HomeMy WebLinkAbout1941-04-01 - Newport Balboa News Times-~. TJaeUa~ . O:i:'n~ -ISSUED SEMI· ·. WEEKLY I .. , J-~ \ \ '···· -· ---BALBOA A\CS "MID-WEEK I' EDITION '-'U' .. _,. ...... y, LIDO ISLE. NEWPORT HEIGHTS, BALBOA ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR, COSTA MRS~ ---: --EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA, WEST NEWPORT, SEA SHOitE ------ f \'OLIDR ~..:;:<01 St:WPOaT ~· ('\l.n 'HIC'I\, T' t ~ll \\, \I'ICII. I, lttU " ---tt--r 8 h F . ~l·t· Laguna Neighbor HOLY sMoKE! N-outs to Aid .$50_,000~ Re·s-t.dentt·af \'!1rl0u!JA~t:, ~::~lry JOkt'~ l'u.r r~ge~ ea ... -~-·· act I leS Bcwsts Newport FLEAS ATTACK In Outdoor ~~~:'::i:S~:.:.~i~;· :E For· c -. ldaers Who ~~~.~.r •• :,~" ,~~: Pi>ESTRIANs ·:~.~·.~.~,. ~.~·:~ ~ .• , ....... P roJ· e ct ·~to ·start AJ•nl F o <)I jok\' t•Ht•ctlng ~ "' -'-·~" \\ 11 t ( prubabl.v lht' "rMlttat num-d 1 I..'Ij.!Una Ht-nrh-tmttl'll......_ ...... ,. '""I' "" """1"'ll• ,., " 1 h "• 1 "'""'' • '' •I '"''"'"''' '" 11 I "-R ~ suJa .. p Th L ll'nllJ<.•I' 111160 uf ........... .,._ h It hi•-""' . """ •.• ,. 1•1"11~· • A bt-r Of ,.,.008 IA'Illo (1\at JKlr • te t . u • _.' 1 IOII'II:Io. f,u tlw t ..... lu ~11111 1'0 • .~ IS a· n . ('UIIIl'." to l>otollnt: })Is tOWD. J'lft•"" "h···· "''"". ul ......... ,I I II• n ~nln r_ea JH,'lratrll by Heln.t Kal..ller All ro c f 1 1 1 • 1 t 1 !I 1 I tl ~1 ·I Ju.•, l'hll IA IUl a &Old~ Ur oJIIL'\1 "'"' I It'll \\II \\lltl"ltl .,,,...,., •• ''' h' ,1 ·'I .~ loo prt'l!ltll,.nt or lat Liona. the I ""'1 .. t • • .. • · l"tl) ""''' Jlrumuii<IO m b··-~ .. t,·'~ "1111! •11 '""' 1., 11. "" •• ,. '"' ·''''' "' "" IA'I:"'" ~~'"""'' 1 pukt•r fal'f"d Ht'tnr. illformf't.l •l•·clolo~l lu tlu a bit of bl'llrK'UIIlj; f1,•~tH IIIHI '""I' "I'"" 1111 1'1•''"'''"' llllhh.ll•l II·•"· 1\,1• .,,...tlln all Jut w~eJI thML • ;1... • ·I out and hn• n11w adoplt'CS a IUO»I "U~I'''" 1111: II• 111n,. '"·' '"I'"''"' I ,,( tht' progra m thU; Wt't'k wnuld ('hamL.~r ~aders ComR)~nt On OuJectronR J.:o'lh'IUU..' Ult 11Ut1t• loward ttw •n· ,., IIHII•• I ,,., " J "' lo.'lt~l •:•l .. '"'1"1 ' ( ··'"""'' ,, •• lh·· ( 'nntdrlK'tion of Tt•n Hnmf'H n"' tw a aut_. lf'Ctunr I r o m ~ _ 1 1 .. · • "h ., .. ,, t ,4 t ·t•ftlfftt •·, ,. .. •ul-. 1 ~ ~.... H Sh ttn• ('\wt'l luw .... ~If ·I~ ufl4lflll"' lh .... r ''1•"'11"" I•• I I' h d Th I ' s (' nt'f'CUH• to lillY the Raised to Soldiers Visiting er~; ep-r-;,.Wf">rt llat·bor IO S.n ~.. """"' " • ""'"'"'"' '"' Arthur llh ""'"'>I .loohll :-. ...... II .. ''"~"·'I )urn am an ermon 1\t«.-anll •I John f), -. Repo~ .I Wfly Ott Why f proteuor latl .. t.l tn ahow up. sa·tes Stwli.edJor IIIli lht·m~ "'unusulll aDd" 'b:' Krttn···· "'"'' tlh·r·· '"""" l•rt··\'· llol \\ '"'·'"' 1'111•1} ......... , 1-'c•rt•runn.oor of NumcrttOM I ----...Allll--tbillu.ut._,t~huc..:.,_jallt~o.~t.~:.cnnu•la<•un.c.ce.c.. __ .. lt&lL--1---J1WlPLti--tRe"' ~-1~ '1'.. •• ..,. ... _.. .. 1 1 , , ~arr• .,.~ -·--IIHI\oro,.jii<Y'• .. Iln lh•• ......,tp~_l Af'll"' ••I I 'Ill' Ill lhr 10 llr\ li•\ '••••1•11_~•~11 h,!'''£''!! . ."1 1 ... ~ good. -:-• f ('' t Ammunition l)t>pot ::-;''"'' '" ·~·.ul.-d · we~contrt t-:u t "1 ", .. -hi I• II·;::-::;; ~l•rm,.T •·..L·I•·••t.:·· "1 11"' ,,.,. "'"1"' • ""' •rnJl'<·h4-'or --.---•r--... .,....,:--""l<:---.....-----~ IA)('at10n 0 · wlan , "TI"· &•uth Cu1t..~t At••·n .. •· "''"' ~~··· s .. nh H t\' • ,,. "''' .r u"''''''""' , .. •-••:•m .. 1 (~nMJ'H .. Why of\ "hY mu.t a ·amall IIIIDOnty of IIT~pon•lbl~ ~r· eooa coo duct t hemJic' 1\·u 110 u t h UlopriVe the majOrit y of t-a.•r KoUlf Cl~n. or the Ulle of p~tbi.Jc facwu... Tbl' pa.t WHkeod 80!2lC!ODO With .a dl.t!· t«Ud KPat! ot hWII.Or tore out plumbulr fllltw.a from. Uwt public rutroom.. at Bal- boa Oamqe wu $3~. and baa a teodt>acy to rutrtct the aJIIOUI)( (>f faciJIUee a City Ill ·•nUanr lo provide tvr t h e pubhc· Fn•·ndl~ ln•ao.t(ln, ~o·,,.nl 1:. •• to ,, "•I lluutllh t:•h llo·o" "I "\\'h\' this olJiu..·tion to soldil•r 00\'S corning hl"rt'~.. 1 "A ':•·r) bt·uutlfuJ JC.'CtJca olol ~_:-lly•' 1"M "'''" •· '"· '" ""''1""1" '' '" ·•"··n•l 111' •'·"'• 1 S t111'1 u( n ~wl.uun ,.,.,.,llc•lltt.tl tlo·\••lt~JIIII\'111 "l'u~rnm In ~~ • • <'IIJ•· c v.•~t mt-t•ts the eye ...., '"'''""'' ~'"'''' ·rh• fiW tl•·u "'"''""I' '·'''· 1 ~. •' ••. , " "~\'h~· ask our l10~·s to pro t('(·! .our land anit thf'rt not 1111\,·lo-r fr,111 run·tgn !llllteos at ht-1ump 1\ut •u• "" ,, " 11,, .. ,,., . .,. ..,,.. S.• •• ~i,.,1_11 1...,11,1,h•t• w1u1 tho• lttlra(:JI\<' l'rntn,llla Tr:ll't, )l~tllw~tt , ,.,,._ ... h<c1 tu bl• thr rx-rmit thl'm to use it?" • tlrllo•o. ''""" "' up 101 .• trvn In~{ p~l··'(tlllll•.'lll tho• .. u .. , . II • ,. lito ...... ' ·""""'' \\hid> 11111'11111111'1' llf lllllllt'l'llll'< ('11111.l11h'llfltl Jlf'\l)'t'l!c In tt\f' hln'bor "Tht> eit•· ('OUirl wen afford to donnie liSt' of !hi' Cnmp ~/In t'l••nlf'lllt• Ill lluntlna100 "" lt'l\llh ... r. ........ ~ 0''111'\"1 ,,,. -..·r t ,.,. "Ill tw · ... , .. l!'"' ·""1 "" a •'t·ll thl~ l'f'l'll\1{, I~ -..·tt.-.hth•tl Ill ~··t Ulllk>t'\\'11)' wlthln the " • Ho•11•--h 1)( lhf' ,lrpl .. t uhll' • '"'•1111·,,., lit\ ll.llh•n 1• ,.,lo·n•h~t '" ltll I"'"' . Grounds <:~<>spill' loss of 1'1'\'Pnue 1hl" SUOlm(•r." "M;tn\ t'll411111 \ll!'l'llloni!CII, wtlo Nullllnjl .... ~ ....... '"' I " ... ,,, ... ,,, lltkt• '""' I , ... ' ""' till~'"· Wt•u the•r J!t'lllllltlll~. II \\'liS lt'II11"'CI. . Th<'l'(' and simil:w.•·omnlt"nls Wt'n' m ack-Monday 111 tht' r:mw ()itl~· fttr 11 day nr two. •" "'"' lh,.r Ill,,. ,,,..,t ''"'' .,.,, ,,1 ,,,. ,,,.,..,, .. ,.11 of ''"' ~ .•• 1 .. ,1 'llw l•ulltfi11~ JU'ol:ntm ··all" for liM' c•unl'fntdlnn (l( tftn r CT of c1in><'tors of· \hf' N('wport Harbor Cham~r of I"""' fl<.'mlllnf'nl 'rr•llilll'fllll at N.... 11111111 1" "" "'111 At•rll ....... "' "··n··· .. '"" It···· .. ,, ,; ........ 11 Willi hltfiii. .... IUII' l"l'!(tclt•rk't'!o.~ on ltll' Hnfhnn l'f'fiWliCIIlll nnd bt tx-lna ffi('(' Jng . . · . port. P1olht111, or l.uf':ltnll Re-nch. n~ty l'l n .. t H 1 I th rn• I i ' . "" Comm r n dl '"•'Stnt• "'""" ··n·' 0 1 '''n"' to l:ll(" t{':l l'(' of d 1111 ...... It lit'\\ .......... ,.. " ,. . I'UIIIJtll11'11 h.\' John I ) fhtrnhattt .. \\ hu ICllt't'"'"'"'ftaJiu 'l•unc........__. (' L~ I SC.,..,, u•"' "''J 0 u U t:u "' .._. 'V"t. 'f"ht•y irt\'111'11'<1 OUT N\115t an Wllr'f t.:l:lln "''hll'h 1 ... 11 ... • 1\l•·••lrtt' •tl !h•• .._..,. U .., ~~ 1 the Jac1s from Man·h Fit'lrl and · 1 •·npt nn'i1 h) ito. 1111 rartlons. • • "·"'''· 1, "''r• 11111ny 11_.k1n.:. , h.1rt ""' lh•• ,,,., t•lnf'lll•'nl nf I hat 1 ~ •tn· 1 • --• ~--•• I \am H ann who want I a u~. lncaJ dvtt· lt>lldrr• o . ...._ f';amp. ":"u nn(' t'nn f11il to "iftiCCOWi,... ""'nw lvn~: •t '·'"" "' llunl l"lo:'""· 1.,,,1, :11.,1 tft.-....... ,, "' •" t muntt)• ln~el ltt1tttrttt•r 11 n ,1, 111 •tt.; r~t ntJ*f lft'>*th thfo ..,.. , P . . · bt'-11 of t hI' N•wport H'fftltnu• I ~fli'Tl~Wh~r,. 11lon~ a thfrt,.tWO'~ Ill,• •Jdl~ ..,.,.1:,."11: ttlnu,.plu 1 ,. ••I IUQ<·• lilA\' ho· saJo-cunt•t. .. l MIMI .... I10 ~J I ••NIIoU141 hal •·v..,. w_ltMMt'CI i thew t:)(ioaches for r't'<'t'NI.tiOn al M('n'l! AHOdll.ltnn . f'x.Q(HMld tP· ~lfPI('h nf I'N\~t. ,,... ~tel' or :-.;, ... ·~·II llul lHII I .... ill !I'll•' "Jr ~"''''M~I ~ "" Ill<' roru""'""'' Ill ttl .. .,,,~lt'l'ttltltl Mo•JIII1>. Wt•ll knuwn' """' ... "' ...... • pu~s. proval of U1r C.:bambh Cnmmll·i .. ·hirh 1~ 1-l•t..'ltnA Rtoarh. •~· 1)\•ul of u11r ul\n I..Ht.:llll·• , •. ,, • .,.tho· Alnu~<.-ht)' ,.,., All t'""'"'tul ~tnln 1\lla hllill14•r. whu h11~oo l tl<'r'l'•~ hulldln• ttt'11\0il1 • ~ 8al.!.to,la.!~•:~. to tla"' <'ommand•r 'flof'artt' whu Jtft'· h·e 8 prup &m 11on~ !hAt PJIAI"tly rnet't Nc!fl tit· hllll II• nwn "'"'"'·'' ··h.>mt. .... ;M"h "hu ,,111~ ••If' wav••to .u111 tllltdo·" l '>t't'UI'\.'ll a cit)' bullttu"' ln••w !""' C:•lflfuwd hi lhe I"MMINNia:~•· eiU4'U in lit~ alleene~ Or l'rurl.lt•nt • • Ammu111tlon Depot divldunl !'landanf. tnvll..s in\'lu um "' .11 l n.-MJ:r ry,..-<lu· f'lllfl """ ..,.,,. tuuho c ......,_ • ••ltt•ll••h •·~·•ff'dlntl lll t,.._.._. -lllop ...... _ ·~ w -·-..._. .... .......... 101' lht• ,_, , .. ,. .,._ Balta.. &vl'nuea. At 'least Huw~, •xplalo•ol ,t hoI Orfll't'rs Nntlflrlltlnn that d••t.alls r~-~ , . · 'I'• n 11, . .,. ""'n.·• ""' "'h•~lttl•"' ('un•tr•tcllun hu darted 10 , ~ 'TT1Ittk will be alow~ dowa .. :.nt to u.. the. bu.cb..uc.:cupv'\J.. by ca.rdi(IJJ thf' projt<'lf'd Am.mun.l. -r-• T Sh Kfdi-· I E bi I.Jr '''''"'"' "' t~lf'UI·c1,.11 1,,..., •1011 ,...,, t.hr on twn addlllonal_.....,._ n~ 11 ~(ood th~ IUt·-.1 po.st o( the AmUI(Illl t 10t1 ~pot could only com# ffotn -ny · g~ ~~ -~w / ---s '""'"-r I•Am "'"""'' ...,-1~ _.t..,. ~~ "'*· Ofw •L Jw Jtln; J;. &.. acqu rei"t.h~,;:-+h"rtonr...,;,-...to~nny-._,.. n~ .ttrr lumy M"-N•"Y otlle'-'--wa.a-: I ~~ ~ ~ -CI Vl-t~~r.."......tre•ul~· ~n·"•·-4 _.. ... WJ-•W'' •.1 a.,..., l.oDa • ...,_, ___ _. f1( eUdmr throulll l!ltop lhat the army truclla -A Ould be eo conlalnfd In a ltttn from Con· I I tn rtw U•·•. 11~ ntlu-o tn tw pa .... oct "'""'" 11lf' nrw hunwo, to 1w .., placed aa lo afford •heltih. He l'f?CNmllall Shr pp•l'd. lntnrmatlon -.-~ ,..._ k ·t M . ~ 1 ...... _ 1 .... 1 '""" ~ · • 1 ., .,.. -·- TMt'e Ovt ...... p;ytcr ~· b U o I a t 1'f-..n . .ccordlllc \o ..._t w ... u-. Ia ouL Tbe New- ~ 8lleda .............. Wile an • coopl1'atlft CJ"'UP ot ......, 49 aot wut to bokl -JI:Mfer J:clr bUDt Ill ~ af. 1emooa .. eGIDptUtkMI wtlb ---..-..-Q!:lr trtye -attracaoe w ye~aeratera tllrou8b De llllnela)' --.oot aDd m.rdl .... I'L -:-""a ' ,., N..,-,ort IIM1Ior ... a· ...-. .... ...._... ........ ..... flltO.~II.~b ....... u. WlUl 11M Yt.llllll« ,...._. ID Plttaburp. Accord· lll.r t o word recrind b y Harry w•b at the Chamber Glftce, lil"'-11 baa tempted· tllh1y-two ,..... Witll talfoe cl SOvUMm OIJitornltt ta... mate aDd provided Uwm with Nnrport H arb o r Tr~ Mapa an d otht'r maurtal ahn•inl( \nc'&J advan~u., d ··• ' ()~DIIIJ t II" eolertlll -• Nr• Hlltraan d th ... WH J,...k IUld j"'"lluna ,. .. ,..,..,.. en..l ..... _. 1 Of! ..... 1n11r • • • AM ,~oJI-. ··-'1 r• ~a ..... ,.~. • .. • ho~ tlw d ty "'oul prov• .. • 1nn1. that two e1:<>e we~ under ~oa-1 ,.,.._VU t ll!lll.lbo& ._, • '1'1\ro "''"" n~""-.tit fnl~ nt&LI.f'd kl ,...., ta r¥ f¥CUitie.. Rld~r .uon y.·c• (ivt>n .mQfnclaJiy ::-hi': rtf 8tb e t: be II • ..; Jill Sbup "' flat be,. latant.l •• \At' tal~ In ,... nmt al a verit·ty "' III"C11Ifr'('llt~rol .._.."" "n\e -~ ~~ d.-1 Ma.r A moo~; thoat' voicing Ylcoruu• • onf' llitt' aald to ~ In ~e ~ ~ byy, lbep Ne~ ~ J. Twe~~ty protrae!Dnal IDO!Wia wUI lAIII AaptN ud Hull~. t l\a' 1 wtlh .,...,... h~tYint~: ,_, llfort~w hltn'1' 10 1w •l•nf'd UW. ...,__.. oplzUon ~-'ft't ahouW 1° JA t.ba. ....U...n .ftl4.