HomeMy WebLinkAbout1941-05-08 - Newport Balboa News Times~,...,....,..,. ___ ..,.;.-~-----. --~. \. .. ~ . I I· ' f. -r ~~~ . . - -,4--C ' -•I J . .. ,. • Tile-Mapa ISSUED / SEMI· WEEKLY ~EWI"'aT KAnt. t \l.lt'UK"\· Tlll'II&Sil\,. ~.\\ ll, Utll. w .. u ~.,._ ~ in~enostt"d in the high llct\ool may say to tht' bo)'l' who. went to the Nationtl Orang(' Show Rn>lays I a s t '1'\wsday.· "WPU DOn.-". Thl'y . came homt> wiJh a ha ndsome trophy. embh>matic of victory ov.-r a ll othf'r . !<ChQOI~ in thl' di\-ision. nont' other than A. M . "Petr" Nt>lson. c i t )' bui1ding 'in· 5pf'ctor and volleyball playrr ol considPrable skill: Glvf' Book• Any old book~ or magazin("S duttt>ring up tht' hou~ a nd ---\~--- i$100 ,000 ln-Build_itlg IFor COast Highway l Erwin Spicer -IN ew Service· :club Chief ,_, I Robert v.. Staats, Prominent South Coast. In his ..,..rennlal Job of IIKreUtr" t. Y h. t B k , R 'ted R d to Build trf'asllrl'r. 1 3C rO er epor ea Y . · t>oc Grundy trac-d a little. 81\ott·! New $75,000 Pla'nt·, Other Yards Building· arm work whrn ~*'tried to ..... ,.e , . tht' pr C'l' of a botfl .. or two ~' New J ts liqual out of thf' m••etlng 0.. be-_!!'P~9.~emen . half nf thf' nominating 't>omrotttee, but wtu 1temly rt'bukf'd by ,.. · h -subsCripti{)n ·Hundreds Of DOII~rs. In C~sh Priz·es For i'leWs-Tiines W~ Tt•n Pt-r ·ct-nt ·Be l~aid All Workera Earh 8aturday Nil'ht In Addition to' Cuh Prizes. Those Not Winnlng One of tile-- :·Cash Mentiont•d ·In the J)ouble tht' ash can! Thf'n ______ don ___ .!__do ___ ~_. __ I_n~~--~--i~_a ___ ~~adcdLJU1._u~~~~g_.1llC._JC~~~~~~:to~JC~~~lU~~~~~~~~~~~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ rope. strap. or s trang ai"()Und -id publication.-. a nd !rave thf'm at thP Balboa Pavilion. 'nM>rr . l\tanag.-r \ h a r I (' s. Sc:h•••t.-r will plact' tht'm in tht' hand.<: or vt~itlng Army tad~ 10 t<~kP <back 11'1 camp for .-v.-nm~ rl'adin{: matrrial. industrial area along .the Bay Front from. the C ounty Dock to _the c-ity's bay frontage where large yachts are bt>ing ,. -- Hlchiuy ArPa 'JlW ;~ricfillon' of lhl' ni'W Staatto yacht ~al~ :~nd main- h>nancl' pl:~nt ·on thl' \oa~t Highway mark.!' onr 'or the largt'!IOt imprO\'t'mrnts in tha t area. Like oth('r new im-pt"'\·rm<'nt ~ it l'ncour~r< t>XJstm~ pla nts to imprOVI' tht'ir facilitit'!IO and thl' ap- .,..aranct-of tht>ir structur~. ~ rt'!'UII should boo!<t tht> stock or that area conl'idcr- ably. moored. F h Of Plans have tx>cn prepar'C'd and work reportedly will at er· , start soon ()n the construction of an e laborate yacht sales . I a nd maintenance plant by Hobert V. Staats, weJJ known yacht a nd ship broker in the Los ---.~----Th d ·· Anne)""' Har·bor ar-<>a and dl's tt~>ace. both of which will be UIIC"d . eo ore b '-"' " · • tu. bring 11Qats L!lhore to be work-· tributor 'for the M athews .. <! oo. t-'ronting on the bay front R b · · d · 1 I Cruisers. whjc.h is said · willw•ll be ap~·e tor storing boats for 1 • • . . "' longer "'·n .. d• of t.m... O InS aes l cost approximately $7;).000. . Lot-att>d on the WNt sidt' will · I ;; • Amon_c •elriatmg boat yards mak-be laJ ge ways and a 'transvt>r~e . 1 1 ing Improvements for the aummt>rcarr.age will be locatf'd to taltt> I months Ia Peyton's. which are nowboala off th~> ways. carry tht>m engaged in enlarging facilities and down tht> aisle betwet'n the two Tho«lnr (• Rohln!<_. inatalhng new waya. . Y•ith an-temporary lltnra ge umts. and dl'-pwoo·o•r automnlull' oouncemt>n't ot 'the Staats proj~t.P<Miit them tht>re to be worked on.· ctvw lo•FKit•r nl tht' It wu reliably h•arned t hat neigh-Tht>y w1ll ~ rPplaced in tht' wah•r 1 net· cflt'd 1'11C?"~"Y MO. fAtht'r ol ... -.. 11 'known dealrr a n d Harbor Dill· night at Ids boring firma will a110 enlarge amJby the saml' m~>thod honw m AM'adw improve their yarda. . Locntf'd on the •:a11t aidt' of thf' A nat 1\'1' of . :'M.Citen Day I Huge Pl~nt · . plan't will be a drlvewa·y--n.arltng lanc1. Mr. Jlnhms FE-W of us will e\'l'r r l'alize Plana for the bug·e. new Staataback to anotht'r spacious parking ct,•·~t uf Arra'nddta ttK' ::~irt~ how many sacrifiC<'S Mothers plant. to be one of the mOlt mod-area. . i I\ I' y('ars. a )IVU -t - noally makl' for th(.ir young-ern and handaome structurea of Ita . Peyton's • thf' Tt'mp~ Oty NatkJnal BuilL aten. Motht'rs Day. Sunday. k ind in the harbor ~a, call fo r Peyton:t .have purchued 26 feet.j Mr. _Robins wu a ~t '11wt in hrit•f is lht• ·wny this 'wtiole trudlng 1\n'& wtH pro(it ·rt·um n_ tttnsl unusual t·mn(Mttl:n ftlfltPI'l'd by the N\'WJI\111 fliiiiM.t:t N••ws-Tinws "1\ncl unnunnn-d wlth thia b•sut•. May lith. is the day wtwn lbe reclAmation ot a ~e amounton t.be Wst 8lde of UMtr plaat.l ol ~ Oturdt CJI t1w Hoi)' .. othrra ..,.ndat~ apedaJ at-of ,roe ..... Tbe __ .. tbe JOO , .. leUecl aootber 26 fMt. en~ I o1 Arclldie .... , ~·-~=:rs ,_...,. Jl-_. tlle7 ~ ot bay front between 'Beecb • u.e. to ba\oe dry ltclrqe. tiaal! nwll'llbtr ot'tfltl·' ...,. Mother IM'xt Sunday. No mat-PI __ ,. t ... g. tbelr craft there and worll on them Ri'citation of the a---•ill • l lk-t at l ... t a w•ellly chf!Clll tor lime put forth. · ..,.. IL So do-tvr Boot .......... o:aro·o ......:"boot ·-wiU bo , ... Ia ·: r·· .. ... ..... ot ...... _, Ia ""· _. ........ - ... _ ll ....... 11 ana ..-.. or u•e con.tructlonth 1 j·• J · • ...-. 7 · 1 trr nuw sma . '"""'. appft-ot..a bulllbnct a loa• u-..bWk"-d · emKJYU, ..... .YiN. t>am~.. bcJlcld at 8 p. m . FJ'idAy. at tbt' 1 YOuUtf~ .ty_lerl u '. wc.ll n me"*" ef tl\e fleMr . ymar f'ffnrta f'Yf'ry RatuNtay Jli«ht t.trt N-r:er lue~Mea rial(' It and at wnr an . part "' klt~~t-la~-tltffi ~-llft n ~~ uf -ttw valk-y'' ~ R. I ton JecAJ ,-n • -oJu! Ina lhla-drlv• t Ht11rt noW a nit -In• tnf4) a . f II h ffort tM hn&. eoablinJ!' tht' . reclaiming of ~lng IMtall~>d which ·will acco.m-H 'll l\.1 . • --ef Nuoport H•rt.or •~ eagerl, ""~ te ._,_. tN N.-wpott 'TN" a d A nfl Iff rift.. th t ' • . ~pay or a <'r t' ~ • !-about .20 additional fet't along tht'mod,te. bo. q•• 60 to 6" f~t I . • . ortWU"):. T.cmpJ<; ~l)' and ' 8uai-Melt'.-A-lation .,,,. olltalftlnt flalt te f-~ , .. .;. '•'•,;.....t·d· -ran ~-I· • w'll-ra•fy ,.., lo'-all!.• pal<! Y.t>ar. 200 foot f ont Th 'p ·• . H ong RPquarm mal'~ Will b(o AAid lit 9 tO.OOO · .... .... ,......-~ · Thi> I"''"''". whn prttvr• tu '"' th" I'"•• Y.v,.ry l"''"'lfl w?l,_ -tn· I wlli then ~ ;.:rfeet ~, pro~riYa.nd gi\'t' the firm two ways In-a. m . Saturday at th(' Church of ~thland«rs who ""111 attend tile 11•"' fre« f'lsh f'ry •• N«w-'"'"' ,.,.,,.,.mllll ur ulr11l11•ly will. 1tn 11llnn I• ,.,.,.,.ptr•l, t. fr"" to f'ftlllt C:or.rr 8'-'it Wal leam<'d ) 240 ft't'l.!!tf.' .. d of t1~e one ~f"t whiC h handlf'll lh" Holy Angd in Arcadia. ~::,. Sund~y:._'!ay 11th. Above are • couple of_ haptty youngster• -'""" 27. hr lflvrn 11 J411(1\ "'"rll "'" 11lol "' f rl,.n<h •nd aMftrlat•. \\'h('n l('ader.; of thf' A-<:sist· . · nn Y ~ma er C'ra Jnt('nnt'nt will 00 in Calva·,.,. e • "I tl\e Ia.,. aA411 -11 _. ,._.... ~etc... t hP•·If . AJttl. lhf' ,.....on•l W!trkrr will Hf'•·uro· " rHrlpl htoull •l once and ancc. t.A>agut> ami othPrl' in-~ .J SPf'('lfll'lltlons for .tht' propo!lt'd The local firm has also cr c>ated C!'ml'tl'n' lA!< AngrW!' 1 '"' lt•Y"" " :merit .-t....-k uf Jll\0. •lAd .your manh low8rd· ~tory. ft'T("Stffl in its youth pro-:pant .~911 for ft ~&utlful boala !<ttpply ~tort' in ~thf' f~ont with -nw ~ .. ~ w~v.-... ·iw. widow.:L PI . . Thill,, In ... lilltlttll In fhr "Wf'f'k· tr.•rly ...... :."" ll11 1 1 lilbacrtpUOIW jPM gatht'r .Monday for thr ,_8Bit'l display room , v.ltb a apac•o.usmaterials on dlsplav. Pt'yton's also M rs 1-:Ji:wht•th Rnb' . • • M · • llv J•,.vr•"l" r h ... ·k• Afte_r the win-•arn mol'ft crf'ltll1 than th~ .... Ia . r .. _ r ,porc-h a cross l ht' Pntlre front ancl .. ont6m.plat• C'On_;ru,..•on of a' ...... ~o~rh .• Rob' r ltnh!'. a_ !'OOnd. egaor1 . . . . I )'I~ 0 t,,... ("'fTl('r !'ton<' 0 ·w ith I rg-kl I , ~ •• ~,.\ . , .. ,.,..., , ln!IO 0 I!; CllY. an . ans emorta · nrr10 nf th" twn mf'rll rhrrk11 hAvf' l'llf<'<l Iliff' In lhf' tlrlvf'. 'Mlf' ear J _ _ tht' nrw Bo ·s Aid bu~il;:dc;in~g..__..,91.Ut-IW4l~h~r ng a reas, OC'aft>.d bulkhf'ad t"Omparablt' to that plan-8 daught('r. 'Mrs. Dorothy Gtois.•r · · ht-t•n rtrrlrtr<l. thf' thlr•l wurk..,. will wrrk11 !lr" thr ht-11! at CO!'t:l :\tf'!'a. thl'y will 'ht' eat> e6 rntr. fiP1I by tr11' l';tllllt:I "'JJI"&nt I!Ufl'lffTnlc> 1 or Temple err~; ' . r•·•·•·h·r In ll<f•llllnn tu "W,.,.kly Turn .now to th• ·Jart'il . aft· ~ng morl' 1 ·tJan m('rf'ly p.-r-In the rear of the sail's room n.-xt fall. .· · · ...n., 111 .. ·emcnl Ira •nulber pad nt tbla fonnmg a C('rf'mony for the I a nd offit"f'l! will bt' boat shops and 'Ml~> Slaalft plant will include 1 YAC'H· T -V --\ • .,,.,.,.,lptlun rullr•·tlnn11 Th" fuurth '"""" 1·11p lttf' rntry rnuron •ad l'tart 0 r anothl'r !:lructurt'. l "tor!l~e l!'p&C't', a largt' aisle. then l'll'ven 56-foot ·mooring slipll for -. IDA "J:AKES : ere . "'"'""' "''"' r .. r.jvf' In at11llllon to hrlnlf M •nil tl~ 'Ml• "-port ThPY will ht' layiav: th(' roun-addlllon_aJ und~rcovt>r . etora~ ~-a<'ht~ along lh~> birfkhf'acl ON FUEL OIL; TO i ""' "Wf'f•kly I'"Y"III" r h,..:Jt. I~ ll~tlht>ft Nrwll Tlmrp oftlrf' Tb4l dation r.;,r thr building·or bl't--' -) , .... tl•nl "' hll• "' twr "'-'"";.,.,,.tt .. n tim ..... 'il11nrt "" """'"' ur your ··ho will ~rn w into bl'tll'r . • • fficers " I ial Uay J•ltra.l••. lit '" h•·ld lhiA ,,.,,.,.,.. ntaJ .. •o· /II ~"'""~IIIII ''hlltll n·• •·iv•· In lld•lltl .. n to "Wrrkly rl••hlv rrwllrolr•l. Thf' mtorl' ).'Oil db, lrr ancl ~trons::rr youns:: m1•n R I h E u s 0 :GO IN DRYl>OCK f>~llm•n•ry Jtlanll fnr a !\!Pmror· "'"'k 1. !\I•"•IY •• r 1~,.,,,.~, lololn r•rtl,.rllnn,. fo'Uth pJ,II•·f' workf'r will n>ln<l In "n'"'· fur ynu wiJI be citizf'n~. Thill i< Onl' of lhl' a p r · s . )'f'Hr Ill :-: .. "''l••rt. '14•·r·· ,IHtn"""'. "'"' ~~ Ill ....... uuntn until "'"'' I 'IIVI "II" " .... n .... , ....... ,. "' l:l'~ th .. "'"r" you will rPr f'IVf', fnr the ~• wonh "·h•le projf't"t~ to · . • 0 peak Here , n ,,.. t-:rl•· llalhhurtnn. Jr. ~·arhl ed at thf' flr~t I '""' • 'r•rrnnan•l•·11• r olrl h ~ ~~~~<~•"· I''' ,.,.nf•·d •··<'~• "' 1w·r ; •. nt "' "'" "r hrr "utu.,.rlptlun minimum ~tu••r"rllr" I• Jl out <rt ~ · . --~; ButldeJ"S'-·~UnlJ.~JJIJU~Jt•' Lho•_An·,tl .. "• Amenu •n '"''It'"" I'""' la,.t Tu•·• 1111-: ltt1· oam.•IC" and d<·•lrntll"" A)l utllf'r wnrkrr" uu<lrr fifth •·Rn milk" vnur ;.l,mJ,..IIIlllllnn what be.J.ooruL-~et · 1 ,.,~--.L:"~ · 0 \'1cf11 . W:'ll' moorrrt at thl' Orant:•· m•-..·trnl( ''' lh<> :-; •. ,., .. ,,., tlarl••r a• t l••n I'"' k~ot lt•!lll" 111""''" """"" ,• """•11••1111 · V"" , ttllrd In ,JIIhiOr rlpttnn• Tou • Ralph \'tf'"' • I e e 0 ,. \\'l'c10I'<day whilf• Iakins:: ah .. :ord -'Oif)'""l'Jij(ht fj. ,,... l ;i·l(lolf! rl'lor --.rr--rnnm rrnm ·~IIIII tii Ill I·!+'+T-. .. .......... "'ill rcn•1vr • II hq!IIJI! I hf'l'k Y"'' "'"".!. .!!"!.!.' .. 20 prr """' rolti- For 1~ ~(':0 1''< n.1lph \.11'11' . . (ud nil Th<' ···r··m .. nf,,. '"'" I N• Ill d tiH t:•· l:.r •• -~'i\nwni •••UI•I ,;,;.,.,, .. 111•1 1 .. , tn I"'' ... ,rt In nd•IIIIU'I ... IIH·Ir "''""'"''In II S400 m .. r l'lll'!'lr.'---- Spl·:tkmt: ho ·(or•• mr·mht't"-of · 1 f II t• I' t If Sl'n'f•cl the•·llar hor an•a "'lth M ' . d 11 -0 ., · :"n tn 1·, 1, 1,)·u1n • ..-l ... , pr•· .... nf • ' ''" "•• t•f•J ••r tt • •!•" ~,.,. r·•r' •·f ''·' ,.,, ,. •. l''''"'"n• ·~ '" r:~n~l' c·mml\' Bt lilcfl'r; L' .-• • • 1 ' · lf1u .td I"· t · hi"' 'ht'o'! ml'l:li hu~inl'"' ~nd • . ·I· . ~.x . for tht• hilS::" Wll'ht t"~Jlf •l!n Df-4<· • .... uwr '"" AtlJul,fllt AI t ""''"'"•·•·• '-'"' \'. ~""'"'' ·•'"". D fu \ h M' esa '1"nt.:•· :ot lh•·u· :\l:o \' owml -1-.h . · · ' · l•v•km·•n · r 1 t · · · · •· '·~ hi!< rtf":'l,th \nll hl',a r('ai iO!'!'. ' . ' 1es.· l .· . " IJI l,ll <:'!let .,...,,. ~rttfllllln·ol (a·l . ' "'''~ lnl< n rol''< "•~•Ill· "1 II • 1•'"'!1<1' "" 11 " ,,,., 1 " t . ~ --llV<·I mt: lolll'll n I ...... 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I ~--bodY"fOF·tt~ ofhcl.' tn.ack pnd · ~-mlp1~ lu .<; ... u··~.· ul-I~ Y-'~l:o~' ~~ ... n11"1 · 1"1 ~'. :'>l:1nn·· (',.rp• ~r·r I hi' hi lw · 1 mtn "" ·tf:,..k ,. uti 11"Y 1''"1-!'"" A•" 1'"'' '' ·"' ""'. 1 ' 1 "'''' 1 '' 1 ·, ... , " 1 1 ' ,. . • ·t II !l<'r:m ·•· ~ ·;:~!lll•nl n'f hi-< a< :1 htl<:rtv "< m:on :11 ('o,la :\J..•a. tt .. n-~ !~Inn "1 'nn -t'rnm lh•' "" ~lr•• Wlf WIWI'il>-nf':tr .flltuf.· tho· I ''IJ;II!••lll•" .":tlj ''!•l~~<I!· .. J.IJ•· i;..!•.•:_t•.!.,. --·'' '' l..L.:.--1 ·t • 1:••11"', care crow carn•va se . fim1 t tnl~ 111 n •o···nl ~··ar·!' d1d l:;tiJt'1 l.llllll···•·"n Y•·l·· ,;-;_ d t··d '·""~ 1"·"11 ·' "·" !(•''''1.''' '''1" -Imp 0.'1'~1\'< 1 1''''11'•1'1~ "f p,,._,.-~ lh r ~ .. ,.,., •. ,.,_ l.u• ... ,,~·1 '"" '1 - h. • I'Oifll••~ ,-, l.tl•·•· I~J•' 'of \\'~·•h1'''d:l\ n iL:ht .,, tt·· S t· t l,,ll h:t,\' :dHI J.u••Jt••n:ulf ("um· I ,,n t '••· l '·•·lf l• ,., ,.,. •1 \ .• ff •t t •Jt• \\•.· .... , \'.,·.··• • • ' • "" ·' 111 nd F I' I !'•('•·nt I~ 'I···,. d rr a• nil .. I ,,· h t .. 'ran-t••rl :OIIPn (nr Ill-' fl iiiP' '_:lol \':tl}•'\ II• 'Jtll.d . full .. \\ nog ;, .• ' I . . ·"'11.:. I . ·" :--.-I h·. II• ljld· 'I' ~-:, ..... Ill:•' """ " 'I .... 'n ""'' d t· " t • "". ' ..... I I. I' . ,. • ..... 1" m .•n t. h 11f fn•·nd-\\Ill Inn•· ·h"11 lihH·'-• :'-I '1"~' i-·,., 1'.''"Jl''1'1•·d '" ~lll':ok I 1 .. '" 1 ' --·~r-·•'•···<~·: ·t · ' 1 1·.·•• .. ·•· f ;,,, ... " ...... 'J ,, ,., .. J I \".' 1° lt ,, \l• I -. ~ 1 1 ( H 1n 1 IH'I•·•I lllff• f1H·n 11w1 ... t11p ,,, .,.1ttn ""hi' h ;•, :e ... r, ...... ,.o,h,·r l':tiJlh .J n d tu~ A J•''''flllll• nt llll rnh• I '" t h (' "" 'l•· fl ·lll' or· th ·· ll• ,,. ~a\:11 Ol I I I I (' ._. ,. '•lr • '"' • -.. I' . ~I 111' ... • " , .. , .... "I I'd "(':t t• lltlll" I htlm•• n ladt• tnwk ;"".:. \\'f•ll fi' ("n,t.t \), ..... , ConutHUlll\ ('Inn ·t ~~· ... •·I\• •'11 IJ·,,,. nt·:u . J..t,, ,\):t· f tt \ ( 1 ,.,, • ..:• '·· ''' • . ' .. . c I II ·•n...:•· '\I'. ·,, ... ,., ~1r·o..:t f'la .. t• f ' lttt r \'t'\'••r ""V.t ,, r • ,. • ••t 1 ' ',. t'h•· f;uthful "'•1\lt't' h~· Ot r.--r-... , 1\tt·,·:--\\ill In h·~l~cl, fur· :\lt . \'•:·J,. nHtt,, ,. \\Ill :tlo..n dr11,f'Jtlo"' th•· Int.: t•ont J;af·1ol. o~ud ("oru .ul ~11""'" tv'" h,.,,. •. ,j,.t ...... £'fl lh·· Jlllhho· Ill lh•· I hill • h l'h q .... t S .llllld.l\ :.: l!:uoan;.: nl pll"l' 11•1' :".':1\':tl :Ill :..'1:..' -:\!.otl:w ,\\•' H.·ll ~<o'• 1,·~;,;,' ltnn ••I Ill•' ; 1 n . ,. .. ,,.' P "'· ""•·•·· :o fuo:tl ll thlllo'··,~·.n ,,.n ·•···· II"'"' t .. u td"'l..' "'"'"'''''" I 'd I·,., ... .,: '·"'' • h• p;oul t.~ Ill' ""'I .,f ·It h 1111• •• r•·~td\· '" 1''"., .. ~ h· ,. '!''I "•I ·''I l ,, ~. I . ,I ,,, ,,. ·, I'., •• Jl ·r .. roJ '.I o o I I ·' ··' •t+ \",.I \\ 0 J I • I tlo•l '" I I• · s "lna.: .\lone I 1:. r ~~-\\·::-V·h. '1~·n RHidwk. J,,nc•' ~h. rrh.1n :on t1 t-h ,. MaJnr '"lll'll: ·dnn;.: "'''r Bat· lln;,·, h•·~1c·h fr,•ttc lh• nll-.·r da~ al••:atfl fh;· ~-~~ ~ ·, r ,. d h<•a ch t ru<·k "11h t 'h~o·f Cr• •·k · }~t'\ II .......... :a fottfl••f p ;1 ... 11tl I r l h•· d ltlldl "''" l''llllh,o·t' lh· -··:. \H't' ~1:t ... onu· J.!l :l\t ''HJ•• fit•·' \\Ill I!'' c-ond1 u·t•·d .11 \\',•,fnl!n~l •l ,J, lll"lldl l'.n k I (:uuld 1-\ <;, 111•·1 < 'h"f" I ('"''" :\I•·'"· 1~ 1n ctl:ors::" ElabOrdte· Array Of Prizes For FloweP ShoW '('r :ol 1lw h••lm To--nm•· ap· pn·hl'n 1<•11 rh.tl th•• nrd1 11111'~ ctri\ ,.r fo•rl-'"'h• n 1 h·· t nwk ftr'-1 ~..rn, ...... , .... · thf' '-.tnd .~\n~· oth,~r f"ar \\n11ld h. lfllfll•·· rh:111l\ -1 111·k ll""'''··r tf,,.. ll ltl··-'•··d '":n:•m. lh•· fi r't tw•:v·h (• tt. r;tdlt• '·P.Ipp··d .uvl ·;di ';tlnn'· th•· !",,,J·h ·(·,,,, ... 1 ~kirn~ .~··r ·1h · '...1nd \\ll·h ·«'a~·· ·I ''''' Fr:tnk <~· fl.•••·.- thf' 11r•·· -uffl•'h nt l~·. \'1• I··~" hn" htorn•· ":•'-:et :.:urr. ll.11l uoJ I;,, d ",,, lon rn 1n ( 'llt•·o~~-:1• ...I ll . ;ond '" ~· ·\1•' :,.:., ,,.,;,, ,,., c·ll ... l.t ~!~ .... ;, \\h••f'l h··· .. hl•·t•.:il·thr·. ... h••f'f Ol•·t.d h u ... ln• ..... J•·•·••:.!r11/•'ll .~ .. ·on · n( tho pfontlr'l• r'l1 t.tJ ... lf11''" tln11"''' 1n th~" rnmnlunJI~ I n a ddltH•n t o t .. 1n~ :u·tl\(' 111 · .• th<' :\}•·';' rh'fln·h :'-l r \',.·1:; ~,,_ .dllh:oi •_d \1 llh• \l:t'<ll~ll'' :--;, 111111'',1 IJrd.·· -·' =-'rt••h••~ ... --'f\·a ..... lllrtW· fl•n i ,, I· ,, .. , Ill-\1 ,,.J.,,.. :'-1 I ' \'t•·l•. f,n, ,,n· .1 · ,,,. \'1• 1··. h1.,1h1·1' F o:mk \'••·1,. :.nd \',, ,, ,,f ('.,,I I :'-1• •:1 ;tntJ ~·ewN-Times to Sa>onsor Southland"s "oNt l·nique Flower' ·Shm\· ·This \Ve~·k-end: 'B~·autifui' ·Array of Exhibits to Be St•t•n In Store~ f)f ... ~ewport Harbor "crch~nt~ r--· •• hr lll'lJ,f•·l'(fitl'•ft ffl f t.• vuut,.,. ... I ', 0 -. orf ~ 0 o ftl f Nam,. JurtQ,., .Ju;t~t·" 'At ... '4o ,1 •• j•' 1•.; "'"''~ itt •.•• t. ••• • . ·' ·.'· Ul'•fn•nJ.: .,,.. ~1 ,, 1 r ., I' I I•·• k •• ~~" ~I •·· !• ~. A ,. · ,,, .. ,. .f ' •• ,, ,, •• J· ,. f ,· ••• • \1 I '•• I " o : ~ . . . . .. · .· .. · . .. ... .· .... ,. t •. \ i 'I~· , .. I '., I '·· I •' I , •:.. ' • ·'r , f ..... ,, .. ,, ... .. .. ,.,, . .r.·J Iff I "' f If .,, • ' I ~" "I • .t -.fl I • I , t t • 'A I ,fj •• •I' .. ,, '•J'f ~ 1 ••• t• ., ,, .. ~~ ,. I' 't l •l 'J ••• , •'' .. f •, • '• I i , /• 'I• ·••r ,\ .. 1,.,,,,.,.1 11 1,: .. .td • 11f tt1•· l 1n, :.ud lf'H iurl,., Hn\ '1"11l.ttl'" n~ •·hnfr: ' hn1 , ..: ., u 1l. • '111:' I t l:tfl'-I ti" fl11tfl ;,,..,j..,,, d h\ N •·l,n rt S tst rfortl. ,,,,tl1•1 t t C'dlf•,lfl!, ,, fttfl tl lltl~lll \ •h :ttttlltt ll nl ttw ('n ,tn t\1 4'!\8 '·"' v. '"' h \,.,11 ,.,1u1,, t-· '"* ·••l •·•t < 'ttarutw• "' c · .. ,111111'' ,.,. ,,,., ,·hani'S •••rn u Hft•·•· ·;,,,,. .r L~ t ;r••f'" IJ&~ ·• r ,,·, ,,f 1 ,t.at•l'" .ttt•l ·''' • 11 'II• ,j 1 ,,f t'tirl 1'1111 I I tl lllf)o 11f :trtd "~' 'r '''" ,., ,,,,. 1f1t'l•flll1·d 1r1 t;·n tn 11\'' pl:ttt~o. l n r tht· Ar1111111l C ·,,,,;1 \1· .. ~-II''''''' f 'dt ltl\ d \.\ht•h Il l •1•1'' ·I lot If ,,, '·,1 111\.d t 'tt.lll Ill Ill \l••r II , ·, .t\\ ,, \ '•oil ,. ,,,,. •I I• ••• Jl. •' I· t l .,,,,.,, ,,,.1 t.·. • ·'I •t I I •• ' I .. 1 ... ~" ... ,.,. " _,qt Jd .tttd '!''' '' "'' h 'I •) I It • "' f •• f I \1. ·' \\til II ""'"ld 1\ .; .. ,., •. , .... ,. unrnrlt 1 h:t"·llrl~tll uf th,. ••'lltt,Hl"' f'!_.!!;nrn1t · •· .. II• ,. 111 ~o .. ""'''''" ·f.v C'l'Prn '·'•llll'hllf \' d fl d o trw t ,'l o bo f, ••• .~ ••• 1""'' llv••'<IOCk, lt . .,ldl'l'llfl or .tfl', I If P I I I 1! Ill I I l l ' .I t 1 1f'll•~ ltrQ , ........ ,, ,, 1:. ',,,.,,.,., l1u-.. Hnlltft f 01 I I• ) I ol I J ,o 1 \ftlltl l ' l'l tfl1fllll If'(.'. , , I '.ll't •t ··· f I V lo \ ,tfHI•••Irt' + .j l oo "'·' ,. dt·, II '·I h \ ',,I ,., . ' l··r · •I • • •lllfl••ltlil.) II • d , 1 • · ··I· • 1, d for i h o t II II I\ d , ).l l•·t th .ell Ill p:t~\.')f'Unl. • '1'''1 l•·tl 1•) ), rtd III~Jif' HlrUoM• , .... ,. 1" Ht• :--;,.,., ,.,.,,.., ~·xhlblt '.:trtd ;d 111: •. ·'"C' I IHt•· t'fllthlt• tho • ""''\.d to ·J. ,,, .. ttu· ~~tt1th•"l llr• "•" •d ·'I''' :, '·"'' ·'"· tlu:. Ju"'(tory •·I ''" .. ,, ,. At 1i1:ot llnw or tho J,. t • id .l 'ln• :•1 t n,,. I•• 1,, ,, '•t ,,, ·,,, I J• •!1''' I , '-,.r ... '•' . ' ,. ' . •I • I Itt II\ II ('ft tl llll.ttl , 1·1 . l·. .. 'I "till• llw ,f :t 11 1 • .. '' .. ~···. I ll fit• t 1• II fqtql ;• I , .,, I .• d dr·· • d to .dl '~H1H\ 0•• I f ''''' • !I•• II II h if. I ldl/Jf ,. Ill I J d;• f 11! ..;,,qlho Jf1 °(':.tt(IH HI I ,,,,, f,. II '"'.c. I 1,. \ ,, ,,,, ',-:.-. · ·r·· '· '" ,., 11rl• "' th• s ...• ,. • t ooH -'f ' 1'fll\ d t';t f'ftd•· ;\1 f t fri iJh • \.\II, I • t•,,td• I•\ tit•· ,,,.,,,d ,.,,," ,, ,, • · • tt• .• ,f, •I h\ 'I" I~ It,.·'< t ,, ,,.,, ·f ·.,,,,,,, t • '" 1 f 1 lw • 'Ill• t t 1:1fl d t\ I''''U ,.,.. I h.-p:tr:Hir• 1\ ftu:•n'''' ,.,,,uruttt·r 'Alii' n:.rrl•·•l T'"''""} no.:ht lot I lu· •·:ornl\'111 ••II .lll.!l"'ll \ .,( llt•• ".flllf hltand r. •-. -: 1 .. 1 ··''""' 1ulm" duhs .nd tJ,,l· .. , ••\'''' ,, a r.-. uln·ruty l••tffl'• ,I v..tll h :t\'1' twPU ~tUJ.:(•d •. I• '""l' lit• l • .t ,.,r Ji;oy Wt•l'kf'fl(l ,••Jrt'l1 ''' ;lt11tr•••1 t•Uif'if•\'16 from • ''" >h '''"" .,r Southern Call· t••r "'·' C., a'' I• ~· ,,.,,,.t,·tt out. M r ....,. .. , Mo s. Lr~li•' St,..ffen· " 11 "' I '111 """ cfo•l ~1ar will en• l-·1 t 1111t M1 ' S t•'ff•·u"•n'!l fllttwtr, -'-'"'''" A 1\;ol t•·u ,r nnr('monl at "·fmnlly~•1rnn"rr ·hnnm1n)t 'hi" 7!5(Jl •· ·• ·· lrt riiHlay Tho· a ff:alr will take pt. .. ,. an !11; ml .. nd city. -- '· . ~--· Paae __ Two_.....;.,.........,_,.....,.-__ -~---:--:--.......-----.......::...------NEWP9Jff-· ---,~--BALBO__.:..·....:.~ A ~S-~, Newpart Beach, Callfomia, nruRSDAY,. MAY 8, l941. -· p~:-·:-.. ~.:.·::·--rp;;;~:c ~:.T·:::~ ... ~ -l-----/-·-·~-~111 E:---. w-.· 0· .. M~-A-·-., 'N-·_ '-'~-"Q.-A .: G~-~-: · • --1 station and transmiu1oo · · U f ·· AN O&DINANCE P.OHIJUTISO line of a company or 'J ' . . p 'I'SUP~NG 11PON. ASD I agency furnishing l'Wc" (Be~y Dodge . t . Phones 12 and 13) LOITI:IUNG ABOt'T. ('Ea. trica• t'nergy; I .-----..:;.------------------------------- TAIN' ~r.s Ol' P.Of· h •l t:vt•ry gas Rt'neratmg Mrs. Herbert Smither.s Hostess At u _ _L __ Yacht Cl··b The . ·--Orr w.·... IMn. D-L~ Loft• Jam. ' plant. compn>~M-11' plant. ~ .. ·-.... ~ - . 'nw CUy of N_.port &acti. by __ _,.._.~rou&b iU Clt)' CbuMIIt d~ ~as holdf>r. galo tank, and 'I Ebell "Bricks and !\1prtar,. Party To~~ Of c., SAND . SI...., .... R Citizenship Award !.Elected To H•d I:IL't ma.m ul\l'd for tht' . . r .. D producnoo. stontg£· and . .,--SUIIUDft Put, . Of Patriotic Group 'I Junior Women' a Club distribUtion of ga~: I On•· o/ Lhf' largo·~• . t. b ~·II . K. Blue. C. R. Rudd. Ida Naylor, ___ I , · l .. ' ' .: · ~n all foiiOWI!. . aeedM-~uo. -.t rw- ...._ Public saft'ty 111 h1•rvh9 <if>· da~ 'to rt'QUil"f' that thr unln· , WC1'\Iplt'd ~rat1on of CX!rta,tn in·. ' dustrlea ~ntlal to national · ck•· t.Ne. soc'h u thc--.h:craft manu· ~~A\'vry plant or vitl\1 part "Orick~ nnd Murtar" ilffHirll gtvo•n T. J Johnson. Artftur Dnnaklaoa . ---Mr. and Mrs. Judd Crary of , --· . - thl'r('()f or otht•r prindp<tl ''-ION· thl'tr !\M"lt'll of flllrt11·~ l.~t·~.....L A'St:.\:111,.. R. N . .Q,m_n_b:wham· tndA) ..... u f1lJlrk ~ of tht' Bl"\'f\twood Ht>1ghts inVIt.-d Sal· ~h~' Erma Orr. daughtt>r of Mr.' ' Mrs. Robert Lone of ·NE'WJ)Ort l>n>Pf'M)' I' s s ,. n t i 11 1 to 1,. mJ>nth ago was tlw dt•ltghtful (;.onllon F'1ndlay. ·R. -P':-orr£i0Uon'. roost outstanding Pit~~ of tJw :_boaites Jo a bartJcocur TuHday and r-trs. Vt'rnon Orr of l'ewpot;t 1 Heights' and acti).tt' in many ac· rendering telt>phonl' or )brid,;:l' tr•a R•v•·n fnr ~··v..nty f(I,IH·•·(\.~:. n'"'"· Jf-E. s~ p: ":11SA~~ w~~n Mrs·.~ •e Hau&h1evininc as, '111UTP "'•'11f.a~":'l l"tca'~· r«civ~ a h.I.K:tl~.~~iviti8 of t.be _youncer set wu tt•lt>grl\ph srrvice; frwnd1-TlwMiay aftl'muun •·> :'>1n. \' · l'a~··'· C. f'~. Hand. Euaene ~nrl '1u~ tl'rs V r&ln&a Castle and I Judd C'Tary •·ho tJ resuminc IUS gold pm award m a good CltJzeon· 1 e1~~,. N>m 1'1C lact\lrinr lndwllT)'. af\d pt _ Q>m· panlea or agrncl.-8 supplyin~ wa·· ter. ru. t'lectric and otht>r I'Wn• t.lal K'rvlct!l, bt' pmtf'Ctf'd hy pll'· wntin&. tht' Intrusion upon the prop!rtift the~ of idle, curious 1.1:1 Every radio broadca!ltlng lllt>rb_c rt 11 Smatho·N <Jf l,..adn J~ln Elluott. Harold Hopkin~~. J . A .. r••rrf'll .dSta~r .;re_ .co-host~~ rack in tht' anny and ~ to ship c;ontest ronduttt>41' by t-he ~of the Junior Women's Ctub rt•nlnt• plant or. lltation: 1 an twr l'hanmn.~: hunw at :.!26 Via I l.ant. F A. Sw&nflOn, and' c. F ·:; 11 hhn ~r nc eo;'~e salon San Franc:iKo. In the cort~e ot1 O.ughten of the Ameritan R.evo· I of Costa Mesa ·at 1\Jetlday'a ill:vf'ry railroad bril'!g• or I L•do .t'ol'fi. • · , (;alloway. · · 0 , t "1 •• t>WpOrt . Yacht .cars were Louis and Kaua Bric&s. lution recently and wJs honored • meeting ir\ t.lle senior Women's tunllf'l : Brld.-:r Wh!l pla}'t'l'l on thl' sun .-• < lub .. ~ anrd colors of apnnc now.-1 Moreland and Maria l.A.>ttho&d, a\ ,the Cherry Blossom f~1ival j Clubhouse. Cqsta Mea&. Fo~--- Evl'ry plant tor thr hulk rl•·rk of thl' Sm•tht>n~ horlll' b('(orr 1 Coming Even•-l'r' ~ '11 ': ~ fftr t!!_~ decor-Weston and Mary Jay and Bud procram. Monday afternoon in ' ing ttu.> election of otflc~r. -.r1a 11torage or d y n am II e, th•· tl'a 11our Pri7f'S Wf'N' won• by . · WI •111100~ an 1 \a ~ .-ft cards 1 andMUI~ GutluW: · • Santa' Ana. ·. • Murit>l Hatch. young violinlat, gtant powdl'r, gun powdf>r Ml"ll Mar~taret w I' I !I h . M r ~. In Harbor .-\rea "';'11 ~ erouped for 't ... b~., POPPING IN-was u . Ccmdr. Lovely arrangt'mt'nts of nower-I presented • group of duaieal and ot per- 80fta or ,other exploslv~. <Aoral' Hamilton. Mrs. Junl' P ayf'rs. ·-' "Lt'hy'' Nation wtlm ht' rn.M an i IJJC quinc:t' df'Contt'd the roOms selections. ' Invited ~ts w II J inc:l'* unannounoPd personal appPa~ &lid It'& table in tht' A. J . Me-l · The n t> w pl't'Siden\-auc:ceedl r• Mi!M Cuth.W, the other day. ricf\t fresh ott ttw ~ homt' in. Santa Ana whf:re . p.(jss Betty Dodce of Costa ¥~ .-of ~,.,. and, by pr~lblt. J1iir tht' loltt'rinl a~t sud~ places by penon* c•pable of JnfUctme harm or cl lmpedtnc ttw <~per­ adeM• CIIU~-4M Uwkn - Henry. Ec· • CPast Veterans of Foreip Wan :'\on'na was ht'&d. With M•s.~ wtw was t'lf'Ctt'd at the orcanJ· F. Wolden· I A.wdliary, Legion Hall. 7:30 p. m ,Quinn. Jylla Okkeftllon. 1.-~I No .,a.an. ~ than takinc his Will ...._ ........... .._ ... r:::~~;-;;;;~~r..; bt'f'l. 1 N~wport Beach Boy Scou~ 7 'man. E:iiubeth T h om . Edith I vivaaous wife Ceci)e to San DWp ol Santa Alia hid! school wM was 01her off~rs ~l«tt'd weft A apt-elal -priu of a five dol· p. m., scilut hut. Kuby. Ceo~ette Muw~ll. Jua· with him wtWft the will remain; hlch point winnPr Ulfore. n-ey Ga.d)'s Edick. vlc:e-preajdent: Mila ,.,.. ... _-,.--wu-won-b)-MR. Wll&in· Costa Mt'S& Carden Section. 1 n!ta Wa~r. lAurltta W~. until Lt'fty's coww b apin chart·! PYt' stlor1 talks ~mh\g. tht-lr JeaMtte'K~I. teeretary and Mila_ ton who turned It back to tht' club p. m. 5unroom: -~ Bnaa. SUr Kirtc Vfllna t'd for HGeofulu. awards. 1lw-two girl' Will be Jean Etta w~. treUUftl'. In· for tht' buildlnr fund. Presidlnc D. D. F. Club, Rotter &rrows fl(•tdt. Cf'<'il Nation, Bla;;aw Rar: ! . lilY IIT!:::Jidt anct':DillnP ~~ft'ted at a J?Cteation hour and ' stallation ceremonies will . take Po-a f Any prnon. fIrm.. ..,....ticlli. tvWI1U'Mfttal arency, drpartmt'nt or •nst'Nmt'ntallty bavlnc ~ or -control ot U)l ot the fadlitlfos. plant.l or wtJUty propt'rtift f'nutnt'ntt.-d in at tht> 1,.8 lablt' pounnot tt'a wl'rf' home, Newpon Hei&ftts.. ''')', . Rt'lly Powell. Mute Howe. I' man •ent to 1'\>rirws ~Y IJUnetliOOn fCJ. lit' ~ ~IWda) ~· 'pt&c~t JUM--:'W--and ,will b c_ Mnt. S A. Mf'yt'r and Mrs. F. J. • SUNDAY. ·A~· ll-llaiTM't Potter. Edna ftsher. • Mar-l nit~. at $tid Mr. and Mra. WlWam La. Anr;t'IH Wom:t"' s . Athlt>Uc I charge ot Mist Gra.~ O.ucf\en· .8«tJon 3 he~. pollt. Catlin In tht> ren-ivln~ line were Start of Spnng Star Boat St'r· tha·Elim F\~Mr, twiN lloetler, A. Oark o1 Ft'lbn wtwft they 1 ~. wfwf't' h~gh ~nl_ gtrls from 1 bauF. • . M~. 0 . M. Campbt•ll and Mn~. II'S, Ocean Race~. :<.t;~ry Jay. ~tht'r ~pman. Vena V.'t'rt! ~ts of Mr. and Mra. Ed-I ~tfMom Cahforrua. htgh ~hools I Mtsa Hatch was accompanied' lff'nry H. Nil'm«')'f'r. j F. R. Aldrich .MUK'Wil. Bay 1.1· Earnshaw. bo~ E !' r n s h a~ .j ward Jff.WcNn at ·• ctlrlMr .-ny ,.,.II ~rt' honors ~~ that ttln(' as . by ·Miss Edna~ Walker of N_. Otht>l"ll Invited wt-rl' MMdamM 1 land open from 2 p. m. to 5 p. m. Sto•lla ~· ~ Hillman. car-~ Mr. and Mra. R.obHt 1 K'WStS ol tht'. D.A.R. l pon Beach at the piano. Mrs. Y, JIAY 1~ .. m••hta Vmcf'nt. Tommy Worley Keyes -c1 ~on wt.o af't' ·ar.v-1 Alto attmdtng f~ ht'l"f' was Dorothy Tuckt'r assisted by Mra. soon to make thrir permarwnt ~1"11. Vf'mon Orr. 1-'•ss Proctor. 1.Mildred Hobel ,wt-rc host cues for H. Shof-makt>r and M~. th(' l'\'t>ning. or enc:loeed a,.....a cit'vott-d to any 1mm.-diatt' v1cmity ·of any prt>.l'l· lac~>. Stllnlr·y Al'kt•rman. ~~Wet nc. . IIUd'l Wit', and at lnt~rvals ot not Lws poslf'<l a:\ providf-d in th1s Haddock. Vktor Graci'. Jll'nry 11. 1 p. m. lunchron with Mrs. Harold :'>lmford. Cllf'Ohnl' Ba~tt'r, Susito 1 bad tht'y a,. &ravine. but Wt' mY)' ~ than thr.H ht.lndnd fHI ordinancl' ~·.htlt• havin~t in his Nicmt'yt•r. F r n n k J.lardiman. llopkins. 1707 East Bay Front. Rmhl•rford. Ida OHkuu. Ann a i th(> Pf'~ ang~. ----. ----May 20 visit on; t(>k will around any a,.....a devott'd to lluch po!IS4'ss•on any I'Xpl~_•v.-. tool. or llt>nry t:l{.:r•rt. t:ul{o'nl' Fl'nC'Ion. N~wport Beach Arts and Craftj; •~·u ~nsbe~. Nancy Pattt>r-1 Dll'EflS-at tfMo Newport Har-Houaewarmln& . : attt-ndr-d bv 200 memben of the ... IUbltanu.J &lcM not lea ctr-vtc... ol whate.vcr...cllara.ctcr cap· Murphy, su~nn M. Hulh!•rfom . II. st'<.'llon. 10 a. m. . . -on. Mant' Boudinot. Nell Cru~y. bor Yacht Club ol late haVt' beftt r. ----L __ ...:. ! Friday Afternoon Club. Orange than one aquaf't' Coot In anoa. dba·l ahlc of d(lfn~ harm ~r damll~t· .to I'". Vuu.:hn. n 0 111 n o1 Thom~n. ·Costa Mt>~a Baby Clinic. 2 p.m. Tiwlma Rlackbf-ard. ~~ MOf'!"S •. Mt>SSrs. and MmM~. ~ Robt'r-LoUJIK.IICIUII_ Fete. 1 Counly Junior Womrn's Clubs and playtnc prominently in .41ddltion any ~tructure. marhmt>ry. f"QUIJl", Gall' K. f.ti'Kmn••y. 11 t'. Mowry. to 5 p. tn. appointmrnts. Wonwn'• l\lf!r')' M4'Cit)Jwn. Clona Wlutt'. t-of Palm Sprinp Roy Pfotr-Mn Bert 0q • t .I' motht>n~ of J _. W. C. ml'mben'. ~such «twr lnfonnatlon as may mt•nt or o t hI'~ pror.,ny of a t-lrvin G•'<~r.:•· (",.1rdon. 0 s. Uoyd. duhhouse sunroom. A11a "l'\lford. Ht>len Paritt': Vt"ra·, ~.Allan 'Crary . Fred M. Jordan' • Ull be dHmt'd dninblf', thl' words;, s1m1lar or dts.~imtlar charactl'r, m-~ Nr·lhr• G. Walkmo;on, (' t'. WaltA.! . Nt•wport Harbor Amt'rlcan Lrg· :'>fl')o'r. M)·rtll' Bref'n, ElWitJ:t>lh and Ed CI"'l'n('ndyk.-of Puadena. . ---'p -Luc:k Di "TRESPASSING LOI~ING l ~>tall•'fi or locatt-d upon ~uch Jl~XI • P . A Pnlm••r. c. E Kytt>. Thi'O· Jt)n Aux1hary. 7 :30 p. m. Lr&lon RAbhttt. Judy Kam~r. Kay Kirk.j Al.;o Baron Long and .-rty, tht' 1 F.ntl'rtainin~ in honor or h··r ot n.ner -FORBIDDEN UY LAW •. 1ft ! I'd pn>mt,..-.s or ar~>a. jdorl' JlA;bin.~. Jfarry Wt•J<tovt>r. R !lut. ~ . :O.t."r~ '!"'1'n Jonl's. Fr:ances Addi.'iVn Gurkoy!<. Mr. and Mrs .• aunt. Misj; Etnil)· Aldrich. prior ' In Parker Home _Jecible ~tt~Ot not le~a than two I HerUoli a.~ F.x-.,uo... T hIt L Pattt•rwn. Will;m1 K 1 11 1 on . i . Cost,a Ml'l'B LA>g.ion AuxiUary, ~ lliirrt..orl. and 8arbara Jt'ftk1ns. I Ft'lix FarM''I'II. !\fr. and ~rs. to twr &-part uri' today for Rkh·t . lfts:hH In hf-i&ht : providl'd, how· I ordtna~rP dot-s not apply to any Donnld Bo•ach K1rhy C. 1. Thom.l r1 m . v~ion lliill. Out of town J:UI'<it!l will b4-Ann .Mauri«> Sopp. Mr. and Mrs. Elan , mond. Virginia. Mn~. Dick VQJ:l'l. · lnfof!Ylahty proved_ lhl' theme ewr. that any P u I) II c waltlnc r•ntl) an lht> ('()(Jr.<f' of duty of Is w . Blackhcoarrt. w. w Cm'<il'r.l 1'\f·~·t{OrJ 'Beach Girl, Scout. af· J.;ro>,,.;t• of Ro'i Air. J.-an Cain."~. RnM-n 1._, LA-onard Difanis ot • and two J"Uf'ata formf'd a fouraome' 0~ I hi' S unday evl'nlng J)'lHU~ room. dinlnc room. offke or othf-rl any Jl('ac.> offlc.-r OOC' to any TM'r· w. L. Mood). F. F. flourllnot. c ll·r school. Lrg•on llul. , Rtllh K••ntS<Ifl a nd Laura J ardine R~wrs~ the> w c wa~int~:· dinin~ at O.llbo:t la!<t night. liinn..r hostt-d by Mr. and. Mrs. portioa ot any I~ IINCIUI"f' or ~ ~rovr~lnR an N-tahh~hl'd•anrl w. Jlarrison. Los Cc:lstura.'t Club. 7 :30p.m. oof f'A,:u1o•na. Julia Ann If yd.-. ton.~. Da~·wt llvko.r . Gt.rnld Col· Wir~ rtw duo ~·rrt' f!Pir n F." I~ 1 llortol'l' .Parker of 217 C rand preniM'tl to ~ch (lrneral pub· ('ltJ~tm;: pubhr ~1&-wtilk. Stn'(•t or I AI ..... ...Mf'lldanw .. 11. lhlnwr. c I !''f'..KDt'l'. ~AV IS-r~ nn Thomas and llawl Sonh· <'Ord. TPX con&... Randolph Ky-an<! !\flldr«f V~rl both of Balhoa. Canal. Ral~ lslan~. f lk accna Is rt'Qulno:ct in the nor-1 h ltthv.•ay. · 1 M . .,l)rakms. 11ow11rd S.·a~o:•·r. n : f'(:~'tlhrt Rf>aeh EbeU Book l'r'"' of S3nta Ana. Manon Os· srla ~nd ~fr llnd !\en~, ~r . nus morning MildN'd VQJ:el badt>, Gur-..ts. l;rN'!t'd 10 latl' afte": mal Wit' and .OJ)('ntllon tht'reof or ~Uoli 'J. Damactac K lc •"., ----St'<-11on. ~·•th Mn~. Hal W II 1 homr . IJ'f' !\IPS('"'"· Junt' White-.. Br)'a n of San IMgo fan-v.·t'll to tht' honorro ~sl a~ ?oon tn~ludf-d Mr. a~ Mr... Rich • where mat6ia.ls ano df'I}VPn-d IO, ~:Vt•ry JX'rSQfl who lt>arll dc~·n. &-· nthrr pt>n.tm~ or <:tn·um,tanc•·l' Smtih .. lOR Onyx. Balboa Island. moo•'•• anfl :-.•,... W1lha m Rhodl's . • S • :\ r lltM-hoardrd a trtlin for th.-Ea~t. am Ct'< r of Seal 134 ach. Mr. and or l't'Ct'ivrd by the J)Ublk. llhall faN-;. or dc•stroys. or mUll<."' to bP llhall nor b<-atff'(·tt-d. thf'rl'h)·. . St·w··x Of'arh WS C S 2 p m ll•·n···' Sr . nf In< An:o.-11-s and HERE ~ 0 n.rt:JU.: :} and Ottwr al'ttvitv in tht' v oar 1 Mr.<. Ralph Jtc«f. Mr. Dftd ~1'!1. • · · · · -· · ''"" \\'tllmm T lH'f'rnPr '·" Pa.<a· J · "' Ro A d M d M J not be t10 po~~ted. tom ~·n. d<-faC'f'd or dNitro)'t'<i. 1 ~Uo•-tt. ThL' flrtltnanct• ~hall C"hrl!'l urch ttv thl' s.>a. Oll\'r• Ca,flp and lll'nt> Murra)· o1 -• · ' houiH'hotd Jut Wt'l'k wa.s thf' c-f'le. ~ n l'rlll'n. r. an rs· os- 'll\e 'poatt'd bounckry" of any any_sl.:n plaC'f'd or fW>'<h>d umt.·r •lw pohli~h•'fi olflet: m NEWPORT co,.la Mc'Sa chambe-r ot Com· ~.m Du•"o · ·~~ :\:nt·o!'::..T~~b~titwt of thr )'0\JORI'l't VogPI's t>ph ~lamblf'l. Mr. an~M~. ~ ana shall bt' a lint' nmnln~: from I ttw prov1!o!On!< of th•~ nrdm;once OAUlOA NF:\VS·TIMES. a nt>ws· m<'rl't> din-ctor'!l m('t'ling. 6:30 p -----• ~";.. Gu h ~ nd M'U' . btrthdlty. ~y Pven.ing. in lhc . -r:mt and Mr. and M · Wendcll aip to tlcn. and I!UCh UM nt't'd I without lhr• COO!<t'ftl of thf' po•nlrnl. papl'r pnntt'd . puhh;,h,-d lind cir· j m . lfarrison'!! Calf'. . Harbor Sonaatera . ~ I('~· I ; a s· I I('!! me:: Dick V~t'l &-p.1rlmrnl~. lnchJd·. Pickrnl'. not conform to the Jecal boundary fIrm . rorporation . .-:owmmr·ntal l rulntl'd m th•• c•tY of N1·~1ll•rt Friday Aftrmnon Club Art ~ :~ ';!:,'1~ •m~ ~ «fin fPSiivttu•s Wl'rf' Mr. lind :'>In~. r-MARG---AR--ET--L--SCIIAIU.&---~~ or lt'la1 dt'tlcrlptlon of any lot. Rf:l'fl(')'. dt•Jiftrtm<'nt "r m1-tru· Bc'flm. and shall takt> ~>rft'Ct a nd and Crafts St'Ction. 11 a . m. Sina ·IR Art P f 1. Los A tr!' En Jelhn \'o;:f'l. Sr .. ~tr and .\trs. Dick 1 ~I 'W IM:1'Mp ol land. · mentaH()t .havine gos...~<~ion or lbt· m forr1• th1rty t:\01 day!! artt>r, p..;••wpo,_n l l.!_rbor Uons Club. ~~ K" 1:!.., ;~-n!~ .... · nd ~t ~~~~ (·~1'1 11nd Emtly Aldril'h and tht> TMder ol Pluo 8aetiM L ~ -a'llll!n Nlfltrol of thl' pn•mil!Nl on wtnaftn,c pusage. · 1 noon. Kais4-r Call' · Gallery Tea 1 . ..!.0 ·~~-:a ... -. ... _. • ........ ~-· 1 nd honnr ... ·. John \"OJ.;I'I. 111. ~ • Aeeo•p•llllat C' .. W The .,.. __ wtiictt ~ · h "-~ __... · n> 1\'<-u lno•1r courtlnjt ,,..,.., II Stucllo : J07 Oolcl.,rlMI A-w . --· . may st~n a.. un..,, .. ~tn.. is ! Thr fon·~olng ordinance' was in· Nt'wport Harbor Rota!)· Ctub. ........, ·~w T o• Sha Co•o"a 6et Mar ~ are the followtnc: guilt)' of a m1~. troduct-d ftt an Rdjoum<-d reglflar · 6.30 p. m. White's Balboa· l.aland f.nctiant in~ mu.,K-for the La· stcl('"~~.' at 1 am ntf'r 11 rhumh .• 1.-,.M>n w1th Ryron and ft, £wry airport, and every S.U.. a. ""-itJ (.' t a • a e . mN'ting of the Oty Council of • Cqfff'<' Shop. ~:una Of'arh Art GaiiN·y Tra ,...a .. for ctuh lM-an.~ ~nd hambu~l'nt~ :O.t<tnon < )!;hnrnl' in Los ,\ngl'll•s.l .-.o.e: ,Newport l ... ·W plant, t .. ld and atructure Evt>ry pt>rson. a." principAl. ageat tht• City or Nt'WpOM Beach ht•ld I ---fuml~ h)' ttw> CAN.at Lyric Ctub ,RHYTHM 0 :" T 11 E !YPE ' I v ... m• 0 '•1r ~~~-of Puptt wed for tht' manufac· or otht'nrile. vioa.ttinc 811)' of the on. tM r4th day of October. 1940. I H M r-•• under tM direction cl Mn. Mary \\ R.ITER-~rs.. ~. FIll h ... r -:-AIEAO THIE AO._:-bn. ........... or t.t· pr'O\'Wonl ot lhia ordlnanct' thai\ and waa finally paNed and adopt· ODOr rS. Lilli J Batten St('ftt'11110n of Corona <R-1 kont"5 Saturduy nltr VUl tht' aar n~"'!'!''~~,_.,..-___;:..._ ____ ~-------------.. -· 'llw fll ~: • be ~ · P¥1~ aC a ~ ed by lakl Clty Counc:l.l at • Alclrkh At Mar. Sunday .'n the famed '1lrt I roe ~~ltown. Iowa . ., h t' r~ '-1 ' YOUR SHOES ARE OUR BUSINESS (b) 2Yery tM!ok.fann. re-mf'anor and upon -(\()I'IVIction ~Jar """'tlnJ flwor'f"'t ht'ld on • ""'t~r. · •. Will visit with !10ft Bill. · · ·1 • finery, ccmpt'41UC)r-plant tht>N'Of shall 1M> puni.shabfto h)' a tht-5th day of M11y. ··J941. by the Dinner Party Sri~rtll mt'mben ot the Lytic Lo\ .... ~~..: 1~ tee a!...~ ".,. ·~-.. 11 -_,_ .. .....,. , __ ,..._ :r .. - or aa.orpt.ion ....... ,, mar-fin~ o( not to t>JCC'N'd T h r r t' folio~· I no \'Ole• lo·,..·it · · Ctub ·an! n'!lidfotita .heft iocludin,. 1 Snut........ _,_. ~ • ....,.,... "''* :r-·--. .. ...., --..,...... All kiMt llf ......... •-•--1 -::;""' II flund-... .. · · I ' MM(t A J R H d .. ·d:w NMW"Y Patter"!~(){~'""""" homo'• ,..... ... -......,., _....._ •• -...,.._ •• , ... _. -""" .. -· .,.pe n e . "'' Oolla~ J$.'lOOI. or by AYES., COUNCJI~MEN : Rt'ed. 1\f~. St>n Oquist who recotntly . a~ · ·. uttrr. arol · · · .• hr 11 f ' IJUII\IMna station and re~~· lrtlpri!W>nm••nt )n the> city jail in ! (1ain>. Allrn. RTown. Cordon. mnvf'd into tllelr 11_. bomf' 011 1 Bakrr. Dixon Smith and Frank , 1' rwxt door. or '" 1 1 roM ° CARL \'AtiGHN SHOE SHOP . ervoir, ~forth.-hulk ttw _city o( St'wport 13<-ach. Calt·l NOES. C'UliNClLMEN: Nonf'.l l't'~-port Jlt>i'l(ht~ WB!f !1UfllrilW'd l 8owmll n. Thl')' ~nJ: a RTOUP f!( ~-J: ~plt'tt'ft G~c:'~~·f·.. t82t NeWport Blvd. COSTA MEIA treetMmt, bulk bandllna fomaa. or m the County J ail or ARSF.NT . ('()UNC1t..MEN: n'C('ntly with ·a hou!lr~ wanninl thl'f't' numtw-r,, .. Com es tht' h ~Cg:;r;;:;:' C 0 ;::":'-li;i'---_.':-____________________ J or bUlk 1110,..,... ot petro-OranJ;w Coont). C'<tlifnmin. tor a j None. j lunclicon shower ...... ·,,n by hl'r Sprin.-:". -rAJIIaby" and "On the .. UJ A,~. r.,-~r.ol r at I r---------7::------:-------------, ·-·-or -•rol ....... or I t .... h A.......,..,.T •• Stn......... .,,. I' to N'tnaJn an ''"'"u u .... onun ....., ewn pro· JX'rlt.u no o I'XN't.'u t r I' •• • • •-"' : , J:~ Nl'wport Brach frit>nd.~. 'on-· M ha·I:Jlal f'\.chr SOT • · L'YI'HEL'S duct&; monthll, or by both l'UI'h firw" and 1 f'ltANK L. RJl'FJIAilT. Each of lh<' gut'11t~ brought a -M --e :11"" th 1M ~~ 1~ • 'ld \1'1)' r..• BEAUTY SHOP ~) li ¥ ~ r,. ,....I"WWir dam. im ri!l()flml'_!ll City Clt•rk. 1 portion of tM &unc~ wblch ~·u · ~~ ~ "";~:W. · 1. "~ 1~ caee pumping Illation. aqU(•• Mec>tto. •. tr any pMvlslon ~ 1thn-w-ltncl r-~eoinl: or-.SCr\'«f twrorr M~. Oqull<t was w I -~~ hb; ~ 1'~. hoo )ht Permanent Waves -. -$1.95 & . Up duct, ~n canal or plpt' thl:> ordtnanCt'. or th<-application I dtna.ncl' I!< ~i~nt'tl and npprovt'd ' """"'"'I'd witil hou.~~e-oofc! ms: · ,_a ton , . .::. a ,.5'" ~ 1 3 • ,..__ of a public t lh r t • . b h " h ... f M •. .. . "'' !lfl Lf<IU . . • lfl!IOI3 " a'l I' I M . 50c ... ..,. wa t'r l'r('() o any J:M'r.<On or -ctrcum· )' mt• t I'< ;,t .. ny o ny. 1~11 I l~nt ~._.,... J.h'lidam('S W. 0 · · nd' <O::unda -. MW' • 3nJCUre • . ayat.em; . 111ft!'"'· i!l l)e\d m_vahd. the re· IRVIN I. EO .• GOROON. Corn•U of Rt\'t'r!'ldf-, ll~rry Spl'n~ IWUPfS SJQHC'If I¥S7I£SS ~~ ar~ha·r1., ~"'·= .for 7.:'-1 • (d) Ewr')l r e 1 I' r voIr. dam I rfuun<kr. ot tht' ordtnanc.-and thr MAyor • <'tty of l't',..'JlOrt T\o·ach 1 t:l!:ll' Patti'~. n an l'oirit-r. Ra· WHtllf ~ R.riti,;h w 3 r JWrwr In IW\·.-rly ~ 1883 N~ Blvd. ton of such to Pub: ll 194I. mona CAA'lf'l and JJ a = H•ll ... and M~)' nitt' had . -RUL~ OF · TIHS-SI\OW ONbY-ONE -MORE _DAY 1. 'nlla nower Show, aponaort'd by·The NeWII·Timea and the Harbor Area BU.Inl!u Men. ahall be held In ttt~ ~ particlpatlnJ 8tort'a and Offlcn on Ma)' 10 and 1 t , TO • )ttl,.. -~ • . 2. A..ll ll!xhlbltora abaJt ~ ...-ldf.ftta ~~ ~YKA-~----~IId, eo.t& Ilea. Corooa drl Mar. Ne~-port Beacb ........,_- 3. reptntlona muat bt' madf' at Thf' Nt'WA-nmu Ice on or bt'fore 6:00 P . M .. Friday, .May 9. 1941. I • 4. ~I partid~J Merchant& wlU furnllb d·.-play apace IE SISlER TO FOR TilE .~~ 1101 ~~~ . BISIIE' MErS BE HELD MAY 111111r . --.. ~ ~ tablt'a for f'llhlbltora., but no lohrclumt nor Th• )lew~~-Tt.mee ahall. In &n)' way. bt' rf'•JX'nllibl• for to.i' . -_ ... , -·--.. ,. dt-cSama.ae to malfor1ala. nowen or coouln~ra. ' . 5. ~nhlbl(,ll mlat ~ pial'~ by exhfblto.-bF 10:00 M. Satuulay, May 10. 1 ... 1 •. a.nd must bt' in coo. • ra fumlabed by the f'Xhlbltor. • • t . All l"f'~Uon blanka will bt' fumleht'd by The Ne19't-Ttmt'a tr-e. of c-harte and no t'Xhlbllor may · pia de more than onf' ltl.tptay tn any ~ atorf' M-.o!Ucr. Other dJIIpa.t),. In othrr Jltoru at Mlf'c-tlon of rxhlbltor may bt' ~t' by earh ellhlbltor eo lont u one d·IIJllay . le placed tn 11t01t' wlf'Ctf'd by Thf' N.-wa-Timu. H<M·· ~r. reKta.raUon mu.t be madf' for f'&eh dllplay iJI each .tort'. 7. 'nle Newa.Timn shall appoint thn-e judgu from out of tbe cjty .. lt poulble. And th«" dt-I'U!Ionl! o(these ju4&'ea shall be final and blnJirig upon all f'Xhlb1tora. S. Tbere thall bt' but on~ ciAIIIIificlltlon of FlowHII In tAll ahow; ~amtly, CUT FI..OWERS. . A Ill( nnwne and acce.aorlu may be U8t'd b.J.It thfl baflkf't or bowl mu11t contal,n not t-than ·atx varlf'tlf'a of (lo.wf're RolM"t +.111 be permit tf'd Fttty polnta •·Ill bl' ~corM on quill- It)' ot n '"'-.11 and tiny point• ~ort'd oo arrttnt:c>ment. Ol'f«<ery allo~t'd. • , •. AU newt'rs~e~hlbl~f'd muat bt' llmRteur Jrrt>Wn but do ,llot n.ce..rtly have to be from lhf' ~tardf'n ot t¥ Ellhlbltor. ONLY ONE CLASSIFICATION - · aut -elaeelf~atiOfi or flo-rs will be ueect In thla ahow-GUT ~OWEAS. All .lloW.rs muat be amateur grown but t l}ey do not neceaaa'rlly have to be from you~ own gar-den. f'oeea will be pel'mlttrd o~ llf'Y annuala or-pe~nnlala may be -"OW" to long u al• warletfea are uee~ In e.le:h uhlblt. Greenery will be allowed and eeur-· lng will be baaed on fifty pointe for q~al- lty •' flowers and fifty 'pointe eco~d oil arrangement. All containers and mat~rlaf ' muat b"e furt~lahed by the uhlbltor but water may, of course\ be HCU~ at all ato~•· YOU MAY -ENTER AS MANY UISPLA \'S AS .YOU WISH 10. Prt.8H. u .abown eltewhnt' In ~hla ad. "''Ill fH> a•·ard- ed by the part.Jclpatlntr Bulintlll a nd · J>Toff'Ptona.t Men of th• Harbor Area u quickly aJ~ judging I.e You are not limited to entering juat -CCJalplett'd~ All p11-mlat be c-laim~ by the •·mnn11 dlaplay but may et~ltr a diaplay In eKh of bJ ll:OO P. II. lfonday. May 12. ttML. \tt. participating ato'" If you wtwh. The 11. O.petltlon, foe prtua ahall be only for t ht' prize or IJiit point "-· h-twer. Ia to M au~ your · ptUM offered bf. tht Merchant In whoee plart' of ,..0t.tratleft t.a.tnk 1e ~IW«< at tM N- ~ t.M d ii'Q> ya art' rnadt' Tlmea off~ t.y F'rlday ew~lnt at flwe 12. A1f priM li!Jta eball bt' held 1\J)"D by Tht' Nf'.,.II:Tirr.~,. ~. M., .. h\lrry It 1ft rltM ftow. YOU CAN .Ia order t.bal aJI)' O(fif:t' ~banta l~lpatf' EAIIl. Y WIN ONl 0,. THE IPl.ENOIO to tho~ Joohrchanta no.A· lh~ tn Nr•'t!· PfUlll lLIEWH£ft£ IN THII .,.._ 'W1JJ award. bMidea any other &d;~!JiffifiiiT......._+---.MI~ut:WR.M.ItN a&7 ct.~re. an lndl¥tdual prlllf to tach D .hlt>lt<>r MODda1. Ma1 12. lMl-Ev~ry ExhibitO..· Will OPEN TO ALL FWWER LOVERS Dtsplays will be made ~imulta.nrous.ly in thl-participating • \tf"n·hanl'l' Stores and OffiC"f'S on May 10 and 11. EaCh of lJK.sc Bu~ness Men ha\·e "ma<k a\·ailabk-tabk-s ancJ !'Jlak-in th€-ir s tor't' or offiN' for the unifonn di~play of all exhibits. t.:\·c:>r)'ont' i:' t'fwouragcd to take part i.n· this wonderful OJli)Ortunity to tum ~llr different bu.<iifl('S.~ di...-hi~..-into a now('r ~how-room for lhi'St' !"'O c:ta..vs :ltld every f'ffort has ~n ·m.1f)p to mak~ it a~ .-a~y a!l pos.c;ible for .all to p.'lrtirip.at«'. · U 8 E T H .IS R E G I S T R A T HJ N B L A ~ K . . -, ....••••...•...•...•...•...•..•...•..........•.... , • • • • • • ·• • • • • • • • • • • • :"e.-port Balboa . Nt:WS-'M)f~ .. ~~'08 W. Central Awf'nur. Nl""-port Beach. Calli. r oenUtmf'tl: I du'rt' to pl&cf' a n f'lthlb•t m The Haroor Arta Bt.ulhlt'• lote~t't .,owt'r Show to be h~ld .In tbt' part.lnpalln~ StorH oo :\Ia)' 10 and ll. t94l. I ba,;e ra ·f'fully l"f'ad all ruin and •P"H In abldt' .,. thf'm. I alao IJ'f'C'Iflrall)' 8C'f't't' ~~ all n""·~'ra .,11• htbt~ by me •will bt' amatt'ur vooa-n. i Wi.U a1ao nlubtt my llltpla)' In t}l(' at orr llt'IKtf'd by you but may make other cti.tplaJ' 1:\ llorett of my Hlf'Ctlon lf I ao ~ - NAllt.: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .. • • • • • • \ • • • • • • ,. . . ··················~··········~······················ Participating -Mer~banhl aod PRIZE LlST • E.~tus Hardwart'. Paint and Plumbing Co . ---Five Doll~rs In Mereh~ndiee' A a. select~ By Wlnriw Newport Bay lnvestnl(int Co. Pavilion. 8&1bo3 Ten Doll~rs C~,,First Prize Two qoUars ~nd Fifty Cents In Boat A•ctu.. ~~ ~~n Lonnie Vincent's Balboa Phannacy 7'16 F.ut Central A\'l'nue. Balboa Sevtn .Doflah and Fifty Centa In-Merehandlee 0 . M. Campbell's Ocean Front Market 2110 <Krall Front. Newport Beacb Five Oolla,..-In Merchandise Betty's Beauty Shop 'Balboa Inn Arcadt'. Shop -No. 3 .aev-~-~·,. arrd Fifty Cent ·Machirtele• Permanent Wawe Ida Naylor's Beach Togs 204 Marme A\'t'nue. Balboa bland ' Seven Dollar o~nd Ninety Five Cent Slack -. Suit ·Emma Hugh<>S.-Surf and Sand Sport Togs 70\ F:an Ct>r.tr~ AHnuf'. BaiOO. kwtrt Dolla,. and f'lfty Ccnta '" Merehan41 . . .. Rolwrt Allen's ~boa Island 'va·nety Sto~ 213 Mannf' An nul'. BaJOO. labnd Sl.OO l1t Me~'handl ... F'lrat ~rl~• 12.00 1ft Mere_h~ndiee, ~~~4 Prize Balboa F'umitu~ Con1pony '2MO WHt Ct'n!ril_'Avr .. N'twportS.Idl ··. - ' .. ,, NEWPORT BALBOA NEWS-~, N~ u.;.ch, Callfomin, TIIt'RSDAY. MAY ~. 1~1. ALONG THE WATER FRONT - cabm crul~r. DorNlt' 11 t>WT\<'<1 1 by Ed OoiTtll. It was up for a l paint and cht'l'k·up job. Also on.l tlw · ~ll)"l'l for '"'••thaul ~·"r" tht' ... _,_,_ -----S.'!• 0u<'l' anct RIJIIndi Ill own1-d U a waterfront tcw.•n I'V<'r wit~ by "SQ}1111;r ·"Nnblt' of Pa!iad<:nu..l neat'd a buUd.in~o: boom, N('\o\'J)Ort Sht•' 11 :JS foot cruls<-r. Harbor Wtttt>rfronlt•r·~ art• oi:IM•rv· \ . .. . ...... --: 'NEWS-Til\IES .. .· lng tht> start of om• nt•w for ,·:ml~ Nrw boat own<'nl mcludootl Dr.j a long the .Rhine and Coast ili~;h· Eld<'n-L. Carbon w'ho purdla>-t"-1 w~ are C()lllm(•ncinl( to r<'modt•l frum SHuth l'oast ('omr)any ln"t N G 8 A S K ' E T 8 A' 1., L T E N N I S -T R A C K -8 A S E b A l L •and bui14t>addlllom: tu lhl.'lr <'!<tah· "'"'k lhl' tTUI"'-'r. Chrilll tn.• .uul ,.f-~I;..;S:.~H:.:,~I;,.;~..;;;. __ ..;;;;;..~...;;.,..;.;...;;. ______________________________________ ,. __ ~ __ Hs!wd boat yahi ... C't111rlit> ll<'t'<'ht•r ·r:. H. l)l•1;'1·w ~·f Snn Dh·~u "'"'' • of the lll~:hway frunl '''I•~'" '" purcha~·d n trim "''"' OM',. n .'\ s I w N I paVt' his yard and OloMit'rTIII•' 1111' o'I'IJI,.e•r· tu lk' tlt•ll\o•f••tl In tho• • .._ • • t' ·ona front of hi" Roal S.•l'\'l('e• ~(Ire! II~ s .. ulho'l'll pOll T h ,. 11\lli'IIIIIL.:·~ dl ors In a ·I do Pt•)tons. r ••• l~hl lram "'" hnn~-: Ill lh·· Ofange Show R~lays ---nl'"' Lho\ttn!'> ('r\ll!'>\'r 'tra1..:h1 fl•trtl l 'pon tht• way" at SouthCoallt-the•'liictnr1"""'T'11nrr')~'---· c'hw · •-.-.,. .. r(•l';' 471; \1 Sl;lnl•· II I I'"' Hu\ ·, " .. ~... I , \\ 1 o.:,hl ,, ... " 't I • 1 •1 171 1 .... ''''" .: .. \J,,e l I" •It ,,.., t 1·•1 ~ .... , •1" -.... ~ ..... i d ' t lo• II.' .......... \ l 'otol.h•\ .\ II·'" .at. h II I',, ... , \\ \1111"1 ' ., '" " ' ••• IM' "' .. •• u company y:~nt<"'~··1" •h·· .n ,,,.,, •• r san nl(·.:o Harbor· Athletes Return From ()uthla~,ctrh ·l'irkt'nS lsMUt.'M-fall .~or t•rcu.·t il't1 ~1a~· SPOITLAID BOWLIIG ALLEYS Track Event Laden With Trphies, Medals; and Prizes; New R~ords Established In Pole Vault. and High Jump Spring· ~id 26th · ~"r~.:~lo ... ~~~ , ........ -· ... .. BALBOA PAVILION BOWLL~O 8HOI!8 -BALLa ud IJQtni'MEllt'T P&ICES: 15e Aft.e,_: Me Eft.;~ .. t.. 8aa. & Helldql <'\'\• H'l••t Nu,.u ;tf~nu·u· . ~ It'" um. I•• •I ,, I ttunklu~t l•-·1 h.dl "'' ',,·It hi\ ,t :f '··~h h I .,, ki'1Ut h.,,. ):•I ~t:n ::~ith fttl l he• h•'t.:'" Newport Harbor Union ll~h &·hool a thlt:tt'S 1\.te-sday n u j; ••• "I'''"" 1.,.,, 1". proved tht>rJlS('J\'~ champions Of tht> SOUt hland in tht>ir dl• :,>,.,Ill 1111' tlo•.'•flllol•'~ "' ,.!')_£.r.)..l"' · ·· N · I 0 r::. co~ w R"lnvs held at San t• 111''1 '1 •~ , ... , "11 ' ,,-.. ,"'"" vtston at th<> ntlona '1;'l~t' ~·<> • • · . p 1u.11 1 t 1,,11 111,. ,. .. ,_~111 , 1,.,_.., •• &>mardjno. . . ! "t•· k """ ( ...... ,, 'lillie·~· ro•" "''"' t<c•tu r tnJ.: ,,.,,.,,,. t••tt,.,.,,. ht~ ~l••·thn .,,ll '1'""'' k ""''"'l··~·n I '•'U'''"''JI ~1unt7 4: '' .... , tuhtl "1 "11 sl ... fhn l 'nJ•.:h· ' H1u h,,,.-...,. "harh •'A ,,, I " k 1 UIJC I• ~..,:Ill' t••'""'"' ,,., 1 .... '""' tUUU\fC 'h•nl ~, ..... 1•11 ""''k" ttr•._..:t\t "-" th• 10•! Ill 11111.: J'IM~ e•1 oo Ill l' Jttoot.Mbl)' l111 j;o'l I haoo IHI)' 11tlto·r Salltol "'-llflltl 1,w S11ilors "'ClO thrlr dtvs,wn ---~ ,11"'"1"•1· tutol ,.;itmo•or It'\\ lolc•~U< w1th a total of thsrty ancl urw·hlllf j tn•ph~ l'lt'l;or~ wa" Pon !Smith 5 AI"'' II\• • '"'''" h.o• " ,.,.,.. ... thr H I... J • 1·:-·~~·--~~~~~~~Jb~b~~;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~! !JOint!<, .~arnl'n-d hy lltktng four nt·~ r•'<'~ortl Ill I he• 1'111<' \'IIUII. • l'<•lnl lttHI If Ill\' l'nolJttlolo• IIU'I:I artJt)r Jlons "flrl'tS", two "st•rond~". a nd thn•e• ,i\oldlllollll\1 J.llllnls Wl'l'l' seorf'd ~r~ o•l I . ;\I ~ ..... II \'1\r•ll ~-ol .. lh I Tame Wostw~,d nlh!M~ . 'Wlttrnn,., Smll~ .I'O•U~ IRI ·~I hy Kuz Kurihara L"h"" ~~ f••r "l"'ltll( p1111 111 ,, thry ,-"' TIDE TABLE I tt-cmard U. UeBord I t 'l Me" •dtleft ,.,_ MAY tN ••,. Nnr~ ... 0 .) ~ H I l~i 1 4. l t 27 -"'--c •• ,..... llrll. ''"r)' -·--tlu 4 1\ ,till fl :1 11 4 , ~ .. '" " :1:. ~· -:11 a·n 2·oa ----------------4 1\ I I ·ri :, II fl I l it llullt\l ~l.'\.f fi().l (; Pt<ddome I-' II Su It 1• 'J" ;\ U\ t ·02 2:41 :-> Stnrlunl 41Jil 441' tllll'tlc'ol:tl 4 4 I 4 II~ Cl M I B n.-.~t .1~10 4M'7 t• TOM'ftM!(' lt ·~· Ill -:-: • 11!1 ... ) ]) 'I. ~tltffctrd 47ft 419 ' ••. K-. 4 :! I !'> 6 4 I :t • 'I '" "U4..,• "' :ltiti 4IQ R W)&u. T\1 1:'1 II :tl 4 1\11• IO U 4.10,' · ·--• 0 1 :! fl 0 1 7 4 J>U'l,._ un.Jfort... rhar-acUr. Manufacturers It nt'w Ornn~:•· ~how rN·on l of 1:! ""'" MJIII'l'(l h\e•rTlw IJl 16 t «nt til' -nrl\-~~.-dv·~~ I.. H II t't't't. '2 tn<'hf'S m' llw polt' vault. ,, ....... mrho·~. fur which hi!' ~ UIL 1 .. llll••lld• '" J.:l\'o• tfw ....... d II neg.ars "'PrP Tll4~• .,. t•••·..., 1n ""'•• "''"''"'roo"' • o·ull•ar•. J'l»ltlon, aU.Ua.....t ., •··•"' ttw,.,.,.. • "' ._,.,. .. ''•u,.. rl • • ., ·r .. ~ Wun•..r -r'""'"''*"• sea • .u.._.a,..-h••" a a4 -~ • Y ., ' • whkh 1s 11b•o a m·w J111rbur lfi.:h I r•-.·••1\o·rl 11 hand~•rn•· thtrd ''""'" 6:••·"1 1111111~ I"''''''''" '"'" l'lu\.11 ~ _ I mtfTk. 'm•·•.tal • . :-.. -1111• "1'' "'II t . "' t ·' '''''II ="•'" I"'' I ll.·tlwor ' Koy Kurthara rstahlbh('(l a nc~·1 "''Y "lltthara." hro>lht•r of Kaz. :O:I .IIIIt>J.! 11••1 ~lo·t>IIH~ llunlln~ 1.1••11', "'''' ""''' \\'.-ltoo·••ln~."'t.:hl l(l(·a l schnc1l n '<'nrd whl'n he' t•h•ar· "; ... llw lt .. al Jap~tnt•;.c• )OUU\ who too II••M• II t :"o·o•l!<h•l """I •'"' '" , '"' \\'•••t w•••l l.h•h' t 'lulo I••~ 1 l t•d lhC' bur nl 5 fl•t'l, ~~~~ mdwl' !'t'l l he• new :.chnul hlt.:tl JUmp .lUI.! I''·"' • ull\ .. 11 lhr ~~~~~~"I 111~: 1,.,.111 IIJ•'II 1.,,.,.,.,J,•ol 111 olo• • Moorings . . i====~=::=d~=:="""..,.,~--~~~:f~_!;h~l5,!!h..JJ~U~nl~p~~~o~~~~-~~n~'-N'~~t~on~c~t~t:•·t·ul'\l. :tllhou~-:h Ill' loocok !ooe't'Ond l.o•llj!ooo· ..:n·l·"'l'"'"" t•ul•·n ·ol l.le•u ·f,·:ol th•ll ..:11,.,1, ,1.,.,1111t 1 Rentals ~h.· l'ruA~•· Shu» ,., •·nt ... ~ 1,,"\ LJ• , ,, !!:!L.__t•!!:.!.!• ~ -'-' ~~~ ~· a~-J~mp I "~·•··• IP~ ·~·N il .. ,~ .• "''I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t-~~~n~~-~~~~~nn~~~Q~~~~~~~~~-~~-===~~ 1 Su'liriSIOl: thrfn!IO•ho·~ ~~~ "''"I ltnrhor •nwo..:l n fu.,..l ,ph"''' Ill ""'" • ''" "''.n ""' •I hi' :!111 11 't'.,, . , "''"" ,,,,.1 II\!' \~'··~t· • Ol' m<ln\' oth<'r cunu·nd<'r"· 111 lh<·, tho· hnwul JUIIIp "lwn J lll'k Bnr-lluuluo~t .,., • 11" '" "oil 1~· • h··• k "'""I• ,, I·~ ,,,.. I·• .ol 1.'""' -.r,, Lote News ewe Awollaltle qt Ovr Lee"ol Offlcet • Sales Urfllll:f' · Shnw R.t•la~ "· tho· S;ulo~ lwr, spo'C'(ltn.: tluwn llw run~ IIY. ''·!: ""' '''1"'1'111• tot 111 Ill•· '"'Ill I tt ,, "' .. 1 ,,., •'"" ,, ··0'1.-. "!.:" "lu•r1 """ tl~c·ir divt,.l•ln hy a mafl:'in ' tuuk .. u ;,rul ··h ·ar.•d 1!1 rt'i'l , 9 '"'' I"'" ....... t•j!otlle• •. "'"" •r•. llo· •·· ol l.····lal~ ....... '"'' lo:IW~I of nne! f1nlnt nv••r lla~to'4'. "'tlll'h tne•h•' ... lwfeU'•• lutJt'hlnt.:, tt•rr:t f.amut ~t,. h·r ~ t-IIIIUI"'' '"' ut tHfl • .. 1 'It• \\, ,I\\ ... ., 1 t ,.,.,,, "'elfo'll a loll a I ,,, :.'9·~ 1101111~ '111.;/llrl For h i' ltvhfl'\'o•nwnt Unr-''"'' 1\nnho·un , ........... "' "•II "''"' 1'1 .... ,,. tho• filii I I'll \\ ··•111•'"':1.) IM•t n ·<·•·l\t'1f u hand ... nnh• ·h··l1 J',:f't ttl .... ,n. ,.:•••"' "'t'f:-4 pt tt• •••• u·~·ht tte. \t ... ttiftL; 1,,.,,., "•• r t• h111·klt• ho•ann~-: llw m•e•npttnn uf •·ntlont.: 111111 ""'""'''"_-.....Ill 11 1.-l••tl :ot ,, '""""' lwlol 111 ltl'ln1 LET US SELL IT! PAUL NPRIIAN YACBT LUI. lfAKJRI 1'r1or 111 h•ll\'tn\.: foil' S:tn 1\e•r .. no1rclmo. C"11ach R.t•t't.l h;ul ""d 'ho• It'll lh•· S;ulnr-. t·uulcl Will 1f tho') "'"I lho·tr rull lraek .. trl'n~th. but 1h-· ~.t1tnnal th .u•..:•· .Sh••"'' Itt•· ft'tr,:ul:u !'e•U~t•l \"' l'rto••·t•l twt· ••1\ '''"""'''"" 1'11 \ "'\lto1t· t',lf•• laylt. j!HIH~ i\<1 ~111111111~ l" SJ••t II 111ol l.tlc·t Aa M Ia U.. eel-wiiJ 11t17 er Belt l' our lloat ...... A ....... Boat Oneft 224"' 2bt St.. Newport Seed~ ..... .., wa~ duuhlful t)r lht• uult'tllll•' tluo• '!111• ltl(':tl -.('houl 1-:llrnt•rt•d o•xtra 111 lit.• ,.,, 111111: tlw '"" "I"'"" Ill h-nv111~-: u numtw1 .. r nlll.•lanol· JNtlnl~· "h•·n linn S miiJl. wno ~~ l'lh S.otl<•l '"'" "'·'" S.'o41 ""'I ~ •• 111···1 11111 •h· "1111'11 innldt ~1111 m~-: ltx·;~ 1r:wk alhll'l•'' h..tunll lho• th·anc•· Show r o•l'nrd In the' t•·lil~ '' 1111 """ lt1 •f pl.11•o· """ l,,.·,ol 1.11111• '''"' tlu· lluh••" """n' y.hu an• l):trltt'IJ);IIInc"-ln ha."«•hall l"'l•• \HUll. '"'""'e1 tho• .;hot 39 o•ao·h ~··ttl h •······1\mt.: .o '""'""""'' 1~""'"1: th•• \\'•••l"•wwl,·,, lonn- ... Boat \'U'II. NEW8·TUII'.8 ..._.It aad IS and ,,.11111~ 1r''"'·:.! llll'ho·,. 11'1 w ll) 11 lhird plaC<'I"""t \\OIId1 "'.'". '"' 111""1'1'"" 111~ "•"•'•'llllt.: "''''"" San B••m :.rrhno plnt··cl I h ll'tl mo'lial "" th• ,,,.., :-.;,,ltoollul Pl:m..:•• ,\1 """"'" ""'' t;o•ootlo(o' 11·~1 ODe 10-foot Sldlf-A-1 Shape, wttb Oan - 55 b.p. Kermath Mariae EJap-.e. wilh 10 p<tlnl:<, Pt•n1,. fourth with Rrl•)' T,..,... Shot" flo la)~o"_ """" ""'' "''"I '" \\'o·,twnu1t !-1. Curona lnuk r.rlh Wllh M ('Inn'" I No•WI~·r• llai·t .. ,r·-n •lll) lt•um~ I I Th·· ,, "111 lll•·lllr .... ' '11"1' '~···~~ \\ ''" Ill·· ........ "''"" In ltlrll'•' "' monl ftntl>htod !-l:ttlh "1th I fMIInt tllmo·ol 111 ;1 n nut-tanolm~t ('A' lomo·• tn•·lout.•d Jt .. t. 1\••d <o-1 .'I I 1\ I l'tnk l··~ nn•f 4; \\' l\1111"1 und Nt•••rlll',. fnilt'd IQ M'Orf'• n hllul wn Til•'"'·'~ Fnur rl'lft) lo•~tmli l 'e'<'un.t~ .l.u I. B.oll•·: 1'.! 