HomeMy WebLinkAbout1941-03-06 - Newport Balboa News TimesFlah ·e-u S ~ e wh~rf <'"Mmb;t:r o I Oom.m~ree ill ~· pubhdzrnl N~wport Harhur aa lht> St>Orl· f lablng Bowl o f t hi' 1'8('1flc Coaet. H&w hurl.! ,,f ~u11t ~111 etc. but l'OOW t o lhink ~~ It, Sport!lahinr m a y n o t ~· IQ In«" pi after all. Wbole soul hern part or the co811l Ill a ("lart of a bi( circle and Newport ta.inly the rec:ort.l n ·orl.lrtsb et-*ln l!NO. 80 the l•tle 1 a w I' I I cboeen Upa.et Y~a arr. th ... r.. ..ere tbOIS~ of u11 whu felt the bl~tory maklflg ret·ord "f N<'WlK>r\ S...at h lJUIIdlnJ.: IR~<t y<'a r w ua alm08t tuu auo•l t u ~ ln Je and that-it 111'uuld be a •llffi· <'Uit mark '" h,.,. up tu tlu~ yei\T Al~a•IY "il I y two mooll'ls onu 6 uuya '" \!'U p11l!t. a nd th,.. •·ur re nt tlulld· ing Jlf'rm It" ha,·c· 11urpa11liN! lul v••ar'!l mark fhr thr a~~me periO.J by uver t 30.000. ~o It look" hn):hl for annliH•r bala- ll t'r buildlhR yt·arl lit" Of IP""@. Al'llllnl.l Rnd ~tround It 1~• AI AnderMnn·• Balboa •'un 111•---.~... Ttrrr~rwn~r 11t1 , fol~ JU•I&P thl' api~Oill b nf '8ir1DI by the we&t hu . "' pe. hapa wh"n their frlf'llda ..,gm to appear lana u d and .tart di&t'UIIIIIODII pt'rt&ml~ to vacatton11. tlahln~ etc. But a sure tlrt' algn of t~ pre· aammer w aaon Ia wh.n AJ'~ fff'ril WhNI be(IN to I'Ol&te• . :- f'o,..p Ne••• Tho.w intrrf'!<tM1 m f1nt hand ni'W!' I'Oil<'Prnml( ttw t'Qn· dition in Euro!X' may obU1in Amf' from II ll('nl•!< of a J Ucll'l lily Virgil Pinklt'y, brother of Pink Pln)lley or the M~sa and who hasl ju."t rctumNI from h.l11 pcMII with Unltf'd P~ .. Europe. llr. Pinkl•)"• articles are appM..U. in 1be N.-., Loa Anc•Jes. o-w .. ...... : .. IIIIGrllltla-~~ ... hu advana!d a \h«<f'Y nm· ~Inc t~ myatmou11 light~ oL .Ne-wport and other local COftl'll citif'l< rt'Ct'ntly. Now that's nothin~ nt'W SI'\'Pral otrnor.; hii\'P donf' th<' AA~ .thing. Rut Mr · MrGrnth ha~ prorlu<'t'd "llh~l nnlial 1'\'idC"'I('<' to support hi<: lht-ol) of tf'sl · 1111: homh·hk•· 11.-.rP• .flrup[M'd rrom rl:lnt'' \''hlf'h rln not born omlll th,.~ hit th.~\\'lllt'r 11nil thul '' R.t'mf'mher Uno• • thane "Sholl) Ill"' will ha\'1' to t··· Ill-'ll' I" o " hi• \:w;rlrnn fr•>n> do• I I' •- If'~" I'IH'rt.lt:•·. dunn.· "h1d1 h< '-J,.If•l :tlltt•d Ul l lllf f' lfl t, ' th:ll ,,h. fl h· ·,\ •ll' .. '• ... r; • ., ,..,.·u h .,,,. "' '•" '"' •h·· hral.<•· nnl """''' '''·'"'" ~"· .....,..l::..-- At Laat Tv.n tht\'"' no\\' t IJ•· ~un h:l~ 11h11\l'l1 1•1 •;;l11h· T h ,. "h'" k ·~--·~~· ....,. rh,.,.rfnl r•·l• ~ ·tlr•· •l•·llrorl••f\· ('IIO'll'o lf'd \\llh I hill :1111:l7lllj,! t hant•• n c··•l!(nrntA \t..•·~lt 1 r·r Fl • ~~ rt• • h· "rll I! Jll•l 1•>11"'1\'" t ht' ~• ntoh n•· ~··• • ,,,,11, ',,,. W"t••r "ht• h ha~ l•·rn •I 1nd In~ (u t ''"" htt\\•·•P lut· r url•11 r• th,. I' I' I· •· I ··ul- "'ln~ 7"' •' ;•I 1!.• b•q h.•:< (I•• tllv IJ<o• n f•llll 1·• of oul :a n• I th•· •ur - fiH"t \\,.,'<···I ,,, I f P nslnff1ee ( "t n-.• ~ n• \\ p•·1t1 "" J ••• t"~hn~ tl • 'l' '' l"''l ~ •• t 1n uth•·r I'' 1 t ·•Jn<~~ \\ h"·~'· ""'' ··\c "' untf···-• J" • d n1~.,t (n1 '•,. 1•n tir•· , , T \ ·1 ' 1 tt •t , r 'I Ill Of I '1 • I f '• tl ' I t .\I I U!"tH.,, '' 'hll l:J,ht j ' \ L ·''.«\ • ' , I ~~~Ito ' ..... '" .• ' .•. , to " " " I J • 1.11 I '·• · l•tH nnl.v 1f "' '' P'· t1 ~~u ),.,., ·• rnn .n tn ~u~.' l '""'~~~'"''nne I!"•'"~'"T"1J•hl• rol ,,tu•l ,,, •H•ll~r n n , t rt 'U)lwf.'\n• ··~ \¥11• j,d ••n•" m••i·' I'' ... : •• ,.,.,. Iff''' • tl1•'· •• n .. trn· • 1·-.· 1 •'l!lt 1 •il•'•l' of "htro It Vfll:o I• •• , I• ., , ,,, 11111 1' •I ,, •• llirP!I n 1rn of,..ol 1 1.11. that "111 lo~·•·r r••"l.~l.!" "1lh1n th,. • ,,,. lind "i"'' d llJ' mnrl .d••ll\'•'ry bf'l"-'" II I t-f' \'Arl"llll "JOU\). 8t.at1on~t · of th,. • r•m mun lt!'l' To elrrr ina I,. pol'tnffir t':o ,.... t h f' 1111mr offir,.,. rco·nAmM.I t Uh·lllall,...nll woulct bl' tnnli~th \ . ... ISSUED BALBOA h\ES WEEK-END \ll ~: .......... :") SEMI- EDITION WEEKLY , -e EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA, WEST NEWPORT\ SEA SHORE COLONY, LIDO ISLE, NEWPORT HEIGHTS, BALBOA ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR,'COSTA MESA -' ' --__:~ .. ::..:.:·:.___ _______ _ ..);~'POaT .lant. C'.\l,,t'UK~I\, Ttll:.KMU"\, '".UU'It ;f~_avaFAffairs Groaa>·· . j :l~pec _·.Ne~pf>rt ~~~ ;In -a rprise Visit-· 1 I Coast Should. Have Same Boat Building Facilitiea As Atlantic ~a~ard; City and ' County OfficiatB Grfft Government Group i Tha t the-\\'t>st Coast ..t1ould h a\'f' t.hf' same boat con- !-.lrut1Ion racilitit>s and I'Omplt>nl<'rrts a." th<' Atlantic -s.aa~r<t · . to aid in the dt>ft>nw pntgt-artl w as ttw opinion voi('('d by CoJI· ~~~.;man J <>St'Ph E. CaStey of Mussad}US('f t.;: nwmlx>r of t h l' Navul Affairs Committ('lt> whim su rpri:;t>d Orangt> !'uunty and city officials by \'is~ Newport Har bor a day earlier tlwn or~inally planned. P~nting a ll memhl>t'll of the board. fornlf'r ~o\'l'mor ol Nt>vada. Jamt'S C . Sc..-ug ha m eomplimentc'Cl Con..:rnsman. HarrY. R: Sheppard on his ur lht• llarho r Chamlwr t>xcellent .-ork • and mt>n· Newport Mereblnt Rt'-enters Auto . . - h "Sho rt,·· H h11•, ltrumlnrnl Sr" pori for n•an~)••kt.:. I• """ ,.,dwohr ''""''r. Thr .. taUon lnrl....,_ ---•-luhrfr•tlll n. n•1•alr, ""'' l.:nlllun dr11:trllltr!ll' and •a-iuua U.. ('n'\ rulr t :oCalr" llf"ad 11uarl.-r" of thr Harbor ....,._ IUtle. ~) ··-~rwo·a.d llw hulldlntc "' llftth ~tnt\ ('<'tllral, 11 ... new .... ., .. o"''"""'hl1• "' lhr "'"' n"""· H,. 1 .. ~rumlnt·nl In tllf' Sr"''IIOrt ........ Mrn'• ·'"''"''l•lluot "Shorty" Blue Again 1ft Harness ~. To l)o(tor Gas Chariots tion~.>d that t~e Naval_ ¥fair'!~ Commi.Jt.«-h•ndJed $20.000,- < 'h.twman St·ruj:h!Ull, at chnn.•r. "'"" cll'il~ht('fl tn it·arn n ull't• Hh<..tul N••wporl Harbor hut ):81d h<' had t .. ·,•n wid uf rt:-:lthmntllt.:t•s a nd 111· \\'~11. •trd& a l111rr under our aft•r II )'I'll"' nrc•un.r n l last ~F an4 --HMIK.~ 1 n b r ......... --........ ...._ · ·· · Rusihess ·:· 'I'Mftt:M II Petitions .Oppose Unified Postal Plan . As lnju~ioUs T 0 City · of onKrt•MI4man arry ( 'laim Thutct• SIMtnKorina-I nifit'd Plan Are ~ "' t~ll Mt.:a-ning Hut MiKJtUidrd l 't·t11 1""" nri'' in drJ,1Iuil11n ""' H11lhon l~elnrMI nnrl otMr w•.·Jiuu .. uf lh·· dl~ ,., .. ~~· .ll~· ,., .............. unirkoc1 111111'1,.1 ~. ht•IJI~ '1"'"''''~-.t hy lh•• N•·''JI""' llu1 IMII' \\fornnn'" A-.. t'lallttll 1111tl fttr wh idt t••lllillll~ '"'' likt•\\ i~'lw•ln.: dn·ulntt'd 111 t:t\ "" .. r t t_w pl . .n i\Jipl'tt\111111 t••ly :!110 ~~~11:11111'~ an• hdlt•vt'(i on th(' l't'- 1 1111111 1, a~o::w•"'' ad~tpl 1111: 1111~· tmlflt'(l pln ll or dutn~ln~ arty 'of tlw 'pn•se•nl '""'' u rfit..-s, Ill'• t'tH'flin.: to Mt-s. Uunnld Ctouc1 ":I \\'•• ,.,..,.an. '" kN·t• c·nrona • •lt'l !\1,., U..lloun l•l11ncl and llalboa wh o hnl' !ll('('fl nssistln.: with -.·1wol ""' 1 .... , .,,.~,~,..,.. 11u bual- lht• JM'IItlnn !C. 1 n~c·n 111111 ""'"rf.i\l" i•f thoafo ~- .., 1 . ll•>n•, "''"'" ....-n<t)ntc or "'"''-1 u· l"'"' •ttl~ dt.oclacr t1wl ""'''' lllnll, will Itt• Jtrua••rly lftrnllflt>d M · 1 h·· ""'''''"''ll'"''' n.•,.ltlrniM nr ,,.. 1., 1111.1111.,11 t'nr ''""'" llf' If John II "II" uf the• 1\llfhtlll l>.l11nd l'l~t~l Ill . II ld I 'N -w•' mtt Itt rf'IUO W IUI f'-..-• r·ar lOll ~ 1~ t ii'im .-•. ,,,. r ,., \~ .... !'lior1) Ulill', 4'IW -.-,.. ~ ..... 1are that a silnilar arnOlmt l'.•rkPl' .. r Nt·wp .. rt Bt•at'h, a lcm..: I"'Urnm••nt J!.•rn..:•· f>wn.·r .a nd Jilt'· thrir Wood 1" th•• nu11ht 11., "' N•·wt•ttl tu I 'A' Ill b.' handl(-d b y tM gTOUp In ti~ f..tlow ro•sulenl u! Nt•\ atl.o d >;Jntt' lw many )'t'ltr.<, who n•· 1~1'""1 , .. .,., 1 lffLf't• 11~ •· hlrn l•r hi~ IHilllnMtll f'tllahllllhnwnL l!Kl. W1th Cha1nnan Scrogham wht1"1 th•· ('on~r..,...,m;on ,.,"' Gov· "''"'" turn•tl hi& hllt'k on tlw A 1"'1"''""' 1""'''1 unll 1'>' • N'rtrun "4 C't'"'"" rlrl Mar and ..... W(•rP Ha fT) ~ Sht•ppard of Cah-•·m or lit· cullt'tl (ln Mr Sh"'•to:ml autvmoh1lo· 1nrlur.;t r) und cW\'ot~'fl "'··II nwanm.a.: hul_ '1'.'~"uic1o-.,J rill· hl.tu\11 ,.,.,. .. , lur .. tret thai ttwy .,.. fomJa. ifarry P. Beam or JJiinoiS. ~111' ''"Jlf'''l'otod hi~ 8PIJrt'f'lallon or. hi• lim•· l c• ii('QUinn~ 8 l'tnn.: or rmy_ I lien , .. ,.ttl lh•· c tty f'lt Nf'Wpilrt '"'"''h rw.rl) llvt• miiH to N-purt ... .\llwrt Thomas o1 T~. Nobw tht• turn-out to .:r('('t thr· Cummll-m lmt.: hor« ... IS now twtrk In • 111lw IIIIJ""~·nll)• _.k '" t>ulltl uV.arr alrn••• .-ntln'l)' ....,_.t• • ._ Johnsot~ of l nd1ana a. nd Josrph E ''"' Hr• n-ahu -d thai tht; lim•• hac1 hnrn•·~-o.' at.:~< In I N MII'J)Ort 1"'""'' llncl Udtl '"1'' al lnr1111on 11nlf bual,..,.. • ("a.•>t') ,\('("Qmpaeying IM rom -, ht .. •n •hort It 111'11.' nnl) knnwn PI v llir r 'lpo·n .. · ttlltl t o tltr c1o·t drTWfll ":'! Srt-tlunahllm and "'t..r-d~ I . . . C £" C All 'clfofmllf'ly I hill t ho• C.ommttiN.; J u•l "'lw n h•· hRd nnjuln.·tl v•v· I • •t ot C"n""'" rl..r ,Mar RHiholft h iJtn<t )t• k )' m bl\ ,.. tf'd -end lr ~:','~bu;,.._,;'otr:r~-and ~pl.;;:;: wuulci , ..... Nt .... •port llnrhnr a t ··•al ·:xc•t•lti•nl het~'l!o an~ Wall llbl~, an 'JSI and l~lbtlf .. -.... ~~~~:'(j h? ttJril !"~ . ....,. rd R 11 h M c 1 n•oon thRt d't) 11nd hi' had h ur· to ~I" nc1 h1~ 11m• prckanw: a frl•·nd· ~. ......... :"'" · 018~~~ .. .' .. a,nnt' <Jr1)t-n ,'flh. 11011111~ th•· NPwpon JIM · 1~ quat'M'I .. ·tth T R Rtox or othcr ll · D. M. "t~Mrt'" aLt.J& Uh',.. ml,ht f'VO'fllually a...tt to tJrMII .. • ..-.-11 t ·-' h f th .. 1 trlct 1'h.-I"'Uthm dt'f't.n•a thrrr ar,. Ill• tllf' Mt y u It now ••lata Yarhm·~ a.,t I~: ~"":Or~c'tar· \'l~it nn!l thl' m• .. ·llnj.t had ht'f'fl 11\'f'r thl' l't'l<pt'('tiVP mPnts nfthfotr • u· h School lllany r••ll .. ~ why thfo unlflf'fl • ·~ It"' nnt tll!llf'vf'd tt.. ,...a On 1 h r-.; If hor r hambt•r of romm••l"c(' or th<' nu ,.,, n~nwn ° f' "11 H s hnr II<' I "•U • w • rt I f' \I. I <WS t'd mnuntl',, Shorty r·c•turn~ t o IM ere oon Jg a-tal Jllan, whkil llf't'tl11 In rlhta ln tlrJ•rtrYM1"1t wuuld, undPr ,...... Wl'rt' gu~t" ol IM Newpor1 ltar· arra n.: · • ,,1110 IHL'lllt'') an N•·" J.IOI I. aN~Um· • "nf' JJO!'I vlfln.· with aub·•t•llot,. tk-. "tahllllh th,_ brandt _.. I hor chamlwr ol commf'n:;t'. they ...,_.,. Pq,_ -an~: ••J~clush t· ownrl"'l'hlp or t~ WJRS County In thfo "'""r rnmmunlllf'll, Ia brlna atatw-and ·· main poat ertnc.·• -:r•r• &J't"elt'd by a <k'~IWln hur-Iff' n•ff'rrt'd to tht> ~ft>nl'C . 1"'0' ar.-. •c•. ~Wrvrt',.. ~<IRIIon and <"'n-· ___ J 1,~8t..c:t nw-"'"~ al"f': a <'lty hi !1000 populeUon. 1t _..... nedly called from vanou.<~ ~t lonll, 1ram and IUo!!urM1 the audll'n<'(' • g t.: d "1 Wr •no l'fltlnoly utlllfhoct bfo ~ ••..,..tft Md a.. OMo- lof tM Harbor District and Oranc<' I that hill faith In lh(' rutul"f' Will'; rol<'l Sal<'l'l "'hich hlltt ~n untO A P'C*P ol olflcera from Mucb I News A war with thfo prt'llf'ftt poatal •rvlefo ~~ aftd .rftdent to .. ,..,_ county. I unboundfod and ht• wns llUJ'f' thllt 'hll,.ly opt'rtllf'd by lhfo H. W. ,. .. ...S Camp Haaa In Rtv.r. whldl ,tvN Ul two Mtllla ,..-day, fll tt. ......... .,_. ........ _,a Suprrvbo"' Willis Wanwr and In thf' Pnd a ll would bt' Wf'll but i ii"Mir~ CompHn) "' ~h •ndf1116t ... ty wtll vW&t Newport -~n1 and.n.lchl. with..._..,.. only t....,_ ·~ Ia "':'tift Willard Smith Weff amonc ttwl hi' ury~ that t'V~ry cltlzt!n bfo IC'f'ntral Avr nUt'. lllarW -*' lo meet wtt.h local I N•wport H&l'-.or UNCift Hlp ~blfl until late at ftllht. ........._ · welcamera. ll~or lnltn ~ ~ady and br prompt and willlrc BIUt!, who for 28 yeen wu con-5I; ot the N..wport Har· ~ wu laoociNd lul Wed· = ._. Qardon, ~ Rabft1 Allm, "' earrYbll out a pu1 o1 Ow .,_ }nected with the JUlo bua1n1M •1 ~ _, ct -· rv &o IIJC!IM· ll&8dq at a ec.tere1101 of, OrMp ....:;;:• .:.: :... ~ -'-:: tiJ1J1t111t1 i-iii,jiiii,f;l~fMI ..t J.... a . 8nM'ft, ...t IJoJtd lt...-procram and M kiiured & ~ ad ..,.... ........... .._. for •.a~tt~tect •en from County H II o o I newapa.,.ra I n would l'fltaJI. t 11) f'ftte'11on ot mall ar. . , " Clalft, wtt.h City Enctneer R. L ewryone pr'f'llf'flt the':" wu a part lllld a:'ld<' his' ovcraJla -raJ ~· two ..Caapmenta, Saata Ana, wlwn. WI• DurnChy ht•x•' In front ot our hou-nr I Ott .. & .... Pattenon. ! in I hi' p~ram wharh t'VI'ryonl' 'month. IIJ(O "'h"n ~ ll'·llllt'd hll Tkre wtll .,. dow to 30.090 Peardotwy w011. thlrr1, plar• 1" lh" "IY" ... 11t •• ,....., mMlf',.. I h i d l11· MD C"ktod ukl that .._. tllle • ,.. odo ., .. Ba-ho·~ Itt o..~ 11··.....1 to r If' II I hRndsnm(' "UJX'r llNVlC't' lltatlon j d I , h t _._,_.. .. .. . . .... omm re .... m. -.. • • ..,. wou u.· ca ""'·upon. u 1 . · · ·1-IJI t.be t111·o location• a b d· u IC "« or er .n .. wa • ory wu"· j l•·llurlonro ,., mnll """" 11 ttlly ,.nly PI'UI"""'(j unlnf'llf "'· an ,..'"" to twr mnr. Ho-·ard ll""">ln a nd Ha~· Ea~>t••rn m('mht•l'l' Qf lhP Com-gllrRI:f' Rnd car ~lf'll &.part.nw~Dt. , IIUallfrt wtn M fflJ'II"Ilfjl' nrm•: 111'1'"""••1 Ht->4 h .. H•rhnr Hrarhn whlrtt -mr11n11 our a(trrnoon' ma.1i"'" attr'fltlrM't llhr •«""""' t~ ct,....a. .. M . r .. -II t . It • _ .. ~' • I ll~rMr ~hnrl) lw•(':lmt• R lt<'OIII'man of . I lh ' h I ' . R) rum u t-r on. mr t'f rnmrnr·~• . • "-JlOf · oo..tal arM& durin& th~ aum· • ""' rm "IC • •nnua "" ~· p a y ,., .,, 1 11 1 1 • '"'""''"'".' •rnlll thr "'Ill'' nt thfo ...,tltltln• ( Hhf'r -.... • .. , J"" 1•~ p 1-'-t 1 . 1. . N 11 n . 1 1 l•·r .. ur... stlt hnuch h•· would hav• • " • " N ,. ,.... • ;wa~tu " h .. a .-n. nos ,...... " •' • "''"' r 11rra~:an...r :t} lll mer II IJI for t h r I'" 'I"-•• r ''rio•· ttl'h•••l l'"l"'r' ",.,, JU•I~ot"'l "''' 1 ,,,,, o, 1 111 utfu•r wur.t• .. ., """' 11h•" '''"''"r lrlt Milt ttw)< had H, · of th . ,...._ 1 f (' • h , th , 11 1 t tlt .. ·n ln,.ult,.fl If anyt~nt• applil'd ''""s • ...... am lt't 11 •lm lt\IIU: • ,..,m(' " r~tc wn~ ""' . . ttetH-dullll( lb..,. trlr11 •n•l m•k•u.: ,.,. '" n•·w• r.-~&1111•'11 lll>uJtll ~trut ,,.,,,'1 """I nunl n..UI •t..·llv••rv "'" .., ... n tht· Jrlillrtnll 11111 diet not nfl So ·t· ·\\'II": ''~tl· 11 111' 1Rc1 t ·ron till ' • th ., th•· t•·rm I•• hi• f;tt~· l-1um \\ vnm· ~ • mt"r<'f' 8 • >rr< ;<!) I 1o1m ., a ',.,. J.! " ·• " '' •. 1 1 1 1 •11 1 ackoquatr llrr:allltl'mt'nlJI tnr ",.. •·oll t .. rrula "'••II•>~A tn.: ,. '"""'I"W: nf "'" .uh hlt\'t' t'll\' ~"""''" k"""' """ rwlunlly •l,.rlret lhoom h• nnr· rmm l luntm~;tnn B•·:tl'h. "'"'''' lw• ••lime '" h•l••n to ···-IIIC ..... oi:Hrto '. '''\"f'l ''""' I'll ('(I(J]t•IAlln)t lh!'llt' \'Utlloot ~ llut1 , .... dl •I• I• t.: tl··~ , ...... , ......... lo ooko Frnm ~anta Ana 111'1'ft' P•t-tm:o•lrr 'I"',,, l"r '''"'l"'r:otu•n lrnm th•• •midi·· ""''''' Sn ••ltlhtl"''"''lll' nnd ' ~·, So Ad f thf> h .• r h·•l .• r .... •ntl l h.tl '"''' c·•~tll•l "l"''l•·r r:on •ltd lw l"""m•· that tw Vl!oll of Ill• nfl r• ,.,, I•·•' 1 .. •to "I' lrt \n •null 1 •r-·cvv· · ~ ~.-r ... ra~· ~<m• " plflronrd A '"''Ill jtr'"'l' nutiii~·••"IC • "'•"' • l•·ol "lilt \tnmh·r uf Cnml'l'lf'IY'P '1-•'-flfl "''" ·w1 \\llh ,, kn""'•·tlc• .. r •h· ,,.,,,1\ ''"'' lu• ""~'"' m it> thl' flu '~ .. ,. ... ,. Til•\ t •:l'l •tt,.•l f\l tf ·H it\111:.,' IJI P:u:k•·'· li ot l u• ••"' flnl• ''' t tk ., t •• ,., ••f th·· ,,.,\ l••tt t•·r HttlU'h,.., \\'alt••r ~n~t··t 1• A lit*'''"'''' tl •• \\•I• P"'"""'thl· ln Jt•' f' lim• t l ot>fl1tm F'incfJny, \.rC'j!Or)' •11"11 \1•1' ootl th• 'I I• 111111 ftoojll lo .. tl)\ \\, looll Jlflht>.H0 \\PI (" !"ttl l )i••C" 1"1 \\ htd t 1••11 1 lh• \ '··• .. h1• f"•1m11 r1.•r•• ,\ll'wr' ,•ntl· It 1· pTT•mp•h 11 "'\It ,,.., .• ,,.lrn~: '" •nd """ l 'f"''"""l ll•1hh:ud '"' l'lllt• "' "h·•h•l·· '""'' o "'""'' p '"' """ ~ ....... ~~~ 11 .• ~1" \\'df'lt lh··~ '"I I ''·"''''"!' ~t · ,,, 'tt•l•tl• " • ,. I ''"II""'''' ........ , ... ,.,, , .. ,, ... , ,,,.,.,. ,,,, "u •• ·····ttl In Annual Man·h Weekend Series I 1\t'l ftll\ \Ill hi"W'Il lA tii 1\)ltll •111 it tim•~ >llltlf l.tL'-It*f .. fi•IIIJr l11r ''''' 't ;tft t•• ''"'"'""''' ttt ttu tttt tlw ,.,,, .. ,,~,.,., •• nt ''' f'lu'" ~'IM'f"U&ra· '"' tl Mnr• h 11111&:11\ S.·1w• 'l'"n ''""' ltlt•l r•·~:•rfltllnro" ''"'""'miDI "'' d lo) lfw ;\'•'lo\IM;;I J111 ri••f hull, "1111". t'ft•W, t•lf' 'J'tlf'IH' ~tn· ' ,, t•t • 'luh u•, ,,, du •a· t•• \tuuu~· 1 "''''"' '''"''"'' ru•• tn '"' t•un"htl'rrd ''"''" '"'"" ." !'·"' "' '"' u ... ·u·~: l n~t nwt lttna. I I , .. "''' . I ,.. .. 111~1• IJ u Auuuul..ro.w..01-i.llWll,li..JJIUlDCL .,...--_::.._. t , I '. 