HomeMy WebLinkAbout1941-06-19 - Newport Balboa News Times,. t ' I ·----Br Jurr , S<>Jd urn ha.o the t~I.J t'tty hall ('(JUn. N.><.,m bn-n Ult' M:f'nt Of 11 lriAI ,. ht•b prfA't•d u much mil'\h 1111 lhat ht'I;J tht put ''"'" d11)'a Ltt 1t ~ ,14h! Uul.t nt>Oe u( t hf' m 1rth ... u f'<.•lnl('d ar I h" dt·f.,ndanl. ).lany uulbutlll l! of laugbtf't from lht 11o,hlif'tlo('f' ,. ... Ulf' tt;I!UII uf lnf()l ma) tt'p&rtf'f' t ... t,.·•·•·n '"'ilnr...-" a n d at· lonlt'}'•· He Ma6e II • 0nf' or l.hP · nu"'t ... <.>rrl'\"d juror. M"rvinc a1 tn .. trial waa 0 Z. Robf'rt.oo. 0 . Z. Want- ao:hool nNOSay n Jc partil:,ulut,. .ltAca. tbe boy -. -.oac dw prlrtdp&p epNill',.. ott the pro- ~ "..._' ratJN>r 11'<'1111dn't. AllybOI!i, bet"''"" 0 . Z. •-.nt· inc to I O to tlw P1lerTIM'I and a fnv otll.en wantlnc t o he&r .lhf' i.ouia-cOfUI f iCflt, uw jury 1ot ott tor ~ ni&hL ·:· n.e o,.,.tng Nn:t saturday rucbt "'~'I be t h" opiilinl[ o t thf! n • ... 116.000 Ba.lbni Y •t'ht C I u b bWklirtc· 'nH-affair •·111 bP a ff'ltivP onf', bul thf' 1111p ifi.cint fKtor brhlnd the <'f'lf'bratlon ill t.bP hard work and COOf""t· alivr pftn rt ,.. b 1 r h f'nablf'd the cluh Jnf'mbrrVtlp to OVf'r• f'OIIIe marry ~obrtru:la tl\a t the handaomr n-· bulldlttg could bPcolltf' a rr.allty. -:- .W•te" V~e Co.ta MH&na and "u."'" or Sollth Cout .... t .. r duotrirta ••Ui YOIP July 29th ori lhP fqrm&Uon or a unlfiP,I distrk t •"hlr_h 11 n~·t ... l to thf'n jmn the itt'lropnl•t a.n WatPr Dla· l~k't. ThP)' may prm,·p an im - port&nl lDP. iand 'll'in n1-"-· It ll! hoJlf'\1 thltl thP pl•n will bP f'lthf'r ado'lpl.f"d or tumtod doolo·n by a lar~ .. HtlP Md not .,.,..., or 1oort. b y a amall m inority vote. ·:- Tr.dtne A. H. "Padd'" ntJ:patl1c:ll had -l.hfo piNRire ot handlac out dl.,._.. to 88 e a 1 e r )"'PUfttl' lllclt -~bool ~ H-oner. Paddy, wt1o hae ~--n'hu~~ man lwre for mapy yean. I{Ot aliPUy mhlf'll up b:t tl!JJ UTma and utemPd In lhf' board ot truft"'" u thf' bnard of trad~. Wa)'bf' be. •·u f'icbt at tb&t. A IK'hool boa:d. prrbaJl'll. doH r:'(fl df'al In "'al ('ommodiliea, but It dor'fJ poi•H-th• polktf"!! In buildlnlf y•lUnl[ mf'n and •·omPn i n t ,-, ldO'tl.l d t iuna. ,.·hi(b otfirr all . i.l """ or the mOll Important trar.Ws t <Jolay -:- 0111~ CamJ>bf'11 til worr o...t, Oi~tQrl o f t h ,. Xf'wport Buain('•to )I r n · • A~!OoOI"JRi inn arr ~~·Jnj(' • r h\rk.,n ollnnl'r lOr lh~ ,.·ho .. ·nrkf'\1 a t th,. fi~h fry· f'ft"mtl~·-nt11f' 1'00· f~ In lh111 rrpnrt today t hat Jlt:L_alrajU Uit.. m&l.n ·feature ot UJp J'tvl!ram ,..,11 bf' '""' ('toQmin~ r>( lh~ fot"l prni. dt'nt ~.r thf' A ~ll')(:,ation for f'Yf'r n rlfp naling lh., fulh f l')• and I bf' work ronn•~ te•l w it.b lt. An•! Olli•· WJU< thr flr!lt pr~ldrnt. -:· r ' -.- ....... ,.--~-·· " 'I· v • .. .. , • BALB()~. ~~~-~s -an lnJ...,i c:~~ ' . ' EDITION • EI\IBRACII\ .•ALBOA WEST NEWPORT, SEA SHORE NEWPORT HEICtiTS, BALBOA ISLAND. CORONA D£L MAR. COSTA MESA .. \'OLUIIE JC;lUII ·:· .ll'~t: II, INI. Tl' n .n : I' \i':t:s ,. .. n-a:lr'\ort;lagima By Highway Whith ,,,,·ght D,estroy -T~em In -Nip ..and -TU(·k Race For Leadership In .Dri\'1' ~I:H.."CRIPTION fJAMI'.-\IC iS 11 l1' !\'t'Wl!·'l'int<"S ."Wl'('k))' l \a~1\•lt" . ..:111•" i·1~ D l'in• is t•n jn;vint;' R toor h of ft'RI lift• Th, . ...,. 1\.o ~~ .mol praclit•all~· t'\'l'I'Y cnndlctnte thrt1 i~ 1'111 \'l'r·•t 111 t ho• 1·:11.,. 1:-o l'lltlt•;t\'Oting: to ~'C\ll'e C'noou~h 'l'''"•l tJ•1tt•tt.., lha l 'llwv l'ttll bt• dt'l.:la l'l'll Mnnt-r.(lf '''"'·~I l lh' lo\;: <H\':t-1'\'tS ~~ IIW d tN". ighi tastChance To Secure Maximum Credits Planniqg Expert Are Strangling Traffic Artery; Coast . Group Citif• Tells 101 All As A Through In Civic Leaders Drive t:LW Sr"·land 1.-dl •utr Tntla~ 1-J(•n• is tiU' WK Y they are nmninl(·tt \1 tt wlw•·...,•n l tinK'. Elsie Newland is back ln ~ koud ror 11w ~~·'""'' tim£' u nct is le adiru: the Ci«<ld fOl' tht> $·1(10 nl. . ,. ' . 780 G d Wurkrr~ Makin~t Nr..-Spurt 1!1 . Effort &o r a 5 Win lli~t l'ri...,. Whit·h Will I~ Awanled at Harbor ~~~!:'. Junt•. 21 St"t-rrt Ballot All Next Ill• '"' I"'''"'' nk•nnit..:'" 'rhu;;' all tov <.Abort prriod wW end iru: Miss Nt:>wland for fin! pitlon ; •;.sahmbt)o• niKht ''""' rhr hiJ:; '""~ht;;c "'In undoubtl'dly be tbll '"Jbt> C-oast Highway. built 15 years aRO as a high Sfl('(.'d jumprd from fourth to third Jllaa• anti · n·n dos..· tu ·-1' t\..,·lltin~ fat'lt"· In •t.·h~nnlnina.: 11M• •·in~ ttw =-'nrdd . \\'h"' 11\1 N .. ""'l"'~' """"'''" l 'nH'" tf ....-: · traffic arterY along the South Coast broUJ:ht life and a riNl position ~ It wouldn't be lllrpr'isin~o: 'lo St"l' lw r 111 11 1..:" ~. 11,.,1 •1,.,1,."'" ,. . ., ... ,v ... 1 a n-:1~· nf_ pru.o'!l" I hilt tur 1111· 1•'"'" r ...... t~~'t'lf"b w d.zdtd tbe: qa of ~·elopment or local l'OOSI rommunitll"'S. The th£> top or the list a t thP nnala--ANO. IA.Jn•na Baht-th .. lr ,,,,.,.,mJUI II\ j!r•·h••'"'" n ir·l l')'t'l< ur Tht• I''UhlhiiUiif)' b)' ttw.;r \'ahw• and thr ~ .. Cial development of thCSl' samt" cities is now virtuaby win and Gf>m.• Taylor aft> ~ a few voh'S rrnm lh t• • ,,,.~ h""' lut utaht .., th,. ... h'"" lil.lt•rulily ul lh•• 1'1:4""·t•)f1 0..11•• Nto. ... nmPII ., ,.,,u .. n... t h•')' hl""tthl l hf' lflt11! IJ. . 1 ,,,.. ..., 1 _ _. 1 "-tlw _ .. , --... , ling a vital lifeline in tht-d(of('nsc program a s u·ell a~ 1011 or the lis t . And so It gou any of th1• ('umtidutt•s •u•t"nt•utn ,....,.,, .. • n•"r r•i-·tt v . ...,. .. tw· ,.·rt.rl S..turdlo) n1ct'lt l ---· - the~ fo r whic h the hip:hway was intended by ttie . rould. if lht• r.rot••r work a nd JIU:"h was USt-.1. ..:o O\c r .,, 11,,.,,,.~,.,.. '"" ttw hrl'l ,."m ,.._, ua 1 , "'"1'"' ·--,.. "' ,...-...... . I I . 1 I u I • I .. ,.,.1) Hd o. ... IIW• ....... '"'Inti:~ II .................... nDfkof'eW.. Sorworal .. of traffic," Gordon Whitnall, Los Ange E'S P annmg th(' top. '··· ~· .. ''1 ... "' ''" • '''1 ~ ,...,,.,. no·•'"'' 11 "'"'k" ttw .-t.-u1 ,...,. ,.._ •. .,.._. ...... """'""" uwtr *" Ho-.to>nn<<l the orang(' County Coast A s.-.ociatio n this W('('k . In ,/It) '"""" 1''11' !,..r,..~wtol .... -... r· a nd Uw llt~IN · lr rm.MN!IIan ... •tn at all ......... ~-I , _ £1sie N ('\\·land, Nei'-port · ···----FII~T ,.,. 1'"' 1 ""'a".'""-1"'1 ,.,. ·l',f1)'!· •N I Nt : ot· nn: t:NI• ""' la~t ,...,. llrr'lat't"d'llwtl 1o ~ M .. t The Associa tio n , In ~on a t 1-lot~l Del ~m no, Lollg unn _t 11 1 !{, " • 11 I •• ' t " .. -h -•. ~ ..... • N ina B a rtholomt•w , Balbofl lmand Sl-:C(IN II _:.'' ' ' ,,., ~ '"'' · " ,,.., •••I ,.f ttw hla: •l11,.,. un.lrr ... ,.,. ,..,,..1o1 I• •n '"""'.._'I"' ~ (J(>ach, unanimo us ly ado pted a resolutio n urging ll s tudy I , l"r, .... nto·•l '"" ,., ..... 1" thr 1""''·1-·~I h.U'->1 .,,., ...... oe""''" ., lhe.l ,.._ ~ E ls;t Sa..:t.•h io•l. N t'W}Xlrt T JIIJ(J) 1 tn t Th t 1 'II t 1 -, surve y fo r a new super h igh way fo r throug h t rnffic t o bt~ ·: t• ,.... •• """'' "" ~ .. ,.... "'"I tht• '""' 1•"""' "t II -11 ''' •hrtr ,,__.,. •ho Mw ~ . h I . .OI'l'n;t Baldwin. C o rona del Mar f''t)t1H1'11 I ,. .. nt•··• "' " !' .,..,,,l••l,rl• lo., •l"lo. ·a-·,.11,,.. n ..... '"' 1,h ""'") In """'h ,..,,,.,."' ~· .. .,. .. u)· up 1_.1Nil,..t '"'"""'a sho rt dista n ce inla nd fro m th£> pl'{"S('nt Co..'lst 1-••~ · f'ri'n t• T~Jvlm· B:lltX)f-1 ' Fll-TII "" ., ,., .. ,~ .. ..,. s ''""'\M''' .•~t•rn .... n1111,t u.tt" thJOt tt\oro· .m ""' 1., ,.,,.,1 .-vrry ...-1,.,1 1,... ..., a nd o rdered the resolution t o he s ubm itlt'd t o lhC' S ta h·! Violt•l l':mt i~J.:, Nt'";port S IXTII IMfl \1,'"" IIW>H oll'<l '"" •lit·'·"""" ..... , .•. 1 .... ,,,,.. IV ...... " , ............ ._ W'lll lhoo "-" ....... IIU!.·IO ....... 1-tighwav Commission, O ra n ge ! ! "'I\'•" ""'"11"01t Y•"1"tc •l-~lo.~"' ,,,..,,,,,, '"''''''""'!.: •· ,,.,.,, ''"' .. ,.., ttor u •11,..-,...,.,.,"' ,., '"" ~•hr. · . lf'ndmg In •l riUtl{ll' I h t n ltU 1 1~"'"'1"''" ••I 111" lt~•·loutl lltl' ··I,._ .,,.1 .• "''""~' '""' ''"' 1,...._, \to'!•"" IJIIawlo County Su pervasors and P_lan-; wh~··h 1('11\'1' II birth, hr II&Jd I H I y F 't w· t•t rJ ... III•··I , ••• ,.~ ... ,.,...... ,, I • lw·~o;m IAhlll~ ..... ,..,,ftto-f\1 In l hrl ""'' .... ,..,.... ul ... ~ .......... ning Commis.'iiOn . Shon-lill£' Whi~n•ll <"llet.l J.lant'hf'81Pr A\'f'· e p our avorl e In ...... , ...... u ... , ... , ... ~.""'~ ••ur '"'"'' ..... , .. ~.... ...... thrhontlo•O..hrWlt;•·-.rd-1~. Pla nning A ssodat ion M d the,., .. aa "~'~ ul.llll"" It "''lUI Mn ""' 11•J 11JII:". . \\I"'',.,,. )•otl .:onto.:'"'"' •1•.11.11 Sho .... "" lot~trr ron 111it. ,..........,. . c t llent lligh,way until hul\lnt'n rn· (;h-.-Jlt>r or 111m a l..oaa: Tflrm Sull!'l·ri l'liun Th .. ~1"'10 k•·•• ,. . .,, .. ,.,.. .... , It"'' "· At •· ,.,., a:•otn.:. 1 .... 11 "II) ,.,., .. tl(ht 111 ttw _..,. pn.tr INt '- AutomobliC' C lub of South('m <'ruH r h .. <l Th .... ntr lruo• h1x.hway Befort' \'olell Oro;. olu.r. 2 1 , ~ ~•·h,ro ,, .. ,,,. ~~~~·-1 II• J • an •"'' .ut ... : )'"'1 ,.,..,.1,...1,1,01 1., '"" ....,,..,..,.,1,.. tt11rll Th._ .,..., Cttlifo mia. l 'n thf' 81'1llfilllnll ll.lh .. A rfil~··· :::;··~··' ,, .•• n,. r tot r!r lll "l~lln ~"·' \\·n !"··•k )••U ""''· O'lllf) ooi'l ht"h ........ Ito lhr ..U..arta .......... .....,... t• Menace ~I,....Liway 11.1 I'Wt&<'l.-nll. h• """' 11•1 1~1 nil _ ~·h•><•l. '""''""'· ,,.,11,,1,• -• I"' tho• •·•r,.ot• l*tliripaftu. 111 · · C'lal'f'd • • !,,.,,h ••""'"·"'''""~·,,.nol tn .t_,.,,,.,, , .. ,.,.,,, ... >••• ,..,. s,-'l t' --... t flho~_ .... .,.n_II,,M.,.:IlM "'"'"'"" , .... ~,, .. """' 0 0 • lbo y h Cl b T H ld I " -,,. from t he n (IW I'J( tr•,-fic il t;nhr,.l ThP t"oll!lt AIIIKJCiatllot'1 In I": .... I Ba a ac t u 0 0 ~·'1'"'1 1 .. , ··n •tth:oiiO·IIII) llrlo· h • ,,,, T .......... ..rn IIW"IIItn .... "wt" • .......,. ~ to bf' frar"'-l than wan•" 'tori' thr·l toolul,.t(tn t•ulntPd nu t lhal th•C•,...t 1 0 • N I tu•··M•tt••fl .. ,.. hv 1<,.•· •: 11 ,.,h'ltllllllt•' ,., ''"....,. '"''' frw '"".,1hNtol "tho·tt r alllltklll,,. ... aftd- bt'arhPI." . . I H l!l;h,WIIY II! 11010' u .u·n•ln•Jy uard Forma penmg ew BuildinO' •:•n\P\1 ,,, ''111'1~1 l "hu•··h hv tit .. "" "'" ,,, ..... . ....... _, . prrt ... r ·'l ...... _,,,. lhll • ..._,... lla ftp&IU• 'Nf'w port Uarbor Ia t..h l'r ir.Jtu-by tnlt'k · rr .. IJo:hl hnf'l, t P&UII(niO l't j !'l•a lln•lth•l.,.n ... th·Uun t.y IIPI>' A 10 tu1t· thr o·n'f'tlh ,.,...,.1 ..,..1 ,,. !loon f•w -& ... tltlitrl:rt" .. Mt.,.. a tf'd t han any ..,, lhP lat·&l t·o.a..t In hfliiP a nd &tl obj«Uonal IIDUk t r A ttl.,. '" lh" "'""" toi.,Ut•Oill•l ""'"''Mft'l lo •r" MAKt: 1111!i Yt 111M lfiC tn -lllllft..,.. .... .....,.,. .tf c •lln. W hiln"ll reported, alncp 11 null!allcr. It 11 no long r r pr~t teal 'ntt llf'aAOn'l mo.t gay and fur-lc.t'n Pua<n H o a t A.._'l:latkm. l '""""""'h 1 'h01to h IIAS :-o:UI w•:•:k and wtn thoo .... 1 , ... '-& hr•t pr~ uf 1400 .... a ta ,off th<' main tra ffic artrry. How-fot' Cva.t Hlchw11y 1.£1 t•nntin~t t o m al tf'IPbrRIInn will (li"O:Ur Utla Commodo"' and Wn. Jam <r 1 . Wuah-!rll.'luot('<i ""'"•·linn• hy "'" ft~t t•lit•• 11...t fl"i ho_., 11111r ~tr-.l...t .nM1 wUI t'Vf'r n.. ""'lflled out. th•r• h&a !lf'~·e u OOth a lhroullfh hlghw&)' :::;attirdll.y "'hPn honc.r..,J I[Uf'.U G uU.r1Jr dl Uw NI'Wpnr\ Hatbor rh•w tl ur•·h,.(lra .• urr•t ... t hy "'"I A '"'klnll: '"''""',of thr "'"' ''bnnc 11 •• llvt:r ""-'·~c··----· rK<r~tly ~n a t rt n d tu"·ard llll<l u a IM'rvlrP r oad and lhf'rp \a and m<rmbPr. nt the JWbc>a VKhl Y&cht Club, Jolt, 1nd Wra. Hanf )li MP H~b..:b ut<l 11 -"'"' ..,,.,.., ~ . 1 an urc Pnl nr.Pd fnr a thN>u l'h dl'· Clu b par\l~lpatl' I n formal open-Wek:h W tbt N-r--t Harb o r qu&rtPI. compri .. "l l':lleD J,.,,..,., commPrctal df'Vtlopm .. nt w hic h f<rnat IIi bwa ll.Jt.kUit" Loa An-lq -<: ... r<rma..ld.. a....•ot ~ ... T. H..,_ " .. u.. cuo.. J lt ftn -~1\t'"•· lf'oill to alo..· traffic &lid p roduce 1 y ""-mm' odo•• ... »••· E .' H. •-b w --• " -~ J k J d •~,....., bottlf' Qr<=k for high' .---... Jt"Pin, Lonl[ Beach aDd San Dtf'I(O, .....,, -·u -f)' and r . ......, ra,·,..,... aoc -ay an ~ the ~utloa d edarf'd Rleeoon will '--ted a t uM otn-Adellll. n.a laal two -an JeM A!Jna, fte Olf'W <»-Club lh_ much travf'l. · ... Plannlne cl".r'a tab1P a~~d thl' Coaunodore form• ~ fit U.. BIJI:IO& 'pu1.k1.,.1.M la ~ ,...._ A p.cul~r 1ltuaUon tx.lata Ia or. Ho'lfo'e.rd w. a.,.er at~-will -·~ onr lbe entlft! ...,. Tac•• ......._ ... --II t e a ._. w• ,.._ted "' ... Which boUt tbe eout cltl~ra, wba.e boa lllan.d, a«fl'la'7 ot u.. dU' nln&-.,o::.t,. o1 bolnor toM.._.,.~~·-11~ ...... ,__..,. ..,_ -..J IW-.... a:C X::::..11,11JC 1 41tfortll rwulbed ta t!MI-!llj1nray. pi&DnlDI' comml-'on, dlllt.U.-d f'jt •1th thr Rlt>--.1 will N'p,_nt a •llnllft'-daoct pr.c.&.d by a Mlt'k· Or.raldl.., llh<to'lli; •• ..-t'Ct61,..11f tlw ...... fll ,...,... '-:•::-=-~~·~==-~;~~: -·· a.Dd tbe. U.. for •·b l<:h tbe road wa,. "P:r0111nn. plannlni and (:o.ut OP: South•m Callfomlfl Y-""ht r lub• tall hour --------1"1"""'n1• •If tJw _.,,... ..... ~ ...... _ waa df'alped. art> .._. damaclnc ··~lopm .. nt". "" urged t hat nuuiPr 1111o1 U...M"iatloO'• •• '"" '"""11• ul aa _., ... ....,, t• ....,..b!IIM f'IW'h other. Whltnell revf'a.if'd. plan com.mll~• tor tbe ._..,._I.,._ Jnclu•'IPtl ,-.., th" I[UP~I lll•t .. ,.... Le • N G F ]1•Y lt... ~"'""1""1 ""'""' l'hatn ... r .Cal.,. ..,I • ,..,..._. -1'--· A• lonl' 1.a thP Cout i-IJ~o:hway proc"f'oSI to <lrart IIUI'h • plan. t hAI C"nmmnd or• ""'I M111. Wf'~ s mith . g100 ames •"ant 1"re ,,,f '''n'"'"""" -.I ,,..._._I thl• ,_ ........ -...w flf.....,tp r rr' f ~ .. • I \' hi ,.,...... •h"••ontc tlo•l <ot<l •of II. loUI , v•·ltrfl h9'iGI uo.t'-"" Uta ' • ., ""'al a a•t Ira c &r tvry. It help-tht-r<>ftttl linP may bo-nef!t under Utt' !'11>ut\1ern ,_.1 umll. &C. • Th F • 1 f'd th e ~011 .. 1111\f' to,.grolt. I\-" I any l!dlnn I hi' ·~gl~l•lorrr may !ng "·-rtnnn, l'nmmntlnrP a nd ose avQrlng ,, :t ;ttol ,........ 1111U .......... , .... ,1 ..... ,,_ ....... Al'lall't...l, ......... Uter• hu nOll.' bPt:n lmpa1rr<) t&kf' to III'I"T"I'fiii!P tnn•IJo t"r th< ~~~~ J L Mun..,.,n flf I hi' Amo·r· H B 'd . w k f 1 1'' llll.ll.ll.•t '"""_"nh •h.• .. ~rtol ,...,. • .-T:t& I._.,... '!'M JeO Mu· ' 1 &Of! lh~ con-P\1)1 hfll l' n( Atn lf' p>1t ktt ,,, IW'Jtr h It'll II r n .... <·r rl '' Jt I A~••ll'i~tl•on , arry r1 grs 0 ••omrno•l ,,..,., .,,,. lui ... nuaot..t •of 1 1"" fto-__ ,.. anol 1M~~ Coa.a't ' II 1P tUfil l d\'Hiupmr.nL -·t Commudort'! and Mrll G•Or«~ t"\lltl-~ or s r h•~,.,.~ .,,.,., ~~~ ,, .• _.., 1" .,.,..,. .,, ,1 ... 1 ""'I u . .,.,, .. .,_l l•tunr. .... ------------"' "' lh,. Wr~t I ·.,~,.t rfll••hl ('lull Tllr N'I'WJ'l<lr1 11.1 1~:,.. o\ml'rlt'an I h·hl •II~"' ""' ,.,,.,..,..., .... "I""" --pn:wf'll ...t'tir""'!IJ attJ'Vt ... H I M k F Cnm mud••r•· IW•I MrA C C Wnoo.l-Lo·~:l•of! f'••~t Ill 11.• t)•'•"loltl: t h•~ L h F 1 .. """ l h·· •n•h·••• 1• ••-·I •. .,. 0 "t 0 t l .iOJtth_..( I h i' (:o•f<tflii!IO \'a,.~.hf IOr••k Yfl(Nfln !"1Jiollol7•' l••'tlli\' ft • t t ' , __ I ar1 y ar S IrS ---~~~:,':;.:;· .. :.~~~~,·~~ .... : .. ~,~~\,.~~:~· ~~=~~~~ :·.~:~ "!n.~·-:-... ·~~:;~ ::;:.':'·:·:;.-; .. 1···~-19 S e e ·foa~t Areas To ............. '"' _ua•tto• ar•. J T I I 'luh '-.. "'""~•m··· Jill• I !>1 <8 t;N.lrfr:t'. r·••I•IPin FNfiJ•·~II .. ,; ! h ,, ""•·JL-· I ' v· .., () ..... w D ! ., ..... hall n . A,..h..trn , 'll; ......,.,,, Y I ll (. , II I Bo h 'I I oue n ,.. IIIII•. 3 •. I,JU' ........... :MI ; ~ ...,. • 11 t n:o. 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"A r~ r•;u N'q wol nl••o\ with ooa ~ a .... ''"'''""itn •: ... ,. ....... ,.., •.•. , •. , ........ '"' ,,,. ... ,t •• ''"~'"'.'' "' ..... ~ II· .. !''"''"''"":," Oll'ootk ...... r leers ~!;ad,. Jt h <o l n f"'£<'~ "f an <I!<) vf ill'~n:t: hflW,. W<rman ,.,..lit wh<'n ~h,. 1• .-'·"'''l:" I' V.'•••l t ·~u1 J"rtl•" l••l "'"'"'"' ~1 '1'11 l•l 11''' 1''"1 1 .. ,, ,,,,,,.,1 '"'' •lllti"J: 11.,. ,,.,.,, "Loo!t"lhi!! .. 't'i"k Xf'atly fnur t<'!OIImrof\y 1 ('"llrl rt'c'P~"'·d Ill<' 1011 1:1 ) ll fl•! 1\f f'iomr~ hl~lrt lf"lll -\l oti •I•• I~ V.'••l<h Rn •l ''"''f" flltiiJO'tl 1•1 !.lt:hlll oll l••l"l 1"1"'' -\'•11>1 "'"''t loo full nagf'll lltf' dP\'o1PoJ (<J tf'· l \\..._lneaolll) \" ''""''"'' M"flln thi!!I HIIkf•tl lh<' llfl.,l"ll") Snt ~" rar ---l,•<•hwon #'•-• 11'1t: '''"~''1"'"11''" ''1 til• 11'1" ,,,,, 'i ho •11~11 1•1_ 11 \(.!l(bl LQ._.IIll _ ___,_ -;,._ • ,.. Th 1 'o ,, m ·--• 111, •• , n , 1 .. th I l 'lnn-. 1.,1 lh<• f"rmu\l"n 11( .... r .. ...:aJ l.r<Km otf.....,.l~ ~I• ·-·t~M,. '"' t n•'"'""'" .... u 1 -" .. N ::J' VPaling a<'fPf'n lla•• u t }jl'y J m••rmnJl' UIJ!o.ll} at~ J a m ...,,,"'""' "' '' ~· n~t . <' N II I I ~f lh !=:: ·-• '''"~I"'"" 11, .. ~'""'1~"1 ,..,,_ Iori , .• ,,. a "' · I"Wjworl . IU'IItlr cruiloa out -Jfl( N~ Har; •·hPn PrO!I"'utnr ltolatul Thnrnr·'~nfticPr r..t<>I"IMI J~~~ ·~k,.•n "'' ("Y>'p()T! nror•rlln l o ,.,,,,,,. •·•I th .. v ,...,,..h,.•l '"" , ... t ttl•on .. ,.. '"''ltt•• .... ,~ .. llo-''••lllllr,~wl •••• t:"''''" '''"'''''' ,,,., ~ .... , ... ,t •l.l•on• tn • '""''"" rPr .. y WUI I r li n r '' I ... t ~fl\,ol f .u.tfrl \O(•n• ,,j\',Jnf"o<l lol J ·····lo.!r•J .. ~ ,,,..,. IJt•h•-vf' ttl .. "''""·~····· ,,, ''"' ~······· ,,, 1 ··•~:·· IIIOJ '"''"' ' .... T rr --·--~ f a m o u " diJ•Jlf'r d~elg n•·<l 1elr rll.~<'~ 1 hf' JUry rl'lunwol ~ I hf'atPtl 10.h~11 croaa Pllll-;.,ln•d nw~~.: "' 'c ~~~~~ 11~'~1 ' "';;; '" '' "11 I'' "1'1~ ~11""1•! kll"w 11"'"' 1 """'" ""n""' 1 1'"11''" 1"· 1" '' '1' '' '1 t.y ~""''• • ·.,,.~, ,.. .• ,.., t "~")! t ... th .. ,..,..,, ·~ I~ ... .,.._,. ... nll!l' ,_. ya.cht. tne S•·1tt. o·r<l\t't uf 'lfllllly" 1\nd re-com-' !';kl!'f'n tnt1tl,..l thr <lof<rnola1;t a! 11 '.'~ "'" s t•Jl. "'1 ~·• l'""''n~nt In puhlu· li t,. otat"l on I'""''} ""'111ol •or~·1 ''11"" • ,'"'lt'"'".H''"" \\'"'"' l•ul•lo.t ••·•t ,""nu attom ... :,hl[,.,,.,. bor to Catalina ~r,J t ht ~'II nnLI countoo'l r .. r ol• t-11/IO'IIllth·ol" "~~ "' 1P P"l'P<' ,,..,.am,. I 1 I I 1.._ .___! . ' / lh•l~o:;ht~ l r >li:~l l••• 111•1<10 1 l h " '" ,_ " ... _,-,.,.._. I " l 0 -• ,_ l 20~~Iu11•l i1w ~~·~'-1r1n hlt<J 1..-,·n illl'_tU.lLil lqu... ~ Ill fll•l•rftJ•Itl If! •''r>MJnJ,: <·1\1 11•_, Th 0 I >0 rr.t:n•lrd 1rnl•n~v lt1 J U<Ij.:t' ltob<'tl l ~u•Jtl'<" II n ~r, vol'f' 11\!!t.on mt'nr l n II\ lnli ,1, Hoi,. ri (' ,,,!i), · 1 "'"'"' !l'liiJI!J '" '""' uf II,.! lr••nr ' n ,., l-i-~,_...;c,,~~@~~!~:E~~:~~t ardnPr whu 'prf'llhied Tht dt·· :'tn m i'nul•• '\\'hnt <11d llhf' •I•• W'' I . ' 0.' G·. ,:_ ' ~~~'1'1~ Atmy '"' V.'hrt•!o "lit• h fo ''" "••1 I •I I I" IJJit! •r 'I I•• •l,~~·---_ .... 1 , ")"r 1'\'111 •''V!Itl' (/f!ovll 10 .!.~ • = t o ·ndant 10.1.a lfl''t:n 11. _ § n~U1_~ l hll~f! l,:tnch.i...,.:!!.'L.~.lhF !1\6![Jl!l):.O, ·hoo (l;,. fntm"'tl"ftfolrtli<H 1h"'11;';.'1Mf'=""''l"Pl~!o;,.,.,.atiUt'Y~rw · , . 