HomeMy WebLinkAbout1941-04-29 - Newport Balboa News TimesI. . ~ MaJora II· ·l Q)IDitlft I ISSUED MiD-WEEK ..., _______ .... ___ ,,,, .. ,- Se.·mtl th•· u o•AolllJ:, lwrh 1•( thr 11\II"VIY&I of t ho· tu•h: 111: barj!t' In the .Jilorm u f uv•·r a Wf't"k ago w ill< (;NirJ:•· Fult:t Furnlt'rly <'tly rlt•• t r1, 1an \\ h11 r!'lort-d ff'om thnt f~t·hl lu 4'1k'r· ate hiJI t'xr•llenlly Pf!UiJI('('d f\Ah. ing boat. Gt'"'i11' and ~lr WU· Iiams put out ·tn lhl' h£'tl\ y Jlf>n and after a ha\1 ~·r hRtl hruk· rn. f1nally mall_. (tul a lin•• tu. tbt> barKt-'a bnw a nol lltPaduod tht <'raft after '' ··~ mt· tu rl'at near Cryatal C'u,.,; bo-t wun I 1 I SEMI· WEEKLY -. EDITION EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA. \VEST NEWPORT, SEA SHORE COLON-Y, UDO ISLE. NEWt»ORT HEIGHTS, BALBOA ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR, COSTA MESA -.. ~ . ' ~t:WI'OKT BJ:ACII. t 'AI.II'UK'OI\, T·l"t '!Cll\\, \l~KI\--~11. IIIII I I .. . Soutl:r~~ast .CO.-Buys-~Mo!~ht .. _[On~ Hurt ·N:~)r~~~~- N -8 · ·1 d · In N ewpurt Bay I 1 F · k HiJ.t Elow_t-r Show ewspaper ' u I . I ng I"' .. r 1114' IIII••Jil ll•hlltlon• to ll n t rea M llll~ '"~" ....... lll•t •hUII•I•~·· tht' tttJ11ttl\' ~ro)'tnlt 41r!Y"tltla ol A d I""''" "'"·'• """'"'" lo• .,111h ol IF N . E •""-!\;' t II th \ I tJt •• lh~ 110..1 • t ,.,..-lu til•• 11!\ll••'l A•••n l tu,. .. ,.,_,. Or · avy xpanston ; .. :·.~'·;;:"Y '; ... ~:. :::"· .... ~ by J'~. CCI en :-.~ ... ~ ........... ~~~··" 'v ·~· ~ ..... . ·I T ho• \'>to ht "JI" hr"UJthl h~ lM 11\ollll• II·M~ o•lllo•l 1\11 o•\1 ohtl Ill (it¥ Dads Elisagre~-. Over Outside W ~ter, Despite . Surplus rePort Tunthooll "''II krw" n on the Pit· I ~'"' IJI 11 "'"'"'"'II lo• "" ·'" I ,·tftt• '~ua!'lt "''"' • ··•n••ut HUh It· t h,. '' • ••k ......... ;,,..r1 pf tnst ·"·~k from w ·l-Vnr lliHII \\ 11:'\ J'ltlllt ulh IIIJHI•'•• 11tt' 'ulttl rnt I \LUI HI hi I\' I' I'"' City to Abandon Porti~n of Arcade In Rear n)ln~o:lo•n ltlllllf' n ·l!ult of tb• ~,IIMlhrr ,,. q~.t ·""'" "'"'"'"'" lh lj•hlll "'" ,, .... 1\. "" .t\\111•1 ('nuru·ilnwn· Fail to. :\JCrt'l' On Tt•rms ··or I -. d. E bl 8 t (•·r~f rrnj!rttnl ur·h·r-,ll'A)' t"'f'~. J•h•n•l \\h ... I ttlllt•l• tt h llattt'IH'tl ,,, 'l'""~.i ~ '"I I"',, ,, • II t I I 'd \'-' Of. News-Times Buil ang to· na e oa . Tht• ~1111'\ ~r.'n•· II' otn uld aub-a hf'o\~ 1111111\\11\ ""''"Ill "........ ~-''""''' ...... ~ oi··~IIIIIJo! ....... ,,, 'l'lll'WII1JC ar )Ot Han ·•a(t•r ('ontract; . ) Off A p t• r hK"' r '-h tdt "''"' <'<>netrucled Ia I A<'• hh·nt I Ita I ••' ""''•I "" Snnl • II • !'"'' I'''''"" • "' I"''" ~'""'' II• ( • t t B I) d At N Lrnd. A H~nd I F~rm to_ ·Fence . t . .. St recau ton lfll"' Th ... l~··•l R llll•l f'r ~hlp lo tMI Anll 11\<'11111' , ....... ~··II I .. , Sal ,,. "'"''~ 111•"' ""'' "'" "•'1111• ,,.t on rovt•rHy 0 l' 'l'OJ)l'lll' ext t111·o rHffl. • J 'T)Ir Coordinating Cnu.nrl~· Ill • • sa~ ....... .o AttprnntQ f onlt\lfl' '!"lrllflj;Pr I whu·h~ J:. urollty ll flo·o,n""" ·"''"'"" t!to '"""'''"' ''"'"' "'" 1... 'lnrnla 'H St'MMion f----4&-Q.-.~j[fal.-l __ -te_.... ¥ ~---,.~••ac t1 -_..-f ...wtl' tt.....t-t>n-RUU\.' . =J'h.'-.JIJUa.-4 ................ &: ..... ~.~ ~.uJl..llliullU.J&J.lun....u.l1l.U!lil -------~-----------------------------------~ pe.Jgn lQ gain I hi' roop.•ratfnn . . \\'R~ n >nvrrtrll Int .. " ~·arht In 1121. ~ hW&'III k ,,, 1''' •• , ... ,.,. II\"""' ' " Ill•' VI••\\' I Sit"" II I II·· '111111 11 of Nr wport Harbor 8usint·11~ I C I . . f r C':\pan sio n l'l'qllil'<'d to l'<IIT\ T ho• lw>RI 110 noow mr•c•r+d at ~nl • """ Ito• loud "';'l'l"'<t' ~~~ , ,., .1,,, ,.,.., ... ••• tho· !"o•\\ ~ Ttotto•~ mt-n to oHI'r y •bll to ~ewport o nlp l'tlng a pr~rall) 0 • • L illi• C"hunn('l T'a<•ht A ami "~~~ -•nnoltJI~ '" '' ,.nt· .. r t h•· ,.. .. ,., """'" 111 • '"" ~·· .,, II~<· Harbor dfslrlrt young J)E'nplr o ut OV<''f ~2.000.000 '\\'01'1 h of NAVY dt'ft•n !l(• C'Ontrat1!'\, tht• Annthl'r Rolohtlt•n lu the rl'll'llll~ , ... ,............ "'' '"""'" ~· ,.,., "' M id ..... 11~' "'"' olllltJ•Io•lo· 'V Th.11 lh<' t "it~ .11 I''''"'"' lllltl 1' 11 .tlt•r l11 a dJao'l'lll .... Nt•\\ port l lt•:tdl h as 1111 1'\l't'S.'j' ur Wllt~r 111 a 1" , ... "'t ~""· 111 --.·11 11 llmilt'll n m o unt ol ;tt'l'll!-o IIIII..;Jdt• 1111• I'll~ Jlltllt/\ \\'1111 'n'VI'IlWcf It ·1-~. l 'atl.·r~·•n Mond.1~ ltl..:ht. whil'h k>tl ,.,.,"'~ 111~ llut'l "w l ><~ltHt<f'oi wntt"r rontrnrt l.tllny youn~l!tf'ra w o rk part South Coo~t Co!"pany toda)' purch nSN1 1 he hui'lr1in~-: IX·c·upiNI. A n.-tm· n~r n1'"' Ia thf' :10-fool aiiUIII t.• 1111>k• " ,.,·,,, 1111,.,. ",.,.;, .tal • "" •'111'"" ·'1"'""""' "' • "'" limt' t o aid In f rnafl('lpg t~lr b . th "I ant of tht> Nt'WpQI't Balboa Nt'\\'S· Tinll'-and own t'(l t rtl'l&t'r , • .,,..,.,.,r ollll'lll'd by Mr. Uw '"" \\ It•··· I···· 11 1111•·1 '''"IV' 1"'1111 .. 11 ,,,. ,.,,.~1 '"'•' "" ..... '''""' \' "-' ('it ) 1·:11~1111'1'1 way throu~:h St'IHH)J ancl many ~ e p ' J<~hn!<HO "' ltr\' .. rl'ldf' Thf' ('fAit &Wa\' lr""l tho 1111• k "'"'"''''" I•\' 1111"'"'''''"" '"" , ... lvl•'lll"'" '" ""' mo're. of tbrrn •lrpt'nd upon by Mr. a nd Mrs. S. A. M ('yt'r.• r.,,., ... n~: •'-•m~ ho•re from Wllmlnl'· W .i ~hlfro•o 1:1 4 ~''"'" A1111 · ""''"~Tim··~ tln.o '1'1,!111 "'"" • 1-'ft,.rt '"'' 111Utlt 1 1' "' tor t.h6. commg 1Cb09J.Yetr N o onr hf'!n'udt•l' ltivlng work to fnlsnd younjt' fnlk who comr hrrr to oa·ork In thr ,eummrr. but lrt'e t!llf'f' that nur nwn youn-= pc-oplr gcot ll rhanr f' to work In their h omf' ('Ommun- lly firllt th~n 1f tlwrr art' jobs lett qvr r fo r outstdrrl!. 100 m ut·h th• bt'ttrr. .. :- wsw GU)'liM con<'l'mlnl: Jlll'll'•l'lo'<l :WIIIIn youn,:: (o•llll"' :-; 1\n• ho-c·vmtn~; womo-..1 a." In who·n tht'Y Will b I' dr aft<-.1. bd"'' ,. rumor' ('(lnct·m•,. p111pnrt 1'\' a cttun by th!• draft board. anti tho• llkt•. Rt>,.ult 1:. tlw~ 1:•'1 lht..'m· !<l'lvo•l> all "'olrko•d UJI 11110 a· ~I :tit' II ( ~11~1)<'1\ilo•cJ fro•nt)' s1mply h&•CIIUM' rtwy do not go to local drart bOat•tl of· fidal:< In J!o•t tlw <'Om-..·t rn· ,.ronnAtion. N1•w. havin~: nwt all loclJI 1101m·1 nwmlwt "· n m sa)· that 1 h (• hc:wu·d . Clwf Clt•rk llaymun ancl all allvi,.· on. S('('m 10 IX' "ntn• guys" and nnt th (." t)'f.K' that ('31 dr aftees. Instead they• .,. as cooperaUve as poa· sib&e and wek:ome all peonona lftking information· '11'e point is, go to the draft board for irtformation, don't b ('It f' v (' some nut on lht' ~tl'\'t't ror- nt>r with the laU>sl gM$Ip. So Doubt ~lr!> R. S ll'ph,.n!>. !-<-..·n•ta l) t o that ~:cmal and wdl knvwn local htuldl'r, Gonion A Frnd- lay. ~~ gotn~ tu bu1ll It rww honw at Corona dd !\1 a r . l.'tlltchl as well Jilin wtlh nbout a hundn'<l oth•·r·!> who haw· poJIJII'<i lht• ..;uno• ljlll'"lllltl ;md H,.k hPr "\\'o•ll \\ ho!ol' l:llllt' 1<1 h111lol your n•·w h•Ju•t· ~ ? 7 ·• Oh ~r l'••h•··· w,.,.,. <'h;L'llll: a 1\!'t•r in ;o..;,.~,·por·r H••:or·h. S11untl~ loko• h 11,.11 ''"'Y· ''"'''JII that 1111, I'I'Pf!Tirr h:opJ••n•·d In l11· "11 h lilt' .. u.,..... """" 1'1'111~ tlw &'.t il ant! ho·aod '"'' 1~·r· ... ;.n .... ,,.h,• "''''' ... ,.,ntltn,.: ._..,, 1 h•· IM·Iwh-itllfl .. ,.,,...,...."'I~ ·•I•· ~ul111f'l~ ..,.,l,.·t·. IJ,.,•I;IIJ' I h•• d·~·• t., ........... lh•· '"•··'" (a••nt ''"" ''•"''''" '" lll111ltn;: lll\\,olll l';,t.olm;.~, 1-'1 ,·d Btl~~' ••I Lui" l•lo• 1lh"n••l J••lh ,. tho • oio•, I ,:: !iwanua'IMC tnw.,..d 4ftf- rn.oinl:.nd :•1 "'"'"' l::rn ••ntl lith ""T'' C ltho·l l••lk' ·""' •nfunn••tl l"tlh··· uf ...... tnh, lth <l•.,·r '!"hoi'<' \\ h" ''' •I j 11111'1 c-ulnut 11 !-•·•·nl... ...1 r;tnh•' ... u rnan~ 1""'1'1•· v. .. ultl r"l"'rr .~ • .,·ong 1 h•· :rnom •• 11 rl olltl ""' ,.,, ... , ,\llo•r So C'l"""' lllllt'h olo•lo:r l·•. c·llnlt·n \\•••• "" •·If, ... , 1 In ·• ~nlt tlloH1 111 lh• l l.lli111J' 141.ttod "'''''~' ,·,\ntl•''' "'~ 11•~,,,.,,.1' 11 1.. h .. p.•d th.tl "'Ill• llu nl.! "1!1 I~<· tt .. n·· 1·~ 11•''' :\l••nlln~ 111~111 ,\n\ '1'"''111,11) :o.• '" \\ ;t1t't'. l't 'J.::II'dl•• ... o f \\ h.d l1 rn:t.\ h•·. dtw• ... n1t1 h··lp •·urn "lllllllll,\ L:I'O\\Ill IIKJI)I~' l..:ul~ ~~~ ..... lr•·n·· \\'••I' ••I "' \\• pt•r~t """" t•• nt,,inl~ nP•' h:q tp~ 1:111~· I Ill• 1';,,, ~\ ····~ I,. I \''" 1: .. 11 llr!l "I ·• h •· .• Itt"" lt .... ll .1d\ tl011 .f 1 tt t ,fit,, Hf ,I f'.,,,,.,r.,J In .t h•· ,\111' "·'' hllm•· oln ";i• \ ,,,, r· ·t•l· n.r. "' in ho' tmr(o~n Hurry Up Con hardh: \\'1111 (. r lh,. '('· IIUr(artnJ: nf thf' f• ('·on trw I l!lr,.•·t 1n ~"" J•••rl blllllnrll• l!f'f ltnn l't•>LRI•Iy ~•HTol' lo('lll'l who ar(' not rlnnn~: n'"" •tul"" Wilt 11•'" hR\'•' t h•' lwnrr In ttJ?hlrn ur ""n1•· lnt;"' hQ t~ If that ~<t rrrt 111 J:" n~: '" '" f•x- rd It "'nuloln't I"' An\' ul' · tf wv'un~ h~<l tr• k"''l' drl\ IOJ: rw<'r It thr "'A.Y 1t ·~ A nrl think how ~lr••tul th" t'lrf'An frnnt m "r' hrtnl~t r r,lo&loh w II ~~ I miZf' the ----'bili'tit'S of sabota~e in ~tion with it~ de-lll•nd ""''""' ''> ~~~~ !olrur.:w..t I )""""'' h • • 'I "t I . t t I t I Navy and Army &rkt'l "Ill"'" • , .. ,, ... Ill·· •• , Ill 1111'111\l:ll,lj! II "'"'' Ill• "'"' ·' I'OIIl1111tl1'1' il!'o .... It '"'"',, ... , ... , ..... ,y ll&'t•unhft. f('nli(' projeC'fS. t e ('If-}' COUnl'l 1> On( ay n1~ h ., <ll Op l'l a r<'SO-romtn.: t u&lo•o hut ~· h\\• 11, k "I' "•'1<1111(111 (t ,,.,., •"1(1111>~1 il '" t hr •IIT"IIIll'l&nt·r a t.layur Clot'. llu tio n d('('laring its intc>ntion -Both PJ ecJ pan•nllv "A" '""'")•· ,,. I!"''~" r ... tnd.\ th•• nlatl••r pl'tut' tu 1111· .1 .... ,,,.;, .. 1•·•1 11 .. t .. u .. vl'(l all out· d . r h llhRn•lllno•tl bv tht' ('tty t'Xl f'n<ls eas lll'hll'h "'"' IIJ•• lllo•lo•rl•" ''"'"' •·· ••• w. J>rl·~~u .. ~a .. "t.l·' "'"•'I' lllt'I•I1JI•' 111'\1 Mollrla,\' ...... II ..... oohooulol '" rl\'ro ...... , 01' to ab<tn on a port ton O 1 <' trom th(' i"o;tlh t'•al<t mal'hlnr • ) n ~ .l ~ ... W•th A• G 'A'OUI&.I 1""''' ""'' ""~ "''"'" " lll~ht All uf.lhrm be• 1 ul ulf :tlll'V kn<l"'Tl 3-!" the Arc'ant" llhOpll l'll~t to lht Uw wanl!lt f' I If .un «!&nl'ln" hi"" lhnl '""'" 1 till .. n JJ.:' Wao.J. Mt" uqu••tod , ......... ll!ll~tll Allf'U d(!l'lal.c! ... whi~·h will enable th(' a ll('y build n~: tht 111 h•~·1 "' '"'' to u1t.·r ltn.t II•· '-~ n '' ,-lA'" II \\'~<IlK• •' ., ..... ._,,." ''"'" """''' ,,.. (,11 11 "'""""to 1,11111m,.. :-·•ttrroundro by t hE.' company's \\'llh thnt lh'llwn or thf' Allo•y Nut nnly hll~< thP \ • ~ Army or· I bHn .. t n ro k -•tn"'''" "''''' '"''". 8\.' J ow WaJJa .. o " , ""''" ..... ,.,., .. ,, '""'''' llt•t ,.8 ,,., 1., tlall"'' latotn•l fotr ata (t•no·e.l o)N ll Will 1)1' fill t'llJII~ tu •,h·rrtl I«J u( lht' air OJ>f'f&tf'd IDA• B~hJ. hi' f•ll•lodol\ """''' hoHo' lo.•o•n ,) ~'l: '' lho 'II\ llool t(lulll flatl•ur l•lanol 1111>11111~ If lht')' ,.,.,,. ulflctally DO- h OidinJ::S to be fE.'n (1'<f o f f a nd , ...... ,uat.-1~ prtliN'I lho• plrtnt frmn. I hlnP ~~~n~ fo r ..,:hll'h ·AI Aode..-klll ... l "'""1 I hill ... ,Yh .. llltMtl<t dia•(IIJ • • .....t .. -..-1 ~ d ,,. IC l , t\h ~ \\MI•'r •""'"'' t f••• lutttcrt thMn • ~\lat-."'-""· MB•"•IaJ!<' uf Jlalbo:t ill al<•ll manlljtl'r an 1 T"-• ''"''', , ,1111," r. tv • ., """ .. " '·'""" oi~Jo:~ I'""'' 1 t huw ,., ""'' ""'" 11111,. .. tn. .,.. To Enl~r9r Thr ~uuth ('nl\~t Cumpany U! lhlllrlbutur but t h .. Nllvy le at.o lhf' l'lr""'"'"' "'""" ''''""'~' '"'I ,. •oo k•o "'·I"'''''"'"' tot ,,,.. llno ""' ,, ''II"'""'"'"' ""'"I" I"'' ..... I'"'' uf thr rotv. totr t '"''-1 I • ,.. • "& • h f t ___. 1 .. 1 1•1•llt•l 11111 1 '" ll11ol 1..,.., 11111 ""'"''""""""full \'••no "llh J: ArqUII'fliOn n r the nt'WI!pBpt'l or II 8" f'IIJ'Rn .. •n~: "' mnrone ~ r• m trr""'"" '" I " 1:1'"" ur ···~-~-~IOJ,!II' ., 'k IIJIIIJ:hl lllld ........ I • ' '" '" ""l'l""t •ul'h a mvtlon to ln-(1(~ wtll ··nablr thr South l 'll.lft; Rnol Ill ln~IRIIIIIj: A hu•tl .