HomeMy WebLinkAbout1941-05-01 - Newport Balboa News Times._,. Maybt>· tht-boyli of liar· boT h1gh dfdn't win 'in "th<' Sun,w t IA.>ag~ij;. t J:ACk _ Jinal~ for the> yt>ar. but whar th<'}' lark<'d an quanity. tht•y madf' up i~ quaJit,r Wllh Don Smith St>tll,rtli: a rie w m ark m tht> polt> vault and K Kurjhara in tht> h i&h jump. N 1c1' Jumpmg. Ja.di' Safety Linn One cannot go wrong on .J h~ overb~ad croaaing' now 1f he tollowe t he orange arid white : double aatety lines The or- an~ llnl' ahowe where oo, ma y or may not paea otMr can aod the doubl~ Unu all placea where moton au m ust k_!t'.J! to the ri ht In fact b ----oliif"'rvlng the llnel! about· thf' only accident on~ C'nUid haw1 would be to rJJn do11m a atov.·n m ovtnc n r. The n y In t he olntm~ot Ia that tb~ at~ril'l.& nuta wbo""bllthJy lgnort'd thf' 1_. llnta that formerly mark· ·ed the overhead 1!{1it probably continue to make .left-hand by paaelng cara In the 111'rong place. &od ll;l'llf'rally thumb th('ir n~ at tt1r Grim Rra per. No one mlnda t he n uta rurtlnl with death, ..xcept thf'y u1ual. Jy pull IIOIJlrortf' etw Into the trqedy. .. ~- ISSUED State C9prdinating ounc11s" To·-Hold·· COnference Here· -----~-----... -..,..-- Educational and Youth Leaden From Every I County In California to Attend Se_ssions at , Mar Casa; H~bOr Council to Be H~t Unit: 'Noted educational lfoadt>rs. youth work<'rs. school super-' , intendt>nts and k>adt>rs or·coordinating groups in many citiN> ~w ~~-~~~~~~~~~~.~~~~, tht> Se-venth Annual Confef"e't'K"e of the California I ing Councils to be held a t Mar Casa. Balboo Island. 1 Principal Sidney H. David4;on of the NN·por1 Union Rtgh School and president of the N~'POrt Harbor Coordinating Council said t~y t~t a ll member-S of lOcal group are cordially in· · BAL-BOA ·---~--MID-WEEK EDITION N IIMlUI:II Ill New Balboa C. ( . Organization It~ Launt:ht-d With 48 Memben; Plan Ut-autifi~ation of lla_lboa Community · As Firtil Major Projt-ct For Latest (:I'Oup - llf)tllflil.t'CI "''V\JJI. IJc•lltttiCil'MtiOl\ of U.la.. WU 11, tV" llfl:ll_!.ll7Jttion;.o; ntthlht•r "'"' pn..!JI.,•t. .. ( "f)l)lJII'Ish~ th<· IMNll'\l o f clh\.tt'tono n'l\' J. n. M<'NAUy, • c. • .. rl Mun.th"n· l:Jcotty t-:1Hot1, lo'ronk l.lmw11, GUll Tamplll. ,\1 Antlc•O'I•rt. Jo:d ( 'h ltJ•rtum . Vuux Wh lh'. und ~""' H~ t-:.1 t 1lapman . "ho wiff1 AndiPncJf1 1md Jlt'll Whitt> wu -0/IWI- of tht• Hw There will be no regulal' Ma y mau bolu'd ot <lliK to.-. of All Na· 1 . A ~a ACKOUT" PLAfttT; tile enlr "~IL~t" o.._.., -.ta•t -. J)llJM'I'S ftlr tlw 5:rt)UJI, Th• UalhoHt {.'bambar'a....,...,... meetin for. UK-Harbor Co-IUona li'OUDdal.IQa, JW~icbnr:. Kf'ft· I L • r-' wilt w tnln hi" '-11ltU8 or lt•m·J jtw'l whh'h w ill II('C:Upy pe....-ou.& I ~ . . oetb s. BeiUJI. f'xecutlv• aecrf'tary lng n.~alted to completion •• ~ by the Dougt .. Aircraft Co. It c4h!e" ~ . .-e...., •Ill employ JMinll')' t'halnnnn t.mtll ofnc··, unportan•'• In ttw acti...U. fit Ge ordlnahng group because of I of OJordlnatln« Cown-111. Jnt' .. "'111 11.000 men. and lllfomen te -..w and trilllt~..,..tran•~rt• for the Unlte4 lt•tea Arm~ •nfl ,.,,. , ~-I f\rllilllutltm will ho lbe ~ the state met't. • . 1.,eu on When Dora a Connhn~t-• Navy. The pictured unit 11 -..,.lfllnga.~l ""~II:Ji ~mc~Ufl•eed. ,.,...,......._., •tr~t'-4. • 11" (' h'\ • I rallllfl ot RaJ"'•· It wu ...,.. .. Newport Har~ wiU ~ a lnr CounMI Uecomto a Cnmmthllty wlnd-lf'a , w ith •ubterra,.... fti'OOI!tlon will be made for complet e emer•nc~ !Jlac:"outa. ""I Whllf', Wf'll knowa Ualboe ll'ur tho firM Um• Ill ..._, Jtlllt plcturdqu~ martu eettinc toe the Council! Anothe r r~neral w aaloo ·-r -· 1 hu~IMM man. w·u AIJII~ U • flalboe hu "'"" acb .. .,ed a ..... Manna 1 fer~nce bulldtnc of the Palackna Neumeyer , profeaaor of SooioiOJY . • • • - -r;-~ rw-. •mllr~piiifii:--==;~ ~·onterenee '111-'lth War Qua. <'011· will be held at 8 p.m. Wa rlln H . N T I u Fl · 5, ..-n .. t•ry trf'a•urer Th4' •IHiklD lntiA autn lHtrk • Uow••e r , U.. i .Preabyterlan Cburcb_fat'tDC on the at U. 8. C. will prealdr •·lth tht ews-am naque ower ow•WU tJ a -~~~ .. o. but Uwo ,.._ th~ beat'h froet ~-let W hat well known · Coeta llu a bu8ine• man ••u liter. ally tbrowin~t ·monl'y a bout the atrHb ot Coat.a )feu! could be the way thl1 alart• out . Ho111•evf'r. that atatl'ment mi~t be ~lalf'&dlng ain£"1' Harold no&lly had an accident. With two or thrH poeul &!lV· ln1t1 allpi In hle lnalde cnat pocket. Grauel ntra.ctf'd 1t0111e other papera. apflarf'nlly pull· 1n1 the po.tal rKelpll but with lhf'm. Anyhow. anothf'r Mtu merchant found on• at tlie re<:tlpu on the 11dewalk tbat even~ aod a aeareh by .Harold the uext m omlnlf ~ ..aiUd .. UM diKO¥trJ ot the otbef' two. ·:· b&y a t th• MNlh end o1 Marilll' topec. probkma tarf'<i by <'ommun· · ••II• w .. , .. ""1 dl"'''•"d ua lll tu· •-ma..ra, It .. t iM putpiile e1 ._ avenue. Ill~ Df'&r milita ry campe and de· • t1ay I "'lr•nl .. tk>n l u I& liB«' II a ,...,,... Note4 lpe.allera fenae lacw...trlel. Mem......,.lp I'" a-utlfy Uwo araa and ,...._ • M a n y promlnmt at.ate .1fo1dr' &uedt~Y. p,..,_r aM , M N S ue ••lily •Ill lht-un~q~H &(HI ' Thf' Ualbc.Ma C'barnboor o1 ('um· an athaC'Ilve ,.n ot tM..,... I sp(-akf'l'l' :tl't' ~h.-dult'd on lh<'<'ml·' Gcoup confl'renl'f'8 Will be ar· any Prizes to ~wport 1\ll\'4. 010111'~' 10hn111' f'hat.l .. many fll<'ll'r h .. an IU'IIYe memtwnhlp fr..-.t ~ terence progTIUJI Followtng rt'gta-ran~l'd ~unday from II a.m to 10 H bo 8 • Omur to.en to wl.ll aw u d a. tNt •of 411 bualn"• m.,n, tt W.. an-I AN•otdlna tu ten...U•• ,.._ t ratlon and aulgnmf'nl of roonu • m . follm~·f'd by • boat lo ur nf ar r U81neM Will .. , .. at .. attr ... uv .. dlaJII•y• In 'nuuno•f'd at lhf' w..antllllay 'n~t IM-!Iutltk atloe llfforta wUI IIGt .. 1 Safurday at t 1 a.m .. there •·Ill tw • Newpof't HartiOr fl>r ~bnterenc~' . many Jl'""" nf ~ .... arNJ at th.. ....-..~~~ A m-ctnr ·wiJI ._ held· cnnn -s lo the nc-tU~ r.-. U.., . 1 a DOCJII lunch~ ·weal on. Sppertor I m•mbf'r'l!. u ,-u .. ata ot thC!' Harbor•' Tht• N<'w port Harbor Busill('S..; M<'n '" Jo'IO\\ c•r '"mr tim .. prmrdfo thf' r1111re tlar -nn t w ... tn .... t•y ntaht, M"C!Of'dlnl but will lnd ud. all ut BaJIItoe • J udgl' JOl' L. S hl'll of San P lt>J:n Coordlnatln.r Council. A ,m ,..-1• S h o w M a y ] O·] 1 and by the N~wpor1 Ball~n<t lou flt•trtrt •·lth • IIJlrlnlf """"' In pno ... nt r lana, at Ouo' Mea 8h•ll i a n atl•mpt tu c:n•t• u att,.UH pre•ldlng . *lth youth •·orlc•rs i JWs~lon ••Ill be held at II a m wltb · . ' . ...ttlnft that a).uuld boo • ...,..loloo<l at· I 'a ff' arul all p#nuna lntn.atf'd lnl r onunhnlty tbal wtll c-•ld l ~ from Kern, t..o. Anr;elea. Mer<'ed. AM ttant St.au Su~rtntendent Llf Nt>ws-Ttmes. lo;; believed to ~ most uniqtlt' n ow<'r s ho w t rartl•m t11 "'f'rk f'l\\1 v&alt•~• •• th,. ~NII&atl~"' are ln¥1tfld tD at· qe of vllllton and c,..t.e a .... ,. Ol'&ll,{f'. and San f'rand~~eo coun· Public-rrwtruc:tron. Mrs. Irene T to bt> ron('('IVt>d In Oran&e wf'll u dla11lay1nr evktl'nrf' tbat tf'nd. aa annuuncem .. nt M lcl ol ~''""' prtde, rt wu .ucs. t1n lf'adlnr; the dl~~e:uMioo. Heinem an. · preeldlnr;. 'Die tnplr ,.,oral nhlblta wm .,. abowa N,..·potl fflll'tJM a. a • um munlty ,- J. L. Abbott. principal of Nar-will be lbl' m.auln~ ol COOilf'ratlon the aton of every Harbol' .... ietratiM of b«Hnra and prcle<NI .•• well .. t A M w· ith \onne Hl«tt 8cbool and vtce-c:ha.tr~ In pe~ and ot"C&nluUon nola·l'm erchanl ·partlc:lpatln• AU peraona. entertllt(' tclliiMt. In • bal'tlor C'lty wttll let.• I _....100 • man. n ecullve board. Loa All~lf'a Uooahtpe, . I ril be an a ward for tvUJ CDalpetiUQD mu.t rqw.r at and ..... ~ ~ f lldtM... rmy .,n County Coordt11at1q Coundla. wtll~nc:becla ..UJ be held at l%:10 l'fttertnc ex:blblla u wen u -.e. of tba N-•T•ee. 1201 · • , '~ pr-M6de at a ~ ...-on. 2 p.m. p.m . H . Ella"'-Brelunbacb, Loa' t.o be tt•• by .-ell Otnlral a.-.. wMr& ,.... I £x~Star 6unf ~IDform&t.lon Pleaae" a quMtJona .AqwloM att~ wtll ~ onr 1 J:naN•r fllllf1T1 cQSWtor t. IJ!IIIIIIe .a • pU41 t 1 . 1·~~~~~-o..t n,.,...., uc~ aa.wwn ,........ • ~ Ge ~ r. •=-..-.. u...._. ~ .. ,....._ _... • ...,... .. ..,. aLz..il......-"-~· ~ ~, Quit.-lit a dltSwr owr a ad ,..,._.. ot eou8dll 18 ~ c.e ol the ........... ,. ot the tar~ awarda 1.e the fact llllltributect am-. all of ttw atone Dll~ ~ ... ......., ot an ad. hr.... and tAIWU wUI .. Wei at &.p.a.. and r.c:ommenclaUoft to locaJ ClOUD· tbat each me~haot will pre.nt a partJdpetJnc In the fHtl¥1' apriftc Of Patifit Squa .. . . runnlnc in a Loll Anc~lee 1be anuuaJ cltnner &Dd bul-c:lla will be ~ prize to thow entertnr nbtblta In flowe-r llbow. 1 • 1 1 • • · magazine. Paul PaiiN'r ·~ hi~ JMlrl l£"u lar atore. 11\ua. an ••·I· Jn addition to t two many a wa rda ---, · · Otw tundn-.1 mrn fmm Carnr I fin'...-wtU a,. In chatwe of tM JX'Ait'd tht' olht'r ~ to· t he p s :k' c I I hlblt or will be rompetii\C ooly whl£"h· partldpetln~ mrrc~t. arr Wall Kf'ily. f onn.-r Nf'WJW>rt lfu n ~Ill rtrrlv.· 111 Nr~>rl liar mrn. whu wfll be tranaponed te NM!'S·~IMS to pre~ • bet· t•ti• . ... . I ~aJDat ttKwe ••ho have ffttrtee on I etff'MIIIf ,.,.. .. tfhnrra tn thetrJT'l'·· Jlo..-t"h athlete. 1a C'OI'IllnU1ftl t n txw lo'tiflll)' nncWt •net rf'!llm hy I and rrvm hf!re b)' a canvu dl tpr ant"· It had to bf. doM e I ons ee IVJ I vlrw .rn-ole ature In wh l£"h hll en· pl'('tlve .,.,..h . Ul4' N ...... •rl BalhuA t alc ... ln th .. f>Oinl• , ..... HI .. , ... ,"«" SIIIUrolll) "'""'· huf lfll~ trip Will i Amty truc-k a. in 8 hurry dut' 10 R dt>ad lint'. try 18 tnratf'd . N , 11 ';" J "' l'a•lh • trade lf'ttm 11 .. 11 ... 1 ftrf ""' ,,.. " ""'l•'lllhlllal vl•lt tn lh" ---, On Cl 11 toi'WB· mN ""1 Jlr"1.,.n1 .,, awan It rift 1n lh•· hl"h Jllnrf• In th.-,. .... , I rr 1111•••· C 'oHHII ) sour! Fed ~-Sa • and • fine d il'play 111·as fum · S p I f e ~ every Jll'r'!Kin n ·r n .n " .. ~ era Vln-isht'd. Lille r in thr day the • . • • Tht'rr WJII be but one cla.u of hlblt In <'om~llll:n " Jt " • with C"hwn Ktalf' Iaiit Tll .... tay an•l I'' ,.,,.;,~··ttnnl A•llln of f~llrry If. • . 8""' maj:(n7.lnr managrr camr in ervtce 0 ar-e Ire men l'llml>f'llllnn, that or £"lit n llWf'rl, l{llmrrf'44 I hr .... ~linb• tofl J•rlolay .. 1111 ...... , Artellr r)'. ·A A lttnll·l FJ.-.;at t Off lot' his fonn a nd N'laled h~· l I '-I A n~· Vllril'ly nr \'8rl~tlt'll of n (IWI'ra p IIK~In"l Sllll ... """liM .. )'Halo• , ...... lllfl'rlll ll \1~11•••1 '"" I'll)' .... t~.y., I" .0 er hr had told thl' hlst l)''jX'" • . mAy tHo entC'rf'd ·In a dlaplay. ln·j • t "'K ltl thr '""'' hur•ll"• lhr hitch l l)•tr""lfl},. '" nrrt•n~.:•· "'lth n ly l J>ef 8o d . ~·llinJ;: rompnny aboul gpt· I Lt~al notic-.. to 1M-founrl ··--I\ ttt•n..: lnr tho• ma nnn nod nwlhnol 1 t'IUdln~ all "'~"'" nt ruwf! rln ers ~n holl'•ll"" ""'' lhr h j!l\. tllfll)' Krlly .. ,~w·wl• ,,,. ''":. ···l<'~ltlfi!Ttf'tll orl ense n 8 ting thrir laynut rr:;('t. Thi~ Whf'ro• 111 tht!' is.~ur ol Hw 1'\:I'W!'· t'lf :•l'f••rnlnw nr nnt1 plncin~ " ( All C'llhihilor11 a rr rtoqulrr•l tn 1 • -V Ia on. nt th,f' miWt l"tin,.latl'nt ,...., th~· 111''11 111 llw• 1 11>' C llrllll j;trtilmd Tllktn• 11 1~••1 In ,,. ,..,..,.. .. hrouj:!ht a d<'ri~ivr lnu~h from Timf·ll. a nn•lunro-11 tnd.av th•· m · m<•ruho'r' nf lh•• ''""<'•' tkpartnwnt rrvvhll' thf'lr nwn 'rontalnt'rs tot s k A 1"'"""''• "" 11'" T,.-.. , .,1""1 111"1 ,... ln p "'•II 111' 1" '111111111": 'In ftnalll'f' Am•rlf'a'l vaat df!f•nae thr bi~t It\))'. In whkh lhf' lfnllnn o f lwrnl~·rour~~n' lo 1 anff frro• ,..JlOII'Int••nl llntlo•r f'l \11 l.hf'tr l"nlrlf'll f:ll<h ffil ry m1111t l trio 1 '"'"'1''•l ron f,.r l~llntll In rw·r-\0 lu'llllll ''"llolr tull" Ill tilt' flo •ltl llnol l·""fCrllnt l1 lhr 11al" n( l1.lliW I---..--..!4UJ.p...to"'~~ll'U'!o'-~IOI~f'4--UI~l--!Cin:uhuc a n mlltatiw• II"IUinP ... -A·I('4l • ----PIIAI~t1l ""JrTorr rut nnwn'lf. _,._ ,......,_ Sou-t ;u be h;u w t l.a.lltoJ '" .... II , ... ~··--H~Nt_._ • " ............. Mavlnl .-... ..,.,. and all th<'dumb·cluck com positors rl'qU•''''"I·:'•hr dry Nrunell tQ. ... (?IISS. Thi'P<'m lnant"f• "'I ll r·<.lahlt,b. Ju<l~N• ~·Ill bf' ,.,.,,.,.tf'd wllhln ~ 1'''"1""' • '"" .''" f1 lfltololl••. 111111 1 !,..,,.,..., '"llll"l Krtvln1a fUunpe .. dHin'l livt' in lhf' l'mnll towns! ,..·ith(IUI allt-rattnn a pn 'flO'o-11 rn,t !U'T'\ 1,..,. '"' :oil ••Htr•·r• a net thr nrxt "'"•"'rill t!A\'11 a net thf'lrl R \\lUI 1 11 •· 1" lhr• HIO 111 I tll•·l )" t hr Nrw1Hort Ita liM.,. l"•dfonl llav. Th 'I . 1 . 1 r 1 'n 1 th t a tn thr m~'• IUUIII al •I"J•Ill I m.-nl ,..., '"''" "oil lu 111 • "'""' ttl llrrd•· J. ,. n•·xt l't>ntf'OCI' ··n~ l'f l'rtl. C'l\ I l'''r:'l('(' orr manrr or I~~~~-I ftro·m··n "'"" lho· t';>(('t•pllun II r nAmt'R llnn•otl ..... 10 ' • ". """ t I I II ~ ty,... ... .... 1 .. ulhr r• .... h.. ... ~lhl'.. hfto·•l ;;nil uln·~tifl """ In~· a ntt I"'"" -.. ·ta tltot•l llnd ftrt rlrp:lrtmr nt rmplre~.~ ~ ,.,,,.,, "' lh·· fi,.,.,rlmo•nl•.. TUPR<Ia y lliNJI' "' lhf' N<'11111 Tlmt ll I egas er . II I ,.,. ,,.,,,,,. 1011•1 , .... lal aa•lna• It I I •I t ' I t ·h ......... , •. llll'" 1'11"" '"1111'" Jllo'"' 1-:'''"· ,,~ • .,, ... ,.,,,, A~'"" In· Tll11f'IJ' ~~ .ca 11 "fli'10 ~ o'(' ':~ ~ •1 1 111 1 . ThtN' 'l'hn h>t\'o' -.~nllf••l l h••rr • 1 1,. 11 "'"'''nwnl •~~11,.,1 1,.t,.v lo\ 1,,11,.., S••''"'"" 111111\ V.'•·lt•h l'lllllet•• """Ill '"' ... 1,. al llll tx-' '"'" ni'W 11-,lboa Charntw-~ ' pn•p.'t-('t nr lll:lntt ""11 1 " rllh'lllllll\ ro nrl.-ulalt• '.lw'J.to>l ll lllfl~ T d D w l •••k.' 1,,, •• 1•1,.111 ,.,,, ""I"'" ""'"'ICh""' thll na t11111 1~ uhmlllf'fi l h 'tilt' I 'f' I · • re avenport ---o;, •• ,.:• ,, tho• l l.orl••• t 1•hrot l,.·o "'" ,,.. of Cnmml'r('(' h:u: rcnnnunro ' ll P ' .1ntl ""'""' w•m•"' apf••ar '" tho• Atll'mpla wo•ro• 1,..1111: "0.,1,. 1,. ,. F ~1~11,., ,. •• , 1,.1,.,y .,,. 11, •. ,,1, 1 ,1.,1,11 111 111,, ,.11111l'lol'"'"'" <Ill\' M~•v lol Tlor f r111 uf th .. a.c: itl' lil'l'l m:t)flr 111>}1'('11\'(' Tho• JIIYIJII'"'~ unlrnanr•• "'"111!1 1\•l:!tl Jll1hhrat1"" 1111.., ~~~ut·. tlo•· R • $J&S "'"Y by thfo !'!linin A-n 1!.-~::uot,.r :-4 onl:-~ """ •r \'l'"l''lll•lll• ,.1 ,.,.,.,. .1nol 111,. 1.,,1,11, ,, Hl\fl•·•l '" 111 v.ro•ll "'" I•• ttl .. ,,.,lf'r!ll MaYinp -th<' fit:-:tutific:ttion of Balboa. t'r.·ato• :l l'l\'11 J;4'1'\1rt' hoard llfll• d .tl'o' !hal !IH· ··-l.ohh•hm··nl .. r eceaves lradlng-.lllltV n•·V.~J>"l" I .. , llr •Ill:• II" .... 1111"1 "'"' ""''"·'''" '" •t• ,., ''"Ill llll•l ·~""' .................. who-cA· Th.c pr<l~t ;-: a tiro~:!): one.. _uul. Jo.l'nJC<' L...-lh< ...... ~""" .f•llv ..,_ TJh ~-. ~·rt Cllunl'y ltn prntJ'fll"i· ',ook•l•·t .. , ,..,. It• l '''' ,,,. "\l ii·'J""'"' .. "' •. r,.. "1: '" '[1 1\ II I I II ' tr~nrr lfll·uH·cr~ ~1;0 Vlli'1JI10 l n arlrh rinn tn ~·n;c fh<' nrw Ell• s. II ,.nrtmf'rlh \\Ill .. ,.ltrntmtll' , .. ~'""'' , ea re ,.. I .. tl'f' 'n·llult ••f fl ~~ roko• • ""'''' '" ''"" ""'" ... "'"' Ito•• 'I•OIIoljlh•·r •·I .. , ,;·,·.II ·::~',, ",'.:,"'1~.:. ltf "::.~ ::,. "' 1 l!t'. rrolrllhl .. t .. l.lllf) •• , ... an• O('f'lln front pnrkm~: 1111 mnrl' tt fi'Hfll lho••l' ol••pnrlln•·nt-nnrt lhu• ptlnlr·r" llnol 1,1,.11•11 ,11 111 111, 11 , s, ... ,1., /\h a It• ,.,,.,, 1 ,,,,, 1 lh• 11 k 1 1 h 1 1 I"""'' •••I Ill" l10111•l11 alltl at.ampa lOt' I I f 10 e S • ""' \f•U l t U•f\' II~ t IIUl; I t h '\ r yr·apflt'A . t hl'rr c: rnnm or cr••llll.' rnr ro·r'"' th•· r·ff:o·u·n··, ul Ttl• . P•rw-r 'll m•·• hllnt• 111 J•lnnl r ··~• 1 to•.. v• ,.,~ '"""' I" tov<•n ~ 11,, 1 II -111-1 11 ,.,.,, . ..._ ·r · · 1 1 ., · ._ •··~ultu \-\ ••dnr+wl ,,. n•..:ht •. '" u~t ' ,_ u• ... • rt w u.. .1.1 1 1 1 t .. h lJIII·aun 1r-ntum Jmpmv.lm,•nt '"·"" • ''Jhlrt nl•·nt' . .. ThP ft,..tt:h•t~\r-ttlrtnt "•~' ,, 1 ... ,, ,,,1 tl• .,. \A. tO, "'• ..... 1 .. ~,ut 1un ,,. 1 1 ••· ••"k •HUl .,...,.,, .. l•ttl w,.lr ~ oe.. p F~ · II ( Th 1 1 I c lo~h llwar•t a t th•• I i•l•• Thl"alrf' ll • ·" "' • .... ;. Ollll. ....... . • n~ I 0 wny, N ,. ,,, .. ,,., ... , "'' ln:eno'l' ( ,.,., nn1 • I ' f'dlv beln .. J>ll..ltl'l•··l l••la~ .... \\I Ilk u ... , •••.......... ,1'"" II' l ~JitJtL~ ·-·--· ' •• , ' --.......,,, \"' .II' ''I!!JJilU'-'!W-:W.UIJIMl..,l"::.a.II&..Ja~-~--:::=• and.. ·..AA~ ~ .. urn~ ...... out In ... Qll4' ~ ~ , -,.. -,. ·~ "' ,._ -:.... -· -··~I fj, .. I '..lc"!'JI'-u.! " ~ ... I u at ~ lttM ~ . ~_.-as,c; W-§I . • -ewp.o' • ~'fOI'"pthilbbS bu~~ ·1\umnrntll' llffrl*'lf thnl \'"ll ~<"!Ill .... tiOU!J!It tfo Clltftf.tf\ flO I '.:f~rlll"1tt' A 'A ,..,..1111 th...,tlll\olfl t tiOII fooun • '"" " I I t. p ,.l,:.,. ('~,nme""l"l1•'1 • Il l ntr tmfiii ."'*"-nrlh~ l"l"Tltrr t1f t\.11hrcl o•!l lu "'I folf lh ht•IA pro1mtolihn• I · Wll~VIl Tht' rt•poor! •nl•l tit• \ fit• ol 1, .. ," 1\ 111 IIIIo ~ 11d 1••tt f.,t'll•' II I 1 \II ''"1.~11 11• lUI "'I Ill lhl• tlty. Ia urtrr· ;t~ on•"" rntr~ th•' tua~inr!l.~ .... hnll '"I m;tft .. h\ • ,.,m.n.,rrnn.... ll to~•Ut -I~LVt \\'f'Uk ~,,.,. ~llffl IUikln~t f••t llU 1'1• rr•a '\t ttf ";' I."''" , ..•... '"'" ltf •• ttl• rut .... ,. If H t ..... IH ''.'1''' ''""~ ,,,,. ·~f lliJC ~ ... '"'" .. :. !-( •• , ..... 14' .•• , ... H~tr•~• •.• ,~.~ Anrf U'hl'n It rom•'" tn . ~l·llro'" fllom·· "'"" olriiV.fl ,.,, $1:.!rl, .... , hr··r ". '''""' ., •. d ( "'"''· 111111 wrtlo t; "' "'" , ... ,,,.,, .... , .. ,,.,. ,,,., •. n .. ,., ~ Ph fU v u ,.,.,,,, ,,, ,,,, ...... ,., ''"''"""''q l •tf l'l ., 'It .u It tk f'1 tt\:a.l, thc:-rc-.v'(> l\l'f'311 'in HIP -· • ~ •""1~;\l r• •• \l t:ll•.t "1"111~'" D:i.L~<t~•· -ft.,_._· 1 • • tit•· ll•l·t~t·• ,,.,..,,,1•11"" ""'' ... , , ""' "" "''t m~<~m 'lfa vlutt~ 11-ond• "" """II ... ,,. C M J h 20 tt drH.\.\'10£ !tl t\'t-d htm-1'' t hnt nu,:ht ,.....,,.,r f'Xt&'1J l\t>Jit 9.,~, ~·••t-h\ llt• •It\ ufl~t·t11h l•t••tuf..,••d ,.,, c-ity lh:lt rmrltl :tl~ cr:mrl l hr armacy . . 0 nS()n, '" tilt•• , .. r" •I• k mvrn t ... r ,,, .... , Ina tilt' .... , .. l•.tl:.v lit "" '"' ... ,.1 \•"tl•llll' '"'' .. h. \I It'. II ..... or "I• '"''"'' ... ,,, , .... "'""' ''"111111 Nil IIIII'" •lrlful•ll Tf mo\·al Clf \\t'Ni' . .-•tr Years On Mesa, fanul \' aO.t Iii"' 1tU1 q f th•· •·t~ tn Vf"f'ttr.-prantt·r~ n~td ,.,,"'"fill tl li. I •Jh •'·· ,I :.••··· ••••• fl•l "" tul·•' ·It , •• ,,, ,,, ..... ~,,, • l ..,t,·:u·,·f rl'plar.-.u , •• ,.,.n·-"' •• u ... t rtf..• t ..-..,. ••·· ••n••tft t.,.. .. ,..,.,tv•·•t •u •v •-·t•• 1 , ... , ... ,,,,, 1\'t.,tt :uu~·-••••t ,,f '~'' I.'/ ''''''\ II•·IM•et • . \ntt·.\IN'raft ~-n• w d d """"'''' 11,1 ~ .. n 0 l:ov. 1-'rrol lf&med. ,,,_ 11 0\ .t l\lt·! ~.,.,. 111111 ••>~~I •·I 1'•,..111 M•·•u HI•' ~·· ln•ll':ttl nf rmnrrll: ctn .. n Hl ·'""" 1'··11••1 ,,., ,., omen• 01 ( •n· JeS e nes ay I At·r:••rd llj;; ,,, h I'"" .. ,. r ')"''' II\ II I' • llll(h• I "'' >ltj(hl ·... (. t 8 k I IIIII 0 Ill "' .. ''"''·" ol(lr I lllll"fl At" II frnho• nn ''"' hrndw• lhl!-o tnp. 1ann rlf,IL: •l•tr•• "lll'r:lfll) Whll ,.,.. t~:.'·-~,1,~::.; ""'' "\';"I Jt;~l "' ro·;; r""''"'"'' ""'" ·~~~-···· ... \1 '" I' r • ,. ,,.. :o •k<•l lo\ "'" "'"''" , ..... , A»Un y an ers ."I Itt .... Suror I 1\nu \{~ll··y lulfl• nn.-hunflr.,d "'4•1ch.~r ... , \\'tth r.~ntl,\ ClftnlJtl• •··tl lh• '"''' h ,-:., ,.f 1 """ t H '' ,.,., nJ.:, t·,,..,.n • .,., f t .. tl ... -. "' th~ •·~ ... "'1•·•1· • "'~' ·~f ·IH • f••4\4• ••n~• Jo ••t••'' "'·'" f A I M I•''·•' •• , th•· S l •~.'""tfHI Mnd t.v K "'"'"t.:l n nnu t \I Iilii'<:! 111 :tnlr·:IIJC'rafl 1.;1111 !' lht• :"o'"l"'ll g ..... h l'h:om\;11'~, r'hrr•f l.on :\1 ,ltohn'>ofl ~,() II ,.,""'"'''"'" Ill• ~"'"" d lllj:lcl•r hatl rtollr•l "" '"" .r .. , .• ;ol I"'""''""''' a ee I .lfl•l \It • ltll\ '·'"'""·'n "'ill I nl':·lmp hPrc· m···r Fricta.\ 'lnnk rr•••o'"l"tl ftHI.I~ ;\Ia~ '" ,. •lflo•nr to( ('''"" ,,,.,,, Ill<' I''''' •lr•·w lwr ohttJolv'• wlnnlnl( II• kll .Saturday May .•)rd 1.1· .... lllolttt.lfl I ,,,. fit•• f111lt•llh ancl ~:t111nl••~ :~nd thl' ;:un~ from1 .I•• ~:11'"" whn ha• loo·•n l \\••nr, ~· '" •h••of :,r :lam \\',rl fr••m Ill<' ha•t•l T lu• 1 o J I) JL. U h f . ) ''1 ·• ""'1'"1'1 1'""11 Aplll '..'7'" Will ho• nn di•pl;l\ ft1r fht'f'llll· rn loqcmo•.-lt•·r•• tnr m .tn\ \••:Or• n•·•tl:o\ Ill Ill• hnm•• :or !:..'fll :--;,.,.. and th<• Mrllft• w<'ro· II .. \'••OJ•••,c • pen .. ettfr to )3 l"ta ,fJ('rf an S 111' 11'1"1"'1'1"11 \f,-tll•or1 ul ·"'"' ' . . 1 1'1 rl g ttol I '' I••J.d I'" ,.1, fllo hr· ll•'r···, hnrum: th•'~ 'II ""' ;\fr l'•·ll•·lu•r w:o• form• 11\ 1•1 J••' •' 11"11r -t •t •t 11,, , .