HomeMy WebLinkAbout1941-07-03 - Newport Balboa News Times,.'1' ~· ·.1 . .;_ . r-" \i: . ---:-~ ----- .. . ·. .. .. . .. . . ... ___ ----.. - ;-====--~=-.__:..:_.._-=----r~ --~ ....... __ ISSUED ..-... -' The Majors ··-~olumn . ---·-,r~ I l-SEMI-· ~EEKLY ..... -. . . WEEK-END • Grueling Teat N<'wrm-t Harhor should be proud to ~ave two t-ntriell· tn the f11mous Honnlulu ran~. lts an ocean vovag<' that r callv provc.>s wh1ul·N' a boat anct Its' new can rc.>ally "tal<<' tt ... or arc.> ju11t fa1rw<'alhl'r sail- ors. -: .. Live Ghost .. Ev~>r see a live ghost? Then tak_e a look a t .J-Ic.>nry Abrams next tim~> he goes by. Henry. acco. ding to l"tlmorll here yes- terday. b~_d been 80 unfortu- nate &f to have an auto wreck while returning from 8 aD D~go and to tie waned lnto S l•pd ot the dec..._ •R1"vw-•..,., .. .,,.,. "Henry attarcred the IJoa8 Ctub meeting Tuuday noon and appeared to be very much alive. and In good health after hie eojourn In San Diego. Letters Some folk11 are prolific let- ter wrltera. Others lind It a taak to perform. Now Johnny Vogel. Jr. exchanges lt'tlen wlfh a fellow on Pitcairn Ill- land. Jn fact he w rlte8 a let- ter. then baa to wait n·ne months to get a reply. provid- Ing the reclplrnt of thl' <'PIIItle r~>plles promptly. Imagine try- ·lng to remember what one wrot!' nine monthq ago 110 all to understand what the otber llke·lt was about thr~ -·~,_,,--,... above a major. If they go that . Coriitnittee Members sion This Week . / . ... ~ .EDIJlm.t Nv...at·,a -SAlE ~Gr~d .)ury .D~dar~s , Newport · Beach City J -·--- :Hall, JatllnadeqUate g om to ee For ~ew ('ity Jail. J~ry Operates At Low . t:o1d For 19-t 0-41 ; l J rge~~ Cc»nsideration of ( 'onM(llidation of Justice Court& • .f And then ther8 1!! thlw ll()o Clllled ft>ud b<'tWHn Provle- lonal rf'<'ruftlng nffl<'!'rs F:llrn· 1hs~• and Bouchev· O\'er -pr()o epectlve m~>n for the ltl\tf! J'llud and navJ\1. unit. respec. tlve•v. No "ln!!ults" have been hurlrd ·-~II& fAr thiS • Week. ar<'ll ll n W illi I portion of the recent term. .widdy known throughout lht> -:n-rn ~t·wpnrt · -.-· Winifred T~ylor. mt'mber of th!'. tir(' Jlarb<lr Di!<trict liS thl' rt Ni)t rnr · · ('llJ•Ialn """'"'"" "t1d•·d tn11t Thr trrmrnfltou~ amount nf com· Upon ~turnrn" hom~ fr--' th~ · th,. L"'' ... 1 · ·1•"11 v.'•ll h· 11nll•·d '" • m,.r•·h•l •1111 ,,.Rid,.nthtl t-urll,lhi• at . " " <, urn • U ndbl'rgh ACuity. requested a of hie: ronnN'tion with thl' N('w· . " ~ml'rrcan Legion 13oys· State at , Je~tve 6t abllence for one year. 1 poh Jlarb<lr building indu!!lry. • BILL PONTING ; So11lh•·r 11 """''''"· ..... ,.,.. It will 1..-u,,. Hail,.•r wlll-rrulv" thf'lr ~thllrf" .... _Pitt_ trlltlry!. ~ • -~ • ~~--- fll•·t. h.• ;cleverly ' _.I• the Idea th11t It •• th .. hellt •pot to be fouDCI llf'l'llll"" uf Ita rhoola, h o 1D e 8 , rhun:h""· orc~lr.atlona and U.. lntl'~lltlnJt ~le to be found ben. . Can It be howtllltlell are dying· · out!' . :- . 'Wnh ~ Bang H.arbor a~a wlJI observe · F ourhi of Julv with a ban~. and thAt's · meant lltt>l'ftlly. Hll_ve · hAd _,euc,b dlaplav11 be- . ·· to~, but thll! Mme an llm--• bltlou11 committee headed by AI Anrl<'rson hu 11rran~rt>d to · • shoot the work11 both Frldll:v·· and Rahl.-dllv nt~hts 10 poor frorJclh~ fell~>rw who don't ,,.t oU Fndn. bitt come to the ~ach SAturday. can join In the tun.. · • :Sacram!'nto. Jun<' 21-28. John which Wll granted by the trueteee. "" Willi; ,l'mployf"d for mnny . u~trd a" ,.. rn .. tt..-r •hlp t••r " flrrt ••f puhllt ltv. ~trr·or•llng to K11·rhf'r Shirley. lion _ of Mr. and. Mre. Wll-· ___ ------· YN•~ with ·'lht> Tt>Winklt> Hard· SLIGHTLY BETTER .,f _tuc!.:n~: • rut! I llntf . ,,, alnl(l,.. lt"m ot lntf'f'f'ltt lram H. Shrrll'y of Irvme str('i>t. JACK RAUB IS PROUD. wart" anrt it wns through his (m· nurrn~: flu· y•·ar" that tt1:· 11.1-"' 1'-:rwp .. rt IIIIJ:hor will h,. nv,.r· Rites Are · BeJel Costa l'1<'Sil, learof"d that ho hnd tiring l'ffrirt!l thnt ttw-SJX'dllli>'ffi • Cond.Uon r,j C'on"IAhl,. 11 11 1• _(i,. 1 · '"''" ""-" ,,,.,.,. •1,,., rrllult·ntlv ltoflk•••l In rnrrylnJC tJl" •tory of • .. . bl'cn lrwardNI a $10<? Car~ Ray· FATHER BA-BV GIRL tfi'Jlar1mr nt known 811 Tt>Wink'lc's Pontln wu 11111~htl lrr ,., .. ,..1 ,.,, h..r<'ol 1n :-; .. ..:-1.,.rt ll~trllnr .• Aft~r the arttvlty hf're to the m 11 n y For· Mpg M ~A mond Gray-Scholal'llhtp whtch al-'. nuildt>~ Supply w·~ d~v-.Jo.....A .... l«ht ..... 1 __ , Y I d J 11 , .,;., t ul 1 "'' •·r. 11 t11u1 t •• ·r n l•·u"· t llflwonntl"' fJ f rf'll<lf'rll of lht• an-1 De • • .1 h. h , __,.t . ~ ' • '~"'-,..., " ll' . ne• ne .... 11y, accor In~ 1 1 1 1 1 c • h ) Sf ow~ rm I Ill Nt'UI at any agrt· . ---Du . th IJ) h I'd to Jud ~·" J D "" ''" lllltnv rtl••ll"n toldllr•· .,,,,. """ "l><'t• II JIIRUf'. . armt~ ae cultural colic~<' he d('sires to at-Mr. and Mrs. Jack Raub of thl' ~~-~ Y"f"."" . 11r11 " ~crvhl P tr h. 1 ' ... _~ ~~ 1 111 pnhi•·"' """ ha• "I'I"'Hr•l In munv 1 · l!t~nt ~ 11 n d bof\tln~ ar tlvltle11 '-; .. tend. · '' ·· Newport H<'ightii _&Te the p11•enta t>Ping "II(~~,;;, 1~ P 0 ). to . s 1 ~." ~« ~· ....,..,.';., crlt cal Y d nf tlw mv11t ,,u!Jitandlnl(· 11,.. t'Jll• 11 rrlfne Into thrlr own. w1th plcturu -· --- Th.r !!Chola~hip W8~ awarded for of a baby girl born silturd"Jy lit ailmt>nt ,,•r I Wll. dll thlnjtPrtnf! p\ ,·. orne, ;zaoo ewport Blv to IIJIIJf'&r ''" tt)l' ""; .... (1 "'---I Rn;l llt••rlf'lt trlllng of ltlf' pro~trf'llll Sf>rvlet'!! w~re Mid Wf'dne6J h.,. d. ""' k I St JOiteph. Hollpltal Both 11th . 1'8 ey &&tnt" e rcpu-VIr anA wrrr un:.hlr ''' """ at t t h "1'1 p t t lh • . • •~ .out!'tnn Jnl{ pro-"'"' t wor n . . m l'r Ill! ion among Nrw r1 Jfarhor tbla Ume whet·e the tur'n f flr th•· l..nlllt yraf·llll lllurpln~tNI rlgl(lnJC a ·.~ """''re o r o r Ill thl' Wf!f! Kirk 0' the HHther, th(' local chapt~>r of thl' F"utu~(' and daughter llrf' rrporte<!l:v doing huiltf4'!'ll of hf>ln~ on:W:,f th,. finc,t better. Willi a deftrl ll,. lm ro,r-won u1,. l'tty nf ~"WJY•rt 1~111 h 1 f'111'tl~ Many week11 of p11ln•· r.t,.. llalr lor Mna M "-' Farmc~ or Aml'r1ca. He will be 'well and el!J'lf'Cled to rf'tUrn to hltMWIII'f' t'nf'n lh t th h d t p It "P"''"I HW,.,.plllllkf'lll prl7~ ·n th,.l tllklng rff••rt hll'(f' hl'f'n ·~nt In ~. • . &lpret r:iadtJated from Nf'WJ)Ort H arborl Ntowpciitt Helt~tbtll ~ Mrr Raub 'a,..PJt with.' 8 "Y !' ever ~-~~..:_arnot. •_ _ --.-· m ·nl(•· r •..;•nt\1 r;,,riJcl'if' Chrlatmu l(llth,.rlnlt th!i lnfnrmallon. and It .CIIrmldut~l. tM, a residfnt ~the Union Hi~:h School nf'xt ~<'ar 11ntl Ia connec-tf'<l with the engineer1nt~t 1 Jfantlirnp)')Pd hy' ill ht>alth In llln-. frif·nd<c Wf'N' amazNI ,.1 th<' I.IJ:htlng prouam. _ Ill' "l1Jl4'r!Nt th11t th" lltnry will lfrlf'ne Apertmer:'tl, 15210 -'Jramar plan~_ to ·attrnd Callfon:ua Poly-.f depsrtment of the City ?f Nf!w-ri'CI'nt yra!'ll. Hralry wa~ forrrd oluck Mllr:o~t" lln•l dt>tr•rmlnati()n . form tme nf .thf! hlghllrthll of the Drive, who dl~ ~t11. . tPrhnrc srhool at San Luu; Ohl!!po. port ~ach. to abandon 'hu•lnf'!l.~ 'llcttvttv llntf to butORtlt hill afnlctlon which h,.. Mr111 ,.:lm~" H~voi,.n 111 tti .. own-m~aldnot q rculatlon of the South She leawtt four-. kLD. c.r.. . Youn~ ~hlrll'y. a promln,..~f ~tu_-I -, ~tow ~cry. at-'tlddllftM. --• . · •·r of " n .. w car which abe r.c.J'Wtt 1 ( .,.,.,t ,.;,fit Inn will ..-rh f rom ~mlrhlll'l of Riven~. Areftt. Car- dr nt. Y!:tc !lfl?"!lort'd at Roy~ Still<' !>r. M!ldred ~~e and her daugh·; tr"""'"" '" ""'''"' to v..otrk. btlt Thi. .lkcc&scd leaves hJs Widow, •lr~lv•'r't( •1n -'"'"' w".."k . . R11nta Bnrhllr" 'o Coro.n~o. with michael ot Alhambra, ancf Freak· hy thl'· C~ Mf'Sa etJRm!x-r _ o( ~r. "'f~rjorf~> ere. lllllylng the eum. wa." forct'd lltrllln by his condition r.fr'll. f'ern Jfpnl,.v· lln<l "'"' •h•, M••mllf'rll of thf'l'l:,.wport W r: T T1 arverltl huntfrf'd C'OJIIMI lf~lnr U 11ntl Al~rt Carmldt-.1 ffl ()kfa- Commerce llnd ttle ~tA ~e~· er-.ln lhf' Helm• cott.a«e In Ne .. •· '0 rt'rrutln at hom. Pltrlck, 17, and Raymon4 Mlchlll'l will mN•t ~'ritlAv . .J11Iv 11. to plan fu Nurth u Ran ,.1anc .-o. In homa; and <M1t' dautthter, lin. Ameri<:-n Legion Post. . . , port ~ch. _ . I Througho~t th,. length or· hi~ lied JJ'ynna. . 1 !flr thf' ,.,unty, l.n•tltute. an attempt to carry. the story of Brucl~ ~ ~ Balboa.: ~· -~~~ . . ' . Nf.WPORT BALBOA NEWS-~. Newppn BeaCh. 0t11tomJa. nfURSDAY, JULY 3, 190. ftla ....... ~' i.. _,.,.... .. tile _ ........... ld ............ MidL.aa ......... ~ I :~ lw c-t Ml"'!et mall· ................. A+L...,.. •""--ED ----------~--------------------~------~-----------,.-~-------------; 1t,tllll"lcl. tv 11ut a.n•~Ult'r notch Ill Newport...-Balboa MEWS-TIMES I'IIOND 1.1 A IS • , 7 7 I l:lftey n-la) .... ~1 AI.___. VoiiUDe XXXDI , St;··nny Skri·LLies I yc.ur fmtnvtHJ wit lUlU carry an ~ UU llw 1 1~;1tt l" .. t 1•11ly your Fourth ot TURES· • LOS ANGEI4~ LE'ITER • IIJ CIIA&L£8 GAIU.A~D .. I • I ...,. ...... ~-.. _.....,, ......_._ .. ...,. ot.. J.M _G.n:alu llarlMu Qtatdc.t;. .JA... .lie tt ,....... fo..,. a. tile .,... •• hlrllaer de•elop- -t; aW to day aloof from.,, oi»Upttoa. n.cep& ....... rw.Ml7 ... tile ~ .. .., ...... ----------1--------- . Open Two Weeks Red Cross Life I u.re ..... There Aod I·'"'Y l11J.·rty Is lttrt•atuued, b u,t •V•·tV o,tll•r o•ll•m••nt of national tlr······l•JIH 'I h••l ~ I~ rnurc to a Fourth .. r .l ady • tl•ol•rulwn Uwn jWil Cl r ... \o\lolk:t. Air .and Hot Air ,w ... re· pt•un•tl dO'A'tl a lk"w<'r by s • g ca· lll'llaign Of • ouree, the ln"e&teat etory to et~lng "N!an~tt'f11 last Wt'E'k . WE' by aVID ...... ( um(• ftUl Hf Uua tht w~:.t·· me-t ro-<t,Un•t r~ahzr tha~ uny k n•t Uf to-.d . : sx•lll last week. wu tl}e IIUCCt'U-Wll3 A<• lll ... ntcful Ill this t'ountry. E\'EL\"X . 1'\\' anJ ~nlnrJ,:t'd Rtd Crna ~.........-as ~--claM nusu~lr ~• tllf J-'u)tc..;l(lt·t• '" N(•WJX)rt Brach, ~omiA. 1mdtr lh<' Art of Mrud1 :1. 1879. ----~~~-=~---.. A. MEYER ttwrcm J\ND MANAGER ....... Plant. %M!8 \V'. Cmtral Av<•nul', N c•wport l l4!ach, C81ltornla on"K2&L PAPER. NDWOBT &lLBOA. CALIFORNIA' ADS I tk ..._, LMU&uUo8 Ye~r Onr SJ Yean ----- (Skinny) 8KIIlVIN -e --t\l l t>tl:••-o(f a net Ia noting .,f thf' ••r .t!'l)' ~;uuntry, th~ '20.00tl q11arh L1!1 Satrirx .tncl \\'[lt •r t&lfety Mayh .. l '.oul.i•utmq \\IIISI.'nd me t()llllllci-JW!Untl uf B-19 booi~r. uf rllilk, the ll•la l tlatly output nf ·•·•II~•· •1f ln~t ru.t lfon \\Ill he given It oc>J•Y ••I Ialli lul·lt•r publlctdnc Ht~pt· t<·<l lll&lllllil'l ba v., b...en fum -1 tier•'" t!~ltt.,ll, ,.,,ultl be IJI.IIHt'd 10 • 1 b1 II"· ~I'\\ i'"rt Harbor Branch l.lott, 1 ~1••. u.Joo.l tho·n I ··a n make up tsh•·tl f•rr wt:o·ks a uu mnnttvt 1&1\~ ''' a IK'W<"r trutt .. a ,J of <ivwn the .. r II••· Sullth Ura.tt!!<' County Chap- Ill\' ICIIIHI 1f 1 hk1· tt. Ana if I do r.ro uth tupt ~·all bt' mtuJe ~ to 1 thr .. atJI vf tbOWiand. of ne~dy ! hr d'ltllr.t.; a t'""'·'·~lu Firet-Aid 1!1/l ll•• • .. n "' tke up h)a f!llnd-rtupft< .-It· t hc·m. fol' n6 atatu•llnd <'h1hJren. I unol \\'uter Sa.fj!ty t'aatpp.lgn to • 111111 111 all Jorolllol;tllt y thul ·~m ~ tlatu "ould ass 1st you much In Pots ·and Pans for DefHia ht• ~i\ .. n July 14 tn :!6th lnclualve, •~ d"• "" t nirakt• 1u 1y tllfference vt.unll7lng-the 11cght ur hf'r 10 tbe July :!l tuts ll«'t'n a.:t by YajOr F. \\: \ro< ker .. l'bairman, an. , to htm whl'tho·r 1 uppnove or oUler. air ;';ht' ~mit ttl m&k., mlnnow11 of ' l~·"·reon u tht' •latf' fqr a coty-1 nnull<t'> . Wnll, Rrulla All.ll 6:<•1.. one uut nf "~~ Anywuy I woul•l like to sll th•· nlhl'r 11'11pll you've -n. widl' aluminum t!nve to coiled the I f'lf·ntv of "S<Jualil kH" ar•· twlng ~IX dtrfl'rl'nt cluslfh;ataons cov- r.w• 11f u,,. t•unortta.ss_lnn nanwd t.. hHvt• 11 t•'t'K M tltP production. Not Redl But Aull1ta valuahlt' dt1f'Til!e material H a 8 I h .I · ... 1 lb. · lt ln ·•• __ .. ~ .. rmg ll'll'tmm1ng &nd dtving , lite • · !'8ft ano~u . e \'1~ g '"''''" • J at wHI mltfiii#:P Nt·WJ•<Irl 1-i~trbur l'lw Or· J e -, Tlw Y''"n~>:••r gt'ne raU<>n 1uems •11rb a t!at~ yet ~o aet 1n your wht• wu eallh l f.,r jury dul y; 1 ..U\'1111:'· 11n "'ater II ety, en- ltn j:(t' ( ·c.unly Htoltlll tlf HI.IJ'ei'VIl!IJrll, I ,,,, n .. kupw "lwthcr r m1a8ed •··~· p<llillrally nalvl' tt)an p unt (•ity r Wh~n ·It Ill. lay u lde all ~N'ffi!'l a Jut of ()4HIJ1h• oolle\'C she !ibh: !Ill ltovt-rs Q# wato?r IIJ>Ol ta to n~t.mln~ lht• '11mm1811 on, lld .. n o·tl .. , 'Jim" M t•rrls at rt''-enl Orange WILli ~t the 111tme age •·Qr lnalanc4' your sp~·to pot~. paM, a.nd I"U1J)eod ,, Ia not a taxpay.-r ht'rl'. sntl are tak" ~h·antage of lhla free In· l..oo~nl ~Wa.lt'll lu ll'prt·tH:nt.thiS ,('uuntv I'(•UJ'I' Ofllt·e r!l meetiDJI, at Lo~kh-'-Vega r~flltly, we night hatr-eu~ to aid ln',.&u ·wollldenng "how rome ~~ l wuctlOII.. • llllpt•rvlsoru l ul!<lr li'l. anJ L<·nrmrt!, .,,. \\•h..tht·r tw rnUt.~•·•l me In a.ny ta.lkl'tl with IV'v•·ral work InK. tht>re. I rmmtry'a t!t-fftMt' pmgram_ • LOHEN-.. GRINNING" .. Well, Early~ Pnrollment with Cham- shnul<l m~t.k•• u v.tllluhh• m•·mtlf'r. l'VPIII lltt•••• hiUI ht•o'n 11omethiDC you~g ml'n In tf'eM anct1wentiea Modem VIkings • "Our lWtty'' got •·ameli .,, ... , thi' ht·r "' O•mm.,rce office at Balboa, riJ! ht• "trtl<•'~ '" wutr·r 1111 JIIY·' thf· mhtl••r wtth tlw c~onllu:L Tho~ Qulz7NI thPy rounter-que8llonetl. The~ ca.n•t bt· any sl.!lales a~ 1 thr.-shvl<i last ~tmdat'· a.tter a anol any FirE' Stutlon, Ure--Cuard fully a..~ a .turk :· Lt••Jrl!tr(l l.'nnttd· 1,..1.1, h lru•rnlwrH rnake up quite a •·Ttl~~,. alrplnn«' fa"to' il'a doing "" .Jh•· ya.:IW'm"n plltotlng t be eight SW4'd l'f n'monv at thv \OIIta llrsa , ~~atu>ro •;n th•• beach .~tr a ny Red t•d tu mt• t•lll'<' 11!1'111 a lim•· llaut il<·h•J:IUinro tu tlw mtmlhly IICl... 11 (&\'Or by C'mploy}ng U!!! Nev••r !"' t11 tm m lAtt AogelN Harbor I Comiflunatv ('hurd\. You llhuuld ( rt>.U ·\\ urk ruom AI COsta MeA, h•· 111 ooul•l Ilk•· th '"''"'' rm th•• 11il!llll. cont.J a llttlt• hut weather think It l)sten. e\(ery one nf ua n•·xt Ft-tday rnr tar-away H<m<>-have a•·••n 'th.-jut!trial >"lAnce Papa H11t1 ('ross tli.'aJquarters, are at 1--.-..... .:.--.--...,.,-,..,"'_,rr-,KTI~ft'lrw'l"'tW'!~t--H-*-I.J~"i"'l"'lr--l J.:J..I..ClUllJL ~OJL.IWW he'll i"t lttt· Kbt.t.WwL.L 'I.ntcr.t.f.c.l:..ltillL!!ltir ·A-.Jdlo work !ULlhtM: ni&IIM lulu, 11lt )'Atbt• ru•et4~ -!lla~ t hao,;e>tl I Mil ::.Jcwport Ulvd. urr ... rtuniJy. lt'll a juiJ that'll go ···mll\01'1' Is Jl'l)"'n~: and L, g(lln~~: tn ~y for fN•t Ill lt'ngth, ~·lt!th of many a her ·name. from P•..Jge to AdiUrul! I Eil~·!n ~· curroll,--mrecfor ol lnl! '" tw ull wurk anrJ no pny I 1 _ e _ 11 lllnJ:. long Ume for tbe "'lffif'k c:lty tnt lm'Bg lnt' touing about for -Best wishes &tty! • 1 Amen can !'lllttOn~l Rl'd Croas Flr.t Wfl lHt't 1111 applll'IVlt fur th.-Jll.tHI· ..,lnally •••t•ort>t l>ring accepted we·r~· ~t•·ttlnR paid for. H'1 like I two Wf't'kA and for two-lboWI&IId TH\8 WEEK ... lhY Sl t)Ogcl A1d and Lcfe Savmg ln lhe Pacific tiOfl. J r lf.ll (:"'.. a~ung-with httlt•., .. ,. rt~hl4blf', tliiA , ... ,mtry 18 at.arttng tndln~: doltarw. Later. _we're «oln« mn~ atop. f"·e hopei a 47-foot The ~-ar betw('t>o Ccrmany· ru1t1 Area. hi1.L arra_nged to aeod an 1.11 l1o1. W'llllout •c.methlnJr. sn. to movt' at 1o•Mt 10 the right way In bt• paytn~~: tor lbe •·ork we·r,. auemhl~f.'t' nt wnod with 3 pole I Ruuia pro;"edu W e kn•IW httlt-I "xrert tnstnrdor. Talmilif ~·ameor;- l ... •mu•rd. hrn•'" hupln' Y••U t'IIJ"Y • ln t~·n t11rPt'tl"n" the arrest of doiDJ: now., -~tnd •'~<nval! ~thwk lnto IL Wh"" <•f what 18 actuallv goin~: f)ll ex-I h.:r... for the two-weeka ~rlod. thf' joh. IUid 1 run Bllf't> you wall , ~ptl'll ant! th ... t-nolln~t llf 11trtkea. .A First and a La.t Time . ynu i<>llYi! L. A for that land of ·,,·ept that lbe ri~thltng 11, 1• e r y I Studt'nts will be requlre!J to de. I Ita ~·.,IJt'fiS:uf'tl will br F. I m er I MIIV 11 rnottnul' t•~ move along that RrR iiati<' polrit of vie••. lm't It .. I .-n,·hantm•·ht. u we hope you will ~~t-ve~. In J".;J~.Preslt!t>nl HOtr\·er'.!l vnte 15 hQura to l he water aalety Huachu of SeAl Uea.ch, T<••l KUt·ht>l pat.h. • P!rtaapa·thiA country did get 80me-, one day, the ltat.on Jln~ klndly 18pt't'Cb this lA ...... k. he . ad\'ocate•l c·IIWM's or the IIChool. Appropriate &W"!i:""~ tbat JIOII1e of our dtlzens are ht'artUy glad the tlf Anaheim; rtoy t;dwardl! nf Or · _ • _ t.hiJig out of the Jut ••ar : a new l.nf<lrma you tbat on your entire our ''IIUying out or the \\'ar.'' JUSt rPrtlfu·att.>a will be awarded \lpoa ang.-. fUi cf _Walt<'Y ~. ~plrf'r, of Your ''kldcil<'" arul bunt!reda lilnd ot lf0'111171·to-t'arth re.allam. trtp )'0\.1 are never ~ Ul.aD u tho' ~·e hat! reallv anything rompletlctn of tht' work Ill e&cll caJttll li endfd becauar o( the persist~ce of the workt>rs, Nt>w['(Kt lWIU:h. _ lhouunda ot otbt.>r "kfddl.-a" han 'lbd(• bo)'A •rt'm to have a ~n"eater I two mJiea lrom latld. to way ln l-he matt~ Evenb ba'Ve claaslfwatlon. -llut It WM that very inllsie.ncr that carried t.hC two leaders---e ·-~n rt•lt'uo;t.l tear the .uJIUDel' uanUty of It than oura batS .. oot What Ia Youth. Anyway? Prot:reaed too far trtt. tbat , On C..,aslft'l! '11'111 be ht'ld dally, Mon· , ~ Newland and Ba.rtholornew-to victory. One (•an go < • • • 'now but then It II wajd' that -.Jamea~ ~---~ thr othei haud Set:rft.Py ~-tta~ to Saturday IJ:tclualve. Tbe • 1· ~ ... -. .. rt!!D'IIIII!IF'llllllnlliiiiif!ffiifoi!r.iiiiti!'ncecoii~!.:..~~:_;~~~~ft~-111"1~'10rrr111Wl!~rrt.llytm 11 .. 11111 rr!lp .. nsthtllty 00 the auto-thtff>'l< a first time ror everythin~. '"Tbt' ~end Wagon". baa filed made a apeech in wbtch be ad-ac 001 wlll<>baetu' Ute 'lliUal.&m:... _ r consummated New-Onlll&:t' count)• Hulhll"rli t:x .. hang., muhll•• driver. l' h II t1 r en an Thelf' boys lit't'm to think that aJ. a fourth intention 'to marry. Not vocated ualn« tbt' Nayy to "clean day boltday. part Ha.rt.Jr. bn!QPt the CO&fl edlwll7. etc. highway, our building mrmbere v.ho put out to IN'& hut thought!•·~~ even thuugb tbey .,.. thou~ we mAy ~ duped In tbe that tve adYocate or deplore, up ~ Atlantic sltuatlun. ••hlle -------------- Rilturt!ay on a fWllng t'JI J'lf'ltltllln, •·aut lon<'ll hy parl'ntS: They dart flnrt War. lbl'y wont' -Ow multiple marri&j.tH, but It 18 an Jlitler 18 bwiUy t'Jigaged w 1 t b trump•, and we do appreciate the or lbey lntl'ndf'<l to. Not hnvln.: J Int.. t h•• 11tret't from unelfpected rountry duped lbill tl.me If they (,&II encou.ractng lndtcaUoa of vitality Ru.ta." ht'lp 11be ill giving us--We know D ...a be the eroet&e'tk duty of the N e ws-nmes to de- ~the CXIIIIftdti!:ID.of Ita army of new subscribers by being 8nt • tile ...,. ol the cllstricl and in Inte rpreting th~ .__.and the pnerea ollta dvic developmt'nt. And the .... ••••abw ol Qld and new readers will.be tharikfully ~and JFI)I6Dd. 'De ..._ •Wflt Inaugurated the campllign with ron- ....._..~. ~mowing the UIIU8l apathy of a beach d'' 1 to emel&e from Ita ~tlon, and_it was due tD tile aallrta& eoau of llr. and )(Ira. Dingledine in charge ~ a. .,.......,. for 1be Linl't' Service. that the contest ....S tD lla·-• '!j aJIIdudon. Tbey perfonned a clean, ........ M!Wactory, job. btocn ravnrt'tl with any defb.lill I I plllri's, If yuu are driving beyoDd hrlp ll and .trmgth t~ -110 many that OD the rar~ ot thlngit thia ~h that you over lbere a,rf! tblnk~ am ronrludan.r that tht' pr•11tfM•n4.'d , thl' IIJ'It'f'd limit you may not be Air P~re a Ke, anti olde~. set out upoa an--. more•appeallng to Oflf''l R Olle qt and praying t or ua, &lid that flahln~ trip wu f>O'It ptmNI IIIIIJ.O. 'Rble t(l ~top ln time to prevent a Only twn yMi rl &«O, Douglu other llliCh advrnture <'onJJidered by o1 ~-.-. A." a matter or fact It give~t ua courage to go on. It mu.t I'm btocomlng akt'ptlt;a.J, and It triiiCt'dy All chleta of pollee are alrc:ratt employed 6 ,000 mt'.ll-To-the poeta ndwlive to youth. Nt't'.d ill very hard, lr not lmptMBiblt', for be Mrtl for you to lmaglne-i!•vy will take a mt'A8 or fl•h t.o cunvlnl't' raulJnnJn~r <lr1Yera to uae can. diJ Dou~lu t'mployes 28.000 and It end! b It la.rgl!ly In our think-anyoae to lntelllgent!Y ~~ u_p bomb_!ng raida. aa you a.re UviDC ml' that my frli'nda In lht' l1ulltl· ( Hav" your children pla-y on ~ w:ill ..expand In .,_r fut-tG tftC'~ bia miDd 00 ~-·hat ill best to ~ In ~ace. When 1 lblnk o( you all l'ra J!:llcllange 1l TTl'l w-an}'tJ!In~ vllll!d ~n"OUnda. And you. Mr. ud :'>5,000 •• with an annual payroll ot A Alee Ou1 of tile A..,.~ dont'. Tbinga &l'e too c~mplu. a.nd out lbe~. t rorget that war lan't about llah 1 Mre. Motorllrt, drive carefUlly ud IIIOJ'I! t h 'n 190,000;000. 'DGIDtd · -'1'l!iiR!y ~elt's legendary Uld we have t oo utUe first hand a permant'nt 8tale o t atfalnt; -•-under r6ntrol. If you do all ol [)oljflu prt'dlrt.a a U. S. plane out-actual Rooctaridera wbo routed the k-ledge to l"tl&lly form an opln-Dear old England -ms to ban F.vldenUy 110mt' r.nt' lnt .. n.t. to 1 Ult' t'hllt!rt'n will be retunUDC to rut nr 30.000 In 1942. Spanlarda at the Battle of Lu loa.. been at war agee. and I find It lntlulg«' In ~~<•me awlmmlng thI s achool nut tall. l'f'hlle Oout:lu wu thua talk· Cu&~~imu. CUbft. 43 ynra aco. One aalk-nt point to reml'm~r hard to lmagln& ~act', but the te&800. A*>ut l'lght dnllare worlb _ e _ lnf, over at tht' North American pthered a~ the Clartl Hotel 1ut 18. Alulta la American-RU&81& I day, when '"T'bat Man" ill coo. of balblng aullll ""'1 othu e...,ton• Almoet t'Vt'ry day !tOme 00 e AYiltlon plant. the lut remnan~ week out of IIM'mory of their de· haa Air basH In SitM>r~a wtlbln 1001 qu .. red. v.·bat a day It wtll be! U811 were awt~d from dolhett ll'ave~~ at the office where I am of lbt' U . 9 Army troope wttb· partt'd tomradeti.. Upon dt.cu..-m.1&e8 ot Alaaka! U Ce.:rmany dfo-"How I am long>ng tor tbe·d&y Unea. A number of re•Wml.l we~ employed vacaUoo lltera.tur. at drtW• not leavln.r tvfll a. ae.ntry. lnt: lbe Idea ol a .. .,. lila .. feata Ruala.. •·ho ,.. Ill t'ootrol I can futrlll my d~&ql. to llve 'Dl vlcUma. lt would Mem that u lhe m011t tempttnc varlt'ty. I ban R,.ler Coester Death Club·· for lbe. Rougtlriden. tbey UM.e t..M! Tllt't._ are cert&I.Jily Amt'rlca-lt aeem.s far away at Ultle u It DOW l.lkN to cet lnto two Wel!ks vacattoo comln« to .... . We bave otten been tempted to deoclded to .. leave that stuff to ne&1U than lbe 6.000 mila dl• lbl8 tlme. but or .what Ulle 18 ani· the wat•r that moat llllybody could but ~ tar 1 haven't ~n able to atan.d up during_., ol lbe crazy the <!.A . .R... taqee Mr. Hoov;r apeab of. n.me thine lbat It got In ttlla world alford that lllUe. But wouldn't lndulp 1n the two weeks vacatlon. maneuftf'lnp ol a t.hrUllng mller F""" N.U.Ift11 to Somettl... ill cert&J.nly lbe Hlleftct ot our wttboul longtnc and flgbtlq! you eutter tome _,barruement 1 have a bunch that tbe 0ru1p CG&Iler ride · , · kla to lrf.Jdlag lbe Itt 21 y..,.. ckclaion. We an wonderlncr bow much 1~- 11 ..,.. .-IDaWa. ~ AoLan bath· eaulll'f ..t. couit. Uae '-~ U" ot t.hriU. At ~ bad~ lut Tou'w ~-by SICJI&I. Rill • er u. wW cooU:ue, but bowever ~;;;;;;-1 .. f:'IIIIII•IIW-•• .... ' "'* tee•• n.y, Udmlc:ally at ,-.. ~:~mer Mautf 1 ta aDd undoubted! ._.. ·---1!::. 1.:. InC ault &ft4 lbe owaer came atone to pt a part ol my Ume, aDd -... er. 011 'J • 'J ._...,._ CONGRATULATIONS ••• to lone, tt wUl have been Wort!a th4 ..... II a .-Ill :.0... But we have new1' deludl!d oy,r· unespec:tedly and demanded h11 wbal UtUe mooey 1 CAll alford to umbed to that. --Impala by Ita fonllt ol oll ~ka. ~·a Elaile N..,la.Dd. r-ber bard ._11• ftp.tlag and autfedn«, f.or t.be 1!1111 , -...t aat now. Actually, we are at war! property? apend. Tbat trip c.an ba JUde au of ua have bad. out ot • alm.ple the llltory: ,..enty-yean aco. ~ etton. IJl wtDn1Dc the sub-a.Jre ot lb~ who are lrf.v~ their We _.. ~ ~ aat )Itt beca.-e we are ihJpp~n& my--e-economtc.lly, and t be Creator clee for bia having landed a ~e Signal HUI wu wltheut a~-.utptklll C'Gatftt. 8M could be Uvea tor Engl&Dd and Fl'eeda~D! ~~~·iii• ~---llf Dem See whene a number ol my New-.-na to have aupplled everything job. A eupportlnr era. be • Ill A ~ar latn tht' flrat well waa -out work'J.ac very early every Now that I am fourteen, I wla 1 11 tD•• but beat~ our way of ei-OUr OC· port Harbor friend• have joined et.e neede-d to make a aux-fui .tnJck hlm u lbe roller t'-..ler brout:bt ln. Slnt't' lbm the tab-mornlllg, '1rbl..le moM o( ua were bad been born eart\e.r. Then 1 ~ ....... ............,; becau.p the~ are abroad in the the lltatt' guard. You aee the !Ia· vacation. be .. n 11.1 deep cte.cent H1a body uloualy '1\'C'althy field hu produced •till nrbbln« our f'Y" and to t'OUid do liOme rn.l. war work. I -'I lUI fur\B .-bleb. deten.nined thAt men shall Uon•l guard moved I n to t he wu h urW through th~ air and D"lrly s;oo.ooo.ooo in oil and on the "~n Zone" for maktnr lbetr only lake part In a lla lvage acbeme, pea .U. . I n<«UI&r ann)' ancf . lett Ul little FRANK fOSS WINS plummeted Into lbe 001'&0 ~low. Jut January I, a f'fompllatioo of pr1ree 110 gene-rou .. y low, tor all ant! lM'I' th.-re ia no waste In our .. IWIIaMd to Eifdoal; beca.-e ~.dignity-of man has been «UY• without any protection. Wbm Stauffer ~I e vIc t • m to bll prodw.th>n ~et! that Its o 11 Mrvtr~ men. • hou~bnld, but wouldn't It have ..... 111&111 by p;ssw-aaaed ~ of State. • all lbe other wara WE're KOIO« on CONTEST PRIZE FOR ecllluy Morale: don't lrt.B ntl up In prndurtirm hM rrlu hed an •~·n-LIGHrM AND RUN! ... Over l.ln'n fin.-If I had ~n born a We.__ aat ,S.bei!!D called \JPOil to man machine guns; I wu too old to get llpa.t'l! .• I ro~!~r c~e::. n ·.t..:un e-no ugh ~e or 14~.000 anrdar:. clair:.'~ this Fourth. let's hope t'Vt'ry<lrle ft'W yt'ars .-arllt'r, 116 1 coUld do ..,........ . Ilk th' ho ...,JilT .. Ill~ I fffi FIFTY WORD LETJ"ER w e ~m n «sea . ,.,, a wur I •s re<"o ... ort' t. ... n ~·til ........ r-aRE.,...'L'. and CON· !Kimt' \'alunhlc-wa r work"-" we Mw DDt Jet beeD forced to nJn for shelter as bombers e . ~ me ... " Mltk Goes Up and Milk GoH Oown '1 n; wdla have bt't'n lltVlk In the -"""" '-n. r.. . . • . · .... CM!Itwwl .ADd we.._ and nroay that that day shall not Aler. ..... • -I ,.r'"-k FM•, of 180:'; FAAt ~n-8ecOod mil~ pt:iC#. n-hw in w r ...... ••hio'h lA •.nly rour miiH lOng ~IDF.Rpu.t ~TEbta!ku·~b..!_U! notd ~smart WHAT .... APPENED .•. to ''Tbe ....,.... .... -r ~· v dayll Ia t•ffe-cth·e from Julv I :.nd lhr~-fourthll hf a mile wl .. a. ° C< ·-UD e. Clll'll -.... ...&.&11 t I 1 th' , Jt' IUllbl..:r hrue to IIAY I t-• A ... ,boll Callf<)1'111a ~ ,. '' ... lb .• lb d --L bl )faJnr·l! Column ?" it wu ccrta.lnly ~ u.a we .... KUI a war, Or n lS era, 8S m every II a for II p ' '"" \'4'Dlle, .,... ' ' Wbm It jumpa from Oflf•.hRit .-rnt \'ntl'l'(• ,)rln•n many a mile on evPO O ey O uUU&e a ggcr .. a.t ... -before. • etemal • ..t ... u .... ce is still the, price "llhoot lbe work•··. but that ,la ha.• jullt tx>en notlflt'd that two won to ont' rt-llt ,_r ql,Jart NPvHth.--· th•• ttll rf>fin4"d Into •lUIOilne from bang., ~~!l.~lnffi lrrotmTult'~ .• fr~nt;~~~e mfoohr-•-••er>uao• whl\l .the enterprUing ciUUn.l! of I onf' or thP ptizea In a naUon111 ron. ..-.. ·:OOMPH NEEDED" ... At lbe mg a.!f h ullY ll ..... ue o t o ., Jlllrt7. Tbere Is no pennanency guaranteed for any in· Nt'wport Har'bt.•r &rt' golng to do t~llt llpl'l(IIIOrt'd by the Ronaon ..... rtve-t hou$\nJ Jtllllttn!' uf m alk thllt llmall llN'IL :-oew()<Vt enlnulce to lbe main-"!\:I'WS·Timea" to all thOI!e Irate ........ 0 e¥t!f1 for Uberty--except that which we guar-nMlt Friday and Sat.urday, but J l J~tht.-r Company. n f Nt'wsrk. IMd, as ••e leave lbe. ovuht'ad I Jl4l'oP~ who h ad to wrap. rollect. and -.a-._...._ I DecJ ti I thf'y a.re ~rolnJt to llhoot fire workll. Nrw JI'T'!O<':V. for wrltln~t nnf' of ArtJ• ts d Th • Art hri<lge Can't aee aome Qt the noll mrul lbe "left-overs" that ...... -eDtJD.tllpllllll'llllellll~· uruaa-n• 0 our ara on ° IUltl the publk will ht' the winner I thP bl'llt lrttt'rll or fifty wnrllll on s an elr tmild'ingll for t he llize nf the '1\'erd.a. Wl'~>k••nd Jt'ti'IIU forgot In take lladtjedel;:e 11lat cloa.Bnent isn't SOI'Ilethlng which w as fr1•m ttit' t~!ght of a St.OOO W<lrth the rmbjl't't. "Why I f'rt'fl'r Ll~hl-By G. ·A.. MAG!IiTS"F.S I C'f'nt'JJnly not the ~at lmp~11111on I w~th them ?~ Or d id t~e ''lert.ovc-re." IIIJIIil. -a! aDd clellvered back in 1776; that document is of pyrott'chnlcal ~auty wblch wlll j c·n to Matchee". · ...--t1o make em visitors. whom we I t hu~nffi Anal. I "'""d"r. •Joo11n l . -"-_._.II _, rd l ont' 1l will' fill lht' Bky with r olnr ancl glnw. T llJlpiiPtJ fnr a pOIIi tlon The Ani'W~r to h1q1•l.ry Bbou,t bar k-' mnws It 110 th•· 11ir b.-hrf'ath4'11 WRJ'It to t•ome and remain. t-IOJoe It ht•lp the llJlpt'arBnl'l• of Page 1 _.to cavv6• vaa1. we -.egua t; Y we are mg lf you happen tn he In th<' nrlgh· manp,ger rlrew a pnr k of rlgar-rround ln f•Jn'r . .-IUI<l pn~lllnt I Fr•>m my point .... , ~·h'w thf> ~implt'r !lomr body rNlds this who hall a 1 a r.tJ WtJuld It t the C'olumn t servo tD IIYe aDd cle for lt. b•lrhoOd of Nf'wport nn th0114.' ••vi'-rttt'lt. 1 J•rnduct"<l my Ron!IOI'I Ll~ht-painting Sf'nJ In unl.Jer tho• !tlgr>a· " h'll'kt::rc>uo-1 Ill lhr lM'tt.-r (b,. little onnuc·n<'P ";th the "l'owerl! JU~<I as WPIJ els.-wh.-r('. Let'a .,..,...,.,.., that. this Independence Day. nlngs whl'n lhe ftreworkll are tn ctr and Ill hill clraJ;I'tle fnr him lure \0 D. rll8h "n t.lt'tl'v .. ry fiL:un• 111 frflnt nf at tv111 lw, and That Be'"-and perhapa. t bose I tw-t11rtpl11y~l. you will bot dl'l~ht. hf>fnrP ht' cmtlrt find a ~TA~otrh, nld<"ntly h&3 poor I'~ II rnt eng ; al!lo I _"':II a..t<J. the better tbc ! ll3.me "powen" ~ prtnt n otlr<'s I 1'llree mac~ and the New .. I'• I w 1 t h u1.-l'ntt'rllllnmrnt Jt l !'llrt.,llt·l'~t tn ""~' my Hon!lon ltl\\'e but h!" or hrr quretlon~t arc-t•> h~:urr t•. th;• lf'!!!l thr nbJ~<•rvt>r 1 for garbage \'lUI ('niJprtors. rea(J· , n1Df'11 for Sl.:!JS~ Ask WI how. mt~ht hi' Wt'il tC\ rNall tlw (!('· 01., nn sir nr r.-flot'fnt'nt and help-lbe point. though ~omo•whsl Rar· \\Ill "''"J ••n1t•rla1nm••nt In t h (• 10~ "Qtttt't l'h•ase". or 111 llletpiDtr •r--------------. l'lllllf•n ll<'m<• tf;r, yl'nrlll\f.l'<' whll'l1 "'' t•' giVI' ll J:OOII lmpr~Mion. 1 cal!tk l hurnnrnu~~, k l k ~r"""'' 11)1' tllm .. nslons 0~ "l tn lhe t'arly morning rnrlllf!dcn:' EAT MORE With 8Cboola do8ed for the summer V3(',8tiOn, th{'l"e [\!"(! ~&tn.rll'tl th15. bunot or t-atrlotl!tm.l f&f'CUrr.l lhr pn!!ltlnn ll1s JmJtU!..I.anl _.,.._ ~ 3ttl'n· l•:t• ki{T"IIO•I ar" nf ~·••f)' I:Tf'.1t tm· e l 1 ... --~on the streets more cars on the hig hways Anol It Ill '!.\Ill bet ter'" rf'nwmb.-r Uon tn thr bJIC'ki{TI\\1~·1. ( .. r at '; , ... ,Hnr ... Tilt' f'jl:lf'f'!