HomeMy WebLinkAbout1941-02-25 - Newport Balboa News Times.. TheMajor8 Column T ou Kacl : .\11\HI~ 11_1. \~• _11~(11• ,<!JI ·~ S·l'i p m. ltt'tllldt•n;t :'ll tttlt luy \\'It• lht· (:tl'l thnt :tltt lllll'~' lor· I !Itt I\ Bnd~l'' hll\ ,. tt·· qu •. ,.t .. d ;h·l•tl'tutt•ln pr•.(·,•r·tl· 'l'llt·dUI .-!1 !tll' :"'1•" ''"'' lhul Jll~>l IIMl hat1 :\l a \1)<' t ho•\ \\nUitl I'll' hl'ttt•l' nff 1( lht'\. harl h•arnrd Ill dn '' 11 hout ~I r Hnd.:t•:< • a lung llllh' •~.:n .lu~l RIKht :"o" W T. Krn'l""' "hn h;.,, rlc•..-r,;n•-<1 n n••W m•llnr a nd ha~ 11 vn di,:r>ln~ a t tlw Bay lshmd Gtu'H(;t' ha,. J""' "ha 1 1 It•· Major's br:•t•n lookrng for. Thl~< motor run1-o \4 ithvut ,._'llirwn. (on<'(' st arh-<1. • nnd tf no fotilj;{l- ltnt:~ is hn ndy, Kin;.low ju.-1 pours in l'alacl oil,. cll>r1Wd fTom rom or rot 1 on ll<'l'd. pt•a - nut oil or any otht'r liquid rontnining llydro ca rbon. Y('s !'tr. imagint' running low on ~M. w bt.'fort• ll'lWin~: home>. ~<lipping a ca n or snlafl oil off tht' kitchrn shl'lf a nd mto lht' Jo:U 1nnk. Well. m ow m r down, My! My: ln8dvf'M8ntly thr r(' wa!' an ('rror in c-ut ltn('~ in thr la~'t Thu~y is.."UI.'. lht• somewhat humorous r'M'Uit b.ing a photo of Rudolph ~mi. jr.. noted band lt'11dt>r. appt"aring on thl' ,;ports pagt' undt>r t tl(' .('apt ion !o4•hich dt>sc:Tibfod his hkr nt'l<ll as ~ thllt or Conni(' Mark 's. f8mou~t mana~r>r or t h r Philadt'lphia Athll'tlc-s which arrive-d Mond11y f or llprtng training "'' Ana hf'lm. Som(' chamb!Pr of comm«'rct' ,:houlc;1 ca pita lizr on that and offer thf' photo 111 eovi~ ol What CaJifom ia -c limate will do for an ~Pii8t('m .visit or. "-FtcuJ- Americanlam ~ht'l llrt' popular now ~ to the biah ,......-at l*tlkJt6ran ttm:louJtl· out ttw land u thf' '""" at pretleflt world c-onditions. And well may that aplrtt of pa· trtoti!UTI tw enroura~ted and tiiTit'ly &rt" such Rddrt•s!lf'~< dur- ing thl~ pert of our hl!<tory whf'n Am•rlcll. u othf'r Rt'- pubiiC!!, art' thrPat~Pnl?fl hy thl' msidiou~< a n d t rt'A<'h('rou~ knift'·in·tht'·back thrust~. by fort'ign "firth co lumns." Y<'l on thf' SCI'N'n~ or our thi'Atl'l's lift' rt'vrall'd th.-RC'Iivitll'" of G('nnRn-Amr rirnn Bunt1~ anfl organruttlons .or "imilar ilk. ' ..... ----· . I, ·-- .NEwPORT· I . BALBOA -~M:~WEEK .. ;.==:- I SlUED SEMI· WEEKLY ,~~} . .N~E-WSdJ~:(Jl\\£5 r.~f~ . ,.~ITIO~ _ EMBRACING-BALBOA PENINSULA, W~ST NEWPORT. SEA SHORE COLONY. LIDO ·lSlf:~ NEWPORT HEIGHTS. BAI.IlOA ISI·.AND. COJ{ONA DEl:. MAR, COSTA MES~ ----- ---.. ,·ou •:\lr: ~:;.un • 't:\\ l'tli&T Ht:4CII. \l.lt UK'I \, 1 I t.l'ill \\. l't 'llKI \K\ '!.\, IIIII '' \IMI'!I& II ' Uill Ulrich 'h ;-J~ave ·official Chair Lions F et_e. \\IIIIM.:~ .. ".~:.·-Basl<etbalr Newport Merchants · l'll•l numhrr y,..,...· thr ~t) C'ARljl Jt."'uod \lo twn nut a..th t>l) rraaacf'od In ~ork about tJIM> ., .... ltd .. . Att .. r ,. ... ... uf faithful .. """'· tilrtrtl l•a\t'lt ...... ramp l(nlulld• In rtu.rv of ~oe Pallenoa; roroce.ntly ap(M)laf• • I'd cu•tndlan by .... C'lty I'OUfiC'll, . - INavy Academy Here Sun!lof'f IA·Il~tw pions .... tf'd 8~· ~n I~ Boys "hn l'l'fl\ t'fl t hl'ir Jll'l'lllill'~ 1111 1111' lta'\kt•lbal cc our·ts this Yt':u· lu \\in N',W. fl-jear Defense · .wm ---. Aid Locai .Business Uirt•t·torH In Annual StaMion; .. 'iMh .. 'ry and Otht•r Projt•dH ( 'onMidt•red ..... or Acti\•t• Som· nwr St•aMun At Newport Hy ( ·rvic Lt•aden· po rt IJ.ariiCJi' l ln11111 llllll l 'l'o'flll'fllll! u Jtl'llllli~'>ill~ llu"'hM'Sft' futul'f' fur Nt•w JJOI't {c·hool tu ~uns-'1 Lt':tJ..~ Cia-T114•iw h , -Frl"'ltf••llf llullhnn111owt• nf tht• N~wport llnrbor s:thaJ d ta mpionshtps lound ~ Ctuttnl._.,..,.rr.,nrntl't'l't• '"'~'''"""' t;r, m••Jnl~t••"' ur ttw N~·wpnrt day . public SJ~IJtllll-: a more " . Htt,llk'"' Mt·n·~ A s.'tM'I;t111111 l'l'lclltY nlt(ht ,., ttwo Amt•rk~tn :"-.. / . ctiffil'\111 task Th <tn ttwst~ IA 'I-:'"" l lnll tlur• th~Y t•ntin• hout lrultaMtry of tilt' <•ountr)' lll ous r i,:::on; of has kt't ball. ,,"'~'" ittt:' n t r••ma•11(,,tU~ Jmpvh111. Nt•WJkll't wiU t~rr1• ~11...- E r.:ln· ··n ht~h 'l'ho"ll ~. Prt·1111·1\·~ram .Photo dh-.·,·11.'. ,,. 1111f11'!••·H~ ·"" Htt• '''""'' uf il~ ,.plrndhJ ha'rllflf and nwmt~<·r' 11f th•• '"''''""lll> V~tl'llll 11 •-H--.,.. C'tourt•·llrtaan .. ~,. .\llton,-,.,_ ._,., ~--~ llarria IXlltl •'nll'II'\WIInn lat'l IM•II, lluwo• ck't·hu'\'d. .1nd l 'lu1-::. I 1 ••·am,., v.•11h C'nac.,._ ~··· "'' .., - Ralph '' H .... ,, unff "Whltf')'" .. ,.Nt"',u ... lft&·"rlloratf'd, ,..,nt•r, ...,. (~r-Hall. 1 _. ,..,. Tht• 1-:'""1' n•ph•~~t•nft'(t WIH!t'no·o•k wo·H• ~"''''' of tht Kotary C'luh ~~d C J>tona th-1 Mar manufat'lurn .• ,... 111 plan• .llf llw rwnrl~ 11 J'IN 1 t••r l''lll Ill h•rul· 1 New INnoetera ('o,.llo ~t .... ~t·:"'••"'loi•rl ll:u htlr UOftl ('ttrtlllll 111•1 \f11r hluff tr10•·1 tn "" ,.,,,, tu .... h.• lho· • onlr""''"' "'"' "''"'tlh ~·f· H\f' df'4·tl"n of r...W ~1 t h l't •1, ... t · Hill'' lt'utn t'Vt't)' luudrlt~ ,11,,,..1ura l••v••ool••l •l""''IOUflll ...... l u l at I ,. ,,,.,.., .. ~ nUt•n nw. • lll'rmltllnat ,. ... ldt'nt·r .. tu '"' .. rw·!t••l tlo1•ro·, "hto·h I• " I"'' d h) 1'~"1' • • "' -· Ill". Hn,\' Shun• ('ulo• .. , .. ~ttHIIM' Ill Nt'"Jlltrt with· l 'll"lll-'""'"" ... t v ~ Wal~r N ~. .. "'t)' ""n"r' "" ti'M• lll•rth ..ttl!' nl '!''"•" ,. • f A 1. Vt{Htlt·~. wh" Art'lltiKf'd thf> \l••nl Ill I\ t'l' ( 'nmJIIII•II f&rt•l4ill-<'tuu It·~ AI It, llamld ~ who'-dlt't'('l l'd lh··· \ill''"~ throuaft Co. Ch·l_e __ f_s_' :ado (,ouple Ill..: 11\'1'1' U14 • ft'tltivitlt•w. I :~n~fto~~~~~·: .. ,:::._·· a,... ,,..~ "" 1941 Ill It• "mrvn..: totrlnd H• In • t'Uha,.. t\rtwrtlt I '""'I'IJI'II. II arT)' Y.atu.a, f'..arl llaJI. • tum 11~, ntto<J <'ual.lh Whiii"1Wdl. J4"l" t t St.JP;R 11 K. Hhw •ntd J II MJIIa. I ..._ rio.:! ., """'. • .,,, ... , ... ~, \lo llh ..... s. .... " ,., ····'r'-rll "am ...... ll __ ,.. -who who•n nut llrti"('IIR•' 11th •t...., n ' ~• ..-• .,.~ -•-..._ og o lo"'''lll llllt loo \\ IU•htn••lootl f) t • .. lro•t•loo-l o.lo Wo ... k to _,_ ...&.. \\'hllt•OO'('k ('<lffilnf'nlt'll UJJO" t...-• 07 ~ " '-II r--. .. - 1" ll m ntho'ITlltll<" ln~l n~rtnr ... M p ta1 Pett•t,·ons I ·~·-· l 'oo41lllllll\ llt'lt'. '""' ul ... ~ ..... 1111 ··oil II nlf't•tmc or the ,..,.., t''lt't•llf•nl lriilnlnjl ft't't'IVt'<! by bo)ll ay name ""''II' "llh ulh< I llOI'I t OUIIlfin.: flt'f'l"o fnr lhf-Nlnllftl 'ff'AI'. SiDe~ information baa ~n r~. admmdm t'nt baa ~n lnatltuled tn ttl.-C'fl'<tn 'M•"'3 llnfl Nrwpart 1-~~• to '"''" '"" I"''"'""• tlO' '"l""""ntai!Yf'll "" tnal•••l rol N"''V 1\lto·naltri.C ...,..,.,.. Mayor l'* ( ;nommar M'huols It w• p B d InK •ul•mlll•••l '" t ho puhllo ht a <kofmariM~Idlna I (0.'(lf'Jf' C'oewftolfl. C'nunc'IIIN'ft ._.... Cfived to the dfKt U:lat U:ltP board by l hr r<'t'~nlly or~ranlud Snuth· l'l'l~•r Kll~ n r l'· f J 1. thr" v...tl tr;ttnt'(l ..:rou~ whkll rt -II"""' I••' ""'"""•hm .. nt ul 11 ilnl ' ... · •• I'l l Allr n, 0 I'"~, anwa .J of Govemanr of the California I ~m CounUu ~vel~nt Aaao-0 0 tlll'lt-cl thKI , • .,. lie ... ,1 1 -:... ....... ~ r anw "'' frnm lhl• lnr:olt•ll'mtntary ar 11 .. 1 ........ , ..... •YIOII'III 11 lhr liar l llnrwn .. l)'n a""· a .... '"'-Ma ritlmtP Academy 1\.u not dt'-1 elation and tht' rommltlt'~ will rf'· ~·httnb lh nt m!Kko poastblfo ttw D t h<•r l ll•l~h't ,.,.,,. 111 .I 11 ll hlfl(( th•• rntlro• ~~"'"'" rt I. f.>attrnon, ""'"""""• Clnltely dKided upoo tbe new altt'l port al lhl' nf'lll director' II mMl-champion~thtp m~ tina )'IP&r ol Hu•IAII •of 114 VIA Lillo N"r.l l oldo bnll I ' n lot trtoJu..• "'" lhl' c•lty for thf lnatJtuUoo. directora of I IDif.o ".9nchrna ..... , ... h•· !lllltl'fl 1 .. 1 .. ""'' .... ftllllall t ry will ,,.. ···II· I ''""'ktront r am,,e,."\t i-rrp ...... a tbe Newport Harbor Chamber of Wa)MI of tb~ South_ Marn S trHt Orull«' c '<tunt \' ~"l"'rvtama ""'Ill -loft UIIUfl,.+ot """'' "'"''' "''''""''"'Inn for u,. ~ Commnce Woaday. acreed to con-~t'lllenr!lon. for which t'qulpment Ia 0 -1 C'o.rtw. meet Wf'l'lnrllday F•b 18 to roo·' 1'bal lht" WPII llnu'll'll 1-''1" Ioiii" lhr tt._y'land fur lin tho• JIA•I of f'IW,..... MM'il-_. tlnue U:le camp&lcn to o b t a l n alrt'ally on the-~trnund. w~rf dla-Gut•J<I~< whn lllltd tn l'tutf' to ttw lldtor ttl# aJ!poUlt"'""' "' " Hat-,,..,,lr nt.a ,,u ,... ttl# fir •• I" rr •l""''' o•vt·rf' '> ~· and tlvlllf'tl by tht> Mty nfnc-t.la IUid loca.Uon of th~ school at NfW· playfd. SN'rt'lllry Harry W f I c h ltl('lll athlt·lf·~ Wl'rt> Coadl BW hor n>mml~t•hon f•>r NI'WINort Hu-'" II ll\lhll•• •IIJ•••I mado• thrlllll(h llt.u• uf c·raft Alto thrlr lnlf'rt'lll In thf> port Hinlor. I wall namtPd '" llc::t for thl' Cham-C'nok o"r thr Santa Ana ~ encf bor and t br t.lf'lrgattna tn tiUCh a tho• I"• .,.,·Tim~'~< wa~ n ·YI'nl•'fl hy mftn)• flf'mlt ,.,.. It« •llfl~fil'd h)' thfotr au...--. Olalnnan Walter Splcf r of th~ bt'r at t h• Shnrflone plannl!l( A•· John, Wa~. Al~o 8 ml"f1ll)er .ot ltw board th• <Jutit'a J.H'rlainlnK tn Mr• 11""'rl"tt• W..xwrll, l•art~r awa 1 d,.,, <'v n· ... , .... •us chamber'a commlttu which con-aoclallon mfetfng at Santa Wonlca Don coachlnll sMff. Rlv..ra and Haroor l•trlelaUon. ac tn lh,. Nn••vort llarb"' Wfomlll • t raC'Ia thry will Hua~PAW w 1~ tlw ... dueled the r~ent quut for the Ft'b. 26th. Ward nuttlnPd ~bllltles for cordlnc to lnfqrmaUoo received I A•-•aUun whh'h I• IIJIOI'IIIOrlnl lw 141 IIWI)' that I N.wp!Jf1 fWt "" tJ.a. ....a. location of the Naval 8cbool here. Put Prutdent J . p . Watktu th~P 1941 Don tnck aNIOn and ,..t.wd&y from eo.Aot,y O wk B. J . lb• move. 1 oth•r ~~~-. \M .... ._ .....,.. .... wu requeated to contlnu~ efforta and s. A. W~_wer.e named u Cpach..Qook P""ft\l~ 1 ~ ~ .._..,. -Glttd&la oL Ule w-w-&""7 ~' _,_., In u.. wUI ,.....,. ~ lH' ,..., IOI1fl .,., tt.. e.ton. ,_. dr8l on attl~ "7 --UI . ' r· -~ rw ..._ ont rled ....... --I ~...... , to-~ a IIUtta~ 8ttlt on the ClftiCI&I dele to U:l~ Auo-· ...... _ · port Harbor C'hambrr or C'om-r ty a ,..,..,. -'" .,.. ·c • -----.............. ,... -miriy ....a-r -.ett¥ttllii _,._,.. __ bo ot N...nnrt Bay t _ .. --.. ..._ f Co Thf' 1941 Harbor Hlrh "'_... · ,...1a rtllna lh• pet!Ut .. ttlra Waa. ~rift J'lli'WpOrt flrar h br10t .. _, att __ ... ,_. • a rea --r-· c at .......... -m ... n ° mmerce pion!' Wl'r'f' pr11IJW'(i fl(lt 11tcww for IDenle tl•r l•v al ~•rll ••'•I 1'h,. 1,-,,,._.. lonlft•ol '"' --... Tb d Itt tb d M ILDd Dr HOII'•ard W C m.munlcatt n fr< m ~ --· " •• ~ """'"'' •. •·vrntttftll)' ,,,..,..y,. "'""' Amun1 ,--..a. actnncld .... e ·pro~ comm M on "'!a n toyer · · thl'lr_ victorl1'"· hut for ttwo In· 0 " ' I'""'''''''''' •ltalrl<l. If aJ•J••••vr•l tov 1 1 11 1 -..... -N at h I ill 1n lud S I t d d I t ha bf' II 1\' "·u un • .,. ·~•fiiiMt'l' 1 1Kn """ nuw h ' I '>' "" foA•Irr 1-:lll llunt Oft tt.. ~ a v ac oo w c t repre-• ~"'"'' were appo n «' e ega u t1omttr•hlr ~plrit whlrh mllllfo th~ c .m r '"'I''"" nto: ,.,,,.,., ' ''"' "'~tl,.ral l'u ... -1 '"'J•Mrtrrlrnt I II II II aentatlvea from Orangt' County lo th~ Or&nlff Qlunty Coast AUO-1 r1 lhl ttl Q plrtt In ctiOnP<'IIhn wrth lh•• IIIIV'Jtrtl •uo 1'"'" """"· 11 11" 111 1 > wt 111 .. 1111 front 11nd utAindlrw an lnvttiiU. ud Loa Ang~lu wiVJ Pruldent l elation by Prflld~nt Howl!'. ,. ctoh "~ ~~~ 1 I'. " 1,!;;" 11 II••' mt-nt of • ltoorll<•r I ·,.orml•ro l"" '"' 111"'11 '"' "11'1 "1 ""1'1""'" "1 """' o!W'I't•ll..,'tl ""'1'1'') 101'111 Mn<l Jar.:• ~"l , .. th1• 1•·rw"'rwl at lhf' U. l!l. A""' H ubtiard Howf and s. A Mfyt>r I Attrndlng thf aeaalon hf'ld at ;:.