HomeMy WebLinkAbout1941-06-12 - Newport Balboa News Times... ..,.__ .. '" -. -.... ---· ..... _ . .,, ···-· -·~----··-. , __ .. .. .... ·--------.. ... --- -. ... ~..­ A.tnw to -~ cleu, fair &nd lmput 1&1 and Un111 to receive and rwtaaD popular wpport. .................... ••• PRESS 111111•11 ,., tn. .... I •l'hlh ''"'"'"P'"C ... .,f llu• l'nhfoorma SauUI ,·,,,., ,.,,trk t All IIIDIPDIDpiT LOCAL JOWSPAPIJl SDVING THE BNTIRI NEWPORT HARBOR DISTRICT ~'''~~-· --=-= -----=: --=--=----r-==- VOLUME U NEWPORT BEACH. CALiri>RNIA. THl1Rl'DAY, J UNE 12. 1941 ..,J---a.By:tT~. CN.='''BRl~ .. o~.ti,Eightin-me·~Q:ct_et Oiplo . ----~~:§;":~~;;.~~ .. ?~ ;~g~?:1Iir.~?f:~; ....... ~,--f H b H1gh School ~ ~:uar!~'r;;: .. ' ~~;\&;;,~~ ~:~·~:.~~~~~~:;:~:~~ .... ~:;:,\~;··:.·. pa=~t ~~: ;:,~";~:t:.•;g n-:;; I rom a r or . . =h ::.~ notknt(l• 111 t~ eut :,~~~ ~:·:;~ t~~~~~~.~~~::~~ :~ .. ~:";,: -thUt''l • story'et'1111s ~-haernre .. ~boulnt ~ tlon wtU mHt ~~ r\·••aday, June JeU'k Lar-.n "''II""''"" "'.,,,. NtlMH.:K 15 Many-Volunteer for SerVice i~Harbef-·District Unit !:tl~~?;~IC~:= T: N' ex:.t Wed ... n. A",.ay Nl.ght ·~~~:~~)'~: .. ~.~·~-~·Ia· ::"·ft:::::r~~·:~· lA' ~-~~ ..... 17, at Hute1 ct.l ('utun" an LA· hrr ~·r thr t. .. ·ul y ... hi lilt: rrat .. nu N•v.·p ort lht'y Wbt>n 8il )'OUJlC ptfOIIW ,_ ~n• Becctl,al w:U,ralarnr O<~f'don t y. ""• th111 ~A•·•·k 1,. • .,,.,.,. ........ , .. , 1-:a,:hll ,,.,.-, ... _,, "'''''"" II•••·• ht"&dt'd slnu~ht lh<'!r dJplom.a. from s~ ~-Bra,.~}' Jol&rtha Sl'IT)'. Audrey Wlutnall. plaM IIIJ: ''''IUIIIItant, ,.J \OIIh the' tt •. l .. ·rt l. l\.•I.J , ... ,hi II ""''lkiHIIo r ..... , 1111.''' ,, .. of New State ~uard I I 11. n t, U• , ·• t t ;,,. ur~.nl&atlOia tor Oai'Tt'I'JI _land· bo r t·ruon H~gb k 'Mll rwst •. .,..~ Btal.llllrtl \Aiyiord )flue. Mary v.'lU dwcUM "A ~"" 1IMr)' Hech· lh'l•k•·raa:o• •'vta.crn •I h"'' t '•••t ·~·a11ir•l '1 • •I •1. • ·•II· ·I 1 • u ... an~ On tht' bay lid<\' ,...,m,c It wUJ marll-t.k ~-WUbaiD t ai. .R~-t. way A)tl)~ Uw l•l"ll:o~ County tut;h""Y Ltu•••n. "h" """ rumu•r 1'••1·-"' "1t: ""'""'" =-<•"1•1' Tht'y II • •d ttwa,· nt.·~ '· t" • . -.--....-.---~--....._ __ U .. ......_ t I th th " th p t lt. t .... t4.••••·• ••••••I••"' ··• t "al•r ,,_.,. • l ''rst 1Hn4,' au>Cll' ~ ....... _.. ~ J-CamJu, Netbr c .. Ue, ~ ane. uanner ft'llf'rva 101\1 )' 'A' I ....... u ' .. lUi •• ''''" \\ •••• w a n l tt d JKJnll'· --ry . 1 s . ,; ... t.l -----...--,...-..,.. 1 n.J lht-11\J•t,IUIIOD 11 )'nnl ACO tJaal j~ C'bam~ Pali"'C'Ia Cba ·~ nee • .. 1\ ro•jlllO' llh llloll•ll 0 ' I II P.a~~ .....,.__._. _.. man.. CArol ~ tty ·• lA llh hu< "'"'· tho• lotlltu f tt...... ;\ololln•""'.: 1: 1 , If, ~:· Juhft II•-I .,... I I t " .... ,., "''"' .. htl ..... ~lo•ot I •I l•~l .. l..tltl' Ill lhf' lt~l -.ll~f-:.-1~-.n. l'rlf .• 11uwn .rnuo'-.1 ~ ta -·j.-r Ca\IWnJW (.'\11\JUncham Doll J>ROPEaTY la4LII:I, 1111;t )' HHII uf lt,oJh,.ll blellol "·•~ 1.1 1 · .. ; J, "' · \ .I a. 1,.,.,, .. : 1 11. 1 tt. '"'tl · A"""· lrvtn lnunt'dt-dJaftely 1 ar-bo·r u\.-r llw J'fn'\UWi· )'car a c..._ l.Jo~ l:attk'niM! ~--·a~. Ta-Anot'l Boldman lit :11:. :nnt 11lrfft, 1110· 1~·11.: lt.·n· •• h .. et..t ""· """ , ••. ,, , • , .. ,,, '" ·, '"' ••1 tt l )t•l\1, r arag or fit ~P· . --. " t .. __ pu·~... I lh l'h I ..... r. .. C'l•tTIIIN•I • .._. n•r.•T Ut._•Uu• ..... tltv ,.,r ,..,. ,,, \\hu h Ui•••-' I I I I .. Wallll--• Wl'll R<'as.>n fvr lhu< y.._r• abarp * iu.Mu ~ae, y~···u1110ter, Edward ,,e~A·por, ·-__ ,..., t' all " "' ,., ,. 1 •· ' • • ,11 • 1 '"'Jill• ,... rr ,. ~ .. IQ&Ifpa~e,out for <t't'a5tt'an «noduald w DOt t.bat t 'luaa. t•atnoa .Gabne&. Teruko Moo~ property at ::.:!18 Orana«' ll •· .... tt-'ro•..STo•lh·ll '"'"l'l~l~Ml "' Chr ~""''' ,,,._,.,'"'·'"''"'I ·' 1\ 11 ll•l•hl"'" ll~<ary n. flyde, " 11 • 11 Qp thr Ha.-~ duiCftt1 baa t..W to,c..t. •. fl,.brrt Grable, \\'m. GQrdon avt'II!Je. Moort, who r, .. ,l ,.,.,.,k 11ur· .. r l'l .. thL••~: tv J••uk 11\IH ="r"'J"'rl •l•lo•lo<la<l "1'1111 ool ,.,,,.u, 11 11•1••·"' ''''"" ,., 1 ,,,. tc ,. T .. ,..,.IIC',., w thelr'cooktng and rnr parktng thrtr Jlrudu .... .,..nwr <.\ILI6owa. but ..ut-•._;rv.ncry, l'b>"'-Hall; c~ the 8hatfl'r rt'~~olrnct' at 2H lhrhur \'n•·ht •lull. t(undll}'. p .. h.·r .,,,.,... '" t .. k .. "I' " •""'' "' IJo, \I 1 ,, a.t, 11""'', l ···ktl•rt. IJn,-d bUI. ,., that tho> yuun&•ten ~ unburd Mrldi-~ Hampt9n, ~rt Han· Bro.td'llo'A)', hu alra(J~ l't'·ll<lld t hl' II'J"•rlo'\J Thu••·"!' hr.ok,. ont u lhf' :.; '''"""' I '• l•o" 1'1".._1 '" 1' , 1111,. , ,.,.-1\ 11n t11110,.r , L••-,.. Cnmlng en trona Te~ lhl·Y h ad, wath 11u much vttal """''l' and wn. ~r~y Harthorn, Mar)one plaC't'. Frank Lotan of 173 ~·I M•r ... rand"'"'" "Ill' ''-'•">' IWrrcuat, u'""""'""""'~ "'1'1 .. ,.,..,, "1"' • "1'"" 1···11..1•1 :1 d 111 ... kiH••1..t. Ulll llaua. !llOJlJWd tro St't' flnnH'onf' 11 rf'IKton· IJUinutuma that th .. ,....,. -_. ~. J ammy Herndon. William alret'l belna Ule pur. lt•Nr. Both IV"'· Men.: I•· br·r~tftlt'd bluo• aull, un.e oadJc-•1•1•l•11"r '"II""' ... 1 l ' .. l \\'111 11 ,\ol,•n•• n l. l'att•IIW<tft. In San ~rnardann. 8nd 0>•· no I :a· t l•,undHI4: nuna.bcor ·bou·~ qwt fiCiaool , ...Uy, Hl-ay, J IW!k H~rtJer, GaiJ Ilia wen handt ... l tho •UJ h lht' t-•' <lnubh··hr•·•u<ll ... l t(r ... n "'Ill and • JM<'ka .. n a talk '1 • M • ·""I''"'"· I•• •» M Orundy. tavr llald t o hunt up King's lnndong.l tu .)010 lll4:-101m)', 1\a\')' and~ Hvnan. Jc..brn Lee J..-~n. Jack-E . Huuell otflce. Mllll<'ll"'' nu ... , Wllh bltrlrndc-r'• ~., ....... r_... I •• \\ .. u ...... II (' Uttw•. W . II. that tht'y'd be treated. f ane. Chert'. i••UMrd. __ ~ .... 1 •• 'J ~y. JOlin Jmklrul, Lrroy t'qiiiJinwnt. T,.,.., l"ld J"lli•'«' 1~·"1."''~''· •~ li Whtt .. •n. •· W . Aa a result. mort' n •1 !!, ---e. 1._ .._..__ J · .... ·--~ L•u ...... Jonea, .u. Jean t"' .... o ,, , . 1;..,,.,. .. ,,. ~ ..... "<n"lato ... r. . ..... 30 t lk " -~· .... -• a .... , MEN o~L"' I 11 w ... ,,,..¥d ttwt " t ull • ""' .,. .. _ c"- .. _d -•••• ·-_,.,_. _...,.., ...._,., ,_. ..... ,... .. ......... Tet Ret .. , •"'-'. '('-: .... _..... Jl0011" Hl IJ:l lnrll C4111l.J 0.• '"'*"'Ill lo' '·I It ..__..__" aome of whom II rf'tur;n ai'Rin, , ... 1 , J-, l:trdlwy .lueJyn. \Aneva Lt.Uy, Sunday ... r• ,,.., ~ l•ny ... " ·~ ,,."·' ... ~"' , 1 I • '""·'"'"v. • .. 1.. ,.,,.,,..,,._. , •. t .... m'--·r·d h•r• .... ·-_.. ..... , N t II)' ... __ •• lh I 1-'artv ,,,, ........ F .. ,,, 1"-····---·-l.o I t hr .... 11••1 .Jo•tno I lA oliHout <IIII I I I I I It •• w -t..O....n .a .. mt' 0 '"" rt·me .... ~ ~ ~'I --····&. .. u~Yal# ~ ---t'r .. ~ ~II Jal&lu~ly Lo.. a ura . ....... r "" llll( on • ..... ' -,, I. .... • ... ""· -• and l.ht•y'll IIJlr.t•nd s. • .. wport prupa· I ht'I.J ,., tho> H~eh a1aool ._..._ ,.:,:' lta.-.b., ·J ...... Jal&nhaU, ·...,.. aoud ror the Grand I •ld M~tn ut Rt>m.; ..... A ......... llftao•n ar .. •hfodul· • lilt)' 'A•krd • un•'••nllll" 11"' j.... I" I,; ll,tl l \' \\'o•l· h , ••• ,.,,.. .. ftow. ganda far and Wid~ l "t'"-l Sunda)' ~~·.-.u.nc. br&UUUJJC --Jl&x.-~u. Dartn Jllc:Gavun, lht' family. and ""'"···r ~tnd Hw rd to~~~ ..... '""'"rJ\•W •t :o.irwpurt ••111111) "' l••llllln,t • NA\ AI IIIII I ··II ~ ..... ,, 1\.•\'ol. n ...... ,., flardrwr, Then AI Andri'Wln henrtl 11bQut a t b ... ~ ...... _ ln. VHUI~ •Ill ~ CJY· ~.U..,..., IJ41JI Jtlhlh&an, K ayoeb, ku.Jdo,.• wall Cle'rllllnl)' 11 ult lu trt'MI ll"r'"'' y,., hi , hob ~·O!IIII~A1"1( ,.,,, • Jeo "-"''" ura:nl lhat • '""' , ~: l 'huu nw1 f.,hn l'allatlan. 'ena bt'on~: en town. and unm~· .. n hy tl.w. R«-1 A. C. A,.,. . .-.Oa Mana& ... J ... It lllt~twu. t'loyd Mock', hem tn ·the bellt. HUOt~\•·r, rathrr"ll t:! :111 111111 ""''" ltw tcruut• "'rll bO' 1' .. 11> '""II "" ••·a:ulat •1"'"""" 1""1 \ "''" "''"''' ,..,..nk Ma~llaa, iatrly o rrrrrd t o t urn lh<' Fun ,,.. nJ•tur" r.,...WO£ t.y t 'hd ~ ti4U M••od). ~ Muorr, Mar-pnck .. tbouk Will lllfloa t•r Ina ,.,.,, rtuo11r•l hy th .. luC'al 'h•n1IK"r 1 ,, ....... 1. "-11ra11.: ""'"'' 1''''"''"1 1111.:1J 11 ~'l'""l>:" 111aa \\'•llwr· Zont' ovt'r (ur an t'\'t'nang ,r l ht> ··nd "f""1a.l m~ by U... !Joys ..... ,. .. , ,p .,CICYI Myen, Ollcar·!'ior· fr()na thfo procofdurt II ha• dutana: .. r ''""'''"''"' "" '" '""' "' Ne•• lluot "" '"" l••·«r""' 1"' :-.:,.,_,., .. ~.. t' w •. -a,. 11 ,.,. !tart ltan, youngltt'r!l would lily to va<~1t Ba.l·,~.:•ds .:'-du,_ and U... ~ ~ ram1iy fu'lll ac:an.. u..-,.,. ... ada tu f"'rl ltarhur. ha t .. r lld)l•lllllln~t lu ,., ...... ~An" •" '"1"1...,1 11 '""111'1 1"' 1-: 1 M·••••· If ,,..,..,,. ltar-naMw,' boa. As a rellull nr that thnut.:ht• .,._fl.,,.tra u.ndt'r ~ ol B. J ~~~ uc.._, Enna Orr, ~ Jram of F'ather'a O.y •1'4'<'1al• nnw l.n~.:un" lif-At'h loor a t.UIIUI&',.. n ..... ,. •11 r••Y '""""' 1'' •• '""1:' 1"' \\ "' \ Kuk -'"'II II IItman, l:w- ful actaun lh('y !lpt'nt an uproar• Hu.k"'uud. aa • 1._rk .. ~'"'babetko Parker. ~In& featured hy m~on)• Harl••r "lK 1uuJ tlonstrr Ttl. apr.·ial "''"I tratuolrr "' 111"11 ''"""' 111' ''t:"1"1 •••II M .. 111 •• tlut ... rt Kldckr, ~- lous t'\'f'nlng nn lhl' mrrry-~n-1 Ttwo bau:aJaun:atoo ~· W\11 \\'!.-,. t• .. lkrlun. Jobn PuJce.oca.o, d 1 1 t r a c 1 corwrnu. I 'rumtn,.nt tumt11.: ''""'""II"" '" <''-'"'l~.....t ut '" lhr , .. ,at '" .,.. h ,., , 11 t- 111 ,111 1 1: \\' Mtnotr. ()Veor. round. the trrras whet'l and olht>r b.· dcll\·~r.c! by tbr R.n-. ~·~ Ur&.-n fkW.. Wm. •M•IIYI KJltLr, amun& thr latl«'r ar .. hi&JlHlrll·k'lll 1-:nrl Slowlr\'. J.,hn P llurnham. • ... urcaet~r T....,rrv• ~~~ ALu"cll.--'lan'!ll Uatra.t... amullt'mO'niJt. ~l.u1 on. pa.8WT of lbc: 11lt....,... ZltiH'ftll:Ofruon.cart ftGeet\bawn,l-drpel"tnW'nt ~.lien 11nd ::foutwf. t• A t'l\l'm "T. P: H AU,.n. C"lyu Aulhunty 1,, J.lru.rt-d ~AIIh th .. \\'"""" Sf""l"', Edwln R. --~. Just by t>f'm Jr thnu~trul and M.-tla....bst •hurda. Loor Anc4"&... l'br-.. l«r Jc.,.,f'll, Tf!lltd) ~n. Stan Sawy•r• Spoltii~A.t'er And tl111ll "".J MM)'••r lrvan ,...,,fl' .. lOur· lunraalura •m&ala.fft ,.,,,""""lind \\toa M 1 ~~~-·>'• llan•&d L. Jo~un.ca.,. kand·ht>urlM<~. lhu!<4' I\\" .Joel 8 ftnt>l t ... n,..Jnoi iHn ~~~ Cl\'«'n bJ Ow l•vn..ld f'-ru-w.-.:., ~ne:a 'Sbaut. \\'hllt''a COUH l:lhoJ>o-.Joou .,.,. 111 ,.,. ~ ....... haw ., 1 I lao II""' IO<t.•twl Tool lloo~A.•HI, .11111 ('oomltl<•n. H .. bert thing fur :'l:rwpurt H~t rl;ur. an_d f , H~• t: 1.J Goodrll. 1 __ , _ __. ., .. ·ft~~ .• u.·ard .... _~--. 1 1 , , """··II 1 •r If p: Mlal\wr. It C. t • ~·--,.. u•-·-~• n .....,._ ..... drlrl'lli,..J lu ,.... 101,. ''""'I',. f' t'hlnk th··, :-h"""' ,., .• "'"' ., 10 (' .,.._, .... _._ 5...._... Rendezvous Ballroona KF..c·s •• "" Tu u•" ANur.•,.,. ,, •• u u ltr.-d J MUco~M · Con#ns't.e ..:--.. hr~n 'Sbrny, u<~<<.......,.. ......,... ' • • • ,,. .. .,nil< "" all •1'1'"' atu•11" It """ • '"'"" • of thankil rr .. lll 111 .. whult' rom-1,..,..1d Snulh, .tt~l Sj)oontlauer, Th·· """'''11,. IJO•~Ahn& ,,.,..,1 ~I'"" •tcr•,..,l 1,. 11,,..., ""11111 1,.1,.,, 11 .,.,.. H• 111 N""""" Mant•y. ll K. 111\la. -mun1ty! I .~r:.dw.t ... n rvn·-•UJ ltf' bdd L' _ 1 L .._. __ ,__, Uw n Jay Bills Harr'-' O\\·enH' ~ .. rr•l hy M,.,. .. ,. Sel .. r •nd llw Lklu ,..,, 11111 .,_ J ...... 1 • 1 . ,. 1 :-J,. .. 1 ., 11 liar· 1-'""k 1. I"•~A•mau. .,.,,.. 11. "t Ul .. ""huul a ........ -.. -11l'~ .-r J"ftll --I· ~ ,J t ... _ V I' I " J ,.. ... ~ -.. ..... _ t\1rarna. H..rrwtta ~tl'vrna, Syble lh••ottrr. 1'11\yo•(J" ~,,... "'1"' "'" •~·• l 'ul .. n ll•l'h .,,.,.,1 .,, ""''h •:ul\r llu•~rlllllltMn. a-'"- NF.\o\'1'4 t'ROM <Ia\' flll(hl. Jurw 18 T Cba ·-w 1 Royal Orchestra Ill 1 ... ,. An.:•·h•lf, .. nday, ~Allrr• II ....... I•• .... F •••• ,. M ............ ~ ...... " .... .-................. ,.. K .. l,..,_ Je4-nlr. ..... •\'\' .In kt~p•n• uath ... _ --~ ,;t~•-.n. t'ltoyd ail, r~ l. I ·-~ ·'" ·~ --u.-'--"" -. ••anct. Woed, ee-Worley, .,.111.1 ,:onter.ed..,ln pr-dimanary ,,.,,.,.1 1 ·.,nra\1 ltu hler a n<J 1" 14•11!1• ""' ',,.,,, a;r \\'. lluru•r. jr., J-. Our lnii'IIIJZI'nrl' I 'l'pt tuuln't Jta.'l yeaN!. ftv~ ~A" ~ Harry Owena, ranliHIM mlll'lllro ~tatum agamtt .c-rack t••m• or II· .. -· wall bf' ...... _nl ,,, f'lllitllt• I ~ """"· 1 .... 11. A Wnchl, Hal .. _d anytharacr 111 r·'"'ort ah<lut I •••II p-nt a .._......_., __ ... _ UMI l.aWTAJW'e t Al• WIAI'dulcec. who ""ill n--t Thw.dll•.· bMn• hll 1 t 1 u . 1 •u r·-.. _ w ... .. r l" ·~--~-·r-----~ -~~ ·' .. 11'11' \Vmnttll. nt .. r na wna "''"' "'" ..... rnf'dw•l ....... lll.tlf•IIIO \\'•••I• IC If ft .. ~ .. ,.. nooy •· Bankl'r \\'atl/1' nk•'Y rt•r {lOme time. v t whtch Will be, -~JonDoaacy. 1Lf• I..L. Royal HawaUa n orthr~ITII to the ('utal(reu. Ttw lt'aln Ia (-vmpotli'4 • l•·v, w 111 s Muthrorl•n. Jofut Oaf· which Ill' unfflr tunalf'. Our Hentacr." '""-ta&.uac pout lllepl Tara .alen.m Re~:atvqua baUrooat 'II Mal~ for of Mra. Alma Th"mpaon of New· T..U.t.wal t '•tt' ,._ y.,., 1 , \', Artlu 1 r J . IA>welt. J.-a. The tal' I Wtlrd r...-c1vt'd ~A'L!I that well ~ Zt'Un ~. 0."" A'--._:....___ ~-~ a --&.a-t a, Ofl4'·ntlhl ata,.., hota b4Mn f••· port Hel&htJtt. Mr•. A. L. Pialllle)' Only u.. ulllf~onn, uu•llnc ttl ~t111ath, tt 11 at. f ' Clark, HaroW C. the locAl bo nd·chpJW'r WIUI arra~-mond, lJa Jeaa J-. ,...._, ·~ .11.:.;...,0 &.~.~.red an ~• ot ta. _,.t popJlar o1 Coe\.a Mua, and lhraa ladJ pctr ~ mUIIl lie pruvl4ed 111 u•~ AhPQtlt, .t 111 mri!,P'. W.U.IM, ... I~ a hu«e ball tank '\n·ta.a \'~1. Ol•pmaro. and \1tan-ltMt«. ,.._ Ga Owe...._ ball.roorrur of fJIIo t'nllntry. 11r~tlef11 frum Hunfln~rtnn 1116cll. Xl•t.· rluardllh1an, thr-h•tlrt~•l 'IC"'' f. Ke.: 11 •, 11111 Nrvllltlo. ~ which mf'IIIStln'l't 11111 rof'l8 tfft. l prUf:ram ""U allro ~....,.. •r--U4-ganlliiiJ( al-111,. old Hollywuod ,.111111,.,., •uJ•J•Ivtu~o; ,.11 oolf,.·r II•··~ ,, , 11 , 1 -,. 11 .. ,, ,,. 1-: llo•u•hrv. JfarTJ' On.-or thl'~·· mo m anjtlO ..... ·n hf':ar IIUOIItf'n< b\' lhr mllV'd &C'btaOI .-r· Two .,.,.,..._ -~ lnjurl'd s~-Muntna:ar tr C:lfl•· "' 11#23, hill c•lltllb d. ~lif' Slf'fff'll8('D -r) '"'"'I''"""' .: ............... '" 1 .. 1 • : .•• "' t .... ot 1-'lul'•f t-: ... -.,~n a muffl<-d roar anol lhl' ~'<'rN't'h 1 toot . '""'f"~-d •tf ElWn ~ ~-h the to f•m•· l•lflk lion• I•• th" Rll%·('~1· ,., .. v .... , wrlh th .. ,.,, 1 , .. t .. lootll llonl of Jllrl'nll. and thal 'll m t'an thr ·,, .. C'.o.•tl<'. Jv l1•• Putcrnc:w. Jack· ~,!t.: a.,:::;:;..~r ~""; ;:,~ken tun 1n :O.:rw v .. rk th.-l'~la~ .. lhf'rt· t ;lf'CfAad PrNident thr ,.,,.1,. ,;,..,.1 , """"' ,,.. • ,.11 ... 1 bankt>r rm:a lly hi\.'< J:O( lhl' mttlttr In I"''" J.,. lLnd ~ll' a.NVmpaa.(. --...1 J'--I .....,,.....__.,. tum lre and (:.01Wj!r Inn Ill l,;hll!41jtu, !niH l••k'rHI ,_.r, 1 , .-\\'IIIHh t<"nl run, and hso11 It''"" re .. hmg I J~> .. n Alwn. ~ •·Ill a11to -::z.~:;.~.:,·~.~~~vo, thrn blu'k '" til•· l 'Aft· 1.at•yrltr!1of UOM Club ,., • .,..., m ...... ~.., .,,...,,.,. ....... ... 1 hlll'f' hP ran !lwam' 1 numl.-eN t.y Uw ~n.· ~ due t ·lah. ou .,nrnary casu~ of lht' ac· in l#~s An~-:•·1 .. ~ AI , "'" "'"'''" .. t t ' .. t J ... ""''" • I AH'UI \\'ontf*n Moa~bt l''or t :nllfdmf'nt ln. • • • ,u uJ dht'ta bv Elkon JU~~CS and Dar-c.donlt Tlw-... fl tUill torcecl a eal' Murr t hAn lhn'" yl!'ant ItO, H rtr·1 lJnr uf I lie "'""t .'' JlretiO•fll•ll\'f' "'"""""· 1 • .,1.,,. I'"''""·""'"'" t llo.lo ()()(' HOi\ltll'S 1 \'n )h~a,·• .it.~ bJ' G.r-uptPnUMt by IJaw-ad W . Hooper of ry (Jw•n~ t•••k IIIli oorc'-lr• tu Rntl ""'""• r,.t,.. urJt•u•zall••ll" In Allrn lp lol .,f ,.11,.1111111&: 11 ,,111 t"A<T. 1!'4 at:D .l l<lutt> Sho>vlt. 1"10 l'•Airt avrnw !'inrport, an to the ftuy111 u,.,. • ., .. n h••l"l In llunu· tho· ll~trJ,..r tJUIIn• t '" lhf' • ·...,ta ,.,;.,.1111.:• ,f 11,,. ... 11 1 11 1 ~'"' '·''' ~·~-:• .. ••llo• 1 11 c 1 non.: .. , '"'"'Y ~ A f,.w "''""kl' 11g1•. wht•n flott• , 1 ''I''"'".," •·•II bf' ~ by .. ,.....,... -t.&Ae .;v•n by Qarle!J lu.Ju tvr u :.· ,10'\1 .. naaa,.ment UUi e Mr:'lll·1'<0cwpurt llarbur Lluna dub • ..,,11 uttc•~l .all I" ,.,...111 1., , ., ,, 1 ,..,.,1, lw '", ,. 11 1 fo• ••&:•" ,., 111 a ud .. .,. And Mt'!' Hn:tTd ~ tn " rhnm• A n-fjf~tn. li. ""' IO'r'OC'alaoft J ,... l , ot .... Habra. ..... 1 fM•pui.Jnl\ Ill ,, •. l:<landlf, hu\0 •·Vf'r, Whh h dri<~A .. II .............. tatur• rr .. rn lA ''" '""' ............. I .... '""''"' '~ .... ' lwoll&: I'' 11111~1 I•• '''"" lillie llf·fe·n~· ('orpN plnn,.hap trap:<h•tt•ton~ hul'an<'"-" and twan~: ~1\'t'n O\' tbr R.rt. Mr. Coo4-lrtra : .. ~r. C....' J . M aatn. ar .. r provf'IJ .,., K''"' thrtl he tuu llf'o•n o·vrt ) 'n•••k ""'I • "'"'''Y "'. '""!'"'' 1 .. .,, 1;..,,&:, 1;,. 1 ,1," I'"""' ""'' l!.tl olo•" .,f lh .. ,..lrwl "--•· Mama llllllrd 111111•' bnck wath th .... II and thf> 1 ... 114"dx()(Jnby lhrftrw--'!).and hroo molbef Enuna Maatrt,r "'lll('d h ... k '"' 1111\11)' l'f'tUrll rn. arf'll "' "' ""' ,...~ ••• .~. "'"'" ..... Ill~ ..... I '''""'"" Alllllltlanr• and pravll. thC' flto<' "'"" ••mhnrra.<tSt-d M r Ahtw. "V. rh~l\ f'ld .Up.!rl oeua.l tnJu.nes ~A.g• "'""'' \ ' .. n,~lllt•r u f <''""'''. A IIIJIIo• Jlnou( ,f thtJt •talrtntontl·" II"''''"'!.' ''' I 'uH I . .,,1 I , ' "I• lou I ,, 1.' ' • • • · .. 11"' "' A m•~·•. Mn noend. ~<'--"-I .... IMI ~ •~r"' 1,..:.._,. et ~l leaa .;.ou.:-.!uL>..w."ofbUI~nt.t uut.Ylwf,.undu•"l--~t1fltt. l.o••lll l;n •&: .. IVhll•l l'l•·t&:••lflll ~l•ll ''"''" rr ~o l,loo .,f lluntln,rlotl And t h"n tu mnk,. thonjt!l WOM14'. ,..,...rtt,.M Y tl.•pttal. , , .. g,..,.,.1 t. ,1;11 \!oO II lh•· , . .,,., ... '(! "''" ••ffu oul I.O••rd ~Ahu h wa.~ 111<rn ,, J•.,rt•·r. toll .. , 1,.,11&: II<,. 11 1• .• ,. e. 1, .. , •··~ ,,,, ....... , th,. appu6nt· It hapfl"nNI nil 11\'t•r a~:n•n at Lo on~: J, a n Allt·n . I.Jan d AI~ ........... c,... A n ul. II \ ••• " I II \!o'llH IIHIIH-d r.,. , ... ""'' lA ... k "' lh .. ~nllUitl ...... ""•l··r' •I• ,,, "i ·,II,,, "' ........... Ill .... I .. , '1111•11"''"' •• , .... , ,..,.. Uda Bi'ar h 1,11 ~llltoluy I''" llhnt Anrt lna•·ldJt Ant .. n. Ja.l lt ~. RJ,ct,. .._ _, 1 I haa 1, ... ,, 1 .... a;t.t•·r whu "-'U burn 11.,11 .. 1 .. rr,. '''"" ~U"'~IIIC U••or•L 1 ,,. , , I I I •t .. _ oaraJ ~\~r ... Jlllr: .... IA» nan··· y deap.... . ... Jill>.,.,...,....,.. .............. ~ .................... u ..... ,..... .. 11hot anti J:"l 11 11 piA••·. "' ll e "nr .•rd ~n>t'• Gf'oorJ:t" ..-rrwt.1. " · rd. !-1 nda two 111 t.fll" 111 • """"'r lluy Sh11rr '"'"1111111 1•1••• ' ,.,,, 1 .. ,,. .. , II•• "'~'""lutlon H~~~~~ ~·::~s ~,·~::~~~ ~~;::~~;:,~·~.:::, ~~:.:: ...... ~~~~~ ...... ~~i. Ov':'ll~ ''!~~,.~~~~.:.:::;·'.~lo~i.l . :1::~~::~.:~: •• ~·:. :.·=:.::· ::.:~d!;~·~:~;· :~.}. Children's Party at I· •• ·,··1 ·:· .··:.·::, ·:: •• :~:;.~::.::. ~n~ him welh ,, hunrHnt ... r r···kli' $2 500 ()()() Bea h h•;; •• , rr~hanc ante) ttw ••de ()(a t Elecf Incumbents •llll ·llol 1\1111 lltt•l ""''II'.""' •. , Ill•· .... ' .. '· ""'. I""'"' ........ ,. .... JU· c , .. , ~nla •• f' bwt travehntt onJ Huy 111~111• l Lnraot .. •r (" O .... lboa Fun Zona_ _JII ·'I"' , •.•• "·""''' )1111~111 ·~ .. "l.i\SOM .~RK , , } ~ llr: ut ~ s n r B d .. ~ ....... ..u -tn 11..-..... __, ............ H-v-Bc:lf " '· I" I ••• ... •·oulv .... ft.~~ D F.I'ARTS --;-r :-,r-Billl N tbc C..:OJaSl Hll ~)' .. ,~"" t L<• to-c 00 oar s "··~ ="•'(""" S lllll"'" ·····1 .. ~'''" J . 18 I I· I I .................. Ttalnlr!tf Frnnk .~lllllh ~~.In "ld llll'l<ll•·~~.runu I s ow ~~~~;:,. .. I .. I n 0 ' ""'"''· whol•· """ •r•l •: .... h , Set for une 1 ....... 1 .. '1'•1''"''")'11 ... d Thun H o> h•u• lllko n hill ra·h· tnwn r·nr • t'n Lig!lt Vote ;-.; ......... , "'""'''" ....... r "I '" ~ 011 t .. r •·or•·"l·'''"" B f Se t tlfJ&...: ,.,..._. ,_.L"'~Eatt ..... , •. ,,.,~ "'"' H...-¥..-.tl+i IW-fll ""'-1 '''"' 1 ""' ··I "'' I·'"' 'l.··•~· Th•· '"'' wo!Jl'nu ruduatur 13Jl e ore na e An>'•r.r; Uartw.n~ who tuuk ,,,., 1\,.11••• l l:tl'l ,,.f,.1•·ot 1,, . .,, • \, I"""'' -'HI, .. 1'\IC\CIII'Tf: TIUM.t .... IIIIC'I ~11""'"'1: ..... till ll nol \1'1111 ro•nd · . I I d I 111 4'1 I,,,,, I ""I'.,. ,,,,. AI ..... 'ol ·' I" I . I' ••• ' II, r I II It oil .. , H .. II .... l•lancl. f'r:< flnppont: Il k•• '"n~,.··n " I:'"'~ l 'h.•l l •r.•""" ,,.0nt )· .... fan.,,. , .. _ ,.,.,,l F ... ...... ., ''!l' ••·b~·t ...... -'.,.)••11• :S ·'~ tl t<L~V ...... J ......,;. · •• n; 1 .. ,. r.-..,, "lltlt"ltf'd..-tt111.,... f' t .. ,,..,,r"' tn th. ~ ... turd..t.y mattnt'e-All "·' .n t •• 1 1 ""t"N" r_. u r nf· .. ., .. ·• .... ..... . 1 , ~ ~, ,1 , 1 •• 1.,,., 1• ".!..t . ,,.,,,,.. 1 ,, I r ..... . ....... lnr ·~nie m[l )'AIC an_., -·-" ... " !l j, _. .. I,: ·• h.-. ,. ~1 M"""' t f (fl '""' ..... , ..... '"" Yflttl' ... "'•·I .... "" v ... I J:uul lw~•.J:•I!nh.•J !''J:rl "l n~(1~res:a~'"'"tnftaiJ;p"iii'•nxc.;.._.. --........,. M\M A~ rll'1'h•,.~'•• •I"M""""ndNrw • •••.: "" . •• I ;,,,.,,,, ...... ,,. 1"1• \:I "'"'""~''"" lfi:l.~. ty 11 , ......... But r~.!tle v_•t ~WI $:!:~., •••• r ... 11w «•qu•cot .. •n. df'-•• ;,-.v •. , ,., ... lA Mt'l!.'t ndln&: "Mr. JHorl II·; • 11••1 d iMITII"lll j 'l "''II \ "''"'"'" ..... 1 .. ~ ..... •I ............ "-....... /~m· ~ •. ,I l·rl•fl\' lllal ....... ~ ....... - 1: 11 "1"'" " 11 ' 1 du·•l :o (l•·r ""hhent: ·•·l•j•l:•rll.rnd l'lul«IOIIJl fll.pub-~ hfl't~ladiW!I'tnek ,(!If, h· ''" r.nrd<m t-'lnt11ny "'"'" l••.,.t .. r :i It 1'""1.i~ ... "'"1,"''"' .,., 1 ,, 11 •• '•It•• .. 1 '"'"'' \lo• \'•11"' 1:"'"1"'' uf Uw ar .. untl "alii hnn:<f'ma ads knN"h c>r ''' , ... r .. :,t ... ru.t lw.a. hr«. ,.._ ~! t ... ~· , l<l..~• J,.r k \\' -J< .. nnt'dy. 1"'11"1 I•" '• """'"~' I :l8 &: '" II• "" "'"'1:1"• "'' '' ~ .. , .. ,,.,, '' ""'I' . •. • ·" • .•1 '' ' I ' h• .. ' ' I '1·•1 "" I• I• II "" Thunodey lll'm••then c. anll "'' F'•:ank \\'II " ... rd dPI.n•rEd T~y l•~ ·~ .. _,:.. _ ... n• ..... -.... _rn "lur ll•·r~t II \I lf··lt•n (;rll•· ... "I'"'' '" ............ 1 '••'I I I.. ' ' ,, '.I •• I ·• I "'""''' ,.,. "'''" t h s .. , ... rl••radf'ti ... rnet lh,. b Or .--·~"" ...... _ ...-..uu•~ 0 •• I . ,, '.' l• I ·I ••. I ~ I th f'nran '· · . , .. •ml\·t~.:o rd .,fru~u;o,.-. Y 1'.-.) .,...,,., t•r Arnrracan lladdl,. wnl•" 1 1•1•· A II F elF.Jlltl 1 ,, ,1 ,.1.~1 . 1 .~ ,,. to· ''1 ' '"""'"' '" " P'~-r rrattrr "" 1 " 1 . 11 " Oil!"!"'-... II " ... 1 -"'-<1:<-f •·I v~.lt~ hla.n4. 0 tr .... : ··~" •Jt•ord ""'""'•rt IJ-a r h r or k ""'' ·,\ t: \lrllootl, 1 1\lltlldlltl'~l t,albf••a t»antiJfH•ICunm •. ···~·' \'·•••hi: IIA II ...... ~O'W th•.._ f\n~tn•"'' J:••an,: l u '"• L , •~ t ' " ,..,_. ,. .• ~ '..-.,... • t • t • I •' I ' •~ llo' I '• ' II, I• "''"'" ...,,,.. 1.-d ' • 1 • h"" ... , .. ''· ""' l•"'n,.ar~ l<)ftUr.t • , J-r not~ s,., r"bry .. l!f'<'nnd fut t .. r r• • loo lh" 1\:rwfl',rl • , 1 1 • 1 , ,. ''. ' ' 1 ' U!CI''' {~or a l,u:\l .. r ...... ,.•lhlnl! anr ,, • "' •lr ...... , C••llnl) ('•t&St ~I . . . . d • I "•l:h .......... ,, hoolortl S.·t for lt••-CJIH'nln~ . ' ' 1 , .• 1 ' 1 " 1 '' h .. , th« lhl' An•'IPnl ,.,.h,..h· a• dls.J I'r ... :•nn!( ~ ,,m ,..n •.•n -~ brrd lnllff'll. an .. llarl•·• . • I · ·I• I,..,. lo • ' 't I'·'"' "'.' l•••k llw • 1 1 t lh r •·•II•.. T ~ P.•a l~lbo• ••n "r;,Jd Dual ,,r t1 ,~•·. • ·· IHIIItiun .. uHiy rl' T · , .. hf , 11 11 • 1 ,, , ,, 1 • ,, 1 , " bat lty ,,,1 , ...... 111111 ''' ur" ,. I II l)' w\11 • • . • 7 OlnorrO\\ ,,,., .. 1,. ,, 1"·•11 J·•~tc" ..... ""'"" tl• ' '"-' ran&" 'fl'lHl -,fld (n r f'la1n \\',. .. trrn !lin~ If'S. ••lo•o l••oJ I I (o 'II• k Jtt)lhnjt 4 If ' "' , , , , , 1 ,, • I '• ,• '"' 111 '' nuq••!tl'll 1 1 II \ rw .. "·~ any ot • 1 I I ... ....-~~ • I 1 1 ' "''' '' 111•1' •·~1"''1"'" "11 I' 1-'r«nk It '"Rlktn.-. It It\,. l#o!'ll ,_ IJ . \'t•(fl~ h f "" •, r Ar•--"tr "'"' ; 61 ~-f ••It• f -. t •• r• f~\· • • t t t And I Jt lll''\.~ " " .. •--u.r '"'' 1: "' • '•·I .,rf • • "I• ·"1: "I '·•'• ' '1 .... ,-. "' tt•• ,.,.rv . Ill:<>'""' >tppr"p~(Jn un..--l"t ... -"'1\\I~G DfM; DIEM Ill ,.,,,1., M· "'1111<: M1•llttll l"•tl 1 1 ,, I • nflw: I ,.... .. ov-lltoll• ... ' .... ~~'I 1 ............ ' • •• . I • ' •l• II '... • • •, 'I ' ' • !Ilk*'•• h om '" 1 ,,.,,. wmf'dualt'l )' llN•JIO t l ou.ttw-K ..t. from~ hfr-ttftVIIlf: ,.tf'4:.1!< :11 I'• I:O·Hjl And 71J at th1• 1 1 • 1 ~ 1 11 , , • 1 • 1 1 , ,. , .d 1·•• · 1 f _ ......... __ • ~ · .d p l••l•l\ ,,,,,, '' •'' ·•t• ''" ..... • ' -11 f '''~·• t ',,t,u ~.,uuu, •• ,\RM\' A Kit lll11~t .. r r "" ·~ ,........,.......,.,. -·~ ::t .... ,,,_,., -to-~ l'l'Knf'd by Shorty M••ll:t I :t·' • rumrr lin< I .J .. h, .••• ~ I •I I ... '' ' .,.. • I. • I ·"··I , I •'· I ,,. I • . y oil I " ' .._ . .,..~ t "••·nt. fir ~~~ u i'J:.._t that ·~····1\o-r 1• ... -.lh'!h"rm"n dof'titht!" v.···•••l··• l·•·nt., .. ntltrC~o,.ta lt,,o ,, , II• '' l ,,., ''" ., '.,.,,,. ,.,, \',•I•· ''•I• I, '"'1 '1'"" ... ,,u, .. YClOI.Il'oll . .;r.~,.. I t bo-lakf'n by tt;, h I 1 t1 ''1 1 • ' I I• '" 1" "·'' 1"'"11 "I'•· J)apnnl'.llw(ullaal~·~lawk.I!!J:t'l-. l'l"lliJ' It• uon __ .. i ..... kl••ll•·•rr~IC•'\})o'>t'tollnrJia,The ~1··,.u•:oo l ''"I "'"r .w•·r•· 1•'•1'"'''1 :-... ·•·1' ·•'••I~<~!·'' •'•" ••1·1• ••I ·• I'''' •• ,, .. , •. , ·• ,.,. In•.:•• t ~~IIJN·n.s .. r~<al<m~......., J~ h•jJt~ ""oe ""'"-~ bo•on&_tnt~nMt by un.o:"l"'"''l• •l••·h••'tNi wath 71 • '"'' II • Ung llmllrt••r nnll .~m:t r ('r, I ___.... . r II h tt: t < I , -•I" ,, I• I II •• tl • ! ··~··· I • • • ,.,, "" • 'I Pl'rkllll<. (lUr lw : •. llt trul 1':<1 oo( .th.. .._... .., ..... _, •• •n lt•r Ill ., ••W In t .. • .. t.~ "P." ..•. ,. ,.,,. ! ... II ko ... ·• I I ••• ' i "'' .... • • ' 'I 1•· I ••• Rllt''t \'Hf14•ly, !-'UrJ'I*l..:l'( 1'\' : t1 1 ~\<lthur,;y fur t~ 1'\l"()-ancJ-a.~h&Jf ,I,III'Ch•·ft :t '"I r•.l YlJ ' ,, t '1 ' '' . th r In . -..... ha-t ~n ll'C••rrt..d natumal 'ruR llF.I"\ ... I o\• l•l ••J " ,\l ol ol I t>r\' n•· • ,( hoot '"'''lrtoon,. fathf'r. l'lut••. r l I I ''' ''" rt't'l'lltl\' hv h•••'l•llltlll: ·' Ill" f' • :1111'"" 11• liar "f'J•rnl'r•.otl(;fl u '•If\· f,fN i\J .• ,, t • .. ·r.-"1 l!'•f.'•'ll ,,,, " II' 1:•.•• ""'""I '' I' • ' 11 l:"l I" n"" tarr.~ l••r "''''"lor 11\'f'J\ Ul tllf' '"'"llfl ""' ,, ·'' ,1 ••· , .", are o f lhl' :IJ!<' Wht·n ~~~,. o',ltl ~11•rt ' 'I'•" •If• "'''•' ttar-_. ~~ ~ ~ •r.<l t,.ay ll'"f'. ftan y I 8 re-l'lll• ,, I • It '••I• , I' !I • IJ' II lllrll•' w;ey. •·r r\•Un '' t.1111, 11 11. A~o!'O'It11.1)' 8 tll 13r.. •h!r d )\ d h d Uf:\'lf't': 11. I l'o. :0.:1\\'l' S111o H• I •··•1•1.1t• I! •" • •'' 1 "" ', ,, 1 I•, :{· 11 ,, 1 k 1 h n .. ""' ,..._.., ,,r.l!v t.-••lf•" th" mf.th"r nf Bill lfarol•l I 1 '""''"n nn '1'\tf''<illly' 1 1 '1. telhhHl..: .fllll th111~...: ,...I ~:,~·:t I I ~1 .tl\d l~ nq'A t_,..f,,,.,.. fhf>'..-nat .. ()r f,u, f(in ,n 1 II •I• •t lt1 d• 'It tl t •' '• 1 .• I t lh nm11m~n .,,,. i• •N•·,_ lo•tt th~ P"l!" hno1 bt'~n •l•·lal·.-r•·ol "n'' •·I ltul P~<t•niMt pr1• I I I .. ., II ·.:., birr!~. C IIW nj:; ,. I k I• ~·· •IJ• I r•unlf'<i "IJI ... ~ ... n..:t ru-t all "-'Ill .!lllf\'1\'~. C:un• f"'ll•·r ~""K':, lo lllf' I' 1'1 1\:r~vy "17.•• " "'' ' , ' • • \\'rll.' filii' .. r h•·r r.ll,. ~ ,·~ I ,,~ " m .... l.n£1 '\! Ow rtanrunc tl.Pr u.-t :.t lhr· s .... I ••···:·· d•rotr•ovrr .,,,. .. l·•·t....... ,,, "'' ,·~:'~·I. ·,. (II""'''\ ........ H It'''"" II •• hranR l'llebl!'l' hoonlf' too lh a l·n• ' II ! II•~· :M•.nd.ll\' r.rcht. w....mtwr< ·-Mr .lr,hmlm ton J'lf'r~f'rtl'd a d>• """'' I····•' ··• t ' • ',. I ., II "' ,,, 'I • S arf' ~tuff. ltk•~ h 7.artl"-~h·· ruak•·' •'f"l•t•d ~ r .. •,fut:nn uk·na that '"''"'thAt •~ ,...ud ''• bto fAr AU,..t "'"~'' t' •l '' ;· :.,,,,,,, , :·• •I• \f ,, ,,. •' • •··, 1, 1,,. ·•n•l th1· 1'1'~F.aAI. IUTI'-~ TOMftaRo"· ,.. 1 1 1 , , •• a pi'CIIhll r ·"'''""Ill&: ·". • !I'• l·•·nrd "' l'llf ... "'UI<'"' , .. _,.,,...,, .............. a "· RAilLtt"' l••r I•• All\'llll<rJ: nf lhp k ind n .... 1!'"1'"".!, . , ...... •l k at!' C'umP n annn•a: I k tt ... I •r .. r.l!• ,.,uraf\' plar.r..-.-: ~ t' f I ~ .. r\'tr .. ~ "'II bo-hrltl ,., II~" ""'' ~A ll•" hr d"m•tnlftrllll·tl ... ,, • ., ol ',: !: I'',.,,,.,, And S•l rt, ... , lh• f 11 ' ,, 'I 1 .. 1 :.11 8 publl<' ho-anr.r; <A ,,,. " ,1 1,, :-.tHI \' .,,1, 11.t~ """"' llmr •IC" ,. u .l•·l • • llt~phnt· <'lin h• "' tfhtl l ',"1 rt,",.,•lntl t!.•·, ·•a d .•• r-.,:-· t lan nf , .. , f"l.r.~ ., "' rr "' mromtntt "' lh .. Rav~r lh<•\ lllolowrl••l•·l\ ph" o:;l "" ••rtlt·t P k • •• · '" • '"' \C• • Ho .-t,~t , h•ar• h f••r I "'lhur tnnP tn l't In!< " 1 t•I ·•'·J~··t ·f l •t.o!liC""'''·"''~ lt~•lo· .. t •••nl' All· llollt the Juhn.~W.u wan the riiC't' t•• th• mlinoa ""'I · ,. -d V.'lth 'hf> ~rt da· )C H .. r.•··• Jlfl:.-1 :""WJX•rt bo•ull!· 11 11 h lh r hnarP I• J•rt •• • • ,,.,., .. "'' tS,t'd Tu~..,~Ay. llll(f'd 7;! f'r<•l"' ••r 1{10111{•· WI lllt<ln t ... In r vf'ry timl' •rlltl • '"~ " • 1 •!••r\' -.t~ro• f••r t~ adoptl'•r •4 tl; a.:r-·:.1 ""'""nd An•l It •h•;uld )'l,.l<f m n rqeJ a Will\' fr••na lhP k tltrn and _,, t '" n .,..,.,.. )fr llarltow , .,. hr. wa~ a fl'· · _ _.1 Th I • <JUifo-u mar .. r J'141 r<.l II (o,rlunO' l•• Ita IIIVentnr . thPn qu11rk1n~ ,.,,,.,,.nt .... 'Y " • r-1 ''"I' 'Ite-r had r~,.,~ In ....-· on I" trouhl" all th.•l 11 r r,.:ot•• " • ,-..-r r 11) y.ranc th". p;ut au N a ' h t •D .. ,.. &••• ..... --, c -·1 c· ,_ ... .... \o\11.1. ATTr.su f'O. \'F."STJos hl)rrablf' uprul\r. "llh l ,. .c"..,.. ·R .... ,· -~ _ ,, .. v-• ''" "'"·' .,.~,,.a ,,...,. .. ~ ... . howlultr an doAAJ!Jl'•llltm .. n1 " thr A n .. r a w~lt • ·n:nc arr.urA 1' '" "' ,.. 1c.rhh h111 "'ef~. Mr11 •··~I· M A 11•·11. f'"'•PM,.lflr nr duC'k llfniiiCktn~ hl'r b all ao trt nph lh,. drvdr..-k• of San ~-~ v u , Hu ..-.-. <'•>1lA )f .... a . th,._ All"" • •r""rr""' ,. ()n flat~ •• 111 Anynn" ~·ant 8 dll('k ~ 0( II I'll ld £IHr t.l.ntt 11b1p ReK_ pt~ -• • ... r'l' 111n. AnAh~lm S tel. lAW lllntl ,., lt•RVIrtl( l•o<1Ay f()r Urnv.-r ot rata~ " . , ':'•··~o pnrt Hu·bf·r )'!'Wt~rday uA \::.c ........ r -t M•rt••n . El• Se«undo. C•1l1• 1 •J.-h<'ro> h,. "-Ill r•pr•w~~·· • A RF.AL 81\RC.AIS Thd Prtll!l1s ·u " y1>rrr 1n o ranl!" count)I .. -No "pn~" lfl\'t'n. F ~ .. ~~ -~ ~ ~~\ ••• •! ~t:'•r Yr~ Jl flurlnn l•·rl 11kr"t .. •l n •. •.nv r lub al th• n ... (J•o1''1t 'n•llr ~ ArU.. ~ ~ -! aa ......,., ~ u ~.rancJ.r.h!l~nn. tavn~~l ll•ol4<1 )' I unv•ntroo. ..,. •.•• II a~·tut r1l'ltrJt a& a lla·~lr~rrr.-· WlfJ .,_ At F,v-.~n Allen Wtll .;:,.,"'fjAny the local del· ot,..,.~.,.,.. Rinn6de. erate; I' I •I ••• tJ .,. '•I t t ~ t•' .•• t ,.t I •, I t .... I ,, ••• I j.. I I • d .... ' .. , ··•I ',,, Ballwa l.i•auur Stort• l.w.c·"i ~a.; in Va!dl tu llulclu1• Pair •' ' '• , .. , .. "''" .......... , 1 ,.,, 1 f ••l lw•• •I I 1 ~ , t •' 1 ;, •J t t 'a· ,,,t,t ..... ry 1,,.~ •· 1 •t••r• If• lhal .. , I ' 1• j1;•1 ' • . "ntu" '• ,, •I tt,, .. ,,,,,. ,.,..,., , ,1..,,,,..1 1 ,.,. ~"'tc-illter t , ... , •• ,,,, ,,, In ,,._.. t h· , • •··· 1,."""'"" nt• It .. ''t '.,,_ ""·"'' Mf'1t I' •"' •I iJ• ., • t•th ''' harr--- ' . ' I, ol I ... IJ, ll•·tJ, "''I•O<IItlli\C a.t ,.,,,,. , ulr""' .. Thry •lhtalrMd •• t,,ut atr, 111111-~----·"'·' .... _zt a P • ~¥' ¥a•;z .. nON rA "!SA ~ies 1ops d;' Lu•· and Far dridana. ~ ....... • ttwo South """ today. etion are 011 enble untJI ............ ., ........ . ., ... ,. ..... ..... llll•• ...." ........ ... .... _ .... ...... "polk-. .... :>-.,.., ..... ...... ..ay .., IM ~. ......... ...,. • •r•-••·· . ......... ......... try ... , ... ··~ ad IM!Cl ... , .. Ia ••.-rt.ct ·~ .._...u __ ..... ., ....,,.,__.r d ..... , tlw7 _.. ~ ..... - dw..,.~ ,., tt .. ,...... n.::-............ .--~ ,..... .. ,... -..~~ ... ...... ,...., ..... ~ .. OlftA~ ., ..,.,. 1, U C alilout tanwocl tf n ftftUiJ ""· ..,_ Ollt)t ..... .... -...... ,. .......... _ ..... '"' ...... Junk ........... t .. ftGW .. .,.., ' no4 tl) 110 r ""'"'-· or ., 1 ...,,... •• a ,.,.,. ',._ ',_. "' "'""-'• .... )' aJ•• ,.,,f!ct tf'lllffffl * "0 er tng -~flii m~ wu rn..te ·~ u.. ....... ••tv wlthlbe I ~,.nd fit trade ltladlly nortlt- '"""'.,. ltrwartt ;.lUll hll[!away. Pl"n-r,.•l Ita .,, 2:1r<l. 1ttrwt, • 1n lhal hl<w'lll "'" "'•I tr11me lhr hollt rom-'"''"11 ,,.,., bf'.- lhoo bfnrlll ... ,,..,, IJOUII""M '"'fl'lot ln'mlllfl """"• lhal 1hro ' taa. b••n rllwtn C.ntr11f • 1•1• .•n•J thr t •r ant~ th11l It altl,oa of tiNt with IJU•Ineaa I ay For ett Meet . , • ,....._, hlch · I wtlktl ht ,., ..... fnf'ftflon, ~rrw q . Jim' 17th, Onnr Coun· , C'OftVt'MS at A.,m• ... ach. _._ will b. ...18ftJnc.~ tt~ hlut ~lit tAYIM t I,. .. tO te IIIIIP CDMtal -' ·' •" ---~-__ __..._·---~-.. -·-·---·----...._.,..--. Thuriiday.: June 12, lSHl . Garden See For Friday Amid • gant.•n liUie of the:• C11t Afternoon nubh•· Vlt'le, pn"Sidcnt 1 flct-n Wl'n' m~IHII noon by Mrs. fl pnosid<'nt ·t-lt,oc't 1 Coult\y Ft'dr•ratltl Clu'be: ... 2 -:-••••oa .... B'ALBOA PRESS ~~~~~~~Ro~~0T~mpeon Sons and Fiifhefs two ~n 1natnlt-t~ to .. w up a By w. KD KAXWI:LL ______ • __ A_l'I..:,I_N_DI&HNfiRNT lbrAI. N.""''