1 '"'" " .,. , u ""' 1 ~.-----tl'n!l, lll))oll'n)f,l~1'"f<fr'' .~T:.M"'.tilfMi In l hr rJUor an•l Ill 1 ''""" '" lh<' t .. ·c l•mn,.tro·• An<1 •I I \:oltl "'"~'' ""~•• ,.,,,~ •n•l ''""" .. ,.,.,,. n•·w l14.'lflfl Ualhua Y11o·ht 1'"' ~·I •mu ~11 •II ,_,,.,,. ~·ja tht Coa.•t I op .. nlng t he lr1al ---~~~ lht• task nn•w··r }'roto f':kro•n tth"l bar k at ·n " fnn n.~tl .. n .,f " ...... ,] ~~ II t: "'•"Ill 11JI!fl\nhll!ol10 , .. ,. <offl• "f~ ' "" .. ~ ...... , .. : .. ~·~ ....... U "'"'" ,_, ... , .... ua,. In tv ... n ... ,. Hk hard- makea any d -or llf'I<'Ct1nj.: a J""Y 1-~t~t , , th •·ro .,. ~ .... :11 1;,w1d unll 11,, 1 ~,,,11 ;,,i.'1','. n ""'' I ~· ""1'1"''" .,,,,~ 1"1"0' '/t·, ''"; ·~~• :-t"·"•l·l II•" •II •''"' ,.,. ,.,,,,.,, "''" • v .. t.t Anrhr"'"l!.~ll l--1-----~~~~~~:;:;.,~;,~~;,;~~__:~·~·;·~··~·~·~·'',;"~···;·',"~,-¥''',;*\--\~' 1 o h h 1 1• 1 •'"'' '" ,,,.. ..:. •• w, • "'" ,..,... \"'f fi;:'"T' 'I .n .. ;;rt " '11 ,.. ... 'lull Uif'-2!'1 mile "'o In Is nrin"l hy llriJ.:It(h••r <~i-w'rnl J '' 1 11,. '"'·' 11, ,111,_1 •• •~I·! " ' no-•.' "I• ""' ,. ..... 1 "'' n ,., "n Donnv11n. A11Ju111111 (;,.11,.,.1,. .,, 11 .. Kids Fr"IJ"C At '' " · " '•·"'' .,, ''"'' '"'" .... 1 .. ., .. .,h '" «"'" .. , 1n "•• •llrad lv" ('oa.llt ARA<If'i!llinn lf'Al'lf'la !tho• t'tly fur nti<IJ(I"nrt.l pr'"'l""''lh•r .,M11y 2/;l.h, <l~'<'lllrr•l h••r "•lll!htly.,t':ollf••rfJJJt ,1.,.,11 j1,,111,11 , U "''""5:'''•'''1 "1'' ''11 ~1 ' 1'' t lwn I"" Hoi< '"' •.o.J,r !IIO'r "' j,.,..l..o"'W t•y•••l .. •1 r...,hu~ ·.II "I ' '. ' lbo ···~· ""''I· ''· ,., ,, ..... 1•"1 1: ,1: mran '"'!H'n <hr~· uy C'n!Vtt Jllr~'mf'n <iolring tlw 110UOJ n•J'l"~.~ n "ltlf'IO IN ',_wn;oo Flllk<'•l,lf hi' ...... ~I ll'lrhror ~~a-••·r Tt"'"''" E. n ... , .. Ra a Fun ZIOne •·· .... ,. 1,1• \1·1•·1-·ltl•fl "'•I··· I!PitcniHIC ....... , thr fr •llvllt .. II Jift· ' I ' 0 t oh I' t 1 'Th • • ' · ll••lt:k llo~,,., /'•1 !"''~"'" "f '"" i H lghwll)' ha.11 10111 ill tu<tful-!'"' • h•'fl• &n, ''"111Jt' qu('~ll'lll<'<J "P'' ''" '·'"' nr · f't~"' II(• ~II• I• <h•·y ~~' tl1o• 1,,.,~·1 ,1,·,11,.1 n ••Tili'Jfl ' l h~l• • I Ill ''" l1trr<• lt... f«a~,.l «v••r '" the . · 1 "-t · t 1 d ~"'' ,,,,, "''•• ··1 l r.,llo :o !ol•l• '"'II flf'~~ AJO it lhro ... ~h hlghiO'R.'' l f"r JUT)' ~•'1'\'J('f', Wll.,~' Mllko•,J I•}' llnlrtl'! In !n o~ ni,>,Jl ~~1•1 lh•• lofl t<'Pr (HI tlw !•~·111 unit 111'1':"'' \'\ n d · ·,,1,,1, I Jl•·"•l' ••! ....-"''"":lt•l 1""~1<~111 will· II", lhot anti II 11('('01'1<1 n >aJ·. nr ~f><·rd. lhr •• t.•t••nJ!•' If hr Wll!l !W I. h .. rd .. r ,,,.,.t,r, Wll h II twtnk1~· In hi~ ··~· ... :linn t.l .. nk~ tnr ··n iJ•Imo ·nl "''')I"' ' ~ es ay ... ,..,, "·' M . t I rrtu·lnK '"'"'• ....... ldlvr II U nz. llo~m•oll l ... t.-A ......... u:...'l..beatu.,_ __ :o.; .. L..m.c. ~·· u • .r •. 31j.<J J ur.Qmn ('I3J'I•fll:. .. 1(_,, •• , ........... ,:rin<'rt .~J lhl'<itllr·····f •II•· X·" .• ,., J../J.!l'.l't .!lll''t;''''" ... ~\ J.C. ·~ 1 errlmen ~ M k ..... , ...... -h ... ..:· ..... '"lllllrttlort ' ' ' h I · '" • .,,,1 I ""' II,• I " II •• ,· " I 111 f·"n ron11 •1"1 J.I Rr hr~ltl<·~-Y"ll '"" h••ltr nw <ant ,,.,.,., '' ,.,.,. IHo<l t ho· J,.,,.,.,~t ttnt l llttrl~•r llmml~<•r ,,f r·.,,,. ·' \\',.,lrl'"''"~ '"'" J.\pJ•l"• At r .. r ll•l r:rro uol a l~)tly .. ,. a mll"lf't· (Qr l low tr aftlc: I ~·ou ? ~m f'liPtPI h 11 d tr<ouhlt lro 81Jn~ '~~"' "n r>"'"r•l i-1 111 II"Jol"\' nw 1 ,.,, · J p·,, "' lh•• ,B;olh .. ro F •u,o ;tJ •I" '·'' '' -\1 '' '"' 1 •of ,-~~[:~====~ with h1~· 10t.ub. T<'!Jto"! t" lh" lll~l•••t ill" rnl •r" •J:t~· ,.n, r hr h11;1' <o( •Jt ~~~:~==~~~~~~~~~ u ::~~= l!i M•·•t ,.~l··t .n po:n•·ol •••t•"'"' .. ""t' l.r ~h·'l' •1:orlo.ll'•n •of I.AI{una H<P•~h f rtlf'llnin£ he <ldO'ntt" Wllni..,J 1~'• II.< "'"'l•·ral l!•ll l01•l""'"'' flllf'<'' ror••\'ftJI•"I ''" "'' f11 .t Jo•lw• ftl ~hl ''' '"' bol<l •·h .. '"'Ill ,,,.,.,,~• ····,.,,,. h • the """'P\f'r. I( lhp Qrpam 01 II. lell\'f' t~ ... jury box. rr,ntllllll! lhl' ........... ft••r ~.I' rn tho· ""'"'I ~I ll! .. r.ll/11'1 unil ;,n•l !ho; Fr•'f' ,,,,Jl•01•11'' ...... ~. l:l\•11 l~·ritJn,· A'uxiliary .II•~· ,,,.,.,,,~. l,y "'" K• .......... ,,,,, ~-.."'·· 111!'('01'1,1 hijZhWa)'. tn bf' fur "B,.ttrr U11Ul dntnK Jol upi\O:r,. •n \\'r•ln,.!t<lll}' Th,. ju•y WR"'n ·t •·•rv ~11\':tl r;unrrl 11n11 , Jllorlu'lll ••rl' •·''' Y"''"J:~Irr hy J:•·nl:rl AI An· ,.. "I • hr t~l !'hur•t loy th.,!V-a 1 (,11,,.r .,,11.,.,. whu will bf' In· thrutw)t t r a.\' r 1 bf'~nmf'~ 11 frnnt:· lhr jurym1111 · rrtort .. ,J. "hot" Kllnut thr 1•lr11 Thrn llllrt)' ~inf"" 1-,.,lh ~lnf" nr.:;oninllu•n~ 11n ol•"'l'•ll .,., '''"" A•l"'' !~ '•' I•,. I " I• ·~ l'r,.•I•IJn"i ,,,.,., ""' ,,. .. ,., .. ,,.. ,..,..tP•l wttll l'r••t•ll'nl·l':"""t Rill· • r~altt.,·, It •·111 only rf'1TiaH\ 10 n Z P.~oh<'rtJio•ll wu l.'llff'd If lltd.,r P'J"''I up, <lecl!lrlng !hill Jt ""'''!!;king •·1"""1)' lngr•thr•r I ~"' ~umm"l" th,. Fun 7J•n" I 'P•~I~IJ. •'!II t .. <11~ """'"'' I~ I'"'"• '" 1~•1 Jol• I• lf•oar J!, !"'"-'·, '"""''" ••• N"'l"""' l'll llftflf'd, ,;,:;,~..,,-----j It att·p~ arP t.ak,.n ,,... pn1·rnt hr bf'lnn~ ... l tn •n oriRhl1.11t u•n lh" Jun· 11••·1 t r, tf'mllm 1n ~"""lnn ,,.,,.,.., rl"'~IJ:MfltNI \\'••iln•·~·l~v 11• ,,,,,. ""' ~..-~.._,, .. ,,., ll"''"'r Am•·r ,,,.,, H•·~. ~·r •nk T•~ralu:• .,,J,....,..I<'o;t , lt.¥ lt-n!f'; aid• rna d 1' and bu!liflt~/1 lhllt f11)1'>'nil U r>~·n ll'l~·u• n t l!qunr 1 11 ~1 fll!l;ltl lh,. Jury ""'nul<t hnti( V1Jt AWARD SERVICE -""i'l't • I my Anr! IH,. !'11JO;lf•rn j,..,.,.m,. I• •• J..-~o;hn "''"'I""" '"'"' M"" 1 ,.,.,,,,,,,., ..,.,.. ,., .. ..,.,!,., loy ft.,., 1 11/-.roi l";,.rrtah. A 1 hDIIIM'I ,., be erf'l'IM along t ht "\\'•11", M ill lhP m,.rr hanl. "I J:" fnr ~ 'i ''' l,...k •llnn~r hm•r ,..., PINS TO PUPILS' • ... I"•Jl'll:tr l h~t n .. 1~ pl~<nnlng ,, ,! .. y n•te ht. J unr ~:ltJI " 3h J• m E 1, f;.,,~,,.ll •n·l .,,. ... .., "1-""·!ll••n•lh t..ol t wlatn · rouiP hv methor.l•of {Oflll n K · to chun-h now an•l t hPn !IMd I th•·y rm JI•Ih~ar thl!l,.>ul/1'~ Conn """""II" lht' p~IICf' RO::A in •h1• "' n ... o\m .. tl••n •~·r.""' ""' l f•·l""' •·f .f .,..,. ..... ,..,r .. • •. •'m••~ '~"''•"'"'· ..... ;,y uon ~~~liar to uuit ,.rnpln yl!d ne\'Pr hu .rd nl t hat orgiii1 17.&Uon l•llhl. "• ••n )f~rn l,..r• ,, t!l~ ll•u t•1r lr ·r,l•,n .J M•k H11•1h •~>•lll•r•ol•lnnllw• .. l••"'k l .... ,.r . an•l t.•" In r~UDJ' U.f' Arroyo Se<:o j ~anctltmlnR i!Jt 1111~" H~ ,..~~ r~· Th<' .l" r Y lnrhld,.•l Clar~n~ "!'"'lf'P -~!'t 8Chol&tah1p. •l. c_~..:----.,.-t' .... t ..:.LU---....__ .-u ... t. at '-'"' ,..._.,'" r !h .. rlrtiT 'tn 11n I IVI!Iij'i tr, I~ th .. ,..,..""" IIPnry y111r:l'ln and ~~·!&)·at peycirox -l~olotii fot...Kr:vJ.c .,.n-I.~IUI'I-f'ltt'tf .. l;-H·t tl TTU,.,y tPn<lllflf'P 111'11! •~~:tra..-urnrular ~'. ,~til"d t he blut aDd l'r..ld pln11 to h h•"r lh• •v,.)t;rr, ll~rn .... n I ' lf''"'l' •'"«'"• "'"' f'.alpt, u-n l 11. ,_,..,.,.._ · _ ~ -~ ! ThP <1Pt~n"" allnrM." ..._.,.Jt Ill I<Pnl lllt r h<'<ll'k , H•rry Rl•l"', Ja~lo: t!VI tlf'llt l-'~rf' a .. •r•lf'd t"n N .. w . W~Jt"r W•t ktna. !'>lllrtniUl .-.;,,., •• ,.· >"'•'" " tn••ml,.., ••I \liP t •' !-1 ,.,,,.,,,,.,, •••·«..-; 1•••-ntPo/ .,~..,al l f 11mi0£NII« lltf' P'"Cram llii1U 1tot Mr li..ad ,.,-, DoD GundertOn nf l..nr;th upon Ui~ f&~t offk PT8 n l11 f'hlll lpJtt>r. n ?-H••h4'rW.n. Lnren11 port &a.eh Granun.-r B<'hnol •lu· .~ .. uv Anlfnw1. N o rma Trll'f•. 1 wlo. I''-''"' ~'1""'1'''" .,,.,,...,,,_.,,. • n •I • n tmpOJm~ol•t a .,.... .. wllh ~ ·~ '7 Balboa 11rt Pnjoytalg a ,-bit 1'>1th 1Ui Py ""'<rr• nnly golnc t.'l h<li<1 th" llal•lwln ''""" RI.RnlP)', Mr~ PP~ detlta'at ·a ~lal Utlll'mhtv m~rk ·J f'r,.,.man, Ha.tnrrt ftl•uPr. r:~"'ll:" Th•·•• •of 11,,. ,,,,,J,,. tnt"'""'""' ,,,..,rt .. t ,.,.,,.,_,.., Wr -·1 ,.,,. Jan '• T)'rollan ..,... .. ,..,. •llllf'_b .... ,.; and lofn·.~A.--1' r.UDdenon ln l<lf'fPn<lant unUJ l hf! ·,. ... •blf.' tn l' .. ll"t Alphunll<! Hama11n •Dd,SII.m InK t hr. 1-..t WHit •ol ac:tt.Oot. · I V f'f'tll, t:kJDa ld Wlllt r. Pel[ II: y In th•· ~.,,,,..,., "'" at.• lrtl>'lt~•l 1"\llr lllf •,. •nd Mr .,,...1 y,. ~.,,l .,.,...rHI •• ,.....,.,_ ~loA el• I!II0111l C. I)', Io••a, U.l• •·u lt..' drw e utPl}'. lhf n lrt bPr 11:'1 until 0lll.ar11rt. \ f'r1nr Jpa1 Hora.e .. 0 . En .. gn pre-, J'il~lpt U\d R.ndr.r1<:11: WcWIU~J>. 11H•n•l Hr1~o~.•.--lra.lra.. ,_ . ' ·-" ,- -..... I . ' ' "· \. ' h ..... 'r.o ~"PPRT BALBOA ~ftliES. New~ ae.dt. Ca.Utom&a, THURSDAY, JUNE 19,1941 . ----~----------------------------------------------------------~ + ........ ,.... ...... , ............. .... ....... ..... ,......._ ... -.. , ......... .. ~ ...... O...t7 ...... e-n._._, .. . '-ctt .................. ALLa.pi .. U.... .--------------::1 on .. t.o tMl --a ,...a.Katlon Skii~J Skri~lll :,~.:.-:: :.::'*.~~:: Newport-Baltao. NEWS-TIMtS G·UfF -Artists and .. Their Art a...n-.·· M~n of the Newport Har- bor Girl Mariners 1'roo9 ~ ~Mft· PHONES n A II 1 -t _, .-.caUaa f or a tkllnK 87 0 . A. IIAO.N1J88EH Hut th lhelr trader, IIlii Claire U eveo1na ln Ow Gll'i Scout ,. p t y , ' ~ ......_, _. ..,...,....., Allen •••• V..._ XlCOD ~rwut. 111 Uw '-ch dtly, acconi· -~-: m.-tD BUaM!nc ~ N~·· " P~upectlve ~ an art which -...ertp~ ~able ill Ad~:---$:l.50 ~r year In OI'Uip County; ~ dt'nlopa thl' pnnclpl<'a. and flus. P .15 per )'MI' to •th IOIW; $3.00 pPr yur to 8th z.ww. _ • ·-.,.,_ ..,_ by utabhaht'd and ceruun rulea. "g1-adu&lt' .. ~,'LDd aulk -~~~ l.nto the lltul' lbey have !tamed. S and ualatant M n. JamM lbrritt. 25c per month by earrier. , -=-• ~•""' _ __ _ _ t; rrwy r".-wby brap tbt' p·artlrat methode or repr~· f----1ii·:;d~ .. ;;-!s.a,n~;;;d;:-cl&u ma'ttr a( the Po&toln~ Ia N.-port Beach. ~ -• t.llooat oUwr8 ban ,... Hntallon uf that diminution of C&Utomla, ~r tlw Act of_ March~ _:B'79_:_ _ _ I • t.-.ct W1Ul. .n,w ~ tnps to ob.)eela to the €fa. 111 proportion S. A. MEYER • • • EDITOR AND MANAGt:R 1 :S..w YOf'tl.. tk -yw ~ ~aat ~a Ill tlwy art' more or leoM r4:mot~ ,._U.C Plant, 22011 w . Central AnD\M, Newport lkedl. Caillomaa • 1 Jd.l.fl'Y ......._ u. ...,., w.u, ~nry-from the obllervu. an art wltb: t•unC' .. al!TOived 111 •bat tuna out which 1)1., cJraugRlaman muat ~~NEWPORT BAJ.:IIO" CALIJI'OitNIA lD« ... u t..u... alld " -tailn a • torner wandt'r In unc~rt&lnty and • A a ' C,th 1-' ..... ....._ P'W O.W II 1'..,.. 1 h .r:. t•,..••d !i-Yorlr Caty r error, whlll' In Ill knowledce be -I ,.,....rn t -.DC w a. • Uw t:mp1re k Cure• a faithfUl and unerrinl' . • f) 111 f""''P',..I '"' lad~ t.br ~~ w pt audll eoatort IJUt LOCAl AUTO NEEOI ... A r;ulde Teo all, whOM IX"cupatlons NATJ~QAl EOITOF\IAL ,.,_,~ I""' t•• flfh fan a uid ~· ..., ·t~thnc oia Ow 811nralk It warning aign at the. end of the· may ht tn t.llyway connected with ~1~ SSOCIATION httur v.au IIML8tOh' ''PI .. .-.s ~~~ ... .w.~ t taJa~ n•J lllUCb ( .. m .. nt overht'&d bridge. t o In-cumin& dealfJ'. It I• u importllllt an --• ~ ~t-rr;~t (~,. ~e-r1ua w1w-n '" ,,~~• ~ up War WOUidD'l ~ motnneta that· th~y art' ap'proacb.. IIUll I ary lUI to the artlal It Ia ... _ __ .. __. , .. _ .... _,..,... ...,_......__ •\'4<•cr:. .. t..u • c alJ Uw .._ ot :-.;~.,., ,_ .... 11 tb __,__ lndls~naable. "~ --........... ~--...-· .... _.. . ...r;a ..... m ezonP;o t' .... ...,therl' L'Jwanl, ('1•tb .,.by IIIU tr.<W .. ,_ .. Y•.r• o•• nwr~ tban il ... tn u.a· 11 ..., 1 M an art, an tht' m~ch&~~lcal or ... , , ,...... .., -a tut of out.go ng hearM· h pt.-, .... n.,... 11 IWd <'\'01' ,,.,, 1o1:c .,. ,, t .. 1 clooa't tbtnk any arillt.a! KCM~t of lhne "Kf1m·Wht'el· mat ematlcat oPfr&IIOPI. by which ~-~ rt eiiWIII er ...,.. U..t ......_ pll,tllk: _, •lr~&tl • tbta )''""r " 41nlnl!: .. ,....z. pol.-'~ '"'"'"J ~-iiiYitAPoln for , .. apt:ra" remtm~the apt:ed limit we reach ~he tho:httul rPpr~· ' .....,. ,.... a& ......., l8teneie --Ua1 el it. ... .,... ty_~ .. And Y:-\ tbn .. u .. LW-.,.., "' fl-l ·~ ~ W1t.b onr~-til at aUt wh~n they have pBJIII . .,.ji nlaUon Cdl 1"'nyl ject. or ob-......__ __. ..,_ ..-..a&r 1e -W• MW ........ a ....._. _ _. ,....... ___. h•M a.,... tb .. avt.-J -pA~ to "do y u u r ......... ect.a. Wl' <'II re n any po1ltion ~----!_..!!~~-_!!~~~~~~~~~--~=-=~~----------. _ _.,. ,.... -·-·-ed, Kcr ...... en Plac~ at a morl"\)t'· t dl f , .. , ~ el _! r uaek l•m at. ,....vP'tlh' "'""-t•· l••o .r>oJ _..,,.. ~ lf ttl«ft le -Jt.bUlK I l&.k.lnc·pa('e' Tht'y then •tow tn c>r a any stance rom ....., ob-'- ,._ woth7-ut hmtf m Ui r.,.;;;-or lliv ta• ' '* r.-.t~4 ~" ..... ~mile pEl , nea• t ~ at'rvl'r, or from onl' another. at YOUNG AMERICA GRADUATES .. _ _. "" • tnr-1 •ar.t to ~ U. r..trk tiOOI • ._, 1 w~lch •ucfi ma~-vrsmte--nrttrto '"« KT• ...... • •r--.,. ,_. ... I'"DIIC~ ~lalllln. Some "balm" tu eye. Aert8.1 ..-rspectlve tal\liWer __ . nld hM·~ &nd buuy ~ • ..,.. nwr~ ••IIUWIII't • Anf -.. n °"' the tup~Cyt>ra I• that t)Ur Po Q "' ,...,..__ hund--"-of thousanas-0 r -youn" .....nnlc-gntduahnt{ _,,..,.. ,,_._ .u, b&'" .. ,1,.~ ,... .... t.:..srro lui..,.. . · · · · · It) Inquiry I baa reftrence. more ~ *R:' l..:u& "" •--•· _ • _ Boy•. are aaved L lltth~ ~e 1 p-articularly, to thoH peculiar it. from IChools and eon~ this June e ntt>r 8 -l'tranKe and ,., •r-l , ....... ,..-A1ah"" ...... .u..-r -wtwn ~atrhlng and noou-r;lving moepherlc anct othtr lnfluen•u f~>r tb~ f~llv•u •boo• •ant tv t.-~ l.' ... ~:a..Ja,. --lf .. thf'r • at lb&t apot' . A place to park ~ violent wortd. a f'tuu\N" .ncJ .-tall ano.tftr-• fw •to# r...... and Uw ~ Jw reo. .. av....r j t~Pt th N ""'rt Pll' d by wbtcb object.. mort or ltaa · h d ( 'l1J .-a. tw 1 aw 1FMn e e-.,... r an remote a re affected In co lp r ~ their land hangs the m c nacmg s a o w o war. fellowt~ wb<• wut t•• «•• lo rw-11 ;, .. ..::; ow J' tint :, ...... ?.:W,h 30th ati·Ht om Wettt t:enlral ave. light. ~hadow and gradation oi and abroad rages a titanic struggl~ that ha." aroused this tn a hurry anA 1 tit• not ....,, 1" ., -,.. ....._ .-.... '::. • .::-r· ._I nue. Ju•t try to get to the ~k tlnla. a ccordanor to their dilt1ncu . . . l"" In Uwtr ,...y "'"~• •t Uwn -, ,.._, -.. _ ..,.. aD llf Uw o~r buildlng.e m '" nation to rally lu resources. ltil lndustnl'S, lt.41 mana~..,r .., t a~~y "'~ .. t-(,... ~'>Ur ~ ,_.,.._brnod • SH'za _., 1 thank 'lf Y root or retatln poaltlfMI: .tJM rulea tor and 1•--""llnno&~er to c -ate an antPMI "reattor than any hi u... .,. .... _...t .-an , INOI .,.. • ., tamaJ~oPw ~ a ..;. _,r .. ,,. • that aru, t'Xc~ on Could """'·' 1rt out acqulrt'd by ctoee I( w. Wl ,....~ 1"' " .. -.. '"' . '~ •. that now the City will ac·j ob,.rrvallon and 1tu<1y or nat urn the world hal ever seen. This is the world w~ktl youn~ a ~· ~ .,.., ..... ~ )•AU ,.n ~~. ~. ": ~HrV.$Ith. 'lUir~ th .... E. rtglhllt ·o.:..:way.t ~~· lt'~ll-reducible' to ejllemlc ml'thode: .a. ~...aca ente-t .... -y and --ters ln (nnM'!St as .iot•·set>kt•rs "' tht' runt·~....,..,. .. _ _....._..~-~ oth~r r~at need w '"" me ..,.... In ... 1"tlng In olla uae the aky IUIR:'O I.. ._ . "'" . . . . -• -,,~,. , ..... j .-a ..... __... IIU('flf'• I . tb I lh ...... d I ........ . ..a.. • ...a--· ..... but _.,. t.a Ole t' aoow 1 on e •· oun · J'coloura In lraa and leM proportion and breauwuvR:"n. • . T'UIM-and tao6r w....u ''" no mae · 1 a:w ~ -~ run-· ·~ would YOU like to f'nt~r lnto 88 you work l{)W&rd tbl' fore- Many, for a time at least, will ha~·(' t~ rol"'('go pronlL~· • ..-~ ...... CU)' and ~bPn ~~ o.r. all ()OftY ~--'the currt'nl arJ'WIIent ?__ I ~{round. thua putting atmoepbere ing young careers tO serve their tenn In t.ht-annt'd fON"C5. vc-rj murb u-bftnc 'UI._:cJ • ....._ 1 .a& n.ot -.. .__Uon&l au-RMOive Into your ptt·turt'. Soml' people _ . . _. lbf' ._ bu11ctt"C pn~,rrt ,... ._. . Thf'reo ar~ too many rara on tht' d hard 1 ll t Ot.hrn will abandon professions for whtch tht•y wrl"\' t ralnt·u s...-e·ThiW'a buUdlnc ~ !'lotoout.ll lbo.nty but it aa ay .-that 1 rnwJ?. atu y . or a me thtn ry to equlP. thetMelves with t~ new s)'l('('laliz.ffl skills dcmandro1c·......,. .. c'o --t. u.r prtaa .-c.., 11 St.a.la JWitJe wen-,. Ru.w-'... or 1-----------......,. . . . f t ~ -...u brf .... lone -klootOD« fnr ., by 8 nation h .. ~ ..... to re-ann 1'h£> h \'('S of atl will be a . to ..,_... nut 11o ' nn _... • _, _ , Too teow parking !~P•re~ Your,------..... :1 ..... · t.tw Hrww·""--.~ vtt•t.oft • -buU'ttP And ll t110er 11r1t _ · •~_.. by t~ tu...&....·Jent and uncerl'ain world thnt su~ .,,.._, -tJw mpnulat.Jrw~ nt ~FEARED ... "lrtlO.,.nt"" u:.:~ IUU 1-'ladl•> t .. hurTy ur -,, ("aD .......... r-NEIGHBORS them. . m.,,,., nul ...,., anto ~ qu&l1 •llb-1' n.ah&AU aa jtlltl ai-ounc1 th!' ~"kmp~ll·• nt'w <If-livery tru.:k cia or1ll! 6r n.oi'TW'r ht>'• "" prnuc.l of It, ht tven gavt' I It ia not t.hr world' o f peace. of fn«-nd.;hiJl amonJ: nat inn .... '""' Thuo • han. « •· . -t •L & ""-~ T·"e lilt! om~ wu IIUI'(' !--.------------.: .. h r.·tto~ ...... ··--·.. ·--... that many of t~m h ad hfot>n led IO c-xpec·t Wtlh SU<' ('00 I· ll:f'l a l(ltm,_-ol ttw r-' _.,_. Ciit -A_..n to " olr~ary loollin~~: &ftalr, tktt dt'· HOUSEWARMING drnce that they n-gard war a.c; a kinrl or bctmyal. a proof ltnf'd prifttinc tA'fk~ ~ --y lll:loD .. ,.,.rl'd lht' gno .. ta JUI!t u quickly I 114,-and ~tra H w B&rkt'r of of an o lder genc.>ration's pol'. rfidy. o r Ill ll'aSt of Its im·a(ladty plrtrd • mtt:hl .. ,. W'atb prof'~ ... Rid P'-..lr:..-I :SBnoy l.A'f' l'it,.·n,*:;C't.\l'n k~ , .. :K.IIt 19th ' Slrt'4!l wert' honor'~d .__ rid I A . rl I ct. th \' an-1\0fl .... m .. qualtfirah<tft nut s-· ..... 15 (:arl Stout uniftlrm . e . a.c with ·' surpruh• hou!!ewArming r~· to. manage t ... ,. wo proper y. n II a 1! ... , •••. ••• port ttarbr•r u ..... (rtrt-.lf' """ u---..1-H IDIC'n•lty nf th~ earth aruun\1 the IC'f'nlfy AffiiiiiR' j{Ue!ltll pr~>Mnt w~re filht. But IJ an older gt>ncration has Ptn'd, tt.c; SlM ha\'~ AJ<-tn ,,. ,. ... ma~ ..... ~ ........ -~ ere "l'at" Patt .. rll(ill'll Ol"wiy c-omplt'l· Mt•t<Ull ROll Mmt'S. w . H . Cald· been 0u.e o( ornisltion and no t commtAAion. Jt Cuu~hl val-tatloo -~·~ n u.r s,.W. ""' ---40 ..d manM !!Ut h " rl"lll'f rrom sanl1 we-ll ltnlph P hetj>s ftafl Schu· I , W ld "' I t I I ~sor nm... but tn Uw r.our.c .. "" lh A ,~...,._ ._ ~ by thr . llw> ll:f'ntahty of "l acream" I mac-ker J.Aoonard J)f'F'ord. BIll. iantly against aggress 00 tn a or nr , lll .•· a~I"('S! ruhh.i,..r _..,._ f&JUI • 1ua ,..,_ Hfy ~• ¥...S.J to ""' " F.•l•hf' Mnr.r.. "Qui:~." night tu! ~ewt>ll, and Mr and Mr11 Rippetoe powers have the run of the.> roost [n the cnSUinJ: y(•ars. It munity ~ alJPPitfif'd b) :tu m ac-.. aw ~of tile,_., from "H3nk' ntjtht. th .. ruruwr glvt'!l anti Mr auJ r.tra. Munuun nt 84-al fiad • at.ake in peace but failed to Jii('(' in time that ottwr .... ~~t.-nl• . DIMia *"""-eo.