~~~"~ ~~~-~n\7.:-:.:~·YI'n on OraDjff' c ·ounty ~ l"'~"' """" ... • "''"' ''""'a llll loy 11'" 'II\ """'"1'1 l'">'"'·lh . . I All' at alit"' "' Marc-h .,,.ld rcw • o r t t1 e • coopt"ratlon rommltt~"l Whltf''ll C.W fM ShOp. Balboa Ia· flhrtwr 'Ho•on cetvt'd hv 1 11,. •ur .. •rv• .. ·~• "' " '"'"''" 111 'J ,.,.,,, l"••llll(r AIIY.,..h<'l" II<•.,..,., ,., h• ""> • ,..,,. th•· '•••' ft•h •Unn••r "' Nrwport lwed't. I selecting .the 'jtl'OUp of work~,... l11nd. Wl'n' Hu bbard Howe-. C'ly11n Th:ll tho• ~ailt1r v11r~oih biiJCkPI-mHtlnK i,.AI v.•·••k ""'' II ,,.,,. A u "''1111" th• •·lt y A~•ltlt•ot•"1 11'"11 '1"'''""' 1"".:11"1" 111"1'''"'11~ 141 I· ~,...IMr)' Harry ,Wf'kh C'GIIt- 1 tm itt t d 1 H II (' d C V W Cart t...., DOOftn"(l thrn that th,. m attf'l •l""""ry ... "''"" "'flul•t "" "vnll "'"' ' .,.,.,, "~''' lu•rl"''" "'' ''""' 1'"''"''''1 "I"'" ttw> •·1<-'"•IJoenUan IAppon f." o an 11 v ~ory coun., a , •lmman cor .. c >'·•h~tll ctmmp1nn~ v.,tl ~k h ...... r ,.1,1,. 1,,, ,,..1,,_111, 111 Ar"u 11,.. 1 11 1 r 1 fr II M · II f t th 1,._ l1 ~ N tl d ... N • • I h 1 I·' t 11 ,,. ... at ,. .. ,~· IKI ... " '"'' 11 1.:•· ,.,.' " I• ''""II '' ,.,., l,.,....,,.,.n lh•· ualn'"'" f'fl l 1~ c o no mMf an .. -men waa ,., . rt> ,,. . "" uom«moor. hnnn,.,. bo•fton· lummi! In t I' r wou u l<' I''"" • •· " ~• ~ ---... let\ up to the '[lrt'&tdent P r ()bf'd Lur u H F \\'ui<Jfn-suit• WM· ro·\'PAlo·•l hy ('rnoch Rl'l'd mHtlnto: ••• llf' hrhJ within A .,..,.. ... u .. ,., . .,.,v,.•l lhr t<·llllll llll: "' I""• 11• IIIII\<' •I"'"''" "' 111"1 Nt•WJ11'11 ""'' tlu· 11lrtnlbt•r uf Cumnw rc.. I Aak Highway F und• bt'r~:. P A l'alm~r. S A. Mtyt'r. an• I f'rinc-rplll Sttln··~ II Onvif11111n. T h ,. llf'lllotton r" 1 • ""•lol•·rrro.: ""t P',.,,, ... ,. AI> 11111' Ntall""" ""'1 11'" IN•< "' .,,,. "1 '11'' 111"'1 illtllt "1 ...,,,...t A conlltltutional admendment P r c;o1 (Inn M C rumly., \\'~Paton I wh11~,. J'W'm ""'"" .. nahlo'fl th•• t>tl), Harbur c ·oomn"""'''" v. rll ... "" "''''"'"""' '"'11 Y•·rv "''1 Yl•"' "'''111'1 'llf'lot lul\•'1"' 111 "' lrllt'l ""'"' 'rh,. tlwmlltul and f"IICel .... J J I ... t'kt ( Z R '--• t i I f I 1'1 k ... I I I II"' ''''''''" lllr ""mtJo•r II( I"••IAI ll•·n. ,. lh• tnt '"'""'' "' vndlh "' <It!< ko•lt •ltrlnl'r 1''''1"'''"' II) Ita...., whirh .apparr ntly provtde a lar~t.-r ay. l ~a na. I • n urrt -'" :111<'nll lh•• lunl'll•"'" tn t '" r n orm11 "''~'""" ••1 ,, m ' , • •• , d ,,,1 l .. vr•·• ,,,,1 ,.,.,.,,.hlv "'''rtlltt tn ltll ,,, .• "' ,.,, . .;..1""' lf~tl l•"' llu• L·.,111• rhlr l ...... _, wltl1 llu• •td at 11harf of thr jtB!I tax fun11 (llr ll!•n. 1\lhf'n. Pain,.. \\'11ltrr Spt('er . hnn<~r aal . I · · ,. ~ , .. ,.. I I I I 1,,,-,. ,.,1,1,,,,,,111,.11, .,.,,, , ""'"""'' , "'"'""· ,,.,., will rru'ol•fo"'' tlu· It'" t-.'rtr l I IIIII Art .. I I u ..... t111r1y" RI·-Southl'rn California count1e11 !tom Hl'lnz K1111<t'r <'uunrllm,.n Hpbo'rt J\rr~on1mc 111 11 pre-.••nl to·nta tlvr A ""''' "' "l't'"'""'' I"''""',., • .. •• "' "' - "' .. _1 To Do! t I 1 1 , 1 1 1 '''''"' tov l•·ll•·r v.··~rl•l IM• •I"''"''"'' •I• 1111111 l"'l'"lnltton frllll IIIHVI<Itt 11 1,,,,,,,1, .. 1 111.,1 t r'-1 1111• 11 fl~ tal• ,_ San LUll! Obll po 111outhward WIUI Allt'n 8 n•l Jamf"ll Drown. pri'NI<iPhl prnc r11m. thl' vnr ... tt~ w l p ay &mODI( l•~ro l ''"" "'~''''' .,.II\ ' ~ • " ~ ·~ Th f I '-~ l h 1 ..1 1 •t 1 • ''l v.lllttll lhr •II \' Aa"'N 1atlu11 lotlio\1 ltlllttt1111 ool "'lllk ltor h o nl 1,111 1,,1 ,,11 ... 1 l)'t~·•••l t'lli•ln-1 .. -n t'l'l' 1~ no au I '" '"' refe-rred to a leg1111Btton <"om mrt. Jo!llrl \\' ~111nlt•y of t P Nrwr~<•rl Tu"t•n "' 11r'<'ll no•\t Fr11 11y anu C'IO(:I'I'Tlllllo: It•" 1'"'1"'"''' '" '''' ' ~ ~ •· •-r d l r •11"'"' 1,,..,.,,, 1 I•·"' I IIIII• whwh tlrootrl(h trroltr• .. ·t 11•11. ~.1,1,.,1. ''''"' ..,, 1111r.,.-•rullv oun b~ mlol ton pt<·run ·,. t P-tff' hralltd by flr T p Rt'rlll'r HA rh"l Hrall y BnA rd 11n<l C";rRing · rf <IH'•'•'"'"' wrll m •·•:L lh•• ~lnn••r Commll•~tlort "" th••v • 11111 1111~ t• ' •. • ~ ., ··-, I. th I r l h ( <-( I I II I l L• " ·"'II I ... '" , •. r,r "' II ... :'o/11\\ ltlt'J OIII•~• l<ol ,,.,. fiKII fr;v '""' ..... ,. vr-11 101: r fl llllll:-n •·M· or-ln nd L , w. Rrr.:~:~ Tlw prt'lpu~dl r r ttyr·r -nr l h•• ·.,,,.,,.,1·;-oan ;:r •rH• •• m n· thf" flr~tl trm•• t 1., '""l"•rvte .. r• .. , , .:anililltttnl" nw puhlw 'houlfl -:rlrnn ro11111:rm<•n l l11r tlw~uufh••rn bavf' d.tlnll<'lv ol•·•lnt•·d th•·v ""'II W I"'( 'oo wN '1''1''""' 1'1"1:1"111 .~•1 1'11t'Y llt·u•tllt·l \\'lllfrr know ,,, lh•·m \\'hal make'~ • I ';ol tlur'nl:t C'hltl11plt111•htp Ill I hi' IM'rl<nuoly , . .,,,,. oh•l "'" ,, " ,., .. n IJ•n"''""" •lllotnl'lto'fl ltl~ •nnual t ho'.hiOfXI "' 1'\'t•ry man l)nll Careless Smokers Worst· Ftre 111111111 rlt\1•1<~~ " Ill lh•· ...... , "' 1111111\ 1••111 l'oolll • ....... ""''""' '''"'"''' lo\ .,.,..... _.,..... whu hfolt1'Vi·~ in tho· Anw rtc'lln -nnur,.., H•r hm '"'""''"" '""' 1111 "1'1''•1111 M r ~ l'oo•ll•• k •·I .'41• ll!'ltootr .. l•l II 11111•1<'111 Jll'"l:rlllll wn• J•r•.,..·nl· way l)r ltfr I> t ht• J;wt I hat ~ 'Hazard; City wss $4311 .In '40 Arntt~); '"""' •l.tlo•tl ··: ~ ... ~·m-m .. nt "' " tl<t iiHol ....... ,, • "'' ,. II \• ··•I II> lllrWrtr~ O••rrt~th ...... _."_-:o:-:::t:::;:j5a l t~·rP nrr ~~~1lr-in thl' nn•n-' _ _ -~~ ~~~~~ · Mtr p ln ~~R~V~It~~~9tJhiPt~w~~~R~,~~~~~P-·~~~~~~~~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ U7 wt!O rnsor 11:$, p11V1Jl'gl!.t:. --.-Wl'tt" Vlrr .. lt \' J)lii'YI',.. (•n·~nptntn!l f o r jl.f,fltl .. n:.r .r., .. l••l•lll''"' .. , , .• ,., •. '"" l•'l•llfflrlf'l\ "'''1'' ,.r ....... F r ---=-----------. ;mfl .,...,, !'till ~nlult· lllt ll'r, S talilll i1'8 compiiNI by Fir(' 1-'11111 flrl'l' W('ff• I'Atlltl'" hy I(Rll<l· IIIII lltll•·r tt nll l:o•lor~oo· "'""''" Nrwpnrl .... , .. JoHI1 toooltll 1\ lh• Ill' "" lht• I''' lllllll<'•ltlll•·h· or-$ 3 000-4, Wt'{lr the Nul uniform and I Qltlf TrallR w . cr.K'Jcn f or-ttl~ tint' tn btltH. ot. bum . 2 by lflC)n--W11ii'"'lifll\R1'i"l'll'r"f'f' thY" rrm!f'": WttH r Nn.-pnrt tfJ!)' '"V'"" - II<' nnwlro<IJ,:!' 11llr~:lnnro• In th r 1 Jllll't yc>a r llhnw lhll t nt>arl~· IHt tlln•'llll!'l 1 nml111~11""· r, w••n· ,.,., ('lu rk O.on Smt<h 1-l•·~tl 'fuit l'rll \l r '"" \1• ~ 111rtlt l JIIII'I•·\ "'" • / Sw:u•lt('ll flfl~ A llot of u,. many firell 11ta rt Ptl In thr> ('rl y .. r hv partlr>ll nnkncown. 4 nrll(lnal•·•l r:n rndv T:rk t',tkr ,l,hn ~rhrllln~. Ml'll .•• l. T•tru "'" I"·'~·'"'' ··•·•I "'''""'' 1'' li lt•• 1''111' 1'' B Cl b wnult.l li kr to knO'!'' w hat ran , Nf'wport Bf'ar h 1u1 t hc> tf'IIUII of fr••m hi•Rlll'llo! ''lllltpmt•nt. ~ wf're R••\ l ~rlcm11d•• O<~h l11111:h MAn-W t"dn•''"'"' .,,,., , ,,, .. , 1'.\'<11 ,.,. "''" l ltrl''' ""'I "'·"''' \1• bl' rlnnr 10 t•ltmtniltl' I hi' Ill'-ca.nlfNneJIII of ~mflkPr8 a n;l \)\' ••himnry burno11t~ 1 by ftrr wnr k" u••l :'11•tnll a nti ll:orn•·' '""I \hr•~ duranJ tho I' I ,\ I·•·· ool• • t \1 ol t.uo Q y S U !1\'1\)' ur Lh~·l'l.' ortotljntl.iltinn~. I ~·~trlcaJ 8(\Ur~lt-lUI thf' "r'"'" ' loy 1111114'11 piMI:f'<l rn .. J•a rwor fiH -II I Nom m•·mbo·r .... [)(m Elarn. Bob . I rlH'~· hrt•(o<J d11<l rtJ~I or r. .. r-of all lither flrnt put tt~c;l hl'r ton 1 by r·Arr. ,, ftrl'. 1 call Willi llr1~ mund 1\url A It 11tlc• Kl'lth -• ? A h d m:m-Amt•rtcllnl>. ltrt ltnn-Amt•r· Total ftrP 10~'1 ((If 1940 Wl\11·. S4.· " ~m•rkt' II< arr . :l rt'll\lltl'll f rnm So•l\o•r Sllrn t'•·cl••nlllll 1\ob c •.:!•· Japan'c Pe)a•·o-J ~·vanu' ( ) m 3MS3 or I ;, '-'-~ ,., • , ' · A""''""',.,,, rrl "'"" trllt•l• 1••111 Y •c-ans ant1 nth••r' \\',. mUQt rP-3 11 !13 thf' rE-port M id mt~• """"""U" I'RUIW'II Rnd <~rtj.,'ln ilnrl •·•hr r" ( ' w () d ml'mho•r lhlit lht.• larl':(' major-'fllp NC'wnnrt BC'RCh 1'1n•' '"'-"' :t flrPii·w .. rP unkncown FBJ.Is -to "Kid" u. S; )n ar (\(' M_,','', "'" , ...•• I , .. Jt ...... ,., .. ~l·l .. rr l I ih or lh('!<(' folk!< ilff' goufl ,_., OJ..IIei t F. s S • • , ... ,, ......... , AAIII~l""' .. Anwnrlln!' Rnd not ll'l lht• nP· parlmfnt last yrar &ni!Wl'lf'll 11 """''rthtn~ lhr IYJ"'K ••I frrl'~ UJ S Jrm ays 1,.,1,1.,1, ""'' l tun11.lol Jt.o<ol h Klrt1v, ra n ow• nnfl lrllttomu" nr tiv: l publlc alat:ma. ~ atlll alarm11 anol (•nr~tunt~>rP•I hy l n•·al ftremrn. d ,., F LE ETWOOD LAW10N r """ llll"'" ~~ 1.1"1"""'1' ''• ~tl rtk• "'" k"''"" lw:ul• 11 111111,.1 "' F•llow, In Dall a., T•aaa, wtto ~:~Ju~fr:hr rr w l't'l'aiP racial ~aJ~po~~~dth~;:11·ti~ll.to':'.l !f .. ~·~ ~:;~~::111111~"'~=.~~·:~~\:.s"':.~~: .. ; .. "Newtsppaper Af ,s Aml<l ""'H ,, ...... ,, .. ""' ,,, ~· ... ~·;·:.;ll:~r" •• ," 1 , ... ,".: .. ,~~·· ,, 1 ·;:::.:: :::.:·.~~:" ;~·. ';1,7;'",::.~."1!~:::~~~~~; :~~~ ... ~~ !h-:..~·~'' ... :,::. ~~ trarffi In :.mouldrnng ctgRrr tlrl! !!lllllllnl! " <IV.•·IIIn.:,. 4 hlll!ln('!!.. OS ower u pa.n Jlllllllt•··l ,,, ........ I .. '''''"' '"""""""'•ll•lv I ''1"1 "' I ...... M• ••• . ., ....... , Jill ~ ...... good flnlah \\'llat T•rratn: '" lbr ca,...lesl'! atl..~ of t m11krr11 hnUH!'l! 12 IC'""" 11nol lnuh flrt·8, • deed. ·r''"'" '"'''"'"I) """' t '' 'llr•· ._.,. ''"''""'" 11, 11 , ,,11, ,,, ,,1, l '•r • ••·••··•l tlr .r ,1,. "'I"'' 1 ,111.,,. •loo,111ol I•· "''''" I'Atf'ful nrr\'lnl: along tho• (Y't•lln &ntl ten onglnRtNI fr•>m ~h·t·trlolll 4 I II~"" to( hllrnlnl( •·ll'c.trlf,al •\... II -.dial .. otlt\ lfll lllto l Ill "''" l•trl too·l hKJJIO wtll lot ,,,., .............. ' I• '"'' .. , 11 ... ,. Alol '"' hu•l llf'•'lt •I tit• II "1"·111111>: Suit' lhl• from ••lrln(. wtrrl! 1\llol ~~ mlllf'l'llRnl't•lll! rlt f'll l'\lltly ~,.,,., "1 ':tth•,.rt•••n.: W•• ot th,. Wtol l•l 11 1 •lf•,1• '·" ,.,11,1.to t<•l .. ,,,, 111,. fooll••wl11u ''''" ,, .,.,,,,,,,1,, 1,,.,..1,"1~r .... Ji'OIJL rm nt Itt NP""TKifl is likr• pro· du ······...-1" :or·· l .. ·ortc ···l··lotat••d t)y V.tth ""'. 11 1 ''111 " .. " ~.. ... " ('r.-odtn" uvl'r 11 rnu"h ll'rn11n 11 ,. ft wuul•l "1'1"' 1 t hiot· ''··· •·· "''' V••r••l"' 1 1 •···~ M•'"'"""''• H••"" ''"" 111 ol "'l'l'"'r "" M••"""Y •·v .. ulna will " .. 1 II•· ('nmphdl · Jo:wa • om pAn)' 1 ~n thr mnunlaln• 'o41tthnul Gt·ant NavaJ .-Reserve At"r Base olurrn~o: Fl'lornnr. ftl( II v.•n .. ln thl• otJap~nl'll<• , •• ,, ... , .... Ill lh•· .. ,... ·Adrr.t r~l N•oHIOII tt th• "''" ,,, lt•ll•h t(trloV (' L Th•·rn I' ... ··orr•ltult· "'" (o•II'IJfiOII<rn.' I h<•n1(ftt of ronc(•. At lc-n~l m•onth 10 lflll.thal lh•• c-omflAn yl adk bto rtl,., :"'" l .. ·lv.•·,., Jnd• ''"'""'' tt.mloRII•Kol•ol "\\1.,1"''1:1•11 W"''" ""'I M•'""'" X If l•nvl•ll"''' l l')fldon mu .. ol~n aaya·h• al..,. t hllt'~ the-imprt•Sstnn nn.-j.!l'll' Is Ft.rs:t County Defense Plan ·WII' rn•·nrp .. t :tl•·rf at IJIIlKillt.: <.ll1na •n•l l hu~llttod tn•·dlll l•ol• l;<•l(ltll IJorrn••ollll t•lv '"'"" lol~ "' ,,, .. llllll•lo ll•·•·ol 'lhl' ''·"'l"'r atl•ln undrr hre -plano clu l"lnt ..,,,. ...... wh1•n nil four whi'M~ rtltPm Rtc-' I :vttrhtcRn from which .1111"'1' ""'"'"' '"llltlro n vMI ~l•lvlr•tt tu ,.,•ltlt-v•Atlt• t11 •k "'"I •·· ""l"•rvl~•·d loy lh•• A ~•t•l 1 ~~~~, hr dtdn't tolk!! op th• flute. in dropping-inlo htrlol:l' ('hu<"k 11 l htrtn~ ,,11,.h .,1 lh•·-.· ~··rrr • lh<• I)'"" n n•·rtc•· v.rllo whl•·h I"''" .. ,,111uot •·d llr•· cuo•:• l.eac•r•. a•:c••r<lilliC lo Mr ~t t'tl'" '" 1111 •'••I·• N ••w Y •1rll hole•!' on,. wnu1t1 ""......,.' lo ftnfl ... 