-ol O,a.O~ Chamber of --Coaulrw_ ee wta .. lfoll.o...• 11\e ,Oiln,.t.era ... ,_ ttw Jl!'"" 11'1 ArnuiJf'ftlf'fttA &r#. rf'pvtt·j allfl lltllf•n. thf'o ... 'ftwo •vrrap C'\al fol( ('.,f 1.1 ....... ., Sun.t ~ .. · out . our way lo ent.h.aut tAc County and ~ ~r rt'ported In Ia ...,_.. or Ju•enU. _,... _, lulr plaUnna bet•c eT'f'rlad I« f'•l I•• hnf' "-n ftlaM for t ... of u.,. nrw hllmMo wtu bP fl"'lft'' u• A~, .m. Ia anc-tJna_.~ eol<l.l~r• ~era J>. A . Palmer, Sam 1 tbe bill a~u ot thr Rallta Mar-I local jo!..pt•" tt WU .......... tiM ltyle .,_ oo MUll f'treet.! fthnlnt uf lh• "'"" by b •• t II J4:tt•l l u $:>."11.1, Mrllftll llld6eetfld l:lfll() . N4 prqe at 1f1f K.\Df(al.he{alV&Iter &Pk v . J&mU , I'U~rtta RJnc:.b In Su ~ro cOUD-I today ' 8alboa, ..U..btt.tna ~ la.te.t a.. MW.,_,. aru1 f•rt .,.,...tlron vf •I Wllft w111 ~t ert wtWn dw -.t lArkllfiW' ~ W&Utina, J~~ler &lld oO\era. 1 ty. Word wae &a.o Pt"eelved that Tlw ~ tots C4 be • ,_. ... at.Jou Ul !'II ri...Uk'ano. o t •fi"'M&! """" Mil)~ • ,.., M)'"· "'"""'" P"'fnltlillla Gift ~tMS . W t::;.t'~·. Darn II King Iii& oUered bla bea.cb Seator Kuebel bad bia btU 8.11. I or youna!r. wiu model ...... f.-.&a&llf' app&rt"l. J I Vaua \\'btt• bea&l Ul. Jv•r t , .... C'<""'l 1'\H'I lOft nf till> ""' ....... ,on .th f ra ":!" ~ aDd bo&t.a ~or "" of U» boya. . Ul approwcl ~~~ the propu com-! well 4n.ed younpte" d ...,. ~t'rythl~« ~ .,...,...... n.: I ('haa•l!C'r c .. mmlttfle In r barl• 0( I ~ 'In '"" t .... .._. ,..,..,.., ~\N('tfld toJ Uoward· C. o..a; ~IIUilW1&eatJona wcra received mltlee. 1'!1111 bl .. tft&llllnc act 1 &II the fl!ut« Panda u u._. .,.... ~ ~t~lu. autta. -.a the afta.tr u.S t:o1~ H~&&""'• a.td I M.tatu atatM . -~ tdlt fcif Jhe af~~, I his week by the. Clamber ol 1 wbkh wGUJd al4 UM Bu~a 1 &nc of the Fubloa l>r-.r-Vu., ~~~ lUI ... lwwh toe•. awte .wta AD4 I M~ t'Cill ~1tllc ,,.... aaa6at"'-the I 1llr .,..,1re1 Ia ~·~tf'4 to ,._h ~ f'IMIW trfJDC 3Ith COIDI!Derce--#rora~~.llan:.b. ot OrM&t ~ntl to ucbaq-e •• ted t _..,_ ..,.,.. -.c....a.. te matdll eaQ out. ll'l ... uun. ,.o~~~miUM . ---. ·----....;.. ~ld &lid Camp H.aan ill appN-l areu wttb lu4 ewn.rra In worlt-pac 0 _ ... _-~ lJ\ 1 N d N lls claUon for arrucementa m ad •I ~ out ,.... tor barbor cSeveiop-tbou.anrt "'-'lera to 8aJIIoa. 111111 ,. *"'"' 111 wtaat •.-.ntt-Enabltna l.._ hlf1• ,..,.4et ell _ · • ...,... , ! here tor t.he vial tiD( IIO{dien by mftlt Ill U,. U'pper Bay re(iall. AJiiiGIIC' t.Ma. ~led ... ~ t.o ~ U. _... 11 ..... 1 ~tooo lo ,._,, -0 II ote orw,ga ... n &;~ -' • pear u modele _.. .._ ,_,... aD4 co\orlul fuh&oo JJNY..., • Y • r c•-m-.. ... C the •ttt pn-~ 8 · \.. Wllat.e, CMIIIl ,...._ ....... o.itl belli • ID ~ra c.lll.oral&. ytnr. M A'*Ct. J)UIIfte. a ct • • • a.l6. . G I ;"f s·-·--A c.t• .. =n ......... -... cid .............................. .,..... ............ ,. f o-·-~ a axy o tars r~ --.. -.... -. ~ .. -··--; -A•. ----,o · arins Je-4-'-s. r I cJ f R d . •Newport '111eatre K· . ' . KEITH LEE INJURED I ate . or-en ezvous '"'o Open Na~ IWaniS ... n l iN AUTO CRASH I Tlw-.... llln, NIYf'll\ur• of brln« I All ~. •'If !",_, .. u.e. I I' .:;;-AL '"" 1• J.).ll,ntlO wur11t ot N o r l"flll81ry ary to lllf ..... tft tllle · 'Saturday "pn·J 5th Ch · R• · OVED WEEKEND "'"'c•n ..... 1 thro"''" Nut '" ,".''"• ,Of' eutr\" ,,..y.n,...,_. I' rt t r,;f!t ... t Will,.•• roaf .. ly tu th,. l!oJt.-1 1•n<.& NMWrl1en Mlkwa &a u.e. n w ..R.Nicknou.-; Ballroom "'" d&nct P'..&lltl'r Sunday. April \3th. Thl' Nrwpnn Th t h 'ch hu a er I e ~,., .... t ....... , " amroll V.nrh•h '''lllllfry A rnru-., the _...,. OfriCIIIII)' Opt'n _1 h•· ~'a!><JO m•;t.l Frt· I f'limaXIII¥ J-:ll,..ll'r \\'{'t•k 'A'tll be bN-n d~ I hi' I'M ~I w ~•\ o•raJ ,.Jilt I,... to h•• "'II h lllo ,,., h•·• • 1 111)1• t to "" ro•v ... l .. ,l It\' llr Karl I• f"r r .. llfof In NO,_J'. -:· Kltn Pl'l'dktJon t h 11 t pttrf'U!II •lay m~ht. Apnl •n.. wl-a l(.ti.Jxy rite a 1 arnn " f T<'d L<•wi d month<. will Of)l'n nrxt Snturony, • hu d f .,,_..~._, .. ,. ,..,,. ,;, ,,,,. '~'" ,,. .. 1ta1 tt;,·,.oa "'"lf""ll «".ural •tf Nor 1 to:vana pl .. t wllfl AJII•raa N•· of ,,II,.. or ~I ill:<'. ... rr.-t'll ·IIIII flllhn r Jlf' (' 0 • I an A ., .. ,.. n -'1 I ft-·t S" ·ri· T . . IO<T ....... , •• tn .... ,~... .. ........ ,~ .. 1 ... 1 .. "\' I '"''"lltv ,, ...... II tun• u ( "''"~,_..,,. ,., '"''' rut to U..lr fallb htS~Im,.an\ (J( 25 c•nti'~IHrnc•J"" 8 1 .. pn ·',n. ('("'"' ngi. ()IX>) u l • .. I :-• -.<'hNIUit><f I() aptlf'ar Ill I hi' '"'flU • • • .tan. "hn annnunN'<'l hi' would be: rs ay "'"'"y, .. t In llll ""'" K j. hi• .. , )'(lfh ""'""' •• , .. • ....... "' "' "'" N .. w '" A·m•• , •• v. ,., ,,.,. a.od ,,fltftt liar !'C!Uihland ballrnnm thrnllo~:h-·~· Ho·nol••ttHII• F.:o'-1.''' fiiJ,;hl , Aprrl l·'' lh• 11nor ... gTI'I'I hi!' ulc1 rr••·nds ''"v nlrht Ill .., ...... II•· '""',.·I 1"•11 lllt tlo .. t \ ... ,,, ........ lit•· , ...... ,.h .. l'nll ... l '""''"· a.nll ,.., .. ,,. nul thl' ~umm•'' month!! undrr thr Uth :\1it,.~\11t L;e-.·as. hr fJ{ thr •aM "-' In o·h~<'l:•' ,, lhf• thr•lllr•· I , '''''""" '""' "" ... ,1.r 1,. lhrlt ltra tl• th•t Nflf'Way wtll ll'arlrr-:hlp of Rnhc•rt M)rl'flh~ (:'"'"'' hlJt hat. ""' llr'""·nl f.vn~l ~h•·ndan "'"'"" tht· <tpt·nint hill ~-A ''"'""' .,.,.,...,11 .. rt•.CIII•·ol "" l lr· I• '""'' ""'' Sit f':rlfu,. ~ t.., .. ,. "J:"'" ""'" Ita pie,.., wiU. would It" 11~ murh kirk out ot lhf' kitf' n ying contut. ,..u.. ll'll'lt ThllnMflly lsy tht> Majof' prnvf"d 1\ f"f'l\llly who•n 740 youn~~r!O r' ,. w kitt'll, :-.:e111 Slaffnr•1. F'r11nk C'TOI'krr antJ man\· nlhrr!ll al•lt·tl lhll Y<MIIIJrllt.-,:,. h•unr h Uwlr kite" KllP nyin'K IOt'f'm~ ,,, br qlcitr• 11 hobby ("llrJH•ron Thom nt Ufen IIIII' build~ k ltt>10 H ill ~d. C 11 Tflc)tfl. with twn frit-ntf•. 11 rrpnrtrrl t o hi\Vt taken o\•rr Jtltr. \l}lildln~ wltll ent h u st" mt "Ttti"Y bmM lf'1iot bt~ IUHI • .,..tth thr llf\1' or a f•llhtng r n 11 and TP~I, rnw I .\furph). promtno•nt fl<JJI.,.,,, ,,,,j. """ J•:.rn Blunrlw. r:h;u ~··~ "Snow· \411llloi tndutlf' 'llwk P nV.IIt•o... ('hllr1rr '"' lhf' ... "'" "11:·•· II ,.,, .. , ...... •tf ..... !"''''''"' · .. r.r ·I· II· nl • ''"~"I "' :~: .. rWit\ "' ~... ... ''""I'" ......... '" lhr wurld I "'''~ man who et•mplt'l••<l nq;ulla· ":•II \\hllllcl, K.t~. ~\Ia illlfl •f,lll'lllt.: tl~o Andr,.\\ Sl•l•'l ''ll~d f'tl Kl"'"rtl• l 1llh \\Ill 1" 1''"''•' •I c•·l ~t,1,t l\lt\11 "'"' '" l it• It;,,. A•w•lr" "'''' l ht' l(ltl'~l • 111 llu•• t•r,._nl rot ..&h,. lurwh,.un wrrfl IICtn!' Ia~! WN•k to h·al'f' lh·· r .. ·tt· "··~ uno1 th•• l"'PUIIIr ,.... Ahn ~~~· ""'"'" ""'' , ....... , ... rtl'<l a Y'(;• f't) to I H ltll.IJ•h I • II•· ''" r·n "' '"'"I "''',,.to .. """ Ill ............. '"' '110 1. •·( I •• ,.., ... ~ ...... Att .. ·ol ~"" ''! l<•tl """"' Mtr "'""' "· 'rlr•.f\'1111~ lor ;r yo•.1r to'ith ''"''"" to, 1•'1 ' nn•l f•.;tlltr•·. "n llrk Stn .. •lll or l dfonl , .... , •• ,,. :\(l() '"'""''""' " ,,, .... ~""''" 10hllt' '"'· IIIIIJWIU•I·· .... 1 ........... ,,,.,.,.,, C'!Mfllttntlrlt .. llollaad at111 'loll~. d••e·lar.'flll Will lw• h1~ J~<'llry l~o~tl r•·\'o•a lrrl lt'l1:ty ttlHI lt•n · (':11r11 " 1 wanitlll~< ""lll •1hut~•IHt lllflh1 "1 '"" ,.1 II • I> ,,1,.1,.1 1,, 1.,. •It• M r ~·ltlllrt•l. Mt lllul Mr• Olaf '" hrm~ namP lon"l1~ ;Inti tho • hl''l 1.111\•·l~ o«·lwollll•'l fur th•• Rt•nllf•7·1 -t.h~ !ilfOIIt Alit l 'oolllllt \ i 'lulo t v "''' '"'""''' ''t:'"" IA •IIdn " I• \A 'I to• ,,. •llll ltttl¥"'"''''11, Mr '>.lid Mr• U. Ouhl· In !Jw l'nt••rtalnrnl'n l Ul'ltf ~n '"" , ....... ,.,, .. "''lnln!o•r ,.,.,, l >ukl' ·~:1·1 Wllluun I' :-;. 11111~'1 ••• l..o·~ 1\n •. , ..... hi~ r~rt .... ""'" , ...... 1 ..... , ,, ,,.,, '" .~lllt,lt•l <'••••II ...... acr .... Ojf'll. lltolt ... a h111lr<>nm l 'nd··r lhf'Jif'f)·ltrtJ:"II"IInll l'hil llllrn~.\\1ll)o.lnrt·'s h· .r-ue~~. olt•ln•t 1\1\.<hllll< r .. , .. ,, .. , I I ' ' "' ,... I r t 1• u• • • t "' ~~ "" ~, ... ,, ~tq 1•·1•1 "'" ~r·1up nf U•t••flt'tflt Utt.t l tr "'"' ,_..,,. \\' ~ .. t 'u~~ttPJnw, j.:I'Rm Clltlhnrl1 r .. ,. lh•· ho~ll l·ol(lm ,.,, '"' Ill•' 1'1•'••1 II• ""''"'lol lam··"'' uns lne I Tho· I''''P •J•• '"I "" 'lhtf~•·r "···J IIIl• .. , llu~ ... , ..... 1! II• , .. '''''"""' ol••ll l •·l••l '" "'" MI .. ·''''"'" A 1\fl'lartll, ,.,.,., .,..,, lhi .. "llmmo•r h~· ~""' 1\ol\ol tho· th•· R••n•l••l\•111< ~··aro. "1:" In /ul·l 1rf'r•munl••8 ·~ " •• h.o •~r .., Ill 1• H .,,,.,.,..,,., u 1 ,. ;o.;., 1 y.i,.l( 1 ,.,1 Mr• N Hv .. r•INtf> M~ tol Wro~l f:mt<lll .. n o·nrl••/\'flll" ~~ r:o~r•·t·r··" tn """'" ,,, th··-r ,..... lnp notrh I Obed l.u• ..... , •• '' r •I 'llioltlllltll "lro•••·•··n PluMBING l 'ORN , •·I • .,, •• ~ .. ., ~e t tttn~ ",,,., ""'' n '''"II'Y 11 n••'••rr1 ~'''""" h<~mb ~111ph~ pllltl• to nbloan da ? 'ant) bl~ '""'""""' ,...,.,., •• u ... 1 ·nu· ll•·nll••/\o u .. ·• ""'""" will "'h•,.. """'"""'"~-: muo.ll'll l "'n::m•·t ~ oltJ y,·,.l·l~~~~~ 1L I''"L'·"'· 1 I' OUT Of RESTROOMS r ----:::::=----------,.1,.." Fr·rrlrll' niJ;hl Wllh .lohrtni•· mf1•111'-dtll'llll: lllf• •lllllrtl!'r ll~rt ues Watklllro H••·• ~"llitli4 -~--''91 ,., ......... (: '*11Jf '1111Mal ¢ ~ • ..,._ _ •-;;:1 ______ a _______________ ...,.,..._...,~....__.. ..... ..,., ___ ~-'ol·-+- -~-. t!le ., ...Utnc tllrrr hU Jff' l'l"'"&lJI>!U 'i ":•"''''r WIV'k, inrl11rltnl: 11 nt:tllnN• r .. t} .. r tlw lt:illroom. _ . . • lap f(tl' """''"'' Jr ,r .11,.,11,.11,.1 .,..111 ' ''}""' .,,1 ..... ,. ""'I''"" ""' ·:. '"'1\ "" '"'~''''11 tt.~ ~~~1·1 ll':l wh1o•h will J)lay thrnuch thr• 'lanlllnt: <ll•n•·,. '''Jt.r•n In th•· hi~·~A I F= p fi'lt•ld J<,1,,.. '"'''"'' 1 ,• , .. ,,, ·~lf"\ ~•'-"' N~·.......,.o;4\., ~-'.-:.j prt 00 ~f"'fl'l'tl\'flll'tl II{ f V T m •w)-U.>l.4Jl.u.U•l ·lhJL 1·01•1 '"' tl lootfl oo( II"· • ""lilt ~ IIJCI•I otrt•l• r lh• -·- '""'' An lfl"'lllf' I!IIIIAIIon thBt IS no A pnl F'ronl10 Jl"kc-111 K",lth r-·l' llmR!Oh,.,-1 11111n :-.; n \\' j ApJW>rl In tllll M rtnriAI pr•'- I'APn<:•J tn h • l'11tort tl pt o-f•·"-"~ llu" I•• a hrnkrn .~rm bttl bf!t pmr •t• ally n•·" •NIAll. "huh h•• Wll'<h'<l n I 11 "/1 1 , ~~:uh· t,•·rt.\ ~·n ('U,IIIiitt•rn.·r ~ : ~ ho\\ n•pOt 1 Pd to h:\\ ,-.. mur,• •lf'T't.O llt1111 J.:ootlh I oii ••C I " \••"k :H \•- Kt"P t,t ·-"""'l'"rt ll:ort,.,r hn• ,.ro. • J:l'f'!l~•·•l Nlf'l•ll\' dlll l'lj: I ht- J'II."t t••n ~··•:11 !< Arnnn~-: Ill"~·· '"·l''''''"fll' "'" hill' ho •·n tl"' ft(hll't'f'm,.nt· nr 11 mnrr 1Hl'· fiNI • nn mun1ty ~J'II'II J.r·t nn- lbln~ rlt•.'<1r"y lh11l ~J'I"It ••r th,. t~l•..:~n "Tun•' ~fllr< ,.,,,. un Will 11•'~"1 I·• ,.,.,.,,,,. 