• ,,., ... '"" '"""" 'l_tw "'''''"'''''''"' "''"'' o1 HJor l11~oe h;l\'o• Ill tw ""'" ho'f•' o•\c'f'IJt ln I•" ,\n..:•l•·• :ond ,, l;t .IIIII:OI;. nf !"•·nu..,' lA III 1" h••l•l Salurol,l\ ,.,.,.11 rl rl •ltd lnkt' lltt' ,.m Ht•ltoll••·l ••f 11..-• 111 1•111:•• t •,.,11,rv prac~l\(•t' till' t •S (-. c·nJI••:.:r n f J•hatnl.•1'\ \t e~ ., :tf lf•,tnl ltl th••J I;tr••fd t.·•rru~~··•ltltl'lu•ralllln uf i~H•hll}t Vt,Uhl&\'t'tt,:l••t)\t iV• •• ,,,,,,,t ~•lt 1 H•tu1h f•••l't 'l '•'"''~l i '·~•1~t •: i\rtt•II•UU llnd tftlt t• t 1f II·· """'~···n r hnn··rto-ol \\llh ·,,,,,.r ;r~l 'lo )l 'hap•l .. ••h Hr \' A,. r:ul f••r 1ht•'""'''" •I •'t;. 'f'tkHo) 1 .... •l•t•lo." "' ·~t ltioiiii.'Yi tlll .. •l .. l·l ······:"'l•lll s .... c·l'imc-r ('.,m•·• .J"hn Po•llc·l wr fr11m flnf;ll'lfl '" ''"'''' llu-·mr·•!-en :"o•<\'J'Oll ll.tJ hoof' h 1\ lilt! pur· rhio .... •ll .f••• l·:llcqlf' '\I'WJ'lllr1 P hftnn;•f"\ '" "•1lt·nn\•· 11,. .. '-11\, h•· l~·lto'\ ,., :"•'\\1•11 1 lla r· 1)(;1 h'' II 1!1<'111 fll'lllt' .)IH' ~;1\) ho•', C.:Clll\1-: l••,lak" lhlrn.:~" P:l~\" :Jft••r JU"'-\ •'tlf'. lh lti J~I­no·'-~ al 1.-;;·1· r • ..-:1 lo11lf' "'hclo•, loul Chlol ho' dn•'' nul tn· '' nol '" ~rr:o' fa1 t n un ttr.• ll:ccil•or :ol'l':l R,.,. f 'lh c;""'"' nunll .. •r uT th•• ),,,fl,na..:. lntltp•nd ·.At.t• •~f '•.,.~ '''""' c .. ,n unur"'' :"•·'(1 ""k~ 11· .... :u~J drqpH t,:,,k ronlr•U._h•·d f,,,,, '""' .:·,' I• I,., t·~·,•·•t t••"'" ,.,.,._ .. ,, •. ,~ ~·•'•u•tu ·l ~1 uv '\td ~tt ·u, •. s~11,tu •·nt ·•ntf i·h.tlt1 ftrut: o...lor•·" •nd ~1· tht~i'"' ( hu••·h ••fl~t·l:tllnc ·ln .tn $~ryott f,,, t'nt lt· !-\,,,. "'~ "'' t " ,..... ,..,., ,.~ •• .,,,,, f h•l• ·~···u lv .. ~ 1'•f' rftl~rn•• Ill•' f,·o•l (ttl lr ~· If , ll•· fl o~ fo•m l• nl \\Ill lw• 'o! l'rn•• I'll\ I t I k II I I I I I fl I ' ,... Th• H•••tt nl i•trtd 'Jq·•tf•t ,., ···1 •1t U t l ,,,. J""" •'•d ''' • • ••• • :•'•' ,. u tu•tH ••f l' h··;n m:tnt .. ••r ul ;, l:ucP d n sc \1.nn• ..... ta B tn u; •. l 'a\'lli'•h I! '""L' ,,,, ·f ,. " •• •ltld f14f ,, •• '"''• t,f f trJt'J'•• ,.,.11,., .. ,,.,.k,. ...... , ... ,,,,~,. :'lf f )n· .• nn Jlr\ .~ """ r"n· \f·r .r .• """'fl ",, :1 rHIIt\"i' .. , '' ob'' Sheridan n--.ntl·· ,,, th•'t• \\'• ' ..••. ,, ~···· , .• I I ,, .,, ,~., ,,.,. •• ,... r~~·tut ,,, a rfl ltd thtc•tlnc u H•,all ttn•··t"••n l ... ,,It· \\ ..... tun..:'''" ;,nfi "a' "•·ll knfl\\n R th,. •uunr arltl .. ~ •'I ·I 1 .. d l• I '·~· • ,., w~t•• ''"~~·'~' '''' ,,,,..,,d• ~1'4 ·•k•t v.JII t,.· 1: t h.tt """ ... !.:.. '"Jl" I~, It 11.1 \111 .... f ••r"'"'T''•atut \ eturns to FJ·rst "' ''" u,, .. ,,.,,,,,. ,. ,_,, fl II ,.,.. • ' ' f .n .,, """ ,. I. ~.•ll •l••fi .~ ...... ,. ,,, .,, ttu• ... ,. -Th·· ,,, ,.,.,.,,,.,1 I• ,,.,., fu ... \\'Jtll'" " 1 J~''JI"HlL.: ,,, •11'•' th.,. ,,,J .. : h .... ,:~,,,, ·-I I.Alve -Rende'zvous t)th•·r l lolflffltoft.JI•\C<.Itl'ff• • ' ''· t "I 1 t i i JI lrtllt fp •• uv•. I I ... ,,,1, Attl•fi1Ufl fu~tt) I ..... ,. r .. r Jllm" If ~\.1 r I'· II·,,,,. ,\lw· .T••htl ... ,tn I f :ttt,.:ht. f I' • til .. , Htttik ,.,. I h·· Lt~uttt ,,,.,.. ... t \1 ' J \1 If , F ,,. k•·t ,. '" '" •.•. ,,I ',,,I tl t ' 't . f . I . ,, I' ~·I " f ,1ft I , •. ;u (''*'"'l ,.,.,.,ltrlf~ f••• •••In ,..._ ,,•:r:• • •n t '' ~~ '' .. n,,, ttauu "''d \t.,, l't• t 1 •••I t ',,. '••••·J• I ''' '..t.dl '"' ILe •d·l \\• ,., ,.,, .. ,.J,,,, ,, flllllll1\ 111 \\ht•'h tn .-u,lolt·h hun hr-""''h•·r '''' ;\{.If' \1.-J· ••l.ond A•lrtfl _,.h ~r tin< ot.._,_. 1''"""'11 h•·'-' '·· tt ...... 1••.. •o•.Jn, ...... t.u.. II• I' "'I'•· ''••II IIIV ,,,,,,,,.r ··If In lh· tlt u..: lo•l•cn•·•· T••l l\ ••I \\<t•flln::l .. n an•! fl\·•• llrrolh•rc ">fl 11 ., " <TO • .... •·fl,•t• ••I llo• ,,,,.,,,,., (,,, 1'~·11· ll•·t .. ,,., ... r lh.,t ,,ft,•r nl•, • 111~ ffiltm · "''"I••~' ft ll tw. f•·l tf.e,· '"'"'", 'tn..: th• ••h •nt •·· ... ,,f lh•' l "f tfl'H1HJrll1\• th .. 11 hi"'-f 1llh 111 rl11• •·rf\ , '"''"'' ,,.,, hrm '" 0.1 '" 1 '· \\ 1 .... .., J .. at '" ,.,, an'o hll ... tn~· ...... -:u•l f··:-f' '"''"''•I' fh•·.tfru •tl •nt 'f f l''~'" f.,, •h~ I·• I Wt• In ••Ut h.q •J \ -.,:•,JH r ·. '•' •' , ,,,,,, '"''' ,,,,.. l h· 1'•t l l 1 ''''''V III t,. ht1<4lull••l .., t,\,,. \1;,, .. n .. , •. · "Jl .. ltdtt ttT Mtt1hU1l( .tnd "''' ~~ •t···· I ' I I ., 'n ••fl ,:,., ,,,,,,.,,. Ht• \\"•ltthtfl I • t l•fl' ··ud ln\.tl•l• ,.,,,\, Jl'll\•\t~~ tn ••ff•t ,;,.',, u::.• • ,.-,, 1 • • •• ·t~' • ~.· ••· t.,, '' ""'~"" 'j• t~'" tu'' f,.,, tpa~tht "' t !,,...w u I '' :-:urd t·•' ,,, ttt~· ., . .,u .. ,t,," J!rhrP h , '• •u •tV , ••• ,,., ~:a t l••tt tl Hunk ~.t ~rtu\ Ht•J.hr, ... , HJ'"''''I't·nu~ ~~r~·r r.lt lt ._. ,,.,., ,,, ••• ,,,, •,.~ H tl• f'• ",, .... , ~A •)tlt\ • I ' • f n 1 r •·o; At•Jrrr:.•l•• ,., ... ,.,,h·•·• ''"''v .•~ .lltt t• ."h•• .• ttl 'l'•'''"ll' H•r·t,· \\H"" 'h• f t t •u •,J,,., •au • t,.,, ef ··~ .,. t·' ,, • •· •' r,',JI•, f·t· ·~~.,·-.,t.l~tul, ''' tt•r .. ,IJ,rt;.u 'h· drilL .. t,"·'"'' ... ••' J~,Jt.,..,·, ''~n· fll •n't'!" "" Jlll•t 1 ;~1-. vdl•n If'' I t h••m "'·''II U"t , .• t •··11ttr, ~· '••· ~, •• • ~ I •• ,t ,,,,. '''"' I ! lu.•h t!.,flk ,.,f Atuf'lrl•t• N'J A!(A ("I''""' ,. ~:rl and ~;,,, :\·1,,;,". 1 "''' r·,cnotl :t Inn nf 1:11• ,,, f~•m ~'In F l'ln· f'l>rt• h !-1 l\t•• k· nt!'tnd11drn,: ;\lc • Ch:lll••< l'rr:111Wdl. ;\I I" L u l .t ?.f:t~nn 1mrl \\'1llt:lm :O.ta-nn Th• "''''' rinJ~ ''•~r· "''"''' "' ·• •'<I h•· 11n•l Mr' p, II• ••··r '' •II m ilk•· lutu~·rl ''' ttll'fiil• th•• :'\•·"'lli•J I htul•.•••tr••· 1 ~ ,.·,,, :•t.:'• \\1 ,•!1 ~,.Ill '"'·•·(al f •~u• '''"\It 1• • ~ 1 •• a • t ., ••.tr•tt••"5" '"I" fnr IC"'In~ \• If ' •ud I • "'':!~ Sht>rll• :Jftr r Till' (l)rl f!ul/ flii'IO!li lll •ltlll l/,•rt.l,q oil I ' ~ .. ,.,.,It I !•'lilt 1•. ·•"I• ""I !::• I \1•• l'o• rol•llf , .Jw,t•lot1 ~: • J ro • lttrr "' l/1•• S~tulfl .An to (!t eollt h :'olr nnd Mr-. l-"r:tnk Jlard1m:on rf'IIIIT\••11 ;\lnnol:t\ fr nm :1 ,.,u .. linn in '"" F.a-t · l\l"c :'ota•l·•lin<' .l<'nkm< nr 1 .nnc Rt-:~rh i~_ :t hnu~gu!kl n( )f~ J0"4'ph RMman: lh• '' h"m•· h•·l•· :'>lr 1'•·11• ri •. ,. hrt• J,.., n 1nt. r•' ... '•'(f Ul r" t• ",.' k In :~II <'~lmmunlltN "'llh \llllf'h h,. ha~ hf'• n ,.,,nn..-. ... t ... ·t /\1 ftnt;t nn h•• "fl' 01 m• ml"'r n( 1h" \h:\ml .. •r nf <'J•mmr·l'f'•• nf thac r11y. llr 111..,, "'"''" "" llllln~ , .. r •k·· " Wt II . ll•·,·•·r ",,, "'" 11•·•1 lllo<l f• ,, "" thf'lr hllmf'll 1/llf,. ~,. orrlh• J-'lrlll Nqfl.,htol ll~nlc •• , ••m•d n-' t .. f,.f• rt••t'ldtnc :tn\ •d ~t .~ttlfet tlnttl hnth 1•11 '' Th,.wrtt•·r""~~·"tt~t1 1~a1tt. ,,,,,,,1,, • ..,,,,,.._.1th~rllt1t n J,,~,, Attf(f"f,.,. ~'\''•rt•t v.,.1.,,,.1 J" ....... thl• ''''"'"' ....... t nit rpn ... •· h''' th1· :u1t tttm l•ltw k ,. ,-J,·rl•fff'l J;lf'l' ear1y d ,(,. en .,,.d, r tu II''''"'' A. , :q,,J u .• .. ,.~ •·f .. y.,., •• ,,,...,.~ ,, •. ,-n 1.\'•llta ,.,,,..11,.,. ;,r u ,,. f,,.,.,,,,,. fh11 h• ''l·~t < to, r••nMtn in ttw ·~n;~•h•r ~.;r·nr:il ''1\.,h" 11 ... 1n:•rn Olla llllll'lll•·n Ill 'Ahl•ll '"''' M • 1•••· r1tl•r.1.111•~ "'••·111•1 '" 111•1 l!t•n•to Jh nk •of Am•·rl•ll Nl&fiA l hrl~., ar•:• '.flli'J·•,,. h.~. ''1\'An •.·· .. ,.r1rl~n h·· ••11 111 yr • • II 11 1 I ' .• ,. ........ ~.. .. • -'" '' "' "" ,.,, •. ,.~,, 1 ·• !-<•••''"U'. J-'r"'' f ' .. 1ll':hh-ut l.tf' <>14 ,.~. whlrh ·m11kr~ t\l·n <f•n< -• ·•ww~ S( 'III~ .. TI-.1! -" n-Ah• lfu t1r10u7·t1 !{,111!1;",., 1 ,·.,110 . nf nuld 1-:1r,.. ~uf1rc·ml'i> hllpJI} -------------------------------....!..rv l~nk T,....u11r~r - '. • • u,\sKt:u . t:umuc Ch••'"1 K•..-•. t~bl•elng teller ~t Newpo.r1 lr.~M.l' of B.anlo of Am Pr• ~ .... ~~" "'• t11rm n ecltto~ Of El aa,quff'O, c.'""'t y banlclnt maga1l11t . • _,... .. , I L . . .· .,__Two NEWPORT BALBOA NEWS.1 t~tES. Newpawt &>ach, Callfom ia , THURSD~Y. MAY 1,. 1941. --~~--------~--------~~~~------~------~----~-------~--------~--~-------------------~·--~-------------~----------------~---------.. t / .. ................ _.,Mil_,.,..,." ... -EDITORIALS FEATURES ..... ,.._ .......... .....,. '' . . . . ... .-... ot Ute o,_w ..,._ .,...rk1: .... .....,. ..... tr,.,n ta. M& .._ ..... -• _ • -_ • _ 6 . . . . · 11 cuWlac ,_a. ... _._~ .. ,,,,, o...p O...ty ~ Ceert *"r,_ .all· ... -t; a_. .. .._,.....,,_ .. Us•W • ............... ALL~.~ t<~t1tatet~ ................. -· · ·-·· -Newpert-a.it.o. -·· ~ NEWS -T IMES ;, PHOSD 1% a II -----------------------P 0 M • t Ew17 ...._..., _. '11nan4ay AI~~ , • .,_ XXX1IJ lutl«ripUor. Payable In Advance : -$2 50 prr )'l'ar tn Orllnl:t' Count). 12.'~ per year •c 4th Z.On(', $3 00 ~r )\'ft' tu fllh LUI\o' 25c prr month by carrt ... r Dttired as St.>CMd-Class math•r at th<!-l'osturftl'O' In ~··Wt••l\ lk <11'h, CaUfomta , undt>r tM Ac t of M~en:h 3, lb~. 5. A. M~ -. -il:J)1-1X.JR A.);L.I ll~~llL Print ln.: p (.UI,, 2:XJ8 W. C.t'ntntl AV••nuP. l'••v.·pvrt ll<'a<·h . t';Jhl•" n•·• Y.\nR. ~Efi i'ORT11~~'1~_, IP r taWe LMal a .. tU•U... t 'or .Chrr U "l'_,.. N4TIQNAL EDITORIAL @) IOM._~OCIATION -rn _ -:.Jit.I.IJf.4: .... '· Skilar Skrib~les II ere 'llwre ADd F..hrwhf'n- • \\lUI ('. Y. IMkJiuls) MIUil\ .. S al h~· c\'tor M"ll> down to-• walk I'll folko· 11111\ 1111 I hUVl' II IJ)(•...- Itll'f o•r ll'I'IJttl .. r frvm (•i~t tO t,en 1 mtl,.,.. l"'rlurml:lnt'\' dall.y, w~n 1 "''~ .. t.•uthtnJ.: lto·m,. for my col· 1111111 f•,r a n ·l'l .lln d ully pubU- ' "''""· tnlf I)'" ,,.,.,.,,.,mt·ter c~ h:" ,. Ito·• n "•• •ni: llow.~t·r, 1 am I l,o1t l) l'lln\101"•·•1 'l hal lhC' n>aaon I :olll :dl\o• _.l••lay, 1f lht:Tl' ill ~)' '''•t'l tll, h IX~ ,JUSt· 1 walk. If you "·'"' t•• ll\•• lun.:••r, walk JnOr'e ·II .. h:;-;1;;-.. ,.. ... n. t o he~ b) !',,,:.mount a :< n lcK'nle 101' lthmm: ,, South S•·tts plctun-'n\at ''"'h• r', l.o:" ,_ ntlwt.tll) ·•·h·~l-, .._,,,., ·• l~>m: J''l111lt')', W t• can t,l• t I•·• ;\1.1\ l i th lout th.tl """I tit• 0.:1'''"" ho'"'-Anti the 1.,. ,., 111 ,, j .. , ,., ,,~j n•'l{l•·•·•tul , ":It '""k tt"' •atno•. _1l1c make-up ... ,, •. tntl "·•'•o.:htl..'' lro•rn •utt tn' "'' n ......, olllll lh•· ~a~ns. and~ 111 •h•··•" .,f lim•· ''"'' ,,, I• ·"t '"~'''' 111 lht· a udtl'nCc will think t.n m:-th~ t•ottn•l.ott .. n r .. r ·• ,...,1'1•~ lll• ~ JuuJ a ~'(.ntS.•rful ~lWn' of \t•·•h•r"• Jr,1~ rnr '"'"'"'r y .. ,l th~t •~•· ~ho·re nature d~ ~hq\4. un• ,,, th,·.-· d ,,, \tttl \\qfl"1 h·· 11\h .• ttttant ~ t .. 11~'• to .. ,,_.1 :t......_l l ••,...ln ffiHih•·r --•.- "' 1,. .:" •• , '"'' "' ,. olt h·' nn I '"' nut k tt""' h•1w the• Harbor tho• l•l·t~IHn•• 1'11\t ft' \\!tit I t~ ·Ill) .ll•'.t l•·••l• :thH\11 lh•• ":t'lllhl'r, but 1 , .. ·t.·, .If th• .jth•·• .. 'n•l •·I til•· lh• ••· h,a"-t,.. .•• ,. an ah'('nf t• of t'Un· .. ,,,· y,., ""i11 nf .,r tlt,tt ....... , •IHtt•• ""~~'" '"a l.•r.:•' IM'tWrTtarf' ''•I•. lh ,, hI' r .. u""'''' ~'"' ~oil "' l .. •:wh pl••a .. un· " tnk~ w~nn Remeniber When? ·. GUFF by EVELYN ~uncia~~ II•• o'dlm a nd courdl;f'Ou.-. tnlk ni:ttio.· all. Arm•nca t'OI;UiCIUU:oo ,1r ~ h.11 , .. m :-ton• for thtA coun- t ~ ...,. •n•·r ur I a t t' r -SC'cl'€'1ary 1-\n"' ,,. n l(ht ln ..ayong that v.·l' ··:utnnl arr •• rti 1(1 ~·astl' our l<uh- ·l·tnn• I l:o\~ Jtlflo~· lockPr doo· ... ""' n·~~l m .. r.• munJIIOf\." ma ck hv '1l1t· •\4 o·:lf c•( Anw ncan bi"'\4·~" · --------~....-""t'l~f'ktfiiot1Hif-+t-f'!Ol~4-~~nd-~. " ' \• '"' t .. rna n· tl:t\• Ill 'tnn\'o'j llt'HJI"::Io-:-',...1:_,;;.,:.;,:;::.::. . .,.::.:!.4_;_ shiJIIluiltlirw i~diL"tl'y ha-. ~·~ ,,,;-c~.x.amr•l•• 111~~1 "" "'"u .nh•·•l ',,.,. ,,r til• .,. •lllf F:ocl " t tJ~k wann 'I \\·,. muq •lo' "IITINhing unlt•'tt ,..IMIIII 11 Gallup 10011,. ~h<'*' thai 'I' flu! uf · ;J Anwncan:. thmk I hat 11 th•· ••nh ~:,, tu f:lj·at I Lrtl••r __,,_. .. ,..,r-,:r1,; .. n ,.,-:u·-----:--~..._-1 the J>acariC' Coa .... t eo ---• ol tl• tlllt• "'''''·I···'"~ '""n;.: '" tll:ok•· :on)lhtn~ much or &o i UC· for the nation. """~ , .. '.,nl••l•l \uu \4lkn -.unu\\ In ... ,. u111 """ \4':.~-Tako' the heat Ret.-ognizin){ that 8 -critkal f"mt•rf;:c•n t:y .l'XL~ts. that ttw "''"''' ''' J"' "n ·\,ul· ,11-·l tt·r ~.:•·• .o111 "' "'ut h•·m California o n d · _ .· , , , rls " . 1 1 unintf"rna •ti'll " I· tr. r '" lll"'lt··r ,..,l_ld•· ttw , ... 1-ah•ut all )'") h:t\'1• ldt Is a COin-~ CJlt.IS(' of naiiOI'lltl !IC'('llllt~ _du~.tn _ un.lm l'l • I 111,,0 1·;rn ol•·lt\• r ,, .,, l ... fl•·r -11111 ~ t•lrttnt Ttloi oll tho• most valuablt' effo.('t by all ~roUjiS .Jl<lr111'1JitllJOg ~n ~·h•n~·-\\'nrk, _ho tb t•m -,._ ... orl•l "' tw r tl ,,,,. ,,.,1111 all\•'l "'~''''.tn ~ .. otlllo•rn Cullfom ia aft. plo}'('r'!'' a nd w orkt•rs" wpn-srnt:tll\'t"' lut\'c• ~·I t~u: ~al i1f ''"'' nut """ • 't•···ron~ '''!' hut 1 -un•l"'"' "'"' ornn~:•·" On t h t; "·"''"".: '"u I kn"" I h.'.''' Itt• o·n:r•t ltn•• lout till)'' nfford o bWII· "'·· >h•llllol ·••··• \\ tth •h• 1.111-~~~ t•·ul I .. l•'r- •t)tp tn \\'.l•hir.!lon lt I~ r,hs.t:lblc• ,,,. ••til t•1utl•ll•· ntt.n,:' for "'fT1e 1 ifT'•· futl ht•r Lo:t ·~ ht :x' it Wtll ""' I• t••' l:llt'' \\o.Uit you :rkt• .· It• f'l .... fl.,l ltl+' oo.JI('IMJU) If it f-'fllk '''' "1111 l ;. nn 111~ l t:tly ,....ou~•nl" "'('(>iu; of t'OOft•t-.~nt'\S in P acific Coast purt dtit':l. tl1<mlc f;.-.t '"" ''""' ••~tn tllk•· h··•·· ,.,,.,.lul'l cluo,.. n<>L improve, the l' ~ l:tll •111 .,not C'hma "n Ow whik-w o rk "C'nl fo N ·ard· if) tlw s hil1y a nb. """' twill 10 ''"Ill m• "' "''"·•• .... n.·tu.tt • nf l ... ,,rd "' 't '"'''~} ~hould call a .. --------"''" 1. ~••h It"'"·' ·•·II rh•• dark ordrr to hring about tlrt." notahk• a J:rt't•nw•nl. AJ;. t.'OillJ.ik•ll'«l. ". •l11 •IJ.•• ,· .. mlo'\rt 111• •'''"~ and cf no ro·l~o·f i~ forth· -ft-. •• ....,,_ •--. • lll'l''''''''l<it.l•· IH· •• r • nd I • l'llmtnt.; "'"''· tho• l'flttrl<o h8Vf' lip-llo ,\UU ri'IIII'M~r lhl' lrat, quHr-appt'ariftlt l yiac ··-.M.\\ u_.,,-. -. V.11h ltus 1._-.sut' It~ provisions (\')V('r ba.<ti<' wa~~ and ho urs. " assure ac ·.. -..."I"'" ~"' :t hnrl"'' m•l "'"" 11• o\\·tJ Pf\'k\'ttnr.:. rhin•. thf' ,, .. , lrf'·lilft"htirtlft apperatu .. ..ef ,..ttwh , .. ,. ~ .. .,.., :aid 1 ~. n~ot Pt>ac-e! justJncnt Of dic;putt'S "ithoul WOfk !'lOflf'aJ,!('. lh• lt.orl•or 1,. l:f'l llnt.; ='•'"I•HI ------town proudl)' boaJtlf'd, your lin•t piclurt• •ith thf' faaiiJ fkm•·mho•r \\lli'Tl Wo• USf'd 10 go u this can be ach ic.>ved in P ac-ific Coast shipbuildinJ!. it .... -.. rolrn~ ... lht• l"•ofltlliJ•>Ih n~o\\' Keeping up ~rroup at hoaco. aad JOUr fir!lt car. •hictl ahooll lik~ • :otHUIIII '.lr h ''" -·~t:~y Momin~:" II 1lw pn ,,,1ttn.:· """' 1,. t:tk•• •·an· ,,, IPaf •hr n )ou cot up to fortJ ail~ aa h-r! Tlleae, ":th th·· h •·kl'l<: and ll()ll;('ga:rs. can be done in the East a nd in ottwr inrlU. ... 'lrit">S as \\'(' . " '"' ni.IO) ·~ .......... ·ktno.: :ull'hur-w •. t h The Law and olhl'r fOIId rMOIIKt ionll, .a, be broa~rht to a fad bJ the ·-pa.,, .. ~··rea---lly 0.. o. ..... ;II\' I :o ~ I ITll ···lc<'lf1ltn,~ smik>_for W__. ..... nnoint_.. 1..._ .. ,8 y _ ••nrral ,..,.,. aanacn of thC' (;C'nnal l'l'trolf'ua Mohil~tato or~raaizati-. f• adclitiee to .. , ·ae---w 11 ~ 1 k th -. ,... "t en na ... •--· n~ ·~ .. . a..:•• cau."'" th4' ~"'l•ln lla rlo•r "' • ·• -')o1 '• ... ~ ou..,.. "'" ·• ay t 'b.:unbo·r of Commt•rl"i• lu pn-,.·n l B yi'OD R. BetltleT, U.S. Wha" Libr-.rJ. Yes, piclaree at Ule •ood .W O J& lwiq Ionia ... , ~ ,.... .... ~ murntn..; "ttl hrmJ.: h i r.ll•~: of JOBS FOR HIGH SCHOOL GRAI>JJATES tho· ,1111-tuon uf a harl~•.r ,.,;m. Eur.•i•· ~luf:.t,.ff b:1-kM.s £':::"1· Whole thlo r~f\1 dec:faiOf\ ~-Q ml'''""· "' :11 l••:t,l rni•'T\I Itn.: tY'I Mnh trw tow If\ mo« et8UII. MANY ARMY P STS •·hut. n .. ,...i.. .. ~' anti tn.'t'n <' ry ,11, ~· 1., tti•· c .;.,.,1,,,.. ·"'~'"''·· l••aril ,.,.,e ""Y 11e foeot vertatl-_._a 1 a..".l 1 U & t"lt. Yonr l,.on.h ~m•:··•' llo"''''''r ••· h-,,·t' , "' O n IP<tCIIIc quedlo•e. CIOftlltllt OPEN TO YOUNG MEN ~ 'nwore will be approxilnatt>ly l,l!)O.<XXl young JX'(lPie rr-"' ~ut•·n'N)f"l', (I .... ''"' "lllnhm your lou t Ulornewo. • NEIGHBORS mueh ru.· lllhl<"h to hP ·tfian~f'ul:- oei•-'...w their h igh school diplomas .this.· yPar. Man>· o r thMn th:~t ttw m unt>· !<houlrt •hart> ir,. ~~we;. TIMF.S \\ ,,., "l•n ·ad a nd butter'' notPS •u't!i t.:rn .,r th•• •''tpt'n"' 111 "'n.it·ma:: INSURANCE POLICI£~Roet lf•'n n~ow enlll!tin~ In tht' l' ~ l''t'lflltn~: to fnlfh all !'1~. it bnng3 wW be out the nt>Xt day look\ng ror jobs. Many won't kn<M' lht· N'KIOh'', httr'ht•r At lo•l"l ""'' insu~n· JWIII it'll have -· clauae ' kTm y muy l'ht>oftt' prac:·tk ally any I a l-f•n ... · .. r .:ratlfll'alion to ha\'t' how to CO about lht> St'rious busi~ or. job-hunting-nor thtn~ h:l,.· flo't•n rnndu'l\t'l) r nw-lhal In l'lliM' of a lo"" any law•lt ISTt:KF.~TISti Mt::\SIS(i OF po)st in l'nllf•)rn\o. \\':lllhlngton. F-.---t•'~PI" of va.r~tn;: a gt'l< w r 1 t e --what kind o( WOrk they may be bes!. suitc•d (or. f-n ~thoot ttw ha rbt)r. v.•hio-.h i t s mu11t lM' brou~tht Withln a lpecl-"THt: t'Ol 'RTH t:ST ,\T F." '(lrt'glln, t 'tllh, N C', a t1 a . S t'w J u ha E f th I "'l'llank Yuu" for ttw> courtesi{-s "'""""'' •· f ... 1 1 r 1 '"'-1 ,._ fiPd lim•·-Otht'rwlal'. ll wut "be too k t h .g~l·rh 0 •' t•·ntn•u a "~t••nrt.~ tfl thMn h,.. tht!< C'Ofl'l• Cal . n...-t r Ernplo t no•ntL~ (' iltnX't fir I I .. a .... n .. ht•rt s . t..•nhy, lot•al pinn•••'l', !1>1• X C'u, Art7.1111:0. Ahl"ll •. e ('nto•rta tnl'tl a ,,,,, ol fn•·nd-olt t·~ -. 1'ht ifomaa ~.-rtnlen O · YJ1lf'fl annourwr s tmw ""''oolll t·umc• \Ahrn "" l"'l lll' lat.. , h l'hrllo(Jinl',., Ha waii. anu Panarna. tu .. ~t1•~•rl an•' .. rid"•'-•nn ,,,.,,,, rnllntty and ... , ~in•n hou.."<'hold. . . .... I the ~ -.. r I I' I clllma• t ll•kl'd ono• tiny I til' I I' rt1•':011101: ,.. ' I IJ .. ,. it ,_ -..ly to ... __.p a-· .. r .... _ quest ..... ", to '""' p youn ,lurtl,\' • .,ulll CMJI•·rol"' lb {'afJIICII". ~ r ... CRill! ( .. e• 0 I . . ,.,.,,. u oj·'A f tt"l•l "' t~atiune In-h h h I L t • aa ~ IK"a ,,.._" u~ ...,..,.. ... ' ,..,. 10 Th rrled ul the "1-'ourlh 1-:~t .·•to•", a~ :op· • ,, -"' ·~ w u •·on ·~ , ro·nf' tnt '''"Ill &..a...h •-find ork t ~-.iAn utboritat'•• .. ad\'i"""' on -• -I S3 ...... C. • t' nwnf'r . c• a I I t'hiiiCII a.'I!IIJ;11 mm tl! nr ml'l'hRnrrto. .. &c1 II F n lon ,..,..1'€' Htf' '" TO LO\'r: ASD ('HJ:&18B ... ,.,.,-unu:-n . W ' 0 . .,..,.,.....,._ 8 . h ,.;o '-"" • ~ ...-,' II ~ . that lh•• ... , .. t>e>llcy nf flrr lnaurance. ,W.Itllln pho·il In nrwspatl(•n;, am Wll" a•. anu "'0 v ,, ,. . I If I I f M . ....~-and t • • ....-.-~~ " · 1 J 1 r.lt>t'tru:tans. ht~llpllal tcchnlcianll. Vol...., I h..;_. I '.'' '".~' ':'_ l , ... w.-.•tm•s.o; o · _n . • ·-tice tralnine. t o g1ve certain aptltuu.: tests 0 ,. •~-t .:..1 1.__ ,....r 00., hu~. 1 the p rn('H'r ttml'. lte notlfled tM ''l••·il to wrllr '" t w oumu ''m "'' '" . ----· ".,..... .. Itt' ···-J _, 11.· lllflmt•nt nf lht• Uni\'('I"SII)' or rr.at•hlnt• l"'llrkl'rll, l'tlnk'l, .' ~ u c k "· ~Pf'('\81 tn-al for h a r h 0 r \\ \\ ( ro...~l'r. ~':"· rrcoyenng ..,wide cer1aln vocaUonal training cot.II"ReS. Through its 81, ~ 8Jfo mU<'h an l"-.'~Uf> 8!1 thP I company llncJ furnllhed It ...., !'o~ll11'1'T1 ('alifumia. ,,. fnllow-drlvt'rs. atenugrllllht!ra, plpC' ,,,_ hncl~:• ran s wa ll I hi' IO:IInllfll' from. hf.'r rt~ nt E)E CIJW'ra!ton ~I local oftkB thnJU&bout the State, it ls prepll't'd to give halbor ltJt>lf. J--a~ not "in th(' ~ fi'Worn lltate~ent knoW1t u tk In~ t'o•lpy will lnterl'St m any of ters and ••thn tmtl•·• Toun~t t>n -hncl~•' ~ivf'n hy Mrs. F. A Rur-th• Gt-ond S,lfTI¥11nn hospital 18 . . . I kDow'' about how matters ~tanrt l ' proof of loa . lleteu men have r rivllege or cOn-cht'11 uf Santa Ana Ruhy n.omp.. ~ An~t·l~ . . Ma)' l~adws . ,_ peaple ~ tp the nations job OIJI)OI'tUDltleiL with the ~ ... y 'luue. but the 11\e .policy cont.alDed a clat.eP oup rf'Jl!Jrrs. Unulng lhf'lr etlucatlon CompiC'te Mn, Ill' 1m ll'IW'II. J ulia F:!:ll:t'rt ~ Crf'am I R o.~ i n s , n ""w . Jar boJs aad llrtl armed with high .cbool diplomu. ctiJc:wUon for a C'OUnty harhor that no IN1t eould be broqbt Mr. R-N. LN.hy. I infor1111ltion may be obtained by I and Molly Fenelon ,. ... "-' p f'l'St'nt l •'hltt'. stra••. "halo hat ... -a •donal deff'l'llr has opened many doors to jobs and t o job ~-OfW' from ~ach super-on ll more! than twelve montbl \21 30th St~t. conta.ctlng Sgt. William J. Mairs. frotft ht>n>. ~r ol .. ~ .. ocklnp" .... • -1 '~ ctilltrkt to edrninl-ctrr thf.' alter a rlrf' .ltartf'd. The owner of N rt &ach, Callfomia. 21:'1 'Fetlrra l Bulldlnl{. SaD &r-r.awrtalll ttw mountatn <'UMn ol the Fr-eel . tJ'alnlnc. 