~'AI'IiN olutll)Q for ...10-mlriute parktnc In ODe of..... . . . WHEREAS. the l'ntted Statt's nf Anlt'lltll N JI CQuntry. w In Flag Day Proclamation .... .,.,. d _fiV«rf 'Miunday evenlnc at Nt'4'JlUrt Ueach, C.Uifon•la f·•r pittNln!l nf the Reed Bulldinl ~majeStiC poe~ or the ~liab t.oocue Mal· danJer from "'lt.hoUt IU wdl u lJI\ISIIIII ''""' \l'llhln. "nd Offtol aDd PnnUnc Plant at 2211 Cout Blvd. Toduphone 1618 "" Plllm stn•,.t. Balboa. The reru· .thew Arnold 'tella the tragic atory of a father wbo didn't r 1.11"") wnuld t.w-'" errect from e a. 1know hia 1100• Ruatum, ..,.1·gh••~t wam·or of all Iran ·an WHEREAS, Un1tffi &8 unf.' ~-•ll•·n ''' "•lllloi:IY wurklnJ:. e,·.,r cn- Cnt.nd u MCOnd·c:lau matt.&r J une 18. ls.40. at thf' J><llll urtlre at .. , ~ young o--1 1 d t d'l :rl ••• r.l"'' m wrth nl .. ht narkln• ananh..l-.1 -----t ........ ~. "«' an 8 t'a I y stn\·lng t:rotlll' ol • 1117.<'11.• 1\'1' may lunc prea- Newport Beach. Ca.Utomla, under the Act 11f 'Mar.-h :1. IIHU " ..-., uuu ~ the f th f bo H' if h h pooohllut··d Mt ull tlllll'8. a . er 0 a y . Lll .. e, oping t.o frvt' aur f'rllagt> ro( f'lt't'0•1111, Tolt•l;tllt •.. •IIIli H"l''': und WID. A.. Maxwell and W. H. Hott'hnuu1, I)~IH:nl ~tuo l'uLiolllocrs Wll. A. MA XWELL, Ed1tur W . H. HITCHMAN. Crrrulatlun and Adn•rt ulln6: NELL MURBA.ROEH. Local Nt>WII t,)lttr•r I -Mill Prfall hall been a'd;udjred a ni'W'IIJlllJlt>r llf l(l'"fl••r~tl • orrulntwn by ~J"et-.Qt. the 8upertor l:uu rt uf (llllnjlt' f'o•UIIIY ll llli Ill fully Qllltltflt'<.l t.o publlah aJI kmd.t nf legal nttliCNI ano.l rtlivo•rlo••'n"'rtiJI. 1 save the child from following the fighting career Of hia aire, WHEREAS. •our ~ymhool oof l·'ro•o•olooolo Tooh·run• ,. and IIOpt' 111 gur nH sc ILO&Jo4 TO MJ:ET to~d Ruatpm that the c,hild was a girl·~ For twent'-y~ the F'la& whu:I(I!Jtt•uhJ e,.,.,-h•· wtth .. ut utut "' "ta111 . 1tnd -"'•·"''""rt Harbor 0111tr1ct Co-ord· ht R t ~ '""'"II: C•ount'ltl w111 mtt't thl• eve· mag y '¥ um traveled weatem A.aia with his a.rnUee leJV· .WHEREAS. t~· Prt"'ld•·.nt "' Lh•· t ·r,t.·d Stat.-... Franklin D. lli!IJ! at Harrlll()n'M care pn 17th ing behind him a recorl.\ ol _proWella that blanc~ the Rr~vt'lt, havsng do:dun·,t ~atunti1~·. ,11111" l~th. 11:< Fl:oK Oay, a date ·11•···1 thnpn In ~ P.t'rved at • cheeks of all rivala. Has son, Sohrab, grew up t.o become a on wh rt•h Wt' Anwru:p ns 11111-:hl l't'-llt-tlt• lilt• ootll':<t•l•···;. ami uur MrvicH .. ',,,. k ~:lrdllln of OffiCIIMI -wm rC'iiOwne<t figlite f h T h .., tu our Nalrun . .&.lJa:.~.wlJ.i:!~·j)\'tU.~~U..Ut.!.UJIIlll.l fl•r an Amertc:a l·•:tt'\1,.. lht> tl<'t:B ... Iun. c H. Rob· . . r 0 t e artar oet.a. One eventful day tM Whl<'h nu man~cau n>rruf'l . lltl lnfiU••tlt .. ur .... U\\,IY (rum l'herwhed Ia ~Count)', •~~~~u~~~· Or&lll'a County, IJ.&O ·''"'" t•,.wg the Kht>duled speaker. urnues of Iran ahd Tartary met on o~ite bank• of the 1Mal11. no r .. rrt>, o1\'ld" a&;j!liLSt lts .. lt . == "" . .. -r.-r1ver Oxua. In lieu of battle it wa.s arranged that the '"'"Ue N \I'I'RH\ 1: Vl!oiM'ORJo4 • ._, . OW. TUERF.~'(IHF.. I. ~!:o ~·nr lr\'111 l :t•t~n:•• r.urdun, Mayor ot At 111 .. ,,.. June 'mut\n~. membtra shoul~ be decided by combat between the c.bampiona of the the C1ty of St>wpurt ll.t>al'h. t1oo h".!.''"Y •I··• 1,11 ,. ~.oturoa~·. J unt' Utb. .,( ....... ,ol.rt"tl'lrr'tll'1rwomen·r~ .... ~ mg hoe~..lklh_r~ ang .f\ustum met in deadly .a!tnlyL 11141, Ill~ Fla& {)Hy In the :-;l'\\PHI'l H.uh .. l ........ und "? t'arnuUy _... h • d 'leither kno..n .. g the a·'ent·a..., of th th , Tb u~ ~-e-rttw-n tu ~...n-..tr.oro~d ., .......... t'--4-h .. '-"laft-an4 .o.. Colorful old·Cft• wtrt prt'11t'ntt-d t Congreu long ago quit worrymg about l'XJICnsc.·s. In thl' u thfoy wt-n' 1m --ti'""ace--o...,.f rec. ord bz:eaking eml'.,vmcnf and nip1•IIY rising com- • Mn. Vu.•ll'. pnot.JC ·~ Nickell, first v1c1 modity prices the appropriations for farm rl·ln.·f and 11n•·na •·~ •·'''"" .. xpreM.,.. ear,y an .. au. u ,. ~J _ eo er . e cootat raged Ct•unlly fur ~h1o·h lt l>toimi.s .. 111u hy ,., .. ,,•It•!. .ouu pl .. ,.,.,,, b.-lp to bnna •''""'"""'~ .. ppruval vf the •tepa evenly for a time, when Ru.stum, shouted hi:. own drea bclut that Un1ty .. r Err.,rt v.hll h ul. u,• "'II, .on~ our c .. untrv throu .... F . L Kniauf'r. ~ ployment relief go merrily on. r ... ,, lwo11g taken to rntt'rtaln 'lkll· ba 0 "J .~ I·~~ ''''"' March F'ldd and Camp name ~a ttle <;ry. tharged hili youthful adv~raa.ry. ·.At anct>n nqw contrun.tang " ,clrnt : Mn . nurll -----•-----llu.oro They furtht'r expreued the the so~nd of the name. 'Sohrab baf~. a.b inkling of truth So~n··ol IH\'1.:--: Gt-:U Hta : W.lROOS. Mayor cordinl s«retary · .. u. C!Orn"tpondlnr • National unity· IS d(.'sirabl~ at all ramc•s and an tinw~ of 1, .. ,.,. that ,,.~,. numberw ot lM 11a to hua opi!V\ftaont's identity n __ .__..., upon bun· , and '-'-a.rm Oeorl• Rocen. . great emergency 1t as absolutely e~>:St'nllal. Jl.•r•·'s IHl)'ing tour ·~e 1\.qan, • --aationaJ leaders wiU adopt such JIUht'l('t~ as wall wm thl' unatt·.l ll ..__ bl 1nu ~ ~..aucu aua FRA~K L RISEHAHT, l"ot _,. •·a,.rk '"""~ men w1 ...., -. e to en~ fell · rt _.L._ . 11... ,,., rtat1onal advantagu or ane u -.._, spear of the older wa,rrlor pierced hia aide. :-;I'" , ... rt Harlxlr Uuouchout the A.s the life blood slowly seeped frt>rn Sohrab's wound fattM!r .--------------------.....:........:...:.....:...:._-=.. Harry F. Crt-b.., _!. 1 Mrs. Day wu 1.1 aupport of all the 1"-"op le Without backerthJ: or rn•·ntal rc~:r· • ""I"IK summt>r. and son revealed to each other the fact of their re.la.tiop.ahip. TOMATO SOl'P CAKtJ the f01'11WI ntH vation. -w.1.,.T4TEH 1'~-----R~stum, pride of fa therhood opngliyg y.ith hia in ble ~tablespoons buttt·r:t cup sugar. 1 tea~n soda_._ rr--~~~-------------IH bt1t1 What w.ould Luther Burbank thmk of this., ~frs. L1bbil· c •nlanu·,. annual All · Statu gnef. wo u d ave slain himself. But Sohrab reatrained him 1 can tvmato a;c•ui\. 2 l'Ufls flour. 1 tca~;putm cinnamon, wtth a lunc~ 8pMker'a table' ' daWH W4'rt .the end at tht-quar priain1 thfo rt'mlll• nod hlbllcus wrrr '!'be aftrmoon m•. to bntu; by the .9' Mrs. Gunnlna 11 olotr:Y .... auna lntrodu<'llon of 1 Mra. P. A. C'h1 Ewrtatt RN. Mn Mnt. Oaudfo And Cole at Loll« Be Ralpla Holdet Ia Scene f' or Attncti•e ~ lD Uw c:.b&rml' u4 Mrw. Ralpb • coo U.y. MIM I o I WeUincton. ~,___._. 1Pk crt Ar1b ot JUP.IADd Pa ....... Jllhe eat Tile br14e. wbc ot Kr. and Mr• WaW.ncton. c:bo« --ble for 1M tnnlllDI COIItw for ber trock Wo ~-Atleadlh l:&r1 Wllibo ot N.wport Harbor. -.elllble Jrith I _... .. Alt.Ddinc Mr. lilr. &ad Mrw ' A Ora.ata PaM, Or 8. Ho&Mn' ot 84' Wll8oa rt1 ln~tlt­ bridt away In · Hany 0 . ..,I ot fa~ t.be <-erel Crimi-·-· coapan~ by-lllff the ~IJlO. Approximately tel t.hr weddlnl Whlc:b roiiO'!Wd l Houck ta atf Hal. lbpnu Compan: They will m•ke t ll:ut 68th 8tfl"t't. r.ww.M~ En17 ' BUbec:rlption Pay $2.75 per SNO< -- Wilcox, a Califomta houliewtfc. has dc\'t'l•rr~t·d an a ppl•· H··'""''n With tl.tr mtll'-lon~e picnic prescribang for himself this e pitaph: ''Sohrab, th~ might~ 1: teaspoon clnn·s. 1 tuJ'i.l'aisins. rulol•· und barn•ll! ur fret> coffee R t · li h h with'ou~ core or ~s Somt'how , we rln1lbt af t hts will ~ .. au 111,1 .. r,.Jsge juor~. 18 all ~~et for us um_ 8 son, es ere, w om hia great father did in ignor· <;rt"Um buttl·r . ~dJ sugar :mol blentl thoroughly,· improvement--maybe an apple uf thll'l kmd Wt~uhJ·nut r•·aUy ~ .• turuav. Junf' 14. rt>porl.l the ance kill." add raisins and spier-s. Rift s uola with fluur. and add to be an apple. \.... 1 .-•• rnnllttt"t' 111 r hurjtc. Thtl p1cnlc, Out ut all the reams of written and printed words which the first mixture altl'natl·ly w1th the soup. Bake in . • • \\ hidl IS "11" uf Cahfornla'a big-mark. t h_ e many fathe r and son days obeerved throughout mool'ratl' U\'t•ll. • . -t ~-:•·•1 ''•.CIUI offturs.' Is t>ach year W~ atiJI~nk J e8lK' Jon('8' pr£'<ltC'tt~n of a nat lema I debt ut l•·nll•·d ~y thoull~nd!t of pers11n11 the natum, the etiSCnce Of practical wisdom is that the chief CJIOCOI.ATt~ ('AKt: of 90 billions ua low. The Los ,o\n~t·lt·N Tlmt•N rcfl'l"l\ tu uu~ dt•· """ ' .• rr) the ru~.ssag~ nf Calt-rcspomsibiljty of a true father is t.o know his ~n. J.fen exert f d . . loornt .. tuollpltaltty frum Ontan•r·s th mselves to k th · b · f be enae an atd·to-Bntaan program au1 1t 43-bllhun-tlullar mvcsl· •·•·pp•·•·-"lu&dt·d Euclto av<'11ue to c . now ear usmess rom ginning t.o end: 2 squarcs btttl·r ch• wul:ltc· ml·lll·d. 1 ' ~ c·upg Hugar, ~!..: ment. and the debt was aboul43 billiunt! bt•fure Wl' gut-tttart·1·•11 1"'rt~.ur th,. country they know aU about sport.a and politics and the news •of tbt> cup butler . three l'~H{S bc:all•n St:J.Iaraldy, pinl'h salt, 1 ed. Further 1lppropriatioM are aKketl for l'\'l'~ day. ! A Jay. They devote themsel\'ea t.o the mastery of the automo-te:u!pclUn, l'rt:ani uf tartar, ~ I'UJIS nf saftt-d flour. 1 tea· , _ • I ~t;c H\ t:as f'I'RSIE ASD <' Sll bile anc:J the radio. They perfect themselves in the lore of , \\'hoi•· att .. mlln~t o Sllnlll Ann . d li . spoon snda. 1 cup wat er . 1 tl'a~p .. on fla\·onng. Verner c. f¥ck In hili "Lookm'-Round" rolumn of the lht•lllrt' l''rrday na~ht, Mrs llrn· t>Ctence :11\ terature and art and muaic. They know hoga C rl·am t>U~:.Jr and but to-r, b. .It yolks uf cggt.~ well South Coast New!', .d()('!i!)'t pussyfoot hu; OJliOH•n 11f s.·c rrt rwttu • 'f\.'<~~nt"''"· 2614 c .. ntral av"· and cattle and horses and dogs and poultry. But few fathers and ad1l tP suJ;:ar and but lt·r. Add l'htw••la te. wa ter and German agenu trying to undenm~e the mont!(' 1.1( t he Amt·r -""'' ="··wa>Ort. •·XJ'M'n"nr .. d 8 f,.w take_ the time and trouble to become really acquainted with fluur w1th scil la and l l'•·:.tm o~f t :ar·t!•r·. L',,l·' a·rl the weU llt'lt••W• mrnut••~< wht•H hht' h111nd h · t • r ' u ican people. He saya these "Gestapo ralB in the U. S. s hnult.l h .. r pul'S4' to lw mls.~ln~t. t nqu1 ry t ear own sorut. bcatcn ..... ~.tut~ last. B ak·· in n~o •d•·r·a h· own. have their t.atls chopJXod off with a carvmg kntf\' n~ht be· •ot S1111ht AM pnu, .. hrndqu~trt~r" It is inconceivable riowat.lays , of course. that the tragedy ·1---------------------------_..J hmd their ea.ra.'' ro•\t•u lo-tl thltt Chas Watk .. r. t)Wil· o t Sohrab and Ruatum could be r epeated llt.er aUy. But if .. . ··r •·I lht' lht'l!.tr·· had r .. und tht' I -----· I•Ur .... ton lht' nmnon~.: bt>ard nf R the truth could be traced it is not improbable that we ahould Next Sunday will be Father's Day. when "the fllr· '.rr nn•l had nuti'twd the polrl't' dl'· find how thouaa.nds of fathers are ~liHI~·ittingly a)4ying the I cotten man" ia sup~ to gt>t a littlt> rf'<'O'"'itiun in the rmrtmrnt •~ mtnutt<s bt>rnr .. MNI spiralual lives of their own sons through ignorance of th~ ....-.~ ,.,.. (',,..,.,1111'''' t'llill't.l too rtclasm ht>r • form of a red necktie o r ahaving soap or has fa\·Mit.c smoke. 1,r.,1x·rty. The porl'4' t"nntamed r eal personality that dwells within their offsprio,:. 1 T'beft are so many "daya" any more. and they have bl·t.·n s;\1 :a rn ca.~~h and SH JO 1n l'hcck•. . The trouble wa~h the average _mart' is th~ shortness or I 110 coanely commercialized. that th('y have lost whatevt•r hts memory. Matunty seems t.o Wipe rrom hUI rec~~tion Tttr.: PEIU'EC1' TRIRl"ft: mearUn"' they had t.o r....mn witb. · ... 1th •·very trace of the golden era of his own childhood a nd youth. i • ""'et• ( •ne f'\'t>nrn~ I wa:< t'ottmg " -----• .t111111.,. Whrl<'""'ll no~ .. y bc'fore a Absorbed in work· or obsessed by some fonn of material am· F I T Z PAT R I C K' S NEWPORT-BALBOA'S ONLY Department Store . . "' ••tioaally Advertised Mercluua.U.. at National~' Jldvertlaed PJ:lees ·ESTABLISHED IN 1914 Oce•n Front 1ft llnd St. NEWPORT BEACH The threat of ''ruleaa Sundays" and gasnlin<' rationing '"'"' tlT1! In h111 J ....... k.-rbl~ 11treet bltiun, he bars the pathway o f reminilw:ence and refll.lle*' t.o 1 doee not ap,_.r to be conai.atent with the Go\'<'mmt'nt's f "· r;ruh' Wr "'..," t.'\lkln~ over mu-take a backward look. He loses the-vjewpoinl of young lire. r--... 111111 lrwru.ls It h:op~nt'd that lh4! Cu.al to·ahut off the exportation of oil to Japan. Wt• arc lt•nd-1111111 who tuHI sp<•nl<nr,.t.l me. on lie forgeta the perplexities and -difficulties, the aapiratioruc lnc (donating) hundreda or millionll of dullan~ to Chana w ith !Ill' puhlll' plat(Hrnt alAu had lffi· and fears. which evcumbered his own days as a boy. He triett ................................................................ I'Mo ..... IOM<Mi'IIOM<M4MMI'I- hleh to f ' ht J · bu h 1""''1 Mr Rllt·v ",."n before. with ll.) deal with youth on the stan~da of maturity. ·--··-·--------.• II · apaneee agll'i!lwlon, t l e Ja p!i (.'liUid nut •tnf' t-uor~tg-.. I•' ~·~~ rorth and pro\'e · ooatillue the' war without American oil and gtul(lline. IIH111114llf .... ntus un lh• llajll. The 'CrOW1l of all human knowledge is underat.anding .. ----'-• Hamt>h111: "" about tht lt)vable· Without it. all tbe theoria and laws that may be crammed ' Japaneee di~lomau, and even he r ambitiouK warlord~<. ::~;''/f ~;~~~~~~~u~:~.;~·~ur~~:: into the human ~ull are worthless. "With aU thy wiadom," • an aweattng blood for Tear the United States wil! jnin Bri· '"" HAv.·k··y,. Man" 1 remarkl'd . il was written long ago. "get understanding."• All the tragic taiD in the war and ihua cauae J apan to fa c<> ht'r prnmi~ "\\'hen IL,I, Burdettr IIBys G<>d failures of fatherhood-and the sordid recor<b of our mod- 1 to Ge d lt.al • 1-d 'd h ' hlt>:<J< Y•"'· h•• mran., at." e m dav amflly thal there are countless thouaand&-revert rmany an Y to ~n aJ t o t c axas )li.)Wers af and T•t v.·h•• h qull'k M a fi~U~h. Mr ~ when thia condition ariaea. The wily Nipponl'f!(' carried the tr ttth'Y '''"'"' bou·k with "So dllt'11 to this one £earful lack of undentanding. TIIen-can be n o 1 bbdf u tar u they could, but when Uncle Sam refused t o ' r:•od. wh•·n B<•b says ll " Strack· Euch thmg as aympathy without comprehe rwion·of the othe r --••~ th '--'t th ~ t 1· h · I lund Cllltlnnd '" Ygur Llle lolaga-fellow's viewpom· t. Indeed. syrYnru~~thy is n otha'ng m o-no r .--auuw e uaa ey IJIII:'gan o rea tze t cy W<'re bcang used , 7,n.·. · --r-' ... u catepawa by the Nuia. ' less than putting oneself in another's place. Fathers may • CHURCH SERVICES 1 cad all the boolta on cbild 'training ever •Tittm. exerci&c: • In apit.e of the well known fact that tht• railroads have the most Spartan di.acipline. spend a ll the money at ·their bad aha.rd.UJne ~.clea.r ·or l>anknaptcy for many years c..-R t.."nv nt· MOl'ST command and give every QpPQrtwUtY fn r physical and cul- QU_ALJTY FOODS CO-URTEOUS SERVICE , FREE DELIVERY Oc8an Front Mark It 3110 Ck_. Fl'~ Newpoat Meats • Groceries • Vegetables • Fruits (and acore. or ~e amaller roads have bet'n liqUidated I. raal· C'"RMEL tural d .. ·,·clnpment; but they will new r rulfiU the true rune- road employees eeem to think their rcsourt·t·s ar,· unlimih•d. 1 ('ATnnuc c·m ·ao• liun of fatherhood unless they keep for thernaeh·es the fsc-1 , Telephone 633 -..e B . th :1.--->-th f b' ') I ' . Ho•\' r J Bt-:ARY. Prtl~lll It f 'th th-f th . I an ro eruUUUB, as e our 1g ra a t•mp uyt-cli . unwnt~ a re Sullduv MaAAt'" at 7 .oo 8 30 u y o !'l't·ang WI e eyes o etr sons. •~----------·-·---- calJed, threaten to go out on strike If they urc nut gav('n a Ill fill' nnu It oo a "' . Sympathy does not, mean dernonstrati\'eness nor fulsome ~ .. x:ov l0':::: .. .-.: ;: :: .... ~: ... :.:!.x~ x:-:·:::::::::xXXi)0C»M pay increaae of 30 per cent, shnrlt'r truan~. ,.a,·at1,1ns \!.!' pay <·hallt.'r nor condescensio n nor obtrw>in• concern. It meanK, 8 and Uving expenses while workm~ away frum honi<'. <"IIRIST c·m ·Rc'll "'' TillE SIE" 111o r<' I han a nything-remembering. The goldt·n rule of ~ OPEN NIGIITI.\' _. t<'••mmunll' \trthudlrot) fa~ ~t·rhoo<.l is to do as we would ha\'e been dont> by in our ~ It'a time to quit t.alking about "•l<'Jirt>RSion .. and "nn· F.. 1 r 1 '111 11 •F.Lt:. MrnTs'trr duldhoorl and yoUifi. --Sunll"'' ~'' h•••l ut !< :111 a. m cmpl~yment." Fairly dependable statitltll't! :-how that 50.-Tw" :--q111111y 111.,rrung ~'"r'·,,· .. ~. It 1s a wise son. says the ancient aphorism. who knowl4 l:wl,OOO penona were employt>d in the Unil<:.l Rtnt•·~ m A pnl ·• !'1 :;n 111•T 11 n·rlnMt. has nwn father. Moet of them are wiael:-lhan we know. l STUDIO CLUB ON THE CLiff O VERLOOKING BA LBOA BAY ,.. " Lt•q~IH'II, rtl th1~ poor ~-~,_ln..!tlal.Jruwth Uu: .. n.umbcr.,,r lll'.Il:WU~l'Jib.vu ro k now his own son. employment, including IOTI1e-2.271.ft00 em tht-W~A. :fnc1 nthr r ----...;...--------~-------~ {1f •• ' • ) ~ /tol _.,.all-time high and far abo\'(! the ,.,ak of tht• •·••hlt•n t•ra lnt•·n ul'lilat•· nnd Hut tl is a wiser father who strives honestly and rairly i't t.boi&Milda .in-th.e...CCC, t otaled 5.412.000. ur !t Jrop llf mvr , 110\\ (iRt:AT mE SACRIFICE than 3,500.000 since April. 1940. ('(ln...;idcrmJ.: tlw f:t l't thai '<n::-. TI"~T ~{l far. this "great sacrifice'' whkh the ~n\·emment I tbl GovemD\ent's libt>raJ N•lwf and ~~·nt't"n pu!11·~· ha:< 111• II:! E.,,., ,~, 11tral nwriu,• !"ays W1' .trr going to be called upon t o make has been about g E N T E R T A I N M E N l vited millions of able-bodifod pt>uple to quat wurk. tIlls t:< a J.:'•'tf\1 \ l 1""' 1' .. r Tll·· ~, .. n,. r ('lurro.., a:-mrll'h llf a hardship a.s it is for a woman to t;i\'e up her I ~ '"-:1 l"lt·· F I •I f"hlll.-11 I'( l 'hrt"' I h .. abowlng. ~. I• '''"' tn ·~·•loon, M,l!l.• Wll\lt•r oil for Lent. I )('l(':(XX}(}(XX~:li>XXX"'-.X~XXXXX~X~X~XX:X.XX)81JOI -----• ~"""·•·· ~. 11 ... 1 11 ,, .:n 1 1,1 T ht· farmers. who thought they would be called u pon to E:lltllllf'rlr• .... -.. ... ~~._..,.,.. ... ~~..,..,_,., .. ...-.,. __ .__..~ )dr. Ickes, who h as been 1tdlln'' t n bl' a dll'tat tlr 0 ,.,,r :'"'"'·" ~"1 ' 1' •• '11 It n m 1 '~"·,. until at hurts." are n~.>w s lated to bt> o n tht-rf<'t'h·ing ,.. ~ r •. _ .. , · .r ul .. ·toiiJ: tol.tt ·\\'o•d l ·d h h h 1 bef aornething or soinebndy for a lnnJ! l\nw. ha~ ~'Nt appwtltcd 11,.,.<~·~· ... , " 01 • nol ,,r lllttt'\' government ar t an t ~y .e\'r._r at ore .. by the Preaide.nt t o control the h•n-bilhoill-ol;•llar ml indus· R.·luhn~ ro••nl. 1111 ····ntm t "''''. Lah .. r . which feared it might ~a\·e t~ postpone ats a m· try of th~ ceuntrv .. A mm't> unnnpular d a.•w•' c'ollllll n.,t h:J\'t' "l'•·n """ t '" 1 1' m •''<• ,.,,, ~~~~~-hath·n:; f,,r pay increaaes;. tt• been.. left fret> to 'IM' defen~ r ··· .._ d,,,.!' nrhi • ••l11IH\"' f · h · been made, .but lead('rs of tht' 1111 t'nmpalltt'S dt·(·lar•• lh<'\' wall ;.11,. 1,. 1,, •. ~ , .. ,.,1,,,11y ,1".11,,11 prttdth llt•ll as a lever for orc mg sue tncrt>aHes. I do evt'rything in tht>i r IXlWt•r t11 •• ,1mply wath ~.rv,·n~nwnt •·• 1tllt111.t ""I ~~~·· ttl•· rt'llu111.: T ilt• whitt'· coUar t>mployees. who thuu~l)t they mi~ht orden and rt'~ulations. As &>cn·tary ,1f tlw h th'r•a,,r, Mr . '"''111 • 1 iH\\ ,. '" 11, ,.;in wearing_ ~air sru;ts· are fin.<Jjng th<.\ dcfen!M.' lckee wu already tn charg<· tof tli,• tmnat'""•' r,•daal p••w•·r c lllU:o03'1 '' ~cu:~C't: u :(-tt'Rf:1 nw.t~~:-n-..•rt• ~unataes and ~tt..er pa). ! and reclamation prbjt'<.'t.B. 8 11 well as th(' fl('('lrt':-l•f bun~au:o: Rol•h·· I •I•! ··I' 111.1\ ho•ar "" IHI r!J,. llhlustnal lea&rR~!m""ftttl ftofot ·throy ""'" tht ~> d · · d ~ Jflo•nr···l '· 1 -· •·· :-<; :o·t11 I' ,,., tun• wJ11, ••1r1• l!••ltlg to be called upon t o do the rt>al dtlll:tr ~;acrifi'c· .. l llJl commtMaons un er hi11 dt~partmt'nt, 1<1) at "'''uld ~'<'m ·-"11 TllJif"1'''· 111!'•' 1!'. "1 11 P "' 111, •. ar" ,1t lAn•t having a "r<'tlpite-before taX(' ... which is he would now ha\·e plenty t o rto w1t hout ~ktns:-furt h('r "h•'n H••l. ~ 1 :::t.u.lr y n •• s_,. c s u.. ,.. • ..,_. powerw. ..r .:--:,•\\ '''" I'''' .. ul .. mtwr ,.r s:-h·m~ tht·m an opportunity to store up a r~n-.-fur a rainy -----· Ill!' H"lt l•l PI 1 ... , tur-o•,hq> uf Th" ci,IV. \I· t twr 1.,, or. h Ttw ~·.r«t \.·h·orrh · \\ ,. krlOW heavy taxes are cominu. ruttmu 11f g<l\'em · •f 1 'hr .. -· :--"ut "' tn 1~<•"1• n " " :-.1,,. 1o • r·-,,,, 1·a·w11 111"" nt.•nt ''l'•nditureS is ·coming. toh, yt>ah ~l scan :tty of som(· .., • r"r ' ·oth • 'ur. h ,,, l'hn~l l'l't>du. 1,. ll' coming. price increases are cnmmg and otht>r !'· •"t·t l<\ I~ :--\ • J.:••l ...... Reports from So uth Am\'rka inc heat<' t hnt the JK'1 •plt• of the progre&sin.' nataonl\ of th:it t'•llltmt•nt nrt' ab.,ut "ft•d up~ with good will nli.ssions frnrn the L'm tl'd :'tat('"· Wl• sut'- peet .that ~me of o1,1r emill.~mt>s ,,f ~llVJ l'--will ha\'e ~1\'t•n ,------------- the LatlruoA.rpericans the ampN'~inn thnt W(' cnn:<l•kr tlll r- ...._ t.betr auperiors-that v;e haw "talk\'<.! <inwn" t o th('lll u If trade relati~.>na with the bag N t,rth Am'l'rin m rt'Jltlbhl WOUld be a priceleu privileg.-tCl the bt'na~hh'<l h,~atht•n 11f tbe South. SiDce the trend of W•Jrld affa an-inolacnt•·~ that Pill ecoDOIDic ct.Uny ia closely ltnkt•d with tht' natwn11 nn tln:- 6 ot the Atlantic it behoo\'cS our leaders t 0 S4.'t'Ur~· a b\'t· tM' UD~I *ith lbeJk> J'f'Oftl<'. Much hf'ntlw:w-hall b.•.-•n aiade iD rccea' years, but it ~"'-'\'1111:1 th.tt thl· W•'l•lll~,d ~7-• .~-,...111 ot••~ vi81t." ahould be I:IUCCI.oet.lt.'\.1 by m\•rl' ~ub:-tunttal :-;wn r,,, ... :1re due' soon. 1\ut when you go to a good m o,·ie tht>rt> i~ nn Rt'ON'. in 1 .. tim nJatinM. ar.. Phnnt': 1!16 Of ~to. Pa.-: h f 11 ll•'t t'I1J··~ ll11! it thoroughly bt>cause t t> prent>'A'~' '' "co"un~· Dr. Ra lph D. Hoard Phy~lrtan ud su,_. ~NteopaU. • Ttw-Rat.._ la11 "~ BALBO,\. CALIF • "'I :.tlr.llt h•n,. .. don't sound too hot . F"r .. m thr \'1•1,, Pre:u - 1 .\ I'IUWIIt:TIC mSCKI.PTIO~ It ,,.. ~aid that a 5oo-year-uld t(•m~n_nt> in tht> ' .:r• •und nd 1a~i t.o Church Cornait>. U.<oex. F:O~Iand 1 t lu~ pruph~ti~ m.crlption: · \\'h,·n ptt\ure8 look alive with mo\'f'mt>nu frtt-. Wht•n !(haps Uk~ fiahetl· swim ~low the &ea. Wh('n mN' ougtripping birda <'.act ecan tht> sky. Then half the world deep drenc hed m blood aball ~:· • .. . ~ C. l;l. Erickson Contractor· and B u i 1 d erj -~·- ---~ • 305 Palm Ave. Telephone 132 BUY NOW 11U. ... c-t Hlp-y ...._ J,tO ~'PO&T IIAAIIOil. CALIFOKSIA ~ .... .,.., cotac faat • .., pt yCMin -... ........ --· eottace. ••• ....,...IIi .. Bo•• NO ON'II THING ADDS MORE TO THE BE.-.UTY OF A HOMJ: THAN A WJ:Ll,CARED-FOR LA'\\"N AND 1JHRUB8. WE HANDLE LAWN MOWERS, EDGERS. PRUNING IIHEAR8, GARDJ:N WOSE AND ALL KINDS OF GARDEN TOOLS AND IN8J:CTICIDE8. ...... 353- •••pod •••ell - R. ~~ dlrJJ General Contractor 307 Marigold CORONA ---- T elephoile 222 DEL MAR Holden co·nstruction Co., Inc. ' ..... + GBIIBIIAL· C:OIIftUlCI'OBS , 'l'a.D'IIOIIZ MEWPOa'r BUCB 807 --------- CLARE P.--TAVLOR -~neraJ Bujlsii,=nog--=C.Qn!,r~c~tor Carpets, Rugs and Upholstering c ·LEA.ED ~ A COMPLETE LIME OF f:'LOOA COVERINGS FOR YOUR REQUIREME.NTS FOR BUILDING INFORMATION; SEE Bay DiStriCt -~umPer Co. • WALTKft S. SPTC!ft, Owa•r NEWPORT BEACH 511 SrATI HlGHWAT , PHO NI AI n. ArcU. I 1 59 ·oNLY ONE KEY? ffo Deed to be contmually rncl'ln\·~nttmrPd by thl' f'll· ~RAmee of only one key wh~n yl'lu M \'1' n~ for t wl'l or ~· It only take~~ a j iffy t() ma~ a ctn pllcate, .... '" dO tt b!Pt tftr( II\ our thop while Jou• waiL HAROLD I . .JOIINSOS, IAM'k81Dith Dlt ~--lt.. Betw-II aacl H oa tM a..r I I It I . I r -.._ 1 .. ~ ·-~· . : , ~ . . I• . .. . . J ... -· loll ""' ... r ·f PracticaJ Three-Bedroom House ·of Brick nnd Frame IModrm Nrw Jlulltlhag 1Htlritur .\r•·a-BuiJd, aaq ·- .. _......_-.-. -..,r ~---_...,._._..,__._ ;.....f • • ·r;-r=t'ourth l)f an - ( 'uunt ~· 11om~ Allt•o 11\o \••fit• "' •ll•~t·~•flll :'l.'t'"V'"I llrttl••r. Wh•-c>lfk•tltl ··r--·ntlhtH ,., ttl .. l11t''ft'flt "''''' ·' .. "' t'llt• P····ulnth•n ,., 43.,M rerwona \\ I ·,·111r.ol tl\o l1t11' l.o•o• II 1\•l••t•l I ••·J•to'"""l" IHI' ;I :l 1w-r l"l'nl Of t.b« ool llw :'l.'o•\\j~•rl ~,,.,., Mt•IRI ., .. 1' ·:""'''• r~·~tiRiho.IIQf t:IO.OOOdur-1. lh I\\ t ~·· , .. \\ r' t I Ul\1t>,l ill fnur,. h triJ,: ~ I ... 1 tu P·''"' "'''"' h a CL"t>Uftted lor r~ tH ,..,J'•t U,.hUI Ult•\ •' Hth l htt/'4 ••• ftlt t t• t hnu :!:t J._.t l~f"ttt Of ()ra ...... I t•ld iUJ.:I\ '"'J.:UI\ t hr .:r •. , titH\ ... ft "''"' \"0Jit ··uh rtt n ... f f"fl!Wt~ tH•"tlt•r n .. '"'",, •h·~l' nth I ••1 I h ,, l•utht '''!' h·•ut4'J l .. u lllttik ~trtlvtty "'I.: n( ·""' • ''"' •I I•·• I ·"''' It 1~ t h.. rt·markable record n ... 1''"'''"'" ""''" "'" , ... "' ... ~ ... , ••• 1 ,, ,.,,,,.,y-"11ct. butlcltna IJ:h '"•'!\ ............... 1 ..... 1 "' lo nthl' •• I •I~ ro>r M IO\' y Ff'~ thla .• u.l ""''h.,, ........ ,·,, .. •h••• ""' ""''' "'::• ,,, ••nu•i:~ t'•unty uUuder··· 6 tii,U U fft••l Nlt'U u f -,. It\ •1• f••••l )~ '' h .IHj.:•• K.-MD ... nON TA MESA Nt1Jiaal •1 vy _ 1ops uu ·u·IJ"''" ..: """ 1 t•tltl•llltJr.. } h• '!.1"'''' fu.-~hftr Aho••• that ~~~~~~~~.~~M-·~·~-n~~~m-~~~~~~------~------~----------41 U e-,t ::l4W1 "'tii.UI Itt f 110tw tllh, ., ' •• ' L 0 0 R · P L A .,. P L A N• • 1'h11 Jwn-•lory houJWo of brick and f"'rrw COMirurlt•.n cnnt11 m~ I hr .... l~··h·••tt•~ IIJI ph•n "'"ntpl" and p nwidt'll ron.t~ldt'rablfo conven1"nl"l" for lht' OCC:UJY•nl~ In lho• t:ft•l lhr• P •"f'•'l l \' t• Hohtt•d AI $fl0clll ~tlld W IUI ftnanc-f'd "''llh 11 mol"tpjtf' n ( 1!,.00 A\'4'1"!1J!" n oonlhly P"Y'"''' r-"" ,, -:;, yo·tor tt~o•rlt:n~·· uf thu1 amount t.otal approxtmalely 1:12. f'lldwuve of '""" tthd MZI'nl "'·''" ,,,, ,._ BuDding PermitS .Stat_. ('ommbudon .. r IWitl h · ,,,,, ... ,, ..... ..:•• t il l Ill,,,""'' -~ flit• I tt1h I,,, ... Jtft'•ot llf ht• tlltt Uft f lt•r" A e 4>~.e •f •l•u.: t .. ~~I-1J'tnnl ,,·,'"'" th•• ltt,t\11 j•H t t "' fh t• Jllf Hh f tltt• "ft'4 f•• lin \ • . t ..... " I I r "'lu···' 111 ~.' .. I i I I" I( I I tt• """ IJttl •l•l•' loo lito• r " I !hal II••· 'I :< ~,,,.,., Ulh•'t1 f """' i•IKi ~··1 " u•nt ,\ ••·~tl h.'1 h•ll ,.,, Jtll uu•tnl tn n te·r!uloc, lh•• • h.tttt.:•• \\Uit tnH•I-• Itt f.JUIIU' ltlld "''1•. Ill •• t1llf4Ht :-(f!, .. ·k ll't lh•· •••t\f tn•f••l 111 ,hut~•·. i llfll 1 •lt•llooll lwtut: f•lotllll'tf 1111 .l ulv I f 11 ittltlt1 lttU f,, lilt t'\ t'l UU'rt'ltHIUjrl h U..MlU•·.,. •··•a.t•••ult.,r• ... t t.v wut ..... ,•r•·"~' I tlft-"fnll l ltlft Itt ft\'1f\' Itt fht1 tt"r 't-.u fh ,..trh t fht• t ·~•t•·•·L .. tu·)p &1'1 \ltl" "flJrl'.:...t "" 11 numl\t'r j,f • .,,.hlo ""''''""I d•Afr•u• .. ••nt•·f"Jl Sh t•l••asure• J•ie•n. Sow Ht-in~ot Ruilt Uy ( 'roft and Ne•,·llle• ·~, '"""' •····ttlllttt .. 1''",... (I\ ••... , Lulu 1-tlf• Ktul tlae• ulht•l ''"the ltn l fJ',n .... HIItlillh• "'•'tt• "l:~rte .. t fht• \\ ····k •• , ' ........ It I 111M IIIU~ I .... , t Itt t ifltr: r.r IU tt( C •tt•ft n tMf Nt1\ IIJ.~ ft• t•ooll>' llulltllit,.; 1""1"'' ltol 1\ M :"••htttll M""' •'l1tl••t 1d•· -.t fttt• '"\ , .. t he l•l••f Ullll "'II' ..... Ill: h tlllt "' :ll :!4 t': r ;,·ul rut '"'"'"••· .... u.. ,..,..,,, .. .,,,. hv If""""'' I' Kr•·"at'' Thr ~'""!:''" hH\'•· ltut r •~•••nt h ••••upl••t•••t" ne·~ $11C nno '"''"'' u l llw lull .. r oultlr•rol. June Bldg .. Pennlts Totai $68,450 for First 10 Daya Jurw •. R. P. Camp. 1..-0!C Alii["· SayK $.1)0,000 Park. lett. lhnotr-famlly m.· .. ntnjt of frame 11\0' ooff ""' "".Y~ "' '"''"""'""·~ hnrl l \\u '"''llthrc u.:u tuuk ttf•l l\'flrV ·of ll $:Z;•,IIIIII t ttl•lll • 1111-r whlo h •-.•,. •·••~'''"'''~" w••rk.rur May f lt~l ~Il l.' r ,, r•.,1r<l by OM · thiN '''' , lltnharu ... t lotnl f"f n~truc·tton 1'1'"''''' ''' ttll "'~"r lnf'<l'J'O"'If'CI l h'~ "' '''"""" ••nunl y •·tth the , .•. ,., '"" .. t 1-'>rll,.rt••n •nd 8anta \ ,, t \It 'A C'tl \WtU:M TU NTIIPl' t ... S 1'\ "''lt.ltiNU LAW 1 ·•~• "~"''"" .. r or"'"'" oow.ty l""loltt tl: I""" ""'' ,....l(ulatlorw and t h•' •'rtfttn •~uu•nt u t liAR\~ fNtUr.cJ • •Ill•·• '"'" """''"'• uf ~:oata M-' '"" ,,,,, .... ool \ ........... ;..,.,., twld ~- ol.o\ llljt hl nl u .. rr'lao•ll'• cal• ,. ...... ""'1·•11 \0 .... 1 .... by 1-.rd •· I "' <1. l 'u•la lttt•·-.,..,,. ra.ctor, wt.o " •, "'"'., tti,uu-.t •• a MW tneftf. 1 .. ' "' 1 .,, ..... nrt .. n • ''"""'''"" un- "' 1 I · \\' To•\\'tukl• ' ""' '1'••1•'11,., • hatrm•n of ,.._ ln· I I'll lit I 1 ootol1111ll,..., rf'IAJrll'd U..l • llool l •• ""'" t ... ltll( -mad. to ln· , i .. ,,,. • ·,.,.,,. M••u In the nau.-1 ·lo 1. ""' '"''!!'"~ ar .. u -~a!~ for l tllo \'I .. IIA loo4lM _ At ~he p,.._ • , 1 1'"" ~· •I u .. ,.. hand Huntlntr· , .... u,.,., It ,.,,. thP only Onnce '"'"' \ I ftltiiUIU Uhrll ,.;, a...rlucled.. t\ l•loo.:nt~ .... lu IJOJlf'ftVO' and -.u. 11, "" l'''.,...,1 l"•,.la M-II· ''' "•' '"""""..: '" t .... rnc taunchecllbJ '"• 'J.O''""'""'Y hhrary .. ommlt&ee "'"1··~··•1 ,,f r.op.....-ntallvH frotn .. _11 .,., "' -n •k• ...,. .... , .. unna. PAINTIIG and lltw:co. 203 601 .-l,_t, ,_.. Virtual £ertaio -ra.. ,...,.. a>l<lr Wlll ~ .. port,,_. F. P!. R..._,, MOnO.. $1!\~.fl aall ........... .. Conatruch o n ot four new hom~ June 5. a.-11 'l'ol~'t'l, frMmt' and Tho· loon~ •<~u..:ht "'"'" '"''ll'h pnrk 11 1. l'll tt •·r~"" 1 ,1,. •lll:lti••o·r "' -· .,. a nd two commerc:aal atructurH cot sturl'o 11t~nt-m• :.tl ''"'fl. ~ro 79th r .. r t ho• ~•·11 l~•rl lfa rt"'' ·lflllllllll:· I :'\.'••" ~~·rt II•:•" 11 1~ 1,1111,.1,.,. ,.· ,.,.,. undt'r WI\V thUI WHk In the N--lll~t .. N-·port. , •• , ("on"'d Shook. I''"' ll.•tH h uro•JI ...... ,, .. lllooro• • ··r f!NNI ,. ..... ~rrro· , ..... "' ;ltNI v ... '·"'" nnrt Harbor a~a. brtn•ln.,. tM I """" j t.uu I It to 11 o•\ ,., lltt11 "t·rk ~~~ "" ,..... ...., • ._,.. """-"' ="••t •l l lu• u fhvt l ,hltt lttl•• f•t~'"r" ,..,. Jurwo bUiidlr~C total lo N8.450 for Jurw 5, H. r. )f.oth .. "''ll, 319 AI"• ~· '!"""'' u• r••• ,.,,.,.,,. ''""' Mutlt•·'-• IIIII ,.,.,...,II "''"'I l•>t '"'"'I M~~tthir tht' ftnll 10 day,. of the moaUL ·~tora. t\lr~t-C :tr (:UM Jrl' 'and lftu'lll f ,l .... ~ • .,. I h;urmurt •• r lht• l'llolo· •H :l ,., .. '·'''" :'l.'oor"ii ss•:r~r J oolttt Haro ld R. Brf,wn ol S.,.IJI AM r'OQm, J)f'r r t.nnut S hook. 11000 f'.ork c·.,,.,,"~'""• t hflf t hP (;.,Ill ~-, ,,11,,. "'"' ""'. i::t ,.,., "'''" •~ bulld rnc a new two~tory 7-room Junf' 5, R I. ''"It""'""· pl.-tL~ '"'""''"" "til ,., .. , ""' $~.0 INIII Mnl :'l.'oonl J ill~"• lfootll • ,. " , . .,ft•Y, 7••• d~·f'lhnl( and '"''o-c&T Cllra&e at uno p u•r a t :!Ot t \'t.t LkSo Nord. po-r 1'"''-'tthh• Jlt~Hif)lt ru r Jlun·tuu<r otf \'ou l.~ofoo :'\'toni $11~1 11 rttl M II !t:ll \\',.1!1 Ally .,.,.nut>. N-'J)Ort. C roft and :-\•\011• S.~. l l h• 1 ''1'111 '~1 t;ntl • I Jt,,,.,,ll<oofl fl2:0. Vut l.11f.o t(tottol ThP ,..llldl'nC'f', whi<'h wtll be of J unt· ~. B.t r•l )fftrhlf', 6t2 Vrr. A r• oon1on.: loo. < utnm'""'""''r $ 1,. 4n tram(' and llturco con."tn.tctiOfl. Ul L rdo :'\ttru pi· ........ r•cor. rer Crutt t:J, •.• ,.. .... "" ·IJ•I'r"l'" "''•II "Ill loo• """"" .,,_, .............. ,_. fw ..... Ktaltl IWatfttMt ... Apptlt .. ~ c .u • " .... " ........ ~ .. :-....... ,. -Uw nw N ... •• f'N'tJO'r ..... u... Me r-u.a fer".., .............. •••porrt ... ell 7aa K•..: ...... -.: N-~ ._..1111 piKnnMS t n cn~~t approxlmalf•ly .utd ~ •• , rll• f!·r~· !"""''' '"II hootol -1 rtn.:.., · f•t~rr "' llw "r."" 1 • Wt.P' ·r 11 tU U.U 17000 and _a ~ C('t('tfd UnckT ,., __ r L •. L·~~·'-t',..,_.,v t•otnt1111'<10toono•,. \ooltn~ fotr l hf ttlloo-( It •11:-o: T WALTeR th .. I'UJli'N t"ro n of J M. Mrlln. l')~lll "'j ,,~ .. ,"tJ'"";,i:::s;..--,~-~··al •oo" nf r:lnd.t~ w rthoout ''htlt:h'' ul ·· 'ftrt-~rwr••n I ,m .. , ,.,,,, r· .... SYMPSON & NOLL ' rl'IHriH N Wf'ri'ltlbl of Los An -~ ~ · ' tho t ht 1 • 11 111' 11 r:•··' ""' "'·1•1 '1" f'1"t-rl v rot l'f"t t •ru lt .n d ~ •. , 1llr. $10Z\. . ""' • 11~ ' ftU~t· ~1u"' \\" # •, rtfr ·d f,, IJt• s,,11tt1 r .. ,,., l:"'"" hn.11 ~n tS!Illt'd a ~rmlt by J un.-:.. II· r ,, ,. ... ("l)lhy, lW I 1 I ... ( "'fCT_.R K • t•,, "lll t•t•••t •• .... " tn•1tt11nc ut 1 tho• l'tl y butldtn« ll'llt~IOr'll offl('f' J'oLQdo•fld f•lo "II• J•lt'F at 700 \lla 1 ..Of:\\ ,, ., "' !'ooi f'fl J • U, I illt It lllt(ll 'o•Jitl .t 1" """"' If roo I ,, .. , .... ·rh .loth II r Hynr~n) . 111 l'rw"l ll on .. ·lllnry d•·eUinl' with l.rdo :'1,' .. 1,1 I"' f'roft IHtd N .. \•tllf'.l l'ooroolt o •1•·1 Mu o r•• l·,ffttt• '" """ 1,,,1.,.1 ,.,,,1 1,1111111111 1,,,.,,,..~., twr .. ·ar I: II rAJ!«' at f 20 Via, Lido J!~ oo "'"', 111, ''"' ''" '''"' .,,, ,,,. 11, w :"ljurd. lhl' llln.tr turl' t o C<MJt 17500. J uno• r."' lt•o.\,ottl ,. Krrll, ... '"'" 'I''·'''',. Ill l lo• II z M• Ktiiii•'Y :--,....--------.,..;------------------.. .. : L. K nox. aiMO of Loll An.~~:eles. A nli: .. l•·~ J•l• , .,, •. pr••r nrid 111ip 11t l lotlll•lt111• .t 1\tt~ • ·.,a•l 1•••11•\':Uil 2828W.C.Btra1A,._ ha.ll lll~triMS th" f'N'('hnn of a five-2 124 Jo; ,.,.,,,,.,. ·''"n''"· Aalboa. JM.'F l=ho• lllr ll• tur •• """" "''" htttlt flor """rn-dWf'fhnl!: 11nd double «•"'«" t•oort an•l :-.;.,,11• Jl5.~. th•· """ k"""" Surol11 Ann •'.!