.ue11 Ju11u c ... Hitler has bought RtL~iA's n t'utr<llit:r. hut htl c annl)l hu\' h er quit'kl~· :h mny II(' on "hah'V<'r ll'rnlS t·an I hrn l11• uhlained. ::~;"'~:~~~~ .. ;··~~;~. ~1,.'r::tr~~8~~: 1 mrn;y 1111d fn'r•lnm. We 11baJI al--11........~ance nor th~t (lf an.v othf."r ro,;qu<'t'Ni <'Ountr .v. W ithout! A h'l•ady ostl'OSIUI~· I'Ot-dia_l rt'latio ns (_·~i~l. h•'1 "1~·n Mos-11nlratl{>n IU'I•I 'nur bi'Jlt' a11 \\'Pil WASHINGTON POLITICS 'lay!! ••· stn•~t):lmg 1 " makt a ~· ·' oki ,. 1 natoon an h1R lm&gt:'- thal. Germany faces two battlcfront.s-d~pit(' a ll efforts to ll'OW nnd B<-rlln. Th(' l'l'SUmptiOn of the ntrl;lt ton \\ llh T 0 ... our pohtii'Al lerulrr By . . --- for8taD lt. . -C'Sin thlL" be <'XJ)('f'tro to ):>laCl' Russia in an. ('XN'IIt'nt position ~-A HCit.l.ll·'t·•F.A.R\' LO="DO:I'ER Routt Christian Science to dednre a t n momt>nt's notice h<'r unrt~·ing loynll~· to the! Ot'ar Michel --_.) Mary Pattenon FLIRTATION RESUMED 'l m£-mbcrs·o r the thrce·(lO\('('~ pad·if SUC'h a strp sh ould be-For ont> WPl'k now I havf' tM'en • Lecture Sunday ' -come n<'C('S."3r}'. ; • !lilting In " thorou~ehly &lr-con. SCATTERED D. sEA v A . Ill ~tllln~ In "It r I fl"rrnuda. At L.d Th t . MOICOW' and Tokio onN' mort' ha\'C' l"('l'tlml'd t8eir . rre-If on tht• other h a nd Hitler a ttemptJO-thf' itwnsion of diUooed e>ftiCI'. llll thm· 1• not TION.I: In reMhng a r••rY of the Jrunacal, t h ~ Bahamu. GUII\01\ I I 0 ea r'~ tJ lnt ptcd t d · · bot t t d l ' · ' " pltr~> of ~tlus In tht' pll\c<P Thr V. don IJftlly Mall ri'IIUl'l' 1 to six 1\nol Hd t·l!h t-l unt.lllriL• ffo r In · . quen,. y erru ra (' n{'j:!Ottatton!'l, .or are a I 0 0 th<' Briti~h I sit'S and ctiAAstrouslv fails, the n ('('jtlllll\' <;imple at'en(lftranhrrll hi\\'(' 'm0\'1'•1 .town t n . tl. . I I ,·I I llt&nf'~ fnr II I'IUffl'••lnolll." .,Lnnr-1 . . --- Re 'edl f I h h &~ t t l . . . . ,. . J'BI'l'f'll Wl\r· m r 1!17.1'. nn ce• , • , ' ,..t:' ' ~. I 10. ~\J Y o at f." nve I. eN' ~-.:n ~ta emt'n s lY prom-will 11 be for tht> Soviet on('t' again to bn-uk off I hi' flel(>-into the hAMm!'nt. whr re there lll 1 that H tl r r y Hopkin~~, Prt'llldl'nl ou11 1Jlrll'l' to pay for all thP :ohlt)ll. • r&r'' C'hurch of Chria~ en· Tokio to the ~ff('('l that thC' rnnk-tiatio ns with J apan in thf' l'('CUn' knowlf."dg<' that if th~ tJde a flllrly ~f'lod .-lrctrw hrater 1-l•tO!'t'\'t:'lt s p l' r'" o n11 1 1\trvtanl's and munltlon.~ w Ith·: 1 ~'1 · :'\r1'110r1 R<'ll<'h._ 11~00 . es • thla sad ~tp.te whP which wl' lAn y hl'r ThiM ~ n ••· LrrturP nn Chn~llan Selene• Utrns lt~A nx a well on their towards a solution. -'tnwnrds lhC' d<'mocrad<'S who1i2ai' r ngalnl't her n n 1~~ fXJI'Itflol In th~ mtdl.lte. of Rt'ient ,..mm.~ me ur how Un et1 Stak.t~ wllh th~> .t••f•·n~~ .. IJ1ndnn En.:lancl. '" bC' h('ld SUJI· But. the ~·hat•off-hand rnaner in whkh the ~t 1 ~ive desl._on._ wilat<'ver. Street at 2 n'\'lnt.'k in lhf'· mnrn-,t11n .tally. dllring tlie 1tay11 or hr\M'II which Mf.-ty .s~ml\.111111 nnrt \Ia) afl<'rrtOl)n ·1-\•hruar.v. l6, at 3 •llll'aftl"V .a-ttl..-n .!, th r AIV> I c I . .I • So l"fo w thr 11th. ano.l lo\·cnt of:C AI ., .......... I.Prt ........... ,m -A.ml'r lo'Mlll nl<•k-.at tl\(1 l'!lme llmf' ,.·oulll ht• ~1\'10): "t•lnr k. In Licln 1111'11lr<'. nPN8 --~··-,.,.· maut• If': 1\ nouncernef\1)' a "'vn om (' -~pit{' th<' ract that artie . wntten b~. \'ii~t miUta.ry I k . th o#t "I th-r-'"Q) ... ... ~lflt' p111tlir I' c•nmtlllly Invited: a.... .-.1 _.•• h h d •.a.-.11 , · 6 1'"' 0(' 10 E' lu l'rnr•nn, "" 1' nAMed "Thl' Klnlf(lllh." Pfrl!l~tl'\.1 tn Bn tatn the hr lp whil'h !<Ill' llll wrutionl are to uo: I"CSUOlll'l S\Ut~'-~ts per aps t nt. ~htt:• ~ I<'Xprrt.s And p\lbllshf>rl In th<• journAl of tht•. H<'ft :ti111Y oer-wlnd(l~·~ for Rhi•ut 2QO yards Oll,·tn t•alllnjt him ·:King of lhf• F'lsh .. (ll'~l'f'ralPiy n~tl'ds AIM thil< Wllllltl . ---- pn!mAture would be any unrest rn11"K'd JnpanC'S(' JllbiiRtto n . tnlnJv'do n o t fOre<'S.'It a ~ful Nazi ln\'asion nf 1-'n..t-....t .t>.o t-'1 111du nr thf' stret:'t wf',r~i ......_ .. th , ~ .1 · mf'A.II that at lht rl011e of th .. 11(1\rl If 11 "'~'r" P"""lble forth?~-J • • • .......... PhN d th r h . I -flY OPI'OIU'f!l "• " ....,nu-f'rlll public-tn tonk n\'tr the es• tbat aD ~·satisfactory to Japan in thp negotiAtions is Staliri is f.akl ..... n o chances. ama •· an rl"f' or Ot.tr 11 opa L.-a.~ .. · 0111 tn 1111 rn·~tmt ·fnrm \.rl'Ht R1ttam wlluld owt:' u" no-' , t at I """' -eomp&tol•ly '4'rec:ILed. thing which would ollvlate the pen!'" ac• "until e>f fl'(wernmen • a fqreaone conclu..tdon. Workln~t In the cold, btllng ' hllve. """'" of'ft'ring 11\Jbetttut!' P~ bltte..:O··~ •wrr' "sr tlrbts which fld ala both Dtorbocra\11 and Re-~That ~nnany is greatly interested In the forth-romin~ C A$ H REWA R D w.-alher at onr ·• dt'ek. tn..an over. ";"'Ilion• ~*~::!.~: ~~'r 1~; wu no1f<4>f 1~..-y ttnfortunate puhiiMUll would sriM ln holy ,.. .. talka Ia lndlcated by Tokio fOJ'l'C8S~-that the Japanes{-dele-coat. la not nurly eo dlahearten· ~ ~~re.luya l G "" t 118rlt tn 5: d anrrmath8 of the lut war. wnth to lttllrn hoor.· Mme ot tbelr • • ' · .. ---I lnC u a nlgbt at Ule Connau«ht n ar 0"n8 0 cea r "n an laJt monf'y l~ 11pent Here I• cne pta wUJ lfve iii"1fftponanrptA~ on~ ftJJ"'Ktft to"th@~ -----.-.. -.-Cliili" kiltht i ci'Oii Uif AIL)' to bt/ antl to Callada. ~d •• ~r. J W T. l~war cxprrl •&.tm taken from t;nrru~aDlltJ;,l'!~l,..--...:.....ILuJ tioa ~ tadUtat:.lng and increasing the passage or JaPft)lese I A IUt.t&ntJal c::&ttA-reward wm "t. paJd for kltar-the Club le a battery of anti-air· pt'rhaps\-aleo to GrtKe. "Here' I dKIII~S that A:uolr Hiller hv rankhn.r· ~C\'l'n huodr~d ·:::::!'= ~ t 'the Re'ch rriatlon leadln& to the ldentiftcation at. mo~ ~ craft cun• Evtry Ume they •tart I Ulco _!DOD\.)' s omf' oyf'r a nti m&k~ mltd~ 11!'\'C'n major_ bhJndtn thus. m tn t pmployru travelled t 0 .....,._ acna 0 I • . • be 1 -r{ Ul abak41D out of bed. be I your ~~ c)iltrar~ for ~·hill ~·•r fAT In his war aptnlt Britain, ~onda lut v.inteT at 1'0"1'11· RcarcDe-of otftciaJ announce~nts. h owever . It Y.iU be ttl!{ ookinl 01' more ~Dlftlt ma ne ien1a ' ~ a~Hl dow1l In a bomb mater1&~1 )~ Mt>d.'' tht f1rwt and ('O!Itl~llt hf'tn~~: ttl,. mtont f'XJ!f'Tlllf' during the three ...,...... 11 an effective pact 'is actually concludtad. Stalin; ~tatlon than the . I !:Iter or not. I Tl\rrf' a'N' ,tbnw In \\'uhln,too:· f~lure to belr1n h1s air _attat"k.a on mooth~ ann a halt between Mo- ---.. .....-...1 · H-,_ -•--t rtainl rdln I · · -LONDONER F T S lncludln« anme (nnuentlal r Dtmo-En& land at t.!?e 11tart ltl Septem· vember 15 19311 and M.arcb 1, WI~ q-..-.-eau .......... IUIIIUII oe y gua g any potl3-"' Min· Se . St ti . . rrall 111' h b a: r e au trl'f'IJliDJ a ber, 1939 At that lime Nr Hit· 1&40 -It II tn be .noted that u.e lble ~t which mlght result from ttw-impending ... AIOI I 01 """' .. .!'. The-y prOJ'OIM' "Let \Ill ler tl~ a ln'ml'1ldnua IJU('t'rlnrity Florid" 1()('1111 -~ lrruntt~Y ~'5iprlal..-.,.._.~-orttfiaud.m, _ -+ .:: -·MUIOA .....-Mil. we lblnk ypu mad• ~,.Rh.t.JE!i ~! .. ap_~;!e.r ';0, CJ:!a~ 8r'U.a1n In t ~t ~lr "'hlle~Brt~~ w~.'!!.:...l..~!ll~t &,:a! Dr\,&,. .»".JM_t~l{l_l~~~~~--~·•·-1 If Drttaln ,_ ~ .. ,._. then II It .., Ill fOOd Job of lt. Tou"n' Gil ~ \ t1l purdiak slftli.-We1lnn Hem!. ~.1 by \.11Ta.r o ,no.~ practlrst • run• rrom r-tovember .., ._ ~~ ~................ sma a erftlhr\le w 1 npt trail. Kwp plucl'lnc along · epht~ rul utatt •1th •·hlch abe tl~htlng plllnle., 1 I 4 f -\ I .. . ..... . ---~ . ' . NEWPORT BALBOA NEWS-TIMES. t;Jewpol"t Beech~ Cali rom io .. Tlll'HSOAY. fo't-:HHl .. AH\_' 1 :~1!\.lt , NEytS-TIMES . ' arbor High -(inChes sketbaU Crown · - l TENNIS -TRACK -8 AS E 8 A L L ·t Est us Leitts Civic Ba&ketball League;. TwQ Tea~s Jlef ault 1 •. t--:jliltu~ Htt.r·d\\'~trr "'tt.f 1'r.-d1tP•\ wath 11 vk tur y OVt'r I ji' t'• F1" •II)IUkt'l 1 W L whf.'n that aqU111l forlt!flf'tl ~d t.b• F:11tu~ lldW•' 4 0 C'rR'Wfj>rd llruG &t<'IIN'd IUl fljually The Ntwporl Harbor Union Rr hou) Cl~ B blulkt>tball cham· C'Ta'A'ford nruJ: 3 1 t>llay w ut by forf«'lt from lht>' School varalty Ia lht> 1941 JliPflllhlll laat Sear. ~uUt up H ar· Q T PIU'kl'rll 2 2 Pr1ct> StoN' lAagu~ Baalutball Cham. 1 bor firet auuM&ful football tf'&ml Harbor <:ray11 2 2 Lack or tull tt>ama N'euiUnc In 1 und coached tbe local acbool to F't><xlbaaktt 1 -3 tht forftltln~ "'"" bt'III'Vf'tl tJu,.l Sallora cinched tht' Cllllaba many lnck UUu. • •· Pm!~.>·s ~h>rt • o 4 to tllt> atrt'llUOI.~ gamco played th• wbt'D they o utP9Intt>d tht' Mcm bt'fl of · the Uti• wmninr night' bt'fo~rt>. :~ot'!O•Iay. a~:alnat lh .. ' Beach 01~ra Tuu day vlil.llllr thl:s year art ~rg• Bar-com~tltlon '" t b e !lle•'J)Ort Bea.rdrd Ar r• fn•m tht t"'Hy uf In on. ol t.M mo.t 1 nelL e&ding ~er, _Capl&Jn ~ll H!lrtx•r e1•nununll v ll&Akt>tb" II David. A numbt'r t1f mt>n who ~rttttmr-~ra~~HIHt.W"·~. ~ n.mu alao ...a...li1Cb..R2!!!! IWUl .l'AI~, g\Je ar,aren tlv · rr~ a low-pta)'IJ"" m?~~rr"flrt1t1r-l!'lrnrf,.....1~fl'""- played at HWIUngton 1 Smith, t::t-n~. ak~lb~~: and t>bb lut Thut.lay · n11thl y;ltti ooly : llny niJ:hl 11n• me_mbt'ra of t he 1 1 Harold ont> of three ftl'ht'dulell matrhea 1-'uodtMulltt and PHr t' trllm. Clvtr In four c-bnfrr,.nre othen. bt'ln!t p·layt•d . t ht' vtbrr two cam u ' m rt'tlng" Tut !l<lay niJthl a l110 took I t.be Ollotn wert' tht' biC -I belnC 'A'OO on fort'ft'lls } • thrlr toll Of play..ra. atood In t.be way of AJ Jr.win Wins Th.-h1gli .xhuol team. ~bOr 1 However . tbt' usual nt>1nly one I Sunaet Lell&'\le varalty Graya, ll&llk tht> Q T l'ackera hur.tlrrct ~rc-t>nt tum out 1a ~-• J:llltmplcaal!llp Harbor H l(b bU CA»veted College I 23-11 ln tht> f'Vt>nlnjt'l' opent>r pKlt'd ajtaln n1t ~uuda_y nll{hl I Football Tro~~Y 1 Jor.dan Last Leagu; Op~ent AI Irwin, Vt"tt>ran PacifiC _guard 1 .• Bee Lo' Willi lht' m ost hooort'd lint>man on For Sat ors; s se tht' ('oll('tl<' of th<' Pacific football tt>am wlwn the roll~r held Its an·1l ual (ootball awards a"~mbly The! Sa 1lo'r vllralty M H arbor THJ.: t'IMT DUI.U(R to lw f!Pt'"l In Ma"t. AM -IWI&r Uay tllAa liahanla)', t'rbruary 1~. IUlf'b will lw u.,.-ndf'CI lit)' Maynr J"luttl-r W. Brun• of Menta .