< on t•ttht'r l GLORIOUS YOUTH! -.. ;t'X· IDGH GR.WE FOOD ,__ • if vou want tn t'Ont lnUi' the 1 ,.1~ 1 -:-"I[AO TH~ AD&-:-lbt' m•\111 rnmmon hab l tv nPf(IN. "'"'' •·f. th<' h••atl an1l al"''" lbt> r<'flll fmm an t-:ns:li!<h lettf>r. d~tl'd FOR LES..., MONEY I-----~Ba~~Y~ hazank to aigravatC!' the safety prohl<'m. · · • It .. f h···•ol •·»n .to l!O many lhmgs ~no<l :\Ia~· :n st ~~enl to :"l:~l>'•rt 11,.. ... h 1 ... tats IIIUit ckmble and redouble their vigilance, if WC W£' are g lad thnt ~h<' has 1\ b reathing spt'l\-and We hope \\ilh ll thl'rr :rr.-objl't'llt In th,. bark-anti lu•tl tn thl' h••at! ~ ..ti~r~ "J~t lately. Lontlnn h311 bot'n ha\•· to . of hastJ t edJ d (T'OIInd th4'y nl.ll~l not llt• Jl1101•'tl that It U< f!'f)ll\rkahif• hiiW Jlttll' ing 3.D MSIPr tame, tJut WC hl\\'1' ~ eK:ape a ccnstant ~~~ g Y rag ~s · ur-a ll o ur ~<'arts that it wi ,6 i_':l"' this C'.9~1.ry thE' nf'('('~ry becau .... they nrl' lnt<rt!St•r~: '" att••ntton Is ~:en.-r:llly ~Ill t" tbtm bet'n having aome p.rd.J..\: ILOW DOWN FOR CHILDREN + c A Se Df p. ' ; A ce to R, Cl th 1111 T t "'(; ol lnt "'' M; A c ,. .,.. tic ICl Gl l:r QQ lbt La no Ne ba th1 an tht tJa liE by Ju 1"01 Its Iff!! rue hu t.bl Ill' I tilt Fll .... I •• clut -tJie ~llob Jjerio(J. -ctiiJtJren, Of ~rse. mtt!;t bt> CaU· time t o rom e to h er resc w1th th<' matcnaJs o f w ar WhiCh lhem!!l'lvr~. Thl'lr nnly rt~?llt (If Xf trm.-l' Y!'ri lt'tl n· lhe ap · ni~:htll We ha\·e 1,.; d n:;•: ~oaa.:uy_.l 1-,.~--·.-.,~~~~~~~ltflll-....... ..a......---L-.. ... ~t·..J.· J d 1'1 &.... t s-.-comple~Jie'll&ff---f!Y"~-"C-·~ ~ .;.:..,_....c-owo4aU..Mi.~~~--4~lt:~n:mm~=-11=-~l:-..:::::::::!::~ ~ .-..:riP__..-..-~-~.We rnA-en cr own t l? wrs· O"'SSrrtt bnrumk lit'~ " tn1nrn:f3d or p; ~amiit llf~~ng acrn!ll! .. lliifi"""and .. care In crossing streets,' but tht> big respons tPnl to a id .H.l"d Ru.~ hil<' s he is di\'erting th<' f'n l'!"gi<'S o f nJt'lrP In' Hthr r W<"r<ll': when Y·~ll th\' ll~<lnrm which kt>t'p ; th(' ..,. iiiiiUj( ltiJI 'ftllt wtth mefl and womef1 behind th.~ Wh_ IJjtJcr'S )eglonS. /. &n> pllDtlnJI!' ttl(' baC'ItflrMiftt1 ~f thlnJ! lllh•P, !JIU!Ii\'t' and l'rt'f\tf'S • Here .,.. a few practical "don't" for summer drivl'rs Dut whaft'\'<'f \\'~ cto. let's be t't'alis ts ahout it. Wh<'n lh<' thtngl! In it ~·nu art' ~t II paint-th" my,.tt•ry t)t dePth . On I hi: •11..-...d. lng the ht'ad. Vnur-t'YI' II! 11tlll •tlwr hnntl. ""4' tC\nr v.ith the Don"t speed U&IUU50 intersections, n O m a tter hOW m lht{'\'('5 fall OUt, h ones folkS f>OOli'litnf'S :lf'l~ thf' gainl'f. L£'f'S on Lh(' hi'Aol, )'011 81'!' th<'J<e lhiflJ:l' w ry l'io;:htP,.t 't lt:tnj:f' will olo thP need to get where you're going. It's . better to not 1~ s ig ht of the fact. h ow<'v<'r. tha t both ~azi C"n~nnany of thr hnckj!Tnun•l In a rrlat"'" th1ril! In lh•s • asP Uw toni.' Is In train that ldii a dtUd! ........ 01nd Rro Russia n.re en<'mi<'~ o f our way of life; both have way (lnly. To paint otherwl.e Is thr fh ••st o·h•m ,. •Jf r.-latlon to th" · 1 to digress .and shift from one sub· l11nur.anl •·••In• nf t!'•• fiJ:ur•· The Don't drive too dose to parked cars. Boys and gtr s .:;oug ht to unde rmine th<' l nitt"fl S ta h •s of America nnrt h a ,·e Jec:t to another. to p.alnt many ·"' ki=rt•un•t mu"t trll\el ntong an•l ltlll dub out from behind parked cars,'·even though they've kl•pt paid agitato~ and saboteurs hl'rt'. for that purpoSt~. Doth pictures ln. one a eof\Giomer.atlon. k"''P ra<·•· " th ··\'i.'ry ad,·ance of 1&1'1 Ji&ve ~ lO tlwrdXHft~ AW'd<f6n•t tilke irrOr As ht'tw<'<'n llitlt'l' and Sla wbeft.up at your favorite resort, tha t only adults m nm<'nt. that S talin s hould win. bnlklly. • d:m~hous. Dut lrt's waste t\.0 tC.'li"S owr f'ith<'r ; :met ll't's Don't ctrtft with faulty brake-s. Don't speed past play-not :fa ll fl)f t'hl' pi'Qpagn.ncfii of f'itlwr. Let's just 'try t o take 8J'OUDdl. Don't indulge tM' ~ that all children go in at rull 'advnnta~f' of thf'ir gunman'~> quaJTPI. sn tha t Britain will IUIIdown, tJe~;ause they don'L MQSt of a !l· just don't g e t I ~ fully arml"<i, and we will be ruHy pr't'pa rt'd, wh~ti the c:areJe.. Slaw doMI, this summer, for chlldren!· ·• f.l;tt'tl<' 'of Russia has ended. , Tht'rt' ar" l>ntki:Tt'ltn.t!' l'l<l W~'ll th•· pit turP --- ; .. ' . ,_ NEWPORT BALsoA NEWS.'IDIES. ~ 8llld\, Calitom\a, ,nfftsoAy. J ULY 3. 1941. ..., I I !.News Of The Churches I I • .. The Epismpal DiMese. CHRIIT CHURC H BY THE SEA Bunda)• School, \''30 L m . Rev. E.' D. Goodell, putor. lt.lornlnc \\'onh p. 11 o'clock , a.~a-liniks , . ._ ~-~~ ~r to J PuBLic NoTIGES No 79t1t NOTICE OF SA LE UNDER . OEED OF TRUST 1Cl A-sS I Fl E 0. AD Y E RJ lSI NQ--------· ·--SELL ...c:hW'c.b 8:30 L m. aDd a~d&l ~. pUtor·• ~ ~ -~ sunda y l.lornlnc Worshlp, 11 CruaAd~r sen·•'"<· e o'ri{K"IL "llill~~ SEHICES ~on ..... •~ ttt:u~o:11-,.--;.;-~:~~ · Pb~ --~-r-EIT· o'clock. Spttlal mualc Choir &D· Eve,ui'& E+aurellcal ServiC'e led .... lhr~t -\h!t "' 1 :~r~<l 'T'Itlo· no~r""'.l' Ulem &Dd eermOOD. __ . by paator:· • · t'~>m,_.n -T II or IS Tu ..,._ T .. •~-• ..... t • , •• ' ., "'Tl"•r.oll.•n "" tou~IN• , H•&h .~h~ aud ~~~~~~ ·~r. ~e~r ·~~ At the ~ •neat~ un~. ·~• '~''"'" ·•·~• N ~~~ --------------------------------------------League•. G:JO p. m Cb"non aubJeCt. tL."-,.., •r•lr 1 on tl.••k 11111: "' ,.,.11,. I Ev .. omg \\'orahll'o 7:30 p. m I Tbur8day, 10 a. m.. P rayer (£8.,...... to lJ.Ip -) ~·· ,,. Ptrr ''' ,,.,.,,,.b ,,, Pmn.:•· A.u TOMOBII £~ I R eAL E sTATE Quartfl mualc an\! krmon. I ).!Htmg; ~ra. Steam• :.n char•~ , 'l··~mh • .,.llt••mh• '" w h 1 t: h rN· Mid-Week Prayer Servtce, Wed------Every Sunday thru July and August t r n., '" h.,,.,,, ......... r..r (UI Iho•l Fn~ SALE ~&y: ~ovc.•r.d:ah dumfr. G::!O. ; FUL,L GOSPE L CHURCH . · • 1)<,rt .. 11 "" 11•11 l''"""·'"t 1,, ltutl Corner-of 22nd and Elden su.. 10 a.m. to tO· u;. a. m ··· .. 1 I ." II " •••• r l•lt .•• h ·"'·' ··~>·· FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST 'toau M~u. California e-lu • II• .. 1 o;u 1.1 d··•.t ••f 1,11,.1 SCIENTIST Ht'\', ~.C. l.TOillt:, fl:ulor •· ll•l ••n f', l ll'''"''·••f ;\1fll,h 112 F.!l8t t..'ll'nt rl\1 Av~nu~ . Slllldll)' ~('h~ !1:•~ a m. [)EAN 80l)E. ~linist~r '"'' I' I • I, 1•1 .. ' l'•t:·· ',., .. t ~"~'""i'"'t H;n,•h •.• ~l<'rntn!:' \\'orslup :"•nl,·r 11 11. m "'ll• ,1 1, .,,,, 1,1 "'·~ ,.,,1111 A brum h ur '1'111' ~lothur C"hurr h. ~'Wlj:chatl<" St'f\'H'(' 7 JO p m. EVERYONE WELro_ME I \ I ,, ... , II '"' ''''l•h A:.. .... )I Thl' F1rst <:hurd• t•f Chrl11t, j TunJ ay :wJ Thursday pray~r ~ t~ I• ,, 1 t h·ot 11 ,,,.,. or'Tt'"i'l~ll· Sclentol!l. In l!l•slon, ~Inn. ...,, \'lct's 7 .30 p . m •' ,, ,,. f· 1 f, "" 11 ""' 1o "' ,., S~n1tay S1•t.uol at u.30 a. m. 1 PuBLIC NoTICES .. r ' '' • "' 1 ,. ,. 1o '" .. • "' ,, •. , Sun•luy s .·rVHJC Ill II II m \\'ed-' DUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL GIEIT ~uiS In II' II ,,.,. l'l•l '""''"' ·•I , .... oea<lay Trst1n10nlnl Ah•ettng at sl CATHOLIC CHURCH' I .. NOTICE I NVITING •IDS• • •I·•' ·'" 1 ",, ,,,., "" , ott., 1,,. , P· m . Hl'"tl.ns: Hoom. ll!i ~otral • Rn. P • .J. au~y. Print ~ 1 •••·• ''"'' ·•·•· "•'l''""''~·r 1 1!'111 A\'e., optn !rom 1 to 4 p. m ex-MIUIIIt'J 8 &. •m. to 10 a. m . .,no So•tl~'t '" h··"r"'' IC"'t-n tut thf' h •• "'' 1· •II l'~<lol ""' ~.,., ,, '"" c~pt Sundays and holldaya. 11 a. m. _ · I 1\lajor Nuisan~ '"*'''."' Tnt"'*·~'ll ,.., tn.-N..-pwt 1n•t.•''" • "' •1•1 •· ~"""''o.tllt'u tll II" he public Ia ror<Jtally lnvltt"d -----__ I Ur'Ac-h •:lrn11·nllon · ~··l•twol I)Uitrict fl~o•r.·t 1 .. • I'""' \\ 1 1.1. SF I. I. to attend the aervlce antt uee Ul~ COSTA MESA COMMUNITY 11.8 ot tbf' C"ll)' of ·S··~""lM a..ch. "' 1'1111. 1t "1•••11 t .. tho· ho ... u·~r R An,l I mean rf'llly gotng '" .. eadiog Room. CHURCH I grrat J:UD• • with ahn.wt n ·t'f)' C"aJ•f•'M't11.'1, oa·tll ..,., ••• ,vf' b4~ for 1•111\!N ''" • '"" "' '"" rul n~o•nr~ Rev. A. C. Abe)e, Mlnleter man '" l"f"WJ10r1 Hartwor .S.>~I\llt turn JOhona: labt\r, matt''IAI. t,..._ . '' lh,. I'""' •I :-;tal· • ••f flwrt." CH.RI~TU!IIi .;liflt:~t'E CHI'Ht'Ht:s Sunday Bible School, 11'4!'1 L m. ju al •·hat 1 dkt anti jmntn« up oa·ctfl polr1ation a n.t •n k coa lott tae 1011 thr 14th ·•··~ ••t July 1!111 at The•• words tr .. m lu1ah, "i am Worabip Service, 11 a .m. Cbotr lhf' Stat~ C.uard It took mf' a NIOJitrurtl<'n of a aturac-• JV1IC" 111~ """' "' l··n "• 1.~ k, A M '.'' Ule Lord 1hy l:nd. the Holy One of a.nlllem a:tN apedal u:u.lc. Paat.or' JltU• IUD~ to makr ~ m.r. mind. et ~-por1 Rt-ac h 0 ram mar ''"J '''"' "' lhr . :"\urth nutln rn I IIMl'l, I h)' S••·lour." JUt' the Gold PO Mf'lDOID. • I but • l rwo of Uw boya tOOk -;,;.-~ • n Nld fiT)• Of "'..,....... t.J:au •• ··~""' u r .. ~ ( '•"'tftty -Hall r Telt to the ..... PIMID ~ernlOD ... Hl.l'b Scbool and l:Dtermedia.te dooa"D a n(J(t:h or ,,..,; and madr twtw"b In ....... rr:laN'f' wit.b Ow of t: ... :·r·l~ Ill thr I . t \' uf !'l;ontu ' Tilt' olllly pl:lo'\' \11 t111• :"o:o'\\ Jllll'l lla 1'1w11' llfl'.l \\ lt••t••• ~·o•l l o':111 l'o't \ ..... '1 Jl'111-.; I'll\ l'l'r'IJ It~· tiro• l .th• 'l'ltlll' l'"''' ( 'ar ( :uat'alllt•t•. t \11111' itt :mtl ~'f mu· lilt: ,..~, ••. ,"Ill .'/; '''"I'll "'"'' h:uu1 a hnut tltll" TIIEOilORF;. ROHINS I 1'111 '•"I I .\,., .......... ·~' ,,, •• ,t, '''"""* •t••'d ? 'f •••hell lt'f.UU t•l ,f'. • Will 14M~I'1N ~ Wil l IAM"'ON .. .,,,.,,.. ' ' '{11 l R, '" E s rATE F .... n Rn..n f ('l ll RI NT f • nut, "'•wp(H4 41 tie f 0~ "All II fl v ..... " d lnu"Y h•• t_..f",.. u wd t ,,...,.. 0• togln•l t~lt t t \0 WlrHI .... ftJr •~ S.a ot '•or Vta Ou•tn. l •tt• h it or Uti JIHwpcut ••c'-118 ~. II"" Mvsac AL biSTRUM~NTti ,... -KNAD~ ORAND ..... II ... -,_ ""'-ctwap. 0 AN Z KHI'oiiDT f'IANO CO , 1110 N<t .... ,, ... , r.onto A"a VICTOR RECOfU) •• '""' ...- u,ro· I'IA NO '" te t48 all ... Y•'"" t nndhl<"' DA"'Z K UMIOT I' I ANO CO, ~ """ Mal" M., ''"'"'•"' Kn;a, VIC t OH "ECORDL ........ ai'I""E l fl. P IANO I ate ~· R•JO•'•"•...., klaooc• ...... .,.._ lo ... _.. ... ~ ...... ,., _., Ito ,.., '""""' .. will ....t. DAN& 'OCH M IOT P IANO CO ., .. Na. Ma1" ., , -...t• A*. YICTCNl RI:COROf ....... ""• ,, ...... ~ _,_... "' ........... ,._... ...... .. ··-· .......... e-IIM· ... . 1Wt. vlcllft. 0 AN Z KHIIIDT ~~~~~~ ;c~~~~t~t.ln all Churc:bes Lequea, 6 :30 p. m . mf' ,_. noa.eoo Enhatf'ol'a y~ p1an1 an.t IIJW"C"Ifh atlorut on "le ln~ ~n11 I """'" n( tlnu1.:r. !'>'"'" 1,r '--llf-----£\'fnln Wontll . Son Service. "'-a•• R"•lde ...,!o K _ __... __ AU tJw olflc:r uf_E.• I Uoon -· ( allf"~' II lbt jntc• ,-~-ef...tltf" tkll&itUid _. •••• ,.... --~--~I blclude.a thne \l'ra~tl from Act.: u t.or'a wrmoo. High Scbool ff'l· tb~ jOtl . . aad aJN'ady I'm C"la<.l dfont of t hr hoent •tl Mkt aoeboOI v ''' t•• II h\' lh,. altlt! •lrr.t or r o,. 'Alr tl\•1 n ,_. .. , '•""•'· 0 '""'"~ ·~ & lrf t41114l""'..--r-- PIANO CO ,-Ne ........... a. .. t• lwuo YICTDf' "ac;oaoe.. ,. "Tbeu Paul IIOI>fl In lhe mtdat ot lowablp follo-•lnr wrvlc~. they tlld II. .,. • dt..,lnt:l • I t ruat, ~n·l '"'"'"' t In All ltlo''"" lllara' bill, and utd. \'e mea of ldld-WH-k Prayer ~rvlc:e, Wed-It ,.... a ~,..._ pf'O('f'M. Uk" Drh bkl ahall bf' madfo out on l~, "' J'rh•r lhrr<'l••. tn an.t tu !'!nd .. ('••lraJ """"Uhnut p, ... •n c • 1 1 ~"'~~' Mocha11!1, N• .. Pof1 .. ikll l lll " ..... VM 'II MUIIC CO., At.beoa, I percelwe lbat ta all lblo .. l naday, 7:30 p. m. ('N'IIn~,; ,. bl&nantL Alrt'afly 1 ,,.,.., a fo·m In tw obhlJM'otl at Uw atf\ee 1 "II'""""Y "'!""'"d tn It t Cuun. ....,_ U 1 ,. .,.. coo ~puautloua. i"or u ., Su~ay m~rnlnc, • ~a. ~. Pft· bf"tlt"T' ft make'S a ~)' II Uri! ot --nr fh.-rnos olf.nt nt tlw llclard. ty o1 Ori\DI!I' ~1111" or < 'lihf••rnl• ' p ._ .. -· pau&cl b)'. and O.•held )'OUr devo. paratory W~busblp c::a.... rr .. uoJ to klliM' ~w· .... rvtn.: h .. Inc-st ... at ZIOO w .... Orf'&D ...... l. IUIII ....... , .......... '""""'" ... Wll ·------------.. FT STOC:K MISCELLANEOUS tiona, I found ao alt~r w,llh t~lll :n· - ---C'tty, h la lltale anoJ hla nAIIoo Of ~roa>p:>r1 Rrac-b. C'altlonsl.a. and L "1 .. 1~'nl\' rlur o~llr I n ,on,t }'t'olr In lhl~ l't•rtlfll'lth' fh.,.l I TH£ CUll!.T COCK-;;-;pAN!iL ---~--- acrlpllnn. Til Ttl~. t NKS O\\ S SEVENTH DAY _ADVENTISTS r·ou~ lh•·n •'ll bf' ••mf' loca.l CUY•' •hall bf' al't'omp,n lrol by a Cfttl· Ul•"'k p of Tn<rt !':·• '" '''"'"'' wrill•·n I -put,.••• '••4 ... ., """''• c-. IK>ARO AllfD "~ -..._ 000, Whom Uo"lt'fore 7e l~t;nor•nt· j Seventh. Day AdvenU.t Cburcbl ·h .1 jol lM It The .11 flrd f>r C".J.IIhl.-r'll f hf'<'k orb~ baed f'lr,t A•l•hll"n t" It,.,,,.., 111 ~ .... ~RIIY 1'. ANnl·.rtSON. .,,_ .._ CHoeieMel ... -- IJ worship, him 11•·claNI I unto )IOU. nf (,.'hrllt " r1 won t"f un fV' f I . t . I 10"' tJt U.. fi4"T ll!IIJt lho•r••nr INI'II'·J•••l ' ·n N <'113"'" l~b1IC' tn and fnr •ait1 r '''"'" ""• ... , ou''''"•• Hu•l _... __.,...._ .___ • --.J... Oall4kM-tnltd., "'"' wotfd and aH --. al~ay• two •Ira ...,Jo..l.:f'r• andGuud or f"n JIC'I'Tf'Jl • • 1 1 · '' .,,..,,, ...... r.t IIIIo,., ~· •• A. ._.._ thln~~;s tlo,.r••an, MN'IIll( hhRI hft •• eornc-r 01( \ alnut and Churl.'h Slll IC"Idbn1·ks F"<ortunately fur thl' a mount or thr•hltt. mai14r pa,...W.. 1 '<'o lk V 1 '11 ~" ::et "' ~'1"' •'1• ('uornl\' n111l Sill II• I & P . Mo•ll•t, l ogun• ... <h .... ....,.. ._.,.. •-• .l M. Lord Of ht'ttVt·n 1111<1 t'aollt, dwr;ll•·th 1 C'OIJts Ah·~a l ·no lt-d ~ 1 "t,. 11 lhry n-tn t h.-to thf' ,...rtlf-1'' of "" fklartl ot ,.,__ an:·:···~ M"t:"' .f{ ... "1 •1• "' tlr 1 ( :'ll••lnrlnl 1\1.\' •~•lllllll•~o.l"n ,.,. 11 tic.. ,.., .. .,, Co• , .. ._a Wul l .... r, not to tr•ntl•h·ll 11111rt~·11h hanlll': Saturday morDinc. Sabbath School mlnorlty. ,,...,. R••llo llhall bf' r«f"IYed and &n~· I ·.":''). I •llf<•l!llll , S••11ll flln··~ Ma.n·h 1:1. ~91:1 ........ .,. w. n-... NPilhPr II ... llt"hltll!l"..d with llll"n'••l 9 ·30 a. m. I( the llttlr I "' ol s-'>rt fllf'd oa·lth thr l'lrrk ,., I he botard . ~~.r r lhrrf"'m m-t h.. 11'111'> Junr 1:! ,,._:'fl; .ht!.x ..J.. ' • ---b~·· u l llnorl'lo tw nN•tlrod anr .PTea cb lng, Servace .. 11 a. m. . . V'4 >"P' 011 .,. .,. 1...,, "'•wwta• ."Jtolf:\Hit t'lftll. t u t1H'M I 'fttr·llillr"•' nl .. nto: I • MPl.OYMINT HOUSEWIVES! tlllllll:, IPf'iilte h .. 11Tv•·flllo ilf~ ~ w.-M te-'1 '"' J:•ostonk· I!HI at 7.30 •>'riO!"k, p U . and lhr \\•••1 ll o11• of ""'"' J..,l '.!!•. NOTICE OF' IAL£ I and br•'lllh. nnl1 1111 t hlnJ:ll," lng nf'rk I'IWt:hl in tht" V.llr lht rr lt '"" l'lllllh lin•· oof "''" :"f .. rth WA,..TI:D •·•u•t•o" "" , .. ~. The V !!llilll S••rtllflll prt·~··ota also Episcopal Dif)Cese I ,... jtlo•nh · "' C otaroJ ~ohJbnck• ··•II br ''f'"'JM'd an.t publkly ~d I Ill f• ··I to• In ~: prunllt•l ... llu· :"\0 t'll" .. : I )... ~A I.E ut tl\•o\•11 ...... y fo"•t••••"1• .... will 40«- lhi'St: lllllt'IIIO'IIII' rruru the Chrl• Re l whu'll rl•jlrt'l tho••r IH k .. , train-al,.uli on \h1l olav In t~ ~ S urlh hni' nr ""' ·~·t ... , ,.,.,,. ShiOr .... r"rrl'llf'lllln.: hflliJinK•, onnlioc ..... o ............ ~ ....... . L .... -• .,._ .._.,._. ...,_ -•<04 .._ ........... ..... tlan Sch'n•· .. IP\{boflk "~rlo>nN! a nd somes 'C!ummer I• c r.u·~ ... h .. "'""" kn<•' t .... ..Jif· o( TnudN'II f"ll-"11, at the N~..-· ' •. , ....... I., .. !U ,.., • ' .::7 " " Roo .. r. ,._, N-M ""' nOll• l1 Jh,•to·nt Ill' 11Im II ,,.. In Ill•• T o 111'1 knoown "" lhr !'""'" ltra)lh ~~t ltlo 1\••\ to lhe f';rrlnlur .. s" I f•·ro·n•'f' tx-t"'"""" th(-t"~tor to " """ .ntmnuu ,.,.,..,..,, ~-..-• ~-1 11 •1 1 b ~~ 1 1 ? "" • •·· Ch h Se • · 1\f'lvh (' Ill 1 ·~ ,.._,lr)' n Jill\ or lvtttl IIIIIHtHII " ,.,., T••rr•" I' Tr11~1 N•l :1 of l hr II•· kl• "" "'" .. ,.1,.••k•" .,111 •of . ....... -----··· ....._ ..... _ ....... ..._ )' . ,.,.,. ,,, ···r •.• ttl)' n ... f"Yt'r-urc rvJ .. es !:pnuj:flt'ltl an.J • boUI\A''t'r a t t.Jwo . a (>m a I f . .... I ... tl I II k .. I A la&tlnJ; I A\1 I• DOl boundl"d n-"" n ... ahnv,. DW'nt•nn4'd ctwc1t or 0 pron• '1'111 llll• ,,.,., • hal~• II, Q~ .... "" """ •n "1 ,,Jtn 1\ 1111 hlllllll•··l "'"-'"''" .. :.l ... •r•l ttAJnt, · · ~ ' Ht•n•lt:T\'tOU» l~llroJOm ,J 'r1 I I 1 I 11 ' ................. _ ....... -w c-.~ ........ ... • " f'Qmpr"~~,.l! """'" t he narrow lim-1 Laat Wont.la .. 11 dril l at 1 h" bnnd .tt .. ll bf' .nv"'" a a a trUaraDtft van.""· ~ • 'I" ''1'"",..'" .. t "·''" M l "" "" "tot 1111 -•turn v "I''''"'' lllvr•ll.:at.... a"'l mf'm· Ita ot ph)'fllral humanlly, nor t'all Fur the SC<'OOII s.•a.<t'lf'l I hi' F.r 1..-• > thai ttw hlolot..r wltl f'nl~ Into Uw an.t •·ump••r ~alh•n "' '"'"''"' 1"'''11 'hnh1'"•1 "" In ,,.,. Ill I•• ur '"'' "' l'•vt hh· ttr ..... ~,.h an•l Watrt· _._ ........ ,_ .... . _... ........ "--... ., He lie uiiQ~r,rf>lld an.-hl tlY'ou11~ t'Opal 0toc:T'l'C' ~ dororidrd t o he*~ C~~ SChovl oaaa t!arn. IDtrr-f'Mfrart It &w•••ffod tn him tiiMI OATEII J unr l!>lh.. l!tU _ lh,. rn•a-• ty ,.,..., t'li. l u l o tilt'.'''"'" """'tt'ill"f' t..tta ~bout 1\1• ad. ntortal ronrt•t•IM" MThft !'('rlptui"C'a rnmmunll)' C'hurdl IWrYlttS d urtng e Dj:. ut my ff'f't fll''~ m.-trill bf' ,...1.,....1 fnrl~itf'd If Uw All."TitAt"T A:"\1• TITI.£ OtUlh'" nf ll II \\'II"""· .. ;11~""" ,.,.,1turr• u-_ llhnotl brf'akrr O<•'l tmply~at c:.,.t Ia All·lll·all From th h nd .__ fi ln •ubl.-I doaro\•.-rf'd thf'y •·•ouldo't ' I'I 'AHA~T\' ('OMI'A:'IIY l'rn,.h•n an.t '-'w II Walla<'f' .. , nol q 1,1., ,,. .. ,.tatl .. ft• , .• 11,,. _.,.1,1. ... • · " sumll'l('r ~·~ a ,......,. 1rs1 1 , lh 1 d. u fi ~flf'ul bid•,..r ff'fUMtJ to ..ter • • " · · • ·-" ... ta II folio"~ thlll nolbiDII poa-th • 'II.._ h ld t'-' . <'(l()J'f"nl .. 'al my m n y .'"" ll)' [I N ,.. •. LLY l 'rral•l•nl Tru•tl'f'a at n ..._ t lh ••" __ _.. aeul" r.!RIIty nor e:r1•tl"oc. ••~pot ga «'rm.g ••• """' (' '"1 conung o\b<oui·F'tL«o ._.a a a a eurlk'nl Into ••d rront,.•i an.,. """« ,._ · ' . ,' ' · "' It" •·•-'' f' ' •·~"« tbe dl•loe Mtod and Hla ldeaa. • ~S~nday, J<tantng at 10 a.m. at the tjmtut pn of Lorton t:rrul dot a q....-f'd to flo .-o by Uw Boerd ot Ry H A. KLOt.~~. ~nrla.ry The n~tmra .,f lh,. ato .. rrhol•lrr• tcplnt". lhr "I 'Ullman t "ar II'At•.. HoUSB'WAAU Utto Tht-alrr. I u nc Tnud~ 0 r • al d EleaMetaa:7 IIEALt thr numiH'r "' ahltrr. '"""""''. lfntl J•llllflll", •n•l '"""r ""'"'natv .. ·nul· ------------ [)joan Bodt" will bf' the-mlni~r ptro\M't • Sc-hnol Otldrtn roRCY. RE.INHAt'S a FOHGY. lhr •m .. unt tlur tnr unpatol •-•· aanrr11 that havf' wlltf'd undw hl• "•NTAL ..... FIRIT FOURIQUAAE CHURCH in chaTltt' and t.M..publk' i§ invited I oa·a.a 0 D 11""'1 wtUl e:r.¥)' 'nw ~ul bfddtT w1D '-e n 88T NATI... DANK RLIJG. ~ mrnt11 art' herthV f'numf'ralf'\1 aa aJ:If'<laJ lrf'Atm,.nt 111 a pmtu.ty .............. 0" COSTA MEIA to the-SM'V~ which wl)J ~loft tM·~ oa·at.chlng Oru~t:~at \'lnc~ftlt an tl n'QUlrf'd to furnlab a ~ Uld SANTA ANA. CAUFORNIA, provtdf'd tor In the Tr~ 'AI"e llluatrat,..t paa" In 'nM! A~an .-c.A ...._ (ch h -th HI h -"-h hou J I and "' I Cuotnu.tor Ftndtay I att~-y f •-·---m~nt datcod o.t:·em'"-13 1823 at W urc ... • 1 W•Tr t roug 1 u y ... ~ Ilk ofd t A d r~ mal•raJ bond Ia 811 ..,ount ..-• .. --a or ....... .....,. ...... ..... 1 • ,...kly, lh" m••ulrw dtatnhuted v-o.-. Rev. G. Willard lteama, Pa.at.r --------.-1 H f' roupen. 8 ~~• to nny pH'C'ft!L I!IO"; 1 of Ole CIDII· Alb: June 1t. 218 .• July 3. 1941. Jl&.le tm 1101 thef'f'Of : wtlh nnl wf'rk 'a L()8 ANUEI.Itl' ~ .. MM Steama, Co-Paator F\nally, education alone c a a onwr. our artlllc pla.toon •r· Inn prt<-e aDd • faltbful -· Ameuttt £XAWINI':R. Adv. •• Pho 1711 J coaduc:t ua t.o that enjoymeot «_,t, l"f'ally knew bl8 lltutf. r, · ,........ N•-lharee Dw ---------------------------. ne • ~ to aft cotnc or I'll eBd up U1 1fonaaace ..._,In-IUDOUBt...... CI'.IITIPICAft OF I'D.IIOM J\a C 1\e\1 2/10 l1307t Friday, 7:30 p. m .. Wonblp wbkb ... a.t ~. belt iD •qUaJI-the A.rm rfttaarant ,___._ l.o flfty ~t. (~· ot the..... 'I'&UIDOI'INO-.tJBINUII y . . . WIIA'S WIO II u-.,.~ &ervtc:e. .wv. u.. at.eama ta ~ • a du lofta1te 1a qgaouty.-You ~. c»-bldlnc .,..-.;;;:;; trwt ,_...., aid 1londa to .,. .. mrDKa .& ncnnoc• N.u& ~~~. -:.r::: ~~= !::~~ 1111 i ! 1 .c:ba .. rpllill. ___________ onw::e ___ UID_. ______ • lq ol food. J bope UMty a.lp. CUftld ,.,_ a ...... y C!OIQU7 1'tw undmdctwd daft W . D. Ctla1J1Nla lteO 110.20 Aft'LQJ{(IIa... -• -=-~-~ FREE LIVE BAIT AT THE BAIT STAND To Anyone fiSHitlG ·ON THE BAL·BOA PIER "WHERE THE BIG ONES ARt:' Plenty of FIW! Parkin~ S.,.ae RJ~ht At The Pier .. EVERY SlTNDAV -9:00 to 10:00 ~m. -.Darlq .luly weat-8pectau.t ~ De -.s ~ to tlu lfdU'd-o f Mreby w w Wllaoa 2/80 tua au • DeeUte .... ,... •• RCA~-......_ ...,. ...._ft.-.; to • .. .,.,.,. ... tt. Tblnk ot t 1t . -nwt-. ...u~y that he " condurtlnc • R ·, Wold 2/410 • ~11.11 A17'1'0 •I1PI'Lia • 8I'OIIT 0001111 .-·eu ..._.. be _..., p6dr ..t ,_ ..,.. Boerd ol .,.,_..._ ot u. .....,... rit<trlcaJ c:ontnrtlna bual· J;ry· J am I-I/ SO 81 .,, R rt _. .. __ ..., .. .._.._ _,. ..._...... -~ ..__ ... --c ... -. Nnrpwt a...r. ~ry ~ ..,... •t Boll 44, NC"WpOrt Bfo•rb, ~........ UR n •• on ._.....,, .. uto .,_._ •--...._ • _ 1 1 hrard tf'll ot a _ _. .,.,.._. dllltric:t. •-•n• tbe r1«'1t to reject ~ County, CaUiomia. Ufldfor ~;"Y,:'· ~~~~:~r~n 2/f\0 l:lH 21 ACTOIIOIIIU IUCPAIIU'NO -• o1 Uw GWrd brln~ fni'UW'd Tbe re.. any or &II Melli .,-waJYe -y ... ttw ftctltl~ naDW' of "HOMt-: l(arry II Wtlll"m· V. Orr Servtce -124 Me:~ PIIM» -IIINt'Jto•.,.•..trt .... t"rultln« otfkft' __. ~ to -1 formalltr 1J1 11 bid. El.ECTJUC and thai said buo<l· ann and fo: A ftAKEat' 00008- me ttl(> otlwr day but 1 ltold him 1 Dateod J uty 2nd .. 1 .. 1. at Jfew-.,._ Ia mmpwod of tJ;Mo following ~l·•••l•lln~~: 'J 1111 :lll4! :II n~~~rl llak,.,., 2112 <>c.u. Dabr7 n..t r. ._._ ,_.a.., . no -p It tbe arw.oon,r atart.a I port a-rh. C'alltor:"la Pf'hOrl "'hofo:l' nnmr nnd .ndrlrt-s.~ Any ~ent, ._!Umr nl• It "w:Lt:: ... ~.N~~~~~v:.. ~~ ... u.d t..Mr. "--.J,. aJm tu ht' ''" ... ,.,... ftrm.a. Ar.d UW C".oROON 8 nNDLAT. All u foil~•. (<)-~All . sn•l ur fr••••un~ ur '"""'""1"""' "' P'UUNPAalr..,.__ ,.' m~ tinr: th .._ •-0 . · n..rtr of N,._,...rt ~~~ n.. Vft"'M' A. Tripp, ownrr. 101 VIa land fo ... r f" ......,,""· r) mrnta.rv ~hnnl Oii!C rlrt. Dljon, Udo bl(', Nt.,.J'(Ir1 Dt•orh , IUYJ•'IOIItnrnlJI whlo h rrmaln unpaid }'A •. HntN fo'oundry. Jobtnc-QutJnc. 110 ~Pl. O.C. .._, r me. Pu Calif 1 nn thr ::4th •lay uf .July, 11141. 11n•l OAI'tOUNE "EaVIC'E-- We mN"t f"Vf'r)' W~y 111«1tf a.t b: /uly l , IO. l7. 1 .. 1· ~::ss mv hAnrl lht!l 1 llh unlru p~ynornt Ill 1111\tl,. 1,..(,.,..., (;aa, 011, ni'H, Datterio. V. Orr s.rwb. 13t ~ PJ.. ...... a, :~n.:P ~!'·t~~~';!v::::-~ -~ JOII FIIEIIS ~ ot JUM, \~iit'NE A. TJUJ>J' ~~~ ';";,,."":;~.~:.,.~~~~~"'" a:;:~·~l:n~ o~~::'o."~:U"!'t~~t &t\04 PIL G. ...... _.~ Jale t~ dr111ln«. It ynu •a.ot to Statf' of C.hrornla l 11n~t..th...-wlln th .. •'<..t.a rJ a..tvu -LIJIIBI:a OONPAN~ ~~ret In unit comr nn out Wonda.y Ill MilE County o1 0Ntn~t•· } ~c. tiAIIIJ: and thr rxt" 1\JO!' nt ""'r C'mta M~ Lbr. <:o. "Let ua twlp )"UU ,._ ,_. e.-,• ..._.a n «hi. Or dmr l.o a t th~ s .... ·. 0n"'1hi~ llth tt.w of Jtinf' l94l 'rh,. ""'''""'" .. hall lftkr p t•rr at Hay J)l•t~cl Lumlwr Co. Phone 1~. Cout ~ M .,._ port lbrbot' Olambfor of C(JQI· brfore m,., l~rt•) 'p Antt.~n. ~ th" """,. ••r l.rw II W nt111•,. Ill Nto IIIARIN E "'rr.c;IALTJQ.--, merr~ ntflfl' dunn,~: Ow w~k (pr IAe An~IH ··~ «uei.JI at \'IDa Notary J"Uhlw, 10· anti tor lh•• ~:tlrl no~ \\',.•t (',.nlrr•l """'l""· N,.w Marlnr Sr--clally Shop, 1205 Cout HJwa; ...... ._ ...... 1:111. <kt.alla I )fllnn!l r'f'I'Mitly CouDiy nnd s 111,,. r .. ~1<11n~; tht'trln.l l"•rt I'-'•• h. ( lrllntotr ''"""' y. I 'lilt· NOT ARt' PUfti.ICh . · I· KHp your pow•1f"r dry. bo) .... an.J Wr l!lod Wf'll AKrl ..........., ot cJIIb' c:omml.s.~oonrd nnd ~worn'. l"'r· r .. rroln. "' 10 :!1) ''' l11• lt. A M", f1ora Marpart.f1, 220111 W. OlntraJ A ..... 'Pbaee 12,. J.l. ......... 1 I'll IM.'e you nf'Xt oa·HIL. lt>40 Nnl'J!Ort D<'•ulnar•t. ('nl!lt tonal!Y "PfM'•H•"' \'•·mt-A T rlnr.j J uly 24, 11'4 1 Ol'l'IC'E "vrrr.n:.-· · W~ arr the mother an11 falbw pPnonnlly kno"'n tn mr In tw• th•· Uy ur•t,.r· "' th,. httlolo•r" ut tlar Newpon Harbor Pubu.hlnc Co. Phofwll: 12 • U. Hewpoat ~ 1 SHOWER &£n1NG nt ll dau~thl,.r honl Junf' ~at St. Pf'f'IOn whMt' n:onu• i:o; ~orhvlih•••l rnfl)urttv 11( lhr t~hflrrll (n Ito,. u l•t PIUNTJNU--• Thl" •: A. \\'al110n bf'ach cottage J'-rh H(~t~plt.al. to ttM' wjthon lmtn1mrnt. nn•t ~ynlll•·lllr "' n tllr<•ltug uf1 Ml•l Newport lf.llrt)Or Publiahtnc Co. Phofwll: ll_-13, ,..,..,..... ...... a t Balboa Willi lhf' ""'lling rH ••r.tly IM'ki'MM'INtt:Nf to m•· thnt h£o .,~>·I Al•Ar .. h ... tr!f'r.ll h r I •l "n A t•rll t I, RAUIU NF.RVI('F..- for a br dill ahnwt"r In hon•)r Olf MNI Oonal•l W11t"'m aDd M tu leutt'd thr ~nm,. 11141 t:Citllr'• llniiH•• ftadlo Shop, 800 E.. Ray, Ph. 221. For a brtt« ~ • ~fll'll C111"1'Tida AltdliAOn. hrfi~Wl Bal"bAr-3 "'","''" ,., r " l><maJd I TN Wl'r.IJF_<.:~ \\'Jif:RF:()F, 'I I.Y.W II w AI.I.AI'J.:. ar.Ar. l':lffATr .. INfJtJilAN('J! • NOT .tar P\IIU..I().... of N .. rmsn \\._IJW>n nt F=· ni.JI Ana f"nul<!l"" ""'' Mr" fl (' J<lrlr cA 1 hnvt> tM'f't'uniCI vot my hnnrl nn•l t;,., r.•l..rv I "'w I I WAilltl'l', 'J'lU'.J W. {'('fit raJ A\oem.. Phone 1. ~!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!~~-~~-o_.h_~---~-K~ __ • __ f_o_r __ th_~ __ .r __ f_al_r __ w_·_~ ____ •h_•_~_·_•_t)_'_ft_t_t_r_n_fl_r•_t ______________ ·_A,_r_fl_x_f'rl ___ m_y __ o __ rr_,._·l_ll_l_~_~_·n_l __ t_hr __ ~rl~n-y __ r~_'~h~:~J-•_•n_"~l-!1_,_2~n~, "-"-'Y __ ~_._'_''_·_•_l•_•_• alTfttJr.R ~TAhP8--.; N"w110rt ll•crlx•r Publllhlnl a,, ~ 12 • U. .....,..... ...... ________ .. GEEMc"f, ~E­ ·. 'fov SOurl& D tuNNY . • 1- "IIF.r.T Mr.TAI. WOaK- {'tiOtll!l MH • l'lurnWna Company, eo.t. Mae. f"-210. Tl'PF.WlliTF.~ Nt-WJN•rt ll11tbor Publlahtnc Co. PhoMI: 12 • u, Ne..,...t ~ VAKIF.Tt' tfiTURF- IIullot•n hiAnrl Variety Stm. lk:, IOc. 25c and up. ....._ 2111-W. ~IN.U .. --. -- -------~ .... 1 w ...... npmly dlww:-\'. OrT s.r.b. 12t M~F....._ Pl', ~ .. -lusiaess aad Prof•io.-•1 Dr. Oordoa M. hnuady 111yaldan aa4 JIJarc- Newpttrt .._,.. HMCJ'I&I (AtlttraJ AYe. at Nl•tla Offtatt Hn.: Je·ll a.ra.: l ·i ,_ Telephoee 1' ROV•S .BARBER 8110P F~rly •t lllllbotl Wand NDW ~at­ fballcF...W..'"'- Nl'ar Pier Entrance Newport-lliMtb Trlet,tfiu Jf..,... -I "&on!J ..,, « • I...EROY f . ANOD80N A1TO&Jfln' AT LAW v..ea ............ . ........ Coeta ..... o.--... • I ' NEWPORT 'BAL~OA !'1EWS-TIMES. Newport ae.dl. California. THURSDAY, J ULY 3, 1.941. ----~~~-~-~-F~-~~~~~~~~~ s.1 News is A. A: U. Swim Contest: Is· Planned • Annual Aqu.~&ti~ ( ar i:i':.i!l b j)~ !!eld JuiJ 27: Offidals ~cht du\t. 11( n ~: nv.i:o': Swim Mert A IJC C • ct ry .. n.l_ ~~'lt ,jJ Ql 0 . \') .. ~ "'' Mr .•• nc· (~,.~ r • • , T ·'V "' t • l • ----~ .... ~ .,___ --t_...-.....,... .. ~,ttc:a t,\('' t . en1y )'t.H s ;•'J' Two OC'\\' C\'C'Ot$ il.t•t.' lJI.·~Ji ·,'1••1 I!H.' \\t •!l fillt•tl •w,~n t lcy ''''' c..pnr 19 C'>'l 8Chedult• ~,r'attrnctions to I)(> sta g<'<! IJy H·" :X \\'por t Jlarlft•f'. ,MI'Soi Th • t•.llt'dt'ltj now o; oc Ouunbt.•r of Commerce t his S£>ason .• Julv :!7111 th~·lil' \\ill II•• .... 11 'd h• 11 ' "''" ~ '""k 1'" ~to ' • At "'f "'J' t t.~ .... \\s lne tJHII(tln Open A. ,A. U. Swimmim,t Mt~t!'U~ting s ix :iiJL't:tal C\t'llt~ fur tu ... "" h 1... \\' 1n :..: .. , .. ~o ... u .o '"! which New()Qrt . H.ar bqr •• Champivnsh!JI m(•clals \\ill '··· ..... rt wl' ·rl t•oi:Y rF'rt'ltlj tr:t 101 awarded. . . ' tfu lr o, n I Oth' ,, b j*,'ln~ na-f'acea \lltlll be held undf'r ~---a. P . A. A . Union f'Uif'll for Ulelr I ffor tho• ll••:tJI(In lUI' AII)(U>Ii t hud dlamp6onah1pe. T~y wiU ~~th•· n .. nuld ;'\11\'111 l"\\lrn 1UIIIIIl•1 f1lff at tbe FUn ZOne on tbe Bay tt~ll>r~& IAJnn1t A IIJ.'lUit ·tl'nth <m• rruat at Ba.l~ and olfu.Jals ,,r •_~Ill•· 'tuu.:h \\)<li'' 1!\\ 1m; Alll:ll"' tbe "EYenb" •Commit~ or t h ,.1_11 annual l'\••Wr•"r' ,,.,....._~ :u~'" Neowpor! Harbor chamber of com·, lf'ur 8Wim mn t and Alllo:'USt 31sl _.,. WfirUit~ the r eg u far~aftulf:l•·r A. A. l ' ""''m uu•o•{ 11~<1 ..A. A. U. olftdaltt tn atacinc Ule lnj( about 1>tx ruaj1,r ''"''"'"· P)lotos {l«ord Story of · I John Allen BUSIN~ BUILDING _ Te~Winkle, Mesa Merc~an!_ _ I: _ \ .. ,i d· 1 BEING. BUILT ~FOR SALE · -. il nsta.ae as ! .,. COIOIA-~DIL MAR .. , . ~ .• I rotary head . ts ••. ..,., a..•h ' o.._. eount)l . ,. ,.. J .. hn M ~Hen ••f BaJboa l"l"n•l was mstallrtl all prt•l!tJ•·nt ut I h•· ~''" t•,rt' BaltJ<,.l H••lary (·tub Till !I· da\ m~ht :at \\'htl•·'~ c ·,,ff('•· Sh1,p, .,.,,,,, ... b hwJ un.t B •atl.·n F tn•h \' ,.,. 'lloiUt'lo•ol a.'i \IH'-I'rt'ilhh.'llt IJ)' \ 1• I I l~uhh11 " 11f l"~nta Ana wllu l'~•~···t! t n pturh.''-'' 1.11~ t h t! ••r· • 111.:~1 •• n l \\11 .)l'Jf>l a~u. - A:-•• t'l:-tall<·•j \\~t·u--E rv.'ln :::p u •·r t . -ttlt"c tt~d tn·asurcr. ~h.n,,u c • {h••ltJ, s<-t·r;;t.ary, and Counulruau t4oolo Att .. n. Sf'rJ:E'MI·al-1\rms. I:. t u111).i p <'¥1~nl e lvan Hall .1• ~·~··~··llt•·d "''" u Hutury Cl.ub l··•"L pt•',.td••nt's 't,m tJy thi' lnt om: !.,: 1!Ud . \.'XI'lllltVII, v.ht.> U>mpli• rnt•nted Allen on hi.s ex,·cll,•nt ,er· \'leo Ule past yNI.r. P.-•h Allo·n, \\hco ,.,rved 'UI. tile ~~.I! f ISt JJrL'!'IOit·~l Wh<'n It WUJI "lt,::uttz.od. ptt•:;,·nt.-tJ t u t'ru!dcnt I J.,ml Allen the 1 lub ~avd ~ h1~1 batlg;;. of olhce. . 1'tlc new pr('aWent a ppointed I 'hi I Ellt·rbrwk a, club service Reinforced C'»n(·rete, Too A "Hot Spot"-J''or H~staurant, Too ' Thin It of it -107 Lin. Ft. Counter · Frontage, Too Building Has 3 Fronts -Ocean Ave. Larkspur &. 40 fL Alley, Too Ready. For 0(.-cupancy About July 18 Price flight -TerJ!lS You'll Like I'Nl'SI:AL' OPPOBTU~TrY Mil. ~. "'· "'ITCHt:a wtll hr at tiM> Trart Oftwfo abo\•e the .bluff• at ('oro-ch-I Mar t 'riday, I'Oatu'rday and SUnday, "for the pu,.,._. of llobowla c t.Jab propt'rty to prOIIpKllve purchaaen. ... . .. "fourt Birthd Lillie dlnj:ts. d1 Etlwln \i phlre av• dli)' yesl t rum Pll! tng here T11 nu gut•ets u! Mrs. Citl d•·•uratlo e<•n'whk 'pruental blue dPt th•• aHa• l~•b \'an A!tchaPI C anJ B-ell: The The Mr. an are again 120 ('ora a<"fJUiJint l 'M~II C ..yrt!e Brtlbo8 1• . With SWimming JIVftilllblt! JIIHilJ.: be 1111 a r-day• and may be had on var-y.nJ: <'••n•ltlltme uml a.l8f• 1\VBII appllcaUoa to t.be Cbamber of 1 ahll' In thr :.,af1· salt WRI•·r" ,,· Ooaamerc.-0 r 1 b ,. Swimming l"rwp<ort Buy thr I•PJ"II1ttnlll•.., ..._ a..nac:tor8 at the J\aa Zone. fOT mJO>;Int; thiA gN'at' "-lUillh tun d 8t'r\'tt.:.. c-hatnnan. Dave l~.omp "II' lnll:rruUional llt!F¥1('\' IN~--------~~_J~~~ •acattoo ~itizen." l\1ltionaJ Buk JofK'f quenl ed t • Other Eveftta f"Xt'KIM 1u 1J ~tport at Nt!WJXIrt ou.r ..nm neola .:heduled I Ha1~r ar.