_loor-;-1- at JOO 0 nyx, ..Ba1boL ..J.a1aAd... · -:hrn'r' :r --* If r )ftvntll'lin. 'Lilf! ,, · ,. I,, Tr -,;. , "a t:l I l . .t I r ·" r """ 11•·1 F. Yllll' II! contrllrtor In lhe job 1\r.~tf'l••~< r.t•··••rtr• Jt14'r and n.-.. t. Ma r,""'''"'"'·, •••I :•J•Pr""'"'"'" 1 whrr h wrll l'nlllll an expendltu~ of !12!1 V1a J.,•f•• ~ •• ul. ~r C nrft and I\' U.'Y~• "tllooottl rt-.clllr•·• f.rol401l :'l.'f'\'tll•• flit~" A• tttc , • .,.,, .. , I• r !{ .. ~,.I<'"" •• R P CHmp o f Loll Anceles Ill .lurw .\. H l'-;:uurlh, S.nt. Ana. :-o l fl""~•·nt t.• 1111.' "' I• I• ol lov MP• bulldlnR'. 11 nnl'·lltory. th~·famrry ,,,1tt~t~1r ···h. rt ·" t.tn~t·tur.. at Fl•.ro ,.. , ~, •I• , • .,,,, t .. r,. ... r 1 ·.,,, "" CONRAD-SHOOK CuN fiJ A I . rr If-' ANIJ B u ll O£R rrlMI'I I I f ... , ,,, ~41 y,l•f J Ht tCJ t 4 I llllrur lu'l' AI 20:! tlh lllreet. N-·-:~·;111 \\' ('o~tr .t "''«'nu., per vwn· dol "'"' 1 .. , ,,,,, t•r "''" rt "''" ... 1 pqrLaL.a co.t ot-"'100. F. ~,.~n.;.a \f-m •·':"nOiitt<-liltJii ··~~-~1--·-----.I.JJJ~~;;n~;:-,.11 •• ,, 'ftflblnwon bejn,; the rontnactnr In Jun .. 6 .-,,,,. :'\.' M"rniJA. l...tHI I''*',,,. ,,, . I• rk ""''' .,,. .• ,,,,.., r· ... -&J .. -llu • :.rw .... --,. I At t t I har~ee. An.:··•··s .•• , .... , ,, .. d"''~lltn.« wtlh lr .............. n . ,,, I I .... , tftra~. rqh• I ~o,-r;.·r.no NEW amn; Mr11 Flnr.·ncf' Anct.rl'On and r~t mlly, who for w.m .. tun~ Jl"lll hH\P r ,.l!tftt·d at 1107 Colut hlll;h· WHy, thu• w~k mo\'?d into t.h.tr """''ly -btllll hl•m• at t 28 M&rl!:lJer· tit' H\' .. nu ... Corona dt'l Mar. ~ IW••·:Clnr~· ~wrllrnJC. whwh wu bl'· ~un A m••nlh AltO. "''"" hulll by Pav1d J • c;.-,f'don. kteal c:nntrac:tor SF.\\' Tt:NSIM C'UI'aT MTA&TED Ltd•• 1~1" r .. nunuruly All~'<'oc·ral••m thrll "'"l'k ''-"'U,.<I n Jlf'nnrt to !wr,.ra r ~; •r•~o:· •lltched, at t%0 V1rl:dd" ~ .. r•l 1~ r HWIM"r, 171100. J un,. 6 ~( • .," ~ U"II"Y. J:IIF11jtf" w tth t .. mJ•••·•• ·. k•l• h•·n and beth at 304 1 lr• I ol • • • ,.., ... Co,rona ~I Mar. Pf't ''"I 'I "tOt) J otn,. i. L ui•· 1.•1· r .. mmun•ty All· !lf'W"I:tlJt•n '''"' r• '· h \nn1a f'OUrt At I (16. I 12 V '" flo ro • loona, per 'ownen~. St9fl0 Jun .. '7. t ; H llennlr.on, 1107 rnt!l!tl h<•ttlr\· • .r·! """"'"••n (t, ln- , .. , ... r (jf rNIIa ·' ,. t lor hv•nc quar- ~: ·, .................................................... , ......................... 1 '-.,.td•• l'h "•"' I l1 """,II .fttf o r ,, ,,,,, .. '" t~ r Il l \1• r~ I Tr f I• 4:.!~ , .. ' ~t •r~tl· t tt• au ••• k tj• ••" J •u w •, .. I. \\'rll'' • :rq l '•t•r•·· lt\"t fl'l" './""• •• ttl•·• J,. r f{I:H'ktl• ,,,1 J,,,_,, :, t• u l :1.-Ja.,:J• r. 7()7 t.:u )t "f"*', :'7 .. •·•tfl• '"' ,.,,,,, • tf '' r \ 1\t u•·• t :::' •'''' JU:e; ~l·•·:•'tl ~ffllrtt ·~~·· Wrifht Transfer Co. TICASI'Wt:K ASU STUIL\Ci~ ttf,t• I f ''If f•t t\ tOt "' '" jl 111112 ~1()\'IJ\f i •• • ·IAm~·J)istunc·e· ur Short lhLUIN ' t tU.t ... .......... t ·~ South . bono-. todll)': Ctkwl.,.. em ~rable untU ln'nt," wu rtother ~ , worta ..... I)~ .. ~ ........... ln. U II Mar· ...... ___ ""'" 1ft JIOIIN ---c-,.., .• -- aot tt. ~ by tlw *""--..,.._._ ...... 'ar•--· ... ia .... • aftd C'Gpfer • 4ry .. a, &lao •• uadt',...._ tct Mttlq ,_. Ia •ap.rt.d to • llhnf't u-. .... , aftd .-. ......_,,, k1 ..... , u., ·-It etalnd ld ... ........ ... ll ......... . ~-= ....... a.·--------.0....:-t tunl lllay __. -· .... , .. ,. ..... order .. Otn,.. o1 Pro-a. ,, CJ lllout •med •n n...,.,. un• 41-OltiJ ._ II Ia -hri"4f ~roc:tucu-. ..., r fur &Jar Junll ~lf'r..,l tu hol4 •Ia altll not to f1• r m~ala. or ,.t I hoon-Ia .a •m~trnt "'"" thfo "' "' ........ _ y aj"" ..tf«t 1t1••'tura w he ,. .... ,.,. ... """ w-m.ade V •of I tw bwre- • •lly with U. t t r,.ltll ol trade rrt .. •dlly nortll- ""'""' ... ,,...,. t;out hlctiWaJ. ' l''""""r ... t Ita at 2:JI"d lltrwt, « tn thai hltrk y "'"' •Jltl rrame ~h.. tw. t rnm-"""'"11 ,,..., .,.._ 11 th .. bltrk be. ...... '""'1114'- Jun" "· S A M•·VPr , 291f trll rn'!1And 11furo " ••ffic:i and 11h•op ;o t :lrti.J \\'·t·.,,t r~r t Vf"nue, per 1:.or<tom IJ fo'rro•llay M760. ''~··rttJ•• ij '•'41 l• '~ r•• r 1:1:., kt~· ••~• •·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .Hm~ ft AI Atwl""""n f''"n ?,..,,. )ot;\~'I'A ·1\l\;\ -..._ ____ ,. ., ;mrr;;~, R'f ... ra.:.;,,.r - ~·~.:.:~-=--~~-::=---~-~·0~-~~~----~~--------------~~.;; J u n•• ':', Ft..\ 1-f'tir , .. _. ~--- t·uaun nn: Mlllll" \\'h"n f{ard<·n t-nlhUI•Iat~t.a' plan ,, htorrw t h"Y arto n11l hkl"ly to for 11••t t•• pr"' rd~ a Cl;n''VIIanlly lo- ' at"d · h••'" l11h tor U1,. apnn.klullt otlht hl11t ntJ<, but otllf'r• oft,.n nM!C.f t•• ,,.. rl'nHndMS <•f lh111 a nd other •1111111 •••n\'t'nt .. nce ff'a!ur~ll, Hlu" , PnntJo Oran~e ~Dty Blue Print Shop. 107 N u ; w. Wrlpt ·~cs w·ooo. ·oou "'"' C8.UI004L 11N N_,.... .• '* _,. .......... J un,. HI H<trooftl I< Brnwn. "-" t11 Ana. two-st••rv. 7·1"0<"" atuc:co .J""!Ionlt "'"' '"''• r~r l('am~,. at-lF•• h•'<l at lr.l I \\",.,., Ray avenuf', :'l.'""'f,.,rf Jw r J M Mlll,.r, 170QO, JuliO' 1~. J "m"" f',~twa'r'11!, 3800 1·1\.ann,.l pia• "· addltl••• to dw~llln,.: f••r b,...:o kf:o~t n• .. ,k . fJO"r fo'. C. My - ""'· llfiO. Junr Jft Mr11 Matilda Mac:cul f·~ h. lJu',..-car &IIF11K4! a t 8 18 W. I~ v "\'t>nu" .. l :l!ol) "-I"JJIIll'(G PF.&'IJTM J ur>* 4. R I. H• rr. 7202 ~n ''"nt,lr ~Mf>'o'•l. ,,..r ~ Mt'll· •n•.-\.. Ju'"' 1o r<·11n R Ko001. 305 Pop-,,y a nnr~. ,,.~,J·• r. ~r ltl. H Turn~~: f.:t.r.tTalr.A I. ri.A "II'M Ju~l' f (Ji loo L Howakautkl. lt't18 E CA.r.lf"l l~ ouu.t.. pe.r Tripp: June 6. C ity ,,, ~ .... 'POf(' -.c.. tn l H~'f'tlll•' "': ,qf J,fw J••·r ,,,_..,,, .J,,,., l•t r Ho,oo·· .:!"\ 1. · t .:1 '"df•' J•• 1 'f t J I') .f !l~l' Jq y ,. ht ~·· f'"'' .... f't .... lllj.'flV .. IO..\' ~ .... ,tlt·l• 1'1' Trtt•l\' J uta• 1 J fo: •'. t; K .,,,~ ,•t';' , .,,,,,.\ •' \ t , J•• ... tt•j t ,, •• -, ... , JUu• ~t,• '''I l•rro• fl t: If ,. '0 , .,. .. •. I " 1\1 t ,, • I ,, tj I lt)t f. l•' I ftlrt' lor t•• Itt •I lllrt• I I f•· \f.oll ~lt••l _.,,-: M:.t .,.. ..., 'U'l' t f • tr~· tt I:• I I I r Hltwkl~ tf'•l J un• ,., H t '''',' 11'! \t .r In,. M\'"'· ,, , ... ,.,.1 r~, '! •. k Jun .. II j~ oho rl Aft• r 21 . \l.t f , •~ r.v•·nu• I '•'Ill• t f« r fl ., v burtt · I 1 .. 1 to Date Newpoit Sheet Metal Wo .... A ·Complete Slteet Metal Service 301Ut W. f:.-atral 'Nf>wpof't .._... t·a..-. f J for J:au..te LEE 0. POTEET, PNprletor ., . 'ft:IUU'rt. ASU t ·l SCil S ('O~TflOL ·• 't r~a 1 ft•mllrd 'I rnultf' llt,.utaUu• .......l .... v 'rEBMINIX CO. f) .... () U A X G E <..:·o UN T VJ... I'WI' f "" "tl Jan_;l• f ',t,. 4ft M&rrh 1'tt1 AJ•nl ~.4 May 1\1 Jun~. :t1l ---~-42.!H~ c-...- 1 11 11'P'1 ncr.r: ''"'''r.c,,.,, .. lie ·~ ...... IlL I r $1 1'14.~:r.· 1 t l I I 1!1'• $ Ill•• 7fl'l ' &8,4:.0 nlf:t. P:!'ITI'IA T t ... . I J •nt .. r ·lh •• ., ... t,f ""' ·cJ With hu•l- -.-4 • vay For jert n Meet .• M'MM hlch· JM' wtwk1t .. -,...,... mrntkln, 1 whoodulfod for dlty, Jurw 17~ • 0ranr coun- '"" eot~Wftf'S at ·~ RHdl. .ru.lon wm .. ........ f!'41N1Wt• • t tftltdanr. ~ 1. O.at . A.octa-th ,,. tepee to t to t'-e ~ ~ • ' . Garden Sc For. Frida! Amid a cant. ~taa-e ol ttw C< Altnnoon (,ubh YW-14-, ~n! ~,.. w,-n• uuta ._, b)• Mrs pnos:adrtlt ;>If'(' I Count)' F f'dtorn fl Club&. CoAorful old·fl ~nwL-· __ -thry Wf"r~ U Mra.. Vll'if>, prHJ N6ck#U. fint \rk F. L KnaUf'r. · *tat; Mn~. Burl =-~ o.rp ~. .. Commeaeeniftlt Daf to See 8Z Graduated By Grunmar Schoo] .. • I . \ ~ ----·-------------. Pap3 TWeaty~Niae A ..... Lock"·Oodsto Remain'\\'at.-r Dist. Hf'arlng·- lklllc $118 Cash Loyal Costa Mesans ~.~t t'or ,Junf& li to Local Boys Despite lnhPritanc_. · at ('oua·thousf• . ~ The ~ wraduatmJ: ......_ 111 Ek\·~n ~nu.a.laitk JOUIIC Cos· '1W•'''t-llf'\t'r ;~n a r•l·"'<t "'' '\,·I T••• •d'o \ .lttllt· .,-;ttl 11 L lht' hUilOry ot U!t' •n.~tatutlon Ul tbt ta "-ranca..r., all memben1 ot ltk .. ll.S '''t'll ... Co:!\Jt ~l.-lla und Wt' 1 "" U l .111~ .. <"•lllltly board Qf p roud cla~m ot Costa Mesa Ele-Uae HMrbor Dilltrtct. daaptn-Fu· tnt .. nd tu. 1tay nght here amJ •J·• , 1 ,. 1 ''· d h• ld ,, puhllC' hear- mentAry IChool wh .. rt' tuc1ay 700. ~ Fanrwra ol Am~nca. U!aa Spt'nd uur S:?O,()OU With M .. "lt 11\l•r· ~ • • 11.• J •·1111"11' It'• t'ntly aub· odd pupiJI and H2 t:ancbdalf'a to.-•·Mil r.tunwcl jubUantly h'om OW duonl.!l"' Su•·h 1.s lOt' enthW!iaSt t(' 1 1\lt•d 1" llw111 hy :-.;,.,,PI•rt MeJ!!l tTHduallon al't' enlt'nnl( upon Uw Orance Cotulty har and Horw aut'rtt .. n ••t Jl!lr and M n!. J 1(. , o•l :--; •. ,• I' •I t llt·tl!hll• Jrragatlon P . I M . Pers' anal "Mentl'on I, Brt'et_Local l+·ems final WM'k ot t h. ir J'<'h<.ol actrvt-•bow bnnc•nc ···[b thttn 2t nb-Lock~'U(.d, 16011 :-.;,.,,·,~·rt bout.·· I 11,1! •' t wh I n •• ~k II liJli'Ctal elec-ersona , ent1on _ lJ lleJI'lilln.klll-'_,,._....,_~-----.-l,tJon.-••....,and a total ol $11&..25 ln caab \"Ud, WhO 18:11 w .. vk lf'h lnf"d ul ll l tl"ll 111 tl,,. p!"Jl""'"tl plan to anneX .( no.ooo lnh't'rltnnC'l' Whldfll:l~ lu>f'n ... 'II• ~·l··tt , .. ,J.t.tH•W Hto>r Oiatrlct ·---.M......C~~hs • • .... ,,u1 ·•f I Th·· 11 c· ll~t.k .. r fllnul\ tu..e The F .. ur4t quarlt•rl_y ~-•mfuenc~ w .. H-.flljl'llr'1tilm•-'i lytnrm-.r~ba nk. awnlt·l 1:··'· ,, .... ,,.....,~ ten1tMT ..-- 13!'1 Uruadwh}, •·nJ .. ~··d ., "'" k 1"'''d :1 .. 111 :!~.:4 :-.;.,1.\fi'Jrt b<oule • I \'~w Mt-sa C<•llilllllllll)' <·hurch lnli: u .:lauuar.t. fe'lr m .. ,,. ~hxn a I' r•, :II\' !!I'll '(•·U und t'ltgtble to f'nd lnp t u J .. ,. At.gol~.>o rol • .. 11 .. 11 ,,, " 11"'"' un F: l~th ..... .;l\ .. )a :;unday v.-tUI [Jr. Jamu y .. ar 1o1 •II 1 • .,,.,,,,., .. 11\'•·r w111er, Ul~ Mnl. lA-ura l'UIH••I , I I}• I :-.;.~ ·' 11•. I L Ly .. tl>l. th.o;tnr t l>Upt'r'inlt·nd .. nt , Th.. t.. .. ·kW<•><I-. ..,·hu r .. rmPrly • • • h~ IIIII' t l ~t• l'ltn<lut·tt'd. '!be port txnalt"\'llrll, 1,. ur"'" ,1 .,1 '''' ,, Kl .. t.llu•lll, ( .. rm..,ly lif tA "P""k,., .. ., th .. l'\'t'ntn~ fto>p<itt>l <•J;,•r;u.-<t "O.•IIy's Ta\'t'rn" aud nn la '"' t••••.wdl '"''II th .. ~uver-lm· I --• d kl It I I , \ ·•r• ,, ~ h.t~ r••rrt ... l !! . .-l',trl • • ~,. fti,-.J lr;· !ht' k'"-"Wll.il utft~nt "'-'(:' <it!,'IJ!_al, the hnult'\'ard ntl· 1.,., I ·" tl<•r •h~trtl:l to fmbrace Ub••Y spr~•Uw :ui ' .. !4 1• .,, " 1 • · . . · •·~ h ... r~l--flt-ll-.. t-4.........,. .. -__ I J:,....._w..,..1w !•l"~lll:tl~ "' :1'!2 .lL.,._;!f,_tl_!.!rutlllf' btt"~ll"S!! l!l'.l~gl.-ur"""" •· .. r~ ..... t .. nmg tu t " l'our~ :~~·;,; Ill'"'' ang lt\JU be.;_.koow:n , \\ d• •II -.lr• •·I • _ I'T"lii~Ping Hf'trR r~u! pr"J.!"'"' '·' ll:.• t'o~a:<tal Watt'r Dastrac t; the JOlr. aml ~L11 J. I I. \\ ·""h "1 1 ,.,~··· 1, J 1 I• odiC" pr,. .. ul•-<1 an I 'f..Ctl.D IJI'"'T "ISS AtiAJS Santa ~lui, w~ a nnounced 1Ub-' hu h "a.~ d\:11• 1 thou~; tl.o· .. ~1 tt.· .. "" , 1 .. 11 1 wall be to dtooee &nta 1 .. ,,.., :-I ro·ol IHHI ... :.•111•1 .• ,. '1.• II II II 1:1"1 II•• fit h 'rty I uU rt T R Hrx tJf :.II sUI aod Jn•tne, ~rt tt "ANIWer Thr~ Quesllona. ,,! th .. late Flurt'flt I' TuiUJikiiL~ ll( ·II·• •'lA I•· I!Hf ''''" dult.n cl and .;Ut'lllJI, M r AmJ ~~~-1.-I., Jj"'' Plt-al-t"'" 8,_.1al mul! ·'1 ......._ ....... J h d d ·•s ., ~dll<rn 800 Mr~ _,,.,.,.,, 1:,11 , ~ .I 1 11 1-lh•· ,o l"''" •• uf J wJ.:" t.'hru< 0•1•-nltdl "'"r.t·r ul MrM:IhYW tn•· l'n ''Y lhe ;;"hool or~~;:.:'2: a""'nd~:'.~ .-. .. ~ t'I'St'Y "' " ot' • )•·••~ or, I'• "' '' IJ,.,...J un •ht-hUIUt' ot I /'I It "'' T u··M1><) 11·11!"!1. "dol•od •nottKor t o lH.s am· ' ..... .."" atup. "2"· 1.-.... ma.." $:!\1()11(1 tru-t I unci I •. I 'Ill"''' lltuu of Cu \'t'r L'•ty. • \\,. k• uol ~,,..,.,, kt tlto· A c· A l·,l·~•ng o.rr"" la.lt t'ndit} '11\'hf'n haa jeltt' d ub Urwkr dlnoctwn ot Rich· In OW boc ltne, Ed C'baprn~ f,, ,, C'"U.SIIl. Manon T l it '''' ol • ......... , ..... , ............... , •. , ..... , .. ,..,..,..,. •. ,._._ Mr ... n..a Mrt~. J,,,,,,.,. L~t) "' h • I< h 1 t ard T La·~~-'J'bco Procram WJJl a..U. Duroc J...._)-.,. w-on 2nd foe All.-r n .. r dt·.rth tllr nwu.-y " .. ~ · COIIta Mo·.•·• F~trrul•·"' ' '•"I'·"•' '. "I .. ,.,,. t.oJ ''(' :·t to•r " r~ t' ·,cry. r. .. J•I nu.st. tool. Jllllt award ht'gtn at 8 o'clock. mdandual hoc•. 3rd and 4th f t ' f(•J lu &,.,,.·k"•>Od. wh•r hotll '·•II)(' ! ''' II' I ,,,,.,nt.: hea r. a M&~h hAY~ r<'tu n•·tl 1 .. n •.. r J: ....... ·, \ol• ~I I uwl M r-. 11\.tll•· ... l .. r . r f'llllo.-'"tu.r\d ·~the St'COnd Hlln·alaurute Mn~ --~r~ pnl ol ~-and 4th for h•JC ""'"'""t lont:.ll\\tt:lth~:.lir.IIILh ·''"'' lotl .• t t'ustH ~fo>M 1~ s .......... rt 1"•1• • \ ·".. n: I• I r. ,, .. r ,\ "·"~ ltlh· ,.,.,,,. I _, .... , .llntll&l: COU4[)' .-air and h~ld _laat 8""""-y ··'·n•n• ·at "----• h f I •t I I I f Lock --ndJn• lht' J>H •l "'""lit .r ,.,,.,., A:-' lll ll.l." "1 J,o~tl Jrt.t u ,,. ••nit' • ..... !oft'>la C~munllV ~hu-•b _......_ ~ I t J t '" -..-., _, • •~ _...,..., lst for pur..bred Poland '-"JIUI ""'"\' .l.'l uno· .onoJ Sill(" lht n • I• ol• "lll!;r.llU a mg uoem Grorp Rapn, Many F, cn-t. lin. n.y ... U.. formal ntft line. • ' .• " II··· h I• "1 ht~ ,,. .. thor ""' 11 ow •y ,,.,., ..... ...,. I.Jr .I L. Lyo~_·d.t•tnct -"-rin· I c 1 ...... _......, __ -"~ • f t'-.... k .... ~ bt .• I I I to I ] ..,. n .,. .....,. ,, •-o -.-~t' t , «I v•\·.._.., . ....,.,..,ng at , ;,t' u;.n o.:U. ·•'II t:l.uo':l\ "''Ill: " • ).:• ,., I •r ne. vvv ' or f; M II :Shu --~ ~ .. ......... ... llftOWoi1\AnaiJ.Ip. Lrroy JohMton u.ok , .. : t t' ami y. ·' r~ u. , ... ,l rn .. ,.t•<l lr• • ' I !It II•Lq fa lhl' • •a t \< .&lui+ d e J>.•llloJf,d l l,oJ 1•1 \fl .., :\.1 ~It Hn ... ..:, ... Ulot ,.~J:.Illl.lf1.U_.CU.....UM.-.A ___ -&_lh..,lt+ ... rt!r:-~ -f -------------.-,f..AIULDr""'ll-~U'i4•:L...I;'-t\U•&:.I-,U"'•lll.l-h-..I:.J,\l.t•_,.:lc:.:,•:.!_II!!I!.IJ.!!I' ll f~,-~ ,,-: :::Toi•lo. ·'· ' ~kl.-K-.._-,.,-. .,""·1'">-• ..----.-. (',.hf,rnla cont~nce o f Metbodillt eatnn'-:n::.:~''::n',::'~;!';~ I ~ be$ wUh a lunt'hrof ............ ublr ....... -.~"" -.ct at tlw qua . ..w.c tlw ......,. ftd tuiUcus w~r 'nw alt~ n to ....... by tlw • lin. a...ia& . oloo ... IUftl ~ol 11n. P. A. a Ewfttt Rftt. Ill ...... Oaudlo An ~ at c.a..a-I ..... Holde .. Sce.e FCI Attncim' ..... ~ ......... ltalplt caa Bay. Jlw ..afW~ De .ndcot At1 fill tophN' I .... J-Iel ............. , llr. uad II) -~dlo _ ... tor I .......... CGitll ,_ ..... lr'odl . ~. Attew ........... ........ Har'-_._ wttla _..... A&&-H'ar 111 'illd ..... aru&t.Pul. ( a. llolclm · ot I WO.O. ot In& arrtde away tit Hany G. Ea.rt• r-t Uw ~ 0.. -c- ~jr(J b)' I • pbDO.. Appros1maW ed u.r •edla ftktl' follt_ .. Houck Is all. ~rom,. nwy will U'ldi Eiut.W.h l«"rw • 1M ,, • l:ftt'J ----~ption PI $2.75 ~ llntt'l I'd u ~ Ca S. A. )I EY f'.R Prtntlnt: Plant. OFnCIAL I SNO • ---- from t w .. "''"" '"" 1o 1-•k•l 11••1 ,.,...,1 t..AJnt. Utt" paJSt -.:vrraJ days ch•.r•llf'a, S{IOk~..pn "LI\'IIlf( To-hJ Ma M "'td f l~w "'ho·ro t l ....... ,,, ,, ••.. 1~ .. 1 ,\ 1, I ' 1 kl·' ·"'' 1''J.,J ·• f''111""n tw•e lln'n .. '"rta'" au1uunt of at'· 1 ..... ·' IJl&Dll p . nurl umz . .-r. at:·, -~ ,, ' ~ 1 f 1 h h 1 :ty 'nree numDf'l"'l w~r. Kiwn purri)r-t'd Polaond C!una &••It Hob U!e•r t.Juu~t:tft• r •'j,.{j I ·'''''I ,\lr 1 1'1' 11 •• "''' '·"' 01111 y "_a.-ll\ •I.Y ;,n,und the lung-dormllnt loy lh•· Cirla' llee <'lub. "My Ta.dr," !IO~blon. Jnf alld 4th for lndh ·lduAJ I Mtl<!r••d l'IV"" ... •• '·' •·I I'"''''·'' "·' til .. ~an ~ .. n ... mJl!'"" waldtat well on \\' .. s l '""or ~lo, aunr; by Stuart Pric:e 1 htJc Mr. ;wtl J\1" I •·•· • I~ Ill"•• 1. • • I ol '·" """"" "I h" Jlllr<'nl..ll. Or \\'tls<.Jn •trt"f't. The bo:l~n Wt·r" fir· at s, \. ., r kl -• ,.--a-u MaJt: .. ly t..ok ut 10nd lrd J10m .. ~. Jr', 101ot llh ~I ,,_~ A 1\ , I ol \!1 • ·' 'Ill 1 Y • d up llut IA·Mkt'nd lllld up .. rllt llrn!l ... tha Be ' . I J h I h .. __ ,, ar rrv L-..a-on ecc• and Cbarln (tgdo>n. 2nd and Ut!11rlt•tl:t 1~111111r t11 "' l llwl ~~~-l.uc "'' " 111' •Ill. "' " ,..., ••rt' now under way to takt an tm · ' .1 ~ 1 11 h h on ~I'"· Haruld Rr!Utrr J rd for lna'ton Uf'a• h, "''''' ~ou· .,, "' , .... ~. ~ •• , .. ,11~ ~· t nt tr om~ on preultm. In J.Jvely Contest th.tst~an t-all and !:>th for cattle' Stuart l'ru P ~~~ II r • ,,.,,, . ltlliiiiJ" '' '' 1'"11 l~·tl!o"\'Hrd fur lhf' Pllrrlt ~'lnarudup 'J'bco Futur,. l"ann~r dub t'unrt•rl In :'itO! II "'"' ... , •'lit I wo•t•k:o. Ill ftl(lt<f'l n'jtlllnlnc :O.I'('(T-~t'1'1. l4C.'Ot'T Ukl\ r. • for ·~·-n·hi,.... (. .... f 11 ~UC'IIC o I' featu~ bo .. Ut .. nt~~ hy tho> local A li.-...t-u.l •11,..,.11111; ,,( Ill•·' \\'" It• I llt'ulth and "IIJif'>ClJj •""" ~ Y l"O!ih y,.foa &•· !'< ""'" 111,. liP· ,.. 1 1 ... rt h '" ..., J t< try nd ('hapt~r. to.ik 3rd awar!i WhiCh .-u nM'n'll f<rll,.f t'"l'f'~ h., .. lo•·•ll ,.,IJ ''"''''o'l wa t una tlo .. l "' '"'· r:•r .. ntly ... t..t.-d tlol a ho~;hly ':ru . ,.,.n nva a '"'m~,&l. -"' f \\' 1 1 'T~ t Tl t ., th ·•f Rr.,, __ ,...,_ n·.uh .. xtsta In tlw 11ptnlo>d c· .. n'__. a 'ub pnu « $22 50-rt'pOf't.l ..... u r no•xt I'( n••!f'( 11\' II ··rr••••l ... ,.,. 1•11 nllll u I' ro • ....-. ,.,_,ful :tn..l """'IWr>ou,. )f'llr, ltlt• -L..,.. H l"'artt trurt I by Mtll. 'Ullin• ho• Kuj'l"" Jlr• ~~-_,;II .,f Mr nnd ""' fbrry C .tnllual dn\· .. for fwldl hanllg IIJ· lll ll••l,.•'t a que...n fo r Co.ta M-·· ca~ ... ~::.. .;K .:...= dent. '"'" ~'<'SIII••II "111 'l.k• '"'"I ut !'nlllh ••f C..:•"'!Jt Mt'Sio, 1\U btorn ,.._,.ly ywldt-d mur,. th.m Sl!t~l, ur ·•nnu.tl 8car~l"lJW CarQ.Iva.l. Auc. Hieh. t.ftr _l,.l·httll .. , t ··,~tn ~'' ~• , <•Ill ··f•·• t• rl So~ulh.,a n t '10ltfur n1a ddtnc-t '*' vver lht' ~~~1 • r .. turl\11 (\m · 10: r •·port.t Roy J Tult'rw ol Uw I I h .... ,., 1 ,, .. r' "' :.!U·:tu rluba. The e!N-· 1 t • .. t "''' • •,. committf't' COMTA JIDA n ·a r.u .. GET IT AT mun1 y l' IIIN' ~ tnlr 1 .OM hJo\t' l"'dllj;t tl lrun1 l., \\I ttw f . . Mw Ju~·phu..-\\'ro\;111 "' Hh1•• 1 '"" " ••. ~ l!o'l1l Sunday 10l Ontano , ,.nt,; tu l.'• &l'• unlrn.: 1,. thf' ram· , .. n 1rst n•l~ ,...~,.. tallied H •ll. N"l". h~<!l l•·•·n .. , .. n.J 1 ~ ~'"'' 'Mr ~trt•l ~f r11 J fi. Eudy and l~••cn ,.. •• n.mttiH 1 r u•· ... tay t'v~mn,c . Mllrt.ba 8uTy ~ral day• at th .. homr ''' ho•r nro-.\It ,,,,1 Mr" R ll'hard LA"'Tt'nr e 1 1\.1>-!o•und to be It-ad•~ Ow fidel ther and fanu ly thf' <;• .. •rJ:• A•llll Ill ••I =-:r"l"•rt boult'\•ard. attf'nd· LF-"a·r..a."' 'yu :o.AATt: I '•th ' t otal of 6075"\ ... tn. Audr.y 110n Wnghll! u! S:.nt.1 J\na ." o•nu•• I ' tl 1 11,. rH<""" •tot A•u" Cah .. nt "' I!J •• c ... t.·ll bt'tn,c but a &h•Jrt way be-!lllrmtwr: .. "' th.-tll~th l'· h·~·l Ep· tnnrl ~r a·tlh ~'125 Runncn~-up On 8aturdny, Mr .11 •I ~~~' \\'11j;hl s .wd ,, Al<kt'd 1f ttK>y .,..," an" h •-1 • 1 14••rt ..... 1:'"'' aro• I• ·'"'•1111: •1 ""'·•1• ·'''I•• 1,.81!1~ OorUIId.~•n. 4....,., •--· their dau~ht .. r. l'lhtrlt) lint I 1 h•'lr I .,,.,11, , . I hi' lHISWt'r "'IL'I 11 lkfrntlt' 1 1 "'-"" ~-1111: pou~y -'" !'' h••h . :ol l lr.ons•· , ....... ..J lolal&4!1y, 41:u.. Oorot-,., .... ClteJI. dru\"o• '" P~··•'lll•• r I tr>d "th .SlJ'• ! -.....,.,.,__.... • .. , . -• I -''""' ""· JW"• ,...,...,. "1 "hid "1•11 1:" '"·" 2900, E lwandlt Jubnston. ~~:~.'£::..~~, ]-~.W~f·_~ ~~~~~l ~~~~ oounty:•'ldr Cub ,..,.. -wow to be ht'ld ~turday at Anabeun Ctty pari~. r.porU cua.m..ter HatoiCI y _ Ha:ll -~ ~ the kJcal ·=--· er d#'Nrt J'k•llll" . \ · .. ,,,. Mo•PUO \\1 s c-s ts mHt· h I --L-.. ~..,__ I I '" l .. ....,;o.:u...-Tn:"trtutr """' r nup . ~.-·,•nes Betty-Bamf'll~im Hanold S ln •·y I . .! !r"·"lwuy 111~: lhll' re1l••rno<Jfl ><I ttwo JWol'llo l .. 1 ~~ I I I ,,., n .,. ... t.:.•t•·:< rr .. n. (' .. , t •• • ''"'1 raumbt'r "f ("n.•ta M-· m•r· haJI rf'turn.·d rr .. m lo•lr•••l " "''' 11,111 "II• r•• Mn• F:l,.tnf' An<1f'r1'14 •n "' ~-~ k J•h• n l•• so tl•·r••l lh· annu.d 1 "II· , h:o 1 1, err co-u"'·ro tm• In the tKo too d• 111 •·r\' .. , ·a ,., " • .,r ,,.,. 1 ''""' ,. ••t '"''" """"'''" ,...,II dt.ft· C ,-.. •t I ~~ \\' I 1.-ntl'•n A Jo •llll m''''IHI: " lh" ·~•r .. !'l ronlt'llt a nd an-KI\'IJlC r,..-hiJI pnr•'nl". "r unt • r~< a t•·r •, 11,,. ·s •. "'"'Y Y••nnt on Mam 1 !-h ho 1 1 1 1 v-SlAif'y ,, l..<tjo(IIIHI llf';tl'h, ,bl>' !alho•r I s t'r····l Til·· O'"''' llll\t• h•oard m...-t· Ill: !II' ..... ,, tnto·rnh•t 1''1'' I'A· Ito"·' ~;cJOd Cor 2!1 \'ut .. s, With f'aCb j,:Uo•.s "",.,.. h•ld Suntl.t~ lllgh.t at .,. t p "--~ T"-t ta •-ha••tn..: ;u·c·nmf'""'""' '"'11 "" tlw '"'' "·•I' twirl \'<•lltt'rdlt)' attrrnuon -'-''1 "" urc,_. •w ••on ell n .... ~ th .. par,. • .n:i,,~,.~ 7u )"••tul.,: JI"••JJh• 1 Ill t k •-t ... _ tr'IJ1 En f<oUle! h .. 11lf', ~l "l""'''r!< ~~~ .. ~ l ~·r•'tlf' llurlo·y ()( Luna-""'"«In .• u. ri<L•n·"· olrt' a 1'0 M na I(' ...... or .. .., Wf'rt' t-nj(ly1-d nt !'all J.nk•• ('ot\' I<•··•• h 111111 Alh .. rt M"urt-uf .,fSth , S('llro·•·row ~-Jul'lt' 25, lltnd are and 'tn 11('\'r n d "I II~<> llltllnrtttl , _11 ,.,.1 ,,,1J , ··n.•;ht.t'lJ wath a l'<'rtaah number of pa ka -lr \'11\fl tll't'llUf', Co.ta "'IlL ~TT.ll -.\SS.,I'HI.l~ ''•It•·• fo r nch It( krt 801d. Votes r · !\1...._. \\or,· tii.IU'rt~-.1 Saturday at .. u-..a ._., I " -'"' f II .. _ -"·~ T··--.a-M,... Cor11 T ulllur ... t, 176!1 !" .. w '· 1· 1 ,.,.,~, .... ..t. ,~ .. ,., ... ,... "'on " \\1 '"" ....,~ U t'h ...,_y ~\·~-. pl..-rt ,.,. whwh l•••k pla~e in u 1 M Alf 1 f'h \\' 11 J ? ... _ porl boulrvArd. .-.. lt•loti4t"'l lll'r •t ... r :u.• · N ,.,., ... y o•111. lllnl-' unt Uf\t' .4. ~IOIIf' of ......, I lfhll''•• "'r M• .. •n' Ill t•mplu)'ffl at ( c· I \1 h k .. h b blrthday annl\·o·n~an· Tlutr,..l.IV "' "". " _..," • ""· t 1,.< "0'1' pa~w., " 1 ••nl•·•l. At wtiiC' l tm#' the gir·l •nt a p~t ~·rtY"'•l~f\IH'd bv Mrl<. ~~~c~.'~:·~11 <itury, 1!13!) Harbor • ""'J>"'''I"' t-'(:tJof1n.•lJ"II nu.thfy· tht' hiJ:hellt lltandi~ •••II be crown- -Ra,mmid K. it::lstrmnl, J.tril A I}''•·, ·~11 ""'I M,.,. ch .. ri ... Ptlkmton, • J.,.,. Ann .. f"'>lla ;~ta,-..J A cad-1 .-.t 'l'l .... n of ~ '..-.rn1\'ll1 ahd Kin« ·and Mr11 Rlr.n•·h ... J(llf'll"·•·l .,1,11.,,1 1 .,,~1 14 Mt·Mru "h<• have o•mv, • "mJ•I.-tm ,: l h,. It s t wo tti th~: nt hrr •·onu.t.anu will reai\~ an of CostA MI'!O&, Mr!O (oil\' J)··rlw ' : ...... 1 n • ... rilil • Ill ~.....a Al\gtlel! fo r unu.-wt ll} ht~h ~ratio· nf !tS. \'uu~ I prtZ··~ from $10 !~own to $2.!W). Of SantA A ruo t·urotpl.,lllll: l ht· tllllll· I ~ I thlt ha \\'..,.1 "h.' 1\'0UJ(f h'H•• J:rlldiii\IPd -----• t~t. Thfo dAy "n.s ~I"' III .. ,. Tlh• 111'' I'"' "'''.''"' mnn · Vt" fmm '\," ~·rt ll.trl••r l "m"n ll•J:h .,.~·t:R \I. RE&\wU FOil J>lk~ at l.o •nJ: ll•'ll• II .,.ll•·r·· tlw "~ 110 ~111 ' uaullt'tl 1" rh., I uno "1 "'h···l 11:.~ nu.nt n J'Jtn•-d th,. n:wy "ltJ .. \III:D ~-Dl-.aAJI , ... ~-A-l I ~ I r lh•· M•"•ll ltll•l ar .. 11111\'fnj,; bar k un )l oloh 1:: '"~ h l ht•r •• lhtt'f" "'-, .......... ~ rnnl:to'i "•llrt•• ,. " "-'" I "' •"k lllf'. •til 1><-jr att'd tn Flt'l•ral H~ ··~ bdd .-l· ~I<Jnlt tn!'ludtnio: ttl~ rn•·rn··Jl"• 1 11' ' ' > • . ~'( ...nornortnlo-%'-"1 fnr '""' !-'.t:tl" n f Cal· unL1\ 1\t ~nu Ana for Wtllard rouhd a.nd !Ohf'lhtnd 1"•'1' rt•l•• A 111' 11 h"""' "" ::2nd lrtrt'f't. rf.,rn:.., :-.;,.,,.." Jtu rham, 73. whc ~ .:how mf'm dlnnt-r nl I; ('tun',,,... \rlhur l:oh,..•n. a stlldf'nt at .It h' h"me on PaJUiades. road. r aff' .-nn.-Judt'd -tho d><) ,. lo••ll\ 111,,. I' .1 I 1 f" 1 n 1 u l 'ulyt~• h n". spent 'lftll£ K~llTI:L' SF.t:Dt:D ~~~n "'""" II\Chtde fi\'e dau,;ht.ers. l'•u•••II:V "llh huo J'l",....nl!O, Mr and (,_',._,,,, )1,.-a R•-.1 l n.s..• d utJ)In Mr-I'IHra Johnat.HI.. Collta Meaa. .\11 Jl,•JI•IIol l:ll~"'tn Arthur haJI ~ l•l t•\lti•u a ha;hl. olf)' \\urk· )I~ X"r.t. Jobndon. 8an JuaA 8 H 0 E M R U I' 1 •'• • ral.l) ""'""'f'tl f'IIIJ'Iuymt>nt at 1 r>••ll =-:ata .. nnl h"ll<l.jWirtf'l'll luu C'·•1• •'ntnu Mra Emma Willl&ln.S. c-.,_... u.r-C"',_, Ill•· !'.til l.uL• tlb!Af'O t'l"t'amf'ry cupJ•h .. l .• l .. t .,f na•··· "''"I \.Up. lr1 ,.,. Mr!l Gladys W•kh and 1 to ''"I 1~ h• lptnJ: pay htll "'lilY .tnd n .. -.. all th:•t " nr<•-.INI ,;r,. a ~~~,... Ftuth Bishop, both of Or· a·ill lea\'t' ttKo Scout cabon at 10 30 a. m.. ~ P"JIIrT&Ift a.Dd conte.u f to b.-J•n at 11 o 'dcxk and c:oa- 1 • lm u.e until 4 p. U'l.. 1 AU C'ullfl ar. ";'Vl~ to brule 1 Uwar famtl~rt. but ~b ~non • mWit pnn·Mif' bUI own lunch. Cut. j muat ll1lo bnnc ltwlr r.c-...U.UOn f ea.nt. u a pnu waU ~ a....-.t OW tared! Jfilck In attenda.Dcc.. ln addtllon, jiUka UliDI»tla,S aa eac~t~l of ow •-.noua c-.tesll wW be r awarded t10 IIIUiny polnta toward' ttko day'• lfWM'I»talua prue, HaU l JelVelry Ties .Handkerchiefs Robes Sox Sport ClOtlies 207 %. Marine Avenue. Phone BALBOA ISLAND -576 ,.._. lft c ... ~e an A.Jt Kin, ~ Orance. att~ndarre ancl teplra· lion: H. V. Hall. eo.ta Jlaa, mu-1 ••••••••••••••••••••••••-~ ter . ot ~ft'f''!'Orues· Mrs._ Editta . Wrstmanst,.r. baitdicratt and C'OII«t1011 t'Siubtt; Jame. Jlc· 1 Ctlnacby ancl Paul ~tty, Santa 1 1 Ana. 'ttt.hWOc-.,..'""-" Jl£..1(.-\ •"'0•·•·• •ot·"' T AJU: Jl.'-~1· .-\. AJIP$ HDitbY M 1 D D A (j (i 11 • g IIII••U,;.ll l>• llfll•l 111 lh11 mann~r f-.-~ r ....-.d. tn<tll:"tn•,.,. knrt · "~"1:" lhrrr 80t'flt, Witttam. lh,-. __ __....._, -m CIUattf)-.!. -t-I• I• ·I To·w plo• ,,f u -: c..c:u plaOI'.. ,,.,.,. r"f"'rt:O ~~,... H B Mr Mrtr· Y\tll' \ rk -Ray. Santa Ana. and • ")"' •·ol ,, Suntht\' ''lt.~l frnm hiA try. d, ""11.1n ••f l'l•o<IU<ll"ll lin I·· S.on Juan Capil'trano; %e a..ta M-ACfpn, lra Hut· &bt>nl • &.noly bww-b ol 6-H dub bvya. "'t'ff •~pt;.•naDy rortunau m ganwnng pt'lZlPtl an OW 4·H ell· nswn of UW ~nt Vran,;e Coun·l t:r t'arr and """"' Sftryw_ • IJonald BHch to-.-k rtrat ]lla<'e for (;Ut'fllM")' Jumur caJvd. lat for gnuS,. Uolatem ,a.lves, lat for ,-.,,~tablt'S. 2nd f.,r dairy show· mai'Uihtp . 2nd for '-''h ill' ~gs and 2nd fnr bl"mtm "Kit!l. HUI br't•ther. BaJI IJ4.ar h, took ,,,...r a..-ard f(lr -·uv aht .... -rnanshop . 2nd for fHd· t'r (llgs . :r1d f•>r H.t.mp!~hu-. -· and pagll. :tr<t f•Jr fl~rfll•rd at~n. wfiJW a (Jiinf hn •thf>r. IWbert Brach. ''"'k ':rd r .. r ~rrctr Hrr~· ford hf'lf"rs 111 BrotWtway ('ol'Ota !\1,....1 F I ' &.---------------= "'" .... ,. l',.rklr Tf'111Jl>l~. uf ort T h·· .• ~k .-•• ,. 1-.. ,~ 11 11""' 10 r.:n· J, 111 •h••n and oM ,-reat·cnnd· •1 • \I ,, J\1111111 ll llll Hu""' II T••mple of a "' .r.t1l t I' rn 1l.nlv •·r km t,.. , h•l.t ----------------:->111 I 'I•'~" :-.at\nl Tr:unm~ lllllllon. l<'r-t ,,, ,, •. 1 l.ttll lh•lr \',1rn th,.r•• lr •. rr••· 1 t wa8 at Santa Ana ·-·· .. auly Salon ~·II·· 1 ··•at "all llko·l~ mi\rk tht' tam· .tnd •I· tho• ·'' tu.tl w .. a k ·•t h"rrw. , 111, '''~"' tht' Re•·. Floyd 'nlr•mp· . __ prdall ol\, 1.1'1 1•'111111•11 111 ,.,.m,.tam~ u If ..,,,..,,.,, ... 11 1. ,~1 .. r ,,f ow Church of Chnlrt .. -t \\aW l' at l'o·l kk II> 1"•111 I" ho• tntn.'4ft'rred "Ill• III II/.; I'K&MANEST.!", 11.95 1'1' '" 111 llJJII\ • amp 111 t<•·nt m k y. \'.o\c Anu' IURI.t: ~'IICNII. ------~poo alld tlaprw&\'11, 60<· Ml Allll Mil< \\' ..:. :-.:hkf'll of ···'""" •hm •h .. r ~lllll.t Ann lles.a. \\'omen'1l.CIUbM lM..Ilbtedii~Coe.ta, Mf!!l , ~o-.:1 ~t:1nr.1nll11 "'''""'"' tn.\Y Wlll ,• .. rnfil• t '·" •• 11 .. 11 r.TI\1 •• 1.1"''':{ C8oft Wat.-r) lb. IIOI' •Il l''"' lh•• I. ll l•••lll(h•·nlt.tu~h , .• r ·"''"" .t.;ltlro ;, ·tt \f •n!•· lnstalls.Officfan at 1 J1 •llh' tl ·:::!1 HtnJ•''""Y ltnt.l "~nt ,~~,, _,..,~ ...... , f'+'rt"1,. ... , •• ,. t• •!•' .s.• .. --------------.. , ,~,,. , .... _.,..~ ..... 11hout Jut)· 1. Mr. ll:""·~ 1 .... R 11nu~ ... J ,.., ...,_, ..... ~k-I .Un('hflon Meeting W•~nAorf-:lt••ll ll'(1•"kB 1 1 h ..... t r· 11od ~It'-• lllj;h••n '·"'1: •u•"' "" 111,..., "1.: n: th,. 1"•.,..1.1 ~!· '·• ~:),• '· , 1, ••lo•rt_.. ott~rs of thfo \\'atr h<'!'l And J t•\\t•lry '' \•I rn ul•• lh••u futurr J•l..n.~ nwr' '" ~ • •••I l••.trd ..., ~· All ~, rk •ttlr~••l .. ~ •' .• ·, \1. '·' F ... nday Aflf'rnnon club .· Back For The· _,, ~ ' ._. • ,-.... ltttt ,.,, .... I c ..... ,,.. P tS :'t 1···•-~t thr•·•~ 1 c ''"• r t _ •• <w ft:'ll "',, 1• d hv th•~ k t &-•,•••~• ..... J 1 h ... • •. ",, .uect tt11.1· ··ff a a ---~ ..,_.· ewe ew uwiiLI~o< •• .,;hv<"ln.t.: "' l .: .--.c-\<'rnl bu.ll .! ~;;..; • .kt.J ~tvn l .. :-o.nJ 1,. 11 _ MN ._tile 1' ):: 'Ill' 11 • ., hnlrhnC • U>t -<t ,. • t•• l'ft lf'tJD m""'~'.. -11341 ~""'l'"rt Rhd. ~ 1 M • · ht.~nuM. ("'!>CT.\ \tFo!'iA .\11 M.ua;.ll•l Jt\\"'111 nl't' • lH 1 )'"I 1 ol c. I•••) I t• J, 11 :1 Jh".• \I ... \l r~ ~twn )of 0.Y. ~· .., ,, , Jt,. trtt '. L'li .. u.-n•J•n~ ~un1 1 '"'' -. , · .. ,a n • t h, .. l, , : ,:-..u 1 .._ J• , • • Couni\· Frd· Arthur A I:Jbi;t t t nnk first fnT G~rn:...y fif'n h•r ,.,1,~. C...>rg<' Hf'ndltn ftl"'lt ( .. r ~"'de J rrs.)'' ··"h·.-. and ftrsl f••r dairy IIIIo"·· manshij' _.._ ___ _ ISil'llED IS ( ... , .... Ru.-11 JdAk#'ly. 19 ''"" .,f )h and MrP J X X atc .. ly. ~ ~-­ P •rt bnulf'• ant. "',,,. anJur...J Sun· da~· na~ht .n 1tn ur.ll-.it.'\1 tralf11 a~· , tdrnt 10\'Hh •n.: t ,. ... , < Ars and n mntorr~·· lr A••• unhn,.: tu a ro•roort fllt'd bv I 'HP ••ftto er~ •·!w lnvHl l· ~atf'd th#' a• n d .. r t. E (' RAmHy. ao. of (",.c(A Jd#'M, .,..U tr&\"~hng nnrth '·n s,..,...n h·~uJ,ovard when he •udd#'nly ll"''"n~ tn lM J11'1'0n~ • I .\ . I• I·~ . r ''''"h•ll Ill l 'rll\ CMllY or ::;.1\J .INt ~-•• ,, r..l!;t'f It ".1~ •• :~n t•n •! 'l~ Oranc I .... ·, ,. ___ _.,=---::--:-------, . . ·,a \\'omen·,.~ u .... llC" m~r u th• II• ' .,,,,,, "'"' "h·•rt·' ~hf" I!' tl•• • •I 1 i 1,· • t t ,. "' rll • rn tt :· ••' • . t --' aiDlDJl h O< ... •nun" ._ ( h I I .a • • • ntfi~f'r. l~ Ma "-' .'ta.! t• ... ,,r. h ''••r"' ••r t .-r••nlJ' •·~ "h• \t , 1 .... • • I \ •r~ f•• 1 ,,,. th ,.. ., ·c~r l PER ltt A :-.; t-: :-.; T ~ , ,11 , 1 11 lh••.•u• f,ll ho•r ~t.<"h'r ~ ·I 11 ol , ,.,,. ,J, r 11,1, , · •· \It Ralphl1Va~l~. J'~l n R&:\UU\'S lo ;..l••· 11 ,,,11,..11 ,.,11 ~lr,. La""''" " '1'' ,, \t r \\ 1-Sarkf'. first \,C"f' prfll· \I•.. F'. L. Kna~r. ~ ·I• , 'I"'' I'-'" '"l"''tut ~· \ t<r.el v.·rt"kfri: ltf-.. 11 ,, .. II,... \I Ttl I''I'TrR~ ,, Ill•· h"lll•' "' llt'r llh•lhf'r , Mr~ • r . • • r. ~ '• ol••nt: Mnr Burhn Lank· ' :·•· :.11 ~ •• ·.a. : 1'" '~ ''··' ·rdanlt _.,-.tary: Mnr I 'hn ' '• ~ ... , h" I •< : l•t h 11! • :. , ,1, J: .. .,:#'rll. tn'ai'Ur#'r a ... rl! I• ·~ ,, • 'I"'" 1 ~ tar r r 1 •• • ._ lluU~r. )ofna. c J .,..Rotlr· (' .. ,, t \' T ,,.,..,. Ill••• • : •I Ml"'l. Sam Craw•tord \ .. '• '-I t t • .., \\ I Mfit \\ , , , of lh,. r ... ,., rrchtni: h~ad· lner and Beauty Shop 1&%1 l'lif'"l,.''' 1\hll. O.ta ~,... l'h""" .J.o....:.I.W.::..-.1..L ... ~~~.~~.1\, . ....!~.,J...P,~~~~::=~=..;;~,:J~~;A·~itw:~~~ ~Mtll-lllf'.-!iMlL¥ .... ~1111111~--·-4."' .. ,.. ~~-~-~'..;,."""'Mitllf!P:-~~=;:;~~M'""~~-~--'"•"KK.....;:':)IJ.> DR. C. J. CARTER ::..:;;. HAROLD K. G _ _e:U E L ~u.m·~l <CI!:tpd ...... Newport 561 1 tl 11.._._,. OGitta Msa c •..UJ'Ie~ u ... of NE\\ A~'D t"8ED B . IKE S fli.JO _. Up Rlllrqoy \\ "-" .\rl• ~:...J llnt1 t-oV>kt'ti 11 ,J ~rt'lhl .. r. "H ••f . , , "' ttko r.•unh J"•l oln rhan;es of ... 1.~1 1,. \ · M P •'II M m .... Ralk•3 . o•miM'rs lntn-duN'd •·r"' .trunk .tnvan£ ~1 1 .tnll ~~r~ n .rtl"f'm Smtl.h 1!,•,! "'·' ,, • ',.t•'l •' \' ·~O.C Andr""'n.M X Th"mlll' W tl••lh. t O<i•. 22nrl '""' ,,... I1UIItltn,.:."':l' new homf" "' !".t '11-\ • I .· ~· .• I ' • ,, 1 Mlnnl~ tftllnf'r: ~l#'!ll.!' FtrM"I =-:e'III J"'rl "'h"!lf-m,\l'hln" ' ·''·' I 1 ..... , .• !It It'<' I 111 •• "'"'In~ lhtl' 1l.t1.~ · • r : ~I r • · I \I• • II I. , ,, . dAy -.bt'ln« MIM Maria ,.;.~rtf'<ih· !'lt •• 1.. a p.\rkf'd ,·n r , , , k '" :-11 ltRmltt"n ,.trr<'"t .~,... H3r·: ,... :--· ,. • • ··-·:r •. • thfo Out~h DJ1t lndJM~: .,...,_ ,.,.....,r""'" t:Rd :ct•·rr"f'd t .. 1 •• .,,. \\til t•-nlt· \t llh t he• f,onn~r·:c • .. ...-,1. 1 I. \\'ttt~n. Lttll~ Rock ~'~"" th" R .n••'' lt.>m r#'r rnth!IIOn ~ t.t~ .• lro"'l II•' I ~~ n, A n1111 S m1th 1'.\ \til \ 1,. ... \I ff:R t II . -~ j 1• \I -q E. 11: En,n. Santa A nll "3c ~;., ,.Hr~l· ·I "\' C,-fP ottlc~r:c ·, 111 th•·•r.l,"' r t>Fhl•·n·· .. ~~ r~•m· M , -h 1 I·. , ,. k .. , , ,. ., Sv•aln. (,(ll! An,;,.l~. ;·,h.,,,.. • .. • ·!· • k. rtn\'ln~ \\'h"n• , ..• I• d ~It ttthl M r• H .uv ld t:dd,:; ,.,.,, • .• ". , • \1 1 .11 C"(ll~. Lona-~ll~h. Mt>F· h,. ri" ..r"'-' .r. J h:r 0 J tl.~r·:c tll tll••••· ml•' tho• •-~•lllt-d :::nnth Rut' "· ._,. ~. 1,... A (1UI.m~rl~n. EVf'f'f'tt C•'"" ths ,\\•'•1.. Hf'llth 'illll.' ~- ' '"" Rl' "'"'" "~' ~fr< t:;.tJy and ,.f \1. •• •• ,,. , .... ,1 \1·• \\'.·Fac-twr and Clauctr l -...~ ,, f:-.. •! f tOO and l·•~t h~ • "•'II 11<'\t ""''Y ft'I\.J '1 l •·llle fn:•m .. h· • I 1-. .: , ... ' • • • . ' • all of coeu )off't!&. Jn-lf'r. hr#'n .... !· r II rwnnd l)f I!IX • htl h.t..J>IlKI. mnrt: ·-· "-:'I . r• I" . . ; I I' I'. 11\(lnttul "' romranlf n. ~,n 0 :'-I t:< F E Hu'"'' 1!'11_ Man· t<n•f: • ••· h ,, "' • ~ ,• l it\''-" FOII'E\"t:al"'WCiG R~er.1~::<'124t!-~ti'W't, X~wport. ·amt.1 "\·••nllf', o·rl• 1 111111~1 11 ~:rour '"""'~ T~. ~,, t':-• \1 • I' ., t tor : wa.• ft~ IZ.\ "" rt\a~"~' u f bt'm,tt 1 fn<'nd!t·T hu1,1j .,1 Il l a lunch~'" Km~:' t ·" .t • , • ,. , .. •1• \' thanlul for tll~ flrw Nl-drur.JI ron " ""':-h · ht,tthwa)· A 30· ;, .. 