1 ,,,, "' l ., ,, , l •l ,.r t•·· utd I • ••••' "'111 lu• lu •ld ''" ~ntur· "' •~'H·d u ;, • n ttl• h •,e• lt \ • -.;,, r .t:H :•t \\ • ..;t i'· "I'"' t n. '' t" t h• " 'I• l" tl1• n.:-~t· t h •H-h~h,!l \\).;• • , , • • n ,,rf ~h"'' r• , '1!\ an•S \\hh ll Uu ;•t:t•h I t :, d • \• I ' 't'I''J! ,,..,, ... \,n.ttlr •·"' '" J"••• t h~l• tl:t•·~ \\:•~ 1'w n1•n •h •' t-• "•' i ... If ~,,: •Ue of 11.\ '!:•tt ' I t .... ',\ t tf t t h f' t ., ., ar. • ' ..... ,. ( ,, ! \""'I ' !"f'lr.• \ l' "'" T \0.. • r· ,, ••• )• ,., •• • t.t)l .F•••!II l.t,.. I :\l k 1\' 1 • ,.. r· • • 1 '• 1''1 '• '••I \ ,· f. .. ' 'I I' I" I• -.til' h• a \ •. •• ' a: Thl"" ' .. qld r • ,.,, "''' rl••'-• ,.,. j ' 1 ,1 ,., h·. n tt , I· 1' "t \ I I h "'HiktflL • I I Kiwanis Ptan Athleti<· Si:!hf At s~·nrtland \'I 't I i .. ,,. r II' tH \\ 1\ t ''" ' p ·~·:t't Ilk·· .•. t t I . •I ttl • • I I ; \! .... .. it \Ill '" f· I I 'I I , , '\ ! .. i' d ' Af f•·ll•·l I\ I I !r ,l·• I ••••• : ' '' I P I• ,, '41 i,JU•' ,,,., , '-t ,., \1 ••• , '.\I • '1 •!t I 111 ° f I ~' rll~u,.. II f rf ;t • C , lC ltt ),, t •·I•• tQ1 •f \' l I t " IC' II• •I 111 t t -•ur :-, ... H flat• #\I•Jutr• nth th·· ;:·•· k~r·Q 11..-l•·ml• "r:" ,, ,..,, 1 \\h•ro •\j•lltl••l lit•· n .. l< •h•·lt lllllkl' • . I I' I '' \\.I. .. t '''"' I'' t 'I .. .. I • I ' I ••·· ''' 1,, I'·" ,1" ''"" ,_. •JH\ ~,,,,. J1 !!'• 'l'rupt•~•·' Well ' IM' 1 II·· 1, ,I ,, ,,,,, 1 • , , 11 11 t. I•''· • ,,,, d .• t•· •,..•h• '''"' t;••·•· Sun· f1ttii... ..-l .. ~ ~ -of1)y,-MJwortJ ~, .. I' I ,, ill ,,, ••• , •• " lltdi tf• If j 1 I I lht• t tIt; I tid I j 1+11 I \' II h· ..... ··"· d 11tt I ••!• Jhltt luwl .. , (H .... '''" r •I "' 1 f "., , , ••• 'I t •t I I I,, t I ",. r •.• , • '" 'I I• ''' I n • fu !•f lo 1 II . " \• II I .. '. . . . .. ' .. I• u I " . ··'' t .,, ... 'f' ,, f l1 t I I ... II ... I •' I ' I ... t ' ... , '•I ,, II• •·. • • ' It d I ,_,. •t 1 1 . . ... ... . ' I' I " II ' I . .. I ' I . ' . '•• I I 1 1 •l•t I • ' I '' ' I .. , t':ti ........ . ·····i·, ,,, .. ,.,, .. t, ft ,, .. \'o I tl I II 'I •1 1 \I l 'lt 'tn:'l" I . I •: I I I t fifo ,., I If dt h. "' •• r '' , . '· I Ill .. . • , ' , ' I .. I ••• , I,,,..,. I ,,,,. ' I ,, •• ,,,,. t•-L·I ,.,.t lf~t• t I •I I' I I• I t• ·• httlt , ....... I ' I I I ' I '., t \ •Ill " I ' .. p ,. ' \I t• " I ' \'.' ,,, - 1 lt v~ ' t • t •I•' ,I II tl n I I n ' ' It •\ • .. ,., f.Jt ll''~f ,•Ht """ "ti ll II• '" t • " lk htl~· J \ . . II .. ; ' . •• ... .., . ~ m:ws-.l'Dim li~ Beach .. ·Ca11l«nf-· nruRS_oAl_¥_._M_A_RGH __ 6_ .. _wu_·----'-=------------------ J' Pale Two TtiW ~ 11e1 Ollt}' tun ·~""'"' to thfo 8&Me'a lecal l'f!4lulrrmeab, but ai!Ot.t ""'d" an Ura.n&l" (.'uuul) ~utor•rlur C'nurl u.-.·rt•r. nu•k· Ina It ell(tblfo to L!Qbll..tl ALL lrat"'l nut"'"'· FEA-TU-RES Thl~ l'•a•·r •lrlvc•a to IWC'Urately cll-ml•ate IM'"II ..t Uw Grea.kf-Uart.or Dlatrl.c:t: W M • I(Uhlin.: run·.-In ,._. area'• toartlrM.•,. ~velop· nwnt; anti to 1>tay aiQOf from all obllpti- ""'~'JII I 1t11t of flclPIIty to tllfo pubUc Ia &forest. Newport -Balboa N E W s·-T I M E S I'IIU:\ t .!!O l'l lot llJ A • \ ~oiUIIIo• ~X~ Ill • Subllcn pu or. Pa} ~tblt· m At..h'un•" S.! ;,;1 ""'' ., ,.,,, tn 111 1111~..-1 'IJim t) . i..l.Th fh'r )t·.or· I• lth /•lilt', $..1 ,., t•' _,,.,,r ''' Hth '""'' :..'51-IH'r rnnlllh lo~ o•.ortto•l ouf oF THE REU, Ftyin~ in thP fa<'t' of a dcpl'l'S.<iion-IJorn (l~>t'('(lent. thf' StAtf''!> tnrom«' rlurinJ{ th<-fif'Sf. !'lt'Vt'fl month,. of thUI fl..cal year was $4.~.t)~l hi~h<-r thAn t>XpPtKiitun-s. a ctrop or nHrly $14 million in relief <'()f;l:o; bt.•in~ a majo1· caUS4'. Call· fomia's t-nntributlun to thf' we«>k's goocl nt•.ws •is as \\t•konw as it is novl'l. We hope tht> nt>ws provN> to )J(' a Nmt inuing story. COMING EVENTS Skinny Skribbles March l S. Aff••r.l ... l '"'!''"'"''"" for tiVU' :w -Thr llnly g•·llll•·m••n 1'"'''"'111 ""''' 1 paralion for an ~ttack on Libya ltvlllt•ll l'n 11 t at·•nn ph11hmPnl11 "" f'n7•,.. .. r jtRmhhnl. The lhl' Aml)o<t!U<I\<ltlr anol tho• hutli"r.t But the Gem•rat .flrmlv ht>llrvrd That red k>tt('r day is Uw df>adlinc for paymt•nt o f in-11 "" npp<'nr ttl' an , n• oumJ:I'· • • • ',. lu t .. a.·h uthl'r ae to the bnt thf' tt•nu ntn•· 'ntm"l'l'h••n· '"'' :O:h•• l~<lkl'•l "' lh(' f'""' ration-that every tut contmg~ncy mu11t COf1l(' tax<"S to Undl' Sam. a day of Spt't'ial ~ignifit':lllt'\' fttr ""'"' fur n , o•nltnuntton t•f th•· ,., ,.,,. llu•y wuulol ma.ke. Tbey not t mharrllS!! lh•' nt-w Hrtlt!lh en· ~~~~ "' .. :nl(lanol IUl•l l&ul(ht••l a. 110' !'~"''"'"'' for ami e\'ery sohll..r the t4 million' nt'WCOm£'1'S whom Iowen'<! l'Xt'Ol(llillll"' h:t\t' v.urk .. ,. tht!O ~rnup nf m••n. ~,.1111 • l:unlt•.t th.lt th•' m&ehlne wu u voy . ..,.. '"'' 'alol tltnt "''"'· wht•n 11he ~-\FAtrirtl tfl rwrfN·toun hf•fure a IIU<'· ,.,. nnol P"'"''''rl' 10 ltnrhur "'" u\1 ~:\mhhn.,; •lt•\'l• ,. v. hlcb fell w1lhln In fart ht> j;;II\'P ,.,·ulo·n<'t' .. f "'" 1n a • oo11ntry wlwrr lhl'rr is an t E'SJOful utlA<'k n•ul•l tw lallllt hf'll bi"'llght into lhl' fold of dirt'<'t taxpayers. an ol ,11rumuntl\' proJ•·•·I,. !' o. tlw 1~111 of tit• l'•·nal C1'<le. whk h • ('rt•lv , .. Jt•\'1111: lh•· "' •·A!Ionn nut RhtmohliH I' ••f lJull..r. ·l!ht' flntlll A11 for thl' mattrr of olrlvtn~ . Married l'OUples with )o!ros.t: inrom£'~ or ~:..'tl(lCl and Stn).!h• IITIIII;.,.,, '" "' ''"n )>\' lht' n·~n-:ol· l'"'llllolo·d ~flnlhhlljC dt'vlcea. R ,.,in .. r ,;,.,Ill! horf'f'l ''" far"" I that shl' hflll lr>st lll•r tal!ll' ft~r il 'l ,;m7.inni·~ mr n eumpiPio•l\· f•Ut (If wt h trnoll\rli't• nl rl'"lllttr ntt•Pitn•'"· tho· n ... J•lll't•llo'f V.IUI orde~ re-'"llltl tiC·t•·· I Tlwrt• \\' R ~ 1\11 rt'· Sht'• t .. lol ,.f nno· "' hrr frH'Ilolll. j [,' L1h\'ll. "''' hi\\'(' ""'" '" ·rt·nol tho• pe1"'8008 t ~ in<'Om~ of ~()() mu!Ot rilt• t't>lllrns n '-.. .. · rn•ml"'r" ll•·•lolr<l t .. l'"nlllli!P til·· l••:t-t>rl h~· th" ~~~JW'~ Court ol t ••t\'lllg Iiili·. lilt'. I"" ho&ts Wl\11· ~···:lr • "l•l.r wh•• had h.>t•n ollnlng 1f;l'nt'rals nwn wurll!l to lt'flh7.1' by E\'EL\'N gardi('A."' o f t~Pir rwt inf'Oml'S aftrr flt"l'missiblt• dt-.lttd um~. (tj.:hl fli:lllnJOI ··I\• I• ..... ~ ... n fllto l 1 '•'1111~\ ,, 11111;1 ;-;IIIII the Court: ·l··rt'ol am"''~ Ill'. ·•n•l Rflt•r "'t' h tol "')I h 'Ill' I I tltfOXI'!t on I', llljthl The what A I rrml'n•lllll~ lln<II'Tlllki ng rrt-~-------A~Ii~l'e~lt:t114'~. u! !he.. fat.:l that_llnclr S am rll'ohahly has n 't l•an,.: on lo lht• IRn•lrn:~rk ~ of l hot~l· "!4 'device or llppar'awa for f had flllr l•'ll "'"' t'flkt•• Ill ''"" ··l·.lo·rl\' laol,\· r tur ktly .,ynlklnJ: homr It j;a · "Su~ai n"o '""'~1111~ '" his. Jet the m know that nOW, fur lhl" first litnt' hP ftt•Jllaf)(i"' :1 t;t:l( nltlo•t ,fll\'1< Who'll o•nm(\l'tffinn W1~0....,.,bllng' <a. a ~vtc.Ol ap.,arltUt~ofl aWin~-rt•~_:'·_" \\'I'Ol IIllO All· !Ilion_:: Ill th1• l)fno·kolll llftt>r IIIII ·' tory hAVf' hf'f'l\ (f'W. o'I<IAf't'R fTI•OI • -· · · not ~,.., ko'r •t hut fo•ll"" Rlttl' ~" •·d for c.~rrytng on the actual gambl· ,.lfwr ,\<r,,.,.,, tho• V'ii'o mtnTt·i4~ 1w1•1 nrr, m r t nn 111r r1tlrl ~ilrolr~ whft n tm<t-tllrtthr-m;t11:"----..-:::-r.~;vn;·~.;.,.~, .. ;;.~~._.:;...~ . -----, -accounting from th~m. Doubtl(>ss a ft•w 0\'l'riY Slll:tl't I~'I'S<tn_s ,., s .. lht• flll~ ~t ill \\fl \'t'~:tl "'' 1ng-for detrrrn•ning wheUier the ~hat mif,!ht .• "''. '(llio•d ho'l;_.,4trflt '11111•· "1:, '" hrr 1tn•l lOili.'' II WR:~ TTH~!II' \\'1\(') ~~~·mpalhl7.1' \\'olh lh·· ~ hoph« ~_..ft.•hd(l~lt . .....,U . ..f.wJ.,waaUa:.il.l foJ lhL .:'\..!'WI"'"' ll;orl••r plilyl'r h to win or foee, like the P•~"I!S r nnft'TI'nn<, nlt hnu~t11"' R h,. h i~ do~t .' '" hrlp fll,:!hl• nNJ I'•'•· llntt•h ''"'""' nl'"'\ ha\'t' no fl'ar. to pick up their d o llar-s and S<'t'nts . Fmnklv. \\'1' thihk till'\' ~....... • hlh -... ftttuM .. ew•••'!'llfll(t 1.11Jiu•J 3$ UI!•HnJaH,\' 1)$ lhou,t.:lt • 1'"" Ill" II " 1Y lh rf\11~!1 \\'u\'o•ll I:< lh•' I horol !1111'1'1'!1111\'C-'\ he st..ained relations , V ' • e of th"t l Ort. W•' Wl'rl' nt•lglfhnt!l w"l•' l1R\1 ilf'l'!"· ~~~ "'J'~~\1 ~~ ~M-1-iu-Ulree~I'4W~O/._~~.JI!!IJ..t!'e fiepubiiCin h O(X' In A ln. • • . . :"•~" /hnt ~"'''n ~n1t11 hal' 1 tn~· "Many tht<1Qs made for prvper I" t1 in f.,r r1 t'll.tl l~oltH·: ''till 111•' ~uunj:: man. Tt'· has family AlthoiiJlh ltkf' Art-many Rl'publicans stood . HOW4:\IC.C, UlC &'Cally SOl<U't CJliZt•n \\til do 1110 1'\.', tn f:tl'l, ,,,, tlw '-'"' h :<rn• .. n mi,t.:hl :111 :~nd I~Qtlrmilt~ purpoaea may be . Lor•l H nlafa'C !<lnt•d ll>'"l"'' Itt~ ·• 1 · l<lt• mtn-tl No'IR"Il h•· i~ llllnol In onl' when a Chicago newspaper than s implv rtiS<•ha~(' his flpht to I hP T"'IISIIJ'\' I'~·~ nwnt \\··I I ••pr n 'rtwt ..... 1\ , .. t nltlrf' J<l\nol usecs for IJII""bHwg, but w ..... mey Wlfe lUI she: t.alltc..l lUlU .. ~\,I~J IllS .!.oJW. a.u.J L.uu)' lltillf ·~.I rtl.'oolly .• ··y··. Il l' t'IHn•·d~ .J>rilltant roo , •• .t ed a boner and headlined H .. 11 k 't h' . h f ·. '"·•· '"'"I rll Ill•• lu•11•h """ lh•·n' be used as thr aubjeet of a bet l•mli'ltnt!' In h•'J' ~m1~"< "'' llfr ln kl1tllv and J!'rnufn•• R!!-lhf'y ftri='.' uni'l<'rl.()l"ff'J\Ilet~bv In \\'t\rl<l WBr t'Tieetlng thus · -"W£N e \\I• mtt ~I IS J0 • a s a matter II (li'Oit'\'tlllll t o hifllM'lt ••111 ,n, otll ltllhll•'nl ,.f '"'\"''. ,, not ips o facto Illegal or a F:q:la11rl n" 11 1:0 i"···•l"tnol:\y ll••lh 1\lll ,.:••1 nlnn,t.: IHmuu:<ly ;n lht• I lit> al~" hn.• th•~ P"""~' l•l ln1•k WILLKIE DEM.ANDS THATJ and hts ramlly. to k~p watt.•h on t n"C prnpns.1l.< tn Cnnt::n~' \\'htf,. ll·o• 1"<11'~" Aulll• So•t!U4: IS I!'Q;li or ol il.llllbling devloa." h'•\'l' a ,. •• n.•·· •·f hur)WI Itt!~ • l'ntlt•ol :-:t.tl•l' nnd 1111'\' \\Ill pe r '" l ho• ful.llr>' "" """' to ·mnrkl'd' .,.ARTIN HANG." and thl' S tat<' l..£1ri~latUI'('. lit• \\ill di:-;l'(lUI';II~I' Stldl tht~·ah """""n.,; 1111· "'''"''lll'l 111tol till \ h· ,,.,.{,, 1• not n ~r~blln~t t h· whtm!lltnl n:lnlt•l\'nrtrlt\\~111" '""" t !wo( olll'!l•"" .. r.<' hun !rr · "Hil.,~ ·"''" ··vt>r thnllJ!hl what n t hi r .· ~t nd rd . I II . . lt'l tc•.ti iiH: lan·I•O:•I''' • \lall··nc· q •• , .... , ... " I t.:aml' Clf rolf AI· hr•s appf>.lll' , .. hullhlo• llf' !n om ,.,., '. "' wrnlol \\I' ··nulol mnkt• ,, "'' put \\'o•lk bill' '"'"11 nolllhly 0 ~ 1.\tn)t!sa _a ~asany an< a . ptmttl\l'l;_tXI'SOil n•tat.~ .,11 ,1,, 1,. ,.,.,.11 11,. ,,.,,..,.1"'"" 111,,1"'11 .,11 111,~:.tl ~t may br 1n~ .. 1w;11 ,, ,.n•lc:n ·or t hr ,..n•·n::v tlw IU.Ikano<·t hla tmlt' entC'rpn~'. knowang that lcl\\'·NlSt <hst nhut "'" ~ ;, jill\\ c•rrul ·'1'1'''" :-: ... ,:;,; •. \ l'llf mm·l ••fr I ho I It•. •I •11 I"· .. ,, .... ml' I t a city (' H. I Sh k B •t . G . ···If ·!I ll tift• •. :tnd 'n.npo•ralinn WI' In '"' t '\'I'll In Frl\fll'f' .,.. brakragain~trunawa~ li\'ill)!l'<~tS.JI\•\\ill llft(IIN':tlllh'l'ol· h•··"''••!',.., .. nll nt•• "'' l fl-,• '"~··~ I•• r;·~, Ill~· nuUawinl{ an Jter a e rJ ~uns rtp _.11•••ml h•·"11~tof"ln•'~""''"'~ .. lhf' f:ttoful ~pnn2 nf'"t!\.40,1 •-·s d tt , t 1 . . l ""'l=rttftt•·'•• ,.f th•• ,.,,.,,,,., '"'' 1111 Iotti ~·:u.· ,, 11 ni.H~ance trad-I M d• d S J J ' -----"1"11nn<~lur h"''"···n th1• t9o·nrou a:N' an ('X "8\agan (''((ll 'nl IIIII~:-~~ Ill..; ~t:tlc' and ltl\ ;II I'"" """' h'l\'1' ... 1111\ I p.l r • ~ 1 .. L tllll I'lL: t h•'Y v.ould thr n n e Jterranean an ave ta y. L F lru·~ \\:t" ,,,., :lh\"lYI< l hl\t• nf t~ gO\t'mmrnts. mutt~ul thk~>t l"'"'"'l h•·n••n••,· '"'"'"' 1'··~•1 h u t "'ltbout a l • etters rom !lll .. ~c•·t.l I'""'""''' fr rnd11hip lit' will. in s hort . ht"('(lnlt' l;tV\'I.lll:o-l'lfltl"' and l.tKI' a \!1'1111·, -. -~, ... ·'' I•" 'I 0\ (lr(' ~oComt llmle,:o··n~l. .\lt h••IIL.-h II dod II• I ........ j "' ,. ' '"' , •• ,,,, "' Ill' 110\\lllm•·n•'"' LONDON . ·1 h,l\'1' lll'rt ld , .. ,. nrtnann • · t • '\111 • "lit I~ • 1111 •••nol fll••rl' , ""' ,, a.: 111 1111• t \1 ,.,. , ..,... " 'I''' ... , .. , I•\" 1·'1 • nrhmr · tnc tn t'l~t tn j.!O\'t.'ITlmt.•nl 10 tht• ht•tkrnwnt 11f that ··o\. · ' • '' ' lh· """' 11 "'·" "'II •~· lh.tl · 11 111 • 1 tt 1 F 1 I 1 .~ • ,.. t111lnt .. l!'it t•\ JIUI ''h •l •t It t•latu ''' dth ,, \' h ,J.,,v 1• .. • '"' • ' 1"1 1'1 ''' n . ..:~p ,,...: .t\d tn ',,(,..a \\lh n I \\:1~ C'mme nt. And ht• won 't forg'l'l :\lan·h .t;), the• dt•:ulhn·· tl;t~· ----;\ll.'•'olltnt ......... ,, .. ,,.,11 .. r \ '11 '"11 ·"'1' "'''11 ,;,.1/l.llll "''' ~""""'" that lh•· l'.lll l~h wroutd I I ''"' olot~ I" tf,.,, 1·tl•··tl ,, .,,,,. ••I '"' I>< I" ·to 'I" ,,1,.., 1f1.tll 111 ,, 111.,11,. Our dlatlnt utahed oerree· • t'llt'llt't 'Y t'lli'JMlt';tlltlll' ill ( ',tlifPI'Ill.t \\ h,,..,,, h,•;tci"UIIt1er.l AI'\" pond•nt. •·n B•llln, w .. o 11 •I"" n •f lilt• r;r tmnnl' 'I l.;l'o ,11 1''1 •h .. :l•lo•f• \\lll•'h 111 lht• otto! 1\•llt·h "'"I" ~ • ' n LEGISLATURE :\IEET .. ~ 111 ••tiH•r -<l:tl t,;"'· ,\..;jd,· lrn tlt tho• f:l1 '1 llt,!l 1111'· 1111('\0S(\ douhlr• ftr•l ~··:tr nf IIW \\;&!' '"''"'' IIIII• I ""'"II 1•111 •' ····111111 nl.ol 1111' known from London. ~'loland. llwm :tj::un ~ · 'I 1 • 1 1 1 I I t'o Can. Town .• •-ut .. •frlc•. In tru•· fl tl'n·l~hir t hrrl' ill • 1;":11111(\ I'll 1'1\lllltlt•-...; lho 'll'a nr!-. pf 'Ill. til ''l "'k'hOJdt• .... , tiH' ·,~ :t~ 11 1' _., '11"11" I till • I lo' Ill \I Hill 't•ll.tl'" \\llhll• ·' I• I\ ,._ ov '' .. n t -1 1 t · •, f' · 1., L' 1 1 I I t b 1 1.. fl_., -M .. 1 """nl ftol -11~1'" Inn nn<l lArk LA')!~ a 01'~ l'('·t'On\'l'lltn)! n t ~1\')';tnwnlo till..; \\1'1'" find I ' ' . . rll•t'L. .. ,, I lo•ll ''"''' ~·:t•l•·· 1111 I• ,, ,., h' ,, Ill•' I• "'"' "' •• (;. 1111.111 preaen s e ow nt' ••• '" ". THE 'th I f I . I 11111;~-:ttn• \\tilt t1 m ;•kl.:...l :tltlflt lll:t ;1 l ~trt\ I" 1111' s hortsighfl'<i 1,11., .ollf.l 11,1\:ll I"'"''' 1.,.,.,.111,, fh•• 1, ,, • 1,11 ,1,,,1 ,,,. ,,,.,.,1 ,,,,, 111,,1, reflections on the ~uropa he I d l\1 nnt~· mtolll il IPnful••nt·f' . ern~ vt·~ ron rnn t<-. \\'tt 1 an ;1wt•sonw tnla( of tH'<II'h ltkli) 1 1 · " ""''"·d to u~<l bills awaitin••· aNion. 1 · II':H t' l:tl'l'it•r 1'\ll Tlh' )'t>l w~· 11f tt'l'.llith.: I Itt• httSin~ or ,l:nt~hm.:·~tn•·k 111 '"·'''·"·lot 1 .. h.1r : ., tin11 '" 1, "'"'1 "'" ,11 1111,., 111 k"owe so wefl,-~dltor. "' f\f'l\dlll't:o; pf Plht't' .... (;1ft"' ,(..; tf th1'\ ltt•l \Jlt;t•d fO nn eflt'ffiV ,111 ptl\\o•r ,h,tlfo l'o•of \\t'll.;h ho•,oql\ "'11>1 1" 1\.lll.po• I\ holt J·:,;\f'l ''"llld Many m-t~ fTlf'H!-'111~-ha>,·p RU-l.J\U£.'\1 -t.h;,ut .< ~hosr ..... . -h . . • an>ttntl til·· Fttl'lll'•'t' .. ,ll····l, 1'1111•'" \lllh .. lll ,..,,_,;1111'• Pn•··· ch f . • . . Itt!. t!A-R. MH"R· · ilo;.l~ll \\-hnUy dl-:t 'l'~•·tJ 11~· itjt.l!?()~' In ftf'I-IH;I•'Il'"'' to •·o~IH--. 1, '\,,.,1~ lt,ul olootl•' ·• t .. ·hluw an<oe o pa~-.m~. ~tnw. m fal't . han• nnlv a nui.-:1111'1' ':II Itt'. f 1 f '· .................. ··-· . .1)111'1' "1111'1' lha' "lllltlillt: t>l' lilt' l'•'(lllhltt. l1111 lt"lll 11111•1 t,• I ll olil'l ''" 1111 " I lot~"'. defllgnro by one nnrty to \\'Orr\.' anotht•l' into fi•·htin·· thl'tll ,, .. ,, I I I I r I 'II r I' I II • 'I •-· •. , " .. t 1 M'\.t'l'.l ''""~.nr, n •1 ':1\\,titllll.: th\'ic·c:k>cisinn "' ·' "·· •'1 "1 '1••11'"'"'' Othc:-r.-;. likt> thl' o nt't' fnnwd law a)..;dn ... t s iHIIIfint: \\ha ll•:-tllti~mi,~•lll~ . .i•·l~t'!':o-. d tt•h;arrl r~·n•tll)l.d-:. a :-"''II as ffit'OS-'',~-.·',"n,.',.,•:r,."',',,'~. !l td ... m: "o1 "' '" ""'"'·,,; .. ,.,~ from Un 1\Utomo hilt•. \\'Ill hfo .ha~tilr fit~m Mt~t h~ lht•IJ' "(\till· 11 '' " 11 '·I 1 ho• flo II •·b f,f 1 " '"''' 11 tll'l'" l'nn,c-rniNI "1th d n\\ n·ft,..c•:;rth "':tl1ti1•-< pf ,-,-;1pportion-"'"'h"'' h.n 11 I •'·"' h• d 11 ,t""'' .,,. l'"''l", ,, •. r JJOI'II onN' the S('S."ion hn~ l'nd<>ci. • 1 1 nwn1. tf,,r,•n:-;t'. ;,nrl rl"'tt•f IPI..'i,l.1t111' fmd 1h:1t in \(lllJI1M'. at I"""' wn ... tr ~·~ ,, .. , ... "'····· . ':o11 ''"'"'l'h "'"''" OIPl,pMACY-Th•· ,itttt f••nl ut•· -n;ilp•-;,:-;-,r,h-;;,.;-:,,;;,.,~n~ti"'•,. .. ,,..,,..r-,l'tM-r,., .. >41, ___ __: __ _ R nt11111 t~ s'ldh· 1\••ll kl'l ""''' thun I 1l1111k 111<' \\oo· ol••1 rut ,11 l!tl 1 1-dq•l•;"'"' ,. Tht~ """ ·t'~r ~lnn·hnc Hr.tll ln .1n•l 1 r••llt-111 f"'' 1hl\' t .. iuy ntl••n\tnn lilt~ 1-!1'"'' n 1"1\fllol rnr h nt wll•·n ~~ A· th"n'' f:,f,.n anol r;,.11• lltl.f I 1·"1'" WI' .•halt nlways ,.,,, .1••1on 1'111 hn.~l''""' to Ankn~a nwn.l'f'r t h11t. h,.,.,..,,.,. It 111 how flll tt'kly murunoh•r.RI II But thc:-y t~tih.· lhRt iri n \\Orld nr tllt'Ullll'lll t'll'olll•'t'. I .. I . I l'ollllflo'llo•tl In 1.,, •• h .. •n t;Jo ;tl mrJ •• ,.f: r.w ..... ~ t•a.:t . 