-dri )l;ar lhf' nlol jtrf'y mlltler a little-work I:Jeach e to~ paf'llme wtltt6dt .....Wta 10 out wht'rru the latin JU!Il R'"'e~ ~rs stliJ. had a st.ak~ in war and c.'Onquest. --trat.rl_ aad Woe th .. · .. ,.llhn~e bull" ~n•l 0 r 1 b " .lOt: ST.\~P GRADt'ATER . a·r t'--.:. I ,.,.. pt'nQd .., tapcw1Aftf It> Ulr ... ....~ kinK Joe uRul' Stamp of m Coral Yet young Americans, now entcnng I e on nnr own. ..,.. (/It "' _ .... It at baad ,., ~" at P"JP"ty __, In anatomy a further !!lrnm . A • B 1 ... ..:. I I . d ... _ f .... _ . '-nd ' r ,__ ' ANYTiitNC rather than t h " v, nu~. a •ovll ~an . m<'mu.-r o ftnd tbemaelves In a roun. try of llv~ \.a:'I'TlOCral·y, tn a ld \'"duaUot> day "'-brt ... ., t11w .._ I · r thl "H 1 l ~igma Sl.:ma mt>n'" honorary or-·L.a-1 all .. -...a~ · ..,...-ttw t:pae Uw aouccnttaon f1l Clnrl of monotono~ moan o s u • . . · · where~ 8nd achM!vement are pOUhJK' or , w-.-. a t.ck wtwa JflU .--t t --Sut" _It tb&t 111 m•lnc a 11 ~eantzataon'; who n"cl'ivc-d the df'· "--where the lndlvidual's right to &peak, think a('lfj v.·onhip ...,_ <rlrPft~·· ,_..,. you ,..... f"toborote Hodii1Lin80ft t.tw .....tuttnn adokl('~nta una b 1 e to k ~ e 1' gn-P or bach•·l~r of art !I was •-a . . -~ nate wtaat r.-..._. alf~ ~ oa Pa.la .. ,_. till' . tllmonR approlUI'T\all'ly 1600 ml'n racrw uncbaiJen&ed. 1bell"''l ls a land ot freedom favon!d nt ttl~ t• ~ of ---c........._ TiP ,......,; ......._ 1wnrallyt • 111nlf womrn rt'CI'iving..d('lt~ from abaft .U otMf"' a land worth loving and defending. 1 And _..., 11 w a lei -.-t .-._ Pala IWtw .... C"8&nl Mid • ~ . • thl" t:nl''''"'ttY or South••m Call· ' I at a ....,""f' tf -46dta't e.~~ Uw ~ rr-t W1ll btr ...._,... NEWS BY ITOOCE · · Thtll romia in I he-fifty·MRhth annual lnMdrll~ wtaidl n..... .. ...,. to a cnca. •••null "WIW •UI!•ffk "-a~~:a!n vlndkaleu 0 11 r 1 Commrncl'rnent Day rxl'rt'l~ ~hi 1 T.HE BILL . FOR ,_.1 ""'Y ~ ~·-daJ f« Uw 6 p.-.. wG ~ pa.rlnnc.. ,_, opinion that thl' Pruldent lA 1111ve tn tho• [.o.; Ang~:les Coll!lt'um last I • l ~ ktcltt ~ llklac It·• tJw-111 ~ at Pala St,_t wia aa.o to tb# danl(l'nl In th~ country. Satuniav. • . .... ,...n ,._a.r __. • ._,a.; • ....., ~ ,., a. fol -••r t...alc.. by hU! ..-tl!lfl In clnt~lnf the c ... -· c\rto. and C'raftll : • Much haa been said about the t"xtent or t~ demand., aAd 'r n)ny at . ~ '--d. _.,.. whllr w.-. man C'nnJ'UialN and Ol~~r Nazi Artl'nclinJ,! Monda)'~< So'!'!> ann of and much baa been ignored. One of the dc.>al'l"fft answtors has -• -met•• !qrft'l .,....,, •. p~r1uq '-a~t"nrtn SHmlnl{ly. " ~ a r "· tlw l'l:l'"'l"'lf'l RI'IIC'h Elw ll Clull l juB1 bern given by the National A~-.octation o r Food Chain!;, KaRor ~ \'UILon ............... ~ IWt•-C'#Oiral a ad rtJ>IOJly appma~hlnlt' that t naty or l'rart~ ~~'('tiCln '" C't)ntinuf• work on .-o~.a ... _ _.... l dat '" ~la 4aa w., r,. ~f'l't..,. nr..... n-nat. .-.u .Wiarl'<! a --,.-u.,.._ we-have-alway• rett was JlMJI'("t• wrrr Mo·•rlnlTif'S n <ln Me-· In a~ SUI"Yt'Y ~on govemmen ~· . Hantr w~.-ot Uw C"1:ambn •of .. , elr..t f~ :Silrth .fttoo·un.f trat-""JUIII around the r•"n:·r·: when (',tllum H I' Tallot,.on.' '""" \~'rol · Anny de1nand.;; call for a food expMld1ture of about C'•..O.m~'«r of .... ...,. tllr fla. t-tw , .. al t.adr-.rshrp I 11 "&.~~hmgl un 1111'1• F. F. nouclmot. V1ctnr Graef', $7S0.000 a day "'J $>~ 'ft'liUihn ll yt'ftr. An ~tirruttt"tl ~HIO fnr ..., man y J"!!U"& I ..-nu;.Ja l l·~ ta. P'all •lllu ·-111 "''~' ~h,.,..,.,, ttMif WhNt thl!! is full~· F R Fm~t.•r. ~ww,n M Rulllf'r· m.1llion Of this is above nonnal. o r lwo-thirrl.c uf Oflf' Jll•r v•-nturf' the It n,:th o"<f ~~-u.j tJior puNw or?aD trr;;! poorlun( area I 81'romrfl.llhed tN,. n~•··l have Ofl fom : W ("' M•·rt•'k<'l, £) So Lfovcl. . . • . . . . ,.,,h htm A R fto_-0.. •bo I~ •ay uf Palm • fr• "1 dOd rill '""r fnr lhll COtmlr) Y.•mnn Orr anti ho•r j,!llo'<.l, M rs ~ cent of the nat ton s $15 l>ilhon food IIIII. ~~In~ (~-.tuffs ....... , ... Lno• .. ·<if ... man, artt\11,., IlL• {"ft'traJ t?' ... " •of Waab·' Tho' ltnhtn . M •)f'>f' I'J'a":•IP. h~an~~ ~I'<. I """ton .. r I .A"" An~;..tr' for ·Britain will a mount to approxlmat<'ly $500 mdhon. of "" .. '"'' tht' bra." •n·J tart~ • 1r-r:t·4l :Otnort. mr>llt for rabl) twfn,..-1'\P~}""' .th• ' Attt'nd Ritu • • 1. l•n•l that ,.. uan t l•·~arr '-" la•·k (of r,.11~·t lhnt :o.;n71 •·•'r • F which $300 millio n can tx• attnbulro to war -hmt• nt't."t'-"· (lr 1• m"n" hal' ,1., th" \\' .. •l•'rn Hl•m1~. :'ltr and :O.h ~ "· • F'l 1 n n mlo• h A It u,....•l t .... ~ ~· .an •• 294 FUu..£RTON JR, • 1-'mnns 1-'lonn ~tnol M 1~.• .J 11 n '' !(prr C\'flt of the.> nation 's C,!JU(J hill. Nc.•w donw.;tk purc•h;L"'&n).: , ,.,1,.a.a.J '"'' 1 .. th.-N out " ~v j phf't~ ""'' wr an ll,orn mu~<t ""-~•·tl Flinn ,.1 , . .,,.""" ,1,.. :'\lnr nnol :'IIi!<>~ power may add $1.100,00tl.tM.ltl to int't'l•aSNJ fuocl tlc•mand in I·UI , .... oblri\ r..u,...., ---_. COl J F.GE. STUDENTS , .. ur n~:hb tu tho· "Fro•o•oloot~ "1 tho· Ht'\'o tly ( 1h01W4"1i ,.f :-.; •. \\'I' 0 r I ~QA 7 r t . r I I II ·~ I I "'loaf ,, t'I V' ol-00. , .. ,., •'II tn.. ~lUI· nnM' or'li"r tt J:" ""''"""" ll h II I 1 II ( 1 I ~l. or per t'•c.>nt 0 t \t" natum s lkX II · .• oU' ('Hfll IU'Il'( RECEIVE DIPLOMAS •t thlll ttm,. c;rrm:tnv h11!' ,. .. , •• If :l o·r· ,., It (tl m·· \\'PI . :t I f · I I · ..w.:. ut Lhr .....an hAL~ ' • n~Qp _ " du11: .. r :'1111'.~ \\'arurn··l l .• athrop total o r new anhy huyin~o:. SUI•P ic•s (If Brtlfltn an< ·~~~··r on •• , ....... , ... ,_,... rro«nun \\ .. " h t mAilP rt,.,.,. -tit',. -f't'•l\lll'll .. lr -'4-11un :tnol i=:'Afl Flllrcl!nlt-n1' :'<lint:~ !\ttlmrn purChasc.>s a t I he:' l'OnWr gn'M1'1'~' rlU<' IO tndus.t ry's ltiggc·r •on Ill• o>lhrr haDIJ . ., a.t.V '" •till '···mmoon .. ·tt;•"l' ~, •• ,.. -• for tM j a~~:atnl'\ .\mN'h •1 ll "fro•rr.•· 1: or !'Ill urolnv 1tft o·o:-n1.,0n . payrolls mav thlll' amount to Ill pt.•r '""' ()( tlw nntion':o-··~· Amr n o-a fiN! ;an.J t:LoN tu ~· ~~ ... "1 1-'u. or• ~Junior tl~r. tml thnl l'h•: "'11 ~·"'~ \\llh Mt~THUUI~T 1.:\\\lt:'i ' ; • \ ~'"""" '" tlo• II \\' ll\.ouf m t.. b • '<oi.-J"'" ' I.L06 '"' I'• 11 "' 1 ,,.. ~ld ""' 1111~'"1 100 1 In•' l!lttol,.ontl :\lo•l hrl(lt<.l 1:1\mrn 1939 food bill. , ,,.,..,,... ·~ , '"r11<ofl I baH !ta;l .. "no.±af J u: • .-~"' II' 7 1·. p ~m S•>"' tha~ 'th•• ~~~·t h '\nll·rl•l\ll Wtlf nlt'"' \\'t'fln•"'irl.'' .I uno• .:!5th Ex~pt Jl('f'h8 J)S fo r a fl'\\ itCrTIS. this f<.ll'\'fdJs no real "' fl .. ttlolr 1'<~101!' Narrt.a A· • I •-ua .. r1·~. t •r',.. 11 ::~ "' ~,,onl llli· 1 !'Ink" UJ " m '11''' "f ht~t,.oy. 1' I 111 l.onl! llt•;wh :ot tlwtr ;onnual , __ ._ I A.-. I I __. 'I I I l t t •r <l•l•• II 4 'lh -I nlll• .,, •Ia\. ..,. : llt•"lt..Dl • •• , ... • • '~ 'o f" .. tn ao•l .. ,. not olo•luolo• ""'~"'''''' HI lhtttk 'l··n • l ),·t~ , '••nl o•ro•OI'o·, "tilt 11r· pu""u n ult" na t tona aha£'r . o• nun In~-! a )or t'tiS .s. \~1\\t'\ t • I I ' I•\ nlj:hl If \-n-ar•l ;\H n I"' ln11," that I h!' liUI"'t'rlll\'1' o• o•mf'nl .~ ~liinlo•.\ R llol>rH·t. ,\,.,,,)ani 1')1'11!1 .,..,.. certain .to make lhenlSl'I\'CS fdt lfl fht• ('OnSlllllt'f•.S JIC N'I..t•t· "·· I \\ tt•l lw m r .. "' -•-~f'PT\b--. l \ -. ... :-•··· .. t l hr ar .. '""11 ''11 ,. no. '' ',,(f)n•wTho·ul~tj!W11 So•mtn:-ary.os laook. In cbain food !)tQn' distribution. as cHtt·wnt and Ill\\ ~'"' .... ,... pr•"'-'hl' a bn~'t• • ..&» •111 two "n t·· -· • .• i tl)r w vo..:tiant I han "''"'· "'' thst lhtll 1h" prm•'IJiltl 'Jl<'a kr r. l>tnno•r for -·ClOSt a dlst.n"butin..: S VSft•flf!t!: can 1){> fOUnc1 :ln\"\\~, ~~ _..,.... ...... ......... ~~--" ~~ •t! ·~ J .;-., •r Col• tnl~rn&l ('IUlft'r dt"'ll DOl .brl'ak I hi' ffit'O \lill h<• •l'f"\'f'(l ill lhf' • • ,.,.,.n t .. rr .... J•-• an.t put t two r'h'~ .. ,u t;ra.!uat.-"fn :\ ~ r 1 '\l .,.,.. eut •n anot~~r. "'tn...u . nntt Prt"sbytrn;m-<.~urdt 4lnd are 60 per cent or t h e.> op.:>ralint; t•o:-;ts. As a l't.'lfl~'tlllt'lh''· '" • t).<tt l .. Thf' boottl.-o<llltatrmr.: ..... rdoft GIN) .. II •! ........ ,., .. aub-lhl' wa~· lhr ('I () unan~l' 1\rl' tho' Ftr-.1 CllnJ:fl''!.lllinnnl C"hurrh. drastiC Wage locre~ WOUld ine\'tl;.tiJiy n.-sUII in htg hc:r th.. noot" • u roo IIC'd ur t" a ~ t Thl • ·.,u .. ~-.., '•' "!.ate tO at J>rf'~l'nl ll•'lttnJ.! h<:.9tnd ~yofnl'y M rl' (' t-: :o.;a.~h nf 81\lll<ll\ lit· 1 priers. narrow profit margins could not al~ hoth --y,{~lwor Jlf<s:lc-ae P' "'att)ont' tflltP ~ ~~ 'M...,.-ne """tft--n r wilt Hillman• lndlviJuMIIy. It Ill uur land wttne.-•eod thf' ~rraoluatlon of t and iff de _L. , -• '"Unt~ ,.,.._~ hnr I, . ., u.--n a"' 1 ·~"W'· J'mblrm.• r l~lan duly tol tt-J'Qr1 tu th" prope-r _all· her l!nn. Clvdl' from A tlr~~ett high waaes st fen..c;e t.axE'S. .., ff'U•, •• ,. .. "" wr:e ~ Ldr 'JrU> Paul~ .... tl:·~n Uw th,frltl~• Nl)" !1\L~plt'ltilll actltln~ •chnol lut ·-'·~k • I • 'n1e government is n:-ad,y at a moment's .notice to <'L'lmp • "''"' m"~• u1•. Wtt.b a boCU.. -.ut>,...-1 ..,.,.. PY-n t •n nf Our wl .. renr •·e twr the-m. u-t·e rac-h · · __ a cellin& on prices. Real c.-onsumt>r protection SL'Cft\! to call· tlf'l'f" thu ~"t ~ thaft • t C'lalt"~ H~rt~~<· JUIIiph H11d· one ot 1111 do wbat Ia nght an thJll l 't "'"Ill be uiM'd for Prrsl!·rllpadl'l. . . . . . f full ~ ... nf llut lund ._.._ tamr ..,.. .-.n d...-...-t-r,p.a.nq for conntc:t1on • or '"lc~-caJlAdu 7" hu &II tAe for • celllng o n wages hk~'lSC if tt_le bencfm o our j .,11 wnd ttw lwlp noqwnod • :oc-•·IJrid" n ..... -r-aen wtU Wtlh. ~ rr~ Ia thl11 c~untry e&rm&ru of a skatlng rinlc to me. 11==!::::=:...-r..-!'(1! not to, be denied US. A _.u diPlmqurwt taa ...S --' br mtmdut¥U by t'.o .a.n.t ~-cal!N 'TbHe Unite-d' Statu ; and and bow l would enjoy ~~eeiDr; 1!•-•...,..llrlf1..,~~~·~ Pl r • • &b~ ..._.. GC..-~-lflll mak t!!t•1s.F.O.N.l4. 1n lhe JWddle. ~ ro•rt 04-acb ~ .,._,-.cl u -body. · actUIIft~. · conatni(01SII. -W1'1y -not ----• I rolll'r rink party attn the-• noor WANTED: PAST 40! MEN tn t.ht-las1 ~ ofl9-IO, an incr'f'a..w of ~~ T.i 000 0\'ft' QUE"Y 1 ... What doe• Sam I Ia laid 7 At this tune la.St)'t!'ar. 1M Yt>ar-w~. 1ltm=~ ~'t':n·htw-Ia~ qtJ.llJ1I"r at 19:\'!r. --, --. ~ ., -~ ~&epr.J.b.iAJL AN.IW~~;:-~"":t.;;:.~~~'!~~Jr. the 40 · and lw"il d<M.r wlth·tbeo Mw home tor tht' "T.L " that before tha~ man over was an UJU'M"<.'eSSary, t"C0n011'UC·1 Fl"W mastrr craftsnwn toda,· ~~ muctl undPr .W. til~ "N_.11.Tt!pH .. oa Central Ave SNld to .me-l&at or.·Mk. wu ally speaking, as Ice skates at Alcatraz. He rouldn't E'\"en Ct'" c-ffie"N>nt businesAnrn an-as ~tmt a..; fl('('t>s..;;ary in at 3t•t st~et ~ Wbat with lt'a you are .o ph1loeophlc&l!" even buy a job. Employt>rs, struggling wit~ ck-prt'SSIOO · worJWs. our ~· h i,J:h-gea.n"d drlftN> ~~·. tmlil rho·~\ t' sen--eel aaperb upltn trnAWI. and it's thto "Rtontreo" ~·bo hu a right to . could fill his ..tace we ll e nough \\ith a 00.,\' hnlf hi." agf' tf tht"'lr annn-ntit~ip a nd 3nJUJn:od at lt>a.<t a r~ 'tht•r ·hairs. ~oormnua floor sput. 1 ftf'l quite-,lulov.·. aald "lh an uaggeratidrt ,.. ,.,. • at a tnsa tn fl~tUrr fout It Mr~ntually t ~rio.! " hall the sal.arY. · • 1 · Ytauth-haJ;. its place. and a t~ly 1m1oe:trt:mt ON': Values go a little ask""· )'•ht>n dcp~.;ion pa!lic rornN hut nwn pf «''Jll'rWnc"' a"" ~.anrnt an> ("(\ffitn.: tnfo thrir e:=~=:;::~•lofla...aad JJ"'&ment ~ apt tO s u((cr '1 h\J_....!:~Jh•• man wiftt 21!!.~•sain. tno. a.<; lndit-ah"l t~ n"" ,,r llw Llhor Dc>-- o f hi;. experience and trainin(!. <·amt> to he llabUity ~an an asset. Today. \\'ith tim~ hcth•n"Ci by d c fcnsc-adi\·it~. f'nl· players are finding out something they k~· all alon~' 1f they'd t.boJ.I&hL!l. w_t: nK·n~·iL_h ~:«'a[S _or _train!!!g tn hu."t· _ ness, labor or lndustty bt•hind llwrn. JX>!"."l'S..'i tht• m~1 ,.,,lu- ablc of a ll advnnt.agt>S--expt.~rit:'nN'. ~rp~~~- OJ ·-..... L: Today trail'lf"d rtl('n nA> in sttch dt•rnanci that ttwl'' '"' a s HE L L D 0 1\l aetious sho rtage in many lines. '11lc ~uppl~ or t•apahlt• nlt'rl . \1 is being absorf>cd fiSt, And ((lt'l.Jfl IIH'II .tn• ~ nunolMft'"'t\OU!"I!C""'tn,.._-f----_:~_: .. 7 n BALBOA ISLf.tNJJ. the aircraft industry Is pleading \\:ith jol> S4't'kt>rs at 11:0 gates. to sch ool t~mselvf'fl for even a •fe\\w m o nths in sonlt.' phase o f a ircraft bqilding befol"(' ap~lying for \\'one Ern-1 ployment of m en over 45 hit a ne-w high of almost ~.oooj ,_ __ ...._ ___________ ti.!.'·-~---.1. .. I' Free Credit Coupon C.OOD FOR 10 t1 REE CRt~DITS . ·············~············:···-········· . ··"""" Ailftr~ , ................. "i'"l ••• l ~,,·U•···· •II lh••Pt t'''U'l-:";'l1t .'~·t: ,...~, •:, . .. tG aa•• tllf'm tor ,_. (('"1.11' NY.\ Tl.\' R.ot;J OR F"f'l f' l '"' :"•n l. ! pclfftft and waittn end ca.,.bf•· DUf'W·-•attlcee Arwi IM .,. wh ... _ -1• few JSc. 40c. JOt. n. c.Ji~·la-Loe A.,.la dally aa I p.m.. epcccs. 10 Cbicaao ower 1b~ K~nl• lowu-ehicudc Golden Scac: Rouec-~ cocnfon per mUc CHICAG0•3e •. ,~5~ ... Ia ...... .U-..trd .ul dtlak Qft, $74 .-ndcrip Ia -.iet ........ an. Jlor ~ ·-••ado-.cu..-.,_.below. D . W . HOLTBY, ~ -1"-te: N-..rt ae.dll • That Stock and Co••ocllty Quotations aftcl Lato Now. an Ava.llablo at Our Locat Office? ~16 N. Mole St. • • Santo AIMI 600 Here. yoo will fiad a co•p&.tc bclard r-. wid> concieuoua s-· ... ol N"' Yon aock quoati--., Mil ac:dJnl a .atiuical fKilicia _._.., ,_ ,_, coa......._. Yow Ol'dft 10 buy 01 wU I'-d IIOCb, boedt 01' ~ihcs wW -CD!CURd wid! •.-.1 ud -· iWJ C7ftf' Ek -ioo-wi.X tcu.l · print~ wiu tfthdl cone«1..iea · ..., I ~ Pkific Coast o6\crs ud ou'r N"' X or.k olfoc~ wich prioci· ... ~,. tt..J!O£ ~ DEAKWITTER a Co. GON-eOUOA'f"rO WI,-M W)c. CAvAL.IER a Co. . . ' .,_, ·-, ... Sfedl ••• -.. c:.wc .. , ·~· ef ,,... ._ '....c(tce Sfed r.c-.. _.. ••• 1 ..... , •• .._ M•••l ... ••• ,,1 .. 1,..1 "••fff• C•••• cut .. For Young Folks' ltrnluation! , " e GIVE THEJI a Corona • Z t ph y r "lplchJrf'dl. a modem U1ht t~writer they can tuck iA a clrtk drawtr or a tnv~linc bal.! Standard 84-char-=--a~w-.-,r.u.t.·~..-,­ durabll' And ju.wt m !1"' .•. oa convenient ttrr • ~'Y hl>rllu•r -"" macle •• qu.1nt.ty flllrl'hi\.<1' or 501' mllr-htn~'•' Ruy 11 Silrn t on .•'~'Y trnn• tn suit ~nu• 110 " , ..... ,:,. '" -·- a~ week ~:UII:t \n:t Phn nf' 7 ll ..... ~ ••• _ ... _ ... ....___ __ • __ !"_ .. .,'ft.•• ·f I I ' . . . .~· ~. ,. ... ~' ... ·~ • • ~·. ~~ ·.· ..... CtUUaT CHU .. CH av THE aEA • Sc.lentt.t. ln Boeton, Mua.· I SUDday Sctl(f()t at '11~30 a. m. ,..,. L D. Goodclt, p.as~or. Swi<iay Suvlre at 11 a. m . Wf\1· Cburt'b 9 .30•a. m. and . o'eday Tealtmooial lteetlog at 8 Sunday Morning Worehlp. 11 p. m. tuadtng Room. 118 ~entral .,clock. Specsal mu.tc Choir &D· • Ave , ~ frum 1 to 4 p m ex. t.bem and eermoo . rtopt Sunday• a nd holldaya. I Hl(b School and Jotermedtate The public:-'-c:-or.Jutlly bwtted ~ea. 6:30 p. m . to attend the Mrvlc.-e and U.&f' lbl' Even tog Wor1h1p, 7:30 p. m. ReadJng Room · Quartet mualc. a~d eerm.on. • j Wid. Week Pra)er Sen lee. \\ed· 1 fHKISTI \\ St U:\n: fiii'Hl IIJ'~ Mday; l'OVer -dtlh dinner . 6 :20. "Tho> L<~rtl 1• 11 1•1,.11 1;n,f. lln•l " iEVE~TH DAY --;o;ENTIITI ~tr••at K•nc "1"'''" :Ill ''"'1" IH '''" h;tnf1 nrtJ ft•,. 6lttt t• l)lftl I 4 or flit• Seventh Day A<h •enUet Church •·anh u, .. •IH·toc'h .. r 11 ,. tHII• 1• eo.ta Me• To~·neend Hall. 111• at~n .. ·n,, .. ,,. , , l:o•·• fr•llll th•· Saturday morning. Sabbath School 't•~;alrus '"" '"" C.ulot• 11 T•·" 1n ''"' • ll:sd L fl· 1.•-.~son !".,...tllUU UU :O:tln•t!l\ IU ult Preacblnc au:vlce. . .ll .L .Ill]-t CMr.-h..,. "' C 'hn.-~. ,.:, h>fll llit Tt ... 1 1 QU(·~tlon. "Is tilt· I 'llll•·l·o·. tnd uot 1 COITA MEIA COMMUNITY ln~P: ~l an. f."\h •·•t b\ i\lvnlll' CHU,.CH t'orr~•"o51hP snbJN'I of fh" IA'~son· St>rmon. J "•v. A. C. Abbe; Mlnllthr Amon~t th~ Dlblt> rtta1tnn" are Sunday Bible Sebool. 1:4~ L Ill. thf's. •or.l• from John · "Th,.n Wonhlp Senlce. 11 a .Ill. Cbolr •pall,. JI'~U~ •caon untn thf'm. uy·j ~em tuld apeclal muaic. f>aftor' lor:. I am the llr:ht ot lttf' • ortd · h" -.rmoa. that follo .. f'th me •hall not Wlllk I .. . I " ' ' ' :• -.. " \ 'NEWPORT BALBOA NEWS-TIMF.S. ~~rt Btoach. Califtlml; •. TI!l'HSPAY. JttNE toU.J!l-11. ~OTtCE Of' OOARO OJ'. EQUALtlATtO~ ME E Ttf'ti:o :\ .. H.' •~ ~ ··r, ''' C\\ •·n th.tt lh,, \''U \ \ ,,_. l t t lu ' .f, 111 ,, \\ ~l!' Itt' ., \\.IJ fl I I I .. r: ...• ,,l •lr ,, ,,u, , "' . , , , , .. n•~ ,, 7 ;,,,\I I 10, '\ t'l ' t ! ., lht• ';ttl ttf~\ til t ,\ 11 \I 1 \\ id 1 oft! \IO\It' I'M ,.., '-u '" -.th t1 l !•'•'l•l t•f J.:q\lnl • "' '11 l r d" 1, d I\ \iH Ul.t lh 1t l1 t"• •• ,,,.A ~~, ... -.,,, hK\t' hq n •'tl•'"•l "' \t'l)f •'•I It~ 1•1·•• r t f It• I 'It\ I '•'\If\' '' I"' u ... I'll\ (''"I'"' ·1 .. -... h Fl\•\'1\ I J,I"\FIIAI(I'. I • loo k ••I a ho• ll·•a rtl J'ut• ·""·' f.l .• 1>.1 ltla ll ,, •• , ~-C.t:ICTII~c \It cw l't:K~tt" I TIL\'"'' fl,,, "' !CI~~!C!C II I'Sflt.k "'tIC fiTitll !C ' \ "'t':. Tho· nn•l.•r.11;o" cl '" ..... tu•r .. •h)' 1 ~"'rtt/) lh.ol· Ito • ~' 4•,.uohlf'llllt.: 11 11'111'1-ul o•l,.·l ft,· ,t nmt r.ol"lm.: !111~1· ""'' 141 1\o,, I I 'l;o·Wt••rt 1\o•u• h Oran~:•· l'o~un· '. ''.tltlumta tm1t.•r I th.. ltt·tu ""I' II.IUh· •••. .., .. ll't ~· 1•hmw 12 or 1:1- Tlh• only p llt1't' in 1111' N1'\\ pnrt lla rhnr 111'1':1 "lll't'\' Yllll ,·an hl't p~.,t C:tr\c ,~,,., • ..,'lilt:.· ''"' l.lft~'l'lllll' l ~"' ( 'nr Cu:ll'llllll"' Com•• In and ~· 1111r lti.: S~>lt•d iun •'-IC'nm Orst hanrl ahuut thl11 wondt-rful Jllan. . ---... ' ' :q r . ·. BUY f::•,fi\TE Sl\1 r - I Oh .,Al l \Nfl I lAMSON • Wll I tAMl<ON l 'h,.,.,. ?•t lblh i,,. ltU t t ... ent••' "' .t uUt u t ....... ~ IQ_Q .l.SU ,t,l•nduU. f11••~~.-.t •••t Ono, to'll\0 "-A•lpll I' M•••~• ~ •• lu••-• A••nt )410 C.C"tUt IJhrd f'fu'tn• 4{11 '"- f'R(\1'( ATY ,0 .. IIAl.l ........ .., b•fgeln Gt.Mer., w. I t h qW4r1•r"• '" , •• , ~!~-" ' SELL J M U.Src~l. INSTRUMENT. """-'ftf QfiiANO 1-II~ -Pw u le chup 0 A N l &CHMIOT I'IA ... O co ...... ""•"' .... ,. ............ \'1(;.1"0,. ... cowo.. ''"ID PIANO -to ... all t• U""d condotle" OA,..l IIC-tDT P IANO C.O . -Ne ... ,,. M • ~"'• Jll11a VICTOfll ..UOAO.. ....... ...'INfTlC: ,.IANO lote ......_ .................. ._.. ....... , _l!_ ............ ~. ..... -· DAM& KHMIOT ,.,AHO CO· .. -.... Me111 M . .._. "'-· VICTOil ft•COftO.. ..... ... ~ 1 :10 p.m. ~r~:.t of llf!" And from I l'f'tf'r' Hieb Scbool and lntermedl&te I li:a darkn,.~8. b111 11hall ha''" thO!! , EI.~;~IHil " ""'' that ~o.~uol J•u,t· ftt'M I~ ('\llll~o'<l uf Uw lo>lt.owrn~o; Jlf'~n "'h .. ,... n.tnu· ""'I &ddrt•to. ------EveDinc Wonblp. Bone Semce. ''\\ lterefore r:lrd up the loin• of ------.---lli'llll ... ~..,·---~ llalloel IJel .Your mind. ~ 10~r._ d llo e o L-. e •n or e ~rae. th11t I• '"j • · ' \' · ) THEOUORE ROBINS ··""'· aaoo ''·* uef\ ····-· .......... .. --· .