1,,,,,, h"ll"rt'~o h•r d•t Uithlf'r. "'"" o.: ,. ,,., •• !·.! • r .,,.. .vou andyours»rerha\'~l dA~· Jllrl !!<'ntr r. ... "'u liW!penc:IN ~lr• F'..-twft!'(l M• "'"r wh1•. with th(' , :""'~ \\,:•, :-.;, , \ r ... ~· · ,,' durtOJ ttw J'&8t club I'" thf' t'••ndtt l••n of to tal al»hn· 1, 1 1\uh\ ,,111 Ht:••<'ll otrrl\'.-d lA.~t "-"' th· , .~,,., ,,, •I• •to. 1t ~'• 1. , , a nN' fr<'m :nto'\ ··aUnt: liquor fo r ,,,,k ,;,,"1 :'.n l'trUl•l!l<'•• f11r a n~tht<· . ..::.t ~,. I lt l ":' \• lji)'OUandttwP..-ron· t..-o yfil,.. u• .. nUI" .. -t-.. r n "' t-hf' R.,_. "' ~, ..... .._, ·~ • • •• 1:-:.~n • • ._....._..,~ 1 &Ill. -'----__ ·--·-~---- h"ll"' J1,. 1 ,1,1,.1 111 1 h•· f'llrly wen m $11:· I' • ._ .. .-.: • \. .,. 1 , I• .1 •·1 Slll<'t't'fl)', , , lndlanaJl>:"llll !lOri"'! Tralnf'of11 ~t,l.•dum•·s .,; ,. Mmur . J w. my h:r j:h t t.c nt 1· .. rr·•-,-,~~~ . ~ LORENCJ: L THAYJ:Jl. /IA'ho •~ pta!:!'\tr..t panchute clrope \\'l~o•n \· (' Co H u<'t nn and Mb!s1 Tellll~< "hff•' ht-1' 111 trl\tn nli(, 1• •" r "\' Chatrm&n FrtdaJ Alt·l had bfottn n,lt land In any ~nnJ 1 Ahl'f' Plum~r. I for tho' 8 l r ·-~rpe. ' I ' :. '., :\ Club. I \'qt'tabl• ~af'CWna. r ................................ . ·R-D.Dm BAiaBDA -Friday,-June 13 ... I . ' ' -.. __ _ ftunday, J~ 12. liHl .. ----- Na\'Y Officers Praise Loeal MobUizatlon of. Sea Scout& Whl'n S.,. Sct,uta of Oran~ c-ount)' pl111nnrd a «f'Mr&l mublll· zatwn at N•'" port Harbor .wer the Mt'monal wM ... kt•nd. tlwy llttlt' 8UIIpKt.-d th.lt the-f'nll,... t't'ndt':t· ''"WI ~o~~o•u to hf' wltn~ by n-p· n-wntatlvPM or th .. l' !'!. Sa\'y, Tb.-na.W&l autboorllld. ~o~~o·ho ar- un ttw~ .. l-rulou Thirty-three Tf'J'ans St-lfrl Ne\\-port Ray. or Annual claunt tr ""u l<toW a S.•ulhl.u,J Tr•ou• h•.:h ·,...h .. ••l bu• 1\all ,,, r h~ ~~~ •• ,...~ •I :Sc•wf"•rt R>ty and h .. ·,r~t ·' hurwh 1f rntiHr~IIUCih' bo•}'ll 1\'ul l:ltl• JOllY tht>)' J , ... rn .. 20110-•tdd ""'' ~ r .. r a b<•11d• pu'nh', ynu'd pr••l• ''''" lh1nk v1•u "'o·n· 'hc-ar•ntc tl'lrl "'''''ntf llluut~. Tt~ ~ lnt .. j II "t .. rrtu th.;u.:ht llt>'l, Fr'i.TI\y ,ij,. · " t111• ..... .t .. •l "llh \'IIOlJ'III~ •.• , ..... , .... lit The new Motorboat Law fqr all '·" ht.; ••Ill uJ ~U\<"j)(•rt. has ~turn-und !.'II "'"n1bo-rro ••f lh• -·u~o•r •·l•u non-commercial motorboalll up tu '"'' tu h,.r s1t1• a t the Smith Bt<l· of S.•l;t hhuod H l«h "'"'"'' arrl\'l"d By SUE HITCHMAN 86 reet ln len~th, has JII)W lwC'fl llh·r~· K<nl \\'orkS arter • r~r-Ill 'P urr.·ll Klnj(ll landll ~ ,,-,.,, th .. ----·- Expl08ton aqd Blue O..troyw Motol"boat; Threr P•noaM· Hurt ~ Thl'f't' Jlf'l'lk•nll w•n-.. n .. ualy •nJun>d Sun.ta~· •vt'nana wh .. n a 'J l·f•"•t "I"'" rnt~torboat t'ltJIIt>ded rond burt1f'<l at th.-A.-.·aatl"d .a.r- 1110' d. ... -~ off :18th lllf'f't'l. N.-wpnrt The explotuun apr-r.nuy ,. ... uu O'd fnori1 'tt•*•lln• (110\f'.!l '"'1\IJ:h """"' 11natrrt h.t_1u1 unk nu"''" ·~ \\ ht'n I ht' ~•':!,_ 'f"-U: .. ::~~~::::;:::+-IItra\f'<t to< folllr n l - I • PtnOJI . )STA MESA IUTM ... 'tf approvM and pu{ antu f'fl~·t . R... uu•nlhs •·n.a.,... m ..MJ:JucAn Wtlti?l. •nd prot·• "''"'I to• 'lift ---,~milf'"ra.trt""Fe..;.'W111'!1"1tl...,ndHII...,I'r'lr..f ... ~ ...... t.:.. ... -.l-lo\'18' .OlN Mft t! '-DLtoW.I ... .aiYWilloiiiQ..-IJalol&'l:.& ..JW.n:~A;;lu::I~-U.Il-I.:.WlUL.JLI!!~ »!a k I\ t'll at ~L&,w of UllO Tht> I)I>J>~trlrQt'nl :-; ....... u hk.-,. ·to rvam. llomt't&mt'l tc-r. MIJ'I,..r uf thr No'Witorl Hrtr· o·hiUW'r• b)• L\'lr Pup... ltl7 M-.· 1\t>!la lit,._.. ''""'" MIM A I thfo llnle. f--ollf' wall In thr '""'kJHt ,., llw bt~~tt whlltoi..l',. M•rlhtt &..,wl•. :\2. o r ShC'('ttiAJI ~-and • M,.. 8<•ttumllo'h.-r. <II. I'"'" An· ..:erl'fl.-··~"r;"iii'th;t: ... a,·• <·ab1iii"i'la t twar hWIIbandol ''" thC' d<•d1 The hu11banda NWaped InJury hut tht' "''tomf'n ,. ... ,.. IM'\'t'tf'lv bumO'd abo>ut t hi' lc-a• llnd PoJif' "'a11 burnl"d on 3VY )~ops .. . of Commert'e col\llulted ya<·h!Jiflli'n lo•r pt.-a~ur.. ~lllllt'tlfllf'll for Kl· bor S4-a ~·out llhll' Of th,. 19 J:lrllt an•l '• •··n bclye and yach t bualdt'rl' Jx>for.: drttWIOI( •·o···· "tlh .. tw .. ys a hltli' of tht' Altf'ndan..: lht· muh•hutlun wf'n-···•mpni'HII' th•• party.'"'"' had 1M"· up lhe pr~nt ~gulataon11 wrth tht' I:,Yil"Y thrh~·n 10. 1211 ~··uut~ r.-pr•·s,-ntiOI: 11h1pe fr.un r •• r .. so .. •n th,. ,..,.""" 1tnd " on\' had re.ult that boat owners '101'111 !rnd Sh•· ll'ft ht'rt' 10 Fe.)lruary "''lth a Santa Antt. oran.:f'. 1\&J!tan. lA· n01t h •C'n nmrf' than :Z:I ""'''( fr••m them not vnly aamphfit'd, byt praC· , . .,1111'•""' .,f 111" o n b. >a rd. mc-lud· '~'"'" R.•a•·h and Nl'wpurt Harbor thl' ph,.·.-M tht'lr "" !h \\'hllc- tlc&J 'and helpful. "'" h··~ Y••UOI( sklpl't'r. C'lauck A bl"f'ft'tw-11 bu6y <km•li\Strallon JH'1~blth1y Mltlfl« Mnl~ •• l't nt a Here a~ somt' or tht' nutewor-~ lio·rnli. H .. rt.m lknll.-tt South .. and '"'""' pr,...-ntt'd by bo)'l! "' tilt' SMn· t .. nj:-dal'tam·,. n'C'On1 f .. r ,,.,,~•1 rur- tny chan&'*'•· YtlU dt~n't rwt'<l to 1•1,,110,." latht'r ~tnd undf' Hn (lnrt ta Ana llhap who C"am..-•·quapped llhll, lh" lrl'k l.ll but ''' • uu•r• an carry a copy of Palot Rut~"' F are> 1 i'•>l't . "·'" <'uJlt' San Luc ... ~. and ,.,th thtar pra,·at., arn~'HICC' and ,, !k'fi"-"'....: IIU<'Cf'Uful • r•·-~-o· .. un- exllngulahers on outboard rnutur·• :t~o·n 1., r-~~s thf' Gulf of C"ahfnrnla •'••mnll'tf' (an>t a1d ur:lt. t hf' La· try J<•urnO'~'!I plann~ II ,t ~<rrt&nc· b6&V -·~ no Tn-nJ:l' N"P!®fTY,lT.• . :oz.a ·"'· 41A'P ZY:ua,tp.~~..D.--.~)bli.Le...JLil.:..lf:O....lt.li.....i~!.!.!.!~~!.~!!!:~h "1\o~•l. r.· Neither are fog lx'lls ''" mutur· 11,.,,. at h••rn ... th .. t\!oo .-ldt>r Kl'rM l'hi'n to f~ the crowd. ~dlotOI ••fllf.'•iai \\' A ._ __ .. un .. -r 2• ---~t or whtstl•·~ con I In th.-0'\'a~·uatu n "'-ruon.atratlon. Snuth.,. ho at·r.•mr-ml'd ll1o· rr,,un ..,.,....., ""' u ,.-, • • ~ i l••ft ,;hrp and r.-tunwd by t.rsan. ...-... ,. m otorboall!_ under 16 h•t>L 'uur 1. flw f·nlr r .. n .. u••Hltl ":Sumadll" \\'hl<'h har:hh~:htl"d~c> day, 138 Garl · :;.,.,.,.,,... J>nf t~ar ••wn ·'"""· hut preaent whlaUes. 111 .. prell(•rvt'rs. ,.11t.-..J "" 1., thP Tu:< Manu Ill· Ma rm..,-~ S.•n1ur Buy &-out.J< a nd thr ..,,,., 110 nooniiNII .,,.,,., flO and fare exlln&"nllhenc. a( th.-y t•oru. [land!; and Port Maruata. fmally rtwmbO'MJ IJf lht> ..:.-r. .. r:•l puhiH'. o•:.•·h .o~ th,. yuunat J'f'o•J•Io· t'aiiiJ' ply wath the old taw w11l li•J unttl , """n!: t•• ""' hur 111 th<' lwautlful wO'rt' · 'P\'ftC·ua tf'd' (rum lht' ntlrth •1111. ,.1 • ..-,, ••n Mml)' • •ll .. ~nd pr•- April 25, 1943. Afh•r that ttw_v harbo•r, u( A.:arulco wh4're the-y •ht•rt' .!If Lu1v l!olt'. tmn!4fi'rrt'OI 1'"",. thf'ar ••wn mral!\ ''''' "" PJ"'" muat be of the typ4' IIJWCifl<'<l by t .. y f••r 8 month Here tho')' found at·ruAA ttw-•·uunty channf'l a&m.l tu ... Th.-!!<'hoot bu" I" t•rondO'd tha new..ootaw. Your pr•Mnl ni\VI· (·~ompany "' thE-yachts. 1-'andantco landtod on th•· ma(nland. wathout IJy tho· !14'h'"'l dllttrkt '· .. u,•,.rmnl( raU!>n Ughu. tf they <'OffiJ)Iy wttlo an<l Vah:m 11 of Los Angelea, and accldtoot. llw lnttt'r, wtul'h w••ultl 1ndlt'atr the old law and havt' the rangt• thu Onon. a htUe 30.foot Tahatl It wau n<-c•;uu,,uy to kwld ·rc-fu· un unu.oou111l r•ne"lltllll) "'' the and vl.tlblllty requart'd by lh<' n.-w. ,1,,1111(11• doublt'-t>nder from Honolu· ~~~~· a&boo~tn.l l'lmall rowboalll, take 10chool bc110rd'11 part. Sup,.rmtrnd· may be u.aed .. lone .. ~~en·aceable. tu. tlwm to the dt~per water off-at¥~re. t•nt ~math exrtamed lhll ~ R-outh · but any IMlallt'd a(h.-r Apral ~-tranJI(fl'r tu t wo pow•r boalll. crou land l!t'r'\'o•s a lafltr f.r"'"'lt d ia· 11H3 mu.tt be or the new 1lpprov.-d r\O'('flrdlllg lo Captam Kuna. lht' dlannel . .-,calli lranater "" ro•· tn_st and t.J\at boya \\t'rt' ""'" ..... type. 4rUtk:ial \'t'otllllhon Is nu Al·arouJo-.o 111 befi•mlnj! a popular boalll .and dt'()()Sit lhco paJNit'ngera ..:u to wurk un fam l!< boor'"" rum· • toncer required wht-rf' mnst ,., tht• n•~«•rt w1th many new homes, a on ahore. l'l .. tan.: tho·lr har:h ,., hoo.t · f"d11<'a · enctne bal&e and fuel lank& ~tr" ·•aval balllt'. and a lafltt> and active Ttw-t'nt&re t'\'acuat u.m wu ac· t "'"· open to the air. \':wht dub ThN.ugh tilt' t'ftort.a of l'ompl'!'hctd 111 JUIIt 18 manutes. "It "''11111 wath ttw-,.,~,. uf <'••r · A flne up lo $2000. or a yt'ftr'l! lht A•·apul('u YaC'ht Club a nt"W r.-.·tmK thlll cc•ndatuon lhttl. t~ lmprl.tonment wall be ampnst'd un l~w bt•nt'fattn_x \'lallmll: )'&Cht.-1 haa Ol'a •'AMt: 1!4 MraEADI~Ci huard ao1uptl"d ttw-1"n¥ • ll mJ>~ng anyone found gualty uf the r..ck· ,,. ... n '''I"' It'd An Amt>ra<'an ya <'ht, Mc-mt>C-n1 11f the-lzaac .Walton lti!Jif wh11·h are avutlal•l• unly to INa operat•on of 11 bollt. Urd yuu 1 ''I'"" .. nto•rrng hPr faMJt Mex1can l..t'ajt\lf' nf Akrun, llhu), 3~ *'On iho·~~ who• ha\'e gr.odu.ol•·t\ frum know a boat ""'flt'r f;o dar.-.th IM•r·t must ha\'e the uaual rh•ar-to df'votf' """ or th•ar noon lun<'h· the· !W'nwr c lal!ll." Snnltt '"'d Nf"f'd. ~bl4 tor 1w1 bo.al v.·twUwrj .. "' •· f_3Jlenl. After that ahc-m111y C'Oft 111.-.trn~r. to daJO('ulll!u•n lo·s.s tu AA)'. thf' plru1 h ... • J'"'''rd on board or nut .. Orw <'&."t' '" l'lt•l '"'"" "~as !;ll( pi~ :'l:rwr ort Harbor. IU ... -orld-famllus ..ul.IO-t~tnda~J~....auccrerf!sl t'd where a boat o" rwr lo•ttnt'd h•~ 1'"··1y a.s Mt·xwan bOats. mt'rety ... portflllh.ng ttlld ottw-r attractlonJI un Munday tbt> ttr•o~~r • hartr~ boat. In good •'•lrldllll•n. tu cumJlt'· I 1''1''""'"°K With t'llCh port <'ap-SuC'h 111 thr ,..,.n1 tha t comn nr1.-ul KanK • boats lur ;, flllhiiiiC u nt tnend.~ who lrl\'lt"ll lW'\'c-n '"'"· and sh .. may take on llup-from c lhvf'r \\'tM. llf'C~tary ,.f tilt' l ruw• tu t.:atahna '"'""'1 .. nl)• tlllt' ,ueat.a and went for ,, t'r\IIIW An "'"'" oluty free. &old C'apl&•n Akrun r h .. rtt·r. ~o~~o·hu hAll wntten .. r th .. many mttorf'llta~ ,.,J)4'nenr· exploelon a nk thj' btmt Th<• ~:••n· l< .. rn,;, ''If you are p1annmg a thP :-.;,.,.·purl Attrbt>r ("hambcor of "" thc·y rnJ'•)·c-d wh it .. ru,.•t.• at thr eroua but IU>klf'll." b<>rtt,wnt•r "'"" • 'ua .. ,. 1'' M•·XII't•. wntl' tu tlw AI· C'omnwro·.. n•qu~tln~t OW! lalt'at llarbo•r Ttw-gn•IIP 1,.11 \'rlllt>rdlly prompUy sul'd by thP ~l.'"t'.n • :oprrko Ya.o•h1 Club A l•tter from (L~hln" bullf'tme. fc)~rll and otht'r w1th 11 bnt'f atopu\'"' at Sron n, ... , cuealll he had never l'('f'n tho·in Will greatly fat•ahtate Y061r rertrn,.nt rnfunnahon concermng ...:h~uh-<1 twfm·• l)o•canmn~e thf' In" <'l" Mt>x1can offa<'a.als are at tht' Harbor lorij; )UUI'II"Y hi.>me llf!o·..-C"fltlr:tc-oWI and hf-lpfuJ and Tllt' t'hamb.!r Of <'OmJner'Ct' Of N OMAD: BOAT ()t' THF. \\'t:t:K .;tru t •n o·nfornng rf'gulaliOM," he Ovtlll:la!!. Ar1:wna, hall al!IO The ~-foot keh'h, :Son1110. un<' 11loJt'<l. w•rdt'd a l"f'queat Cor h~ral num· of the moet IIRNI and t•ru•!<t'd At tmu.•ll. the Nomad's il'ebox ht'MJ of Trt'arcure MaJMI 111nd otht'r ...., .... SuYictt. · ummaY AND CLEANZU ~ Phone •~ 111 ..._ Aveeue, .... .._ .. -a~ stOt·kt'd wath flu h ven1110n. rmntrd mutt..,r, both for the ben· tht' delica te mUIIClea of b1~ hat.chet t'rlt Of Wl'll ooliii'd 'liavelf'ra ai\d l'llUTUI. gl"ffA hlrllu.. and bab)' Cor the lllJU\Y AnwnaM wbo t•~blltt'l"!!. all cau~ht by tn. crew lht'lr 11\Jmm.-rs on the COIUit. wath the ex<'epUon of the 19blltera. "·hu•h th,. MO>xacanA traded to them tw ~a~rful for fr.,sh ve~tetablea. !4rEAa Ml~f'..S PADDLEIIOA&D lhf' , ...... Etnt'r,l'nc·y' Onot Rid wu admln· '"'""I'd bv tht' ~"" l"'!'i ""'"''h ran- tlf'(\llrhnt'nt Lylr Elba. llJUI>.~tant harbo>mlllltH•r "'h·•' haJ>Jli'II...S lu boo I'I&I<IOIIIjlt 1111 lllllr ••( tho• t'XJ>I•<AIOO. •mm r111lrl · ~"' urO'd lllll••thrr .. -;;;r tu ... ·t'd thl' l•urnln~ot <' tt4.. s..·~nf' 114o the-flrt' \!ouul.i not "1'1'•••<1 tu •dJu• rnl I10Nll• Thr r rttrt -~~ a tuht l lniU' ' \ IMrTINU ,. AC 'lfTio4MF.!II Mr And Mn> t-:.tw•n.l E lt•nwll t>f Hoovrrly Iiiii~ hav.. arnvo..J 111 11\t' H'arhur •bo,.nJ ttw-ar y .. cht. liea Uypay. a nd wfll ap.ond ttl(-next I"'" WC't'k• at VIlla Manna Mr. Hanllf'n' •• da~t·tor of rf'<'olrdln,r fur ~· .. ntat'th·l:l'nhJT)' to'ux falrna. ' W.-.k.-nd trUf'llla at th.-Harbor \O'f'I'C' ICn-ol l-'1ynn and J>arty of lf••llywood .. who m atntalnO'd ht'ad· QIIKrlrr~~ ab.oan1 thr .~lynn ya cht, Suruc.'\"tl UI\'I:N 'lll'M•M at'MK' Th1.~ I'll)' t;811MII}' I• 1\appy tn - \ l~ltnr,., bu t l'ullo'f' ()frll'er Ken· 11)' ( ;.,rt,,n N>llc-wd · Ralbua leland .,f tilt' pr.,...,., . ., uf uno: r«•ntly to thr N>llf'f, aC'I'urdanc to hlll report. nf teMtdt'ntJo uf that MCUon. "I o'uul•ln't luc:'at• ttw-bindle attlf at flnll, ~ortun'• repo•rt ,-.4 "Then. th"•uch MnN of ameU I hnally ""'atood aald bum. "I th.-n ek-urtl"d the chrt._t. lhf' .. mf'lllf'At a nd m011t crummy nld burn tn ht.ttory to a poant near c:ry11tAI c-.. , •• 11le rrevalltnc wtnd wa11 ""ut.rly, .. , I think ht''a far llil(h frun1 uur city." EARl. 'W. STANLEY . NOTARY M1BLlC • ~ ,., ~tnt 11th and r..oa-t ~tt. P.o. Bayahoru Eat. • Balboa bland 881P'8 LAUNDaY BAaOLD L oiOHNSON PIIOPELLr;ll Pftl''HlNO Ut• . yuu knuw how w {'atch a IUU-pwrnd turtlf' by 1\and~ Just "1'""' hrm wh.4lt> tit' doua &n tht' -urf>t<'r ,;, th .. watl'r and he will btto'k:<tmkt' wrth you to I~ boat ~r ,·.,ur-•·. y .. u must knflw your l•trllt'!', a!< a llnarrang turtlt' maght A J>addlt'bclllnt n 4C'r began -won· dt'n~ af h.-m lrac-ulolllll)'l ttacf bHn tran!l(err~ tu the Svuth &e.. &aat Wl"t'k, pn!IC"e l'f'p<>rll"d, wht'n a hua• Hp4'ar llU~nly shcot O\•er t.h.! "atu n .. ar t~ lltf'WJW•rt p~r and f'lo>ITI"d thP Mlln1 wha('h he-wu r adrnj;( 1-'urtun•tely the wnpon mallllt"d the n<kr. but d1d oorunder- ab1.-damagf' to the buard, orttcui MUd Ol.-Jbllt'u 1.¥ mOIIt Uftport&nt fisrung 1.-Killlallf>n to be enaetect an w•mf' yt'ttn< 1~ thfo Ollwurt.Jl ball f'f'C'JUirm~~: ttw-fu•.:"rf'rmtlr~C of all •'ummPrctal (L.~h~n,.,.o o r operaton .. r. bo.aat.a c-1~1u:..,J •n tran.aportlnc 1 ''"'hl'trnf'n -r•lld "hr• h -i'urt.ber pro- \'rdf's that ""'' L•hrrman who a p- P"''"'''"'" .. ,u; .. , :,.111 fe-et of a ''e.l · ""' .,,.·m-.1 oor "I" nclo'<l by t~ t1 8 1(11\'0'mut .. nl ,., .. It ~uffer arnmt'd· SHEP'S ..... between 28 and 29 on the sa, Newport-Phone 820, Rea. 3·"-J lr.-mun ' your arm._ Turtle St!ak •• '' r\· nw<·. Jll~"<l turtl,. 5oup "11mok · I trll! 1n a hut tUrt't'O " ;:===:=:.._ _________ _: •m" of thl' rf'l'~mp<'n.'lt's ol l'he 1 nr "'"" a 4!l-male rnJL"t' an the . .tm wAter uf lu,·ety, Magdalena BALBOA CANVAS SHOP S&it. • Boat Covere • Awo1nqs Marine Upbolateunq Pa.-• 207 224" 2 I ol S• NEWPO RT BEACH SHIP'S and HOME WASH ... Pho!M IM liM N-..ort Blvd.. 008TA MESA l tto~ Jlumrwan1 bound. the kf'tch , n•·nuntf'r.-d :So rthWf'llt winds "ho•ll ht'r 611-h p. lntematlnnal lt••~<t-1 ll•d Tr,-•)3n duty. Th•· N•maad wa11 hualt In Vic- ~"'''"· H C ar• 11426 Claude Kern" huu~o:ht ho·r tn San Franr&lt('ll fl\'f' \'<=r>< al(u. and haL..lt~.ed on~ her praf'l~t•a lly ,., ... r '"n•·t . He f'XJlf'Clll ~·~•n. h'""''·•·r. alunj;( wath HortJtn :'nul h. tu I''CO hangp h111 bUnk fflr ~tn unn~-•·oL H a\'101! obtaanoo a • '''(·month.~· ll•avC' from th.-draft """M 'f.,r th•" tnp l'n••·rurr~ tnp;o • h ... I tH•o•n mallt' fur tht• purpo~~e of , IJn n~t!'J:. lta \·k _ra tl' !!j>('t'l mt'M of ,_, ftl<h fnr li>tlln(OT'd um .. "'rty "Th1~ la"t •·ru~M... Mrd Captam "' rn,, Wit!' purely fnr pli'a.,ure and lhe beal VD~ of JUl." u<t,. ""'' ,..-rm"''""' aUApeMiun of hrt'n.v Th•· tull. .. '"' h """ Introduc-ed 111 lhl" A.s.-.cmt.l.) by . Nel.lon Dd· •......... , ..... .... ..CII a.u88'IT'a It wu bt-heved the' a.uertec1 a.t· t>lf'k ..,. .• ,. du.-tu frwlrun bfotween f•iltw-mwn nn'lhe JUPr »nd paddle- h.,an1 r.d.-rs. as t he ~tnalc-1'!1 c•m· t"nd th,. youthtl lnt.-rferred With lht' f1Mhana Howt>\'t'r, the pen~<~n whu tn~,.f'd ttw-11~ar c:'ouldn't be h>elltl"d. 1urd thfo &nl'ld•nt ,,. closed n11 fnr as thl' po•hct' art_ c·,-,neemed. wnrth .. r It••• ''"'" onu~ty:..ptliUM'd buth tlw A,.., n,lt1\" a nd lh4' Senalt' h\' v.1tl•· " , 1• ., ,,,.~ and waa tut ~:rula\ .. ,.., ''' • 1 '" • ;, •v•rnor Culbert L. CJIN.ill SHELL STATION (Jrr~'""ll' """'''I at c•t>rtaln Jap· anrsP f•~h•·rn11 n 11nlt othf'r allf'K · , .......... YOU& II&AJ)q()Airrlau •--d run+~~ II 'Ji\' whu hav• bren op .. ••rattlll/ l ••h1r.r.: • raft elf-lo gov-TRY THI A~AIII:IM TU rAaTIC'IPATt; · ••r n111• u: "''" ''"""· lhf' bill, how· \\'bfll. lhe...boa.rcL.af. auuk••o. n•· .dluwllnl'eJI for c•ol· Anato,.1111 c'hnmllt•r ofWJC.:r.'•l!l•:Jm~maae-r(Jr-'l.C'.j_:...:.:..:..;...rrl\pl"'r • ,r mltlfmtitty,-•nd mo•t la~<l ........ k . tht'y ••pprl'l\'rd plar\11 l hrr>~ "'II ,off ·I all l"ommerc-&al '" t'llh•r a float 10 the Tour na· rt~h,.rru•·n .. ,. •al•nK out uf New- rnt-nl ,, J.ajthlll pttradf', to) tw-• ht'1d l"•rt llatl••r nnot "th4'r Southforn at ~,.~·rurt Harbor . Augu1~t z:l. L'ahf••rnuo lt~llt' 1: J~<>rlJI. f:,·,.r•·tl c 'un•· Will\ 11ppmntrd ~ ha&r· ('h"'f It It ll·•ll(kanJIIln Mid thiA r1111n .,f t hr fl"'lt r•mlmltiM' w~~lal ,Ill• ~··wport lWal'tj po· 1 ..... do•r•rtu,••r.l "·''' IUl Y~"t rt'<'eivt'oJ ~~ -1lltlr"tJ'Ik•,.,,.t ...... "'*--""'-·~ I.A. · ~ ,A1JI.r. !'CWt)ltDfiiQI mvnt .,, lh• .. ;.,. bill nur had tw- llarold Ca.ae ''' 827 S(• S\'<'3· mnr,. Sanllo Ana. land•-d a .193· lw<•n ,.,t .. n • '.t Jll~t what &«ency or hf~h " " I" I••• JtiVI'o thf' hUCC! ~ --.-wdlaaiL oft. H-port t&slc nf fiTIJ:""f'nTI~.,.--..-.---'-'-·'!' fif'lu:h whrlf' trolling Tnunldny HI, HI! ~V1 MU...~Ba of IACU-........ ua Hltrii••J I tt Come 'l lf•wn and l:njoy 'llur C)twJd 1-'ood and ( ··..-ktaal• ··fiR ~~~ll'aA~t·r. ~r.r. oward W. Ge rrish "rapiHnJ: lh• r.amdreda r.f local .li.RATROSS'" -'C"TT\'1: A'OAJ~ Rhnsrd hu• :14-fnut cnu~r~ y, Hn ""h,.nn•·n ('llN' '" a m•·mbrr of th.-Mniflr "In tho· 1,,.,,1 llw ;~tewpurt Bt'ach ttn w. l 'Pntral AYfl. N-pnr1 ...... h. f 'altt. ,..,_ 46S Boat BuDden Steidl Crultle,.. V-8 Mart-l:nci- Ma.ID'"-ce !Kartne \\'a.r• lf•'r" Art· thP wmnf'nc an another un:<• h•'<lut .... l Sf•nf'!< r,f Alhatro&• r:u "' hf'ld la!<t Sunday 1-'lnlt rac:e. Rill lnllll'y'q .My~tu·: 2n~ raee. Ha rn•·Y 1.-•hmnn rn Andy Kark'~ t<at,,h,. :lrd rarf'. Rtll fM iey·s 4th •·hapl«-r fl( 17.aar \\'alton lea,;ue ,. .. 11,,. ,1, ... ,11 t111, ut hllJ always a id· .~,.~.-...-.......... ~,...,.......,..,..,.....,.,,.,.,. ...,_.j 1n t1na:;••• J+rlf.t ·••K flJthenn~n "'hf• •·f a "''"r :o tr••J)hy '" JtTf'l!t'nted l•> .tJlply ,,,, r•uJ1,. lu •·IIMII and u .,,.m th,. w•nn .. a +ol ·t~ .lll'r&f'll, al< .,.,. !<·ant "" Mt -up we •hall . . ~. RHAT BIIUl:l··~ nlOM THF. ~H('TII C'ft.\ST '"' j~hul to hPII• MIY on• "'ho muat '"' '"'1:' '1•n nt•·•l undt'r ~ llt'"'' A I 'TOMORrl .t: • l.t<~ ..... ,.,. .. ,,.,.. Aftt•r tt tl~tv ut IU'tt ~ r••" Itt• 11 '""'""'' Itt t t t••tu th .. M uut ... fl.llh-. rmu•n·,. b.'"' "' S tl"-'lt4•rt htt\' •• ''' •••Uit•"\ ~ .• ••·• A t•~t R..,t,.tKt -.~ One lie Have all the cleanest fun 1n the World at the ..... - Riax Arcade . FOa ONLY --5c-----. ~ !!VERY WEDNESDAY 1- • ....., ......... at tht" Sauda - I'd hrft' today. truc1kJn .,.. an JIIVM11ble UDtd C'tlll'f'nl. " ... anothrr ...... ~ ,. . .., ..... ..... .... , .... ..... ., ......... .,. :&nUIN'Ua llal'· ,.. ...... _ ... ............. ,_. .... ........ .. ··-.-,. ..... ........ ~ .. ..,. .... ~ ......... ~ ,... ___ _ ............... ....... -..-. tu.lry _, .... ···~ ............. ,_ •• 18 e1lpwi.t te •a~u­ F-....ry, ,. aac~ r ...._.,7 ......... , ta.1 ·--~~ .......... ~ lMt ......... ~~-.......... ,...._ ....... tllteJ .... ~ ..... ~. ........ .,., .. • 'ltft.-9 "' ...... ._ •• r • ..._. ............ ....... _., -· ...CI-oa.t, ... ..... , •• _ ... 1\C ~· .. hal-t .... .... .,. , ... ._._ J ...... .~ .... t<o ... ... ... a ..... 1 ...... .... ...... "' ...-..... "r lhet ,,..~ ... ... "'"~ thut '"" oft . •tf mrtala ,._ ' • ., aJ-. ..rr.n •tftf r•• fur• w II o ... Jeron ___ ,.. ding t .... , .. ,,. , ... ._... ~...-...-"!"""~· ,.,~ •If ,,... bual· h ....... .,t ..... hr lr~ ot trllde .._.,...,.. I •"""'~ t•-ard ,. •··..itt llt«frwaJ ..... Jllo -........ ltJI a l at Z.'lrd ... ,.. anc 1n that .,..:;...; nly rt.; ,,..1 Ira- of ~~ boott ,.....,. . ...,,_.,,.,,, , ......... Martae .££ •n fhfo bltw-ll IJe. "11~----.. ;....,..,,...,., ... .._...._. __ .,• ·-,._ ... AIIIIilliifor~~------·-l-----...¥' t..t l~!fea!!lt..;..-.._......,;.1 ---;.;rJ,. ; {•nrl hNWrl'n ~lf!l ln' thP Happy .\lhalt·oo!l" ruuu ly n-nd at th .. rnd oll'NE Fri. ~t. olt::NI: Sun. Mnn. Tues. Wt'<J_ Jl'~l: Thurs 13 14 ,r, 16 17 1'\ "TIDE TABLE · 1 Court I.''}' Shell ),, .. , s n -OAI 7 14 -0 I IIIIth. I fl2 4 :1 2 211 ••• a •~ .1 • :. ,(. .: '! ~~r7 ~~~ ~tanru• lllll.k. Halboa lHiandt Hl«h • l..nw 1 :Il l •.• 8 :87 !., 2:117> • ~.1 7:S l !.$ ,_,,_.. Hlp " •••• IJ • S:M 1.3 !• o:, n .. s:~9 ~.s !• ~.x 1 2 •: u '· 7 111 47 I • ~:!S $.0 lfl~th ....... 6 lr!• .: 4• 11 :~11 I 8 Laghltare (1gurr,. 1ndu 11 tc.o a. m . b oltlfal'f' lodlra•e p. m. SAILORS:. . .,.-ardware • Rroue • s,... Flttill~ • Tools • Rope W. P. Fullfor Pain hi · 8 .\ l ' DISTRICT 'It MattiM BALBOA I!U.,UiD ,.,, .. ll :SA 4.t ... ...,.. 9 :4NI .Z.J llt:S4 !.0 II :18 1.$ "'•" &:M 6.2 ·--""' \\'lt:Ahfll'ltr.r'I"""'M••I16:• y tnr rurth~'r I •• ,,,,.r•·n• ,. I .,.,., r:uth ra••. f ·~ •tlltfl'"'"•t•· , .r t h•· ~··v.·pt·r\ UarJ,c,r Ya• ht f'lut. ha:o l••ttl(ht Rh••d··~ :-.;., I i kntl !!o thl ht" ::M-f.,•~t Malhi'~'"'· SunJ,.,~. t•• (; A Rt,;m, ,,, H>tnlA M."""" H t: M•••r•· ~ o rUHII'r.·ft•·tha ,. hall bt-••:1 "''ld l•o t.Al H11l• hrlt .. r v •" Ang••l•,., 1 .. ,.,. 1111! htm l•·mpo•rarrly "••11 lh,. t ... ll, h ( 'lrfhm c.,,,. "' lf:orl••r ll'htnl1 I• •ullht ll hwn• h T h•· """' 12 f•••l lnt,.rnata .. nal .. w•·r,. uuii'IIHI"'I I h111 ,. ,..,k Hall Sl,.v. art ""d \\'••Ill") Smath h:o\''' o•n•h ••r rt•·r.--d •ulfl 1.-yn'J,,I y ,,un..: ,,, Ltdu L~l,. II'•UKht A lhatt.tl'lt ~·• 4 A "'""' llh••J• ,,,, I , ........ t...:. t..• IIIJIJIId• ,,, I he-" .... ,. ,..,,, r-1• tHI by lh.l' .!~:~\'\' hu 1..-en huatt. alii<• a """' h•·r~t ,,,, Jli"JU<IJr•· • raft . l'ndf'r •••n,lrufll""· Arf' htrJtf' way11 t-·~~-fiiU)f·• .. , "'tftJI"rtlnJt ttrtr tnn ••f IIU~h '"'"lit lUI th,. ~nral) nr M.-l•odr.-. 8111 Uruk~·~~ "''"11· knov.-n 11portf111hennan. He I port 1 U 11 up f••r ,......,ndJUontae. · \. Fn••r Lotto An~tt>ln f111h~rm~n '",.,,. ,.,, 'P<l frurn l"'tuUhlr drnwn- !"1: •·,.rlv Sun<IRy nlf.rt>lnjf Whf'n ""''' •••tllr~,~ror<l m••t••rboat bt'ocarnf' tJ,~at.t•·<1 ;,nd • ltJJlll ud ort lll4l Hal- t~·" J••tl v J•,hn f •rlr1ft, nnl' m.-m- l,.·r ,,, tho, Jlllrly, /CUllla.lnt'd mlnur lnJilrJ<•" Whf'O I llr• •lolo'll JlCaiNtt thf' t.r .. akw~ot,.r r•• k~ li•tt wu able trJ r~'nw •n a'fa••A.I l•llld th.-fr1ur w•rf' r• :-fll•-d .,,. thr lr\dJIIII bloat, 1-'Jy.-r lith• r '"''"·'" r, ••I th" party ""'"'" ~""'''"" K"rr II'• ;, Jrahn Syaban >~nd \\'10llrr Tarfl•ofllky f1U't"r: Tfl f -.,U.SAOO Mr autl M r• t-rf'd Hennlln ••f !';anla At ... '"·'' Mr and Wn. ftu"• """ u.,,.,,, "~' I• prnmln•nt kif" Ill }'$&' ht~,,~,.., hH • r•·turnf'd fr••rn • ..,..,.,.~;,. "'''''h• ,. nu~ aboam thfo KH1ii7;'1'i'Jr I'' rrr.t lretch., Mr""' ~ ;J.,w Tilt· \ I•\ ,, a;• lnChJdt'd a atop· ''" .. ' at S1o11 I '1""" wtwte the quar- lf't ••H~>ndrd tt.1 ''f"lruna of t~ C(Jf!JI'Uldu Yar ht • lub. ~--~--------------~ ' -·-~ JILL CONCESSIONS- Ye10, ..,..,. dh n lrttlt· W111rrinJ:. ''" th .. m,..., y 101•1,.: ,,ul'llrlve• w1th , rv.t h1111: l•·to• 11111 n If f"ftfU,.~ HI Mlfl:tiJ dr.Jliii•H (t,t ru •da• a) '"""''"" ••f .K K H•In ''' ""' mlr•• I(IYQf'LJO 1., f•o11nj! ,If ''•'"'J• r u J•hAruuu y lUI' h "--" ALLEN'M PHARMACY Man.. a& l'adl A..__ ftAI.IIOk l~LA~D rlloM lli·W -.-:; . ..,.,..., ....... ~ c ' -.t ' • U. TIL 6 P.M. • FUI zo -nE BALBOA -··-i .· ·•nt .. r antt tha.l .... u •. ··~· ,, "'"' · w;lwiUt hu"'- way For .)jett . •n Meet w. ~ htdt· llrw w'*1l h ,._. ~•""' mrntlon oM arhrduled ,,;. witty. JurtP 11ttl. tw-Oranct-Coun~ • ""' NlftWftft •• •• IA~Ift· ~­~wtnb. ~­............ "- • O.lt A......._~ .. ,... thr tell* to It •• tlar ClDMtal • , ----------------------- ,· , -- ( \------· -~-·---·------- Garden S. For · Frida "1!1118 8C'ROJ..A&IUIII' l t"t;Tt:b m~ ASSI\'F.R~AR\' ~liM Irma Orr. daueht•r of Mr. Mr nnd Mr~. H<•SII C Owt•n nf IH .d )l(nl. \'t'mun Orr of s~v•porl 118 Otam(•nd 1\\'<•1\UC, Ualbva l~lanli 11, l•~·nr11toons und i..l"l<l4f'rt rourw. 1 h •'' cnrnj! lwtnjt oJ,."vntt•d to -·- /.! "'d -<o< '"I aml.'rutoes. lnll.ll· Mrs. HatTy Wlutman ut Corona-'-----S s I F1 ( 0 del Mar hae been Ill With larynci· t111 fur the put wet>k Or. and Mrs. A. 0 Jlughea and t two-latt.,.·e mot lw-1', Mi'll. ~odtre. J,.ft Frutay fo r lO·d~tyH' vacation In Ut11h. w A~"'J'ED Younc ~rl with cate UPH'ience lor lleadl:, work. &a,·on Catt", Cout ~rghway ,and Cuut Blvd. l~p Th.W'Iiday, June 12, UH\ ~!' WE.bNISDAJ-15 NICitn DAY FOR THK CHfLDREN -· BUt NBKi'-WBDNBSDAY- Amid a a:ard lt··•~thllt an<! 11 IIC'nlc.r at !l:t•wr>Ort \\,.rc· coomplllll•·nll·<l Frrdlc)' ""' •u.ce o( lht> ( tt.rbur Unlun llljth ~~<h•••l. l!' h<-· IIIIIJ;. Ill ol •lliJ•II·C· Jtilll\' ~1\•'1' tl l. '" lh•· ,'Jay lll>olk••d tit•' IJ1rth· : ' ,nJ ;\ ••r..,at v uf Atrl' T'r1rf•, ' lo , .l'/111•<'1 11 u:illN1 on 1(1\'lllj:; hPr Mn1. Crace M orley of Paaadena ""8 " a weekend jtuc·~t a t the Bal· l.ua f:dantJ hom;o of Mrs Vu·tor E Th~tiiiWl. . IJi' YUlJ AR~ PAST 40 years old and rea lly want work we can use Yvu fCJr permanent route ac- lJvrtle>~, 1Jue t.o recotnt reduc Uona ant! expanalon proCT&m w~ need two mure men fur our J';ewport- Batbu~t area. Write Box z, New- PQrt-~Jboa Preu_ ~ JltJc I .ALL , RIDES AftftftOOI'I Oub lnst JU'I'OrtS.·c1 ~pM"Inl r,.rng n1tlnn hooitool ''' l h~'lr 16ih wc·udln~ 111,1,1 vtf.le ~nt • lhlll w-k hAVInR ~>nrnc·d th" \o·r~>ar>· If, 1 ~ tor lh;· aff., r \\H•· • f • .t.H<•·n h ••f !(tU•\' • r , Wt'l'kt!'rld ~l'lrui Al tht• E. L. lliwnle)' home, 901 X. Bay Front B.tll;<ou faland, Wt•re Mr. and Mrs' 1-'r:.nk Rider of S><n Marino. · FBI:E itii#, wrn• iM'f r --------.....,."' '" UW' ft\'kiMt ~lill!ftt~hlji-Mr-..,..._flt, .. W tfo -'tn..,..f .,, __, t;y Mr<.. "''Whli: fnr f'a!'h Yf'lH dunn){ hl'r !l:"wl•,rlll•'l~¢hloc 111111 Mr ,.,,oJ !\l r" r 1 • '""< « • t ;': Mi'~~l'fmf ·:·, 1~ •; a r,d 1\il .lt•hr.'-'i n Sru .t.l .. lf'llldtont..-k<'t t'ntlrt' f>Jur Yt'IU •. lltlf'ndanc .. at ltayrnotlttJ " F: . .-tlll:oll ot( 1··~-c •• County F4!dr'ra l tM local 11ehool ' M""lt. tlit' i>MIIIIHn "'''"'' "' J';'fi';' \ . ' Inn•• Tr11•t ,. !1: • " p" r I llo I!IIU . f)(lrn th\' ~ ('o,-.tu .\1• ,.~ (,i.up .... t':rj .t,h,-l~allhu, Uv.'•''"' 1 •••• :t• Mullin~ ll· roolh•• ~ nrt>h:.n. ~1111· J eu le N . JHc'kiiOn of Bal- 1"''' !~land entertarrwd ~>even m em- lwrl< l•f her 1nu:uc ,lru>ll with a ~t'tnlnun~t Y nml lwarh picnic FORALLSCHOOLCHnDREN CJub&. • • • !l:o•v.J••rt '"'"'' •arcl '"''"t: ,,.,.nc• "' a.-fw n.AM IIA8 ~&BA.&J: ! the f,•,.ll\'1\\c•s -81TIIAT~NS WANTED Mrs. Vwlr. prr: Niduofl. fint v F.· L KnaiM'r. .. t ; Mrw:-Bo C'OI'dac J«Tf'1 aJ ..... ~ Oeorp ~' ~ R.tipn. HarTy F . a.t» llrL o-r .... .... fonMI ri" F.u.tU.. be wtt.b. ~ . .........,. t.ablr ......... """'tt .... .-latdwqu ...... dw l"f!m .... IIIII6Kua -..,..~ to Ol'dw ., tbr ...... a.....u. olcv .. -~of llrs.. P. A. ( I.:Wn1t R.M. • llrL a,.udr A. Olle fill .._. Ia Sc•r F; Aanctm . • f W..aa.rctoe Ge .nd. .t AI ., ...,, 1 .... J.-11 .... ~ .. .t Mr. aDd II -~dll •-a~~~w. .. for -·IZ DL1 _. ....... lndl --...Alt.. ..... wu.o. ( ... .,.aet .... --.-Mele w1Q _........ .... s. -.,.-~ .. llal*n Oil .... 011 ... ~ away II lllln;7 G. r.art ............... Oilal' ~ .. C If IPWd by ~ ........ ~'· ... u.. weddl _.... foUow~ Houda Ia alf .. ~C«M~p 'f1w7 will maJr> .... .18lh St...-. P 57' I E9ow ....,.,ptkm p 12.75 "' -.:inertd .. s..( C4 &.A.MEYF.R Prlnlin& Plant, OI'F'IQAL Jof,.mbers or thf' L~ht:Jiagr-1" An "''""'"l•n~.: lc·ut11r.' or '""' t'laq of ChAit ChuN"h >. ~ ~ trmrtr Wi.iH thr hthhP. tl'l"'Tnftng ur ~~ral)w,.S Frt<tay rught •t Irvine • """""".•Irion 1t11<l ~on~.:11, th.-r•l·llrdll park wtwn-a •t .. akbalu• tonk piau -bt!llll( JtF•·~··nl,.d tu M r and Mr11 Of l)w moathly ·ctaa.~ party Th~ I '"""n nt lh,.. l I<1S.' CJf lhr o•\ •·nllllo! allf'ndina were: ~rr111 Wrlll. El· t·~·lo!r••MI\'r rtw•k w ,,. piny•'< I, Mr11 more Ha)'def. J otln McAckmA, Arthur Prart' und Mrll. llarr)' K111g Warjon. ENtcn. ll"f!nf' Dunn. Elllt' "onnrn~t h•.:h '" .. rt' rtntJ ~tr r n,,. S .-wland. tt.. Rf'v. ·and Mrs. E. 0 .ond l'oflli Krn~o: tn krn11 "'"' In ud· r,..JUCkJI. Edna Walkt'r. A~lalde ll1l1<>n tu thtlltt' ~tlr;oady n11nwd. Mr BArbl'e. Nonna KI'Liey EIIIA Lud· 'llld M I :1 l_.o~•ntcr o.l Cullllb uf U4'll "'~C. and fl'Uftt.ll. Mlllte ·Lounz. JH· l<rtrdt-M ,,,.,.. lo:'"'"L" fur lh~ urca-·al~ Bont. Hamid KHn Glenn Du· ""'" l 'rttll n f," \\ '" ks lli:u tho• val. Vr. ana ll'rs. R aH1 N f'wliiia ~ _ .. ...,._~-;-;--I>;~Mft.to·~ nd c he h<•!ll••qq 11 d l"'" ):danrf . t.K \U('ATIW~ t:Xt:IU'ISES r•;r ••luat'"'' '"'"'"~'~ f,.r ~l"\\'· • •I' Rflttt h "t ;r•t llllltotf 'f hn'lrl ~&II 110'1!! "' xt 'I h ,1,.J o\ •·•··ntng , tun•· I !f. r•"l"•rt:o !-=c·h• ool l'nnc II"'' II • 1 En"L'· Tho· pn ~r:uu \\ hh h , .ll t~· 1> .. 1,1 111 llu· ""'·''"n um. "111 ••'h iU ..t.l " •t t ),,. k Hl.•l \\,JJ ft•et\Ur• !\1 :-~"" :·. J.LJ·~ ..u• ·7th ,,;:.:.; ="•·\q•·ll '"'I a $ s .. t- • ~fnc W. H. Trusty, 330 Santa Anu a\·enue, lpt'nt lh~ IA'~k with on ,,unt at Martno, no &r Rt!dlancb. 1914 Court ave., 15p l'_h•· ~ ·'-~ accompanred by Mn~. O.JI'O ;;~R;:-;::S:-:A:-:1:-,-::E:---------­ c . 1-''' d-ut An.he1m r·,~ota Mt u. Junror \\'•,men's dub ·"11 llooiJ lnataJlatr•m o! oftkers ' '1 'fu••llday at Bay ~h"rl's cafe. ·~ ·•• "'loc-k dfntt(•r I(' pr~cf'de a '"I'''''' program plunned for tht' ''' 1"n~o: Rt~rvatwn~ ~<hnuld be liw..J.!..\\ilh 'Kiaa a..uy rl. .. tj('f'. F(JR SALE !l:f'w Z..aland ~•hrtr juntor dOfll. Martha Mool"f!. 182 Alb.·rl pluo·t>. l"u8tll Jtl~ •• 2:k FOR SALE Cc~pletc u not tankS J'llflP 3 hurm•r Pr<Jlliloe ,;tet\'1' .., 1th uwia ,lJ \1111 .S.... ~U1khftiom. o+t 1611\ •Jr ~ll.<li 16 BAIJ.OONS~d • I FUN _ZONE BALBOA and Mr. and Mrs. ri. W. H oltby. • • • " F.UUISCi UAl't: AS:\'Cl('SC 'EU dol'' ,.,, 111111: 1:11• ··h !\lr :tn•l !\lr~< MMn\' .J.,\.W'I 1•t#·nupt•AI ntraLrt-' " ~luuu.• ,._ •• t I;•+ .-\r~~·~l .. t.; ·•nd h.ot-e ·, ..... rt.,, ... ,.,,.,, !\T'"" B•·lly '1' ''111 ~11 " .; ... ,~:·· ~~ olh o~ "I I >o•l~t· ollllli;hl•·r oo( Jull,.;•· 1111d Mnc \it. '1"1'11' "lloo · l•·Pi" d loy "hrl• .\lr' Ulallche HnkPr. 6 17 c I, I ' '' ··nu~. C••runa d,•l Mar tS 1'1" rt•d :lJI CoMtd..·rubly unpro~ed loolloo•\ oloj.! tWO 'Wc't'kS' IIPrllll.L'I Ill· FOR ~ALF: fnvalul Wlllker w1th lr:oy :iucl b.-tJs1o.lc mahoguny C<.JIIIIllllclo•. L ikt' llt'W, H 11lf pru···· Ph~tno• !"t·WI:,,rl 1226. 13U l' --.~r~~ a. ... )" Jl.~r-~1' t:l;,i.? . ltN.MY RA()II. PICSIC Mr and Mr11 W tlllam Whltntlln nf Oarden Orovf' >A'rre holrtA Tuf'll· day at a plraAant MUlct.-ptcnlr •tt•ftdecl I:IY a .-roup or nld fn,.ndl< and neJchbors. A bountiful piCnll' lun<'h •1th all thf' trlmmrnjtl! waa _,.. on the beac h at Nf'wport. ""-~rtakln,t of 1t IDI'Iudln~rc Mt. and Mrs. W. A OrBni-d. Wr and Vl'll. A ~ TbnmpMn. Mr and Mn1 W A MaXWf'll, Mr and Mn lA>nnant ~Bont. a nd Mrs. Jadl Looney. all of Srwpnrt. Mn1 OU~ HIM.IM. and Ww ~tf'lla Groff, Sallta Ana. I I J '1• 1 1 t I II I• llr• I" ~;,.,,.,..,1 1 !\lo•'(l<'oo Sun-'~ ..:•·, \\' '"~·· Otlarnu..:t· o Jt,.l,. 11 Aolumll t•f Tu~llll Ill to tuko I <\' ~"""" at lho• T••ll•'111 ,. h•Jfllt' llo•r daught• r: Mr~. Ohver t''''11' .. r-nJJbrook. ha.<1 bet>n stlly- "'1: ".th her mulht·r fur U1e past H -F'OOT prn<'lh·lllly nt'\\,: tx 1r-·. In ._. s....ee IJIIb .... SSa _ _., .. l .. ,l •. • Othtr Pr~frct Pork Sau •co: Tt.un.,.,~l< ~: ttll4 fri~ AJ•i•ks, watflc,, hu: ,.l, •. I"'",. ut foollr <o'<'ln•l<, Sundlly all· 'I•· :\4r .onll .\h~ .h y (1\'c·rmnn. ;,, 11 t • A 11 , 111111 :0.1 r "''' M r'4 ll••rt .~rnt ... •n, .J IHl•· :lt• lit ''·' \"' ., ; rwrfc·c·t c··•nd1t1un. H ns buill-In "' .ond Mtll. Geor~;e R. Soule ll\'c IJn ot lank: 111111 1~:15 K -75 Thl-• h.ept·l f,Jf ("I,'C\h ~1•''•' ( .. f•ll1• ~t '"''l' y, JfHII,Y\\IIud "'" ol.w~:ht.er, Lout.Kf> of La· Habra Jc)hnsoon outl)(l:crd nwtor . J ul!t ll··•~:llt.-<. and H~nr)""Kitlpenberger, lho •r••ll~hly •·tw• kc•d 11\'(•r. Prtt't'd j PORK SAliSA,. -· ~ -~KS •• 25c lb. • • • 111'fiiiCAL Arr1V11'1Ef4 rnunll\' • hurr h Will ~ 14"''111' nf lhP •llfootnt .. t \\••<1111111: \\hllh v.1ll ht• ICilrlltl•'\l oohly b\' rdllll\'••• 1111ll oold· ''""' !11• 1111Jt I lh· l >o•l~·... l}o•lll): 11 lll'•llll Hlf'• ••lll••'lt 11••1 tl••rq 111 I"" loollfllllllll\ Allo llol lllf.: thr lorul•• "Ill 1..-M l~>l' !