11 ..; nt..:lfw:-s :1" tJ-<tJa at ~:tc'l':tllll'll to. 1~~~~-~--.~~~~U~ and hu~n~1~ a~tna ·~tl ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1li\o•rt 1nr"~'· --~·1,1 ntt•lr•l· •I II • lllt1t•h L.HI-; " -~ 1 n1; I~ I a r ~ e , . ..,,, '" •I•·· '' Hh<ft ;t\\ II ''"'" I ••m · are uwa to mo\'e the State cnpital to a St'\'lllt' ;o;llC't o n tlw r · 11 •· 1 1 ,. 1 C A S U R E W A. ''"'~'" 11110 II' "' n111• 1" .,., n .t m•• .. l <""nlJ'I• ,, •. fnr • nnft•lt Ot'('!< \\ ith tlw Turki~h lu~ h • .,rflli':~ r• I Tht•re,_l'La.S..-J.Il.@lY uC hasJ.e ;:;, \'1'111' 'tl!tl nut \\'hrn rli~tlin~llll'h<'tl l~r t••ll ftCitr"ll lh •'n "f'nt ••n ml!· nn.t frl• I l"n • r••· p In llnuhlo• thnl hAll hr"'l~ht rn •un1rr,. lf)j!f'lh,;r hAlO t·I~IITI'tl .a·w~l¥----1 lroh· ~tl'lt>r i\Nty \\Ill 'I><' Montcl"('y (X'nin~ula; t o pt'Oit'l't l'itiZI'IlS fnllll (lw hat1l\';tl.,l'~ n R D f;)r ('(>mo•rs ,,r -,~ '""''l.;;ofll/•'•1 tnol \ll l ll:tll~ •It-· rnonling h)'n111..4t>)' makin~ ~"t"S.,..;jnn n f t'f'KI::f\'J'S illl'''·" !':nil I h o',l!'lr•m 1111 I'd ~I" II~ I'<'\' \\ •'f" h"f~ll'ff'<l h\' thl' \\II h 11° 1111 thr l'nol• to( the ,... A Us ) -h -thl' oprntnh of :l 11.tt llttlrf "'' n:Ytnr1t1••nl M hi .. ••mft,f,.n,; I hill a thnruujth an•l ho•tiiii!O(' hrr he>mf> an•t all !thl' wi.thin soundini distance O{ a ~idcntiaLa.rca : to forbid the ~u tantia <"nS reward will be pafd for tnfor· ,.,,n,nrl r,,,nl m 1hr Rnlknn, Ill"'' r l':l'l""l '" 1.~ .. p •r·· r1n in· ~"'"' J:re>unrtwnrk h:tti ,.,..,.~~ tnl•l "'' h~>r husl>anJ pol!l!elUII'd han bobbing nf dogs' 'tails. Outw('il,:hing tht>st' in impt.ll'1ant'' hut mation lf'adln~: to the lci<'nllfk ntlo n or a more moclern. ,,,.. onh·~ nltrn~:rtiT'I' ,,.. thl~ \ ,,,nn "'' mf'trl' rnl'lh<Whf'RI mf'flnC th~lr IIHhonllnAif'll ~UI'h p n unrl-'lbSfll\l~f'l.}' _o.lrmoltt~hed._ h igh 1ft nulc;an("(' value. are ml'asun~. fo.-hiddinl! tht• ~11111, ~·lh'r looking or more convenhmt marine 8er¥k:e w~>ul•l t>t• in "tnnrt :~~idl' :~nrt nlhm \\'h• n ,;.,w .'u:hl ""''"~ 1..1 .. r. '"" w .. rnr t rt'altu 11~ ghe !'taticm th;m the 1 f'n•r••m llllf•rly 1o rc•llnp<l', a ti••rmnn nir fo,rr .. ''l"'n"'llhl' J;:t .anrt .• ~. 1 ,, cnp "' rtnn tha i I•' r h:tl· )')l> .. n 11 1Jr1rk ~1\li~P all hf'r pe1110n to manufacture and retaU ~oods in Uti!'f s tcttl if h(' ('OUr<(' \\'hl!'h CM' lht' l'On7t~ would ;4• ... 11111 .. n F:n.:lnni1 th .. •1111."\11(\fl U'llt.:•' Wtlh any ht\fY' o r '11('\'t""!'. •lin~t p rrfltn1!'1 ttlfd flltv .. r b ftt8US t$. Wares throug h more than One s h o p in a l'Olllll ~·. Shell bfo unthonkahll' ~In!'(' ltlt• hlow to h:t•l rnmpll'l•'l~ l'hnnc:t'fi ' Hiller ~~o·ould hnvt' ~trato;c:l~ In JrOIIf' A 'fll't)man hRte~ losing •r;.:=:;:=:-::::::::::::::::::tllllt::-'~er.mlt1in2!' one.~ le be...boJh .manWa ll:.lre d u .. ..:ne ~--i .... s··-a:IL ·axi~ Pt'f'lllls:t' m u:hl h;•, mnrtnl lhl' i\• " n ·•ult. It mny Rlmno,t t-o· \\o•:ok··n hi• '""'<'" l'l'<l•llohPrt' ·""d thlnJr!l Whlll rnAcle hl'r mad -. • ·• · C 1' an ..... -• .:;llljll.l .JlliLIIIfti_. IIAU -·---.+...,"""IL-Jw-lhLID.Qt:!L~...fr!.. !!!"' .<~··r:. -..:.!~ l}:lt!_.Lhe ~n~~~' ~rmNI rorc~~ l"'rhlll'" '!tanrlo':!, al!o.K!'.!h"r that !lhl' had BA\'l't.l lO retailer in California's 58 counties! Photte -103 BALBOA ISLAND man JX'OPII' woulrl :t."~un;lly ")w; l1 n1··· rf'a~:;;-1 In hi-n ~tirin'iN ''l'ilr1nl"1'11'lfn~·~tnr .. thrrnnT!I~··"t'f·-:tfi~'IU1t&lr:.:I~M~•-tilr•ctf.-4M,..:·I'i~R;Afll Another bill would levy a :21 :! per rent ta .x on di\'idt-nds nothin~. ~hor1 or rlt!tltl'tror; 1\h•~·o· In lh(' Yo'Rr Brltlllh has ~tAbli!lht'd Rrilt!'h l~lt'!' whir h h<· ffill) ~ti ll KOn~ • • llnl'!l <'f'fAmitou~ ~itunti n is ln,....r· ll""'n lhf' r nt1r" ~1Prtitrrrlln•'An lmrho)r. 1 h"" •"' \ \. . fio , ... . . • • ,· .... 1 I ._ _____ ..: --r-· ·- • •NEWPORT BALOOA NEW&'fWES. N~ S.Wch, CallfOmia, Tlll'HSPAY .' ~\Jtl 'U ti, 1~\.11 Png.- N EWS -TIMES • \ I .-~-@ ... -.. ' -< ,. ~ -SE- FISHING -BASKETBALL TE .. NIS T R A C K --8 /!l S ·[· lnter.-City Casaba· (~ashes ~Siated{~aBe~f~~gF~:rd · · ·i·School's. Fund ,c ooUnu··J ,, .. II '""' , ... , ... , .·~· .. ,.,.,. .~'"''" ll'tt•·· t1 11"''' "' ~~wnnrt Harboli Communit'-' Basket-1 G.A.A. s rtcasts ·' .... tory -ot Thr "Rc .. . loti'IW~ ,;~lll'l lll \\'lot to•ll , .. ,.k 1"'' • -u _ 1!....~ ' J Q la...nu. I ._ • ..,,nhl • h A• ~·-Ill Auar,:.u"t 11•:n• """ Le T I d t -~h~~-~~-·"'~1 ht•l j)Fc<lll~ • __ .:, >'• ol[ II lid 1 '" 1 \\It:< -f'l!'(j ll f""'lllaJUU't f:l!Nfl-~ ll0•-*'.!•1 -..J---=----..:.. ague earn s tO nva e un .Jng on. '111•· (;A,\ han•ttl<'l 1>-l•o ht• t><.t•u I I ufl"lltl r 8'11t-·' the lauDchm.: 1'"11 "' I•• j;l\o' 111·1' o·ll j•ll•;• ltrto• t hHt """ 1'"11V • -· • • c " "I' ~ ~ 111>: I' 1' 1 '" I r --11"1 I I 1 ' t, N t. T sd G PJ d W 'th I I • • I '· II • If' u•-• t >loojll ·•' 111111\o' I lo• \\'11\' roll lllo• l'llloloo ,..,,,,,, ·ex ue a~ ames anne 0 I I •l:tj;t'<. lont.: II at b .... ''~'" 10 :n · l-'r··1u• I I II II 0 s. II oil J. -hotr'• ··ar.•a.•n :i Tho· IJIIII.olo•• ...... ,..._, .. Dl); ,, II h' rtw.: .. lllUD· ~tar ol ••llut " .,, •• ,,.,, '1 lllt'h ull••lliJllt•ol '"" l'ltfllto'O "'''"' \\l\lt r.~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~------~~~··~~~~·~n~~;~~··:l'~';':"~·~·~·';'~~~n~·:~~'~I~II C~t •llll ty A <" .• ~ lll~lawn) '"' ~~wr~n "c~t~d~~.· •,ah•·1 ~.~,'.,,': ''II dll•l ~• • ;f A nub.•tm •n .l !=;•tnlM A na Cttr thr ~" ~' ... ~ ·"'' oqe li 2.!;t}i; h-7ifi;:i~_?.:;F.~:ff;;-~:..u-;::-~.U:~~~!:I.~!!!:;....!..~~...!;' ~·~~~-----..:.:.-1.. t;r:OI't'. nt·ll~ :-.:o•l,..>tt.l'o•"t.:~ l;tuh1o, l o•·a.•:tl ••f llh' Hlhld ll fllllol Ill !\1 • IN'"" n "hnplt• \\11\' I•• I'··II•.'J~ •. 11,,.1,., L.·v.·l•rt 1,,11,,1. 1• ''·'~ w~ ,our ntH•I•~I '""' ''"'""'' ••~: 1 f 1 Exnn~·t<'d to ('I'('Cl t(' m ort' ir.t('t~st in t h £' ~ewnnrt Ha rbor >< ·' ~ r J ' " ,.,.,,,,., ,. IJIIII~h ... lt•••l Ill Ann· .... _..r II I'"' lt'l oollt .. lll~lllo·~ .. "'""''' .~~ 1~ R.;~lhlll \'trJ;tnla :\fct"-1" .\l:ul• hn ,.,.. -,-r "'' • "" h•·• lo•ro. •lot•· ,,..,.u-no fl<' llo" llu.t,. up• 111 Commtr!lit y R;tsk~agul' 31'(' tht' in H•r-d t y ganK'Iii K r.•ft•r Glo•nn.t Ft"lo•r. ·,\lto·n1· ,\n 11''" 11"" ht •·n " 1 1111!"" hy l'ru. 1 maJn ADd mtl'.l'•·rt I·••• 11 "11 "11 ''""''""'Ill" ''" at ... tr '"'"' n rroom schedul<'d for t hl' nl'al' futurE' w ith Hun tington &a c h anct tlo•r-wt. B••aii'IC'\' (';Ilium. ('1:111 1' llh•trr Huho•r1 ~t .rx fur thO' n .... ,her dri~r t'c>nlt~l~ •·· >••till' \\Ill the. 111111' ....... ll(jylrto·l .. \\oolll•l ""' La & ··h ., ..• )(' <><~' f 'Om Coach Rt't'O todav C r:tll:. J •·anc•llo• Shuuk. :-.:..tJi<• \'..n-i-irtno .~ l\P!ln•• nlt.h•t •o• prii'MI Ill ~~. UM l'••·k···~ fh••·l ~~~ .... , noo .... , •. I ko•ol lhlll ·~ Tooll\' llt•l'"' guna <H 'I "'t.."l AI'O I . c•hulll, }r.•no• Elltull. J)utlo•no• Jho•k· Chllrj',t' otf lllhiPitos 1tl l ilt' llc'hoool barke~• Tht'\' '"''"'' all hoor-oral!\ luooi 11 \\rty_,.. .. 'ITio .hint loot The I larlcHtr a .. am~ wt I .1110m•·~ I--._._1 . 01,111 \\'tlclol ~lurlo ~. l .. arr.am•• , .... , 1 ho· 01, ~1 pHrt Clrnn..:•· .,,11111• lqu~a wit h lh<' ''" •·1'1•"" ••f 1"" ._, .....,_.""..w....l-)ru.:~~4-...uu..l L3 ~tyrrn::. ~~ "1-'r:lm,.. . Y.lrw:mrt:r-~~-.....oll-b.-t•tt-4 ... 1 tlJColifiAI w ... l or 1A.rft.. vrtl•"'~ !.1 • ~·· "''"' full " 111 "'' School I "' ...o •ht ll11r<1WIIrt' ;en • nn"· t t1-d foil t ht• _ .. ..a..1 1\lllflll'' ,_ l:)lll no·' ''lt'l-urt~ 1}11: · John,lun. l lun11h' A~l.lm·m .\Jar· k ru\\n box•·n· fr11rn '"'~ Anjtf'h•ll jri&J wu -Jill 11 ~-""', 1 1 1 tl 1 1 w arC'h 11 tor thr•~ ~am~" -rv.•o lo•nci m lh" local Communi!~ nr· • . •1• " "" ...-• •'I' r• '" 1" o 11111..: . • .)111""11' Camprlo·ltl. Jol\1'1' \\'•·<1··--\\httltf•r llllol l~llt'V, ~not twn l or ..... K•·n .. n•l '"'1:" '""'"'"' I -·~k~ J·•a .,. •t·1rc·o1 ·•sa h Jlttnltr•"· h ul "hriP 1 ho• I'•·Oftlo·• Sanr•· and · · ' tn•· r( ,.,.,.,... • mutu· 1" "'"'' '" -" ... " • . •• • ~ -.. ~·•·tlo·r. Co.rnn,• lk \11n J ulio• _'-\:"' 11 W<'ll k ruowrt '"':.."'J.: fiJ.turr• will ealiDOD, aalt~d '''""~< , •. ,... ,., • "r~ 1 1 -ton llt>Rl'h ,, ~<·h,.Julo•fl lo> r>ho~ a ;\II'C<t llo·n ·,.: :.n · !Ill' lop lt'llllll-tn H (' ' I .. 111: hllol Ill• II. •n• In llo• , n••• ~ I ~ 1 -tum mnt~h IOI lh .. l t·,lr·'···r lll<•h thP n~t .. hhonn" twnc·h I'IIY Tlw ·~~·~ hamho·r-. nnc1 l'a l l'aul IW:TV~ ll!l. ~.llo•l'l•l'<!ft'ft'C'll .Th .. y llfl'l lAe AAp r;o lltj\JII Iol• II \\'lljC "" •• r llw s t ... ~hrlf• •• "" ·l .. ultl IIIIo Ill ·'"""' looo I ........ AIIIIIIMI l'hnt iiY l ~oo, •• ~ani• Aroll a, ·~ '-.. I.J\ "' "' ~ -r \''1"\ \.'•Hrthf' ,., I I t ll'kL"n n I ''S '' the ~~to Uu fl II I r ,.. .. ,, .. ,., M ~ .......... M I'Itl l\,h Hia llu,llu")"""K •ffttlt·l.r aUJC hl h.,re . lnral f'rt('l' "<IU:ld ,.rand .. frl lh Jn • • .... ·'h' r . "'1'1 , ... fill lin •• I( ...... ··~· • •' 111111 A~l . ~ " •. II• ... 1111~'·'"' .• , ... ,,,II llltl ,, lllrt o• '" ull\ ,,,·,,,, I II omnrt!llllm a •• II I I ' l I I ( d D Tb .. I I -. " .. "I 1: ... 'II ,.,,.,, •. ,,, ""' 11111~11 11 ~·1·1·1·'" tlnl•l• II ('h~lli'C' '" f'll.u ble T I I hi. 11.,11.1111r L~ll"Ur", .,111 Rro• lt,rrl"" I:CI( ' u~· c>r 11'11' 111: 1 <tn•• 1111 :< un. tn.: r>' •·r•••• ll 'l e r t • equ rrt' • • IIIII•' lllloyt•lo•l 11 1 1 · r 11 ,1 1 1 1 1 TtiP roollliWinl: \ll'('(•k. Uo'>-( a~. •. .. " ' • I r . t t ~ Ill ... 1'1'1'"''" IIIIW H' tlJoi olro•ul<ll oil .... t ...... '"' ,., ................ Ill I Itt· :,Ito 1\ntttlool ('h•lll) ... ,. Apr 'tl 1, ah~ llv·•tl rt'\'1" lt•Rm ... "rt• tlc·tn•• rnr l hl'tr inva~tc•n of l lunf• mrl: IIY aoo 11'111"••. llll!1 11 I<: ~111'\:l'rt ('ootina. lhl' Ofll" f1m l' Olltltanl!ll ee W th I hr nul,.to1fo ·lht"ht\<o • I h I V ro •• ll"'lllll ll"r"l rt h•r • S\\oo plal.t r 'tt·.;lllt•· ulllll' ht!l', dill! II) IJI•liOI\111. \\ltl•ll I• •t)OII"OI"d ' ~· ' u .. I hil l I hi~ pr(l);lltnl will 1111 illloolho·r lllhldll•wo•ao.:ht ''" llw wr·MI Collltlt unoora u ona "' lh·· ~·111111'111 .. r •.• " ,. 1. ~"· II I' .. I ,. ' ~ ~ ' tdatt'<l HI t :~n~:h• wrth rrprt·~c·nta· tn~lon lkarh. , 'I r -"' "'"'..:' I ll•• l'fl'"''"' "'"''"1.:'' .. 1 )•ioo l\ I•• llo• 1'1~~ J••.,.t•ll "''"""' ""'''"'""· l'alhnll•· \'nuth llr&IIIIIU• tiV('ll nr I hi' Ln~:ona ll<•u t•ll LA·a..:uo•. "IC'I'o·~.. f rnrn \\'htltl~r. Sallt.a llooka ~ Ill l!l:li. llfll'r I~·"""'" IIIII.\' 1111111( • .,..... .ut... "''"" '"''' "'' M.cllo l~llh •• "''''" cot ............ ""' An ~tnnuunr••mo•nt "''ill lw m:ult' J ' · lbe ac~ 1a1n!)k' '""''''"'•·ol t ... r n· tiJ.:t.:•:t" •n•l •hlp fllll·111 "'"'ltr•l Jatt'r a!< •o w h •• ,...,,,.. U lj!una .. ·.m· RAIN HALTs Hoc:K£v Dave Almond, All-Around tltUD• ~t~ l .... t .. r $:!:•"'"~' "''" .. rr ..... ,,.~n·1 ""'n"··n ~ .. , .. , I F..,Ie~"t l·c Ran ,IIIIo( '" ··~>··t rl· ,., .. ,klnl(. ''"'"v llfte. tt'SIS wilt fw hf'lfl. Ro..-'CI "IIIII. All IIOOD Ill! tho• 1\'~II UI<'r t''o•ar!l makl!)a thl' r rrtll l rooly lilt' "lt••X lnW An•l toll<•' lll(flill 111'1 II<IHI•••l ~ '-r ge 1'111 nf f'Yf'f)' fr>tlr II •WIIC'hlnl to llalltlna'tOII Bfota4'b up ~n .. u r;h 1111 lhtt t l hr h•;k~y A·hlet• In Na'&&r D thl M rkl or,....~ llulka or i'htlltoo• "''"' Ill huWII nlliV '"''"' '""""'" •11-tlllll 'I) I Jl • "'"''"'" l'lf'l'lrlt• , ...... c · Mr 'nw fir~t j!rtnw al 11\mll"l!"'" tl~lrt ll' rtii,Yilblr. intrrl'll~ ,:ttmNI I ~, ~--eca on a 1-<.-oQUDOCial.Wnl 11'1 ~lll)htly , .... ~ lu>I IX&IIIil. with Itt•• o·lt·ttn .. , ... 11 "''" ea ers repare Wh••l -~··· - . ... - I l--~---...,-..acacn_na1.,...:ruc.:id.!l.\: m ··I!J._\\..!.!1 ~·Ill be tanabe<l W hry .t h•y a r r · • _,' 1 tbaJI 2·000 hungry·t"" k o·l•··l .,,. k IM·no•~t lll ho•r ko•rl s f -,-. • ''Tu ,..,loohrlll" l hla lncn•a6a1 stan 81 1 II· m .. accor~inl( to tho•Jffiln11:-.:rvrryonn• ""' bt t"X)N'I ti'd nT?Itkll'ft:: n~111rt1ciV~~n-lfi'!'II'Ttltf\n "rM"''l"ft -nr~~lnn:4.rn...lbll..J!.!J.!.Lin~l·llt1." r 1! 0!:.''1 !-a es \ .a.m atgn Jlllllllhollt,V "f rlrl'lrlr C'llllkln •• p~nt ""hl'dult· und wall fl'al ur•• to lw u~~~ Nn mr•ll•·up~ ""Ill br Hn' •' Almond htl ·11 1•11n1~ fcor 1 hi .. ,.,·.a~un oo( "41 " ll:rrtll•r h1•~ cn-•wntod 1 or water ta.xho tv ,..., "'" ; 1 If' fmn'tl.,...rll '""' m'ff"r.oh talr-r----....;...:;:, Crawford'~ Dru~:~:•~'" o r thf' H nr· aJ.towNJ All malrr-up11 a rl' tn be 11an• tlw t>c•,1 all arounci tr:wk :1ahl•·•·· inn~, . .,,, rot ·''"' m(l!o.t pnpulnr l 16.000 A o~, f4gtns Crawford •:to·• trto r•nJCr •lnll'r• throuah· 11111 .... , •. h ,, ... ·lal lc"" lf'rma ua bor Di~trtcl n~::unc:t IN> llunrm~:· oonr 1\oofnrt' th~ banqul't lunaa ht 'l"'r' _. 'Mle f&.lly C'uttl "' "l"''"ll"n · ~ ' nut Routhr• n an d t !lrnlral !"alt. tn•lallo-.1 ,.._,. ..... a nd a free alu· too lk<ach PropiN" Saor,.. The number. pi _,am,. that ha"• Had Almon/9 tw•rn 11bll' to run aho· mtll' al)lt'•uh:-a11111,. 11~ 1,.11,1~e (ooted up to StiiMIU w 11 h :t:.!:,, Tied In CiviC '"'"'" "'" hut•llu• • •1...r1111 In I muu(m ,., .. ,lttna .. , Th• "' lll· Ttlt> Opl'ntnJ: whi~llo• for tht• )..('('· bern ·playfll by e~~ _ C'i&M 8 1'f' U r,>r IIIlo• O( hi>-Ollll'r t'\ o•n h )11' \\oiUici h ll\'1' tot <II lo•ll•l t :\ pu1nt~ fur ~IOJeel J f'ftlnl hlllf ut lho· l ohltolr)' Wlo lr p lr11 r•mpalttn IIIII I hlolr. \Jtrf'f' H UI'f' jl an I W It ll ond ~•~• t!> l'<'lk>dul,•d ror 7 :45 followa : tht• to•n '''<'nl• llt~wc•wr ahc• ~·t'nt'\'c'I''Cil.t nut-J)l•rmal 11 1 amount 111 wall..,. lllumln~t.taun 'Casaba ~aaue tn• thr "'""'h "' Wa n'h,....arrur•t '"""r". twu 111yrr ··ak• p&na. a p. m . Thl' match ('llll" fnr thl' f'reshmc> 11 A\'t•ra~:lnt.: lw•llt•r I han t 11111nt:: (lPf' f'\•f'nt IJH\'o··, pwnl!< Jum pi'd 10 raa Lo a IDi.IIIOD..c·•utll~ l"•wrr anol , · ., 1111( '" t ; .... ll(f' J W h•a l, miUiaa~r < hhltrn fr'lrr. lllllc'h •w•n &84 Estu.' Jl;:tNIWIIrt' l<'llm to oppo!<l' 5oo~romc>r<"!l .7 41 1n 8 •hull 11m•• Allhun~o:h ho•':.•a .. rnr m ''"'"' trurk o•\'o•nl l )fwt' t be IJIMI..-nc~ wu Jti~.UIIU an-' ---l fcor thr ~nulhrm l'altfornta 1!' .. 11 Joll' I"'"· toll uf lhf' 1•1.,.. lalpiO\'• tM McCalle n RdmN·y. JuntOr!! 4 ~llc'<'Ufllll'~ '" da~hc·' , · · 1 nually. But l bf' "hoke•" av<'ra~owot \\'hrn 1 ~~~ unolrt .. alr ol Y. • I 11 11 •con < 't•m1oany Tr n rlr.-1 rtl' riUIJttf' rol •lrat~en Final rraC'as ur tho· l'\'l'nm~: \\ill Thl" nun:be u( inll'rt lrti<S jtamt'l Almctnd twl(f tift• n Anti-<" rt'('Circl~ u nlll lhl" M'IISOn. Nuw tw Mitis better than SIO.OUI.I a ,tay ohvttlo•ol J l~tnlwllrr II<JII&CI r .. ll \h'llm '" thr miUIIrt ....... , .. r •. whol•aa lrr•· an •I "T h .. rntlr• tlr ld •If elfct rtc pit Prier's Stnrr of the> loc'~tl ~tall to Ill> playf'tl a re u follnw.•11: •.hr Vlfr');tl~ li nd ~1111 lt1Y B rt't'<>rci It w1ll he• 11 l•m~: llnw. hd11n• n ny betweea lb~ admtral llntl h 1 • "'" prl•ln~e """laul(hl uf 1 hr ltllt · l .. l .. o·ti to· ulllll v \ "m !W'nl,.. rur t••r 1 t •lllr"l 111 lnd udfll t.n Uw r..- lt'agu(: a~:atnst the Young Ot'mo· l""r'nbml'n 2 !':11lM nahl•·•·· wrll_><lrp;c~' n a n '' amn11nj;! cic•cnthlu11 tutu!. I twi'Dty.atn o ....,. tttl,o'" An>l unly '"'r 1 :.-.. v.. '""' Tur~~tl,•y fiiKhl ~ t to·tro11t In I( 'tn ''"'Jwrallun w II h larlty Kat .. , whlc:h a pJ•II• tn a ny crats of Huntington lk<a<"h. w ith Sophomor~ 2 ,-"('"' lll~tla Tnpa .... ~rd" t wenty y•a r• prrvwu11,-lh" l'tr ot l~ra~o~.fl'if'\l HriiJICI:1IIb whu """ r "I ''""I"'" hrrr I 1 maltr a n•t. any mntlf'l oC IHI •lee:• tM l t.arting whistle to I!OUDd at Junto~ S S.•ltlnJ: I) fi··w <'•·•· fi'('Orcl llfltl al:-<1 ho•lll'rtnj! Almonci'!O l!MO "R" bJont. Italy. bc•rn "flaJIC uffu .. , .. •·•Nhlt•ol with 11 win wlor ll llt<'lr "Trrm .. ol a l'uJlUIIlrtly Kalf', th• trio' riU11H 8 :30 p. m. ;~ark n~ M~~;:.wrc•n Wll" lhf• dc'("altrfnn'!< nr•'O() hl~ho•)<l man !'('Urine wu a 8aA FTIUlr !..·u hat•k •lrwC:r' "f'l'"""n'" olf'(IIUI.J .. ol mnvr ol "I' I ll lfll'"'"" .. t-rvn ' lhr ,.,., t hai .. An .... rNtiVf' &threrttlllnl CUD. . l.t<•tpf;o. rho· II rc-rnrt1 ,, nn>' .1.">-~ 1 ~·ho Jot b1a atart ahoolllljl , '"I'" tnlu 11 II,. fur flrlt pl••·r with lttr·j whllr .,. trw yr r.ra ••" 1111ty """ Jlllljln tn whtc·h 11-•paper lldv•- Liko' Alm<'~n•l tf l\1\'Gnvr.•n hMI nm lht• m rlo• h1• Wtlulrl hrtvt• h ll wllb a bertr.nlnl( '"lliiAI uf four-:>:••""t"•rl 111"n ""' "' ''"""" wumr n Wlla ch&lll · '"•In• l'ltrTif'll t h• major 1har11 at _,.na lrll!<l ~ 1101nl~>. b~ suh,.a atuttn~: h1s mrlr ltmo• roor 11n()lh1•r r~nt., btta. League lt•ndlng ! th" lo•ll•l I• •up portlDI UWt Mle." llowt•vcor "'" :n '"""'" "1 111 Jll:w .. (t htm ri~:ht ho·h1n1l Almlilntl TIDE TABLE I • Thl (*1' r·~·c•l\"101: :l~l'll<lint nlt•clul• 111'1' ~~~ fullco ... ,· Almconll, Mt-Ga v· .. 