HomeMy WebLinkAbout1941-06-03 - Newport Balboa News Times• . ' ". r h\ES WEEKl.Y .. ~ 'l =======- SEMI- EDITIOtt \r-t;) ~} EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA. WEST NEWPORT, SEA SHORE COLONY. LIDO IS_l..E. NE~PQ~T H_EIGHTS. BALBOA ISLA!ft?. CORONA pEL MAR,_. COST A. ,MESA , . .. -... VOLUME x;,;.1(1U ----• MWHMI BP.,_C._. ~1't t:tOtM\, "o',; ~-UUt. t 'Ht I& t',"clt:M 8~\al ft"ature In tlw Lon~t ~ach Preea. Tt>ll'~l'llm Sun. day wu a .wry ""'hir h •"::. voted nearly 8 colullll'l' l u t ht' .R . M . G -:--: !Mrs. Maxwell Is M d . Shark IJivers eport ·· fS. race dS Re·eleeted· to . On ay JS Net $12.0Q()-In 1Scho~·J3oard write-in; ~~;.~~~~:i;1:~~i:H~ache '~:~.: :~?.:. Giant Fireworks · for-· Harbor Is Plan Points-to Hot. Race ;~i:~~ .. :':.:;·;;: .. :.:=:::=~:~~:For Banks :;:r·~:~:~: ~·.::::.:. For Four_th of JulY for thr c-urnlnJ! ~-,•ar •·""' ,.,_, puuaol. · I' ........ G11 '"" vk.,_~t· \\alt. l"'ll&'"'••r uf "-'t .. nt -bUitmT or Ne\\~rt '"Harbor u well u u 8 column photo .layOUt depidl.ng 7 VII'Wl! Of t.be harbor area. Both ~tory anct pl<'tu rt>s wr rl' by that enter.,riatng joum&llst a n .t phot&-Mal);'il!t , Bt'n HC"oldwk --~ .. ----- ' . . , ..... ~ ·~'"' ..... ""'~~=·\.. , ............... ~··· . llo.Joted {'lub l ~ader. Rlllftft.=#L ...... A~ .. ORQQible .~I ..... -,. ' ' . • ... ~-~ • "'"'''" : ..... II \\ "11"' , ..• -4 .... l n .o•o Jtlc......b ~~'\'· .. ·-· a ~JL.Io-R-~.a....-1-~-U-I.It-~-1-Lo~~-IU-.alli-;&__ ----_I:DI. n.D.:.:_I. v.m;ziJ __ PLI_LJ_.__..,ollou~ ..... U•hoO Ora•'" ,,.,., .. ,... N'J1"rt~ ~lnk•'l , ..... ~1--'...IIAIDC.C., ~ .,...._ I• I 0 n'C" r. UQ<' ~Tf't .... · tW ~rk -af 1 ... ( ltJO•al anc Candidate For Beach Grammar •f' rn lliOO. "A-.. -;,. UrN .. ('""'' »t H lu. ~ .. ,. Uh· I " J!ar~•r ( 'hamlK'! _N!l!!lfi4 Ualboa MrubantL Tc,. Plan (;alu. Fourth. .uf r4uly-lc'ele; ·.~lith The Harbor Olstn ct ill fallt becomlr:r knO'II'n f " r t h _. ~lendki bone• wh1c-h IOC"al Naldent.a own. u 1>11.3 bf>en mentioned prevfoualy. U you doo't bellrve It, take a lttelk at tbe liat nf rntrin ;or tbe Orang-e Cpunty 1-'a lr Afld Horllf' Show. J unt> 6. 7 and 8, •pnMOred by lht> county AulatAnce League. lftSftlriftO -• One~ ot-nrr"lno.t ln~lnng pam of Lb_lj. Mt>mortal nay paradi' an--ar>rn~m ht'loJ by tht' N l'wport H11rbl\r Amf'r · lean U>glon wiiJI U•" ral81ng or tht> hugl' Amrr c-a11 F'l~t1: rrnm half mMI to th .. pt>ak "' the nag pole Fr•dAY JI.!O til<' Olltf'll of the. bugle." Mu.ncle.d....b¥ ~ old Gralll'l. pral~'<l ,.,.rr thl' units whll'h r•>mprl•t'Wf the paradt' "" LhC"y Wl'r e dra"'11 Ujl In a tf\jullrl' f11rmnl•nn p rnu.nd Write-In School Against Election Friday, totr11 . ft o )' l.tnn. I ~~III)S _... «"h""'•l·lfUol S.lur.\.t) -"-""I l'n ..,,._ , . .,. ratc·lt. • ... Gordon B. Fl.ndlay In tlt'C~t&ry : ··" ~ ''' ?"· -. ~ ~'""'"" .. ''"''' •~· ,. " ..... 1 TlMI· '•' - 1 " ._ a,... '" I V ,1 \\ ~ . liD L•.•"• ""'Jib 1 .. c .. ~.-•-' -tw 1h .. roo ''""' • IUtlf'll .._ ... I •• r..u~ r. .I al'lw I '" oiJ ·~~~~~~ "m l''"' ...... Ill • - June 6t_ h 4V, F.hz.al-wlll "1m k, •nd E t be rralh• .,,,.... .. ""' h·· '""" '"'"-'"I .-n-......,, , ... ,...,,. pron~•t uf Hr mmlngt<XI ---... ...it ,...,., to~rlcltt. a... ..,....,,,.. abuut · Annin•rHary of llarhor Projt•d IM Obeervecl By ( 'ivit• I ..t'adt.arH Thr rcruup ro.,.,,...J 1U1 by· law• at I llana~rr· , . t-\\ ""'" '"".1 J,.hn Sl'!~ It-..,.. .._,,..,..,f'4 '" That thel l''tt'CtiOn ror school tru.o.;t('(>S to\)(' hl'ld 'Frictay. thr tM'III'IOO a.r-..t alljourn~ for the.&. ~lt'lr uf thl' :---..... ,..,r1 OU\-1 ,..._,._ ... ~..... AltJIIIil\tnwnt of II 1'11Ulllllll•'f• ur l lltliNWI ntt•rdmnht wu June 6th. will takl' on Jl('W intl'rt."St at Nf'wport &ach was "ummrr mnnt hlt Th r dt~ Balboa brllll• h..,. ,of t1"" 11 .. r n... _.......,.. ,..,... •.144• ttw • fit'l-t s lt•J; l:tkc•n h,\' rill' N t•wpnr1 llnrlll!r 01nmht•r ot_ indicatro~ today by the pM'Sist<'nt rumor that Mrs. Vit1o r ~:~~; .. rlh" ":m~~:tnur to mHt A_.,., 11 ,. .. ,....,.,.~, •••18'' th•t ~'"" !!: •:;.,~ •::,::::-:;:":' .!;: t 'nlllntl'l' ,. ·""'''''''"~· n• Hill townnl pltllmlno~: n hUJ,tt' Fourth Gra<X> will 1x> a writl'-in <·a ndidate opposin~ GoNion B. Finct-, ---day .,1 " '"" ,., .. '"'1 ""' " ~•nt:l·· ................ ,,...,, fl.at ., .. .,., of .luly fll'l'" ork -. llls'J,la.\' for th" tlartHtr lll11trkt. The---daJ'• hU~IH•HO llf Ito .. -'"" fo• o&l ....... ...._....- la y, w e ll kno\m N e wport H a rbor <'Ontractor who rerently ·To pi.-k ·r· ..... .--1 llNUl"U•Ifllt a. t....,.. tla)• ,..,., .._. ,.. "t''n a l--.,' 1h ark•>rl llu• 'nrth unnlwrs ury or ttw cumplctton of filro for N>=<-leMion. .. .. . .... .. .. .. • .. .. • • • .. • . ~d~ ~F w.l.lllt .. •'tll\ol!lt' utf\l i-1• •••• ....,.., ..... ..., ............. , .. ,,., ,, .. Ft-.li•r·nl 11111'1''''1'1111'111 pruje"t't for NI'WJtnr1 1\ny. Prior t o th£' n>porl of a write-in campaign for thl' bl•ac·h Candl ate or ~-· t .. 11"' "'''" r••ll llr ,. •lo ........ ~ .......... d ....... •lth !":tlllt'tl "" tlw o'llllllllltt.-.· \\1'1'1' AI Atlft.•1'110fl. who hu Jr"'W "'' ''n "·• i••••"fl nl!•· I"'' 1...,. ....... \ -•· Mt -cl{'('tio n. thP bftllotin~ was S<"hE'dulfj'd to lX' a mf'n• r<>ttlinP MiSS V F W 1110n "'" .. ,,. 1 ... •1·~·,. ,;, '"''""'' \\rH ....... , .. ,...,.,.. ••• _, , ... , :d.,•a.t~ la k•·n ltttl i:ll "1''1" l u \\llnl -'w ·h n prujc>M, J. K: Me- a ffair Cot• h oth thE' l~a<'h and Mf'Sa Gramma r &hool~ as Wf'!l • • • why th. t•IUllt " '" • 1·-··1 !"~<till .tw ......... , .......... , .. th ......... N11 lly. I ,,·mnl•• \'lnC"f~nt. Ro- as fo r th£> High ~khool hoa rd.' ' • 1 ci&J. t"'n~;ll\' "1111 h ~ homwr "' "'""'r ,..,_. -.. .,-.,.,..._ "' l:tr11l \'ulf,•ly 11111f ( :u'4 H 'I'll Ill· mrmhrn "'' 111 lh••n ' 1 "1,. 11 fur • . ·. tMk nf Olt.llo•nuJiy !".-lur ing thr St•'('f;llllr" :tntf rla nt'o' lu\i'l"' Will fine f"lll.-hr l ... nnr••l 11 •11:11 an.l fttllr ... l.._ 1'"""'"... ,..._,._,,,.. 1•1 llf' hf'ltl at Q nly rn<"umhcmts h a d ftll"d f9r lWhbrol'"' mt.-rr~<t m h • uf 1t11 111• h;"'" ;, rhrtll ""''n llw nu>!lt ~:lnm· ~· 1t ... , u w l~onlo •I•••" pll-. b M'IIIiull for tlw c'i«p_llly t o~•.:.,•l~< 11.-... h r .. u.ow ... l by • •II•· -t-he-c lcc•t ioo u ·jth the. o{(ice o( d~llt~•lfl•·~~ unolrr_lh,. ~~~':!! Bl!l... ooro~b.!_r~ tho· , . .,11•1 wtll tvt·_'· ,.,,. •1j!"n r•""! ..:_• ;!:"'m"~ '1'~"" . L ~~I a.,...,, ltttfh*tttt't'tl. lwi~·11'"' ,._t+tte-f'tr•kMtt ------·---~• c ount y SU""rintC'ndf'nt o f A rf'<hwll•"' w lnt••r,.llt f rom 4 4 ,...,1,.'" ,, 1"111• ''"a i:•ant run-t dre' r .... t !'alurol:" '"" It•• '''" • • to R E 1 ,.,.,.,,,,,.,1 r• A t'•{mo:or. lr:art 1-~r~l to. perccul Wllll tll."hH'\'t·d I h rt d h a ~pi h"ll•l o\ I '-· ""' 1•111'11•' egaon 1 OM n ry ~lolltlo \ 1'1\'<UI Ifllll, J11f1n 0 llllrft- SChOOJs. l!Y.Ytnrllay and ft'Jiow.bnft.IXI mrm. w:t~· :II f ~' ··~ 1'7\0U"' 1 1~ t't1ftr 0\f' ba.nll '")\~ lh,, "''' •I ~·, 1 '1"'"'1"~ " N"""T"''"' ltllfh•r l011m 1-: tl All•·h Cn m .... l with U.. \\'11 h noo .. Opfl<">Silton to~ I he In IJoont. )loon> polnll'fl nut. n.nol lo\' llll: 'ftmr<rt.-n-ll1f-rr-.....tf hr-iftff-;-ofay, ~ .. tttr•llt\ ~im·ln' ttl•• o•O•I ' ' ut~~ Ill Ill•' '"Ill""~ I''V'I'•)•''l" u/IW.tJ.t ••I llw -•4•lWMI -*I f Umbl•nt:o, hulltotlng wa..~ ""~""'''''''plac-Ing " bond I.NJUt• bfo(m·r l h•• •~·llllllfoll hl .. nolo·• ,.,.d hc•acl-. and nf th.-'"""'" "'"I ,. T bil '"'"""'"''"' "' It"""" '""" ''"" •··n•• "" h""'" ll•tr1•11C,Ih .. lr VI•U to lw• ,., ,.,. h~rhtf'r tha n that whu h puhlh "h11·h w:\.11 vnlr•l. thr anlr lon m••t 1''' In ' ll.o.lunc '1"'('1~'('"' Hf a''-" :!>IHn•ll" "111 t. , .. , l h• 111 t • •ty ~1"' 1.'~1 -1''"~''"'"1 11 " 1 ' 1 '"'' 1 11 "" •· llrrr Candidate lll<tlaJI.v rnul'k!l a ~-h .. ul IJ>oa rd "' Uh· n ...... bnll<l." t•tlld .. , tho·"' t)o•uut.\ :mol P.'""''""'"). . lrtJtDa)!• \\r.II~J•I "1;.-... ,~.rl ~JOI•I es a I .. , .... ~ ...... ~~~·· ""11"'1 ''""11 "'" 11 ,,_bird ft•e• F.n!!ilm 0 1-: _ll nlman. pllnt c•IN'h~on. hut \\lth Chi' ""'''" lt'<i l CtPt'O A'c-t blt11•l11 Rn•l rN<ulh '() in 111'•' "111"''' "r'll "'('t'l\o•"'fh rur· llull 1~.,11 , 11., 1111,.1 l h•· lo•loll\· 1\11 \\'Ill" \\olllll" " 1 111 • 111 " 11 "'' 1 '" 1111 .I .Ill \o\",.lt"lt•r wllh llr M..t<th- tht> tnwt•rinj.: pnlt' of lhl' N nvy nl<ono• whwh wa_, t•ntrv or a Wtlleo-in I'M•h•lah•. lOIII•-th·· ,,.,,,, ''"" t•f tlllntho•r ""'' 1111•1 p lin•· I rip '" " ....... 1:, '"')'' ........... • b.,... I\ ~,,. I""'"" \dov "11"1"'' I....... 1..-h ,..,,, ~ ... ," A ..... ry will ... I .. .... ,. .. -J ~ I II I I •lay lui\~ I.,. fl.~ I•· k , •• lloiiiUI•·· . ~ fnrn '<l oloown h•'l<' \\llh m nlnr "''''"'~' 11f Ftnolhv unol th••~·· uf ,,,,,. 