\aa. '!:1110 lta ..,...ptlatl Ot rhm frvm llf'tty Hoc..,,., •• ,_IM'd lftlo tJMo rlaam..,.r of •-mrra-. _,,. lo a•t It for hint. .. -, li-D I Y: SfECiiL-OFFEI --- 7 5 (' -white Hund Pap·_er J" . . ·' I n•um. -IHt· 49c • rt."UBlH, -Hk IU rt'UJllH, -15t• ..2!!•11111 \\'h i lne~ _l.~t_I~!J.LL•·•P•'r, I ;.lli. K ' ~· h~· 11 -hwh. ""'~ I• 1"'"11111111 qiJ,daty. '"11111 1 In lilt~ 7;11· JIIIJM't.' '"" o'\1'1 -.;"'! ~~~~·~·aal purdlas.·~ null n hi~ huy (Ol' ··11~ •11111'1'. ~tw lt•nt , 1'1.1' Conw t•n rly! Nt•wtlOrt Balboa N .. ~\\'S ·:TIMF~· ''l'!l~ w .... t C 'rntraJ An 1Santa Ana to Hold Hollar Day Event Saturday I 'Ill t Many finn• han pu~aaa.d "I"'' ·•I "''"'"" uf ll'"l('-whtr h will '"' nn qlr on thl• urw tlay ot~~ly, It .; ... lltaled. aJJd even ta-.. who lu.(!" nut will rut bariJa.ln ptic .. '"'" .,ff,..·l un lhle oe. clay, Mtlnta Ana mw<'hallt. wbo IN Wh11t I• u lol ·t .. t ... '""' uf lh• lakin)( r&r:t In lhl• C'Oft\IOIIftl\)' a rf'al""' ""'"• """"'• ut th<o Y""' ~•1 ... l'ftort hav• made plalla to will ,,.. •1 "tl'"' thin ~"' urolay, ..... h. •nt•rtaJn lhouaandll ol • u • I l ruary 111 It wu •nnOttnl'f'll today ~~hopper• OD Doltar ~· lw J W 1 'uftman •·h •h miiLI'1 uf \lnllnaJt..l p a rill n • prtvta..- th•• rf'la ll •llvlclun uf lhf' <14anl• 1 will be olf•l"'ld to all Call ~· An11 .• '"""''"'r l>f <'umm•rc·•. apon· IDI from ouUide &aJ~ta Ana. 11\r • .n( I hr PVPnl " ~~~;;;..;;;;;:.;,;;:;,;.~..!4!!1~:;;~~~~~·~·m:·r~<':~b~ru;;a~l')~·t-13th. High School 'A'tll aquart' otf '-'llfl I · ' Rrd•the P'UIImon lnvaden In the ltw-al Bushf'r Trophy for bcinr tht> mo~~t : IY1D Jl"rrday nl~tbl aftrr tht'lr tltlr outr.tJ&ndinK llrwman on tile lt'&m · wl.DJIIDI vic-tory nvt'r Huntington RECORD SCORED BY SUNSET CHAMPS -.... l'lrut,. '"' '"'" ''"Y w111r ,..,,11.,.1 H•v. o . • W RtM111a pt... to nay .alr llav .. bt'-eti ln prori',N ff\1 I· lf'&Vto •arly Mal w. ellt IM • m•nv n111nlh•. • an•l mPn'haa~ In munth'l vaea.Uon .. .. ~ I au ll11t'11 ,, bu.Cn•• w111 ta.IIPI Htpway ~ ~munlty, year, declare Nnvport Har-dunng the.. pa!ll !M'oUon. ·. · Bucb t arlltr lbl1 Wt't'k Union Hl(h School hu t hla AI will al80. n'('t'iVPf his t;o•n1or • The-Sailor Ben lost to Hunt . Harbor Z9 2(1 40 :.10 'JII '74 40 Ill Or!tnl{t- F.xrrlaior one of lhoae rart' rom bl· .)ac.ket>. his thinl '11\n<lty block andl lnltton Bearh 31·43 and will tw Harbor which come once evuy .o • &old football for biB pH1 In tlw nut to IIC'Ort> a vtctury In tht>lr lu t Hs• lxlr and wblcb 1.1 Ill •ltNm'l capt win& ol 1.be Far W.c.:~t:1 1t•m• ·of ~~ w-.n wht>n tht'y Harbnr An•hcolm J11rdan FM ... ....,.._UI-,..u.-..~--•m CMfrrence Ov!mplQDSbi.5LJle...,...,.-PWIItri~ ·~--·-¥ ~ U a r bor the Sun11et Lt'ai'Jt' has romplt>tt'd hi.s rom~tltion now cortaln rallt'll 1 or 1 h ·eo va r111ty Harbor Ia R a lp b K. Reed. land will bt' 80rt'IY 'lnl~ nf'Xt fallt 1ame at 8 p. m ability In b&ndlmr bOya by Mr. Stagg ·and btll football J Should lllt> va ralty d(fut Fill· T F.7.akl ft F" I I lluyl ~ atratt'ey nettt'd t~ hll'h ~'QUad. I lt'rton, tt will bavt> wulht>rrt.l lln · .,0 (' M•tt·hl'll ~---------------------------.:undefeated aea.on lneofar &I ron· C Barnt>ll ~ 3 Kuhn B Hlltf'r :.! <: 3 SPOITLIII BOWLIIa ALLEYS ft'renre gamt'a ano conrem t'd All Talt ga.mu lc)et wt>rt' a ,.,.,.. f'llrly 11('8· F 2 G 0 H84Jplm•n 'A'e ~I>Okr 111111 v.'rt"k atJCBII tht': llti"'J lhl' tn.mr• M •l kf'•l a r .. 1100 prat'tlr t> _,lon11 ~ 11 It 8 =--H ·Sihalllnl(. Shtoflln actu-.oacor s .. ·1rt and h41W 11ht lt•~t of lhf. llttlt> kn•-n ll"r""" Y•• •I . llAifiOA PAVILION E vea though lbf' vaf81ly IOWII • 2l: H H W ()(\(fl•. f'.<•kgu H\l,l around In l•••klnl( IIVt'f lhl'llt' t i\Jy I wcvl(l .. let · ,,. ..,.. lm, ... rvl<l\111 tn BOWLDfO ... Oa -BALI.a' ... EQVIJ"M:I:Nr to .f"ulll'rton. It will 11tlll hold tbf' COpt'lan•l. Wf'llll II ' lltUf' .. bllt' ~<hlf\11, •>til' Ill ll1Wilyll 1 rot and pMU'll<'ally lntlf'ltrud a bl• PIUCEII: lie Afte ........ : tee &.,._; lee •&.. &.a. a lloiW&J'a SuNN't League! crown. alnrt' Hunt· alnKk with t hr amnunt •>f lhtMIJChl • ~•lllnl( 0111 uf lhf' ""'""' '"'" lngton Beach hu now autrnt'd Bee• 31 43 Olter-8 that 1(01"11 lnl•• thf'lr "!lflrtrur t1nn In July Hnm•nr .. ma.lr th .. l'••:lflr two d t'fetaa .. Orang<! bu had but 1..1\nl(matJ.. 2 F 13 C'onr8d Every plru·r lhf' f'XJ'«If'n<'"'' Wll• rroqllltt In 110 daya unoJ,.r raall d r f "an<t If Harbor 1011 to Fitzpatr1rk Z ~ 'M ~lan tedruntt>r t'hf'l'ka' nn lrl thf'm. hf' •lonf' Thla . .lnn. waa f'f'markabl• 00~' e 1!& " I Sbdlln 2 <' 16 Worthy d r1 · t.b 1 .r 1 FUIIt'rton, tht>y would be on aJI HI etll ftnde evldrncta uf OM' throwhlu'k co,.. • nr; " ona run • '"avy tqual b&lla, e&Ct'pt that H arbor I Ca~rlll~· ~ g i ov~=;:~ ln lbe pN'It'nt lilly aallor'a mlnll Wf'&t.her npenr.nud on Ul• ol4 ..-rllrr In lht>~ yf'ar' dt>fe&lt'd Or· Suba; N I:J. Clark 17), Crall• t.ba dNirf' to ~ret away from 0)1' Mllll\l[ llhlp '''"',. .. of 40 North ance benet' the tlllt> baa been , , J' ,_ Wll eomaoa.plarf' The! Swift Ia a n W ltb ('.aptaln O,..,n on the ~ by \be Harbor l.a.da. 1:1 1. Splok. Cornwall, ou.er. • CIU~I eJl41Dple. • memorable vnyac•. hla ftr.t In a Tbe followtDI are I'UDe -... kenoa I :II: H ~--;-M~. :~·~ wrt ..... about. tbe 8wtn br:oupt am&JI boat alter "Urtna from for t b e 8&11on a t HUDliDCtAIG H oward. Duno, er • u~ · ~IN uollwr ~ebooner U.O -..m pa.ekllta, W." ba. ~ a.cb u.ia WMII: J.Arno. . w'iiJ ........ to ..a.tfron'--J-.r old eon, PhNip, Mel ClaM, t.1M 110-toot ~. b u II t In a Oln.w M&mall, va,...ty u 10 -' 01,.,.. $A..Ikes .._ ~-res~ ~on.. Oltna. a llttl• over D. Smith • s ,. i W&fl'ftl VI -~ nve yean aao for Captain Ed N•wNt rran tu Join t.br ·IOC'al -~ ---Qrwe, rellr•d ·maaff'r nf • l~l' fl.lhlnlf flrt>l Ill thl' "Vtrlll" h11tl Cl~lc L .. gue wal.tt-llblptl. In« frnm ~·•ttlco. Wuhlnjl1•m an•l -.a:L_~ . .. fui nliD_b ton-f.,..'--~ .... llllt'rlt>D -- Manufaduren • ~~W,!!J.!l~-;! •·1~ ,, _____ ,.OTHII PIODUCI YALUIS ----• Ja•111 'I""· ..... .. sc APPLIS ,,. .. wa ............ ,." .... c ...... ~ 2~ta.17c 4:: , •. c.t-•· ~ ....... C:.~lfiM ,,,., .-..2lc 4 :::-llr .......... ,, .... "Athletes" Are I Invited to Tour !Newport Harbor ,.. ... 1a a ltllp' 1t Ia nrl't'llllllry owned by halibut &!M~n. '1'1N Cuba " L1-"1 to ptlriiOnally 11.., hl'l tn "i"r" .. boat 1~ 1e thrco" rjytn•l"r 111,....1 I j N. Stafford 46i ~7:> A. Plnldt'y M&te hf'r Rulli of lf'llk thn>u~rh. pnv.•f'rf'ol •turoly rot.lp hullt tnr FUIUI UUU IT SIFIWIY ·A Dyckman 398 390 G F\ndlay -out. wll h r llmph••r v.-oo•l trlm.1hr avy ...... •n•llltnrm• Jo:a rlv tht• B Rf't>d lSI 479 . H. Kallt'r ahl' hu a bfoaullflll 'IIJlJ'<'r huv.-""""k atl" Will' ,.If lh" way• at 1 Thomp110n 367 4112 'A' Mlnt•r with fiJurrhrad: an unurarull """' I Rm tth Brut hrra fur " IC"""' -.1 Connie Wack a nd hia Pblla<lt>l., Ur Hoard 43:; 47!'1 M Crawlry t'nd a r nmprnm tllf' 11 tf' r n . "n I t~v .. rhll ul :ph~ "Athlf'tlr a .. haVf' •rain been Tot Spot 1~1 li07-781·11 13·2401 hnntal·l i .. NI'ptunJ' .,,uar .. .I 11 r -,·,n .. way tu IC~l rltl "' )'IMII IJlVItt'tl to m&kt> a tour of Nt'W· 721.7113-726-22:11 altll forward, II "'1""'"""11 t h • I Junk that th" wrf'<'ktna rumr••nlra port H&i'bor tlurln& tht'lr llay In Roo·• Mkt. hntlla atRn•llnjt In •Hidll,ll:n l" h;r I v.uu 1 .t,akr •WJlY '", 11r.lln~ 1., 1 OranJtr roull1y Th• t rip ol the Jr. C. of C. ~7 Hfl , Wlllkl'r • ''"" Jowrra mBin fnr 11 11 fn 1 ~t"v" ~m li h 11, ·1,1 '"k" 11 ,..,1 1., l .. Athlf'llcll" tn lhr pounly w ill bfo ~lt~;l!o;co 4 2!1 377 llurdAllll aiRy .. ll IUlcl Jl l• t~ Jltl)llll"n 1~11 '"'" 11011 chomp 11 Tlw ,.1111 I• 1., llu• 'l=============================a tllll~d to arriVe! on -tht 24th of 'I H II•· 0 n •rtncr r•rrlf'fll I(Nff ... ,.~·11· Whl'n I I ill ,,,., I! • 01 l t T. Plummer 303 412 .-y ''""v roulullun "' • 1"1"'"" 1 Fe"'uary and tht'y w ..._a a r . 400 1 tM' t c·rondltlno• favurlltltf' )'"" h_•v•· 111 knuw ~""' •• ,.,.,. 111111 Pla ying gameM on Sund~ty. M-&ro:h U Trur~ly 4"7 tu r 1'10 ·n.,. Vf'll'f•l'11 loNu" .. , 11 ,..,., • WAOB'I' MIL ., ~ It W 111 411~ 163 llnWf'l8 clo•tH .. It t ho• rtt u(( who-rv il will Aa .a. Ia .... oe1-wW ·---2nd , 1\I'Cnrdlnl{ to J oh n Morg "T-Y f" 32 a n•l draft •tf 7 fr·•'l :t rn• hr·~ I''" n••ollwr hmtl"r Wllh IIAhillto: ,., lht7 w 8eU y..,. Boat ................ 0...... lt'Cr~ry of tht' Anllht-lm L"ham· '0; S~ • • vltlt'l t'l<<'f"Jll lnnrtl "• • "m mrvi11· • lloe& Y~.,.._ • bl'r of r;ummnr r. 82.J·7"-t74·•·:.!33!'i 6711·749·664·201'..! tltonl fnr 11 flttv t1"''"' In• lu•llr•lt ""11'" JO:WB·TDIU 224~ 211t St., Nnpart a.dl I HoWI'Vf'r . efforlll wilt ~, madt> thrt't' ll'p~tr11t,. •l11lt·r•••m• N 111l 'I h•~ ••·· .. ll•·ol In mlnol tho· "Ink ..._ 11 ... 11 ..... • to have snmt o>f t hl' nt'wRpllper Aot•ry 4-;-;: .... .,.,11 :::~: l11ory JXIv.-rr11,. " :!fl II I' 111•·114'1 M•l ,InK ur lhr 1'1" run••k •• fll llll·ol ••l•.t ----·-·-· ·-.. I Gold Medal Flour • • :;.'24• Mitch•" TeetH ff41 • lb uc.e., .. , Kitchen Craft Flour :~'19' "::.:.,' 34' --.:.'44' Sales ....... T'~ ......... . 114'. ... .. ••• ""' Globe "AI" 'Flour ~'21~ ~.,.,..,. r"'""' •1-d IF4', lb ll•t ~I . LEI' U8 SELL rrt Crisco ·~..... 2'·•·JJ• ........... . ... II====================:==========G m en who will boo with the tcoam lh·~k ln 417 lt1-1; ""'' )'arrl••l' tn,.hlt-a nol ""'~111t• tllll •lll lll'ln~·,,.,..,., whl• II v.•••• l lckf'll . ~ I nay 1\ rllll Ill thl' harbor 81\mt' lU (' Shook ......... w,. rl .. ~rv1'1 '""t of t hr .... llll " 1•·1111 ...... " tolll t .. .,. •. ,, llf"\'r llll v .. , .. ~ 81('1 ,,,,, ~10-foo•a~u •ta-~ ~~~----·~ •·· ., t'urn~ 40~ •7~ • k t 1 t '·-·d ·~=~JJ~~~~~~U~g~~~~=~=~~~~~~~~~~4r~---~ ~ • oau•-~-~-· I ws11 rlonf' llll!t y,.ar If the tcoam Ia ", ' C l'leakl~ Thou~eh ""Dl""' ,. i• l •·~lc" 1•11\nk """ " trr "''"i: """" ·~·unr M b.p. aer.atb lbriae l:albae. I unRblf' to makt lhf' trip lnvi 1M I>Ot!d 338 466-1 M ,.,, ILflt! tnrnnu•d lllfl•••~:httul ··~ th,. 1'111'1fl1 ,.,_, !ilr rome n--...a...•-.11 0v.-.-o..--•-~ • --•t•• ''tlonll h a v " aflnl' rorw~trcl to D . ~rllk lnr ~ · nrri~IWI • ._..... -... fr"' "Ill « fi,.,.· N v. rllrll • VVUI.-.-Y ~---. ---- - --Ml .... .. s ... .... • rr -_.,....... ..... ... . .. n I ' " Royal Satin . ~~:.