-11'\'lllllr prac tlcr. • ff'81 "''""' lh ,, ...... , r ...... tho• \\ '"" ....... IIIIM•JII"''''' 111111 ttl "'' ... ,,''"''"II'"'"~ """"'~' ........ , •hl•l .. "" uutahlr ......... ''"""' c-ompany tu have itl'l nff1('f'l< t't'll· l<••,.rranj:f'mf'nl u ( ••xu•lmtc Wll.)'8-A ''f'll r AI-!•• nn Arnw nffldal •'llf ('Omf'r "' " """~·· .r . M,. "lo! ''" '"II II• •I '1""'""' uo~hl "' ""''"'' l"l"o~l '" '"J"Yf!JK u... I ,tv l':n~tlnrrr l'rttlrr.•.., '"''"'riD-I t 11 I t I I on· :ond ···on .. tnu'lln n u( IWW (tn<'ll Wf'rl" lhf'"'J:II"I' In ao•t onn nt thl' w..-ld'• ... 11 .. 11•111): "'' ll t1 1•·• ·~'""'' """"' , .... IIIIOIIII\IIOO ,.,,,.,. '"' """"' "'' , .... 1''"'"''11 that uutatM ··••r t;:n~• ::y .. ~~r Jl;~·p1;,:ny! .... a~u all :OJ'JifiiYf'd h~· tlw ··•ty o·nu'no•tl !\I nn-F"llir. th•· ~""'" I\'JW Ill Wf'l"f' uwd IIHhlfl··· """ "'"" I hr '"'' '''''Ill " ,,,., r ........ Ill I .... ..... "•·h t•• .. II '•Ill '.... . II y IH·· ""'"' "' ""' ""'''"" I '"''IIQII'tl • tutrtl uf IWI.JIOO • I . I I th I 1'-J"· -· C mrUI•··I n ,.,., k "' loud luo k .. u..~--o•lt•'ll'''' Ill I"'"'" '""' '"' •'I 1'\ ,. lllo 'I'""" ,.,.,,.,, lo)' No•" 1"'' I II:• a• h IIN'tll•n~ l'tf Nl"!'•port-Harbo•r's lar~~e· u:&V. 1111 .,. ••• , to approt\'11 >y •• "' II ··ono l'lllllOn •• t I'"' ........ run t'd th 1 I I I ~ ~ . . ' ....... , .... , •If wat... ~, VNf I'll t'l'l lndul'Jtrtal plant \\'~r P o·l'nrh rwnl • Zurw ""'' 'llmritrr Ann,.r ... n wu ,. n•u.: t ' ',.,. ""'" I "'''' t';;,~lo \\1111 "• ''"' "" ,. . ., •l•·•to•· '" 1''"1"'" ,. ,.,. """ '" '"' ,., ... ,... th•• "lololt ""''"'r lalalul ~~~, 32a,600 P I M k 11 to It t l\" _ •l•y •ultf'•l 111 1111' 11111 ""1k1111: ••H • 1,1, 1,,111 '"" • 1,.1~,. llllf'"'"M'""" •IP• .. r """'' lloKIII~ ""'' "'""" Th<' !\Jo•wi'·Tim••s bUihlin~: wa~ aprr o ove '"' •'• " nn~ ''' ~:unoo ..-n,. treilrr htll h 1••11 """ ,,.,111, 111..: lit•· ' • uhtr f••f't 111\41 It•)' 14he\f'e Cemp l rr N·t .. d wh•·n lht' boat w ork11 ,,... \\'II hon t "" ni'Rr fulun• lhr F"i •t I wh •r hr h•m"n"t rate. I th• '1 "111 11" 1 ~ • ~ "' 1 """ '"'111K' ~ 1 hMt 11'""" '"111'11' 'J'IIllllll) 11 f t 11 M h nr w ' ' ' "''I ' ' !\I M C:l ~ p in ""' u ( tho 'lo•vt" Th•· lfllf••ly ·t .lid ""' "'"''' llw l If ltw 'IIY th,. •II\ ''"1"" l~lt th•l th~v '''' . ··u o' ,.,. annua Y·......,.'"' <·uplt'd only a .r~mall portion of tht> !"l'w,..T ml'!l ~.o.tll muvt' t n ~funl ••n'"''t'H':'n•:h h~· . r t r 'ae "I chain "1'1'"'' ntlv ll••lol (r>r " 1111111·. tr lr .. '" for•" llnrt•n ltol~tnol '" 110•1 "''"'" lh•• lour•lt•n "' ,.,.; ,._ ""'"""' anuurnl• &1'1' Ullf'Ct '"""\tw hay frnnl pmprrty on •UH• w .. 8t ltllllrl•·rll lol II<· ltl('lltt•tl IIQnwwho•or , : g . .... ber of !•·<f.. Lut luulu· IJ<•Cur . lh<' anr.rx llY ~thttH1tt----..•H-I"u"" !hr jjelUWl.. I.!!" A •I•Unn llf'&r t.ba c:1ty'a l'ioll' Slnrt', that llmt' the ~n11lh IWIWI'I'n 1t11 J'lrPIII'nt Iliff' nnol t h r I pnn rf'<]lll'll.t n1 lhf' Army. uoe t ruf k l"••tolol lw llullo•ol I · .., -wo·lf•. thr llay VI,.• "ta.,._, 'a.... Coltl'!!t Company hallrXpiUllll'tl un· An•hl"ll , un f'l'ntrai.Av,•nuP f'ub· ~n "'"-" otll\nJ:I'•I lntn R mublnt Jnhn l;o•lol•·n """ 11111~ "''"'""~'"'' "' '""1'1 "'' 14''111'1 1~' ,"'"'1 lmpa-!,.,on ~rvll'• 14tallon and c •11 now. wlth thP nro,....rtv. leallt'd llllhf'r ~ A MI"Y•'r n•w•:t lrcl l<'o(lll y fl 111o tqw nntl ~··nl toao·k fur further u 11 · -.n.t 111"1 11 "111 •~· """'' ~-r" 1''"1"'""'" '""' '"""t"' t••••l" .. •l• •mall "'"•" 11htalnln1 w1ter ,. r· t .. ·t~· Mo·l":ln~l;, • ., olrmflmotrlltPd '~ NW "' 1'11 "r h•'ll•lllll( 1"r lth· '"''"'" ,..,. • •II '"' 1 ••11~•·•1 111t u tho· from the-dty !lnd the nrw11papPr Thf' N .. w ... Tlmr11 hJl.ll bfocon lfll'llt · " . • • ~ · .tand llll•l Ill"'"''''' a '"'""''"" . wo·rr •ulttc"•trll hy •·uuno·tlm,.n, but th" •·tty otrkf•, it rompri~ an nrf'a uf .•'<l tn 1111 pr4'Mnt building alnN' "''""at WnJ'hl l''f'IA. Ohio. rt· Bchwf'nrk WIIJ! rt-m•;,.,.d 11, 111,. ~~ 111Y ''riK~~ 11111'''1 1111 114tfl'"lllrllt o·<&Uhl boo r_,.h~lln W'll.)lfllfonatnelrU!aa_,..... rtt-ar!y two blocJu. from C«"n tral 1933 when thr 11trur turr, tht-flrat 11ultmg In the Army plncinr lt.e Joerph Hnt~pltaJ Mnd Uul&l .. n· •lr•~r "A""' 1 '1'1 '"14 ""Y "' lnolh a t• tl>f' m•lt•r ("uoncllman Allen. • m• tn eo a\'all, U.. ~ .. IWrnur to tM ~y· froot with tht-or tht prt'et'nt block 'ot modrm ftnt ordtJ;....,. lbla car Into s anta Ana to nut..,. l hai.Jf wNtrr Ia 11'"1"'1 tlarbor lplal·,l,..df'r In thf' m ove to have Harbor ,.._,., tiM 'd~ .... -~ e~ at the lAw H . WaUace bwllnee'l etruclurea. wu erected to Moun tf'<l In thf' cock pit of • the tajul'tld man·a eon. llfttl, all w• hav,. to dol I• to ap 1 ltllland UUift to taa e1t1. dac!lancl ft!Pt alter ---. M a 1 M property aDd t.be Bank ol America enabk U.. new•paper tD m-• plane 'the IUD8 !wive proved v.a .. l. ~to lM lnriDe CQm,.., aN~ n..& tile co.trad wtUt eMil •· ._.. .t the ~ M X 1 -bundtn~t. bnUI of wblcb front on fro m tta Oc••n F"ro nt quartua able in tralntn~ ~nn•~ on a miD. wtll t:1vt ua water." lhtcp . d •vktual out.,. wat.r .,., ahowd ... at. C'rnlral and run to thf' AlTa~ l whlt'b w•rt dam&lf:Pd In tbe rarth· illtotrf' ta·r~et ran~• lntii<S. 01" u s D llrl.:l:~' ollaplayrd 8 Jll'f!OIT'arbk' • ·• . llll('y. That portion (If An-adl-O.•mt: 1quak•. han~~:~rll whrrf' a c-tual fllhllnc • • • , .. , <•r•l 11( th .. '''"'"'"" m"•·t.lnJr th..-1 rundlllnne arr r reelt-tJ. . riVe ....... k. lllii:H "'"'"'"'"* thr r .. marlul Wallace t Jrsre!il Harbor lsJe Ttua ({WI prach cf' 1.1, po .. lblr • • -I mll•l• at thr *'IIJIIOII '" 11\ll .. taqtt•t.. --Sh E c· w I A ward Contract. to Pave 101'1111' burlrhnJ:II •lurlnr; . poor d f hill ll••r.l•l • are ~xpense. .,,ty ater t \L'I'Rih,.r .lllld thr ""m" tralntntr can • " Newport Business Area ~ II(J<rP<I Rt R c·o.ot .. t p .tor on e ense St"ll ~~ k. I . . !ill 1)(11) II II """' inlll l'llol .·., 140.000 I ~e Jng "r•·:&kon~o; '" II ''''"''" "'"I '"\'l lo!''' m nol ""'' II will '"' many,. ... ,. f"1 ~)Ill•• •··s: .. l:or n11whtno· ~o:un nd · h To M••vo R '"'>' r wtthlt• tho• c·11y ,,. N•·w '"''"'" wo• , ... n t)ff "'~•I'd ln. but Tht' 11mf' ill r.uw lim&trri wht•n llrn\'y rRtn!l <RIIM'ol thr l'rl'l'f'nt :oh••llll '' '-ex, 1""' llo•rwlt •orul •I••'IIUII&t: lol• rf \'fKI rnll'l ll~ (ur ano4hfor ,_ 1Nfwport Ha rbor molorurts will (un ohltun 11f llh· lll&~ono•IL'I lllrPf't s· ere f:x-(.,amo ~ht•p -, ... ,.. t~'l"''"'"l.-1 ll11• lllltt&l(hl "' >"'"'"" ltooo)IN• t\'r will uk to he t. """'"In tht' ,.,,,.,, w~r .. t••mnnr. 'M w-w c . . '-" ~ 11111111 1""1•'11\ """'''' lo~·lll "•"'""'~ ... ,. -. ni<YO,: to "lm rnp" I hr r way Rh>ng ,... rs rosier Rr1IY ''""" In loy lho· 111)' !ltrrl'l • • • • \ \\niiiii'O 1111'"1 ""' 'II\ ''!>111&\tl j . W..tl Wt• huvo• lw•f'n nlf"f' rttr thn Newp<ll t Cko•an FTunl lllllltn<•AJ< oii'J11ll flllf'llt T u d E I ""'"'I'' '"' ~1 111 ....... , '"'""' \l•>tooho v llll:lol ""' ,,. • lt•nrt ... ., mnnv '''"" lllttl "••rtnr lhlll ~~~ tll!!trtt t i'h111tly ll(lt'l' llll' •l:ttnll):<' l o lh4' 0 0 n ergo ~ye Thr l lnllrrt ~Inlow l'<'fr nf1•• :-!AI' ~ ""''"''110'· '""'"'' jii&Uololit>M flhiJo lo•& "''1\lto• Ill llnii.>Ool 1~111111~ f,l j hHY<•-""'"' .->ttomrlto-lu lfrtf'bnr l.a.'lt r .. j.:hl lh•• l oty 1111111111 l''"''rn•·nt ''Y tlw """"'"""~ !':••\\· Operatl·(·n \'lnJCRIIIIflllll .. not ''"'" ~"'""~ 1(,., "'"'" """ ... ,,.,," ....... , •. ,, ........ '"'" '" ... ,.,,.,, ..... nih' ''"""''"'II\ 'l ht•III\PftY""Wllh· H\\':lrtJ<•tJ -~t •·nutrael fur Uu-J.!IHd· f"''' B•·:u·h hu ... •n··~~ uu•n pr•·~··nt , !'oltAmJ)IJ \\'Ill t w pla•••l ,,11 ,"41th• ut '""~··d t•) tt•r '"" 1tr1tt "'h\•h '" '" utd•·, .. H ,,,.,. •. , urt1, •• , •• '''' ttud 1t1 tfu·ltu'"'l"tt l4tflllft lln11t• l'rt• nak·· tn,:.:. ,.urfnc·in~ snd in~tallat1nn of' r-d a ~fit1uO .. ,;, ttu· .c·nuru·fl ~r•·k . •tht' ''fW''""~ ••I t.11.,.""'""' ul '"'' t .. , ••n\•, ,, d h;,. (, '"'" ., 1' '''·~'·' ,,,,.,,.,,~~ ftt•· ~.,, •. ,. .. ,. "' l'."t .. •thh••v 1 "'•' ,,,q to l••'k u l th•·lr llhk• of . •·<onrn:J.•:tJ!IIIIt'rll In that IIO'I'Il11n tn 111): rf'Jlllll t o 1111' >'l rl'r l !\Ill• \\' \\' ('roJdo'r . Jllnn•·rr Nt•WJ~<&rt llnll•"l (•.,,, 41f(u, • , d •.otlr11r \• ... I lo•• • "'"';'' 111 ol ""'' 1 I" oltl o•' ''"" """'"'' "'' 111 lh•· '1"'''11:•" 1111•1 Wttto'l yuu Jtlo•lt"'' lhP Surry l\lollt•r ('unt rowltn): ('Ioiii _.Til•• 11>1111•'11 Ill~" lll't'l•l.••ol ttl•· ;\;''"l"'l'l Jtat'l••r ,..,.;olo•nt. ll'tl~f~ 'l'hllrlloluy. ~Itt )' I 1111•1 ht idl '""' ')'' "'"')' II •11~•\ l11• rooloho•' f.,• •••nno· Ill ltllol hdto II• Ju lw•nr lhfo p:uoy wh"IIP lvw IJ11I t••lah·d S:ll~r, I'"IIIJII•·t•·d Hlllll•tll unlo, p11rk arrd '"""Y In 81,,, . .._ tht' 1;1••ll S.ma~Qn1 munttlr•• ''"'" , """' .1 .. , '"'"' 't" T l111• 1111 , 11 "''~ t .. "'"''' ''"' l·•t•· l"' • "'""''' ""' "' 1·•11""' _1•111•1•·11 11ttol w•· "'" t'ltrl)•l• fur Till' GnH ilh l'oomp .• ny w:oli lhc Ill•• .:r:&rllltlo! llltol ·ltnrf•w 111: 1uth II"!<J•IIAI at ,,.,,. Au~•·lt·lf 111 ufiOI~r· p11rt "'· llh· ''"''"""' •1f.,ol t .. roluk• II•·• '""'"'1 1 "''" ''" 1•1 • "' "' 1111 111 "'''' "' '"'"' ~"''"" .. ( ~·1111 t .. •nl'lrl "' n11wh n~ '"'"' ,z ly 11thPr luoiol••r Tho·u ftl!""' "'"' ~!tal•· .. r llw ''" \' :•lroo•l ""l'ao·t · 1:" an ,1.,.,.,11.,11 1,.1 lht· 1 ••ro.lll'a.l Amc•rlll• hrip1t•.:r. ol•l•· • . ,, II'"''""'" .. rr 1 hr J.r•tn-,..h~nnrl 117'rrf",..r ,.,._.,,.,.. ~"'' t .... -t1 hrfn...-,,.... · \\1...-hrn·"" ~n·t , • .,.._...,..._._ ~I 'l l!') nH·nt,. nf\\\ \Utd .,, :lt ~t ·and :II f.tl.tl :ttf\. '''''" h·r ·~··... • ...... ,trlle.f'tfl•f \\tlltUHI I f A•lltffl" 1\llltlt•fiiJ'I "'"" '"' 11•1• ""-. ·~ , .. , lti·•H\ \•!•I ' l rt r.u·t \o\tttlt ,,~,~ .... ,,. ... , f••t .... l\4'••t t1Htln,..$1C.,I ... Tht• •·n ntra•l •·All~ fu--thf• J,:rk•t· l ..:lfu\'t•lh· flltr•t~ UJ"'" ri'•Hnt '"Jtu "-•·II kJH,"Il ~''"I"'"' Jlur ,,( th•• :--;.~"'I"''' I•""' .,,,,_.. :trt f ... , ,. H••••·" AI l'""'••uf ",.,,,kuwu It; If_.,,,. lid"'' t ~ ... \1.u••• tu llfJftlllt ,,,., ft•r tlrtrfw•r lml1,..,y,._ IIJ.! of "'·~l_!!ltll<l •· ~·I .,f S\r~'>•l mrnol'\l1"n oo( I'IIV l':n~ln•••·t f( J. bt.o "'WJ.Wll uudct ~c.ul ..lll UjJLI · OQU.Il.U:tLu•l.i.u.Jo llw,Lj/].IJI.Jlll l..C.U ·•I •• J~IIIIJIIIII' "'11 l!lo '' ,I lool llo.ulo• III II"• If \' 1 \ 11111•1"11.01 111''111 ''~•<IUotil. lo) ~~~11 101( :tt •:t f4Urf:u .n)! \\lth tt!llphah •:rn.J Pttl(r•t11ttn n .. n, '''"J'''" \\t f t ·····n ''" .,, ,,,.,,~ "'•flit• ltuw AI!'•• ly , .. ,.,.,,,,.d ,,,, I.!JI '-1 ••'1111&.: ,1, I ...... "filth , .. w•r··•ftll 141 '" ........ ,. ,,,,,.. -;""i'"'"' flrOtrliii'PIIt r''''"' '''"'" "'•Ti'1l Ut· ,,,.. !'lltl ' th_. r-tlU~t nl\,.llt•n t•f ifNI SttUtH•' f••••t ,'""\11l••t•••t t,v th• •:r ff1fh C\ rn thf' llit\'Jtl-.::'4 I''".:' ,,11 111 .,,,. ,,1.,,,,,,-.. 1, 1•1•·1 , t 1u f·••lf ,,, ft\1 *'"''-~ 1., lfl,.l '•"•' tlr.tl th•· I l.u 1•l , .• ,,,,, I'•'''"L.' f•llftt 1p .11 urut aut,r•~l r I It l'il ll,\' \lthoollf!lo l'Uff• rill~ Ill•' '''"" •·I " I •• •••rUrf"t· J.!11 '' 1)-!flt tn tatl•t ~·nr"1 !\1 rx (', .. ,.,., "r"" r ~,.~t rrt:tllt••r ' AIJ'tJ"n4• ftnn• "fh• H•~l tus,:h n+l~ \Ill ''"'''"' :,u, •"''' th ••• ,,\> ,,, " .. ••u ... '" '"'" llu rt • .,., l'huult'lt ~•)' Itt•• "'•"~" h:e~ t•·t .uwl) h •·t 111t•4• ~1 '" 'rr nnn Jtl Jhtlt,..u ,...,. 1\U fttd•, :.t II .. ""' '\'t•d thl "'''''"II' ••• ll•·al I It " ... I ltf ••• '"' tlu .. , •• o r tilt Ill Ul • .t..ur •. ,ntt ' , .... r .... ,.,.., ........... . H 11 1hnn I«~I:-.,1.J ~~~ •• ._ J\p&,: ••' ••tA•rr :.' tltt ttrr• '"'' ... , ... ,,,,. \\lttu ''" C'tt\ t·.u tlt . .t '"' ,,,,.,.,,,. ""''"• ••f th•• ,.,,runh•t·tf~1:tt ••n·t ,.,1,,,,..,, \1•1 ~'"''I "''t •. ,,. ~··I• \' ,., tt.~ , .. .,., "'' t.•t ''''''~·"''''I''"" •tt\ ''""'' •u~~)"' '"'" "''~ .. ,,. 1tll .. ,H' At ........ ..-~ atc ..alJ P" • • l 'A II! t~~ If!\'\ 1 •I •., It,_ ''''"'' \ -" tl• 1 1~• •.:ha• ~!-.!~• ·~!!! dt ..... • Hl.!