'll".•rt•·r l"'r•·••nt '" tht• '1nl••ro••t "1'' "1 1" '"~··I ~ '111 ''1t:u n•" t '• ·hoi ""1 '" 1 "' '""' 11"1>:" """1 " "''"'I' .,f ""'11.-r" In t1•n•ll" 1"''-,.. 'u ~ I 'I II fltr lulloll 11(1•1 "'''"''" "'''" •• 'I'· 0 mo I aze ... "-lrnutJh· !\1flndnv \\11111<1 m n kP tho• •olho-•r cnndrola((' ltro• O'XIlf'''"'' rnto• n "!'Nil 1\lllllll\1 AA\'11\" l oo U•· "'''.' lo:->nquo•t• .orv \1'1 ... • lt.-Ill'"'"'""' u ............. ...., •• ,. ~·•'"'" F11ttlol ,,('"I" tcn .. wblrtS., . •• .... ,... 1 11 ..... I' m tht~u • tu•~·· • hr t•·rutu,~t.-t \ " a JCOo)(l rnnllictn(e fur nny Sf'<"-to• rltllv lH tho·"""" ~huul <lllltn.-t lA'IJ"'Vf"M'. Moon-r ;-t:.l.'cnl<"l'll , ... •lt<JIIf-... w,· . ,.,. ... ·:-~ 10 t hr ''"'"''I ,.. .. l.o .. • II IOf' I .... , .. 1. I hill \"'I ,., ...... 1 ..... h llll th,. .... ,h ,,.,.. t)f lhr ltilllltandtnc relari&l-fl<ll!l fl'tl' a C'tl;._.,... ...... -~-..:ttll'llli~:Ji11li-nlri'lnr~< lh'rl' t•tda y "''"' · ''"' llw '"" ll·nc-o· '1 hM'lnJ: ,,,.. ~iA~· 1 " 1 '"'" 11"' 11 " 111 '' 1 ""'' " 11 Y 1"' r v••nl to:tr•.rfll 1•1 havr ""' &.,.. of ('llmmt'rl'c-\\'hen a.~kl'd "'''rt' rov-~h·NJ 1mm IIC'\'t•raJ rt'· Ml'll. Gr&<"f' I~< A Wf'll -«nown ro•\'111' lho• ·•u•lh•no•o· "''" t'fiiiO·I' ,.,, !~toll•··• ""'' I '"' ,. ""' ~Ill .. ·"''~"'" lhllll ,.,.., tu tnoh "'' MlriN Will be ron<"t>mln~ hi~ fnro-••d land· llablt• MrUr•""" t'unrr m tng 1108"• d ub leadl'r In thl' llart.·•r p t!!ln• t ]'.H..c-· 1\nlhon a nil M l"• :So•WflOrl by Jor" ~ '"1' •r 11 • ,., 1~'" "" " 111 I•· 1 11 ' "'I:'' '1 I Th•· 1'11'" f••l " """' ~ h Vh "''""''' ''"'''" by lh,. l'flmnll•'-Whk'lla Ink hy I\ r•·rnrtl'r. ht• ~:rlnnNI hllll\' of Mrs t;•a ('(' &.8 ll wnlt··•n III<'IU•Illl~ lh•· :St•Wp<>r1 ·~1\l'h .. : ..... ,jl'"ll11111r "''"''"'"' :•ntlll\ll n r lmtl'll ,.tmllal ... , ••• ~ n •. O'f•llH I: .... , 1"1 lh• , ..... 1"'14"1""11'"1 '11 " 11 •• ,, •• ,..,, ........ ~-'"""'' l 'lluiiiV \4ht•ll ............ ,~y ·~ ..... -J wtll &rul ol('('t~rl'<l. "wrll . we bad ca.ndldat l' fl)r «hool trustt'e. she and 18 &4'UV~ In thr N"wport !Utlll;t-ll "'11 jll•l.:r th•· appla•~ '11 Ulr ,....,"' .. u ... ,.,.,,.hlilnt" 11'''1 1'.:o•;oooooil •' "o "'11'1' 1'·'''''"1' ... ~ ,,,,.,,.,, '".I I • \\'Millin• 1oounlt~•r 11rouly """"" work•,.._ • mntnr troubl" anol havlnjt t o 1 could not ~ rt'~hf'>l.l for a llt.a!c-· Harbor Womrn'll AIIIIIWiatlnn h ll'.-Thi'Si' lur k} ,.-,un~ latlio•!' -..·ill '-1:0 b f' f' b • lh•oUt banlom.: 1"' '"1'"" •ll:·lll '"11"11" ""'1 1"'" ''"1"" t' II-• I Ilk•· "I' "1111 lh,. A_.•.,.latr•l ,.,..,..,111 plan,. 11\l'lud• awarcS- • K uq "<•nl I h i'-an ':\ 1n a h11: rtutdnnr p•ov....r U... If"" •tr.t l•u•1n,._.,. •lay th•• Hti&l" I•II'IUitf'r ""'' ltf'ht•f l'f't• IC 1 Iand. pH'k~>ol bl'autlful a n d znenl. ln ...__n t-ll"C'trd lrf'IUMJri'T of that 10 !'afll ~ """ '"-1 h•• f;~ll 1" "''I'"'' ov~ lhf' tw.lodav• "11" "' • ..., ... ,.,,, 111"111 "1 11' 1111-1" ,,.. 1 '''1'1 '11' 1111.: I 'loili11hrr" •>t I ''""'~, ..... ,. I In tru 1 ,.., •h(N for flnlt ll'ft wt. 8\lnshlny NI'WJ'flr1 Ha rbor u f'ellow bo&rtJ mrmbera w ho have gr-oup tnday V F W Shnw Ttw rr thf')' will U•e bnul< h halo npoonl'fl• ,.., IJooth I' ,, ... In""~ l .. 'fl••t Joon" :\•r1 N .:.itt i M•mN~n of t tl • "Ito..-"' t" ""r. wllh--lh~ •_~!•"lin• nt ....s..lll tbt". plat'(> tf'l do It'' B n y , lwrorkl!d -..ilh Findlay. whn •e l Election •C'OfTll)('ll' f(lr th(' 1Ith• or Ml• froat "thf' ... nolpJUit Hf ...... )ftJUIA tn•lu•l\•f' ...... ofiiii•R \f• .,,..,"'"~"\'ttlrr>lln•" A_,, .. , ........ wtft mrrt ~~\.he 2111\.•31111. .• it, aDd 119- what.a lin~ daUghter w a pu pil In the New · Polling will be <'onduct.ed at lhf' V F'.W • aad t-ub ~-I. ~r uu.J KQbtna c•hatrman o( ~ 1 0 ,. a 1 at tlw N•w1w1rt Harbor Y k r b t to lM f\111 .-.. ot 4NIIt:n. Ia Tlle Arc:Ma pointed out that he hu a!lly u-arJ eo.ta a.-GNmmW Bcbool. ~ 1Gt at Balboa lUI t.._ ,._ All ~ ..ce ~ · IIUI &tlroul1\ ttw rourt..-y nt C'om· a-.l"dttd ttt• ,_,. .t a. IIIIF -:-port Beach Grammar B e hool , N-pon Beac!l OI'UiliDU Sc'ftool l ' . I obaa eel I ~ C*JtmltW. r lub f•.r lull<!""'-un trnday, June ........... two ... ,_. .. lie ROO'\ IDUt)' folu know •ated tD _,-a~ t.tportant ~ Vuten in ua. ~tift pwueu .ult o1 • pt'Uik:Jn •to~f'd by Rea "Y.,_..lr wu 1~ fact tllloe.t ~ ~ '""" •cnaJ wm tw atvrn bo-·1 m•o~l·-<luthrt ... fnllt.wtna h.ta•·h patlon• nf the ooa~~~ltt,..., one !low lotmay Vltelte eame to -ua recorded by tk prHent ~ ~~ wtD U.O 9'0le for While ,Rrttv F.lllntt H ~IH-nnan 111h erU!arot~c_.~ ... uae bank t w,....u th~ h..:U"1"'rtn1 ""'1~ • 1 1'h m 1 thr vi~Wtuo will tJf' ~1r•t• or ttl• fnr lh• )'otlatr"l boJ.........., a114 I h I I h ......._ d • • · · · -.11t.1 ez}l•~~ ---•""" '"'"r on ""'' rll~rnt t u t "" ,.,.. . fl 1 .. , -.. r th caJ t e wrv c-r 11ta l on w let\ ...,.t . trn•~• nf the hlp IICtiOOI. Vaulf Whit~ Krlth r_,. P.m.ma v b ._ 1 I N•~ '"""' lfar It~ or .l'h .. mlll'r 1.t ( 'flm . n a., nr an .. fll\f' nor • ,_,. •• .,.. · dla . · · • t ,. -.. • ...-.d tou•n,... l'~w~lly ''''>' 1"'11••1 "" wl•·• h I 1,,,. •. , ... 1 Y 1 ..... 1 he opt"ratl!d for many yt>ant. ron y played an important Tile Ne...-port Beach poUt OJW'n Hu~ttl~ r,1111 R Tllmpllll 8 am 1 1 · "'""'" "" a c .. ur uf ,,.,.,,....th•n (Wf'T r•l ~tlrl ""tt>rlllll ano rtn-. n• tJM ''The Archu". a name now rolf' l.n thl' ~~ehl)()l'e acqulalt1on of at t a. m. and cl~ at 7 p m KlnllfRtiwr ttnh..r1 A Mu""h'' tb .. re'• ,...,,.,. fly nt thf' omlmrnr 1~'1.:"""'"1'" 1"' "'"m"n "''C~"" I N,.,..fH•rl lt•v T h" .-wlatl~ '"''" h 1 rta • · •,. · wtwtbf'r tl hf' IIH' wrstlbo•t 111 "'"'""' \ Ol<'llll•·~• fol•'"" 11 !"••It ILIIlii'ICiatrd w1th 111 r afr. Well, l 11 own lrlllUipo tlon 11y•t~m. n-- 1 'nt~ &t COIIt.a Mrsa open Ill 6 lllln A r.un•lrr.oonn. f111 ~rv (' flht~h-lrlu'ClOIU ..-. ,....,... thrtl ,,..,.,. lh• ~· ,,.,1,.. lloov 1'4 , 1111 ''"'' ""''""' 1 , It IM'f'mll that abo111t H yf'ars sulllng in the redur tlon or the> co.llt a. m IUltl clo!IC' at 7 fl. III. tc.w .. r an•l Or R•tr•h rl H oar•l IJ' 1 1 N · of t ... rtatl I I • 'r •••:d. "r .-urnrtbtn.«: "'t.:·•hllnh .. ru• 'A 1 t •• ,.,, .. ~. I• tl , .. ago, Johnny put ln the l!latinn. ru~o.po on a II ""~ a 11 A. H. Fttzpatr1<"k and WIIIU(I Thr • llv • l••rk ,..lUI nuthon 7 .. •1 '" 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 hc-ld a. cnniU t with l !'iO lUI l'nabllng all puplla dNJin llg t ranll·l B .• Yellotl ar• candida.tr11 (or ~· .uiVf'rtl,...-f<•r lllJ• on lh,. o if\'~ r• !••I '"""'" ott • y " ,,. '","",'"• avy I • . 9 y Old 8o fUll'~"'''''" ""'' ••-.:• ....... f••t . u" • the p rize fllr the bf'~t nnm .-. I (lllf1.11tiOn \.(\ rl'<;f' ve that wrvlt e. I elc<'UOO lo t.be b.IJI:b. 8Cbool board. l··~al publlrallo.«l.lll for lbe cnmuu: • ear-y I I T ... -~ 'l h-1•"-' a. •h·a . .:th·\l u tt·v•••• , "Thl' A"'hrs" wall a.moo~ thl' r\ll'tl'f' F. I. :'>loo or<' ~llol t•-tn.v Whllf' ,..rkiOK rl'•rlf'l'll•lfl Ill r n!'ltft f ~·at Vf'11I Is many naml'!l I!UjtJtP.rttl'oJ an II I Tlu WI' II known I'IIOlr at·l .. r ..... Mo•IC& ,., .. J ohn \o\'t-bllti'T 1\1111 C';l .. nn \'t•m.-r F. l lnU••n ,.,.,lu .... r ... t I• I"· Nearly Drowns 11 '"" "'''''"~ "'"", , .. 0 .. 1 1 1 " ... ,'"'' t wu ftO calll'ol hK RIIlll' nf lhl' ' play,.<! lln lm""''lnn l J•Rrt 1n ltlf' ,., '""' '" 1101111 '" 1 "' 1111 (\o ,.. '"''' ""' '" cou ,~-, ('~ ... unK'II ~· "r"r1"'' for thr ,.... In Channel "'" , ,._.,. .. , llll\ ·•·~""'''' •·1 ··n····.: many lll'('hN• compnslflg th,. ,----,II ru••tlnn nf n hulkhf'll•l :.Inn~~: ""' • Films Sea Mobilizati-On 8t.atlnn'.ll tu'('hll~tur£• 1' 1 .L. ,. 11'~· f(ool"''" 1"'1" 1 " 1 '" 11 I Ce B d $20 9 f <onl , •of r:ul ~tk whlt'h t .,...... A··IJ•IIIIIII 'AI l t\-•"l.n11111 ,.( 111~ Oh M •'. 1ty U get 3 93 ''''lltr .. yrol .. ''!1'''~lm••Jtf:" ·" "'''"~-11-•11 \\"•llmm z,,.,r~ !l. :onn r,, :-.:""''"''' ""'''"' ,.,.,., """ '"o ' '"'II'"""""'"''"" lll"htllr.Au.m ,,.,,.,,,.,IC ·""'I 1111 .. r wbl"~ wu I ~ W -""~.·I H 1 8rTV10IIII hrflr'ollor111n•!•r .-.t -1 1 f "' ~ Jt 11(~-m~ thlll Ill (lt•aring I \lr and t.tr... l':tul /'.lt.Jr ..... •Ill· n .......... l I o .. '"'""'' ..... r "''' .. "' , .... l lfiUIJ(f' C'•"lllly H<-a !>lo'lllll ...... , ...... loll""" ..... 'it" Nllvy .. ,. I · · / thc-l9l l Uun•l Ao·t Hntlrm ""1'1 Eoo•l 110th !'\tro·•l ,, ... 1\n..:•·l•-flo• Alll•'ri•Htt 1..-1(1"'' ''"rt"'"'''"" ~lolt•• ,., N""l"'" llllrl••r M"'"'' It "'''" Y<l(lf ll11• rv"'""""" ttf 1:\~· • t.u> tltl• tn tax l1ot11 stf !'ornna p· B v hr •·0\1Irl h•• y,•ollm,~t '" l•l1l ••n II•" 1 1 r 'I I II dr\ Mn r. a flrOC'f>AA !ll'f"\•l'r h •I i'l MrrtW\' ''"'RJ-"' ~"""' ''""''TI '" 1,.. 