HomeMy WebLinkAbout1941-03-11 - Newport Balboa News Times~ . Tlae~n :Column .· ISSUED SEMI- WEEKLY ·-'----·-·· --·-·~ .. BALBOA .. M.Es ~l~ '· '·~-.. ? ~:.. ./) MID-WEEK I EDITION . EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA. WEST NEWPORT, SEA SHORE , -liDO -ISLE. NEWPORT HEIGHTS, 8 ALBOA ISLAND, .CORONA DEL MAR, COST A MESA ------... ---• - -. --..!. VOLCII& &DO · 0'"-t A. ._.l·rcra· ft · 'TI1 notl\lpg n•w for eome- WHO SAYS THERE IS NO HONESTY? " .dog . aea KUII on th~ beach but • Gfl'r!P;t' S~o~o•!'n.on uf this Oilt' to rt'port a tlead ~~t•al, M B - ~)~=t o~a~~~u·:;·u:~~=t ~d·d~~ an -uys :~;;;~~ ~:t· at lt'&at COVt'ry of a dud Wild <'at on l..aal Thu1"8tlay morning h~ lbe beach by Or. F. H. Gobar. R 51 rt'port,.,l the lou of hla wallt't The ddun(·t wild cat w.. ace oop! WhiCh ···ontalnt'd • $20 bill an.l found ln f• oot of lhe Cobar a fe•· ont'a. aomf.'A·h~rt' ~twetoD ruidt>n<;e. 3608 Wut, 0<-ean l lhe F..aat Nt'wport 'l&arkt't &11•1 a nd w u ht'\1 down t hf' ~nta hla homtl fiOI W . Central ThP Ana Kt\'tr l.lurlnc thf' r.ct'nt E xpt'('ted to~ n<'W m••IJlbt>r ,.·allf't a!MI !'ontalnt'd pa~n Ntr."'POIIT ~ C 4UtHK,l.\. TO't:MflU. JI.L\At.:U .U • ...lNl, . ---;- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~G-~_a_F_es~d~ri~~~M~a~~~a_&~~~w_._~_s~~~. ·~N-·~~~!Easter ~ufirise Se~ice · · Wi.ll Be Broadcast 'Along Shore and Bay 1torm. Jl:ot oftf'n a wlld<-at of lht• ra muu,.. ="<''A vort Harbo r and a l 'hrl11tatn !klt'DCt' ra nt --~-~~o~~-Woua &!~ill peR 41 ~ c.oua-lrac•ng fl,.,,, thb sam•m.•r iLGab· ~tll'.til ~ ......... L'-i.:.&.fll=;;;;;;;~iiiiN.P try. dud or allvt'. ndlf' Gaananm. prornmt•nt Atlanl,l<' llay m umln jt fr o m S,.,...an -:-' IC'oast yat·ht~rnan. "ho has pur· ~o~o·hlt'h r,.vealed lh•l aomeon~ Hu~I'U D•d It C'hal><od 1 h•• w <•ll kno .. n Rltoodt.,; 3.1. hB I.I roun.J 11 atkl malll'tl ,.·aJiet Ont' Qf tht' d~llghtcul rto\'e· I Nomk•llt·n. fomw rl\ ownt'd . hy mout'y Pfperl and ca td to him ....-n'f'n actor Dtt·k Pu~o~ot•ll. I Thttt wa.11 a l,.ttf'r that broucht latlona at the Bu."ln~ and . Proftr lllnu ns l Woman·• c 1 u b • Thl' IJ(>al was ('llmlllt•l t-d b\· Hob a hapJIY emllt!. mt-l'tlnlt'. waa lhl' toutmaalt'r-lloyd. who rP<~ntl~ ol•'n•~ has 1 · \\'hilt• JII'I'Jilll'atlo ll,; Ill'' tlllli4•t""11Y f•ll' tht~ ('tNTlin6( Kl)ring abip nf SklpJ*r Walton Hub. own yacht brokt•ra.:•· ufft~•.; on 11"' I \'lll':tl t11n It~· 11 a·u tlllllilta't' a·outp;·l,;lrt~ot rt•pn~·ntntiV('tl o( aU ban i, Jr Tht' qu•t-t. droll wa_v I Coa:<l ll•ghway. -I c· D d l N . 1 II I J)l I I ., I II ,. • .... , ......... _ .. ' GlaninnL r('('f'ntlv-l·anM' to lht• I t r 1'\\ JMII Ill' •nr !'\ I' I' 111'}:110 /JI 111\IC, \l'V. •. v . ~~ be t'Xtrat'tt'd charity ahekela . I y a s from lh<> bollaea n·mmd~ one! \\'(•loot C'oal-t from · U:ln~ l :<h•nd I • / ' • l l\'\<'llh'tl h t lha• t'IIIIUIIith-.• Il l 11 lll•'t•lln~ llllil l't•lrlny plfUlll fOC" of thf' whimalcal humor of Sound wht•rc h!' r8<'<-d '" t'-l n· .. ~ 11 !'\t••d nl Sunrlst• t-;,"'lt•r Sc•rvlt>t• In whic-h a•tlun·hefl, ~ W ill Roge tll :-Jot mt'anln~ to te m<tll<lllal -{"Ia~. Ill' ·~ now ron·: PI' I '"'"Ill', y ndtl 11WIIf'l1' nttd ,nwmiM'I1' or Uw l~·ul rlAhlna ne.t heap mnrl' troublell on his I nt>cl..d with ·lh•· ntrt'ra ft mdu~tf)· n ~ bead. but ora;anlzationa aeek-I 'll Southl·m Cahfornta and tta.~ anners IIIII~' fllll'lidpah' Ill shnullnl\t'tltL'\Iy. ' bc><-ome a r<•!<irlt'rit of I'Wwrly Ifill~. • ,'· ft .. v. ( ;.,.,.lt•II'M 'II'HIIU~tl ,.,,u,. fur ... Sttn_.--rv'-Oft lng a meeting d irector can I An ank>nt )'llchtl<man. Gianmni 0 d " ' " ',,.. . ....._. "''.,. aaaur~ a llvt'ly -•on ·with · ,,. rl'portt'd... to ha\'1' indicawd he', z , I l•r,,,,. T••h't(rllltt l'ht.llo l·~to~lt•r Sundny n t ttw In mi-.-hlp of tht• ~It SN:Jtala.-1~t.h and IUCb a prealdlnl cbl~. [will racf' his RhoaON at Nf'•·port one r 'l'lw) .. ,.. ............... -................... _rli .......... _, ........ _ ...... ,.., ..... ---('t•ntrnl with loud "'l .. 'fiMt•na to ._ . -,. G~~tc Harbo. r this sumnwr and may be-~ • _. ......,.......,... •·-·· a. at 1 'a 4 • .,..., ....._.. .. 1 .. 1 w-ti •t ,.,. Nt~wpor1 ...,.., Y.,..l n.~. l~t• 'lnstullt>tl lhut tlw ,..-rvkt'l .. ,....,, ..... ~ ·corrtt> affiliatt'd with orw> ot tht' • ..,....,... -...n .... cweeer. Ia-p ... ~., ,.,. ••.....&a& .• ,.._. ·r ... W'p, T_, , . .....,." w~ a.· 1 two ~ thfo tl "'""'lt:"r'llhlp nl the llprilw Va• Francia H . .McGrath. vet-]tocal yachting organizat ion~. ClOrJ!Orat.H 1.,.-., .......... • ....._,.,. l-.nn.,..• ,.,._. l.rft •• ..._., .,.. 1_ "'-""'· may ll' A OVPr M ~,l'.tk-.n ( <lftfl'~ and t1w ...... •ran of tbe Spanlah Ame rkan Acto r Pa.·t'lllS.rt'portt'd to havl', The C'lly council waa ac:t.edulf<l rt• .._,....; ..........,. ...... 1111111" If at: •aJ•-H .... ,... )1 .. ...._ ,........,. -_... ...._, .. [1'\."\'l_'\'AIIOI'Ull <'f'flff'r . ulk~ lhry ~l are M , ... War. 8o1u IUbeWOII aod 1IOid thfo fut raong sloop due to __ '!'tlftda ~ , .., H..._,.. ..._ __. 11T-• ~lk' llddrt-M I)'Wtt'I'T\ will Iowa. former Harbor Muter a t his. having N'Cl"fttly purt"tuut'd a l to beN a t'~d. --...:. "1 ~t'-«eHl! , t ; v--. F rt; ...,.._,_.. .. d.. ""'"''-Y; · '.,..~· t.. t'd t bif.---rhii ~-n 7. -==:;:::;=11 on:.nnr.llaroa• ~u.r-nnr--C'Jtrii CTaff crulwr. -yr .. -rnay 3('-ntpt wtth mftDbleN ol Ow flty ... ,.. ~ Plie,..... .... a r n eo r1 ........... .. ... ... ,,..-_ :« ........... ~~~,..-0lW'1~ Olil (;ij l&~r...;,....~~;~:~;;~:;;:::::~=::::; Nt and bnt kept yard& aDd quirt' a small sail boat for day1i.nw ptannlnc commlaaioo ln u effort .,..,...._, ,.,t ef-'** ......... --8•_!_~ ~C'd II_... .. ""' .......... " • ...,...l w•h·r . oppo..~1,. ttw- bomu lD Wat Newport. Me-Wie In thfo I'M.'&r futur.. it wul' ~work out -e acc•pt.able com-..rl ...._ t U • ..,...., ... -... llli'lliit ··-·• tllr...... · _.. 1'11m11 around In tbla way, yachta· Grath Ulls t o upef'imf!D~ ~anwod. . promf.ae on t.be pr~ D-.,., --_ ,. --mf'n •nd ttahrmwon may attf'ftd lirammar with bt.a now .... aDd prden Las1 ynr Powt>ll and his wift'. -h An I Roll ..... llt'rvk-t-whllf' l"f'malnlntr aboard w of ta. Oee•..at7 ..... lllld amonc hi• achiniemeut. Ja.n ~. popular act...u. and,1DC ordlnanee. R•t t d Business and Prof es . nua, 8 thfotr boat• by lnf'noly droppnec odlat ~; J ...... ~ a.. ... lbe ~ ot • ~le of thfoir t'llmily lpt>nt -m uch ol ttt. T be ,.rosx-d ordln&Dce, d f). I es 0 ay . •nc'hor In thto &I'M olf 1Sth st .... t. nrr, ltlunkt ... Ju.ta; ll L ..... prlk wbJc.b crt•• about 6 IUmmt"r at Nt'WpOrt Harbor •ndl.ccnect to replace tb• preMDt IIGD· Audiente 1n Aisles "As Men Take Over r.ald JUov. Goodrll. ria ud .. )'. N.,lor ol "'-a.. feet b~ bu •colOrful a.-..,.. •xp«~f'd to do !10 acain this tnc ordJ.naDc•. No. uo. Included · , .;-Sra Sc-outs. Boy Srouta and all ~~ [,_.,. : J. D. WatkMIII al tM at tbe top aad b~ cluaten wuon. • raonlnl' ot ,eutaln .,_. and re-F ·~ M • · 1 orpnlutlofta at thr HaltMltr .,_, Aftwrieen Lepan: 'notodwe .... ot prtJc. Laat .._ be adjuatmdt ot ,'1&1'd aet·bet'k re. or rs ~· Ntabt lUll ll"riccay of Ow BuAID._ an4 Ptof•Miooal lnclud.lntr all f'tturctw., haw beft1 IM f«W Uw e-ta .............. ~ ~ly 80 pouDda of · · qwremeDt.a f«W bliocttap accord-• w-·· dub. wiU 10 .,.,. 1e ba.tory aa _. ot the funaleat u4 ""'t\WWtf'Ct by ~. OclodfH to pu-Hatt.r U.. Quit; 111ft. ......._ prUc trom a f-planta. A , •J• • lfll to ._ condtUona paaallar to _.. lide-apllttln& "..,'-....-IN.lcl ln tta.. =· lk'lplltt In thfo 8Uftr1W Pf'OITU" • Dt l..uw ....t ltln. Alk!t I. 8arNtt KaYinc kept t.be atalu UDtU UXIIarleS Yariou8 MCUooa of t.be city. Belle Sm·lth .... u.:_~o-u..;:.,n~~=Y,.'::~t -~OftheH=:.!s !'..; -~u .. almUar or&•nlutlc.w ln for lhr N.wpor1 w .... · ....... lbey dried, .be cootemplat.ea nw drat\ ot t.be -&aw, u ,.. o1 ._._..._" he wa. ~d UN p&t• .. u.. .,..._ In u.. adjolnlnc .,...... · Mn. llaliu\ ~ tar dllt • JtltlnJ them f«W Ona&melltal Pftpllred by t.be plalan1D1 COlli· kMt r I'T-liMn o.t H8"'-"t wtU be In detnMd to ,..... &afMMI ........ lkaAirwea 6 Prof...... ·- purpo<iN, thenby uUII&Utl To ~eg·aster ..... ,Oil, .... recently rejed.ad by Ill .......... ._.... Ilia dry lltum« ud droll ... , IMJt oely WoWed • 11wo mund tabU ~ P'rt-Oub: Mra. Harry It wtW I . the mUre prUc plant.. u.. COU8C11 aad mumed to Uw U. ~ IIIUt ~. Ml.OO few UMt H~ H-aDd Brlll4111t day hy the VlloC'atkln C'oftfe......_.. fcw tht N..,.., ......, 'R!!,.., ··-,....,...._.. beeauae ot certain Mra. aeu. ._.~ 10. W . . CXII'MI6tt• cMd not '"-'1 for1h ....,; )Ira. .,...._ Drt •• --,._ ---~ faatu...-·.,.....,-~--,!'_... ,..,.. .......... o6 ta. .... '"' ea.a u.a ...... ,..a...,... ..... ,_ addtUaMI ........... .. .. Vol r----:--r ...---._. ---I . ~ ...... to ta. nao and ........._ .._.. M Uon wtth ltudlrlt W ~-~-:: ¢:! u--.l~;,t = ':tr::r: ,c::-..: :..:::~~~ .. --·up-~aarrlt.. ..................... ..... .. :: ._._ ... , •• ._... ..~~~ I* h & ....... _.....,.L-A. ............ . ........ .. 11 h •et•r• t• ,....., • . ...,. . ...._.._.._elr ,., .. , mt IMt ~ lJtltL ... , ..aa a...,. fll .._ ~ .,. nltiilifl &AI-•: -· • ...st -•'---u.e a.uu. atde o6 aau ..t w11at .._ ... w11a. .,.