~J.IJj,; Lh• lu'-' tJ&l•t l!IJJJU:.JO• tnJ;!, In "''' ,., II. ,., 1,, ~~·uf•·•l •f•· ,t, .. k u. t ... , ... ,,,. t•ttt •tf f"•tu•M'ttr ''"''''': \4.•·''-" .._; trttttf"''t\ln-Ut. """"" w•..y .._.,,_,...._. t .... --,.. ....... W• '""M .....,.. Balboa Power Squadron G~ins f""1 ," '"'~'" _. r ,· l{igh Rating -In Stag Cruisel>arents of 11rs.- \'at ht~ nf I h•· 1' ~ 'H:tll>'o:t I '•·\\ tlr ::tttta•Jrun n turn•·d tu :"••\\ , ... rt llnrhur Ji<!o• ~llnol:ty ofl•"no ~•n With ' ~hiJ•IIIIIl• ~ T"lll StlJii\ """ 14111 '"'" l.ollt!lt :\l,.•k ll•:ol\· 1•••1& t ".th "Hit 1 ~1111 k lin\' k :on· I· II \\ n ho~h ral n~o: r&olllf'\'oll 111 J•ltrt u I· :\1:.~1•11 l llol~h"l In 1;11, Jol.o" \\llh Shearer Are Wed 50 Years J'llllll" tn llw F1r~t A nnual AnlO'II h" "loll• ""'" La111 l"•lnol,1y n .ork•·•l lito• r;•,l-l•o t:lf1 p,.,,,r it .... t Squadron crua~·· \\apkl•'' ~~a •'•tll lttf•tttl\'• "'" Arn•v•"t Ra rv ••f ~lr ··,u~l ~l 1 t1• t"h•·ry ("••v•. c·a1:d u a ,,, .•. , f h· t .. ,,., ,,, lh•• l·•:tl :-;q .. ll:tdt••n au•l .. rltn k c· FH:•plhruMnn ,,( ~·1,;!1 Vd1t .. k ... ••nd lh•· rat , \\us tf,uh· ~ fn 1 1 •~tu J.,\'11:''"'''1 f(q•td J.vn\\.•,.~d ,,,.,,., t~~> Th•rt\'-nu.•· \'ft•ht:-tn•ludruJ.: l"l1t 11111 ~furk ,.. ''''Ill •!,., t1\ Uu \\ltl ,., ~lt"" ~t lldr"d !'h,:tt•·r ttf Huit'"" th•· Bnlhu!t ~'Jtl,;drnn J ... ~ ,\n~o:··l•·;"·rtUI).' l;f.,tl~ \\t'tl' ··xtt·l·l·' I 'J'tp n •.. HUUJ•lt \\· •. ., •• !•t•·d "' H · Jtu.rt)f•t Santa ~t .. nt, a 'and ~r:tnla 1 'na' t • httd art • l'l'••r ftf "'*'' 1 nr h••l11• "' t h• 11 dr••~t''' t ~1 t ."' H H.arhara ~ftll tdt nnl'l J .t f ••d t n :!:.• "'''' \\hll•· \\tnkl•·r "' Od\)J.!Hit"Jt ~ :--;!q •• rt ttf ,,,,. ~ .. rrl•' ad•P• ... f 'lu,.rry t ·uv• It a ' 1HJ.! l h••u r···~t·•" _ hJIItJJ,: ht t tt•• "·f'lu ,;,. \\ tn k" Itt lt,.. .. , •' •· H• ,. J-:1 ,,., r A nd•• rfC'"' r, 11\'f' l HWLt.t t:-t'ly !":aturc~ay nittrrurq .. : . .J,, ... 11f,HII••n \\tlh un ••rn•• '•f tlfd\ t'tlt•l tna.,: th•· V.•d•l1'1.! ••lt+JII'H''• :rh•· r:tt •-\\:t~ h:ts• d ur.ou a u1 \\ :~ ut. :t ~··« "f"r thl' •'"flfn• ~ •• ,., '"' H"''~'· d t1\' H•·~ '· \\' l 'un~dt.(! '' r•r trlc •plt• .nSti·Ad ••f lhf' "ltl pr.•fh• t Ttl• ·:·· \':1' h1..: I"" ····I I!Ht m ••n \A)!,, \\. ·~ HfoiRI"'tant f•lt.!"fl,, ul n ' t d .... Jr.: 1 ~p·· u r (1101ftt r.t ii ,O ,,, on ltw ~' ·~ I rut... "h'· \'.l'f• •• , ,.,.._,,Jt) A\t'j U • ~,. lta•to~h'<t ('h !H• t ouroi1J11! t .. 1-;•nl lltlolt•••k \\'h" l••tt'oll•ol 111 II ~lo·llk t.ulco !-',&1111 All>•,..tll'''l"" !"' ~~ In l'<!ot \\llh .I I. :\1 111 ~t•ll l~•'l:l"ll·ol 1.'""' •I o\ II&:' I A loll:trt.,lll' I•·•S• lo:tll :IIJ ~'"' :\lo F .or•t•olllll"'''\ I •·' tnunrt,•r ·~f th~ Arn·,•~·•n l 'hY.•'r t 't~l • S•u •lh\ ··d·.t \\lth •h• Bal lttt•1 •Jtt,J.:h·,~, .. ''-''' '''"" :,,, I Bnnt ,, .... ,. .... ,all•~n !4•rvuJ a~~, 1TI •~~~ l '•\\tf !''11adt••n mrorn t••t· 'I'*\'"''"'~,,,, J•f •·,..l nt f•Jr tt11• •·l• r r .. and t•h"'• ,·v• ~~ :-1t)t•;tr•' c···rn 1r • I••').! ··~d t•f a ~• '• "' ··•~ "'' • h,:.taq'\ ;•t-~ "I IJ h .. 1 IJ!fll L:' t n,an•!t r ~taua!llun" •·••rtt f••r th• u •nrh•r~ •·f th• •~·"' Anc1 1,-.. fl••t •hrl·ll•n B.tlhna !-:,••rn•ln.n , , m n tul '*'' t h• l t1 f•ft .. • Stt\IUJ~ lh• t.•••··· tt k t •·••'*1 ""''h '''''' ''·''''' ''"""'' "'""' f• ... l t fh.tl "'' t1, ttttii'U""'' ttu• "'' .. ul uur wulf•r u • ., ,,,. nn•l f'•:~o~t.d -.: ,, ,,l'.,. ~~ "•r•' ..... , .... ., "' 'lu t,,r •11 ,,.,,,.t.hru' '"I' ,,.,, .,,.,,. ,.,. I" "'·'' ~· ,,. ttnf "'"'' '" ,, ,.,,.,,, \\ttl'''' th•• 1 \tt.~tnl It '"" ·~lu"t•d t h,t til\ ••ff11t tl ''""''''' ~tll ltot ''•'1 1'1•1•tl 'lh• ht lt•lp1t11''"1''''"'\'•l ltu·tult ' ••l f·u• l 't~tl•t ~ltl•r'"'',.lltl .:•uut and •·•vlt· '''"'"''" '" "If ltv :.I , ''"' t• n••r t rt" ,.,, ~tdv ,.,...,. '"' '' '''11 • • t•ftrtl· '''' f''"l"'' ,, .. ,..,,,, t•t••h•• II' :tlff111• t u a.:••wt u rutt' "' thr munltl.-.411 'Aftl ... llfltl fiJ.: I I • , , .... \\'alh t tl• •l••k ... q .... fllf ••\'''' ,,,, ,,,, tur \\tl•f u ... ..,,, ••• f.,~, ... ""···I•'-I'HfU\'._ lhlr ftUft PUti'••J+t4 f•••f•tl lttJftlltf lll•'41411d '''' 1(,, "'tl t,. IU'I'•d f••f Ill t ,,,, Uti~ tl,tllllllfl'l•lt' ltlllt11 •••~t •tf lftU IUit fttiiU • 1111d trp•kt.,...,, Th1 u•v. '"'~"""' ~ .• ,0,~ ... ,,.,,.1 *'l' t·'''\'""•· t•~ •tf\ 1"'"'1"" ' ,,., • I '''1 .. ~1 h\' ''' l~••rr ••f ''l•••t·'"'"' ~~~··1\c...lu tli•, .. r uur 111 1.1lrt1tlur ,,, "'' r "'"''·'' · H d t\ '•• "'' '"' tt• .,. d•HUtl' 111 d f•t••t"' If \ltll It \ 11'1 J .. ,., t1 •·~ lu• tU l thr" f,rtt '"'nltnll 1'111pl•t\H''-uut lt•ttlll A I•• f, lf\o• 1:111 1 '''''" •·· '' '' •I I• lflf' •I '' 'a•u lfp ~~~" 1 111 \1 d Itt tl,, ( 'tl\ It\ llltllrrt;• 11 ltftl•. t • • f• lft• f lit 111 ttl llflf'•• tUft• purl'hlllll'll Mil)' I, I''~" ''!JII•·• .~.,.,, ... 1" I• "'' 11 "'Ill I" 1' 'n lt1111 o tt .. "' .,, ...... I \\o• Will j('onl lntwtl on ·~, ...... 'lltn•f•) fttr $1"4 7:, ~~~ t• II \'tJtiM f iiiM ttftf.'f H "'\' •t t , \\ ~hr hiJ'''" Jtfltl ~···~·· •t \'VtU ,,.. "''"''h ('•,'· fttt l'tllot I fl U.,. "'' fl' , r•·,uw ,,, :r: • 1 ••. , , •• , t ,.,11,,,J t•• Rll nnnuul tni•·J•t4f I•''"" •·f 'J.•t pflr f ••nf f ltfrq tttiHid• .J '''fl ) HftHtl d .Johs ·•"~or Lcu·al Young Folks Is (;rOUil•s (;c•••l ( 'ity Must. Expand If tu St•ll ly Ao v '""'' ••ll•·r ~·~•-.:.:t .,~ lr· "' fhf" ''"'" ttt f •llfl h•t"'t' ,., •. "''"'' fr+lt\ 1,. rl'olf'••r""'l f••r • """ .Tt) apt•••••! lta~•~lutttl1.'4 v.s•t,J·: ll_rnonc '•II tt11 f11''•f•l·· 1~1 ... Ar·. rt•, \' ,,.,.' I,, I, . ~~. 1 I II• t I ... lot ,, •J··' I l l • ntlltl· II• 1 ftl' J,,. :•I ·•• tr 1' p•''·l '• ft. llnan ~,r , .. , ,.,,,, J,.,., t .. 1 ,, •• , • '+' 111~ l,t, "•I .,,,_, .... •·' v.. "' r "' •It •• thr nrr''""' ttl t 1 1 1 ''11· q ,,,, •I .-. 1"' "1 l ••' ··I 1 t ~,,, '• ltfot· 11f\ '" 1 . t ., I,. ··•lh I t ·····'; , '•·II , .. , fl. "II•" f •• I .,. ,,, I ,, nun1h1Aft,,,,. •~t _, ... , <\ft t l'w' t ',t••• ,. I ~ ,. ,,f, •' ~· ,. 1 .... ,. 1 t 11 , I ', 1 ''' J•'" tt 1 '"•1• 1 h '" ttnff $J it4tH '\htl , t1 t\ t,, ''''1$''' It ''' t l •t~~~ ,f f f ~· ~.I t • tf• dl I.J'' ,., 1,. t\1•-•t ,.f•d ht If t)y AnV ''"' f•'P"ft lfl '''' \•.tt 'I• 1',t, ••I \\,tltt (tt•-'1 ,~ F;u·ilit it•s Wah•r At'h•r 1912 II .~ Ill••• ~'•••tid ftt tftt~~t, .. t t.y tf1 \• til I ''"I 'I '•II tl l frt•) "-'•'If ,,,.1 '•t~ flllf• ''"'" llu• ,,.~ ..... ,. ,,,, t \'I II \41'f l" df··· ,, tl. •• y ' • .J•JI '~··· f ...... ~" '''''lt11tt·t· ,,, 1'• I "'" ,, '"' tffll ftl~f i')I"-JII"V ru tltltft f••li t.tn "'II f •· "f ""ltl•(tl} \\ •••• , ,, • ••f ~,,.o-.4, r,.,.,. ,,,,. r ~·· •''"' ''''"'' \\.rt•f I••''"'' ttfl; L•·a vtr).! v.11h ~~·.,1~·d ,,•d• rf/1 th• !"'I'' •~!r-.n J•rt" "''•l··d up thf• .4·,~:u•t f•·r " llf'"' Hi~'ol l tmt th,.n "f""f'fl ll1•1r r,rd• r:-~ \\hl•tl .)!rt\"•· ~k •PJ•'"Tfi 1 h•·u f ~"•mp:t'" I uiJJ ~~ ~ Tll•' pi fl!-1 ,,,,..,, ... ltt•• ,.,, t 1 rr • n f•n (t, •• • :t\': Rilf t~ ·Lift flam Limit Out ()f fommittee rTttVt l11n t• " •t· ... , f "'"' ~ •• r., *' '"1' 1 ''' 1 ''' 111 ,.,.,, • ',.,.,, • ,,,, ,,,,,,, t, •t,. u tt ,,,., '·' I"• I , 1 1, ,, ,,,11 Mother Of t ·lui·~. , . ''"'. 1., '' , ... ~ , ··I ·I··· ... ,,~ .. , .. '"'"··I .... '-'... lA ~ IArJC~'r 1""'"''"lhf,. •1 , ,, t•tu 1 tr: tl • "'. •·•I lr "'''''1"' 111 "''lf•tt ''''''''''' tf,. ~,, ·•'It ttut ,,,., .• ttul ,,,., .. ).."1\llfln th• \' )''" •• lo<·• n "'l"'"' I! .J II r:nr:.n·• "1'-a ,. frnm 1.-.. \\• o 1 1 • ,,,, n r"""'" (rnrn \na:~l""" H:.rt-,,r "'''•n lh•· ... v,.nt t 'hd•' \\ ut ... ,;-, :-:tt11t h ( H,•ni:• 1-'-JnlllhinJ: for"t In tho· u .. tt ... n I'"''"'\' A,..••·rnt.l\'1111&0 '" I... • r ~,, ... , hnn 'nmJ•··fi1J•,n y;;t," 'If Jl r •.• I t.• , ... I "' ,,.,a.:ht .. qt .. , t 'ttnJ s \\.mkl·•r '" "Til'I'P·\\'rnk~ whtl''l lflll '"'' " 1·111 ,,, ''" nV.J&\• With th" (ont~h~>d ~l'llh in th•• 1"11111 •· fl•·••l lomot .. ( .I t• kkn (1' • l1t11r• I •r ll••\\11rol H:1krr • ••mm••l••rr T.o"k,l.l.' •·I ttH·••· • lrtrn.• 1~ Ill J•ro•• nf l hf> Hllll"•ll SCJII'ldr•··. w,,. 7t h • nt IIII o!'•" 1 .. 11 II\' , •• I •l:ov r·•·r rn lh•• ""t r,. fl, ·I "'''h htl' m11n II• 'I' I" 1 f<•l tl••l"lo! uw:~v ••f "torr>l m ' llrolt.~ ~ITJoll • "Ahr r (' 1111• lln.tt •ltllt"" ..,..,~ lllf'••d In ·• '-'fl" 'tt, f*••mm""l"r1' f:,J Hlr'~\rt ~ p•t fP •n ''h1•h I Hct·~~l ••\~·r ttnf· -A ·w • h J)• , ,.. .. ,., ,,,~ ..,,n·t~•~. " , ... , .r ~t., • ,, •"· T• 't , , ...... tt ,,,,,.,, ,, 1 1 I t I , ,,., '\ .,, 1· , • til I 1 -• "' • 1. •' ,, '· I u tt1'' "'' tn't . r g . es 1A'Anf,. ,,, .,.1\ ,,. ,.,, . t \ l·~t\lf .' I dt• •• , If h• II• , .. ,,, It ,,. ,,, ,, 't 1,• ~ ,, J It If••' I It •• •' ,, 1· I I f\\11 "''II "'""''''''I'" ''''" l 'lund•H·~ frl'f"l t••r L·" plM th, r••-1'1• ,..,,., "tl ,,, • ''' k '•''" ,,, U• Hu·•• .. ,, ,,, ,,,, 'I"'" • ·' 1•.1J.," "' ,, .. ,,~, .. ,,., ltl\ '-'•·11 ... ••·•\'" ;\ \\'tiL!_ht \o\hft Hrfl\"t .. l h'•ntt' O,.W lllf~rh" ••f I'• 'tl ''II ,,, , ,.,,rUtthf Utt' #,,,,,,,,. tl '" J•u ''"' '~• ·••~tt .,, l t ll•lt••l• IJ••H. tlt tfl•f••U•tf •l•llttU! tft•• JUI't d::t\ 1\'•raanc. ,.,,,. u trq. ,,1 ,,. ~tnmp._ Ill l" .. •· ... 11" ,, ····! "': ••. l •h o t,..;tl '/1 Ill,,,,,,,,,,·'" 1'•11 tl .• I •,L··~·, ... ,,,,,.II "'" ... rdllt• \411ft I Ulltl • ttr•h:t 1-\an ... a ,, \'l 'tl•·•f t t ,,, • $!', Il l' "''I I t)u h I 'r ,, f •.;,. '·~·· • ,. , ,., •' I ,,.,,.,,,, ...... ~ ,,., I,, ••• , '"111 .,. Itt .. :tf#•rt h h\t' lttlf1f1 rto••U.•t ~1r!" lfa1tu • \\'rud•l l·~t l 11 ,,,,.,, t •t;trt1t.rr .,, ,·~rr~·,·.:• t•• 1 nltt•l• \\>til) ''ftl •h '1l th• •tl\ ,,.,,,,,, '''"'''''' t d ''"l"Y•·ti'J•rll 1':'ttr 1h·· tl t\ ,,1 1 "I IOW*I Cit"'''' .... v I r •• ,, ...... • hil .,,.. . II I' f ' ,, I ,, t ,. fll I In ol{·, ,3,1 ..... , iltlt ,, •••• , •• lftfl "' ,,.Jt h,.. ·trrfv.t·d fh•r~'" ~1r1111 fnu \\'•H~· :•·tl d t'trt•l•• /\1 ,..1 ,. ·,,., • .,11 , • .,,,. ·rr~ .t '"" v 1t1 t •t••' 1d· 11,. til\'"·"''' t •ull••d 1,. \'•Ur n ft•ntlun f(,., •·1\'tfll' \,\ftJtl l't( hUI m,, .. ,,' .. M'"''n" ll·rt f••t 11• II .,..rr,. n I "'·I fl o ' .. 1.,. t,\' "fl,, ,, l'l.f' .. '" ftft ,, I,';Hn ''" rh• r':'tpHI ~·rnu·th o r !\:PW· • n~•· "' '""''~~ :\l r ,.,.,, ;\! C~~trl~ll l 'llv ,,,.,.' 1:•1•· '"~' "'" ~ '" .,.:. 1•1 r• •·t II,. 1"'•1'1 oto< ''" IJ,. ''" I" '"'" I• "' "'·"'' I•·" "'" IH,, "' tho• ynl'llllnl( nmt \\'rn:ht "'"",'' Hnm,..f'!t:tl•lv v f'llln\\1rt.z :t ''"'' '-''1k "''"''I ''' 1, '•·I ,., ,.,,. ,.,,"''•'''' ,,,, 1 \~' t .. 11 ''• t~.r.J 111 lh• ~.,,,, 1\n .t f 1"''1'tlp 1r1.11 ''P''' .,1 ttu· t•:t{'lflt• : .. ,,,, fr,r J.\nn .. HI( .. ,..V••rnl ,1ttV14 '"' Mr-N Jo'r:enk ~·o\l'•t ,,f It'•"'" f• •• 1 1 'h ,-r. Tttru ";•t•••·rt ''lhf I'•··• J:, n ••~ 4Jr$Jh tJu ''II\ ('•d t "·'"·'"'"" •••rt••ta"' •'•tfl"idf"r· fr,r,.· h11t ,,,., llw r~r~ t., r~'n•ll t I' lot.nol Th"Y 14'111 ~'''" 111 ~·•I · "" 1,1.1 "'·~ \'• 1.•• .\1.1l•, ''11•1~" "tll .J;-·,. '" "·''', ·''" ,.~_ '"'"' 111.,11 '" 1.,,1111111111111: 11 ~~~r .. nnll rJ •• ,tv•r ,., t~tllud•· fhl'lr "'"Y h rtffl"' e.·t ll, ... '" ~1! .. '~··~·''"'''' ~1 u •'l ' II j,.' ld .• •• f.'' II ' d ,f ,.,.,,,, '" d• P• ''"~•l•l• \\,dt' ''~I•J•I\ In utdr•r· • -·l.w·it.,. I t"' "'"~"' !~h· H11rry A ~h-rt,"'l"""r! namr)l ~Wrl wnor'fttMf"Tr. Mr ·,.nfl 'T" 11.1r<•lrl ~(,.,..k ntr Inn wos llllh \L'IIh hi!\ '•Fl-tir:r~" • "'•llv ltv 1 ht• F'l•hrn':: f'nmmltl~''' J.h L• par~'OI'< nf ft l-:1h~ 1\.1\ b<'>m .I J1 ("tor,.On ~ "l';nollanl••r I'' tn-.k ••f !It•• ;-,;,•wp"rt llrort.·•r 111AIJ,IIN Wffinf•<d:1~. Apnl ::':\ 12th Tl"h R rrd wu l:'lth oa1lh hill nf ('r,mm• rrr• ~lr Wr)l:IH l•'ll\'Lil h<•r h•tllt.r -1 M r __ i\.ntl ,\Lr~ lll'll. ~••r..•, •. r _,,... \.lr~ 1 .. ~-~o-M•·, LL :.:J.Lorv ""' tqo• • .. 1 'I ., ·w • .tlii:O-Ii"lltl.: •·1 II\•· '" ·" ,.,,11,1,u,t.. tlu .. allll 1., Jll'tJYHh• ~·lnt•\' "'rich!" ••n•· '"" 1.-•ul•·\ ""Anf!tolqo ..,,,., I"'"'",,( lt•• flwlo !--'•1"•1 ,,1 II• f'j ""'''''l •• r If• dol11 ...... 