1 :·lol l•rroo,_;lot • ,,.,,. · " ••· o al l•ov· '""" ftt r '""' .. • ~tnelrllt' r:trl Marl""'~ ~rnt1or llooy Ho·uula fOUn!l lhl' OWJI(rll t1f !I ltlt n r eace a~t_ uena ·asta ~=2~II\OCOUft\ll -&Ut.honZA:-t.l p~~. 1111.; !'unday 10 llo••~\·f~l :S•~1••1'I '''"I";~.~ .. IIKI I,_t All,f'rltotll 1..-lo(l•oll ,lo\'o•_!!!.lln-JIItll "tl _h•lfl••h 11f ll1r 11111rl Jnt•rrollf'No uf !!!_r a•·no•ral 1•111~-------1 two Wl.'re oirt•f.'nlled, nr1l l h<'ir --"' n •'lllnPt IIIII '' •lrt.;f llo•t ttnv~'foonl I••Yil Jtllllr rinl( 1\f"Un•l Ill• walf'f'"j ll• In llo,. IUIIIl~llll( llrof> o.t 18 --rAp~MnfA>~~ l!Tmlfrfr 4 !1 ~\ma\" \hL..C•~ .IlL le£Jl -\\ lnt..-'thr 1'.1!~ "'"r'lfr<i fl ~t-o wn11 \1\f' fiU { lf>nl f'Vi'fy lii'tlvJTY tJioffiitf n a tnfritforllrt• l'f'(~ll vn· ..,,. " "'' (ll'f~N>rllnJtll llfl•l hllv" "'"'""r!l .,f 1 ,,,.,.,1 1 H , ... admlnJJttrRtor of l ht' <•!tlnl<' Th t lh• \llllnl:!'lo•r 1•·•~··1 I I• o..,,,. ,.f ,llo• olooy """" ••n •tullv plllol•"''' ''' fo:n;illlrool• J•urokt•ll ,. rl y c-ounr 1l ll)'>J'Ir<W••ol t ow ••t•-"lrowltoon.• ro•m,.,.,,,1 fonm Burna l hf' t•roorw•r1v r•ff"' 11'11 ''"'"""'' 1111f fl-"'01, r awl ftna ll\ l'lom~:•~l 111 ""'' 111.,,,., , otr~,.,,.,. 1 11 ~ Anyh11w, II o'h!'tlk tof r,.r.,r<l!l htuiJCrl fnr th•• f\~1'1\l yrar or 1941• \'1<111 lhlll h11ol lx-••n <'r~'<'t••ll by t'INII ru••l:o ''' r•tovl'r ,.,,., o.f 1,1., lwsul ., ''IN't•l•l: Y.Oio•l .. .,.~ '"'" ••·t•noo ontot "'11 ' " oy ' I 1-.ltol'llo\'II II(IWn l•'•"''' l~to ol lt ""'' City Attnmr\• Thnmr•nn lufd pr• l"'rl\ l'f\\ n••n: And '·~•r1 IUtllofl ,.,.,.o<lnR~< ,., Jl'"lcv.l I h,. ,. I I v lor t h•" t..-Ho h "'"'"'' '"' ""looloa'l 'I"' :-:,., v I ••Jor .. ,.r utHIIv••" ,,,,, """"' '""''" Itt•· ~ .... K-""ta ... Cit n--~ 1. ...t 4:.! !'l:u1m..: J ul\· l!tl wh1r h t m a lt>tl I tfo-,avlnt: r t•"' """" orn\mt.: 1 u u 1 f N 1 1 11 f . ..... e . Y ....,,., ast no,:., · rc--., • ·. . _ . , M ol ~n lntlornt <'d by I hr S1m""" 11\C"'tln:ol ''''" """ ~h .. ulol tho• I''" (,. 1,,.1 th•• , ,.111h lo;ul I•, 11 1 ok• n llo11• ,., • k· 11•1 .,., 1•· I h•· H~t ll•h tor 1 "' 1 :!II "''" ~· "'' ~ '''111 f'W 1 '"'"1°''1 "'' 1 " .. ,.,. ••.:•·•·•· fl "'" --w. ah.r• MV«~·af!.-414.,_. ~~ ~993_anu lit,} Allo r .t) 1'\!!-. llli""!('JOta, Cnum-tlmt:.D ex,-.-d j«:t. ""'-~ 09, •l. "''"'"-~fmhl Cllt .e,..,.. ~ t:o ...,_~,.,.u.,. • .,__ j~, ... ,~~.._w.,.,J&,~LL..l.J.A&ilai~la...AAI. U.C.e.D&C:. llu .. .:tui.JJl ..Aiw ,uU ..41.lu Jal,ll...IJ~ minl~trntor Rppnlntrrl !'tl I( lllll•l Thorup!'"" r•port~·l to the l h··m•··h •• ,. :o.• (IH'tlnno th .. rl'trn-hra rlnn • '.loo .• \ ,,,;. loo.lo•hl\1' Ill "''''" .... tlr.:-•· ,., ,.,,,.tin • .,, lAJrllnlt ..... lil'tJ r-rtt-llflllltl mtrt '" t1tft flny"' I'T'Itn'. "' ... """'' ,.( n .. hm•.nol .• -I I"• • the Mty II''" rlo•;rr lhP till··· C'OIIIll'll Pttrin•l.l\' hlc:'l, lhot " "'"" ,,( l:t\\1111 t rl'f'/1 llll<l nov.•f'n ltN·nmmrntltll lllll Wli.JO I(IV•·n In• ~k·lo .. l r<of•l ·n,.• \•81111''1"1 "''~ •••• .'oil S t· .. o :-., .... , •• ,, ~~"'" •II•"'''" Ill "'" nooolllh7otll•l'll, ···-·en••-' ..... '''""''Y t'h"""''' llntl f'Nlhlmg t h•' pn1r·•·r1y '",.. lnm<'~'ll r<'Jlfl' ··nlln ~: \\'a lt ~'r planlf•d loy rornper:h· OWfll'f'f\ th···r Pll\nnln~~; f'•·m~ll~lll•rn ""'' II . ,,.,, .. r •rof•·r '"'" ",, ,•o,•ll for I"" lfo• "'"!'' •II•~• Ml" lllhll "''""" '" .... ro v .; .. l tl•·r ""11'1'f'l "1'1"".'''"'1 llofli r ···-nl(r lll, V lll 11111<1,-11 rnn tul\·o• an 11/lmlllltt· ~mnnl' in 1\ r<·•rnt l••nfrrl'flto•. I' 10111'11' •·•·n•·r m l>l'lnf: tn mAin · 7JOning nr•llltl\roo .... •'ant:ool '" ''"' on<f Mr' Z otao .,. o "''''"I ''' I ''" "'•1'•1•'" w•u• v""' ''' '"''"'"'"hlp ftiUlJC•·r IOito'llll•lo•"" '""''" "l""l lh,.l.#tt••lo t.ral<rr ILJ.lptlllllo·J . t9e11 .sue to h1t•l >~t£rN•ol to ri'JIW\'al u ( anv t.aln A«~• lO .1.be water fM tbe fM"rmU th<' llfl"ookfn~ "' f14!1 "'' f••• hork Th•· n<'r1<1•n• ,.,....1n-1 t tnnlnt "'''" ..,.., '"'''"'.' .,.,. """" "" turHulntc f••lll whll h rr-vN<J 'l'h,. l'fl"t//ll>~ort lla.tntlr IW• Ml•••ut• qull'l till!' Th•· ••nlv o.:\1• h i.lf •·h~t rw ll .. n:< al"nl! Huo'ia \'l.•l~ I"W•n~flt 11( lll!'IIIIP prtl(l"rly 1own~r11 . hnlh !<lolr• ,,f 2Ht f> "tr.-..•1 ,,.,._..,., •. , :of 1~th ~tnot•l anol l .. a k•• ""'""' 1 .,1 1 •·l_, llo• ''"'""'~! ~''" ,~, "'1'" 1tr~ ,.,,;;;-.,,, h '''''""""tr"t'"" ,,f 111rlr thl~ l(·~tt.l Jll'l ot'"" <11~1 !1 Jlht~ut f'l\'d rtJ:hl 11f \\'\~-thl' C'lly ,j,.rm -Th•• 111\' rtltr•m rv rrrnm mf>nd••l (';nlr'll Jt tlll th· l'.:n ~fl•lll 1t n•l . ___ _../. ""'"'' 111 ••I•• l"or1nl•l•• l!r,.,••·br•ll $:0.1'1 """ th~ '~'" llro• \\oorlh ···I ""''"~~ary t h•· ... u r(ll t:okl' lli rp!' ... rorlohlhl thr ro•qurll1 •\( \lo·~ :'>l;onq ,l t · .. , I ~'...a ~... t l)_a·u. play ··~··a~an6J .. ~I·p l''''""' If""'" """ ~~~~ H rll•ltll about $~!'1 lloi<'t•\'M' '" ll ••••r '1111• 1 """' t1 autlooon?~'d tlw ..,-.. • .. p~t rlll tl .. ll o•f a n v bulkhe.tl •lrtl'f• In hu ll•l n n,.....,. cmnk,. h•'lo!U• •~ •Xf)U S ., •~ 0 loloolllo(hl I to •·I 1 IUnllllllllll't'',. "•I rl'f"r'l" t l•·ar. tlw pro • •·•'duro' "'"'·a l "' , o•rlllln l olr a nol hfl• k -ol,n.: llu• wltlrr frnr;l w iVJnut 11 Wlf.ll r,.f,.rrr •l '" I h" plonmow \ • "'"1'1"''' '""'"lol•· I 1r11 111•1 unit "a.~ a u lh .. l'i1•••1 (r•m t h" rlt.:hl ,,f W!l\' whorh 1t l'•lmll fr <•rn thr o11y \.\hll·h wou lfl llrtflr•l AI prPIOrnt 1\11 l'tn ••k •· "' v.ollo whlolo I h"Y •I••IOI•mltl ,.llt••d -:-~d~·f'tll•'d •l tnc • ''",.. ''• ·,\.~l··stl\l!• .. 1•'•\•~n· •t••· ••·n~-' tlf th•n ,,, :J h•u.M••• nr,. '''"'~·nf••HlH~I..· .,-. •. .._ ,,.,,, p r••t-'''"" :~•·n :~···••'" ~,.,,_ Only The Few and 1n~t ,.,11 1•·d ~-1,,. t :nt.:•n·~,.1 p ,t1 · , 1t ~· t ~ ••f t \'J"·"' •If v.all ... a nti h•:rrt·u a~,.: ,.., p . ·•• , •. -. ,. I•·J td ft4"'•" t t "'" ttn· r"II'"K T n•• fn qt .. n tl\ .. fh, .. hurd•n •,, ,,. ,, t·,..k• , '-'II''' ..t l tl d·· f•'fl'.l·~ ai••U&! th•· t.u1kh.-act hn•• •·r 8J!'tt nn IAfnv•·~t · t r••·1 ""'•• t·lf ,,,,,,,~ '""'f'''' ~-4r t H••Htf 11t1U tof nn~· \\••rt h\ prt>jo••l fall· l•lllolloo• \\h,ll ' ooh!ll rllol ll•ll!' a r •-'·"'" II·• "' s,v.Hr•l••of I•· -"'" ,\ t;arfool•l All .,r llo•""' o•ll\'lllr t \.\lol•h 1 .. llp<on l hr •h"u'•1•'1!'1 "' a '''"" •!:tnC:"'""'" n nd 11111~11,1 IH• mQvf'ol Tho o n11no 11 ''''""I 1.NI c · o t ,. •m• •• xh•-'"'" '"'""' •I lh• I"'"',. ••n 1 Y• tol"tl 11 loll'.!• r~touooloo o •,t •of •·ffl A n••w 'Ill"'' oor H••ol ('r••~s l•fnl• !1'1\' f•lr_l.lo•r r...-1oo··~t,. aro· l·"·,:lft•·•r l '[o lt•·r~··' ''' •·n ••l a Ill'' ••1•1 l<lrtll lur,. f•n u•rl\ I•• of • '''"'\ Ho ll•o oo •l oo111 fto•l•l • oll•li · 1Atnrk t~ in tllt' ut fiOJ! h U•t ~!r~ rr•:ur; I I ., .. r ~u:n , .. ''''fll tlnt ,.,. put.Jt• ,.,, :td Ui l't•n' ,,, ''"' ~''"'h f 'tt:t >'1 ,,,,,.,. V.t•f • ·····rol···t •·v t lw ="'•'-''Y ll~trrr \\"··~·ll ·~ '(··1'111111: •h'll· -n ..... P.IItly "'" ""''"'''' M'll ... , .... "'' ....... IIW ·f~l ..... \ lh• ........ ~.frn·· \'•-ll·f>UIIV ,,,,.,,,~ l'k 1'1"; !!ooo ott•l ~lrt_l••ot pt~rat •'ly t u ohtaau th.• 1 •'tt'~ ~·r~ numb,·• oof \\ool k•··~ (111 t hf' J"lo 1\oumc p.\!11 ol""' '"· n ft•\\' Uadw r \\ ""·''" C• ah7 lnJ.: thr ,.,1.11 1wo·d (11r car- nl•'nl~ a n1nn~ thf't • 1t 11•'P~ ••f h"mh IUlol ·.h ,·l l •"'''''"''I fo:ln·np••an \ ... 1 It•'( '' ~ ,.,. J:h ••n nf th .. lr tlmr :Sm• lln l th·· vum- mt"r b: h•·r .... '' ,..._ ,., ,.,, n ''ff' oli((orun lo !\t'<ITI 1" '!Jrtprr~ <:nrrn~'nl • :<oort"•··ol lo ,. \ h • ····~f~ ~--In"'\' -trn-r h<'f'l1 lhoq<' "hi• lo "'' nl '" 1\ g ll•ll l' fl( rhllo!L~II "hn••· Ofllllr· IPrll .,. rr•· lt••l'i1 uyrtl "'J-I'oml"' r<>r r nll\' A lilt lo-llmr hy a l11r1:" nurr.hrt· to (\\ nrrto•n \\'0\lllol du t hr woork C Iiiii 1 h•• f·•w hn.,,,. .t .. n•• hy .!lc••"'ndtntz I· n.: hour~ ..:,.,, '"t.! \\' •m~"n • ''"" t.nr t ~I n• ,\\'o•li 11 tf \'till o•nn flt>t•ntf' a (II\' ... r f'\ o•l\ an h•ootr or I1A'n " "I'<' I< 1 , mr•·t I hi.!' vitAl ""'"' ~f•1m1nJ: l ,l.,r~o l'r•':'lk(a•· m I' t \\"~•1'11'-"•IA\' moo· 'lin~ }lrll U•ll S m it h ·••="'••wj•n!! I f11T" R "fflffif' First Period In Big ·Drive Close·s Sdt. ltemains To He · I )e!'4ire Most From Don<> Their I ( \\' orkers EffoFtH ------ -----~-AllowanN' On Sc-·hM1Uif' nf. Cr.-c11t<o Tn lifo· R....-lurf'd , Aftf"r Saturda~-Sl~ht t \):;1 \••u 111 •l•·tlr411H HI tt 1 ••• rt.b· 1 tmpnrtunc •• fJtn n••t .,.. ntt .. ,, L•"! ,,. l••n.: '"!'n '!'''••• f1J ·1•trn"' Hiahc.t Cce.d1U.. NOW-~ lo·:~n::O.II IFI : ft\ 'h.. ~>•rl'• • • H·d•t I" rl •I •J thr , •m t•n.ts:u t ntl~ -H 11 :--:at •artl f\. n•whl Yn.•l , ti t1 f•l ': • \'lJurs• It .. u :. l"~ILII .nn lu • \lo u t lo•• C4h0 11/1 R\ ttooo l 1n1•h 1:. I 11H' (":tnclioatl'' In tlatf' :lff' 'f'fJ' /']1)<:4'1:-: g r o urlf'fl. An~· \'l oll l ullv roo~<lo7t .. lhl' •m...,.""'""""'"""'" __ _ 1 r .