1 r v. 1 111 vrrt•111 1 """"'""' "' "''""' ,..l.,llafl••n lrt 11••11• , ... ,,u, ''"' I' f. •: 1\ H t: B/\ Y ~ •-· F irat lara!!' acale deofrn11~ proJ<•t 1 'j lrurral rt•~tltlfulll '" th,. ""11nty &I! •·om p11ny h~r-. "''' "" II''''""'' :v•·n · in som,. htllbllly rural Art'll. 1 h ll f tt •)flltl")"'wl doollll loHI I ••n 1\m<'rl<'ll ll ~tll iiH<I•· I ••WIUol~ 1'11 "II••VH '"""''I ~ will h11vr ,,,... \\ll lr.:ol !'iY.Il \'~'11 1 to coml' to OrMgf County 111 I hi' w r• I I Bll pmvtdtn~o: emJolnym,.nt , ~ 1 tnl!! " mttrt· 1:•n ·• • ·'"" -How1w l'r , 'lis undentood m er -rtPm6vaJ or thl'1 T n 1 t ,. d Rtatl'~, clurlnlo( tM CC)Ditl'\.lr tlbn J>fO•I•.d l l1••<~f>IIP thl· rnr t ttmr It t1t<l nm •w*' ,.,,u, I h<' t11 .. , IIIII•J""''-"ICII:r•·•~l"n" "' ,,,,. ··' ••·· • "''' "''""" '" llu· aftllrt•'•'•" Hf'ard In tan F ranclltCO dlvOflle rh~tnl!< llfl' J)l'l itionln5: for re· • 1 1 'Ill r 11 Tttftl klnl(il••tro llll<•nt f rr•rn 4 tr1 7 ''' H I• 111 .. •llll••ol ~ourl Ot•e. Mar, •rown, Nld ahe nnr~ hv I hi' rilv And thnt'~ I Naval n'IM'rve ll lr balll' frflm Lon I( • • 'lr<>r~~ ""11 llnnu~l 11 Ill: " 11 '11mf1Ar .,,,,1 .,,,. •·r ~t L',vo•n t it,. rYI'oflf rnt.l•l ••f l h•• Mr • fl•-ro "wltl•·h lrr• lit• I••• 1111 , f1tl to~• tood. ~tame wftefl afte ·~· '"' ·' · · · ~ach Munlclp&l Airport to a toO I HITCHC~K NAMED · " "'""'I'' ur. unt1 OI·Hl \ '"nr. ~ 1 • ~ ~ 0 projN't 11'1111 '~ rt"ally nt"E'dE'd. acr" arte near Loa Alamltoe. '~~:."-" 11 w:t-. ur~.:nnf71,rt "to I• ~ r•·"' lr T•·ltl•• lllilliiH r l~l • r•ll ll7•· It"' If th,. • ;rrtrnrna r "' hu11l ''''Y" 'I' h •·I ,,.,.,It'd " fellow "•meet lactter· .Announcemfnt of Ole plan t o JUDGE FOR BIG. A larJ:•• IN'rt'<•nllll:<' ••f lhl' • ••I''''' II " v " \\'aroltlrtl(f•·n·,. Wllnllntr• Wf"l~ ''' I"' ••·'J~·rnt l••n hAN t••rf• hiUII·tl 1 v. ., I•"' ' IJDf'sceiW , m ove the alrblu4! from Ita preflt'nt • mnnry h r" h<·•·n ~I"'"' •·u•·h y••llrl ""''''" "'' • 11 • r II IIAittt«l '"''' "' II••• n"l hlniC lr•rt l•·•~ II'""' llr•· c ·,,.,,. M""" ·Jill I k In I '"""I' '" ""'' •tuillty In ...,,.. Tbbltf wbo tack~ tlw lav-loca.tJob. DtPar U:le l...&lleWend art a ,i PHOTO EXHIBIT tn n•·~riAJit'N, for Mr 11 T • "'""""'"' t '• •·v•·rwh••trntr IC tiiJIIIal"l • '' u I •I v. hi I<· Mr RJ>fOnc•r ltllll •l,.,rtlll,.d "'':' • •ollontonl)' knf)WII a a IIUII· l~h au~ly of chicken wrnd to Oran~ Count)', wu mad~ thhl • F:wnlt1 .. th<• pr•·~lt1<·nt ,,, thf> mm·l T •• k l •• t h "t I '"'""' r a1,.,., l:l.OIICI t<I'IIVard th,. pr<~Jrl't " l·••l••n under 11~rvlaloo of thoae wHk by cOmma""'r Tboalu A p~tn), 111 11 finn llf'll••v••r rn thh• •• ,lv I••• """ Vf"t th .. y t ... llrv• "'"' lo"v•r Mr11 lt•111• aal<l thAt 111111 '""'I Th,.re'e a pert! Ill Autltria 11am· thre~ cbda of Ole Newport Gra · Keet Hltrhrorlr of Lido ~. _ mrt1mm r,( n•lv,.r11<•1nll • Iii Nlppt)n ''' ""to:" II:" "' '"'"'"' "V"I" "'''" lh'"''" liP f•11 tit• Jal'"" 1-n r•allu rl trnm •II•J'l'••ll•tc ttf q t quare t4111 ... ._.__ lt..M Bualnua Mhl'a A.-octaUOII. -· Y· wt,ll llll(M'TI local pllotOCTapher. '"Toda)' thl' ni'W.,Jpllf!l'r ~ of II!CII Pf'Ofltabl,. 1,..,.,, maltlttl( v~11 .. ,.,. 1-:rnplr ,. """" an '''''"'''""" y u ••l•l tum~r '"' UJ• lib ,.,... _,. Ml''t .. weQ .._.....,. Harry Eatu1. ~I Hall and T!W laUI,It JII'OJtd Ia ~t.d t o I baa been umfld ... rA two }uaKeal th(' oldiRt m..dium' of 8M 1•rtlalnR blr•. ''"'")' r~rttrta ,,.. _,,~ at <Jnf' Aa tnt"""'ttoaally ....,.._. Shorty B luf . ~IAN their , '•e l u de the cooltructlon o f few tbt &llllual photo aaloo be1nll m n tloiJf'!l ._." rruly tr'""' a nti Ia W&al'llntrt<orr ran•! rn l.nnol•.n "''''"" tlv A•uur mut,.r v •1f 1 vlndt.l• foe In th" ~ r:..t. t.oy al llellnu. r.allfornla, took rui~tne CI!PllblhllC'l' to ... u. I bancara. admllllatratloa bulldi!'P ..... at Ule J\llla ~U:Irop runlor. pnwr rful fnf'f'f' In ,I'll jl(l()<IJ.," hfo ... -ucCulnn In ·T•okltl ,,.,.., rtf. wtllr h lh' f'PDtunu tM l .. a...... ror TMin the ~rr•t W<lrTy , .... ()fW J la nr• •• Ult' ht"adllt'MII pro- n celled aDd quarteu for ptriiOI\MI aa.ta IJchool .,. Ole Santa ADa ,ti\IM. "ant1 oa•lll mnttnu<· '" bf: a 8ef!11 Japan• ... •JK>kum ea Wlftly ,,, J aptn hav• ttr,.amad I ma&n• tbP pc»lllblllty of Aln,.r1f'a ll d atmlnlf dtltkulllea at tJM AI._.)" -:-'nle toO acre tract to .. con· camera 0.... whlr b Ia lutn.ac:ted llPfOIUiiNd of mn~~t •rlw•rtl•ln~r rf·, ..... ot pPa.r,.ful 1ntenUnrue aN I Britain lwl• mln"d th,. w iti'n lnt•nenlloo a ,_.btllty -.1• h Ran Trull an4 ~".U· I'Me Athie-•, 1 YHted lnt.o tbe land .,._ ta '-l-..., Zdwa.rd W. Otldltttm. fnrt ,.. lm1R 11-11 r1•mlltn• 11 frH" ....,_Uon.1l tnPndahlp . "'"''"'' Mlnl(apor,. hu • •.nalriH I J•pen app11r•nt)y hOJW' to •v,.rt hllma If~ bankrupt " TMbuu paid two champklll. ted on K.at.ella R o • d . approrl-•• Wit), Hitchcock wfll be hl\on P'"".. 1 a •t a r iJf\JilanUy tncre .. lnl( ro l>ly ,,..nforr ... t h~ air anti laDd , by huney•rl U!fUranr"• until th" Many c_,,....,..,. ravw ,..... ... • b I..P Harbor HI belkttbalf'..,. lm&"ly half W.y "twet• Stanton 8rGwntnc. pn~~~~lnt-nt color plloto ::. fJHt wu IICOWTI tn tl" fOftl!ll al~ t lw fr•rntler• <1f TMI• m11fnent f•rr ""Kiln ••P'I" tlmy _._ en w..,efl-.1 W... ...... ~ tu . .m~~ wu .a nice ,....eure by Md Loa Alamlta& • ~ at 8ant. A• Uld the two In thlo Gulf nt A1am. land -1hall • aw p41111tf'd ..,.. -.. ""•"1 ·~ • U.. tJM uona Club 1ud Ult flrwt ,Proba ... llty wu artv~ 11\al w111 Judi" t~ worta of Ult ('..,.., ·-.-·~l'd!~~htM~Iriii•~=~~-~r~~;~::r.~orj~~·-~·~rm;~Y~+,.r.Joi~'l.;;;:;~::,..~:,;;~:;;;_;t;tf...,~'""'~-iti~~--~c~·~•;;;~1 .• ;~;m,;;...a;;;;~rtiif=ii1f~N.ti:t:.r..:i::!~::.o!.~-!;;:.llf'!'!-,;-;~.;x:~~ --~"'dlm~ratson "llf ·u. ... JrMeUa lft.c&d....Ut <.,........., .., ~,,....,"~ ·r «:: ooalD'IuDlt.)''a ap"rK'Iatlon of ,.run 'aro•tnd the hU«e air fkld. flU pill R1tchoocll •J e o re.ce~~Uy M~ "J>0'1•t1 to .,... .,.,, par1 tcularly that p<~r· be eneounterrt1 ._ the nut •«J~. r~mnk• llf•u•t-u l.trrwlon ni'W"Jlflf)f'r priftW tJ1M U:lf boya· etforta. CouJ2i.:· •tbortUu Indicated the I .._,~ .. • Jud,. at ~ photo dav that a wh .. •l ,. tSo. at 'ntall•nrl ... ·hi• h tmmMtt Hut lh• J•r..,.,,... 1,.,.,,,.,. '-II""" lilt,. '"'""' l<•n• 1,.11n htrnN. "( lur !lAVING .....,..-ter loccauon.st t.bf .. M bere wu .._ aalon ('on<t•ct~ ">' l11a ~ ~n .:,-,., •..-;m hl•~··~r ate17 ad.)Oina Urttt~h Malay,. th•t b1 tfw!n Hr1taln. tiCflllnr '"' unllJ th• lrlilfll"nt wu ~ CUI t(! QIIIWer ttw war hJ 0.-..r ,_, .. ~. ~ I !!e~lltd •• ,.,.....H *" Lnnorbf l"dif'.,l ~··ll ~ "''•<'i"t "4t•). .. .-, 'J'a,an appear• but amall "C~~e)& ,.,., Nt• *»4Utswa wtll 1M e 11 Ill· lrf,_ t• tw llb'ul~ ,..,..t':'ol " rt . \' ' : .. 7'1-:\\'I 'Ol!T B.\LBOA ~ti:\\'S·Tl:\fES. Newport Beach, CaJifornia.'TIJEsE>AY. Ff-:BHU A R Y 25. H).11. NEWS-TI:\IES c. , .I~ ·-r~: - ------------------------------------~-----------------------------------------------~~---------------I Newport Harbor Skippers · Among -1 New <llamps At ~1idwint .. er Races 1 ="t-Wpon ll.criM•r 'kiJII•·r' 111•· .Jin1 I·.,,, 1• '·••'• d 1<1 \II' lUI') cn h•·lt1 th{• frmhrum uf th•· l~o•:.ol lh•• f ,,.., ... ~· .r (•1,,,, tnllo""d h) \udU rl,.•t rn t ho· larh :onnu<ol rnul· :0.1\ '"" l.dun.on, St'ttlll II t:••ll'l-:•' 1\\lnter n•.:Mt;, ,If \\'clnungl•tn ""' Fl·•clt, \\o·nell, llcll ll.tXI••I's "''1~-t'nd . sc .. rm\'. Bulo ,\lll•n', llr'••••rn t:ul. -~ T E N N I •S _ T R A C K _ 8 A 5 E 8 A L L • W, McK .. nll•• Brown :-.<lilo·d hc,. llruw~cf', Ar•·hu• Ur'll\\fl C1HIIII'I f I S H I N C -8 A S K E T 8 A L L Solhoue tt•• to t'lt:-11) wln lhl' S..l4'<mtf ( 'hurl .. s ''•••nl, ·'"). 1 ;1 .. 1111 \\'a I· .,;...;;;..;;..;.;;..;..;.._;;;. __ ~_;.. _______________ ,. ____ ~. ----------j"-------~-~----I··~ on tht• SltniH l'llunct•u C"l\'k lu·-.•chuusl' lndwn. ll.crr'Y 1'\ .. wrrwn: an.t )lOi Mn1 H F. Sllthler'a IWf'it pN lte f1gt1r" l'llUIIIIIg en- \'1UIC8 s ,.:h;o trum th•• I•'SII fur - tumtt.: Gln\.1 "' .. htt\'t' a real It' antmtlrton "" thl' Ataf( WI' reft'r <•f t l•tll"lh' to th<' "MaJor':<" ,•om - lll('flt of bkl tn~ Paul Chestl'r lht• t'Xt·mpliflrlllh>ll nf what thl' "en tJr .. ,.,...el ~" t'!ller mon e~hould '' t•ar Twn canHna l p •rnclpiN ,,; rem.·mh .. •r w he :-c bulltlcn)( rirat yc•u (lll\n ct then you pay for lt SAILORS SINK HOOPSTERS 1Strikes & Spar ... ~~:.·l~lcA,~~~.Il~l·~~.tiiiC'fJUI'.in •• ,.. :O.I~l~.'.;,t~:~.~;.1,~1t11~~:;;:.rl ···un lol win • • ' , 1-'lnt plaCf' ror AI ba t russ dr· 11w S1' :\1,.1 n• C'hh >.' l<<~unt'l h Wt'clucn~t unfll \'l!l'~ary of the H. 1.. • '"'• · • . . 'wednndlly LuQue ~dslon went to lkrna rd Mt·Nally's pcr .. ·r "-1•~< wcnn"r nr tlw llh1xlt's 1 l'atterliiJnA wa11 Mont.lay and on th•• rt'~l rs tltH'k anu p • SENTIMENT .. Olllt' ftf f irst _ Snu~mJ.r •. McNally's .cJ·ew Wn£ 'I.. .13 nu ..... Ahm M1cklt.:~ V•·h~u. 11 Unlesl'l •Jefleeted the oncomtn«~•tt ~elfii8Jllt' evl-nt at&ke ... weno \--'"--Bombe, United Moton Wl'ston Jay, \i~Jihun hthinc·ss m11n wnu tho• Culitomia C'las~. Jcm tcllbuatn nf Congreu about the 1 !l<'t tiUt f•1r a haudlloml' home 'lo lltllht•llll•' ~.tH\ ~ol!l II Ka1ur Jack Hillman s F olly was St'<·ontl, R•1und,' Rmmc1almut tnok riNot 1n "lA'ra t-Lo>ue" bill. ·w J II wure j be ercl't ttl om the north Lido Varsity Turn~ B~ck Island Basketball Squad Athletic~ to 39-23 In Retu1n ~atch; ~r Hee~Con-Open · Season q~er Avalon Middlewe~~ts 40-23 At ,the Against Seattle 1-ll• .. •rn••r 17:! 1:1!; w F'telda I r<)IIOWf'd by A.ndy Kirk's KnlohP, lht' ·l.aWII'y 110. ll<llnt people that HIUer 1a a myth .• ShtJre. ·1 'I ork ·111:1 41 1(' Thn~ KenDeth. P'un.worth'l! Oh Oh. Ed Charll's , Ullman won th(' 0<-t•an and hla European conquest.'! 1\fe 1 I ON IN(> ... City Council ap· (A • 1-'u!IM'l~'" Rhapsody and Evt'rt'tt" racing nJIPs division wtth hilt Pipit fairy talea! • , po~I!O p 1 a n o 1 n IJ Commtaioo ~!ru•un ' 1::! t:!ll li. l"ry ~toms Pl'da, all ~mbers of. tho• a nd ·w illiam A BartholomaP or PUDOL.E JUMPERI ... The City dada rejected Ita zoocng re· Stto\'l'nll ·~·!• t\:12 R. ~lorr'-on lr,cal Albatroas n~t. I' this hurhor Was fourth with S.•nta . Nt-wport ed!Uoo or the dt.coverer I por~ (I ~armony lll 'the reuon . Tut ~put I'~ ,. Local namt>S WPI"':' among th~ 1 Otht'r wmnl'I'S Wl'rt• Aluf' i:ll· or st~ preaaure (Jlmmt Walla! I then why • . , ? • l'unnh· ~I I\• k An rt hl>t l'hclo•<lf'l· >~I :!· 71P.I· i'l!i·:::lltl i!l~ 7fl2.1'1~2·2•18 winnen ot the Pacific lntl'r-clu b rap~•, A E Arlin.:. C111iro nU11 allowed Impeccable taae In cbooe- 1 HIS ft iRST ..• Hub. Howe bad Long 8-eacn Pohr~lljgh "·(;y.Dl .. ~J,J phra Alhlt•tlca lift the lid oo their <"1ua. ~y we re San!! Gt>ne. Louis i Cnu~lng Cla!IS ; _ S11lly, WI'!! D ! lng hil Muter'• trreat.table r· u p .. e!dlng uo.u..;~----1 hw~ Varal)ta), Snt>nth .Ht"aven, ~~KY ~mlth. Ti'l'l Mt'ti'T. -n11n~a.1 a•mmon-colortd cre&Uon ... Bo or c of c From tht way be d\11 Santa Catalina b land b:tskt'tbalLleams from Avalon. thr Sailor Va nlity a nd Bet>s f rom N~wport Harhor Union llig h 8Chbol t.rolln<'Nt th«> lad'l from the chewin2 gum islt• for· tht· ~ time this !'Ieason in a match playl'd Frid.i•Y nh:ht at tht-Long &-ach Poly High S('hool gym. at ,..,. f'~<lm,. park 11ladlum, A~f· L>r Hu•r•l 4i:. S Welah S!Jiter; Epic. W1lli~m Gulick ; llaTo ld Bampson~rcrntagt> han· bll' tCt>aaar Romero) Robw. Ia It the u.te .mU.t have ~en palat · h•·•m nf'xt Huntlll} t·ntl'rta~t l,.'mk r.;.r, !'In A HorvaUI C'tullupita, Kt>n "'l>a.vts; . Agihta.l tlcl·ap; Anna C Mark Pier«-. <:'lass ,evil.lt'nclng that tutd ary aplrtt ln. al>le Ju.t like rec;ondiUonl~ a th.-J'arlflr Coa11t lf'&JtUt' •·h~rnp. B ·L ,, ,. 3"~ 'U :} ~~ ShAJlQOI\ J11rk Mo rrillon; Cltpper. W. C. A (M'WI.'r Cl'\.11~4'1"", ThrN• W rnk!>, m uarc which will in later y~ara • 1 ft>dl'ral boat job. ,.._rica 1 A 1 432 ~~~ I' NormBII V::cn~; Ctlalll'ngt>. Georgi.' SchOf'-II S . Winklrr. Clas., B. powe r mak t Pa. Theu. have to look £o :--------------- ('alttw.