HomeMy WebLinkAbout1941-02-18 - Newport Balboa News TimesThe~n Column I 8111 Ulrich ' 'IN I II l<'h Willi tht> rnn~t Rur pJ•uJetl mt1n In thco t-larbor DtSITil'l I ll a t l'nJIIy ntghl whrn 70 frH'ndll paiJ him In · butt' (01' hiS :!7 )'t'IIT8 M !!t'T· vkt-ttl th~ rommunity Any man who haa bt·l'n t>mployed by the JlUbllc for :!7 xears and still has hrs b<'Bit tf an• I a wt>al)h ur fnrntls hiUI a rrum· pll~lli"d an '' u t a t u n d I n C 8('hl .. vl'mt>nl •:. RKognltlon Xot n the hiHtnry of~l\r. h<•r Ht~h ~·h110l hal. th•·r•· bt'en as I'IUI<ay a yaralty ba.,. kt>thali \l'&m "" tht> presrnt holdl'T8 11( thl' ~Unll!'l liBglll' tith• Tht>l!e bo)'ll hBVI' \\'(Ill rt>Cojt'Tiil lon f or t hf' I'Jl m · muntty by thrlr p~rnwt'ss and apirlt Why sl'lm1ld not the ('Ommunity rt>rognlzr thf'ir l'f· ro1tA '! Lions Club 111 takln~t a lead in thu1 mo vr by lnvltmg crnln or the lntt'r~Uoo at 17th·and Nr wport. Coeta Weaa. leanrd prop~ agatnet a guard post. bro ken urr by the impact or a "ar wh1('h ('TIIhed ~ atgnal p~t. This lltUe lnch.h~nt wu predkted recently by the M.ajor lm· mediately upon the lign belnc placed In the mlddlr or · tbr blgh~·ay. althouth &I thr time he thought eald elgn would be knocked . over In a fog &lid not when vlelblllty wu dear· ft'. NM New . Seema there Ia notblpJ new about the 9ro~l to unite Boy Scout activ1tlea of the ~ ud x.. uacler c.e board &114 wtth .a 8lne1f fund to ftnaoce them. A formrr I o c a 1 Bcoulmutrr lntorme the Major that In early daya Ott Scoutlng for • Jlf'rlod or trn years 2~ per('ent of the Newport Troop wu r omprle· t'd of M~aa· lad11 Ev~n now lht'N' 11 ont' S('out ('On1mle- •lonn for lh~ dl!ltrl('l whi('b lndud~ll the bu r h and Mna. So the Idea Is far from be· lng new. New High Tt::P f<'llltvitu•s markrn~; tit(' J untnr ('b&m tx•r annual •hn· n~r at l'alf11Bdr 11 T a v t· r n mark('(! R nt•w hljith fnr •·tvH· cnnjl'Pntallty. lnNlman~ l'reRr· drnl Rnb f;Rrdn•'r ~Avt• a t<llp('rh anu Rltof;:!'lhrr unlqul' IH'l'<'pll'llC(' !I fl ('I' ,,·h . lf1•lnt Ka1ser r xr «'IIP<l hlm1wlr 1 1 r I hilt IS pnsJ<rhl•• 1. rn prl'pf<ra . Ill •V'IN·tnl)l(' r t' p II~ t . n~ r rr(lm ~ ul ~ ~cJlllo,_ wrbo latt'r t'nl hrallrd thr It rou p w tlh both hi~ humnr Anu ~In· ~r:!_!,)'. lUI HCtl~tlt 11 a D C .. rllmaxt'd the ~tall\ r vvnt And all w €'nl happtly homr 11'1· r1clrntly t h r buffr t eupper Idea bt'lon~rd t(o H"b G11rdnt'r anll It lli'Ot l'd 8 htt. "Whoa" HUIIIII'II llrll;l(ll Willi rP• 811· 1011: to<l<ly an qmoodf' that (III'UITM '20 yr11r~ 8Jt0 Ill R rmr~ll !'l~tul ht'rn • t .. wn. whl'll I.W!UIPII nu t If !fl'nk'. Rtand-'"ll' rn front 0( I~«' hBnk. HUll· RPII watr hed 1\ f11rmrr with 11 patr nf Pf/llH'>< hiii~Pd to A wagon lnadt>d with ibuut 270 bu><hl'll! or cum . "Whoa ·. 11a1d Ru8sell Tht• tram "1~IOJ1P~'•I. Thf' lt11111 wa11 too jlttl'&l fc•r tht' BnlmalA IH 11tart again . uphill Ruull R 11 " s e I r 1 a I d . h e 0{1 lhC' n( flnr 11t ... ' -· .•. , NCWPOUT ~BAt:BOX ·-=-I .. MID-WEt:K ISSUED . WEEKLY EDITION , ~:~!!!!! EMBRA_CING BALBOA PENI~SULA. WEST N/"WPORT, SE A SHOHj: «.;~NY. ·LIDO ISLE. Nl:. WPUKT I iF.IG'lTS. BALBOA ISLAND. ~ORONA DEL. M~~· COSTA, ME~~ Builder Hints At f(ourt ·Action Ove.r DelaYs By S~ back ,~ .. \1' Ht'l ·n :\('t \l,&'t•OH" \, Junior 11t 'll\\, II o11;1 \r;\ 1". I I Prt_lSt_llltrd Awards "'I'MKt:R It • ..... Council Reje(:ts New zo~·e Ordinance ··as Climax . to ·Hearing 'Furtht•r Study By PlanninJC ·noard Su&'.reated On•r rurunn dt'l Mar Bluff LotM Retltrirtion 1 Robert Brose C aims Ruling On Set-back Jo~or Home Causes Loss of Time, Money; t' Y Leases Street Department Yard to IJoat Jo~irm For 1Jefense Work; Bids Opened For Water Well Equipment PO!"Sibili1~ of-~'<>llit actiOn "·as hinted by 'Robert Brost~ ' over actdit ional expense which he· allegro "as <'Hllst'fl 1 nim by assertt>d ,misinformati<1n given by ll dty official t'Oil· ceming the reqtlirt>d set ·back for his home undcr con!' I rtlt'· I 'l1111:1 \lllh " .... ~. ... of puhlk h.-arln~oo; mnrkt-..1 hy c;ttl- t nr\o'r:-\ \\ h11 h '''llh'""~' tll'otllld th.-uwhulln~o: of 11 Jtl.fuot :...t·h:u·k I<~J t•,lllt lnb 111 ( 'nrnnn •1t•l Mar, ttw CUy t'mmdl _P.I.!..rnda~ 111h hl d n"'-'1! U~ pullj1~· h1•nrl11~ u,'1 thtt IJN~ JlC:W 11111111h Uh':l'l·tn• '"'ulmllll•'ll h~· tl11· plnnmn..: c•ommhudc)n And "'.lo'<'l<•d 1111' """ ttl,hllatlt'' uth- ho·ld an option "11 tho• <'II) ''""''' ci••pnrt nw nt holuciCJuart"r' adJhCo·nl tn lhPir hutlcltnf;: on C.•nlrnl ~ .... · lh•· m um·1l nuthori1t'd thl' lrll.~l'. "'hu•h l'llll)o for lln llliVIIIlC'!' ur ~1500 rt'nta l. Tlw JII'IIJII'I~'II tll'llinarwt• wu:; ~llrno-.1 ha,·k 111 tho• plnnnin~o: Mr. En••mM'r Pnttl'n-on -" · • adopt~ I • B r --' h II th I "' l'r•'" T••l•'"llllll l 'h••t•• No ft ... tl r~se 10 orrno ... t r C'OUll(' , a 1 fur hut~ ror lhr Jlll\'lllJ: Anti rnn· " ecommen-.., urdlnao~ ~ Bulldmg l!l~JX'CIOr A. M. Nrlson ~·ruction or " ff'nt'c· nhuUI Itt•· lnrludfod In ,.;.. ,,. .. th·lt .... ef .... ~ ,_, ..... I rhl·~ ni&hl uf , .... '""' lonrl tlart.or .luntur c 'hamtwr I '•oil II• IIIII AII II II u,. ... , .... ,.. •. , ... tl lna lhf OIUI'Ift .. , c•rtabl llrMa 1 had inforrne<l him he could build ,..-.1W'rly at :U !<t l"trc-t't ancl Lllf11y· .,..,. thr ~·u•nlllnJ' uf ttw rffor1a el ,_.. "''k-koiMI•" hrlnh' m rr '!lilt I"'''"''""· 1"'"'" at thr u111.,., l,.lt I•• 1•t un•11•1 thO' mf'Aau,... tu ttw J uf whtrh tlwre ••IM• a clui!Jao.- onl' fOOl back from thl' !'idewalk l'tll' whu·h Will ht• turna'(i anln "ho"'" ('oundlrnan &h Allrn rf!lWv ... , ... l 'tdtf'Od Mlah·• .lunhn C'hamtwr kr\ fur o·hh· arht .. •rmrnt frum I'INIIIIIOIC t•.,mrniMI<on wbo h llll l lloe In ttw city Approalaa ... • on HB7<'1 Driv('. quartrre fo~ thr at1 ~~t df'pArt· ,_., c·arrlllu, ,...,.....0 alar ........... tf t ... """'In&. l 'f"'lrr rll(hl, C'1l) .lucl1r~ Hub Clardnrr ~ .... lv,.. ltw •prnl m"nlhl' oof labotr In r vulv n atr .. t. .,. rtfHlM by UM •· R<'Sicl<'nl~ 10 that ar<'a dE'CI&rcd nw nt'" tru('k!< nnd I'IIUiflmPnl nw pr'f'Ndra.t· ...... n J~m rrUriaa Pf'l ttrM, ._1 Hllf'hr·nc•k . .,...., ... "'" ... , arl 111 nfltc-., 1_1.-cl ; ... ,.. ln.: th• l•'•llwoll•d tlf'W &ontna law, dlnaM•. lnc·ludlnl ran.,. A ... u. ht> hac! to build tPn ft't'l bad< .. pn'M'nt !!Ill' lt•n!W<I by t ht' hoaJ mill"' ... ,.,rn ... n • .,.11 .. N'rtlfkoe._ e1 ..,111 for ,...,.., ,.Hurt-. 10.,.,., atftolo. nw.~ arr. koft to rlabt, Han•ld .,..,t huut ,..,flnltr rr< ommrn•lat kon at <-~•run a •14!1 War wt.kb wUI Bro.w told th(' counc1l As a re·' hrrn hill' ~n in US4' b~ th,. l'll)' r .. 1 • hiVII"' hrnr" fnrth t. known aa Nneet.. h 1'14-~k·t. ""'"rrtary. M-liMier, .....,Ia, a-..rd Urllkord, C'harh-• """'' aiMI Tolly 1'1umnwr. trult. hr Mid, n•ig borlDg . protr the pa!<l ~~ Y4'3r)o. anrt Will now , Way••r Irvin Urur1r U•lr•lnn •lr lla Av•nuco <'rlY ownl"rs a('('omp;~nh>d him to tw u!W'd 1n connP<'IIOn wtih lh•• • hor,.•l lhr <'IIUIH"II •hnoud takr e Th• un.llnaor•-•lllllln.a.. cer· N«>lson'l' o ffiCI', Wl\('rt' NPI~ ~utH Cmull't: ('On!<lnl('fltln nf n!l\) Junt.Or : c.·v,·.c· leaders w. Carl s~~nc' e'r ""'IC lllfll' In puillnc trur h an nr lain at,.,... In N-port H ...... again declar~d hr ('OU)d build to I boats . -,-•llrwww••. •lnc'f' """~InK th• n•w whh'h .,.,. ,s...~ted bJ t lllle the ont>·root .line. . . Bid Oprnrd T G• $2000 111w will boo ·•'•Iaiiy 1•r1!''.._ and u aam• num~ra aa at,..la In N ... l Aft«>r RI'IIIOg PXriiVIIIJOn undl'r·l .Aid~ wrrr opPnt'd for 11 W!IIPr 0 JVe II I• to fUiolr lhr ·fulurr aruwlh pori. rt!JII.,-In• lhr nura'-n wttla way, an ordt'r prohibiting building ! pump. and 2~20 fpf'l _nr 20·mrh I R d s • For Boys' Club t•f thr o·lt~ muat bco toiiUtM In· nam•• Uupllllatlon o f lett_... 110 clO!"t' to tht> propt>rty hnt> wa,; watPr pij)(' for thl' l'lly's nt•w wf'll. • •nfar aa 1rt-1blr &fllliM\ corrora all'f'el!llll the c:tty .. a18o cornatM I issued by City At~omey Roland Bids W('r(' referrt'd to PattN"SOil n ecor . eSSIOn I Btuwn -.r-1 lu lnC!Iude Ill hla by the cwdiMial·e. ~ ~p110n. B_rost' said. for a l't'port on March ~rd. ; .__:r'lult.-W t 'arl Sp•nl't·t. noto'(i ---. --------------------.....;. ___ _ BmM' dt'clal't'd ttw-dt'lay W&l Ameorican Concn>t e St~l PI~ • I civic lt'llcitor and •ponlllw nf t.hr lc d I M A k holdlne up hia conatn.ctlon. coat· bid ~700 for · hunw concrete I O.Uely, comb&Ded with a _..,.._.... tit nlch tw mAn&ef'd t n C.ta M-. c-rtc plan. tNI11 utffl'r'VId l ·· ' lnc h1m money to. main bia ht-lp. PIN':' Johna Manv1111!' Sal .. eo, .. t~.!riOUI note lnter~cted' by t h ~ ll«llk tlllctwock, lh• r f' II Cl w 12000 lnwlln1 thr· ~"~"'"~'' tlr'llun 'oof II oro·na e . ar s 5 and created ~~ion&~ •.xp>nw fl9fa6.AO for ftl'brlotot .C'f'mt'nt pipr: rec-ogrNion o r r a r n • • t civic • woikera and modutly mlnlmlu• l'luhhmll'f' tnr th•• ""> ,.. (1utt-- for ttw-t>xcavatJOn, which •~ now Southf'm Plfl(' 11nd C'ulng. 1'1~1 , afhit>v~mf'nt tlurlnR 1!140, marked h .. own etrort1 "hwh lit• "'''"'I•"" II,, I"'' A•· · ~ 1 lo the wtrln.r pltte. b• &Qerted'. with Pna.mt'l ln!>idP 11nt1 o ut .and thf' a n nual mf'..ting nr th~ New-Tbr n.w prc-111olrnl Willi lh•· '"" "'''""'' 1"1'1:11' 1' ·J~·n·"11111.! I""' F p bl• p• Fl . •Councllmt'n !'tatf'd IM)'·('OUidciO'f,l'\.111111' C'OIIItng. $10.463.20: We~!· purl lhrh .. r J unlur C'ha mbt-,or mlttaunan Ill <hllrt.:o• ,., a r tltiii(IIIJ,: '"1'"1: '1"' '"'"1:'''' ''"111'1""'''' or u IC lnra oat nothing. I hat hi' would ha~··· lo J:l'l , I'm Pl!lf' 11~11 S IPI'I. $9.976 for thP C'omm• roo· htl'l )"• 1111y mght ~hen t.tw buffet IYJH' ••I lfl~n ttn•l ,.,., ~l tUI Mr' I ~urahl II. 11' lo kll "' ~ J a _va~iance I rom ~e plonnmg M.m·1 ~~~ IYJll' .. Amrrk lln C'a"! lmn 111 .. <llnm~-: h.M> ,., t ho· l':l1lll&du ,,Icc Whkh ,..11,1,. 11 bit ~\11 tile lollltulllll •·•I ""I·" mi!<!<IClll. Rrtll<(l Sllld hi' thOUj;:hl Plpt'" Co S10.!'1~ • Tavo·m ,, :o• flllo·•• -t .. I .. , ... ,-tty uy ( rowd. Thf' VII I I""" kl n •v "' ol•·ll··' ·n... 1 .. ·111:11• ..... • .... I'''.. "' ~,.~e ~houJd rompPnsat~ ham R ltt-.. for A Y.At•r pump "'r~ tht• ••·tt•:d l•••·akL.J! Htt•·ntlancf' abt.fll(Jo(Js t.A'tt•·t•r•·p'•r•tl't•\ lt•·•u,.. Sr•·n•·.-,, .. n., "''" \te ~ ~tt l•) rnr \Jl•• lu!'J-nr llrrtc' and monl') •uhm.r~t<'(i h~ ~~~-nl' R o w I •· r: .tu•l~:•· u .. l .. rt 1:n1•IIHH 1,r .. ,·illv•l Kat.ac-r or u .. ,. ~h .. r•· , ... ,, 111, 11,. '"'" pl:rrr• a1• '""'1: 1'1•1•·11•·•1 lo\ v;h l'n rntl'rYIP':"I'd TIJI'~day ~917:.1.1. R~ron J ,J('kt-e>n $t06!l97. 0111' ul tho· h•;h llj:,hl" II' tlw f'V•·· rontrlbullun j,, lho· .l urru I'll Ill j)loon:dd lli•.ll h 1\ll lt\ •oll l;•l···t m hrnmt.:. Nl'l~nn SRII1 II W:l~ '-ltll I'OO'IIIJHI P ump $94!llill ~~th ;l lt•·r· mrr~ "'h•n tnilt.lllo·ol '"' l''''"'•lcont llt'r'• pllrt\' Altlt•~o; !Ill '""I '"'• ful ·' duloiHI<I•• '" I·· l••·al .. l "" hL•.IIJIIIliOillhal RrO!'<'('IIUid hutld nlllo• hid or ~~~!l. 1-rurhunk• "" lh•· lllltllj.; .lun ... • <'ltAm~~r Ka ... r W•·r ... !