111 lht-rl'IVPT~ __,_, __ ...,.. Harriett Potter's Mother Dies At Daughter?s-·Home . ·' I ~ J C Mtlhmlln rl-t nt nnon 1 -on 'fl,,...,,,". Af'\MI l<t :1 h,.,.. hnmr tn !'\'~ poft JW•a rh • Rrl' tl'~ "tll ht-tt.-irf nl Rf'm''Tl nr,f \\'n~,.r 1 Olapo•l ~""'" An11. ,,, I n'l"ltO('k' on ThvrwiltY ftf 1-f'f'Tlll!•n 1 ~"' ~tilllm11n nnll hrt li:J•t;;htf'r. :\fro JJArnPII Porrl'r, hnw 'fl"l'll much or t hi> l11•t • hn-o> yr~u·11 in tfwoir-eou• IIH !4'7M ·coa:n. Bl\"11.1 ~f!"a'JIIIrt 8Hctl. . I I • • I • 1•' ••t I h• r ..,.\I '•on•• ,.. ""'""" 1, , . ..._., "I II II• ~ • ""''"' 11~<.:• T tf" A A ·1 F., 1 c · Fl . I (., ... ~ .... ''··'" .. ,.,., .. ,,, n prl 00 IVIC areup, . --fnruiU ""' •II • ' I •'' '"'" ,. """' " '1" II·~·· ... ,,II 11•••1 I •I. ,, ,,, " ..... \ ..... '11111"1' I A 'Sk• }l 0 B L• CJ b •'r"'' ,.-,, .. 11' ltllv Thelltlay ....... ,"'~'~'''' "' II.• • •· "'·' I•' •1$1 •I" 't '"'' "Jt' '•~ "''"'"'"' ''' •·· ,., r •1•1 1 •• "" "''':..l . r It ut n y IOns u nrliS Ul<l-rTlol Ill Wttlt u ... WNllbl'r l .t.f.ar.y ._,,.~ '· I.:·.• ' '"" p 11 '''"'' .. , __ -----""'" J'l"'"'" t11•k1< ''" t.hr llarbor j lrt~u 1-·1•~: •.\,,,,,,,. ,,;.., '"'1• \' 1..., W 1.1" h ('h" I , ··~·"· "'" «"'"'" an., ,. .. • , •• ,., • .... ,,,., ( 'oast • r • . to r ·~ t ast• t•rs F n•r '"·· :our. brl11rantly ,,._,jl"'lf'll! r,., .. k ,.,,, I• I ·~·ctl··l '\ I) {'" . ..., "M . I'' s· . Ont• nf the• m o..;t I:IUl!h :tlth• paruOt«':o. rn lht· d\ r•· '"'l'llnwnt.. rnmp;tlll 111 Ill•· h:t~llfor rli<.~rl<-1. \\:1)'. p11f (111 T\tt'!>da~ 1111•111 It~· t'tw·LtuJJ.-. (')Ill) a<.. ;on ,\Jwil }-',..,, dr•hlfl•· FAI "Wa K(•nt I l ildwcwk ~l;ll'lt•d tlll' :tl'~llml·lll \\ )tc•11 hi' :r:-k- rd 1h:•l ;1 kl't'JI('t' .,( lht• "''n•ll be nam .. tl '" "'"·c·•<c•d thf' !:ttl' l'lr. \\')u•tT\' iitld th;ll " ~1'\\'}1111'1 H<·rwh m .tn ,"'l•ttlld ht• "'nam{'tl rtll' .IIW J.tO!>I I l:trnld G1·uufll a t l1lll't' o ll.ie •t·trcl qn l lw ~n •ttnd. 111:,1 :'\t•\1 pur l 1)-•:wlf }.:Ill ;dl 1111' jtlllln'-1\ htlr;.J '11o,;la :\lc>..;a did ;til lilt' '"'""· . Lt• ... ltc• :-itl'fiPn ... qn :II ''"' ,. 1'11..,.1 l•l :1 prtrnt 111 ''''rlt•r• 11n d 11 '\'r';!l••rl lli:ll h 1• \\;, ... ..,.,, l'l'lill ,\ •of lho• • Ia!''· ;.ttd \'.a'. fl,li' 011!,1 IIIII' 1\1111 l'\1'1' djtf .111~ fflllll.!. lfl!tl "'I' ,\lt•,;tn._ h1••d nff lht• l~·:wh ;111rl ll'i•·d '" r'\111 r'\1'.'.1 111111;.: •.. ,., Thi-;. 1rr•tt-:hl !-:r.tt ll I '" Ill• (,.,., "trh :1 , • ..,,,.m,..nr dt •rlh.tL~i1rlllw 111'-J .... I,.n•·•· thai .lltdt..:l' l ut~le·~ t~· nHII!r•d llw k,-.~rK'•r In "l11eh SIPffc"n:-"n n •!r,r1 t·d thai ;a l••:fl'h m ;,n was hi•tll"r qu:tlifirrl !tf1d n:tnwd I )tJ\\ .trcl ( rl ;J rbh. I lill'ht·t.,.-k l1111k t'.)<.l 't•pttun te . 11111h Ollfll''' •m thf" •· gnnmd lhC:tt 1h£'~· we•r'f' oltl mrn :tt1d th:1 1 a ~ 111111:.:••r man .nmld <Ill thf' jllb ·'"''11<'1'. Thrn I.A'roy Andr·r~nn 1 rif'fl fq po11r oi1 on th<• 1 r oullll'fl '' atf•r<-. At this rx>lnt Walt S p i('('r. Gonion Finnlny :mc'l .luc'lgr f>orlg,.. '"'"'on th<'ir fN't :1t nn<-c and :~n ~t:trll.'d lalking Rt th<' same.> tiroo ·with Chairm:m K.R.i!W>r pounding tiM> ga\'cl in an dfor1 to keep 1hc.> J~ac..'t'. Iff i"~t11tng--ror a ,·otc "the l10f'S cfro\vned out the aye~ ami h~ took matt~rs into his own hand~ 'hy gtvtn~ the job to G<>rrish. wh~ found th;rt his scroll was as d a)f in hl~ handJ; as It unroUro the wonk "'Aprtt Fool." \'••alo<l ll t<•lr '" lh•· "·'''"'"'''on aura•·•·· h .. I ... 1 1 I ., ... ,. I\ I )y •IVIn~~ I' r~t' emurau ' lgns ,,f ·•II ·:•n••ttu·d l~ut It "·•"" tan 1wh n'"'' ... "'''' • •· • \(iffl ..... ,, ···k· _Ju . oiiiU•• ... I n<.t , In JttS ,,, ' JH ·~ ., l •• ! I··· I u., ••• ' ••• !,,,,, ,,, I ~····' ,,,., .. l .,,, t •• , ,,, '"' •· nt Hll th'" • l•~t••~ l ttr111~l •• l >r L ,. ••"' "''., ,1• ".. ,., '-Ht ~ *'''" J'"'' t , ,, "'' r. •·1.. "' H ,." "i• h.• .. r••rOtl'lnt.l• :.rt hV hU•J '!!' lhubor l t ltth Ill• tf ltf ,1 t tfi j ,l-.t l Hr,1t. •rt1 11l' l l •tfdu '" t rU•I. t \t*•Htf t.q•,,,,. \\ hrn 'tu-ollnl hrard l're.W.rtt ''"""' • •·II'• I,. I•• I ................ •w '''''· hi' '"''' ,,.,.,.,., "hllf. and lhfl rolr ""• l.ttlf'. 11trN ,.,_. ror t"" ICr•l , "hi~ att~l Hh.,. ~ u,,-, \\U~ •tr ••rvh•tl 11_,ry 1 ,.. ,, 1,,, ,,1 ,. •, ,,,, •••• •' \'••·•• ,,,, •f • '..!..''' t , .. ,, •• , ''''""' 'Atr ,t••'A' ~ 'loll•••" ''' ··~l"'lln l rolrlo •l" lutvr A).:h tll 1 .. I ~''" h Hi t 1~1 (J)t'fl"(j t·h.: •··I • I J' ••• '. I t fl"' t '•l'>, •• , , ,,, ,....... I .,., ,. I ., 1 ., ., .,, '"''""''•" ... .. i" •. , &.'t,ij"""' t" c ,,Inn .,,.,,. .lnr · d"l!oll•"" !h"' l"•trh rlt\' (I ll <',. til'~"" 1, ,,,,• 1 ~· 1 I•' 1 I• ••' '•It l l1• I ' I I It' •t •1• I '"I I••J''''III•'"""~ "'" 1 l'•lt•lod \Atll ll••"llfl•'''' rn .. f•·tt.•·•1•·u·1"' , ... ,.,,,,..,.,.,lrur.on t (;,,."1, 1 , 1 ;,, .. ,,• P \t •t • •• ,,, t· ·., .. , • 11 I•• ,,,, .... 4 "'~''''f'1 ·h•" .,.,.,,,. ''" 1 rt "l•rlfll( '' '" ,,, \II u .. turo• •w•k· 11H • 'IJn!!::.IIIIIJ.\' il.lj I Itt\ Jollllltt'<)l l lfoll i\ 1 ,,.,, 1,'.,., ... J 0,1 l,l \\:\1 •' ' • 1. •• I 'I ' '•' • Ill• II J•q t•fl• .._., ''" 'ulttro·'• ,,.,._,. uf Mar. 1\'f•,hf·h;"l 1\1 n••t•n1intl' t h•· fitUO kHlllf Hlf'' J,' .• •\\ .,,,,,,t,1n.. ,,,,.,,, .,, ''·' .. , ... , hf•. ,, .... ., ,,_,_ ,,, tu•otl . ,,,,, r \\., ... .,.,. r.otn ,• .. ..,,.,..,, .. ___ o n d , 1ruu'l" • I ' fl ··• ,._, :•"t•, '.1.. '., .• ,. , *'''' J ''''~' "' I'• "'4.,.,,, ._.,.,.,. t.ri•!r,,r,- . I t '• .,,, .. I \\ 11 "''' • dr \ Luul ltn~J t\•t• ••tl fh• hunt••n tn k,_.,.,, ftlt• ,.. • • 4,• •• •• "', ,,,. l •J ,,,,, l j ,,,,,, ••I l·•·••·lf ti \\'ur" w•·ltlhf" f'"'J'h···~~ .J:){M~IIII' ·Santa . Anan U.'t(•s . \' ·.· , .. 'I,, '··~ ,,. ••••• •• 'l ""'' •I ....... ,, I} ,,.,,, t ..... ' '"'' ··•rl ""' (~rtlu 11~11rt•:-, r··~ ~tj ta1 ·""' A m I • , ,, . •,1 1 I , ,,,, \~'"f .. •· t . ,.,, ,,, , ,, , .,1 , ,.,, •1,.,u 11,,, t._t, t 1 •I' .... • • l•d•, ' ... ,. ..... ,A, .. h...... ""'' '"" ""': ,, lhf'' As ·(lf»il f f A~S(l~ ,, , .. , ... :1, ,. 1,, 11, ~ .1<1 "'' "'''· , .. 11,.,,. 1.,, ,1 , It \I tn"''"''""' '"''"'"'· ., "'""" "t••'u ~'•JhMIJn t v rr-•••h '••.J ltHltf' ,, 'I ' ''It• \•nr ,. :1,, ,,.111 1,,, th •t 1111 ,,.,,,t,un•~~ ,, t•••f h fl '"'''''hlt''Ktttle•u ,Muul•l•·•·t· ':""'''" ""'n 11.:.,,.."'" ,,,\ Rare \\'iffl J)«•ctfh .,, · .... ~ .. ,, ,, , , .. , •· • , 1 1 .• ,. .... ,,;,~ '"'" '·''"" •·· '"""''"•'"".:. MR•nt,.nnnrf\Ruru·r ln1r·t.•h•r'\tHu1-a "' ''" ,,,,,_.,.,, 111 , "'' , ~,.,1, ,,.,,,,,,,.'4,.,•,· 1 1• 1 '' thlll lh•• HI.; :at th' ~t \.\'f•'-'' .lf~,rfl••r l 'rtjl')'l • 1 1 ,, I• • 'h -. \b n ,•t ,., f i t\ ' , \ 1 v: ,,1,,, ••f t t' •• "\.,1 1 t. ., '' \ttd.elhtll ••t lt r~h :-;., tv,..t r•I•'Jtl•·•t :! 1.1. 1n• h,.,. 'A'h•l• • '"i • -• 1 '"': 11 .. , .,, ,,. '•' \t , t'lt• f.r,.~1n.-, v. '" ,. n "' .,..rr; • .,.-, ill ...... 1 II '' ; • u\• tltltlft "'"l•tlfo\t·tl l•or th•• I''"' •·din~ 24 h•••ll • l•r n~t· lh•· V.lol• •• ,. ', ,. II •II· • 11• 1 ,1 .,, I'''., 11 1, ...,,,, .. ,1,111 ~· jl.o'o ,. • ,,,1 , •' 1\', 11,.1• '''" 1.} • • •• """ ,,,)., 1 Ill• to Wlf' ""''" tn~ th• t•.ta.& !t)r t hf• "'''•J.'t'• to •. r ;-r I q,.' q t• I •HI"' ......... tJu .......... , ... ., Jut u••· -ll.ulf t fd ~, .. I fl ftllf\, J :!ht,.! lll't •·tc Htttn ,,,, U1• -,.~mo l lh" llf• '" '·•·•~· J. • • '"·• '· I·'~'"'""'' l tu hontle of ,. ... t rtmotty •ren't I"'"•I IRI!t }'Nt r "•• 1~1,.. tn.bra •bll<•tl n•~o •\' •· 1•' "'1'1' 110 lttr.l,uiiUI•r ..,..,.. wflrth "'••c.too 11th~> tntcretl lan•t :ono/ A l<•IAI ••( J•, 1<4 lr.• I.• • for 1 O..lt••lr:>n,J• t." .. 1 1.1, r • h ' r, •' ltrpt up. th•· ,.ntlrl' 8f'a¥>n • ltrHt ~nttlll \o '' • . "'''Jr-11 . 1 :J, '"'/or' ••f u,,. ""'wr~t• I • v ll•• Cf;;fAJN,_,STOLEN FROM Mally a d.•d might -.41 adapt 1 R.nn ~d•IL:•· 1•1 tht• BHih"' Firr aftt'r """' 111., • '· "' "''"' ~. '" '"J'• , .. .,,,.,., """'' "'-1 ..,,,.,.. Ill• eon'• lfltr"' from caofle .. te 1 Rla.UGA rcrv...Ued Mi6 ond•,.. of wbll4! un Ul•· \10• '•'• ~ lh• 1 ..... ""II\# 't,• "l·"•~fiUit 'ran IUI•1 flo'tf ''''' BOAT YARDS HERE -,,.., Uli<Ktlon 1Mp4rtmeftl" Itt. It~ 1r!Un fl'll dUrtr\{( t h e.:pro•cdiAC rueat 11f llllrly A II••, •' I;.•'At• r"''"'' "• Ill" Ma•trln~ "'~'.. • hu•ln,.,\. 4!4 b••ltrll IJflnf(mg Otr ,., . ._."" \o (ele11 l•url ~••t ••IA •, Y "Lottro~ 1111 "1-11 r•l(ullali<Hi•• • l tl\'"1"' "•I '"'" At1W~Irll f'lty ent• 1 2~o.ir. ir..t:Ht' .. t.a..t year. at lilY "tb,. E<lrAa. '"' '"''·'""' " fl•h I~~~ lfro rt .... "'*I r•tt~•l t .. • "" n l'blll• wer. u•AIII•·tJ !iun•J1oy llol!l j1l•1)'''''• ~..tlln.: Jlf',t) l"'r muaOt 118tnt' l1mr. Ult lc1tAJ WIUI 14.01 lftC Vf.,.,._l • .,.,,,hoh <un;ll.ll•••l A ll,.n II•• run•ll~r ""'" •mttl It ,....,h,..l " '"" f><••IM i:'"l'""l ""'I tor ll'•" Willi llrrtfiN1 lntn thf' Army at 120 in•h~~ ~ 7 ._C. <:~1~. 6/IJ .!,_'k't ... ·,,,,, !'I~"'' '''' ")lJn~y 11•-·k wh""" H"""""m11 fw o-rt y ,,.,., .,, ,.,.w '1""11•·• '"'" I"'' "" rtllkl'\l th,. ~~"'"to rNIU<>e Coron• ,,,,., "'"' .,, '"" •1 .... ~,~~~~~~ ... ~;-,,,.., ... , 1111i'l•·r t11• 'li"' 11t • nnrnr hsn n-,...n ,.,..,,.., '"I"" loW-hl11 .,.,,.,,.,Y ,..,~ -n.. -~ _ MM. J . A. Gardner of Oranp I A vrnu,. r~tumel! tblt 'fl'elt tof.. llbwiAI a \1-n.af vlaat w t t b h • r duihtu · ht 'Loo1 u..ch. Maur\n~ (;tall( '"•k 11,.,, h.n.,. · .nl ro An11 11hylll•le r """" AI · Y.h lf'll'" ''""' .,11,. 111n1n1: .-atur•l•y 11rt.lert'i'l I• lin to pay 111 per mootb ••ro thl' •r•"'dttl• r '"''"' lbr • '•" J•an•• •I ""' •Ill• k•·n mttt, ltJ n tf l•t AI••• thf' bt•t lrnnwtt u nn•l '""'"'""<! "Yt~u f'la(l better Jldrta,.~ '!I'd m~t~ . !' a~·~· t<•r ,.., JtAr},h lloropltal wt.~rl'l ~~~ vKI•>f>. "'~'""' rPJll•rt"'J tr• hitv'l Ill tty rJt,.r• I•• ,.,.mp eod KVe )'0111' Ot ciAi'nl y · cine. It, ,fi A1V' t t1 ~ • nn,;, ttt,.··MftRI~~Tlfi'l7--.111r~"'UR!toef lllblt•ws=a: aoWJ>•~n ... ,. ~, ... -~...,=--::::r-"";;1~,-#;=oilllll;;Qtl \ ... NEWPOHT BALBOA :--;E\\'S-TIM~. Newport Beech, Ca.llfomla, 't'UESDAY, APRIL 1. 1 ~4·1. NEWS -TIMES SPORT ·S ) (-- F I S H I 'G -8 A S K 1 E T B. A L L -T E N N I S --T R A C K -B A S E B A L L ' Sailors Upset Jordar:'l \ ))0\\'N Til~: AL'LEYS UinKhY Races Attract Many to upe..... ... Halhoa fluh llet>s r .. n ".: th•· "'' ~· .. 1 "' , n, •. , • by E\'EL\'1'11 Trounre Long Bcat·h, Trimm~d; Harbor :Varsity. Cees Are Sever~ly l•·ll ll!t•' I''" II• Ill:;'; I\· '" l h•· • ·, '' . J•upttlar rllt•..:~y r'-1l' .. ~ld ,..,:h \\'ins 'l,rt\'U.I••n 1 tl•·• • 1111~ lri'•·n • ""'"' " .• k• 1,.1 111 :-;. "IH•tt 1111rh••r til\''"'"""' ~'1""'1" tlllu t"''' .:ro;ttf_~. nifril• 1~-1 rn~11,, trli•rrt1'of"l'!l ~tf the lnlend-.d t j llw I lor• ,. ~,,.,, '" m i•J••L t• ·•llll' 1! .. 