-for eua """· .,.. to wnw a. .......... ~. ~tart• -... Motta. ar-r P. '1\ ._. ~-a: ~ Aatd~ N~ Hartlor and eo.ta W and eft~ tbe buddtnc ...::-..:::::... ~ =•= ..._ .a U. PI'• 11t ..... and l;;: M r.ad tbeas. H• PH .... I hi' JIMI .....,.., ,...,.., 1'tww ..,_. ..... ll.Jt. ........... Ifill . ...W c1e11ea _.. 111, Ida llundaJ Mt Mesa American lAcioa AwdU.r-Ws ot bomea 00 t.be ~property atrMt. _... lfltald toMJ. ~. ..._ t.e c. P'. lko-w. cMatrkt ......,-of the T•pt~aoe Co .. 1 k-f'tl lndudr ,...UtraUon. fMHt'" .uiMI wttllt llr&. ..-..... ........ wu KaJCW Inta c.o. Qerdoa. wiU ~no womm ol thfo Mar-of _l"ropertMe lnc«W . 2 p. Ill., at tiM Harol4 lit. a..... .-... U... truatrnbed. Hen they are. fnr f'f"N'Htlnft, *tria-adfoquat• ttw ~" Llctea A_p,, wtio NeeAved a nal .. ,...,.,.. bor Dial~ for VolWIIf'fT Emer-Maay ,.....0.. baH ..._ awut.-'Oiapal. OM&&..._ wtUt R.n. wa , polk-to -IIUJJ"VIakwl to .,....,..m IIN't· J •. D 'Watktnl .._ ,.,. I rtl~ wtMft lite aaw tbe apa&11lii'IC pncy llft'V~ frun 10 a.m. to 5 ln. final ........ or rt'Jectkln ot R. H-U of ~ Olurcb .,. A ME.£TlNG lN JIHYM& ~• llftlt ~.,,.__ wu ,...._.. Ow wwty,....... JCtww161 0.. M ----- eyea and tlubln• am1lee ol p.m . I'M.'llt Saturday .. MarTh l Sth. the n-ordln&oc:• befor. bulldln1 t.be 8e&. otndaUDC nr.t. <Ia ,_un&• to all nf a you I'm wf'i~ ~· lhfo ~..-pnr1 llart.r .,.... , .. _ kl ...... ,_ b rf ad Plans for lhf' f?CU~Ir&Uon Wt'l'? • ...,_ lit -· uoc --u e pe orm _ ..... lu\...M~y f'Vt'ft~nc '!ht'n bomea. U ~. lbe IM'W law lnt.ermftlt waa In ,...,._..., r• ca.ct l o •"' twr~ at .... a n..a ntc . II R pi .......,.._of..unmooy duUea bJ ~·.;-H&Jt)or Auxilial')' . ml'mben I ~Jd pro¥tc:t. for c:ertatn IIOIIiiiK ~.ry. To cia ~Mt~~lwn of Bun-..and J>rftf-•on•l Wnmm'a Mub. ...ntt M M a pruetlltftJ' tbe award&. De· ~ts of tht' MMOa unit at .dlangu and requirement. wblcb Mn. Smith wu a uatln <:all· ~Inc m~Unc rs a xwe , aes W&)'De KIDafattwr w o n th• ;e~tln . ht'ld sn lht• Mesa AmPr·l would enabl• proapec:tln h o m~ fomlan aod bad wtu.-ct t II~ All I'm pk.aalrd to lltlntd db v~ry ftn~ • I ~ electric: tralo. flnt prize for . 11-Jo,. Hall bulldPrll to procflf'd In kHpiDII ear I y d"elopmeot of Nf'WJIOI'i WIMoe 1 ~P;•It hrr~ dla n~nln« Mtllll a Stlmann t·m m,...t boya. All tndlc:attOna are Papa tc:an · . I wllh th• law Should lht' old or-, Harbor. An ahfo den waa ahrow m• da r.••··~ ,.,h~r,. I'm ~•• A k p 0 PI Sam a. jP;Oinlf to~ very buay All mf'm~f'l! ~both IIUXthartl'~l dlnanc•. 440. be r•ta lrwod. It will SurviYin« are a daucbtf'T'. Mtu Den I m t'f't MtM a Ulum4ullrt an • "n M'r Hr• \ to ttac • e an ';: ,> mJnlatu~ rallroadlnc UtU• and ~n~ WOft'l4>fl.tnlt>~lf'ft'" n·g·l be nt'l:'edary. civic lettd~ra dedar., Inez Smith of San ~ro. tw o Oob a my bt~ Wlu a ~tlfnJifon wu ••Y Mary H t'ltn GUthrl• wu Uck -i!'t<'rtng. for S('rvtC't' conn('('IM With for bulhtna tn apply for vartancu I eona. Lut•r Smllh ot s-JOM 1 ~ l•d pink with her doll. wblc:b lh<' nattonal ~ft•nliC mll\'f' m a) do beforP the plllllnlnc commlaalnn and Uewlyn' Smith of Loa& l)earh I Dea at " a ,., M WP ,..,.. cam•· In hrrr • -aa u•arly aa blr aa aht'. It M 81 the: Jlarhor LPgwn Hut. 15th ~-_ _ _ ___ Aa dt'n da l.,raht.nt Mr11 .,.," .. ' """ ....... •I•IJ<'*' .. ••n frnm -ntln• • p 0 ~ •• ft ~ .. l!rplvlnl( ••• uhJ<'t•ltuntl ,..,,...,, hy ~r or --- waa tint prize for g1rltt. and Bay Avm u,. or at th• <.'<Nita I ~!~be aald a .,,..,. ~\•m"'on will l~tk•· • l~t•r t•IA• r • "''"I" II" I I•" a llllaml•r• In " hla ltatl•lfl •n•t r alllnl for hla -~-~('~ p~:.~ ~err:. ! p m I Investigate Mysterious Gu t-An •h• will • J•lrlliM' ,. 118)' I :r ... r ···ount rr' ..,..uuvn lllttllfllll thr ItO I· nllll ,, h• want. lfl waUt fur UMt Where F,.em7 r Loc . d A M D . Ra. l .Den aftl'f aht• ""''I " Mill• Mtlrlf' l.ll~lotO<'h w .... tl n~at , ........... Jl""''''""" ftllln f!rUI)O•IP•I Air ur ... ,,.. tf'fnpt•d by lb• I~ EaC'h grut world nent nr M~ Mali(' Rollm~;. prr .. tdf>nl 0 I ate t esa unn• IR •n lf't'll •lnlt' a '""It ""W •lilt ......... ""' ..... '"' """ dly try '"" NflWJtOrt Jlar '"'''I•Y• hffl'rt'il tty th• m•rc~nta. lnovali6B-prodoi<'M W-()r-4---.. thi• llarbor unrl. and Mn-Mtlfl rNIJ & 1 Dt.o .t1 ,.._,a llttlntl '\n•l "'"•ldrtaltru k tJ,.1 W•om,.n'• All~~<tt'llltlun. W r" ttut. If th• r -M . t~n""'1 N • It I 1110 ('~1'1· :. k lfttrhl'-nr -rhr-r-Ou a dat .,,nit.' til< htU•· "t;nua Slladi" l 1•· .• ,,, .. ,.lt• MIIJlwrll,-;;,,.111< ""'· jl.,. rlfiHII?!Jo..-a tln lt..., P & tt wtll etoaely connKtt'd w h t Hut 11 uay In Ia t-I'M!:t~>l rltl tnn t:xcttf'm<'nl nnd curttl!<it y rnn 1 >~t-n"''"· ¥ nMIN'Ct lhf' hubbl"" in l r ,. ~ ,. • 'l 111 ,.., ___ ~~Nell which bt'com~ lncorrt()re.t~ In ttllla. l'fr<. R.ohf'rt Fi~h1•r, Pl'{'~l· htRh 111 (',.,,a Mt•M C'nnr·•·rnm~.: thr t ho· wa tlr. hut lliUfl '"' aftt'fllttoll l)a lin«IOJC >'"" •11•1 "'"" a milk•· '! Ill" ''"•-w•y I ' tn'rrtl 1"'1"Y 11'"1 ""1"''luno ahnllhJ •tv• thP rill "" r-aft"' ,, ___ ,...._...._, ......... , 1ft•• " ~.,.. .. ;i'<j(IMia.-.tlt ... eiWIM,,m~~ 'I'OUrft ar·..-8iiJCftV~ ~--• ,.. • , .• ~ ..... :· ~-. :" -~~ .... • ~tully fiiYriiii~NI•· lhr t•l"" ll<'ft or,. lh~> JlriYII"It" "' NtrT havlnl ... ninlt' thf' name!' of tht' halr. dl'nt. of thf' Mo·~a unll wall h<' tn t~!!l l!hh S trrrl whll'h wa" IIIIPat· Atll·mpt ~ ''' c rrow rrlfrolf11 in th• 0. df'rllratf;•n•-wu j("'"l "" llol• 11 ,,,-,.J,tll,. ~ ~\...-. -. ...... .. .-•-.. ,IMif..-.MJ-1 "Oil !111~~:=~!!1 Pint dln.,.hy flf'et of N,....•nnrt h A , , h 1 1 1 '"'I" ·rhr f••lf••wln" l .. tlr~ wu fef'PIY l11W'IIn'l wu)t '" 111 '"' .-. w "' ~~"" Rl'('l•ntly t f' m••n ('an .... •c•c•n ,,.n, durlnc l ht· rN"•'nl n un Rulthl•" :o,...a wh••rr th,.. IIJl""r•~:l l• ntt lllr.tl ..-.. , ... , Iaiiy Y""' •~.,..,.., ''1'' • 1'"'1!"'1-: ''''' '" 0 "' Harbor. ont' rlndll lht' "Blitz". .__ 4. h •~· J rol frum Mr• M,.i..,,.lf frtrllll tHIIftor Ul -rYit ~ ''"' lhf< rlty. n·ci~lt'rt'l.l a ll m""'"''" nnn nl ;•r rlf J.:ih w o·r•• apf)aro•nt "" th•• rnnw t l!lh '"' ft or:ll•otl h.tVi" ot Jtl l'l\•~1 ~ • akippt!red by Bamt'y Lehrplln. 1;,.;hle f h dQU:U t• ~~·· """ ,. m 11n II•••• wh•• wu•l '' l••tt;"l '''" ,, ollllr With Ill•• h"ll' ,,, lhr N t' w 11 II Will mr11n 'l•· 1" .. "'«" t11 UIJ -... _ _ _ = ~ .. _ fl!l'n not c~_, ~or t c.; · Ot.t ..,t),..m ~. aAd.-. A!n • .O...U ·~dn "'\CQ,..-$UCC~&~1 ~!ht• "" nl'l .._ ._,• K--hn ~ ~,. .. ftJfl v "'"'"' ... •••• -m-11 1 _, ... 1111_ • ., ,., ..... ,y ''-1' .... " u1 uwa u lv. _ wuu u-~· ,..,. ... ..,.. '..... ~~ I'O'rvtN' Kf'nrwll, Wl'll knov;n 1\nltwi:tn<;, ;tndl ,.,. l~.r MCf!IAnl\flnn ." ··I\~ i"':~lm·~ ... nrm ~-· -" r -·~,..., r ' n ..--, "Bijr.Bt'rlha" nf 1mall boet • un atiJ'IItl lrt"l"l'"'ht•rt•,.nt•·rN•\" ltl''lcl••nt"IIIV>f•"'"'~llo anurtt Butlll•••f,. t ~:w•• •h· Y,ll• '''"'''""'' ,. 1'1111•·•1 l'•,..lutrl•,. IIII<IAIIun It will m~'ttn lhlll whrn >''"' II Do h I ""' (•au..-.. h ... """ :• !U I*tJ,! !tflftliP .,u •. r '""" \1 .I th II sa Ortl ..... mry. w 0 WIU 0\'('r .L.·ons to Hear ,..,,.(! th•· lo(l tlltntl brr nf lhf' mtnta lurr ~.,. "ef&lf'rJ. A~ I r··"·' • 0 III'V ... r ,... "'"" " l .. ll•r II w ill ""' hllVI' to lD Germany for lh~ lul In-\Vh•·th••r lh•• m\"'l"t·t .. u• ~:u• m·IWhtch wa·rf' ~urr.,.tn<tf--rl hv n •h~t-· Harrv \\' .. lo h I I!"'"'"' ••" '"'I ,, "''''' "'"' !Jdnl( dr•ult~l •••l ll.:ll ln•t ttl,. '""' '' "" •l,.•ltuattoon ltv """Y "' temallonal S tar ,.,.,.nt. aays M W D Lead tlwul•"• llw , ....... ~.·o· ••I 1111. or '' oily ,IJbPtanC!P. . . ., 1\,.ntln u.-tt on l 'lt£" 'f'w•ol unlflrol 1•··~1 ••fit• ,. '" ""' 'llv I I""' Ani(·., .. ,. that lhe ..... 0 r d . Blll;r;ki i~K. • • • . er rnl-)·(.1) mar'h ""' ,, ""' kntt\\ It I I . Oottlol ,, .. , II •·• I· ,,,,I 1 ... """'-'' ., "" II Wi ll ....... , I hill lhr '"'I(" llllnl· madt' popula r hy lht' war. 111 On w t PJ llo wr•\ o·r . l.!il" t•••mp:mr \\nrl.o•,.. l•"rt•••lt wh•• wrul,. lhll• J-lllt"" hrr ••t f!<"'•l•l" 10r-r-v .... t l•y ,.,.,. I' 11. jUIIt u mlli'h !';wtiiJO 118 It ·~ a er an lhu r .. uch l) ,, .• , ... , lh·· aro•a anti ··x· ''""'l•••k•·ol ,,.. n ..... , l<ol(lo ttl .... ~>.Ill o,,,. •. "'" 1"'"1"1 ,., ,,.,,. anol (;ennan. llinCf' "J3flllt': f'!l t'IIM pro'<•o><l ('oofl\'lt'llltn thli'J'J• I' no lo•:tk I •oloVI'•U ... Hfi(IHI t•Olll th••y '""'"' I" 1(1\'f' 11• II lllolft•llll .. '!VI' r 111 !rut lhl' ~~am,.'" hc•lh IAnl!'\llll'"" .lu•ll;" Tlnnilltl .I Jin<lc,. n ( tht;.'" u 1::1' ma•n tn lhHI ar•·:t TI•·· Wh A La h F h J) d f l••htl ""' lhlll If '''" •tlv I•""" '''1""1 1., lltHI ""w ""J"Y"ol by :-Jnw th P wn r•l ''Bltt;r;" n r :"••Wt•lM·:'o1<"'il Jrn~:ali9f! J)t~t rwt n••:tft"l ~.;:" ftnt• "n\o•r 01 hlo~k ~ at Ug Or t f \Ca (•r. lttll •·•l ,.,.,, l tHioo· ''" lh• "'"" 11,.11,.,11 ~>.hh h llu llh• t wu IJ,.. "Blltzt'n" halO llt'l'h Wi th till An d Jlrn~:ram r h"lnTIIIO fnr fhf' iiVI il\ lt ... l!l lh•t• "II lfw 1 "!~1 111'•' ~lllnt l•• \'Ill t "' 111111 111 •11•11 Ill yoo<tl oloooor o•yrry •lily alnn~ t1m t' mPRnlna IIcht · \()•Ia !