1M --~· ""'"I'"' "11 llw l••'"l etottnle·l '"' ~~~~~lo· pmnt ' l ••n1••ro•d IJI'udu.:t'll tJt•lnt' h) e•tl hl'r ""''" 1•·•1 • 1\ """""· -I • "'''""''". 1 h· ,.., IIIII '""''·ti 1 11 h··• 'm•·ml"'" · Completely Overbaliled -• ---- - ' --$125 ISOI COAST HJGHWA\'--or ~~ee RAY at South Cout Polto \'ault 1 "11111111): .,,-pl;u·m~-: amonl! lht• llrst 1 ~ntl IIIII~ ,\ml••r<nn :!;, I' .... ~ ... a.. ,., tlu· .••·s.:ulal "'I~""' JW" ~ lo'ljwttlus.: Scorsn~tt II d•~llno•ll\'t' honor for 'thr···· rml~lll'l" tn lho•lr ro'l'IM't'IIVt• "·'''"'1 1"111 111''11 1111 ''''" ,, .... ,.,,.I .......... , ""'"'' ....... l .. n II Jl;ulwor m ;u1oltttun It• tilt' .;1·11nol'5 '''11'"'' • 1"' "111•111 ''" 1'1 1111" ·'11''1111'1 '"'1 • hnolln~ 111"1 !\t .. n·,, l 111"'1••\ .. pl.w·· \l•lotl\ \\llh t'l.tollf• l't.oll•· S I"'"'"L: lh'•• \\'o•'l"••~lo•l" !U -·. " SS! la -BQPY LENGTII! .. or SPRINGBASE!..or total SEA-TING WII)JH!..Ir total DOOR WIDTH! •. or SHOULDER aad LEGROOM!..or FRONT-SEAT HEADROOMt.or BIGNESS OF WINDSHIELD! t • G-£T Ji'f!" ~"air r&ii' ftibtli arf 1Miyr Tm~rma.,..._ "tth lht 111\'d\Urtnjt \lltl..-d"J I"IO H CO )OUr><·lf th.or th~ '4 1 f(')RI) outn:.o~•mto rh(' lf'aJonf: '''" pruc-\Oiut•t<• ~Ill" on nt'~rl) ~t'r)' nuiOrl!lmtn.«on~ 1ft ttl.-ttl6 ~ew!,.oce ~II)' gu-Jrom .,....nd· shodJ to rNr "onJv·"· I rum ruuf 10 lloKlr' T ... , ~~~ •rltoorh roJ~. 100' lltt' 1?11 •oRn ~""' 1nu '""'ar•c•n~l n~,.. '',fo,. moroon' 'I'""J:!' omprm ..U •ho. I. at-."""'-"· It n~ch<·ntd •·ht't'll->a)t', nt~ ~r:rln-I11C't, arui.w.tu:r·_£U~IOOeJ ~NI\. Throll ~hr •~•ttr pttl.·ur ~nJ llC'I·a;,.~) of ~IG nc-"' Fo*O! In prC'<I\uon-1->uoh V-M .-nj(tnt' d<·•·ct"r' '.13 Ill'-" "'"" J'(l\\t'rlul •n 1hr lo•·prrct liriJ. )'('I 11 l m0\1 n•mnm11"l' FOKI> a•t'l4j(t.J 1\ liS molt'\ per ~tat' Hi rhr C.rlmml' CrranJ ( .on)on Run-lht' "1nnt" '" "' <lA\\!, Cnmt' .n-rod•)' ,Dn.'c-rhr c:u )Ou~tr' '\1'~ can rromi.(o )OU rh~ '•BIGG•ST nr-ht·•t •n all-around qualtl)-and thl' IIIC.C.I.~l olt·al,soo! GET THE FACTS AND YOU'LL GET A THEODORE III:BCt;B\. \ COM£ lKl.UT JJ.I.liQVLTH£SE # -.. . .... S IMPORTANT STATEMENTS L Am..cng leocling ;olume sellers: 1. 2. 3. 4. s. Ford i1 BIGGEST-more head, 1hovlder, and legroom. Ford i1 EASIEST RIDING. Ford g ive• MOST MllfS nil GAllON. FMd ''MOST rowufl.iL. Ford ho• MOST QUALITY FEATUUS. ROB IIS US('(JI.S · Zt:PIU.R .-J .. --.---... ·--·--------·-----···---------· -j .. It Atrn.on 1\"lo 1\·•·k•·• 1111•l IIIII\ I""' ·' O:·""'' II~>• l••·tol l.t""' """ A•ul•·r·,.,, <'.Ill~ 1111-: t lo.· '' •··k .oil 1 ""''' L.:·""''' '11w l·•·tol 1.11111• lllllolllnlo( tho•tl "·'~ 111 "'" 11 o 1111 lh•• 1.;1•••\" lu1 7~•·!1fi1 !IIIH "~·unrl plltro• Ill I h•• IIIII~ II•• 1'1'\Ay I "htlo• I Ill' \\'•••1'" '• 11l1·t '· 1111'111ol ,., .... (our ltariMII tunlwr ,;'l!f••r• tnt.: tho·u 'I"''· rull•·ll 7~l'.! 7~ IC~• Thl'y wl"rf' Rilly An<h"'n'Ofl, 1!\ I ~:-S....k llluilt'r. t=>.• .liCe· SaJ.Ior Nt·ne Bows j I nnfl•. 116\1" Almnnrl, l:l ~ V'Nlnrbl; 1 on•' ... m c :u·nll ... 1:-,:.! ~ ....... nr1s . Tf) Excelot·or· I Contmuln.: to fnsm u I' I h 1• ~ n ' tr&('k ,' ·Jr.trhor nwdll"y ro·lll\ 111•'11 j N t Lo C'IIJllurt-'CI ptomt, fur, lhirtl lll;trt• , e men se I J.n ,,,,. , \I n t ••. ,, 1, •• r •I•• (, .. ,, 1110'11 '"1111111'111,; llo•· I• .till IIIII .o n~o• Tnr ""·""l'hlr1""" m rt -.i .. r,..,.l cltff• 1, IH '''"':en•, Tu••~t•luy uft••rt,,.,,,. wtu•n •• "''"''"''lit ("L1ud•• 'c '~o tn• "'-'"'" •• ,. tt1,. """" 1 "' d •·\'••r "tlh11..: ,..,, ••IJIIIttr n lnr _ int; ltu• f1,, t111, fnttt Ill *'' 11 '"'"' truunl•'.J lh•·n1 t•• tlu .. t•tn•· "' 4 2 1 1,.,11 11 '" .1. 1, 1 h· 11U ~ llrrl ... ,. • ·n,, Tar~ 1:"1 "" "tl h " ffvll•~o: J tarH't .fuu t',tttdl" •· .. •'-' 11,, hd••n .,..,,.,, "'"' t• .. •k un ,,..,,, l•·utS uf ''' ... ., 1 \ 11 .. ,, 1 Itt• 111 '' , •-'1T"'•' .. •• ....... 1 Uu l•l''''' d f' l••t l'l II••"-! ••I ~~ ''""' ('thlfl \\.It ru• •·\•r •tlulu,c lh·· ~t,th tlthU"' th• 1-.:Htthl••tl .tlti' 1.\.'0 ~tid ... \\1111 J ~.t ,F~ff'IMI"r ,.lfll:t.:•tJ4 .:••• tlfl•t••t ~M\ ~f11J,., ,,,.., luu:• Htt '"' d d t 1 ,,,.., anti htillt._.ht .h• 4 'unM It( tHH 11111• \\•11•1•11 t t tV.f•r•l .. ,,,,, .. ,,.,. l.~trtw Tru11h\ '11•· Ill ·I ,..... I I .. ,,,,, 1\ h•· ,, ttl'' ll.rl'h••t 1thl• ,, .... I·• ••iwht I•" It lo l h• .... ltt•l til .. tdt i Jlllt "tdnltltittl I''''' llt•dd t .. lt l•lld,l·· ''"' Ill d . '""' ,,dtfrtt••n '" Jf ul·•t J•llt h• I "lttt ' f•llf fttr tti,\('' It 'II t• r tl1• fu 1 flrtl• I''" ''"t u , ...... t r lift• ..... Ill• lu,·h f h• ... "',. ,,, .. , It htl I• l•to ffl'tf•h f•tt Hu t•Hitttlt•• ,, .. ,,,,. d ttfl • I·~ . llfl\' '" I tl't \ Th· I I wi.t.b Ll J.:!Jffi {_tltft P••f lfl '''J"I"fl lot •'•IH ,, •It•· ,,,.,, .. 1 , ., .. ~ ''"""r <,onQ'"' ,. I ' I ••• ( 0 I I ""'' ·~ ., c-r. ... .... ta rullrH.! "" ,, "' tiJ•' I• • • I l •••'· -'' • 1 ' 'I ,.,,,,, f,, t I• f •tll•f •, f ••; rue ··1• h "'' ••I H. "''"I ',,,,, ' ' ;u ,· tftt .. tntH•r t •• .,,, ttl dhh h •·' I'll I Ito I!"-' lilt.:_ J/1 f1• lol ' \ • t I A HEARTY din'n~r. nr mid· n igl}t lunch, a little too mud) smokln~t. perhApi a coc-ktail or tw .. -gn:at fun to- n iJtht; a m1~rr.1hle lrtd•,wn, h eadachry fc,.hn( lomr11TOW m orning You p.,,,flf! wh'l '~'"" ... 11, a\- t.ttv1 • l·~•ly ontl •n)oo:l rr .. ~t ,,,. low,hlp •n't «"''tl '''''"· ,,,,,.n P•J M itt tby f,,, lht f 111 yt,'J hoo1 Why tl'm't >•~u 1r'l .A '~:. c;, ,,'"'' fnr 11, I ':'II•·• 11 ~~~ Af••1 ' I•• '•"~' Al"~t·Yl''"' t• hnf' ,,,, 1 '~ HW · ful In th,. ff ' ,., t~f OtAn y f ' 'I•H e ll n ttnh J~, , , ~ A•~A. '"··~''fit' ("ttt.;L·'*', a ,. : ,t •~> :~.• , • ,. ,,,. n Jf"l1(\t f ,... .. ,, • ~~~ ~ '·' , ''i J,,Jl\ t •' I /'I• t to\ • lq " 11 ft••ll ''t 'It •• t "! '• ., t •• 1 ,..n,,."fl ,,,..., ..lt• J o41H1.:-1.. •. ~ o,,.,..~ . I ~ .• ' ! 1 ' '' t J I I t ' f • .. j f, '.. " ' " ' 1 • ' ·~ I I '•d tt •I f II , :~, n .,.. ,,..., t , .•• , • '• t • ·~ f, '.I I II '· '. " \1 .... , , .. ,, .... • , .. ,, , I • C,tr'~(JI'' I I •, \1 oil• • f, I I, I •• lh ,, tit t I I '··· ., : I 'I ' ' • ' ' ~ ' 'I 1.. ' •: ~ I. , t t l'•t I ', •' Onul•l• • I \\1 ,, I • • I I·• t ' I 't•• H ~ t, r. h \\ Ji.).n : :' '• ,,,.1 •,, I "" ,:, .. I ••• .. l ,, It It '· •• •• '! I ' I I I 'r• II "' B'•cr, \Vint.·s an~ Li,auor for Sale at SA"'S Jt,JSII MAUKET .S16 N. Moift Se. • • . ""'"·you, will>fi•d • ·-r•••• ........ ,. • .,.. •••h u Jiftflt•UtJIUI 1"'111 t,.. ,., Nrw y._.,a. •••~ ,,._ .. ,. .... .., •• r ... ,. •• ,. ........... , ..... •I t .. tiel tee .... 1M ............. ''"'' , ......... -ntl't'h9' v-1 .......... 1 ... , 01 wit t .. e.-.1 ... t. •. •~-•• '" "-"""'"w• •Ill tor "" ...... 1 wotl> •J"""'I .,.., .. •" ' .... t lft#f fhr hM .. If\ • t•ir .... ..._. P••••r e-• .,,.. •t ,ftm •••nof'•"".ll, ""' ,, ••• •• , ,, •• .tta .... , ..... '""• Nf'• ~ • •••h I'''"'• ...... F ............ '''·4£ U ' .. f" ., r .-.. WM. CAVALIER ac L;u. .._,_,.,._., •• ., c• •'CM.eee._.....,,.... .. ....... . I I • .......................... .-4 .......... ••••• I • Gradua t1on Gift"! T \11 .. \,TH f 0\"'1 f.UU .. 1t IC ftl"''t:K ti .. 'IO 11 JITU ._1t \K HI''''' II :At Ut.l U .\C U ... Of 11ft. Itt t .l' P't.A 1 "I"""~ a.~.ul•l"'"' 1'"1"1'""" .lurur..,, l"ttrt Rhrll «;r ... ''""""'"' ,,,,.. . ., Turllt· "'''""k , leuniM1 t"rroc .IA'i-• .,,.~,,.,. "" lh•· lfa lf '4ht-ll ,,...,..t,....., Mllrimp. ""d ''" fJiht-r Kl11d• uf "'"" t'rNMh l .u ... hf'<"oft 1\fk-... """" r.n.--15e -.... fi'Tt:.uu:u ( 'I.~UIM IIF.E YUl'& HP:A t•nnU M"'UI I~ B ..... ,. fH lie%.·• for "-"•.....-. 0,. IIU t A.. M • • -----_..,. -:--··· .. -. ----.... -·· .. --... _____ _ -······-........ _.-.. ..... ~~-.... -·-·..-----·-·---···-·---.~ .... ____ ·-···------7------~~----~ ~ .. i • • f .. -= -~ .. , •. .. -· ,_...Four ).• ) --L--~---- t Boys' Bldg. llarhor. Realty BoaniHolds -Bftakfast Meet I_ I nw s_......, Hart.or Rrally o-nt arid iU MaJ BftUif ... - --tllurwda)' --'IIC •• •'lrik"• ,OJffft' 8bop. ~ ..... 0...- ,_ Earl •. ~ .. ~ .~~.~ ....... a~ ... St.U A.-x:iat1oo ~6-c t.o ... Tbe St~r 6a t!Kk ta N .... bf>ld May 13th a& •-.ua- port Harbor atur compwt!JtC • t •1auw ,. .. ..,.1:or......s '""" uw ~~ t o many porta •·Uh Cap. <1,.. ... 1 o1 ,.1t y ... ~ ''""-r.- talD ADd Mra l"'l"t'd E. Lra-ia of tum~~~~: u ... m w tbr t.n roe» and a.Jbo& and Mr. ADd Mra l'alal. -s.-. r.-hry Harry w .. " b .,. .. <Adn· WlllllUer aboard. f"<J to ~ ·a I• tlt r t o thr nty tA.rin~ here l..t F'riwu&ry 11. Shf' '-ll fonwr '"*'-' at ~­ potf Harbor t·-Jl;dl Scb6ol • I £ ... ,. •"d Pf'Of•ubte ~ -d • ._ .. ., .. )' ever,. S • t u r fl' • )' . ··.----... -... -.... ··-··-- .. SlO.oo ·· £XTRA AWARD FOR PAOMPTNESI EKh _ .. .., wt1o uma liS much u $20 duri"O Uwtr ri.-.t week will r'IICeive ll Cllah Bonus of f10. • )fweeJc!!!c-Yrollfl P.LAN IN BR!EF- r: .· COPYRIGHT ------------------------ ·WEEKLY PAY A Sl a· r-g e . as:-Yo U---w Now· BEING OFF~RED TO··YO and, at the same ·time, an oppOrtunity ~ . MERI-T Con.,etition is open to men and WOIDf!l'l, . . _ _L!&!__ • •• • &L.!_ of the -more· .....uuu.. tort 1ewc "« m UJD CAMPAIGN cosb nothing to try, and U aD parlic iJ•nb OpW everj effoit eapeoded, you politively . Witi carefully--every word ol 'it--tbm clip the HOW TO . ENTER-WHAT TO oo·. This ., fot: yotnelf or~ ·f•_ieod. Reauf!lnher, a lr-.=~Iss=ue===a·~Pkm Is New. • -n. tnt Ultq t• t1o 1e to C'llp , .. EntrJ f'oapoa ..,.,artat: Mtow; till In 1011~ name and at1c!,_ .. net lnall ,. ""II•" t. t ill" -•rer>« at -('f'. T111a ~ nt.Jta ,,.._ w tiW ~D whom r ou ml~bt wlab to l'nlf'r. ·• ~:;Mt ft'ft' ~tA. Tt•-C'f"dlta Aft c:t.-.. u a 1181119 &o llpeflll Joe 011 JDGr ~·~ t.o win. Uolr on~> •urb Entrr 4'~-wW .,. acCt"plA!d lot. n rb partiMpant. "nn. nnt llft>p k to nil nr wrttf' t hf' ~~.:...01,. PaJT'Oir ()ppan-t_ tor • t,..worll.ln1 ontftt. Tho• .-qulrl,...~rou bYf' bot '",.,. roor ftiH~c!a and anaua lntant'f'11 and ... .., tllea aaberrl!» to tbla nf'•"''a..,..r through 1~9-That a all r~ IJJ to It! lfn•"~""-J"• w111 IN'nr «f'C lftJW~ .a~-,.. mak• tile lltart-J bf' f'arllPr tb4' b4'ttPr. On~ •faM...-L If'~ no MI. dl...-oura~tf' ,...._ AnrtbiD« wnrtll ha•lnc II ..til •rtvlnc for. Rill and~• halt 11hort WftU 10ft )'00 _, k tldinc lD J'"llr nW'D J:l(; IIUff'ln•·obfJI' M Otbf'fwlalp WY.,II bondrf'IT dOlllrl riCbtf (n purse., · HOW CREDITS· ARE SECURED 11 r:alt~ rN>•IIU lo win. untl II."J arf' "')ur--d .. thf' foll .. •tac wars · f'lnt by diJlplnr thl' F~ Crl'dlt f'oo- M -:~rln • In ,..,.h l .. tlf' •·f t his Df'W'I<fl:ll..,r. TllN f' I• DC) limit ~ rht nurnl>~'r of t hP'I' ~oup"n' J'"ll mny ':::.'';;,: ,M;, )•~ur fn ,.n•l• '" ;.;. ... th,.m fnr , ... a. T hf'J all rounr. ~In jt.t lhf'rln~; thPnl !\tl\\' •hill' tl11·y lfrP ~tolul fur II"' •'ft"hlll ~·h. ·"'"' n•·" .,,..,ll fh,..., N>Oi••ns •Ill t'f' ,...IIK'f'd to :•• ~~IIU f'lr h. T hf' followln:: wM•k to 10 , .. hr-. and afl•-r th~l tl'-•'' "olt t.... •ll,....,.nr lnu.-.:1 "llfl,...ly 3'h,. OIIIJ f'f'!'lrlrtlon ,.111<'1-tl "n thr'" ruur(on• I~ lhl)1 I,., mo•t t.... •1U1 t-.-f .,... tb .. "~l'ir.ttlt>D •l:u.. . , --r-tr~.-.M ~ ~--~ to.. a•, nmolate crcilla In l.hJa "WruJJ;.I'n~nnll'' ~rl\·p If h~ ~t'('Urln.~: nPw I I ... • r 1r n• 1, t' 1• n• "~~1M r • on n rh • r~ lf'ol"'lfM c-ro>chtl arf' l•ll ut'i( tfi~rlUrillu·r \,lr~ ln • • rf'n• •• ... u • ..-' • ••• ,. ' -··· . II L ·• •·r·l nc '" '"" 1 111 .. 11nt l'•id and dur1n~t •I I• h .. , .. n .. •l ' ·•-a rP '"'"'""" at t b4' ~w.,..kiJ J•ayro .. "'l111rlmPot . • tbla _,. -~·~~~,..r. c ~ ~··h ... lui .... r • r• ... J.t~ lM , .. ,. 1 -~ARLY--SJ-Afff-MfANS. EASY FINIS,.,_ ___ _ ~:< ~ ~ 11.M1,,._ .,y ,.,, , ..• 1,, · .t•rt ar .. m"'•if~t n: .. -w,..;II.IJ' Pafl'oll" drl•t ra of aol'b eY.nrt lttlr"llttl\11 t":"t ~mm llalf' arrl••n I• nf'('..,.,..rJ fur •ur<'eog, ,,_.,,.,. t nll<'ft <1uiln1· tile nrlJ ll&rt ot tilf' u mpnlt:n t'llfrJ tlw ~1.\ XI· '" ;; flum•-.,f """'Ill& TI1f'n. '""· t hf' tlr.t In tb .. ,..,. 1 •HI uadoubttdiJ cf'f tb~ "rrnm" of C'rtdltl! ana 1u~ .,.ripll••n•. whitt! 'th•'lk' •ho rot ot'l' H~tf'rlnl until a lat.-r dati' •Ill MYf' to lak4' what !1 14'fL r.•t 1.-nloabl# u-•w•lfl~ '" -whar th .. nlbr ,..._ I• amln1 f<> f1n." bot plt<'b rl1ht Ill and ....... tbf' "oth .. r (f'ilnw· h._ '" do If· .. t ----. ' fwee~--~yrOfi]! ·Free Cre~it Coupon C.OOil Hl~ too. nct:t; CKt:I_JITS ,_,-.............. .,_ .... of ... ··-. . . ... . . . .. . . . . . . . . . ·;.: .......................... . ...,.., ................ · .............. ~ ......... . c.1JHt aM 0.... ~ ,_ ra• ~ ,_, frl..., I· .. .... '""" f~ ,_ tn.n· ~.: '1"t. T , .. • ,, ··1 1• aoLt OM •·• 'I " ' ' . Entr) Co~poh 8000 fOI 5000 Fill c•IDITS ................................................. . ........................................ . ~~ . • NOTE--OnlJ p sr F.nt17 Cc-ui)Ot' ~pt.., tM tert ..,......,; Pa.Jron·· Partlrtrant. CAMPAIGN . . ' , .. .... -. MERIT CHECI 10~ 1 " . ... ~~ .. r TIIIKil \\l~~t;K In a <loht 1"n In rf'l:'ll tr "\\'f'f'!clx... l'1_vrnll · ('!J('('kll Th1rd f"""lllon wurko•r Will rN t• \'(' a M nul!l l'h«'k nf ::It ..,..n •nt 0( h111 or h.-r JCUb- l't fi!JIIIIn t nllf't t lf•n!l On Saturday ntpt .a blr ;;AuAYr v.-ill be glfta f'aeb on tl:4' •·nrk dunf' by that -.·Hk. lU'<'Ording t o tM 150 00 r('ported tor ~ J7;, 00 rPportffi for ~ Wftll I 100.00 rPflOrtf'CJ for tlw Wt"ek. I 150 00 f'f'JIC)rUd for the trtek . EIJII C-1-SI - ~~~~ ·~·HTH· l\~~t'3l lo a.!oh! •m tn rr~ular '"W\'f'4'kly l'a•·n!l" I ~N·k•. 1-nurth poeihon· 1A UikM' 1Aiil f('C'I'IVP ll bonua <'h«k ,.f 1 r, l"'rrPnt (I( h ill or b4'r . aub- l'< nphnn rnli«'tlnnll. SCH£DUL£ OF VOTES AND SUBSCRIPTION PRICE OF The Newport Balboa NEWS-T~ FIRST PEfUOD F:n bnu '"!-! fln•t 1-'our W~k• rTt•rmln,tJng Junp 7 • t hto ff'llow n~ numhfor nf \'OIIIll •·•II bto i~<.•ued on 1'1J~flpl1nnll t \'Par S::? r.o 10 000 2 Vl'l\rll • • S!'\ 00 30.000 :l \'N\r!O 17 ~.0 60 OOil !'\ ;·,Ar!l . 112:.0 120.000 ThP abn\'c-!l!'ht-•lulc-"' <'rf'd u . •·h~rh th"\'1'\'f'r. 11 ~~~till bftllf't . ~nt'd fnr SECtiOf\ID PERIOD •~mbrtll'mg thf' nl'llt Two \\'~Ill • T~: mmatmg J unt> 21• th1-folln•·ro~r numbtor nf \'Otta 111oi U hC' I!I!IUI'd nn 11ub•< npl101111: I \'Par $2 ~ 2 )·t-ar!l J;, 00 :l \'foarll 17 !'tO a ytars Sl2.50 11.000 24.000 . !10000 lOO.oop \ F.Jtlrn~·t~rl' f'f ~uh•cnplll"nl' ,.,II rf'U'I\ f' •·ott" a a<'mr<lm~t to l h f' \'OI,. achedul~ ta f'ffect wM pa1d. PXI'f'JII thai no ""''nlllnn!l •·•ll ~ rl""n 1.n tht Jut ~nod. · ,.,.. Th • ~f'W!!J•IIJ'Pr rP!OOI'f"\'U '"" ngbt. 1f 1'0 dt.111rf'<l. to mc!udf' JOb prtattnr and ..t-rtilrt1U ab<w1-!'C'hPdult o( c rt dtts ~,n "bta1n and 111 lhf' aa.mf' rat1o t~cr~aM tor ,Jarr•r o~r1 ap to ___ _\_ h.:-.;~-;;-;-r;;-t w-_. • ._-, . brlnga ~n opportunity to urn • bonu• of 110 caah II ~· . I CHEC.KS ..• 25 EXTRA CREDIT& WfLL BE GIVEN ·to M a k e T h e ni--.,._ U BY THIS NEWSPAPER For every S·Vear lubecrlptlon or Ita equlv•lent tul'ftlld In during the c.lllldld•te'• flf"'t share the distrib·~tion .ot . 1n HECKS ~IMPIIII, JUST STAITIIIG or single, and boyl and girls·I'F.~~·~-~@Y.~P#OI~~~ City and surtOUDding territory. It · - t--~ -tio• f . CAMPAIGN are guaran a:u compe~ n or OtRclally Clo~e• loee. Read this annolDlcement aqMJDS below and .end them in start ia the battle half won. June Is Easy -·The ~ewards Big BONUS MONF.Y BONUS partie' i pull b~ 1M'() candidatr fnr Ulr lk'hf'dulr'· 150.000 votra ~.000 votu 1.000.000 votra IOIJSE_S ~5Y@~ nJTH "l.NNER l.n arldltion t o rt'gular "\\'o•l'kly l'a)TOII" · ChM:kll, Filth Jl('•!lllinn W'orkr r ..,11 rrcrh·t' a bonu~ r hN'k of 1212 ~rr(•nt of ha o r hrr l'uh lll"rlption collcrt iOfU\ MERIT CHECK NO.2 ~PiYron·r All l 'nclf'r Fifth J•~tion In R<hl ti•on In "J:·ulnr "Wrrkly 1'11\'r"lf'' l'ho•ck~< ;dl wnrkf'r!l undl'l Flfth 1 nsillon \\111 r('o o•h ·o• a lot\nu• r brt·k .. r 10 prro Pnt "' h1~ ''' ho r suh!O• nptifln roollf'l'lltollll llfwee~Y. .. ~ayroll: ~ numbf'r ot \'Olu •·UI aat.crlpt10011: 12~ f\.000 ------.15.00 18.000 17 50 40 000 ·-112.50 RO.OOO durtu~ the campal![n. 125 tumf'd ln. Thl!l Ar· thr ~lar 1r hf'l'!ult' No from any psrtlclpent. AND 2ND PERIODS Uw tim .uba!crlpUon Opportunity C~.upon Gooct tor 100,000-lltTU .,."""'"" Crectlts Mete.M ~ ftret w.-., ..__.., ,_pa .. Dfi,.. i . . I J ...................................... : ........ . Ar!llr-.....•.••••.....• :· ... , . , , , ••.•..••.. , ...• Till~ 1 oo(l"n .-til .-nnnt tnr lfoO.nnn Pl'f'n•lnm r·r,.l11t• whrn l"l'l llfllf'd tn lh~ "WP<'kly l'll)fllll" f o•'1•ftfl m,.nl. lo•j:o•llll'f w ll h HoP """' •nlo~.-rlpltnn ynU "1•111111-flPW ••r rPnr..-1'1. ~~~ l hP n••rnlnlll lnn hlnnl<. &:•·1 nn• •nh •• rlr"'"" ""'' ~'"'' In 1111• rll"" Wflh m"'" ""'" Hit, ()flO t'r#dlta. NOW 18 THK TIMK T O STAHT. week In the drfve. -weeklY Payroll" ......... -. RULES AND REGULATIONS I. .li.9 llaiUII'<I l'lllf'ltt)'f'f' nt 1111• nPWIIJ)IIlft ta ell :lhlv to r•n tPt I hi~ o'lltllpt•UIIun .:. An) rPt••lllohl• mnrr or wumun F'f'JIIdlnfl In lhl• rlt) or ""''"""'''II~ lt•rlitur~ 111 o·tl~:il•l• '" f'llt~r thla llrt\1' ltlll1 ••••tnf't•lt (,., "" ltroh lint• .-.... 111) tlll) l'hK II&. ,; 1111 wrmw~ nr !hi' • .-nrl'l-wtl~ l>f t1Prld~l bJ llwlr t•!lfll,. ••rt••lll" 1111ld o·rt~lll• lll'ln~ fl11ft'lii'OIPI1 b7 I•IIII"IF lii,UI't un t'ft~h rtlllt'o·llun> "ltd t'OUI'OD, clipped fr .. rr thb n .. wr<t>nrH'r 4. l'uttrlpanb. 111 tbl• drht .,. DOl ro~~floed to t hPir .-n town or rommuniiJ ID whlt'b to ~ lflll•,•riJIIInnll. 1\UI mil) tlllct ordrrrt NnywhPrl' In thla •••<·tloon · "' rm th111 )tDIIIII'r •n> wlu·r" ,.tr;,., • o·r,.Jit• Mf• ~·~' It r·u!01• lhf' lfllh••·rtl..-•t nnfloln11 4''111,..,. tn ,.,..,, u•odU.. lm ... a falJll.I.JL1!1111ldtuHit f'.rt•dl!ft "'"'' ,,.. ,..~, ... , r .. , "' ~ht tlmtt ot pa) loll •ulJ•t·rlp """' •• ull~t•o 1\ '"' ~ulo~<t·rlht•rt "'"'It t.hl-t•rllllt•l!t> '• ,.,...,111• li'rc nul IMIII•f••rHI•Io• l'nrti••II'\Mnl~ ,.nn tittf \\ lffnJr"'' 111 fu,••r .,, uu .. th••• l':trrktt··•ut ~t•••uld " r•:trll•lt•lllll "llllllru• '''''" lhl' rtu·t·. hf~ .. , hl'f •·r•·•lil> ,. ill '" ''""""11•••1 '\••ltlrrr "'ill II l11• 1"'""1" ,.,,,,, fur ruerll• lt•ttrtt .... t• th• ••r tr:tu-"f••t t-llh"~t'rl;•tluUJt '" ""'''I'"' l•ttrii•IJII+III c 'r•••llr• Jlll .. ur lr trn-nJ<ft•"•~l ~'''"' r lt•lf""' ""' 114• ~lllol•••·t I•• l'll><ti UUIIIln rllutt at till' •f ""'' r•'"''" 01 1 hr mnruu:·•·rut~l All\ r .. llll•l"n ,.,. ''" purl "' r•urtlo·lj•anh tn nul t~h • ••) •tu•htf••U ur Hit\ ••fh••f t ttlftl• Jl:llltof f~~ruu•t1 ft• l h•• If, l r tt ••fll ut '\\••• ~I) I'll' rttll' 1:11r l1• •1•1tfl t" ur tit • , ... ,, .. ,., t•• v.ll ••••f t••· t•d•••••lt••l An.) t••rtJ,•1t,aut I.' tf :! ,, trf .n 'If• I 'Ufttf•tnufl••r wt :t•··l ... ltalolt ,., , •• , It .t ul 'H!I•' l•· u ,,rJz ... , • ••llltnl·'-b·fl ' -\h t r•·•Jtl~> •~""11t-tl ,.,,. ltaJI .. t ... ttl:l\ h t tu-ltt In t• .. , 1\t Uflt tll"'' ttl tllf' •tf• r••l1••11 uf f•.trfi• ·l•!tHI .. ttf ,, , Ill \\~I·:•Jd•l .,., .. r n •t• t n ·dll .... ,q ... , ... Hl'l·•·arltl~ ''' 1 t lt•u In t in • In tlu• l t!lp•·r tuu .. 