-unllm1ted. · Tw-· -o-L-io_n_T_e_am_s·-l vote~Offi-ce_rs_ Kiwaman For Balboa K~lan In· Tilt Angling Club • lilt lit. .1 n a.ntl t ·onrad Shook u .. mrwo~mty s ,. r vic e comnuttee t ha.rman. Boost Size Of Suryey Crew ArSchool 736 South HUI Street County Rames Harbor Board; · Spicer, ~~es Appointed Waltt'r-S._S p Ice r . promlnt'nt ml118ion and had pa.ued on en- ,,.. r.n-w which tuul' ~ •ur. N'ew port Harbor lum~rman and ablin~ ord.oanc~. veying the acreage IM'ing contt'm. membt'r of Ule ~arbor comm·llet> I Bellet wu exprelllled tbat tbe platco!l 1111 thr site of the' Cadet ot Ule Nrwport Harbor CbamiM'r 1 1 rapid influx of yacl)ta from Sao •'lytn,; ll<'h<t111 fllr tht! ll. S. Army. or Commnct;, and Leonard G. Ped ro and L~n~ Be'ch to Newport •I'J><•~•tt• the ~antll An.a Country Swalee. pionier yachtaman ~~~ Harbor aa tll.a-n:sult of naUOIIal htl>. was d•Juhlt'd wst••ruay. but vacht anchorage owner we r' I c.!efm !'l' work bi>ln,. 11tar ted In the .. un. no oftic1al ~:ork 11.. come J "' among fly~ men named t o thE' I neighboring pon13 wa.a one or Ule 'ro~m W u blngton app_roviog tbt> nt'Wiy created Oran,;e Count y Har-1 motivatmg C&U5CII for thr acUoiL <1ea1 which tn<'ludett Ulr leaalng bor CommiMioD by supt>rvlallr• In I of u\•cor 400 acrea. llo<!.'t'VI'r, from rt>liable 1101.1rcea a = 7::.:::lda::l~g=~ STATE GUARD TO · It" wu tn me<t today tbrrt t 11 e -I) lr><"&llon of tilt' !K'hool Ia believed •·l're E lmer J. Hughea of Se a I MEET MON A Y TN l bo. ve phcto sh-s the 1941 °--b Tad K u ~ b • I Anab•1'm prat<tlcally &SI!Ured. C'ertain IIOUrl'e.!l uc'" · ' ~ ' · ' ON LIDO ISLE. It W IUI learof'd today t ha t Ulf' Dt"WIIp&pt'r publaher : and Roy Ed· lo~t•Htnn or Ult' schOQ{ Ia bell w ardl!l. Orange bank oftictal. 'cWIIIIr.le H;~rd .o~.are St o r e into •i'i:ll the firm h.aa juat moved. -he entr.anu Ia th.at of tilt' gen- ral ll.lrdw are atore which fronta ft Newport Blvd. Photo at left . the 18th Street frontage':' oc- pr~Ucally IUllurf'd. C u. r t a 1 n Tht' MY com.miulon will act s•>urct'a ruted Ult'y bel1evrd lht-only tp an advlllof¥ capacity and "~o" 11.~1 on . t he proj«t b!ltl mske recommeodatloo.e to t h t' l"Tov•lll~al Commander F enloll • F:arnshaw announcrd this week that thl' N'ewport H'arbor unit of t hr Statr Guard w ill mut next Monday night, 7 :30. on Lido lale. · bt'en g~vf'n \'t>rbally. aupt>rvillora.. The board ordered Thts ,.·oult.l be responsible for that t h e commluloo'• report• Jpitcl b y T cW inkle Builders Sup· ly, --ned by two former Te- /lnkle emp:oyeea, Hllt~h and 1\jor- .erg. lhl' aur \'I'Y work which ball been must be aecrd , eltcept wltll ap- 1 unde1way for nearly • wuk. proval ot tbe •upervillon. Thr cuard3reeo wiU gatll..r on VIa Genoa for tbelr weekly drill WM!on.. T hat tht' Yerb&l approyal had Commlulont'rll ar~ required. to bft'n receiYed and t hat otfk:tat ap-meet OIICt' ~ IIIOiltlt and will ~ _.. • pruval ot the project . would ~· celn $5 pu IDHlinC atte~. forUac:omill• In ·U~e Dear future with a maalmum limit of t w o tbrou(h more Intricate rovem -mfttinp per montll allowed. the Mr . and Mra. Bruce Wanat. ~ Cout Boulenrd, Corona dd var. are tbe parent• of • aoo borD 'JUDe .28 at St. Jc.epb Ho..,ttaL I . mental channel•. alowed down by -~ ru1ec1 Defense Is Latest Task For red tapt>. "" .. t.be ~"'Dioo u -11w cwam'-!on wU1 rOI'IIllllaU , prf'Nt'd tn Santa Ana today by ndd and reauJ&tlooa tor operatmc Famed Harbor y atht, Stranger lhc.»e t'loaely allied Willi tb~ t raM-tb~ harbor, lncludtnc approyal of a <'Uon moorinp, apHd llmlta,, aDd other Board Ordered to Defer Men Over 28 Ye~ Married Men ·n"· 1'\.'H'"" n o''lr'"h·p ~·rr~~r.· strumt>nts. The Ve5¥1's f'f]ttipfllt'nl SANTA BARBARA TO ,,., m1n,.r hy ·('upllttn fo'n-d Lt·w1~ alt!o inch~ elabcN'ate l(••ar for T h r k nitting i'll\!1•1'1' f<'rtlur·•·•l .. 1 1\alh•>ll 11nd whi•·h hn,; ('nJISt'fi df'('dging ..ampiN of mal••rtal fmm .HOLD. NINTH GALA eVI'ry T hurllday frnm JO·JO ttlllll r .. lllilll~ par I < nf lht• \\Ill Ill lw-artn~o: the ()('t•an nunr II$ W I" II 3" lr)Y.'in.; SEM_ANA NAUTICA 3:00 p. m. at lhr \\'re Ja•·k Bn•l ,,.,,,nt ,,, ~ ,.,ll•·•'rln); ~I" <'lnti'n' of gt>ar nnd .mt'h"r ~ im·h _ . .... --draft board reeelftd ... ......,. ..,. wife attentnr ,the stated. JUI ~hop on Uu llx1n l~<lnntl. w1ll "'" ld·· ·" w..tl lis 11 I r.·-.surt• • x.· Tht' fi&l!hln~ while llpnty, cool 8ertaJ Dumbf-!11 for the 0 e w b4' I'Ontinut'ol throtrJ;h thr "trmm•·•. r~'"'"''" r•• <'ot'n• 1-lancl. will nnw MESA CHAMBER t>lur !''llt r rs. anti J!'lram1n·~r .Aand of I ...._ ot ~ Cl*t Clerk· of f'el'lllterallc.w will be llt't up by Ule al'ronllng to l\1111 F:ltzah••lh ltul · .. ,., 1 111•\\ '"''' ''"nn••·l('(l \\llh • :->•nta HarlonrA'JO lbr<'r·mllr beach dratl boarcl oa J uly 9th an• the man. u~·uu. lito• :-; l\}' d• l•·n~·· 11n'l:"'m DIRECTORS TO wtll Jure bunilieil~>·.,•f v1s11or~ I•• numiW'f'll '!"lU be publlahed. Hay-·nw~t· tlll.l<~lrs. '"'"""t.·d "' ''""'"'"'''"""' "f ll~o· :-;a\'\·', -t li,· .nufhl'm r-alffnrnia <"llan nfi 0.. tellcw-lftltrut1ed the Dl&Jiannounced. ll••r .. !h~· f't•n••~'k, tn.lutlt' nil IYJ'''" 1'11'''''''' ••I rlto· ~l r:lltl:•'r \\·:,~·PLAN CARNIVAL ··~··.·,lui.'· :1. ·I~~ •. an•l 11 wth ttw j Jac:aon H.a7· .... llcJuod to t.ntattvely deft'r all _ 1 nf ln~<tr111 llhn. 111111 wll~ .~· ltd 1 mart•· this wv1•k. llrt"nnl p:tnil'ff h5 ' n 1111 h nnnw11 ~rmnn, :'\autu·a 1 -... .. -UnJOlP am r 1 t I 1 Dir••ctor!< ·•f t• •· <'••''l:t ~I • "'., I ~ ,_,.. ot ,,., ldn« J • Ch be In t he \L.IlfQI 111ffillllt'r r11nrlliiN .n ,· '• 1"'11 'h" ·Ill• rna~ ,,., 1'"'d 111 • '• •·l•·t r:tl lllll Tran!!latt·ol frt~ul S t•an- '. -ta --~-~~,.~!~ -. a ,· llh(• t>tttd•K•r patlt) In lht• ft'llr t)( 1' .t .I "' \\ '··~·'I "'"' ' l•h ·~tann·· \\'t•f!k'' Wilt orr ••ally I -.-., -~ .......... , I <'••n•l',"''" In 1!1:11' '" ~1'111111•. Chemlwr uf l 'nn:r~··rll• "'" m .. • 11\.ltk ''"' "l'•'lllllj::"( sanh Bar· ~ .... 'now ~the -.te.ITo Sponsor 41 ~~~t~~~~~~ ·~:;~at:~~ .·~f' n~~ro:' .. ~~~ ,,, .• !'<II Ill•' .,. i< pil\\'•'1'•·<1 wilh h\'0 at 6 :30 p. m at H rtrr"'""'-I' nn··· h;u:o'• ~urr.m•·r \1'31··~-·fl:< 1-<':1· · Aa7-called few lDductlon a t s •-T l kmttro. u~ing the Burnat yarns. of ·It)() hnn••' p.,w .. r ·~11' •'nlo'in··~ nnrl H nu:u ru•xt Tttf'~.f '" "h•':-t t•lfln> ,.,,, \lllh t·1no1 nn;l !'•·~ r,·,,: ,,. . wnn eams I h•t ... 'IW 'I r 1' I. I Th fo r lhP cn nl UH! ~( •tr•'• ru\\ •••• , ' ,...._ aDd who are 28 yean ot ~ I with h tht• \\'t•t> Jn('k and Jill Sh11p · ' " ''' " '""' ' •· ' ~ l' 1 ''''' olt:rtrr~: th.-f"11r tla,·!l .rn' lnh ...... Deed DOl report. II&JID&D ~-tlu• ••xo·lu•l\t' '' p rt'!ll'lll:tll\·o· hi I' Srr:·nl:•·r \\hwh t'o'llll~· l'l'lllrnt•tl niYOI IJntl ll<>r!U' ~h .. w \\til I•· •f t h• ""'' f"r lat••r :t• lt\'tlll·~ ----~ I I,., •m II St•ltl" S····~ ' ,.,,, • \\ ·~ paramount lmp<~rlr~n .. • "'I ntoltn~ ,\4uanl~nl.n ... r··•·ltll••l)(o,~rol ~. ' •• -Thr N f'•'Pf'\11 Jlnrhor Junior r11mpara •I·· 111 P''"·•·nl ~ .... ~t .n..: 1• ··-~ .. • .. , ., _ ... _. 1·--' by th l"l•ll•·d '" SIll I 'I''''" II\ t'.IJ''"•Il to r r l!illl'nl \\'llliam S:tli~hhry !>\\ lrr·olllill" ~n,J ,~1\'ln<' m••• 1•. t rn--_...._ -•re ~ """" e 1 \.hambc>r of Connrwn:r ft l ,. mN'I· Jr .. m ••n•· )lllntlt·rd lu 11nr hltnolr'••tl " -~ ~ -~ ~"'lifial'cJ thla week 1'\!'qUnttt'd 'in" thill W<'C'k \'Otf'd t o aaain ll""n· nn,flwrnl\'·fh:r "''llnr~ at mrlll,\' ;·( I.-"1' ""''1'' h·· 1111'11'''1 '" ..... "1""1"1 l'elil'lllll'y >'lHr.-.1 ll t"')(•ll>~r ""~•-n~ tnuma_mrn~ .!'.'1~11 "%: r.tt·~fii. :rnd nuu •l••u:t •·•h•·r •·x• ·1an~: •""\~·rtt4l :q , !'>I ht••!Ult41 fur t hr.J.:.IY \A('••k ftC f··~t \II)' ...._. all -.-..~ ..... 1 "' "' .,., m .. r· In "'·"' •oll ll't:rl• tho•••· D-for till' ~<'mt a m111111 n•··•l1r.!. -ma .. ~ men .,.. dt'f.r:r?d.11'0r ,. boyll' and gid !!' · No•wport l h•· ,.,( lrr~l\'•· ~h"l'" In l"••w Y••rk Youtbl wbo atta!Ded the &p of jlhu1w11' swlmmina tt'am. All ynun .. •'r l•n \\'ll~nlr<' Blllllt•\'ll rd. T II •' . .,,,. hu..:•· ""·'' 1' ''IIIIJ'l"'" \<llh will be ,.,,~~<ldt•t•••l all '''11 "" "111 ' n liiBee the ... ----.. -.. lht· rnn•t flll\(lo•f'l) .. r n:on~.lltnn tn· ltnlng trn-(':lMII\•al. ·--~ .. tlon day JlN1pl<' dt'!'iring ·to compt'IP In ttvt•r •J:•' • ••lll ••f k111l1111~ th•• J:llr ___ . aad who~ tn the ac:ond ~wimming and diving compt'lit ion nwnt~< h··rr I ff' nrnu r.d ""''11t " F d y h s ( • na, lut 'nleada7. num~red mil)' contart Rllu..t Papich. C(lo,'lCh. tlt•lluf1! or IP!I-•. !l mt.l ar t tranger s Sold to u.S; Na,·.v For Tests * tor tbe board .,_, 171_ There I or Ton\· Plummt'r . ..,.. •a ~ at the Joc•l t Th<' )·oun~~; bu:<lnN~<I' m ... n rxpt-.·t l ~ .._-., ... _ ID t.be Harbo . Housew.lrmi"O ·----· r I I<> t>nlafJ:I' {ht' !'('Opt' ot thP ~Wim-1 • 'nt.trtd.. j m ing tl'am'll nrtivitiN~< th.l!< yrnr ~l •· r· r v llllff'll"'' l'"mplul!l'lll.• ........ ,_., ....... ~_,. ........ ~~~;-~~ ........ ~1-..loillL'Y'--d..Ha&el .Wl~t ... -. ... -.ar. U. aa -.,on aa c:ari18 are oprn to .aU rompt'lllion. In to/ Tco~f...,:of "''''"" ·wh<'n n J:TOUfl M recetYed h'om other dran board11 pa~t. ~wim rom!lf'tilinn" hnve t>N-n thl'lr ~l··~r' f.n•·nol~< drnppr•l In I·• far •:rouU.. employed In deft'nltt' ciO"NN to onh· rP«idC'nt" or tho!'r liN' tht•l r nrw hnnw un n,-,., ..:·· "==_.. .. _. ~ lliut 1 wt.,tnc 11t .N..-')JOI1 H arbor-1 An ·nu.c. N i m:tCJ:-n ·c.c · pn.:~cnl Pft tbdr home addrMWll. Tb t>j LA!CI )'t'llr thl' NI'Wf'Ort llnrtx>r Mr10 l1••rtn·m ~mlth lln•l ~~r~ ~ will allo be boollted by J;:lrl~' lt'am wrnt to Arizona. wht'r•· J l••ml'r Mrllolt plnw>NJ I hi' nfln1r ~ ll.tnr tn the. El Modm•l thi'Y won !'('W'ral tlt iP;~--= wbo N~Ulf!ftd In Santa Ana. 1 A (NIIlUY• o~ thr mol'tin~ot •. wn!' l':tp 111,r.•l and :tll\111\lllllton 01 1111 no recutraOoo office .... thl' fnr·t~t'll J,tl\'('n f'!'Rrlt'l' Kl~l'_r. ,.llllll:tr l'<lllipllll'llt . .et up there. who h~~ ~n nn IIC'Itvr INrdPr tn ODe maa re(tllterto~r ••u n Brtt -thl' and who lt•n\'•"' 9th ~e:¥~=.::::::::::;::.~;;:";~~~~~--~=.~;:?~~St~~~~~~~Vita at TK'O ,_,poonfule ol CA>d U Y« O il. -t•n• rrvrumum U. S. P. Sran<lanle ----------------...;;;=;i;:;;;;.....0...;.. ____ --::' __ 1 _-anil you will l t'tually hk• th1 tasle You d~'t ha ve to 11\MI, a rollf\d Wltb e4Jy bottJ• « JrN IY 1poona. Do vou aet ENOUGH Vitamins A ·anti 0 7 If not, f'tlmemb« that a "On• A-Dey" tabl'et ev.ry day fumi•h" )'OUt I ull DOrn\&1 r.qul.rem.nu, at a _,of (),. PMUU! G .2"¥ neceuary rei;U)aUona- The act ion by IIUpt>rriaen came u a surprt.e, aJtbougb the board b&d 800letime ago IUlnounc~ in-~~--..... trnllon of creating aucb a com-~ "\ ...._ •-.:::;;iiill .. 11M World'• N~ Sun Through . THE C~~~~maJ~ulu~p~9~HTOR , .... ._ h nt£ l'II IIISfHS SCIESCE 1'1.18li•III"G SOCIETY OM, S""'oy 1>H-. Boor•. M.,•och.-tlt .. Tnot hfo&I-Conotnottiw-UniH wd-frM from Sftl•rionaJ.. i--Edi10ria1a Ar• T im•l? and lnJtructiv• and Ira .Oail, Futurn. T~he!r with dw WHkl)l Maaui •• • Sect.ioe. M.U dw M-itor aa ldul N..,.,..,.... for ct.. HOIIM.. · Priu 1 12 00 Y•nrlv. or U .OO a M' ... n th. · s.n.na,. luu•. tnclud~ns Maa,aa~n• S.cnon, JZ 60 a Y-. Introductory Olin, 6 U...a l' C.a11o ~le ar: CIIKISn AS SCJr;SCF. Rt:r\QISO llOO M Ill. Eaal C.:t>ntral An~aue Balboa, (.'allfornla ~q_ to fltrpli .. n t r t h(' Til'r: nan pr·nr_l''-c; pf rC'htti ldim: t~·l"''' ritr•rs~ Rut · lh<'l'l' h :l\'('n 't il('(•n :mY !'Uq '•· ~'nl imit:d i11ns in on•r l\\i•tlly Y••ar'< ... ;1t lhf' morlf'ra tc prin'~ \\'(' off•'r. ritC' \"lh'i' ,,.f' r;i\'(', ;1nd the nll-inl'lll'<i,·r TJEe:O:~\.:-.: Gt ':\ r: \ '."'T'F.D \\'e ~:m!f'nt tl1c t op in this fiC'Ifl .,nd i!llt'ltd,.~.P1 stny thrrP! R. A. TIER~~,4~~ Tl'PEJJ'RITE R CO. I 10 ~-,.,.., Fourth ~anta Ana • Phon.-7 l:l ---- , . bor IIII9D ct-rt toll! velei!Ce I .wutrlrlent M )n a1 Angelee. Tbto W talnl~~ Audrey Bartlngtc s .aturday not leav~ thret' w e Sunday t lotary Co of the go •sr. an daughter; re11idlng on Ule G Dr. an w -- -- ' Mall Be 'Lie{ s ~J,. -------..:.----:---.--. -.. --·~·-··~~·-···--...... -~~~,~ 'fhe W1 ek With The ISlanders Make All Our Own Ice Cream 4, It's fua to eat Ice Cream -but it is -al8o We --very 1ood ~at! NO OTHER FOOD HAS AS MUCH ENERGY BUILDING VALUE We have aD flavors at popular prlees MOORE~ CON~ONERY UOO Oceu Frola& NEWPORT BEACH · _ AIIADE8 OF 'I'IIE lltJ'I1NY ON THE BOUNTY CHRISTIAN'S HUT .... Dinners -Grog Art La' Sh-elle (AU.. -F1~tcher CbrlaU&a) BALBOA Pboae 871 YOU'LL AL\VAYS HAVE FUN AT THE NEW AJAX ARC·AQ.E ·' DAY AND NIGHT ANI) WI NTER EVERY SU l\11\IEil Malo Stref't BALBOA -------------------~~--~~--~~' Fre-sh DaifY-- f)(>h('• .. l' S l'll F o .. cl~ ' (i)r, com~~~~ '~utpment Y.'hen ynu v.·nnl to eatdl. your own. HORMEN FISH MARKET Late. Class. Ads == ---.____ ,.Oil -'IEHT-• -"''"'•-apart~"'' 211t' 1 Ckea" Fro"t• Newport lkad o. ~-""· E•· e•llent Lout1on.\· 113-'wt. WANT~ a .. , ••• to pwq;hue -I &o ho"'"''"· for $10 down a"d I ''0 ,_, mon~h. &~ '"'~••t on • I deferred paymf'nh . CoCHt oool, W,Jtf'r, eiKh•c•ty. You m»y pu r .. ctuu.e half acre for 12!0 or an acre for 1600• f A.ac,.e r'ittdctton a t. If you •n n t a hom•11te. bu'y now thll •.uy way ~" A 0. Cham· Mro at 1100 Newport Otvd , Coou Mra.J. in cturg~ of ltQu•dat•on ~or appoontn>rnt. Phone New- port 400. r>l·tfc. FOR SALE ll·foot. 1·11. IN-am Mtram IN-nt Runabnut. ( 'ompl.-tf'ly rlnt .. 'hrd r~N"pt for tn .. talla· linn of .-nlin.-. -RRASU ""t:W-IIu Sr\'f'r IIfton Ia tiN-Watf'r. --ai~WJ -- -eyUii'ikr -· lhlr !\larlnr f:n~tln.-, rrady to IN-ln11t allrd In rvnabout . \\'Ill ..,.u both for 111!\ ,.. .. lmnwillat.-ly. 1 .. R. Ro n :R .. . 111tlR..CIDAY. Jtn..Y :t 1~1:-. . For ~~e and Laughter y-.... 10 ""' CJI edJ 1.-d --. ....... CJI (l rdilin .... .. _... ... .,...t..a-..,_ .. ____ __,, . ,.t.Me wire •rate• coa~t«tlaa -I, r.cilK CA10111 oAc.. _. -~ Yook o6or .-,.;.a. ........ ......,_ WK. CAV.I\LIER a Co. ........... , .............. ~._,.,,,... ._......_. ..... ,n-.. ..... ..-1a ... .,..._ ......... .-4 ,, ... ..., •••"'-C•••• c;u •• -GRANGE CO "TilE PlACE TO GO" ---4 .. ,.._ ...... , ... ,,., •• ,..... At AU ,..._.,... ...... ,. ......... -- west Coast Sanh Ana Phone~~ ,-. ...... ,._ "&IWr t'Wtr .. ~~ .,.....,tl Ia ".M,\:0. "' 'T;' al•v ,...,p ........... ...,,, __ ... _. " ...... Ia "AI or.' I "' 1~0\ t.:" c ..... , ...... " 111 all,... -.., Ia "ft \II''" l .t 1111.1 " ..... , ··~·-.... , ............ ""00'' 0 \f:ll MlA .. I" FOX FULLERTO N Phone 217 '•n .... ". T..,.. flttiJ ''-1 •• ' """ '"" r .\1 f:" al .. ·1 Jt.HT ..... ,._...._ """-'" .... ,_, ......... , "IIIII \ Tilt. "ID" al"" "Pt'4tt'l r. '' tta ... ItA a t:" AN AH EI~I Broadway -""'·' .. lilnb Ana Phone lOO ...... 4 •• ..-...... , .... , ............ "C AI CIIIT I' THf: ltii,U 'T" .. .. I"«I.I'A'Tf:t• "HttiiT 1tl 1Ut4'TII .... , .... -... . .,... , ... , .... , ........ ,.. ... • .. , '"·~aA.ant ,,, •• •'41t •trr.-, I ••• FOX ANAHEIM Phone 3602 "&At.r. I' "' \\ t , .. ..... ••L,-·~ l,._ll•l%1 . ......... ~,. ___ .. - · ·••u. -·• or T il~ Alii" AN ~HEIM PHO~E 4212 Boat Crashes 1Jetty Pilot Is Arrrstt'd ~IT pr rsnfl" ;tW>tlk'd .......,., h f v.l~o•n th• 1-..~.t 111 "lu.·h II"')'(,.,,,,, 1 o'\'4111f1Jo: thn.~q,:h ll~t• l\.'\tl,..,. o•n , II .!IH'• \\ ,1~1\ \'II lu .,;h Ill' l'll th••, ,, ..... ool lito ~ ll\ '11to• ..... ,,. p tlo •l .l.olttt I ' .. 1.tlk • II \\ ,,, Ill ••·'t··•l ''' I"''"'' ••n • h If ~rot•' ••• an "''' "1\.Uull .11141 <i.t l\111~ ,, lloliAI u~k "'-ttt :tl1 t•IHI•J,,,, ... ,,1\o-.Utl lfh \Ud lt z h.tltl '· ........ '"' 1 .. ~ .. :0 lt·n·l··· ,,. '-•· ,,,, ..... ,. \\ lth '"'" "····· 1 .-·•n~ \ .... t. "" , ... , ,\ur~ • J,,,, ,. l l•tl•l>otol 17 ""11"' '""''"'' 1\11 ' I ,,,,, lit' ll11•1 o•tt ,,II ••1 11(1 1:."' I \ 1111 ,tl .(\ • 1111! • ' IEWPQRT TIUTIE N&WPCMI' ~ .......... ........... N~J'-1_,t MaU-"AT. _. I :U .... ·r~ . .1w11 t, I :U .,..._ c-u.-,._.., f,_ I :U At.......,.U ....... ~ Throo..·t"ri.·"-•~ ,.., J ·t ·l A ..... ..._,_, tlilr ·-.-,_.... __ _ ......,. ........... , ......... ..._.., RORt:RT T A l 'I.A)K a• "Bl Ll~ Y the KIll" with BRIAN UONI.t;vv laa lluatrr . Mar.)· II~ -..... - Jt4rl...-trol "' .... "' Mtth..._.t. Mun.·Mo ... , luiJ ._, "Ur. KIW."', ,.._., Co....W.. Sl• ..... 011 an I•• ~·••• ....... ,:-· "The People vs. J)r. Kildare" ...... Alma lhucrr, Mr4 Mlotrtto,., t•aal !C'-Iua , lll•na l.r•1lo " ...................... , .. ........ ---....... --- IWI...-trot l'lhnri 14uh.,._.t. ., .. ..&:.~.-........... .........,......,_-... • ...... _.. "'l":.a&..-.J~·· - Beer, Wines and ..... ·Liquor· for Sale at SAM'S FISH MARKET ATLASTI(' COA~T I.OR~-fr.R DIS SF.R tiM TURTLE ST f:AK IUS S F.R tl ~ D(;LI(~ACif'.S OF THL an;r.p -Mf:A Famou• Lnu.h•lana Pompano Jumbo &tt Mlwrt Crab& Guaymaa G,_a Turtle Stf'ak .ltunbo t'rolt Lq. Oyaten on the Half SIM!II Lobeten Slari•pa u4 AU O&Mr IU ... of 8H f'e»Me La~,ll· No DtRIIe" ... -11ie -fl .• 8'I'EAIIED CLUUJ ' -8D -YOW I&A.POOa _,......._ ___ _,___ ............... ,. ..... ,.;. .. ... O..•IA..M. ~· . . .. Y't,ll'"t'. -kliot:a I' C.IIU"T TCI_, ,. ,,.,,-.., ... - FOR CA$H CLUB ' l15ooJ Fl RST • • AWARD Monday, July 14th, at 8:30 P.M. .. , ( TIII:RF.At'TI:R r;\·r;a Y MOS UA Y _, THtiMUA Y I RF.GISTRADONS NOW IIEINQ TAKF.N..AJ'. AU -'I'IIEATU:8 • rr PAYS TO II& A IIDBD OP CUB CLUB t .t.U f \IUt ll.t.A t A,, •. '·"'"~F. -..ut \tl' llfl\\t\KU "'"' '"\\tc t.l. '4 lll'iU!4 --l'hJ .. ---........ ''"' .. ,,.,,, ..... ,,..._., .. Thu r .. I rlr ""•', .luh 111·11 ·1:! f h .......... ~ ........... ht ·~ , •• , ........ ,.. ...... ~ ............. . ... .. .... ....... . HI U UU' ARHUTT and ('U!t4Tt:U..O JH"" P(nn:u. "(~ T~~A Saga Of Ji'amed .Outlaw K.•hrrt T•) ltor vrid..., ,.... ... ..._,, .. 1"-' fa--..a nutla• "Bill)' ..,._ Klft." tltttd'"'' tro·hnkul<>t' l'""l~·tlua nooo•• ua thfo &1""-.,_.., MIU7 ftu•anl ""'' ftrt .. u ... t .. \t "haN' Ia •tarri111 "''- &_,ason's Top fomt'dy Now -ll11u·tu•n kt'rp ""'' ''""'''*")' t.lu•tn• lh.,IN' "''lfU'kY ,. .... , .. tire l4h<tWI "'U I~· """"' IHIIIUII 1-'rtti<A)', HatunJay • ~d "''~Y· 81ariln• at 12:Ue. BALBOA 'lbeatre .. ·-nw Ent«t&Jnnwnt Briaht Spot In Ow-Cout'• Y.et~Unc ,Cm tw-..,.._:Ue.,._ ... , ......... , ......... , a..w.-• ., IAN HUNTU • MARY HOWARD GOil lOCKNUT •lOti CHANlY,Jr . a.., .... rt., ., o. .. ,., ••• , ' r, ...... .-. ~. IJAVIIJ NIUJ.Jt , ''"""'.-! l>o IJIVIHU AJ Hicll C u lttr C •rltl'loll ~,._.,. '"'rlly AYKfr.H-- DAY IJ, .... t II A ~ .!!.!'.. M f) ·--•·• lW~ Ul~Hl 1."' -·•• eou.. I Ill J1e. a 1'••· ... •nn a.1 a·-. 1 •• n-ttie ,. ......... ,. ....... . , .. ,. .. , .. . ._ ..... _ ........................ ~.:.=.-::::= .... ........ . ............. :' ............ -~- .u. -wtNca. or ......,. ....., ..... ----........ ~·'~'eM.. ,., ., .. I DA \'8 TO ~ AJifD ,_., ..... ' -til+,.._._ .• _, , U It A N V II. I. t; . . . -- t . / ...... .....-·--· - NiwroRT BALBOA ~S.TIMES.·Ncwport Beach, ~omta, TIWRSDAY,_JULY ~. 1941 . ----------------~~------------------~--------------------~---~--~ ---------------------------------------~----------------~--------- Ha'rPor.·;' Area Building Reaches NeW Hig~- We're Going to New~-' Island to ReaJiy·-start.:IJving (ALL 81\Y FRONT WTS) Unequalled · Anywhere! ·------- FOR ONLY RALPH P. MASKEY, Relator T-ot_a_l $69o,o5a I~· Six ] Attractive .Lido Isle Home • · . Months of Building Big Discounts. On Gas .furnaces . . Llbt>rat summ,•r ths~·ounls on ga~ fr(lm Lhe retall lnatalled coat at home healu.g t•qu IJ'Ifil'Ot install<'J . the appllanct! •.. I 1 Huge (;onstruction P~ogram In Harbor Area · Sets Ne~ lle<·ord In Newport Beach De·, velo&Jment; June Permits Total · $166,888 • I I Cit ~· a'lln!-oll'\lt'lion n·cords l (lCI:ty n'\'t•alro that pennil'l H•t ;tfim: ~t;!lU,IJ:lX ha \'a• '"'t•n is.o;;tfl'(l wtlhin th<' Ci(y of N ew- port r~·a('h, tudalt-. Thi" is u nt)('n iallly ·lht• J.;I'C.Hlt'st ('()OSII'Udion year in the hi,..tury of tlw N<.'''lMII'I I l<trbor District. Mon• new com· I 'ffi(•rcial huifctings, ll<'W N'sidt'nt'('S and the altt'ratiotl and re-I I ffit,.kling ur t•.'\.isting homes and IJusinuss buildings are underl way durint.: 1940 than at any, I I • • : . "'""' hurn!' llntl nl•W home coo·l other tlm(',..SC'ttmg a nt."W ht~h t nu•·" tu ht• 11tarll'<.l at Corona ttet tha t is expe<:tro lo lop ~ven I ~tar .,...,11,.. l~tboa hiiUld auu JJ • i thf' million dollar 12 months l•ruvmg a bwcy bulhllng cenler r 19-1() fell' th<t8<' d~lrlng to build ln • Uurtng July w11t tk r.·ulun·d ugam The offo:r a.vrtirs only to bullt-tn • this y<'a r 1n tht.> sixth tlllnual t;l\s unit furnacu and floor tum~ , ___. ho:atmg npphan~'<' salt-s I'Uilll'Ol)'i,fl , anstallo:J i11 humcs alrt.>ady built, I \\Ill< b "I"'D~>d toJay V\'<'1' Soufh· bt.> ~a ad, _ ern Call forma. 1-' Ddn~····J thrt.lUgh a modem- . I In makln~: t has llllnuurw .. oao:nt az:tl lun loan. plan. E'tjUipwe~t may Fr l'd C .. ~lt'r ktT, dl><l n • l mana"N lu• I"' II h ,., d ''alb r.u .til•\\ n pay- 1 t>f t hC' St)uth.-rn t ·,.11, IH s 1 ;:o,; l'o~tu · nwnl,. r)o poyml:'nt JJnt1l Odol>t'r _ 1 pu.ny. dt·llar .. .t l h~at ~heutuJ~ \\lll'u lhc, t,t·ntang ~~son begtru~._ 1 upt1laanq· rhunuf 1ttun ·r, W1d t.kal· an d as lnog :1.3 thr.-(• yt•ars to pay. t)f S, UC'llt1)! 1U ( PU{WI Ul luU \•d l h ( a(' g.._~ ''"lfll!Uil}', h'\Vt' \\or kc·d out ll plan wht'rt•lly h<'lml' o\\\'n• rs "hu \\ISh lCJ 1\\'llll th<'IIISI'iVo S ut tho: ~lr uJ1ol )LIS Franklin HWlSeA 11( ~llf'l'hlfl' A\'t.'OIW. Balboa I• JanJ art' mv \:lng th.JI Wl'l!k-tO 3051 H ull· \\t><...t UrJVt• In H ollywoocl. ~lr. 'u ans.•n ,ha» been called Into navu.J serv1ct>. ,. Ou .. ••f tilt· atlrnt·flve n•si(ll'nlTll normn.t sumrnt•r lull In th .. h•;at.; which rntark t ht· bo·uut1ful L 1 u o \11li' t>qUJpm <•nt bustrlfss. will W Isle r .. 11tctenlln.l t·cmuntullt v a 1 allnwcd a t11scount of t.•n p .. r Ct'l:t Newport liur b<•r ts lhr home of r-----_..-----------------------. Mr. and ~Irs. J ay Hardiman, WO via Mentone. Top Vlo!W or the abo\'e 11ketrhes shnws Ule f'xtcrior uf Uleo bea~h home. with lhe surrounding yard .mdo.~Jt'd_by_ .Jln, aur~<:li\'j,J.y-{'()fl-!+ ~r etruct t>d wall which lnsu!"fs a cer· taln amount of privacy, yet In no HOUSES FOR RENT WE..UA V..E A LARGE NUM.BER ot· HOUSES AND APARTMENTS fOR KENT hinder• the 0 • . • ,. F ---t-1-....--rin.: out thl,. r·uf11•·nlton. WNoL !'llt·wport, whkh recorded scu an .AN, TWIST and PARKER Which Nc·WI'urt J k~rhor c·~·nl ral'· t'mt,.ltl••rah!•• .rrowth, tn c;ludlng l tun. und fht.oM• atrthuta•d wHh lht• 1"\<•"''JliJrt. lslnlli.l, Ia progTeuJng at I hu1ldln~; , lndw•lry, prrdu•t•~l 10 110 l'VI:'n Krt·a t•·r I*""· PerQllla re· Ja nuaf'Y.. II' lht• farl• lhlll llur~r vt•al un lnl•·ri'Riang n•1te coocemlng ('llfl'tnwti"n h1u O::tlnt'(l $f.X,tfi.'l, "'''"l ~cwp .. rl Ou nng pa.t. yean! 4No•r 1!).1() t1unnJ: th•· first ~ix_ no1~: •• v ~mull••r roltllMcs were erect· m•oolh~ or thiS .)'1'/lr. cd Ill Uuot aro·a. But Wellt New· ltN'ttrtb show th".t Ill thl' t•nol purl IH •·clmlnK Into Ita own and (}I Junt>, the total vaJualot)n nf 1 mure tt.Jl•l more eubatanU&l r#olll.l bull• In~: l"'rmlh il<Hu••ol hy In· 1 tJr·no ··~ t>qunl tu the 'ave,_.e nrw I ~tor A. M Nf'IJOOO thus tAr I ho" Hllrhar Dl!<l rid him1e are be IDe yorllr Willi $4\IO~o,7flfo lUI r·umpuro•ol I•N'lll<••l 111 lllltl Hl'<'lm·. • t~ t ..... l -~ sati .oo.o t vr thr• .... t• t ' ..:UI!dlll&,..H'IIU ,. 0 a lll!f· The lower view revealq thl' noor plan of lh(' 5 m om hnusc whtch was construrted by anct deslgneol uut of the office of Gnrdon B. Findlay. who ba.OJ erect('ol many o f t h e pa latial LJdo Isle res1tlt>nces. The archlt('ctural design of the homl', whlrh cost $3!loo I<J build. I 11 typll'.ally ~frdlterranenn. a themr whlcb 1.s popular on Lido Isle and rnults ln the channing atrnosr1u·re whlc·h t>xlsts tn t hat I Tnt a t VTUU•· o f 11111111111~ ~ lwfng n-,uJt· t•J the l'd(·al tia1 1 d I h J llu1lchn~: I hi !I vo>ar Ill lhe fact that 1 cummunrtv I!! lh<' <'o~urtlnn of ur ng t e PIL~t mnnth of unt· lloc· loVo·tn•••· •',.,,..,t nf n•w hom•1 . . -I l lun J>t ••~o:rum 1n lllf• llutl)f•r l hll· l wu $166.8lStl. Ttl(' hu.:t• c·nn~l nt•. ··r•·• 11.,. h•':'r •. If! 54000 ~Thla de~ n.·w tcnnlll ~ur~ • .trl«'l hR" n ·o:ull•·•l In t h •' o·••m· lllllt'ly 111'11''"tc·s tfrltl new home ' B iJd• p •ts building, pl'r· C. !\I, Tru>ly anti mun.tt t"lltAbll~hlng cli'Tlnltr· ....... ' t.ullol•·l s ..... -~118talnlng • high . u tng erm. I s 700 E. Central' Avt"nue Phone ISS BALBOA, CALIF. ROY SHAFER Phone 353 3114 Wt"st C.-ntral N.-wport BNcb •·rshl/' In Ill•• flc•\'•·luprn•·nt ~tun.: ~liHhUlrd " ( ltlylt', dC!!)gu IUld • u;;~~ l!f\ 5urf no(t Sand. 701 ! '----------------------------...1• th~ Or&nl(l' Cnunty l 'nrt!tiLn•· l •"nl!trurtw n I NE\\'PORT BEACII Easl 'tcntrol AVl'., mstall t•le.:Lrk ,.,...--------------------------._I Thnt ll'll'lo.>r:thlp r XII'n•ho nut "nly Tho• n •sull ''' lhla t"nolency 11 the 1 sign, pl.'r c M. Trw<ly anol Snns • DONALD BEACH KIRBY A. LA.. AKOBITEOT ............. 01111 ..... .BOAT aDd TRUCK L.E'n'ERIN(T Phone Newport -398 .. ~ fine Paintinq ... Call Ed G1ll Uo7 Balboa Ave. Balboa Island Phon~ t952 • . Phone: Office 516 M. :mtLER'-- Contr~tor _and Builder 1806 Newport Blvd.· .Costa Mesa IRVIN GEORGE GORDON Phone Newport 721 Marine -·HARDWARE -General . ---- Bay Distri~ H~d\Vare BRASS' HARDWARE -QUALITY TOOLS W. p, FUU.ER.PAJNTS-YAtlrr F.lTI"'NGS llo-JlJ 11art.e A..-Balboa blaa4 P1aaM Newport -m4 aJong thl' co&Jil but thruu,ghout 111Rur11 1: nC hiJ;h prnpt'rty vaJuu . Pel'llllta Tetal June 27 _ Denn.!!_ ~('. !_1'!,-">J tUii• c'uunly n .... ,.,,t JOlatU.tTt t r•·· hrrthr nty-RJTrt-~orrcnru tbat t:l!HPl~ -348 -······· ··---··· $126. C'oul Bou11'V1Hd, IJtetaJI 10 out. r &.11-1 by th.-(~1\flK• County prop.:rty V8lut'.A will conUnu;o t6 1931 -391 ... ·---·----····· 505.344 ll:'t a In cafe building, pt"r B. E. I Hullct,-.r.. ..:xl'hiUll{r • h n w that 118•· . 1932 -34fT ............... -.•...•• 247,690 Eldredge. I Nf'wn.rft lhrhnr J>l'rmlb during Rt11dy v f t hl' dty bulldtnc rK· 1933 -293 ...... ·······-··-···· 236.549 ,... 11934 298 2~ 074 June 27 Wt>slt>y Smith. 1511 a portion ot the mrrnth Wl'rt' at-ont.-r.l8u ro:vealll that lbe harbOr ... -................... , Eut Central Av~nue. lnstall 25 moat double tht' total Cor S&nll\ ar<"a Is attractmg many wbo a~ 1935 403 ............. ·--···-··· 4$r7.440 1 t 1 l h V • bu t<lln t t 1 ._._ •· 1936 523 . 766 089 out c !I D p ay r ouae. per A . Ana and a.IIIO few tht> total 0( build· I g • rue urc11 u nv ......... en .. , ........................ . 1'ti tn~e In tht> rntlrt> unincorporated ~>vltll'nc lng an even greater fa.~tll 1937 563 ........................ 908.0901 .J~~~ J-tu.x Brandt 405 G<>ld· area 0( Onu!r;e County In tbt> futur;o deve-lopment 0( tb1l 1931 548 ................. _ 911.6371 1 tall ~ U t 1 Du.rSne the ttnt day ~ a halt city. . llll38 M2 ........................ 861,74.5 t'Orud A~enue, na E J ~II e a n of July. pennlta reprHenltnJ a Owing the paat wveral montba 1940 -M2 ................ J.CMO.l22 new rut ence, per · · en. . total ol _H.ltS wen taued by In· Ule~ have bet".{\ numeroua in-July 1-Mrw.: CArrol Kln~. 330 ~~peetor Nea-•1 ornce. al&ncea wbere one bullder hat 1941 Poppy Avenue. lrutall 26 ouUeta See the latest in Nautical Stencil on Our New Swing and Umbrella. CILURS ...-:-BACICREST -VMBilELIAS AWNL.,_GS -1\..:W 0& llECOVE&ED PERCY B.,· BEYER Newport a..dll ....... Lut July tbe vaJU&Uoo of build-t&kf'n out permtta for two or Jan. 2S -···········-·-···.. 64.640 ~ac~~r~cal~nce, per Sid W; 1.ns readaed .71.346. AU lnc11caUona three homu, quite apparently <t. Feb. 41 ..... ·-···-···--·· 77,150 J 1 l-~ 0 Poteet 620 29th ,------------------------------------------. point to tbe eontlnuatiofl of the atgue<t to be ~orne produclll( Mar. 49 ·····-·--····-...... 104.'729 atn~i tnlltall z3 outle~ In new ~t CC!NilruCUoD paee. It thll ftft~l. . .... April ·-· 54 .............. ·-···· 111.195 ab~t m etal abop building, per ~ tnle, Newport Harbor bulld· Expected to ~t bulldlnw s--· May ..... 28 .. .... .. .. 167,188 V A. Tr1 · In&'. ~ wtJJ eofir to wea pat-mJt tota~a before the end 0( the June 67 ... 166,888 ·July l-~~ Meyer. 3011 Welt • er ~~ta. Even u llt&UaUca for year are aeveral pro~ Celltral A 1 .WI 39 tl til the current JDODlb were betnJ p&Mion projecta alon.r the H&r· Total .... 263 . . .S690.0M . vFnur. n °~ e chK ked by a New•Ttmu rt>port-bor'• ,_pldly ~ commercial ~ 1 new printing plant. per ' A . er, additJona.l buJldln~ ·permlta for aect19D on the County Channel 13Y June ~IIbert n. Jsnst>n, do!K' rJ~~~ 2 c Wood 311 -bomra were beln.r luued and front. parallel to the Coast Hlp· 1n front porch with "'IIUI.I!l wlndnws 1 A lh l A rorgel tall 2"0· l ... ., · mt> yt>s vf'nue .. ns ou • ou.era trdled tnto lhf' bulloJinlf way. 3717 Channrl PlAce. J>l'r owner, 1 1 1 ld Sid w 1--' r' ottt .. ·t t tA Charlt>ll Beoechf.r Ia conlt>mpl&t-e !1 n Of'W r_.ll l'nrt:'. (Jt'r · ·-""~.o • ce •• ,o.. n~e on • S400. UltlCkbeard. Uve .,tan. and collec-tl~ data pre-lng the pavtnc. of a l&rte portJoD J~ 26-lr.. L. R~e"' of Oak-July 2 Akl'ley Quirk 143t paratory th applying tOt' bmltJ· ()f hl.s bay fron~e and the con· land build one at ory rr•me rnom w--.,_ A 1 1 11 1'1 1 · · .......... v venuc, ns a ou · A. 1 dtff t 1 th 'tt ., ., · · I'll! n Dt'W rl:'s • f'ncc, J>l'r "' ... ya. t•ntlrr y eren n e ma er Dtlvt', per R. 5tayton Ootrllt. Rl ckbearcJ Finest Deal In Newport Harbor •' . Balboa Bay Shore,~ Leaaehold Estates ·A New Deal In Property Development 1bat Is • Better Than Property In Fee. DEMONSTRATION HOME ~OW UNDE& CON8TilUCTION -' For Full lafonaaUoa eo..alt .. EARL W.· STANLEY, Sole Agent 17th and Coast Highway Phone: Newport 160 ... In~ pt>rmlta within thc nest-llt'veraJl atructlon of aomethlnr new aDd bOUM and .. ara··~ 1714 Mir amar 1 1 · 11 Sid .. , Tbe unprtl('t'dt"oted era of con . wAy•. The tnvilftmt nt 11 upectad / ~ury 7 !:rtr Ln:mbM-t. 6001 Seft- .trurtroo In tft(' Harbor O!Jihict Ill nm Into ~~eve rat thouaanda ol June 26 A ld~n ~im...,nn of Vnn I h Drl ln tall " tl t 1 ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:::;~ -~ • I'~ 11 ure ve, !I , ou e s .n 41 Ill .. tttll~ aJI IN'Ctlon!t ,., tht> dollara. Nuy•. utend gar"A"'t' 2 fl'l't, 10~ • 11 , . It d I --• fl ed t I ·rh 'h 1 ._,. • ..... " Of.'\\ r('s c enrl', po: r ov. n<'r. commun y an • ,,.... con n. o " \ r A-C • .... • < "nl'<'rn on .._ Pearl Avenue, per R . StaytAln Dor· J 1 2 Tr tna J h n 3 1 I any ont> 8f!Ctor. ~~&ml' hRy rront l!t ill~~<• rt>ported ria SlOO ,. u Y11 11 "1 talo n"3°· 1 t4 I • · r.m<'rR I Avenul', 11!1 I 4 out t' !t Beautiful new bomu ar~ •PiiD~f· to hi' c•m.templaling nn , expaJl,IIO!l June 27 H. H. RenjAmln, hullcl ln new rN!idem•e. pt'r r M. TT\Jsty In~ up on lhl' llalbo.l I f'nlnl'llhl projert "hkh Will be Of a IIUb-2 11tory gar~!' h<>UII<' with 3 ro.1m>< and St•n~ point alm011t ov .. mtght. Attn<'· 11tant1al nature a.nd tt La and bath on l!lt"C'Oncl n oor. ttl20 • '· Uvr an.J tlandltome Dt'W N'llldt>ncn that wurk will. l!f't unck-rway Oft F.aat Central Ave. pl'r F. n.w are conllnued to ~ built ~tween tlw $7c•.OOO Stall tH Company boat Creenleal. s4ooo. . -Plumbiq Permita 1Mb IIO't"et and Ea.t Newport. yanl.s IUld plant. June 28-R. V. Mllnlhllll, bulhl .lllnc· 211 W. H. Woolsey. N o 1 plt'UUrf' pier and nnRt. 1201 North li 1 Hf'RC'f)n BAy. pt>r L. H C"ramt'r Color Improves Architedural Lines of Home Bay Front. P•'r C'roort 1\ntl Nevllll',, Junt' 28 c . w. John!tOn, Jr .. 