1!:~ p~:nt:':'~11'., ~half lho·r·~·l w L a•• •o• POWER rf•n . lurho·r. W l'l ... Allo•n . ..-urtharn. B:cld\\'tn Wrnrll'r« nf tlw :10-point I ' u c 'V 11 111l11 -1 •~"'"" llolwf' ll 1 ~ " ml'dnl!( nrr· Van Rrpo•r . Stc•ltm "'. Wtng, Rk klln1. A.ndc R re i•. and Ulel Southern Calltornl• l'rawtu rol llru• ll 1 ..... ~... SQUADRQU "TO .. and Whitrhl"ll(!. n10n, t'&tnl, had IDOI'e lo lbe lboUMDd popu· " • .. -~._,.. a__ _____ _...._....:;::~ H arbor-Onaya .. • Ra 8 lf:04 1~ t:W Ttl<' 15·J)(ltnl winnt•r!< Hrr: Bryan. t. Gaynor, Str phl'nll. Wa lla. ct',l taUan, til• hardy' farmer boy pic k-Q .T . P ukr r• ~ 4 ST.a. •y .aftftU .· McCorkell, Woody, Wtt, Haley. McMillton. Foeleman. Jann Tavt ed !be 8&'1 of Sanla lolonk a aa hla PrJce'• IUOA . . 2 D U t 0.0· 1.1 ftft ~ P arks. Carich. Ttleuret. Sherman.-..Qlaplin Sherr~; ' : ce~~ter .S open.Uana, ancS ~ally r oodbuket ' I e If T 4 ~0~ 11~:~ ::·:. w~ll. Cal'.c, Taylor. Ow<'k. Knjob. an.rl H ilt. ' lit tu town, put _ -1f{J 1 ~ IWJ ----• on tbe ey~ ot ~ven lbe tar-famed J'rtrr 'ro ~lur,. nuovf'ol ""' ,.1 thr -t---frt-•-ftl'le-..:...--~-... •?~.HM--~~~·-~~~~~~!!j;~~-::.,;:::~~---...;.;JJ Youths P·rosper-ti·ve' Candt.dates ).IQDte Carlo a ftu Whlt h he n•m-,lo•a,cl; •• f'l!lllll whrn II Willi "" ....... Y' 10 II .. () 41 ,~·:, '-t'd anr_ of ~ fll't't II.NIInK II to uno I £11n11' "' I h<' r"orn•l l•v ,,,.,,..,It I • r. 4 I r. 4 :'1 For 1941 Sal.lor Baseball NI·n-an UIIOC:ia~ on thr •lngh• fiiJt Uu· ....... 11 t~llo: '""' · .. nlv uno• h)l II 7 :t4 I 'l~ •. ,, --------=--==--!=~~'--~~~~~:--~~-~->B-oe.JI._r::_r.a,_u __ .... _..1_U_U~~t:Jo+lftmlhr":C'-d_ll_t'_._T_ru~I}:..'_T_o.:-:.":..)'.-;"'='"=" nu oo·a:ul~tr .:nrrt•• wft• phovrtl l hl~ 4 7 plkW: -..... ~1·"'•·"'k,_-------- i\JIJ'I•o\1111'tlol~ ·1~l I"''' lllllld1 C•lll .11 :t ro.·, Ill 11\l•o ilfll: l':tlft•tl lo\ l'oo:wh \\, rul.ll l 'wk• n• '" '•.:ril l~ I Itt II' 111ft I,..... Ul It, I"• lf.tlf ltH J}u • •·••nunc .. ,. "'" Fu t .u·tu,el I•! t• th 1 ........... l••n '-•tP•'\h"l f 11f111"1 b\ •I ... •tiJ \\tf '' ltf \\ 'o It• fol j,1• I \\ • Itt• ,of,l\ ,tfltlr1•N•rt \l.qr,tth ul tft• "-t..'" ... l•tl \ '""' d••\nlt d IP thro\\lrtL: '"'' 1.,,11 '' qnd ·""' • n .•. I·"' " • 't • Pla ying tu a 11,." r ''"I'"' II)• G.a"'e l corr f.,1 1 "' "'""'" ·n,, .' ··111 . C 'o111rh crow• I ,,., tJ,. m. wtt 11 ""' '""h "" "t .,., l't•'k•·n ... '" l l·r r ,... E ,tu, ~ ~« '·• 1111111-: '"' rnlo·n•IVt• el&hty Ill'" 1'111 ol tit•· til "''''"" I.,.,,,.,,., " 1-I 'I .!;P~··•n• ..... h.-tlul•• tl l"''''thh• 1\l· · a nd. ~trill, tho· IJhlt• oltootoiH•ol 1'-" II .\l1llo 1 (I jo' t • uh It• t., ... "'-fh,tful.-d l•·ntlttl\'t• much u J6!,,t,.Mf ln .. 11• v.•••k ,.11,. t l \ttlt•, ,, F L'tlll•·• "1111 ;-;111"' ""·' \\lllllt••r . man "'"lltlnJ( ur tl\l h•t ""'h"l: s t.:"'"''" 1'1 t; ~ \\" .. ""''" II ' h ~dlo•·l ul I AIIII! I' o ff Willi S46 '~"' a t ""'' •llttrJ.: "loot•, •• 1o " I ' 4 ,, .u·h d ftd ,,•I•• 1 f••l• fl ,., t, lllt'Jt· .. "·••I 1. ,., 1, oil 11111,.. Ton.r·• "l hilla'' ., .........._ / Girl• wet• Twoy·,. .. t.all14" ••• .... --... h .II ,.. tdl It I Itt Ill/• ~ ... ,\ru•ru •• .._ ll.tf:uu.tl ..:.uu• ~ud 40in•·.,n•' Af•l•·•l••tl fu• llt•ll f••lhl J'l• l\• .1.. It , '•"'' ,-.,dh 1 t an1l f~tmr ... hlfh..-t wft y,. lh• v ..,.. •. ,, • 1 1 1 , 1 1 11 '·k··• ft'tt It'd out '" ·th•• Pthlll • ,., 11 "' 1 , ... ,, " '·· 1 ••• , 1 J•' , .. ,... p.u . .. .. 11uluh,.1,,,,1 l!.!...u .. •••l!t'l•t'tl• (If tt•ruu•m n rut tJ,•';to' ••J••I•t1•d ""111 .. it •: II Gray• \\'Ilk• ,,. •• , I,JIIt ~, tti UI ,,. ~!pu•k Mu11l1 II 111· ~""'''I "'' 11,.1, ''"" .~ ••. ,.hut~~ry--.imt-~ ..... 4""h' • •I till·"'''" ... , • J .. -· •• ·w t• , ... 1 I''''' "''"" ,. 1 1,, 1, .• ,·u· '-•It• d,11,, uf ruun-::\ ..... Ah"•n·. 'urrt•··t HI plnlf I tol ·t••t l , 1 1 •I 11, 1 I I ltl"hl •'II h ~III II llflol•' .,.-,.,,r l• I{ain Is Uamp(•r Un Orange .Mt'ct and Hrt.'a 1((1 lay.s ' • I •' I ! \ H j1 J d lilt lt lffl f'\ (II il It I'd "-.1 fl'· t t'• d '11•1 IJ, t!tl• ,.• t"tro h• ,t;tlt•d \1)'f.' f)f 1ht• ~tl{ )'t•~"41 I' f It• flitf)l .,.1 1.\:.•J.:.:: l~·_.tllll• 11"1 111\h .1 \ •I fiUf'K ~·•1 Jl 11\1 "'l'''t H ltlll \\lt~tl 1•\tl \-teJHt \' '''"'''l t•IJI~ ... n.-"'" n 111m .. T "'"~',, ~"' '""""" 1-.....-;--··--W-~"1n-.,,_.... •Ct~K="'~ ,..-nrM)m,.,-mn·~-wr T1'11~1'f11,.. ,.-.,.-tht-,;w-,. -\,lf'-11~. \\1111 ".,, ,,. I ,., ,,,, • unJors I hlt.H 0 ( I' h•···r f,.ltl 11 ltl•l• "'''' d•LJtu~:. t h• ,,...,, '"'" ,,, • •i•'fltJI• d l••f tt•· 1 ..... .,. '' 111 ,., A-I J • 1 uny \" 1 k hu'''' ''" 11 • "'-''"""'' 1''" -!!!::=!'{-.-----.thlt< ffio\ 111\1 •'n lh•· llt"·lo•J•In ... ~nnua nterc 8 88 I T h .. .i!MCUII. "''Rtl Uw·m.:n· •..Ulol IIIJIIJII"' • t li•\ th· !: •tt • ,,,.1 •' th• ~ •n·• ' 111 ttt•· Adrtt•t.d .. r••·llt~~n~~~ l d• • k \\,11 H ,. \o\1 uflt• r dtol "''' I" 1 WHEN CROSSING STREET, ••• LOOK lOTH WAYS Whell flying Kites ••• follow These 3 Safety ltufes I ttttl .. \..:·''" \ •lt1.thl1 • \1•••1• tH'• ,\ '''' R ~t·~•· \• t••ffl•\ ll o~tl.tttl 'l'\; ttfl'kd tl•"'' ,,.,,,. IJ•JUU••t •fq •t•• ,., t l •••t 'l n••H•Iuv "'''" ,,,,,.,, •. , ll•IIIUI' 11\t I• ,,, .... \t ···' \I,. Ifill',, '"'' ,, f I ... 1'1 .11 k ,,, '1 ''"' IJUll (JU•I ta• .. U\) t ttlll a.U I uu;~ f ..:L y.,.,. -rh•·tiHI•·•I ,,, I .......... ,,,. ,,,,, thtl tt·~t ll.l l,, ... ,fttll It l~t t lt .l.t tlu J•~t,'H" IHkllla..' f lfJ>I'' ftiUt t• Ott•rr •Ht•fUif\ •lt•·•k•·•l f••l tl+tl t iJ•h .. f11~\'lt lf4•tU l•u ld f ~ol u •lt t!t' pl t~·d oil Jl.ttln'il Jh.,.h 1h• \ tl'tt \ \\PI J r! f f"lftr t... tHUl .. I U~ tlld ,.th.-r fttntUd tHI;d It tll"l flf• ttiiiiJif'trll'tfl '.t it .. ,., .. t ht"' h,t•t ••ftl\ • .I•••U I l\\•h• l •tltl•• f1, ...;.,,,,,, •J,, .. I J\ ,lnlJt,\\t•d ,",U}t a:.••l t•dl,U lhr• H••"' tl••l ;,, f•••tt•tl ftl •l \\•alt.,.., f •'f rtt~fll !+• "''•• 1~ ~·,. hm•·n •hud \\1th !il.\ uwn 1 .... .,...,...u~a· \A.tJ)' ,,f tt•u•l••r ·n,, h••'' 't''Ut h'' "' ••·•·•t "''"' ttt • ~~1:1 q •. ''•Jih•uu"''" J,, ... ""••H•n..: 17.101( th•tn II••· ''" ''""'' "':' l·rl•llt '. ,.,,,,h f~•••J·h H•~~t '' I • " not •• r.t ... I ''" •• ,..,. ruuh ''' o~.:t ,.,,,,,, 1 d '"•Jhv u ...... Jt , •·I '"' "'''' ,,,, .................. , Yth•· '·"' IUJtfW•t tltr• J,:l•·l~ I'JUII ultuo '''"''"''' lu ,,, ,lift I ,,,,,.., ltftt\~t lhKII t tlttl.••n llftt•.'"t fl 1 J(r iJt \'t 'A IH•fa V..•t• h1 lin• ltt•f ,\'• l ttnf•V. ~II tit• Ill• tlt•"l" 11"1·1 Ill" •11'1 7,1 """ "'" k t .. llt,.'h lflll•ll• I l l \lo·C.o\11 11 ' T ht•oj!h I'•• ll'l'lttlo•IJt .,.,,., ''""' 1111' J"'"lt••>t •·ol 1111111 flt•ltl 1 ~11 •!.• .1,, Sf,·''"" I~~ .lnhfi'-'•U a j(Uh t lw~ w.-.r1 lh4l-r• fttt tk.• !\lPJC'I '1'111 """'"" IJt• l l tt h••' '''" k '"'" llutrllo• I I I lllolloo•• l:ll lfiiJ II" I( \olo a'h lh"''' 1111111• 1111011 ·~•plfo•l "Ill lilll>~ltllll tl• 1•·1' •1 '" I r;r:tltJ• • lt w. '·"" 'I' ;\tvt• ,,,,,. t2 t n ina \' ,..,.. , .... ,~,._ uuuut• •·I lh• trl\a rl• t-:,.;, • hu••r S•tu••' 1 ·~~ 1\lnu•nd !l4 h••'•'~ A nd U t•• ,._11rt1• pr•·•••• tt1111a """ """'''"''" tolo••·•l•l '"' $JONU) K .'It ) '••1•1 t I ' t;n w•h l:ll n •nn r"s•re \\ •'"" I .~ J p>f t ki•J • Mhuf' .. l•niJl~t ;\ J•"lr ftf htl l"'tl~o•·". t ':-• ,., 1 · A HEA'Rt'idlnner,ormld-'"'.1 .. •n•l• 1'"" J""1 111 '"'" ,.,.,, y ht C'. { .Flyyourkiteinanopeu.held,awayfrom 'night tt'nch.a.littletoo 1111 ,';·:··~\.',~,' \\'oil• .... AI· ""It lt\1(1'11 ""''toll kii•Y. '"'') ac ~Htn () SPORTLIID BOWLIIG ALLEYS · -BAUJOA rAVIUON ftU\\'U NU "UUP:" -ftAI.UI a .. I':Q liiPMP:NT Kif F.M: IJ\co At tl-rll•oon •: ~ftc· r.n .: ~Of' l'el., Mt111. a tfnlklaya ' . f .F.T I 'M Mt~U. In An Ad In Itt...,. t•rohllotll• wilt ltuy nr Mo-lt """' n .... or Kt•al Varcl ._ ~ Manu r acturers -.- Moorings • ltentals • Sales ' I'AIJL NORII.Alf • Y Af:lfT RAI!. IIAilD ...,,, A'"""" .,_, <""- :t.l4 Y. l ht .~t .. Newport Beeclt ....... ~01 · ----------~=============II lines. muchamoklnl, • .., \lr•l;;,,, •. n. I'JI I w .. r •. ,,, .... ·I II "'"""' lr••lllol• l)e I aun ch··..l 1-:-~;;-:--jt----'~:.::::::.....:::::.::=.:._ ______________________ ~~~~~~~~o~r~~~::~~~~=~_l_~~·+-~'~'l~t-J,I'III"•·nn•o I •t.•rtln~ H 11 •hoi 1111011 ''''",,.,,,II ~ J ~I l. 2 1 ~-i:•• f\\l·rko·l'·l ~l lh .. '4••11 ........ T"t'y·,. u .. ,uthJ.'I"<c. • Never use wire or tinset .cord,.Dr atriDo eh~y "'"''' t'l • "''"~" I J <N• .... u•·r 1•••k ooV•·r Ill II Cl'l) that h~s become damp hom rain or fnt'lt. • WIOrning. Ho '"' I 1•!-'· •. ,....... 1.' I Suphw l'llflal·h ....... y rw ....... y -,,,, flltiHI'''"" ,,, \o\ \ If hf flll\4 tlfltft•f l 'fllt'III H Iii•" 1••1 l f,,v. ltd t ' J(,..,,.,, u f lh • \ 11d· ~.r 1 c; ~~·""Ill'"',,,( . .,,, .. ,,,.,,, \\1!1 .. ,,, r•'fldV ft.,r l:ttnu·h•nl-, , ,.,,.._,,,,ft,, .. llr-f'"'' Skiff 1\ -t~hi(W;-wtth-1-mw --=---~.--.M--U-------.1 :.:, ll.J•· K .. r m ath Martnf' Y.nl(ln•·· · ( 'umJIIf'My nv .. rhaul~ . . . . . . . . . . . Sl26 ...,. Yeu ~~ho ottf.iONally . '"'''''' •'I• S•·n11,1.: I B.tttlt' Of The B~y 3 · ~a p~~rty and nUO,. l ood f•l· !"ll•ot 1 )1 S••loo•rl •:•1 (;JIIIol•·' An• ~lwltklfll( 111 •••urllt lltr • If your Jtite catches in an electriC liile,.. low\hlp and eood food, ofln pet I'll \\'11•1 , ., Uattl .. •of !o\10nl.J4 M•¥11•" H+ly l•"ll:lr1 "jttttn ltu• ru••l IW•• v.• ,.~, 1t "',, l•·~>t '""' to~l11y 13Ul--f 'HAST llffiiiWA \'.-.r ,...... UA t' at South eo.at • ~· . ·. let go! Don't try to ,..pulJ it dowb .. PhOne the nu t day for th« tua you Mel. ., 1 '••1~· V:urll r l rMfCa vrtm l:ll l llf'tWt,·n T•.ny 111111 Lh•· t!l~lr oo I Why don't you try ADta-S.l~ 1\llll••ntl 111 Sl•·~trn• · ~&ttorr .. ·y·, •111ft lh•·n 11•'••1•"1 t..v aervice COmpany tO WhiCh the-line bel0QCJ8 I« &haL w~.AIW' 1edi.nlf llt~;h JUn}ll •I I 'lllumJ•"'''"• f~) lt~rr11o ~"'it.. 1~ 1111 1""1'""" Tho· Alka·!elllft Ia -roedldol ~. ,SI••:.m• qi (';raf.tl•· l lrl'&l pulfll nt fllllll .. """"...,, .. ,h .. , and a lineman will come to get your kit• "'1 In the nllef ol .. , ...._ llrnllcl lumo:.. Ill Barn•·~. 12) Ranta .Wonrr " ·~·)' """"' II I•"" ,,, . \It K 1 ,.,11•· wh•• r•·•·•·nt I} • "" .,,,,.,.,, .. , ..,,. ~o1 a ~ ...... -uuuic . ~-~--111111111111_._..,..,.-.._..,..,. ............................ ,...,.., ......... ., ..... I:-------J till• ••II~ <or<l>•ro•<' rrro111 fofoWIIIIIIIh t~li"Mnl.l to.ca_,.· Alka -S.IU. · r , for Y n u C'Oft'lblnH 1 n llabll ana~ pam. .\1oro<h t1o S.-1>~·11 l.h• Bllll" 'If ( a llf•trnllt ••• " I''"'" "!'-rt'h•ver wolh 1fl&lfllnd alll.al1d8t ..... j tof Uw biKh AI'JUI Tlto,.JI(h lhr to.w salta llll(h lfurrll•· , l t rarrrlln. 'rzt u court aaltl It w u wllh tn "''' ~tit I·~•• <Till"''' tl, '"' t••W•·r•·•l "''"' ....... •lt•-·1 """'"''" ·n••· n•·w r1 uft wtll Jrll'l•fl"•r rotr• •'• SOUTHIIN CAllfOINIA.IDISON COMPANY lTD. BAllOW ARt; J.H.ESTUS Pl.t'MBING ··-··~""'--~ ••••• .. tt·~.nwwc RANoa • unroauroa • '"""RF.U 01811l\'AIIIIEII8 e· UDI08 --... •. Newport 8Mdl nos o-at Blvd. Try it -~ .,0.. bl., ...... • C:11rM>n, f :It fl1,•11t·h. Slate. tn.-. P tltrtr l f '••uri ••f A I• •'-· Afi!IIMt..,....._ CM a,.._ · JOfl \lent •I t F~>wl,..r 121 peal , .. .,.,r.,...l th,. tl,.c-lalon Thill '-I"''"' "'" Wllrt htn1·~• l·•ornl•trl 11lol•• flrY'tlltfUJ)O(~Itton_"" fllr IIWOf'"' lfl\lf 1:'1''''•· w tth lh,. l11t •·~• nf n"nll· r•nl "Nonvf"nll•nN•' 11''101( I'!IIIAII•oci ;:::.::-...:..'---""~ <'ran•· -111 Ha llnmurt• . M kt In favrrr "' Anthony Htr•lh' !;0() ) :trrl llt Q u11r ry. 121 Cor-· , Alka..S.It.f le noo-lautl"... .o.on 1:\1 llrtshimnllo 8eO )'llrtl I 1 I . On.,.m. ~~~,· . -• . :.7~·A~a~=-.:~ =-= Shot !I t F ow iO:r. 121 Myrcohn, HAW), 1 ~1 P lumiTM't.' ~-• ~"EIIDENTt MEET ,.,._.,_.. ......... _ •• 1:\I F"It7patr1C'k. Low l-fu~ II I Winc. 121 - · .• ,.,...._,., 1 •::~ o.:.IPOIAI JQIIIp _,,U..J.....Butlti;=J2.). Wltt6tlht'~ ql [t~n .. ,}--~~ _r: f!' Olaon . .,.M,. 0. Ji7.• •• ~.:·~tt.:'~ a,_.... 1S h4>nln, 1:\1 F\tzp~~trlrk R.iay -1'11' Tunron.~,li-~.,.,.ram ·~....,.. ~ are In a liNt • H hth Jump Il l Kunhara, 12) nwn. bell IIlli of Balbtl& laiUid a "'l l ....... Iamon. t3J JfaahfmotA 8bot UMc.<:ork~. 121 Mlnato.I·PI;'MI!t and put pr.-..ta. r•- so )'llrtl t11 f"otrlrm•n 121 13) Taylor. IJPf!Cllnly. rrt US• l"tewport. Har· · I <*!'• · PW Vault-11 J W th. I 21 Van l bor tfnloa H1ctJ 81-h ool J• T A lMIItrhud. 131 w•ltoo R.lpeor. 13) ... tt. I 1.,, aU..!'d.tn• today. 'Miur..S.y 100 yard ll r Jlltt, 121 Plum· JGitl Jump-Cl t U...nnan, 121 t h• ptHident'a t'onler.-.ce In C'y. rrwr . tl ) Taylor. · ~. 13) Hltt. · prua. B.; /.1./t .-"! k -T ~ ,. \ 11~.' ' • · I t , t • r· ~ IICIEJifat II&ADDfO aoo• Ill._. Oaatn1 A.- ~~ • \ l . --( --------------~------------------------------~------•. r . " .... ,. 1 ~-Four NEWPORT pALBOA NEWS-TIJI!S, Newport Beec:h, Callforma. THt.'RSDAY, MARCH 6. 19;11. I ------------------------------ Harbor High School S(l' t:u ·ut:u K\ .. \ "llll4TI.t: Ja nw was a bhat··c·~·'(l ~1rl t~f 11; "1th l•·:olltlflll 1 ··d h. oil II I ~• I I 1 I i ' .r.k.u.,.• t c·uut p \' ,"'\ Wtw•n•V('f' she• \\('Ol .!.hP ,,;a ... \\t' • tl-.•u. :tnt "I"'" 1111 1.., " 1,. folle~e Slanguage News Tilt: sonAL WHOU. h)' 'I art ha Ko-rry . !New N.Y •. A. Di~a Head I I A 11 II I "." I \' "I· " • I \ ' "I ". I I '.. I h·· l! ' {' her tifll(' nl th<' shl1\\'-, tilt' d:tn1"''"• "I' t> "'" 1"11'· 11' ~~~.., 1 1 11 '' 1 1 1:1 ,,ht 'lulo·nt 1,1 • • 1 !la.:r1t tu rhe d vtho•s ~o\\.("Ct h('r 11 J.:..l'':" •II· .• I .. r .. -,1 ~·· 1 , , ... ""'~ ....... t•ld 1 1 .. ,1., • 1 , 1 .. ,. 1, •1.,n ~:tl 1,. ~~~~ ,, Otlt' duy ,Ja n ... ·:-~ltllu·r .:tntl l:ti i H·r· dt·•·ltlt ~l th••)' 111111ld 1 .. ,. 1""'' ., ,,,111., •I•"' .. I· 1 ,,,.fl. du•kt·d ru·ut111d 1n movn to "·lll JO;t. ~) .l~tnlt• 1 1~111. ... ~'1'1'1'11 to :"t•\\JIItr l ll t~rlo!ll' .. ,,, I .. 11•.·· I ... , I ""'"'I'd .lhUI. )t• IH' '-l1ol 1 '"f" 1 111' (II I·• 11111 t• It• ·II', · • ' ool•l P\l••t lh Oft' ~11M In "' Union lli~h &·huol. , , 1 -1,", , ••• 111 " , •II -.....,1 ;• .. 1 "t .r11 ,,, nn); rn thl' h"""'' ::.... !fhto-fir.\t dtiv-HHtt .H.n~Ut>lldt•d JJ.;u·IJur ~he \\'a;"' \'CI'~' t '""l't:on!!., .J•·III l'.ol-,or~lo( .1 _lll •. o..Jo I• •II Ill•'"''"''""''" and ntl~ much dl;;;illu.i>ic~>d. Sht.• had sur~· that a ll boys \\'('r'C ... '•!.oil(•· •I fll\'•'1 '11~ "' \'llol'tl.:lll '""' pl.ohlll•''· llfl{• coed \o\llS · h II hid ! "'""'1.: '"' '""'" :-.t•••ll tuJ.: ···'"'! "' .u lllf! h111h·t.op wlute genllcfl'11(!11, JJUt wht>ne\<'f sh& walkt'd down the a u w s .... ''''"'·' .._,,,,. 1 ... 11. L', , .1•1 ... '""' .• · hOlt'). amt a ..--tratt'd the hall. All thP ooys (wdl. most of them) de· •. lllllll'llllllll :-.1\111).. 11111•11' '''"'I I •• , .. ot• ;,n \4ll h Sl'ih-choo curts --f r· II• .lol 11•1 I ' fo) 'iiVt•( CUff llnkJI. dded that red meant fire. and so tht>y took the part o a are '""'"I 1 J,11tu SIIU o "'""' d lllk••• 1-'•t• t;o,hl"ll> >llikt' lbeca~""' it engine fOI"IOIIM'fJIIngt . "' ----" '-:imlo1;7 !oo.otn 11:111 Yo ll •:--.orrw \\.o• ro·all\' wlirmt weft ~ All of tht> boys "·ondef't'd Why JaJUr ~·t go out Ill< !lilt Jllnlur ('oo ll•'l!' I ,l unk I ll,'kj,h WOrn ~ !ql(lrU with them. Littk-d id ttwy know tha t tht•y tt<u1 salva).!('d lh(•ir l':o" ll"l<lm~o: ·' <"'·'" 1"')101.: •I• 'I"' l~··r.:o· polo co.u &n' SIIU I ,110.r 1al ntt••nt111n '1., ''' '''.'"1 ltrH:_.on I•·Jt•'ilu'r unit dark eta-WP ne righ\5 for 8 sv.'eiJ dat£' h)' a s.impW ~·h[o;;rJt•. ••lt~:ti!J!: •I·•"'" 1 11 •l1111 :-.t.ot.• l 111· •It .;o11,tnJ.; a Rrt•at pen:t"nla&f' ol ,co.u,u . I h·· ~.·1' I ; .. LOVF. IN T«F.''f.t'NCH ROOM" Api•I•;-J•oft,h··· c l(lo' ... Jt.-,-,:ar-nl'iL:hl a-. weD_,...li' on'! · I h rt•''-f~tvor "''h on,tllll't"r •SI<lw ·""I •k •c-ntw an outfit thai is "I ~ you dfoarly.' 'said tM big footbal s ta r to t t• ru nt t 'ntv•·r-..tt' 1 ,.,1-o,,tn,,.,.,., to 11hock t~ tal...,. Robert W YDI aW. Calif_. dingy blonde as he,.t,..'isted hts feet a round the-empty chair. H ~~ 11 (' Htl: "'"n !m o·ampu' • \••la,h•·' oU you ladlft. A b~·n· National vc!u. Aclai ........ ,-. .. but (cannot let you have this aeal." tl 'nl\'t•f'tl.) 111 ~lwlllc·ono •II~'• ,,.,-fi typically won I CuJil anllOGnotell tM appoiat..lllt fll S.• Workers Named For fish Fry At Newport Old -'•Lights" Chief · Shines Forth _With New Phiz , , 111n •• 'l"·~ '" ~«"f'• 111 .. rr .. n.:· tammt!nl I' V l'arkl'~. t'I!Uik .n.: f,.r th.-}!Uont .. n.t 'I"'' t.:•• uhu \ '•••1 k••r .. 