HomeMy WebLinkAbout1941-03-18 - Newport Balboa News Times--"!""'-------~,. Tfte~n 1 O.lmnh I ISSUFR_ ·sEMI- WEEKLY '. • (-t:) ·~y <-W-~ .l·' ·~~ 'uc? t:;...... n. .... ,..,. • 'MID-WEEK EDITION EMBRA~ING BALBOA_ PENlNSUlA. WEST NEWPORT, S_;.A SHORE..COt~NY. LIDO ISLE. NEWPORT HEIGHTS. BALBOA ISLAND. CORONA.D"'£1. MAR. COSTA MESA ~I Entrance Saw • map ot lM propcM('CI aubdlvialon of Franlt 8~ bridcr'a de;,igned for t.be ana aJong tb~ atat.e bsgb•·ay Well\ or the irade ..,pa.raUoo and If hla plan g0ea thr~cb. ttw csty "'''II b&v, a ~a.lly beauU. f ul .. otrance to WC'at NC'•-pnrt. Jt · • ODe of llk' flout appur · log la)'OOta jkopook'd In m&J)y a da)'. Onl)' ••ht•tlwr I h <' rt'IIOr'IS lhl\1 Coe.ta l\h•..a U. to bo:· th•· :<lie> rof a lo(O\ •'l.llnlt'Ol 1 nunm~: f1t·le1 ft•r Atr Corp,; {'ad...t~ and ul'-4o a hu!;•' ~""':rnm.·nt r;tdh> ,,,.. u on ( Iran~:•· Cf)Unty nffwtlll' Wt'ro• h 'plll hod la..t "'''~ k to I•· -~ "".uui..~ ~o~.&tb.,·r t ht· :ur ht'ld "'cl\l ld ;::o tn Ttw MdJOr l••arno-.t t.IJJ"•'t't I). t•-wl.o). from C'h;u nu:tn \\silts \\';u no•r or Ilk• ('OIJOI) ~upt•tVh()l' lll.lt nothtnJ; ('<lnt'o'rnm:;: tho• "'"" hn~ l'ttOW nfl t .. ·f• •t • • mt'mbl'n: in11·n-.:to"(( in ubfatn· sng 1'\K'h a pntJt•e:t. thc"IIJ~h. h•· addt>d. So tht.>n• it b folk .... It "'-Y I•· a drram. err cf pnl\·o•n a rr a h 1 y. t tw lt Nta •·ill boum All rdptdly a> lhout;h Ilk· !:ott• on w-t'n l'anR' m ll&rnc'e C\1 y rounnl riit"t'f sng "'1M'· day wu a fwld day, or 1\ight. for altonw")'S with City Aunr- nt"Y Roland 'lllomPfiOI\ st idl· inc to his ~ despit~ w~ll meaninc saJ¥o. firfd by ot~r lepl lights who disagTftd with hUn on ~ BaJboe perk· iac arPa and A. S. R.ichardltGn maaul.cturinc prnnlt on Bat· boll Island. Jlollt~ut ~ dwl Ill W'OI'dll -ftljolytd by tJw. auclimoP oowclibc ~ roundl C'hambfts. ............ Snm!'lhtnl: n<'w. ~l'lm,..thr.;-li: dirtPrrnt That's th•• F.:t•l••r Fa.,hton Parar1o• "P''""'lfo'(l h) th•· Junro r Cham lll'r Th• r,. •·•II })(' nn f"tompo•lltr~n t .. • ,,...o..,n 1•"'"1 ffiMd• f1•r fJC'IJOU· lnnly pnl•''" flt• m•'r Rti\ .. r1J ... o•r1 l):~t hm~ '"'-1 11 ~ •ll•;tl:•~ In· ~ll"ad tho• Junror Chamh• r plnn" a pr,..,-,,..~ l'f E;•·•••rn f:u<hlt~n•. b~ t r.ltn• •I "''"'' I• nnr. 1hl' id···· J~ ... ti'l tn t .... ,. w··ll ro·•·• .,., •I tn •-h• n . ·n I•''' I an nrrn J o I• ;mol '' "' I•• mad~ Ttt 'J~·~~~ (.1 ''"" '' 1~ Itt I•· .:A("?',.:t<ftnrltnt;. C.•ttlh· lnll'1 :l(t ra<;t '"" <~·•.:·~1 1,~ f:.. ... htfln ',,,. rt.. ;•n'1 n,,, a ~tl'o' .r, ... , 1··1! ·•··••• !'tn,1nc ~ Rn:t.•r .. r •ll· ( tr:,nc•· r "''"" '' llutltl•·r~ E"·h::~n.;:•· •• tm"" r~·«d>. ~J.....LLltl.tor or;:anJi tl ton ""fl "''" lhr•~ mnr" n··" n.tmt • h ''" «fftr tal· ly ~n 11fl•l•-<l Th• ' or•· \\' I I Tru't, W H :'-l••llttn :~nfl Lronard 0. t"nrt1. a ll 'f t h•· Jl:~rhur Ot~tnrt 11 ·h''"' •h '' lor11l hwld~T"' "'"11 ,'h"""' tn a lh•-11 trnti"" art··""'"'' ·•·wi an Thr N"on· ~-~~~~~i~~~~~~~~ ,;c,nn to ~,;... tn coop>r8t~ •·ith ?th~>r hcJ tllil'f' of t~ county in planp-'!'& for u~ tut\lft. . Chamber to.· battle hoati~91 ~shing ·hills ;proPosed by legislators ~ 1 I Hy' All American Fishermen :Here; to Jc'ight - Boat Inspection Bill, lnv.estigate Other Legislation Affec.-ting Harbbr Area .... \'i~OJ'OU."i a nd unanimous OJlfK.I'SJilon was takt•n to tw u bill' ntJw in thP A."-"''mh1y nfffftln~ thf' ho.,tin,:; and fi!'lhing in•lu.-.try he~. hy tht> diJ'\'I:Iut~ u f tht• Nt>WJXII1 llarhur Cham- lx•t· of Comm<-rt'l..' Monrul\·. '' ht'n that hoctv \'01rd to ask t hf' fi<'l(ogat ion in S;.ttTamf'nto to fi~l;t pas.c;;sgt• u( !'ll<'h ' \ Council reaqy to act on Balboci.__aUtO park if ·funds · raised i~ Week Low Bidder On t•arkw · untmYrrtlV Ov« Park, ManufadurinJC Pt•rmjt On Ualboa IHiand \\'ith A. K Uft·hardHC;n tht' Winner I tlt)'1'1"1~ '" the• H:tlltua JJttltr Jllll'ktr1.1o: ltJt o n the• (tC't'tlft la'liUI JH.t~ ..:c.l !Ul UliWJdlc-ttl II!> .l.UUU ns dh1 b_lltJ.u:tro lu ----~ "'""1"~1 lho•J'•\ tr lh··~· '" cle ·-.11''· .:mel wt•'ll NO•Itlt• thi" thhw· 'ut e'~•Ht'l "",, •. ,,"ol ,,,. ·.dl ",,, Htt' """ark nf utlt' t•uunt~lman ' 111 lhc• t'tllsls'"'''' ~ Mnwlny nt~o:hr tl\'t•r thf' d ly's. plan to '""'l"'r nte• \\ tlh J~alhua ltu•t ducn t' In hulklln~ tl-.• pnl'kway BD SEZ- IIUir llll' to I.ICC"W ID nran,. thl" Y"ar a. rnmp~Nd to tour rw- rortl<'d t .. r thfo ~ .-tod· a..t year l .... •• ..... ,..., NEWPORT BALOOA N_EWS.TI'MES, Newport a.ch;caB(OI"Wia, 'ruESDAY. MARCH lR. 194! . I • Ji.WS-TJ.MES -SPO~RTS - F ·t SHIN C BASKETBALL. T E N N I S -. T R A C K -8 A "'S E 8 A L. L ' Anaheim to Invade· David8on . Strikes & ·Spares Marshall Rreaks Field With Track Squad _Today w edftt'M .. y LUQIIt' Deadlo~k In Anahr1m Hlgb !'cl)ool hrln~ts Til•· l'~ If ora h llv•• ;..