HomeMy WebLinkAbout1941-05-15 - Newport Balboa News Times,o ~ I I .. ' Tile 'Majoli I • Colw•m , -r r ISSUED · .w=v· · -' ~)'· .=-t • EMBJtACING BALBoA PENINSJJLA. WEST NEWPORT, SEA SHORE"""'"""" VOLVID~ . :· S El\''1'0&'1' .---.-- -E¥0 ·-~ I j WEEK-END , liDO ·ISLE. NEWPORT HDCHTS. BAUIOA ISI.AND. CORO~~ DEL .MAR, C~STA MESA .. ·l· NIJMBEII .. ......... Over 10,000 Hungry Visitors to Enjoy Real Beach · HosPitality .. Srwport Mnchant'a ;\~iation Enti8t8 Hu~ •• ---"--Tn....,.IJ Principal Sid David.;on. m SJll'aking on tlw t'4>rt>moni('5 t~ mark thf' start of tho• n..w Boy's Club buildihg at Co,.ta Mt>Stt. l'('markC'd tha t it had bt'i'n pobltrizC'd a." thf' laying of a ronwr ~ton.-. Sil'l('(' tlw building "''Ill tx• of framr ron· ~IJ'U<'tion. mon· th:tn hkely Uw C'\'n>mon)· ,..ill involvr 1 ht• ·~<ling of a sho\•t-1 full or dirt aaid Principal Da\·id..;on. Now Sid. {to ~ou h :we to be so IC'\imical7 •. .of "'orkPnrto-:J\ict-fn-e.._+--'lP..It+-_:__-.......... .. ,, .... "' F'oortt"<•n yrars ago )''"''Pr- day "'f'dding bdls rang for Mr. and Mrs. llom MC'Otltum. Tho• Mll<~U!< prMMtiC'd Don 'Ai th a mrty b.·utminton ra<•k..t a n<t Don ro•talia tt-d with a triC'k<'Y oot fit (or h is ,.,rr to don "'h1l•• ••nga;:<'fi in th•• lip»'t. llwn IO lop 11\ifli:S off. tht>n a tiNldi--.1 ttw bttdrmntora daliOI at ltw hilth o;chool J,!ym and whalrrt th(' bird ,.;,h gn-at R\ll'IO. Satal o.,.. Well. \\'('II, ima;!inr that. Banko•r C F' 1 R. R I \\'<1111~ ' of Xo·wpnrt hild' a birthd;w wday. \\lwn tw• OJX'nt'd t.;. hank lion~ th1.." a m . tht•re wa!' IA'\o\' Wall~t<'t> amt lh • · < ltw-<1 Lur :l!< In !'hout "Happy B1r1htb~ ". f:tkfll• :\tonr•• ·rqn· t rihutr-d a <'UI• <'ilkl' w ith nn.- <":mrll<· Y •'SI•·rrf:t\ Pink P ink· I•·~ nf th~> lll•..;_.. 1)(-r:mw a Y•'ar oh1f"r Th1· =--tl I l1nn ("'uh K••s::l:tr """" romplt>~ly surpri"<'ft wh•·n hi~ .w ir.. and :! rhtl!h···n rr.·-..·n,.rl him \\ilh :Mesa C.C. In Rapid Gain; Be_auti~cation a ,.tumn~.: """ ll(lwhnr:: h:d l ant1 haJ.:. first List of Entrants in The News-Times ''\\'eekl)· Payroll" Campaign · • • • F ollowing llf<' th-••P wbo hav!' thus far t'Oll'rrd Jh~r naml'a In Tilt' =""""I'·Tlrr.f'IO !'luh!W'rjptlfm flrlw• The n&mf'll IU P ltl\'('n 1n ttlptlalx>lll'~ 1 "r•IN. tnt h 111,. n~>mlnBI '"" voll' of r •. oo. !"t•xt Wt't'k'!! i!'l<\11' Will, 1:wl' thE' st:m rhng of rach I'IUH1idall' F'.<IIA'Rrtl Hur k o) Ralh-1B r,,(l()() F'rart'"l' Graham. RA!Ivlli l!!lantl r. OllO )tn ~1u11rt fli,.hl. f'o:una Ut'l Mar 5 OllO Ju ri' l""dforrl. BalhoA r. 000 F.l10u• !"f'wlan1l. !"P\\'f"ll't ~ llOO Vlolf't Pontin~ ="""''J"lrt ~.I)(JO E lM Sag,.btel !"f'IA-pt>r-1 ~.tiOO ~nl' Taylor. R.!llbnm ~1.000 r. your 'n!U!lt' -.Tftlt'n AbOVi'~ lf"'T111t. ·WHY NOT ~ If-you have t'ntued your nAme or the namt' Qf 11 friend &zvl II rltlf'll ...oot ap~ tn thb 1.101. nottfY t h<' C_.ampal(D Department at They're "Off" Euthusiasm ·-·Gains-hr Big :News-Times .Subscription f)rive " Still Uoom For Amhitiou~ \\'ant to (;et In On the ( 'ontestants \\'ho Many 1flig ('aMh Two :\iajor U~ma-I) . . r1zes Being Offered: $550.00 tions Total I I I • t ........ • ,I .. ; . I ;1 ,,.. t 1a.-• \. ,,, l,j.. k tk •,. I I\ ... _ ~ ..•. ,.. .,, •• r ,., • • •• n t .. . ~ , ,., • f ,, .... '· t . •-t ' ••J t . f 'I ..... ,.._..., --· ... -.,,, f • rr , , •.••• , # .. --v "T'tn ....... :"'·~b In Big Drjve ftt•m th•· ..... , .,ft I tj;'· Sillil I '• Mer I W~it tJ'"" "'' ,.nt••rtd t h, ... u.•···· pat~n At• r· •·• t • :, I ... ,, '· ... .. -: .... ,., A:. I • ... , tf ' J'• t _ ... c..ol-1 ·1·~ • 1 o•' • , • k I •'\ •••• 11 ,r .!.:•·•·• ''"'l.t· ..... -... ·.. . \ ..... , ..,.-" W ?•• W •"' t•,._,1h ., ...• -· ,, . . -.. .. ~ ... rt~ath 10 •f,•l' ... ,. • • , ••• ••/ ;.~-: .. ''·'"If \•·II ~, nt.,,;,. '" t tl•• t. • • ····fk 1 r" rt""'ftf• th.-v.·e-.tk•jP "' fL t .. • •: J• • , '' • '""" t-.a., •fl t,,,. 'f,-v. n ( ~~~ t r( t .-. h 'A t t• k f .. t 1 I ; 0: ' • • • f ,• \ t • • I l t.:. I# J•&ymt~nt 1h' \ r•·• • t • ., ·.' ·: ...... , ••' t •[ ...--.,.. ,._ *" '"' h•• t f-yf thrtr """' ,.k ,. .,. ... k \! ••• . 1 t-..lo •, a·· • ! .· ••,, f• t ,. rr "irut ht-,.,un na.: ~··--J "· ,, .. " ' • •• .• •• • ., ', •~•· ,,.;-.tl·.• )qfd t'nfl('l' I n k'l J! . l ..uit -;;r I hi~ '''" ,,., I: II I•. I • • ••••••• .... ... •• ,k. ,. U" fu llv a wa~('r a man flnf·(• sl ot)( o n ron vn. ,nr ~·· r-•l~nty. t.t' ,,,.,. ,,..,., ., f .,, :•' •...... •• •' ,..,.,._ '".,. ht .. ,,.ltv nf(P rin~ a $20 !!Old piN'f' for ~1 !1. fit• ..;!nod fnr d(t\'" lo,.ft.n• t11t1,..""' ,..., ... .,. • , ••• ~. J 1 ... ,., ... 1: .... , ttw 1 finflin~ a takcr-"lt's too ~ood to tlf' tnJf'," saitl thf'. skt•ptit..; rntn .. ,.t ,. n... w .. ·kJ•. ,.,.,._ ,. r<" ...... ,.,, """ .. n•.t '" ..... n .. To a murh grf'atPr f'Xf~mt thf' .samf'· is tnw in Thr rill!" flllUI '"lJII • .,.·:w ,.; ··a ·r•"" ~·-,.,. "'~. •111 , ... 11''1 "h'.-" In~ it,.,..ff ''• ~til 'A h•• ftt' •u ._ •• ·~-, • ., .. 1 • ... "'"''~ ,,, ,,.,,. '"''''"V :'\:ews-Tim('s "\\'('('kfy Pay ro ll" Drivf' jul'1 ~lartin~. \\'t· <trY' ··~l'f~>~'f7'1T"'9.•Jttt rt ,.,.,... .nr ll•t ~h ••1t-'•ll>"'.n.. A~ llff('rins:: a wonrlf'rful !;alary to somf'ftnf' Th,. ,,,:011 ""'•r<t "''" ,,.. ttl• ••'"' ~ ,,,, n ,..,, .. ,.~n• ,,,. h"1 ~~ .. • lfnw rlorlll $7~. p<'r w,...k 1101.1nd ~ mlllnrtl'r tA tb~ lllmpLijt'11. prl7.f' Th,.n· t"'"'r .. "'' ..._, .. ,-,., 1 .. 1' ••tt~r>-lrn • r<fth' 1" lh 1''"1•""" That i~ ju~l l'x•ctly "''hat w• .. ,.. Y•011 All know th,. nld ~11)1n,; f!X'ntA B•..ou·,...,. ,,, '" ••••" I •.n•l '"' 1~"' hu ""'"-"..,,.,.,,fl. ort .. rlnv $4/)() In l'fiiOh plu11 y(fUr 1 ahout nmnlnlf a n 4!rplanP ''l.t et ~ d<~t' <:4 H1,. •trtv• A· t1 1 h.. "' I' 10 pen•·nt .. ..-h fhturdA)' m Jullt larl'l wh,.lhf'r yrm l"llll ~'~"' It up tHwl4 !II'"' ,._,. ••m •• 'lil J.CJ'f <cJlt -~arti~ttt .,_...~ RlX 1th<irt Wl>t'i• from lott11y you In lh~ &Jr. ~~ II wtrf'lhf'r ynu r•n· out nf ~ry ..... lar Y'•U "•li-t '"" f-A"" ~ -• .,...,,,,_ WH<k" •~laboratr l'rO«Fam 1M 1•1anllf'd tain Thron~t :\loiitt Ckt•an .~mitt J)o·:tt t-)lifur , It "·" t .... n .. ..,.,..,,,.,, tf,,,r \:1• ht-.uwn whu fl•• up rh.·u ··•~• ~• u ... \.n:ltl dui.J ;uKJ \\tUdL.L.Lhctrlucc. t •r•~t-"""' """;111" n t•·rnl··•.; ••I ,, ... dult r ... •tilly llw'lll· I•·•'" '"' Ill' ft ... ,,. ,.,lllllud' ,, "\1•'1"11" J•tllt'llt'f•" tor " l-tf•f•lll:' ""' ,.f :'\o•\\ ,,.,,I I 1.111.••• Ill ,,., ... ,. In l'"'aJI•' ~0.1~ II w ill lol 1:1 ''" -11· T\1~; t\;i~ ""'" :.-.~t=lrwfUmt It• I .. t , r.oft Ill''"''''' .o l lh•· :-;,." I•"" ll.u l11 11' Y:u ·lrl • .,.,,, """ '""'II ,,.,,,,...,,,.,, 1•••111 ""'· .1nd ll11rt I hav•• ""'' ,, .. " , ... ,., ..... ,, '""' .. ,,,,"~ ,,l··n····.'' fl,.,th :'l'V'rttrm-. ;u<y> trntnw "' M•·rrtl•·r, "'· tho· :'\o•" I"'' I ll;u f,.,, \'tu h i ( 'hth pa} -.111<1 h.,,·,. -,, ... ,T ,.,,., \ •·••111 •l11t· lw • 1 \ t1111f nlurlfy ftol' ,,,,,., "" u .. ·ir '"'·'"' I h;""'' ,.,.,,., •··fu.,..,J ,, llw t••••l"'l at~llt••• tltt~ 1111y .... , ,,1 .rll'\ f,1,·t .. , 1111• o·tllllt~· 1111'111111•1' l 111;rl-. lll<llofl-.1, 1 lto•t•· Jr1 l.t• t •.. w h ·• It t '' ''" Ill•· '"''" v. 1tlr tho • l•,·aJ \ "·"'"'' .... ,;,,.,JI ... III ,'oil'' \\llh II••· l'ttlllll;. .• , .... , .. Ill' ( \1111 t•lfllflo.! dll' Ullllll.ol ll•ll' tl1.•l tho• • lulo ft,,._ l 'loJI· "'''"' 111 . .tl•l\\1111; ,,,,',~"• 11, • , .... 1k •1111" ••I tlw har· IIIII ,,, ,. '·1·-· 1.1\.1 11••11, ,,, Ill> I ,, •• v.J,·d t••· ;,,.d ,,, ""' kll'•"lo.,h••• ,,f--;;1\ .\.toltl •htlt ••Ill"'' ·11•h " llllrll<C "·" , ... , ..• lt,,,l,_.,, ... , ... llltllt'llll••t•·. if .-lldl Sr dr:rt "•' \\•'11' 11111': tlw ;.._. "''lll'fl 111f1 .o• ''""" '.lt••llld h ;o\1' '""'"' I''I"IIJ•·d (., fill' 1""1"'1 ·:olllhl olllll'';· \\h•• :!It' o•tllf"'''''J'o•d h \' J;,-J., to , .,1 fl'< I '"' f1 ;, ,jt•r.tl t••ll I•\ J'l '''"''''llllotfl tr1 tlu· l 'llllf'fS \1\'HI 1:", nt 'H:'\S J<rfrlllr ·._ :\to... "' J~mTI' ~lll'l't''t'l tha t fhpo;r :.~· Itt , 1\\ n<·r' , .m I•· r•t• ,...., ... ,, .. , II ltw I••·IIIINna n will :".k ·~r·· ,,r tu-. ·'"''""'' "'''"''"'"' 'h•• ·w ill lind that • ''' ,,r t't•lllll} :lllllt••llll•·" "·"'' ''" ,...,.,111 ~· ir law. \\'lui•· rt ,, 11••1 •·tlw al ,,, m,v .. " y:w~r. it ,,..rt:ti!lll'~i!4 ,.,., tllt-1•:.1 Fur ttw· mf.,nu~tlt•-n ••f !'if~''""n'·r kt~rn~ it ~hould ,,. n•rtw"''"'l'"' tl•al th•· t:IXJe;ty•·,.., "' tlw d ty vott'd many nulllf'"' 10 l~<lfll f,, tn 1~1\'<• ~·:wht..m••.n 1111 atiNtllllff' w a lt•rv.a;. aM t•1 ..:t.