\h.lutl ~, ....... '"'" lut ... IIHIIII' lho "'" .... ,Ill nn tho• (ln<'·fool linp uncll'r Pmi•·r :O.Inr.••. $HI'\:l{i7 Wllh t"'n a ll•·r· .. I K I ll ti llf k I ~l•·•ll l llll k 1111,1 111 flu _,1111,. hi••'· v· _ (()f,()~? p "x•·•11 l\f' '" • •H c.an · Hoeal of l '•·•· .. t .. n"'"'I !\IJH I 'Ilf•• " thl' uloi <)rrhnann•. nr thr propn,f'd nat••• $!ll=l ·~ anrl , I . . . n· n••r ,.,.,,~··1 t .. ~~•r• huo h'l•·n•·lll Mre. K"""'' '""I M r. """"t "' ·•' 1111· An ... ll• ••II I• I'"'" llull """' '""" Ant-<•• I'Otio•rl h t ... pl'oll••l rlru: l'umr \\lllk •. $lO:I.!I;?, \\llt·:\Oollh lhP lq•h :d lll·~.:··r """ ...... rnnrC'd lh• lllh:r.. "· ....... ~· .. ! .,,, jl .. ,. t 'lrll• 'II• h\ •:1 \'1111: JlO"~thl \' il \\Otlltl ha\'(' thmp l'ump lrw ~100.'\ TI Wllh l t I I I ... 1 .. t '·..,. ~ I -1 . ;, alt•·mn,..) .. .J ~9f-t~ O:.l ~ Pt·~rJ,.,, ,., y•·ar '' • ,,,~,. htl• P''~ •·•• (•( lAo (.,., Ul .. nnt• ·I ho'"''''l ''" ,, ''I"''''""' }•• ,,,.,1 ... '·''' '" '" •'" tn w .f t t ('( 1" <" url. t • , ttt uutlriw tht· ht~lul\' 4tf t hf" ut th• aouthlnnd ,.,., ltlrt• 11,1 .. , ,,11,1 '"'''P•" ,,, ,,.., ,l,•l•h••ll.,, ,. "''' .,...,. l'rnpert~· Pump. ~l fl:IO:I.! w rtlt ull•'m at•• .. r · t I . c·,, "81117ltll"ll f•·•molo•ol "·' llll•ht .. ol. who.~ tnmll\· ......... l .. tt 111 1 ,, t 'po n rf'fl UI 'l't olf orrtnal" ,.r thl' S!l l!lfi!l. ·' n I n ..... n 'ltmp ,.. . . .. Soulh C'n:ll'l Ana l C'omp:tn~ whwh ~10.'\:.!fii nr ~!l177:1 Ill< rll s\ JH•·~•d···l Y.lllr o•Oj.;llj(ll j( unt mlo· Ill Ill• ··········I •lhl• .. , l'allfnrnllt ••·v• "'' o1 "•I"•' qoh r Hlf \\lu I• p••'"ll.t• 10 rtw uut"'HI•• \A nt k ,•uri .eho dHiftJ* t l.t1..;• pi•H fit ,,.. ""··· lql IIIII hilt~· '"' ,, II" retln« And llurru,..,1,..,. trt•.,'''"'" ft• '''''*k -.f,•h•· •rt•l •tl lhi •••fl\•ft "\ R.t Petitions to · W 1 ·Hold Will! &11041 I lJII••d 111•1111 h\' I'II'MI 1' 1"''" ol~nl tiltdu •• II I•• 1•1• "''Ill Ill" I '~ .Junlnr t ·ruu""', .. t f ·,,,,,,, ,, •• k•·\ tror mnlll . I es Merge Post Offices Oman S In. Circulation to t 'u•1n• tlr111111 l'-•1• A ll•·u Thl' fnll11wln~t prttllnn. •ltaw n AI'-"'11 • .,., 'ti ll\ V•.•f..,l I 1 • • -=~--::="I~~!W"D~~~~Pmr'':i~~l"'· :JIItt;Jjh .. ,M't~.·~~~~~t \~~ t-ti .. cJ R--~=~~y u~~;;~" ~~~Ul~·~·:: .. ·::·: ~u _:_ r l k.~~-e4se--n -(uur J"•lll uffht'!l It !Old" tfir . r w:" J,; am un '"-f "'"""411oti rn .. ~, llfl, ~ ....... ,.,;;-Of: I ~ ~~~ _ J-pnrt l.irArh (•rly llmlt8. bP f(t"· l, llarbnr ('hlln •l"·l "I ''"""'" •· • t-10lldated. Ia nmr 1tr c:TtcUTaUn1'1 -_... -.-l.c&du:a. • I ~•ltlrll lh·· rurr·l "' """'"' ,, \\'" l hl' lond••rHiJ..'lW<l ._,., rrlll· • Mr;o '· F ~'' =--•·tlly ~<unrnw• vfCI~ b y r,1rrn~ '' .... t"1 1·'•·•1 I ;-.;,;.~~~~"~r~~r~~4fo~~~~~~~ ,~;.~~~~(!('J~I.~ "~n:.h; •• ~· ~ !1\~·~,,~~.:""'l"'rt rr .. llfo•rtl •• , till.. 'II\' 811'1 "'''" lnr a l lr"rtlt n ..... ·if A .... I • lfi ,Wfll :"I'WJl'•rt H•·«l'h. "'hn Jlll"••tl A"'"~ lllr • r ot,. HI t hJ• l•rl·llf'nt h•• kn""' n hN ~·· ,"' "" '1<111•·•1 '""Lwrtl\ II~ waa all ''"'l•a "'''•I 1,,. ,\lu k<•\ j h _.. 10 rt••nt '•f f~r flh fOt• .. lfj ~HUI h ~-~~"-Af ,,, MO.f h •tr Kt•trHtl U h•• :'.lnnll;o~ nt~hl . Will ~~ h••h ..;II I I' (Ottr 14 1 . n "11 t 11ff11 ·,,,. nKmf'ly • • ,...._ I I II ·• I 1 ( ,. • 1,1an•l A'••·,u•· '"'" A r ~t•l,.~ :;,., • ,..~wn ,., •• "'""t, ll•~ 111•·• ll:oruld K -~raw·l C'h~l"' · ·n~t:t ~"""'Jiurt """''~ kl<II,.•A Ualb"A •trolii.Y ntt~hl t h• v1•t1m ••I a h•t R.etlrtAIC I'I••JOiol•·"l lilt• It • ••• ~ Mo''"· no•xt l'hur~rla). f<•hl'\l!lr) :lfl t111An<l 11 1111 ('llt<•n,l ~IPI Mar :tl J(l a m. lnlo•rnwnt "'til lw hl'lcl 1111d •un •lrtv••r l'l"t'aertlo·•l nw1ui••IH "' Ill• I•• hi -EhurCh~. IS Taxable • r • 'I •· t I ' I h· ,., , •••••••• f. ~· ~ ,..,., t .,. ''/ ' .,,.,,,Ill ill \ \1":1 ., , .. h .. , • , ' ' ,, j ' I' I If I p,., lltriiiiC "'"' all 11lhrr ,., .~ullrr protnt•d lhal be had lion• "' thr • ll y IIAYI' I"'""' t•lrr• nrv•r ••J,..r•l"!! a aam• lbal 1lld • "-' • t•l I'"'"""· 1lo I Mal J II <I 1C r ntol mPf't "'lfh •Jitor•O¥al llf au- 111111 v a· W•·•l""'' 111 " • nnurrulll •lh~orlllra AI 1111y llmf' 1' J&mr wu • "'1"11 I" lit,. oil y 'I•IIIU II •1uoo1Ay tl.,larl'•l hy o.tfll'la!a . lo IKlC "· 1111(111 t"•lttlf'\1 .. ut "'"' t hr ,.,.., ll1r rll(hl I VI"' I ~1•-n II and '''"'" nnol I'I"I"'''Y uw""'" '''thai ha"• nrv"r l""lll'nf'fl awll a J &me, "111111111111 \ 1••11• Yl' I h " y JllouiJI<I hf' olr• ho ro•ol '11ir m•otlun Ill &r•nl 1111\• l"•thlo••• IHIIIIIr;i t" lh"fl" Ill lhr jlfrtmll fAIIf'<l Whf'n ('uUIW'II· "'"''I • ltv ,.,, . .,j mrn 'II""'' Allru 1111•1 ltrowu vutl!d • "'"'"' ol• I Mll' '"'" " "1117•·MIJI•• "1111 ' lu I hr "~tyc.a" uf l.h•Y•I ( ,.lrf! 1"•1••1111 11••11 """ 111111 ''"''" ICT"Y.'IIIIC 1111o1 MAY''' Irvin IJ4'•1rlr tlor.lun. I Ul•t•IIV .. ,Hd \\'t•,.1;,yr•f v. hr• •tut • " lht• • ·,,,,,,.,. •1••1 ~.,,., , ••• , ••• jf.• ...... li•·v•• ll11•y Mli"ulol 1111\'l' II puiJII• I'''"' ftfltl flun I Til•• •1 tu • ••fll fttll tlt• ftl1'•ft Mll~a(••fllflfl n I ,.1, ul lh• ,,..,,, uf ('HUV .. flltttv .. ,,,,.t •~·l .. w th ... t' .. IIMK•t• ... 'l ttv~•·t• --._ kif(JcaJ ll.Jt al~lll. ~ , .... , .. '""''" I"•Trtlr.l <Ill ",;-,-;;,. UNCLE ED SE~- lh,.f l•ltftllt • ftlt•f f ltfHilt fIt\ ff1>tl uti th,. ICIIIhu" l"'""mrnTf11 •c.-111111~ 'f ~ ft.u-•~ ~ 16o~Nl• hae ..... beron ro1l~ft to •laty flv• billion fM'I...-. A .._,. .. ef havl"it .._.,. ~~ t ht•••r•~t; ttte hJt.; fiJ•f attu I•Y t••••t•••rt y ooWUfll.ll tn• l hnt 111""11 In "'"'f"T """"with llr" • 11y Tlw 1""'"11•1111\' llft,.d • f ttnrrJI ,, .. ,,, l,..•nK \A'hrkrt.J ••ut '" ; ftfiNt Ill'' " •••• ~ .... c ....... 11. tl• I \1111 \An.-,,,,.,.,,.,l .. tf.v .. •·t l~ut•••l II•·• 1111"'' ~•f wlorlll 11h••rt101(r lfl \..;,.,,lilt\ til• l•u,.•tr "'•"'" hnu~ \4"-v•· t ,, fllh .. • I''"" wU t. fttttlum ,,. ... ,,. .. , f.,., fUll "'''"1 f•ttkfll .... .,.,., nl Fnlrh;l\ ,.11 C•·m•·t••r) To• rurth• r .. rrwrrnry a n• I r• un· tnt• rrnkt r••n • ''"' ••I 111111: t h ,, luntor I 't11u11·1,., , ,,, 1 ,1,. rot.,. .. 1 I I I'• ~ • • • t I t I ' ,, • h •• ' ',.,.. !"!h l•l,.•ll ltit( l h fll rN 1tlfiUWUdUI .ttU •• f J'••l•• • • '••ru rfHlltU••n• 1 H••'tf'l' t \U• 11 Hu 1 ••Urt• tl .trutt'-1 1 u l "'fllltf • "' 111111 I''"' nuV\\A y ,.,vo•n It ''" \ ·~· h• •h••••ltl v.·••rry ~11, :-.:u•IJ-t•n wrr< Wf'll k nn"'n 111 om y Ill vur lucliJ pulltAI I!t'T)'IU' """ tr.o.:"'l} \\111\ r•·•••tv"'l 1n th,. oil \ merit tool "uhlollooltlll.' ,., ,.,,, ,1,11 IH'I ttt .. n t b" l'nJtt llff\''' llrparl· II\' ~t rM .; .... q,JI ll••rn••1 Mr~ M• '''I 'lhf' I"'"' V'''" H•·• •·1vrrw Ill• ="•·"'"f1rlrl. hann1! ht·•·n " "'~ult•nl rr.<"nt t•• unll•• "llr f•I\H •4t t•fl!fl ~.-lily w~<• ,..pi,rt•·•ll v ~>tltn11trtt: 111 ~wu·da w •· r •· ll111"lol n. II•·· I>" 1 or th r< rommunil) t ht• 1,;1'1 1:'! ••tfto , .• ''·''' c•n~ 11111111 offi•·,. •rr•l r 1 .6· t t .;-r·•-M ·I , ~ , o A· I':• ~ :r 74111~g'" 11 rr·• • Kt I'"~ . ''\ ..,...,ry """" l'l ,., 1~ ""'"" ~t·;u-.. a nrl h•·r •l .. a lh •·anw a s 11 1\l !Itt' '"m" t rtn•· r~'lllin lhr thrr,. ll•·n t~ .. rf' IA'It•·rt ·""~ wr<l4 tl'l l tr• k II~BQr•l. ~1111 •• l•l1•·•l••1 •111<t l•• ,h,ck tn man~ fr·wlvb. , :1 1 rr·ma m lng nffll't'll a11 IIUb~lA· •f••wn hv " I•JUIIIIIl l' • ur IO:Iaer a nd T•lrtv l'l11m1rr ••1 fl o I• '' Tlw ti<'C'I':J~ .. d "'11~ II lj:lll\l' Ill llllll~. I hill 111'1111(' nc•·•·!lllllry llur ,,, M• ,j, ol lllrll M! =--•·oil \' 'A'h•· I" "/Ck ." I II ., l"··~··li li•ol ,.. '""~ I·•· """'"'' anti l'nm•· t(l lh1· l 'nllt>il thf' pt>l'ullnr ·l,.'lll(rtlphl<' tltvuclun th1· 1•11111 h11v .. ·,.,, ... n1 mu• 11 ••f ,.,,,, ••preMnt•trvnll "' no·W•fll<I"'IM 11, ~l:r i ••J-. wlu·n :!0 ~"111~ ;,111. Fur uf r111r l'lty . f'trmm•·t In 1111~< 111y ''"""" 11/l••rn•· tH-11 ero•a for ht·tr ""l'l""l .. f rnun,· n•a1;' h•·r hu~hnnrl .• lulru~ A 1 r ff1 thl ''" :J:.!nd ,.-tr,.•·l \\"•RI :"-/•'lo'f'"ll •. lljnlor l'hton.t .. r A• t •v•lt•·• v. 11" ~~~·l~•·n· hn' h•·,.n a promtn••nl r thn rnm yt~ur " r~ r•n II .'·m t·lnh•·r· nf 111,. ~mall """'l'"r rlnr.. ·nro•d•·u l.m pr .. ,· ... m•·nt wtll bc>gri'Bl· S•·rvt<r~ w•·n · 11••111 111 l.ioA An l•llbllrlty " 1 1 1 t1 l(•·lr•fl wll h rntr·rmrnl. rn ~:n.:l• ·-AUttttlklj,! Wtrll .lk• k Wtori, ••I rl~. ht•rmPn who havl' 1 r.adtlu•nat,lw. Y 11lit•n·r a " . !"' 'f'l,.-•1 l'••m•'ll•ry. fltllotWIIII: lOll Ill I.OnJ Jll.a• b, VI< •• fti ,.MI•I<•III "l"'rat<'d rrnm thl' lwnr h nr ar "''-hd d t.v thr r· .. r••n•·t ~< "''"' •tate' Junl••r 11oHiul')tor :"'t*"' PJt•r :-.:Rnlfl !-'• t fu t • •• t ,,,,,,, r · t• • 1 •' ·• , .. • ,, "' f Hilt , ,,, "ltrn•tt-" I",.,.,. 1•·r '''''" ••••• 1''•1 ••' h '••·l· t•t lhtll.,,u All_,,..,. '~t""' (fQhtyUvft~ellr01d man I n f,, 1 • ,j ·," , t,.., 1, ,,,.,,, 11 , . '•'• r ..,,,,,1 , •"'l'luutt,. .,,.., 1..,,,.,. ,,,4 PtVtlol ·,.-or1 W ntt h. T,. • . who' had been • 1t •. A•'•·'''• "1 '""'I,,, •••tlt •lfiltt~ .. ,.,..,.,,,..., K"'III•I H••' u,l hluut fur •t vrn year.·flnafly re- t '•'• ' \f,,,, '•. ,, ''' ••' .,,. ,, • •I I ••JJ•',. l'ft•v•••utt .~..r,.t.U,.hrurut I Qt~~tnr•t •tuht #""t,,.n •aked wh•t -. .... ~'"'' ''~~'' t•., 1t, J ,, .. ,, ''"' .. ' ftl• ,,,,,11 ,1 111 11-. ,,.,., ,,,.,,11," ,, • .''"•"~ ... ,.., h jn, '"nel now, he .. Ht. , •. ···d ••til I ,.,, rl· I • .. ..... _.4 h ll•·•" ''''"' lh .. ll t i(II I "Thr r•""' (llrl•" Maybe, he '''"I'' ••·II ~. 1•·••1 ,. ;, •I "< 1 " 1, ,, , 1 I' T A etr•ln•tl hl• ryre In the f l,..t place, ,,, f '''''l'• '""k"'"' , o)ltttliut•nl '' f: lt,t.,• l'uh1.,. 'I'll• k l't' fttllntl a 1 ,, .,., I f••·•H•v "'' R(l"" ""'"V , .. '•• hf t h• ,.., •. ,. at Hantl '"I AlliiN 'A lioto ""' ll flt<•lll• •lnwk. , , .. I Jete t•atterMOn ~.':;~~: .... ;~·ll·· · "'"r any 1 •• Ml ~P lly. ""'' a I he 8al)ta An" ""''I"' Jtl (,•t {' He taad te> lork th~ bAnk. go Juhu~ NIPI!'(!n . tnr•.., ~''"~ .• !'(or· A<ld rt·"" ,,1,. '""" .'''x"'""' •• , .. ,.,, ... '"'' ,.,. 1 ,1 y ,amp · d I' M•J\r•lly .. r \\'o·•t :,,.Ul "A bo playrrl i\11 lml><•rt•mt r to the I'V\t\1 ball anc'l obtain man. \'wtor anti \\'tlllam Jl,;rPlsrn, :-.:11m1'11 ''' r••l rnl.t re<rlvtng "~··of""' t ,.,.. 11 I··• •·I ~''''".,"'"' I"" I•AikllliC '~"A Whf'n •th~y • IIIIH· Ill llrAt•l,.. t hiA ln•ny lttrft t h.-tr 1''\'IC'"rn" Ill hlllf IUid o:Cit• lr• lr•l ((rr •·•• II "II• I •·--1tf1 i I ..till A'nj1rlr•• whv•• ~ rf•· <1Ur1ftJ lh• flr!rltnlzall••n J~ri•NI '1 • -se~lcu Ott a c-huakiu to six dau~thtcn:. Mr!<. St~triti \\'rl·, mall Ill "00''" c r~u : 1 r 11 ,,1 1 kx-1 '_ 111111• 1, •' n•••·· n· r t•• • •• ,,,.1. •I I 1 · 1 tt 1 r t h r~t the heavily I IIden w..-on l liam.~. M"' lit lela Bri!<eor. Ml•~ I I Ill t ll' lol'ml't Mary ur~f'l II&. II ltfOIIJI ·., ...... 1 ,,,,. •. 'I• ... ,. l.fl l , .... I····. . .... ·~ ~f .. Jfl "'"'' I1Vt'f' •• ~ r~•Jin• a•aln F...:tbf'r Nit>lwn. M-MarKUt'ritP ' 1 thllo rlty . t ~111• ,. 11 1• ill"•" I~''' 11..