1 ,J o "·'''' 1111111 '''" t•or llllnn• 1•111wtt~ tit•• ,.11y will \\'~IL"hl ''' l'I:"WJ•'•rl ll•·a••h 11..(1'1 '1'' F-r"nlt Q•tJVI! ,. ••( "''"'""'' H'"" to 1'••!11111• ,, • 11n•l l'lv•• v•mr '"''" I•• l11 ,,., I• f'" t ••I• tt,. ••tlv Wlll••r IH• ''"'"'"'"' •I Ill m tl1<o• ftll'lhrr rx· •lltiiR:h1•·r M t~~~ Hlnr.r t,,. \o\'rt~.rtn ·" In th.-t~ltt•r ,. 1 "'"" 111 l-'11\·•·rw!•• q,. ,, .,,.,,, nl11 "'"' w11nt ''• ,.,., v• '"l•t•ll. d.tl•• 1 tly l,'lh, ·1 ~1'11!, t ' J~·rllllllll•·o; In mnmts.lnlll~ Mtf tt.- h••"'" · C'..&nyon. · t.v •l•o•1 It ''•r l• oJ "•·" 1h1' ,.,.11~ iu ""' 111 l('rmtln•••~l nn f>llll:t' ThrN.") l • . ..,. • .( --.. -, NEWPORT BALBOA NEWS-TIMES. Newport &ach, CallfOmia. TUESI)AY. APRll.. 29, 1941. ~. NEWS-TIMES ' . . . • . •• 1 -s PO R~--~--~ '"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!... A du~n.-N •W for .Andy, ... ': Ra Sue K1rk when ttwy ~~lebfatecl ..-. SELL . &e l!:'lth y••a r 111nr·c· thf' tf'rrtble t.hcw8· 5e ,_., llDe bll of m&trunuuy p lll)'Cio.l u.oe BUY ---r-with tbelr h.l•·al~ tb~y joined Mr. and Mrs ltay Who·t·lt'r o r Ole~ If I s H I N G -a · A s K E T B . A L L , -T E N N I s -T R A c K -B A s E B A L L Wld t·~·lt in thr 1ul(hl.t at _,., E I M I P N l 'arroll'• 1 ,.'tl.,nt!K ct~m8rk that It . .• R STATE USICAL NSTRUMENTS UBLIC OTICES Le 0 FOE:LSALI:"_ OR4NO P.IANO R•""·~ ... ~ ~a~,:~ ... ~~~~··::~: ... ~'·.~.~~~ .. f:~e ~ 5 ·t T -: 2· R d Sailor N'ine Loses ague pener .... ""I ,,f IIIII I "•·rtukn <ollc•)' lwrt'll'\,'tiHI\'o• A I tl• n , .• •lat• ... _ al ors op ecor s T 6 3 G Th. . w k p.Wll. flO llrol ...... YOlO ,,.,, .... , ' :r,.rtlln~M.,I·y . ~···r·· ••• Knlon" u -l ... --ao ' . . 0 . range·, ames IS ee ._AI;,_E AHeHJO 5a.clL and Po10t. 0.,, t>alanu or ..,,11 ,.,.1 OANZ Ill" I,. 1~11 I 11'111111'1}' •l:"('':'l~t•tL, uno I • , " u ~ ,. ., '·"' • ~_._.., ......, ~ SCH1IillOT fltANO c;o . ~oao ~-11 aVJ.II.'Jll"' '" lh•· ~>oaul ( lty { uun· K\ll!.II.Ls tur '-'"JHtlll~ ~tntl dinnf'r at , Etoectric -. •-, ~~ .. ~~ »IIlLA"'--D ·tfc o·tl ul 1m> l"ily of !'II'WJ10r1 lk;wh thP I t ~ Frtulkr ... r home lA Lm Coacll. WCDddl Pick~'Hl· .lHl .;. .. ·.-•• -........... ~ ---• _,.-=--'~"fm :OSW'I!..'Ifhil. ilh M#ilji X'lit'l'!6i .,., &IW~···· _..., rce~ ~unRet rAaroe Mattis set In Fmil8i\ Karbor HJgb bueball ~uad drop. .-. _ ... , ... 1.-teet 1 .. u.. ~PINETTE Rep..-.-''" eae\r tWc-Uon 4. Ktrk K•·ttl•· '" .olw~tya b<olllnr: UMI • ped 1t.t firat Sul\lld. u~ &'&me --va: .. , ..... of ... ..... ~p ......... otlwr lor I ll& or will 'Jll.:l tho• Jln ..c···•-<lm.:' fur lh•· llt<14'1illlln n~·'" ....... a~or w~ ExcelsiOr In Pole Vault, High Jump By to O range on the latter's field lut -.. -,.,,.. 17.-. wUI rent OM'OZ SCHIIoiiiOT PIANO d~"''"l: IIJI ttnll a t)ltnltunm••nl uf ~un•h• ... n•·r~ 14 hlt'h mclutJ4!d ·--I Thunlday attf'rnooo when t.bey • ...-~-.,. ......... •• . co . S20 !Ito ........ Santa ...... lh•· arun·~oul pc>rt lllfl .. , .. ltlfl .olio•) ,.not =--:ant v l'llth ·rlll>n, Louie &Ad · f)on Smith . and K .. Kurihara r Wt'l l' on thf' abort rod o( .a 9-0 .. ,_ ~ '" w ,,...... • Bttc. ·,hall 1... hm l 111111 tak7·n unclt·r Ka.""" HrtJ.:J.:" "'IIY Krrk. WaltOD scorco. . ---..., a.nd :n aN-onJunt't' woth · ;,n 3(•t of llulot ... rol ~h••lhy CI'Min and 801 ---• \... ..... _ Sar•~-_._"_'_d prom•--r • f'()411 SALE-A lll•••*nu-lol !lOa 1.)41[0 PIANOS ~ .,... ... 1 •u~ ..,.. .... v-~ ~ •• . th•· I~L~Intun• ur tho· ~,.,,,. n r ..-u k Whit~ N~rport Harbor Union High School fa iled to .. -an• an a\•f'ra•~ ball ctub. -'ven tt& c-'" .., I IMII 5t . Eaey terma. .DA.,.Z ~HMIOT · II 1 ""' " e IP c.-......_ _. c..u at l7'll PIANO c.o . uo ...... ,,. .... C:nhtnmaa, t~r.,'JWit>d ant.l k rnov.n Wt-:t:K·t::-.:1 IUL~ , BVf' ~ \\10 at tt-K-St.lnset League track anti fi~ld final" t-K-Id ;tt a auffic-M!Dt amount ur pract&<'f'. __ .,..,. .• c:..l8 ....._ .... -. Ana. _ a .tfc. 11, "An Ar t to P rtwirl<· rnr tho·l ..;o~-Fl•·n ·•·• •' Hnhlllnl! nf I u adt!na, D ._. I . I ...., FMda t Sail th'-t h tt _ ..... S t H owt'Vrr aht ruDJI acorf'd by Or- ___... ' m•· o u' (1.,.-nln•·. F:"•:n•lmt.: twr •• ··an '"'"t homf' Ed and "·""~' stor a.c., y. wo or a M:" E'S s a e'""' unse "'-'.I d f nit·ly ,·n • M-ac. .. •-"' · · ange on .,... ur errors ~ 1 < • WO~OER,.VL .AIIQAIN$ 1" IV,. \\'ol1l'nm.:, SI17JII;hlo•non~,; "" t'l~o•.V Aolo•l>lhl•• ('••olotrl • 11ncl daughtera.....,t,i!U(• marks. dtratt'd thf' SaiiOT'll tl&\'e aot play· -.Eii-'MALL INGOMIE bvJ' '" -' ..._, -.ado Will .u ... c ... r c-..-................ ~ .. .,-_ Wr•M .. -E•IMI ~..-4 .... ,.. ..... ,.~ lf'Oil· t~aWT4 ~ .,._, ~.--........... -.... ...... ..,..... --'* ._.,.ry, ~~--·-......... . .,..._.._Will,_.,.,. .... per E. c:-trat f7.tfc. co•d••n•. m•"Y ..u11 .. to c"-ono: l 'p 'D \\'httl•• "r 10 l'.ort t\ny I< 'tiro· nntl ·1:•an 111 t hl'tr. ,hAY f ront 1'be Jwo l"l'CCl"d lll"('akt>rs WE'I"(' Don Smith qqd K. Kuri-~><I a •ufficlt'nl num~c or ~ame.s f•om. T~""' . OANZ $GHMIOT ~~ ,.,...,.,' S.juar•·. I.:Hlol All• '• ( 'nHrl f'l.,m•· t h•' '•''"'1:'' H ' ( ,ffloa. the Satith ~ tu ha,·e thf' pc-rf('('t.lon nKeuary PIAI'oO co • ~ No ...... ,. .... "" l'lnl-•• \\'(IIJ,n Muni• tpahtl"" \\'tlllnm r Hn tnnt1s an<i Or&M ha 'il. esta a ne":-rnark ·ror l~ ~ B po~ vault tu rnmJW'Ir wotb ti-am!l that tla,'L' ._. .. u 4.,.. ._,k. anti In Cunrl. o111 at~tl ""''"r•· ,,,,~ c ;a.-lord "'''" '" marking lime f« \\ lw n tw soart"d II feet. R 1..~ andlt"S to wan first pia('(' tn tha t a.lr t<ady 'played a num~r or prac- Ma,Ue Waalwre IIICA llladloe antl All J.mul 11n•l l'r•'l~·rty :--,,.,.. h· r '''t• I•• il••h"111 Whf'rE' •he wtll o'\'1'11\. Kurihara SE't a J"le\\' ti<'4' ~eamH lhi11 M'&£On o"!<..tll") or ('un\t•nu·nt (.,,. IJ: ·1 I 1"'0 h•·r huJ<htttuL, AlA<• "PINI Lee '. . f tt'K-CJ C h 'h t•\.1 a flnlt In tht! \la.u 8 660.yard Ha,..-old, Sht!OID workl"t.l on thf' .... ... ____._._.~_ ..... ~ ~~~ Stll' II'\' McKrve "'tlb .... ~ m.u or as.o; I ----~ M " .......___ ..o-4 t.. .. ,a...-_ ......... .._,~ ~ lliiPiJeW • J'lTI"rr...--..~T--n ..-• • or-.T"""~.n-.: u-.t+ii tv&f tfLil WllrTTD•u~ .. ,-moonu ,or M -=:18~~n,... anti nm•·nrllll•'"t' tlwN·IIl ,thr•J\.\·n "l••·n 1\T llu·tr tro•an frolll l Jtllllft "'ht:'n tM> deared the bar olht' In~ flurtJin t" WJD that ral E' tlnrt fin lnpmgs and Tllk Eukl MN·Uun ~; • 1 hut . • ·• al ;) f£~t.>t. '5:\ & inches,. :n thl' C18&4 c.; o•umpl'lttlun. mnved from flrst ballf' to the hurl· ThHI ~tny l"'n.<.ln lllf•·r~~tl'tl. nlr l . • ,. With Billy Andenon, ~boc' Wall Clark Jllart'd Sf'('Ontl rn thf' mg box fnr th~, sixth innin~ Or· )N'IIn!; In "'"<1 ·wnrk "" rmpmo,;•·-. HI :O.II)HF' . , :,1"':. Ul4' .. ~ arc-8rnnlt>r . nn tl)f' airk u.t ta~ yan<tty mtltl •v4'nl. ah•pplng Ole_· ante ..:on~d six hite for lhfo ~~ mr·nt ,,r In tlw '''~"' "' tht· •II-· !-':m•-n~ llfl•l ~)" "~1 r Flf K ly . Tu••sday wht-n ttl~ prellnunanee •h11tunct-111 4 mlnutt•s, ~ llt'COJnt.ls. Ha rbor' a llt~tr1ln~ Hnf'up mdul1- lnct nr larHI-tP l!o• ""'"''''" Hr '''"""• ••r•• ml•·r•·PI••rt 111 flndlnK a wrro• h••lt.l. tlu'refo~ preventmg ~f• Gavr~n phl.l•f•t.l 11eumt.l on th•• t'd 'lr\'ea J>l'tl"rkln behind the platl' . tw-n•·f1t•-<l I·~ ,t:ul ""' k "' 1111 -It'll l.tJ..I"n 10 ltltltv•n. '"' thl'lr IH'hool ' him tro-,n qu11ht\;ng-tor the 1tn:f!Jr. t ·ta-(' pol .. vault F.zakl at UorL .Paul -5alfl1lnk on lll"'''m••r'lt m1•l '" tw• ""'-"'" Ill "' olrama "n 111'' 1 ummunlty Play-IIMIII'tr "lUI un;;.,l., to ohtain sur-· Ja• k Bui.M'r gRrnen ·•l points for 2n•l baJw and Bill RJtter holding t-: A. l'arkr"'" ~~o 1th ~tnn and ...,. _._ 0\' 11( lhl' thrf'f' dU.~N The \'8r. ltf<cikJ JUmp -whf'n h.-C~<tltf'4'd .,_ str•kes .. Spa ol tlll!lll•'r nr t.m~ All~f'lf'fl have ._.. •II;.. nnt.hM 6th In the Suna-t f.Ht. 10 '~ mcbt-a. J unmy ~ I -res • tol•·ol ''" Uw \\',,~o=rt~-r 111\y froal l.-·~t:"" i'rJU·k And F\rld t.t...et. trook 11 4th on tht> R lo"'· hunllu ma) m ;1k•· wnll•·n '"'Jt"''""n' ••• , lh•• )!on)•· "wllhlll 1o•n •111\~d"' PuBLIC NoTICES I"'""' tt, .. '''1'11'111"" .. r 11"' 110,.. h••Dl'' ,,, tht• ""mnwr ~~ol.dP th, Ssulur u .. &n..t ( •• enole.J r,. .... rJ1;1' Bamf'tt w ho A8jl'f'ol a -u-.. a,. ·---!'TAl{ 1\0AT ~tt-:1-:TI Nf'l Tooll •• .-~-..-bome 10 '••Ur1h plare l'UrJl: t!lol" on th•' ftnals by qullllfyln~t ~tan·k'• ~portla..t Other Wlfl~ 111 tho< varalty brOAd j ump Ia the ,\ llo""';llh 4!Wl t!\9 :'\t Stanlry --------_ _ ,.f Ill•• lotll•fii'IIIHII ,f till• nool t••• E:..PLO. YMIINT ; S UTIC'F. o t· ri'JU.IC ' "·oaK """'" •·I•Jt• ,,,.,, '"''" h•· tlo·ll\o•r-___ _;~---------~~ ... 1 to tho· <''lt·rk ••I '"" (11\' ('nun· t•l"''" F rloiRV ""''' lnlt at lhr •ref•_ ... _. ............... -.-· ....-. c.-..... ,_...,. ... tO. -·T.._,~....._ JS.Jk WANT&D -n I,.. ., , ... ~-rn .., ..... c:..l8 ..... .... , 'i()'l"'(·r. 1!4 m :at:R\'" ,; 1 ,. r. s TH.\T 0 "" THY. ~H D .\\' C)t' .\PalL . IN I , THF. C'IT\' . ('(ti'~('IL Ul" THr. c·n\· 1)t- ~~·POifT BF..U'H , f 'AUYOa· ~lA. P\AAF.D A ar.MCJI,,'· TIOS Ot' ISTt:~TIUS "0 . t l&t TO oaor.a TRF. t'OL· I.Al""'~Ci "' 0 a If. 0 a IM· PI&O\"E.MF.ST TU IIF. DOSF., To-"Tr: ( 1•11 """ ,111111 ,.11,J,,-..,. 111,.1,1111 lho .. r IIIII unot \'nt.:ln R ~"""ran,.e In ol:o;,. ,1r 11, 1, •. ,.1,11," ~~~ hull :tn•l I••" 1\nt.:••l••• In th•· rnrt•·c" nr can1 ,,t th•· n••'t ,., .•. 11nr: ,( lh•• 1 ·,1~ "n hu:ll\tfl\' 1111 w••rr K"Y Kl"", ('ootlnl'll. :ollo•r lho· ,.,, .. ,,,,, .. " ,,, ll••lf'r,. ~ ... " 1'111 l ':llrlrlo, nary !=:I R~<t (;,•nr~r Flt·ot7 llo•h ~treetOD. 'r~ui l•·n .t '"' "·"' h\ '·"" ''" I"'' r' F l •h•"l ,. Tl'mp Aatlbrook ,."('fhMl" h,•fur•• '1ud ,.,,~ (,uuru·ll s:t.ntl l;·u H/\-7 10t ~~ohu •h,oll f" •1 llnl•' r .. r IH•:tltltt.! =--:tt~I Afl~ Afto>r \'Utltlntt 'Wttb '••1•1 """"'"""' nool .I•" q,,,, un•· ;o,y1,._., ·~"'nrt'no r ll1ll onp• In her II • "''k rt ... ro·,llto r '11w ('Ill •111 ""' HP•IIt:ntlt< h"m•· . whlct1 Ia In adt.lot 1011 t o \be two r«ord f'N'h rnlnnnf',, t o<•k third tn tht lltllhuu,..• 445 412 llaker lll'f',ktnjt markll bu.ng up by thr· ftnlllll (•ah'tn \\',.1111 "'"" MI'Upylnl1; 1\ ( lttlll'l tf>1 :\!() :'\t.-rritt bnr thlt"lf'll l>avf' Almond M:ur. fOJUr1h rwl!lttonn at thf' flnU!h 0( th~ ~ w :.t-h : ~~· -1:!:\ l.;HU\'1'\('t• -vaMitl)' 440-yartl f'Vf'nt C. J\tM(•ffil.' ~1 1 5:\.l KnL'Ik l'•<arh Jtulph Rt>~l wu t.lebaltn~t IC'i·Ku7-!(U·:.!Ih.'l 7J9·7~·'ilt1 -~. Mm1dAv whl'lh,.r to rntl'r till! ath·' lo•t•·ll m t h<' F.xn•lluur Hf'lnp• ~r M SaJI • thf' llr~a Rl"lay l'nnt thhor \\'l'f'k j{ '\~t-:::,;1~ .197 -170 Funn..tl -l~l 15:! ('l•·rk '"·•II t h••n·lll'"" """" lh•• nrll~th ""'' furno~l,..•l In Vf'ry o6d I•'~'"'~"'' m.okrn.: -.twh uh).•·t ~t>n• 11.,111111, •• ;\lr• Hrol""rt Hf'rnld took Hn t:ht ncote wu atru«'k io !'Ot W · nDE TABLE I n G<X:•'M\ <UO -1:!4 . I ~lo•\t•n .... tn. :191 <117 Sl Cor•""' Con;a~·ar J !\ldvt·r ........ . . -··-......... -,.,.,...._ I . Th11t th•· pulrli(· inh•fl"'l 1t n d ••nrwf•nlJ•nn• l'l~llllrl" l h•· I'IO!ootnl: up and nl~;tntiltnnwnt ur " I••M '"n ul a 1-.•n lttn nil••) m llw I'll)' orl N(-,.'JlOrt flp;wh 111'111 it IS tho~ in· II'I"'IIOfl of tho• Cot)' Counrrl nf the• City .o( !'1:c•w1JOrt flo·:1rh to on"•r ttlfo followm,:: <1\-,.('rtlw'fi Jl"r1tcon ,..c 11 f't'r1 a on a ll••' In lolud n l )' to IW' c-lof;f-d up a~l ahanctorn..-1. tu- •1t · .. r tho• llmH llnrl pl:o(·o• Ill lh•· ho•ar-tho> Aqu•••hul H.t .. "IIJ to l~lor:ado poort llarhur aptor1 tUihing the p&llt tnt.: n( -..'lltl nh)c•l"l"'"' '" lh•· City ,1,,.,,,1 an,J r•·rnrl~ ~h,. "'rtl<i t1nwen1 "'''"k·I'O•I. arror•h nJC t rJ fhet '>flt'r· MAY 1 ll:ollo·r ·1:19 49:\ C. lJ,•a)un,. 'Tot ~I'"' !_If; 1 ..................... -.... . ............ _ .. , _.....,. ..... ~----.-_._._,..._..,_ .. . -, __ ...,...I ... . ............... ,.... ...... c.., -W. c:-.e A-. -· ........... c.M .• "'-,. -............. -........