1 tu • tfoll t ••. ( .. r.· • '•• ' 'l•lr.tt i11r· •1111••. :• If~ , \•·:a, .. , n t l• r••r nny (••••' tlf •lu• "-''~''''" ,1 J •"'' ••l••ftl l• 't' It \a lu•· Wil l l•t Ill\••• ••u•ll 1\l nt f•Hr ,,. J•:.r.t I•· t'urtldl•·•"h h• fhl'" flth • ,.,,. 8ttlft.,rl7•..,t H1!''''''" u1 H11 .. '"'" ····•J·•·r l•ut If 1 .. un•)t ''"''""" ull•f u t •• , .. ! lft.tt t l1•'' \\II tu rt·ttl'"""lt•lt f',.r ltl l trt••flt') l't•ll•·• f 1tt1 -.......-r"""'"-·11'' Ttt•parf ttu•ttf II ·'" !'I :Ht'Ou•ut ,., pr••rnl~~ nw•l• ''' ""~ r••r•r•• .SHitltth·• or rue rlir•IIUHtf \Hr-) htM f'rou . tlu·· rut•-. rtfi • ----------------------------~ .... $67.50 •tatl'mPnl •rJ~N~rlna In th" rolu1nna of thla _..,.. Pl'l •Ill hi' ''"~'IIIIIU'\1 bJ llJ4o Plf"ii•!Mor. 1:! In I'll.,. ot l>'l '"lt"'l'hlral or oth•r ,.,r.,.,.. 11 •• on•lt·rMowo() thtll n••llhPr thf' r ulollaiJf'r nnr *WHirlJ I'll)"'"' ffi!'lllli:''' "''"" t>f. t ... ld "'"ll"n•lhiP ""'l•tot to Ollllct lht Dl'l'l' ..... r) f'llff('C'tlllll Ui)OD dUto'(IY~ 11f •me. 1:1 "I"TIV .. : Jtrctl t• ip1111111 Will· l11• 1>&111 11 .... N JM'fTo'll! •"•l'h • u fllfliiMIIIIII\ 1111 1\JI IIUlJIIt'flJitlllll mnnf'y l u,.....,l lnlu . lht11r IU'r uunt •arb week I I Ia u ntJ .. taturi<l. howl'nr. that In t hfo rnnt a ny part lctr-nt bfocomra IN A(,'TI YF.. faUint; to makr a l'f'IC\Ilar ca.ll rrport, he or •be, at lbtl. dhwrf'llnn "' lhf' mann~tf'ntl'lll. will bf>com• ,l.lt .. lusllflrd ttntl lh•·r•·l•y tnrl,.ll all nl(hl 111 ar MWttFo.l or Jl1l VII r H <a:. to IHiflllll 14 ... :xtt·u11lu1111 •"-"''1""'"1''"''"' "'10 r•ocl'h'o vnt .... .-r~rtJtniC-tv IJtc' \'ott' .. ·ho'<lule 111 .. , .. ,., Wht'ff I h .. fttltl 1<111-rtt•lh•ll ltollA fJultf. 01 t'l't-nrrn-~ ..... - Oh •·XII ""'"" "Ill Ito• ):1\o•n Ill I hr ht~l 1" r·t•HI 11'1 Tn ln•u,... """"''''" hln•-In th• •••rrlln11 of rrlltl•!<. t lu fll• ,. •"Ill .... hr .. ndrl to • rl .. ,... wllb a ,.. • .,,,.,, ''"""I ''"' l •trrlr•lt ll11• r•nllr1• 11111 "j.ll•rlu<l" uf "'" rlrllo· N 1•1111"1 IJ"' luol,•·•l a n•l .,.,.,..,, "'" ,.., I""" In lit•• '11111111 nf a lu••nl l11111k. whr•rf' parllf1· t•nnt• ftlltf lfu•ir frl .. ll•ll' Ill!!)' tl"ftn•ll lllt'lf nn111 I'll) ft "f f1,.,,. t111•l ,. •••t\t• 4 r••tllt" rr, tt•t• ••u. fln 4•fH' uut t '\t•n th• .. f 'ntupnlcn Munnct''r ... n , ...... •11•11 ltnuw 1111• lt•'llflfl ~l rt·ll ~lh ,,, ""' ""''""" I•IITIII'Ipnhl-...... , .... ,,,.,, ht•l•·.., ''"' fu'"'"'ll•lltt' ur fa,,.rlll•tu ttn•l lu .. ur•1• Ltfnu ...... lr• tf, •• tuluur• ... , •I+ 1-·n~· IU 'l'~•·••t ,\ "'''''l"''"';•r1•t •r•·itff,. will tw ..:l\i•fl ''"'" \\t•rL.•t fttf ''''' "•\•.tr "''ll• ... •rll•fl,.u ,,, II• ••pii\M l•·ut fHrrH••t Itt •lttrhtC tt 'tr llrflt " ...... uf II••· rum l•!llr"n """ t1nrlror-f1,.. 11·'••1 ~<•·••1.. "' 1111· •lrlu •. ltnlf all fl .all) • \rr.t ,.,, •fi t... ~til lu• 6fl\l u ,,,. ,..,,.,,. t•r.,.l• 17 '1'11 f'Hlll \\t tkf\ t 'll\1'•11 "'•lktl "It•• l':tr'fl._ It"" 111111 h ;,..,. f ... 'IHHI diiiiiJ.; ftt 'flt~t \1\•tk U( f 1 t,Uhf+U~fl IIIIW f t \\--ptfu t \\til ••t\• 'tit t'X If ' t)l tflfl"" 11f $1 tl Ill t I 11-.11 I" T•n t h .. tl14!t d ·~It• •t•·•ht,. \o\tll tu• t.•tv•·tt tu ... ~ ftUJlJ, •JA .. J.U L ~\J.JJ..t _ruuk•·~ H &.Ht•fl r• f., tt ••af I• .\1••14'11\ .\\ • tlt11 ''·'\ HJ11J =-' tf llttlt\ •1111 1,1 . .. J!• l'ltl' 11• ''"''' tflt•r l'ti'H ;thtf·•• (ulr tUt•l ltttl•h ttlal tr•·ut u ·~If h· ull t•urtl•l ,··lf~''· t.ut "•'·•ttl•t "") •u,..•· lflfl ''""'' ''''" !f"• l•l••tl uf ttw lhnn:q.'••t• • 11f will l•it at.amuu 100 '1Jiiil._: ,... • --------~---11-- :.~• IJ1 lo•••••IOIIIIC II JIII'UoJ.,.~,f llol• "\\'• •:kl) }"1"\1'' • '"'!'''" ··u ''"r1 1•·1t•Hnrr avr ,,; •lol•h· toy ·•h• ,, .. ~ .. ''""''"'"-.. PRIZES For Opening W crk, ·Saturday, May 17th $10 First PYizt>,-$7.50 St•<·ond Prizt> Next Ten Qualifyin.c $5 to the Twelve Special Cash Prizes will br awardt-d to thuHe bringing in bf;st cash subscription report before mid.night on OaK·ning ~e<'k, hut a minimum of $50.00 in cash is neceMary to qualify for one of the special cash prizeR. ~ ·• "' ·-.. ,. . . __ ,. . . --SOCIETY- (sih cnae--cirl. I feted At Annual l Sport. Day Event -Sefta £bell 'Club ·. · Offic.-. To Be Inducted I Mo·ml .. ·ro. •·I 1tw :-.. .... , • ., 1 ll1tr l1oo1 l '11u•11 l ll.,;h So·l~o••l I; A A I llhl '1'1 I \' I 1ul» '"11! ,,.,. he Kit-·~ 1 l<t llu · Hth t ;lltllo• ..:•r l' olf tho• Nc•w 1•"·1 O.·uo ·h tlll.J t •• ... In 1\1,...., l;rnm lluy;_,;!!,;_!111o1l~ I•" lho•lf lhl_!..tl 1111 m1nl S "'''' I Itt\ h··l•i lt•lrn 1\• , .... "'"'' ....... ~1 'I"" I~ ticl<L \\'two w•\'"" nwmho·no tan• an· thll"lt'tl 111111 ""'"''~ ut lhr N-· t•ort flc•~tdl •:ho•ll t 1ub 1lnn11da)' nt ~· 1• m In tho•lr rluhhuu..-, Mra. Alt•11rt I .Jtur~o·r ut •u llt•rt.on whu ia• t ')olrlttf11itt ...... lt•rnlhlfl •~hKaUon ,. lllit'nlltll "'nr-r.;:-fl,,. '""'""""' __ _ otllat•t·r. "11u · '"' ,, ··h•nh~utnn ~ ,. h •• •• I I l'lns"''· ... ,,, ',.. fur h•,;~,... '" mnn\ • •'•llllo•'i, 111111 IIi•• '"1nnlnt: trn111 1 1\lll ,,,.,.,,,. 11 J•la•JII•' In .-tuu ..;r l••f zut,•n..:••tne•ut' an· l\unn • S tuu· It•~· l'"''!>lllt•lll ul tho• I; A A nn•l ( 'lllht'l lll•' l'IUII\III~hlllll r ro•,ltS.•n l I"' 'l'n \' Ml·llliM•n< ••f tho'lll' twu duh,. "'111 l11• "hit.: M,.h .,... .. t o• ilwll .. 'l-b lrt•ttt tnl: tho•m "' th•• do,...·· •tf f<•,ti\•ttoo·'· Itt h't' t't't'flfll M~ ~.-T.A. Hold": final """""hn~ I ttw In" I"''"~"' C.. \\'lll~tnl IIJt'-lic.'ll n( ~niA Ana. "'I'll kt)""' n lo;nur .. >lt~l•t. wftl pno-- "''fll n •kh~htfill t.:"''~l' "' mu•k'lll ,...,,,.., '""~ ""'"'"'J>aiU..'<.I a l 1 he.. I"""" h) Hulh Amutnlflll ""'· C. M f'-ktru Jl"W'Unod thr aft.-r """"'" o•n lo•rtlllttnlt'nl ,l •• ti'Mt'!l fOf' tt\4-day will be nwml"·"' "' ttw 1~41 t'a«UtW. "'"'"' Nrw nffirr01 tu bf' ~ala.d .,. Mn 'su""!' M. Ruttw-rford. ~­ olt·nt . """' t • · M. tareklna, ritlp- Jl"'""ktt·nt . '""'· 0 . W. Rk'fwrd. ""'"'''"I'Y. M01. u .. n·ry v........_ 1 ...,. I PI•"MiiftiC ··-• ..,., -IIA..-s..:..:_ -'-----!r--_ .. .._ ... W fll••·khunt. auctllor1 M,... 1':.. I. ,.,..,,..., '"'AIIUI'f'r ~nd Mra. I &any r nlo•rtlltnlnrot ,,,.,.,.,.m h,. Jotlf•ll~ nf ttl.. Munlf' V illi" Sc-tl.•nl lur M,.,"i{:'iin• In n .. t "-M'"'" •rwl M "' Annif• 1'-'1"'-'l'llrt nf SAn .. An11, ••lull .~att.lfl to•J~Chcr ul S~tuln Ann ... -a~ c•njl•)'t~l h)' mrm· bt'n< of &two l'.:.t• M,.,." .. :1.- n~t·llt nry· S.·h·~•l f' T A 1\to"!!llay llf1.-m.--~t-4~-..lo.•t-..:ha!ula: "''"'' m..: ul 'tho· )rru In thr M"ln Sf'l1• • •I IIIIth 1 .. rnun Wrk'h, dii"''Mclf'. . Play By Mn. c.-•• .._, . Whe:at Selected In St:at• Co.teet ---------- A ~;n"'l' uf "'"1:~ 1!4't•rt· t•n ·"•nt 1 •~I loy n o•hunr~ fr~tfll Itt.-t.lo•'lllt'lln ,...,, .. "'-............... ~-" ........,,,.,_ tit ,,. ,.f . M 111 ht r·• hy Eli Ald.tn" {tl'l J••rll•otl uf th•· Jln•ar~tm ' • Ill l'h lll'):t' ,I( M" \\' I. f'IJtlh' JWirlt'lf'lll ul 1111· M 11 n t •• \'1'111 s ........ , M" II<' I "•'O!.'•IIIt I I,.,., .... ,. It f Anu1r wllnlllll l~tn unol S pftnl'h 1"1•1 11f t ... r t•\fll·rt••tll'•'" o\111 IIIII ....vo•ral )1'1"' '""''I II\ Mt•\lt'lt lltw1 ....... I ... ,,."""' '"'' "'" .. r "'"'~ 1"'"'1( lll't'• ""l'h'h•'<l "'.I I h I Attn ~fllt'l lo·u11 1t1h1ll' In o, nn..:•· S ·,.unly '1, .. · ~~~··I f'lll' ,.,,. llllt·n<fnnt•t• '"'Indo '""' pn· ... ·nl•••l llw Mt"'a I' 'I' A 111 th•• 411t hr,trwt ''"" '"" "'"' '"'' tlw~t•lll Willi fttnnafly trh•·n th·· I' T A tlti, "'''"·k h)• M" Ma rvm \\'•1•·"'· nwf\.IIM•r,futt rhulr· """' I l r I J:tn..,·n "' I.Jt i(IJnll lie· ad• In 11 ~hurl lttlk J'"l'"'''"'"' ttw tlt•tun • 1(1 .. tnrt II n ... l C'n ....... ,.... Alii '"""' f~tr "'"""'"' In ( .,,..,,. M• .. • 'n\4' r lnJ<-wnukt two arh4!dWf'd for t·cortaln momlntt• In ~a«: h we.k. At \foul lwmt)' ...,_.. jolla, Or 'll11n.••un Mitt, 'brf•l1'f' " r l"u m11y I•• 11111rtf"'t. I 'A• ''"' ··1· .... · I Att~tance IA:-•ue l Group Meet• At Mi11 Plumer'• H~ II old wltltul l•tnf'lto.,•n Tt~•·•u111)' "' 1 ,. '" 111 ""' N· w 1•or1 ll•·whh h•'Uth -••f ~''"' /\It• •· l•ltrtn•·r ,.,,,. , , •I• •I t ft ' · .eft• tn,.,-a·oc. th...,•u"''''" ,nfl (tlnttUfftl• fur fht 1\,,J,I,tn~ I.·'~''"''' ""'""'' • 11 lint:•· t '"'"''>' -A ~olnwcl11r IWlnl..-''"'" ,.ld .. Mn< t ;.~•r~;o• Wtw nl nf l!I06 (~- n,.J l'lnt'O·. N•.,..l••rt Jlo•~tt'tt-, .. "' ,. ,. k "''"'" ht·r _.""" IICL pa.i, "f'1H!o:IW tlfl ~ll£tlt"'lltttt., WU C'hJi· •·n I••• liM' fin.! Jll"'lo· In thr ~tat~ I IC4:mnl l'lp) Writ ~"« t •., n t "• t ., • .,,..,.,--.otl lo)' I Itt• ( '~tllfttmla ... ....,._ "''"" •tf Wo.-rw·n 'ti (1uh · '11lt• Annou""""""'nt ut thr wtn- '"'' "'"' ""''"' "' lht· annual •late ... '""''n 1un ltt>!tl II• I• wk~ In S.. J,_. ... ,... W._t k ttw-"._,. I''""'"'"' nf lht• Jluotln.:tun I~ w ...... n·· (,lilt llncf hu ........ Writ· 1111: A~ " lltttol•y f• ..-" numtJM" ol )'I'll,-., "l'hot:~~r "" SIIKIIf'lllt.lfl" la 8 '""' ••·t mo'llirm ""I'W'f1y Pre-School Medical Eaam For Youn1aten t• ........ -tww.a mrdk'al r~~~~mlu· tltona ffw M,_ yttunptf't"S whe wUI mmU In kl"""raar1ft u.- fall wW t. tdvm w......,. -. 14. at the twaiU. CIMoe fll ._ o.u ................ 1 .... f"ntda Wf'Prll"'-· achJcJI ....,.. _. twMcnn-d tOIMy. Or .... II. Rrtfrwill. AMhlt•t ( "'mtty · tw.lth off~ a • 4 Dr fMny fl•-ft•r. dt'fllblt, ~Ill -~ I ht• f'llllll11.nf~ tnc:dit-AI 'Ciorton. I AJlJIIIIOI mo•n l' "'""lltl I•• rfUWit· Jw- lt•ft• Wt'flrw.,.,t~ey with Mt"" Wf'ftW'- Inc Birthday Party For Mary Com~all MI•N M11ry (".,, """"" w~• t..·lfl()f'- '"1 "" h··r lohllttiHy ''' ,. flf'f'lt)' nflt•r •llnn•·r . .,,,.,,.. In ttw hf1nwo of Mr nr~<l M1 ~ Wt~"t.:ll f'11lkl• .. , ll;tll•"" "'·"''' "''"'"''"""'-> f'Y ... nln~e. I "" , .. , •• II• •I "' s t. .. w I;.,...... 'nih ill I( n~trltl Ill rnn- ~''' .f••tt .. -. l f\IU• urul M F""' Z l"f ltf•tlttt• ""' tu.nutt.,, Wtr•· Mr. 1 ~ \\ "' .. r S.tll\11 .1\1)11 "'' ri· 1:11• •I• 111111•·1111 """'V "' l'11ln A It n ,,, lh• • .r ,; r ru"''" \4 hu ,eul• •I In th•· ''"''"''' ..:•u '' ·,,f M t•" C ···rn••11ll . M," '""'''"'!' .. r ''''' l••·nl ;:r•rurr·~ nll•l M•~ ,l<•'lllw tlt l hlllth Antc nf ,,.,,,,. , •tt•ltd ,,, \t• , .. ,.,..,, t•n 1 IJ• .. Aut.:• I•·" ~ttul S run M"r1nrt'. • 111 wrrr-M,....lrrtn•-~ 1. 1l¥lfn.l 'lltt·-l.iurldt'"'"' ""' 1""'"''-'~'_. l 'lrto• I , I• "" .ltohn ,., .. k·· n .. , ... , I llll• "'7 k "' .~ ...... nrnl Wo-n<IPII I:•• I ( I S l ol1lo r I '' ,,.,1 I ;,.11lr ( 'njlo111 llttrtl' , . ..,,.,, • '"" n I Till lw ''' ''"'' .... 1\ l'nlm;r · (L {'.i •• s1., uw n ....... ,... "' , .. "'" ,,.., ·1 ,TOHH 11 Ou P. , l lllll··t · •.•• ,.,,.,,.,, , ",. ,., ........ ~lfl R c 1• Qu ta tal.lt·'. e e ve 0 I FIFTY ISlANDERS A TIEND _!:HU~~H CIRCLE ..S_ESSION • ' .. A fll'trllflfl u( thr ~ Amr~ I ftl'f1 ('ro .._ .. "-'at JIJ•Iu·l ''"'''" h u I"'"'" f N'f•ivrtl loy th<o lll .. rw1 ,.!roup IU\if ~IIMfl•-rll\ fuf ~•}'•'11•• ~ Wo· 1 uoru'a uutl.t.IJ> atKJ ~l&Ul'lur:...ll.w~ •·r .... .,. k• nn•l ..-,.r'fij h11vr ~ I ''"' ••· .,,, \4•:•-""' ,...y, '' ••• nto,. rll:ort frf ly ''''""I' r• T•w..,lav loy llu l:.tll~tll I l1•n•l '-='rdr· ul lh•· \\"t •flof'll ~ S1., It f \ It f ( 1 11 "flltll '-''·rvat·•· v "' '"•·•[ Aa.:a••· A\i•·n•t•· r "'''rkr,,.·fll "''u•·h ":•' h uru tl tnt,, I t lifo f•of ltH• llfly ! "'""" 1111•1•·" w •· r •· ,,,.,.,,,nl• •I \Aeth '"Jtr Ht~· fl•;·tA •·•"" hv ttu• tn,.ru 1 f .. •l '\ \\ftf1 :1'(.'1'-ft •f t lfl f'IJetklft).! h"tf f I'\ lf1~· t t•• I t•p:t'\f Itt f tuu I!'' ,., ,n.utt••ltru '''" W•·rt· Mr.. A .J ,,, '"'''''"' ll•·t a uv • lit~' f•lttrul ft,.l (•rTJM Wl•tk• r • f!lol•lo•~l llt,•tr 1.1'1 fiJiftt• 11ht·atl ''' v •lu .. hll•· lho·y "',., <• '11'11)' 1rl•l•· '" '" quil•· 11 •m11ll nm•111111 nf tt .... n•·Y. 'lll'''u "'" t-f'Jio1k hn lf,m •o.A ch,.lr- n llrll.,llll!''" thnt lill l.lllaro•l wr'"""" (•lh tn futt•i,,.u: •••· "'"' h n•ffl'"ft ~:•rrrro••ro t ' 'llrr """'kr•-•m ;ot 1:.'6 ~-'"'"' /1\"1111•' i• ••1•·n Thu1"'<1111y, ,,IJ-•Iu) IH•tll• r. 1••• ,,.f,·nl, Mn It 11 I h "·"''' ~1 ,... S t• \~" :-;111111o. M r~ W II "IIIII' T n .... t v " lthl,. to · 11'4'1'11'• l'trllt•OI I h " 114 e-. k fnllow· I l l• lly ~ink arul Mr.' • (' 1·. Ht r•· I I• I .,.,,,II II• ,1 fll••tlllll( Wll~ trt• llll' II "'IIIII .. 1111 111'1\ flf lhr• fllllfllPI' Mro) 20 w~r~o·h Itt•• '"'ltfm•-.1 him to hhl :-.:o•wt"" 1 If, h:hl ~ h11m•· l r.r 110"\/rral \it.lf •·k~ Prnc,.....,..,,. ,.,,._, 1 M•·rnlw·f' .. r llu· Mu•lr AI Arh M r 111ul M ,. Nu,lth'klo• of Sen wrll purl.ok•· ••f I •lnutll lutVI• "'"v•'f1 int11 11 hrAch ~~ 1 ".; \lar~:ur..r "'''I Mr' M;ory fiMlrn ~ ...... ,,,,. .... , .. , I ........,., M,.. W II 1\•1""'' tof N•·wpurt II• t,•t•''"-"'111 t ,.,, r-t ruu '''""'''''w "' 11 t1n <1rol "h•owr-r horw'lrln~t Mlu I I'm my I""' ll11~tk" rilt~cdtt• r uf 1 ~fr nnU ..J.tr" C I~ Dmofu o(, Snn111 1\nu wh•o w ill wo·•l Krnrlf'lh "' f tn 1n.:•• \til)' I~ .,,.,,.,.. ''" l ltww• Vo.ta floulcvanl Classified Ads eU!II~£&!1 OPPOIHU ... ITII:t. ·- c-.. r tK11,.. ...... 1>.,r141,.. tet · HI Wo~. Coroft• fkl IOhr .-.;.,.,. IO•JIO t~ lor '-••~ C.ll a."ta ""• U4l o• ,.,._.,., ... ., 804. , ..... .. _; ' •I I -/ ·~ . .,, • : M··· Teacber_"JWir~er ., ... L . -~ .t.7~·tJAI .. B-. .. ···-&~IHI;~.-·..J~~:.U.U.,J-1--1 ----'~· h ~ ..... ~• La. t·· Cl ... ,h. ·n ld-.8,--:: ·--~-GAY RO .. M .. ANTIC· Jg ~· ID U 0 . _ _ ......... --............ --...~- ----······ ---... , ..... :-.-:-·------U·nique ·~ llomaJi· .. :Banquet--~-···-:-.:. ......... ~ . rrr • •.!. ... an•-:. '. G~CE~ '""-. ~ . . SCHOOL of DANCING _ Tap,_~llrt. Toe. ACTObatk and Ballroom t 21t MariJw A~. Balboa Wand 4Jfl !'ou•h 'lain Santa Ana I'IIIVAft,I..II:MONtl-7 tiM ClAM La880JI'........._. TWO BALLROOM CLASSI;S auJdren 10 to 13 ,_,. Uld HActt SdiOOI 14 to 17 yftln . - 'l,t.· 1d(u·.·r·, .1ppn111t•·d 1 .. t'On · d 1wt l h•· ··l··•·tutn .,r,• ~1 1' :"··111·· =-'lw-.•k Jn .. p··• 'HI :11rtl Z I~ •I • :1 .md I 111 1\ln<·k Y. I All • :t I .111d ~' 111 lltn .. k · 't': :11! m 'l"r.lrr ~ :r:.-:t: t;m~ T\'" n~o·n < ;nrfllln :"··bon of · '"'"" 1\o·:wh. liw lt\\111'1'. and ;, •·nn 1p:1n1•HI. • ,,·;IIN'd unh;lft1lt'd "h··n !h··~ h ·:wlwd m r I~ (not ·hn ;tl h··l\\•·•·n thr S:rnla t\n n HI\ ··r 111" 11 1 h :o n1L Jfunl int:lon <lo • ..l.J I·,.. 1 ... ·>lit' ~ .J • • lll.IU. Juu~. :0.11• :0.1.11·1.,11 11· t hr .lt11l~· -n. ''" I.~Trmrr1:1 T Th·· Ji l l I" " •••• ,. t;;klnt:: ~~ ... nn', '·•"'" :0.1.·~.·;· 1!1-11 ~l::n··d L••1' ~l.: t•• :--,"' uttlt ... ,, •. trl I~· 11 '" ~·'" },, tlln .. u·<·nnllnL: tn Hlowk H .rllrn Tl .to'l :"ot t>i:\ 't 11 1 111 ·,·,,rllr !lr• II I l· .. '~· J Theatre -Phone 1580 - Boxoffice Opens Daily ·at 6:45 Sat. & Sun. at 1 :45 In ~'H"AHD BOILEIJ CANARY'' lW~ lHfH~( &H ....... •:ta. .:16 .... yY. ... MAft IM..t~.I:U ,.._Silt Thurs .. Fri.':.~t., Alto: POPEYE "Quiet Plene" Sun.-Mon., M~y 11-12 Ell\\',\ HI ... ' I \)I" •l{J-~ .It "' l.t '"" o'l • ,IJ ... .,(~~~~r~=-~~-~(!~V~IU!l-Ju'~~~l~l~t~I~~~L~·~~~·~~~~~U!~~~----~J~~~~u~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t~~~¢~~~~~~~=~~~=~i~ GUHl•t•\.. t; ·I· I:'\ I •LAY. Lt•t'l-:r~--. R1i'G4t ,\ ~ l.ntoo Mf,ff.t \\l'n' rlr•.~P:trlrllin~ ~- lryou 'tdl ccn,1Jc-r .bc:rcr d :-crr=, ,., ..... :...:-~.c .1 ~.:,l.r\. :cmcm!'c-r t!u; .1 m.:l:,•n <I ( .t i l~ uns(s .h.1ve l,x-/n $1.)IJ 1~\ J 1:• . .:,:: mJ:ll.l.durcr. Th~ J1l:i:h,:l' ,.( <.Jcctri( f.~ObCS OOW in U~ 'II.Crl' rur.Ju~<l "~ ,\;,:llCh !1l..C y\>tll'<t'!t' <n·i-1:1.~ :1 ck:lncr.lxucr, easier w.1y tO covl.. Sec the m(>Jcl l·t th~ mil:l,•mh 11. ·; .:::. :111~ the O<hcr 19 ll dearie r:1n5c-5, :~r yeur ~c.1lcr or EJ1>~n Olll<C' 1\.•,l.ry. 7~ ONI OUT Of fOUa A,_UICAN .....: WOMIN A .. IUYiNO AN ILICJiiC 'aANCU It * , __ .. '\ Jia. ye.n ... It wwi '••• •il.' el lilt••"! ~f.·ml•·•. ,,1 1 ;, ,,.11 .II.; II. ol·n l ~.n and ~~~ 1\lt"·k ll. all Ill '"'"' . '" tho· ,:1 nd~ ,hnrr•. th•·~ 1.,,1, \1.1~,., 1 ; 1:, 1,'1 1 Tr:u·1 :'\n til:\ flttl11 ('·I lot J, w!Hol'll thP•lrt:h :h·· •lll'f ;111ol '· I n tlt·r ~··•·l iun :11111 ( 1\il (nell' uf the• ~1:tt•• ul C :tlih•rnla. ('·".! Znn·· • 1•lt•d '"'''~ 'l1t•· h o .1t \\.,, .\11 1 .. I '-'fl' \\ lh• Jll.t~ h·· 111~ t~~··tnr•rh· J1)nnJ,•d a I l"l.•t•('ht>t'._ t, ,,~.-.. ,, .. t 1 n 1 h·· tn.tt 1 ,.,_ .11, • \ll t•d tn .tll •lld l h • h··.lflfh.; F IL \'\; t. HI:'\1·:11:\HT 111• .\1+ ·nd .. u1n...: ,.1..1, .. 1 .. h.n1l ,, ~~·r lfl t~. tt·h ,q 1t.:tn .. ,,.,,.,l!l!.: it h~ ('11.\ ("J,Jk ,., lh· ,.,,, •d ''" l •:t•' :'\·l .. •ln d·,·lfl•·d '"· t•'f!lll\ • -• -• j.llJ 11 1iu.< dl, J.h. lJ l.utul .u ul.. ....U l t• ll.w htlll.. ~. \.••l'h''l-1 ~ 111,1:1 1:y •,[\ 1·::"· l'nlt, :0.1.1\ "· 1!111 " . ..,J, 11 11 • .t Jlr t' .I"' J'h I . I I • ' I I I ( ;u• r-o::-::-:::-:::o:~:r-==-~:r~~:'ti"''~':lift~tp~-.,..,.PJI!'!'I~-­ J' 11·.11111 dl•• '"i'·" i:.·ach J"Lt'lll!\\lldo•\\• ... !·fit'~' b :t·~ t t..·.•tn F·"'" ,,.,,II('Wt l~.,.h 111 .1lh ,·~1\ ''"P',rt l:.•j1•'h ( \llJUt~ • I t II lit • .'• ;o't;ttc• • · ( · . .tlf•;J nl't 1r.•. r ! ... ; . 11 to ~·"Jl1 •tt J:,hh)'':·J.,,, t nc . \·.n._f,, ,,,fl ,,, ... !.11 ...... ·~..!1~ ! ( ,, .•. 1,11 l 'lllt11 'II Ill, 4 ~t\ I! ~t'\\'• ~ i"''l 1 ft,· ,, ,, • t ·.i!1'l', •• : '1·'.1n~r :.r lf· ''' < • .r,,,., '"' '" ; .. ~ .. ,t:lnl: d .... ,.at •. d ~~:~••n tl 1''•:•···, to· \\ II .\II .. I," :, '" 'I ,, ;. • qnipn~·tl"'t tnd .. >·to!" ''•l' .. •:<(' ••' t1· n•n" ··~ 'lin ph .11 n t•' ht ..... n ....... ~ •..• ,, ... 1~ "'· '' tOd 1,,, ' .f F:nn' 1T1 1· 11 ,. l · .. , '1 !'I\ , : ,J! ! -. 1-! ~ I , I·· • .. Ill '\. ·,\'• ~ r· _..~ .. a . 'ld \\Ill r· "Tilt~ t•J.:\Ct~ TO (.10" , ........ , ~'Super-Pay-~ I e" I r I'\\.,. lU 1'1 \\ West ('oast s~nt~ An~ Phon~ 858 , .. _. lu lur•.. , \lot' 1.1, I ""'"'""' Ul" i• r -\ "u n I •·ti:h ,., ·rtt\1-.. ,,,ttlu' " .. ,,,, .. Mf.,,, ttu "" t· .. , •• ,, ,. .. , t\hturk·ll . "' •· \tuHt t \\ I I t ·· 'f1U0f., \\o•ohu• .. •i 1\ • \f rt\ I I 1 I "" I hr "' ' .lr \ ruu· ' trrl '" .,,,, ,,, ... ,,,,, ... ,." .. "'"" llu "" t "'HI 1'.--c.c• \f,.r:tn f ott 4 ,U t tfftt Ill 'tfUKKUU 1'1 \ ,,. .. FOX FULLERTON ··Phone . 267 I no.la. '""· Thnr .. , ... , ...... 1.......... • ,,,.,, ~ • 'I t' I I I ! I • I J ' t< u \It I " I \' /I tc \ '' · ltf..,,. tttt. t·t ' \ l I \ ·· t ri "tl ,,,,,..L.,J~ "l ttt•r·l f.: t<t Tf t< , ... · ---. \ Hroadway Santa Ana Phone 300 t uol"" I ''""rrnu , ... at ''"' lfh ""'"1'""'\ .. ~::.