\f11r Ma rlo(lll'••t \\'rn- l~'rho•llfll•· oof c·n~t:c Mr~.c. flak••~< :-;,.w,-,,mh ,,r Twet en "' rvtnc "~' bc'st ru,; n Mr "''''"'" "' th• "''n t:1f Capt I l,cn "llalllfl CJf th•• C11hfnrnr11 Hrgh- WII\' Pitt roo! and til f'"nnt'('ll'd v.:.lth Tr,.,. ~'} ,..,t f'rndur tll l'Omf>~tny nf Sunte A nlt Blnt« l'eturniltl' from Bforket.y 1ut Apnl. M'-Marral"f!t 8<-harw. klcal mumclan. ha.l nued thl' IIPI'1.u-weeka Wlth 'nu~ny and Yar1ed prof.,...IOnal a rtlvltrr!l In aMIUon lD <>arrylnc on h•r r .. ,tu. lu' worlt, of teaclunc plano f"l~ulsf's \tAIUlU:H ;\T a •• \s \'J:(;As In th~ al"f!a. M!U l'ktulrle Ia ar-:-.: .. ,~ "' """'" loo ""''r tro••nd~· «Nnpanrat fo r the nt'wly--nr~tanr-s 111 flu• !\foorrcll l~t•:JC h ''"""J!''· 11! :.!:.!t Colult L)TI(" r lub, whlrh holdll Huh~ ,.,, ... I•' II ollMI I :cro• !\lr anc1 ~kly rf'MarNI.ot rn lAKUn• 1-'nr !\l r" l.uth\L t.f,.,.,Jl "'"'!I" mar Ute Jl&"t %12 Y~'~rll. ahfo tuul flllt'd nllt.:•• ""'k t•l111 ,, ·''"·'' I at 1..:•~ tae pr1411trnn of orjr'anl•t at Ult' """"" !\l,.,. M•ornll "' th1• f11rnwr ~A ~n<:#, rtluR'h nf LA-~-"ClW \' l"ooolli iiiC .. r ..,_,.,,. An..-;- I'UM: Ill altw1 alflllatt'd w1th the ~T r Morrill hn\'tnj( twPn " nll'm · Mualcal Arta r lub ()f S•ntll An" loo t ,.f tlu· 1~,,. ·'"~'' 1,.,. l'~~•!<tal and for fl\'f' yrartl hall ,...~f'd ""I ~··r\'H ,. ,,,, ·:7 ''''"' ~ olt111111( I he• Ute f'llfOCUh\'1' bnArd cot thl.' I.AJ{Unll 1 rn:<t I" \'•"•I olf ~ Ill• I lw h!l~ rf·· Mu.IC' Ln\·~r11 d u b. • ••h•o l "'' Ill• l•lnrlol I fir And !\i r' I 1: l'rl• ,. oo( Bal too .. l d~1gner ror lh~ ConliOII'dat-" f .. ..., ••r qu,o·k salt• H ('nry A. Hald- '"'.·' hl.cnd • lll•·rtouo• ol r.·• ··ntly f,Jr \ '' r'lf! f~tctory "l San Or'•go. o ,. p t ,. , Will. c• ""!"· lyn11o4th r'lt•Uil'r. \lr .on•l !\T r<: 11 I' II'C1rr:• nf \\•r .. wreiund ll'\Jf'llts "t tht' .. -m· "II N 8 "" ~ .. . r<>~tdwny, Ronl8 Ana. 1 '''''' "'"' .v ... ,.,,.1••l o. Mr ancl ·I \\'llllam N. Sutherlcm.217 Curul \1 1• :-,; E l'h ll l:·l~~-tlltl !\!r 1111<.1 ,o\o•nu•· Balboe l8lsnd. f"() "'" F:;Jw ... d l<o•loo• oo( s .ont .• Ana .\lr a nd .Mrs. Kt>ntteth F o wler R RENT \. a hlj,:hlo.:IH ool lho• '•Ill\'. th.-71.! I'"I'PY ave.nU@, Corona del W8; APARTMF::-ITS 2 ,..,.,01!1, evf'ry- '''"1' ••I II ·• ll•l~ "''1' \'••I .t lll<•aJ< 11,•1 II:" lat ter· a rrw th .. r, Mrs Au· t1.1111o: t r..rrw<ho•d . u.1Jhllt:l4 fl>t.•d. o1.1 "·"' I•> c··rt.Jion;• l•l:tlltl t•hr•.,rd ~ "'' :'\orumo, were Frrdny e\·~nlng y•·,r•rnund 1'111•' (fo and S6 ~r I ho Prto,. '."·ht. l>!lo• '" 11t the In·ult• ~hN'P ranch wc•Pk !\1ur!l:lop Apt. ... , 1 H 21nd • • • I"' :-; 111ttago cany <.on. On Saturday s tn•••t. 15p ~~,... Fran• ··~ l'ooll••l• nn•l olou~:h·l ' '··nou~ Mrs. Nimmo r.ttendt'd the - ,,.,.,. ·Ann" '"·ol J: th· l· .. •n .,f :-.;,."-,_., '" ·'' S an Clementt'. IIUl:S~ \\'A!I:TI-:0 -V yuu ~lAve : J•·•• "··r" ""'"".: 1111• •I· Jtll.>ndllll! j J:,c, lit• Bforry. 8-year-(JJrt d augh-a. h"u~,. fur rc:nt 10 the Costa l 11 hrrthda\ ~t•lr lor..olru!l 10 C:.nlcn 1•1 ••f.!\fr.andMrs..Ht>\.L'ard&rry Mc:sa-!I:"'''J)'Ht ll erg ht s area. c;ro •••• \\'hi• h ""' 1:1\0 " r .. r !\11"1 loot fit:. Broad 8trtc:'t , New·port pft':C'l' list It Wllh Ub. R . c .. l'ooll11o•' m ooll• r \lr• l.\'olllt \\':;Itt. llo•o~:hl~. V."IU taken t•• S~<nta An:l Par k .. r. 1806 Xewpcort 81\·d.:l '' h•• • •·lo·ltr.ol••ot l.··r· ':!•ttl ·mt:d an· \' •II• \' hnspltal Thursd&y for tr-eat-Cu.~t:c Mo•11u Phonc> 516_. __ 1 loo\ •'r'<llr} •oil ~ cturol.oy • ""II( o,f 8 badly I:H'I'ratf'd foot I JJ( I="'T M I!';S Till~ • ·' htc h "as lnjul'l'd whl'n 11he step-!•· •I oon II tin ca.n "'hlle plAying. . Sl••rt>· h lololon,.; I tot h·il!lo• "' heart of B:\J .. RO:\ JSJ.i\~0 Mr nnd Mn!. KIIIJ: Guion or lnllu~lrlnl rh•\'doprnent l"ictlld drug I, 11L.,......\' H 1 L , , L· lllore lt.culum t-'or .up•~u ,~· F.l ' A • ' !.. s ... n r r lt·"· Cl.leO, a luitlr DJ)d trr""ln ... ,. ( 'f .. "" 1'14 t H .. ,--.I-T1rtrtW; wiln !\fr :111cl ~lr• \\'>clt••r S Rwt•••l '' ·' ~~~· J, are ll~nchn.: two weeks on· '"''"''•"'",... In n:rr l"lanll to> II B.tlt,.~a Mfore .lf'I\VIIIft ror New 1SO:· ~~,,~J~~K~;~~;I..~~~!(J~: 110' h····· f'o•l •ll( ltJool'llhN :~t lho•lr Yo·rk l 'lly. Prior to h.-r mnrrlage. l'h ttllt' !116 I 11•·1 ,, oon p,.,,rf ''''""'' !\l r,. Gu111n w-. Mu•11 Mnrt J enevlv T\1" ''""'""""' 111~_,,.,. t'"ll'llll: ll<o \'ll. dnul(hlf'r of Mr. and Mrs. E I''·'· '" ·""'''•t.: '"'"'I! no:ol•·>~ \ """" Hoyd of Santa Ana" and R AL ESTATt: (For Sale) 1 '" llll•,l•l.""' "'' "'" M••,. .. :. Sh1r-t: '11 "'11 1 FOR SALE :-.: ... ,. 4:f<~Hn, mcldt'rn I ,;., :\tun '" .. n( ~ .... lliow!Wftll\-nl., \fr amJ Mn ...T • .1". Kdaon of home and ~~·~· Curner Jot 100 •••Ill \<tlh Iilia Xn\l101 fur thf' bUnt· \ru ulm h'cve taken a thret>· •X 1:1:-o ; trc•el'. $1750. $150 do\.L·n.! 111••r · 1110'011\.• le.u~e on the Arthur J . F. F: Rul<llt.'ll. 1700 N,owport blvd. I LIOIIABD DE BOBD II'.! ")lc·•·.....,.. Pt ~ext to P. 0. l 'hniW ~·,~.,.,.,... Delivery PRE-CARNIVAL Coronation Dance Alaeric:aa Le9fon Hall, Costa .... JUNE 25, 1941 MUSIC BY BOB -SKILES ORCHESTRA Coi'Onatlon . oftheQaeen Ad~lssloa 7 Sc pel' Couple hucJay Speciall. Fresh Y oungberry Pie asc ... QUALITY BAKERY IIW'J Sr\4port Bhd.. C;Hl'ITA ,\rt 1:rvh~ nnd t,;Jorl JWnt••. ''"'n l'r" t' hoornt· at' 211 Emerald ave-<: ta !tl · r II k ,,,,,. , •. ,,.... fll'-nd d us e.!l.i. l4c TRADE u·'-~t ·~-u don't u·•ant for I i _____________ ..:..__.:._:. 0 oollr \\"•• · nu" 1\ YIIUIII: hno ht ; 1"'•1 tA • a n t'llpt'Ct tO ",... Ju - toor!l. life:' n11w l!nUjtt,:l\' ~Witlc•d en l~tk•• l"•~'('~•rnn befort' the firll"t of Fe lH S ,\LF: '1 hloiL"*'S. 7 ~tnd 6-what y ou want. Rhort'r F'urnr-' ao·ss· c ..... th• tr "''" n·:nc1.·nr r fit IT:! t\hahlll<' lui\' !\lr nnrt Mr11. Pnu ar• mov-,-.. ,., .. ,.d holbt'" for s·:r,oll j'lfl Cor-: ture Wllrkt"l. larg.-st 11tork of ...... "" Ufe L1lllr bland. Thl'y {,1rmn-lnl! tn ~,rn, .. t Beach for t he IIUJ"'l· rwr Hlh ltlr•·t'l :cno.l Santa Ana I Ufted fumrtu.re IlL. Santa Ana. ITALIAN DINNERS h· oC4'Uflled the loovl'ly t:;n<ld.Krll.l'~ 111~1 ntoonth!'. "'' "'"'''· U\\ nl.'r )tt.. Mary "·I 1202 South Ma on s t.; ptlone ho•lllt' 111 twar<'n Rfr\· 1-curn 1\nnt' Phillips, 6-year-old Cn!l111 l'l:! \\'r:<t nr111,ctl'r :rw U88·\V. f9t1 llooWol f••r th1•. c un ung thr• ,, •I• •r.:hl•l • f Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ct>-~t.l !\T•·>!oo C 'alof. HUe ------ ' ·oonlh~ 1rP !\fr :\nd :\fr<: f'holhp I l 'hllhp• 1:!i Sl\pphrre avenue ~-.--(I Sl'H~ Rl'ILT XATTRF-'i..<;E.'t :·.,,,It •uol 1~' .. Small 0 hllolro'll. ool t : I I I l.uul. f'ntf'red thl' htll!)'ll~ ~-"' Jlfl\\':'\ ·""' !Jili\CI Jl••r lll•tnlh :o.cu.u 'ftET.·UL. \'(){'R OLD Vr •-Ia.• \'-hu plan lu ~>pcno.l m.111\' 'd ~~ t.d 1\ toor 1\n llp[tt·.ndi<>itis op-1 '"11.1""'.''" '" 1'' ,( ~~~~d Ill l"<•>-lll !\IATTRt:ss !\1~; ISTO A~ oJlloo\';..Lic ~-,.. ... t U......u.U U..\' '' d ,... rt.. \'<lUng I Indy h!tll bt'l'n M ........ I· I Ill rllco• ~-·"II Inter··~! ~:'\T-R-srw~r.. ~A:'\'T A AX.\ lollllj.. 1'1 lh···r 17 ,,.,, IHo,ol, ""lm'-II ,, tt .. ••lll••r or llllnlclton late-rat': .J __ pcr i:I.'UL Jt. c. l'.Ukt!r. -'IATTRt;:o-:::, l O-Ill E. UJJ. ·•·m~ 111t1 l'•rntlinntni! '' l1 • • 1. loti! recently under~ one lli•ll• :--;," r~·r·t Hl n J 1 'ot!<l,l '-lc·~n I'IIUStr. 9114. $tf \1 r~ !\T..zt ha \\' t•o•c1o ,11 :Ill <.I J,, 1 I I o I• t, ''1\', 1 folf '''"'h• r ~In< Rind\', "h·• h.l\·~ t-•• 11• \!1 ••··I Mr11. In111 R. Knox or 11:>1 TliF. ~IIUHES uF IIIC I::!F:AR ~IISCt:LIA~t;()l."S •lltto•tl 1:11'1111\' rr.:m lh•· J'lll•l l\\oo \\ t .• 0' .... I•' dnwn Sunday'to In· LA'K~: ·~ II fill(' l\\oo•!tlory cut· "1"111h• ~·rn~hm•· ~·· r p!.u1 t•' '"' i"t l tit. 1 nrw !llllllmer homf' taJ;:t' on""'',.( tho• l~·~t ln.:~llont. I" 1111.111• 111 r•'~hl•·nt;;, "·" 1111.: l·ll·r 1 '· • ' •• ,,. heinjt bullt Rt 305 l'll'fll y I of ~:•ou<J c osh1ng. Prt,·e o \it' ••ol o ''"Ill• ,., :"•·\\ J'••rl Jl, o,.:hh I' It'' ·'' • '111·, CuronR dt>l Mn r. $ I!'HI•I. 1111 lullc·s Clonutur(• If· ~n;:-.; S \\'tJHI< SHnE!'I All ,; t<,: at M1dda111:h ~ Sho ,. !';h"IJ· Ill J;t•''iU,J\\Uy, l .ot:-"1.1 ~f••'-t 16 111d fl,.ll~\1 '""' , I : t , • .,'l•l• ~:n tlnnnl church of a J11h11~"" m .. tur k t..:. 1-'urker. ~ny 1t w1th Ours. 1":111 .. ~·1 .. \l ··r ~•n t ,..~,...,..,._ ~,, ... and COCKTAH~. too CORONA O[l MAlt l'hune llir. \VORK B~SKET lft•ll'n N. Oallagher Stamped Gooch a Yw • ">•·r•llc•l\c!rk ln~truC'tlolla 0,..... " II h t•u rc-hu4> of Material. Ill Su. Rrotd14'a.)' Raata Aea l'hclne z~nz TlH'\' aJ •· ft•l'lll•·l l~ 11! l'.olm Sf'l'.: "~ \l' h · ' '' h•l I~ nf'I:Anlllt nt the I foul '••rl·lo,.,ol'l.l m11to 1r bHlJ t' With FLO\\'ERS "~ny •I w ot It F :oo .1, rs . . Tl.o ,• ''"I n d,:\•,.t.\ ool -,,, •• "0 I -I hrothc'r ,., Mrl'. A. J . 1 ~06 :'\(•\\ I'"' I 1:11'<.1 .. t.:vsta McAA I Shop, JjiO !l:t>Wpnrt llln.l. l 'hr•nf> :--.... c" 1." Fr••nt '1." .. "'"I c h·· t•!: I • " "' I!"""" J!'l:\lu1. -~47 -J , C•·~tn "''''"·~. c R"" trva,; R&astarr a.,s "" ,,( ·" • trtJ.: tho· lu~c "" 1 , r \1· r,. 1 ,. ~\·n.,.nl. :1!1116 Cl111n-J1'.!5 '"II hu~ """ .. r til•• Ul'Sl lvt!! H-r-fJVI'OJ-vr-.r• I I'\,\ I ,, Ill I ,. tl Ill d h I th ,. I I I J-::\.1'1-;t<'r \\',\TI'II. I'J,,,,.,,. ·'11111 · ' 1 o• •: ,., •· 1 ot• " • por ~ n . w o WIU! on ,. •·I ll••:r 'o•r.ot:~ll .o !\11::-: .\I lf:J.f',.,GIMBAL I ~hlfn' It " I· loolll ;,,,.,.,. "''' II• ·' ' ' • 100 nt•'<l 11tnlt• l'hlllrmnn Jtl;:; '""loll\' 1111 lll.lt•l•.•lly .:•wid lvt .lf'W.-II \' 1' l• onu~o: I '1·11H011•l<· ·• l ""•1•1w~ , .... , .... ,. h-·u-.-"" o\l•rl-·"~ '! I ·• Cor .the Cnhfurml\ tn tho• ~;1 1:.1yo Trao l "hll•· \'ooll \\.cr t. 110'\l " II .It•\\• h·r ~ 1111 t\ ··nil•' . 1111" l..lllo •~•·•1•1 \\ h• I• I·. ol 0 I \\1001f'll'l' !'lull~. t'X· fl600 \\'Ill h uy II lo!•" d huusc 'and ~.. .... c; !l:o•\\ t··· c l~hol . ···~I I !\lc·:-:1. DI:UV1:aiU 1·• ,. pi'· 1 ;-i'' ·tol 1 h1 ··I' ~'"' 1 ,, r . '· '• •' • ~nmetrnH• thill "·...-k I lut ''" \\"o·~l \ ···ntr.d a•·t•. bc·l ~ lr Ralboa-Newport-W .... P'li. I ~~~'~ ~.;rh lll •"'""''"'' ,.,,., ''"•" l'shf,.rnu• wh .. re llh" twr•••n K.tll'"" ""'' :'I.""J'IOrl Clt'ff's Tackle Balboe la.-Uclo-W-. F'l1.. le&. • ., l I · tho hai~ 0 ( n.' \l •'I• ·I 0 •r...rtal boA.rd lllt't•hn~ , .. UKUAS, T\\1-.T llntl I'A.RhER Shop :~£ I ,., l'hl " ........ ~1 :O.t' ..... , ol . 1\ 11· ~lHtl' f'lt'l'ldl'flt. r.lf'!l. 700 t:. Ce-ntral. Ra.lboa ,.,,,~'"'"~ ••• u.. ~PlO RT ----SPORT -SHIRI'S ·t , 111\I'I'K..,. '""' ~·M,.,. XI~<' 11.· ~!...~-_ _ j . . • _1 +-• -~~··r lllan· Sl Al.lf"'KS I• \' R .,. lit .... ~ ,, "'I h· 0' -... ,; \lr H•C "'"· f)(•n Gunae NIIln o r i P01t' t!'tCR.,~GF. ~~ram-• ,. -I .. --• • ~'-'I '"'' "'' ,, 1: "'", 1·1·-1 '' I • .•'1 l.ll'll Wt't'k for S10ux . • . • --R:Litio:i Tl~ S()X ~-lfll,..t• _.., tn ttl,. f'f"l"rroll c1r•!·,• ., lu -' u.her• Uwy v.·rll vilnt !1:1-.\\ ;ottrad l\'c' hJ•."Imt•nt "'"• LOl"T L'.~'-Y 1 S\&"EATERS "h•·r·· '' •' "' '' -~\· d I ;r' I . t. ' I • I • pn rfntR. Mr. and Mn!. o'tllllt' 1,''"1"'1 ~~ Ill :"twporl liar-i.., r u THEATRE ·~ A I ll··r L I . I., a: • I tl ,. ,, '· . I. I " 1'1 I '; •.• t. rl'en Don alooo plan.~ bur ~lillY ···lltc·cl ·'""" 1111: \'t>ry !\I lko• n···· II I''"''' •p;·o :.. !y A II BALBOA RLt•t:s aroollllll , .. ottr .oo l \o C.ololo "'. h 0 I ll of tht> 10-day trrp l:"•ot.l llhl•lll(' l'n···· ~l:!.!JOO. Lh\11• •1:•' !\1.111\ \\ll h , ••..• ,. \\ Ill•· t h., l'hnnl' 1.''1~ "'' tf~·· ,,!.•.1 Hl J '.h •. ,. t c:••'"'' '1\t .., J' t hf''OidftshJnghole' ~~~ "111 '"1~~uS•·r P·•rt t'Xthan,::~"I 1•J •'·I• ·-•.t·l ... h·d •••fJ•-p•n•h n,. REL'I'S HA1'S \t ~ha lh.tl 'll ;.!•'•'nt• ... l•U··~· 1 ,,, •.•• ~ •• t ... not haci the pleM· .. _.,r t'••hapwt.-trtiP11)1 t1lun ,:..t't' •i .t. f••r ~U••'!t' a nd l tofl:-•• lt·ut a . .J l'••pcrlar \clml~lun l'rieec. \\ , ... 1. U:t.\' f\,., Hfrtc"' OJWIVI 6:.a5 '·11. '1111• C nnllnll"ll" frum 1 :.aA Y ACHTL'-G C AJ•S 'of !.o<l. •· c d 1:11 1 l'ln•, , .r l· · •·I • o.•tt: ~: h1s hook fo r mnre ~ ••:-l~r ll?·•nt "•til 1-::crl \\' '1' • • t,h.tl '" o:t).;" •· ·' rll· :'tarup r. \\• 11 Ill ·t ,. (,.111 .,( ,.,,t .. r . .: \\•I • 1~, 11• ~l!llllo•y J.th und l'n;o;;t H11:h· 1•11111::-Cl~'l·' ~o·.'.J.,I ,r ;, 1••:-lillf.: c!o·· CLUB INSJG S 1AS 11 ol •t.• ·, . ,. , o1 o1 tl, • '1• ·'' l \lr 111. H uestis B. Snow W!t.\'. 1'11"n1' !till -:-;, "J)Ort I::!<'AI'h. "1 •1''1"'1' 1•1• uif.tl~· I •nwr r II. J"rl.·'•l. 'un. .Jun.. Ill-U -1 ~ S\\'(~1 S( i)Tg ·1 •'•'" , •· • o · ; , tl..r• 1. t• · 1 \ '· whn are vnr ntu•n-l:ltf 1 'ooloollot I to• I !\1.or. t • • .tof IZH 10---~--~-------~~R~~~~ri~~~~~-----------~~~~~~·~·~··~~~. ·~ ~~~~b~~··· ··~·• A .Ro~n~m~rmmH Hf?t••rJ ·a~••·· ., -.. /}llo)ot"'11of#m.,_ ......,..,.._ ~,..-,.,. ·t --~--~_,_,,..SJIJ~I,I:I v• ).1 . L'~' ... l!L.:IJI•'I'fL"L', ·-,.rl•n \ •• ,.,n.·,·v.,. ... l c.,.r .... ,~""'""..,..._ ... ,m:o _____ ,.~.,......,...... l ~,+,..-..._rr~, .. - \lllrr~o;h' V I' Tw1t• 11•·11 Oo•o \1 '· I.• •· •;t>ntl\' at nn lnfot:nlAI 'l''l ,. •trl9 'I) ( 1 1 tl ~"' . · ' . SNO SPORT SIIOt:S ---· .. 701 £, Central In Balboa · · · · ' I ' ·' · "' ·' ••r 1' 11: 1 \' uq,.., :\ T . . . ,,,.... I' .1: .. kl 111\cl lho• !\liS 0' ·I,, I honoring their niece -:FH\'~'L r . 9 . " Itt.·~\ n ·asc; lUllS I'• \L, nson of OrA~e: • .. _. -~··· rl~•·tH f •\f' \\'lth ':z :-;,·d•d pr+ '·~al~ •·1 htd~ 11JII ,t \ • 111 \\'llllolll ' \\'111t••rp >r!l• !\I , rl 111 I II k . ~~ •. I I'·" ··I· "'J':o;.t IJt.:, It· I I:. • •I\ ~· ·hIll. I 'I\ :-' ., • I 0 \\ \I I"' .... t; • !--ot ,1 .... , ., ht I ! Itt. • t •••• ~arry' s Dump .iuf_ . .tJ.., '11,ll.LL.~·~-Lt.\1: •• 1'1.41u;. ·~ ';.;30 •• I·~>. l ' ~I "'' t 11\ 7 th l!'l~f fur ( •r~t•nt.•l rul:~· one U't , '• ,,~ tt •· t • ..... 1 1 .... ·tt,•· P'•l-l-. ;,.,,~ 1~. 2 !'lll.dl l.1.11 f''• lll':cf'c'/1, b<'ctk· ',ol j'l .lll '1: "I Ill lo J: ol :0 •l:t •'!' t:;o•· f'AFt~ •'-l·t~ ,...,.,__,._n•t;;. Cwll e\'41'• t & 111•·d t • h, l'lth1•="'hut a:: •' 1,\f,\" JHilJ,:~ "* ~ •. ,,.., ,. , .. '\'1!'0. 4t'7 :1 'th ' IJ~t'l tot -.:-·I • T I ' If .·It ... r r I; l- strl'•'l !1:•"1"'11 15p .l,tonll ;o:tol•11ool 1:0 t it• I 'l l\ 1 '\;o\\J••II fl•oOO II, lo I lh••.f ~ ll )'• tl \\liiTt: -.t.\\ 1,1, \1.\C'III~t:~ 1.,,._ ''·' • ,11t h l!i l~ ll:cJ.-< ~ll.oii '' :-. •hr l '•·•t : ·~ .~ r:t-1 • '• p .. t:.t -In- ·---------------·--·-·-... ----·-·------·--------. ---___ , ___ --·-t "Bt"iT OOFFZE ... nALBOA" ~c>e or~ loor l' J• til;-.c:~.t n •t-111kl tnj! L IIJ:•· I••• I( :.c'\\ .1nd u.~'d n.,u. h. l.t::-.d\\ ·~"' "n hnn•f :l17 \\' F••llllll :':u .t o ,\nR. T'hctnl' 1261 l:ltlll Ur•·' t••• • t' j • f• .ttl.,· .• ' 11 ·n~ t \I t ••• , .... I'•"· •r;,; ....... ,tl,.n ..... ·.•l· ·! ·,·\•1•i'" ... n •rk•""l 'l!~tl-.: fttr ; .ht • d · • : I• c.•l rt••1 • ··:: · ;..nd oololr•• .. ,.l I• lt.• 1·11 y I' t:nr.l , r of NEW ORLEANS ·s~ ~elicioli4 dJ.JUeJ e~ FATHER'S DAY JUNE 15TH Balboa and Island • I 1 ....... Mrelll R. C. PARKER Xotary Public '1 1:, ·l Centml A ,·cnut> I A.J..BOA \. "• .qxn·t ·u,,u:(',·nnJ l'• •.:ITA .MESA --------+,------------------~ ... ' I 'I" r lt \ •' :'1.· \\ J••rl l!o ., h ('1t,· \ R1•np C lalr I'N>tiU ,....._ I-'\ lf{ ~.\l.t:. R• • • ·' I too ned wo.llh· Jloll :-.;, ,, ;• 11 Jl, 1• ,, 1 • ,;;~oornm. · r ""' E'rl! !\tHI. l.t\\ n "''"'"" "lllf' I T l'o r •I 0.; . -... 0 .. !'h.cll h \\ llh ShAJ"" "' '" .dl l<~n.J~ nf rJ'· l''>hh•t•••l r· t h· ="·"I~·IIK.IIh.·~ BR UCE CABOT p:ttrllll: Fl'<ll :O:ho p ZZo(l !\:t\\·. :"c \\ !' Tml•'~ •-o•l ::-:, \\ i'"r' Hal h.~;~ ROL.A.NO YOUNG r"'tt HI\\J . l""~'·' ~t"'M. f'hune-~ t'r~~~~ u l• • t. ,,, , k • t '"'' ('•'fl!-'.._, •• 1t>t:l 2:tc •1" •• , ..... ,.,.11' ~-~7 1!·~~ MISCHA AUER 1 • • 1•.\ •rolo I I :It' 1 • 1 \' • · .:.o 1 •I lho A Fl-:\\' :"h..'!-: IIEII Hcl(l~( S ETS ,. cy of ="· .• , ... : j;, , •• •1 .. ·-.t I 11\\ \ '\'DY DEVINE qr ''" r .rt~o~:l ' ·.r h10111(' ,· .. in-~ -1 1''~1 ::\1 J ')) C • !'It'\• , .. ,.: t·" •. :o:w(' Cllll'·h.llr 1 ~ '·'". " r..''1:11 .\RT . , r \'I c ooper Luers Fur n•tur•· 310 Sp ' ·'~ Ll· 11' "' ct.·· 1 :' f ="·"I'· ·t Laur·a Hope Crews urg-e\ln I . 1-t,:~,·h . I st., .SAnta Ana . 7tl. t l'uhlt~h ,lunr 1~. 111. I<J. 'I. • :-..I• .. ·IA'd Shnna 011 au ...,.. •• • - -. --«.., Don't . Fore-t .! Oon't forget Flag Day Ia Saturday.~ J uDe 14th. an d promlnenUy d 111 pI 11 y Old Glory. • ·:-.. '""' Evtcle11C4' Now whl'n fril'l'lds aak J. D. Wa tkins what he's ~n doing, ··J. D." usually rt"plit>s, "Oh. noth1n~. neve r )('&V(' home." llowev4:-r . Jamt'6 D. Wt'nl to th" "ra~ling' .. matche11 la.$1 night. taking with him hi~ broth!•r·m-lnw. Uowan:l Rtoif of Clc•vda nd. Ohio, who Is visit in~ thl' Watkins domldlt>. Tiw p;ur tocrk \\'altf'r Wat kms aJong and ha d a royol good timE". "" Olct It ~ N nw l.,.w W :tllnfl:. nrv('r hllc lll'f'n R prr:trh"r nr jllrl!!". hut hP Pf'rfnrml'rt'!t mnrringr rrrr· mon\' thtrl\' \'rnrc: :u:n. sn hr tolrl. fr llnw 'rr-Om ,... nt t hr rlnily Coffrr Khth mr r•ting Ill F.rlrlir M•JOrl''c: It c:rrm<. nrrordlng to l.l'w'c: "'nr~·. whk K rl~ dublnul! glanree from hla llilt- Mtt'l'!'. () n. Rf'f'd. (" F WAlle and F:rldw. whn lrft hie: IN' CTf>Am mnr hinr lnnR rnous:h to -grt nn rnr full. thnl onr of thr old·llmrn: hrrr w11nlf'd a couplr nf youn~:: friPnd< mnr· rif'd W'hnt'11 mort". Mid old· timr r w11ntf'd IA'w, then city n!C<>n:lrr. to ttr the knot. unmln~:. t o h ie: ,:urpri<.l', fmm l)lf' rll~trirt 111tomry th11t hf' h11rl lht> Authority; IJtW J)('rformt'd hi!< firc:t Ami la~l nuptial rf'rl'mony, ' ... ~ ISSUED -sEMI· WE.EKLY VOLCJIE ~- . . -4(}_ ' ,.- :; 85 Har:bor Men Rally ~ To Form Unit· of . iState Defens.e-:-GUarct 1 II &Jvlng ~ lnvooatlOn. • wllh l\fn11k will bt' hy lhf' atnfor cludl' J;.an Allen. f'&lrld a <.:hsp-mixt-~1 qn'llrfrt. tht C:h;ta· OJ~ Cluh l;l'lttn .• ( ·athPrlnl' F:n11tg n, II& Jean nnd tbr achool orchutra ·All mu111-.)nnPA. l'ytlnry . J011lyri. J,,-,111 Maf' cal Jl'l'OIIp!! for ~lh prngram,. an• Marah, Wtllht.Ql Hrtler. z,. 11 t• r Harbor urged --. -~ lw b4!rtl!<m, and r;..n!' Worlf'y • To Participate I Kiwanis Hear In -Flag Day I George Peterkin . Mayor Irvin Gf'orgf' r.<lrdOD wbo On Spe~ Law rnrlv lhl.!t wrr.k •q uf'd ·a pruc:la- mAtfnn ur~rin~t NPwpnrt Harbor Spcnking bfoforr thl> Ktwllnr• mf'rrhAnl~ 11n•l Tf'll itf,.nl.!t to unltl!' Club Thur!lday noon at• C:u.c· St-a In nh~rvmg-F't14: 11ay .• ,nln rt-Shr ll C'11lr. Sf.rRI'nnt 1'\.or~.t~ p,.. mlndl!'d Harbor r ltt7.1'na thAt Sat-lrrkrn nl thr· ("allforNa lflghw~ty tiNJRy .lun• 14lh fr thf' d'\11!' P nt rol Hnrl .rr<utr nt nr C"Mtll M••:-11 , HI' urged that I!VI!'ryonl!' rtltlplay •pr•k!' DICAinlll thr fli"'f''IAAI IO TMI'V' the· Amt>rlr&n F1rt~ In l JlT'nmt· thr "J'lf'Nf taw tfl !'l.'l milr~ )'lf'r hour. nrnt pln<'l!' -"d 'f'·dtdlrA t .. lh~m-~, .. ,., lh11n' fnrly fli'Ofllr h a v ,. telve11 to Utf' lll~tnllards oP frer· tworn k1llr'ft '" trnfftr a('C"it1r nt• In 1 dom, liberty and th4! defemre or nt'nn!!" rounly alrrn~ly I hi~ yrar. will have to ftutt'}· IT ~tS'f"BJ-: (.){J:-41': J ~.TIIl·. to the flnl_. :"lEXT FEW IJA YS IJnn't fflN!I'I lh;rt lhl~ I~·,, h~tl)l' Thf' f'hitnJ:I'' in ltrd !l,\''" t '<rllnl art• \'f'rV '-ltt:h l ftlllll ' hr rt•;tftr•r C"rnft hrlp"; ~,,...,,., fl')fl h hut th,. n•s:s:rtt ~II'Pn£lh 1trt+-lft•4-+--'' .. e las t C'llllfll ~tn:t H:tt tltttltlllli'V. lurlrl .. ftr-;1 Jl'l· in~.: IJIIIllilit•< or II r .. w hu niln•rl c;ilion nmt I All',., Iii B:drl\.1. tn ~··in~.: rrtml Four!" ''''&~'f' th··uc.untJ '"'''' m t:an' Vlr tnry h•·rr to Thinl Wtlh ""' l·al:ttlll' l?fdh•· \\llrk•·" r.,u.,..,.,;,~ 1111 thr "-'!mr tnritl' Wlfl nny hnlll,. Votr rtiv-,.,...11y hu~11,. ~wlftly \t:ry dose It ,,,,k .h;nr llur· ftl.{unn~ ''' d t•lr•n rtJIIt• tltt• ... ·ntrh nntJ hnttl•• ll"'""l•t r•ntl}• tn )f'aders in l clflay·~ c'fiUnl. ,,,. "nrl :>nrt 1f Wl•l rln nnt IA'In "' :"inlt Bar1t11Jir,m••\\. Halh,,;, hlanrl lhat 11 Will ll" for nil nthf'r rrA••<~n thnn th11t .. ,.,m,. ""ffit"'lltnr r m· ~:.l"ie Nf'wland. :'\t•\\ J.rl111 hn<Jir c :~II your ctrrngth t o " ~till Lort>na-8alrlv.m ('••rfln;t tid :\tar ~.:rrnt>'r"I"J.:T'N' • ~:ba SAgr•U\1.J, .~1 • ..,.-1,..1rt ._,, Tl ~~ thi" An" n,.xl "''""k'" work thllt t'OIJnl~ TT r AN RF. nosr.• (iene Tay lor, IS.tlllf',;t ~--~------Vlolf't Punt in~.:. :-,:, • ..,..1,..,, t Art WyJii,., Ba ll,m • ·~ FWST SJ-.( 'f J:";l > '111JHIJ Ftll 'ICTII , 1-Jt-·n• S JXTII ~U:V J-: NT If HELP YO(] I{ FA VOitiTfo; WIN Otv.-111m or lf,.r a I:CN~Jt Tum ~uhllrrtptk.w . -• , I WEEJC;END • EDITION Mt•Ma Foundry Pro-rated; IAim• Ut•liv~rit'H Slow: (~r~at ' Uemand . For Supplit'M May Aff('("t Huild~n, Electridana, Plumbt·r IK u~ rt ,.,.,.. ''"" "' 1u v y •·rart ,WIIIt ""' """'" lll•m«lrl In mln1t ":•J•IUl"'"" ''' I lr,. '"'""'''"'' flu• "'"""lC"'"''"I hf'II"V"" "'"' thr "'"W"Jt"l,.., •r••l ''''""'"rl'l'\1 pr1nl.-I n('wrr lrarltrtl( "'"" ltu he,. n Ill~; ,,..,,,., '"'"!1111 h1111 • "'" "'"' U1•· tfrdtllllC •t•·'"'' •lown ('rntral ely lc.-X&Jllu.. a.at~-&hal • !Itt """ ry '""" '"''"'r""""t <Jr.-~ n " tfiw y•·•r• """' 111tt .... uf the IIlii tu•vlnj( lit11"11 w urked ttul t.y avenur will be lln~l wltb hual- •nl{ln""'" nf thf' Am,.rkan T y Ja~htii.UIU. t"vurad~•• •.•r-:rt• In thlll pro · -· ---.!' . Bottie~. With . -~d High":ay For Note,' Tells ;COast. S~b)ect lliHaSter Tale 1 Assoc1at1on Meet l'•tllrr• tll•ln't knuw whr lhf'r "j Th,. prof)OUI for a af'rmWt h lch· ,.,,,,. to ·• •~·" 1 .. f•rttn•l "" lhr brAr h wny for thf' co.utllrlf' whlrh 111 now l • .. t.ry t.y ·I M•·\wlln ltlrl WI&JI a ~lvlnc C"')f''JCitlforablf' mr·nllon, prh "' '"'' Th ,. nntr, !lf"Mhhll"'t In lwnt tw> th" "llajN-t wtw-dulf'd for 1~ "' 11 "'1'1 "1'1•·11~•· "'n•J fl,.lp, t..at.I C"')f''lllftf'n~tlnn Thrtlltay, Junf' 17th, .ll •l•·~:r•·•·" N . l.1•n~e . 4!1 dfosrf't'll 16.:t0 p m . who•n thf' OraftCt' Coun· . .,,,. ,.,.,,. ""'"''""'"' a Chlrf ty C'o..11t AKf111f'l"tlnn ronvrrlf'tl, at I ·•• ""11 wlt•r hnrt rtlMt 11nt1 artld ""'"' ""' C"Hmlnn, IA«tJn• n,.aett. "T••IJ"WittNI, rlrlfllnf( fut. don't Vl-'tln~t th,. di!IC\JMinn .-rill be ~u .... .., h•.JW~..._. ....... ~,. hltnall, ptanmnr I'CiiNIUif· Democracy , why kill mnt"P, 11~krd P('tf'rkln Thr "fll'"k"r ;,:l!u, ~fl'•kr nn VM· lou5 trnrtic 1~'1-.and~ thn '"'''"n nnN' ,.., h••:~rllil'hl'l nnrt r~>· nrrlo" ()n hlcyrll'• U"'t1 Itt nll!!hl lfr NJnrlud•-d wtth perooon~tl f'llpt'r· frnN>~ on h111 mnn}' yranc of law mfoN'rmPnt work '"'''' '"'"~ 1n ;, ( 'allfumta wine bot· ant. and a t•rr• attendance haa •I·· ""'' tlw• wrllcr m•ntloned he hM•n 'f'fl""'t"t1. "" rn.11t Auoda· v.a• fl••m ("uhf,.rnin 11ntl hofM'd l tlon nrrtf'IAIII dN't"t? IM tnpk to ''"'h hr· nn•l thr• ,,,,,,,. wuuh1 ~en· bro of vital lnti'MI ,to thr ~tal ·------------------------------l tunlly rl'llrh lht" atat,.. lli'M. ... r r ·r' . ' I . .r / / -·--~Yri?ftT J.l~~~~~s-1~.-~~~-~~~~--~~~om]~.:-!!!!!_~A.:!J~.§Jl~ ~.b:.._ __ ·-··~·· _ ------:·_: ... ._ 'a I .. -----r._.._," • O.....~J I U ... c...---..-. _" .............. ALl. ..... ...._ --ED I-'F 0 R FA -L=-s· F-iNA T U R-ES Newport-Belhoe ... N E W s·-T I M E S r110sa n a as p , to • t IE~ ~J _. --~ Mtltn a , . .._, lL,.;XID ~ptaor. Pa~ &a~ ~.50 prT -year m {)Tan~ Cuunt). l:l1!> pH )'t'lllr lc 4th .-. 13.00 per )ear ~ blb wn". 2Xprr~by~. Elll;n-ct .. $(.oocood~ ;a,;,. .. ttw f"aeto(fW tn ~ U..•·h. c.latonw&. undo•r Ow Act ot )br~h 3. 1879 S. A :\1£\'ER • 1 EDITOR A="D ~1A:XA(;J.R l"naUDe PI.AIIL 2208 \\'. CA-rlini A~...,..U' S-'JIOit &..ch. t~!JI~r:ru.. CiFnciAL P~ ~Dl"'KT ILU.II9A. CA!D'OK~IA · ~ a..,_,.," 1.-.1 .,.. .... .._ Fw o.-u as y..,.. · • 1-.o--•-r•.· ...-.:• ,; A ---r::-~ ..Q! i!i££2 -• • ~ -J -• ---• --• ~ _. _@) l>l.lnk'r 1n liL'-4' '' t•r tnh• '' t ........ , .... ,., .. 1 h1• In• 1 • ., ..... , . ''AMERI('..\ 1-'.-\('ES 1-'0il\\ .. \IU) faN' ixon;(')f fClr th.· Jtt't ll<,rl ... , .. ~"-'' 'Jllt'-f'H .. y -····tnJ; fl.t~ ~ I• Skilay Skri~~les ....... 'llwre a\lld tllwwlwre • I. ' . \ I ' . . ... I • . ' .... ·~ '. ' 1! I ' 1\ 1: . ·} num :' nth• 1 1· ,., fit "' . ... "'''~' ' • ,, rt <>~lntry h::!'>' f'lr:l~· ~··t .... ·n tfi?' ~( .. 1 ~;: ::· ~l.j. ~~~J~u ._. tirl•-,~--hl-~·~~ ginning. TI11"t'r''\\ ill t, .. n 1 ha•nll' 111 lht• l.tnd "htt h "t:l Jl•tl II ,£ 11 •• ,. "! th. t i~· J • ~1 ,, .r.. I"'"' 1 1, .. 1 '"1" :· and (('(')l)w rffa-.1 ,,f tlw nt'" ~~·n.itt ''' '''t.al .tl'ffit'l! 1 P'l~oa l• !n, ... , r· ·11· d,· ,,,,,I~ Ill 11 ·~ !· I' Ill h •\·' I~·· •· · •• I .at it - wfiam Wt' an' jit ... 1 t'tl1N1m:: \(·t~ ~·••', .. ' l~tt• 1o ~.,..,~..L 1~~'" ........ 1T..,_< f nr ~·· Til<' {Y)'.f .,f .:uppnrttr": · ""' .tr:n~ J·r· .... .:r 101 1' "'rt.lln 1•• ••11! ''l•'~ ... it• · H I' • nh l it' •' l oor J,., I 1111" •:, h, 1: 11 hy all ri.<:e ~ho\'i' it < JIO-.. ;11 Jt~ ht:lt"n .. ,.,tJ,• .tlld 11 til . ltt•d to .1 •1111'•'11' I ' ~h~· o•n.t l h tl fl_.a ~ "'1:1111 ~ q;. 1 It 1 1. j •'lit! I~· !'II~' ~ J:!TCal«>r Qr )(-...-. r ''''''"' II"H: lt1 m.: ~1.1nd tn!" ,,f 1 '.l l m al.t1111 ', ... '" '"~· ..:·· t h1 .. u..:h tl~o · o~ .• 1 i.. ,,.,., .• h d Arilt'rirnll:! (;."••mrr ... ·nt. '" ;m •. ,,,•nt httht•a1" th•>tt.:ht till· JlO!-.-c;;bk-. wrll of """~...j1~ (''h•n.l it.; ''unlnll ''"'r ttw lifi' ~~~ -~ coth;.try. ('(ltT\Ill ... rrn"·=·m~ .·n·t r.•l ifmim: pnwhwti··n .I," .MODEU MARINE SERVICE · ·. matrri:ds. 1be un.<;UJpaSSl'd prodm1in· pow••r of tht"' n.1t aon '''II"" channcled to an unparalk-k-rl ~ into the upl,.ulchng o! \irtually unlimited ar,maznrnts.. Til<-marin~ bL't~t fumat't~ c.'l the steel mills, thr hummin,:: fnctory 1-l('lt.-.. thor o~·inc :\~· Rmhl)" lint-s of our lndus1 pwrt!'. "1J.Jlir dM·otNf to pro- ducing f1W. munition5. •-.apons ~ machines which .m.'lkt' up ttK-dn-asaating aJWOal of modem wa rfan-. SH .E·LL DOCK r BALBOA· IS L .A N D Pfort\aiJ8 Amrrica wiD escape tJk> ~timalt' s.'l<Tifire of ._ _____________________ ..... \IR:OO R.\1(11 D. HO \RU 1 ••rrn•··'' fr rf'hb......,. .. ,., ... ,.,..nt ·-! triiJt ,hno•tlna: In tfwo lbrt..•r ltl~· trld an•l h"lll•·r ,., thfa ~talr l.adlr,· fat~ ntlfl. •fM< ._ tht' ('1.,., ri dhl .. lun "1:"'"'' hoolh nwn a"'l "nnwa at tlw c<ntMt\ !4tatf' ('llunptlon..biP" lwld ttw ~-t wr"f'k·f'nd .at lAHt& 8foec-h Conn {'lab. h •I .. , ... i. rt ·; .. . · ~.oo, 1----..;,.....-_______ ., .- 750 B.G.H. . "Brtlka" -Grad··- uaua" a nd "Hom~cornmca" --;-~r onxr ot tbr ilay'ln Uua 200.00 of JuD«'. wr an flroud to know, 1 Ellz.abrth 1 Bunny t Calv~rt-. &Dd 84.421 Jury Farrirr. now vlaltlnf our ahorH having just ncrntly c-rad· 6 06 uatt'd from Brown moor. m. Sant& Fr. N. M.. and Stnt>na. Oblo, ~apKth·t'ty~· ii fUllllht'd products 200.00 of -c It H'\ l)c)ya pi~-takt> nott> •• t I E.S,U. . . pul un a !l('lt'mbd :l09 00 affa 1r a nil :1 .:r<'at d<'al or t F:ng. lll'h :., .. a king t 'n1on 1 ru 1 t"nt at t h. hll~ll ..... ~lr .u~ 'lt rs r~r(' 11R.SO lhlhll'l tn Altadt>G:"I. la~~t Mootla)·. ~I ll'. .. ~po·n• <'r. t ho• J:U•'IIt !IJlt'llk l'r • •I .. · I' nun. l'i.l tt •·sp•ak:th"• ~a\'l' .:V..'l ()It til•• t hn·•· llun•lr•·ll I"'"Jllr J'rt>Mnt n th n JOyuu!l htu"t.ter. wtth ht>r '''"' nptwn 11 f Englantl urtdu :!9 00 !u•· All Ira w1th a f••eltng that tu ht' m A mrrtca """'. With all .t·. mtx.,.t uaUonaltty ant.! creed. 11.00 wall a pn\'lh•J:f' nnne ahoultl abuse: f>1•1r "(;uff" the l(lr• was raght 5.25 1 ttw k tllng Jlt'rft>ct In fat't any- ()llt' would have! thought Mr~·· bn J)«'rltd tn opportunity-but 2.00' de:llptta '"tUDe, p~ and tile bow"" 1 ctidla't •et the ua. &nit aner really mAaNd ll. be<:auae 1 wu too b1faY betor "Firat Door-Man!"· 24JIO candidly 1 Mard .o many "H<M" Jnlly!" "~Wally!" "An you u. .. ,., .. JOrt of thing. t bat it wu 6.242.95! raay to Aook oo ~ "Stooce" af· u r my rrtui"D. and uy to a ~l« Smith ~·ok~ I'm glad I am aD • Amencan• Alld then wbt~~p«r a J61..56 ailent prayer of tbankJ! few t.hJa 5.6-16 I I CNr Country! • NEWS '8V STOOGE .. S.N.· 0 w . nw oulsland~ ..n.rws lhla Y.M'k. 111 thco strike l!ituRtton lD N:lturnnl Ot'f,.nJ!t' l ndlll!trlu. 0 f p 1 r:lnv•unt '"'"rl'llt ~ M th" strlk· an.: !'Oat tnF\111 I )t•f•·n!ll' work<'rs , mpi"Y" 1 lly :-.; .. rth J\mertr an Air. 1 rntt l 'nrr at ln.:).-·wtll~l. <.'141tf. l'r··~l·l• nt H"""'''rll. tntl' to his ~,.,.,., h R , nuplo• .. r v. ,.,•ks ago. or· •lo••r .t th•• I' ~ Army t11 ta kt• o\'cr 1 h•• J•l..ml 111 I h1 n:llaiO' ~>! lth U. S. ,;u\'o. .. uu:ucut. Tw.:. Wail uuue by \,··'an-c. • ••t t,, !"-!• I• • t,., ~' " 'tu t .n,, .. r '" 11 "'-1t 111 not kl.· \fl ho''o ....... 1 l••lri' n \\'ill ... •• h ol..h " t •• ,,,,. u .• stn kc. •·n· 11 ,.. , , r ·: ,.,·l·lt t t ltat a 11 .:.• ; r i •Ill• l ,:1 tl• ~t ttkPrs • • • , ~ ,, , r ~, \\ J I ua._ t 1 I• .. ~··· • \\ I k t I. I .• r I· •' •' ~ • ,._.,·I t'h tr ,. 1 • ,. • ..... I; til•" , . .. I•· r•·- ~-~t:!:S l~- 1 •• r"". f··~ t .;;; _ t 't .-~c. t" I ·.• ••• ,. 0 . I . i .I .. • I I • I • .. .. ..... , . \ r ! ··I .. : ' . ... 1' i'\i I • • f-··~ .r.: T• •. I ... • •. mfnt I ' ........ ,. 1\ • "''" tl!'C ... l•l II h-rr , , ... I It It ... '1 I -, --· -.. • ' t •• • " I • · ,,. , ,1 ,a•"' :lnl _ ........ I , • '· ·,, ' :-; _:-, -· ,·, • •I I I II ',\ I ,, t .,, ~ ., '\ i 0 ·-1!11 \\ !I•U-'\. .. r •• , · ... l 't""·· t,1 t '\I E PLURBI\...S UII.UM ,, ... r \\ t •• , ~'! r,..., a tt tud•• ... I I ! • ''"' ;I I• • ll •t\t I l1, 11 , 1m 1 .. r \ 1 _u -'4 ~ 7 z.a..u.~t.--.,.._.,.., • .....,,o-r,..,. .... ---x.--'-!..l-: -• ......,.. ·.. · -• ... · .: ' ·· · r ' • · ·:; ':" · ~ '·. ! \ ! ,- .. . h -I :' •• _,1 c: ~ ..... \ ..... T• . r• ·. • .. , ~ t I 'I I•, { ' ~ ,,. \ ~ ...... -~ t' •I Trail~r Order~d 7 . '·'· ~ !\fond A s Nui.ance : I I ~ r.•.tth llt'f t) ! t .. : I t I •• '! \ 1•\J" ~ 1 ~ •• ,.t, 1 1:""; •, J• ... l •~f•~IJ,:f'1 • t}' L:'• •'• • t' .tn an·: ,,,· I I f t • :-. •• ttt ,,f 'I • •tll,J •I lly I • I 1'1 , I r";, ,tf,""' ·•I• r1 f• I .• t • l·l'hd th:lO • • n•Ut • •1 ll1•} 11• 11 l 1.1 ,til) ,.;.uW· •! --·: • · • I • !'\ ,1 IIH,hl tlon'l J •" I· r ,, t 1 , '•' I· a '' •ttl! of \ Inti\ Jo111 ~~I .Ill'• n( lo nrkr ~kin, .• ntl ;r.• m"l• ltk. I) 1" ktll lhf'g1· "h·, '" 111 fh • 1r '"''l'lh• :tr1 .. -~ h-..ol4f' ,.. N-,.,..,..._. "f> l>\t <>4-ft.-,.i 1-tr 1""'1'1:1lrt J\ 1~-r•nt-prnmin- W),~n ~ou think of pl~y auots or !O.Im •u•ta doft't fo"11rt POLLY APPAAEL. ~ Mru. !tc• no tUh l $#'N'.! 11 lht> ••w:• r~., n1 ro-..,c·h"t".:l•l ,. •urpn~1n1: new '"T"' r~ ThAmp-1n n :IC'd th,. trntl·, itppr 11'·11 of th• nt 1n Thf• Am,·rtC'3D • r tlll•l ._n parkf\.1 th"N' su f-\\'l't•kly, lh·• m:u.::tttnf' tlt-tributl'd r,, •• r th· lnnJ: n tM' ,J«tct"ol• a ~;lh n,.,, Y.l'('k·~ bOS A="GELES nlll~anf'~. f.:XA~ti:-.:Jo:n Adv '· .. .. ' l • ' I llt·nrtl. c,a11rnm h Tpt ·n.sn,\\:. JtTNF.12. 19-lt, ------~----~~--~------~----~--~------~~--~~- FULL .£0SPEL ~URCH Corner of 2~nd ;and Elden Sh., Co5ta Meu. C-.l,fo•n•a n .. ,. :-.r. t· C"i .. Ht . s• • .st,.r Sun~l •Y :.:,, , .. •1 ~t l '~ ·• tu. )lorn tnt:" \\ "' ~!. ; !"--• 1' '' ,. 11 ,, tu E-.·wt~;ch~ot , =-'• '1 • ; .111 I' ra 1 I '' !'t.. ' ! ·'1••'·' , • .:L s-. r\ u •• ---+----:1 ~\\,.••~1-ntyrr ~··n•H l'. \\'t•.J ne.~··tt~ 7 ~0 1• 1.. ~ur.ul ~ n .,. th~:..:: Q tl n1, l'tt• ra :.1t•1.. ~lo:rr.br~·!'l•p' {~ltt~s l'hurw t=!•1r 1 ~ RE~T -- TuuJay 1.1 _1 11111,11\ l''")''' •• :v '"t·~ •I ,u 1• u OUR L.ADV OF MT. CARMEL O AT HOLIC CHVRCH Rev. P . J , Ol .. r ) P ••rat • U aast·' u t .. t t •• .r,: 111 , ut 1CHRIST C~I:JRCIJ U , ., liE SEA Rev. E. D. Good<. ... r>~ to1. l)unday s, h<x•l, t•·:tn '" SWl<..lay. llu: lUll~ \\ ll: a1.1p, 11 o'clock 51'''' ;<I IIlli~ II I 'llufr ILil· tbem anJ 8•·• llh.m. H fgh !'"h'"'' nnd !uti 1 n.•••1111t. IAaguell. c.:o p. n• .'Y •!tt"j'· i .Ju. p. 10 mualc a.nJ a<•nn•·n .Mid.\\'et>k I'Ta~er !"t·r". ·•. Wed· ~ay ; c,over.dtah d~:.•u•r. 6 ::o . ' CII-ISTIU snutt: t'Hl'ICfRf!~ FIP.ST CHUriCH Of' CHRIST SCIEN-,IST ll:! ~:.s~t ,·,.1 t· II ,\,, ·.t••· :\•·'. It I . I •••• A l1r ~o!.\ h r ! • ~.-, 't. •• t ' !. 11 h T he Ftr:<t l..'hurd• t>l • 'hr •l. S\ lt>nl ~t. l:t Hoobt••n, :\!.o:•. !-\unduy !'·h _ .... t .1\ \• :\0 u. nl ~un,l..i \' ~""'" <· at 11 a tn \\···I ::··~ !.\y T, -.t·:•·, nl •l ~tc•,•lUl).! jf\ ~ 111 1.·· I·; •·, • 11' l '••nlt ol A.\• ~'+t H !r t'. I t• I 1' t:l .. , • ~ 1 ! :O:u ·' ~·" ! It ·:. t.a' !1 l l •. ;•uht1 ·1. ... , t•r t .• d \ t .'vlt 1 I· h th•t.t! tl._ .1 .. 1"\u.-.! ~th1 u~ tlh t:~ .a-ll ~ I !tu :t. I"IRST FOtJR$QlrAttr CH-U"Cf' OF COSTA MESA rchLit Cll O"l ""lllt-..t1QifW~)') Rey G. W illard Stearn s,, Puto Mae Ste.-arna. Co-P.-aator Pho.,e 1778·J ~'nuay. ·; 31• ~n·lce. lk• • hu rge• ut Woralllp S tearn. w Sunday School. 9.30 a. m. .Mormng Wonlup. 11 o'clock . aped &.! mWIIc:, pa.tor'• aennon I ,, 1- I . ~-­. . I ._ f-- TbHe worda from l~t•uteroouiUJ '"Tbe eternal GOd 18 lhJ ~fu~:e. ud underneath are tbe averlaaltlll anna." are the Cottt .. o T .. t lo tha 7~~~~-e~mn~~~~~~~--~~- ""er i:veniD¥ i:v~geUcal Cburc:hPII of Chrlll. RriPntlsL by putor A .i;c:rtp~ural eltatoon In thi 1 Tuntiay. Deeper IAIAOD S1•rmon lncluoii'A I h\'~e CbHRO IUbJeCl. T~l . I Y~ea about JI'RUII from I.W.•· Tbureday. 10 a. m .. NA.Ilfl It caur•• 10 1111~~. a.s lie "•·nt 'Meeting; Wra. Sle&rna 1n Into thf' hnUf •' nf n11to of rhf' rhl~'l • Phan~•·1•" 111 Pill ltr<'ut1 un ""' M b I bath <lity. that •h•'J •Mrltt·" tu:n 1 Two Are Injured A1:<1. ll"llnlot. th•·lt' "~~ a t'<'l lltiD l m n11 hPIMf' 111:11 """ h h3ot "''" In Three-Car drnn• v 1\ n•t J""" • nns~< r·r•r.: ~I"'~.. I unto ·"'" law>"'" an<1 Ph:trt ~,..