1'ht Depa.rtme:nt reports It has beeft abk-to refer ~<einf'P ot thfo. harbor and its de-lht' property kl'pt deallnc lb nardlno. ealir ThP Harold fla il.,. )f('!;a honw Catlins, at Sl~~ ~yon. -.. .. ~ lnexperiena!d and untratrwd applicaAts who \'t'lopnrnt.!t, b a mighty livf' IOflk l lhr tneurencco chum de r Mr. Lrahy : · wa:< th•• .,._,lling for tho• w .... k·~' a ~ ~·twno thP "hllw ~" lbow • ..-ltude" to variola jobs in the aircraft ~ry, fori and Ol't'd!c a P''-'h alon~~: I hat di-,ln tht' huPf' t•f ""·nrklng out a -.<' \('":": "'!1'" Fourth E-t:~h•" thm' hr;mm•"'· t·am plil\ fM tho' !.t.ond;t,· S~t ' don I bruu: back 1~. m~ •. '"?" . -rJf' . • f'f'Minft. Onl! o1 these d.a.)':5 lh llfomlw . The reault wu, be dl had tt:< ol'lgon on o n,. of llw o-wny Funk & Wa.:nall~ l'o:1'\Y SIUnfl· Bridit , Cub.. .Mildred and~ Uomec g n:M-n·ups ha, ... reason .to di.sl~ exam~. u airplane deal¥nt. hack.sa•· machine ~~t~. h•&:hWA)' .,II-hnw• lo havt' ill' not f ile l!HII Wiihfn (fie year. M ~pt>('Ctl~ ... of Edm untt flurkl' 11'1' lh;..t :ani '11iMii~r~a~. 1!'f2!l 'l'a~·· $t;X4 1.o1t'k~art ···rl' th.~ ··inn4'f" of thr• I 'urll " ~-\A:I'11 Hnw"";. .. -. Harold ~pray peint.f'f'5, pll'&chUtl' packt>rs. t>tc. In the slu(lbuildang ra,... ltrtf'd. lind dn'ft~,;in~ cr...,.-~ !!<>On "'"' thl• Umt lim it wu up. Engh~h . Pal'lt:am•'nt, "h••n. afto•r rldrn•·' lh<' ((lur r·•tato''· ma ktn,.; htt:h <~•am' O thN'" lh<'rf' ,.,.,... • pl:a•t4'r-t·a.;t 1 Rut~. .;miltng so ~. openings have bem found fo r he-ipt"rs to ang)(' ~I ",II Ill' f'allnf! ltwir v.·ay 111,0 tho' th.-rompany mar~ It plaiD that havln~,; flllid trihuto• lol tlw ~l'l·:tt no r .. t.·ro·nl''' tn Btll1<•· """ ,., , '-Jam•-nnrl Lit :a M··r nf". Prank lunadl~. • d<"PII<' th<' ~prct ~ . upp-r hftv. tb~y ~oulol not IM.'ttlt Tht ~eta scrvic•• Clf the thn'l' "''at ''"· h•· th•· tnr·ulo·nt on \\ hll'h Bill k·· I''"~-:anrt Ruh\ RA•\•1'11 J C>f' and !-!:a nan "'" month.< mono dlffK'Uit)'l Ius ,__.tors, lhl..._.u.a..l"5, molders, ship fittt>rs and "'ekk>B. · _ • _ ('ourt r•f Ann.o•l• -·1-.. lbat. lh• point •cl to lh' r~portN,· .. ~II•·•• .... h' rt II 11 1 · ' · ... 1-' '-· rd · .... ---'-, .. _ top ..._--~ 1 ,.,.. o ~ , u""" ~ r • • .... _ '" •~ p.'l os Wt· au 1••n tll'a1•~ ~lo-<,w•n•·•· a nct Fr:tnk ;md !\tar· uny o " ,.,,a JU,.. n~ ,,.. In IICIOI"eS ol other industries, dt>fenlle preparations haVt'1 :\11'1 "cif.J,·~attun fmm t hP liar-f"•htyh••iolo•r w~ttltd too looc to and lncludf'd it a" a fuurt h .:n•111 m othl'r puhltc:~tu•n' 1111' llll'l t••n · t.;•'f' f'ull;·r cof h t' crutt·h•"-_ Oann)' Ide- ~ IWW opportunttft.s in the simpler, Sl"l'lti-skilll'd OCt'U-hor lll'1'ft. e-1no, .. n..-n. wh .. A~ au•• an.l cuulu rtcovt'r ootblnr . servtcc to a Pl'OPit' tht• Fourth :..1 ~ rdt•rn'il ln '-a):o that the · -:-h~hHult Ku-b). Wll h n~ttw>r ~ . . rained the job JW'aro..,f' tn l'ant;t Ann to p.;~rttd· Salt I lhr c ·nurt-E.-eta I•'· • n•·w~p:rp••r prP'-~ w:o' "'" dt 11.:· ~appJ Blr1h•l!J' 1•f "II Ani rS t ,..,~, ,Lurk". . . t~ P.ll~ in ':''hlch ~le can be t . on . . . . . I"'"" '" a fmlo'm al m (' •• ' In 1:-"A prov~lon In a flr-t lneurance Tho• thn'l'-f'~ll\11'<: in F:n~htnrl n:tfo'd '"'"'"'""''Y a" " tlt<llflt't Rill .BI~ khl'&r•l. IOII'rl'fttiOJ! mont')' to t>uy "Uo•ft•n• ~von.:• U ~~ 1~ nght man in the right job as unportant an StrnriiW as 11 may ,..'f'fl1. n a llip-policy that an a ction for the re· wt>r•': thr lnrd~ "rl ntunl. I h •' powl'r in the !ollllt'." Mr OurJs~". ''"""J.! , art•,.tn·drawlnfi: .,,n nf .,r R<·ncl' and Sl:tmf>'" ... 1tw> .Judlt· peace tirnl', It i,<; vital in timt> or ernergt>'ncy. Gi\'ing yOWlg '•'). ,.,,. nr lh•• numhfor ,...m.·m · covery for any claim undw tht 1om~ trm porill unci tho• l"llf!lmon« hOWf'V('I', WI\~ not at nll ~umnr-"iln.r Mrl' !' \\' "l"ul" RlAI'ktwarol ml'lll f:lt71'1l!l'lh l llnlf·Sh~ I Thom. .--.-.1.. ood ha nd the' -( '"'rt'fl awny l~;~rk whpn hr> hart policy &half not be tuthlnable In the> lhrN' ~n>nl hranrhc-; nf I ho• toll• Ill Ill" llo•'l~n:111111l, :lntl tlll' ,';f :-.;,."port fl••tJ:htl'. l~ll'bf'ui•••J bill hi\$ l'l'la tno-d. alt~OUJ:h su{fenntr .-...--8 g . start--a C n<'e tO Sta ~ 1r OWn ('('t I mo'l nil' Itt a l"trl)' ~herr> lobsto•r.. ,<lin)' court of law Of' equity unlue £:OVf'mrTol'nl. Rur k1• ,.r-n~o·d I h <' "fillt•mo•nt t):t' III'Vt'f l"•o•n l.tkt•fl flft1.,.nlh tnrtf1•1ny l"ut un.la\' at a lh•• ""'" c;f h••r wt~l tooth. -.. aM to do their part in the world or work-L<; ont' Of t he na-,_,.", "'r\•'(1 a nd h~ '-,irl h" r m fit· commf'nced w•thifl twelve monthl other J:rf'l\1 ln:<tmm••nt u r a~o·n··~ humMnii'IY ,.lflwr loy tho• pr ..... , ur lun• h•'•lfl \nih r-r~ht uf hu• 't r'l .. n•lll Tall. Tan. at11l To•rnfic Paul Ch<'5· tion's I'TlOfit lmportant obliJ:alions. •~I h) my all•'f'\:11' :ittolu.-11" '"ward ne d, lt valid and binding." of ~ovN-nm••nt lha t uf puh h•• I•) tht• ~:••m·ntl p11hll<· Rn.t lnlo•r at 8 lhMt•·r rart\' t•• wit -t ••r who-n ).(•lltn.: stnn-d ··snow· -'Int.-< I•·"· nn•l aftrr hr hnd ••a lo'n If lhP lmwmnc•r c·omr)Any hl\d ophuon nnrl ~a\'t' tht> no·w·l~'~t•·r .. tAR·,.. :',nr~r·it·lr .. ) . r•·J<l' f'harlo,. • 'hapltn'!l lat~!ll t.t r:< htm '"- --------------Ill\ 'hnr•• l'l•• lo•lt ltkl• on(' 1 cJjd h•·rn j.;Uilty nf fraud In C&lll!intr equal p mmont•nt•t• \4i lh tho• utho I' " '-~~ (i( )f)!'\( \\ R)a•·kl,.,.~tru w·ta h••t~AI f M t h~ • SUBS AND SOVJFJ'S nt;l kn•JVo: \hill tw f,.lt I hal w:1y tho· p••lh )'h11loh•r lu il••ll\)' 11ul\. he afhrr "'l.t'TW: ... To Our l"rr<jic1o~t. al•out tt. hu t kn•'" In£ it now I ml~ht hll\'~' lf'C'OVf'fP<I The nwrc r -Tru t I... n R I f,nr cttanl!tnt:: hi< :M'· Father HubbanJ. the ''GL·u·M-r ~· 'and workl'~ g n>oat -r:.n't r_l\'f' you ht< nam e. rac·t lh 11 ho> hnpo·ll 1" ~:..t 11 •••ttle-c ' p I I A plra~:~nt trlr tn t hP ~nn Ftan •·u•tumo~ form 1'' ::uidrf'loo<. 1\\'f'd· u .. o~.w. _ • _ men I would n~•l ,.r rvl' M &n ~"lt-~ QuJ J /6 ~ } lllJ t (! 1 r '""t .,..,.. A.-t e est U'II'IJ.._ authority DO Ala.o;ka. has j:tkM't t oo--l rouhlt~ t o t'UJIC for n oL IH UI"In." si!h .. v.t:th1D .. -I 1•0 ,, nro·a \4111 , ... ··nj .. y ... t hy Mr, n·--, ay 1:' ~~ " y r J ,('n"'r. 1lw-'"'"""., ... ...,.ftn,:o> hittv.o-.1 ... .. .. t': ~ r>:xmrnr Rnlhna l~la.nt1. J'IT'I'• .. ,. ~ r i.>.l..-Amolncans. ~'CI)'-Ipike ~ or two fall'(' wpo rts ciurin~ bi.o; t'\l~nt hrit•f "" anol :w··•'''""" '" n nnnr. t h•• t ho· I lin t' hm lt 1 ~·trl' lnl!ufMCt' t.J••nt .,f th .. .l1t1:h !lf•h•••l P -T A. ,_h1·ro·'" 'Tt' not olll'n an~-~ can Vwt to Callfomia . •ll'lkl'. f< '''"'"''n" II d ·"'"'Y l '••mr.•ny \'II Ltl'nl'r I Rrt•t •"" R ll Kf'nnl'll r uhllrity l':tll•h Mr R n0'-0'\'1'11. '" • J:T'3m• Having JK-ard n.tJ1lOf"S.. ";del\' cirl,ala tf'd in tlw l 'nit('(l ~:m,··hk•'" ""''1 '''"'h"'l in~:, '1n>uhl·· • hntrman wh• n th .. y a\IPn•l th,. m:~llral 4'rror. hut hi~ f'nthu.c:ia.qn • '"~ n .. ._ .. 1 "'' "''' loll m "r" P tri th•• •··•1.-hral•'•l \'••..:t', fl':tC'h-No. 6 • •nnulll !'tat,. l'ttnvrntinn nf f'-T A ran '-fl hrt::h ('1\'l'r Rctn<t<. and S AV· ~t:::;!':;s::?~~-~~--.t....!~ rponth.<; a 0 t hat t RtL~ns _wrw ~ahli.c:hin,& "' lllt.tr -l•an· ~.r_t n'\ahl~· in IQW ln.b' tlm o• th~l}_l"h ~~y matron """-..bc...ll~~....a.tl.ll a. in Oak.: J~r.s tn h i!< aclcin"<.O: W,-.d~y f a mlft1iry baJt;p on Big Uh~-l.~and-Littlc Dtt11tK"dif. h\-o~ f'rl"'" '""""'.!rl't , .. ~ ftnf' ~~r~ ifli\Ano>'! ~·""· 113~ nne, anO"'R'lee ... · Au&oss -n. t.artr 11· ~ r •~ NJ«hl "C. 11M"'_. _,._ d ' ·~It o( '"''"' lh •n half :1 cii'Zt'n t•l'llrtl .. II ' •" I lllhlllko• tho oUt I. LargC' mo\Ur.talll parUcle • 1a.r.d' Th~ t"-· ha.rbnr """"''"' llttlf 1•1 ,,,:.nil\' '-:1\' ~ ...... \ '· t r ........ ,_ ' J' II~ tstant, is ownt'd h v this l'fll iOfF''-Fitlh<-r lluhhard • . . ' . . . • • ro.hnt lS 1).\inl;' 38. Arabian h \'('J ,,II h'"''" rarl~· ftPKt )fnnda~· rt•·nl ·h· .. ·,,,l ,::. •n"•"h.t< ~~,~ or:.:,.~ou ..&.. ' • • "h• n Jh·· rotum • ~·lultl mort• than ht .. l•o•IIIL; :ololt-'" •II flrt 1\:tl ('r, !I V\'tlol 1!1 TO j;o);!~tr~y garment ~ N " 'n~-I rna .... ll 's:pf'ctl\1 MIIT-'mtl(' trip to ~ rur h irn.<;('lf_ Sit..•ns or ....... lh·· 11\o•rh··aol flt \;\l 111 th·· air .... •IIJifonrt ham· • ot f•of"·lhf' S oorth ··•n•l .. ,... nnt .. ,-~u ~n-' , .• ~~ 10 t\!''l:nv\\1-20 ~··11•'1'&1 ;:tt By ml!.anl ,. .. " u ~ '"ndlitary ~ton" ~ to tit-only h\:0 antmnA -• -.... II un ''"'-' I on~··· llun't t11t~ N il" \'<i'uel CO. Attempt -·-, TII!CIIi<':l•l' llh \4'1'11, "n ,. gram· nuurts for a rww Wf'athc.•r ~tat ion. 1ll<' Glal'it'f' p rit-..:;t . \\he' i_, l'h •' r-·~·.onl 1111l h\ ~('•>Ill :\tn~-I h--·· 1111 llll.olo• ... , ,.,,, llln' •• t .. IUI 11 Tv rl.lll a t 2:! n.•h(>:J 42. Mwlc: note Sk•tee mat iraT I'F'T'I'lr m pjcfjf \'r ar.s or . · . '· r II om It•··• ~.:" Jll fl"'l O.·adt '' rana.:•• , •. , 1111 t•t oll'llt'•'• .omoong 1 JZ Tu rro1."~ 23 Is-let In a 4!1. An opiate ~f'at ty :!M ynunJ" rnlkll ~athnPol ••ll11 ,, ,, ha"t:~ \4 on hy 'or ,v;n. pladnK ht.; ~n>al st o rt' of knowlt'fi).:f', on AlaskA s to poc •·a phy :--.-.. 1,, "'"'''r ••f 11 1 m•l•·' m 1!1 ''Th•· ll.··• I'"''"'' '" r .. lrl tn Tht> u . Tur tc·•se n .cr 4q. Jumbt~ type ~1""'111Y '"'"'"~ at tb" \'a lt>no '" ll••n 1 nwr•·h \4 onrio·n 'ff if till' and Wt'alhcr C<•ndttir'"s at ttw \\'ar J')t•Jl.1r1nw nr,-•li:o:J~tl h .... :--' ,, """'' no-, f\mplt-hmo•nl ,\m•·rw:~n \\ •·•·kl\ 1111· nm~:l,lnr 1~ Stmrk tu:l 21 "'~· t' 4!1. Landme&lurt• ~kntmc n nk ,,. 1!1'""1"' n f 111'' (',.,.,.., '!'tl" r-T .. nr.:uo~l n r a t or.. h a d furth<-r pointt'd out that RtL"-"ia 's O ionwfl." bland. thnu~h It•··• '' ltCt,\ I Wl'llloln't car(' to '"'~r.•l:"''~~ "!'!' '"'''. ~'····k·, L~S 17 ~::tol·~ ~~ ~:~~(~.:ontr,l ~~: ~!fu rrtoYi~lii ~~l;·l';,~~rw~:~~: ::rn';:'~~~-:-:~~ ~:~~~ l\••:onNI .,f tw· ""'" ancl chant::f'd la--&.. L -• 11,111 h 111 111 :1 nmmn.: rar••. hut ,\:-.;1 ,1-.1.1-.:"i 1-.XA:\ll'\;f-.ll A•h .4no•.,t•Pr ... t .. •r •ule IottA fr•n•·l 1,, -.-•n•l ~nt•r••w tm.ql•·l\' "'' ll.ln•l' nml StllmJII':' •5 .. -r hmn ttw Amt:'ncan is land. is of no m ilita r y \:tltw · 21 Ktn~t's J•l A n:nl :>2 To t...-• ~ "•· , .. UttJe Oi~ ls-hiJ;:tM>'r. G unc: pl:u'C'ci n n il f'lltlltl. in tlw t'\~'ht llllllh',\'. llr o fff•r-s n o m o nt"Y h;~rk cu ar;m lt't'"· ru iJrnct :t:t, Ob~lacle ~:rtM !16. Stull l :i L•'R$?:Iwr~ tn th•· m1''101·"';1 r:. • 211. EniocPS .H l'la)·tng cu d !i4. Escape (alan() :17. Ct'real gra.aa ... rt 11111• "'rnmrr J ulin Bn1· •I nn•l ol hostilities. t:>:-tsily SWt'('p ~1\'f"r Bi~ Oionwcit•. ·ntf'"<' hustlinl: httl'k:o:h'l'l' n f llu• t·n;l(l h ;tn• n nly on e 28. Frtn~h n vcr 3:) Murilage 5!1. Fel.ehood ~9 Bl'lon~t'"' to me :-.Jartl~·n nra(!.ty ~r .. tn , h:orf!• ••f Navy Now Hu 197,000 Enliated Replan As Jor It\("' n'('('llt n •port of a my~h"ri()lfs l'tlhmarin f' '""' ftn" \\t:':lpPn-tlwir r u :-:to nw rs · gullilti ltt ~. Httl I ha l gull· 2e. Flawlt'~s arrsn~rmo•nt~ r .. r thl!t ll•·rtl'!l "' JUppoaedly st'en orr tht• ~outtM>ni l'OaSI _ of Alns k:l. Fattwr lhllit~ i:-Slll'h tha t t'Ollnth·~.; thousands of d oll:tl" art• I liken ~~: ~:~~~t)\1 !lk tlq r rartit'l' .. , v. ht• h tti t~ H ..__rd finds h ' ._. -I f I t t lh' f I \' h 33. Pourh "'"' k'" wnl' ron.• Tl1"'' :v•· :1~•1 1"'1 u~ t a t l·uts story on..:ina tf'd w ith "four fJshr r-ou •• 11' \'nrnmum Y ,.,,,,.~. ~·t•a r 111 •" ·'" 111111 ,., t e It\,' \\'n~-n,. Rr••wn prr·~•"""' •·f th•· I I J&. Amul~t Th"t•' nrt• :~rrrnttlmatPiy 197.· j K)i) t't """'•I r~>~!'llfllr:< tn tht' Na\'Y ''"l:t\' In :l·hlrllun tn hluhhng·up '"" '"C1thr R•·n·k~ l h~ 1\:&\-y ~­ t•a r lm• nt hal' Jllllt annr.unc-t'd that 1! ha. I "T"'nr tl rN n lit infi: In chuur. "" nf th" 1\:ll\''ll flr~rvf' that hllVt' men who had run out of whisk y :md wrl'\' d rinkinj.: \anilla o~t·al 'tn"~· t·ham a nci intPJll'tltit'nt. n ffPr an infint!t•lr J.:l'l'aler •I. Sharp hl~h ..,, hrv•l '"ni!U•'- extract and \l'ood ako h ol. 1'lw S:tnlf' four han ' ll('f'n n'pOrtt~ \:tl'll'ty nf )!t~nuinl' haq.:ain s tha n \\:1' 1'\1'1' l'lllll:tltll'd in any U .Sta!J Sny .. \hoy I · · l' 1· h ••-To r ftUSf to t o>mrnando·r ancl \II' (' \' -lle~L" ro r the last ::.lfl Yl':ll,__.. I 11111\llll'r s Stlltl'a~·. n lkt~ I (' fly-h~·-nighl !'t'lll11', llw sc· In-r6mrm"-·r ·-·· , .,.. 'l('(',,t1~ nf Cnr>ll\ •tin •JI<'Of th• 1'be chk>f moral of nil thi!' i!' thn t uncnnfinn•--rl n'Jitlrt' ti••Jif'llCic'nt a nc1 nf'f -\\'()l'k stot=rs put IIHttt"lllhls Jlf olllll:-tr~ to I u . Not one "'"•'k"n" tn n,u .. ,a makrna.: fonr~l -...a.• irl time of war J'ittf'rs. I•• ta k.-n ".ith R lit'4'r.ti .Jltn1 h ""l'k tn flw ir t'tltl\nlllni l~. "with tlw ir rv nt hill~. fa \. ""Y-~ •7-Ptak :-.rran~:•·nt••n t , f••r th•· ro•JII;IJ •tl . h"ro·t"!'1'" IJr."n dO!It'd. F.nliat -,......... ,~ •e.lbt'rla.n r11'tr ~ t '7 t ... 1 11 C -k , tho!.lr h<•ll••· tlu-,.umrn••r ,). 1 .. n mPnl!t :lr•• ~>f>l"n n mrn 1 o -c1 alt. nwn1' .1111 J'I;I~T'' s. •1\'lng \\OI' • to no nf'. 1111' t:a_lloping ~;ad-. Gl.Column ,.1,111na.: h•T" ",. r •· ..-:,-\1 ""r , . .,aro nf 11~,. .:l·r • .,·r i.; ••lfllt•n1 to "\\o rk" 1ht• t'Oil\nlllllil~ anrl h u-.11.· on , N.MoJ~orrule ll.orn \\'rll.,lll'"" nr•w in '•h·· F .. r JW'r\'lf'P •lun nJ! thh! C'UII'r - GALLOPING -GAUGETEERS Come~ the month Qf MR~-. ·~tilt-Jl('drlk>r. 1be lleUOft of fi~·('r-s in full h loom L" lik••wi~ tht' ~'.1 - lOft when the llint>ranl rtl('n·h;m t al<;n hul'l'ts forth. fo rtifit-,1 with a rww line of gk>aming ~arh:t'fry and !'Jll'('il>lL" :-;.,),-...m an- lhlP• Be ~ for him! With a finn.ly plantPcl f.-~c,t ~i\ in c him a toehold betw('l("n the door .tnci tht• d f1or -ja mh. 'nu w ill ~ mt.roduced "tO'' ttje man·t'l!' n f \ht> Si~ft·r"" o f ll1t~ ~killt~t Handy Helper, the combination ho ttlt"' :t!'h(•r ~nd .;hOt• pnl- llher. the du()Wx razor WI"JX'I'K'r and l'aO-Wl('l'l('r. a ll t~· "bargains" for an amazingly low pri(-r. eo. BrM-zy I• • tilt' \ h'lim~ in the• nt;>xt tnwn. tl. Full or stone• n "' ! ... 'anne ~upola~ 1 '•'nm.: ~··nry rnh!ltmrnt• In thf' ="'a\-al ,. t r h -Sh 1 t I 12. To llllOt \\"tllivn-J •n ln rl ]' hh T'<,,.,•n..:.•'r< Hl'"l'f'\'1' ,,II bl' mat1 .. fnr a period .,.. Jli''P•:tn '( n r llll. • op :t ''lllll'. 1111 ll•l1 .tl your \'ttar•·n• p -,, ~;.... '""" ,of )tr ,n•l •.t... f•1t' \'"1r• nr m lnnr:h · liC'D front rloor! DOW'S )1~"< P \" l':u1<•". 'Ko•llh r;,.n,·h ~rll hP r-nli~IP•I '\II Appr,.ntire M&· t.Cuehlon -.111 1•f \tr .onrl :O.Ir-. """·•rri c-;. r· m'rn f••r I'"IUTl"n Anti Orf' man 2. Av•nu~ ri·h :~n•l R111 T ... ·o.t .. r '''fl ,.f \tr ,,t·nc,. \..,. m .. n IIIJ!nalml'n. racllo- (abbr.) ;otlll ~~" \\' F J_,.,,, r ,,f J\:.11~··• ITi• • n;ru t,lnt~l 1' m"'"ll. &\·iation 2.Paubt': l·l.m<t ,\IJ lhr·~· ~~~~--,r, "·''~ rr.•d\an •l' :W•I t•IPrtnrJil~ F'utl tWMII Pf'aka • ,.,.., .. , •l<tntl• nr" A\'lllll\hl!' 11t all Saval '4. Soltmn wondtr f'P<'rUtlrn~ ~tAlt•on!' e. Ferru"' 8 1'1dQC' - (tym.) , ~I 'I lahh•l' nf hr ol,~:r Wl'f't' ftllt'U A color~d roof not Of\fJ will adtt t. Girl'• name lw m•'m l" nr-"' I hi' Art• II!" ~"' 1 11 •r. new bC'.auty to thl' .,_ .. e.Ur- T. Bordn ,.f th<' t·,~t•• ~J~'•" Fnda\' Artrr-•or. but ti'IC' ~ltht c;oiOf' will make 1. Uke alt n••>n l "lut> \\'Nin~l''l:~y Rrtr 'nN>n th~ llo.lk WC'm IN'rftdl)' ~- t . Guldl'd "h• n :\1 , • .., A lu " f'h.mr r :~nd loT ,,. ,tiontd If thl' hoii'H \a too t411f, a U . Har\'f'~t tl If Th~Y"T ""r" rn-h n•tr _,. ~oof of dart. tl~n or tltue-~acl U .'l'ow&rd P.N~'J\'IJ'lli: h~b ~'"'' t Rwarob _.,,liOIU will make It -"' ._ •. MODEll MAlliE · SERVICE --... - SHEL ·L ·DOCi r- BALBOA By the time Mrs. HOUlle"';r<' a nd h rr monrl· a_n-partt'<i. and the worthlesa ~try is tying _.i!J a Jxoap on the kitchmJ floor, the i)@ripatetic peddler: has 00\\n--and so bas thc.'1 ~--------------------... .& I&. Weli&at.ee Wt>rt' Mr! H H 1 11Ayrr Mrc W A roof Of blue aflllleln eft a _..... n ~ .. ttt.tt M fl r J Rntnht\l~th hou.. ... ut "'a~oe It ...., _..~. .. • I ! .. NEWPORT . . . ---~ Puauc NoTICES \"'8 ~~d· • p •t : Tho f'-moat '"'~'""'II t lar.t tn an outer .. ~ o1 tM ·. Ul •nr erma s ... c...... .. ,_. ,,_... a.. ma· hllttllf'. ht~llotW lliAM blocu wlU --teftttf, ~at~. ••athertftg,j ftnowl an oth..r·wtw lthiOII\)', room NOTICE OF rntUC \\'O&K SOTK"E Ill HE&EBY G I \' F. S 'I'IIAT ON 'TilE tft'tl DAY OF A P&l L, lMI, THE ('IT,. OOt'St'IL Ot' THE C{n' Ot' to tht• nlt''' Wt>Sh•rl>' cum(•r (lf ... ,, :\ ()( AAUt 'l'NIM RH: 1 hl'fl<'l' l«lllt hrR-~h·rly ~ I C\ n 1: !\ r." l'dKT IIF..\C 'II , .. .,'"'' .and ct.etgfta. Cllfll" tile wll h ww'rul. (IJ'Iural lltht. Wllh· ft,..t d.ano• off the llet by a.,.,ly. I 111 ""' tt .. m .... m ''"rtiUoo~. ln· lng long lt'"'d· ftto.,..aiel.lnt naef. 1 au1ua 1l•a• bt ... k• l.aoliToW ~· lng, t uch •• colorlul ..,d ec:-o,nl· I a•ltiJI ll&ht trv ~ w .. II·Win<lowlod c.tl ••P"••t '"'"1'.. I n~.m• eo (h'f' tn lf'U·f•vored ODel. '~ BE..\CII, t'~I:U'OR· su. PASSt:n " ar.sou ·· TIOS Of L'\Tt:STIOS S 0 . !IM TO o&Dr.• THE t"'OL· LO\\'ISG ,_. 0 K" 0 K IM· rao\-w:Mt:~o Bt: oosr.. To-\\'1T: ~ I ' ~u-a. ~·., t hr' sou t hwE'S ft'rly llrwo 0( C"Sll1d Lot 3 t o thl'ltlost southt>rly l'Om••r nf !i.:lld Lot 3, tlwnc·,.: .. !'0\11 hc-rly nlon~ 1 hfo t>ft!ttc-1'1,. llr~t• c•f ...:tl<l n w At'I.'IHI£' lt1 1U1 lntl'l''t't'IICln "'llh llw l'!\Sit·rly J•l'l•lt•n~:n 1 ir>n (\( !Ill' ltdotl'li'~' lino• uf .. nul Lut 1-t. !ho•nt'<' "''''''''''~ alon~o: tlh' l.t~l mo•n· llnno•tl 1'11'\t'f ly Jll'>ltm~;:tlloln u( llw •nutlwrl\' lint• uf s.th l r~"-1 I ''' tlw l~•lnt nf ht'~:!n· n1n1: All t••l'l hlfl" o)( 'nil! :tllo•y d o,o.-.1 up nnrl lthHnol<•n• d mo.rt• l'w·:rrl\' ~ltown nn 11 nt:tiJ lll>pn•~•·l'i nntl nolo That fht• public int<'l"l'St a n d <'01\V('ni('nf.."'' n'qUin"' I hi' cJOSIOJ.: up and abandorlJJll'nt or a ponum ot a ~rtaJn alit')' 10 "'lht' City or N(.,.-'J)Ort U.·a<'h and it i:; tht-in· 14'fltiotl of tht> C'lty Coun<'il or tht• Cit)' ot Nt'loi.'J!Of1 Beach ~o orrl.•r the foll~·ing ckoscrth.-d purl wn of a ct•rtrun aUt•y an ..aid c1ty to bt> C'IOSt-d up and abandon(-d, · to· tho• C"'l)' Cl111ndl uf lhl' C'll)' ot( :-.;, wpnrt .n.•:wh fnr snict <'lo-.1n~ u p an•l n iJa mt.•nnh'rll. h~ R.•,.nlu· ' rtun cl:••·~l Apnl ~$1th. 1!l-f1 .1n•l _!g__,_~ ADfj 8«tloa !..- . All that• ('('r1atn pl)n w n of Thl' . That 111,. I'XIt•nnr hount1ar if':< Arcade. u laid out and sh~'n -1 d ....___t N .,1.. th<> d L'I rtr·t •)f land .. to lx-uff£'('1£>< I upon a map .,. • <<K o. " ... lx> f' ro by ld ' k f . rf'COI"dtod tn Book 24. pa~e 36. Mis· , 01:. m• 11 and sa bt> ~ 1 Cf'li&MOUs . Ma.IJ8. l"('('()f'ds of Or-pro\•t'mcnt ;o . . • ~ angt"·County, California,'~~ pay thf' dnmng£'~. C<*t ~ij I'X 1 11 , t wit · pt'n,ws tht'rrof. a!'<' part_acuJ!,U'I)' as 0 ~~~ •. o-· dt'S<'ribt"tt 111< follo"·s . co-wrt : &>g1nnmg at thl' ~thf'a~l • All thAt ~rtain rt>lll pt"'pf'rty t>rly conwr ot .Lot 14· a" situatt'd In th<' City of NI"Wport llhown upon s ~ 1 d a:raap 0 f Tkach, County of Orongp,'· State> Tract 814; runnmg t h f.' n c C' of Califo~mia. lind mort> part leu · lirw of thr' northt>lll'tPrly corrw>r ol Lot. tJ, of Tract 814; thcn<'t! t"asterly alone the-southc>rly line of Lot 2 ol !'aid Tract 814 B.t'ltinnln)t at southl'rly comer ~~~~~~~~~~~ ;\!ll ;tu'7 ·-:"\\\ 1941 II • -T .. tal J7.'U ~.to ~('·-'•' !.II(~~-· !'I 1 t>.r: ~·I 14:'> 1 11111 1 z~· ·~f>hl TI1-.n 11•1 ~~~· I II I•(• ''"'''" h,,._,, "rth ~.u.t.:L' t·nnrl·~-, rtl ·1.'1 .. ·"' tr....-... ' •• " ' 1.;.., ,;,.,,~,. II ~lt't-'a1 h11ul $.1:"" i\ 1'111 .'l Mr.. E I. I .I""'''. hutl.t u•lttlll•"' '" h,,.,.,.. '""' m.1k•• ttllt•rnlhlll' lot lltlt•f1•11 • :.'llll \\ ,.,, llo't'/111 1\\o• 1•·r J .tlll•" ('it•llo· .oltol ~~~· $1 )·-' At,rtl ~,,, \\'o-..lu)' P Slllll h nl· I··• •1'-'rt••t ••f ..:nn•.:•' f o t 1u.t tllllotrtltl 1'>~•111 '" .......... : 1:•11 !\111lt I \Itt\ o• $141-) 1 hoo1110:•' hutl•l ""''"' 111111 lo •Cin~o· n·,hft·n• ... an•t ,, .... tn-.M;,,, J~t•r J,~. t ,·,,, ,;.,ua..:•' t~•r.J..n. s.:.l.!lUU 1\t•ttl :.'I 1;111fllh t 'ot o'h'O'I 1 ••Ut•f••" ''~" '"' \\'••,1 • ·,.,., 1 al ,,,,. , •. ,. 1. A ,~. .... ,,.., st:•' < •• 1 ... 1'\1<-lll I Cal, ltt'flidt'nt (Jf-flfto STIIDIRD VEIETIAI BLIID CO. nt:.\I.ISti I~ ti1'~1.1T\' t•I.1 1S ~F.K\'ICT. \ riM'tlaD IW~Mb. UraprrW. -d t1ldunoa \\ lndtnt Sbadr", t:tc•. .·\SSOl i ~(' .. :S In Tiu- 111:-f" N .. ~W AUUil~S Unomt"r UuildinJC :\t 2tt!6 \\' t•"t Ct•ntrnl Avenue , Phc,....: Nrwpnri 'l!l, ur -.... Nrwpori IOIU...I OUT DOOR FURNITURE ~"(' ftw 11\tf'Sf In Nnutlcal Slt•twll nn Our N•"'' Swln..: nnct· t Tmht-.•ll~t. ('H.