\ ''"'X h :t\t• "J~<tiflo•v•·ry t'f'nA diN'," rS.il.,._n,,l -.mad< of I•·~;~JI }.'tt, tlwir harhi1r. htlf Jf•ltVt'S tht• inf,.IY'nn~ tht•y ,,nJv J.aoty \A·hat th•;Y m•t<~f. once , , . wi'U hav,. ""m"t1 llflflrmrlmat,.ly 11tay' th•rP." That'• u,,. aam• wttb aebernfltlr•n• to ~ S r •• T1m,.. In ,.,.. .... .rll entl U•l• •••k 'ali t-... i ·~--------~--------------------~~00 per w~k dU~I': t~ ~·,th~ hlg driP Y~ n~f'r kn~~~l~rt~N~~~··~~~~ ~M -~~«w-•• .~-----------~-----------------~ -r ,."-~ ., :~ • .~ .., .. ' .-=~==,,...,. .. ~ . ....,. -=.::::::..-:·;:::=-:-:r;;:;;::.:::::.~::...:. -;. .. ;~;.:.:~:::::::-.:=."::;=::~:.:;: ••• ~­.. .. ' .. ,, ' ..,..., t ' I' • ,.. .. ,., ... _., ... .. - Rt.w· • .._... ,., .. , ...,..._.._._.. • • ()nap c-.t, -HiM c-. ..,_ ..... t.c II~ .......... AIL .... ...-_ • Sub«rip~lor. Pay•blor m Advanc:'t':--$'l50 ~ )f'a.t 111 Oran,:to Olun:)·. $2.75 peor )t'llr 1c 4lh lont'; IJ'OO po·r )N•r to &OJ i..-• Z..: l"'r mflfllh b)' carrwr. HORSE RACING IN CAUFORNIA ,""Hofw Racing and Calirorftia ~;· t,hr n'O"ffl· 1y ..-book ..,. u.. w..oa.., Fairs Asooriatm .,., California nn-.-drrs AMocialion fll"\'f'ah tfwo trur \-alur ot hone racing to our statr. "Otbfor indu!ltrirs aw c.."'m(l'in'd along •ilh honlr raring i9 a ma~ that t~mol f•• iP~~>n~. Tbr ~talioo ol ra(u in thk bfJoJI; ~ m "-idrnt t6,.,t ra a~ no doubt in anyonr\11 mind a.c to' Uw j,:n>al f"lUWlmk vaJUl' ol horR ra~ to CAiifomla .. AI1l0Rf! olhrr an.··ll~:or.o: il 8lak5: "II i.o; oftM1 cloUll"S and ~-,•lry l:atJ.<;J('I mon" cti.<J\a nnon~ than n~t thir!S:!' in our doc'tM-stit' lin.,.: No ont· ~•nldtl t hink col l••tn<-.: ";"~'' autnmobdt"!'. 1'"\"f"n ~ mtm" r--'f*" an-killfod ttnnua iiJ-' hy automobik-s lha n 'A"f"fb kilk-tt in th.· kt!'OI Wurld W.tr. It i ... --.oo ~iKnharmom•,-rliMn~""fTII'I'r.1~ ... 'al~­ .Uy • .tnd a t U11• samt" limr l'Onfribul«' to 1~ cll-linqllir'T1l·y of our minors. BALBOA •r,..,j 1 •• t(' nun If >"ll "'·'"' 1•• ..,.,. "'ttwlhtnt: """''~ l•ul no•l .,,.,. of )"" .W•' t•"rn lho• ··noll ''"rn ~1<11<''' nr •I' I ohl)ln ~ ·'·''''' .:" '" <"n!<'n \J, •. ., ~""'I •'·" ,\"1:"'' :lohh ;,nol BALB-o A I s·L AND .. I • ' ' . .. . I IJeadto Caljlornia, niUft:SDAY. MAY 15~ 1941. II ~::::;~: h!WI' tm·l!.-d llll 0rnn~tl' hf~h ll<'hnnl !M'nfon t o 111· f"urtl'f'nll• 11nnuJtl f l<'.!r11l 111 1:30 I'm Are Beer, Wines and Liquor for Sale at ·sAM'S FISH MARKET .. •• • Artists and Their-Art IIJ 0 . ,\. M.,GSUSSt:~ The most wanted ~Grad -. ua t1on Gift! •.• a . Corona A full line of all the new Corona modds makrs it d£'- sirable to choose on" now for that grcalt•st-of-a ll Grad- uation Gi lt ~ U you want to buy on (•nm·t•nic-n l h••m s. as low as $1 a w(l('k . \rhy not START PA YI \'G !"OW J'('S('f"\"f' the sm~•rl rnodt•l ynu 1\:ml. . --r· ' • An..A.S7~C COA"T I.ORS'n:R DISSI!R 11.110 Tl.kTI.F. STJ:AK DISSF.R ll..&o • OF.J.I~-.-\C'It:~ 01·' THF. DEt:P 81:A f amout Loul~ana I nm1~ano .lumhn 8oft stten CraM d a.)-mM """"" ..l'wrt~r !'~U 1-.h Free Lep Or-ten on the Half S hell 'r..,Mifln 81u1nti-- and All OtM; Kinch nt ~ Food• u..clteo• :!Or ' Di1111_1n 54'le -Uc: -11 ... STEAliiEil CLAMS · !lEE ·'I'OVJII sr..A TooD in''DI .-.one L 8 . IW0-'7t or 10!·00 for a-r..~ a.,_ un t "-._ ! j I ., ' '" ...... ·---·--· _....._ ____ _... ___ --------.r. L I NE\VPORT·BALBOA ~S.TIMES. Newport Beadl. Olltomia. TinTRSDAY. MAY 1!>, 1941. ALL OUT Alll I • • --., ., ..... -- FISHtNG -BASKETBA.LL TENNIS -TRACK Pickens Calls 1941 Gridders to _ Three Broadbill D k• I Three Weeks Spring Prartiee Sl\'Ordfish Hooked I ea InS s lias ... b:::: '" In II• 1<~>1 lnntn~:• \\tilk lh.· final '""''·Couch J'l('k· In ~Altai Waters w· I fur l hll'O yc'ar. tn H'k nlo'ntffll\•• lllltl • "'\\Ill •"•t.un a .:•••1 .. ~. ....... ,.. . Inner n av•a)' Utuu· :-ptk,•:, fur oUll\l ht•r :.~·a· ltu\4 lk \\til utlhlt' ht-man r-•"•'1 ~-<1.: htt•n•lhlll ~"""t:111h "''r4' son and nnl'•' nljlrt• uld Ktn.: F .... ,. "''" " '"'" ·nw ·J•nn..: pr.tr tw,· brou~hl Into ~··wp .. rt H~t rhor A ... Jl . · ball a P PI' a r ' •ln tho• athl..tw \4 111 •:1\'t• u$1n" half of lh<' ,...a!'(lfl h . ... ·-.. fl¥« lht." WM'II·;>ntl Morh .. .,rllrr ey_ ortzon ut •'•'WJltll't llarhor l 'ntt•rt ''' t]t-.('0\•'r \lho•n• nwn ar,< ,_, t han. hut yrar \\'armcor w .. t .. r 1urr High SdiOol. •HTl·~l to 11t.. :u\d-tlrfon-.....__,.. C .,.-.. • .,"11 .. r .:u.xt fl•l>•n~~: " llrt~ '1t- ' •11 'f1 lltlf' Ul ~.u1th "' n t".d tf••• ""' "111 ...... n t•H" , , , •, ,~ • oach \\'<•nctt'll f'tr kt•n•. " h .. ;u .• thnnou.:hly _!ronwd ·d .... h c:-" 1 , JUnlpt:•J thn·1• ll<'gr.•rtt unf' tlay laat gut "• I t' .~t til' J.:I'HI mat•htno• • :-.;,." y"ar's !illuad $houk1 ha\'1' Ja o;t )'t'ar fhr0111:h 11 •U<''-'1'1'-•ful fundlllll("f\tllls 1n hand and quack-wHk and Ia Kl"l•wlng •·armr r ( 1lampt11n• ,,f thi=" mapl('. larwe t:H.hcL. t:uttllUWJ!I~ 111 Ill• I 111lo•ol _L it•·' u •.• , "tli .• n ,._,,,,,,,,,,, "'" •··, I - pt"U\'ul, ,.,. t •1 l•'•''''•'ll••n.,l .• u•l I A record ·Defer "'1m1· ~PJJrO&cbad! ~asoh. h!l,; rs.•UPit a .rail fur volun · ly n•rw~~~o· 1lx•1r k"'"''lo-dg•• of pla~s. ,., . .,,). \hay. now at f\7 '1~'J'rt."... f1w ltH..Lm tilt' \\'oodi'M"Sday Nlaht tN'-A.to l'n .. a••(• in sprtn" foot'-""'1 lhu.• ··nahlln" th(• s.~llo-to hit Commi"TI'llll futht'rmt'n re-port s rtl.:-" .. • ., " " .. U<U " " ·~ bluef1n oo tht: . .i·a)'. anotht'r 1lgn 1\olwhn.: l..••atttu•• Ill P.O ..... practict• on Davtd,:on Fh'ld. 11ta.rt-tlx>lr stride-mort' quickly. tht• c M 'Jlt•~tkint~ Tf.lun. form· ing Monda)'. May 29th. 1 ----uf • •nappy fiAII tnC wvnn. ••rl) knnwn 11>o ttw Pt•runtula OUb Thus far. lwtwl"C•n :6 'and 30 Why .. Co"' modo r f' s Don't MldwHI( t'atrhtot of y•Uo~'UJI d bo)'S havt> signtfl(~ thi'J{' intmtion Work". Dan Pa rk r r . • popular ht&d atltontina. aJIIO plt'nty or bar. !1(1~,: chan'l'ptons t•n<k'd thfolr ... . "'hf,!HlU"' Lu 'hi t•' l+•t th.• n.tt h•u ' arnk-.1 '"'''\' .uttt tf, ..... ,,. '''''" I l'rs.". A II ,;·'""'"n .:•·no· r a l I t'Nunmoh '"' th• S·••Jttwl,ll t ·,tit I fum a •• · ... t'H ul 'h.· t 'ntt.·tl s •.• \ h 'f I Ol)lllnll.tl "'"'· lnr I ot. tumin". out for tlx> t'arl)' gr1d· 't ~ •. pori• -.-'t-r .• t-lls·; ... __ , · Com-rac-uda during Wl'f'k dl\y!l h u 1 1 • h lth , ..... . .. ,..... -.. • •· '""" alad1•r O¥tr wHk-nada. ~u .. ,. ... ..on a.:-1 ot.: I ~-• ..._ Iron pr&CII('p St'~~.ion!l. modort> Dutch. ltncl'ri"C rt'ltc of Bay n.blntt II ttood. tnt• of f•llnt \'II'IOr) 0 V (' r . ~ ·High Rerords ~------------------------------~---------· 'J'ht>re will tw-no actual. foot-thf' tough Old ao.·f'l"). ha!l lAIC'-C'f'OIIlln ·and halibut. but •mall ltulum: Ml"n'UI")' ball playl'd. but thl'ro• art' ddlnitt• 1.'\'SS.full)' strutc14'd for h a 1 , a Pltr fttlh .. rmt'n a.-.. making fRir Runnt•r UJI In rh•• IP&I:Uf' w •• .!!_dva'!...!..!!,gl.., ~ho~~?ra s p r i n r <'MltUI")' to kN"P from soihn~t Ius catch.•'• •"th flaht'rmton 00 I hi" Lvnum 1\<~tonwr'll nnmlM'n w 1 t h pracllet>. Pickt'n~ !X>' 1 .out. c ~~~o·1 aJ')' 1ttnd at-tabor --bsr~to taklntt-tt{iO(J''bap tcnrr ~l;!~ffoft M<~•w ... ..:.!-~bdlind...\o Boyli Will tw ('\julpp('d wuh gym but onN' camt> dangN·ou.dy dOSl' out of wvt'n. ftru>oh 10 thtnl plarl'. Mark OWf Set In Local &wlin~ ~f1l~ suns and mu~t h a v t' football to gl'lluig a job Rt>ad nf ttw u· "'"'UJttt~ tho half ~·ay mark ln shot-s. Candidnt.f:< ft>r I h t' 1941 IQm.."'hlng carwor ol I his "Dry • • Do . 1 h•· h·n~;uo' .. t:mdtn~; wtth S am J • f'lt'VI'n will h•um playl', pructil'\> Land St•a ~''-~". tn 11w Allwr-Saalon manate L ' r I : 1'1 I ... < ti out ··"'•·• '"' m.ul..• \4 ••1•' " ( .... ~ "'"'~ ;ol wr ~ um wn. '"'A ni · \ timJ.n& in thtir I'X<'<'UIIOfl, nral'f~ ican WHkl)'. tlx> magannt' w. ... Col . N I 'I t t r , .. _IJ)Ibl 1t'lor In ..... '"" 114•\\llllt.: lo·.t ... --on .. t elm-t 1•· •• ~·r•·un ... 111 ,.. a)' t.ou o ""'I . Jla>-•tng and puntitlc. tnbutc-d ~~~o·tth nt•xt \\'H k'5 WS ..... 11 · ..:u .... "h"'l' "·"'' , ... ,IIJII••t.~t lh··" Df'spiteo ttl<-lack of !Oenmmag<' ASCt:Lt;S t:.XA:\11:"CF:R Adv. • I ---·-· ,., .. lr •t•nt :.11th "• • k "' ,· .. mt" ''''"" "1 I Stnktnl: th<' t'toiuqt~f \'llr'<it~ n1•t· llw llt•ukln' h ·am. Which lateor Spnrthtntl ''"'''' ILoll•o;• '" t lw lo•a,.;Ut' wa..: 'JlOflMlrt-d b)' • ,.,,.,.. 15-1:.! tht• S.'lilor.< I'OI'(lt'fl u .... •1 ·• d th M .... , ""'''·•luhno: "·~ 1 h.to "' • ..__ n.tK" r1 ·' UC'J"'') un t•r e nanw tlwir ... ..-ond t.