·~ 'Crash At Overhead Prayer j cbar&e r ~~ . •bb:llh rtay! Auot fl, .. , hPI•t lll••lr 1 . ~ 11"'•1'" A·rJ•I lr•• 1unl, hlu;. nu•l 11,.:11f'fl ,.,. . ., JWnCons we-re lnJUrt••l 111 n , hint a nti 1•·1 '""' "" \nt1 nn•••·rNI thn't'·l'll.r I'I'WJ'h Sun.tay a (t .. rn•)<l!1 'r our·-------· NoTICEs ............... .--. ""• ....... ,._...._..., '•" ....... ·-...._ __ ... ..~ ............. ....._,_ . ., ..... .-... n-e~e~wa ...... ..._ • .._ ......... .... -~ _ ........ ........ _. .. ._ --. "-..... _ ............ ._. ..... ,_ .. w... c::...... ........................ . ..-. .......... ....,. __ ...._ ... ~'-.4-.•111~· ,_ ....... , .. _ .......... ewl .. f.dw..... . .... -..,_._...._ PuBLIC Nen'rcEs th""'· '''>'"~ \\'1•" h llf· ynu ~loull j •on tho· m·rrh cad bnd~f' whm a ba•·e rm •• , 1)1 :on rot ~,lh•n lOin 11 drtVN tii!M'rtl'dly attempt<'d t 11 N EJ(~ H8{}RS ORDINANCE NO. •z• r ...,...,...,._, • :o·•l ''I"' ..... n olf Ill·· PI! ttntt .. 111 no1 •1r·11~hl"11• pull makP a IPrt h&ntl turn c'nnv• •·•• .,, 11-.•1•·• ·•"·I I hlu• IIIII on I lin ,..,lth·•llo tl:oy~ ""''I Th·· lnJUTI"'I "'1.' r ,. 11\arlt'll J "'14 OrtD:N/.J,,<:E. 0 F T H £ rakr ,,, '"I 'n t.olt•t" I •• I h • th••) rlolll<l IIIII ""~"" "'"' :u::.lu Mlll\1"1', !'.'>. llDd .. :mnut. ~t:tltrt·. "" COI.."'T' rr J R .. ..,GE.. PRO· l .o• ..... '7-!:nl ... ••ll••l .. , ..... 10 lh•·~·· ll•'lll:>" "' u110 Angdf'10 "''l•u "''"rv ,....,.. ciJI·Io· , .... flue V IDINGFOR fHI:. CREATION 'J 1 .. t"•·...t) •Ul·' .•n ll\f •' ''"' •1'1'• '' II F• Th,• ''"'~ 1'1.1,.,. ill lh•• "'''" t~•rl l l.l tl~•t' 111',•:1 \\ 111'1\' .. \•Ill , • olll •:1•1 \'....,'o l t '.tr-. o'll\'l'l'l'ol lty th· I 1!•• Ttntt· I •,,~t I .I il.l,., ~--·---•1" ,. 11 I 1! ~· .,.:_ 'Ill l ot ..,,,l,.l loll\,\ '•'11 11 ' Itt ·.1 h llid .d·· I~ t ill•. \\ """' I 1111 t•l •ll Tu .. :ouonf.: ,_ IUJIUI'\S ....... !! .. a , ..... ,... llf ... TAI <, \t•r•·u r) ...... 1"''' """"' "-'•--•·~~ w~~·• AC"' A n •d•o• VALuum C••·• .. •·• II lie r OH '""I I . ,~ .. ··~ .. W••" M4k ,.,,... ew~tt .... ,,, ..... •now " t _.ll ., ....... h••u•• tU h . " .. Wr•'"""•'"' tir•yhle n n .. "1 111" "·''''1"L'\! fr n:n 111'" "'·n.:•·"' in at. t'ar lln~·rn hy c'har· :-1 11 1"1' "' 1" ''"I···' i'lrd• Of' A "'"RBOq COMIIIei SSION, n 1111 .. ,.,,l.,t t••• I"' II · ~~:~!":,~~~ l~·'','1:!:··"'~2'ru .. ~~: It·~ J !.t aJlrP. Jr Tht· J'rruur ~1r ()f lh•• \\otn••t'' :'•~~t·t·l~ u f t1ut~ Of""C'"tf\.t~l. 1 ""4L OUTII S 0,-..:••'•rrunt '• t ft•rt.-r •'•I t ••t !'ul .. ,,.,...,," •·f tht ••utttl\ u f Srrlrtur,.,..·· tn 'hr> u:,k:•r Et1•l). ~tutrt·' 'A'K.H trn tO\'P•I tu th.~ ~P'A · lltll ''' • --'1 1 I '•••••1'"'' ~A t O r ~·~··.t.I S.', ('•4 A•-.o D£· rr,lt~ ,. .. ,.,, '' 1•••• f r th · •• ,,,.,, .·••t• .. , t 'hhl"'"'' '''" ., t r • J .. , • C'll , •• t U P tJ I ,, M,., ...... ,~. e u t t lt•f' f. t H t oh q l l' ,,, UltJ .. •tt,tht ,,, ••• \!I I ""j"'•' ,,.~ \.\Ill ... "'"'"" " ··~· ...... ' ' . HAith••• l 'l't'*'t It t\ • ,ut t l. "'' 1111 .... '•""t r "-'~"'\"'''''' ,., ~I I ' ~ I • II ..... lltf' '"""' 4u• "'" • Pl.<'\",.' ~;,., , '' • A th "'''" • ron "41 • -• ,,. ... , .... ,.,,. .... , I• ' t•, tn t\•u l" ._..1*•• ~~• U••"•'• ............ ,..... J~·· .. ... -, ....... ... ,, .... "'' .,\I • , .... ,, tt& • .., •• lltlhv ..t •• th I 1)11 I I l"-l "'-•11 lr l<t., t • •~•• ... d 1"011 ""' r \ l o " .. ~I ·~· \ oof tlf ..... I I I ft.,o\IU AoUA.I'ri.O h"'l 11t...,i ;,,...,.. hH , .,.,,. ,,: .... , 0 A~ l :,\,..l\o410T I'IA~n , n ~"' Nn MA·" "''. ,,.,.,_. A•'A VI\ t Oft At (*Pitt)' -4tt1tf(l ,,,t,..O Plt\NO ....... ttt t•l ,.11 '" 0,.,,,, t l••i•T'"''"' {\ .. ~~ ~f'HMinT 1'11\f'ltl' I(' ''-"11 ,... M#t '' t,t.,, . l',. "' . v" 1 '\tt nt , .. uuo-. llMte:- S•'''' I 11 PIA "'p I I t .. IH ~··· u ....... .,.4" .. ,. .... ,,"', ... t •t:• thtt ..L ~luu.w lui b-'""'4t~....o.n.b( ,, •••• .... ~.~ .... , oANt 'lot t41f\41t't f'I ~"'C(l t•(l 1\:"(t Nn ,_..," 't ,,."'• A u,t \It(" 1 0 .. .. tfc Dl All I II Ill AI I nn010111 t18 1-. ...... ,, ~,. .A •••• u.,. .... , ... ,,. ........ . ··f ...... ,,., .. ,,.,,.., ..... ,,.h ...... . ····'ll"'"'· • ., . ._.,. , .• , •. 0 " 1\j l !ICHMIOT I vow'tt ''" """•• •t •Lu NOTa ~~:~.::A~ .~~.;.u.u~ .. ~.·~: : .• /';,• 1 :.~7~c A::. -w-•:,.~ ··u•·., ., Mr ~CELL~N EO~S t1•1f •• •• • ._,.,,., ••ot ,., .. \H• •It '"· .......... , "•"ur '"' ttuHt•t A. • "' d I t on -~• r ""'""<''••• C.•" flteet•- •n y v•••t ah,.t•• •mt .t l1ttt• t~teh t•• WtHt~ f nt t J\ Ill ..... o -m•<-•1 0011•""· c; .. l""r""· lelophon• Onle!la..lll ... 44 tic. Wjll •• , ... " .. Newp..,l a r.,.d h unt M Q I IIA .. a( .... a •• '"••v. ...... , liDO N-poot 8 t...t •. Ct11le R E AL E sTATE F o R R ENT I 0 11 IH ..,, ...... "" 8fAlJ"'0 "'f f Hl .... lf!l f'tell ynu• '''-" IV ... , lh •••"• C·· •••n••• Ootd•n ••••• «;.Mtt~ Of'. c.loeod. 141" &1 r-EM~LOYMIENT I WANTrD ".tell ..... -..-. ••oooo .. n .. d .......... ~ -I at~t~tP"' ··.r··""" •1••n1nn"tr1c,.d thP ,.,Ort HMpttAJ.v.:h•~r·t"t"lt.•'-'·K...~l.4tt"'l \\ttlu .... d t\' \\1ft '1'1' St iU ,_t/',.Qet .. C. 7'tC. P\ECt.!t~ITV ,.•••;·•·•' •• '"'•''••••·~ ""'' t't.:~••• h··•·l•\ •• '''' t hut at 1t ••.:uhu lnllbllit)' 11f '"ll•nrf':llll)'. II' ,.,.II •• f••r " l"•ll~lblo• fral'lun· of tht• 1<·\ 111 Jt).:!t \\• '' \ '•I)' I II :""'"'IJU.n Of" SAH) BODY. ',...... ~~~ I• •..f •of ~t-~•-·" •• "tuN "' .._.ut lluti.Jtl ••I S UI" I • Ole lnfln\111 :-thlllly or !'rlrll. lhll• ht'i'ast bunt', a.r••nltnK (;, 110llot' 1\.'·,,.11 ~11• 1.11<'111.:0:11 tl '"ll.t: l 1· ''•·' 1 • 11,, •!Ill\ ,.1 ,., I\ •••1.•1·1 .. ,.11,. lldoll\\ ,., ,111111' .. , ....... .. ..... , .... ••th b•lh ,. ' nt•n p•••••••tf f nr ... fMft•l lft• •••.,.l•w uoo I e"l ••" lltet. ..... .,,.truna::t-rrln~t••at•t'"ln••·nl,.tnn•·P rv<urt13 ,,.,, th•• n l•l••ltnL; ~t . '·••l ••• ,, .... , ....... c·,llf .: .. , ,,, 1''""i•••· tf•· P•tt '' \\hh lt tt ••t ua~v.··•• t•••·• frnm 1ft' ~"' n r urn rrt tnruc And ~'•'•'" ' Pol•rt• .,.. . ..,r ... anfonnf'd lhRt t :lf"Jl Vtllta Ht-rt' •••• • ·, •, ' • • •· •' <~• ut t .. A • ,.... •• t .... , t ' ., 1 • • "' ••t~ t ' ... ''" \\ '"'"' t I \\ ., '" ' aafPtJ In dhln,.. ~r,,.nr···· JUr hard ffttrdy . 2:1 of Prh\'tt ~Jr~ \1,,,,.\·•t 1 .... '"''-••' •••• ••f •• •, .,,, t lhf'\\• ~ ''•'• •·f It•· , ...... ,, ··• •.• ,.,, .... ,h .. ,.,, ,. leu"lnu•t t ttA.h, !'·tart~tt tumllkf' a 1t·f1 tur-u .t.tar)!',ll •'t fttt,fn•r t" ,. •1 1'l'' ·'' ~.,., 1--~".. ,. t;t .".,;• ••t t ' ... r ,•) n .. ,", t ''" l 'tk•r \\•lltt•l ~tuUtt SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS r~lnlltlnl:' In a ~I an "nvl'n by th~ ""'"'' ool '·' r ' ,,. h · ' ~lr ~ :-. A 'I •.'. r ,. " , ,. • ' ! ~·,,·I .. , ~··I • • ·, \\ ... , "•I "• I,,., lo I h ,. I) II \\. II ~. ( 1910 1'01 rt I .... ," .. "~ • •••llfUlO• r I otu•\lltlf\tt:, ••f Seventh flay Au\'enthtl Churcb av • ·~ J"'r '1 • I ll•••fnl'a .,f :-;, ... 1-.n lll'l .. hl.tl ltno !!th.u1 "1'1~'"·' ,,,, ,., ... .na w .,",. ~ r1.1 r.1na:; '" ""'' 1111 •I" •·t t N rt .... ,n C-·• · .., , .. , t f\• ••••t h•n•. •••-••~""l .. rr·l .. ,.,. I OH ..... , .......... hnu••• fo• ,.... tn. ,.,_ Cn••• ._...,,_. flrrf••pnat Hfd(lh h A re• v..... , ..... .,n•h•~ r, t(~· ... (" , ........ . Costa Ml'll& T ll A'niiCntl Hall. " rN' t•WJI'• . ,,.. !:' "" l'u 111 1..11"'""1' · 1,11111,. '" ,.1-...nd • .,.,.,.n<l "hh h I"'"'"~ ""oil 1 ... an. I • ..,., Uon 1 l lh ""''"h -• •-• • " f ~ All •-I •· I •r• llool~ ll\' ,.,.,I loon ""'I ,.,., h ,..., S&turda.)l-=r.~.Silhtl&t.b Sc.bool '' t' ..,.,..;... 1"-TUJ•Ic.o ,...j---\...AL" ~-...Pk,.. hrrr "" 11.,,1 ..n.. mJoy b&v..__!llltuh· a llart ... r ''lfllltfiiUd•m ~ 1 .. r>"4n,DI"O•uolr•on• In ,.n,,..., __ ,.,. ... 0 lHf' .,..0 _1_ ., , ... Mur •IM •Ill Mttt c; .. ~ efMI, •rw d tnne• PI••M f'•tl et" ,. Ae ... ·-•• 1 ... i ........ ~ ID\W 41 ...... ~ lo4 ra r· I " I r , I -. .. ul'hU o f f 11.-rll .. try "'o "'"IWlnlf(l Mr. an cl Mra J,. .. c·ruu•h•n nf HaJboa t8 I hi• e-ll)' ln VIall with frleocla.. • '9 :30 "-m . • 'M.urtre ftuntly. v.·hkh v.·a.~~ h .. a.r,.,l an IIJ.•r~•rtunll\' '" lltl• llol "'"nmo·r tl\•· On\n~l' \"r>'lnt}' ltll~~ Ota.lto t. ma.,. '" llw , .... ,,1 •of "'•t•~·. hwr ~llltll.rl uon,.l•lt"l•·•l. 1\ 11 •1, n rt.l\ on c ntral • ,.~ """ tltor · · _._ _ .. _1 1 t 1 '"" "'''' 1 '''""""' •' \1\IU lhf'rt'lll"'" --Pre&cblng Sentll'e , 11 a. m . " · t• ".' • " ' lf'IU!inn Ill t b ,. \ 'nlvf'rruty o t tru \ ... _, • .... 1 "" oof a .,., '" "" ur" 01 D' ISTIICT • • ---. rf'r>I<HIS W('rr I!'JUrt•u . lh•• ro•purt St;(IIO!': .. That t h ~~ -..... .... ool tn 131 I tu .. ,., l•tUUM··t ""'1 ...... , ••• ~, 11" .. "'11"1" lo\ WHO'S WHO II 1111 • ~ullu'ru t'ILIIfu· Dlt• ll\'lwrr ahe lro • • -· • 1 ••o--.:--• . Y ' 1 lhr l•tll•.wtn, atlll r•l vut,., too wtt COSTA MESA COMMUNITY II&Jd.. <umjJlo•lln.: ll t hl.'lll~ II" h .. r l.tu ·l•:• &I•J•olut"•l nl' m•mt-...ra •A -..d ~Said t •nnma aal ufl llh•ll A\' .. ;!'1 K.~L:EitV I~IIItH.' N •: . • CHURCH -I ter·• dl'grN• In t-ducatloa < ommiMwn llball hold offlcf' aa lt..,..,.l('btlQ( lb •h.,Jy aD•I ,.., nnl· . • KV.I •· Jo'lll AI•I•I.IANt.:Ea- Rev. A. c. Abbe, Mlnltter'r It 18 t he old. 1.-c>n a ,_,.orthy foil~·•: ...... t~ taiL• lllto c-ltalkln ~ ·~ J~F:~ ~-."A ~1\ l ~I~ I o u 6 I!:IN'trlc Mayt.a1. 1\C A VIet or ~nnoe ... fflll Wllrlt.. 1"11.. .... Sunday Bible School, 9:4~ a. PA· purpoee. patient energy for Itt. "'· C. T. tJ. Ttw fint appotnt--a~ bro ~ 11u11tw ...-...r ..._ all oeJ C.: · · 0 L • f.!..· • • • 1 1 ru A ft.~ Wonhtp ServJc.. u a .m. Cbolr &e<'~(!ll.lhment. a rt'solul l"nt'M Ma. G. C. Smuiii"Y Ot 340 Avo· fc. a t r r m to a.JLd lncJu.hn~ lea ..w W«L s.MITII ANP wn.a • .~., ll. W A lUll· "Vl,~,fn~nn l~rh A~ Sul)l,llft, :liO *"' IlL ~M. A~ utbem ud apeci&J mualc Plutor' I undaunted by dlftku1tl~. an d catlo S trN·I. <;1~ta ~t,•sa .. waJJ Ml· JIUluary 1. 19t3. a nd lhl'rntt..,-A«t•c. 6 Tb.la ()rd.ID.I\n('e ah.all U t 1 \fiTUM. Uftii.F. ar:rAI .. NU _ Mrmoo. then llliCCt'8ll P uns bun l,•rt.un tft'tl I'll) ' \\ OITK"fl .. f'tlrt'-, at 11 •.eM , ,,,,r ·'l'l"'""t""''·'• ., tall,. •ft~ lhlrt• l lll• •t.v• afl,.r · Nl •f:s f(l rt•f:H VIHO HH Nc lNF: V 1 ll'r S...-vln.• l:.!4 Mt·F'~IdMt ·l'laf'f' . ' Nf'WJII)rt flfoe<il Hl«h &hoot and lntennedlate 1 11an T~"'l"''<il)('•• llnuln t'n•"-•~ " "' • .... 1·, .. : t• tlr ctat .. of lt• ,..,,,,.. ... , "' ,, 1',. .. , A II s ··; N ·r !'\t 'I' .. :HVISillt~. IIAMF.K" UfHUtK--, • . . Leagllea. 6 :30 JJ .. m. FO RM '0 UTH br.1a .1nd CH IC '•In<' 1.\. f.,r un ,,JI ol:r) ~·~'"!" ·I , •' • • • ..... 11 • .. Ow "llJ>tr.tl r•on ,.f l1fl,..n •t~. Sll!':•: N•''"l'"l t lhcko•ry. 211 2 (lrf'an l"'krry 1lutl ta llfoll.r f'or J..-. E\•enln~ Worl'tllp !'Qng ~f'rvtr~ longer•e a re a POLLY APPA REL. ''". ~~~~nh• \' R•·1tl V.lll pn· .. rd< .: I:>J. I "• , •·, ,• '• r e-•' t1 1• f .,m ""' JI!'I'""J:" thrt,..•l J :-; wn·:-.: .. :~s \.\'llt<!HY.t~l'' t 'IMI:I'l.AC;E ASU IUSUJ..ISO "'UUU--. Put.or'1 llt'rmon. !lle b S<'hOOI ftl· Cost.~ Mea4 fea ture. ',. •r •tu.U 1 ... rut•h•h• ·I r .. r "' I• n~t h"t-" h;..;;',;;::j:-:" ,...1 li1v lwltol It II• I 11 \\' w1 "'"'· 17H4 Nl•l 1Uvt1 , <'•I'll a M""" U-t l.umhrr f'tl. ... .,. Ch.-ange Tome '""-r · • .. A •·hAn.:•· .,( tmw r .. r th1· lllllll :-I:• II• •'. h~ ,. '• •fl .. •••II In 11'' ~-.:·"'I ""' e•.,u ... """"' '"" "'"1 "1 llrr 11""'" "1 t'UI 'S U~IUY.M- NAGGING BACKACHE \f, \\ .,,. •ll,,,.,,,., .. t "'"''' "'''"' p., · '-•·o.:ld: It' to'r h ,11 ''"''" mn•l•· tl\' 1 h •· Art• ' 1' • 1 •• ,. " • 1 • :-.;. ,.,. 1 rm..... • "'"' 1"1"' 1'' "1' 1 · 111" ",,, .. ,. "' l lrr 1 ·.,.,.,, > "I 11' lo ~ Jo' llr .•" Fu•ut•l~· Jnhintc·Caatlntc 110 VII"Jrlnla J>l , C()IOIA M~ mt c·rnfl~ ..: ,, ,.1 r ~:1 ... 11 f• . • •• '· '11'1 l ... u ... "1 ... 11 ' ' ... ,.·y "1 "1'•'• Sllll•• "" Allf•oiiiiiO """ \l•l 111\loiiii.I ~F. I'CI':M\'IC 'Y~ • ,.,. \ \\til ... ~.~· ,: .. 1 k .... 11 I lwlr "; ,. I.. I· • •I I •· '•1'&1\1[1' ~...... • • I .r •• ... 1• •I. \ .. , ...... I'll I I I;,, I Ill, Till '· llhl II• II•·~ v r lrr So·rvh•r . I 24 MC'~··~tctoon 1'1 . Nwpt. a r•,.ll't.. !'''""'• '' '"'I"" I ·f •·'' • •' ••lhrr ''""' t·r• .u.l•r •-"' tl• •!'-tJ\I.o oCor.'lir.MAI.C'4»tt'JAMll'ua.-..-- 11uotra•l nr th•· 11;.1111 Ill ,,. J.,.;. ......-.,. .. ,~ ' .. ,. "r• ' .-• .-~ f'll t hr· ~ ...,-:c-tJrVT II .l :" \IIIII I;,.,''"" II l-111•ll11)', :14 111 < 'wul Ulv1l l'h 41YJ I'IIUW and (',_.,.tnJC'UniL .• h ... tult• All• r..Jm-: )t .. nd •Y" ll•' '1 I' • '1 '' ' ' .,., '"tin~ 1''' "'"1 'I.,..,., II<•· 1 "'" 1 • 1 I• 'k ""'' ''' "11" 1 1.1 '\11\J:K C U\IJ'A:\It..K---1 n v-•r•· ~1··1".dun •·'4-l;u. \\,,lt:t•• ,. 'f· •. ' • ,,,..., .. , II • •~···•·• "' Ill"'''"'"'" ...... ,,. r.1•·,:~1.t•r-, . ., .. ,,, ua hftlr-Y'"-' \•rt•"ll lllt 11 S l 'l "f'tfl'\, I' ,• I '" 1-r• \\H.I I II \\ \1,.:-.'11: 1 "rolo,• • "'"" <',1111••11 " lluv ln'lllo'l l.uiTIIN•I ('u l'honr 11:\t) Jllan ynm hronw " I~ & ''twt.lll ;utcttway at Arctt.& ~l· ,, r \\. )t •I t ~ •• • ••t•' ... ,, ·-. 1 • I •• \• ~ • '1•-e na •n •·t ., • f tal •·f . .;_,q• t••al• luur 4• ul•d 1.' tt•t l MAHI~t~ Ml't:C 'IAI.TIP:M--- ~·,.wlo•t , hall •' ~ I"' •' ' • ••• I • 1 " ... , •>I • 1 ·• ... 1 "•' '' ,.,.,,, :TI""'" Sl" dully S h"l'.' I~ Co11~1 lllwlty Su~!pllfotl, lloiAta, Ete. ., ru r• n ~1·"\ •qn,.: I' Aol•ltl<>•ll 1-' A """~ •nol \\ 1: Ill fill 4 )rienh1' (!n~nn I . :.•. I ••• '· I ~··.... ...,,. ~ tt SHTAMY I'I'IU.IC'-. • • 11. a , • .,. ··•, ,,. •••· ., AI.• .-re Y~•l 11 .. ~~4 •• ' Nu1r. Murp aollo,:nuHw c· .. nlral Aw·1u.-.: l'ltion,.l:lur t:l N .. wport. I" • • "' 1 • II • \1TI:~ 1 u,.,. ''"' n• ,._, • "· Ut'f'IC'I': Nt:l'l'l.ll':~· ·,. H J ~~11111 :;,;:,: . .'.,.:;;;1,.': Nt•wl"''' llu1 l•o1 J•uhll~hlna C'o l'h•or ... ~ I:J 1•''-,, 1 • • •, • •• ... , .. ,.~t v •·a.rk .t u ot ., ,,,,., r:,t..,,,, ..... · ·· .,. , ···· P&INTINCJ-- ,,. p·p .: •··· t'• •• .,,,,, ·~·· ··• r-k .ut a·-u.t •~~~•·• .,r 3 111"'"' !Mi'-:i-..!'~,1~."', .. !.~:, :.'.1'_''t~•~r-N•·~'l"'•'' Jtnrhur Puhlt•hlna: ('u l'hunrt l:J 13. N..wptoM ~ .. •o v •.a wo .: ... , • i•IUfh ., wt• '"" ""' Wn•r'"''' U\.tf lol~ lf"ftllrt ~If\ 1111 ••, • • · • • •• ''"' M•tlt•r-•111"• 1·" 1•"• ' '' • KAlliO Htr.K\'IC 'F~ -~'..I I• .;.; _ J..:.... ~.t,;....r.cu...._. .:>J AU. Ut:J..:A.U.t.U.C..'i --_,. ~~.'..':.::....:_~·~ ,;~.:." __ ,_1 i:.IJtlll' r..l.iullx..ldCAtlw SJ.UJJ',. GO(LJ.~, -l'h-~..__. ..... .,,. .,, ...... -~l•·n .. h •• '!' • ·· 1 •v . •. · , ... •. . • ,,·::-:1 \'' ~~~ 11H ,:-; •• ~ .• •1 • ''~ ............. , "'"' '' ••···· KF.AI. I':"TATI':, INNillllANC:Jt·a NOTAl&\' rtr•J.I(~ DttAN'S PIL~S DOROTHY TH£RE C.oE S ~E ~ Tlp..aC It "lT ·..,..~ .... IN THf. WORI-0 --~ ·. • y(..,l~ ·-..... ·--\-. ·- TELL ....,( ONE Of"' Hit; S TIN C. 'I' ( 1"""1"-1 ,-E:I..~ f OQ1\.JNE.S 1"0~ ! Lt.1' 5 H A. \IE. A LOOt< AT "{O\JR flo/\ ITT . r In t•l •,tol••l U J ~Mi ll' '• o•l , o'l••o ~ ~.:;,:_:•.,:·'v.7:·~ 1";,: .. ~;:•, l ~·w II \\411141<'''· 'J'J((I. W . Ctotllrtll AVt'IIU(', l'htll'lf' 3. I Tu liiJJ•I)· l&ll•l •• u,.lv7~ 1'14 f'lLufflolll•'lrrk .. f 'f,•·I :Ohor•l . ~ ntiMOfMIIIII lii,.IDftO ,l•4·l lli!IUtF.MMTA~I""-. ' · :~ .... · .. · "' '·'",'"'k 1• Nrw1•urt lltul.111i' l'ubltabln« Co. l'boneta. 12 · 13. N.wpon· a.& MIII':I':T MF.TAI. "OHM- I ('u•t• M··•a l'lun•l•lnJC ('.,mpHn)', Cuata Mf'U l'h<lfW 210 ·' T.)'l'f:WKITI':M-. tlot•w1.u1 t llt•ll..ur l 'ut.llahln& Co. l'tM.-. ll • lJ. Newport ........ V AMII':TY .. Tuar~ ' Unlit~•" bland Var1.-ty Slur? Sc. IOc, ~ •nd up. ~ 2lli·W. WI':I.IUNO- W.ELL ,..,ARrltEO TO A LAO"Y WHO OION•T liJ\V _ -~~"',!w V Oa ':vote:. ,JU ycr·~1 ~~::C:: -~ _-., Bus!nest and Professional Directorr ·sAY!' WHE.llll l>tD ...,OV wAS" 'fe>vn i>AW LI'\S'f ""' ---·--~,- .... I IUC .• ~AI.PII IJ. ~ARD ------- l'llt'Mif'IAN · IUJIIIJ~ON CJMT~QPATH .....,_ .. . ~ .... , ....... UK. ()ONKAI) RICIITER f'IIJalrla_n •n4 Jtlurlf- urn-101 ''""' "'',_' N•wport ...._. ... ,. .............. ,.._ N~rt~ ...... .... (:..tttrel A•e. at Nl•a. otnne llrs.: 10·11 tua.; ....... Till..,._ n IWY'8 BARBER SHOP f'unn.rly at 11.11~ 1a1and NOW._.,.. at- IOIMeF..._.,._ NNr f"t.T D'l~ Newport o..dt. DR. II. E. 8TAJO~ DllNTift ATTOI&HII:Y AT LAW ( ..................... ... ..._. (Aat.a ·- P. V~ PAUIB Waktwt• · ,...... · ~ .. 2 102 OcH.n f ront. N~WpC~rt 11:•.-n• ...................... o.Y....... . ~01.-........ AU WOIU< GUAJ\AHTD:D .. 1 ----: -----_..... ·-.. ,-. ~·-------- . -.. NEWPORT BALBOA NEWS.TiliES. NeWjiOrt s.dl. Calltomia, TIIDRSDA~. JUNF; 12.1941. • ;rrntt•,l l .ovt•n. Z••ll··r anti !bJanvl · "eM#! Candidates For Mesa. Qaeen · -u r ~--_rn:-cto&e Drive-re.-Vetea Legio·n land Co. Chiefs ~artha Berry today heackd tilt' Tht> dan«> as ~ to u.ilt top of the list of attracUw-lt>min· m tmancma t.lle huir Scarec:rGw ant> canc#idate,;. a ll Harbor H.igb Cam n ·aJ. horv show and pande. school ~tudt>ntsl. w ho are c-ompt't· and fatr to be held at C011ta Mesa an~: fur the position of qu .... ·n ol an Au1.'USt . th•· C'~ta Mesa $can'<'row (.",tm l· PnZt'S "''Ill be awarded the-ri&ht \'al With a t otal of 6075 votes candidatn particapallnc an tJw \'ot~ urt· obtaint"d from coupons qul'f'n t.'lmlt»ot. Merchanda,st> ordrn l:ht'n out by fTK'I"('hants with pur-of 510 .. $7.5() and 15 wiU be !'l:cw ol'fiCt'rs for the Nt•wport c ha.st•s at !':tOn's who ar~. suroror:t · a"artled the farst thi"H' winrwn lla rbor Anwncan I.A-Iflun Lund l'llg lh(' contt'St a nd lht> wmrwr "''IU and to eat·h of Uw nomaining fiw Corpora tion havt.> bt.""en ck-<·ted a nd . •~· cmwnro Q';'t'<'n at thl' Pn-·car-runn~>n;·up "'·iiJ. go a $2.50 mt'r· oiUII Un;;tlicins ·-·.te for lhl' ch :clu.m ni\'al \oronatiOrl Danct.' ··n Wtod· Q1andiS(' o rdfor. of offi~ers for · the Le~,tion p011 to ht"«lny. J un_l' 25th. . -------- be.> ht'ld a t t hl'~r mf't•tin~~~ a -<>loti&.~serond •n •be• Jul>. 11 wa h:amed from AdJutunt ~t>nt(·~• as Audn>)' Bhu!<ddl .. ,,h AI Dyckm . ,.alfl!l vote•,;, followt>d by Hssll' Don· tiDE TABLE Htu-ry ..: ua wc.s rt-.elt•clet.l prnt· ul~•on. 4500_: Rosamond ~tak§.'l)'. JPnt u~ t e L a n •I <.:orporltl lun, ol l25. VIrginia ~lant>y.. 3300: F J:J I :C,. } . ..:,.~ -)f.;,r •·I th" ll'u.1•nt• h10in,; lt--ttt -""~ aT...-U 'liThJ: COnr~ t r• par •t•"V•t'tHJIJM•l': "._,., ... t h• ~Hid nod ~-.:iiuL;;;{'Ji>oiiM l.:t;olt"'l l);m Smath f-:a1t Stant~ na mt•d Vlt't'· l.lorothy As~man, 290Q: J::Jwltflda 4 1 -W.:~tc4:.nt. u ... i... S w~r~· ~ Jnhn~ton. 2'775~-: ____ na __ nK>S __ • ~._.l4-__ ......._-".:..&.~L-..:L;11:1'---'.,;.~----..-.J~ r-l('("tt'\1 M>er.-rary; . ~aoYc! wu :.t925. --- '11111'!11 Pt·~~y ~1: ,., , n:-amM lrt'a~urt'r. and GuA Tamplrs .,-Eat•h coupon. &IVt'n with t>ach O.J 4..1 and G lt>nn Croft dil"l'Ctors -:> ct•nt pul"('h<lst>, as \lo'orth 25 Su 1!1 1'02 11 :01 l :OI " •· . •. ,,f Lh .. c ·,,.,... leNna nfo• J •.o·~· lsik-miC'" ;..,., ft1nc·c·1· ~l:u .;to· ~l:ex"••ll "l'l('l31ih• ~~ 1 rt ha 1\t•r ry Nommated th~ far for · Offlcx>rs votrs. In addition. c~lt'S n>· • • 4 3 0 4 4~ to serv~ Ow J..t>~raon dllnng t h t• ('l'l\'t' 75 volt'S. fo r eadl tK'kt>t sold !It 16 2·20 9 00 3:511 . ', .. . .... J ........ ht'e ~ ... ,...,. .... , .... IMIII-t L ,.._ r laamp&oa-lllp. lla.rbor'" ":0.. rtJur 1\r .. ,.,., ... ..,....,. ...._...,. ~-I• ••• • ...... pto..a.ap. Ourl•c tlw--·-•• c•HY.-.. ,.,.. v'•~•-4. 1 k ...& ...,.. . Tit• >IU•It·n h frfl1 tllflla ,.,.,, : ll ,,., a .:T• at a• I• lit '"" to lhr an•l "trl' • m •nv "' II " lltu•lent eouuna.: )car· are G lenn Cfofl for to the dance. A ca.ndldale selim a.; 3.7 0 8 4 !I cofnmander ; Or. P. A. Ol~rlin tr n duc:Ks f'('('('i\<~ a bonus of T u 17 3'4!1 9 ·M 4:44 '·''"'' moc1tosl Titk E7akl I · J.,..,, llll'nu·y J t•nn All('n ta -. Ia .._, n...t •-"'lUI T-Ile, dur to thr lo•-of fnr'Mahl C~•rcr HaHtRt . l lw-!CUM,... ~~ U..r ._.....,. ('alit..,.._ .....,.... t l ·'!•. Tllr Aft!, kit to rt:llll . butlm n ru"' ~ ... I : t TaU II ~n111. Ca pt. II, _..., c.,&. G. Buw-ll. D. !4mllll. T . r..a.akJ . .,_ :"o. !, lrfl to rt~r"t: C .,., ... KM-d. ft. tlalc. K. Har•.-... ; ··~ triJOir m"nt!< In th•· '"ra.mmar ~• hu<ol ti:u •I \ltr-t ch.:nafu'fl F~lkn J Oni'S l·'rtt•ntlht•'l s~ dn··~ Jo~lyn llaJ:,:t<~l tm:·timr Dnrf'n .•m.l C;trl Danielson. vac.:•..Jom· 1000 \•oh ., a nd 4 ~us of. 500 3 4 1 2 4.7 mander; ~lit' Moon> and 1. VOlt'S for every additional IJ~t r::: r.c::-:...:: Et ~~ a ..... "'· G.....,, L a-.-.. II. a,.,._t, M1r. McGm·n>n We m er, st-cond vact•-corrliTtunder; 1 "•o~l·d-•-------------llllc .... "'.iPII.IIII.,.... ___ ••• ,n ____ ..,.. ___ ... __ ~ ... 1-1. L. Shennan, fman«> oftacer ; Morgan Leonard. an t'} nn -nr- Urundy. 'h1stonan ; !larry Estus, '11\mk~ hf' is J nck l llrt lf'r IIIE YOII ·CII 1 Frank Finster and B. L. Manhall, 1 Out p&ayan~ a.ll otht'r nl'lm..n 8tal*)' Corruc~ld and Vt>tt·m n ~ Banw'tl ot 1ht''S.1Ior me· quPtf'Of'r tquad lll'f' WI'M' In I h•• ml&r1 ot Harbor'~ tc•nn k• r ru•nan" toufNUTM't'll. ankt.· t:n_rlu·r. in. lhf· ~· .. r c .. _:c•ro:•· 1 11m•~l th•~ aoklt· •1urlr•~: 1t 11:" k··thuil 14-tim•· "'11h Tu~tm J)hlytns: l••r lh•· South•·m Calllnmljl .. mall .,, • .,,,.,,., c·hamp111ntohip Th•• ~a1lnr t.:.,k .. tha ll "ltv.-" fagu r.• th•·> """1'1 hh\ ,. "''"" t hlll g11me t( <irt'W'I:A-' had ...... n In nt't\1. .. ll•ual r .. rwartl ..... d··nt ,. •·11r1•·•f "••--l!.ttrt• tt l t:.Or Ill• ,.\ -lc '.! "1111 "t.rnt.-y •""""":! 1ft•· .. \•·nih t'l!llf ,\llh .. ua.;h tht' t•undlnnn ~·t ,._,. ..nhl•• e.... n•'t krt'·"·~ n e~ """'''' ,,. th.al (;.-~ .. ra.:•• v.1ll h·" ,. loo It\ "" v.;elk111i:: -.U:I.MU .. I ,.., 1f f '"''' rt.1 SERVICE A W AR_DS PR~ENTED · sc~~~~-~~~~~•k• JLDd RM.-1 1 ~---- C«-orro:l' and S tanlf'y, plnnnanl( tn .,._, ulf ttr'ir maTrfl~nndli) " xlh ~. "'"'" off to a ~;OUI'I ~tlan wtwll BanwH aTrnrtw>d hb Wl•ak x.alinn Tiw .ialll•' M'\Jrt• Whf•n lh1• l\t't'l ( •., ol'll fi,IJI\lolo I ·I,,,,,, lltcll If t•\ tttt• h•'L'IIHUfl ... ' ••f n•''' "''t•.k (~· .. ••..:•· "·'"' .tl•l•· ,., r•l·•' \\r'h tu- lf1Jill•11 !1111..1·· •h·· l\\u ... , .. ld It• SPOift •10 BOWLIIG ALLEYS ,,.,,,, 1n• tf tqttf• tf nut ·• .t. I Lll ,.,,, .... ""'"" 11·''' 1" 1'' r'""'' BAJ..IIOA PAVD.ION ,\ nl,.lol """'' "'" I• L'"··n '" lito• llltlj'ft \II ll•t· P1llf"r. CR.\ X Gr. , H ,11 .. n "-•, k .,. •• '"•i•l~••• I '" ._. Daore: • a.a. le 5 p.M .. !er "'-1.\..Mtla. a H.,,.._,~-10 ,,.111 . , .,. •.,111,,111 f.,r 11:u l """ s ··--~ "" ...... t:OO.. • h • ~~;;c;;;;~~~~~~~~~~c;;;i;:;;~~~~ .. ~~~~;;;c;;;;q;-•·· h ... t. .. ... 11 •• , , ... •• , ·l "'ha.· ' l .. ant" L 1 h.·· r• ••lnl>:l•' """ n r h · n· t 'Ill I'•• It Hntl"n .. ,.. htl t:f"'Tl t h' t.• \··I tt,rrnuln Harbor Hitrh Boat Building flass FiNlt In f~unty ----I.W~.-o1rtrc:l'l""'io:n 1 he day ; CUI Annual Ban_guet Drawi---· -----.....:::::::._ ___ Tarnplb :.end Ted Uur~,:c,;s. color -I . l.~ • w · Th' bc.>arerl<; Lcs Wilkens, R. R. Randd 120 Stud-t• And G·--fit'' ~••ea In artv L ,. "h xt ..... -1 ant · t~m _., 11• ••y. t•olur ~:uan.ls: :.lt•l"'t •I• ""r" I IOftJI of hluf' ~ nd '''"'" •on•· h11n•irr1l 11n1t 1\Vt'nl\' ..,, u !•Tit ' an•t m~mbr:' nf t b t L•• u.lt7 :'h. anJ wt~ entertained 1 h·· • '· ''nt h nnnual •f'n •lr • I, Or\1(11' 1 II• It I In thf' I rtfPtf'rJa Of •· 111 1~~1 FrtolR ,. nlf:ht I • t l\ I tt'" ~~ r I' I \ I•Uit•n f"':.t••·J ~llilf r '"" !'\f"'rl •' 1•t> I •"• t• 1 •·;un nt: 11 r"\t•• , .. ,., ... 1 trint" t ;, , t .: ~. '-... k ,.,. .. l~all ' .. ("...," f"rf'•entMI C'tomwnll th.-av~•t th•• Yf'll' l!lltl'f' ,, • \••t t '• ;,\.\tr l~ fnr H'h' mn~t •• • • , • 1 n t. I• anna: lh• 1r four .•• : I I ••• , '"t\""lt.f•ltt A f "! ,. • • 11 .. • • • pf •II Janr C r&)'l'f . .: •I It t. 0o\ tl l ..;rn I h Prizea At Oran1e r.lc·nn C'rnrt. dt'l•·gatt· to th<' ~tate ('O il\l'niiUn . J f> \\':tlklll,., l)r: County Horae Show l'hamlwrltn ami I 1m-old \\'ocH'Is, _. dt·l··gatl' to thf' rounly Lt>gion Wlnnlnc n J! r n n rt tMnl · 0 ; i <.:o_!)nrl!,: C!lr l Dnnll'lsnn llnd Bob q l' :!~· a t I ht• nr~nt.:l' ('man!\· Bt" •I. ,., ... UII\'t• l'llnllllill•··· ~-~~ r :enol 1ln1 ,...,.how I'•" Inc·~! 1-'lrl' l. 'tuc•f Frank ( ·n.~t'kl'r rt•. h:Jr•t• r or th• 1-F ,, 1~ ,·.,ry I" ·1• t1 un lht• r...,·,·nt '-''1:10n mub1l· •111111"'1""'" ""'f ,,,. ro•aul\.l!... 'il:tlinn 1••,.1 \'1,1101" al tho· "''' T• n ""I'"'' 11.,01 llnrl~<tT•<'Ilrrtl'<l '""\ \·•·1•· ('uunl) ('oollnC'II ('um· If :111 prtY•. m .• nll••r l.uc·k) Hul•lwm. l 'm1n1 ~ lnhn ~hlrl• ,. f'r•· .;1m 1 M 1-tar-Adjulanl. Aud•c•w Juc·k-.on I lay· '· • I' 1-' \ '·' :. ;u,.l .. ,•,oalt! !·~•rth ftflh •• ntl "l'(th p 1 a l' I' 1 al,t"'n" f••r h •te t\nJ 1 ...... u( !~'h{!i'\(l. f r ~~ nn.t ;.; und plnr~> rnr JWn:< _ ... .J f11.1oo1 1.!;•• • f••r showmanship. m~l d••1k of thl' ltt<·:ol dr;ttl hct:tn1. anti ('omr:u1t· \VIIJ:lll'r nf ttaroll.l W011lman H11b l'•;.l~~,:on WPn thlftl Anti f••urth tl u •• r lftllf•l\!'4 fur .h1!'l •·nt rtvs u! r••t•ll: II• ~ :'l un!W•n to:! <jalh 1 ,.~,. •1.• t .. t ·•, olol•1 •••on t>y lntrro (If A 'l:!hMm w.-n-.... .-k.-nol I( I""''" nf Mr untl Mr>t c~ <' Attrlllg~> nt Newport He1ght.s. -:-RE AD THE AD~:-, •lu• m.: lh• n, 1, '" r• uf th~ boerol Ill>< l'nl·ano! l 'hana r.ill H11)t wnn \\'llh lh,. ftJll•r .. ,·r•l "' 11\o' ~· h .... r I',, .. "'' I• I '•' II\ Juolgl' Oodl:•' l.olny .l .. hnj<l nn ftr~l plan• rih-u .. a rd :-; •. .,..,.,., lll•ll••rv.lll htt•• t!•·r. a.•\•' h ~rr·olan" Aw&r•L• hoon w hlh· :.tanut•l l'olunt7. plll<'l'ol Manufacturers thl" ·11~1101 t lun •• , '"''""' HOt' of \\0 r• II.··· I'''-nlo I t .. th~ freeh· •• 'nnll II' thr tiiVU<IOO th• flrlit a nol •only llt'h••oll' 1!1 tht> rn•l ·~•· II• ~~ I•\ t~ '"-" .\ntlf'nJ(•I• HIUia••ll ~1akt•lt•v t h<' f'J.!J.! mnn ,,.11nlt\' tn hn•·•· ,. '"'J.>Aflllt> bnot ·1.,1 1,, \r , 11, •n •~·t.;:nn \\"n flr>~t an•l third priJ\0'!< for hill lou.IIJtnj.: t.IKM o•rtl f\' nf ht•n'll fn.J tt Wh llt> n1a rles :-;, . .j c· .. m i4Htl J:IIVt' lhf' flrJO·t ()1:11;-n pfnro•tl II('I'IIOd tn l'l{f{S .. _, A., aM~ ''"''""'' ,..,.......,. .-<f. •~ ~v•.U..· ("'f'rtl n nv1rt11r1n phJC"I'd ftnrt"llmt-rr-~11':""-~"" l ltu· Itt th0"1 l,.;•rttlun tl f !It"'~ 11\ilh I he l h~'m.' ··s.:, ShUlel ~ IW'C'ontt -.•lth hu-t>nlry of h•>g~. • ,.. .,., • Moorings •• NEW PAINT EQUIPMENT LOWER PRICES! The Best Looking Job. In Town v. A. PbOIN' J9R7 $15~ and UP • REED BODY SHOP· u:r m sr.u. m -~ .. -.. ..... w ...... Rentals • Sales .. PAUL NOIIII&llf WAaiT MIL M 4 KR ....a~ .... o..... thnl••r .~••lll)..tlll m,ny •dvant;a.:r!! (;...-., ,,....,, II•• "u follf*'ed by and aiJ!O carrlt!d· off the IK'C'nnJ ~~ + ""'' j.-.lltl In t.,. had In AJI'h a lin I' !'h 1 I•·• ,,., 11;ht "1th hrr . ~h piACf' ribbon ror ahowmaf\Nllp • _.-4t:-' .,, w ur k . It -. aa )olll{jtf'lltNI and rot. "R""' hfn l!' f'nr 'nlf' ~hn' , Ht.a. pure bred J en roys w 0 n • .,. ; . IMtl•f'C'I th routh. that Nt"WppO't Har-. 1 h• 1 ""'"'~'' ~1rllts ,..,4 wlntwn O.vi(l Coll third plact' ribbonll bor. havt' In lt.. <·u rrtc-ulum. a boa.t ol tut ytt'&?a a•aro.. Va r lflllaa -u aa 8eCOnd place . n'bboa ln.,. bulldlnr: c-ourw 'nll.a mf't w1UI UMo Hlnk.Jf>y )lurirl O.YkiJioa. all d •howmaneblp. · "Pf'""'al n( mOIIt all ,.,..,. ("((Il· F:vt'f'l'lt twa ..... ,..._ 1ntro.Jul'ed Mr. Third pi•« Y'lbbon was won by «-mr •l kl111 w1tl prnb&bly bt' a OJVldltnn t h r n pr~ntrd I be Harold Rot~~~lt-r'• H nhttt-ln ('alf : n attt:v nnt yr•r 1f lht' ~~ebonl many •'lf•rda of lhe f"l'"0111«· F:rma Harold a leo won fifth plact-ribbon j board lA ahll' tn "''ntk IIUt'b a pn>-orr rt'('f'h'l'<t t:hf' ~14'1"'• nt~ fM ahowmanllhlp K"m tnl" thf' ..c hnol bcl''-rt Thr aYo3rol nf a ff'f'r "Ubacr ptlon l h• J t-nwy calf ~·on :-:nrman 'leflf yfmrsefl ffJ CfXJI, E~sy ((J(J/ti"l wifll .6n .. ..... " ..... ~ ......._JJ ... II :Dt'llr n.t St.. Ne•1*1 a-dll ....... 0.. l._,oot Sldlr-A-1 Shape. wttJa Oan 15 .......... ~ ...,.._ ~".ape, ~,~~~-----------$12!i 1101 COAST IO<UI\\'A\'-or _,. KA\' at su .. th Coast plan a.a 11 "'""' .eantb nH"&n. nn AddmJ,:' humnT to t hr affair trt'~ Trullbt-ln IM.'t'n nd. plA('t', a." "''"II u I lnC"rt'IUM' 111 thf' I.IUIJ'">'""' tbo -1"" • omt•th:tna. !\lr Rn and fourth plu t' fnr llhiM'lTian"hlp On H~ndb . .llll Cou,.. )tr Ha.mtol .. t "1th lh~'lr •lut ol l ::!%:'10 ,..11 •'ml by tht' Hartlor TM nrw bwlthn~t 1111 pn•p~ f>..Jim PO .,. '1 .luhf't (.,r ,.,.r pr...-ot• F 1-' A ff'::tlurt' booth which was 1 -.111 t>••l "" "l'l''"!umal ... l ... 000 "'''' •• I!"'' n t.. IOC'V<'r '1 mf'rubera ahowtn~ "IM'B·kU!t" 1'1:~" 1 1 .,f • t h•• f " ulh · Mll<!< ,\<lllm. dtd Th·· n•... hill oltna.: ,. I l II(' l•lsn··· I'· ,.: tal •• , hPt ' ,,., ' , •kii!O IUtd --"-' ··hr tt• l"t• hnnolhall 'r ... lrt now ,..111,,.,~ un•l 1 ,.1111. 11,. ""' k 10 t hr I• •t 1n 11 •· !Oznl!tna.: .. : ll n•ovelty t rlr wrlt1f'r. onr nf thl' .lx'!lt mrl kl'!" th11t •1\n bP ptu dt.t!ll'ol A nl'w tlrill tno • \\IIJI rl't·,..ntly rM'I'lvt>tl rut well AJC ~· \'••nil tolh••r >trn:Jll l .. nlll :\lnny t>( l llo· I'IIJ'JIII•·~ f••l no''(l \'l•ar hl\\'t>j Rll'! h•'t'O dt•ll\'o'l l'ol l J'!Ut)f' .hrN t t,.n uf th•~ •~th•~r Jllht~p!l 1111' ""'" "''" '''1111prn•·nt t to I•• IM111~hl at tit•· pr~•• Ill I lffil' Ill 11 t<lt·,ntl~•ll All 1•lh••r ~•l'llpm,.nt t n ,,. 1!'11; tl ... Jlpl,\ '" ""' rr,..,... .. nt \\I ~ ,;olht 'f' 1"00~ Shop• Get New T oola 1 'U•· I•• t•, , , ... ,,~ •·' \1r l'n"·flll. -.h i:' ,, •• t '' rhr • " .•.• 1 llh"f• ot t' ,, ••. , tt .. •.r ·It tL'•·t •. turu~r thf" 'I 1\r .. ll)o(l ~II l'tov.t•ll ,. dfoort• mn11~ ~· r:1 1• n.I'Ltl~ IIIHI dr" Hrdt•tl '" r '1'~ ,., •·n· • r•il•·· t···l 'I'll•·~·· h:t\'•1 • nntl \\111 1>\:tk•· 111nn\· .,f th•• I hl"~!t I n ,l•h 1n "4tH•I' J, "-' '"'P"f1:0C1\ ~· f'·' t '' •' n~ .• n, rr J•l• ,, mf'nt~t ' Titt' t• ,.f •I \',I' l t;t• ,. h~'~f':lmfl Jt t f 1 1 ~I • ·'.\ ' f ' ' f\1 \\ Plf'tC"• HJihnan -s fompany Holder of fnn1rad For Nru·~· ))pf(lnsr .Jnh I'' • I I ' ' I ·• · I ' :'. '. ·-··· f • ' • lhP Jl'• I I '.l.o•: •ritA I'• lh· hlll1 '• ' I''' 1.• 1 l~:l-f U1 1 &.: •tnh .. .• , ,. 1t~t ···t. ' tL. h' • 1 ,o;::.:i ··1 c:;.A n 11, t' ·r • t· ·•'''""'' ~I .. ,:-.·· 'tu•ll the> ,, I I,, .... \o r ;·H· , .. ,n. c I ~~ I d • "' 1tw 11111 ,;lltHH• e, .. rru l h•· l •r~uol t~,.-n.ar T· ·r l"!frtt!' ..nf,.rM\ m:• .. ,:rm .... l t 1P • for "'' ,., f tt~l ~:l:~t},\~ht .I •nn A'''t•'" :~l••u t ut•·"' ,.,u •nrlud•·' "'*'0 0 , ... , .... n rtlq qu·•rt t•':o. 111d llHtn~tnul r,,~n att"' • hu ldtnr• 1 F.. f lt • 1 111 'ertt\••fflf'n!..:: 1 11 t h •·. f! rl•Au nun.l•• r ,,( 'tn•· ,. • lltd 1 ~, n ,.t ..... , '\\ llf"-.. , J.:f•\•1 '"·'" 1•• , • ..._, ~:!'l:.uu•l /.'!'' ~ ;:::~· nnd ··~· ,.,, ••.• oof ,.l:tnd .tlll·)-::1111:1' r' .........-. ---,., v :tr .. r:-ti1t ••dd ~1 '"'""' •TRIAL OFFER I ~ IC'l. Ttl• ~d: .. ~o· 1\lollll fii;S::::;:~~~.:l~~~-[i~IJ;~~"r);,£~;1~-r~~...-'t:'~:i;"-:"'~l te. •· P '"' 1 • -; · vr ...._. :-..-n--·.-. • '" ,.. , •\l.:-:...J~-""'NICi. ~. ~c~~·'\~>«:''1!-o~~ ..... .,.,~~~wa.~o~.w.~""....,...,...._.,.~~~ .... tz;w-.. ~'41-•of!~~,_.e(::'i'Jt.o.>~· .......... ~;--• r . .JJ, llf! 'I ool'l j • ,l 11'11 11 1\t'l 1• 11 _;:,1 II '•r.t"y W;o-I '' J'f'O-1'1•'•'1\liY -JII'r f,.\ I ,,., \ j, , .• 1111! 11 ,1\ t•l n1j••~ 11 11'111 .1 t r· ~ 10 \11, "" 1l11· Challf'n~cr ..• a ll ~~ a ~urpri -i ngly low ro&L ,_..la...ly h9.50 in•J'N'ia!O,;,tl, n~rr 'i ('UPhi~. '"'linin!! 104'at .. :1 n..-pill,nu a '-port11r ~n·i"': !'<'fi ni;lillidtt•: R,.;:i~t~r('•l 1\iur~~-~l('•artlf'oc in a ll• 11•l111c-t'. T h rrC' IDf'all a dar for • total ,,f oul~ !1 .2;.. Stooplftl Cer eccoMntodotlons ('O~t ahout half tho..-r in ~lanJar.l rullman~. Com fortal>le lounge car fo r Alttp ins c.tr paacngera. Other,Unlon Pacific Trains fast tlw .::W.1t..e111!uu r-. II" P1 1 t••'\'•l ll·" If,, aJJ.I'ullm:lll. 1\oH'\ll ,l l.11 o I • • ''' !<I I• !JCJlol:r,~.-:~r , .• -.,;/,,.! , . ...,..# • ...._,,..1 .. : "' QU .. I\ ,, I .-, ., ,. : ,, .. I ,; *'II ' ~. t' ,r,-;c ,~,. ""',..,.-,, I· t •r•t ...,~ '"'••r'"Ot1,,, n't htoatu·' ' ~,,. '•'" ,,,,. o• "'C • ro•' CO.IIIllfl ua\n INrOIM&TION S.• Tetut Pl.-or••• U"'e." Pontr.< l •r,•••-•'-·· b•• .... Clt••rfllil. ........ y.,... .. , ,.,.,c. Roads Tn Unmance•Group · to "t'~'t. Tour N.t'w_port Harbor .. \\ .r . ' , .. "' ·' l · H, •' ·!" • •• ,".,... Jt c " ••• ,,,.~. d , •• '"'r' eatt· tht" A<C"-'4t- 1' :~t·W· ""'""''" "" a p l.•n ~···•H \\hal I T'("·~ 1'10 l1i\J f tt r ht f•la'u 11( otht r ·l tttRtt '' II r. c;q.: '1111 tl1· "" air. ;\,1\' In • \l!'l••n;o• ·· · · ~ In l htt l't >t.l •· lht \1 :>~1"11 Trail" '··~· 'I •-r of nn.t't•·· l :(l!"•~··l IIIJ,:hw.ty AAA•'- '''"U:t •t•• 't•"1: ,,,.. a~ MRtU'n. I \ I . ,. •· , , ,Tolin Th• rii"IIIIM" ~ .,( thr AI':<O<'tll- 1 · l' I I >. ..,~., ~ -n .-n f••IIN\ tnJr~hrlrtfllrr nf t'u· l:>\1~· •. ,, r It \'. 1"'\ • t';.eo. "•11 ,:o l " l .. ~.,:uu:l Hf"•\h f•'r a '·. • 1'; I\' bu~<lnr~!' ,Unnrr mro'llfiJ: Th1• o!n~· ~ 1 ''l.. '• .: 1 t • ~~~ \J,e t,o rr·•~1"!'Un N'J:'lf1~ "lth IUOt h\'C'n Rt y , t lill T(, IT ,lt''t t lt"t rr· • .. '"-ft • ., ' ••r ''"~' h··'"'' ,, ·• f ' t ' ! • f ''' ,, r • -. o I i ·1, 1 .. I' • •: ir e I •II .,, (' ,: . ., '• T•.ul" • }',,, j , .