319 ....... orld"• .... , • ..,., f'.op f'OI!W e( "hlf' ... ,.. nnw loeof'd to lora I rwhfrnle). How clever usc-of color can diot ol Sh<'bnn • Williams Co.. ··astly lm provt" thl' extcr1nr tint>5 1 Clevrbnd pn1nt manufacturen. ,,f a homt>, and h C'w stlndard Bttau~l' the Cfllnr-photos show paint color~ properly U5C'd. can~ bt'aullf~lly-~amtcd r 'O om_! aM traC..form a drab· and unintert>_!t: _h~m~s rn lh"or-ffltraJ·eoforA. much 1n' room. inte-.. p y-'and lnv1tmg can bt' luml',d about the use of retrut. art> shown for tht' tlrst <'Oior from • studr of the port· . folio. t~ ICX':II p;u nt man sa,a. tlml' on a tzlant C'C'II~C'ttC'n of col<'r 1 For C'nmplt'. IC'p-hrAvy ho~ phutM which !las just lx'~n placrd 1 can bl' made t<' IC\I'k lower b7 ,n d L.q-l11y at •. local paint •torr , ptunting ro<'fl and uppt'r porUona >\C'<'t'rdmg to thu dult>r, th<' color m datk colora and by .l cC'enUftl ;>or!fn!to ~·all be lt'nt to those-hon1nntal t rim ~·1th li~tht colora. plannln~t In rl'dt"'''l'rnte dur:njl t he Cr1hn.cs can 'bt" -ralsl:'d" by llllftl ·om.n.r· "''<'rl~. lt~:~t·t.'l'lored pamt. ll_{ld lona . ..at· 1700. I '.\m..,thy•t• Av~>nu~. prr L. H. ("ram. June 28-Harry 1~. Caldwi'IJ, er. bull(1 addition I<> rr::tr o ( homo•, 110 Junr :!R Mr!t A nnr U. J.Aofit•r Garnf't Avrnul'. pt"r r:<'OTJC" H 2 10 Via Snn H•·mo Liolq IIJI(', per MC'FRrlnnrl p!\, L. H. Crnmf'r. June 28· !J . A. Thomllll. bulhl - pergola, Nl'. 22 Ut·ac..,n Hav. pt>r-N t J J ' d Ct'OrJ:t' H !.frFariRocl, $11)0. ewpor S an. June 30 John F.. :l.I RC'k of PIU\R· 0 f c•t ' -dena. builct ftve room hnuse IUirt ne 0 I y 8 18x20 711 :"1/nrduus~-J-t-! :--4--..t...,..,-. _ . per S3l>OO. lJ u1~1e Al~ ... - ·.Yune SO -L. 1'. FN'8nm ot'RlvM-. ~ jfl\r"gr, ~ J'nlnl't'llil\ A\'l'' nul', p'rr C.lrnn Ralll'y, S:!OOO. l landt>rs. wh<l hav e con!ttructC'(i Juf.; 1 1 "hnrh•s n. ~trail of 11umm<'r h o m 1:' a .. Including SId Po~I~DnB. hult(i .arldation to ~;:aragt> l Doer!ltier wfl() lwciiJTieo famous D!t and conv<'rt Into l)('.-lrnnm. ) ::!!\ f'IIR· thr l'klppl'r wb<> 11rrvcd the monc1 A\'<'nul'. ('M' WAlly ClllllweiLI authDt. 7.arr~ Gri'Y: for nine yf'nr.t S!.Q9... _ <In fl!lhing exproJUorut to every July 2 1-: ~, Ho,Jlkln~ <~f'Pltt'nll', part nf the world. rt'palr hou~<'. 11)11 Ralbna Avenue, I Ma.~key points With Jlrh!l' to ,tht> Jlt>r COMt Tl'rrnlt<' 11n,1 Funiw• •l<'\'elopment of Nc"'J)(>rt llll~ncl Control c.~mp1111y, $1 9~ Md now ht> Is busily C'n j;'81;'t'd In I ____ I hRn1lllng C'lty tax lots nt Corona El tri• 1 p-a.. olrl Mar. whl'rt> m11nv havr hM>n , ec c:a . lllllniUia sot.r In a rornpar"Atl~ely 11 h o r t I .Jon" 26 Lid<> Ynrht Anr hnr· 1 IE"nj:th t'f time. 1\frl'. 311'1 lllrt><'t An:'! RAy Frnnt. ------~__; __ _ tnatall 41 ou(ll'lll t'tl ne'w flnats. Nolhlnlt IQvea. ..a.nL.. pus.on .ao 1 Pf"' V. A -Tripp. t1Vantlfe Ovrr IUlOUll'r a.~ Junt> 76--GrC\r',::t ffnlitrrn. ~H to rrmAln alWilVIl 1:'001 &nd UD· Vi& Lid<> Nor(! inl!ta.\j ::! nd•lttlor&l , r ut ned undrr ali clrcumstancu . -~ nuUf'tA ln C'ourt. pl'r \\ A. Trirp Thomas JetfN aon. Fo~ Building . Information See Bay District Lur:nber Co. WALTER 8. SPICER. OwDer NEWPORT BEACH 11.8 State mpwa7 Al Tlte A.relaeli .. GORDON B. FINDLAY "Builder of Homes of Distinction" ---1 CONTRACTOR and BUILDER T~lephoae 40Z I Pltnne 1150 ~lO Coast Blvd. Newport Beadl· •. • Accounting -Supervision -Procedure • HOME ' LOAN$ SEE SANTA i\NA BUILDING -~nd -LOAN-ASS6CIATION- • 6ot Nortfl Main Street atxWt_a. monthly payment loan plan for fhat new home whereby interest _and principal reduce each .tnonth. 'Kn<'wn •~ tht> P.amt am! Color r.'w riX'ms <'an be ''Qut\r c:>d'' bJ Sty le' Guldt' .• thrs ~olll'rl1un of pll tnl)ntz rnd walls Ill "''arm. poll· hund rt>dJ of hUGt' color-ph,,tns on ll\'l' rolnrs Ba!~tr{l<'ms can be patt>s t\\'0 squart>-fl't"t m art>a wat l"wa fl11<'<i" by usmg rose or other comptle<l by tht Decorative Stu· warrq rolors. tht u prrta uplala Jun(' 2t\ C"'lthottc' Chur-ch. I -M~nn,.. Avt>nu~ &lbol\ b iiUld. ln. ~rate Oftlater~"-port j .uJJ M outlt"t. ln new church Harbor '---:--:-----------------------1 .· • . -.. •· -··•l!o• .•.. '-·-..-...·-·· ....__.....,. -------:~:r.._ .. _.. __ ...;:;_..;;;..._~~ fl. area i Burnt Mearu tracti• its OC• cost a The:' homt> I providE ls poss, moderr and e, Ncwpo out. The) mt>nt 1 under than S: ment ta)fl.'ll, connec The has d4 type' a Whc the m home en thus 0 REJ s~ lit p I . ' R t '' t.. . , -. odel Home On Peninsula In ·Balboa I~ Open _'fod·ay John D. Burnham, Thermon Meau"; r B~nk America Presenl Attractive New Home Gains -Despite ---At Cost-t-he Average-Mim -h-t · . "' Can Afford Lot·a l l>ffkQ. of Hllnk uf Auwr· . kn. ~ .. ~ Watts of Nc•WJO('f'l I~Dll Now open to the public at tht> Balboa Peninsula Tract I J •: ~ ... u.·ir of B!llll<>:l, 111>11\l , ... , area is a model home, 1531 O<.i!an Blvd. c at.ed by John D I tht· l;mnk·~~ s'."'"'n"nt ••f c-onut-. • . ' l'e '1 l inn O( Juno• 311, Rppt•tlrlll): t•IOW· Burnham, m charge of devcloptng tha t af('a, and Titet mon ·, whc.>rC' m thi,. is''""· as a p1l'tur" Means. wcU known contractor. tha t is amazing in the at-or t'ont:nut·u ~:n"''" "h11o• lht' to. t.raCtiVCncs5 Of its design, the COnVt>nienc.'eS incorporatro for Btltuthlll I'Oo>pt•c·ntt'<l unro'lll'r\'t••IIY . . wll h t hP nat yon&! dl.'fo>n84' proJ:rllm ats occupants and m ost of all, for the extremely l'('asonable anu sUit ma'1rrwrnro a rull m•'llll· cost at which such a home may be attained. · . 1.-use M ~t>rvh'(' tn onh~ary built· Th<> resid(.'llct', one which any -l lll'SII llnol lnehntluul Jwo·il:t homl' lov<'r woo~ lx• proud to own. l und conwnu•nc-C'" inc-orporntt'<i in A<'hievt·mc·nt nf tlw no•w high providt'S concrc.>fC' c.>vidcn<'<' tha t tt tht• ~f~ibn. wurks vnoh•r.fabnurmal •·•m•lltle•nll is possible ft~r thl' man of uwrab<' I 'Ow J't'~oldcnc-e Is bu1lt with hard-1nnu wlult• l'npln~: ~,·lth tho• r•·•1ur re· m(•nns to own 11 hands.lmt• und woud (l(l(ors throu~:hout its ftvc 1 mtmlll t>f many >~p<'t·ial 8(•rvl<'~ Phone ··Co. Plans New Construction N. R l 'e•wlc·y. l'lt'l<iole•nt of The l'uclfh' Tc•lt•phnrw nn.t Tdr~raph l'nnlplUiy. lll.~lH'•I 8 llluh •ment to- day In ro>nnM'tl"'' w11 h ttw re· lel\llt' of thf' divult>nol dWt'kll to l'hRrt'ho1hlrr11 In t.·hh h ht' t•om· nwnt t't! on ~tl\(\ lnoho•Rt•·ol aoh•erw ••ff•'\'1 on t he •·ompany·a ••amln(! oiU<' tu Its hup• plrwt t'urutttnifl.m prot:r&ftt-tn e"''l."''l of :.11 1wr ··eot nvl'r ltuot y~>ar now t .. t,llllll( more than s;o,ooo.ooo. hl'll\')' ln. r.,;n.ec~ wage r aymentl! rl'• •·ntly d fo'('tlve and llll' fortlll'olnllrlj; llllhiii1U1tlal tax lnrrenMt•ll l\1r. l'o•wl,•y atilt~: .. --.---- at "' 1531 OCEII I HVD. . . ·. -~~ THE_. (~ ! .. '\ MODEL ~~ ~t-M -r~l...b)-~1!.1:'.:8artlri!_nnt onl • IIJI R_tlllJUtl' modem convt'ni<'nC't's in a desirahl<> fc'f'l llvin~ room providc•s nmpl<' to til<' l'ffk u.-nt m•upl,;eml'nl and excly~vl' f'('l;idential nrt•a a t · room. ye t cnabjt's thl' Tt'l••n t1on of I the bank !>ut a lso n11 c•v~tlc·ncl' nr Newport Harbor, its buildt>rs poil\l u r uLy atmo-.pht•rc. thl' t'nt1re stl\tf'':t·('('unumlc: I!OUD•l· out. 1 LA.•admf: off one.> C'nd of th!' lh·ln~;' 11«'811. ,., wluch lhi!l comrumflty hM "Thrnut:hout the' c•nt1r•• Padflc CoRIIt we are makln~: bu'..:•• . totmft' ~~~~.~~~~~--------- H·OM.E IS •lrnary ll('r\'H'f' noquln•nwnt.. In· volvo.J In t lte Pt'f••n~~<• l'rt'parf'd· 111'!111 a nd thf' arrC'Il•rntrd tempo of Th<>Y made the starthnc statt•· room 111 .1 hallway whic-h pfO\'Idl'l mndC' an importnnt contribution mcnt thnt lh<> home·. con~tnJctro !IC'C(.'loS 10 two 12 f<-t•t b)'-t3 f~t d uring tht>. period under tht' 'F.U.A.. will cost lc:-..'e ht'<lroom~ with the.> Jxoalltifully tiled I ---- lnll!ineSl! af'tl\•lty, 011 r • wnrklnf forc-u have bt'en ron11hlt'rnhly ID· c-reallf'd In numhl'r 1\ncl we now havl' In el!tl'f"'l8 nf :\~.000 t'mp than $30 per month. indudin~; pay· hath IOI'ntoo ht>lWl>en. Se N H ment on lh<> principle. cost of AI!IO lt'!lding off lh<> living room ven ew omes or ••ver :>.000 more than a year ago. We hll.\'4! the brg~at pay· t.aJSC11. ln11uranct> and othc>r Items n.re the k ln:hcn and a dinttte • F , H bo COMC'CIOO w ith a residt'nC('. whic-h !ll't' linkl'<i by a doorway Ut or ar r rnll In the hlatury fll the com· Tht e'Xterior of the model hom<' the rt'ar of th<> houSE'. Ar U d has definite eyt> appt>ul with 1111 0 Jl<•ning Into the rear )lard Iii a e ft erway pany. "l'rior to the first of the year \U estlmatt't! that our 1941 t )'1)C' of constn.tctlon. Whm it comC'S to the lntt>rior. the m'ost particular • prospective tlornt' builder or owner will wax enthuslastic over the aJTangt'mC'nt 10°/o :DISCOUNT Oil All PACinC GAS BEATING APPLIANCES U Ordered Now! Sam Kinsf ather PLUMBING llt E . BALBOA $:3Tnl:<' by an outsidt> walk that, ~~even at lvl' new . Dl.e· ! matt' $60,000,000 o ( Is flrhrott'Ctt'dol .~erh<>afd },!. a -~e trl~v~fPB thd.-ur~:!, ~:U~:e:!'; aggr~U of $48.000.000 would ov<' ang u tc roo . .,., ... li:f1~-u or f'llclualvrly tor Mw ('uoatructlon. t hat puf1)08e. in Corona de! Mar. John E . Mack We now u tlmate that t bla pro- An amazing ft'ature of the model IJt f'rect~g a $JOOO. ~ room home gram. which 11 atlll In a alate ot home's dt'Sign is th<> a~ount of aht 711 Nar~IMuat Ave$n2000uf' and& t-::.,.o OUll. will be In u c-of J70,000,- cl()5('1 and drawt'r spac<> ancorpor-omu. car • ., COli rng re ""' 000 and It "'Ill undoubted! be en· at<'d In th<> available !!pac<> lng coiUitructed at 316 and :us I d d t th II Y ed Spacious clost'IS with lat~t type f'oln,etlia Aven ue for C. Lewla ~ ~e ;:, e con nu dl UD• or slidi ng doors art' built Into each Baltz of Loll Arlgelee. u rv1 and ~-.!'~.eo eatraor na.ry Get Our Prices aDd we feel coalideat of your balln Me + FRANK CUltRAN LU~BER CO., Inc. 1101 EM& 'tit 8t.. Twoleo*-I -SAnA tUfA Two GUie-r GoFoo& del lol&r rem. ae ee em ......... denee• 11tarte4 lhla week are for ----------- Mlllll Margarte Cooke of Pua-G B F•·ndlay dena. 310 Man gold ~ve., and tor • • L. T. FoiiiOm of RJve ... lde, wbo Heads Newport I• bu.lld tng h la nl'w $3600 ruldMCe • a t 319 Ma rigold. The Cooke home School Board Ia e1timat t-d to coat $3200. H. H. Benjamin of Va.n Nuya bu tWiccted 1020 Ea11t Central Avenue aa the building aile tor ha new 1,.000 realdence. bt'droom. The short hallway ill practically solid with cl011et ·~ fOf' tM' 11t0f'llp of llMM whl)e an entl~ wctlon of the hallwl)' ill de- voted to butlt·ln dnawe,.. which Gordoo B. Findlay. re-ekcted in t.be recent K bool ballotlnl wu n&med president of tbr ttoard ot tnwteee of the Newport BMcb Gramftl&r acbool at a m•Unl l .. t nl&'bt. . r--------------: provide additional atorap apaa>. Another intere&linl fteture of Kar1oD c. Dodd ... DUlled clerk ol. the board. 'Pl&Da were &180 ap- proved few the eon.tnaet.loD o1. a pr&p to bOOM Khooi W.., clue t ~ t h e dittlculty Ill obtabllna proper ..wrace f aclltUea. A* Ua AIIMlt .._ N- Gaai'Ulty Spet:W Aato , . Aodcleal Polley ACCIDENT POUCY Provt4ea maxlmam IDdemalty of ••500 for 81.00 a Tear Howard W. Gerrish !111 w. Ceetral tltHAICE thb h~ by 8umham and Mtana Ia lhe fact that It la dealped for year around n>Sid<'nCf'. CatT')'Ing out this i<k>nl is the ln.~tallatlon of ronvrnit'nt and scientific furnace hNiting S)'!Ht'm . Out of th<> way n>gilltcn; an-lo· cl!ted in the wall or ('VN'Y room. cloS<" to the floor and nrc ~ d('- !'11:1\t'd to l('ivt' I h!' m()ftt ('Hlcicmt . l't'SUII and maximum hNtt for tht' 11m!' the' fumac!' is In US(', I The kitchen t'aslly '" thl' 110· , !IWer to ~ny nou!M'wTTe'l! clrtam. I ~r,c-cou!l onough to rwrmlt efrt- Tbe ,-arag-e, eat.lmated to co11t $2500, will be. ~ feet by 33 feet and contract wUI be awarded at the bou d'a Dellt r1•«ufar meeUD,- Eddle J. ~!oote b 'the third mem· ber of ·the bo:..rd. A 11pecl&l vla1tor In B al boa Tut'sc.IAy a n II Wednf'aday w a a LawreO('t' Bn df'T ntrhariiiiiOCl, J r. ot the Na val Ac-atJc>my I n Arl· na~l~Blct!ardloa wu ..v~ ~lth Mrs . Ylrgtnla Ca.6tle, h l • aiJDL :...,_ ___________ --'1 cit'nt working · c-onrtltlonl!, I h e ... ------------------------11111111! kitchen 111 Yrt '"mall t>nough to 111nv" thl' hou:e"nre mRny ne+'dleM Phoae 429 IEWPORT BUILDERS SUPPLY Cement LESISBELL ' ~-Pbooe 1145 Brick -Steel - 3104 W. Ct-ntral Awoue N.-wport S..ach, Caur. &i!W ll.&a&Jfl gliz.ti '1*1 J:U·I WI@IUi'ii#fi}liM ll!l<'ps In rN1.rh lht' l!tnvl'. n-rrtgf'r- atur ami smk Ht.'rr again the dP!!Ignl'r hal! 111· I <'orporale•i the mulmum nmount I of rupbo.ud rtml t'IQMI IIJII.I"f' at· laln:1blr. lru•ludm$: rt rll'vrrly ar. I rAD$:C!.I foltlln::: lronlns: bonr() built tntn lhr wall. when• ll Ill rom. rl/ll<'ly uul o f U1C' wny wlwn not liD liM The ~:a ra~r c-unn••t·l rol with t hr humr h·uvrs nnthrnJ: In IX' olr!llrr<l, ('urnlolning hulh amplr room with c un,·•·n t"nr• ~ ~tnny n nt'\\, homt~ hall prnvlci<""l attrartl,·r . but t\n In· noiCJ11Ucl•· garag,. ~nvr lt!l ownrr n hra<ln1 h•· j j Th•· J'(nraJ:t' o7 lhr moclrl 'homr ~nt .. nm 1Utd ¥tet111' pnwidM 1 ample r11~>rn rnr t wu rnr11. I u' ncl· I ol1t1un. un on<• 11ltlr nf lhr l:llrltJ.:•'. there 111 a small drcJ•Inl{ ...tUWJI , 1 1 to11h•t and spae cnuR llhowC'r. Lo· I' at.~ I on Ute. Sl\l.UC slc..lc "' thf' 11trur turr a.n.J ri.IJ1r·f'nt to tt:l' o•n-I l hnnr •· to lhr ..:ara~:r tr11m lhr EAR"IHGS NO~ B•IHG PAID TO SAVERS et th.. MAu.l rale ,oL E Cash is P•td on iavestment •tco unh.· E•rnings •r• •dded to ' • -----~:• . THERIOI MEAlS Balboa and Santa Ana (BUILDER) JOHI D. BUIIHAM Balboa and LQ. Anaeletl (SALES AGENT) TO OlE OF -THE IEWE.ST :IOMES II IILIOI'S . FASTEST GROWl II SUIDIVISIOI--TIE BAlBOA PENINSULA POINT __ Designed by Alfr~d Bonn~~'. Balboa and Santa Ana, this porateR every modern laborr-u.v.mg .aad-conyenienl Jdca. model home incor- V islt it tod~y and see for~ yQurselL bow ~cal'!ily gradou!i4 lili~g may be atbined at an exceptionally ---.---low cost. F.II.A. finan(·cd, paymt.'ntH over a twcnty-fi~e year period will be. -..¢-' under $:10.00 J>er month including all (·harJCt.'M • h;•rni' nrr lo• olt'ol handy "n!'lh luh:o ~i"Mr:iilim~r Mite: to 'atcOIPoi:W• ~ 11 \\'fJ-•lhlli'J:: mnr hin!· I !\tr. Bumhnm, wh .. wa~ •"•nnN1.- !''' I H•t ~· <L.•nn W II h ttll' rh·\·rlnp- mmr-,.r-ttre t'Mtmm11a t•01nt Tract ~~~·~~~~~~--O~PE-I ~E-VE-R~Y ~D=AY~~-.----10·I~Mr~l~rf:~.~~·-t~~ g.,, SWP peint~d .:m_ in our SMrwin·WillianuPaiDt and Color Style Guide. 1•111•11• ·~~ lll!'l'"''tlun. lndlt ,trn~:' I'·'' 1r<•m('nll"il14 Wll1' •· ••f th~l ,.. ~t'••r 1114 1>01' rof thr !do al r"!ltcll'llllal 1\TI'IlM "' 1 h•· 1 lly ~ lht-rae t that thrr,. nrr nt rrrll· I rllt twrnty·<>ll!' hnm•"!l untlrr ton· "'~ "tel .II~ Pt!UJ · "' ~"~•• I~ .. :, 111•·1• . lr.t 'WI!'ol1n thl~ r unrmnu!l n umllf'r Your h~d~"t~ bHt pa1rtt money can buy. H~r<'a >our chenc< t o ctt it -ana sew mon~)', too! At t his unmuaJ a.vinc. you'll ftnd SWP 1h~ paint "buy" of th~ ,yu r. Main: th~ moet of it OtOW-Sp(in~ Til'Qf, Paiot Ti.motl · · Ar .... ;, ht~m£'~ "'ht' h ur,. h, •nJ;: ,...,,. .. , "' n11 l··d h~· 1 hrrm••n .\l••anR anoJ .J .. h n I• Bu 'lhnm Quality Lumber and Building Materials BILBO-PIIIT STOlE • COSTA MESA LUMBER CO. PhoDe101 f-----..--••• .. •-••• ""''-'' ol "'"' o o ,,.,, o .,;--'• ·-· ... ~ ........ -.. ·-··---··-.. -·-.... -.. -· ' a. &.. Botn'ETI.D ....... ;' I · Association + "'.ll ot'j' lf'.t.'•! f,,, rr rl,r ll tll ..,.c .. ,, /Jn 1 I, • h J • ,,~ rl1c I I • J I 1.,. .'.j, ,,1 It • -3333 \'Ia l.l1ln N,..-110rt 1\f'a.r·h. f 'allfnmla Phl)ftfl I~ • "'" A"' Authnrtu4 ....... A.-lA Defnle Sa~ ao... Defeiiii)B 8evtap 8tampl Ttlf'rt' h 'i\l<wt A CO~II'U:Tt: J•l.i\SSISfl FIS,\S('JS(i ancl f)t:('OUATI sc; ~t:i(\'IC 't; In Thl" Ur~ani7Jltiun . . --. John D. Burnham ' ~ OfriCP At· 2001 Ocean Blvd. Or Ia Thill HoU!Ir At 1531 Ocean Blvd. f .... .. NEWPORT BEACH . - CO~~A MESA BALBOA Harbo~ B. & f.-W. Boud Plana JuiJ Mn. H. Co111Wer Ia Jlany Hillman Celebnt,.d Harbor Serme l•andry & •CJeaninc w ......... ....... Hei,hta Circle Leader For July 'ftktaftl, whoee Pioneer tpirit animatrs "'r entire or- pniution. Their leacknhip, aid and cuidance it ~ &laily inlpirarion co die younger mcmbrn in dtr-ttte-: " phone family who wiD be the TclrpbQne Pionroenof 1'Mft arc on tM Pacific: Cout about lin thout~nd IDftDbcnoi the .\.aciation known u the Telrphont P~ of America. Their ""know-how" il ~~~ ..... bn.d-pincd throUch yean of cmrricnce -- De a~a,...a, job. Ls that tima of cmcrrnc:r--of rapidly apand .. ............... l• ~~~~ CO!II!JIDI!Dicatioll-...tbl P....,., 4cdica~ ol dad to tM ~~~!cl Tra- 4itN. of lhe ind\lltiy ie aa ianl..WC to the ._._ aa4 da NaboD. • ~- IOUTHraN CALf'"roaNJA TaLIPHONI COMJA'NT. ~---1 "................ W'' 1 IMJ .. .. ;'' ~ • .. .. . NEWOORT BALBOA NEWS.'TIMES. Newport Beach. caltfomla. TIIURSDAY, JULY 3, 1941. THE .. . . (.Betty Adama . -.-N-1-.11-E_C_I_II~ESE· ~1 .\:\:\F.R ·You PHC~le wtt. -•lonatq ... e.nd • ,.rty an4 ff\foy 1004-"til-"'•1!11• an4 fDOd ,..._ elloftl pq ... , .7 ,., tha ,_ JW ..... _,......,..,_.... BEITER CREA~IERY PROilUCTS From ,._, Oroc-.r • · • Or ~u, ...... to y-r R ... • EICELsiOI IMEIY FOa 8Ea\'1CI! (\\'eorll • ~) 8M Drh-.r 4N C'all (".._,. Phones 12 and 13) tMn· Robert E. Rou SAND SIFTER : r. ~peaker For --Junaor Women The . Mrt Alf'rMI ~mflh M z;'(l(' Oc-rrm 'h-ont. ~""'l"'rt Hf'"' h ~111 rn- t•r1Ain mrmlwr11 ,.,, ~ r Ill' p o r 1 JkaC'b Cord t "' l hr \\' :0: ,. ~ \\'t!'<l· ..... , •. July fl. ~· 'Z r m ~lim · .. , plan-will .,. romplrtN at Army Reaerve Man Honored By Friend• Wdtch '(I u r . r· Kidneys. Uelp Th~ a .. .,, .. the Blood olllarmrul Boocl, .-.. ,. - 812 Wt.-1 11 -T ~ y :\lhd ·'•·ltlf'l '-----------· .tMt UJD•. j-.-•• --·· 4'\t•••·--··········· ·. j:ORQNA DEL MAR · BALBOA-ISLAN~ LIDO ISL& I Harbor Assistance League In Plans t For. Festive Benefit Dessert Bridge un llwor .. luh m Co-ta Mesa will b<'t.:in Alli.:\J'-1 I. l.unc·tw-un ~MutT :\lo " J.;orlJ} iW>J'h'li by Mra. John 1':11 k•· ,.,.r\'o•d luncht·on preo- t't'fllnt.: tlw hu•ln•''" m••l'l in~; Turs· ll:o) m tlh· pa110 of _till' ht)me "hPn• d wu' ft•r 1" l'ln• wrrc tll.wo•d ;oluoql flul\1'1' twciN-kNJ l,ohll''· l'•nd•n~: 1'11 oil'' ·~··r~· !\·l~'ll· ol~<nw~ Hloh••ll 1·:,. 1~ c_ F. "'"""'· E. 1-:. l !<•utluu11. F:lmt-r ll••11lt Jnm.·-· c:uthrar. llany . \\',•-tm••r. :\Jury' Adl,. Ahho tt. \\'tl- 1:11·<1 j.;olll:on. Ita) muncl IJ;u'\'t'Y· C. l.ovm,::ston • T h I) m a n d Everett C ::~rdmt•r, Newport Bqlboa Federal S~vings and Loan Association + ~~ ms:( rt'l (II c.! f>c{Mc rh~ II th (<Un DwtJcnJ.s )' "'"' rlt~ IH of rhc Munrh. + S3S3 VIa Udo N-.ort lklldl, ()alii ..... PhOIIe 1500 + We .AN..._._. ....... Ac-ta .DefeMe Savblp ...... DefeMe S.vtap saa.,. Jdrs. Blrdella Ball of Ne••port I hu retuml'<l from a three week.s nay In Ela.nore. !.--------------- "The South Coast's Smartest Gift Shop" • PRAcnCAL GIFTS • INDfVTDUAL STATIONERY • PUZZLES and GAMES • RENTAL LIDRARY and NEW 'BOOKS • KNriTING SUPPUES -YARNS and INSTRUcnON 214 Marine A\'f'DUf' BALBOA ISlAND Phone: Ne"-port Beach IM7 . -··LEAD T-O- SWIM ··NOW AID DIVING LESSO~~ .. Jl-Y-..-. ~ . APPOINT~IENT R. G. PIPICI -..-------~ .. ....liSt ON 1'IIE BA\' fiiOSJ' I ~·- _,._a~IU t .... Mh~uo0,,.,, •• .,,..,,,. .. _,.,,,,._·_._ ........ _ ................. ,. ................... ~---.. ~ .... ..-;:; ., 1 .. . . .... I , ' -, .. '- I \ ~ .... ...... .. -dlul. lair &ad llllputial .... Uua to ........ ....... popular~ Rl: -' •oa-r-BALBOA PREss . . - ~'~'~'* THE Pll~ 1\ rr\11'1'(\r ,,f ttw ..- ''~' ,th ... \,..l•·r·•nc .,. "' lJ~ C.:,.l,r,.nu.a lloUUI • • ..... ~• •*••ltrt• t AN QfD~N?.INT LOCAL•JRWSPAPKR SERVING THE ENTIRE NEWPORT HARBOR T'ISTRlcT • - ~====================~ VOLUMED NEWPORT BEACH. CALII<'OHNIA. TIII 'HSPA Y. J l 'l.\ J . 1!111 NU ~IRI-:tt 1$ ..... ~ -= -I =---~. :.._=-_--;;z::.,.;.;_-_ , . - 8wA ~1441 Naval Rescue ~ :p:~~~~~~ 0.=0 , ··crash' ·soat July lltiC>llld r"4'0llnd JW'Opltl to tak~ a bttk bit of c:a re •·ith thine-that! .::.uro.·::~':!/'~~ ·~ -:.: 'Launc·he· d ftllliaded ot the occt.rnnce ot a ,_ years back. ~ Remem~r. wht'n tJwo tlu'ft y ' \' . ,_.. ___ ,. ft"Uo•·• v.·ne car-• •ncuard ol a SZ.OOO.OOO order. 'Yill& hachly «'X· a alf'ek-<'f\Clllot'd IUrcralt rHC u• :::;,..;...w~ l>loel''f' firecrack -lauoch capable • of ~ u .,1"1! In" &Om# lard knotil an hour throUC)t ~vy .e.u paala. and the)' · s uddfonly atarte.J I .. n Fnday siMI cto.-n Ow waya of ~-...,_~ ~ _ ~ And 1 lM S.•uth Cout company to ~-oow they _,... ~ b 1 0 "" n full ol hut It 11nd bund wd at N~rt pov.·u. r and JIIC· Harbnr. In addtlaon. the 11,..ltt ~rail. ~ed blta of Un ~ v.·h14'h meuUI'ft appr9Jurnat~ly :10 And h o w fM>t from 1ta &harp pnnot to Itt H••l'd u~fd· \he~ m . a.a tbe fam of ata type evn h\'f'!l loy flllll'k lind wru<~blt' actaon ~ •bu:ll in Soullv~ California. You'd bt-tt•·r •·atch out Fnday. I FaH"-yt'ar-old Manl,-n Hubtwlrd. or ynt.t'~l b. lona pan« 1 ,...und u oneldau~o:hlf'r ol Waltt'r Hubtwlrd, jr. of o;,:r Fuurth CIUiua.lt 1et~: Jltf'l!IM nt ot tbe tH.tworka. cbril· •. · • • • t,.nf'd .rfit'· 111mr h tn her own name A MTOIIY a's II llhpp;>d anto Sewport Bay. wnH A ~UilAL Otfu•tal. !'l"'ruk'':' of the prec-eden· ...,., • ....__..,..., -~ tal launC'hang v.·a!l Jl(rw. Har1an r . P ... ardslff a PON'ftl'IO KI:IUOl'MI.\' ILL Con~~t.able Wtlhau iJ Ponllnl ia ..... ported cnllcally Ill at hll home, 230t N-port boule,·nrd. F'rlendll :&rt' nqutolltf'd not to tl'lt'phone.and no vlaatora llrC' allowf'd by ordtoT of Uw atUn4in« I,..Y•k·uua, wlw llf.Y• Pon\inc ~ \'«'ry all. Palatial Yacht Sold to Navy Department by Capt. Lewis. County Names Five .firewor~s Display Man Board to Run Set for 4th and 5th Newpoft Harbor .at B·afboa Pier • I \Valter ~JIII'otr, uwno•l ,,, ttw ltlo\' I'll• ,1 • ,1 •1 1 ' L · ... •• •• ., .t 1. ,. ••r l>:slMt'l lllllbo'l ,.,,fll\:111)' ru :-;,." ,,,,, ... ,. 1 1 ,.1 1.1,., ,1,.1 , t hr purl fko&ch I\ Oil t ur lhrr.-r••rano ll ol ""J ,1,_111 1 " • to .. tulo~l 1.,1 lht- chitlnnan of lht• hA rhur t't>Oinulll'•' , , ,.11111~:,. .,f 1-'lul o, ·••·•• ~ 11 , .. 1,.,. uC th~ !OC&l <',hamht•r uf • Ullllllt'rt·r I '"'' 4• ""'' •, •• _on«" of tl\'1' 1110'11 whu ,.,,.r,. lhu> \1 \t•tl• ,_,.., ..r 111, 11 ,:1• 1-"'lll on~~~: :o:;:;0~111~ :;:;~n!:.~ ::~;:n.:!';:n(,',''\~:· ~~ .. ~:~::!~~~ -~ 11'' '11 1 "111 1 1 h· • h •1' 1 • r "' I -ti •. " , ~ • ,. •It """"""'' .., • t I ·'-Co 'HUI •••• ~ • •t11U t l·. • .. I •• t ,. ,,, ""I••: •f ' ....... \\ ,, ..... ••tttttt .. llt•Utlf h •• H anc pe&au •l' .-raft whf'n the (JranJ:<' unty Ha rl .. or Ct~mnuft· I'''"""~ ,.,,, lr1 ~~·~··.: 11 , ,.111 1 h 1 1 mot or ahlp. Stranger Ill. waa sul.1 ~ .. n (l~f11 <'Wltplo:lu.~ th• ,,.,.110 •I ntoJ 11 • ,. 1 1 '· ·' 1 " "' ••• l..-l.t -••I 1 ,._hi "' to Uw u.s. df'JIIIrtlllt'lll by .,r .. F.;lmer ll llj;ht·~. s .. al """''h I.,·.,.~ II I · I 1''"'" .... _,,., .. 'h ........... 1 ........... .: ..... ,.,,_,, .. 1 ..__. __ .,_..J:&JilL..JLDdJ111:L....E:~1.j . .J....:olUU:d..JI:I.'J.IlJ••:•. S . T 'l t u,.. f••l• •1 II na.._ ttu t lhl• 'I • ,,~,,p .. t1 1&~ .. 11'-•f llttll ~·f ~I''' • . n" na, .!."1 .!!..4w.. •• ~--:U.j;.L!.~ '-""-'--~~ .1~• ... IAW\1 of 2100 1!:. Ct'ntral 1\'t'ntl«'. l"u•hf'l, A.nMht'llll, and Rtlf Ed· ,;-m'j)., oil ,.,. 111 ,.,. , • .., .,1 J 1,100 ~I• ,..,,,. ......... .,. • .,1"'uu• .......... -... s ....u.....u.u.. ,,...., L• u ... .,_,u lfuJ't.aaU\tl dltn- .. r, "f ..... IIMIII( o•:•ll•fat \Of"J aM I••IIUo l" ho"••1111 ' folt 1t.> I"'W1"1 • • ·I ,,, ... "'"'I .... _ , .... bola .... ol ........ ~ .... , .... , l.&.adl u,..,.. , ... ho .•l lh1• ........ , ... 9.ffl· '''''""' "' '" 'ttw r.. twr C'Oft-• aary• ...... ,. 0 , ..... Ualboa. \\aids, Oran.:<' 1 '' ' 4"'11'" _-,,.,,a 11'11 --cralt u •o>o A-ll _ _.I l ... A ( ... lllllltl .... Ia ( ......... • ..... ,, •. • '"" "'-""' ver.,., D u ..,,.. 1\c<-nrdl-t .. l'illll'f•t, Olf'mbo•rl ,., -· "' • • \1 .tuh 't tro ,,._ 4 " • ...:~ bl -•• handll t ((II Tu ..., :"•~o h '" lhr l •l~·rt .. t .: ... 11:• "'·-'"'' -,.... ... _ o n&\'Y o lc a 11 «"ldaY !lw bota rd h ..... 11111 ''" \'t•t h.<o•n '·".n'"l •l t • '"' ,_ • .,, '""''" "'1"''' "'"'' 'l'l"'"'•-..1 ,1,,.1,., "1 .. """"""...,. -n-llt)' ,.._._, I• aftemoon. Capt. IAwlt aaillng her .1uurmrtl of lh .. rr pr,.,,.1 .lw.•d 1.,111,.,.. 1111 1-11,. '.,,,. 1 .,,.,,,,." 1 , • ., 1,., 1., .,., I'''' lh 1 ,1,.1 1 • h• l•a.tnl ~ , .,11~1,1.-rota.•n AN'Of'd· to San Die•o nnlnl of d ala"•rv ( ( t 1 1 . • •·•fl• '' l•• • ,,,! .. an• • • r--~ ·~ r " llcllun nor " ht• 111111' ,.., (r•• •.:• ...,,,, '"'1'1 ''" 11"'" 11 .... ,.,.,. 111 1 11 '1 '" '"" 1''"1·-<1 ,....,.__"'tile lnat' Str&.n~er HI. who uB.lnf'd f 1 ·• " 1'11111><11 1 •11• "' .. 1 "" , ... ..,._ e ,. .1 ,•rh,)' o nu ..... 1•ntcM J•r.-Aunutbl.· •1 :·r 1\,tlt~··• l"u" t h·· 4.-1 u.atl ., h, ... 1 '" ,,. ,11._" , .. 1 ,., .. , "t~n t hr •1 r ,,. t ,,,. ... •••ukl b. ""it. t-el ... ta. roMiderable notoriety a year 11gn 1 ,.. ('omrniMI .. n ,,·111 tnt't'l at .~ I • •IIIII: "' 11o 1:•" ul 11 I' 11, ,. ol h ., 1 1 111 11 11 1 , h 1 . ~-••··•I 1:"""""41" rr•>nttnc oa: IJUI -A•he.n abe ••Wd to Ccx""tMM d to , ,. . t • ' • ' ........ ,... ,. ht\• •·u ,,, , _ on a frultleaa ae&I'Ch for bun.:d t•:of'ly ale Hr~~tlliU lllld f'lt<el o , t•• k•·.t 11 1101 h o:< ,t;J'Iotllll"nt I'"""""" "'"I t .. IIIII• •II.., ,.,,., •lo•7 1 """"lllol lw ;\I' hy 331 f .. t til ··!l.urnlttn,he Mid '' th trJ·•· \\·"rklfll: \\lth ~''A n t•" .,, .......... c ·•t.t,hl •.. t 1.,.,,.,,, n.-.,, .. ,,,,. ,.,.,,.,,,.,.,."""..,tural t~aaure. wu dCllllncd by L. E . l'urpc).,.. of tho• "\'" tw~trd 111 t .. ,,.,.,,ll .. n lh•·•"ll'lllot.••r ,.,r,, '"'" ,.1 11 •1 ... 11,,.,1 ~ T h o "'''•••' .. ,11 •1 \lr •••nf.,tnolll« lu llw p-.1 Geary and built by lh~ Lake tlnlon .• · ... •-1 t I• -• 1 1 \ · -" ll ou 10 uorve"'flml'n n thr hArbor • ~ "1,' ll\'~ ~~~·· .-•Ioiii" 'In• • 111 J ,.,. , .,,,.111, 1..,1 , . .,, h \\ .,1,., ..,1,\ I''"" "' lho-,.. h·-·1 , Ory Doc?l CO., ot 8t-11ttle. in J~aS. d1strirt: aaal•t 111 "" :td v oMnry f'.tl· I ~ .. ·:'o'ullv •·•I' T.o lll)'h~t. t'll.oTio'f'l 1111 h1 unlll lutfho•r 1 1· I ,,. "'""'"" Will tw fi'lrtlvr d»-1~-ftt-cwenJJ. It --'-" ~r·hust~r JloJluu1 \'"'l I ' "" I• , ... I .. olll\ • "'" r remmm ... ncfa· • . ...... 2 )' aod \'a u)! Li""-'f' .. .,~.,, .. , uo .-lltou.W.-lu .u.. m.l. ,,. ... ~, "' I h.-h.-. .. nr,. """' -'1"-, \\ htlr 1, 1, 11, 1 ,.,,,.1 ,,.,.,rq & at wtltrlr-tmw-it ....._ bftalmc> a <'lUiualty. In faC't onf' who alm<Mit ~ot fn#d ' j H IRh SaV111 nfJaraals, tlf'aded by two .ooh.p. Dt~sel ~rt~ln«'ll and has n. T ho· rurrlniiA>olon v.• "I,;., C11nnulatr 1-ult>ll-1t1ld ~It'll•· l hlllS for the OJWrallun uf the har- bor, 1ndudlnc A'pprn\'111 ur moor- lllS(ll, 111>t'ed ~guhttiOnll llnd other r1J{hll. er lilaC«". tdfoa, • • J:ood r ~err. lh ill• !' """ '""'' Pat· mut~ l'~t:k. r; a nd RayTn.2,nd ~.hael. """'•t•·l·ll•k,.too tn>}'.• .. ,,. T h•· .. h•·l• All rN·ommentllttl .. na llrt' tu bfo m .•tlo• clort'<'IIY t .. lh• l"llltll •>f ~"I' ··r\ 1!101'>< nnd V.lll n .. r IM• r uh114>ht r~h-:lM'd, 'ptcn to1ttd John \1: Allen New Presiding Officer of Rotariah5 .1<111!10 M. ALLE~ f,u.' u(rl.'t' f• t fh•• JUl4lf y•·UI ~•·11f t d ~~~ \'1• • lll'"l'lllo•ul \OIIM Ill •••I•' II l'.nd 1 ('USTI'Ot't:U ••f Allh111 I< l .. •rl••t. I• 111 ,..Ill "' c· .... ,n ~f··•n .. h•• ,. I hv Pu• •I.•.U \\rl)o Ill a;h11•·1ol ·l.o "' lt•• rl• n tl. •• r f 'lotr .. r•l ~ I.A!fr .J' '• .. ) ·:..~:!t. n··v.·. 1! \'"'1.1 ,.,..n·t ca :,..ful v. ath >··our fiiLr_.-..,,1(, y()trll nnd Dlic lir.ard Mid Ch1t'f Cruciler ; I a ll .. r II•" h •mf' ftddrf'!UI: .-,111 nl"" <l~>iol 111 wont 1\n<l IZ ", Fu:~ .. rat -~n•'"" "''U ~ d.oduct · k nattl nl( ln,lrurtlnn~ Thrr<' v.dl ' <I "' 111 • • 1 'lt ~'\lotrtiA y tnom -1).• h•ook.'l !•or t~olh 'h1l1lr"n :,r.-1 -.. "' H,~ <! K UriiU('l chapel, I ·t•lflltft, (o,r IIIII .. 'anrl t•·nllol JZr•···· ~· tilt• t. I t .. I,, flltf>! •• ,. "''" II; , ... ,. .... ,l'hAil1. """th ,_ ..... ,......ttlf ,,t Mft ~·lflt Mf"t"'Uidnf ,, ••th M>11t1 Mtr•·•·\~ S:onl n 1\roA 1111•1 f,.h. 2r •. '• ntlt-nt '" lw made at WMt· tn~t r11r<l•. llt11IH111PF')' 11ncl mAnY muurter M~rlal park. I nth('r 1nt.ereat1n1 a nd untque 111m~ ~-~'"up! . --._ ... Spe«-d Boat er.ahftl on .Ietty B4»ck8; Two lajared Two~_,.~ anotJwr anwftall ton.wttw• poiK'f' lf'rrned one ot tJw llt'ran•..C l.iu:1 t IUI'Idt>niJI In tfw IIIII! Of')' ~ ~':Jolv yr•t•·nl•· v m .. m •n.c, nlft • "01 Jt u tl rur u;twtJio ••f thf" Harbnt l"l'"rtno•'lll ,.· .. n · • Nll...t tu·ttw IC.uot t'll\ 111 t • .. , .. ,,.do-l M•r .. ·~w-r .. ~' w .. ,.,. arn,.~t tu tJI.,. .. ,·~r • ··abtl\ 1)'1"' ~, .... ~lboHtl ""l«r<! htath un h ~1'01111 ,.( l hf' )'•le4 y 101\t-,.• at ,haol lfftt•rt 1 hr ••V. U t;\ t h., (t\Tt"' uf tt' • .. u •• , .. n with 111 .. ,.. .. kll l ~,,, ... , -.•·r•nu'h tnJ'"'"" 1u th,. •' h v. t'4 J.t~tttt,. Vuu•trrnu-.•t. 2'7 ••f 4h~t .. : t·.~·,t•~tl uV• ~U"' It t ... u t&: f,,. • "o.ll) t<ol Ill IU.Iph II•"'M 1 .. f:d•u • 1t1 fil1f1 tt• ~ f,. f"f•....,.. ot J:I•J• •OC "''"'"' tu ht~ te. H'·t.. Ann;• J.,, 1, If uhlo or• I 17 .. r 11..-'"'"" ;olt<lr-· ~urrv1 ··.S .. L:u lh , ..t 1.1, A 1 h•l 1 ,,..) ..... , "' ttw I•· ol M "" I • •r"ll ' I t' 'lilt I .,~ .. "'·"' .. ~~ H-n tn~'-"'"'"·n t .rr • ... ,,... l<,t.n 1'1'"'"" n1•l H I N urt t ' ,, r• .,.,,,,, f•·hu U .. l.et k•·h 1.~, •t•~v lfol ,,fMo .. ~ \ fO '" z l ftmll y.), 'lit fu •lf f,! l1•ld llh w,fl,.,~,, ,f f ft•5t '' .. •~:·• I .11••1 ... : t t' l• ••••ttt f'• ' t• '•filii tt1 f 1 U tJ ,tf .... " \'1 I ~ 1-. • d t t1•• '/. ,,,.,,:, -1 tt•l t tHt t t•t ,t • .jt d• tl I tt 1 1' • f. t If' fu t ,,,,, ft(l• .,, l h· , .. ~ ,,, 1• •.• , •• , \' I• til ~ v. t ••• ''•· .......... ~_..~ 'Iii f f t•t I t l ·f It f tf •• , I t 1 t• ,., '-tt,. t ••• ,t .. • fl•fl•,•·n t 1 •••• \1. t:~••t·l ..... ·~ft ,,,,. pt··· • r•l• t· • r• I' .. 11. f • f) .f•ll __,.,.,,....,....-,.,. __ -••'·} ,,.,,,,,., ... , .,,.. r·tt ' ·t·l ;-·.-~·, •• t t ., ''" •• ''" -·~" ••• It ,,, ,.. ., '.. ,,, t ' ., "'h• . o<lno•ll A It h.t• • .: . ,. \ \ ,,...r-· • I ~ , ····· I' • h•+l ,,,, ·oil 1 .. ··ff ttl• J 7. ., • t:,.. J, •' ti fl"•t 'T••t '""•' uel" .,t t r.•J ~ .... .,,. '' t.~ ·' lh• ···;· :..-,1 t tf ...... I 1 t. tl 1,. r ,,f t t ,, • r:~• ~II , ... ~ '':'. r••a.,."lalar \ \ ,. ,·,,!, ''''"' ~~. "·•J.!, ~ th ...... :. -n,,. I'T'f'llll •·nly 'l.Qrl per Y''"' .._....... ...... ~ ........ ,. ll\41 r ... •rCIIDIUllolfl pre": ,.....,11,..:•. fio•rdo">ft h •. , .... ,, "-· ••.•• .......... .. ~w.. C!OIIlftcW, .. lUI ...... t.t C'lila.lnn&ft ot tile ...... - Mu\o•n c· flodd to OClC'Wp)' tile ""...... • of (' IM'tl. 