11.,,. \'u1 Ill t'luh who make de!ltlllallon, but by tbe t t m.e r1n•l 1 lor 1 h ,.., I"",., fJIIHllt•lll tlo••lf ~,.11111,..~ . , ~lill'n('e on the ta. ''D'A.rtMian" remember. w h 'A. t ,..,,.t ~1"'''"'Y nl):hl th•· I•IW••r 1111,.1. the alttlude doe• lo her. A.lld tbe 1 ,.oinh• ( ,. Film Executive · Views Bay Camp CHRISTJAN'S H.lf'I 32.) Hay •·root --furm .. rl) - Open Easter Week tht! • Ccx:ktails and Kau Kau Supr'l'mt> + 'nW' Sailor V1trs11y an<l Clas.'\ (' trac·k t.-:un~ ••f ''''~- port Harbor Union Ui,.;h ~·hool triumptwrl m 'l'l' .Jot dan at Long Beach ln.-;l Thursd11y. l>ut 'the local a. ... SIJUitd r••n•iw t'l •11\·l~ltrn 1 •·r1ntnly 111111..t tho· • ,.... Staff 1 .;,,,lflo••l"'" lln.S ~lrll Ho· ot.bera looK lw1ce at thtolr "ah:IIO·I 1 rtll•"l" llll('l~o·r lllvtsllln "r t h ,. """I llrtkl r 1\n•l 111,.1, , hHdr.a. '-na" they will probably coni. ~~~~~~~~::!==~~~~~~~~~~~~~::S~~Ej~~~UL-~"~ ~ ...~o~~Jlh-~ :r~n" mrrt A·ti,.Tnlf.~pJltrl"' ~ue -" QCl l!_annlp whlc -1..! ::. I'!OIItl111"1"''1 .ovrra~:,.,. IAI"•rrol 111 "••r•· ><JIIHill:' tht> wlln•Sllf'S of the bllfber than the "Meaqwte" re-AfJ)Onl( tbr thou""nd" of ~uthlanden "'ho ha,-~ ln~tpe«'led the a lle'Vt'r<' tnmmin,.: at lht• huru1.1\ or Jorrum. Two Ole IU vain fr~om h ow av•·r.,~.. "'IIJ"'1~ 1111-11"'" tlin.:h\' races ('Ommodore Mit.. &lid much. much cheaper! •tC!rm dan~ at Ht>ln& Kalwr'• Bay Hho,. Camp have ~n promlntont] !.---------------l •~-'.'l.t ...-li.U_ ""uL .. h.ll ' \.L...tKJ~...lu.X.. ....... ~ ... , ,·._,":. '" ____ -~ .. ,,..,.._.. .. 141614._.,_1...,.....,:.0;,.=-:.;::U:_T;;.;Hy...,,.:C;.O::..:...A~I~1' CO .... hu ,. •• _ t •-a.t• ~ ... ,-,n .. .-.--· ,., ~-,-.~ "----!Ti ., .... filM 'lliiR~-----~ie ba •• ._, .• a'" 11... .ua;ca~_..:KII""--'-......::._-=.-~iilt1~-fi .. vrr (ht'lr hrlulll All " '"lltllt ttl ,·.,mmOilor,. uno1 Mr,. ,.; H. Rl~aeD c nve wo rat! • ner'!l n o \\' B nd t I II f '-t • l ln ...... _____ ~~ir1hrir-f .Artl,; fWft( h 1"1f'Ptnt"'n~ 't~ while the SirOn~ l.t~htWf'ij:hL'I .cored a 54 to JH vktory.·Jor· dan vanquWwrl thr Sailor Bee 77 to--tR. • MIDe-Sweeperca. Tht tlnrt of them I• ~ "f''n twhl.-..l(lrtf'r. f'uruth·.-produl'lf'r of arntor nM. a wu t'l: y nt' o ....., .. o an - 1 J 1. Huhlmttlll 1 N •. VII I n n I n Jt 1 h,. "blitz ' "" lhr 1 hr,... 1"P t•·a•:~~ • ''~'l•ltng hvl ... • .. ,.k .. n.t.aboflrrl thtolr took an alr1n• un and down lhe produCPr uDder hi• o"'n namf' of t~ tanwd "LooDf'y Tu-." At the I te~rtlon with the IIOUthweaterly tim•. '" 1 IH'f'. th" 1""1t'11" atanllln« rt!malO. ... e 1 "''""'r I .w 111.-• sttu•>,rf'tl kt VIlla ., ,. 1 ll f th rth t I ~ " • y baw lut Monday. , deanlte t he rlpt I• \\1111a,. Oalllf'nne • .wr"'tary uf lhf' lluntln,;ton ~-ach ('bam·1 pro uoga on o e. no wu er Y ~ 1 1 1 ''Dew from Heayeo '. Can't pa 1 ber. Hoat Heinz Kal..,.r, rf'ntf'r, f'N't'nlly f'fllt>rtaJned tbC! p&lr, dto""l ~ " '".o ~ • ~ulhf'rlant\r I J I. II 4 aN • frunt hy trn~ p••lnt. >tnr I hf' . ""~ uu·o·ll Ulled her RD.. but thrn wei c:J.n.t. lnl( them plan• for rec-on .. truc•tlon of ttw 'popular ran•p. 'euterlly along! thetl• aId f IIOUt htb. loc' Y... ll1tt 1 N 1. A11km 'N I, sam.. with H•·y·,. llttrtw>r~ "111 11 ~larm11 "1'''111 their tune at ~ 1 \ .. I 11o• of aa1'' Lot • tb•nce nortb • 600 yo.ta I :raham· m I. llr\'W'f'r '"111 · Junhlr 1 'llllmt,.•r tl•~ (1" ~··• -""'' •. 1 rs !'.;t~·.lman Hoar. w e11ter y pro on..., on o e 1 11 t t th 1 w ~lr ·' "-" nerythlD« look u atream. --• • • -1 • ..-varltlty t J 1. Hr&ndu" rJ 1, 1 37 4 aer, I "n' "'"'"""r. 1 "· n·•· " ··r !.lr un.t .\lr> t;yoiDI'y Wllklann 11ntd u the "VIda"! · , northwealerly lint-of Mid Lot 6 Tbt 8aJIM Yaralty ~ every I Low hurdle• Win& (NI. Unde-lt'amll moyo;J up rlnrorr In tho·l··n•l ........ tukr·rt a lutlL'It' Ull Diamond p oposed Boat Laws Would l tn the potnt of beglonlng." 1\nt plll.ct> but thtf'f' IUid In aneral , m1tr1 IN I. ()lxun I J I. 11\.8 IlK: l'r~ . ~ A, l'nrto• f,.r 1111' 'umnH·r Thry ;ue , e r All portlona of aald atreet to be ....ala .cored • clean -Mp. ,e Shot McCurkle I N I. Mlnato ltu;Y II llllrtJO•r" 1"81 11'''''' J•llnt~. ll•lll•l' IIY<. tnl'mhN R 88 are Mr. IRREI~ONIIBLE MAl~·-. . • u-d Loc I 8 . :closed up and abandoned are more foUowlDJ an "'aulta of varalty : INI. l 'r»hyn U l. 3!1 min. 411111f'('· l Ol t h•· IJnn l"lt hll Tlw ll ol lkr.~ AI.! ~lr~ 0 K IOrN·nt' who make .. re reapooalble for the aceld .. nl 10 er a USlness.clearly shown on . certain map -peUUon I Hl~<th Jump Huhlmolfl IN i~ "':"" 1lwlr unly ~eamr b\· lh<-' iillln 1 h•·or 11,m•• "" ( 'hann .. t fl!lan•l dur· Mra Dea~~ Collver h~ lut '!;hura. I :\lultq,!4t•alluo uf '"'''~ anrl r<•~:u· -~ -apprOVIlU and a dopted by the Ctty 100 y<J. G Ba.rot>tl 1 N I, R~· Llndt'man 1 N 1 and Hamlll'y 1 N t """111" uf 17 1'1'"' &nol WH•' (~or 1 n~: th•·l<flumnwr day One nf the sterner IIAJ. l;qi<on" thro•at•·n ,..ovt·rul tmJlC11't ant PuBLIC NoTICES · Council of .the Clt:y of Newport !"J IJI. U. Anderaoo IN I. Ume. tie for 2nd. 1'\ min. ~ ..-. I "''•·r tlwtr """" uv•·r>t~;r lrt tl••· . left hill dog• lo thr core of .ftre husinl'ss l'nii'I'JiriS!'S in thl' Nl•w· Beach fot; aald cloalng up Md IO.f -=: ~· •· 1 UroAd Jump IJn·wt>r 1 J ). MilL-r.thn 1 "''' ~trtmrll, but f•t nu a."8 1 "''~:n:::;.P~1 ~~:lh~:•·;;";:an ~=~:~· other, .. whoee .. name mual have I flO;., l.l.a rhor ar~·ltJ. ·n-.~s com.-~ NOTICE OF INTENTION abandonment .. by Resolution da ted ,... ~Dekr-(N I. Declr.. f'T tNt. Mc:()~klf' lNt, l'7 mlo.~ Punng """ jrlltnf', N.,htun SW · an'!' hi.-twn !!on" Whit!~ and .bteD Yehudi . Anyway aflC!r a ;~.bout.tlu'UUdl-lheaddcdlnW~-~ ,t..bf.-17tb day or .Mach. 1941. and • UU. ~,.. IJj , 2J,J ~; Jeec -lfurll hll uver 2-fNI anti aun. t;~·ruy '+;.;.;;; 'wto .. J lth B&ml very trying morning ~th the emln& the operation and owner·! IO~GE" IN THE 'lleslgnalt•6 ReiiOlulloP No. 2144. t.O y<J. -C. Wt-lla (NI. Lar110n ~~~le c._ Ut. Win .. I N I, 9 ~tttff•>r•tl\ll Ill rtii'T.!O'll ktt ..... '1 '11".....-w ... w e eanlo•. "Slim" Collver practically ,;h•p uf m~tltrrb<•nh l'nll1·i· n.·w "'--ctlon .. .. .... • .. ·rt J I ('I b t It , ... hmJtn llf !'nulh ('oalll Co. The t k tb t b b . I rr I I SALE OF ALCOHOLIC """ ... (JI, B Grundy I ~), ....... raec: min 4 .,... . ~~ un M lam f'r I "''fll"· oo e coun. w 4!D • e w a ~. r•·~:ulallons "II 'WII '1w rlt 11'111 to That the eltter lor bountlllllU ot ... yda WoriUDen tJ 1. l>. AJ. Relay won by Har~r. thing un•·Xflf't'lt>ll whf'n lhl'y t an· • l'hllhl"' ar.-11""'' "taymg on Chan· Ulrown f rom 1fer bl.cycle, u ont opc•ral" n motnrbonl wllhflul fu~t I tht dlalrlct p f.land• to be! .affet'l..:! ...a INI. Harvey INI. I :Ut; ~ll'ol wllh thl' ltotary ('luh .. ·,urth nrl ltland r urmlng a •Pf'clatora long·balred poocb t&Dcled up witll "''l'llrJnl( an ttJw•rntt•r'-< hrl'n~. It BEVERAGES or benefited by lAid work of lm· , .~ W . Clark IN I. Moore IJI, Strl-k •-Spa-lt>ttm In tht> '""lfllt'. lh" Hntulan" •~erouJI w..r,. Mr!! Art'h Blah,. lf¥8. th_e wheel, damactng It and the •~ s;ud \hi' mlin~ will o((<'CI \'\'!'!')' l provtment a nd to be! u aeaaed to ~ -4 NI, 5:oo..l; es -res,prnt·roo<l t'<l tn ~·u th" junlur d \'k l{aiJth PhllltpA, ~n 0 K Grtene. owner. thtng in lhf' ,hapr• of a mntnr f'\'1'0 1941 1 pay lhe daroagu, COIIt aod ex. ~ hur<lla D. Mc()&vrw~ l~>a•l,.rll by wlnnln& lhrrr f'\•ln ts ~In! Vo>l_n•a Uubf'r •1111 r,thera. "WHA)" PR IC~ GLORY 7_'' ..• down to a n out!-onrd penllt'll therrof. are parttcularly , B. .,arable J11L ~ ---'Tlw u • .,·. '·utJII. bowlln,r at "I . · Enrland ta en the r:rtoatut .... ----'~ .. .._ _ _.:_,...._.~_, ---~ L-·---fat .. r our. l\a~tan ltlt&l n ppor·l t941 IC'rCAP ADl:s -av v c Qry~::!i~~rrm~rTn-!..~~~~~~lt'<~'~~~~~~-,...~-...--~~......,I.-LIILaL~'-+~~~~L!~~!....!~~r--~-----y~~ D.~_l'~vr• tMWI .• PeJ.teriLLDPul_!!to'' Jr. C.C. RoUry ';,~~~fn}"th~';: ~~~~.lhi.r 1:"',! r~Y SOON TO MAKE ~~~Bnt>ft•·'-the It&ll~~· thnect. 'll:~rbor Ctwmlwr ''' Cnm~wrcl' has the undersigned proposes to aell altuated In the City of Newport (NI. 2T a«: , •utcbcoc:ll 4!'>i ~10 W a': r llowrvf'r, tht y lfJO "'n Into a COLORFUL DEBUT were tour Crutaerw and thr.!e De-l~>t' to dirt'<'l llttcntlon t o thr dtf· ~co ~ c·rt~~rage~;l . ~ pre -ot ea'llfomla. and m o r ~ par· -.. -..-·--0 Beddome 474 . 373 (' Sh k I " ,--rnnu '"" .... accoun... ere receoUy appointed a au ... commlt· I h II be t lh m I BC!arh County of Orange Statf' Dclt--.1~ CJI, L. 8ebart R. Torrenc: .. 436 414 r. ~· rh~t>l vertl•bl,. aval_anrhr of • t r I k-r" atroyera wok. and a 3:1.000 ton firultics llntl hunJr•ns which lhl'' ae~t e~ car 811:1\A ';'';, rf St ttcularly ducrlbf'd u followa: (J'f).'Hathaway IJI. tt IDlL 1'16 .. 7 'wltDodt .• f rom "ltoh" llubl'rt.nn, whtt WM BatUuhlp badly dam&Ced. 1full rarryin~ oul (l( rhr"r rrguln· ran e. · u ·• "Bevlnnlng at lht mOIIt weatuly 0 Klntf 31 3 H u bl rted b hi t 1 7 Balboa•Newport Beach. Calli. ., .-e; R. Wyllie 001 :Ill A Wllltt> & Y auppu Y • u rn rna N Arrlatm,.ll a.~ nnto of thl' ~at. 'Mit gre~t Importance of thla linn.~ Will plact' nnt nnly 'Yl-Prl'!ll'nt Pursuant to surh iJitenUon, t he corner of Block "N" u laid out Hlp JWBP ~n (J), Thl' Uc1na wrrl' bf'htn•l O\'M' & rat fiKUre llkaUo1 ahnw' of all· Y1ctory '"· that Enrland allll re-owm·r ur rr•nta l h<>ill~> hut on all • d d 1 1 1 t th l .,d abown upon a map of Sea- ...,.._,. (N 1. Ora.IIW ( lf 1 -d ~1~06_2;:7 &6Ht29_711().2270 hundred pin• ar the t>nol 11( th,. tunr • u,,. lrt• Capad,.,. of 1M'\. t&lDa control of the Mediterranean whu dl'slrl' to usc; lhr'l'l' Importa nt ~~t;111fo:rd ~f aEqp_pu~t7!auo~ fo~ I lahore Colony Tra.ct, rtcorded lD Bu"Datt INI tied tor Uatrd. wtD· I ttrat Jtllmt' l..oajn.: thto eecood.l tRt,.t!t nallonal aen.u.Uoo. ·"-'Ill and can. contlnuto uatnc the abort~ nn<l val11ahlt• :~dl11tlons to the flt-et 1 .J al h 11 ._ Book 7 pave 26 ot MtacelliUieoua --the n edl'd 1 wto th thl o1 h 1 8 N u bo 1 11auance Ul an co o c .-verace • ~ .... au1t.IIIDID. I Me; Lien Cube • • Roy'a Y " n 1 e · r Y m&kto It'• Southland <14'bul Fri •• 8000rou000tea t lnce ahhe hu o1nfiy 1oCRhoats 1on h ('~:~rht. ~;Cr. 't l llrenae (or llcenaes t for lheae Mapa. rt!COTda of Orange County aro..s JU.alp--.1. aut.r (J'f), o. Dr .. Hoard 49~ 473 Mark• 111 mark• lol brt!•k C'VI'n Th~y •tltty night. April 18 at the Pan· 1 • , ooa of a lpplng e t . rrl'nt y 1 e r .s tn~ omm1 • 1 t 1, California· running thence north· Banwt.t IN I, D. ~ (l'f), 20 N. &\atford :'1:11 4118 B Yry wun thf' t"'"'' ~tan\4' f:IUt not by Pad f1r Anoua "" O..vf'rly BIYd. theT normal peactottm .. r~qull'e-1 tel' of tbl' Newport Harbor Cham· prem aes aa 0 '0~~: •• easterly ~ a dln ct llne to th• ••· DyckmaD 47,. 