-I•• "' '''Y "''"""'· •Jrp•r1 m,.nl """a •t• "' e ,. d II\& fl~ &lato JIUtl flltl,,..l H h•om~ Ill ! ll'lilllf'•l t ""''"""" o,f lhf' ('I f y -:· :"'if'll'f'n. M lsll LilliAn Nle.llN'n an ~ Balboa. • h•u"o h 1"''1"'''> •• '" ,,. u·~·l "" 1 \\"'' •, .... 1,. VPrna Nil'l~n. &II or New· ·, I ~rl s. raylor .. , ... , .... u .... I '••lll•·l It ,. nl' '"'"''"r""'"1 •: .... ' .... ,, IIU.m •liJ Nne l'e~r ...,. '" Tbe df'rr&Af'(J "'"" t .. l•·l' t;rlln., ' "filii'' t'lr1r ti wh•-,,.,.llfn"ll'lfl There S('('ms to bt' a d JU>n• pnrt AE-IIC'h Dies; wn:· Home P:altecl Rulcor and • rhartrr mf'm ••t•'"''"l tlo• .' ... ,,.II loll• .... l~tc"l ..... ""•lltly 1&1''"1"••1 .,.,._ ,----------I ot . t lathf ,,, • ,... ,.,,, t ,, .. ,., ,,,,.'I" ht ·l'ltfon In the pr~nt plans or ,.r ik'(ltl'• liluff N .. llrulu •I•·•IM .. '•I 'I'W·· ·""'"' .,.,.u. >ol hOA hll•l •I tionaJ Ct"ntPr for boyi l CHRISTIAN SCif;NCE 0 LOIIce No 13fl7. U I'() fo: tt~ .,,.. 1 "'' t .. ..,. ,.,.,.lv••l loy ,~,. , .. un•ll I wner ere •lao. mem~ ,.., Ro hrrt w ··llr • .,, •. ''"'I·'" Ill 1111''"11'"' ......... rwt It .,.,. ..... 1.,..., thlll ..... I'""'" H---~-:-'......,~0.. M~M~~ ~-RADIO-PROG.R.A I n ... Lodp P' a nd AM L<•t• I .: 'I 4 ·• I ll•~ k 114 • •tf Jlr•llli~<thon· .,.,. t,..l nl( ,.';,..,, Ito relttt>r or Gramm&r I A Pllrlflc Coalt b~dcut or I hi' Sl&'n and return to NewJI(Irt ~rl Ry!v•fltlor T aylor; ~7 ,,, . .fte IMVt'a hi• Wl•llllo\' MrA R .. ,,,· Tt~·' <'14 'I h• • ''''"! ll •of'•IPI .. tl • fill lit .. -yu""' y l•n. hv l 'ln•" tiChool aae. Jllil Is unfair '("olumbla WHt C~-C'tlurrh of Harbor Women'a ~laUon, 828 MAnU. Ana,. whn allll' nwnf'd a ~ Taylor. 2 aun". Wlll111m II Tay ''•t•Y ''' l""'"l"'''' • 1'1''•11 ,.,. ""1•1 ~trot~ t•attr r"'on "''""'ly a -,:j'\y 11\t>rt' 1~ ju;t"'u moch mt'nt tht' Air ••IU bt' ·ront:fucte'd nn flun·l W Bay ~venu~ lklbo& hnn;r •t P'AJrt ('~ntnd Av• Hil l fl\r &ad Rl>brrt L. Tayl••r •tf ~ant" In ttr .. 'hur•" ,,.,.,., •tnf>h.Y.• •PJ•rrr.tly bo•llf'VH U1" in prpvldln& fadlltks Jor day DlornlDr . February 23. at II -1 hoe., dl~ ~arly P"rtdlly mnrnlnlo' M l&; • dau~tht~r Mn R • I d n n ,,,.,. will 't... " r•rr..-n•otl••ll thr younptt'r'!l under 12 than m I o'clock. by Mr. Jamf'll R Pat~r-Mre Bl&~~chr Baku ()f ~ .. b Hlh. at hla SAulll A n~t ·,,.~, n&Yey ot U nc••ln. N~h , • hrr.tf~tr Jf•.,.t•·-~ to.r " t.rr•IAI ah<.wr-t .,.,.,.,,, ,,,.,,, ... •f'P'''",..' 111• llfJJil•lnlm,.rlt --~lni dfOOSt'y in onl)' Pf'rTnil· linn. fll ~kanr·. Wuhlnl('tt)l'l, un. 1 Hellolropr Avtour : Corona d •I ,J,.nr~. 2003 Nt>nh ftntrto Rtrrrl I....U. Taylor rtf K•n..,. ntv. lfn n"ii•hoy • ''"•l•l•ru•·nt u ol( ~,.,. H" witt. " ... rary •.t 112:'1 ,..., nt••nth H iller'.. -., ... , elltw lfl ...... IUtW ho18 A Whltl ........ lilt-~ lin I l<•r .. ltU1 ., l,.nllllt. claim t be 1 •·•n "''" t•I'!IC tho-df'ad biW'k to IJf~ It l'urotrr ltlll•r •vrr 1\notM ""' tl•lW t '1 d•• .tit a. h•'ll eureiJ h•IY~ thr hor"~"' -army lJl t llle wc.rl•l ........ , ,...,._ f•w ...,.. _.. tattp.4 at .... ,. .. " .......... .. ~ ...... ...-"' ... ·-"•• ...... tlonally IMaut.f"l '""'· atH•Ill<l .. • 'ting th~ pllJl thllt 116!1' •11 1 dh u .co au•plc-e• o! lh~ Orrtlt.la.n Mar. "'"" honored on h•r birth· Taylor •·a11 " rrttrNt rt• .. htnl( ht·rt.A l'• P,,mlllt•·• ••I ''"'''"" t;r•·v~ >Aitlr h''""'-•n•l utlllllr• ·-·?njoy What t-ht-"''t"" hltl'blof'. ~~t' !"4lmn~Jtt.N o n Publtca.,ttay, Ffhf'\UH)' 9 .. b)' a.• lT'PU.JI:'.lDftl:bai:&;.U'Vl~.npva~ t:1latJt::. ......... 8ru:bau.~.ltnd«Jtlna...w~6. • ..WIWI -IU~.cJ&. .. UI~awuz:.th, .Jil ..• Ttn\l!nllllll&l .. lll..-.c:lau."'at.us. .... ,,...,I-,W.~.fiiiNillwo._.,•._._,...,._.~ ......... ,""t"..;.;;= di•trlct Will tx-a.sll:<'d to •up· 1 ''"" •••r 1\'uhlncrt • .n Thf' pro«r..-n of nut r.r town fr111nrut-8hf wu of. llt•Jr•• at onr 11111." H,. c 11m" t•. m.._ lwr wlnl'r h~Jmr In w .. n. 1 '•o~~tro M•••11 1A ''' ,,.,, rom• tll•· l1rl•lr I"''"''" ,.,,.,.lvlnrr t.h,. •'IUr!JtfCr;.,.,,, • hr••k, rrm•rk, "Y11u hAva a btrd. port Givr the r ouJUre r h" 1 'rill bt' ' ·1•~ .. ., I•~ ~-''I on KNX Ulr honol"f'4' at.J...J apeclal dlnl"fer SantA Ana tw1o }'I'&TI aao and waa rr'& 8pellt thr l ..... rltl'nd •••l r ~~-''' M ,.nn~'ll• 1''"'""Y .•n•f•I••Y ... "' po..t w o ultt be ....:-•111( a trt•l ap-!1111~ 1q1prttt~ my •lrllr " ,_. 11e b~., •)!Y.r c1 _ ~pr,.par~J . by tht ~ltlnJ trJ"IItt. an attra.cted by thla c.ommun!ty n~ J.l.and wttb \Timdt , tl ·,,..,,. lti:JUL Lr.u , ootote .. nl. I tht.nlliW.C rA .., ~b. ' .J • • ... . _., ·. ' ' .. : A I t>dnrr Til.-Prar 111 ul L hrt,t i.IO I" .. , II 1\t (' )IIU n lll..il_..tt ul what \In jor• 1 lo Ill' l•11 tlmt "'hit !I I "'1• 11 1 ~~· ltth tt tt 1' 'r n•ilc-tr.tbk-hll • II 11 1 ~ 111 l1kr lh• ttuoll ll •I II v. ,, 11 flltll\ 1• f 1H' 1 , i u l \ t• I I II \ p•• ""Ult d Jlu~ Sur Ill 11C1t fit' '. II,, .. 1~ Nt ••ra~ 1 ~act\ tt llll\ u ut D<'<'n p·actL~ti! \\,. tll i1tD0W •1-!let tiH' !1,t > 11'! ( I T l nt re IS flli'{TUICUI l't \lttl• 01o111 I \\hal l tt III&P', of h lit thO~I' 01 '• Tl' J-rr f!l;lt II 1t11 , II t l 10 be •;,. Soule tl r\"iohl\ 1'1\1 I I I '> flU\ It t\1' It fl t 1 II ul 'uiJ, ·~ • ....----~ • ..........._ ~ "'' m whr rr r.• • I• 111 <l 11 n 1'1· M-t ..,."-, ~ .... L~~ ..:-•" •' tm LO -u t,.:, 1~!'\'1 'lJ~nrrT ~l1'l'!13": • I • Ff.BRUARY 18, 1941 T. Polhamus Dies Su ddenl t ,.\ . r 11 1 It k T1 I 4• II •• I I• I ,, •' l d plattl IJ •t 'h(' t•JI thtl l II I f u nl!'<l tll•l\1 ' I I If··-.: n. t h. I r ,, • n ; I 'I f ~.,rrent ~ulu • ~\~lliR u t ,.~ lC'lrnl rult ~ T ,.,., ltr'rl\• -;-u n ( ( .,.,. An'-:• It .... . . i -Friends Fete Ulrich, 27 . . ears 1 1 ta-l" I lJll&blr t,f <I Ill IL :,) llo II oJI tJ Jl C tol " II ;,.,'II Ill '<'~: I I I ',.',,',1',',"' ',," ,II I II j •;, I : v. 1;-0~d Clltl'ot'Qllfl1~:;tlrall•llll; 1~1 1\~ :l\i ~:~:~~~~.'~~~;·:J~''It':,",,l :::~::~•r,,';:~ \\IIIIUIII Bill llruh IIIlO I" I I I .... I II· • I til• h 'II' t fl '" II ~ I • • •• 11'11' II :.. " I•' .. II • '110 lltlt.lnl ~~.·h~llc;,,l llk;; ~;1 111~11~ /~n ... Qu~n.¥y It I Milo! l.u r, II P: .... ltltolt a \\lt k tiJG ftxturr• trandtloald) f tntllh!'d In mollwr M pe~trl frum Klnsratlwr 1 4 ,1• lo ,. I• tlllll •I• '' 'It• ••IJol tl l•lllllo"''"' 1 •1 ''' t' oil ' '''""bt a n ah~rd lhtl •H h lhlllKlltl( ~hould I''" II Iring fl•lm IlL~ I>O.'il u( ~it ) ll•lhoolt \lll lll ll •tl flll•tlll lht'l't.t t•\ (1\f'lllt llt •lhl\ 111 ul I 1IOf be r-( ?- ( U t'tft C C:uul,..un (, " n "ht r t \U'Il 1. .. 1 \ It •1 0\ ,n n p;lt tl" t IIU I ' ' ' \f' Ill 1 H t \\I \ f I t 't 1 1 1 1,' 11~1 fllt\8 ~~ ~~~~~~~O~~::"'.~tlllol'l[::~~~~\: ,';Q~~~~~~ •• .. ~ .. ~·:n~~~ .. ~~~~~~ ; •;7,~·:: ·: 111,11:'1:,'\::)~~~~ ~::·; ~~~~~~~.".(~ :.::~l·~:;n p:b\thr :~ Clr I ~n1l1rrl, • 11 ~l:allrl --•·• rtturl••'' 111 I '~~ I•• rl" t 111111 lit• '" 1 '11 11• 1' h• ' '1 1 " t ' ,......, 1 I I T I I In J .. ~ .. -I t'-1<J# --~ lrtt .. rnauona truu J ,., " ,,. II 1.••• Aft"• lo I' ' ' lhlliiHI~< "" I rltlt I lumi!IIIJ.: - t:llll h "as f ttllt emplu\ed by th• tit) uf :'\!'wpurf twad1 811 a memtJ•• nf l ht IIIJit\t fone Later h e M rHll "' vrral v~ar.e tn charge ll( marnten UlCI of th~ Nt'" purt B< 111 It (;rllmmar ~dwl')l uotll be ltl'lk lht• pnst tlf lllDtp t ustodtan at .,..hldt ht hall l l.'t\tJ n numbfr .......... ..t •'-• M • I ..t t' , .... \it ""'• \..It h " •• "'\ ., .. , .... "· .. h .. , .. "'•lluUt ,.,,,~,, .. ~nii~•IU."'""" '•I~II~IIHo l ••l•l"' "II Kt '""'I ,',",''~-."::..."': M1Chawa} lllttlllllr1V.ulnc nmu~l .. • !'\o\"JI•I\ Ht•ua h r<"'""l a Slrt llll·t•lt•t l ,,, .. !lllllltl lto,oloOtlll "'"'""' ( ...... 11 r \\1 .... I It ........ ha II I d " r th• ' '" toollll" ... It ltllltl\tS SILid h t .. " ? n-•-• ~ 'lit' 10 IJrlnl Aurt'aM U ~ " 11 It llll11llt \\ l'll ct V t r :!C~l'l1 \ "' k 1 1\~..!.:J.l" t vlt w I I hut a.• '•' ""'"'" rlolt' lui c ''"' w II ''' a I• ''' \' " t rl U\1' ("':.:'~ I unc~ and bU a !I• r m urk I>OIId• nng, ,.,, ' ""' to 'tliN II•H"" ht~tuP II 14 I rn n.ts turned uut uu a •Its mal un lt I flhVI I)•' II • Oil• "' '""" ... ohfl"' II • '"'' "'' ·Ut II \ " "" ,, ' llol• " tho• I hi I ( oull t rua....... ~ht' conctllt tJ l ht' l(lt a tll n dally • I 'nt tal l'hl~ lr .. turr "II" Ml\•11 "'"' 111 1 ~~ """"~'of the• tllttlt r lit 1111' t•ll•l II'""''' "''"'•''I '' '''"'11 I ''"ct ul ''"~'""Il l J~ nov.~ruotiC'r "hlrh \\IL' tt• bt' tret• l lllltn~ In fl'fl (l rty lntpt ot\1' '"") m.:ht F~ay tu llonr,r hinT lht' I\UI4JIIIOIO uf lo trMI ,( hunh lof II~ tllkt' II JIUI I'l\ hUIIIIUI IIIU~IIOl\IJII Lll d V ul\ lilt bflld 11111 '11p,•l\ I\ lnlll:lil l olld th F'llltr olld JobD lrtlm 5410.\&tiUIIIIII'm ltllitlg tl'llable I ol\l lh hfl Hun lay 1-t h HI!} for Ill n l!Urpttl!t lt'fll lllll held In ,,lrl•t ~ttntt~l ~.w, .. rl 1\tlhh 10 1)11111 .. 11 1 tll•\llll a Chollll(f •14 tlttllrtJ I 111111 111111 .. 111 ""I"''" tllt'd 'lllol• ~ll·m .,.,.u.,lulld JIIO-I n f W5 lnlhne nrunth•flnai\YSho 1-lsltlttl hllol du.t olilh ~!Pnrlt) th .. h omr or A.s81 ~llty E n tn • 'd(l Tl1rat re "'umlll• aft••"'"' vt•" 1,, u11t11,1rl ••It lin Prubllllly "' ltrllnrty a nti v.11 .. 11 1hlttklnl( lrum • lllfl"lt 111 r'l\111~ I'!CI tlwt Ood II bitt··" Tl Cl· r1 Self\\(.~ "llh<r IIIHI Mrt1 J ohn ~1egel .... ~ ' w d "'--1'3lll '""" rr 1'" an 11 , lntn" "IItle 111tep1n..-c .. Ft'brlltt v 11\th ut :1 oo 1l••k nll•lu•'1"H•I"h•dthf •'l''rtttHI'ul thr •tunllllttli11UI IIlflnlll '''111 """ 1.1111' '1!11 lll'"''"rt till 1'11...,..-Mont/or an 11\llrnf\llunal dallY Tilt 7IQtltll 111 l'ulhumlls hrtll"K iiH Jillmlne A \enut toruna olfl "' vears Th< long I I s t of guut.ll 'lf\'tiO .M n< J11lt~t t•llklfl~nn 1-lr~t lr1 111r~ ut "" '" '"''lll!W..IIIlt;lit~•plf' ~ lmt>tl't111t •11'"rd U ''Ju "'"' •ttl<' vi '"'" ~1~ n<•l "herlned ..uJ newsiJaVI'r Su~>IIIJrBrtlcalldralllitn ' .. ~tar J'•al'<'l ,,( '"'• 1 bull h lnU<><Iutt t4 ILild 111 .,,1, "-'!! 1 ";Jlh nthNa T l,,.r,. )'lUI "'lltll) ''' t>e lllfXhl•u•ti!Jit v "' 1\Cary Bakl'• ••tdv llllle \.IS the .a. U 1 IS u 1 1 ccd<uted It 15 no t"<-lo~H·l '" m;ut~ ;o.;.,llpllrl llllrb11r 111 Ul 1 h d briiHtl the rnt llmatt •el!ther to ~ lumor ~r .aou lrtre Ulrlc.b incluct.. " • .... ' I s r .... I'IIIIPilll) )UU v.uulll \IIU nn-u •ll)Uile lU P•> I•IU ,,, .. othAT b\ -'•tell t.o lllluW a.L ~e·· \tahan thne )ti!IIPIIeatton of •verv tt bllh nt~ .'11111 1 tiH f~t•nrly havt lllr llno.l re rr l .. t'r~h n-tht hI t ur~r ""ho ~pukl• ki.IIU<t,,n. &rl' l ~~ til w 111 ' ""' , ' .._.n _..._. ,, -~ ' ~ .. "' r "llf'~ls of tht' ~ll'gf !I t e rn al• an ,,.. .. m to on the wrong Lilli II: '>'" k ~hut }OU It lid 111\t n lh"n7 I u Chrt•llnn ::.<II' lif t' •u ..... ~ -diVIntly revealt J truth '<> • hUDlan ""mmo r• .t tn thtlr h•lmr> hf'r\' fur ,.. 111 man\ No"por1 11alb0a m•r Ually •• foiiUWII w ah<Jv. }OUI •ur"t ~tctr lL'I It '''1111"1"''" t lle ,au t~tn wllllp•·ul tht<;ctmlm l•l lliCI JI•rhapsone..