-11 H :t <1'-3 (' Oukw nf'n: and Mala nta. Bob Schijling. cruisPI"!!. . hill la urela •... JWger Hreck.le I p C NOTICES "nle matl'h w 11a a rtturn en· ~ p1ement. Avalon havrnc. -trr·}E"r•h• whn h&vf' brf'n lh,. hlj.;h tatmoct tM Har.._......ln• t~ -k · e:ra tm l he ~ally aJJ aeiUMJil. before, u Yo'f'lt ,.,. a urrt.lmlt dt· hit l hf' '"'"kr ts ,.... 12 , ...... ,,. /f'at at thf' han<la "' thf'lr v1•1tor11 "~""''h The Hart>or vttrilty. lf'd b y Rill H lnl'ltiy '"'I thr lfllrh11r aeor..-Rllm.-u and Bill Hllt,.r HN·" cn t ht·lr Jd<>lll ,.,. th•· A\'!llnn a...tf'd l hf' Avalon van ity 29·23 qulntrl ~•·urtng 1 ~ n ( I h P 4 n Potb Oam .. tt. ttntl lllttrr, ! u r .; Jl"lnlll IC"' nt•ro•tl hy tho• !'lllllnrA-....c.. G~mea Score. 1 Vl,..lty 31 :U AvAlon II ttltt<'r 1:! ~· l:l ('e•m••r~tfl T••t ~I'''' !':.' • -race c Welatt. Jearn~ -a ve-rr' UBLI l<:l!•·;!lll i"'.'•:t1· ~1111·"~~·7M·2•sa M Bask tb I) ,.,_ B ttl !lender age bow to whraper aweet ~-------------~ ' esa e a ~ams a e nothings. I NOTICE INVITING 8101 ~.:.:::~~:~:~u, ''"' ·t!•:l ~~n~::t~:; I .. To Semi-Finals At Huntington 1 o H THE R·E~oRo · _ . seek. I s o Ttcr. 1s H E nr.s v c tvEN l\1' H<'tol 3t\ l :1r.:.> ~ .. Stieve · lng a copy o f ''Cuff" a local non. t hnt th(' 'it y Council or the C1ty !'<t ('lcero The ClaM A a.nrt ~ baaketball j Wl'lllml n~tc-r 1 .• in a rlltht>r 11 J I!Ub8l'nbcn~ Lochinvar bought tbe I"' Ntwport lle&ch. California. will t. \\'rl•hl 1 ~-wron" newl!pnr>t'r Dlacnvl'nng the rerccvr· h1d!! for fuml11hing all ., ll'ama of the C'oflta fl'!lll r.ram· mal game. ,.. 1 d K cnMiather m u School have baltil'd th e 1 r T.hc }!c-J!Il ncr~ rami' thrnu~h II mlat.akt . hi' lnsial"d up Q n ex-lamr. mntf'rl!ll. traneportat on an • . 1-, . changing ll for lbe Newport-Sal-Rcrvlct•s fur the ~:"radlng anti pav. 10.ay to the seml-floals In the an. !'>aturtla) \\lth a 16.9 triumph 1 1 111, elf lh ' Stn·l't UCJJartment yard fl''7.f\114·774.:!:.!06 H ... .,_ 1 . hi 1 IJt>u.N e w s·T imcs ... h are a .. •~ -nul\ I untin,.,on .... -a ch t•:.urna· n~cr I lr ~<nlo:" cn "; ~ WM • c e · t·hagrin when ht· was refusetl. 1 l·•••nlt•tl nt Thlrty·!WI'ond S trt•et and l m .. nt for Orllnge Coctnt)' elc-.111Cnbeo 1111 the ruuRht!lt ~earn~ In I h l.llfu.-ette Avrnue In t he City of Thursd:t y Le.1gue I t.a 'h 1 'h ·h . 'I . 1 h . mll•lo us Lhlnk of the time w en J ll Ua\'c~' :hill J 1111!1< <1•• I!>., T . HuhlnM :19:.! 'fqt ~ .... , 17:.! 71 ll· 7:lh· 7~:!·:l~i" sailors May Hold First Play Off On Fridar' I C1 llllm<'tl 1:! F 2 II all SUrck 'a P Sm1~h 4 1· :! Wllrno'r !Ctll h"e'~' 41ol nw n ry 11C oo a. "' 11 an~ ., '~~~ ellm lUI • ver . d :-.lew port Ucat•h <.:altfornla In ac· I The Local B squaol won thf' rngl\gf'll rtN·nr•IM Khuw H fou ls lc avt·lltng cn Canad.li we cnRilrt.e • Y• • M N II • · • · I b 1 r the G r&JW Trunk 1 rordann• with piMs And "pec lfl· c . ~ Y 1 I Clounty championship fnr the sec-I wPrt• o·allfd "11 Oran~~:., tlurln$( the ••n uy ng rom . • , . e cat. lulll! on tile In lhr ofrtce of :\;:: li ~!o !'<ally nncl con!M'c utlve year an•l thf' A's contest. Ha llroa..t 8 -rt'tum trcktt ~t'r t h . .. ;1:111 Orlffln 11'1' H IJUr mut ual appreciation of llu• l cty F.ngcnC'I'r Of l'Uitl C'lt y . tlf'el for the county pennant In Th•' Lwu M"'"" llquads w ill flO In· , t 1 11 I F.a1·h bl(l sha.lt be made out on 1':7.ttkl 4 e; II r.lhllon 1111 ~ ~··Hill••'~< l!rtlt"''',. Tit·· If"'"'' 1• 1 """~' 4a!:l T ntt fl 1; :! Vlnt'f'nt w ul ;t"rt ttl ;: 1lo•lttt k • :' \\ •·bit 4 1~t :IIi:! 1-:rit-kaon dtv ,.,.,.,. nth<'r 11 ~e mgs reca s &Ome • :\li~ ~( •. ,.,.11800 thelc . talon. • -lu Ul.c t~erm-flnal" at llunlcn&.!nlf.~ .,1,1 linea . . _ a rorm to be obtained a1 the ortlce ,.:1 -t< _ Laat Ihur!!day_1!2!!.!l~LaniiU1' "I Be"-'b-t1J!.1LL ..Erway .1vllh ~"'Frnnw-~ng m i0'1\':-nt"t1rl' ("tty'1';rrg1m•l!r a:mt shllll-..,.-----1 !'uh• N II . H•tt~. ~lhtliln~t 1~1 Tht''"' ""'"' '"" • 1111• "I' l:ool A fl•on:cth II" n r u111lv. Hunt~ 1~1. Hnrn.-11 Ava .):A:.ILUl.. r.:A.U.I.tJ.lli.wl..JW.t:.:.~ ~rt•rrrrr fi~•'T t:::=-nlllllld"'Uiif.,~lttlDnror-urrn.TIIIITJ'"trOii LuJie& t2•. t plun 121. \'oj.-1,.r,. ",.,..,...1 ,,1 , ,.,,. •. t" fll"l' .ac.~ aad a-B baaketball tt'am• lhl1 k nvl!'h ~<ntl ltnuth1·r lar~·· turn••ut Is o•x- yar at N-port Harbor Hl~th. j.,., t•·tl 11,.,, )'!ctfHiuv f'lo• tctt ''ell Mid todAy lhfof'f' WIUI a pooulihllll)' kn 40 23 Avalon ''"' l ho· fltlll ilL ,.,·, •·n "J,lf ". th• U. 8allore Will mHl th ... wlnnt'r B lltnt'~ly 114 I-' 10 l'alh•" AttJif'll• II \o II 'j!'ny 111 I. 1 I'UIIT'II et ta. ~a Twlt.ID tan~J. nf'llt 1 J.'ll7.(1tol rlt·k 4 F " tipton ,.1,.,1111111 """ .: -''"'' h ~ In Uw ft.l'lll P4f-ort matc h n ~hl'ntn 7 C' 4 Smllh ~~ .. ~"!.:''' . 11, k ,., '''I'<'• ,,.,, ,,, Ia tJae mlDor d lvlllton for thtr \\' ('ltork 0 t; fl Lo~lr. 11,... J .,hnn\ flllh •ll ttl• Y 1nk••• .....,..J'ft callfolllla hll'b 11Chool J ('llrrtllu 4 <: l l'llrt<>r ..lullo•r 10n ttl•• n\Hlln•l tltll en.: I••• I ... .Cball c~n Rulut N II. \\'llko'r~U•n. i 'lo·w· ,., trw .: 111,. ;-;11111t,l\ l'••lr• ~ll•l••r TWitia and 0 ..... art lk'hf'dulf'(l I lint!, Langmlltlf'l" 14 I, \\'oody I 2 1 ~\Oil till; t fllld llliiW'IIIII I \\111 l,..t'l 1111,' to play today, -rue.day for tht S pink. C"t>t'Tlwall f'rane, J orw l' r11 t , """', 1111,, \\(If I'' •h111Jiy cMapMJnalblp at the 0 ran It~ I J o 1 n ~ r , Avlll"n. D r • k «' a nd •ll\'lll•• IIIII•' wcth Jl,.h K..hl,. ht•t-~. With tJMo w1nnt'r tn mf'f'l Mach ldo , ,.111, 1 1/lllll•l•lln nhllllll•'d I r "ru t:altt .-na•nt holder or the SuNiet I """\""'"I Ill tllo' I ,,, ... ,,( l:t:<t ><•·a· ' ~ ·ID their flnrt elimination ~nt In the minor dlvlalon. . ~lD• lo t:hr IIChedule arnn~e· ed by ttt. California lntel'lk'hol· Rain Halta Practice O ld M&n Wf':tlhf'r play"'' hfiVtM' lllt>:h 1111\'•' 11 tluat nw•·t '" h••dult'tJ with thf' t'llrly prllct lf'l' trllr k ~·'n wclh llrtcw:•• "" 11w I•• tl '" ld :IM THI S pot. team dde&tt'd Anaherm in a !lpt>C· ttam tn play OranJ(e an.t ~he B'a , drnus kind .. 1 arcnmpanrc•l I) y a ctr ttrletl o r ,.:1 •i''" ..,11 -~:l:!tl '"':!·i :.!•i· 71 1•221, tacular 28·19 victory, one of tht acheuul•·ol In m<>et thf' atronJt Ana-Bul m .. thcnks lhl' J:H .. t wnuld .-allhcer'a <'heck or bed bond ror . bt•tt cootealll yet to mark t hP hecm nut fit The ,.,,.,.a 0 lt.'arn havp <'hanp·•l his mcntl tPn . percent 1 10~; ' of tbc amount Kegt;a,.l Pop·a Mkt.l tournament. T08hlrto K.anagawR• whirh WM t.'llmtn!ltP<I In the Ir If ht' t.aught a "teller" fu tlng f or I •Jf the bcd. matJr payable to the 1 11 I. II• 11,. •~11 ~.~. 1 -'lnrri800 I li('Ored It points for the Me~ans garn.· nf thf' tcner~amPnt an<l lin· I hill duugh behind! I urt.IPr nf the City of Ne w por t St 1.1, ,., .. ll:l • 1 ~1 n Fry Ttl~ B team. coach I'd by 8 I II tert.t the rontolatcon cnmp~•tltlnn. · L!ea.t·h. Cal:fornla B•da abaJI ~. (',.n ,,,11, :J~oJ tuo; I' C'nlw ley ('row, we re r rl'dltfi'.l with a vk. ~·ill pi-ty Fr~olay In t he cnnsola·c OVIE,. THIE TEA CUPS ... Tht> I st>ale1t ntld flied y.·tth the ~fy 01; :lQ:l t: Burde&ll M\' wht n Centralia forfl'llf'd I tc"n flllly·Mf/1 npJlrll h hlnl' Lenten l!f'ason shoultl Cl~rk at the City Hall. Newport ;'. ~~:.1·.~·;~ .. r:.-:;. ·r.:i~. Crawle The follow ing day. Saturday. l''II•1Uitl l'lthrr t ho' A for H tPa m I llrl.nK ~o:rr·ater· cndiVidual r.,.!!Uil8 1 lleaclh , e atlfom la. on or before !\•; T ut S~ thl' Meaa A'11 won &gain. tall:lnK "'''"'""r thr llf.'mi.fmltll! lho'y "'''" ttuLn jcu•t a I<JSs uf wecght ' . -'lnr~h 3nl. 10•1. at i .JO o'clock .. 1;~i·,.; ;!#;··J:Mi ilti·71,2 .~<0l ·23M HO<IVtr Elt m f'ntary !' t' h o" I of play m I hi' tlnllll! on Snt vrdsy • p M antJ wrll w oproed and How They Stand Civic Lugue w L Dual Tie Marks End of Third Round In Volleyball Lea~ue TAG IE NOS r.raclousnes:' pubhr ly rt:atl I\ loud at or about po•rlltullflt·d In M r s . R~bert E i 30 ., I'IOI'k P. :\1 on that day ~­ HI1811 .. A "wlsh-ynu -were·hPre" cn 1 hi' Counrll Chamber In the 111!•1 fr11111 lhl' Dr FR•'<'Y'll nnw C'rty Hall. :'llt•wro rt Bear h. Ca.ll· h:csklrl!; ltl thP land nf•. prnr~rplco rom ta. • 1 Tlh· a hove m,.ntlnoed c-heck or "n•I··•J ,t·a, til' fnr rcr~t phLt•· m PuBL IC NoTICES I honll Rhnll bo.• gcv•·n n11 !l gu~&rantee ..UC P'ederat.loD. Olllalt. Information a • t o liOn at Harbor lllj.l'b Whf'n ht• pru-n•·~· T u•••olll \' "''' ttlll'r I t•l Ill !Ioiii.; l.cnn~ (')loll 11uc.-d the r•·r~nt heavy raln11, !'J,. llathl•r lll:;h h1\1t u lw~t,l lo I• •" ,111111,. t'hnmll('r :.!~ 26 27 43 ThP t blrd round or lh~ :--:e\,·r"• t Jlnrbor Cnmm•cnity Vnllf'y b a J I Lt•ague hll.'! n11t nnly ~en nil tit'•l ur and put Into tht' bi•tory of th•· ltugue. bUl lhf' IICOTe Willi tlt'd- Lhe rt~unol whctc llncotd ~:rnucl'" ----U1at lhl' loilld~r will tnter Into tht ~qu:ool anol t ht: lf•ltnc It'd hy l :o·lotltl IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF 1 n uctr:!, t tf llwartlt'd to him and wMtMr UM Sallor varalty will .._, tbe wtiUMr ol tbe 'rulltln· ..._ tncu bat J'rtday •111 not ...,.. ...w .n.r ,......., ........ "-1 aud. prar t h't' h t111 bel'n J>Qe&lble nn tht' a 11t rn11)( trac·k 11o·h•H•I hut 1111i••11~ Rny'll HRrhen• wet aotJ 110«1»' field anti track •t• Hlhlt•l•·• '"'' 11hl•• '" It''' In LIOn l'nh~ tor the p&Mt two wel'kll. C'o.c•h ""' k11ntrc >~<Mon. th.• l!lnt•t ur lh•• RoloU)' Club fWe.d .ald. ' 1!<41 ...-n,.on al 1!'1\llt Will proh -Htoh'11 ~11\rkt't 'nNo S&llor• of l"l'wport Hllrhor n GET .READY FOR I ' .... ·~ 29 :.!7 22 ·~ Ufl two waya. · ooor Ward'• &d captalnNJ "ll11td1" Jtotr hle t•ntll'd in 1\ tl(' fllr THE STATE 01" C ALIFOR· wcll hP <II"CIIlred forfeited It the !lf'l'vod JIIIICE'. ~ NIA, IN ANO FOR THE 11111 t:t'lll ful blclder rduaea t o enter Thr c·t~mp~•tctco{l lal(t TlaurHilily I COUNTY OF ORANGE Int o 11alt1 contract after being re . team and the nl~ht Ill thr hl~h ~~ehuol nm .... quested &O·l O do by. th• Cty Court.. Ed Rogtrl! markf'd l)y I'J'8rt.~ from llllrt to I NO. 38919 l'll of Ne wr<'rt Bn1·h. r cnc:oh Hltl•hle's team, which, bu NOTICE Ol" · 1 Bldtlers :HI' hl'r eby n11tlffed that hN•n In thP rt>llnr until tn 1&81. COJ,4 MISSIONER'S .SALE pur'liRnt to 111'11\'lllfon.'< of !';t'ctlon tw•1 w 1•t•ks. tll'l eatc•ol J.~ H~lf(er·,. _ _ , 17~0 ••! tht• 1.11bur ('ode. Statutl'S c~tn,.: 111 lht• "J"•nlnJ,: Jtllllll' Hltr·l lf\A J A:-.IF. WJL~O:'>/, 11!1 ad-0 1 1!1:1,, of thi' !'hilt· of C:t hfur. ulol r. rnu<>l It'< I h111 t hml Jihtr<' l'flllll<'trut rcx uf Uw •e:sta lt· of Hl'nn• nlf\, ttw l'cl Y t'e•Unl'll uf I"" C' I Y • 0( ="~''•\)1<11 I nt•IU h hll!' l\M o•rtalnr•ol !lflll:t•! t n virtnr~· r•v•·r tlw hh:h ,.1 Bum!l. drrc·a.~<'d. PI · t"ft t h •· g••n•~t tl fl•••\:ath'lJ.: r.ttt· nr ,,f\r "'"'·nJ:: fl<•lli:' \\'llc<l 'omhcnnt wn acn ' '""m Wllj(rt' ,.,,,j rat .. ,. folr lrl!l\1 ''•·· ,.,.,.ncn~:s ,., • ""·I m'old•. 1 v11 -4 I' Ill hi" a lt•:tn.t cn lho•· f'l:l\'<o(f Hi\t.H()A H t: A(' H A.\1\'~F.-htolo•ht\' 'II ol "'' •I lin•• \\tolk In t ho• oltl••altol •:•aud :cnol \\·ur-t , ,111.,. 'tf:=-:T ('Ot.I J',\:'\Y 11 o'nrp<lmL1on luo:tlct~· en """ h th l!l 1\otrk llt In thl011).:h\\lth:l"'""'•·r tu'f t tH11('1,.,,E ··~ITt-:[) !'T A TE~ ()F ·~·· l"lfurmflo\t r .. ··~h ·r~rt I tt "' u Jl"):•·•~ ,,.1,·tnt: th10..,. 1,, . ., \!ltf:HII'A 1\J~<;CJ kno\\n I'IS TilE 1\'1"' ••I \\Pikiuun l•r m .. hnnh -•1'1:1•11\ 11•·11 r .. r ... ~, 1 ':'\JT~:p ~T.\TE~ . .f( Ill:'\ f)!)~: rw•·tl··.f ... t "''' Ult th·· I .. ntrnrt . . . and a really Great 1941 Season! • Tlw C••nl:tl I It II• h t: 111 h , ha!