447 o. W~llhl HI ma~~~-Nt>l rNI~I\"f M•--'~Y "t •n L.oa An1elea. ment1 ~Ia conquest ..,. highly llt·r nf,Com'.":r~ inll'rf'!ll('d.m t•m· .<;.;:y:n~~ d~~::mo;~o prole!st t he moet 1\orther'ly comer of aald ...._D. M B ... __ , 3"" •, t• c . .-...... .. ,h. bcomltpt'f ~n 11"'""b 1 "tur.. IUl l~*l Thr <r~vantlc ~ut or 7!'1 Ia head· ct.lrable. 114'11' 11 thr '-"., s ahlff' now 10 ~{'S· 1 ·"-h II ( Block "N" · thtnce • 11outheuterly ....,.,.,. "" ·• '" ._,_,. ·-a o ... ,.. "« y • x eama on r "'" .1 1 s . 1 · h It' , th Mt~e or 11uc cenae s1 mAy · .U.. (J) Ued L Stafford IW8 1)6!4 R. Morrl .. -,n l f'U by .l.hf' blnnde bf'auty Belota, • :< ~n n.: afcr.tm ro o In n '"~ .. ," file a verified proteat with tbe ll\ a .~lrect lint to the moat eut· ~. 10 ~; Tot Spat ~ to havt' tht> lf'")rll" 11~1Uldtng re. lht' Brlllsh lee "bllt~". who 11 tt will be Interesting to ll<'e JIIOI:rl';;;; 0 11 ml'nsur,. propo!lt-u 0 Eq 11 1 t erly comer or aald Block "N"· R.a&aJ--to8-898·t28·273• IU0-801·1177-24118 main ldePtk i\Uy thl' l.~t!. •th~ only ,.rure llka&er lo ID&jor whdher the 3oe.ooo !on• th~ U.s. lt:nit 'hl' num~r .or pa!l~ngl'':' ~~~:m:~~d ~allfo::.~a za'.:.ti:g thence &outhweaterly along th~ liar. ' Ll-• -•ob•a Mkt. _, learue clrc:ltoa with a complete baa Hlled from It&ly Germany '' hll'h may tw rnrrtc:'l1 nn hvr-batt ' ' vtded b ' ~--uthe~-'erly line ot aal ..... Bloc• ..... " ' .. -' · d h · 1 ft 1 flft groUDtls for dental aa pro y ~ -· .. • ca.. • . ll. KalMr tM U& 8. Odttlf' nDE TABLE I ballt!t tralnlnr. • ud Detlmark ~II be dellver.d to .In 01 c r Slm~ nr rrn 0 r I N'n T . "N" and the aouthwelllerly pro- ,.. ........... 0. ,0... W lflDot' tt1 tS1 I:. ~I lce·Ca~• .lft't a on e-mr Brit&lD. Much Importance can be : JWr!'(tn~. Anol. rr mat tc·~ o nl('r-law. PERCY J . WILSON 'tongatlon thertof t o a point In .. ----u..,. ..... binid .. o.' P1ndl&y n• t!\S • H . Hyde A~RIL ahow but ta parked wtUI mat .... c ....... to tJw protat wtuch I est to ~II flshmtt t'nlhU!•IaStl I~ the -~o. 2ti7G. -: the canter lin• of OeMo FrODL .-... -· a..11 0... tooll a A. PIAkJey aao .,1 M. eta.ality akatera auch u Eventt McGowan ,.,. and c:Jermany have made to rt>gulalloo now To ,.rrcct llmiUn1 A formerly OCean Avenue. u aald r • ~ .... ..,..,.. ....a ... M. Crawley M)8 G3f 1\obei'Uim W z &·tT · ':ZI 5:31 and Ruth Mack, lovely 'Lola1Dwor-t.hJe COUIItr)'. U not too Mllfen, the l lh~ f taking of jack~nlt~clam~ to Pub: prll I, 1941' • OCean Avenue Ia laid out and 'WftiM __... ...._. Ualrd Ia 178 Tot Spot 0.8 %.8 2.3 tthak anoth~>r lee Folllr• prodJJCt· 8outb American Republica may l30 or onl' pPntOn. s t IC ('&n\St NOTICEOFINTENTJON ahown upon aaid map Of Seuhore 0. Ia. ....._ 7M-832-12~-24_Tl 892·~· 7M·2:W3 1 Tl) 3 0 I!\ 8 09 3:32 I :Ja Ven' llruba. the ~ech buuty and I ae.._ upward& of 100.000 tooa of I :ra", hursr-: •nm,ul~l ftnarkl'hnatlq,',':nrlt'rt~~~~~,· I Colony Tract : thenre n o r t b . Jlam7 CanWo look a MCODd 2 & uthrrs ahtpplDg ln ·their: harbon. "' ,. , ·--. · • ' . • " . " . TO ENGAGE IN THE wt&terly along tht> center line of __.... __ .. a ... ,_. •-.... _ hl •. h I~,.! 9~~0 -~.·027 I CONIIfUIION . hu arlaen in <1u hu,.mr~,.. I hi' mltn~: CJf t~f' lim•t j al·' ,..,_ F t f I ....._ -_.. .... ,v ... ._ ' Thuraclay LNQua • I F 4 ~· .. " 0 :09 .. .. of :\0 '~:oull1 ' I lhl'"' h:ut Jlllr· ... r-HOLJC s u v..ean •on . onner y ""'-n ....._ wbllei Carrtllo acaft!d aa ....... Mkt. lt•rck'a 4 o o 7 3 o 2 7 TOOLS &TOLE"" the ~ of Dlany local femll • t;: r' ~t · Th SALE Or ALCO Ave~ to an tnterwect1on ,...ltb ~-,.. · · "" aboUt the ~Uon ot 111-l'a.~•·~nr .. 11111 n tU~'""" •'r<' •~ _ . . «Mr MConcl m t.be low hvrdlu. M Crawley-46.'\ 481 "· n orvalb l l"• !\ :t 01 '10 46 S:41 10:43 A !~l hnx cnntatmn~ wrenrhta j HIU'dt.mao from Ebt!ll Club Mrs: n .. Hr~.;unu•nt for s.w•nl: l hr·~P par· BEVERAC'ES l tbe aouthw~rriy proll on.ptl~ otd &wu.ara c&llle tb""''fb wttll Har· B. Fry 471 481 D Hlllhou ... , • o o t 3 • 2 • ~<><'ket llf'l an.J othl'r toola valued ·1 1 kulllr eli! me; 9 ,_ thry arr rnpirlly the north'lllieaLerly lne of 11 a t ._ -·. n--.... _ ·-....... 6 2'' . I "Ja"'' Hardlm&ll hu I'N l""'etl and • . • I Bl .. "N "• lh rth ---I -• _, ·-....---_.-r• f'nlW'I~>y 440 ~!) • 8. Wf'lah ~u -t .. ~ II 34 1 :10 11:31 ut 1:'>0 wl'rf' rtportf'd to "'"~""'rt 1 .... • hclnR rl~tmvNf from polllltii'Tl nnd ---~ oc. • enc:e no e-.... r Y B diVWon wh n he cle&l'lld 18 tt dAal 04 :19 n 0q l.t 2 o 3 ' · · •-· llft11. Frank Hardiman. Ill on her · · h 1 io a direct line to the point of be ..... IlL lD t.be .:.0... "•-p' .. -: Our I 4 t . . u I • .1 .9 1.8 J~<>at·h t"•lu·•· !'lund"~ ,.,. ~.toltn., ... a Eaat. The la tur ha.s a lnt· rr .. m th•' drrrt,.,'lnt: ,,r hay nntl Marc 10. 194 . 1 . .. · -. ;,---It MorTia<ln 540 M il r.. Deddomt> M ~ Z• 1 :40 12:14 Thl' tol11 werf' th* property ot 1 ~OoldJ .• R dd d M P~ \' 11th•·r nn•a;; •lu'r.• tht'~ nr,. rnunrt Til \\'hnm tt May ~: . 11nn•OC'· c•·-c Tot flpot 44 I • II • 3 0.2 .r .. hn II ( 'rl'tjthlnn .. r lhr Owl float ; " t e u ... an .i 'r . h . .. -Nnllre Is h t>rebv gwt>o that ftf· lec:tt ... 3. Tbe IDlabty Harbor ~'lte men I • Tu II (117 n 211 7:09 12:St l'nmpnn\' and lhf' I 'Ill bo bo u • o .carry on urng ~r BELIEVE IDENTY OF ~~"'n ola....., !lftt>r -\ll• above dale. I That u ld ,propo.tlf'd work of lm· ..__ I t n-•. • .. _. J -...0 . ' ' ll. ,e llblltllce from tht' bridge ltctUJ'ea ~ ~ V6 mC'nt Ill for lhA clo-;;ln p -Oft y wo ..... l ....,r tnVllO' McNa lly'• Sporllan~ I • !l I I • ,. 0 3 ht" Dllm .. r"IDlt'il ''" tht• tn . ltfP under.!ljtlll'd propn.,I'S l u &ell pro ~ ~ ,, lr u • ~t. Thuraday. Ult broad H McNally 414 42:\ lk1wf'fll l :u .... ,... ,,1.,..,,, '" •••d.., or •W'<ur ....... o. " \\ llh auch a swell combination of DRIVER HITIING Alr"h"l'~ lw\'l'ragl'~ a l thest prem· l a.nol ,·arllting of " pnrtlon of that -p IUd the polf' vaulL 11 c-,.,1.,rly 479 434\ Bak~ :=:~,'~' ... ~:,~:=-,:,11m .h~!rkh•~~u:"::"d ~ .. ~ l'f'\·operatton. n•e.l WI' uk f n r •~··~ drscrlt-a>,t u..~ fUilnws . r t>rlam 'strt>el hereinabove mor• 00 yda.-Miller 1N1. ~uthuland ortrnn 27i 44t Merrill I rnnra! PARK CAR, LEARNED t'IIHI!'TI A~'S Hl'T. 3:!!'> 1-\f.)' I particularly deiiC rlbed. &nd It ap. ~l,.nnroon 469 3111 I A' Maru PuBLIC NoTICES P!JBLIC NoTICES F r" n t . Rlilbl•a S t>•·port Bel\ch. prart tn thr M ltl City Council of Hard To Believe But It's True Nnlll'r 431 480 Slllnlt'y • SCHOOL PUPILS ON 1 'ahfornla . I the City nt Ntwport Beach tbat I T d ,.... I f'otlit'• >A'rft' ntrtlftr•d by Ho. I T<>t. !"pot l:W NOTIC£ IN'VITIHG •101 ra • o~ """cu,at 011 flata Wage -l'llr)'unnt t•l l'llt'h intf'IIUnn, th~> no uaeu mtnl A n•ceaaary., 707·677-ll4 0..22Z4 7!\3-7~-660-2163 • rarrrntPr. Fnll!lh I 1 liT I lllfO FDUCA TIONAL TOURS-llUkl •• ~-~Ucl~-Ot 620-..)\'e.aLCc.n· IIDilt'ri!igheol is applyin~t t o (he_ .. wct!cm •. NOTII'JI: I!'; IIF.HF.B Y t ;IVF.="' 1 '1"l"·nt,.r,~Hnu~h 100 •oo · lral An . t ha t his •••r hn.t heen !':tnl l:' Rnrtr•l nf F.111111uuuon t nr Thnt thl' proct~>dlngs toT~ weglar-a f\haant•'lhrtt thf' Cltv ,~.,uru·•l ;of thr t,tv ~"••nwnl F'lrt._.h,·r I 111 • •ol y t r t 1 N t J~tmt k "a r 1 Y ~un.tny morning 1aa,1,,uftr • Af an a"'l<·(lhot11• '""verda~ t'ltlllnl( up of lh1• aforell&ld port.lon ... · ou_oge er" " 1" ew;por whih• ptnkt'<l m fn •nl of hill h<1111Cr ~" -· ~ " 1 0 ~ r ~"'1 h ~·:: ft nf Occa.n Front . formftrlv Ort'an nr l.ur1111 4119 In( !l:rwpt•rt l11·rtr h, I 'lllif,.n•IJ\., wlil 1' '' n ,. r" t I' Milll't ll•.-nrh Grammar &hnn~ ha\'e-bf't•n \\'ttnt•llJO•·~ hart lnf•ll mrll htm the IH'o'nsr 1 or 1rc s,·.~ 1 "• • ., • ' ' Y ... -..,..-_. fll V. ~l (.'lt•f'r•• 424 ro·••rl\'r bl•l" f11r fumiAh.ln.lAbor. • Opr•rrtl nr ;~, fi ()() ••nJnvlnr edu<'&th•nal tour8 0 K • pro•ml•r• 81 fnllnw1 : Avrnut>. 11hall be had and taken ..... D .. o-_..___ ... ~ I L'l I I • 'II' .. . . • tlrt\'fr It( lh# m at•h wa.., a \IO'll• • ' I il I d t -.... .._.___, ('unaway •ti l "'KliNt to wall'riRI, lrAnllpotrlllll~tn IUl•l '"'r-r. ,... r •'IIIII 1 Ill •.-'0 l!rnwn plart-tl 2r. mr mhl'rl' or hi!! . •I Qunrtt•rly on sa 1 t OlaU•t" 11111 er on II II<J'Or ant:t wl b an v..._.. A_. D T.w... • All Wrlvl'r H :\ Appt'a r Vh'l'~< fctr lhr• 1'111 11t nwt1nn o•f a ~:11'1 tr~rhn lwlt"'r 7~· II()() --'-.-r... man 111111 1111'1 "h" h>rtl 'ontmu• 1 ' ' l.w;1.~"'·•fAtur• ot.t»JO&aU ~~~i::::::J::f,;,';~~t:2:1rt~~~~: • "' -. ..~1ij ~_,......,.__~r..J ~~..,., '1lflir+ ~·ani\JPtft' --~,...,.__,__ -:-----r .. -"' .,. --::lt.-.it~e -..u-...---.-cl'i"'~ll-d Dt~~--ll.'lr ~:bo I"'" and took thto ~nup In · tht> h 1 1 On C{n\r 1lt>,-r . Win• 0 f! ('allfnmla.. de!l\gnst4'4. and ,.. wUI ....,_. • ..._..,..... AA7 74:\ 711<}-221~ m thr City ~tr.·rt I '•'r"rtnt~•nt 1'1""1''' 1 to II !tO ~~~ Anleles Museum Ialit Frida\' ,1,.~"1,~~·:r:~n7:~ll 111,'~11~,,,~ 1:1,~~ • Any. •lt,.mng t11 prote~ the Ia· • knn~ n!l· ' I 1 Ynl•l ""'lllt·•l rtt :t:'n•l !":t rrl'l ""'I l'l•u•l••n •r I z~, 1110!1 Tt11' week b«>forr that. B r o 'o':n ~uanl'f' nr Slll'h hc:enl!t> ll!l may '•A:-. A~ TO J'RGV]OP: F OR ..... ._. ... _....,..... H Th Sta d l..atn.WIII' Awnur 10 "'"d l"'t~· l'lullol"'l J.i :!!l !UlO took bla aclenc:.-C'llll!l! to the Mar· twr n( !l7Q:l~(l \\lllf h pnltr4' r••· fd e ~ \'erlfl&i pcoteat ..w~th tha.,LAYI:-.C Ot'T. O~XJ :'iU.,. ~~.;..-"""'""'"-.....-.j~ ...... • ·~· I • I ow ey n ~>f ="r\\'l"'rt Hrnrh In llrrnnl&nrr H,,.,f,.r ~o ~ 40 •nr Labrator lf'l! at C'nr<>na dl'l ~tar. port Ill regislo>rctl h> Donna J t'n· ~tall' llnard n ( F.q1Ja ll7.atll'ln. at 1' F.N 0 t N C1 . W 1 0 F. N 1 I Da,.. .. D oa A . ~11h tl (' r ll\1111 1\lld "I'"' lfk llllo•n• \\':ot. hmlltl \0 4 00 Whl'r. 20 younglltf'rll ht'&rll 1\ sht>rl ~!~~~~·.~v ~;·~t,.:-::::~.~r~f'<~anla ' Ann !'nrrnm t'nln. Cahfnrma, !lilting !'ITRAir:RTF:)I:J;I:G OR C LOS ~ DP ...... a -o.. Civic leagur on f1lr In lht• ••ftlrr 11f thr l 'lly At\\ ""111>~ • ln~J(t(t lalk by G F. Mrt~t';milll'. 1 n _ I!IPUild!l f<>r tlcmal M provldf'd t ll: .I=" \\'H()LF: 0.R IN PART ~ ..w.t ...,. -hrz'rt 1 l'h•rk "' "'u" l'tly '"11' 11 1111 '1 1 ··" 1 h11rgto of thf' IRbnralnru•!l T he hy law A ="' ~TRf:F:"': ~Ql ARF: LA:"F/ .• ,_ ~wiJ ---' ,.... • • a w L Eno h !•111 •hnll ht• maJr out on IJ, 1' "' 'h•l I • • ~ 1nunr ~If' had ma•w pha!11!3 t•f ART LA. AH•:LLF: A I.LF.'. COt:RT OR P L•A C f: ... Jt.,, " Hllrhr·n• :'11 :l:o 11 '""" I·• I~· "bt111n•••l Rt lht• lhnu o.::. :l ()() lht work thtrt' uplam~l It• thl'm 1 s ,, 21\76 WIT H IS Mt");t('IP ALITTF.S I t!h,. p._... •. ~-l.lnn~ t1uh :.0 :lli • .. trh l' u( l h•· t••l)' .. :n~lnrf'r Ar•l l'r••\t·lo•,: 11· •' ,,.,,. 1n,t nne. T he prluo for J hl' "hnml' room" l'uh Apnl 1 11141 A ="O TO (Y)NDF:~t:-1 A I'O AC. -·---r ~ Jun~<•r t~>tmt .. ·r ~ ~ 11111111 1..