•.• '() • , • 1\ •. ,,,./, ,. ,: l·tt.J I • (. j " II ,.i ;,: u _,;I ·., !' .1,· .• /l . ( -.•• · • I : .< .. .J•: I~ '· ~ ... : .• / • 1 • ,,, ( ~ .•.• : .\1 : !. .. I•. f. ·' · :•• • I. .. l'•:.t ' r r. .. r.: ·rtmJ "JT TOUI Dffttn 01 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY lTD. J •. H. ESIUS Pl..l.)IHI~G GI.IB&LetELICTRIC t .... ., ..... • ..,... ,. ... n "•• JOU&· •I hi" l"•·wp .. l t Hnrlt<lr Yad ll t 'lult R \S ·~ J:~!'t l'ol m ''"'" '1•··\o t. 1 "n.: J!: 1:: :lf! tlt•nl 't rlp 8fl'llnt1 :-:~>wpurl · · ~If .. • Rr.FRICOt:RATClR!i' • Dl~lf\\' .\ "11Dl8 • '"':" IMr.t -:•~ 1 <' \ni:'f' 'f:ITb'Tr ~ ... ~ .... l-mtof-~l-.Uulci_ '-f"'hnmo--t-f6 m.m y • f lb< I .u<;." \ .~ '"" ..tao LAJil'llflll 4 .00; anti at 6 :30 Pinner ('l'<jUP!\tly lo :lH I~" ~\All' tritb-• at tlJf' tiOt('l L.'lf!'IIDR. • ..... r ... • . .. \ . NI;WPORT 9ALBQA NEWS-~. Newport B8d\. Callfomla. 11nJRSOAY .. JUNT.1z·'1~t . I ;;~ .._Tf_h_ey_'_re-F-~i-1-m-~-s"-.-.ee-t-b-t• ..... ar-tB Ar•ln--~alhoa Island N.ews Eve nt-s High Sc.h~l . llderestllla Notes Abollt . People and Their Dolncs ....__ 1% or lS Teachers Phtn ,. .. Vacation Trjpi 32 YO.UNGSTERS AT SHOOK HOME FOR ·BIRTHDAY FETE R .. c. Owetat H~ecl On 16th Anniyenary \ .. :~ y ·:-,.,.::· •er a,.,...r .. te NEWPORT .... ,. I ,., I. •• IJ· ~· I I • -L II .•• • • •' n l '"' • •·~ \: I • r J, .n4t T• J'-t ~ .,u ... 1···• J •hn ... t•r. Fresh Daily Dl'l1ritlll~ S,.:t ·F'nods (lr r ·1mpl1'1" <"1Uipmt'nt ~ h•·n ~ ••II ":~nt to c.Atdl )'PUr o-'n. I . "' t t ,, I • I I 1., 1 I ' I t II'\> o ~ lo" ~ I ttff • J•'.tt; II, tilt P¥•n•·J• ••fl :' . .turd 1\ .l.u " k:•·nrw•l\ HORMEN FISH MARKET ·~ I'.·.~:::~; .. .':.~> .. ~~~ .. ,";:7~ ·:~;~ .. ~:~ ~~~--.m!plii5H ...... ~~~-=-~~=::"""::-:::::::.=:::~:;::-:-:~---Kit·-:~:.;~~r.:·.l';"~.":~-,lll(.J>l 11111.1 11\.111 1 cr;sra..,L -'\"J,:S("E.. ~'EWPOaT 81:-'CH .. not q I : : ... : I.• \ .tl ' -. SAM'S SEA FOOD CArE fl, lit I .•• ,., f• \ I fl t ....... '' I,•"' ,\ I J J• ,, •• \'.• . ( lnt• u f thr llO'IIl ''''"'''" f• "lur•• nftnt('f '''""' •• ,,.,, , .. '"' •hft\\" v. ru lw I hr I rrftl l<tt \\',.,.1 j .,.,.,.1 I ht•a.lo 1 1 far,.. 111 S:.ntJt Au • tht~~t .,.,....k,.n•t Y.llh "lltll) l hr Kl•l" hllol 'l '•"t•l" \"Jrf l'r K tftiA,.P -.hrtrtltl{ huttu t• ,, I ;:__ • ' . I • '"' •• I I ~ I • I \ '' I•I HI' \I; f '. t "' ' •. I• .. ' ·-.. ' .. ' .. ,, o II .] tf I q, I I I '• I I ,, ' .l &\ t.. .. ' fh uv I I 1 I ••• ,,,, ORANGE COUNTY'S A DIN•. 1HLAllll\ "'l'llt: 1'1 •. \f t: TU fifr' I •~"" ''''' ol \\l"'h ftoP l t\t t #o .. '"'1, .... , ... , 1., '" '"1·. 7 West <.:oast ~·'""' ""• lt•ll 1•~_:••!",' ••I., L!_~...:,•,.Jl,l,,~IIJJ.~r....~t------.... --·,.. .. tl.oJIII-:11~ I l thf I i'YY'~'I \"o , ... Ill ...... t tl ••l f'•ltl• • .'ft•l 1!•\1 I I :A:"'I\ I. l .l ;'o.FII \1 j ' ''"\ c'l•ik •• r ,,,. .. ,.,. -..:~, P·••l ····" ,.,,. f ~' H• t1 .l11tw ': I ~~ )jtt I r ' ~ • '''· ,. ·•llltlltll ,,, th• 11 ,, ll ' "I : t \\ ~... • .... ;(!1 1,~·· ,.. ph t l'f'••!t ,\11· f l1.tl1 ftlll ' lit" lilt 7fll l' ~ • ~ tth •, '•I 1 t t•l· ,\II ltut t1• ,-,, t•• th P , h ,, ' ......... ...... tc I t \ \ t tttl "' \ k \ ..... ,.... ""' '' lfh\.f ... , \ lu lUI I\ t I ll h fl• ........ "' '' •• • t •• '"'' ........ ·•••r. •·• .,,., • , ... ., ..... , •• " ...... ,.. ....... J td ... .. ..... ,. f IN !Ill fut.t \f•l1 ••• l 1tot•t l 1• 1, \ M h\t\, .. I \fl • •tll.fi \ftftllut '\f •I••• \fit •• 111111 ·~·~··· ,. "(;Ol\E \VITII TilE \VI~u·· ~> Bruadwav . ~~·'~:·-. ... I ''"'''''" f·"· ff • I •••• '' ••• \4 It t ... ' •• , tt f \ fj ' ........ U\U\ tl •• Ui ••••l t \f •• h • I •I ' '-\I filet l lttl f h···' ""'' \' ,, ... '"1 t I• l ,.,h • ..... It .... ' ' tl•tt I •• •1•11• fl, 1lo I "''"' ftlllo f oo .. HI .... \ \ \I \I \Itt 'f \ ..,.,., lol\,1 IJ• f ,lt I 1 .. "' ...... \ , ..... \ ' .. .,.I to I II tt \ t • I \I J ttl t --ft, .. ,. I ' .. •' lu• • l,"'t •tt •t ' f tt I tt t.u r It Jt., ...... ~, •• "' lilt '''"'"""' ... Beer, \\·ines and AT4-\..~TI~.C H \'OT I.HR!'Tf:R 01' "\F.R fl :\0 1TllTI.f' -.rr. \K Ul"\~f:R fl ~.fl ur.•.••·" ar.-. c'l t nu: ut.t.t• !'It:' ....... • ,.,; I •• , 'I ,. I Sth• .. I I,. ''• t '•I• ,,, 7 -~ •· • I••• k'-I: \i ''" 'l u • •I ' .l•1l~ I 1'•11 •:11n• "' '" "I~ 11 ,, .... "" ..... ,. AN A 1-1 E I :\1 -A"'AH( IM PHO,..r. 4;>12 Liquor for Sale at SX\1'5-~Stt­ MARKET l 'a'"''"' (A>ui~ana t•ontaoann .turnhto !oo.,ft "'tw-11 ( rahot t.ua•m•" c.,....,. Turf~ ~lrak .tumhfl I '"1: l"'ll' Ouu" on thr lla lf. !oohrll I"''"''""' ~hnmr .. and All Hthrr K in<t" "' S.Oa I otf\d• LuiM'fwof>tl ~ Ulnn••r• .'l4tr -'7~..--tl 00 ----r:---sTf!'t\~t:D (:'1.1\:>WS 8t':E. t'Ol-. 8~A f'OOD ""'IM l'tloM L B .... .,. or eir!·• lor "-"aUGM, Opea Ull i A. •. 1 '1 .tl "·'" •· f "• ;u ttl •I ''' ;p. of ,t..,,,, ;tl "'' .,,,,) t,•uhlln•· 'I h•• So ltv.l Toth l"' I• "'"' lito ,, .. ·hi I•• r• ,.., I tl\ ••I rll, ),\I 'II '"'~JAil ' 1ll U.J.!il t;tof<ltll:'\ Jl f-1:'\I •I.AY. Cl•·rk ••f th•• I'••>Ap"r1.1warh (;r:rmm:u SrhflOI I.Jil'lnul, ,,.._, ..... ,....,,.~,,,._ •I•" t a.•-....1 I I A 1.1 ~ 't'1 tolfl\f I Mft'f \ t•MI~'' t '"' \~ •• ,,.,,~ ttHatuc-, ""•• .... .,.... •l•n.o t \ln l .,\ 'lM\11. ur fllf \lt ,OI \'H.• \t-""-~..1 ,., .. • NJJkt " • ... ..., n.,. ,, .. ,.. •• .,_,., "'' lSc .. rt.Jt.tft tlllt" ttf"•TI' , •• AI .. "1.1'1. ARI'Ot.a·· I'Hio · .run•· 14!. l!l :tf1. 19-'11 .; .. ________________ ;;;;;...;;..-.iiiiiiiioiiiiiiiiiiii--•• .. --6 .....-.- TIEl TIE "...rtl ... ,.. ""' .. ,.... ....... -•=•" ,.., IUt4 ...... ( ·-~ lr•ttnl:tl\ \1 l'uaoular Ada....._ I t llla\ ........ 1'\ .. tr. Marlene -Dif T IJ C H . .. FLAME ·of -NEW '· ' tct ''· c t ,,tt 1'1111111 C 'riO' 1\ ll h Andy :\ldvillc ('ottaK'r Eddit.• Ouillan ......... , n...-. .... , D 0 N A I. 0 D IJ C a ... -'fUJ-'UK atJWIIiM'" ......................... ........................... ., rnl A 810 IIIIOWI • ljJC'Ultll\'&t LOUts·-BAER "::: ~ .. ;": :~ :u..~ .. ., ....... ·" .... --------~· ----------- 'I HI" aaiDIY..tOitl CRVJ'Cil!l ....--- .. .. lh• fW', ...... --~­ Kt.'T T \\tHK \\ t ... IJ\ ft \KIUr: "ltcpt•nt . at l~iHure., ., .. -·-· Cash Deals. Mark I. ~tate Act~vity ~ . -=-- lntl.rattng thut real .. stute at <l 1 ~h:11, \\ hll h In I'VJIIImlly lit ="'''''IH•rl ll.t•8bor 18 raptdly '-1'·111dtn~ 111 IH t ,.,. tlr<> tht• salt•:< I, .. ,,.,.,, IJy H t;. l'h(lllll..-.,., lt'UI· I I •I I h.tl Ul!<l I'll t. \\'htk I'' II ··~ 11 t lut ·I•~"~ of'• t ty wa~ ""' •It\ u'c t \\11~ "'ltallly \lll•k'll!l•""' ttutt • • 1 t•• •·nt ll:lfll!:u Uun!l 11,1\ ,. ull • It t ,a:,.h •I··~\~ .1! 1 and ~lr s ll•·ttwrt It l'ut· . ,. r. ,,,. , oornrlt'lr1s tht'_l.!U~h.ts~ -rT\t• \\" ir~ ~~ r.ruy ••··•"'""'" ,. I :!ti~l llt o.uiJ"uy, Th•· ht.!lll_c.~ lHI.L~vl by ..-:-Rvy t;r,· .. nl.,lif and 110 1111J kii•1WII (t)r 8fJffit' ltnll; 11..:1 I lto.Jet Hom$'. was ucquiu•d I•Y '.I r. crnt.l lJ ra. <:ray whl'n l!it•y •'t u·••tl from tiiU> El Turu Jtanob. ('ull uf llwo ranr h I~ apparently I \\'11 lil l'hOJ.; lto l'tMiSl }lo.J M I lUll! !llr:o~ Gray wilt rrtum t" F:l T<u o •nol ~:xp.·rt t o build un tht•lr Or· 1111g1• Crove Rnnr h. They ha\'e, ll'''"''''"r. propN1y un Uruadway 1 wh11:h 111 not fur ll<lle . lndlt:atmg 1 thf·y may return to Co11ta Meaa 110me day. · 0.· Ali PAC-I Fie (l IlEA TING APPLIANCES If Ordt>I'NJ Now! Sam Kinsfather .... I&Mv,.or......._...a_.._ ............... ., ... velo,.-t~t .a~at t.o tiNl ere a..e.&e t.ll&t ~f· <1!<1! •• II .,t uttt t lto•oU Harbor l 'nl"• Hlr;tl l'!f-IMiol ~~··.._ f'anted .. Nwlallle re,r hut» of Oraa111 Cowl 'a dflfe ..nt~Lwhere. altplue l!f..,.. l•'.it•• IM!Ih N'h"lnlle•lly a .. a tha.U...,I;t'a 11-•oc41c .I 14tw• --••eepen are belq ballt la a npN.Iy ex,._.. uw., ... .., -.o..-an-_.,_ Wit at Newport ...,._, ._.. ..,.. pl .. t 1110w coarefallr l1la7'ded acuaat l&bo~. •• UN\ llaeel. Chft mbera alao report. tbe aale , u( two and a baiC a.cru owned by 1 Mr. and Mra. Po~~q SIUI\L.A.na "AVi . o r . and Mr1. Barnett or Gardf'll&. The Potters a1ao 110ld two lou oo l8Ui atrwt to War- PL U MBING l l t £. Bay Ave. BALBO.& __ ....... _.._~,. port Blvd : Chamber• said. (~ty ('~111M'. 8omr of lata rll)''a .. n•Uc-aN' pk·tur..cl abln·"~ llldUIUaa a.iua&ac. -u...a. -•••tw ... ...._. trial fariU~ • 1'1111' top lrft plloto !Olio•• till-float off Uw ...,.,.. •'u• .7.&-w·Wc-11 •• lterd by taundnodll of ,.., .. r ••lnl· ·-,.. ... 4hW'L Tile top ~LH ............. 1M !II~ I alld ""'aU . ..U tiN' top rtaht lt..a ~ ol a JspAi:al .........._ rinote ta t1lle RartiOr'Jr~a Oilke oa Wi.J.Iqtoa Street Ptu ._.,1 ~ • ...: .....,_u,. ,.., ... ,,_w , ,..._, lower ,... ef ....... ......ntll tile 0 .....-e c-ty &artier Patrol &o.l -red to u.e lf'fl t•1 rtc llt, """" a n-t of popular ......,.,. MiUDC -Newpert .. ft ... .._, dty'a fut ..... lloat tied U., tllrec:Uy Ia froal &~·. ('uuntl""" nlhfor ""&aJI ..... IIDI eratt &rll ...,. la ta. of u.e MdL -n.e ... _ rtpt plloto ..;....,. t1)16eallarse ...,_ ... r t.ur. ~"'' , .... ~ '" ttu.t of t~ ~til _(:out c e 7• ... .ao.c tile bay r,;..t. _. wttll ate ~":ate p1er __. no.t. . H' .. b L d 5 II Sltllllt Anll h ..... v.•r luui, tt"-out : Building Pennits '11 o· f B •ld· ar or . ea . s rna er r~.::~~::~ff.n~~ ~~pn~ I ~'E\\?O&T BUell . ays 0 Ul nig C.-t. · s· thf · d · ... :~~~~::·~ ~~ll ~:-~·~~~; .:~~ Pf'nlllte 'Nal T t 1 $72 ooo .. I les In Ou an IW'hln•l IIJ! rt~'ltrd of 11140 1M tbt' I930 -J4J ~-·-.. -.............. .J721,54()1 • 0 a s · ftul l tv,. rnunthll, :'JI'WI)<)rt Ha r-1931 -391 · -·-............. 505.~1 . / 1 IJo,r hJUo llh•"•'n 11 gstn of n;arty I~ --307 ..................... 247.690 1 S:.O.OOO (1w th1• (1\01' munth11 Jll'r1ud. 1933 29.1 ...................... 231,S49 Newpor1 Harbor ranks hi.:h among SouUtJnnd cit it~ in annUlf'r fa•'1!•r lrtiii·RIIn,~: t~ trend l9.l4 29R ...................... 235•074 During the past \>levl'n days of June. city buildin" per-• • u( th·n·luJ•rn••nt a .. ward l hto roe..t 1935 400 ...................... 491,440 . . .., the volume or con'>tructlon dunng th<' pjl.St month as wt>ll as 1 <'vmmunltl('a 1936 523 ....................... 7!1.(189 msts lSSued by lm;pcctor A. M. ~elson totaled $72,000. . for .the total value of improvements during the first fivt> Tbt· rl'l unl~ !!ho:. t hat LaKlJD& 1937 563 ....................... d.O!IP An intl'restio~ .note is that $44,125 of that amount was ren Gray. · ... R. M . Pearce ba.t purcbalt'<l flye acre• at 22nd and Vlrctnia Plact from the C. R. King estate and be hu alao taken ewer the Lynn Goodman property at 1886 N ew. PLEASE.! A. B. Roult'lll', prominent 'rest· deDt of thc-Balboa Penlnlula &Del a plonHr realtor In the Harbor Dillt rlct haa purchued the •tore ud bome ot c. A. Dierker a t UNO Newport Blvd DON'T CALL ME I'M TOO BUSY NOW! • I. A. TIIPP EL E CTRI C IAN months of the year. · • . 1 Jka.ch bad about hlllf thto build· !!: ~ · . .:.::::~:·:::· :!:~~ i~Ut.'CJ in pemtits dur~ng the past seven days. .. The City or Newport Bcal'h, aet.:ordlng to a comparohve l trl..: laat m unth that II Uld tlu.n ng 1 .. 0 -~2 1.0&0,122 lns(X'rtion or building records show that permits were ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ tabulation of building staHstio; for n southla~-cities pub-j ::~k ''~r~~~?v:n!~~;~~f'<1b~1".:!:.~ lMl i~ued for four new homes in limed this week. ranked 22nd ---· '1150.000 Anaht'im f'njuyc-d a aub· tht• HarlJor District, repre-augment the alru<Jy exlatlllg bun·j ror the month of May with ita Ana ranked 26th with a total lltantlal earn for thl' fiVf' month.8 . J~n. 26 84.840. 't'nfing a total invcstm<-nt of drt'(l.s of prlvato·ly vv•ned dock• ~-• ol $160 763 w .. "-Santa of ~1 JA 819. I period. OnanK~' galnffi •ll.:htly. but ~oM,. 41 .. -......... T7.1!!0 ·''"' unt\ lining the shorN of Newport Bay. U11&1 • • lUX' ~ ~. lltlooa·f'd 1 dt'f"llnl' tt.unn~e thr montb Mar 49 . _ ..... -.. 101,129 . ~,1,ovv. Pe~lll for the Mven pier• total· --,of M.ay. 'while Huntington JJuch .auil $4 ............. 111.1951 Thrff nl'w commtrcial 11truc· ltd 17.4 1~. BALBOA PAINT STORE bulldlnJC frll ott aublrt&nttally ro.J.Jily %6 1~7.188 1turn atarttod lht piUit Wt'ek repre· l~11ldence..t undl'r COI)St ruc:Uon .. tht' flr.t five 'montha I June :u 72.000 ... nt an tnveatment of $12.950. are for E ~-Knox who lA con- Tb ----1 l'f'rm,I.JI have alao bt>f'n IMued lllrucUng a 1'1 room, $~00 home at I to tntrl'1'1ttng r•ompariJI<>n of 13''0 o A to 'h 1 W E. Bay A~ -f'laa.e 101 0 1 t f f th th T f1tlll 22'7 SMI0.47i t.h~ put wf'l'k for arven aub!llm· -oyx ve.. r C arot:a N.. I'll • nt• '"" •~eun·• nr " aou .1 . I tal ne • plum•re plerw wntrrrwnr -MeTnlliJ on:.c ... Angell's, who I• j lan.S r i'VMia that Nl'wpurt ~tarbor _ __.lu.n.e.. • ~0~~ ----bulldtng a handiiOme rt'sldfonce at nt•t onl r":' ~ ~ LAr~~hout lltetr)" lllU!'<'Il ah~f't metal lhop. Cordon • 420 Vra Lido Nord. coating S7500: ouT· DOOR "fURNITURE See the latest in Nautical Stencil on Our New Swing and Umbrella. CIIAIR8-BACKREST-VIIBRELLAS AWN INGS -llo'EW 0 & &ECOVE&ED PERCY B. BEYER lU Unl Street. ........ , ' h~-~!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ m tal,ft 1 rma. but that at 500 29th t ln"t't, per COnrad Shook. · S3.200. for Harold H Brown. whoee siboo 1 tht' prrwnt timf' It Ia the h ub of S3000. bom~ tl ~r"bum a( 9~J Wut Df'W ~velopcneot In C rans• Junf' ~ H G.-.. ;l~-.. build PJumbiq P ..... ita Bay An .. and for Mark S. Bailey, j .----------------------IJ!III----• I ty. one atury. 2 car c a race Ud ,..c J uoe 6-R. L. Burr, 7702 <>cun wbo ill e~llng a $500 IJarace with 1 So hJ d p • room. 31t Apnletaa """ per 0.· Avt' .. pt-r ~ Mt>Wrve. tt'mporary kite\~" aod bath ·-vI : ut an Olnts r&d !Uiook, SIOOO. Junf' 10--Ivan R. Knox. 3 0 6 304 Orcbld Ave .. Corona del War. Junc-:-, R. 1... Patter.m. fllaild Poppy Ave., cf'•pool. per w. H . Heading tht' llet or new com-Toward Retord piNtiiUF't' pll'r, 300 VIa Lido Nonl. T\UTan. mercl&l.atructurea ltartf'd the put I per f'ruft and Nrvtlle. S!IOO. v.·ef'k , from the 1tao<Jpnlnt of 1\ze. Buildm• g Year J un .. :; JJa•nl "lafbae. bu 11ct Electrical p.,...ita 1,. th(' n ... w homt of thr Newport . pluaure p1u ,. 64:! Vla Udo Nf)!'d, l lru•!)or Pubtr~hlriJ( Com)lllny;· pub· per (Toft and Sf'Yilll'. S900 • June 4 O tto L Jlov.·ak~tutkt. hshe111 or tht' Nf'wa-Ttmu. T he TTrmrt .. lous str•d"" In \'ODi lntf"· . JuiM' ~ Juhn F'ra04'lll Murpby, lOHI EA•t Cent rat Av••. tnl'tRII 1!1 1 $67~ uff1ct• IUld plinttn~e plant 11 1 .....Phone: Office 516 J. M. MILLER Coatndor aDd Build« t!on arr ~InK madl' ID !'II "f l•utltl pl.-as~urr pll'r. 1z4 Vla Udo outlets In Dl'w llomt-per V A I belng butlt a l 3011 Wf'llt et-ntral ~uthrm ( allfomla a nti in1\u·at· ,... 1 (' ft 1 ,... 11 ,.102,. 'J'rlpp Ave N Bl d Co t M d . • . . . ... un . p.·r ru an' ·"f'\1 f'. • ~. 1 , j 18M ewport v . s a esa l ing tht' a HOI I t o a nf"" bull·l·' June :. Hurlll'f\ t-•. C.:Oiby. butld Ju.n~ .~ty ot NI'Wpnr1 Reat"h JA'f' T'otert Ui 1'\lDIItruclln~ A L---------------------------..6 I~& f f'('Qr\1 ill a .n.'POrt hy 73 lOUth· j 1,1.,1Unt"r" plt·r 700 In Lloln ~ord. Lido Cba nnt'l int<ta11 '7 outiP~ nt nf'w $3110 ~luqu 11hrt't met:~l 11hup 1---------------------------, lttnJ 1 nmmumt~o·11 w hh h ff'\"rallll l ..-r c·r .. tt and :'\evil!,. $9:,0 new pier. JM!r lfobart O'lluwt'll at 500 <!!lt h Nlrrrt and Propertlt'!< thr vohJrn•· ot l"nn~tntdtnn for 1 1 J • 11 . r l l' K •e. June ~ Tom ('unu1n, Ill Mt'-lnr an• 11tartmK nmlllnt("tlun of YOU'tL ALW A-YS-UA¥E-FlJ-N AT THE NEW AJAX ARCADE EVERY DAY AND NIGHT SUMMER AND WINT~R Uw-lil'l>t"f-t~ mmtmo nt UU11 WAr unc ·• ov.a • re11, • bullol J•I••JIIIur•• Jll••r 1,..r 1 'ln(t and faddl'n f'lao·e, ln~tall 30 outlet• in a n .. w S3201l rnn.-ro•tf' rest.ourant tn ha,·r hf'rr 51:.0 411".:10:1 Thl~ :'\r\'tll•· 51~1~14) addition . an•l ul<l ~trul'lurP. p..r tmlldlng at Corona del Mar. I Ill an lnrro·a~a· "' S~ .. ; 1\!l:! !l~" 11\'•·r Ju: r· :T ll II ll 1\1•11••111, 61ti1d V. A 1"'rr1>P· . -- thl' -.mllllr J":rltkl oof lrutt \'1'1\r, I n 2 VIa June ~ Florf'nl'l' Antll·rMn. 4:.!"1 l>d•·n~l' Kt•• n•lt•· .,r n(•W-'-:1 rh-.l .. llf>' pwr '"' ot81, It .:, J ' ' • ,.,. Nurmal hlltl.hn~ •lrmi\JYI!I "'If'· lrlar~ruerlte Avf' .. lnJOtall 2-R ,,1;t-aulu f•n••in""rtrig. Jlow 11 motoriz('<1 Lid" l' .. nol 1w•t 1 ·,.,fl anrl N,.viiJe " .. ·' 1 J>ll'ml·lllf"d I•Y nat>unal •ld••n,... r•· SH\.40 lf'ts In n"w homP. pt'r ~It \\'lrtlf'\1"' ,.,,., r1•plan• n lx•mtx'<l cit y : qutn·mrnt,. hi\··· "''"1n1···•1 I ho• .Iuiie ·' II 1; ~nlllh ··rrt·t •mt· Blackbeard hnv.·nn lll'lllnl~hin~;nawrl acnd('m) I tl\'l'·ffillllth ltot>tllt llf \•llriuWI IUt'aJO ,,.,,,, ""''·rlu• n.: ~11(0 :l:lllt We.t iunf' :1 F. L \Vrl~hl. :103 T'oppy ha~ llf•\'t•l('tJII'{I lll~id<· n rac tOI'). fAr ab11Vt' th•,.... vt 1~40 11 .,.ntra l l"'r 11 1; :;n.•th S"-~ A·v~. lnll\311 2~• 04ttll'tll In nrw l nn(l how tllf'a~urr• I'Hr lll'~('miJI~ I . Thf' "Pf'<"l w tth "h~ h th111 ,,."' J lln•· ,; t-: I. Kn .. llo, htuld 3 bou .... pt>r Sl•l \\'. OI!U"kll<C'Ilrtl hn1·,. an· rtolltn~ orr hiiJ.:I' movin~o: "rtlvll,· '" A•h'Rn<tnt,: I~ ·~uol'lnJ!t•rl ll'V11I 'huww a n-I 'J c·ar ~~ _ J u'!! ~ c;arl ~tr ''02.....l..at.k·-ftJrtrco,s...d. A o·W.I~~~MitUTT'~ hv tho• f,H'I lllJl ..lhc ~ k-··~rl>--,r11ra)te 320 nny' A,,.-Jlf'r Lron .pur Avr , tn11tall Z7 oull<'tll In tllill ~huulcl 11ppt•:tl tn PVL•ry p;~-1 ~th'"" a tout ut S:.'t>•l:.:l.t!!l f.'\f> t h•• F y j . · $.~11\1 nPw rnltlf'nU .• J"'r ~1.1 \\' ntnck.llnollc Anwrt~•un Rt'llll tl in Tht· BALBOA ~ • . un,. •• ' "'' ,!' .• ,, nra.... ~ -11 .,......--.--... 'T"'" • • BUY lOW • City Tu Lota (tzi.OO and up) Cof'oft1 ... Mar at aalboL :r-.. are wonderful Jot !Nrtaln• and the Ctty .. ,.. Mil. TERMS -Ball Cub with EARL W. STANLEY 17th anc1 Coast High way Phone 160 Newport Harbor, Calif9mia ThflM Iota arw going faat. 10 get youre n-1nd plan that bel<:h <:ottage For Building Information See Bay District lumber Co. WALTEa S. IIPJCEa. Owller NEWPORT BEACH -..o .. 1150 .... -~. ~'llJIIt lflt~nlh "" ''"1111' <ft·,l Willi • I a'. ·'.1 I , ,. 'I I'• ~ .._ard Am••ri(';rn \\'r•l.'kly, 111<' maaazirw lli!"''---~--------~-IIJIII!IIIIIIII!ll!llll---------•! l!IIIH,M<o .f"r ~ay, 1!1~ fJ\!1 1ml:'I'II'S. 1111,1ol ,...,,. ~lnrv 6 Junto :1 linrr)' ).1 Smllh. I\:! I f ~~~r_ar~ut~n ":11_11 nr·'<~ ."'t•rk 1-LOS I II • • ·. Aca.-la A•·e ln,.tall 23 ntJtldl' tn A~l.t.I.ES 1-.XA~IIS ER. Adv. "::========================~=: 1 l t u r•• '"' r··~h •.. ~. • "'1 \ _ • a• t:;arace · . • Mr llD• • n• ""'~"tl t:rehc-,·,.nnf"• 111111 4tll ,.1 1 l.•·t" :>:nrd. n-· f't'ttlilf'ort. pE"r Rid \\ BIArk-~ tormf'rly of 1 n~l.ll !.!"''" wo•rr \'1.1111-1 ... r •>v."nl'r l?r.()O. ~rd, GORDON B. FINDLAY , l lntc In th11 .u .. a hut .... ,.k bf'for" 1 J • · ~1 k . 1 build Junto :1 s w Owray 219 Opal PuBLIC NoTICES GORDON I tbe • ~an tn .. lr \ao11t1oon tn ,.(-·' utu• b ar :s t.c.JI"Y • • IRVIN GEORGE } . . •~~:a~~ wnh trmJ•·~rv kdrhm Aw .. ~t~l ~ ~dH~nlll o~lr~~-~~W~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~d" mllf' \ a ll1·v Thf'V r<'llhlr 111 ~ 11 n 1 h · In r••ldt'n~"t'' ..vr Sid W Rlftr k · Hit' (I • • lUll! h.ttll .>114 •tn t.l ,\vr per ~~ _ •_;..::.::._ • . --. I g ---·~~ lleal'd. TRAS~,\('TfX(i Bt'SISF.~~ •::=::::;-=::1-----:-"'"g W'tft""tn.ING CONrRA~R .lun,. 7 I.Jtlo hi•• O •mmunity J une 6 AI Andt n<nn, lrurtl\11 :l ,t'~Of:R A •'l('TITIO t:M· 1"'.\~r:. u J..IA# CARPENTER AA!u>< l&lllln trurl.l I oollo rf'tt' t~nnll additional (>UIIrte In rnmmt'rTIIII • • 1111 w. Ceatral ~ . . RENKY BRESKE Phone Newport 721 PbOIM' 8 :m un... IOtt-1 1:.! \'1.1 llaTTPiofta, ltructure~ per Sid W B!tak.,.•;•~ ·•Thr flnr1f'r.sl£nl'd d.l'f'~ h<•reb)' 1 S1 POO • Jltnf' ·> M•rtln Wlnk~r. · 3• <'"rt1fy lh;tl ht! t< <'6nthtctrng 1\ I .1"~; t; H ''"'•'"""n. lllter ID· Wut BAy Avt' · tnlltall 417 outlrllt .-:l'nc•rnl I'I1•Ctricnl !'Ontr:l\'ltn~ bw<i· 1l•·rt.•r ••t rl',;tnur .tnt r" r lh·~ ln nt'w homf'. Jlf'r Sid W. Olllr k· n1'~S at flo..: ·14. Srwporl Re-ach. "lna rt .. r~ I w; c··<AJOI 111''•1 \' per brard _I OranJ;:t' C'ounty. C'altromin. und1•r CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Tdepboae 40! S410 Cout Blvd. • I , \\Of'r. s;:. • -J-fl 7 Ray MllrliOt•k. 10 I llhr (t('IIIIOIJ~ namr nr "110!'>·1E -------------~ Ju~P ~MI II ~111~ ,11~~ ~~~~~ AH . lndAII 7 ~dHioo~ ~~~L~E:(~~~~~l~~~·~nn:r~l~lh:ll~t~~~a=~~b:u:~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·~ L---------------.a....------------,..------------~ 1 hr .. u~;h Jlrl< k wiLl I luv.-.• rd alley outlets In ttomf'. per ~-ntr • 11 ' ----~------------====~=~~~~~~~~~~~f~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~=~7 .~·I JH Mm•·n~~~ A~ib -TuA~~-~·ms !(~ ~=_.,. ... a.,~--..:.o _____ .., __ "..-"' lll•h'l~ I~ r ,....,.·n• r. $100. llhore n rlvr. lnl!l all ~ 1\ddlllon~l ~~ A!< (ollow~. t0·\\;1 . P :'.1m A ~!P)"r. build outlets In homf'. Jlf'r R F.. F.l · Vrmf' 1\ 'Tripp. ownPr, 101 Vln • DONALD BEACH KIRBY • A.L.t.. .&&CBITSCT aeO.........._OIIII_. ._...-._ Marine -HARDWARE -Ge~~eral • f · BftASS HARDWARE -QUALITY 'roOLS l I W. P. nJLLER PAINTS ~ YAarr PliiiNGS ·' . 110-111 llartM A..._• .... <, ~ _..._. Newpad au .. ( AC'tidfent Policy ACCIDENT POLl('\' Prorl.,_ maalmum lnd""nlty of Sl~ for S.'\.00 a year ·Howard W. Gerrish Jiuality Lum~r aad Building Materials • COSTA MESA LUMBER CO. ''"' ~t .. n · trnnu· "' I ~tur • ., !tfftce dt"f'dge. .. .. , Dijon. L1do lsi<'. :-.;,.wpnn Tlf'ach. an.t prtnl ~h"r :Wtl w ... , I'Mltral Junf' 1G-J J. Knnx 33S L, ('nlifnmta. , A•<' I',. t ,;or.ln· 11 ~·mdlay. Strl'rt. "lnl!tAII 31 nutlrlll In npw I \\'IT!'F.!'\~ mv hanrl thl!' lith h<I\JIIt', ~r r ,M Tnlll1y and lin\' nf Jurw. t!l4t .llonr ltl I I.\:••• I H Hr,..,.'tl of 1 ~anta Ani\. 1>111hl : ~••·t:~·. i room h"l~·· an.! -: ,·.•r ~ •taj:" Attacb· f'•l !l3t \\,.~t)lll\' An p.· J 11. !lltllf'~ 17 0111) June HI "''" nrr .111111" II II \\' H"l\'u tlldilb tnta•rwr •lf hntl'<' :..\):,' C';•lltns Aw .. , J>er F•lftl\1' ,1. 'hiiJ>h.n S:!~ Ju· I' I I ko·\"H iy BtU. bu!J4 a t ~un J'<'"• h t,, ht~us ... :;:, (•,•uri Aft., J'f'r E·l~~:ar l ,_,Jf'lln, I 100 Junr 11 l'r~>r•·rtt"' In, buiJd cunnl'l~ rt'~l•ll:rticnl ~~ ptor lrYID Son~. , 1 -\'ER]'I;E •11. TRIPP. J un .. l G-Yac:Dt. J,fel!ldl,r. C'nftl'l Stat<' (If Cnlifomi11 HI~WI\)'. ln1tall !) outlt~ nl'w ('nunl), of {kan~r !'.~. ptf'r. I"'" r M. Trusty and Sonll ()n thi!' lith clny of Junr. 1941 . Junf' 11 h'&n R K n01t. S 0 7 b<'foTT ml'. L<-rny P An<k~on. a Poppy A'\·r. lnltall 34 outlf'tll In : NClt &l')' Puhlk. tn anti for thr wd n~w hollllf'. "' t~a (ft .... hot*. p4'Y Sid W Bla ('kbNrd. p<'f'SOn wh~ naml' i~ suh~crib<'d Junr 11 l"on'll Malt ~hor. 207 to ltil' with in in~trumrnt. and I ).tarinr Avr . lnat•ll additional and nrknow1rdgf'd In ffi(' th;ll he <'X«.'' I new oullrt.JO. ~r Std W . Bla.ck.l rulrd thr SAml' . beard. I TN \VlTio:ESS WIIERF.OF. I JunC" 11 W'"c. OWf'n. 123 Ma r-havC" hrn-untn ~~ my. h11T1d and lnf' A\'C:., l•ltall 27 ,outll't• In ntw ftfri'lt'd m~· orricial sc'nl the-dRYf ,...Sdf'n<"r . ~r Sid W Bla<"k.,.an1 land y('ar In this r<'rtlftC'81C' ril"lll Junl' 11 ,,~ Ro.,.rt All(n. 213 abow •Tittt'n. llar1nt' Ave .. 1n11tall 1 additional LEROY P . ANTIERSO!'<. ouUpt In 8to~. ~r Sid W . Black· I · ·~nt:tl')' Pt1hlic In nnd for snld I beard • . • , C'ountr nnrt ~111tr. Jun" 11 F. c Ha«c<r. :103 Ha.z.el 1 ~otnrinl ~tr C"Ommi~lon I'X· MOan Underwood 222 Ruby Aveaue Balboa blaod Pboae: Newport 4Q • • HOME • SE E SANTA ANA BUILDING and. -LOAN ASSOCIATION 601 North Main Street about a monthly payment loan pl~ Jor that new horne whereby tm~ - and principal {'educe each month. W~n ln Coeb MeN loolt ewer th~ nt'w blouw~ ~lid •ll•r-U at P OLLY APPAREL. Coeta 1114.._ Dr!Yf'. • In .tall 19 outff'll lo new 1 Sral \ piN'~ ~fAITh t:l. 194:l bouw. per E J. AU1n. Pub.-Junr 1:!, 19, 26. July 3. 1941. '--------------------------J --- " I-- t ' " ... L , .. • n d I ·-· ; •, NL"WI'ORT ~A .NEWS-'I"'ME.c;, N~·~ California. Tlll1H!'\l.~AY._.J_l1NJ-: ·~~. 1t~lt., --=-=~ Pap SeW'D ------------------~--___!__. DEU-IT TAX AID ~~ ASSESSMENT UST I NEWPORT BAY TRACT !.1•'""' J•·nnw Y . 0-L>U"'. 1 :<'1•rli,. •· rl &I Ul Ill 1 2 Ctty of Newport Beach. S~ of Califonaia NEWPORT BEACH CITY TAXES AND ASSESSML'"TS SUB.. Of BLOCK C-NEWPORT BAY . DELiNQUENT f6R.' Way th·!•·n 1\ t;1ly, I F ... ----- BALBOA B'A YSIDE ~~~ !.Ill :11 II~ STATE OF CALJFORNIA COUNTY-OF ORANGE llurt r •~ Burt. t~ L --., .• ,--..,z~--'\--"6 w "J • :!S~ 2 17.~ ClTY OF NEWPORT BEACH BALBOA TRACT AND ... I. R . R. ~odgklnaon, .. Ex:Officlo Tu Collector, in and for BALBOA ·BAY fRONT ,tilt! Clty"'f Nl'~rt Bkcb:-CilWlty b'rONJI&'•. StKt)""'f"CIJ'm'>~l---------- 'HEREBY ClyE NOTICE that, !kf-lt having . been ~ade \\ 11011• Harry II ·• "lD the payment of t.axe. and -menta due to the City of Sw-m<J~U~ma. (_"\arrn.·r E II N-'Jl()rt Beach fOf' the f~al year ending June 30, 1941, upon the C'lf)' of !\:«'"''port Beach 11 property hereinafter delk'rlbed, and that, unleu .. id t.axe. Md Smith. t:.truo lt. 3 &ae&~menta ao del1n4luent, togetbe.r with all pen&IU... and co.U Smith. •-ra.nk I~ et aJ due thereon, bt pa.lu at the Tu CollectOf''a office tn the City SmH11. Fntnk L f't aJ All lin<' brt. am., and ·~-~ •at:r 3 101.1!\ 3 4:l97 6 4t.79 9 203 16 G 6 U \. ... ._ ... _,___F~ouul, ,\liJt•,t .I ".!N' ~~~· Ill l '.oll I "I II• IL :1 It f't't•k. ~·ol\\llld l; 31K ~~ ~·· 111. .. zr. Ahh·n t\ 11. ,. \\ ••I al ~ .. : l"'r IUO l'"' 1 lo'<'J 3:.!l' 11; I 2 :1 :1!\ RE-SUILOF~N-A-DEr-MAR • Aloh•n A 11o 1', \\' ~~ Ill Nt-: l"'r lUI t""r 1•·~1 :1:.'" 111 t ·:.' :~ :tro t\7 4•1 !II ~:1~ ~II I :l 1:1:0. f1 till I , ----~Furmatio~ S1,tnitary UiMtritt . l f r~ J4'or -1\l~Ka AM f4"tn~l Step Hq •nrt 111.: lk·C.~n· tho·. •hn .. ·lur~ l""lll'l' >-lllll~.ll') l.u·llel~o·~ "''lth ,,f fttt\ ( ·_.,," "'""'" t 1uunt"'" .. ,,f •'"'•'''I""!'' ---- ,.,,,., ...... ~. lht' "!.:!.:.k a~~--ltfth--~llml't \\'ant '" r.·muln a -·,rtrr ,ot llnfrl-.,,;., 1 h!l!lo'r I lull"'• po•llil'lllll 111 ~nnln i\11:.," ~11hl llw>"· 1 1o11•l•·• \\ Tl·\\'mt..t.•, d lltil1111111 ~-'""I ""'' 1111 1~ · )'} 11 u u ilu .. l '"'"'" "' 11w <~<Jill :or~ 1·,.11,.,11tl•·•·. n •\·1 nl n\111111.1 o·tf1'1 I 1'llll ""Y o•Horl lcr·. .~1 lh.ll "hllo• lho• 1·,,.1 .. r 11 ~·\\••r "''"' l>l•lotll\111.: 1""1"'1' ~nnllftry ,, ,,,.111 "lllh>HI Fo'<lo•oul 111,1 "''"''111 ftu'llll .,., loo• ~·lot alru••l Tho· n•·W. Ji))'Jr ~·u .. -..:1-'t""!'<"..:'~:':.:.:~> • ...,. .. ~~ ... • ........... ~ ____ ...... ..,. ... ~ - <:IH7J'll'l< :"iat l Tr ~ ~"''·" Hank I. A CIU:r.o•n·~ ~~~~~ T r & ~R\'a l lank·l. A Cill:r.t•n's N :•II Tr & ~ll\'11 Hn.nk·l . o\ tw' '"'•enht1t' l•l"' '••luntt .. ·r•••l ffl ,~f,n· fl'll!)llt' ,1 ,j,lllt•tl lnhHI'o'l' f1>1' INM' Shf'&ro•r. J nlll<'f II 8l't•t&r«'r. Ju1111·~ 11. Hanuuu Ct>~'t•••• "'"'" ·it1utw8•~'···-... l .. n- '(Vblte. H1'l:llll\hl l-1 Whit«', Ro•.:u~l R Whttr, H••.:u ml1l H Wh(tr, Ho•,.:l!lnld ,; Nl-:ly !\ 1:1 1;ti :lllf\~ 1:1 137 , :\4 ~w!'y ~. l't-:1)· 1:1' H\\'ly :!:0 1";' 12 14 ... NJO;Iy-U~ tl HI :>1 :Z3 H\\'ly '-' 2~ l:\7 2 10 1:\1 ,. 117 1,17 1!'1 ,._, 1311 2tl6 -•••., -u :,. 141 4:1 :.OK u z tt :u U :l 411111 142 2(J :1(1 CORONA DEL MAR 1\to''ll l.lhrlll'\ f1>1' "'hll'h IW>no•y \\ 1111 •II• h II tll,lll)'l Ill 1'\1•1•'111''' IJu, niN•flth i>o•t•Q rnoVIIIMf '""' "''"''"'' 11~ IH'I 11 mn~ l>o· I" ...... • I llnn>lll · l :rn .. ;•l.· ,mrmbfonthlp tl•lt-I" appl)' 11111111'1""'''1~ fo~r 1-rtl· 1•hnlnnn n. n·p<~r1••.t l .own\lln llo"'t o·ral 11111 "~··n ~""•nu~wrol '"'"'' \\'"lit'. t' 1. ( l UHIC¥ und Me-· llll<'o' !nun· • h•"f~IIIW II\ tlilllhlt• f1t1' 1\tuh:.n Jluk••l' 1\ .. ~Ill""' fl'l«'Nilf'n< C!l • 4'i\'il&ao,.t\U'Jo.,·l~:' T~l~,!ltdr t!llltm •..u~~·m•tltr_ • 1 • ti1•W•·• ,.,. nt r n ·...:nl, llll'n· ~"''"'', Fh'f• r••mmlllro•nu\n P:mll Gr••n· 'm• 1 ..... ~•1•1111)' ••f o>f•l11lnlll~; F•••l•·rnl 1·r , ... 1,,..,, ... , l1t~r.·~<s on ltw-d.-an• I nul fur ""'" 11 pr•'l<"'l -Ill' ,.,..,,,..,,l~o;n t .. ~·nrud I lo•Fonl._ll "''"" '''"'"'"; T It It•·" ,..:l••rlt-.1 on Pn:IC,..... j tn liM' Mo~n 1\f'O'I\ nn•l hnw In th•• ,.f lht• ''"""'''"'"' ln l'hl\'lCt' nl IM ltW"ftl , .. ,u.un.: ""'""' l )' Vtllllnl•'<'l'·l ""'""' ''"'"" for .. ,.. Srl\rrt~~ r.r> Hall. «;~nor before MONDAY. June 30th. 1941. AT TEN o·c~K ·mean h rgh'u.t., llrwl A. M. al tbat day. all of aa.id property de.crlbt>d in the •·llbln Grf'i".lt>y Alma T 6 d e 2:.!fi :n Grft'lt'y A I nut T NKly 1U 6 :ls.\ l :l :l:\ 3:\1>!'1 M2:t II'"' h • "'--. ... bl Tt•\\'lnklt• "''llh tht·1ntlltl, l'llll u'"''<latept ~ t•k~ at ••mil A AAnitl\ry 'l}''<l•'fn WM 1\0C¥ II\ J'll"'''\'illt• thft n~ry nt''l'o•r nw1n• ,.,,..,nllnl nt c·,~tll J:n\111111~ ,,...,, Mf\41 nthfor ll.rntnatr· M•"'l\ too· ,...,,lnn'\1 No otw kn""'" ""'"'~' '"~'~"nry fur thc> M,.... to l•..tto~ thAn "'"' In tho• hwl•lin1: '"' '""' '" ""'"'""'-or 8f"tth1and ll8t on whlcb·11a.ld ta"ee and .. ~enu. peoaiUea and c~ are ll·lt;ooa l'..:t• h AmWM'm8lt Co. 11 tbeo unpaid. will on the date and the hour ab<we IPecilled. BY Alh·n. t:II'Aard 11 · t2 10 !13 00 G!"e<C'II')' A lrtlu T . M 234l 10 12.1r. I.Wnt'<fh•t ll•'l"ll' J.. !I :.O:l!f and tbat IUCh lillie wUI be made ln the OFFICE OF THE TAX OOLLECTQR o.f P.lll City.· . _ R. R. HODGKINSON, ~-Officio Tu Collecior ot Newport Be&cb, C&11fomta. Tobl Delln- A-!Ied Ownel' Lot Block quency NEWPORT BEACH TRACT 8&11. Birdella M. .Ball, Btrdella lot. Reitz, Loullle 5 6 30 • 26 15.%7 26 36 76 26 10.22 28 , 32 46 Norton. Amaiuta M. Foote. Elizabeth H. Utch, Ulla F. Feuman. Ftqrt>nC'e 0 . Feuroan, Alfrt'.J J. NF:Iy 40' 1 32 10.59 19 20 21 ·34 .6 60 34 8 ";'9 34 15.76 THIRD ADDITION Twvmey. Joy M 39 RIVER SECTION Faul. GN>rJ:t' W. Marlo~ Stank~· L T ltlt> r.uu r & Tn~:~t ,('() lfii,Jikt>y. Halph P. Vau~:.hn. Ll"ltit• TlfomMn, 1\linrut' A. t•l IU Sm1th. F.. Garrett Smith. E. Garrett 9 36 HI 3 13 39 15 40 16 42 ...J 17 42 \\-1)' 16 2/3' 6 136 Wly 16 2.'3' 7 136 26.50 1929 1:: ;,J 26:.! 2.f.:.! 3 0:) 16 43 231H 16 42 Burl('lgh, Howard B. 6 128 8.0Q BUI leigh, Howard B . 7 128 8.00 Johrulon, Emma Goodman All (ex Sly 25'1 4 130 28.34 n nc por-sec 28-6-10 · bet IIUDe. and RR R/W) Klrt1and, Richard L. 7 q.orr. RheU v. e t3t 4.10 131 . "10.11 Van Norman, Yanda N . 1~ 132 5.41 .Uk!'w, Ida N . 1~ 134 6.41 'Gioeu«, Ida L 1~ 135 1).41 ~!ltOO, L illy et &I ~ 231 13.58 Service, John R. 22 w 2.fl6 Hardlng, .Mae E . 21 235 17.20 Jordan. Ellzabetb B. ~ 22 2M ,.41 Sanchez. N. J . 8Bnchez, N . J . CANAL SECTION 3 139 4 139 12 139 Helms, Whit M . Helms, Wlllt M. Hawthorne. Ro~rt S. lfa.~key, Ralph P . r.iisn1•r . Howard H. Mumt'r . llowarcl H. Ruckman. H . C. Hutlt'dJ;t'. l ..<v> F.dl'ar F:dward~. f:mt't<t ChrLmb<'tlin. P it'rrt' A. NEiy ~ JS IS. 2 432 8 438 9 ~2 10 532 &34 t. [.34 li 539 10 636 CA¥CA.STER ADDITION Pittmnr T I~ <:'11 y "I ;-.;.~,\j,;Jrf .1.:< a. h A llth l.t\\ls;\ l l.illll• II I ,, 11!1:1,. "· \\ ol /• 1 m :.u. ,\l'ol J!·l•o·t · \' SECTION A U•lolul, Aontu~ "· !" 111 f.o I'• r k ..,-~ ..... -·· --·' I:; .":l!.'!l • 17 ~~! .. • 1 .. ·-....... --. 30.4t 30.49 12.43 7.84 17.2 1 15 6:; !J 92 59:.! Ul tl~• 3 11 2 ... :!9 12 .. 1) 1:1 !.7 !)-;:-; 1 .. ·~ ... ~Ju0--~1~-·~~l~~--~~~·~~~--------------~~~~~-1_1--~L---~~~-~~HW~~~~~--~-4~~~-~~~~~~~~~~-~~~L-~--------~ 10 1447 34 C'1ty ()( I'•'" l••(t IIC't'4'b 111 :14:' --~ Altc-n. H. 14 t::. 18 10 12 16 City nf 1"\I'"P••·t Ht-IU'h NF.Iy ~ lt1 :It :• 10 1'1.111 Rnlll\\o•11, n .•lw•o·t J 2:1 24:1 ' How to become (ltildren ·Of Jascha Heifetz Arrive· Here "Ailo·D, F..dw&rd fl. Allt>n t:dwarJ H. F.ly 135' (adj Iota 17·13-14·1~16l 0 43.77 \\',.lol), T h""'l''"'ll 1\ 332 :'14 711 1t 30 4 411 A SKILLED DRIVER Fa1rlirM t:•l"'''" C F a1rllt·ld. t:.J"'''·" C" t:1y I f>' of l'ly tiO' 2 11 102.e1 : I' I)' 110' 3 11 8:'12 ·Tra,·llla. )lrfl I. !I.'T.ly 30' ot 9-10-11 SWiy 35' of 9·10.\1 1 12 7~ f3 IJtlD18!!VL Ida )I_ <:rc .. ·lt y~ A lma T <;r.·t'lt·y . Alma T 12 {19.78 13 1~r6 88 All tin~ b!t ume .ttml mean hlgJl ta~ ltne 1 2 3.64 u 3~94 EAST SIDE ADD. TO BALBOA TRACT & BALBOA BAY FRONT r .. H1n . .1; •~ I c .. rtm. J H l":lr6or. ;\lw .. J> t'ar k tn A h• • II ~y•·r t :n t4 h•~n ~~ • r • :r•·t• !·u~n .r ot to· • .:.t"'·m l ' .. !h•r ~~"In l 'ntl o•r I :ol\4 n \\1y 30· T 1~ 1:'1 12 13 7 '\\.ly •., II l\0\\'1v 4~• n f ~Ely l '-0 V l&dJ lut i • W •., kil 1!11 16 17 K lK 1M 20 20 \'1l••rt. c; ... ,,~,. •:. ::. 2!'1 \'t.l• rt, I ;.-..,~·· f: 6 p \'1t ... rt. I;. or,.:•· F. 6 2~ \'o bt·lt 1 :.C·ur.:t• t: 6 P 1'..-arman. J R 32 B l'f'ann:tn.. J ll. 23 C .Hi.c.k..a. Oe_\'LlaJI.d_ R 20 E Firtrt Truhl • Sava Bank·~ .28 E Moda.tte. R. Ill. 21 0 Hunrt. F..da P. 12 1 .Mone. Olivf'T H. _ S8 I Sbea·er, Jamu H. 14 J Willlami!Qfl. Harry H. 26 .J William~. Harey H. %1 ~ w llltarn.-on. HarTy H. ~ J p,.arman. J . ll. :ze L ..a.t .. key, Robrrt H. 8 M Mal'ke)'. P.t>brrt Jf. 7 Ill PM&rman. J . B. 2 0 Hrlggli. G4.