-Uvllltland clrrumst.ance To touch many \ran•' 111111 an wrll kn11WT1 l ltl•t lon lwlog wu"'1 them as & • Duttnl &he lut decade physSc&J called a net J h,.rC' an othra 111 VI h11~ th •I VI htc~ o, , t u<lnthtl'~ thr In~"< "'tn lor thh 11o rnnl ~~ ha~ &I Yea • tbe ata rs and 50ar above the farlb Tht ,111, 1.,•e•l lriiVf • hi" "t•ln" far<" II d1nner tn \"}':rk, l1 r" h 11 ~ hu been ld~anclni "a l"f· prt,..nl'l' 10u IN"I at C'Q!II' ~:rarhHt• "'"''ttble II )Ullr ni'WIIIJ<I ''""'let tilt ltl,.n ut llu• m,q,.,~aood of Oed mlllt.l and th~n to brtnl their IIcht :\Irs H •MI'IIt' 1 ulhantltll t hrt'l' 11111 rdlrl' nt from e~loy 11f the aartable SJIWl8 lt.l di.ICO•erlet have 1o1 InK 11ud ruvr d ·Tilt' d rllH• "''"' ll11t1 \OUr ym1 ~ ur > '''" tJI 1~t ul 1 hi' IIIII" r I IIIli t lu t ~ Ill l,......_ t.o bear 41pon , o1ch l<flvtal lncldent l <'ll! M ,,. 1~113 < ,11111~ ltlltl !\I r~ rrty F llo"inJ;r the ll'pa.sl fnend~ cbabl.l employee~~ o! lhl' c I t y y, &lt'l olt partmfnl cit y hall vo- ht I' lll'llr.rt ml'nt d ty roun rllml'n tlly rltrk and n t y tretUurer • bel'n stanllna, chAI\11111 the former -nf c-our~ 11o rtnr nl cunrrvt \ <•U IJW.IIW-v-•ttlffv a nd •hnuld "'1" 111"1 ruM to riA ua(ltll~r t.r1 lJ4! rwnt.-of coarth·llfl' 13 an achlnnneot Lhat 1 1 r r ~ [III'"'O and 1 arriVt• t~t-artn!: many h&nd80Dle IJ~=-----:~~~of ~tlf'r and \.hill matenal art thf' ~,. prr"'" but Urrtr r urt lal' tiuuld ljltt '""'" fltr4ou "''ul'l lul4 M s he gatlllr~ It 111 ht'l urma. ~ dt>ftnnlb'il"" Yet abe has de-I 'lim 1nco A'" 18 ' 111 "' ,( fur tl e , uuple rompletl'l) rl'partmenta and manv othl're who r. pre~• ntl'd a <'Oatplete croae eec Tttm~tl~~--~~·~··-----~~~ ll wtwt m~~ rrp~~~n,-arnt 111o-" ff'l)ry mnrrou ~lrt--!m'!' tTrln-fn.,... vt'i')' vr~nrn:n·ru":~nd ~ Tt ln a man~Ollrlfn~ tn• Mm~~~ ~ttnl .. ~ ns•olui.IOn&ll' manner and gradually rr·~pond to It tn t'llhl'r lllf~rll<on lur "r•rrtltt '"1n "' th .. t ht lluulc1 So •htn •e rlttldtrn of a..,._, the ~xt.book as rollon 1p 2MI , \urk _.., \ anol a flau~hltr ~!rN ""~~~:n~l(thee;:,ura from 1 p m. COII\lnl neart'r w what migh t per· Thb !>ho-'~ lit, Pl•"'n of • I r II It II &laV 1"11 tpdl "'Ill n \flU 111~ 11 <I ~:rowth tum 111 rHtr liOot' I.e &btl "'The aplntWll dl't.ennlnee the ~IRrK&t et ( ,,lltllntJ u( :Surlh Hollv "' p N . hapa be d~llbed tu a unio n of ad-man thD~hl 11nt1 IIIVt>' a htnl •>I mort T h,. "" •~ ,,, ... ''' nil '""t dlltne mothrriJO•l<l ~,. nud In &Mt outwUd and aNual 8o It Ill tbat "or"l tu ll P al 0'E'r 10 frlcont.U! callt>d ~BLIC· OTICE5 ~ and l"fU.IOn That Ls t.o aay "'hilt t he powrr mu.'l bl' whr..._ th,. ''"ts "'''"""' '" r.111 r II '' 111 "" tde& a tillltllbl~ r u111l<1rt ll ..,. 1.n Chruuau SclenOt wblch concerns at th~ !'\lege I humt to g-re<'l lht' ICifnutlc conCf'pl.o of the uulwt'n.t dtl tilt' fact t.s dl.ct'ntl'd and hrlrl tu c. ally unlllllllt Cl Ao: 1111 '" ~ 11 11•11" a.~'unmr" ol \IU'll<rllll: Lo1e e1Ycb oniJ the aplrttus l •e have a lofty huno rt><l! At o :w Ume lhe Sll'gel ' now ftnd mo~ at'COTd f>ith lhe IPir ~' tndlcalf'd tn lilt' 'ol'lll<'tlrl'~ (1111111 d l watrl "" IJI IIIII hill •lloltth I l I ... tdt's Q'll ll) IJUt "... The c~ lde&lllm whtch 11'1 ht'lpl us when Services .Held hu m(' Yo Ill! 1!0 f ull 0 ( "t'll "I!Jht'rtl NOTICII. INVITING BIOI ttuaJ concl'pt of une tnnnr~ crcoat.or ·~" rrom the lrxt iJu<ok hl'lllloll 111 tnr "''I •• • '" 1 1 " ol thut pnv 1•r "" h<allna b&la. we han a nrld to IJI>Illth adl'llcat~ .H(Ctrolm~ t11 the ho,t that 1'\l'n and Ha. tnftolte u eaUun I Many c-•nturll't '"'" tiiiJI cl)tra rt ru the dr m)o11 . loour • • 11 • 1 •'•' k Stnc~ tit• n 1tt r rnri'Pt of Ood lit:ll&UOn 10 adJu11r :t ,, ymg domesue For MrS Marv """HIIng T""'" "a." rn 8 prPmium ~(JTIC"F: Is IIF:HFB\ GIVF:N E AmllnJ: the m~U~y Ktfl!t rl'r..-.VC'I One notabll' tmlaflCI' o! thiS wu vlrw thl<t l'llrt<llttl< t.r• lhr ct11 tn,..larcr-,:11tr 1111 ltr '"" 1 "' It '" I I I• •1 • ll.L'i rl•ru Ill ""II 11 dt'>!rf'e the .,. 1 1 • ,J; I _. 1 that the City (:"uunrll nt lhl' ctt y :~ ':r ~r,~~; u~i~ .. ~~I.)'Dra brl~-~~~ .. y:~ .~:::.~~::~·llC'ul"'~·:~· ~~~~~~:~:, ·~.:lll.·lp:: ... ·, ~ ,,·: tl 1L 111 1 11:: ·~:~·~~~~~~;.rr: .. :ILJml:~:f = ~~~:e., A•, btl~~ ~~~~~~~~m~~ltrt\:: ·R._ Walther, 40 . lov ~lr an•J ~Ira L1ru:b IAilJJ a ·::.~~:~ .. ·;~,~~ .. ~~~.~ ~:~:~,:;~~ag w~:: (1 d I I I ·" -h I P out' !It bonk i'"l lA hil It ' Uantmathrmalltll\n an ~U~ronom· ralnndhrljlllll,ttllf,l••ulllnllw llt't'fh Nu "" nt.'''"' '~~ r -wordstltul ~~~'' ""''b<I'IIU<n. --• ""'""m "' lnlxll mut.rutllrrmsrw•rlattu nand ·--· thort•y Ill u a)' 193~ at r urt t I ~. ' It• "" " \\ ... " I I ' " ' I r·~-•I II I .. Ill•. ,I ·~ one --ln ' d I Ill t •rh Olllnr "II !rtAIItl>l "ho f'llllt'tl •hlrln"' lht' ,._. au • ... Dtble •Wr) u I lr "' lUilolfl !II ultl • ~I: I\ Ill .... .. • L~ .. n con rll ,, Ill' '" " • u ,~ s. "' '" ".... h• lol 1\londl\\ I or n • ., 811\ l('o " ftlr lltto l("rtl'lhng aut~ pa v OIIY\s T,.,ll~ In It hi'~~~"' that •om ELII \V(' lift' lul!l tll~l ''" 9.1 .... V.lll"l I'(HIIl~lt 111111 I • lo l\1 "''"""It 1111111 til ofllll IYIPIC\I have bel'll ,, llllC'IItu ~ ... rt'al and • It I t \\alth r 40 1 \t llln.: tnl'(rll'wd Ull'tf anll'l! u r rd -pc-nt~ay lnYPMII(atlorll u! at.ums a wrrnt Vl ulllatl nlltl 11•1 1111'11 ntiO 1111~ IIIII III It tid ll) ' ' I r I lit• p( It " Ill '' " '" '~"lily onco ~ U\e ldtal .,lmlt't'CI It t• IWI too much !\1• ~ .• t 'r v ''" r '''" t ntumo ntn "hit h Rtll •IN'Itlr• ol rn.: uf 1111' Sit' PI )••pllrl menl va •tars and mollnrt• dl~lc~.cv pu...,.HJIII· tllldt hlQndlnl( "' rt' II tllllr r cl c hthJ\0 n "ol ' ' .,_' " ' ' ,.,lt. Ill''\ tit I!• n nr: nnd d1111.0rWd I to aay that tn Chrl,truu SMrnce t he "' 1115 .. ti~l Uay F'r 101\l "hf) tlit'<l th \\Oulrl tr~>n~urr "' ah d Ill Th•rty liN IIIlO Sllet't anti lr-~::::::::::=4~==~~~~:~~1l~a~tlit~~~~r~l'~~~~~~:~~~~~~~~~~'~l~lf'~~ plt•lltllfll ,, til ,, 1 ,. I I I • tl 11111 1 pi I I fill I hi' Ulll' man ~ Ideal Ill IOU lid Ill bl' t hr rr:ll and ~llol I< Ill\ Ill 1-.~ Alii:! It II !Ill! t 1 V , I " Hf till' f • !OltVI I..Jlr3\t'llt' Avo filii Ill tlH! ('lty Of -lL..JL.tiU: OlUJl: IJ!t'UIJI111 loti """' WIIHJIIMlllll...,l\ lillllliL SUI~h~ llf• tbrTf'aLLI:J d al ..rnJJU: lnl•tffio Ill \\Ill' Ill l njtlt l llllrlll);: t II' I four t' ~ :"Ill'\\ pOri lit at h ('all(tJtnla Ill '8<' htoltlllll' Ill\ ltll l(lo I h I IIlii I ' In, ' 1 "1 ~lrllit.:;;-7,Tf1 ,":\\'{f)"f'l'm!.,...llfr. Ia ll not up to r ICfl n\1 ni-"&J--\\ oo•"oTI'n~mrnt1"f'Y" tJr.: U11:. tthl")ff 4!"'--lJ) l ..!.._~ r ronf,nrp With riAna and ~tfF-- 1'('1(11 nt~ 111 1111' ""'" " ' P 1 "'' 11 "' I~ till• II•' 111 ' 11'" hts orlftD " Ulcon t.o rxalt IlL~ r•m~· tH of 111m .M re \\ _.tth• 1 m• 111111 1 rl r II 1 111 " 1 "" 1 that frt 111" 111 ) rr '<'" u 1t turhi o11 !II" In tltt• n!flrt o! mor• '" •I '' •·~• It•' I~~ IIIUllt Mind 1.11! L' lul l"' 111111 lovely lllDee Bell t.o rxalt tu~ Cl""'"' ol hll prllmlnc-nt ~r.ulhr r1'1 trtltfnrnla ,ltl hi~ tmutlon ~'XItr('>~lle..l his Ut'l'r thl' ('lt v "'ngm•-.,r M 1'11111 ('ity ont1 a dtnnuy o! Dr YJlne calli a dlnrs1t' of dt · ec:rtpUon• II. IDI'IAPhyalc:ally ltl&LC'd a 41ftnilJ of oont-ept The,n he adda \M& w dauk:al seale of Ume forced oee ~ &b1n& In t.erm~ or a unS.tne ~1.-d at aomf deftnl&.e ua In the pua whiJe uv ttcend modem Idea e1 UIDt ~latcoa the •lew that Ule W11Yente Ll WIUloUt ~IOC aad wttbollt end both ln Ume and IIPIIGe . Thill tnlc-....Unc thC'Ory or for t. a.-.,. h -..tl0lOI1\ Ull"'"'ll h'\(t UJt • th~ ••n 111d "' Jlrull thr truth ul ll• !\1 • I 1 • '-t l\C'UH ll\ 'Utt ttl f\r• 11,,' I t utul '' II • r lo# \II I I l.r Ill ~ I•' tl ,t "' I I "' '"""'t II~ •~ thn ull I"'"· ul lAtV~ '"'-'" brothtr man and of hi< unl\trSt'? lnnu lv "•s \\lilt'!\ kno"n ht'rr npp ••r lnt on to Ill .. mnnv ~I'll f.•Hh hi I shht't hi lllll•le uol on "" '' It•• '' Jlt "''"''' '' I to t tlu rtl ht Ill•' •I !It oil tht' aaY1otof Here .am,t' l('~lttnon• v.•ll bliltll t.o I l ! till e ll "'~htrll• Aohhllll ,rmttfWtlll'nl t" I I I I I II l Ill' see &bat ~ J h8V IIl" IJt' II I ro Sh I II u s \ .. a r .. rm \IJ h• uhllollnl'tl Rt ttr .. uffrce ruv. It• "' '" r ' ' Ill ' ' I "' t '" ' < rnn• 'I' " \elk but Truth '•I~ God ~~ no ,., , ' d th•' e\ ~>nt l.,ru h rto< f'ivl'ol a l•l umu-• 1,,. l" 1.,, 111 " 1 , ;. 1 , "' 1.,.,~ 1 , r011, I• ot tttl' nllalnllll of rt'&pec:ll'r 01 per-.un.~ All I hat Ll 11('1" ""II 1 1 Hill _u >' n1" n< t or 1 ol f thr c 11\ I' r~;lnr f'r tUIII 11hall b4 l.t(li(H III II 1,, •1,1 •I """) rh\tlllf '""'~!' t1CII mowaun, m ost allltr•"'" mru.t olhll~l\l ll Jd "'I= tu lr u r ti>C """"'1'11\ltJ h\ 1 rr t r!ltd o r tl ""~ht llrlrT m:: 'l!'lth It • ..... II\Oiit umronhv tn you,..rw-iillbo¥ c., Tbl' J.,uaso:.J J~\111 a t.laugi\IU 1 F~ ~ cuhtcr ~ r h .. , k or hl•l boll•l fM ~I} llU:llU lit. ~e ~ ~~~ &~..,.~~~...aA-~ l: · '" t.ro • ~ at pcrmL1.ll)1 1 n( th<' am~l r •'• rrrtll.!alll>rt In lturn•n &Iii. )'OUJ' mMI'rtal vie• Thar kt TllJ tlt1 1 room 1' ltuh!'lll!llll !-;hf' lA il' 7'> .,( tht til' I mMu• pay11hlr tu t ~ fh1111 II 1111' 'n 11 "" rnuy -m ..,. wrote Tht wur'd I~ a IO<Iktll{· lh• ollllllo!ht• r u! tho lat• \tr lln•l ~ u r•lt>r 11( ~~ ("'h uf S t' w p o rt ...... ' I t Ill I tl "t II ' ,, II Ill the reJorm II IAN! Rlld t.:l\1 ' lllrk t.o "" n m .. n !\It" rhnmu~ I' l(otllt'rt•un Hl'lll h c 'lhfurnttl IIlii!! shall hC' II"'"' I"'' ' ,,. ''" '' uul tltr "'"'' "''" IIUI r llaract.er of lht'ri'Ot'("llnll u! 1\' ov.n 1-c.•r 11118 0 8 • v.ooultl •~ t• "" I' "'''' t' "' h i\ '""'' "' o It 1''1"'" cuc.lt."S 1D thC' fal!lt VII'W ""' t bl' rorrt>rlt d 0\ the t • alt tl an• I lilt d y, rth tl·~ ('tty •1111 "'"·' """' oh ,, II " j l "' tl)ltlt 1111 11 Ill ' 111111 ltl)otf and 1!1 tbt Mlfhl ldt':t nl I l oti the 111\1111' tart Students Vie In n oa ( lcrk Rt th .. c llV 111111 ;'l;f'Yopt'lrt 1,, , ,1 1 11 11 1 ln• 1 M1• I 11\ lint ul mnrr rJ~Ill\ and pr1~ about II Hill :u ul tiM •UI 11, r,.;: To -I lio ru h 1 altf.,rnla 1111 or bf>fort> ,, ~ "'' '"· '' "'" ''"' I~V.ulll iU ,., "'" roncepl or God rrmt'mb!'r 1ft , .... ud !'<till •hrr t't vi· . Sh I H \l:trr h :\ttl 1,'111 Ill 730 Od(l('k IIIOllr ht•lll lt I I \I 1 ••1111 Ill u ulnltflh,,, .... n -o thecoocepl clsmandrunCittnlllllOil \llhtrh turne ~ower OW lBid p :\1 ltllol "'"hi' lll'f'lltll and 1 lnr 11 1 An I h 1 1 •t Ill Ill • I I' I) , I Ill tl h h " I I Ill Ill) risen a.llo 110 't'IIJIIII 1111' 1 lfl't I Ol <Urh C"rtll· p t c t t g ere Jllllltt 1\ 1 f'lltl niOllol nl <•r AboUt \111\IIIO IC ull "''··I ''•'' I I,, llu 1111>•1 l•llllllll• hlrtll or l)t'a1et ·crlltn nnd I'UilCIIlllll3tlnn Ill unh LO OS er on ~s . i Ill n oltMk I \I Olfl tb tl olll\ v.hl hI lilt Iilii I • IIIII'• I•'"' ~\' th• 11111'1" Ito!: nl L)(>lty DO\'<> tncrl'aM' a nd to bmct tlll<lll u UJ' t ho t '•lltno II t hamht•r In thl' tan\t II .. ,,,, I ltl;lt ,, \h• ~·utt Ut p.tt r uul ch,lrurUon \ti)01l broth~r thnt \\h (')l \U' -o nturh (t\s... tit• h ~ , .... , HHJ a,:l tff\ltl \1 "44hunl If I • c· H 1111111' Mrt.rl I I' I I' I• '' t' ''' •u •nkU•cl 1111• '~""'""tuttltude was. llkr Thi>V ~IHun "' rr ~:;.rrd n.