-.,,.,.n. th.-m- tt. three tn.ck teama to Newport" ~lvea to bf' alrfm~-'r In tlv· epnnta Harbor'a t>a vidaOo n eld thl.l af· 'lllld runnlnK tvt"nt.a an·l-burd lu • ·t.rDooo. -ru-day. -tn an attempt t han In ttw · .('l>lt' ''"Uitlng a o oJ tD upeet oM thla far uodeftatcd , .,. .. l~tht t••JiUIIng f·ompcot~ -.uo.-vanity ud CIU8 B aqu~&da. Hilly An•h·r.lll(on I• ltJtJkf'd 1" for Tbe S&l.lor• e:trpect.ed to have thr f'o•ntury ~Vf'nt tlnd lbt "440''. ·......,. pnlf ~ Anaheim \~ Th.., Harll(w rt'lay tram bu ~ -· to Coach f_tHd. fairly w cruaful thu" far t b I • Unrted Motors lll;og ic. Cl>cf K tllh<-11 ~.37 :.t~. I•· H"ard Th'""l'''"'' ~ lo 494 t1 t-'lnk \\' F'l .. t.b 43:» ~•!' R J...a.u H K&J ... r 423. 4ll..'i Parka R M~n :).82 49 1 H C ~lo.J"''f'tl M Tot Spot '99·86%-733·2394 6.M-84t -78-4· 2468 VolleybaH Loop ~. --. .. ~r8hall • vnlh•ybdll .expe rt a ~Jkeo th~ dea•llo.•k th1tt marked tilt' Nf'wpnrt Hart...-.r C"..ommunlty Volleyball Loragu.-by detea.tlq LP<.lll YaJMI meon antl Ge<Wce But- IH'a 8qua.d lut Thunday n1pt. . It ~·th 5.2!~ r-------------------------~· . C.,unty Must Olkain -Future Fifth District G U f f Water Supply Or 'tFqld Up," Claim llisaster C..rps b~· .\n \ "'('llllfl ,., th .. Sa n l lt An!l 'll \\•-... _at••r )nil tw ~UJIIII'h'd at To ~eet . Weekly ~· !;., • t lt .. •m lh;tl d o• -''"l "'"' tdl· ·•JII•'"·'Uillilt.'l,)_lh·· ""'""' ~ <~•' a,. it Tht' Amotorkan ._;g;on M a Jot t:\'t:L\::S ••l l,ll lll' "oJI<'I' ~UtfiJ!} wtll ~\t.:~ 110 \\ t.:u1'-" Ul.l.U~C.J.:UUDl) CUll.!' 1U-1Jwl.st..:.r lUll! P...cltcf COillmitkc of t .. ll~ ,,,:,t u p' ('nlntl•l S , II Ftn-'""'~" llll'tr o"n W<tl•·r. h·• :.ta h ...J .. t b ,. Ftlth supo•r n1Kirlal District, '•''• dtt•·•'!:•• .,f th•• ~I• ""'IJ"h t :~n A hll'l:t' a ltl'ndan<'£• w 11..; r<'<'ord: ht-aolcll t.v Lo-•0 ,. I' Ander110n of ,\'"'"" ll''' rwt told t ·,,.,a ~1··';" • t1 "tth many Jo!U<'>'t,; pn·'4'nt to ~"•IIIla l\!;sa. rn~t r<'n ·ntly at the "''"'Ill'!'' llar~.oor l.tt:n~ Tll•·,tlay lll'ar ;c•l. Finlloy, _indudin~ ll(•r-:\! .. sa Lt'g•on Ha ll 8ntt will ,•oo- ·•1••10 "' B~<Y Shon· < af·· •· 1'14'1'1 s nuth..-rs nf Lido Isle.· tmut' to mt'<'t eoat•h w~k 00 Wt'd- Cuf. Fl nlo·~·· 6:1 ) l':t l'l-11 n·~id,·n t riea.iay rfigbt:l .a.ccordiDg to TtK-o..o ,,( P t'l.m t.:•' (tlttn l) :cnrt I:! )••a n. a p d J •' don~ Robms. 018&.1tcor and Rt'llef .,.,, ... ,,.,~·r. 1,4;,,.; pn 'M·nted b) asa ena umor . ('h&Jrm&n fllr the Nt""''port Har· OlaA~STER Jud~· Dnnald J Docl~:o·. ~o'('rt'lal')' Ch be EJ ts ~-:A\.n.'lt. Thr wsaiona ~·ilt . atart . cALL tha t .. r till· ~·W!)Ort Me~a ~ITigHI IOn .. . am r K a\. 8 -p _.m ~-:_edllelldayll-{ for t he brltncb ot tht' Amer1cao Lrglon Dt,tri('t orr· H IW'*t 'flve wec>ka. formt'd to take care or emergen-I Or!IOI(I' 4'11Unly c:-nntlnur'<i lO Jeers ere h SlktH'n mt>mben of the bar d es. caug t UJl wltb remote-con-~.:mw until tt rt'Ll('hro a I>Opulati()n f - t rul r..por_ter, ·>Guft". I Ct'rt&inly nt :..lO,IKIO. ttwn in tR90 IA•at .. r !)(>-bor poe wc>re present at the tint pulled a t>oner In omitting from ~an to ht' US< '<I out of thf> under· Balboa llland v.·aa the acel'M' of -ion. llobtna ataW ud a I I ~r110n&1 mention Leroy Ander*>n ~round hasin mort> rRpidly than a Wt"t'kend frolic bt>ld by t be ' members of tht unit an Jll'l'ed to u ot Earl Stanl~y. of Ul« organl-nali.trl' rE>{>Ienh<hod 11. tht' speaker Paaadena Junior Chamber o f 1 attf!Dd future meeUnp. Any other u uon. 'Tta certainly a feather sa jd. ]'Jew the counly's popula tioo, Commen:eo .. dUrlnr "'111c.b they ~ interHted may contact ID Cooale lof the crtngly .amllet Is approximately 135.000 and the e-lected olflce.n for 1941 1 'rbecldore ~ Sllook'a to bave called to my wa tt>r II'Vt>l 'has dropped . rapidly ·"'Eiec~ wu Eugene L. Payae, Dr_ A. G. Hu~ lec:tu~ OD everybody cooc:em-~ ... .;,._.---, .. llpiUUIIOD f1l put r:ec:or:ct. tiM hro IICboola to bto about a ,ar wttb ..-otJMr. a-tcadl 'teama ..llltW be.. bi.I.U&¥. K.. Sh•noon tM to rem&ln undefeated lri SU"-' 1 )If (llban~ $88 JA&&'ue compeUUoo thie year. tb.ro P. Norman ~ ~ traclulte1a wtll be 81'eldnC a 8. Wf!Wb 52'7 comeback alter their defeat lut · r Deakt.na 63'1 U 3 J til F Ul ~L_.... .. +-+-Im,tJWI.-t"' ·now Ulat-t. dH6ftd watt>r conteont of the wat~r bu home. ~ Opal Ave., Balboa Ia! \•ill conduct tM a~ all increalW'd materially the put ten.; land. Tb!_ ~rtn.L ~t wu futun ..