'What to E3t aad Buy >n thr .Jth of ~uly .. \ •I lo 1,,.. •J~•I 'Ltiw u .W, ' • ' ' ...... , \ 'ht" 1 'I 1 •I • 11 ... r "'''' I ,fl,. ol tlom•"· \Vtwn .11\r ,..., ~u•t ~'~"'"' ""•-"-"'· • I ~ t f ' ,. t.-. .. 1111 !uU •• • ,.,.,:t•lr,•tlnfl "'"'" , tt...Sur t.-d 1' •~<•"'""t ic ·ru....._)' .. 1 :-:. .. 1••1'' "'"'••r fln~on • • I • .. " Jftath' • t\n•tl \•tl .,,,,, t ''"KI•f,.,.. • I · 1 h u ,.,. . ...,., • "'•"'KU•••t 1••;, \ o111 r t ,, '' w hn hAtl ••• •t ,, •t •t.•• 1 thf"' fo"lur · rr,.•h•d llu •• , ..... r 11 y...,.,.. -..,;.,., 1,, ,. 1 '"• '' ''' n u f tr t •• ,,..,,,,,.,, w~l•,..)•l lltAl t, • ~ ~. h J f .. ····~· • ....... • It •" ••• ••·•f t: t1 ' 'rt·taf P •• t ,; , ,,,,. r••··fur.r I • .j '·•i'' •.. ~., .. •'I · ,,., '·•t ,.., .. 1 '"u.,,,,,.,,.,,.,,. !· ' .. .. J ... : I ' ,. • ,, I ,fl t • '. ' •Itt t • tl ., '"'" •• I •I • '." t ,~~''''' I t ,.. • ... , , .. ,, try ' •• I '' I I I . t • -\•.•It• j ftttVrtl •fl ...... • ~· ,.... • ' ......... t ., ., .. ) ,.,.,.,,1( ••• , '' • I I t t •• , " • •" r•'•·<·,..l 1n th" '• ''' '' "'1.,,..,.... •. t• ,,.,, .,.IA#whof-,.. I H t tl .. t • t tf •t t I•. t • t t ft ~fUI•I•V .. tl, •' 1''1 "'"' '' • ·•'•••"' ntr .. nnK " • .... •,,.,. : .tr r.1 tn('l( '' ~:• r ~~"'' t I ' \C r II •t t.J..,.., • tlh•t "'''"" ''·"St ... • ~ • ... t • , •• r! h ··• ~ t•r• (J"TT11 , .. l'•lvHt '"tlnr" f 1 t •• ftf<: t I ' ... ·~·~ h '' !'\•·w1mrt l'u"tnf'fi(•f• Shu\\' f'i rw (;a in (h•·r l..ast .\'•·;tr f •, •• ''•' : ,. •.•. , ... ,. #:· fl ' ,.... ,,tflf,. "·" ·t .• " \. ', rn·llllll: , ... , •I ••• •I t ... .. ,, ., .... lh• I ltl t&:, 11\ on I'· trn11"''""' \\' ft ., ·h r ...... , •• r tt I '. \. . ' ,, ,., t \,th ••• , ... , .. I I • .. ,.. r • r . •••• t I ... ,. 0 ; 11 tf tt 1 •f 't • i •• ,. ,,,, .. ,.,,.,., "n s&"r.tJ ··~•r th .. •rn- ···t•• I • I 'I ,,, ,. ,, ,., .. ... .. t • 1 • r ,. .. , r, · • r ... ,, ,,.. •• '•l •#l•'•~t,...t 'I • • t t I , . ~ . •· • t • f •' n , •1hr ~'J11 )' ,. .. tJ) -I "··I , .. ' .. , .. I tlor llf~,. h•ve •. ~ ·~t·'•' .,..... to •I llf• J"'"'"f • t •• . .. .. ~ I I • -~ .... ,., .,,.. ...., ...... , , ... , ' . . .J... • J01ng ~ to Reeoat- _Hu EIIOIId ~llow~ JIU: . numhrr ol pri-· ton o( 1111Ch · doeU nJnrn Pf10tJKh for ' n ta111r .. ..,. .. "' .... r . lalw • ._. af u....., ·~ wtUI ,..,.. ......... ~ •nt....u&lldal• • .._..._ Mayer .... ,. u ..... ........ .... nl .......... . J_,., .... ---.rnauon tMt ..... .... .............. ·:urned ,,.r- to. 1ve ............... ('Galplat• ,..,,,n .... ....., .... ••• llrT"' . "•I liM •·hlld ... I• lu wy•naJ place& ., .... ,,.~, n,., -.e· .. .:, ..... betm• !Befit ., Boy&' dmg ·lfr.l,.,n,.Nf~ S 11\r I(Uta ••ftlt ... llt'llnl( funtt frw ltn.art1ar,. whk-h a. u1 .. •.1 un•Uor lb., lot -1 A,..lltanl-e at l:oM.a Me-. 1lil.ll In ,..._.,..., o1 II r11 J"fln rane • a.lolltl"" to Ule UIIIIC 11tyh•• In the .,.,.. wtll be bbth dJun lortd«e · wttb "'..... 0 rift leatJac Whlrh ttw-affair tt•• rrJIOrt lodlllle -~ bft.o ,_..,.. ~~rut. t1t• II,( nf bAnd- IIPtl will bf' three '"7"'" to bP award. • -nltrim. • llht'r1y •• • ...... Oflll 0 t ,lt-.,ftl- ot .ttwo !nrc,... ., ruaon. • I • --·-·· .. .. ... r·. \ ... I ..\, ----~ NEW I-cc Pqe 2 Thur.day, July 3 lNl --~-------------Y----~~--~----~r-~~~----------~-~~----~----------~~----~--~~----~~--~--~--~----~--~----~ NEWPORT-BALBOA PRESS / I Harbor B.~ Boud Pl~ ActiTitia Announo·t m••nt lor Ne""•purt Jlar Proteulonal Won: lowlntt MuntiRv the board with )( on Balboa l8lltml •-• 8unday. July motor to tht' Blat convf't!Uun at t , ;-;_ Hotel In J,.,. 1 foll~·ln)f \\'c•llne q~~tn l'\k,. l"'rt ~ C'OIIfC'rence. N"'J'<Irt H11r~ DIC'n wlll lx' .,_, BOulbem Dletrlc feN'Il<:c to ~ hel LaKUoa Bearb I aouncement wu * --·jliUilnjt II y If;-- ~na v.•lll .'jti" llliWPOBT-BAJ,BOA :PRBIS P~[.~~~~rc:r~'~fnh!wn by The Gentle-man A., u•lo.n·:.,m "r 1,..-1 141 'i" 1 • ~~ 1. gu .. .o p ~n ~y automobU•. By W Kt-:E MAXWELL ---=---l~<-ll•h. t:ahlum ul The~~~~ 1,...,plt> knO\o\·, the ha~r It iM said that a Cood hngu~t can read a pretty accurate T.-I•·Jlb"11t' UH8 ,1 •& tor th .. rn to kMJI ll to them· history of a people'• devttlopment by followin1 the evolution Ent.erM u -.• nd-<llis" mnJt• 1 ,.,_, 1' I'" • ·•' ""' ""'' ·,,,J.f' at .. -tn·•· of their language. Wheth£'r this holds true generally or N""JJC)rt JWach f ""'"rmn ttM l r lh·· '' '1 M,,,....h 'I 1117" Tile trouble w1th the averart> n ot . it haa apt application w1th refer~nce to the word' "gentle- Wm. A Mu ... t-11 nnd w II 11 •1·1• •• ., ... , ··•·I l'ubta'(her• " ,,_ ~ that he don't N'&Jiu that man ." In the c hivalric Jays uf the !Iiddle Age. a Gentleman WM A ~IAX\\'~.1.1. t .... ll• 1 h• '" a\'eragt> • h ' w n HITCH~t.,:-.: •·•r· ,.,,. , 1 '''"'I"··•"' "'a.s a robber and a fightl'r ready to steal bis "nei& bor's es- NELL Ml 'IWAI~\..11-:Jt, 1 ~' t1 ·,. 1,.: l"r The bo-101 way tu nomove a atJ' tah• or to dr:aw his sworci 1n combat fo r the smile. of a pretty the P~ hll.! lM'C'n &dJtHI.:• •I ·• n•·" I' • I" 1 • : • • • '"I • ''' •ohtUun by Oecrftt! nt til<-Superlltr l'"•ut "' I,, ....... l • • ·'. • J •• r lily 'l"llhf ow tn pubhlh all kttl(L< "' l••.:ul t "' • •, ... 1 •••• •t• ... ,,., . .,\.'1 l•l•l tdt'a IJ! to pru'vtdf' a r ood on~ 1., lake 1u plact> lady. Social standard!! shtftcd and the GenUeman developed, untler the c~f Engl1sh·law, int~n who -followed Tile beat 1() yun ctf any wn. 1 111,,11·• 11,., ar.: thu~ u.,tw•-n th•· no tnu e or profession t or profit. The evolution proceeded SlfllSCRIPTIIIS RATJo;s ~~ ...--Ia Oralll• Cowlly, $1.00 p.:r year. uut.~ttle ,,f UTaJ\&e County. llM ·~"' ut 28 and ~0 . until we have come toJay to recognize a.s the true Gentle· , --man the man who prul'l~l'cS tlle Golden Rule. lll&n'lma te ob~lJI are. P.f'r'\'t'Mit Art' McBnde iHty !t tn th .. 1.11 II ,IJr:c :-l.tr-th.lt "\\'ar and 1r .... gw, !IU the be11t w•y to find e. B"ut lht! word remains now. as or yore, in too many ln- l)ohtlcs 81"\' mut·h a It kt•. wht•n ~ .. v-... I; .• r.-'1"1 Ito· ~t ra 1']}-:l' lx.-d· ~i:-: .. 00,_....... 1" !Qok for eomethl.,g ~;tances, -the cloak or ~nobbery. the maar of h, pvcr isy-and fellow angletl. Japan. hnwe\'•·r . I Ill• Is h• 1 ,.,,.lr ~rymJ,; 't<• !Jk'l:J' the cammouflage of SUJX·r fJdaJ culture. lt is still perverted In two bed.a at the sam<' time." It 1.11 enttrely P'Jllluble. loo, that by the paruite, the waHtrel and the faker and accepted by til old matd .. mrrt'ly a "yn " gtrl -----• w ho hu ""'·er had a t·hance tu the sycophant as an aJtnlogy for baseness. Misguided ind4· The ln-Btltute cof lntemat lton.d 1(, latu•n~ .,.., h"loltn,.; 1t:. t.•llt. vu.Juals continue the tuttle effort to make Gentlemen from an.nuaJ session. a t Whltltl'r ('•·II• t.:•· 'l'h·· "bJ··•t~> ,,f tht:. vr· tinct> 1t wu "Wh .. n 10 Rnme dv the outside ·in, rather than from the inside out. The veneer of ~!!ation !.f't must t•rlttHt'WIItlllh but II tl l'all ulicr.. Wl~ ~'-"~_.D.jiJlll,IUli~IO-" >:...w-·•--ut-1-'-411-W<l}U<~ .. t;l-1n p~ tn (()0 many circles as m Yealfil'ieFO 10lution of the prcst:nl hciJ-,j •,1·111•·,.,:· II Wi ll h,l\'o• ~.~. be JO· '\\'hen In Romt' dAJ "8 the Gem UU1S gcnttfii.y' anti poll.'pnrrut 'manners maintain cw'tency as thP. . 1•11 you .. r Q U A LIT Y F--O· 0 D S-t COURTEOUS SERVICE FREE DELIVERY Ocean Front Market ·auo ~ r ........ .,.... Meats • Groceries • Vegetables • · Fnits . . _.7eleplao.aa &33 -------------~--------------------------------· GUS' ' lltnactlon In the I 1+--~-..,""""=-wo· r~- ·~by higher wUK.Ir•m than nt••r•· 1n.1n •·an lllllf tt·r. Lounte rft!it o courtc:-y., · . ~u.t.ed m.u.cll .. ....., • .ra.........,, -In~ of~r7' .nd..~bancyrof. falee &IAit.OOilFQ~~ th•· old dAys, prtJLahly becaus,. 11 • • ~-·lf~L~f.[~ . Avenue at 7:3() 80IUI v.• Ul be twlc eftfllJl«. Uembera ot Uu 0011vene July'/ 14 Ura. Vera M~ltor, attaadlq~ dnd Lockhak. v Myeta, H r ( e n Wae•l'. l h ,.., ~u Cll.r .Sill v. Oorotll Cornwall, and A Orw 101'\C' randle day cake atgnlf ~erday nr H• aan, aon of Ja.cl • -..... Oil Balboa. ' •r.d tor a relrbn · ~ .. BaUoona WC'" *le liM Hlllma D ~entawer let ~_IYI~e p; 8t&bJer, Oeorwe a.rt8 Waper laUott and Ura. y 0 o a 0 • • ....... ~!!..:' ....... ~­a....-,& It ial too bad thnt l'rt·hldo·nt f<,,.,:-, \o·l1 dtd n"t add a f1ftl: to hUI famouK "F,;ur Fn.'(·d .. ltl:-" ,,ltd l h.t l ,..l111uld lA· u,,. right to work. What bran(S "' dt '"' .. 1., •. \' 1" 11 '·It" h Jpn·s alien cut-throall4 tho• t-latut .. ry I"'"' 1 t" Lo·\y tnlm!f· nn Ill· dwstraous Amf'rican~'~ f,r tht' 111•·•·· 1 •1 1~ II··~,· ,,f ""rk1n~ f,.r lmdfo louk .. tl mm·h tho· ~tume aft,.r ami cheap imitations. the. heart still r~ogni..zes by intuition "·•~>hlnK brr ta(e the Gerillfman when ht: appears. Rags cannot conceal him a living'! • Walter L.i_rpm:wn, tht· f:ll11'•11• • ··lumn tsl ts nnt ahton · ,.-e other vam murtal:-1n sa_) lit;.; "I t ... l ~, 1 ,.. ... 1.1:-.l ~1 :trl'h 5th Lippmann prt'l.laCh ·d th1· C :o •nu.ilt·l!l t~, •. , .. • l:u·th . lht· ~~~~ of hw comment :&I tlmt tmll' lx 111g 11, .. t 1 h.· two dictatun> 1 • (me tn•···nlf'r AA}'S hr hila per· I•·• It'd n ruhtw>r o·urnfljound that 111 ,k .. :o ,.,,,fi·s "u1t.~ Jll!!l twice u '""IC ~. II•-msrn11p, We A ult'ri!'IUJJI arr a p«"uH.ar I""'PI ... Wr """'" f•~thl tn the dt.11th l"r fr .... ~'l"'•·rh. ~enfl 11111J nut be- ,,. vr halt that os lulu Ull. It may be tCio Ntrly t11 br a~-:. hut \h;. mllt;d rlt~ht nf tht· ...... h ... _ 1 h • . . • ,. ...-5 way to old a jOb o!l B-19 gant of tht: atr pr<J\'l')o tit~ ,\n.l• 11• .111 111).:• 11111ly lt'ailis 1 .. I'Uitt\·atr .. pl .. a 101nr ~riiOnah· the world in war aA Wf>ll as tn J.lt'.ll'o' \\ h• II t h·· •h·ft·n~· pro· I ":· do-c lares lone JM'Y•'hnlnjtull ,ram fee-ls the full am pact ,,f our :-.\ H• Ill '.r llt.tJoo:-. J•r ... tul'lton. 1\nuthb•·r ··,untnbkullnK fllctnr 111 to • • • • B It 11 wur nuw and lhrn aJx month;B to a year hcnn·. lllllt·l ·,., \\.Jr t'"Jllll'rH•·nt planUi · wiU look like toy factorit·tl. 810 t1REW0Ril1'4 !UIOW l t • '-'f,-wiu.t 18 hrraid.-d• Ill lhe tN'ate .. t Objections are 'bt>ing \'111~1 en 1 ultural o.'ll•·h•s to tht> ftl"f'wt~rks p&J:f'Ant,and cln-118 tover jazzing of the Negrll Bptrttual ~~~n ~"· Tlw "Joowcn~" a rtas w l'n'~ntf'd In Orante rnunt y Ill !!l.at-l'd fnr lbe Santa AJ\& Mun~c:tpal ( !) have ~ratf:\1 must uf the• .J,.,,,,-:ot uhl mrlodat's anJ Ao"'•l nn ttl# nc~tht ot July 4. un· ~y aacrfod claa81C8, and we• ~<hall nut be· ~&urpniO(.oO any der l.be d.lreclJon of Amf'nc:an Lr- day DOW to bear a jazz \'t•rt~tnn of ~~·art•r ~ly <:ud to Th{'t! IW•n Pnst 131. F'am~uA circuli ac!JI. lienal and trapeu 11tun!JI and an COIDe floating through the l'tht r. nJd.fL'Ihtflf\t'd balloon a.lk'eniiiOn Will -----• prKt'd4' the flnoworka d~play, The death of Jan Padt.•n •w!<-kl a t till' npt· ag(' of ~yean; "'htch ~"11 bfogln at II o'clock. remov• ODe o;f the most untqut.· ••htlr.w~t·rs from the turbu· leDt world &eefte. lt itl a quet~t Hill wlwt ht•r h" w11l be relll(>m· bered beet u a maat.er pilolnllit or ;UI a patn ot whn sacriflct'\1 WOI'.LD 80 HOO a.AS(,"II nnd purple adds nothtng to his sublimity. Neither-the grace (If the,.dancing mallh·r nor tJie wit 9f a Je~old aj:\ds a wbit to his inherent 88S('LS. 'I'he Gentleman abides within. And out of the fullness vf the heart the actio n proceeds. even lUI the s~h of the mouth. , The French court of the late eighteenth century, acm~ c.f t'legance and luxury ats it was, knew no finer Gentlemall than ~n Franklin in hom~spun. Scotland witll all her lairds nt•wr saw a hight'r type of Gentleman than rul-ltic Bobbie a huriiDle field moutte. 1t took Enghtnd two years----,and Am· erica almost 8!_ long-t o learn that the homely. awkward Lincoln was not ail u ncouth barbarian, but a Gentleman wiU1 aLheart of pure gold. Ther~ Ui no g~ate~ story in aU the lore c1f r hivalry than that of LincoJn. president of the United S tates, placing un h1s own ~bolllders and carrying to the railroad htation ~ht-frunk of a twelve-year old miss whom be found weeP,ing at hl'r front gate because the drayme.n failed to come and abe feared to miss he r train. I Think of it. you self-styled "gentl<·men," who ~om to carry a package bome from the store). It was anothe r American president. the gentle McKinley. who ldt the warm lpbby of a hotel on a bau,er winter night and walked a block to buy a newspaper because the shh·t'ring newsboy needed the mon~y more than the sheltered girl at the newa. stand inside. It was J olm Marshall, chief JUl:ltice of the_UnUed States Supreme court,! who made a little errand boy feel at ease in his august pres-1 enoo by playing the lad a game of marbles. I roa TASTY SEA FOODS CHOICE STEAKS • "'INES and LIQUORS 0\'l:R TifF. IT11. 5nl t\SD 8TH 101 f:A!ST ('ESTRAL BALBOA -------·----~--.--·---·-·-------------+ FUR \'Ul 'R DINNERS .Christian~s ,Hut (Pitcairn Island) ART LA SHELLE (AJtU: FI.ETCHEK CIIKII'nA.""') S2$ EDGEW.o\TIER e I'IWSE 1'71 BALBOA .•a to eerve bia beloved Poland. Ckrtnmly' he wu a grt'&t maD, aDd IUa loar and WJt>ful hfc wtll ~rw li.S an 1nspirat1on to miUioaa R .. y S Nt"lscm of Hynu haa ap· plof'd l•J the board ot eupen•laora f~ ~rmiMion lo operafll lhe J . B. Call l)nc ranch near Talbert snd to pun-hue eau·.. rarbllre collf'rhnn wrvtce from a number uf Oran,Je county c:IUH. lndudln« Sl'wpnrt Beach. J uly I~ wu llt't M dAte fnr h~nn,J the a pplication and tf no prott'llta df'v,.lop, the P"· nllt will be ~trantf'd, It wu lndi· calrd. Call h.u hPid the Newport Knrba,t" conCt'lUiton for more than 10 yeera. The first quality of the Gentleman is consideration. Sel- fishness is incttmpatible with tbia virtue, wh.ich Un1~ only 1 in modt>11t souls. Th~ Gentleman will not ask for himself a ••• nghl or privilege wtuch he denies to h iS feUows. He would 1 ratht>r be a creditor to kindness than • dehtor. ~ will be CSll('ntially tolerant, granting the same Jreedom of thought and action to hia neighbor that he demands for himself. Above all, he will be able to put himself in the otht>r fellow's place and to soften jud grrtent by allowances for circumstanct> and condition. He will be as mindful of his behavior towa.rd the h~tmblest servant as he is toward the greatest of men . He will be the same Gentleman in hia t)wn priva~ chamber --------·--------- Tomorrow will ~ the Fourth uf J uly-a n appropriate tUDe to coaaider the many blc.mun~s and prinl('gcs which trea A.meric:ana .tiD enjoy 1(-hil.-• mn!'t utht•r Jtt't tplc·s are har· a.-ed by war and poverty. Wh1lt.• wt.• a n · pr.u~ing tht' l''t>und- ina Father& lor .t.beir palriolu>Ju a.a.ul wlSdom it w1U be wcU for ua to realize our own obligat1uns tv the nation. which they launched 80 au.apkioUidy. ·----- When Herbert H<w•wr w t:-pn·sitlt·nt Wt· l'rttH'I!W~I hifi official actions tor matnl\' l:h 1.. .. 1 a•·t 1"n 1 a.s s..·\'t'rdy anyone could. But he mnkt·:-.1 lllll' t''<rJ'r'l'!<>ldt.·nt and wt' at{rc-e Whole-heartedly with hll4 fttlltltdt• 1111 llh' Jtf't"l't'Ot RitUitltoD- IllS TI'RS TO ANMWEa -----------~~ •ys ft"iliOUTcf &fay Pill " fTw F:1ir.1>~.·.tn wa r. ~o:i'w Bri- A dub of K<'f'nlnr yount mf'n ha•l tnr """ of thf'tr nllf'll that nn 'flt,."tbv t'\'f'nlnK" 11ny man who ""k•'<J 1n I~ clubNW'Im 11 quuUon "hoo h hf' "'lUI lll\llblf' to an.~·rr hlm..,·lt Bhnuld P" y " fm~ of 10 shiffin~t• nn-,. f'Vf'nln~ TomlnnMn :u•k·~ "Why liolt'!ln'l a Jn•nund !IQIItrr,.l lf'ave "ny d1rt round lht' '"I' ••f h110 wht•lt WhPn hf' dlj.:8 It~" taiD aU poaaible law{ul aul. aud build "I' 1111r "wn·ddt•nS(' to a point wbe~ no other nat 11111 will dart• .tlt:11k u~. ----·-~ 1\fl r r """'" dt>llherat111n tt l' WIUC t'liiiMI upo>n to tulllwer hl.ll o\lo·u Uncle Sam is ~ttill tlw v.·o •rid s n, .,,,.~, :o': nta Claus. '111""1"'" Having "loa.ne-rl" billion:-,,, h.llt krii J•I 11 .1111'11~ r,:;-.01 Bntain "'Tnat"JI f'I\Sy." hf' ~AI<t. "Th(' I<QIIII r"l slnrl8 Ill thr bntlorn Rntl to China. it is now ann••llll"'" I lLli lt.· \\Ill nwk. a llbt•ra l •hJ:" "" donation t n Nt'w Zealand, th11,.., 111 l1n r: l h•· ~l"h. w1th h1:-"A ll ,.,.rv m11•.'' !IUJ:J:N•t•>d n H I nlf'mt .. ·r "but huw do,.•s It j.:t't t•• generoaity. e wi I C\'(.'n ~III•J tl~ 1111," 111 lit\· I! 1:-h II llwy wtll lh,. •~·lt .. m ~ .. promiae not to US<' lht'nl .~~-•:.ct-1 1-:ll~l .. llhl, ~JI I:rally. vl.l ''T!) ot" Y"llr qut·!llt"n lln!lwo>r· John Taxp:1yer iN 'A'Itntll•rmJ: "ho, ,~ ..:• •Ill~ I•. l 111an• ,. ,;~ 1f •-d T .. mktn. ... •n Ttt·Aol~ 1Je pl into the ftr OUI'IW'!YC'!'i. - Sa,·al Guard ~l~t-t.s Tbe ttalmtt at 8ermud:r11rur-:r·1:'1't'C~:tnt"t1-n1rmn:tr,.,:-mlrd..-K DJfW'UM l'fa nt~~ enta for the misdt'ffii.'IU\otr~ o•l I ho I \ to the in nicttnn or .i:t.il SC 'Iolo Ill t'f Tln-. I . :.:•: tin~ at tht.• rO.)f or Organizatjon of the malt£'r. If ~ud1 I;.",. \\'•1•· ~ ll•t.•l~ Ill, .... ,.,. thc•r··· would be lel>S mdrfft.•n •nt•· "I'"" 'll• 1 t1 I I I'·''' nb l••ward the conuud of t il(•if dul.lt o•Jl ., h· 1' \\ •• I. I h.· llltlrt• bc•y·• ~ · and girb in lht'lr Jt, •llh'" :II IIIL.hl .oil I 1 .11, 11 1, " .. 1.ld ''1"''fl'l~' .I he" T\\. I., rr""f¥' 11\t' nrH al ~o:uard~· 1\h ·l! ··I :!t(' :->c·" r<•n II.H~Wr nrt'A "" t F 1 ,,,,\· •''••rv n.: ,,, .tt~u~Ji; Jur· I hrr tl• 1.11 1~ 111 'l'nllf't tonn Wt lh f,.rth ' ~ t ~l.tlo• :->rl\'1\l I ;IJ,II'\1, Unll f••r IJ .... \ I• an1tv aome care as t o the chara• i··r .-1 1111 11 . !tll.fn n :-.1"'~''' t.llt•:-._ ________ ~L~--------- • And tile ~ ..... pniut l------i~;;~.----.....,rm:y-1•-pl'rt:tlft~n~ii!l;-;;~,.:-j, .11 111.111 ,.: I· •nl to·~ ,·,•nqut'ro•r~ not pacifists. t-'tru~r-:1•• 1 •I', 't:-lo'n. ,. ;111d n nt urr·s h~tr:.n law of the survh·al uf t h<' f1tt. "'· f'1 1 m 11 !Ink r••\•lll (M ('IJm· pa.ion-or the pra1·t t<'• ,,f : Ito '' 1.' . u t1to ... •1 tliiHl .• IJ, br· .. t lwr· hood or divitW" lo\'_., T lw It . · ....... ~ •I lq,l ltn.: : .. otn:' laq~(' m the-affaiR of men." phone' tamom t . . n. maD be, ~·~ • and"" ·~ Ja-i lnl .. Pionee .li~ -- " -·---- A ba.t of communi!'1 :, 1 h , • <i'llnrwt-t:. 111 t ht' l 'nitt•d II " •· • 'PI.11no•tl I hill n,: ••pt•n 1•• nil ablt•· '""""'I ~r~•'" t .. ·h'•'•"f\ thf' n.:r~ ''' :1 nr'•\ h.:. , .•.. ,~ ''h.' nr4" ,,,t Rl · 1"111)\ , •• ,, • 'lo-.1 \0,:111'1 tl \' f\fnflt h ,,, lh,. •f'1•\' "r n"' M"•'llllJ.:~ W ill ''" hf'l·l •• th• x""'T"'rt \m f'r .. ·nn I"'J:t••n h:tl' ,.:;, h \\"oocln .. <•ll\)' f'\ ,. 111n.: I'• _ .,.,-~.: 7 10 n ,·1~ • \ll• · ·t.·,.: ttw tm'lt!il ~"~'"" ", . ...,.. T" '""·' ~: H••tlt'hl'\' T \\\·~· • I lpll ·'·" .l .. hn C.affl'\' 1-'llft,,rd \\·,.,.,... \\'I\ rw Pvl'. ,l~mc~ ·(~Ill h · r11• "'" 1;11 rtlt;r \\' H llttrh· tlllt 'l \\ ... !\I ('.•rnut• k f:nrl Ho1n· olrwk!l '""'T Vtlf'llr 0 c ·• Cr~n- 1•·1' p ,, ~ ,.,... lilA rn!U'tn W 8 flm 1t h ·r n •; '-<-'·'''Itt t.ylt P:lh~ OM; -.;,,.,. • '· ~ ' A 1'\•n•ld ... ,n Pllul L} lluft :.·.·1 .I l'•uglu "CI rRt/J:~SO'II1 'F.\'! us in the white light of publicity. · --·· The First Gentleman. born in·& manger, and carrying his own cross to Golgt•t na, set the measure of gentility in kindness and service: there is no higher standard in,all the tales oJ knighthood a.nd all the annals of culture. The < ~ntl('man is a gentle man ~ and 1.rue c;entility is : from the msidc out. The Hyenas Fight ~ rum Hyru·s·Cil'aN·ater Journal I Htt h·r aru..l. ,""talin haw come t o the logical end .of theit• unnat4ra l a lhann·. The fini~h is like a fight ~tween two hy· t•nas. a f1;.:ht t u o;urvi\'C st a rvation . Hitler knows, with tht' 1 , I nit~. .. t :o'talt'!' b.trk of Britaio. that he must fight a long war . He t•a n't r,.,.rJ his army witho ut Ukranian wheat anJ he can't ful'l tw>~ planes and tanks without Baku oil. Having already practtea)ly subjugated the Balkans, Stalin is no fur· ther uac·nrb1m41S"'UJ'1llty.· So~ 6erm.an hyena-eo'!~l.lt-u~~e.o.t111 H.usJ:;ian hy,·na's bone. If R~~"'ia'l' military pro~e88 has not improved vastly s inn• the 1h-.·a~11on 11f Finland. then H itler may have compara- llwly easy man ·lung; although the sheer w£'ight of numbers 1 may urag hts st•'l'' for a time. The Nazis ha\'C tht' pyscholog· I• :H ad,·anlaJ!•' rol pr oven ('ODQUet'Or&-and· it IS po8!5ible tha t I ~talin's pton;,ual ~t-ar of Hitler may pervade his army. Even that a. ft•w WN'ks 1110re will "find the Royal Air Jt"orce not I only nunlt•m ·ally t'Qlla~ • .'b)Jt far su~riot in qua!•t y . Fr''"' 1 ht• Anwncan point of \'lt'W thert> can be no sym- J•athy fur ,.1~her party to this ne~est war. Thc1r "ul'ld~.rstand-j m ~s·· Wt•rt· mtltt\'at•··l by h ypocnsy and grt't'd and thear pres· I {'nt "misundt•~tandlllg" is but the ine,·ita.bl<' .climax of con-1 flictmg st•lf-mr,•r,•!--1. Russia's involvegteflt wiJh Gt'rroany j may afft•l'l Jn pan ,•t l her of two ways: she mny cnnrlude that h('t back .1.1t1r 1s saf,•ly closed againEit any military threat and ft'<'l frt'C' tn p UNIJ(' aggressive polici~ in th£' Pacific; or j t4he rna'< fL'<'l that Ruasia's present s1tunt1Cln makes her n utomatu·ally a s ort of ally of the United States and then•- !ore an Pb~t~dt' h ' be• reckoned with. The a\'eragc Am£'rican doubtless witt ht'tpe tt.at both Germanv and Rus.~m will fight to exhausticm ond remove from ci,:ilization thC' twin menaces of Nu.as m and Comm!Jll· Statea have joinl'd tl!e arm~· · •I 1 h.· .tnt•nlJ•I .. y, ,f stnt't' t h country pledged aid to Hu:-,.,t,, 111 h. 1 ft~.;.lt t "11 h ( ;, rmany. Th.e apiea and aboteats, "II• luti ·~·l· .. ~~··h-rythmt! iD ihei.r power to undcrmtnt' l h, \ u~t•n•:m !-="' ··mmt'lll and alow down ill defense program. 11"" 1111 I 1 h.11 t h,:., at t:; w,~'ft· det.rimenlal to Ruasia. Our CriiWrttu~o·n t "til ··rr ~·rtt'tt~ly 1f it tie& up claeely with any ,,f t h· ,.., .tho n 1sm·· ~lr.llll!t·r thlnga have al~ady hap,X.n('tl tha n f r t :, rrn •• m and Htt"-'l:t to unite to make America pay for tht~ war ... Thf' I 't ,.,.. 1~ omh· S 1 00 " .cn~·--·hr11• ,,.. <'ran,~ rnunly \'far o • t h ·. 1sm. When thiC\"Cl:l fa\1 out honest men may ge a c ance . · . .. ... . , Everything for exclusive beach wear is to he found at . , Enj.oy the three- day . vacati~n in ' ·Correct Beach wear·. Shop open luly4,.s·a a .. !\ .. • • 1 Sign Stanley Kenton, Local Musician,. fpr Radio Show Newport Harbor Glr1 ~ t>njoyed an lnterewuna and edu· catlonal .. crutM .. to Grltflth Park planetarium. Monday "''llnll\&, the Bt.&nl•y Kenton and hl8 orchf'J!· v1s1t betna f11&de In conn~Uon with tra. who maM}helr mulll'al debut their atudlelln et>le-at1al IUI~atkwi. at lht! R•nde&voua ballroom t hiJI an lmport.ant part of any Wartner'a apnng. art' 10011 to be tuturt'd by knowl~e. Traru~po•tauon .,.. the Mutual Broadcullna aystem provided by WIM Warjone Helma live for I hoeto 'A'bu lcwt' me, Jo'or thNit' who know me true. F or th4o lwll\'f'n U\al amiiH a bove me- And ••·ana my ap1nt. tuo: F ur t he "rona that needa ~l - ance. ' For tht' cau~ that lacka uawt am·t>. For th• flrturt' In ttM-dultance <\nd t~ frood th..'lt 1 can do. C'o4'urJt' LinMf'UII ~nJu , 9Ift a t"'&8t·to-coaat hook -up, an-ancJ Firat Watt' Ula Wnntt, n<MJncea Sam 8o)•d, R endezvoua Wartnera partlclpaUna lnciiMSinl rnanagn With th•1r 101Ual broad· Manlyn Quarry. Peen Smith, caat achl'd~led for Saturdar, July fr<>n• L.add. Dorothy Pounc.y. OaU ~. the popula r mul!ll' mak•r" Will Honlf'r, VII'Jinla Atllll\ldn, Ele&· be 1\t>ard t'adt Saturday tht'n'Jlfler C'nwker. Willa FUnk a nd Ollf' for,eaght Wt't"kll. the blondcasl pt'r· 1:-lll'llt, MfN 0\1rothy Bftrr>'tt. lod to be from 3"()() to t :OO p. Dl. St'Xt Monday even'm g the &1rla Not until a r'f'<'t'lll Ch-pltJ.,r of Kenton. who 111 now mak ing a will r.turn to their r.gulnr meet· Commt>r.·.-n>t't'ttra& ct.ll I tut, . ., lhf' place ror htJNk!lt )n OM>. orcbeatra In~{ Khrdule. convenln~ a t the Boy plt'aaur.-ul nwel tnl( I.A.-oJUlrd ~- world. hu an pall ynra proved Seoul hut bn tM Bay Froi'IL • .. 'ord. Jl'l'1'pPJ7 httk-Coat.. ...... bimseJC a muBJCLan ln .. very sense ----bulldtn&' <'untnh·tua "ho t.-;uu~ t o of lh~ wnrd. Starting 'as a ptllniat ftOAT I.Al'S('HJSO 1111:'1 the Mesa fn.mt Paudt'na l811t <><-· ~0 yt~<rs u~:o ht l!t"rvl'd ht8 llppren-Th•• F"ourth of July IS ~:om& to Luber . Hr·,. ~n m the butldll'\1 ticeshap m "namt"" hands. latN be a bag day at thf' Ralph s. Hold· bua&nn.~ fur 22 )'l'ars: J,ll :'>II y~ara _moving An tu :>: B:t.: and t·Vt•nt· f'n humt'. 2 1 &aeon Ba)'. f.,r after old: wu born and rt'arf'd In ~r- WiliY ~'OuunJI: tlAIIt!!lant c-ondul"tnr t.w.ng untkr conwtructlon • ror the een. NoN uy. 18 marrtt!d; hall om~ at Earl Carrull's tho•ut rv. lwstdt'~< past twu yt>ar11 the Huld .. n'a 17-~,m '" thr 11rmy. ttlltl uwM -hla 1118 "paanllltll'" ~tlullh•. ht' h1t!' I'Uo·· foot homl'·madf' cabin ~·ruiMr. nWJl hoooh· "" 0.·1 Mar 8\'f'ftUP. ceedc-d In ~ounmj(. ',.,.·1dt• ro•ru.:nl· Pruo· and I. 111 at lu t foCheduled for !';tnl"l' Jl\rtllllr\' I ht•'!! bualt $3."1:000 ... h 1 d · wt•rth nf hvm·, ... 111 I ht>< , ... 1ntly and h on 1n the flt'ltt uf r""'l~ns..•r 11nd wum· tnJ: A rea y on hand tor th · t be 1 ,J he thankll ('ooata Mt'llll 1>1 n<'Xl door arraog__.rr of modo'rn music. •• mQmen ous ca11 on .,r., ean· Orw !lt't:rf't .,, has prlvtll'l!t>d f!llnl' Gawthrop. B4;tty J~n Dour· to tM-avt'n .-Thtll n.twh I fnund ou.. d T~· .. T .. ~ out dunn" the (JNII o•un\'t'MialtonaJ ''Pft!«-at .u-.. tnt-.:: <8 ,._. K """'-A" _ ru ..!"!!.m&J, or " ton's strung ~<t>n'IC' nf" !iho\nnnn· who w11l rt'maln a t the 1 n nnd out nmr ahip caUMS h1n1 tu dt'mand murh hnm" until Sunday Sanre t he --h4" hkf'a h11 "IUCI'I and wlult '~w m o re from memtk.'rs uf his organ-worthtnM"'' uf Ute-n•w crart l!! I)Ot thmka or '''11\'0Y" IUUon than jul't Uw-abil!tY to ~~~ pm\'f'n. C. 1.:. -Thom 'or Lido • play thr!r lnlltnJment.'l "'ell. In Isle. hal ~re+d to provide hla Or ruunwo )'OU ~member ~If' choo~tlljt tho• mf'n for h,ls band h!' • nn11er. ="nN'mlll" to "c-onvoy" llle Brutrt'lt • Stw h\'f'\J out un AvO· lele..tf'd nut unly ~ w ith uut. 1 H"ldt>n \'f'Mel to Catalina laland t'li~ lltr...-t unttl M-\U lll monlba atand1ng ntuitttal ~<baht v but the >II<' m·pr thP w~ke-nd. a.:o "ht'n ~h4}' lt'fl Ute Mt'58 to be· ••ho we~ especially w:•fted wtlh the --l'OIIII' an ~JI: .. h•l . Sh .. ·s duu~a art of shO'A•nlaMhtp. t•f'a tured w1lh Ut'I:SSI: Kl'MPI:~DI:D a ll n&ht. S"-•'"'11 unck·.~ tht' namt' the band a rf' K11y Gngnry. "Rf"d" Allan !'oJ Hoyt ,,f Gtendalf' who ut the "C""''Jetrl En \tog..Ju•t." ap- Dorns and How11rd "Dynamite " "'"" fuund guilty 0 11 r M.rgea of fJf'llrtng om tht' ru11truah In full''oi\Oo'· Rums•·y. bllll.'! pfay.-r . drunk drvtng followtng hla tnaJ by t;lrt 'l'ftllha. U1e mbJ~C't nf her Jn ronnf'i tiiJn with tht' f"'Ldlo 111 Ctt lllt'I!IIOge llt-trtl( "Th.-La10t Gn-at ~IUIIUII Wtll bt-~·Itt .. l ~ R4-n- ~UI!, WhC'n' U llt'W pha;;ce In modem mwur ill prumlllt'd. Tlck- ~l8 may b.-uhlr11nf'd flum th .. Rcou- deZ\'OUa ur rrum a ny Balboa m~r­ chant. Boyd a1d wu l nJ llrdPrf'd to pay 11 flnf' of J200 and .-nt plftn. be IPIWlnJ t$0Ulh · ,;uffE'rt'd pl'rm. anf'nt •. IUJpPMion ot l rrn Cahrum aa 110me t une th tll htll dnvt~ UceOH when b~ ap~ar· month for StoWl Cat>:. luwa. wheJY t'd twfMP Judtct' Gardner rqr aen: ~he "111 01'1'~ a n'\'t\"al C'ampatgn l••n1·ang on Monday. The jury sr~· In th<-·Bally :Sunday W•morual tab- f'd th.-<'aM for flv• houra and took ,•rnade • • !'11'\'C'n ~llollO before ·arrtvtnc a l MB. O. G Barnard . .,...1 .. heln~< I hP unnmmnW! ck'cl8wn. 1"10 ,. Ttl•~ wurds rrnm IMlah, "I am Oflt'nth• Uw Barnard gT"OCery 'at the Lord thy Gf.d. lhl' H <lly One of ISoll'Rf:D IS i'll'R•· tht' IIIJI or thf' hall' 1s maktra& a CII&I"'TIAS ~'llr.S('F. TOPIC' larat'L. th}' Sn\'luur," arf• tho· Gold· coiiN·twn ~11 I"OJIII"ll from Jllnl' ti"H'.S en Trxt m lht· l..l't~,..on·l'••rnll•n nu !\fr!' Rohertn G~n. 18. of 118 •nd other conife1'11. Sh•• alread)l \\' Camlllt'. Santa A na. aUI!tamt'd h11;, IIIPrlt 1111 llw cumm"n Cahf .. r · "God" on SundAy In oil f'hun·ht'll v v of Chnllt. ~H·ntult . 'hl>('k nnd l'f'VM't' llptlltn or poslltblt-ma run••JI •nd t'VC'n a IOalllpAt' .,r O fr:u turt'. nf lhf' knl'C ...-hen ahc thl' ncrf Wild nulftlt'IC "hu·h 111 ne of t hf' S< nptun11 t'tllllitm.• -tumblf'd And f,.ll 111 ,. ~ch ltde IIW'I\Mies "-' ve~ cram At:l.:l' (ooUiltl <lilly In thC' ht~;lwst cor ttw- .. Th~n Paul !lt()ll(J 111 tht' mid.~t nl rllllnnf'l whtlfo runn~.A~J-I.A-Uw> .aurl Ko"h ~ · . r Aft tfU•"''""~~ M.an' h•ll. and uad, Ye ml'n of .,rr 2:1rd lllrHt. Mo nday The beach hobby ... Attw-nl!l. I prf"t'l\'t' that m sll llff'llll\'lnft tru('k arucv.·t'red the • thlnJr:!l ye nr~ to-1 "U!Jt'n•tatmu~. F'o r •·m .. rJ(.-n<'Y <'all. lakl~ Mra. Gr~n Fourteen·yt-ar~ Iark h f'~n ttl nr Rtt•hter'a nfrtt'e W~n' the 18 •tvtnu I a.11 I p.u'lt"d by. and bt-ho•ld your " " fi'lmmtnjt C"S.'I<ollJI lu hill devotrnn!l. I fnund Mn altar ·w1H1 llllln wwo allf'vtatt'd •nd the pa· ll-year-old pal, Hobb1.-' GaiL In· thl!! aruwnptann. 'Tn tht• t 'nknown fiPnl Mnl to h•r o...-n cto<-tor at •~much •~ both IAdA It\~ a t Cnela "SKnta Ana . ~ t"-Ood.' Whom t~•·ro'rurf' Yf' agnnrant-... eN. '"" ,Pf<K'C'JUI l'l\lJUlll almo1Jl ly worahtp, ham t_\I'Clnre 1 unto dRtly traJlfl to U~:P bc>acl1 and. nalur- you. God that mlldt> lhr world a nd !'OTARTp( oiAU. tli:NTENCE ally. Jack'a coli!" ctoc. Kana. mual all thtlll:l there an, Aft'ang that he R11d<1lph 0 Ooeu. :102 s. Bay 1«0 alon« too · · A II or w hiCh le-adll Ia Lord of he:tvt'n and l'arlh. f'ronl. BAlboa. wu df'llve"~ to I up to lhe fact that yuur educa· d w f'llf'lh not In templt'l' madf' with lh~ rounty Jail Saturday by New· tum. "''Ill nt'\'rr bC' <'omplf'lr untJI hand!!: NC"tther 1~ wunohapprd w1th Jl')rt ~nrh pr>llce nffK'~ra. then to you,.~ ll«'t"n Ja• k. RtJhby. artd K m.: men'a' banda. u U\Alujith h• nHdt'd bt>gtn 1'1'1"\'ln,; " flO-day }all MJI·I"" one n( t ~tr frequt-nt joumf'y" ally lbinlt. M'f'ln~t tHo en~ to all ten<•t> '"' Vl<llallon of o ne ot t~ l hf't"'·,..,n tht>tr hom~ and lhf' wa- hre. and bruth. und nll things.. t'lty ~ 14'ld••m • uM'd o rdJnanc .... tf'r. Th• VA.'t(:m·SI"rmun prf',..•nlJ! ulso 1 :• .. ·tl w hn "''"" tnf'd in City Ju~f 1 Th<'y l(o "" H<•b'a btkC'. bill Jtu·k ~ l!tatemt>nt~< frnm •th~> Chns-Rnbt>rt r.urdllf'r'll court MondAy. ,bf'\llJr thl' lnrJrP!'It d<~:o lht> ('lo'd· ttari ~•·t.-nrt' h •xtbtwlk . "~!'tt>nl'f!' 11 a. dl.,rg•-d wtlh m oortnc;·a boat I altnJ: Bob nd•·~< un tht handlrhano and Health \\'tth Kf',\ tu lht' ~krlfl · wtlhuut fanat nbtalnlna pl'nnlaaton and "" tt fiRt IUJ:ItAit" •·Arnf'r u\'f'r turt•a" by Mnry lillk•·r Etldy: ''Tht• 11! the• hnrbt1rm1U1h•r . tlw-rt•ar wh,.,.l, r1cks Ktng , , HI' 4!'verht.l<tlng I Am h1 not bolunded "'ll on htl'l haun••hf'l'. pr•o~od "" a nor compressed "'lthlu tho! n.ttrrnw Rf:·F.I.f'.ATF.D rar:"'ror:~· ~ncuck. and 8 111('(' ht''a II bl~ ~«. ltmlta of physl('nl humnnlty, nor F.arl R AhbC'y of C'omna det h1 1!