\IM BAC.:IUII:8T-IIMBrJA8 A" NINC~M -NF."' ... Kf:C'C)\'J: ~D J)t~RCY II. BEYER· ......... Quality Lumber ..... a.c; !lhown upon a m a p of ,.. Trncl R\4. rt'<'ur!lcod in Book 24, pa~t' 3 6 . M •~cl'llanrous Mop.,, r<'Cord." Clf 0 ra n g ,. Count~·. C~tltfornt11: runntnJ: tho•n<'l' northPrly 11lons:: th•• At'l"ll ~·I Jo>ttn I• Ht~1rn1hn~tn-!------------------------------ Materials • COSTA MESA LUMBER CO. nue to must Wl'lltrrly c:-or· nt'r of Slllll 1'ral'l Rl •1: thl'nt'l' north<'a~lt·rly alnng tht• nonh· W<>SIPrly hn<' of AAtt1 Tract 814 lo th<' mnl(t northrrly <·oml'r of !'aid TI-ttel 814: run· nm~o: 1 h I' n t' c l'OIIIh<>ast•'rly along tht' northt>a~tt•rly Jin£' of AAid Tract 814 10 lh<' l'no;;t nort hl.'rl\' come-r of Lot 7 ot satd ·Tract 814 : .t h f' n c £' TERMITE AND FUNGUS CONTROL S Year ._.d Termite lfttulatiOfl TEIM111X CO. •tnrm, good plumbmg to ward oft' cl~ bl()(u tranalueeat. JISt'ast', wttlt a lone-lastan~ roof but not transparent. Uaht IOUI'CeS. uf asphalt shan~:lra to prot«t it Qnf' of thew il' in OM-~ l1fllnst tirt" and. timt". ! set lt\ OM-wall that edjo~ 1M It is rich. too, in tht> ''madain· I front doof. Th~ other aa 1n 1M I ~ry" that ftooda a home with na· bath. which it ftlla with dark-dt>· ltural lillh t-window a and panels 1 vourtntr l~eht. maldn,r ewn the ~c &Ius blocks. Over a dpxen win· 1 m~ici~ cabinet with Ita trim I dowa help turn its roonu towardl I ro~ at bottlet .bricbt with U&bt. UPhalt dlanac-leaa • It is not a vtry co.tly hoUif' t .. builcl &ndoloh £\•AM. who de> ai«nf'd 1t for ttwo Monthly Small Hou.. Club, 140 Nuaau Slr"·t H"w York, Hltmat~ that If c-.r• bto du«>hnt~ in mOiit par11 ol th• ooWitry for about ~.JeA I Lido Ancho~ge Builds Office And Facilities Adding t o lh~ attracl lvl' •app~sr . anc" uf lhl' DI'W Lldtt-1111" Yacht ;Port . Building Totals $357,714, 4 Months ,,..,.,,.,1 1:011 I lt-.•an tlhol . I'•' r '111>'1 lllolll !\lt•:tn" $44•111 i\pnl .'1< .lar k S.·ht.,otliN·I~ 1 ..... ,\,.~;do•, low Col '""' •I• If) I 1 \ o• n •uua '.~ ... a.l.4·t .. ~•·. "u h .,.... .:••r~tt:•• l'oHIIII'O'lt'O( 1!1111 1!11 (1 t.lt•l l 'o•nt nt( ""'. ~~·r l..itrl") II \\'11 .... .,. Sl•••l Apnl :..~ c· \' Mo1'~ttt). nutk•· klllo•rttlllott Itt IQit·rr.•r ••f tt. .. ,..,. llntl lnultltn.: lllltf1114>11:tl h-tlh :'17:' •~"', Svr·r 1\\ ,. . p ;. r 'llwr"l'hton :'tlo·lln• J:'~• "'''II -~· ,. It ittllt•l o'lt ..... In l l~•l('h tof hollt"' lllfC \'111 l..111>• No,nl 1•·r t;..,,r~·· M ll•>h.to•m . Jll•l I Aprtl ~'!I C ;..,,llil. M llnl~t l'in lnulrt .:am;:•• Hrlfl l~o'flrtlllfll, :!14 \'tu l.tolto Nultl Jlt'f •-nt·r. $11 .. 111 Anc h<lniK" u wl'll aa to Ita fa· . Electrical P-.ita, r lhlit>ll ror lll'rvin~ t hf' yArh!Amf'n During lht' fin;l fo ur montJts of fhts Vt'ill' I'I'Oflt'r1\' (1\\'n · I GE COUNTY . . . Atutl ~~ H t ' lt.oa 14M 1'•"'1" OF ORAN ~·h011e craft &rt' moort>il thn" wtll PI'S an Nt'\\JlOr·t IIKrho r and l'lt'\\'t'Omt'l'S to fhf' dl!ttnc-t who 1 "''' ,~ .. H I ~:.! ,..,,~.:,. '" ;: ... ;. f<R££ INSP£CTtONI FR££ £tTtMAT£1 bt' an. utflr4' bulllllng fnr which II d ~• h h " -" h 'l\'t• rlurd l'ISt'tl lots an constnrc·t.-u l'lt'W umc•s it\'(' in-llo•OI't•, IN'f ,. M ,.,.,,,,y Hnd s,.,.,. t10 No. Main St. Thl' proje(t. to co11t txot\\'et>n 1 V<'stro a n ~1 imated to tal of $357.714. I"('('Ord<> o { City BullcJ-Apnl ;..~ II I. UIA11t•nn.nn, :.!11!1 S 000 ll I lu.d I ad 1 ~llll't•~u'. tn~IAII 47 uota.•h IP rww + pl'rmll wu IICIItttll Ull11 week. ' • • · · hnt.l. A_na, Calif. 13500 and • w I nc (' n -ing In~tor A. M. Nt'lson ~wa ed at the.• c-1~ or April. h•wnr. -.-c .... Th••ty ... _ll dillon to th" office 11 <'(lmfort"b'" ,-,.. ~ ~ ~'"' '::::::::::::::::;::::::::::::::=~~lounge and a relrid"nr" ror the Mndt'rnlzlltlon. add1Uona. repatnj -1 Ar~nl ~ JA~ :)lt'wart. 7011 1 d t and the conlltrucUon of three new N Home. l'•>t!llY Avr lnataU ,19 ot.IIIC'h In • YOU'LL ALWAY. S HAVE FUN manag~r!an '"' room•. • homea durlnc the -week rep-ew I MW rea~.~--C. M . 't'Nity I -------,...nted a total value ot l 18,:r'75. Tbe n-t.om.. .t&rtf'd til» and s... '-r -Mr. &lid Mrl. W . J . Holblclaw Bulldina permit. for UN> put WHit ... ,... for Cf'Ort:• A I'Wncbn AT THE NEW left yeeterd~ for an ~Dclied month of April amounted to llll,·l of Loe An~tu. J ohn n Dum-. April 25 1"'· ~llwrt l'lfMIJlnd. vtalt tn O&llaa and Am"r111o.,,9~. Thl~< Ia one of lht> lar~:ut ham, well kn0\\'11 dne>ltoptr ol the r.."fi WHI RAy Avr. INllllll I~ ad-J AJAX ARCU.E EVERY DAY AND NIGHT SUMMER AND WINTER 1 BALBOA - IRVIN GEORGE GORDON I BUIJ.,DING CONTRACTOR 1111 W. Central · Newport Beach Phone Newport 721 ·-- Coast Termite & Fungus Control Co. 107 W('lo.'f ThircJ SANTA A~A Phoae: Santa Ana S261 DONALD REACH KIRBY A. I. A. ARCiliTECT BaltM» Island, California 1\larine·-HARI>\V ARE • General B~y District ~Hard~are ORA.~ HARDWAP.F: -QUAUTY TOOU) W. P .. f1..'LLER PAI:\"TS -YACIIT FITI1l':GS. %1.,.212 •rin,. ,\\',..uf' Balboa l!lland Ptwne ~e•-po~224 Texaa. and In Sbn!Veporl. L&. hulldln~t mnnlh, In tht hlatory 11f renii)IIUia Trart . anti for Jack chll~l uutlc>U. ln lflli'IIK«'. po•r V 1/le . rlty. with th" f'X<'f'ption uf 1 8cht>onb.rr of f~ll ADjtf'~ll ' A flfl, . • ., ~flUih\\r'•lt•rl\• ulon 1: thr >onlllh· 1 Ap•tl ftf last yur. The J3:JOO fl&n<'h•7. rNUoiNtCf' 111 Ator-.1 :r.. K l. <..ano•r . :\:!:1 t'i\Slerb' line' or sa.ld Lot 7 to Ttt~ lrulldln}: p&C"t' tht• ~IT bf-1111t trt'f't..,, at lZI F.~tlt • lT•y! l\u<•na Vlr.'-IUvll , ,,.,.n .. ""'I tho mm.t M">Uihf'r!,· com('r o( r i"""I.Y""""'II"I" that "' thf' million I ,...,ont on 111,. IJOIN.n•l "''"'" • 111,. •1.111""".' nttllt•t ' m r. ... hlt•nr.• 1..-r : !<llirl Vol 7. thrnC'I' W('!;l!'rly n 0 I "'' t II . \ i\• lnw doollnr Y""r •·f lr4. Kll n uh'll ('( 14()()() HumhN.m hllllll' 110 hf'llll(, l'(on -.,. • m a lllro·r l hnr• '" I hi• po mt llv lh•• fR• I "'"' Jlf'rmiiM fur thf' slru•·tl'd 111 t:o:ll 1 lt'•••uo Ill\'~ '" tl1r "''~:I 4 '1 t•n•l··~ '"1'1 llutr lt tif ht•l:lnnina;: flral r .. ur nu..,.h• ur lti40 eJrrl'f'Ut•d·&rf'a whkh Humhlltn '" rc-uhltn~o: In '""'· .111 'lt't'/111 1-run! "'"'' l•u AN-Uon S. tht' t11lal f,.r l hf' I'UUTI' QlrJOO lhlll "'&lil,.nUal ~fh\lolh fhJII•hn£ Silt• •·1•-rl nt· mutur Jor•r V A 1'rll'fl Th;lf ~ml p~r-d \lo urk of "''"r hv unly $1:J.316 Th' l1 nnly for thf' Rrh"""'"''J: h"m" ~1011m"t Al•lll ..!!'"' II SluuHII•~ 1'\lll lmpru\f•mt·nl 1" fur tlw .. clo-.tnl: 6 tJHfCnlll<' of on•· 111 two new e4 at -..ooG 1a le<li-IP03 •:...1 c·.,,.. :-.;!'1111 II.•~ t'""''· lh''"11 ::~e ~"!' Up anti :thllnrlunml'nl of 11 portion hum l' Jll'rmftJO l trRI RVI!nttr• lo•l• In "'""' t •'"ll<•nrt•. t••r SJ•I of ltt<tt <'••rt~tin ;~lit•\' lwn·tn~l'•V•• ~ \\' lllllrkho•:tl'fl · mort• l~tt'llt'ular15' 11··-f'n lwll. ~trttl • • i\tlf'tl :C. •:.r c "'"''""'"· II.• II•"' II appo·nr .. Itt tho• •aul ("II) rnun· Conhnue Drave to Make Harbor luu Am..-,, .'n""'"!' IC .ltt;tltl .. n ul " I'll lof I hi' ('II~ "' ;\; .. wpurt lw~trh -l .,,lllo•l• fW'f S11r \\ Jll:wkl~·tlltl lh;ll nil .. ,., ... m,•nl , ... rtl'<'t•(o;;o~ One . of Neatest (A:.ast (.'ities Al•lll :!H lf•·f"ho•\ :OOJL.• ·lllnl li'M•tlon 4. • • ~,., 1\1 .,1 trt•• A•···. lf'•lniJ :I "'" TI1a l IIH• pr<"'"'~lln~;• for t ho· (, '' 111 "''"' ', """"' r~ lltl "''"' ''"' l'l•"ll'k up tmtl, :ohantlnnm•·nt of c 'oml111111n~ ,.lfurtll t .. l'lt·""n·l'p l ''('l,."n'"IC Ill• IIJI "'' 111>1 l•o "'"" 1~, :--ool \\' IIIII• kl~·anl th•• ;o(oon''•''" l••rlton tof ,;wl .olio·~ •lu ring Ill•· \\ll't•k "' lh•• ..-lrr l'rt'· l'n-\•r•IIIIHn ,,. 11 1 .,.,,.,.,., .\f••llllltt•• \t•ttl . :I "" M Ma·~·o111 •• It ... ha ll h ·· h:ad untf t·•k•'n und-'1' , .• Ut 1nn .t ·aruf•u a.,:n HUll l"l••lln l"p The~,.,. hJ nu ••f••ru•·ut n••·•• •h~,.tru• ·,,.1 .I ~,,,,., 1,.,,,111 ~~ .. uf•hlt,.u .t :m ol tn :w•· .. l tlo~n•·•· \\llh :on :wt ••f \\'o .. ·k a r" 111 ''\lol•a.o·o•. ltul an or•t IIVf' th11n '"'' llll•"nt"'"''' an•l •• ,11.t. u1 """"' J••r S HI \\' IIJ,10 k th•• j_.•~;•~lalillo• of lho• ,.._t.•l•• "I 1[11: t11 t <111111 lite•<• \\lll'ltt•lll, rnu1 h IH'f'rt..l lui!JI<'I< '" fh• ;'l;tolt"ll , lUI '" 1,..,,111 f'";,Jifnmt;t dt''lt.!na ft•d llt)tJ kno\\·n t ••n1 Rin~ to h•• •h•Uf• t'rUf' (runl l:t• k .. , l•f••f•·• t1•1r1 hf•d 1\J••al ..... I tun~ th..:ht""' 1 ,,, ",\n ,\t, '""','''lolo ·f"l 1111'1..•~· 1'1117••11!< Ill'' ur,.:··d ,,, j.tl'l '"· prrt'AIIIInn I••·. "''~'···t. ·~l.tll I.' oJ'I 1m: (1 )j I nyv•nlnl!. f:>\l o•l)lfHlL: C'N"fll•r .m IHlllt<liltT"t .. ,. tflll("'""'l r ..... lt :. ... ., .. " 1111•1 •ttL: I:• •I 1 ..... •I•''"''·'' "'Ill· I• ·~·r "••I \\ 1\1 .. k \\"ltft•rtln~ ~I I otllo.'hlt lUlU.: ... ( !j,.... ..r tfht h :t \ t '-IU J1t• r••tttl\ (nr j tt y t lu n" "'ht•t •• f It il" Ill• • :. •• I 'I•. ,,. , •I 1n..: ~·(' rn \\~lrul•· .,,. "' Purr ,\u~ \\lttke·r,; t .. tlAUI a"'···~ ,.,,., •hi'J•"IW* Hvt·ly f'nrnr·tt "" un.t ""'•fv th• 1 Af•tl1 :•'"", ~ t: All·" 7'11 Sir•·• I S'l''·'"' l .. ond ,\II•·\ ('.,wl "' <"ity l"trt·l'l Ito p11 111 •• I • ... "' 1:11 o1 .,1 tall :, ... l•li''"" .t f>Y l 'l:u··· \\'nlun :0.111111• IJIOt lill"' _,.,., onl I"'""'" I»· • l•11r•·tl tt-lld •1r 1:11• F 1.r•· "''l"''"·•·fl 111 '"'"' 11,. 1•1 11 111 . 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" ...... lk .. 1 •11•1""'' ,\,·d t•· ('••ntt·nue :'11··""'"1 "'"'··· I ·· • 11 ... I nl• ut ••• It• th•· ~ '" u t .. f 1h•• d•-' ' ''' n. •k• ~,.,,, .,,, f f t'lt' lh• I no I or ''""' '" , ... ,,,., lo" "' ()n L~x.·s·t··n·r I)Jdo·~.·.-I ,, ltn··~l ""' \l• 'I •' II,. •I• ,,, ' t~t•fl!•r•t •t'l t,, •.qd \\•tth. 111 lin r. ,.. ") ,...~ ft~Jtt•h uud t ~·-dtl•fiHd ,, • rt tfl lfl• JH'•\'• Ill• hi .tutl t o f u 't'~' ..,,.d I•• !-;,,,UIIhnd ,,.,, tit·· ...... "lltd t ,,. ,, I , ... t• ,,, .... ~ .. :., .... ~ Jtl f•t•· ... tit I• •ol '' rlf·l\ JU.1k•• \\l illtrt nttl••t lt••n--. Itt Ut•• l,.·lt•rlh at th•· hu:J,h rttfJ>~'I th, ,,,n• \\ltltln ''" •Jfll d \ ,,,, J•'u''''*"" .. ••1 lh· "-=~•''''""1 ,., .. , n ~·· .. ,1,11:P'"'l •• r tt~~· '''"'' ""'(."IJl..: "', ·'hJ.t J'H'' ,.,... r,,, ,., lh· p1Jt•Jr, .,,,,n uf rh,.._ Jl'''fl"l ,. It A ln'fHfltfll l .. f '""' •r~u·· ,,,1 ''"''ll ·~lq,.;fi"rl ~h.1n ~ d•liJ \·rr-~-:;t tnc ,..,,u,f u,,., v tll '"I' ,,, ,,. tu th• ("lt rl• ttt 'h• (~,,~ ("•)•tn· ,,,.,,, ''"C' '''"' 'l1Uh 4,f,..,,, •r-c $:160,000 (;as Co. Extensions For Oran.ge ('ounty • r·tl ''"""''-ttl 'fld••r•,.., th• '' ••H t.f • r• tf1:tf"k•·tl thl"4 v.t •·k tf:tf•· ot tl t•' 1Jt1i•Hl h \ IHfl l ttfld \• ( "f 1. ,. 1,. ,, f ... ,,.,. 1, ... "' 1 t;t O\\'th ••f ,,,,, 1r ,,, '''' l ' f ,. • tf thtt fll ,, '"'' ''"~ "' ,,,, c·.,, )w n • "It lflltj"41• Hu rtl(lf\V •tt•t (' ,, •HC'P t •#tiHit \' '\Ill . I I ,,, ,,, ,. •·ontv•,l :d t• r th·· • \IJh .dtHn ~~~ ,, "' \' , •. ,,nfllft•·· ~''''" v, tJI u1t , · I(J•~'n,ht •H• t.·. !"·· t1 .,. • ., · 1 '•••d '''' t\tl• ,f.,,~ l1\ .... ,,;j ,.,.. -t•l••··•l~tllf'•J•f••l'•'c Fil l\ ,.,1tt 1•t" •·,,mpu•\ tl•.rul ''' •u •I f•·tt"•"· l"r.,,.,_ ... ,,tJ c.·,, (",••Ht•tl ,,.,,,. ,,, .... ,,,., 1tu .. ,,1., ,, ,,,,~ , .. ,rlv J~tfft htl4r ,,,, ,,.._. I I I I •I•• I, I ,,.,., .... I f 1t tl \\ · 1. '· !'11111h I 'd 1 Ill I til .' o•l•l• ,, • tl •• ,,, ' It! ,,. ,., f ,, • \* i\ ... . ' ,, .. < l \\ '"'·"" '" I I II .. ,,, ' . \1 •' I I I .. , \\ J f I t d ... , •I \ , .. . \t I ,, ,,,,,., r .... J •• , .,, ... ' ... I >I I .ol I II ,. •.... ,. 1• r I' \1 Tr•1 1 •I q f ..... .,,. I ' II·'" lu '" ...• , '"· .. •' Jo t• • ·.t. ,. f . v v ·' 'l••r•r• f I rV.. t If• ; ,If lt ,,,,, o..h .11 ,,, ' t P··· I••• h· ill lfl. ._lid Hltt•'t''lllrl'" rlHI I•'""' lh 10 it'l• I \I \l ' I. I Ito •' flo I' 'llo• I '11 \ l'l•sk' •l·oll rli·l'"l"•ll ""'"' rl1• It '"'"""" If . lktrl . ,,, .. h •·htt•' 'Uifl"" ,,f lho· . .,,,. 1n·l pi, ..... r •h·· lu •r •n..: ,f nd ,., ... , '"''• .. l•\ th•· (·,~y J tl't 1'1'-llf I I I 11 fll Th• f "'""' 'nt•t•l•., I'•· It, 1• ~··! '"'I "'h• r \ilfll lar '" t'''" ,,,., •I •'"\'It , •• ,,,,~r-,,,,,, r r I II' I •• , ~ f I ,, Utlt·A •• , • ,,,,, J'· 'lti•! ,, ••• 'I ' 01 ... I l j , ..... , If 1d 1 t l' ' J"' I • • t (•ntU\1"11 . .rtd II••' ,,., ••I d h• u .. Hh: 'h df fu• ,•1\1 rl f~·. •I• l•t~ tlftl.' 11 nntlf 1 tho •·~•t U) lht• 1•,, ... , f tffu·~ ,.f tt,. c• ••• ··' ~ ••• ,,,,,, lt• .,,, I""',,., I•'' I• 1d .td'h'" -··d 1 tt ..,It' t\ ~ o) 1 t• f t 1 If" l!t·'l·l :J~t-.:-.!'1 ; J!' n 1: n r: n Y \1 ,\1 •1< '1'•1 0..:\11• Hl·'"'l i ,I T II t-..; rtF 'I-..:TI '111 •'-' F '•H ,\l.f, H l!n ll I~ 1'\I!TII 'I'I.\J''-' H w :. \"II I . I I ' 1"1'1 ll~C '" •ht'•!JC t'•'-'' t h•· ~~~ltl ld•\t I f .t\ t I I •t 1tl• ·ft1 lhJ' ,., Wo•lttl toof ... ltr r I 0 , • • • '':en• • ,,, ,.,,. f. If A t· • ''1 ''· '''"' ... ,,rtft,r-. ·•nd ''l '• ... •,t t,,, c ·•ntl u, '"" ~ tf H•tt'tl ,,~ .. • 1'1'1"' qf f!•••d .. :vt·tf• It•• ,., .. \' th It f l•ltltt .-t f;,r• fho U •'lf'J•' t l ,,f t L1 1•1'1 ! ...... , l.,.!•·:tU •··"" •It' ha t •· tJ1,..\ t oT ~ t• •tHnt • ,,, f t;itf I· II " ~t tl• r .t .,'n; 1t1t h )• I' \ f1 tt~l ,1. •t't.ll • ,J ,,, h• ,,,, ,. "'•f"•r''tr I ,,, n,,, prHJII "\ ,, •• n• r th~ f••r ,.,. f ' •"''t'n t,( I'• 11•' h••u • .., v t l• )t tt 1 h • 1 """ '\ r• , . ., "~•· nnt11thl ,,,,,, tl•·'•d~.-.,, .... ,. n 1 • •·r t• tf \\ :tw I• H 1 1 •1 ' ·'' 1 • I • •fl ,t I l 0j' \ I 1f o t \t, J 1 I , t ,,, • t •f· I• q frlt• ''' 1, 1Jf\ f r••ol I; ' •• , 1 ann'", -"'fn•h,.,.,,,, •. .., • . ·• •. • ' ' •·rw JUt1V'••Jn J' ,. ,,,,,,, • ,.,, r'•rn•• tlnf· ''· t h• t '''~'I •f '~·· dJtftlHI •h•f•·r1 ~, J, ._, ,t, II ·· }'•I ' I hfJC~>t f•u th• f '•'' 1 .,, tt 1 • I • '• lh~ lnrllr~l "' · \• • o • • '' \~~~<r)c,., IIAJd 1 ,, ,.r, .•, • t • •mpflnv ~:.111 '" 1• 'I',, • .a • 'I" • I •h f'tXt'riJIII Hf ,J.'.! ft#U' tH,;I• dtp ,·,) If • ·~r A t un~~:itlr rAltl• f • ·• ,,. •' t', ''" v.·Ut t),.. ftJ" t • f• r tt t t • ,..., _, If I ~:.ft •tlfl ~~fJtl~ f•l II· I· OJ' I ....... ·II •••••• ,, i '· .... Y..tl f ,, t• "'' ..... .. 0 I t I It ,. I t ' 1 f I ttl f f ,, ff fl f I t • ft + ~~ t '' .. I' •, • .o • "• I t f ~,.,,. ' ~ 0 ••• ft I ! .,,,. I I • ., ... ' '-t htftf .... }J>J "'' I flfl I • •, ,, t ,..-,-, , ,,, dt'''"' A I ' I.' , .. '"'"~'' ttl a\' .,. "' •• ' t '1.., .. •I t• I•• Ot• ',,,, r.,l t u tJ• r ~~t.af,. , ;ft \• 1• • I It /•d rt• t V .,.. df"rlf f,, 11 ~ ·r L• t ..... , "A"•Y ,,, t•·l Ina· f l 1 I • 'f H tfj ttf f\ tft,tJftf· '" ,,, tiAVI 1t • tt P I• I ft,,,.,,IJ"h}V 1.\ , ... ~1lff''tlfl'' 0'1· nt ,,, c;:.,~ .. ~·, c·l'\ •• r \"•"f"•'' ~~~·,,t, (".•l~r •• m ,;, l'tttllt<'h t\pnl ~~, ~~. t\-mrt1 Jl L---------~-------:-------· l!ill • ., rl# • ' 1 ,. , ,.,. r \' ''•rt ru f tf l\ • ,--. , ... l(• t If' ,.,,.\\ ,,, 1 l~t· """'"'' t f·r~"' r-, t 1nr 'lnt1 " , .. ,.,1, .--. (nrv.'"fd 'l"ld..-• ·nn,..-t--m>t 'Mtt...-t-~nt-~-,';,.. .. -1 Ht•lllllng /\< t .. •n• ..,,, ttltfln•·,tl••·" t•• •• ,.,, ft.1• Jfl noo """" ,~.,,.,,.,r..~r .. fAt,, ,,, •• ~ 1<L'd.ed to tit' Jtll•l,.•l 11•1( ~··· .r 1~··' \ ~•r. hf' •t.tt,.,l th•· '••rt•rortny I' tin. •" r• rto I • LOANS .s ·E E SANTA ANA' BUILDING and WAN ASSOCIATION 601 NortH Maln ~MOt about a monthly payment loan plltn for that ""' hom. ~Y lnterelt and princ1p•d ~IJ('(' Nch month. For Builclln• lfttormation ... Bay District Lumber' Co. WALTa a 8I'Klal, OW.. .............. ......... N&WI'OII'I' a&Aal , GORDON ·B. FINDLAY .. fJuiJc:lfto ot llmles ot ot.t.lnctJon .. CONTRA~TOR and BUIWER lotiO CoMt ah'd. Audit. Tax Advi<-e Syltem• • MOan Underwood ..... u. m Ruhy Av.,•ur a.lboa ~ PhoM: Newporl 48% • A<"counting . Supervision -Pr~edure -.. ---- (;()NitAJ) SIIOOK ('ONTKM:'I'UK and 01 III.IJF.R t U .. PI.trl: 111/ll.l)f~U NF.KVI(:I: • ..._ ~••a~•r' 1014·1 !1% ... ,._ AYfl. 1'. (), ll«oa lei "...... l.a..wt, ( iallffl ..... RALROA BAYSIIORJtS ..... He~con Hay J~aMe Hold EstateM EAitL W. STAr\LEY. Suit• AK(·nt TWU o•!frtc ·r:M IIAI.JIUA JJ,\\'Siff)JCt:~ and IJAI.ICUA l~f.A}'I/0 l'hun,. N•·" purt lfi41 11r l "Z'lti Phone: _Office Slti ). M. MltLEU · ( tontrador and Builder I ROO · Newport -Rivd . Coc;ta Mesa • .. • r Tho· t: II ,., ..... ,..,. '-\• , "···n busil)' o>nl:lli:•oU "'llh Ill• If n•" bt'aC'h r:thlln'i ut 1:.,; c .. thn• "''. llUC "'tl14·h lh•') ,..,.., nt I) t•Hc tw..- f'd (nlfTl tho• (;. .. n:c· S "''''~ •·f Sant11 Ana Tl w1r l..'\1•"'' "'·h ~l r« A. G Srntt j)f Pa......&•n.. ""'heN> tht· l.."l"''4ln'" ma k1 lh• •r 1•·r· I'Nnc'nl ~ WJth mo•mb••" .. r It• r f .1 rn . I' Wlnarn l'unitlfl nf ~-~t1M\:t I •r p.nd "'" (tn,ll•• \l•l.tnt1 nf ,_,,... ~~·~ ,lind, ttw• JtM-ha"l lM'}•"N IIA.)'ln,; lldM"U tu 1twrr I • I a n d frif-ncb . Jluh and Jlon,, t•owo•r-art> •1111 \"•·lrruo _lt:orlm• •lu•·•n't h ,,,,,. .""~ t.alk.ln,.r about thfo ,...,., tn r> IT\IIf"' "'"""'· t .w•l) n Hn u,. hw. a d h ) ,off. bJ llub lu t "'•'fk fnln\ t'rtosOt• .,_.,,, !'•~·I> .''"' m:.krn~:. :1 "''" to a.-Anl(o•l•"-An'<on tinj! tn 1 hf•ir n11:. t•ll' . t .III.<IIM•I h. ( \\ N' J.wk ~ JdL ~ 4laod to 11n<l J rll• 11 .. 1m.1n ••n't ritun~: ·"'~ , Jlub '" r .... An~:•·IH bP· tlunl( nr .. r r 1amlirii: lt'JOI.!Mt'l' fore Jwro. ~ a p&AIW ·In tJw !'131'1("). l.un ll•· llnlt .t -"tlf•rul• an Mf1t¥'m CitY. 't1w Oadlt took •lfUt• muolf'nl I )t •II~ ll11n..:, II :ohw nl ellout 30 tninutf'll. a t ltw R•"fl. '~""' "·urkmom llntl" , hubby. t 'rnnkhn, ab...ent frum h1:. gardt•n. '01•-·*-.a ~ ___. a.ADUCO 1100• ua .... ~ • .-.....,omHn-.· The most wanted GraduatiOn .. - G_iftl ••• a Corona A f uf1 lint-of all the-Jl('W Corona sinlblf-to~ ow now for that ~atl'St-of-all Grad· uation Gift! If you •·ant to buy on convenimt tf'rms . as Jo-• ft!l $1 a •wk. ••hy not START PA\,NC: ~0\\' ••• t"PM"n"f' thfo A"Mr1 model you •-ant. · ~·-'T" ' R •. -4. 11£R.V.4.\ Tl'PEff'HITER Ul . 110 Wrto~ Fnurth Phnnr 713 SIM'S SEA F-CAFE . FrettyChiltlren n .... ,..,. '""'"*' y<llll' rhlhl,....ll ,;,.... til· tf"m~ Md ...-u • ._ •l_...n ''''•l•u•r TtLIIlldtJe l OfftOtlf"'on Uf'*\1t&nf thf'&r Uf a c~na of hal&.n('9--c"au~h.c tr;\\f' n'\u.,.a f"f d luJn...--.. H.fl1t,.nt Uue wUII .... ,,.,.,... a4u·. ·---'*'•· t nr ,, ... ~ .. \ .4\ ,,._ ....... N••••r.lll"'• btl• hr._. n ,,h ... ""f'"'"r"'ly • '*'41U a.n Alt1 In "'ll••ttl~l\n•l l'M'\f'f"'11114 •rr\\f"l rnu.,.•·:• h•""n''''"•'l1•1f"tt f•tt ••lull~ an•t rhH lr.•n "t1••n traY• we IH' ... ' P ;\111 ton.•. ,~;f'~~~;.~·~.l~,~r,'~,f~~; ~~~kr.~ ; , •• <i:• ""'" ,.,...,..,. 1. Beer, Wines aDd Liquor for Sale at SAM'S FISH ATIA~"TIC (-o"I'T LOR!\1T.R D1SSER 11.50 TrllTl.E !IITF.Ak lliSSF.R I I.M DF.UC \CJT-~ Ut' THF. IU:F.I' !-'t:A F-LMII..&a~ta l'n'l!paa.> • .lumhn ~Jft Slw-11 Craba G•,....a G-Tur1ho ~lt>all · • .I umbo' •• ..,,. IA'C• O,..ten -tllw Half li'lw-11 I.A)tKt4"N · !llbrimpa .... All OthH IUftd• of 1'\c-1 t "I'Od• a--.. 5h DtniiM'MI Mlr -7~ -11.00 STE.UIED CLAMS ... .·MARKET SEE 1'0tJ'Il SF.A FOOD 8\\1~ ,.._ L B .... ·'7t or Mt ... fw "-"aUou . ' ()pee UD ! A. M. • L / •, A HEARTY dinner, or mid- night lunch, a little too much smoking, perhaps a cocktail or two-great fun to- night; a misenble letdown, ht'adachey feeling tomorrow mom~ng. You ~opl• who ocruionally at- C..nd a party and •nloy &ood f•l· lo•nh•P •nd &ood food. olt~n ~ ne-xt d~y for lh• fun you had. Why dl'n'l you try Alk•-S.IUM f...r lhAt ":lt.-rn•n• ACtrr" ff'rhn&' Al'<,•·S..Itur !. Oflr m.dir.nr ~ ful 1n thr rrhf'f of many mu\Of • a1lmrnt. bf'~A\1~ Alk• • S.ltur • C'\'nlhlnrJ,. rrh~bl .. ~n.•li't'«r rain· u-1, •·rr ".;h buH~•f'J alkal111nt ~hs • T ry 11 ,.hr nr•·n ~.-u hAi r llf'~d­ arhf'. Arid lnolltr•llnn, fnld S) mp· fnm•. :qn<rulor t'atlrur. Nf'unl(la. ;\luuw!_ar l'ain•. Alka-~lurr Is non.Laxatl •·• and pleasant ID lAlit!. Your druq ut sr:t~ AlkA·S4'11'f'r by ltJ. llaM II h1s •·"'' fountaon •nd ln "'n· , . •·~n•rnt packasu Cor homr '' '·. tJW'9' Wh ,-ftOt 1'H • pac k111 lht! fl<'lt I timt! )'OU ur In a drua storr 811 Wu11 -Try A I ka · S e It 1 . P r 1 . .. i\f,.... l~ord11n ,\Jmond will t•ntrr· fr.tn M (l A C1ub nwmlx>n.. Tu~><:­ day. Food Prices .. ,and PrOfits A State~ncizt of Safcwtl)' ·Policy Consumer~ may assist ma!erial~y in preventing unwar- ranted price increases by continuinil their purchases on a nor- rn..al scale. There;are adequate supplies of food stuffs for ~very A~erican. Hysterical buying which strips retail and wl,lole- -sale stocks creates artificial scarcity,which pushes prices to abnorinallevels. Machinery exists. within the government to control pro- du<;tion, stora~e and release of coinmpdltics, impor.ts, exports, quotas and prices-if it shou1d ·become necessa·ry to employ .. these methods to p~otcct the econom1c w<:;lfare of the country. Safe'YaY further pled~es complete cooperation \\'ith· the governmental a~encies and \\'ith farmer producers in all ef- forts to stabilize prices: discoura1!e profiteering; and maintain • orderly facilities for food distribution . s~rBWA1' I F.ut tilde Newport Bini.. Coda.._ --a. l08 tMt lA!at...a. ~ -' / 'I ' ~ . ...,. __ _ !'I:E\\'PORT 13AI.HOA !'I:J:.