·a.:-w· mall'n-t nllrs-1 -1 .1 1 1 h h . ain the \\ '"""'""" ua.:ht I···• •~<· olttt• . .r .,. I k ···ntrt•U It I " ., nm w ll' a& . r . -. SPOITLIID IOWUIC ALLEYS ---~A_ • ..,, 80A-PA\'IU9N ----d'ly :\lo-...Olvrt•n nn~ ... lan \:.\ 100 ,, .. 11111, 4 ti~o· n.tm•· .. r l lo·nktns ••hfon ar I lao:h 11·.11H I!·"'" I tot tho· l•··1 llH r 2nd amt:lrol ~m~;h· m,utt•ho's, tho· l'l'nut::oulu Club was ..old, took ~· "·" '""'"' •·~ "" ,·ft.lltolol·•tt whill' )h•• two·:<omf' Rllm1'll nnd • · \I 1 ~ k1 1 1 11 1 o 1 BO"'LIXO IIHOD-B.u..t.a ... EQUIPII.E!'IiT ,-aiCT.8: lk ~; tee Eft.; ~ S.L. lila.. A ....... ) .. 1111 0'/otJ\' lt·,ul Ill thf• \\'o'flnt•d)' :" • '>I I ' ~fllltt "1 I '1 "'1 R0111o••ll c-urtwd tho•1r. nl'pt>n••nt~< · of lfllu l'lth 1 .. 1 '"•' II\•· """ ~J. 6-l. nt.:ht k··,;tm.: I :to'<· a11rl dunn~; thf' 'Jll, 1 ~··'""'' to •nt _11,,. 1,,11,.1 ,11, Ill. I OCAP. SAFEWIYS TO ACCEPT FOOD ST I liPS: . ~ . On May 15, the Federal Food Stamp-,(,n to mar~et surplus farm com- modities went into effeet in this county. The stamp plan has been i~a+ed to give farme" greater' returm for their products, and to assure a better nutrt. tion.,t balance of food to the famittes b~ing provided with surplus foods bv the Surplus Commodities Corporation. It wil replace in this area, the method of dis- tributing surplus foods to needy families throuqh commodity de pots. Safeway is pleased to co-operate with this Govem'ment plan. For their designated purpo~s. the stamps are lih so much c.dt at. al Safeway Stores '" this countv. HOW THE PLAN WORKS: T:.o11 11tH I'"''''"' -rtr:rr j;-rlicfbl~ lo rurdo~ P7Wt ~~~mr• j, r r"l :,,,.,, wit!• ~n J.lrntifir~ti<~n \n.! ,,..., ...... .,.,.,.,, ,. "''~· '"" ,.., ,, ,.. ...... ' n ~ .. ~, 1 ( • ' ~ •• : .... ,... "' .. ., ............ .,_ ... , n t•' ·r.r ~::-r "'"c '"r rnl"\n rl"\" "r r nr"'·"· m 'T cT "f r~:: rn~ c • ""' ,.~:: .rnc"n.c O'il Y. ..!\r-1• ("".:'· ,,, M• J, .... ~~ '"'' t. -,n .. """~un .. ,..,:,,n ....,,, "'"" n•·r· ''"'<,.. 1 .,.;,., () .. .," ...... ..c .... ..._.._ r f .... C:t.,..,--.n~; n"'"t\ "4'0 • .. f •n ....... ,..t .... ,.. n"h •'-t,. (rtl"o ... ,l,.. l .,.,..1f '" J., .. ;., 1" •• ,,If '"' ,,,,. ,. u:.;" c:.;1 .... C: ~,...,..,,.., ... _. nl ~ ... r;. rt•l•···,. C'1,,,,,.r, .,. •',. • · ·' • ... ~,. ;, ... ...,..c ""., •t. ... r""'"'"' tUf'f'l ' • Tflnt::r r ·c:t v r. Fnnn cT 'Hr~:: r r-r c , Hr . crtn·•r·r c ,•rr J:'r'l0 nc. '"n <:'''r "'"rrc \T '\IT \\' \Y .o\S l'fRCf"',·c Pl\Yt,·r. r \CH \h ... J ·r~l• ,.., ,f'.,··=m;,,,;,,., "·11 ~ rr ,7•-,, l::.t~,r••· ·"""''~ ... ,.u ,. .. ,, " ... h ,c.,.t """·· f'\t• .. ""'''C. T"""-".'" ••. :.J., '""""" '""'"""''"f' r \, ·' .,,,.. ",.,.,,. ~=~,, , .. .,y;,. '"""·' .... "',-1 ,,,. ,,""' ',,,. "" · "" \\·If "'" ,.;,.,., •.-.. '''".,,. •• ~" "r:"" {ten,.f .-~.,,..,r-c · ,.,,r,ll• "" ·1 l(,·r~, ... ,. ,. :11 ho "''''~ in ,,,,. IYI"' ,f vn·· ••. ,. • . """ ••. ., p,..,.,.:,,. ,~. ~· ... ~ 1\Ff'\\' ·\Y sTnRF'' Tn rccr ·r rRrnrT rm · rn"" TnT '"r TifF r r 1\C'T nr r rr ''ir,r J'i .. FOOD ~T:\\f P TR<\'iS.l\0 Tin'iS. Sinr,. r~­ t:tilrr• ;H' fnrh;,f,f,.n tw th~ f!"vrrnm,.nt '" tivr rh:anl!f' in <'~•h whn.-rhr ~mnnnt .,f thf" rurrh~Y ..t~• Dt'll rnmt' nnt "r,·rn .. in •UTnf" f ~11 f•;,.l '<r.tml" ur in :!~r d,.n.,m· tll11i ...... \. ~ar~w:.•· h:.• h:.,f rh3nl!f' C'flllp>f1< rrint.-,f Th~ ran hc •t•rtf fnr (ulaorr l'llrrh:.<r< 3f •n,· Saf~"'"" •fnr~ in ,~,,. rn11nt•·. 'f't,,.,. 3rr n( '"·o kintf• · · · nnn(!f' f,r dunr from oranl!f' •Ump•. an,f blu~ filr ch•nrr from blur ,,.m,.._ HEll All PIESINT ste ... ,.: IUTTJ~ f,.t;.S POIIf lA'WD PO,.,. It At SINS D•Y p~ANS HOMINY GRITS Wtlnl IJ W ... UT FlOUI WN• ~T F' t"UI COIN MEAL 'D•IJI) ,tUJICS FltfSH APPUS FlESH GltAf'IFitUfT FRFSH OltANt;.fS "''~H ~•••on III'SH POTA'ion• ·~•c•Pt CI'IO .... d o.,-Daclr•4 '" ,., ....... , ...... . IYIIYONI SHOULD USE SUIPLUS FOODS thy .,.. FOOD IAI&AINSI ·I la•l h11ll "' lht• -..•a"rn l"!'tRbli!lh·-ht,:h t.•:lll1 ..,.11,., nf ,"T;•o ,·,,, ··d '"' h a lttl'llllll:tltl,· lo•t1d that 111 , . \l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 •. .Ill ~ k•.t"'""" '1ut ' \• IH t oiU•'I I• ''"' •·an)• \\ttlun•str1k· 1_,1 ... .• , tr. 1 1 -~ \-I!J,U ... u ~U.• .., t .tl • •t. tit tnt.: t 1'1 .uh·•• -l .)o('ul Ute 11 .''7·, •fll t Ito· '-.tU\•' tHL h1 I ~·:tl.llt• .mol ".'' •1111'11 ptlt-d up .. ,,h.tl n .. ~·'-"'' lt14 o•th ,, •• , •• fH.tdo '"'·" ul Nl "mnm" p1.11nts and llt,;h '"''" 11111.t1 .:.till• " 11o·· lv• Itt.._, I l••.t ~~' I htt t•f..t trP M•:UiiOI\, a th•· lt t~tlt.. tu:u lo o•,tt ll••t Ul l}h n1~11 k \\ hh h ,l,tuol"' tttU .t,ll(l\'f" ttl.• ....,.,,.,.11n '' ,., :, ~ nttlt·d I•\ \t II•'' nlht•l 1\'" l···•.:n•·•. Ill•• ('1\11' Ll'a-,,111 11 "''" , 1;11-· •ttH•·1 hlh• 111._1•1 •''"&.~1 1 tn U 1~1 • rll('f' lltch ow u k· '"' lh·· l'l\t<' 1 ... ., :tnt 1 •• 111~'·• ·•' •u..: •• A""a 7\k' I I f -.. !:"' "' ••• noma .... l.to co·h "' '"' •. ,, .. .,..,, . ., ,_, ',, lh•· ''•m•' , . . · - 1\. I I hi , .... un" l hila "'I"·"' """ h luu Ito •I '" 111,; '"' tlot· t'l:tlllpi.Onll J.l 1111, ,,.,,1 111 tlllld 1,1., ... n ... 1.11 ,11, fl\,. 1.11 .toldtlllotl Itt llo•aktn~. Wf'l"\'l rlt 't 1 1 I f 'II "' . u t<t Ilk t • ltU l:·tllt•• n . "·' M:wk ~h:wnnn. AI IIHI"Illh. Skf't> lll't unhn~: 1,. 1, , . .,1<1, ,.11 tit. 1,111 \\'t•l,h nnd l'aul :"orman l••lln IN•.tt•l •HI•I '"''' ltd d har lt t-1aa.l ~t ... lq !t•)nm v•ri''' ""h .::111 t ·r•pth lll 1 1'1 t: l'tnl<lo•\ ••I 'lito• l.1nn• llall•·•l W L th.• lu~;h Inti I\ ttho.tl ~:nmo• ol ::~1 I' ~~ I lo·aktn• Hll J6 fl11) \\'~ ll11• ... ~~·n·t "'") t .. r .til l\t••m•·r ·, limn I~· I ' ll:.! 50 Lthr'"' ·lt•liJ.:UC.' tim. )•<ar nnrl~ a l.:wt.. .. J >4•'"''' fil ~1 • fiTll'mho·r nf lh•• "'('untl 1• I a~; .-M:t~tr ( 'ht•f ~ ~ I Juntnr t'1lamho•r "''""'' hll t h. Kmsf:tth .. r·, l'lumb 4:.! 70 htgh tntllvitlu~tl '''r'"' tn ""' ('1\'11' 1 R.olmu; '.MN<"ur) s 37 · 75 I Ll•a~;IH.' ~~~o·11 h 11 ~'1 - 1 • 8T&JKEt4 'N 8P.uu:a .....__ Sailo..a lliiiP'"IFJW . ....... Ill£ee aD Wt•lllhN"""I'IX :\R5 49.1 Shannbn E So c I M Rt•frl :\!16 495 A. Horvath I nter . a . T . RoiJm, :\7:.! ~>1M S. Wl.'b•h Tra k' F• 1 r' lla\1• :t71 :t97 P . Norman I t tna R Mon... :lie) 470 C. Dc:-aktl\ll 1 Tnl SJ~tal 'UII I ;;,~•·'i?o ';t ~•·L'.'II ioii·~·RI I -.!.'\H.l La.t!t l-11•lay "'Jl "'"'""rt T""' j travt•ft'tl It• ll ttnlln~o:t .. oa ll•·:u h t .. "--"' f'nt.-r tn t h• ~ .. ttfll• o 11 t 'atot .. n ,f • ~aclr ('twf I lr llnartl H i .:•l't· :-.n, -l:ll 1.. Bo .. ITW'r I Pn-llmma r~<- 11~ :1!)!) Ma'o(lll Of tho· "'" 1111•·• • ,.,,.,. lt~•lll• "' l':olrlw.tl ~.,:f< I!"•~• lltllht•W't' tht rtttll"''' ~tn-1 '"'' 1• 1 .. r.j,. Tlarot l'a1k• ·IIi •I"" Clark le lht• m"~' ~"""'1••11 ll11r h .. r ltu~ II F mk 11'!1 r.1;, f' n auck rvt'r hliol t .. I'''" • 1111o1 ,.,.,,a t h•• • f'~or St••l 111 flnRIII "-ll·ili~. X:l:l~-.! 1.1.:' 7)o(X it>~l-1\4 1·.!'1~1 Kt•r•tn•l r~nol ""' l•·1o.C1 ""'"'''''''' wa~ lh•· \1··•••"' l•••··n ~1·'··•' Ktn .. talhrr l'nttf'd Muto" non "h•• ''"'k• 1ft• ~· 11•••1 r•·• .I llrl"'••· 110 1 1" B llrpu~t ttrd Ill I lot• t.:•t 1""' hur•ll•·l' "1111 .I !'· :ttl•' ;,t;tt •Un II. llytk• lh.-ltru•• ••f II I I llol•ll t•l:it • ·I I. \\ I'H;ht 1.1'1 l!(t II 1-'1) IN"I'Hn•t Ill lllt>f •. , •• "' Sl Cwdo l~r!l 17:: II K.u-..•r P on ~1111tt. 111~ .. '"" ~· .. 1 .. II•• )-;on,f:tlht•r tl{l ~.:10 It :\Jurrl'()fi i(J/IMIJ< I" t•fll•·•~lfl lh•· f"l• fl .. llll l• Tnt SJ••I IIIX , phll'f'o.l lt r~t 111 llo• I'"'' "'tilt It 1<.~ iHH~.:I -:llo~, ';IO·Tii·X:\.l·:!'~IR Jllmfl;"f II 11 •o 111 '"'I'll Jo,fol • _ 1 1bC ~~<.boot 1· • .. ,., .. f ).!.II "' Ito• Tlw lol(•;ol s,.,. ·~•'''"'" Wtll t.okf• OrRngt' ~II""' l:•lfll• :on•1•h••r nf lho·ll lllotny ttit~" thi~1 K ••yn Kutthwu "''' llw llrar •l ,. ... ,.,,:.~ nu.:ht All S••:. s.~""'' rf!>· to ~·· lu r ~"~ ,\uc.• J• • ,,,. ''' f ,,., • •t fKit'l•••l '" tl ... l.tntl >olup Wt•olnl'~<·, aN •tn•l 111 1 lu ,. htcll JUII t• "'1 .. " •l:o~ lu 1:"' ftall l"ll"'tf'ttl.w• un th<.• h.-r t"'"'' o1 ttw '•··~~ '"" '•' •. II II IJI lu (',tHIIIn 1 :o """ rrf . lhl'j 7 '2 In K '"' ltol•lfl lh• I',,.,"'''''' ~~ LET US SEU. IT! Aa Ad Ia ~ i-olumn• wtll Bay or """ Your Boal or Boat ''ard. NI':WH·TIMI':M ho-1% utcf II Manufacturers . • Moorings • ( .. Rentals • Sales PAUL NORJIAN ~ ACBT BAIL It AilE& ...... Atnl•p. Botti C."" 224 \6 2bt St., Neowport a..rll ....... .., 0ae 10-foot 8kltf-A-I 8bape.l wtth {..,. $2H 5.5 h.p. Kermath Marine Eqlae, Completely OverhauW ---..•. ----$125 ISOI OOA.ST.mGHWAY-« .-KAY at sOuth lAJMt \ ·~·ht·n the" .!1),0tlU,tltltlth furtl rullnl rt·u·ntl ~· frum the oi\H'Olhl)' lint·, an ""' ,..,_., ffl,....J-l.