• · .... ei.AUlUUL. ~01~-.... of ell Ill ..... , tr ......... .,.,_ ..... ,_, LL i .. ' \ . . . lowllblp fotlowtn( .-nrlce. ·b~ btour;bt uoto yuu at the rf'\'f'la recH ,_ • f•illl-liooe k• It H~ Pl4 ............. w\efe ... fwrft -t•nw A l'ttpv. own.-r. 101 Vln Mid·Weell. Prayer Sentc:e, Wed-t!on of Jf'•ua C'hrbt: ... Uu.t as ef __ , •tc-c'ie-111 ,......, Mill T-....,.., Week c..,. .... ,n.e-4 Oljo11 IJ•Io h i ... Nc'"''lllll'1 B••at•h. f 0 " II AI I r 1-lol • ., 0.. .... fJ ............................ . Meda7. T:SO p.m. , '""" Yttll'lr lfllll ~<llltf'lt you 111 '"''" • ..... ....,...._._. .. •..., dlk r•r b lilt il , ...... ef..,,...... ell4 C'alllo.m u 8uada7 momtnc. • L IlL, P19-10 ~ Jf' boiJ In all mann•r of ('OD 1 I'•" •ell ttlet tilrt •*• .., cilia. lw "" Nat Hire -*· "" ......,... T.t WITN~~~S Ill)' hand th111 ltih .... ....... or •••~nta. J orden, lw•et and p.,., ... ,. 7C» • Cent,at Aw . ••tllu, P!Mne IU. 4a Me. -oM', ,...fl., 0 A N.a KM~IOT~ "IANO co .. W ........ IL. ._ .. A.oa. VtCTO.. .. .co..oia. ...... paratory Membenhlp Oaa. nnatlon." a .. •ill .. tile 41ilr -tilll ,Ieee,_ .. ...._"'"-!'-\~_, eecW ~ jiay of Juno·, 1~1 I Pu~attea from t he Chrl•tlan Sci-. • 1 ~ Vf.:RN•: A 11UPP 1 e.nter ef 2:Zft4 •"d E14elt Ita.. e-ta ....... Gallfern .. Rev. K. C. Cl'ordc. putor Su~ School 1:45 a. m. Mol'll.laJ Wonblp Service 11 a. m. J:ftn .. U.Uc Service T:SO p llll "'*-day and Tburwtay prwyer •rvlc" T:SO p. in. ' ~~~ '';;!~~-·;~:··~~~.;;udrf'~-~a~~~ Giant Coronation Dance to ~~~~'>0~.,c:·,':::~r;" ', .... ~~."'~;:.,~~';,~::~"~ .. ::.p~: Precede Gala Mesa ·Carnival be-~~·~:~~ 1 ~~N~~~Yp'" A=~94 ~ or <".ocl rannot tombrarf' the ~lorll'll . Nut11ry f'lthltr . In &nd for 1 ...... "· 1 ... ..... ~ ..... of llmltiHI, tnror11•u•al Lite and · C '" ~ " l..ov,. Hf'n~ the un~~atldt~ t1um11n Thto gtrl which 1a Mlf'f'ltod t o 1 til thf' dtUII'I' tUhl a bonUI In vote. 1 ~~nl) lin~ Stilt••. n·-1111n.: lh••n•ln.l • w-..rt ..... ....... rravlnr: for IIOmf'thln~r bt-ttt>r, bl~th rto ~en u qUt"en ovrr th" Collta If they IMln\.1 ten ticke.te or more.l 110n~lfllm01 ""'"'"jod lind s••om. J••r· Hou~EWARES "r. boll,.r: '""" Ia affordl'd br • Mea Scar«'(' row Camtval and Acllv t'lv aJMII!tiiiK an •ta«in~t lh• )' "1''r"11~'~" V('mt' A. l'nt't1·1 1• ~ - nultf'r1al bfollt·f In a r•h,.alul OM pat adt' wttl rf'C'f'IVf' hf'r QUI!f'nly t ftnanrlr.•~o: In tht' 8•·•. rl'l'rOIIo <.:ami· ~~~Mll)h arM""'n to ""' In 1M' ttw• "aNTAL.._"" .... w .... and man." .. Thf' tru,. thPnrw of tha 1 •-• -· ""' (""' n·-·· u~ ~u._ _ __..__, ••·•• • r• -..... o ..... ,v '""'0·-··•d• mr Arudla "•""" for "-•" .. , b<oa leteu •• lt•• tel• r 11 .. -on• A_...,., "'"'"••~• till REAL EsTATE F oR RENT ..,._ ...... .._ .. IILU....,. I IIUtiC CO., .. W.. .._ ... ...... "'-· ..... M ISCELLANEoue ·; ~ rruwn at 11 ,...Uil I'I.JrooaUon b&ll \'AI tllll.l hortlt' llllradt'. Ia Ne 80ft 11, lh · hi ~·1" ~ • '"'.,-,.,..., •ca • ~1 unh·"""'· ln('ludln&: men. Ia nnl In . . M ,. Wit n n•tnJil'W"flt And " -"•• .. OUIIt A E mAtf'rlA.I history but In •rlrltual d,. to til" held ~edrwllday. June 2:Jth. l"WfunJ. t•balru\&1\ of the ..a llrkrww.•l '<1 1 I h h . Vlkv..,.. c:, .. ,...._ L DY OF MT. CA"M L \'4'hlpmt'Dt.• I at tht• L'UI!ta Ml'l!ll Amt•rwl&l\ Leg. •Uirt('f' anol t•untt'l!l, d~alped to & d <'UI~ lh1 " ~':-A 0 mr t "1 " ••xr-,.,._ ... fO" "INT ...... We llaw .. .,..,.;-...,.,_ ,,. ...,.. '" ,,. c-...... ... ........ , "•'•"'• ...... V•' ~ "•••onatt•• ,,.c.. R C. "••llor, i I 0 I N-~·· e1 .... , ~ w-e. t•& -.,._ Nl .... 0 .. ._. o..e..n..-C.llf ..... ,-.,-_..._ ............... CATHOLIC CHUIItCH ..._ ... 1 "' ~ ... 1uo Hall w._t llllb Street. HI t ,uunhf'r'a mf'rt·han .. <'omm t~ IN W1 ..... ~"'-'"',co "'II"'R'-'C't' 1 ...... .,_._ .. _ ... ....,._ t ........ .._ --c-..., •• c.._..,, ......... ~.-.... lltev. P. J . Be~ry, Prleet I l'•r......... " ... r ' M&Mea al A 11 m , 9 a m and lj P m • .' hav,. bl'n-ontll '14'1 m • hl\~tl ~nil 10 • m ~ FI .. IT FOU .. IQUA"E CHU .. CH . F.lght Klrls art' rumpellng fur nDE TABLE 'affl~rd nw nHif'1111 ""'.) a l tho• da)· roR 'Al r '10 r ...... d leo .... OF COlT A MEIA l th,. lttlc-and th•llllt' n~t f'h•c·l~d -A111 anti )'l'llr .in thi" rl'r11ftMII,. flrct o" o d • ., .. ,.,,~.... " .. •onabl• FIRIT CHURCH OF CH .. IaT (~urdl .t Ute HlghwAJ) (.·omprl~. the-qu,.ton 11 allrndan!A JUNE a btovl' •rlttl'n ,.,.,..,. lilt w '1'• r .. , l •nl•at, SCI ENTIS:r Rev. G. Wlll~rll lteama. PaatM Prlu" writ ~ 8"''aT<I~l f'at•h 'on· U·:RoY 1• ANUF:R.~ON e.,.._ 11' 112 Eut Central Avenue liM lte.m .. Co-PutM ldtanl \lollh 5~\:la.l trwarl.l& til r 20 7 :0!: 1.06 l ;2t 12:01: -:-.otaJ)• l'ulilic lll and for Mid 1 OA .!oA L-l t ooe<.S.ooo U!f Na-r1 n-a~b Pflene 1771.J f1r11t. u rond a nd third plart' 1.4 0.~ IU~ 1.8 ('llunl\' nnt1 Stilt,. .._ • ~~po .,..._ "'1th thl' r urunatll.n oltulfr leu 7 46 1 41 7:00 12·44 111: 1 t M '""'' '"'" ca""""• "'"• ... ,,., A branch of The MotMr Churt'h, P'riday. 7 .30 p. m.. Wonblp h , k h. A I HI . Sa 21 · 67 • 1 o lin II Y rommiJ<.,fnn ••x· .,.,,, .. n O..H ••'"v•• •"''" ond The F1rwt Cburcb of CbrUtt Berrie• ~ Mae Sttaru la 1 lin " "'l'i' t'ftC'(', • uo r4'y a lii· 3 ~ O.:! 1 t S..lllt P1"'" MArrh t:l. 194:\ tn"""'"" """" w u om"'•"•••••• ,.0" " .... , 0.. ...... ''""'· Nel-. c.. ......... f •• ,.,._ "'· C.ota ""-• lk ()r,••n "-··-~·· ., tk Off ICI" 0 .. MIO ICA I ·-· c.Hf. • .... ~AltO ANO ~ -... . ·--·~· .. .... .......... ._ ----lAael ·~.._.....· ..... A. •• _ __ · _ · · ,J .. II 111 IC'&dln.: lh4' bt-vy c.r at· S u ;a ~::?4 2 13 7:30 1:11 , f'uh Jun•' l:.'. 19 "" Jltl" ". 1,...1 8~ lkbool • SO. J.rl\('tl\'1' c:-anoholatl'll w I a to II 3.6 o 1 t18 2.0 . I · f~~~;~~;~~~;;;rl l c:ba.rJ'e i h laJ f ~-., ·' ~ to'u•a"-• toom fot n•w OtW> "" N•••or'l .. U.. Will •-1 1• 1 ....,._ ... W ft'a+ - •w•t W•it• ... ute t ........ ------ Alka-Seltur Ia non-lantove and pluant to &&Itt. Your clrualtl alia Alka-S.Itur the aM .,. hoi IOda founto1n -· nnWilt packapt we...-Wl\1 -' 11M e _IM__, .... ,.., Ow next u-you _,. In • drur non y ' : L ~· :!i\.lil~.O volf'll, &l'rnrdln~ to R 0 Y lJ 23 P·OO 2 4rl l t01 1:41 ~UTIC'P: t'Clll BIPM t.• ••'•1 -"•• nattoua h lanct 1411 MotD.toc Worahlp. l1 ° clock· 1'11111n,. who ann•>~tnrf'fi thr III.An<t· 3.7 0.3 l'l.t 2.() ~ ~~ putor'• ~rmoo. tn~ lilt~; WNinu<tay a!t~rnoon Tu 24 9·:n 3·16 1:33 2:21 '""''"'"' '" ro.,.ohtttun "' thr1 PUBLIC NoTICES C~r n ice. 8 ° clocll.. Hnhllng JW'C'ond ptat~r hooor11 all 3 T ~ ~ l:O 2 1 Tr\l~a.~·~ ul th•• N''"''fl'lrt f\t•11rh ... EYepiDC Evaaaellcal Serv1ce led prNwnt II! Marth" B<•rry, with a Tldu ar. po~ •d tn ~roer or ;;;..~urre~• C.rrtmnmr Sc-hool I 1\l<tnc·t din .. ·tln.: P"k~ l•·n 1 10 1 thNt'"' by pa.tor. t otal of 16 200 votu whtlr.Var· 1•1•111 ""',.,. 11 m h darlt rt~urooe p. a '"" nnl14'1'. l<lold Nrwpurt rlo•nl'hl Amou"' Cb Tu~yb Deeper TeacblDJ. I ginla l>elan~y bu 14.7[.0. Dt~ro•thy C••mll&rl~ne ~Ill a o• ~ alld low (~rttmm:tr S.·hnctl Hl~lnrt tnvitr' Namee lh•,.• Due ;:::n IU ject. Aahman and Jeulf' 1Xmald8on are! •1.r and Mra. 1.. R. Oaucben· SI'IIIC'd hul!> f•tr th•• ftlllfrwtn~ ''"tulw \H•y 1' lwtl :.! flA) fi:W71l urwtay. 10 IL a .. Prayer runnln« a ctow n cr rw lhlrd. with bsugb of C"'Oirta We• bave aokt nu•n t ('ora l '~rlclruo 'l 1\AI H :! 70 Wee~; MljL Steam. ln c!barre. I Mlaa A.hman having • c o r ed 1 tbelr home on nwal.lway Street I 4 no•w un·~o. !'t:u· 700.20, fl ply . ,. ..: Waf• 1,.. 'l ~1 11\'l M lit I EMPLOY.....-T WANT~D-H 1 I 1.. .., ... -·--.............. _ ......... ,._ ...... ..... ........................... -·W ...... ------------------------- • ---11,4!W) votea and Mou DonaJd.-oo to Mr aod Mrw. w. E. Nickell of 11,1 ~:r111t1', .• \W II f 'hlf'JIUIII :t 1\H IJOW Walta of. rt&aa bloclLa are ~ \11.37~. Roumood Ma.k.ley l:yl• 10.· Manzanita Av•ou., Coeta M-I Altt•roato• bid. 4 new th·n. TOO. W W Wtlll(•n :lt f\j) t t'l l3 P'aclnc brick and frame walla In 37:1 VOlt'll, Belly Bamu now baa I Tbe Oaugbmb&Uiha Will· move to 'JO H ply. -.'Ond gTA!tl' R R Wc)!d 2 11\(1 13!21~ !...,~, WIG'S no II ,.m&Dy bWldinp -ownete artve 18.8800 an. d Elwanda J obn1too b-. u. ADielu w make tbelr bome All bld11 &n' to be-In lhf' hAnds IJ,.ry Jam t-on . '1&11 " .,.. to e~~Uce more daytlpt tDto tbelr ttamered fi.~!W) vot.H. · ol the rlt-rk of t~ &hoot OIJrtrict Harry H Wtllllma<tn 2 ~ I llomea. Noo·tran.p&n!nL «I a • •1 Votn may be cut for tht> -..---1• .. 7::10 o'r14lC"k P. M. on ~-llw H Walla.rl', ·• APPtl.ul~ bloc-lu ....., etfK'Uvely t_rwult• I ,;:andldatee by mean• of coupon!! Hard To Belt·eve c.t.y. J uly 1. 1941. !UHTII' to 1M' op·n · ll&rTy " William· ()u A lta.ctnc:. Ma,Ur •. ftCA YktOf ......................... II&. -1 1Vhlch may be •«ured from Me-I rd at llllln(' 'mw 11nd daft' as of / ""n • n d t-: A AVTO 8VPPUU a 11P0e7 ~ ' T od.•:• r · u·· • mC'rrhanta ••tth n ch 2~ C't'Dl pur· • &bo\'4' rt f ~trhoatl buildintt:. ~JtAIIIollnl[ 2...,.11 2P2 :11 Huntlnj(lon fWW'tl Auto ~ DO ...... St.~ • t W .:..:;·,::.:·;;··:.··,· I Ch &.&f' and whiC'h Ill gllOd for :l:.. But It's True ,.. Srtuonl l'nl~ti'NI N'JIN'V(' tho-• Any ·--m .. nt. ·-··m .. nf• AIITO .. OIIII.II: a&rAJaaNn-•1-t~ •"· •a"'' "'"'' I volta 'Mlf' fair CIUidhtat,.,. _,.., I MRht to I'\'JI1 't uny Ill' all bl~ o r I and "~' frec·tt(WI" "' """''"""'""t ur V. Orr Storvk-fo -124 Mcf'..,.. ~ -".a,. I -....... 1, M't'P r J •• t •t t"'16.• ' _,. --. .r ,.,.,1.,_, •, r..relvf' votf'l for tbt' Mit• Of Urk.f'l,. Y-et the .. ol ~ l 81\)' pert th<'M'nl Allll• •"'""'" whlrh ""m"tn uor-111 IIAKP:Il\' OOUD8-• ·-~ ,.. 'I''• I'',. -----,-·--.. !.... .... D .. -0..:.~-......... (;4)flfl():'l: n flNr>LAY. . un thl' 14Ul •t"y "' .lutv 1fl41, """ NMI''f1Hr1 ftnkr ...... 2112 (~ Hell-,.., .. a.c·--·-"""" ... •uat.,,h ''\• ...,_ n-,.,. ... ~~ . ...,.,., · . ' ., -·, ...-r---..-., 81 lh~ ·'·I· I ,. -l)o you lllct' a bllffltnlo! myl!t•·· y ""-d V*-1.8 A ..... D T b.... ... no·rk .,, lht• I\:I"A'fl'lr1 flloltl'h ur»r ... J'8)'JIIC'nt '" lll&&ic t...rurc•. niUI:PI • .-('£ ANit lliNDt.INO WOOO- •bo '"'' a:.c ....... d 'l!tnry• 'T'tlm don't mt .. "Tbe -o ..___, .. ,_ ol ,.~•.,_ __ •0 ._ (;rnmmnr :>t-h<w1l Di"rll'l '"'" ,,. ""''' at ''"'''" Aurtlon '" fl W Wr1teht. 171W NJit. Olvd.. ~ ....._ u..d ............ ft.-.... Duon•un~" •••'••< 1 1•'" ,__.._ ~ ~ a, 11"\Jh J )'' IQ ,.., 1""'1 -'""""1 ... , •·n•l•'"" C:rPI'n £ll~try" by lhl' wo•ll k n.,.•n _;114 ..u.;_, (1. ~. r. S'-td.a . um• .: .... m . ,... l'liY thr olrltnorurnl ""~'''ll~tn,..tl~ I"CUJNnA41D-· •.' "'"'pl., ....... '""· AI'S><OU •• ••. ... author Q Pltrtc·k II will ·nHl ___ .. _,., --'1 IlL • .._ '"IC""'"' '""" th .. ,.,,..,,. "' A•lv··~ .. A,., nrau Foundry J..a..t---c..ta-. 110 vt.--..... PL • ......___..._ "' o.dnnn••r , .. ,..,d. do• t>b,..• •• • ' -,_...., ...,_. '1 uae...,. ~e. NOTICE OF SALE ....,u,. -• ··-..._-•t.Kio io •n11 ••.~ ........ ,.,, th o , 1·.· , .. nty JIIVf' you a lhrtll hut Will l.&ll y-otla.'t b.ft •-...-d whit • tletnl( ""'' !hi' 4'111" """ "' IIRir OAJIWJI.INP: "J;IlVJ('£--~ • fO'A ol•u••h< "'41"''"1 f ' ~ . \'otllr "oWt'rtl l'f tlt'<luf tl()n 'Mllll .0• bott.J• -·--1 Th,. llftl•l ,,.,., .. hall tJtk" fl1"''"... (M, Oil. 11~-ile«Hifoa . .Y. 0rT s.rtb.-1~ .,.... - -& ~ tk ~Hinn , .... ,_ • ..., for ...... • • ,. • 1 I __ , ....--NOTII'Jo; I oF S ,\1 F. f Svn•lt ~· --~ n--~ ••••• n ond •o•ry " .. UK> ~o;rlppan..: 1!4'rtl41 "r ..... ·ro·l vo•n· Do . • . " . lh•· .. ,,,' .. , I,I'W II \\'.olhoo ,. "' ..... UJ;NJ;aAI. VONTIIAfn"Oa-- 11 .,.,.. r-opl• .... •••or ,f b~* ,,. to:'''""'''· li nd .. t•lllllo:•' •k>tUu•. 111 .,_ cet lllfO(IOH VI~,. A ''IIIP Sha r,... r•·pr•••••11tlnt.: h~tlclln~e• ::~•1:! W•·•l l'•·nl•>tl Av•''"'" Nrw <.Oordun h. Flndl•y. :WlOCc_...t liNd. Pfl. a. Pt.n.Md,____....._· kwtuf'11 MY•t U•«uU niiJ '""''"r • ~··· IIDd D? U eot. l'eiDember that • On. tn UH• T ru14t kn•'"" ,.,. th•• t '••"'" 1 ~ w t .... ., , ... , '" til< blo''"' ~.•h""' "h o h It•\'«' 11not hnl•• IJIRy •lr:amalu: A. 0 _,. tablet .. _ f I h 1wort ltr-too II ''""Ill'' I'"""'\' I'Jtll l,ll .. llr;A C.JO .. PANIF~ tutr .., llwoldo, llor<r -.,u'•l '' 1..,,., • r.,l,..~. hi'I(Hlll Ill Tht• A m••nran . ·~,.... evK' .. •~-uno • • M~lll\ Tr·rrn•' Till•! :-;,. ':I ••f ""' f .. rnHI "' Ill 'tu "do~·k A M I COlli• Mru l~r. Co. "Lrt UA htlp f5: piM your ...... • ..... a o!rntand••• of •I•' tlr -~ It " I• ,.,n, ,.._. ..., ---.1 Nq-.-1.1, •l • ~'In!! N_ fttllll!lol llaok "' ~""'" 1\111 H11y l>l•tr1<"t Lumbfor Co. ,.___ 1 110 . .n---a ~-_. •--wiN:a •iclncro Lu. ooJ .tou••l" u.•~··, \\'\'t:kly, lht· 01JI~U7.tnl' tllrol.rollul•••l -o1 .lulv 4!4 11141 ·--.._ ·--.,. -- """ .. , ... ,d ......... niO<n ff'r,ol ,. ' . "'" h ~ .. xt wt•t•k ,. I ..I IS 1\ Nt ;~:LJ.:~ ""''' rrollt loll\ IJ1t.: ~"'"''''f'l''"' ly ltv .. ,..,,., .. , llu· ......... r~ "' '.... ...-BIN,~; "~A Ln......_ Rural ... , lit.&IJff C'lf Ml) .,, ·"""' u~•n• ~ " c.. I u •h t ' , ,,,, .. . I Ma I s•........ra)t ""--·-c "--··-..... '" do .. •u b•l ... ln.. t:XAMINt:tt Adv v.-.. I'~ " .1.JI2M. h 'fl -. ""~'"''' "". ... ..... •• •'" 0 11\II.J"rlly "' lllr otlllrf'~ Ill thlj llatrt r M ~-y ~-.._ ... lllwey. 9t """· ~ .... fnnnl~~t~. y,.,.,.,. oul'•r ~tu<"t ,.,,, ---, -"7 tn,. Jlr"J"'"'" """'" 1 11 '" 1 1" ::v,olo•·~<l•• "' "lll•·•·ltrot.: "' JOI<I•I l'f~llTnTIIr.Jf'-. ·- eclle. _,..,, IN:ad··~·· •1~>•~• •' d • CJrt• ~~-'·-· .Aalr )'OW dnailt few """'"" "' •: II \\ ''""' ~ ••K•'"' ,.,.,,.,,,.,,.,,.,,. h ,.,,, .. 11 April 1 t Nora Merparth, 2'.!08 W. C...lra.l A-l"taw 12 • IJ.. New~ ::.:-:.J:'::..-~ =.,~~~~ t:t-tt=H • m ... lft,nt4ftn ,.t\•t ltii"W •• \\:MJlAJ ...... 1~41 l erP'IC_2! tlt.TPPt2ICII-----*-oltlf;'t:~:~; ro~~. ";. ""*' "'rrlr on c~nl ONE A D A.V l'rlllllt•••" I.Y.W II WAI.t.AI ' .. : I N.wport ·~.rbor PubliahJna Co. 1"--. l.l -IJ. ~· ...... I •• ..riciw ,.., ......... w ••• ,. ~· • ~ ft" Thr llllJY\1'11 .. , ""' ~h>trl'hHioli•r• ..... r•·l~rv raaNTINU--• I ~.,. "';'" ... ..n -·~ftC '-,.,..,. '• • 0 " • • "• lhr '"'"''"'' "' ""'""~ "wn•··l '""' l'ulo .Jun .. 114, :111 .July 1 1'1 1\14 I Newport Harbor f>ublWUnc Co . .Pholwa: 12 • U , ......,., ~ I -.. ,.., -,., . I ..... ._ ...... 1. th .. """~llll ,,, .. '"' """""' ............ llAPIO 811!8\'1(:&--. 1 •!•!-~ l r. tJ ~· -;.. ::':::: ~:;:~ 30 ~.,':&,.,.':/:'.,• 4Jf ~::·::·~~ .... ~r·, .. :"';;"~,,.,.'~:.':;;;·:;~;" St•~~.:. ~.::·~~~~~~::!:~· ~·f" ~:~~',"; .::t:.,.~~l!;;, ~=~=(z~ ~~~';'·~ llftl• ...._ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-=~~~~t~.~~-1~!~~~~~~~~-~~~=~~~J~-----·-""•nl •IHit•ol l lf'ormhrr 1:1 J!t\!:1 "' "" N••Wt~>•rl ltl'tl(hlll J.rw Jl. Wallact', 74J'J W C.ntra.l A ..... ,...._. J. _ ----lliJIIBI:IliiT.U.N--Charle& McManuR NpWJ~Grt Jr.rbor Pub~ eo. t=.: 12 • u. "-•~• 8tJ Wull-Tr y . .\lka · SeltzPr ...... IUtUT MI!TAL woaa.- Coata M,... ,..lumblna Compuy, ...._ ...._ 21a. V AlRI•'¥w Jlt'I'01u:-Pubblhift& Co. ,._: l2 • ........ l DaJhua laland V•n.ty St~ k, Uk, :1k Md .._ ...._ Jlli·W W&LDINO-• , Weld&nr np.rtiJ ~.~Orr a.m...~......_ ft......._ .. ~~~iaea_ ••~ Pro,.._. lincterr ~·· "---.---................. Dr.~ .. OnM, ..., ............. _ ....................... O..lnl Aft. a1 ,._.. OfftM lira.: ......... : ........ T .. ,., .. It FormerlJ' et a.a.. liiMd I lfOW = .. _ .......... Neu ..._ .. ....._ ,...,... ....... IIIILUC ._ cvaaw. II.D. It,.. ... ,._ ......... __ --tJ------ Jll So ...... ...... 'lllh•'•• ... ..... A-. ... .. & ...... a sa a LaiOY P • .&Jif'D ._ AftiJallifi -LAW o.e.---··· a ..... v......_ • em* ... I, SAT U R R·A Y M I D-N I ·.~TH ·10 VO ·TE PUIOD ---THEN · ...... ~· -~ I •• .. I, 1 •• J . .. -- GO~ THE VOTES II THE I NEWS-TIMES· '~WEEKLY PAYROLL'' SUBSCRIPTION DRIVE! ___ .... _ .. TO THE PUBLIC Now is· the time to help your favorite. Your: 't llh- scription given to your favorite NOW mean~ more votes for him or her than it w ill later in the ~arnpai~n . AND VOTES WIN. Unltke most carnpa 1 ~11s. th ~o: \'utcs _- in. T,HE N.EWS-TIMES campai~n DECREASE a" 1t progresses. Show your by doin~ him REAL CASH. favorite wllat real friendship mean.., a kindness now whe n .It wrll nH:an If you have promi.seJ anyone your ub cnptttllt ~cc that he or s he GETS IT he fore Saturday. JuiiL' 21. or if y.ou haven't heen solicJteJ. ~cc the OIIL' you ~·:t n t t o win and g ive it to that one or cbc hrin~ 1t to th e ~~~ h l'c. and we shall sec that your cand1datc ~c t ~ the l'rL'J it. Remember that after Saturday. jun~ 21. the vntc decreases, ·so HELP YOUR Fi\ VORITE NO\X'~ -FIRS .T MAJOR AWARD ... -ALONG THE WAtER FRONT 1 bf>ac h anti boftt.w f .. ..-lilt" lhu• aum· 1\ m.-r ~ h<"ta will 10tart rll•wlf>rn· 1~ \bc>r )-.rda. pa'·tnjC 0>• ln>nl &nt1 r l'f.antnlf ., •Y•-'T\.a aa~ol that !•~tbrr l••t ~ar.S. v. oil !all In hn,. Civic Leaders R~tall Port Birthday Mar11n, •"MAAlie 1 and mrt<Jcorru7... maktnJ ant'llh«>r 8port flllhlnl Ia ru«>hlnl a hl(b pl«>..,.tnJ: ,...fl t•on r~ ~...,...n Httr· UNa -t.b wllb lh«' b<-~torun~: Hf bur UM marlin and b rn .. lblll MallOn tt .. ..,.. f:n d , .... n """ la,., !"u" Out from moorlnJt• at ltll hnr•l-•III) ~ I ~· r ", •.n th.-. •• """ ·'"I -·· Anchen~ thtll """lc -J t. nnm r n up ~oo•·r,. '"""' F'h' .. r 1 ... 1 .. Deck«>r nf lkv«>rly lltlloo a h .. ar-.1 h~.>~ ~ t:.l ~a.S.I.nr.:,. "·'" n.:: :'\" 38·fOnt lolillth«'loo l'i, H ill J.n j:ool 11'1 £- two gnc .. l lllnkf'• .tunnt: fl\• •l i\• 1'1' f r r•J•·Ifr I• I"'' lit•' ''art ol ffahlnJ.l ('\nl' "'ru• II l1r .. oollo ll ""''k\!h: lito' t 1• •' n,: 1.,. liol• f. r 1:hfo o\ht'r ,. rnrtrlrn h~rt . . l,.,. h r .. t-~, h • Jol"'''i4t 11U. .... Ilk ... ;.. • ~tot uw•oy .Jvhn II llu llltro! tn lh•· p ... ,~" "'l'' >J • r 111ot•~ k al•·" 1 lol• Got-lof••·T<>u. httl)a M"tlt•" • : 1• .. tuc\'P '"' t1U t r .. Jhtt..: un.t Hull r.t C'l'llll:hl a h ot!l<llllll • II I '10!.1 111 thr l'nnw •I t\" JUI (.,.Ptltttl 11t~l~~! t hltl t lltt h '". 't 'ttt1on '''''"' • ··• tht' a,:lo t\' l o t 111" lf\\'lltdtt~h \\t tt.:1 ~I It,.,. 'tha'n '' puu•·,t n.••r • lk f1111 lotn~ Ill• I 'o ottlll lth I .\ marinf' '" 1 ''"' "til 1 •. a 11 1 • "' beaut}• fttr nu·n \\h•• ltl\'t• tt f' t h~r1 t#'''' tt , .... • • \ · •I• n• u tJ 1 •• · .• : ' .! t ' 1 • " , • \\' 1< me •pnr f1~...-IT""" tr•n~ ...... 11•· '··~ ''·· tt'\\f t ! I I U,l ••. ,~ J ~. t , 1 • t , ,, .' t, t1 •' I : •' '• • I t : • • ·" '• F l 1ltt(S Ro1r~ I· I I •• I .. •1 .. \ .~ \\ •• f •• \\ 1 ' t •• 1 ' \ "\f : .. ' -- SPORTLAJID BOWLIIG ALLEYS B"I.ROA rA\"tl.IOS 1-JtiC'r. Cll\,cot: " . ....,. .,.,,.; R a.rn. fu:. I•·'"·· ~t\1· ~·•·· ~Uft. A llniMJa~.. K,-.., .llltu&,: tltt' ftrtlt ·"'""'"''·•r' <~I tl••· t •·•I• r.d ••·' I''', Hf , • '•""l .. •rt lfarf"ttr r•· t•nth \H r• •ltr•·• Aftr r ~ p .n• . "!t"-. \II It•~. ~:...-a E•nw t ur ... • t t h·· ' ... \\I"'''' II,, rhu r f h.unlw r ••f C ••111111• '• \ ._,., , .... t. •\ ' hafrtun n \\ •"• ... \\ ,, r ur r "' ttl .. f tr-•n ... •· L----..:.:.:~_;.;,...:;:.;.:.:..:..;~~------7:':-"-=-.;,_;--..:;:_-........