~~lff'"-... , " .• ''\\ ''·"'' t(Uf I \T '''·liT'' .•h-u .ttloP I, t non .1 --Uu lo ( '""'''' ~ .... , I .. t .. HHM H't '..,,, tiUf'h.l''""'' . ... 1111 f • \\ •··I t \l,p ll t·: 1 t. I I '''"'\:' ~'"''' -•1"'''' ''·'''" iu ··tut •.ta\rltt " ,, .. ., t , ... ,, H ,. ... , .. -t h•t .. l'all , • 1 '''''"' f )f.tJI•t ''' \ \t#l t t~tt., ANAHEIM t:ttllfi\11 ... 'I 1111 • I 11o .., ••••I \\ •·rl 1 \I t• II I • I t A I I • \fIt f IIIII' )'rtf t ..,., 1111 'I \ ' \H I•! I ..... r fll \I~ I J I " • ... l" •·· ... ,, ''•' ,., ,,, t :• .... , ... flrlf'k l, .... ' -"\\ \t.t.L..'' f\.UI.I. I ~~--------~----------------------~1 __ P_L_t·;_, ~-· "_;_· ·--~-· ._! I~. ! 11., ., '·.• \\' • a1 fil l l •••• \..k _\ \: .... ,, ' '1•1 ... _·n I .. ' '1 •Y· .:\ ::\ ~.\·H E I ~I ANAHE.IM PHONE -4212 T,-..f,,, Att•t ..... , '''"" t \f ,, •• u••l IU "'I ttu t t. I u 1 t\ t ,, .. ,, t;tl•t ·1 1 '"' t{lttllf Klltf " 1~00 Mqn.d,l)- l f not Won Thur~dily AOUL T S G~~~~J:·~.&IG. ai:FiliOE&.\ Tp&s '. e ".-\. .. Ht:RS ••. D~~ .. -... • R .\UIOS I ·HAROWARE . · ·J.: H •. ESTUS -· • !•q 1 t1 ·h·· , ... \' \\ : , .. , . ,. · · .. : ·1 · I ·•· \ · :· !~·111; ( \ .1: ll.''J; s .. · ~ ,,. .luh:t" '1 '' •l·, .._ ·,, \ • . 1 . .-\n· ~·.•" 1n11,, t \•;ln.'\ •1 l...o! \rH.,:r·f, .... :0:1 ,., ,,f ( .. .1·: ... '1 Itt. p •' \p· II 111 1"11 t;t ·:-; 1:· I !L:i~l \>. .11 ~ <' l I 1.1" IT ""'""''"' \f •'11•1 1 • I u.~ .... t t • , \1 ", I I I ! I ~ · ·1o\t Ill\''''·'""'"" ...... • 'UUU. t tL\II,~Jfll ~ ~··-• ~· "r •l rtthf ThJH" 1 \Ia • I 1 Anti f.\. . ...u. lit ...... , • , ........ .. · nt'tc t "''" ten"\ 't ,. .. ];)(' A ny t rme '"" \lull Tllf'"'. \lit\ 11-I'!·J ,t t.\H t IUui'IH -·,,\5tllil'i t \UHUI I lu t •·•ll fl l h·\1•11·· .. "~~rthwcst. ,\hmn.tt!d .. l!.oli(~-'-- ~,. ·\1 ..... I \f 1: t I. .P HI It \HI'\ 111 .. \ ·' Chump Oxford" 4 '"'" f 1tt l•n1t •. r- :\t .JEAtUTTE MacDONALD NEl:-&&N. EOOY '" MOlt C~riHO ·s , BiHerSweel IN TECHN !CO LGR I ..-_ ' ... -=-- Builders TAlE lOT-ICE CITY Til SALE LOTS •nl'.' Corona del Mar -~·-tOTS $25.11 UP ... Choice Lots -$75.00 to $250.00 Most :to!J pri~ less than One-~ of the cost . 1 of the lmprovemen,ts. Dbn't llelay -They Are Selling Fast ·RALPH P .. MASKQ, Agent rwo omCI.B ., Carner Carnation and Cofuna l M"ar 3410 Coast Boulevant Newport Beach Phone 402 ·OUt· DOOR FURNITURE See the latest in Nautical Stencil on Our New Swing and Umbrella. CHAIRS -BACKREST -UMBRD..LAS AWNISG8 -SEW 0& &ECOvaaz.D PERCY H. BEYER TERMITE AND FUNGUS CONTROL & Vear Bonded Termite lnl4tlatl0f'l lee Our Ad. In l.alurd.Jy Evet~lng PM\ T.EIMIIII CO •• OF ORANGE COUNTY FREE INSPECTIONS FREE ESTIMATES 610 No. Main St.. • Sanu Ana, Calif. YOU'LL ALWAYS HAVE FUN AT THE_NEW • 19.'0 19:\1 19.~ 19:\.1 19.'1l 19."\. .. 19:l6 19.17 19.itl 19:l!l HHI.I ~ :.91 Jl)7 19.1 2911 4113 ~ ~' .. !\4Jil ~·~ ~2 ....., T~t&al •. $7'..~.~ :'1M :\44 1 .. 7.1;00 ~·:w; ~9 :.'.1. .. 1174 49'7 4-MI 7rtfi<M 9tW',O!l(l ~11.6,''11 t 1461.7 .. ~ t .I.Ho.tu I .. ,.,., ,...J,_ • H L 8 ·Jd· H•ts April Building aroor Ul 1ng I _ . Here Doubles IMttlol '"''' ~'"" .. ""''"' h ........ nn•l a: :om~:•· ~·7 1tl ~·n St>on• I lrw•• &•'r .... n•·r S~'Uifl l\111\ f. llooq;htltl I , Slt'l......., I tuultl . ••U• '-lun ~ t•M•O• ,,._ •• ,.,., t>~•u"' ton•l ~.:•" 11~:•· :r_,, s,,.,., ...... "" I - ··cw • ,..ct -.. ,.. ~·· "· ...;.·, ...• ,..... ......... ..., .... ... ..... i., ........................... . ... ~ .............. -... --.,,, A .._ ...... ., ... ...... ........ ., . N-.-t ....... OIW11 ... • ... or Builclin~ lnf~tioll .. Bay District Lumber Co. "'41.TDI A. III'ICal. o- ............... , A& n. ArorMe $400 ooo~ Sun Shines County t'ities / / \;,low uf '''"' J•tt t I t,or1••1 looultt ,,,, l•'t ,; .. rol ooll II lotri'II·O 1 ~w••• ~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~ -\1.1\ ' .. :. " IJIII I'I .. ·rl "' 1"""'1 t\np ol..... httolol .. , .... It !f) '\ .... lfTI in~: rltll &nl' tho• I"''' IINHllh uf Canw tht· fu~t vi )ta~ and "''h i 11om ""h the' n ·,•do'flllal dt'Vr lop-A11n l ~Ill I!<• n•:t~h oluul•l·~• tho' ~tart r>f t ho' ""'".month the• nwn t t>f tho• t lnrhor o... .. tnc-1 is th>~t "' an \ ollw r t or:1nt;•• CoMtnl) first n-al bun<t of 'Unl'hlnt' tht" llw fH<'I tha t 11\'o•r half of thfo <'II~ .. ,,h u ..... ,, .. "'"'" .. 1 t h·· helOt)''• n" r.:nrn.:•· f;tllll S.·,.·l'hon·l I w 11••r ,.,.·no•r S I :.>fJl . I hutlthn.: I"'"'"" '"~llt't1 llmc-c• thr l "''unt~ .... ·:ot S.tnl.t ,\n:o aurarlt\o' munnt• cummuntt) ha.~ ftr>t of May rl'pn'SM!tf'd tn\'H I· """' '""'""ln.: 1, ,1 ,.,.,,1~11 .oil\,. Plumbia• Permita r l M'fjoyr!t m man y a dlty. I rnf'n"' an ~· homf-s. talJio• ot l"'ul•hn..: I"'""''~ fur Or· M•> 1 M M ftnunl ro'f', f;IM I 1lw 5Un.~trw pnwt-d to be a f'Nmab /or nt•W hctmt'S tolaled a n.:·· CoMtnl) n ...... dunn~; ltw I )r•'•n 'lr . ···r SAm )(ln~fftthM'., !warty lllimulate lo .thfo Nt'WJ)Ort $:.1'4::100 for the-wPPk and ""P""" pa'' rw.nth. n~~nptl<'\1 by the· O r· ,.,,.,. 1 K 1. Carvrr. :r.a R•ll"ffJJ l~r Dui~ Indus~ with senu-d construction in f'\'l!'ry IIO"C'", an~:•· Coount) l \u11do•" t:--...tutnr.t•• Vu•t • ntvd . 1••r S.n KlnllftUhrt ~ts for tlw nm ~~ day~ Hon o( thfo comrnuntty. indudinc o\ftltl. .... I May 1-John rranda Murl)hy, GORDON B. FINDtAY "Buildfor ol Homes ol DIIIUndlon .. CONTRAt,-rOR aad BUILDER ~ ...... Mllv..l..._ llswpwt._. : AJAX-AR-CA·Ot I totalinc 542.~. acxordi~ to noc-, lhP Balboa f>tontn!<ul4. Sra SMn-1 ~. , . ...,. 124 VIa Lido Nord. prt' Slam K._· ord8 f!l Building" billipMtcw A.. M.l (?oloft)," Colcw• ~ Mar, Dilts *I Na.PQI'l._llArbl.: $Ill, I~ ... ~thrr ~ Nelson. Island. N'~rt a nd O..lboa. ~ts Am f;9 r~:t f-M1tV 1'~ ~~fiU~~'!1r::t~r-=:;;;;;;:;;;;;::;;-.-;;;;;;;=;;;...o-.-......... ._._.iiiliiii..,...__....,. ____ .;:,_..JL--.:i~.::;::J ThJ.~ b 0 0 ~I I n C'Oft.~lf}JC'lton ! AN'Ordtng te> 1 hI' rth ..,.•nl en· 1"-cYnllst (.H :YWl l.ido• -~ut ~~·r ~am Krn~httlwr. EVERY DAY AND NIGHT SUMMER AND WINTER. • I throuJ:hout thf' rtf)' n~llt'f! in c-n•ll.,.~l tr•'nci en th1:-n l), v'ah.H' IAKUna Rl'.trh :0 1 ·,, l:_::'o :\1;t) 1 W1·''"n II S .l\ '''· !l:lll j ~ ·~·· bu!ld ang tota l thU!C fa r for 1 of llamor txulrtens;: "hottld rNtrh F'\JIIfonr.n -"t~ 11.77 I \'1,1 LJ.i., S11rol ~~· S :uu K in~· 1 I 1941 n ·:trhtnl! $<100.70!}. n>c:ont.• or o•XN'f"fi t h<' half milh•"' ciollll1r Oran~·· !7 It\ •a1,1 f.tl t>••r 1 I n•vc>al. m t rk hy th•• ''"'' or lhf' fin! I ftvr Ana lwlm It· '\to fi7'1 Mnl I F m nk •: I AniiM•rt. Ifill~ I An mtrn-:~ttng notr m C'Oftn«· nr ''"'' a nti a half months lfuntans;:t"" llo·h 1•• 1·, :-..c, ~'"''' llt~hwa, 1•·• S,1111 Ktn' I Rrt•a •· •~~p"'T.'> tnth• r 1 ·Audits -Tu Adv~ -Sylltn.. • ~M_ ... _s_tfte_t ________ 8_ALBO_A__.Il00 Lots S..ld At wrona del . Mar By Ralph . P. Maskey S.•;tl Ro•:ui't 'I •, :_>'_'0 , :0.1.1\ I.,,' otf ,, .... , ... , llo·•u·h Count~ an•a I••·· Jt~l.r.!l'•, 1.11,1\o'llo ,111ol l.'11ol """' Km~· ,,,, ..... ''·" MOan Und.erwood ........... . . . IRVIN -GEORGE GORDON BUILDING CONTRACTOR u 11-W. Central NewPOrt Bead~ ... Phone Newport 721 . Ralph 1'. ~l:.l.•oluo). "''" k-·n I numl11•r 1of th•· l1•l pun·h""'r' thll· 1r-;, .... Jiort lla rhor rf':lltor wh•• Wll"' far l,ta\'t• mrlw;ttt•d tha t tho•)' 110- lar~o·ly rt'l>IICIIl;thlo• fur fhl· do•· I •1 t11n :d lh•· llf "IM'rty \ll'tlh tfMo tn· \ Plopnwnt of l"t• .. 'JIUrt l.~land. htt.'4 to•nt "'" of bwltltnt.: htllll•" and r• launrht~l .an :lt'lt\•' ck"'f•lt!Jimo•n t ,.j,fm~ h•·r•• l"'mlan••ntly , flrOf;!toQm 111 Con.n:A dd M ar and today rt-portro h-.. ha!< '<'Ill HtU • ltol!' a t Corona cio·l Ma r Klrbw In Charge 'nil' lot~. m:tJOTn > M •111<1r ~--- \OI'n' ~1111 r .. r tilt' t'll)' IO'ho had Of Southern Calif tthlumPd '"" tttlo• '" lh•·m. "'"''' • · . • hc~·n m<)\ Int.: ntpully. Ma.otkr·y "" Architects Meet Tutal 1111 Old Fashion Piazza Revived In Home (~sign .\t·;u tit 1~ r !'-.om K tn•f ,ol ho•r. 1 \f" I \1 1· I I. l~• .. o .'till \\ f -.•.ou ,,, o 1~ 1 :--.otto K "'' f tl '" I \1:1\ I "nut h • "••••'' f ·" ! U •:• \\ t"• n tt.tl 1• r ~illl' t\t~'.f.tth•·• :0.1.1\ I l.11loo I lo• V:oo=tf, An h••• ,,.,. t• r '-''"'' h•n .. lattw r Th· tolci·tmw 1o1 •II 1 1 ••oono 111~.: \1,1\ 1 \\' 1• "'""'" l•;t I 1~-.rk ' \IH,olltoot Itt I~' I II "'"" i 1l'H' otUth•ortl\ foot tho• n ..... I• ,, o\ l ~,. -1' S1..,...+,...,. ~~~ ,..,.. of Arno 11, ; • 11 ., 1 .,,.,, I'll f-II'' Fooottt 1• • J II I 1•1• I ""rTit·n clo·•tt.:n•·ro 1 "'"'"" 1,1 ,,1,. \1" I !'-t.,,o, 1 l •t• lrl :•••• t ;,oiJf , r. •rntlflt: "h4..,.. •t. t.,:u 1,,.,,.1 • rtrr.,f "'' 1,.' It••\ S haf•·t • Aecountin1 .. Su~rvi.uon -1-rocedure • CONRAU SHOOK f'ON'I'IIA6nl& ... attiiJ1CK COIIrt.r.ft WIJIUKJWU II&IIYI(;E ...._N...._.I .. ·I t portro. S;;Jt.,. an· <.a td to bC' 110 ~-------------------------------~~--~---,_~~~~·~-~~~~ -----------------------------.' thl' n ty rflttn<"tl r<otwment: rq..,":Jtn :•lt-.hmcnt 1 :'\•,. )'"Li . 1 ·,,y·• "'" :• ,. ll •llo1•t•1 1."1 -t,n•a ~· ~llho•rn ('"altl'l'lhl a nlr1p-lf~tmpot.l,.. • rr;;,~ .. ~f n,~o P.u ,_'-.\,...'lht-P t -1 .. •! t~..,._ j lt•r, Arrlo·nran Jn~IIIUi f' "' Arrho I lrllkf' Ht~t.-1 . ~ ... -J .ollll" l(!ol .. ·rt s .• nloot:fl tn .. ..._ .... r . o . •• •• --==-;'f. -.....-.-.rss.-n / TERMITES FUngus :__ Roaches -F1eas Moth-J,>roofi.ng._ E_tc. Coast Termite & Fungus Control Co. 107 West Third l SANTA ANA Phoae: S.Ota Ana 3261 -t DONALD BEACH KIRBY A. i. A. ARCJIITECT Balboa lslaad, Callf_cia1a' • -· Marine -HARDWARE -Gen~ral • Bay District HardW'are BRASS HARDWARE -QUALITY TOOLS W. P. FULLER PAINTS -YACHT FTITINGS %10-21% Mari.De Avuae Ballloe blaDd PhOM Newport· ~ Mar l~llh '" '" handlo· lh•· tran'- aC:IIon,. c)f tft(' lax lot!' Lot:-. may -· bo• pun:bast>d •:ltd ~fa.,ko•) :II 1,.,, tha n half tho• ltort:-. nwt Wllh uth<•r n>t~tn· •. ·~· fYitnfHrlahl•• "'''''"an• "'Jl''n 1·..-!1, I. '-o 01l 1•·• If.,~ ~ .. I• I ·- ltw"" nf It>•· Nln~l rurtlf"' tn41u~ln ,,...,...... "''"~ 1t1v-;\rof,,.f h \ i\rl•tt• ,1, \lo\ .' I 1'1••1 ·.·A: ll.11•l Dr al '"" n ark "'*'1 ......... An~:··•··~ 'lttnf' ,_"'"""' , ..... :Ill" ,, •I· ,, ,. '·~· I•, l!oo\ "".(.I . cost of tmJII'II\'t•me·nl:-.. r•'f"rntl~ tr"f1m thf· :•pt••:tr.,04., ,,( , \• n ,,., \1,\ ' f i r, f \ '· Jlr,·fttu\4• r l'ltt flt'rt)!l'um .. ,.,. tn o•h:ttf<:o' ,,j 1110!-l flf•aUtlfUI 111111~•·. -.;'l ' :\It•• lo •. \I •111 '' I" 1 ft.,., .._,,,,,,.r Ma~kf'), un ntoum .. ..-1 tndll) 1 lao 1 C E. J)o•\\'ttl t• tn t'hAI"J(f' nf tt>,. I lo onalrt Ktrl·~ ,. ho :orran~;o'<l for l trar .. :.! 'T ••lJ•} ·, pi~ II !I nit nnlr ~T;n .! • \\ a ll• I J l "••I• I l~'l • rC'a.J.4_ offiOl a Camallun .md I coa.~• ll•.:h .. ••> a n41 "" h~ "'" n ' h.ondltng 11 tart.:•' vo,lum•• of tho• thf' mH•t•n.: (;,.,,n:~' It Jtu.kll·· :ott!b tn thf· ,..,.,,11,) 1.1 ·or, ,,1 ... , ""'' \ • 1•1 II II lf.,ll.r•••l< Cllr. f Att'IHloo('lflr<tl Sup••n.l ... ,'r-in rrtllno('l0 t•· roo1t ,1( n ... ,,1111, Httf• \t,.,, :.. l ~.ll lt11 ''" .!II .\l..r-1 tho• ~·II .... I)II>O'U'"'''' prololo•rf>" ···l!otn' a ll lh lllol 1111. "'""'".. Ill• ;{\. I•' II II ll•ollol'••l' r·~onln•nt .. ol him ~ llr..-h·f'd l'ta~.u \1 " I ,..of I. l'l•"""' l.'~t • _H.OM£ LOANS • I 1'1'\'l'nl lot <.alt•l' 1lK' <.all' of thf' l11t< not nnh plac:('!C thf'm bark on lhl' fa'l mn.;: hul is r•xp '<'INI lo n"ult tn lh•• ... J Cunnully. :0.1anas;:o•r nf ,.,... "Anot tl •~ m•trh '"'•I•' ,, .. fo11 -'t"·l••n.• \1• 1•' II II IJ .. IIu•••k S.ot.tlht•rll ('altf~tmo>t Ch" 1,,1_.,-.t:um'< th•• laoh 14 1f,0 ,,,,,11~11 ,,,,., \1,, • 1, .• , ~ l;\ulo Ill· lfa11·!. A(;(' IY"'tf'Wt-.f ltH> butl<tln~ ...-. , o•r adt•a.' '"' Itt• h•mto• in I'''"' I " J•' II I I llo.lloP••I< SANTA ANA HlJII .. UIN(~ and LOAN ASSOCIATION I I I rnptd $trtlWth of C"nnma d..t Mar n>< 11 yl'ar aroun•l ro ... ,.lo•nto:tl r•1om~ munny :O.IrL'ko·y IY'\'o•alf'ci tha t a ln~r Qu-ality Lumber aiNI Building Materials COSTA 1\tESA LUMBER CO:. a. E . HOM'r.TI.r:R Phoae 4ft 11\11) tj,o• pa•t )"tar .... ,1 llO•,t ·"•ll•·t• l ~· .. r 011111. 1 \t.o\ I, l~olto•11 Y I• hi f 1ulo ~t .. n • thnn n hunf1tv.,l '<J II••n•l 11m anrl t-:nl o·•'''"""~' 1 un 1;.,\ ••I· I 01 1• • ~ I ,\II·" o t1 tho• m,.•ltn~;. ~;uo•!'l< endudm~ 'l'lto• r•·vl\••1 l•t.of'·! d• o 111~~1 .. (;.'(Jt l;l' Pwkf'rtnt.: "' tiro• (' .. ntr>tr · .,.,ly. '' ~on II\'"""'' '" ..... ""'"' ·• Electrical P~ib lor.<' A"MX'UIIIfln (; \\' '"'""'" • livln~ no~.m '"'' .. 1 "••• '111\to~•· C•Mmty HoultiP~· F:'lc . "For r•·tfo '('l"'" tt,1, •·•ll•l•••r \1 '' l I • \\ 1\on,• 'll•l ""'' t•han~f', anrr \\' R S tl'yl'r.• l"rr·s t· '"in~ r'lolom '"'•ttl•l lu lo: ,,,,o .. l 1: 0 .• .., ··n• 1" I •11 •• 0'''''" ''"'"1 lil·nt nf tho• J•rortw"'" (',.unt'tl ··•J'f•full)•." '">'' :0.1" 111 .,1•1 11 •·•••I· 1 1• 1 1. \1 · 1'111 1' 011 I f 1uh •1f StttUtlf·rn C'alafut ru., c 1l01p hOUJd 1,.. .,,,..,. f'nnuL:h I• 1 \,;,.,, t• 1 • ,,,,fftc•·· tttt,J,. ,,r :, ,,,,..11 duunt; \1 ,, t J, 1 \1 t k1t1fl• \ ttl"' •It ---'·•bw Jon~DUUMIW• u.k. ---··1 ~~ '•IAII!.L-LO.JJJ.."' ~~ .. ~toMmr: T-VI'lTin~;: •· rllllflri:tlllon '' lh1 '""''~IX c-ha ir. I"''(' M T!tl•tv "''" '-'""' 111"'1 """'nltRI tn I'Y'f'flndtllnntnl( an "If at •• 111 '" "" •I I•·• '"•'•I•••• "·" :· 1: I 0 II•·"''''' lo .'lt'i I I I T r I r I f•,t ftt ~fl I ttl .tddtithfl.tf ftllf ft f 1 0 ( lUll"' It tnt nUl If I hi' oun · ntnl(. II 'hto•aJol t~ f ott f~ rtt•ftf d:tttun h:t!'-f;ui('(J. Hntt hy h,,w 'ht-kitf'twn t :l•af"lru· ,.,1tf, '' n~ In r•·"'•rl•·rt". I"' "'" \V 1\Ju, k much. lr•·aJ•• 11 rom "r tha i j , • IC'Yotl il1•·a ton ••n•l .. • :otr'lo 1111 1" '"" '-'•unrJ ltntt '"'fll'•nd tc-ular T h,.n , IJha.'lrtf ,...,,, •·n\tr'.rtru•t~Ld \1:.\ ·' J(,,j., • .,, 'Jl••··•'''' t '•·n~ ~·n·l• h II It"\'• I 1'1\M "" :tiOOOI th•· I•·AUf)', phwr ,, a ,.. !I , •• ,,,.. ,, ol ,,,. llo•lloll I o•l•ltlll•ll·•l IIIII· ...,. I• 1 1• r V /I Trtl"" •• hnu., .. Tht' ... .,u ,....... '" wha t ., .... n ... 1""''"1· .,. do·~::ro·t· th•· f•••tndniHtn hth 'unk \1,1\ ~· 'o "'l••tl 11·•) lnvo·~t fili i NHrth.Mnln Stn'f't ahout,. fn()nthly payment loAn phtn fur. th:tt nr-..• hflfllf> whrn.f1y lnle~ ancl prlnd ra11l l't'(hH'I' f':wh mclflt h. ' Phone: • .. Office 516 J. .M. MILLf~R <:ontrador ud Builder- ''. 111 I'•• ''·"" hl•d ll:o~ F tont. o"''"" wn f" r I' \1 Trr.•v "";' ,..--------------..... --.·PORT CITY' lEADS rsoo Newport Blvd. Cost~ Mesa :,t,,, 1 A K 1 loti dun~~ 'L'J:II , -N r•.,.. p" r ._ lls•rl"'' •· l1·"d Ap•ol• nn. ""'"" II "'''I••'" '" n•- -~T 8 U ~--~ 0 W e IN NEW HOMES ~· City Tu LGb (~.00 and U~l Coron• -~-Mar •t 8 •1bN. Theeot are -*rful lot barv•"'• and tM C ity ... ,.. M il. Half Cuh ttith EARL W. ST ANI.,EY 17th and Coast Hl~hway Phone J.60 ':'\('wport llaroor. CaliforniA TheM loota are IO'nt faat. .. tet youre "-aft411 plan that lleKh e~ge H'II( • lar.-:•· l'"rll•lf> •J llr:o.nl(" I"'"" I"' 1: .I All•·n INCREASED DEPOSITS 1otN ·no•"'" 1rt ttwir foundt-n 1'0Ui f •lllnty 1n "''"rt' ntlnl •I• \'o l•.pfllo·nl M,o} '1 I"''"~: l ,ft• k 11fi ll111• I TRIBUTE TO Gl..t.lro..ININI antll~f"Ary, thr ~taft J*dpd Ull- -.. fV'Ontlnsc 11, a t•·r-ort "> 'h o In tn•t:oll 'Ill root• I• '' '" n 1• w "'.. anilrv"IU'ly tha.f fW1 two ftf'lrt blrU.· t'uunty ll:utlttf'r~ •.-thitfl"''-.., t""' • 1~ r f-•• I All•·n dly ttw>y •ouJd pnowt~l thl!' ..... •'rom Aprtl HUh 11. Ma\ l rd., Ma.) !l .r ..... ,.tt t 1 ':mnOtn '\Jt l F: 1 An rxtraromtn"")' 1:eft •of $llfl In hir. ,.,-, ••th' • f'f'('C)f'd aaAn I' nnu .... ·~11<.11 r .. r f•.ur "'""' ""'> ~ rvnl tn\1111 :l lot,tlo:h In I (lflft,IRI '" n .. w ....... 0'("" ··~~~ fNiflfo . . I •~ And lh,._ m:..t'•r all• r altton no•w ~''"'!:'' toN (' :\1 -TnJ~ty nntt tl) A f• t;fltnr""' t.t.c&.tw '"' t,b.ln I'M'W ,....,..,.,.._, lrtt•llinc not &e. rom~. fl)l:thng J I7.Hrll F'l .. tr Ston< I 7bl '"" h•lhY loy • '""I•"'Y'"" of. I han JlSI\l)On,IIJ) too w hornr!. ... ,.r,. fY-NoroS...-1 lror 1~-.· May r. t-: r.,.n,••·r. 44'1 Fo•m · Bnnk of Anwq• 11 lortn1••n •• infl'tl l T1oda)'. Mr r. .. nntnl wu nod- l.,tna IJI.artl .-alh 11 Vllh.ll' of $17.· • l<-11f Avr . ln~t;oll 1 llrlftahftnfll OUI· drp'111ltJ1 of OM!' bank to tJw .... f~1i fluit thr eo&l not Oftl7 ... '~0. hm fon 1"\.tll•·rl••n .... tun:otl..-1 lo·l' tn rr ,ltl<-nt'f• t••r SId W ftiHWt<• hll(h of $1 ,71fl,fnt.CWlfl hrl'fl ..-hif'W'ft be&f hAd bfofti n• • • · ~ · · · • · ~ · " •la t.-idr ~ by 130.000.000 . . ' ... ..... -"\--.. -_, .,.-:;.'-"-" ___ --· ..... . . -...:..--..,. ... _..-.... --.. ·-' ...__ ..... : --. --· . ; NEWPORT BALBOA.NEWS.'I"IJIES. Mcapw1 BMdl. a.fania. nruRSDAY. IIAY 8. 190. -- Suggest M~,W WayS To Honor Mothers --· ~00 •11 1 •• 1.ulnr 'It(•· at c • .. st . !\h•llll · I 1 ;11~ :1, S h••ll ~a{~at -l_!al~. · \ o,.1,nrt••n•t~· '" ,.r~a.I.'liALhPr '- wath 11 ~:at1 t h>t t wall •·nh.:hlt•n ho·r kat • hf'll ,..,.k t ho• ro•n)llll\'t• r' oof }tl" y•·•u .,,. .. rr,-r,..l ll~· t iw "(,,,. ,.,.,... · lttv "' f'XC~II~nt kltchf'nwar~ at T~Wlll"l(• llardwarf'. C'08ta !\l "~<o.• "l"b•·y al ·" hll\"o• man\· "' h• r a ll ra o _. ) t 1 \'•• J:lf\Jit (runl \o\ h t h 1•• •·hnt•JI'• llw"" are many ways to show reciaf to MoUl<'r A111"11 W :l• .. k "'"" k • "'u~ ''"~ ., / / . Port · Area.:to Observe 1 Mpthe~s· bay, May 11 __, ___ --41. -- ----- BREAKS HER ARM WHILE GARDENING -4--- Mrs. JllJTICS T. Johnson, Corona dt'l r.tar. r~a:~t pre~idcnt or tfle ,\lu u· snnl"ly uf h1•r Catholic chur•·h. brokl' hr r ann Wednesday whih• ~:ardr~ing in. her yard. 1lw nation wtll honor Mother ~--~-------------11!""'---------. .,. . . . app . ton . pot-lor "' 'thl' Qu~hly ·~k rr\' ... on Mother s Day tn addition to the usual family reunton" and r-1,111 Mr..a. M•r:r:•:,._ f i• r 1 h •. ~~ district merthants and business mcu cm..--fftnnty -.tt,.W... ""''-t,.-'~>~A«t-t~~----_._.:_._~ .~. now\ced today they hav~~de special efforts to Offl'r at-lv>t rolls an•l h·· "1"" h~W~ .ft '1'" n.·xt Suilda)·. :>.lay 11th A NEW .. .AIId UNUSUAL SHOWING of . 