•r ~l4;. -.inth1,''9' ,..~,, u •(,_ }'J.UCIU,tlnt) unic' huilc h): the unw "'·'"· ilj.:<'Olt'nt .uul .1 ll l't·o~rin~ot um· O.AOI\'-.& n.tmt• rho~t hH 'Jwu•nh: ,,..,. of tlu· l'lt·,t· .. no~~~o n tr.adt·-m.tr~\ in tht· •urltl! t uuncn .a~ .a lrr-Ad~ in prmfut'tinnon l i~thl ­ " titothr airrt:.nr C'n~o:inC' nnrin~•· Work i \ tiJ,:h !_!!t l~~ntft•r 'ti'IH' tHJ a O (W .$1 K,IIOII,OCIU pl.tlll fttt m.t" rrmluoitm u( ht~ l\t~tnhc·r·a,"·mhlit·'· Ordr n hnc- hl'l'll til lt-d(,., mil1t.lf1 H •h il In u( \t'\N.al 11 I''''• i1H ltulinl( .1rln~· rnunnai\\.anu : , ,~,,, ''"If , .. , '' And l u,m~ ~""''i.n:. truus.. It i' "i~nihl.&lll tlut d'" lh lait·u ·mt·nt <'umt•\ a't .a rime ~ lwn uur nmntry i, maL. in Jot .1 mi,.:l11\ dfu rt "' rt··..rm '" tft h . fur 111 furtln·r 1h.11 dlurt. "' hdt• 'rt·t·•l ic ;llcmJ.t In •ny l""''hlc ~~~o .1 ~, "c h,tH' uRt•rt·d tht• \.1\l l.n t)11in uf thl· Ruu;.:t· P l.ant .an d t'H'r' uum ,. uf o ur,.,. pt·ril·nu·. A' )IIU rt•.td "1;,, .I Ill'" S~I .OIIII.,IIIIU fur,f .airpl.anc t·n~int· pl.&l!'· \t,crtt·d unh· J.a!ll f.tfl , j, llt'.lrh Ulllll'lt•h ·d .. ~lit'" Ill .I jot· nc~ium ~'""> plo~nt, ""'' uf tltt· It·" 111 •h•• roaD MOTOa In tin· mul''"f tfti, ·'' ti1 it) fur l".atiunal f)t'ft·n w. l11ultlin,; t ~tt· .Z'I milliunth FurJ t.tr i' \I IIIJ•h ... ,. 1'••11 of'tlu· il.11··, •·u rk. Tlw J•uhflt• h." .H t I.IIIIW<I ·,·Itt• I'J•tl lun l l JT .~-, riH• fuw•.ri n t'or\1 hi'''"'Y· fur.l l lt .tlt"n .lrt' t'11ju1 1111: t!n •~" ,.:rt·oatr\1 ulc\ .w.l t•\l'l'ltin~tlac·ll J,,.,, q ·.tr\intt· 1 1)\~. It ;, ~, .... 1 "' f,,. ,.,.,.,,., ,;,&: ''"' eltinl(' :\nwo" .1 no l'th, .111•1 1 1ft• '•'IIIII I( rct ur.J, 1111 tin· 111.a1' --~ ~ J II E 0 D.O I E I 0 I II S • FORU MF.IKTR\' 7.t;t ... YK 22ad NlrN"t and ('f'ntral A,· .. n'"' IJN(nt.N l"hOIIf' ~ N..,...,. ....... ~. ~· -~ t,· ..... .. ,. " ~ ' 'I It .. ., 1\ ,\1 'I . . "' \• ... 50-DAYS ,. .. Ll" 2:1 -Jill " 21i • ----~ General Admission • I. I 0 .. ,_. Clubhouse . . . . . . •2.20 .. ,... ~"o" ''"" 16 wot< to ~·I (,•u~d••o,..f Of ~ $UI ... ao.,. *""' ,.,~ .. , ... bo..+.c.ld.•. c. ...... J.•ond ~· ~·_, •••••• Clvbloovw. per '*""' $SS.OO loa ,.... rot tUIIVAriOIU ,HOIII Oteee" t -Uif 0 Wiff0 AttO O 'ltAifO If "OllfWOOO TV" CIVI. INC ( ~· .. t ......... , 0\,A~ • 0 •• .......,.. , ... -.4 · ,.,..,.. S•u•••• t ,._.., .,. of .. R. lbU. .. ---~~· ~-······· .•........ , ..... Pap Four -....... ---- NEWPORT 'BALBOA NEWS-TIMES. NcWjWt a-da. Calllll:niL nruRSDAY. ~y 15. 1911. It== ~uclore~Rob~ns" .:Faf!!U-W.Jw-Di~ . I SUFFER$ F ALt _ Re~dezvous to . " .[~t ·Aid_· T~ Couple Eqjoy · At 83, Was Fr1end of -Lucky Baldwm , ., ..... ,,,,.,.,,, .. ,_,"' , ...... Be-Sc-ene:-ot ·.-·-==tftritain u.-... -fnise While ll'o~-~--... · ···=-~----·---·, ··--:--·· -----r---.. ~ ~::.~~-:~~~~~~~~;t.~--1!·~~::~~-Battle of BanciJ -·18 Na M;J LBelieved • -~t llomr hum th~ ~1"\,Cf'!l O'W'f' ~'0\lnl: IINI "fll't"IW•n1ng hiS prr:w ,,.,.,. ,.,,. nan ...... l'!o·r b:m hnu----------• -· ·--. ~ ----9 -. IAIB -. _. -~:__~....:.__- ,.., __ ' Sarong Gil'l Switches to Fem Leaf tlw •IAil' Gf<Orl(r Robin!>. ""'ho dkd rl•~nr) lnnomw:d fl~ 11 nw ont;,.·r ' 1,, rho· •l•·•·k 11f 1t,. 1.,,.r }···••·rd.,, .. '--· --::-........ -: ···-• -·-- 111111 W~'t'k 11~ S"\, Thl'adort' Roh· ol th111 hudy lor mnr.,. lhi<n "'"'' 1,.,1,..,. ,0110111,11,.,1 l >r ll .o ll•h •,• <,rll I~· 1< blti!W ol ... Spr-Uill\&"....,..,.. Uw K..--. WlW~ lbfo " I ln!l. &-rply rnoumlnr tht• rli'mr-r ···•nn: F.vi'n 11(1<-r h is rcflr<•mo·nt t1 orL<I• -,, thl" ll-:olh<lil fterv' <..,ult lo:e&v a.l ew.· &o--1 S!".ril cat~. U. S. en..t Guant "' J H"l!.l•l "/"' l•'[l"rlo·rl l h•• fllllnl.: • r ' ---· •. ....__, -......_ .. ~ 'aJU -~tun< for ,.__, •-•-of hi~ p!lR'Ill . r;11ld todAy that his from ar riw rnnn • ..-tinn with Ill•' •lor-"'•'••k••nd. ;Olpl&.lll ... .-.u -_.....,. _ ...... r ,. .. :~-c l . 111•1.\ ''"' ""' ~uf l o_·r ''".\ l•t "k'" u 8 "•-,-•~ ..... _,._ t..tl li.DOI ...,..,n•-••-•·•1---ly .,.rt'nl V.'lll! 0flf' nl tho• bt'•l hi•· st•hN•] ht• r.-t:um'01 hi~ ko-.·n rw 1 \\"oil 1 1-l~·rn•· and h ill ,_ ·, · "" .,, ~ ... ...._ ---r-._. ·~ ... ....,. .-,.._.. -. 1-·rws. ·. 1d to Hr11 a.m ralh.al tbrlDr KUt~r BoucMy 1n klo\•00 Jlkln.-.rn in lhl' T~•mpll' O!y l<:n·.~l on lht• (ll'w·lnpm<'nl "nf th·• ., ··h· ·Tt ,, "'11 11l01)' at Uw:.r.:: • . d. · · 1 • ..... -·[ --s • ..-v.--------..,...c-at q_.. f1f Uw-1r •lw"'!bout.l, lolr r U<lrio:-t. IO.'ht>h• ht• h11d ,,.,..n tn tho• m~!t h.tltun -1rr,.,.,,.,11 tin t h•• hno1 ,-,,'1, !h• n• "' l•o~l """" ·1"-lur ..... y ...... --..-...-. -...,... and K "'UU v 1 ·1 •··'k· b r • • , 'I I' I" • '· ,.,.. r~othrn,~: tu ...,.._ptiloh d It Enc· "'· am «<~ ~ere eo-oHin 10 1: tlll-10<'~-" nr llllln) )'t•an:. llt'-mun ml•·n ~r on Ill<' r .. r 11 ~~··t•l• .. lot"' "'""'"Ill''~ I .,,..,)•.: '•' ·'' ··" ""',.. ~'land 1._11 ••. _. .u:all ~ •~ ~a c-ru.• aboiu-d the 28-foot l . Thl' b!-rt'nVt'Cf-wirlnw will ruml' ~rl'.ot n oan1· yo·~;>r'• "''' IIOUltt \' mdo..-d t•~·l 1"'"''1 ,,,,.) "''"'"''' "J:::'"I ''•'"'' "Ill f•·aruno ttw> . . --1. -'-'**-.-I . •, . I> I I I)'...____ hr ... ~ -.1 ~ .. ,--' h<'no •nd n-"td.-· ,., . .,h lwr '"''" a nd n"~'"O:: nn<l f,Jlpwm~ h1s ~tub· "''''J -"'" HuLon~ t._..L•) '"~' "'' ''" '"l ' ....... &.r~-~~ ~ -,ae Mft N_.port ·Harborl fAmily durinlil lh<' &ummo•r. 1 ll~hm• nt m thut ''"'ttnn tl•·· lu hl ' ·• ., •1• • ".m 1!.>•••1 · • !oar ....... .-11 "" 1 -·•--1 1 --. 1 ••t....t....-c .a.y .or: • ...-o- -"'J1l.(> nt'6'f'"ll7ob'l'n~ •·~r~l'f{ <hri 1 1 <jiiiiAh •t !Wikf;ona ••= ..;. -............ -ttlll •n u;;l!•-1 · 1 -sa Banta crua. Ttw! of and ("(WWfktnnt of tM Ifill• "Lucky""' tho· lrn•••l •hwko•n M>ctoon~ inJ \\"•· ""h '" 1h,1111 k tl~>•· m.mv ,,,,:,rnr Ra.ldll'tin·. who onl't" ov.·n!'d 11)1 thll) tho• <"<>ltn lry )-.•r·••>n• and on::.oool,ti<••l1 • • .,,,,, 'll• _.lion i. · • llu-o"llll'!i Thuu~o:h """ fll lh•· ltr;;t plorwo·r~ "'' tlo .. u:.;ht ful!r p;ttd •nhuto• an•! lr----~~~~~~~~;~;~::;·~·~·~; ;::l·tc. • ,,f th•• dJ~trwt "" olul liut ,..,nfm·· I ,,fr.-n •d Ill• tr ~> n1J•:<lhy "' '" Ill•"'~ Jn an loi~ lrio·mhhlps In tloal, di•lrk t nnd , """·' ~ •lll n nt-: n11o· 1 onw "' ..,;• o..r '"''' ••ll rh~·t hmk Ufe bi1tory h1~ h\-..ly 111\ct:o("ln hi~ m·iJ.:)ohQ"'I .\lllS t;J-:t•HC E W lHI:\'."" ol Mr. Rohm~ n•vo·wl.ed that hi' nvul•' him m:my I,J<'"frirn•l•. r ~11lS. I.NJIUI'I'JH' C:t·:ls~:H -wa~ f'lf'Mtd.linrt p.-..si11f'n1 of tiM! Amon~ h•s nl!u·r h nnurs, h•· "-"~ • 'Tll~:t\fjjJJtE JII JIU:'\'~ 1-··or.on•·•: 111 "'' \;1'11'1 Soulh !SIIn\a Aniln ·"''hno1 tw•a rd th,. fiot ·r;ru nd ~ni..:ht ,-,r !'" . . . , 'nd J"b inllln.tmft!JIII in hM·in~: Monr-n\•a Ll•!t-:<'. K nh.;hl~ of !n\·1 ,\11~• f _,nnr II•·~"·'' d w •l ··h·1 k ·thr namf' of the IW'flool dbtrkt umh11~ nf "ht.-t1 ht• wa.~ .tfn ~Of!· uf 11..-\\•··1• rn :J'··I•·cr:•l•h m 1~·- df'~nltf'd fr·orn Pala Sola to iu urn!'}' 1<1•· m••mh••r. · :-.r""'"'· '''""· ,.-,.~ th•· .,,., ko·n•l \1"'"" ~~ ~-lfr w•s B ~lrot'IJ: , "If I l'>t n 'll'o' lit lhl• llt-:1' of Jll)' ;.:u•"IS ,,f :\Irs. 1\lundl" !o\UJ;!"'' onl •• !ho •or 0\'W fW•fiCOO bf'l~ ~atkw\ for th• lallll'r ••n•l huh.! rlu• •·~r.-~·m nn•l .. r l '•.s1u :O.Io•"'o ,.,,rl.• no·xt Wf'<l'k. Of The . • ·-,. t' Iii ... ~ -l!lor .tllp~ ......... ~ <'of ~ •....W.. .... ah--'1: ~. ~·_, qny ... r-nrtanot ............ ._ .... ............ _ y ayro • II .ee II • •. .. ~-----.--~:-----------~C--0--~-~~~~~-G~H~T~----------- II A SEVEI WEEK'S SUBSCIIPTIOI CAMPAIGI, .liST SlAm• ~"5:!"Y@t Competition U..open to men an~ women, maiTied or single, and boys and pls ·l'F:~~~~ of the more ambitious sort residing In this city and IUI'I'OIDiing tenimry. It COIU nothing to try,~ u an -pirtidpanta . are guaranteal C)IIOI...,"P!ioft for every effort expen~ you positivelY cannot loa. Read_lhil -·~t ~refully--every word of it-then clip the ~ below end .,nd than .Ill for younelf or a f~. R~, a good start ia the bajde half ~ , CAMPAIGN CMIIdalr 0,.... June With · This Issue ~. Plan Is New. ·~ The Work Is Easy • The Rewards Big CHECK .. 10.:1 WEEKLY BONUS AWARDS COUNT BIG On .Saturo\ay nl,.::ht a hilt :0.\0 SF.Y Uli!\'1 '~ IJALLOT will· br-,::on·n l'<lt'h JIIHtld J'Rill h,,..._•.j on l hf' Yo"<>tk dnrll' h\'• ""' <"ltll>ll•l:ol•· r .. r UL<> .. -.... k. Rrt·onlinl{ to tti.-r .. ttnwin~ •• -n .... tulo• THE FIRST PERIOD ,:!5 00 fl'l"--'1-to·tl fnr lht' "'"'k JWOO M'p.Ol'tr<l fnr t h.-w...