\\'S-TIM~. NtlW))Of1 8eM:tl. OaJ1to~. nlt.RSDA\'. MAY 1. 19o41. ---------------------------r----------~--~-------------~ . -·---·------------~ ------~~----~~------r---------------------------------~----~------~~----~---- euiiLIC NoTacu IT 1 (I : •f MtHugh, Venetian ., • NMIL'I: :. I -<;>· . -a~SSI y_ Blind Dealer I.n . ~OTICE or L~Tt:ST~S TO R . t: f', Boomer Building ~:~r: ·~w.~~ ~;: es -0 men ~ .. ~~~-.~:",~:.gh~.~~~:~.c;.t1 1~·~·n:·~.::; 'St:\\'PpltT ftF..\+'H. ftJUS<iP: F -D ft t·inhl t ·••lll\>'lny 11 t hr Ita 1 ,., ,,·Ill ('Oll!liT''· CALit'ORSIA.' It .t r .. , ,..., .. ,.1 "' '" ><nno~l'lh .. a Or ra \t•l )' h 4• ,.§ U fH fUfl~ ol 1\t 1 ttf I • I'< ITICE IS JIF:RF:DY C I\'El" 1t1 tlw """n ,., llWhlln~: 111 ::•~~··1 \\ That tlu.• un11t•t'lt.:n•·d lnt•·ntl '" 1' rir.1l 1\\'••nrtt· _s ,,.,,.,,, 11nd wrll l"lrt'ul:tlo• an mlllall\o• tJuatrty plu~ ,...,.,,,, .-'" !\1. 11 11~1 ·, p(>llt 1vn In lh•· C'lly til ~•·WI'•lrt c ''''''" "' n"''"''' nr.11iln,.: "' ~· .. ~" an• I h•• ha noi',., un •·• • •·"• • t [k>adl. ()rant.:•' ("ount~. (':ollfllnuu.. 'l\h'•lltlllllll•"· ,,, '011 n ro·~:·-···n~·t 1.:>•• "' vo•nl'll.on lolonolll. ''"''"''"'• ""Ill'"'"".! lh(• Crl~ Co•urwll of th•· an lit<• an •a t.;o\•'nwd I•• s. t., •• ,,. 1<D1I 11:oo.t uro·" \Uil•l"" "''"'"'" 111111 Crty of N••wport B4'114'h ''' S••l'\11'•' 1\<.or·d 171 "";I II,,,,.""' ""'"'"'"'!I 1111 l'as.~ th•• nnhnhnt'o· ht•n·· . .tr.·tlll~ ,,~····r,.oct lh•• lut'fll• 111 rho· or· altl'r mo •ntJOn•'tl "11huu t r<~l •· ul. ·•• lo·a .. l loft) t••r tl.o) "''to alto •rnt 111n, a t t lh' ro•);lllllr '' t'o'l\ •·tl lt~<la) h~ ( 1rh I ( 'h•l k An· "to,;:<IQl\ at Wflll'h ~.ridolnr· !lit•\\ J oll'k•nn 11.1~ rn. 111111\1' IM'IIIIt111 j, r r·-All r•--lrll'll<on,. "" tt)l' r ..... :ot !'4'nlt'C! anc1 "11 11111 I ,. n "hit•h nwn •h:oll 1\;•' m :uh d lfll"' da~• .rfl [It 1~ 1111''<'11'•·11 lhon.oll•" a nol I••' d~"lfh•l h .... t'lo·· n ~t·mnH-<1 ae•'"""'rn.; ro th•• Study RezoninJt To Permif._llse Of Target Guns .. n tl •f' lr··m l h•· •I'll . h ........ r l ~ t•nltf'~ c ·o"'ml"'-~lltOf r Huh A11t•n rhr Forthwrth t•a ll :a 'P••·I.tl ' • ' •~" ~• ,.,, '" t'lt'Cih\11, Oil "hll'h , .. Uf '1•! 11\t• -.•lo .. 'll\o' ~1"\l('t• anol l'uht t' I "hi• f t( It ll••lr.:I.IIOJ'<on 1,11 rnanl'l' \<'ithr>ut alr,•r· ·n w .m..l.[Ud""'> r a·H ·..Jl..od -1.haL ~.....,. !'S,1P.J•'I1' -.Tirtll•ll nr •lf'l••r. a t run. :.hall b.· .. ubmit t~ I h ... n .. llrm.tl h•··•<l<lUOctnxr_ b a \ ,. m rnrn,; v. hy t hrn· '"'"''' bt nn\' t n a \Oil' 11r lh<' <'lt>eton. ur.:o'tl th~t tlralt boo;tnb. ,,Ito ;lll ••ll)(" httn ,,. ,, 11h•• trnJ: ~all•·n· at of lht• Cit\ of ~ •• .,. rt that tl< l""'•rhlt· t'ii t'<.mplt·lo· the. thr Hatbon ~'un ? .. •ro· hy _thf' • oh· n~ h · l)jt d :r--lllt':r•rcm .. r .• 11 m•·n an th<'1r N'Htnd l )t .. nohw n1~ht I .,.-itt.' J • Tilt' Ordlllilf1l't• .r\'ft•rn'fl Ito .ho,;ro;·..-dt~I C'~\'1• at. lht• t•:trhl""l IM ... '<Ihlt• 'Tt:r ~f'Jlht'HI 1<00 f<lf' rt·~•IIIIIJ: th~ Ul 1-; on filt• w irh rho• ('II\ Clt•rk ~dar:•· . Flon Z.•n•• ll rca In f'C'rm t tnlllllliA· of tb(' City of :-.;,.,. ••rt · O.•:ll'h. ~uti tho• ~'OOIOiuntl'lt!l"n" fi'\Jnl oilton ot tht-..... t~nl( I(MII••ry nov.· t th lh _ _." 1 1 h ~lull-h..·a~uan. n.. "\\,• an' not h"'llt.-.1 "n )lRm ~ln .. •t otn•l v.·hic h anf ~, (• u'"" n-tJ.-"ll•"i . " ••n• ~ . . f 111,. !'am(' mny bo· ~•'<'n anti n •ttd a•n ·1•.an'f! to ,.a~ v.llat tntt•ht-alll)fl,. m u11t movf' •lui' '" <'li Jllratr•m •• Staquel tp Boys . Tow:n J\t. t~e .. . . ,, -Men of 8o.)ls To~~Wn, • erw•t ...,_, to Bo)• ,Town, at.t~ Thwr:.- dll)' lit thf' N~..,port Th~.lt,.... Stw.-r Trac) Ia lht' QfT.II hum•n•t•n•n. F llthf'r Fl.lnllgiln. Mtekeat "'CMM.t•1 tk Mll~or of 8o~a Towr 'and LllrT)' Nunrf "" Ill lind h-lne IN retla:mf'od by thf' fllmOUa prlqt 0-A..wc:hf'. C'.arw-MttAndol •"d Altef' I A)O' .1~ """ Atl•'" tn ttwlr llllf'St. tiAyut nou~c..•J CO'\If'd, wTh•t NtCJhl lft .At\1" th,. t'f'\:'!!!• c.olcw product•-- -lhf' L odo K,_.. tr•~f' ,..,.. ""II hola ,.rp '" trOd~ lnf ........ tl-Pa..... ,..,_, " c:oiM c ,.,.._ ,.,..,,..,., ttt. tttll. 1,, th.-· inlt·r•'"ltod thl'n·rn "hrt'h 1 ·"'·. a rwr h•-d Lo thts ordt'r." lf'n-,. ... n •frrro·.t n·~ rnth· t n th•'. ,;:.w: oa!jnancc h-.cnti~ OUL.lol· L:n:!~ tht· fl3..'' ........ k. no 11('1>• CI~I P,lanoln,; ('flmmiiUIII"' Thwt --s.· P. Add... T.,.,A .. ,,.~· _ liiin:orr··-a\'•' .... n ,...n, oat. yo. •. , r ... • .. mmrnl o .. TW>ffi!Ay n . H .., -. "" --1-Jantlrn·e-·Tctr $NOO JlarlMti' •• :. I . • • • • • th•· ltlt'ltl '"'9rd fur ~·lint•· and that I hi' apphn tlhlll 1 ... t.h•nu:-t. ...... u I e r s Stroaml.lnors AN -UR.D.L~A~~ 0 t nn nwn haw ho"'n rrquin>d 10 fill l'lnrrn,r t hf'y ''"' nuc think it v.•oultl '-'-Scout·.nw . l."und l."or tL-_ Yoar 111£ CIT" Ot ~1-.\\I'()J'tT thu pau...ll""'' drwt quotas., includ· ~ ,Oo<t p~"'I"K I ,., c ... r r ·~ '- 1\F.M,I c R F: A T I N. (; A I~ lhl' la.st. tht· 7th call I COWICIIOlt'n p>lnll•.t nul the H d .o oast Run 1'/"l"tr.ttlun .... t .. ·tn~ rna ....... ""'" ""'' tn•lnllll, "'hlko .... ,. ... f h~\\ ~~-;~\'6('"~, ~'~:i -0 11hotoUnjt jttlllf'ry hKol ho•r>n thl'ff' ar ware lllllll•lr a ,jll\o' lo• ,111,_.. J'-41U ••II lr\'lll ,,.,.,~~ 0;,.,, ... 1, h a• fWt•ll ~t•k Hrrt''s •• J~nnlf'~ -In 20UI Celt· t ur) F n 'e etlrriftt '~~~etuN eA ..._ .. ,.,.,e..' ,..h•c h opl'na tuftfhry-... tM I •lio '·"'"''., V•rtl'"'• 011.....-. portt _. ..,..., J•nnt•• "ld\•~ Ar4eft •••.-. an ' the cemp_l_ featuN -P-.-r Oh••" Tit. Ao.--1- ••• --••tAo ........ w... ... ••n• -..-loU n.. •n• I , G:..l Ma . C!--k many yrar• IU'Id thRt lllnC'r It had " """"'" ,, •• I I ol I •• '""'' •• t ... ,.., ... ~'""'"' '" f lliiUH ... ol,l·• ••• oil• "'f \ ......... ,.: .. ,, ..... " ,.,, ~ANNF:R AND MF.TI-fOD U nners ~ to movr thf' 1'\.rn 7.onf' wnuld bP-t ~ APPO INTMF.:'I:T. PRO· for It <'It At· m ' ,,, l•':llh••r>'f1 Ill•· ~'"'"'"• "' II"' t~<•y r. th rn· ~h)' '""Ill ''"'" mil\' f!r M•y 1·1·J -~~~~~~~~~~~~~-=~--------~--~--~---lNG MEMBERS OF THE JWOI'I fum1,o 1 .. •rn~: .1 • lwko·l~ ··It•· k s. ••uh •h•nu.: llu· , ,..,11,.: )'""' p u L I("·= Ut:PAR'Oit:r-;T For "Gam" May 'l.t t.'OUid adopt !'(lfl,~ ... ""' r.orl• I··'"'"'" ..... c ....... ~,~.trnrc "'''. 1tlriJ•Rigto •rlt .... "' u ... I ,.,.m ..... """• Ul amc-mtmf'nl tn th# 7Alflln~t or•ltn· An~o:•l•·' :r1111 s .• n F t '"' .~.,. ,, '"·".I lot> N""J•-r1 thuh•r ,.:,.., utl\r 'tr•l -1\all•• A!'OD Tit F. fo,Rf: J)f:PART· Crrl M&li-ra ot tbf' Sf'Wport &nl'f' by a four·rlflh• \'Mf". lttf'n nnnt•Utl<'"' ''"''" • S• ""' llo•rd c •otnl•n-·1 ,<f r• I'"' ~~~~· UNDt,.rt C IVIL S£R-Harbur Landehtlf _.,f aqiM'ro" will F#ff'r· ttw ~~_m .. n.Jmf'nt to tbf' plan· l'tl.trlt"'< \\' Tf•Wrnklf'. ptonr..-r I Thr "'''"'"Ill; 1, ",. =--·~lllwm -n111tn·"" ,of rrtt ..,. .... ",. '"lt""'T" · meet t.lris •"nday, May 2. at t..be nan« <'Ofnm&Ur•"' ff I hat tou v.·a• Cu..ra :\l,•..a nwrchant unoJ l)t.lt•r· Padht. '"'''''"''"''"I tr.olll• ul th.>l h"n~ ,., lbf' , """"''U•h · u .. ootvora Th(' abovl' ('ntit lf'd • ordrnano•., homf' of ~ akJpp.r. Miae Clar~ n"Cnmml'ndf'd to br df'nrf'd t hrn :11,1r ., r Tt•\\'rnklt'l> llardwal"f', 1 fJUnt ou• "'"'"' ,1rut "" , 1,.111.-. no ,., , ,.,. l••·•~"•l ,. h.. ,.,,. I''"" I'"""" <'l'l'at('!; and l'!"labh~h•~ Cl\'11 St·r · ~t•awon oa thO' bay front. Balboa th# l"nunnl o>nuld A<tflpt th.-~•II ''I"'" tho• ftl"l unot .,( hb l ltw-'''I'} t.•t•·•t ""l""'•'nwnt• rn 1.-ttrno t .. r "'"'""~ •• 1,,.,, "' th .. \"WC for all offi<'f'"' ah(J mo'111h(ol"' Island. for an altf'mOOO ll'lrim a.nd amf'ndmf'nl anyh~· 11 by II tour-n•~ hurlrhn.: May 19th an~· >trmul· JMl't•'flt.:•·r ••IIIII""' ul .... •~•nltn..: ·lrl\'t' •r• J ,.. :-,a.tt .. u c:u• of tht• Fin• 0\.op.'lnnwnt a nd I hi' drn!ll.'r tift h.~ vote • "'"'",..'"''~ ·~ alh th•· l>t•·nan~:. thf' 1 to ~•11:•· 11 "·'"" 11 ,.:•·rw•r.tl l'•ml'lu• "''"' .n... llratlfofl ,.,0, h FISHING NEWS ~-... _ , .... t··- -----• .!"":. - Polrn• Dl•partmt•nr of tho· Cit) of Having piLUf'd lh~lr f irst ratinJ. To·Wtnkltt Hurlclo·" Sua>t•l) w1ll hf' Jlll.''~-~·n,.:o·r 1t1:• "' anol llo>h Allr n It•_. a" w,.,.,, ... .._. rt ..,_ ch • t th ,_. f th """ I k 1-J-·'-...,__ Are d Th . ~"'1 11 1.'""1 ('""'l"'n) '•lr' "l""'PO uo·a . E'xct'p (' .... 1(' 5 f' .,.r. arf' ... 01' II)£ ..,.r ..... ... un e umi.·r ....... ~n.·,-,hrv of D. E I Elwh. lntlll n ..... t'llln•·-1i c;u~. J~t) an·l tta'""'"'' """'"' ..... ,. r ·d .. _ -•-t1 Frida att ... , .. ,,,. ......... ,.,. ...... .,'t( ...... ," ... ~oa o sal .... -partml'nts. ,.,..,...,an Y f'rnooll tiW'y Jlatt·h and L. D r-;vrt.M.·I'l:· ,mad.• up"' 1: l 'ullm .. n '"~'I"'" J II \\""""" ""'' " J 'f'"'"' .. ___ ... p--.A p ····--•wtJI t•--.. • .. _ I . Ba' w·th Th , .... •••h ..... Nt ,., ··ttutw L .. ,., ---or ·........--.. -pra.c"""' .or ......., -mmuac y I . e 1}1•' ~~~-n··n-hop .• n ,, -·~'"'""' .. I a n•mhlniol h•• -·······I ........ "'"1:•' S..rvo• ... ,.,,., I ,. I'MIIah '" • 'ltl .. t: II l•ol'•.. • .. ,,,,.., :-.; .. ,, ... Thl' und<'r!llgnf'd bt>lio·V•· th:11 lf'~t tn••nt ,,, •. ,11 ••lht·r ,1,1,.1rt-"nt~ of car. duW'r, 1 .. 11np .m•l '"'" lt.o~:· M•·•ro• ""'' tlu,.;h ~P""""' Ju11r•~ h bl-... -~ f Ci I <>-T"· .. Fl . " "" \\ rllo ..... t .... ~ ... \ I : .. II s.. an loo I 1.' est a '"'"'"·n t 0 VI ~r-I '"" Nmf' f'\'f'DUI$ f'&llb arilwr &lb6a eet ' tht• Tt•Wr-'·lo• •I on· n •marn tht• Ia&«' <'3~ ''lu•tulwt J A ';lllll • II" hllll . VII'(' Or a 0 IC'f'l"l' 8rMr mi'mr ... •n. WI ·f'rt'p&.rf' .._y .........,.. ...,_ loofJn S f'jiO'I ;~:,.,..1••11 an•t tit•)' f II fr. _.. ... II ·-~ ......... _ In ....... .... I II ~ I,,,, . .c II. ....... l lt\ .. \ ttdtl of th~ Flrt' [){>partml'nl and Po: r.:·ll~· on board ahJp ... anotbf'r \\'l'('kl'rwi .. ~hlp 1.'\Jt.,.l!' or !\tr ,..anw M T . h \, ... ,,... r ........... nlln« lh# t'""'" ''""" I '" I .. ~-· ~ ht.·,lnj,!o·r .... , fi(o(' [){>partnwnl of lh(' Clly of t.-t. and !\tr< f"rr'<1 Ho·nnon abMnt Mr llutdl and Mr :-.lorbo·rc I esa eat er ~ul • • "" :-... ~· '" )lh It ,., I ;l'lflllh 1\:o•wport &ach. othl'r than lh~>,, f>rf'wnt ,;oal ill to havf' all mf'f!l· th•'lr kl'trh. !\toont.:I(M', ~·l'r~> M,... l'ib\'1' bo'C'n •lra'nllrnt.: thea bull<k'n A ~· •1 A•linlt ,, ... tht-ttarl•·• 1 1o•mt~ ·"''' St.u l•.ot "'" t••t:\ 10 ~t.rltl Otif•f!l of said lk>fl'trtml'nts, will bft1J pll-. Uw!r Jack Tar tM and Jll't'mclf1'" hroth•·r·rn·l:t"'' ;:lntt 1'1!1· h~nhl•a.n· do11ftrtmo•nl 11 r T t' • tfeptS \. lVI "rll ,,.. u,,,,,, ... , u ...... '!"'' ltru rv 1'"'1 •·"'"'''' 101 1 ~" A~<..:•·'-... J elliJ'lrnatl' pohtrC!l fmm tht•"f' ~ .. kx-r.-ady for a•·artla befOI'e t..be lt'r. 1.11'''' nntl !\1"' F.t!murn1 \\'tl· \\ rnkh·' f,.r '"01~ · trrn•• ;mll n ·· 1 Se • p t \\'"'" 11 l•dl" "'111 r•r"J'f''" n-: "-"' .,; 1 '""'"If' •o# t ..... Ante•·•··• ••II jlo'lrtmrnls a nti lhus ~:r.·ath tn·. Rf'lll official Cll'r'ftDOny a.nd "o.nt" ham" 0 1 S:m 01•'1:0 Ll \\'illlam.c ····nil~ C'llltl!)lt•lt'd IW);Oitatron~ It) rviCt ()S . .. .. , '" ·~lr\t'f),.~o# lilt' Allt~otn ....... 'cro·ll~ ltw <'ffldf'fi''Y <If ,.;ud n. .. to ~ h~ld hue_ May 24tb. Otlwr ~~ .;tii'tron•-rl nl th•· tT ~ Manno· pUt"<'h:t-.· that ll•·a~ortm•·nt U H k .Ill. '7,.1ofl)f", "' l.tk•· A~ partmc·nts. , ¥•rln.-r Sblpe aud Sll'a Sc-out Shipe C'nr"Jlt"' tl.'l~-· M ro \\.llliam' h:\... n .. 1h ""'n h'"'' hrul · lnn~-t •'X· 1 ,.;.anrla \',, .. ,., ,..,11 kn .. wn 'i'ftesan 00 H lw·t .. l Si.:natuf't' or raua hfi, .. t l'fl'('t~r. 11,.... Invited to · atl.II'Dd the all-day_""'' r<>t umo'(l rmm a <oJOirm rn 1•·rn·nt.,. 1n th~· lr..t•l .,f hullolt>n~ m~rahrr "' thf' 1·,..,1 ........ F:a ... Five Tmui\ {)n plaN' or rt'Sidt.'O("t', ~tn'f•t II n d -·on wblch Will t.'Uiminate In a San Frnnl'l"'fl ' I hafdwun•. 1\avrn~: ho-.•n fornwrl)' lmftiUry '"h..... fllolllh ' hiUI ff'-At ..... l'urt •tf SrVt•n numbt•r, occupation. dat{• oC s.ifitJ!·,.tance at l~ Lf'ciob Hall tbll' II'VII'G· 8usW'!II man' an tht" harbor i.~ ll"-'"ll'IBI•'Ct With 1 h (' lmpo'MAI el,n.t (tom hi• li'M<'h lntr: p<•tll)n Open•10, Day 1 llo•t~>) f(,.lof~tll'~> ''"' t••t It\ rr- ins.; il'i 85 rollows: IDe ol ~ 24th. Skippll'l' Stl..,_ Onn Kl'ftlp llrt'hill'('l o( lhl' I'M'W l llardwarl' Comp:~ny 0 r .L 0 nit I to ~ .. pt a d vU ............ IWltlt with ~ I .... 1\'lf\11 a t~klnll •nd ...., .... K. w . Gorton. 501 35th !tlnoet. and Ftnt Mate Lila Men1tt Aft Balboa vad.a C1ub-' .. I'N('I')' day IJc>adt' prior (0 I:M.>ing in cha t"' .. or I the ...... --I job brofu .... .tw IIA1Ja It .... ~- PoiiCf' Ofr~r. April 24. 1911· In charce. • in thfo wf"E'k but Sunde) ht' .is "'. the -r.Winklr Supply drpartnw-nt.l Y•ker wan --t.M duu. A L Ptalltey . .,.-,..w "'I mrr R. J. B~. 310 Montt'ro ave-. ~with ttw-,_ bulldlnc &8d 'nW' Builden . Supply drpart· o1 • tnt.rv~r ot ,_,..,_. Ill' h .. eon. &.~..-... • part, ot .U. -- nUt>. flr"t'faan, April 24. 1941. Harbor I ~ I on Sundloy MMI. Krmp and tht' nwnt o{ Tl'W~k.le'• WA.I !tl8rtf'd th~ at.atf' f'DipiO)'mf'Dl tlf'pllrt.mo.il. •Uf'cf'Mfully '·~ ttw t mort .... A.. ..... '"'m hurktlnac • nurntwor W. E . Dywon, 418 Santa Ana ~ftRI 'ho)~ RDI:N-rt J immy and Ralph undrr ttw managrnwnt of <Aclfltl' wttb h#lldquartrfll at Hun•tD«t-"""' at IMr Am--....s h)' ,.... ,., f>~~llr•"' •Rif fat, ''"' lfwo rity Avenut>, Police OUicoer. April 24. pJan• 'E':-t Past invt'tck> tht> bc,u iNo SpriQg !'hlp ll<'aly. v.·ho tx-c:'aln(' N'<'ogniied •~ rariL tumtnt; .. -tth 13 "'"'' t """' J>n\111•• ti<ac·k•. Snu!h ltruthorno 1941. 1110 r I£B dranin~t on thl'rr llloop. P"'guin. onr of thl' mo!il JlOPlllar huiltier.o ~•vc-nntf'ndrnt ll•·n ry Abram.o f"'nlllr \ •cF>~_rnl ... t '"' ltvr otf h""l •ofl l hr •ap tho-C Jttll:"" •fWTI· J. L. Upi'On. 117 Sllpphrn· Ave.-Comman..l:...rs' Meet Coodlodkrng girl!! l'('('hnrd all hant-·af't' ~ll"<rrwn rn ltw hllJ'1)clr aaid lodf)' th.Ct Ytorltt>r·,.. ~ ..... tt "" thr h r .. \ "'a'"'" ••aut .... -.hlf'h ":"' hy " n w ...... l4-r "' \ ··nttrrR nue. Ponce Officef'. April 2-a. 194L . ~ . _ ~-•r thr fore pert o1 the Can!r.--Dis1~. lll"llly watt forwd to no-toe ~ r.ruaty e-t nt1t ._,..fltH . .,._,...... ,,_ t 1.41 Iff -•-nw Sho• •a.. uut f•x Jjalnt: dM:dl"1AP J. H. Sulllmf'n;, ~ c~ I Tbe Nt'WpO('t Uarbcw Ame~ all ltw Rllho>rt ft;. c.~,.....,. of llt)lly· l ll"f' from that hu~in(•!l, btYau.w of but thai hi• ....... ,, '"''"It """ w ......... lrtt h .. r .. • •• I • m •··••v """' rflnn~o:r ttl J1fTIP'flrr . Blvd.. Police Ofh<'o·r. Apnl 24. Lr(\on .Pa.t .,.;u ID&I;'«"rate aa &D .,.-ood. rrui:"-d rounrl·al•out 1 n" 1 hr .. twalth. tluc-e-ct hv a ••hf>trlttlr t .... h#r. l1mr•t..v n -ii,.,l unlll •I ""' 1 30 1941 ,,annual f'Vf'flt t..be PUt CommaDd-• Sund.'l)' \\'1th th•• fu'!'l unll nf lh~> I'M'"' Mille Rfou1ah A\'f•nll "m ltw n rrlum,.•l h•.m" S. F. ~aylor. l :!:l Apol(tn:t. Po-. ~ref mHllnc. the lint .. of wtdcb ()UJ fnr a ~HI un th•· t•nn} d,..<.•Jl T t•\\.•nkl•• Hullflin,; fmnltnJ: on Tlwo •• II k•••""" ''' 11 • ,., •• ,,. 1i<'f' O ffiCt'r, April 24. 1941. 1•·111 ~ held 'l"ufollday. May _6tb. at "''''"' FIN-I C'ap\flrn arnt Ml"l' flat f:.'l!'l lRth st r•·•·l. tn hi', OJW'I'II'<I HARBOit POMONA "'"" •"" • 11'' ... "1 ••I b .. ouuarn. C. K. PriPSt. l203 E R;ly A'>0' thf' Lf'Jrion Hut. a.ccordrn,; to 1roman on th••rr kN(il, lntf'rlutio· !\Ia) l91h. PI'OC""' •~ ho·rn~: mali• , ... "'' "'""'"n.:~r ''' l.akr Arro.,. nut'. Police Offrn-r. April 24. 1941 A•IJulant AI Oydun&D. ac:"f""m~n""'' h\ 1 h ,. 1 r t'<lf'kt>r con thl' l"nn,.truc tllln of thf' S«'Of'lf1 STUD£N1'S APPEAR """'' ·,..,..,.,, .. lh .. '"' t lh•t It ., .. J. M· Kr nllt'dy, 2 l 111 u c ('a n 'nrf' local pollt •• ~ ill that "'P:tnlt·l~ Sh:uln~· unit •hit'h will far·· on It I f\;('w-: . . ' .... I II rlltll• ·I ..... 1 tw ..... , ...... ut Rlvd.. P.olic-4:' OffkPr. April 24. all but thnf' ot the mf'tl who are AI,..•. hn·itkrn~: ol<ll t ho• ,;ul~ ron 1••rt lll\'ol, IN MAY MASQUE '" I• '"' onro:hna( """1~~' ._ lh<> lnJ• 1941 •-· put t·ommantlf'rw l:bat havf' wrved h 1 !\t bt 11 ' .,. , .. IJ .. .,. , , ..,. _t·onkl•, •'-" '"'"'I · · lhl' put 18 yf'ar~ arf' lit ill mem-· 1 ... ,r "••'If'. · a) · .. ~~>r•· " ('OUJ •· R. S. Albri~tht . 326• .. 0 n y x . bt•f"!' n~ lhf' unit. . ~·I ~~~ c .. -.·•fl:•' sanc·h··t .... •nrftr YOUNG E~ESTRAIN Firf'man and Police. April 24. Th~ ru am t.ta 6th will be ,ont! JUniOr. 1941. arn1.n1t! :;tl •tagl'~ by thl' put On(' Wll)' to t•nlt•rtarn y ,, u r JOINS IN EK lla.rry ~<'f'. 20J:l \V. C'l'ntral ·r . "'Wl<t~ 1• to t.:•'' tl1••m '" h"IP •"~<• r-" .1 2 "" f'ommandf'rll ••ltb an atldrf'a by a. . 1 ~ .. Av~>niJI'. Poucl', Apn 4, 1.,..1. 11 ll Sa oUicf'r aa a apo·ctal •om•· r•·lun~h1n.: an•t rn~tnlhm: 1 . P. N. Prllt'ft. !f: •. '9 \\. t ••·nfral. fr~ re · • vyll '!" ...... ha .......... n n • .,. .. ~ fe ~t ur•..... '"· II \\' I ta.·nn I fall. t~ '''tH' u1d '''" ur ('&tun' " mem""'r.t Vf' """"' • · • Fii'f'man.. .Aprrl :.!.f. 19-11 "' UI'Rtf'd t" m a kf' a liJWI'ial rlfort P~wkan1 hnrl hr• lrr••nrl. :-.; W '!\tr 1101! Mr-I Ivan llull tol ~ o· w. llon('y<'ult. !\.17 ~ant a Ana 1,.. qatt.-nd b. Adjutant ll}'f'kman. \\ rllr:lnL' tnrhnt.: 11 w :r) on t h •• non., rtr:l ~tar. .1'"'''"1 w ot1l 1.11•1 Avl'nu~>. t~ll'l·man. Aprrl. 2-l. 1941. ) •looa1. 1-'IJr ~ rut.·~ ="unrla)' nn.. ttlt' :um.uul 1 .. .- Kt>nnl'lh Fnwll'r. •ItO ~an·l~"u~ 1 trw nf 1\'1'(', Jll noor n~t·l'llho'r-. S.·rranll<> rrclt• from (1 unu lo lh•· St!'N'I F i toma A n l 24 1~11 Mr ,.:tnd !\tl"l'.' H. ~. Burdick of F ,., \\' r wa• I K II R.'lnr h • ' " ' n . Jl ' · · · ~''"1•'" l l•·r~:ht ~ m• "-,..-1 1 h t• ",,..k ·''••rr· '' rnca •· 1 0 ,.. n • · IJ. L. Rnho•nt•. :t:..lfl ( tn\'X J\\'o•· rmt -nrto-tho-!r ,..wJ~· ~IM I nom an arrf'l':tll l:wtury "''ho•n •, 'J11•· Jllllmo•y l10•1)an ::!.! ~ a m nU•', FirNnan. Aprrl 25. i!\41. hi' a-•·mplct) •·d rn lht· o•nt.:rn•~·nna.: (rum tlw I~ .... S••r r:uu" I 'oumt r) R. J. Morri!'. 11-11 \\' C'••nrral hOfYW a t :!:\:l Ma~nulra li\•·nu·· d•·p.artm•·nl \\'rnt.:•••·· ""'" ronn· (1orh A Ioiii:•' h:rr'IN'<'tl•' , ..... 1 """' A\'('nu!', PolrN'm:rn' Apnl :!;), 1!\41 o~ THJS 22nd day "' April. o·rl~· v. rrh rh•· !\tnrrn•· llnnlwan• 101 rtw "•·nil .. r-tlw 1 r:ul" :ol lh•· R G \\'at~>rlw•. :\U~IIn~'< An•· A D . 1941. hf'tnt"f' m~. Sonl ~ un H:olhro:~ l•l.on•l 1\·11 P-ow·h 1),..,11 rmor·u"l) ,.,..! nil•'. l'ohl"~>man. Apnl '.j'> 19-11. )tar~v.-arth. a N04ary Publ•r in , :OJ•-tl tnr•h:•l• th.o t • '' 11Jnt.: "ho·n {\llwrt S P.uno'. :..>o.1 Clpal A\'t-and fur•l'llitl Ctounh· and ~latf'. )lr an•l )tn• ~: \\' T"·Jif. kl'. •!: J••rtr"n "' lh•• • luh••••nl ,.h•·ro· ~ . .Aprfl"Zr, 191U -PtitiOW....,. ·~ ~ fl.l -M-r ul St. ~ ~._....,.. &N tw· -"--'-'fj!U~ l' .. UJo;hl un lut• · Rymn F~>nl••y. 411 San ll<•m ;•r· C'hristl~r 11n d H u,;r MM' 'RnMir~ ~<layrn~e rn thf' II \\' l..an•' Apa.rt· n~ "'"''' rriTr:wt~l•:it ... mran• lh•• drno SI!'N'I, ln•uran('o• R ro k ... r. knt,.'ll to mf'. to ~ thf' J'f'riJOOJI mf'nl!l thr11 V.'f'f'k lrn· ''''"' rharr•rnt.: ""'' w:oll Aprrl 27. 19-11 , whQK n~tmu arf' l'lllbernb«< to Onnald K. Kdly . :.::.! 5 :..'Cith t!... wtthln lnstrunwnt. and ac·. Srrt'f'l. L'nr•mpln~Ni. A p r rl Z7. knnwlf'<J,;ro to mil' that thry ne. 1!\41. tlll rd th .. Mmf". • Rus."f'll E. Cra1g. 11-7 Sapphire JS WITSF:S~ WIIF:REOF. S•r ·~·l. P ohc·•· t l(fw•·r Apnl :.111. havt' ht"r,unto ~'"t m y hand and l<l \1. afftltf'd my ol!h 1~1 M&l lhf' tlay Lila '-t••rrrtt, :,t'l! Srm Tlr•m:or· and )'t':lr m this < f'rtJfic&tll' flnrt rtrnn St ro·l'l. S ••f'l't'l ill'}. April :.111. at,.•\'" wrilt ~n. 1!111. :'\:OHA S !\I AHGWAr.TII. .\lr«, \'. F (;r;o,-.· :l-'1 ,\1\ rr:HI" :-.; .. tarv· f>uloli. an anol f••r !031•1 Sln'<·l . Jloll~o·\\lf•·, ,\,,rrl :.'1( 1~!11 r·ountv · ; 1'1:1rl)·. F. Rut,.,. 1'.'0 A1••l••n:o 1'1111 Al'rfl :!2 ~~ ::!9. ~l ay 1!141 .\\•·nrtt·. r-;:o\\ I•·IH•d. Al •ld -'l" Jf•ll ' l·:·.,·t \\' l f:t U :.'11 :.' llf·c•·on 1-'roor Tl.orlwr. A1ml :1o l!IIJ Po l1· !\lay I. 1'•.11 CERTIFICATE OF edSINESS FICTITIOUS FIRM NAME THF. 1-:'l:f'F:H!"Ir.~t-:n •I •1 f',. hPrf'hy t•rrtrfy thaJ t hPy arr rnn. .Su•·tm~ 11 rf'lthrl lowOin··~~~ at 2H lllnrlnr Avr U."lllll'la ll'l"n'L C'11tf. 1 ft•mtll. untl~r th" fa• tttt .. ull r.nn nam.