1 'Un that db) moth•·.rs •·v••ry· • •''"'"' edt "'"'vr l'JX'dnl n.mn--~ ~AILHEAO" BLU E--DENIMS , lion from lhe-ir sons aad dauc.h· -· '· ten and thp, t radition will be $1 95 odsftvPd in 'PI\any Harbor Dtstnct • . . . . lacauuA. v'a• "''" "' ro~t~ttrt,.,. ana tractivr gifts and opport !tiC'S lo make' Sunday a real ,, ... ,.,.rt.A tu c-hmiLX th .. "'"•I "~t" tO harbor mothers. Att r~<IIVI' MnUwr"~< P it\' bo•x•' Mot.bera wbo dally-~rform •of • an•IY arl' nffl'rt>•l b.v l\lu<.rf'" . routine taalu ov~r the f~lly cook dan~ on !:{unllay < 'unf<.,.t ""'"'v at Nf'WJlOrt lUI ""'"" .._., wW really apprec:tat~ bt>fnjt AmunK lbem are Wbll.e"a Cof· "" nth"~ atlrltl'l.h'( ~·I u.,.ful \alu!D to dtDDer. Tbe barbor &.rea f~~ Shope at Balboa and U~tlboe J.:lft'' \\ ,,.,_,.man ' at San! a Ana otfeMI many attnu:tlv~ piiU'f'l to IAiand. Thf' Art'ht'l C"afl'. llnrra· ""t NI for thrlr Arrn\· nf 1:1ft ,.,.. I•·• ll•·n~ 111 nil tam,.,. hA\"r man~· .... -------------------------; 1\tlr~t• t v•• ~trta••l"~ '" ol,.l•~thl thf' ~~ this week-t'nd. · t-.mUy r~unaooa ar~ plan- ned aDd mADY Mother• will l"f'C~Ive ; ~ tlow~r• and many r oortulu . Ill ~ Ott the day. Tb~ Motbtors ol lhaa nation tllke. ~ ri&htfu.l place 1n thr limelight · • on Motner·a Day. Too apt to baVI' . Difft>f('nt Styles a nd Patterns • JO'S :Dresses and Sportswear Arourfd the Corner from Ocean Front on 22nd Street \Ne)\'por1 peach MOTHER'S DIY h•·nrt~< .,f l\110th,..,. A .,.,.1 .. \'a.nf'ty nf tWI\Utlful ROd IIIWflll !Ofls (10r lhl' · ()('l'fl llinn a rl' t<> ,,.. fuund a t _ their ·MCrifk:ee i~CDored and ttu•lr 1--y kindly acta torgott~n In the L.----"'---------------------• ruab Qf ~v~ry.day lh·in&:. a jwst NECKWEAR __..: PURSES ___:. C'O~'TUME .IF.W ELHY -HANDKERCHIEFS -IIOSIF.HY ~ lhr 1-"ftmooll" n. par~m· nl ~tnrt' !:{lt!IIM Ana Thr no•w H.-t llu·h .Jo•wl'lrv ~tort' l'nl'lll Mr';.~. Rnnoun••· lh.ltt lh<'~· hnn• many llllf'l'll\1 f<'alur"" np· .: aJid well Mwrved trabute will be , paid 'to · ··Mothtorll"" rvl'rywbf'r~. •wwll't Sunday. and Oth<'r Gift Novelties for Mothl'r. ~ l"''ltraatf' fur Mulht'r·e P ay !(Ifill . ~ 1-'1""'"'" 1\rt' ;, lway10 ltrJ•rt·•·aat•~l <.."burc-ht'A of t ht' harbor di11tr1Ct · w.:W • .)Oio in thl' trlbut~ to Molht r . . watb many paatora UKing that 1 tbf'm~ u th~y •Jlf'aJc from their aad of ooune DRESSES-SLACKS'-PIAY~tiiTS. POLLY APPAREL 1811 Newport Blvd. COSTA MESA .(Next to Post Offi(.'(') The "Day of Days" Is Mother's Day • WHITE'S COFFEE SHOPS Balboa Balboa--Island -REMEMBER "YOUR" MOTHER 'With Her .Favorite Flower, Potted Plant or Corsage . '· NORMAN FLOWER .SHOP Flo"· .. n T~plwd 1307 Coast Highway Corona ck-T Mar PMh(l: -Nl'Wpon. ~w - . hv Mootho•rll. tho•ar IJ<'auty s«>f•manj.: 1;1 o·a · rv 1t "l"'<:lal m .. H.•a.:r liar· · bur IJa~tnl"l tl~oru<lll art' prt'paro••t · tfl "t1rllvr~ fi<JWO"n at any taa:f' dur· inK I h•· ola~ · an• haohnl! :-; .. rml\n Nur~~t·ry. c • .. r .. na tl•·l liar. an•l , C:lll":4 Jo1HV>f'l i'h .. p. ('nlllll l>to•IUl • ·• pulpit• on Sunday CIVIL ~ERVICE EXAM ~ FOR WOMEN TYPISTS "IJO"I'I ·c-.lfllJJI•tlta~·,. <•'-'lnUIUitiall f...,. the> po!titMXt ol Junior 1) .... far M'omt>l) to fi11 ~-a<·anc-w-5 m tlw- ''"""' <>I Ca hfomaa. An.llOftll. and ~,. s~xt Sunday Ia the day that all mothers ahould r M"tlvl' IIJ>I'I'Ial cor.11id~rwtioo and attt>nl aon Ll~bt­ . t o Hr r dav with 801111' 3ttractivt> I ~ft. It may bf> lar«~. M It may j ~ am.all. but lf't Hu know that 1 !;M baa not ~n fo rjtolteo. ------)faoy St'vo.'J)Ort Harbor d•11trl'i-t Cl ..,p..t, _,onnat..-~~~ay 1:.. mfn.hanla ano f~aturln~ llp4'Cially -.,_~~ from an~ far"'t-of" ~-dHa~f'd r;lftll for lfother·s Day. <fjiiiiiiiint MIXMASlER -Haa tJ.e MY. ndaai..-e rl ": Jb-t olfln'. . --off~r in~ a vo.:adfo varif'ty from • .... ·hach -. -----to l'hOCMf" J'ay l'tllll'fl' at 51:.'6£1 11 ~._... ""'• a <k>ctuct aCX'I of Ja., ~t far ror- l.t an•rn<•nt annual~ )Irs s·~ \\'..atlwrlord . 0 f '"-1J0'1 Bradt .... spnlding a ,...,.. d.J~ .•ath hri dauagtun m San SAY it •ith a · .-01"\-free. · care--free dinrw-r at HArrisons.. 'Jlwo food i!; .... as ~ood as h(.r ~n : thP at~ is dw¥1 h.d: and thfo pri<'l'S t50c to K)('t aw doan-right Sl'I1Sible-. IWst of all.-on thio; day or daY5J llothrr can rfta., and mjoy ht-rself ";t h thP n"!'1 ol )'OU. • I s.ER~,:SG ._ u;..'I;CH.- • Thf'rt' al"f' no otbf'rA who mak<' tM · a'\c-ri!IC'f'll throughout th~ yf'tln than "~lot~rs ·· It ill ap. propriatf' t hAt on~ day 111 llt't ultlr to l~t l!otb~ra know that th~y an appredatf'd. ------ Noted Pasadena 'Pastor's Wife to 1 Mn. CUI Downa. wit~ of lh~ putor o1 ·Scott M~moriaf Churc-h : ftlf ~na. will 1M' t~ ~ut speakn for th~ pro~trllm <>': _lht>. Womf'n·a Soc·~ty . Of C'hrU!tiiUl ~rvire of t~ Cbrillt C11'urch by thf' ~~~ Tllf't•chy aftl'rnoon A ~·~-of l hf' hi11tory nt lllav- .-ry aoittq tbc-lr tranaport.ataon frnm Afrka to mod~m tlmf'll ..,..Ill 1M' ~nn by ).I ra. Oown10 .. •hn will ll•t tM rootrtbutaon11 of • nt-~tro Pf'OPI~ In fil'ld. of artll. llrif'nCf' a nti in . vn~t'l'>(l In thr Amf'rarall ('lollin~t ~r addrt'lVI. thl' "Pf'llkf'r •111' lri~ FW'f'TO 11pirituab anti lf'lul thf' All· !O'mblffl ~troup In llt'~·t-ral famlUar fnlll ~g" P.T .. \. RO.\RD \tr" C' • lfnrolrl Hnrkan~. out ~ J""f"lidf.ftl--4-,1\4> :-:.-.wport . R.•:.rh \.mmrn,,r Srhool P T A MOTHER•s DAY COMES B ll'f .ONCE A YEAR -- -and Our t1owf'rs Arf' Fin~ Sow - WHITE and PINK-C..\R~'l ATIONS ~PQITED PLANTS . GAI.lD}:,:N lAS ARRANGEMENTS OF ALL KlNDS GILL'S FWWER SHOP Phones: 1710 Newport Blvd. ~l·M -s-47-J COSTA MES A LET'S DINE OUT DurinJI: National Rf>stauraot \\'H k and On MOTHER'$ DA \' • GUS' SEA SHELL CAFE Corner ~atral aad Palm BAUIOA SPECIAII.FOR MOTHER•s DAY "ROSES .. IN SNOW" CAKE With .• Special Mothe-:'s Day DeeoraUoa A Fitting Tribute On MOTH·ER'S .I>AY :-·--=~ ~ ~·E~U"'hflJl L"tX;ltKT-'"_::::~~~n~Roaa f · • DISTINCTIVE MOUNTINGS and JEWELRY Aut-uic ~flND_f_A _ --aimply !'tuiM in .. -the correct mixins •Pftd for any need. 'f1ae need• are alllabciN on tbc di•l. ~••1 "i --........ -· (i6 ... ltla-~--Ni----:---~ mastu and you 3iv~ frft- -,..111 ',.ntf'rt:.in nH•ml~o~r: nl th .. 11\t()-tl :.nrl 11\11··1:!' off11•a:ol M :.ro1• ,,f rh,. PT .\. \tonol:~v in lwr n ·o1· M:l hom". Tho• mo•l'lanc wall hf'f:in ---; -·--·------.....,..-~•~-f..r,.,.v lr"1'int' "tft1~ ~-tlmn-ftftrt "htrh rlut II'" :~nrl ro''l"'ll~ihalit ,,., nf nftaro•r< :~no1 rha amwn wrll ,.,. dt .. ru ..... • rt M ad~. with F~sh· Country Butt~r. ~~ 1 F.reah W hole Milk. Fresh Eggt -8·1nch alze r 1 ~~~ERt · M<--~ l· I L. Juat Wh•t Moth~r Would Want BETLACH JEWELRY ELECTRIC CLOCKS REPAIRED • 1M~ ~f'WJtort 8!\·d. COSTA Mt;."A dom frora the t irins arm- work of cookins, bakins. ~~tting tbc awals. Com- pkte with jtaker $24.50 +----------------------------------------~· •' t;JVE HER CANDY 0~ Mother's Da\· , ., __ J )r _Tc,uLOlLlhe-IJiAAH--·· ~loore•!' Famous h·e <.:ream • • ·-~ . ~100RE'S fONf'ECTIONERY 211~1 \\". On•an •·ront · Sf'wport lk-a"h On ~iother's Day and Every. Day throughout the Spring ·and Summer Her for a "Sptn"·in Yol.tr mr all lurlt">d up for car'E'-frt."e motoring ns ~h<.' ''-'ally lik<'~ it: ·o~ I. BLUE ·---·-..--.... ~JYOU" CHEV .. OLET lr .. L I I WIESSEMAN'S _ 1838 Newport Blvd.··· ---~on~ 237 ~~~M ESA . S·HOP .\ T THE .... .-\:\IOt;S nEPA .RT~IE~T S TOUE 4th and B US H· STH. S .\ ~ T ...\ .~ 0 R ·-"0 t H E 'R .-~ DAY-Gl FT S --0 F ---~L L . K I:\\ U H - .FAMOUS DEPT. STOlE .lAS EVERYTHING fOR THE FISHERMAN!· ~ --SPECIALS . FOR SALT arul_F~--WA'PER-)'JSHI~t;! ---\Ve. Issue icenses. -('orne In Today For Yours·· ST . .\~ DR.Ui Rt:t:t.. S'!.:!9 '!-pc'. CK't:.\S Rem. ~·!-.1!1 _:.,•.\ ,r! • ,, , tn t f"•' B, UJt 1fl11 hr"''" t••n·· L t:!•'".\•·a.:h: H.ak,l 1 tt ~1 n .. ch 1•,11•".1 f•rr tl~f' :l cr-•. -c f, r • cy-ra~t·"t:" -~Ul ..: ,l.:1Udt':t and tiJ• ·~'!"· •' ·r-~t I'· ... ,. tluh · ;-: ...... t.h :\It~ ph l".,,ctiiiJ: .:• ,--l:u:t · . ('.-\:o;'tiSC. · nt:t:t .. X!tr ..... ~ ... "•l'll)ly. l:at ··~t tll•o;'t•l ~l tth;'" k L•·,,•l \\ I II .I I ~1:-t Ill): H<'t'l F tna•h••.l on 1111 !d··· ,\ 1' ll:th :t h t a ut ~·: sn:t:t. n .Y RUU, ~,J :!!I T· !· • '!.;. :0: t • • I l·"ly J(,.d IIlli lo•flJ,:lh I• r fl\' · .,~·nt;. h.t:--!'1 • •• tt lnn~. :r·,;l II): :-:n.1ko• paid•' :1 J" : t !1. fl 1o n)!tt~ :\...taaw-:1~ ~n.o~ B.UIBOO (:\STIS(i n .Y I.ISt: l.l~t: 1'!1 ::-lb. 9!"..- l ... lb. ~1 .19 ~(b.. ~b.'i9 ;,\ ~ I ::-:r'~·l.ll for f .. ell •. r ··:1 1: .... atM- •A•'a"i: a nJ •r ~:&nc • HUH. $~,1!1 H, t :t.•u ; h ''"" t dllt' {in·~~ \\ t h • n1 k ,cr•p 1 n. -:n l k•' .,:ur·h·~ l ',•k···~ rn tlnt h .a,_P f!···'· \.l:l. ~ tum. $"!.1!1 · .: "' H.ru 'ht .. l .'"•1 • ·ft. E.:.t r·• Ia~ 1\\o\l>.;ht ·.•.1111 d·•nl'l· I:IIJ' and. 4n):· ~··t I••• kuH! .... ~r t' \ ~ .. p t ttl tl:'h• r nh n · '.!!) \'US., X!k "To Hml'l ·•II 111:1 I"••!;· 11 ! '· ! 1-"1·. I .. L• :-:o. ,. If ....... Jh lt·~t ··d ........ \'lf •j ~ \' 'I I •' t ,. C ·u~ :n · t ,: ~:ton,;.: .tnd rt.! th.t• ' Unio~ Hudwu~ No. 10 ROI.Lt:lt S K.\'ft:s ReQul..lloon 5 x 9.ft. Four-PI~~r $4 95 • H.-\ll)UST(lS St-:T l·t;~'\ls T.\nu;s All B.aii·BC"ilrong 53.99 . 51.59 $8.89 1:•·1! $.4 0;, 1'•'1 nf f••ur j.rua•lv l .i .. t l•rit'f' ~-... ~ a...wtif~ ........ ~ • r·,u N>ar:nJ: •II n •'fnl AJJ)I~t . ::-<\>1 to •• ' '•.: '' ;•· f •'! n: f~<an ,., :.11• •tr •an:.: 2 f •~t (1\· ~1\~~~ ~ y :\;~~ 2r.;:;: .. t::~~~399. __ ..:·:,.:..:·~~; -H~...:7..::rE~h·=~.:::.'.Y.:..:·_::F'.:..~:.:..~•.:.£"·-~ .... r-~_:_0·!_y_U_.:...~~-St:;,_ .. _!_: .. _~0~~-~··I-~:~E-:·~·~~~~·~~·:R~~. ci_.T !"Mr. ~:·E:~:~,.N~ ~:·.,.; .,';--~S~:~;'J',~ .. OR"~. ·l . nE·, . · (;LUUtiSCi"S O"'M'\"IIt~K U~t: ft f'·~ H.lr-d l.a•Nl s .. rl.acc-d ct,_ Lo_.. ~-Ltrte ~..1~~• SCJOO!s. ' • No 11 · • SSe. t.th and Ru~h Stre~ts--SANTA · ANA _;~----··-~ ...... --..-.. ... ' . • t News .Of The-Churehes FUliT FOURIQUARil CHUIItCH • OF COITA MEIA (~ -' the HIOftw~) lite¥. G. Wlll.wrd ltu ...... Pulor ... ltuma, Ce-Puter Pttona 177a-J P'l1day. 7:30 p. IP.. Wonb.lp SNOODLES , • j . . . . CaUfomia .• Tin'RSD.AY. MAY ~. 1941. , ... -' --J J. ~· --. -~ ~·''l "l ~ ~, I . ' ·1'. '\ ~ " , nw• onl~ Jllih'\.1 in tht~ Nt'WJilrt Jlarhur tU'1'1l whrn• you t'an l:t'f t·~ Cars <'0\'t'rt--d by ttw l.i(t'-Thnt• tls..•d (~· <;u;,rnnh-t•. Cc'lfllt' in and &l"l' our bt~ sc>IN"tion & IC'nm hrsl hand ahout thhJ \\'Of'ld t•rffil pU\n. THEOOORE ROBINS IZ•lS · Puauc NoTICES svTtc·.: nt· rnn.ac· tiUHUl. . -BJY -.... ....... I MusiC AL IN5TRUM~P~n 1 RE AL .EsTATE .... ., ........ ,. o ..... o ...__ FoR R~NT , ~-,_ -.. -.. -I ---=------~· ...... -· ...... .,..... I •CMt Mll1'-&. • ....._ ...... .._ ... ,._ c •. --.....-.. .................. ... ,.. ....... ~ ... l --.............. .....,. __ .........__ ...... ..... a4aY G"AIIIIO A ...._. <:.-__.., W111 -.,. •tile ,_ -----.. --.h.i....~"-· I ...... NOTte..: '" Ht:ann· U I \' II; N . .-.,.,\T 0~ ntr. ttrra IUW 01' A raIL. IMI. ntr. C"ft'Y C'OII ~('Il, or ntr. t"'n' Of" NF.WPOaT IIF.AC'H. C'•\l.IFCMI· NIA. rAMr.n "' .,.,...,..,.I TIO~ tlY I'S~STitlN N 0 . UN TO tlllDr.a ntr. POL· a.cnnNu "''oaa oa ... , rao\'F.MF.~T Tt) .It DON&.1 .... ~··-----­'!-" 1 .... . --.. ~ILL..U...... & WILLIAIIIION • ._ ., ...._ --,. r c..wt-----...:::,j• Tt)·"''IT: · I _,_,,•~o--._ -· -0.;1 c::------· .. --.... ... ·--·---C'-ad Or --.... __ c. __ _ ........ -.-·-- ........ Ot'l , .. -••• •• _. Co-... l't, ' • • • • a I .... ,_ -·--------· .... ...... .,....._~c.. -........ .._._ ...... ·-- "-··---... --......... ··--,_ . .:-. ~..-.. -.c co. ---... ----... ! ...... .--MllfT-~ ._,,,,,, • ., -..-. .. c--....... ___ ._.._.._, .................. ,_ .._.. .......... .-..ur. c. ----. .. ........ ....... REAL ESTATE FoR SALE • .. MLa_._.._ ..... • n ,... .... ..._ .. ..., ...... ... -.... .... ' ............. c.ete ----. ................. _, ..... --~ ..... -.... ........................ _ .......... ~ ..• ,.. .... _....__ .... ----·--.. __ ---............ ,. 0... -•. c:..a.at Awo., .... .... ...... _c.-......... ., ,., c-.... ---.. ,..,...__ ---.,;... -;- _.-........... ····· -. ................ ....... T-. ..... IISi~ess llil Prlflssie•ll Directory ·--By ( 'y HunJ(erford 1fMr: IJIL llAIIII D. _,A.aD PWYUf,AN . M"'IQQ'..I!!If OIITFAJI'A'IW ........ ·--.---......................... .......... -....... _ ~: ••n ... • ,,,.._ h a •'"'-lSI:....._ 111 Dr .......... ......., .. ~ ... ~ ~ .... _ .. ~ .... I N•• .... .._.. ;'tal ornr.·ar-=•••t •I!L; ....... 1 .... nt·::,;~ F7..riftrrty et~i,...,.. w.-1 !Wml' ~ .. -••• r .... ...... N..r ....... F..ftt,_-qp N~.J1'1 O..C. IIIUII a ClraaEY. -.D. \ r.,... r.-. N-.., ....._. 31 I Sn Main St.-..et 'lot '' .~, ltM • ..... A8a Trk;l 11 N-.wt- ~ ....... IL.iOY ·r: ANDI'.R80N ·A'ftoaKO A7 LA* ....... ~._.•z·a . ...... -.. ......... ._. •. --P. V. PAaa --- ••• ·-. ~ ...... _.... .. y--2102 ex-. tn:.t.. N_,.art • &qen ............. .. GeM ...... EJ-.............. ALL WORK CUAJlAH'n:I:D '· . -' I ......... -_J . . TID NEWPORT BALBOA !'lEWSTIMES. ~"&am: CaUfom-.. nnmsDAY. MAY,8,'19n. ... Newpott -· Balboa NEWS-·TIMES PIIONa lt a ll ---~--"---- 1'•·~1 "4'tfu.hJ\t'¥ u p\ac:~cl ­ nl"t"' a'll utht'r ccn..'liderttioaa. Th•·n· I' <>f n<'<'(~,u > a nation, but ttN• natton •~ madt· 5U~t to th·· mdan dual It 1«n't a tw.Jtby •ltu.oll••n 'IlK' happu~a· aC all >J11•1Id <'f•Oli' lw•f.ol'f' ttw incll~ taurl<tltnn It dof'..n't look I i k ~ ---.;~~,-----~------ ED ! SEZ-I ~,,., '~~ ... n.r.M7 ~ Vel...eW_W i ' -.I ~ Payeb~ in Advanoe :~.!j() pt-r year tn Oran~e County: S;2.75 per )'t'ar tc 4th JOne; 1300 per yt>ar to 8th ~:one. 1! 25e pH month by cam~r. a...r.ct M . Seeonct-Oasa mnttft' at tht' .PostofOet> In Nlowport lk>ach. • CaWomia, ~r tht' Act ol Mart•h 3. 1879. I S. A. MEYER E'DITOR AND MANAGER Prill~ Plant. 2201 W. Ce-ntral Avmue. N-port BHd\, Cahfom1a -on.aAL P~mRT JlA.LBO~ CALfroKNIA · A ••t IE* Hr ._... ........... Fw Oftr U Yeen ", .. c .... (Skt-YI ~VIS nu" hut th<•n-..., a ~ th.o l · th•· m•~·k J\;,11 rnhtorit 'iJiP - •··•••h" -·-\\'rth ~• m•IC-h uf II Y~. -- Ed8&eb lo•r '' •1111 th•· ~~JV:wlrtant problftn ltrlkn In N-Yoril Al~- 111 th•· .bay <tn>a. 1lw> city council betlc.ll SOup Factory -t off aa i• >('to'!'thn~: wi1h t~ a.-U.S ~heduled to Ute very lettw-.- . . . "'all do '<'•<k' just. how mudl water Y Otrt tamow Of san I'TaeeMco'a I I tlu nut know th:o t ll.alhulo .,,. tt ('an ~~l'f'. I~ "''hom. and ~ Rn.tgn 1 Harry I Ia a labor Unioll I f•·n. a n·Mdt·n tutl antlu('t•mt•nt any-alol)' a pl"in-. 'lbat'11 an laue .... enipna. He aaya · be ain't red, than~: an tht• .v.·••Y of t•f_!no\'a.:ant "th•n-<•. m authority", but eowr admtla he ain't fre«\, and hi. 1 cultnar)' o·nttcf'm•·n l,, b u I my ~101'(' thf· mo!·rung !'tan MJ1C to-~ aaya be &iD't yellow. Wltb ~~i!~~~~~~~~~~~~;~ I frwnrl 'Dr \' A Rtr..-11f't thank.~ l:•·th••r . watf'r ha." had -ilnpon-all tbiLt be cert&inly tan't a color-,.' ~ ha." ati.: gout.· unrl 'that·~ no ant Jjlacf' in t_ht> hiat«y ot' dvill· If' .. 11gure. --------~ justariabl,. andulgf'nC•· dunng th~· Zltllon. \\lwrt> it wtts f~ then-j:: • ..... a.& ....... ~ ~ 'touKh imws If th•· ~lfl'lfort 1 ('1\'ll.&z.ation flourislwd. Whelt it t -~~. It -· ·~ty-feur ... ., ... -• ... ef H. ....... a'•n't t>rad1ca1t-d m a h•w da)·~ I rlt'll""'"a.nod ch;lization -rid"' Jince Ultde &am beueftt an ·-• '* ..._ te .. .t ,_... -~· . ,...... .-....._ I W--' .. W N 1 His ~-~;;;;;~;~;~~~;;;~j;~~-;;·~·:·:·~:~~=~-===1 •-ld edvillf'--.r4ltum to ..s.mt.a.....SO ~~obcn thr QIM"'UOII. o( n scr is l..tereat " -!"" ar •· · • t 1 Ana. ttw> ~•mpw lif~ Most of my up for Nlnllidforation. In tta. r~ ~My-'" .• · · troubk' ruu. bt'<'n malnutn'~>n and Clf ''' hL,torn-al and ctonwstk im-W.._ War. I mont>tary ln.'iO!Vt'I'K'~ Oh. I ha\'f' portarw"f'. 11 ~ a vita) '-uP. llfany ·a tit( cbeeae ~·t lmow · · hud 11 lot of ottwr. afflictionK. too. · -• ·-thia but men·a bfta are now M· AI the world~ creatrw.a. there aft not many truly but 1 woulrln't cal'f' for "[)n('" to May HHl thfo Ha rbor A r~a me manufactured from milk. pat WCJIDell, just as there are not many ~lly gN~t men. have anythana: wonw than . ttw Au-Gni;"'S Mm 's F'low•r s h 0 w . Chief cou,_t ef CIO Ia WMh- When IUCh a woman c:."'ft1eS along, the world usually ~-,out. ~ow.· that'll !'Omf'thinc .fasticBous intt.on Ia 11amed t 1111ar tv\ that I I aba her ~ -..... -· -for ttw ma!lCUhnr ""' to sponacw.l 60c11t't ma~e ctNIInt• with the ':'"""« t~lnb It ,does. . . , Out of _11n , • .,,1matf'd f'XJIIf'ndt· · llw-Harbor Al'f'a bu.••i-~«-bit l~atrtal ·u11i0ft a 8weet ~I But f'WI')' mocher 5 lOll ~'S that t~ \\'orJd L'i "'()('• ~tun-of $2.000.000 f.,r lmiJ"O''f'· liOn will bP a bloom o1 lloricuJ. L. Wb.Ue d tld eaey exp«ta lbow tally Jbort on that score. As plain as thi ~ on h is fa~· rn•·n!_! by Sootht'm . Cou11tiN Cal< I ural ~rm for two da)'S. Pnlles·! ....,ptoyen how to cut coM.a, uDkla -_... · · .... 11 .... --..1..., o( · •-· 1-'-'-'-o t'--r a touc Co .. $:1iio.OOO of that amount 111'111 , sion!ll ott~ and businesa bou1ft • ~aMra ahow tbe workmaa bow ..,.. .....,.. 8!e , ~· ... ""'~... greau..,..<; 11 1~ m ·~ • bt-!'pt>nt in ~•n&~" rounty. ac-"''Ill havt' .-xhibits. I atwaya ~-:o int'r-wace.--r-..lt, .trike& of ..aif~Qr.~ bunUllty, a spark Of geniUS, a bit or Jovt>Ji-conitng to F'rf-d {!. Mt'rkf'r, local li-d an ~·aJuation favorablf' to a New York Tlmee uya, .. we•ve -and undet ltandlng o1 which tht' \\·orld is 1-.'l:nerally quit(' t di11tri<'t managrr. and 1-appn>· : man't< cit w-hip if hP lowd flow· got toe nuny ~~-..,..... In thla Wlawar'e.. · · .·1 <'lA It• that that inV('l!fl'llt'l'lt in l":'···f'~. ~ al"f' Goers ~-country and not _e11ough etowna. .. · · ·. · I pmwnwntll ~ans mort! ~he Th>>• 3"1' ttw chiklrf'n's dfoUcht. Jt may be only a comc6ckoce. En* Pylr, t1» Indiana !ann boy w~ tullled Jl(>WS· comfort t o r patrons ot 1 h i s ' and an adult's !ioai'K'Iuary. Giw mr but a former Communt.t. tHUfy. .-pe~naan 80 .ucoesstuny that his travel tales are cabled· utility. Wt' ltt't !!0 a('('UStonwd to a man ~~o'bo Ion-s no.·«'n UMI I'll llllt at •the· Harry Brtqea' trial. 1 diDy over half t!» world knOws all that. H~ ()ftkl a tri~· I'V~Iuating l'lilpl'ndtiUn'l' a!< .)Ul't ff'f'l ~·'" In his companioftsh:ip. satd that. wh~n be quit tbe Com-,. ' 1 anot'twr "projl;ct" or ~activit,.-. . . -• -• mum&t:,. he went to work with a .to his mother ahortly altt"r ht'r death l"l"Cef'ftly thitt many ~n 1.ahat thf' ultimate In t'n.JO)Tnf'flt I'm not· nt>arfy so much c:on· f\LIIII(ahn( company. .j an this Mother's Day. might wish they had Jl('nned about I LVI't COOJot<k·n.>d. Th t' 1mpi"'\'f'• c:wnf'd about tht-st' C'OI'DIIJUDil)' Sltn Oft San Dteeo movie ....,.. -tbelr own motbrrs· m<'nh• tJwo KAS company is going . cl<·a.n·up J)r9.:ram.«. anct 'I Ilk~ a· -GIVE U$ WINGI AND THE .. • J tn mll kt• will tiring fU<•I to )'OUr d t>an C'it). 8." I am abOut in· DEAD END KIDS. F~ ~ turw IN good lortUft(' to be tJQrn. or a . hom(' Of ('OU~ ·~· "''Ill a: .. , dwadua.J Clf'anhnt>S5. l'vt-always From headquart~ra o( tbe Mo-~t womah, .. ,w~ Pyk> ... f .am one of them. I do not I ptnd for it. but ,publiC utWties r;~.it out &La moan a-as cW&n th.