< I,\:-; 1-: Tlf'IE. :11 .t I :11 '11 A ltJ) H()F: \\ h11 11 \ttll ht• II\\ ardPol I Ill' >1111 • kl'l-t 'IIHI'elltATJO:'\. a otorp "~~1111 locddt•c "•·•· r•·•·t'l \IUC '"n:ro.ld•r;,lll•· Ot~ff•ndnnt~ ·rh,. Jtt•vnlln~ rntt~q ~.-. drt•·r-"'"J.! fr nrn h .. ''l'l•fiU•· ~~ .. ,,., ttu• u.tn("d ;u•• n..: (nlln\A.·~ l "t. that hi!! squ.ctl lias '""' cnur 1 • ~t~:11..;1ol ~:am••!~ th:ct f'!l.'ll f w.. t nolo-r aJlol hy \lrtcto• uf a n Or- " ,.1 k1~ durin)! 111,. tlllh' Ill' WA.~ 1 olt•· :one! I lo·• r•·•• uf .Furo't losuro' and I .ch~f'llt f1orn Ill•' nihil'! 11· -•·~~'""1'. \\'rei fill 1 h (• •.nfurf'f'nwnt " ( Trade or Occupation :-;," lo•:crn , IIJll.llrll wltn \\ cli l .lltdj::I1H'nt H~'<lltlrcnj: gi\IP •:f r'rnp-A>'f'h'tll l:ako l'l' Hourly Wage Rate StIll) Pe r Diem Wage $ I-e)o) , -· ~ ~BU¥.Newport ·Harbor -' BUIUJ Newport Harbor REM.ODEL Newpo.rt Harbor .. • II it J o u r d-i s p o s al with the '~pick'' of the Building ·Contrac .tors .. c§'Met~ IM YOUR Dwrt MIMI Expt•rt planning will KaH~ you money· - Y.our building Put prol!lcms in the hands of a reputable, local t•ontractor. "''"' I I ho II' ;oqu:adR Ill I ho• ~t'l'i<ftoll ' rl~· ll<!!lll'ol nllt of ttl<' !'llpercnr Aliphall ,.hn\'l'lo•r , llt•xt Thur~da\' nc~.:hl :.It• •:••nrt:l' f'oucrt ''' thf' ::.cat,. or C'.'\llfnrnl:c . • and lr•·•••·r;o ;;, ti Otl '"i..uwJ&r~..J..(:un.Ji:..,.\'4!''•~•~·ea.;.;.t.'!.!.-. ~nJ for th~~ Ora.l'lgr.~ w-...r O~r._.loc"•-,--....,~..-i~~Jtto----=t Xrl>~~•n nnol ll111:h !\T;u,.hotli ,., Hie 1 , 1tll~ 1"'"Y"1M\, r.unc ,f .li2~{ ~ •• on 1 Jrd f!oond Re•ult•. r th~ 11hrl\·e •·nl 1lltll rw11on. \\hf'r.'-I, ..,,,,.,.11 <i:.!•., ~..'JJIO , •-thr al"""• n:lmrtl ('1'1 ntlff nlo. '1'•11• loti CIJl<'l"t'" 1 olll • ""'' t I '"IIJ.:I.t' ·\\'arol J·:tl Hn~•'l!l 11111 toJof 1 :ruc~o•l l'ul• h R1l• lie•· w '1 7 :. DO\VN THE -A:tf~'EYS L l '•usl~<d a Ju~nL apd......Joc:.rce of , Tnrr-1< n~«'rrr urnr fo iiN'h•lllllf' on t nt" .'H~t dny nf lhau 1; 1,1111 ,l,nurcry 1!'41 whit h ju<1):'111!'nl ,-1111 k I 111,.1 1 ~ Hlld ~t••• n"'t~ \\'I\S lf:_) t he• '-'th tiA\' "' F•·b,unn· \!It 1 •·ntl'rrtl nnd rrr nrrtrot tn ·.Jurt~rnt l:nok :\!l or "11•1 l'••urt at paJ::I' 3:l:! .-t !lf'i'J :. 1 7 i , "h•• h .tutl~··nt nn.t l '•·f'rl'f.' ,,.,, t• "' ,, 1" he•t ••hv nlatlc't. 1 um • f '' t' ~ lnu , ltl•.fk c• liJn. ratur 1\ f1 r t l,:Uh•lfll'111 Pll "mill •••I hrrf'ln mlt I• '" t h.1 t\ e~, 7 C'II'l "•WI -. e)ll • rm•ni.Ul•l··d L•• ••II :t.t. puhlto-rcu• · l'ro\'lol••<l lh,ct ''"' .nol ~tn!'·h'llf twn cn tbc mllllntr rn•llt nloc-ol hy t i l.• tm•~ t h•• 1•1•\':llhn,_; 1&1•' \\'lwc 111, 1,1111 lou II h.lol ;;;~,.,n; luw i\ll lh11 f't•rtarr , .. nl prttJWrty ~h:di I• 1,111.t , ~· •·pt ":tt• lui "1'1, 1,.1),,1 111 111, ('l\u 1_. 'I:"'' •••n· ~at:o.lt,. lnnc.: tnol lx'm,.: en the ,: .• Cnl••n .enol ut h••r n••n·mrulUI\1 I~ IPI~tll I.e•• :'\lund '·' n u .. lll at II,.. I'll\ n( :'\1'\\poort HNh h i"nunty · ,. .. ,k,•r· f,.r ·"'' \\ocklnl{ t cm• 'i••cll.fhll 1\oo\\lont: ,\II••' lht• l,loon-••f e lran~··· ~tnt•·· ut ('allfhmla. n••r•• lh.tn ••rt:ilt '~' hoour~ •lurcng ( 'luh h.lll t>lle'• nlotl ,. "'f'lll ··d " ''"'" ,lflof dPJ<• r l><'d [I." fnlluw~. tn·"'''' lfl\ It! ,. ' I ' '.ch•n•lllt dol\' WI t:rP l I I '·"' ~ =-:in,· t!ll nn.J Ten I lfl I •lh h' \\ oork '" ''''11111"1'" In · .. 11 .. ~!1 at ~ 1••1111 ••:co 111 lilt· •~·~··-toll ···•r"' -ho\llt\1.... Ill nt ..... ·)t T<'n t lll' of the BI\J-',t. 1"1 oh: Ill \ ''111t'r~·"ll'll'~ I All lt- Tif'ol lrt!lt W•·•·k "cth 1: .. ,··~ llnr · '•'a T nu t. a.'f P"r mnp lhf'rf'-f'd I~· ftrt• fll•ot l c'lr .tan~:• 1 to 1 .. l'l' l hl' Ll•'lfl • nrf' now t,.·n J'OIIIIl~ oof rrc.ordNI In Brook f prtjtP lift .. , l•rott••'ll\' .IIIII lllr l•m·· 011 nhl'llol flf th,.. b 1fbf>r .•h•'l' quint••t \ t I ut !\lt!Oto'llatii'OU!I !\t 1\ i' 1 · ;:uuo!II \'.O nnol t h•• l't•\'t'n t; 1 lcl(~l olllol nro• "1\~ Jl"lllt oout In fnmt f'..rr,.r.!!' !'f OrR nCr C"uu~ty. hoo ll!l.l\ • Itt•\\ II :-.:o•w Yc•nr.;o I I&}'. ' "f thf-.tun 11r t 'ha.m 114!r ,,, tom-t '"hf••rnut . !\lc-mu·lrcJ l1tl\'. F111irth .. r J11lv. m•r••• ttt~trt hrr with th•• I·'Ylt'!Ut'll~. h ......... Lnbor 11 a y ·A r m ca t 1'.., <' llay. Thf' P.nt11ry l'luh "'·'" tl,.f,..tol.e-l ,fctnmfllt!' nn.t _nppurt •' 1111 n i' I'~ Thank"!.! \'Ill~ l•tw ttnd ('hti!llmlt.a .. :l pooant.o 1111t nf 4 l•y thr Lu•n~& ll\~t rhrr!'u11t11 . hf'lohl{illlr.' or In any. It "h'dl h•· lllatlola!•lly 11)1'111 th• _Tho• .Jurtlo>r Cha.mbcr. \\ltcd1 "'1"''' 1JlfiN;a.incng ~ e '""'!::'; t •ar tu wh.911.L.1JtC:..L.Unuact_ -------~---11~---',;:.,~::.~~hpJ'"" hlh'k Into thlrtl f'lnr,. 'Pub1ul' ~t•I'Trl' I• F.Pr,..hy JI\'Pn Ia :l\\!'ldl'd nnd "1'"11 an~· auh- ~===~=====------------------I till a·•·l'k tantt li'd 1\'lth t •Jf' H cl\!\!'. t hnt on tht' 1\th •lav nf Mar~b • optrrtl t•IT ~WIItr hrm. to p:c\' not Hll thrr •h"l' nnd ~·on thrl'•• ,.,,,lnla 19t 1 at 1100 n'l'lork A !.1, nt 1•'!1!' lhH: t ht a_..t .~J·I'I f ird 'r.ltta l o•llj:.\ln fnr,r 1\,.,.·~ i.nt" th'r thcrol ~nld oil\)'. at the ~•llllh tllll>t Of ·tr• nil Ltht or('t •. y..,rkmt n a Dd J•••~<llll'll ,,.,,1 ri'~Rinrns: th.•lr IH'o. thr rnnrt HC>Ul!l' or ... ,,, rolunty mf'•h tllll'll ""'I''"Y"Il by lhf.'m' Ia listed on """ pl:a•·t "l'Clt r•~ht beh·n.t thf' or Or&n~ore. In tl.)e O t y uf l"&ntA th" ,.11,...,,"""" nt th" , e'lf!tra<'t Lcn~• Ann. OrMJ P County, California. Ttle l li<'Cf'Nf\11 b cdrlt r w ell t. Tltt Lt•>rt r'l>t>a. ~·hc•.J ... '\t ..... ,k cn n'-llence to !O_!lld Ordl'r of PQili!'f'ol tt) rurnl~h :\ hhof M IS .tt-plr\~·f-•1 a ''!.".!'' lltro•njl'th ._. h • n ~alP ~d Pf.'crtw "' Fo~?rl•)etln• mntPrtnJ h-111ol In 811 amount t quaJ ' t h•·y "''" ni'•l 'hi> J•rm••r l'h,mber f\nol \1\ n t f{W the £ntorrtrn•nt at to :1()" <lf the •'O]lt ract • prtca. 'fCir ~ J'('lnt.• f'llml' bR.·k liil't n•~:ht Jud~ent. t '111111 e('lt the abo\·• 1\nd n flllthtul J"'rfnrmnn ce bt~niS \- BUILDING :~:· -·· 1\t auholtlt'.J R ob·, ~farkrt ''""""'! tltwcrrt.d. (lN>JWny. or ao m uch · In .,, i1mnunt •qual t~ f•O" nt the by thnt l:'f'DIAI kl'lfll'\r () z R.oh· th~f AS m:.y be nt>Ct.:tt'y .tn rn":tljf't r rlo•p, ""''· hconda t<> lie l •rtao n fc•· fe"n •rac~bt pnlll~. •·HI!I.y !'ll&lu Ju.Jctnent W1lh tn · ~·! ur•·•l ftnm ., ~rtty romplD.)' 0 tf'l'el!t ""'I <'t'\818 alltl •'IIJ)eDIIo!a of Mtil'{at l••r• t,l thf' ('ltv of =-:rtr· Mt ;~net Mn. c \\' To•W tnklr ~<&I e. at puhtle.· auction to the 1 ,,rt, S.llrh · "'''' o'Ci tCI tlwcr n••• r.~,cdo•n('o• •'n h lji:best M tl best bidder for Ca..• h . Tht ('"y Council ~ Ult r tt, : &,.,1 '"'h s 1n .,•t. Cn•lli MI'AA thr~ tn lawf ul 01oney of the Ull ted o1 N_,ort B•ttrll .,.•rvee. tla "'•'f'k Tiwir ronth·r N r " Jlllrt RoM! ~tatee. rtght to ... .ltd a ny rir all bl~ • ~--;;.;a..~...a~ ~-.tit~.tn:UJitl'd.~.J •• 8.,1;. •. .:.=.: ;;\IJ....JL.JUS:IUI!:lEil .. --..• ~. any::~~1iUI'f-····-"" G n'f'ns Cflmmla.."lonf.'r lt. r p o 1 r t t d. b7 Dlltf'tl f"t'hruary ll'th I!W.l , · a4 Spen1lln~or lbt w tdtend • It h ard ~--ourt. Nf'""""'" twarh Ci.lltonu.a.. rl'll\li\'C'' rr .. m Chklll;f• who &rt' natoo Frob 10. 1111 f'RA:'\)C .... k l):!l:fiA~'I now llblyi6Jt •• Lt• 'Ang~l~;, .,.. J;'l'f.l:-fAI.n 0 JU • .R\\'00•:, :"I•)' L.,11r!l nr Uao ~·u:· (), • ·,. l\.1 t' ""'' J.t~• 'i'!nt 1"~-.~«tm ot •J•'l AUIT.'Acy .. ~ 'll'lftntllfl'. , -... .. ·~tlrh r.ro(t(nr~IA .•. ~' ., r . ....... . .... • I .. --!. . .J NEWPORT BALOOA NF.WS·TfMl':S. Nt>wport l~ch, Otltfan'lta. Tttt-:..~J.)i\\'. Ft-:BHl1AHY :..•:'l. 1 !~1. I l \ . Water/ Halts- Oil Test, Mny Try Bottom CLASSIF .IED ADVIRTISINC FulloWin.: h·~~ 1 ,.,.,.ut h ,•.,m· plo•lc'CS 8t lito• l11o\ttll"••ll o\i l \4••11 Co)f(ta Mt'llll 111 till'•'•' ~•IIH'•'' 111 'l11rlloW zoiio•< With .. lllt•r t'\llnllll: Nwh attft11pt, aNI\'111••' """' hull· ro.------- trow.v••· lll't'llnhn~: ''' n~o•ntho•i~!o uf IM I"IIIJI otf 1111'11 "hH fllllllh'\'<1 tho• tNt, !Itt'"' IS II pth~ihlhl) t hllf IICI ion IDA)' bt> la kr n l\l'lll \4 t't'k tnwcrd conolur:lnc I•'''~ Ill lu~ lo•\·:_lta ln an llll..rnpt t u I will t ""' tMcabnot olf '14 /ilo'l' ~hic-h marW f'Vf'l)' v.•1•ll 1lrlllt'tJ In h i carry oo wtt an II 8 ''' n'l hlo· n •purh n'· Hr uk1 for uJ~ An~:l'le" Jlllfli'l' whu'~ ttffl'n'(l r.•tved hton' no llf'l hlll ""' ro..,uho'ti Wbethl'r It be crudr oil, guo. r prut'nt four cyde t-:9petl, ltl In· waiting tor theso! volunlt·•r• ttl foil' l>llh• tho• SIX thou,lln•l 8<'1'<' ,,. fmm eharat•J uf ullo•l:l'tl tho•ft .. r llne, u l&d dreulng, ptoanul oil o r ventor cla ims. All ru.,lltare crack· comr forth Mr. Howe hal w)th land with tropirnl r hmnto• hy u lnhnr In ronn•'t·tu"' wtth th4l~l · any othcor liquid containing hydro f.'d In 'th .. eongln~. causing complete Ulf.' col)t~ent and ~lo?(lf'llV&I of th'e Punnma nrflrifll. 1\uth m l'n 'aw 1111: ot thl' wdl wh11•h n y carbon. the nrw 1uper llil'!!l'l lyp4'. \'Ombustlon. wh1ch In I urn r~. dlrt'Cion created t w 41 n 1 y • f 0 11 r 1 hi' ad ancl nn!!Wo·n-tl tt ' wo•rt! tw.n1 hy tho· ~:runol Jill') ,,. l'hOIHI RENT 12 or I! -BUY - • FOR SALE • . A IIUMF. ANU M.r.~TAI •• J:\'J:NIII:-M_..nt &'l'oom •IIIC'f'O .huftPIOv. v.llll l!:n•nftt """t.Nf' aparhiiNil OW'r t ·r ar'.-_,...._ hrif•k ,.., .... _......,. paUo wtt• f'ltoa-t lwattf',_v. alq rov· f'n-6-laW., lwaf'"'-poUNI p&aa~ .............. , .... ,,_. ••"'"" rur111....,... c-..mplf't• ltt .u... laat ...._... J:v.rytWq ltt makf' llvl"l o•nn1furt.N.. aac1 wor1 .. w .. u ................. ta¥tW . C'ttur1My '" hmk""'-• ._._,, tNI "'· Ray Aw.-, •:1 ...... ftalbl•a Tnf't. 1\f'WIMirl ~II. hfo·o-t~lrokt' motor dralgneoJ by W. '1\tlts In a cool runnlnl{ eng1nl'. w orking group~~ to "C'arry-on" on lfal'lK'r h nc1 l~'<'n tn~''''lli>:H~tnlt twnriQI w11.~ ct"'fll"''· 11 was un- T Kln•low or Santa Ana. k~···reventlnJt l'racktng o r nil In tpr a baSil! n( btolng drafteot for 8t'r· II plan for fnrmtn~; II s .. uth So·ll~ •l··rstood, UIM'fl ,,,.. l:l'ollll)tl ... '"'''I HARBOR SEA SCOUTS on runnlnK and ~.-lth -plenty o f 1 cr&llk CU t'. There are no liming vice for the comJXUUliiY lf any I C tuh whit•h wuuld ro•nn· ~n It• own thNoe wu tll!luffwu•nt t'\'l•l••n•'" · · . MISCELLANEOUS boreepower. • 1 ~•'llr• ur cam· !lballll to wear an•l rnttmlwr "'-!he t·hamhfor or other 'l~lapd tn t h1• PIICifl<', hut \'II' nnt nnd wtt1 nnt ho• '''''11"''"1 unl•''-' TO JOIN IN BRIDGE 'Mie revolutionar y tyf'(' nf ""· lhr ln,·entor hu ellmlnat~ ali i dtlze.n ol~l!lres 11111111 10 thla j ••nth'l>l~' !inti!CftMt · h thl' l'rnf1"""' :u1mtloftal f'\'1t1rnrr '' tnr)hr.lmtn~: I ,me. tht' patents to r whll'h aoc troubltaomt' valves. rocker armM work It ll-nnl)' necnaary-to n ottf)' \4ho•n ho• ""w tho• :ulvo•r11" ' 1 -OF HONOR, DANCE Loo .. ow • ~0.,, dleu•41•d ••• 0~--' by Ktnslow a n<l a sm.•ll Jlllllh rtl<l!!lllld llf>nnga. '"n ' mt·m'---r of tho• '--·r·' ··r lb.;l ""'"irnto• IS nhout 1., ...... nH orstai:·-G. t I I I (\ ........ end old ~lotio• We ..... -...... I u ) ..,., .,._ u v • '-IJ. ' a rt s . ''"".''"''"!.: "" , ... .... • '".:·· ' HOUSEWIVES! ..... .SELL Ia per .. USICAL I NSTRUM.EN,.. tTaiNWAV 0"AN0, TIM 111'\mH· tel flllene. a.tt ,... ·-...... ....... • ' .... • .. ~. 0 ..... lk-t41t "''•"• C.. -H. Mel" at., a."t• A~. • 11 ·"- uaao -H Mel" ... , .... tAAN. ,. .... T"AOa Y•w• el41 ...... In .,_ A --....... ···--·"--· o .... lk ..... l .. , 1"1•-c..: -.... Metn at., ...... AN. ACCO,.OIO.... "... . -... To""o en41 ,...,,e .• O.na ,..._...1ft ...... ~ c. . .. . .... MellO •.• JTOUP Of ba•·kns. inc-ludtn"' ( · \\' K tnsluw antJ H utchlnjrs bOlh \n· l t .