-.nrlid:-tlf' in fh(' Ji.;f t•a n ,,., hich ' II\' I hi' C~ll"'' r;r ~~(' fin,\ jt,.. 110 " Ill llfiOol \\'1l h 'P• ol,'• . 1: n~ ........ ro~ t f,py .. r .. "' ·th .. r ... . "I 11'1'iorl" Salp rd a ,\· ntl.!hl \\'hn w ill tt IW'" ~ & •·nl t u ro•' 1U~V , 11o\11ol:ll 18.11 IN 1 t1t r" 111: no v~•" '" f ~ur• 'A hnt , ll'h "' t h •· h "t wh••n t , t!•.,-.r• "'ll:ht h n ·r h 'l'f"'n••t1 nfl~l II ,_. '"'It oriunl '""" \ .. f••r" lt1" "'"' ,,f ''" "''' I'"'Kn ••flo•" rt II ~rtl · • ,. ':o t,. Th,. 11rrr tn rln vn11r ID!r !Vlu'r YOU -won't won $~1111 111,1."· '"n•t:ht \\·h•l "'" .,111 ,1,1 ~ ll:'lrlnl' 1• -:--;1 1\\: .,,.r .. ro· ,.., .. o .,, •. tn thtP / ~mrnl~:n h ,. ,.,. ••I· r/. •( t lo• hii?L'I'III •ro•tlll p•n••f !-'a t :-.•Hhrt '.\1CI ,.,, .. Win In lhl''slt-1 · •~r•l·.-Flol 't: •Ill\'• r"m ""' f••• ~ l t\ nu.:ht Th .. ha~ \4·l"f'"k Ull on d t\ pf u, •. f rtmfl"1~n ,.,,,.,~ vrnJ 0 1• I Hn•t •lrt1•lll l!• fl'h••'A t h ,_ fJ1f't'1• '\;o·xr' \t'f•Pk II v.lll ,,., •• llllnlt oo( t h\' 1-.:1\'1' hlol I hi' frotrn•l•' ..... t)t:f•or•· ... II IIo 'llwro. "1·'' 1(••1 '•Ill!' r .. ~.\1 "!Jt,tlf ~·1'\'f'r ··~JfiU nft.-r :::J'lfll r Thl• u-th" flr!lt '"'" "' 1h~ ""m ,,.,\' f-'f Jt 'H n.ltrl'dl~ r-•n til' ':"· nch1 ,,.IJ ,.;.,, ~"' th•· hrt"f't f"'"'\Jitn ff ,.,.u Arr R''•ln~ t fl hr :t f•·f ,, .. ,,,,~ 1'• "h'"•"'' t ht) rn ,t't• ,,f th,. l)r.£ rrN!Il~ 10 t hl~ ·'\-\",.,.klv ff1r>•l 'll•on••r" •lln•lltl~l" yo u r '.\llh n t h•·m """ I"'' t ho;tr .. ,,.., l'll\"rnll'' ~tHbJI• nrtlnn P rh•f' • .olr,.•l(th "'II ch....._. ur th w .. ,..,.!( 1•'11 ' In th<' lr·td And IOOJr '""" If &rf' nrol th~n .,.-...~npflton.o "'111 •It> 11 """'' Z 11 h •' I ur•l •\· n1~hl ,.,,.,. r sntlillllll' rt ts :-;o w timfl ff)r yl'l\l tn •tut!y ynur vl)l(e '"h Mule an" ~ ti\Jn! r:t"" r>f I hill ltm r1 en•t ell r nn. • . !"....,..,. ~ lk• ~h +••n , ,,.,.,., t• will ,,.ah1.e th! val~ nr ~-•• "-' ..... , ,_t~ fer ,.,..,..,.11& .,.-tt~:rr" frurn d~•~NI •hll"'· pttrt "' ht~h cr~dtUt n,.,,.. l ,_,.....,. U. Na.-y ._.... u. ,.._ ,._., -.wu..au... at s .. WJIOrt tlarbttr M•mm1a.l Albn Jrht pnrtllrr" to lhlll thai \'nor ,.,.,..,. '" hut If y.,u ar r ll'lllf' )'OU will pile ' .,irt• Uoat Nune flam ages ( :ahin; Injured ..... k·· ... ,, .. 1 ... Ill) l'l't"' tfi)Ut V. 1 •'I "'' t t•ft t • • ttr•¥•• ~~>lltJ·· .. 11..-fl:trlll • "'''"' ,.,tin..:ul•h•••l "" '\;. Wf-•!1 H"tO•'h (lto•lltt•n "''"IC 4, t h•• tl•·pur 'tlt•·rtt ·.., ''''Httl t''t r In ..., . • tutt L'P ••' t 't-ttti H IU t ';1rl \Yiln(f .. ~ 111 "'" •• I 11111111~''' '" t to•• 1-:vn l >f'lJ ;.; "•• •' ,,.,..,,, •I ''' "'""'' ''~' Tht• ~! 111111 "'"'-·""toat tm·ll, • ~ 1 olio• otoi ~lo ool I h,ot Fdt•nll liM lol' '"" l'"'"l•••lllo•n" "'"I'' 11homtd fnr lo ft,llllo~' I I IJI llllll I hi' f'l\m(l ,.,0 \'f• \.\h loo , ... I :hiPrt ... Olllk.-• ~ • rnff,... ~n-o·•""" '''"'""' bf.tn~: lgn1t· '"' In th" 111 '1('"'" · Mr11 f:rflrlft" r nnklln anl1 ,_._ Ulllan Untt .. l\})f'rttrr 'n)oyecl a I vllr.AUon at t.AJte Elrdnore. . . ·. •• Ni.WPORT BALBOA NEWS.~. WHY YOU SHOULD SUBScRIBE TO ~ THE IEWS~TiritES , lOW . . ,-Because· y-ou -.wa_n_t_t_o ___ k-ee-p-----..an--..-ormed -~.as io wlia{ your lriends and neighMrs ~are doing. · ~Because this. pape~ ivesg you the most complete news and feature service or- £ your communaty. !, of • 3_:_8ecause you can save money by keeping posted on the ba~ain offerings · merchants, as advertised in its ·columns. Save tiresome, discou~ng trips to town. 4......._Because . the classified advertising, section of this paper is valuable, both to the advertiser and the reader-in that the information in the classified columns saves much time and work. . . r--------·-- 5-Because The News-Times is a sizeable payroll in the Harbor local -industry emp oymg oca people w 0 spebd-a--:- area every week. Support your community paper and you help yourself. . 6-Betause The News-Times is the only newspaper in the Harbor twice-a-week newspaper. ~ area of(ering a Because by subscribing now you can help your favorite candidate win ,ward. But to help your candidate '; win ~ou must subscribe or renew. scription during the campaign. SUBSCRIBE NOW .. a big cash your sub- • $2.50 -FOR- NEWPORT _ J\ BALBOA NEWS~ TIMES. $2.50 PER YEAR MERIT CHECK 10. 1_ ~~Pir~~wT THIRil \\lN~t:R 111 adl11t!On to rt<gutn "\\'t•f'k ty PayroH" Cbllclrt•. Third · pnstt I on •Ot'kt'r •·Ill n-f'~ll'f' a hnntll! ('hN'k' -~ WEEKLY BONUS AWARDS COUNT BIG Ofl' l'ntur•t11y Jllj:ht 11 ho,~: !.1(1);1-:Y HP~1 '!' BALL\ l'r "o11 1•• '-" , • ., ''·"II I'·'' lh opar.t It "'"" tin l llf• wo•rk f!,.· <' 11 th tl I .• i~ollol,l!o• f• r lht' WO'f'k fl('('l)rdm,_: In I ho~ f,.llom lllj.: 1!1 ho d.Uli' $:!~ 1\{1 rl'ptorl t•d fell' llw wo o•k $~oH IJil rt'p••rlo•ol fnr 11w \\ t • k $o:! 00 r• porto J f••l thl' \\ ,., k . $ \()(1 Oil ro l'"rl t'!l fo tr th<' wo•o•k 1:o11 1~1\i l ,.t.·~ :t:oll (~~I \ 101o•!l ool(l tiiNI \Ill. !I 1 ()flO 1\110 1 10tl'~ THE SECONO AND THIRD PERIODS sz:, no rq~'tt o•d fo•r t ho• "'''' k J:•<' 0\l ro r••rt ,.,, ~··r 1 h•• \\ l'l'k f.i:,()U n·p<~rt4'd fnr thr '""k $1(10,()0 fl'l"" t u! foH ! ho• "1 t'k $1:-.(1 00 rrpllrtt•J fo•r tbr W•l'k EXTRA CASH ti'IHI<I() \'(Itt~ ~;.~ ........ \tJt4.S 4•••• nun '••I• ~ t.;••I111H\• \ ~ •t• !II I 1'1\)IIJ)(I() I'Oto 8 BO.NUSES ·T·w~ldy Payro11·f7 ·.h~~k~y~~ t'Ol'RTII \\'I~~EU In 1\ohht "11 '" rc-j:utnr "\\'rt>kly 1'111'1 t•ll , I 11••• k•. 1-o•urHl !'('lllt111n w .. l·krr wt!l ro·t •'I o· 11 l•••(lll!l l'hl'o'k .... ,... WISSER In 11•1·1•1•• n tn n ::ulnr "WHkly I''•YI•: ~'~" • k• F1:th poeltloo \\t•tk,•t \\ d I t I I'.(' R r~\'U8 ChK k PER YEAR MERIT· CHECK NO.2 All l 'ndfor Fifth l'nsition In A•t.l linn to '"J:'lllnr "\\'f't"kly PR\'roll" ("hN kl' :dl 11 o•tkrr:o uno!f'r F'1fth I'•·~Hinn 11 HI rf'• • 11 ,. 11 hunu~ .:__ _____ _._..._A~---90r.rc~L..CX-JUI~~.DeJt....JII.Ul'--l---il-.t.Jl.--l.;;t.-.jJCJ;U!.I~l.--uL...Jl;LL-~..JlAI:L-.&Ullo------I--Ul-JL...:-, P• I " II I • •( 1141! -vr -Mr ~'k ot...JO p<'t=Jlf.. c•f -hu-uLhcr..-•--:-~·-~ Free Credit ~oupon GOOD FOR 100 nn.:t: ('Rt:mTS .., 1te CIDif ~ ...-ft0111 dot-of tt\la l.aue' ... i ................. ···-········ ••..•••••.•• 0 ••••••• ...,._ ........................................ . _,_ I tllh ,~..,~ Entry Coupo., GOOD FOR 50~0 FREE f~EDns -·"p..... . . ~~-. ~ .. "· ...... -~~~ .......... : ... : ..... _.,, .......... ; ;~ .. ~:-:·~ .... · .lt!dr..., ••••••••••••••••••• 0 ...................... 0 ~- '!!Ull~f'riJtl 1nn f'o•l!r r l h'lll' . . Opportunity Coupon hod for 100,000 UTitA Premium Credlta ..................... ilf -......y~--~ \ .... . .......................... ·.· ................. ·.• .Ad~ ••••••••••.••••••••.• , •••••••••••••••••••• . Thl~ ,.,,,jl'"'" •111 'rnnnl for Jflll o1o'l!1 t·~~· 'um •'r••·ll!• whrn ,...tllrll••tl ''""' tl•" '"\\ ····~h ~~~ .... 'I..' I•·, ''ri'H••nr. ft'f~thrT 'a lth fh lfO nr«f •ut ""• f pth•n .'tIt • ' t ft U"'\'" >.r t•'nP\\ftl. ~ltTa u.,. ~ ., •n"'tt tnn t ',r.l • .. ••• , •• ,.-. c:t&t• a r Y ackt.smen Win Log Cruise T b .. i~ J&m,_ C'ralg trophy. wu ~('Ond and third wu Dr. the nlost \'ILluabl~ a,.·a rd for which l E.. H. Rt>iUt'n. commodore of the. may OUDJ)ete. "'.!!, Baloot_ Vacht C I u b with b le 1 won '"'f'r th«' holidays 'by Mark A. Lucille 11 . . 1 Plerrt' of Lne Angt•les with h a Claaa 'h J1vla on oo the tint 70-fuot c-rul!l'r. Anne C. ln a ' leg waa •·on by tbe Ellcba.Dter I, preJI• t t'd log c.rullt(' to Coronado .• , o•·nl!'d by Glt>nn Coracm of Ne•· th fi{llt ~-the-CraJ~t tmpb~com.-port.Ji&l'bor, p«Jllon baa bet>n beiQ on the On t)le run back from Coronado J'adfk CO&J!t I to Ioong ne.ch, Don All18oa. wbo Thf' Annt< C 18 re~Jy a Ne111o'J)Ort 1 onJht> bui• Of tlt. rKbrd' Nt lD Harbor boat, having ~n con· Lhf' <Jov.-nward run W.. tbe fa vorite •tructed a numbe.r o( yeara ago to wiD. bad the mietortune to nm by tht' promiDent ptooHr boat out of fuel a mJ'Ie and a ball bulldu, Tocn Broadway. ~ from the ftnl•b Unt'. The Mvenlt't'n c rulaen which · Dr. Rel..uen'• boat, enroute to tllmed out• for lbe pN'dlcted log Corooado, liroli'e an oll UDe .. Rb- event lt<n Neoa·p(,rt Harbor. ~ J>&l ... were m~ at -wttb lbe ,. to Coronado, wbere they laJd ov~ Lucille II beift« oQt ot tbe race for a daJ. tben returned to f lnl.lh tht' II miDutea. Hollt. Sti&Jt .tood by' ..9l! the J..onc Beacb Plt<r on to make eun the I.AaeOe D ..auld Sunday. 