\1•'":t·:"··"l •"' ll:u:hnr f .lion• H;,.,,,,,nl• 111 lit•· ilro·a n••lw•••l ,.,.,.,,, """ , "'" • tr•l '""I"' looo lhtl :-lllt•Holuy v.lwll lftr p • 111 oonly ton lnjr. tn I :-~nnf't tlnn Wll h the CJIIh mo•Pi tht; nt'" T1t•'"l:i), :tn· lulhhlo" tn 1 tu \lo 111 ,.1 'll<rtd lltC <'\fl 1 VI If 1... II l•t•••lnl "I lo Y II ttl• r • t •II• '" •I ~1111•111 \ • 111111 Ill •ll•h1 \1.11 namPII uf l'<RntM ' rf'lnlltf'r • nn11nr•'<l 1 orl:1~ •h•· •Jl'•il k••r "'""'" •h•· ~:round \\'h••n 11 lt~:h•··•l rn;tlo h ' It~; 1-:fliOJ.! to l.rt' good. ((Ilk.!>.: , '·' .,,.,,., ''• "I" 11 1111 ll11fl••• '" \\ •· '"'~IV'III lit t1 oolll"t••· WIIOh• hut It to~<tk " l!i'< """ lo\nrltl lw \nl II ~ Ftnf·'~ •••rro·t~~· nr" lo\:o• ,.t.wl'fi "' •• th•· "·"'"' th••\, This f inlf' \\t.'lc givin~ 1111• kttf, ;, l tlll'lt fol to\ttlo·d I"' .t11d 111:1 ltu••l• 1""''1"1111' "'"11 "'''" '111' 1'1 fill' I•· Wrtl•· "' f•tttfto 1 •II• ttl"'" Wllr tlo g:un J'llJ'IIIIIr IIMgt· tl( llw ~f•'I"Jo'lltt tn \\'•tfo•r f'l•:rwl lo\t~llllf 1~'011•· ,\l lt·r l)io \\,d ot ifl•·i d nn'f ••r:thfhf•lt!Jfll'rfirsf '''"'I' II• lll,.d l/ oof lloo lltl•utolol t n ,,,fll"" "1•1'"""'1'" l'toll•••l l '•o..~t. lh-r v.nrd dtr•"l'f•lr~ Jtj ,1,..:,r.·d '-n\itll "''I""' "''''' t1HJ'ld ~ ..-'n • "''"'" t,. l•·•t ''' t, •. ,,, V• 'h:tt 'tfl t•; · hr,ql.t "'''k' ''••·tu•• f~•·:"t A'· -·-\ool F tf'f•·' .• r••ul•·n r ;,r ~:.nt; •. ant! o•••·arww L'"' ,..,,tf,l loo• 11·ntt•1l '\. 1-:vf'ryborty ";tnf.s to I:IIIL:h tf1 l ilt o.., lth•· t ho·._,, S •o 11"\•· :t~ltlt·d 1110 :-;. 'Afo•·•' II "' lo•• 1 '""'"""'" 'I"'""'' •I . .,.,,,, '"' """''' 1 '"' wr ~llaiE Ho! An:t ''"'I ;m ,f\\'0 tfir<•r !tor •tnr<' "r• \'nn 1\•'111)••11 pl·lf••d" qj, '-'•O•t• !'ftllll'' a nti 1\IJI SOOfl ~'\p:tltd lh•·lll Ito ·I f qll J•.t ,'1 • ·I "w•ll ""' 1\tvo.•tnl t"" v.h•o .,,.. "I'"''""'"'•' h••Y" •1,.11•· M.,, "'" ""'I'. "Y2.1JIC- F hlk l" a l11n,_: ;\f'\\('••tt'~ v,H .. th• rt,· ... 1ftf1t· .. n r.:·•ntlfl'tun , .. ~'·11 ,.;.,,,,.,,, ,,, .... ,,,Jt t,•d• tn h•r t.··•k \\t • ~·:t n ..,;(-tlhf'fl l ., t l•• Jd ttj ,,, llldfV'"•' tt••· (•••H ,.,.,., ~,,,,,, •· tfwt tr,,, "'''' t•, l 't~t nl lttrtrunt 'A C'r•• J fl7.'flJ.: !'ot'a\nr-1 ,,,,··d in ftr rtnL:•' \••un1y ,"nt,.r \,.;r d 3rul lh•· c:•'"' tuu ntd '''' ·' a. ''''·'' 11 'S•'""'''' •~··••h fl hV• '""f'''''''' ~~t lro~ll• t·•·d•·•:t f fhtUd· "ln"d''t\' •fl' •. a \\h~•lr· v:n~ •JH'Ifhl•fl'l\. JT· "'"HI ,f, ....... ,.. ... l hP "''' .... ninn l.tr ,.r tv.ur\. hl•ff,n, ,h,. ,,,r •t t l 'u lfi•·•••J·J "•""'' ,,. 'A-ir·•· ftltllllt l I• a· I.•IH Ar·····l·· .,, '" AtuhttlltU .. .. Ttw two flf'll itnrs :,,, ... ,.\l:t ll•, l'••r·" ·""'' ""'·'""·t.• .. ly ' th•• 11t,;0 . Tllkllll! a l'<flllr.l •1ff <'nt \\ttl•r •tltl't'I<Jn il n•l tho p:trt t'(tlfll:tll•lt•d 11 • l •lollol ••II lh• "'"I• Tilt~"' "I•''' I t• '''''"" )'""' /\~•11•1·•111 l 'oo~tt. h •t \\' r. I 1 I ("'" 11 f I I I ,!-ill•tli',,_ .. a J'"'t'.• Cit """'llt'rkt.fl'' ..:lrt J~ lll'tl 11'1\t' .t lltlt·,t~l fllttl l"•'tlltf" 1 I I II 1 I 'I 1 t \\ I 1 I C' .. h ntfl t l\1~ f'••rnul••nlalttr _,.,,n t , • .:" a • t·:..n r,;,, 1n t ~ "-l tll· ,...,, r ..... ,.,,, ,, ',,. :.,,., ''' ·'' "·""~ ,. •• ,. ..... r-• , . •· ''' ,., •• t•tu ,,,~·uttltll l•.r) ,, • .., '' ,,, ... ,,. h,.IIUJ.: ,,,,, • ... 811w n hl"ck !'hAp .. ,.,... •oul """ ;.;11d J url c• [louc•· ··•I th;•l Ia,) \• ar. tlwmc tit• ~~~~} Cni ."''~"'-__ u., Jtl'LC!I-""JtJJ.It u t1wu JJL~li!J•I lc._-L..,~.-......_ltuu.,.1UJ:lll.,_!••l•· 1,( lh\ \\·~t~r ""'I -~''"''1~· latrr Pr T r nr•·•l•·r .;on•l :y-;,....,rc•· I tl . I J I I I t I I 1""'1 • 1,, • ,,, "' ,,,, '"' ,, •• '"'""' ''"""" .. • · n, ;u , ll tnn . fo ~t· VP 'h•·r<-t"n '" "r ,,,., .. ""' 1 ,,,...,, ""' ... ., •r • , 3 ~ ...... , nf \lo RI••I ~h·oOt up· Ho'<ldnr•lO' /of !'\:• Wfl"r.Y,'....,.'' inrl•tM· A cORnrcnoN 'I ,,,,, '" "''"''"~· ,, lit• :-,:...... "' . '"'" "''" Ill .. "'''''' llttft thdr I 1 'I 1 (, .... ,, rt~, h' ~ \\'(··,., .... t;al1 tn•" C:..._.,..,o .... l 1'11 '11•·· •l.tiiJI•·tf l o\ t it" 011 ll'"'"'"l " fit 1 1 1 11 r-r ..... "''Ord f:(•"rft•· ~: M•u •t•n11P, ~~In'' v • .. llln.., o• ,, '" •' . .... ~...,_. '' , I'';•' J u rt,••t \\-•rrPlll_. A l'lfHutH,I•rn I•••·•''' "''' '''''' ....... ,,,.,. ,....,.,40 hl'ad i,r lhl' Ca l Tt·•h :'olarmt' thrnlrl K l.r;'""l a l';,cl 111'f''l<l••nl -1 llf' ,tmtJn t..: thf• IW'ti_ In th•·tr ft•·ltl T h t· lq .. · I'-111•·•• .tnol l;tll''' ..,,, il f"'''''"" I••• ,. l 'nll•·•l 1'1••1 ''"'"' "'' •o( ,._,. r ltth'. ....__ h II I <> "'-'h tn~· 1 1 A ~ t 1 f f Lllh Ill t 'nrunll d~l l ia r Jl3~'8 • " • ,.,. " ''"" """"" ' " " • • • Jl f'l t 1 "' f 1 1 1 11 1 11 "' II• It • r m"n•o" l~trn °" 1\'~'rv tol t t' hal' ,...,.n 11 numllt'r of lhl'm Sf\' 'lk"r tn<lay w:t• J"" F.rk ••rlt'. nf :Mno. F:l hPI Lotk"''"';f ,. r,..~trn \\'I n If' fll'(l'""-' 0 11"'' ;, 'I'' I';,., .. •o r•·:•• 1'' 1\<•fl " ftt' ;•· Hnllo•on l•lltto•l •or <HI\' ''""'' •II• CORONA DEL MAR no<'eBify Th,. yar .. bump baa 1c r"r~"'•4';Qt~'~~"'" nf l h" \nltfomt.o from Paoa.ma_ aPJ>f'Jl rinlt' an Thuu· s m • .! I IJitX~. t 11• t 1 ,.,.,,..,,,,uy. • 1 llttnk ntr~l · ...., u·hal~c. 10 ...... , ,,. lh'll 1.1! nnrt lfa•·;Jit:ln S •l.l!llf Rr•rinin~ •lav'Ji NF:W!'<:TI MF:~ 11hnul•l h:~vr· "S '•• t•-1 " '-1 ' 1 1.,. 1 MU.>.t~ MJ!u wmtfll -tT ,....(;IRL W.JNS *~ ---....., -r ~.~ 9 .,. h M " •• YI:t """r •rop ll' ;t I' f'\'~r JJI Itllt•J '""' I' IJI I •• ,,,0 I Ill;.' ,.f< :\(. .-~·tol<'l\' l11.1!lnhut,.d. 10.111/1 Lht \nrp 04 w ,n jltf'C~>nl •Oitn rr 111l ·;r,p 1\manl~n f'r"Ni<lf'nl l 'r"· 1\1 ! ~.--1onrll• u i•"IY ltoorrtl•lo· In, .. -,.,'". ENGLISH AWARD -.... 1 , r •h 1 1 .... 1 ~o·c·nlurrl\ a "''-and ....... a mi ha-. ;, <;lr••lll! "l•r•·:d fttr '''" •·ell ·11,..""'"' t<v al I'Xfl"'rl oi m•n ton PI'" llf"'<. n " P 11" lnl!' ••"F.i ~.. flt "rllnlll "-on• \.Jlv,.r. ...,., · """II v "" •rill .. • I llJO !lA II~.,. '" marlnto hf~ """ h:~n·,....ains: nf •uc~tr '"""" n n., ""' f"rn·S•:~:I ~·· 1 Sfltl ~1JIJOS.:.~ ' 1,.,.,,, 'h••n• '" n••tltln11 thM "" l --- 11tlf' pr~-ltlrouszh wht('h II The. I[OVf'mf)r f'll. tbl' can al z.on,. r .,.Stlrnf-~'" ~." ,,. Jt \'P~· JIOfiUiar ~~ np. ~t ...... O'Flas.:•·. '"""''" "'"' II OJ part ,.., 1hr rt)m '-111111 f"ran• ,.,. f"'nr b •If 3 •• NE f"'~~ . .tnrlw iina-th4-J innl n-rtninc 111 a 'l<ry111 Am""" lin· r 1 t 1 r. • n , .. ,.,, y .. 1 ... uToi lt .. ,. lla -loll .. nf\o' ,,.;;; Ftr . r..rt.na ~r Mar. r1aw LAUNCH NAVY Ml itttn cusrnr n.,. 114'"" Ornn~.:" Cn11n· rena-... 1,. n• th• "Z•~,. .. but an 1 lh" pt•rt stm r'l(. :.rld hrf lau~h;tlllt• llfflt' hn~. ~tr SmtHwr;. th1• ... ( 1 11 1 1 1 1, .. .. ~ -·· • 1.,,. """·"'! " ._ "'" """' •• 1 a rr .. •hm an , at ~ omil{\8 Colt~ • . SWEEPER TODAY. I I)' l.irm n uh'c m<;IPr WIIJ dl~lnh· lnrll'~d,.nt r.publll' Th• ptr--1·' :iii·W~~ ru~nt ol the ·"'m lthf'l"-J~t lc :"Ill C'•· fttflll-;h a ll ,.,, .. •lrl Mar l.ltltt lalf', Nf'WJ>Mf lftlll ... ~ .. k w .. nllln,.tf wtlmw o6 . u tm a monc th,. m~'mht>,-.. Th,. dPnt. fir Amutro Ar1u, WU I'I~t.-l fhf> fun . I~"' h, """" ... •II havr t h,. t r tJII•· ,,, lhr Jrnnln«• P:n~ttll.ah prl._ honk f'f'N'nth· ca m,. off lhl' ~~ M In Jun~. 1940 Hla p,-...Ss zl -~ ..t. ,JrAW1nl( JW•Int• In aolvrrtl11ln1C th"l In """'''"'"'"" wltb otMr .._. !Aunrhtn« nf tM us .avy N o( thP N_,(w~ Harbor Publi~hlnsz lf'n,('ntll'll ha ve bet'n unmllltak-But l.ll' surr iUIU ......... wr lhf. ~rl"!i, Whll h j, -.l.u11rtl( on I t II y .. , NPWJI<Irt ~ ...... """ 0(0. ~no .. , t h.. ~eabm&b _..... Soot boat . Trt'aaurt I 1 I • n d · \omp<iny ' • ably In numf'T'I'JUII -,u • ap apr r ai4l'>fhf'r IJ<l~e in thll --.. 1 IIIII I( In th• ltnlfll'd Potrt Offii'P cJaMI'e at J>nm nrul · • ...... • .b.u .... "JD*Ied _,.(~)ll ••• _-• ,._ -. . -I atonea &Ad.·II...Uta-... • • fiiaWIJIIy!Mmandot that .U..,:.ct.ameat-"""--DIIdlt.JAra=-•ll...ltlrl~llllllo........;.o.;.;.;;; .. a purM aetMr, wfU !It' t~ 1 ,oll'.mbert f1l til• Oraltp Aktr ' ..... ·--·--.--' -·-·=~--... ·-~htHI1•1 boo rii'Jfll.f'tat~ rrom th,. In· pdae am<lft« th& wom•a fit MO. ~ at the l!loutb Oout eom-, Ctub wtn COI!Vt'ne ltl Uwtr club-I \Oflt.# Mraa. Ma.n:h 16 f«W • IIOt'· • Online mall 'nlare .. notnlna In I A total ot .240 .. ltv• Ill tiiM JIUI1 ,..,._ I ttou.. on PJII.adn Road. North lal nt'Dl. 1 t h,. potlllnn tttet fo rblda any cltl· cOCilpeUtlon. . ' N acation ( 'ommith.•t•, l'hurc.-hea, Or-_ ganizationM .to lw Invited to Partic.-ipaf:e • '. . ' , .. . . ' ~·· ' l .. .t- v "• ... ... Pap Two NEWPORT BALBOA NEWS-~. Newport Selda. c.Jilomia, TIJESDAY. MARCH 11 . 1941. - F I S 'H I N G -Rarbor NEWS -T ll\1 E S SPORTS BASKETBALL TENNIS -TRACK -~--,- DOWN THE ALLEYS "':nr F1rull•• t:.~RU.Illl;. h.tJ.II"""'' l.a..l M~· • ~y nl;;t.t "· t ,.. • .,,.,,. t.. ..11;1"' • M '• #" ,,( th~ tt-'•'1 ,.,\ au n,; ••f ttw ~ l 11..'1,1[ r"• ~" .. t Spur tl'tnd 8 A S E 8 A L L 1""'11",.-'*11') Hl¥hl•!'bl tJ( til,. .,, ... .,,n.: wa• s Orange .t-W;ty lr..,...J..,o U ~ u .. Uuy ,...b • .,., athlt-t ll' Deadlock . Marks Hottest , ........ a.J La 0 '11 l'OOfm. I al .. nt-to vula.-)'ball f'\n.ll.ay . ~o <J Ul&n uo Round of Volleyball ~a•ue tb .. ua.a qullll .. , ~-am .. thr ough b I with a 233 art~rr ln hill ....-ood Three Sailor Team~ Overwhelm .Orange on : )tar~IOit Ito.