__, 11 1 1 lh wHit• nnrl. (i\·o• mil•~" ton.: •' hnm · . , • • , ... ,., 1., ctoan owr ma.loiMr~ , • .,,. ,A"• .._ l"t !14~ rt-ar )' u ....... s ~~ an'.-'"" r • c .-unt.'. St· _ s,~ ••lt·,•trHI.tll .. n' Vllt'll Ole uuhlk til act ually two• • k f N t H ._" fltl of n:llt\'o• ramllto·• It\···~ th•·n· Mill u d N _..__ . Ploono IS and "'0 ..... __. t ...... ~~h~~ ~ S~~~ 3 ~d ~~-r · \<W~n M.~~r &fMir I I n er ew !!11~1•~·~1·~-~~~~~~~~·~··~II~~~·,~~~II~~:II~II~'~'I~II:~=·IJ=~==~~:~~=:~~:~=~~~~~~~~~·-~~~~~i~==-· boa. Is now nn t•xhlblt at th!• Hay tlw t'll!;tn•· tun on a \'Urll'l} "' Tho• lll!t or th" rommlll""• with and rat"<' a fo•w •·a ttl,. ""' '""'II , 1, bland Gara~;e. turner of lslan•l fuela In dally demoO!Itratlonl! '--· h ' t h I l \\'h"n ttwv'"' "'11•'<1 wtth 1"'"""1: M..-t I I I A I So•n s.·uul lht• m.emo..-1'11 li> Of <'Ill' Ill ~.· Ytl'll • :lmhrtrnrr ttl<·~-do•l\1' :OIIIIIho·t• h:tlf . age men •<llo•IU I II ' 11111111 , .... ... W C.nl••• \Ave , Nowpot't, and w. Vlftll pay .. wn cente • pnuntt '"' tMm P•••w cvt' etf th• .huttoua. Ave. and Bay Av~. · · ht•rt•w1th, t h,. lr~l -ntiml'• "I f 1 1 111 o)h:•· "' lloono•t '" h• hdol "' 7 :w1 Demonlltrutl,.nl! M lhc o·n~tlll' KIRBY SPEAKS·"").T ('ltntrntan and lll't'•lllol 1111 thP loll\ "'''" nr 1""·" nn• ' p111 T loou •d61\ l··l•ttt.ll\ :.'7th nf will be given daily til 1·:10 anti 3 O '" ,.1, .... ,,hairman "(;ru,. .. foil' ''1111 1" fh•·•··~-~1'""'" llradlln•• Tt"' 1\dl "'·'"'' tho· \' ~·\\' lltlll. :illntn Ana lu. p. m with lht• PIJhlk cunh oily In· FEDERATION F Commltteea 1941 a ln""' •·ntu••ly "'ill;""' w•··~l' 11_11 1•1 \our mowh ... oto •1· · \''''""'"' ""''' 1 .. ,,.11 '""'"' 1., V11t'd, Kin~~lnw <tnll llutehlnl:' WOMENS CLUBS ~dvHtllllng R A ~.•yt•r. t'lnn makl''t lor nm:<tllll! ~ lnt 11111"''' ~ The St11n11 1;n,r Mol l th•· ll•·nlth 1.,,.1111111.111 """'''"' """ 111,.,,. In ld • z Ji I tn II • 1111 I 1 '""" • Food Shut• "''" 1111•1•·• llo·l\ f11 ''11' '''"''"'" 111 =-'•··• ='• .,111 "' 1,. If to·• h> Sll A~on~e \he n<lvant~~J:l'>l of tht· R,.,.,,ntly n onald Bra• h Ktrby H~ll. r;r1~"":\' ~o;by 0 B • d ''~ "It'~ f:o1riY <1ry •ifl 11"' 1'11111'1 ·•.:•·ment. hll\•· ""'' "' th.• 11lo l 1 o1 ,11,~:•· 1 ·,111,,.1 ~. , s.· .. 11t ''""'"'"' N•wpo•t ••lboo l\lowo Tl..-.., .. ,.,,, ... , .. .,, ••II r •" t . r t•n• c •. t 110 ••nt• Ana. N.· Meln tt,. u .ua . . .. IPII\IIl T& .. IA!\10, leta meMI N • ...~ .............. , t100.00 .... '"" ~·'-"' __ ,,_ , .... P•J ovt tute~e. •• WI" .-t new m otor IS Ita simplicity M 1dolrr:o•srcJ the m.-t't lng "' A r \ ;~::~'.' · n mo·t, '" f' I tr"m p ,.;,.-mllt'r I til MAn·h 1"11 f1<:o~hlcMf '''ont• hnltt '"'"' .11ul ""''' l'h.,111 ,, 1 ll.uwh··' 11•·111 oekatp. the,-~~·~--~-. of ._..,., F4fierMtl>tt~ Aud,tln~ J 0 \\'at ·~,..., "l .... r ·~.Dv>&llh• "1 mnltP all ltln•l' nr ninth Cilllll "·''""' """'''r ---+-"~&~~U.A4.a.----..... -.. ~. low fu•l ~o~•ump!IOn, ability \\'nm1•010 ("IUh!O a! l ht'lr t"IUIJhOUI'f' fltf' .vo•nr II n un$ II lttolo• no·~uly_ flou r IU\11 mo•al ""'" ·'' \\IIIIo ltllll ( -... , • .,. ce., ~ ' ' ·~ T '""t L \\' Hrll(l(ll 1 I-'" II"" 1111: tllo· 111 , . ., 111 ot toon • to be adapted to rRdlal t)<pt' 11f In L•~ Anl:t'j;.,. Tho• Arl ('hllllmo•n . . y; I • 1''\'o•t'\ tJ;,~ Mo.-ltlltl••'' ·'"' <~~;~:I· \o•IIOW o>oonl ttt•·.ol l'lloho<lll r.•• '"'""' ,.11 111,~1 lllt"lll:h"(ll lh••l eogtne, making il Ideal for atr· l;tllll' foum lh•· \'RfiUUI< t luh~ tor 'lltaol~t't anol ~·tnunto' n.tt·•. ~ l:ihlo· hut "0' fo•llllll c1 tol • ;or•· '"'"· bu<'k ~·lwllt •oo\11 h··an ""'I \o II I•\ s:.,. ='•••Ill• , ....... \4 111 1 .. · k b k :"plt I r J I t \\at ktns, .I lo. Sad· nt~·tt v I hu'k '" 'IIITIIOH'r . 'lltol II. ;on "hoi• orrun \4 ho•;tl tln\11 ·'t'1fo•l ,, craft. K inslow saod M ~t hRnical 11 munthl~ m""llnli( fu ta ." rw I , \.' F Watts s A Mevrl r o· • ~ ., ,, 1"1111111 dn1w•• \IIIIo ""''"' to\ "" and fire hazarilil ar~ pracltcally to lh!'lr ow n {TU'mbf'n• n•[l<•rlJI nf ••r. _ p' 1, 1 · " , I• nothln~: fllk••tl ••Ill 111 1111Jht111: ··"···~·Itt "" 11,.,1,_, 111111 ,,..,,.,11 k C'h'tl' Affatra, A •. 1 a me~~ "'1 lf•orrv \\'lliiROI"''"· (· .. lnnl'l. \'••nn. ,olllit'd tn tho•••• fl,..,;' "' mo•:ol '111•· eliminated. lh•' l:tiP,.~-41Y t'Xhtblt!l. ~[11'11 erl! I\ . MI'Vt'r 1-A>w II. \\ a l 1'\'r r . . . I • I '. ""'"" "ill I~<· .,.,,.-I The on e cylmt.l£1i..engmr hlill ttnd 11 l h I' r mnt tPn< uf ln1t•re11l. · _. ~ . • ' ~ W. nrt~t~~< mtll Ill llt'lll••d Ill tlw ( ·•·•ll• ' •·ll o:tly l3 parts. t"l~ ur t h r m 1\irl•y ~uke "" H••stol .. ntlnl Ar · MQIJn•. ~.arl ~t.u nle) .... 1'1 A:•· Ftc&l 1-:l'lla to· t. \\' llt l!!a:• I' A tral M arko•t , S 1111111 Atllo TO• SHOW COUNTY r I •It•·""· c nnrul1 Sh.,{>k. I 1111 I anh I. L' 1 04, 1 " 1• 1• 1 ... n .-.A-at-lnt'ffnll• 11 .. , •11111 tn •o•' •of wearing pariJO, and '"'" r{l('lfllll· l'lulo•t,:lll:t' "' !';IHitlwrn l'all .. rna. ' .0 ..... •II ' II' II •. ,, l'ttlm••r . r;ar . "'" o•,, ' . • '~... ' . h t I ... 1 ""n. c ... ruun .r < U). r t \\111 I . 1 .. 1 .,.... J h p whnat ~~'('I rut '"'' o'tHdt•~l RT EXHIBIT AT eating part11. It ha,_ nu 1•rank ra~·· ~lrJ! IJalo-h 1 <' •·•·11 r1t ,..n •• 1111r · . \\' A ,1 • 11 ~ l<l nlsmt. fo • ""' n· " n •.. 1 , ' A h I t I I tit ak •r :-.••ttl(•'l · ' " 1\X\4 e ' • am n :o· . . wtwal I'<Hlr.lt' ''I'll ham '""I """''' comprel!slon, "" t•umpr«'~<Sflt'\:_ fll< o mRn. n ro• ur••• ,. "'i<' ' ftt lht•r. 1-: II All«'n. TIII•twl•tro• l llurnham. , . "' ERELL CLUBHOUSE !"('If tglllftnn ,:'(r•'l'' fur '11<11 k 1 H!'n P""" 1•1 1 otwol 1.1101111, Tlr l'rrrala. plug uiiCd fur atnrtln~ Air~tn~f· \It and :'\It' ,\ R \\'•·~• 11.nd Hublnl'l. An tun Uo·rsht'(•. H 8 ph 1: M 1-;r un<l\' ltunnlol II ,. 1\ I' h Pran ut .. ''"' ""' •·•I Ito tl,h· 'h··ll A 1111 ,1111, ,, 111 ,,111 ... , .. '""''" 1,.,,,.y tllln •-at atmw•J•h•·n • l"''s,"3Utt· litttlll' nro• makm~ th,.tr hnrnt' m ~lll:<kt•y · , I L'trlw fo: .I i~,.,,. Jum•·• Hullt•l rnw and '"''"'' d S olo··d h.1h ,., , ,. ' (' u n t ( 'uOJ"'rat t<m ~ A " ' I I h II\' I h•· !':,.,.I'" I I ~''"' h lo~t"'lt t 1111 The low cumprt·~ston ,·o~tnl' <ll'· S t>rth C'n,t:-. !\1•••:t Th••lr (lll'l'fll'r " Y · • 11,..01y """ ts111 ;md Ta\111 hlronl'h•·ol h.• \•'' IIIH t o• 1 1 1 A 1 !ll••yt•r Wrolto·r 1' St"'"r, t;~"fl(t'l S ·l l" ,; •: \1 •:t .,•.ol\ 1 I' -hro;t pt'anllt 1,1111,1 ''""'"' lll'hl '""' t h•· .lltttlll!•' 1'•"1"1\ •rmvl'l vrlopll mol"f' hor:w~)lft'r I lll n lnmo• w.o .. tn "'!< nr::•' ""·---\\'fu ,., I' I !ltd "•nalll 1-r,. I . I '" . t 1'. '"I! A II 1·:~ hi loll '"' loi.un..: '" oil Business and Professional Directory I DB'. RALPH ·o. HOARD ' DR. II. ~STAHLER k • I \\'ll.lktr\0 T lloolll h• \ 11 II •I hl'fllrf' ~lOIII o•\ 0 lll&lili UIJUo "iJI .f" oll10llh\Yt•ol (nl !11•~~\'::,':i.~ \\'t't~ton JRy. H ob•·rt l'hi•trm•n uf S•l \1•'' t'lttl, .. "I'""· \\'hoi•, ""''•'' llo\ ""<1 l oottt, lh•· 1.''"'"'' 1'""11• "' ""' 1-:t.rll o;:udn<'l. K.-nl tltlr ht'•••k, \\' II Mur'tnl(: II II I 1-' Si '"••l "''}'•k"l-~:ll'~t:lt: 1~1111,~ ~~",;:"",;::.','.',.', ol uhhnll~•· :.t:, W l 'o•nllltl, ""I N 11 1 Stj..rlli c,;l' 111 11 '' • • '" • '''"' ·~ " ' '' ' ' ' "' 'f'h••n"t"v 1-••hrtturv :n fr"m 2 ' llll•·hm:JD lt~mard Mt·. 8 y. to· ' ', I I 1 \\' It AolnmH S thnll :'\till fl''~'"'''' ·'" ·"'' ~o:••Wi lnnol ~all .. lly.l'unrad Shook. Vrwx II V \-\u••·")l'f~. L 11 Nurm:on , • "lin rtrl•~l un,ulplouro•ol llltll .. •••v· Whitt•. ~td ~ul!lo'r, 1 Sln·•·t~< Ill T I' H••l.,h•r Hl!m o•n1l brand' uf t•nftl'l· ~"h"'tltuo"" 11 If• 1•1 ~, I' 111 lltul '""" 7 1• m ' I •J 111 I' m In t h•· •·v•·nlnl(. !HOAl M••• n,.,.,, "CA Aad too VM'Wt;m Cl••fterl ' r"""" ... a ..... IJI flo oadway. Coot a '-''•Hh Vou• Oof•ar-- ' lh lo~tf ~. t• • tb~ loaf k Att ..,lnde uf P aehy ~ 1 prt~ tt tOte , 01111 •• , •••• ._, 8ftflll¥e,...ry. .... ... thy '" borttoll•r •'"'· -.... . 1014 , ........ '" -··· ftatle~. .. ,.... ,loin •t ....... -.... ·- ., f vlt ... ....., "''c.ee •" ..... , etaUotwrr are ftOW at1rectlw . N••~ort Hor1»~ l"wbllololnt Oe., 1101 w. Cl fttral Aw.. "'-·· 100r1 ... , .. , Ce tlf, ,...._ \a· er U . C:.Ome In fer en eetl_ .. ' . Ul80 PIA!\10., ·-llenl ....... ..... 0..41 •'·-.... , ...... ... o...... .• <>"-,_ Term• o• will ••nt -•• 1- •• t t 110 ~. , "'•"'"· 0 • " •• lkllm141t "'leno C.., -N. Mal" 11., .... ,. Ana. 11 ..... R F.A L EsTATE F o R SALE TO THa C0Nia"VATIV8 fiiU~· CHAia" 0~ ,_aAL atTATat- Wo w•wt41 llt.e te ett~Mftlt fw ~•w• , ....... ,.If•• wr 1'-lt,.,..-•" -~rt Ho1111te, ~ ... Mer ..... t.,. fiiAftf-141 ..... ,. -· WILLIAMION 6 WILLIAIIIION PRYtllaAN -StJII,OEON I! . DIJNTIIT OSTEOPATH I Jo:dur,atlon, Or O~d LuC'tu. J.: !.;l.nMfuth .. r. 1• t• Pt•nn\tiOn, r H nnd many otht•r ht·ttlt h fnod~. to: ~orliMr, HOI'ltf',. f'."lltJnl. Thto-R•·o•d L ,. " 11 Wttlltu'l' 'F1 W. d'lro• Hollinll, gl•l11ey t-1 llllvloi&On. llli>•klw•llt 1 Jo:•ll ~11\DII'~'. ,,,. ICf""l' of plllnllnl(i. a rto hy 1 •ucll "'"" known arll"h "" l"r•nlc ! REAL ESTATE 1 ·upr '''"· "~" 11 .. r 1 ~•l:•tttll ttrtl~t... F R ,_ .. 1 ....... ~ ..... .. Nl ..... CetoiNI, .. t ... , ~I ,.._.,.,, .. ~ .. m -....... . Phoae 18 U •o aa•wer, call 680 Balboa IDn Areade Bal~l\ DR. CONRAD RICIITER OffiC'I' I 07 2'!nd ji;f ro'('t Nr\¥JK>rt llrnrh • Roura: I 0·1 '! a. in. & :\· ,; p. m. 1'h••n .. -ortlf'f' 13!4 : R•·-. ';o&·,J l)r. Gordon M. Grundy P hy•lr lan and Snrt.:f''ln Sf'wpnrt IJeaf'h R n,1oltnl Oentr al .~ve. at Slnth Otnce 11,..: 10 ·12 a .m .; S·!l p.m. Telepbune 37 - Tt l<· phone Nto.vport ~ ~lurey Hulldi"C Ral~ J.F.ROV P. ASOER. / ;\TTOK!\f:\' .\T r:'A\\ C~n~la :'II•·~ Uank llttlhllnK l'hone ~'26 /" ('n,ftl :'111''\R ('ollfurnla r. "'· PARKES ' I \\'nl<'htnttkrr • Jl'~l'lf'r · r.ar;ra\·rr 2HY.! ()(-(';~n t'rnnt. :'llt'wpnrt I t:..:IW'rt, S\\1~~ Wal('h Rl'plllr1nr; C.nld Pla ti"IC t :y .. cila•~ .. ,. R"ralrf'd ,\I.L \\ORK CI'AHJ\STEF.D Jlt'h"'':ty!l, ,"-tint Ktnllfulh• r llr T .. urnartto•nl ,.1 1.1~111~ \lf•,.rl T I' Ho·l'olo•r, ll•·nrv \'Htl(hn IIIII · l'tHD•. 111 l!f~··l l i'O.<• l '~<l•<·1 l Don Kirby Acta Fo.r Builden Exchange ••I I r.r.t u•·l .ft~tct•ph f:H!'Jri:l, •:u•ln•t \ t 1'v_.1Jil \\•e\1•1 :0.: Fo~l· t-1 ~-tl•·tn/ "'''~' 1 • •~··~:·•'.\ ~,.,., , At State SHaion •:"'''~ It I \\' .. 1d•nlu r._: C'h.nlt•"" \\ 1,1 1• \ 1.,, ,1 It I·" T hrt (JrhJl, t •·UII"' 1 ·~• •· '"" \tl'f t 'r tUH HJ'·•·'·••' I' \' \',ulh•ut1,,.._ :-.: 1\ \1•\•l l •t ,.. ... ,.t1,1n«( ~,.,r ,.,,,, l\lth\ I'·'"'' l'o~rk··~. • tf,,,,,,,d =---•Ht,.; .. r "'''"'" :O:J'""' J•r•·"-t•lt•nt ""If ,,.,., ''' l .. H\•· '·''' I t \\.~ll:u ~ ,\,•h•\\ t\uk !''u'•' Jlulht••'' ''"'"'"H'• r''''"'i! t-,,..h rt).: \\' =" L••n•:rtP•ot t ;rrJ.. , , , • :.,.,,, tl• "' h:at.w•, • :''"fl~ ,. II\•• .I J; .\lo'\:oll\' I \1:11 ,.1 ! If"['" •I•• I • 11 .tl 1\111,: lf ·•l•ot \\'1•11•·1 :':-:1"''' I ' I "'"' 1.•\\ If \\,ol l.ooo I' l •tn''' • •-· t:•' ,,,., ,,,,. 111 II•• "·"" :-;,,,!.!f\1 A II l: .. u•ll•• (' 1: .t1,t1 \1 r-·k• ,. l lllt•hhrd ltH"' '" Sur ram~nt" 'I~ ,.., • .J "•"1 wtll•·• I , 1., II IIIII' 1 '' •; ~I 1 ;, """'' '"'-1111' bullolltl\' lll•h••' 11 " ,. >11 · \\•~l•tt J,1, \\ •ltt~n ttnt.'•:.•d '' •u• ... •d ftn(t "'''"H•I I p l., 1 f 1 ~1 ,\ tf,tl•, :-.:t.ul1·v M··~··rv• A ~ ''" •. prttfttd••rtt •·t Hu ., d• l '·1·'" It , i!lttd'4•"' \'.' 'u' l·, I· r j' • ,,. 1 '' h:u•~· H''" ""'I'' • I \.,, ~~~~ • ;\It,.,, :-= .d.tlld \' • • ''.'""1u l' ~tud\'tnJt Uw rnnh\ 1·11 1~ ' •• "' ~nd•"' <.