• ~Ill· ~ t tt\ HRII :-fl'"f'"lt ~fit ' 11 l'flll ol' ~ .. ~~~ "'" '' " 1111' ' ·•I •I ""' t' "" • '" hi the MMter wfio d<,. r;., '" thl' '"' '"' tJI ttllttl h3\l' 'I'J I r.t, "•II 'otll\f•ol• fnr I'"Z' :4 '' lt·l uf I he ~· '' lll•hnt.: f• nnn It l<~fllllll oil 1111' 11J1 ' 1; 1 II • ltohl It" l11llttlo t" \1:1 C:l'l\!14! 11110!1 till Of lfHIII ntll •Uptotnt llttd t'll-II II 1 ;,I• I 001111,1 ~1 Ill IHh•Tl l!!• fhl' tiiii\P nlt'~twnrtl ohl't k ()f '" ... _,,. ,. 1 11 1 t•r f•lunt~ ha-hlt f•( h '"''ltn" l<ntall ~h•ll .,.., ,,. I I• "'' II••' '''''' •• ''"' 11 wtlltu •• ll<t LU'I • .., -.. llRh lcnmt ttl 1-'t r n• :-11• f •llh hll\ l l • ollflll tl ~""I"'' rr•r ' ,-. l••nrl<~h d l l~ gt\1 1\1\MII ,_:11nrtnlt'l' lll\llllll 11JI• ui•J Ill• , "" r •• '"IT f tlhrt kllliV.rth v.hat U\11111 •rlltt'n •51'• , • 111ttJ II• ''"'-11 111o1 I I" r lohll\\ lit 1 h J IJ\ th•' 4"1 'ra !•n •hf••t.~• '1~01 hiL-. lhlll th1 ttl hltr \\Ill l'nfl'r lntolhr II llllllllt Htra oi~L .r.r l.!lll "''" '' II•'' ll••tlool 111'1111 • )f!u!llltdm/ 131i• It IIIIOIIflllllllltl kna ll lW to ''""" ..,,,t on •t llu ~It II I lull l orn t 'lll'qlool fl otlll lho :'\o\\f'"'' t••nlr~ut I a\\,trthd ''him nnil 111111• Ulll\ I. ulll;\110111 1111\l' I Ill (llll•'t.oll !il lt iiC~ Ill< l)rllyl'r or b br'(CI II~ lid.,, lWI•t "" ,, 111111•' II at \\Ill\ plrnnlnj: llurl•r ollrlllliJIT .. r llllllfll•T\t 1)\ "'" IJ( rlcc•lutcrl (urldttd I( thl.' II•'• 111111 ~~II \\1 olllll\11111 IIIII '1. 1"111111111)1111111'\ lht' pruyl'r of tee· cnn htlp tn lht•. tl~hltlltnt lll bV l h• flo\\o l '''"'"""\\ill fll'l'nlnt lh• l .o~ A.lll!•'"" (htmhPr r I I II ( $1 l t \IIIl i'• i'l '"'' llultl•r ''"H" ''"'"linn \\r-donot lmplf)ft>OOdto correClttii(Q lt \•lt •KI'IUr t<JIICI'fil I t Alto ad \nh~t nf lh<'hualbutl•l '-11'"~~~~ thltl ftll!! o tne• Ill M llrl rl•n v.rH •••til~ "''" .. ur I>• ~<'""'hull'< t•l·ot~nluo theinAiu· ot thrm torthlrrbv \\l'br't'J"' u t.un Jl"'"'l' to Holool tho )l'l!l 1"~(1 !1 \\tlrk !! on ~CI'purt Hlrhor lnlo !!llll!lont ra r t atllt>r hclng rl' 1111111111 , •• , 11, 11,., 1, ll' tl• 1 llllllll lllclr ut Hl' """dnr'\.~ and thP con., tMm 'tls-tt werr tl\t rllancr 111 1111· • tlll>lltl• t1 In t h• IOllltlt nl~ of both In~: 1 1 The hl:miJe r tptCI!h·d MO to cln by th!' <.'lty t:oun IB lMIIuol 1 ~~~ tlt;ht l!lt.IJ\ 9. htch <tUIIIl l!uodlll'~~ of Hls man Tbu pruvr t...tt u.s conl'f'h r them dll Lnl'ly '" '""''" Prt7• s "Ill ~~~ lu lout h lln.s lx r n supr tE'• 111 of :s t'\1 p<•rt Oellcll 1 are dally Jllll •I> v. ttl tKrume uura l'hanae of alllludco l8 r.lmpl' dllt 1 one and all that wt mav bcr the Ne\\ s•nrt Brn• h (,rammtlr l!('h tllll now dPIIIr~ll lfo hl'ar from tho~~e I Bllll11'1!1 11rC' hprcoby notlfll'd that co11vlou )) J >t'' nll th~ thrn rrcO!mltlon of I hat whldl Ill rtltldn n ul our Falhl'l "II ho rnnkrt h pllpd~ nut! 1" t lw ~ 1 "pco1 t ll11rb<rr l'lanlll "hich ar(' lnl eri'Hle<l In :;;~r rur~uunt to provii!IIIM or Sec:Uoo alvnl\r 11 , 1 """ tit I' 111 • d ul hun l'lo• 11..~ I ..atd l>t'torp t.hc nght tc1ea hla tun to ""~' n n thr • 111 ronfl en \h\' 1 111, 11 1 IIJ.:h Th• 11ntr!l rnr 1 hr .true U11n sO nit" ur th('!lf lim• c 17in ,1 1 It• La hur ( ••I" St<~t uti' II 1,111 1111 pllll lurtlh pollllol ""' nflll;jtll<lhi'AAYior olthrfa bt'cou-~:ood a nd .. l'nflcth t.tlll <•n tht IU'l 11,,,,, ,11,11 114, Alrtl 1 ~1 rwtl ..!0 l•·•~t Sll rt l ll\ \\l'lch ""''1 "' l'•:l-.,( t hr O.:tllll' of l'llllfllr drht' 11 ~I' h '" th• 11 u 1 I' ll1t " 1111 1 tilt Ill hi lllo 1 ol mnhn j and on I hi' uai)IL't 11, 111 ,111111 ,1111 1, ur 11 1• 11 I' tr•l thnl 111 o•d• r t • fl\11 ~1 l htnlt•m .,(J tOI<t llllo: 'Ill' ul"'' ~~ 11:1\f' be-rn 1111\ ln lhl' ~~~~II < "II'''~ !lilt true "" tlo• t h ol l"l' l •lJ•\ •lhot 1111•1~ '"'"I"' I '" 1111 Ill• (II\ r uunrll llf lhl' l t) IOhiiiiC til•' 1111•• It• II ''"' ' l• '' II• ''' '"'"~ unnhlliiCIIII I c:onn ' "'''' tlol\ot' •t<•••ll•llt r ''I II IIIII tllllt I It lh t th• tol ~'''l'"'t B t t h iHI" :tFr•rtarnrol ltr-Tf ltl'l II• 1 111 Ill l u llllll •• •Ol•lnltllll(tl1M~ allnl!lhl'to'• 1\l'"•h•,ti)t '\f'•lt l 'o 11h 'lfli00\H •tl ollll oo tt .. tlll l llll\ "i'lll f l l ; \\lll tl1ol:on ol lf lll•l ll1tJ:IIll•'t fto<>f I • • '"'' II .. ., I "' ,, IIIli ,,,. od but l alnttlm; ""' 9. I l' 'ol I lh 1111 ,,,.. I ' 1" 'II I 1 "I " .,. • ... n ,, It:• II ' ,, ''" .. (olr lr•);:tl \Itt \I l II It lh lett "'" h ,, I I ol or p• h I• t 11!1 ~1111 'll>hat l ond ~I"" ,, h II llll>l\ll\llllll1 WOMAN IS HURT I• u•ko.l 1" ""tl'h lh• lo nhl • h••llll\ 11 I •\ rill , \\"tk n lht I o II o o 1 Ill uol to II I I tl fh l'lnl or \I'TV 11<1\111 r IJH 1111 of 'lo •1 ~· I I "' I It "''It\ t ill II II h 1 0 l'tl\ \\ h\t h lht>< \\I 1 k I" trl Ill • I;.• 'I' • 'Uu; "' t u1t1 ' Stll . .ber Chrt•ttttu ~. ,, l"'k JN AUTO CRASH .,, "' •• ,• ... '''''' h i I'' ~ ~~ .... • t• •J l tr' I t • ' • h •I tt\ ••r" I ·.··~:.1·,:.:; tilt I ' '""tl'','. I I' T\'lldtlo ,rrum (ottl• I ..... Moll t 1d l'l 1•111'1 '•:.. tho ••lll Jitlllllt ,, Ill I ll•lkntoll •• tOo'""" •I t lu I• \\ • t t Ill ~ I ,, h I 'I I I • I I, II ,u. ""' t • I I tfiHII \• ", 11 k ~ • • II 1 t.l rn l11tl 11 nl t• • r o\) t •n 1 •nlllo I olld- 1 till •ttl: llrr II I· , rt r lu "1ur fur "'' Ill~ u! til\ lilt IIIII IK 1 .... I ••• '• .. •al hy l lltldYt •'" I'• I 'I ll!.:• I orrlt · ,\ ''" "' ltJ I "' ,,,.ulo Ill• '•nlrar t lot•'l ,, •• '' l .,,. l!'ld a'"~ I ""I t ,., (,>(j I t I ' '• ( l'lldllltl. u( I \ I ' Ill\ t. .."'t l'l ol ... lit , .. .,, \t ,, 'tt• •II \\lt n tH'<"ort'"' .. ' 'l•l ,., I .. t n l h• t !t .. , ,,,,,. IU\n ~.r •·• h' t'l• l•• .t ,~h .. • ,~ ll •·' '''ud•l lhto ,..u .... ,,,,," , ',, •I hun• T hrrt '" "t ,.., 11 pu _ ,,,, t.t.th"11 JflllltHl ..... ''lthr , ,, 11, ,11 I' .. 1 • r II "' ttlttll II Ilea 1 •truC'U\1' 111 , 1 t 1 tr "111, h ,.11. ,.,u. ., 1111 I'' \11 hlllo! • tlo ~ ,1111 , It,. 'I•H I u\ nJ,t1t ut 1 1 11 n o 1 ,,, 11• (,.lin\\~ Itt• I '" "' .... ,, .. ,. ' ·1 Ad t ~ , ••• 1 •• • • 1' ~~ \l' "1 , o •,l "'r.:"'' ,, ( ounct op s ~' rn • , , ~. ' 1 ' , 1 1 I • ... t r • N Hourly ~er 11;,,1r r.r tt••'' l 111 I\· ~'t'tft'l-~ 11 11 ...... , • 1'"' 1'1'1"• '~1"'' '' l\-..l:nonP.o.~---~ICQL----1 Trafle or Occ upation R;~te w aoe .\•t lidt 1 'rtk'l~-$11tH :$ 'ollll h\ I ,,,, E 10 1111' V.l 1 o •I • It \I t1 Ill Ill• """! I h 11 t 11 I ' V.l' filii kllta; 1 I• II .\s mergency ,,JI mls~l'c.l !tori l !l•lhl• \\1t tlf llrlh~IIU•'II\fd , ttl>ll lrll l~ I IIII ~" lo lL llll , Jl" T11tll11'<l h it" f'lllt ~ 'Ill 111 1 II Ol "1'1"111111111 lit\ It' l iolllllllllllll l ll 11 ol• ltlrn Ill (t I hl\dultllllll\0 ,\\• \\III II 1 1~ lll')<h lll• " Jlot lllrlllt.: llllffit'rl!•tll\ t o •)( A•ph lll ~IH•\Iitl ' tn I II ' Itt I ~ In nut lll'llhl ni l •tlt• .. 111 •1•111111 111111 th1'1"'1 ,,,: 1111 .... , .... \1\ Ill tIt t i l 'I II• Jll l(t'llthiD I I 1\ l " ropotl II\ 1 .. 1 1111 ,,,,' •llnt tl !\l .. nolft\ n~:ht lT\llh n• •lu .... h tl ln,.h' 111 '"''"•'' ·I• '" , .... lif\ll a•"• lllilklll•\\1111! '"" o\1\t;llll:llr,~ll-;,:·.~" ;, \l ,., I 111111 ·~· •1'1111 lh• CO\\ it ollnllllt rr- ( hrt,,.nn !'<'• '"' t'ull\ II" •k" A,\\ '"" nf'lcl Ito ~tilt '.t•w I' I Dr• ', ~"f,,,,' ,'rl,·, I'l l: l ,.',',:t ;:~~'II':! somc• llll t II I. ,, t II• li\\IP••I lh '" 'I"" n•· Ill hnto 1..-l!><•nllng hull•• ~ •Ill' ~~~Ill lu 1•11''" ''"'~IIII I Ill '" I• Ill Ill tlnl j\l olt r t Itt ''''' tltA"nrld 'Umt II I'll Itt••' l !\It ~ 1-l!tlo•lll ml ,..1 tlll111'' .. ro•·tllllr llll~ 11\:llllll' Itt•~ l\<tlll~t l ollcl ~\\I IIII l hlltlll I \lo 11 •1 ltol I• t !1'1 Ill I ,. " t'OTT'>I 1, 1 111 II Ill I< 11\rt'ol \\•Ill n -111•1 J' llt' ll "" ,.. l'plrtll•llll<'ll)\l'lt l •l lttlllt· nltlrloo'-ot llh•ul hlll tttllol\1 11 II llt 'l'l"t\ lhl'rWIItltii i O(l Htlllllll tl li.ltth "\ lll llll l ltlll•lll tt.:•ol to. \oil ~ 111ltl hll~ll '"' 10 ltll!lllfllll II 1!Ul\ of Spltlt IIIU t>l' 'I"'' n l L' ~lllttll \\1 k ''"" 1111 \\hH \\r 'tltr ll '''''''' • t hll .. tt:.n S.:l-1 \~ tnl' <nlll"r ''t 1• •!• •""''' '"'' -, l'"""'ll'' 111 Ito l.llllltHII 1, rutol r•a.:t~t•l l"l nll 1•r~nn s ,.,.. Thntfbft' 1111ttt"'1'1 ~-'-' ~~,. .tkftdd ~r•• ,._,..._u_~ t....JIW-U.II:. '"'~ ~.,_--"-" ...... ~ J.l II a;ca~, Nuftd au.J.l~.:J.J '"" ~ I>J,:. ~ l.l.l.t.' •• ,,.,. ...\11"' .,u,,,r~a ... ..w.L....~ll~w.n,c <J+i~ ... u1 .. JtuU.l c;J.au., t t 10lo I lip I tlll! fttl\1 l J, ho I I~ ' 1 tHt I •t l lpt I Ill I 11111 k 1111\. I~ 'I ' •• h Ill I ( o 11 I rr ru I< I •r1v11 11 10\',.l' ~ tnn v -·, ' IMI t OO k()() nuadr 111 n nd <"I IIl ii, r• nnt " t hu t "I'll II 11 ,, II "' '"' lh ll•!t rr • H•n tror l<l"'f'!f" •1 1 ,,....... '111" vt~~f'l ,~_. l hl!llll'\t lt\rll) nf ,...-r ll'r I' ~ \n '\ 11 ,, n 1 rst, \I rorr 1 n"-•"rrJ:""" 11 •1 nrrnt ~ -t-kJd tWit4'r awlui a <l~"lOill~~ Ill Ill, ~ 111\JI lOt~' "Ill• h l ' In I I 1 1 11\t tu I • '1'1 1 I 1" ~ht line \\IIIIth II f rt 11 I r • n! C rl""t 11 tho• Huln'< mndllll• I h• Ctlll'f ).:l rtf'\ Watrl1t'rtU1?!1 tn 11~1 ~~~ At the Mml' llmi'llf'rf' can t h~n 11111 fhl'rt h 111111t lor thr m•rrrd ~1"' It ""' IJf' tlt rt mtr ltttllloill 11 • ol I h• n• llll\1' en J rsus l'' 1•1r •• ,, r. •l''h Ch!lp • r nf 1 1 1 •I II 1 l,tf or t l:t'~,.tfu nttnn I• I ho ro111 nut lhn!"t •·t I t)H only one truth lt\)OUt All} l!hrn ran nnturr nl m•n ... h 'II"'' lllll llllrllv pllllllll II• "" a ttl till ltHh>l L .. tl •.11\1 I l Ill II~I S, J ohn An ti II v. ll I I '' • r II \1~t t .. '""' j f t ' llf'l'r'"'' 0 'n\ne mray bf' ffi:'lll¥ llf'll!o &00\U. IL. 111,rt"«< '11 t>; JWT1~ttnn I'll<' ~\M ill huM 1M IIIII ''" 4Jt -llt .ue •u..U..ll-I !I 1.1-u .. uut !...1.;. t IL:t.r II.IC.uWD thou mf' '"th th~''" "'-" _. '-l ~ RAY K 1M BALL ASKS Ul<' llf'mll( ' U"atwn ~~t!.Ck "hkh bU\ only ont' truth Hrrt' 'Iii' nnd "llnll' 1\Jilt' 9.o•rkllll; 1\lld 111 1111\1( Ill ,,, '"'"II fnr ~~~ lt>t.l \Ill llll tkllll: ,,, I • ,, • tr \1' II? n e-lhl' j~IOT\ IIIIlCh I l id " II oil. ••·1111· n I ~:r •t IIIOIIX uf \tllllll! \be omce of thr Chrut In hlunan thl~ \\1\\ II I I hi' \I 1\ Ill~· 11\11111 t• till,. lur u .. II tJI\1111! MJhl 1•111" •• l I . II I ' I• •• u( •une I bttorr lh(' ""II \\ • NEWPORT PIER I '' t it lu I hi bt.n• h ( tl\ experl~.,. ~t•t.d b) thf Ml\.\trr 11\11 U\11-t' 111 "111>! nt'llloi ~rr• nil " ,(•fit ttr ~"'" "' "nt ••• I •• cumr to I''''' rtlr "'"" ll tnnrn~: a"'~ ''To \.hill cond ~" 1 tx•tll nnd ll'r 111111111 ''' 11 11). l•rll rrptn'l'..-d \\Ito II In, 11 ,11111ut1 lhMI ~hnfl'• our .. thll "' •lu lllfl•~" ble, t LEASE AGREEMENT 1,111 "h•rrh\ o ptlttnrs uf ronllll U\11 eau."f' caml' I Into lh(' "IIOrld hnd rrllltlllll tho Ill Ill ... ttfl(l .... h~n fl • I hi" ""·' " "" lllllt iiOl! of t6Pact· r.