-. ( '•MIIIf'tl rontl n••ll'''' "' -.illll lw :1r· Rr• In llwor full Jtl .. ry And Jl1f'nty atnr l tarrt>ll KtnJC. n 1 1 1111! '"1•11 lw l:"'•'n ~~~ "•1•"111111: nf th•·m Anol All•·,. C'l\rr a n<l Fran-~ t•hllllo( wu tlt"'t•l,..lly bf'n ... ~ " nulll'o• lho•r.-•1 In tho• l'or<l f tHu··· , .•. , lfnrrl~••n m .. tnrN1 In Loll AD· IIUII l'Rturt.lay and !';untlay Wtlh F' 2 1 .21 . 1)•2:1 30 03 11:U 44 2 :!»2 :l I uf tlw <"ll y ,( :-,:,.,.1""1 1\.•al'h J:l'lf'!! F'rifhtY t n the-n'lt\llar barrrtt·utla runoin~e u high at II', l•"tn.:•· t•r••Jio'lltl ,,.llln"~··•l t n m•ont hlv htioll-:" lunch M>n .114'Uloo at P'"'"""· K.lng det'l~,.,..l Thl' ll(oRl.tl ~It :1 o 'II II :ll 4 :02 ""'" tth~'f'ltol' lhr \\'~tm<'n·,. Alhlrt ll' Club -·!'<m•hrn•· 11nt.1 ValrOI'ta br•IIJJ:hl rn t 1 11 4 3 1 llt-:t-•t:ttE~\F: IS II ERE 11 V • lahnul \!:,0 hsrraruda fnr t hr tw••· !'u 4 1 111 9·1•1 4 :47 MADE Til S Ail> HJ-:S<II.ITIII:-1 J.O~ ASP 1-"'ti"SO A oee-dny l"f'rlut.l 4 0 0 4 3~ (IF 1)'1;11-::-;·nl 1=--: F I I R J\ L I. mAn .tc-rnr1m,.nt whlf'h TolD ' Ho llf"r ftllhtng ,..., a t-r('('or•lro l. ;\I ~ 3 39 HI .Jti ~:21 f"t'R11 lt:H I'AitTIC\ '1,/\RS 1 f'IUlck wortt ,.,.,.,.,.~ tn hAVf' IU'qulr-"""r t h•• ,..,.,.k ·l"ntJ In lb .. bey Kmg to o 3 4.3 • 5:1! I 7:\:HC'>I· 7'J7·:!.ll'l 7 15·7:l~IT.!·:!'..!"J6 21>. -- 1 :30 IU\4allle 2 8 ' llr 11•~"11"1 491 1:41 II. (':llol\\o•ll 115 2 8 ( • I 1nwk f,( 11 10:11 I lo•nlon~:•·r .t:t<; 2 3 Hn"'"' 406 11 :20 Till S1••t 16 Pop'"' Mkt Park' P Cra,.·lo•) B. F'ry F:. tlu nt. .... 'lll R. \torn....on J-:11 . ~:!·f~I ·Kl-1·:!:157 R'.!·l·79:\·flc:H·2-t:.'1 Till! Aa('ADI: RIC IIARJ) ·L. PA1"T'Y.RSO:-J. ~r1 rnr h lrrl'rtr' HI' rnund a ~u-alt.l a good num~r of ycollowfm Tu 6 4 ~>3 11 23 !t:S. All that n•nain portion of 11\(•1 Suprrintf'ndt•nl n( St rN'I!t. Cll)'l tltul ~·am<'!lf' rl\t wandntftc tmakc-n~ Wf'll' hOC'>kM1 fro m blll • 1 o 2 4.8 lofr anti Mrs. Robert Callie of <t2wn thr hot rurnf'r. Vf'rnon P'ltz- pa'tTtFrt -w-u plat:'m.,. ll'bm t -lllop while lbf' oiuttreld ~ompnaed Tom McCorkf'll. ll'n: Floyd Tall. cen- ter: and C'barles Chaplin. rlgbt. Pk k4'ns and his men wlll meet the at rQflg IUld undt'fE'ated Excel- aapr nine on Karbor'a foe ld tbla aftemoon, TuHday. Tomorrow. Wl"dnuday. the Sa.ll-or ntnt' "'til J(lUrnc>y to WbltUer tor a rrart1cf' gamt' a nd on Ttlul"'· da\' ,.,II ~o to 'I'Witin in a.l<lltton to Hrnrs. lark ot hittin~ pnwf'r SHmll to be t.tlf' pnnripll' ~tuior Wl"&kol'fle The toral rluh WIU' t'rf'•lltf'd with onco hit against Orange. snd that 1'!:U on t hf' bf1rdcr llnf' or b<'IDI" ctlalk- -.d-up.-•• t he uwalt ot An__tuor. Don't put off protccti"9_~~ self unlil it's too late. Whoa, mister, .e kriow yo.J' re buly, but st<:4> o minute and give us a rjf'l9- ~ee any or thr following brloko'lll at '""'" HO\\'ARD W. GERRISH !111 "'""' ('etatral Aveaoe s~•port llf'ac-h P~totw •~'~ t:ARI. \\'. STANLEY ·-'~"~ from Potot Offkoe Ban-. ....... PlloiMI ..,,. ~ ... c ...,. ~.,.,.._. ....... F.-...... ~. ..... -...Ow-....,._ ...... ......... a..-~ Araldr, u laid aut and lllhciiWB • of.NI"Vt1Jilrt ~·af'h, C.1.1IHomra.. '""mnd anrl tatrr IIIIICovnf'd 11 w u lny. ~dtnr noat. FiJihlng for the w 7 ~ r..'¥ 0·10 6 :30 12:01 !'l"""'l>urt He1ght.t attended the upclft a liMP o1 Trvt No. 814.1 Puh1WI: April 29. Mil)' 1, 6. and R, 11 he prlt'Jed pnl'flf' ... lon of S&IIJt rrnaken1, tlownrr. wn Dettt!r at 4.4 0.8 ~.• o 2 I t.blrd wedding annln ra.y ·d inner I ·~;iiiii:iiiii.tiMii'":tii;;;~-;;-.at'ClOfdrd In Book 24, pqt-J6. Mle" 19U· I Somera. And hu a.nynne 10111 fK Dlltbt than durtnr: lhe daytltne. Tod,.. •~ .,,,.. rd In v~ V/ vcrur~..,.. S un11ay tor Mr. and Mra. Daniel t'ftlanfoull ...... ~ nl Or-mi~rlttrMi II hlu.-ltll<'kffl turtll' or Ktnc .~. ~~ ..... ~~~:.~ :.,r'.~~! hl~~u:,~J ~,.:-JODH of Sa.Dla .ua. ~County, Callrornia. deecrlbed CE"TIFICAT£ OF 8\JI~ESS no llmllll .. 17,.~ ~ PlcklnK up aflf'r a trw lllo.-____, ~ORDAN, TWIST ud PARKER' , .. IEMl C..tnl A..._ ....... ....... .• J -~ to-wtt· I FICTITIOUS FIRM NAME e dQa. OabinC ~t or N~'JIIIr1 tlar· t; . . fW!th\runtt 31 ~f\p -.r'-t~l· 1 'nf1'! tmDP!IUtiG!'fll!D f'o-tla' \\"F. ~A \\' :\!llhf' r:uThiW R'~t-1n'trTt"ppft"'"ll~kPtl nk kiNNf .o--+---r-....-c ---------------rrl)' <'Omt'r cof l.ot l-1. n.-. hnf'hy of'rtlty that thl'y arr c~n-lln~t " ~~~thnl:' 1 .. ~~~~n rrnm nud. 'nw rang~ lnrluolr• h:LIIll. ~l'lp '-•Ua..l liD ldbure. '<ho-n UJ'klf'l • a ' d map o f •lut·Ung a rt'ta:l hu~tnrM at ,-14 Art• r mnk tn,; n p••rl"' I '·""~ln.-. Yf'llf'llll•tall. hl•n:IA anol h •hhut with ... llallliW 'T'ract Rlt runntn&: l h••nf'•' MariOf' Av4', 1\81~ l11lantl. (all. frwntl hwohRn•l """'''''' htr out to IIOIIIf' berraru-lR The,,. arrrt,.nh· ntlf1ho'rl) 'nlr't'l: llw ~'"''•'rly ,, turn Ia. unolf'r the fi!'tltlnutl t1rm •·hRrt h••r ""' n , uurse LAur:hlntt. o( "barrif'!l'' on t "" wal"r hut lhP\' Bit It's True hrw nf ,..,jd . Ill·· .\rrrodl' to I nam .. of Th,. IAIRntlf'MI tul•l thrlt hut rr••t .. ~t tnj! :'lltlhf' hl'ltl ht'r l'rl'l'n. are nnt bklr rr hatl , ... ~. ,,., .. lily It\.• n.lr1h-'iL'I••rl)' t"'O"n<·r ,.( 1'1\lt.l firm '" tc>ml~"'"'l nr thr h•l· " th , 1,..,.r!l r~'llllll"'1lnJr frnm the Tn )II no T"m Klrv••n 2~11 thf I J..Att. 11. of Tnwl Rl'\. lho~nN' luwsn..: p4"rJttlf'IJO, wto·-"·'~,..~ IUh~ _.11n 11,.,..k Rt th,. Nr~<-por1 Harbor credit tr.r lan.h nj! a :.'6-0"unll halt. Y•-.. -___. _, ,._. ,...,,t •·rh rtlon.: tho· 1'ollttho.,.)\' • tuloln·M<'l! 11n• IIJO foil""""· IH·Wit Yat'hl ClHh 11, r>>n 1-':ll"'t•ll was but. J,lr" K lr\',.n 11( r.::o; ~>~tlh I~ ..... A_. D 111 OIIK ~I lint· ufl..ot ::' 11r OoJtlll ·rrnrt 14\1 llaro!tl E. <.:h riJtUer. ,11,. .,, llt••m "''""r•l Y••ttnl( ... Anc~lt'l' 11tr••rt . An:rlwom. rs a ftl'h-• ==:..--:,~~-a: til tho· 01,,..:1 ,.,,,11,rl) o•omo•r 21111~ On, AYfll~ ,,,., ll~hinl! Ahuftro l111~ btll\1 wt~ lntlf fltn and rr.any uf ht'r lnt'ntlll --(1 ... ,_ I a • I (If '"""'' :l ,., ........ Tt;ort 141 1 IIAihnft lltiRilll, ('allf·•rntll f 'rf'd l\tnl:<ttn . ,.,,,~ ICf'irlt . ~njuyt'd I h.-II'SUitl' .. t h•'r 1<11• ···~· _ _. ,_ .. ~ ............ ' tho•nct• '(1\Jtho•a.'-h 'rl) u l u n t.: llut:tl )fr(', ltul'lllrr, t-:ttwl H••nun~-:l••n Allro• 1·1rr 1\0d ful an~llnl:' Y• ....,_a... •-___. wtllli tlw l'<llilh'-'•'"1,,rl~ lon•• n1 -.mel tOi J ro1lr A'.,.""'' ~1aruo~ll ,,11,.1~ lilt~\· ""''' 1'1 hrld~~ ...,.h arl' ri'J"'rt···l $1•·n••rfllly l~r.:- .., ....._ •......, ..-,. L"''' ;'\ 111 tho• "''"'' ..,1111 hl'l'ly Hnlllllfl IIIIM noJ, ('llllfo•m tti r.:nrnr nt M r~ H'• ~11,. K irk t'r . llt~r~:•· fi,hrn.: "·'' 'lloW. hut n f't>mo•r 11r :<:tttl l..nt :l; lho•n;'t' \\'1t1WM our htt.n1111 thU. ::::11ol """ \'tr~ln ln f'1l~tl·· \\'Ill tltr hnnore 27·Jlt•lj1111 h:thiHII "·'' l:on•l·•l \\··~1-0. ,_-~......_A 1'1\' nr 'rrll 1'141 f-11 •-• 1 · h lei" oNidt"' \\'11l<'r tll~h,,,.,. • h•armt: !'OI!lm>rly llhtnt.: tho• o':l~tl'rly '•. " ' · at ~1nr1hA . ••n rl ~ H'r" r .. e . ~ • .:. ~ -~: ~! ltnt• .-of .,._.,.,1 ·nw ,An.:arl<· 1,, an IIAHIH,Il 1-:. I 'IIRI ~LF.It t11n, hM>tt ,11 F'tlolll\', \\tlh KiiV K irk fut an•l rrurntllt'll ,,,. (,.r ll h111 lnlf•N..-'II41fl v.·:th 111,. ca>.lt-rly til'(;tl Mo•(' Hlll'~IHt-: ko•rpinl': till' :otnm t r~\'•·t 1n~: prlt<' pic k -up In all ''"h•n.: olunnc Ill•· = ~..... . a pmlunt.:,otoun uf t h•~ -..()(tlh••rly ~t.1f,. uf l"Rl lturnia 1M I:IIYTII\1 n:--: T llf: T YI'F:O nt!xt frw •lfoy" .,.. Pc~ • ~· 1111,. ,\( ""'I 1,.,1 11. lllf'nf'f' l'HHnty 11f ( "llnJ;r J, • \\'H ITFH 1'.•4 11:.ol F'1· !\l11rr Ill 1\l'e 1 n=--: Till~ :!:!nol ""Y ,.( April. ~~~·rt onP .• il~\\ '':\111111 \\:ll:i'ln '"'·!Patrol Boat ,, ...... ,.,rh aln"c lh•· t,, ... , m•'n· ... t lc'f'lo'll ···:t•t••r f~ j>l'l• nnt.:ali"ll A I)' IP-4I, tw.rurc 11;1~ l'l:ura S. ,.,.,_ In'" .... \ """ n.-... t ... t A Wll..h A*,........ I ~lllrJ.""IIrlh ~· !\;ulary l'llbl I' In '"'' \1r~ r tulot lltnno• I• hnml' R N • .,, tho' "'UIIh···l~ hno• to( "'1' . l escues tne ~ Loot 11 tfl 1111' l••ml .. r l>o·~rn· on. I fo•r 'llhl l'••unt~ IIIlo I Slnt••. fn>m lwr : ••• ··nt ••th ""' hm••nl •t . ONE : ft&"ll , ... ,, .• m\Jh· 1\l't"'"r•·" l tar"''' E 111,. 11 • .;."''"' .n. s,n tk rnnrtltnn From Cru·1Qor ~I nin..: ( 'hro~l ll'r · anol lt u~o:h :\I• I' HtoJ'f'llr<' l..t•tlll" rand ,.;., .. ~ 1 H• •a:~r:o w r rc-""-= Alt fW'r111"1n~ rtf ..nio l ;;llo•\ Itt lw• c·lo..,...,l II • an• I :Jh.onol<'>nrd ;o r ,.. ltn .. ~~o n I•• m•• In l>t· Ill•• l"'r~<ms lfl l ..t•• A n~:··lo • f·•r '1 "';lrlr r,f I ' --- . ~ ....:,.. ~ "II"!"' n omr10 '"'' !lnlJJW'rthr.l tn "·" • ;\1 r '"'' \to • ( lilrl'nrr l Orlfltnl: alt•n,:: lilt' ..... ,,.1 ,,.~~, anl Yn;./ g/N'Iw/" SERWt MS REFRIGERATOR 1 :; -,_......._ ~ -d nn~ ~..a tf'Cl h;"tlw-within JOt~ . . -U ·"';7"o\l m-are ~M:c&:t1M..,_l-~"BBIY'111'l"' .....,.ltw fh& maJ.I ,."Pf'~"~:' 1· r :II "l"('l ·r kll•"''"''l!•'t.l '" mr that tho•y ~xc r .. r n '""1'1•' 11f "'"' k• rn lh,.lr E lllnnN' :'llthtnn· Anol :-;n,·•l A•aol---lh<' '"' Ct\\ln•·~ " t1o• 1)" . : · n. h r t1 I •llt •••l thr Mmr tr.otlrr l,;olu••· r ""l:"t Ruth emy h:ul mtoro· tl'nlll< th:~n th• ,. =--••\\ )tOri ':1'' ''r '~1 1'~ ~ns:, 1 :-.; \\'11':"1-::':-t Wllt-:RF.IIF' .. , saolh••r :tnol l.nno'\' !'hrr mon 1\lf> b&rjl.'ainl'll fnr "'h••n tho•v "Prr• n•~. uv IJJJ<I i.lh,rml<•nm~·~11• 1~I A\ll' 11 1' hnvr h• ro·unt ... -'''\ nl\' hanoi a nd \'i•ltln~ lhrntol nn•l "'''""'' AhrPntlt (U4'd h\' th,. Oranc" r .. ;mf\· I'Rtrol tuon Ml•'<l Apn l ~1'1 1 •• an< · h 1 · I :-; ''Jf,.l 1\fl•'"'' my olfll• 1111 """"' I " • ny ··I \\'hllo•\\011t•r Bollt Whl'n Ill ol:tnl:<'r .. , ho-onl: '''"'1~/lto'<l lv"'' 1111''" • '' • ' ""'' ''""r In thtll o'<'rtotlrBie flr~t dutiNt ontn th" ro~ k~ • arh· ~un- ,...._UOtl '!. · tl fro om r· I Zoon•• I·• C'·l! 1 · TI : h • ,., t o•ru or hountli111•'" ,.f aht o\ ,. "n ' II day m om OJ: ''11 1 1 I rr I . )'I;~IHt\ :-; ;\IAiti;\\'AitTII. z,,,, I ThE' JOtwl•·nt:c :tn•l thr<'to :lrlult!l tiW cit<lllf'l •-I lanr' I•• ,.,. a ,..-t••• II\ o•l olr•r oof tlw l'h,ollnt.ll ( r~ 1 f' N' "'11<'111t"• ':!oil ~" wnr n • m · ,·~unh· ~t ,\l{t •l ·~ .ttoii">;!'O=" l tt~,.lr t'Ahin o'rlll<,.r wh••n '""'' r:ln 1 pnw»mrnt an<i tt' t .. ~ :I"-''"'"''" tn 11 1 .. ..-.. e See tt.is .... C!~S IIFIIGEIATOI ....,_if helts '""'"' ................... ptl'tsl I •. I iil k r I I S oot iHV l'uhllt' In tonJ. tnr salol Wt'l'e tt'tumrn,; """' a II 1111 '" I -• • • ' • l'uh· Aprtl ::2 :I I. :!~l. ~-~·" 1. 1\1~1 l.llrtll:til I out nr '""' n , •. c ''""~· f'nlrnt -fillY lhl'· rlto!f_ll!,..•'~. !.•t-1 .ont1 • '. · llo>\\flid \\' X• ·~··r :O:o•• '• IIIFY BNat. t'>fM.'rn ll'\1 hy nwmhf'rl' olf the tto'll"''~ lho·tf'Qf, nrr Jlllrfkularh NOTICE OF' PUBLIC HEARING 'local Hnrhnr ri.•pnrtnw-t [>i• ko••l AWAY WITH NOISE AND FIIUIOIU Today, more and morL' Southern C:alifornians are turning to the silent, wear-proof ~rvice of the refrigerator that has nn motor. They're (hanging to Scrvd Elecrro- .... -I I • .. • • \ I J, , • ' • · I t / • r ·--~--··-,:--~ lf,.. .... ,.,t .... t ~!' foi1loiW'. lll'\\11 I NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ...,it I n t , ... "0 ..,e c 11 ff'l!Jtl'l '<'r.l ur a _ ,, , ,\II lh:o l l"f'M:II~ n •:'l l l'."'llt·rt.' rtll•: :--:1-:\\'I'P Hl' 111-:AI'II ~ TfY ' .. . .. , . . ~ .I a.m. an•l '"'""'' 11 !l:'lf~lv I•• :--: .. ...-. ,llu:ot•-<lm--th••l tl~ r•f :"t'"l""'l 1'1A=":o\IS I" ('tll\11\I I ~O.:Itt:-.1 \\'Ill IIIF.:"~.\\tc ot;T nF'\III ("lT'•_.tl ,_ 1 n h nnl r •• • ( c;:: • • • • , • ' • • • I'I.A="="IXI; c'n\1\tiO.:<:I~):--: Will .,...... Ar • ..,.r ~'ll:lln~ '1' , .. " 1\o•n•·h. I (llllll)' n I )Mana,;•' . ._.rat•• h"ltl 1\ ,_.., ••11•1 Jlltblk. h•·ann,t 1n .. ' ' ' . I and l'hr rtff'" roftln'' J1 ~t•"•l hr tn "' C':ollr .. ,.. •. :. nnrl "'"'''' l~'lrt1ru· th•• Cl'uno·d C'haml'll'l' rH~· ltall. ho>ld n pulol:• .'" '" "'~ "I~'" thf' Ar·l plde Ill<! "'~"' lw "''"" • -l.orl~ fi,•,cnt-.