11 d [l K llhlt', n.o·rnlw r · , , 1111.1 ,.,,,,,,,,j ;-., •I I'' ol Fl'h 1-'r \' ,.hlp Hftrry ~: s t 11 !I Gro•J:•lrgy t.. b.• •ta~ ... t hy t h•.' ~~'""1•9rt tltoriJ\' Vrr Ht~li'IH'r, H••rt !'.till!<. •thtlilfl•"" )If' II,. ,,,.,., ·• 1 ollllll It 11 'fh~ ohr<•t'IOtrs u Is IJ dirltiiMI• ,1 wf'll n10 1o ''"'""' 1 ltll' IJtu•trWIIll u f plans Cor an t-;?,sto-r· 1-;J;:!J: hunt tot lht· ur.:antzJlt"ll til•· < .. ntlf 1: )'NU' ~I'WP<•rt and H21rrls (.'ultlt> II n o1 """"'' naln.-•1 tJy l'rt·>tl•h·nt 1-:all H u.:h Ormrnrl WI' I P uppullll\'11 a llall at ,. tl1ru'turs mn·Unll: W•·IJ· l'Of!lmlttt>e to ~-in \'l).a rge ot 1\1'· nt"'day nl~eht an t hr 1-:»IWI Bulid· l flllJi:i'mPnlll. mg. The Ncowport Fish F ry attrat t· Th<' to•nlul ,.,. oln to• ut :\lay ltltb t·ol tt.a)u~anU.II of vuutui'B frum 1111 ror th• • tu1h fry \\'U ol'tk'tally ""'·ctiool uf the· !Mouth land I us I aJopt~ y .. ar and bf'callllt' the evtnt Wl.l8 • -Prc>.W..nt Hall P-mN the fol· wedel ubliclu!L~.lAm -"""C::iiim'rtt"Ha· -food ~miL' dUf' do to 1ls unique charal'ter. lt)t' tee. Oliver C~pbt'U. Harria Cot-I COCJ?m.illf'f' plans to prepare ror lk, ar, A. R Thoalpeoo. aod Olcll even a gnet~r rnnutnce of vlaltora fUchard.a; F'lah Comq~lttee. Bert,, lo parlil'tpate In l he grelltt"l Willa. Bert ()qulat; I "free fH\1" evet st.a.ttd on th" f'ublklty E._ Jl._ o · eot.er. cout. ___ _ ___ . . Fun Zone Ferris Wheel First Sign of Spring ~ Free "(' Rides I . rl I ;.won A ''"~ Ill htOrtnt.: ll>'I)Ofl d •rk lomwn sktrt and wtlltf' '5Jik bnt G . Proclcer .. D~., ... Such 80I!neS are daily enacted m Hal::l¥>r's carete a., I ('unno"<'lll'\11 ('Otllo•J.:o• r ... \\'nnt• "' ·htrl 1\llh "' )f'IIOW llfli'OI'a cardi· Slate Divi.aioe of Work Projeda. . .loeeph A. Beek · t.ttles are fot.eght ow-r empty chain. and where many, llarrlwa ro• Frai•'ITtol~ Jo'"''lr~ ~:an ll••r hair was ··~f(l" '" Bora ill Gtu• ValleJ, Callfonilt.. 'fht>l"t!'ll boo tun ror old and Mr. A.rlMnon to aid' in adwrttsing Joh' O.·o'l<. hk~· thf' r\'ll1 ~r the h't=t-------;~~;f,~;:;;~~~l;~~fniiintr'Wi;aJWlrtoniit'tl~'11rci'ir.___ ~-~,._'."'"''"-~• l<>AII)Ifdor a rvt apnrted a,.larxe Mr Pn>4lu ... beettia eUip of o ~a»m~:-IUid..all..oL~ folks. in be:-S.lboa's resort raciliti~. rathi'r vttmo·•·n. rn this balhwtck . mW.ts I " "' tl I t t llt>r loo!wf'r f'JC· the S&J(iftnct-INtriit Gaerif h I r· · Al than tor prott't thts t'arTy In t •' -on di/!IIIJt, Hk.-rttre old wt--So . I h I' Fl t In tho· '"''h • n '"'' ,.n••" I•' "" ,,. ,,. lOW. • . Ia ~ tv.·o..-n I o:w "asst K'attonS at what ~~ mon' hk<•ablt' than to have .. No longer do !lltudenls nash Into . tht> UJl(' 10('. rs 1 l>nrn.1r.l l 'n"''''"''', 1 or ,.1111 r 1,., ··nn~>i'<tt>d of popOiar Pal· lhe ~YA for~·· 1,eaa &L-~ ~ And4-non s Balboa •un z.orw thi!l )"Par h · • " luoe. 1M 1nU UJ~ w.-..-...-. the Chid of the Tournament or thfoy da.~ madly into the caft>lt"ria to S8V(' tht"m.~lv~ n (' Air. .Jooll\ ·up c; •.• oll'tlll:t lfllo•d tllllll't' ''"''n"' Wtl h y('IIOW anaon ~ll pos 21.000 u... &ad tiM~ .-nday. The colorful rerris wht't'l may Llghots f>ml'll;f' tn a' new phiz and Seaiors gatht>r togt"tht>r in littk-)lt.Kkt~ tryin~ to dt•· 1 Strenfur•l l 'novo·r~tl) ' ""' n "I'" I 'Ilk h,_., 1'l"n dlic.\ ~al ~~:~of all :jecta-Ute MY A .. c.-(;,•n!f•l AI And,•n.on w ho hall be _.n rt'volving tor mill'!~. partie-diM:ard the old one, thQl has for r I . . :"oiuh ,\n unattra•'"' •• I"'' "1n of-aehool procn.liL llr. ~ ,,lf'(.,.,._<rully oporat~ thto Fun ularly from the Coast Highway graced the ~ ~tMr to give the school a gift bf a be-a uti U . paint an~-:. , WtiiHI!'' 11nf1 Mar~ C'toll•·~.:•·• broacbt toy.. NY 015 a~· i'.om· rnr !W'wral yt•an;. pmvidlng wh('n> auto ti'8Hic is heav.it·~t. · a nd vi~itors art' ~ eX«Gtives do not realizre the st)ortage ttwre is. so ,conaequently st.~ts fight owor chairs t>ach noon. ,11)11 11f 11ld (a,hlllf\1'! Jl'' 0 ~ \Ill'\ I 'l111rkr"~ 'lr "fll.onrn~: 'C thtn \\·,...,. w1rh ~o-h,. Wtnd," !lpt'CtacW vt~ttur-. announcf'd today two will. ~:enerous orter by Anderson. Clip a dtflo•r•-nt ttnd mon· ma turl' Joe; I•·.Y'"' I lnevo"Mityl •olol S•lltlh Lll<'rnlly "~~I'}'Oilf'"' ;:tv1• a r,...... riM on ttw• ff'rris wfl<otol tht> Fun Z()nt' ad Crom the N"w~· 0 man "'h""'-' work and achieve· Quilhm: Maktng "" '" J)lll' "·'' tit• , ••• 0111 Cnmdy, Dan-n Me· I ll an)'onf' brinlting,with thf'm .the nm~ and trt'!lt thl' k idN to It rn.. ~ ml•nt-. t••mlwr and rorge f\('W lines h n___ J li ..... E . r.-c .. •r l()hen Wt''''')flll l 'IIIVI'I'IIy l (;,,,,.n f\(}h Gll~'nOI'. Gaylon:t ---.-----..d\'eais.Cmenl. appt'Bring In this CPrrts whet>! Mdf'. ()_ldt>r rotks •ho in 8 ral't' l hat still looks on life J)ooak anun:e 'I ouma . 8Ut nJOY l'htnl " ""' (;1\0' " t.:lrl \'OUr 1\hto•, l{o·ll ~ Putl'h. Wlhnll Lamb, Acid Fri-L .... Stud .. a. ''-'II~' of lhfo N t>ws·TimP.'> ··ani a btrd's·t>ye VIPW or the bny with dt>tt>nnlna tion. On Apn• •• pourth Fi t J mboree ,r,c .. •~·1·1mvt1ty I''" t0 rf't.:1111 !'t .. t l' l 'nt· ,oml utho·n. ... Ttw turntnJt Ofl('e mol"'' ot ttM> may obtain it hy riding lhf' fprrl~~ r I rs a . ' To AtHth a ta.dlion not~ thl'l'\"' Enrythln« hsppell!l Whl'n lf'Ut bnlllantly tllumlnatPd Balboa f\.tn v.·M>t-1. wtlich tOWI'I"'I rigt\1 bMli..W ---------=------ • Skl~ktnl: lJnromanti•· to•nn 1, , no·w ChlnH<' tonaula n~tl upec:tf'd. T l".b \a what all lh~ Mh 'lonfo ff'rntl wtw-..1 ill one of the thf' wat~~ of N pWpOrt Harbor. orA J6Ui aaa &b5 _. ,_.I ·--.-fm-. -""·'14:\ ~~~ ~..m.akc...Jm•c ..,..h<rtl ~Y-e ~-eoaaes m l pe1kid etwmlmy atudtnb werf """ ~ -4/l _.-.. ap,.-ehiRI betetMD Palm StueL.and Jt'.uh:.l.-... Ute ~ ,......_ ~ Comlnc (rom all the Kboole ln rS ... ·IIthmorr t'nlvAI""ttyl '""""''" ~hlldf'!t ranctnl f mpl thlnklnr: 1JUrt Friday when a tittle •pnng ii'L'IC>f\. which ill dofwo by ingtoo. · I tlw ..-11 _..., 8ed6e .Haw· 0raace ('OUDt). journallam atu· Who"'' "~ll'li T o t1rtv•• lin 111110· •~,111, nto-.-.om Pink to Dn~ton accl~t happe!MI4. I 1111111' .,._ wtll .. llaM .t ¥&r· deell ..-re tbe part.Lc:lpuata lA t.bei mnhllf' tSk,.1mnrr C'oii<•J::<'1 1\lo>ewl It truly Is mandrrin w r \\'hltf'.~ll. "be m 11 1 r y Bo G• J Co te F G J kw &-I t -I : ... p. a ftrat ('(JWJty pri'IUI C'OIIff'lf'nCI' hf'ld f:).t'hitnR•' ya 1r 8 mpe or a axy ~-. ~ I March ~~~ from 2 30 In ~ 00 p m. -k-T7' Rule tea~r. ba.d jwd comptlrr:ent...S I:IIJ ..~ wtU be -~ ~ u: Santa A(la '!Wnlut Hljth School NOSES FOR NEWS St. Patrie 0 . tJMo clua 4Jpclft ttl# lllck of at'C'I· f pnze· In Big Contest I ...,.. ....--Ute -acted u h«MMU l"t Plltrl('k'a OM-wW rule ckall wbea an acddenl occurr.. 0 , 8 I tM .....,._ tA wldda UteJ' ..ur. nw pu~ 011 lhUI conterace l';nltf mtrt No. ll'a not a blqod at lit" Junior Nlpt ~ ant I Oevld A~mond. the lab aaaiJit· • ..,. wtM» waM Utolk OUef Ibn wu to let "!'ioneral IdeM on )oUr· :,nund hnl on th~ trall Oil an U · t "rttlll\' n•~tht. Mard i lt. Wllb a 1 ant, wu pourint: sulphuric a cId Thf'y'l"f' romlna Into 5.be home 1 Girla entered are M • r Y Helen te ..-... ~ llllould at -_.._ 1n Ow cllffen.tJl IIC.hoollt ca!W'd criminal. and ll'tt not a C'hRnlt" 10 olale due to ~nlcltnr from the 2 liter jar a.oJ <lropped sll"f'lch. v.·tth anyont' a ~ble Guthrie. Terryl Jay. Judy Allen.' ...... ....-ua. ....,.._ ,._,-,..,aDd to ~ a iltaadard atyle mem~r of thf' wu)cer !Of'X rryong 1'\'""'" on the ae~ c:aleftdllr, it. Sulphuric. acid apiJ tt..rf'd all v.·annf'r' Such 1.a tht-tate.t 011811 Norma·-cutlt>. Carol Nation . Bev . all tM ,... at a e.dle ,...,..a ~ to two UIIC'<I hy all OranJ f' Ill 11 mt)VIf' v.•hf'n lhf' h~r" nf the t ho• mur,. appropriate u.e-wu ovt'r Oave'a ciOtbf'!l and llpllle.J on from thf' 9oy11 and Olria ContNt erly Grace. Joan Hamann. Sbellal o..ce, .._.. ........ wUI .. pub-couaty lli'h(~ pafl"r" ,.u:.tur .. dlf'~ lt'to Just a ,...J"'rtf'r t'holtt'n fM IM alt&tr. Deooratlona the tab floor whf'l"f' jt lmmf'<loatt>ly t~L 18 bf'lnr: ata~tf'd by Lonnie H0111·e. Bonnie F'tndlay. Marie La ..... ...... I Daftft McGavrf'n, a Harbor ltu· trJ,t•klnlt' do>wn a little flt'W~ tor art' tu boo r arrieiS out lD lbf' tr\Jib becan to ut mto lhe Onor Thf' Vincf'nl a t Ow Balboa PbarmMy Pt-rlt', Barbara Stovall, Joenaa ror U. ~ ot U. f4illloww ckat. Ma•IM! thf' aport• hutldlt' til• ~W"hiV•I pAJI"r. and C'lmt'ri n~; g"rf't'n and v.hlte. · quil'k thlnkln~~; nf ~-lr \\'h1trn..ck ,, Wtth lht' lur~ of a ~alaxy of Lf'ltbold. J udy Chapman, S and Y wM do liCit ~ Julll aact.IJ Other 1-ltf'r• .... ,... • f1e>yd !';ht~rp an .. xclu••ve •lnry wht'Dt'Vf'r pu•· All 11 """"' Idea. gardftlla cor· ho•·ever. pr-omptl'ol htm In put 11 ""7~11 ortt•rt>d to thf' wlnot ra al· \\'alker . Carla !tlercn. 0 l xl t -.t aort ot a --. tllia Ia. doo't of Brt'a. Btolty HlllhOWIC' of Ranta j,lbl,. ~ar:coll Will bfo on aa1e for the boy•, bue. ammonium · hy,lmxllk. o n mMt ..vcory boy •nd jtirt u.ndn Smith. ~ane Thompeon. Na n c Y ~ -....ot .-a-to aiL TM Ana. Mary ~··dfon of Anall•lm. A llntlnplnr: report('r ju11t try-In buy for thf'lr date&. the add and lllop thr aC"tlon: tw .. tvf' ycoarll ()f llf:t' In \II•• dlatrlrt ~teonmeu. [)elora Mar11hall. Char-. pta do all o1 t.M •* ftC aDd they I L)'ll.w ~nla of f'ull~rton a nd InK t .. tin hi~ jub 111 nfto>n bhtml'd 111 r ntf'rf'll, and It'll a qu .. at ton of l totte Preilt. J oan Fou, f'l\tty Lou pay tM ~ c ol U. ....._., Melvin Dart rrom T\.llltln .. fur ,.,.v,.fWirooppln~, It's all In PuBLIC NoTtCES Pue~tC . NoTICES who'• the more lntereetfod about Il l Sullli•an. Carl'ol Thom peon. Mar- ... w;ae ~ .._. aa aa ID·· P11ua w e no awanie<.l tn t h ,. th•• ltfl' nr " journalll!t. but very all '. hf' I'OOlf'lllanb thcom~~elvu or garet Reinbaua. •·ra"cia Terr . ....... ~ Qlalrtdt A ,n. wiU ............. _ aubmltUn• t he beat ff'a. ft~w •·f t1w11r n<'wllhnundl! ,., ... , BaTbara St in and J oan Palmer ..,... • I ,.,..... of t .. _ • -bor ......... ~. Statut1·s \h~ proud, mothera anti fathers: e · ........... to tM ltlt _,. ...,.. 1 tuft, M'WII "'ori.N , editorial and ltt't tu h"ltr nPI~>hborhOOtl lfOP IJl 1 NOTICE OF IALI[ 01' tTOCK 'tv .,..,. ......, '-u."· . IU Keen competition bu b ten .. ~ wi. ..... tM _,. De fteh t-u wen MrY~ and tlrat proml11ln1t on bend~ k nH to lM City Council of the 0.1~ ~ wtn t~ major prlua, but every ole Vincent and the final ...................... 1 .. . ...................... Jit ... l _......_ .. ..._ ..... _.171 ............................ ._.._, ... ..._ ..... ,zst· -a 'M I o.-., 11M aDd to apqn litCJl'Y. • fm m l'ven !'loaf' frlf'nd• wtthout i IN •uLK ol 1937. of tbt> S tat{' or Cahturnea . F.l,bt· boy• and el~ht ltirla v.· abown throulh. accordloc to Loo· 11a~~~~~~~~~~u ... .AIIItll'. · ........._ fallcMetl. keep every word out ol the paper. NoUn I• hereby ,tv-t~n ~enl Newport o-dl hu -..:e~:-efttf'Uit will .rect'ln • prlu If w ~ be known ~t=--1~..,....:,_:--~;;;;;;iii;-Oi;w.aal __ _,~-=::~;;-;--;~:;;:.-:;;;:::~ -...:..--. ........... .-~ -. ~t'-elf P"'"----.t ·-AL-u.._ f.iAa1.. awan:llac ~i.fl~RjW5ijj;f;niirf''SitmmJiVln-=ltrr"Jrrt-;;;;;;;;;::::;;;;;;:;;;:: A h. thr' jNXJI "'~'~" ~ .. WI-~IM"eel anf a re,..,n•l alatf'ment portf'rll They n rn't ~·rltco l!_JlOI nf th• Civil ('otle of tltf' Stat .. of dirm wac~ a nd . 1111~ fokr _.!"'J:hal tbco rrtua •t 10 a mM. on Sa,tu~-Already durin~; t he tut few week.a "" l of life tnt-'-· Rlaqka.lor ap,t•· """'" Aoout huot mlnut«" hapJWn· C'llhfMnls. that Mrll. J J. MWilt<rd. hoht1ay :md O':l'rt""" wor· '"' t " ol·.~· \hn-h q wht'n • ayor rviD 1 lh• poelLK>n• among the le&CS.ra ~aUONI m.a,y bfo JC'('Url'd at IOC'~I 'tn~t~ In " wn lol u! Rir rR\tJII a:ul tnl•·ntl~ to l'f'll II' Or phs F. Hot: an ln(':tltt~· m wherh tht~ "',Ork '" to ~· G<trd4>n "'Ill ac-t 81! mi\Jitf'r nl 11:1\'~ t•h:mJ:•t! d<tll. and It'll at Ill b.IJh IO('hool and ahouhl. be Mnl l"'•llll<'hl ll•1tllr• :"oin tMir'l_!l a 111t thlll r..rtaen Jlf'.fiOOal propoor1y 1 bl' J'f'rft>rm,...l. f•:• t'AI'h r .-att or ' .. r~mnnwl' Thf' rre7 f'l! tnr . th~> lin\· bodtt>'< race, }cnm'IUdl'a Vln· ~·li .......... ~lllllllllll~~ Wldtt.._ Oil~ wlll ap.ill thl.ll .....,.. ..-w tt. ..,.,... ..-cud to In at""'"" 11tnr,. tht'y muet bf' JIIC'd t 111 "~"'' rr1wort•·r nm~t t .. • •·onll'nl '"""'''lnit a:rnerall,· of Oroc'f'n ··ll f ) 1'1' of Wotrkman 1or· m•-Ml:.nrl' ll<•v• v.tll hf> u fnllnWJ!I ' '"' c·,·n t • l.n a(h•anc«< of tht' lt'Wt whil'h all "'"' nlllktnt: tl.tt• hill•' tn•·t<!rot ho• ll-~·'t'"l'mrnt n(,. ~lain~ liD~ nf'o..-!Nt '" ,.,,,..111•• lhl' O"nntr.H"1 J.lnnrl Y.trr•n r T .• u~: ltn•l ~.Mil\''" · '"P wlilool _. JW16or cotltP rra.ctuat" r~~nainc on vallW trom f"'fttl'fltanb ,..-111 tftllf' Msrrh 1!'1 <'n "·"' "" 11t• \\II\' t,, ~MI,..•I :. tHI!: ,. '!\t .:ct ll•fll r.rn..,.ry beton5:1'""1!' "'""" "oil I-· ""·•·•1.~1 •h· •II•. J'ro•-'"r ""'I film. :\r•l • !'lr•k· \\'blltlt'r C"loltf'Jtf' C"RmJlUII ltootll I''"-"'"' \ •ot•ll "" \\111111).( I • ·atol ;\I I" .I I )tUJitard :<n•l l'o•-..•1111 l•t.Jof,•t tr.C lt.'lf,! I' ol l"=tlfoorm :o-•t <tlh Ill& to 1400 u d 1 Ttww ac·bnta..-hlp8 arf' nnt wun 1 - by kJtl.eJv m•thc>4e. but by Jdrlrt :\Ia,. A I I'·· Kin.: o•nt«"ri rtlrtl'•l <'OIDpet.luO... ICiKia eaat1111Caet-.& Mt'llda.mn C:lf'n f'Krtlu)" ll.no l 110n IID&IIe wrttlr n a a•plh at ICon l .. r I n· I '1'111 l '1l\''' :lolo J\r I t\Jtt ,., St'l{lllhlo•. try and t av" a tmn.,.,.rlpl o~ rr,... and Gu)' Orrby of ~11ntR l\n11. and YWJu,e Khool l"f"C'Cf"da ~nt t" \\'~It -)lr,. Km.:'11 JauJthll'r :\lro 1\lot't' U.r CloGrp tocdMt' wtUa *•~ Eutmaa. • at••ut th•· fiul \ t.tt •r ur 1 h • , .. ,•, t ,1 1-:1•:, l!oR a t tlh •l · ·n" PI•\ ulan.: -r.e f··~ ,11 fi·h·r~ Hat.~· Hru\\nu· t·•·t arf' l.th ~~ 1-'tUI'hOIIIII l'l.o>V< \o\to.• l•lt ani"" o'••l"tl ol.-1 :\I ll ~tty of •!SfiiA lfltno·o l .II•' I• lnll""' I'R•I~a lllt•ll :'•l i~th 1':l' I' lltold 1•11•1·11·· It'<" ~l'••t "'"".til I'"'' ll•·n • h Cou nt)' nl Huerly P•·r T•·unt' :-;o~ 7th Slrl("•f'. "'lh I Ill I It Ill Ill! I •lot ~ ,,., .. , • t r "allfomla. nn.o. l' o<o'lllll "• l ,., 171 .. r .. r lh•· r.lrl' r~. 1/ o• •• -· OII 'IIOt:• !"1110'''' "•c .. ni .... :Oif'll~f .. llu\\J< h i ~'jlfl flooll , I tl'l\' ""rtl 11 1 tho• 1••11•h ••" pnt'e lbf'rt'uf Trnc1,. M florf'tljoatl~• blf' l\'n~f' ::>r··! t 4 on 1,,,11 , :lt•l :!ll tn ~··'""t\' u ··ltt .. t,.:•ll;o~ ,. , ... ,,, •• ,_ u 1 pAi t n t hf 13lb dav nr ... (l t ~1 ~ ~tn''' - Th•'\' 1:• I lol:o "'' d '"' "Ill 1111: \\'It <I "' • 'I " ~ rt It Ftn•tl I rflno· II> r ·l "' -· """ l ito I "on I ~··I ;,j II If, Ill. \LII•h t\•4 111 .ma • !lo'oh•·r 11r T r··n•·h· I'll"' Jo.,tl o;p ' ~ktJ'I'.' ''"" ith th• \ llt',U Uit \ U •· ••otn••l up .. n f ', f td t•t.,u F l •·t. St.. C1l) ,.r '''" f ttor 1 ~l , "" '"'""''"I! IOiotot tl••·v ~''""'"I ,.. :-'1nt·o J\n.l o'.,llnty nf Onlnl'f' l'nt.:lnl' llnl:r 11:!1 qm ~'\\Ill~ )l.o•huu lilh •\\···rl\'trg ll•··· t ·'-'•' • tlttun 1t•··1 •'I' ~&n'PrJ-:1' ~~ d• ~r t oa ht"l u.u. at :'\:00 o'cl,._ k l"trw" \\"t'ltl~r t :!:; lH •l4' 1 ''4'"' tlt l<e> ~~~~ "ho·n tiH•y lt'I\Ve out any ,. :\1 !'hat ""' 11ddrt'!lt of 11\h! ,.,1~. 1~,,,.1-Jll(\ Rm ~I ·1'1'>:! Ito· tr •·n .. ·n•lnu~ 111o••· "''"" ,,.n,o,., 1,. 1':11', 1'11ut Alvei.. \ltv ''•I'•' l .:o~···r ll•·lp••r -;-;; t:m ,.,, ~~~~tntfr.~<t.-1 tho' '•lll .. \\I!IJ.' lh•t 'II .. loll •f ht•l'"'''' ""111·1·h· "', ... , .. nil Jl~l ~lar. CoUnty nf "rt ll'lnt' 0JII"F~•I •ll' lffl RJ!O ••t .••::.aa.ut.:.utt' onl••,f'ol fool lhr lllllU'I >ololo . '\\ IIIII " """ lL~k 1111' '0• , • .:· j Sial• .. , <.:t llfom1a. a n·.! !'nwl< n,l\ .. , '' 1.•"" • ~IIIIo I ''"a roll' ttn ~1tur.l 1\' )If' 1\lt:tl I •I IIJOOI' oloolll.: II, .. ,, .. \\'h i' .1114 -•·lolr··--• llftitl vendt'f' '" "''"' f, , •• ,.. ,, f;lf) .... \n•· F•··~'"'"' ,I l•tlk 1 '~11 ohan, h•~u1.: .• t•·J•Pt \t·t "" Ot•· '4~tul••t :'~111,. 'nu•k Oli\•'t'd'""h ,1 P"t.1't•J t :o h 1 n~ -... ·-lt'""<•·'Aioo4>••1Jf,fo~ HI••~""" tet *HA.,.. ,.,,._,_. ""-__;~~ ...AI.tn.;J~ ~··I~ \II:" 1 J Ml'S1'ARP. r,11r.-l f':~t . ~M ' ~·~~""" p...,,, Pl•tll"mPr \\'~- Ask Super,·isors freatP A fount~· fon1mrn·e ·Group Vt ndor I ,flf't ··f'· .; ": -H ... oot .. ...., I ht t r •ttf"'.old l 11t k••\ Jnhn 1 WI' II•\ Jl'. UOOAN. I \J"Y. f"11'1Mih,..,.,11Wf~ t-:lhulL I#~JJ1 • l loJI t .~ :"~to· I \\ n~•- ,;mi!l....-1 h··ro•on 1 • o :• \\•oo t~"n TIH I< r.:t1•hlft /1. ;fo/1 Books Ani iP CafeChecks l'o I• ,, I' • ~••rttt I "~ ••f ''" "" • :oo l. , ... • ,,, ..... d '\.