·,. s ar'' '~t '""~""'' nl" m ll\ (ill "Ill (urnl" that t ahoWd bt'llr '11>111\l'!iol unlo I hr ItO on• ktlt ~ '' tl !lu' ""r rr It,,.,. I • ' It II ' t lrrnl Jluu ft ~ .. t',l 'h• ' • t I< 'I :JI ' I thr f.t'er . '-t ' ~ w w • ~ 1 11 e 111t>a ll •uhm1tl• •I 1111 1tll 1 r• '"ltn•· mlt~rm lit• 11 1-" '' • 1 l.rUUl I I h i I I \pull ,,.1 • '.~:II • • .II 1'1(.' JIO('Y B s· k " .... R•ferrtnl ~"'" to the two Ml~l.~ MurMI\!' I "ro " ,. I 0 • ' tl 1..11 II l 'b o IU:t~ t ~ hUIIl.tll l oll\· 11,1\ •• "''" III li Ill II II • ttl• ur 1'~:11-urns, In 8 J'h• a IIIII lur: II lr ,,., "tl h tlll' r •l \ J: ..... ~,t •••II" Ill. up\ tnr.: II " tl !'! ... or cnoatton Ill\ I tl Ill l hi' nr,t and L'h lor I liP I hll ' hall 1)1 ('Jl II II• m ----I l'llun thl' Ill\ II " "'" < tit•' •trll'r-I L (oo '•I'• r •• IIIII o( lh. I• Ill IHHI.. "··n·~ "' lllllrt m• nt• ' h '"' run• ~ 01 Mn) I ~''~' '''II ''"" mutr ''I' • Off h wcond accounl• Ill (lr nco.tl~ It .. plr or ••·fllll I h t n•rll'C"I \It .. filM"'-E N c E <f'll'olhll' 11t• \ It 1\ •• " ... \ hltl.~ and ' a au na fn II "'" ~' "p••rl Ptrr T hr> 11':\•P on I • numhrl H( prr"""~ '\\ ,, h be found lhat th r ~I'<Oild l~ thr rl'· 1111~ lllllt' frum Ill) 1,(11 I'XIli'TII'Ilrt SCI lran,latrd llto•o ''" "''''' 111 '•r91 h hcj•l 1,, 1\tr t•ll ""'I= \\II~ rNrntll 11 111 1111 1n ~\!•• l!lllf•h nj! thl' \'ef\&1 or \hf nr•l 'hi' lit about lht I V.l\5 nt thr tlmr II \1 '" ltlllllt: M u but thP\ l>:l\t ,. ' II' 1111 llh•r!' "'1 .. I ' '"' ' "" I 'l ~':Ill); .. ro ""' tct l'roopi'rt \ ,,, 11\\110 I.. • ... lllnJ: 01 fflct 'ftKo l"f!UIOtl lor thb lA thAt the 1 1 llu m Tlun r 1 '" 1'11· 11 11111nn a llil The '•I f ••t 1., 11 l'a• 1ft '-'l&r ornl l'f Clut•ll!'ll ~1<'111'1' All( h ill h 111 , ((, r t ~ '• nt!l p •' r ~ •I """ rnr 1 '"'t"r" \\hoi nrrl\t ftl.w Rl\llt tl'nn~'d bY Mn EddJ "II~ 11,,11111., Jl Plllt'ltl~ntr I hnd -f ,,.. !ron.~l~ltcllltr 1 '''"Ill ol lrrm< oC \\II' 1 to ttl 1 ... ~11rl11 IA h•fl tl I I I , t' I n..l L" --tl'l''l to ro t\1\d hr """ I ,., rf' tumr~n ' ' ' ''"' ''' !'nll~o:hl fll "" • ''""' " '\.• ' h • rl... Ira\ rna.: tit• plrr ~ .. to "l"t the l"'ltl'• rn J• nrrnlh' 'nn _._.._I mtnd I• not 11 rtT 1tnr ~ w • ~ 1 11 n n• 11 " niQoo 1 ~rr 1 • t I hl aol (< r •II f't•-·• "J>"' • tnrr "' " hu~ lll• vaca '"0 I'""'"' "*' cannot orl«1n1111' 1\11\lhlng ll c ~uni111111 talktllt: Ill lhl' lltndo ... As E ~ LT H ml'nt Al~lll< 11 'n IHI\1' l"'tll ..... I ('Oil' n,. I I Ill ",, 0\\"flt ·I Ill I ,~, only prtllfnl 1 dl•wrt('(i vtew 1'1 ~h 1 lookl'c.l out 1 ·n~ 11 01,11 \ttllrlll1) H htrd rn:«• rl 1 tlln~ 1u't11rHd ID ~kll'l" ,,11 '" ( 11'11111 l••"'tL: !\t1• m otnt 1111 11 '' tn loo,flliJ''"" .. n.l-.(lll.lllln~: tht--!!1lU"ll0 D 1.na1 1\ t1 Ul,. til • 111111~ mrntnl C!tlt1• bfolltlnll hi< IIIII<< llllll I rnlll'd 11111 nHlll\1'111< ol 1 , • 1111 II llllt lhf'• 1 h ,f \to\ 1-,h ,11 ,,, 1 "Ill !1&: f J'll•l'• ~L:, 1 ~ u na! pro\\llh lnr eept 01' the MIIIJ'fl•\1 1111181 0111l01<1~ ()II ~bt' ptt~tT lt"':q-' \\(' IIIII<( $\.(lp hi'Ahru!< 'II> n 1111 ll:l" <I lllll111 d fll• 1 I tl fl r ( I011ltl II tU nil p'lltun" •'II lht' Jnst.eadofmanh<llt~ thl'ltnll.jl1'&1ld thAt brul< IAI 11, hr ,11rnt )n<t """ "'' 1" ttndrr<tatH111J: t>C 1111 '"'rtence <If l'o•dtol 11111• '"'I'' " 1 \ Tho u!f 1111~ lahlo 1 (nr llkrneM of OQCI II' ~ttl ltd In,. U\e •• fit II fe• i'l'lnulr.: ll.'\lcl l h,. pm(l l· '"'' Mf rlt•lntr' hi'Bill~ 111111 h o•rr II\ lltlnb ,, ~ 'lll\ "' ~ 'I k1 Ill(~ " loll!' L " ' n ","II"' lo I Ill I ' f\m cb&n~r ht ' 1'\trl'•( tf\ed Ill I ) nt -" !ttl fhr lr w ;r-'' t ll hi\-, "••It•• Ill I ' l • .. 11 f 1 nd ttc•nrr ;u Hl un .. lllln~ \ • "11'<' '"" ,. 1be e«llnd.., u I 1 n ~tthn u a ,_ Buddrnl} J '""' thl' 111;~11 In\ flu"' n till 111 '"'" 11'1 'd llut Tho I'" 1111 ... I •• IUJferlnl aO •um Ull I' "' !lot h t)t'MU~ M11r) Bakrr \\lH11 >1W tl'Cfl mtlo• ••ff •hnt• \\l oll FIVE INJURED IN COLLISION ON COAST HIGHWAY r.oo I t \1 lc•l th rt • n• ""' 01nr half o t I t I till~ tho' pro \ 11hll~ I &t~ ~hall '" Jill I • ""Pl ""'' hmen rt ,_mr n 11 o1 ••lhror n n mnnuRI ''of k• r.. fur k rl\ \\ ork an_g t 1me nut• tita n o t~:ht •Il l b~tur" .ruMn« "" 0 I' 'l o 'tl• nolar "1\ "'hrre ~~. 11 "11rk " 11 qu1rrd 111 u l.q<'!l of , ''t "''II' n l\ rmi'Tif•'n('l<'ll cau•· ,, 1 II\ r... fl•"'•ll £lr tl,rng~"r to Itt• r 1 1 I" rt,", .. l\tt'n f()r ·trm• 01'1 'Ill\ I I\~ Ill I (t\to •!It \ l'f1 I j I lc«lll h o!tol "" tu \\II•' N o 1\ 'Nil • P &) l\1('11 ' I II II&\ ,l: ••Urth "' lilly l~ohnr I I II\ A r lll I" t I r • UaJ I h1rtkJIL: IIYIK 1•>\\ ll llt1 Cltll~tlri!W It •h 111 I'M' m If\ 111101 ) upnn thC' 1 1 n\r ~tl••t ~!/ whr.m th<:' tnntract \ '" ll\\Rr 1 .. 1 1~ IIJ'"It 1\11 \ ~uh rontr1utnr ffllrr '!11m t n Pll\ not ,,..,.,, th..w_ ~~~ I rate• alw ..... _.,I7!'CJ thnt I " \\ I l u ·' t I tl•r•'l••" ' I , -he f "' I I I l• • E 10 Y r•,' ''' .... inJttrr• • I• nil I""'"'' " , __ 01-·'y.-tn ........... "•'TiliAIIA~Il" •n" ~IOn on hb .. r.... hll '" Ill .. lallllar .. anr "" \ l I I tn 1111111,··•'11 ns ear '1 ~ I I .. ·~ u .... ~ • ,~ -v 1 J II a llllllltrl T t t •. ''" • hrl .. llan "''" "'-' fnuml tIt "' 'I r tra tfll. ~ ( II II l .Jar • . rar• n •ll ·I· ol 'n I \IR .. t r 'I h11 •• • IT\ I' II\'. n \ ..... .... h Individual do?~ asltl' tr pr ' • \ """' 1!ilt,~ m;t• Ill f .,. ' 'I u•·h tl-~ 111"' " ' I I ( ,.... llt ru~t In epeak -· a ...u 111 rae Wt'll hf ropllr'li l lu~t~ll hl'mun :\ll••lh1allnc. In ,_ 'ol11111" nl • "·' • 11 th~ r'-=rtlnr<l F• B d "' 1")('1"""" t nrn•l•"n 1111 1 l w '11' '11 n' "'" • ...,etleDCf Jnrlr 1 thr dUitlnttiOD l'• • •• I hi' tlllt" that nr~l'd hwe I ,.:u II t"\11 ll:ll I ' ' -Jf.tD. a (J'~ I'• llnllt" A\ l'tltiP-la-1 ~RIItrol·•l T hl! lUI• I f i'I!(UI b t ldu Will bQ ~ , .. _ 1 ·' lllr tru"' ~·" '' ~·~ ~1111 I•AC""' ~,, r1 rtt~~t ,., rt < 11 I' I a·A tl••t ---~ fioo , ·• ~ .~ "' A 1 _..,.""'n ..... 1''' " "' _, and 1 ,..,_. ti'O Utnt hi' tr~lr '"" 1 " ... Of' c-, • " -~ -k < 1 II h :, fllllt .. 1 to furn\Ril n In hor Utcl .. -.14 to ch•r:l• ,,.riTA' treat.mrnt -fta 1"'---p~·A~I -· l~ll' • rf~t •• llhll,ht'tl ••• "' allu 111' ... • lllW 1;0 \Cfll.'\ a l•l.r.uv .. a ... d.. :u•4 ~·---Pol·tcf' Ser ~fllH itnJ: \ .... t un ("0:\.-1 J: -..... A._ ... t ~-... r • .. ~~ ·~ ~· !< •• II ·'Ill -·ul Ill Hrut1f' t.rMit" ,._ •r.,•,, ~~n"ll'r ,,, lhl' S t'\\nt\fl -,,-11\ "1"8T tlrt\('tl h\ 111m. \\'1 m~tf'l lAI hunJ in an amount •qual tD onr1lttlln ID'<-n--1'"' ..... -..... n ... 1--' ... ('n thAI tilt' tn~n \Oo.U •111 11111 • llu It'-lhl'rl' 1\U<I ..... '•'-. II a .. ~a,-I ~ r .. '. " I preblem Of IIIU ttl n that confronu b~t' wt~ Ull' hor•C' 1\lld I "~· <:1\ IIIII a nil • "a" fllr u.. llo.f' uf l\f' 'rnllllt till' h< I " II • amr rroe A t Stolen 1' ,,, h 1-r•' """" trr• nt "111 !'?· • fllr I Rl'l'llffiJlllnltd h\ J :tm("!!r A tn !Ill ,,, thr ri•Utrat t pr1cl .. .,., ~ In Ill' t-hF rf'D'II'dJ " brulC' t() Lhe lllftll .-hill VllllU 'II>U blln• t l!'.nrn. tl • ' I I'll ' ""' and u 0 ot\o ht• I• n "If "" ho!•' fr•r na Ht•h• I' on•l ThomA• •' Taml!l(ln All.! " fA ithflll rl'rfnr manae bltf\6 aD fllld \be fact 1\tl(l C)!"-to It And Th,. Tr\.tllno"'· nthu wurtt" "' r-ca nlll"ll \\ h th tr• m,.ndOUI IF • E H , , •• n 1 ,. fr ,111 r:-1r.-( hirf F'r'\llk 1 rrl•h~ol 11 11 h fl 0\AI"hltlr t1 rh t'll h\ In All amnunt "filiAl In •,Qr, uf t.br ·-n d ,. I d. IS •••• ,. 1\!'l'<lr-<1 •!U' lht' I''UCI UI'P'"IIt' lilt "'' I dd\ anlt •II nthn autll••r AnA•••\ ·nd thl' "•"' 'tn" mrn•·ll-rom ... am I • I I I ·-tn tl• &btl .,., '"' 11 at' 11 l*\•r•al (t( thr IAIM' ronr• 1'1 a.nd lit t ' ' ~ " '' ~ ..,..., -r r•" k• r ot l hr '-1• n• :n '1''n l'9t: lla-'" \\ fl•tnr!Ul o! r.l••n•IAII' •·•·t r~•t pr '' •ntt • n•uo ~ •-~---t il 1 t ht corror 11 t.be ' ' ' u...t ( llrl,llan !OW l~nt'f' f'r• 11"' 'h :\1 rh.lrllt":•, a •I 1\l'r •ht nr,. ~ '"'" t ""'"" -l'ftll .... ..-I till' L<'( rtlon of till' dlvtnl' flirt thr • ht _ ...... or I \If l•'llll s! I lm k ohn~rr Ill ~ ITI' ~I'\ I 1'\rL l't•h"r anti lllmi!WIIl "'f'TI' "' r llrt ·I from 1\ ""'' \ com..--v -··--· Oil •• ,ltl'• of ..... fa~t 1111" ... ,.. ,,,.,,.~ • pn•"•--' 1111111 'hft 11 ~ ~ hrr snl(tj·-· ~ '~ •. ~· • I N ---,... ...... -f d h The • I ..... , ~-.--. • .• • ,. . .... Jl t nnnoun~l' "' ...... , .... ,"'' (\ ... , CIIY o .. -. ~~~-~~·~~~~~~~,~~~~~~~~r··-~~~~h~•·~~~~·u~~~~rt~B~h~t~~~~~3~o~~m~Q;n~ia~n~~o~~~~~~~c•~~~~· •• t~ ( ri-tan ~-~nr~ 'a scoa n g o ~ ~ It t r ~ 'thr Jlar••• P"N e• rAP ~ -~--~ I ... I ~lacl... rll ht tdt'a 1$ thr t l'irt<t-idl'i IIIPT'f' It• .. Unat llo•uno ~'' 111' t'a, rn r •""rlrnc• v.rr~ '" llr rr .. lm nf ,...._ Ham In rh ''t:" ·•f 1>11!1.-• ~ lh th<' "' nt n•a•l•• thl• "r,.k In thr \\" 't',I•P~ t .. t .. thr Ialit r t" n hl'ml! pnrt Ht>flfh wGl ..-uk In 1 '' ~r.,...ua ·-•· a Cltr'•t tdcoa lor ·•-> llnlblt'm ...__ ..... _ .. II ~... ' ' -'.... -" 1 ! .. C""t tor us of thf t Wtd o( lh tf'~ ... ~ ' '' ft •~•I A,,. ntltf'n tn • ..,. 1"1'""~ ua ' t1r l\l but In r~, h II\' nn~t 6ht ID-{'Not rt o\r!l.'l l~rtlmntr\r S1 h "'I 11 R• n l'n • 1\u 'll tltRr\ rrm"' f' 1 tn a h o.•r llJ\1 for < hr< k rhr 1 'tt\ 4 l'ltnr 0 ~~~· '' .S wSIII t.bt vw ro~~ctill ol tM ~~lr1t fll~':'~ = :n:~::u~! I"~ from I P. m 1• 1 I'm-r, • ..-.. un ... •.$1M that 1111 11"~1 rc•uld rtnd mlll&l aloll'n Frl•lnl nr~:l -bi ·Yo•• -:ltl l'lrtn• !n~ thr J:RIII ... a•h>n "l'rl' u nJt•'l fn•t n1tl treatm<'nl pt• 1u f ~~Ht'ach /'tiit'Nn--*M ----1 woJ "'""""" '""' .0 .. """ ... .......... .. ... •wkl .. ... ........ 0,. MOd< 1•1" col I• "" ~!: m '"' <o " p '" "llo II H•m m ,,, nO '" An"llo n MHI'"O I I~_,,, lllol< m= rl.hO l o .. J«lan) dl Oil bldo o< .a.& the ddl~1lt# I .-OC u aYIIII ld~" for t.hl' ,atuattont 1\ • Umt• u. Gl\;.'(1 p II • r.lte wrt• ~ffi.Jh" tbrlt ' 1 ••It•,. Thur••lrl) "' rnlntot in th~ HA1hnll I"' .. scongt'rl! 111 thl' Dunr An car "al" ""~ ln!onr.a.llt~ Ill a bid • OOOCepl I\ IDA, tlf ... t'd. c:J:· w~d bf tile dlvtne tact of thl' ln-1 f U•T < Ht'a( It (lt' <-...J~T, .J\&1 '!.ht' hV '''" • 111 "brr11 accueell Ham t••IJ of!tr1 r• ht pArkt' I '" 1•1 u t 1 h•>tnr ti\,thr ~rt ·Arboml! ~Arr.-h i• mot hrr '!\trc F.lva f'un • fllltfll rrllntlln 104th 1941 .,. ...,.. IMn all th1ll to Ul nn1w nat an of NWIJ How did ~ It' Tl!iiT o. monopolul!l" bt~Uieu aldiD c-ar In f rnnt or lhr L.hh• Th~tttr~ ll•>n• rr.l "tth r.t'nfll"r "'Ill ~ .. an nn..t all!lfTI! ~tty anrt ,Bar· :-;l'v.'}lOrt 11C'IIC•h Calif om IlL "'-'~_II~ ~-ISs14* _,,. 1-a onf1nat~' Thf' bl'lltl In mat-"'---"ll. .l~:aetca' 1 ,1 t.o ben ~ha'l' ~~ ,.,ld b)' a f.. !t 11 "1"' ml~t~~lnfl tv.n hnur" .. Gc.Lr <:v.nr-•nn rM'I'ntl\ m ll.rTil'\1 All Ul Uu:. Oun~ar n:tA~K L R ISF.HART ---·-··-. ---JJ '"'"""~t-..'n::'l·~"fl'!'•'lr'ttr "t1l"tt:1rr !lrln-t!Mdy-..__ ·-· •pllil11aHIIII'l~-·l'l .. ll·4t~"--h.__ ---w• i>ro'"lr~~A'!(l~·~-•-• ·~ .._ • _..bllra. .Q.~~--• itjj-'"-r--otVI\U • '"'1'.,t(" f""l,.rtt of"-th\-~.,P•-1ti .... •-.. _,,.. t.bt ,......,. nt tadl and ....