-on. of tile comm.1tt.e, years due to lht> lt>vel .. of water ·;r WUIIam H . Nlcholaa. I I Hlp .. a y Patrol Officer Geor&'~ th(' undt>rground ha!lin bf.>ing re-Other ~mben attendin& In ~t.<!'riJI~ spoke oo tratnc coo· duced 10 !Wa lt'V('I and some times llddltloo to the Dew I y elec\ed I ditJOII8 .. now and wbat to ellpect tow('r than 1 hat, .' •-. • prealdent a n d his P"ldec_,r la c:aae at major c!Wut« or in- Harbor H I c h admlnl.lte~ a ....... defeat to OraDp In Ita -" ftnt e.-t Leque TraA:k till ol tiM year. . L&lt -k Aaabelm overpower· 11---.. ·0rwwe 117 .......--.uly 0... ... cHd the SatJora. u.aca Hip 8cbool w~re Kbed- WIIed to ...... - _ Al8o ralDecl out vvcor the week· .,....,_ .ad -N Ule ()raqc Sbo'llt' Re- • . ..,. at aaa Bernerdlno. u other I · tne• clu* wlltcb the loeaJ 8&1.1-.. bAd a.peded to enter. 1 - t M St Ckero 443 J ~rln WM'k by Euela4or lo -effort ' 432 KloAfat her 8CIU4d· t$1 Tot. Spot Tht' Marahall tt'llm woo to atay In the &....ea&ue rac.e. Q3-9l~W7•272'7 How n..., Stand l ..... -.. 1!18-771-!101·2330 play.ntf from Butlc>r'a ball puab· "'" I L ~ 503 447 ... ._ ~· 402. Pr. Locaa Keelan 8\.al"('k'• C':aft' McNally'a Navy Klwania Club L AD~Ui-........... ......... -0,..1 ~Hill'--~ t08 nark 414 .. r Drud1 · !I<M 3M Starc.~~·.- 8 Oqua.t 444 1 runbnu,.. !\23 8. Welah 450 A 'tlorvath :!10Z G Bro.kto•IIM' 4!\1 I era ••t)llt' \n tht cooaolation play- ..,_,. ott, the Yale meD came Weatherwall with a ••in over !ll~f80n'a volley. D. O.ria t.Slera. 11-T .. Retd o: Btlacoe w L I.U-••-'rolessiital Directory Da. ULPII D. BOABD .-..-naa.ur -IRJIWmN . OS'nlOPA'I'II ........ ·---.... -........ ~ ....... -...... --81CBTEa .... , ..... .... o... ...... ...... ........... ~ Dr. ~ IlL' Gnaad)' . ...,.... ... ~~a ..... )(_,..,. ..._. RottflltaJ <*!tnl Awe. at NlaUI .._ jln.: ••tt a.M.: 1·5 p.m. Tllleplnar ll Da.IIUbD-L GRAUEL CBAPEL "'W• Ou...-.ttae Bettt>r S.rorve 8)' Serrii{a 01hel"' Bt-st" ....... Newpert Ml c-ea--. D1L B. E. ft'ARI.D DENTIIIT LEROY P. ANDI'..IISON A'n'OIUID A'l' LAW c-Ia·-.......... ...-.u. e-ta ·-eaw..-. P.V.PAUD W.tr~ -lrwt!ler -.....,.~ 2102 Ocian Front. Ne'lll-port Ellpert.Swha 1''a~ .....,_ (JeW ...... &yeo--. ........ ALL WORK GUARANTEED IWY'S BARBEJ& ..... ~ .. --~ Mo1hersills Forrorrl)' at· BaMww ~ -.- NOW a-tll!il a& -,. Mer.MN l'laN PETROLEUM to ·SILK Yp er-doa"t clec:trfft J'O'I. For that llltlb'oue llqme the lady caD tbaDk u Oil ftU I . J'lnt, at1.be "UniYenity of Petro- ..._ .. (SheU'a fS,&OO,OOO neevcb &abor'atOriea) they pft'foruwd a mir- acle wttla ~ molenaJe. . • .. ud pt_.a product uecl in makJq lldlalt.e tor arli~ ~ New Throurb aimilar chemical acrobat- lea. the "Uninn ity of Petrole14m" baa found a potentially unlimited aupply of rlycerine. synthetic rub- ber, and T.-N. T. TWa VM•""Y knowl.cle• of ,.. IN I••• Ia what you bti,t, "by the ......... at Shell pu...-1 SHELL TWO SCIENTIFIC F,t.CTORS a(h·an~· the Road Performaoce Ratina' of new Shell Guoliae to Ul aD-time hilh: TheM>. two factors sa\'t! (In ~·,,ur co,-tl il·st driving -Stop-and-Go. :\1.! :ldtl a new thrill U) motoring. Your .S~l·ll denier has DeW. Solutized Shell (at ngularprke) and Shell ~mium--try ·\ .. . . DO per110Da.l recocoiUoo, the fault bC' nr entirely mlne! I llttll tblnk lw'a a •-II brldce player. ' • YOU'RE IN THE ARMY NOW . waa the keynote ot the dinner r•veo 'Jor Qr. T . P .• Jt,eeder, laat St!nday Dl(b t. Lew t war of 181%1 Wallace; M. C. abowed hia bu.ai- Dt'U tralntnr Ulroup hla humor- oua. ~ convtnctnr oratory ... FA!dieo t I Scream 1 Woorr bt!gan IILL-I CANAT WORK-IT'S -MV NERVES AGAIN Should t.hl"f't' important cities in were Henry Keams. Tom Ar-vuiOD. the county u~ Metropolitan watt'r nold, Jobn H. Bi&'JtV. Jr., Paul G. -------- exclusivt>ly, l"''presenting a ~Ia-~ Bry~. Neal Batte..-. OrvtUe 1.. E. RICHARD.ON ILL tiGn oC aboot ro:ooo. there would Hood. Jobn R. Chatftn. PauJ L. Edward Ric~ Mm of llr . still ~ 55.000 persons GVt't tht> 20.-McKallp. Donald H. Kay, Robert and ·lin. A. S. Rlcbard8on. -.. 000 maximum which tht> natural• WIUI&IDLiler, II. W . Braa'C. RJcb-dated •1tb tM Newport Beaeb wnter svpply will accommodatt'.l ard. Jr .. Marvla !Ae. RJcbard 1M&-Baak of America ! • retumtac. ('ol. Finl<'y !ltatt'd. mann, C. Lewla Edwarda. H. DOD-boJ:M today frop~ St. J~ Ha. Howt>ver. these cltif.'