~1 ·'' f,,ll,•w'. Itt \\:1 ="•'"1'••11 llt'lll h ttil ;\Tfly :.!1~1 1!141 phl"'lll<~ll t•f I I 11\lo• II 1hoortHII' fo'r l Th<l!ll' ('" t...nr•l wo•rf' :--: Jl H··cinnln>!' .II th·· m U " t "' 7 :1(1 I' M fttr tho' r•I{J'>(\j!<' .. r II \'IHHIII•'" fir:'"' o•ll•hl l"ll.~l hulhhng Q«l~lx-(o ol( itf'tf;:: Hr•ll\'\\o'\t•l lllv.t ~·ltth•·rl~ '"''mo·r l>r Lnt lfi '"'''•h•lnK l•rnt<'!OIJO An•l nrprcw.~.,_ l't'rJIUI _hrw onc '" ,ol•• \\ll h t.ot 34. Holl.,....onc1. Mr "-n•I,--MrtL -A T . ... . 1 n nf .1 ) T r:li I , I~ 1\nll• .. n l•lanol tlnf'!rr "-• :\_• ""'"'"' IIJII•n ·' m I,. ••n tho: 1'1 "1"'~'''" Alllf'IH mo•nt '" t r-. )(ytlnwf'r. J't(>h ,,,.,.rv. F' .I F.n ~-T S! 1 -I ·t 1\o k -"' h II:<' rro•\'lllll'n!\ ,( llrol:•>:•lll'f' t ill ., · , r" I • ,.,., ••N '" 111 '" •h i'/IIH'I' 440 hrn'ln.; I•• Ill' w1th I I' • . "~.ml'r. Tomm,· C"nmrlon.AI{c•b 'I ·. 1 1> \I • •II n 11 f II .· ' fli'J'Iit.tnt r• '1"''~1 a ·'''' 11" I · · -f"\..;• • · I"' ·' '"' ' oii!HII!'r "' 7Pno' ,f t h<' " ""' IOJ: Wlnna11 lft'l,·ln ~"""!'C'' =•1 • 't h ' \1:•1·' H•"N'I'l-,.( 0 rn n t.: ,. ,J. ""'"'"''' l'r••l'f'rl\' l\'lng nl•'"l" the :out•• y:Hoi •rl ~~'' k "l'•'n l•••th thr RJck . . (. ('·I( · ~ rf'lrlhnllol~··•llh tl'or~•l••llnl'l• · •Hll'tt~ ,, 1 ••m1.1 1'\lnn:na: ( •1.,.1,t Jlrt.:h"''" 1n ( •'n-.n:'l clo•l \l:tr. I • 1 lh•·nr·· n .. nh·•rl} :~lnnt.; tho' ntnrk• A ~,· ft"· l'. \'. •\\' . Tht' pullltc llf'll o~c ur••n t_,, to MAXWELL ""rth<·rh hnl' ,,r t ••·nlr.ll ,,,.,,_ nn.t 7. l..r't" :l .IU'l•l 4 .In RI~Vk ".'nt t,.r '~'II h4-h~'l•l tn thl' ~lty i G£0RGE Ollt' ..... ,-h .. "''"' Wl"'lo•rl~ ('Ill"' , ..... ,~ :1 4 1\n•l to :n m ! .. k T I '"'"',, I hRtnl>l": rot\' llflll. !'lr\\:· UNDERGOES 'KNIFE n<'r nf ~~~~~ Ttoort 1\1 t t h•'n•··· All In Tf-1\l't ="•' ~:1 C'T'!\t port II•''" h ' .:hf"rn'·' F'rirlR,\., noor1hc-..•l•·rl~ tl•'lll: thr· nnr·th · rl'o ••r•lr,J m 1\o••k' 14 i'r-,:··~ 40 :\Ia~· ~ntl \!Itt -; 1'1 I' ~1 hy onto·~ AT ST. JOSEPH'S "'•'trrh 1m·· <>I qui ·rr..,·• 1 41 t ~11 •rllnn '""" 'Mnt"' nf lh,. r h:'lrnn:-m I "I' · nor1ho·rl,\' "~'' 0 · "' ' ' ·· ' '1\li\RC"l '' 11 •11=--:c:;()=--: ---"' ~ to lht• tn""l H••..,>rtlll nr Oran~t' C"nur.t y, . ' ' n;:~i~:tn ~r \1:-:"'''ll 1:; y;-:-:r nlri r .. mc•r of :-;1111 'rrll1'l ~J.I · n rn· l'l\l'(ttmln _ o• 'lr ~." ,f \1~ \\' I f \I~,. h I .. I I ' t tt.-\\nr•t \\' ~. L;Pr ~ •. , ff'lA,..,, I!I'V'I' I ., ...... ·-. n run)! 1 h r ncr "''"' ••a;-l•'r y LnUo :.2 to :;,. nc 1111 ''~ o 1--'l ol Rnlho:t '" rn thr ~~ Jnc-.h niiiOJ: 'tho• n•>r1ht'•'-'tt'rly tifl(' n t,.,•k n 1n T Jit.rt Nn Iii:! t r · • l'uhl1sh Apnl ~9. J!l4.1. _. ... ~._.. nr ":11t1 1"r:lcl R14 tn thr mo~l rort .... 1 In ~tf Zil. p .l$1-,.ll 17 HOitllilnl "'hl'l"<' h" 1~ '"'~·,.nn~ gti!'ffl('tonl)' rl"'lnl :'ln OJ"'l':'ltinn nor1hrrl) ctll'nrr nr Lot 1 1\nd lfl of MIKt'll&nf'OUII ~,IIJ"ll. -Entuulna ,_,, Thul"'!'rlny Or ~~rot ....__f't .,,, 1 h••n rf' J'-••r11• o( Or11n..., Cc>\tnl.v. \'l~itln.-\\llh :'<lr:o l-1·•r"n,·r Tor ,... -· '•·• "" ... "' ~ .... " Thf' \,'n.llh :1 fr>•«hmlln nt :-.;,.w. <lllilfhWo-:<l•'rly nlllflt.: thl' <4lllth· ('!11\fnmtf\. rn~n' rr··~ntl\' "'"'' !\lr r~nd Mrl'. 1'3$1rrh hnc• nr ~Aid Lnt 7 to 1A•III !\It flO tH' f\:! r.:t f\4 l':ttll. 1-'Arnll'r an· I Frnnk l\.lttfl'h\' port H Rrtlnr \ 'nu~n Jll.:h ~f'hnnl ·""' ~t ~llhc>rly ('Oml'r nr llntl (\!'• In m~:k A nr Mlol II( l .n:o An j:rl• '1, "·~· 1-:ollth ~st>ln wu out 0( ~he>nl tho• I'Arly P,'\r1 'M od Lnt' 7 : llwnc«> ~o~~'Ntt;>rly Tra• t :-;,, li7:l CP~I nr H..tlfi<>W•'r \tr. nn•t ,,,.... W nl· ol lallt wN>k nnd ""-o: nt'<hro .tc: I. th I f-m R-3 ~e to a C-2 t••r Hm•ll"" ,,, 1.• t)r Hrnrh, 11n'l tJH' h0!1fl!ln1 -.t1)'n tt "rl" fii•<"<W-10 1\ lilrt'<"l lOr to ,. pnm I ,.. ,... ..-.d lw...»'a.s .suH o•nnl\ a ruptun'<l · .._..... J. l.nl~ 1 11nd 2. In ntnrk A ot ThuNt•IRy ),It" To"""nr f' and apptndix ~ )pt•rntln!; "'. ~' r" .I:W -lull. the gtu rcfri~t'racor. A nNT RAMI IS nil ONlY"MOJOI."There's nothing to clauer...:. nothin~e 10 stop and start-nothing in the frt't'zinJ: syscem to wear out and call for upcnsive repairs. In fact, that's why your ftU company call af£orJ to make an unconditionai,IO·year guarantee on Scn·el's freezing unit-tu·ia the period co,·ered by '"'J ochcr automatic refrigerator. And in addi- tion, )'OU enjoy the roU·botcom ..operating Cost made po"ibl~ by the economical fuel. natural gas. SOUTHEJlN COUNTIES G AS COMPANX Rit"~ .. CILUNt Joe tMI MIDIUit-4&110 PAMlL'r ischia Q-model Servtl EIKc:rolu:a. (8.07 C11bic k.) Delivf'ft 144 iet cu~~ end bas cht mod~m con.-eni~ncn Jo u'•r wut~. Aad. o( courw, ia pumanflldr tilrnL SERVE'L _.:- TIIMS AI LOW AS 1-Y•• -le ·~nal roa~owr. IUIIII lllll•" ...... ce.c.t" ........ p.a .....,. ...... s. .... , •••• A( (lUll(} REFRIGERATORS ol bepnnin,;.. I Zone. • . !lllu Hulh l·hru<l 4tt ,~nt" Ani\ That said pnlf~ 11\'0f'k or ql<f TraC't No. Af~. FT11nk 0\Atll'l Inn mntorf'd In Gordon M. Onmtly of thll' <'ily impi'O\'~nt 111 for ttw ciO!llnr Lntll :10 anrt :u of Rl()('k B • 1 !'nuth f'llMolrna for a day'• Y11it and Dr ·' M llurlc-•· or ·s;~nfa.o •• $5 ...... ....t fS ••rtlh."y .... the 1M1 •• .... • • •• .e1r'1 w ,... ... COMpeftY aap and ~t of a portion o1 wd Trad Nl' tl73 ' "i lh friend~ · Ana. ~~~~~~~;:~~~~~~===a==~---==~==~~~==~~-====~~=====•c•=·==~==Es::~~==·~~~~~~~~~s~·~·~~~·~~.-.... ~==~~~.~~~-~~cw:=;;;:-=--=~·~======-===~•~-~~~~~~·"*-=~~~:~.~-~ 1· ... • ' Ev~ry ~e~e8day Is NEWPORT BALBOA CHILDREN'S. DAY • Ev~rything Is 5c Until 6 P.M. .. NEWPORT BALBOA NEWS. TIMES. N~'PO'i Beecb. <;dfomla. n LSDA Y. APRU. 29. 19.U. ! Harbor Islanders Should A1nnei City Engineer Says Mort Pump , Fatitities 'Nt't'ded In \\ater Supply . · · If '~'My Want City Benefibl ... , •• 1' tllo4,tlllllttl ' '-'-.. , '"'" '' .' I --------t ol h r'<t ol ({)ootln\H'\1 fr, .. 'U J'ajtr I In<' I "IContlniK"d from Paet> Onc\l t an• tu.kmt: a "''''r t t' '"• Y S J\o h I '''""I~ olo-tll.tHol oil tllo'.lll 1111 ll\11111~ • • ··~'JX'M ·ar ~an.: ''" '".·•"'' •111'1' ~ '""' ~•·•"•'" down, t>ut \'t'l')' ~o-n•ally 1:\Jitnlnti'N'I "\\',• tun•· n•• ttbjt'('llon to )'OUr' ""nli' "''"'·'I ,,,.111,1,,11,~1 ,,1 111,. l I I -11An Q .. 1~ 1-• .... t ruo• 1 n ~t for •l• •-It " Ill\ '"''" .. "' '"·'' 111·· • .:••~ ··vns an rm " •. ·~ u~ .:r:lnlln.: ll I' tl II r ' • A ..._..._, u ...... ····nl n•l ''"'" "" I II·· ' I ~-I land .... _ .,..._. h '' • "'• '""' "",,,.~,· "'' th.• 1'''"" •. "' tol poht-..• pmtN·IIon. 11'\tunlh ... 1:1\'&nl: 1 a ....... II u.-"'•-tl'l Ana 1'1\• 1 l'l h•l 1,, II••• h · 'II ..,_., ... ' t "'"' .ut~l '' "' ·• '""''' h•n h • '-'11 "ln nil o\f the""'' Olllllf'l'!l th•'~ f'Jtf••Munaty, tt~ "'l!nlf~ I o•tr "'' • -1 1-,11111 oil ••I lilt' , ••. ,1 II 1, 1,, ....... ...,.._. ,, htuu.~,t !itth''"'' ut "••••·• ''' til• not "'"· tlf'll' t't•nt u( lho• hunk'fl ~~"'"'"" ••r unwtlhnJ,:nt'l'~ t o .,.. U1· ...iJtC'(I an ,.,1,,,.11,,t,111,.' 111 •. ~ 111,,1 r .,. ~ p t1'1" tt\ ''"'"''' '"•t ,ttlt• th•· ttl\ j)f t!l-'&fitln thlll Wt' lll~idt• of 11\a• llt''t'11 f(l lht• ('If~ •na l iJU•III ~111'111.: \\ tl••r 1,,,,,,, " d unua,.; • t)!hf • ~I ft\~'f\1 h~ ••f t h ·· city hll\'t• to pay 'It &..<; INI' lhllt • "ll!l 111•1 t~\o·rl••>k· tht• tar t lhat l'ln tho• hi""' lo:l\o' ""'"'"'I '''•'I' .••·•• \•ott\,,111 ... 11,,11, .t&llh'llh,) pniJIOrtaon:tlt•ly thl~< IS a \'o'r)' ,.hnt }lltl an • ro"<'o'l\&nl: fn lfll ttw r.prinj.! \\:tlo·r I,·,. I,,,, 1••17 """ "'" .,111 lw· ,ol•l·· 1,, ,,.11 "·''''' .t111 Mlltll IUTltiUnl. but "''' IU'I' t'lthcr .-.Jtlt• t•f "atrr i.~ olnl~ II \'t"'')' small f"tt«. "'1'""1.: "'·''''' ,..,, I• "' 1"11 lth' th• ,.,,111111.: """ , 11 11.,,11,,,.. . -. .... ' .. ·---·· . -·---- UIITE·D S.TITEI , DEFEISE SIVIIIS lOllS AH Rides and All Concessions .~-SerieA G) 'fo•llo~·m.: 11 J)l>ltt.')' that Is n.:hl l"''rthlfl t>f \\hat ~·>U wr>uld bt•n•· aror ~toll """"l.•t .olol~ 1 .... ,.,-'"·"' "•'""' II•'"'''''' 11 .,.,111 ,., 11,~···• nr wrong and 11 ~·to you. our dul)' ('\'1\'tnl! (rona Jllll.t~ and do not tWW'f'h >•~a,.... "i:'' n,.,,,, ... , .. ,.,..,,. • 11 , 1,. 1.,,, ..... ·"''"' "'"·" ,.,1 •• ,.,11 \.!-. ""·~ontat u;.: .. ~~~J-tJ)ls.J ba&m th" ,,.,.,. +..., ... ,.._ .... .,.~~~;.;,~~~;,;~~,.;~,....;.:_~~~-·~-J~:ite.IW:&-1~"""'" ~~ &eS ., c-• -- eome On Kids -W ednesdav Is YOUR Day! BALBOA F·UII Zti.E hnndhn.: tht• hUSinl'"-ot of lht' ctl)' tlf'lh n ·a..,.lfl that Jlar1lor i~lnnd f'd dt~ ~0·11~ that we look for tho• tntl'~ta· o..:.. nut "''h "' ht• nnnc•x.t"d •o "1""' ' ""'nlo•r 1•n•h1• """ l"r 1:1111 " ,, liOn O( whwh IS Mj:hl or ~·nlfll: ttw C'll} tlf S <'\4lle•rt 1'\o•nc-h J\l.'lt 375,0011 c-.111 .;.tllo>fh "'hll 11 1 , ,1 "1 tnlst )t'IU bc:•li.r tn rnlfld that n.' lolflJ.: a..• lh•'Y n an t'\'ado• pay· Zl':\ 1,\. • ..,.11.,. "'' 1 1 '"'' ~·· 11 )OU do not n'<'t'l\'l' a !!iln.:l~· \OCt• tnt( tlwtr ,.hJtn· ol the-mortl')' that prrioll l'lltnn.; ,,,,. 1• ,1t.. llhotlfh ••l Jtvm th~ \\ho• hvo• PVI,.ado· ol lh•· "'"' havo• nln •:lt!) "'t••nt and nf tht' A~l 1., .. ,,11•11,,.1 1111,.01111,,1 1,; ,.,,~ hmitl< m•lfW~ tt'tat .,.,. ~··I tM'O' "-<; wt>ll 46.300000 1: .ll.·n'-.. r ,11 ,,,J-1 •&:•' "1 J;!l;&nl ~1.u that "',. cannot a:. tlwar l'"""'rt'''f3h' ~httn• ol daily '"""'""'l'll••n . .c 1 ·4~o11n t.;.ol· mako• ft,h uf Ofll' and ftw~l ol lht• lh•• ('<"'I u( ••nl.t.fl:lf\1.: our t-qUJp-,·aona. Thr Allt.'1t~l l""'lo. ol uh ,.., .. ,. ulh••r 1 d<l 110 1 ~ ... ~' 11 "'P.Ofo· m•·nJ and 1"1"' hnr:-fo)r mrr.·ru.mc surnplwln ~~~· 1 •-•""' .: '"'"'" <tb'lo• ttl put tlw mat h'r UJll tc1 nur "at.-r "uJ!pl~. lho•y w all n:•· 1 'Jlwo m;u.111111111 "' '""' ,.,.,,111,.,. •'I "·'lt'l. JUt•fu•lh"'r 1•1 h•t h• th•" .. urutu•·• , •..• ,.~,. ,,( 1-•a: Ho••t~'<'f tulh •111•11111 l•...t H ·I. I'.\ l'n.lt."' IS I 'II) liJI.: lth '<'t New.,Ort Balboa Kids Hay 'At The l•'un Zonl' llal hor .l!Jand to t'Onlt' mlo tbo• I ram rnont 1~·111~ """''''" to thfo tion \4 !\Jo ,, ...... , ..:uti .... , .......... , ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ nty or hook o•l!oot•\4ho•n• for lht•tr C'\1~ tf ct ... y ran I"""''"'~ clol ~ ratf' •of :.'•,.!'.,o(.'tu • I!·•"·"'' 1 •. , ,1 ,, I 1... ~ • ~ .. ,. ,,... 1 ~ 1 .. ~ 1 ,.,. ttAII•·:o ........ \ z .. ll•' ... 111 • '"' , "att'r !<UJ'f• )' on • ~,. -• ~.... " "uo• nul S.:.l"-'11 h .. ·m a •• r m ' ""''ll<' pn""""' l'""'l''"" ,.,,1,,. '" 1 -.urn<' thtnl: to ottwr C>UI:o.t&• '"' h•n~.:~·r 11\,.m ""' nr ""'\'o•n months ~ .. '!00 I!·•"'""' I• 1 11.,111· ,.1 .' '""''' '"' 1"•11•' 1"1' '''"' ••I "1"~ Newport Balboa "' t nund I' h "" tn•· " • .. t .. rful ''"'"',. ,._.,,,. ''"'' -'''""''" • 00 t'an )<•ar '." . •14" a.:aan Jlo'nllll llt'nl Ill A\'C' a OJ .. 000 •'llllo•n• , •. , •• o\ " ,, .. ,h " NEWS TIMES h h 1·--I t I v. ... •• tth ftlfl ,, ..... Uf\ \\•··lr •• .... t .. ,·- ,. DEFEISE • ~ _ ho"''l'\'t•r. t a t t <' o '"'r 1n t•n-•s,., luI ~···" wtltlt•UI t~•ran.: any llut·lot puntJ•&n-' 1 ,1,., 11, ",11, ''·'· 1 ~I. rr r .a-IH .... t "ltlll ,.., U t 1 .... k 1'\Jr\),: .. l f'r• --==:......--=====:-~.,.~··~·u""l~~~~dt'h:r;· ~"'·111 !!_ ntT .wah'f', t::t .md V..•"U" 111 Inlntl thaL~'H 2 ,._. ... ~·"-~uu--o:A~'"'""'"'"--r.-r.r........... ....._...,.,...,..,-11-----------tilt-•4a-.. ••·-41-..----------ll-----.,..,...,----:~ h ld h I th r <Wo'n t .. f II ~• o..... ~ ,_......--..,-. -fn;'tn l\11 !IN H('fu 1\f-... 1-----------· -Ut WliU 11\'1' 0 Ullf' t'l I II') .on• II ~ an~t''\o" It!, ''""' lhr ftl't:'\!"11' o•l llh I•' "Ill•' 1•111111• ..... -A-···-\"ol ____ ..,. h h I .• r· r ... f' I I ( ... ~<> ., ... 1''''"'1 "'11 ...... nt.h~ , ..... , ............ . • .. u ...... ,. "'-raoou ~ \\'l.tlo •r. w .•c •~ nn "" .:(110(, a~ 11~ n ·"'"1"''1 ><'111' 1 >c' on.> t.... 1... t"llllllt'll\ "111, 11 ",~11,1 •• ~.. , " ' l ( lh I """" ~"art' • nf r '1 1 \I h 1u.•·• , .... )' • ._ • n•""" •• t lh•· .. ,, .. /.t•u•· I••• ·• tu··k·•l Pa . bl 'tn Advnncn·. -$2.\U\ ,~r vnar In Orano• County,· OUI~. rom ,. r . . • ··~· ·',""'a~ en . an · .