-k S7:•fi>O n-pr•rto•.t fnr Ill•• w•••·k 51110011 rq~•rlrd fnr t h~ W•·•·k t:.O,fl(l() ,.,-,, ... -~-.. IAifioO u >U-• .. ~·lo'l '""-' , ... ,I .• 1 .0<"'·'~~1 \'o•lo•• THE SECOND ·AND .THIRD PEA!ODS ,, ,,,, \t\1' "'••••k $~~. 00 fl'l'"r\l'd f1•r lht• w~•·k f hi<.ll~ t•'l'••rl•••l (.,T th" Wo•o•k Sl:\0 00 r.-,~.rt .-;1 f••r t h<!' "'o:'l'll: Vl.\tn 1\.·~· •••.• -.. t··· J "'--' ""0 \'ott'S --·------- . - ~·115: hiitilrl; • THIRU \\1NNt:H Jn addition to r.-guhr "Wrf'kly Payroll " Cllf'l'kl. Third po.-.. Uinn wur'hf'r 10.'111 "'''"'""~' a bum~ r:hro•k of 2'0 Pf'N':'t'nl nf hill or hrr .trub- ..-rlt•l lno l"•>llt'< l\un~· Free Credit Coupon. GOOD FOR J'OO nn:t: mn:uiTS ,.,.."\. cO.t ~ ..W·froftt .... .4 ..... .-.• ' . ' Ill ........................................ . Add,_ ..•••••.•••.• , •...•............. t"f>u .. et .n·uu•"" ("<mlfW"'•' ,..., .-.n •;~-----'""" ·-·• , ... •••·• "'"''' '"' ....... t•'1 1! ,,., . . ~ '-II< •1.1 <1 : I • •1 1 -.,·- .. EXTRA CASH 1l-We<klY ~rolrq · _... l'01'HTII "lSSt:H In tt•t.llt "" '" r~t:tt l~r •·\\'f!'f'klV p,.~, .. u--uc.-:.k.!~ J-..umtn t"l"""~~ w••tkl'r "'ttl rt't't•i.-r· 11 bo•nu11 rhro·k o•r 1:. l~'l'<',.lll of hiR ,,r hrr !lt.tb- ~•·rt]•!l••n ;·o•llo·~l•••ll.ll. 1-- BOlUSES .. ~ ·~"!'f.furoi!] l1lTII "lSSt:R In ,llol•lll ><-n In rc~ular ""\ttl'dd)" l ',,,n.,ll" r'h•••l<ll,., F•llh ~U.. «•••k•·r will ,,,,_.j,·t ~ loo•:llu•~ ''' t:••. !"''''"' ••f tua r>r hor ..._ "''tiJ'\1•'11 .' <•!'•·• 1101\11. ---.A. ·WeeklY Payroll" 'I , . \ ......... Entry ,Coupo(l GOOD FOR 5000 'fill ti!JDITS K ······t···········•·••••••·•·•···········•· Af1<l rrop \ ~···I ,. ••t•l~ 11~·~:. ~~~--~-·;:.~--~~~··~ "\\' t'o•k I)· I 'II~ r .. : I' -1·~ rll•·t';·~ nl. L. " 10. 2 / .U , . ....,_ tilt• Pfttlitioll Ill adotlinfl tn T•(t'Ub.r "\\'N"k ly J"a~--rpll--~b ,n •orltl~r~ un•l•r "l"tftlrt ,....a-p-Jll ,..,.J..,e..a. boDUll .. .,...,. f1l 10 prrr.-nl nt hb ot hrr ....._.,Jil..,.. m w t..-.ns. ·weekly PayroW OppQrtunity. Coupon .... ._.100.000DDAPao :Crecllh .............. ~ .. ....,._, .................. . ·: .............................................. . _...,_ --··-······--·--·'···--·····----·--·····-- ntoo .-• ...,_ • .-m .--..-c M f<:_'ll'l.•YII) rn-Tntum ('r,.,llrll .._ ...,..,._..., '" 1~ -.-....._,, ... ,r..,l" l '•"t•:t rl< "'"l. ,_,_ •» 'f~,.. II~ ""-t'--,·ropnnn J nn .. r.·:~1n -"""' -......_ .• :. ~ILl' "'':l:l-..11•1."11 l'>l~nk. o:~t .-.n,. """' .. n:,.,_ •"J <-•" 1~ ·~·· ,.,...,. •ITh m· .,. !1 ·•<1 Joo•. (WJ ("roo.d;ta !"''f~W U' Til£ Tl)l£ TO ST.,Hl'. • '""" ~Ru6 to z .. nzlbar" In wtticll ...... ,.. I ~ H ... l ·-... _l•o ...... Lido. ' I ""EEKLY PAYIOLL "' I;OIPGI Cull Coupo11 _-GoOcl for St.• 1!".0,000 t:xtra \'olfol; Go00 Ohly If UsN Wilhin 2-1 Hours Artt>r F..ntf1· Da.tc of Enr~-19-11 Naml' of SuiN·rilll'r Name of Sui_)S(·ribff Nanw of Sul~rihl•r ·. Namt'_ of 'SJ.Jhst:rilw.•r Name of Sul>~iCTiber ~----·--'----,,.--~---11--Thl.~ ,.,-,,pon rntitlrN r:onlt'Niant to ,,_oo.,.nd -;ill ..-.-.u.at 1~.000 , lr•·•· vol•·• who•n relum...t to C'aml•ll-iga W•n•ll:"' jl;f'\hrr with fiut fivr rS• ""~'rl lwn nport.>d ,..,thlfl :zt hour• 11!\t·~ limP .. r t'nlry Tho• 1:.0.000 fr~ n>IMI aro· In Alli1JTIO!f to thl" numl)l"r givr n on thto sut-IIJ>Iioo q P..r r.-,ruiU vut~ K._hl'dllil". ... --- O o1ly ""'' rOllf>OO all.;.....,.,, ra.,h' "'"'t<"lll:ml and Ia yaJ o1 ~ly •wtorn ;,r:r:nmpanlt'd by •ul-·rlpllon 'r-rmit bn<"f' Fight . In New Hit uwlt.td•...t In _;--nw--' G n ·al •\rnl'rir::all n ro.1cl..-ast". tho-:!0\h O'ntury·t ·O. I 111m •larTm t: AIK'i' 1-';o}~'-John l'ayrwo Jack 03kM· and C~ ~ I nwro. Thl• J;:WQ\ film i~ duo!-- at Ow Wen eo.st lhnot..-ill ,s.nt.a AN.. . On a hoi Fnur1h of July alter- b.li('k in 1919, a le11n tw-Ptle-- 'h'm'''" :l-1-yt'artJ-nld bo:ur hailin~: Mannas."'.1 . Colo .. ('('1()1)' pro- C<'<'II•'II In cut In 11i10CN lht' lhl'n I ho·:"'>'"'''Wbt •~h;ompiun o f I he _wol rlll, lht--~o:innt JL~~ W ill:< rd. 1 A.• tht· ":"olannas.-.:o Maulr r ··. n !'- .l:u-k ll•·mp:•o"}' w as r::~Ho-rl. h,11\t'r-- l'll tti.-· .-·h:OTnJ•ion wi!h d}'l)amil(' 1#.-!.·n lo·fts ami rio;hls. lo•:.win~ hun !'0 lwlr>lt"!"s thar b(' v.·u un- al•l•· t o ans"···r lhf' tx·ll for lho'• f10U1Ih f HJ.tniJ, :l 11111\'io• ('3mJ•J"a dkkJ~t 111 th•• nn"~"lf• fl'COi-dlnS:: !111 · "llattlr t)f rho· Co•ntury'" for t• ,._,, .... )' Tho• ho .:hlq.:nt!< "' lht.~ 'rha m · phm•h•r• hout 111 To ol•·4•. Ohllo, ;,-n• Co.tur•• Club !Jirthday Eoh1 anl not " . t' r<'t'('I\'N.i an nllrfl('li~·e cOn~ratul:olinc lhf' hT.n:-""'' .r•·n· M<·S<bmo·~ J . :0.1. :\tfll1•r . . I R 0: Owrn. S1rrl- ; T m .•ly, :\lnnn Prirt' anrl liar- Thr-ir nP!I:I m ... •tin~ Wlll -hf' Mrw T7 in l-1f:-.yo•ltt' lint('!.· . Lnn;.: Th:-11ctl. A llEARTY"iJa-r. or .W. ni&hl lunda. • littlor .. mueh srnokirc, pn-~yo.-• CtXklail .,.. ·-. g ..... t fuiii .... n ight; ·a miserabW ~tdawa. ht'.Oif;br:ht'y fe-elinc tOIDOnOW momintt. You pn>pl. who .ac-c:ui.....n,-.... lnl.d • p.rl,-and .-ru6)' pod W. '""''hip •nd cood food. of-..., nul d.ly for Ow-fUll you lwd. -Vo"h ,_do..'l yoii 'try A!ka -S.l~ for thai hJ,Iorn•"C Afir.-~ r .. tu>Cf A!lo.1-So-h•rr is -......tin ..... -lui on tlw r.-l,..f of _,. "''- a•:m.-n\J ....... u,.. Ali<•·S..Iu.-rnmbo"" • T.-hahlo-•n&llftiC pa0.- 1<'!.~\'U •uh but!.-,..., alkabunc .. ;:to BqUJi..<st-Tr y Alka · Seltzt-r Facr-sn Tires Blow Out-Tires Wear Out -BUT - Our Tirr:-gi\'f• you thl' 1-...'>!'t in'llJr.tnC"(' ou::ai nl'l "RI<*·· Out" nnd "\\'car-Out" that fine inalcrials a nd t>xpcrt c-mftsmanship can pm\'irfr~ COME IN A!\'D ,u :.l US .SHOW \'Ol: 11-lAT WE CAN GT\'E Yrtf ' "MORE SAFE MILES FOR YOUR OOLL~R" CO..,RTNEY 'IJRE COMPANY 409 N . ....., • ' ·i ·sA:\T A ANA PhOn.-:' S..&a-Aaa.,MS ' , .. • .. ... NE\\'PORT BALBOA NEWS-TIMlS. Newport Beech. Calfo~la. TIIURSOAY, MAY 15, 1941. ch -Hold.s~Se_coiid .Anriual Fish Everybody ·wekoliw to the. . ~ond Ann~ Fish Fry ~ ~ b'ftlf"T'-~ ........ ...._ Fw! • DIMIT'S CAFE aaEAilF AST -u·~CII -.,.-r.:a ~~ LUQ<Y ANGLER--The WQIDCI1 are..._worki~t hant as the men in catching tlah and makin~ arrnng('m('nlli 1"( .. ....,.'-waa noc~avnJ b!!r~ loda~bat liB. K.obrrt ~. well kD---. Ill ~-port tta rbo•r anol Clranp c:--ty c:anh>n Carel~ :ontl (Or the S('('()Od antluaJ (ree flah fry "'hich WiJI be Offt•J't'd the ~· nf lh4> Nj'•"Jl'•rt Harborr • public at Newport Beach ~y 18 from 11 a. m . lftitll 3 p. m ~b ffl ..... AJia l!UlDc .. va.: .. ~ . . . Ul ... .,....., .... tn IW'l'f"J)l Ul~ poet of In additton to the rree food, beach games and contesta an ~~~ r.ar.~o-n 0\alrm~tn tor lh«' . scbeduled. with many valuable~ offered. 0lbfnnu:a p .,..ar•alWMt ot wom~n·,. - r-----------------------------------.---------~~-------= C1uhL thC' Banker Buys c-....u I Helene · Apts. Father Of ( 'ity Coundlman Uit'M At San Pedro • Campbelfs \oc~ FRONT MARKEr WNOL£SAL£ GIIIOCFMU8 ~AIL llrA'I'S -.......... ! Ill OrJeaa Fnlll ~ .......... 7ons and Tons of l'llh Arr All Ready for the Setond Annual Fish Fry w~ ~ you ~;u ('Om(' t'ari)' and !iJft'd .... day: • D. It BLUE "\'OI'K tllt:\'~'T Dt:.,l.Dr 30th .... Cf'tlfral !Wwpwt ...,.. BEST \\.ISHES to the Setond Annual Fish ·~ llr Ulod II n Kl-oN'tl f.--Tnan.:k-C"".ardrn11 at JJI~ Death Of Ray Duiels Ruled As Attident At Peninsula 1 .on.-ot t hco largn t r~alty df'.U. I c~pwtf'd In the cl(y f'ff~ntly wu thf' JOal«' or t hco lltlf'nf' Ar a:rtmenta, I t M iramar Orlvr. on thr l'cooln.Wa A ~· 1ur7 niWd Ulat ttw> Pmnt "tn A (' Ha-;._J,.4'«4!r .... ell dralll of Ray Ouat4-ta. :Z.. of C"'M . k n11wn ~lVIII\ A nst hankrr . roea .Jri lia r who cfkod llondav a! ~ ()ran~ ('\>unty H~ltAI ltf'J><Ir trd JlrH \' W;tll emloJ to two ,,._ iDjllrirw~~avf'd w~o hf' ..... I~ I OliO. h""''·v<'r ttw •l~al ln«"- •lrudl by a rar u two waJk,.<J iutlo 'fl an •·"·h:on~·· .,f Anahf'irn ~ o.rt H 1«hway Sundmy l'r"l"': ty :u"l .w:u1 ""' t•ntlrely R n-r'ninr;. wu Wt'~otal '"'" In-ca10h t ranlltolton ..-... '-dd y~f'rday at LA-:nw trnrw .. '"'" ""~ luandl.-tl '-!>' pna &arb. whrre lhf' bo'<i)' 'IIII'IUI J othn nurnham ro•nltnr Wh11 1.11 rn rPG:--' fr~ t)w hnftptla\. . fh&fJ:I' !If llo'Vt•lupmt•nl <>( lhl' f~n- 'T"-' caf' .-tucb lllruck banio•la lnaula l 'olnt Tl"'lo-t W'U ""'""" by C1&nton J ltraln-T lU' lto·lo•lli' Atn rltn• nl~ ('IIIII· Jtohn I 'lu1n· 7i. "lw h.u l lu~·n acthct>ly cngago•d In tilt' huniM•r bualncll,. 111 San l'•••ln• lho· i·~~-• 0 yean~. died a.lter a wet-k'l Ill· ~W« .. , it "lb l•·,11 "'"I tuol:1} Ire I "'a~ thr 1hll11'r .. , (',,~ c·uundl· man U oyd Cl:un• :enrl I 'uul ( •tutn·. Tiln ·mnn .11 '"'' :"mnh ( 'ha.'ft f\oGt Works. I St•rvkt•' Will l~o• tw ill S;,lurtlay, 10 •. m. Ill Solll l '•••llu olllfl llllo•r mrnt In H·~"~\o II t ·, "" 1• I~ '''' n( $'\.n Mar no •·ho• WL" f'llt· pnl'•· ,.,,. uf 11H• m•o)ll hlll1111'4•m•· t:!:!!