!l will con· aJd West. WWiam A. Weep, Jr.. pit.al w hen be wu coo.t1ned for a s Artflur Ray and William R. v-a f-daya ·wiUI a aenou. lllrep- ---------------------------' ZONING CHANCE OF ·I FUN ZONE REFERRED FreJa Dailv HORMEN nSH MARKET ON cmlft&L AWDW. Ji&WW •HW "Depe,nd on n1e, Dad r Tkat ntghth• tdcph•JIIC call ) ou m .. kc '" the f;uTllh· when \'u u're awa\' fmm home -11 means a lot I•• • .... ,J' "'·". the-m. as we-ll as to , . .,u• The •·aluc of muugcs such 3( the\c can't be tnca~urc-'d. ~~~the-um~,-Bdl~-~·,nnm,.,cng'nnn and <~pcratmg people-arc-hndlflg "'·a,·•rt>gn·c-morr service ior the ttleph .. nc dollar; to make 1hc scrv1ce d~ mo re-, ani dol It ncncr, ft~r m•Jre pcuplc. Iii • s'"""t...-e•••ww;a cccww cea•....--:--;r I~ E. 8a)· ·'"-:~ BaJa... T.rolof,-_ 1«1 liHARTA FE FOR SiEBER¥ ADD SERVIlE • * Fill your vocation trip chod-MI of Americ~'s fomcM Kenic wonderlands.. You cont._ include all cw any of these in yO« round trip via Sonto fe-Grond "'"'"Yon. many it con ~ done so eco1101nicolly * To serve you on YO« journeys, Sonto Fe offers A~rko's largest fleet of ultra· modem ·Streo~d ftyen, plut many offter'flne trains,' for &ocol travel M f(ansc:ontinentol travel between ' Los Angetft ond Chicogo -pro¥iding accommodoticns anti ~dules lo suit ony purse ond pwpose. DON'T a.n lAC• Of CAIN •••• ,._ NOall. u• MCMfY u;w con tUvn.Hs cawr , .. * SH•.SAHrA fl-r.,.,..,_a.fNfRtre• .. ..,...,) . .,......,. padoge!·s.iiD""''.,.,. ..... ,··-·-·-~~ ;·; ~k• ,_.,.. willt ,....1 •MI cle,_..latJi....,, hepi.'8 ,_ C:A.ar of,.. prot,l.,.... fDI PKTIII ~, flllaT •1 P&SSIHII IW.-&lllll. qJ YOII llllr& fl Allin .. · .. I MWJt Llllftflt ......,u.. 1.0.. rLO.. Coming En~nts In llarbor Area n-41S ~IS FeR ~ £NXNI<IUIT. • rMGLAO 'OJ GOT n<>SE ~ LAST Nt~· ~. t'AV. DON'T F'GET TO M).L 'M)SE C1RC'UL~S Q4.J ll-E fiRST! S~TTER POP-Now Look What Pop Filla In Fort DOROTHY DARNIT ' . POD! \N'HA"T ARf. 'OJ OOIHU 'vJini THAI OLD ~KIR"T , . .. ~ Tll .. :.-~DJ\Y , MAit('lt 1~. 1\'41. \ Arm,· fhief~ list Harbor .. Recreationar Fad lit it"'s rur A 0 V E-RTISI NG ... . . .• BUY I~ or Ill RE.NT - .. I H nusEWARES IUI'oiT"L.,_ NOTICE OF INTENTION TO"-ENGAGE IN THE - SAL~ OF ALCOHOLIC ·I .. BEVERAGES ~y C A.""C A.lW ... 'f'5 ~A.O BOA.T~ o• T"liR O'W"" llhyttt WtetMtt fltCA fltattl .. I Uflti"LUa •flt&AD & -SELL Music AL I NsTRUMENTa fltiii'OIIII.II&D 11PINITT&1 INI, ot'ly, tilt tnol~t tl... 111r ••• m t 0 • " 1 k"hml4t fill~ C-tptnr. YO Ne11'" IIUI" 14 .. ...... UHD· ~IAHo.-&lle. I fw ~ tac,._, t I ... 00--0Uiere I ' ..... ti?.CIO .... DeN..._.,.... ...... 0 c:.om, ...... -...... " .... .. II , ...... "'"'· • .. .... ftADIO. • 110 -~~. tt.M ~.­ ~~~ .. ,,. .•. ~ ....... * "'''"' c-.. .. ,. • ...,.. .. Mae.. , .. . ...... ........ .. .... ACCO .. OION::u... WI ,........; ~~~-.... , '"'·· --.. ...... ... .., ..... 1 .... o .............. 0..· ,,.,.,, .. Nlrtll Mal" 14,; ....._ ........ . ..... e~AL EsTATE Fo.r~~LI:__ TO T ... CC*e.IIIVATIV. PU,._ CHAMft 0~ -~L UTAftt- We -14 IIIII .. -*"""' .. ,. ... _,........ .. . ........ ... ~ .... -c..-. ............................. .... WILLIAM.otf A WILLIA..._ ·""' ....... ~·· roe .... C...trel. .. , ... ~~ .._.,.... .._ .. m . ••·• -----r Oflt .. ,,..,_, ,...,m "*"•· ••11111 ru...,,o.,.ft 0 • • • t • . 11.... • mnnth !lklllt. ''"' & fl'l-fltfl, ,.,,J,_ .......... h,r1 till '' ... • ( -·~- ( t' .. .,. a • • ---0 -•--0 -t NF.WPORT BALBOA NEWS-~. tlarport ~· ~ 'roESDAY, MARCH 18 .. 1941. ... , . Paae Four 0 . ' COR()JIA DEL MAR . THE WOMAN''S P.AGE NEWPQ~f.~BEACH COSTA MESA• BALBOA BALioA ISLAND LIDO ISLE Mn. f . L Trit* Elected President Of Newport P.-T.f\. !.II"' 1-.. L .. Trlf\1• l'·r,•mtn••nl In Newpb,l Harl•or l',l:tr•·nt T,.~, hl'r · AlsodHllfln t>vt·nt,. Cor many ~<·ar~ " ... f'l~'<'lt·d J•rr~llll'nl tof thv ="'"" · r.ort IJ~u t'll -f;ttlntmRr '~I ll '' n'l 1,.T .A. ftt t hf'tr m~f't 11)10: , ... ~, •·n111y In thf' krnl~<'rl(llrto•r T h t' ne w pl"f'lldt•nl Will IIIII t'l't ol l\t t I> ~(' Raroltl Hopk~n~ 1\'t{u h••" Wi~ltlr<l Ull' f:H\'1'1 fur ·'"'" ''•·ar". "'''""' DJ! aevrr111 •uro·•·~Aiul • '"'" Hflaln W1\ll Mr;, Trmr un thr'nffl ruo l boanl f'h·rt~\l '''""" r ·~ a •Ill: I:''~'' Uon llat ~1\·rn by Mrs 1ta1nlo l H o It z. numanatlnJ; 1 "mn111l"' chalnnan. "'"' ,. Mr~ 0 ·z lt,.l,.., I· !>t'rl' L ( llftty DorlJ{e ..• Phones 12 and 18) ---------------- ~oted Speaker to l>iscuRM Jlen-Amt•ri~ana Bt'fore Ne~·port Bt.•a<·h . Ehell < 'luh r---------------~--------,• feative Event Marb PilcJt'• Class Starts Bir;thday Of Vernon Your New S~nday School Dinner: Party Reveals Engagt'ment Of Miss Patri(•ia Whitson to Irving .. Man 0 . w .. ooHe, Balboa NEIGHBORS Group for Youneater• 'Ttw fn• n;tl~ "•ut\~on,.ln p '"' 1 r, hll It lhln.