-~ (ji -1 l sht conttnut'• So thr~ ''"C but •l l&tl'r A lr" ~'<" ( r rcomtn r~r rrrf'l\1'•1 minor r u a.nn uc eM urift. Whldl today !lllr?"Ou.nd 'li'Tit~ll lRt'lTOIII)f'r ron and n ro· i l!lo'l r tar dttrt'JI'nt lnrm Hralln. 11M I Anile• ... "" •rnt '"II h\ lo•IAI '' ~ H l'llr t'nt Min fkott) Duncan port &arh C'all!t>mta ••, -' ~ • ...._,. .. _,_, -.. ..... , ... ...___ • .-UOQ. ""871 Tilt' nrst t.nlcualtow or ,.., C'Ordlalh 1•,1tf'4 ·• """ .. __ ''l'n .. L !12 •· 1~ h ... b~·ar1 111 ,, 1 I? - -,..._-•• ....... """""...,._ r-~ tlltP llfoectt•rr "-~ ep ~lllll~l\. , .. t he!'.!_U... ~ ft.cre. n a.ul I rt'lllu ' ·~-_ ,.... or44a ...,w_ U r 1 • u • ... ~ &Q111tr U. WID ltft • =-~ WC'It lPih 11trt't'l -_,_I:AD THE --I • • •• .. ~~\\'PORT BALBOA NEWS.mu.~. N,,wport Bench, Caliromift. IS, \!~11. N~ws-Times ·,SP ... ........ C.l.f to List Ca.saba Play-off_s So-o~ t.! urIS -- M usiCAL INSTRUMENTa PuBLIC NoTec £s Mf ~cEILI\.NEOUS .. , IN T H( SUPUtiOR COURT OF '- THE STAT&: OF C AliFOR..o NIA. IN AND ,OR THE: COUNTY 0 ' ORANG£ N O. lltlt NOTICE O F COMMISSIONER'S IAL£ JI•A 1111111~1rl\1rllt to( I hi' Nof.1lo• ot( tii'IIIV .I H,;n,~ olo•<;l'll."''•l. · ,,. ltf ~RV \". V(ll)l L •• c•,••<t f'l hnrt Or~uhu.t• Z1 V••••' f'~t·••n~,,,., If 1 If "" Lea Agyal~a THE: RADIO SHOP ............ 11)4 •w•uhtun S.r~ml !llii~W"V QA"Jo60,.~ lmn>er• h i PIAno .. II for •-tl\al\ thH4 t• f "1\w rrlc• 0 • n a · !'< ""'"" Pl•n" Oo. 1110 Ill Mal" M . l!laniA •Ana II tfG ' V"'~O TAUMI>l.T!I. Clorlnata and ----PMH~~-----~LJ~~~~~~----r How They Stand l'f'llio~ullt .nuf1 H•••mt>t '~ ll••mlu•oK ~IKKII" l 'hO'( 1'nltf'ol ~1••1"1" Kon~<foll llo·r·,. H01l11n" ~lo'l• ur~·.~ St"•tllnnol Ltll "" lo(~·~o:lar~ K1 nrok ·~ l'af1' Till' runny W.IV ttw' man k4?• r~ l.all 'IJIIII.dl' W•'ll' '" <"IIJ"Y !ll t'Oh'' ,.,,, ~ ~l.llk•·t • • 1nrv< ttnol ll't'rf'Atloolml '"''VIlli·•• .\1·:"·•11.v ~ ~11\\' "etlu~ married._ Jlu: t • m 0 U 8 ----.. -.-=-::;..::;-=-.,..-. .-wAJi.~• Dw ~~ {AUJ '• Tc\\'mhlr e l t·vm•••lltln wh""'' r um pllt'atrtl ion·· 1 Poinla W L 4:1 :!r 41 :.!!\ 33 3 1 :l'! :t·• ::7 .. 37 h i 414 Point. W L Strikes & Spares ,.,. 11,\1,111 lA JIJo: A 1' If A'MI 'IU:. t.U·:~-r t 'dl\1 1'1\~Y." "'rt"•rllllun 3111 Newport Blvd. e lvd HOUSEWIVES! Wrd-tlday Lr•o._ue Mrre~ry• Bombr'r• T II E I'NlTJo'JI H T A T Jo: H Cl Jo' AMI-'Itl1 'A t\1~"111 kn••Wn 1111 T JIJo: I 1 '~1'1'VI > STA'I'Jo:H . .JIIIIN l>t~; .I A~ t-: lit 1•:. ~tuft-Hit 'II A HII HOY. • t'fH :I '4li!ATIC)N "turp l.f'W' .. .,...,., W4Jtlf ....... , ... 4 e•t· rt••uta •rttt o•,t c lt•lhe We n•d \\' .. tl\4>rv.·tlA 4\IU UH ~IIJ..'"II .. ,. Rl'lol 1:111 ,, .. I. '''"'"''I 0 Davl11 H11 4•i l :->t··,··n . 0 lJIIN I"' 4:!1 I:!J l'lod o T HIII'HIIIf :\o.';' :.:~~ I IIIII ....... Tnt SJ~•t :!:!' 76d ... i6·77tl·:!:l .... 7'10·i :tl 7','• :~=··· ''~''''"""'''" t 'nd. r trtd '''' \ tt t , ... ••r "" • •r .ttH •• U • I I .... , f •"'(> nr ... .,. f'f"""'" t'T 1\thl \\'ttl f,,, t.l\•· f·:llf.-r.•••u••flt "'I l u.t~:uu·u t Hr•t•.tnn_.: ~"'" "' l 'rnp • tf\ 1 l'ii•·.l ••lit ••f tlu· "-'~lll•f'r1t'r t "nurt "' thr-~'"''" .. r 4. 't.ltf••rut" M•vlc Chrf "* Uplll:d .Motn.r.~ "' "~·I (,"'-u ,., t_:.um~ ..lll..ilCJU1~ Ut llu~tt•l •· Allti-Ill \\ l•lo•l•l>• .,., llw llllh olnv "' 1-'..tlt"llllr\ 11141 tt'wt1n f,-, "• t.,.,tt ""' fUAC' hlftef y . Phon• 't '"" "\!,. .__Itt g .. t h..,t '" '" •u-.,' ,., .... , ''' nu• t"ffto.e, 1ft()tl w t ,.,., • •' 4v. , N•wJ)ot1. A"ll wr W ill tt•• w v•n c. •"'• e ''"""f' ,,.., th .. •n r1 .... t w' (Iff "'"WfUttt ... 11'\".e ,... .... 11~ ~·""•"". .._lo- H. F'mk ~·:!7 :.:.ot• It ""''''"'"''n uw uho\<'t'ntttl•·•l m•tt .. n.wh .. ,.,.. H ott~EWII.RF~ I.Al'l" 4:oJ>o I ll l'""'"l'""" ''' Ill• toi••W' """\"I J'lll ntlrr "" Ptorluo • 47~1 ;It; I II .,-1, lrllll•·ol n jll•1~trl'lo•nl ll llol oll'o'r••,. ut, R[.NTjo.l c, H 1"1\J.IV.t•ll :~~~. 1:•• II ""1"1'1 r ...... lo.•lflo• 1111 t ho• :IIIII t1nv "ior M.Y .. II w ....... Tut rSt"'l ,,,, .111 11111\ry 1!141' ,. ..... h JlloljCmrnl '"" R•d•o• 71" 7:o'! i oi:l·'!:.':.!.• ""'' ,,,:,•r•·•• wouo "n tlu• Rlh' . ..Jay llf•• Ill fl rnhlt>rn 111 hi •h mlltho·. "tor•p•••l all l'llt'h proK et•• ln!'l! .·o I p g h hk1• thl' pr<o\'l'rhlal pu!Oimrt,.lt•r 11. Sh••lol~on Sm1th rdurr~o•<J fro~m P.ll. Club ITIIL•·s .lrJo:~'IV 114?• a.u!'o' t' k co•J•l! . 1 A I I I h k • h 1 1 hu• huho1sw With n .. thlnJ: ." ,... I n 1 th•· I 'M hfoorlll, Lutlwrun l~t•llplt Hon·ut h Klnah thf'r ... 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"dt.:h t :1·1~ l<lflllflll .... , ~ 4 I I i\ I So•n1l• ~ ~:!~ Tut ~p••t 7•~•; 'It; ":t_.., :-4 17 olurrnt: 1h•· '1••'\t '" • k untl w111 not T llu..-.d.-y Lr.tg11e .... "I"' to ·""'1:"'""1 '""' • ·•·· ..... R~AL E s TATE It f••f ••tt• t \111 tu I t•lt\' tfll\•1t1 • I ftUt ''"'"n"""'''' '" ... u· "' I'"''"' ""' F O H R ENT l lttlt '" t h o• ftiUfiOt•t J•f.t1ptt tthf"tt l.o\'1 .f. '""· "" lh •I I o•rtlllrl 11'111 pr11f'<'rl\· o~· nT Nf 41 '1-tlpond .... ~ltuutt• h 'IU).!. :;n~t· ''f'h•.: 111 ttlt• '0111• doud~ d•~• '" the ••rnt • •u' ,., S••"' , .. ,, t """•·h t 'ouut \" awnetH,,• f'f .,,. df'e••t r nr n10d· ttf tlrUnJ,:.• !'ottUtt• u f c·llllf.,nl'tl "'" •t.enttu••od•tt(tn• (.•II at the AC:C'OI'I OIOI'II, u a ad . now til, T .. ""' en.t •••""•· Da"' ... "mlet l'l•no to . NO N Main I{;, """lA ....... 14 .... a"uv Ofi"NO l'lapo-..4._.C... ,..,.. .,..., 00, naw on!,. -.. .. 111 • • n t • Dana-lktl ... lott l 'l•no Cll. ~ N Main at., '"'" .. "'"· t1-t .. III'INt TTt I'I"N0. lata m.-1 ,.., lltttwe .. d , nnw only ...... "- '"''· p~ylll'f1ft nauaNr)i. Jiiet - r••~ •ott balance, It'" will f"llftt ella~ J>•nr kllmloll ~Ia'!-C.., &10 N MAin Sl , &a!tla "'-· ,., ... UIJd PIANOS, .. ullanl &eMI· 11on Oooot plan ...... ,, liM ... Dorena to c.._ ,,_, AI •• 00 .... ' """''"· D ... I • kltnudt l'lano C.., YO N Mlllll lit, lanta Ana. tt.t ... R EAL E s TATE Fo H SALE ---~ TO n•a c oNsii'IVATiva ,.u,.. A \'Hinn ,,.,~n..., niRtt hnn•h• API" .t lly tlw '"'11\'\' l'~tllfprnl:t '""· I h ,. 1 J: IIlli' :1\lh"l !h 1\111\<•lln• ••J 1111ly_ ·'·' h11ur ;•h~'atl u f tfm•• det''' u I "' 111 ;.Jl P·" It y ' roo\\ ol r----------------. 1'11,11 h H•~·d piH\o•ol llltlh tlh' Business and Professional Directory I I">'IHit•• I''" t11o 1111111 tlll' ra11. lportl~lld 1_, , Pop·, Mkl f••t '1 , 1•1• ,., l•,..l a• l·••dl'r ll11nn K·•·•k .till ,-;t \l••l .,11 ann .. un•,"' \\ h11 f h• 11 ~·:•pnftt n1 \1\'lll l Oh k•·n~ r;~1 t t 1 ~ I ' 1 t , ltllol •h•Mo lll•••l 1,_ f<oiJoo_;.,. loo Wit llr 'IF RT VILLA. l"•tlt•dr•l City l ~·t.,. :"\tr" t'H nn•t 'l'••n t IH1 lu Ill·~ k To•n 1 1111 "' I ho· It to I '"'" ·r, ltf ' 1\14 f'l\t rnur t h•·r··- •• , , .... ,,,., •• ,, '" lt .. l'lk 4 ltlttJt• f t, tHtlr• f "'"' fl•ln,, SJH tnae). n~ .... "."'• I.... w L J orden, ow""'. ''",."' Paun lp•lnge 71tt CHA'II!I'I or I'IIAL DTATII- Wo w6utd IIIIa to aollomlt fer •ou• tonotdotatlo•. owr lletl .... on No•Jt•~• Holtl\111, Ce# .. e ""' ,..,, anot tile ~ ... IMwle 4at .. ,. .... DR. RALPH ll, IIOARD PHYSICIAN · St'llGEOS OSTEOPATH "'Phone Ul U -.. wer, eaJI 110 &lhoa In An-ade Balboa DR. COSRAn RICIITF.It l'hy10ldan nn..J ~ur~;f'on OIIJoo-IU7 :!'!nd ~lrM'I S-JHtrf llo'lll"h Hount: 10·1'! 11. ll!· A· s-;, Jl. m ."' l'hun~·~Orrll·o· I :1:1: Jt1·'· ~I •. J Dr. Gordon l\1 . Grund~· l'h~·•ll'llln 11nd ~uri:""" s "" r1Mt n..a .. h """r" •• ('rntrlll ,,,., •. a l ~lnth Offk-f' IL\U014D K. CIUAUEL CliAPF.L "W P ( hu!st'IV('~ !Jl~' r\1•ttrr So'rvt• ny s,•rvir~: ( "h,....c: Ill'st" J't.onc "SI'""f"lrl rofl\ Coeta ~a. ('_.lfomta 'Sl\OODLF.S DR. II. E. ST AW4ER OY.~TUlT TelephoDe Newport tN ,$t .. r••>' Bulldtnc Bal~ vaJ 101t~· nn.t H• •' t•· nn aa..:aanst lhr Town l'41lU1I Tho• \lll~lly tu11k Ill lhf' lt111\1 Ill llh' "l''"n l111: 'JII.Ir1o•l Unil "n.n u J• a 1 '!·ll Ira• I Th .. Rooea ldhl nut fan•G,,; w•·ll.unol Avalon t•vf'no•d UJI the """r" The vanity agai11 r an tht' ftC·url' llfl In the t,.· Ul ttw 1 r,l \ • ·J L-4 J 111 t h•' ~•IHt h. M••ff Itt :l~•t• ~(";':: t • ,11,1 <~ro~t•l A"\rn (",,ttf .. rn •. , •h:UUJ•l"UIIhlp ~t.~vrnM '" t:t" ..tt • •••••'·hll c..,m: Scores f) ('1\l t1•1 :.:1:1 .1 1"• .\1 1 ·, ,, I•·\' \1 ar'lll y 33 23 Av•IOf) Jllo\ ~:\4 ·7 ... \l.~:l'i!• >-~1 -.:rL -:::1 • \77 " II ••I M1.., """"''"'I" M" "" l !••••t•ht .. , t •runr•' t 'uutlt'' .' 'nltfn llllfl , \ P ~nlll h 1'; Tlurnl'll H . !-lhefl n II I"I•W' hi' I "llh I h•• I • lll'lu.,nlll h~r~· Krgl.a,.. •lltatn,.nt..l 1\nol IOJ>J'IIrl • n M n t' f' 11 1711 Ill L•1 111• t t hrn•unlu hfolt~ntrh•ll. ur tn at\y. F !fait Z A uti M l(ha•l new••d J a<.k 117 Dth "' , Ne•por1 101 .,, ". '". Mattnw. ltp W ILLIAMipN A ~ILLIAMaoH l'laal ............... . m aaat ~"'"•'· ....... ....._, ""-....-• ••" an. -..-. I Lata '" ._.,,,. Tr ............ s-,.,.,.------------,----11 I h1 rot ~111111 •'1. ~ hooYo lng h ,. t l I' r l•>rrn 111 til•' r"urth qrrnr1• r. llw R lt1tiPr ~ Sulo1<· :'\ II ( ;1 1111•1\· .(1{~ ~~ f'•• ••rn \4'111'' "l'l"._rtnlnutar,: 1 r,'4tl 4 '•'n .• ,.,.,.'" I •ut~t•' s .. t t. •. Ia Ju r,.,,,. ..:tve·n , , •• ;!" • t\ ~·· ''•tl ,:, thnt "" \lu· ~·"• :1'"' ••r ~fur-t h ' ••·'t' ,. I•• •••'lr t'•tt II tl '"'"'-.'·lttt k 1\ .'t ••f J>OWN TH·~ ALLEYS I Lota In ,...,'"""'• T"r •• ,..-r----!.~ IIILL CliA .. I.EROY J>, Al"'DER.~S :\TTUR~Y.\' AT LA\\' ( ,, .. t& ~II''IA Uttnk Dulldlna: l'hunto 4:!6 Callfnmla P. \'. PARKES \\'nlt•hm~tk•·r \ .lt•\UIII'r • f:nvnv" I ::111:.l On-:10 From!, l\:cw.X,rt t:~ JWrl ~'' '"" \\ 11fl'h Rrpalrlns (lold l'lalln~~: ROY'S BARBER SIIOP F•lrml'rly hl fl:~lhon J~lnnd SOW l~11trd at ·- IAA ~lrt'a.ld<'n 1'1".-. :--;,.,.r l'lt•r En1r:mr•• :--; 0'\\'1 H ort fl. ;u:h tlar t• '' fi ,. •' ~ h•·l•l tth•1r •• \\' n t..:H1f ,_1 11 • ( tl:tlt• 1 fth 1 tnln H11• ~llll••t t••.•ol t ,, It' ' Bl>•<t 18 l l It Av;~~lon ····"" l ' pllln 1•l I· 1 ... r-•nltl d " d t h• ·• •ttl fa l '• .. •• uf \\'IIIIo I ~··II ll lltrh .. ,_ \\" I .••• II, l ~fil .., ..... •q t 'tt, f llo• f ·,.,,; H "ttjlfr ttf HU••f I '••llfa,, Til• H.tl loool ,,.kol lolll n l l l t n rq•• IH ll•• ' 11 \ "I ,. ,tutu \' t ',. t,. :.!'f· -I" .. , , "' HtJ'h !'"-tl.nH) 1• t1f ;-.:.tt tll O.t\ .t ·' I ttl I ,, •••• ,,. t t. ,, 111 • n \\ f , .. ,. lllt.ht •·u1 I· ,. " " 1~·1"'' f 'l'rt~,, McNally's N;ovy T ... w .n•d c'' \t., t tt '1u:·•· t·.uu t\ t•ttltthruua •llhl ol I I 111 all" ' "I 1\ ;:.'r t "t ,,, Newport -Balboa NEWS -TIMES I'IIO~t:!4 I'! k I~ .Ut•·r11o11on~ t; \'nllllllt' II M f'NIOII v .:•,"1 ~ 1' I ll k ·, ~rlfrtn :711 Sli'VI"IIIIOn '·, I Jo"'tnnt·l :••• ',, .. , .. :"Jnlll'r ._,_,. l i•• oll4 .f\()fl-117 4. ''''7 Th.-. :.?7r. I'•'""'" "" .. , "''a" t~~ ··, hi" WPI~hl Ill •It ''"""''" II u.:.i. ,_X,IJI 70,0UOOIIH "1'1 "" 1" \1 · Ill ,\•h .o fl("o ~~· ; .. , r~ I , ..... Ill (Iran~·· ('t>lllll}. S'lfl.fl()ll 1)1111 ... .:• ... ~ .... lh• ftl •• , h ,.,,., . ~:\on r.