~.'; '~!·14• Sunnybank Qleomar~ar:i"e f"onnt& Ma.rh thrnugh tht' AD&· Totpo ~ , , llmpho r ;t:J;.""'''' 'llrvl'•l woth -ow~""'.-..._~~ ..,..... a. i4\a 1116' 8&1~ • .-)6$1~]ll0-~4 -l. .,... · ..mllcA.f1\· eJC.peett>d announrlng t!feo da te thco VI Alt." can be made. I Decal on 0 e lnterc ass Novtce Meets Next Week FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST Newport Beach, California ANNOUNCES /t. FREE LEClURE ON CHRISTIAN SCIENCE by LUCIA C. ·COULSON, ·c. s. Me'mber of The Board of Christ, ltCJII,.Uit'o • 1 ror. Viat Lido & Central ~~~~~~-=~~~~~~--~- SUIDAY AnEI-1, FEBIUIIY 11, 1941 IT 3 P.M. .... -·-··--mE -"PUBLIC ... IS ... OORDI~LY--·· .. INVITED --· <. Vault Leaders T hill YNlf)!_-•1~ a thalnn p oI •· IIRrtw.r·,. sonnu:ol Jrll•·l d 11'' h '" k Hulin Mr 11"1tiUI "' f ''"''" M• "" VIIUII ll'adt'fll Wt'rl' Dar~n &ir 111•'<'1 will lwt.:U\ !\lnnd l\\ ... ""'" , .. ,m .. r f.,•othftll "'"' "' tl•lhnr Cavrt'n, attAI.nklll.:?htllhl or 111 ,,, !'rhonl I" •h•rrll''"' Tlu F1 "h lltl(h !'~• """I ftnt1 "''"' 111 """''' 1 fl'rt. llfHl l'llVf' Almnncl. Roy l'flt' ". n, Sttpht~mlol·,.... .htru•.l• •n•l t.nn JuoltJr Coll"it" I~ in ~t Vlrl I Of>nDIII and Boh MOQtf' tying (n r ..... nlor!l wtll hstlllt• II "'" l••r '"'' , rnl ......... ,,,,., '"'" All~t•ll'o ......... , •. I Al'rond J'illl'f' wtth-!l fl'rt ·, 1 .. rmplon~h111 ur 1'~11 •• Jl '"'' •I•• ''' oin•l,.,.,...,.,., "" ••t•''"'"'"l •••· lu• 1 LAlli Rat urtlay P•rl'n Md:~tv· "''I rn ml"''·,. youl'•·lf to:•·• ••111 '"''11 hron•l '""' "'"'''"V rt'n and t.v .. Almond wrnl lfl ....... ''"'' rtaot for '""' ''"''" ltlt' ·r'lr· ""'''' IIIJIIIV "'"'! , ..... ,, ... ,, I A ngelr~ and hfought thrl'lt va ult .\l'o Thlll"fl.~,>· :•Pfl r'"''.') ••f "loti· phiVi"K '"""'"" (or thr lng ''"'"~(or futurf' u..-('tJn•h n·~l wt•t•k ll:u h••l ~oll t f1\'l;•·l1• llnrn"t"httcl "''"' v.l11oh '''"""'"' 1 Rf'~rl 11lAII'll. "w• hRvr lmpr•I'V"II t\rulht•lm ~ ~~~·f•·11tl ''"'" l·1"1 111 '''"'1•11'""'""'" ''"'"""IIKt lill' rl••· Vf'f Y murh lflnrr la~t yrBr An•l ,, •r'"' rtn-1 pl.o•·• 11111· lrr .•II• "l''''"'i•m, 11 wiL• lf'llrllf'•l l ~t•lto v lh,. non -ll'tl~"r m l'n havr " 1(1)1;.1 ·n··rt nil h<IY"·""'• nuul•· "''"' l,t'hll_nrl' to plllcr in lhl' Novl•·r ·,·,rk 1.-ltp r.., Ill•· )' 111 lrd1•''" 1111"' mrrt .. , _ · ··•r)'lfX'I r• 1n • t•rw ,..,,._. h•t'lu•o 1 I! sui A'a I IIIli. J.ll .. t ~C·III ' \'111 '11\ l1•llo'l It ftf'l MO(•r": R ,,.,., fl In• hrro '"' n. wi,ll ·'"'' ''"'"I"''' ""' II•·•· 8'e u11l lb.-C'c•c• ll•ll••nlw n 0111~1 Ntlll 9 fft'l <.'oe: 9 t.e.et AlrnwuJ, 11 1 ,,. R Th•• ('•·•·~< unrl I I<·•·~ muk:· I f•flt Oetinl11tm· !I fH'l Kurthllra :•• ~rip 't'tuu ... rlll\ whll•· lh•• A " RIJlt'r; 8 fnt Win~: II I Wallarf : 7 f~t HMiy. •.. ~ , 'I.'' FridA ,..tnt "":uml, llurrl. o~~nd ' I feet-Plll•y: II fHt ~df't· I ~ JGU and JW r'latnlly elarl Clf> • liOn, 8 fwt ~: Ueet JnneL I.,... _., • bua tnp. 011t •ut• .,.w c·. ,.... • • of......., .•. ,, .... 1 7 f~et McCorlll'll 7 reet Att· ,,.,_ """"•bl't V •" ,,.. 81 •n 1'~· ~-" ---......_. ~ "-'' • ._. p.-.f-6ted •llh rtdc•, 7 ft>t'l -Hltt .... ..._,ourw •Ill 1"' a r.~,. 1 ...... 0.1~ .,. ,..,. ,,.. "''......-1 -:-"aAo to e. _.... I'IOtl<..., ..,1 .,.,1""1 <A If.. _.,. and hv•• '"'11 r4"'n -latnt and n"'l_,.,_l 411"f ,.,.;,,., b<ltellheriwa,. f•'••v• 11,1• ''""' r • ,,... ••lh a ~ly d-... d .. ttt.r•lll'e, ·ftla ._.., •u~•11t, Ut"<l I r · ·r.-tt.• ...... I ,, 1. ero~J ,,. ' Mr~ ""'"' \\ td17 """ """ Htty Y.'tdll .. ,.,,. "' ''All ......... !-~ .. Y.'l/ tt' Itt•. l'f'l••r K u)u"ll" ,;; \\'ldllt•·1 l,.t.l••rl T h"Y l"rt ,,,,. I 1..-Jr "'''"'' )n /'Ill Watch Your . I I • t "'' P\ILH1~YS/ ·-·=-:=: .... lriargate leans ••••• --~ c.t •••••• White King Toilet Soap ... ,.c.e •• •••. .,.,. White King Soap f Prlc.e •• ••• '1'110 ••••• , ••• C)tjtt7) ., ••••••• 4 Ce•4••••4 ••••• •••• ~10) ... _.38 .. ,...... . ,.,,,., .. .-.... ~ ........_..._ ••••••••• 0"01 I,..,.,. fW ...... tttee4 .... Cetater Cat LCnM Shoulder R~st :.::! Lamb Chops ~ •. 4s· ~ .. 39~ Smoketi .. Sauiage =·:::::::: Wl~a lacoa ...... -.... or .. ,=::.. ':.24• ':.21' :'37' ':21• -~3·· SAFEWAV ....... ,...,... ...... o.e.--..... ,. .... 0.. ...... .... 0 .. .. • . NEWPORT BALOO'A NEWS-TIMES, Newpcwt ae.Ch, eaiu~m1a. TmmsnAY. F'EBRu..Un~ 13. 1941. . _.._ .· . .. . Santa ·An8. Dollar D_ay Oilers M I· T•·•··••luln•· .-.:nu HOLT'S UPHOLSTERING Antigucs Restored Re fmishcd YOU'LL FIND BETTER ~--·-086---So--u~t-h_~ ______ -_______________ s._n_t_• __ A_n~•--_.~ GiAYSO-N'S BEAUTIFUL· DR !;:SSES ~----------'l~...l....t.-.:T S and S U I T S LINGERIE HOSIERY . Santa. Ana. Calif. HERE 1$ TO YOUR HEALTH Ow ·DrW 'JI'rulta · U1' IMJcloW', and Our (' .. rf'aiM T~ We ~ .. .-r .W·fa.alallaM H*-ftular Mill, \\lwlfo c;rata 1ft1te ... y..._. c,.,. MMI. Ura.._m, R)'f'. ~UN>, Bucil· / SATURDAY Feb. IS SEMI-AN-NUA-L CITY· Wtll~ ·ooLLARDAY .._._ .. ,.a-. ..... \\,...,"~' t,uur. Saul• · o\na )ft•rt·hanlfo Are (~uJW'ralin,c In Ght• Vuu lhf' (;r••alf•,.l ~~~~t-·~~~~~~--·"•~.G!Xl01~~~~~£V~~~.~~--t------------~~----------------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~UU.4N·~ STANA GRIST MILL '"'fE HEAL'nl FOOD SIIOP'' ~BU NE\\' IIANAUIP:MF.ST ~ o.w-. r,... u,... t:..lraJ •• .....,. •• Mull• "- POTTERY SECONOS -14,000. Pi~es .. Save Up To 50% -011 PLATD -Ct iPS SAt ct;Rs FLOWER POT8 ud ARTWAKt: PACIFIC PO'ITERY YARD 0,.. Eo ' p \\'e Padl .. M!Ap till Nortll ...... St. . . GRAYSON'S "'-l!IWhl Maata Ana f'I.F.ST'' Ot' FREE PA.RKING , • -Sensational Savints! e .. UnOmited Bargalns1 DOI'T MISS TillS EVEIT! F d f • luh 111 thi11 •·1ty. • I Albert Sheetz Store S .. I"Vjl'o•ll Will h{' hf'ld fOr l•r. Oun er Q ~: .. rrt ..-rtttny. 2 p. m .. at tbe Gains Popularity II r 11" " A n .1 '.' 11gn••r Colocua l A S A I t'hn1,..·t SIUita Ana. Hla bodJ will t anta na K• -• II•· 11 "t11t r p.t the <'hapel from I __ lwanls S 11 a . rn to 1 p. m. when f~nds 1· Oft~.,~ .. ro:ofcrrt·d to 811 -thl' smart· 1 lottny 4'1111 I 'rt•m'ation will be held t'llt st nrt• nf Ill! kln.t Ill Ssnta Ana. I •' ,,..,. the au•pkea of Santa Ana , · "I''''' h.tl! mndl' mnny frs~ntllt In tht· harbor d iMtllr t. These shop. 1'<'1" and· .>~hllw·~o:ul'n< ha\•t• found 11 " t'''"''<'ni('nl !!pot to mN•t :l! any I 1mo·· 11f thC' olay nr n1gl)i. and 1111 pupulntity 111 prouf of lht> .tiC'f· \'II l' t hat •I !I bfolng renderet}.. T .. m a n y Puaden!Uft w h ,, apt>nd their time 11t Nl'wport Har - bor .and w ho have been patrons or lhe Albert Sh~tll storn In 5 k 1 at ij)e Falrbann crematory UD-tbfo dltrttncllve, l)ew Albf>rt Sheetz I• triC en l Amt'rkan IA>jtlon Post 131. of 1l • wh1rh ht W&ll a membt-r. 1 n• nt anol Au t>pt ••d !';rc•ttiMh Rlttt. thr C town City. Will welcome th.- BEAUTIFUL COATS LINGERIE DRESSES and SUITS HOSIERY 209 P'Mlt 4th Stl'f'f't Tiw r•"mllwnt Sauta Ann and .t I''"'' l"'''"tlt>nl of t"r S.1ntn Aru~-.111 rt \'lll hf !>IISll •Ht•lt>n ,Mo~•nmu • .. • ~ :'\••1\J'<•II l llll'h"l mon h;o..J ~<ltend-I KI\\f\111~. nnmiHII'IIII Shl!no• :'\o r::. l•l tilt' "tlllt' Ill Sa nta A na. as tho y • ~ :'\ull' t)( llaollll•!l.~ \\ UJ! II Jt't 11'11 o•d A Shrln~> IWII810n at t be Ur<lJI):C l'IIU!lt~· .:\ll'thu ll .\Mox Ill· ''111 l'l'!llhly ro•ll\t•lllhl'r tht• t•!flri••n lrlld "l lo:!UII711111111 1'''"''••1111~;11 llf l laol•·llol.t l 'olttl11rv l 'ltth 'l'th llday ''''" Sarti'" Ana ..... tl:o' 7 !11 olll•l '1111ll'lj; ,.,.,,.,,,. lhal \\liS 11'11 • t ho· tnn\1 k t\\llllll t'hth h\' Ill•• lllj..hl \lit•••·· ,,. h:td >'lld•ll'nl\· been \'I 'll ~: .• \mf'1h a n l.<·)!roon and d·•···l ''"'"'" ~h·· \\Mt In t•n,.ath•nll Santa .~na. Calif. Valelw6&. Nan•l, 1-. Tanl(f'rinf', IJnw TrN'" • • · ndt $1.UO ~ Aprtcool. r....-~t. l'lum. f't-ar, t>runf', t l & TrN>,, :1 fo•r $1.CMI tMnletaia ~ (nArd of l'aradlwl · • JI.IMI ......._ all klnct.. · · · · · · · !' '"' •t.oo !' fo r 11.00 SAniRJ)A\' ONI.\' ~ll•hh•n olo>uth ,.( l'r ~-"••·•1 ~: Enro·l. t nkon 111 1-'IH'no! .. l•·ollll!hl b lm II · :-<litho' \n·• l\1• okt ·~ t 'l11h . •· ~ , 4t1. prtutunrut !'anta ""·' ,. V•· huna•· hnd h·· """'I H I•·"' 111 nuh .. s 11. I· n·"·~';:·~"•:f,,,, .,J··r ~·-..; \IJ;;, a t th•· •h·.strl oa!'ll,_ \\tl ... Jt••lull,.t trhl h"''' ••\\Ht'l U\ 1h•· uti•· ft'H•htu).! h ·N tH:~•·· I, I\ 11 1. I ,,.,, .,,,. •l•t lll,:ht•l:'\ ·~J, 111 J ~1 :, lt•t\lt·1 t•k B~•r·hl: h \thor '\t• • \\ h•• h ••l 1, • 1\ un ht 'l. tl•• • ~ "'' •I '''':--• In• t ''" r of J. 'h .1Ud , , , •·lt,1 ). •r• 1 nud ,1 unel ~11 tlhl :\1•:.. !~u1:eo.l 'rh11~1p '"''' h11hh'r 1n f•Witlll~ tla.· Ill'\\'''''"''' .• :7 \ \t l~\1 :-; An-n•••·•w \\ ltt•tiHt t t·:ur•l ••t ()ltttiJ.:•• 1"•'" .and :laua,:htC"rs. l'l S cMtn tu I '! 1': )1. Sttlunla,\ l ntil '! .\. \1. Sct.-lal Statiullt'r~ (irt•t•tin~ ('arcls fHI~A H 0 l ' S E DAVIS STATIONERS ... --· . . .. .Bargains--· DOLLAR DAY· SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 15 HOUR S'ALE·S 9:00 A. M. to 10:30 A. M: ... , SATURDAY All Sale8 Final No Mail, Phone or C. 0. D. Orders CIDl .. D'S BOOTS . ' MEN'S SOCKS SLACK SLTI'S SAI.E OF .MOPS ENAMEL WAKE ~t ... , H \"ollr llh olJ.k'"'· R• cui ar :•·.. ~:. ·~"·· ,...... 12c rrnlk ~n· fll' H •\; .. tu.&•l ,. "'' r• \'...Ju• ... OVEN W.\RE It·~ ...... ll\•' m.·n ,,.,0, s'"''· \•IIH-. ~or "''"•''· 2 t H•l .. f•l , Ul'•· r d mt fu# C ti.th• f; •It lilt ·11-h•. CREAM -St '~K MENOS SHIRTS fttoTf,.,.·l ')U.,htY .,:,,.,_ •hlrt• I.-one Wf";u'~ fouy•' "4h.-' • !'I I t·t l.wul 1':! "'" ~ll'll•lk 10c WORK SUIR:t'S \t, u . Mu· • h "uhr ,, ·: '""""" thnt' t"'"'"•t• t-u,. •IH--.111) 29c t II r• ... , ' "'''' • I t '; t•• I ; 1.""" I •I I I I ' I RO\'S' SOCKS I ~ • t I I ltut ....... 111 ..,, .. t ' ... i , ,,,, I I• 7c I ' th 1, '' \ I I "' .......... ,,,. 25 ... 'I.. I' It c , I l • I ' ' • ~ WOMEN'S RANKtt8 t.n ...... f,,.. 2(-r..,-h Uu7 a I UPCJI7' Mt;N'S APRONS • CANNON TOWELS ... til• -.<~til ••'-.... ta .... J .,ualltt eb('ltlt. fo'ul1 .. .,, .... • DU "''ht ... \ll<l 'IIIII • 2 $1 lb•l •• u .. .......,. ,..,. ,. ,, .. BED SPREADS BATH Sl:l'S ··~ 1~ '• .tltlfut 1ol•·f•tl • tvrull .. halb ·• t• • t•l 'ul .. t• 'hii.U\ 79 , ur• m.t 111 ••• tHtut I hi C . .. ,,,. Lt\Ct; CLOTHS R.. ,, h ,,-,,OJ, ... Tu-..... ,.