_. t ••lint' '"l"'r\ t ..... r .. ,,. ··nat ttnL:; tlu· po ... ttf .. n ......... un t•· I ''' l 't .. •I , t "'"'~'•·II ::at ttu· "''' "' t h•· ft·l•·a::raph tn,fr uttwnf ...... -.t t •• ... h,:tt••l fh,• "I" tHIIL: .. t thr· h erl .. •t '• •f••l ,, '''' l•hlr. lt•ft t .. rla,:ht. ar•· \1.,1\••r lr,in I •••.•• •·••rtlun ,, ....... \\.trn•·r. c h:ttul-·t uf c tttfUIWr-f .... -..,.'It\ U:~rt~ \\t·lt h . c .............. , •.. I:Jrth·' \. Coulhrlo-••I lhr '''"1'"'1 lt.ort• .. r \"dol 4 l11h "'l.tOII III~; lo II too "~hi, arf' f•,.....,Jdo•nl ltuhh•rd t ~ """" .. -TO CANDIDATES There are two days left in which to secure BIG VOTES on s ubscriptions. Make these TWO DAYS . count. Get in touch wit~ all those "promises~· t~at h~ been g iven you. Make every minute count. Whoo 12 o'clock Saturday, June _2 1, comes. be able to say, "I have done my best." You will not be sorry for you are buund to be re-. ~id for t~1c wo rk you do._~n d there is noth ing that ~·iii repay a per o n a s well. a s honest-to-~oodness work. - Rcmcmhcr: ''ALL OT~ER PELLO\X ' I F THINGS ·COME TO YOU . S IT DO\X'N THE AND WAIT." Dn't he a waiter-be a ~o-getter. AI: the wo rld loves a winner and you can be a winner if you try.! Classified· Ads bring results. f/1 si~ l'ti i'N."~··· it shines like .· a new .• .. .... .~- ., ..,_,..,. • • b.-. 4 . .,!"-t ·•'••II' "'-I.. J~~ ... '-"J' !'n·-.ttl•·-1 j ! 1 a..-niN'4) uf tho• Orau.:o• ( nurol~ TIC! .. _._.-_ • .._ ------="--·. • .......-~. aiNI r . ,\, Dt•""~-.. r 111 .. l n"fd•· r""'i•·"" ,tur• 1:. H' I .tt ~·· :.:.: r,r,, hu.:h Lh' r ae r•·,;: ''·'~ • t.-r (1Atth·~ '' h·• "111 t Ut It• 1 h•• t ••110t \ ~ '\,tflllt•l :-;,."r :-:untlll\' well '"' Ill» o!Ry '"f lho' ~·~~ hn "olio 11r I :1• •' I"' \'tl. tn.:~ '" t hi' ''·'Y t•e· .. ''" th«' \'nrd~ ( .. r rf"-or'~CPH.: n nd . h<•IPOI! t ;, • Ill !lit• a::o..::-.===*::.Lftit~~ .. !14~Wo .,...~ ~ l!=-1 .. ______________ _.___ --.- "The vo1ce with a smik'' is a ~rson you'd like. Perhaps she's your nci~hhor next door. \Ve selected her to be a tele-phone worker, sen1ing you, \>ee2u~ she is deft and accurate, has a smile in her voice, and lilts to serve folks wdl. l<(('lln,.t ~ • I flr~'l\ .lll'rn •· ~lr· -.p*l)';. " .. turn.>r-ttaa£ ·~t. a~ ~L--1 .,;.tt lll l: trtm f••r 8umnwr '•'nlal'" CruiM,. t:q•ntnlln.,; "' ;.. ht ·lut.-.1 f, •• th• 1 'ht• kro.t ... , fit :11 :t•; .,,,,, ~tllllh•·w~ 'rUIII•; ,.,, n···1 t:, f'••nt t "nn1J.h•·'l •• r. tl11 19 • \t••n "·'' ... \''~ • "" lh•~•r "·~~~ t~ :lb, L ,n,l·· tr :t :\·~, f t"'"''r I· '' u r t., \\ •'I . .-u P ,-.\·,•r, t1tf• n -1 tl l .t I Il l --r-.rl l \ l .. tYn .-,~ I ' \\ •, • h 1'•.., 1'tv \!1·~ .... \It ~ • *I t I 1•· •. 1. '. ,.1 ...... ... : I I I ' .I ' (·,, ... ~:,,I,.,, \i \\' \tt,\1\ltt "''' ~ • "" n-., 1 v '' "~\1,, 1' .... , ·• 11( I', .. t-1· 1' l\• \h .:-:1 lhl · '·~·"•h\ I 1 .. tr,·.t l '" • 1 t ,• i ~. ,, """ I! 1 I " 1 I L.,..l .... "' \ • .: I ', .. ::---\ "-'' •, .. ~,n.l :" t "' .. ·.' _ Ahl·• '''''"1\lnJ,: l'·•; · :,,~ ~ ·' t•p t ••l ,,.\~ tH• t h• \\t iPtL\ 1\ e~:l f • I ,.,'hi"'"" ·~\llf'•' 1\ If 1\;1~·1 1-l •h"m l>r-1· 1m t:trl nn',l Kn •X'tl· . MOTORCYCLE RACES !0\ant·tinnt~l h~· .Uit:tCIC AS MOTORC\'{'I.f: ASSS. __ .. ___ . -.....-~ ~~~~·n!Wll'f'CI ngr fnunh· Motorcyc e Club . ' Culifurnja · ... \J.,..,f ~IN'C'ta.Milar Moton-~·C'rfo Tral'l• OILED SURFACE -DUST. FREE SUNDAY., JUNE 22 \ I :!:Od P. ~1. Tkk t't~ J:;r • r rd. Tax ·;)r-Total 50c You'LL wn..T to SING PRAISES, IIHI,II\t't tlw l.!lt•:ttllllll! I H·:aut~·ot tltc· llt'W l!·'' n tltl!t''· .\nd lllllrt' tlt:a n th:1l . you'll hL.·· th.' c·a-..• with whrd1 ,tuu t 'ull l...c•t•p \ • •ttl r:tti~c· f'!,·:an .. I n, I c'llll,ldo •r : H ttrllt'l"\ ''-"'T":'<OV ~filii!!. 't'l11'f 1f1"1H td•' f :aftttn'if flt':t1. :.1 ,j,, :1\\:r_\. \\ti lt l~o ul 11\1'r' :tnd t'\1''''' · " T i 1 11 1 • 'tr ltltll rl:ttttt·ln n ,, ttl•·n ,. ·' I., .. l it:.! 1' , .... !,,/, "· .\r~l :1 ,. - IIIII 11'11111'1 ~l't I" , rtltn r:tN-..:•·. ·'• ,. ' .. ~ •. ,,,.., t :tll~· It :• 111 \1 1 1: ... ''r Childn•n Frt·t1 Frt.•t• P m~ ... · .Jt•l •• •t' '. 1-,-;, .. ''1'1 1 ,, ... ----~------------------ Fn•t• Parking IIIW "\ i+tl,-..1 ~~~· tllt'4Jt•rn 11•••" ,, I~ •• ,,,' u·•ll" '"''!"''''I'',.,.,.., ,, .. .,, t t,, ""' ••L!'•·. 'f~~l·l''"n••,... I •''•.t +,, 1\t 1111 thr • til t .. ''"'"' \o.•th ~··r., tu tllt.! \ lurt ~ ~1\f .. \tlllr . "-l ).. --. . ~ -·,Jiil;:... lOWU COSTS, TOOt I •'•• .• ,. t ttf • t , •• • ;.. ,. •·''" f · • , .. \• t •.. I r•· ._ \, t II, 1•. '"' 1·• t• 1 , , 1n•J.-.• r' ~. "'n \ 1tr4 r '' •' l,' •. ~ "" t l'le,:t • , r• 1 , ' 1 •• ,.,, .. rtb•ul _______________ .... ________ _.. ------In Soutttem CoNfornla lt'a more fttan 10 to 1 for OAS cookln1 ____ ...... ot· ..... -- ' . .... ¥ . SpH'iaJ l'Omplrff' ~.:t'Uu,..... Dinllf'" SOc· to SSe Ch~ or I'! t>ntr...,.. -Homr:JWU~f' t•a. .. trif.... , --SEW i"''MMt:KTIMt: HOl'KS s..daJl': :-c-to Mktalcht -\\'f'f'kcla)·•: f p_~a. to MWIII«IIIt ·Islanders--- 0.\&!Jt.n.: •'f h1• • 1t• h c•f &!C'\'ett I m :u lon , '"'t:ht ••I r t lh' .:ulr l't! \ 'nhfo•ntt:\ 1~ t-1 .u .k \\ ~o~h·'' "' th .. 1-~t·t H •• y t-'l" l " .. n ·tu'alt•d la.st .. \\t•t•k 1 oiu.hu1~ lim\ n 111!'1~ \\ ••••kc'lltl 111 h•·• "I"'~Y • toiH'o·lllbl•· 1-i:~;y llo~l- 11 ·•II \"11'11"1 \\lth IIA't u ... tlw o 3.11 "' t-'h;tl .• tto :-o:aACJ'. I I• •llllo\ll an.t I .. \ . .., '· •1rt:11n f"l--n-,.,. ~ tt•'..\C.~ \\. h •• P \\ (.~ :tn 1-:,\:d I \at\ "'"fu fll h t1t1U' ttn c·ha~r.<'l hih<nlt h:.t:-I•. n •.• n ... l Ito!< k tnlt1 :..;a \Ill !lo'l') • • :w ol ~,, ~l•4vf,l•·•l n .. w 111 tit•• :-:..ut h .\1- lanth \\'•-.l·hDI! ann I\",. 11 ,. ' .. n~:ratu-j llltlo•D• .1r" m .. ,.,,,.. fur tlat an..S I .\la!Mol :'moth thut v.•••·k Mr11 \'11 tur Thum1u1 mut•lrN tu Jo1ontrhiJ:•• ,.. htH•I tht~ wo.-ek t o t:>nn~ h<'r t wm·•·hllllrf'n J.-rry an.J ' 4 ... Jt~an ''""-'1• Itt tn•· l~land fur lhr .ioaa ft4oa-u .... Fraae~Mtt T-.,. •·urr,:nth !<Ummn. : dranw. ~Maw K•• ,,II tiM' "'"'"'""" al liM· IJ1I~ )Jr anJ ~lr:< !t••l>f'rt t"l''IIJ!o>ll of T1-aa~«Nral• tile I\IIOW. ' , an" •r-•·n•l n~; th•· -v.·,•rk ~>n thl'ir I ~~iiiiii ''-"hl. ubb)'. mourf'd at VIlla' - H•·•.,ttlttt\.: ,, h t't•'• h'"" •• , ,.,-,, ''" '• "I"'' I J.,,, ttl til\ '• tl 'J ,, "h ' I •'11 It lt1llt tl "'" 1•'-1\ I .t "'.I . \\ II \\ ,,, It' .... ,. '·,,1 '. I I i\lt• .,." .. '; \ \\ h·• '" 't)' I ,,·'' .... h I I ~1· I l I fit ' t lh "''I I ...... ," ''"' "'' I f" I l lh I• t t\,lt I .j lit' \\ l'h ltlht It'd ftt \\ '11 h \\ hi• 11 I h• I lw 1 Plttld•·l , t ,,, r,,, I t•d '' tl llhl•l:\ I ltlt "' •'' ,, \\ l"'i!. I I,, lo \\I l lft '\t HII•f l t. u\f':"l'1;')~1- \\ dl h t ' ',.,.~ l lhtl '"'" I I t ,,,1 "h·l 1t .. ''"' d lla•lhtl lt ,ttt•t htd 1••1 I' t• t I I • t ~ I ftt I • •t \ ll "••11 ·• "'' (, tu• \\ '"" h-ct tt•' • It Uh t I J,,. d i l\ II' ff" H lf't<l h.,t;· ( 'nf \lo htnlt\ h tl t l oHif ••l l ht ttl 1~-t•t t1 •••.t1 d lh•· I tttt••d l.t,~tlt'h It tf l•11 t \1 th t1 IIIli•• ,,loflll \1 ttttn \\ .... I • 'l iHJ U"• .. , 1"''"''"'''1' ... I II lid o ,IH olttp l.ilh1 ltl l.ttut Pll \\flft I .1. ,•llo t•d ttu• t 'tdt•t-.•1 it dt•tn••" •. ,.,, 1!' th•• •·uuu .... l.' · .. ,,,., :Ptt I·'" dh I hi' ,•u.:tn•" 1 ,.,. Th•· l.•l•·•t ~lart·b.,.,1,1.-t '"""''"1! '"' ~tlun•• up ''' tht• loti II\• h \\.11 t II\ ..... h, llu• t " .. lo tllt'l ' '·• . ... .. ' ~,.. :-o:oon t o ~h'!"tght Yanna t ·ann•oa u! th~ f' ShoW' oo ='T:-:::-r-IIH~HHl-liF--....! -Harbor· 1Trap flub Is rOrganized l''l"•.ttd •:.."• huu ·' 1 h._:hl .. ,, 1 th•• I._,..,.,,. ,.. .. .._..~ ..... h-tt-t ho-+ --•"•...,....,._.,..HI_.~,,. .. ._,._r--... w-9-it ............. .,...,.._.,..,._...._ .. ,_. ___ ....::..~ "·" ".e,,.: :tnct uru~· lt1Pt•· tr.tn'·lt,...,, .. '""' -a...t•a at COST.\ :.\tE.S A. CALlf'. \\'f'ril .. ,.. 4 :00p m. te Ml(lnlehr A. R. WIUIAMS HOSTS TO VISITORS 1 1··••··•1 111111 lo ... ·l. '" th•• l.uand1 t '.,J 1111 "1\,....11 (IN. ~"""" wtta. t h · t •""' •l t••'ft-l1 n ,.n, I" """'. _ I' .:_ =... _ -I ','· ''I"'',"' 'r"".'' tha l1 _I"",'' 1:·"'""'. PI''&~•· 1•1llf•"l lh ln.,; Ill l'llllfll 1\illh.oll\ · • t, Mr. and ""' Aud.l~y R. Wll-II·· 1:·" ,. It" nl JrrHI<'T'll , nntt'h <'II GRADUATES ARE llam~ of Onvx Avf'nlll' f'nll'rtaln· "' ~l·••rt,.rnllld•'d '.''"''lll:•'fll•'llf in th1: raml'~•~:n r .. r . 1-------------....:.-----...:..-------------~, pJ oot of atatf' ~l.lt'8tll and f•lenda ro l'tolo•nt:~ lllt'l "·"''"" .~ •• , ..... lllllt'lll, )\'1111JII't• "tlfll' GUESTS OF THE '" Utat thl' inatallmf'nt of prln · I from Loll An~ ....... COtUit)' Sun-w ... h ll'l'i!A\' nl~hl Ill thr ""m" !lf. 0 ~ • RENDEZVOUS PuBLIC NoTICES A ra. Ilk r oeat ~lc'ut el t hl" ('nlumbla W..t C'n1u1t ntuntl .,f II,.. Atr will e. C"O~-----.-----No. 79171 NOTICE OF SALE UNDER DEED OF TRUST dpa1 and lntl'rf'at u <'allf'tf fu r in • day· "'·rth ~•-tmmtnJt snt1 ~mra I 811 ABNER GORDON Or IU1•1 M" Hal ph I> . ttunrol 'PRINCIP A.l ENSIGN 1Ulhl n ote dU~·~Pif'mbf'r a. 1940 Cut'!'ll' lnrllldf'o<l lolr and Ml'll I rrnm "hto h .... ,...~"'""' :"1/••"J~lt l hall nul bf't'D (\IU.J. nor h8\'f' any ('art lWnJ:f'~ nf Ctnr ,bnall, OhiO I \\'"t:Tlfn I_Prilll pl.aAI eiD .. llalho•r n .• p !'-.llooHflllt: l 'llllt TO JOIN EDUCATORS th ~ A ta "I f ld 1 r•novmoon. ln. Uw attic: or that t-'l l' l'lollhlll\ murnlnJl 1Jurw 2:11 II& Nf'wl'urt. II•• l~oor 1 'n~ton II lith " ,,, ""I& lty 1-l'l•,...t TU'""-~ lt·••l ..:• '""alt·~ ..... ,.. ""'"'"'"'' t 'unf') .,f ltf'vf'r·ly lttha. ,. .. ,...... Lnslallmcof\l.ll dur aubM-quenU)' ""' -1!l.• u,::ua "an 1~' aJIC'l .•. ,,,,, l'•··~•·t•·~ot t•l '"" nrw lbrrt·k · ._.n J>&ldl ,,,LL SEU... al t~~ dt~·. 11&n1 J M!n 8row"' )f('-r ~;':·~ .. ~. ~~=~:: :!: nq:anl7111!~<n \\'"I' ... llnmlol rl\1•1 I IN BOSTON MEET NOTlCF. J~ HEHF:BY r.I\T.:-o; 111 pubh(" auct ton tn thfo bogtw-.1 Jntt>~h nf-()ftk r.rm·f' I..A ~It ano! puruntp;art ampl#watl~krtflc!U·I "•II H•l\' F1~1)ro ;,1 1~'\j:lln'l ltr lt h I l'llll•lf'"' lloor""' n ~:~~ ... ., "' that Abett8 C'I and Tille Guaranty hlddN. fo r <'&lh 10 la~'ful m nnl')' 1 )Ira F...Jn!un.J I' An~ on "~ Lo•mf'rt hr~ plmy "' t'rralln• homr comfort. t ''' "I"• ,..l•lr nl .!\lo .1• """'' ll•tAQ'I 11 ... ~""l'••rt It rn • h c:rrtlllrnllr eom1,any a • .,1-rw,r:lltun u.s 1 ru~trr uf th•• l 'nltf'd StAt~'11 uf A~a 1 P ark )11"' an. I _)ft11 l'.1111 l h l•·m:.n At hut .1 11h! atid.Uo nar roJI. •n el~ I a.-< rot"'\' t 1 •·.1•ior• ' 111111\a~tt p , I ~"''"'' 1111.r ,.. t h,. 111 t "' "'""I'' und.,r that •·rrta1n ,,,.,.,, of tnu!l un tho• 14th dny of July. 1941. at •••f :-an !\tar:tno !\~r an.t 3.14'~ ~f"tl-1 ttlc;al out:f't at lhr NM' of ndl waD '"' !.•1• "·'""'' "''' ~""' ""'~ ,., 1lnh · T•·A• h•·•·· A,.,..K t10ttnn will rt"Corolt>d on~ 1002 nt f'llii:C th• hnur nf ll•n o'<'lr.ck. A. )1. o f nf'th ll•·lh·c-l "'' l h •l•h·n, \lllaJ:f', 1\'lllrllmtnltf'lhrn .. ~·~lly for mul-fnlh•r 1•1 j(.dr•h lt""''l ""'" 1,.,.,. :0:111•••"·'' '"'It"''"" !li,.- 9 0 I 'lr 1 •t ,. ~I • l'rw '•r~· uf .ti·•Itlt'd ph.ttr• •• wrll u the dl"h•"~J'II 11 1 , . ' 6. <>( fflf'oa ••onrds ,,f ''' 1111:<' '""" tla\' at Uti' S urth maon I'D· ·• an. "r.l ·a, ' .. • n [•-L-1 1 ~"-1 • <l'r • "'"" 1-orok or . .t \\ ~t.nnr 11 11••11' h•· wotl ""''"•I flu• """"'"'' · · \\'h 1 1 c. 1 uuu-r~nL 1n ~oevera e11~£>n• nn ....,..... • • -· County ('llhlo-t n W h 1 ,, h ~1--tra,.....-t, thf> 9"'nlt~ 4'rnmh· Hall ; lll,..r an. ' 1\Urtt •• '"I> roy,. ,...,, 'll!f mm on,.ovrr-loeded IIO<'UL , Tho· ~~"''' "" •1114: \\'111 I•• lu•l•l . l·:ot u• "'"',. -'""'" '"''"" I'""'''"''"" e1en•·•· 111 hr rt'lt\' mall•· lllr f11rllt••r "' lt.oo .. r•f~ ln'th•· ('I\• ofS11nta l'••ktrul~ pr•·< ... l,.,l tht•, •hn~~r l Rt •I.:•• Jamf'•. the radio •nd ~11« 1-'rtol,,~·· t'l ~ht· .lol"'·,::~lh. '"''' '"" 1·'1•~11!11 '"" '""'""'"' ""' "'"'' part1rulat-". a~•l Jllll"uant '" t'l tl ,\n :o 1"011nh· uf 01'11.1ll:~-Stat .. "' h•·u• "l!•'r .. • Mr r.n.t ~lr.11 \\II·~ cl.ln .oil ,br funr ltttnonc ~~ lhf' sam& ]•Ia•,:· \\~I' ,,,.. ""'"llloo • I lnl•1 . l' """","''"" "" "" .t•l•·~t:<l •· utt •l ('14"MRtn "'''"'~of t•t••it.ch Hflll ··h··· t \Jllf••t nt.l Jtll tht· tn \4"2t"Jit C••n · h amlt pr··-•·1•'•1 \ I t.•nf•lnapprn pri11 .. runm a.r•a..•with· l'r••luu&ttllf\ 1•1.tu, .. \\t t•• tll.t •1···wan "''•\ r lltt ...... ,., ... ,,, ••• , tlon t t; ~·II U:l•h t d t't•tl uf t?uJ4t \'t•\'td tolt h\' l h·· litth l •if,,.,_.; .. r •• , (tU1thf>llc•('("'.,1h'f(•rC"•'"tfnuathur·~ft'tr.u•qUIIIII~!I ,.,lf•""f••r 1ht•t lul·~ I I \tt h t ii1W it1fl\•'•1·•" "'"'" ,..... .... ~.!-tJuo liU• o.l.&\ u t...\:;,uolt UWL .u;u l!U~Jt:d lt> 'illl UlCUUl-f!tw Jean lioclaklAI d: ''1: d .,.,,.,, nlut.ru~tonc lhf' ftnor.: IIIII' 1 ','m·l• "" tlo• tl.tf~ II• tl \\Ill l•••f u•• \\ooolol ltlu•~•• "'" HHl an ·~ .. ·k , ...... I' 11!• •·! f,tan .... r••··r 1htt•·t·· •n :tnd t o 0 .. 1l :"' t":\'1 k nllth~ pT~· be th•· ):IIJI ., •• , \\ .,,. ,,~ •• ,., •• I.,., I t • fit llllt\tf ... ltt• ...... ) ···1 Offhhl ~: ..... ,,,~ ••I flra •~:• t· .. ,,n tt~o· Jl"l'"riY llltua t•tl ul llt• ('ooun · Home From East ··~, ··\\.'.; ',;','.';,~! ~~1:~~:~~ .. :so~ ·~.:,. •. ,, ... , .. 1 1711 •• , .. , • ... 1 r.1• "" ""''!"''"" 1 .......... ,1 111 .. lh1n. jlfatu .WII .bf' ·•'"•"' ~ U.. .. th·t\'""" ltall•••lll> 1 "• t ~un•lav ''"'"""' .. t tbfo t'11r111Uaa Ar~~ n1.:111 '"' «'"'"'" "' thr man•«•· IC'ucumltt .... ,.., l'ubllc'.U. for no• 11! f.,ll .. wtfl.: lh•• !:"''"'""''" ~1thf-n1 ~lfnmla. ancl wtfl ... •• 1' 1• ••• I r•l......_l o,.r stat'-KNX • '' • t 1 "' •·ut' • ·~upl•~• att .. u•lf'"(t "' • "''11111: lu ~'<Ill 11<•~··1 A htll(h· ...... lr..:td "' lhP t•\• Ull\): """ " llftltt h \ P Utt H ~1t•t ::.\ "4" \\ htt 1111 n~ ~ \\li lt t h, ,f:•'lldt'/\1111 .. huu..J .tth l """I l h..-plnn.-111 • •<f htl\ ltllt•'nl'rll . :'\:ttlln n rt It••• k •• r ''•• .:•••' ]""' I I ,,,, ._, It • \\It-ttl Itt' I I \ , It" ttf Ufi~l-IU-·-~~ r•t ..... ,.. a~•"' •·•• -• ...._ ... -·~· -·-...... . ..._ "" t y f'al1fnmra 11"1 "111·11 nn\o• II I) oo! l lf:tll~<' ~tal• ,,( t ";olo(ornl:\ ~lo•• .l••of"l l l<•lt.:k n• oo( ;'\o•\\ lu•11.,.f, tt .. · J'-ttnlt"t n ( knntty rnne ~1•,.,1 Ul •lt"'f l:tr···l th·•t :t hr·•·h •·f th· ;'n•t tlt li&if ht •l 1i 1·•11""" , ... ""'' Y••r k \\ '"' ~·\•n .... \"ll \4th om~ r •• "'" ,, l l ,..J't.Htr..:-l"'t rn' .. dure 111 'tl, .• ,.! •h• .~ , •• l· olna,.: Krtch llu j 1"'"' .. h.,. '\••ltlhl \l llft.t .. tuv obhJ:attun~ 1ul \\h l•l lotUth .~ .. , L ••t T\\t f l\•'1''• ·..:··· IU ., .. n ·· ~., •• ,..,." t\•n•rs.: h\· .!\1r \f th;,tf .. tl•"-lr&t ih .. ,Hm nj(C'f\:ll ••• ;1' ... t ....... ,.., It lh·-~·-t· .... ,.,. h •U""'"'''' ...... '·"'''''"' .....•• 1 '''"""fk t .. ttu --l•flfi'K U or tru~t ~ 't U t'\ ,.,, ttttUit•·.t t :l··k I ~ nf Tr:ut ='" ,.... . .... ,! )!:<i •• , .... , .. ,,.,,,.ttl '" tll•lt ,p fll.t \t~r ~.r ••• n·fff"t•,hf"I).J('O\'ftr ~1· ll••.ll' \\ ,,,, h·••·. '\\ •• 11\\fl• 1 h\ ·~·~ , ...... \,,. .... "'"'' '" --, h:•l U11tr1c t11 .n 1 "" c ·, ~ "' 11 A \'t-; ~~ · ••• ~ f~,~~·~'1PJ~~~~~:t;h~::;,'~~" t;!1~~:: f• t 11 Ul• 11 ·• p h··"' 1 aa • tll• "I 1 • ·''" • .. 1 ,, • 1 \\ t h 1 h • • ,, h f· ·•ulh nuf' · r• . t , .. ~,..nth,. tl,,,.,,r:\t l~~ f\nlsh I"''"" • qJ •n l••l.lll•htu t h ,. •·• \'t '"·" 1 , 'l ''""''' ··• lfl J_,., n G u--.sts .,.\\ h u •·n ••·,·•.ttl t h.•Uift),: Jt '"•'''''· an. ~t .. thburn C3'\CS. lfictl· ,-.,rn;t tt"'" \''' . •~ •••• th• ~ unl h l't••tf•••"' •·I fhlu t 1t " ••It t 'nl tltOil ·l"lfUt•l \t • '"'" ~'' ~ Ito •• k J"""~t t 'ttj• ' l h t •'IIIII••·· .,. 5t111M I Ott ..... ,.. II ''" •It "'''1 ••hd ~·~~·"' .. Jd•nttr•t Ill• ,,.,,., \\IU1 h t••IIU rt"l I \\"lt h tfH-hHflftrf't• and Vtf'r'P ~~t· ll''"·" ,._hrlt:tf"kU\''" hrtwren thp !~C· Tit. I lut. lht\\ I&Hit A \tln \u t t\'f' ,, 1\ ,,,, ... " •• •'"' ( •• , "'''""'"""' •·•t rtt ,.,, .. ,,"''"r •hn•n£".t:\htf',1A'tl>~ o:.tlandtlt J41-h t'.,.,.b ,"nftcn•.-.s••f11al, 1h ... t "t rw.u h tqo ll •'f,J\.1•1,.. T h • ""''niH 1•dHI uu11 ''''''•·•"I :.;.•1 1\ t• .. "• ~, •. ,,~'"'·"·"'''" , ~~r~ \\' \\' U•~l~:kln!l. ~li!'.• 1'-r· L-t th(' lw•d,v N>.ol t.ond '"' n"Y.· .... k or 1 ''I"'" 1 .. , t , •·t 1 It , ,,,, ~t.u 1,, \1•111~ oll•ll•• "'" , '""I' I H• II tru tl~•·• ftor f'\'o•lo·n,·t'• o'"f. "hlrl'flln"" 1 1 t 1 1 • t I \ 1 •· 1 1 k 1 1 h:tra tt••i..:klf\' ~tt a 1"t !\1rll .)tar · ,.., rh \O t """'"" th .. nC'C'f'•( ~v fnr thf... ~I·• "" .. '"" ~ 111 Pt '' •"'A ''" u· \1 11 ''""'' •'' '' •• \ I•· •· • ' ... hall ~'··~tf'r !\1tv. J u ti•·•''•'r. Jim r=-.tra rrt"C";tUt ''" I ,.,, ••.•• ,, ... , \\ht•la. , .... Jt.4'·'·· l•·t 'II '"' •.•. Hit!.,.,.,.,,,. •·t 1.••\ ~, •• h•'"' l ~f.tr J.-(f r<-n.•,_.U 14t-ttr {)oft ... 1 •f't\t ttv-m nt.t f'lff"rth·.-r·f'._Ult&. f_b~ flt~fte lh .. \.\IU•l. 4Jtth )'~tltl ''lhl :&Ud 'Attt•h I"' t .. lt"',tl\f' l•"'f•UII ~ '"ftttt F la n k \\'U.h -r rMf'r •h<1ulc1 l>t" t'flft)J> .. , .. d of J lonkl••n 111\t' \\ 111•1 I""''"'''' """'"1•1 ""'""1: ~tsul o lr al'lt·r. ~lr Rn.l 1Sr~ on and thf' bonurM' Chicken . Dinner Treat For Fish Fry Worke~ l~·n~ huur~ \·a~t r •~•r"" •) f \\lt'k l J1il ,.,,,.,,,, 1 T•· (.I •• 10 t~'W I • \J,..\1"'''" ttl t},, ltiC' fa I t r\· :an•l ··: t h·• ,,, .. t ·• ••·"'\• Tl1.., f"t>- , ~'' r :•1 t ''''"I t .. J.ll•'-' ,.,. • t:• •• ' • • • ... r t t t I \\ t ot . I:. ~ . I • -l '1•' \ ·-••' •' l 't k 'I• I • ' '•' .. ' 1 ot ,, I •••• ~· I I I ~ I I I I "*" • .. * • ,, • ,, .. 1 \\ I I • '. ' \'• I I · 0.' •J '· I• . '. ',,. ' I • ~ I••· '.' Azuncin · 1 ]IML~IIllr i' ~'' ~ t lnm i< r ·1i <· f .. wntt-J.wl. I -t .. ! :."J, •· •·II ]Htrtpln~ I • ' ,, \\ I • " ,. '1 ~ ,. r 1 ... m ~~ llli.l \I 1 Ill< I ·, ''"' .\ .; ']i,u/,.llllr tu•:> ur•l) :-• ;·u )<<I I .\ t:\\ I'OI:T Bt:_\('11 .. I ' 'I• ... <t I 0 1 .:•I I . . ... 16uuft of .!nitricn I .'. • 'I I ~r . '' '\ •! I itt t ,, ...... ,, t • ftt, .SAM'S ·SEA FOOD. CAFE / UOI c-t lllpwaT. Seal Bfoac;ii_ "'\\'a~ for 8.-ord nail" Be_er, 'Yincs and Liquor-for-Sale at SA~I'$ FISH MARKET ATI-\,TH ( U \~T I.OR"'TT.R Jtl"~f:N II .SO Tt MTI.t. ~T-t. \K Hl""f:K Sl.:ofl ot.l.lf u u "' ut· nn: rn:t:f• ~•. \ t 'IUn"U' l ..nul'l,.na 1'"'"1'""" A .lumho !'oofl lolhfooll {'ratM CoWl~ mil•. 4ort'f'n Turtl" ..,,,.,.k. • lumho1 f'ruc lla:- O):Jtcn on t~ llall ~hfoolt l..n'"'!!:" ~tl_rtmS)" and All Othrr Kin•\" of !<Oeot t '""I• I.Auldlteo• 110c Ulnro .. ,... ~ ... -~:)(' -Sl.OO STJ'...,Uit:O U..AHS Sf:lt 1'0rR l"F.A FOOl) !11\\UI ·~ L B. IM0-11 or MZ·GO tor a-na~ ~·till I &-•• rnrt• •h1 \'Oiumrl sl'lft pa•tto whllf' II•J ~" M• ""'' !Ito ~ :"'·u on• \ ""'' •' tl·l 1•4.tt1. 3 parts r:.w 11n~""'f"d nil. 2 parb n nt •• \ht• 1•r.:ru 1,/:tt\tt1\ ,,. v.•~u·,,,,, ••f ~auta /\uu h tt \• , .... , ... , .. : l'f>f' t.ne and 113 j[lll o! defer per 111111-•rV.IH' II Ill f'IIUlll''•l \n lliJ;k•• II 41Rf ~I It'< I Ill :"'••" 1"•11 114'11• h t f ·•"••n ., hlol (tor ;,,.1'1111: 11<•1111' uf 1111' lrtrt::,..l Mr NnQIIr\' IR '""'',.tl•·ol "'llh I Ii• I Wb• n lh,. •h,.J11C' Ms Jd tip ftr-m ly I . . . 