-Or Thr llll:tn.Srn• llnol th11 I'&HI trrm "' , nmp•'-~~•1 .,f thr fnJ. lo" '"'l pl'rFI•nl' wh"~ n1mf'• ano.l a.tttr""!O"~ tH!' :ua fnllc.""·•· tn·'ll<'ll · Harold F.. Chrr!itlf'r. 21t',., Ony-x A\'f'nUf', BaltJOil IIIII r rl. C'~<llfumta Hugh :\k C. Rn~rf'. 10-;' Jadf' A\'rnu•' .. '-, .- , .. ~ . . : • . t' .,,, . ~ . Tb-• I I .& f"t·• f '' • b ..... '" l. .. •• ~ - ... .. ' -• f ' • ,., ll " \ •· ~· : .-. . • t~· •• '\ ... • , .• ,. c:.. II r'"l•of"' 1 t i ~ • .,..... ....... , ~~ "'" t ru. .. •• '" ... <~1•' • • •bat ,.r ... t • •• • tl• t JV'• t' ll,.a"•:. 1\~·~ • Jt"•••l I o ( (' ..... , ..... . •t-'"'11 ... t• ,.... I.Z" ... . u n • 'J t t, r-,,. ...... •- t:a•t lrl ..,, ••• ,. '·· • ~ • d tt~ .,~, • ..,.,. ••·n • · ._. · ... • , • .,,. ~ ' J ,..l. . ..,.. . ,. • . . a.. L,.. r~" .... ,. .. • l ,. e-ta. b,., at:.. •" d ~:-·u~ t:• :~~ ~~ •;:; ;:~ ... r ~!'"' . _o ~RAS(iE COUNTY'S '710: I'I~A('t: TU (60" .... "'"'· ltlt..\TIII\~ $ "' T......, ..... -... "Super-l'ay-1\l.o'' • .. ,. ........... , ,u...... ' IT .. ,,., ,., , .. \\ ' WEST COAST ",. t 1 An .. Pho"'• t•..a 14 w to T L"''-·~·; • J~mf'' t:,t•• .. •t -Jt.Jd~ ~ ol •t Hf'dJ' \ ,,.,..,. • -. L.l• ~t r v-,..,.,. ,.,. lll r,t [I 0 C,ltll ·· ~ItO "' I." l ' ,., ,,., ' C t A 0 I>'£ .... I 1: l l ' , ,.,,, W.-t1.,~ (J •; tNlfiJ 1• l. 'to;r• "'" 0 V t\lt A U l ••'ll ........ ,,., MA ".IL 1 ~N WO ~A·. ''o o,,., f1 ,.,,. ' Jo.~tf'\ 0 ond•ll ,,.. ··.• .. WtJ-(. FOX t 'l I.I.F.Kl Cl"' fH[ 0£VII '"""0 ......... Jl)"-£!>' .alto POWL" 01¥~'' .. ., ~ ' 'Y V • t I "-"'-IJ• flll_X.C,. \' · • ' ' r ll'. , r A\. '·. ,. ' . ·.~ . , ' T .-..,. ' '"'"' r ... ' '•, ,, n A Y"'' l.l. I f. • (0 ---ANAHEIM I Broadway .... ... r. ,.,. tfl M o uJ •1 F o~•" C.Arto''• '.,.£f'T JOII ,_, ODE" --..· h Guy c Ol)«"f & e .,.14; .. '-.tollf)WII)' .. .-.o I )Y ·~ 0f)vnLF Dl'lr" .... , ' ,,. , .. ,., . ., tu"11 "'~Y' Or..Q.u t -~,,..,, .. •,uj n ... ., WA;t0"'4.._ t"'l t I' 1 (,,, •'111"1 J ttti)' (" t• I •-" ft I '•''''h) on ' .... , ••f')f If# -...•,. ... .. l •,d• 1'·"''0". w t 'ot M,., l , .... ~ ... C.•<T ... 1<10 _.,,,., ,. ~ • .... or .. • '\ f 'l' C..v " to W•, ~M ., • 7J II ,.fl f() I AN/t fl ,."' '~R fll'\fPtf Jc •t t tf ' .. ,,... r ., "-111 t ,., ,.,. Ill ~ •n '''" "' ...... ,. h ( ·." ,,. -.... ,. f* ,,.,.,. f,, r,•• f t. t AO£ I 1100 """"•>- lfJ C..'-tl:.", ·~ .......... ···~ If ~ ••• \II'"" 'ntnr-wtay 'O i. "·•·l ""'0 t~ T(.,/("-, ''•f " ~ , •• ~ I '''J , '¥' ,~ 4 '•. (r;tAJ AO'r-a( _. v~ r• ... l l ~ nr P#>l.O A.O" 1\ •' • d t; .j • ct "'T ... .., -t •t I till .1 t 7 A r,d ~ ~ t\fH't.~ 15c !\ .. rrinn l fink ~' •·I ''11 \\' r tro'••n .-,.. .. ,, rn· ''"' 1• ,, 1 llo·.t~11 ''"" Fr:lllt'" ,.-,.,, h tol 't II II ,,, I ltr In ('un ona •1"1 \t.or "Ill •1 •1•·:11 1'1 "ll,.lo•fti:Otlllllttl' lh•• 1'•11 \l.1~ !\tA!IqUf', to &..• 1''''"'111•·<1 "" lh• l'••nvonn C 'oll•·t.:" n 11np1r• ,,,,· 'I on ronjlll'll'lton '''''' II • ''"''·" \\'nrn•·n·, f)a~ :\11" llrnkl··~ ,,,.,j \It • l 1111 h frl·,hm:tn nt ,.,.,u .. u, • ·.,u. t'• .u ··a,l IJ' a \\ .,,, ''"'' ,, !-1•11 ,, ··I ttu• Voknnh. r•••t• .. ·t I' • l) Erma Orr. A warded ~itizenship J,in ""t.!'l 1• ~.,..uh~l ~ 1\h :t ).!u·~t • tliJ• I •1"1' "'" t.y " norr.·,.. nt.oll\ • fr•1m lh•·· naucht,.n• ••f tlo• Aroll'r•• "" lt .. v<olutlon u/ lltlll rh..trt• t nt .. n OPERATlNG AREAS OF EDISON CO. CLOSED . ' AS PRECAUTION • 'I• r •'t"S' ••rt .,, •• r lh• ~ .. ,,.,_. • f fl ( • dtfql fltot I •lf..,.•fl f *t•rltJ-.tft\ "'-tit J lin '-1• fl • •, tfi••H tl F••t• 1 t1 f\ I ... I ft f '"'"' tJ Itt t't hi f of I ,..., ••• I;• • I ··~ i ., ·•· t ttf I t·, •• oft.d ..... I." I " '~ "'"H"' ,,. ~ ......... ,,, ,,., lflf tfi 0 ft f I I It fill \ of \t " ~~ft .. If , ,,,. ' ...... ' t ttf fl I .... ..... h •• ••• ,,~ ,,, •••• t•r~ltttf • l •fi•ftli ~,.'"''·' th•e l\t,•l 't••l ,1·n· ,,,,,,,, ,, .~,,,h ~·••••'"''' ... ' ..... t I <I ,,, I "'' •• H I ••• , th• I''''~-" .I , .. ,.,,., ... u HI '•· ·'I ,, .tt.•l ...... , ... , ..... ,, '''nlt•ly h•·ltl At ••rt•l:t v rt • r]lul-.: 1,.. ,,, ,1 ... ''''"' ,1 1 •. , , , 1 thd ,.;,·rrv y•·ar the~ I Htu)!t•l• '" "' ,,, ''" 1,, '• 1 •.tl "" •t.u. th• f••t tr • Atn"r ''an H •·\ ''''' l••fii "'I"'""''' , 1 ~ ·' , 11 ,, t , f1 .,f,1 •. , t of f Uf\1Pfl\ tO \\ tUf h h ' t f'.t I I!Jt •): tl ,, 1 n 0 ,,,,,,,.'II tl 'tll.tftl ttJ • I l r•·U •vf'r)· .-t:tt• tu t tu llfll '"• t• 11,,,i,, l •f•t "' t '•h ,. t hre·• •Ju\ ,.,,.,,, ,. .... r.a,: "' I 11• I•• \\'""hln.:t"" I• •' Tho •.. ,, ,,, ,, ,,,1 t I • I,,,,., \A. ''·'' .. , ,,,, 1 "I' f r ,,,,. t ,.J, BALBOA Theatre p. I , ., I' I• I It •t , I t • • ' ,. I '"'· f • I •• ' ,.,.., .~... !i·-. ,., ...... '. '' w,._,.,_, ! .... , a~u• t •'. 4 ht .. h r n I,., l hu•vl.•, r <~d • ;. !>o~tu• tt .. y \IIC 1\t.\ f(UU"t:\' "SI't:~('t:IC TICt\('\' In ··~1E~ OF nov·s TC)W~" eJt,r~,... ~'-! p~ ..,.._. ~H" .. MF ... a m• !•r rw tl .u ~ •• •"'a •Of).c! ... '• a clat .. tllu s .-ft • ...,.,.., !.-. f4~ra(•, .. .,..n A •• , .. ..,. W"14h""• • J • • .. .. l • • .•• , • • .. I (• t ,.,, , 0 ~( rtov lil~O ,..,,r~,..l .,..... AD)' .DtrM! . -"'I") W/II«;HtNC.TON . 0 C." BalboA b la rd. C"alltom la W1tnu• nur ha.nols th~A :.OZT11I day qf Aprrl. 1~41 HARO LII F: ('tiRI~LF:R Hl'CH Mr <.' ROs;RtRE. Ptlltf' of Cllllfomta )a County of~ I . .. ... ----------------~~··~--BC.O!( Ni~Lt f EVERY FRIDAY! .... \'' \ ,, ' t'UX P'l'l I F.KTO'II FHX ANAttF..IM • • ' ... ,..,. • 1 H ': r LOS ANGELES M•'r,..,,., Mouv tn "THE WINDOW CLE/IINEA!t- N-1 Nut -"li[GF'ELD GUilL"·· \'rl.rnt.: I••• 1 o• " t .... h i\ •· ''' "' ''''" ''"' ........ l•of' ~~ mr•.,ll•·· "' ~~ •> '"'" -•· rh• Jlt•m• 111111: ,',f . Ill< '"'' \ rkmr.: St'll~<tt· l~tJitt h) l•otl I'• •lo 1 ... ,., .tnt I hr• '"''"' Ar <'hr/llOI; Ito J ~tfl •I fo 'lll lttiJIW fllnC ,. oil t. •till-'• •I "''''" 'rho• ""'""' • .,., I"• ~l•lo nl .,f I 'nn,•olro.lalo~l All • roth tn ~" n lloo•Jol" ""l'lolytn~ • '"'"'J••r.:rw• fur tlw• • hn•l•·nrn.: IEWPORT - Theatre ~-...... ..._._ ...... ...... ............ . ... ..._ •a.-. t';n'ry ,.. ...... y ... ~ ......... ".... lr. ,.,..._ · Ur -IU A r •. -... ,. ,,. ........ .... ' a_,,, ••r I I I I •r•"•• •• , •• .. -.. M .. ;N o•· UUYS' TOWN" ··-..... , ., .. , ...... ••••• ... , ..... ,. ......... ~ ••1 NVISIBt..•: WO~IAN" ·-........ "~·· .. ' ........ ,. .. _,., ..... • ••urt .. a ... ... '''" .&.-r ••• ,. ''' ft •·• ••• u ' '' •••• ,, .... •t•N\IU• '"''' ,, .. , lt.\f'ir. .. UA :\C ;t;IU H 'S ( :""1-:" . • "'ilv ·-··--.......... ... _ . •····· ....... ...... ,, \Ht•< •... " .. .,, .. ,, ... ·~ "~lAS Wtto LUST III~ISI-:I.F .. · , ..... ,. ',, 411.,, .. ... ,,,, ,. ... ,,. -...... -. ...... • c ........ "II[GFEL D Gl"l "' ALIO •Information Plnae' c.~ ..._ ~ --.T-.. , ..... h't teirri~at lc't human! h 't difr~rflU! A LID Kl( 'II AKU A fiLI;N lt:AN I'AKIU:R I• tu wur. "'"' ... , •• lO'.rU I.U"' • ~ llltml • \(~011 ll_,. ..... -(It,,..., ... ~,., ... ,., ~ .. J,. •.. ,.,,~~Ill(.;~ ~LSO CA$11 ~H;IIT $t:..uu nr $5.nu ---.~NO --- .,,\('k IIUI.T ln. "•·u~itive · ... rom A Pri!40n (~" Comtnt "P£NNY I~"'ENAD~" ,. ·" .... · :- .. News Of Th~ Churches Oliff LADV OF MT. CARM'I-CATH~IC CHURCH Rev. e. J. ifU'Yt. Prial ... Par~ipa~ -· Metthants and CHRI.T CHttftew-.v _THe I£A l Rev. E. D. GQNell, aaater. ·-· 'Hundiyo··-sc~~-~ '111. • lfa.H ., ...... Ill. -~~··'~!!:...,::;::,. ___ ~---· REGISTRATIOIS lOW BEING RECEIVED PRIZE LIST • --"\ E.<."tw; Hardwa,re, Paint and Plumbing, Co. 220Ci eo..t Blvd .. S~IA-port B~;arh .,. Fi,. Delt.rs In Mcrdlandl• Aa Selected a y•Winner Sunday Morn1ng Wonhlp. 11 :o'clock Spec1al mua1c Cboir &II· SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTI tbem and lf'rtnon. se,·t-nth IJay Adv~ntltt Cburcb I tllgh School and Intermediate Coat& llt-11& To A·nKnd Hall Uaruu. 6:30 p. m. ISatunJay mor ning. Sabbath Scbool Even ln&: W ont1ip. 7:30 p. {D 1 " 9 30 a. m. QuartE>t mus1c a~1d sermon. J>n>aclunt; Strvll'e, II L m. Mid-Week Praytor Service. Wed-) --- ! FULL GOSPEL CHURCH 11 1 1-:ut Ct>ntral A\'e~ AT THE neday : _r<n:i'~-dlah d-inner, 6;20. I F'fRST C HURC H OF CHRIIT SCIENTIST 1'\t>wport 8f'acb ..,,_~~::;e;~~;;c~!!1m~~~~C~o~·------. ..,..~--~C~o~r~n~~e;r~o~f~2~2~;n:d~a~n!d Elden sta., A branrh uf ·rb ... l.t uther Cburdl. -~-----·---• lfornl11 ~I· T~· Cb~n-b ~rut. ' ne\'. M. c. Cronic. putor I &-lent at. In li<••ton.. aa. -'• --. . News.·Tirites·office • 2208 W. Central Avenue, r-;ewport Beach Ten Delt.rs Cull, Fl"t Prb:e Twe ~a.~ aiMI FH'ty Ceftt.a In BNt R•dea, lec:ond Prize -·-lnonae \'incent's.. Balboa Pha.rmacy -~ 116 E.-Central An nuf', B&Jbo& kvcn Deltars .;., F1fty c;c.;._ In Mei"Cttandlee .. 0 . M. Campbl>U's ~ Front Market 2110 ~ Froot. llf~·port Beach F i-Delt.rs In Merd\ancHee __..._BR THE HARBOR AREA -f- ·" Betty's Beauty Shop Balboa lDD AK&ck.' Shop No. 3 -~-Dillar"iiii~Tift1'"Citif ~ PerminenfWave .Business ·Men's ' . F-LOWER SHOW May lQ and 11. \ , ·. .. ~. ' Ida Naylor's Beach Togs 20t Jlar1D4' AvtDIW, Balbo& Jaland lcVCft Dellar a...t Ninety Five Cent Slack Suit 701 Eut Central ~veau.., Balbo& ae-O.U..ra aM Flfty Ceata Jn MerdlancflM Robert Allen's Balboo l.sland Varie-ty Store ns lllarbw Afttlue. Balboa laland S100 In llcrc:haiMHM. Firat Prize IZ-00 111 llcf'lC~, lecond Priu .. Open T 0 All ·Flower Lovers . -. RU~ OF THIS SHOW 1. ftY ~ lboW, ~ bJ 11M Newa-n-.; and tala ltanor Ana ........ .... lba1l be bdd u. llw ~ ~ ud OMe• -llay 10 and 11. .. AJI ........ ... .. ......1?'5U ol eWiiH s.llloa ~ ._, ~ 4W ~· M..,..t -..cia I. AI ~ al.lllt be m.ack at 11ae N..,._,_ Oftlce on or bl!on &:00 P. 11.. Fr*.)'. llay t . lMl. •· AD ~ llerclaulle wlD f\lrnllll ctt.,.aay ..,.ee ud ~ for ah!btton: but no llerdLull · -Tlw ,._.,_ 111&11. :t.n UIJ way. be FNpOIWible t<w ~ or cluDqe to ID&U rlal&. n owers or coatatrwn. G. All eahlblle muM be placed by u!UbUor bJ 10 00 A.. M. &aturclay. Yay fo. ltNl. and must be til eae. tainers f~ by ~ nhlbotor. 6. All rqtlllraUoa bi&DJla will be fumlatwd by Ttle Newa·1'1-• free of cbarc• and no exblb,tor may plac• more lbaa cme ctwplay tn any one atorf' or offkf'. Other m.paayw 1.n othn etore~~ at eettrllon of f'llhlbotot" may be lll&de by each ellhlbttor ao IMI u nnf' d l$a y II pl~ed In •tore lf'IKtf'd by The-Nt'WI·Timt>a. 1 21''· evn. rt>rtetrallon muet be made for eac-h die a)' In racb etor•. 7. Ttlt N-a-'ndln IJtlall appntnt th,_ jltdJff'l from out of the city. If Jllll*lblt>, and the deci.alooa nl tht>t~e Judi•• ahall be nn•l and binding upon all nl\lbtt on . ll. 'nlere &hall be but onc< d&NOiflraUon ol F1l'Wf'rl In UIUI abow: nam. rly, CUT FLOWERS. An)' Oowf'rs and ac~aaorlea may be uM'd but the baakf't ...,r ~·I m&IJit conta.ln not le• U\an •Ia varit>Ur • of no ... ·rrs R•--• WfU ~ perd'ilttf'<l ')"!tty ~ br l'n!t'f'd nn -(f\6&1- lty o1 no-..·t>ra and ftn y polnu acort'd on arun.:t>mf'nt. Gref'llf'ry allow~. I . All nowen f'llhlbltf'd must be ama~1n lfl'nwtl but do nnt n«~ly havt> '" be from tM ~ar•lf'n of tht> E~~:hlbltor 10. Pnlftl, u atww1a ••-Jaem,.jn &bii...Aol .-m # ~.,~. ~by the pattl~ -Bnlltnn.a and ~~-al Mf'n nr thf' Harbor Ar""" ,.. q uh'kly AJO Ju•l~:•nl! u• completf'(! All r rlr111 m ull1 br ciRim.-ol by th" wmnrr,. by :<~·OO t' M Monday. lolsy 1:!. 1!141 Jl. C'Ompt'lltlnn for prl7.f'l' l'hMII llf' only -fnr t hf' pn 7f' or prb:.-~t (lfr•·rf'\1 by t h,. Mf\n hMt m "h•""· prar,. nr bualn«'MI th•• tiii'Jli"Y" ar .. -madt• '12 All prlr.o• lll'tll 11hall h_.'ht>hl "~"'" h~· Thn !"""II· Tm:f'JI 1n <lrtlrr t\lnt 1111)' t>tho r Mrr('"hnnt,. mn\' pari u·tprtt•• or to Jwrmll thr•~l' :O.h rrh•nl~t "''" J•nrlh •rl\llnlol t •• tnrn'~,... thf' t'rlz:r~t n••w l•··m~: nfr•·r···l Thf' :"••" •· Timf'll Will IIWIInl, lwl'hl1"8 :ln\' 1\thf't !lol-l•'• I 1'1'17• II 1: may t.IC'Iilr~. an lnoll\'ldllal pn.lr t•~ <'llt'h •:'lthil•lt"r nn MondAy, Mlly 12. 1SI41. ... ¥ .- WHERE EXIDB~ WILL BE HELD -.,....., .... -..... ~ ........ ,_. ~ .._.._ ... --liN Oftloea -.. , • ~ ,,. £Mil .................. ...,. ...... _ ... _.. . .....__..,._,.._.....,..w.,.._fw_ _.._ ....,.., ..... u ....... £~ .. __... ...... take ... ~ ... u.IS • ldl fwt PO ~ .. .. "'"'-.... ..-. ..__ ~ ...... n.wer ..... . ,_ fer ..... '-..;.. ... _., -"-" ... .... _.. .. _... il-uer -....._ fw aU te partid. .,.-. All U\.t .. _..., 0. ..... 1 -.t tM ,..._,.u.. ~"" •..-ari,.. cl•wtM" ifl tlua M. •...t .. fftait w ~ It .. T1w Ncwpeut ~ NEWa-TIIIEa _..._ Y.u may make aa many ~aya • y.u ..,._'-"aM)' -. dl..,lay ahall be "imtttt'CI tty udl uhlelitor Ill . . ' &fly -atore. THE JUDG~ AND THE AWARDS- n-H....,t BalbN NEVI!S-TIME$ will appoont U•rH jud.:a fM U.ia floW-er •how from out Of( the c•tr if arran~mcnta c;an be compldt'CI to aecure tt.nn. Oth~rwlw. ttlrec j udge& w 1ll tiC wcu"d from loul n-cr lovers.. A•~rda •Ill ~be mack Sa___!!.lrcby, May 10. , .. ,. and pnrn will be awankd the •1nnc" aa aoon aa JUdQlng IS c.otnpld~ tn eKh atore. All dt..,taya Wtl) "ma1n In place t.hroughout Saturday and Sunday for the ~Mo~bto<: to view .... d no charQ«' of ""Y "'"d w•ll be m.ade for tho• atlowi"CJ· HOW EXHIBITS \\'ILL BE DISPLA YEn Ttus ~aut•ful dlspl.oy of F low~" woll M m.11ck ,., each of th~ p.ort•c•pat•ng Bustn~sa H ou-or Oft•c~s .111 .at the $ArT:~ t •mc-. Thus the ent•'f' bu~o•nrss do~troct of t he Are .. ..,,11 ~ bnght~ntd a nd m_.ck' Chf't'f"l 'or th~ Ar rt•.ol of our ftrfot summtr and w f'(l. ·e-nd ~;,,,crs.. 'Pn tf'fo to {he .. mount of On~ Hundrtd Ot'll•~ h.os alre,o~d'y .b~~n cOI'Itrobutrd by t "e M ~rch~nls .tno e:;:., .. MIS M~ft .-.nd f' .. Ch of •ht>W ftrms w•ll M foun(f ..... H,ng to CJIV~ .. ,, th~ cooper .. tton P05Stble '" h~tpony ~r.; wtn tht pnre offe."t'CI •rt. thf'tr s1ol"t' E~ery c.1re w o•t b.-e•· tt-ndf'd to help and protrct )Our rahlb•l but '"' •••rr· ch .. nt co1nnot. of ·cour-w. auume .. .,, fa rther rt •pou· ••b•ltty. II ,. ONLY ONE ~IFICATION - .... ... I 'rac:.tleii ., ,.._,. "'"' ... ...... tJHa •e u CUT FLOWERI. All ,...... .... -----.._. "'' they • • # • 1111t -.rily .~ te -.e from your -• ..,..._ R-will ~ ,_nniUed ~ ..., _._. w ~l.ala may ~ -"own • ~ • <Wa vandiea ar.e uaed In each ~ Gou.lli; 7 will ._ •I~ and -· e. wilt -.e ~11ft fi"' peifl1a tor QU~I·­ My .tl ~,.. a...t flfty pointe Kored on •,:;••ment. AU COftblners and m01terl;~l _... a. furno.lled ltj, Ute uhlbltor IM.It water mil)', 011 eourw, be aeu~rc!d at all ..-. EVE_RY ~IIJITOR WILL WIN A PRIZE ~ tM ma"y pri~" sho...n '" the pnft hst "' tlus ad. The-Newport B.albo.l IIEWS-TniES •• ~ ~VMM-• ~ze to each eahtbttM. You can't low in thO. ..,_ o~nd )OU '"''" ~ doong your sh.11r~ in lbeauttf)t•no the ~tore bustn~a d1strtelt of tM a~a at .a ltm~ whrn our ftrst \I ISil · ors .. ,.. a,...,.,,.,9 All prttt' l•sts "re .11lso be•no held OPt>" to the •cry I,,;,• moment in order for othH m~rch .. nts to slqntfy tMtr tntent•on to partocipate '" tilts event ~nd et •s t onfodrntly ~ltevrd that se~eral. hu"d~d pr•res ... ,11 ~ """·lrckd. Remember the d.att>s-Ma~ tO ""d 11-and start now to pNp.llrt' ~Our do~pl.ay for thos gre.at and beaut•ful vow. J' S E T H I S H E (i I S T R ·' T I 0 X R I. A X K Jl Ef E I,. E S E\' E R Y ~···················~···········~··················' r • -_;,. • • PRIZE .. • • •• • • • • • • • • . • • • • Nt>wport Baltw>A :"1-:WS-TIMY.~. : 2208 W . <;:entral l\n •nut> :"""l"'rt IWl\l'h. C.\hf • Gentlemen: 1 dn 1rc t o plao" 11:: 'rxhil•tl m The-H~Ull> r .\r• 1\ HIIJIHl<'/111 lofen·a F1o"'t'r ~h"w to ~ htld m thr pnrth lJ'.11'n ~; :'t.•rl'l' "n lofay 10 and J 1 1!141 I hnw· c arC'fully n ·:hl .sll m l•"• ""'' .tj:r•" to abldr by Ulcm I '1\JS(• llpt't'lf k ally fiJ:"rt,. tfla· nil "''"""' ,.,... blblled by m«' "~II ho· an1"'"'!' ~r .. wn I ~a 111 all'•' • 'hili! n1y dlaplay in tht' ~t .. rC' ~l'lt't't••J to~: YNI. lmt. t;J:IY u•llk·· ••t h<'r lllllplil~ 11 In lrtOrf'l "qJ my ll<'ltctlom tf I "" ""~'"" NAl4E 'I '. ADORES~ • CITY -- .. • ,. . . . . ·······························~·· .. ···············~ .. ; ~1..\IL on BIU~(; Yot·u UEGJSTR.·\ TIO~ TO THE NEWPORT J\ BALBOA' NEWS~ TIMES 220S \\'l'3lt. ('cntral .~\,·e~ · Trlt•phone: 12 or -· Sunday School 9:~5 a. m. Surhla y S< I.•~•• at II 30 L . m. ~omlng \\'orahlp St>rvlce 11 a. m Sunday Ston ·1r•• at l l a m. \\ed- Evangellatlc Service 7:30 p. m. nuday TeehmonJal 1!H hng at 8 Tuesday. and Thuraday prayer p. m Hudong Hoom. US Ceat.ral • -r¥1ff11 7:30 p. m. · A ' e . opt>n fr o m 1 to • p. m. q.- • ct>pl S.undays A r.d h11hda)'S.. CHKI:-.TI.U St 1 •. 't'f. t'HI'IU HU . I Thl• \'t'rs~ !t\IIU l'roH·rbs. "lie that fO' l'rl'l h Ills Fin! a hall oo1 prospt'f' Lui vdlu ·o t'o~uft•sst·l h uo•~ foraaketh tlu•m s-hall l:a\1! lllt'rc,," le t he Goltl"n T•·xt' w tht> Lessuo· St>rruou OD .. EH·rlastlng r uuiJJb· ment" on !;umlR)' lo all Churcbte of C'llrl~t. Stl .. ntl~l. The 1...-sson·SPrruon locludea thla JtU&Jlle bx Jeaua from Luke: '"I po mea went up Into. the temple to pray: the on I! a PbaMs«'e. and t he other a publican. The J>barlsf'e atood and prayf'd tbue •·llh blmnlf, God. 1 thaAk thee. that I a~ oot Ill othP.r mea are, estortlonera. UD· Jusl, adulterers. or evf'n u tiJ publican. ( fa!<t t•·lc•e In the wel'k. •·~he tllhP~ of all t.hat I s;osaeM , oot lltt up ao much u b11 The pubhr 11 lOrdtaJiy mviUd to attend the ... rv1<e · and .-tbe Rnd1og Ra-~ . COSTA MESA COMMUNITY CHURCH Rev. A. C. A.llbe. Ml11....r Sunday Bible School, t .45 L -.. Worahlp Service, 11 a .m. Olalr a.otbem ·ud apKia.l mWdc. PuC«" aermoo. H~b 8CboOl Le~ea. 41:30 p. m. ~nolnc W~lp. Sane SeniCe. Putor'a aermon. Hlgb Scbool fel- lowahlp followlnl •rv~. )dld·Weck P rayu Service, Weof. nelday; 7 :30 p. m. · Sunday mo1 nlng. I')'"" unto beaven, but 11110te UJ)OI) FIRST FOURSQUARE CHURCH hi" br ... ast. aa)·lng. God be merelrul OF COITA MEIA to me a 10lnoer. I 1ell )'OU, this mao "••nc do" n to bls house Justlrlt'd . (Church of Ute Hlehway) r11t hPr than th~> olhPr: for P\'l'ry one Rev. G. 41flllard lteanta. P_._ that u altr tb htmnlt ahall be I MM l~nta. C.P..._ ab:I•P<f: and hi' that humbletb blm· PMne 1771·.1 Bl'lf ~hall be enltt'd." Friday. i :30 .p. m.. Wonbip l'ass.afi;P8 !rom "Scle~ u ut Service . Rev Mae suan.-la JIPahll •Hh J\,.y to the Scrlpluree" cba e by ~lary llak••r Eddy at.ate: "DII:ld· 1"1 · n•'6S an..t s.-lf.riKhtt"Quant-sa clloc Sunday School. •:30 L m.. fn~t to Iniquity Whm t ht' f'u.bll· 1 •orwoc Wonblp, . 11 o'clock; ran's .,.. all •· .. ut out to the ,rut 1 ept'Ciai mw.k . ~or • .. ,.__ h.-art of t.O\ "· It won bla bumble Cruaader ServiCe. 6 o·c&oc:lL d;.slrc>." "In the <IUI~t aanctuary of , EveaiDc EVU~elkal.lkrflce led earn~>st lon~tln~t~. we mu•t delt) ala bJ pallor. .. nd piPad 001!'" allou a .... The Tueaday. Deeper TudUJlC. ~Jast .. r·a lnJunrllon Is. that we pra) Cb~o aubject.. In ••·rret ~nd let our Uv ea allest our Tbu,.say, 10 L m.# Pnyer alnr .. rlty. I Mectlnl: Mrs. Stearn~ In cbarp. Jobs For Men "Over 40" ·to Be - Employment Week Objedive The Newport Harbor Amt'rlcan 1 &rt' brighter t.ban ever alnce Ill· Legion Poet Ia plaDDID&' to (l(}o~r-~au~•'too ol Empl~nt Weell ate In making a auccua the ob-ill 1938 due lo the demand for~­ lf'rvance -ot NaUonaJ Employment penepc~ ~Pen In MUoaal ..,_ Week. M.ay 4-10, "with ita 1'0&1 lllduetrl~•. Tbe okkr wortrer. ,...... tbe ttndlill of jobe for the "Map Ucularly the ••ran. -ay OYer Forty;• acc:oi"CClnn to Com· deiDODIIlratM reU&bWt7 and ~ mander l!:arl St.aoley. alty to bla employer aDd tiMft le Preald~nt Rooeevelt baa pt>o-no aua.tltute for uperieaec wbea clalmt d National Employment there Ia a abortace ol IIUDedl Week and Gove.roor Olaon bU tworlt:era. . dnignalt>d May 4th u Employ-Onaklll~ wolilers wiD aL-o fllld mf'nt S unday w ith churchea thru-employment lf"Condary to oatkJDal 1 b4t the 11tat~ n pKlt'd to call at· dd-u tbe ddt>o.e P"JCT8a tt:ntlon to thr problrm on that dit.y rro-..·a. Comlll&llder Stan~ pomt- ('ommanllu Stanlry point l'd out j t>d out. Ttlt> loca.l JIOl'l Ia P\actnc , tod11y that prospt>Ct.a for aolvtng emphUIII on appllcule for wortl , thr prohlPm of lht> old~r workeral who are .ovt>r forty Y«'&rl ar a~. I · !'lta.nll'y aa.Jd many emj)loyen are ralatng the "'" cetling for fill· ; SIGN PROVES 'EMBARRASING ·TO BALBOAN lploymt>nt. Oldi r oa·orkt>ra .ttould not br hlr~ to the ~trl-nt ol young men .. but there l.s a deftftlte A llalboa ma n whosl' nRJDt' wa11 AIS:n a n•l :<tuck tl nn t h•' mnrhinr place for both. he atated. nDE TABLE 3 0 ~0 4 1 2•10 4 0 3:\9 40 4.4 MAY 7•:!4 0 4 f\.3. 0 4 9 40 04 10 36 O:t ll ZJ f):! U!iO 0~ 2:52 3.1 4 :02 3.4 4 :47 3 8 5:23 4.3 5:56 4 S ~.4 6:30 2.8 1:•1 28 10:17 2 3 11:20 1.6 T h•• ~:lnl '\ Ana yuuth told ofrHt.