~ L.an~ tat»to---''"'''' ..... "· "" $1A9 lt•n '*' HIUW r1u till) l.ru ~., ~ '! '1.0 111 •lt. .. ~O('CASINS \\111 1 I ttl!lt •Ill ,, 11\llltl' htttJ1J• • ' '• It I olht • Ui·l' , .. ltl whH,.. :' .. ,'"''' "' ... $1.3"7 """J"• • I "' S~t't< I'ANTU~ ,, .. 1 , ~ ... , t h. •"1'.-htUn• • • Ill \ 1 If • 'llh 1 ~,I HI \U " I ... ,.,, 15c Ab.u )lan~· nttwr ltf'ms t 'ur All Ua~. ~' LunJ:. \ As (~uantitit•s l.a.>~t. ' ,, nrtkt• ancl )linwu~ra,lh !;u&•plit•s. f)ur ~r~ sa~ ~~ IIA~I~IIIK~ ~TATtOSE~R_\_·--~~--~----T~h~e~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~ ca::\Ttst: ('IIISt:st: msnt:~ South Side Nursery aoc.· -7ac.· -$J.OH -,, (Mod, ahtrdy. JtOpular .. t ylf', .en1NIW unnnl-'"'d r·haJl all-.-.1)' le paial or •taln. A Milar day. barpln at • ..-J M\11fl, • • · HORTON'S . -- ,. j Santa Ana Ea1·h M;o. St. at Sixth SAJ\T A t\ N .-\ ·n·o L L A'R D A.Y .. AT -SAM .H U RWIT·z ~alar \'al~ -$'!.9.') to JS.M J DoUar D;ay Special -$1.00 SBOP A'l- DOTTY DUNN t' 4 • l'hnrw S1fnt:lo .\na '!i'!li l'41H-'!I Su. )lttin ::..t. Santa .\ml Excelsior ( 'rean1er~· Produl~ts From Yout'-~~rO<'t'r Or At Your Homt' ( 'n. TREJID 0' FASHION S ·DAY-Sl PER-VALUES S t PRICt: SALE DRESSES 99~ $1.49 $1.9.9 1.98 Slack Suits 99<" t'UII t·~,..lonf'd Silk Hose • SOc or. :1 for --$1.00 lUi ~. )fain St. Santa Ana SIL \' EH PL..\ TE for I>OLLAH DAY --~ . \n nttt'Mlrhmll~· In ""' thllf 1'411.\'t :R ,IIfii.I.()W.\Rt: \1111 \I"~~~ .. \\ llnlt•d. ,\ R••:~l ~;';.110 \'alm'- ~Wt:n.\1. om.t . .-\H u .. n · -~·l.n~. -i-t--=~"·-ur.-.4-'+>lfN• l 'nt.-.-w• Tu"' -C.rzt•~ R olat.. -~·n·lna Tra~·" -('rf'lllll &: ~UI{Rr•• -\\ "'''' l'ltr hf'r" -\'t'l!f'lRhlf' Ul-h"" -l 'nC'klall Shl\kl'r ... H. R. 4~1. ~-S~c'nnwrf' St. t'UII t ' .. hlonf'd ,CII.K HO~t~ Sf'"' ~hadr .. ~·,to 1011 # Child""''• rt.A ,. JUJlT8 I ·!· 3 JROJT l.adlc-•' ' ( RROMlCWTH RLOt'SE rtatn or SlrlpH lU lo ... ---.,..--- Santa Ana ues 2Palr DEPT. 4th and Uush Sts. ;-.:, .... nf .) "'"A'" and :; attrat" lh'l' <·olor .... \ hu\\ I for 1'\f'f~ kltcohf'n nf'f'd. Kf'~tt~lar sr.~ \'alutt fnr nnl) · Santa Ana " HORTON'S ~in St. at Sixth SA~TA J\SA CLEANED and PJ~SED . ' ·Suits -· Coats Dresses - ..3 Plain (;arments -$1.00 HURLBERT CLEANERS 2()..1..1 South Main STORY -BOOK DOLLS ' fot Santa Ana I • -Valentine .. ~~~~-----+- SOc to $1.25 • NEWPORT BAJ.:'B9A NEWS-~. Newport_ BHch, 0\lifAmio. TlltlRSnA\". IT.RRtTARY 13, ·t~l. --------------------------------------------------------~------------------~r---- BalbOa "Island , News· Events t•hont>s J:! or IS -------------r-------~- '' • 'I l"'" • l:•d:l , , \t I '•t~l HUC• \\Htth ,1~: . :-~ I" I lol(tt~.il ~'''' .. 't t • , tl-t•••u•·ts ~l.•••l Burn" t\1:111 1).!•'1' (II the '," 1 ,, 1 llarl)"t \"111 Ill C'luO. 11<- ,.,.ttle·•d ~unle' ••( h!!'( u nu:-ua l t-tx . SlPiC't lv lrn ·' ,.,., • 1 ,. ; II~• l l"'llf': ,.,.,. 111 lhl' hntd bll!llness the pru~t.tlfl l t~l Tu-;7;;.t:•y tu~,:llt A m•oll!o: ,.,.,.,,Ill,.,,. dull ~t\'h·t·s'whfllh at White's Cv!f; ,. !';hup IIHII>~~• h~ hill! rl'){iNtt'red "hit.• mttnag- lai&Jh.l fiJI' t hi ="•''" 1"': 1 llalllPu lug hut~ls Wt•rf' 1"'' s<>lll! ~•~~:nlng Rot.at y l'luh l't·o•><llllll): \1 a~ ( 'lyttrl u~> · ,lohll 'f', ,. 1\:tjtt-:t-:. "The Vlr!J- Hlll and Hr·a.ln t F11ll'h w.o• 1'1'"· 111 :O.Iar·~ · ,lind "J••~<us \ 'hrost". ht> g.am duunuun Sdiol John !\1 l ro·l~n.t, u r uJ;g\81 rt'-J:;II\\Jlll S Dudh'Y· C'onn .. ctE"d veale.l 1 t 1 "' n .\·es ,. unua;ull I• "'tl h tlli" 1 tr:tnl!•' 1 ·mmt y llgrtt·ul- calletl upon tu prrfo1rm I•Ullltde o r ,,.,. 1· 'r • ••x1 I rnt·ol tillS work ~htrlet Is (~urst led Rischard In High Scholarship ()[ l\lrs. (~eo .. R~id Jlonors-At Nevada In Island HQme ' • Lift•' ~il·n1ht•rship- ~ r In p T. :\. (~iVt'll (~u~s (~rahlt~ ~-· ine~Save N arne Direc(ors, • rs l lttt••l••rll v( tit•· r rr .. u.:•· \'<•1&111)'1 t'••h••l iHII "' IT rllr.ctor• .JrM l '••••t """'" '"''"" "'" .wiN'l · a l,.rt· In ;•har·Kfl nt M eyf!r, Vlo.- '"""" "' •llff•••l•••• """ • oolll hlr r t•rt.,.llh'til C' A. M iller nf ....a I''"''" f11( lh•• • "lltllll( Y"'" •I a I'-'"''~. I. A l .. lr h ut aun .. l Openincr of Mesa II •••• ,··~ •ofl ~····· :I Yo"" h hllll l ........ It and tl tl HIGMaw ot ..... for flnt·of·the·y .. office activities Cl 1"t 11 ... , . ., • 11JI.,.I I•) l'••""'lo<ut 1-4 A I •una 1 .. -'!h. lrtthl hut hll\'1' I>N'n molnrtnjt t v T•ollt R .ocr Alleys Needed In "'~;.::· .... , ... , l!lltUY llll•••lllli(A hyl -lmp•·1131 \'all••y thiA month Thry Til• 1.1" ·~ .luoi'"' •'hurul"·' ••f Jt,jre Fighting I'""'' "'11 1111'"''1""" lltl'lr "'II 1,. 1u 1• I'XI•I'clt•d ha•·k Mon11ay trum C'ononll'n •· .111ol It••\ ~ lint j,, 1 "" t•l.:lllflf tiiUillllly mrf'lllll(tlf lluo/1 -(I'll•' ttUt'h t np Sh"t' JOrt' 1111 lo .ttlllt;.: loot tl11• l••11ol I \~•"1 A-"'llltlooll IIIIa llholll h AI "~*-t .... ~ -'"·· ''""' !. :.nu: hllu.JJ'I . '"'I·· llr•'l'r'rf~l 1".J~·· ""' .t..r·••~·~r.:i~~~;;;~h~·~v~f'~'~L~llllt~JJIIIlJI~ll~--~ Sprnchns ~\'l'nl I dtl )"' Ill~ I w....k. IlL I h•· vr•'1it'll1 hA\ 11\j( .jl '!U";-:~""=v-="':tl'mliiiTim;'"fnJ'111U"~bfWMI''~IIUID1irilllnofrt-111:rtuDI11hr-'!, ,,., n.:r I ....... , r AD cood Catc.Jatiet M.c:lam, ud ~ iaa aaaduaa ( ... ft ... , -. "'7 .,._ c:W ...._ Ia ,.._. U6lc aMtl I) · All. ••tra n lue iD a Two-Orawv f'W.a C.bi11et, just $14.5tl M~m office fumibrft, fili1C ~ fire-proof aafet, aDd MANY on£RSI - .RENT Glad to ~nt a ealculat- lnc machine to you for temporary UN at th.t. time of the year! Savet .JDY'IIbnent lf 10'1 do not need It alt ye&rl ,... ' R • ..4. TIERN..4t'V TYPEWRITER CO. 110 Wt>Pit Fourlh Santa An a Phon~ 743 I~ -·t·n·• th• by II I I I ........ ' /,·, ,., ooll• ·1· ,fi,·;iT.~l R ill'\' In r ''"'"I, Ill "' 1111' Il l-• I Itt•·· • . " '"',~ " • tn '"" An~:t•lf'S ""' Ml'l-(;('(,~1' 1w•, 1 '"~~~~ w . ~ OlatriC't Conv~nt1o11 lo 1M' h~ld 'R··ul \\'htll' th l'r1• •h•• ,,,,,, .. 1 "'llh J unlu1 r·r.11111 t10 r :O.u···• """'" h:''' .,,.,,.1 IHt'll ll••otl ,.,. April 10. II, ~that Ontario 11,.. ,..,.11 klli>Wn ,.3111,. ,1,11 :'>ltr · ~"'''' M'""'"' 111~.:ht ""' 1,1.,11,. ·""' """ h '"ml"'"'' •• \llal lru ------!'1.4-.uul~ Ait ~wh•••hal• t t .. tuna•lt· \\HI• "''' , .... l.•u•·· 1" Ill•· ''•!hlln.; .. :u ul Jun ... r I'"" "' ..... ,, "hi I•· )t,., " , ,, , ··~~··· , h ... mun "' '"'' ',"I"',',H,,,', (~ham her Creates • tn ttu· ~u k h ... , '' ~tr' Ita\ K t.-n · an ,.. ht"tlut.••l •·• '''" utw ,,, tlu ••' • '••u\nu ''"' fll•• f''''"""''' • . l .. " ........ , .. 1'"' ..... ~·k (,•"nf r L, • tll'll .. r (; .• m.•1 i\\•11111' Sh·· I~ ··x-~Rm~ nn1 ,.,, h!J:h Ill lho• l·n~u·· 1( ...... 1••111111 1 1111'11' "'"'' ... n ••• ,· I , e ence r()f All 11. rr,.t frl)m hill cumplkotrd 1•·1'1•·!1 "' 110• '"'' ,11,.1 :1rllllnol 1111' lltJ¥1•11111.: 'I Ito ,,. ult "'·" I•· 1h~1 I I • (. I f I I t I JHotll1' • uuutu.: .dort~ ,, II• \' '' hu·h Sprl· ng Vac tl• l< Ul 1<'11 at loll' ,11 I nm A Ill' llUV I•J,utd ""Ill luy • \\Ill lo•lll"t' 110 lo l II' I• ~~ ... a (tn uf T••chnulnJ,:y 1n I'AMdPnA. IJ.ar. t h• 1,'•'"" .. ,, ultlt• 1•· "'" u u1r, hH'*' , .. ,,., ...... ,, .. ,. h•"'l t *hl• k• '' t nn Brf'Pk, ~nn ,,, ~.Yr anti ~tra ,, h&nr h t ... n ltHII ,IHtlf' "'A' h iVt-n .)nr\1\' nt polflt " ft••lll ,,,, .luu\nr '"'""" .uttl t.thltp '"''' h·.._. .,, "'·'"' .' .\ li•t•k t·:•m•• •tu\A'O Jas1 \\'t'flk · h\ ''r-... fit tH•· l'•lh•• ,If ~;,,.n•l f,t,utd~t•t , t \ ,· •r •u 1","''"H''' Itt• , •. ,.,,,,,.,,,. lh•• .,LI••·o~ f 't••Uitnu ut " 1'(1" 1 "K ti•·•IW.th•d l•tt u lltt\ put ptt~ttt'' pitt •'nttf•~•• "',.. l'ortuuiH,.,. 1.-1\nU•~trH'· 1'1111 tn l••tii\Jt~ly w urk on hill 11mall c·.,,.tl ,,.,,,.,.!1,1\ 111 ""''''I of :"lit• H •t "'"•'r 1,..,111111, 111, 111 , 11111 k ''"'" 1,.,1, 11 •··1 loY l'l •'"lol••t<l lluhllllr•l t\11w,.l. htll_tt. .I tlw' ''111•!."•1 \\h•• ,,ntn\Jr\).! ,., ''It•• t :•·l•ll'' •,.,, .,,. •'· •1•· '"'~ ''Htt4''' "' ""''' ~:''''"''' ,,, ltlt• N,..~A I"''' thuh••r c ·h~~:nlt ... r J ... n: l :.~;,•·h ·1 lU"\ \\•~·k t-tcW.•'I" tt•t rnh tt••l 1•· l"''t h••t·,.· ~llt n , ... ,u.t•tl ;.ut ,., , ... '""'"''''" v.•Uh ,I Jt: R.ttc11r+lr' H f • f h.,·••n I'' unlttH•rtl tJrwk '' ,.,, 1 h• ./ ,, 1 4'n'''' ,, .. ,.. ,,, .._'a hi•• ,. v • · "' 1 '' • '' l'·• • d.•" "-'ht 1 J.· ,,,k•'+~t 1 h• 1.," ,1~ 1 ,.1 11," "' th•• "" , ·t,utrru"n tt:,,.. h rurnnHanlty j c•nn~:u·tnr un I h l' lt!lan1l 'Wh o \ •tll lnt.: ,· .. r-:tt.:•' .,( d.1ll••lll· '...,,~ hHI/111 d•''l'•'•• 'I"· 110 t· II •' ""' 1 1 lllllk··~ lu,.lt••tr •• "" IIIIHown•l A\'f'. I'",.,., .. , :0.-ft• l{tll•t.:l·t Otht·r ·n tho• ;1•lh1 1 .. ,.1"'" "'''' 1 "1 " 1"''\' "1 1'"'1" :\I''"'" .:r·~•l• 11 11 •' 11•\lbur ""'" ""• ...,.,,, '"'"'' t"·•·n Ill''""'' lu RJJpolnt • r•l•"'· nue \lo'hll ller·lnul<ly Injured Tue!lday 1:111 ''' "'"' :\l t'l\ 1 !llf''' l..ur .•"IVIcl ,\ttt•t """"' l' t •" 1 .,,.,, I 11 I ,...11t 11tiV• tu ~rvr 0 11 Uti• (.'ufn · I when the icatrold uron which b~ 1 ~~~' l.<·t· 'l'rlllf'. tho tr 11 lll ••h 111~1 '' • · k ,, llh r· 111••1 I ...,. __ 1 K• • mttl•••• wu at.Andlng brokt• and he wu )t .. tnn. t h'l' Mrrt·ur '" ' 11 m" lAft:il JWBRJS t'haltm•n &.dlelr r.p..-D~ I hurlf'd tn thf' j!roun.t. He rece ived Till• (' n Ructct~ fl( ,2:! ~\~toll~ back IIIII:" Dll ""'' oo( ,,,,, l'lfoo MIC • I • lA t• II I I I ... HctldM Fl•rst I If' f "httmho·r "' <.'omm,.rrf'''lllan•, hrurst'" on t111• bu1·k 11nd arm11 '''IIlii'. .n 10/t c ·'"' nl"'""" ~~~t '"~1rr11 111 t'lr '"'''!"" ...... ,,l"r'11 1 , t 1., 1'"11 I '" r·I'IHt"_MIIlaUvl'• l o • 1 hut WC\IC Hlllo• (oo lw 1\Qi k l!ltpt'rvt-.-l h o II hllflll ' 1•1 lo'rn l u 1' "f lhl'll l\11ml•·~-1o II It f 1 ,tnt~ .. ' -I ~rgular M('rf "'·'"r• ~~-"'"'" .... , ... I• ""'""··I 1111: \It<• jflh ltwlny :-•1111 l.o\ nll'IP 11111 1'• d 11h l oot h~t \\••In-j,1 o II "II•• I ''rl" .. •''•'"j' • ( .. u , u utltr •'• •·I t .,.,..-1 -••tl~ I •~' '' 1 k ' ucld•~' lt1 '' t I n, 1 lu fill' lollof l 0o !Ito l't•••h)thl 11f ;\11 .and ~1 1 .... 1 :..: l\•u h''' u( ' • ,., I '" •h• ··~,, 1 1, .... , "'" ltarklr'1 \t• u ·~• • I• .t , ' t _•u.i I '•'"'' n•f ·"' .,,,, •n...: ''' L•:n L: \1· ,, .... ""' \1m• .t t :,nt 1 .. • "" lhi'Ul I•• ,.,...,, h tt • ... ' "·I • •tt 11. '' h ''' uu .• •I ''''' "•' I ,,. "' '' tu "~'"" lttllut, .. \tr t4•cl 11 1 ,. ,It h•lil ,,,.,I n"'''''' t.lf \\tiff._ H•··l•h •tu ... ,,, .. k \1t r\ttl•'1:.