-r-ln.Law AaOci&Uon to Am&· ay that just becaU!IP she was my mother. I say it hecau.c;e-t~k·· chanf'f•" that ~:tov.·th will mMtit' tw "'·ouldn'l bt-satldit>tl nllo. Tuaa. con.eta lbe ~~UC~e.uoD I ..... ,_._ ..a...-..__ -"'th · I h ob""'-"; . · t 11. t 1 ('()fllinut· a nd sl'l'\'tfl' hf' pl'r· "''tlh a d~rt) f•twlronmt-nt. thllt tolka ahould call their mo-· . uuna .. IIC' UUI~ a son ..,, . en ug ~u\'t' tn e 1gence 0 marwnt. _ • _ thf-r..,n-IJtw by another name. ~ ll"t!a~ o( character when ht' lees it." • I -e -It '~ about t i m ,. t o t"Cl~Wdt'r !'huf ka moat folka do! "My r..ubal.., cJietl LUI • 6ui.eu .•. IIMII ~ t11i1A lUna. It W4S rHlly o .. -: -· ~for ,, •• of ................ .,..., -,.y,...,. ~~i~CHALLENC.ER. OU .... Sd . w llwl tNfeel'tN c:a •for~ -..y .ore tiiOitll6ful1TiP, lofdhn in the f;uure." ............ a •••••• , prorida _ ... aJJ L:..&. lrafti ..n. Ill . . J low -J-.-....,.,..., ' coat -thet'a wily it'1 10 tre-a'doaaly ~Jar. · ,.,. ....... ~ ............ Oaalleap eoeclwa. &o. u.. A.apa. to O.ic:ap. Deep. c::ashioaed, reclirliJII .-.; free pillow• ..ct porln ~; 10ft Dipt ~ . ., .. ..... c.r ., •••• ~~ ...... COlt about laalf thoae iD .t..dard P.Jl--.. Comfort- able lounP, ~ for aleepU.S car puRD,era. ( B.qi.lllreJ N,.,.,~fk4i aerw- icc ...U•bulo fill ,..SU&Crl) ' n.r.. • .,...,., N~Wy ... •-'• a day for a tou.l of only tl.2S. · o,.., U•le• "-cHic fr•l•• f••t-the Uaioa Pacific Streamlineu, "City of Lo1 Aajclc•"; tbc~eii-P.ullman, no-estra-fare Los Alrlca.a ; the PAcm c ulrUTE.D. . . . ---/ ;· It Is a happy, hurqan ctrcurnstaDoe that m<Jlllt mothers I I noticf' that tmpr'O\'«'Int'nt Is viW'atKWa tnp!<. I haw n't hPf'n abl• · Whcft you feel th-thly *· dan, caft much ~ or not the ~ considers them puahlfli my lrif'nd Sam Mt'yt'r to takt' ~· for S(lm(•til'nt', ·but I futed, remember that evett a I , around. Navy drfm~ mntr!K'fS · alwa)s .:.-t ·a ~-l<JOnary jburnry ,_.... atamp gerta' ticked 'Mfore pat. U their MJnS and daughten do, that s fame and fo r-tM-&d by ttw South Coast Company out of tht' illustratt'd litnatun-rt .,_ placa.. tune ftiOUitl to put,.a wann glow in tJ» heer'f.of any mother. n.>qulf'('d morf' hxtm and. I h ~ >: Juha Ann llydf' ~ l'nt' from ~ ehllclrett Jtave aa muc_tt Artists and Their Ait By G. A. JIAGNtJ88&~ took It from Sa.m. So tw '" .:ocn twr trav.-1 bun-au olfk:t>. I can t..-We with ..(lyapepala aa older movt' to a I'M'W JocaUon. All ck-~· plaN'S quickly and ('('OftOII"'t· , .. k&. The y.uii'pt.era; can't ..-ett Tht>rt> is po ldt'a that anyont' your workroom should bt' nc.out.ral Vt'topftwntll a ftK't somt' onf' If 1t c::ally C'OftliUitmr 'her v a ca t 1 0 n 1t. shou&d folloW or agTff w1th any I intt'd. HERE COM~ H. C. I. j Represe.ntatives ·Of All-Y ear Club Vi~w Harbor ,...«'·rt' not for progms tht' lndian5 phamphlfou. But )'OU lucky (U)~ ol tht> comments or that tht'y If pamllng is palntiJla. It Is 1 _ ID tbe year ~ the first World W a r , the high woukt still bt' with u5. It IM't •·ho c::an afford-t o ~ tht' "noal To ~m~e tboee objed.a o t ahould follow lht' advict> given. If drtttwing. You do not stop .draw· In ordt'r to eet fir s t·h and Cllllt of 1vtac wa~t Jilbt on d1mb6ng lncreulng 19~9 prr jalwaya C'Oftvmlfttt to adjullt OIW''s artidt'~ c:an gt-t tht> same lit· -called aicknea abd dlaeue, tht'y irritate to activity in a dif· in~ •iw'n you bt-&ln to paint, for kpO"'·It'dge of condition11 a t South· .....;. .. ...._ 1116. , ' wlf to tht'. d\arlrfnc woritt. but .ntW'f' 1 do if you ask fq,-it. we mWit appe&J to miDd to lm· ft-rent· dirt'ction it will bt' ju.~ as painting is dn•;ng· t t'rn California's Plt'&Sure P o·r t, ---. . It ..,._ ~ry 1n erc1rr to l't't nww an t.._ wtwn •• are Ill-1 proore lta aubjed.a and objed.a of wt'D. 'nat' aubjt'ct u bt'auty and 'nat' picnwnu ttw-rnselves an th~ rt>prt'llt'ntatlvH of the Wt'l· ...... 1f'll'e cledared and ntioll c:ardl were llaaed. wt.at the ~t want.-.-!.._t foraod to "St'f' Amrrical thCJUPt. aad Jive to u.. body man's approecl\ lo_lt jj varioui. tial"''l'llt'sa. tht' m o11t wnattivt' COI'Ilt'ttes of tht' All Year dub at + [ 1ot WM mild 011 to fftC1 * world. aftd bu1Jt an -.ri-thinks It .....U. ~ I ._. _.I f'1ntt." ..... theft ia~iot ot it to •,·u.-better cki1DeaUona.-ll.ar)' Paint inc In oil ' ~es 11ft' f~ need not drMcl their c:on· Sout.Mm California IJ)t'nl 'I'Ues· ~ ......_ ..... ......_ F·......a .. ,......_. prcprty that IOmC'bocty wantf'Cl. ~ Ball"' Eddy cedenc:e over Gttwr JMthoda. ~ t.ct. 'nat' occupation civea heaJO.· day lut In tourin& by land and .-m .--to .a"•"'&Wi UK" tMIL -coaa .... ~ · . . ~ . · . mol't ~iciftlt In the imitation ot ful t>urcitltt' . to both ~nd and. watt'r Nt'WJ)Ort Harbor. . . ..S ~. anct ~ ~re ll!llt to jaU for hoardb)g on · Aoy.'tbere.'._::uaa ehlmnt tor · • F I n<otu1·e. The use . ot it is more body. tc>mptmg us out. to ~-Tht' mo~ng was spt-nt in tour- -....... -~.ca.tl»~.. -~ Ull llkinny C\J)'ll to«~"' !!OII'W''~t New Post Card Senes eatures f'll~ily acquii"'Pd. Tht' <."'rl.'ilff'ney brJCht fifolds and ,~air o( ftll•l lng the bay aboard the Magic Isle ---"'--I t .... t on thf' old bonf-!1 'nat' !ldn'ilifl I . I ,,f colors a,<~ thf'y an llOid in tubt's.: turf'. refml.ng m lis m fiU('nct'S to _. thl' grt>at numbt'rs of boats ~.::.:.. _a::o::_ .. inu:':~ nowt • .. ...... (hat feiiOIII' ""'lo l!C. alwlly5 dr~ng . Historic: Newport Beach l:andmarks I ,, about as tht'y ~ould bt' u.'lt'd . u pon thf' mind. t and plt>al'IUrt! cr~ft of . a ll l1us ·~ .-~ wau ,._, u.IIC' ·preeell ~rgency. \.IIC"" into ttw ·myl'tt'rif'll of lift' 11nd na·j o TO!makl' thf'm more nu&d with oil Rubf'n~. grf'at arhllt and rolor-and IYJX'S which now make New· dana Jobn A. Locan, ~ ~ t1» Food Procurement turt'. Is goin' f('rd u.c lnrultn tn· . . ! ~ould bt• avoidt'd. 'JlK> palette , i~<t . producf'd all hi~ tints w l t h port H~rbor their Homt>·port. At ~ ~ ol OPM. "But tt.-. wiD ~ Oil) -A. jt'('llonll and ht' AArc ., . ., •·Ill bP-1 \olorful old ~-·port llamor Latt'r tht're wert! two ~rt' lh•· -hould bf' light as possiblf'; maplt' whih'. }l'llow a nd ochn>. \'t•tra· noon tht> Vi$itol'll attl'ndt'd an. In· " ... ~3 • Y ......... C"'mf' plump 11 n d "roll)·-polly". L' fa.~t .~In~ forJ.:ott~. It If 11l· ':r""·m Su:a,•rs" -and Ill 18f6. or an~ oth<-r hard wood. twelw . marine. ma<kkor-lake a nd a,_ 1 fonnal lunc.oheon of the Business -.. .~. . ~-I'm llfraid of that l'itUIItion , mo,.t am~ctbk-to ftnd old ttm· J11~ and rtc:'bt•rt McFaddf'n ~n-1 h~ Jll,;f' inc.oht•s will bt-about right, I phaltum. hf'ightt>rung tht'm with and Proft>ss aonal \~onwns c 1 u b . It • ferwntly to be hoped that Mr. Logan's prediction II would ha\'f' to l:f'l lOOm(.' -,.,._ "'ho n •nwmbf'r "''hf'ft .,nd· tt'rro tht' ~hlp~.·~g plct~.rf' ~llh . II lo; only. b)' U."f' that Wf' rt'a lly NapiN< )'f'llow. Vt'nnillon and I Following luncheon Mrs. L II a .. COiled and we surmise it is. A ctuall tbe American a 'ri· clot~. and I ('lln'l So. ~· r . ).1ml'nf'l'll hrout:f11 lumhf'r dtnoctly ~tN·Ir_ l'lt'anwr. Newport . brm~e· knn"; clt•an with IUI'p('nllnt•. ll hlllck. If it .......... possiblt>. t h ('. Merrill conductl.'d the la dies ,by ' • . y, . ~ I &if'nli!<t..gn ·way "''llh ynur in· lw rf' from ~n t"nnnn~ f'o-w m g m a cnns1gnment of f e n c <' "'••II tn>atf'd pall'! If' in cou~ o( n'l'Uit of a !'till more !limp I t' autn O\'l'r t'Yt'f') IW'Ction of tht' cultw'al ~ lS geared for overproduchon. not under-sulin And lf'l m•· bf' . Jlt'Oph· rMnMnbf'r ttw fl.,)~ of the lumht·r for thear own US«.'. and ttmty bf'cOI'Tl('s as ,·aluro a" a p.11f'llr •~ ~n in the ,._.,., color-City starting from the city lhniu producdcin. Fan-ftrrs are still bt"i.ng subsldtzec:t'for n o t ralslnJ::' • -• -, hu~tli11.: old 11wnbf'r l'ter. or tht' tht>n·hy startmg, ,It tradf' 'h a' trlf'd and tntf' lrif'nd. Of't th{' tx-~t ast!l of tht> Italian !'<'hoot. Many at Corona itd Mar to the · hmits CI'OIJ' and there are stlll hug~ suipll.ISe6 . ol many com-Adol~ H11~ Jlf'f'f'l:~imc that no tr111n.c th.11 cla~kl'tf h a(' k an d flounshf'd for m:~py )t'an<. hn~tl~~hru~hl'l" pnl('urabll' for ttw ' "f'f' ad'·"ht:IJ:I"'' to ltw ht-.:lnnPI'll of thf' City wlftch touch tht> Santa • , ('(1.'\htion •·:on rit•f<'al thf' ~a 71 forth bf't"''M'D '\:<"" JlOrt <tnd Santa In 18R8 lhf' nt'W r.ulro.,d pi('r lll~,n~: in of lar~:f' mal<~ Go·t nf habatuat ang thNn!lf'l\'I'S to th<• 1 Ana rivt>r. ' IDOdlties. • ' 1 hn"ll'l. Surh ,j(•fi:~n('o•c :~rc not nf""'' An:1 FP:'f'·•·r ~1 111 rf'm•·mbt·r th~tt "''as t•omplt•lt'<l &v .. nty·two ~·t'll-1 IIM'il to hnnrlltng laf'l:l' bru,hN,. f'mplo~n:wn•. o~ ff'W rolot'll. • l ncludl'd m thl• All Year party E\'ery faJI)ily head will be glad of the ~ from In world hl.,tory. ( lhl Jlf'l<hi'I7T.ar ftr<l fhm"~ JHt•r nn lbt' M) ~Ide. tiel!> unlo:ult-d thl'rl' thl' ft r.<l y••ar.' !ht•,· makl' for cJ(•ar(•r "ork . Goat Thf' pwtun• tha t bowl!' you O\'f'r wa•rt• Mrs. Ruth K{'ane. M i s.s 0.. ~tnry of F.ood PrOcurement that in the;-monthlil . thO\JJ:~I h~ had i--.·,·rythinJ: '-"''"'' !\k 'Fa drit'n'< 1-'lnrltnt.:. -..>m• ltmt'!l Pri\·ate n"!<i<k'rt'<'N. r oomi n g hai~ ~ru!lhf'!< c:~'n takf' thl' plaro• at fif"'t cicht a nd nf'xt d.'!Y IO!'f'S !\tn_nnn Hurkl' and Mt~s lk•rt'ni~ ~ .____. . • . • . , ur 11nil n nhylon got i t 11 blnck calk'<! Port Orans:•· · hou,."'('!', and hotel". Wt'[f' J~JlPtnS: u1 thL· mort• coo;th ~'<~bk> and ttw\' f'\t'n thl' ~·er to attract your ~r;g. Some of t h e young .. Ja~U. ua~--and ll'lilk-arid mrat and !11\igft_r ~ ·Mll-mAm-~nocKNf orf.Jlli'Wam-<'lr-.Jmrtlrr" 11'-"&nl ,,..__n ..wthu· ="=••v.-port up bke JaCks~·thc!L~~\Lnrk ... wcll. ~ sofrpncrs ha~ :ll ... nttnn '' nn<· that look" all"·ay~ lain('!<" kni'W the arf'a from pre- t&ln a f~y evm keel, taking no disproportiona ft> s li('t' out ' rnnw tumhhnt.: 1k>Wl1 thi"'\11:'h tlw l"':u-h '"' a onN"thn\ an,.; ('nmmcr-j 0\'l'r town. Bu!'tn«'~!' of all km~ tht•tr U!'t'l'. hut you 1·~tn l:f'l alon,: • fh<• 'am" I f lia~ :1 mori'i<'nl of~Tf'ir~visits madl' a f~ars 1rgo, · ~ 0.. famDy paycheck. pt>Wf'r of tht• Lnni a nd tw n.·\·t'r c1al pnrt hill <h•• "'a• n w fa !"!!t 1 had ta k.-n o\·t•r thf' nf'itthhoa·hod "tthout tht>m a~ thf'ir U!'t' ofl('n hut (lit>' immroaatt>ly thf'l'f'aft.-r. 'hut I hi' rN· .. rit dt•\'t'lopml'nts in , hnd a Stukn. lhtlf'r '' ro'('konans: <t<•am.·r. a -mall •••r" 1\.-.·lo·r tht' around tho• IIU"Y "harf. It ":t'n't n.,..IUt'N< thl' pll'tun• to a flat spirit· Th"""' hant• on .'lrt "h•dl.Jna.>· bc-1Jw.hafohnr ~ fl'il' f'recuon of so ·wlth0\11 lht• maniff"'lataon• n f "\'at~uf'n•" m,rl,. •....-.:·'''"" 1l ttaps until 1~ the J>entn!<l'lla :lllrart· ~.:.moot~<"-n-yourbl"'lEll--hrlrful rn 'ruifion" Will bf' :1 rf'l:lJ· many attractivf' homes a nd resi· SKY DREAD NAUGHT . , t-:.wl in lntnll!n :tff:air<. to :'ll•""·port ll:trhnr fr• m San j f!!d -~k'flllt>n. :lmt-f'IT'l'ill'nl·ifay tGT--,., tn-4.eptd watf'r and -,.;oop. lar fr•:Jturo• an '"" :'l:t-:\\'S ·TIMF'..S dt•nn·~ w:t~ a gn•at surprist'. La~ ' • -lf""':tcTar .-1< "' 1~> 111Pft ! boa bc'&an (o take fonn. .,...__ 11 ht 1 . 1. .1 Qu•''''"n' nn Ar-t wall lw f'ar.-full~ an tht• :lftt•rnoon th1•v rf'tiJ rned -• __. ...___ ·-..-~ h -::.__-, ~ ~--=---r. -r ----!!.!""-!,8_ or .!!!!.!..!.!!.K '" .u M ~o.~•n··"·· .. . . . . . . ft flllll:Mirl'l or S) )'e&f"! ~ WJIS_aft tuJ't. snatJWfi (ff!ttt 'Mil""" ~~ 'w11r len-. II:CW'Ct frrr f'2nW tbo tWU "-'1 In c.' -l''a all v~· W IO point With ~ld h(' llbO\'e t ~ 'Ori}i'C;& -"''"' _,. SRlll IFJ ~ ...... I,IIIJ (tlld ' ... _ . pJiiie:' -~ it carried-but 8 -single Ol:cupant. an~ thi~J: .. and ntn'-t. flt'<>J>l•· 1 ~~·· .. ,_,,....,.·~ anrf "Su•~o · ph• .-.1 nn a pnrlt• 10 laqw • .a..U "'Pr•·t:u·ula r ··~I' ;met from thf' ll'fl ~,11,, JJ;m~.; ~ of ~rr ntflflty. thn~ngh th~~ rl:ttl' to rrpnrt t'o th I' t nf6r· --.------in _, · lhl\t \ii'\L ol II. It s dN.tnM't l\f'. rt'1:lllor -cltf'dltlf' l><'tw<'rn S~t n · homf'!<. thl' m nm· I"XJlt'nrn"f',-nrhtlr nn O""'Qllf' ,.hadf' """r thfo 1 . p.'fpf'r. h~ .m:aal. or pt•r ... onall~. \\o· ma tt .. n llttt•·:ua .,f tht• All·Yt>ar -~ u~ng a n ocean . . . h . "'-.. ... II . . r-· • (Mo>r do not ... ,.~ 1"*""-~ ---...,... .b _._ I -A I ' II ' tli Unllln. II ' Unno..-.''"'f'Y· r r:IOI'I<:Nl :mu ·"'" pnr' u t·oor. :tnrhon'CI 111 thf' hay Rut thf' h;tlf nf ~OIIr Wtnrlow h:t\'tnC a 100' '-~""'· • • '-'U 111 LAT.' OJ:!'(.'~.·- Buf the revolutionary IJ'itl-ntion O( thf' airpla~ .hMl . I'I'Wll-1 ht•auttflll and mn-<1 '''PIn· north "'flO'Url' "'tlh no rf'fl!'ctinc -~a ~ of.progress in ~t yt>ars thot has ~n mon-o\'~r. do }'111 thf' pt~n-hastnJ.! fo r all tl.w A~-nt~· po--t~ ;1~1 lllw than~; ... aro• nfto•n nnt tlw mo•t ·•nacturo·· to ant,.a·fo•n · wath cltf'f'('t eqtally revolutionary. T oday out o r thf' Doll~las plant rn'''<tlhpi•'" qt'lili: af\.•a. i ndt-r t~w. o.!.!l 'Y'h'lll ·~· ··~f·:d unt~1 rnl~tful "' f'lt'lll l•'•'fll•' ,\II IIIlo•• -k~ li~!:t· ·nu~ I< :tltnn<t il n•"<;(''' ~ ...... _ Calif ·-h s '""t II-" II . r· r h I 1 ( ~a sf WN'k. f':tt'h C'OmJ)<\0\' m.~ .. nllf't'h:l~'fl its 0\Hl fnnd \\ ith l'r.lH• rhMT 'TIIrt "!;('('It~ lind -Itt ~~~~ .... ~ \t...anl) r:...!lccl.wn Jrom- DUUUft."'TTI Omw a. JU.: 1"0 '-'U 1' trst 0 t (' ~-_l • • . • r-. . . ., tho•nt ht':OI• tho• fl,•,lll .,( tho• t•nm· nn~ nh jo'('t nn ll> ~OIIr lll<'lllrf'. born~rs, the m ost fonnidabJe win~cd fon~ Of d<'Strudion fh~ l"f'Sttlf !t_l•tt tn a SUlJ.:_If' al'('a a~ man~ :t!'= _'l .l t t,' .:Oil mt'SS , munat~.· a nol :th\,1~·, '"II whtlf' p.atnltn~:. "'II 1.h·,. a do'('t'p· )'lit created by man's skill a nd imagination. This gigantic OfflC"t'I"S m tg ht ht: l'f'fJIIIn'<f fo kt't"p A n ny t':llup J:mlt•J'S ! So tl ,, '"' h :-.;,." 1l()r1 B4•ad l. II\ •' IO<ok nf ~un•llln•• nr en lor tl , machine is capable of fivina 7 750 mil n "'"-t d' t ~fOl'kt"'Ci. I "Old" ~f'"pt•rl ~,. I'Uior~ul. l lnllfllt "·~· .. 6ot "'''"'" Tlw· ";•II~ nf • ~. • '"& . • es ""J..§..9P·. a L". a n ('(' · nriif tn\' • .rtahl.' antt•ro·~tm .. to ttK-•-than r c I ( t L' .. I Thl" fi('lci T':ttio n p lan i~ Jik,~wis.~ Ot~t~n~l to ttl:lko• 11(\"5-... _jpftut:'l I'OfTl . 8 I Omta • U r .tii"'p('. anu IS httl t t 0 nt'\\ t'um•·r 11u• .,.,., 1on nf t ho• carT)' a grim C3f"g0 Of ~~tOnS Of bomhs. l. ihlf-.Allllt'h m orf. ft't"qtl('nt {)tlrC'h"h~ nf ft•oo.;h f11 111' .lilt! \1''-!f'-now fa r·fh1111: t•tty h,l, f,•,ltiiT•'5 J( within the past ft'W t"('ar.:; tht> df>\·E'Iopm . t rtf t h l:thlt-s. sn Hw small Jll"f~tll"''rs anc1 f'\'t'n h••r'llt• .:.•:'l,·n,·t' ma\' norr :.•un~l .m~ wh,·r·· ··1--· "" r ht' ' · : • ('n ('find a n .Army m ark('t for somr nf tht•tr p todu.r, .\• .\• ... ·rl-P:ft•tftc l •'-''' flight range and <k>ath-d<'ahn~ ('IOW('r o f a in-rnft ha.-. ad-S·•m·· ,,f a ho···· ,11,.1 ~ haw h····n T. R. REX WINS AT POMO~A FETE vanoed at so swift a pae<'. it is n•asonahl€' to bf'li€'\'(' that t'ttllttn• lli{·J~II·frtlt'llt nffid:tls point out.. tht• m••ttot t nlo h \\'ill n •t'tlnlo·rl an lr·····h.md dr.o\\tth.:• the near futur't' will b~ int o ht'ing ~·,·('n l.'l"''alt•r· :air ht'l"'' p lay a ,·it:al rhl~ '""':tll't' nf tt'" '-J11't'(l :111d ,.,.,,llflt'l~ in "h•l'l• h.l\,• ~··:··n •--•~o ot "" 1'•':' h .. n~o "''hnut ""m·· t t"l''" "'h'" · " / m o 'n . ...1 f 11 · • 1 t l t \ c:it-ri!--hi' n do•< ono• of ht< ''"'' ll··nt hnt'•" annadas than we know o f t od;l\· Aln•·uh· Ot"'''IO' hi•!h lll 'lttn \'1 g Jl~'"•llt"'' 1'1'111 ou \'lrtt: ,,1 1"111..,' IIVo' \ ''. f'l'l\ 1-. .... ts .l c; I I f \ I I . • · • • • • • ,.... t -~ • • · .. • u 'Jt t't' t lU' ,, tnc It,. c •Itt· tn th,• nt.t n~ .. ,,..1u ... r11,n , , • n 1 ... ta1n dla1ns a nd wid€'. nLc;hii)J:: rive~ h :l\1' t"':':t~l· t o ,bt• th~ nu.,'<·t f:lnll tn markt•t t•nult·~ :tl'l'. of t'PIII"'t'. 11P1 hm~! Itt'\\ to .. ,, "''""' llto•'old H I\ ~····ttolll •hrnu.:hollll tho• •nttlhl:'lnrl etfectiw barriers that thf'y h <t\'f' t'l('('n thr·out:h all tim l' Jl:tst . C'a lift>n ll.t : many nf it.; l:tr:.:••r •tilt'"' lloo\\ :'"''"•' h\ motor llo•u"~ F a • h \mn. a·y Fr~him: 1 ••• , ~ rru"l:o~ ;\11 H·, hto•uch1.. • · .. ,,.,.,·, · f"" -ll 1 ,,~, • t f tl •. 1 ·1 1. f r,,._,,. Pto·•uro·••r•a.· flrm ntom n ''""' ~ , ~ ,1,,1 1.1 . .. h t Air· and •1r machines h a\'E' Jli'O\'idt'<l (''trth "nt·,·,~·l'rrl•• ·k,· '· t 1 "'111 • 11 ·'·1 111 r '' n ~' " 11 1 •11 \ ···;·t· lt .... o \II 1 1 ...... , • • ' ·• "' •· · · ''i ·' to·r· ~ c ' ,-'t-o~. ' . · , ··~.:•n• .A'\'I '''''n1h··< n1l J','m••r;·, \\)hr• )1, ···!· IJ 1 ... h1.:: I'OU~ whkfl l'f"CCOIT!iZE" th('S(' h.'ltTiN~ n cr1f'!trg t'l': fn·~h farm a nd dau·~· pn,.ful.'t ~. . Tiwro· ' al-.• a t'an l fo•attlt'frt): fftl' hl.11·k lwt .,. 1-;m.:. 111 aft,• \1,1\ )1,1\ -This ~-est dread{lau~~t o r th(' !'kit". thf' B-1!'1. t':tp:thk . ~ Tit!" Aa-~1_1~-·~ cit't.'i~inn to put a ll tt:-'h••f'J•IIl. f,., .• 'llld(' 11:tlhn.r 1'.1\.lttlll . ,,, nl ,,, tho· tnl.md ('If~ • • of lq)8nnl~g the bN'ncftlt of fhf' Amf't·ican eont int•nt and tlw :m •:t. th n nt' ~"l!lk,•t . tnslt•act of Ill :.'1•• PI' ~~~~ ":!l_m-ul'l',. --~ Atlantic oct'an In a sing lt" ho p. is 'Of'l(' n)()r"':' IN i imonv to •:tir-'o hht•t':' :t llllntllllllll of :'lllt'o() c:ll••tw :-! ·' d.t~ 1"''''"1•• l;.•l l('r craft's fX>\\'E'r in a nnihila ting distarlct> nnd in d l',trp;·in.: th(' hal:t~,,"f! cii~l.." fo r all JlH'n :mci n::tk<' f•:r n_;nr,• , al :-:.1, ,.,~· r bolation In which nations or an earlier t.ocnturv lh~>d. n•l:~lrt1ns \\lth f;u'ln Jlrtllhll"''r-. t ndt" :--.1111 ' tit ,, '~:11pping · ha~ l'll•arly l11.•a t~ tht• '' t•lt-onit• ir npri!~t . "\t.tdt• 111 l" I I " " . UNCLE ~AM GOES SHOPPIN(; U ncle Sam's Anny no w )~as a streamlinro c1irt :~net :\ · strea~ mar'ket-bas kct with, which to go s ht)pp ing for _t:200,000,hung ry young <(l)pct it('S. This change in menus and shoppin g habitl'l. whim tn<fk pJ•c.r in Anny camps. posts a nd !'tatlons a ll·o\·cr th ('('()ttnt r~ ·on May 1, means no t only lx>tter balanced meals for d rnltt'('' but probllbly ~tter balancro budgets' fo r many fa rm,·•~. truck gardmers. and 'sma ll procfu("('rs. ,,. ·.. · · "·< ... -·miJita • mark~tin& MODEll MARINE SERVICE • • • t SHELL o·o·CK ~-ALB 0 A ISLAND NAGG~NG ·BACKACHE "We .all .wo_rk together in the teleplwne , service!." From one end of t&e I ~untry to the other, Bell System people are trained ~d · ~ipped to work together for your convenience and eatisfaction. The . -utephoiii'iemee -is one of the unifying foroea of the nation. .. \ . ' . . I.OUTBERI'f CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE COMPANY I ;-- an . rect y rom p • .-·:p.;o~·,nll-. .;,....-· •-.:.... =--~