~~d~~~:l::!:~~~j ·on~ratf'<J nf hl:unr tn th~ a r<'loiPnt :otn1r lur .. • "' 1IJO k~nll tn the ffar Ovl ... la , .. ,, •" tu.~ ''"'~ anti !(ll'r ·· hoor Pl~l no I ltml """ o·un~<l 1 Uf'tNl fb~ht.,r h1, n nlhf'r. Mr11 .N~IIu· aD 1930 At at 11!11 uf ltJljlllllllmRtt•ly R f':\nlf'l• "'hn h\·•••1 with ,lhf' taml:r th r• • "'~trrl' anol """'' t.r•.C..,_r,._ lol r!" U tll l"wtl7r: lln•l ,...,. \ll'alt l"l· tn o't( l .ajnjna f>.4':Jt'h, )lr!' Ha\· l "•nhnm nf Uurh'mk. Snr.-~ ..., t ~ '""n"4. L. •J ~nta \n'\ .on o! t H !lru ,,··l!' •f P..:u"lft I'Ahf.,rnm. ::...n. ''.,.. "'• '"' h~l•t \\·t,.Jnt'!'day t .-..~1n.:1 "' th lrt• r.rrnt :n \\-.... ,mln4ft p M• mnn"l J':ark F.LI':<..'TRIC' c I.CH K~ un• \ll(t;U JIM S""'l••rt Uuol . c '""'" \lt·..a 1+---.... _ ...... ____ --~ .... - NEWPORT B£ACH ~ PlilaACY Chief of ·-r.s~.; J . M. l'cliMM>r --~ laboratory 21• OrNa Frowt ~ .... Coast Speaker We hope you•u have the tiaw of yoar life at 1M Big Annual F'JSh Fry • -LOUIE'S CAFE Try· o.lr RnrioaaMJ Frino4 .,.. ~14 "'· Cfllfral !j• a,...t ...,.. \\' L !Vnllfold I'UJ""n ·U•nnt rrf u. .. ~,.. •"~~ht'ril'a IAbnralt•rV ..-111 p ·..w-nt ant~rPirtJng a~f<orm.; finn concorm•nl' lhf' "''"'" nf th•· (~hf••I"1U& I ltvuouon ()I t ' fth and r.am,. "' thio m ,....ltnl! Tuo!"l:w ~-:!" zn. a t 'i 30 p m at !':am·,.·~"" F ·..nd ro,.;r.. ~al R#"tr h. nf thP fotr - ""'P ('<•unty c··-t A~"l11t1nn Alan t n ~ tl "n~J wall lot' pr•>-r'_.. ••• nn,lat-y h1Jorhway "'''"IZ '~ ...__.»,.. Tbt s.prtl:\1 c "O&I!t A,....,..,,llflfl rnmrr attr~ whtrh 10· '"'"-""' lbf' t" S P1~t nrt t-:r.-~tn...,.r '" •ll:v•e.•~ ,,,,.,,;" alnn~t h" tnnsr .. •~·unty ,.,.....,, w 11l !'uhmtt a ff!J"'ort at t'hf' m...-tlr1K · llamiltnn" frum ~n.r.tl Jo1~1n!i frum s~a .;:; ~ICtn'Jl~ Watrhelt -fmtn 4jn,;.c._ CONVENIENT TERMS • .. a; VAn DEUSEOS 1 . /<YI/1/'e..~ • v.· -,==- Wor lnv1te You to Com~ In and aor. O ur C omplrtr yl,.t.t ron nl Ciradu.atlon G•fh For Cilrla ;and B oy ... BetJu*l' .f)JJ_<JJM!.J p~ 95! Ynur oil ti1111 tl l'"rtro1 i1•. flllt' 11f ,1\ Ill .All) .A) }flU "'1\h \\ et ft '}"' 1 J.'' \UIIttt• f \Uit " ... I lilt' ""'"''" • I'""'" I ll "" l' ''""' ... 'J}\. q.Oit ..• • f=~tlllf'r'M lin)? • r:runuuiJfln' • i\liST.IN S T lllllll S N n A ppolntm .. nl N~t.~M.ary SASTA 'ASA ~~ 1 N M.a on ~l rrl't PhOne 1461 '\ 'Sh rt ,,. t ,, ~. tit p "' .... lln•l:t \'" hv ltl•l•'•l ' trn• ,,, IEWPOIT · DEACR WELCOMES YOU TO ITS FISH The Newport Bal.._ NEWS-Till ES E:d~nds a Cordial . \\. ekome to tM .. Publishers of Southern California Attendin~r the SECOND ANNUAL FISH FRY ~fay Your Visit Be a Plraaaf One! -~ E 0 ·N A R D D. I> e 8 0 R U • SPRr N .. "·port 1'. o. nu:t: ut:l.l\'t:Kv · ~------------------------------~~~~~~-------t"honf' 4ta - W ·~I A 'OM·~ to the _ .. Second Annual • Fish Fry AftPr \'our Uay nf Fllll RH thto Mhdw at UN! NEWPORT. THEATRE - N""'IMirt Rfouh Callfonlllf Wt:UlOMt: TO Tlllr. II lUlL FISH .~ FlY • Durin..: the• dny unci lt•t's tnlk II uwr! • B'DOMES 0111 ..... Otr!ML ..,._._.at ..N.elrPQI'l ...... AdPI;, and C~ llf'ddotlwt · ' IEWPOIT . PUBLIC A MlliET .. e. 1 .. () y : Big •;vt•n( of The Year The Annual •"ikh •"ry •:vl'ryhndy IH Wt>lt·nmt•! • NEWPORT BAKERY Jo:. 1>. M• MAliAN 2112 C~ Front OUT DOOR FUR~ITU~E • ..... Scot• ttw la tro"t In N;t~~lkal ~lt-n• il vn C )uJ· ~ N•·w SWIIll~ 111111 t 'rnl•n·ll:a. «::IAIIC.'4 -ISM 'Kitt:.'\T --I 'MIUCt:I.I.AK '"""'"' 1100 lh·rc'H 20,fHHt Wd,.(,mt·~ to· 20,000 \ • I t•<-c,plc to the Second f\nnu~f Fish Fry AT Nt:WI"t)f(T nt:i\( 'If . CHARLES 0. ,AR1Z t1NIIINU T A<:KJ.Ir. lOa MrFaildn l'la4•f' ' ' ' ,·- f.- ~~wport · e Har· • "~ eed· --· ~~poe~ 'jlnher el· lon 01 tt. C'IIIM MetJ'• '·.a vdt ..-tona of ,. ~-~· Ji I E_Ul.l~C£ CITY Til SALE LOTS ' r"• ...... ~•00• _ ... .: -· •• ,} • t ho-.....,_.. ••• • • r·~,.,.,. 1......,...,. .,..,..,rdlu.:" •• ,....__ • ..-.,an.:• f"•>lln1) 8,_;...,..• • 1-••1" ... 11_.,. ·r •' 'JfTAtftlJc;.,. -.. -"') ~~ ,.. .. ,,-,. tf'~ Corona deJ !\tar CHOICE LOTS -$151 Most lots prit'l'd k-ss than One-Hilr or \.ht• tU't of the. imprm~ts. Don't Detar -They Are ~llinc_ F_._~ RALPIJ P. MASkEY, ~ent { TWO Ol"nCm .. Comrr Carnation and State ~·ay . ,. JUl .. ,...,. - Q)rona <IPI ~r • Pboor 13C2 JUQ~ Boulev~ Newpo('t Beech ~402 • Mar ..... April -mr-- TotaJ . YOU'LL ALWAYS HAVE FUN . AT THE NEW AJAX ARIC'ADE EVERY DAY AND NIGHT SUMMER ·AND WINTER IRVIN GEORGE GORDON BUILDING CONTRACTOR 1111 W. Central Newpor1 Beadi . Phone Ne\\·porh72l DONALD BEACH K.DiB\- Marine A..'L&. r A&CBITSet .............. ~ ..... HARDWARE • Bay DUtrlct Hardware . BRASS HAJU>\V'ARE -·QUAUJ'Y TOOLS W. P. FULLER PAINTS ~ Y.A.Cm' FlTI1NGS 110.10 •to A.-.e ···~ ..._. .._.New,.... !ftt . ...... \ f{fll~ J ~-....,....··"' .r TOllY!- • h· r• ,p. r r•r ·'' no•.oll~ rn!IOiubw rn ;o;.n. , r h• " rn r• tl •' r n pamt '. ht.-1• -h •• \ •• II crystaJ·IIko· 'r •• n .. r,.;•r• n•·\ anrt •lu not acqu.lrt' .. •uklr....,. darkt•n "'ilh aa:e. ._, ~ ,,. o1 th• I"''' "'lor of t~ pi~:· m~nt• 14 hh·h lh••) htnd pt1'11NUI· "'"II) t" I h•• 14'•11 or £"f'iliJ\C. ,.,-,,,,., , th·· toiNtl pajnt thin· "!'r bo-o,· a~"· ot ,., nJMlratl'll rapidl) ;u'll1 l"n''" n" '"',..,of its ~e. ("'\a u •• , ... , ... t•.tn ht· applirecl. on.:- ,,,,.r-tht nrh.•r \4 h•·r•· ~. w tth pr:t('ll<'all>' no int~ ro ttw-p!Untf'r~· •ork. RooJm:< ran tw deoconrtf'd atr ~ do><-Marrd '" • ttay, ~mlcfit it ~. Wlthout lowt of oc- cupuw-y nw-p3lnts ran bt' u.~ 'fl ,._ f1~ piA.~tPr lnn2 hi-for. nd patnlit .. ,n adtw>rr prrman· • ntl~ t ~· rcro,..do-d rlollo4"T!I ttrt• untlct)t anti tn• HwK·nr 1lwy can bt' lit· ··r:tll~ ono·r .. a..,'fl tn ~.,,, b) tho• ad· m tlun n( rark ... o'Jtlrtt llh(•lvt'l' 11nd h.o••k·n f-do•rr han~:pn; A lnw dwst Af •tra-~ N" a shoc·foht>IC set on • Formal 16 New Homes Underway In Retord Development of Peninsula Thh ~IJrtOJ,! 1' <~pparent I)' 1 h r :'l:ot on I~ ~ 1 h (' r t' <1 n "COrd •tan uf 11 no•\\ o•r<~ an th~ do·n·l11p-hro•ak rn~: amnunt of nt'\4 hurldin~: mo•nt of tho· l'o·ntn•ullo Pornt cnm·. undt•rway a t J'o•nrn~ul<l Point. but munlly, tl,. :rro•a a t tho· F:.-.~tt'm plan• ilrY' bo·rni: t'nflh'nll'lnlt--d or fiJI of tho· fl:r lhna Po·nrn~~rla. an• actually lK'an;: pN'~~arC'\.o ror . Appmxtmatl'l~ •tKio'<•n h<\"1 m f' ~ ron,ln rc tion thr• 'umml'r. wtuc·h· .oro· unclo•t I'Onl-truc·rum rn this •~ c"OCfM'('INI to r Ofllltlf'ld)' <'hanJ:f' 'l'ction Itt tho· prt"''"' tirnf•, ac· th•· M'l'n•· or \':trant lrot" in that o·urclrrfX: tn .I n h n Burnham. i'n rh&f1tt' of ru•\'••lopmo•nt of t h P l'f'ntn~ula Point Tr-.at·t t1w or t ht·~ n ,. w !'11'\Jc tures an· bo•m~: l'rt'C"h-d hy Burnham anrt 1lwrmon M••an!'. C'ttntrn<'tor. who rt'<'rnt I)· an noun~ an im· PI"'\'l'nl('DI pro.)t'<'l to ind\XW tb•• cortlllruc.-tron of lt'n rww ~~ <'nmmunrt~ an-a Nick Suttora Earns Higher , Naval Rank • I as a starter. SalltM'n montha at1•r eaterinc • Thi!! deovf'IOpnl('nl tS l~at-tiM' t:nlt~ ~latu Navy. Anton I rst lha& thf' Pt'niMula Point ha.o: "Nk k " Suttora. -ol Mr. and ~...iXJ)t'rif'n<'ro anti indrc-ation · )1 :~ S1r k ~uttora of NA-port' that invt:'stnrs or•• n'<'oi:Jliztm: tho' &-"h\i!'AIIM'<J ~Ond In a 'nllrct pouibilitiM< of tb<tt ~,·tlon is tho· t1L"" Phafomaru1t t.latr rJUUnln· purt'htt!C4' ur J}~'~'l"'rt~ \\llh f',t,ltnr.: alloon la~<t .wro'k improvt•m(•n t .. ·'' .,. ··II :c-tht• cnn· S uttora '"'mJM"If'(l ajtatrult 40 strurllon or n ..... hum··-. Burnham n,o\'\' mt-n ... h .. hA••f' hf'f'n ID lrttn· pointt'd out. · '"Jt · fpr a lvntc~:r Pf'riOll. He wall Among tho· l:rn:•"t .. ;,),., r<'· n•iv• rtrf'l\'1' thr dltf!ll fllnk and et>ntly rt'('ortlo-.1 ""' th·· j•urrha .... · woll o·ont nuf' hu• IIIUthf'l! In hta o( th£' llf'lo•m• Ap:trtmo•nl<> o n • h .. lWn ftt·l•l '"' an f'Yt' f'ar. nollt• Mlramat Drl\·e b~ J_\_ C. lla--..•n· and thr"""l 11pcuall8L Jaf'tt•'r of thl' San ta Ant1 Cnm· OWI'<'tlll flank Opening Talk C~n'tltf'r S~rt tlariM>r • IHI-MJNA ~ERSHE}:------ • ("..-.r ........ "'"" ... ........ ~ ....... ~ • SU RPRI SES fon~ratalations To Till 11~ M-Ill IEISIEY •• FO R CONilW SHOOK CO:\TR~.\<TOR and Bl.II.BER P. 0 . &s '!01 ............. CdfMW~ia ·-.-.o~Co--' IALBOA ISLIID THE C HILDREN • C o n g r a .t u I a ·t j o n s Tony and Mina. Hersh~y . S. W. BLACKBEARD ... . • . .1 t:LECTRIC AI. CO~"TKA~H Congratulations To ~ THE MARKET SPOT l\'E nrx~'lSHt:D mt: Lt..St:R A..