1 .. h w ... -• • 1 • "'"'' '""'r··t ttt"ll~ h• ,.. """" 111 :-:"""' c .. ,.~, 1 .. , I'·"" u n ' £tu \' .t.-. V·f•~l'i\(' n1 f"f'lUa p&rlt Jntt pa 111t.,. "hJtr f,..:acf 111n~t lrad m t•.n• trf•• f ,.,~,., 1 tl huruiJ ,.,, ••f ""1tt w•1• ,... \1r ntt M•.,. f( • her•t ~ IHittt "' '~rlt•,,cfr,..,hu·,ncul ~t 'f1h l•nrttnn-· ••nth , .... ,,, ,l .•r•\•t I , ... ,,. fH·I·.'.., t~+l-4 ,,, ... a, . ..,,......,,,ntmu1A\o\tthAU •'lttaJttu•nlt· ,,,, I tt\ llh•l \1 t• I• '•""do ll •Y uf /LI.04 1lw.l.t.' .,n.~nod lo pr•uluoe l •r unci ~''" A. c..;_ l ltu;IJO·~ l••ft .. , .1"'"' 1 " • au I••· lit t~,. _.'-'C ~~!l f'\'~\1 p n5·Uint for tT.m 1-"rld:t\' (,,1 a t•·n .It~ t .a1~ t•• 11 ,,, \'r '"'"•''''•• r•l f ;• .. end m n::4llt'tCT ,,, , 1,"" , 1 1, ·l \\ ,,r1 ''• ,,11.t \tr-. CO RO fiAT 101 DANCE . For thl' <lut'l'n of tht· ~lrsa Sran'rrow Carni\·211 WEDNESDAY. JUNE 25. 1941 ~::w P. :\1. ('usta ~iesa Legion llall ORANGE CO .UNTY'S l£A DIN\. f ii!ATHt:S "Tilt: 1'1..\('t : TO f ill" l~roadway s .• n t.o """ Ptv.n" 1,(10 '"" ••• • ... ;, "' 'I ' .... .... ' * I" , ftt' •• \f. " ~ " •• "~ I '" Utili \II i ll .... f •• ,,, '" lh \ ""'''' .... ,. ' I' t lit ' \ \ \ •f•to h •"t f tt l•of \\o ouh U '"to n Hit \'l•ltt \\ "'1•1 I tl"' ht "kt t•t 'f \ T I t t ""t l:t ,., ..... 1 .............. ···• r-'~.u .. '" f lt,fll ....... "" ,.,.,·;~!~:~:.:;::; ..•.• l.~~t:;-;:.t.J. ... -...... .. ..J.._,, 'flh' t lrl olh ... ... ....... ,,., A NAHEIM P hone 3602 t.ttd• '""'''''''" ,.._.,., Au,.... 'll t 'l'ffl tf• foftiAf'• ..... , ....... t.'t " \II tho \<rrr,.,\1\Jkioo'' ~ .... ttt "'Nt l'.f.,n• ~.! :t'l....!& .!.\1 r .... , •. ''''" f ,, I ........ , 0 ... II "IUI'I't M Kt11 "'"'" ANAHEIM PHONE •212 • •. ..._, •o .. t·~~·.;;;;.,, ... • Utt ttkt , .• ·:.".Jt.-~• .,.,. 'I "a lltJI' HI Milt Ill f ill I' I"'"" ALL SE.\TS ....... 't·• ,.,.... •J·J~ '!! ~· ••• ' .. ,.. 'ft\ ,... """' ... lSc ..... • ....... ' f ft\l"' ', .. .. ...... •ntf I ••••'• ...... , t ' ..... , t..ftt"• '!'f ..... 011 ,,, ... .. ... ,, , .. .. orlcf', l''rw~ Srrn Thtottgh ISTI.\\ ~·tE\'fE Mo\tTotc· ' II /II". I II , ' I ,, I,, \0 ,\.' ~I ,' I,' • , I • ' ~ ' II ·., t I I I 1 I I. t ,, I , : t I " u T rutht••l ,.., ttu•" • I ;,J~t wti-1 rrr frun' \rn• •••••n•l """' ~ f tflft•fttl, J\r, f ,., f, tncl lnttruel"• .uul It• I J .. u h f ttlttr••. f tt,:ttfh r ._.,.f, '' U.r~L-It ~1AR_.,.1,1 "w•r t111n , ~t.,,. thr ~1untlttr .en JJ . .al '4,. .,,,.,,,.., for th.,. J fllnt•. p, ... ! .' S~trur,, ·~ '"'".,. ,,, 1 lnW"Wv• C~"•ry OIJtaulo.LT,. ttt : .•• \ • , • t f " ... ,,,.,,. ;-• ~,g,..,.n., ~,.,.,," Jl f,J • Yeu . v u.,_, 6 1 ....... n (.....-. t IIKJMTIA.S !il('lt'-'-CF. UAUI.SU KOO~ II II f:aat ( ••ntral A •flntul n .. n .. l .. , ( aru .. rnla I ' \lltl'h'• II I \I I .. I \h j f lifo I .. r. I • '. ·•· ... • I . ' . ... )II ... ••• , t ... ''• ., ''•' . ' " . I I ·'I "' II ,. I I I I ., .. . I I • I • I• ,. ,,, . .• : • I ~NEWPORT THEATRE 't \\ 1'1 tfl't Ill \I II 1 ''" ~ •• ., .!\J~dJ>-1 JUMI.JI w.u-~,_....._,-<4_. f ttu1htttf1Utt !"ttndA\ fru rn I 1~. \1 l 'utolllllr Atlo11I•..Jull l'rlo ,.. I rl ""'. .lu,... 211 '!I \\ ll.l.f,UI 1'0\\'t:U . o M\ It~ A LU\' ', ... • ( "'!""" -MjM•r1 fe.N·I ,, .. , """ 1 .,,.,. -leuu· '!'! :.!:t '!I .f \\It~"' ~'ft:W,\ICT l'1\l l.t.rn: fiHUIMICU I U\'f\ \lOW.\." ,\ ~' HI Tilt IWOICU I 'I Ill "\\'ashing-tun .\1 t·ludrama" ''""' '''II'''· ..,1111'.- "tiiOI(•' .......... ,,. .. .. "filii> 'll11 K ltl" "1'''"1•1•· '• II" Nlltl>trr" "4\ \\ ,,,,..,. ... I ••·~ "In Th•· '"''>" BAlBOA Theatre ··n .... 1-.nl ••rfl•uuw-nt lln~tht ~Jill! 111 t l"' c·,.,,, • Yad11 ln.: r,•lll••r" .......... ~ 1\fo, ...... ta\: l'llllllt•nt• '!,\o·, '""• Ia\: C 'hllofrt•n Ill•· uf•t;~ t 'UH Tilt: ~~·~UIY.U! ( '\!''"' ltd•lt• l'O•·•l• """I> ........... ,'41.~ --'--\nd nn ,.,.. •·h'<"et--- The Nation Is screaming at th~ funniest picture Bill A Mvrna f!vor madnl ... --· PCKW:ll · LOY -lWttau· '"''"' ~ ............ .. '"o'••llrt M,. .... ,.,.. 8R£AK TH£ DfUJS ··~~> ~ "'iuro 'lun.·TUf'.... lu-~t·'!I·U t 'IC.ASK MOIUiAN Ann Jloth.-rufrcl .... ..In \\ •·•t llu h .t11111. '!."• flit. Ulll fll.l': MHfl\\: ltOUt:.ICT ('I ~UI~,._f i~ m HI 111 sst;\ In 'FHEJo; and E \SY' \l,l'f l -- f:IUTII •·t:u.ows "NOUOUY'S ('IIJLUilEN" I t .... -.. --.......... IIMf c,.,...,..., .............. .._ ,.......,cus•- ,. CO&Vat<a •t<IW.!!,. I.\ rt.~T \t \NC II C •t Tl,.t: c ulur c ., ....... ,--- laughing ... l~ ..• Fighting their way Into your heort! EDDIE ALBERT JOAN LE SLIE 1111111 .... JIIIIIll:UIIU .. '-_.__,_, --~-...­..... un,• .. _,.._.,._ ~-...... A" \M,,.,I ftiiU'l '"• .._., -, • ...,.,, .. .., IIAY lNIIk.NT I . . ---\ f-'4CI --- fD, rr·s 11rt won rr rte n• \I j l • • • NEWPORT'BALBOA NEWS-'TI:ME.9.-Newport BNch. Caljfom~. 11-IURSQAY. JUN~ 19. 1941. ..... 04.-•.-·Jn O...:lt ,. eautonl1a. ~ pe~w ot Boil~; .. _ Pennits DIIIUC OWU all cta.4tk:a Uooa are runniDc now UUI5 • , . A8 fll't1"941.ln~i'ff~atkt li a P~ltl'c MEWI'Oil'l' II&A()II-= """&~ at u.e rata Ot t4.a.oo.ooo a year . • • Gains eoaat buUcUDc total ot ..J410,ooo,. ....... ) Tew 000. I I 1930 348 -$726~ _ _ I Thr aun• .. y ln•llra tr• ttult &p · 1 1931 19J _ .-~.344 T1:w trem-doua flM>Irf'O'U by lht' JlfVXUnat,.Jy 85 pt'f i f'lll tc. 00 JM'f l t!l;\:.1 3lJ7 247.690 --·-u -·tati<10 tncnuea. de· t>ent or new coolrtructlon on the l t9'G ~'\ 236.!>49' -r-r-2';o :.!3:>.074 •-&Dd other c01y.t rucUQA con· WNt Cotuit 1s In C&llturnta . 193-1 ""' ~ to ptn, II revealed b)' a SOuthern ('allfurnla j'f'ntf'r. .; 19.~ 44'1.1 ~:·~ WI"Yt')' made by thf' CaUtonU& 'ro~ltlf to ratlmall' »y th .... .,,. 1 19'\t~ 5:!.'J RMl ~:Mate ~taUon. I c1all!oo arr bulhJml( · at the ratt' 19 I' 5f;.1 908.090 .------....,.----....:.-~'of 5360000,000 ,. Yf'llr tor &p· 19~ 54JI 9llf>.J'; Proxlma•-•y 70 ""r cent of tbe 19 U 54:! 1'161.745 CARPENTER a:uaY ·a•DKE ~~ "'" .-19 ... 2 I.IH0,1Z:: l l'adf II' ('(>lUll tvt.a.J•. I It! • I '1"ht' mu~t'nl,.lll <1f lri>J>UI~tl looll 1to C_.lfoornla In thr ltflO's a vo·r· ' &«e.! 14!3 000 a yo:ar. and thU. notr Jw1 1941 ~- 41 4!1 ' ut grn~o~o1h ~o~o u Cl'r1&Jilly n r rfl:led Frio m JIHU and Ia aontlnutnr oo • M " tarK«"r I!C'aJf' th1a year." AI 111 • -~"' • 1 • -, II Builden Homeeeek~n Speculators T• t ·•I !.'t•t S .:\_ 117 TA·I ·E IOTICE CITY .Til SALE LOTS I ,lUll\' J ~ I '. \\' J••hlll•otn J • bu l•t :! ,._.h t\' :, rflHII httUtw-V. •th 1 2 car garagt' <Xonn ... ·tf'd 3Jifj' I Am .. tb) •t p<·r \\' ~ C'loldwt>ll. $40011 I Juno 13 J li :-.J.1o hll'r I'IUIIO· 1 <tf'na build on.. ~turv :. r o u m 1 .A REAL SU~MER J!QM£' ' I Wht'1~ot Modernize 'Your.. . . ... , .......... . -V:ENETJAN. BLINDS lnexpe.Wvely? Rt•plal'<' tht' nld wood sluts with t hE' h1gh finish bakt'd enamt'l FLLX·STEEL Slat. Pmto-c~ from rust :lnrt <'orr'OOiion by a ~raJvamzin~ and bondE'nzlng proet'sa. At'T SOW WHJU:"THE SVPPLV 18 STJLL A\'..ULABU: l'lla F.IITIM.\Jr_.. C'AI.l. C. L. McHUGH I Boonwr Bide. Bua. Phone 'lSI !8%1 W. t'entraJ ReUcl~ 1051·~ HI• t R t Ftod€'r al and State Govt>rn.ment.r 8 ory epea s art• doublmg tlwir l'tforts to obiain Itself Ori Getting [nil kinds of dE'riCIII ht>lJl, ~hkh Suffl·c.·en·t II -bor lt'U\'('S busiqt•SS and professional ... iM1 1 OffiCPS Vt'ry badly in nf'ed (!/ . tra•mod buSJnc>s.<; h€'1p . A rt'<.'<'nl sun>t'y by th€' Dt-an I r-------------...... W. Ge4>r Company of Indianapoh~. • 'Indiana. shows tha t in the last World Wa r 6ovt>mm€'nt Manufac· tu ring. transporta tion, busint'SS. I and proft'Uion4J OlfiCf'S Wl'~ Un· able to function one hundred per l"ftlt bt>cau!K' of thl' lack of et· fidl'nt office help. ln•fact. thto GoV· l'mment was so hampe.-.d In the Ct'ttlng of aulflclf'flt war materials. Corona del Mar ~------------------------------------------ bottl'f' •nit ~ra~f' 17 11 IW' ... o~ Blv·l f'f'r , . ..:·n .. r JaOfoO ----It-t -:rnn,.T.t" r-r-namm Jr f"luua· CHOICE_ LOIS·~ $150 drnra t'utl•' tlnt-Jfr··r • ~. r '• u m ' l hou~tr '11 -<1 rarn~,. 1717 O c «":t :l Blul., P<''• J 1: :-:'\OI.r'lll'f, 53000 Ju:'lf' 1: ~fr •ant1 Mnt. ft K M1.tr .y La~uoa &eeL. lowld 11nr I 1 et nr y :, ri'Oill houw fl t1 Or<'tlld "n .. pPr fo: D Murphy, 13400 '-•d or '!. n:o,._,.,.r, tlaat eaa .. and aupplies ~use ol thi_.•·;...'.ha:.;.';.-+~--­~ Met-~~ ~-norr 1ste,» to ~ lt. Now . accordlnc to M r. 1'. Gny 7 ohnat011: or the Jmnsl on Bus~· 8<-hool of Santa Ana, the UJTle ~ey exista, juat u It b next. to lmpoulble to Cl'\ aufficlmt and cofnclmt. rnecl\anlcal and tech· nical skills to manutacturr. Inns- port and supply the needed .de- ... Iota priced -thall ~~ .~ ~ tmt ~ tbe..lmprovanenl&. Doa't Delay-·~ Are Selling Fut; ~ RALPH P. MASKEY, Agent TWOetrncD cOmer Carnation and State Highway Corona det Mar Phooe 1342 1 June 1l M. K. Kkn«u. Bn-- •rly tllll•. buJid 2 .Wry. 7 room l bOUIM' and r;an&f'. att&I:'IM'd. 1030 Wu t Hay A vr . per F Rl•y CrHn· lf'al , S7 600. Junf' i 4 lo(r and till Jay Dultff, ,Conrona do>l Mar, butld - atorY. e mom bOWtt' and ca.rqr . 21~ Orchid An •. per Sbrnnan E Sa.ltu , ~· ., J un«" 14 Alfred (' .Honnt'y, Santil Ana. build 1 llfQry. !'I room 1 hoUJIC' and .~eara~te. coallf'rtrd. 20tt Ocnn Blvd . f4:0.00 JuM 16• Mr and Mnt (arroll 3410 Cout Boulevard ~Beech I.D-Kine of E&wtkna. build ':Dw. .eury. 1 4 rCJOCD huu!le With c:on. t.--------------111111!-----------•J n~tmc P"f:" l30 Poppy Avf', Ill'~ Clf'D Blulf'y, $3200 ~a:."'c-of 1uUnc lleeaf.7. t· b;;s onl' rooa. '-" .. ,.,....,1 to~•. a::~d a aleep&Dc al••e. •• , e&.t.lia.~-.4 a nd a ..... .._. deMt. It .. elllted etU.er t.r ........ w lM -.&17 .... -r ....... . pneerup.tWw_.,. ... ....... -.................. ... cttu... ·. ...... , ......... ~ ud _,.et, -.. _ ... ~ lut llwl .... -..ct..._ Mt Jw hf•..U.W .................. , I< &UifiiH!alf!'d ., 'a lleat." alt. • h• •aile ot U.. U'f1q ,_ lla•e .... p&at&e. ,_ ...... d&Uia la Ute lawrier. ,.., en.rtor ...,... a.Mfwklllckf•.ntta._...._ Ia ................. '-• ... It• ....... .,.. na. 'Old ...etallle patat adele,..,.. ............. aDd d..-.---aaln'-f"'ela. ("ompl•t• bultdlna ptan• alld Beach . Constuction R-each-es i£>12~2-17 J unt-17 (;f'C"'Ir" r W o od •. Total o1 bulld1nc permlt.l t o da~ 21:. Orchid for Mr. and tire Jay t •uttH ... utntloM are avaJtaW•. IDdud· lac a earAeud cwt-t aoltel arclll· tacWral., draw• \e .-le .0 )'OU· aaa ... ·~ .. -pl•tecl ,._ 'lriU looll lflle, .tAd,_ JOUr reca-t ror •-Plaa No. m e. .... LediH ' R-J9Qnal or \e Wa P•f'l'r. Ralph P. Maskey Re~ty Bl!:--- Ralph P .Mu k«"y, wt"'l known Newport Harbor Ol.lotrict r•aJtor. today reported conllnuf'd b r 11 k aale.e of city tote at Corona del Mar. For fine Paintln8 Call tfullywond bulhl liM .eory ftouw for 1941 ba. rMrhed 1632.217, ~­ 'Ailh <'OnDf'<'lintc I 8 r& C C' • '311 ron1intc tO rf'('or<b ol Ctty Bulldtac AIIH'tbylrt An • per (.'norad Sbook. lna~ctor A M N•l-. $2000. Tbl.lo l.lo $1t.3M mOff tbui Uw J uM 17 P'AI Gill. rf'paln to tot&l builjltnc few UNO at Uw -s M H KJf'ncf'r ol &verly Htlta hu wlf'<'tt'd 1030 \('HI Bay Ave.. tlaak•y. who dec:lare• hf' cao u thf' aile for bl.lo 17.600 rni.ck'tlu. pl'ov.de ~be type of lot to Nit any· EJ G1ll hoUJIC', 11<17 BalbOa Av•. P" Coli· of lhf' month of June. 'tbere rr- ra!l Sbouk. $400 mlllrul lWO a.nd ll ~~ WHiu yd Juot' 17 tire. S. 0. McCutcbt'oll. In whk h th• curr•f'nt y•ar IAI •· build on• at.ory. ~ roc.~ bou. W1tb p«lt'd t.. aato an ••-cr-~r Jar&Ct' NJnnf'<'trd. 212t r:a.t ~n· lead ovf'r thf' rf'<'ord bu.lldlnc ~ traJ Ave . per C R. Erk:lrMe, art lut year ft'ftlt' material. so It la bfocomlng more and more dlffk uJt to crt a autncil'flt .numbfor of tntnt'd nwn and woml'n to handlr the vast ..,._,of~ ~I l"f'CCrds n«rs.~ry to can-y on thC' dt>ftonw Industries efflclf'f!tly. Mr. Joonston statl'S. that thl' I.At le hope that the old a.xlom 011 AD PAVD1C OAB IIEAftNO APPLIANCI8 . U Ordered Now! ...... Sam Kinsfather PLU.IIBINO Ill E. e., Aft. IIALBO£ ..._UI "It 11 . darke.et Just bf'fore the I dawn," wtU prove t rue In the elM ot EDrland. That co untry'• poet. Uoo a.t thLjl.rfll(nL Ume ~·t a ve wch a bright ouUook. But It bu bel!'n aald that Enrlaod never wma but one battle, and I that Ia the 1a.t one. 1-------------..J OUT DOOR FURNITURE See~ latest in Nautical Stencil on Our New Swing and Umbrella. CIIAIII8-BAC&BE8T-tJMBRIRJ.AA AWNDICHI -NEW oa qce>VD&D PERCY H. BEYER . .Jtd1 L&o. 1\v~. 1!:100. J-..rmtt.l for t~ firlll 1A daya o1 Jun• 17 Je•te Bruce. repair lb.. month total 1113.740. wtlJcb \ h0U81!'. 308 CQidftlrnd Ave . per t1 rapidly D~ the ll34.GOO Conrad Sbooll. 1150 tAltal rec~ fOt' the n~tll'f' IDOIItb ol June 1-..t yl'ar 'Tllf' ~ 54~ Alfred c . 8Qn· one'a fancy u well u th•lr pocket- llf'\' ht~mf' I• tw'n« construrtrd at , book. pointe to the rapid aale of 2049 Oreao Ulvd Another c•orona.l th«" ta• loti u onf' of thf' re~ del Mar bome .. that of Mr. aDd lOt' the tremmdoua new era of M,.. c-.rrou D Kln« of P~. dnelopmf'n t at Corona del War.· Thto U 200 hom• .. localrd at 330 I ~nral hundrf'd Iota have al· Poppy An (Ao(lt (". Wood& .. rudy-bf'fl1 aold a t Goroo.a d f' I locatlnl( a l2000 bom~ at 311 Mar at ellCt'pllnnaJiy low pricea Amt>thyllt. Balboa laland ADd tlra to tactllta~ lll!'llln« ao -that the-1M llf:il ....... a. 0 . C\ak .,_ Ia bulldlol a p:wSo pro~rty may bf' placf'd blw:lt-011 :,... ________________________ _;:.J • Phone: Offtce sur -J. M. C.tr.dor ud BaUder 180e Newport Blvd. YOU'LL ALWAYS HAVE FUN AT THE NEW a ~J-1.1 .ARC.AIE EVERY DAY ANI> NIGHT SUMMER AND WINTER IRVIN GEORGE GORDON ~-...,_. .....------BU1LD1NG OONTRACOOR WI W. C.tnl DONALD BL\CH KIRBY bO 11 -..... OIICIIW ..... tla ·+ 11ariM -.BARDWAD • Bay Dl8trlct Hard~ -BRASSJWt9"Af'll ...,_ QUAU'ft IJOCU . W. P. ~pAJ::Nom -:-YM:HI' iii IDCa .......... .. ' . ..-.~-at 21• r.a.t Ceetral the tax rol ... Howe.er, ~re are ,.---------------------------. ._... filii a numbe~ of loll frnm wtuch Elildrical Pw ita 10 ..,_ H- Ju-12 TttHmon 111-. I!U7 An lntt>rNllnc nott' 111 COftllec:- Ckoean Blvd . lnstaJI 32 ouuM. rn lion w I t h .rnnlllructlon permit • oew hoUH. pt'f E. J . Allft\. IMUf'd t tw paJtt wven <by11 b)' In- JUDe 12 'MI•rmoa Mt"ana. 1~13 ap«tor Nrh1oo Is thl!' fact that ~an Blvd . 1nllta1J 29 oullf'la In nut of twelv• permit• IMU4'd. tf'n nf'W r?etdC"UN', Pl'T F.. J . Allt'ft of IJMom were for nt"W ruldf-~11 J unt' 16 J Milliken. 140 V t a whkb rt'pre.ent a.n &g«rf'l"at• In· Watura, lnetall 49 oullela m"1JI'W ''"11\mf'nt of J3t .700. rraldt"nu . Pf'r V. A. Tripp. J uM Ill Jamn Edwana. 3900 Cbannt'l PI Install 3 additional ouu..t• m hnww, ~r ~td W. Rtark· ~r•l I Nine cocaecu.L1ve. ~u• '-lf'd fmm Jun«" 12th to June 17th were fut' rNU<knrH. w I t h ,.llllmatf'd ,.~ runnlntc fn>m a m1ntmum nf $2011(1 to a m aximum of 17.600 Junt' 17 J . It H«"thltvnto. :IOU l' W Juhn~un, J r . Ia c·.mstruo't. Hla.lto, ln~tall 37 nutl•lll 1n n..,.· In~: 8 "•"' $4000 hom• at 319 rMid.f'D<'C' re-r (' )I Trullly an•l Am .. Uiy•t ~o~obllf' J H Nul.rhlt'r Ill 110n• bu1klon~ " $:1000 r«"•ldt'nce at 1113 Junf' 11 Rami Marblf' 1>42 V1a 0t'l'an Hlv..t 'an.t •·ot•.l!lru; tm~ an- Lklo Nunt. ln111 aJt I I III'W sn<l ulhl'r 1 30110 hnmf' fHr (' (' tta.m11i ad.lltivnal outi•LI <ll ho•u ..... ~r J r .• s t 1717 o.· .. an llhtl Bollb ll• choo!M'. but tht"y won't lut for· f'Yer .Mu k•y df'('lared. PALMER ATTENDS LOAN CONVENTION •lor? than 400 dt'l«"gatf'A to lh«" f1fty·f1n t >~nplvf'rssry coovellllnn- of , thf' ('a.lifnm la Savlnp and Rulidtn~t· LoAn lA'&gut' convergf'd nn flf'l ~tontf' Thuuday to "J)('Il & lhrt•f'·•lay mr#I.JDIC feablrin~~: talk11 hy nat hlfllllly lll'tivr ~~avtn~a I a not luon «'ll~'<'lll IVf'l! and a Mriell of <~IWn·f"rum oll~I'UII!IIOfl!l nn ."II'' rl'nl hu.st!lf'M prubil'mll. l"'f'lt'l:lllU attPndln~ frnm !llf'w. port Hf'N h In< lurlt P . A l'a.lm•r. prn~tlrnt "r lhl' Nt'wport II&Jboa Jnllt llut•on < I V A Tr1pp, mf'n a re from I">IUI&dtoa. Le G • ---' ,.. !ll'lo\ S:l•uo ht•ml' r .. r Mr I ague 8108 NO NEED TO STOP I 1\nol "'"' I( ... )lurra_y rormrrh-j I.Show NatJ•on-, l'ff I..:!~:Tmll llf'arb. Ia hf'fh~ f'l"«"rt ... ) INST AUMENT CREDIT at· 1117 nrr h111 A \'I' comna •1•·1 'J Th •fty Mar IUI.J 8 5:.: .. 10 rT11•drncf' .. P"l . s rl . W ft.b corT'f"MIVf' fnrrr11 a lrf'ad)· lilt( "I' lr til .. M mr , o>mmun•h· at I at wnrk thrrl' t. no n,.rtl for-un-· f I du• hu1• ln llf'f'klntc '" <'l!rl.Ail In-l r-·lstf' th•• ai i.Jl f1>r .,_.,,., •" I til• -/'·rtf A 1 Th• U :;; ~avlngs &nd VIall ..... ...~ 1 ..... ·a.:ur · a nntounr t>< tPr f'ntly tb11t lltallmf'nl r rf'dlt . ..-l'otrdlng to F. h"ml' • ••mfort If u!M'd nnl\' ,,.,.. \&: ... • 411.2 J14'r l'"nt to( lh•• Hnlttod ~tAll'•' A Mattl.looll. prt'tklt"nl nf Tlmf'. -·•rnco,. ·~\•• .. _. l"•ullllln•' I h • 1 ' I I I I '" .. ~ • ''> ·~ .. , ·, ~ . pnpu s t on rt' 11'11 m o r t' hl'avlly plan, Jnl' &lth n1-nr If llllf'i! f1or hvlnjt lD• I I I ~~·J:: I Upt!n M VInfC!I blllidtn~ and )O&n : Addrr••lntc t-hf' annuKI l'flnvf'n·l aulefl' th" ronf ,.,.. addf'1l aafrl\' • ______ _...::.:.,.~liil:;;;..;a;;;_~-t h s 1 n .1 C'tNt 1 : ..,...,. '" 1nn11 f n r hnm(' m nrtgA.gf' 1 Uoa of t C' • "' on&.l f'U I I rT-n>O( ,.,,h rlrr.rutalant u rha'tt .. ....... &o+·t--... , ........ l fun.ts thl' !trat quart~r ot Ullll y_, I Aaaorl&tlon In N._. Ynrk. na-ahl~lft!.. ~-·~--_,.. ~ • Ia It Btatft. ront&lnlng ttdll ·~.--.--... IS·~ 011. """'I ___,:._ a&.L. • , .. ..._ s . '" ---;:--'7 ---... -en:~::. prop~~rtl•ln 0( thl' pnpul-atton. hor. aumer financing. polnll'd out that Mr and Mno lvllll H Knox lU"P ro~o~o·1ngil tor ht•mt ow ner•hlp to· 1 jn~llrnn~t te~n UtwraJttN I butldtn~r a varathm fiom• it ~ .Jifow-1B thr f'Onlfort ~ ..=;: ta.l•·l S4!ll 000 000 from a ll aourc«"l! ln1ts4uad•rF'HA il'tldl'nttllp '"'" l'npJ>V A\'f'r ut" c•,•rona Jf'l w a--.your.,.c~.,. .. • I" Q>m par•d ~o~o·tth 541 ~000~ pu~ .,...,. tn brin~t mnnthly J"'Y· · ar for your houw ... 11• "'"l" rocm ... · menu w lthtn thf' •rf'ducrd buylnft p N from tlw 1•rr.ut <'Oll«t4 of ..,.,I l\ )'t"ar •~t<> 0 f t h" an .ooo. po•·l'r aod tn ,umuiAtf' bwrinu~ I UBLJC OTICES C101of echrmn ~''" puhlialw-dl gsm nv«"r 111111 Yl'IH 5~•1.000.000 But wilb thl' nAIIOftal ·lncnmf' Aa1r us to 1~nd ynu • !Rin"•-in · v.-ae •cr!>Untc-ol fnr by 1!3\'lnjl;l! I W 111i•m• P aint ant! Color St) tc and loan malltutlonl1 now aprrnachlnlr 18.'\.000.000.000 ~OTICE INV.t''fiNC ato& I Guide-,,_, ---_ _ _ Matu.on contf'Ddtod tbul' Ia no 1• valid n <'UW few tJwo c-ontinuant~ ~alf'ol prnpnal\111 "' bldll ~o~o·tll bt' <>/ f'liCt'MiVf'l)' fUy lf'rm• rN'f'l\'f'ol b~· th,. rt\y C'ourrtl Of 1M... Q l)' ot N-~11 en~---am; 1~5--1\IDY ~-f fimsta. -at'. ol' -.,..,,.~ Ott h<>ur or 7 .30 <>'<'l<'<'lt f' W on July 7th. BRUSH WIELDING 1!&41, ffl4" a C'o•ntr aC't NWt'riDJ: lhP P..