•rs T ••l,..• rtr~ r •• ,..,1 lh •r·J-r uf •••Urr .. n·~. t h I I t h I h l.•~ht f•.:Urt~>• "' nt •1 ,,, r • .,: tf'P• ~ r& '~' s-tt , .... n uo n~ v ln l!lt ar· t~"'llll•rt.rt•• n11 •til .,, .. ..-f.:ch ant! l~tw. t .. n .. r l!I"J'J"n~ Ule Halbu:Ut'a l'ar 1 anti ~;ti•l Jw'•l use othrr lacltcs "n4'Xt tim<' ... HOTEL MANX : "': \•. ~ "" r • '-C t • A • ~ ~ ~. ' : A ;. : : & ~. ; ' AI ~.. ') -=-• • • 4 .. • • • • ' ..... ' ...... •. Hot•l Manx is Sen Frencisco's best lo- ceted Hotel. "Meet Mt at the Manx." fff Re fet from $2.00 ,;"9'•: $).00double. Si)e'c iel Femily Rates. Ho+el Clvflie, Socr~mento ..• Fa,.,o.ui COffH Sh'op •• '1\i;. cooled •• Fam~s for quatty food , . Moderate price' , •• Retfl from $1.50. Rainbow's End ... <"' tho qle ~c.r ous ~~.,tJe• R:ver, Poi •c n. Co' •cr- ,.;.,. I\ ye.tr-rou"d •f'· SO't ... Surr"TI~r t!•d w:~tcr s;::r•s ... Donc·,.,g eve•t e ven:"'9 ..• S~c t l '•< I ' t • f.c, e· • .,•r r , .. . l ''. .-... , .... . tCt'"'4t. e: r••t L 1 Hotitl s..; c.,ro. . . . e, · Le Blu • 8-a ~ of Montert -y a·~d . . worfd.famous ~ven•een . M.tc Rates fro,., $1 50. • '7 Defeat Faculty NBWS-TIMES ·-S-P-Q R ·T···s~ · , :cLAs -sl . .fiED ADVERTISING ~baD ~ bOy. out tor' t.Mball at the Meaa Grammar S;<:bool dco-, a t.-am eomprlamc facUlty • --• _ ....... 1~10 an a pra.rtan game F I S H I M· C - B A S K £ T B A L L of tba• 11thlt'tk da.sh I T FIN N I S - T R A C IC BASEBA'Ll run~~~t":;~~:~.c Dru' ck w: s·ngles' ,Deakins Scores 275; Team l ... rtn.t .. jull>dObi'Wi•n•t:~· t~~b~:~; man I • InS I I -• Rolls 1010 Pins· In Ont' (;arne the fa"ulty at gi\'IIIK II•.. "old a ''nd4'" that he• •tarted (' M l"\•ak1n' ~a\,• lt~t'lll kt'K' 171'( 1111.1 t:.: 11•11•·•1 '" 1u~ Plh••• I\\" 4 .,. .. , • .., toee •• ~ ..... 1 p· LL.. a.a tf ~ 1 &All )IC'a buo>hMII lratm .,..,u n. <.-Jitkte)-id9 "'D'thl~r .. Oralllf8 l;p> ,l.l,.!lU'!ll !u .. r W_:,;~tu·M1ay ni.&hl aam.·-. l•'l:tl.·tl ··~·· J''"' ' • <11 ~punl.m;l who•n 1n !.•n.:ul' Nlnl' · -·, IC""" "'"" N---port Grammar ~hool County Keglars · l\1 itt-hell and I>ru(•k today, Thurllday. tn M utht'r · ' t..:i'jn spu .... t h"""' •··~tn• "'·'''\"' ,,,1 eh.· r • ·1"'\lllun lw .·un~c• dt~N "tu bowl· ~ ~· llqllohl "'"'''·· 1111(1 !.:·'""' \\llh i\1 _ ..... an.t • .,..,11 r•ar ish High In Doubles Tournament DC'Itt AfunJay at Lathrl•p , , 1111: a t~<•rf,'('l ,,.,,n•. h )' :oc•nrllng Bon 111 h lui t ttt.; I·••· .'flo !\I ,, , ht,. h. til tl•'" n 1 hi' III·•Pif' lunt• f'!r Sh.u1n"" f,l 1 ;,.; :-;a.. •. ,. \\ ,.,,, (.,1 a :!7:> ~:i•m•• 161-1. l'.•ul :'\•''"'•'" lt•r Ii i "'"" Oran.:~ C<.unty t:n wnmar M.wball .... ~,. "''" l)pt'!'l ,,.,,...,..,~·. Yay bth. wllh the' ~It'll& to TI.Uitln lAndis ua n..u-hmg t h.- b&AC'be.ll thl• IOC'"IIOn ~ .acuA-..,. ,.,. s-.- ,_ P .!'! A -a& ·-..... I l,•.tklll' 1\ m••ml••f' •• , the• P«>n an~·ltnr fli:OII I" I hilt• "'"''"'! hi' C~luh to•:tm . "iis I""' lm~: a~nlnsl :n!, Kw,f.tlh•·t·'-. t'hnni'M·r,. llo• ~·Tuov· ,l .tn lito•"• '"'""II~ J,,r lh. t~l lht• hnll fnr ,..,.,.n !<lndghl K~t~•I.Hh•·• I• "" '""' ,J ,1 '•I" 'I nko•, l ... t .. r.• nll•l••rllm•• l>t•C.•II N'l ,. ... hi' lit!: It•·• I "'·" 1.. ""•'<' 1 '" h1111 ;,;.,,1 lu• "'II~ ftl01'1'tl 1(\ UIW' i~ lll' 111•· ,;.tllh' .o .,. ... ,.n;, l•:tll.an.t p11·k 1111 n !li'"'N' l11 I ht• \\ • oltlo'•tl l\ tu.;lot ,., .. ,, Th·· ,,,.·at ko•~-:lar !'truck n;:aln pt•l •ll"ll lh• I •'""" ,., . ., t'lu1;-- hHI fn'llt j:tu ne' fvjlowt•tl wtth 811 m tho· !ilh llntl tOth ltlllllt''"· thl'n h•nm "''" '"'" I"''"'' ''~"" lh•• ,.,.,.n :11111. th~n diUIAA•·•t hi" """''K I hr.•" )I ,.t nk•· ''" "" fin.t PXtMl Ktn'l ''"' 1 , 1'1111111 .. '' !ll.tt:h t 'l" 1 wtlh u :!:H fur a 6li4 lk'rt•·S fr,m• hall nrul 11n th•• .,.,'('""'!. M'CII'\'(I tul•k ""'' 1••111'-,.,, " t 1 '''" !'t'wport llarhor kt'l!ll\~ mad~ an t•Xt't'llt•nt showin,.: in thr rt'<'t'nt Or;1n~e County howlin~-: tournamt•nt wUh ( haunl'Y Orul'k, mana~er Of tht• loc:al Sput·tlund Bo" ling Allt•ys win· ning lh £> s ingles ewnt in t'OmJ)('tilion against nvarl;· t UO of \tw !.Most pi~wood bhtsters tn l.X' musterro in the• rounty. Rportlan.J'e r h1cof 11h11l a 231 on -·~RENT 'lllt' only plu. "' In 1 ht• Nt•WJMII'f llnrl•'r Ull'll w ht'"' yn•a t'llll J,:d ~ ·~ , ... lht• ( 'ur ( ;uaranh"'' < "imu• II\ nnd ~"'' tl\lr hi~ ~lc"t·tinn lit lt>11m firl't hancl alttauf lh1:-. "onclc•rful 1•l:cn TJIEOHOU·~ RUUIN S t 'nl'd • ... ,....,, u ...... ,. ~ ... pe.,, --· -- '"( (\ ,., ~ ... ,,~ u. '" ..... .. .. l.~•l t•que (lA~/ '-l tt ... t01 1"1!11"<0 I \l .._...._. '¥••n St , .. :.... """ "' ,,t W OIOOOI'"' I SQ[ ..... __ •••tt.ltlll"e. ••..c ... ....... left •..4 df".otu• •• , .... .._,..,., ... ...,.ty, •'-'tnc: ... , .. ,..._ Maclu. .. , ~~ .. qu••t••• W UI r..-t .y .... ,... t o pet.,.,.~"' ..... ,.. •. '""'-'·-"• w •n• m•••• to c.t.o.,M Wllt. t. 141&1tQI!t._A WILLIAM.ON •·•• t ., .... O ANI t.l.II ... IOT r .. ,.,.. r11 •• l ... o PQl •• C8fttr•l ~ .. ", .. •--· n \h . · .. I """0 • o ""· ~..~ ... ~.. •• . I ., .tc ' .... II 111' "-"'' •• IILU ... o,. I EMPLOYMII~ ---+-"-",,..:.r.:;."tch \\'lth hu! h~n.tto·np ••f 40 """' "'"' '"' 11 htt th111 Vt'l') n•·nrly l !n 11o ol !\1•·1"1" .111•l . .,,.,; 1!111•111• fuslii'imfarni'i1 ,.(orl'i'i~'i'tt"'"'l'l"rfblt,{"'t <:ttiln·-~ • u . ~~~~~~~~~ h "'-~~l..c J'lnK. Ito• ltf'lllt••l hy 11 f••w pm• tftf'•'" lo•n •lrtk1-... ""'' "'t•ar•• nnd ptl•llh •tl ,.,,,.,, 1111"111:11 '" llf"-t'l tht> mark st'l lhl.' f lrMt m.:ht "' thr .. ,.,.,.,.~•·!""' nn h" 1h1rlo·••nth hull j L )llll•ll 1\.o•lll•l ' lt••nll•••• to~"'" !! .. A · 'li••a••rl t '""T ra1 --"liNrl'1l ""'''tc < o -.o w.;. 4111 ••. I · -· "•"'" ""• 13 ~·~ _ w:.::.~. ~":.o":::;:·· ·~.:.::.:: • .... -1..A..k;-~L .-........ U" tlriW ...... , ... , .. non~EWJfR'£ -,.._.. ~. Nwap&ll ..... . ao•uxo Moa - ... EQUIP)IENT PIRIICI!:fll: lie Alae,._.; !er En.: Me.&at., a-. .t UeU4ey• ..... _ ,,. tOUTII~Y' by. LAfry Anth•l"f't>n. ll fur 1tw )::mrw~ lit" ,.,.rlt·~. ",t h 11 n111~ 1111••··· I'"''''~ .. _ IIIINl Ai llt UMe. ' Manufatturers • Moorings • Reatals • Sales !orm't·r rl'lllth·nt uf thu1 ('IIY -••••••••••••• .. Althuu~h falhn~ to phwt• nrnnn1: llw f lrHt t••n """" rt·•~••i\'••1! pn7•' m llflt'_\'. A. L J'mkh'y JOC'tort~l I:Jth 1\\JI uf tht' 1110 •·•>mpt•lul~· k•·~lltr~ ~a Wins A Second, Newport . A Third In founty Mi~i J)()WN Til·~ ALI..EYS •·rf'8.Jll .. r th•• huwlln~: rn•p frunt . 1-'tf:'UIIa no•at·h 1111.1 ·l lnnh nglnn l 'nMia M•·M . E lt>lllo•nlary ~khOOI I Thl' IIIII' ,.,.,. ") l'•·~l l\ M• "ll ~ '""" \atl Tl Ut•ach \11'1111 .. ,. .. , ... .,.~ In Hit' I 'lua A COOl· .,., ''"'' l'''" ..... Ill "' \'I""" " • ""' '·n .. · c 'h ... ,,,,,, TIJUJ '44) ru~o:ht r 1'\nki•'Y l!hllt 11 19:1. 1:.11 anol :!1 ~ JM'IItlnnano.l S""'l"'rt lw•u·h dra.m· Jll•lllo"" "'•I• p 1, '"·"1..' .. 1 1" .. 1···"""~ l•'"l''"'' ,,1 :-;1_,.11,,,.1 ,.,,. for a ~~ !'Hit'S A•hlong hi!' hanotl· mar ~. 111101 11 lhtrtl in th• l. ,au C I J aJ•IUh·>l' I"•YS T•·"1"'" ""'1 K•·n. h 1 ., .. 1 Ill' ll~;ht•·r )h.,. ,1 ~,,1,.h ··ap .,, 54 P'""· hf' lit nrt'•l ll t ourna·. olt\'1811\n tn the (-lr:lngf' t'ounty lkt-.lll ....... htn• ""' '4 fll'" Mt'l"l\ Ill til ' ,~,,.. •. •I I lilt'• mf'nl ttrrll'~ of ll23 1''"11 e;r,.mmar ~"""' tra•k mt'f't h•ld'et·h•••l ""''"I '"' th•· 1111:h jurup .,,,..1,. 1., ·' to •• , .. ,,t 1"'" "'·'' ,,,. J(arrl lur k dn~.tJ:N thf' f•••l81f'J'I! la"l J.'rtolfty 'l!lt · Oran~1· u lh~ w brn h~ "'"" '""' "'"''' hv •lt•11r IH•I\\•~to Jt,.1 !lf1,111,.,,·, ,,.;,_.,,• • "' Morr is C'rawll.'v. "'·hu ahw~; bowl· f'llmax l•l tht' ••t~unly l~aK\It' wa· IDJ: tht• bclr 111 ~. f•·•·t '""' 1,;, h ll .. h ''"" llw l.l .. n• 1 1 ul• ,l,•l•·n•hn..-: ,.,, an thl' JIIIIIJ:lt'll, -but tii.S nnt rt•ftrh ''"" Tfuahl<'m WM8 ""''""'\ ''"·''"'''""' 1tn111 '·''' \••Ar "'hilt• 1 thl' hiR"hf'r bral'"f'l.ll, a111rlng a :>11!1. r:anll'n C:rov•' wun thf' A . U, and t{,,,,.h lk•••ln ,.,,, 11 "''"'' nuark r .. r ,1 l lll•~· "'·" 1,.. I• 1.,.,.,.11 :-;1,,.rt lnr lutlmg haildh'ap n \h\'l!ltiiM , wr.h HunUn~ton l hr lo~r.l "' h•••l ~ 1wn lw h·nt .. ••l t:it~•l 1•r '"""' 1 ~'''"", K•'\;1:•,... I Ooublfl Hc•n.dl' wrnnlng the' C' rom,.,.tltton. 17 fl'l't In t hr l•n'"'' JJ•n•t• "'enntn~; 11n,l I'• 'I•', r.f,u k••l ~I'~'' "'"' k ' ttw 1 Rclb ~Utc·httll anti Onark l).,"·1· ~ ----IN'('OfhS P'"' •· '" lht• m•4 l J tn• ··1111~1' ••I th•• ,,, • .,,.tH) ru~·ht •••r· in~ 11.8 dO(lbll'!l p~tr1nl'rft. t"f011 ... 1 a Ht•gh Sehool l kl'dl\ WU lll!hl ho•hln" hla hro~th••r I'IHI rombint-d l!{'ol"'' or 11111 pin•. In· I wllh a lrap .. r Ill •··•·I :. •n• h•'l! I' I •t I I Athl te Thl' )ff'lll\ latll\ looiOI (hi• fl\lr•-ma'"lt l100f I" '"' i' IIIII ,(\ II I 1.: I I • l'lu•lln~e hAndiC'8JI ..••• Jllftt'l' Wf'll up e ICS I I H••\ .. 11.11 1"'1'>. ""' ,.,,. I.,, ... I ''""I 1 m that I'Vf'nt. lltn<'l' lhf' winning re •Y """"1 1'' f:ftn ,.., ,;,..,..,. hy ~·h ~,,,.. '·'""' .,., n · M~ ""'' nn•l l I I 1237 l Ra • d o t apt•ru'Jllm•trly tw" 11w hl'11, c "oott h 1 I U 11 Wll8 J1 llll • tne u lh, .ltllllt!l I 1t.lllll,.·l "''' lhll'ol k m I ,I ... rl ~ 8111 (7,,,. ...... , -J)rUI' \\'1 f('e'f' VI' r..-. p 7.f' \\ 1t\1 oot\1\ otll<' JOoirll "'f~ll':tllnl: 0 Motftoe Wa-re RCA lllocll .. " ...... ; ... ~­,., .. 0,. &M ., ... " .............. , ...... - " u ......... ,..... ~1.•..:" C ,,. I I tttf,.,t "'••t.U ' h ""'·'''"'r !\1···· , .. '' ~" <t!f 41) 60 _ :L' 1;1 l1•tc .....,.._. ""' ·, tl.tl't't·" I"""' c ·h1h Jullhtl I 11ntii1J''I l.l•ofl ( ,,, ... ltool Ill\ ''hrh f(,,t,' Mouk• I "' .. f~' 41 .ti.'l 41 .. , 43 ... fill 4:\ ftl :IH fiG W Afwti'O w.,... ... eo t.~• c•,.. .. l ••b• ,..,,_ .. , ...... " .............. ~ ..... , ......... ,~ .. . .... MISCELLANEO US ... ... --.· .-........ '" MCiel ... ,..~. ···-...... .. . .... _,...,_ e• twlf ,..,... ,.,~ .,.. .-c .. t n•••-.-, .... -•""~ ..... ~ ............. ~c... ... w ~··· .... • ...._. ~-... Calif .~, .... " c-•• ,_ -_._. J OUND-WII... ..," ,_. I• ..... _. .. ~ ... ,. ~.q-.-. ...._... ..... . .T_M .... . ~t alllk'• rar .. MrN1111f)"'11 N11vy Klt~>•,.nlll ( ,ul• Ml 41 .40 10 :n .,.. , 1 mr>nl'y. thf' anvount hu not yf'l -.--all 1hn··· IV''"'' ·n1•· 1"'""'''' •ti l ll=================c============·=-~~ IWt'll announ··ed, and lht' rtrllt Thr rain put a _di!Plpt'r on HIJ b Strikes & Spares l~ot\llhlll; Ill'•· ,,, .. ,,,,.ni l\ hko" il•·-. plaN' FJW ml'dal. · 1 Rchool a.thleJI<'I! t-hiJt wt'ek. Cuacb ,,. ",11 1h•·) It,,,,. •wt.I··•L..~··v••r· ~·····'""'' I.,Uf'·•'. K••t.:lltr' •-«-w •. . fill 40 Judi~ uf Uttn• lnlpnl'¥.-1. nut by what t hou epHit•lt ar wnt••· but by tlM 11,...... fill lby aatnd. aDd C h. I•I'YemDae•t fill ttty ,._,.IfNI an d •m.rtlolw.- l"ul14tr LBr us·BELL rr! Aa At .. -e1t _.. ...... 1' ...... , ..... " ..... lfSW&'I"'JJEEI .... u ....... PAUL !f0-.&1( 1 P lnklt•y anot Morris f'ra~lf'y, Kt'«'ll'" trat·" aquad wu 11up~ '"" u .. ,;~ ,, ... 1 lhll~· 111,11\"1 ~ tc• 'I'~ a&IL ·--I bowling togt•thf'r In thf' dooblea. to havf' ~IIOC' to thf' ltrt'a Relay• ('h1f' f.r~lfl "''' n .. ,,,,) f'lut• ....... lht• Junutr ........... M Ill kt•l f<C) 40 Cltl 40 --------...... .& ........... ~ .ran Into a w rtu of llt,lllll Md othf'r w .. dn., .. lay. but for lh.e fourtb lloy'• R.tt.ry (1luml .. ·r •l•tl •It•• """"' lrll'k tn fOnD!! of hllrd lur k thAt f rt>qut'otly timr thl• y t'ar. that evftll wu Murk~o ·\t I Ill I 1\1 Rum> Ch• 1r lllll!d l '"'tlh lint,·, M1orkr l :Dt" 2lllt ... re.wpan...... dop_a k~glar'll 11'01"1-I p41Mtpont(l bC'<'IIIJW of rain G Wrl~o:hl 44:! ·I:ICI c. Rtlt·hlt· n, .. l.tuu .... in 1\ll lrlt•lll ,, ... , '" WIG'S -II II.... IIIT.T ...._-C'oarh Wendell N ckf'n..' b&Hball B t·~ 417 :l!«l <. Shnok wm thl"t'f' ur fell.lr Jll""' and ll•k•· .... Miss C~l<> W<>!~lcott Is spPnd-team waa achedUlf'd to play EJt. C. J)ocollkm• 44:\ 417 M Ooc1rl a ~~·fenlte l••ad. w.-N" I u 1'" y to ·-• .... ,__ lng a fl'W ~ In hfor Balboa ret.ior lut Tu-s&y. but th&t R. M'orrl~ :'l4!0 506 A Whltr '""~~"~" wUh . tlil't\ po4nta acalnttt --a;..--a:;-- h<Jrnt' gt'llln~~: It t"f'ady for tM ~uad faJled to put ln an appcoar· 170 Tot !ipot the• C\Jbtl. tht'r.-tly "stain tl>l11r 1nc 6 * ...,_.._ IleA VIeW ......... ...._. ...... ft -""' I summer ~!H.~. ance 69.'\·71R·A62·?.1'7:\ K.1()-7AA·7:\!'l·1:l'.l:\ 1.... 1 11 th ft • AVTO •t7PI'LIIal a .-oaT OCJODa-· Til~ SaliM nine wu 1lalf'd to '"'m " 8 " WI H)'" HwetillctOfl 8eeda -Avto •••" '' 210 ..... k~ Ail n u W.. _.., 0. ....... 1111111-A·l .......... ()us I 1 "''ould nnt glvco on~ mnm,.nt go lll Whlttlt-r W~neaday. but th• llotl'• Mkt. ~r c· (' ' Nl">rf "'"'-k. th•· !Jon• nntt ltuy'• AVTO.OIIII..& a&P~Iai'NO -.. -r·, 1, .... · ._:_~·,,, ... ,. •l~tt .. t '" tiln~:l•· .,..,rh th•• w in· V. <>rr ., __ ....._ 1 .... Me.,._......_--_.,__ ..... of bl'av•n for all lhl' joy and ~tam .. waa r anOC'It'd bC'c•-of lhf M. Stnnl('y !i:!:l .• r(l " ""'~ .... f ..,.., ...... ...., .. ......., r-,....,...__., -II r·lwow·k 1 n•·•. ul lllltl m a l n r Jlf'l•h ahl) nv· aA ... t' ~ I r lchell of the ··orld. f'nD If It ~·n \\'l't !Vt'alhrr aiiiO put a fiatt IF:. n un:f!tnll I n 1'1!1 TIJ•Imtnc··· .... ~t '" tak·· '"' lt•lll.!\1•' I N-..nrt ··-k-. 2112 "'""---. n-.. _ -.., ........... _-.-IIU!tf'd .fol-th~ AM ,lMU• -o teftnia ~··uad other eu\.-l ~rt~ 41WI ~~~ , • -.-· -.. , ,,..~ ._., onw uru ... r-.._ 551a+ ............ ....... C• •1' WJ Oweda .. rell • • • --• • • •• -$126 1•1 00.&8'1' BIOBWAY--«·88e RAY at 8oatlt Cout ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~d~s~o~f~y~M~~~~~~·~~~~~n~~~~~f'~r~~·~h~~~r~a!~:~ '~ttr m ~ 1lK~I n~~~~~~~-~~~-. : 1 -.·..-lhn '•t "'"'11nl: tn~ ,.,.,.., ,,.,.. 1 Mary's b land Aoolruty Shap, 21a Me.-. Drrd "* t *c 111m 1 ~ -·--..:1..~ 1 ..:u•· nft••r 11''"1 "''' k' """'(' I• nar:rt.AfT. A ND KINPI.INO WOOD-. SNOOIJLES , "'=!~~::::::;::::::::::Jt\\1:\\\\\ii;ul'E::i~;;::W:::::IIo:::t:o:n::::O:ff=n-::t! '"111~'1''1 '"1 Jf W Wn~eht. Jmt Npt. IU\'4. C~a. M.-. Ueed a.a.ab«. Jill.~-__. "J,IN UAaJFA-- 11 11)•1•· IIOC !•II I( \\')lito t'A t'Urua t'oundry.J~.c.q'n& UO~PL.o.ta ..... -- Tot ~t••• I I OAI'Mti.IN F. M.a\'HT-.. , u. 71(r "lt.l:ll) ~.'t; '7 17 I•; I ~1.\li (;,.,, 1111. '0,.....1\.at(....W.. V. Orr~. 124 MrF~ Pt., Nwpt. & IJ"'" \ l'mklt ~ (; ,, """·'' I I 1\111" • t' ~llfllf' '1 '., :0\\ ,,., ClF.Nr.JIAI. ('CJNTIU(;'I'Oa--' u • .,. t·u~a t;onlun D t'lnttlay.,3410 Cout Blvd. l'tl. 402. Mcuw and ea-tnart.la& .1'<7 '-~,,,tf.,nl t .I IMBE& f '() .. PANIU-- ·~·1 1\ '''' krwtn Cuwta Mf'w l.ttr. Co "Ld ua t..lp JUU p&ea JGUr hnfne." Pholw & 11'1 II llo·•"l Jlay Ol•trk1 l..umbH Co. Photw 11!10. Cout IIJP .. J at Area. .. ,..,. .I'll< : .... , y, I l•olll•l MAaiN'r: .. rrA'IAI.TIFA- MnriM Storc•lalty Shop, 1~ C0111t lllwaJ. Suppla.tct, JloUta, Ete. NUTAat' Plllll.lf .:.-t-;"•t ·\:11 rl•••lllf'"''''' 11'· ,. .. , s,~., )( l1 K._' I ";~,).( .' 1/U 7ttl k.'t, ;'f •• ! .' \:•.! N\>rll Mrttl:w uth. XJUJ W. Orfttral Awntw . ~ 12 or 13. N...,...-t. ol'1'1c ·r; Mu rrurA-, ~ • • 11 , ,.11 "''"" 1111, ,. •• " 11, ,,, •• t ll """ r-1-purt llarbnr l"ubllahlq Co. ~:-1'2 • 13, N.wpurt o...ta ,H., • ,. '"'•" , .... , ".,.,..._,. ,,. ....... raiNTI~ci-, ,1., ,1, ,1,, ,,.111 "',,.. , .. ,,,,...f!,.r Nf!'WpiH'I Jlllf'bor · f>ubUahlnc Co. f'h<lfW'I. 12 • 13, N""'JJCWt ..-._ '""''"" '""' •l•l•• l••••lltrr ""'I a.&ntet "F.a\'IC'F..--t. • .nu-~""' .:111,1•111.,, .:• 111111, I t:.lttir.'~ II.Jtllw• llAtllo St!oJ• .. 600 F.. 1\.ay, l'h 221 For a t.11ctr Mnta "'''I """ , ar.n UTA 1 r.. tl'IJIII&&~ • 7'fO'I'~aY Pti'Bt..to--I Lrw tl WIIIIM ... 7'/('Q W . Cf'fltT&I A Vt>OIW l'twww 3. • &tiBIIF.& tnAI'II~ I Nr-,10rr lfl\rnor I'UhllltUftc OJ. J>hofww · 12 ' 11. N-.,r•rt a.dL By ('harleH w ""Y c ~u .. "T c;,...,c, ·,rr ~;"t~ w"S " T C.N ,..,r;r,r Mr.TAI. WOII&-- 1 ~t•' M-l 'lumhtna O rmp.ny. C••ta w...., Phtww 210. ~~-=*=:r1~=~~~~t;' ;;~.l..~-.. _ ....... I' -~ -_.. . tfPWJih I U&rtWJt Pdb!llldiit ~'-tt, HQwpt111 ...... I V A aJETt' "TUil£-. . . . l~lf,,.~t h lawl Va~ty Storr !Y. 10... ~ entf up. r.rtw-2111-W. \\T.I.ftiSU - Wt•lfttnac ""l"'rtly done' V. Orr~. 124 fofrf'~ rt., Nwpt.Bdt. Baiiness and Profession•~ Directory UK. KAI.1•11 O. IIUAKU l'tlt'KIC'I AS · fU'RHF.f')N UMTF.UI' A. Ttl ..... -}11 If 110 &""""'· r a ril.IMO .------------------- IIIICAM II. C111CKF.V, II.D. . -r:,. ... r~r. N'-... n,..t :t 11 S.• 'r1rtln St rr .. t 1 ll&ltwiA Inn .\,.,...,.. ......... T,.,.,, .... _ I %N ....... Aaa I 'I 1)1,. ('f,~tt~lt ICI('II1rlr.IC ... , ............. ""'' ..... c.lffw un U nci "'·r-t ..,,. . .,.,,, ....... ._. llrtUA : tO I! a . nt. A S A p . 111. t'h<•"•--orn... 1 u : tt... H·~ UK. II. r.. HT .\Ill .Ell IJF.S Tf •T· ., T•.,...._ Ni.wpnrt ... 1'4M""J' 11 ... 14ta. ........ l)r. (iurdua M. Hrundy I.Y.KOV t• .. ANDr;RSON l'ftJWistt a nd Murr"''" ATTORNr:Y AT lAW poe "WV'"' ....... ._ "_,. ... c·...crel A.,.,, et '.'l•t• ··-taM-llaalt ....... C)f""' tire.: lf11% a m : J A p.m. ....,_ tM T,.I,.Jtlt<onf' !1'7 C'<,.a. M..-c.Mf ..... l ..-----------~1 ·I UOV'M UAIUit:K MIIOP P. ~· PAR_Il_D---. Vom••·rly 111 llull,o1n l~lltntJ w .... e...Ut~r • ,.,...._ • II:IIIP..W i Nf)W .t.nra ....... at -:Jiff..! ~an Fr•lftt, Nl'WpOI't I IIWI M rt"..S&-11 .. ,_ 'ltliPMi 8wt4la Wa...,. ...,..,_ Nr11 r l"'rr f:ntr11nc-e ·• o.N Platl•c Jllf'WJ.Ort fll•f~,Ch E.,. 0 ................ I ALL WORK ·GUARANTEED ·------------~--···--·-----------~ ... ----· -·-··--·'-.. -~~---------, -.. :·--------.. ----··-:------.....,.----·-·-~--.. -··-·-....------- t ·--. , " -'\ ....... :..) , J Ni:WroRT BALBOA NE\\'S.'TDIEB. Ne .... t 8eMb. Callfomla. ~AY. MAY 1, 1941. • I CORONA DEL MAR- IlALBOA ISLAND UDO IS~ ·- ... THE WOM.AN'·S PAGE (Betty Dodge • J •• Phones 12 and 13) NEWPORT BEACH COST A. MESA. .BALBOA Mn.. 'Susan M. Rutherford Is 'San.· Diqo ~ The -Bic" EWI, p~ ... T A Man~ Actmtiea Mark I Rain Poatpone. Re-elected Ebell Club Presid.ent Ma-.aler T 0 Be SAND SIFTER . R~·· Sale Neta Pro ... m a, M... I May Day Brealdut I w ecla San Dieco 1 Former Meaa Girl" M R h rf nt r dt , M o \\' nwh:ard. 8.-P.W. Speak• $125 F~ Croup 1 Ch.ar:ch Servic, Group La .1-h -.. rd Man In Ritee Here MrL SUian ut <' o u JH•·•• •n · • "' , ll••nonn.; ,11.•~. 'Jia-•.a et--. a te Apr• s owf•rs yestt' ay ~. who hal led the Newport r• NtrdlltJ:' .;,~·r.•IIH) :\In< lll'fll')' • .. .•• n ...... --I CliU~>d lht' poslpttnt>mt'nt or tht' ae.dl Ebe1l Club thf'OUih e•·auc-\"~:~u~;hn oom .,.ponilinl: M'l'rl"ltll-> · ""'"'' 1n1: t h•·tr "'"'~"~'''' ·• n tl n•'" mt•ml.,•r to our colon)' "'hll 1\nnnunce•nwnt nr thl' sUl't't'S.' ·"· Mntlto·r·~ l)fAy lundwon w•ll l pretty May Day brt'akfas t -plan· Mlu Marcaret Klippel, rormtr ceaful 1~1 c;lub )'t'&r wu re-~to.. S \\'. IUttck~·IU'd. "U4iltur. rn••rnt .. ·r, uf ull th•· Ora ngt' Coun-1' h\ 1111: '" tht• lll'lly~r a.o.-on nf th•• annu<tl spring rum.mugo.o ht•.:m lht• monthly W S.C.S. mN-1·' nt'd for this morning by wornl'n Coela Meea Klrl and dauchter of dfoc1fd to th4' pn;Jdt•nry lhL~ ar-:\I n· ~ I \h••r•· "'"ll."llro r . :llr-. '> uu .. ut•'" 1ontl l ''"'''"!vnal \\'" .ttw IJ0"111f1"1'"· Mr and Mn. W•l· ,.,,,. ;.punAAn'<l Saturda.y by lht• 1111: Thur.o:•t:w. Mtty M. o( wnnwn nf tht· Catholic church parrish. Mra. Mae Kllp~l ot Compton, waa ternoon at the club's annual ln('t't· II. llltmo·r. t.arlianlf'ntanun. anU 0,, ,.·, (1uh•. th•• ="•'WJ•II1 J111rbor. ham Wh•••· ••nlt•rtalnt-d in tht.·•r ""'""'J)(ort l::bdl C,ub·ltnd th .. Nt>w· uf ttw> Coo.ta M• ... a Cummumty May 8 is tht' dati.' ~t•t for thl' af· wed Saturday noon. April 28. to Inc. M~ II a IT) \\ "kh t.lm"<"tur 1\ ,, 1 • 'o\ "'•II • nr•·r1 .11n ~lll'<l.l} llarl.~<•r hlan•l htJmC with a dm· l••rt ll•·1t•·h Gr~tmmar S c h u" I l'h~Jrt'h _who•n thl.:)' !if" ~-OLJ.au: to ..bc.-g~n in-.uw_ KlU'doln Roy St.uclull&ll o1 ~-nJego l.ll ,WUlnn£ cltfu-t, o( both ot· ~~ ~.ere ~11) .. ,,t"" '" th1'"1'n¢.l ~1<? A~ f+W'-f>ltl .. ~ _Sundtty n~t. SatM rT"A Yo.~(!$ rna&-today by 'M'r<. ~'lr"t:ll' t-"lVt• In lht' Stl("(UI ha ll or ' or Mrs F'rdn('(•S Cog ... n~··s honw the aanctuary ,, thP COIIta MeM ac.n and cha1rrnen. ~port• pnw· ('hrumwn. --~• 1.. ,:1,.11 I lull l~ r •. ,,,,,,ru;._; u~nd tht· wn.!'l tablto weft ttw 1-: t: . ...J,i!ludmot. l . ."bd.J wl'l(ar•· \bc . ..d\.u.(l:b. 11.0091}'<1_ m.~ ·"'• ~m Emc:{MkjL .. b•'PI"' Qn'l~w h · hotnmunll.x...Ql~ ftev. A. M. madto po!Wbl4> •"" .. uc..-a-,.. .. ful --. 11-·11· J!., '" hi•'\ ,., ....... '"' .... u... Jama•,. Guthrfc-;., o:r'a:aftiOi: Jllr-·li;urman !\lort' thai) s\25 Wll.' I hi· dii) Will bt> MVs J. R. Smith !land .