• 0\ ..... , ,• I t h .r tu 1 •·! t • '' •I il l li ' I ' t ' • I ·, I ' I t • • ,, I ! t I I~ ~ ' ~ I· ~urf"r\1~ .. ,~ .... '':·tt· .. ,,,,,_ : :""0 ··• I '\ ' ·t, tfl f t ' I t t I "1t1 .t I·• q t • f duo" t• .. ~ t '11 • \· t\'} Ch• ..,, olt t ''' ,, ••tntn.,: 'l•h tn<~t1 11utt 'o" ! h I 1 f1 \\ '" f k ' 1° ... , •·1.1 "·' • tu 1.! r II I ;II I "' • • I. '' '• ... ' . '!t L!ti\C • , I r .. r •• t s., ( • •ll' I\ , 1 .• nd . .... ''· \ ,, •·· I o •' • 1, • •'''"·' ll1 ..:u 1'1't:" t ~l'''"~' !\1•~ , t I\• , • .,.,,,,,, • I: 1 ~ • '1° • .,, • n I t • II •' . '' f\ 't .. , l•t I ··'··~ 1 'I '··' t •• ... ,· I n .. t I ...,. ... th "' t; ... " ; It\ II~ 11 n' t• ''"' .luunu•· f ···• h1n t • 'IIIII• I • Ill• K 1111 ~ o•llo•l l~tll Vt>nt1ee. !'011 Jltn\ .f •I tl f PI' 1'''' U• h '' i•tt\•1 :\l•• f1 ttl• H.t tolow k ""~ t I I 1', tTl"'· eall4' '1 t ~If ... ''"' tho• P'• \ttl ''o' t t' ..... ", 1/t 1 1 ,.,, Tot\ lo•r P h k 1~111- t\1 ft, •ttltt • '" I•' \\ ,, t ·~ • 0!:: ' \11• k• \ '-,I \.tr l '•·' h ••• 1' I lt-:RERY GI\'E:'I: r1,~..,;,.., ., n t1 • th ·r !'I""' m:tnwtl J. .. , 1 .: 1-'•h•lfl L.u·'" 1g I<• lol•a• ('otiiiiC'tl of thr Cit)',., rl,. •, 1. • '"' "' •1-.o• •• 1 "'• \' .oil• .. , onk \\''Ill~ l 'h.t• !',lnt_\' "h ('"'lllllfo m i:to \4111 ... ,,, •• th ,,, • l-t • • • h, ,,, "' Jt •. .-h.· .r •nu·, \\ ..... t ... \\ ·•' , ••• ~t ·~··no L•)•· I I fumtshinl a '' ,o., •n• \,' • •l•'•'u ,,1, "h •• , ... r• ttU l •"n l 'a\tl u.,,.,.rt~,.n ' .,.,·ncpnrtatlon ami -'' " •. k • ' .,. ' 'ol "' ' • • •. r •. • •::· \ lol•· ""'' I' oul A• ko•r , 1 ••n••hinc. In) tn}! ,.., t r lf\r """' rv "~~. r"o' "' tr ~ ,-. "' ,, c flt·•'-'· 'l' 1 h•' 1,,, .. r 1,. .,-~ T h •. .. 1 lliJIJf'Oximah'l) • t I ' lor· rr. • I ~· •" • • 111\nleter ~ntt·t I•'·· ,,, p-,,T,..,, .en l r=:r t .,., ,., ,,. •t ootwe with 1111 ~'"''' ". -ono1 q,,. • \O'n 7 • !. ~ •I 111\'iiiiiOf\S Of1 flit• )lq!ool 11 • lot·l\ I ' '· \\ Y• •u'• f' I '"· Crt)' Ckrk or '1· '''''" t1 1\". 1' ... ,..,h .. r •· •, • 11.• madtt out on •'.olllo'(l at th·· (\(• ' J flt.:tnf'<'t ancl '"·'" , I \ II Co•rtlflo•tl 10! ;. hid bonll r,., ' lh•"' f\1\ A ' '" I • ' ' p \ Mu~ltnt 1 ~ y $ "'* on•unc.oble A fr•c:an fo•cea h:aYt n't yrt to it tht'or ~\ ode He ""9·'' t•ilve add. c:d-nor .ln)lhonq ei~C'. .._. ---------'-~--~· ' It(' f \ 11 Hi '• ..,.....,.. 111 uur '"" pri• ..... ; Ita~ 8ouk~. In du('tlic-atr. 3·1, h~ ;'ll ,, ·-h-... flU'bua. ~ .. b lo. book t.'iO ~ ~ •" ahon (All~ t '.O.B. Nf'flfplnrt ..,....h) 1W \\'"* c.......a Av.,..,. 'it1 ~­_, ... ) II ;)41 ', ........ ..~ t \ ' ...... 11-11 N~•,,rt 8Nc-h. Calif . I -----------~------1 , • . .... o\ I I I . ' ' I 1 • !I \"t I '• \'. • 1 .. l ..1,1 .._J I _ ... I I \ ' •• "l"n ,,1 ·~•11 , 'J .. 1 • ..... "llh t hr• l'il' -.,. ' ' I 'rio Htd l. l'•''' , .... ,.,. · P" • ~-' • '· .,.._-+ -' ' ''" or th ''l', ,,, t 0, t , ...... • , •• '0 1r olhf\0 • ,. \I I -... • ~ . --;-:-r ,..r;:;~--c ~• 1 1"' n r •, t't~ 'rr-, ,,. , . 0\ ... , .... 0 .,, HOTEL MANX : -••• : . • ' •• ;: I "' • 'I,...._'. ) 0 I ' "R f ')"' ~J ~ fl "'N (' ~' . ' ···•••''' ~"'~·'H•"f, Hot-el tw4enx is Son Fr~ncisco's best lo- coted Hotel. "Meet Me at the MMx." ftf ·-.-hrfro-.wt $2.00 sinqle; $l0Cdouble. ~.u,iaJ_ Family · a••••· Hotel Clunie, Socramento ..• Femout Coffee Shop •• Air- cooled •• Femout for quelity food •. t.-loderate pr:c" .•. , Rete$ from .$1.50. Rainbow'' End ... 011 the qlomo rovs Feother River, Pooton, C.,l;for· nio. A yeot·round •e· \Or! ... Sur-.m~r i "d w :ntct ~ports ... -IJo, co nq '!:very· evcn:ng ... Srccoal lac.l.t ~~ . ,. ...... f"t \ Ve't oe• H otel s.,. Cerlot ... e1 th'!: 81u e Bey of Mor teret OI\C wcdd-fomct.s Scvc ntetn-t.A;ic Or;vc ... Rolo::s frc l"l $2 SO . ·-.. •' "'Q- A C ALIFO RNIA INSTIT U TIO N .SEAV~G .Y(1U.' ·~ J NF.iWPORT-BA' Bl)A.~. N~ Beuh. ~.-"Jjrt~§f2AY. MA.l}rtt _f1. t ~r.· --------------------------------------------- -BALBOA ISLAN-D EVENTS .. ISLAND HOBBY ._ARTISTS SHOW FJNE-PROGRESS REALTY ·BOARD TO HOLD BREAKFAST MEET MARCH 13 Roor vimmltt Tw~_h_·~ __ ' Mesans --.j -' -· -r'·j ·I • Ask Gy~, Cafeteria ,, l• • '"' ~ ' \J,: I ;-., tl• ,.J \\ t tll1t .... t ,, \\ . "" ,·_.I' .. r,ltt ~ •n .. t.t ~1, .t p .tlt lit "-\\II•• I t •tU• t.••t tht• t'Pitpt i ,IH•tJ• 41) th• fJH,ft•t ' Ill t•ltr llhltl•' I ,·,lj, h'l l.t oiHd L:\ lttlltl\o lt111\ ,,,, lh• fll.llft .... th"l•l \ithUt)' lh•• 111'11-~.tlf••.. \\t11'•' 1 ~ ..... Ill' \\ ''"' t 'h •l·· I'"" Mil t \"'lfl " ..... , ... "'"' ....... 1 .. . l'uhlh'tl) o·h .lltllln ll A I. l '1 nk· lo') 111 Ill•' 1••111'11 olt'l'lll l'•'•l l••lfl) 'II , "•'-" lh·· 111"-1 llllh' Ill lt\111 )1'111'!<,1 • '""' Itt• kth•\\ •• , '""' ''"'''"'' ,,,. \< ...._ t'lll/t'll'. ·~( tit•• "r''" hn tl ''"""' 111 I ·~··"''"'' 111 ·''"' "''"'"' mul nll••tult'<l 1111u an;.; ..._. ._., ta tlloo Mell ........... ._...., ... c--. ll&a)m<ond aN' ...... aiUI t.H Ia ltNo ~J -,,_ U.. til• "Mr .... lira. ,._.,.., .. -a& .._ Utle.. INSURANCE ONLY . HOWARD W. GERRISH Z617 W. Ceatral Newport Beach CORRECTION We wWa to <'Orred the mWake Ia ou Ad ·" 'ln tM Phooe Book We Feat~re JERSEY MILK from our Blood· Tested Herd of .Ieney CowH. Gibson's Jersey Phone Newport 1495 Dairy Costa Mesa Thrnu~h ~~~ial :ur.tn~('m~nts "·ith th~ ma~-· a7in(' ptthli·ht•n "'~ offt"r Amr• ita's 6nr-.t rarlll .mel fiction ma~zin~-in rumhina•inn "it h uur nt'" 'I'·'JK'r-at pric<" th.-u •imply r:m not I.e ,Juplir:llrrl r"rwlu•rc-! 1 ool ••H'r 1hi~ lun~ Ji,t or rnoritcs and make \'OUR M'lrrt ion tocla' I This wspaper I Yeu, and JrOVf"" -HLICT 2 MAGAii'NU 0 Mc:UII'• \l.•~;uine __ I \'r. i ~I'"''""''' r , \\,, ~" 1 [ ~ T ru,. Nnmancn ......... _ I \'r. ( \In• I• 1 u Nrm•4•n• n [" hcC lti~r'l ----.. I \'r. [ ''lort "1 1 t'lt ·-tlllfr1111111drtlr;~~::;~~~le.:=~-~ ·t;;::il#~ ·.: ::.:.:.::u~:a: lilililiflilil ·--· I \'r. f 111'''" _..,,,., '"""' I \'· 'M \lu. ( ~••rnrr :.uvl lh"'"'C'I ) t \t f •' •·· ••• ~f• Fa t , __ _...:..;; "''14'""",..;r.::=:::---8~~~o..,t&.ll..,...,.._....-...... · Uuwi ... ...L~oi.II;L..-A • .W•.._-II.T-~~7-:;h·"'"'' "" ll1•• I, lilt• l~<laml In· ALL IIX OlofLY $350 F'OR lOTH NIWSP4PIIt AND MAQAZINU QROU~ 8 .:... II:LKCT 2 MAOAZINII W · ""'~ ~ftv lf••Hnuu1 ur O lfou v hnld \fa-t:~lin~ 1\r. 1 \mn it.ut l neit t.rH,.rtl\r ~Hf1 t-lhl•l!'t••• c lfomr \th ~fftlft"ff,tll I \r. r f ·'1'1"''"' t .UI11tl • \t 'I \\I t 1•1o.f '•J"If l•l I ~\lnt t t [ P.•rhftn•trr 1'••1~ 11,.;, ( '·'''""'' t 1,4 ..,1,w L •!• nt' ••f l i' I ••I r ••uullnl! ~lnd l i~rotHIIl!; I \r. ,., ... ,.,,,, I \t (,,,,,.. t '•u•k ,, I I l•rt 1 :u •• Mr" \. ~hl l'lll f'l 0 \un.r,,ful t • .rn1in~ I \r. r , .. ,.,., .... , 'J"'"•n•.•n 1 \, t • .. ,.\< , 't• ~ o tl I" l h• GROUP C -K~CT I MAGAZIN& C C'.rnnlml (Ind. (.nud I t"t.;lt""' \\,•tl•l ~tt•t iNl J Yr. C J _., ... Jnurn~•l .·••ul f.unu ,., \\ tf• r \Jurltf"r', ff,,ruc-I tft 1 l'hm••uth t(, .. S. 'l·hh •h r. I \ '. I \ r. (( ,,,. ltof I • -' ....... . .. # •• '"''' !.tn•l•" .-, • t n•tn,. 4 ,. n """ •"'1,. . \n HIIt.tn f'll n . Jt-•1 Hr• t •lr t \ '·~•If tt• w~t,.•,. ht. ..... w. ,, 1.,,, f•, ''"'' I t tl•tuu .. ~ '''· TOOAV ..... I 9' ... trl to ...... I \ 1 I \' I \t t ~!t 1 •• I h ·,. I I • tl 't ~f I .t: ., ··,"; \\I t f ,. .f \,I f ( 'f111t•L.1° I ' ' • I I /1 '"""' nrt I II• • II • ,, ·~ ,.f I' I IIi I' "'"•V •J•ftll,, t .. t. 1'-, t•·f I t h I 't tJtiotl \ 1'1 t•!• • ' ,. •I hthd•rc ••'••• TtJI: ''"'' •• ~h~~l ,.... f •• ,, , . .,r·" ..... •7 .,,t•t th•• •l•r•' t '''• ·I "t i l \1•-. \ .. ''"' ..... -..... I'J • ._. ' ~.,-:"' .. ~... . • f". <f I • . . ; ., . . ' .... ;~ ' 'i . ' ·-•·---• .. itt. •• • • .t' :.·~: ~f:"imt 'o \~ l l'r • .. !l,~i...-L.-•:•i.I~••I!!J•~"! ... ~ r ~ 16.'i1C' ~ .... _:r -:r • .::-_-:r ~'- I .HII• ( arnl)n ,..,,. ~ ... a hit ~Ia 11M! Tf'C'hnleotor prn•hwtlun •-'lrwlnla." • lllt'lll "P""• a "'" ••r 111!11t llleJMfay al IJw. u.s ... ·nod """· • 1rra) •nd "adf'll"" C'u rnll ~ .._..nC on ...... I . . Mesa ·Boys Win Trophy At Big County Casaba Tournament lews floles • O_R AN G E C 0 UN T Y' S :.i~t~!!:~:; .. 1 ... , Ill-. 1'1. H .l : 'HI t:o .. S ~~.'.' ... ~.~ .. ·,~·;: "~uper•Pay-Me" :~. ~;.~~~ · •I • I ,,, llol •1 I I~~~ I ,. I II .. . . l • h .t•tl a ,. o II . .. IJ,, If -.. "'' I •I I f f I I t , •• '•' , ' Broa~way ·;:·,:·.:.~~. ~.·,: .. 1 1 •• ·~· ,, t 1o • tt '~~ I , • • , I~,\ I •, 'I /4 I A I' I 1 • It •I 1\t I i , I •.tt t•f I I FOX II • lo ' Ill • N•r,-r I I o .. ' ..... ... ,... ... t t•H '•f• " , ........ 'f,7 .,,. ... , ... I o I '. '' I 't I I ' II ... I f t t• .. 'J I I'· FOX 'td I'' . ,,, .. . . I I ~ ...... .~ ,,, ' ·~ ... ,,,, ,...__l -'. It 111 It I .. . . • 'I . ' , If ·" ----- I ' I A' Ult.('l 1'1111'1 I !I ! .. •I 'ttN ....... , .. I ,, I t. ,II 1~ I I f ttf ttO I\11 "fl>t,A •~I 11n f t t V Al t f , ..... l w' • M .u ~n 1 '"'' '·'" C.">HPr f'fJr-4)ft •4T'" _., • .., H AtH,f II' 0 1' r tJII l lJftt N "'rl• -.4tt 1 4 r'ld Y htJt ''U)'• • f M••t.h t} 4 "d , \1 • rtf) t tM, f U A t.OM'-OY •'•I') fJ II I'll OAflL "OL .-, IIOMI ' :i 300 Mon . Nite '"" ... "' -·15c ··1001 liGHT EVElY FIIDA Y I Ul __ , f ari<04111 "TIIY. fo'iKY. f'liiY.I ~' ~bfl·h-ll .,. " '"" "''\t-:n I \ Ill -, .., I I.\\ \1 'I ( .. ----~ -- / :. t .. ... . --·--NEWPORT BALBOA !'I:E\\'S-TIMES, Newport Beach, Califo'rrlkl. THURSDAY. MARCH 6. 1941. I A Snudl Houae With Three Bedroorru · . . { . . • I REMODEL, PAINT NEWPORT HARBOR CHMt1BER OFFICE ..:~ ~.---~~< . -.-;. r· _., ~ I merly ocr uptl'd Ule Eaaf wall hu bt-en rtlllDVt'(!"te 1M' ftletl WJlb tbe cuy ct1l!l'i1Hf:fng tkpar~61\t and th~ CI'IOit'x boart.l exwndlhg, alone a port1on of lttl' walt hils been ex· \: tt·ntlt'd n~arly around ltle room. Offn•es 'nf the ~ewport Harwr Thts wtll p.uvtile a far greater Chamber of Commerce aro being • pac e fur dlaplay1ng poet.e.ra, J'lt)llti't.l and tmpr"vt:'d und, whm , phntogruph• and oUler chamber ot lh•· work Is completed. the room !'ollntlll'rl't' m~tt.,rlal. >A:tll n1ot unly be more attractive. City lruilding Values, $156,015~ Tops 1940 , but provide far more ample uis· 1 Brlttah newapapera don't tika ll.:r':,..'lt!'J.!II!B!~:ll!~~:.!'~~~, play racllluea that was n.9l avaiJ· to hear of financial aid fro m ~tble In the pa,a(. 1 America. They prefer ec:onomlc Q .. ality Lumber &Del . Building Materials • COSTA MESA LUMBER CO. With lht· wn11111: or l"'miHJ-1111 cons! ruc;uon d\J~J( It"' pu1-1 w .... k. tuwhn~: $15,925. ttw tutal \'IIIUI· of t'Oftli>trurttun in th•· City nl N··~­ por1 tl<'ach for tlw rtr·~t 1 W<l I Jl'lof\ths lind fiv•· d.1ys n·uC'ht'fl $156,015, IICCoriiJp" to rt><'On.h or \tl) Rutldtnl: ln•JM'<'Ior A M N•·bc.>n. You'll Always llav~ Fu~ .AT THE 811ABT, NEW . AJ II AICI DE "The F1nest In the Coun1ry" .....• r · l:vU)1Jalq New For Your I'Ajoyme•t Day ·or Nl«ht 111 Ma.lD 8trwt BALBOA )•··•• \o\lfh th· ..... ,. "' ttu, ~···u I'••- "'Ill 11 I:IIIJoh ll' pwllu•· nf tht wl:_ ,.,., ....... r '""'""'" ar'l'' ••} tlunn..: t ho • 1'•1\1~ p.lll ool 1!•11 . •J :tllU.It} ''tHt'l,..n h fiUM· l•,tal \\'fl'- $10.1,1;10 ;u. t'ulllJ~tl •·cl Ill .tJIIJrU.\1" lllltlo·l\ hall that ''"''~"'' lm lh•• · I lu~- 1•·rm11 ~ tnthlo .. l !-i1 I:.CI ;a, , ... rl'fl \\tlh $11 1fi\1 til 1!).111 I \\'tth $1<1 ::-.:5 til tM·mut .. ••·w-tl fur ttw f1l'l :l da)' oo( lll<llt'h lh•• ltulltltnl: n •t,.rth llr•• Wt•ll un 1 hf'lr Wll~ Ito~ Ill f1 o'(lflllhn~: ur I•·• lo•n tit.: ltif' mark ol '$101.7:t'l for M:u1'11 "' l:t•l }•'Jtf I <:~~~ni!JIJII)I:. lh•· lt~tuJ, r .. r lh• tvartnu' """"'"'· 11 ,., "'''" th:tl ;til c·on~tnwtum for tho• )<':tr, ••• lh•· ~·n•l ur Ft·hrUIII}, 14 ;1 ... $l·ll .i~lll •llfl~<'tnlo( 11 1:11111 n( ~14i,171't tn llutld· l in~ ur llvtty rur th•• fu: 1 1"" month~ .. r 19-t I 1l to• fue l tlm t mun~ tmfMM"., ;tnrt • HOME l~ANS • fluof Jiavt• 1111111}' JH "' · ·f't•l'l dto•nt" wh11 ,.,.,. t'flll 'itlt·r- 1 '"~1Jtllllltna;: n•·W hun11·~ rtunn~ tlw "Jinn~o: nu•nth ... wtul•· nozon~ pl;on' California'• ad&ptJoo et ~e American Co&ooJal ao ......... ltDJ boOM ot apactoU. room.e &lid ap- polotmenta au I table· tor a fa.-IIJ o1 four, 11 Ibis "Do-· of t.be Mootb." de~~tgned bJ Areh.ltec:t B. Roy Kl'tlrJ. Tbe walls of t.be.ceDtral ma.aa art' built of lar~te ataed br1dl•, J&lated wbftf', and u• the abe o( t.be a40IK' Tbe w&lls or the adjolnl~ wlnu weod and enam•lf'd IYor,. 'to color. a wln~t of Uit'lr own. ar• cont'f'tl wltb cement plutl'r F\re~la~ end of the Llvh¥ Room To be wc•lt built. lbl11 bouse and palntrd wblte. Ia treated In a atmllu manner. abollld lnrlude COI•JoPr ftalllllul(a. ThP Pxh·rlor trim and t.be win• The walla of t he bathroom• and cuttrr11 and.tJowni!JIOUt~. Bra~" vlt•e •lows orP '111'o pnlntrd wbtte anrt kttcbn are papered wlt!t wuh11bl~ or eorf't"r watf'r tubfo, "bleh anr In aduittoo to paint..l,ng. t h c co.o~ratlon. A dlatlnctlon without hu.:e mav of the t'tty which fur· a difference. BALBOA BAYSHORES aad Beacon Bay Lease .HOld Estates Woodforful Property aad .a WbndufuJ Deal • EARL W. STANLEY. Sofe A ent TWO OFt"U 't:S ---- BALBOA BA VSHORES and BALBOA ISLAND Pboa~ N•"·port 160 or 1176 ' For Building Information -· Bay District Lumber Co. WALTflB 8. 8PJCE.B, Owaer lUI State lllclaway At The Are.bel - NEWPORT BEACH • s· E E SANTA ANA BUIWING I ror m·~· 'trul't un•,. un· 11<'1 tutll,\ bt· Int.: flrRwn up. rwunt,. to tho• JM,..st· hllt l~ or tho• II ITIII/1111: f'tolt~lna·tznn I'I'('Ord Hf 1!140 ht•tn~ f'llnllntl4'<1 lhl" th•· rutr.tt~'''' •loor and the abuttera paper. and lbeae rooma bnve plain atantlud for plumblnr: 11bould alao WINDOW SHADES _ "liLJNDS a re Po(t Llt:hl yellow In color. llnoll'um All tbe be ll'el.'i:l<'ll : t bt•ec "Ill not ruat ~------ and LOAN ASSOCIATION 601 North Main Street about a monthly pa~nt loan plan for that ""' home whereby interest and prlndpal reduce each month. "'VER-THE-TOP" Door Equipment iW aoGMM AND 1'1"8 OPKN ~tie apew, ... tblrticht, low hHdroam. No Pf'Oje(:- U.. • llldt ..U.. or poeta to lntpfere with aide door .n· ~ WCIItl blaehea or Jlitc:kel"'. ~tested, troub~frM t 'J at. ... DOQIIa JfOI' Jf"f""I,A•~ -A., tnJe ef ~ .._ 0. • V...,... • "'tw n.-,...-.. •• L ' -TeWINKLE IIARDWARE-- . Clllla--............. Ull 111en• oorch nooc and wll'l" · re r-lf.~<"~_...."'"" .. u.r..ut-~~..uu::...w-...61.11WA:..p•w.u.-""LU...IIIU!OJ.n:J.):....:IU.Lwu.ILWJ...&;w:..+•--~OLEUM FLOOJ!8 aad DRAIN llQA,It=...,.,.-- p·•l brlrk. ThP walla of tbt. Lh·tn~t dark wlora. ro11lon. <'oflpPr 111> •·Ids l•rt>tN~t the •----i I Building Permit$ lloom. the bl\11 and a ll or t.be ~~~ Out~f·tbe-ordlnnry !return are: bouse aJ:alnet the ID1111Ion oC • l'flt•m~ Rre pllpf'red with colorful th~e baths. one "''lth both tub r nil trrmatPR, HSWPOIIT IIE-'CH ·--.. ,_.... Tolal r·~·,.·r• •nn:r or whtcb .,.. ltllll· 11bower; t"·o·car lt:\!':-"e 'll'ltb ad· In on lt'r to rut ns mur h re~l 1:1:"11 mno' ml: 'lc tn-,l~l;:n : othen I FI jolnlq tool room, and a room with u I'OFrlbJ" nnd to""'" a ·t•re coo(l nl•l 1\olon 11 :tollll'llltlonl. Tbe 'WOO~I· bat.b for• the malo), com·• nit•tll to con tra:~tion this h'>U"' ·., :q r · .,,., ol ""·:. ot all rnum~ Ia wbiC~·IYory In the kllchC'n. All room11 are cross· bf tb<> F<-d<'rnl Home l.(l::n lhnk .-ol .. r. I Y~ntilat"<l escl'pt lb" ruaul'a room. f oanl for r<;-1r~t tlon un•'Pr t•!ll 1930 348 ............. ...... $726.540 Til• •llnti•r ,.,.,m 11 f\\nf'nM In !'ll~CJai"~ r ·•nt·t!'ra are !'el n11art Itt F• <l•·l:tl llum,.1:· . .J J·•,;!' n lc:<'! '1n. 1931 391 ... -.............. ~.344 1932 307 ....... -...... -.... , .. 247.690 19.13 293 ........................ ~:549~ dlllo llulld onr ~tnry, f ·ame hOU1" ----------------------------- 1934 291 ........................ :zb5.074 a nd g.tiiiJ:<' .:0-4 42nd etreet, r . Handsbme New Homes Are 1935 4()3 ...................... 497,44() OIA nt•r. $1:100. P!2nned For·1sland In Spring 1931 '523 ................... 766.089 .Mat ...,4 \>\ 1: Mr Hatlle. I.Jut ~. tm 513 .................. . . 908.090 r('"'" "' o•r -;-.,~ ._ tlf J>reaenl boul~. 1938 5411 ....................... '911.637 l:ll Ar.-ot-t hy~t rn lA'on 1':. Ya'• Svrm~ uutldm.: IJiari" h<nt· ~~·n .. r 1111" month. 'Tlw hcmw which i!l 1~ 542 .................. 861.745 $~. anno~incl'd by li<'V('ral Lo;land re11i· two sl orit'll wiJI b<> a shin~le dwell· Jt40 :142 1.0-40.122 Mar 4 Maxwell C. Kine, build fl('nl~ who ar<> plannln~: hand.<:<~ml' m~; lll'coratt•d m a ntlqu(' wood <>f· ·1941 2 etory. 7 room rnldenct with dwelling!! to b<> E'l'l'Ctt>d b<>fon• the fN'I. Jan • Feb. Mar. Total 2t 41 78 Tt 2 car garage. connected. 111 J:ut ~umm<'r ~~Cason. Onl' or ttw '"~"' attracttv(' gue11t 64·640 B&v F1ont . per Leon E. Tale. Mrs. Claire Gret'n who ha~< bE'f'n l apartmcntJ; on thC' J:sland will be ;!