~D ~ .. \Tt:IU.-\1 ... '\ ·Costa Mesa Lumber Co. ... • f'l'f'<'ting a new ~ at 205 P oppy! honl(' at 7308 West Ocean_ Avr., Aw .. Costing $3500 and a new co:-trn~: $1800. :'l:t'"'JlOM llei~:hts homP writ lx• tht' J . G. Rhndbury i.e ert'<'ting an ~900 n~ider.('l' of 0 . \\'. Ri<'hard l a ttraCII\'l' nf'\4' home at 390 8 at 409 14th :-ti'N't. 1 Chnnnl'l Pla<'e. CO!IIing $3200. Ralph B. Ditrurutt i.o. building . l-1t~rt•n<'t' Andt.•l'liOn. writ known il honw for hHn.<;('lf a t :no Col'lll Cnruna ch·l Mar ('!Vic wader is" Ave .. Halnoa bland. CO!i'trn~ $4000. buildrn~ a hOnl£'. wrth garag(' 011 and Mr. and Mrs. J. J: Knoll' or lh·· ftP•I flour, l'OO.IIng $2400. at GlrndaiP haw s.~l('('tl'd th{' Penin · 4:.!1< :'>lar)!U•'nH· Avf'. Another at· !'Ula aN'~< to burlrt a n.-w ~1600 tract ivE' H arbor anoa hOf-.e will homl' at 3J1 "L" Str C'I'L bt· that ur ~lr .. a nd M~">. Charlt>S Lido Isle is-'ttw "''l' for 11 nf'w Graham Tho· ~tlo• for tht• 511700 $.t500 r .. ,.trtf'nho bo•rn,;: con;;truct· !'t n.w tur.· ,,. :'1:11. 15 lk'acon Bay.- ,.,, rnr Julltf't tf' l\tal hkt•n of 8<-\ • Mnrn ;; Sontu~:. w ('II knoYo'n (•rl\' II all,., "'htll' Rosalint• Gra<'l' ht•ro· t• n .. n•l nr('tln~ot a $1 :.!.000 of ·ln.< Antt~ ~rldinM ,mall h(•mc at 1300 W1.'SI Ba · Avr. • BUY lOW • -City Tu Lota ($2S.OO and up) Corona ckl Mar at Balboa. Ttte.e a~ -derful lot bargain• and the City .aye tell.' · TERMS -Half Cub with EARL W. STANLEY 17th and Coast Highway Phone 160 Newport Harbor. California ThMe loU are going fut, 10 get yours -and plan t~at bHch cotuge For Building Information See Bay District lu~ber Co. WAfTE& 8. SPICE&, OtnH NEWPORT BEACH 511 8tat.e ~ ... ,. ~ 1150 At Tile Ardel:=. ___ _ GORDON B. ~mDLAY "Builder or Homes of Distinction'' CONT~CTOR and· BUILDER 3410 Coe.ttt Blvd. Audits -Tax Advice ~ystems • Milan -Underwood m Ru.by Anaue ' Ba1boa blaad Phone: Newport 46! • . ' Accounting -Supervision -Procedure • HOME LOANS •• S'E E SANTA ANA BUILDIN(i a~d LOAN ASSOCIATION 60t I'orth. Main Stret>t about a monthly payment loan plan ·ror that new home whert>by ,intereet and principal reduce each month. Phone: Office· 516 . C~ntractor and Builder .. 1806 Newport Bl~d. Costa Mesa \ ! • . . ""''"" ........... I ...... ___ ... ~, ..... --' - • ... NEWJ'OR'I' NEWS-TIMES. ~ ~. ,IUR.,nAY. MAY 1~. 19-11. ..... - News Of'The Churches We tak~. our· responsibility .. Seriously and serve you \t':tr~. · Thr ninrtrn thou~.and ••·mrfl, ahoul ll .yra". h ·,. a o·nfi\T niMJn" I<) h.a\"f" ~~~· h .. ·rll·l~innl.r,prrM-ocrd 1"'"1'1" in l~t·k of }"oUr Jtlr- 1'''""'"· In li~ .. r nalk>nal r.mn· fU';~,.. .it'5 •. fi~l·ralr il"m of ol••jrn.,<r. with a ,(;jmil.e SEVENTH DAY ~··f.'nth Dlly morDirrg . ~al;bath 9 :30 .. rn.. Pr .. adl in~ So•tvlrf.'. II a m l "lll'fU'If tW Till': .\lA ,\ l'ar•111•· i'••a~l hr·~uk;L,t "' th•• c ·.,Jumht;o \\".,~t C'•Ja.•l ll•urrh nl Ill!" Au· Wi ll I~· C"OitUJiH"I<'II <>n "Sun· ~,.'111}" nuomlfll-: <:\111 }' "!~I at 1-1) fo"<'I<M"k !1~ Flu.1 d C. Shank. Ctl[i.~·, ]l~t~ ~<"ll"nf~· C'11nimiiiP•• on J'"lihli-I Depot: THE ARCHES Ph011e: Newport a76 n.,.. "' 1•·r ta.tO an.num, u in i"'!hl ""'" '""" ''"~· O.tl'd May 7. I!Hl. •(' .. ,.....I,. S<-alt Tilt: nRST 1'01\TI• '"AI. IL\,'"1( 01-' flit/\:-><;~; • f'<)'lW'>r:o!Hln B7 w . t' "''"a .•:n I'Hii(m rnr -~nrth7:~.~~~~:~·~~~:~~ ,.,..,. l'n ·~111,·nt 11•·· pru..:notn .,:,11 • ·1 -uy n J tl .~~l,.H.:t-t S,(l L'flft:K;>,; C :\l.I FO R:'\1 :\ TF.l..l-"r ii 0:'\1:: COMrA NY Fn·~no, 11not w1H ~~· Tn 1,1 r;ff,.,.,. l'i;~=;~~~~~~~~~~~;!~~~~~~~~='~'~'~·~~~~~~'~'~"~''~'"~'"Kf'f'l·xf·~~:__:~"ilFir~fl~_,r-.,-,--.... ~~:.~""··='=~: .. :b::M:o:y=:~=·=l•>3.f·Zlf.~·;I'M l ---~--·-- .... , M........,.r nf li~tnonal•l F.'"'-t•ry Nor._. ~ .. nl ftf IH•t!'Wt ,. I S.•ho ... ol C01do• !"o't'ilon I ~· lfi,1 I Thr nnly pltu'l• In lht~ Nt•WJIC)r\ tll rhor ll.l'l'R whrrr you t1m K\~1 ll*'<l (~Ill'S t'O\'t'n>d by 1 ht• I .1ft~ Thtlt' U~t C;t r c;u"nmtt~C. ·· {"()Jil(' In Rnrl M"f' our c........... u-... ,, '" .,.,.,., • -Will -· ....... Oa .... ~ ................ c. ... - '!hUI II , ....... AA1. II·"-· --QftA,.D. A .. 1111 •. C.. __ ., .. _ -·· --- To<"'o DaftO klo..,l<ilt Pll ... (;e., ·"r """'''" ................ h "-· .. ..... IPtNI TTl "I~UID. ·-·-~;:~:;;';,,.;::;:::~~~:~::::jJ-btM: !W'Ir<·tion A lenm _Or"Rt hand ahou't thbl .. ,,.,, ...... o.,... .... ea-...... '"' ......... •••-• ... n ... ... ,,_.., --· ...... , - ~U'Tit "F. Ot' F.l.I..C.TUlS .... , .\lf'n .... r nf H<ol"f'ntlna .. ..,.. uf Hlall ~ lthlrio•l :0..:1 •'I"II 'F " ll•'r••l•.• ..:l•••n t:lo~·l,.l"~ ,.f lho• :"o· ... p<WI t;to•lll<"lll:u .l ·"'' II•••! I •I •IIWI '" tho• ll.·no"ll ·•••..:•· t ''""'l.•. l 'illll ••lhlll th.ot lh•' Au•••wl 1-:l•·o'll••n ••I ''"""''""'' ,,, I'''"'''''"' llo:ot l·:l•m••••• '"' m '""'' "''""'I'" ····~ '""" ,,, ··~. loi 1 .oil• •II • •II I lo• '"'' • " ,j l ,illoo• f--.1•1 '"''' •••• ' ',, 1··11• ,.,, ,,,,., , .• , • Ill ....... ,.,,, r ... , ... ,,,,,H ,,, 1 .11:h•~ ...... ''"·' :0.1 .......... --~·t.-1111")" "' II"· I ,1•11 '' •I • < "II·' I Ill" •1 • •I l ·.,!1 I lit• ,,, 1' .ll li"'l.:"•io; ·' \1•11 <>I tho• oht•• h :i• •·I. I II,,! ul"l-.'\111!1111111!1 that n .. -~ """ ,,,, •. , 1 r-: •. .,.,...,,., .• '"''~·· ·'"'' 1-:"'" ••.• ,., ''" th·· •.• Jli..Lll.lllloll.o~ '"'"' "'' "':''."'''':''.: ~ .. ,.,,.,,,,.. ''"''' •·· ,d ~A'nndforful plan. THEODORE RQBINS ._u ' REAL EsTATE FoR RENT 'a" --=:-c ... o_::-- llroplano. ol.,. ... ,d .. rollo" ..... ·~ ...................... , ........ ,.. OIKifl< ..... ,, .. , ........ _! .... I .. 11"1•11<1 Will '1"1 br 1 ... , • ., ................. _ .. , .. WII..LIA"MlO~ .. WH Ll ...... lON n.ollol I"OJ IE 11 lfC MISCELLANEOUS nVSI~I !\" Of>P01'11U ... Ill•s c ....... "'"""' ••••• .. ......... . "' I,(IMRr.R c;oMrANIF.A- -···K.I-. Or •"' --~ .......... ....... c... .. """"' Mah• ltl,, .. "'• A111 ...... .,. Coan,..t 111.191 1' r ",. "• t ...... , ,.,__ ..... "-- _...,_ ...... ; ~ eUMt.~·- ···-o .... k-... ,.,_ c.., -"'•"'" .................... . ....... .. ·-.. -· ....... -· '""•" -"I' II ....... .. ...... ..... .,... ........ "" "'-c. .. 110 ~..., .. Mol" M., .. ..... ·-· ' ..... . Y-'11 ... M-r ot a1..U-NOT& MUSIC CO., 4IS W-... M.. ...... ....... . ..... ---~-- Housew.a.RE:a ....,.,. ... ~....._ ... ,..., w ....... 111-CAIR•••M vM.:;.... <:'--• ·-- BoATS & SuPPLIEf' SAl&--· ... "'''l. Ofll l"1'0L&"' --~~­f odo~. """~ t . fiiW 1 ,_, .,., .. CIII"Sior. , ... -·-· I' 1 I I 1 • ou l .. ·Jt-orol. Coli -· t•. C"<,..III r.ff''IA J.hr. ('O. '"1"'1 U. hPip J'OU piJin )'OUr hnmf.." ["""-• lilly IIi" rlrl l.umttf'r <.:o, l"hon. I (50. Coa.ll Jll&tawsy " ~ MARISF. HI'F.C'I}U .Ttt:I'-- MArmo• ~l""f'llllty ~IIO(t. 121JS Co .. ( lllw•J• 8upplln, Jlnllit .. f:te. /'1/CtTAR\' I'IJIU.u;,..._ ' ( Nnn Mnrli:wllrth, <r.<U! W (:'.fon tr.J"A¥f'nUI'. I~ J:Z or 13. N..-porL Ofi'Ylt.:r. flllf'J>I.IF~ No•WJ>Url ilhrhttr l'ubiiJ.hlnl Co. l"twlftll'll: 12 13. N.wp.n1 llMoc!a. ... 1/'IITINf~ Nt WJJOrl linrhnr l'ublllhlna Co. PhfiiM'II: 12 ll, N.wpllrt DMdL. aAIIIU NF.IC\'U ;r- ... llt..'•·U.Illl.•o.• Jla{!Jo :ili!!JI, fiOO F.. h11y, l'h. 221, f-'or a brlf., Wrvk& F.MTATT .. INNIJilANC:i a NOT..\aY~PtJIIU('- 11 \\'11lt.or ... '(iXi'.l w . c..:..ntul A¥1'nUI'. ,,..._ 3. MTA~PII- IInrl"lr l'ullllahinll[ Co. f'hfonr.s : I:Z • 13, N-smrt n..dL l'h<>M :110. • 12. •. Jt'-N-pun li;i.::r""'- 5r. l Or,~ 11nd up l'tlnrw <ll ii·W. "',.j;,;;.,,,._,,.,tly til'""", V. OrT S..rvlce. 124 M~:fo'lldttr-ft 1'1.. Nw11t. Bdl. 1 Business · an_d .Prof~9nal Directo"!_ · JUl. ljAJ.I'II 0 . IIUAKU I'IIVNif"fA:OO · !'lllJL(If:fJN OflllT.ni•ATU 1----,.,_ .. . ,, "" .., .... ,, rail ... n.u ... a lnll Arr a.tt .. ftalbl,. IIII&A.JI II. CtJHUF.V. II.D. ·. UU. IL r.. fi1TAIII.F.R -SNUt)JlLES lly (Y II l'hyoh"llln anti MIIII:I'<Oft Utllr r 11)1 :t'!ntl "'ltN".I !'lo"""''""' Ko·-.:b t"""": lft·lt a.m .• lHl p.nt. l'h<lrtf'--.t)frl<~ •~:t: ""·· 11•.1 UF.NTiaT -· --·---- • rr •• ~i J,Oi ':>P... WAlt.. -ro M~l~<. A FoRnttv.v iN ,-t'tS wuRt:D IF YA "f~i NK FAS1 ~ LDN&1 ~ Ur, Ourtlun M. Orun1ly f'h )'.,.·tan ond 11tlrc ... •n "'"'""'''"' 1\oo•rh II• .. J>IIal {'f'nlral· """· at Sl!tlh ofnM lin.: 1ft· I! a.m~:. 1·11 P·'"• Trl,.loft""" 11 ROY'S UAHRt:R HIIUI' fo't•llflf'l'ly Ill ll"""'" I•INnd N'U"' J,..ol..d II .'_ liNI Mrfo'a41drn 1'"1....,. Nr•nr l '••·r t.n ttM1'"<· N•"'"l"•rt 1~·,.<"11 Tf'lr phrNte Nf'Wpnrl M "'"'"' Dulldlnr "-!""'