-"'''''"1•1 Wt't•k .. , ..... v .. u_.ytuoll .... n hl<VI' ...... n for l p~n«butt>.ll d th . t Davidson t.,ield .'riday 173 7 10 .to lftJ ;) .. .f01 11"' f11'W fO•u rul .. , ...... ~~WJHII't "''"''" llmf'. ., J•A tbr mapa-aya\~'llma:C~~cr 'I v · t s t ~ M t . u .. r .. ,, r c ···rnmunlly \'llllt',VIIHII TPanuo th.•loaJ.•I !<loll nf'W t f'anut t lw late 20-10 cl~b ::O...t~r·awu.: n ~ lf8 unse ague ee l .. •f<Wit', fuur t ... m11 f'Odt>o.J l1t.~l llrt' (urmfoc.l '1U lth' Sl~rt nf C'IICb to flkidJII(!Y rt'f~r to U Lbe "old 'T'tluriOI.Iay n 1 K h t '" , "mflt'l .tlun ~uland Ttlf' M·llnllj{ wuul•l ancbcate lm&Aw .. --.rk"' tbe pinnvOOd for ~ Newport Harbor Union lli~h SdtOol Sailor tr:ll'k-Jo'liloll•~·k•••1 ·In their r~ for '-! lbltt &.No s•ntM:nt tt!'am.e nopr~t two .t. ot doub!H a 0 d t w 0 ~made an au.C~pidtlll.<; start for tht' 1!).11 st•ason wtwn tht>y plar r th .. movf' c-v .. n tJu•tnbullnn o f ~~· ~ di4 oot blow a frame. . Hyrun Mar ahall'a aq~ad I o ,o li a baht y than hlt.JI v.-1 •-n ~H·tun'ecl. ""'-tUL It wu "233 1'\Ddla .. 8COred victories in th<' Varsity. Class B ami C1a."-c; C divlsions ..... .., .... Net84.n·11 ~a.n« tnt.o ramp LNoue aull41"o I for u.. ...-=btu 011 u.e " .: ~ Varsity made a clean SW('('p In ttw>ir division. uut-In th .. ttn~t batt.l .. c.t lhl' t'VenloJ I ,.. u..r rnl&lt ot F1Ddlay'a-II· pointing~~ '65' ~ to 3R ~. Tht> Satlor .&>t>S st"Ort'd a win ('.<'(orl[l' Bullf'r thf'n ltd hUI a.ur~. W tile ...,_ -lbreoe pobata-= Klltlun of hall pu.ehl'~• to vlrtnry l'f'le ':! RoO'a ~ over thelr. Orange opponents !!_ver ~UI!_!~ ~b ~n :t o -a<r }'iii 'Q ar • l'tiJiJWrn aJ\1 Jo: Yalf! u. anba 2 lllllll wtlllout t.beU awprt. cUa the loca1 Cees came through o-.. n~. all ut Harbnr: BuiiC'r'a m~n cuppt'd lhelr IM:C· GfootT• ButWt-1 I I,.,. vi u. ... _.... After adfer: U >W hunflt'a J Qlrrli!O, lhlnJ, C•Ud VICI.oF)I Uf lbt' rnund by wiJJ. ------c blc -y ..Won--... R_ lbe with a 551/5 to 21 4 /5 trio. 220 yd.s Claude Cran•. third, nlnllf t~ n~ntng'a play.A:•tf from 1 PuBLIC Non~n~ t.-o ca-. Earf -~ umph OYer the Orange ban-1320 yda_ Clark antJ Wright Martlh&ll'a ~am. Ntot.on'a m ~ n -~ '.tu't.H ott u.. Ud.rd ..-wtlb tun. d1vtaion. tnok 2ntl and 3nl, mana~r~ 1.o brPak enn for ~ Ao.a. County ut Orantt" &.e a llli1IC o1 .M.ru Uld flDiabed Rf'la y t NH 1 C ra n •. Joloer, t'VC'n ln« by ovrrpowerlng the Yale I CaJll~l· a ...... ot ---to btl -2. Va,...ty Shf!ntn and Fowlf'r, m.-n ~~-•-.,. M> . ~ Y&nttv madr aliDOIIt a cl~ HI h (' 2 1 . OATF.IJ Warrl) 4 1941 111'-1111 Jl'tlldlay'a .ark bJ -, K Jumr or.on n1 • Thf' pr~aog 111•eek. w b I c h """ "'Y f)· '",I 0 .,,_S • .... ...., o1 ttm placea In all f!venta. Bru&d Jump Kur ihara 2 n d . ""llf'd UM ro d Yale con r LA-' " o.-...' ...-·Orance wtnot~ oaJy ttrat p&acf! ".--~ un · -HA'M1F: L r.ru~ns AD)-'• ._._ ~ place bold· ' Ia lbe hl&'h buren.. and b lgh ~~~~ tb::~~lhara, lat., I keda and ~=;~aiiN~:'"th,.tol~7,;~~~ :: .. ~ Ft<ANK It \\'AI'HDI"Rl't. :: ~t.lw CMc Leque-, -.mped ,...., 'nle followtq Ia the l"fttull Jonra fled -lor 2\'ld, 10 ft . Hutler'a alara Yale t>e_at .Waraball Pub t.farc-h II .... 1 I cua. few four po6nta Ulat ., .... _ Var.lt till --D.... and U. J-'or Clwlmber .... Y compe on: 8bot Jl'nwl..,, V. Flupalrlcll, that a&mf! nl&bt and N .. l110n won • • ~ In _ .... __ Klilb burdlee-A.mo. 101. D. We-("haplln, U tt 7 0.., In nn• game by dt'fl'allng Buller IN THE SU~ERtOil COUitT .. , •·--::,-. tbrw po6nta Jia.,.., 2Dd; W . Peterkin, 3rd: • Cia• c Hl'n<'f' evPry t~am hu n~· won THE STATE OF CALIFOR· I"-Ule Rat&ry Club. • ' wtUtq UIDe, 17 aec.; Sis !!rata out of 9 f'VC'Dl.l wu two 1am•• a ncl luat two, leaving NIA IN ANO f'OR TH& ..... a'""-'t 100 yda.-ADderwon I NH I , Hoyt the mark wt by t~ Ra alot' mldg-lhe lralr\lf' all lle,1 up In a knot COUNTY Of' qJtANQ& AlloCJiorr u IJ u • u al occur&llee 4~. AI_.. -.NHL ~~T-}-el.l &ptqt or&liCe -.M tlw! fol· Tb~ pr .. .,.nt round Ia be_lle\'ed to . ....._,. ~ .._ -Urft'd'6e lM ..0 )'da.-Wella INH), ,t.cheo IOWinl are lhfJ reaulta nf, lbl' r·OnJitllull' lhr keeo ... t cumpellllon I No. JU4I U....Rob'a lncaa (01, ~.'IM.I; a-c f!Venta: Not~ o1 c-'!'ieti.._,-• .... ~ Lloa ~ aoeor.d to -J'da.-D. Almand (NHI, Or-r,o yd.. HuhlmotQ. aal1. and p N -crf Jtul E.Ute "" ,._, ... ,. .......... ,.._. .. u..t IUl aDd etlr '~oosh 'Em ~ Up'' Verses At Business 1 PUBLic NoTacEs Woman's Club Is Hit of Meeting ; NOTICE oF P~L•c ,..EAJttNG ~ Ttn ; NF:wt'OftT Tl'EAMl CITY IC't.nlln•ll I r1llm l'og(' On"• I 'LAJI:~I~G ('())!MlS~IO~ •·I I I II· • li•·t .:··· .; 11l11 n tllwl! l •1 ,,., • '"fll)o;h t to• lot ,, puhllr h, ann~~: "1""1 tbe ,1'-' hi! •llnu,.' ~I r l'a lnll'c t,\' rrw h ••I n Sf'&t • l'l•llo .• t, .. n uf S "II If' C llagf!r 'n I 1 .. ,f, "" ''"' h•• l•)t•k u ll11lhln~ a to t'at. • .. , a \';oruw c ,. un.J <'f•l'hlltlunal 1 1t-. 1 • Lutlilln~ Jlj'rrr.lf hs,·ln~ (o olo ,..,tb • • ' 1 I a• k hl'll!l•· nl•· fur mnkl' a ola p 'lS9el! •~·t :!1 111110 k' 4• s ... t , f) llaJ. 11:a c •11111 u• ha~ ntt•tll 11 t """' In a glliJISt>ll I · ~ n ' h•·ur I',\ J• IM tt "l'•p" by .Knlly Polm .. r kn<Wkf'd mP for a loo hloG l!i' '"'' l'n•ll'r th .. pro,·tslon. 11o olut 11 I~"' p0o p1l <loop p--••f Or.hnanrl' 440. &pJih t'IIDt ,..._ I hk~d !.IJ•t tfawauan must. u ha<J thru da dioner CIIH'act~ a . )><l': 1 fin• f()C)(' front I 18 bftu~ """" rt>:ll gc.ntl a flret rtu s ~1on .. r. )'ltrd llf't _.r k \'aria nee !'ltln"v "High R<·hool" a llavl,.•on tho·u., .. t It wa• -·at 1--1 Tht• publil' ht'arlog upon _UU. H h ._ "" -.... ~ m atl('r will 1)<-h"ll! In lbf' p ty ~ ad bla steak doln~~: a · hula all ov~r h la plate l.'uund f Chamt>e_r, City HaJJ, Se.--~unny Caltflll'lli& ill 11 gre;,t place 1 wu a team ed But it'll runny only da walter, wall •ot a sunburned' port HPIII'h. Calif.. llarch •ttM.k. ., • lfftl. 7 :30 P. M. by order of U.. !oft a· Vu Miller ~fore tteutrt was a lltand C balm111n. INn she r•lleo.J Tony Ht>rahey and h~ got a b&lld MARCUS JO HNSON. "'· McDonald df'n dll prir.f' was a won Olal,_, J y J'Olly be'a a lucky liOD·&..moguo, t HOWARD W . SEAO&'R.. Den a bout hla prlzf' a hf' wu a hollu 8o he paid da WOU!m 'a Club r da dollar ' 0«1 McDonald he wu a open h la prize Den Warae a Hall abe wu artae. Den C1yan Hall wu a nne wu expel 011 H~b~ ta!d': "Sf:.ak lJp" or I'U ~\'~"II ra. ler en a· ff!w m utf!a wu tall~ An da walt~ra den waa brine a da ~ •. Det 'Oiarley" ct. Oltt a few pa.ra wu 8l&kA -1 A.n be wu a den. undi'C! .. a da cake ~ Moor .. den U ld a dol:y I'll doaat.e Gordon Findlay~"' aal , "Boy. <SoU a &'!'ta l". Errol Sl.loley too from hla plac. wu a dw:lt An he loo den pvl In 'a da buc k . 'Bell" Hubbard den apoke -aD he wu a aDilo An he u ld, "Boy, I ·t llought I'd a die-t '' ~cDonilld got up hf!'l cut· a da caper An hf' «av~ da addrraa ol da newapa~r Harr¥ ·Welcb got a pluc. ao djd a Mf'yer Jack Sadlier O.nk of Amf'rtca sa•• a real ample l:fe wu a al110 donate a aample. I HubbardCall;;, Palmer aa he came Into 'lfn r An ite ..aid a fottm -a caroanuta a to JOU Hubbard den call Howto 110d Mclntoall a ~ All cJ•n a two ~111 111 da llltty .-u r o. Uc~t lltllf! ho.-Kilty waa a okeb S.Cm.ry Pub: March 11. Jtfl -----------NOTICE• OF PU.LlC H~AJttNQ THF. NEWPORT BEACH CITT- PLA.NNfNG OOMMlB:SION wI l l Council Chamber, City HaJJ. N-- port • Beacb on ~b teth. 1H1 at 7 :30 p. m. for t.b4! pu,...e Oil rec:elvln( pi"'tftta &Dd approorala on &.No propoeed CUDeDdmnt to Or- dlaaDce «0, barina to do wttb lbe cbange ol -of the follow- IDI' deecri~ pt'CJII)ftty l)'tnJ aJoac the Cout Hllbway In COrona del llu. Bloclu AA. BB, U, V. W &Dd Z; . LoU' 3 and • In Block T : Lob 3. t . and ~ In Block T ; All In Tract No. 32J._C'DW. f'H'(ICI ded ln~ 1f';" ~~ and u of Mlacella.nt'Otut Kapce. R.Korda of Orange Count7. C&llforn• IDd aDd Jnl .• 2:UI;t Vlnato &nJ . --UBUC OTICES ef Deed • ., TrwL otU. ---s ca-. I.Dduclblc nine :.::;-"----T:=-~ W. Petark l n t OO yet.. Aakln t NHI. H l tt -......,.t -~ Uld a &pare. • ,._t.lcc* 101. PuJc~lo tH.HJ aA4 Ora...-: totoTtet· ortNTtNTtON • I"'P;[)r.ftAt. nt<AN<"P. COM-Lmf eft ••a A. c:-l"'DJlle7 "Y ~tolly, dot bouae won't a n"4 r .ILA. Cratba Oark • ,_warda .... a aen Lota 52 to ~ lnc:Jualwe Oil .Block B Ia Tract No. 873. recorded 1D Book 20. PAC" 1T -and 1ft ot"ll18celtafteoue JCapil. ft«orda ol Oranp ~t~. ~==~_,-::IlLS; · eo& yda:-C tcbam ,rftft•ftanoy ~ Ot+An•-t. MOttTOAtt~ 1 P.A:."''Y fNf'. -~...._.. -a_.. .. IA&.M~-1·,_-.,..._ 110-J'da.~A .. St,... I NHI. Hoyt INHI and O raoge ; Lilt _,-.-...y follaowed wit b anothPr T aylor donated -da U m.a(Je a 1lOIM Aa ahe aald, "B y golly, I brouc bt a t._.o tt.t :._•· • ... J ..:. - Jl}._~.r (NHI. D.C; ~ bUJ'dl"• Wine t NH1. Or· TO W HOM IT WAY 00~-~-' VII ab8le lllk. ,.._ ~tktazK.alaer _Af' Hubbard aald. ''lt'a for poor gtrie a.nC. ana.-W. autl flfHI. Ma1&la &JI4re, Wbltebead t NHI. 1~.1. C"F.RN· BALBOA B £A f'U A.JIU8-18 et.r lM baard wttb ODe. ball IIub""' a den wu a ~If on a high (II,~..._ (Nlll. 1 :0..4 ; Relay -Orange, hrt: Harbcw, Tbla notice o1 lntf!Dllon 1.o cbat· MF.NT.