·~~ j M.iloo. • •·~ldine at tl\f Mayn ower, 910 that now ~m& built by Mr. and · Mar. :'>-C. H. O.ane, ,_....lnll~ Paril Avenue. is having the bluP Mrs. c. R. l>t-E'ntlst~ of Loe An· ---· port.loa of houM root, 20t 3211d pr1nta drawn for an attractive geles at 108 Topaz by Geore e Mc-Jl:i6.0~~ 1•treet. per owner, Pfl. I two-story home at 203 Coral. Con· Farland. It, too, will be finish~ tractor for t~ beach house. which the latter pan of this month. Feb. 27-lda Naylor. mall• aJ. PlumbiDa Pwmitl 1~ a combination Montel"<'y and Following her purcl)ase Jut Hanson's Shade and ~inoleum Shop 1808 Newport Blvd. Coeta ... Pboae Newport lStS -Bee. NeWport 886-W Audits Tax Advice -Systems -' • MOan UnderwOOd m Baby Aveaae Pboae: Newport Ml • Aecounting ·-Supervision -Procedure TEIMITES teratlorut to entranc~ ot atore, 204 r oklnlal tun.> is Geo~e Mcf.Jlr· th r h F A 5 ik 'd '~ann Av • --,... y ,_ 1 • ~,.. • mon o 1 (' . . Pf' rt'llt en<:f't ....., • e e.., per """"' r.. ...... Frb. 27 K.. C. Myera. 400i !:Ind. at 107 AbiiiOnl', Balboa lsland.,r--------------------_;:::1...----.. • Fun8ul J. Roaches -:-Fleas Moth-Proofing, Etc. .Coast Termite & Fungus Control c~ 1227 So. Main SANTA Al':lA Ph~: 8aDta Au U&l ~~~eh 27 Harrll•t I.A>mon. build ChannrJ l"lac.-e. • J)f'r K. C. Wyera.l C'ontraotor ·V.m Yal~> and ram-:\lr,.. Carol Rid~o:l'wny of PasndPna ad tlltlnnal bt-dr m u h Feb. 27 Hlchard R Hour1(Ul. tl) will m0\'1' intn I ht>ir C'harminR .,, ~('modr•hn~ ~pN·t~l room!' pr('· 1 I M tf'., ~ f'f'QO 1 ~~IJ.II4>·H3 ~~ :142 Ah8o A\'e <'eNJp<><>l. perM. L.. \:Jfll' C(l(1 honw at 1:?:! \f)ral Avr ·1Jl£H'Inl: lor a;:a~ Jlo'lrlll"" fn r out·of· I on r • tr I. roer r. u ·. :-,1, c·urm ..-k nil" upon its rnmplf'lion t hl' hl!'t tnwn J:UP'-1" ~~oo. I t-'••h '.!1 K 1 • Myrrn hutt.l """ F••h :.'7 :\I n• Hua~tun 0 Hacer. totnry. ~1\ll'f'U l:flrll~t' Wit h bRih 11. J>ttlf' S l.t t•rt. , ... r J H Etltua. Propose New s·tll r.·tle VI For lnunthy ln1y 41HI" ('h,tnnt'l I'IR•·•·. ~tnr 1 1'11"1d B Heyler, 806 1 9 pc'r n\\nf'r $';'~·11 ~ .. nh thy F'tnnt. rwr J . H. Ea-F H A to Affect Defense Areas 1-"t•h :!7 .I II IOo~nlo~n ltuo1ol 1 u< • • • • • ont• 10to11 y frnnw ,11111 ~~=··· iII 11 I C'ouuu ll•~:h\\n~· )'~r ol\\fh'r $7!111 Electrical Permits '11t··n· I~ il htll ""'' ~~·f····· .( '1111" nn a •IIH.:lr ·l.nllll~ d\\o•lltnt.: ... MRr 1 C' ~: \'••rtt•'•'" loutlol F.t•, ':~ l •nrr••ll ..: 1 nIt. 3._t 11:1'1'"' ".hu·h \\Ill :told 1111•· \I to ~I II~>U t ••n ·• foolll'·f.tmd~ apart· nnt• "'"" ho'""'' \\tlh Ill X :.!tl ~11 ,., t. 111,11111 1;, tottl ll'lll In cafe tlw ~~ll .. nal Jlnll•on~ ,\,·t J.,r mo·nt lowlollnj.: :\T"' 11-!:tt.:•· on•llt:tnt•o· "'"'""~· ttllH•h···l r.H t Hf'hl,.,., ... 1•'111'"'•11111: r;'r r .\1 Trust~· and l """"' WhM~· rt.·f.-n•o•mo-n ........ Itt•· nf ''"' km.t I• """' )"'"'"''' ""'~ Av•• 1'•'1 n\\r11•r $170.t :O:••ru-~ nn\\ und•·t"\\11~ \\~h·r•• th•· 1h\t•llln..:, •~ tu h·· •~\'r1•'t · Mar I .\It •nd !\It ~ I lin,. 1. 1 , b ,:7 1_,.,,11 \ llllyll, 6 2 41 Tit• pn•IN I'I'ol Jo·t.:t•l.ilt••n """ld ocntptt'lf. Tht lq .. t•l.oiHtn 1\ltUid CONRAD SHOOK OONTRA(JT()R and BUILDER COMPLETE IIUILDJSO 8EK)'JCE l'tloae lliew!)9rt 10S4·.1 212 Mar1nP Ave. P . 0. Box tot Balboa l .. land, Calltomla • -:or-·_.-. -••.vtN-;GEORGE GeRDON--l~lff•·r hull".tll!ll' ... , .. ,~ fi ''"'"'_ijlllo)lo:J.I.•' UJ..:.. llJ . .:11uU .li uuUw :<t'l "l!.i! .. l.~!!"' r .. ,. FilA Hl'lll llnt'•' •n:d~·· ,'"' lulllol··r ;" fl lfo•r tho• _£1fiD'DI).~T-B. FINDL·¥-- rclmfrnrr "''1Tl1 Cllllll::oT !TlTitd(o•ol 111 11,1, lt'.•ld•·n•t• I"'' 1, .M Truaty1 llf mntt t.:llt.:''' f.,1 tf••l•ll<•• ft•lll"lllf.!, ClrTftnl ·~ ol n tol l•'fl l'l'nt' nr t.Tr-l-----~ \:f-f't n- \lt' I" I .I ~I l•"•l :-;,on, It ~t!ti~ l11 nd 111 II•• •o·p;,ruto•fl rom• tho 'it:•; 11 J ) . 1111 W. Central Newport Beach Phone Newport 721 DO~ALD BEACH KIRBY A. LA. A&~BITECT Balboa blaad, Calllonda ~M.TRUSTY & SONS E~CTRJ€AL CONTRACTORS • Phone 733 • Marble -HARDWARE . , General .. y Dlltdct Hartl~are W. P. nJLLI:R PAINTS - Y AaiT JTri1NGS llNU "its Awae ..._ .._. ..._ Newpwt 11M ----' ~ 1 .-.., ,.... ,.. .... _.=.. __ -t"-u~ ftltflfo:"·'m·:u~~~r· tlw·~"~"'""'m''lJ!"J:r ..,Tm1f!!11IT • ........ ' 1"· • _..,., • .... a.w.uua11. INIU • "!' -r Hillf't •• r.-.r· t r ~1M ll/1n]'M'\i'l'" l.l··n ~;"'' tl." ·'''' ,, .. , oil wlrln~o: for cii~Thllt) .,,. .. ,.. mu:l.:.o...:o ·•l ",' 1-II ,A. ~,;,.'.~~',.,.,' :.'~ ''d,:;',,·,',.o ,;""'" ··~pir•• 811 ABNER GORDOS {'X)NCRETE. brick and hard burned \... clay tile form U l'ellenl b~sH fm rt11Urfaclnl With stucC'o However. ml'tal lath lJ e~c-nhal In ..tram. -.- •ttuMII'n u a ••nCld hut' awt'll~ and· l•hrlnk' shnulc1 mm<lure peurtt~te crarltlnl stuC'C'n bt'tlll! the tnev•!ablt· rl'~·ull Srrrad the nr.t and st'l'on<1 ronL• 'bout ~· In thtckneu. The depth of the Q,llal.coel Is prornarlly dependrnl ur>t•n the Anl~h trxturl' Wot h lime addrc1 to faC'thlate han- c11tnJt, •luC't'n C'Clrnpotl'<l of 1 put p;>rl 1Anc1 cement t" 3 paru sand Is con• 1 monl.v &flf'<ltAI'd for r~oat.lnl·· For etylt' a' well •• to pr.YI'nl mo!Jtur• penl'tratlor~ u•l lht' atucC<' With pure •·hlte lead paint followtn,; a few Wt'eka' w•athertna to ~euon tht' ltroe-C'l'mmt mllCture. Apply • pnm1n1 coat of I partl Cb7 yoJumel f 10rt pas~ white '-ad and S partl of an foqual m lllture of raw ltn~ ol. l and lead rnlllll\1 or IMd r.cluct.na oil J'lftlah e« with twoo -• or-a parb ~e~n put. while IMd and t pertl of lfld rntstn1 or IMd r.duclq oil Un t· td aa Nqutr.d wltb put. colon -In· 011. Q.-Wllat oU 90l1lll woru belt •n film !tiM! A.-ot the ~ fllnllture oil forml&laa probabl.7 ....UUry ~ell II tiM almplt~t. wlletMr wad nnla!lt ft la -IIIMU011 wltb lta.td oiL alcobol or ,...bl7 b!Auer of aau-~. ~rt.JMe•Uoll wW aa· aiaWra .... ~ .... r l tllll,;L-I t\1 \' #\ ·r, '1'1' ,. Olt';t:o-Ut't', n·~''. H' ''"" '"'' tt t k I "''''Ill·•' ''''"" ...... r ·'"'~ 1 1»-l:..o ~l.t1 1 \\' ,\ K•rk, 1301"' rnmnu ,., ... 1111 • '"" ·•u~: ;uu cur· E;,,..t 11," ;,,, •. lll~l,lll 19 uuUeta I r••nc·~ ••f '"'1h :-;. 11·'''' .onol ''""'''· \t~ •• ,. .. tt u. ,. P··• ,. " 1'rlrr. J. would authCrltc mortc:t~ tn.«Ur· \lot 1 ~t.11 t 1• llhTIIII(, 203 ·'"''" 111 l111111' In holllolt•r• up too !·kl li1l! 1-'tllher rrturned early, lhtl! "•'•k ft·•·•n 11 t 11p t .. :\l at •han h •\\ n l o\\ :t t lt1 1~ n n\\ "'\\'ll h ht~ mnlllf•t :\1 ts J II F't;olwr ~of lit)( I 1-:u to.t,llol ·'''' Ill . • I •Ill (lUII<'ta In lot'r •···nl "' tlw ;'PI'"""''" ,.olu•· '"" 1,,,.,11,,. 1.,. F .1 Alttn. nf th•· Jll'llfk·rl~.)'ho·n·.th•· prtn· ;\I , r : t • 1: Pr.~nttr~ 108 ,-.IJlA I flhh)::.a 1 hHl ~\ '!~''' ( ft 1111 S~lt'Otl \\ ··~t ftu ,. ,\ ,.,\n ut• ·f••J'II7 ,,,. h·' •'I :.'1 ""tlo•ta rn 1 •'" h• ,. I" • !'I 1 \\' mar k ht!ar d. ~l11r :1 \\ 1: ~lt lhtffll'. 121 ,, fll••t "'-~t \' •. 111"11111 1\ addl- lii•I'RI "Ill lot!' Ill I• <ltii'OI'I'. per ,. ,, ,., lr J• Noted Commercial Plioto~rapher to . Be flub Speaker I ,\11 "'""' '"d"'" l••••t:rnm Is '' lt,•oJuJ, ol 1 .. 1 '"•' I ',llllo·rn Club lll•'•'llllj.! II•'\ I \lo•ll.l 1\ 1\it:hl Ill lM -tntltoo< ,,, l . .t t'h.q•lll.111. nttlboa l11n Jllotldon~ \"'~ 11h11~ ltl Club 'i\.t\'l~•"r~ t"hn1·rn.n• llllll n .. ;: White. n,, '"" ,,.,., "111 .,,. •l~o· u'" o1 I lh I 1111•'1,1 Ill o'otllllllo "'til) Jlhtltotr'" f 1J1lt~ :md ll I' olllll<l)"ll•'() that dt !o'('llll~ .~ ... ,,,,,.ll .. ,hlll "'" 1-.• t~ n.11.~1 ''"''"'1!1"·1JIIh 1 ~·r,'<h•rick llo'o'knl.lll ••I l .. tr:Hil.t Ht'•h'h IIN·km.1n t• t•n·· ,.r •h·· ptnmln·l , • nt S•'411wrn C.tltf,•lm.t C\IIIUJWI'" nat phot .. ~:raph••t' '"'tnt.: ••mploJ· N1 h~ lh•• J'lnu.:J,,, Alrt'raft Ccm· 1 p11 ny to 1>.• tn clt.1 1.:•· t•f nil ol th••tr comnwn't.tl phnt~rRphy. t fWnllltndo•r olf I ht• )II'\.~ ram wU1 tlP th" u~unl rl1•pla~ ,,r printa. judglng the-N>-t nnct· clt«"".l ..... lh<' JTl('ril!< antl l1•·m••rl1s uf ... r~r: the tx>nt'ft! llr lht• llrnateur photographPI'l' llltt•ndtn..: MIUOUfU PIC~~~ .• All Ul<M~e who rver ll'fi!d .. w'l.oun &.nd ar. now , ........ or vi .. Unr 1D tht WNt ...._. plan to atteod Ki-.ouri'l ...... PtcnJc and Reunion ais *'7 8UD4a.y, Marcb lltll at ,,..,, w Grow Pvlt, Loa A~lee. Take. the FEDERAL WAY for Sakty and Profit E)n ..: Your Savings •• fOR YOUR PROTECTIOn ,_. .. ............. ..,... ....... Eu-. Dh'' a ,.,_ ............. . 1111 VIa Udo 1 PIIOM 1500 .N....,.a ..... c:AIIfenla I ' CONTRACTOR and· BUILDER Tt>ltsphone 402 3-t 10 Coa .. t 81\·d. ~ewport Beach / ~t.:WPORT BEA C II H 0 M E S and L 0 T: S c. For thf' Fint"St Mlf"<'tion Worth ~ur )ton .. ~· SEE F. DENNISON LiN>n!W'CI Rt'al E~taf .. Brok .. r . 2117 Coa.~t Bh·d.. S.-wport lif.a<·h Orange County PAUL RACOBS. Owner 1101 -1109 So, Main St. • SANTA ANA • r Day or SIPt PbOM: S..ta ~ 4633 Office 5f6 -. Phones-Res, 1065-M -----7·1-. .M. "'"·MILLER .. -... ~-.. =.::::-::-::=~.....::.--.~ Contrador ·and Builder . ' 1806, Newport Blvd. , Costa Mesa ~ .. ·News Of The Churches ,. .. CHRIST CH~CH BY THE SEA . 9 :30 a. m Rev. E. D. Goodell, puto,.. I Pretu:hlng Service. 11 a m. Sunday School. 9:30 a . m. -- Sunday Morning \\'o,.ahlp. 1l flltci~TI '' s~-tnn: ('llliH'Hf.S o'clock. SptcuLl mualc Choir &n· "~l au" 1s tlo,. nuhJ••ct ol th•· 1 Ulem arlO termon. l.•·•~nu-So•tluou .... :-:un•luy tn ull HICh School and tntt'rmt'o.hate t"hun·ht>" of t'lm~t. Scto•ntiPI T ht• Ltacuu. 6 :30 p. m. l l;oh.lt·n T .. xt I~ lrutu 1 Juhn. "II•• Evenln f W o"hlp, ]:30 p. m . lo\Nl, uo ... ar .. .,.,. t he ~nus or Uo.J. Qu.a.rUt mualc and term on. and It !loth uot ) "' IIPIJ•>ar what .,..,.. Mid-Week Prayer Servic-e, Wed: M\lllll b .... but v.e kuuw thnl, v.li .. ., oeday· COVtl\.dlah dinner, 6 :20. ~he .'hall appl'lH, ,.., t~hltll ~ like • • blm; for ~·e 11l~;~ll s•·e llhu u he 11." lm-lude-d In '\he -tt"l!too-Serwoa COitA MEIA COMMUNITY are t bc11e worrls aboUI J eaua fro m CHURCH . • Luk.,: "And as he eut .. rlltl Into a Rev. A. C.· AbtM, Mlnlater ct>rlaln village. ther .. mrt him lf'll Sunday Bible St booJ. e:•6 &. m .. lllf'U that ...... ,. .. "'l>t'rP. which 110011 Worahtp Service, 11 a .m . Qaolr :~Cur orr And th•·Y lllli'd up thl'll ptbem and IJ)Kial mUIIC. Putor' ''Uie1!,., and-~aid;-J ... ua. ~aatPr, ~OD. fllab School a nd Intermediate LaaCUu. 6 :SO p. m. " EvelllnC Wor«<lp, Sonc Service. Putor'a aermon. Htgb School fel- 1111\'e m"rt:)' on us. And •two be l':IW th<'lll. he said UOIO thetll, Go shew youn•·h···• uoto the 1/rteata A'lld·lt cllme 10 pnsa. t hat. as th") ,. .. .,t. tb•y '"••e clt•anaf'd. And Oil" or thl'tu, "''ht'n Ill' aaw that he "aa Dedirate 1\lesa Gospel ('hureh .. . . --=--------. - ; . -. Tlw nul~ f'l .... ,. 111 lh,· l"t•\\ pot I ll:t rhor ·""n . \\ h f'l'\' ~·Il l ··:Ill 1-!•'1 l 'St'<ll'.ll..._ 1'11\o'l''d ~~~ tht• 1.111' 1'tttto• I ·..,."1 ·Cur (;u.ll.tl\.l t'l/. Contt' ill 11 1111 ~~t· 1'H11' bl~-: st'lt'\'litlll .'V h •:tl't\ fit-sl httntl l thout 1111~ wond(•rful piau. ·THEOUOUE ROBINS .......... "l1'l.• , ~ 1(, r '·'"""'\. " , .... ~.~:.· ....... . __ ...... . C 1 AS S I £I E 0 A 0 V E R T IS I·N G I'! ur 13 RENT I .Pueuc NoTICES 1 NOTICE OF ·t .. UITlE'S SAL~ NO. 1a1 ,c -BUY ·- fOfl aAll Ofl Tfi"'OI tw•• ''I 1 '•d• fur "'•wt•o,t .. , b ~ .. ·-..,, o.,.,,!: \o ,..'-'•• "''"• "'"'t'l''d ' a" d eu•t"b-•tt hu 1 :-.IIITII.,.; I~ ll .. :lt .. :ll\' 1:1\'Jo:N ''""• "' ouiHih no•u" ••""f" t· T lu\t 1111 'l'lu•"'\Jty !l.li<r••h :!:'lth . •·•~ ''"'Ho ul ""••."•·' ""'"•· II14J, at INI u'l'lo•·k A M at thl'' '"'''"'•""" •.ooo J 0 flolll, 1 Main Hln·f'l rnlra.rwl" tu l hf' 1\lv o oo .. <to••· C•"' 11 l'ral..t•• 4 'uiml)' l"uuri "''''*'· In thr' ~ .. ,;. Na lh•n•l T n£4t A Na \•toaa dUS£W~AES SELL .... ., per ... Mus ic AL 1 NsTRUMENTa aTI INWAV O",AND, TN 1-· u 1 "''•"•· .. II fw twa 1"-' tlllr... •' ,..,. ,,._, D a "I • lklllml .. t .. , • .,a Ca. -H . Mal• lt .... nla Afta. H·· UI.D TRUM ... TI, Cl.,.l ..... a ... .... ,.,.-a. o, .. .,..· •'"' _, etiMrl"et ......... t..T.,._ .. ! ''II v nr IUv .. rii •14-. (1allf••miA, t "ttl:~ -· It a 11 k nf IUvl'r•hlf', a Nathii\&J R.NTAL~-----.-----· o. ............ ~._ o. .. • N. Mal" f' .. eart\a "-· I Ha nklniC A••••lallnn ,.r ltlvrralde. · May1.6e Waallera l 'nllrnrnla. u 1'ruatf'r un.lf'r th•l RCA Ra,.IM 1\t•Nt nl Tr1U1t Plli'O'U\f'\1 b)t I..ICO vee-CIM,..,. -...... TRADa ,_ ... ~ Ia ... a Mld·Wf'f'k Prayer Service, Wed- .,..s&y, 7;10 p. m. llt':tll'. • hlud voice ~lortlled Cod. And tell do• n on I'll• race at hla h-et. g1Yin11 him -tlu•nlls : , .. And be aald Onto him. Arise, 110 t hy way : tb7 faltb I :oth miuJt> lh;oe ,. hniP." It.& 1 ''UUJ8 uoi JI'A 1 '1+0!UI ------p-.---------1----' ___ ,..._~MI-._...,. __ .,._ ___ ....:.. hla ¥>•Iff', f'HI~J .... t JUnP fllh .. 1131, .,.... DIAI·kNRI .. t "'laM 0.., -N: Sunday m orntnc. e a. m .. Pre- paratory Membership Clua. FULL GOIPEL CHURCH I Among 1!1~' llt>lecllone from t he ('lorlsli&JI !'il'l .. ntl' tf'stbook, "Scl Corner of 22nd and Elden Ita., •·nee and lf,.alt h .,.·tth .Kf'7 to tt1• Coeta Meu, California Sl'rfpturf'a" by )larJ Oaker 1-:dd)', ~. M. C. Cronic. pu tor I ar .. the lllateu•t'nla: "Juua bo'tleld Sunday School 9:4~ a . m . In Scl .. nce 111-. p .. rrect ma11, who &II Mornlnr Wo~lp Service 11 a. m . l• .. l!red to him "tJPre alnnln~t ruor Evancellatlc Servtce 1:30 p. m.. t:al ruar/apl>e&ra to D10Ptala. l.n ll•h• 1\aeed&y' and Tburaday pnyer tterr"ct man th" 8ulour aaw OQd a ~ervlcea 1 :30 p. m. nwn llkenf'u, and t his correct view OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL CATHOLIC CHURCH or ntan bealf'd thl! cldc. Thua Jeeu' \ In U•Hik 11101, al I'AC• 14. 111.0(;1._ • Mal" M., ~11b.r·'~ U ·W fh'la l ltf'<'tln1cl ,uf Or&nl[f' twnty. aUIIIP LUI DR.AD & PAaTRY AOCO .. DION, 'w 1 e .. • ...W - t 'allrumla, all•l b)' rf'IUIUfl llf \H I TORI.. Ill -·••r. Cefta ~~~~~~~~~=~~~~:!.!fault In thf' fli'J niNit nr J'f'rfOn D• M•-lt..tcll YMr 0.11•,._ Te..-..... ._.,._a. .. ........-= l•n•·r uf oblll(atlnn• IM'~Urf'\1 tnere· ..... r I ••· IMf lc. 11 1 ~. INf ,.,_ C. .. • H. Mel• -., d .... Ia ,.,.., " .. YOUTH INJURED IN by , lno'hhllllJ th• btf'al'h nr ... lc. All .. , .... ef "'M4•r 1 1 , • ..._ (IUIIt nutlt't' Of ¥>'hlr h W-rK tonl• ,. 10..: AUTO ACCIDENT lr•l NoiYPm ber l l\th . UHO, In Aonk _,.._.or. .. .-,._.. 1 IOtitl. at I'AKf' 6ttl. "' t ttfll'lal M ISCELLANIEOUS TIMo ettrac-th·• """ t'dlfkofo of t..;_ t"ull Ooetwl C'llourrll of C'oe&a lt"'''tnla uf tirana• l'ounty t"all· , CI&Jr• W ~t .. v••n• Ill """ uf t 11 11 t. btl U MHa, tllf' .--II of ... )'f'tl" of f'ffort 111141 plannlna, .... tt.dk'aW 1M& lira. Ulll•~ H ~tr\•rna . o( 111111 1 ,•·m•,•· hw t ..,lh ~ pu rt a ur ~ W~ •pftd, l 'PPf'F photo, lfoft to rl&M, .,,_,. ,\. ~. 8aJIP)'o. ~r ....... ur I lUI , WI ltU WarTtlll y U U . . ¥u.u. Pia~, no• "lvr<J a cut un 1 1111., ...._...., or l'nC'UIII.,._ deal of Uw Mf'JIIA IWMI nwntewr nf , .... t~hur..-"a... •-ae-ral IMI,.,ta· ......... _ .. whf'n l h" rar hf' wu ' ,~---· _, f ' ,. , ... -th,. tnte,..,.l t·nnv•t•u o • a I •1 tPndf'IK of C'on11truc'Uon of ~tw IM'"' bulldma_; Kr'·· Rf'n ttardh1 cU•utol drWtnl Buoday ""'"" atrurk by a TnJ•tf'c> by aaht d~IJ of trullt In • ll•t etw CMI waell••le well ....... • .... , .... , ......... 1. ••. TIMr -IMclo Ia .. II 1M •beocl II Aft)' I,,. ef w a I I G.ol t I 70 It-he. !lADY ORAND Ra, •. 0... ......... _ ... ,-.. er will reAl . o-.......... Pia-C.., -H. Mel" .... ...... "-· "' IPINaTTa PIANO, Ieee_.. ~· ..... -.. -.... , ...... ... ,..... ...,....... -··· , ... ,., ...t .. ._, ..... II ..... Rev. P.' J . Beary, PriNt lluaea at 8 a. m. and 10 a. m. ti!u~eht that lht> ldn~dom or God Ia Intact, unlverKal, and that mao Ia pure and bol7." • •up.-rtaw~nt for tiM! clf'nomlnaUon who waa prlnC'Ipl4-ap.-al&•r •' .... .....,..,"" ~talt•ol hy Hn~rt C"awy I Jirtlflt'rt)' •ltuat4' In thf' City ot C'e ......... )'l •1141 ~,., }!1, (,', (.'ro!Uc;, P!t!tor, -~ d,..l tllf' •trwt-. ., Lon twac-_!1 ..... , ... ~.ung to pollt'P Nrwpo[l Uel\' . or. TIM!y .,. llho••n F'N'f'h Ina tllf' bhwprtat. from B4lilf',Y. phot.a • J ""It"· ~tate of '"allfumla. ct.cflb- IQOIH .. lL .NAM\L f!~ In!!'~· _, __ ,~~J1~~~D~.J;l!Di~~~----~ '•I· flowo on ... ewllft~llfl, llrvM -•lle. ,.,,.. wltll .. u .. flnlell G.ol .• II It ... FIRIT CHURCH OF CHRIIT ICIENTIIT tiM! -churrJI at U nd and t:ld.