~t1h"ltlrra''''" -------~ I•' \\ •II~ I: I. 1"•1'''~"" :; ---=-:-:--:-:-_-- l. \\ IIIIJ-:1-:>' I :o:llll)l• I II\' I Vf' v~ ~- \lo 1, Ill• ,,. !1•11• htt • • 1'. H•·" Or l'"mpl,.tl' equipment ,.,, ,, ,11 :-;,.,11 1\ '""' ""'' 1 • ' \; wh••n yo11 wnnt to catdl \\'tlll:om' t:rlflith n n ,, Wtlll~tm OR ENT \\ rudl M 1 H :-: .. ~ '" .\1 llul h••t '"' ol ~Jl''" •I• nt •t4 ... ,.,., nhH .. utw •••I U ud '' , ,. Ill t. ... \•·•I 1n 11••• •ft••• 1 ••fl It\ l lw l"''~jhlu • ••fltUIII lt•t V.11h "'" t • ~~ f••••kiH ~1t• • d •• I I .II ,,., I ,, d ,, ' •• t =····· .:,. • ·,,,,,~IllS lfl • ''""'a:" Ju lh• • \'t "" ~ \tt I 'ul I•• 'f,,, d " II J•f• "'"'' ''' ,., I., TIDE TABLE I t.ll HI \fC\ Ol>!llAT .... t oltf, Cli'Utiy fi,. •• In fh• ..,.,"' tunth tn• "' ..... l1r •• ,, r or "'nt1 •• n •• '·{lf',(.";,ntt .. u nne (.aU •• the n r "'F" T Vlll A <.•H•<Hit-.1 C•tr If\ ttHI•• f •nut ..,_.'*•• ~onnatl n ... ~''"'"'"• • •••• w t Jn, ft.tn, I L«Jh In ...... ,. Tt.o« 1101 .. "' ' I "" '" ·,.o.,IMute Tr. ..,. ALL CLaA,_ ...... , front ~ .......... '' '"'''"G o, "'"o Alto lmprew. "'-"'• wo• th tiiOO -P rice ._... t ... H w ........ .,.. w-c. ... '' •• Av• flh•Jn• 1 1 10.., I)Wfl•t f 1h 11u.-l'a lu t t&illlflQt /,.11 ~--,-- 10\ "' E -_ MPLOYMIENT . H Ba N d I Wl'~,ll ''""' ••t·~ arry uer a me . ,.... "'"'' • ,, tyr• A""'' •t Auto Club Chief I """ ~~ ...... , .... •-•••. 111" ..... , \\-.. ,.., ~I II ' , I \ "I .... 'I l it I,, Ill· I,\ I•· I (')r Any• • ntt• Meta Pf'M,.. ,., "'· ~-To ,, 1 For 12th Time I l'o ~ t t .. ,, .I )II II I 7 .,, I • 1111 f .. ,,,, '" 1:1 I • ,. • :06 tt I I ·~'! lfr<lf\ I ft."''' I""'" to•·tof 11101 I \•oll••l 11 uo•t tnrmlw~"hlJ• In Ul.t t ... lt , .... , •• l,. v.ltt u ''''"' u11""'' •l•tl• ••t 1.:'\''tt4 nutfurl •t• at th• t ... l , ., I Ul ~tl H\A I., ,., I,,_,... "' "'''" i a: . .tn uf f\4M . or 0 • ' ~~· pill •"•"' ,.. t~ .... ,h, '"' ttt l'tul , , ....... \••• lf•.u• ·.-.·.~g.~::T~:.; :::::.;:· :::::::::·::::·:· tf-.. _ "'""' ;~·e·d·;r~~!!! ~~~~~"r-1ti~-IDI~Ir.~~~~~lr1a~)l~~~~~ '~~~-~--~~~~~:c=~~ ·~~.~-t;;:~~i .. ~lli~IM:Jl~:: \'1n• ••nf_F._I~-rUH p ---· I I II 47 .,. f•' 4 'tf} II<, ., 2o .:Jt I'~ tiiUf , .. t " , • ··l·•i t I·' ,., .. ,.,,,,.,., t ••f II••· ~'"""" "' t ".olt f""ll" Aut" A llhlliLtl'f•·l \4oJ\ lt<1m tn Mt 1<nd ~"tit;,\ Hw 'tw;lft" •• '' ft Rnv n.tlftr ....... ...,. .. "We O ur.;Mvcs thf' f'..rtter St'rvr 1---,j---..a;~.w .._.,....~,·· Phone Newport :'161 Co.ta M"""· ('allfornl" liJo II ;\la•f;fllll h HORMEN FISH MARKET !11• n,t .. '"hlr ·.I 1-' :-;,.,11•·•· J _,.., ~""'"" k .,..,,. '""J......tJ I.Ju ... ~ lut • ...:.u - :-.:•tvy 1'"11 11 .. , . ;\lo \'''I \ I I • \\'·•tk111~ l•r Alt.••t1 ~·····HI I ,. I 1\ .. (AU~{. ~l') T H~ RUflOlQ MAN t'-1 T}4l C II(( U t., 7.-...-...- . , .,, I '~ ; • ,' I II ...... ,:, " . 1.' q, l l I 'lb ~1 •, .. ., I 1 6 :1t. ~~ f I H I :.r ~:· ... ,"~.:~ • 11 I tlo '' •• td ''""'• d tP • • 1)11~ \\• ,,.,, ~ Bi~ll••ut ltr..lltrul At ~1 . I •loloo '"'" '"" l•li "'"J~illol, h •IJtUIII )' :.!1 11tr 1:1"'', I•• "'"-'"'''''"1 "'1"•11 ,,. lonlo~~c lllllll•·•l .. 1nrthn Amt. WHO'S WHO Ill HAUOR DISTRICT \1'1'1.1 "~· -,.~ '•·' •'-I I"'"' M ll\1111: lti'AV•••turS•·rvll'<' ~t••rr111\\hlf••l'h ~!.-t \1 'I o ~I I'I'I.IP:1'4 It ~ct'tiHT CIOOUI'-- 1111"'"''"'''" II.•"' •• ""''' SuJ•t•ll•·•. :.0111 Fwf11ln St C.11n., Amm•mltton. '" ·ro'\ftlllll.t: 1tt:1• \I Ill"'' \/ I 011 ~" 1 \ ,, , I !•I \It· I 11•l•l• 11 I 'ltu·•· N'o·wt~H I 1\l•twli II \IH.IU' t.Ofl(l~- :-,,.,.,1~" t 1\uk• •Y :/111 I 11·•·nn Jlnkr•ry l'h11l Ill. llt•llo'r F'or IA'!I•. IIP:,\1 "f\' MltOI'- .. 1 tl" I'• S lt••P. l"KI i'lpl 1\lv•l , (',,,,,. l\,11'llll l'h :\11·W All 011 Wayee, . 1 ~ !If til>·· hl11111l IW.ttuf y Sli••t•. llll Mnrln•· SkliiN1 Rt'durlnl( Mf·t~ f ',\111' r:T ~1101'-- l•lloll<l c·,.l.ut•·l N••w:lty !--'h"J' f''umltur .. "'Jird I )!'» Aante. ~'h. 2."'"W ll~~rt .. ,, 1 'n1.tw•l "' :o; .. v.·lt y Stws•. J:.lf,() W C'rftl r•l l'hune 39Y. f"IRt'.I'I X(-f. .\Nil RISUI.INfl WfHII,:::· II w. \\'rt~:ht, 17.H4 Npt 111~•1 , f'""'" M•"M UIW!d L.umtlf'r. Ph; ~.1. t'OI:~U<\Kit'.l'-· ~ 1ft t-1 :,.,, ... F"•uulry Jo1t•ln~~: C111llnl( ItO Vtrvlnlll Pl., eo.ta a.fi!IIL ftAI4111.1't, !>lt.HVU t',-. , r;tt• 1111 T>t•• ISJ•tt •·rl•·' V trrrS,.rvlt•t•,I24Mc l''tui•JoonPI .. Nwpt.B. ftF.Nt:KAJ, f'ONTR~f'Tf)R--• -' .. •' r . , f;.tr•l•m II Jollitlltty, :WI_(J ('o~UI fllvd.l'h. tm. J•II\IW and Con.tructJo& U~..t-~~~~.~~~r(·~~Wl.CIIUiiUL-C~U-~~I!ANJt' r-~---:------fl---1 (',,,,,. ~'''"' .l•r ('" "l1l ua hrlp Y"'-' J•lllrr·)'OIIr hnme." P'hmw & lluy I,"\' II' I J.urn t,.,r o, l'h•rne II !If> f:OUt llhchW11)' at Arc"-. MAKU•Y. XI'J.C 'I.\I.Tit:~ • Munru• S1~·•·uolty Sh••JI. l:.lff.'l CMII JIIWI\¥ ~~~~~llf••, Jlobtl, Etc. 'IUIIP:I . AIKI'I.AS-= ,., ........ r..._ . Kth S••t•t•lt•·' l:trjtrlr llrpaln, Supplmti Nr11t to Hakery, Cotlta M ... SHTAIU' l't'fti.I<:.- NIIrll Mrtti,'Wfll'l h. 2'..10R W CWiinl Avf'flur l'htm~ 12 or 13. N..,.,... • ttrt'lf"J: "''''l'l.lf:K- N-r•~rt tl~trbrx Joubllllttlnc Co. ~ 12 • 13, N~ BledL rlll...,TINC~- N ,.wrlflr t t111rt>r·•r Publllhlnl Co. Phon8 12 • 13. Nt'WpOrt o...IL &AIUU "i!tc.-.c;r~ . . ' t .•lrlh·'• lllllt'~<.r. ltltdin Shop,(,()() K llny, MI. 221. For a better~. U:AI. rATAtr .. IN81JU Ni.'E,a NOTAIIY rtml.lo-- l.l'w II Woo fine,. 2'..102 W , <'".~mtraJ Avenue .. ~'hone 3. &l:RRF..& •T A·~ Nf'wpwl tlart.rlf 1-'ubUINna Co. ~: 12 - uct;n M&TAL woaa-..c.au..· ....._,Mu.mbln. C f • 1·-~~~!!"!1!:-ftJ'l!lS.MIL._..., ____ _ -'" Tf:P.toft:alli«~--·· llf'Tll'dlrt 'rh,. Sl«n Man -421 Nud~Ma, c.-dll ... ,.._ tr. ~ ' N-port llarllor PublJ.Ihlnc Co . ....._: U • U. lf..-,cllt ... v Aan:TY nou- I.,.:.U~~ v • ...._ 8t019-1c, ~ ~ ... _• ..._ 2nt-w. Wek~Mc ....,U, *-· 't. On> ........ Ill*"' 1' fL.,..... .. ' ·- • I ' \ £fase four • I ' ..... ~'!fPOR"r 'BALB6k ~-nMD; ttess pc:wt"15eadr, Cdforiilil 'nJF.sDA Y. FEBRUARY 25. 1941. .. . --------------------------------------------- COROllA DI.L MAR \'" BAL~A ISLAND LIDO ISLE .TH-E PA-GE NEWPORT BEACH COSTA MESA "BALBOA State Muaic Head Tell• Friday Club Of Folk Son1• TM J;r('~tl l~<•1111l~· ol A nil't 11 lot. folk 8'>nj1~o "f•A r•·l ul.t nnd r··~un.: by Mr11 A t ' ~toolp 11IIH •· • t~r~lr· pj n1an uf muslr ~tl lt·Kifl W•·••k't' ~ lunehrnn m~llnjl 11f It!•' C'ulll'l I Jo1~•" .,,.hill\' Afl• rntH II1 • 'ltth -Wnt. t-;tulft ho-J<~tt•· ¥.tHo u,,....,.rt~ .. rotk ~on&" "' rnttnt rtf' II th1 ••tt~lr OIJI th•· "urlrl '<•lllJIII r•tn..: tlh·rrt J •wttb -.,.nl(l' ·"' the-ll•·~r····· pi•.• • n«'f'n ~:••Itt mlnrr~. Jlll~trlm~ 1111<1 ~ I ~L'IIII.tAI hjll\nl~ll '"·ltlrt~ ~he• l!ltu•ltul• ol w~t h liOn I( anrl fll&n• • m~tn~· "' 11111 1 fll'lftllar f,.Jk tur,., wh • h t~MI(I· I ... . . natf'd •·rnlurlra "II"· Thr ,.,,..:~M:k!t'[r_j~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,~~~~~~~~:::!:~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . •·u Ultroduce.J b)' Mra. w_ t: Theme :. Am••t tl an sm w~11 th1· llll'mt? fur LrJh•• T hutsdK)' """ttln~o: ll<'lllllttn uf ~ tho· :'\••_. J/'11'1 ~larh,ll I!UIIIIh'KII Ull•l 'l'n•f•·~<.'i"oll l Wnruo·n·~ ('I u Q. t 11 • , \\'hlt<''a l'urk Avo nu .. Cuf4', 'BaJ. bf,u l~ltlf,tl wh1 11 "'ro•ol y C lwm. bfort .. , ftr+ittll"rtun Junior ( •ot\rgl' a.r.rr .. ,.~.-1 t WNll)' fl\·o· ml'mllt'rl!. Th•· prllru•l t<' •htlii'JI nf Amf'r- h'anA rumtrtt: fmm r•n llpprN·iola;m t n( oiPmO('rtlf'y \o•t•tr 11tr1'111WoJ by \ .Mr ('h .. ml:wrl .. n .(ullow•ng hiA in· • trtooluottun of M11111 lrrn!' !'tnnley. p1 tJ~a am ,o·h>trrmun ltJr tht' ~ n1n1: . ----..-----,n7<va•rr ?'uraltlf of tlit' ITI\Till tlon. OIM' nf I~ c•l dandn1 .,...lN'nc,..,. In t\c••l~ ton'...,, ... • "b"" in 11 ... I. lf':alutr..i In .fulut IIM#Ir.n Mf'C~roerty'• !'IIM&o• Pia), OJII:al-ua Amc·rwamaat. I' Wt'r.-rH. ~·hltl' anti blut> na~hnnur (I( Wuhln~oo·, b I r t n ~ f)r~omtnatln~e ~11"11 F:lranur F:vans ·~rlv,..t a IIJW'I" al prw· ut th• I'VI'ntnc and R u ,._ H on·ath rKt>lvf'd 1 h,. w I'" II · 11 ' bl.&nkPt rrruldcnl Vrra -Mttler 8n · nnunrM1 a rf't'lprOI"Ity dlnnt'r to bf' IK'Id at the A nahrim I':~ II r hlb- hO\Uie Tuuday. Fi-bnJary 2!ith by tht' Anllhf'lm B. 6 P W. MrmbeN ar~ '""llr•l to attl'nd the wulnn Tht' lunc.ht'on hour bfogNn a t 12.30 p m 1n tht' rlub hall with mtalc ...-linn ml'mt ... r• u tw .. l t--• Uouch.l or yC:IInw ac•c u ltt ceotl'rl'd th .. lnur tablu an•1 bla• k and yf'IIUIA' t•al"/11 Wf'rf' llf'l at f'lll'h plac:l' U.twl'l'n lunt'ht'OI'\ courw11 ... ,.lwuary \t'!, •llh •h rnall.,...... and 1•11 nlcht prrfnrn••n•-..... h ........ ;o l \lriiH•rtal \M4tU-"'"". tU..........,., ~·atM•.....,.. a brilliant pr.-mlfo"' maun ... W eeldy ' Prayer Groupa Planned By Mia Ruth~lyn Plumm.u ot Balboa W.S.C.S. Newport Circle ent•.rtaJnl'd the fT'OUI!.._Wlth aevl'rat rto-.dlnlfll tnt'ludtnr ''ll y Sllrt~r·•j Thr worruon 11 ~tlt'lt'ty 11( t'hrh•· ~ F1-ller". and "ltlmer Brown·• ua.11 &orvll"• Nt>w11.,rt ('Ire It-m1•1 ,.,._ldl'nt Wra. Gunntnl[ Bwtlrr I wlt.J\. Wr1. WlllilUI'I Ell I• "f. ltl:.t6 t.b4' 2 o'clock IA'Ith Of'ean Front, Nl'wport U.11ch to Coming Events In Harbor Area WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 26- . ~,,,.·pn11 IIAriH•t S.•n•l• r l 'lut• n'"'n \\'hltl''ll Hall~ooa (',,((, .. !';hoJ• Nl"ll. pt•rt tu·a<'h ._:tlf'll lirtll~o:o· l'\t'dl••n 1 J(l p m llttlt. Tilly ~-Tally of tW Bid & Bye ~lobs Local Q . 6 •P W. ml'mbt'r• at· l"ru.llng IA'I'rl' F.VI'Iyn RiMr. Mlna M"'14 ~UJliA~ IUU'n'OS who n"ft'lltl)' .,.....,_ liM' b,.. of Dar"'l Harri• of Srwport Bf'arh Ia ~rf'nMID)' ~ld al !'4an 1>11'1[0: .ful", auor by wbic:h will m"t! rach · ThurlltiAy · Marie Hie· aatd MD. \:.rm«....BdU9!!. Mra. A. A. Kemper of Newport at-lo ,;-m . In Nf'~A"1)ort -U.ar h I tfttl~•••n•n ---tturwctar Ctut» ---f!:'! Ida NayiOr .... ••· a...cli. Mn. Rlc&rd Miller, Prl'll· bolD... ( otll!l L.yrk Club. \0 a . m . Lu· .\!r• J c · l'ay nr ex'-*d cor · 1 Man;h 8 tn ht'r N_,ort Ht-IJbl.a F. v a Moorl'. Wlldrf'd Lockhart. cleat of Ole 8oulbaru Dl.llrtct orJ Tbe prayf'r ~roup• Will hi!Vf' lf'lllll Hl~th Sc-hool dull wrl• urn .. Ttntrad&y t.o mtm· I bume. I Vt'ra Wlller lrnl' Stanlt'y Su~ Ea t . v· "t tbe C&lltonlia. r.deratloe of Wo-tbelr tlrlft m~tlnra F~bruary 27 W (' T \1 1'1ora Uf'Attv horr... I:M·r~ "' hrr brldJt' club In her Player To Firm a.ctioft • Horvath, A~u Olomqulat .. Mary I et'11 Ill or aMa'a Clubll, wu lnt.roctuc.d by In th,. hnmn 1•1 .Wrll J J Atw<JO<I 307 J.ln•ln.. 2 I' m • Hrua.r,. .. v A\'f'nUf' boaw'IA <:o•ta I, A nl'w aKtion w111 -form~ Alke Dl'lhauer, ~othu Wllaon. Party Honoree Mra. I:JuU.r. Mn. C. A. eu.t.er , 1 .,,, 106 30th l"trr<'t Mntl t.t ra Mar)• .,.,... F'r1day ~ftl'munn I I u h )11'118 Paltllttlr colon -ployed I tomorrow by the Nt'WpOrt s.dl l Janf' Calk!Jy war)' Cd'ruwall ... mbentllp chairman. 18troct~ !Btanlev. 182t W ~ntral AVf'OUI' llrllll"' f-l~>('tlun .. I fl 'm . l'luhhuu8" hy u ,,. lwtatl'u ~tnat.ed tall:! ::•1 c lub ." l'IIOU«l!. of Ita mem. Hell'n Kenn,.dy. Marian WcCbu~ Prior to hrr IIE'pAr1 UrP .. H 8 ,_ _.... " Hll lbua l1111Rnd lll'1l Cr01111 wurk· I'R i lJa anti floral pwcN . . brra attl'nd t.br at'tf>mn..-brLO.• ... v . ~ ··~-'-·. M•lr• S"~, hom .. lr Pl'rMnton. !'.Iic-ht n . · . ........vn;umaa. a n •"' A f!!ort DfriO!.I gC mn'ltaUun M •l =--~~ ~ ~~ "~-~~ -~' . . I prayf'r •·ill ~prrw lhr hour'• likllll. U<& !llhiiiiP ••ni)F •II~~ ltsl)• wmm -..zr-Jil'i . nlt' In chir~re of llra. Fraak'taon 'and Elaine Wyf~Mr. and thoy B , , 8 ,. tll•tt'tll'r ~dYed bnd(f' Hardhna.n o1 U do tale. TbC' ._,__ Wn .,...._m ..... rl•n ... I' r. ..-~Ia I rvl'nlng by her cousin. Mn o. rpha ltlrL AJeJfl 0~ wu appolntf'd rnHhDf. ~ """""' .,... ~ -~ ,,.~ Bl f '' t H 1 hi tth •'~r•l A t II n .... 