•·r \\ I. 1\1111"1 ~lr. anti :'ltrs. J::. ll. \\'hitson uf \\'lut"'"· lo··r ptllo•qt•. "\tr. land twrtn tht· tw•• Amrru•nn ~"""' l'•ro ~1 •··11·r 1-: I .\1• .. ,,: Sll•a\, ,,,., ... r 111,. ~~~~''"' dancln lio O:t:III\17.Btl••n ft f a . :!·II .S,antu Anf Aw·nUt•. :"t•WJ.lOI'I :\Irs.!'; Jl \\'hlt,.ul'l,' ht'r &rand l lno·r.h "11 <ltlOirNI at thl~ tlnw ,,,. M t(rrt h•·rf•,rol f' fl l:uol•l """ lot Vlelu Slate,. l-; u 0 daY ll•·r~ht~. annoonct'11 th<' .. n~al:"' JWI'I'IIh. 1\lr unci J\ll'li. r !\1. Card· ••lUll<· .,f th•• Eun•l"''"' "''""''" · '"'' ~··111 •1 1' I. II '" I. • '• 1'"111''1' lhl• ~··:~~1111 lwld Frlflay·l J.l l311 Martha F.llt>n Jo"i8her of RC'hltnl (1:1"8 fur yflun~ r<•vple be· mC'nt r\1 lht'ir daughter. Mt,.;; P"· nb·, Juett.:;• ftt1h1•rt Gnrdner, Jadt nn t t •11\t I 1<11\'ltio·~ Ill l 'tll'l \\'nllno•o· 1111.1 :.t A AIJIIIotl o·\LIIII•t.: 111 ""' (hill'll,mg Newport ,T100 W e at Bay haole ta.rt>well gun by the Pllntll Cl&llll of lhe olnda \Vhitl'On, 10 r;•!TI>' Wull, llnddnnund \trnmand1•r and Ml'l. A~:~~~"' ~:~ur.t1rii:'H, "'II 1..-~~;,,.,.. :.1111 :.1 .. 1ll• 1 1•1•'>< d···l "1 I 10 ' .n·•' \':o• ht ('Jut, "'811 l.be ~:ala ' again to Newvort Balboa u :~he Ch~illt <"'hun·h by tht• St•u w a II """or :O.Ir. and Mrs. F. L. \\'all of lfatJdon. n l loy l\lo ~. A 1: Ktpp. Suutlll'lll ',,.tllh "1 •1 "" t(ol t•·to tahl" nftrr ·ltH thol><' '..tdur•lr<tn for Vernpn l·entrntnoo Sunday for Srot.t ,.,eld ronipl~tf'l1 by a group of yCiun~ l rvinr. Sunday r>vrning at a cilflnt'r Annther Jliii'IY ••wnt in honor ot l trxtrio't c h:oii"ToiJ.n ur rnt"rn:tltonal th• ftlll ut •I&> ,,,.., •.•• n ° \\ 1'~·1.1· t.:l\"••!1 uv ·""•· Wr•••lll", llllnol•. t o Bee fur the ti01t tim~ folk l''riclny f'V(·nint.: tit ._ ~<peclltl rn thO'Ir churming homc·. ·; thl' 1:nurrh-Will bo• •'i\'1·11 toni""'t 1(.-l~lHtfl "~, ~· ll ~h~· ,&d•ht.•MI'~ tl''-' N••WJ"" t' J-!t'll<'h t:t,.•ll l 'h1ll Tit II,.._ tltty l&ftt•t llonn f..P4"'1tkU't) on t ht• t"Jl"' "l'tn Am•·rr•at u ' Th•• pro. ~:nun "olt loolloM ll ~JII 111~ lluu h •'nn tJu,.tt•!"fiit·•l t•~ l h •· budJau~ o .. rr.l)ll tt .... ~Irs 1\IJII' httl' a ll• ncl••l lflfl"Y ~~ut~t..--tndlntr: f uOft~t I rut....,.. :llhJ f 11n \'o·nll••nl' ,, .ul•·n o.o tlllllltl 1m h .tliJ ·h,ul .t h l! .\"(t•V• Ill ( .. 111 \\ \UL'" ,.,, r·l·tl tHnu• r. I h mf't'tlng lh h r ,. I • ,., .... '"" And Cr.1ft~ . • , . , , nw f!r I'I,~W nephew born Mart·b 12 ·n i' omt• " •1t' Jli\H '<)r. Jrnrnc•dr!tt!' mC'mbt.•rs nf.J.ll,· ram· h) Mt~" Juarutll Lut::cl rn hl•r holne ~io mht~ ~ .,, II·· ,\ I• •n•l ,.,,,., • \\'"lllr '~"11 · 1 Il l: t'' 1 e;: mba~-~ to .M.r. and l l r•. R. L. .O'Tooll'. Hcv. F.. 1..1 c • .w .. tt. 1ly as drdhct· ~II!'Sis W('!'e tht• first ' in Balhna. Tho• nfr;ur wjll aiJJo be S•·• I H•Il' .• 1 .. ·rll llw11 lut •. .\1""" • 11 ~ 11"' 1:"' '' 1"' ~~~ •· " he t ~ Mr'a. O'Toole Ia the alater of Mlu ' lfl1111 Lorna l!o·ltll~ ft! Balbn;t ~·lUI If•~ ·lt·am uf the bo·throthal """s ~1\·o·n tn ht•n•w of· LNmard Stat· \, .. ,lurtt.: ,.1, '"''''" ,,,, <l<t-t .• tlllr ,,,, .. "1'1'1"'11"'"1'':V1°';! ~~;r Jo'hih~lt and daughter of Mre. J . elt'l't~l to prr1hlr ovc>r tlw group 1'1'\'t•aiPd by l\11· and :'\'tri'. \Vhjt,un. ftWfl \\IW lt·av•·~ 1-liot·tlv fur Jack· k11 n 111~-: • ('"", ""'it .. d <J"•·• " 1 '"1'1'"' 'un,:r.ll'llutt•• 1 1 )04Ul H. •··ahf'r of BalbOa who 111 In fur tlw romrng yrnr. ~~~~ t01>k the prumnwnt 'rigun·s in :-.: .. wport ~otn\tllc·. Flortola. '" o·nl~st in A.rrTt,y h> ""' 1 ul t \1• '''"' 1 ~ "'' lu :.·d :.1. • 1 · 1'·'·''" "'11' ··~ l iar>• e mu• c was ' the Ealtt-rn city a lao. ~$\'el fr om Ray mono I .-.IU!Imsn. ll~1rhur, and hy tho• rlr;,mord :-oli· AI~ ( 'm P" IU'I!Vitll·l'. •hn ,.11 tt1,1•11 ,. '1'1\rlwr .1 .. , \\'.1" :·rrnhh•·•' 1'1' Ita\ Hamon anti• hla . Attend lnatlllatlon prt'&loit•nl 11( thC' Pllul'll C'htM who tall'!' Y.'ttrn h~· tht• hrr<lo"o·lt•\'1 Tit•' '" li .. rrv \\•1•11 \'"'"' ,;, .... ·••oll•·•tr:r oluruH: tr. .. •l an•l ng Cnmmooorf' an.J ~,.., E, H wH~ th<• ll'mvurary chalrm:~n "' .umtounct•nwnt cam.-prior to Mr. Mrs. Vincent Goodnaa ~: ~: Ji111111_1n ,1 ', "'"' \~ , .... ~o. h•·"1' ... toa. h •1"11""'-.1·" •rwC'Ial Rt .. ltt'n of the B;.;tboa Yac''ht Cl .. the ev£·nlng j\lllliating ~tlss !!.UII11 \\'all', t'nlt~lm<•nt this "''<'k m tht' •:• r 'I .... ' l••r 1111 lnlllll' frrl'ncls u.. I .,. rf' ... . S· I H A s . \\ !! l " 11 " • N H y ,.. att~ndt't.l the form•' liutallatlun d.~ off ro•' s art• l.>t>nanl ~II" Adams. ~In!! C'ltm'IS <-Orp:.s In olll a onoree t urpr1ae I 11 • \\t•"•h• .... In lh• '-"' a.t. \1 ··-'"'. . ,., ... , . I or offlrt'r• or thr Long Bea.t'h ;~~·~> ll;;;::l~~rnt : !to~:~~,.;!:~ .. Walk· . anH • layette Showet ~~~~~~~mw~~~~~~~:~<.r~mm.