("()MPANY. a r~ ..._ lln.dl 1111111 aacbor maD, 4D he Moll! a "•""".,._ a come a&.. wpy. ..... J":!trHotllle ~ ~ eecond; tPI mort1 a1e on bulldlnJa, equip-1 ABSTRAC"T AND TTTtZ CUAa. ::"" ~ -.de • & per. HtJt+lrd aa.W. "Now r11 a e et & .my tatlle," el or..,. or S.C. .; Hlp jump • Kurihara cNHI, ml'ot of foundry and . raw ma-l ASTY c'<'WPANY. a C'~ ..._,.. ,.._ wtlb aaotber pen H f!lrur aald, "I 'IJ PA1 lt you don't a eq~•k.." ..._... Juap -Bartler INHI. Hublmoto and Ram.y ll.d, :1 ft. t~rial: ' niE t.'"!II IT'E'? S TATP!S or...._ ..,... tbe IIUl frame. Arl:f.:lte dea wu c:alled -a bit a~ cbtmae.l ~ 101, D . .U.C.CS CNHI. 20 3/l tn.: , WITNESSETH .... ,_.t' AM f:RJ('A. a tao knnW11 a a Ute .....,.,. lllnlrk ~ w1tJI nnd· n eome a 810 ,.. doufll •• cone w14 da wtzl(l! &. • .,. ilL; Broad jump Kurihua tNHl , ~ th& ootJ9 Ia l ':SITt:O ~ATY-~ JOH!'f 00.0, ~-Kaialrr Uld lliAor foUo.in« ...._D. IIID.lLb.. D. Me<l&vnn MlUer INHt. Orange ttl n . h«'rt'by Jflnn puraua.nt to proYia-,J ANF: oGE and Ric-HARD H.-ll!ll'l C. ~ doulllea. Worktnc T y Herabry cam e back -den Councllmam &."" ... lloody ot Ku1lor Uec1 wtlb Poa.-HUt cNHt, Win& INHI. ~ 0~ ~~~~·00,0f~~~n;::7~1 COMPANT. a co~ 0.. ..._ U.. ~. Chwt.y·a ftrwt '1~ An' wid a hla a chin -RHd ., .. a 1ee4 .. a-tot Oftate at 10ft. e ilL; V&ll RJper 1 NH 1 aDd 4 otben. tbat t h. u~•·r""'rn..... .,... "YO !tOI.Ianta '-II -at.oal a atrU1t!, but J~n llubhard nn J'Nln& a lie WL'I a prance Act .. bert CNH I and H&roJd 8 • e ' '""' .... -"" r ...v -""'-.... _.... Hf' .....,v """k Fra.ilz pa1tJ a buck -be h~ ana. J..a hia "!ra..u.". ''-In : GIBSON a.nd HATTJE 1. GJB-1 • t'rttlf'r &fld by vtrt.IM o6 M _... ~ ,.--...,.._, lad., 41 tL 11 ta. Bbeflln'a Shot OranKf' tat Wlnata _. 1 t te and dfocr o1 ,_. ~ .. U.. UDtb to score a •ran. , ' ... ~row -40 ft. t tL tD. • . b •7 n • . . -~ON. ..t.utband a.noJ Wlt r. whnM I M l l'r ., .. . H -'l!t'll•mnld m&dt' 8 11~1\ • Ilk~ a ~lk "' ood wit " . o ID. and W c • ackln-N Ia l23 Vlr~lnla f'l:u-... , duaur~ and W.., laauf'od Gilt ~ An Plf' wu a apt"all bout maltrd a milk ct... • Codlell. lblnL lAala .......... Cuun~y Of 0 r&nl(4<, lbl! SUpt'f"lflf' COUrt ol u.. .... PuBLic NoTICES ~Jarloo Oodc1 paid Horac-e F.nllign paid too Tile....._ cHd aot fare ao weU ---------ISlatf! <~f Cllllfomla,-..ntl FRAIVK <•f ("aJUom la. ln &lid for OW 0..... l notice!! a Horac-e u he came Into .tew . .. ... a... 8 diYWoa. -~ n'o.., They Stand R. w AIUIB trRN. • aon.:t.. miUI. 'ty ot Or&nlf:C' on the lilt -~ ~ P. II. ... will bf' openrd a nd pub-.., ,._ .IIIW out ot ehwaa QJ TY wbOIIC' addrHa Ia 1106 Watf'rl~ Ft'bruary. UMI. In t.be about._,-.., ftlllll aloud at or •bout 7 :30 ....... ~!:".*'•· t b • llaUDn Street. In tbe City of Loa AftacJ.ra. tilled acuon. wbt'r~ln ~ •=-.,....._ P. II. oa thatt day in the .. vme -t.o oltlllt Clvlo L.atua na.m.tt ..a-tnUff obtai.~ _ _ Oouoty ot Loa Aqela. State ot · . ..-·-..,,__· a...dl t'1wnher In the Oty Hall. ~~~~--a· .,...... W L caw'orula. wrbo .,.. dctnc bual· cftlt u4 ckoefte -•U.. --. ~ a..dl,; califontJa. 1/6.,.... ~ tt6 au. UoN Club '5S n n• .. under tbe flctllloua name of of Febr-uarY, IHI. ~ ... , ,. ·~ ~Uoaed c:hrdt or ... :-flo.-. Roy•• Barbera 52 28 F. 6 F o r .. Foundry, J 10 Vir· n'Cnrdf.d ln JodCIDftlt 'Bo9ll Ko. ... .._.. ~ Pf'n u a RUa r · ...... Jla OarriUo 2bd Julor Cbambf'r :10 30 ~t:inla Pltot•r . ('Oflla lofua. Orang,. j 3~ Ill ~f' 318 f't IN'q • whitS aaM .._ dial the bid~Wr will mler Horae~ h~·a 11:ot hAir ll kf' an oceu boy tta a Pf'&cll Der~·· not many wavu . but plealy or beecll An h~ wu a• toea up all of bta cba.nge . BW Truaty came up '-&A JM'a a espiod7 An a Bill wu a Ulk About 8cokh an· a Body ~wyt'r lfonatfd -P. Muter Hama.nn rf'peatf'd F.v~IYTI Rld<!r, ro.t Mllllrn•. df'n wu a anted. MdJM~-~;Ier __ ... C. ,..._,_ Rotary Club 32 411 c•ounty. California. lntrod lo phlc:eo j Julflf:11l.-nt and dror,_ ••u ............ diiP conlrae"l if .a.,lltnlt>d to ,_ r---...,,...,. Lion Cuba 29 ~~ 1 .,. b -th 1 ..... 1 _... ~·tndlll)' IIJ'(Ikf' a ln Hubbard under hl11 r Nil • a chatlo'l mloll'ttta#(e In favnr of 1"< 0 n r • rua ry ... ~ · .. • -..... -.1 wiU ~ 11N-I~tNood furll'ill"d _ IMC*I Md lb.lrd; Rnb'a Markf't 2• ~7 f'llt.!;;T N ATIONAL 8 AN K IN • t.IJf'.amended Judcmf'llt aDd ~ • dlr ~ul bitldt>r rPIUM>& to AI ::~:~. Ru~u~:rv.:v ""~ o!~ 3,1~·~~~0 CHOP SUEY FRIED SHRIMP Special Luncheon • • 35c CiliA lOlSE ChiMt~e Management 818-8ZJ. 8o. ..... Sl -SANTA ANA ~A:ST A AS A "' ontl••nal b&nkang •· a 11 f'nt•rf'<f a n •I rft'OfiW In l'lllrr Into Mid .-..ntrnrt afti:-r ho•· An J1rP<>n fnila,~:e rnund d11 tlty IIUrt' waa !!r.lwi:!::.. a~t!U'O'Iallun. \.\bur ... lict.lrf!.\111 111 lh,.l Ju<lg-ml'nt B<>ok ~n 39 at Pace ... ,........"' JIC'I Ill rio by thf' City ~uuth•·pat rum rr n! Fnurtll A , 360 tlo ••tuch amen.kd J~at o..udl ol S Mil'J)Or1 IJ(oach Malo Rtrl·~lll. In lh• ("tty of Salata an•l c:IH,_ f'f'fen'n<'i' la Mntl7 IMdltrn 111"P btf't't))' noflfi<'<l that I Ana. ('uunty uf nriUIJ:r. St•tf' nf mad~•. I "m c-om ma.nd4od to •D ,......C to IJ{'O'i&Kln.• of Se-ction I I 'allfllm la. UpclJl IU re_rtain build-. At pubhc aoction all lbe follow-rno ql the-Labor Code. SJatutcs , lnjta t uunclry rqutpm••nt and ra"' an~ df'~~enbf.d pr~rniaN 111'-1#, fill JSJ1. ol thf' State nf California. malf'rlal too atr•l on lhf' ft•ll..,..,·tog lylnJ:. and be_lnlf: In thf' City o1 • Oty C'OUIK'II al lb~ nty of I oi<'IIC"ritwol prnJlf'rty · :s-·port Bfoa:·h. Orana'e CQUaty, ... IU'JOf't Brarh haa Ul'f'rtal!Wd Thl' fiMin.try bullollollf IUid c ,.hrum ta. and dncr1...., u .._ dw C"WT1ll Jl""'aJiin,r; rat«> of Jl('r ma<'hln,. ah(•Jl bulldln~t local· Iowa. to-•·lt; .... wa~ and raft'S f~r IP,r;al .. 1 on t h• (olll .. wlnJ: propoorty Lob NIM 19 1 to 8ln-lloliday and 0\'('rtime •·ork in th«' Lot ~·f!IVI' 1 1Za of Tract c 16 1, botb tadlal•f'. Ia Baodl locality in whidl thw •·ork i!o to N " h ~lr:ht 18\ t>f tht' Balboa Tnct. 1W prrf01"11Wd. for """ cr&tt or •l 114. noot ~\8 Ana r«''t"ckod typeo ot •·orkman or ~ic Ha.rry Wotl11 wu lit nn l drn Huhbard wu aay. Snn·&·mll-~n a, wher•'• Mr Rea 7 Clf!n T(lny Hl!n~bey nnrr a tnorf' "''« wna aP!! An by colly, I notlcrd he talk~ a tittle lUte t.:le O~n 1/ubbartt "''U n"x a thrnwn In da clutc-h .o .. n few d& llinnrr Pie ts lkl.'d more.llft twl~ a too u uch !.fra. ~rllrr f!ll lol, "Why l brou~thl dl11 houae I no cu a :.t'l Jla It shr'd a ldtltathom~ ahe'd a aure aot a ..... E•ldlt' '1oor• Willi numlnat.,i w•tPiout tra a.nd but'e An <~ a liOme ll"lY y•llt d out a _ . . ''JIUtt " O.n n•.mlnathlDI wu clruled -df'y veat rilf! by An In a flvt M'f'Onda you aald a "Aye". ~uhlllvlltlnn Nu t , 81 per Map u .,., map tlwrf'tll ~ to f'~tOOC:Utf' tbt ~tract lhl'r.-nf r .. c-ur•lf',J In Book 11, I In Book 4. pa,r;r 11 ol Wta-'"'' Rttt f1uaclr l l •-u a madl' your t~eiKtlon at P"IC• 14. of MlM•IIIol\t'OUa . r(.lla.n•ou• Mapa, R...-orda ol wtlk'tt trill be-a .. arded the ~uc· It ••a• nf'Brly u quirk lUI our lt111l eiKtloa LoU 51. so. 11. 12. u .... and 65 tD Block A of aUd Tr-.ct ·No. en. CDII 1 _C§IIf~.l.4; ~ - - ~m R-3 Zone to a C-2 Zol» , Lola t and 2. In Bklrk A or aUd Tract No. 873: LoU 50 and :'>I of Bloc: It B ot -.let Tract No 873: trom C·l ~ to C-2 Zou BJ order Of lbe Chairman, IIARCUS JOHNSON. Cha1rmaA. HOWARD W. SEAGER. Sec:rdary . P~: Mu. 11 . 1tfl. The world seems plenty cofd if on Ill wind catches you without the protKtion of 0 nest egg. Don't )IOU be like this bird that's oought in o storm of l!I'Mt'- gcncies. ProfKt·your f:J - 1'\ft '"th iftsu'once' Any of the locaJ foiiOIIIo'inc In!!UrAO<'O> A~f'tltll w~n be al•d to consult with you. M>RDAN, TWI8T ud rARKJ;K '" E.ut Cf'•trat Avr•ua Map!, n•M'r•ll! or .!!i!Jd .on .ng.L j On.nge County. C&Uinml..a; aa.lul ~r [llrn "IM a ~llm11un a l!lood up an 11h~ winked a ber eye 1 'uun ty -T~•l -.. -r-.-:-r t il aTI an-1 ..... 'P""""Iit~ ratPS -~lft't_C"r---' Xrf"Jll'r-IIRU1. httJtJCiuc~ T')'t:TUMII'lt "'lle-..-&M a 'Wily." ~lnJ:UIU. lhf' t•n<>ml'nl.l. b,.r'fd. ........, a l"'' M follow."!': f ~ Freala Dailv ---uuaa --~ F.XCF:1'1'1Nt: tht'rt"from th~ • \tammllr and <\appurteaaMH , • l'::.loh OtW ~~:nt up cleft -u y. dot Hubbard ia -ac• Hnut hf'Aatf!rly 70 f~t'l thf'reof. . 1 ....... , P•r But I hrllrd PalmPr !lay, "f th\llk he's cot a lealt In bU !ace." ~· ~~'ct:l!; or;,Jn:.;,Ml)l • • W,.p ......_ -~· Md)O;l&ld~cn a tton wiTaoc:k ll • .I tiE' a_,... Or. Clllllplfte equtpMDt • wtwn you ..... , t.o c:atdl •I•·!M'rihrll l"<JUipmt!n l a.nd per-PUBLIC :S01'HT. I~ HERF. ...... -On.JJI... .... 111'... BTtt a mt~)'llt' ot t tmt'tt lte 1i t anti! poeke\: ~I propcorty all Of whk h ~ .BY Cruw' ()prntur Sl25 S1000 la'WI,•atl'll In lhf' a bo''" nof~r. GIVF.~ that nn lilt' Z6tb day ot Dtt~ or l'n:ndl-. ~fr n~a drn •tnod up an Ml~s Sllm11on was be_Jia It re-o I lu roundry bultdin~t· 1M arc b.. ltU . at 10 c.·~ I o <a ft ()plorator 1 ~25 10.ro • After ht' tx.. a ..,eke -llbt' talc!:"' DaB't tab crNP-tt•W"'O'"iidliii:--tur..r A )of of that dA~·. at the -ut ~ Hoot 1 12,~ 900 P almrr WA.t nf'xt an hr'!l J O In tn""'ll JOUr own. HORMEN FISH MARKET l1si1ess 11~ Professional Directory D1t. I&ALPII D ... OABD PIIY8I()IA.N • lltTaOEON 08ft0PATR ..... ,. II .. ..._, t~all .. ......... ~PCIMe .,.,_ DR. OONBAD RICHTER DR.. Ji. £. 