-.. ,,· .. mranlr.l hy 1\ ct-rt•· 1..111 ,,,7 , t uno·~ :h.· l ''''!tlllng 1111,lnr thl' hlght>l!! mf'rrl t"'el'llJ!E' Qt:IRF: ASY ASD ALL LA="'D ,_ • .....,. ,_ 1\!•lal')' \'luh :\' :•4 nl'ol ••r , a:ohlrr'11 , hr'<'k nr h1ti hr'n.t 1 ,,,,. •ll.oll W l'•ll l ,.,, r pt wRtrh· l'l'r pupil which I• awardl'oJ l'&ch NOTICI OF PU.LIC WONK A="D J'~~Pl':R~· NF:CF:~SAR)" l.lnr t,'ul~ ~ :!1\ :>ti f11r trn J•••r,·c:-~t 11 0.-~t ,,f t he 11o•n 11 ):Ill•' 1:.1 th o r n!'n· pmrter hll bf'fon wnn bv 0 . K . -(IR C'O:"\F::'oiiE:-iT FOR THAT DNE A D .. ". tt .. t .... ~l:ll krl :1:1 :t!l 1,1\m••llnt ··llhr ltlol lll•d·· """""'" IUllr.ll .. l\\ .. ;l.rr• ... rl\'\ \\(tfktng Jlllwn'a 8th .(rr&Jerll ,.,;. rlM!l NOTIC£ IS HEIIIE:BY CIV£N i f't"RPOSE." arprcwtd Marr h ~"' ft I \ t•• th,. o•n1t•r ••f thr \'lly ,.f :"t•w-tIll<' n, rr 11 ,111 1•Jd" ,1 111,11r~ "''fl by a Bllm ml\rlfln over ~IJ:a. THAT ON TH£ HTH ,DAY 0 11' 1~11!1. and amt>ndm<'nl~ ther.to ··-'" IUI,I Mra ,. ,.; l)''-'•1Dnl'll ~~·rt lll'll•h ,.llhft\rll\1\ lh•lll llhllll ohtrt•.t.; o;~ .. .,,. •.llfll.l!lr oil\}' llnZI!\J • Cr.t<nlt•a('!t 'lh gnolle MARCH. 1!41, TH£ CITY .sectiOII s. • ,.,..... ""· 110 ,.,..... Ul h11vo• t tko•n u p ro'~lt!.•rh I' At 4:11 hr '"''"1"1 ttllol fll••.t 1.\llh l h•• l'll\' \\ I10Jo· >lh 'I '"" 1. 1• '• 'llllrrol 10 .,,up. COUNCIL OF THE CITY 011' 1 Tl. Lt any 1)\lal'ln lr ti'T't'!ll•d ot<- \'tt l••r·lot :0:1 rr.-1 ., ·,. ~ t 11 ~I I',." 1 'lo•rk 11 lhr· 1 'II \ !I all :-;,.,,.p .. rl , .• ~,,. .. r , ", .,,. 1111 11 1 •':-~'•" ~· m·lcs __ NEWPORT BEACH. C A L I • jf'rt .ng tn ~~~ d • Mk M lmprM't>- ,., ...... ll.JQ .. Thn n···,.11tty rno~v1·.1 h• rr rr1--.01 It,. no h 1 'Kill••' n111 o1n "' 1wfo•rr ··au~•·d I·~· Ill • · 1, o1 ••r .tan~o:rr f S . h Cl Ill' FORNI A, PASSED A RESO· m,.~, ,.,.. tn I h,. c~t•n t II( fht <111-llunlln~t••n l~·ttdl Aplll ~Ill 1!141 Rl ; :Ill ... t.~·k ... h it• ,., I'' 1•'1 1\ II',! fo•r lim(• ree paiua ... A tiL\RTYdiDnjer orm.ld-LUTIOH OF: I..:JTEIIITION NO. lflt'l ,. •. 1:\"d~ If\ hi· ll (frr lr'<l "" ~";'"'"-=~-------------,~---------------: I' ll nn.l \\til bf' •'I'""''•' nn<l 1•n ~ .. n.l.t.'• ...... 111,. ,.,,,11 17, Off..ed Harbor Folke nllht lunch, a Uttle too 214~ TO ORDER THE JI'Ol· hrnl'flt .. ,J hy '"lilud w .. rk nr lm- • f'ol1hlulv l'fi\,1 1\lllllot nt l'r :~t>oul ·lr ,.;rtl hnhoh~ • 1" ,, tl :"<rw•\'rar 11 much smoking, perbapt& LOWING W'O R It OR I M • I''''''"~"' rtl ;tnd '" hi' il.~~t':<llPd t n ' 7 :111 ,, ;'lo;;"'k I' !\t 1>n Itt&! ""'' In 1'111' .~J, lllo•ri , 1 '·" ~-'••urlh <)( :'i!u R. Mc.'(\>iltTm~ of SMtl\ cocktail or two-great fun to.o PROVEMENT TO Iii€ DO"!_Ii. J'R~ th~ 1 "~I &1111 ~XJWn,e!! thl'renf d,,. \'onllh'll 1'\uunbl'r 111 tho• ;.lty .J.;I~ I•••··• 1':" .\lllt•lt.l' l'av ,., will lltl\rl " !':p11nl:oh <'11\!t!l n ight; a m iserable letdown. TO-WIT: rn.l\' mall .. \\'r•ll••h nltJ•'•Imn:o to 111111 :'\o·\\ l'••rt llr'lh h. \)\ltf.-rntl\ Tit •nh•). \ ·''). 1 11 ,. ! 1 'tt•·t•t nH\s: h•rl' It bt> can lw AMurrtl M six hradachey feellnt ~omon'OW ( Section 1. t he ~am• wtlhtn trn '101 daye Till"" ll l>(ll o· ott•nllnrw.l diNk "r It >h.olt t.1 11 .,1, 11 , ,11.,111 I hi' • r l'l(bt pupllll. Thl~ will hr ll frc,• morning. Tho~l:t till' puhlu• mlr'r!'PI anoJ .1~14'1' lh• t lll•lhlllfln M the tlmr nt f).tllolt<h tll l•• J.:l\1'1111_.11 to:llllrllnlt'r' ,.,,.ll l•l••t I, 111 'I •nlrll\'1 t lA!<S, &nd "'Ill bl> h~ll llt the f'P~I · ' ltin\'r•fll•ll•" rt'(jlJir••~ !ho• '1••!\lliJ! th•• ftt!h\11'1\l lfoll "( t hlll nnt tC'I', thlt thr bto!olr•r \\Ill l'lllr•r 1~" t hl' 1 .• "" •t l••.t ''"' 111 '· ~"·" l'llb. lenr• .of 0011 !'f lhr po1pltl0. Thn~r· You,.~opla who ilcc:asionally at· '•I' 11nd III•Hnol .. nm,. .. t "r " porlinn ',\hi h .ohJt'o 1 11•11~ 11hn~l hi' rlel•,·eret! 11•1 t "'' 1 1( """"'"' t.• him 11n.t , •"l!.h.', 1• 1, ••• 1 , 1, :· trrell\ed m~f"""'"'"''ioltl' \\ it'l t~ncl ( party and enjoy 1ood fel· d lh rnn Fr~ont. fnrnH•rly n .... -.n tn 1 ho· l'l••rk .,, rlw ( 'tl ,. ,...,11ncll. I •' .l'rl \ nnt 1 h d Ot'd food ft pa7 '-•til I'<' ..... , ...... , fo•rft'lll'lt f tlh t. ~-II' Ill I' •. 'ol •••• r •• ! r&l~~ \1 ·~ Uarrtr tt l't•lljT llll'n~ !\'I'"'•. 0"'~ IP an • . 0 m ,\u·nw· In Ill<' l':('a!<hO'P Cl11nny \\h. ~11.111 .. n.J .. f~l' tlwrl'l\!1 t h" ,.,,., ··~~tflll ltt.loii'T ro•fu:<c·~ to• • nto•r ; .· !ill ,l:tl•• ·• ~ " . ,. .. ,,,11 an .t I' rt Beach 14::!:!, l'r !\Irs F:IJubrth ~~~day fo~ t.ht fun yoltl bad. 'T'rJit t 111 th•· l't:y "f :'\rwJ"'rl d ol• l•f tl • T""'J•h••n l•y htn. anti mt.• !lAid , •\Itt 11.1 &tt.·r 1\f'lth· , ,. '.',,: ''' • , a I'••,, 1 I•\ tha1 .. 1 10 1-: Fllllk. pbi'OI' !1:1'\\"rMt Reao·; Why don't you 1.1')' Alk.a-S.lu.e! 1\rn• b ·and 11 ·t~· th<' mt~'-:tlt'fn nt ~t t.hf' no·'tl mr•l'!•· <-nf t"P City ,. • • f<'r that "Momina Aftn" f"hn1. "' !I flllt'~ll'ol ~~· t.• ol~· ,,,. fhr l'otv :'l• '''••ll u•n ,,. thr oiintrM•t. .'OJ ~. or wr1tf' !\lr!l Et hf'l ~k-Allta-S.ltur 11 •e medidn. u.-lhr I'll~ ('••im•··l ·« the tiitY nf <'•illnfll. Rfl"'r the l'ltJllfA!Ion ot c:'J'T\Ifl l"tl rl ~""'J'f'rt 1~1\rh . Tt'o t•h'l o ~ r II I •• I. I \\Ill "" \\f'nd, aos, 14th St . NPWpOrt ful In lht r.l\M of .,...., minor :'\1'9.1'f"rt. Al'&l'h tl' Md"J' Ull' fnl. !l:tl<1 , .. n • 101 .Jays, I&~· eala ot». n t.lolrrtt "'" ho'Tf'll\ n.•t flf'.J I 'l.ll ....... 11'1 ···! •.. I'""' '>4 .; "'1... IUl·l· ''· srh. ••lm~nu b.ot'auJe Alita. S.lt.ut' I• \\In,: '•II'!<< rlbrtl p<•rlt"n n( (I< ('l\O '"" l wntt ""'"''' snhl Cit,. C'ounrtl • " rciml>t~ a r•habl~> ena\p sic peln· ,_ · · J'llf'l'lll\1\1 t • l'r'''l~""'~ ur ~ •• t ... r.•tt•••J\.I.l ••n.l m 11n 1111,1"\lnt f'qU&I -.----"'"~"tr ,..11h bufr~red alkaluinl ~'ront forml'rh· l "I'IU\ A\'er ut . lP "'hn ~hnll (I'll: 11 t•me far hea.rtntr CHOP SHIU:\IP SUEY ~peeial Lunrhron --35r C H llfA H 0 U S E KID-S!l So. Mala St. -SANTA ASA' • I 0..... To TaJif' Out 17~0 ll_! tho! l.AbM l._'\••IC, i't 1{1.;!<.11 .:•• :.,,. ••f the ~\Hllrlio 1 ~ "n'\1 HOLD CIVIL S£R\'lC_E __ .. s.alts • • !'alol City j,., . b.• ch>l'l'.l u p and ll:'U I "hJN ltnll!l nnt 1":<8 than nnr r---~::;:;~.,~~~I:II:ICIZI:Iii:II:I::I:IJiC~ii5Qi~~;:====4~~···~f;._l i':t. pf thr !'I sir ••f l,ni:!Mn:" .1 !:~t:hrul I'•Tf • n111-,,.,. "'n 1 10. ~ Tr)' ~~r .-ou ha,·t tte.d· al-&no1<lDl'J, .l<'H\_It . ___ •I Wt t•k lh,•rNJ..!tPr Th~> Cit\' C11'rk . ..:u, '''ltnl'tl •If t hl' t"'t' ,.r .. ~.., :unount <'•llll\1 I·• '••' ,,~ ~" EXAM, SUBSTITUT~:. IOthfo. Ad d lnd1,-f01l. Cold !h"'P· · Th>~lnnlnj.! at th"' most "e~terl:: shall tllerrupon M tlfy the ~r-~~·" I""' ltr •· h h t,. .11111 .. ! •. r -·.1 .... t r '" 1.n.-.· ~ 1111 "' •1 :• 1,1 t>~ MAIL CLERK CARRIER ;t:'~w'~r':.J'!" .. Feii,W, Sura lila. • ••rnt>r l•l Lot. -' H!..rk ''="". ~ son.' malung llltl.'h obJI'-"hQIU bJ Fresh Dailv t b.UdoUI See Foodl Or;-~ ... tqUipment wtwft ;.. -nt t.o-~4.'h your own. l h• ~···r ll l'''•":"'lo! rnl•• ,f ..... "''•llr •• l fl'flm 1\ ~'••r•l' '''Oli'M\' t 1111 1\11! anol llh"~·n llf"'O :\ m 11r nt drr(\•t.lnJ:'" notl('t> lhrrcM In the '""Ill "'"fil•'• "" t . r~otr10 l<~r ~~~at "''flfllh'h•r~ 1 •• tt:1• 1-,1, .,1 ="~f•·· Annouacement ha~ hrtn m&,lr Alk.1-!Wlu.er Ia non-lautl,. and 5:\uhore CfiOD\' Tract. rerordf',! POlll n rr,r r oi th<' C'll\' "( • ·ew- h·•lhllw •n•l l'''••r11ml' "'•'' k th th~ 1• rl n,• 1r h -, t a U. a .. Ch1l Stn·lce exlltlll· rlttN~~nt to take. Yow 4!'\lalal.,lll BOok ~. page ~ ot MJacella· port fkach. p l'lJtto.j;re p ,;pa•d lhe,..._ stlts Alb·S.In.r b)' the a1alir at ... A:;. t 0 ""a h i\' In "h • h thll' \\••rk :« .. hr ~·~~~ ,·,,un.·ll ,,( t~r l"''t \' of 1 'IU on f._ IUbl!tllulr rlrrk -lnttll\1· hu JO<Ia fountain and Ln fOft• Dt'(lWI .:naps. rt<'Oru.:o o ran~" nn •·1,!r!'l'!lf'•l t,. .JUI'h ob •erth, w li.~ ped .. rJ .. <'ll, f~ t>lh '· crl\r: ,,.,, l'••rt l~r,cb t e~rn·cs tht r.tdll , &rT'ter ld' tbe J>orrt Offlcf' Srr"lr" H n1r nt peck•l'" for home C'ounty C&llfom l&; r un n I r .~ I:EIT.HF.:"cr : 11' II E H B B • ,, 1\p•• "f \\dhntft"n •'r "'"'h~m.-l•• "'"" :\0~ o•r 11•1 h •ll< f't.~·al\'t' 1'1 ;11~ 'O..&!'h t•' \)0' hl'hl In "~"· \flhy not .. 1•1'114'"-P th,.nr" lll>tilhNL•tf'r ly alon, th e> :ltAnP: TO !'lAin RF:~OL\110.' 11r,.1r.t ''' ,., •. , •II•· t'·•· • •'Ill lad 1111' mr .. rmAI tv ,. ,. l•hl t he n.AI' tuture ~';! ~~~~t•lld~u~ou ~··uthwl'~<tulv l nt nf ~<Aitl Ln! 4 n F t:-.rr.:-.TTO:'\ F'iiP. ALL fl."R-~~~~. h ~Ill t~ """"''•'-' lht• ~•h · 1\~t.·ol ~tAn' Fur tDionnatlnn "" t o N"qulr<'. .~t~r. t •• II r ml'!!t II•'Ulhrriy rornrr M THEP. f'A RTHI:t .AR~ pt f'\'ftlhn11 rl\11'• ••• &rr aa t11ll->wa: Hourly Waee tht> tollaml-Ult 4 . Ulence ICI'Ut.hWutel'lv ", lUt'H'A'ftTl~L• PAnf:R~(!):"f' rnlrt.o~t>r•uc·Atlm blank.B. rilon~: thto IM'I•thWtllfl'r1)' p r o· ('t'tlr.t rndtnt or g rHlJJ Cl!y t'lt:v C'l•rk of lhf' C'lty o1 New.'"PfiiY to Use Sec:rtolary. 8n&rd of "'"J:'"'"'n M thP !oolhr:utt>rl y line Bt>ach. l.'allfornl.a.. Per t·'rl ~ch. ~"'IJI!o •rnta ll'. s. CtYU Sf'rvtce Examtne.._ on or flll t.l Lot 4 a .l!stan<e uf 1 ~· ::7 and Apnl 1 3 and Olem l'llb lotlJLrob 27lh a.n.t Apnl lat.. or btlon Ap111 Uth. I f('ft. thence nor:th•·uterly along a Ba Wu11 -Try ,.\ I k .il · S t• I t -~ P r ...... . . . . R d A ·240 Prepare No~ For eW ecor -·---~-· S · County Garden •t Fl : Co t f Show June 7-9 I eS· Y tn · · ·n es Jlun.lrt'Jll.., ~snh·n ·. .,.. l'huru---nll'n thr<IU~IH{Ut Orang;· t 'uunly, 1 hum.tretl anu furty kit ... 1'1 Chrurmsn Tony Plummer, D i c 11 Its wt•ll li8 nur~··rlt•JJ knd ~sr~h•n a.lr at one tim.,. Wl\11 t.he rec· Turranct'. Uarrj'll Kine and Kent duhtj. hnv.• alft•ttJy turnt>u their~ It or I~ ~auy SELL ~·. at>l 10 th•• sel·ond annuw.l New· 1 ltttoh<'llt'k ullt>ntlvu to thl'll'rt h• umm' llt>rlt· Harbor Ktly Flying Conl~a\ Kilea conatructed by the y<>ung-lcultur11.1 Show. to l'lt' t)ne of lht'l PuBLIC NoTICES '1 MustcA0 N&TRUMI!Nft Saturday afternoon by tht' sten1 lncludell 6-foot war kilN. ma111 f••nturt'il uf Thtrd Annulll C'hambt"r t• t Commerce boa k tt.ea rang\$).. from 7 lnchea . Fair and Hone Show at Buta rrounda of the NeWJ>O~ to 7 feet. nc&rly 100 conv~olton&l j Ana nn Jun .. 7, !I IUlll 9. ~ublt~· Grammar School. :l-st~k kltu and many colorful t1RI caah awarlia will a g&ln be varlt'd rrom a \lny mk r\)· c reaUooa lncludiDI one-oll...wllk llll~·a!t•d by lhf' ~t11te lo \'li.rloua kite only nnt>-halr Inch c•rutloo. complel~ with .rutnu.l claulflcallon, groupe, dubll. ama.. 'liTh t Ut ~.\l .f' Ot' MTHC'K l'i Ul'l.~ Aw • .,tb.