•·t , ... \ ',,,., :.rul , ....... ,, 1-·~h l•" at nt h •• ,..,,,,, '• t '' t• , ' If_, "t '' ,,, lull \ ''"' •r•• '' tft•· ,,.,,,.,.,., ••f Island Doings •n p ln,•d llt lh•1 •-f \ V.lrtl'i.'"''au·I 'L'tf • •1 '•t.•t ~· 1 ~4 .• 1,11•11 ,.t 1,, t lu •hnlt t .. ,~•f•••rutt.•l •• tte•r• ~-'I•'IIIIH·I • ,.j th lt.1ll "1 1"1{ •l•l •I t rrw h' I'"' 1 ~ • 11 1 ·It! .,,, fl., • 1 ( t ,.. ''"~ "" •r •ut ... t tl ... '''' hfll"•rturrt l "' " '1' \\ S c· "-u u.•f lh t•~l '"" "' L , .. t• ,,' 1 •\LI•t I•\ r-UJt•r \\••k ,.tttlllltttl•·• .. wl1l•h • I " ' I • 41 ,, \ .,,,, ... ,,, ,._,. \\ ··h ,, IH I •"'"' .,. Jh··--I t I ,, 'f, I I' 1:.&• d •' dt.•rr·~·u tt . ""'" •fl .,,.,Jitf~rlh, ... ,, •1' '•' •'' ... ,,, •' '' 4 rt II . • I •"''.f. i\11 Cars Seek Buyer Preference·· BUC~ ··~ ... • I 1 1 1 I 1111' h .... ,; II '\ ;11 ,,' • t f tfl~ I I t I • t U\t I I ' Ito • lift It t '.:I ~~,.q ·,,1, ··: ',,~·.:: I• I I '" ~ ihP \td iJl.• •t. ..... .. I .. ' f lltlf \\I tlh• I I f 1 ' I 'I ' 11 d t I 'l t.' I f '• 1'1 I I 1\1 11 4 t I ,,, .. ,,,., .. , ... •It, t 'u !JIUJ I tiiHffl\fftt II flu • \' 11 If '"' .f,,,.,,,f u•lvllf dolo '" pt I \ I ftf ,..,,. : .... I II• "' ,, • ~tfdfa• I ''""'I ,,,."' '" \& t l II tttftt I I I till ,,,.. t ·,,..,dull.t{u...: I t 'I t 1 '1 tl I t 'f. I I I It 1 ~, "-"''" I \tt t ,,,M,.tn,h (i Y..• H:t h •••tft••ll't II • t 1 II M t !oi'Uifdl~t·f h t f • dtll •"V thi"J• \'fH Hti'~O ~11-lli f••IU1 J'• r1 '" tlll\ I~ ·• II\'~· Ill jllll t•r Yll• 1,1 , .. :.; I lf( I• .. ,I ,.,f1;: '" •'rt .. I I ''' '\" .. r 1h.-H:ollo••lt 11111111•1 \'111 ht 11 '''· 'I I ' \ '·IJI t. '" .. 1 "\' Ill II I" I 11. •• tn 4 JUHJtl ~ f I .. ,II 'I -. f•1tfll ,,, I tl Jtl \II .. , I I ' Il l \I toltll II l'l" no1111'\: ,1 , , 11 "" h ll \I••· , t1 h I 'IP'J I II ... '· •• ,, til Hl~ tt l~'utl I I f '•"" '-I t I· 1 I I ,,,, • I ,,, I• I ·• 1•l 'l'l"dttt•'•·•• ft •ott~ t•lt• fa ttf J!ltH' tt •ll ,,, 1 .. , ' I t ,,,,.I • I '' r d •• ,, 1 ht· l{t uiiJ• 'A ill rnre t " •I , ' ~· ... tlltflll h id ,ii '"'"''flit ,' tli!/,11 htU IIi! J J., ,, ... flttttfl t • rfl I , II• ,,, tl I , ,. I 'I 1'1 I ,, . ,, .,,. ''' I .\U\'r:ttTI"r. -Rrtnc llut1•1 u .. u.,.. In th~ O~! W~STCOAST ., '"'' oo,;., J',1nllll•t• Sun Ff'h. ,. .... I .,,.., C lirl-tlan Mt·..., ,,.,., .. ,,~ -" ... ~. till :\1 r~ .l• o I I \j I loo tii:l:l ..... 'f~-L-4 ·---~ =>T'"JI!'I~~-====~~~::...:::::::::~::9=~~iilit-"lliN-t::t;#t~ D1nu -r~xmn~·":T'·~ ~-·· \I' ,, j Iii f I \ ',( For foast f.uard O-RANGE· COUNTY new Che•rol4'1 for '41 ! "Till U.S.A. pict.J Chn"*tl" ADd. If you'll -·- f~detSllips SOOn -; II II t \' 1: :-;1 .. ' p;.u .) l tJ I f 'IICIOIIIftttafl••fl lu t t• ,., '·'.., T u;••·• ••ttl •· q·v•·H.If••l t tJ ,, •'<'lmln'll uonll 1\tll lw IH•Iol ~l;1 II a' ol l:ot h f111 I uol•·l~hlf'~ 1Ji \1 • l'ri1l••l !"tHi t•IO T'•1ruot r.nllftl Tl • t•Jtllntlllatlnr; '" ''I"'" 111 1\ll t•h\' w •.dh tpl:tltfuol t,u\'M h1•t"'•'h 1':" An•J ~:! ~·r•ur• v•h•• hl\\'•• t ,..,.. n p,n1 • n.t r •lllt nt to nnJ 1 •·tfU ~r••rn••nt"' • ~Ill I' ~•fill t flflltolf'll II II '' f f 1, \'l'>tl" nf I !lllr•ltth.r· ~:lv• ~. H II••" rolur ; u f !'-'• lrr)Cf" df•J..:rf'P, n 'un ut l~<~•·m .ru:ll c 11f<'' r 1n 1 hi· I '110"l l;uaPI, ... 1111 lUI TIDE TABLE maP your own (')II! It-try it-buy It t Nt of t b4' n4'• '·~!l2'!Lfor '41, _ -·n cocn1nc.d tbat you'll pkk CtwYJokt, too. A.nd .. , the n;,·,;;;;;-----····-....... N:Bit~ No. 1 c•r-•alue •• a r .. uac r PltUt Itt r our ne~rut C:hnrol•t • t~ 11 10 ·:.'6 4 28 I) :19 cle&ler .._.._, ~ :t ,,,. 1 ~· -,,_, S:t 15 11 11'1, :; :/4 }f; 4 6 (111 r) 05 6 ~1:!:~1 :r rur :\!) I f~ 7 :>4 I :4~ 4 9 119 :l 'l 'J ifl !):\4 a::n 0 '\ :t:!MI (I '\ 11:111 0~ ':U 1 ~ r-Ttlr. l•r.ttl~f-~ "Super&Pay~" It ...... 10 f 'li•) WEST COAST '-f.-.w ,., 1'u•• "rn '"• n oberl Vo,,nQ • Vf'"'nr.,. t.ti••H),• ,_,,,(, ,, h (\., •t ,,; ·•w r c..Tr ••N \..l ... ••n•• · •l•o E:uqtn. P~il.-th n.,. ~ ... fli""• '" ·nto r K ' 1 1 ' ntor «tt.ene w.rt , 1 .... , 1<1 , 'OONF W ITiol Till' W l 'olo' "••• W•<l ··ACK l>Til{FT" •ltn ''t r T •"'~ MAK r •A U' tl I t 'l.f.t.H I liS ·aroad~ay ~""'" '"" l'h 11n., !IIIII f'Pt'tllt '"' ,., ,.,f .. , ,. .... ,,, Ja...,•• t , ........ I')Hvh1 O••• -.y,ttl,.,. '' t I .... #W '""th ••\.J ttl\ IVU t flU f ftl (J'H•I • '"'" tn ~·· nrrt,.,r r T • 1, ' ••• r ' 1 l t f r ttll '"'' t.l•••• Tn~---.. ~ .. , M•_.,., •• ,.,. r .,,. tt I n ·tf ~~, ,_,.ur••1 '" 'V lflto~lt41 fo tl• ,' ":;~.; n' :, ·.~!j74'~"'' .. 4 l'od.ty ... " T _.,.,o••t.~-1rrt; U .... d ,~, "81.Jj0 Rr I t t~'H,. I., 'I '-""'''''If U A0\11\ '• .' U fl£ ' • l vf'l • M •J'I T u•• I rrh ,. t7 'fill "IT"I~Il VI'~,(. 0~'1 0 •••~ "~£f!•O,. or lO ... T ,., V ii;.Rfl" 4 9 0 7 ~.a:ll::=r.:::.·:...:~r.:-----··;-·-~··-----!·~;;;.~~[:.':.~4~· Newport Beach, Calif._ u•a: .;-..:"':;..~ 30th St. and Central A v~. A • I _ .. WITH ·ruE~ .\I.HO ROOP:R PRVOK In "SII .. : COULDN'T SAY NO" -Mdf!CI - WF.UNJ"JIIDA \' ONLY I $ CASH NITE $ I 14~.00 or 13.00 ,, ........... ., -·'-.!. ... ,. • i PREPARE PLANS IFOR 9-ROOM · l'eraaU.e 'l'elal Building Permits Totahng ·$64,640 For' janu-pace ···t an ttw Hu ll .. r nastr7r~ 1~10 -:;..as _ .. $T.II,!).l0 N.wport Ha rbor contractor•t CJ~arlea w. TeWinklf. hardware!. Plan.e are bt>ing prepered for 1»31 391. ... !lel.:iM ay Milrl.o" Cu""1"thalft IUld thoee atfWated with the local·, <lea~er o. f Coeta .Mesa .ha.s been • th. e constru.:tiun or a modern, For ·Building Information Bay District Lumber C«l . WALTEa 8. 8PIC£&, ·Owaer , lu t yt'l\r dC"fuu~ .,,.,tnt• l•1· ltl1 1 --~ Home Eco"omlet d th b i'di 00 ary, Combined With Centering Here of ljll ll humwr Y•'lll t ... lh•• IIIJ_I'I...r.1t·l9::2 ~~ M,690 building tnduKtry .re playing lm-name-pn e u~ ng c .e com-9·room ruldence in Nl'WP'Ort ,..,., 331,:>49 mlttee, while two new appllt'atlons Bt>ach, according to a buUeUn a. D. f p F Q County In-ru·••a · .. ,·I · :118 . 2115.074 In spite of all the recent aton pnrt ant rolt'" In the a~:llvltiu 0 f\ tor memberab.lp 1n the~ the County Builders Excb&nc·t . e en~e rogram or range T lw UW!tlc.IIIIJ.: "' ~a\'lll • dll· ~'I!\ 403 .... m.~ and la'lk about new homes an Ure Ot·an.:t· County ljullc.lers F.x· come from Harbor ·Ohltrtct men. Name of the client for whom. the Y t r:u tx '"' tt~utl •·•·n"t nJ• t lVII 1 '1 t936 ~;\ . _ 111,089 better homes--or m.1ybe becaw.• r·hl\ngt•. the lnte!!l bulll'tln l5y that ' Apph.:atwns have t>een flied by plane are ~ing drawn by a firm d ica tes Boom ear tilt· pr··~··ul d••l<·ll~t· J}IO):null hllll l!l:\7 :163 801,090 of it.-I've md a number of people c•rgan. lm t tnn rt'Vt'&lll. ~· .M. Miller, contractor, of' Coal& of H o l!ywoo,j archltecta wu not ---' •-· •· 1 th "---• '-· I 1 t 1 1 t ' •·· ·· 111637 1 who aeemed rea11~ not to know -1 -)afomentuf!1 de vel...-~ I n n,. w ..... .,r~un It ll~J..~;._ e "' ... ,ge •yyn· n••u t•·· cn "'' '1.'<!!11• "'"f' ,,yuwn 19~ 548 ... ' ~bat kind of JJonald Bf>al·h Kirby, Balboa Meaa and E. M. Burri a, aand and I rtvealed. The structure wl.ll be '<'on.truclloo &Jic.l tht' rentf'rtng of ty (.:(laJIUinr. 1 at t h c· Sroutll c·" a. lit •..l•mpany. 1 ~:\9 ~2 •1.745 1 h 0 u 1 e the,-fl!la.n.1 a rd\lt('c·t hlut heen appoint· g-ra vel, of Newport Beach. of frame type con.tructlon. N_,.val dfof~IC' projt<Ct. at New-~una Rea.cb wa. the nl'xt lur~:••st bo•nl IHHI<Iin~o: rlrm lwre 1940 ()4:2 '1.0f0.122 wanted. Som··· l"d R mt>ml>er of l)lt' publicity an!i '/;======='=========='===========::;t~. port ·Harbor during th<• mt>nth of I hlghelft t o Newport H!U'bor t n ami l~" ,.,.,.,.111 $2IH'I.It(ltl •·ontrad , '\ 1941 builctiua 11 e \' adve~ialtcg comml(lt'f' as' well u J'll.nuary point tn ,. banner y't'ar buiiOing acUvlty for \he p llll I fr1r tlw •·vm<t n.H·twn 11f fuur n .. w home 11 Wl'; chairman of .. the la w and !ega- of df'Velopmf'nt for NeVI•port Har-I month ,.1th . permtt.a there total· 4~-r ..... <&l'l!IUnt'A ··ruh btllltJ~ ·n Jan. 29 boued aown . ' . latlon cnmmtttee. bor l . II\" $!)().~70. It bu already ht't'n ull ,.r .. t..,•hallty w •1 1 t>OUmulah· 1-'••b. ~~ styles of a rcht T he rt><•u lar membt-aahrp t nm. · "' t.eetu~. Othe• " DurlDc Ow paat month. burld. P<"n~ ·out t.bal local conetrut'.' ~trt-at,..r "'''"''Y m U\~tt arulmatry, ~medeling -mitt~ for 1941 wl.ll.p,! l'ept;e:aen t-, 1 rmit. tot&lf'd $t\4.&•0 ud lion activity for Jan,uary w a "I Whi<'h will ''"'"rt an a.tdltluraal Tr.tal 44 . $ J were con.luS<.·r I'd by a captain and col'):lmirt~ • ~~C to coml~araUve county d"uble lbal of the first month In rental" entl rno·r<'harttll.ll~ will ft•f'l 'about the num -for the North f'nd of the -~cy . bullcttnc .t&Uatlca releaJM:d by the 1840. . thl' l'(f,..·t..e uf larl;llr local pay-Ff'b. ; A n t "'' HPr!!hey a nd • ber·and kind o: and a captain al)d committe for • Orwtce Co unty Buildera· E ll· Tbe tact !!hat the~ 1.8 nv In· w llll. Phrlllp ( '~trr•·ll. build nne .tory m o .d ern con -lht Sout h end of t.be county. del'bllle ln.a In Ule trend of con-t.be record breaktnr "oaatructtorr .,icatra I hi' v a I u ,. t• r Janu~try structurr. 2 ·2 2 • anne v ,.. • .eluded. h e captain for t h e Southern ·NEWPORT BEACH c:ba.ll«e. thl.a city Ntabli.tlt!d • cUc&Uon at pHMnt of ., at..-k tn Thf' fnllowlog building table In·· atrlrf' h111ldl~ ;nctM <lt'm9l~b old ~~ :~~et"d•be t~~= -~m Klnefather of BaiOO. 18 b~il<tl.ng r•···ord.ed for 0 r a n g<· 1 IX' Cllnru,l ~ll•"lk , $1!000. It set me 1,. dlvlaton a nd hie comm,itteemen Ct11anty l'ltlrs and the gain· ur <It', F .. p 6 llun l'<·<lt•rl!On, b u I I d thinklnc. If 1 arr G<lrdon B. Flnd.Ja y or New· lUI State _,.wa7 At 'ne AreMe l'taoae 1150 'crtaa" ovrr thl' month •ucco addition to boat 11hop. 909 ! Marioa were building Holden of Balboa ... ..,._ __ _._ _ _.,_ __ _.,._-&~1-l•~~--a,.....~uhl._-llll._a;_-:..__.,_-lf.h'lf'-~~"'.,'""-+--Oec--. ---J-.-n. r.-~~::·:IR;~:.y. per otty ~a )lc.J =::. :hat ~E~~~;·ii rnpoc;;r:;,t,-,an~,-.,~;R"xoa-..::u-.;u:r.oi:il.-.;t"'~t~l;:;er;-, .... n'tum~ber;;;:r~-+tt~============T==============fl s E E en,. 