7 30 r m "" aroJ11 Gut·•t subatltut.e t~ Mn. or the contrut ~Uoa wu vok:ed -1a1 ... .-1 or tbf evl'nior 11" " ·'"IA'Jtf'r t lot l' ~ • eM1ra&D o.t lnternaUonat l.nter· Dl'vollons t;1 thr .eutoo werr Grammar St'hotOI, Wualr n •>rn .,. -.-· .. ~. IIUt'prlal' ra.u•·l'll nart v ..u tor tbe du~. foUowtnc tbt' 1~ by Wra. JtJWflh Bodman In H .. m,.r Mf'llott IA'U M.n. Jolin ... ·wventl month.l a~ o by !!:bell _ _ _ _ __ J • Hf'd ("rou WOI"krnom. n.)bo<o Wrboltrr "r Nf'wport Hd&bta rtl~mbera Who wtab~ t.o Improve M' A Thl' hontlrf'~. ~ hBJ! bftn ,...._.Uoa tb1a moath of. Mn. coruaectlon wltb preparation rnr 1 nn Hulldtn«. all-day , t.b4'lr bride~. A bridcr laatructor I ... •&Dell Nelaon IIJ>I'Ddln~ thl' w nter b~"'· er-L. 1Car1y. Mra. Olaen repre--lmt ObarrvaUon ot the World I THU,.IDAY FEe,.UA"Y 27_ from "'--ta Ana will ........ ·-nl Wed To full-oa many tnvely glflladpllowlntr a -t.d Ute eo.ta. Weea Hom.t-Day ot Prayer wbk h \. beld .ev· · J d W t T ._., """ P• ....... J.A'ritrod .uen ClY~ in IIYinl a pacllqe eral t t me a a yev 1n cbun:.bu l K.IIA'&nl.t C'lub. Cui' Se-a !"hl'll U ce e• o•er 0 at tb~ first medlnp t.o teach I . varlrt\' of ltaJII tr ucf'd by I C'llfr noon H d P'l , Cl 1 mOikru coatract ,_ Maa Ia Celemoay till' hoetru A late nenlnr lunch· Feativitiea Honor Wife Of Steamahip Line Executive .:'1 •'l.d lh'll\ tlh'' 111 1 h•• hnme of .Jt~tl~o:o' nn.t ~tr,. ll:ttT) \Vt•:<tm·t'r o •I , • .,, • I• 1 do·l :\l.ot 1.1" \\'t'o•k l't'n- lt•l'o'\.l 11h""' :\lr., \\' T Moor <'. w1C .. or th·· 1 tl'l''l•l'•·,.lclo•nt of the ~~"''~''' • :\lt't 'llt'l11,11'k Slt-&m~hrp f'nmp;m y nr !'1:1'\\. Yol'k rifia-i\il'Ce '" ~~~-.\\',.,1 .. ,,.,, ·nw Moort>s 1'111111' !11 I ho• \I,.,, l'lllh l lll~l W('('k to II.' II n••,;; I ho· otl'l'l\'oll ul Murmac· I 1'-fllr, lh•' 1'0"1Jl<rny'!oo Jrtlt•!:l frPi&;ht• ••1 It •<I'll\' d 111 S 11n i'•·tlru lnlln n ·, 111111tlt'11 1 ~~~ ,,,_, foi.Owinc lm.:u ''"'" • •'l''llllllll•'' 1,111 til•· eas t r. 1 ,. ·lui•• 0'11'.) m•1ton:<f !.1" t\n~:•l··· '" ·'t••nd ~~t·veoral d,,~' \ 11 \\Ill!: I h•· •,;,_ "-"hlp and jiUint' uf tnlt•rc•,l rn Ll•.~ Angt>IC'S o•uunty 1 l..•h·a an 1111• "'''"k th•• WPstoven ••nlo'rtllln, .. l M r .cnrl MN. M1charl :\1&hon!•) F1•hruary nf'wly·weds, dunn~: u 'flo't'tal 1lrnn••r party. :\1r. tcntl ~lr" t:d Gnx-nt>ndykeo, .. fr. and iln<. Horn<'t' C"ooby. u~·....,>H--1 orntl :\1r:-. n W T\rhhs a nd Mr. ;\!r, <' S. Hrokaw Wl'rt' wt"'M>~IIO' l:lH'"I ~ tn &tlhoa and at lh<' ChaSt.' or u~~rt t>~ nncl nou~tW> ~Uf.'!Ot Wtntf.'r rn th<• Nl.'wport HeiJht• home or MIS!! Aile{• Plumer lt'ft ot clllll towala t.o lba Jl'riday Club t.broU«bout the world will b r · ea 1 ot a au 1 ...____.__ !.-,..yaH. .... ron IA'II" ... --v .. d to complete f~ltl-la appradatJoo for .the u. of t.be Warch 28. !\II'IA'f"'rl a...c-h Townaenol <lub. -..-."-._ vttJ~a. c~. : H~• Mra. Ell .. and M r 1 17 30 I' m rlty ~·11 Of Cfni•t Cburcll Wr and Wn. Jamee Mwrttt of Maldnr t~lr home tn FuU.r. GUHU w b 0 wrprt.e4 t be 1 llr1qe etetloa IIMIDben w II t. William Mk:!M&.oa Ulilft~ by W R (' S ' praytr ctrclt'l'. 10 a m . N~ Hetpta _,.. a.c.c. to t.on t.bt. week an Mr and Mra bonOI'ft werr Mr •Dd Wn. T H ... ,... t.omonvw cWf'ClMMI&y l Wn. Ana Davt. •rvt'd ll«bl re. J J At~A•teod lw•m,., 106 30th Judjt~ Harry W....._. of ml'mben of t.b4'lr cootract ~t-RaJpfl Zimlllft'lD&II I Avanell Nel. K~nn~y. Dr. and Mra. J w I at tbe ch1~ ·at J p. 'm. for rn.tameata at Ole cloee of t h r R~rM't. Wary St•nley homr. 16211 Coroaa del War wu......., u the .otnl' ~.onciay ev~ln~t for. a l·;-~ _., wbo return.ed Wooday rrom 1 Htlma. Et.b1yD lUeDer aad Aubr~y ec.t.nct play. ~ ~ ml.lllic m..un~ to Me8da.IDH £ m m a "'S C"''ntral Reo Ebf'll 1 •nlltrvctor of the Pllot'l a.. fo1· l ~mi&n dlllftf'r and card play u..tr bolwymoon followJDc tbelr Waldron ot lAic Beach· M r • Met.'-wW hold a pot-h•ck tuncb· 8m It~. 11:. D .• Goodell, A. 8 . 1 · •wrmt ach Ant qui' lowtnc the realpatkJD III M l••l followlnc. 1 marrtare In Ow Spu,...oe Me~· Mar'J"&ftl Myen. Mr. ~d Mra.l eon lAd att.enaoon ....ttac 111 t.be 1bompaon, Mary Stanlt-y, R. If SKtlon . .:. .. 30 ~ ,.:" bh flt'lll ('~P 1 Ellie N_.l&nd K~pe.d et. 'nlura-Guelfta brou«l!l porUOIIit o1 t.b4' , .. q,un:b In 8al'lta,..Ana.. Jl'rlday. Hl'rah,.l Funk. CU.te Blul'. Mr11 awuo.-. R.aeernUou llaoukl be Hill. ll:4na SmJth, ADD O.vilt, D.J Ml'rt,.at ml'n • u ou.... a ll tlay nenlnc'• me.Unc of taw claM dinner to make a pot-luck alfalr. Febr111ary 21 bt'fon 7~ ol u..tr Mabll' Uln, Wr. and Mn. D. K llllde wt.-ltln. w. 11:. MkkeU. W . Holtby. 0 eo r r e GoeldDe~. Mt'aa . • In the w~e of Mn. Aller Wn. Merritt addt'd a louc:'h of relatiVN -d frlenda. Blue. O.ylord and Jerry Blife. 'ft,e _.,. aDd -ecaalt• Ku1a BmltJr."Marpnl Wllllamlf, 'Aalbtla lllan,r Rt-d C rnu Work-~ Nlrm~rr ---._ patriotic <'olor ((I the table and 1 l'he fof1Der Mlu Nl'laoa ol tbl1 Mr and Mn H w Gerrtah . ......,_ b7 M a..ta Murpby. C. M. Harrieon, rooNm. 126 WHarlln~tAv;;'us'"c· a8H·dac Y Tbe annouucemeo;-"~ Uvlai"'Om In remembrance o f city chaR a wrddlnr rown of Jeume Gerriab. wr. and w r • . ..-. n. Merwla J . Joeepb BodmaD J J Atwood tuM~ twport e g., 11 · · It · · .--:: ---=: "'bruary'l I am o u • blrtbday1 whtte tatfeta COYered by a fln•n 1 Paul N Bobb --.a ..... _ ....... _ ......._ fill M.......-t IWpta. plaD ' . . . • ~ wtt.h Wn Sam Hok• Ocean by Pruldent R.aymood J:ulman • . . .... I orma.n. y .. .., _,.., .. to .... a --._t beM1ftt _.... U. .U... AI* Haac:oa, lu May · -· lbat J ....... _ W..tover wt.o bu WbiiMn at bridp were M r •. Up net v,.CI. ~ ci.IT1t'd a cor· I NOf"m&D, Kn. Wlna Ntmaa. Mr•. •• ""'V ..-.., Petar-. w--nt Ully a n d Front, Corona dl'l War. 2 p. m. -~ ' J~ lfeCII -7 and a-r -.• ............. of a wblte on:bk1 o.o--Luk and 111 Dorot~ .. v ....,.. I 'Ntt *• a fNI ,.._ -•-· Newport Harbor V o II e y b a II bfta. acttn tn•arwt Cburtll b7 ---.-· 1 ·•~ e .. ..., ....._ 1-.ciiMaa ICII6e N~~-'-• urn• blp acbool 7 m the &>a KtlvttiN for a auaw Loellbart. lfr. Uld ltln. Ilea--wttll prcltnlu aad bouvl.,fdtt. She I Bhw of N__,art Hut»or and Wr. lfn.. C. M. Han1len or 320ft n,'IA...:· C1ub with ~· ~-of yeara. would take c:harre of the liMy wtU ftlt.erta.in t.be If rouP Ia the daupter • Mr. &lid Mra.l a n d Mra. w D. Hutfmu or 0eeaa neat wtll be tto.te. for I 7.30 Sunday momlag claM. A ~~pedal lhrcb 10 ln t.belr Balboa home. A. M. Ne*>a of ~ We.tmlnetrr Ruat.ln«t.on Be&cb. t.be Marcb 12' ~tiD~ Ullltid bt ,Ro,("~ Hom/ Ec':~omicit C1ub. 2 r •n wu g1\'l'n Mlllll 'NI'Wtaad In Kember• Include )(-ra. • D d I Street. Newport .Kh. ' . I Wn. DouJ lert Wf'dnuday by Modo. Pictuaw For Jft.u.acl MeetiD. M,.6Artbur Forbea. appreciation of her t~erv1cN tcwl Jl(mH. Homer Loclllhan. r r a II k , Mn. Anna Contna u the brtdl' alblla for her hOGJI' In Mlcblcan. fl m. ttl«-~ wveral ean Rowell. Grant Fulll'r. Jo.eptr M~ I matron or honor wo~ a yellow r-------------------""":----"'---'--- W.I .C.I . MEM.E"I F"IOAY. FE ... UA .. Y 2.a-1 1 G:,u w It hy pat~lc .aUla CbNn~y. Harold Hall anti t~ ~eta frOCk and urri~ a rom· 1 • ~ Parker ~ J'\llltaft, lion· AT DIITfUCT MEET Church World Day ••f J'rayrr. v.·~"' Ia td foll,..,•tn tbt tlull-Werritta. plimt'ntmr: bouqu.t of Du~b lrta. CHOP SUEY FRIED SHRIMP tau. wtU abow a •rt• ot mo-!>bal'rvt'd at Cbrtll1 C"hurr h by thr p y C Pr~tn~ the Wl'ddtn~t party w~rr Uo:e pktur .. of -In wellt· '"'"· I>Wlrtct WMUn• ol .... _ ..... _ ~ ... 11011 Mn!l Commuolh· Cbur('b I .,... ~,on .. ~and !.~~ P--, Ho--"-R.-6..·-)laq F:lmor~ Hayden or S.lboe . 1 _.,._ • .. UK' "~ .. _ I r . .... rt M'TVIOJt 0 ....... rry ,..... aM --.-air' ~ ..... UI"H I s~a·al Luncheon· .,~-em _._ at the Thuraday nt-men'r 8ol"'l'ty o1 Cbrl8\Jan Servl<'t' Ant•qur ..... ct ~n o ·'l'tll'fl bv co-hnlltl's"ell )lr• Nln n*a. ~nd Mr11 Jarqul'llnl' Rmltll .n f ~"'"' -· c>UC Dtnl -un~r: ol lhl' N e"' Port I hl'ld-thilt month In Corona wu l~arh Ebf'll 1' r . m · !'.ffl'C~ wu F.dtth Mand,.rv a ad ll.n. Of W. H. Maxwell ~nul h~Atl' ,... hrltll'llmalll• Thry llt:a~ Town.Mnd Cfub ID tbl' City attrndf'd by ....... Mary Stanll')'. (onkllf1 hume eoo "'elft &y. 8&}.. Hll\'tnttnol .. :alltm .. n W f'r'l' a tllr.-11 in blue rmma and Hall • . pruidi'Dt ot the Ne••port Harbor boe . -~frmt....rll In I IUtiPtl Mu•• Uld From Eaatera Trip rarnf'<l •latrndll an d blue del. Tho plcturt"a ••Ill lncluM vii'WI • W.S (" s , and wra. J . A. Bodma.n. I Wu-1~ ~rtlt~n "' t-'r~lay Artrr-:\Jm"" \\ It Fltv. l.-r Ro. Ow.,, phmrum r on&«n ol Y.UOWat.oae NaUooaJ Park I Wn. Cyrus MUter. Wn. Wlanl• n•1l•n ( tub. aunr""0 ' t-~1 r m ~ Wtlham :"ft1 krt,...n HaiTy COn· W H Maxw .. n of. Balboa. whn Auo11tln;t t hI' bn.tr~r:rnom. ·a ,J.. ADd parlla Ia. Montana .. Wl'tl .. Ba.lur and Wlu Alll"f' HltOCOll or N1'1A'p<1rl n .. ach lt.l)' . ('(lfllto. I ovrr ('\'n .. Mtll .. r Arthur ~ retum fit late hut ""'tt'k fmm lhl' ~bl'trt man lA'"" t:tlma.n g iDJth o r tk Balboa Park fi.OO lfl 8al'l Dll'l!" I Nrwport Brarh I• ~~ ~ ""' hut. f hall E I' ;;,,,.,,.11 H ·• r 1 \' Pb&Wpe. r:a.t whl're hi' h.rur bftn df'l.alnffi Ruuth~111~ l '"h"r• durcnc t.,bf' ( "8'" Me"a "lfl'ml'n. lrr · Ra)'m••nd F:R~tlm&n bii?r"J.t~ for IH'\'f'r&l month11 on buaint'a.~. rrrr mony lA',. r,. R11lph Nl'l8'on 7 •:· r m. l';r ni'\'IP\'1" Hsrnl'll, ~fll.l'\' Staaley. ..... th• tncrntlv.. for • dlnnPr brolht•r "' lhf' bri!IE'. and F.lm,.r l'ollllll )I,.IUI IJf.l\· :O:rtt\11~. 7 I' m d T 1 f ~II CHill HOUSE ChinPSe Mana~~ment IU9-H21 So. Main St.-SANTA ANA OrdforH To Tak• Out Phone 2726 '"'"'' hall. W. H Tna111t~· ':r11,.,. 81Dtap. f'llrtY ~un ay I'VI'nlng In th• Mu· ay nt (I rrtnn lou k tlllllh:u ,J ~1"1'•1 Hurk~. J:clltb "'"II homl', I'Zfi \\'t'lll Bay Avl'nut' Tilt' 11lla.r v.·Ril arrangl'tl With ;....---------------------------.J :\ln ndPfl n11,J th• Ml-Pearl ! t:"trn•Jil of tht' family 1r11thrrl'd palmi! ru'ul whitt fl•-t'rl! and lii'V· EACH DAY Brings And Things That· Happen ALL THROUGH THE WEEK Can't Be Covered .... JUST ONCE A WEEK! WHILE THEY , STILL ARE ·ACTUAL NEWS! I e Su~scribe TodaK to this Full I eeklv News Coverage and eep Fully Posted On New- rt Harbor Activities. .. ear--Twiee A Week-$2.58 ,.~children ''"''' and······· :'\o•ulru .t dur'ln~ thr <'•X'ktatt hnur tn W PI· 1'181 ··andlt•hra .. bf'"''" WhiCh Rt'\' ••• 'ro.lc-thr hnnnr.-o• 'hark lntt:' thl' Ka.rt Ht'IID11Ul . Attractive Scene For Aaaiatance Leaaue T• n. Cr ........ ...... ~-.. "---· .... ,.,. ............ """"'-.. I pt'nln•ula "l!rt ·· t....fnrP ~lng H'llt"" · ('hurr h rt>atl ••a• r~nt f'rf'•1 with A largr hnwl f1( brllf'hl Mnnm•trtu. · r-1 GuHu tnclutled Mr. and Mn, Vl'rnon \\'rnollt• 1\fr anti lfn Vic'tor f'irsrr Mrll F..dna F111hrr Mtt<ll !M11 rthn •:n.-n F'fllhPr anJ I.Anl'l'\' Sh.-rman. Fl t I I ~faxw,.ll. WI• )farjor·,,. Muw,.ll an;l thr bi'NittM Mn )faxv.·r ll .r<r~l•·r. :Wro; Manun Lantp "'~(an ll n<l M'"" Hl'll'n Dav111. ('nn. tr~-.h.u •art.& "Oevpl.lon ·. v.·on111 an11 mulft<' written by Mr11 Lam p Anol "Throujth Thl' VI'IU'I!" Foltn~·m.: 1 hr t l'rt•mony t h r ('uurl!' lrft fftr th<'lr hnnevmnon The ,,.~~,. Mra Zommrrman ~·orr A trnvt'hn~t rwotumP nf " bluf' af- t,.mnon frll('k and lllllr k.,,art•f'JI· ~Yofl,., art rnl<'<l w 1 t h a whit~ urchad BE PaEPAaao -- LET US TAKE CARE OP YouR PIPE NEEDS " H•tel.t-14an• tiSe11 Francisco's best lo- c.ted Hotei.."MMt -Meet theMe..,_' r-,, B't fta fl.OM u.oo~:~~~~ $1.00 Special , ... a, ...... ltainbow'a End ... Ofl ftle 9lamoroul Feather ltiver, Paaton, C.llfor· 10rt ... Sum~Mr tNf Wiftter •porta .•• Dancin9 hlry evenin9 .••• S,.coel fec il:t:.e f01 jllfwlfe ~I· .... v.,.,- ~,. ... ..