8T AM .ll!Jl Tf'~ New-port tM !'to""J BuUdlq ...,._ J.EROY P. ANDERSON 2 2 H . f' 3 phue motor 1 H t • 3 phue motor I "1. tl I' :1 phiiM' mnlor 1 Drill pres. I •lnc•r nt th• Courtl\c:>~allt' ot •141 Pipe Weldf'r 1 25 iO.OO Anlf Mil'.~ Blomqul11t salol. "SI't •lown b!!fore U t all &>won !" Or~l[e Count y, '" l h t' City 0 I ...... IA~r 1 00 • IUXl M<>rf' introdurtioM cll'n A r&mf' l&tf'r Sa.nta Ana, In !01111! Cnunty and ~ La)'l"r H,.lprr 75 1\.00 t:n·ryon~ ~~:nt a lntrodUt C'.J but a da l'faltr r ~tat" ·I ... Iii an, "I>Pdar nrf tn aaJcl -...or ~ralor 1 00 •"" • ~~-~ • 1 ·-• .. .....-......... , • .._ n , you ti(>Mf'll \\'11.11 In a ds r tnlt ,.nJ.,r nf ul~ on.l alru'ndf'd }ud(-1'nK'tl: t:)rh·""' 1 ~ A II ynu WIUI lllltl bout wu who't1 buy 11 your ltrtnk. I til••"" ,., 1 llRnll ..... 2 F\cm """• ' m~nt llnoJ •l..,.ru """ the-abm"'" than 6 l<>n 1 -;;) t C:rln•l"r 4lt bin I'd ~utor c·nm· ct..-rlbo-.1 prnJVrh ' ''' .,. rr.ucb [:n-udt Oriv~ 10\'Pr thf'rf'O( "" ma y lY ~f'C~ 1 toni ' Jfi': tn aatlat')' "Il l •I IU•IJ:'lll• nt w I t a. Galtnl . I~ trnn hn~r• lntf!nol't lln l , l>!tla •n•! "'r""IUIC'cl Oil f..ttbonon; 1 C'ir\'14" aa•· 1 h h ,.,. c-,,, thr 11: ··~~ nu.t but bid-1a3Jy rLL~•firnrHltt< \\'o'fill latht' •lo•r f,.r Ol.•h In 1.114 f,,, "(lf'IC!)" ol osnittPCJ tl('n'ln,. I Snaf• n",.·k h t · t d ~~ I I' Ill f' ,.. 11\PJO no( ~· th11n .~I, fi 00 1 TOO 50'1 5 00 :10 1\anola fnr 111 "P n u k Hat"! )o'.-hnuary· :!"'l!• 11~•1. 1'•'<•1a. r mnry whr~la R n~ Pnftidt-ci tMf nn :\tiel nn<>·h;~lf , ~c-alu 1 :>00 lbl 1 C'ommiMic'fWr 1\ri"'""'f'll by aaJ4 f1 ~) t il'f'IM IN> Jlr>'l.:tllin£ ral<' 1 Z t "'hJt'"th1e 8-hiUlka Anti ' :O:Uf't"ri<tt Cflurt lluaU t._. • pnitl r"<r""''t "·:ttchmf•n. t•·n~• Hl 'T AN It Tl 't~I<FR , f11a.rmen a 11 d fllho•r non-manual c~urlbl<>a 1 Allon 1eya rnr l'l:tl::t1rr -..irrn.. f••r :m\' 14 nrklnit-llmr Hnrvath a dtn Wlllt a 11:01 lntro.Jur<> ' An hf.' k.-pt on talklnjr ""'ht'rt' Hubbard ldt £X>n ''" "lwu drink'' a ml' ~rot up nn da noor I J:'lll'l!~ dry w11a hlnU?Jt fnr an t ncol'G. "H.fl " a dl'n apokP a. hf''l! funny frlly l.JC!C- Hr ..alol n "R I! " Will! l!tan,J for 't'nkl~ btlly llubtmru a dt'n hi• ry•• w All a l Wlflkl.-1 .~ • An he M id. ;·rt ·,. 'W" de brglnOtn,r; of ·wrt.nltl-l' ·· "Thrt-.. •lrlnk" / F•mlla~· he ••u orate An lluhllant Mill. "Rudt1y. plr Mt flo doru,U ." lla mnnn tul•l A etor,• It WR!! a lt'lt hanc1c•r tt WI\.• TIMIIl a rntnrc-11 J:'OOI!t' Wt" don't .fo prop\lf'•J'&ra<..! ~ ~ t huJihln~ plllff'rn!l J·'l.ah !.tar. h 4 11 I< 1~ l!l4l .....,. ttun PiJthl 111 1 hnu~ cJurinl: !Ul•l , . .,r .. t.,.,,...11 !Ulll <•lh.-r _, IYM' c 1• <'1\h'nd:lr ri;:ly whnrl' I~ hAr k tn ~''"" !'!tlrn•<tn In Hubbo·rd ehe'& pa.. Tl _...._ _ _. f)('n Mr Mc-nnnl\ltl v.-11.11 turn on ~r ,r;iul paltrrn11 ~ , SO ('t: l'i\ ITI~(o BIDJt IUtft •·...-.. i!t r'f'IIUif'o,, In C'lll'>'" nt 4 ,.,,.,, flMka atraordlnary .. ,.,,I'J!"'nc-1,.11 r a 1111 ., Dn w:ty fh\1 Mc-nonllld oln m1nutr11 WIU! quott" , 1 TllrnbllnJ: IJArrt ll SOTIC"B IS I W REH\' I.IVF::'C rd try fll"f'. Ontw1 nr flanct'r tn 1. ~!Art rei Inn king fnr " pnnlly ,In a hi' roa~ -.:....--==j~;;;rif'j~~~.:....,~-ttf-<uoiiilin!Riiia'Wiili'lnlhi11A11IIqi+-"' 1.1nP {f'i. . . ,_._,__.,,_._...._..,"'"r--~~\ft.-. f'f\..,.,nml.,.,trht-1 'lt,.,.,...,..,.,lt-"''++H·fl'hon:-..t.,nrt ufT''-anrt bt"!!lf-a--m.....,~~nr.__...._ __ " I 'Pf'!' fltAh';. J l•( :-.;.'"1"'1"1 1'\c rH'h C.thfc,n nn. •i1911mctll~~ anfl rhr c:c•p •n •7• h·~;~l ·' M1u• thought llht' wruo l!lal)l.lln~t in n-rta holt'! • ..... 1 1•11 a. IlL a 1·1 P. ta. " :O:nAp "'"'J:hlll r<'f">'l\'1' hu1~ f•1r f~IT'T)I•hln2 a llllofittll,,. ,.,..,, :-.;,..,.. Yo•:tr'• O:ty. f!'\ m.-mtw-rllhap chAinnRn Wl\1 a toprt>Rd ll da do;n ~ 111: ....... 1•~ <'-t• M->~" F:l• ... t rl<*l C"<lUlpmrnt lnt'l'r. m/lh'n l\1 t r:tn~p"rtllllon~MI'InOfilll fla~· Foun h nf July. 1 fir !IBid mMt nf 1ll\ la•llr11 wM full nf a bo.pea 4 H~oi.JIC'lO "{'f"'lr o·• fnr !h,• trt•rwhm!Pr La LA'-'r f)o;n' Ar m 1 • I i c-P Th1y, . All ••thrr J'f'rllnnal ro rt\.' -.mel "TI•'k·f1 llm~: nf ·•l'rr>•"matb Thanltfchi nc: ~y :~nrt <"Trictm:11 Da ""lit nn 11 rrJ'I'rl w M A rlJ:.hl <lfl da l!f'l'l Dr. Oontoa .. Gnmd)' P. V. PAJtiUI.!IIJ an.J raw nutlf'r1"l lu!'at;; tit , 2~:1(1 lin ft Z•~ oltunPt#l' ..-r It rJu\11 t... manclnfo1~ IIJ'W'n ttw1 l.Jiht!!,~~~n,1!~"~~:,. ~ ~ ~!~~~ a g('t hot .., PC·:· ... ..,.._ Watdlrnalu!r • Jeweler • a:.cn•er tlw lll••\'r rtfrrrrd tn foono.lr)' 'PIJlf' mam an :ln"•"n1a_n("t" .,tb \lw Ountr'liiC'fiY rn wtlnm thr ron trnC't An ht W ll!l., drn tum nn d a jUI('f' · ~·!===--'?'-.,.....,=-2102 et-n F'roftt. Nf'WIIO*t '"ilhthl~ __ _ plnnlo and •e:'<'_.!flc-ttiC'rLC on '1~ h a,...nlaod And ur--n .!'ny •ubn>n· 111....-t...,. &e.plta! Eqlert 8wt.a 1htd ........_ ho·lo•n~"'l: t.. tbr Kid FLOYD an t h.-l"'flh••· Mlfl:· <'n,· Oerl IY u r tm. rn J>:\Y not lM<c I llubba:d a tl •n "'JUO 1'1 g" tn ""'C"?W O.tNI A-al J'lfbl~ ()oW PtaU.. GIJ~C)~ lln,J HA TTJF: l.. GIB· ~ld t'lf~ . «'-lhf' ~id ~1f1Pd f1liM to llll An h~ M ill A \\'&ttl ehoulcl rf'ht'IU'l!t' A Ja nurte Oflkle lin.: a•u a..a.: 1·5;... Eye Glaalft ....,,.. ~t·~ sno.J F' R A N K R. W ASH· t..J\rh l11d ~h'll h<-m:1~ (Ut C'et lahor't'f". •·~ ""~ mM'h:1nl~ Aftf'r " c-oupl«' of a othf'r r<>porll! .,,, •• II n A.hL WORK GUARANTEED 111'1{~ !Uld l.ontf'd at 110 Vlr-" fnm l to:> ...... f'tltlllnl'\1 31 'tM' of· ~<"<1 h)· thrm In tht> t''l('-nl'n p A r almf'r ... aa bold A lla fort ... nla l'laC' "-· M n-o.-f tct' of thf' C'\t~· F:n~mf'f'T IJ1d ~ CiWtD of the ~tract. • '".' .-. '-"-...... ""'· "" .... ,. .. ~ aiTompanif'd "' " ~·ti• ar 11w ~fu1 bidck-r •·111 bt An .. , 1111 d11 rf'pnrte <Ill bla.nkf!t dra•1nr ~~~o'U came 1 l nunty. l"'lllfom la. and that •ld C"~<.tu .. r·~ rb«k 0~ tlld b<lnd for nquirf'd 1., """"" 11 labor and • F,athl'r aom~nn~ w L'! win II 1 forgot da Jut name l m"'1~&Jtf' •·Ill be Uf!OltN and trn I"'ITmt 110,.., 1 nf t,,. M11CIUI'It .-tnta! bond in trft amotmt t>qW~l Drn Hubbard tnlt1 ,.·nt It •·u All a bout thto .r Oftlliderttlon t bt"rd l'r't' wall be nf tho> hid. mad .. · r'o'lyrot .. 10 the to 5()'. .• ol tlw ""'~ ~. and All a ~rl aald, "Ynu ldt da R~ cro-a-ou t." P"ld on the l~l~ da)' of Jotucll. nnifor of thf' C'l t )' ~f :-.;""P""' 0 faltJitul ~ bond in &II , t~l. at 10 ·00 o clock A. M . at 8<-ttctl, Callromi~t.. ~ •t,aD be ..-nt tqUal to 50"' .. bf tJwo caa· ~ C'lly CouncU of thf' City of port &ach . California. ·•~ ,.._,;;alftiiiliii:..t.~:. t bt ._'l:Tup\ Pf~n1._of Flfll1 .•• n tut met :film Mh....;%br 0.. 11111ato~ ....._to tMo M<'UI'P Nr~:RC>rt Bu~nr~ .. lht J:l"flL ___ ..f.ltANK.L. JUNE:I'U8T •. Ne'WpOI't 8eac:tl 1'flttbfllll Bl nk 'ln flt&h1.A Xiii: no C'11'rk at ttw-a ry H.a!l ~ ............ '"'"' a .m:ty mnP-4); "atls-tl) ~·any-or'11U bfc!!t ·or WK!VI!l -'C'ftl'"Cfmrt'lr'tftlr"Otrat' Ule Snulb•N1 comn of .,-ourth 1\f'aci\, Callfon lia. or or twtor. ,_....,. to tJifo Oty of N"'lJOI't any iniOf!.1lAIII)' In • ~d.. port ~ach. Olllfomla. It Main 8 tf'ft'ta, Cny f1f S&ftta, Manit 17th. 1941. 1t 7 ;\1 o'dodl a.dL O.tf'd March 3rd., 1941. at New-Pub· March 601 and 11th, l!ML I, _,.:_ .. .-r • . . HOWARD W. GERRISH ten "'root ,._,,... Aw.- .~-•"'W1..,..... ~ EARL W. STANLEY ""._ ............ oalm .. ,.,_ ....... ...._ ''" -----·- ------------------------------------------,------~.~~l I . " L f k ff Unable to •ind I Ct-,~~~tJtJ P11'11/t . atest ire true .0 ers Boat In Flanu•s tl AS S I f I E 0 -A 0 V l'hnaf' -. _ · ff 44 1 1 d · Off Balboa Pit)r san ·more protection ' ·~ ..... l't' ,,,." ..... ~~ .... · .• 11 ·7 ' , ! .. m. S.IUf'lJII~ t il of I "•'II \I t• I'll ·-~;:: . flt'l:' nnd "''nlittt>: "' ''"'''" ,~,.,,., I~ urIS UtD r-n 1,, m •• ,, ro·····ntly •lll\jUirtod h ltlllll f•r: I ruo·k :uul "' I"IIJ'IIhlt• ,,, tit II ''" (\(( I h·· H.olt·"·' ""'' .\II -p~~· ~ f~Vjt~hl lll~ ~tU4~~nt Of pUillltlll~ t ~l ~!Ilk»~ 1~ "~lt•r ~~rJ tllhPr ~II fnm1 lt1lf•~l '~' 1.1 11~1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SELL RENT BUY -- the !'ltl''lll'""'rl llt>uch F'll'\' !)~;part·' llllnYII'. TIH· otht•r· II'Ul'k htlll II tht• namln..: ""''' \\ ,, 111•1 "" '"''"P N H ., I - nwnt "'as ufflr ta lly a•htt•t>tl 1n .-uu''i CI1Pii~''Y nr ~11.10 .:'~""''~ pe·r· 11111~-JO'It y and 1111 ,1r1,..,.,. 111 1• 11 1:-~ UdLIG: OTJCES O liS EWARES 1 MuSICAL NSTRUM,NTa mt:<,.lon IW·l Satunlay ttl 4 p. m. ~· l1w "''"' nill'tiiiOn t.o lhr t-Il) s rnttiOI-d In thnt thP •·rnH w ;,• Jll•l fU:NTALa--• · au thO Rall~<oa F1r.· St11tum .... 11'•' fll'l' ·~IUtpm••l'lt has 11 l~t h.p, ,11111-luut!Ude tlw J•'"~ 111 "'""' ••.:ht NOTICE tNV~ a101 Mat1•t w..-.. ~o" ~IL-t J4. ~. Ov1h.,. C'htl'f .~rank l 'n N·k .. r satd tnd:ey . : ft>l' 11h l'OIIljiiU't.'d "' ""' ""~1111~ rrum 1\laln Str .... , ... , ''·'Ill~ ........ I f" ... -IIICA ........ l .,. ....... _. ...... -· ~ .. ... The• nosult wall be• moro· ad•--le·~ I hill) 11)()• hI'· ''11~111~' of lht' I n•porta. · NtlTII•E I ~ IIY.H .. :IIY OI Vto~N v.,..,._ c ...... ,.. ••••. •• c:.t .. n •tcr,le, - quail' ftn> s>mtt-<·tion Cor &lboa I ronne•r Islam! 1 ruck ' At t.M flntt ,.,.JM•rt 1 ho• 1 )rani!