~~~~~~~~--~~--~~~ tttr r .t , I h•· ,.,. • anwnt " •• r I' 1 tl 1 :-..; \ • 1 r•nrlram••r lanan. 11 0 r h 0 r prominent were ~~<•dal t·hu n r.ar.. ·~ W yuunJ.:••r ,.,. • <' 'rnr A 11\lrprlllf' tayt•ttC' ·l!hOwer fol· au•HI••r ,onol Mr" 111111~ Mtn rt~• o•h:urm.on .. ,llfu1111 th .. r•· 1" 1 ,, •. •;, v 1"'/1 n n _.,tt•nl.lanc~. Barhrr pul>lk lly thalrm:•n and llarht.or whp,-.,,.hro :tlll·nc1r11 '1'ht•l. IOWID " the t'\'t•nin"''• ~ntert&UI-Founder nc County ,,.. · .. " n. '•r•!triZ ''""lfnt. ·• Sh<' i~ a .....;r1 1 or :-.; " 10 t f111 "' " Wellh h!Jtllr•r•h '""'"" ""'' ''""' '" th•· llll•ln•/11' Vol Ml~~ :-.:urmll ...... 8•·y n .. w .. r rh:.ir-1-..... 1111 ,. • ,. I r I . nwnl WI\~ lx'i!tUWt'ti unnn Kra. = .. • • II• r 1 '1 II , " "' 0 "111hl St. Patrick'• Party 1 t' II h "· h I .... h ,-. o1 P .T A. '"''Ill ,,.. t~ ln~<tRtlrng n tc•tlnJ: • unt.lw t•·•l hv lll r11 ro'uJO.fll Aaaiatance League '···· ~ 1 ',., ' · <~e Wllh aometbing g nr man •or "'''" 1~ :"'' (l(t \~u·r~· s '' \'imrnt (;mttJn••JO!I Thut~day ..,._ 'llfflcf'r. M Rulhf'rfurc.J I • . ,, ""''' " I I r \' \V •• I I' h . "Y rt'i'n F'ullumn.. (h.. ..1.--.·•wo u( u(· "'"~ ··c1 .'hi' l..:'td If\ ~·'\'t•r.,:-11 ~llll~tal n•rt • nt thl• D n 1-' Club meeUn• G ,.,, :., •.. I';• ,,, 1 t.• ,.11 Yale • H L ~lae, wu the com manti IIISII~d by (I ., ·v _. . •dmmatrc prt-.dut·t 11m.. ( •mllllll.lfll-: • f.: • Tbe pri\Crunr u( tho• tlay ..,.,.,. 8egonlaa Are Theme [·ntertainl roup 1 'allot. •• 1 'I\ .on It all. T \\'til· hn. .. tNtllt>l! f•or ~h•• Pilot's CIIUIS party rc·rs 1h•· J!!'uUfl votc·ol l o u 11 P , 1 h I' s 1 \ J nl 111 tho ( 'm•tn Mo·sa hurtle of Kra. furnllbt'd b)' •,a •ymputltUtn 11 f I h • , I :It •·"" 1 an•·t 11,. qf lu • l' (. 1 h 1 8 corning Thurlklay iJ) t h c> "Light .,_I C'fW'II" ad 1 hf' nam; for ':·r ~r nn rpa.; at.· an a ' 11'1 . 11 •lr t-:dwnr o1 1-:ttu k -:'<Jili\'liV'l"'iJ!IR:Dol4' ''"nJ"" "'''"' lllliJII=f'ol hy Str" II 1'' ' " , ... , hnd ~In• 1 ,... lht•rr t'lll.ill ~11 s Jo'J.ilt' :-.1-'wlbn·' 1 "11•'1;''· :\II~,. \\hlll>Ml 1'"'''·'01'' :.f· F·,rvur•.antJ IIJ•JIOintrurnls &fUr .... .... -J "'.. .hm··-In '"" ''"'"''''" "' '""" l'lr;~t 'burch by the St"a. Mt>m·. . ~ . • "' R u frli:IIM with thl' Sl<tt•rhnolf! nr Q C'atoln:r;a ~lu·on ul ''"'''""dol .\lao t lr• A~ll'"t."'' ,. 1.• •rll• 1: i " • ..;• I'll• •' ~11•·•1~ "'"' lutrr )111 11•·•1 bc'rs whn art' negligent and fnr· whv rr•tlr<'d Ill' h•tu•hrr uf 1111' St>in~rc•rs ltnd \lllh tho· dr :unat ic lht• surprise mntlf waa revealed V.••ll k nown '"'):tlfll.• !llliii .. III Y ·'' ,,,, ,1 oro• ,.1 .. ,,1,,;,1, "''IC' 51·1llo·•t l!t•l 1., Y..•~>ar snmetblng green will l'rt .. t's ('1,.," r••~ntty at t't•plt't.l thr· ;lrt-.. · "ert' in ptnk and wh1te. Durin~ Iaiii Thuol'llny" ··n ... o•llll.: <•I th• t'o·llnt ~ o·nto·rl '111' 1· ,,. 1 ion .• 11''"' " In It I I t I t1 L ht t t hr I I II h t tall • I I I ~~ f lti l'l:'llli.I:.Lllllll l•b,.lll j:O l:f" 11 lllld "' o!o• 8f'i'"lllt· lit• oluly ftllt'd following Inspection \ a 11111 u IIIII Ill• 11' II( IJ••r (i:tl1!'t' I' :t f.:l'.'lliiJHI•• nf ('c)O rtH• 111:1! Jl II,\' I g. Cll y 1 : •• rot•·n :-'•·ol "'' "nu·h ""'' wrllo . ·' •··· " w " ' " • • at 7 30 Kfll•JO>t·r:t •lunn,:: thC'tr ~ u n day .. , .. ntn anol attrnde(l fi('Ort' was o:arn<'d hy .Mr11. Roy ... ra. u-njamtn Mu .. ll••r nf N<'"' at Ill·· :-.;.,~1.,11 II III"'' Y c.lol •·d l·.•l'ntlll'l Ltlol•· 111 Ilk"~'"'' :-1. I' 111. 1 ,,.. Ana :'l<'hnul~ f 1 1 .. . -oc • • mumln .. C'lllllll nr11t I'IC ttl' nn aoi· 1 'UII:C' A 3"•·<' a ,..ut' .... of Ule ~ IH•I I l.l'iltlo ...... I UIIII!t' tnl nlll· 1'11111 'lhllt >ld •\ It• ""''"" ,. •. ,, .: 1'11111 k ''""'"''" t ho• tnlll lr , .. ,, Jolll So,.orlty . r . I I I "''"'" """ .lunioH· Cnllo•t.:~: lllt'l' ' .,. .. I I 11 I •'•·1 .,,,.,, ·, 1111 ltHliJl •• "r•·~>n • '""· 1 +ie!en Csrt1"r •0 -x•--~• B&lb•1a I \'ISotr ' ur,•n~: ~ 1'1 r hrn(11 1 1 1 1 1 11 Y t'Vt'· 1 r:u,. .. f,•rrin» to lh<' t tniv,•rsil\· of nln,:: "''19 Mnt. HuwdtJ . Patter· Ill" tht• do•lllllll' t•lltnl " WR>t c·at•· I' 1111~ fn• -lh•· •11'1'1 ''11' 11111: 1111 " ,... .,... ..u>t ..., t tl " · · I 1 I I f' I 1...., t.._ .. •·1 l•···•t 11 •,tl.• ".' ,., . ., un·' wtu.h• lllland and Dorothy B. Paddock of nr ng dm:·,•' nd•X· " lN.' w ,.,h "' C'nhfnrma nt 1../1~. 1\n .. r•l•·~ \\ hr•r'''l~<nn 11 1111 er· rt·.aw. ,ue Je .