-' ~I •••• ttl "''h ,,,,,. n( th••lr hll t ... \ II• ,, ~~ .. Pj"l llH•fllhl•Y •':""''I h•Hd~'· wh•' ••td h\."d \ Jtlltt •t " Ent1 l <'rl :I'-~'"'"nd·("l,l'" '"·'"' r 11 1!11• l'••'l"ftl"' 111 :"••14jMII I 1\t .ll h, ('.rllfiOIIII:t. 111111•·1 tho• 1'1 n f !\(lllf"h :l IR7!1 II t . •I. ... • t·· ,,., f ,, ... ' ••I "''a ''·" \\ , ,, I•··· It• ~ •f ll I .• t'l ,.,... ...... , Ill l ,., .. , t ..... ftt ••• "" Ill· "' "''' JIIU•Il llu f t • • , ... , ··" " 1\ ht l ull'lr~•-t!t """ Ill •, •• I I • ' '! t ·'' \\ 1 '11-.:o ,l • t • .. ,.., •• ,,.. ... Jt•H• I ~: r .... t , t ,, I I" ... l'•.fJ w,,.,., 8 .-111,., llu h.tlt lt '•I l·u~U• '\HJ•f•lltn •\' IN\\,I,tl!. ''""''" tf .... , ••• ,,,. IJ1t t 't\ •i 14• •t:ll• \\•••l"'"dtV J ' '• If• tfl•l f It It tfU\ IIIJ'flt lt•n 11' •' ! t•·• t l,, I f ~,.v.lu•t• 1\ll••\• II • l"1 I I •fiJI ('11t h I!• 1111l 1ft f•• nl It, .. ,,., 'J,""•ftt tu H1•• \\,·d ... ,...t., '\ta·•· .~ ... ,., '"" .. "'" •. , J ~; " 1 II I I I" 11 I• 1•l ••\• 1 ,, •. , tw11 un 111• \1 •Ill• ,,..,.,o.,... water tr91tt ~r fronting on "IYo Alto · lmfl•-· ......... ..,,.,,, ~-Prtoe taa01 l •w II W•llao-, 1101 W-.1 Cleft. I Ull 'lA I l o40 A 0 t o A lflllf•:- "'"'" And ''••u••· r "•neh MM. rr u f1ulf•Unye, 1 1 • ~ """'"· ph•n'y w•t .. •. ftvft .,d ehe4M t r • • • t'•v•d t utHJ. l!lev•t•on 1 !100 lu I ur .. no V•ll•lf' b•clo of D•o ., .... , t... o • t lti,OOO Pttce· t r.uoo. f'••• tr.ed• Owne r 104 .An.-11• !U O•lboa Phn"• lti~W. ••• , •• ,,.tlft••rt ... t h• II•• 7 ftt~Utt .. d, rt•l, ( ll•••h lht• 'J••\\'Irtklt• f1tHUft-t Whh h ha.8 II L •JI I ' l l•••••,lf\ h••f'l""'' (tUt. fh,. nrwJy !' ,, :o.n:n :H 1'11111111): l'l.onl. ..!:!111-\\' J.IIITI IH 1\:"JD !\1A!':AC;t-:Jl :--;, 1\ 1'"11 Ill :wh. C':ll1fnr nl 1 II• I k It '· 1wuanrl8~•· t•:u h '• " til "'"'I 1:• ''' 'J( lhf.a {~hul••lt" IU•I 1-t .. l tt >.tlllt~ , ... rfi'OnnUtv uu•t \\tl \1 111~ tt,U'"' ••nl 'A"or~hq• hen, ••• f • I J lf1 I h•· A n{l"rl('l\11 \\•·•kl\ J lt• "I'"'"' •lllltrti,utl"' "11 II, 11• '1 ". • I• • 1.• '·" ANC:I-:LI-:H t·:X,\ \11._.~ 1: ,\•1\ 'I •• '·~ 1\ I .I, I ' \If • ,, I•• \ f• I I J\ 1\\\ ll! II • I I 11111111 '"' ~ ~ ' Ill• """ , ... ,. ~ .\1 •Ill• I I '"I'IIUII•·•I h i""""' o'hlh """ furm- ,,. til lt••l Uf• I~ llu •·•• ,. f•u .. 1 H lt'Htft und•·• tlu~ lr,.•l• t•hlp l loll•l tol:u • "' II • 1"''1'1•1~111, l •r, ll•lph D. ·/ • ...,..,, fl,~d uli t••'"" tn t t, t-lf..-u,.J ,.,.,,•," ''-"P.., t•·d ,,. ,., •.• 1• In It tt,tl 1,-•t~o••• 1.,, •• '' lti•l trll tl1• ~'tl• •••~atlrltc "-fuU •l\t ol I•••U I"·•••'"' t•\ l•or'"f•,ll ft••fllj ltl\ l t ~ll 1•-..,l(llv '·•· I ~ • I I Ot"t'll'li\1. rAI't;U, ~t:WI•OHT nt:,\('11, ('AUFOU~I,\ ·' u r...-nrll\t>lr ~~ ...... ln~l ltntlun l'ior fhrr ~~ ,., .• ,... ---.. WJIO~S-WHO_ II HAUDl DISJJICT _ ~ I I ""~ •'' •• L \ -. :.-.-!\ . t:l·~ --r"' ~>~it· .I r · ·;..;--...A __ " ;'·'""' c~oss ~Ill' 14 s .. "T /4.N' (lir. .50C.f( IN 'Tr'.'' \<IDNE.YS • L ~ON~ Wt4AT; "Tl-4E MA"1'1'ER 7 HOW AicNr' A~ IC~ c.Af!AM SODA ? \1'1'1 f \'(f'T.""--• . ~ " I I ,,,, /o. LJtot it I • .\IJ:t) t.1 .. t« "A Vk'hM ~t-\IM:o. Murd \VWW, J')& .. !lt!li, • At'Tu i'tt 't •t•I ,I..-.M ' "f'HHT flf~UNI'- Ito lollfo, '"" I ~· ,.., J\ul•• ~"1'1'11•·•. :.1 111 M111rl R l. Ouna, A"'m11111ltlon. \1 'TII\IIIJUI.t. IU.t '\lltl't,· • \' t H f ~· I\ ft f• lf 1 \1t J~ t•ddr•fl f 'ltu•, tl \fU:In l tOHft"- :,. "!••II Jl,ok•r) :lll:t '~''•·till 1\l•k,.ry '"'Ill b lk•ll•r y,, 1-l·U Mf: .\1 T\ 1'411111'-. l·.tlr• I ' Sit••!•. lkKI :'1/t•t l llv<l l'o~l " Mt·•n. l'h. :lii·W All Oil Wll ..... \fat\·, l•lu11•l ll•·111rl y ~\11"1' 2 111 M11rlnr• ~klllr>~l rt.·llUI'Inl( Mt-lhflcll. ""' r.·r """"-~ 1-IJOI••I l '.olollwl N••vr•lty Shu Jr to'umll•trr• r"Jm l 11!\ Altl\1•. l'h. ~W 11:11 '"" C tllltn..t Itt Nt~Vo•lly ~h<J(I, :l:lflfl W. Ct·nlrlll l'hont' :\W. I UU.I'I.M 'f: ASft KISIU.ISU Wf)()J . . . II W W1wht, 17~ Npt lllvl1, (~"''" M··•n. ll•r·1l Luml~t•r, Ph, B ·l . I OI'Nflo\IUY.M- 1 Ao I· l lr:,.., 1-'tolln•lry Jt~IJIIII(-<:II~IIn~ II(} V fl'l(lrllll 1'1 .. COlli a Jil.-, "'"~'"·I '•· "'t.lt\ u·r.-· 1,., '••I, '111 • l \1111• 1 i•·• V t '" S •'l VII ••, t:!<l Mr'Jo'htl•l..rl 1'1., Nwpt. B. tiF.~Y.ItAI. t "OSTKArToa- -'···~··" II 1-tll'llny. :1-1 IIJ t ·,,""' llhrrt l'l1 44YJ l'lnn• anrl Cunl!ll n•d.lca --------t l.t'~i"i"IY.tl C II~I'AS II':~ • -. "' I ;A~·~~ ~'•• '• 'l: 11 l.t.r ,., ··1o~•t ""'"''I'>'"" ,,Jnn ,Y••••r hron .. .''.l 'hone 41. Jill~ '>1'1111 I l.lltut.•·r ,.,, 'f'h••.n. 11~111 c·,,.,, lll~othW&.)' at Archea. W.\ld,.t : 1'41't.f IAI.'rtt.~- :>1.11 '''' ~l"-'"""'.Y Sl•••l'· !.:1!1 c· .... ,1 li'""Y :-:••rrttll••l', llolsb , t:t c. y CYflunf[er nr_ uu . I'~Jt ~ S•IPI•I•'"' tt'}' :O.OTAitW I'I'JII.IC:-, • '/CJt,J Cov~N 1' QAAI'IIGE .,.HAT 1"o A l<lONE.Y s,.-elll ! l"•11n M111 ~•:•nh. :t2flfl W . C'm1r1J AV4'111t4' Ph,_&.:.! t1r 13. Nf!W~ ot n c:r. "';~l'l.lr.'4-:-;,.w,., t ll:u 1>•11 l •uJ,II•hlnl:" Co l'hl!f'lf'll J~ • Jl, Nc·wport n...ca PHI~TISG-"'"wl""' lllo riJIH Put,JIIhlnK Co. Ph'lftMI : ,1.2 13, Nt-wport 8Heb, 8.\1111' 14tr.HVIf'F,.-,._ --· -~· .... lotio•' llnltll•i! fi:lflll7 Shop, 100 Y.. Ally, Ph. 221. t 'or a •ttw .,..._ KAL F.MTATr., INMI1RANCI: • NOTARl' PURLIO- L•·w II Wt~llltrr :t:ltYJ W ~ntraJ A""trlllc. J.'hont 3 . .._..__..,. __ .. M'"M"-...., .. -:Ji. t..·--.-;:.;;_ __ ::..__ N o·wl"•rt llnr!Jor PubiJahlna Co. ~: 12 • 811D!!T M.EL\J., ll'ORK- ('(Jjtlll M t"'ll I'I•JmiJin~t()imjiij).: 81UN8 -RnAT l.r.M"UIN~ J~·n• fllr•l ·n1 .. SIKn Man U7 Narc:iMul. eorc.. del Mar. ~ft. rrt'PF.WIUTF.M- Newport J111rbor .-ublllhillll 9tt. ~: 11 • U. H~ a.&41 1.-&WINO I ~~l'1.._•.1Pftt1J dane .... OrT ..... Ut Mc.hddla Pl. H"Pt-8&. .. •• I ' -· NEWpORT RAI.BOA NEWS-TIMEs, Nsa;art Beacb, Ca.IUomla, 11.JESDAY. FEJ.lRUARY 18. 1941 . •• 1 COROllA Dll. MAR LIDO ISI,.E Ea1a1ement Of Mill Mary P. Currie Ia Reft.lecl At Party , Local Patrons Of· Military Ball Are Appointed ~ Phones 12 and 13) Tittle --Tally ef the tor an elghtaomt> of bridge prt>- ceded by luncheon Gu~tud­ ed M:a. Kenn~lh Rugg, Mra. Joqn- aon, both of Loa Angelea, Mn. Harold Roche of Hermoa Beach. Mlu Ruth Wilaon and Val Paul and the Ill'& J. B. Wilbur. A.D&betm; Mra. LGuia Ratt.lt. PUomona; M II a Ruu. u.taptoa~ 8U Jun ua throu,tl' the laterutlng and difficult tlmt>t"'Dead: Mn. Harry -Baker Mn. Roy Palgt>. telander Ia Co-hoatua liMO; Uld the ao-Wlftlfnd Hawee. AllJt.a ~n B&bette ••• Uld ..,_.' W. L CUrrte_. Jr. aU ol P\&llertGD .. mllllaTIAN 8CIENCK PAJ)DIO &0011 au-...o-tnaA._ ~ HOTft MhNX Hotel W••• js Sen Francisco's best~ cet.c~Hotei.''MW .... , .......... " ,,., ftiol·~~~ r:.:r •. ..... , ....... ltainbow's End ... Oft th1)~ernorou• Feather Ri~r. Pe.ton, Califor- nia . A yNr·~nd re· Winter ip<>fh .•• OencinCJ. every even;ftg ••• sMti61 fa<ifiMI ..,,; ........ ,. ...._Vwot~M· ...w. .. - Elected Pretident D.D.F. Card tlub Wt'rt' re · Bea•·h. until rfrt'nth· A (;, s Cah.lwt>~l and Orville Cald· l.ll S~Jt t'.akt' ..t..'lly, · 1 ·rah. w a 1 wrll. f.tr and Mr11. T. H R\lrup. I RUUt of h.nwr 1\l a •hnnrr lil\'eD Mr lljd Mra John Bmmmund. all ; by hrr J>Art•nl.a Mr 1\nd ]\Ira, Mar. of Santa "Aal\. and Mr. and Ml"ll , 11hall L. Kf'l'll'r of n,lh<'• Jal&ll4 F.lmt'r K.oenl~r and Elmrr Koenltf. r('('eoUy A IMJ at thf' p11rtv were Jr.. of In Modt'na, and Lo!!l• ..... oJOMphiDt> K..,ler Md J I a Swlt>rwtra of COflta MNL Kt't'lt'r. Mra. J . H. Flaher opened ht>r bnate ..........._._. to Mr. and Mn. Harry DabJ a.ad Mr. and Mra. C.IT)' Morrell ot Bevt>rly Hilta'. ,.... tourwlll~ .,_t thtr UIDe at tiM naber retlldact> In El S.yo 'l"r&t\ and tD ~boa proper. of Bal~ l•laad bad .. . tb"lr ~Mr. f:DC! ~Oiija Hambl"t of C"oefa Meu ud .... and Mr•. 0 . W Richard of N,. port S.ach. Managing to Include In h t' r many actlvltln throughout t h e county a bridge luncheon. M r 11 . B.arry Welah of Balboa llland wu t•o-hoalua Thureday w I t h lira. Hubert Nail In the latlt>r'a S&Dta A.na home. Tbt> affair waa for forty of their frte,Jdl throucbout Orange .County In rJmemberance o f Valt>ntine'l Day. Decoratlona were, of couru , In red and white floWt>ra and State Muaic Head To Speak Befbro. NEWPORT •Actt COSTA MESA . I BALBOA Coming Events In Harbor Area -.. Art Exhibit To 'Be Diapl.ayecl.ln Ebell Clubhouse . Friday Cl_:.b Ebell, In the Tuatln home of Mr!l. Ma.ry Scht>llhouae. Common 'hnld. erll and "roatlaldl'.. w~dll a n d blouom!l were uaed to catch the eye In· th~ harm?"lou.s bouquet.. Gueau and members · Included namt'<l Wedding cerrmony for M I a a t•halrman. Further ·p1an11 will be l Avaht>ll N_!!laon. Ralph ztmmer- announct'd aftt>r the March It'S· man, Spurgeon Methodl.lt Churcb, lion. ~rl!. Gou Grable and Mra .. Santa Ana, 8 l'· D). . Sherman E. Salter· hOIIteued thE' J· F1ve dollar banquet. Costa Mea gronp during the tea hour. Commun Church. 6 :30 p. m. Harbor A.Ni.lt&o.ce Lea- Mnh ~~,~-¥~-~~!wu~~~~nn~r-~nrlfbrrw---c~~~~~~~~~~~L-----1 MFI., H. Hilmer. lha. c. aud<t. I M-Friday Afternoon Mn. Susan M. Rutherford. Mn. In Valentine Motif , Club luncheon meeting. 12:30 p.m. Howard Seager. Mra. R. P. Tillot-_ Newport Beach B oy 8 co u t !IOn. Mra. lAw Wall&cl' IUid Mra. In ke<eplng wIt b Valentlne'a Troop. acout hut. 7 P· m. S. H. Welah. The group toured Day, the Newport 8 eac h ·Fin · ~ .Red Crou Workroom, 10 a . m. the Schellhouae gardena prior to men's Auxiliary enjoyed the game to ~ V· m ., 1J6 Marine Avenut', the tea hour. of "Heart." at their Thurllday Balboa "lAland. Aaaiatance Lea,Ue To, Hold Tea In I I . Roaa Gardena In the Bert Ar. Coat& Mea Boy Scout., 7 P• m . bOrn home on Balboa bland. IICOUl hall. Prizea at t.he gamt' were pre-Mea Firemen's Club, fire hall. III'Dlt>d Mra. Ed Zube and Mre. 1 =45 P· m. Herbert 1'h9.mJ*)n while a apeclal -------- priu wu pruepted Mra. Robert A daughter wu born to.,.(. J&Jiiftn. Birthday glfti were lhOW· and lira. Arthur Rambo of 1008 ered upon Mrs. James Froat and Ocean Drive. February i , at St. Mra. Kt>nnt'th Johnaon. Joaepb'• Hoapllal. Mt>mbera, Included M e 11 damea Dorothy Albright, Kt>nnet.h JohD· •on. William Smith. W a · t e r Honeycutt, Ralpb Randt>l. Herbert Thompeorr. Jamea Froat, Robert Kd'Wtn lllld Edward .Ztlk -:-l'llllAD THIE AD.-:- F rea/a Daiijt DeUdoua Sea Foocll Or, complete equipment wtren you want to catch ---'YOW'~!. --~-- 10-DAY SPECIAL OFFER l Mount Whitney bond PilfJ('r. f 6-Jb. Rl:: by 11-inch. sheets. bcautirul qu<tlity. E.>qual to any 7:1c paJlt'r you I'V<'I' saw ~ Special pun·hasp, and a pig buy for an·y office. student. et c. Come early! Newi>ort Balboa NEWS· TIME~ !20~ W~t Ct>ntral A\•e Phone~~: 12 and 1 S . J CHOP SUEY FRIED SHRIMP Special bunchebn • • 35C .. Chinese ·~agement · 119-821 So. lbla St.-SANTA AJI!lA ... Ordel"' To 'Take o.t 81: PR PARED~- .,--LET US JAKE -: OF YOUR PIPE. ~ iw#·-···...:.·-.. -·.--..:...!'~····--.:::::::-1 '=' llttn-~·--···......_-~--_.BLACK WILL TREAT YOU WHITE Ectcar Bt•ck Co. -OIIrrJ A.--811 1.-.r .._.-Ul·Tf