•' that thl' 1 'lty t'loutu•ll '''· t ho' t'lly ,.....,.,~.Mot ' "'"· t r '" Unt tt. • ......,.... Island. ont' or tht> most ~l'lclpo.od • Cl'{l('kl'r re•WIIl~ lhfll tho: ll~o:ht· County HariNH' 1';•1 ·~·I ~~ .. ,, h··:Hlt'tl .. ( Nf'lii'J••rt '"'"''"· ''1\llfumla, will -. .,.... ..... .. .... n'!lidf'nHnl ~IOnt of I hi' harbor o•r t rue~ Conru-rl~ Ultt'(i Ill llalbcu. for the hatbnr o•nl•nno ,. ·n l""'' lt't rlw• hhta t nr fun•lllhln. a II .,...., j lsland IS ~·tw JO<"lJh>d. at Station a board tht• hnrhur l'l.tft r .. po •rt•~1 lahor, matrrtal, tran•J"•I't.atlun and I VIIIPLVI • .,.I.AO &. PA•T".Y ~ tnM'k pun-ha.stod s.t'C'Ondl Nn. :l, Nt>wport •. and It Ill an\tt'IJlftl• -l'd\Jnc nNirl~ "'' "'""' :in•1 '' ,...n'h'«"• fnr IM ~tr••lln• IU\d , .. .,. ITOIIII., ''' •r-•ar. c.-. hand ~ ~~ ago b)' the city ood t~t· InK'~ Will be-ronvf'rtt~ fo~ halt without ftndana.: ·"" ,,.,.,.,, ••f llllf Wllh 11+11 tfll l"''hH Of -.u.. .,._ .,,... • ., v-o.n- and pUaoct In ft~t C'la.• condition. ILY m · fight me i:~ .n:;:.ra 11 ~~ a ,.,..._ S'ont e•r ""'' that .""" "" """'nH>bllr prarktna .,.... Jurat ~. ' •• ... , ec: '' • *· teet _.._. .... 0 a~INKTTK, ... . _,,, •• ·-Mr .... ... .. ....... o .............. ~ ... ~ ........ ._ ........ . ~lin£ all n'qUtl"ftnt'nts or the I n..opla.oe the C) diLWs ~ brfon Oft fil"''. ..., on puhltr pmprrty .out.twrly ol k. All .. , .... ef ~-., •• fW .... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~v~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~ ~ ftffil7 Wft•V\jnl<ij1tf~~~An ~( lr ffie V~l~y M --~----------~~-~~~~~~~.;Y~Q~III:A~N~~~~;.;,:.:,.:,: •• :.;.~~~~~~~~~ many )'PAn<. boat hlwl Cftught "(I ''"'' ll,ntl l h•l"'' l'alm Striet aD d W•...,,a_.on -_...,_ ..,e, , ... • ......... -· • 'n\f' truck now ~tatlont'C1 on tM board had 1 1 od r · -· M ·-...... ...... """· ...... . ..... -... -.w..~~q . .....,. .... a-.. • ...-a~r~~eart •~~on ..... ,., .. , . :::::&poet ..... ,... • .... ...._ tool t&. P'rldiJ7 ..,....., fl'ult . 4T.Oa1d .. . ._ a ft<atc:la ,.,., Rl"rad.- 81.0... k'hUDtwtUl oolor DOWII ---~:~ ....... 1-------== ~ .......... ~ ... biN ~ ........ &9-4 rodlcl ---~--------~---------:--1 bland is thl' sanlf' lllt that 81 Ra.l· II II rnn ' ur AS.'<I'<Inno'l', ~trj'l't In lhf' ("tty of N•wpo...t ISC ELLANEOUS T-w wtll ....... ....... II Coordinat·m• g h h I h . h then In thf' m rnntmw "'''"'~-r~~ .. l ~···h. California. ,._ a.'t"m dan.•• --·t~T u -Tt~•.:.. -. • ._-.--::::-.,._ -.. ._ .. ••• ..., hoe, ";t t e exet-pl on 1 at 11 M In ext.JIIilrulllhlnt.: ""' flnn~o·' an•l ~llh I'IIUUI and ....... tnl'a llona un ,.._ ~ ,.. --.. , .. ~ • t!Non.. equis>rt>d with hydrAulic -.................-th 1 1 ·-· • .tUJ _ """'' _....,. -~~ _.._ D••• .. ....,... ~ Group St·udies f p~ M '' r "U) fot .. In l hr offkt' t>f lhf' ("tty C"'rrll ~"II'· -................ . hnlkf's, improvf"d prott>CIIOn or 1,., ,_1,1 t"llv ~·'"' •-•r ...,r-•• • ._... lht' drivl'f' and -otht'r rn<xk•m 1 ---J US p I ' ••· Tiler -_., ...... • ...,.. ""•· ...... "Employment" t>quipmcnt. Tht> Island nuw hn~ ~ • • OWet' t:a. h ..... """" two man .. out oa ....... " A .. , '" .. ef ... I I . t>quipmcnl far mnno ac:koquatl' for fl..t To Meet a r .. rm '" br nhCaJnr <t at th• nf· oa• ,, 1'0 "IW. uuo ~IA...._..W. t tw .. P""""t c:ondilinn~. Crockf'r ~tlltt'CI. I flrr nf lhf' l'"y lr.tt4r1nrw and IOOIHILL I.NAMil. ,.., •-· _,._. • t tJI.a--otllen •' Tb • N-port ~rbor Coordi-----__ • TIM 'Balboa l 'nllo••l SIAl"" f'uw . •h•JI tv-lll'l'~ni,..J by a rrrtl-•••. ,, • ..,. .., hatotlhtll!f, _ •·• .-r.• ..._ 0.... .. ~ nati.Da Coundl II DOW tumiD& 1... Esc er -··dron w111 h••lot " ~I.A .. , fled or c uhln '• \·~ .... k or bid bl•fl•l ~~-c..o..-r. • ~ Mllltl d , , b D 1• er apes .....-.. ......... ......... ...... ..... ... ... atl•nllon to lhto lltu )' o " r V DIDD., at Whtt,.· ... C'ft.ft'. 1\Aiti(>A fnr '"" ,.,..r<·rnt ~tO"\-1 o f I b • ""'•" Ga l W •· tt.lk. .. .. a-u AAa. • ..... proba.tn 0 t •mployment durtnr As Car Burns te&aacl. ntoxt A&lllr•IAV. M ll r ,. h am••unl .. , t, hr hltl, neadt' ll4aYabhl Uu1 of I al IU~IIIIIOIII HOOU ~.A I,N T -~AOICK •• _ .. ._ ...... the IIU.IIUDer mon, o c 13th. at eevt'n f' m Ito lht~ nr•ler of thf' 1 'lly nr Nt'W· 0 ,.,.. ,.,. .... _ ~ .. ..,., ...... · · younr pclt'pl• At CO t M Jl'nd Hermon I)( t tt ,. Balboa port U.. .. ·h. Calltomla, llhl• ahall , -" " '" •· o.... .......~ Tl'w IIUbjtd Will b4' dl.cuseed . S a esa Y1cbt Ctub will llh(IW mnv1na nil'· tV' .,.1\ll'd Ahcl flir t! wl\ h lbr City ... llle, Neie r le' -..,tr. T II a ~ ..... c:.Mpafll', -........ MaM tl "' ,. m•nwla«lolrer lie .. "ol ... "'• U • .. •-~-A .._..._ at tb• couiK'II'a nt'lll met> or. tuNe ot bta wnrlt1 trav•IJt Clerk at lh• Ctty ttaJI, N"WJ~<•rt · -:-~ \ · I h ~ h 13th t , ..... ... ..... ·-.. It ·-Ttluraday n C l. -arc a Carl Hugh~'!~ ('&('BpM w ith only ---~ • lwar h, ('llllfnrnla, on nr ht'fort! Ow Harbor HJr\1 Sch ool bulldlnc. •l'auht injuriPs whl'n thP marhhw 11w Coecllt M .. ~u Votunt •~or .. "i r•• March 17th, 'UI•t. at 7 ':\0 o 'r ll)(•k • .,. •' • "'-••-ef ••~'-· tb I U ~ '" . ~ .. ,__ It Ga~.. VOO CA ... HOT MIY otnclala of • Of'CAD &a on AD· he wa.'l dri\oing on old Sants Ana ~.-. -·~nt "'~Ill till 'fl Ill I hi• •·all. I" M an•l '111'111 ·be Clp'ftl'tl aftd HTTKIII ~A 1 H T , ~ nou..Dcl!d today. Road ear ly Sunday l'Vt>nlna r raAh· but the car. c•nw lttJII'tl m flnnw>~. publlr ly r..art alo.tl1 at or a bout L-c. , -..._ .,..._ Speak•r for the H811oa wiU ~ I'd and almost rompll"tcly bumt'd. wu dtttroyl"d bl.'fotl' tltt')' NIUid 7 30 c•'r lork I' M nn that ttay In ..,.,,. •-· ....... Mtaa ~~ H\lmWtOft, ---'nle car struck a cu1wrt; yfpin~r arriw. A~W~W .. .riAtil the culL wen• Htf' (~ell '"ambrr 1.n tbt (.'lly ~r of the faculty at the Santa out the rt'ar axf'l I&SI('mbly and u F1rt'IIWn A. C Almolnt1. !larry An· llaJI, Nn~JIOrl BNc'b, C&Jtroral-. AWNtNC»-..._.. a" • ...._ A .. J1111ter Coli•• .-... ~r aboor endtHien .... ~ ~lkH, J:m -n..--aoov•~'llflN'ifCllii'li or T wriiltw,.-...ota -. 111111 ~ ··r:mployment". ~k.iddfod !!parks lrnilf'd th,. 1 GrMner, AI Oo~:tiPn. W A PAI!f.,·t bond aball two tr~vrn u a auara~~lee 1be dilcUMIOII II nperted to line. Hugh~. who had bt'l'n fl11h· and Dale F1•hf'r. that thf' bldtt..r .will tont.r Into ~nter aroulld ~ble JIUCCMllon ins: at the beach: a('('()mlng to or· lhto n lhtrar t It awardfod tn hi• for atlan~t.I.Dc ln •mploymnl In firt'n , •·u arrt>ttt'd on r h8f'lf'll of Maa S.tty Oyrkman "' llalboa and wUI be ckoc'larrd forfeited If •--• ll r d k d · 1 Onl thl -' In bad u lwr wHkenct hno'"' ~Jut _ the -commun y or yOUD( run nv ng. )' ng !UaVt-u Vl'flan IOou ur to"UIIrrtnn. !the llllrc-tul ~r retuw• to people t.hll ~. t ill' car was hill fi!lhing pol«'. Ma. __ ..-tonln Into l&lt! C'onlrvt att.r .,._ -----------I'"" noquH tf'd .o to dn by 1M ,.-,..------~-~':J""--'"'!"'~r-~~~...--------C_,_, ___ I_,..,.""""'u Caty c .. uncll nt Nrwpc>n-Rrar b 1 Bldt1rn art' her.hy nntltlfo.d lMt 1 ~rwuant . to rrnvaatnna ott ~.._ 1770 (I( lhf' IAbnr ('odf', 1\t.all.lt.e A_ .... c. . Lt4 • ·-• .. ... .. ~... .. .... " .... well. -..._ ... .__ "' ·---~·"*' ... --· I I a " a ?lr'-' Mill ·ar-c:-~ ••"""'· ..... "-....... Mr ua.t Mrt1 W H ~y ,._ ~..-4 ~ ........ ••••"'Ct ''-" lt&nla Ana -' ..._ ""-"1180 lftfl••~ ta the lf""'-'P ...,. Mr. anot M•• 1. c• Wa..._, Mr.· &ltd --· ACCO~OION-U.... INt "--·" .............. ,.... ... _ ....... .,.... ......... Cea· .... , ................... ..... ,.,__ _..... Rr~LlE~------------~ FoR SALlE TO THa C:O..W#ATIW "-'"· eMAM" 01' MA&. a TAft-.. _.., ............... .., -. ._ ......... -......... _...,..... ........... ca--.. ..... .............. _ ....... __./ ·~ ..... WIU.IAIItoN A WtLLIA_.,.. --~.-.. ........ .. N1 ..... c-tral, ....... "-"'' ............... .,. ....... nf 1~37, nf thr Mt.at,. of c 'aUf•onU&. thr C1ty <"uuru•ll ut thf' i'tty ol Nrwtwort llf'arh h•, _..,.rt.un.d th•• grneral rrtovalllntr rat,. "' JWr M"' U nyd a...... Mn l!:llubl'lh REAL ESTAT•' dlr m ~IC"" a nt1 ratea '"' loti'IJ 1 ""•h• ua.t Ma. ~ IW.'-· a . hnlldlly and overllm,. wnrk In the I t;.,...tlnvy em;ra*toe. ~a., FOR RENT lt~lly ln w bkh U1ta work Ia lO nr.. flood. ,.,. ....._er to Ul• or -.;='----._;;;;..:z=;._=---'"'"----- be pt'rfom &r<l, fur •~U:h cratt or pro.,.rty. aad for tl-,. 8ua-OCMM ftaNTALI I¢ • • t ype ,., WOf'km11 n or mechaak ~· and tM ._._ tTl ..... MU~ 1 ..... _..., ..,. "' .. ..,. ~ to uecut.e the cootnct d.Qa. to-wit: " .. Y..,.• De)', ......... ., .. ~...,_. whl.c.h WUI be awardad U.. ....,. ~ •O.J, ~ 11 J..,, • ftllll.. .. cuatul bidder. l..abor flay. A r m l at 1 c • DaJ. M.Wf VtLL.A, 0 VWJr .. Cliir . ,,. prrvlllllnlt ,..,,.. au lk'ler· Ttl•nk•trlvla• Uay and 0""'--Cl _.... ,,_ ~-.......,, mlnrt.l ..,.,. u fulhowll H abaU t ... PJ&Ada!nty ujloh' lh-~tinA .... ,..., w. L . .,......_ H~M.&rly ,.., la·untta<'lor !It wlk-tb• ~~ -· ~ ,..,... ......... Ntl. ....... W•o• Diem I• aw .... t..•l. •n•l uJ•oe any ...,.,.__ Tr.ade or Occ:upo1t lon Rata Wage trartnr llndf'r tum. t.o pcay not .,._ • :ra•lr't ''t•·ral•or 1 ~<7 •~ 1 7 nu thare llu· fiA(,I ... .,., tn .. a ratra to 1 ;lllll•l li:ll., I') f)l) I all I ll lou I r I •. 'IOI'nrkmPD aD tl l..niJON'rll lllr<it IHJU 1 ru• luullu •aaJ•Io)'O'<J a., U..a-aa :4llo•>•d llp~rlll"r I :17 •-. II 1111 lhr "'"' 1111•11'1 "' th" Nlt'ltral't Tnu t••r tot..