-klnjt nO•. bruabf'l aod ran· I put>ll~lltH•n an1J J'rlnt!ng (If all va11 to Lll,una Rc-11rh on<'• a wlek lr~tal n<"'IC'f'~ rf'qulrPol to hf' pub- thl.lo aummf'r w1U bf' wnraJ I•· ht~ht'd tn a nf'WIIp&Jlf'r vf lt~Df'ral landt'rl whn arr studf'll l8 of )418a r lr<'ulatlon prlntrd anJ publ .. hl'd Ruth Peabody In Our \'lllare. 1" thf' <'lt y of !ltr.o:pc-l't Re-ach. for IAnda-aPf"'· alooc ttw rout will the tt«al yu r f'(ldlnJt Jur r ~Olb. be the IIJbjt'ct• for lhf'lr 1~2 BHla Ahllll bf' llubmlllf'd for Quatity IAunber ... BuUdiq Materiall • COSTA-MESA LUMBER CO. &&~ .._" . ... ,...&Jl'd f'nYf'IOJlf'l. ~arlt .. <J "fllda for J>Ubllc&tlon of l«"l("&l nollrN", and •ddre~ tn thr CHy Counrll of • I Uw est~· t•f S f'WJW' t tluch, C'oty I HaJJ. !llrwp.•rt R4'1ld1 CahfolfDI& • Thf' fo"'~o1•11: notlrt> llhllll be puhllllht'd In lh• s~r .. rt 8alboa !II•'~~·•·Timu •n•l !lt,. .... r or1 'H&JOO& ! l'no• M C'f' a 'A'I'C'k fnr t•·n ron. l lf'<'uth·e 'llo'Hk• pnnro to July 7, 1_.1. by <>nl«"r of th• C'lty C'ounr1t of lhf' c-Ity or ~towport ~h l datfld J UIIt' 2nd. 1~1 F'RA.~K L R.lliOF.H A.RT;- C1t y C'lnk nf th,. \.It)' of Nf'w. port Bf'~h Pub. Juile 12. 19, 1941 Phone 101 BALBOA ---~-- • l!fl~l Ratnae McC"nrkf'll of r"nt~ta I Mf'M l'f'<'f'l\'ed hnnnrablf' m•nt Inn tb" Wffk 'llo' h t' n h ~ r ~~nnnf't. "S..&ut~· l..ir~ Rurlffi". W83 .put~ lillhf'tl In thf' anthniO!r)' of sludtnt vt>rw . "Firat tht Bladt'" The book lla puhiiAhf'..t by dlfft rf'nt rout m ll•lt'f'a aod thta yPar wu t"dtlrd by S a n t a Jttl.a J un ior Coller;r wh«"r• MI.. MrC'ot'k«"ll It a lllu. df'nt AM U• A ... t tM N -o ....... ty 8pedal Auto AC'ddeat Polky AOCIDENT POUCY ..,......,. ma11.1mum ladtomalty of 115M for 15.00 a YMI Howard W. Gerrish Mn "'· c-tn~ no-w ·II SU-I liCE • IIY lOW • City Tax Let. ('".00 8M u•> ~ • ., Mar at • .,..._ n.. •" ~~~• let .. ,...l"a arM! u. City .. ,.. -''· Tall8 -Jlalf OMIIt wtUa EARL W. STANLEY 17th and Coast H1ghway Newport Harbor, California Pbow 180 T"-let. a" golnt fut. eo get yeu" ntw1 .,., plan that lleech ootta .. For B,uiJdinl' Inlormatio• .. Bay o·~strict Lumber Co. w.u.Tia a. IIPICK& ow.. NEWI'ORT BUCB .._ 1150 GORDON B,_ FINDLAY CON~pTOR ud BUILDER Stll Ooelt .... J '!Wet'••- • I Milan· Underwood 't:IIIIUJA..... ..... ...... n....: Newport 4a • • H·OME ~tOANS • -·' SEE SANTA ANA BUILDING and WAN ASSOCIATION 601 North Main Street about a monthly ~ymen& lout-plan for tbat 11f"W"-tmme ~Y ~ and prtndpal reduct. •ctl month . -. , .. N1 I c ( t II l ' • ~ I J I ' c t aty oi""Newport JJe.ela. 8We of <Wifonla ~ NZWPOKT B~CR CITY TAXES AND A88r.8SHENTS DELINQUENT FOB RSCAL YEAR 1~1 rrATE OP' CALIFORNIA OOUNTY OF ORANG£ CITY OP' 'NEW PORT BEACH .. 1, R. R. HodP"'-'. u Es-Oft'lclo Tax Colledor. In and tor u.e Oly at Newport Beec.b. e-ly ot Ora.Dp, State ot Calltomla, HEREBY GIVE NOTICE that, ~ult bavln1 liNn made Ia tbe p&:fiD•t of taa• IIDd ...-mu d\le t.o the CUy ot 111.-port Selda for Ole flaa.l Ye&c·eadlnc JWM SO, 1H1. upoo the ..,._ny ~r ~ aAd Ulat, Wllue Mid t.u• and WI 1• -.u.qu.et. t.ocCJier wtt.h &II peD&IU.. u4 co.b dlall U...., 111r ,.W at the Taa Collector'• otnc:. In the City Ball, a. oc before MONDAY, JUJW IOt.b. 1tU, AT TEN O'CLOCK A. IlL at tMl day, .U at Mid pt"'I'Pftty ~rtbed ba the wtt.blD lilt a. wldda Mid taa• ..... • ·nu . .-aJU• • caa. .,.. U1a Wlpa&cl. wUI -tM .a. Ulld U. boW' ~ ._,eclt\ed, BY OPERATION OF LAW. lllr eold t.o U.. Oly at Newport Beec.b. UM1'111&l .at ..... •• ....--tr .. ~ 0.. THE 'l'AX OQU...IrlCI'OR ot -ad Cit)'. I . ~~HODGKINSON, ~ Tu ODDct.or fll ~ s.dll, OUlfenla. . T ... t Dill ft. A_.. OwMr ut ateofl ..-cy NEWPORT BEACH TRACT 8&11. 8lriSeUa ... BaD, Blrdella M . Relt.., a.ow. .. 21 1~-21 .. 31.76 21 . 10.%2 II SUt S2. 10M ,. .. 8:0P~ ll«tAa. Amanda M. ...... El...,.t.h H. utdl. I.Jll& E. ~.Ft-cet>.' r-an. Altrwcl J . S4 I .Tt . S4 16.TI THIRD ADDITION ,.._,,_J"Y u.; .. RIV~ SEcn~N. Faul, Oeo~e W. Marlow. Stan I., L . 'ntle Guar. It TIU8t Co lll.ulrey, R&Jpb P. V&uJb.D. Lorttle • 18 .36 1t.2i. -. SB ,~--~2.~ l3 t5 16 17 .,6 'l ,. 2.&2 40' 2.62. .42 ~.05 'lb~. M.Jnnie A. et &I Smith, E . Garntt 41' $.43 Wly 16 213' Wly 16 2/3' 136 ~. 2S.H Smith, E. C&~t '13e • ..• 16.-42 LAKE. TRACT BurteiCb. Hooa'U'd B. Bur1elp, Howard B JCJblwoo. Emma GoQdman All (~ Sly 25'1 6 '121 'l . 128 .. tine por Sec' 2H-10 . ·~ y IDrt.l&nd. Richard L Oott. 1\bda v. bet ~ ~ RR R/WI Van Norman, Vaada N. A*.W. Ida H . aro..er. Ida a,.. lleatoD, Lilly • ... ~ a.-ri~ .. JobD R. flardiDI. Mae E. JordaD. F.llzabet.h B . Ellt.a.t.e t' CANAL Sr..cr:tON &IDC:be&. N. J: Banebe.&. N .. J . 1 ·ut·.' -... 15 u 15 6 J:2 21 22 4 • 12 'iu ·w 1M ~~ 2Sl 2SS -2S5 Ul lJt 131 Helm•. Whit M_ ttelaur. Whit M. Hawthorne. Robert s . .. ~key. Ralph ..... 'MLaner, _Howud H .. M18Dn . Hooa·artl II. Buckman. H (" Rutledge. L8n Edgar Edwards. Emt11t C':b.!mbe.rlin. l'1erre A. N£17 '4 18 2 8 9 '1St 432 4;s8 M2 M2 Mt Mt Mt 636 10 1 :> 8 10 LANCASTER ADDITION Dlllmar T R City of r-:t>wport U•'a. h A lrlh. Lewis A. Hannon. ()Qugll\3 R W itzf'rmAn. Margaret V Rlbail. Anaie B 8utto'"' FMlnk lullora.~ Suttora, Frank Brybn. Mildred V- SECTION A TRAC"I" 815 Cole, W&ltn E. Houpt.on, Uta K OoliiJUI, Sam L TRACT 234 -~ECTIOrf.-; 4 . Arm.1t.ronC, 8 1 A . et &1 Arm.troag. s. A. et &I Anutronr. s. A. et a1 ArrzUtroog. S . A. et Ill Glenn. SAdie ~ Errett. Wade Plllon, CoctAve C'l~y "/ :-.: I'WJ>C'rt Beach Butler. Francie J . Joslyn. Jessie R. Dewu. Florence M. TRACT 234_ TRACT 884 25 15 n 3 1 ~ 8 1 2 3 11 t - 219 22~ 225 225 227 4 10 16 12 16 t! u 17 ·~ 11 1 •16 t1 I 17 lT 20 11 23 17 16 118 16 4 5 1 8.00 . 8.qo- 28.~ 4.10 10.11 6.41 IUl ~.u 13.68 2.16 17.20' ll-41 .so.••· 30.41 12.43 T.&f 17.21 u.~ 5.92 5.92 18.65 3.11 28 29 12.80 1~ 57 9 ~~ 1.8..38 15 45 21 31 9.6:\ 23.79 &t.62 17.48 23.79 1,0.72 157.28 4t.M 18.81 4.71 4.42 4.42 IO.M lt.b 24.72 20.95 25.31 15.73 471\3 29 37 SUB. Of BLOCK "A" -EAST NEWPOR"I · M cKay, LaVIIIa J ohNIQn. ~rjle L et al AlUmw. Hugh McGrn.:. C A. IF..11tate1 46 52 67 124 . Rabbit\. )fumy L All line ~~ •me and bl(b tide lin~ I ~3 A A A A 41 f\1 27 19 74 72 22 95 49 30 r . ' . I• .. . ... : NEWPORT BALBOA NEWS-'I'DIES. Ncwput e.dl. Otllfanlia. 1'lll1HSPAY. JUNE 1~. 1941. . . T ... t .,....._ ---~~-~·--~~. Moore.. Jmnle M. Crou.. Gf'Orr~ F. ~t &I BAY TRACT/. If 1 lf.l2 18 2 61.10 SUB. OF BLOCK C-NEWPORT BAY w,y , H~l~n D . Oay, I ~- Bu1 E. I. Burt. 1-: 1- Burt. E. l.. BALBOA BAYSIDE ' 24 ~ M. BALBOA TRACT AND BALBOA BAY FRONT W lllt.am.on, HArTy H. 8t.moouna.. C\arence E. Cit)' of N-port S..Cb Smith. EdD.a M.. Smith.· Frallk L et &l Smilb. Frank L et al A.l1 (lac btt ame end , 1DM11 blp tide line) Gr.e.ley; Alma T. Balboa Bjtac.h A.JD~t OD. AUen, Edward H. Aile. Edwald H. Alfo .. ~H.· ~.a.-~H. ----'lieD: I!'Ahra.ni H. ~---- _ l:ly 1U' A,.Ud, P'AW&rd H. (edj .... ·tt.U-1 ........ • • ll • t t • Jl'ai~ld. Edwtll..C. II'Urt\elcl,.. C4liltA c. l:ly 16' of Nly tO' I . Tr&~ll•-.t-~.L. ,.. H~ l~·ll. Creelq.-~ .,.. Gr.e.,, Atma "~'· NJyiO' • NEiy 10' at 1-lC~ 11 8Wly 10' ot 1-10-U ' 1 I . . . c sa.M c I S1.02 2 16,lt 2 %8.86 2 11.~ I U .U I 10'7.1D • U.tT • 41.11 I lOUt 0 .... I DI.JT 10 N .OO 10 U .lt 10 12.11 10 l.C1.U 10 .l1lA.. io 12.1• D.. U .TT n 102.11 ·11 1.62 p TU.I 12 •• 11 II 1M,II _r ~T SID.E ·-¥>D. TO. BALBOA TRACT. A BAl.BOA BAY FRONT corrLn. .J. JJ CotfJn. J . R . • t>&rtltn . .Alke · D-hrltlrl. A lice .D. Syer, .Grdcb~n · S)'ff. · Gntchen Pott~r. YAWtn W1ySO' . • -POtfer, F..dwtD f'<otter, F..dwl~n Wly '4 NWly 4~ of '&Ely 180' (lldj lot 1 • W'4 ~ II . Vltwort: c--g_e E ., ~ Vlbert. ~1r1e .. E VJbert. ~e E . Vlbert. ~p liL Pe&nllan, J B: Peaiman. J B. ·TRACT 511 Htclu, C\netend H. • FtnJt Tru.lt It Sav• ~-P.•._. Modl.wtte. R. II.. Hurlll. l:da P. Morae: OUnr H. -- SbeaAr, Jam. H . WUU•-.·Hany R. wwaam.n. HarTy H. WUI~. Hany H.. ~&nD&D. J . B. Mackey, Robert H. lUckey. 1toba't B . Peanll&n, J B. Br1.,.. Gn'trude I& Pearman.· J . B. Gordon, Wa.llaoe 1 T .. .. u 11 'f I v " " • • l1 13 • • II lJ • 16 • 11 • • • T I . ' u II Martin. ~rle Wheeler m1 ~ t• II DC por Lot M &dJ, MArtin, Perlto WbMler AU (Inc pot' Lot M -.djl 1~ TRACT 756 TRACTtM& Srw-lhc-y .l"t1~.l••nc ll. t't &I Til lUnry. normce S, All (u Ely 6 42'1 A ACREAGE llf'nry, F1nl"\'nre Rhoffel 3.G4 A t:: In ~-1-7-10 I Bd Nly by r.-ntr&l An., Wly by Sedlon line : Parrd No 17) nu~lher. ~Rra;.'tlret F 10' •tnp ln Sec. 34-~·10 I Rd ~·y by l...t!l8 4 It 6 . Blk 109, ~etlan U1 Rt·oular. IA UII!e lt. Sa>uJAr, LoW8e K. Sroular. Lou1.8e K. Sroula.r, LoutH K. ~en. N.C. TRACT772 ' I • to I fletenon, C: 7 M~. Allee P. t MactDLI. A.Uce P , ~ I AqeU, '-'-H.. (IIWI)' tO' (IDe: por N ..SJt t st.al4 ~ C&lllonUa ~ 16' . 12 • .u t• 11 It 11 ti • • 26 p • p B c K • 0 I I .:, J 3 3 L • .. 0 0 0 0 p p ~ I • • B c K I: ( IJ_ 'au• 1 ... 61.12 L40 48.44 ..... 64.%1 ta.eo 1.11. T5.SI 1.40 51.82 1.40 1.1. f .'Jt n .u 7.71 41.116 4l.JI 1.41 12.76 ·-· 12.01 a a .... IO.TJ •. 16 1.16 ta.U 1.1t N.l l 10~ ..... 101119 J ~3 ·~ ~ 1.~ 1.&"1 11.'70 t .ll 23 .. 71 ••• 13.~ ~ ~Ow--• t ••• J ~ -I ----- • •• llft&ll, Alif••l J • State nf t'-htn1 n a ~ll. t:dv. llhl '; . ~­... _ ----·· Let 81ecll 3U Ill Z1 318 101' ~ . A.ldMI. Alh" \\ 4'1 al Nli: p.•r u per I~ 3~8 87 '1·2·3 » RE-SUB OF CORONA DEL MAR A'Jde", Ah, r W rt at JI:WO~ pnr u p.r l\f1'1 Rkba•iliottn llarT) • RJthanlt'<'lll lttanv ClUun I Sail Tr :. :-<&\·~ fl&nk-1. A. ~·· =""'' Tr 1o sav. li&Dk·l bA. ~I S Ail TT lo S.va 1\aak-L A. lllileanr .. l&rttf'l 11 •-.rer. Jamr, 11 Hamu1 ('\)rrurat .. on HMDu •rro•ratlun WbtU. R~ lll&l.l ~ Wla.lte, ew,m&Jd ~ ........ H•Jtri&IJ M Wblte. Rtapn&.kJ ~ .,., 3ill 117 1·:1·3 3!1 13.'1 l3!\ lil7 137 137 137 137 Ut 142 N•:1y :0.'0' SWiy 20 Nto:ly ~ SWiy l't' l2 .. Ill U\ tT 12 NEiy 1~· 8Wiy 2!\' U NJ:Iy 10 10 IT Itt 142 21 lt:l :l3 I 141 2!1 1411> CORONA DEL MAR Q,~ey. Alma T a.-ley Alma T s.e.dlrt . l:tf' .. ll' L s..dlrt. 1Jo-M14' l. CUy ol N"•·pon U.Cb Clt ot N~w . : t Ileac b Rothwell. Rtltwri_J _ Wltbb. TbOmJWton Gunwy, Tluoo:su y .t &I HalllpeDfl, Wary A .t &I Halllpem,•Wary A.. .t &I BMtw,JI;J.8ai'M. lla'k, EMu lllt.kft'. harold W .U... AU~ W ' .Alden. Ahct W lllrMle. Rk hard 8 ltrve. Richard 8 W&nl. Ctlarl~y G. Ward. Charlf'y 0 AUeD. H~*>ard ft. Bumbau&h. John r. ......ll. 1..- llc:l n tOIIh. Hell• lldllta.ll. Ut"ll~ Mdnt.oeb. Jltoll• I • NEiy ur e us II 2341 • 23t 8Wiy ... ll 2!t Ill 242 SSI It su & 421· T 421 • 430 22 411 l& 442 ll tU awa1 20' t& ~u 11 MT .. "" 2 Ml 4 M) t &U 20 630 64l I 'l2t I 72t & 72t TRACT 470---CORONA DEL MAR Brennl'r. Arthur J K TRACT 673-CORONA DEL MAR O ty ,of Nr• f"l<1 Uf'IU'II Stubt»·I:IN-Jtlllf'<lt It ('o, Inc Cit)' r:Jf N..,.·p •r1 lleacb A A ,, Tltr .... Nt'"-'l'"rt llarbo•r m"" ar• Mfll•n.IM. bolth" ,.., tblta M .. ; IUll<lfllt lhf' ,., .. ,,..ft ttrattr... whn •lr~<· •'rank lin Walr-..0. q f 8 a a fiT til 8 4\t 141tl3 30 f\2 1134 2.10 IHI7 h"v" hf'f'n l•allr.I In rrJKW\ fur \"'l•m~"'"· t:van Albert WbiU.. at I •hll\' hv lhf' l<•·al ~f'IKUvr R..r· TU•IIn. TNt J Urhul of ~ vh·,. Ht'Artl. Nn 171. to• till \hll lt.uh and I!:.lwln O&rth ~jii.IDlll a 1 .. 11'~ •l'"''" for lhf' 13th ··all, of fliUIIIlj A1111 Ill ,. u '"""'"'I lt•I"Y ''""' t '1\lf'f tlftcl ....... ,.. ..... t ·J .. rk ••t th• huanl. A"•lrf'W JaC'II -Un•t.r U\4' .,rcwlll6oe. at the . .,,., llayrnan .-.....-un Nf'rvlu AC't. \1'-..eciiD4 161l3 2llt UM 43 21 • :t• 4001 20.SO Tl'lf' t.hrr• lural "'"" art' t 'tiAr · ret~~tratlon will be lwkl July 1& I"" Kl.too'r . ,.,,,,,,.,•h•tl with tl'lf' N•w· lltl 011ly tlu-m•n wtlo lllaft ro•rt braDt'h ttf thi-1\ulk.of Amf'r. t-'nnlfl 21 )'..a.t8 t\\4 .U ....... l .. ...-.----·--....::ti Jo·a. William ttal \'an lAI\dlnli(tltllll Orlober HUh. UNO. wtll be NqUir- IAII•I l"l•u•lf' l'lhatl)· Kf'mll .ct lo reJ1 .... r • Kl~~rr 111 11111,..1 u •'•'!"In• from Kf'l(t.traltoo w\ll C!Ofttdude4 T\a•tln. bul f~ HW•••I y.....-. lW' lwtw .. n th. 1\ouB.Ilf T· L IlL &ad htUt 1\t'rn rn•t•'"~"·l In ttor ''"'"I I tit .r m and the follow1ntr P'¥• hAnk anol fUIIIum••t •n "'·tlv.. rnl• havf! ""'" .S..Ipated tn PM toc&l ln IM<Ch th,. Nf'"'l'<'rt ltarhllr IU\I.l .tnt\ bullro aiM, No. l'U : ~1111r l"rll•niUltl•an• uf lhf' Junhw N••l"lr1 ltarbar thllnn H t ., .. c•tuunbn of C"omm•rr• ~ .. ll. lMh anti lnltne lit,...._ 12 :JI't Th~ men mu,.t r•Jl<lrt f•~ In· In lh• llarbor Dl•tri•'t : 1_.... 166!1 •lllt th\fl hrllllf'f'n July 711'1 an11 thl' R•&C'b' (.'t\amtMir of ~ 73 l ~lh Nuth·,. ••f Jhr ,. ... ,., ''"'" will Hulklln,r. t.t1 and T'artl, ~ ~:ell '"' •••u"'l "" .... "' u th" 1 .. r a1 1-..rh, :nurttn -aty Hall. M&la t_lr,.fl b<,.rtl hu bHn nc>t.HII'(I h1 ~trt'f't. 1'11ttln, "!-". ('-~~Mate Ctt,y D 3l ~t•t.. 1\f'ao~UIIr\rrll H•ll aa the I!Jt&te tue'bway; 3 34\-~...;C...:ltllrn whn will till I h .. qu(l(a ct\lef ReatArara for t,.. .,_.,__ ---, ~ a ••· 't•••r• '"' WlTM lllllr""~ ~ •.&~~Mo&a.i~~~~------:J 14.SO J,,...l'" Hmlth "' 1414fUna 1\o-IW'h. w a.l board r~,..., l:&rt 4 411 JHhll f{trlll•art IJttf'll .. , Ran ('tot. ll'ltaaa.o, ..... Mn. lld oaa of N .. - ,. tM m-1• •. c:..urc~ Thumu ~"1'"""· pon Harbor ........-~ • 12 111 um_...n c"'l.rll•tn K .. _uua• an.t IUC'h · ro.t 211, at ta• ldP ·~: ...._ 38 111 Art I I 'hat>m&n Jal'1k•. all of Han Ia Mary ".t•r. lAI\UI& ~ Aa• 233 ·AnA. ltalph Alhrr1 Ot.f'ru a11d alllary l"oolt 22, lA~M --..; Uoy.t Tl'lomu l'~lwl of Tulltbl Jl'luwu W u.a-. 1'\.IAI" .....- ti 30 1'ht'-••hn a rf' tl<>W •an th. rf'· Aulrlltary l'ulllt 3'7, at T'IMitlft; WG- .U SO rlar .. mf'fll liM lnrlU(t. WIIUam H lea. ttlllliiM of U. ~ Red 't13 t •nntrf'ru and Ht'rar llo 1~1.-.M ......,_at ~~An ~te. • t21U3 ------- tl.ltt STTA J DlT 20..18, 4111e 32."". 40:.3 3l ~2 -,llt.82 12.00 P~ Moratorium Would _.Aid Tax-Qelinque~Jt Ownen ' I 'Tttvltlllllf rlllhHrt rer1nd of tu ,...,h•n•t•llu<> m1•raturlum t f' df'· Unqw•nt .ownn• tt t . illlltr-t l'fVJ,..rtlr~ Itt,. I'.Jtfumla •nate l1•" I•IUIIIf'll I hr ur-rn< Y· Olf'UIIrf' fur lltr rrllrf ttf tut•aVI'nl A-m· h ly IIIII N u lfl31'1. rtfKtiVI' lm "'"'ll•l,.ly upon lavura.,.f' at•lltttl ttll lhr hill l•y u .. y ('Uihl'r-1 •• lll .... n It I• r11tlma.ll'ft lbat lhrrr Ill a IniAl •If .. fi,IIIIIO 111111 In llflf"ttll.,.·t~t IIIli"" I hat 4 111 llf' alf..,·lrtl an.l It lt~t s-na.tt ..... .,. rwclelapUoa s-alta ... IIC'\'NiftC t.f._ 10 clap aft•r lhl• 8ft'ttoe l&k• .tfecll rll'l'd .,_ pldd under .... b ~ Uon. • • '"Th~ &a~OWit __,. to ,.. •l..,.m u111t.r Ul18 _.uoo ...U aot rnn•lltutfl th. ·~loft a~· -..•uht" 1 h r r~teanlnr u t -.cu. Ute " I ... tDil·llLilCT TRACT l«MS CORONA' DEL MAR '-"-"'"" "'J"" 1 ... 1 th•t •h ... Itt" lm flrov ... l t't>tl•lll lllft• """""' Jl\,000,0011 t" S Hl.llOCI,OOO In t.<·k l.a.a•• will fln w In Itt I hf' t ~ 11 r,.ltro tnr·p ,., ... ,. . 2 11 2" R£-SUB OF SECTION ONF--BAL~ ISLAND ,.,.,,. tnt nf lh,. A-mb'y Kill. •ulht>rltl'll by A-mbly-Vtlt.. QeDDett aed AndrNe. &a~f'nd8 \h• .ftflltrnufl allot TaaaUon. (.)leSe M fol· , .... M'IM ll!:arlynn fttana.,.. J u a • htilt.•fiiKt. WA8 hcwtot'~ ..,. Mr .rrandmoUwr. Mn. F . m. ~ ttl Alt.adlm& u a J"lrly ..,_.r f'Wnt ftaturda)' ~ .. .. lnl•n.t c Ity J'rwmer ,.._,._ llf'howlftnat• ..... Included l11 UW '""' n.. Yrw. ~:an Mtana.y &ad M l• I~ MM.., vi ........ a. lanft ~r-p&nled U.. .._,...._ .. wtll wood Rn AllllnPt of B&llloa l.tand J.-•. OutwrtJtit. n M I 2 101'1 t I Ooutd. Howard A 20 & tt.~! 'hnrilltcn. Edw&nl R. 18 t 11112 WUI.Iama. J-II. ~ I& 1 11 11 ''If 1-...o&.d ~ t.u~ prop- •rty wu actW to UM lit&&. -or bfofcor• July 1. ltNO.. aad w ,._ tlformfld un or twforf' 10 dayr after thta _.tkm becu._ .Utcth'c. U. ruununt nf'f·~-ry lo ~ID t.be prnperty I• thl' amount uf 801d t"-11"11. wlllt lnt .. ,...et on Uv IUDCIU8It ut -ld IIUf'll Ill ft per f'f'nt p4lt' y•••1r • nmputr•l IJP•Inolnl( th~ tJ•i Buk, nnt N.U of ~ 11, f 41,10 TWAY.l. NCMn'M hiM. Albert 8. 2J tO 10..611 ................ A.,..O.Wf .. llfC"Oepeaa.d ..,. liN. t....., Aa. Brll4)'. Mary 14 10 17 12 ... SECtiON lWO BALBOA ISLANQ .................. ...__ t ... __ _..,.... ""'"'..._ tar U. N~ ,.. ...._ Uarbara •""'" the.)' will *"--ttN .,.-adu&Uoo c.,_.ae. at u.tr Halden.. Mary P. 11 • 13&1 SECTION THR££--BA.LBoA ISLAND ttauahtf'f. N&nc'y Mn. A~ will lhl'n an tn Orei(O. lo ¥11111 tMr mfl4her &Ad f•lber, Mr. aad ...... w Y C~NJ'IINU. and the Craw- turd. wt11 IDotor tn w~ Slllltll. Vlrpsl& 11. "-'-· Hf'let~ MlnD'- CIIlt-, Mildred I Mon1.U. Bertha Yi Wolfe. LII'Roy Tllaoc-, Jan It ~hoDil. N f'llll' V Hu_.l. (;f!OrJ(•' Ji: ~lurwr. •~ank A (',.x. L1ydl' H 14-llJI•r . tlnv. ~&r•l I 1 \\'to~tlovf'r. lh•rry 1 ' \\'toatov,.r. Jl'lrT\' 1' F:llf<rbr~"K. T"Ylllrnl'r Antl,., .. ,n . t;uf'•l"" 1-"miUt. w· ~ ..lr \\'"~· r,""'"'' ~I A llf'n. lt>tl,.., I • l fi.J • ;J&Yinnl, t<'rf'oiN11 k J l!r .. wlltl'r. rtarry ,. l!urttr. •:v,. I; Mdlun&Jol. lldo·n rt AI IIArUiolomrw, Sin& B It 20 21 22 21 13 Wly 3~· 1 4 1!\ 24 1 1t Nly !\ '- !1 :\4} 2 H I ZT S4 lbl' l•ntllf'rty ,.. .. .nltl La tlwl 8 flt 214 xc .. r .. lu thr ""'" "' r ... l.-mptlom, 10 2:1.:111 IIIII In nu .. v,.nl • ttiiiJ•ulrd lwyood 10 24 40 lltlt•o• V"IUII frtlfll llu• •l•y lh• J1 fl4:W l''"l'•·rl)• """ .,,,,, 1" Ul# Htat• ANDI .. .ONI.'HO.ft 12 :19 ~~7 "Nu tl4h,., 11'1"' ... 1· ''*1"· ft.; Th,. rr..etJIIW' ·WttUDlatn OUIIa ' 12 tn "l ut Mr llll4l y,.. IA!f"OJ Ande,_ 1~ 47 1111 llarhor Serviee "' '"""-• M--u..--.... ,_ u Ill 11; " ....... a..-nd JlllriY wllb Mr. and Laundry & ('leaning Mr11 A If ,,, ... n. Mr •nd Mn I!\ il:\ 4H 1''. It t.tw.n and M'-Joa-n.. 11\ :Ill :tt Ill raJ• 11t:rN1t lflllh"" II .. "''""'• Mr. and Mra. I t\1 1....._ fl IIWI'II IUIII MIM tlat.Jw-ocll aN ~ 1111 77 17 1 "'"'"'"• In Ulto •·ahUt trw t w" If\ ~r. xa • '-------------~ wad&&. 17 :14 t it 17 2:\ fill l'UI'K HIIUI"..H AKF. OIJR IIIJMINFM :•7 11 ...... -·-· " -· ~-........ , ............. -...,.. :u 17 ;&a • 11 :14 -17 ll Ill 3~, Ill 27 111 r.a u~· flll li~ 121\1 21\ lit !ll Mo ·-,_ ..... ---_...... _._ .......... ., ........... ".--· .. -··-........ ,_. __ f:AIU. VAIIUIIN MIIO"f; HIIOP SECTION FOUR-BALBOA ISLAND -. n..ty. II A J-'••rd. Frank w ..... rd. Jl'rank w Klrhu-d8nn, An«Ua R r~.~eC. llolhn1 , A. R. I a 1\ fl 4 -l · 21 2 Jl 12 SECTION FIVF--BA.LBOA ISLAND l:ll.,..k. ~ J. I 6 6114 IMIJ .,. .......... Mol ... --1..,. ___ .._ .. ._ ......... -- n..tord. J. A . OuDcall., ..,....... -• 21112 2'7.2:\ 122 Sll ~~~ oa RIVER SECTION M&UOII, Maude 8 . Mu.on. ,).laude S. Mueon. Maude 8 Conrad. Jllm"• C Rnhfort!Vln. Jlenry L.. Hotw-ruon. tlmry L Cov,.rt I. William L#f' \'anrmll\, et·W- rov•·rt. A T f>'hut>r LIH II,. G ' 'r5nv.. Jc,hn l.lnyd An (IDe bet ..... " hlp Ucle llDe I· T A.l1 ((DC bet_.. blp Ude llnel 10 All (Inc bet .me • hip Ude line) 7 All IIDC bet -e It • h~ Ude line I 'tl TRACT 919 1\'W !'10' of JlF: J()r,:l 7,.. l 4 2 13 t1 ot RW 270' A TRACT 907-LIDO ISL u 13 13 l8 2:\ 2fJ 311 I 1.80 IH 22 911 ·" 1;4 18.94 I I I fl2 r, I" :, ,..f4 nT2'T Olmcan., ~ Ouncao. ~ · OPERATIVE' PROPERTY I'IVItlc lr.lf'ctr1c ll.aUway Ol ('Ott~ Arf'A 7!10· , ... ,.. 