'nle 45-foot SeUinr; A.o. ole (0 ret '\II'SlW~y 'llllilt-;--- ci&Uon .,.,_te left Newport Har-•utflclent oil,,.... lranaferrecl to bor, ott BaJbo& Pier. ~ the dlaabAI!'d cran from tbe Dr--. night. with tht' et.art betnr; • g -owned by Dr. Howard Baker, to nailed by bomt. fired from t.ht< t<nable Commodore Re!Mm to coa. bNcll. Unue tbe 70 mila to ~- Overall wtnDer ln tbe C1&u A While at Coronado, lbe yacht.- dlvt.lop fOf" both ~ r u n t o mea Wft"e feted at H o t e I del ·:-~~·or•>ruldn and beck to Lpnff Beach COI"'Ol&do .. hudquartera for tbe waa FT&Dk Rupo~rt'e R"eler .of COronado Yacht Club;' • N-·port Harbor w ith a perctllt-K~r'lt Hitchcock. wbo w&. aboerd • &«t' of ert"'f' of only 3.63 J)f'rcent .. J: L. lt.fwmon'• S'nchanter n . •bkh Ht. mark wu tM>Uer than that l ~~erved u commltt.H boat fOf" t&e ot the CraJr; Trophy winner, but el't'nl. revf'31td that King ~ h .. boat is not ot tht> ('taaa whkb : man. Mnlor V'C't' pre.ldmt ot Ute qu&llfiea fOf" the Cnftg competl-Amel'lciUl Pnwr r Boat A.Aociatloa. • t ion. whk-ll Ia fOf" bcM!t!t 39 fH"t !while ln the F.ut. rontuted J._ Of" lo)nJ:t<r. 1 Craig and obtained hl.a CODaent I 1•1en-e·• Anne C'. howevt<r, wa• to lll&J:t' tht< trophy ract< on tbe I ~~erond m tht> overall wlnnt•r:' IIIith I Wt>l!t c-~mst, Alnt·~ intt<rf'~t on the uz:ur of i.,!!!_ pe.!!!_nl. "'hllr Atlantir ~abuanl hsd waned du. Hottl11 St ... lt'a Alief' C wu UUrd to t:JW rlJ:Ofl! or tfiF e~nt C"'aJr ' with an l'rrnr of 6 !'Wl pt>rrc-nt wa"' rlt<IIJ:htrd with t hf' tumout ot Ovt>rnll wmne ... In tift> <'tass n 17 lJoulJ! for Ult< t>vrnt, H ilchcocll t11v mon.wu Charlt<a Cooner'! N.or rt>jl<•rtl'li • ..J. <:-nn Parttdpat·n~: in thf' <'ntlllf' and Don A11l!10n won lh<' flr11t lcg of ft>l'lil'lllts at C'ornnado wt>re Com- tht" (nJil!P, from N~·pn·rt Ua rhor m od•orf' anol !tlr11 J .tmcl! V. Guthrie 1u ('(Jronadf'l' m ClMI! A With his· tof th.-N f'\0 r<•rt Uarbor Ya c ht fl., Aloha. turnlnJ: Jn IU1 pu•r11t>nt Club, Mr anti M:!l .Msrk tle&ly · prrfurmauce. F rank Rupt'rt. whoM and ltlr. and Mrs 8<\b Boyd ..of homt 'l'(>rt 111 VIlla Manna. here. tbe llalboa Yacht C lub. M , I d !Lad Narrowly esa a y Escapes Death . I K·ll d !From Propeller s I e i Pe~~rt~\.::~~:~:·· ~~~~nd~f nZ:. Hol •d . 1 rowly f'l<'llpt><l ,,,.,,., QJ: fa r Qlore On I ay '10(' lnua lnjuril'l! than ,h" recelvt'd whrn ht> ft'll overboord from r t a yacht ar.rl was slru('k hy the , whirlln~ b I a d f' • o f the boat:• A Coronn '• jury Monday af. propeller hut Tbur8day. • l trmoon brour;bt In a wrdkt of T erwllllgt<r wu w•rk'ng aboard ( • 1>m~hlt< t o pta.t'f' thr bhmf' upon the cabin crull!f'r. "<Am" owned I rithrr d rh•t>r from the f'VIdt>oce by G. F. Mo·eland. 210 South l!luh~ ltiPd" rt~antlng thP traffl<' Bay Frutlt. BAlboa Isla nd, wht'n •• • •drnt n••ar H unhnj!'ton IJt.ach h .. lnppiPJ ovPrboard 1\J! thf' c raft ('1\ ly F'rlolay mornln~: whlf'h rc· C'<>W!l t'<l tnto Ill! moorln~t ""'l r•l In thl' olt•ath M Mra Maxlrrl' Tht> YOI!f'li: m11n, llttf'ndf'd by .lao k><nn Yf'ar~an, 26. nf 11162 ll:ew. Or. Halph D H oard. r e<:t<lved a 1 "II Ol1·ot . C'11~ta fotf'AA lact>ralloD OVt'r the tl'ft eyt< and • Th,.. mqurlll was ho·ld Bl 3 p. ql. lluffrn·d a rut lt>nd"" In t he lttUe •n tht• Hamt\1 K r.rnut>t C"hafl"l finl!1'r ur one hllnlf. -~.-...._~ '' flh !lf"\'Pn tla rhc•r l>l!!lrk't m<'n • "fl'l'"" n~ I h,. JUry Navy Plane In Forced Landing . --~ T ho• t•nllt!loun '" 1 lorrtol Il l C'rr Til "ll nh-ol ~>not l"tnntnn Rc>ad at TaH>C"I t ftl'<' mill'S \\'rst of Hunt. IIIJ:t"n Rl'nl'h. Sial<' tll~<:hwav of· f•t •• " '""'' Thl' tlf'f'f'l\...,.11 ":Ill• II Thl' plnui:hrft ftrlot n r t ht> Irv ine ('1\0 1'1"1\J,!I'r In a -rar otrh:;n h\' J; ... r RJtth•·h on t-r ... Np d.b sl<,lc or C03Jit L:l.uL .... J .Ptw...J::!rtrl'nr;;-"· «'llrJ:311, ttt,::'tno.'1'1~·. ryf'n!!\tf-tM Hft+twm 11'1-~ • • 1r:r..! ~"""orr tl~<· niifi ill:d lloud..=a-)t ~~O.dd.-­ ''""' """ h ' .. IIJol"ol wolh n trurk ""' F:nl'o J.."Tl I' F. tlolmnn 'nn•l his '• '' n I 1· 1':or•"n ll• m:lnoi••T l'!lm· "1\•:o•n.·o r \\' ll Bnmr.o 'thnu~:ht It f'"q :I I .,( lh•• S 1nln Ana R;1111 hn " w..to "m•· ltal'f'D who·n thl'lr t...-~ , .. ,,..r..., ,. .. ,,. l'ill•l to h:n·r rl'· I''"'" fot hlrr I' 111 n,. <lf'\'f'lnpt>d (u"<·ol '" l•••t lf\' at 1111· '"'l"''"t nnd "'"'"r tr .. ublf' "hoi ,. monuc~·erlng ~otwt mm_.....~t:l•w a;v •-+fte•w•..P~~ UJ.A.!J>u.t. ..,..,......~~oL:..----1 \\ ho Tn1:;:"~tjj: •1•:) fho• • r<11<h wr , ff'l"ftNoft " '•· I too trw ~land Thr • •·r"''"t~~ Jttrv • nmprt~~·l I:• 1 T utand. fooro m.on .tan <!I () '11 li m o ~ I. H l•auchl'nh'llll:h l:ll\ l'.o !l II I. lll·oolol\' 1;, ... 11:•' 111111 :tn•l .l•w ~rtlhn~: !'":'"r' 1' ··~ ft•r 1h•· Af • 1tl• nt , u tam W•r• h••lil "' l llf' l:r •IJ••I ('hn1 ... 1 ;.··n·'al':: I'm . "'n' H•1 A !' llan.l nf ~··"port n l'nrh nffl( ia1- 111C ·M lll''o ";o,q It\' l':llol••ll l.ltovol \\' h n san~ two . '('I,. I' 1 j "n ·~. 'll"f'"Tl'J'1011'<1 ~· thP r lann bv Mrs . ( 'lll'(•·r ln l•·rm••nt "Ill! m · Fair · ( hll\'1'11 f'r i1)Milh· l'•lll1o•::ro 1~ f,.r lh,. l'lf'r\'jr~ wrre Ell' 'l_ y,.:lr~nn. f'hffn•ol Yt>ar~:l\b. Al'•·m YrA rj:an \\'all'lo •• y ,..ArJ(IUl, n n ·nt U r.ytl nrcl l·l'lr,ttl M11orr. Th<· "''' r:1:o• •I lf'l\1'1'11 hrr hu!l· h onol. IWo) rh1tt1r!'n. ·("1rnl ant1 l.,e-. t·ory . nnol h••r mothrr. Mrs. Roy l.:wl' uf Bay ~hnrr Camp. Danger of Halting Sewer Jeb If Owners Do Not Pay Share · t 'pnn rro nm~~nd111 inn nf Col\· Th,. t'lt y hnd I'X('I'I't;vl to l'IUpply F.n'~: n<'f'r .,R l'.. P a ttrr:onn 11'1',. ahnut J 12JI()(I In thr proj<'«'t . Jt • ••11nr1t ~fondny n12ht l'ntPol .rtn f woH hi' rol'<'f'JII'Itrv to rail'<' R""lb4 r noll y prnJ14'rly c>"-nrr11 who 1'111'1' $:lO(l{J · ·-~ -icr o•ol tn ooonlril'llltl' tnwRrd thl' r .. n!llrurt nn ,.f th,. :-.; r w p n r t Va tlr nuon AAid that thco llf'Wer lfl'o~>:h!~ lorwcr prl'jl'fl hdn~o: rnr· mnln hill' I>M-Q tn!ltnll!'l1 In llf'('· n;:.,j-;~11 un•fn thr \\'t'A. 01at un-1 "'~ wh1'n-thr Jrrr,tn•t num~ tl'~l' lhr\' J'IAI' lhl'lf l'h:IT'f' nf thl' o•f J'rfll"'rty' I•WnrrR h&\'1' f'aJd r'f l'll. work mn~-hal'~ to bf' ha:t .•th ... r l'hi\M'. • . ( , 11 Thr r':l'"'l'l of F'rnnk A Ht'ltPn. Pattl'r!'nn l~fnml<'•t lh<' o ""'"' ot I hal 11( ~rmtR ~lnmra n"-nf.'r of th~ ~~··~~~------~ t:-.111 nt n~: 1'1\A.ot ltoJ.:hwn\' a nol ll'maon fnr n lnn~rr )'f'nn,t at ~>h•111: hlndqo 11. 12. 13 anol J.l ,j! t he l<JUnty <IV( k In rn~~l)l<• It t CI ~1'"1 r• l tk1,:hl!1 I\ "'ntnl uf S0 M <I 1.. ri!:C"'I ht•·o• 1111!1 rl'frrrcd t() 0\''1!' !"llhl' nJlr.l t n h ~· pr.•ptorl \' thr IIJrhnr ~11\l'to·r \OJt !'l lht< rr- '"" n••1 ~ O nly Jt>.f>!'ol' 4o hn~ h<'rn 'l''"~'l I hat hr ·~""k to 11hta1n\ tho !o~o I' l'<'ol h\' lho• <'II\' lro•1•11rt•r I'Ollnl\''11 ptori'T\!.f.'l0fl fnr thl' Ul!4' of h A\IOJ,: ~~ 1(\(1 1'1111 ollll' I I' l'a •I tho• ,f,<k Fresh Daily· ---PdiriUUSo St!a l-'oods_ 1 Or romplt'tt' C'QUipm<'nt ' w h1 n Y''" "11nt to cntch ynur nwn. .I • '~· NEWPoRT BALBOA NEWS-TIMES. Newport Bead\, Cnlifomin, 'l'llfo:SilAY . JUNE 3, 19-tl. -pickens Drills 1941 H. S. Gridders Fine. tnr::!ct ~nrc!':;s~:8 Ey~nt I f lE 0. ·A 0 ;V 'E R TIS I N G I II··~· fNn~·s nf N~~~'rt II~· h"•~· ~~~~•••··~ \t ,tq~ns ~=·,~k~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---~ t-1\T l 'll<tnM 'A'tll IHo Wj•ll rcpre-l tltH"" I"''' I"""''" IUtol n~y !'<·nlo•ol m thf' OnlnJo:~ \ ·,.unl~• Fair 1 ott • •' "111 '"' o•n h •r•·ol 1 '""' t '' Five ls.tO Lettermen Return; Many New ln DE TABLE F~ In Harbor High Grid Varsity Squ~ As Athletes Train For Football Season w • JUN£ I' Il l SA11t& AnA. btolnJo: ~L"~ted \'•, Voo.l llo•\\1 lid ,., ~~lll:t , rtllol tf11r!i<• ~h1>w Jllllf' ti, 7 anll l &Ill • 1'••111 I \ 4 2,11 10 :u ~: 1!t 11 :!17 "'"'' r th•· uu•pl•'•'" vt t h1• nnut~~ A 11 1 11 , 11 ., .:1• ,.( 11.,, , 1tr 111, "'"1 • l"hOIW It ur IS REIT -BUY--.SELL .... ae,_._. -., I Th ... Having drilled hQPclUI candidat;;s'"lor ffip 1~l>lT"Nr\~., ' Harbor Union Hi~'h School football mal'hine four dhys last F 6 'week. Coach WendPII Pi<'ke~ n>markf'd Monday that ht> was ss 7 greatly 'impressed \\'itti the splrit -and •Wtnln~ to wor~ l ~..the .squad of 27 boys wh,ich have thus far Su fl turned out. 1be aplrlt of cooperatiOQ COIJI· 3.~ 0 7 ~' 3 11 1; l'nunty AL"lllll\nt;l' l-"aJ:\11' a..: 1 111tu1 ~ 1 'tll!llll" "'l"'ll!O a 0 11 :14 S :!»fi 'I h•• hlfJ:•' h11l ,,( ••ntl-11'1'1 In lh# 1 \Ill , 1HIItll~·1 "' ,.11t 1 , ~ 1,.•111.: p N R E . ~·;~ lUI t 8 l'l!ih'J<t rlt•nnf 1'\ll'fltl<. '"'I'PI'\htljC to "'', ,,,~, 1111,1 , ll1.»i(u•.l 1 '1""--"\.'Jt 111 UBLIC O TICES E; AL, S TATE s 4:! o·n 6:36 12:11 "'1!,.,. ltu~h l_~~... . .,,_ -·· •• ·+. ,.,..,.!e ,, ''"''ll Q&XJ~"'" o.-auA1;Mui _Eo~~ RENT 4 0 0.1 fi3 1 0 "! tlw lluu~ ~ti1"'' 1·•ft u•c-. and a ~,.,.,.,,,..,.""" uti kwd~ "' 1•'1111'~r FICTITIOUS f lAM N.