1140 1941 I Jo'eb.. 10 MfB Ue-rtha Bowtre. t\lndamentala I'd try to include? man or Cqllta Mt'tla. N"WJlhrl 1~,.. fMJ 164.640 Santa AnR. buald Rddltlon to bath 1 Without re1ard to the architec-WINDOW 811A.DI.B -VENE'I'IA.N BLIND8 ANA BUILDING ASSOCIATION SANTA and LOAN 601·North Main Stlftt about a monthly payment .loan }Un -ror that new horne wher~tw lntm:ost and prindpa.l reduce each month. ' . . PLUMBING and REPAIRS 3114 West Central •. Newport B~. "'VEJl...THE-TOP". ~ Equipment 'iW IIICOONM AND 1'1'"8 01'D1 bt de 011 •· ~'-~ • ~ Jto projK-U.. ca ll6llt ..0.. cw .-.. to lnt«feft with -'cle door •· ........ wadi ....... -locbrL 1"111»-~ treubW.tree , a ·a t. . ... ~ NOI' -.aEU&aY-.&., .... Ill Oll.np -01111 .. V.. .-.. "Om .,.,......,. .. '1 t TeWINKI.E HARDWARE. ~·~ ... TEIMITES • . . ....... -ROad.-FIN8 lloth-Prootlnc, Etc. Coast Termite & · Funpa Control Co! ' 1227 So. Main SANTA ANA PltoM: 8Mta .ba nil IRVIN GEORGE GORDON BUILDING CONTRACTOR :II : Newpo.,tt Beac_h_ Phone Newport 721 lAIClJnll 3~040 :.6,87!'> and At'tVII'I' pmch nr dwelllna,' 811 ~I atyle, wh~t are ~me of the Federal Savm· gs LINOLEUII n.ooRS aed DRAIN BOARDS Fltll<"rfon 37,623 3!'),047 Jo:ru1t Buy· A v•·. ~r Otey "and bu1c ele~nt.a l.d want m my per· Anaheim 25,993 32.8.20 Mr<."ulloch. s~r..o ·I rer.dh~~t ufe exterior 1ay •nL GaJ•ned 22 Pet. Htlrlttngton 600 12,835 Feb 10 1'11lreru·c: C Woolley. colorful, with sturdy, ftre·reaist-. Oranlfe 1,685 10,8 1fl butl.t I rtl(lm lind bath addition to ant rooftnJ. I'd want some sort C' L_. _ .J _ -.., .. .J Seal lkacb 3.2.96() 7.88D 1 bnm(, :IJJl tr111 ~. · I!U owne.r. of...J:Iorcb or ll!OI1i.m YL'-J'=..:~;~ ..... .._~·--•·•'-JlU-.JL8l~IL-'--+II.,__...a...&J .. u .• uuA...~ JO~'·"-San Cl,.mrnlf' 2,6()(1 5,500 17!)(). ' J ~$!-t,b~ -front ~oor, • ___ • .. • Br-9,UO 2!)() . Jo'rh tO Thomall G. Ptllabury. I'd ~:r:r=~~t~e:-ball amall Asae~ or F~eral Savlnp a.ad • I inoleum Sh. oh Santa Ana 68.07. _100,412 bUild Ont' sto>ry, adoblar bnl'k enouab to preclude lOnJ vlaitin&, Loan ABBOClatiODI In California ~ r C<.'~mty area 9~.334 118,313 re11hlt'nn. 7:!4 Puppy ~vt., per ~t J!r.J.e_ ftlO\lltl ~-be .araetous tilereuett 22.7 per cent durtnr 1808 Newport Blvd. • · Coeta Jtleia --------11wner, 12000. · llftd courteoua, and operunc from 1940. according to P. A. Palmu. Beyer . Features I F~b II 'R.aymund L.. Mllll'r it, rd want at leaat one JUelt pre'atdent-tri-uurer of the New-Pbo&ie Newport l8tS -BeL Newport -..w • · cJoeet-.with mirror, draainc t.a· .,_,.__ d raJ s --'-d t.utld nnr !!torY, .• r09m .tucco bJe or abeU, booka and hanJerrfor port oouuua Fe e Anup an &.-----------------....:..--------• Canvas Work 1 r•·~<leh•ntt' an,J garage . 316 Marl-wra~ ~equate li&bt. pertapa a Loan AsiiOCiatlon. Quotlnl[ from r.oht A Vt• pt-r (tYmer. $3000. lavatory in a lep&nte niche. a report luued t bTI' w~lt ~by the For All Craft Ft<b. 13 M(s Charlu Htll. 1000 1 t'cl. w~t a liviJIC room lon.,.-r Federal S~vlnga a.ad LOAD lnatl· Miramar flr . bufl <l 6 rOOID, 2 0\ifi ft il wide, watb w~e wan· tute oh Callfornla. Tot.al reaourcee 1 , r!lnry iwu&f' with 3 gar&l'ea un d~w. and ~equate apace for of 75 Fedt r&l AMoclatlona u of .. H .,._ h 1 "''ecea furmture. I'd like a larce • <"rcy · ....,yrr, w n rrrt<nl Y flt~t flour. rwr Jrvan Georce G<lr· ;;:.nny in the dlninC rwm. Decem~r 31 etood at $H0.967.313 toolc (lvrr thr Newport Awning 1 <lon. $!>~1 when table canl be with SP4.918,273 Sbop. 23rd StrH t ano1 rout Rlvt1 . Jo'r b ovrr I 11hlp in all types of uphohttery 1301 Wret &y rd want my kitchen to be reel· Public aavlnga lnvnted In theee anti ca nvae work for yarhts Nn I c;,.nr~•· r.nrdon. ancular rather than ~quare. I'd AaoclatJona u of December 31 joh 111 too difficult for flr y .. r. who want a panel of tlaa bloc:lt.a in it. amounted J o 197.887.923 u com. to ftood it with natural Iiebl hu had long nperlt'nc" In thAt Plu.rul) p 'g l'd want my buement to have part'd with $73.703.60.. a galn o1 bualnreli I . aq ~~ a bleb ceilinJ. 124.184.319. or 32.8 per cent for Th<" apprn&rh of 11prlng II the r l'h 10 H. s. Fager. 6811 s .. a. ra want e•ch bedrciom to have I thl' year. • tim• for all Y,acht.mrn t o lnapt'ct j •horl' llrrve, pt'r Roy Shafer. croa ventilatjqn, and each room R•al eAt.atr lo&ne out.tandl.ng th( canvu ~or11 on thl'tr cratt. rf'h 10 Mrs. W~. M6 RI-d· 0~~ to a hall1 I'd 'd"!1 1 for t.be 75 Federal AMoclaUoD. lD whiteu.r lar~e or 11m all, and havr I&JHia A vr · JM'r Roy ShBfer. ~toa:;:r or:o::: ,rr:'ft:r. •n '8 tht' et.ate u of December 31 t ot.al· It rep&J~l or renewf'd tor tht' Ft'b 10 F.dna Walker. 1 US 17th I ADd beeauae a home Ia more ed SI01.206.619. a f alD of $24,· In~ .,.~ I J1\It't't. per Roy Rhatrr. than jult a boule, rd be'iuri' to 646,664. · . &yH-&Iao urea the creet1on I --I •Yf 110me of my monq f~r an J ot cuahlone, matt ' •. ·~·ninlf•. Electrical P....tt. atttacUvely laDdiCa~ .etUn&. Four Buildin (!rape~~ IUld carpets. ~at .. nala Feb. I F.d Holmberr . 4 I t 'I • g aDd workmanship ..... ot tw hlp. tt;liotropr Ave . Jut.all 10 out-Ph Co Permits Issued e.t quality IUld ftaturea re&.Oa: let. lh "'JI&lr, work sWr 81d .Black.' one mpany able ADd.., ... , prtcee. Beyer ·,na.. ~ • 'o orr· At Costa Mesa cated. • c. H. "-!, lbt lltftet pens ICe ~.· :.:__. I -,qut~ ,. V. In New Bldg~ Four new realdt'DCH are under B---L'ast N110k .. ........ -con.tnlctloo at Coat& II .. for AuditA -Tax Advice -Systems • ( &abJAYeDae Pboae:~rtm Accounting -Supe~ision -Procedure . CONRAD SHOOK OONTRACI'OB ucl BUILDD ()OJIPI.aiW a'OILDDIO BDVIm .._Newpertl-·1 Ulll.alt.eA"" P.O.a.•Mr ... ....... ()a.IU .... ·~ .,_ ...,_,.~-Ytcbt . ' --. ." wblcll permtta receaUy '-ed by Rates Care Jn ~ .,. ._ ..... -11iitaaa ·-A~~DOUDCemant ._ been ~ t.be. ~--:--~~-;......;..------------~ .... 'tall ..u.ta. liN W . by t.be Sout.bem California 1'~ H. A. Hendereon Iii erectmc r-----------~---------------·• Plannln• Dome ~ pbonr Co .lbat Ita bualneee 0~ ntow bome utlm&t~ to COIIt $MOO. & ~ •-•......_ lii&Jtwell. ID the H&;rbor Dlatrtct, wUI be J. M. Miller It tbt' coat ractor, Tbe .,.,.. Bay Aft .. llut&ll t movf'tl to the new Reed Building. My .... hn Brae .. 17th an41 Newport Wltb ma.ay D-homea In Nt'w· UnaAI CIUtleta ln bou-.. p.r S&d 'Pit..!.m a nd Central, Balboa. March Blvd. are constructing new aDd port flarbor unct.r cnnatMJ~ I w lawll"-'d Jilt.~ olftce 1rill be open for modem rest ronml! at their· IC'r· and qsany with plana uodu con-l"ell 7 Dr. H O.HQifmen-. 820 buslnf'M~ thar •late • vice 11laliun. eatilDatf'd to roet etdt'ratlon. ·u la wiw to remem•r w• Bay Au , tnatAII 6 adell· Tbe oftl~ ~erly locatrd a t 11800. that famlltu love &llfpllclty and uonal out~ta In rf'. aldt>nre. prr v. laiiUld and .Bay Ill. \hr front l1f tht' I J, w . Paynt of Coet.a Me1111. I• fTe&ter comfort e.peelally for ln. I A Trtpp. Telt'phnnt' .Ct•mpany:~~, phone ex· building an addition to hie reel· tormcU dining which hu taktn on F't'b 8 Ftllnk Rlt1dlf', seoo chRnj!:P builtlln~:., will Ill--.(!_lOved to dence. costing about 1700, while new Importance In m odf'm homea. State Htchway, 1n1tall 12 outlet. permat tXpRnl!lon of phn'a"r-1 Harry G. Durdlckr•wlll 80011 be AlmOifl evrry home built today I• In •·ourt. pt"r SW W . lllackbe•rd. vic" raclhtlt'JII '· · the owner of a h&Ddaome nf'W •qulpJW"d with Ita dlnf'tlf' or nook. r Feb. 8 H M, • tlutts~lot . 13..'\ T hl' nt'W hUKIO(•IIII office will ~i..h~~e. valuf'd at $~. for family meala. Toplll: Av.,. tn11t11ll 12 nutlrb In Op.'n II an a m '" ~ p m. 'werk i ~ Tbe nook II' uaually an act ual ni'W reald<"nt'f', J'l!r. Sl<l W Hlack· day~ 1\nd 11:311 11 m to 12 noon, on Mrll'.lJ. H. Thayer w111 be hoet- pert of thf' kltchM lt&elf It can llf'ard . ) Satur.hiyl!, tb.. notice rt>ad. At ' e.aa. Frh.l~ ttemoon -for 11. VaJeu. bt ll bullt ·ln futurf' utilizing •I Feb II Roh <.::aJIIII. 1 2 7 2oth tht' nrw lr~<·iltion. thr romf>any tine CArd small, llmO\mt Pf un·u~~ ep&ct lltteet. hie\JIII lit -&<t.hli<~nal "Ul· will handlt' l'lt'rVttt' orders. receive llmld lhf' k l!<'hl'n ••qulpment · It ll'le In m11rlne R<'rvu·.: piRnt pur paymt'n lll. fur n i 11 h lnf•lrmatlnn A hirt hday unnhte~aai"V ran be locatl'd in thf' t'nd of t ht" Sid W Bla~:kbtoarot and ~:onc1uct all tranMcttone In· I !lt'rve'tl with a kttchPn ll'rtciiJIK lnln I h " rlhllnJt volvang phone eervlce lwrrnr or Mre. Monroe I room or It c11.n c~<·t·upy " hay hullt ~rat~ ci,_t.rr '""l"•rt -1 20th .. Street recently . A~ut onto the kltr hf'n. Cl<ft' tn the biU!e ll&rttor Plant Greatt't;' :oo;,."'IIOrt Harbor frierlcts attt nded the event. of rupply. It <>ffrr11 a l'oovenlt'nl. r----------------------------------~---------. laoor-la\•ln~t apotA for brrakfut and lunc-h -caf'f'tlil'\y r1aud l'A!P~ lj ~lvr It th.t' ap~aranrt> n( 8 !lt'par:- tlte room. 1 Thf' window que~lon 1111 lm· GORDON B. FINDLAY 11Builder of Homes of Dlstinction" , CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Telephoae to! SilO Coui Blvd.---Newport BMda BEACON· BAY Fastest Growing Community Development . In the Fastest Growing Ocean Community · In· California. , SEE .....,.__.~------........... , ,. -~Earl · W. Stanley .. Oppolllte .,OIItoftloe, Balboa bluul, Vallf. pm't.ant hert'. for with l'nnu~th t =--=========:......;::.:.:_=-___ _:_ ___ ..:_ ____ .J I wfndo~·• tn _ _wc:>vldc light nn<lkll , _..--------------------------• 1 not only htkr nn R frrlln~ of ~Pil<'l· Awilings Dra~ -Carpets DONAW. BEACH KIR8Y .&.L.A. ~M.TRUSTY & SONS ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS •• Bu 8 ,, lo .. ~· O.tnl. Newp.t ...._ Phofte 733 1 1 oullnrlll. but b.-comr much more • r ht't'rflll IUld attnrllve , Nook• and dlnetlt'JII ran be ma;lr , 1 f'UY to d ean -This 111 r 11pec\111ly I trur In thf' r~ of nooks.. In .drcorallon. they ('lUI t)e trettrd u ~Jlllrlltr llntt. apart' from the r kitchen. but ~Bllt!. Cf'lllnj!. nnur it I and cat>lnet (7"ork Ahouhl hl\vr R wuha blf' (lntllh just. 1111 th~ kllch favor f;>r thl!t J'Urt'OI!t' I Thf' Oo<~rlnjo! In , nqnkll Ill IJl!UIIIIy tht• Mme lU! thl' kltr hl'n. "'"'h "~, llnolf'ttml'. ruhbl'r l>r t I If' . whllr d\n~ll<'l' Art' nwrr 111•1 to !)•' In ft>r 1 1 t'l\rpl'linK ur hl\r•h•·•O{l(l f I o o r !I with r uj!ll ' M:m11 ft'f' tho• rt'fi)Uirtlnfot ~110 da y 11 1 n Ft•hntl\ry ,.,,nct'rnln): mN't lnJ:~ !Ul•l frllc>w:ohlprt w i-r f' Churt·h F.pw.ort h lA'I\~11~' t'<thlnrt at lht'lr T\aP,.•Ifl\' P\'r'l11n.: tnl'C'tln.: ln tbe paraonRI(<" .