· .... _ '"~ n.nuin· 1111 lilt ........ Ill '11\o• '"'' )a c ' "" .... 1 " •"' I I I L d d I II I .-... ...6 " '·'"' ,.;,ar tho• 1\ •I• l'tt\' l""~tllrn per yl!ar to 4th zon<.'; $3.00 JX'r )'tar to 8th zone. !ollJIJl ~ w ltl' I •~ a n •a r ,.,·~·•'11' "' aa.:.un -t~·aJ•• I w p~...,;nwn.t ":'. ol _lht.-rlltlll ''""' l h•· "'II· ''' tit•· r"' h .,. .... k ~'"'"' ,,.,, '"'"''"""' ul 25c per monlh by carrier, ,. Nt , '""''' lu r th~ ft.'-l.'al .~···ur ~9-11 -42. reten:otr. lu ~· a:.\..t'lll u! ·' 111,,,..,1 .. --.--------1 "It ,, a <£:w1 I hal 1f ll.rrh.•r R•"-f"l('tfull) :-.ubmlltt'<i, ..... 111,11111, rnun~:~'"" '"'"" .... ,. • .,.,, "11 "' ·Ill• as Second·Cia!O!i mMtr r at lhc Postoftlct' In Newport Beach. 1.,11111d dad ht'l'<tn;, .. 11nno·~o-<l Lt:\\' II WALLACK ~:.._u",nt·,~.: 111•' '11111111''1 ottr•• '"''' ... , ,,.,.,, .. ,1111 f•'lllllrt'fl •14 Callromia, under the. Act ot March 3. 1879. .. ,~ ... 1 ,1 1 ..... .,... ' ·"' ..'h· 11 .. .,.,.,, 7 .. .n.• ... • t'l l)' , . ., t•nlun ~. • M "''•• i ,,, "' · Tho• ·~···;" 1,.r '"" ,.1,..11111.: ,,, thf' tha t t h··~ ,, -.. ....... , ;.''"·"" .. ' lu CODlC UliO lb.l 1:11.,\' &( I h..•\ .,..,,.n. I Lad n•1 On' nrdtor Itt 1"'" .,1,. h .. """ h ·• -1lu ft"tl 10 u-...~ uUt' "';&ft•r itn4i -~~t•r t' y o~ es af"lon An t'fth'tl:•'th\ ••tf"Hh .. tu•n A n-..-.. ...... Local lnetttutlon For Onr ss Yean Th h t v· . H !------..,.,_.,...,_: ________________________ ''~lt•m to, '" a 11111111 I a 0. t t\u bo't•fl IH.IIIo• .,.tfh lh• l .o ·urt.o •t•ed Ad Its ,,·,.1"\ ~lnln).!IY mth•· mtnd"''' ..... lSI ere Rc•IIIC'h Wlllt'r ''"lr .. t Class• I s resu 11;,;111'11' hl: .. nclo•r-In f:ll't . tho•) '"11lt· l~J(l ........ " , •• I ... IIIII• I I No. 5 ACaoss crtmanall 31 . .Ancer 1. Ha,·ln& l:l. Rhode lll&nd 32. A tomcat color tabbr.l 33. PronoWl 8 u,·e lil a ICI. Tom cloth 34. Farm tcr:t 17. Sick arumal t Nautical 18. Melt 36. Umbrella t~rm bf'\'t•ra«e part 11. Gez~ll• · 20. lna~t 38. A. wtnc 12. Mingle 21. Crow old 37. A. 1upp0rt JJ. SllghtiJ 22. A color 39. Pelt~ crazy 24 Ah~::1J with fCC'• U Stnp of 26 At home 42. ConJunction An.•., ,.,.,.,; ,,. t'••c.IA leather 28. Floor U . SOapy water 18. Narrow Inlet cov~nnr 46. Erreu 60. Hf'winc tool 1~. Twitch 29. Quertu1. 48. Thln 1ilk Ill. Blf'nd 20. Swtu river u aoldl~ra tl. Throuch torether 23. JtCixture ot 30. A. weapon 41. Metallic rock 112. ErypUan rod me tala -.~put JT. Narrow ..U.,. 28.l.M.Md • 2t. PUblic fthlcle JO. Penon of ooa~ S4. Verbal 38. Bay w1n4ow 39. Banllh 40. N~twork U . Pleceoftlmbtr u . A. aaclc U . Kind of fabric 48. Spurt .e. EumlllaUone (eontr.) · !13. Flock.l :H. Contederat• waraong M. Creek war &od :;e. Theme DOWN 1. Quadruped'• ' I 1 ~ " 12' . ~ ~ ~ 16 ll re 2~ '17 ~ ~ ~ 30 :?>I 32 3e ~0 '4 ~ ~ ~ :. " l 10 ~ II ~ 13 1'4 ·~ ~ ~ ~ l"t ~ ?0 '21 2'4 ~ 2~ 26 0 2e ~ 7f 'l; ~ ~ 33 ~ 3"f 3~ :?>6 ~ 3<f . ~ 'it 4'2 'lj lj3 & • ~ 2 2 ~ 31 t high 2. U.S. lmlian J.Co astray 4. Exra,·atc• ~.Harvest ~ ~ ~ ti"f '<4!:> ~ ~ ~ 6. J~lft In a rlvtr T.~nkred I. T o go b:ick anol forth 10. Tnntng 11. Pam tan . 46 ~7 1~:3 . ~~ lj~ ~ .. ., !:>0 !:>I ~2 ~ ,:>4 ~ ~ ~ !)6 ~unj;,l~ d.-'l.'lan• Uaa t 1f ~·· ..hut \L'bat ..... L• ..,.,.,.. ._.,_ • ~I M't'Vict" ,1411,.,,,. •I•· • 11, '"'" ''" u ll 11w1r ~alt•r ,.,. '"'Ill ha \•' 111 a ut \'ts.t h y ,.,,.,, F.11thfor ~.atN. 42. t'Ci to t;:\'li.Hooi I! ,:1.,11• 1,,., ,,,., ,.hut .. rt ,tho· Hlho•r-frnm \4 :Jit•r uf 4N60 6ilth l!lrfft !'an Olf'«O. In !!Uinr" "u.,.,l ·~· .. 1 ctro, 1,,.,,1 • Th_t·~ th .. u .. ' '!"' lh•· •I<.,; an tho• ttn' hnrnr •of h .. r !!aughl t'f'. Wrs.1'nw-~'"I'''"" '"' ,1.,. 1-.,."'- nian;:o·r ill r 11 ud•• ·ar "'•• l'·lfllllll h:l\·,. ,.,,, .. ~aut'" f'ln nf II\~ Umadway. 1n011th of Au •11,1 ",,, 1 1 I.' ·,.11 il. tho· o1 h.•r-r.rn t · A • lnn1: a' t 't..-ta )l,.tta. haoJ a !W>rro,...·ful 4'ftd.l a; • l callon' or .• n "' r ••. •• d ~•h • h tt tho·\ c·a n m:.ko• I ht• hluff •l.orwl 1111: f.'rtday f'\'t'ntn~ wbf'n ,...._ f 1-1-4 1 11 I' 1 : I h • .;.. lwho•\ ,. I h I' ' :oro· '"I'"'' (;~I··~ rut"""'-' ""''"Y !i>U(nptl .. n .. ' • I I' ' ' .. ,. • ' ,J ~ .... 1'"'-~x.lcnum h •t4tl h • ... '''""l•t1•tt• '' ~""""~ Tit··~ ta.;nnro· tho• lilt'l that N'f'\'lo'"" wt"rt' hc-lol J.l onolay Ill llthnalt-d 111 :1;,11 I! oil•"" """II I th••tr arr•a '' •lo•n ... ..t~· t••JMJI:ato'<l. :-An ' IIII'Ji:" • "',th tnlo•rmf'nl at 1 hit\' In I: "4'\'MII'"'fl lnfl:•• hum•~ t)t t ;, f'fTtwnot.l ('f'mf'tc-ry. ~n Ol4"1fO.I Ill\ t•r f\lh' ha ll ,.j lht•tr lout Ilion;; Arrnngemt·nlJI ..., .. ,... In .. t•harJif' of ~,,,... ••·•·uf'l<'fl. whet.. th(• n•h•·r • "'" lbruloJ K r.raul'l rt\&J'f'l. I ;ar••a,. a rt• '•·r~ •ro;or-1'1~ ,,,., ··lolJl· c ·,.,."' ~I••JOa • o...t. Tht• .1...-.-r._..,.,j lo•~tvt•ll h.-r. hull· I .. ·nw 1'•~•1'1•· ,.( ll:.rl•ur J,l·llt I hJtntJ. .Ja.m•'l' l";;l.tt'll. a ohUJghtf'r. furth•·1· '"'''' 'If ~'"' n •fu-.t• '" 1 Vlr~:ema. 11n•l t hrl'l' br,.thera and j.!l\'o• "' \\:O io·r. all "''' h:l\ .. ,,, cln ""''''t'll ,.r , .. ~a rpl~ ''' tho· ,,,·in•' C~trnao;my ~:o..cJ tho•\ "'ell ).!1\'t• "" wa to•r ' H bo L• "Go·ntt.·mo·n. Jll"l • "''~' fM a ar f Jons muml'nt nr lnn1: c•nnui:h tn lL•k J Att d 1"- 1 :\1r, Jl"\'tno• If hP want• fll Ol•'oUillt'" en ""'.rona tht• jol• llf fuma,.hma.: an' oo•· "'a· Ar Se • lt•r . If hi' Wf'rl' 10' rum·~ watt~r ea SSIOn to llarnor b land. tl4' ~·•oold tm· eo.t.a W...a . N-'JlOrt Harbnr mf'dlatrly ~ a public utility Uona allf'ndt-<1 the~· ff'lltiYitW11 ! and br sub~'Ct to th.-Sllatf' Ra!l·l Tburwtay whiC'h marked the 1>\a. no;v1 Commu• ... lon I trlrt r~11•n11 III'U inn hf"ld at t bfo Nor· I "A. .. k Mr II"\'"'' tf. ht• I' :In fum· ronlan (,uh l..alcf' N nrro. •·tth thf' &..o,h lo\lllo'l to :an\ :tft•a "'''"""' ,,f ('•)rona l.ion" <luh "" h•lll!t• .ihu. 'c.w.·n holdin~'r hi~ acrt'i"': ,..,_ nut.' at1f'TI~ tlw day 1 mo·rH "'11 h 1.1~.,ounn I~ ad1 temr JU'l'·tnn"' t'nJ<W"'I th..-hlon,q~t A ... k ,L:o~.:un:o B··:w h af 11 ""'•II· )\n•l •lan•·,. I~ thr ,.,.,.nonJt • lnj.! '" .... u ••II•· 1: oilton II( ....... , Amlin$: s.-wr••rt ll:ort>nr ft~llu lu 11:or1le•r l·la n•l .,.h, 11 .. 1w 1' attc-ndtn~ Wt"r•· l'rll~<t•l~nt Hf'lnt •\\:tlln\\ln).! .:\lt•tn•tJOIII:&n. \\'a to·r Kalso·r. ~r anti M r~< Olhf'r:_.W l)&,.tl tl'l hnok hno· and 'lnkt•r 10 l'ainpbc-11 Mr and Mr11 Brrt h•·r llo·•l•'r·aft"ll fnr mo\n• anfl l)r>l· 0<tul1<1 ~fr •m·f ~'"' AI Hnn-alh. 1•·1' .,.a l••r • Mr lln•l Mr~ Anlun \\'arl'k r.torn11 • p , nt\1 t.ck•• .en~ ,..,,. ,,.,. •. .,. c·r,.wlf'V :onot Ba rl.a rn Jrnklnll. Mr wnRI '-•r :111 ltn.....,.•r IH tho .ll•"•' ·•n•l M~ fl•·n nv "'•l:!_antl. llnd Mr. q1h'' 1 u •n... ( ; •• , ~our !"'n"'" ••r tlu~·rt anti ~~ nc ';•·nr'-"~ Jt.·•tdnnt•• 1••1 ~Ioiii' Jlttl•lw knn\\ lh·•' ~nil "·"'' a~ko'll Hl•'lll ·"''' tlwn 11'1 lh•· Attend Ben~ftt puhlll' kn .. w """' llw ''"''" r • Mno H••l,..tt C':t lll" .of tit•· ··n1,·r•· ,, noothln~: 1•'1'"'· t1 ito ll••u;hiJo l•o<•k ~l r11 r:o·rllh1 Hllr htt:' m~ IIIII"''" '" ~ n •; r llntH•roll•l•• ~''"' H••nf')' \':111r.:htt arul Mnt I' f\oo~l~: 1,111 n11l~ :o-,, 111'1~•. en,: \\' Hlao kt~~ ard AI' hoor. j.!ll•·!'lll t11 II o·tl oJo·n "''•'ntllliiiL: 111 pu 1 I• f••r>· I••• ..rot ,.,.,.,.,.rl l•l tdl!<'. f••r C:lrl '"" Ill•· (,• hn~: "' ,, \•·h l:l"t':o\• !'t.,.,,, wurk~ Ill t hf' honl" "' M11• l''"l""'1"n .. r th • {IIIJ••n,hll' l'nul II t:I!J<hn;:•r "'~on .Ju~n \\ 1111'1~1 \ "" r• •• , ....... 1'1' ( .,, ri~l r•tn n "\\'.. ,,,.,. ""' ···~Inc ., ,,,.,,,.. ~tr :mti ~,.~ n~ ll .. tti<-n ~ rn1nt 11:11 s,..1 1•1 '"'' l•llt .. n ly l"r I ••-~m .. nol :t\•·n~tt· lhlh•··• l.,la nd th.ot \\hlt'h \\•·•~1 ... ,, .... ltl•l ..:_md onl•·rt:otn"l "r an•l :>-t r-('l.tr•n··· 11.:ht n,, .11• th·· ''"'' '"'' •: •• rr .. ,, "''r th·· .,..,~k·ntl. , "m 1•1•~t ..,lv fHtlnf••t nit Jtd..-.,. ttn•t m,.,.-tut YTtTn t '"''l"'f"""f""i ' tt\'rt .......... . nn•l "'"'1'-'• t•·d nnd """'" '"'" "''tl • "'' r t .utuuar; ..: '''*'It uud Htuu,._. n.•·ut t•·n1Ut• • tt •\• t .. •·tt te•l•h"'t f••' J h1 t••Jhlll ,. t'llJ"\ Ult'lll Cluba .and &p.~dre '''·lolll"a.! httd ......... .: '" ... '"'"'' t ... •·w~ ,., .. '"'...,.. , t 1, "h ... u.ar c , • u .,... ··nth t., ~tr utt•t ,.,,,. :'4 \\• f')ltt 1(tW•IH tl \\Pt •~the• J •tiU' ~JUt l•lf,. ft trot.t \\-.hi•"'"~'~" ,.,.,, K v ,., .. ,. I !'·· ••• ·••·•rt/11 ~·H ·· '" r-··~· "htl" .. n.l blUf' 1\t a I .. I_W Obtaint"d Jo~rom • I M.1., \Ia Udu • Kiser to Go to -~ (~ity Completes State Junior 1 Settlement of Chambe~eet _ ~~ ~-~t I ~ .U.r. eoenH'\fod ._... ............. .,... .. , .. , - 1..,: N-pcwt ltr'UK1t •rl liM! Be•~ U.. Oty OIRMdl .... ..._.., ..... ,, Amf'r'k'a Utd Nrwpurt nart~ttrj '" quM>t tm. ,.. ·,......nJ ..._. .luna"' t"luunbf'r'e llt.alf' •dtrerlor. Vta.llf' ,..,....., ..e-n ..._.. ... v.·tll eltf'M thf' IC1al ,. Jun._,.. t'ttana 1-.tta _.,......... I• r •,t C,'unlflll'n'f' •,•>fl_vrnl l<on M•J 1 Un!trr ,.._, ~ ........... .t Z t a t floorltf'1f'Y Jut• al•on• Vtlf't,. .. ,... ..,.. ~- Kuor t a ,,.., ..... k11 ""' •'"'" ''""" 1•n1>rrlY '"'' '" llaJ A•-•'·"'"'' ~"'"'''">' •n•l ,,,. l''"nJO '" ""'' ah•"'""' -)' r•I&Ja to U...,... "''" .. \\•·•hw ... tllv '"' ,,,. ""rth,.m twtv.l"f'n Hay evf'nur Uld te.. -t.r , 1 v llr '"'" t-n '"'"'..,' hv thf' ''''"' "'tllf"tl tfNo rtty .,_.. ~'""' ·""' .. " r·to•"'1"'' l,, .. ,.,,,..nl ttlany )"'"" .,.. •. wtwa U.. ar• uu l hf' • nmrnlllrf' '" IW'INI lhto m 1 .... fW'tC'htooilw•wl ,.,f ttt. ~ r """"'f tnn MfY f.... -'Ill -·-, IOITif' Jtlltlllo<J "'i\,. filJ...J •kfrt.tr Altr r Nllr•ro•lll•~ 111'" '"""""11'"' oltl'djtll\t: ••lot'l'1lll"r ... JI'VI•r1y uwa• Kt" 1 ... 111 l•·ntotlfl lro lhr ""'"' '"' •. ,,. lw ""'''' lhr 1111 ... 1 land tw. •- "' , ...... ''"'" rrtr\r '" , ............. , ... ,, ,., ,..,.,, ''~""'"" ,. llllJil · h• ...... ~ .. .... ,,. ,..... -"'"'' ""'' ·-""., AMERICANIZATION PROGRAM AT SANTA ANA BOWL MAY t ........ I t\~tf"Tik ... '-'" ., ....... •• , ..... r ••·•· p,.".' ., .... ,. "'k•n~: ,... . '"'' .. i ,,,, .. ,, •. r •. \ .. ,..., • •v•·· rtt(u•l• •I l•h'tt••tt• '''~' ,. •• r:-ut ••r I•"• "" t'tl•ll" "''""' nnw' ha...,. 1,,.,1,.., •••"1111 '" th .. lr flr"f..,r1)'. COST PER PUPIL FOR LOCAL SCHOOL j.)I'Uit/Uitttf\ In IIIQ.k trtJ.: t~f '" I fl I I ""· ..... . ., tlw· "'""'', tn twlp 1111' o ~lr·h\HI • tllf• ~ ... 1\ttt•tt• ,,,, "'"-'~ Business and Professioa1l Dirictory Int. KAI.I'II (). IIOARD l, I PR .• 11. F .. RTAHI.r.a f'NYM1t1AN • ,Mf .. OF..OS · f)"Tr.UPATII U-... -r. r.a.ll .. ·.1-PIINTIIW I Ralhoa ln11 Arr .. tt ,, T......,.._S-pnrt .. ... ,...,. ,. ....... , ......... . ...... , ·------------------~, r----------------------,· By ( \ II unJ{l'rford-~ UKJ (;USKAU KI('IITt.:K .... ,.....,_ . ....., ""''tr- fHnr. lfl1 !teod ,.,,_. N,. WlJ'• rt ftf' ar II I.F.KOV P. ANDF.KHON A'nHIItSF.Y AT lAW , ...... ,._ ....... ,....... ......._ ... •' "fMER£S ~ S'LdO· I ·, y f c,OT 1· SuMPtM ..,.,.. ; ~ ,.,..'f , Mttit..-T ""f'A.V Off f~E ~ 1 &~M\NO! & I I V\IA04 TA ,\1A q( i11 S f\~0 Nvl.K~ ~{IF I ...... ,.: 10 u a."'· a •·a P.-t-t.•.-........4 un-I U ; a-. 'U ·4 Ur. (~II. O,...Sy .... , .... , ..... M•rr""'' N•wpnrt ,._,. ltnepllal f'-tral An~. at NI•U. fHftret lire.: ••·n ..... ; 1·1 p.a. ct..,.._ n K()Y'8 'BARBF.R SHOP Jl't~I'TTI*'rly at l\lllt.o. IAJ4uMI NOW 1..-a~ at -, ............... ri.. N .. r Pier Entrance Nf'W'POI1 Be~ ... ··~ ..... --.. P.V.PARKP'A w ......... .., . 4_..... . r...Pa .. 11ffJ O.....n f'n.nt, N~ lh ........ " .......... .... f...wl " .... . E,.o._....,..,.... AU~ WORK CUAR.ANTEF.D \ . I ' ,. ' ., .. -. • .. ~-----• .. . CORONA DEL MAll .. w ·O-M A-w.s ·_ p A o ."f? .... NE-:o~~TM':CH • .......... .-· .... ~ ... .--.... ..-~ ·~·~~-~ _.,.. • ~ --.¥ ...... ····~·... -----···-·-~-· "---~~~----~·· --·----.---.