-n AvPDUof'. at.ven• WIU! n•t.o,.trolly · •lrlvlnlt I •·ol lUI tolh•wa: CHURCH NOTICE ----Oft O.l&lt Rlvol iniPn•llnlt t" tum l'arl'f'l 1 l,11t t4 an•t ttw Seventh ·~ AdvenUat ~Church 112 EUt Central Aveoue c· . Le d ~ 8f'll80n Whf'l\ thuuaan<h of )'OUDI Into lhr •alley bo-twnn 24th anc1 N n r t h wr•lf'rly l'f'C'tlliii('UI&r / aU .. I.RlOR HDUa• "A I H T ;_ Ooeta Meaa Tornbend Hall. Newport Beach IVIC a ers peGJ.IIf' will vl•lt the local bea.cbea. 1Mb llrwb. but Jlll-ti lhr tum Ullf' half of tnt 11'1 In blflC'k Ill SaturdaY mornln~. B&bMth Sebool A branch o( 'l'b.e Wolber Cburcl). ~--Ji'or . . , · • a.cJtlq up lu ~ Lb.-tum , I ..r ,.,.,. "F.ut Rl•lf' A•MIUnn" -~~-----=~=~~~==~==~~======~=======~~~~~~ Mrm~~..rt~rnmmlt~a~: ~b~~wu~ck ~1 ~ 1~ ~~·~t ~r IIIIa... .... Pro.._ ··onal Di .... tory"' v t• w k ::u~~~-(~u-h. :.~"':.'ri ~.~ u.. ('uf'y marliTnf' U4')' ... """ th4'r.....t r .. ~··~flf!<l In Hook • IRa H.,. aca ton ee I ('atholll' ("hun-h. Mr• Donal~: O•Flc'• .... UPPLI-•. , ..... :l() llf .. 1 ..... 118""~ · -Amf'rlc-An l..t'Jtton Auxiliary. Yra. .-"' ;;::) •• I M "P • · lttt<'~onl• 0 f 'O ran•• DB. 8ALPII D. BOARD Plll'8K:JIAN · SURGEON 08"1'1:0PATH PIIOM11 u .. _,_.. ... ....._ ~ A,_.. Balholl DIL OONil&D RICHtER ft:r'd= .......... Oftlee 1., n.t 1141-' Newport.._. ...,.: t•tt ~··a 1·5 p.m. ~IU;Ree.14·.1 Dr. GordoD M. Gruady ftylk:tan aDd 8UJ11!0D Newpcwt Beartl B 011plta.l O.tral An~. at Nlntb Office lira.: 10·1% a.m .; 1·5 p.m. Tel~tte 11 Firat mf'f'lln« or thf' n•cwftarl· F.arl Stanley . Aaallltanl'• Lracue. '' '••u nty. < 'a lltum la I h "' -'-II1Jal8 ft~ 2Sc l 'ar.'rl l ,.,.,. NurthWHI· zed rommlttH tor l e .,p. wK" Mrs. 'Harry Wt'atnvt'r , Balboa 1.-roa OIYIC& tJ8& .• , IIJ.RAIIII. otJ"RBEY, II.D. I Vaca(lnn W!'IIOn. compriAf'd o f ,tan<J lmpruvl'mrnt AeoclaUon. 0 . ..rly 4rl ff'f't "' t hr Moul~· .. . II I I .... lvl I -.. ,_.,_.. __ ...__ •·--f'rl., I~ r•"l ,f I . u t "U" a aerv ('f' (' u .... c (' organza-, z Robf'r1.8<1n . Hualnf'N and Pro-&---·D« n•u----..... J E,... Ear, M-... n.r-& tloniP ~(I lloi'IAI gr•JU(lll. will ~I ft-ulo.nal Wnml'n'a Chfb, Mart&n ....-.. lltDdl et all Um• 1lt uf thr 1-:&at Kilt. AoJdiUon t.o hrld Frida y. March 7th. at the fok("hf'm f'y. -..-: thf' 1\altoc .. 1'1"at't. u pf'r Map 311 So. Main Street I Whltf''a C'otff'f' Rhop. flal~ a.. I Unnll Cluh. Thf'OI.lorl' IWblna; • VOID lll'"no"f '"~"'""'"'' In Uook •· T....,_ liM llaDta A.a la.nd Jo:t,..ll ("tub, M" 1': L.. Youq: BACK ORDER p a 1 f' 20 "' YIIW'PIIanPOtW 1....-------------....J• Tho• J(r(oUp whv·h hu a ban .. Grammar St•hoMol. Mr SHl[> BY lloiAJIOI, ltf'o·un-t.' Itt. Onn•• ~......:.-------------, ..t 1 th c ()rdlnatlnx E n 11 In : PAID C"rtunty, 1'1111' Ia• JUlY por· r 1 ·•"11~'' f' namf'. o-'f111hf'nnf'Rl0 t'nlnn, J H. MUla: 1 .. _, tb I committcf' hc'o'll\IM or the· almtla r-Rutary C'l ub 11-:;;a,.,. Rll0l81T.RED llun lhf'r ylntr ,,.. ow e · DR.· B. E. 8TAm,a. DENTUIT TelepltloM N..-port M Storer Bulldl•c Balholl LEROY P. ANDI:B80N A 'ITOII.ND" AT LAW Coeta .... _ a-ll a.NIIt. ..... ... Collta Meaa ()Ullot'DAa II h th r th nr F. n • 1 C n ; YOUR ORD~ li u.. uf ttr•llnary hll(h llllf' ot 1 Y 9o~l f' namf' n 11 ynu ' l"••wpurt I!UJolno'llll Mf'nll AROda -•n _g&niutinn In tht> Ha rhur. an•a. tl•.n 0 M C'ampl,..ll, J u n 1 o r PACKJI:D I Llo• l'an tlr (k'-n. . Twill pi11D rur tht• c-omlnjt. l!pnn~ ,....umbt•l, Rllho•rt Gan lnH ', Realty SIDE UP '"I thr J•llflMI... uf , .. ,...,. obll.- l """ AJR MAJL """""" IN'I UffOtl hy aa.lol lll'f'd "' The Firat Church or Ctlrlal, Bo«rd. Mn llnrry W IUirunaon : DA)IAOED 1 tru•l . ln•luollnl( r ...... r hara" and Sclentl8t. In 13oalon. lofa•. S<'rvlr r (,ub. A. J . Twlet: DI8COUNT ''"l"'n,...• uf 11)1' Ttulllf'f'. Sunday School at 8.30 a. m . Nt'wport lk&•·h Womr na A~ HOLD I t 'IT IZI-:NH NATIONAL TIUIRT 6 Sunday Service a t 11 a . m . Wed· clatlnn . Mra. Allee Harrilll, P.T.A.. 8PIICIAL DmuvllRY RAVINCiH HANK OY lUVI:K· oMday .. Teatlmoolal Meeltn« 'at 8 Onmmar School. Y". Harold R. J:NT'ER&D RlOit. AH MUCH TRVI.IT1CID. p. m. RMdlnc f\oOID. 118 C.tral Holl&; Hlch School. P.T.A., ltlra. WIJ...L C.A.LL Dated: J'ebnaary 21. 1141. Ave .. open from 1 ~ • p. m . ex. Helen. Iabeii; I· P'. Watkin• ti'OID BJI,UCD I REALI cept 8undaya and holldaya. the Ret.all Merehanta; 8 · H. Da\14-AH8WI:R&D ny R II HAMP80N, Tbe public Ia r ord lally lnvltf'd "')n. the Hl~th ~rhool and Roldd ,, -SPIICIAL Vk e t•r,..lllf'nt i to attend the Mrvlce and .uae tbt> llrHigkiDJtnn . Oll•f of Pollee. ~ Uy ,I r: HP:P:II. Reading noom. COPY 'r ru•l Oftll f'r -;;------_,EX LIBRIS C ANCELLED 'I'•••· "''" ~7 . ~· II , 1:\ llf41 L-------------'1 FIRST FOURSQUARE CHURCH • kEMJT OF COSTA MtiA 8HIM'ED P. V. PARKIS I tChurch of the Hlghway t OOVERS 5AIT NOTICE Wakhmaku . Jeweler • J'.acNYW Rev. G. W IJI;!!I"d Stea,.na, Putor By Pitt Fit~ger;!lld PHF:PAID 2102 Qc.an Front. Newport Mae Sturna, Co·Pnto r All uf hill Ill" Andy hllti look 0 . K. Espert Swtae "'at.dl Repa&rtJIIr Phone 1n8-J . C HECKEO F II .J -30 m "'orshtp •••I 1ur\4artl I•• tilt' d l\v wheD be Gold PlaUq ·r 1 A)',• ' p. · "' J • PA~T OUI-: 1: 0'-a-•nld ~n•ir R ~tae St;oama In ..,..,uld "" nll .. 14 •·•1 lo It" t" n&ltl· ye --I' t <'\' ' 1,1,.11 I 14.IUI dl SAMI'LJ.;s AL.L WORK GUARANTEED charg• T 1' 14 110 (>r nary I ll"SI 'HY.D • >If"''' IIIJIIr \' anol '"' •11•1 lhr J)RI ' "" u~· '" 'Att h ~tfVrfl~~t v.hh w .. , .. 1 ... k I ·,., tit II I" .. r \'llrllo• l'lll• •• """ l.ulh• 1 !-Ill"'' "' Aullhf'lm Ml(;t11GAN R EUNION I >t ~ l"v•l I II•" k" II h. l•l••fll•l••nl .. r Ill• J,l lololto:tHI A""'" 11•11"11 ~of !'IundAY l""hnol. 9 30 ll m J'"ll '"'~ l h"u~h In An•ly'J! tlmr l <>L'L''""I' TO · ' •~r-..,." :-\••ttl turn • '11llf,,, nut 1\flii••UtH •·~ .. • unLD K. G~A•MII'L Mornln.. Worllhlp. 11 n'clork: •In""" • alii• fn•m the rertlle l "U .... ,1 ~ . ...,..:. e n .,,.-lh• ur.n•H•I flp r "•f I''' nt• ,,.llfHt..-. ROY'S BARBER SHOP llp4'1'1nl m usk , fllllOiur'J! ~f'rmnn \'~II•Y'" ,,, t llun ln ""' nt&rket In OLAtJ8 Ill Sv""""''' •:r•o\~ l 'ouk I~•• An CHAPEL '. ('rllllldN ~l'rVIC't', o; o'rlock. lh•• t-:o,.lo·rn rii :V ,.,,~ ,.n &llnual l n L'>'L''\'"'"' F onnC!t"ly at Balboa bland · d r1 I hi .11 hll wu t •~Ed L.JJ to:• 1•11 ull •II...V ~"'"'''·') M""" "We Qu1'14!'1ves the Retter Serv<' f:\'Cnlnlo( f:vang•-l lca l !'l .. n ·lr e le •. , ••til an ~ ~ 1\r 0 I t:.t h By ~1"11 Oth<'l"''l Best" ~ted •• -by pABtnr ,,lum · "' tho· nolv••nlur•· NKWJ>OR1' BAJUioa PUB. 00 I 108 MeFaddeft Plaee Tuesdny. l lt'i"ller • Tf'&o·htng I \\'h11 l llnfll•('nt••l wh••n t he y l n-W . .n......•·-al An.-, .. ,~ 1,.,1411 • 1 • .,1tvc·r •·nl• t t~11,.,,1 --, ~-~1 H-lt---,rq;;:a;:-r:'!P'r~itl'JIIftlr1'"--·-l-·r.,.;.,;;;::~;~,,.; -----., ... ,.,.IU""'I1rt1 t1"1tun~ m,.....,,. • Ul~Jl--...-w ... ...._... .....___ (' llf ta -N-pot1.....,b,-<1all . ---,1-l,,r.TI!• .. ,.. duv 1··~1 14"''1c Tu I vuwt.D .._ a OMl Newport B<'ach T hur1111;•>'· 10 a m . P r11y,.r '"" • '""n~: rnr a n llnu~tl"l my•tery 1-:;:;;;ji::::-7 ... ___ ":"'_":'_-::;:::-::====~~--..::..-...:;.:: ________ J_ ~ • .....,..,._ ~, ~ t.A.·I 1.1'1'1 Jal•· 11"111'' t:: .._ __ ---_lloleettnc: ~ ..... ~l!ltA!a.tna tn rbarce.. ''"'"':T,· f ----·--D_O_R_O_T_H_Y_D_A~R_N_IT ____ ~ ~---------~--=----.:---, __ B--'-y_. ~har~_es .. ~rManus .-• -==~="-=--~o;---:--,.....-._=-=-=,.::,= .... ~IVI--A_,T,O-l-O"""il ,,,.,,pf N f I " l I A If I I..L \.,~ Do.WI>I T o ~.• " 1-. r t ...,1Ut t1 -N ~..f'o~~t .,,.)£-M,_~£ M "f ~ NOT Tt'l 'T'rl • u 'auA L !..Hl ~A•o 1 T '----------. OL.vF~" Tc OC' L C'l o ~') Li ~f 1 I C,oMf T~•N<. w .... · r l',tii N C 1-f , TC' Pt.EA ~l FC'R P i<l 'H .._,T 5 . .' HlR KID . l:~'::, TE.R ~ ~UN DO\"N '"'fO '"'ft\E CtG ~~ • S'-ro1~t; .l.NC' GET \1\.~"' rl.vc.·~ \vC'~i'~\ C'f-~-roG . E S- ,AND t)ON-r' LOSE IHIS ---o -. -.. ,.·~ ~\ ' ~ 1) --\ ~ ~· DOI.L..AR 131L~ I ~-7 -- , I ;k, l.PATCH ~I I ..-, ~ I GtNTS ,. TAllOR I J \ ,., ... ........... ··-.... ,. ... _ G.oo • • YOU CANNOT DU.V .•• DITTIR .. A IN T L••- L,.., ... • C. • -.. Melft, .,.. .. , . .._ ,.. AWNINQ ... ._ a ". Ok.M ""'"•twre ,..,..,. A"a T"'t A A•"'"e Ca .• Lt .. , 1-a Mal" ,, ........ lt1f ... ~ ..... _... -.-.... .. .. _.... 1ft hllll•l• ............. ,..... ..,, .. , .,. ..... -a t • " a Qc»t Milt Qrend C.fttrel Merllef, .. ,..a ..... .. . ._ HOUSEWIVES l ...... -,_ ,.,......,. ear· -a a ........ •IMIM. We.._. 1 ...... -....... --_..._,, ........,._._ .... , ...... ...~----..-.. - w. c-tral ,_,, .......... ---...... , --....... ,.._ .. ,., ·-· ~ .. ..,. tiff , ... lttlt ...... • 0 " ••t •ll•nt •""'"",.-••• 1• M U• ttay o• t.thth4br •"••· _.. •u1• a••• ttw tt.fl '" e tKta l •••u~,.,. tH futl n•n.e p ,.tue o" e.nctal •••••tt"•' r ••• "•"' attrac:tt..,.., N•w p.n•i .,.,.,.,..,, PwhU-"''"• C•. %10a W (An t ••• Awe . N.w !1 B o ATS Be SuPPLIE~ I O R tloAil ., , '" \R ~n•Mim '' . l O"l ~~~,~···· ...... ,. tic. • --· REAL EaTATII FoR SALII TO THe eottMRYATIW ""•· J Ct4AM" CW ..aA&. UTAft-,w. _.. .............. .., ...... . ..... ~.,..... ... ....._ .................... o--... ..., --.... ~ ........... ..... WILLIA...oN & WILLIA--..................... ,. a..e .c...tral, .. 1 .... ~ ........................... rtl ---------------------------,~~ REAL E.-rAT. FoR R•NT _ _, _.,Ma IS I -... ............... r_ .... ... .A ... ,.....,., .... -................ •" .. ... .,. .. ,_T VILLA. OMiaMNI OIW It MIIM ,,_ Pet... ..,. ... ). Rnll""la ....... W. L, .1~ -· ""'-"'aiM ......... ""' "''""' DUVaRI .. LLa~ DdhROW ... I L•ND«~ IM~RTANT NOTICCI -.cu ... ,.. fill liM Cellfw"la ~ c ... ,_ ....... fl/1 c ... u .............. fllf ~-- .. ... I ,. .. AUDUL.IIIIT .... ett • .,,era ar ~a •• .. ,.,..._ ••• 1 ........ a .... """ ........ ··-· I" ...... fllf fill-.. ,.., ......... , .. ltlltfl ....... fllf lit• teftllaft I• .. II •r .. ..,,_ M ...... Ired ., liM ......... , ...... .. Uw ... "'"' .... a. ,. ... -.y .. ......... , ..... -'"'a•-llaft .... ··-----. ,..,_ -----__ ...,.. Tl ...... Nawpef1 .. Mit. Calif. • ------- ... . . I ,._:, . -· .· ~ CORONA DEL MAR BALBOA ISLAND L.JDO ISLE .... Catbotic Church To Sponsor St. Catholic W0111en (}I Our lAdy ol Mount Cannel church w I I I 8pOMOr a Sl Palrlck'a Oily brldgl' party W~dnt~ay. Man·h 12 In thr Coeta W r • a Amnlratl ~gton Hall. P roc reulve brh1&1' pnz_n and a clever door. pnu will bdcht- eo lbe huh party ln compll'te p1aa1 'were mad.-at a mretlnc one day thl a week . .Wn. It N Cun· atnctaam &1\d Wra W. J . Neville were · ..,po~ntf'd holl1t'NN for the even.ln« by the prraldrnt Wra Arthur Donaldlon Oth•ra a p · Wra Gunnln~ H uti f' r w ll " unanlmool'ly rio·• trd pr •alllr nt "' t h" eo.t.. M •" t1 Elenwntary School 'PT,A. f or _lh• lll+f-42 yur at t h" 1\Jr~~<lay afl•rnnon mM'IInR h•ld 1n th• Wain echoe,1l , audltnnum, auccredln~r Wra A L..l Pinkley. . Tbe el,.ctlon of officer• lprlud- tnc Wn Bull .. ,., pr•au.Wnl. ld r • Clydr Otto.. vir• prMident, ldra. Otla Weath•rwax. aecr•t,ary 11111 ldr11. Robrrt Lone. ti'!"UUlrer, wu a part at thr bulllnellll seulun 1 ••n· 1 ctucted by ltn. Pinkley who hf'hl ftle uaual wlllter pknk .... ... Mid .. u.coiD Pu1l. Lo. All· .... ,.. ... JGwau .... ,.... ................ Utll. 1\ wUJ .· ,-,. NEW)J()RT BALBOA NEWS-TIIIlS. Raaport·a.:ta. ~ TIIDRSDAY. MARCH 6, 1941. BPltY Dodge Flower Show Prominent T eaor I NEWPORT BEACH CO$TA MESA BALBoA Junior Womea 1 , Miaa Thelma Gehree · 1 Hear County 1 to Wed ~dward A. ·• Hints For Lent I I ' We wislr to announ~ the purchue of the Mustard Grocery. Store at 1305 Coast Boulevard, Corona del Your continued patronage Mar. will be •' appreciated. JOHN S. ·HOGAN Fri<lay Afternnun t'luh A rt11 a nd C'rtll~ f'o•ctwn, II a m : l'lunn•c•m Nrwpurt H 11 rbor R olury Club. 6:30 p, m . Whltr•• Halhna ll'lilnol C"offt'f ~lwp Blll!kl'lllllll Tolllnlllm ('f•l, :"r w 1n "l'bruary to Allan H nwc-11 nf ~ onla Ana. l>urlnf;: tho· MK·ial h1111r ~lr U UIP ref'rl\·•'•1 ht~h l'fl7.!' n t n ~1"'~'1&1 gam<'. .\II wnm<'n who nrr lnltrt'l!lt'd In INirnlng fl r11t aid ""' lnvltP<I In ntl~'nfl t h<' A ml'riran fi('t\ C'ro11~ ~------------------------------------~· J><l'' llarh .. l j I' In t •nl .. 1 lliJ,:h Srhooool ' lto•d I ·r,.,~ \\•HII(I'Iollll~ 1111 •I:! I' lllllhn:t Inn ll•ll loiln,:: l~ulluut, oond 1:.!11 ~IRrtn•• ""'. Hnll~.n l~llftll lhl!h s r llu(>l PTA Ht~arol M·•••f . Los Costuraa Start Mystery Provam 1 Fir11t Alii dl\11111'!'1 \Vrdnr11olny ancl F'rtolav of r n1•h WPI'k In lhl' homr of Mr11 Mnn· Ad!!' Abhott M 201 b!llon~ Balhctn lsl11nd. T ht' a nnnuno rmfnt "!o:l.~ mad!' tw ~I n•-Frnnklln Han!'!rn tn.lnv --~~~~~~l.t~~tl~~t;--1t~~~~~tm~~~m;-l~rT-nr-~~~~~~~au~.&e~~~~~---t---~ ... ~.,~~~-.~•-----f-~~·~~~~L.lhc_~~AY ~ ;P '• ' •• ,., 1 al 111"''' 1 ~ will mrr t at 1 ':ln p. m nPxt WPPk h••llh' l.1 •• 1 ·,.~, urn10 mo·m~rll ~p.n """ •• ,, 1111101 l'~oa.r-:<-m ~tt UMir Jll.aft- ol ,, 111t.;ht nw• t nC" wllrn tbey •lr •" "·'"'' • 1•f .. m,·strry 11l.ten .. S'tEAKS CIOCif.L'i ROASTS "tlaje n•»•~··· ~,.: .... u, .!\l,•llll T h '' ····"t"rl<· '' ·111 11~;..ec;ret::l;v~· ~:;~~ii;::}=====::;jQ;~~~ for 11.1\o lnltml """"Inn At, I thr "'~-'· nltlllj!o• <"'••tu11~' ~I'•' l k lr#-f ""-'"-''""'h nt~ fMI. . -~~-.... ~ ... !Lj 1.0 -!ii·~.- F .. ttml 111 ,. Ill • ·•••· 11• ;~nol nt r :u h lttf't'tlng· when fi;;;:;;;;j F ir•' f"h il'f F'rnnk C"rtw-k r r !< f'fii' ~!fF'!":: 11811 FamUi~ Catt•t't'd To 11th '-OranRf' ~trHfN C081'A ~A-t•honf' 77 • Nn, .lqlltl r ~·t \"I'd Rebuilt Adders! Say. Wl' bAH' 5nme finr 'lflur s In rrhullt noldm~ Marhln~~' , •• M A :-.v thffc•t •·nt mnko•ll and m o d c I ~. th•·m o\'rr! fncome ·Tax ~ :eadachesl You kn''", an addin~ mm·hine \\111 san' a lot or h P:td;lChf'<; o,nd gnashing or teeth , . . not only at inc<>nlt' tax time. but at the t>nd or tht> month, or pcrhRps every day! Wt> ha~ thE'm ...• t model for your N't'ds, at yoUr priee, on your ~. a; ..4. TI~RN..4N-Tfi'D'RI1'ER CO • uo , ... rout~~ .....,_ 741 :'1:· \• I" · tt. ,1 h 1 1 .. 1 tc: ... t, ,, 11 ' \ '""'' 11' I•• ~rw Included at IIJlp•llnlro l llll'll n uJur. F'ttr lh••r V}· ttun .... ,.. ...... n • . .. \l..oll"' 'uH!•~ t , .... \\t' h' It I' ltns:t v.·~re Met· (t'\rmntinn ff'$tRrthn~ UH' rlt\!1\.~4"-1~11 Alo:d••l • l!tdl••·• l•l111o1 '•• \1•11" -,.,1•t v M ol IVIl. tlln ht' ~>hiii!Ood hv <ltllon,;: ~lr~ .N•·\\pnrt tcrnth to•u•mt•a. \II 1••hn~~·r nr :-;.u.a1 Ana. Dorothy Htul~n. t!~ ur ~Il l' AbhotL "" " :~:It I' u: 'II"• I I lhi Tl ,.,,. I••UI«t r.rubblt. t!\:17·\\' Jl, ·I' 'I I: II•' 111 f:va f'hllllpl 1 'I II f hi II :1·• I I hr h08tr~ lfn WEONESOA'. MARC H 1.? 1;.., "l"''' II" t. , :-;, 1,", t 1 11 I ' \I 111, • "hn f'ntt rtaiDe<l 11•••11 \\ hit• • 1 111. 1 , 11 , .'I 1 "' • • 1 Tlnlbna faUlt c ;11 I :-;, "4 l lond•·IL. "''"' ,,,,, p .• t t 1 ,, t '•t{l:'-f ' \If I ' ,,fo lH ,I • 01 .,;.\til I ),, oU t\ II ~ :"' .. 1 lhull ... \. ... Hn ll"'" 1 .. 1" ~ t.~ t c ,,.,. \\ ~~~ I I·~· ' '•• \I I IU• \ \. t ,. .... f '' '' 1 ·•I II 11 I • \•• I • ~ I· 11 \II\ I. II \ I I I\' ,., I : ··.1 ' • \\ ••1 J11"'''t•• I :,d, ' 'lu• I' I< t'h·•·• I" II II I I " 1-'1• ·I \ • • •t:o • \1 I •tl l1• ·lli• • .' I \ f f • ~ t \\ P I I I :~ t I \\ ' - \' ,. " o' I '· \\: •I ' .. \\ I I • l ~· '\ 1 1~;11 . •'' I ' !• I ' ., W .S.C.S. To Plan Spring Program , .. '• '•. \\ """ Beach I \'t '• r '' • 1'._ · • ,, -< !'lorlety of ,-,. It • : I 1\ t l I ... ,., • ..,,. \'' I,' • \' 1 I I ~· 111 thP bom<' . ,. ' ~ I '.. . .., . ' \l II 1 1 10110 . 3 I 0 ~ I I' 1 ,, Prrhrtp~ ycrnr li~hl5 rl im "h('n J OUr r lr.-tric ···flll!•'ratl'r 0\"l••r atn rt ~. Y!\ur·rn.lln c." I :~.-1.1··~ \\ ho•n Y•'ll t'nnn• o t ~, :11' t lo 1 • 1 IC lroln . \-.•ur ('o>f • ~~(' m ·tl,o·r •• , • • < ~l·•o,.ly 1\11•1 thl' too~•· I' p· \;. ~ .<··•·!:". Y.nr !i~·ht• n1e Local Singers In Coast Choral Group ~,, n th ••f !t nf fht" ("P"lllt f,Vrtl' l'hih rr"~•'lll•·ol <lo•vo•r:t I ' h j . r R I ""fl.ll•rr:o nl n nwrtlno:: to( t hr 1~'1- cun-o llo•;ll h l 'h"·""' :\!lln•l.l\• ll !:hi 10 t llo•tr I oolrlllllllll \" pl:t\•holl!~t' ~rv••rnl X "\' I .. ''' If ul·nr \\'ot-nrn ar. m•·ntwt '<C'••f t h·· 'h•tllllil ,,hf•h 1-ollt •·•t••ol ,,,. :11 r:o !\1:t•v H ill•': :O:t t·f•,.nc-, 11 n( t 'PI"I10 !\ d•'1 ~1 :'l r . BALBOA PHARMAC.Y The Big _BQYS and GIRLS CONTEST s-EnOea! BALBOA PHARMACY -·-..... Mnfn at C••ntr111 R.\I.BOA (iiC:\('t: SIIII'~IAS SCHOOL of DANCING :?1!1 :'ltaruu• Avo • 11.1lh,, 1-lanrl \\·um:m ·, Cllllihnll•l' ( • .. ,.ta ~"''·I ·11>-~ "·'h )lain !' 1111" Ana T\\'( I 11,\I.U H ){))I C'l .\~ST:S Chlldt•·n Jtt tn 1"1 y,•:n • ~nt1 l11.;h !:'• lu•nl 11 I•• 17 ~· '11:- FREE! FREE! I FREE ~terry-Go-Round A Ride For One and All ILL Dl Y FRIDAY · MAICI 7, 1941 .. ... , tAll ~· with yov .... ewJDJ" " "" -~ ~UHf! . ' IAliOA t