• \ -Mr M <l M n• H .111m<':< ••f 1 tilth r'hl<'r ar,. ttlllln.: ll ah~>rt butin«'M trip., to Arc~ .. 1daho ... Cushions and Mattresses _ ... Yacht Upholstering and Canv~ W or~ PE Sm'<'_,r to NEWPORT AWNING SHOP 2Srd Stno.t and Cout Bh·d. . , SEWPORT BEAC'H Orange County· looting Co. r 1101 -1108 So ......... St. SANTA ANA --· •. Office 516 -Phone.-Res. 1065-M '--~--- .. • -· News Of The urches ,., FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST Mormog Woratilp, 11 o'dock : 1 SCIENTIST aped al mWIIc, putor'a ~rmoo 112 Eaat Central Avt!nue Cruaader Serv1ce, & o'cloclL 1 N ew port Beach 1 Evenu~g J!:va.ocell<lal Service led A branch of Tbe Wolber Cbv.rcb, by. paator. -!f!be 5'\ra.-Churc:b of . Cb,rl4 j Tuud&y, Deeper Bclentt.t, In Boeton, W..... Cbo.eo IJlbject. Sunday Scbool at V:30 L m.l Thul"8day. 10 a. m., Prayer Sunday Service at 11 a. m. Wed-Meetlnc: Wra. Btearna tn cta.Uaa. ·DMday TeatJmOil1&.1 Weet.Ulc at 8 p. m. Rea.diJIC Room, 1 a CeDtral Ave .• open trom 1 (o 4 p. m. ex. cept Bunda.ya and boUdaya. The public g conllally ln'ritecl to att.IDd the anlce and UM t.lle RMdlDc Room. CHRIIT CHURCH ~y TH• lilA Rw. 1L D. GM4efl, ,..W. BuDda,._ kbool, t :IO L a. 8uDdQ ~~~ Wonblp, 11 o'clock. 8J*:I.al mualc. Cbolr aa- Uaea ud .,. Bleb Sc:.booi &D4 L•..-. t :ao p.m. I:YeDID&' Wonhtp, 7:30 p. m . Quartet mualc and aermOD. M1d-Week Pra)'tJ' Service, WecS- a.d&y; ~ver...dlah dinner, ·&:20. FULL GOSPEL CHURCH • Corner of 22nd and Elden Ita.. _ C41U Jl'eta, Callf~la Rev. M. c. Croruc: putor ·Sunday School 9:~ a. m. MonliDI Worahlp Service 11 a. m. ~ Service 7:30 p. m. T\leeday and Tbureday prayer -.:v•cea 7:30 p. m .. D1L llAU'B D. HOARD PIIYSICIAN · 1111a0&0N .OftZOPATH ·~-......... u .. -·call ..., ...... &. Arcade Balboa 'l)IL OONRAP RICHTER· ._,....... .... g.,._ 01t1ee 10'7 Hed Street N.wpertlleedl -...: t•U L-. 6 1·.5 ..... ~ ... ,_ .... , ... ' Dr. Gordon II. Grundy Pll)'.adall and 8u~• Newport Beu.ll Hoapltal O.tral AYe. at Slatll Olftcle Bn.: ao-n a.m.; 1·1\ p.m. ~·~37 I I ---- HIRAM II. CURREY. Jl;)). Ep, Ear, NOM Iliad nar-t 311 So. Main Street ~·* ._taAM . DR. B. E: STABI.I!R Dt:NTUJT te ....... Newpon- ,Storer llallil•c a.p... LEROY P. ANDERSON A'JTOR NEl' AT LAW eo.t.i M eaa Bank Bulldlac Phone 4%1 . c~ta Meu 'C.Worala HAROLD ll. GRAUEL CHAPEL .. I P.V.PARKES - \\'at4'hmaker · lewelfor · Ea,nftr 2102 ()c('an Ftont, Newport EliJ)ert SwiM Watca. ~ Oold PlatiDJ "Wr OuneiVl!l! the ~tter Serve By Serrinc Others Bnt" PltoM Newport Ml O.ta ~ Callfor.ta ~:re 0._. &epalred ALL WORK GUARANTEED SHARES ROOM AND NEXT MORNING $110 IS MISSING I -- I MEN AND BOYS CHOIR I IN CONCERT AT I LA?UNA . BEACH A 11prcllll rrogrs m nf ~tarreod muair' bv thlrl\• me-n and hov11 nt t hP rmrl~h rhrtr frnm T~ln lty F.plllt topnl ('h~ro h l!t•<IIAntl8 Will j h (' l•r•'"\~Pfll•'d ~Uf\..IU\" ••'"f"niOJ.: f f t•hrwor\' I•;th ul i ·'lfl o1'1•l••'· k In llw l..aJ!IIIIII I<,. a • It • Ep11•• ''I'"' ohut•h und··r lh•· ''"'"'"" n( l lur .. td J••nn:~ .. n "'~;a· 1"1 "n '' •·huu nu•st,., Th•· Ht•\ \\'all•un, • ···~nn~ , •••.• lot .,( th,.. H<'ollnnol~ t h11rr h will IH'f(tlllf'"O\' tho l!f'•ll!• Ill' il' II ~ummt·r •·~l·l••nt 1 ••r I ,H ~ttt n a rwurh :\!an~ IIIII hor r .. tk whn ltl"f' mf'mlt••r>~ .. r tho• f iltH• h 1n La""'"" plnn In 11111'11•1 or 111~ '"'"''' • ""' n r11nc $Itt' W•tl•tl l11ld ttfrlt••••• lw Jl"rnntt,.,t 1t m •• n "'"''" knl'!\\11 1n lhl~ oil\' to "'""I' 1n h1~ r•."'"' A h<tul HI A Ill h•• lt•ll lhl' n••lll >Ul<l lit ho•. lt••\'•'tl ttt ha\'t' ..:r'"" ,,. L,t;r,J.t BOY'S BARBER SHOP Fonnerly at Balboa b land NOW 'LocatH at -l.f8 MeFaddflft P1AC":e Near Pier Entran~ \-tl••Ao h l '"tnoullnj:: \\tlh Ill• •I•• Newv-c Bad~-\\'rslcy \\'"'"' ha•l. A '!<ll•l t.nll' t" pal'lllro· ut h1s ,.,,.,m 1:11~1~ 1111· Dll•l'fewpott'JIEwh f'ohre htllf'-r "'' .. PI PrtU'H:.,4 ~ \\:M~l olllld dJI~· lm· .. !vlnl! the tiiA3 ppi'arant•e l'llllll "~Htttl snlt1 - -• t ~ \ -~ 111M ttiAlf<\fllltii.F. _,...,..._ ."'" , ... , I -~··· , .. •I ... tW':t~t t~tKU t ut l•t ICt-!•11, th ... '""''"'l"ttl.,ll••u I U hi t 'UKU 1Ul M Itt #Hd'r'" ... n •tUhut tln •tlt«h•nH $95 :~t 1',;d (•Hf " fu f'hU(I'\f1 f ll'lll ... , .. ,,,1 '""' r_,r. ,,,.,. f'.n .. ,,,,.,,. TH EOU0Uf4~ ROIUNS '!~nft II c·,.nfr•l "~"" 11nrt Rl'~tt·h. C'allf - , ... -· I ' • •./ MusiCAL I N8TftUN•NT8 '· D" H•N•Y C.. 'IIIOOT _,_ I etol .. pract.. ~..... ..... ...... ··--t.._ ... ,~ Or··--• v.,.. .•• ......_ -.-~-.1-NWA':':Y-O~AA=-:-N-:0:-.--:T:-IIe---:1~---.­ ._, .. lene . ..w-......... , .. ,... 0 f -..... 0 I II a • • .. -1 .... ,_ c.. -~ ... _... M., .. All A AI. U ·Wit "'-· NOTICE INVITING a101 .. ..._ .... ,,, ... LAe ~ AAA._I..., C.llf. ~ ... ~old, cloudy doyo 1" ,.,. .,,.,. ........ 1 ......... '-1 ,.~ ...... Pr" --•••10111 oall et ,._ Dllaa .. T VILLA. C•t"-'rel Cltr ct "'"" ,,._, ~.~ ...... ,,,..,1• ...... ,. •• lo ret.. W. L , Jer.en, •• ,..,, P lio ... ~elm ........ ,.,. NtiTit-.: I~ tflo:ltE IIY ntVIICN to;.,,.,, Tlllll l ht• l 'tty l 'itlllll'll Ill u ... t'lly I -. -- .. , ;-~ .. ""l'"rf n ... u•h will. rx11 •uant B o ATS Be SuPPLIES lu ltt'l"tlutltlll Nn :11,..,:\·A ut th" • • ('lty of Nr'Wpurt IM-~·h tlfl fll"j WANT·O-~tl,_r ator, ... i u!e;;- N('W M.lll'toflll 1-mt'<h ~1~oiUJ • wllh th• ('lf'rk uf th,. ('lty frf a .. owbl••· M..-1 N reoeo,.,..to. , • lnl' , , A Buy· $590 · Nt'wport R<i!&A'h, Jr:lve aru1 fl'rant ... ...,.,, ate lmlo, ~* 0 '•"•" I..L PRIU .: · • I to Ul4' hl«h~ · r,..,..,nalblo blil-1 ~..,.., ~·•• L" A ........ 11·1tp. . _ _ &or a cert&ln ndu.lv~ llt'lf\8t or -------prlvll~J" to "'"'·that .. ~rt"'" ll'"' fiarbor folk Ena.....1 1 1934 Oltbmoblll• "il" ltw·"t "d In lhl' <'tty ttl Nf'WJ)Ort I , _ I Sudan. Ml&hty 1 ;o.td S751 Hoo11r·h llll•l "'htC'h "•'""''• lntu Snow CamiYal TransportntiUn ' · • . """ "v••r ""' w~tlt•r• 11( ttu· l'n• 1r1• DOWN I It '''Ill .. ,., ..... u •. M• , •• ,.,,,,,., I'IIU •• 1938 P lymou th 4·1Jr ,t>•odan. Nt•w rm~;~ A -~ j l !l36 Oldlimttlulo• 4·11r Stodan. Jl.f•piHnt•~l I • nr•w llrf'l<. -Mut.-~r II ·I 1940 Owvrnl••l l lti,IU•·' oow .. l'oupt·, Radi•• . .S11<•I · '195 l1~ht . •:~trn~ - ,,., I tu' J•tlt 1"•-"• *'' lutttllntt ""'' tlfdi-.udu I' ,...__.,., ~~~··• at tUhl l•flt t u•u• t;• 1\fld fH•tu """" •II\ u\\u•·-1 ph•r to II\• hult (tf'th lfla.! v .... ,..,.,,. IU•d '"'"'" A II ,,,.t, ,,,,,,..1 t,. ••• 'l41 11ltlt.: ntut 'l'h• "lnlr t •nlow • 11rn1v"l 111 1111( ,._.,., 1.11kr ltn•l l hr ""'"Y i• v .-ttf•rt• •lrt•"' r"u' • uuplr a f rutu ~·"'''"' 111\tl••t thl,. "•'•"' ,.,.,, f<• l'!lt lhtw. nt " • "'" 1 ~thltt tur 1 1t1•• "••••kt•u•l \o\t•r• lh,, tlurne·r 1.-•~h"''" 1-'tttllk It""'""" .J,..,.I t•ph Mt I 'II•'""''Y• on• I ,IArrlr'" Mt•r "'" 'I'll"' "" IV~"•I nl llll( ll•·11r !'niUIIItt\1 ltr1• lttuufl ttUtl tf"purf•·•l ,.,.,,. M"'"'"Y "1"111 tlt .. lr r .. tum " lu•uv>• "''''""'"" lu l r· lui w ... •k I trutklhl( II ••11• ••11••111 l •tf WIOif'r u a•o T•uM .. aTa. Cieri..-,,.. .. ._,_. ........ Or-eA4 _, ...._ 1-r-u. T-.... --o. ........... _. ... e-. c. .. -......................... . ,. .... -.. ·-ACCO .. OION. 11 1 e. , -•• Terme eA4 ._,.., o. .... ......,. ... ...... e c..~ -.... ...... • .. aanu AM. 11 ·tfll REAL EsTATE F oR SALE TO THa C0Na8 .. YATIV& PU"· CHAall" 0,. •aAL aaTAftt_:, Wo ~., IIIIo te • ...,.. ,_ • r•,., ·-·~........ -" .. ,.._. ...... -.art~ ... Mer aN ,.,. ~·-•• at .. 1. Me. WILLIAM&ON & WILLIAMeoN· ... I ....... fteMale .,. •-·eo .. ~r.a• ... , .... ,.._, ..._._..._""'· ~ I LAte '" Iavine T,... -...... I LAte lA .._........_ Tr ... ALL CLaM . ,,..,.. .... WMM' fNflt _........, ,,.....,,. • .., •1w Atte ,,......... ...." ... .,., .. ..._,. .... - Low H Wellec;o, -w• c... '"•I Aw ~ ...... a, 7 •. 1 ... Woll-1...:.1., ot .. ,.._, W UI •(.C.•Pt INti eac .. ene•. C, ~ Mnnatt•"• .JOt ... ,,., ....... . .... . .... . A ~ r I Alfelfa, IliACI< e nd PttullrJI "•'"'"· ,_..,, o•n •u lldlngo, a I o c. p~i;."' plonlv wetor, fruit e"d ...... • , • • • r .. v•d t oad ....... ... DOWN •lilt II I" Ill•·• I \\II h ll~o• I 'II V t .,,., k ··f .... t 011 \' .. , -.; •• \, , .. ., ' l 4t•lf• h ftfl n f IJif f"l' lht h••ltf ,,f Ml\\f'U ''' htt k I' M "" 3-f.,llofll\ ·ttl" lill1 oltty "' Vt•ltiii·H '' l!t l l :o;uut lohl>l 11hnll tw Ut ,,,uf•~fflltl\ "lfh l t1r "fJ'flt l flo lll l••ll~ .. n flit• wlllo 1111• I 'tl y t'f•·l k "' lh• I 'tl V ,.f !"t•Y.JKorl 1.000 I" Lut:erno Veil•)' ~., ef I •1• .... c ". , •••.liDO ... ~ .. ,, J• ·•~•It 11 1100 I ••t I• •ff• 0wft0r .. ~'"'' '" ,., •. ,u ~ "' I • 't:. I,. l•ut•·ol 11 ;,.,, 11o110 tltlo •lA,\' An•d• tt , llolbo• '"IWI"•"'·""· ''' F,.IJrunrv. I Cl I ........ .. 1t A:-11< I. IIINY.IIAHT -·--- I 'It\' I 'lrr k 11f tllf' ••lty "''' Nf'w.l ( 'nflfhtr•l t11 h•r hto~nf' tiUfl to I""' flo n•l• '""''"" I• Mr• 'J<,.,,,.,.,h llrriWn tJt •• .,,, l''tl, II 1:1. 111•1 1\fl' ltt•l,.r Htr,..,l H W H rtle I ttwrllt l• fur tu '1J •, l'·"'u "'""' ur .. t • • a y, nc. •h· ,. ""' ''""" I·Y ""'" ~ .. , ........ .. ttf• U•H•I•· tt poll t "' t hi,. ltt,t I•,. I Chevrolet and Oldltmobllf! ., "' • ·"" • """' ,, .. , t 11•· I'll v "' I"" • ~,.",,.,,, I~· t """''' ,, ,. tlu nJr:ltt :lOth St reet afld <.:cn tntl Ave. · 1 .. "J'''' ""I ·"" "' ".,,. ""'' 1 .. • It• udv••t t '"'' t•t J:llt l t ttl•· twru~ 1.1.1£ 'trJYjh•.:t II" I • Ill,. trl' 1111"11' of l•t Will'S WIIO IIIIIIOR DISIIICT~ .-. ~J'I'I.IANf'P:"-I'"' iv l·.l••••ttll' M11yl111(. IV' A Vl r lur ~··rvll·•· M<•n111 Whit~ f'tl. 504. Atl'fU •m•t•UM A JWOIIT OOC)I)JJ-_.~---,~.fmriift...., .. "'-tt ,. ............... ~10 ... a..._.o.., All_lftii .. ..._-..:::...::::::::-:- At"'fUMfUUI.Y. RP:I'.-\IKINCI - 'tl 111 r S••• vit-o• I :.!4 Ml'l•'tultf•·n 1'1111'•• RAili:Rr C.CHII*-~£.--~IKPUU_.... .... ~...tj4~"'"'"'~N'Im'Vn!ii C.-ncittrr P'or c;;;;:"" _A l WfL/\ NAi l '> Bvr 'TM . NAi t S WON Ou T • R~At'TV ... UI'-, ~lh•·l'-Sbt~J,J. I~ NJ,Jt nlvd.t. C'nata M,... At .. at1·W AJI Oil Wawa. Wary·~ 111111n<1 H•nu•r Anp, ~us,...,._ fndned ~ M.u.odl. ( AHINP:T MHOf'- Jahm•J ('~'''"''· NO¥rltr •ll'· Fly'ftttu,.. rwpn1 Ill .Aellte. I'll. -.w 11111 bur C 'AIJinl't & NO¥•Uy m-op, ~~ W . Oontra.l. Ph3ne •. 1 1'11lr.I'I.AC'I: AINU KINDUNO WfW)D--' If W W•1rflt. 17M N pt. Rhtd , t.:o.t.. MNa. UIN!d IAI...,.r. Ph . ..,..,, t"OtlNPAIUU- 1-' ~ 1-' llr11• P'nwnltry. J~-C .. tlnc. 110 Vtrpla pt,, Coeta ...._ fiA,.OJ.I.' t. ,_t,H\'If'r..