< khf'ad '" Ju~tt on 11 h·VC'I wtlh can Hf' ht> undl'r"'tol("od Rrtg-ht ~, r 1 t -.. d f · Ill ' I! Ill t hey !!pin l\l11n~. H f' h "' a wn10 rf'·" ,... "" Jirt'Bt t'nt o " tr h t h h r. t rnugh mnrlnl runf'•'J•I ~" "The• 111,. IIIli Ttm••no A1180C'IIlllnn of Or · ·• t•JOI· f' ('ftrft ~u Y nnd \ '""'S Scr tpturt>s mtplv thnt (;·~I Ill All l .on~:r (',.unl\· WhPn 11 t 1 lh,. !~<'l'llf'ry quttf!' 81! n<•nl'hl'llantly m -All. F'rnm thts at rc•llow.·s that "' pprnxama e Y tl.• th•·u~h hi!< lln""~t"na hnd b<·,.n 1 tl"ft' r~'rll<tnl! llJ\semblt'd at ll"\·lnf 1 . ·I noothtn~ po.,.,...,.,...,. r"n hi,. nor ex· t'-k S .. _ r .. lllf ) 0 t•lll f••r l:<'nt'ra lluas pa.l'. t · nr • un\U•Y ortnf' 15th annual l11t~nrf' f'~~"Pt th,. ~1\'tnl' Mtnd l'lnd r<'lllllftn S pf'ak"r" uf the day "'"«'rt' . • • • I H t.a tdeas. r ,•untv Tr,.usurer T E . Stephen· Jo.r.rl J.itJt ru\\ ••f JlaJI)<.so, " "· ---I ..._.,,. 11nJ ~IIIII' ~f'llAtor 'nlom&Bt Jl-l&ldJtcr Of I.IIIISidt•rltbiA• unt .. XA:ME St:\\' \IAS.\C.t :K K\lf ht·l F.JH h yconr ho· h;,s a n •. ln,.loou. o·l'C J••roonlf.' J l'to·ro t• oof ll111ltllljlt!lll hth.t tt l lh•· K l\\11111.< llthhlf ,.,,,,,.. Beat:h IS tho• no•W lllollt:ljto:f' ,.f thf'-Jloo \'oollr ~hnnonj( lind bqvan• tn Ill :-;antn'Aillt llnoi iJ< floo\\ ._roloollllllJ.: Bond<'d f:mplooynwnt Aj:t'II''Y· In . I r ' " : .. a van••t11·" ''' •l:1hlo~os foor tht,. ('8lf.'t1 at t~1th ,.trN·t anti l"o•utr:.l 1 ~tr Noowpnrt Hnrhnr dl!'tnl"t. yrnr'l' r\·rnt A "' 11 "lll••lln~> ht' hn ... ; 111011 ~lll•lt••ll pli1 nl" ollll na.I!WII \'Mrt•·tu·~ n141ktn~ot up th .. l•ol• l lt t TH DE .J·ULY FIREWORKS SIGHTSEEING : BOATS . Leave Pavilion 8 P · M Make Reservations NOW! Newport Bay Investment Co: BALBOA PHONE 57 • . --·· .. ,. ... ----:--~---· I:UI••Itf'll rot rlollf·~ :tnll lartooll• uth-~ "' planl!l All thrl\tng lu!<t tl\' ooll It plut oof j:roound 2~> h~ :IIJ f•·l'l 111 arl'n ~mit Jeu•...t In fW'oo C'h10rltt> .loohll· !'on l>:t• k an ht!' ooltl ha111tl , ro (t1 r 1 ,. l•.n.:. luna a.~Jo;o.n ..... M . Rook .. n- r .. •ld .lu~t s•·••tn' hom ,. •• alii\ lho;.t,llY !!""'' dt.'ll" wh .. n the li.ld I ~anc u_, tn t'llt' l"atr h tun~h"• 10 t h•• rt)flr rtf tf•·nry Fnqr·r~ ~ar I ~~~·· h<•••r lllltl !;:11111111 rho•(•ljo' llf•tll'tl • ~I:~. J•ro•l7.1'l!<, ltl·o-rWIII'!II nnd r 'ft hr•·ad Tth•r•· "n~ • l•u•S ' !\f .1r! lit ll••nrv Fo • •td, I;,.,, ,.,,I\' I~ t HtJI f'••nl1n.:. F r·11.k \'loU~hn, C"h.tr· h•• J1•hn~·n anrt H f•~" uth• '"' \.\'hn"-'· ~"''" nrv•·r kn•·\\· .1.\#h\' rht•\ Wf'ro·n t hungry HI ""l'f"'t ,;111•· . --r.apt -~itJKn........-'!nn;:tnnlln "'link .,( !'o<o•wp .. rt. SHP htltllltniZ " no•w h"mi' nn 2tllt ~<lr•'"' nn•l wall .M•"tn tnnta prntmhly l'in"' I>! th•· m•o-,1 turlu1lt•nt 8()'•111 1~1 thr 1\•oflcl w 11i1 f..,th ':•·r Tnnuy nntl R u,~u .. eo.t ravu'J.! f••r a foo~.th<tld Sh•• ..,.,-~ t hai ••fl tun··~ " RIIMtan .,,,,..:., "til r"ld• 11f• Ll • t:.-r i"t ... ·~,. hill .. t:IIH h naul ask fnr hay f,,,J tu, h"'"'' "I hll\'f' 11•1 hay,. lll'r rath•·r "'"' R n11" l'r I "Out you ha,·•· a "'~ Y••u n1u•t ft'~ hrr; 111111 IllY h•orfP ll' )11101 Ill' hun~ry '" yuur t ''"'" th•· Ru~<q.,., IA'ill atUJwer. "IV> I ItO and 1tH th,. hny f•,r him." th~ nld mnn ~AYll "It 1• ~tt"r "'' ~th_!N'o,. .. hP w•oltlt1 II"' ot h tmllf•lf And hr w•.ulrl IRk•• m"'' than r· Rl\'f' hom , .. •c 'llllllnlf'd 1n =""wpnrt-IJ.AIIJ.1•1 antt "'tlhn11 ,, wo[.!s J 111 11 ,....,,I< minimum ltliRn.n .. ..-t. ~"'"'~obi,. t• mak,. mu('h mor. Call ph 2111 Nl::WPOR:r-BAU{OA PH 1-:~~ Are- Grape Juice Mastcud Pints 21e Qts. 39c !I "'· ""' lie ' ·: c... c' \' PopCorn29c I \.... ICI "' -15c USI)!t6A\· 1:\K••t; IUI't: I'I~T It<· OUves, qt. 21c COoi .Aid, 5 pkgs. ·17c Ne~'s ~·· 2for 25c S&W Coffee, lib. 27c Z·J'ftl ,., t ,\S ~'!(• t 'AIC\It:K ~\IITII'~ lfnll l'lnt french Dressing •. , 1.1. 19c •·•~ r 3!'1<· Pickle Chips 25c -- .. ( "' .. . 1'41'1r.C'IAI.If lr.t't'lr.C"Tt\'1: t'IUUAY, I'IATl'&UA\', .ltJt,,. • . a have a Pari)'? \\tit II t .. I 't•t:t .l.t.U. I \lt4ot c \' I.IBB\' Ul•:,·n .t :U ~lt::\1' ..,, ... ~. • ,, ... :! for ~Jk· Lihb~ \"it•nml Sgt•. :l for 2Ut• ,H, I: C o\' .... U.\Tt: ~ l 'T nnt:AD 2 ('SII:o4 21c UK.II\~t:tl \K\ RkA~II KO\'AI. (it:I..ATI~ 3 pk~s 1-lc·. It & ~I .. UAKt:D IU·:A~s·and gno\\'~ IUU•:AD, both. 2fk ~IAU\' I•:I.I..Y.N'S -lAM SSt. I I.R. t ·CIZ. oiAK ( 'IIO('OL'\ Tl·: ~IIS.TS, fh. 2!l'· l t .K-IC\ ·~. t I.R ftfl' tl 4U. 4ol. \S"' .I \k 110 l' KUAS'ft.:U IU :1"1 t;Kt:n ( '/~. SIII':\\'S, 1/1-lb. ·l!lc" Glocoal .~r. 59c .t \c o n·,. ............. Mushrooms • • 15c 1'1.,\S'I't:ll'' ll~uL llr Peanuts a. 35c Kleenex .. ., ·"•·sy 25.c Extracts , ~~ ",~~rr: .. 15c I I)'CI~P:K Cake Flour 1·•· ... lie. Spaghelll.~! 9c Wild Rice~ 1 lb. 49c .--:r !,; C~ca £ala 6 for 25c Canada Dry Rnot Beer 28 oz. IOc ()rai&ge Almond Ri119 Cr .ke •• • 39c (iuga:r Loc:. f olfee Cake • • lOc I I{)ITION ~TAMaN Nl111 .... M e to Recom. ~u Enoqli ~IJowecl Ba7. numbe•r of pri- on of 11tJCh doc:Q ,WMn t>nouati for 'Uflt•rty ownenf. tr appointed ~ • hf. rtty couik:G" ~· tity ~ ------ urned ,,.-:o. IVe ••hlrnre rompa.t.. •urYin« W!Min tM C•·utTf'd. ld ltt. t·htld ..... 111 81'\'·raJ~ )lort .. d nrwt; ..C• •rtr~" httm• nefit r··Boys' ~inr I . ·u~Jil~.~tJD!L-JldUI~EI=j~~-;:::::,.::;::::::::::Q~ FRU Freestone Peaches 31bs C Faaey Cucumbers 3 for IOc Formosa Plu~s 31J»s~ 18c Crapess~:=i! •• 31bs.20c t'ASt l ' r.u,c, f.,Kt;i ' ASPAIUlGUS " ' 2lbs.J5c ' . 2 for ISc c 10-0Z. BP..G .a • 22c Ht.t.t L \H "f 'l.l· h l ,t. I'ICIC 1 .~"----. ... ,llt.:hllll ... dut.. ~:ic· :-..arlll\\ idt ftn·.a I 1 \\ h;to· '" ,, l,..a f 1 ln.· t in•· kt• ( rc·am l'lat ~ :.• •lltttn• funtl tnr n Jrt tiff' !f'lhlc:b Ia ""'' untll'r t h e t<w ~1 Alllllatance • t C'IIMA Mraa. • .. n In r.hllrlfe" of ~r• John Parke IIJhiHinn to the lln~e •tyll'• In the 1•r"\ Will btl hotb :t lun •hrhllfl! wtth lllltlr Jndtcattac ... hkh .. the art&Jr lhf' r,.port t~e w" hefon re•noed '""'It wo llllt f'f( hand• lf'• will I:M' three 17.1'Jt to bf' award. lltram . liberty la a bS.. ..,. 0 f lr0¥f ,.. t t h,. lncreue of 111101"1 . I N£ Ci Harbor B • .t · Board Pt&JU Aet.i•itiea Annoonr!'mPn tor Ne~'J)Ort lla.: Profell81ona l \\'01 lo'IVl njt. Mnnoll\y the board vvith J on Balbda l!lln nc Sunday. July -.olor to ,Uw at a con·n ntlon at Jloeel In Los follm~1nJ: -w.:an-- a,atn t '\kt" p'lrt Jrelea <'Onff'l"eDC( Page 4 • r Thirty N~.\\· llc.>nws ~oost June Rt"cord to $1!>7,748 . CtHUilru• th•r\ ,,f ;~tt nt•\\' h•t~U"" i ttn•J thr ... , ,,.,.nuuciL"I ~trw ·un · gut un.to·r way Jr. II•~ :-.=o·Wf"•ll ll.11 bur 1!.1ctn• t olur•n~: llu ._tn•lltlh "' 1 ----.I ,.,,. -wrr""'ml: In ro•o·toNI:I "' t'ol\ fl ld.ng ln~Jl<·• lllr A M •;, !~·•· lu.tla l buolchlll! '"l<l ut th•· ·. · l'r"J 1 t• '11 II' $t:l:tli:l:l. An 10\'• I·II.O 1'1• • ndti •IT" .r ~~ ttl{t r xf'l uJ ·" "' ..... , . t.1 lo· hont!J,< .qHnl{ 111111 I 1111 I. n~.' ('nr<ma df'l :\la;r ,,....,. .or t he t.u1lll numlwr .,( """ j,,, ... , "••P""' •1\ ... )-;.t n-r l···uh ll•• • ;. . ....... o I .. NEWPORT-RAL.BOA PRES:; lin ildin ~ P••rmits ! • Ji _GoocJ Df:sign fmbodies Many F eatu_re~ W~ich •···"··~ '·"'"ry G1ve Th1s Hotne Comfort and Conven1e~ce ol \1 '' I ' ' .. .- o1,11 ~ Jl •I:• a t 6111 1 ••• t ..... ,,u. tt.·t 'I '• '' ,. tu;n ,.,., t I T: l .lft>INI, :171 7 ... Itt I I .,,.,-,H;;. ,. 1 4 ,•, It. f ~II HI I . 1: ~· 1" lloklolo\1 J',.,.. 1 t ....• uu .. J ,.:.u ,,.,. 1/ .n \• H1lt•••1 !a .!!t:,•t ·' ,, !•I'"""" \"at It • l 11 IUto(•' nl )It'\ • .• p• • H ... !' t• .. r 1 ,Jot Jl tt 1:, ''J dtdU,:; s1ul ~ J·: t ·, 1.1 1 ,tl H' • uu•·, Newport Htu men will ~ h Southern Dtslrf terence to bt" h< lA«lfD4l · '&ar h IIOUDCemant ~ ~lrt( J uly' l ' J.Acuna wtll If ....&l'ueUolt-~--­er-o. Wo: k rOOJ t ,.J.I or l••·al -ulld" ·1• n r ''''''• -f't:''t+;t.....,_.--.~•.:.ulil •·ul·ud.~.--1....:. 111.Yt. ___ _,-.;._.,i;__l;.;:~";.;'.....;.':..:;';.;'_'..:.'':.u_• ..:.':...' ...;'_;•l.;;ll;:.l~--...0 1 tnf'~ h<••n.: .Hr•rt •·•l 'lt•·r •' .!•11 1111' Awoue at 7:30 eon. will be Ml eftft1Jl«. llell)bera ol Ul coevene July lf lin. Vera KUlel atteadlnc Mond clnd Locllhart ~' Myera, H e len Wac.l•.•lr•lle l:it Cbr 11nt v. n oroU Cornwall, and Harry Hilla c.lebnt~d One Ion~'candl day calle a l«niJ ,wterday or H aaa, aon of J ac .... et Belboa,. erect tor a celebr ..... Balloon~~ ... ,., • ·h .. '""'•nt h ·Kl .. n "~~n ......... :. ~'"'' 1 n( f27.(\7~. S••• "'"' 111 1••1 It lollllllu I ftnd vnJumP •:c k.d t• • • 1•• • ""'''1 • \\'ht•rfl wv~n hurt•':" nn· h•·lnc • ,,.,I ffl at a lttlal '""' ••f ~:!ll~•'1 ~C'f11'd•~ IH.,trio·e .. AI U~llftl. Ltolot 1~1•• ll••a fooll H 1\' and N~wporl Ho·:~ftt~ I'""'''' ··•I "" rOu~tt rn~th• hur,u~,. ~~r lh•· -... ••.• ,, t n11 In IOlllllc·r .fl'tlllll ll i<'l' ll,!•nt ooll lla\ Oh4' new hnm e '" h<•:nJ: hutlt "' 11 '0011t of $8000; four """' hntr•"" nto\\' 1 n nJ:~~'~'J:"'" ,.,., •• r .:.> .. ~~)(• .. , J67r,G • •·'• \ I• lo· thr• 'HI).: I•· ol\1 •·II tnl( .. • ·• I "" :-,:,."'J".r-1 1'-l~o:IU.a.. dunn · :t•• "'"nth "til ,.,,,.1 $:.&"141 S f'\\ l)url and Kalbo,. N~w"''rl ntadr R l'ftrltrularly ,-ood 11:11''\'ln.: lht'< nwnth. ita ft•Ur new h •: ,~ .. n\·r•r:u:1n1: $!1400 o•n•.h or ~UlOO allu~tt:lhrr Thr,. .. homr • -u e b.! u ; l.t:J.tll AL lJ;tJl~n . hcln!ltl • J I. ' .. ol '• l~I H :-.: r 1 .. ' '.,,,,. I ··II l l'J fh I II \1 I ., I I 't I' 'I• o lo , .. .. 1: •.• I;, I Jt ~1f' ~I If I< I' ~~•• ,, .... 'I I '\~t• I I '1 U \ td .,,,, II+ ft1\ I f ;..Jdt> , ""I :.!11 I•) .-4• 1' · ...... , ..._.._ ~ -1!.! ,.\L,J t~_l,.!ltl. , .. r • ·I ''I ,,.,, .... ~ I· " I I: I'' ' \I I I I I \1 1 ._ ••• a c· ... ~k·· I t : b • .. Ill ~I\\ t•lhlt).. • I • ·~ I, t • " L·•• •.:··. u1 :nu t • •f· n ' •1• I ~1 ·•. 1•: :Ohlf• r < 1:!011 1.1 c rrtl( u : r>Y.If'lt1'1'1 ,I . ;. ttl .. ... ~ I: ._1 • ,• ! I ~ I .. I '('I '1'1' :•t f 'dt!oolil o hHHh ~ihl lU•' ~ ..... :t· r , .. 1 ·r111'1'' _.,; I• tl • 1111 :-a 1111, j()J 1-:: I "''rll-plncl"d wrndows gl\·r a m ple llj;hl And at tho• Mm4' tlmt' con· >~l'rn• wall SpiH't' fc•r rurmt urt". T he k th·hrn nnd l h f' batbruum ll~ plac- t"d rlnl!e tn ~nrh othf'r, mak lne fnr ti't'f'•nomy tn coM truct wn. The tn!!ltle f'ntmnc•• tn l h r J:a rage Ill an unu.~ual ndvrtniAJ:<' f11r a house of lhi!! lltZ4' lind NISI. Crus., \'l'nltla · t wn Is !14'o'ured throughout. and t h.-l'ntlrf P hHl ll" t'onii)~U:l. ef!j- l'l<'nt a nd t•('fltlllnlt('ul. Th.l!l prop- t'rty, h><'III..,J lr\lbt> Southwt>!lt, wu flnnn rNI W1lh a moriJ:&J:e ot 1Z:WO msuro•t! bv 01., Fl-dcr;.l l:loua- • Thuraday, JUly 3 19U •· .,_ C. R. ~rickson Contracto,! and Builder • 305 Palm Av·e. Telephone 132 • BALBOA Finest Deal in . Newport Ha111r . IALBOQAYSKOIES LEASEHOLD ESTATES A new deal Ill property do:n•iopment t hat la bettet Ullin propt-rt y tn f~ Dt-tttun.'itratron home rwvl" undl'r cunstrul'llon. Fnr Jo'ull Jnfo~:nUJt tun Corurult EARL W. STANLEY, Sole Agent 1'71'11 anti C't._t lll.rh"''A) l'bont' S ewport 110 • NO O NE .THI:-.:G ADOS! Mu RE TO TH E BE.4.UTY OP' A HOME TH A:-.: A W ELL-CARED-Jo"OR LAW:-J AND SHRUBS. WE H ANDLE LAW:-.: &10\\'ER.S. EDGERS , PRUNING SHEARS. CARDE :>o: !.lOSE A:>o:D ALL KINDS O F GA.RDEN TOOLS A!\"D J:>o:SECTfCtD!:S. ._ /~ Garden Seeds-·¥ Flower Seeds ROY SR&nll ~ Plumbing and Bepaln Phone 353 3114 w .. t Centl'al lAde Ule Hillmer l'etnalullenta we.. -·=----fie-Mod Buale I ' •-- at a 1 ·~I ,.f $10,400 ·1 hf' l'nnmw r clal ll'n re:lltl'll ••rt dltttn hutf'<l tm partii'IIIV lhHtiiJ:h lh•· Hff'lt, tilt' four ,,,,.,. "'oll·tnl: "" •·Xp•'"'" tUI"e 0 ' • I '\ !t:o() r.fAII)' nun·¥~t<lt'flr, ~ •n•+••lf'<i nmon:: J un .. ·!'· h"lll• own~r. I•• h<'. mnrt' thAn hnlf tl1• monU1 •· n w h•'mf'll hA\'IIlJt b.·••" buUt tv . • t-o!-~owu p~trllt'tt ··•-II f"" 1 T rul'tl \ tnjt. Admlltl'<lru.lton. Mont h ly pay-,._ ______________________________ .J m¢~'" nn n mortt;"1:t' of· t his 8tabJer. Oeorr• a.utee Wac-• .U0U and Knt. • " UIN ... b .Pn :Andtk_ n_.~;l!Jinl{ f ur w .... k ·eonatruc tton ot ~tilt nl'w h"""'· rot under way durinl( Ole • Wt't'l. H. H. Benjaml"l hu en~eaJtf'd F ftoy Q .... nlnf and Son fl) bu.fd II two-etDry r.elde~~ and ttttra~tr "' 1010 &. Central a•nc,e, a t a l'f>lll ot MOOG. nw new ifu(oc·o honll' ol L T. P'olllom or Rr\'~Mitdf> w111 be toc:ated at 319 WafiKnld AVf' DIM. Corona ckJ X ar. Jt wl,~l )n c:luda n .... f'O()II\II and . douhlf' g,'l r· 1\(fe and will ~ buill ~t Hll •''< pendltu"' of $3eo<l. KIM Ma'J'Ar.t Cookt> of Pt~IIA· deftll Ia bulldln« A fnur -rnotnt h"n1<> . nnd lartlle at 310 MAngold tl\o·nuo· at a ce»l of $3200.. Sheruwu I::. 8aJ(ef being the Contrnt•!ot Ill chart•· John F.. Mnl'k , "1"1 ul r'nsndenn, 18 building :o ·fh·•· ''"'''' lwelllng lnd twu-t'llr j!K rfllol" ott 7 11 l'l:nrcltt,.UI B\'f'llU!'. Cnroonro rl• I M • 1 •t A cu~t .. r S2~!l0. "1.11,. u.. n•' t:!9j() rf'!l.d r nc·" 11( E L. H• ~ • • Jl be IOCAlt'd a t 1714 M.ta utl h \'A!, 111\llJOa. Atr. Hn~··•·· 1,. I~~ --r I I! I ,4 f I" I 1 u•, ( ~llU!Ct • t.d 111 ... n .... 1h·• t :ltln·•l..:t· "· . ::; \\· .... ,, \' ~IIIIth. 1~.1 1 E ; ., I ,:·, ".11. I" 1"'~" T n pp' .I t. I I<•·\ ltramlt. 411.'\ t:ulden· •11(1 :, , .,t:l ~ ... '"~r ~. J A 1tf't\., .l uh· I lilt •. l 'urrull l<tnjt.133U '•'1'1'''· :.!11 .. uu, '"· p••r Hllwktwnrd. J ol\' .I, 1,..,. C 1, l'nlo•o•t , 52(1 29lh \., .!:·: .. ull<>l•. I"'' 1,"rt1Jp. '·" •rLOOit , L A N• amuunt . ol\'o·r a pertotd or 2~ years. ll\'rr:'l:•' .1hout S1 4, t•XciU!II\·e of la.s,•s :tnd ttazard msurnnct.> Sunl- lar prorw:·r lll'll IOt.'ttlPd In other c lr- mal t.>s wtlt \'Dry tn co'<t, but wou ld run l.l.bout that amount In Newport ljo:tu·h. \\'ttb htgh~r m onthly . plly-1 ntl'nts thl' m ortl(aJ:ti' could be pard 1 .,(( m uctt IIOOtlt r. 1 ~nOF.IlN KIT(.'HE!II Gr~test I.Jvability in Least Area "··~,.· :!'• I·;." r. """o·r. dtlOI s.·ca· l't No. I Hom~ Planninu Problem rs ros,·r.sl'iST It,,, •It ,., • I" 1 II II ll••thrnnk ,.. " l:h<' prf'!l,.nt-d~ty C't1mpRct ktl· f~1ni'\'C•I l'r.ft\tl~ J • ~ '• ~ .... (;l .. oly>i ...... ~tl'r, 121b " lltltJ••r 1"''"1···.. Ill l'l:tlllltn)C h••lll'<' It \\t>Uid ·~ mor~ l'UI!IIy to 'ht n. 4'QU1flpt'd _and pl:mnrd tor ·;,,' I , .. 1 lloo!ht•"·k '"" • "'' Ito into. I h"" '" tot>l lllll n h•ttl•l 'tlo.ln tt••ll~~ A bt'o all~l' llf II.." ·•"•""-'U!«ttl t•ffu•wm·y. J'l:l~'> tiS b.~:· I I ' :·. E .. 1.:• •0(, ·:::!(1 lltf)'X "'''' """'' ·'" oo'lllf "' l'rl\' •• y """ otlthllooWtl Ill ltno·al fN>t .. , wall If ~··:-1 d rndt'nd." rn ('1111\t llt{'ll<'<' And •\o , f'-l ll,.;t,1,,..x lt\'ll l,.tthly "'tlhuo 11 llllllllllllrtl IHO'll 1111' \\l•n • :l llflf'·!llOry•n nd·b.o)l('• nomfnrl when · th4', hul 8Ummo•r . 1 ,11, :', I'll .,, ~~ _\l,•rn.tl,, 4ZO · Th·· ll\·nhtlotv "' u11\ ho~w<o· n1 ,. , nl h .. u~. •I \\;1ultl han• nl,.>ut monthS roll around. \'1•1 t..ol, :-;,.1.t 1,.r ll"lllt•~<•k f'nrrhnJr In h111ldou~ nul hoorlttl'~ I!< 16!'• ntott• "l''·lr•• t~t of foundulto~ Elet'lne (Kn8. ktt<:ht"n venUla· 11, , ::, F'l, ,, 11 l\l tll•. :1tr1 Mnr· df'J"'Ildt'nl UJl<111 rHio•<tttllry 11f ruom onrl ~"'"r"'' " dl IH t!'ll thnn hcm11r l•1t s. and plt"nly <J! gn<•d·lllzed wtn · 'fir ...... rn., ... J'IN' Hoihl">ok. •re:u•,· rei~AIIun.~htp o f ""'Ill~ f••r . A Tho ,., .... , nf hnlll\4' c·. Whtch tl.JW!I Ctrcuhtlt.' the a.r and help J 1 ,1,. :!'• 11.11 oolol n Hrol\\n, tr:ll prl\'nry. t"trculnt tnn wtthln nnl1 b(o. ' • II ~:""'' l''<ll'n or wall oren k~p t he-ktl<·h~ (·nol. • I II•, ,,.,, 111, •• 1.,.r l lo~llornok tw•·•·fl r•"•m~. rtMtnl I':O.f"'~"r''"· :~n<l • IH ""'' H "~tlol be lnt'rt'fi!<OO C'Rrl'ful plnn mng of thr kitchen 1 1.11 ;"• 1 I I !\lui• hl••t. 1; 1:1 t•Qttlf•llll'nl f,.r 1 "'"'"It :onrl I'''""''"· t ' t h.• ·,tl,kd 1'"'1 "' t wo,rxlt•r·u,,· laynut IS the fu11ndaln•n on whtch ' ,,, 1'1\1! I" 1 llooll'l •"· it'""' • .,.,,I' "·'' 1\lllilol <'tllll rrll•ro· lhlln •·•w•l ,·omfnrt Is buill I ; ,. :.'~• 1' I '• Jlltllttll, Jl , 1717 """l l'•tlnl' l h\othi"CI '· • .\ At'I'(II'Uto),:''tO Rlllhnrtltl'!l, the 1\Xt.~ 1 .... , 1 , 1 11 ;~,, ... k "'I hor ·· 1;ro• n;.tn,\ !111•· 1••tttf• tn \\ ,,,,. 'lo.l<'l' IIIL .,f llw planm•t! kltr ht•tt IS the srnk. J ' "'. J .l\' Sultu . :.!t:. '""''II III tho• "'"'11:1\lrl.: oof looW·••:!jl 1: ... : "\ It J•lonnm.: f••!JIIIrt'S ,-'I "rt' than !'t4) [lf•r l't•n t of kttchl'n I• I Jl,llltiMik hot·•· .1>1 loll\ ooft t• uti ol···ltr•·tl 'I llo' ,. I' r \'rt:Ot .. ~I'······ I':<-I IIIII<' ,, .. , ... ,, lwr ... nnd ('8ffful • • • 11 1, It IJ ~< 111.,: re•, • 1 •. \ , t I ··• 1 tJ• ... , 1 ••ct ... 1u ·• , \ .11 • • IO•'III""•"n uf p~.U101n~ • "11111 ~ runs:t ThP hP1ghl~ •• .. General 307 Marigold CORONA Contractor Tel-ephone 222 DEL MAR --- Holden Construction -Co., Inc . -. -~ ~ GENERAL CONTRACTORS TELEPHONE Ni lr¥PORT BEACH 807 .. 1 d.-nt of Os kl11nd \\' 1-I'••·, .. ,.,.· 111 bult.,m.: a nn··l-.~•m •I" • II an~: and ~o:nm,.-nl 6jll Mnn:n• t 11 nvrnur , Cun •ru. tlo•l M11r, ul "'' ,., pt•ndrturt of S:!7rtfl ' I ' .. -'' , .. ,, 1, 1 .JI,.u,1o .. k ..:r• I • ''' ttt tlH • ..... t ;",( .. ,n,lrsu . 1! 1 t • d ual puqw ''t'~ )'" ·tttnn rtr~~1J:n. nnrt ""''·•'T!'t.••nr tE"S of I ,, ... , l t •'f"·t .•·U .. ·•I l•••~~oo,.o.,,, ... •'·"•1·1 ··•· tt.~-.. t 1ouni':s \\1ttJ!'~ :!.t· ~Jnk ~111 ••Hitnhut.• to y<•ar-,;-------------------------------~ d•• \' •' t .. •·tl't• •t• "" '""' h •·' , i ,, •. ftt'rnut th,.. ,.,,,u,t ··ftl• H'lh , .• t:c ;\••ll :-t!'( ~urn·' \ ,, I II. I I I \\ • , I •'· P· .. r, I ,. \I I ,, 1'1 th'l ''" tl I", ('t ,., I t I II\ c. 11''' .. 1 J:n,c. PAINTING h I.,. UUUit ,f I ~· I th. I 1\. ' u It ahoald be dono! r\Nc'h <.'llrnatlf' ( undltlon, c .Ill f•ol 111M-Rlaht :\lato'"""' IHhl Aj}pllf'atlo•n I ' ,., ... ,, h .... ,. .. , ,, t .. l ,.! O r:tn~c ·-Coilnfy ("AIJ K;a ... We ltlD"'& r.tn,J 1 u !oihow \'nu tbr \'lhU S <"NI fo•r Prnf.H'r l'alntlntr Sn E-nttaJ fnr \' uur l'r<!I!'C'IInn I Ia:· Pr:nt ~hop .,., :-;,_-."'" ••~ol'l Beach 733 Atu• It "'ldf'tl< r : S r\\ JlC>rt ~Complete Shc?t Me tal S~rvice 1088 W. (.~lral S ""l'"rl BNc-b •Phone U fur r~f.tmate La 0. POTEET, Propriet~r Wdghl Tran sfer Co. l TRANSFEH ,\\ n 'Tt t1: \c. E Olde!lt 1n :-:1111t.t · • 1' . !\lOVING • • Long Distahce• (:r . ·:wrt W ~:tl\1!-t ~ E STDIATf:!" c \lit 1 I I. II\ '\UI.I~c . "t::llrefttlnt'!l." with >II f'\ f I ··r w 101 8pur~eoa --s.t\l\'TA ..\:\'.\ .. .til lo1 1fal;-. "'''' ht ,, , ...... ,.riiHl !I ... nr ··!'l~t•rtl J:d ,, •.• 'itfd!"ft l'r··f· t';\IJiy t he 8lllk I th•·•l 1: ,·,.. 1f1••1 ttl.tn\ ,,f th··:-.t• • ''"'' 1a :1 nunatrttln1 L.,uJtt ~,.. Ll"d···r h,.,, .,r rt1o re \\'tn·l u, .. ,,, ·d\11\).! tl•'\111 ... ;u~· fu1ul.t·' t '' ti"''~ "'' 1.1 .t I "' 1\' 'I pit rtl;' nl10n I!< ,.,.. In lh•· pr .. pt>rly plnntwd kitchen T ho lhr•·•' htrll~>•·~ tlht~f rnlPtJ .n I of• ol I•• lit• ,.It ,, 'ht('fnl 1'1Ctno11fl~ Ill<' ""'I~• \\ 1ft• ftnd,; ll Ulllll!t'<'IIS81')' I lth d 1\\lJlJ.,: u lht\1' tl:l\t' t ht• J'CHilll' '"I , tl ,, I c•qufll 111t'Ul, to I ,,;-.h (I Hill P·••.H•y tu ~til\'~ to I t '""' , '• t .\, .. ·rdm~ '" tt11• F H A, • t • ot '"" ,1 plumbrn,.: ·" 111, 11 o>'l tng t ""' a ttol rnl'rgy. ·A.----. 900 5• ,, , ... ~/ Lliool&\. '1.(1 ,.I.UIIUI Ci or ••u (C .. '!.l!' 1.)0 "' ..,. li OC ~. t P t•l.fl•l t\'o· l•··tlltro· ,.f tltt· modern · ·:• .ultl p.u , ...... i\ tus,: k 1h h,•n 1'\ I 1,, l.:• IWI• f1:--tl'l ' uf Ht•••J1Utt~ ('itbl· • • t \\',oll • ,'ll•tn•·t,. ''"'' <' lht' k:t h·fl ahrnt'IS ··, •ndsu•d h• h\t·•·rl th•·ttt at lht• llu • .:..rm I·· J,!ht "' :,IJ tnrhrs cnn !ll'f!tl nil t111' dl!mt'S, UtC'fllnll!, and .... d n•·•tl••d 10 tth•f't,•Jnrat ton vi~ •• I. p·.al l)ll"t:" C'IISl'l'c; I'SUF.K S HHHt ~IICI\\ Ci,\IS CO NRA D SHOOK C ONTRA ( 'Of.' A.NO B U ILD ER CO M~ LEI I RU•LU IN O 5 [ RVICE .. , 1 It 1• ?0 1 I < ~-------------~·-··~··~--------------------~---------------= t--~~---------=~-=-~------~=-~----~====;~==~--~-~~----._~-~·~~ •. - 1 ' --------· ·----------- WHAT! ONLY ONE KEY? \\',\ :-.:TJ· ; ' · . ·-· " ...... . NEWI~RT-HAI.BOA PRI!:S." . . 'U[.IIf11f11Jl=ttDUUflD DO~-·~~~~~ ntnrun 1 mmuun uu N--_ ~ .. .; -· ,..,._nted at tbe I'IUC• Fourtb ol ~-~ ~l-~~ .. M [~ ft1·~f [W ~ tffiff~ ~~.::;~·~~:~~~ ~:;::~:~ at Suntla\·· Ritt•s l Thl' •11111'1 .-~:111"'1 ,,, ' ... ~, •• '~··~.I J k 1\•IIIIHlllltl \ c hu r\'lt ~~· I h· "'I I """· l'h~tnt' t l'!t. Dr. Ra.lph D. Hoard l'h,, "h•lan aad 14ur,- 4kl..,tlllllh A'ITEND& CONVJ:NnON Jol~ Margaret M. Scharle, local PI\Jalc 'tea~r. b&.a j118l R-turned from attending the blenntal oon- \•enUon of the Notional F.OeraUon of Mualc clubll which ,_ ... held at the Am~dor hotel .. and at the Shrine audt{orulm m L<1s Angelu. While there at1e renewed aq_9J.<! friendship •nth • Dr. Sigmund .j>pat'th,' · nplt!d. must•• author1t~ whom ahe hud nut !lwn m a nunt 't~c>r of yt>a rs. M iss Scharle·IB now l>eglllfl1ng her-stl]'lmtt~'t.~nn, neth:ng leas than; · NJTRO·GLYCER lN. It comes m ~<ntllll d0.11es for mediCIII rNlS<•ns . . . a 250th oC a grllm ur !Ill ... but even mt ro-gl)Tl'rln 1:1 r!lund in a modern pharmacy surh u : ALLEN'S PHARMACY Marine at Parll A veoue Mr. and Mra. MerrUI ~ US 32nd au-t.. Newport.~are the t'nts of a eon. bom June 27. t~t 8t. J oseph h0t1pftal. ' Mrs. Myrtl~· a.un of 208 Apo- lena. ~t. Balboa llland, left thts,t'•~k for an exl4'ndt'd vualt 'at Gal\-~ton. Tt'xU. ~~ 1 a ml M ri\~ Bru('t' I :15 C••U'Il bc•UI4'\'t\J'd,~ Con •na dt'l Mnr, art' the paN'ntll of a eon. horn Junt> 211. at St. JOkph tao. pftllt. }{f . and Mrll< "'· J . Prkt> of 211 Em•• raid · a\'t>nuc>. Qalbc•a bland, ll'ft tha wt'ek for S.unsl't Ueacl'l wh Ne thl'y .pla n to' !lfl"nd the next I h rN· mCinths. Till' Dr. G<ordon M, Grundy ~1- dt>ll!'o' on 9th strf't't , Nt'wport. 1uu1 lwt>n lt-«,_j by M K .' Ka)'SC'r of A ltadt•mt. \(·l)o pill lUI tu lakt' poti- S('S.~IOII lh IS Wt't'k. NEWPORT-BALBOA'S ONLY Department Store llatloaally AdveJ'IIHcl ••I'CII•••IM at llatloaally Adve~ ...._ ESTABLISHED IN 1914 Oceen F.ront et llncJ St. "EWPORT i£ACH QUICK OUR BIG .ASSORTI\IENT OF COOKIES MAY \\'E SUGGEST SUM~lER DESSERT FOR PER DOZEN, 15c F.ruit rocks, date nut, fruit ba~, sug~r, cocoanut, raisin, ice box, Sally-Anne and many other varieties. Also daint~· BUTTER \\'A.,ERS ... 6(kt lb. ApJ•rn\lmat•ly ~ 11 o1ur.rn In lhl' J~lld · QUALITY BAKERY !lll'wpnrt Bh·d . COSTA pandr to _,. twkt at ·llunW..- ton .Bfoach. tomorrow. LDca1 a.-a Srouta uncler Flnt Mate J ohn Callahan wtll be In chartre. of ~ elaborate noat a·h1ch wtll narry out Uw ltlei'M of tJqnal .Mff'n.tlr and will typically N'prt!eent, •••UnUea. of Ulf' Har- bor rommumty. Ttlfo mam portloil of tl'lf' n oot ,_,n portray oo.t- bulktlnt: with W\'t'ral St'a SroutJI hard at w,•rk on tlko unfmUitwd ol a boat. Guardin& l'ftr ot ttw '11ollt Wllt tw ttw A""" ertcan nac :a'1th a •Jolan banner. "Build for l>f,ff'AM!.',' .earn~ on the aldt'. , ' Other !llt'wport Hllrtlor &TOUPIJ atlfondmK t nmOrJ'•W's f'Vf'nt at ll'lf' 011 C1ty ,;.,ul nctudr Mayor Irvin C..Orce Gol"don •nd City Councll- m .. n Lloyd C laiN'. Ro_,.rt Allen. J . S. Bro•·n a nd 0 . R .• ~ a•h ..> Will jo"' U"' paradP In an offl<'lal <·ar' dt'corated for tht> •~'C'ulon by Fl~ Chief FTank Crocker and h18 loiUJS P.arblara MaUIC>n of a<' \'hr•m~r.< "' \12 4}•t :M• ... ~ ~•··•l•• "•'1111•'1. ,,,,lll(hh•r ••I · • at.-t ha .. lh'•'4'pt~t" P.••llh•~ With )1'1 IIlii I :\It ~ \\'ulto•t \\'o'lllll'f ,,, lil6 1'"" lt;tl' S lttlolll \' nf • I 11''"11 ••• 'I a Sautu \n" a ult•Uh'b\lc· aa: .. u\·y t-: l'tt; 'l l •"tt•t ha,. ••'''4'"'"'' f~~rH ht·~'tttlful • j'thth•1•whl ••'l'•'""'n' \\'hh'h tn11t~t tn '''"' • .,,tt.. M '""' ._;lttJit .. ·lh .ltllh' ll,•ol.,:•· ol ... lr l•l··· ••! Jlloljl•' lllhl Mt~ I> .I 1•,•,1~;, Mr 1111J !Ill n1 A 1,. "'"''lll'>l, 146 E. 18th ~t,.....t, ano f'n}{•)ttnJt " \'UIIt trom ll\<'lr nu'C'e. 1IUU1 fkoth: Htt· 1111.1 Mr tt.•t .. ·r·t "''"'"~· "'" · .. , ,_.ard ••! A n ·a.bJt. · t..'u• • 11 ••£ Ita.~ A\1t.:••'"" lh• .. pttl\1 "' l.,.•'S "''J:•·I•·"' \\ h••rt• ~h. ·r'-''\lt'ntl~· ••n·t.·J '' ··Ht Ht: ,., .... , ~··•h, •~-tJ)r'n· (i,"'t·t•'tl" M'..;"' \\'e•tuu·r \\'hH "~nt~t t ttt• 111111•1 ,,1 th.· Ut.f l )u"~thlr t'lluc~ ('apt 1'11MI111 unct Mt M '""' A·luru ... ,,, 164•' ,,t ,,,,, .. It l l.t•t"''' t ·, ..... , tta.,;h • h·~·l , .... 11•" f t'f'• I l t .I ··--\\'t•U !\lt'Wporl ho•ulo•\'n lll 1\r,. ttw por t'ntJI of a da uJ!hh•r t>.•rn J uly :.~ Ill St J"'"'l'" hnsr••tal "'"' ''·" f tt!•'•"\tl\ \l h tttt.l \' t ,,. ''''t••t ... M t ~tlld Mr .. \\'nit•·• \\. I •• 1 1 .uht \\' d C,·t \\'t•auu•t 1•·1 t Ttlo'"'L' 1 '"' t•···,r '"'"''~' ~~l.'h t"\t 1(1t'l .1 I\\• ol,t\ \ '"''' til M1 \\ ··II•!•' I .... I'"' 1.1. \\'et"kt•nll ll"""l" ;t lht• F l .. ,·,l 1 i I Lm<»kY'Ilo•nu·. ~1 ~""'tO:.•rl l~·•il 4'\'lllrd, .... ,,,.,. M n< A J M"r.:11n ltn•t Mnl Ol R. \\'tlll""'"'n hoth ,,f fWhltow I IHt:. \\'lltit:t, :OOTUI .t:~ ""' IMVInjl ''""'' f·>r .. WHk'" 0111· tp r trip '" l'lln •""""'""'" Klld \' ... M>mlle Jill r k • t\I'IHh.t H•'t "•hltH.C t•• 11\t ,,,.H,tii •U l d•~•l H4t I he• .. h,•t~tt ~ d tf•• • FrtdM\' Ttt.1 \\ h····l r:-. h1Ut• Hlhl • r ··"lll ;u ulttl :.n~ll ht~ 111•' Mll.t' ff ~U tt\. ('l)f\ 111111~ 1'4;th.l ,. J ll .. IU'\11111( .. ( 1•'1 11~ 111111 II IIIII ''''"•"l'"t hul\k••tl t w tu•.tth f l ~o 1\. 111 1t(u l J'h u ttt•d ~~"~' 1\h tltltll;,, ''HI \.1•'"~ u( lht· •hf'P•·I tlk ~t\ttl ~>'to:.· Mt'l\,Vt! \\j•N ... -..tt•\* the• Itt'\ t :t••\\ ·~ tir-•wn nf l,o> .. ·i\~FI•"• ,. l..,nn 'J 1':t~1 ··· ••f t h. ~···"h ~--~·· t. Th•· t-r •.1•· '' t,,, \\ ,..,. J-:1\ '" 1t IU.tll llt.;t• I•\ h t•l fulh••t,, \\~!It ~~ '"'"''"' t""'"'' .... ,, ,,,,., '''"l·· '" • ... :'1"11''"'• h ll•l • ~•• t ,.~,t 11 t• .. u••n~'l .t! II l•1n •ttc IUht 1't1t 11 l lH'II I\t'l t'"~'' lt ,,J• .• Sh•· \\!tiC utt.•u,tt·~t ~H' M1~·• \1 ••· \\''"t.•rh.uu n,• \\h•• \\o t t" lt 1 I' tiHlt ,. llhu•. t<l••l '""' • "' ',.,,, lh 1111 I I I r't\'tt'f' ( ht h •'l" ~•'\\'t 11111 "f 'J-.'u,. ' 11 ll'"'l~lrd 11• ho•t<l 111111\, 1 ·rh•· tnulltt~••u•1 wPctctanJ' 11\ll11 hr ~ '"''' ••ttwr fH\'Ot'lh ' or.,; ... , uunt Thr o•nl lrf' 1'1111\ltlllllll y Will ~luof'k••d Anturd11y m .. rntllll tn lrnrn 1 t.r 1 h,. dr" 1 h "' fJ!• ynu111d c • 11••11.1 otun<•f'r llnrhhr llft'll "'"rdt~tnt , ~ .... , fl"""'"1 IIWIIY Ill hlto hllnlf', 41C'I I ~hor1 Ill r?f't, llll n'IIUII tlf II tll<al't l 11 1tnt•k . • Tho• .._u,.._ lltn 4~ I\.\Ult14, ('ALIP'. I >r·. Obvd. . ·: '!'!U'!'. "-_c'•'nlnU t'huftf' UM 'l;\\ I'' II( I' IU:.\C 'U DR. C. J. C ARTER . ., ...... R·•ntl•oo PI~'•• ~ !lp•o•lally , ... , .... l'\;'11 \IH\0 Newt•;,, Rl vd t'uol~ M••• ftlllll'l':tl Ql!;t.,d . ...._. N ewport 561 ' •••• o.e. .... IUIIInc "'"'a .. ,.,"''" I' 1!: H .M t\ N J·: N 'P ll n•AUU\''1'1 t'Oa INMl'aANt:l: II&& llowa,rtl \V. Gerrltlh ' '!111 \\', C?ntNI Aw. N-pnn........, c~a~t~. ..... _ 461 A l lTOMOBII.f; AOCIIllr.NT • • 1-k•-... ~ · ftntiltil· Wrtlke OtiW'uMton ol the traffiC' •ft'ly prt•blt'm ft'aturelf Monday nl,;hl 'l!. tn<!'<'tl~ v f thr A-llo<O<'tllll'd Clw~t~- -Mr R<-11. whn ""• 4{1 Y•·n r11 ur fiJ:'", Will' ll rtl\ll\'1' u ( :-JriA lttt iiiJ> I ~htro• ""'' hnd ro•rlllll'ol ... c···~'·' ,.----...,...-----------r Htt·a-i nru. VIrlrll P •l kl .. ~ vnun~ "''" of Wr '"'"' nf ('totlllfll'ro•f' nf Omngf' ru11n· :>nd loiJ"'II \ I. l'Jnklt Y. rt"tun•~ t \ ~ h<'f'f' llr C 0 ltlult .. n, 1'111111 . Sund8y ••11-hl f1 ,,m rhn"t' ,...,...k·,. '"''" of tr"tr"' ...,.,.,. v. rc>pr....-nl•••l trip_ tu tlw AtlantiC' I'()IUOt Wheno tlw t'oo!tlll M••t<n dllu11lwr f'artwu. hf' n81tf'f1 .,.,.. Ynrll Ctty, Wplt~ Jar tltr<o ""~'"" '"'"" rutulo· nf I hr Ht'rboort H f'OIItl'r. jr .. of t41t lnJtOfl, I • C .. and m11ny ulhf'r !'"'~"''"'"' pl:•n '" huH \'•11\lrtlt•l'r E. Cnion tu·enut'. Fullerton. nar· putnt.R "' tntrrt>lll. Jlt' nuuS.· thr oHit7••n" .. 1 tlu• ,.,.,,,, v Wl\lC'h '"' rowly ,.~3pect Mrioua injun~!'!~ tt;lp In • .. nipany with hill ~~;mnd· truHt• \'tnl:•l•"'"' n11d r"t"•rl .. , .. ,,.. Sunday ... ~., hi& c>ar wu aiM pu'l'nlll !Jr_ and llnl. V. )( l,tnk-~ tu t tl•· does~IUt.lt•<J uulhvn t '"" •:•r """"lJW'd by a hit-run driv"r at 19th lo•y uf ~ ,;, 8.!-rnardlno. l'f"'' '"I Mlt:n•f" ,.,.,.,. ~'"' thl' r•t~•rf >4trffl and Ct'nlral a \'f'nuto. f)Oiice • thul 11•u· '" ''" hu.:h A•'• l•lt·nt I"'' l"f'J)Ortt'd. Aftl'r IM"tnJt 11tnwk hy I "'r I Mno W E. Nlf•k••ll ~tnd , , "'"!:''' ultt" '"""""", 111 Orun.:•• rhe htt -run ""'· wtu<h thrn ~~~ dauJ!lt!•" Myrtle ""d M•·r• II!" , """IV •un t•·~ ""' lu~h• .. •l p t•·llt frnm lhl' sn·n<'. Fo,.tt'r'll ma('hmr j f•lr-l·ll·d\ ,.f 1921 WanZJtflll>< "''' '""' rut•· ••I any ''"nitty In lh•· C'n;~h•od tnln 11 Pllt'trtr Elf'<'trk n"" :or• I hl4 ""'""k. mn\'lnJ; In th••tr ~l"'" flOWrr J.lt>ll'. k n<"M'Iltng down :oc'\'f'r• III'WI V•J' lrt hllll<'d r .... tdo•nl'f' Rl 221 rtl JtU}' v.-trf'!O and br4'akml( off •8 flr'•·••\•· '" Mr And Mr.< L R tU.U•l'l~t: OA!IIC't: t•U .. ('I.AR wh~l • fill ir.h,.nt• 111~1'1. 1 fonnf'r nwnf'r.< ol lito· I'' ••t"·rt y a no IN\ \'111.1: ""ll I '·' l'f'k '"r lh<' M lddll' \\',.~<1 wh••• •· \111') ;•~an nn f'XIt•ndNI Vl~ll t 'hur ttt••lt7•d H,. ••tu t1f tl)•' I) I 101 Will" I\' •r •tl rorlf•Y .. d J•tthl... Ill •If .. ''\''' ft• ,d •' ''••""Itt Mr~u ft..•t• M•·'~• r .. , '""'J' lht•n':w \'<'""" l •ur n .. t tw ••Jtt I ,., , ... , t H•n ''' ht" t tuu• fw ",_UI t'HJ:M.C••d IH f#1Udtu•JIU4 u1 N..·~ port J(I•H11h, np••raUn.: u • ,,,. z,., Ht•U•·rv .. tn.1•• tUltl huu h ,, .... .," ·tl llh• ,~,., nt·r nr c••·••1u1 .. '''"' n hfl M•l'111ltl•·11 plu• •• ltf' ll•l••t "lw""'' R. C. PARKER Notary Pt,abllc 7110 1':u11l ('rnlrul Av,.nu• IIi\ 1.111 lA Ill •·1•·•·111• Ill ~loort• Ill , • .,,.,,. M,.,.,. l!lllfl !llo•wpo~rt Umtlf"VIIrd 111111 "I lh•· 111)1" uf .!!!•Hi h """ '" ~ c·o:'\'rA MICKA l'"rlrwr 111 ""' 1-'111111 11••11 '"'"'""''' ~'-----------------..J t'Uitlfl.tlt\ At-...uv,_ '"' ttr~lt-ut 1 1\'u \\ntk•'t 1 "',, 't' tt( fht• /fUUd f ftlt~Up 11f 1 · , ., ,. ''" ' 'l lm r t••f • ,.,d u r ,. ""'" t; :t lt·•l tt•l )ltiHH iu•t tt1tt NH tu.nal (ltur•~·· !'-'h'•"' ttl Hu n l~•·t 1 '"'"'"'" lnt••f t ... 'illlrr: ttf flvr tu th•• ,,, 1 \l, . ..,_,, ... rt tt•1t e .. ~, ltuHtuNuu u t•Jt'Jt 1\ ;.1. "''''" IIIIo! Ill l hf• I ···~lll M•·llii f' I I f f d f '11f11flft ,. t' 'I II •It• I '4 \Vtf••, ~,.. 11.t 1 .. ,·hlhJr,•n. I I :i Ill II I I ... llill ""'Y t!w1 lrt •••••l•ol hi HI dflttlh I& " •. , h •..:It WOJtK BASKET 11•·1"" N Ot~ll•ec""'r Sbm&N'CI Hund• & YarD• • Nf!Nik-wurlc l,...truc·U.-0 .... with l'urdlll"" nf Matfldala til Nu. tlt•"I"M.f Manta AM t'h•ul" ti n ===-=------='="'--===~== I \ " I ' ·~ :·;~.:~:.';:~':~·~··,:: .. ·:::·~'Harry's Dump • 'h I' f: \-\'~II·••" :-<ff'Ufflk I M . ';,.:.::,::.:1:;"'''".'.:""',.1 : I "tlt:~T ('OI"YF.F. •• 'I '" ,,, \' ...... . .. , ... ,,I. ~.... "\l.tlU4" : n' \\.,:,~ ... .:.&& .Jay.~auu~ll to O i'ficiul Post in a ·a I (; u:u·d 1 "I•, lh•· :• d lt•dtt ~· ,·, t:t•l •+II• l t; •. , ••. , .; r q ,,1,,. ... if1 nr. ,, ,1.,. I.. • "', , ,, ·J •'' •t: I ... M&la M,_. ~Uh Y. f , ..... ~., .. ,., ••• thf" ..... ,..,., ... ~I I U U A l f i II ' S '"' -~!lljllltj• --Ill • Ur.,tuh\IH C ""ta M.,.... ------- • I I IUD-WEEK.. __ EDITION COSTAMKU NVIIIIICa M • w~m ,-· ~ a -~ee to Reeom~ lluEn~ _!