- J.t;n.uv y . ANUf:IL~ON ATTUk.'lo"F.t' Af lAW c ·-ta M"-ftanll flaUtUq ..._ ... ,.,,.,. M-(")a.tlfo"'lll t•. V. "t• ARKPlJ II •••••••• .... · 1-.... . r....,...,.. :tlli'.l Orran t'Tnrit, N~ E•p~~rt ·,....._ Wal.dl ......... (JDI4 PlaUnl( r.,ll! Ul-llo!Ja!l'llll ALL WORK GUAitAN'J1=F;O - ~ed ry y - "· .., 0 20 .t st· F~ 111~ ~I Galho·rLnro: in S..wroor't II<·L~o:hl ~ ._. •"*-!Mt ,.,.,_ Grorw:~ \l11fotu Sat ur(lit)' manunt:. nwmho•r<f '-'I _, ~ ~~Nth ~ thr tKto N-llf)M U.·~ Gll'l~l _..,. l•do•raua. ~ pi.y lin t trnnp will l.'Omn'ICflri" iLn 1111-dil} ....... •-hrr _......., f 1!1 r c.-. bll"')'r t.-ndr-QJJ tho· out.~klrt ~ oof ~ an ~~..-.~ _ )l,n. L 101'111 l\lt'M ,.. ,. • r n rydm~:; L ......__ ot .s.rta Ana an· I •••,... 11ntl atud)" ••ild birds nn<l -w4 thia _,.-tNt afw had a·Ud flow~~ M n< Orlandu Jtrl.~- -dlilr ..._..., 111'111 ~~I} f""'f._,cVOr~"'Oil ad\-i ... Jt . 11ni'IOI.lfiN"<I ~I .ail. ~ \ tho> trip wu ~nrd 111 Monltl)' 'J1w ('Oftl"' • an.,.....,., """'"t lAtt.-mo·...,.,·~ ,._,.,,~Lot ttw< Troop ~ by thr drama drput·! 'Jlwo lt"f'OUP will ronv .. nt SAtur- -.b ., ttw 0nr1cw-C(Lil#l.l). rta, at Ill a. m . In ttw llriM"<><' rt ,. 'llilltrin .... l.aJifnntla .)..-cnr at 410 14th Stro'<'t. N•"""toort r....-.u. ot •-·• rtuiiL. M.n.! 11.-icht•. with thiPir lNdf'n;, Mn;. WW.,t .... f« a r-nbn" o1 ,,..n • Rn....-or and -Mu1~ Manha t :ll('n ~ ..., hrr ,....,._,_ nwmhrr-1 ~1Norr ~"":'c-h ~rl i.e It! brinK ..... .. thr "-"inct-..,.. -.... &' tundl . • _... 0.. --~,.,. ....t·l "'--- _.. ............ llltlwN-· tr------ • '"Don't Detain Me -I'm Hungi-yr' -ADd I ~ • ....,... I=in hradrd. On •r a l 1-larri.<oOO'!I .r tlwy ....,. jU&t lhr food ~ 'hunJ.!ry m<tn dn>am!l ........_ ~ Jlleab •. mo&t_--e IWl. ~L.os.a-grown cilidwn&. and '"""""· juk.-y IUI~-.-.to;. Whal's ... priars ... cbl-nrjght §t"rLLiil*". mon•, t .............. ., .... :. &o M."M') L-.e fRill) Plloll• 17 • ... rt I 0 & .. c... I... ... P'rtya&. Partie~ .. 1'_0..~ • GIDRGE _.M. "'-US·W ,.,.,,,-Ma-W KRYHL -o,.&IDz•J~eull;,iat£t - c. r. uma.. a .120111 .~ .. ....__11,_. '. til lla.t f'"eurtlt IU.I IANTA ANA, CALIF . . c- -- SENUS YOU TO SEA IN GOOJ) SHAP"E:--- For lhr c:h.~ contour!! ot n :t.nllpturM .. oeodlk•· mooJd your ri~rt> into f1K> fll*l linrs ol onr of our' Jte"A't"5t !M;m suits. 1.95 Jet 10..96. Ccmpleee aaortmcnts of ,....._., mo.~ impor1ant pL-.y doth£1; in ~ --· ~ pr;n, ......... .... .... .. .,.., 1ft ~1\"TA AlOIA ' .,....... . ...,.~,-, ' Al•rt .and ch.arm lng d.aughtcr o! .Mr . .lnd Mr:. Ht~t l 8 . SmithcrL l:ldl0-ll~-prn1'"t•ng iht en of N.atlon.at Dt tnl~ ln"tht. An~ru;.an .. p ~gc.ant .. t the M.oy '~'''""' .at M•rymounl o~eh;ool. 1.01 Angele~. M IM Smothc,.. i• .1 lo~lcnled •lu· <Mi!'! lhff"C". Nine Harbor Area ' -~ . Women' To Sin1 In · Cecilian Concert · l~ount~ ''.'r•' p ro"''llltn>.: Wllh Auxiliari~ To Aid In Cancer Plan • .. , ,, •i Nlft<'o·rt .. r '"'k ~"Ill:'. ,,m,.r· . ~o·l••dt"ll~ :m ol lh:IH n1~·ra llr- r;on~;•·nwnt~. ""r! n-·t .. •r n r l'n- mon ~ l 'oolh·t:o• nMf'<t n•n•~·•·l 'rl'l· I~• '-!r H•·h··• h;,< '"'''" ""'It"''"! WII h 111>• l'htl;orlo•lpho" l'tulh,.r · o·;ol I I ()o"""'I•OIIUrl!< ct..rinc :'f.\\' ,....._ Uw dmrn•r h•>UT "''''' rrd ~ Nt>Wp>rt Uo•;wh El•.-11 hut• art• rw•pt oio• .. ""hlo-h ,_-m ho• <.(lid Poppy ! aJWt CTIIf., ;;.-.·toMI W am H•"' 1.1n<l <"o\UOI\' flro·<:i<\tont Fo•dn.~l oon <"of \\'om11,""' Cluh . l'o ... l :-.;.' lla ll .\m o•rtr;on 7 .VIp m Tl'f:~h!\l'. 1!1 .-\T !.__ mo•nw fln ·lt•·'ln o nl 1•1'•-.--•nt 111 '''"'"'' a nd I Ito• '' t.·•whmc t 'l:u''"'""' ''"Y h~-n .. ·mh.·r· Mrs Ruth N,..,-,,ort l lo•ad • i; r ;o m m" r ~~~~~·-, "' So·;,! lt.•;oo•h 1•~t. Sc,'ho">OI 1~.T.A fm:ol mo-.•lln~. :: :vt ".o• tn •·h:Lrt.;o• uf th•· IIW"e1Jnc.l p . m .. kil'ldrr!.!:orkn Fl .. r:~l ,J,.,_•(•r;otu!TI~ ,_,.,.. a~ N<'""prlrl Jl,1 rlw•r l;ltl ~1ann•·,... lty :\lr-" C'luud.· l'ull,·n \ &-tlhl JluL 7 11 m . :\11\tho •r • .l);m ..:hto•r h a n <Jil •• 1 . ~~·--~, ____ .... _____ ........................ _ .... ________ , C"h.-i~t n t .. rd o hy !h·· s..--.1. r. :\() M l" Hwharol l.aw ro·n•··· ,.f r.,.~:o J\l•••:c "lit I"' lo •!Hm•o•o l ~~~ "'PfilllO ,,.f,\1•1 on '"" 1-f t ho · o•l,,.r ,o l · •t • • .,,,,,,., l••n~ :01111 :\1<--,fan,• r fontwr ~t··~:t lo'":L•'tl"r·n.--.w '"" ·~ -• -...__ ,. --'· , .. oi .... , ... I. )o-i ..... .... ·-· ---"". --_,,__ "' "'""· ~f ••••••~»• -~ ..... .._. .• -••u-·. ''""'"'-- l11"'lno.: "' l'la•"••nlm ""Ill :•t.o,l• " t826 fllt .-,.rt atwd. COSTA MESA '"'''11 "l•lu:.-••" 1n 1 h•· l1.111n!inc ;::::==~~~~~~~~=~~~~;~~~=~~~~~~===~ E ur .. p.-•:tn l"lk .. .,.n.:. "T•·•I•· ,.,.,.._. T•••l••' OUTOtrt>.:o•d I•~ I lo -,-m , Ta ,l loo~ .... ,,.,,<,; "''"'"'"""" ,,, . .,, .,,,_ "'' 11,.·. ,.,,.,.,,.,. .• ,, mdu•tn · ,,f 1 h o• l'no•tl h ("ol;~<! :u'o' J.,•tn.-' •:o!.-O.:If,L.I"o ! ;.,J I·~ ,,,.,.,.;j.,-d •:••r•.-.r:ll "'(: m·l t r.•n,mt~ .. u·n f;u-il''"'~-r· F JJ,,.,,,,,, 1'1• -ul.·n t "' ''"' J',,, •ro·· r·,,~., l :t ... ·tr~o·nl "'~·•·• '''''" tl·· .-li!l•d !o~l.l\ i11 ltnf1•"1!h"l11~ I !l o• -'"'""Iii!" •n'· '" ··nt ~ · '"'" 1 h '""''' •\ '"""''"'"'"'-In\' :11-:'1 111 l!.•t••l •h-I c.-.r.·~t:· ('o<~(ltmrlo • ··:-..,-w :onrl ··~to•nol•••l •1•·111-•n•\- '11"!' 1'<'1111! m:ulo• "" :oil J•h •·o·• nf •h•• ,.~,,.,,,, . .,, '"'Ju-t•-.• """ th· )!:tlflllll.! m"mo•nt um "' 1 h ,. n'l· ''""·'' ,f, '"''"' £r"t.;r:tm " ~~ r Jf,,.,,,,.n_ ,,.,.·.J'r. l<lo-nl 11 n <I ,.,. ~l<l :mt 1:•'11•'1111 1."1n.1 >.:o•r "' th.· ~lut ho•t-n. ~.llrflWIH'l t-:olt•nn Co•n•· H-1,.1111 n.kr :11 o• -"IIJI lll(k fllll!o <I• t" rl·l 11!· 1·•1 11 1>:\t t .. ~·uo• .11 ''''"' ,._,.,_ •• ,,, !Jlo'lll"•"l"' ,,, lh·· l .l~hl r.. ,.,,.,,. l"las.~ li!\11"\HH"o• Uw • 1, "' "Ill l:o k,. plAN• Jun.• f\ Mrml..-•r· "'ll 1!1\Lir 1:111'"'~ In :otto•n<i ,_. -· ..... , . 1u1ou ,.,.,,1~··· '""'lOft.~ ..... oJ ,....... ' ":--.. _ ....... West Coast ''"'• A-.,_ ... I '"'' 1 -·~,..,.,,., I"" '~o"• • 0• Oft ..... .., lf<) •I•• u ... I •'•" """ '"'" ,.._., .... IH ··-~ ...... ""'•Tr_.-........ _ l•t nn-1 "'w" •~ t •-·" • '\lo• ffi·H> >oc<f• '''"'"' >loft•" ... _ .. .. '"'' ''''"'''" ......... ~"ft -'•M - ... ft .... .... •• • •• -.. , ''" '''" f"l.lllERTON f'hone H7 .: ... ,. ........... • ... --11! 1'" "'"'''•row ···~ ; .... k .. -"' ,., .. , __ _ ...... ... . ..... ..,., ...... ",, '""' .... ,._ Broadway ,_ •• ,........ ••h· ._ .. , ._., "m"-""'.._ "··14•" ···-·-·'" ,,; ··t "I"T'"-1> Oll'o .~·· ...... ,.,_ ., ... ,_ ... ~ ... o .. ..,.... t• '"llt.a t11l'l IU .\1 .. ..... I~....---. . .... ~·· ·-··~·-··-·-· ........ ~ .. '"'·"" , .• ,. .. , 1n:• r,,.,t:'" -··--.......... _ .. _ ....... ,... ....... .. -· , .... ,, ...... '! ....... ~ .. •• , .. , .. FOX ANAHEIM P flone 3602 .:-:-.!~~"iuu• ~;"'.,;i.f;r-~:· < ......... , .. " .......... .. --;.... .... ..... . ... , ·~--e t7" "l.lt"o.n :t p .... . .. , .. , .,, .. """ ''C' ., .. ,..L-r '~~·­..• ··--·pl(.loP \lr...: U I t.'" ·-=~ A:\AHEUI ''''"'-'·--'ANAHttM P'HONII 4212 .. .., " ... ·~· ,, ........ '"" ~ ...... ----'"" ..... UI·I•N• ........ , .... "' "l"flll(-~ I I ''""-' !If...,... ----- ALL SEATS lSc ROOK :\"JGHT EVERY ~RUM Y BIIOADI\'A\' t'Oll t'Oll . IAIIITA ANA F"ULLIE:fi!TON ANAHEIM I' m {',,..,,. "'"'" r·tulo proot.;r.'"' !I .lumnr \\·,,.,_.,n·· p m rrirla~· AI- !o•m•"•ln (1ut< Co••la :\lo<~;o fl:!ll ~•a I,J.-tn•l ('~r.-1·· ••f \\-~~-~­ ~\>:..•1.,__.\ ~ •. nuc. \O.ur k nJWn_ :\lo-.•1 '!no• ,\n,llw r ("lui•. :.' I' m C"'''l :\lo •"I ;-..·,,"t-•1"1 llarhor-Aln•·nr:>n 1..-.-;- h•n ,. ... , ~ r• "' l..•'>.:lnn llur l"n-1;> :\1••· • ,-,, ,\flo•f'll•••n n•••n ""'""r t ",,f,• :'\··"I"'' 1 I r .• rt" '' r. ,"Iii I' m \\"htlc·l!' ,-.,,,,.0, :-;'"'1' P.ooi:U")<" rl:LJhoa :\J·· and :\l r-\\"•••lro l'll 1··~ • n-•r··nl•'•' ~~~1rJ.:,..~• M lh•• "''' k-·n.-1 m. ("'"''" BALBOA Theatre ·T n .. En1o·1 1 •11T1 m••,1 Hn.:hr ~P"' In tho• (",._,~,·~ Y;1rl1!intE (", nt•· l·n.~: s."". '''"" •••: Studrnh '!.\r. ptu .. hi•: (lolld,..n tn.- NO~ SHOWINC.~ S.aturd.ay. lo11t D.ay! -1 AM t:s STEW.-\ RT I .. \ S .\ TURJIOER nt:n1· LA.M A R . -11 "01' (;A R LAN J) ~-in- 11EGFELD GIRL" ---2 ND FEATURE --- -·-·•~ -.~. -~ 0 "' IJP"' ~ 'iJfiL 1..1JJ4MC . '·-s.r,-10·-. _,.. __ Start. Th.,.-.day. May 22 11 I f..-o • II' . I ..,.,....,. U<l "'"'! ""'-' .... ,. . ,,.. ' ... ALa()'....:__ FRANK IIOIIGAJII ' ' IIO~TI'A GRANVILU .. "Wild ·Man of. lill!lril£ -iull ... ... _, ·-... ·llllll'ilMII --.............. , ............ ~ .. -lOU ........................ :.. ...... --.. -.ot ltiSUt ,_,. • .. .._.,_,T.. N OS H \IDIO "'-'-., v......._~-.