2 ..... ,. li~oll 30·11'1. Mlll N•• I l'a. 1f1t· F:lrd n r ItA I l'h• 1flr ~:1,... \rlr ltAIIwl\y ( .,, t .,..,,. A r•·•• 7•.11 r·ar I Mill' 1\:tlf ~0-4\li. t.HII Ntt 2 All prnr»rty h,.r,.tnl'i.ofi>r'" tl .. ,.,.,lt.Nt '" 111tu"l"d In th,. ""r l~'·"t,. llmiiJt nf t h,. r;ITV fW N~;WriiH'l' II~;Af 'lf. f'(JI'NT'i (IJI' toJ:ANr.F:, 8TATJo: O F c'AI.IF<ti!:-<IA l•all'd Ull• 2Ril d11y of l••""· 1 114'1 t , n )t W JII(;KINRON. Ji:x-Otflr ltt Tu ('r,IJ..rlnr '" N-JI'•rt f lt'.ach, f',.llfnm la 1'\.wab JUDe 6. U , 18, 24. IfNI (' : lnt• ••nli ~httoh••, C"r,nv•nlent .. ,.,r-e ,of PucU•c-t:1•<'1"c trutn• nncl ~"'" roorlt-land IYOflnolo<-11n•1 lin•• I '" ,,....., hM, m'IUnloo..._ Santo Colo- liDO lolond. Affuwh...,<t Loto. 81•1 lleQ, vtko tJnd numort>\18 ott..< -tea ond a ll• hlqh ,_., .. •outtd lrlp fare to CATAliNA, t-4.20 from lot Antt-1•• r,. n<tdtll•,t~<JI l"lo•-mon t~ot•llntf fut•. t<.'-lul•. bn<Jqo?e. elc c:GII l•.>ctd I'IX'IIt~ rlect•k nda1 U?-• ,\'· W-~tiUI,TIU', Alf'lll -I"'N-: Nrwa-orl ~ t .. . ...___ . I I \ • ~· . - ' ,,\ 1 ,' NEWPORT BALBOA NEW,S-TDIES, N.wport_Bee.cb, CaJUomfa, 11RJRSDAY. JUNE 19,194L .-. THE NEWPORT BEACH g>BOJjA-DiL, MAR .. ··----t~t--ti""­ .. -·"" . BALBOA ·.ISLAND BALBOA ' (Betty Dodge . Phones 12 and 13) UDO IS~ C...duatioa Motif # I Relatives Anive For . ,... I Steffensen 1-The __ ...__ ·~ Coft)ing .Events 1 Retah laaac, David Add 1 To Graduation Rites Puppets Delicht In 'Harbor Area I Dyer Announce Don't Waste Your Vacation W'-'.;,...~petu~ ; Junior Women'• Club SAND SIFfER FRIDAY, .1u ~ 'I Eaca1ement ~ tioa A•'ttvltlf'~ tn· th,. · \rt-••ri:f' l:Jlllu•-! \ 'va~'f'Vt't«"rans ut F'ort-11:11 \\'ars ~ --1•1 .. 11 hnmr thla W«"f"k hllVI' < f'lllf'ro••l 11 •r.>'•·l nn.f , ;,.. 1,.1 111 Cit " , ••!'I ll wa8n't fathu'l n ig ht I•• • • th l'u•t, -; 30 p. m. loiO'a:; LlfKtOfl Hl&.ll 1 T 1ny IK'roll11 uundl" Wf'ddms-n ng• Gal& c~lf'brallttn loiiCW.'Ulg rr•tl· A hull! th.. (T"•hUAlJIIn .. f ~ I" .. 11tn • Ill• I ""'' '" \1 "" ···ntl II J'3r1 (oor rlllrllltl f'IUII, Sr. II·· "'"' tn ( 'tlf'lll ~,. ... F'lrt'ml'fl'll l 1ub 1 ·~I annrM,mc...J ttl(' bl'fhrQthaJ of Mt••l uaUoo eKKC~I l!Uit niKht Wf'rf' Aultn-y Klrtlwh•ll ·O lll'llll' Urrl\0~1 1, 11 ,.,, "',1 h •1,,,,, ""'' rt l'art tnkt· a b~to'k ~at Wh1•r tf•., .. J! 1• 111 (lrt•hllll Rt'tab l eaal'. dau.:htl"r ·t1f ~"'· enjoyt'd by DlJUl)' b 1 It 11 ~~ehuul frum ltlf' t:ast f'arlv m t h•· "'•···k ,, 111• " . , " 1 ,1,1 •. 1 ,.11,.,~ J!l''",."' .I r t •••k ,., .... thc-1r lovf'ly '"'"•' "'· :-; •·wr~11 t Ho·al n Huy :-; (' 11 u t Rt'lM! Isaac of CVI!ta ltlt>aa_ \o • eeruor.. and tonlc llt V.'lll bl' .. n. lf1 tak•· JoAI1 n f•·atl\tll""· , ,1 1,, 1,,11,., f., •th :'II'Ho•n" n . Ill ~· lth1ff at Corona del ~I " If• lt'''''fl. "''"ut hut. -; I•· 111. Oav·tl <8 Oyrt eon uf ~ r . and j jo)ted by Santa Ana Junior • Cui: I ;atht n·..t "t an "''J ''"'111' •nt•ol ,,,,11.,. "' .,11 , 1 1 11,11 tl•l 1,,, J 1 :O:t•·f !"'"""''" f lJ•ttnl. 1lrapeol til• , ••• ~u ~ J~t·ol 1 'rllll!! \\'••1 kt ouma. 10 JO I ~~~,; 0 11\'hl llVI'r 8111<> rtf COll a Jece atudt-nu at thd r annual gratl· 1 Xl•llth••r" l l)fn• r 1'1!··~dll\ 111 lh• 1, "11 1,,, 1111 m'•" ••I t 11 ,. "till ~:w·alyJllus bough"·'" t pt•&:t-a rn lt•:, p m BalbOa Inn BIIIhJ-I M••J'UI', wh .. n men:~r:o of t h,. I r , uaUon ~u~. 1 (.'ualli M .. .-h•tnH' ~~t•·n• ~~ 1 " J ,,, .. \\ 1 , , .., 1•t ,,, .. , t · ,, ~ t " '"'"· lh•· ""a"'kl! for hi• ;!II J.:il• :-:, 1111! wtd ~1 1 ~f a• In•• Av.·nut' Ual.l tamlhe11 gatht•n•ol In Santa Ana I Vll'wiD« tbl" EIUI C"'lrrol •hnw llllu .. trll l nt .. thtr 1111d flllh•·• ~fr , . .,, 111,_,;,1, •\•'I t ' llt•tt1. .11 ··n f'nol uf :ot•hool tl&11•" II•·\ 10 ,11 Jslan<J l'!un•lay for thnnt'r ln Hollyv.·onc:t In thf' latf' ,.\'f'nmg 1 kll•l ~I ra Jo'rau1k E Hl\•uth ltr'l ,,f 11 o,,l . .ttooll ,1•1,,,,, 1·. tti. t~.I\L'''' h•· "'""' rnlllWIIU ttoldl\' ·•~ SATU .. DAV, JU~E 21-Tht' brtdt'_.,l,.t·t dt'Vf"rly hid the f w ere Marjone WIUlWf'll. Wllrlha Sr"•lulle .. l'rnn>yh·~ma ••m~ ~"" :-:1 .. ,, 1 .,1• ~"'''" ''Y h1~ m11ther ·V••lr1111 ,.,.,,~ KaHMii y 11, ht t•t u b Opt>nmg 111 rulls unller tb~: plact-.·arU. anJ Berry. Ed 1'11nk and Ulll Mllllwell /l''llhl"IU \\II ham nJ>•I J•·hll q s.-tu . . 1 , At•l" "1111: lnfot'fnally fur "'' ~,:rd!• tu11 "'" fr,.111 u •s Angl"IO"s Har·' 1t "as not until gu«"ll,l ll \\t'r«' ~rvt'd Enr()ll ,\'m~ for B'u:;im •u 1'rnini11~ SUIIER CL~SSES -..iUR'I'-- JP~E 23-Jl'l.\' 7TH --.....- HUNDREDS OF . , N.~ TIO~Al. DEFE~SF. OFFif.E JORS Now a \·allable for _.. aDd .-onwa •·ho tl'i"h to wn·~ their toUtry aacl are proprrl~· trained. ' . II T' • '•·\' I \ w• '-'I .\ • ' II ,.. I BIU Cruooy wu htonbrrco •t a 1.lln· •If Uh•" SUIHia.)' tlw J(toup "1 ' • •1 1 1 '"'"''''""''II' Mtlt'l. ~.atr\1••'11 :-:.o·l· ltur lh nnl'r lt.lltl tJanc1n.... lllc> muln C'lollr1!4' that lh..-y die· I --------------J l...tJ A I t J ' ttt tl • ..,, ,, . t ~I t tl U t .~ , ' ;·-,,. I G e I DU.pa.r1y twlou cc..r,rnorucoa In the 1 n11uto~htu h•• 1. n~•·1•·11 ".1• ':"A"'~.. ~~· 1 I• • 11 , 1 , ,1,,1111 tl••t ~~ 11 .r1, h•·• . 1011•:. race. 141 arg••· ~~~~"" SU~DAV, JUNE, 22-!l'uvel't't.l ~ n""''l. Mllla Jaac •·ore • 0a~!N"'INNQD c,.., .... ,•,.ln,.• ;•-;::!!..~:~~ ~~~~~0~ ;c1':!:::. boaM of hla par~nta Dr. and Wn ) r " t'ln a r II Ill~ f'r, .. '· ' • 11 !\1nnnn "lr.atn, V vlan \'Jtll):hll \'•kin~: (.'lut1 ha.ntlicap n l.u· on a ganl .. nla tora&f:l" gh·en hf'r by •• V ~ " Oon1on M Grundy.. 0 :..: Spratt -.hwn hi' h~Ufl'l ....... I ,,,. I 111'11 ,,. lw•'ool • tn•• ',:'''"" 1'1\flll \\'ulolrnt>C'rg, ~fa nh n IIIII ...... ~1\ h.-r lta.DCt'. 0 j CLA-IUa. . ..... ~ llalte<l \'' ~·:~·« r,,·g~o;l::c;·•o AIDOQJ 0.0.. atl~nillng Ulf' .)ay· fol r IWf'lll)' Y•'tua I •r J l\l111'!1 Ar r&'· • "' I•· 1' ,''l "'. \lr.. Jo'. 1,~1. ,I ')111n· l 'rRig, IJurothy ,\~' ""'" Sllir It a 1• t' Ehmlnatrorut 0 n C uf"eta at~dtng lndudt <l t b ~ .------. cee atfalr at Uw Sallta AD& •:bell n•lkl l:Jlllilkl .. ll of U. J olla ~'"B ll"', l•·· .. k•n." '1t H'"1~" '''11111·~ '' 1 · ""'' P•·~tgy Lou Grubba. A:W· 1.11rry u('f'an bnd~:C0t«l'l mol.Mr, Mn. Iaaao.l ell&bbouee wUI tw U laa Allee Wln· vuutor un~ da y tbla """<'k In llir 1111"n s.~ "1""' :>tr" J< .. h~ rt IJ•Illot I.Jtn~:mll•lr. Hal Ledlortl. Tnm ~It · 1~-r!ll'e!O In <'OUnty channel Mr. and M ,.., Oyer. K r .' and ur., •. ~ •• t\111 · ~ Mlaa Donna Staalav, j bom4' ,,f ~;,.,., •. n II• ll:hl:o ""s 111~t.tllo••l t 'nrk!•l. F'u11l Myrehn. Of•an Fl:ula·l nr••a Wilham M. S'A'I'tt o1 HuntiD.,.on' ,.~ 1\Ce • -., ~,.,.,~ ... •~··rlt q(fh··'•·lt t ••fd•l llt, f .... , , ., ... ~C.....U.Ie~ ._.. Jolul ~·. <;lu11tlrw .Raird. a.nd ----.·•:h ••tt•·r ,,11, ,.,~ In• lu·l n~o: ,\I I~~ ,.:.tn Hull Lp&an. J l1ho A11k11l~ Hay l.'<.mplell" ahell lkach. Wr. alld !tolrt Wllltam H. e ~ ,,._.. __ u Ill c: u " tr D• fl' 81 It m gt al .ftaall W.U.. -1-fiiiEAD TH• AD._:-(;t ""~ ~:•It• k , 11 , •• 1 ,,.,.,,1,.n~ ~HII~ \\'I!Jiatt' a.nd Bob Haley. fr;>m 2 p. m to 5 Jl m Sv.'f'tl of Albam"bra~~:an~d~~M~r~. ~~fll--\~~..s.l~~::=:::=;:::::::::-lr7 l----~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~J~,.~~~~~~P~l~I·~·~K~·~~~~~~~~·t•·llrV, M 1 ~~ ~(tiCE WC I~E ~ t~i"f.r .t1;;-rnz'll7'&1 tnl' mf' at F.Uj:l'IIC' •r ol 1 MONDAY, J UNE 2~ g~ln. UIE ,011 Cl.l t :.!r&tt \\'alkt•r ro.~rllm•.·nl 111311 tmol Molly Jo'enf"lon thl' olller llli:hl ,rur I :-;ew)'lOrt )J(>at•h Ebl'n Club art1 !>Jo datt' haa bH>n NIDouncl'd for th .. , Wr th ar to It or pa .... l ••• lot:~• ~:, ··lyn lira• ,. tttlthl• r, !\fr• nn f'V4'nlnJC of br,l(J&e were KMJj.oh a nd ('raft& eKtloo. 10-30 IL· 111. t.M ·~ 11trs. Tbe ~ are -·• • , 1, -~: 1111,'T',.,.d ... t !\II:<-11<•11\ l•u.t"'' ~tn•l l ·~m· . Maakey, Arthur and jl•lubhouw. gTllduatn of N"''port Harbo r ,IIITE' IEIE! ""':;.~~""''·~t · I.1JIInn t:ant. H enry a n •I ~"""! Loti Coeturu c lub wtlb .Un. UniOJI. Hlgb School wbl'rl' Uw'y Group\ ~onon IVakiDc Barbecue Event •' 1 a ... r, and ,111 fs.•hlllnl'tl bo•u· fo'.:gert r ernl and E va Watt.o 1 .... u . h ·a Johnaoa. Santa An&. bavl' ~n active In muak clrclea. Mn. W. M-•ial , I h n u•, of IUid Thf'rl'aa Wallace. C. B. t\lld 1 S~wpor1. Harbor Amertcaa l...ec· ~-Barbi'C'Uf'd atu ks cooked to pe~ Qtlf"l!C "'"'r .. t:t,,.n ..... .... . "'"'..-..l.l n tid I-d H I I • NEW PAINT EQUIPMENT WWER PRIC~! The Best Leolring ;fob In Town_, • and UP V. A. REED BODY SHOP r t h . . I I th ' II """" nil 0 ....-liter an (' ('ll 8· 1(111 AUlullary 7;30 p. m. Leeton Two Birthda•• IKtJon by cbl'f HoWald Pete~ lrrr k l! <'Y llf't <'JI ,., ~" r rt'·l be-l and AnD Davia and Clara I ~all ' 1 Mn. w arren )tratn~ f'1f Balboa w n of LOll A~gei,.JI "-'&f lobe b!P· •J>On~tlbtl&llrll .. uthnf'tl by Mra W>Od lrf'nf' Maake ,.. • h l_.:r ., -_ ___ F -th ... .,_,1,.. Club r .... aklns :;;,.,.. llll gu~)t"' lndudf"tl j I y oa '" .. I C.:ll8ta .. ,. .. Le~on Auxlllar:r.. II I....... er Opftlfo(J liH bOfn~ w lilrm&n -of ,tlifit ol ~ VIking .,..1-.. M'l'l! Hlllph y,,,,., pr<'~hlt>nt of Ull' 1.h:;.:: . .;~a ri R~~rd. e._lt aeoon4--1p m .. 1>reaa IA(lon Hall. ft! ___ p .. ..._ her Tuuday brld«e club thll w«.k ~y b e ld at tbelr d~ 1.,.,.13 ~l r l'a t'tlllt\' Altf'TTI~ n av 1 , aet'll'l" TUESDAY, JUNE 24--&IUIIICI" -·~ fer card play followlnr a uduu b ... IW'ar the CfUIIly channl'l Sal}lrday. , b ... --t • 1 th tha t thf' wom~n know t.b~lr bmlf!<'.l l.'luse or Scarecrow Qu~ con-~ tftt.t lunch In Balboa. I Aaalatlng wit h barbi'C'ui.DJ tor: ( II . uo4' par,.n ,:n•up ur t' I lll J t 1 k ' • . . --I p·--. Jllbt~r dub ,\f~ Gunmng l:iuUu. or ar~ ~y ua uc Y •· l<c'l!t In C'oet& .I.LC'SL ~.-Mr. and Mn. r c. Attrtdgl' f11· Attl'r 'brid~. ruHta pr'Hklt£d the 42 1'\tHU ~ AJm .,....raoa, JIUI '"""'""';.111 uf Ulr t-..11tay rlub: • , • ~ l'llul'li l'lasll ot Chnet Church te~ Saturday In hooor • of !toln . Mrot~~lng wllh a balhinf'tll' anti Don and Alief' Pl'der.oo .. ~lrJO :-;1,froo•y H Pu\'l•llinn u1Jv11,.,r Jt !'lF. HRIDE Anolhl'r IIUm-~ by the Sea church, pdt luck •up-lllelr aon. Cbarln and Miaa VIr· aa a layt'ttl' ahO'A'I'r (!ft. Wlnnf'N! tUl•l ~,~·~vucn !lll'lhlnr "' ~an m<'r rtf'h hu ll'ft the lingle r:mk~ rwr ~nia F.IChml'y 'A'ho ot!Mrvt'd lh~lr at bntlg~ "'f'rf" ltfra. )lf'n~n~t. hi~. ~ ~rnn. 81 , fur th~> thorn-btl dt matnmnry Sf'"Jiml ijarbor Liuo's Club. blr1.httaya l&fl w«k . Yrs R oy Wykoff. ~~·ontl. Olbt>re - T eachen Plan Summer V acationa I n a runm df'cnratt'd with .!ark 1 noun Kal~r (.'Rfe. T ht> hunnr4'tl J,'Ueata Wf'rl' aeat· atlrndlng Wl'rl' YO'adamt'll Harvl'y n ·•l • 11rnatton1'. blul' bak helur l!ul· :-;<'wport HHrbnr Rotary Club. t'<l 'at Uu• dlnDer" table where a Dlmmlt. U oyd F'olgf'{'. ttalph Bark· lt•n, ~nt.l m tXI'd Cladloll, thr Ill· fi 30 p m W h!ll''e Balboa ('oflf'l' larg~ blllhtlay n .Jtf' waa tbl' Cl'n· 1 1'r, J oe Her11hlllt'r. Ja•·k \\'oollt'.)' Ira• ltv•• Allora L o u Snt•ol•·• ur. Sh•op. tt"r or attraclloo. Othere prl'~nt anJ' AI O~an: l'laru \l'f'n' matS .. Jaw;:hlt•r •1f Mr. and .ltfn F r ,. •I --_ I "'f'rf' lol1'11 fo,orl'nr~ El~~:bmry, !Jiu for I he l!tt'ak baltl' to bl' ht'ld at • l'ln•·tl .. , "' u( c oc;ona. took h • r !\Irs Uyrnn Juhn~n an.t aun. Sl}lrlo·y Attndgf', L ,. e Attn dgl': lllf' Harvey D1mm1t hnmP 1n Santa \\ 1111 111,. ,.1 '"'"~' 11f II( h••"' m•m· 1 .. w~ Tht• lul ky brldegro.•rtl 111 I < '1\~trl••s &n•l tlKughkr . ~lary of lanJ Arnold Attritlgt'~ 1 Ana. Huabonll" of mt>mbt'r11 "'ill / t:u:cTRJC ('LOCK S &EPAD&D lw·r~ ,., 't h<' flu ult v uf thl' !ll•·w· Fr•·•l l.lntlslt'y uf Lo1 Arol( .. l•·• :-.. uth I' <Mtlt'na w .. r,. ~·L,IIIng hf'rl'! __ _ _ be IDVI\t'<J to thc-S untlay f'vl'ning 1111 N..,..n lllw~ c..ta 11_. 1-'"l I~<'R• h I :ramn.ar S< houl -.·ttl A flrr .I br~t•f honeymoon I h ,. ' \\'ednf'II.J&y. . -:-fiiiEAD TH!l ADS-I-I alfa.tr, , Z I • , -- llf'" lywct111 w ill rf'('elv1 thfir mntl ,, 11 _ ---• ---f'U• k l>:t)o!' 1\.nol tll•JCio:lliC~" for vara-I tl"n" thruughuut th" ··•·unt ry whtl,. In \\'nf!hmgtl>n, 0 C. * * tw'th.e Jll"t'fl"r lu rf'maln In :"Jf'WJM>rt , • l larbo.r , OI'Jo:S 110 1 •gp;. l1 lhe h)l , nt , :=:::::::::::::::::::::::::;:.;;;:= ' lhiJ a.rd Allc.lrty Hl'rv~y 1Lnrl'th••11 I loflill Ju~ tiarrl'!'•n \\111 tour l bAy front hom; wu OJ>f'Ded fur t h•·l I thl" F.all1t•rn atRif'~ t hlll aup:~mer 1 ~nmmf"r. . there Ia 80 mu•·h I , t'II~<'III,Jiy vlJ<IIInl( In 'Doatnn loin• '" utfrr anti th!'lr many f rlt•n•f" --- ~-­'""' ··~ ,. .. I Grl"th" C'huk TllbbA 11!1 movmg "Ill bf' ll«'<'n lllflplnc cocklalla "' 1 frnJ7l lh<'tr IIIIIU1ol hnmt' to A Tu.~· ~unllf't tim~ on lhl' ~tdoor purt•h. • t tn .' anch rnr lhe 1n•mml'r month~ 1 rM'ImmlnJt or 11un b&thlnc on 1 h<" S coarby ""I I I b • Mr• Nf'ttlf' "ldt bf'a<·h or aallln«. Rec .. ntly Bryan Whn haa l"t'lltl'tl an apart· lAltl Angt'lf'l wel'k end 1\JQU Wf'n> mmt In Oran~~:e. W r 1 . Gnyc .. l H•'ftf'r anol Janl' Hardacre, 1'1'111· 1 ,._.,\'lf'r IU\tl )Siu l':mme Br iU\flll'ln Hoaa and And Antll'r-. 1 will rl'maln In ~~wport Dtach u Y • \ will Wlu l'lorotby SpiC'l"r who l&ll \ Jln. y 1-'l RST Will fiDd F..dnl• )~ar f'njoyt'd a vacallno In Hawaii 1 ... rth "'II .,.. h ... •ttl a.nt •" 1\·r. t n r •• rr r-n1 1 1 Mia teazel Gr«nll'af. M II 1 tilf"lr llllh 'IUJf'1! Into t hr ctU' I'D· r M•rr Ll'a Murphy and WI•!" Hc>tty 1 rout I' ~ \'ancrou\'l'r tnr a fnv H.andy 'A'Ill allt'nd aummf'r ll('hOOI wt'f'kll Jo'rom thf'rt' th<'~' will travel by t rain to• Lak~> u 1u1sf'. Banff .a nd 11thl'r I!J>ul.ll 111 th~ lind wb~rl' l "tb .. y alway>< ~:"l't l hl"tr man". But tJon't wnrTy T .. r, .. n lht>y will tw 1 back to tln;e. I TIO'·BIT!" fo~tl 3n,t F. s t h I' r I (.,llJHTlllll 1\ft' mu\'lnJ: lht'lr little ramltV ~111' t.. th<'ir n•·~·nou~~e Ill (',;runn <I•• I ~1111 VIc lo r I Flt'mln~: 110 hutl.l.n~: 11 ru•w home l•lnur t•1 ·"''"r "1lh Ph k Powell. i• . Hay an,l Aola Alfurd motorf~ j !"sn llh·~u t., 1 clrb1Ate their 1 1lolln~ nnnt\'o'rMn' lA oth Ray'• Aunt 11ntl 111 • I•• !\I r ,,n.J ~Irs. Frt'd ll':rll\' Fo•rn \\llrt•· and two t'hlhlro•n 'ru·atll•ll••ol tn lltK 81'ar fur twn "<'<'k!! :'\l'lh~ William· 110 11 ,.,,., lhlli,.. ':.1 n~n11 \\'illlam. SOIL nul I cil&lc.l. V.••ro• Ill ~1\n 01f'gO 1 \'\1111111~ t.'nrwlr H.t_\ . Wl.l J!:loiM ; Mt'<"luty M1ltl""'i V'<lgtl'a t~il· t .. r !\lr" l-:11llh llrtm>ltnn haa J r· rl\'"o\ trn111 \'tr~;tnta ft•r an In· drftrlttc ~l11y . Tho• !' ( • Ml'lltll! ha\ I' th·· r hou ... ,• "P··n·~·l a.ruJ a.lrf'd f,,r lt\1' ~umnwt JAn<' Quinn '" l'llll ro•• t'l\ liiJ: prr~to•nt~ S h t' fti\JII•l t•·n hltl•· art11 lrs oo llll' _u.. .......... -""~ _.... "ttunwod -bo!DC thc-othl'r <lny Oi,t Mary Jay' wm l h •• lli't fnm. \'t'nh• ;'olaUon~ Mrs. James Fleminc Special GuHt At 11 Birthday Luncheon Where~s the best place . - to choose you~: new car? "'l 'U w.n c.H ch~ "sho1flooofn niH" ol rh~ Ford wich anyone .•• but i( you • anc to know 6ot.t• rrr•t a car chis is, rake o ne out o n the road. Thac's wh«e yoo aw • car. Thac's wh~re we ba.ild chc ford .co be' ac ica bett! TIST 11ft PfiFOIMANCE ••• IH ACTJOH. The re ncu·r 'A'U •nm her low pr~ eosioe lik• chi• 90 ~wpow~r Ford V ·8. Take ic ouc in cralfic-cheo tt~p out on ch~ Ort'n road-challcn~te che cou~tttnc bills. D u w vour o "·n con· clus.ons-wc •·h• o o otf.er low·priced car ,has e•en anemru:d 10 maccb ic. TIST TMIE IIDIE • ·:. IH AcnoH. R idt on thr rav"m ""'· rhen ride che roughf'\1 road ~ou kno w. You'll find rhc nt'•·l'ord r ide i's che lund of rtdt' \'OU lik~. Smooth lfllne ahr JOifiJ~ ~CJtJ«t.-!ofran4 ~aclr o''"r the bumps. 1 TIEST THIE lOOM •• , IN ACTION. Musuremcncs sho w chis Ford -.rea•ur in ita •·ho le 61'1d io aCtual puwnjtl'r spac~. A rid.-•·ill show ho w much chit ~ans. Take the (ronr seat. chen rhc back . Cross your legs this way, c.he.o chc oth~r. Bign~u couocs aod bcre II n ! __ TIST THE VALUE ••• IH AcnoH. Stop with~~ /Uum b'-drae&ic ltnkn -.ny. w here near -che pn ce. Rut your coe o o ch.-~~· ol • fillr·r•r cn>e of wmi-ccn· trifapl darch. flick through the gears • w·ilh ~ euy, ai~nt k ind of-lrnsn·ri'p sh.ifc cbac hish·priced cara uw. GET TIE FACTS AND YOU'LL GET A 'FORD! rod BAI Tllll QUALITY FUTQ£1 Y-1 P0---90 smooth horw· power. There o.-ver •·as a low price co~ne.like. tbts ~re. MIW IIAtm-When voJ look ar the smooth flowing Jlni'U OUI.U o ne of the few cars with really up·tq·datc •cyling chis year. A MfW tttftM. ..--O n the no:v.· Fo rd "Slow Motion Springs.'' A aoft, quiec ri..Je w hully new this ~nr. una YALUI-Nr w eue o( con· crol •·ith posi!i~e mechani•·al, ,fint:·<'ilr (~ J>e thi't-I':Ura·h ljt h~ · draulic hr.akt'\-and thc-famous Fm..J J<:mi·Co:ntrifug.tl clurth. There a re P"Orc l.h1.o JO .fo~d "rtrc:tuii•n"-to"'~ o f them found only o n hi~thnt pric~ cart-and all o f them found only on che Fotd in us price dus. I l ~ I • ch lei (01 IU a 1 wt or da l"r lw m~ IIU Vll COl YO& ov ='e a t lu for toe; boc cit Cot tt'a cb1 Ha COl e'r Y~'t H dul !Wt t l'd Po. ed a I ('h Yu 0 01 yo• It' !II cbt vu ler N• l"f' fol d 8l hot Ur:l put 111 -Hs on ehn lhl" ~·h "" vito I thP Nn re-I\ llfrl' J:~m••• 1·1·•n;tn~: 11( Balboa l!!huhl "~" lu>n .. r•'•l ••n hl"r· birth· ~=--..... -~ .. abo· ._ ..... eltheY ....... .W.. -......... ....-y. o,_., w-: ...... .... ....... Wed. tG-40. " f ~" . ~~ # I • .,.,.. . .. ,.- • ' ' -iia»mn.ooa '•,. ·. 1r~t~~iJt~ft~~;~~ ..J •lAY Tur-!1\lR;; tl..l 1{1. Ia f.T&¥11 ~ ...:0 __ ,..__ ...,..,...,..,1" -fifr1flft\~T 111 T ... ~ Anl:rlt'l! whf'l't' '• CR I f•'l!tl\'1110·.~ \\O'f • h····· ( . • l T h" lt.:ht•'ol l't• ,. t~"n r11om WIVI ---__.... ...... ..... ~--oUiili' ~:;':-A.. ......... u; .. !Ot'ttfnc f••r '"" htrlh·lny lunch· ._ ...._. ...., w........ t'llll In• lu.t•' I •'11 tho• )!lll"8t lll!t .._::::. •..,. ••. m. ........ 1 "''''' :>t r11 ''""ll :'n:r tll thl' hon· ......... , ........... -"rt't'!'d lll~ht.· \lr~ ~·twln(.'or· ,.... .._... • _.. .. --~ h1· :.11~-l •·•ro~~h, ~''PliO. a nd . .._ 1•.,._ ......... • I !\lr,l! Arthur t'lltt:•·r· ,.f :-Jl'wport ...... .... ..... .... l hr\•,.r· .lll ol :.tr< ~IIH\ I'Sltt'l' !Uld ll"m .. r. t ... , A n~t'll'e. I ~'" t<'ly ·•f I •ur l.lloh ,,f Mount l'Armtl \ 'htll It I·• .t:t• n.l a 8pf'CIA1 • rr.N•t 101: Tllf'll ! 1\' ~' ··mn~ In lhl' II'< t •·~· l'l.•n~ I •r lh•• .•ummf'r 'A'III I llf' m&o~t' "I thAt ·ttmr a..r.-ir-......_aa .. l !\tr" l.r .. na \'u!Oirr ,,, Co 11ta !\frM plan~ t·• J!•' on .1 va.ealloo ~ • j tnp th•s ".'ffk. _, /I rMA'::::-:::RG:-:::-::A-=.REI'=:-::L:--:-8011--A~W---=,&~ ·vAn DEUSEOS ~-:f,.._ I ~_jJL~~~~~~~.~;;~~~~~==~~itt---~~~----~ ~ ~ ..... 1 -.r ,. ..... : ,_,.., .... L.--------·----.....i~--------.... 1 ~~~ Ne. M.a.' .._ Ql.,.a at --' ._.. " n.u..il ,~ FORD %2M Street ucl C•tnl A,·~- .. . .. '· tn llhil ~ F.al l!(n f:ttt BOI hlto Tm 'A'(' I An: l.ol . Mny : llln<"'' rom it wr ll ~hr" S~l'rA •n r Ari7nl Mrs. Ao,. si~trr