------~ .. ---- . (Betty DQ<hte ••• PbQnell l2·and ~3) BALBOA Silvendo Cabia -. IE IT THURSD_tY'S MEWPO&'t _ J\ liAL8CJA . NEWS~ TIMES W1LL CARRY FULL DETAHS FOR EXHIBITORS IN THE ~Ill R B 0 R Al-E A--. BUSifi·ESS MEI'S· Flo-wer· ·Show • -· Q W A T C H F 0 R T H I S . , . AN I 0 U I~C EM EN T! . • ' • P. S • ...,..... Cash · and Merchandise Prizes \\'ill Be . ---\ . ..-:Awarded. Anyo_ne May Enter . and Evllry Exhibitor. Will' Receh·e A Prize. ---~---------. ---- -.. ... Pa.t Bridal St.ower Hooon ..,._ Micke, 8fttone At Me. RECENT BRIDE ltoo Witness ~iaptials Uniting 'William M._Haun. Jr., Miss Lucille Cook Amid .a floral St•tting in thl', llllno<·tivt> .:ardt>n:o~ o( t ht• Rc>x M. Cuok·~ homt' on Yorba · St "'"' m .Or~c. the daul(hi"r o( 1 h .. Orani:<' Union High School and as a mt'fnb<'r of thr graduat ing cla..,s of 1-'\JIIt-r loon Junaor Coll<•gi', wh .. n• ~hr ls arfthatl'd w I 1 h Ka~ i.amMa ~ soronry t h ,. bnfil> Saturday a fh •I'Jluun. ;md G :omma I ldtu Upsilon Jour· Apnl :.'6. o( \\'tlllam l\lt•rlt• lluun. nuJI,II'I 'UI'II·l~ nu• hrtdl•groom. Jr. M)fl o( Mr. and Mr.-. J vhn "Rill" ll:oun, whol '·' a .:rn~'\1-tate t-!::'.un of :'\r wport llt•ights of Nt•wpurt l ht1'bor Union High 1 Rt•v. \\'1llaam Klau~to•mt!'}t'r, School I$ wr ll known 1n Nl'wport pil.'hlr or ah.• ~n Ptodnl Lutht•ran &•ach Wht•n · ht• ha~ lx't'n asso- ·-~ttn+t--no-~'"'W't'l~~two-in'<ldrng-<'.Ht I I'd WH h -f h.-~,__.,._,_,.__,aUk'eo---_.1-­ St·I"\'IN' at th <" t>ntrdnrt• to an 1 for a numlx>r of Y~'~'~- arbor an lhl· o:ardt·n I><' for:<' almost Jli'lall\ <'S 11nd fr·tt·nds attrndmg -100 rl'lati\'<'S and frit>nds. · from l\:l'Wpnrt llt·al'h W('re Mr. ~·mod tn whitt> chenillo• mar-nnd Ml' • Juhn Ua un. parrnls of flu'"""'' O\t•r which a ran~:erllp tlw groom. Mr am1 Mrs. Walham l•·n.:h t vt>al h•ll in sofl foldl> from llaun . .:rand1~1s of,thc groom: a 11ara of ura.ngc blll:!.SOIT\$, tht> Mt'l-t'lora Ut.•an)·. Mr. and Mn. bn._ck> ca rm-d a shr ath, or whttt• ChuriNl Connt-11 qnd 4I0ft':-Pat: Mr. gladlol4-' blooms and fragrant and Mrs. t-'rN1 ~n. M i 55 whllo• bouvardJa. Att('ndtng 1 h ,. l'hylla~ A~hm-' und Miss Dorothy ~ N and ~('~. Wilham I Adam.~. An<t rrw dt•ry and Dick Tormncr .. . I Willis F'ields or l\:l'WJ)Ort BE-ach :wJI8. •)IIC'IU'.l'"' BF.JITOS F. I altm<k-d the bridc:ogroom liS blosl I man Mrs. Gunning Bu11er of the Meaa , wu named V a d o t a nomlnatinl( commilt4'e to auggellt offtcer11 for the comm~ year t o tlir4't'l th.-ClriUIMf' County SPf'U· Prrtly lllnillr .. , pop~~Lu M-!\..: __ . · 1 d ' · 1 _. .... Ma-AIW .......... lie· 1 • ,....M! tn ra lltOr!4t . wf'ddan~: feft' twtr -rrtace Ia y-., mannf'r pr•-cNkorl 1 h<• bndaJ pro- da) JU)· 4. an Ow Santa Barbara , .... ~ed by Harold Lanon \o\'ho ac-mltlf'e are Atra Lilll.y 8. Fraull ~b)t~.Onadl ~t ~. = ef lllr .... r ., COIJlpanK.>d Donald KruE'gPr, cow;in <rt i'ullerton and Mra. Albert R&y- f'..mma._ Sunp.on ~lf'd by -· of tlw bridt-, as he sang "Be-l!o111J of Anaheim. ;onal f noonds fti1C'1'1ailwd a t a ...,---• muM>" and "All For You". Mr. and !ofra C. A. R~nbaum• ~I) bnd:al .,....,. lllur5day Trawel Authority Following the ntf.'S Mr. and of Wllaon Street welcomed Mr. *"''t'f'll"'! ··n hPr Avocado s i "'(' t T 0 Be £bell s-ker i't~ Rex. Cook and tht> ncwl)' I and Mra. C~rl'e E Bro.-n of '-no· 1n C<ll!>ta )I~ r-wt"dded COUplt' Wl'N' honorl"d at I Bakeratleld Into their bome tar a l1V' li#t unc for thr, pn>tty affair a largt' wedding dinn<'t' pany an ff'w d&ya • •'ti ~~~ with sprays o1 Thn iJ1n1: l!dvMIIU"fl' in Mf'lllf'O, tht• .:arden.... I Mrs Harry Wf'stover t>oter- ~ Aftn ~ .-rotf' tht-tr thP larwt of Olrt•-z And thC" Az-Aftcor the1r bri('f honr ymoon · taln.ed the Kappa Kappa Gamma fa,unt;o ,...;Pf'!' for thr bride they tt'CS... wUI-tw l"f'told by Julia Annt' tnp lhto couplt> will maJu• 'their sorority of Long Beach In ber •• 'f'n" lL~ to cw~ thr ~ Hyrlfo. rra\'1'1 t"'pPn 31 thi" Thurs· I ht~ ·on 30th-strt--t•t, Newport I Corona dt>l Mar home. 8aturda,. ""'·H"aa r~·..,. bnPS o4 ad\Yf'. da~··!O mf'Pttnl! ol !'llf'WJ!Ort RI-IK'h BPacta. 11M-bridt-is a gradual<' ot afternoon. Pnur "' li4c'n'lftC ' n-fi'\'Shmrtlts DIPII C1ub following thf'ir annual thf· bndP was pn'!W"ntt'd a1th an ''"'f"1tnn of olficf'n. aHrnrtl\'t· an;n o1 rni.~llantoou." !'lolL"-' Jlyfif' •'Ill aiJu,lrarl' twr gdtf • • talk •·ath rolnn'fl ~tion partur.-.- • C.u;o..b anrltd-d :'\1 p s dam f',.. nl !\lt'XK'O Crt)' and 'UrTI)llndin~ •Tank Mu•·. Jl~ E 1 m .. r . h ·mtory. E\·C'f)'JI )h<".u1n•.' Roy Ua'l>tS. t: L Arb A1M1 C'ralfa rkOfUlt·rt. II J llolli:t•. G t> 0 r g" A 'anrty ol hand rraft wa." P.•trr k1n. II L S&tulbng, ('a r 1 l'nJO) I'd b)• m.•mbf·...,. nf that lll'<'- Conw•hw.. 11. R )lc)lurtr). t lar-rron •·ht•n tlwy met )-e5terday old )loo..un;an ,, .... nahf'1m. c c. •1th t•h.-urmaln. Mr-\'o•mon Orr. 1 Attndo:o•. :'\ L Lambt'non. Dar· nw-:tt1Pndin~ wpn• :\lf'lldnin.-s 1 "'" Dans. \\' Ku)oko-ndall. 'llloma.' S. A. :\tPyrr, l;>onltJ~.Mc('aJium. 0 . Ball. Harold l lathornt•_ S. B. Vtn-\\' Ridt:uTI, Lf>w WaJirJ('t' .. War-, .... F. L Ryon. 1-A Duocan and """ !\1o.,;.'<in;;:. R P. T111ot!'On .. W. , 1 thr Uawrs """" Davis. &:1ty R. f'oa·li'r. ,.Livan~Mon T h o m . Dodr;c-and Hikta f"uhPr. EdJth !\h•ri<-kt'l, \'it-tor C r 11 c t> • j tt-C~ •'lll -~ H. A. lllfrTY Wt>kh. ~'\1\ t.l. Rutht>r· .....,_ o1 Loac ~Wed~. 51w · 15 ford and C. f'. Watt !I. tlaoP ...... ,« of lin. Laun Con-I• Mullin.'J who ln.cth:att'd thf' Fri- ...0 of s-ta ~ __ day altnnoon alf.U. or_ ~~~ attfndinc Wf'n" Mn. W. •-C.•~lilllel .. lba H. ~f)'. Mn. R. C. O.·MI. Mrs . ....\n.._ P~. N ,.,.. Hany Ptullip. anti !\1...,. tlf'wn r.nt~ \\ 'ht>n Mr. Y ounc anives Delrt Aftnnot~n I ,. a rnmplimt'Tit~ "•~ k tr .. m :-.;.., )I••'U('t• 1 hi' t'fl\lfll·· 1 """' .,.,., llrs StJ~ YGUn$: of I ••II ~0 Ill na.ko'l"ftl'ld \4 ht•rt• tllt')o I ~-="-' :\lt':oiiCO a n rl "all m.okr· l ht•tr ht,..,.,., hrr ~-daus;htn .-hoar... •prnd· illc -.raJ ~~ a·uh M r ~ Y~'c moe~ :\tn.' :\loon :\1ul· tins ol Ra.JOO... f,l..UJ<t It _.a.. )lr- J~ can-and family an I lavmr; 1n th.-Ru ha r.l l~·yrr hfom•· tJn lb.-t»t RAy HaiOO. l1tlaqd. Mrs. ~uben _ lt. na,· ~am~ President Of Orange County Federation of \\.omen Mn R.rubrn )I l>ay. pr•>n.IDt'nt lllnj: fur 10\ at.d o hahlrrn 111'8JI gw-· •., h \' • tolnil\ tll'lllth' • ff, t•r. U1 •:.a.-·ard 1 ... ,. • Hu~ll drot of tlaf' Oran~>:<' (',.tmty F•·•h·r- atloa ., \\"fom•'fl·~ (1uh!o at th<".ar %Stb an.nu,.)· • .,-t"rnt • .n Thur,..tav Fnll<>-.. If\ I! I uno hf'• •n nt th•' \\ •·ma n I' 1 'luh hi< mt .. ·r~ la.'a rol an a 1 ::"......... h' ·~1 1:~~s F h,n·n•··· ~1on t· 1: .n ~~~~~··c· a.•ntlt•nt •·I tht' (. 'ahfor- r ,, l n•'th ll ton (t~r \\'un)P!'\ ut 1· 't'l• •1 •p1 \n,•·n~ lho • Artrn•hnc t r :"•·Wf"•rl B• :t• h fo:l>t•ll Cluh <~n•l II • I 'nl't:..ll• :<a Fntlay Aft<'r· r • 'I • ·1·rt;-\\ ••r• ~J.~:cJ un • 11 ~usan n . n "l .. .:ailm<~ 'R. a: . • c 1uhh·~- l"bf' 1~ I rrrl~ot.-r.t '"11 h " ,:r .. ur of offt< f"N< rr.• lu·h~ 1' )!no 4 • loT OPall•ru •of IC...,tt•<a 2•..-r• tan · .,..,11 bt' i~all<•l ar ' 1: .1 • o t •r•! II Z Mf'Kf'IM:a~. C 0.)' U a p....-<t J'f'• $to!• :. ' ,of h.-I I Colla )loLl FT""-'' Afl·rr.····A'lut-,,., .. r t ;ra•• •. F l'·~l·hn•>l u -. I.,,J th uo 1.'\l't ~,.;, ... :,, ,-t-.. ·n.an \' "''" \ol'll•n •1· c· ~I l)o•ft· of R blf' L.t,rahoro> f..: IPif' t nnnl\' I( • \\' H !'\• .,_aflridt llarold 1 f.-.....nh•'n \' I• r-1• rc "· '"' .I ~-'• k iUI )lr~~ 7-fo'r•··l • • l!oov. • -• • I :O:.ont 1 t :. • ~ • •• ,,. ,..-naan II II Thl\\"l'r 1 AU . thU! \ • \! ~ r '"'~I I• n: • •<n· I H l •ttotCh"flhlltt~h A I ' =""ll""n darlf'd th, rr. .... tt-.:. A IT'•'l'11: .. l: ,, i t 1 T allr-an \\' T tl'm tn. P:n1l «"n rnf n-.!u'r ~ \\•:• ~!r!l 1: ,. fo ... ,. t • J H ••trh~uc t·, Cf•,•rc• M allf'r nf ll ur:m~tT• r. 11·:>· ~ :'•oi.-"-:-.· •' I L •!1•'1\' \\' F ="•· ktll!' AIP'C •""' l •••l n ·l l'r~'•l·l·r.~ i'n ! lt·• Ill~·· l" \ l"ltl\•f·•rtl Hou ll:' I J H :u .. r,.\ rr".CI•!I'nt· ··f lh· I l"t.:foo•ol ;no! lh•· ~I ll''-~ :'ot:lrl"l'\ W "'"l'-• c 'l•ll> n( I • .,C"Il"''l 11<-.,, '-I ' <•r-.t c AIH t' l 'IIITI"'.t'T ~'•lith ('~on I A m··~t antrrt •I OJ: -t,\ik ...... •In ,,. I I '"" •• ,.,, ont ltn.t ~~·-~ l~l'lk ··· I in r; ttl<-...... •of _!h·, ... II':· •• """ •• ~··· c• .. r :'ol a•• l 'lum··r .. r H. l'tn n c~~moni~ "ark Installation of I ..\ • ~Irs. t~ S. Hixon t•.-T. :\. President l I l n•t :tll.1' •"" 1\( • " ,., r• •r.•l '• · ~ · •l,p I\ \It• R"l>o•r1 ••'II annt'41n<" r •• n-, r n•" ~ .. 1 • ·• ;. I \II· • ,,., tll '"""· \Ia--. 1 '"''" • of C'h:ttr-'• n "' r·· , t'tf • ... ' t!••• :l .... .,, ~.n• d ·•PJ••tntnl• "'"" •,, f • I I 1 ~rlul '\nn•a'll rnoo•ar .: ,,, .. ,r-:-.: ,,...,,,.., .... ,.~ar t .. n• \l·t·l~·r· an ol t ht' ~. \\(•··· II,,.... 1 ' ,t!. d fl ··h· ..:t•'"IP If• 'lr--\\ H t.:h ~ 'too•l I ' T \ h· lol r I • I ~-\1 '"'ll J'l"'1:1 till \II' R II c-aft'lrn , ,.! •!,, qo' •• ,1 I'· nn• 'I pt;l•ho a'' \l1• H olph ~If" t' i" l!ff -:-.... ..-•' ..... ,.,. , ... t t. r"~•rt11~r,hq• \I" ,\\" ' I jun • ..,-I'.,.· .11 .... f, 1,. 1r.! ,, • •I :'m llh h·"l' • ah·' \lr-t',.n• .oot 1 ~1r-F: :' 1•,-· .. :,,-r .. !pr .... -~., •• ,k w,,,,,~.t r·· . .-· .. ltr .. L· dM\1 ~t·-..... \\ ~ J" \! ,,\\•11 \h .. \1,--4; ,,·, t t td trtl Ol*''t"U P""tdo nt t·-. 11 ,;::), \Mr~ t:..l..lll.tl~ \Ia ... F' · I a \\ ··.t •tn.: l .;if'4"rt 1:\r). \!·· (. l J,f...,l.!. 1'• 1 .' \0 Jf1':' \I~" l o•l\ 1.1~ 1'111\1' oil• UT'M' ~II" \; .• • ·.: I~J''•'r. p:aril-.ln.t l""-' lot.ahl, • • II• n•hiJ• :'lnol rna"flt,,n ,\n "'· K" '•rmt"(•'n I• -•·•·a '''" Mh•n.tn :\1:--,.,, 1 t11,, ror-1 .. Tnn·• an-•~ . .~ . .,. •'lh··ha.:h lllll'\Jtn~ _, .... • 1 ~' ,r-f h ln.,;t ; ~ .c:• rlt" 1l " , ... 1n ··tYn t.:• ••I t h·· .: ~ •'· ti.• l.', r , ;-, ! " ·c•fflr.-"L~,i!-•>r,..;.r .. .u:~ •J• .. •Ion.: un. \ ..,. Cok>rlul ''-"'-•.:· ,,: p1d; ,·,1m .1-r •'I"" •I l;wi•l •n•··· \11h11r \\'nr · tion.< "'' n· r n -•· ·I tho r.•'•'C"'H.r'l.; d· n. l~·,r.• I' '!1..··1 .on·! .J ,. t r -:_ __ . I1''"•H . ..,,.;,.h,, .. ,,f ''"' \1Jt\Otl M 11 •11s ll)ll11ll.: •'\J'(oon••ol lh• tt h .101:1 0.:o'' 0 ersl f ,f h10.:h 'r h no•l o'f"'I"'IJ"'"IIl tl l'ol!ll'· / .... >IO.:b iiP~ .. "11.,. I~ --~ \l ll•h' ~~ flollllho•~ \\ o'l •' J11.1) l'<l -::J.M&t.,.JitU ~~~,~~~:~~~ c;~:~~: 1 ,, ';~;~~:~·~:,h:~ at t.h(' ptano A cl:ln n!'l t no ' ... -- .It's National HardWare Week-our OPEN HOUlE and BAIIIQAIN WEEK for you. Never before ln our hl•wy "ave -hN-M many real redwctlona on genuine hardware qualit y merchandlae. Never before have you 41een offe~ the opportunity of purchaalng .ner. chandlae you really need at •udl price. •• And remember, 'we atock ewr: 50,000 u.eful hardware ltem.._very - a real quality buy. No Junky noveltlea or leaden ~re ever bought aa prlu bait. Only l t.lndard brands. up-to·the·mfnute article& you wfll be ,.out~ to have In your home • HERE ARE ,A FEW BARGAIN ITEMS SISK FAI'CEJ' r;,.,,. t .. "'~' •~..... • hn•n.-. ~tlav-tt. no ''" • ,., ., •• ,. r ..... 'u hiiJUll' ,... •11ft• •I 10 1 til• th•nt ftf IUC J•rlr•..J ""'' h t••luw 1 ~. l'n·• nl m erkt·l "•anw:oo." TANK SPR~\'ER ....... w \al- ... ,,, ,,,, ··•"t•t.o •l .. tm• 11nk t llhMu t...n .tflt, 1 .. 11'_11 '""" I • .. II . ,11•1 I If• '"' •hlf.)' I "t u u h J•tltJtl• ,.,,,... flltH•I"• tr• tl• ·I t_.. 1•1; h"...- 3.19 Polithed block b okelitc cup holds 2 tobletpoon• ('It oun,e) coffee. HorNiyt Accvrot•l C.. Ill'" Ill' r~ ''"· S..,_,, li•lltll. • m u cOWLn E tYil or . ,, 3.19 '· ,. t I •"U"'" ~~"" t I,,,... ~ t•l, .,f t1 h f.,• ~ • •,U • I •• t • hi t II "'t • I r.,.. 'I• t ••• ,. t-: •• 1 •I I•• ~t » UU n~o•'4• 1 4.79 \11/\KII IIUl~l ~ft IU).'\ IW . . ·'· ,, . r. I GLASS COFFEE . i e9.~.l' •. ... 1 , ,r\ . , BREWERS . I Tine Po!IIIJf $illS Ro~Nl (o:\RR.-\lot: ('A~S .. ... 1'"' .... ·.'it -......... ~ .. ,,, .... l'~'' . ., .. ' ... -t' ••• I : .. f ' •I I \ -. .. '"l ... •I .... . ' ' . 1.59 .~, . .. . . ..... , ' IR'~IlRf:4>8 ot• OTIU:R ITt:~s .-\1.1. U~ ~AU: Dl'RI~U ~RGAIS WEEK!