-M£ .. " 7:39 1 3~l 7:11 1Z:S8 humo• uWDl'f Ill tll\lllollt •. ~hf' fl nto. Wll't , ,.h l'llf• ~ II • ,,111 h ollt"l' ,, Of\ fill NT ....,, • ....., ..._, 4.2 -O.It 6.7 1.14 "lluhhlr". o" n~tl h)• "altf'r Karl' F.n11 j,.,. "Ill I~· l·•k•,.l "I' '" Thur~ 1' It F 1 '!'\ 1 <Fit ~h ::O.H•'II ,1, r,. I fl~ploce. o1.c , .. ,.,., ... _ e•cl 8 :33 .2:22 1 :01 \:43 (lr r 1,..t" an-. d~<:v ·"""' :.r,,. h .. !. .. tt:r , . .,,,,h. 111"1 lilt')' "r"· r••r """"1• ............ , ... ae .... c~.y, 4.2 1.3 6.1'1 1 3 .1 M Kl'lllll'll)'. Whll "I>C'r1ltra 11 .. ~,. l '1i111t' 111 • hur,;•• l•f '''hlhilll olll• rln..: 11 rt'liltl """""'"'" 11 t :114 o lo.ro~c ... ,,.,.,,.-"'iin'lr,.., -·• 9 .2& 3:09 8:44 2:29 the Kt'nllt'd)' gtablrll "t (.' 0 " t a ~ '"II II~ t ·<'•J'fto 111 tho• 4 11 1111,1 !\l"rt111• 1\\'1' llall~,,. biRnol, ('"II ~ .. ••••••· Will ,_, it, ~ _. tlhled wttb &D earn~t ~ndeavor to Plrken11 aaid. 4.2 •. 1.~ 6 11 t.t ._, .. ,..~ vdU enlt'r "St>tath•·rn Bhw jun·IVt tllr)ttt•: 4!r""l'"· lut•·•· fak•'n • rmnl" ui~oto•r t hr (It• lit, 1\<11 tlnn 1• ,..,,.,..,.,., ..... " ... Tu 10 10:16 3:!'16 t :28 3:17 Ito\'" T ··K ltrll. Yil'f'-Jlrt .aJ.-nt bo><•tlt~ flltol hM't• o•nlr I'll In nt'arly •'nllmr f'f" Thf' hlll\llolo•ra a.nol tl\"t 1 WII..Lr.-.aoN & W tLL.IAMao.. MusiCAL INSTRUMENTa at.,NWAY Q" ~~ .. evUfwl c ....... "_ ·v.t~· _,, '" .,.,..._ .,.,.. wn• _, c .... ~. o,·,.. ........... .. •• _ c... .. .... .,. • ............... e Afte. • .. ... -------.. '""'A•v Q"ANO A .... tyr C... --... ··--~,-. .. ~ • .._ Del\1 k ...... ~ .. ,_ ce., -H•," MellO ... , ...... "-learn on the part of pel"llinnell Ia ;Altbougb not tuulnc unlforn:la AD n«llenl alan towud t he for spring practice. as somt' other ~ ol a fOod f()(!tt.!J team. ll<'h<lols h&\'e done, Pickena Ia in- be pointed out. ' atructlng hla mt'n In the funda· SI.Dce the aJ,art of apriog foot· meot.ala of offt'rulve play, leach· lieU pnet.ke at H&rbcw HICb 1ut lng each mail hla ualcnment ln week.~ nery man of the vanlty a number of playa be bu COD(;O(:l. ~-baa..Lu.med..,,® racUct' t'd lo sprl•« on the oppoait\po neat 4.2 1.~ 6 6 1 7 u! 'th•· ,.,..,.Ia M~llli·Nt'wport H&l'-&II IM~IIIf'llll""" . 1Mh1 .f1r111 l:! ,. ,.,. t•t\ftlto'ralllfl rom-1'"01,. 111 ••-. 1'01 I . ~trel TldH .,.. ,,, .. ed '" ord•r ot .,. .·urr .. n.e bor U o'na Club, •·Ill ~nter Ilia 1,.......,, of thf' f o>lh>WIIttc 1.,.retiNI, I J , ... ~~~~~~~=· ... ·ll,m ~:rlllll~~u=~~·iu: pinto. "Gold Du.t". Park·ana On· •·hi•IW• nonu•a ""I' lllhlrf'IIM'II .,.. ----- "Hilyal •t'nt'<'r", "T'nvat~ S.C:-"' u f~tllo•w•. lu ·wtt • • I ~LAL E sTATE •~•NI TTI fla~ao. w ... _ Bf' Juat an.t ft'ar not . t .. t all r .. l'lry". "Rt>yal A.Ja" •nd "RA>y&l PaJm Stroot llarulot to: c'tlrt•&l~r. F o R SALE .. ,..,1 •-o.,....... c-. ._.. •·tfll. tbt' eoda thou !Ume.t at, be t hy KIWa" ar. lo bt' t'nt~•f'd In ~-'-'-:.t t~o•, l lfl)'a Avrnu... ,_. All II -•'•·• -ftN •~ lb Cod' ·• t .... ' •---· b th I R.av ._,_, _,, I•• .-, ... c:oun~ .. ·a )'. • anu ruuo ll In~ c-·· 'Y .. r OWI)er. .. Is Restrt.c' .... d lblboa leland, t 'a Urumla. -8bakN~U'f', :Alford or Nt'wport BMcll. Draft IE lh.l&h .... (. ltuealre. "0 " ·11"'"1 -T .. ._ 110 " 1... _,, .. ,, Or •'" ""!"· 0... __ ..,......,===---::=:-::== l\17 :J.Wr Av;nu... ....._ ... t.~:ltfllaeL.omu~ • • ~'"' ~~ .... Ca.,• • ~ ADd ... yed tbroucb the enure ..-· u -wer·n cb1ttb•a , j -. ad! nlcbt, with ~ tllC4ap. in fundameot&Ja. Uoa al ODe JDAlL That &ad. dJa-Ptclreu aald today be could not played promlae. 1ut 'year, appar. ay bow the UN I .~ will aft&pe aUy feela that tbe devotaoo of I up UDtll -after next Wt't'k and a brief unount of time Ia t oo tbt'ft UtUe' will be actua.Uy tmown an-t an ,rrort, nen thou(h be until the. tum out ne:&t fa.tt .wbeo Ukee t o play football and a boy the boys don uniforma and reveal WbO ls WOI1!1D( bard to ~am lht' !their prOQ.'U. ln blocklnl . and ~Uoa bu a prttty f ood chance t.ackJtnc. Newport_ _ _____ ;;:--=-=---=-t--DIUJ:IOII~~ • .._ .... 01 .. c. .............. "" ...... 14 ....... .---~ N £ W 5 T 1 M E 5 •"ft) Alln rlll'\' lttoll\n,t Thnms•••un ~w ''*" .-.; ~~;:~-:~-t-:---leoo1~e..;;;;.,.;;;~~;;;·ii;;;::_~~~ -•nt.oo lntol ruo lr•t Mtonolll\' ltljtht by ..... OwM•. -.,... .... Aw. rHoNU 1% A .IJ tlt~ """"'II It~ •1m"' tfr a l"f'ttl"l-LM A,._.,... ~"-.._.._.... M Cl•rt-Ita Ia I T r",. I at ot ma.kiDg Ow flntt etrtn(. It wu leamed here rrom tht' Sailor camp. I Harbor Girls Lettermefto . Tbe uve rt'lumln,~t lett•nncn £'1'-mpete For about which Coach Plckt•na u · '\.AI pt"C .. to build h~ 19tl a-rltJ ma· ·V F W Crown dllne lncludn Harold ~henan. Ver-I • • • non· Fitzpatrick . (;bar lea Oenolaon.j Competition La keen among glrl.e Billy Shenln. Ma.nut'l lfunl:t 8Jld <'hOIIt'n by m~bant11 u 1'pon110r11 CJurlu Thompflt)n T w 0 other In the V.F W . Qut't'n's C'onll'llt at -••• ••boO wuc...noLJtltRrmt>n, but I ttl~ Balboa Rcndt>i'V0\15 ballroom ----------lult•>ll "'hi< h \lo'lll prn•;tf11' fur trn ... 41 1\~ ... W ; ,,_.._ ... ._, Ae-Przt" ... Ewet7 ~ ... ..,_,..._,. ""--Vol-XXXIII 0 _.. ~·· ..,.,.., --•• _.,, .. ._ -. •• SUbacrl~lon Pa~·able In Adva~:-•"50 ""'f )'t'&r ln Oran..:-Coun--tv-; ~liiUit' V'lf klllji: fo•r I'I\IH•nll n r !'lat .... , ('altro•rnl• IM fOfll .. LI.-N~• --....... e, ···-o .... k lloMI4t r•-e... iT -..-.. , I .... Mrt•'M firm• U\ lbt:' !(,...,, llullol ,. t f orani I .75 ~r year to 4th-:tON'; $300 ~r )'Mr to 8th zonl". In~; "" 1'1\lm :--t .,..1 h<'lwi'M! lhf' 00"' Y u r , ~-.... , ........ ,.....,._., • -..11 ... , .. 14., .._.. "- 25c ~r month by carrit'r. all•·y Ill ,1 1 .,.111 rr•l A,,. frllm 11 ON Till~ :nn.J {\ay nt Aprtl, , "" '"'~»•t•4ioo To--. J~. • ..... ro..... _ __. U .,_..,~I••:-_;,att~r at , ... _ P~totft',_ ln ~NaUfTV\rt "-a..... a. m 1n fl I . ohl'·" '-A II ' liH l . be' I""" mr, Nur" N Twoot & ,. ..... ,. ,_ a. c-r••'· ..,...,..,""' ~~-~ ,.. • ne ~ ~, ,_,_.. ..... "''" fl m an. J>r '--f'&l'•-MarJrWarth. a Nul1u y ••11tolk· In Calltomia, undE-r thr Al't of March 3, 1879. In~ th,.no al nl«ttl ••-..,.., ---• 'I • lUU1 f1•T !Utld t 't'llllly and ... tal~, S. A. MEYER EDITOR AND MANACI:R ~. '1111111111"11 nf . .,•llrkm.: 111 !h" r•~' ,,.,,,, .. ,, ai'JW'art'll llarul,f t-: Prtntlne Plan" 2208 W. Ct'ntral Av,·nuc. Nt•wport S.•Af'h, Callfornl11 t'' ''111"1! "'~1r" "Ill '"' tuo ""' '", c'hr ""'''' ,.1111 llu.:h •11·1 • 11•'41•1,...., OFnCIAL PAPER. Nt;WPORT BEACH, CAI.IroRNlA " o., •••• Ne Loc:al brUt•Uofl f'or Ovf'r 13 YNn trll(fll'. 111•1 .. r.tt n.: t " l'hiO'I 1• r kDilwn tu mt', lu t. lht-1,..1,..,n• Pnh!'t' H It ll••l~otlcln>llllt, wbu 1 1 ,,11,.,.,. 111.,11,.11 ,.,,. •ubf11 rtbt·11 1,.1 l"''l'umn~t·noh•tl lh•· &rllon lilt' within ln~<l rum .. ut, "n•l "'' AII---A-m-4 rl·fan (,. I _....__ k nn ... -l .. •'to:"'' ,., .,,,. uurt '""Y ear ~ •lr /'"'···1''"'''"'""· H~rbor Candidate For --1 I ="' \\ I'I'N t-::ot~ \\'llt-:tt lo:llto' I ftl•\t• tu•t•'llfllu .. rt f»\' ttHfut IUttf 1 Hit r• WAN'I'~0-1 ,.,. ,.,.,. ..... - ""•" .,. .,,.,, .. " t« h.lp ptac• It~" M oUtu• PN:twr• GOf't'l~tan)" ,.,.., "•'' e.auu ... ~ .,,...._, .. ,.,t., Aftd•••• & t I I a4tnt• M.,n;c,.a fll•d . H""",...."""• C•llf 4.1 ftt> uaao riANO\t '•r r~Mtl• ....., ... ,. ........ ~ .... . 41Ueft _,., •t ...... .. ......... o .... ~'""·· .. ... c. ... ,..,,. .......... .._ AN. ··~ v..,•, •• .__ 11 •L.U .HDTa MUPI&l c;G,, 411 W ........... a.......... • ... .• A W artlnn ltut yf'l\r, Bot) G~tyftnr lu!11' 6. -• - and Jim l ohnlllf!TI, Ar•• ,.,,.., retltrll· I( llp<'<'lal pla tfor m 1h;:-:aJI:::--.:=:~f--1---.,.J I lllfl .. ·•l Ill\'. tolll• lttl "I'"' ""' ''"'' 1·ttool '"'" 111 1111" ··••tllfll "'I' (u~t P11 It/A liO I\III WANU:o -Mufti .. . . • •QM •nnt•'t Wl\rtl • .., ............. • MISC ~~LANEOUS log Arid thl'lr t'llllf'III'Ot t' rna y hu11t for lhP qllf'f'n l'!lndtdlllC!II lO at&nd ~01 in ..:Out.J 11!<'8(] tn t'ntn-~p~~.radc upon ~:lui .. jud.:ra C'h"'lM' P"tinr; for f m•t 1t rm~e bt>rthll th.. tur ky ¢rl '" rcr,.._nt-the The t f'rnutnd•·r (1( l ht· l<ttllatl 1,( l'l>allt '""'IIIJ QuN>ns will hi> ebo84"h ll7 mt'n <'omprtiN'. boys whu art' hy 1"'1'111ar app!Ju!'t' comi_n~ up lrom th .. ('la!ls B ~;n.t !'tft'n•hanb ~('IOnsorin~ <'ontrsl· team ot lut \'l'ar IUld nt·w comers. ants are Plym .. uth l'll..,l~:r C'u . • Th f' Arches Cafe, l"f'wport Thl',t rl• Cht',·rolct ('ompany . Rex- all nna~ ro . ~rw>' tlan•l. ~,.wport Flnv IO\'t'Slmf'nt ('n . \\'h lf''!l C'aff' Ca;lno Cafe. Chrrsll~rt'f! Jlut. Fun Zonl'. Gull'. !'