\llowed_Jia! ' 'n laf"Kt' ftlOUih II'OJM•rty OWMIW~ tt>t• nr,..,tntC!d 'by : the-dty coundl bw dty oftldaJI \ttutni!'J Ito Ia a 4 ..l&ntoJ ""' .... , ~ IWrr tr. cltmy applt. , rm It• 1 n oon.tNCJt t around the~ tt-mPCI ,..,,..,.. taltl r•voke .,.......,.. .... Jotan " Ham. ol ~·4'd that ... .... ln bu.Ud a,... Or u.. ,..., ,.... .. to ........., ill& "' ... ..., ..... te IPau.--.. -,If ... ........... ........ _ ... ·~­turned ,. - to. live ,,._.,,.,nr" romp&et. muvlnlf whefl the '"'''llrrl'd. '''' the •·hlld wu p lu ... v.raJ place& ,.,, '"d nn~t. -.c• t 11r•••• hum11 !De fit •r Boys' -ding Uw t....'~ .t...L....-,.._.M..-1~1-... u toJ m,.,.,..~t•~~ .. :>;.; ""Unnn l ,.,tllc.fl ,..~;r ... !Ltl,... _______________ ...._.ro.--. ' I; I . \V ~·,·AN L 1-: Y _!ut atrr;Ar uf lh,. -· •or Ol•t rlt·t Ia. I he ~-.. rt t.rtd.rn and ,,n,.•l hy th .. New-by the Tiernan~, ·'they still keep trying to d\l{>llcate the 'J1er. nan process of· rebuilding typewriters! But there haNen 't been any sucCessful bnitatlonl in over t~enty years! .... at the ~rate prict'S we offer. the value we give, and the all-inclusive 'Tl'ERNAN GUARANTEE! We stand at the top Lo this field and lnteud to stay there! .~~ · I •' R .. 4. TI~R\' 4V TYP~WRITER CO. '.-. :lw ~{·IA·pnrt lf:u hor l'htHllll"r • t•.,mmc·r.-" .,ff1t·••, a1 unv fu •· ~•a .nn nr llf'~ J.:IH,,,., "tl!',O•Ht 1n th•' 1rf"a. ur at (" .. sta ~f••l"::. He•(l t•rr·~"' .<·:t•l jlla tl•·r~. lkllk :'\••\lp•ort IM•III••· ard 1-:Hrly •·nr.,llln• '•' ,., urgwl t:Rt'SJnS Rl'S ~LATF.U Th,. PhJ~I\'P Jtnlnl•>ll w tll mak th..,r hnll ~f'la~<••n'!< 1 un ••n S'•" t hl'm C:Aitfr,rma ~M-a• h••M n .. x: Thur!OdAy .(•v,.mng, .Jul~· 10. Kt II 4~1 •'1'101·~ Th .. run Will l••lll llllll' f•·t the f'lllnwmll,' thr.,,. d.11y~ nn th•· llllo(hl ht.:h t•df. "' 1:.! :1•1. 1 (1/J ""'' I 'Ill A m. M•o;.• 1':-.rul Mtll••r ln« 2~1 11 •tr~•·t ~···wp<•~t. 111 !!Pf!!1d iOIC th•• .,...,..,k '" t;,,. Anl(•'l"~' At lht> "''"" ,r :u > 1n•mt whit•· hrr !<ll!(l'r Mt'<• r·yuttHa. Mlllf'r, I!! l'<l)••urntnJ( wtlh hfr f'Mllldmolher' at twdl11 ndll. ,,,.,·.-ntlt,n ttt •.' ,, r_.,, .. Ana:••l•·~ ,.,,,. M:tl tu"A · hut rflo.• •·nt ly r•·t 11n rrd t'''" ·, ••al F:ur .. poo "h•·r .. tt••·tt '''"" , • •rt'I J~ w n" f').,~k,.,,.l fnr .-ctltrv.•·,,,. ••f t ht' muJ••r '''''''" · \1.-ll B M t·M •.rll\' r ha11 •' .,f .th ... t,r,.,(ftp b•·P th·p;.rhn.,,,, l • I I '<•lilA J.lf'll:t lt•·<l l'r•IM r•'l~•l 114, I'" riii'UI"rly f{n&t 1fytnlo( ~ ... ,,,,..t,. ' ,. fr,,m th,. ,..-.,•dnj( ~ '~uln"''' ,, : 1/tt> Vrtf'rlln.• r,f fo:t,r••ll:ll \·\'Rt~ \ .•iluarv M•·n1twr,. ,,, u,,.. '~'"' • •t••f' h,.,.(J,.rj t•v Mrl' A l•·'l 1;,, hiH'f' )ul'l "' •••'J•I"rl II 1"'~11'' I ·., rof•\\'llr rf'lt••J ,.,. ,·,n~· :uul '"'' ' hll~rd 11t 'f '•rk Th•· I•·• .. 1 pr•, 1 1nn r<~•'l' ·,., '"''"'' :-.; .. w,~.rt 1 .1•·\'ard "' "I"''" tr~~tn Ill 1o m I•• t I' m 4'11<·11 M••r•d,.y. \\'•·•h·•·llll~oy .,,d Vnday , __ - ._,,,. Overstuffelr Hamburgers ",., ,, --···11 01' ·~···I t:r. II~:) ( "'"'' IIICh\U\}' TIW 11!t. HI, HI! I ' 1 \I liM~ !'WmU. ••f l.u ~: tllll ll•·a•·h on If IJC II .. ._,y I I I ,.,, .. lf'l ''''"'n~n,·s t:,, ,, .. J l!lr t ;~ .. ~ 1 •• ,,, 'ltlrl ( ., ... kt" d,. h f• • • 1 It , t ' 1. t t,r •• J ···1. + "' ••f ~a\a l I) ,r,rd t 'I•IHtflHrtd • r \\'tl fj >I It I ~ 1 f '1 I I '•' t It.,,' r I f "''' .... Jt ,, .. ,,." l'r••••· ~''-!.'. It•· ',,,1.111): ••tf,: I I ' ltf Ill• ·' •.•• •f t ;,1,,,,( \ ,-.tl• d :<•·v 1'''' t ~ t ,, tt•11 t h . ·;.~....I"·'' "··"~·· .,. I f t-:rl1t.,,;,,,~nl'4 r~t tht v ''''' 1\• .,,.,.,, Htl r••u•t~r,,· 1 'I'''U 1 1 ' I '''' ;d P•toh)•f ftt• t d I J!dl,d ••l ,t f.,.,) A nr•·l•·~~t :,11tl 1t , •• , .. '', 1 '''" ll f•#t .t I '•t"q,,t• \ f, 1l 1 J f lu !11 ~t t• y i 1 I•~ ,IJt•, t• l '''f I I '•II •ltff 1• d•'''' It I''"" h till I' Itt • l•t.:..L:' '1 .. '" ,,,., "'''" h \HIIttA• u' 111.;*'-'·l ''''' Hart,.,r t 'hf•nd·•·r ,,, '''•tHtH• t· •· IHICi ROI 'T~ Tlflt'.\ .. .., A ,,.,., '''"'VIUI \ "'·" ,, \•d .,., 'A.t1 ' hd ,.Jo: n Pl'' ,,. d J••d1j ' ,,. f"''''" ~Uflflh\' ,,,,,,, .,, .. , th , ~ A tt••o fit t \ t .r ;,H , ffll•'' d t•+ t .It I th" """"' ,,, F '\ 11•. II I 111r; \\'' f u ,.,.,, I· ''"•' ttv r ,,, . .-'•I•''' tt" Wtf\tf'fW "'<<lf ,f h ~1 1 1 ,'1 1t ''l t1 •. ' f ,lffdl\·' tl'•...: ... t;~rl,•1 ,, q '"" h l,tl Itt;· •••u•·l rt t" ,,,d 7~·1 1.•·•· .,, ,,. .... ,.. ,., \I:\ 1•1 '1;1.11; • ,.. lt'ft t.'' .-1111 j ., t I•• I• I. I l'llrtllfl 17711 t•··t·:, .• lft• .... I :.dl•••,.' l,l•llt•l ..... .uy •••• ..:.j-- l 't.IC\1 \' l•.'o I !'\, Ill 11!\ I I' 'lt.Hfll'l"' n•••l I 'Iii:'• r\"\tt\f•1 Mk1 ... ,. ,,.,. .. tt. ~..,.,, ... ,1, ,, ... l:Jc· I 1at1 ""''"'"'". 1 '"''" \1•·"" • .,.,t I , \\ ,,,,., t -t·tr. I itllll f ..... , •••.••• 1.111" "' ~t.\\ ,\~11 t 'KF.D BIKES f l :!.MI and 11p". \\•· ,..,,.,lr all rnakea Gea. D.· Put· .-..~n.,r ltNI and "'purr- I'IIIIS~ llll:l • MANTA AJIA "''" ''' tW' oranp ,,. · ''"true •l't!t~ n""''"V. July 1~. II' l..ldlt I I hfo lrflla I!Vetlt llulldlnlf fun•t ror \rur t11rn whic h t. rt "d fftl•lrr the ..... ,I ~IIJihltUIC'8 t ('tlllll\ Meaa.. \II II In rhllrjle or Mra .. 1•1'ri l'arke "'t.llllnn to the IIIII( 111 ylf'll In the h,.r,. will hi! hoth .:tlnn ·hrllllft! wtth, · tnl)h•. lnf!lcatiDI' whlrh thn affair t hr '"P''rt tO<IMe 1v,. bt:r..n re~~erved lUI II ll' ll11t nf band-~~~ wm be thr-' 'I""'" to'bf. &Ward· )KJ'am . Ubl!rty t. a ht.- tnll 0 f lfOVei'D• t thf' tnrreue at_ 1111011. N!' ' Harbor B. Board Plu-· Acti•itin A nnoun c·l'ml'r fw )lewport 1i -...PJIDI~-W..­ IowtnJ M nn!ll\) tile board w it b 011 Balboa lllhu 8un~y. Jul) IDOtoc Lo the .. c:onvenllon a t Hotel In l..o11 followiiHt Wt-lt ~n t"k" f'!\1 ~lea rooft-~nc NewporJ H& men will be • ltoutbPm Dlat r fereDee to be b Laiuna ~arb aouncement w 1 polnr July J J ..... ~~~·~WATERFRON-t .. 1:,-:'I 't: lt l'h'll ~l \;'\: 110 !\.0 l.l'l.l ' RAC ·t: T t ttlllffo)\\' W•fH1 "'II ,,., ttl• "' .. ,., •• ( :..nothul h • ;111 .. •1 ',,., ... n, , 1, • , the• v.·~~lld ., 1 ,.,., t hn~t l'f\••rtu·st stuhn~ •'\''''' Ow, f ~• e 1•• II' ,,du l'\1111 f••••hoo 1.11 Will 'I< ,,,,. "'· 'l tUI' It.. ~· ., ... , .. ••rutmt_. •• l :l '"'' •, lo •'"" h t hut ·th .. Pt •,1r , • 1 1•· lrft•ll••tt•t•' .,.hrr't th J"'Ihtdt•l \'I I lo\'ft l / It •' It • I .._.:.•.' trill Ill• r I· rhnll' . \\•·•·k ·lh•\ "II t ~ f lll I '• • • \1 ··. I I tl It\ 1 ot o.d , t, 1 t I• ••l ll1 • t • ct t1\" 1• t I • I 't1'1~1 t.( h1 ~ t .,,....,....,.., ,,._,_, ,l••hH tH- ' jl, I, ' . I '·' d·· .. f f\' .11 I.Y • I• .. 'I ·' ~ Ill • ··.' N~WPORT-BALBOA PR£::i5 TIDE TABLE • Coourt .... )' SbdJ Kar . v ' \ k. &ll:tl.ta bland} ..... ~ 7 'I~ 11 4 'J -· .u 2 • 17 ·41 7 I I ·I 2 ·I 2 ·1•1 Hie a & 1!0 .It 9.13 4 I 11) 13 •• I I Oi 4 8 11 ~ .,, a;:u a.e 1:'!11 .\.1 "''" It:~ 1 .. ; =~· t .J t :d , .. J:l4 '·· ~ •• J,• •=• t .t I :U t .a lll&h l :lll fl..! 1:'!1 Ill 1:1:! ~·· ••:Ill •.• 11:541 8.~ II :ll~t 6 ! I ,•, htfio< t' !IJ:•Ir"' 1111i10 lot .. L P\., ~ .. ldf .. •e \\'•·~k~•ul Rae•• Slate• t "••aturt·s ('ontt~-..ts ~~~ Tbn•t• ( 'lassto.s j Ralboa ~Yacht ('Jub Sf'f•ths with Acth·ity Sine~· ~nt Opt>nin~ . ' HA \"ISO 'I'OCGR L11al An fl1Ut\1116at1Uc .. ~ took Ilia rtf'nd tuh1n&. 'nle h1eDd knew n•.thmr about 0\e pnUe art, and t'h~enced o ne bad to ttve I 111m all lbf' n~ tackle. The ..ngln atat.f'd fiehlnc a rew yard.l upstna m. ~nUy 0\e nov i« .s;u d . "H ow m uch do u.o.e red and .:r .. en'thing• coet!" "You mN.n OM float.! Oh-1 ~ueu about a dJme •ch ! ··W ell," A id the nov~. "I owe you a d ime-mine tuu aunk ." \\' A.s'f accreMJve your~& woman ror ho...e-to-bouN eell1q , Bal· b.Qa laland; r oo4 pay. ean 281 ror a ppointment. UIU I Tbunday, Jaly 3 1Ml 8 A :l L DRS: ........ '&N ................ Flttlap • Tooa. • llope W. P. irder Paiata B., V DISTRICT Ill...,._ BALIIOA ISlAND HAaqWAD ..... / ... FOR THE FOURTH, sJXm FIFI'H OR . 1:=:_-~~~~j·~·l·ll~ ere-Wo· k roo A wnue at 7 ::S. 80fta wiU be tM ....uq. · ' hn,. nt P t.uu••wt tf• nt '•~•h • whf'n l hl' lllt.r y .. r ·•1••11 •1 .:r••"l ....-wul u.-.t.-1•1 , ,, , 1.1 Lrt-... , .. ~ ~¥ h. •r '' ~rlnn&nJCII "' lhu• """" f ""''"., ol I J l l .. Kembera of tl CCJDvene July I MIL Vera MUle atUedl,_. M0111 .dnd Lockhart. My.:e. He le r WACP,, lrLn~ if Cbr !Int. v. Ooral OornwaJI, and Fint Birthc HIU'I'7 Hill• Celebrat~d OM lone ca nd ., cake lri«Dl ,_.erday Of R ..... -ol J&l --ot-Batboa. erwd fOil' a celebl ..... 8aDoona wer llde UM Hlll-1 l'ltfrNtalllot. we a. and Sua'• I ........ o-re• a..rtM Wape. ~·and lln. r·~~ r t: \\' ~fh• .. -til"'' .. ( S un, T'• 'H I t1 \\ "' t<~~ l;t't.o lft• Ill 1 ,. t •. •: .tot•" •: ·, \ 1•nl n ''\ f\ .................. 1., 1.• J'·llunlt " -, d t \'" ,.ut ft ••tll I 1·,11·•'•a1 1 If•' h ad ...l;~oll,.••tt•><l l~ .tili...I-'1-'U u{ ,, J..uro1 hf"r rnJ t Y&II~ t•.,rk t .. lh,• r ftt t' I ,,,, ( I h:'\;•k, fu r n •1h ,., I• a "L: •·up tu , 1 .,.. ., .. n ... tHI ,,,. IJ,,. lu:•• 1 au,tl \\ "n 1 1 .,,. on•• htlUI ~ 11\\ h• '' "' t •·d h u 1 " ' h· •u r -. ."4 •n k In r, • t " ' J1t 'rt • • ' ... ' I • htH1~•· ~th•:.k. nn•l 2·• h••'lf "' fir lw'lH I • IJ ~· ~J· ~~ lloo.t!"' I I'\' , 1 r• 1 , , 11 •'lllll'!:l••n 1 . r "n \\'hft t'njhyf'd dinln~: nn 'the new , , ~""Y • HalllJtl•·n • :'"" H ,. •·. ltll• "'" k , w htl<" 111 tht' ll1n1njt sal<'~n 1. 1 1, t 1• ttiHL! f••t t h•· ·H~an.t.~lt·P •. \"•'I1Wr• •=-'t•ph .. n,.., 111 lnf,rntal llHrty "'as Kl\"t-0 fur • 11 1 1 1 1 ,1 I Hutt·h . J"""'" 1;111lu ••· ll··tlll\ l '•·n ft,•,rr ('ummudul"f' and Mn~ F rt-d ., __ f f tf O'•t I I tf ~<+I" t' '' Jua.ll .. d an • '•· I I loon '"'"' .... • """ ''" I' •• f • I I ' fOol 'h• \~ II. I Jrohll (:nil II" •• , ol 1 'rf•ul I h lllll', whu '"~ ruan~t on thl' TrnnJJ. ··hollt>n ou r; hand· J unc-'' t•nr, "It •• f '"'"'"~·I 1 , ... : ,,,.JI 11 ,1, "'II .·1.,., 1 <,uumlnt•. ,_ I'"''''" Racf' tn H nnululu .,. hammer~ Gold-. nut (; ... , ! "' l't'(ll•' I *' p,,,,""' 1 ,, .. , , ,,· ,, 1 I:! ""'''~ ~ut ur<1,,y·~ A lh.•l••·" """'""'' "'·''j "'"""" IM boetJ! C'""K •Ill to San rn Stat«" Copper-• ~rnrn" • 1 1o It"·'" ''" ~ ... nr v,~~ l•" • 11 ,, .• k "" ,,,,.. ,,10 loy \\'111 111•1 ...... ~l \'•11• "''h l"·•lru t l.) ~ them ,.ff w111 1M' ware u thew rump • ··•••r,n ""I\ tlr.r.n.: nr -..,._ \l .. kuru 'A J.' li o11. • !cui '''"' K • I I I• ..f ("'optnrn a nd M r 'l Homan on 1 • • t ''•' "" """" I brand of umque wal<'h··~.~~~ "·'''' ~1 .. ,.11,..1 '''' ,1 t hr. •Anlly K.rk •l•l ''""'I '"n •l•··•r k.-tr h ln h·r1udf' Thlo H u n tt''s copper Glfta at thf' ('I111Cl"<l J.:•*otl~ ,.,.,,. \ lnjt htbo·l--,, I I .. '""1~'"' ···ndi'J" wh .. r, ..... bo ,, Ill .. n .. lo·r •lll•·r. lndlCf4'nont ""'' tb4" Grit-... ,. Sbop. I•\ ., t l h• \r l \' uutur•· u a .. ..,., th»l • ' •• l11• 'c••.ttk • po nl'd wh ,. 1""'\rrrrd ...,,.,. ...... u, • J ,'nl. 1t11, 1 (ilh ht~y•· llkJOp PlO J.<Ia \a•all net .U.. ,_._.ltJ lhl >\L I dW~UU: ~ hope• f \\ I I' "''"f' n WI\"~ tn , 1 • Ill d , , llltoltllotO.,, allll 1 nan 1, RhA J>."',.TI<>' o f'~l "f'll"'.....-llt •I h 1 ... I'RITy!Ojt tht> n''C bUI'J:,ff be p4' 11 : 11 1n •P·lt· of tht. •·· 1 1 •I' •tl Oh. 1 M r:< .. :.1 FM "'·"•rth • I•· I•·• land, bu; w rll .u.o blo the , 1 1 I' 1 ''•·· t , .. '-""'' 1 t ••f r .. ' an• •·rr" . H.a a nd C•''-•I "' •••••. -· "''"'' I I l l'r'\13. I F.\' .. r4"tl Moorn~o .. nci:VIU\o• """ yulhiJI frum :-;.,.po rt r· .. 1 Tl L 1 •·• •h• l··• • et•tul• 11 1ta••h •• :u \•·n • N . M• t • ~h"Ci In t,, c IIV)o h' ur Ill" I I 'h • 1111' I lu• ''lllllllo~l un\'• rllr. t 13>-rnard ~h :>::ell)'' In tho \.,,, It \0'111 be r'4"NN II•'d that ~ orman n ey na«~h ,.,f I h.. !'101'\\ , .. ,,., IIH rbo•t I l I 'I I I 1"011\in \' r>u "· Ill•· A llt.lll ....... 1 •• _, II 1111• ". llprnt I\ lilt' .r •nth.!! Ill the I I h k 1 h It r ,. " 4 • t••·t • !"> I' • "'" . I Yao.bt •·II . 1'1 lpp• r.. y r.t r\ I • "' '. "' 'I• t\1•"1\ hut ·•I~" '"''"' ho•adNI tty ll.tl:n,,, • ~·.,11, .-... ,th ~a,a In 19:f6 .,, ... AftE'r l I S ln!'l • "• n Ill' I r 1•1 mct• 111111 1 k K1rk·,. Knl<>hf' , '''""'!( 111 .'1111 ,,,.,1 ·1,.' h•~t\'1' Honolulu tht>y wtll call h l ii(IR .,,, • '''i""'"' "'' "·"' ""r 1 _ .. _ I d es l g n .. r 11nd I .... a .. "" (' amr'"" "' r I I I •.• ' lrtfl•·· II• ... ,, hn:wrrl•l lrud.····s Mylll ll . :Jnl ... :· ol rne....... I 11112 1 :-/C'WJX•rl Hi1rbur . v ... hl • h1l• 1 .,,.modore and :'<lrt4. f'..d R1eMn manufacturPr or I Tt\4'"' .. lv 1 , .. ,.., •'l• rNI up "" "'' '' • '""1' 111 •• 111'' "1''111111a .,( . t •:ddl J !!ed to the I , , ., 1 ,,1111 , r••w IIIII<" A If' en ,.11 1111'nliWI'l! h t-ld \ht'!r 114'nll·annulll "'' co. r:. • r111 1 much ,..,.., n HI fl \f'IHI~htp "' ollnn .. r nH'f't lnl: and da1u •· ~.ctur ''''"'""' Satul"dHy r l'tun'lln¥ on I Hawaii that ht'r cttlzc•rv. ~tnd ~rh'\11 '1 ~ 11 lo.l "'I" ""'1 .:1"11"11~ rtH'•' 1 .111y t'\ •·mn.:. the :'llt•wpurt Tuu.r StmU.C\' Ml"'l. R lt>!'l•·ll and Edell< rhlldren r11IH<l a fund r .. r • th•• I'HI•t I:Kr:;\'·r : olub nu·..tml{ ~u11cJay nftt•r n"''" fnr I• 11 Ttw!!day. J uly 1'1., for a two· buHd lnl of t~ n11tlve ,..h•••tll'r. lit',.., ua· l ltt: \\ r:r.K •hscu!'l~htn ,r but~ln.-M~< Th .. "' .... k. ",.,,kll \'la•l w1t h retatl\'ell In ""' ""' _, 111 '"'"""II! ,.,,,.,~ .. r 1 h·· Run Pr,:u. ,.,, .. ,.,,.fl •pwk•• T \\lf 1 m ontt , .... , ~, ... nr t lll• Hrh tlll/ FOR Choice FoodS AND IMPORTED AND boMESTIC WINES Also LIQUORS C ORO N A DEL MAR PHONE IM1 the race of 1010. '" ,,1.,,. •I ,1111t 1, 1111 ,,, h•·• nwn••r lwJ,;'m F n<lny or 111111 wt.,.k. th•· (;uo·Ntl< nf M ra. C. 8. Flllber a t I Durtq the .ftr~nl:-1'ft~Hn1C 1111,1 ~l(q11,.., F"r.••l f111tllc• In 1~M. w .... kly f'~thtrtir.v n•~hl ,....,...._eon~ L;\'~' WI ~ wer~ M~ G r_-nt ••••••••-.•••••• --------------·-----:----------~ arlJY1t,_ were -.t a 8(Aind "'~II. hut ,.,,,: tfe•'" f-tr•H"~" Y.h ht ,tluh bur· tuauanl( Lhruu~ll ~ ~Jltrnrr unt•l U.u\lt'n, !'1l ft J,.randiCO and Mn~ ---- In 11123 thfo .Honolulu rll<'ll "'"" re· .,. , Ill Joolll th• f111111 lulu rnl't> Ill· L.1hnr Day. J.",fLh<"r 11 UAUI(htera. J•n and Oh\'e ~--"'----... ----------~---~· ~-------·-·-·----- Yived and t ru;t year four ync•hlll ,11 '" 1,.r 1 h• r11 ,1 11111,. ~tw Ill Slc·Uh'l I ! t,.ft Sa ntA &rtmra. ln!'hldlnR l ht'l 1 , , •• , 1 ,1 ~ Ill• 1 11 '", vc•r . h ,l\'•nlt ,,IK\It:S t:Lt:cT ttt't'U T.Il.'4 '"'" \ (l'll'ltet the "Com .. 11.11 You Diablo and Or. Albt-rl Srllll\nll ' Ill Ilk " ,,, .. ••11\111' I ruuu• Ill the ~l··mbers or E.Jdl4" ~brt lllll f"lllll .\rc•" ....... ,. Thurtlday. 9:00 r 01 .. Vlk lnjt IV. l h;'\Vf' oft4'n InN! '"' ~· .,,11, :-;,. ,. 1,,., ,, ,1,.~ ·'"" Thl' ""'" 11.,11,;" hrlol t l'lrrr ·•nnual """ i':ttlbooal rnr~. all <'lal!!lt'l!. 1 p. m.l lmft)flne 1\llu.• t h• na\'i.tntnr f···l• ,. \\ I• 'I'''' ,, •I s. I M.•.:a.t.IJ\t'. n r -t : .. u .. r .. :flu·r-. A( .. ncllly, ll.crr) Fn ua\, J uly 4th . wh4"n land Ill fiMit IIIJ(hled • .rtrr 11 • ol !h. '••t 1 ·•' th t llllt' Mr. J'.nk uf t lw ~nt... •\.n.a Pvhl'c ck· l.l Jon~ and llrdunm• \'n~'llj:l'. C f\mm•'·· II ". ·I ~Ill.~ Ill• 'lllto•r ,.,. an ~· ..... ada Congressman .i, h 11 l""rtnu:nt brana: ro-n:un•..:l t .. th•· •••-• dare Sotland d4"1K'rtbf'lo It t Ull ,. • 1,1, , \\ tt .. l ........ o•IIIIIU:h r .. r ,,(Jl•"t' .. r ChlO'( I'll... Ha r bo•n lt•IO ll had 0\'4'rheftrd a c:''Uitlt' co( lh•· ,,,..,,,~ ,: .... ,. Ill· lnthff•·J••nt. ,, "mRkP' tho• ·•ffur.ll t•·•nl ....... ~"'-' ~a,·al Officf'r l ,....v.' \'rn!lnJt t.Mir m111j;l\llljt:O ••• I •11th\ \• •I~ , ... ht•n.: t'X• M .•• Jl .. r .. l hy s,., ... ,. ,.....,,.,,,r\' "' ') otarn Hare l 1hout amnlt'ur nll\'t('atwn nn!l .. 1 • r l 1 ' ! IL . I • • • •n t~.,. ·" •"• Y8\V . ~. "'f"-H t Rr:tt h l:h•nlOlt\r s.. h•••l wht-n ht-('amr nn w n l<'h h" "'·'~ , c· •' .:1• •lnnn .1Rm"8 G Scru«·1 ~ --_..___ ...v.bu ~ .. ~ """"" .. ,..... JUld fH~ft&-pntty mt"H'mble. \41Wn , '" 1 "" ~ , t lllo· ltuhrto·rrnt VI I 1 ;,,..._111,. .,( X I ,, -.;. \ acla . .-1\Airmari oT "0\tf ~ "All n( a lludd4"n Rrad y..SI··rt lkr ;.,,_,., h•ol 1,, Ttl•· 1,,,~,.,.,.,. 11.~:~~~: •. ,.. •• ,.1,.,1.,1 ... r~ .. :~'['"' ''" l'''"l''··•ll(ln.~ comm1ttH.'• " mllnl!llr "Thl'r<'·,. tho• h~ ht ' ,1 1, c·i 11 , 11,, "11., 1111, ,. , "' n•l a: 14"llt 11 t th•· homt' .~ 'Am"n And .. -:ur,.kn. I II• '' ·~· 1 1 ' 1 1 1 lo ... I' . 111•1• frl£-.... Mr. and l ,, ~~~, •j •••• • turtn~ -~•t'Ul" t hrc-t-l'h•'<"rll r .. r anllllt'llr Ill\ • I I II • lh• l lu l•ll···· Ill , I I' ,. l' .• tk·. nf 103 M <'l-'ad-l I ~~ r 1 ,,,., , ... .,,....u -· [ ... -a . .I unique Gift Shop tn"": ,..,~.!' . y tn•l uupu ..... '\ ' , 1• •t "PI .. ,, ,1111~ .uut , p: , , ·.:. '' i"•rt. u t hPr-m~m·j l t o jumn ovrrt~nnrd ftnd 1'1\\•111 lttl 1 ' t··l,f'ld Ul• f••r lh•• •• 1.1 •• ..\.'--.._Lc..a._· .. ·• n.n.r_tv m.cJ.ud~ _ _.. • ,. • ' I•" '' 11• d ~~~ •. ~J r!l.. 1 ..... ,._ ,~ II .._ .-~ -thl' l••ht. h11l<n h:t""'.iY ~lotn•·~"' lh•·-··, 1•-•~·ll, ''" t 'I I •• ~ d I (l l .... -. "•~ "' "' -••" k ""'I !"••· ··nnl t ftto laJit ., r .. , ". ..,,. a" o f I chart 11huWt'd lhtl' to b•• 17 1111l•· 1 1 , , .,1 "1,, 1 ,,, 1•11 \\oollld "'"~ 1••1 ~~ .,. ,M1ld N"d A m... ~ away. ao I m t'r·Piy d11n•·cotJ " 111-: '' )llnut... , :•.I\, 1 1 •1t•·. ANNOUNCE !HAT 1TEY" ARE N 0 W o'r E K A T : h· •t• 't \ •,. t, .,:u· J t h• n.1ck pit. fnrJ;rttlll~ nil alt·••ll " ,, 1 1,,1t ,, 11 , htoltll.: 1,11, 1~,.1 It\ 'he• P11rk<'!'l ':ln1 1 lht' whc-<'1 unl1l t ho· ht~•nt ,.,,,,. "'' • " 1 , , • ,11 .. :. tt"' to CArl!<hRd l I •• \\ I t.•t ~ h' tf't ,. "V And k n et-f'k t-<t R htt1~ f'• 0~4"' &Utu HlV •• , , t f, I 1 ,\\ I 11 k ~II:--''"'•"-I •'I ~ru-halll Vo'U .. ; akull." , 1,1 11,, 11,.,1.,1111tt • ,. l'••'·l •·t tht•hugt'Snn ·l' l \un I.A•t• tn th .... ln\P•h•r ''"'' lh· 1 •·~.-r 't hu \40hrre-" nr"· .. ' II I • '... l, It' I till l rae~ uf Ufl6 Jt•hll Ba rrytn•" • ,.,, _a . , tt d f• , 1 :, "'ld• ... l h•• '• . .... .... ... to be! f'l'l'labh~h-t '''.I" 1·•·1· •· •1 •. " 111 . 1 .• • ··~ , .. x"'l''porttn the 1 • oJo I.• , "'' 11 tlH l llut 1ll• 1 '"'" ,. t•l . ~·f'ed11le en · l 1 1 h .lo\ ~I t\' 1olw '• · • J lh•• I' ,., on a tour of l . , {:I I• II 11l• r .tl• ,. •I b l.ll CTUt!<t'r. l BALBOA CANVAS SHOP 214 Marine Avenue Balbo~ Island SAil·. Boat Covers • Aw:il .J1 ' c'>~~ I r M U ·h I 1 n ,., '1 1 I'" I ··;::::~,,!l..·uWJl :-~~bam wu l . "'PWtN ;;;e ~ .o~P~I'2,~r-.!)o t ,., _at',\..... I ·~ tt>r!IU'II g' pivd ~~· l'·lllh "' uh 1'1 " . o!l'ttc 0\'ef ~, f £p,...#..,t:;n,-r ,,.,..,ong HEW Pt:il\T BEA'C'H _ J'l.•IJl H IH)IfH•rt•:\~P Hh :&tttil'lth nffo•N'd hY ca.ta M -~~, ~ -• ,,,, 1·•1 1 -~ 1~ natannal d4"-• h d d / . G -'[t 't c .~:~U pt ·r'l'on ....... ~ .. ~ ..... ·;n•jfi'tJ!.Parkesj'! un re so unique 1 s: UJ I. I CliiS SHS '• I" I I• . t . ~t S5c ,.. ltl o•k g,~ \I• •··I :111-P.u kes weret ; t I'KHJ>t:I.I.F.Rd •·' ,. .•..•• ,.,, ....... ..Jo&. • ...a.."' ---·_ .: ....... \~ •t t h.-,, . nt ~uat.aon l' A Palit.ky ~ bandkerchid at . t•ITC 'HISO I • ' >, :-;,, l'•·tln• .. , '" ,.. •' ,.: •'I 1•·-~ .. NAVAl Traan- l~';i;:;;:::;;;~;::-___ ,___ --.. .... .: • ... tiJ'' , ...... ,~.. ··-·-··-~-~-C-.-... _ ...... c.._. 'II ... _.... '•' -..1. llf(~~n'~"~ii(\~~.. ------·..,..... ..... ,._ -... ---~ -----· P~:~ aad-U&.u,. ·~-~~·oa. •wa.n~ou•<l'•)' llfellke., r r '!0. r: \l•rtar f fi d~' lltli: to .,......,.. NPWp.>rt t'h•>nC' 620. Hf'~ :)411 J ' I• I I L:llr·· " .... 0 IN' rl'N~n ,,)(' ...,,'"' ~ I l1\• fo,totl t1•4))\ J.htr ' -, ~~ L. •I I ,t;PU~ ttll IU I.I\t l.\. ISI •. -'~P YAl£'!~A~~NDRY ~-· -., ·~~.· ·~··:~. ·..l:.i.:.:.~,: ... .!..;!.:.:. •. :··:~ .~ .. ~~~~: --=~===!M~~ .. ~---------------t-:::s--SH~w.'P~s~=-~~n~a~-------~~~~~~~~~~~====~~~== wte: HOME \\'ASH ..... ll •·l·,z , . .r ·u•n · IW.11!t1 I• I• • 1 • ,!, ,. ll,d loot Ba lh oa Bh H'S Swim ~uits __ ~\\'C'3 t ~r~ -Slacl<~- .. il,lr phaatJ '• ~~. ·~ 'Ia .. . ., .. CLEANINO ......... ,,. .... N _.pnrt Ri,d. OOtJT A ~It:!'< A Boat BuDders "tod& rnll .... na V-1 l!llaltMo l:ari-\..JWII.,._<'f' ,.....l\'ay" MartM llardwa"' ~Moton. THE PEYTON COMPANY ... ~. ---"!-•· .· ' "fJ \' I Ill'< II : "· 1. , .• , :1 :tt\l'11~1\ '1• t '1•1•' h11l ~II \• I tf ,\1·'1';.. .... th h t'. t . • I I "" ,. t t I I 1 • 1 t I·~ ...... t .. ' 41 f I I 1•1 '• t J I ,, ..... ' , ' I I ~ I • k ·' ,., <.:Itt •· I tlll··rr,_t, ., I·'' •1 f !, ... ' 111 I} I•• 11th" '~I I' 1\\cl l l tUII I'IC kl I'" Itt c-t .. ,,._, t .1' o I o Ill • I ' f I • •I '\\'I ,~, \\ I N.ewpori liNt l Jacket s Belts Keds Sox & t he ne w rubbC'r - cnrk 1 ight -Wt'ig h t ShoC's _.._,I.. • • I Ili i ~ .. 1.1 h•l..•'l'" lhtt•ltl(h t h,., L---=.;::,.=:=~~-----J I rhr-notrrrr tt··r'l'{~ ~~··:··'" ~------------..: h·~ h•\ .. f •I • flf> ------''"' \'"' Kt:Ut:n•K \TEO ~J~il:'....':.::,~~~~OC'atf'd high ..... w .. fl .......... !-,Rjj""'5:.,..por I'''Mlt"•'itnJ'""'n1t1'1;~ ··:e· r~ d· 1 '•'-a 11d I• ·:· •rattn¥ dur · 1 ho• " ·'"I ,,,,,., .. 1. nnd Ill sta g · ~ . ';---'! L• 1.tl n .t ... 11JllPf' op •n· • ,, • ,, • 1< ~·,. • " ,. rnnd 14"Ad-l · .: I·• 1 t.. I" 'I' .l" • ·la hli!!hmt-n t 1 t .' 1... ' .... t'l· '· \ N'!Ollrfll('~ 'l ·---;;:-,_... ~J ,., L'. pl\111. ~ona I • I• •' ••• .... ,,,a: •d dan_lnJ., • • • 111 " ·' • .. n neet '" 1 ,. •I I· •• " I ~. dal!S noor I , • ~~ .• , '•nc \ "'' · ~trCoy. the t • " H: "', a.. r,' t-... ·~ " ' pro,·fd .801 I' 'I"• •I I • I .,.,.,, • Full <'OUMIE' l··'·a~oo ,. 7:-, ,,·t ... , 11 aS.O br ,, .... ~, ,, •rat\li: n ..... ~ Rubor Service LAUNDRY ... "'' ll .n.t:'.(~r.u _,, l'hflr.-4:0 \'eltum aod Parchnwnt Stationery, at 3r>C to s 1.26 -~--"Wit!& Ead:!..Stationeq·.,..du·er.-witt)~ aod .no end of .fuo _____ ........... 50c \.. $1.00 to $1.50 Pottf'r)· bo\\'h of \ arinu" Miz.eM and C'Oiono for thf' new flowf'r arranttf'mt•nt.. 50e to SS.OO Goldf'n StalA" hant.l hamnwrt"CC C'Oppt"r ~lft;,.R)' )liotf'y. !, . Telephone 1547 Ill! l'alln Anoaoe. &eaaa 't H I I' ' 8 L A t · ~ Q '. Y t~----------------------~---------------------------~ .- ·'1 1 ' • •'. \I Th\U"'day, July a. t9ft NJI3't'P()RT-BALBOA PRE&" Patrt" 7 ~-OJ' IIAIUIOa DI8'I'Bial' OIIOAIIIIUftONI Tom Kucbel A••'la If~ llaftor aw=..._ ., v-.' •1 Hubbard Rowe, ..,_. GOYm'llor for SRA. · l'.:~.O. !lt•utfquart..n St-ts $1000 (~uuta· For llurhm· Art•a +-----------------·-· -----------· ... t ; BUry Welch. MC.ret.ary. MeeUnp twtoe monthly. Debacle ~?no 'ar., Or ree of.Jiew,_,. ...,._,.Rollin au..., pa 'Mt; Tocly Plummer, MCNt.ary-treuunr. 1ft TbW"8iia~ ot _.., In order to lntonu the public ol the lltllct at&tua ot tbu lJRA, 81ft· ator Thomu H. Kuehel bu pN- p&red Ole folio~ at&tement lJl ex~Uon of the 84t'wtUon: Jlf..,..,. .._.. e-•nx ••'a.._:.,.,. Ball, pawkleot; w. K. ~. MCret.ary. Meeta on_call at apecllltd Ume and place. "To thou who r-.4 the 'record. It 11 clear political ltullfu:auon t011 Governor Ollon now tr .-ert Ulat blame attachee to U.. naajortty ol the IJ&Ulature In t.blll queeUon ot M-..n-...._ ll.OIUJ Oab: John Allen. pruldent; Ma..rtoD c. Nllet. Dodi\.MCnt.ary. Tuelld&y, f :30 p .. m .; at Wh1te'a Pal'k Awnue cat• ''ThoH who live iJI O~aqe coun· e-ta .._N_put ..;..r UO. a.: J. '-lie lt.elfeMen,,..... daat; Howard Gerrtah, aec:retary. Tbur.. 12:1& p.m., Ou. Tamplla .,._ ..,._.. Oub el N-pon ~: b r. Ralpb D. H~ pf'Mkllult; 8am Kin.atather, ..creta.ry. Thur.. 12 :1~ p.m., Gua TampUa' c:&t .. ty are well acqualDt.d with the m4Mrable cllaplay of peUtat'a lnduw· td In by a former Oblon-appo'ntM clireclur hen. That dlaplay can be duphcated Ul hundreda of lllu tnatancea up and do..,. the atate. 0.,_ del Mar a'vac: ANa.: Braden Ftncb, pNeiclent; no.._ Olaoe Poeltto. Ap.,.._ A.ftdenon, aec:relal')l. Meete on call at 11peclfled placle. "Some of u. have ft'll Ul&t the ~mployed had nret rtrbt to ,.. Jlfewpon ctvtc .....-: C. F . Dennllop, pi'Mident; Mn. 11.a1b11 Uef f)l~-.t.d by )'m)r sowrn: Olbeon, MCNt&ry; 'Jitllrd Friday at City Halt meftt; and, foUowiJla that ~. felt that an lntei'Rtecl 1 rocr&m of Lido lale Commualty ANa,• S. A.. Meyer, prMident; R. R. Pat· hand.IIJI& all reHd monlea. to be ed· enon. IIICftt.ar)\ Keeta at Udo clubftouM on call. -. -ntlnbttered by local pMpJe. · ap- DanA tu1.J Vt,..-tm .. l.ounll \'•'lllh I'"'''/: ''" tul '" ol ,, ··t..-•lh•n~t l tuJ Or~tn~to t'<1un tv t•llph•rl'rl<, Kr•• '"'llltlu ' I·•• t•ioll~l•'ll ""'" undt•l 1 apln ht~nli'Ward h••Und. h•tl\'l n.: ••II•· """''"·" Jll1111 ·~ ,,, 1,,. •c,-,1111 1 "MeXII'h \'1ty I•At 1-'rtdlly I'll n•Uli' J>li,.ho·:t ll"""llh , t•'•OI I 1 o•f lhf' tv Santft .\1111 Aflt•r thn-.• 1'\'l'nt \.'IIIIHI :-;,."", 1''1.:·•1111 •lloon 1 ful naont h11 an the l!li'Amln)C JIIOJtlt-s :'\, ... I'• •II ""' I• ·• , h ,, , • .t.ll t h•" ol Bouth.·rn Ch1apa11 wht•n• thl'y pr""""'' l••t I•• ,..,., ·I l'rndl' were Ill 111111 ~lli'('<'KI((UI Ill h•<'lllln.: r ~till\.' tl· l\'11'•' ,,,,,.' !o ..... en ... t the nl.:h·l••.:••ndllr)' "l.c>.llt Cat y {•I ul $11•~• n, • ••lollu., •·• \l.t)'••r-It· the Ma yk,_ ·· 'ttl • : •• ,., lr.!•· 4 :"' , •••• , ,, h, t tt18 " .... " The ~·at~· . .arc·ordan..: tff Lamb. "' I<Jll"••lll • •I ,, • """"Ill•. ••• dmft located III'IH tht' \.:uttiAnutll\11 bttr· til1111• f,tf lltii'IIIJ.: th. 1. II Qll••lll der fiVt'·ntunths' j<•nrnt'y thr"ull h t-:1 h't.·•l <'" llln \'o•l • : .. , .1 ,.,. ,.,,n1• mountauu• .. And Julll(ll" '"""' th" nllll•·•· .II•· I' A l'n "rr 1-J"Irt _,...t pw.nl uf h.abataUvn \.'urn· :-')u_"''.l _J•r IIIIIJlh 11 .. •·l 1£~1,.. ttan. Mt'llli'" Attrr thr.-. munthll' ~l>'fi •'OM 11 J.,hll ,\If, 1 Ja1'"'~ penloua and unii(HTt'llllful ttt"&l'1'h· fluiH•I. • 'l~'n11 Hnll ~·'"' I\ twaf .. t}wr In&' on f•tt~. tilt-l~mbl! charterrd ~; I Ml•••n·. 1111}' UntlllOI·•It Murn~ a plan# ttnd aftf'r O)'lltll ovt'r lhio :-: .... , •,.: ~·,...,, 1-: J ... ,.. 1' Rrnd .. n MCtiOn (1\'t' lim••-11t lAIII •urt'fl!d· Ftltut ll.llt y ltttlrr A B••l'k .c1 In lonUinlt tht' <"tty. ()ut' In the ltllol ll11rr )' 1-:,., n•tlll\\ JUftCie I I'VWth It Willi llllllnlllllhll' to land but frnrn a hra.:ht of :1()0 (et"l the IAmb:< •·••uld ,...., , pyramld11 more ttuan 1110 fHt ll<'n..,., All ..... 11 u othtr llhh<'lltlof\11 111 an "'"'u•nt -t·ivW&aUon. IS.II'Kt:U IS • "\)Oil I Mn< \'•·• l~t••la So I'll ••I R•nlot ''n" """ "''"'t••l\' lu tlt•••l Thur11·1 tin\' ru._:ht u~ r••.Mult ••t u •l•tu•h ''" t ht' A ···ht•,_ H\'fl'lf jtllll~ I,., P l\•fld lll N.Wpwt --8en1ee a.1 -H...()., .:..a.., ,..t .... t; Jack ~t~ ~nty boan:ta """o~fi!Calluelp•·~i.-tfw':r-'ll~l-... ~..tQ Twiat, MCnt.ary. Meela Wedne.clay noon at Whlta'a c:&te, Balbo&. e aor., wouou el m ~ e n' duplication. dlmlniah Uie opportun· thl' •••lla~<t••ll "''"' 1 •1r' q lt'ratNI t!,) ..bJ:I hli>'!!lll.LlJ. J \\~'.~\ CnJ4 A ,f<••h•"""'" ••f ,,.,,,,~.,. ~ ...,...._ Poet !tl, Nnpoft HarMr: lll&rl Bta.nley, eom· lty for jjolltle&l corNpuon. and m&Ddu; Al Oyclunan, adjutant. ut and 8rc1 TIMNap, Lctoa but, what Ia more important. would 16t.b "iDd Bay. \ . can for U.. u nemployed adequate· ly without aubj«Uq them to po· l'KI"TII'~ S I.AI\\ ·llU,\U .. :, ••• ~ .... lt"lh •• hthJ ,.,.,,, ,. t"'rt"C'-4l THt: '1',\~Tit::i'T Cakes • Doaglmats I - All mad .. r lgh1 805 Main St. • • in our own .,hunr 3:! Rnkt•ry Uulboa .,~-----------:---------------... II tical bluda''9ninc. "'''he Olton -:-poeitlon lteeomee ..-dlly apparent when 'One read.l the record. The wrW&tufe 11. un· ""~ hut! 1111 ""'rtyrf<. ""'" 1-xpc•M<I '" ""1''4"'' ••r ,.,.,.n tu tli•llth .,.. • HIIMt• th••y~kn•:w m"r•· th11n lhelr t'full•··rttlh'ruru'"· nnd htw""''" ,.,...._ ... , . +--------------·-------·-·---·-----·-··• ._._. LelkJa Poet U&, C..la .... : Frank Vauctm. com· mander; Gou ·Grable, a<tjutanL lat ·and 3rd Mondaya, 14'oD ball, W. 18th all'eeL 1 V•...._ of Fo ...... Wara, Coutllae Paet: John F. n.ompeon. OOIIUD&IIIkr; FlQyd Hotfard. ·adjutant. 1ft and Src1 ~Po eo.t.a liMa American J..ec1on hall, 1801 atreeL v...._ of For-.ip Ware AIIXWary, O..tH• r.t: Low on.o.,- aoa, pruident; Ella Conrad. secretary. 2nd and 401 Fridaya at O.ta M.. American Le&ion ball. ......._ .• ~de"-. New,..n........_...._ ..... .,.,...., lldl 8mtth; lJ\Wident: ftertlert Thompeon. MC:ntar)l. a.oaa.t M.c~oc~Q. f1remea'a AuWary, N-pon a-da: M.n. Harbert Tbompeon. pruident; Mr.. Ralph Randal, aecret.ary. 2nd Tbund&y. ,..._.a A..od&Uoa: 'Co6ta K-Fire ,.,.,.tllna\, AJ <>tdm. ~dent ; WUiard Minor, aecret&rJ'. Friday .. rune• at nrehall. Newpen ~~&nor Y~t a•: 720 W•t ~Y aftftue. B&1bo&. Ooaa· modore Jamu Guthrie; Secrelllry, Lou.aa W . Bri&p . ... ._ Y.d.t Olub: E: H. Rauen, commodore; T. &. Jo~ , Ttce-<10mmodore;Fred B. Hunte, ,_,.~ our ayatem. the pollcy-maklnJ body. Servtnr thla 11eMion. the lee· lalature aent to the r ovemor'e cieak a bill Mttinc up an lnte,.,.ted re· that bill. 0o¥enOr tO ........, . "However. the r overnor 'a office alated that If BRA were abol11hed after the next rubernatorta1 cam· p&ll ll.'no objection would be made. The ordinary man. may well uk: Why, tf SRA ahould be a bollahed. ahould we wait until after the next election of a r ovemor to do It! ..-,ame attecftelt eftt.irely wttb the man who vet.oerd Ole lepla· ture'a bill. By that veto, we find ouraelvee in our present po~~IUon. Any needa or any man who can't find employment In pnvale enter- priM today-whatever thoee need.l, and bow.oever many the men- rMt, In Ole denial of them. wtth Ole rovemor of thia atate.-Ana· helm Guette. Ka7 CHURCH SERVICES OUJl LAD't' OF MOUJIIT CA ... Ana TEA{'JIIO 't:~ Til l .itAt- Arnculturr.l intl'ro•rts Mrf' r hrt'r· InC" ovt'r thl'ar 1111'• "~ In JC!'ttlnK that a boy I'll n Wt)rk fur hill tatlw'r nn the farm "llhnut l'(l'ltlnlf lll'f· mtulon fn-un ttlr 11•·huol a ulht>r I· ttra. That prnh11bly ut ..omf'lhan" t•l d!Hr about, but ""'P and thmk about It a IIIII<' "•'· oond marvf'l that In a C'ountry .... .,,,., wu built on Olrlft a nti lndu~tlr) th~ i411X'Y of so-<-all~ ··,.o•·aal tt'fnrm" c•tuld be ~llowt'd h > loll' *' far that In th• m tf' o,. Callrr,rna" lht' braku have bfot'n pulnn jfi,. r~ boys and firht 111 ",.r1< 11nd •arn lo au<'h an •xtrnt that a f•rmf'r wall no( "';en trrr f•• r~ul,... hl!l own 11011 to wu~k •trl 11111 uwn t~&rm ' The law 11tlll 11lltnds with rt'f· erenc• tn romm~n·•al wurk y ,,u have to atep softly wi,.A f'mpi•IY· lnl a manor. It 111 1'rttZ)', at a.a II· logical. It Ia unjuMt. ~t 111 ainu~•! anythlnc you want '" call at. but there It Ia Betw .... , tht> lttn~t:·haar· ed old maida ahd h ..... ,.., .. ,.,. of lhr atalf' achool 'nd I'IK'lat' •rJtantza· tiona, plua aome ot tbt" labor linlor111 the law wu fixed t.o mot\e It u l ,. '""' ""' ~till '''"'1111\· "'"'1\1\l'f'd "' r•~ •'I' ,. 1 ht• I nat Ill< "hi• h tiT•y • tlfllllllllllf"l(l.-,1 t\o'f'follhlll! I<> lht' nrfllllllry l'tlllr"'' uf »lf~tlr• II (I'W 1(\'IIC'fotlh•IIK I'IIIIJI IIWa )', "11<1 lht'll trut h~ llr•• 1• .. 11..•'<1 "l">tl 11• f'nnt· 111"111'111• •' 1111'11<. 1111d It hlllr ll\lf'r. tll••n• •·onw,. llll .. lhf'l' l"'rt•>d. In "'hl!'h Ill•'\' ftr•• •l,.•·lnr!'