-a ·•r-lull.v outhn•·•l lt.nd srw•h•l """"·1•~,~ nn•u.ll 1"1'111:'' 1'"1"1" ~"" ·'"" "' u .. h t " h tl t CliJJ n.t•nll(oflt•oi ft•r th·• ,·llmfl tf' .Juno· o; 7 ·o:•·l , m "".,'" o•f h••rn~< and Whllltlt~ uhtl Hottth Lagdna Beach were wei. ae~oln .... ,on ayf 1 1"h <'lll1',.1 "1 1, .. 11 Cl h•· Wttlt nlltdr " m••mllt'l' or Phi P~i 1100 "' 0 re-.:cn Y cam~ ~ • thr "'''''"r •·•·ntt•r , ,., ,.. a "'rt·~n· romed lUI -new e .. em..,...r• n t' r o 11 a11a : · . · fom lu from China. She h&a been Rrtllth ll~< lhf'rr nr·" .,oot 0 ,,•mlfl'r w 11 a;~r. .. cl h•·rr l:rir:";rt~"nfi··~·~~rarr'itrnnge Count y Delta Gamm a . · · ' No dl'f~ date has l>t'••n sl't 8 hWIW'J(U,.,.t of the Pattereoaa tr••nt h••r :-;an .1-"t urll'"''" tr~om•· ro· rn "1111 t:l an I '"loman wa• ... at.-.1. Alumnae aaaoclatloo t..t wee 11 nrng choosing 8 St l'atrio'k's ~ay : hy thr cnupl<' as yl'l but lhl'y rf'·1 for a l!hnrt time. thr ~,,,.,, Otht't" ~11,..11•11111: ..,.. .... f'l'ltt l•·, IIIII! b•·•·n nunw•t ·····~I tr:'""''" 1>,\' ttw htlllte ... Mrs. Vt'heD Ule g roup met In the home motif thrnughnul lht• game hour \'NII('c1 wl'ddinP Cl'f'('moni<'s will• Altt>Dlling thE' event were ~~~-. MC'stlamel W .M Ynunlt' r h11ir· J '"' • and refrnhmf'nt CollrM Prizes " 1 :1 o-rt 0q ,... s B a-.... m· ""l:"r nr tlot' shHw Als" 1 " \o\ 1•~•:1,. nf MIA Elizabeth Seely In Tu.l · --nnt 1ak<' plllCI' until ni''CI yt•:t r. c emc>11 ...., u "'• . . ...-..- __ ., •-'Ill lh b ... t tllkt' J>art In lhf' I'VI'nl will lH' lJl..,.. (u. ·Ulc .:ucst h&t for drnner tin at vuloua dlveralon• were won Hnnonl Couple I Harry Bak~r. Roy Pa.tce. 1!4 •.---era ..... nc on t' 1111 pt' · {' bow " h 0 1 th 1 by [)Qnaljl M'·Adama. a.nd Ruth Cormnandl'r and Mrs. S. F.. Ec:Uck. F.lm~r Patt.er110n. Roy Bar· "Coowrvauon of ·Tim~ antJ t·uunt_v llllllllla,r.'l' uoltll n f. tht' "'"'' ~f!s 1'v u ., anu er 1 ...._UTDI e meetng an 0 C t d h 1 -, - F.ftor•' .. 'O.m•rd ttut:ll "•ood '" ~A•••• 4 na-l.u••hnce 1••..-. In-~..-l.ua.. Kalb.uiDe-C.Db..b "P""c«ment unn. oUI'all an r ar t"r mem· lladc1on of Balboa l!'land. uncle row. H09o'ar<J 'Pattnwon aDd~ ~ ~ ~. »rnm~~r s~·anCf ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~lm'xr!M~MY~~~rlt---..._......, II'IQA)frt GfC t.roduc~ the topic and alllll •trco ... I l'lutJinJ( ~ halbur are..,., ~'uller. l•f luws. hnUIIt' guf'llta of M 18 e167th annual lo'OUDdua Da) -..41 • .,_ d L~-tm .. ,1 d M _......,_ .,... ,_ naymon .,... an. • r. an ra. tainE'd in honor or Mr. Wall Sal· With M•a. Robert WIIU&ml A.-. ~to-, Jlip, ~· e;l thf' valuf' or m~lr durIn tc ton. Anah,.lm and Oran~·· Malt:a F:lleo .. ,shtr. auou pruf'nt quet and pro~ram waa 8Cheauled R. C. Owen. Mra. Elmore Hayden,. Ul'dlly night a~ flle Laguna IIDtel, ll. ..--~ IQI'fWtifnf'S .-.., • lellurf' Ume. Hf' t1 lnatructor of Rrn•·t• the ml"f'Un~ •latf' a Is•• an•! llr nnd Mn! Albert Soiland, for ldarcb 1~ In t.be I.a. Angete. ,.. ... •1111 L'J · • l unu ,,....,. H ,.. S'-bl ... w . ...,,., .. rases Lo:na • •· ""more tht' occa~ion being a farrwf'll dhl· -1 -....t'J ...&... a..LJic millie a' lhl!' .,.ammar 8Chool. rna· kl'd I lle ho8teu'11 blrthtla)' D : :• >ll ll " r. .-er, .. ra. omen • At.hlt'Uc Club. Alt.endinl' • ._ d d ld .,_ b R b •nu _.,or~&~~ I •· I J V I n.ay en. A eta e ... r re. ul nPr bf'fore thfoo..~itl eaii~I-D-:.1-..i-efub ~ UabHitx., w..oru iJ 0 ActlvJUe• of tht> F'l.lture F arm. 11111111trn~e hnetuw11. Mn Wrlllam Adt..rl' Hou~h. :ldr• l r r n I a I from bere waa Mra. Hal WUI Dunn. Norma Kelwy. Edna Walk-for traiQjng this Wf't'k at San ta' .unu•'ll::' •' 't ~1 eN ct A.Jper1ca at Newport Har· Thnrnton Whitt'. Jr of Hatbor ('3811,. !.'Lilli June Wbittelnore, Sm ith. R 1 I "'--'--H t_. 'f _., -bor Unloa Hllh School Wt>rf' told 1 l•lanol'a !ld t.tl'lf. C'harlf'll lotnr11mt>r L8 nc'""Y l'ht'rman IAonard KlnjP,'a· .. Froze"" Lurtc:heoft e!· uth Campfield, A ~Ct' Ladllftg . Mar ia. n &~.J'~D OIDe ' bY the tn . .truc•or. Horacf' Parker f'lum ot 8¥ta Ana plannt'<.l u a bakf'~. ~·r• F1nrC'nre St.e11·ut and I With the aur.tance ol 8 New-Elsie Ne..,•land a nd Donald MC'·j · Table appointment!l remindf'd IIOWA&D "· on••a . ~ I ~ d ., d 8 b I 1 Adama. . ~('ll. til of IM. honor'N''s flyintr •Mre. Albert D•ck-· .. o6 1011 .. , •• o-tnl A- 1 wtlo u the IMCODd •peaker ft&\'f' •urpr1w t.hl' prf'~e~~tatloo of " · lt"SH~ an " CJf amu r e Y port Helpu W.S.C.B. Circle mem· _ _ _ _ _ __ r1U1It"5 for plac-e cards WI'~ dK'or-1 r;u-• .