~.a h ta nd Wee ... nde ,... ...... "lr'Oalfti.D SPIN.TT& ...... • ""'Y· tUII .,.., ... , •••. •••wo ter"'' D e " • lc""tltfl Ple- C•mf••ny, .., No~t" M•tft •l t... ...... "'"" r •. ..._ 'I' • " 111 •M IT 'M ,, ,. , '•Nt ·~o:nN a huge len-foot r 1 y ~ r , that looked for &ll the· world Uke teu.n and profualonab. en· a J n 1 chen a ron. · tnea fn tm Orange l be .... .-o• _...__ 11041 W4N11'1). lltytll I'•Y (jlla .. ''"' ._., .. , tw •t or .l••e•t' \.J., tft ···~ OMAND-.... o...,._., NW ~---.. fHl. 01 o ar;ftrftw-•v.r.-'WIJT:--t--•nr-tMI,_. otflc=· re-1 Judges handling the tuk o f 1 l!),mtr"tort~rt» . -eelec:Unr wlnnera were Orville K and amat~ura will ,.,...,.,. IN w tlt ,..... ... ... , • . •••n• ...._ .•• ·-...... ,... tce c rea m 8 own and Glenn Moore of the ' qalnat e'a,·h ot ner. tetr·+or--tt!re-kkld+~.!t•lft~t601Mt~· ewport ScbOOI.:ii'i!JOiinLan Ia ...--. ccor ng o tJa-r;·erl gga. S&n norm.. r~ e -,.,.n,•tttlh"' ""''"" il'"' p.,,,., ~, .. ,,, yea r . -~ I of lbe Meaa School. Ana Park Su,....rlntenllf'nt, .,..rden • OR ~Al t t._.t t'tttrnovlh ""~ , ••• O.hl ... cloor ........ uao fttllf'e .. ,~ No tr ad• PM"• ,_,.,.. D ... I lchml<ft . ~·- c-..... ~. -................... -------...... .... .., ... . entnu w lnnerw I plana should be made at once l!> "'" ,,, '.'II· \l,.r ,.,.. t\' ,.1111,. ll-:t lhn.1 e ager younptera caUl. Wtnnera wue decreed u fol· e-nsure prolific blolOm '1·1·"''1 1 ···~ "' ...,,."I"" t 1\,.,.,.,, uaao PIANo.-.... • ••• .. _.._ ....... ..,.._01 ........ for the contest. Junior Cham· Iowa Sw~pat.ake.e &II dJVIIiona. The members of the F I ower I .. ''"'"''' .of 1'111111!1' Stt•••· .. r l '~tll • ltadera .aenl... post hute for t but nymg. Vaughn ..BrlnJunan. Sbow l"ummlttff art'. Mra E. 0.1 '"'""' ......... 1, ... '1·11 ... 1111\'AI. H .. Jltt • Ill. .., Ill ete. D•"• tehml~ r te'1 tloz.en con ell, that no .Meaa: lar«eat, Weaton Crocker. Whtte. M r 11 Lloyd Chenoweth. 1\ M • • • 1 II F 11 11 •I M t\ 11 ,. '' O lJSEWA RE~ might be <liaappolnt~ Nl'wport : amallut. Dickey Janes. .\Ira. l.'l&rencc-Gualli.D, and Mn. \1111 •II I hu'h11rul ""'' "•I•· 1111 1 ,.1,,n -'l Pleno C.m.,•n~. -He"" Mel• II , aante An•. ..,.._ trek~d to the t•o nlelt Newport: beat design. Robert B. J . Mc•1ullen . S&nt& Ana. Mr~. th.1t , . .,'""' ''••·k uf uu·n 'hlln•tl"· Mayt~• W•-·• ,...,010" 11111 ..... .._ & .. , • from Coeta V eu. Corona Truabelm, .MuaN: atron1rt pull. 1 Ju11tus Crll.l'nu~r and Mr• c s.1 ''""''''"11>: ..:•·u~·rall~ "' :-;,,. k F111 ,.c.., "•d'" "'"'"' •• ,,. .• o ... , tellloll4t Mar. Balbo& and all lntu· Art CIUllptKoll. ew por:t. highest Hunt~ng; O~angr : . M r 11 . Robert I mtun· ''"" EqwftiiU'Ill "' ''"' \ , V••""""' c......... '''""" c -p•,.'y ... Neruc Met• lar y polnL, afoul. on ku.tdle nytlnc. Bof b"NWblte,rt•~ell&.. .. ~•ig.: ltudu~'" lt)lll~ LI.Mtet aa. soa,le ?rl~g· t!!ontA r. '"""' •• ,,........ ' II·· till\ illljl l~t\1 1•1···, ~~·,·'1' !~,·11·:1'!,1-:1 I • ,,,.une M4 ......... A.... • .... bl I a I bll a d b na ron o ewpo or --&n ILJ'ma u ,..u on, • an a n.Da. 81 R I 1 Roll__......... II• _. __ , f _. ..... I ht A 1 IIW t•• ""''' ,,, A I . " ~.. ll·"'-cbyc "8• .• ucomo ell n Y1 lnllleate tbe .c'booi which the 1 .t.ln. Jamu Irvln11 baa been rue altO, ••e '1 r ...... _,. ' ""' r r ~ "'~ '"Ill''""'''' kn"" '' '" ;\Ia " 1\1,., 11 4-uaaea oo~ra on o Creek near Pllaatoaa lla!R~ • Ute l..r ., U.. GraDd Caayoa of ACCO,.DION-VMtf ""' .. ,..._ d I. H Ab youngatera attff\da. named mrwager of l he entire 1 -:....-'1111 '""' l••·nt1 •1t "' .'II> 1\11111111' r o" "-'LI.-Hnu-olcl ,.,,... .. .,,.. n en en r y rarna Arllloaa, a verUcalmlla.below .... .-tit ~· ,..,..,· enry ''" • .. .._ •• .,... H f th t an I • Otvlaion 1-kxder ... arten ftrllt •how hy tht• ('ClUDt..y IUpl'rvlaor• ....... ,,, •'IIIII' liiiiiH~I L-l.lttll, l'tly nr • O<>od c.on<flloon ,,, """' '"' am o e r apor· • · I · -... t I' 1 • • 1 r ~ , "" M¥,..,.,. DeN .. ....,,.,.c-. d t t It tl 1 arto.J kl'onu gra es· large•t NeU and her III'IIOintment waa avprov· H bo t Be f"t Fro N •"'" 1••• ,..,, L ' 111111 > " ., 111111:1' Newport ... ch "•· .-n~. • N•"" Mel• e4., .. .... epar men r.u~'... n a Hlllmga. N ewp<Srt; ~m&Jiul. 'Bruce "" by the State The show, ... ar r 0 ne I m ew ~1111'' .. r l 'll hlo lrllla 111111 '1"'1 " ·-· ; ... ... «h~~b~pgaMi 8~~ W ~~~S~~~ ~~l.wiU~~~MM~~~~ · • • ·~· ~~~~~~~~,,~r~,·~t~''~'l~tl~~·1~,,~1~1ruu~n~u~~~~~~~~·~r~II~H~'~~~~~~ffi~~~~~~~4~1~l~~~V~~=====~=-~---~-------- of youngaters and lbejr kitea. Nl'wpr;rl. 'beat dealcn. B 0 b b .j I AAalatanre U>ague of 0 r. n 'e I Naval County Atr Faelds ' ~111111' will l>t• 0111111·. 11tH! lhr• pllr·l .... dw•y. c- that area. -SqUire a N ' rt · atronceat ull County and all atulllarlj>a · lnclud· , ' 'd•:tw prl~··· tlt<·t•·••l ""•II 1 ... l>ttltl .._ .. mch v ... , . .,..,.,._ nclp&l Horace Enaip and · ewpo • P · 1 N rt H tio wtU l 11 That Nrwpn rt Harbor will bene-reqUIIIIl.ed llonatltm "' a w 11 r •I • 1;n Mnrulnv thr' 71h rill)' nf t\prll ....... t ••· , .. , k , t•;te ••· ._, ..... .-rty ........ ..... ..... .... _ .............. _ ..... , .... ot the m&l.nten&oc:e de· •.Wayne Robllwon. Mea: hl(beM j .. ~~lve ew~ ar · r, a e an 1 tit dirt>c-tly from the location ot whkb could btl maw. al t.hj' an-1'111 hi·· 1111 A-.;, ;F t'l 11 'l'll'loV ' ec. All .. 1 ..... et ,._,,. v. _. .... cooperate..t w 1 t h a flylni. Lee Conover. Newport, ~ :__ . 1 ~a hURt Naval Reeerve airport nual Harbor Dtltrtrt P11Uit ry ahow .tn 'T1 .F: ("'I~ .. ·AN"''. 1 "'ty, M ~Ani II I ll·teM T~,. af plene •1'4 .,., .,., ... c.nt r wt •" ., ... afll~. ,.,.,..., .. S~bool bua to trazuport Dtvtalon 2-Tblrd &Dd 'fourtb I near Loe Alamltoe and the pro. &Dd an.r s rj'port from J 1>, 1 Ann. t •,.11nh ,.r llrnn..:••. SIMI I' uf -~r~-~~~-.-.~~-tlltelr-p::aw.:a;.~.qe.~~-LI.Ine.l-ltUIOCJ~~·:.-..Mra Malcolm Reid wu hC?f'Or· jiiCLe4 &irpod-Wut.d Saul& AA& W.at.k.ID&. pUL. pi:..w.n& wa.. '"-•<'nHm""" ,;..l4l,,,.._ ... A M ~ .. , Mi-n!~ ......... . ............. -... _,... .. --.;;&;. -.,., .r.-JfllCi llllfr'lfl Dickey Fercuaon. 2Dd, Newport:'! rd -;tlb a aurpr!M layette &bow-wu polntei1 out at the meelln( t~ the lhow a yur -co a nd lh•· 11fllln~ll or ~111rt wnclnr 1' 1UI ISCEt:LAN~ sm&llut, D&le Thompeoo. Bobb~ er \\ ednuday Afternoon ctveo by I of dlrec;tora of lbe Newport Har· ~ oe lhf' vai!H' e>f the poul-"'""n" Aw•nu•• . Unlh•lft bland. I AWNINOa .. K,. • n • 0.•4- were not the onJy Thompaon, ~If': beat ~~. ldra. P ).1. 'IbompM)n. Mra. Ruth bor (.."hamber of C.ommert'e Moo-~try ~.the 1Jlrf'l.·tont 10A4J,. ('II\ uf N••v.l••r1 Jl,•,.clt c·nunly nf ,.,,.,.,., •• "*"'" A"" l•"' & enjoyed the contellt. J immy Foovlll\". K e • a. Ronald I Len.akt and Mnt. Wan.ta Davia lll :-.y by P A Palmer. lhe rnnt uu ukrd """miUl•l"r ••ran~;•· StAt•· uf rnhfttntllt, 11nrt ..... ,,., C•. ltcl . •-• M•'" many p&~m. u chUd· Cla rk, Newport: atrongi'Bl pull. the aoelal hall of the commu~lt t \ Both of t.hcee pro~ are wttb-McCarty to att,.n•l an'•.t r r .. l'l'nl ~· n•l•l"'"'' .. r "1111 \'•·n•l<·•· ,, :..'II!' '•• ,.,. .... 101 11 tOte ''••• Write -K•flf\ e/e .. ,,..,,. ~,.,.. o, .. ,,.,.,.n .... -· •• ~ ......... Gallf. .. •••. Yev'll •• INUer •t .LV·HOT • ... a·nu•r .. .r1 tor the event and a.tarvtn Smith. Newport; blpellt cburcb. Thirty cuuu were pr · In 1 ~ mtlu of t1111 city and will 1 ~ awardl, tuporu frtlm WDtJ 'J"' Slrt·•·t..., 1\nll~.n hlnn•l (,1) -• , r otf.apr•oc l.n launch· nylng Raymond Mv.no&, Meaa, ent for the chl.l'minl eveoL ruult In 11 demand for relideDU&l Lonpoor no behalf nf thf' ,.1 N••V.J~•r1 l~nd1 t 'tt1111t) "'Or Vtl-'MIN What , ..... "" .,...- kltu 1n the &lr. Active Teddy Trumpter: ----locatlona In the Ha~bor Dlatrkt 1 ''11'\ablfta"' commttt~ and 0 )C I an~.,., •. ~t nt•• ;,r r~thfumtll I ho• , ... , u " """""' 1.., •• MUaiC CO , ._, W-.... M., l•nt• A"• ..... . to yoU.Ojatera • we r • Dtvl.alon 3--f lnh, aiJtlh, aeventh.,aon. Mesa, beat dealgn, UUI Pey-1 an.! t:rt\'lrona. · 1 ~.pbell Oft behalf nf thj' .. ,..,,.b llnlt'<lr M11rt-h :llllh. 1~1 . ~«N""' •o "aOOK, .... ,_, Hyde, Nel110n Stafford Of el~rhth gra.du: lar1eat. S a o d y ton. Newp o rt , ~gngut pull, A dlll<'u:JIIInn on ""hat demand• 'fl'ry eommlttef' wrr•· ~"'''" ""'' OHV A f. A MOOR I-: ;., ••~•_.,,_ Collin•"'• tn. Mc-aa and Fire Chief Frank 1 Al~nder. Newport; amallellt,, Eqene Quarry, Mea , J ohn Tab.' wrJulu be m.adf' u p o n O~e I wtlole·beal'ttdly a ppi'OI·f'd IT ral MAHV K MOORJ!:. I "'""'" "' l..:h,.ot .. y. -•• R E AL EsTATE F o R SALE r. JWIIOJ' ~ber co m· Keith Sadlier, Newport; Fran~ tree, Ne-wport: b.t&he.at fly1n1. County Cli!Cl! and thr Cl}l)!ll art'ft:ttent HOIWr wu uk ... l Itt ,.,..,1~r· Vrml•"'-'fer ••• ... ,. 11""• 0 '1 .. Mill,· IU t,eq:teu on the CTOUOUI were 1 Wall%, Newport: Sl&Diey Tbomp· Jimmy Rorl<ik· Nl'Wpurl . In partkular l.or home ~'DID( 1 au w1Ul Mayor Cor1lon In namlnlt I"''"· April 1. 1!+41 Ot~nd C.nt••• Mo•tut. bnu TO THI .eo .... I.-VATIY11 ~u.-.. 1---=---------,,------------------'-----1 Olvtalou 4 Glrl11 trtrlful, Gr&ele and rental facilltte• re.ultrd In a I"IUP flf work~ra to ...,.let In A,.., Celtl. II tOle. • ...1 p I • I Di 1 Crocker. Newport. Jo:leanor Jo'e.r· lhP prt>RitJPnl belnJC appointed to the .,re Pr4'Vf'olllln ntul t 'I r" n r OA .. uttenl .,.,..,,.,..,,. .,.11_ CHAII" Of' "IAL UTAT111-w. -14 ,, ............. fw lSI ness an. ro IIIIOnl rec 0"" I gueon, New port. llmaiiC'IIt . l.>atncla I ?,...&te • <'otnmlttH to launrh a I Up campalp, A prtl 27 Lt. May 3 ~~~.·~·: ,;:. •• • =~~~~ ... ~ do~ .. blrtlwl•r ''"'·. :-.... . • I Wl'lah. Ne-wport . Pe~egy Abbott, c ampal~ lo reach pt"raona OWD·! ---' -~ , u••• '""bell tn eoc.llt •'•"-,· ,._ ......... , .. , ... -II ...... ........................... I---;:..· ______________ ....:.._ __________ I O•mrtby Fowler, Newport: ~ lng homes that nec:eoM&r)' 4ate 1 HARBOR STUDENTS T~ 1 W llllM.IT MAY ('ltNl'l·:ltN .,,.,,, plain •• ""'""' ,...,. ........ 1 deJIIgn. PaUy 8\.onfl, Jacllie Bene. may be obtained. . •• p' LEDGE J .aye~~ I Nntu-.:o IM hl'ff•hy. ~·w·n flllnlllllnl ' •• full name p,_ en -··· ... ............... _, ...... . .... ..... II -.cUt .. ... ...,.... ....... Dt. Oordoa M. Gnmdy n,111k!lut aa4 Suqeoa !f.-port Be-.11 BMplt&l C.val .... at Niatll BOY'S BABBERtSDOP Fohnerly at Jsland -wow~..-.- • a. Md"a4dea PI- Mur Pier Entra.nc» Ne rt Be•cll DB. B. ., BT~RI.ER lllcl Nl'wport. atronaeat p u II Approval of lht p 1 an bt'tnr ft De. .. I I t ......... "~ ... "' eu\lo~te•• .,. ,... '"' .... " .... IU. n.__ ' · · -dl-' b ,.. ll · II __ .. tu lnt• pr11v ~ lin• o •·~ .1on ...... , • Sb.trley Thompson, N-part; hiP· •• u ocu Y ... ~ c: Y_ c:ounc ·-CAMPUS ·GROUPS lot thf' ("1\'11 C'fldl' of thl' S tatr of ~..,.,." H•~ ~., .... , ... c.., WtLLIAJMON 6 WILL ......... ................ DIDlftft eat nylng. Connte Shook . New· 1 county wpervt.oft for uk.lilaa' aL . C'nllfotnln. th11t on thf' 7th 1t11y nt -w . o-,,.., .a.... .._. port . .tltronal lmproveomenb 10 N'ftpc,rt CUimlnatb\• nearly a WHk "'A 1 1,.~1 11 r til It 1ft ~rt ... c ... Cetlf .. Pflo-11 er ,. .... o..e.-t: ...... "'-'' ~--...m. , ._..._ Telepll-Newpert .. 8tore1 Bull~ a.lboa I ' H -.._ t-..o b th dl ' " Jlrl · .... · 11' '1"11''r" ,. 1' • ~-Divlah•n ~ htgh .-hool largellt, a .. ..,.,r wu gran '<'U Y e . • ruah acttY\U.., .santa Ana Junlnr mnrt•·r ci•·"TII~'I1 '"'111 ,., 11nrl I " Come rn tor an ""'"•'•· • Bobby Hltt. Jmla llf'JI1. Harry Con· reoc-tnrs upon suggel'ltllln of Walter collj'lfe ..erv!rj' ('lu.ba today !llltr$1 '""""""'nl t•f 1111,1 ····rtnltl llt•1tuty , over , bMt de11gn, Orvlllr 'Hooper. l';f!tt'rr 1 ha1rm11n uf thf' Harbor• llf'Ven fvnner Ntwl>urt .•tuoJj>ntJt "" •. uHI llnrl~o•r Sh<tp ,..11111,1,.,1 1111,1 1,. rtf N•WI•"rt 1'-< h , I '!uunly nt lllL 0 .. TfiiADI.......C: ... r ... _.. ,,.,.. _,,.,,..... Le... .~.~,_ .. L---------------J strongt'llt IJUII. Wlllllrd ( 'hapma.n t•nmmlttee. rlf'dgf'll of lh,. nun I"'"'"'" ... ',,..,1 a t ~·tti Mut lll•· Aw•nttl' llttl I c lrllnl(f', ~"''" .. , f'aJifnnttL . lan<J htgheet n ymg. l'ltngm.an MUI· NPwpurt Haroor' High 8Chool , aanlr.atloo• IH>~ h l:m •l. ('II\ .. r Nt•V.JI1tf l II<'·A•'h. .,.,. 'llltl •l.tlltl•·l IIIHIII(/\1(1' ·-,lti ,.. -.. " ........ , . .,...., .......... -·" _,. ... ,. , ........ -I...EROY P. ANDJ:R80N er. all "' Newport Bnch .. I I rh .. l'f'n ~;::~•'•. r v .. t,. "' llttt. I ·,.,Ill,, "' '''••n.:•· ~'"" ul ('1111· I~ ('lll'f'ttllll .... t~ft thrl ~..,..~trl•;::'~ Dtvlalon s Specflll dlvullon tor~ i """t ·c· A:.l mj'fttbenl, Btu«...-JaJ-tflTTir.l: colt-ncb .... 1·1"'''' II c-tu.tlJ·I I ,.., •. , .. , ... ": I"''.,"" I ~- ATTOIINKY AT LAW I kil ts DOl provided for In olber ... e ass,. uS cee' .cbo&utlc stlllnllllrtlll '" ,,,. llllltll:llb•. uj ..... llw "'"" lt'llltfl'" lillY.''' !'IIIII. ~ '': ~ .. ~~·."' I)R· ~ ,._ IIJieU ....,..... ~ctlon&· Leooard DeBord. Calvln f'llglhlr for mf'tnht rAhlp ="'''"'" IIIII '"1"'1'"'''"' ANti I. I~ II}N I'Y n n .... I'( 1M• - "'" ..... ~ _ .. !.--· ~· ••· Ill .._, .. ,. ...... L .. All~ ,.... . ..... I ~Jclntee, sorma.n Smith anti Held FOA S4LE-Waoiiii'O mac,.,,.. •1eo n~w membt·r" wl'r•· lnduot,.d c 1ii.VAI. A !\IIH •HI. ·•l••l !\lAilY l'At-IY 1''1> "' Snhllt Auu, l '•nmty R E'I\L EsTATE Pltoae eM Plummer. all of t tl e N ewport wtt" rn~ngl•. A-I condition 140. lhlll IN'mf'ater h. . \lllltl(~ . .,,,. tho• "'"''t.:"t!"l'· ••f fttunt;<· Still•· "' 1"uhfuntlll. "' Cottt& II-Oallfe,..... Sch,.nl. and a llpet·tal prize went 1 Ateo C"•c"~""V Uprtg"l plano f."rlnn"r local ,.,,,,..,,. v.h .. ,.,,. ,.f ""' '"''I 1,, .. 1• ,, \, ,.,.,1 til• 11 Ill 11 1 I•• k A M F O R RENT to llutlolph To,.ra of the Meaa Apt 2. 201 Wulm<neter, eo.ta plffig'lriiC lncluu,. M11r1:nr,.t •:,.Ita. ••l•h , ....... ,, :•r,. l\c.t1 1 Sit•···• llul I 1 •••·•I :O.I .. r• It .'Mt It l'tt I ' ------~s<:bool. Meu H -bp f'll1otco,.r11. Teorr1111 11-tttrt•·r. l'lh• 1 .. ,., (•luu•l l'tl\ "' '\o•v.r••ll lit tttlt I ti(V/\1. A Ml 11 tiU•: DIII ... T .,.I HlAl ._.,._f ·~ -.L • Mllr1JCII!o:''r ,., ... ,.. • ., .. ,. ••r• 1" , ... ••,_ P. V. PARJ["4' --------t,.•·r11, Jo:arlynn ·~tl.nl"'' l'll•lnlltrr• r Jl""'>. vi 1 ,,.,,,.,. S ill I•• nl ('nit New-C...rt-Balboa w II h II r lAJtkrnr:l H••· I .. , .... ·~ ,.,·,,.;I MAllY K MOCJRf:, ............. , .......... ,~ ~- Wat.ehmak• • ,__._ • ~ ... 2102 Ocean Front, N~rt &spen SwiM Wald llepa1riQ( Go .. l'latlq a,. ol-• ........... ALL WORK GUARANTEED pv • !\11 tl "ttPt)l etn .OCA,..,....4.tle"e Uti •t tM NEWS _ T 1· M [ S .l111k y ,.unr;, lh~t rl\n•·•·I"M. "'l""" ,. ,. 111"11 '"'" HI 'TII I t • • ,. .... !'\mllh, Jun ior l..lunll rut• I 1-'rrcnk 111 ,1 "" 1,,,,,1 ,,11,. ",1, 111 , 111, l'•tl• ''I" 11 1 1'~11 oaa•~T VILLA, Ga-r•• Cttr t ,, .• ....... ...... ...,... ._., .... ,. "'rl111, U&chl'lnrll m"'' ""''' •·• .. 1 '"" ~ ..... 1•'"1" ''' · • d _., I :. 1•·111•· IIOIIIS•kll lvon»· .,_, ...... ,. ..... •••• W L . .lertfall, Vol tUDe llllXDI -,,,., ,,, II ··""'' I ···~· I ·' I 'l1tll•l I Mit ... ~ .. 01 .J "' \. l .au.aj.d.t...L \\'••' k ...... P ... n. reJm •••In•• ,. .. , ~1rfll c~arl~n,.. 'Mn,..,,-, ,., FI•,Y'•·r !·dr••' f '"' ,,f I ~·· AtH'• I· (',.•HI PHONF.IJ n & I.S I ;:;,;; •• ..:,.. EQrJ-T.....S., J aad Dllllld.a.J AliemOOM 1 Suba'rlpt1on Payabll' In Advance. S2.50 per year m c Jrange County; Rtrrr. 1 t'<i.t.a 1Mf'IR l'lan11,.,1 8 glllll 1, ,.1• 1 .. , •. 1\111.,.1,. -.;1,,1,. ,,1 ·~·,If '"" It•~: ''"""' ""'" loltt•ll(•·l,. " 11 '1 1 101·•'-----------------~ 1'.1.15 per year tu 4th tnnf·, $3.00 pt'r yt•ar to Hth .ozorw> 1 • ,.All f · :ll m,.m!Jrr• of 1,,, 111 , • • .. tlr•·• '""''''"' lttYt'ttll•rllll ,.,,. 1111· <!5c per month by corner nun"" u or 11 , 11 M•·lt "'~ ""' ,.,,, lu•lll """" ••f '"'" I 1 on "r Nl .. om ,.,,,,,...., 1-tllli MttiOOfl family h•·l•t r••tt•lliiY llll· ,., •• , ... ,,,, '"''1''. ""•!•• IIIIVII ...... "'" , .. 1 .. 1(1111. .... , hnuo• n •••••. , •• ,,,,, ...... . llnt4!red as SI'Cnnd·CiltM mlllt!'r at lhl" PO!!totru:t> In NI'WJlOT1 Sl'ach, •n her hnme. . '''"I'"'''"' "I"'" "'"''" tl1., '""t I "' .. -. r--tlf .. h A , M h 3 Jo-71) I ""1' I ,., I• "''~'" ,,.. ,.,,. .. ,IC '"11 ••••••· ,., •. .. ...... om••.un .. f'r t (' ('I 0 Of(' .: nr.. Thf' t•l .. hlh blrth.tov ,,, llo•lt llll ... , ... !"'"'II····· I ... '" 1•111"' ' 1 ~ &c " • ;. IIU .. ' l.f' --"'-hv ... ijl ~l,llii"-....AIL-• -. s. A.~ .·-. . Et>JTOR. AND MAN.t.oeftl.~ian:~.-ot .r 'Au ,,.-nrrimt!l'fJf"'~WF'1Wf'!."l»!-"""""''"'l .. til•t.: ,..,.,.rv,.,·,.-.,f,t,tJMl-·· ;-~.;;:;~i::'-:::;;:....!:~ .... Pri · PI 2<!01'1 \\' C: t I A N t lie h. C..llf . 1': I'' "Mt C1e111Ul "' ~.:.t7 ""~1 "'•• h I"'''"'"' '"" 1 '""1' ,, 'lilt-W I 11"•' wr1·lt'• l..l rH AN li f':f,Jr:ft ~ang lint._ ~nrn ~U!'. <'wpor ac or~u~ O:.inlltH lltre•l.·N,..,1 .. ,,. 11,,,..1,,, ,,,,,·I 1,, ,.,1, ,.,,1 1 • .,,t1,,1 ''"'' Atn•·rl•ltt• , ... lt y. II II<' 111111(n11n• •ll•lrthlttn•l wIth I':X AMI NI':II AllY OFnCIAL PAPER, Nt':WPORT BEACII, CALIFORNIA 1 w"" rrlebtated r•·,.·11llv hv .,., I• I• lo·• ·•1.' •I ·" .'I'· '.1·,,.,.,. · A De......,.e ._.., 1-*'&u&loa Fw Oiw S) ~---....eral-AlL.bJ&....cumpa.W.u· Ay•·ov•:.. J!ttlh"r' !•l,.n•l l'lty 1---D-O_R_O_TH_Y_D_A_R.....:_N_IT________ ·~har1t•H ,1,·,1antJH :wHO'S no II 111801 DISTIICT Al'f'I.IANf'F. q • "foo MUcM CoQtt ON ~t-tE' COG · ~ Co'( . ()Ot.J T w"!.TE YO\Jfl (3RE~T"4 ···~ ~ ,•(,\, · .. "' ,.f 1 .. i(CJ6 r;,.. 1, ~:l•·•t ttr· MttY'"II JtC'A Vlrl••r Srrvl,... Mflrr1tt Whit" l'h !MM. AI'TO ll'l'f'I'J.IF.M a Mt•URT UOQHI'-- 1 l.tnlln.:t•tn 11<·11• h Attlu Suf•l•ll"•• 21() M11ln St f:un• . .AmmllhltJCIIL AI'TUMUHIJ.r. KF.I'AIKI!'\111 - V '• 11 r ~~·r v••,. l jl1 Md·'~t•l•lt'fl l'lllf••• Nf',.,IOrt IW>ach RAKF.Rt' ftOHUI'-, ~··wlJ'1rt llrokc·r )', :tll2 C)t· .. an l"'krry 'l1111t Ia lt.lttf'r f'nr 1..-. UF.AI'TV 'MIWI'-~.IIt•·l'• Slt••t•. 1Hk.1 N~tl lllv•ll rr~t~la M••all f'h :UJ·W. All 011 We~ M•11 y'• "lu rtl1 111-11111 y Shup. :.till M~tr111" SIIIIIMI Jlloi'IU('Inl M11thodl. I IKP:f'f.l\f't'. A"iH IUS UI.fl"'fi' WHfiU- 11 w \\ 111'1•• 17M ~;1,1 Blvd , l'•••ta Mt>M li11~ l.uml~r l'h ....... f"fH' .. H~RfF.M -' V 1C. 1-llr rt" 1-.,,n•lry J•,IJin~e·Cnatlnl(. lUI Vlralnl• PI . (',,.,. MN&. u,\~111 .1' t'. ,4t.H \1 U lr;-• • t,.,, t ••I Tit•'' 1:1rll•ll•:-V IJrt S•·rvl<•r·, l:l-4 M•·Fn•l•lt•n 1'1, NW(It. ~ IIP:"'F.f&i\1. f 'O ,'IITKM1'0ft- l :.,, •l••tt II I r11•III•Y. '714 111 C ·,,,lJ\1 Ill vel l'lt 4f0 l'lnn• ami c;.,n•trttrl ltlfL 1.1 '\lllt'.fl f 0\11'1\ 'lift':~- ,(·,,.''' ~1•· " l.l.r t 't, "T .1'1 tt• hrlr• y•~• 11l11n yuur ltttmf'" lttrttrtlt til tl.r) llr•l n•·• l.""''"'r o, I 'lt••n" II ~')(). < ''*"' llli(hw•r "' Archd. \t \HJNP: f'l t't,f JM.Tit'.l'4 · M.rrrrt• ·'-'1• r1ttlty S lt••f'. l:t.lf., l'••n•l lllway Sur•l•ll"•· lluloh. Etc. \tllflf';l , .r\IIU'f. \ "iJI. Mf f'f'l .l t"~ l{tl•, S•i1,1 •. ,"' lito}' h· lt•·i•·•""· ~"l'l•iu·" ~:<•JII I•• llllkl•ty, C'•t~lll M1'!1a "rrAHt' t•f'IU.fc'-;;.,,,. Mll tl(ll'onrtltJ M W (',.ntrlll Avc·lt•W l>trortll l:t 11r 1:\ Nrwpnr1. ttt .-u:r..., J'l't,Jt.~-• -· :: •·wl"'" II 111,• •r I 'tthll•hln~o: f ·, l'l•• .nt·• I :.t l'fli'TIS H · .• w'""l '''''~·• ,.,,,,l,•lutt.: c· ... ,.,,, .. ,.. I ~' H\1110 1'4f':K\tt,.-· .. . 11, :.Jr·tA 1<'•1 t ~WoiiCh I . !,.,., 1 :.~11••·" lti••Iiu ~···•I• r1f1 1: ll11y, l'lr :t:tl F••r" l,r'1trr 'lf'rvtc.. IU \1 t 'IT\Tr., f'OCI'R\" r. 6 !'IIOTAaf rf'fti.IC- 1 1 .'. •. 6/' .':tt.L \ I t•nt rnl AY•·II IW J«lt•>nt' J &nUtt.K KT AMI'"- N•·wp."rn 11111 l.tUf l'uhllllhina Co. l'hc~rw• 1:1 J:l. Nrwport liNd\. 141fr:r.T MF.TAI, WOAK- r ·,,.,ll, !\1•·•1> I'I•Htrl.lttl( c·,,m,mny, C.:C~&t" M-. '""''"'' :.110 'ftlli'"-UOAT f.r:TTI:KI!'IIU-. \. t ih-r" •II• t Th• Sll(rt Mttll 4~ N•rduull, ll'..ornn.t del M.r. f"hnne rT. t'Yi-r;wRtnRA- I • • • r'> 1"CJ 1.-Ro .. +w"'" r.: ~~~~~---;1~~i-~~---+v~~~~~~~~~~--Li.:;,J~~~-r---.-~,..... /~111:!-rjfJ.IfJ!I. ~ llltll.r1•1 l~l1111t1 V~tr1rly Slttl? k. ll)r. Zc and up. PtiOM ~lll·W. .. !WF.UHNO-' , 1 WPittlna:eii'J)f!rtJy tSooo ... -". Orr~. U. Mer~ Pl .. Nwpt. ... -. -CORONA DEL liAR, ML~A Ill Atm .. . Lll>O ISLE u~ of thr-trlrphonr puts 'a frirndly. ·r hC'r't)·. pcnonal notr int~ cou nt_lns human mt'ssagrs. Wt who srrvt your ttlt'phonr want you to (ftl dw constant prnrn~ Of thr uvoicr w1th • SrDilc'' in nrry departmrnt of tht bu~ineu.. l ...£.. ~· CaHtonU.. TUESDAV,·APRIL 1, 1941. 4 ' ' • -' .. v-<.THE '~~ WO ·- ·~ . ... \ ,_WPORT BEACH C06TAM~A BALBOA 0\ -~ Veterana or Foreip War Poet. 7:30 p. m. Meaa Legion Hall. Coata Meaa Friday AtWmooD Club. 2 p. m .. Women'• Clubb008e. Newport Beacb Boy Scout Troop. 7 p. JD;, Scout but. 1c-ta Wea Boy Scout 7 p. m., Mua Scout ball. EAB':I'~ BARGAINS! A f'7.at NEWBAY 4t~ 00 Maalllndtt• for • · · .!""• TOWN ·AND COUNTRY FOLKS W.helhet you lin ill town or fu l.he coUDiry ••. .here' a a combination oHer to please your reading tastes . . . our paper ana your favorite magazines a~ really buge savitlga. Maie your aelection and send us the aoupon now/ 'fHtS. NEWSPAPER, 1-YEA!4 ANB ·. TH-RE, •• .,r-• Fl NE 1\'IAGAZINES . " PICK 2 FROM TillS GROL'P 0 American Boy .....••...... I Yr. [J t\meucon Girl ......•..... 8 Mo. 0 Ch: tsUan Herold •......... G ~.1.:>. 0 H:>tne ,·u~~·Needlct:r:Jft .•... 2 Yr._ 0 Household Magcr.ine .•..••. 2 Yr. 0 McCall's Moga1.1ne .••...•.. 1 Yr. 0 Fa1t Digest ................ 1 Yr. 0 Mo('!.ern Screen ............ l Yr. 0 Mction P.t ture Magazinn .. I Y~ 0 Op· n Ro, :d (Boys) 112 Ts~ucs\ .......... 14Mo. 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