-rntnr 1 1111 11 00 Tll• IIUI'\Pitllful b6dolrr will bf' ,.. 'l'Nork fttiVf'NIOLfollll , ~Uirr<J ll' furttlah a labnr and Huon II l11n 1 7~ t1 00 llllllf'l II• I INOI'I<I In a 11 •»VJUnl .-qtMLI 'l'rll• k llr1V"r• I IIY .. I lu !.0',., "' th" < lolltr&t'\ pf1<'e, IIA<1 I 11 t1111 1 117•, 7 01'1 ll faithful l"'rf••nnanrr bond In I 1~1 w ,.,..1., tun .. r.nt ..nual to M .., of the l l!••ll•·r 1 ,, ... ral"r ~ "'.,., • · ., lr•onl rao t J•tll.. 11111fl bunola In be A n V • li1Mirl' Ill tun ~ l•lllllll'<l h "r .. 111 .....-lltf'ol ftum •a IIUN'I)' t'•lrDp&a)' nul IWIIII ltll\11 tl:t•., :,IJII j "altltfaf'lflly lu Ilk-<1ty rrf N"" J••lt flf'DI'h. l'r••vl•l•••l "'"' '"'" ami unr halt 'ntr f 'lly C'otlnl'll «t thf' ('lty at ljJ •1 • 11111•·• 111~ pr rv~ttlllllf' ra1"1 N•·V.J••rl '"'"'" ,..,.""'"• th .. r1•ht I """" 1>4' l•lllol ••x• •·pi w'tt•·hmrn,, tu rf'jf'l'l any ur all t>l•ll or waiH rt••i:rn••fl :ottol uthrr n•m manukl l ouoy lllf'lrtllallty In a ttld. wuf'k";·f-"." f•or niiy """'lc rn~t. tho,.. 1 l•atr•l M v1 h l td, i'JH1. at N-· rnorr than IHo """'" •lur•n.c any l"•rt l ll'••·h. ,._llfornla. Balboan Seeks Divorte, Asks to Pay Alimony R.-q,...Ctna IMl Ute rgurt order him Ctt pray aJimony of SIOO ~ m«alh, P'reot.nrll CUtfnrd of BU· a.-f la.d auJt l.n 1Npar1or court t" ttlv•on:• Mary A.-e ,.,_ t'Htri'Jf'ff "" la alra.dy paytq IMr 'u.at IWD. &CC"ordln• to Ute , . .,,plaint. rtlfld throup AttonMJ' ll••l.,.rt c :an1ner. lnc:&t cit)' Ju41'a. I unr 1 I• ••lliNtolat •l11y' whPrl' 11uo·h FRANK 1. ltrNII!liAit'1'. ~:~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!~D!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!~_!~~~~~~~~!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:E~~~==~~~~~"~"~r;k~~~"~r·~·~'~'·~··~l ":'-'.~~~··~·1_.".•.t: ('ltv c,.rk uf "'" l 'lty ot N-· :: pert -o;,;a.~ By ·chartes .Me· Manus '"'b ~·.:a·., .. _. "" ... t .. .,.,. 1 'I If fur.., . ,..,.,,. marrted Ia N_!'~"•rt . llhndf! lal~d .. Qn.2J!tr.JJ._ 10011. a.n•l Mn (,jffor;t Ia now ,.aldln,. at 28 Mar1f10roup .CI'Mt, Tn th,. IUW!d., lalud NMift, U.. ("nmn t •td. 1'tlt.Yr. "!=~==-~-"-":-;I JtiiMUy ...-. . ...-e. w ... t~c "'u ..... ol.) C,OINC. Wt ,..,. A L I .. E 8 vN OLf'S Mf\. eq,<;.-._o-: ~~,~f;L~T~~~~~~~~ WIG'S WIO II 111101 DISTIICT AJ"Pf'.IAJ'IICFA-- 1 ; •• It t-.~tri<' Maytatr. RCA Vtctor 8forvW. Mrntu Wh!tl'. Ph. !MM. Alri'O Nlfi'PI.IDI It IIPOtrl' 0001.._ I lfunllnJChlt'l lw•rt. Auto Soippl .... 210 M•lfl at. ~IM. AIN'DWIIUoa. Atri'OMOIUII. .,IAI .. J'IIO - V (lfr Sforvjcv-124 MrF~ rtac. N~rt n..rlL I BAKEII\' ()()()~ ' :'f-t•lf1 liftk.,ry, 2112 ac-n. Dakny n..a.t II Bet .. r. Par I-. ftr.f\f"n' fUff•P-~i_thPI'• ~. lHHJ Npt. llt¥d...t. rotta Meea ""-Jll·W. AI OIJ ~.,.., Mary' a l!llan<t Itt-aut y Shop, ~18 Mann.. ~Sid~ R.edul:blc ·~ rlllr.r•r.AC"K AND IUNDI..INO WOOD- II W Wrt~t . lnH Npt . Hfvd., C'..oet.a MI'M. UMd l~r. Ph ... ,. fl'OUNUARir.A-_ f-' & f-' llr.,.• t••11.1no1ry. Johlna·CuUntr. llO vtrlfiM A ., Coata ....._ f1ANOU'Ir. Mt:rn•rc r -<;,~~. I 111, 1"1ro·'· l lnltf"tl.-.. V. Orr s.-~. I:U ft'rYaddo•n M., Ffwpt. B.. ur.Nr.RAI. C>"ONTWAc,.oa-1 Gof'f11on H tlntl!ay, 3410 Cout Dlvd. Ph. 402. Jl'laiW and eon.t.naellaa. l,tlMJ'Ir.IU.:OMI'ANir.A-. Cr•la Nf,._,. I.IJr. <~o. ··1,.,.1 ua tt.lp you piA" yQtlr home." PboM & · lilly LJI!Itrirt Lumt ... r Co. Phone ll!IO . <Aut lfllhwar at Ardlla ----MAIIISr.IMI•rA'IAI.Tir.A---l~_.:;_--..... ~""""'==================:w=:::......-=-------.....:....~--~~-=--=-::..:_ ___ ..:__-=-----1---'-------~--s~y---:C;-;,C"y-":-:u~n•rerf ora:-. M~;;~;: ;~~;~~;~:..:=:!!:" lliiU). &lpp11ea, ,... Ktl~.~uJ•I•II··~ lltryde llrt:Mt•,.....Supph~. N"xt to Ollltery, Coate ac- -· HEY. I .SLE.W. S~w ~~~ S WOMAN ~~· U~SIDE DOWN l>IMPLE ON l OP v v 'lovR. DoME .1 ) / ~1-\P..T ·m SOTAK\' pr;nuc:-\-\ M MMP ~ ' D 0 1A Ht ·~ r N•ml MllrarWurth , ~.108 w. f:rntraJ .Avt-nll#. I~ •l:l or 13. N~ -<.aii\T~ N ~IN 1 ? p f rwnc·r. Hf:PPIH.A-. '"' V f EXP£u< • .'tf'l !. ) N .. wport Jlllrt.~<Jr: PuhlW.Jnc Co. Pluonf'• i:l • 13. Nrwport 0..... A. WART . A . 1 ., T"' 1 Mlll'lfTI~(._ ~ ~OL<.ANO . 0Nl :> Nt'WJ.I0(1 Harbor PubUahlnc Co. J>tlrJn('!l l:l • ll. N..-port a.. "fA MAi I RAIUO tWA VICE I ---t ;,t(ll,.'ll UttiiJ<.a RMtflo Sht>p, 000 E..O.y, l'h 771. For a l»tt.r Nn1ae. W~N IlEAl. r.IITATF .. INifuaANat It NOTUY PUll~ 'YA r,w II. WllllBN'. ZJfJ'1. w. C!ntral Awn&W. Ptw~ne a. \1.€ aimaa ITA..,.._ Neowport Jlarbor.'Publllh1ac Co. Phonla: ~ • 11, N....-t ...... 811EET METAL woaa- Coat.a Mf'M Plwnblftc ~. O.ta Mea&. Phant 214. IUON"-BOAT I..EWE&IJ'IIG-. Dent'dkt Tht' Stan Man -m Narc:ilall, awa... daJ Mar . ..._ •· ""~ ~~~·~···£~~7~~~~~~~~rj __ ·fl·~~~~m~~~-~~~~~-~~~~~~·~~~-----, BalboA h1a.nd Van.t.y Stan--&,~ 25e ud up....._. 21U·W. WEI.OINO- W•ldtnc npertly -.. v. OrT a.mct, JJIItk......_ Pl., """--.... .. . ' I CORONA OIL MAlt aALBOA ISLAND UOO ISLE Spriq Luncheon Launchea Seriu · T~ Aid Circle Fund A.-ue. BaJboa, t• eta-t New. port~~ T Ia e I a p&Mnd &l'aUitd t.be -.rt.l)' .,...., a..c~~eoa t.Uk .._.. .._.__ v_.._ 0 . Wroo- _.. Jilek l"artla, Loull · W . ataa. W. IL 111Az..a. V1ctAir 0nee. W. A. IDrtl Mel IIDHNtt •. ~ r -Sym.,.ium To Feature Ne~ P.-T.A. ·Propam .. · . . . THE WO -MAN'S . £AGE NEW.PORT BEACH COSTA MESA BALBOA (Betty Dodge ,. "'scar" Winne~. Here Le1ion Auxiliariea Obaetve Service Month In Seaaion II r m , t"••,.ta :.\11'113 '7·•:\ r m 1\PF <"luh \\llh ~1r11 ( '(lf!ta lot NOll "; :111 p m IILL-I CAN'T WORK-IT'S MV NERVES AGAIN A D., V wht"n you fell t«ma, Jumpy. iiTiiAblf'? A NIGHT whm y~u ...... 'Wilkt>ful· And l't'stlcss~ . . . Phones 12 and 13) lr----------------1 . --------------------------------------------------- GU.FF 1 Social Eveota Honor ~.,Prominent Balboa Residenta WI Cnft Gmup Produce Many Attracti•• A.rtid• A varwty ot m.at.er1ala a A d m•tala are belq made Into al· trst-tlw u.ful article. by t.be ~mbera of tbe Arta aod cnlt.l IM'Ct'on ol tb• Nf"WPPO1 Beatb Ebed Club w ho met yrllerday to conUnue their baDdeTatt wortl. Stsueo membera attncled tiM aeaton IDCiudtn~ llead&mee E . Jt. Boudlnot. Jama rro.t, V l c t o r Tittle -· Tally Bid & Bye Clubs · flln£ In nwml"'ll" "( lho·1r ~h•n T h•• ··harn11r.; 1 "1•1 ''"'' th•l ~!sn 1 tiny n1~:ht rluh· ft>J hnd~·· anti Ll•'ll· hnm•• of ~frl' I · \\" llarrll'•>n wn-F•·rt Tnpp1n~ tho• ~~ .,,..~ at t'l>n· lh!' J<••llm,.: Jw thr l":ll1111 A nti tr u t "'"'" .\t·,. .l lnl•'!' d .lln• I F.l,.•ll :-lN'••nd I ''' ll:u t llr \tf)l•' :-;,.,. ~IN nil 11 n •I llnr'lt't Lnt khnrt tt,,n !!Ct':;..'1••tl Ft')d,,' A fft·rnonn f,,J •: )I (' "' t tt ant lud,,d ~11'~~,-~ ;;t n d In\\ 111,.: '' :-al.1•l • 0111 ~" .\I 111<'• F n mk H••W•·II .. 11\nWl' .\I•••. 1 Alll'".•ll i.~ In 1'•'1'1 ilh; ltm• ,..... 1111 o;rnnt Vullo r· II •n•l·l Hnll. WIUt :.11q 1: I" :'>111• "' ho,..lo·~~ 1111<1 tho• ll<•flh'l 1.•• k hal'-"~ 1 Mr11 ,\rth•u· M11v "·'". ""''"n~t•d Frt~s l't.aa 1 tt.•· II · •" nwmlo,·• • I l lw £f•'IIJ' .lr~ l:uhv f!,.\....,•11 to( :ttll J-;n~l ""'' ··P•'' ''' ~~~··.•Is :to~J·.I••d .\lr~ lln,· "''''11111' lln.lh"" rntPrtnlnPd ~· 1\ :'m lh olllol :.1 1~ I II Hll•lol 7.1'1.1!1 IIH'IIII•'I ~ Tllut><.l t'\.l'llllll( 1 lsloJnd,rs Pl~y !ll r• .l nhn t\ll••1 n ( 2 1~• ,~1"\'t<tal Al·l'nllt'. Hllll.,a b lnn•l rntf'rtl\tn t'li 1\ twl'l\'1'1'r•ml' ( n r r~ntrnrt '1\rTcl~:l' piny' 'l'hur:o•hw """nlllJ! f••l- ll lowlnt 11 •IC'•1'rtl • Ollr:Of' :orn·c,l 111 !hi' QUIIr\f"t IAhlf'l" • • ••nt nu t h•H•••I '' hh h wn~ """" hv ~~ r~ Allwr·t \lJ!•h·n <lf t ·~ta ~~!'~ F"II""'"J! rarol pi~~· ~~~·111.• Wl't l' 1· llf'l"'\·l'd a olo•hrau11~ r!'frc>!"hml'nt • rnun-t· !lfan:h :.!0 lhl'y "'"Ill , nn. 1 \'f'nt' With .\lrl" llarnld Stl'l'k o r I thr Meaa 1 -Zellu aUrnthnj! w., 'f' M • 1 • • •lllmf'1' J•ttll"nn Sutht'tland. Haroltl Stf'rk . Al~rt f'gdl'n . ~ank Chap· I man, Edwar.J Ham and t.he MiN· A ddtn,R ,.,..n,r Rnc1 frn~&ll<'l' tt• lhr \'har m nf ttw All!'n hnnlt' Wl't.- epring fln~·f'r~ Ptl7f'-f' "' <"Of'ltrl!lr t '"'"""'I'd Mnr C'1ar1t Thonu•~ Conrl\ll sfl,\(lk an11 M r 10 • u U.·• Huntt'r tutU Lurll11 P txnn I ' Mr" HP)C'n Cunsway o( Balbo6 Dlx(ln Smith Othrr g'IJNb pll\y· 'II"U '"' "' .• ,,. Ml'8dlmf'll Hal wIll I • runt 0 f_lhC' 'Vf'nln,-. 8mltb, J'*'ph Parka. ~<>rJ• M e-• ~llic:ld, F'arla nd. A S Rkharct.o,. Qr&.ln·j •t~•w.tJ. Hyer. W IIIJILDI LaniJahr. F "' Y.pn . .-.&.v .. .piha.. .-=::: ..•. MoChftfteya Enbrtalll 1 Pre-Euter Season Ia Party ·Motif Summer Reaident Becomes Bride Of - ADVD'IU& -lhtllc ..,.. Dollan Ia ... o.-! So JUDy womea hqe leal'lled to Jet ~Mir telephoa«:• ehop for them. Maay etoN:• make epecial effort• to aerve telephone ... ,. ....... ,.. aew, pro•e4 ••r• elieocaewi•rov ldepboee a-m-? cu11tomera. Before you go on that errand in person. why llot aee what your tel• pbooe can do? IOliiTKERN CAL IFORNIA T ELEPHONE COMPANY · 100 E. Bay Aw., Balboa Trlrphonr 1441 Here are a ~ew ..,..,.._ of our ~.priaM: 1!5 ~ Boob. ln dupUcat~, .SX by 5~'· IUUDbued wiUa earboa. SO.wtA to a bpok ..... S'7.'75 .$11.60 250 Salf.s . Boob. u abon· (~ Piice. ~.0.8. Nea-port Bead~) Tbe Jc»tpb Mcbunr)'W of 'Bal. -.o. opaf'd their b0111e Jut ..... ...._.1!-lS Newpwt 111Mfa, 0111. I