<'a !'h<'ll ~f; Pl'nnv Atf'U1Ie l<ln!!falht•r:,ll, I d ll Bnnk-1 I man anol ThNll\or<' Rnl\tn!l .. Contl'iltanta t-n\ .. red m ra4 t' for : 1 bt-Rut,v Anti )')t'rsnnnlit y 110 far ' -1 are Jran EllrnU. Mlltlrrll !Iampton. Bev~rly C laarto. Jul!le Donald~on, June \'ngf'l, Betty l'.OJ:era, Lul1r· Belle \VIIIIamr~nn. · R u t h Elll'n Plummer, Barb~Va Matson. lo!a r . jor it> Dt>atoo. A utlrq B!lll.ldell, And Martha Berry. Following Ol e ronte• Dlu.ic by 8.111 Gtone'a orcbt'stnt wUI bt'g1n I tbt' t>\•en.ln.:·s <.lance. v-~'-no occaslonall7 at-1 METHODIST PAS TORS ~ • .,.rv alld ~ •ood ••t-TO MEET HERE, lowahip an6 lood foocl. oltm PQ I -•t dey fer the f1111 )'OU ~tad Why don't you lrT Alka-S.Imw On .lhr 111\'llll'.lnn of Rrv 'F. n tor u..t "M~ Att.r" lHUna? C:I'H"'tr;'.u, fo•ty I•• fifty mf'miK'r!l of 1 Allu-S.ltzH » -meodlriiM -thr Mf'111,...1·l't Prl)achent Brolht'T· , rurtft tho lt'l,..t vi W) m"-r j hoHOII-·"f Oraol:;c. Count)· wall \'1&1. 1 arltMn~ btnuw Allu • S.l~ cornbuws • n habla ana~lc pain-:'l:r wrnrt Hart>o.r :t.t"D<Iay. Juut' ,_ --- -~~·~1\l' """''" !'\tiHA :i MA.ft•:\nfTT1T !\:••lUI \ l'uitlh ttt Hfl tl f••t "1\ltl __ , ... ltr'\.) 1' "'' )l:w .:; .tl\11• 1 t•• 17 mu- Hnu~E'WI\RFS Ar ... TAI ~- M,.,t•g w ....... UCA.....a...cs....._ ___ ... 'tiM. .,.,m C.•••,..•• .!.'"""" ~ .. al tic l f 9 A &ALL """" , .. ,,,t:'-' t••-w•• • -fut d • ~~~•' • ut ,,..,,, ••H•tl ,,. .. ,., ,,,., .. A,tA II< .. ,., ................... ,. ,, .. '". --.;;; .... d fto , ..... ,.,it r .. w , ...... rti.... C.ll ••••• ......_ ltc .,.,...,.,,.. •••t f•eh •"• ~ H•••Y. 1'1 .)t .. '' rh .. .., 417 44 lk t Ott -.A I t • ..,.,, ho .. t Af,.....et ...._ ,. tt ''""' ,....,,r.,.d, '" , ............... , .... "', ·"·~ I., ••· 135 "' JJrd At • ""'-t)Ot t .......... .. "• I OA '"' r " " , ........... ,. bA~ £ 'Ht)ntfh.1nd J ..,,,., 2'' '''~· tt~ ~ No Ot ..... , •• lu're Ill I 0 I" PI ' Noo•P<>rl Q••roa•. C.:.OIIf MIt~ I ....... .. "" _,_"&AD ~ ..... .. .... ......... ,II ..... ,.... ........... ... .lri . H•IIJ"'"-. CAlli. 4J; ... . '----- ' , 0 " ._l.l. lleol lt n b&at tr•ll· 0# c ....... lrl• ..... c ......... I .. ... e fOI, ll•n ,,....,,.., .._..,. T t- Dtf~t• ., ..... I tu, .. ut.l >''"' marry 111M • tAn may f,.. hllrttl aJI • Nit; hut Juflltlti T C.,,..., Wf'll .. n•JWn q U I r ••· ,,..,, ha• w .. rlof'(f nut • btt nf ltt'tutt~ lh~tr tak•• the llUf'M•Mk ..... or hu~llflnll , ....... ,... and " """'t,. nn U\f' ""''ll" uf th41 fatal 11t•r• yuu'•l l»ll•r lflt hn 1ulde )''IIJ Jkort'r mlu lhla rwWtl, clever qurllt lun,.tr.-In T h a Alnerte.ul WHkl)'. lh• m"•arlrwo ftt.irlbuted wllb ,. .. , ...... , I.A:Ht ANO.._ Y.X A lflMI:ft.-Ady. I """llht ftnrn h•t nobltJO ....,.,...~I WI • '""'11" ·•·r t .... , .......... ,.,,hy ltua 1 O'S WIO II 111101 DISTIICT ~'"" l'rlrlt r In !111• ,...,.,.,,1 l'lillf'• I n 11( h,.r lnl•·niii'IV • lntrrrl'lma: I Al'f'I.IA,...('f:.._ • J • "' • 1 ""'"'' ,,, .• ''' ''"'I"'"''' t-;'""lor•n •:,.. • •;J..•·I!k M"Yhtr. ltf:A Vl4'tnr Rf>rTtr• M•rrlll Whit.. PIL ... ,''•• ,..,, ,.,,,,. ,.,.. 1\111: Ill\ h 111 'I"'""' A I 'TH 1'41'1'f'l .fF..A a "~"CUlT fUH)f""-• -~ -· l•ll11 "' h•·r lofo 111 '"' ••lol "1\'lt• l lunlm.:tun l t.•ttl"h Autn Suflfll~ 2 10 ... In St.-eun.. AlnrnunJU.. I •1••lltto I• 1l~t•' '"t" "1" 1'1111• •' AI 'TH'IUIIII.J: af':PAiaiNU - '•I' <t•l• •I II•• t" "'"'" llilln II •look .\' ( 111 S.•n.lo'r 124 M•·•· .. ttlfoft PlacP -Nf'WPOI1 o...dL """" llln•·t< lo:l"" '""'"'' "11h '"'' nAMJ';Nt' UfHtl .,._ ""'" •tr unk ""'I k •ll•··t" ""'v"'l' :-.: ...... , ... , lli•k"<Y. :/ll:li~No•n. IJ~tk .. ry Thac l.a n.u.r t·or 1...-. I• II ll'k •· 1t 11"" I Ill~~~ II t'1Mf':I'I.Af r: ANU IUNIJLINfl WtHUa.- \\.-..lolv I hr H W Wn.:hl. 17~ Ntt(. Ulvol., Co•ta Mf'M. Uwd ~. ('1\. ....,, r.IJ~vu with buff~rt'd elkehdnl 1 Hith u lta 1 Tlh'v wall hold a biJ!'In~l!S M.!'· . I Try It wh•nt'Wr you hava ..._.. 1 !'l••n nt thP ('"ommunaty < huro·h ~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~.;~~~~~·~·~·~·~··~••r~ .. lh MO l 'tutltdf'Y, J~IAa-C'IIII~W, 110 \'~ -r'-._.~--..--..,.,......j~ HA"t Jl.l ~f': "f':a\'IC 'F-1\•h Mtw, Arl4 lMicntl-. C.W S)'IIIJ· :tt f nur 4• 1 lo ~·k, th••:1 mak•· a l •>ur ~ f""'"-MIIK ular F'allf'W, Nauralcta. ~~~ :'\:I'Wf'<•rt tlar hnr undf'r t tt" ,luKtdar Pu .. L • , 1 J;UiolunH• l•f J,.hn A !"=~o·grl Al<!'l•l · Allt•·Stoh~r Ia non-t .. atlve .nJ 'ant ( 'lly F:n~inN>r. whn will al'l ~... 'Y~-~ !~~~.heh31! o! thl· Co11'.' 111. n ... ,, Hrrlto•riM<. V. Orr Sfoi"YW, Jl4 M«'Faddm Pl N.-pt. B. l 't• I• r "'' "" k• "" "'"'' ~1r ur.~P:MAI. C'ft~TilAf'TUII--' .... , "'" I"'"' It 'I II .... "' !'-1111 c .... l .. ofl " t-'arwlll\)', :WIO ,., ...... lllvd. '"'· 402. P l.n. and Coftat~ ,,,,.,., .)1•• lt.""" "''"" ,,,.,,,, I.I IMHf':M C'UMI'A~Ir~ :0.1 1, "' I'"""" -1 I. ·•·· l11l• Thr\' C'"'" M••'lt J.J,,. ('•• "!'' ua IW'Ip yuu plAn )'O\Ir honw." rtton. & ~~---~~'ii~~~jffi~~~~low~·~~--al ' ~r.---~~~~~~~-------"'' ,, q ,. ''"""' ~"' •'" "' ITl""'"' B••Y I 11"'"'' l.111rrl••r (" f't1mwo If!\() C'OIUt lfltthway at AI'C'ha I II• I l!<lliod'-'--~ ,\f.\ICf'p; 14f'P:('I.\I.TfP:~ .:-..~-, 1 tfi m-~~:,'~~·~ ~::~7~':i:rli>ff, 1~0 C'{)aat ...... ,. Suppltea, Ho&. ... EtL ""i 0 erst s N•JIII Sftrq.:i<•:lllli;'T~ w. f'rnt,.;... Awonur. P-h~M.ll or 13. Ner'WP9d, ~,_ aarw 10 -lwbe \\'lfu·.-. C. \l.I.ISCi "'IIUM ! mlaht t... l hr tit~ nf 1111 .. t•l•·ltrro· c•l \ lrltinla Th""'l"'""· '''"I"''' 1\•·••·h ., 'UI·T i t 'f': Nl'l'l'f.lr;~ · ~;"'..;r...!~ ''"odldatt· flor ,\II· .\nM·ril'ttn a.;lrl h unur. :-.ho• 1 .... 1,.,n..,.,,..,, h,\ ""' ,,.,.IN~~ I """'"'' uf llu• '""hl~tm·o· ="'•'" 1••1 1 I loll I'"' I 'ui.HIIhlna C'o. l'h•lfW'fl, J:J -1:1 N,.WJ)(Irt Df'ec::lt.. -~ ... r-:--.......... "'!' ..c._.u, ... ~ c-~--~-J.IN:..:..W.O.: ~"~ lwdiJIIt'l • .t:•Lll!. ,.,,.. .. ,.,_,, .. , '"' , .... ~ 1<1 ...... , '" ,.,...,« RELIEVES $TOHACH tnlTRf.SS 1'K1'T1'u-· ~ · Ill' A trial--~ t 1 1 h 11 • ~ --• wy~rM.YDJiur••-d N1'"'l"''' Jlllrl.,,r J•ui,Jl.ahlnu C'L.J. f'tt<-12 a• N . /:J11 Wid~-I ry ka · SeltzPr It ·~~-"---...... •··.-::;;;;all•• "" rn·• n I ,. ,.,.,IM·II "'"""' nt tiM' Cli'IUIE'f' f'Mtn'v Fnlr. \\hl•·h "''" ...., ....,,.. Ia -..... :=:ctt.-..-O.fflt-..,.----•-.......,., .. "...,.. · ·•· -ll'lf"' \ I If h -' M5 -'lr1tfHft 'ftr.hlf'f;.-• -• ~ -"""" ur.,.• ~" ""· tiM' ""'' "N'k In .fun~ "" -- -I I I ' Jl II ~ "' -------------------------------·.• • ,,. • ,, ,.,,. ltu•lin Sh•op, r.l)f) F: Orry, J"h 271 Fur a httCin -~--r-----;--1 Mr:At. r:HTATr:. r:oo.!'ti'KAsc·r: a NOT.\av r 1:nuv-UOROTHY UAR~IT ,, { .. 4 ....,., ! -f f.. "' I ... C"< ... (... .... Wtt-~t• ... C' ''* ~ ,.------ ' \ '1 Y\. 1\f "f I ., .... "' ., .. f "'" ,. f l•C'-........ -. ------ J l t\· ( harlt·~ :\1(•" ann"' l .. •w II \\ ""'' .... ~.!IU W. f't-ntraJ Avrnue .• .,..._. a. ,--..,..-----Ml'llnr:M HTA~IL " I ,. r-.;, ..... l,.•rt ll111hor Publlr.hlna Co. f>twJnft: 12 -13, Newport ...._ Mtlf':F.T Mf':T AI. \\'UMK- (_'u ,tn M•·Yt I'IIHniJIO" ('tlfnpllny, C0111ta 1144'1111 ~ 210. Tt'I'P:\\'JCITf':IC.-._ 1'-•·~'"'' 1 "'"'"'~' l'oiJIIAhlnac Co. r'ho,....: 12 • 13, N..wpon a.d, \ AMft:Tt' HTfiiCP'..- IIIhoto.o l•lnn•l Vnrirty Sto1no ~. lOr, 25c and up l'h<lllf' 2JJJ·W. "'P:I.Iti~U - .. '\\'dohHI; ''"lll·rtl)' Ml\f' V. 0rT St-n1~. J2t Mr.'arMMt P l., Nwpt. 0. Business and Professional Directory lfll. flAU'II , IJ. hOARU I'Ht'Hif ·u :-. . fl41'~;r:us f)!4Tf':CJI' ATIJ l'hun" Ill U nn an1no;,r, rail ',MI) H~tlhtta In!' Arr..t., ""'"'•• me: '·u~'"' u nrnrTr:tc l'hy•ll"l .. n •nd Murar<>n f)ff,... ,,,~~"" "'""'' ·'"'"l"•~t l t.-arh """,... t ll-11 " ,.._ It ~ .\ r•· m l'ti•on~_.Jt(l,.. 18.1; H.P4 11 .I Ur. (iurtlun M. (iMJnctf ,.,.)...,.len ,...., S~rv-o•• , .... , .... ,. """"" it·~· ... C •nlraJ A•.-. al Stnttl ,, IIIHAM M. Ct'fUct:V. M.D. ' P:y ... f':ar, Nro.., 'lind' ftrot~t 'Ill ~.. M11ln ~I 1'1'(•1 f'anta A .. .,.,. If. 1":. MT AJII.Ea PJ:N'fiJlT T,.l~ttho•-N~~pr1rt Ill Htorey lluJidl•• ....... ' f.t ;f(OV P. ANUERRON A1Tuas~:v AT uw f~ M,... ftuiJ llallcllq . I f)f~ llr.,: IIJ·I% a.m.:-1·4 p.m. rhoee Ul T "'"ttht•flr ~1 I f~ta M-Calif ..... - '· .. ...!_ T .<-... ~--- NEWPORT BEACH COST~ MESA • -. . . = ·--. ...--· ' ' -. ..... NEWpORT BALBOA NEWs-TiMES. N-pon iioid.. CaDtomla. 'I'U&SDA¥. JUNE 3, 1941. .. r ··---· . -- BALBOA .ISLAND -LIDO ISLE BALBOA llletty Do4ge Phones 12 and 13) --~------------------~------~----~~-7~~~--------~----------------------------~-- Newport Harbo{. Couple • Mar1aret Weddinc Hoefna'• La•t March Come• -+• A ~urpriN: KaJdllc Uwlr hflmfl. t h£. w~k by l•.r v M •' \"roolll• :-lllo• Ar>"<:: I ~ I:D eo.ta ).Jt'&il At'f' !.It ,IUI!.I !.In ·.._.,,.,.-'-" .,...,,,. ,_,,,.,,.,J on lhr 0:·•' ·r•~ .,,.n\ :n•l>•'; ~ '''"' 1\o•·I- C!Iars. .Albin 8 m1U. '"'"'-.._ . .,J. <It'll.' uf ,tll" ,.!Jillllo< h"rlll" t 1u"oll-n··r '-JII •·~•· .,,1,,,.,,, thi.J "'•·rk dlnr wu a lovtl)' rvomt "' .