>rtrude 1... T 0 Pto"anr ail. 'i. ll. 12 0 c..roon. W~llac~ 13 0 )fartln. f'erl~ WIM!rier Nly ~ 14 P ~fine.~ lA Ill adJI 11artm. Pf'TI•· Whreler All lint' p<>T l~.>t Ill adJI ~~~ P TRACT 756 '• S4 TRACT948 ~JwiiH y . 1-'r• .. !••n • I! 1'1 al TA II• r r~ Floor• n• •· ~ ;\II ff•x t :ly ~. 42 • A ACREAGE ll•.W )', .. "'"' 1>1 •' :'I)• ff• I .;1 fo1 1\ r I' ~I'< 1 ";' 1 fl •1·1;\;.,l •.l ·utr:.l ,\\• \\h·lo, .... .... , t .• ~~ It• .. ~ ) ·:ar~ • l ~·· 17 1 ''''I ~~ ! ~1ft ' .. )ft 1 ( ; I', ~~I ::'·'• Jq ~ l ! ... ' t 1\ 1, f • 1 A. ... l.lk JfJ!• :---. • I ·~. I~ I M 49 1.fi8 :.3 12 140 4\44 41\ lit :.a 2A I!\ HO 1 79 7f· 311 1'40 ~tl H2 I 40 7 76 7 76 27.4~ 7.76 41.M UlUI 8.47 12.7~ 126.08 22.06 21'1.29 20.9SI 30.73 4.6!1 . 7.76 11.43 7.16 e3.1o 10 2:\ Ill !If\ 11)6 J !l ]'•'• I -TRACT-77Z ~-~1 I I , 0 Curof'y. T.l"''.''fL~ M rt al 16 3:t:t H&llljllk•l• ~tu 1 y A ..t al l\ 4:11 ttamJ'"'"' Mury A ... t AI 7 4211 1Jet•b4•, ~:''''' M It 4:\41 lll\l'k, l':"t•·r " 22 4:\7 &kf'r. lluo"l•l W I!\ U~ Al11t•n. A It• 1• \\' ll 443 Ah:l~l\. t\111 f• \\' SWiy 20· l:t 44:\ Drat'"· I: .. lt:~l o1 ~ l6 tl-17 tlnu'l', lito hard ~ Ill 1>37 W nrl'l, 1'11111 l1·y •; WArt!, \ 'h<11 l1 \' ~; Allrn. 11"1\hld 1.( ltumhnu): .l .. hn ~; Hvn.-n. I;" ).f<'ltll~o~h llo•lh• t.klnt~osh Iloilo• Mdnt .. xh lldlo• 2 t .. l 4 to41 6 ~42 :zn o;:\0 I 641 7~~ :\ -;:zp !o 7~'1t TRACT 470--CORONA DEL MAR llrt'nth'I . ..AI:Uiu.c..J ___ _ All I•'& tl14y) 4 K TRACT 67J.-CORONA DEL MAR <'tty uf :'\'•'"f''•rl l t.-ll•'h l'l!lhl•l' II• •·,.:1>lo•oll lit I 'u lrw (' ty .. 1 ~""""I~··· llt'l\1" :z A A II . "•' 1:: ,., !U• :.,. 1:1:1 ,. :141 14 :141 11 7:\ 211 t:t 21! h2 3f ;" 21l1T :lll ,.,. 4 ,.,1 :l:.OJ<:t til :t:l :tl .. ~ :ll 112 11 uo M ·~ : .. 17~ 3\1 :t3 RE.SUB Of SECTION ONE-BALBOA ISLAND t Cartwrtaht, H . .M. GoUld. Howa.rd A. "ttllnt1111C'~r. JI'Awant l\. Wllllaiiia, Jua M •::Jitat.e Bank, ,..,nt Nlllt ot l'omooa Pa_lne, Albrrt R Brady, lb ry 1 20 ,. . 16 1e 23 M 2 1Yflll ~ 411.1'11 • 81ft -r 1117 1 U .to 10 liM lUI 10 17 12 SECTION lWO-BALBOA ISLAND Holden, M ary t'. • SECTION THREE-BALBOA ISLAND , Smith. Vlratnt~~. 111. H-. tl•'lttn Mlnnlc CU!If'n, Mll•l••••l 1 Morrill. Uullm 1-: ·" 20 21 22 27 • 27.14 If ~ 211 HI 2:1 :tit 10 24M It fl4 ~.4 tr UY W. H•AII c-...,.,, .. roe cooo Qllfta w. t f'ltf1 ....... NU'f._, We ............. , .............................................. .......... , , ........................... ,._ 1 .... -., _, ...... ~· ......... --· ~:=: :·;~~--".-:.::. =·.-:·~=-~ .. ,. ......................................... . -·· .................... _ ...................... . . ..-. ...................... ..._ ......... ., .... . t-41\4 ... -t.....,..., I o\rrtvln..: h••r.• Rftrr thfolr filth no.-rnuntry trt{l •~ -t·llle \ lnltrtl Nt n•r• All<lftnl the \Jnlon l'at•lflt• at LA,. An1e1H U.S. welll .,. .. ,. Hnl~.-t a.u.t ... J~-t•ha tldf~ rhtldr'f!n ,., JaiC'ha lt•tleta, world '""""'" vlullloi!Oi. ,,,,. r hlltlrt'n wilt "1"''"1 thr anmllll'r IJIHnth• wtth "'"'' t>tttf'lrtfll Ill thrlr trnplra1 c»- "lt:tof'tl tiiHI•~ II'I1U11I hom_, 'l'hl' Vt•Uillf•lf'U Aff' At'<·nmpiU'Ied loy thrlr IC"~'"r""""· Mit.. Yvoaae MAIVIIIr An lnl••rrrtlilll( nnh• roor•ml ... 11 r • hlloirf'n nf th" fllmOtta vlollna.t '""' hl11 \\lfr th.. formf'l ....... n fiiiAr ... , .. , .. lll'r VIII;.,, lfll thetr "mNtlf"'• v ....... -tw.a..n _,. u..&.. whrn hr Jtt'n W• Ill • h• 1le>flllf'H lo l ~>r "" ''"II"'"''' ur fllf't'hank". Wblle I' •>t11l1111 "' r••• •~ullnlr)'. thr lad •·VIIk-llo ...... J IHir llltrr...,t In mnY'- "r .,.n ... n "''""· hut •l,...la,....t he'd lllk ..... l•••k Ill """ "'" tlaln ~·~ ..: ,,,. "I' r, nnl • ' SIULHO DllftlS NlY£1 STUNT J•-J•h•. w to .. t• • tat..nt.ct .............. -,.. tlunlt ol.tll t ... h.n•l (>liUll•t • hnflln 'l llrt'itl .. l yf't what. ltw .,,..,..f n m,.,•l• In duon ltt.-lo.a fllhr wuul<l lllof' lu •ltl. tl•r fAYnf1te "-;n, a , .. , -urtvsnr-t.~~t:-h.,.."''IH•m"'•;-.;mrar--..ln";"-"m"1ft-tu ~r motMr, I'"'''"· r h olonr th~uur" ·.t .. l•• alrna ur.r•·u"r .. lly maklnc the· hOSt of the 1• 1 flnriA Jl'lln ... rio I ml•·ral•!.. w h0'1'1 • ~ •""-'f ttriW'f -tflM. -ul It-un•I&Uiood ot-alon, .._ r-a. -nothar tony. H• -a -'-'tul r.if.,w of ~na<'fll--r, t."'"-,_. .... 11ac 4n lov•ly rountryal41•, a •IIIO'rt Wlfh trnml lnhollf'rt1 ft>Od •m11, t <>Otl l"t•· l fWitl •'fN· .1\ nd he ·-Uti" 'A'hooJ,. f•t•'tUN marTNt t.... ,, ... tt.o> ''"""' ""'""' ""'luorf'd rMJ '"tnt: .~ II. ~;..,.., •I"'""' Utin,k U'")'.,.. ""'"" loo·o tlwy o1o lrl•'k• w1lh a rar. , .. ,.uy, rf • ~t,..,..,.,..,.., thnllr 't t,,, ran't tttl\'~ rw f I Stokowaki To Lead Youth Orchntra Ar Roee Bowl _Wf!etber It I.e a~*"-f! __ ...,.;. . _.. •I·~··· .-..-;...,... ... oetve ttM .. _ ,.,...._., .,......_ .. ltOLL V A~~AIIaL. 0 eat e ..... Wolff'. Lrlt••v Tlllnl••••n, .l•·"n It Rhonlc. No•l!i•· \' RuiiiW'II, I :r .. •r~:•· E. Rlup•·r, Frar•k A t:mt. ( 'IJ <l.-H 1:1 l :l :t~ ~.7 tin,. hun•lrNt "All Amrrl.ran~" 111 4t, •of "'"'•" will ,,..rf·~m ,;" th .. hrrf 1 H3k,.r II••" Ill'• I 1 • \\1.,"tlf•\'t•r ttur r, f • "'''"'"''rr II ,,;, (• 11:14u t.t ..... k ~·t .. lmu -------- A n•I•·--R~•ll f :.,,,, •• ,, Hm llh \\' X J• \\'niJ~•·II ·r-:, ,,, i ' ... T A I ... ,. 1;,,1,., • ·I •!I I ;II~ .... ol I• I. • ' I ~ I llr••l\,l•o I I •1 ••· ""'''' ... , . '. Mt .... ,Jid•l I f• '•' I f d J~:e.rt h•~l••rr • '\ :: f ' I: SECTION FOUR Wly :J:, :.>4 l:l ... ... .. " II l:l .. Nly :, ·" I•>• ~~ . • )JI-: u~ 1 11 .. 17 :7-TT ·;I 17 • • I I, '· •• I • I• ,., BALBOA ISLAND "' lh•· l 'lll'~'l"ll • fl.,,... 11-.wl whrll l 4-; llfi r.-'"l••lol Mloolc tM'I'ki h r I Il l( fll hI ,1 1tl'tr, '""'""" All Amf'rlo 1111 Y•~olh Ot .,._._.,ANt~' eatft f11 4fl i' h.,,,Jt ... thnt ""'''" "'"•1hur• nn :"J•• ~• ~unl'tu\ u ft•·H~~ .. ,,..., •uu•• :lhlfl •e.t ~ •• I f,,, k ftH "" '"".. , ,,,.f •·rt ttt :L:..A..: -r' •ll.IJ.b.. • !JUl Ul.t u1..11 _l.u 1J 1 ul Ul c._ ·/7 t7 I :O:••IIII o ll> l 'nltfool lllll ••I II" l'''"''lol -i~!~~~~~~~~~~---= :1 t ~ I fllr•rl "b tlt"' ,~,, ''•· .,.,,, •"·'• .,, ·"~":. ... tr.ru -rr -rt I " • "'•' ,.,t, ~~ ,.1 '·" •I • '' !It••. llOILH \Ooun ......, t ~ • '• II' f ., •. I • I •.I'• I • '. ' ., •• I'' I \ ... k .. ·• •kl , • .,,~Mtlf J I I • ,, f '' , •••• I... •.. , '. ~••I• l'r ••1""''' .,,, •••·r '• "l"''f llfufw,r .,,.,.,_ .. , .... , ''"'"''' ,,,.,,._., • 7•• t. MAl N 'iT. LOS ANGELES :-'1111 '·' I· ,,,t.k :-;,,tl,•la. Fl ;.nk :· ' I • ' r: li.,i ~ ---~~·t'"l:r 1 ~tot--------.----:!; 7''• __ •.• .,.._. 7 " ,, ;, t . 1!•·11 I' ',1 -.-..·1 · -I' nr'tl l~'r:1: k ""0' •. I' .• I l"f· . J :1 ;.I. a, :\l t! It • .t \' <""!'. \\';o!f, r E ' j (' :11 ... Z.: Hll I. J-::,;.t l tll 11 1."1" ,., ;\ rl~t 1 "' '-=· !" A 1·t .• 1 Artt' .,,.: ._. ~ .\ •·t '" A~t:.~f !fl'.: ~ .). I t .d ,,, r: .,.., '-!' ,\ .t nl ., •t~· :---., t t• L ~ ...... '· ....... I 'I TRACT .~15 SE~SHORE COLONY I ., • • . '. --: <. T~~~J;f .... J.4:.;.,_ ................. ________ ~~·--.. =+"""'!~-.. · .... ~~~..,'._._"'u...-~~ ...... -=--............. ~ ,._ 1 ,} t•l-; -., , ' 1 I ~ SECTION 8 II; 1: IIi I I 17 17 17 17 l ; . 1'• ., I . ': 1 ; • 1 I · I I: ' - ,. I ' • f ... :. ~ j lfd . \',: 1 11l ; I I I ; ~ tf .It, ,, • t f .. . \', •; \\ . • , I. "' I • ;. ·~ ·, ' :-,·I . ' I I RIVER SECTION ,\ I I . I ' • l'fl I, 1 I ) 'I I _ (\ • t 't "',. , N , ' ., ... '" ' ·' I' ,. I • I ' r ' .. _ I • ' I-• 1 ol I· 11 • " \\ H I• "''"'I' I I' I JJr\,tu~·•·ld ~ •• • '. ,. )·I -;• II••IIP V t\ I: f't Itt ' f .f t.: I : .... I >. l•ll!lrl!l I •ttn, :u l •un, ,,,. I ,. f 1 1 1 'I .. '· TRACT 742 II II OPERATIVE Plf OPERTY II I ' ·. ' ... ·. .. .... , 1 I ~' I '11 • I t \\ .1d• 1; 1 111•" ('., t 1\'1' l h II 7 : • I ; . .!tt'•-... ~: .... t~ .\ I I • · .. ,. ,, • 1v t; ' ,.,,,,, I 7 y, '• i" f 1•. t, I I ·111\.'.11\ f II EAST NEWPORT ht \' .. f :\~11 pN I f'.(o;u h B 111:•·r. Frill>l Ill J J v:olyn . .l••s.·lt' R TRACT 884 3 ;, . ' I 1'1 . 2f. 4 .... ~. ;"'; J· ~-]~. 7~ 7 .. 47 •• :~ SUB. OF BLOCK ''A''·EAST NEWPORT lrfr Kay L3Vl1la.; , 411· J••hn~n. G t'<lrge et aJ 52 Adam!l. Hllgh 67 ltfcG~w. 'C A. (Eatatel , 124 Rabbitt, )turray 1... AU (Inc bet ~&me and , bl(b tide ,liM) .Q ---) . A A A A A 41 r] 2'; I~ 74 7:' - 22 to•, 49 3() I , -~ I ~ ·' 1 \ I ... _., FIRST ADDITION . TO N£WPOtft HE'IGHTS ' , .~ • 41-.: .J, r• , • ~ • I. '• ., <: II•. ,,-·1., 1 •·', • ·-·. II· • '\ I~ ( ·, I f . I. \\ I tff• I )< \ '.-r '' • t at 1 ·,,,; ' -~ ·r TRACT 919 I:\ II •.I 1'-,,, 11 .... ~ ... '. \· I ,. I \' • '· , • '• \' r, • . . -; I' I ·~r 1 r,.~ I \1 • "'•••• .\111.':: •. :::~: ·--·-.. , .... _ ..-;"''~ 4 \o ;,; .,._,,, ., ·~ Atl ,,,..,., ••. ,.,v h•·•• nt.~t-.r•· t t; 'tl'''' h,,..,.,.~,.,, in th4o• ,,,, JW>'DI<· ll!tdl>t o,tll.o• c IIV t of• :"i ~\'.t·•oJ.l' Mi llf 'll t 'loi'-.::TY Col" C!ftA!I;t;t-: ~'11\T t-:' f tV I II I.I H II '~'''' ,,,,.,. /•l flot' IH/•/•111• II 11/l,.f•o I J.,,,,, \1\• ft fill ,ft ,l fiiU ,filii' t/•t ,/n; I "''' f •11 1t" ,,,,.,. "'""' •\f".n\'\;f•,,.,h "''"'-' #:.''' ''~'''''" ,.,, .. 11 ,,1111 f,,H ,.,,, (1 ... ~, X , .. ; • , .. ,, .,,., •• ,,u ,,, ""'' I'",,, J tl"i\ "liW" ... ., ~.~ ~ •• ,..,. f, \ll l''''f ,.,,,,,,,,, ... ,.,.~,.,,,.,). "' •• , '.tfljo \t ll .. t~f I .n.J, o #.0 01/dt \IJJ'I'I If )''•Ul I fu lft h., HH" l•••l th" • tlf1 ~ Uft 11.11Uuh I J(IW.,f tJitf lt,f -l)f •tift )'"If J, .. Jf IHI"f If ~tf;,\1\ J\VJII' IAtthlt. fttnM"ftlfllf'r, n;4uy y•H;d,ful <tlffHIU ttf f ufllf't(uluttt •hh'!. ,, 'J"'ftlnffft uf tlu• J,,,f dtV'.t"f ,,nttl •c Ita. hea 1-ra~"'" l.ur :II' t; l l,.~ 111 J •,l.r. I.I•·Y•l -...----------------------·~ ,. •41 ••n• ~<r ,.._.,. • · ;>."\\' :o1r •·! F .. : 1flf\:t ~~ " ,,, SW 271)· A TRACT 907-LIDO ISLE 1 117 27 J)!ltNI llol>1 :tro•l <lAy <of J ur,o·, 1'•1 I It It Jlr •l ii;KI!I;HriN. f:x.(lffl< I•· T llll ('1•ll"' l<•r •.f !l;"·vq~.rt II'·&< h . ()lllf•tm la l'ublt.h Junf' r •. 12, 111, 21\, l!Hl. n......, .... ~ ..... -"'·--·· ... f-.4-n... ·--,....,...., ·...,... ... _ _... .... , .,., __ ~..!. .. ~~ ::-~~!!1.% ~ .. -•. • I .. . ... ., .. -. . .. • :"t'!s~t=H --· mE·· _)-w-o.M-_AN'·s · .Fa·G_g ___ ~ .. CORONA:· DEL MAR ---BAt.BOA ,ISLAND LIDO ISLE , B~La6K-.. I c&tty Dodge ••. Plmae.J2 and 13)' . ~. ----~====~~==~----------~'~----~~~--~--------~-------~~--~~--~----------~~----------------------------------~~~------------~-----Na~ tmc Pasadena Woman College Co-eds Arrive Home .. 'or 'fhe . • iF•.••• P~ r · Aid, Aima Of ia Speaker. At Summer Vacation Months _S~D SOTER Haaan s..ta · C!-• -, M1 ica Rwi•r Ia "'Local B.I.W. W.S.C.S. ~••on 1 •1 d •1• L· .... J•a~ otBaJ· 1 f 1 A rn\'ln~; oJr' ~'•'"I•"' l11rbor ·' r . an ·• ,.,., r ·'1· ~ • -~~ THE 8 DSII'T'ER ) National and CIVIC aid wtll pre· f -B -tt gt. 1~ h '"'' ..,·,~·k· "''I.!' :. "••H· of 1'011•'1:~' hua l~land Iloth mothns _,.~ · au.-r tau abppect 1a a bUk ~an-~ tor lk tan-- dominate actl\'ltlea tht. neat yur Ouut:< hrom ~~ n on . 1~ 1•o·•-dc-who hlw•• lifo<·n attt"nchng north to nwd Jhr undt>r~l~ art)' UU. )'eai. ·._.. ~ _... wd ..,ut)' pwa ..,. llr al.d )ln. tor mem~ra <1f the Nt-14'Jl()rt Har· ~'. nJ<>YI'•I t f' IIJ*<' pfrogTP R-~• y "'hnol thruu..:hnut th•· ,tah·. O f (Jth.•·n. rornmg horrw . Wt'f'f' )I ~ ridmc tJar ~o••~ __ .__ R. L Pal~ Of t..c19 lllw for Manor Aaaiataoce l.eape Honora lin. H. E. Stabler Local Pianiat Attenda Pomona Collqe CeremonJ In t.,. oeutlcaJ aetting o1 the Ml111 Margaret L. Scbarlf' • ot Newport Harbor Yacht Club. m t"m · Corona del M a r . ac~ompllabed Mra l<~ttl Downs o a ...... rna . h . "I M Marparet Wtnl-...... j -bpr JWeipW and f~lonaJ V.:O· . N•, l'>J)('<'tal trnpvrtanc••• "'"I,. a rrt\d a t-~·-,..-· _..,...p-r~ ..__ J"d .. ~ ..... 1' ..... Mra.~ot Santa --afen'a Club u thl'y plan to a.ul•t,.,.64 """'"'11"'"':'"" w_~tton"th"1 ~~f-o( "''" ~:lu:olwth ~~rad· •liiu1:11t•:rr• ~~~~co.e ftlta~ "'-ani aad Mc.ica wbo.an-a-nne tate Uua l••r1 U.•ac·h \\ Qmf'n 1 ,,()(·1~ y o · . 1 1 . .. \\' tl'ri)(>UITI'' nf C.ot~t.a Jlesa ,. • tn Rrd C'roaa work a nd &MINt · 1 IIIII<· th1' Jun•· :ol :-ii.UI or1 ''"" Ill ' Aaa '1\rt:IICe ar~ -at ,._. ia . ~Dc.Ua for Orecoa (or u.. --1 'ht1Mt 1an Srrvl<" ht•lcl Ill< lUll .... L ' • 1 l'k Jun . El~it> J an•• Allf'n da1.1(tt\tft' ol Mr. t • ~ra o1 tilt> Newport . H a r b o r plani1t. attended thr Pomooa Col· Bnnch ot tbe A.u~e Lea· lege-commenc!fttftlrttl ttl~-aree~ ...,. ~ met Tue~&ay to hono r M t•. Theatre Monday evening on the H. E Stahle r of Balboa with a Claremont Gampu•. 111 m obl)i&Ul& wvmen for natjunal l !h b h 1 • • 1 ~ M•'~ r.lnora r '' '"" n • . · . ta . t11etr .... ..,. fnJIDt ~the _,._ def-mef'tiDJ:' nf ,.. r urr .Y~•r n "~:nuluat•· o( th1• l 'lll\'l·r~''Y nf.C11h· and Mr,. A .s A!~'" of ~f'f'~outaanctinc -bUJe"~ -a.rr oa ~at tk f~;-aa Kl for · 1'1\IIMI C'hurrh by tht> Sea f I A •l·l•·' Mt.,a \1 ..,~ Ka5· l<1rk daup ... _ P1&n1 w..re outlined la.t n lcht at Mn Oown• wbn iR wlff' of thf' ornlll 111 "" n..: ·' · · · · · 'rtc ot ..._ ~ Jua,mJ& EUiolt ...a ....._,. ~ • tbr nnr Pat- a muting of ofllrl'n and chair-J>astur of 111,. s c: 0 t 1 Mernor••l M''' ~lu..th·r """ .'' ttu· clau~h· ~·:. 1~:. :~~" ~!';:'.1,_.~' A~ ~rundy. • bu' two PQCkd editioDa are 111 the · :::;c :-::..:' ~~ :,_Ont..: ~~~~ In th,. 8&_)' Shore ()afe Jane Ch•lCf D ..£.1ir_ut.IU:U~ IIPQ.I!~ c;on-tl'r uf Mr · .:u ul, ~It ' tl.·n ~lo..tt.·r ~~~~~~ .. ·,of jH<.-tt!'W4 N..a. ~t~G!Jn:_....._ '-a ,_ _. rtr -• • • •• ,.._ CaJk[M.-d iaTrman lot ' R"ia""'Ci'6lr. urnlng I hi' prOJ(rus nf tht-negTO ·~t-~·."l'WJ'tllrt ftl'nr" t:r:'liflllltM ~~o~. M <;rvn•l) .. Mt•J-Mi.~ )k· ...... ~ . ..._ W..-r az.e ia MIC Lll.tr.--.till .u. Wellley wort. fOf' tn. U. A 1'. \\'-urge4 , rn UH' flelda M ll€li'DCI'. art ' and • ::-.i('Wport flu rhOr 1 'mon ;~ Citnt• ..:k •l~u..:htrr of ~\tr. and Mra. '-......._ 1• • llirid ... ,. ..S N~ iii ... Yaa l..ldo Nord. ml'mbrr• t o .&Mill! tn ltt'WtnK and Hdw•try <'e~ndut!mg her lntueat· "!'hool '" 1937,:h<l ·~oln· ~\",'':rll'~l>: ""''~ (' ~f. ~tc-< 'llntork anti MUll )lbry Will retura -.. n.e Claarin Cat-A--c ,.._.. wllo Will altnad are knlttln~t and Thurs,lay t-vl'nln~:" m.: talk. )of r • 0oi4'TII 1 • n r I 1110 Alto .. ch•~, " r' · ,,. 1 r ~ld .11, ,1 •lll:hl•·t o( \lr and "'" tCIIIr wtu. t .•cltten PrWtaa ...s llr. a.d lira. JCIIIa l'"artw. llr. ltt'm~ra w11l ~~<'W at lhr u . .tbolt IIJ'Irllualil l'he Willi accompanied D«'''"'(j dtplom., "'''' Ft.,;,k ~ki" 1, , )In Jartl Gr""'-~ ~ a.d lin. Nllttaa. »r -s Mra. workroom 'In t h ,. ri.tbt• I nn by Atlas ~la.rgltet tfarrt. a 0 d Ht'<'c 1\'IAI: tht· .tr.uhtumal IJ<t~·r AI!<O ~''" Frnnc.,,.. t-1nrl'l of Cor· are ua l£ftr ... ,. fNilll-~ ~ 1 ~ Jl. ....,...._ ...a llr . ...S Bultdmr.' cla;tghtt>r. Karll'nl' I hi' w•-.·k on th~· 1''11111~~ of 1 (' ona clt•l ~lar. clau.:hl•'r ol Mr. awl 1 .._,. IIKKa,.. ... • • a r lin. 8l.ullr)' 0 . ~ )lobl)lzlng of~•·omt-n tAl atol l'uunty pr .. llldt>nf of W S (' S . I. A "'" "''l'> 1-.lnora 1-lltpatnck .~1" Bnd.·n Fmrh. and Mltr Mar· -tianlt)' are lodl-c tJar ._.. naUohal deft-n.,. "'111 bl' ooe nf Mra fo'orrf'llt 'Wood111d1> of Uunt· "ho "'II rl'lum tn a f,._. ""'"'k ' lilnlllnkl··~ daus;htl'rnfMn..llpli ,of tlldr *Pill.._ Kb «laJ'dle Sltr•ea the cbwf clllbJ<•rta ol tl laruaalon lngt~ Ueach and membl'rs o1 that '" l;o·~;111 hr r f1flh )'f•ftr lo !W'CUI"f' F llmki•·Y of J\a11ooa 'Jltr la.•t f'uma • 'nMttb ...C trill -.._. layettt· ahower. Ml1111' Je1111 VanderWood. M lr I Floral arra ngement. of lovely Scharle'a ~oualr\, waa one of OM JUbUcua ~a til bambOO con· 117 ~rt:aduatu tak log part In the · l&Jne ra formed the gay centerplt-ce butdoor ceremony. obooerved at. or,.-. liiiirn~n Table-wne:=r=e-...rr+""'otr- cuat. were -ted. Mra. L. 'E. Among other actlvltlu wh~b, Lowulberry o1 Blllboa arranged Miu Scharle haa participated' Ill Uw flowt-ra. n>llowing the lunch-recently are t he piano progl'llm.r eon Mra. Stahler received many tor thE' Music Lover• Club of I.A.- Ionl)' rbower ·gitt.a tor lhe. ~x. guna Beach at the studio of Cleo pri:tf'd arnval. Allm H•IJba. entt-rtainment for at thf' rurthcomln" Bll'nmal ('on-, ctl.y'• w s l' s werl' '"Jtt.-ndanC"I' h•·r .. t.•nll·nl/11') c· .. rt.lfiC':t l•· for '"" ;tllo'nd·~l Pumona Col~ tiML iJJ a f-.,.. to ,_. ,_ ~ H ••• " 2 c •• entluo ot ~llltonaJ F~l~ MJCa ~·«MMi•'d" an!\O!mce.l tha t aw. !t•arhtn.t.:.. _ _ lh• "' f-tlm<tA, ~·aar oa ay a n ra. ames ot BualDI'1'11 and Proff'lllll•nal \\'o-j c;oun\y group W ill .'·,•It the Homl'r • l 'n!io-r;,:rudua ll'' arrt\'m..: from • ----1 Jta41~ -ca Mn. w-.. £-.... Gut.brie. Otbt-{a pr~M'nt w~re Mea- PlaluJ for t.be Rew boya club 1 the Mualcal Artl Club of Santa to br lltart•d thla 1ummer' were Ana and preaentatlon of a plano Yinred by mem~n. durmg the recital by bt-r pupil• In hf'r at~dio. llots!r-me«Jnc. T'Wo o~w mem-Studenta taking part In t he lat. -..a we r ~ llltroduced, Mra. T. tt"r wert' -Gt'raJdlne Shook. Oeorp . . men'• (.'lub• t9 ~ ht-ld In Loll AD· Tobl'rman Sf'tUement at ~an Stanford 14'1'rr MIS$ Patrtcta P al· Sc.bool FriendJ Hd"ft7 II••~ olftd.aiiJ .,...c1 .,... . .....__ A ddle H&uiJh. VU.rlnia pfee. July 5-11. Memberr of t.be. Pedro aoon De\'otlons \l.<'rt> It'd by jln('r. dlluf:hh•r of Mr i\nrt ~tN: ~ · • t..bdr .. ,. fi"'OIIl.-na for tJar-' ~ •~••er _,.. lib ea.tl~. c. L Thom, R. K Harvey, Nnrport Hat bor n " f' W at Mra. 0 . G &rnatd. A Pnlmo·r of H:dh<oa bland. and Surpriae Nettae . -. With t1w1n ...,-lfiWI)-an-·-,_ Mra. ,_.a.. ... llrw. Jolla Parke. Elmer Heidt,ACharles _._ Ul~lr mMtiDl ynlt-rday wt-r~ ...... bullneu hour at 11 I& m Ml)..' Frnnr~ ,Harv~}'. dau~:htrr of • · p Bdl .act.AU!IIrey aa-...s ..... •.-.,.,_, JJ1arbc ~I)' wMII W _. H £. LouDibery R""'-t H umanity 111 a duty ma«te Wakefield. Dlllle Ann Smith. Dick Armatronc . J l{k. _Barr. ~Ardene Kennell and lktlta Barr. nalbiiiL Olf ··•~ ~"-tJ W tb --, -~~, · a __ r. · -· · · ..,.,.,r known and en joined by revelation. charced with reapo .Y pre-,.. .. op4'ned. by the pr.t'llldent Mn. j t'-«1 e I · ... HtUe II r It-Valntr 81111 u.dL I lira. o-wl..._ ol ...,._ t. E. ~-Jack Hillman. c. F. wtth the partftr to cottlrlbute t.bejr thouebt Mary Stanley who r Ailed for rl'· C • E ' (8 . --A l'ftlta1 diledl .,.. . rtc-td ..,. .... II d j ~ ~ du~ for Walt.. E. E. Boudinot. Donald and ever keepiDI pace to thla IIUbject by Vera E. Miller, porta f~ ·oltlcera ~d cbalnnen .• l . Om lOg Ven C'ompll'lf"ly surpri~nc t II e I r Helal B. ~--trm et • ~, ._. ~. lkMh K I r by . Willard Killion, 'pro~ua of Chrl.tianity. Sydne~ IN'• dftlt. He I e.o KAtnnedy I a Wom~n·a Day a thl' Methodist l In Harbor .-\rea honor gu'l-KI MIS/I l';l'ttle Cutk ol Bda Ddta a.,ur el Dr hter-1 c.---.,~ .... Oft u.r Enmt C"..ardlner and the Mluea lSIDlUa. . ' # ' Btenntal cbaJI'1D&Il. ' Coatereoce io lAcK Such w1ll be j l __ N':v.-port ~llrh M"Vf'fttft'n .dlrul ..,._, A .... Ulti. _.... -,dll;lllat -••ltta~r ,_. )lartha !:lien F\aher and Allee 1 . MARGARET L 80IIAJU,.& M~mberr of lbe charity ~:;:-Jun~ 26 at the Firat M,ethodls t f"RIDAV .n•sr. IS-.fril'ncts g11t hl'rPd on the .-Uaat ~ o-eo _.. -lill!re . ....._ • pf1& .._..1111 Dr taak ..,._r, ~ el ..._ mlttH lllclude Oretha Tubba, a Church N •w • t i la.ll)l),'l 'RI'd C"ros.~ front J-"Titlay ~''·rntnr for a pJa too, 'irtUt tk fftlt ol tJar a..ktldor--a..-ta c-.b hduded lloore, Cia!~~ ::: .!:: Lunrhf'on wu aerved by )Ira.~ •·o~;;;, HnltX><l Jnn RUIIclin~ t blrthd1y pArty etta. Our PIU u.r r• a--~ I II 3 ' a.-B. lkGaYrea. AI LiPt Keeper' a Clau Orprilrt •• MIIIK1 reW ' :' Hall. V MUle Evelyo R H. Hill ualated by wo~e'! from I ~tnd HAl holt b l•nd mom :u I Ma t' I F'ollov.·in~ " ,..,...,~r ,_. 011 -.......,.. w1ll .. ta 6r ~-~ ~. A. ~ Howa.rd atucllo: ~o,..o.~r= A~ l'llntw~;.n.:r.:~:y. Jane t!Ho W.SC.S .. Circlea ln•· Awnut>. npt•n JOJO. a .m to ·~h,. bt-arb W:al',Cutle ·~pre;·'-...._ tlatanlll)' .,_-;-=~....,.-... ,_. w_.,-alld IJold Sieak'S.ke ..... : N...,.n l ... W calllbut M Cornwall Elatne 5 p.m ' s.·nll'd "'lth a sh014·er ot birUwlay , tlw ...._.., 0 t II • r_ .._ S ~ ....__ ~na OhH at nO.. of Pllpll M , ·Sue a~ornth Aida Oor· laland Girl Ia Nt•wrurt llf'ltr h· &ty &out g1flll Th081' ""JOylnc Ow atfair llllftalnlhc h ~ ........,. ......_! --------I ~"riDe Par~ the Sant.M«o I "------'r_o.t __ ....s _____ _ .: btoa Wacdl I;_ Stanley T roup. 7 Jl.m . St·out hut. ~n•l lalt'r l'it rnllln« to Balboa to ,,.._ a.. Ft~. lira. E. .L IAci•• ~ IUila waa the !"ttlng for a •teak I Jlek.., Keoeedy Mildred Stanley H~nored With ('u"'" M"'" W ('TU. wtth M" t-nga~:e to amuwment.a lncluded ltti&e. llrw J . T ....._ •r• ... -=----()ffi ball~ F't1day evening-'lpOIIIOTt'd y-----'L---------, • .act Mildred ~ut. Kitchen Shower I G c SmRII .. y. A\'ociHio "' r .... , ~artba H.-rry . J ean. Allea. 8111 cu s 111 ot Pta._ ~ lira.' •• ~.,.. b)' t~ C!ln.t Ctturcb by Uil Bu. Harbor Service · Cc~'IM V F' W Auxiliary. M<'s..'l Mt"AIY Lots ~..-Mlnlb. J o II o J . Jll. V• Patte. fll Pta if . ___ • ~ o1 mem~r• were gueata Mrw. Marilyn Balflt-y O( Rur· V~IOO llnll. 7 :lO rm . ll11pk1DA Jlll'k )htctwll. 8J'dltey til .... oul ol lwr ea,. ...... ..... l".:kod'-. CIIC'ftiCI'n for ..... N--ol the eveDill, and included Millie I ~Maundry & Cleaning bank. tht' f~er 'Miaa MariLyn !load" to 'Ruma n<'r \ommittN'. J"~l\n l'h1l flaydl"n. OftH-Wonry .... llr, -.1 llrr ~ c-et .,_, ....._ ~ Lrpaa A• Lowu., Jt-111« Bood.· Carnl Keen.'l Foltz of Nl'wport HeiJt.hla. f'D tl'r-12-:10. N II Y C wa.fo Shl'nnan Barbara Dalea. j Loa A~ --tallora tJar ~ JD1br7 wta -lwfd ,_ %3 tn Ownn Duvall. Mr. and ~'"· Maris talned mf'ftl~ra .of h~r brld~ee club MI~OAV, .11 1~1': 1~ . . Pat Gabnt>l. Willard ("ba,_an. t'Odl ....,_ for a ,._,._. y--·. tJar ~ .... -41tac to tJar "-tand, and Mr. and Mr•-.Davtd 11.,.11en ot U. Ne...,.t Beedl Friday-"'~ wta.n t.bey boaor· • • ~t_ l larbor Unton I Itch l> .. rothy ~ard.Aiey. f.:Urn "--ltlw llanor ..._ _.. .. .t&r ~ r ... -* Jj{-.a)' "~-Holtby llem~ra frying ateaka ... Circle ol Ow w.a.c.a. met with eel 11'-BarNra. twr~ra of Bal· &hoot flltC'I'Illaurrah· &-rvl<'f'<l. R llf'ao Sh~rry. Cat~ ~-i,...· . • . t~·i· ~ I a,. ot ol-IIIJdfiPJ"f'tnK.tb#alftft#f'I!I•('Te·eo-ma ''-~---...... _.;o---..;..--.... lira. 11ary 8t&nley ~y for ex,. lalarld •-tt h a prl'.nupUai p m . Auditorium . ham lU)t! th .. honoree. )lrr. H . C I ~~ ~ c--1·, tkftS. ll1lt.. Elmore Hayden .John Me---~-~~~~~=-"""':=~., Drk ...ual ~ before t'OD· kltl"hm abowt-r t-• R AJdt1t'h Mu~W>um. Ray J,. Cutll' .. motht-r ot lk .._...,.., llltC wb . ........_ aed ~ ..._.,. to ttftld I Adami MarKJe Enalp 1 r eo e fe.-ce -". Carda WI'TI' playf'd In t he uriY;l11nd oprn lo ptJbiiC' fmm 2 pm to 11up<"rv111('(j thf' affair. ~ Wft'«' lk H. E. DMIIa ...C i tta:.......:. ~.._.a tll~r Dwa_ ·Ed na Wrlker. · Adelald~··====:;~~~~:;~=;;;;1 ·lira. A.ltred SaaJUa wu booored part ot l iMo ev1'11lnf t hm the ~ Jl m. • -·--~. ---)Ira. nw.cftl s.-.... .u..t-,...... reporb. • well • u.r ~J«.I Bar~. N~ KeiHy. Allee l...a(j. • Iller IIIJ1.lldaJ'. w1lb a b•rthday hoeltnr broulbt forth an aa.•ort·1 S tar Ral"'' f:ltmtna tlonJ>. Or~>an Newport Browaiea U... ~ B«t)' a8 • liner-tiaa. trill -~ AU-'Bc --I w1Jt. ·)ltaa Elile N~wland and Rev calie ~Dade b)' 11rr. R. HUI. Mra ment of «lfta and placed lhf'fl'l RIIC'M<. t)' Hilla. A.a-llr ILR..D. .-~ I aDd 11rr. E 0 Good 11 · ...a.y ...uted b)' Mra . A . beforto ttHo briM-to-be .• A butr•t MONDA\',...IlJJU: 11--Group Win Picaic otll&r'llhaJJlown. a-a.~ a...r ~~.._..~ ~.r!:; _ ~-·-__ •_·_ ~pean. lira. ft. H. hUJ aad aupper waa wrved at tb,. cl~ ol Nt•wport twach Th•ll <1ub Arts d f t f t'~ -!pan ol t.-.r P'lll1wr ~ Jeia-,._ __....._ .. ...-__ .:,__, H 1 Mr and M rs Harold Eddy of · ._ ...., ... I _ .. ,., f "'--t •~· 1030 A 1>' 0 uo ru ·---••-Uwm at dillarr' wae V~·~-·--It ~• · · lin. 0«wp Morr ren ..... a~-, .. t-I'VC,!1 n&. 11'"' ~ra 111 ......, ""'" : a .m .. •·u t-n)O\'I'd Fnday b)' JJI Jllew. -. tta.drtl JS21, 18th St~t . Costa 1\.1('53, ar.- _,..,._.. re:t.........,.ta. Amonr «Ueata attendln« we~ c lubhoU!<t•. . . rt Of' · h G ~· !kllool llbl· ...S Laur~ WroGtir. Ra)' _. dw pelftlts ol a boy born J une 1 j' r;LrrTRIC CLOCKS llEPAIIIEP .._ben &D4 ,_... atUndlal lira Edward Sozio of Loll An· NI'Wfx>rt 1\albua Rro CroKs po I (' ram r Ada AJfcwcl --..... ..... J9U . s J ph . . ~,-n ..,.. He.. and 11rr. &. D. Goodell. ~~~~. Mrw. )lary M~Ne'fy. Mra Workroom. 'Ralboa Inn Building. denta who ha,·e le ~-:"b _. ~ c--b ~ ~. ~ fNSfJW D.le Ja f"'JII·~I~n~:-.tiii. ~~r. -~H=~:::. p:t:-ta-::J:. ===-JIM~=N=-ewpo-=="=-BI=..S="=c-ta===llera~~ IIM1 -~. J. AtWood. Bla8dM Mildred Hobel, Mra. Ruth PllklfiC· 10 :30 11.m. to 5 p.m . abip int<l the Br '11 11 a...-,. Jr. fll Pta 3 • 4W · • ~ D. K. •u.e Allr'ed ton. Mrr.llyrtle-Eitlott. Mrr. Max· TUDOAY. I UNE 11-· aponaored by Wra. Or«M. Clartl o-r·-.....,.~ ... tteir i ~A .... ICC.... YOUK. saom AB~ OUR llUSINESS llliD. &. a. W&Uwr. D .• w. Holt-lne Outnctcw. MIN Doria Tbomp-1\JC'l!doy Rridgt> Club with Mra. Tubtle. achool nurw . nw ....._ piPida -... ...C ..._ Q11t111 • ..,.. _ _.. • _ ""'-.. ..-... r ... _,_,..- -... ...._ .... R. H. lldl, El-.-. IIJrr Alk~ Bacoa, M._ Jaae Jack Woolley ol Santa Ana. for the event wuol#!._rYire ~ • ....,. rl.. .,_ ~ .,...., ......,._ fll .wr:r.w--. ._.,.. _._-"-~ ..._.. .,_ ----_.. ...,..... ...,_ Cldldrr, A. ttacer and 11'-Vlrpla Etpawy. Nf'WpOrt flerbor Uons C!ub. w.,.re a ~ran' _, ewr -D' IS RUJfQRED uirt ~ Mr . ..., Mra. o-w J . · DDdiP ot .......... -........ ~·· .., ..,__,, r ... -. L. • D.-~ ..... a--.. Mora.Me and noon. KaiM>r C'llff'. I the children. W'W -pKin.ed ... , ,...._.lc.rta ....... wed ~ b. s o• SHOP two~ Ud tiM' ...... Ala • a~ y glfta for ...... " at Nt'Wport lln mor ,.Rotary . nub. A ptcnl<' lun.rb lt'f'Wd at .... ~nkd to ..-... bWr eM6a ........ -.,Mr._. lira. Dukl CARL VAUGHN H a:. ........ E1tr6r Jllewta.d. fi>OLLY APPAftEL In Ceata M.a. fl30 p m . Whltt•'s f\;llboa lslafl(j tablt-.-wu .(ollowed bJ aa ~ tlw .,_, llectl ot ~and ,..._ fll Tllltia.. at f p. a. 011 1821 Nrwport alvd. COSTA MEaA --jji;;i;8;;;;jj;jj;;;i;;;;;ij;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;i;ii;i;;.;;A;;;;,....;.-_;~-,;-;-;-~·, Cliff'. • · teur hour produ~ bJ Dr-* tlltiPt ow,.. Qart1oD and llirrte s-da)'. J-..a . ta Dr cMpel o1 The World'• New. Seen Through THE CHRtsriAN Sci·ENCE MONITOR A• l•tnMJiMNI Doily Nn~~spo~ .,.,..._ t7 TD C11RlSTUN S('tt:NC'! PUIU'HIN9. 50CUTY 0.. ,._..,."""'"· ...... ,._.,_.u . .. T....... c I •tri•-U.W ....... F,.. ,_ S....a-.1- --1•11 W. ,4,. T._.., a.4 b -a... a.4 a. OM, • u.T...._ .... ._W..U,M ... a...~ ..... .. ....._ • ..., ... .._ .. w f• .. "- Pria JU.OO YMr!.,, cw f t.OO e Month.. · .S....t.p a-. Md.dm11 Mquirw Secuon, U .60 a v-. IMI • _, O.w. • ._ z' c:....a ·~ UrMI ~ 8CIENCE a&ADINO aC>OM ua er..rt ee.tr.~ A-• ....... Calli.,... Costn l\1.:~ J unJor Wom<'n's mem~n Brownlea ~~ bnltala BcludJwy jojlwd Uw •· A ·w-.a-the, o-ta 11 ~a a c-...-111)' I.---------------:----__:=----------, Club. 6 .:10 p.m . J<a l"<'r ('aft> thrir tuth tw·ce a day ad -__. at ...., ~ tn Simradoj C1llln:a. . I . Co~tn Mt>s..'l f'nda)' Afll'moon thl'tr dt-r.tJIII t11n ce a y~ to ~ o.a,-_ . I laY1I.atiofta ww~ ..aJ«d t lila ~ Cluh Ar1:. :mel Craft, S.'<'tion. ~llgtbll' for thf' club A !lrt':W Df:AL Cllw ffW ~-wf'dl tor~ aat ~ fn~ I I It m ;· • IJI6m. 1wr ard m~ ,..... tbr u.r-~ WlD attnld UW ~ ntn :->""Jlflrt llartlOr Amf'nnm Lt'·1 Formal Dance Ia I aroulld u.. f en tabWs ot br~e aDd t.1tw ,.....,._ Tlw c-.. rit, !:ion l'nl't. 7 ·~ P m I 1 CJ bL-----at Ow .,__. ol Hftlry .-J l'ulia br att.Ddl'd..,. ~~-KM Jilarpn1 Liao u uuu.c lrcPrt u.. GCJa« ......_ ~: a-IWkrtw•• ot Coda ~ and I Pr,.tty 11pring tot"~Jl&t. lAd trGf6-p1a,.-.r trick. wen Canol . 8Dd , ~ "-'co. 01( 'nMtJa. .-a I flov•l'n• added chUm to lM ~a a •atta. ~ a ad K I I I y • formal dan< lnJ.: party SabirdaJ 1nlee&cToft. l....elltn a8d ~ t. ...... Diclrey Fefe4 Beach Pa..._ t-\'l'mn~ '" lhf' Udo C1u..._ 11e11. Lou aact nwre-a·a~~ace. . • .. 7 gh·f'n by lh<' )hllllt'fl Bet.ay Ra-f A•Uiar and lAban Gild. ~ ar..d ()1. ...... Y •Anotht'r hlr1h•llly lo&rtv thllll hitt. MAria n Gartlf'r and ·Pat Molly r~kln. Fftd and Oodfo . I I Junl' ..,. . .,. jl'l\·rn F'rltJay nl~ht for • ~Arkl' ~. R.aJptt and I~ )I~ BoO O.CIU'y -01( 11• and MIN llf'lty l"rno·kf'r of UaJboa (h'l'r forty gu<'~U l"f'('f'iwd tn• 88d •Dr 1 WUII.am and L•ura Mrr fklwwJ' ·Pk'IU'y 01( Balex,. .. HAROLD K. GRAt EL CHAPEL BettJ CroC:ker Ia Honoree At t-•ntlvltl~~ <'t'nll'rl'd 11bout a r amp· \'1tat1on11 e-ar ly th111 .month for tk ,IOIIUqw. J..ooiUa& Otrwell ~~bbad. l-Pftll ·of a.-or _ ~~Hrp.rt 541.1 .-Coet• Mea. CaW. I rtrf'-nn t il<-bt-~tf'h whrn-!4 R'\lnrt.,.~ ffrl't •lan-;:;;-nf l h!' summer...-. ~· ~ r«-'ly •~ _... at a part-;-~y ewnlinc bon· ''W~ ()ur~lves th~ &>Iter 5<'1')'1' By Serving Others B<>st" \ e , IUIIII'mhlf'cl t o 11how1'r thr hnnorf'f' Al<l' ~t 10g ol11nn~r t h~ rrln-lllu-' ~)' Vatehn. EJizabtotJI Hyck ar.d ~ Ina J"ll birthday at t!Ho L,_ ___ ....:.. _________ .:..._.:... __ _;;;. _______ ~ -;~~==;;~====~==;E===~;;;;;;;;~;;=;:;~~i with Kl!l• _: h_«!!Jr~ Janl' Ru~ and Jfol$k j••rit Hdfcm illtrnl flll • p-. .._. ~ ._ ~ ~ , t ·.,.holllf'l!/1<'8 '"' thr "''""' wr rl' l'ark•' whn IO(•rvrd punch. (Ill bridfrr. •'bna Pop"a a ... y. -A blc-f~ .... njoyed before ..> 'thf' MIIIMI Maxlnf' l'rynr. n .. t t ~·I Mrl' Elm('r ll~ldl. "'"'. "'· L wMt .......... But w1lat houR. (bf' hooorft .... .,....led with I Hunllnl{. UN I ~· Annl!tron~-t R n •I I ltahh11t an• I :\I rs John ~ , ... _.. aliYf tJaaa the ---~-a friiC'e bht!Jcby c;atl~ that th~ ; t-~l,.llnor {"r<ll-kf'r"t;u""'" lnrturtN1 r htl'l>f'n,nf:il thf' affiJr A~ ......._..-. IWYer a du.D ~ bop adlldttlf'd tJwy nJUJda't rmbtt I Mr And l\lrl' Bill llll'h"n" ltllr· nll'nl< n( 1h1h1••·u, Wt•r" ttw flow· '!Weday tUc:bt .... for Uw wriclow•_. up Al'lft' d arwr tk !P'OUp. In· • barn Arm•trnnJ.: Ohvrr !':tr\·f'nll l'r~ usr.t t two ......_ ol bridl:t' playft"' W1Ua dudin« Jactl Skppr. R o «~r C"llvl' Murray. SnJih'l\ ~nn;uchov-· ---Uw ~ Laurifotta aa bostn.. Skppr Bobby OartJe•. .)I ll t 0 n ski. Don Stl'\'trla J1m JtmPI! nf lolr anti :\lr11 H J Will"' fill l Adl-IHct"« rrc-..tpt wrre !Cril ~ Gor~~ aqd Hal Sm ith. ('olorado. J l'ff Jonu. !':hrlby llu11. :-\f'"'l'<lrt flf'ljthlll &rl' MO\'l"C to an-dy. a,.. ""'*L Hftftt ~-Jr ab -~ to uw a1Jow ton. Clifford ~I limp. n (I r 0 t h y Loll Angt-11'1! Whl'rl' )Jr )lllln .. Edtttaa ~. llartlla·I!:JJrn f'Wwr G ·IT YOUR FREE COPY tODAY! For Young Folks' Graduation! ...... Stamp. Marjory G11gr •: <I d 1 f' US<OCIAtl'tl \l.llh thr Pvtftc Elel:· -ca ~t1t~ II&Jtw~lf "Mw. -;-*ti~rat·.J~ .... J-.W!ft.llat.IMI;.,.-i----::---:-:t--:::--"'7 • vwa.--j! ~llllt-r. v.·iiJ rl'rruun her!' u ......,.. e GIVE 11tDI a Corona Z~pbyr lpictundl. a .,..,. l!Pt tJpi'Wliter Uw7 call tuck In ... stantlrl SAVJNOd ~· .-,. bfof'auw ·~ madfo 11 quant lty purch.-of maehiMS! Bu)' a Sll•rft on Nq tnmr to eull you! a "· week R, ..4. TIBilN..4N TfPBrJ'R~TBR CO. Santa Ana Phon.-7l3 Hoffan:l. Bob J.r kaon. Jnl' fhultt•d ant mana~f'r of thf' Balboa ~ I of df' Kamp'a Rakuv. .. SEE 1'S FOR (;RAI>lJ :\ TION SPECIALS - CHAR LOT.TE-8-- REA UTY SHOP ~ Ia N.-w t•Mt Offlno Rkl~ Corona dfof llat'; ('alif; ... 'I"IIOSt; SEWPORT la2G Free ..Credit Coupon GOOD FOR 50 FREE CREDITS ........... ~ .... .,.. ........... . ..................... : ........... : ................ . '..... .. • fl. •• .. ~ ..... ~ .......................... ······ ... . rupr. kJw ICOn! ft<'ft~f'd two bera o1 _, wtt11 nciU attadwd 1'b1a .... illll'"""' ,.. lantdr"'. • -· ·-0~ TillE n'ft· WU I w.;a Hanrillr)· as thf' ~. turiaa HiM~;. but dorft worry Jlariall.. wr·.-~ all ~ tlaat Y"'f n.r wtO'I'W Rabbitt 4 ~ Tllnday ... a ..._ clay for ......... tJI· HaftJcw-for F:.ddir ~-....., ot tM Cal~. ~ tJw ,._,. booll to thr atadml body at an -bly ann amtll prriod -n..r tL too~ . W~ llope the ~ , prl"W'nCed tk f 1 r • t .-at tn '-tnw tbat tbf' city J«Tft'd to co. 1 J_...,.. Haalllrt. to • ..._ the epera&.# at\4-IPI. n4 l16 au ~ 1 booll a-1 ....,.. ck6:atf"d. . awaa lit~ Wrra wblc b are,. ·~ ~--fiUif ,.. .. .._,an·' ..... ~ -.ad ~ u.. -I ._..(.;d -UN' ........ y FAit« tort-ot· the hrru front anda. ot uw GeD«on ..u1 w BrUy Ra~.~ . . . UtU. llrw. Litt.W .. a .._... bitt. .-tth n.nrn coenn.n ·~ i· _. _...-r ia our aUdit from "" .....uiturt f'ditAJr Yor th~ tlrat I tar a ... y Tf'fl~ Wby &.·t u-ta Uw lratory' ot tbf' Oalkoa 1 I J'OU ~•D. oo twr . Dorcaa ,....,..., Uw ottica ot ...utant alld lltu-,' ,.... reayr '--SUIICiaya to le( ary ~ .... ~ ...._ rombrrwd pnlfPf'C11n r~rr:tnw iD. but Uw a..rww ~ to tallr t'l'ftr • ot1wr day a ntbtlk on ~ .a.ou-Uw ..,.._, ..m br Pat Pant-Pat ~r . . -~. . " ....... '-......... --- •~• home und~r F·H A. Ex plaine 80% and 90" Joe-. liberal payoff pla~ FHA ina~·ctioo, how la1'p your iurome must ~.and many othf'r Ufl·l()o dat-aainute facta. See u~ ~oday for your frf'e copy ., daia nJUable booklei. SA.iVfA ANA BRANCH Ect1RITY"!PF.JRST . NATIONAL ~ANK