<l tu bt' 11\'<'<'I<I<IIT'\ IHitl 1'\'f'n lh•• •htll,.,t In· ll'llo>•'l" ""''lif'r h••"' ,.,,.v rnuld •·•···r tuf\ •· h•·•·n ,,.,,,,.., Thl11 1w •\;hilt hlll'l"'"" wh"n thr human JIIIIIC1 til llll•l\\f'd t" hl\\'1' fltlr pi&)', In lhr u• • tlllllllntlotll Al!ll llllfuJIIun nf k not"'l•·ct~o:•· If h.,w,.,·~r. hy vln· ""'t ft't1d-"ltwref·ttk by arllfk•lal. lliNI liM t hi I' o<ll m•· II< •<'I t' I y Ill pn'· ""'110'(1 rr .. ua f'Xrn·a~tan~e "" tntf'l· ''"''· th->n Ill# lnaltUI, tu.w.:, ... r 1m· l••rlllnl lht•y IIIIIY hi'. r an nt'Vf'l' ht-l't'l'rlvo•tl Ft•r Wh\• llht~UIII l'f'r· lAin tnath11 llf' rrjl'f'lt'(! In """ a«• 11nct •• knu'\\ ll'dltl'd In antllher! Tlir ln•lh» l'<'llll<lll th .. aamt' their ultanHtll' r• .. ·ue nallun muat, there- furl', I~ lhtl' t.o 11 • hltJ)y• In thf' IIO· l'lf'l y "hh·h nuw arrf'Jltll "'h"t It h•uJ b<•funo dt'IIJlli'"(l Ht'nry Thom· •11 Hur kll' 1Jbt·l862 1 In tht' "H UI· t•?fY nt ClvlllzatiM In P:nrrnd." 1'-~· -· --• - Far Y•r Halldeg ~hear DOMESTIC' and .... IMPORTt~D I~U~l'Oit'-', ' WINt.:S and Rt:t;R AT Carl's Newport Tuaa Club: Ed Groen~ndyke. Jr .. prMident; Mary O.v- --.. aecretaey. Meel3 at Na\l.oport Haf'bor Yad\1. club o~. _ CA 'ltiOuc -oliUIICB ,. dl ff lc Ult &a .pc.a.lbie for )'OWIC w••• Ia ••••• Aaa ..... UCII IIAII8&'IT'8 SOl PALM RAI~A , Newport Rubor Trap 181wotJ.ac Club: J. Harokl CaldweU, pnal· dent; Mra, Jeanne Hoard, secretary. ,._t..T-=~~er A..od&UOa ft N.-pon IIAittor u .... IIIP llcMol: Mr.. E. S. Dulon, prealdent; Mra. Fred Aabman, aecnt&rJ. HJab echool caleteria, 7:30 p. m. Tueeday. "-t-T~r '1 .. CIC:.auoa ol N-pon. ~ o,_,. M...: M.n. Lee Trane, preaident; M ra. Fay &necJct. secretary. Tturc1 MOD· day at Klndercarten room. "-l-T~r ~1&Uoa of <;oa&a M-: Mr.. Ounntnc BuUer, prealdenl; Mra. Olla Weatherwax, secretary. Fint Tueeday at Oram· mar ~I auc11tO~f!:. 2 :30 p. m. Oo-onU-atar CounrU of se-.port ~r: Goa Grable, pl'Ml· dent; Gladya l!ldack. secretary. ~nd Thui'Bday at HlJh ec~t. S.. Scout.: Harry G&rtler, aklpper ; Conatant.I.D FUnk, llnt mate; lllacll Weda. eve, 7·9 o'clock, Ameracan LeciOn hall. 15th and Bay. 'Girl MartaeJr."-ctire-<sum~n. aklpper; Ul& Merritt, nrwt mate; 1ft and 3rd Thur.. p. m.'e at hi&h achool; 2nd and 'th MondaJ n-. Boy Scout but. Bo7 lleout,w. Ne\\'J)Ort Harbor: Harry Rae, Bcoutmaat.r; J'nday, 1 p. m. Scout Hut, 1~01 and Bay. • Olrt 8oou&a. N-port Beacb 1'roop: Jotr.. 0 . M. Brllcoe, leader; Mila MarUI& Flaher, co-leader. Grammar school klnderwarten room. •c:b Wednaday afternoon at 3 :30. -·~ Ooeta M-Oraaee, 81%: H ugo E. Belau, muter ; Mr.. Roberta Rapier, aecrelllry. 2nd and 4th Thur!!day, 2204 Newport Blvd., C. M. • Rev. P. J . BI:.ARY, 'Pn.-t Sunday..._ at 8 :00 ;o:oo and 11 :00 a . m. CIUU8T CHU&CII BY '111E 8&A (c-•.aty M~&) 1:. D. GOODELL, Mlnlater Sunday echool at i :SO a. m. Two Sunday momlnc auvtcee. at 8:30 and 11 o'cloclt. ' 1 :30 p. m.-lntermecliate and .-boo!. ~ -. "" chureb. 7:30 p. m.-Evenlq Mrvlce. nJUJT CHUIICII OF <JIIIWIT, 8CI&Nn8T 112 l:ut Central a venue A branch of The Mother Cburch, The Flr.t Church ot Chrlllt. Sclentiat, In Bollton, 11 ... Sunday echool at t :30 a. m . Sunday aervlce a t 11 a. m. Teatlmonlal meettnr aach Wed· naday at 8 p. m, Readinr room, 118 Central ave .. open daily 1 to 4 p. m. except Sun· daya and holidaya: The public 11 cordially Invited to attend and uae the ~n&' room. H-~-lea Dept. of eo.Ja Meaa O,_.e. ell: Mra. Fred Brace, chairman; Mr.. Harold Eddy, aecretary. Second and 4th Tu•· da,. at bomea of members. Costa Mesa Churches ---c.&a---... -.. --Jied--C-1'<*1--:-W-.-L-. -~-un1-e-,-. _-cha-.-L.-rm-!'1:-.rt -"x...;~~·;=:-"'1 o.ta ..._ e ••at&J a...dll VW., aec:retary. 4th Tuesday~ at o.ta Meaa 1 ·-tl I J , 11a•l} EIMIII Club of Newport Beach: Mn. Susan B, RuOierford, pr•l· dent; Mr.. Roy AnderMun. "!··cretAry. 111t and 3rd Thur.day a t J:bell clubbouae, 616 Eaat Central A<YU B&lboa. Newport Hart»or Women's Aa100C1&tloa: ptwldeut; Mn. ftoy--Ltn~~"~at.. Ebell cfiilihouse, ~ts·w;-central, Ba1bo~ Rev. Alfred C. Abbe, Mln11ter Phone 311·J Sunday, t :4& a. m. -Sunday acbool 10:46 a. m.-Morntnr woratup. 1:30 m.-Younc Peoplea Ep· 7 :SO p. m. -Ootlpel service. Bustae• and Prof~ "oaaaa'a O ub of NN~rl 'liartter: Weda., 7 ;30 p. m. -Midweek Mr.. Vera Miller, pruadenl, Maldred Lockhart. aecnt&ry. lat and l rd MI'Yic:e of prayer and pralle. Tbur.day&. Tbun., 7:46 p. m .-cholr re· -----·----' ]lear.al. P'rtclay AfWmO(lD dub of (.'-ta M-:-Mni:-Ratph..Y•et.::-tHP'IIiitaiK~-......_., ..... _.. ~ot_ Mr.. Burlln Lankford. !lecreta.ry l!'t a.nd 3rd Frldllya. o.ta M-. ------------- · womea•a Sodety of Clultltl&a Mfl"lce, ~.-pan~: Mn. Mary Stanley, prellident; Mra. Geo. Horner, aecret.ary. Second Tueaday, 2 p. m. at aoclal hall uf Christ Church by Ole sea, • w-·• ttoclf'ty of (.'llrtiiU&D Sen•tce, C..ta Me.a: M.n. Ward Pilley, pruldent; MMI. Ma ry Bennett, aecretary. 2nd ThundaJ at aoclal hall, Collta Mna Community church. , w-·• CllrliiUu 'tem.pe~ Uat011 of Newport ..... : Mra. Flora ae.t~ preslc'lent; Mre. Lalllan HaU, MCretary. 4th WldneaclaJ at bomea of member.. w-·11 ChrtaU.. Tempe~oe Ual011 of Ooala 118a1 Mr.. Mln.aie V. Relcl, pret~ent ; MI .. Suah Conant, aecretary. ~ l'nday. . ~ w..-.•a aettef (:Orpa of e-ta Meaa: Mr.. Blanche Ku,Ja-. ,_.. dent. Clara, McMurtry, t~~eCret&ry. F an t ,and lhJrd Weclnud&y. AltiM llodetJ. oar LedJ' of Mo,aat OUpMI OethM1 ~~ 11n &rthW' Donaldaon, pruidt'nt: Mr.. H . J. Coomea, MCNt.al7.,.,... or... da,. at rectory, 1423 W. Central ave.,.Newport ~ ----~----~-----llfiiT"JII-~. Oar lAdy ef ..... o...el ca•art ~: a J. Rolllna, capt.aln; Morran Leonard, MCretu)'. a..ond ...... , at CllaUrc:ll,•ldO w: Central ave., Newport ~ lc:•. , Sunday, t :10 a. m. Sunday ecbooL ClaMrea ._. all a gela. 11 :00 L m.-.Mbrnlnc wor.blp. f :00 p. m.-cru.aaden. 7 :00,p. m.-J:venlnc aervtce. Tue.lay, T:IO p. m .-Mid-,-eek MrYac:e. Tll~y. 10 a. m . -Prayer I'MeUnC· hiiO..,... ~ -Jif ....... Bift l'l.ev. M. C. Cronic, Putor Suada~ ae~ t :ta a. m. MOI"'dJW WOf'llalp, 11 :00 o'doclt ~ Mn'klM, 1:30 p. m. ..,.,.. meeUft&',. Tueeday III'V· ... 1:~ p .... ....... ..-rtce. T'lhtnday,. T :10. ...... ....,.w .. . a.... .. m.tlt ...... w ..... St. ,.,.. • .,. ......_ aawl'day, t :ao ~8af'Ykla,.11Lm. Wat I r ~~~~tat .moe. I.;a Phon .. 891 SHELL STATION ---------------------- folb to wor k. PraAkly. "''~ d1d nu t know It had ~:<me AO far "" l.t• makt' It neceuar\' tor th~ farmers to puah an anlf'tldtnt'lll lhrnu~th In rr· llt've them ·•f llabahty \O'Itn rt'llpi'Ct , ............ 81 I I I IIIII l,e<MUJ IIJ'l'tq(X«.XXX IICXX>O<XXXXXlOOCXXJC..C,_ .... ._. YOIJ& IIEADQUAJn'Ua to their 0" " It 11t1ll a.• lll't•euary fur It fArm· er to prttl•·· 1 hlmftt'lt a(tlllntlt tho• children nl Ius emploY""'· A J."'r· 1 m1t mu111 I·• a<'q ulred c•r t'll\t' lhf· premiM! ""1~t be pcoottt'd a~e .. anlll 1 "unlawful ••~tlployment o{ muaur11": OPEN NIGHTLY ~~ · f UNTIL 2 A W . ffl fUf,Q, 4 Wcll.. >uJJ co ahud and 11uy We are "'"•ut out or word4-that woulrt •'· rh~ the aatuallnn and at tl.t• '·""'' t1me be allowt"d tu pr.!lll uu ... t,:h lhe mall11 2920 W. Central Newport 8'11JDIO CLO ~~ 1llld-Daaclag ON THI CLI, OVIJILOOIUNCi BALBOA BAY ',.,lflflf' v c' ,.,, t 1\• \t'" .,,,.~,., Wt '" tlr d ntf'll think thlll Uat• cmtlan,;' JJrllll'ljlle .. ,. tht' l 'mto'<l Stall . 111 theM lat,·r }'1'&1'11 nii)Cht bt' c•r ohlld .. ·d an tht' nwtlu "Tf'llt h Marine and Balboa Balboa Island ENTERTAINMENT 'em :., l•11tf .. LaHal1ra Slltr 1 ------------------~ I Two edentif'lc facton edvence tM Road Pniormanct Ratm& of the ntW Shell Ouolin~ to an all· time hich: l.tt It reflne4 wttt. the Selu- tl._. Preceu ( U.ell r••••rcll l• .. •r•terlet' P•tent Ne. 2,i49,a7t). Thl• tt•.,. ...,.. fo~nco .. ,. ,.,...,,,., the "pre-lutedr ............. . • • They squeeze Petroleum to &et better oran&e juice Jn oranlf" ~rrov,.,. .. a It"" 111 "ltl)f'll• •I" 111!•• lrrl· ~rataun wat,.r "'"' r"" "'" t,, ""' ''"''" .,r 11101 .., tr-til m11kr hu:~e••r, otW.f"'IPr, )111r 1• r ••ra''l""· llf'rau ... ~~'••·nt1~t• "' lf.,•"U""' ro11, ,,f 1•,.,,.,. ~=~= --,.__..·a..rr. I:J.tOO~~- "lltJU"'lll'd" & l"'l r"lt•llltl )Cilll IHool i!"l hy•l r"l(''"• Till• thry rtmot.ttwol w1th nit r··~··11 l•• milk<• ''.II· o-llrnt frrttliJ•·r· I Sjkll S 11,1). Simple! Hardly that. Nur w...-.lt ~lmrl,. '" 011mbono: the rtllhl m~rlr•rulra r, 111 ~~·lt .. l• 11 m anti. make l ynlh•·tie ntlol,..r, vlv•·• 111w, r t t•l(). 2. Th~,.,... c ..... , ..... Mekea It ·extr• rich In -..c..,.evn4a ........... --octwte-flrtt ,.. .. tlucetl c....,.erclell,-.. ,. lhel tdentlatt to tl•• AmtJf'tca 100.. . ectttne evt.tlon t•tolne. Your Shtll d • atrr nQW haa 'nn~~ ~-:;, Solutittd Sht II ( 11t r~ular "' ; pnct ) and Sh,.IJ P ttmlum-/'1, / l try a tankful t.od•yl ' • ~ .\ -· --. ... I I I I l •, • • --. IIID-WEEJC £DITIOIII .· ~y ',, a w1m 6oin I ee to Reeotn~ . Hu Enoqli Allo!fed BaT, • tt lar"KW" ~ P'flfl'~rty ownent. :tcor 11 ppointed b)f t tht-Mty coundl 3urned ,,-to. ive ' I t' .. tl,.nr"' C'Oatpiet.o ~ m1rv1n« wtwt" Ule ••·•••rrtMt. 1 ,...,. ... . tall! the f'hlld' ... ' "I' In .,. nraJ fllaoee. '"l"•rt"tt nrwt. .tee• •l,...:r,.o• hum• .eaeEit-- or Boys' ··lding rt~,, flll trit't Ia th• ,,,....,.rt t.r111«"' and louanrtl t.y th .. N~­ ltrll II ••f t tt .. ()ran«• '"" t~••uc wbJcb l'lnl'lll'la v. July JtU.. ,,.,. ....... ,.,,. (iom- H l!tll<m C'luhh<N~t~~, ... .Jiii. ltulldln« •tn1rtur-: whlrh ta lar! "'' dnllrr the ' ""'"I AMilrtance a t (''*" M•...._ 'ntH n In f'h"rlfe ot a Mr•. J ohn rarke n "'htlttnn to the l'alnJC Ntyll'll In the lhrrf' Will be both U• I l10n hrltll(ll with .J tahlr fnttlcatbl&' whkh lhtt affair a th .. N'JlOrt todllle """" hC'f'n feiii'Yed ' -btl AJitJI, •. t llr IIIII rtf hand· 1V'II W IIJ ~ tt\nte prf7..,.-to 1M! award-,, ""Kr&m .. at ll~rty Ia a b.._ .lfonfl o f I(OYe,... '"t th .. tncreue <81 WU1t0n, ' .... Harbor B. BoUcl Pia Acti'ritiet Announc·,.me tor Newport I Proteaalonal \\ lowlnlt .Mnno11 tM board wiU on Balboa IIIII Runday, Jul Jill~ to t!lr t._ bonvmUon at H.otel In l..c,. "foiiC*•in~t \\'et &ealn tnk,. pr pea confrrea Newport. Hr men will bt' &o..rth•~ D111l lerroce ~ ~ LA«Uoa ~ac·t aouneement • Jlftnln« July Lacuna •111 • h Wo·kro Awnue at 7:1 eona will be b .....una. llembetll ol eGDvene July lira. Vera Mil alt.adlftl llot cll)8d 1...« k hart. lbeta. Hela 'Wae.ot-. l rf'llt' I Olf" 'llnt v. Oorc Cornwall, ud Pint Bb11a IUrry Hill ~·brat,.d One klrle f'IU). da:r cab •'«' ,_.,.y Of -.-ot Je ..... ot B&lboa er.ct tor a N-lel ..... ~ Balloona •• .S. the HUID I'IIINIII.mmta• 1M and aua•e -..-.o-w a-rt. w.,. ~ anclllr .. -t.~ ... '. . . I Pap8 NEWPORT-BALBOA. PR10>S. Thura9&y. July ~ 1941 • Noitu · ":..~:~€::.~~~:~~:. :;;:: "' ..... """' ... ~. •'""'.i ~T~!!~ l!!! 0 •uo. WlU. OJ:l.JVER. Mra. H. I Mn.. Juanita Wrlaht n.tcJMr 91 R. OunU'p, 20IIb Santa Ana ave .. 600 Beconla avenue, Oorori&._~ Coeta Me ... Phone 1089-J. 17tt1 Ma r, l~>ft Iaiit week vii Pan .Amer- -. . J t<.'lln airway& for MexJeo • Qty liOMI.: FUBNISJiiNGS wh•·rt' s he w11l MPfnd the aumm~r. 11 I )olnt>.l th~> Ca lifornia State 1 1 turn.-\.1 ~er~en with envy w tHIII· \\'ANTED _:Ho~-;;;.;-by the t;uuru and a'll thr ~y said. 1t'a l lnJ: Drutc~tlat Lonnie Vln«nt am.t hour. 1~ A(ate ave., BaJOO. Ia· 8 CVBJC-FOOT aER\'EL G.AS re-uf the.. faculty of ~n tc:~t tnaerator. f~ .. year~~ guara.J)f.y. S1111ta Ana. wu ieted at a number $80 d1tc:ount. E Z terl'JU!. Balbo& uf farewell part1e1 and eocial tunc:, ----· l~trs. Flt>tcher, who il a mtmber Furniture Store, phone H~. lluns prior to her departure. llbnut lime' Enlt.sl~ll Fteld.s. Wan· Contractor Gordon Findlay funr-land. 17U d•·n~ Tornonce and Karc-hrr corner -llunlng like old troupen. And \fP:S.IOI'i" 'li"IT IIAr:IWR DANt"E AT l' AC:.'HT CU.:II Balboll Yacht elub memben are plannrn,r a tutn¥ Fourth nf July da~e to becln Thunlday. el·e- nlnl and end .ametlmt' FridAy mnrnlng Th,. llf'mt·Connal ~tfflllr wrll ~ h•lll 1n the orl(antutlun'l rlewly-cumplt'ted r lubhoUAt' on Bay Shore ·4lrlve, t..o.l SerranUI Donat orcru,.tra pnwldtNC muale ,,r th.l" ll<'Nlllt.on Rufft'l r~upper w II bt' ""rved i.t 1 a. m . Mo ,,,,J Mr1< Adulph•• !.lt>njou. •\'i*l •·•· T~ .. ..,luJ,., \,,.,.. WP4ikl'nd f::lu'"'" •·f Mr rwtJ Mrs. UP<11'1(t' C'unvN••· ·•'"'"'" t hl' C"unv.-rk )'II• hi Jllll olll•kll Th·· ''"' ty 1111\<.11' II• h•·htl(lllot ll• 1 ut ="•·V.J~·•l llnr· h .. r \'11• Itt ,j,,,, "h•·•·· Mr l'un· ··d IIIU behtn<f "the ell hall the r-orJll' Hurner. a CUQI plaCOun oler· LOST A1(D FOUND ,,.,11, day and atrtp~ away my gl'ant, r;>llll.y knn\IFII h~l atuff I \'t' ---~----~-_ WHITE SEWING MAVHINES-- See WI for rapaln ·and rebuild·! , .. 111 ~thbl fur nJt gettfnc "Jn. ~tvt tu get goln,r or 111 end up m WST-3 mon. cocker tht> Army restAtn'llnt departmt'nt Answers to "Jerry." a pan lei. Reward. .l)p t 1 "aa a pa1nlt'S.S pro<· all.!!. L lkt• I"'' Ioiii: a bttiiOIIII Y .. u kn•.w. dt>·hldl"'t .II,Pudll. ~t't' Pre811• SJit'akiiiJC of (nod, J hopo• tho·y -------------- lllUIII(n Mt•at Speclall.at L<.~•un rd t'OK SALE Ina. ~rae a lock new and uaed tA.-~~ roi&Chlnea always un hand. 317 W . Fourth, Santu Ana. Phone 1261. 1:lt10' \'t'l !'•· '"' ~\hi t lltiiiiiH..<tu lt· ,\II ••ady I ft•t•l bt'tto:r It nuokeJI A f.:'~ l<ond ur pruud tu knuw h4!'~ ,;:;:,·inK h la city. hll state and hla IJcoRord to " aupply unit. Th111k f•f tM llwf'llllte&kl he can pick out forUM ... And we'll aiWIIY• hal <' • "'t 1-:-,. The Prew only 11.00 a y•ar. A FEW NlCE BED ROOM SETS. See our Used Cars -Before \ \\,., ...... tl""'" ut U»l natl,•n I ·A.. ne\A.; S"RA ... &quip. fOI' ~ dllt'k!f. S3t60. Ex. retMI lllliU . Or can furnlib your home com- plrte, eUl'.terd1s. ::iave~o.ne-ha.U. Lut;r'a Fum1ture, :.uo Spurreon tu•'i \\,,.._ t ht ,.~ •·ru uf t ,,., • 9lt i ultl d "'h''" "'' J:'l\ • n (l•t Mt ,. f :w• rulu •1nt1 Mrs J . Hannon, llC1 1 A 1, 111 ,., 1· • ;1. "" ol• "11 .. ''" Jq.l\ 'J :--t• ,..,., Sr\\·p.•rt . .a rt·· •·n}•'Y'"¥ 1:! ·' ~~ "'. 1 '" 1 "' \\ .d "'''1 ·•• ''' t •f •:o urMe. lh••r•'lt ),.. s .. mt• ltlf'RI ,c.;. fOr our ~er .jJJnce &'t. H• .-J "'"'"' who """ 1 J•ollll lh•·. hl•nw l and Bt•b Wllll11m• have jolll• d up '""' Thf'rt'-n """'''~ IJ>' drart-1 I heard tell of a naval lu 111• h d••h:•·ns lind l;w,nl~:"h1lu wks 1-'ur-of lht• C:uard h<!}r\i form• ol Tlw t 111a h•ly fur t h•· l'ror lt•d ~tate,.; ,.,, r111t1n~ otrio'•·r wu al'•un.J I•> Ft ll-t 'SALE-New kailnd ~ j uni(H' elf-. Martha Moore, 182 ,\ lbt'(t plAce, C()llta Meaa. 23c at .. Sant4 4na. 1tt. , --------~·-I Tlt.AOE what Y•lU don't want !or You. Buy! :• ··''' ftun1 thl\r ""-'" Knd d r&UI(h·l ,f th• I • d 1 •• 11• • l't• '' lu"• h•·••U t•. cn·lflv., )fr. and Mr" J10 ck Har-.~ .... ,.,,,,1 11\lh• J•ol u. 1, t'•• hto!-· r•••n of Sl\n Ft~~n(.'IS('o, and • •,, . ._., .. M1 fl.·• \\'.ot, ...... '"'" M l'~ tl'\lllfhll'r, Mr" Clydf-A l~tf'r o~ J :. .. 1o, '" \Vu I'"'' I•' • J•'"' II\" 'I" 1••11 Ani;l'll'll Th•· JU"'"' llarmolUI •· ,, 1·, 1.1\• .. J 11" t.. "' ,, • 1'\t•: ro~t · I h••\ r,. In lht' 11'10"111 )' ,....,. m•· tb•• uthtlr day, b ut I t,.Jd • If .fhe httlo· '""II ··f :-.: .. wptor .hllll !:" It tho• llhootlng •! orl~ I 1'1 IR S ALE-rComplete UAil tank• 11, Ml'll llhJI\Jid ~-:•·! ll.J. I!••..J-IoHokm.: """ lu r;;:t'in t.•na rtnna ,. •J the PIJ>t' 3 bu~ner Protane stove with 11t• r•· f1nurr th•· lt•!lll terr• 1 Dry · uv.-n. $15.00. See Hit chman. ph. what you want. Rt1orer J'urnl· ture Market, La.rgPSt stock of Uaed fur'ntture-In S~anta Ana, 1202 South Main st., phone' 4188-W. ' 49tl l ' o.\'1'~ TUI'MiaY~ , '"' ol•' I• ol '" 'olllrt)! Mr find lt!frrt \\'o.Jt"l Urarll• v of • " I II • • 1 .. •• h J••tl ~ I~ ~Arh v.· ... r·· ~Ur)flJt y jtUeal8 ltj ,,.,, ..... t I•· I htUt , .. I ,,, .. ut uf lTMTO~ Bl'ILT MA'I'TRES8~~~ r·ua SALJ:,.,..HecondJuoned wuh· Httt.D tti'!T~L roua ow· II• • k •·aul(ht 111 lh•· "·" thrn·ll be lund t .. r ,,... 16Jii .ur 2047. 16 1•1• • 1 }' of 'm•·n "tJ,.JI r•·.:rl'l lh<'lr 1 ... :... u! lrlUJU.ll)!. Gu \'" ~Jlu u:un 1 . '""" m,..l "".,.,.... )fnndll~ -~1 -.t er11, lawn mowen. All k!nda of MATfllE8S MADE ~TO AN _ .• ALL CARS MUST BE :--sOtD! ~ hnmr uf Mr-< l-1uN'II<"<' Tor· o~wn rru '" 11 •1 1 .. ,, I• • I" r"'"' kr ... " lh~ daff••r••rh t• bt .. l \\'l•t•n th•• 7 '!f) v •·lt..-·k ~··"Cl Mond •.. r•·patnng. Fixit Shop, 2200 New -~ atrn:t ;-.; .. ,. p<~rl. ·"·r• Mr.>C t '"" I'" 11-l ,. "' H:JI -----.&)i:tf:.:ru;l;.:. :..'T'o-.lrr.A.W,..nt•r and l''nuok C'hl\llt·r· Iii • • ";r ~(,":: TT '.....-g.,l( (',"""" • J• ot .. r 111 .. !'I•IIH~I a·IJ nnJ th" trvonl! uut th,. pavement -t.o•1M<Tr'tt't tlw lh "ti'e"' t~H-·1-<T•• f7'ir '"lrrlllTlfj!-1t ytlh lih<l...--t~~.\61;;&..+--~-. .. ....,_.,_co .. ' . . L'N •A~T: t":l •·~''" J'•' V' tht• un•t •·onH! llO , .r \f••n· l.t•t M•·ndll)'~ tlroll otllht' l;rum· doy Jll)!hl Clr tlrup In at t•,, ="•·\\'· ton vuut4'd fn~nch at s..uth 1'1\aa· •t•·l· M 11 ckna llut mutw...-k H , I T ., ,,, '"'"'' r lla ii•M I" 1•1 'rJ ......... 1 v.as tl.trnv<l tnl<•rUl· l'••rt ll11rh"r C'hamber ,,f C••rn· t-"1:-o:E S ELECTION BIBLES. Com-Wryt'enrt. Ml\l'f:dl'nu m•·ml,..rA '·" o1 , • d• ''' 1•1111 M 1 ~ •rv. u•t. lrllv•· of 8anta Ana art' ph;nn111~" l>t•AI'!'I ,, t •u o. ol I•• 111 ,l'ool .. A It" v.ht·r•• rnrty anct wwner b"k" 11t c· .. ,..on'\ th•, •"··uot···l :<hnr .. r<t ,,,t,•·r~tll' ~....... 1 h ou:rttanu. a v.· .-rd a.,. _piAqt~t•~<. 11,. Hut 111_,. f,.,., ,.10,,. ott• 'trouble. ow·n •· t llrtlll: I e week ~ r rnm· h • " I t I I Scrrpture J(rl!el.lng C~l'dJI RIICI I ol\•<'<1\'f'rt•J th• \' w .. uldn't l'Oup· I' ''1'' 1 ,. nl l4 lo;lftll. Th£' Scnpture Houl4e. 117 •·r •!o· Wtlh noy rmnd My-frn.t I'··•'JI Vuur J)o\\der dry I· ,,. and E. 5th, Santa Ano. ph. MJJ I. tk-1 Mar rti'XI T\.o.->'(ltty ,.,.,.111111; lo11 11o1o; 1 t.. 1• I I• lito tlll'rr 111111 tl,..>~tt-ro~wa .... 111 l'xatrr~mrta· I'll !ll"l'"'''ll!l ru>xt w~l'k M118 C"lllln• l'lt tml'l•ll. 2fl• C'••lhllll 1 •·•I:•· fo.o\ 11 r.: J.lk.ll pi•• ,. )U!<I avenut'. BalboA lalltr.d . II' l'ilnfiO· rnur I" I lor "I" IIIII~ ••I "'-hWI I IIlii .c1 to ~ ~me with a Mvere at-~ S.•pl~"''"''· AJ h•r r••n••Wlrtl( ..... tack of ltnWI mfK itnn. flton rut ... , .... ,. "till ll/11 (,.Jr frknci>~ ••••••••••••••••' 111•l "'"'''~' 1111••t l~ "''h Mr" BALBOA }SI..AND (IS t.ASil RRF.t:'/.P:) 28·· I"'·""'""'" hlll't• 1\N;n "" i·): .. llr mR KENT • •-' l11 • •'Z•'• 1\nd tmy th•· I '·I 1 lu\·e FUR RENT F'urnl&bed home. 1141) to annQ\Ince 'M\e Unlq~ Coetume J-eiry nrvf'd by hand of the • H o ~by Houw, ..... of aueh- .--da u : ~ from New Guiner1 -. Ve...ulioa from &J. America ~. a !tf.exican Uahocany w.ant. Maple. 8)'C&IDOI'e ud ~)' .......... tad u u aclu.tve U.. at tiM new rSlHBitfHS BALBOA ISLAND • I• Ioiii. ~I t I MMO ·''' fc~ ;oml wtll rf'fll,lln ,,,,til .ort-\V. 19th st., Cotrta Mesa. Phone lh• Fuurth uf July , • lt•lot~JIIIIIl 643. ~ l7t2c Ill•) 1\ .tl•lrvn fur ul~toUI lUX 111"nlh11 1 • :O:u•• !'1111th ()( lt~o· 1,, ou.ok. 111, ,,.. ruturr '"'•!o:••r, ou; h .. :..otl•·tl lu>C t Prulut · n."' l'"l'·•llt nn rhann••l t•l on<l f'n· '""·11'11 th•· Lu11in.-f•Jr H "nolulu t••rta11o,.t1 With ,, hnu~· 1'·""' ol't'r ,, twre hi" wrll vo~lt th•• youn~ Frt>d "'"' "•·•·k•·nd c :ftNllJo "" 1 :ng the Ito• o•OI krtd 11\)lt'l fl !t•ndJ! lht'rt• llffatr \\t•rP .I1111P n to k• \' .Jrt('lc, \\ th hurt ht' lt••k hlr4 l'urfbuurd. ~ • kl•·r. lfnwnrol Mn~·' ':<ilnOk!l" "''' Ill!!'• phu~:t r .. o•nl• r lhl' nulrtj(· H•H·IIt..:l'r H0\.1 01ck•' E.i\'lh E . RENT mmts.l 2~ l.,t:.nd. Rooms nnd Agate avt'., Rllllrt· Ball)na 17tf 1-"<>J-t RENT Rm. ur rm. & hd. By wk. or .mo .. ·July wrlh lll't•f cpk'. tvh. Ph. Newpt. 334-M. 18c "' 1"''"" """''~, •. r Jt,,,.,.,, elL" (H• I • luh v-.•·111• u .til• rut.·~ t h•· un •• • " '""11 ~' ... ,.,. ftfllf" ,,, lh•· Soulh••n l ••~lr u t .... •,Jt·t u tlun f'r'f \\ .,,.,. 11 .. ' I• a I•,. ••· I• I ,,.,., \' ...... "k n l '.... J t·ll· ,,,. •• ,,~ th~•!'t" \\hll :oro.u.~;.J.!.! lo" k •1·• • mi ·'J'l"•tnlrurnt- "'''' M11• s .. , ... , M ttu th•·rr .. rd. t'"'~'"l' "' , r :-.;,." , ... , 1 u,.,., h t~bl'll a.:··r .~1u~e•t.· "'' , • .._ .• t \\'dlktkt wht•r.• K lV<etJr: .Jun K t•tr hau. I.'''·' \'an FU ft RE~T -~ml.Ahf'ld llh 1-tlo'l'/t hn• Fn••l H~t·f' hR!I bt-t'n llnll Bill 133nvnrd ""' lho• h•lll· room. "llh vr wtthuut board. <.i.:ntlt•· no3u prefel"red. Phone 2021-\\'. lull. v. "" ""'"~ na 11o•••l tll~l rt• I c-h rtlr · u •n uf •·rnt•l•·nuc • .rul "•··•lit (llhc-r otfll•t•r>o fml'llill• of IIIIo: fr.,nt l hf l"rl•or .on'~< 1tnd ('.,~!" "''''" Wl'rt! \1,..,. r M 1'\o>,okllo~. Mnc Rnbert rt"' ' rut ~t t • • • l\1 I •·• v ,, mn!IIJ.: rn:t:t)' uL th\' rli<'•'" tht'rt'' tl'>lll HuP ~mtth '" hta ,,..., n uul ro~~··r uwoe I Tht• Jnc-k Bnye,.,. 1rt .... '(! at ,\lt.,r th .. Mllllll••·r·'lwul!'•n. J•nt '111"111 1 """"''"') Ray Tue.td:.o• .lll<·rnoonJ l'•••bably t•nler ''"'"l' .wort of w ork whl'ro· lh••Y will 11pt-nd t • m .. nth of od Honolulu J uly MIAS Oo n ll Thunti'"''n· Mr rcotary Th4> Mnrrl!l Pht'ni'C• w•ll <>c't'Upy '" Donald Hea• h Klrhy, WI' II· t h .. ~ .• pJfhtr,. "'lrl't'! ""'"'' of the knuwn L<rland an hrt .. l"t. 1.s a pa-.. ·rnnkh(l Hans.·n.l f, rho ~IU!On. Uo·nt at St. J ullt'ph huiiJIIlAI, fnJ-Mr 111111 M~ H nn ... I It rt fllr lh~lr 1"" 1ng 11n ap~ndf"<'lomy llull : ll~ollywu<><llnnd JtiRo •· wl~o•rp they Th•· ltu\' Hu..,..·ll hom•• at Bal· "o•tk. "'Ill "P••nd I hi' "111'111\••r The E. L. Pft~'TieB and yuunt; Mr And M"'. V. ~nllrll Calkins h-o!l Willi rt•l'l'ntl\• lll'l'nl' Of II ph•IUI· .ont hr1t1111 rohnwl'r ~IVI'n for th" f urm&>r M 18c!l 8f't tl ,."ryl' who yell· t••rda )' bt-I'Rnte th•• hrtd• of ·JClflt'ph J Alru-.1< o•f Mat!~h F lr lt1 ... niiHWinl( I h 1111 II•'""· n ltoVt•lv 114·h•l tlun of Jtlftl! ,..,,,.,.. prt>Hrttf'd t .. lhr hnn•trl'4' and 11..-f't'lt111 I rnf,.r of IJ1e M WU piUIUd In bc'IH'h 8JX~rtJI at C"vnllllt tll'l MAr """ hA\'e bc't'n llpendlnll: many "' tho· Nolrlh Rny ~ ~oont 1f'nter · , arefrl'l' 1\uur:c 111 thetr beat·h \"ut · l it111t·tl :!0 fnendM •' un all-day tn~:e at ;!:1~ OpAl stn•et. lkth h pnrty Huntl11' Sunninl'. J7c FOR RENT 2-bedroom h<IUIIe, t'\lrnt!!hed or un!urnaalled, mini· mum utllltlee psld~ $2lS. 339 Wal· nut. 19c FOR RE~ N ew Utrer·b.c•dron-;. I modern home with h~trdwnod I floors throu~hout, $311 per mo., g,.., R. 0 . Chamben., 2100 NI'W· J>ort Blvd, Co11ta Weaa. 17tr }1UlJSES FO~ RENT W e have ~~t•vtral houMa ror rent In lllc Cou•lll Mf'm\·1'\l'wport llt'll:hh ar••a und Will be Jllld to !!how lhl'm to intere•ted partrt'~. R. C. ~rker, 1808' NtWJX)~ Blvd .. Costa Me.sa. 18lf ' The \V E. l..lt~Curdll who uwn ~w11111111 n1: 111\thnj.: 111od !luppertng an abo<le ut 130 Opal dtrPclrd thl' w.·ro• ••l't·ntll of ' th•• H<'cllJIIon. •1111111111 f.am1ly rrtmlnn hl're IRal lllr nnd Mnt. ll Wllhrl"'poon ~nda)' .aud ddlnltcly h&d thrtr 11 nd thrlr <lought.-r Msnlxn. &.r· hond. run \A.'hl'n 70 n ·tntovea pour-r lvf'd rfi't'lltl)" to 8pt!nd the llt'aAOn f'd 1n tn jnln rn th,. ~l,.bratlon nn Amjothy11t. Mr ll.nd Mrs. With· Tho•y traHit'd (rum all ovt>r Call· ""''"won n 'f·•·nllv returned !rom Mire!! H tr nl'tt "'PI<"f r, dau.chtn rnrn1n . <-onllnf.! frum J'RMdl'na. Hnnnhrl11 l'n•\·,ou• to thil t hey REAL ESTATE (For Salr) tf lh" \\'lltlt'r l'I?IC'I'f"' nr Bf'llcon SAn P lt'JC(I, ~ants P.arb;tr,,, and hrul '"'''n In Arllblll Whf're Mr. RA v, •·ntt'rhun...J llut rutd·Wf't'k fot man \' colh~r ..-1tte11 o\\'llh<'rli J""'" '" mnn~tr of 11n 011 I(I..UI' M furu1"r lit41\'eLUI collea e Th" ~~~~" uf Mr.~. Le1la \\'tl· • "IIIJ;,tn~· lin thetr way bAck to .Ja•JCmllll"ll F .. IJ.r\4 tnJC '"' After· llah1~ n·t 11 happy """· "" llhl' I h•· l'niiNI Sl.llll'll t.My fltw fr•lm noon of IIWimmiiiJo: 1tnd M lhn.:. the wa8 tnk.-n t u ~~ Luk,.·s hu.llfli!AI rnh111 ,.,.,.r India. Sumatra. 83· THREE • BEDROO M fumrahl'd house In Coata Ml'!lll Cult" prtce $160o. R. C. Parker, 1806 ~ew­ port Blvd. HIU \'•llln.: hoi"'""A IW'n'l'd AAndv.·tc-hel tn Aitackona IR~t wt•••k whf'rr soh•' 111\'tn ~lltrrthB \"tt 1\nd on t o Std· SIO ~W:-1 A:-ID SiO PER MO. 1 111ct fruit punrh w111 rt'maln t<•r nu tnddtnrlt pt-r· n .. y ""h•·n· t h,.y boarded a lln~r a.u.PII UCIIAIUMtOS ..-...;-N~-c,.,..,_., Jlr Mrldrt>t.l l.~tnt• "' l..o• A IIJtl' uod A !lpt'rdy rt't.'OJ\'1'1')' "' wo:<hPd f r th•• llr.\\11111\n lsl11ncls. ~ ,_ h .... h•....,n , __ "'~ &.u.. r1•t Jt .. r TIH• A T i\ll,.n C"h~ &rf' once 11 lh•• \\'lut H "lmll' f'flllol••nt·• prnp-)fr nnd Mr• \\' H m ... ,tiit•y "'"="...,-"' H1r tn<ntrtltal -La ftl1T- wtll buv An ac-rt of land on the bluff ui ColltR Mt'AA Wonderful •·ttw. Full prt<"l" $800 R. c, Park·· o>r. t'W" ~t"wpc)rt~ 81\·d., C011lJ\ Mesa. 18tf ........ .,~ ,., rv 11t 20~ :l~th •trHI. ="•'" JICirl llnd fuTUiy \..•111 be ro>atdf'nta. •1f •"'''·'' "" 1 111\'"1 t .. r an lndtfmlte ~11 ~ ll••lrlf• untl •l ttl~ht,•r , Mar· H••no un Bny ~ .• r tit,. """t two •'"" \\'tlh llhtn •~ Mr. ftnd )frs, ·I • \\111 11•11111111•' ...... '"I'Y lhr tnCIIIt h ... Thl'y l nl\'t•l·~l oi<•WII (run• E•ll:••rw r~''""'' llllli Mrs. Thorsen FOR ~ALE Three-bedroom hOWl~. '1 •'I 'oltlllj:•• Ill Ill• lf'ftr l l:··rkdo>y lll'fl\'111~ h••ro• Mnnfllly "-~ '" .. H lllllt•r Wl\8 b<>rng $1801'1. •• oflo•oou•.n "'I""'" lo\ ·• hi111CI"''""' YOUIIK man H15 \\'o11 buy an unu11uolly good lot \! ' I '"' II II ••I Ji,d ll'•a Anti Tho S••\'lltH 11 ,lnht1t"lll' nf ('t\'11· ,.:,'tlllrol\~ • 1•'111111-! In Balbon. AI< . In lhr 1::1 Bayo Tr!iCl. ~~~~ lor•l •I~ :0:11111• r llllhl ••f c· .. l<trtj tal •lro·•,'1 t'tn1nn•·l l"loHt11. nnol r ·~• 1••11.-ltll"" 1\111111 H unlt•r fl600 Will buy a good hoUM and CORONA DEL MAR )llo~ 1 ,.ll,.nolo•rl " :tr~:nm ·l'ln t ,.,., "'"··•~ .,f th•· l'lt•lll :0:••\'••ll\11 ••n ·t• • · 111' '' h·•r ,.Jdtflt t'rlent1~t 1 Jut nn \\'ut Centrnl ave., be- '1"1 '' ,.; tl h• r tj: Itt• hi ltt~<t rmd l••rtu.n••tl lll•'ll · 1 .,11,.111. M 114 """ t. • 1·. ''"'111-'-t'<"tf'tary tn I twf'en Hal boa and :-.;,ewport. II•"• II "' s lltlll \!Ill R•••l .. ( n .. n····r ~-.. 1 ... ln~l '" ··k ' \ I . tho I •·Ind. JOROA.S, T\\lST and PAJUlER n tho·u ht'lll h ""'l"' 1111•l llh•lfll'tl I ' I • I tuut Harbara \\'nd••l 100 t;, ('f'ntral, Balboa T tbr ~~·,.llyn ~h .. n th••y ntrul4• ..ll ~ ..!..!l.Lb•Jl.l-"' Sur l,1y while tlH:y .....- t'O& Tltt: IIOI.IU.\\ :0.. l trip 111 ('~tlnllntl d• 11 • II••• I ond. \\'A:'IITE!l ~0 Bt.ry<'r!l to purchallcl FANCy ICE C R E J.'1llo".: lht· ,I I\ :O.t.·c· .. ,.a.:h~ · 1' lo, '11 I\·' · t>C ChannPI I 511 horno'!<tlt>s. f11r $10 down llnrl AMS J .n.hnn t u\'•·r th•• w••••k••tul "''''' ,, 1 I' :·~till';: g(l(\(! "nlflh • $1 0 pt'r munth. ~·. 1nterr11t on I • 'l r 1 l 'h.t I:. Chaplin, Jr. llt•ff'rl·•·d n,·r~'lll"lll:<. ,... __ ., •nil, ~:rmq• .,J lol\'1 ly \'.,11111.: I hill)!~ on ,. • vv"u ~· 1 of Uniqu.-··la\·or ! .luololl,. llt•lt~ t:r.,n,.;• r. "·•\' ' I ,...,,. •d they hA \'(' \\8tH, eolec·tnuly You may pur- MbH IUMI Matlfo On Cher Hwn t'rrrnl~.. I Jnhnll>m, Mary t-:\••1\"11 u ..... Kath •d ''1 "'' 1''111'' ~ ranrh ntl\r t hR.I!f' half nt·re f<tr $250 or a11 lt~·n Mrrnrm.,:h~ mol ~l..rll\'n u. II \ '"" ·d~ .. '1 ,. Uta Grey "' rP for sr~H) I RI\("1' rrlll rtc-• A 'itt ,\t.l. <\T ;-1 II • "'It •• ll1o· San Fl'r· tt11n•1 If vou "'ftnl a homa•1t• 11\llltll woth Mr ' I ,\ :\1• C"nn:o,.lty ~ -" ~ • Popular l)ri<'~ I haJ't't"lllflf{ ·"' I. 11' \ I ll!l thnt.lf:h huy nnw thtll f'nlly wny. Stoc:. R: "'""·~ "'"' "'''' 1• 1ay11 wtll · bfo ~~ Chambt>r!l 11t 2100 Newport MOORE'S ('ON Jlt~f'TIO~ •:R\• ! R;.~ .. t.d 1-;,.rlynn Alhrtl!hl ,., .. \I I'll" rm.•rt 1 11 h"'"" uh O ny'l ~lr,..•t II''"'· nrt Hlvd . Cot~I.A Ml'f'll, tn ch&rJte af '1100 ~aW\&rd -Newport j t "'T rr.turnau rr~m-~ hru·r h.!!!!~ ~t ·,~'.!-:~:.;, -'rt"Quent frl( ~~~=.·:o:.~r _:ppointml'nt • . .,.,001.,.. \I ... , mo11\n to-"'!'tl'qtt11111 ""f'r ttw> Wf'f'k· I I .. :31 "" L CH.ln •· 1'"''1"1''1"' I ·•ntl r;, . .,.,rl<& Ar.-thAI lht•\' h111l n 111' •·r• ''"" ""' '·• purcha"""' "' '. l.ttlt• h•~hl II ... ,, .·... rlt•r In u ·ld • ·--·---~-·----·-·-----+ wun1l•otui tnr ' ~ ~ MISCELLANEOUS • • I "-"''" untl "I"'"''' II h.ll ·~ .::--------------------------;_....;.____ Mt!o Arthur r Thur~·111 has IRk · t I I•· "' \1 h ,, •• • SantA Ana. f.'I .• 0 \\'1-:RS "~II\' II \\ llh Fhtwt'r!l: t:JIONE ~ •Itt Red Fryers -Roasters : Hens MRS. ADELE GIMBAL .._ ... DELJVEJUEl!f ....._Newport-Wed., rrt.. ..._ la,.UM-Wa.L. l'rL. iilaL FUI Z THEO_DO~E ROBINS !2nd and ONtNI St:WPOKT IlEAC& .BALBOA EVER~ .\VEDNESDAY IS CHILillfi.N'S DAY JJ££ · BIDBS, JJ££ CONCBSSIONB Se UNTIL 6 P.M. • Lt~AR~ TO SWOf! +'hlldr•n \f11! ff<l'll"n M "'' fr•1. \ll1S 1tut t~·h Uwm to tiwtm CMM'C'tly ~ Rul,. a•"l·•i••h, '"uth,....,.t U h Int.: ( hamplun. and ln .. tru.•t.or ~f .S'IOinunln~t ul l "" o·n.lt~ •·f ,,.,,._.. i, """ "l"'nln.: bill lt.albo:' ...._," of ·dh Inc ~&no I "" :rn· .; t,~_; .. , tJ, n. 'c 'hlldrrn a "1·"-"'&alty. ln10tnwtlun Kh••n at K:•ll-• ... "' .<1 IH'-l• It homt".·l'honr Balboa :\u. 6 fur apJHJintm o'ni. t---~....-.-..f.-....;;;I;,....;P~-=E=--C I A L S I t'IUDA \' \ 'ifl Tt'llfl \ \' en tht 1 ;11~1n pin• •' ''" 1\ IIH'lh\'~1 fnr ttw '""'nt•·r nnd pJHn.< tn h,.,.,. 1 l••t .. r ·fun whll" h•·r.• """' ..lftf' .. ~,,_. At the Rende7\'ous Stty ot wtth llt;rs · Grll'11 F'lowrr ~h•op. 1710 ="•'" 1"'11 Rh·d. Ph1111•' ft47 ... rust.! ~fe'!'il 27e Have all the cleanest TI'XII>' nr•· ~.-t llln,.: .... nu,::)!tly u1 1 th~ lw!\ullflll II• I\ l'l.llrt' r.rl'••n t hnnH' Pll t···tHl t •• h•· h'••rt• unt1l ~u•~•~r--·••~~--~-----~•s~~~~l--------• • • • T•·tl ~c-hm"lt ,.f lfh,. ="••rlh Hn~· ,. .. rnnt '' .• ~ .. , t•n t"ll/Ul~ t•y n cnt1plt• ,.r ol.l\. lh·-\••·•1< rop1dfy h:tll111,.; LEONARD DEBORD !l'bt'III HIIr\ltllfll\ . , . \ uC Jill\' tU ........ l't._St'!lt 14 I'. 0 t'h"rlf' Ul\--t'N'<" DfoU\'t'ty :\lr on.J :\l r~ \\'111. E !11Rjur· rtnil ~~~~====~-~--------------------:...11 the II 1"" rlnu~hl t'T:l fr·t•lll I --·---... -.. -.. _ .. _ .. _,_ .. ___ ,_,~_ .. _ .. _,_···-··-.. --·-.. -.. _ .. ____ : __ .. _ .. _ .. _ .. _ .. _ .. _1 . Sp•c«d ~eik«uu IJ)!UeJ e~ucJu,. li } I ~I ~ I ,~_ !j !'1'.\="1•.1-:Y l..:J.~,-;· •:'II j •not h1~ 1•n 1\.•,.tnt AJJ• , ·1g at tht' ) ltt•n,h•l\••u .. 111 Hull~·~ t 1 • .:s week .-,....,. , ........................... ~.-. .......................................... _ .... .._.._......__,...... • ....,..._ .. _ .. _ .. _ .. ....,. .. __. ................... _:. ·'"(1 t hr f'\IRh ~lar ft,,v Island· - In: ......... __ -~-- "'ri'Wftn---·~~--~fun_in the world rythlllJt' f11r '11tto fisherman' and ynur lt<'t'nlle too! Ma.ID • e BAaoe PIC:-o:ICKERS ~ U>t m,. hl'lp m ,kp your holiday~< happy nne~ HOT IJISHES. bak · t"d l>f'AM, l&m l\lt p1e. etc. ml\dt frt'm ~·nur own rf'("lf>t'. lllfl:e d flltl. 7!'>..-. Lllr~rt POTATO SALAD. -;'!\<.' LAYF.R CAKES .. 7-mtn frn!Jilng. (>('r ~yrr, 3&:. Lonf r:1 ke!<.-l'·rnln f r••J<I rn~:. :\Ot' LEM. 0:-:.ft(:ERI;-o;G tlFi PI£. 50t'. Bilk· tnK l'OWd~r BISC'UT,.S, rudy far ol"'!n. 1IK--1Jf'r cup nf n our WASHING, IROJI>INO, MEND ISG. PLAIN !'F.WJNG, !\Qc pPr hr. l'oo"""ce IArgt RABBIT FRYeRS cookf'd and hot, tudy for tablt. at the Aiax ----1-raa -de .Ill MAIN STRE,:T, BALBOA. r