\l•Jn· ~r~ ln rm••ot th•· ,.lt..r •.1•·~!1!11 ,.,..,.,, ,·h·· """'~lrl'•'I<·0\1 •! ,,.., 4ay evenlnl(. J u:'" 2, Ill tho• h(on\1' It,..,,.,.,,,"" l••lt"""lln 1h.-~'H 1''"'""'' J,. l.l• \\.!!1,..,., I" La-.. ot the bri6t'fl ~~'-"-Mr ar1>1 ·1~-1,, ,-,-,.l ·ri•lhl ··~•t·l·· "'''r•• ,,.,. "''" J; Th•• "'''''"·' !••>~< pi I•" )Ira. Sidno•y A \'••unJ: <.of 11:: \'lr · ~·I In ~'T••I II•I' l'•t-f'l'l ~ h\' l h•l•,,n r!11 \\".,, Kor~ •• •t. l l·~"fho·r Ji!UaPiacf'.Tbf-IJrioJtol.ltho·torm-1~.,1·ni M M r :-'mllh •~·,,,..,~,,r ••l ,,, !JoJI \'·•'''-~ ·"'"'"''~ '·'"'" ~? •r F'raneH Anita Your•~; "'lUI••'",.IIh lhr ~""'" ,.,~._.., ,.,,,.,,..,p o\•'"'"l•'Ul\"tr.: Uo· '·•'·'·' :•••1·1•· ~ br~r~groom ,lll Thr "''" uf lol l In :->••"'J~·~· 1\o'll•fr lh· otll•tJ'••I \" tJ, .. .,_,.,,,,J,, •II ~ lu-J t !•.-~-Ill,.· ud Kn. Chrfot'\1 V"o t\<'111"'11 "' l·~·c.J "'"••·I~ ,.,,,J '"" ,,,.,.•)t o• '"'" ,., ... r.· !'•· "'••l•hn !f.,;ot - 132 IIHJI Str.,..t. {"CJIIIa llh"~ll. "'Pit .~lll llh r•·•• 1\{••1 h•·r ,.. 11,.•1 n,_. lol I• n•l:"''-" ""'' ~~~~ !" .\ II•M'In••r IUiawn plr>ni!ot>r" )I&Tbtlr mrro+u•nl• ;s..,..1,..,., tl';o/ll>(•r r ·~ I•'" II 1 .-r• 11 ,,.u,.·r "' '"'" r,.,,,,. Ole 8 o"clll>l'k rltf'i !hr hrltl•• :<•"h••;,· -..h .. !'+• .,. .... ...,. .. u•h~<i···l n . t>rr,.... ..--All >r·~t rn " 1 I h ...... Tt,<•t· .,.. II •-· .,t IJy tn••!>ol.oo \h .. h•ll••r J•IHI .,j ''1 .. .-.·k 111 l h•'ll .. ,,,..,.,.,..,,,, ,., Hrtl"'-1111'•~·. , •• ..,,., ~~ • ..a ••• ,.., • ..,J,j .. "''h u • • .,...,.;:.-.,f ;:u-.1<-1'1<.._• Ttl" r .. rmrr lol l.•.~ 11•..--rn,.r 11"1•··1 """' tl>•· L·~·"L hrl!h "'tvJOI ' .... u.·t--,,,.: .,. . ..,. ,...,,. ... 1n ·.-ltl fll· • '"'" ular "' lt\"ol o.-1\ AIIO'r ~~­u;rt •n~: fr-om lhr ~'""'-' AliA JunU • · .. n.-.:" "'hrrf' ~;.... "''U &t!iliat..! ,.1u1 IAII .\l.,r tnaa. y ,,.. flooi•f,...r ~no·lu!th•l/ (rnm tft,. t :nhvnolt)' cl WEDDII'oiG"SliAPJIII£ I Ehell Bridae Group Newl,w.ed-a Malr.e \'Festive Pic~ To 1 Meetin1 T q Mark [Home in Co.ta , J Clima1 Y ~ For Clo~e -of Year --rM!w·Ormmunity-S.esiaM• w..p . ' ll 1-tttlfu\ JILf>hl, m tlw j I •Jarkn~~~~ "' lh,. nLJtht .... ·twn th"l \\'h••fl Nr"'ll'-rt l«'ildt l'~l>rl \ 1.1~\un~ Uw or h<)JJ)<· thu1 m(.n\h I'\Lfi'1Uifll1 H ~-,.•r·-~ A<'tlnty ... b·!II.M ~·( Uw 1-'•!rly-f,\'r Jo'tt-11 t nw mli'·rll wh" ho•long-'" l ho• Hr~ots::'•· f•fl Hr<..a•ll<':w •:<'tn·..:,t. l 'p.<\a Mo·~n mrrrinwnt Sr11>'Jio-•M fwtlor aa.&- A .•·•·mt:.•n: "l~•r,.,<r<;tl toy lh•· !.""' Sl'<'t!tofl mll'4'1 lhl• TILinJI,\a~· at fi ! in t hl'. f:l P:nj" Cuw \ ar~ ~Tr·: rws.~ OUJd J.>ro>I.,....,.,Ofl&] \\'~ ..-id AngMMI \'iO'"bl qub~ W!._ll IJ;'<l:l" .a m ln \h.,_ • luhhvllJ!I:, Uley oo'1U •¥.11t( ~~ ... -•• ~.~~ f" rt:ul•·}· wh ... Y:f'f"• )"l•n on a ,:ala l"<'llK' 111 lbr J~ t ho.-L!.l.lorlllll( hnt' 111 9 11 m . Thut"~-<'11'!'10" I h ,. i r )'t'tt.f'.l!l l'n~tnlctlon w-Nf )til\' 4 111 a '"' .. "'..,"Y rc!UI.1 Ftshttl l'arlb ::Gill :Su"lh ~. day Thr1r .: .. llr*'• Yli<'rt' t'111orto•reo.l , '1'1 ~'1<"11 · ' • m l-->1.11 \;•":a.'l. N••\'a,(oo SaniJ< Anll TI:\JrsJa,· "'"tW-i: at f••f r .. ro.on "t" !Ulol lilt• "llt:lll!~ uf,j _l'ol no J . \\'.-IJ.-muo• u( 1-'ul!r.rton Th.-J,n,J, .. !h.-furmo:r lld l)' oO 311 J• 111 tlw Cvr()t.,..JQ \'11-i·ht f'lu l:!. Th•• "'111 J:"h•.-h'"r ttrm l l~·~:«on f••r lht-Lo>r•l ••I l..:.tl!\ln.o lt.<·,,h •·huM' a lno••·rlll\'r T••r th..-ath.r .. t11oe t..-lt-01 l u •m ,_ 11pul hght "" ttw o·n ot 1 "''''''~m whil'h "-'Ill< furrn ... t and t•ghl Tnl\·rJim~-: <.u.•tlm>< f<>r th>t'lr ''"1'1.-IU~oun u! ~~ tn<'1r....,........ .,f th~ Halbuoll Jlit-r ll1i'f'w flU! 1111 h-tl 111!.11 )"f'aF hy Mr.-., FriUik llanh-1 WC'dthl>j: \TIJ> :-i ht· I~ lh•• olfiUJ::ht,•r l'tmtrHI lll'ith ttJ#',.ibaafll: ...... t.r.d- r=<y h• c '»flllll••lr-t't' 1.\u\1 1 ;uthrte'" man ~II Ihnat-whu !:!ll{flt>oil fur _U.• uf 3-lra. (;r;u;•t• '-'''" uf Our \"ii!3K" t·•l loy 1 •a.r~ t'~ f'fll~- ' • "'"''' t h .. Suntl>•w, tlno ~-mnmllh!r I[IVUJ,J IU'e ukNJ 10 au.-od llll (J nal Acrt><up:t.r:)"•n~ Ql<: ,· .. up!<' wv i.lt·ml .. -ra ~·f that <t••lor-..,-;:u tJrillc h ofll fur tht' .-v~.mng , whic·h h1llt ' Clatf'I\Cr l>i<>llllo' ol l-t.-11 Th,. lon ,lt•-1 ~U·,.j.~ ,,.h,•r fu<•l ..,..., ~ MY• s,.n•n 111"1/f.rol i.ndudmjo: 1-~ r wi n . j:'l"O()III. !h.-"'If' 'uf !\lr ltnil ~I nt. ~-,. .•• ,..,. bo'Jith u•am• and 11.-dl .-... uf LA YC . G t:. l~il•y l>f l fill OnLnk" Ave-~ J.art-lind ... ~-.-tlw-••paa.. ~ lllld Virg.n ia Tl'rk•l. an!~ ~rhrrlJt, th'" Atldlaori Gurley•. tum,.. ~"'·elry • .(mung lh nk 11.11<1 Lo·a l''rCf'Plllll lo·n.lmK Wf'J"f' Mt-a.l!Uil<'a Suaan .W. , d""'PI"-'tnt.-.J l:w<'I!Ullf' f{y,.. KulherlMd, [A,.,· \\'&1\...::P. Warn-a Ill a r 9 a r e t H-~fte' ~ fvun.J n,. o·oultl;l'l I'~ away at Weu111ar. R . P . Tt.llutM.n, DonaJd _.._ ,...,rri,i;., last Ma~ .... 111111 nunutl'-The avt-ral(r t lmt' !.1("(~!\ltum , \'ktr.r Gnce, II a r r )' jul.llt ....,. ~·outecl. mak .. the run tlo>~~o'D w .. ab.;ul Wrtcli, K ,.;_ Broudinot, 0 . II. Addl- h .. urft. 1n • rourh aea, ao tl """· \'.-rr,on Otr. S A M•yer and bUt',_ C V RI ll !\11'!!111. ri'I'I"IVt'd h j 10 r>·~·rt"ll{l<>l', 'r(Jo·oQ:I (of J..-tl ~ !"ollo•J(e nrar H • !•,.\\·. r..-tl\al •~'f"ft•"C· ~ • partner , lnduokd ....., lht-('OIIIm.Jtt""' - l'roduc.; fiim_ !tflm;on ).tct_-,...l!llf"y , ~O·= .,._ J>&IIY· •ln. GreUI& Tullo.. llktr.n l'"acelll. Sunday, .Mr :~nd """'· G, C. j t-~dyn ~,int. 5;...,. 1-Lorvalh. a. Ball.-)· ga,·.-a dinnf'r hunoring lht-Hitr hman and Oarera L'~ l'ouplr.' Mr11. G•a.:f' l.olnJ Uld Ht'f -I...UU..._ ,.,.,,,,. .. ,., •~·rk.-W)" ~r..-tt .. ! Girl Mariaers Plaa 1 .. ..-n A ,,.., h.,r Ill 1M IL.n<lahu'f: . I a !Jr,.,t'olllld ..:nn.-whd UZ!.hf'allh\'1 W; R· fo''"'•k-r. r tuhp \hilt J<•lnN the lOO m emtw-"r• I -----' bert Ha.iltoy ,.,.,.,.. IUlH>II_r r;ue.ta l ·t:thf'l Cof!~ fr-SU.La ,._ atte~tlin,r. mdu.'t'...-1 l ho> uffk..,.. !ol~ ~ Every Wednesday ·Is NEWPORT BALBOA CHILDREN'S DAY • ·Everything Is ' 5c .. Until -· J Come On Kids -Wednesday Is ,YOUR Day! BALBOA FIUt ZOIE SERVING WITH SKILL AID II~· fil l to•rhlli•·-11 ~tan.l~nl~.ld•:f,]ol•ll•' "''" ,,.,. ~·~"'!'•'•lll­ ---ln=u><f""':.•.l-'1-~lu:tlly i•!!.J~·II.o/11. 11 !=·~··l·<~"".nd m c"l"/r""·-"''"nJJo.no·~.!' 11n,J ,.,,;,t•~) arr ~";Jtrh­ worols .., ilh !h~ 1~"1"" in llri~ t•r_!:llflll·,'"'"· l lwro• ar,. llhout ,'W(Il(.l()t)(u~ l~hind ,.,)llr lldl ~,.,,~ ...-n.i<T. IOUTHEI.N CALIFORNIA TIL!PHONI COJrUANI Ul PUll lt., .Balbo& , ~ TclcphoDe lttl --.. , ' lf•~o:to ~.-h .. ·t f('f" ,,.. 110Ut thr'"' s.-n Acti..-itiea, F ridoy Club To lnstoll Officen- For New Year .. ·fr~ ,\1_~\1..__ ~~~"·~ .... rof ~-... >'fl ..... \l.!!tl lU): \\1111 ~I I ,on.] ).tr,. ,\ .I I l 'oWrl~ "' IIJt\l~o.>a 1,;!,\n...t I t. I :~ ., .. . -. . . . ,..;· .. ... .. _ ... >'<t"'•''".-:· ..... :·-. c-..::·c'.~··· -~·-~ .-.,-.--, ...... .::~ ~· • -!!:~ { -. {"' ~-· .. ,......., ..... toe ,, • ...., 1'- •.• '"' !'w'' .. c,,·· s.e,. AI'<~ Ofi>C-of tN r:ouo"''"'ll Local A.-..>es :- IIOW.lRP "'· GF.RKISH '!51': ....... ("" ....... -"'"''"• S,.•·ro•rt ""'-" ...,_ u.a • C'llt"!' .,.. ~-~,'~"" ,., .-..•.. "" .\1 t • ",, r·., n• I r,. • ''"1.:" : .... 1:· tt~ ... ·'' I 1\ •1 Mr · ,. I'' t• ~~-~ \1 C\1 •'!•' "" ,;,,i_.~ \\ tc•'"' \:r,~ II I' \j, , •\I \I f." 7'( •• \!--11·111 .• n.: :0.1·· ,. r.. _...__ ............ , .. , 151 ..,...._,_...,_....._siSD ... z ._.;.___.._ .......... 175 .................. •I ... ..._. .... ..._ ... zn . -. .,. .. ~ ~··-s· LOS ANGELES •, ' ..t thr , lull 8J1tl their ~:u••t. at th~ Ll•ghti'ng C'orumul" Untf'l for lh• ' . ,,.., .. -;'·"··· D rk All Uutl A/UI !dillif' Guthrlf' a ey ,,.,.,..,. 111 l!mf' fnr h mnia, tnrmal dU~ tn meet tlu! • Rid Nuisance .. .. banqtwl ..... ~y ---Earl Burdaall To ·in W M .-'a l"v'll A""" ..... c.ia. T L. ~-M • .. -....-.-. 1 ' !u•rr •. ..., pro..·I<Wd by two •- •-~nta ODtC& .-.-rtWJ""" ··-a. wn. o-. Girt Aa &rid -La ... ·r.-nc-., oA L--u.ta K.--. ...,.._ • e I "'''"'~ 11n..1 WL!I.II ~.:.m.. Watkrf" {1(f lnvilalito11J: r..-eh•f'd t be l r :St"'"-'J'>.•r'l ~h. l•lanYII. ~,..-~-· n·ll•'•· !<lUll: "Thr m ad•ta.rd S<-c"' a.r.•l ·1)..-t-11'"'-l~ s-r.-.c" M<- l•laY.-.1 ··s....rnt ""*' 011 One, two What··~ ,_,,_ -allflilflltd-1 ... -tlh • '~!!!i!ndt.••••el • .btl .... ,.., ro ..._ !Ji II!!! Thi1 hud-worki.n« :rmtn~ f.-llnw ill ;.... a drop ol COii:len Shell -a "'01..-oiJ ~ r~,.,.n.JI~ (« ·loday'• p~iaioo-built car&. C~ldra Shrll, f• ..... iag. p:eu iD\~ the tir;ht, ~ mcmar: parll &o ••• • -·-.,. ....... ,_ .... • _...,....., ..... ...,...._.,...,,.. - •• ldak ... ..., ............. _ ... ~A ....._ .. ___ ~ .. ,..._Qa...._ Ne wq I _, CMII -a.t2Sc ..... Does41obsatonce ,, OIL • ·I " ' \