• Abbe. . • year. Thlr1)'·()fll' n ,. v. fTl<•mllo 'r' ' t Ot'STY •·..s.c.&. 1,,1, urul m1o ~ •.:•·r "' th•· :' n n : t ;.~•11;•..-,.\'mltdtl, Wilham Slnlth -1•'·""'''1 from tlw•. old clotht•" uf Chmn who was vote-d a ll Anwr-Mrs. Anhur Donalcbon. pft.>SI· The b. ride who wor~ a wbife ~ weklarnfcllftto tbe dub t* Jofl'fnb(>rs ol tht• Mt"WW ~S~ l •~o.:" :I~·· "'hwlt •· """' v. .. rlll 11•-nf) I::OJ.:•·I'()!I· all ot Paaack-n.• ""'' "'"'''h v.a,. hdd 1n th<• vacan! •1cnn Mo•ht'r for 19.16. I<S.nt or tht-Aftar SociNy """"'o 1s rown and carried a brtdal bouqurt ,...,-and tv.u no·v. ,.. .. ·tJo•rl• Ill•• al l•·n•lt·•l lh•· all·d,o} l O u n t Y t.w ww.. 1111 lh ,.,.u,~·•u.n oll uni· and < "hllck:>. Cra~ord of S&n111 '''""'' t.ulldlnl: no•xl t o the Olar~. a.-nt LuJM'W.O• in charJ:I' of lht• l>Vt•nt annOUQ('('S of white flnwt>rll wu att~nded by ADUQUe ...,P On~•· ,..l'n· !Wkk-d \\" ~ C S lllt""'11111: 1 n ,.'\JIIo·nun rn.,J hi•· :'h•• "oil ·,l"'•ok nn h••r Anu :\l r-. S.·ars· navy hu.bead h I~ rtn,-..on uffu·o• In :-.1 f' w p 0 r I ="••nrly 100 t.'UMil~ W('N' lH.•rVo'fl I ha t a com mitt••(' haoo; ~ .. ·n 11p· her 1lst~r. ~tty Jt'an Klippel of to Uw th""' prmum•"fll I:TVU~ ""•· tlo\ , .. h• ... ,. .,,,,I .... , R·-' ul '~I"'"'"""'' II" ..... fl'l :tf) nf •h·· In llunolulu U.·:l("h. ' )t'l>ll'niay 81 thl' chick('n lunch-pmntt'd for . transportation r 0 r L9ng &arh Best man for liM: ..___ I n . ...o .~ ~n l'·~lr•• '' II •rf 'l)th' h ·~~"' 1\ 111''' I I · I • If i d "" tf "'--"' H Nl ,.. , .. o rw,.• t'Ofllmlll~~·' o r '"'"' ·~" • ~.111 (JI<'I:t• Ztor• ·~~~-.. :'Yo("lt'l) un< \\"•· ano romm llf'f'< u~ f'r tn•' t"'f\ spooson'<l by C'lrclt' S1x ln . tho.;(' v.·ho art' unablt• to .:1'1 to crrrm()fly wa r•~ • p,...r . ~ and th.-Co-ord•nallnj,! <'toun-. "'1th ....,,Jdlo " .mc1 'n1l"r-. l'r•·""'01 "'"' to'! I "' ho•r l ... •k. · :\1)' Llf•• In IIAf'I'Y OJRTI IUAY John ""'' loo:tlit-,...hlp of Mr.c. Boudinot and tht-I!OCW hall o1 the church. Pro-tf\t' Island. On lht' committt't.' art-Mutlfc and aong11 w~re. gtveo by ell llaft been eppotntrd by tlw-lmm •h· .'\!•"'•' "'"~"" !\l••"-l.tm•'' u :\!.on ;\!.ttl•· Jun.:lf'" \ltl•lt·~l \"...,;pJ and frwond& we t'u :\l1< C K. PriPSt. ctiairman for c..'('(i.<: will !)(' add4ld to ttw build· I Mrs. J. E. lladdoc-k and Mr.~. Don· Mrs. P M Thompaoo and Mra. ,. rirltat. · II f~ "' ~lun ' ~:. L. lk•nrwll n,,. ITII~·•m~: "•ll l··~m .;u t\ 10 ,i: llt.ot Junt' Vogt•l I.Sil't fGrpl4tPn rh.· I' T A. ,..l'rt' in chafl;t> or tlw mg runrl Plan.'( ,.,f'n> nuuSo At tht> 1 aldson Breakfast will bl' Sl'rvt'd Darrell Dav•• of C011ta Mua. . ~ Offtrrn L. 0 . ~·nt, Fn'CI F\nlf. ~ 1, m '"'h••ltnn··r "'""l II> m•·m· "" h••r b1rthda} F'riday alkhl tr• m~>minu' I~<,.. o1 ~ and drew· .. m{'('tJng Thursday fn tht• from 9 to 10:30. Following the eertmQJI;v the" With Mrs Ruthl'rforci m off rcl'!' Lon~. \\ L Warn••. C'tlt ... \l'r FL..h· h•·r-. ,.f tlto• :'tl•·'·' J,.,·~:•"" Av"ltan Jun• :end hu. .. hand Wt'l't to £art m;~m"-MOilday aftl'rnoon tht' hnml' of !>11'5. E A. Von cSe Walk· bride &Dei l'f'OOID with a _ few ol, .... Mn. c :\1 l..lt•aklfl ... \' .. , .•• ,-and l~lllr.J Jon...... • .. u ........ It) II V.t·l•· .. m· ... ••• h•.n••r· ( ':orrull;. Satuoiay nl&ht tl» wn· r>·mlomrlo·r or lh(' lll•m o; ~('N' ta k-··r Tt'n nwmbf•rs W('N' p~nt. 85 Attend County thl'lr Mna fnen<b muto .... d to •-tl 1:~~'''" J;l\•·n I•} :\It' \"•·no :\Ill· '"r \'•t~:f'i, halt a b1rthday dlnrM·• t'fl to Talh<'n for salt' Fund>. Ctrt'IM .. ...,., Compton where Mra. Kllp~l pre- . maJeS y Mr . .t Mrs. A.rka hM IISired Slfety aldliberlltlrlilgs WHEn THEY SAY£ TH€ fEDEiA~ WAY ............ , ............. 1 .......... 1' .................... .EQW ..... O' .... I t.•r 1.,.,.,,.s •. nt ;\lr-. B··n•hl•.' v.111 "'''h ,,..,, ..... , .. n,.,.. fur lw't" at hom• ,,,.In ,,. dl\:.!,dt·d l'tJUall} b(>twc't'n ~Irs. Vdma Compton ol Fullel"" Executive W.C.T.U. at~ ove.r a pr~ty reeepUoa... •·· 101 ltdUI"•-<t II\ lh·· Jt~uj.!'r<tm L:.t .. r Ill<•) Jttl~ fntonds ., lh•· , • '"" ~:rou~. ton Avt'nut' Op(•nc-d hl'r h 0 m f' The bride' l.t! a Kradu&te or New- ··h.llllll•tn ,\ltl.t I ~trrun anti 1 ~1r· lthll"~' Inn · ,.lw•J"\' tht.o Dic:kl'n" -----Thu~y 1o t "n ml'mix',. of Meet At Harbor / port Harbur Union Hlgb School rn1n•· :lt•~·r·· "'rll t"· hu..lt·'""'"' of pn .... ·nto'fl Junt• Yo."ltb a bot~ ~~ '-Hei1h1t Cifc~-"[~---Circle' Ont-. M~. (;(<o (.' N-n .al)d,. T n ll' z,uliu.a.le.<l fr.om a._ f'TI"m~----'• "'""1"1:"'" t"'"trtmrtmr W1tft li··r -lt-d <k.·votJonaJ;:-St·wntc>o•n gut•st:c Thl' Orang(> County" Exc:cutJVI' nuntes training IIChool In the ---"' tho· Inn "'('rt' F•·rn Whit·· El~t 'Officen Yl.'('f\' Pl"fSt'nl at <:ircll' Four's ~-m<'t'tinr;: or thi' w .e .T .U. ht•lrl at oliOUihem l"ity. ~--1------.o-'ullli,... A'n<l4'rson. Mil~ Vocel. -~ion on thf' saml' ttay.ln th<' Warn th~ Olrisf Chul'tll· by-the St'a : ..,._ Fe.tlYitlel Le1ion Auxll iarw 1-.mtl\ T •• mmotf\11. Hurt Griffith f ff f h N Pillt·v honw. M<'mh(>rs or t h t• Thursday Ar1riJ 24 was attt'ndt-d Mrll. Franli Btas8Chaert jotned -· • ., 1-"l••l'"llf•n n " lf't•r; '' t (' e•w·l • . . • • . I h th M •• 0 H · T··tl ~ .• III/I)''"' ton• I liOn Dftrtcu· · ("" 1 of W S CS. QUJltmg C irr lf' R31ht'n>d in thf" by 8:) offict'rs and dc .............. nt with er mo rr, ra. '"'· . an· H ld n____ Bn'cl1e • 1 c· 1 • ,,.,,' ll···~h•~ .-1rc e · "' · .---·--' · r c •-M In h' rl v t.h · 0 a ~~· .-.J•r ''"" ·,. "''a' too muct. for 11 k 1 •1 .. ,., 11 church 51K'I:tl chamlwr.c for an hf·.ads fr.ont thf' twt'lvl' umons •n aon o t.>lh.a . eaa ono n., • "1 111 ,. I' '11"1' .. ay ~" wa" an-· ' d In lth mi a_ Welfare Event ht~•t ... nct .l•ohnn} h•· w•·nt t o bt1.l ll'"l ~t ~ Thun.da .• 8 ~ all:daY quiltmg pltrt} e•njc'1ying the county . Mrs· Lola Grimm ol brl e Falday nen g w a •- I'U • "'"" • Y tht>ir mid-day mt-al in the C. S Yorba Unda prt'l<id('(l over th!•l ct'llaot'Oue bridal abower In the ;o.;o ;o.;EWS Ctunwlita Vincmt h•·lrl tn -th~> < nrnnfr fk.l Mar hnnw> • ·tatter's 18th etre~t home Twenty '"""''" .m<1 on l•·oo·lll ul ,._,.lC ,..,.J. l()j• tltl>-}" n11n.: lumitul't' an•l 11'11'"1:". Mr,. Jo'l'>oi .. llarnard a nd ha m I Pf'Oitrt'SS of work , flir .. hultl, tlw ;-.;, .... ,.~ Hurbot ('UtllnJ: fhl-1r apartiTW'nt in orde•r )II' Hu.•l JJoHant art-on th<'' nwmbt',. and 3 v1sit~ of Clrclr Luncift.on was st'rvf'd by · lhr AfTl<•raran IA~Ion Awuhan· "t'n' '" ro·nt thl" "ummt'r . Nor could '"'"un;tlln5: commjttH'. St•vf'n. Thf·y madt· plans for a sil· Balboa C1rciP or W.S.C.S. a t 1:.! f l.unl'h•'<'lt'l pl"f'("t"rl"d 1 nf'-mt'f'flnJ: ... ~ 1 th" F' da "'"''''"'' ~··,to·roloa) :t l••r-nttton lo "''" •ohtltlll zon) 1nfnnnat10n frvm , . v .. r l<'a to .... K vrn 111 n }' o'clock v.·hlt:h wa"' follow1-d bv dt'" ~ "'"I'"'" rn th•· ~~~wn hut at :\tartboa IJc~v.·\· h\·'s alwd ,...uh :mrl lh•· hll'l~~. :\lr.< \\ II!'On. "'8~ at '2 p. m. Circle Fh·e met wilh Yotlorfcm; IM"by" RA•v. 1:: D. Conct· ·.t.. r•-· "~'~',..... tn ~an~: by Mn;, -i:dna ""f "'f 1-1 D • ··"'th 8 . " ftt~..,·n hn...:•· a ... 1r. Ill<· mo•a,.h·"· ~ · tW' 1 ... rs. "<' v n ave}S ,..,, prY'!' f'll, Two whitt• ribbon n><'nJIIs. M•~ Elo·8II(•r RanG.·!· and Mrs. llan n m•v.• l1l('fl1 n< Wl' <'Om· ent and Clrdt-Thl"l'f' """"' guest~ Donald Bruct' Bl'atty and RonaJrl ..... of l.'11F.t:Rf'l:L" LOOKOliT--Looil· ,'ft mto lh•• ()!"('If' .,..",. Mrs Eva f !\if \\' F Colm'\8n Bl k !\I h I :\!all•· Hulllnl{ v.o•ro• 111 , .. afl:t.' l>ull•'f' e nd Mr< ManP \Yhilll'l o . r... . A •• . at 101. Wt'n' pn•wnto-c' tlw· o·h.•nrun..: afflur ""llld t"a<oh-101: tt•••·r tlw· MKJal cak'ndar lot tlth••r-. 1.,...,...n, .-.. no M~ nbboru> by Vicl'-pn•,..<k-nt E:"ll'lll' '""'"'' ,tw•nmk••" v.·:L' "''"''•'<i a• tho· m<"lflth ul Ma) lihorJ a 1\&&f· An~ \\'nndl'r;, A R. Rli!is, Ktrl· Coming EYenta t-IHI"Jlf'r Takmr;: an actl\'1' pari m ,1Ullno•t tahlt"' ... twrl' dam\) bou-:tntt'f' uf :t<"tl\'lt) and ~~ ,.,,11 t-:th+>l !'>IAU<'h. W H WJI!'On l lhl' p~ram from lht• :"'t'V.1)Ur1 4, ... ,,. of ,.,.., ... , po·lll> ,.·•·n· arran.:· 101: Th·n clf1 \"...,.'lnl: thfo bay from ~l"rn l larns. F: 1m 3 Mun>land. In Ha.:bor Area Rrach Umon w('rt.' Mrs f1orn o'ft 1n \'Uf'S. tlw• ="•""'l"'rt Harbor YM"ttt Clut> t"•lllh 1\l,,ntt.·ry. VIrginia Wcdt-s· Rrally. Jlrt'l<ldf'nl. and Ml"'l VuJill ;\ r··nlo·r tahl·· ht•ld a patnodr •• nd .... alrtltng Johnny bwiy Wllh ···Jif'r. f'-·nha MICki.'L'I('n. Luclllt• f'IUDAY. "'"" t-Nl'lson. ~trr~tnl:•·m•·nl ttf n"'l.l ... tul t•a nd blut• n.-"'"unn.:"~. makt"l! WI wandf•r \\ •·.tlho•rw:•x. Ruf'l Jlortard. Sa-Cnal<t VNf'rans • o( t"on••gn wal"'l'. · ------- (Iowen. •f llw•n • ,..,II ~· llll anchora~ fur hm;c Rral nnrl Ro'\' anti M~. E. D M•~ v~:ion llall, 8 p. m. I COS\'F.LESCISG A,.•ont. .. ,..,•n • l>n''4'nte-d 1n ("()fl· t"IW"h hO:tt ~h-d to' makf' till• f.oodt•ll. Costa ·t.tcrs.a Friday Afternoon Mr.c. ~y Bowt'rs of Anahrim. traf'l hndi;:r to Mrs_ Ultlt' and h:trtlctr lh. I'Mlmf' port. Anal with ------nub. 2 Jl. m. clubhowtt'. 1 daURht('r of Mr. a.nd Mrs. P"!"r I Mr.c. J II. fuht•r. In 8\K'tion to most nl tlw· b.-.y frunl ~-s d s 'thera OrBnjtl' C4MJnty Musl(' t-"f'lltival 84'att~ or BaJboa IS .l"f'('UJX'I"a!lnjt 7..o•lma lh.-lf•tlo•r ~tnd Mr;. Vf'ra ~lll*•'n for, 1t ••til bt-a Vl'f')' P.Y J DeJ IDI 1 h•gtl ~Whool 1 S1:1nta Ana II• g"h ill. tt'tl'lr home foii?WJng a !«'nou:< Brown ol Sanla Ana: and m h vl' 11wnnwr. Th• l8tl't>t prtMpt"Ctl an · To Appear In St'hool audilonum. R p.m. lllnt'Ss which conrtnt'd he•r to St Tht t\"l'nlng wu apent ptaytnc bunko and watching tl)~ honorH- upwrap hu m11ny t1bower pack- agu Prlzu were awarded MrL Audt?y Aurkht'lmff, Mre. Sam Hoke and Mn Mae Kllpped. The E. L MoorH wltnl'S.'!ed TUesday t"\'l'ning"s prrformanet> of h•f>cnp."lrlt•JC At 1 hi' Pan-Pacific Au- dilonum. llolly-...·ood. I hundr1-d to Ohw Smith and Ooro-Mr and Mrs John E. Glov.r, w.lr StmgarNt<' Club. 7:30 p. m JOII('ph Hot~pltlfl j thy Allbri.:ht. Door prlz<'!i wrn· ~nown m l.m An.:c•INI circlt's. who Marywnount Fete N~·port &>ach Boy Scout .----------------------------, ~~:tvrn MrL Manan Dodd and Mrs ltn' mtf'n""tc-d 1n 8 homt' on Burn11 Troop. 7 p. m .. scout hut· r:LI'..<.TIU C CLOCKS REPAIRED lUI S f'wport Blvd., CO.ta M- ~ Pullt'n. •• Vis ta. C0111a MC"S.II F1n>mt'n"s Club. 8wW .._. • Miss Sydtw)' Smithf'rs, dau&h· of M and M H B Smith 7:4."1 p. m .. firehall. About l'iXtC't'fl Auxiliary ffil'm· ON ICE The ~lar in-1kat-'"r r. n .. · · • ()pl'n hOU!Il' and program. Nt"W· bf-n pt hf'n-d Monday l'Vt!n.IJ\C inc &TUlip, all pnott~ · cood. too. "" ol Udo lsk-· Wlll tak~ part port &>ach Grammar School. 7 <JO ror thcotr monthlY. aodal ln Ow joined hands ai tht-ll)"f'S rink • In tht> Annual May F't"Stival, May p. m. ~ hut. Walt•r WatkU.. m-Wfdncosday. Dolnc fl~ "ltrb 4· at 3 P. m. on tht.o lawn ol Mary-Coata Mf'S& w .S.C.S. Ci r c l e lft'tainfd U.. croup wtth Wftftl and thfo mol\awtc Wf'rfo Di.ant' Hffl·j ~nt School In Loa ~ 'J1w ~ftl silvt'r tea, 2 p m IOdal clar\nM 101oa ~ by man. Sur liirk. Vif'linia c-tw. rolorful drama ls • ~ted May 1\aD. ~ Mn. Jf'tllit' Holt a t Sapta Ana· Eli'Ubfoth 'lltnm. C.nnrlita V1n-~f'Wnt thT'OUChOut. tht.o SoUt~Jand. 8ATUIIDAY, NAY ~ Mlu Dtoa~ Randt'l "''¥ holrt··r <'mt. Manha·E1k-n nstwr 1nd 'nW' popular Lido hit-g~rl will! 7th Annual ~~()fl of Califor· tW for thfo .-at. Mary Jay. Anyon, w&hlilc ro fP ·~·· !hP p~t~ ol a eo5t~ -~ r nla C'O-ordfnatfnc· ~nellA. tnc . GRACE 8BIPIIAN SCHOOL of DANCING' Tap, BalJet. T~. Acrobatic and Ballroom PIUVA~I.-tl_.. U8 South MaJn Santa Ana I ~ JU:il CIVt' t"""' • buzz. .. ·I dit·r '" lhf' pagl'ant which Will ' ~lar Qua. ~baa h Jand =lC~~~~r~~~~~:::::::~~~==~~~~:~~~~~~~~~-~~~~h~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~-~4~'"·~~,w 1 TIIF.RF.ABOUTS t".i'rn • n d 1 ncJu,lvf'ly. Mr and Mrs Smllh· !\IP58. V:.u..: Wh•tr took a bn,.f rrtpltf' t f'n ,.,II hav<' all their lin!f'SI!' lht>no St"SDA''· ~AY '-L...---------------------------....1 fntm lh•'lr da1ly ruuttnl' and M~ J V. 11 Challi!i and r1au~:h· ):' R. Altlnrh ,twll mu...,urn. ,-----------------------------, ··-TWO .. • • • .. ~ CJ..ASS&S ~-~ OlJt4hn 10 to 13 yMI'I end m"' ~114 to l'Tyt'&rl TOWN· AND COUNTRY FOLKS Whefber J.Oii Jjye 1D fowD or fD the country ..• he1e'a o ~notJoD olle1 fo p.a. your reodJmr1cutes ... our patf»l OJXI your ltn'ortte tnoqazlnu at really buqe .tcrf'inqa. Make your ael«tion and ~~end ua tbe coupon Do"'/ THIS NE\VSPAPEft, 1 YEAR. AND TIIHF.t: . -F-INE l\1:\G.:\ZIN~:s PICA 2 HtOM TillS GROH' ---_......,.. - 0 Ame1ican Boy ............. 1 Yr. O Amencon Girl ...•.....•.. 8 Mo. 0 CluiatJon Herald •.....•.•. 6 t-1o. O Home 'Arts·Needlecra11 ..... 2 Yr. 0 Hou.ehold Maqazine ....... 2 Yr. 0 McColl" a Maga-..ine ..•••••. 1 Yr. O fact Digest ............... 1 Yr. . 0 Moden ScrMn ............ 1 Yr. G Motion Picture Moga:r:ine .... l Yr. 0 Open Roo a (Boyal 112 Iuues) .......... 14 Mo. O Pathfinder (Weeltly) •.•.•... I Yr. 0 Pmenta' Magca:ine •••.•... 6 Mo. 0 Screenlond ................ 1 Yr. 0 SU•er Screell' ..... ,~. .. t ..... 1 Yr. 0 Sparta Afield ... -: .......... 1 Yr. 0 True E:oofe..iona •••••.•... 1 Yr. 0 True Romanc• ............ I Yr. ,..,. MCK.J FRO)I T:U:LWlOLP -.-~~~~~-~----------~--~~.~-----, L.! Amertccn fnnt Grower ..... I YT. lJ Ameucon Poultry }o<lmal. .l Yr. ::J Breeder's Gaxclle . . ... -2 Yr. O ComJort (Ind. Good Ston~s\ .. l Yr. .., fcr.m Journol·rcmr.~r·e Yl•fe ~Yr. 0 Home I> ds NeedlectaJt . . . . I Yr. 'J Hou~hnld Magazine ...... I Yr. 0 Hunting & fish1ng ....•..... I Y~ f'J Leqnom World ............ I Yr. n Mother'a Homo L:~c ......... l Yr. 0 Notional Uvestock Produc~r l Yr. . J Nqtiona· Spbrtsma n ...... 1 Yr. n Pathfind,r tWeeklyl ...... 6 f-1n. 0 PIP}'IOUih Rock Monthly ..... I Yr. ,.2Powtry:.t'tihwut ............ I Yr. 0 Successful f orming ........ l Yr, O Rhode Ialand Red Journal ... 1 Yr. ... OR ALt ... ()l1R FILL OllT COt ·po~-MAIL TOOA \" 111SomB JS rosmvnY GUAIANIEED Clip 11..1 ol magaz.i~s alter ~hediDq on~s desired " and enda~e 1ritb covpaD. Ceell-•: 1 -.doee $ ............ I_. yow~~ cmd Cowltry" otter •hich t..cludee a ,_a'a ~to T<J\U pelf* ODd !h. ._,...,_ ~ . lfaae •.•..•...• , •• , ••••• , ••••••• , , •••••••••••••• • • • • • • · ...., • a. r. 0 ...•••••••.••••.•••••••...••••••••••••••••• ,_ C>ftb ............................................. . IE ·WPtJIT BALBOA IEWS-TIMES .. Noa .......... ~. PlloMIIIZ ... II ....... h ~ nd I('"' n.-:u ...... :.nd Tllhb} ~f lAs ·• !\ L"'l'HEL'S BEAUTY SHOP lmtllltn'tl ...,.. n lu I •• rt • I An r lNI M.-.. .. o rv . J "' -M oprn to tlw' pubhr. -r m In • .1:11 . - 1111 '" Anl<'lt'lil IIO'O.J,1 QuJCJ:Ito 1: • • • 1 1 ''"('-· r.c. p m nn T\.'1~ blant1 • ~tnd Jill• Mr h a r att•·n•l>'ft a party l!arT) F'arr•n~o:t•>n ami Ml!'$ Ruth ~OSDA''· MA'" ~ Ill th.• lldton lluto•lm IAR~: EIMch Na~h or Paw lo-na anci s andy N-1)(-ach C'lty Council, Permanent Waves .. $1.95 & Up. I Smtthl'~ I .-....... th·· •••twr m..:hc. nun~:tm~: .,th nl\ h11ll. 1 30 r m Manicure 50c th•• "drbutrnmp.". th,., rallc 't'ffi. C:...-..!ae I Cooo ta Amrnran l"'l:'"n Prl"f. \'o•m<Jn and Launm Wroollt-~I"• farewell 11·.10 p. m. Lr~:ion 111111 1883 Newport Blvd. + T~lept,oae .slt-W Et11(1 ~'" ="""' an• hnm··· Ill IMt I p . H u~:ht ~· .. ·rto''"" (1:.~-. !.!1~ 19th I all,.r ~;nllnl'llll: around M f'xtro for arty 0001'J 1 ~~ ro"''. ;o.;,.wpnrt ll.•:wh. 7 :w1 p m a '''" w .... k, It • ;r cr.mrt fM.'I · Francia Yorker 1 Newport IWarh f:l)t•ll ll.rt ~ nntl In~ tn hr• h.~t·k an •h•• J;ond old . Craft, SN't "'" 10 a. m cluh· l" s. A 1 h··~ ·" ,.,. BC'fort'. h•· lw l fnrr•wrll to hi!< hou.<~e. . • man}' (nf•ncl~ •111 the !\1•"-il, 1-'ran· I ( ;1r J Manncn<. 7 :~ 11. m. Lt>1:11•n Hfn-nl:\1 t \:0.: T ilE TYPE~ ci11 Ynrkr•r . w,.JI knuwn tn~tn1rtor 11111 \\'RITEr! t-:v :m•ll'.•t ~luFrtsat· llt Cnoo:ta M··•a :\lain _S•'h<l()l. wa~, ~··"'port lll>nMT Gtrl Srnu l ,,.,,.J,~t th•• ..... , ~~~~ "" ll tll at honon'<l with a "Urn(J<.o• pnny hy Trot•r•. nJt•·r ,,·hnol t .. ·~:•on ljul • th•· Haltm•tt•• ~.thlrfl,1y m~o:ht nwmht•l"'l r•f th•• raT•ulr ~· Fm1a~· Tt"t:"'D"''· M.\\" e.- J /IIto'' C•••k n~ ol\'o·nn~ lroJm a 8ftf'~ Ill I h f' ktnd••ra::anrn ('n"a :\lo·,,, 1-'ncln~ ;\lt(·moon ~~·~•'n> ···ol.l ~'"''"" 1 h.-•r plltM rooms. 1-~b AM!' nnrt C"ra·tt:< S('("tron. 11 • tt11,-,. n. .. •n d i.Hii:•ll ,111,1 th•'\ il.f"f' Jlofr Yor kr•r. whn l•·:n·f'• :'11nnrla~· ,, m ,11nroom. "''' ~··1111: ""''" 1•111 \\Ill r~·m.1ln Cor llunltn~lllll l'atk wlwn• h·· 1\lllho."l l•laml Cll·rlo• nf\\' sc~ h, r, u11J," "n.• •h.n.; ttrtfnrt"-~wtll })(' Cnnnf'("l •'ll \\i lh lh•• Ci,·iJ \~;:tlo• "''""'"' wt•rk~<Vtm "'•'ll 1.,1'' Ill · ,\•k t .. •nn~o• \'In · ~n'll"l' i l'o•r..,tnn••l 1\o'JMtrlmo•nl ""''\\J'oll~t ll,lrhnr J. I" n' (iul• ~At ~~t¢ ~~ ~~ "'~ PI"~ .. «~ .. -~ ~""" rH.airi; K..lulr CM«'-- r,ta ...,....., ..,,..,. JMf'l\ ,.,1, l')"n 4tf ~""''"' f"'"' 1 h,. hftrr·n S c"lJOrl 1 ~;e,.u.~ Roo! AI"¥ ctut. • 1~hl<'k I '11r fa I \'rr:ti'T, r ,\,tlt' I (~ fW"'-1\I. -1; 'Ill J1 Ill \\"htt•··~ Jlalho:; l,l.tnol h.•• h.,.t ,, h·••-1.11 . 11 md on. I !\h !II Lrtla \.m ,\mhurch hn•t· 1 -,.11,~. Shnf< ... '"' ,,.,, ''"" ...; '",.., .. ·~ .• 'IM ~lJ or tho• t\••nt ,. •• n.•l lolt···h ''""I"""' :tm• I ,..,.,1 t .. •ctnn J•, ... , l~·rk.l·~ f\, 1 . •.;r ~.1 "'""''~:'11 tlw •·In·•· "' 1 ,,~·•ol "1• nt l.o•..:1nn h:tll ~ I I Jol-t• .,,, •'I • '" I I'." lo~.J.• I..W hour !'pnnc """'" "•'r• •I'll'!"~-<"•"l:l :'tlt•,;t I' T .\ :.' p m ;\!am h•lfll• ,,.,., ""' I I "" f\)fo:tld I N1 lls d....-.•r:-ttoo• hy lhl' hn<r<"..., ~ h•li'l :awllllll illnt I 1\.·.u h 1\ "''' 1 • • ! ·r .. rn for · t}p• n """"' ,.,,,,,, \l•·•a ;\b tn ''"'"'·"'' I' II .... , ,,, r hBrl : Party Contributes '-•"h•"'' 1.: ·~· '" .: :\11 ''" "'" ,J,,f.fh···l • .· r •n San T d .8 .1 . ·''""''' \\"••rn··n, 1 •ftttt "' c"''·' F1·.1111 ,,,,, 1· "I' .11 ,:,,,1., •) "!lth Owar Ul d1ng \1• .,;, S I' 111 'llllrt ~<•lll nf \\"..- h•-I I •II• • • ' I' I I "11 and'' !\I c-.. I I :\1 \\'•·1~11 nf l"••rt•n.1 fl, I n~o·n ' l'lulthnu ... ,• \'~<1., J.,,u .. ''• • :\tnr m,.IIL:·••·•I annth•·•· .. 1 th·· ~•~:m.; T.tu 1•,1 ~<lrttrtl~. 7 :\11 r---------------.1 Orkk" nn•l :\ltort.,r pltrtw• "hwh m •·11" £'1\"Pn tn h•·r r h:-tmt\fn: ltt>nh' 'I "J\JN<rl~t~· nll··•-n•••" <Ju.tr!l'l '·'"'''' H.dph \"~o·l· nf 1 ·,,,., :II••';, i' •·t•r•' "'!'' for l11n1 '"'"" l•ntl lalt'r ,J,." I~ 1 ,,..," t'l'lnt.: :d •·:r " ~.·nnu' for hnrl.;l' ptar-"~~•1rt'ln l""r-fnrm••d I'IH••d:ay In I c .... ,,~ ,., ~·\ ··tl t'I'Oiflh, .J-AI--'"fht !':tilt:\ Ann \":JII··~ IIH"Jtlt:tl !-------------...J mNitrllt"l\' 11 f 1 ,. r 1 h•· <tt'Tidtl ful Your·--- ~EJ{;JIRORS .fuulnr ( htlt \l .tl.J ll ot hm•·h.-on. · Atlo·u~ ,. , ,. :llo·•-MARGARF.T L. SCIIARLE ,, .. daml'• Th,'f'((.,,.,. Hnhi •l" 1 "I"~ '"11 •I ni.'<t . "Ill lt. ., , ~ ... • , , ,1 thl.' "F'hump"'" F 11 t.: '' n • F.·no•lo>n J\1• "'" " 1 , .... • • ,.1 th I knl") E~o:t.:•·•t ll··nr~ ="I• "'' ~ ··r J1,111,,. \\ • 1 , , ,. I\:Sia .J nhn :-.;u·k··l•o•n \\ 1111.101 1~.ol\ J, ..... ~l<''·' In ·I , "':'".,.. " \o\"0" L. L . hb<'ll. 11.1,) \\"o••tO\o•r F: "" 1 , , 1 1J , 1 , , ( 1~fl· I :\lOtti">' I~ \lrKmnl.'~ :mn r; •• " ' 1.,. .,, lh\' n t"'' 1.111'.1' J t•'L!' IJ1 llr.-\\ nltt"" • I "' • Cluh ........ , .. '· \\ ...... , J~. t' .-: •• ... \\. . • •· td " ' ·, , • .t •'• I .. \· •\f tht• ·roop. ,,, nt:l· I~ ti To•h•· pl1 .. t1• ' •lt1 , ... ~. ·" \ .... t :tt • "i"' (•t;,l t h I ~ I ..: ("Ia."' a•arl~ • 'kr1l•·t • nf ·" .:hr Kf'C"P" Tf'A<'hf'r ef ,-,uo Orplll•l • ACt'Orapu~bt Stucl•o: 307 GolcleMocl Avenue Corof\o ~Sel Mor ~Ill!': ~t...,ort ICM8·\\" ._.,,....,.,. 01"~" ,.,· ""me ot Pupil II f"oo3IN'd IIAROI.Il K. GRAt't:l, ('tlt\Pt:f . •f' ~''""'~ :c,.r ,.; t'/.1-· of thr l "hrl-t Ll111' ··h I•\ II·· :'.·~ ••iU I '"''''f!.~tn fr io'tl•l· ·•' ;t m. ,,\i,. :llnnd 1\ no_l •.. ·h,• r.nm. of ~ l ~.,n•• \lilt-.•. i•lth 'lr••t. s..,.,_ r-•rt 1:;. arh Cl\nw .. ~til follow a l'ltnnf' SP"I'"'' !\61 c·,,,ta 'I""•· C ;t!lf. "\\"c Oul"l'ch r::. tlw Rt'tt,.r 5t'n "t' n~ S··n·•n~: I ltlwr~ 'Rf'~t"' 1 .. hoi 1 hU'1n, '"" ,...~ ....... hO r - AIIOUICIIG THE OPENING of ·--·&i;;:Y A . H-A-L-t;;:::=:~tzt;::s ~ STURDITOYs• New FACT 0 I Y SA L·E ~Ul&ll_.._t_:-a-. ~ROAY , MAY 3 at 20;l Marine A venue Balboa Island • You :\re Cordially ln\ited to Inspect This ~{'W Shop • ROBERT ALLEN .. ~I A 1\; A G E R • ISFOR:\IAL .\\'f)(lUt:S \\"ARt:, WOOilt:S nOOKS, CIIII.I)JCt;s ·s TO\"~ , at 1-'artoq l~rt~