-p~n o1 the boy' a tralntnc a.nd pif'ttlly decorated c a k e wrvf'd !: t J <'l ,.,;. Cnnlu:-.. C:rund,y. W. A. "ben. a demOilllraUoo from the 1 I Ocean ;•t:tended ba.pltaii-JIIall,.,.. ._.. ..._ • ..nmc alllltty. Orv111f' Brown. with Ow! lu"~ df'uert «>Urw Ka. k. \ lctor Graef'. w . H. Mu· EJ!celator Creamery wtll pre~ a Family Reunion In a ted with miniature airplanes ar-Ue• Tue membera ot 1111!' I boy ecout -leader ot the Newport Brldgf' follow~ l he luncbeon wf'll. Harry Dahl and Ul~ Wroo-f~ food!~ lunebeoa to IU"ta rangf'd by the ho;'tt'!IS, Mn1. Had· bridce club for luncheon and card ' Beach troop outl'ned tl)e hlet<WY bour. . Luea. ot ~ c:lrca. Jl'riday, ~ 21, Kinafather l:lome ~;· ~U.';';'5w':!: ~'~~.~~~play .. u,m. W. 8'1'~ of BIIOUUDJ aDd t o ycf~ t a ad Gueeu from lh~ N.-wpnrt Har..-. Ill Ule Ouut Cbureti 1ty tbe BeL KeUy pHtl. p&ramCJ\Ult Oil ~ ....!:"-....,..,... ,.._.=-am Yaau.-. Coocludtnl(' t b di8CUB· bnr A•llta.nce ~e branch ua uaed candlu. llhamroclu and Tbe aimllar' 1~ wu pre. A aprlng family reunion wu play!ng c ard,. Gueau Included tall lea and br1d ... pn.a, wu altiD !Uon Mra. FranC'n Ulea from the were IU prealdent Mra. Robert E . g rHDt''}' for I •Y color. ' ~ wYer&l weeb ace> for the obaerved In the .Newport Helpta M .... Emma Stieve. mother of Ule uect In table appoi.Dtmeata at tiM <>raap County Adv Board R.ou. of Coata MeA and M r •. Guu ta coo~ratul1Uo1 4W boo· K-l"'1ccay A..fteraooa Club aDd bome of Mr. and Mra. Sam kina· hoat~ ... from San Dle1o and Mr. luncht'On hour by Ule dl.,.... ,...,AJfWI and a1t1cer In Uw Girl'a ·H c:lubll Harry WHtover of Corona ~~~ oree were Mr. and Mn: E. P. mucb enjoyed. tatber by membera of Mra. Kina-and Mra. Paul Wendland, Mra. ba.t.e•. Tile' putal c:oler note ,. &'t'IJ In Uae couut;x. told ot tbe ,pracUc:al Mar. ~r1e. Pbyllll ~r,e, Mr. aad lllhumMI father'a tamlly all day"Sunday. May Moore anct Emil WeDdl&Dd waa .aa •r1"&Dppllent ot ---... P.A--aide ot U.. c:tubll ID that 11rla were Mra. A .H. Ptlwera, Mn. 8 ad l• u eoa.a 1Uad Rhumba tunu re.tiYttlu be~an wttb a buffet alao ct San otero; Mra. r r • d a peaa. Prtae wtnoen ,...... ...': ~ ~:.... .. ta.Pt to ·-ucS bow-to buy· Hoaror f....&)-. C...• Irwin. Mr. and M~. RAIJ)illnrta, wW 91.bn&.e uaroup U. ban. ol lltylt dinner at QOOO boet.eeMd Umbenhower aDd ¥ra. Ida Brlftk..IR&ym~ wykoff and lira. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..a.rtaiL===:.... ________ '7 l(r.:..,., and Mra. l"'11nk lll1lwmaa. u. N-i-t 11anor Y-=tat Oub ~. lin. Kluf.U.... Tbe after-man ol OnD,e aacl Mr.· ud Kra. Barker. Mra. • J..lO)'d J'Dipr ,. On 15th Bi.dadey Wra. t•llf'll~.oriy, Burrtll PamMr Tltur8day ntpt wbeD the Oomua ..,_ .... ...-t Ill c:~aeua. aad J'nDk SUe!• f1l o.ta ~--u.. boacw ,n.. 11r.d )Ire. Naylor. Club bold Uiefr annual aprln~ Ai p&rty followthg 1 o'c:Joc:ll buffet Plfoaw tura to Pap S a~pper. Harry E. Wellb ot Balboa CHOP SUEY FJliED SHRIMP At Naylcw Home. ' Speda_l. Luncheon - -30C CiliA lOlSE ChinCS(! Alana~;ement HIB-821 So. Mal• St. -SANTA ANA " for romlD• Eveata lalsnd. new pre.ldent 9f t.be club "' and Mra. Wel.ab wtU be on the --' 'In hnnnr saf .. l'Pd P G~otgt''l! 1\:'llh bit thd'ly, mrmber11. or hla folmlly In thr h~trbw •r~>a ~~:ath· .. rf'(1 Iaili nl~:hl In the hOUlt' of ~!r Pntl Mr11. 1-'tllnk Navlor nf A J'i•lt•nt~ Rt re.·t. Halhoa llllantJ. 1 hoet commlttf!f. ~ In the ,. rhumba will be &1ven jlllt pr1or to --------------the danclntt: houra. RE:AO H jrhltJ!hl ur· thr "~nlo~r .,.u ,._ ~"II' olo11t n• •• tt'l .. tohunt' \'All madt' .. y 1-h•• honor .. ,. tu frl••n11,. rn '""''·' Tht' r.•mllln•l~>r·.,f l .,. <"'""'"g wa~ r<p.-nt In playlntr c•ard~ t •, ml•lnon1: tlw hlrthol'ly ar d !'t lo '• l'"lv t••o•O•'f'll, lhP ht>!ll· Hfctln-.~ rurd lt:Iy ~lm' ('lU\•fp.-Hf'N' I' \II'\' of 1 r,.tr,.. ""'' " """" amnunt t•f d•ntap donr ._,hf'tl r Sof'ortty lfttttlate Mlai Carol June-Hanaen. daurh- ter ot Mr. and Mrs; JuUua T. Han· I Nn of 911 Nor\!). Bay Froot and I I Coral A v~nu.-: Balboa leland. bas be~n Initiated Into the Pt.,Bet& Phi 1 aororlty at t he Unlv~r•lty of Arl-1 I zona 11·hne 1he II a fre•hman. 1 MI., Hanw~ graduat~d froJD Har. 1 bor. High In 1940 and Is t"ffroll~ In the colleJtl' of libffal arta at , tht' unlveralty . Health" E•ama ' Mra. A. S. Rll'hardiWD of Bfty Std.-Drtv.-I• finding tim~ from all her othu dutlu to lake-· charge I , I of the COnJfl~te phyelcal u~ lnatlunl! for yiJunJt~lf'n at the> ..1 Newnort Bt-ach C::ammar S<'hOOI I cOna~tia "'by the .QiiDP ec;~~-f.!!:;.l:;.,..:sL~~~~~ Health Department. S e ; era I ·end~• of llt8denta •·tr~ t'ltamlDea hllll Wl·('k and ml)t(' l'lnMt>IJ ~·111 be callrd Tuf'sd&y. ~larrh 2~. _ I -• I on ,Jl, ... u•t~ ··.tt' ~ ~· "''?' •Ill .... 1'01....... l -. 812 Wi-1.11 -T "Y .\I 1~ ~~ · .~ t•l t 1 .-r (I l •