- '1 ;.,, t ttl, Tart·~. lll1! t••r ••·~ V llrr S••l:~~twt•, 1:4 _,1'1-'II•I(S.•n J>l , Nwpt, B. Ot:NDAI. I:OPfl'llA(.:TO&- Gordtm H .,ndlay. 3410 ClleM Rlvd. ~ 402. Mu. and CoMtructJca. I.Uanti:A C!OMPANIF.A- CII~III M""" J.hr rt, "IA!I ua help yt/U plan )'t4.ll' hom..'~ ... llay U111r1!'t IA.Jmt..-r r.o J'hoN 1~ <".oe•• lfl&ttw•r at .,...., MAIUNI: "PF.C:MI.TIP:"-- M11n111· Sp••f'lnlly S hrojt, 12f.(,, Coaal ,JIJwny: ·;,1&.'1>11"•· llolrlt.a, F.t.c. 1 Mn UI:I. AIIU'i.ANF. Mt 'I'PI.Ir...._ l'fOTARY r unr.u:-..,. Nora Mnp11rth , 220ft W. <A-ntral AY..-,JI' 1 """"' J:t IJI' 13. Ntwpart. OI'Y'IOE 8 Urrt.IF."- Nf'wport lfMI.If•r · J>ul1llsh l C'o 'honre: ,-; • ~ Nrwport a..ah. PIUNTfHO-., , Nf'wporl I lllr1l0r J'uhllahln1 Cu. Ph or.,..: l3· • l , 14fWt10rt 8eMb, 1&41)10 ltF.IiVII;r,--. . ~ ' t.Aidw'a Uatbu4a ~~.tOO E. Bar. Ph. 221. Farjt better..,.,._ ' -AL t:ATATJ:, IN811JIAIIfCK A NOTU~ rt7JU.m.:. '"'"' II WaJlat'f', 2'.!02 W . c.Aont,..l Avrnue. Phone S. avaaa ftAKPa- NIIWPOr:t Jiarbor PubiiMina Co. Pbo~Ma: 12 U. tl.wpcm ....._ 811DT MJ:T .U. WOIIIL- I (',ata M .. Plumblnt ~J. Coeta M-..• P1wwt 210. U ONa-BOAT L8'l"''aallfG-I~~ct The Sip \lwi --UT Nardaeua. C'or.a cW Mer • .C.... lr. TI"'SW'JUft:U-' .. Newport H.attlor PubMifalac Co.~ ~ •i, M~li a..& v AJIIJ:TY ft'OD-·~-""!!!!' v~~ ~~-....:.~, .Oc. 31!:-_.up..,._ 2ll.l·W. -.a:LDIJifQ -. --. -:·-~:-;.,. ~.;;;~=::..~.~.-. -; ... :.~-.,_.:=:_:=~--- .... JdiM nptrtlr ,._,_ .. z, ~~ ~ • ........, -l'W9;1L M l • . -·- CORONA DI.L fit~ BALBOA ISLAND LIDO ISLE I . Valentine Motif For Firemen'• AIWI~Evaat Vlllel'IUn~·~~ D a y Jitllm"ll II n tl favor~~ accented lh~ ·gala party afflllr «fv~ by W r • HtrMrt Tbomp!!On of b{_e.li~VW't H._.rht. f or membere ot u,. N~wport Harbor nr.men'l Auxiliary' rec-enUy, , Lu.nchf'On prf'<"ed~d brtdgr anrt r500''. fiblu were· rr<;(lrated with ll))rtDI now•r• and Val•nttnr n&Jl· kma. 8a.D<ht1c:bH ant! red ~Ito completed the colorfUl m o t I f . Brid4r~ aw&Td. were liven lor~. MaUe""RniUnr. hl.,., and M,.. John Mc:MUJan, tow.· anct biJll and lfJW eccw.n Ia "600" w•re lira. ~rt Jadwtn and "'"-AibN't. Orden .. ~,___.,.tlll.-d.,..,_hoed ,n.e-. Tbree out.-ot-town runt. ....,,,.. a.tl'oduced u Mn. John Leuum· ~. ll r a. Mat» RoJIIn.r o t laDt.a Ana a.Dd Mra. Lena Rlc:her eel ot Lomlt4,, Local l'\M!N were lin. Albert OfdeD aDd Mre. Bert· .... a.Jtll ~ ao.ta ..... &Dd Mn. AnnaMIIe 8wan.oo &nd lira. JaluL~lV.I.lu oL N..~ Be.cb. llemben lnctllded Me • d a aa • • J._ Pro.t, WaJttT Hbneyc:utt, BID laUUI. R.alpb R.alwlel. Kee- Mtlt J~. Ed Z ~ e , Ellwn Raadel and Robert Jadwta. Ebell Booll Group Cather In Horae Of Mn. Killion MAIIOAJII:f L 'IIOIIAai..E ................ o.; r• • '•• u .,. Hogland Car Salea ~eui.ve Firm ....... , ., ~ .... .A .. " .. c. ........ .... ..... ,~ .... .. 1.--01, &..::-" ot Pltpjl S..u And Bell• 11n V alentble Dance I Rf!d and ,..;;,;;-will br ullf'd In 'rormatlnn of t he 'wtllnr t or lhr I Rnu'x and ~Ilea club whf'n tht>y , .• athf'r P'rid~ty t'Vt'nlnl[ In t h" 'Wnm«'n·• Clubhoultl' In f'OIIt& M"*" ' to hold a formlll dlll11'4" 111 honor of ValenUne'a Da:y. !'pc•nenn of hi t' Klf•up who rom· po!M'<I M motht:rll. will l1rC'orotr thf'' c'htb with ht'artJI' ""'' JOtiTRm· t'rl anti prt<llltlf' At lhf' rO'fN'IIh· mf'nt tabll' The Worid'a New. Seen 1'hroap ·1m: OfRISTIAN SCJEN<E MONmll ' ,.,..._.,.,..., rw, N,.,.1,.,., 08&18TIAN IICD:NCE I&&ADIHO aooM u• .._. O.&ral .t..__ ........ 0&111 .... " HO TEL MANX THE Rn•l M YOUR FIIEIDS AID · MilE ·· .. . .. .. ·. Motorln~ to F'alm ~rrlng~ lol'll Wl'f'k ff'r " tl&y·,. vl"tt "'"'" M rl'l -wm .. r.t Kllllnn nnd hl'r mnthrr Mre. Arfhur J . ''"VIl'l, Mr~ l 'lo111"t.1 fwoch Kftlw nntl hc·r mnthrr. :O.tr; Wlllt'r r'loii\,.,.. Ctf W CI\"TTI'. Prnnl'\'1. I Wtnlll. • . p Hot•l Man1 is San Franci~eo's be,st lo- cated Hotel.·~ ... Me ...... Manx." .( Reiftbo~'s End ... on. ~e 9ltmor.;u\ Feether Ri~~r. Pa•to11, Ctt;for- nia. A year·rou~~od •e· 'ort ... Summer •~d Thco !':rwporf lll'l\1 h C:rttmlll/11 I !'lrhnt•l F' T A' Ht>l\rol ml'l M'"'''"~ In lhr fnrultv rnom fo'r rnuttn1' b\illllli'NO . . 1 Mn1 C:lrnn l "hrr11rm"11 rntl'r• t"lnc'd mNnlwr!l ·<,f hl'r hr <II:• rhh" Wl'tlll<'l'l•l;•y Afl<'rnc,?<m In hC'r ('flelll MI'!IA h<'11l•' )linin~ &I lht' N«'Wp<~r1 llnrt•N 'Y&d C I u b \\'r•lllr!Ctllly 1'\'C'nlng hnoo!J> f II r ~I' \' I' I II) j!"'lt'lllll • / ~nllowln,~r " WN'k ()( rn·r!}n.: In I hr ""''""' lit Y n!'rmiiC' Itt• Rc1hf'rt 'Pnw•ll• ltr'P A~t•m l'rtuf\yln,: thrlr f4AibnA b lanol h•>m (' I G<>vrmor and Mn • A. r~\· tom n ol' IJ(jl.., Tdi.Fitl.-llo'•N' rt- '-•--..... ·1 • . ..... PA -GE. Miaa Marian· Britton Become• Bride Of Mr. Darrell Harria lnforrnl\1 ftnnnunC'ement or th~h· Junt" mRrTiftlt'f' WIUI mad!' by M l1111 Frl\nrr11 Yt>~lnJ,!, rllllllo:hter nf M r 1 Rnrl Mn•. ~irlnf'v Alll'n Y OUnlo! of 142 Vlrdnltt Plltrt". f'nl'tf\ M !'!l:l un<J ('hall,..,. ~mlth of Ralboft at I a ~uncl11v ~rnthrrlng <lf thl'lr lm· mMiatr · fiUTl llll's In tht' Ynun~ hom~ • Tht" ""'" ""' fnr thl' nup~11111 I~, June 2 In l hf' ~Ailln An" Wf'<llllnl! rba~l. Thf' hridi'·C'It>rl Is a gradu. at .. or I()('RI 10r hnols hAving taken IH'tlvl' pnrt In C:lrl'11 Athlf'!lr llr· livltlf'~> At ~l'Wpnrt HArbor Union 1 Ht~:h ~·hnl"l H•r flanC'r flii!O ftt . --....ufe.ta~'4114.1~.W ...NrlA'JIItll Harbor U n 1 on Hh:rh nnnnunrrm~nt 1tfr11lr Wl'lt' Mr. an<! . . NEWPORT B"EACH COST A MESA -BM:~\-A---- 1. Hcrt> is the cocktail • that starts out your dinner. -·.;... ., 2. And this is your soup thntJ~ always a \\'inner! 4. Topped off with thq.relisfl : . , a bit all right! ~ ~~-Then this big. chill- ed salad that ma kf'S a delight- 5. These are the ENTREES. a big choice of ten-:wtth great big vor· 6. Then <.'<>me the H~t-Rolls. W1th butter a~~ jam -.. 8. Next. the French PastrlfS, they're fit for ~ And it's a ll yours for· !)lk • 115c : 75c ot· H~c Thank You ~ For RNtr!ing ~ !\l.\' Sct•;tpbook! . YEI!COI 7. And fresh. crisp vegetables, to please any man. 9: And this is the Coffee to drink whUe you .p~ -it's real Mocha- Java, the best ln 'the land . . . and now we hope ~ou·n say "My Dinner Was j . Grand!" dltVV~.Wut.l e a./e 1 Forrnf'rl~· LA l 'Rt:l. I'\''\' I Oran~P Strf'f'ls ~~·~ -Mn. B . A.. YounL.Mr~-~~re '''"" •"""'rv..,t rt'<'l'nllv h . mf'mhol-r,. ""·hn An• In· Alhl'rt Y oung. ~fr11 H .CNirr-Coming Events In Harbor Area mc>~ltng, C'Ulln•ll t:b~U.:11. ' ~ te~ll1••1 In th~ r tt•·,. problt'm ·m nt. lllr<•n Ml1111 Phvlll~ Youn"', ~tan. M"'R C'orp~t In lhl' ,.,.,.,,.1 h"l •f .. thr rnmmunlty rhurf'h 1 ' I """"' 10 l;arttf'n& ~'""1"rdll~ tn at-ley \'ounR 1\ll(l thl' l'nita~rd ~ouplr 1 d II d tl I tf'nil lhf' llnnu~tl l.lnrnln ~ 01\v ~·· "'mllh f~t ttlt~MIItlc-.r wit"'-th,. n uc nn V.'IIJI m11 " l•v , .. n~w · · "' • · · ·~ 111 l\•;t•u·a aervtr t'll Ill lh•• !'tp~tnl~h Amc-rkAn \'ltlltlv Rnnt Companv In BalbCtn nJI, 11" "-lntrtJtu t• · , ' · rr l':t•\'t'rlll JZ\11'. ~ F.,.ll'llf' Gr11v. l\lr And M r 11 · _F.II Ill Ill I of SAn\1\ A OR \\'AM tntf·•.,dtu .... ,, ·~ rt~•n 1\f r. JncluciNI In !hi' ~:rour wt>re R,.,. ~M M J f ' Jc In and ·11r11 ,.~ n C:N"I"II 11nrl ~'"'~"· · ra. · · IC •• dllmf'l'l .r n 1'1 OollmRn, !':tl'phl'n Flowet' Demonstration Weatht'rlorrl ~fl\ry ~tanli':V. Min-_ nt .. &k•'r. licocu. .M .. rela.ncL Ltay., For Santa Ana Group mont! Hill (':l'nr f::•' r..-'ll'ltfnPr AJJil F RIDAY , F'EBRUARY 14- Valt'nllnr·s 01\y • :-;,.,,pnrt llnrhnr .J11~'"' ~·han b(or 1>f (',.mmrn·,. Ulnnt•r, f'i ·:to p Ill r'llhlllldo•s T :1 YPrn C'or'nnn olt•l l\1•11 • c·,,l'lll ~~'~a Fn•h•v Artf't• o(lll Cluh t ;ar.trn r-;", I in~ f'IUhh.·u~·' • &lboi bl••t:tJ RrtJ Cro.,s Work· rO<•rn. 1(1 a T.l I•• !> 1• m. 121i- ~iat lno• A\'t•nut•. " !1/l'·.vport Balb<~'l. Rt•d c· r u a" wurkr•'<'lm. "fl"n Ril ola) Halbcll~ Inn ·hutldin~. '· TUESOA'V, FEBRU.ARY 18-- , :-.'PWJ~<•rt H;trhnr L.n:·~ C'lub, ruttl, J\.·a ... ~, t .,., •. :'\'CWIJul l lhu:buJ J~.,lflfY ( 'lttb, •• ;tfl f l.t l';trk· '''''IIIII' I 'Ill!', l'lan.o w .. r• nnnt'lltr• ,.,, I· 1 1 he ~ ••hnmry 1 !' ~··.o~l••n 1 1 • l1•·1d In t ht' hull!\' nf Mrt• h o • • ••• ''l9 flrRn~:.-A n·nul' 1\lr n;r, r' .,,... to Mlu. A lief' Hanc·,•x Rf'\' CnO(lt'll la chAirm~tn .o(. 1 .,,. h•~ttr•l "' tfl- ~ton n f lhl' lnJOtltut". I :! p . m , "'-. Mr!l ~frrwln .J F'k kAI< "' :'\"rw. • • >rlllll!•· l 't!lllll\' 'F···•··•;;'fll•h .. r por1 Hrlr.'ht~ < ~Rirrnnn nf r mftl' \\'unt• 11 ~ l'luh~ '"'' llah ,. \\ ,.. (nr ()rCUIJ:I' ('nuntv r l'tlrr3ti•>n nf ' II " • hol.lllol 1 •,..,., a ~tr!J,o Ft lol:c ~ Art ··rnoon (',Ill• .\rh and \'nlfl!' St t•ltun. II hrtn~>= fro .. n.ll' · / \\'nm .. n·!' nuh• RR\'1' R tif'mnn. .ot r11tlnn on ~rr•nll ftn\\&f'r nrra ng,• . mPnt• af ~ldar nl~:ht'~t ~""·~lon nf fh•• ~l rr Ann llul'llllr!l!ll lltlol l'r•l· fl'~;k•n11l \\'onwn'" Cluh 111 tlw fl<•nro'<'k .fn •m n( 'Ill' lniRrHI l'itr·~ F:hl'll. d.uh _Thr pt'61lrln•·nt r luh 1" a (I I' r n •·n ;o lrllf•I"\'Ptrto 111 c 'luh A il olny t1 n. Rt'lll'• anol B···lll"'" llnmr ,.-,.. '11111h ."dl•~•l Adult •·•huat10n .JI •Y .\~l••rn•Of'lll c 'lull i :lfl p m • 1 ~' '• 1tl 1 r:: ('n~tll :llrl!.c F lrPm•n!! l'lttlt 1 ... 1 l'us; \\'1 •1 k l:'"'m. H&lboa i ~~. p m fo''ln· llall l11n t.udoltn~. ~n all •Ia,\· :'\'r•\\ p•lrl 11•'111'1\ lluv S••<>ut trn11p ~ .. ,, purt H .1 r h" r llakk.t'lbrul 7 I' 111• ~~ ""' 11n11 · ·r • ;,r · 'rn• rll. 7 !' hi lltj::h ~C'hOOI Co11111 ~r •. ,.11 t:tr.y fill• "Il l ~< ~7 I' .tit " -=~·m !'It nur hut . Junr"i \\'nmt•n'e ('lull (f HeWa...s.r ........ . I ...... S..-c.t. ... ly th. &E PREPARF.Il 1-JET US TAKE CARE OF ,. ..... Ce'-A!IP •• ,..,. • ..w-.. ,_ • ..aty 0 ............... ~ ... ............ llu ley .. f Moftterey tnd .......... , .... S.•entHft·Mil. .,.. : •...... ffOift $2.50 . \"OUR PIPE NEEDS TNt~ "l'oftr ._: QotbeJ f'oiN -,. p~ -IJw•Pipt - l---4-....__~:;:Qi_ \\~ _ ~ T !.QU _ \VHl !f: _ -·. ~•r Bt.ck Co. .....,f. ... ........... ~-... ------- Tap, Ballet. To--. ~crobatic and Ballroo.n 219 Martn. A~. Balboa Island Wom11n's Clu~ Coela M~ •· ~~ South Mat:.. :.. . Sant Ana --nrv Att u;ssos-.. -~ ... t..t88 .zsaos-.........: ... ~· -----.... -.. TWO B~Ll.ROOM CLASSES 0\ildrea 10 to 13 YNn and Hjrh School J.c·to 11 YftJ'I . . ·' (