HomeMy WebLinkAbout1941-07-17 - Newport Balboa News TimesI .:-~ .. 1-,;_ _______ .....;::::..,__ • ' The ·Majors Column AbOut Hudac:he ISSUED ~ I WEEK·END SEMI· .. WEEKLl EDITION \'ULl'liE XXXIII ~t:Wt>OKT II&ACII. ('\l.lt'UK"\. ~Ill K:o-11\\, J l 1.\ 1~. IIIII t:lt•IIT I' \tit:!'4 p .ropose Super -~~rlne. Play_grolUld Here -----·. . ... -..... ~ -...,. ...., -. -- First Services . For W:roo~:Wo!': akery Is :;::~·!:~·:~!:t .. ~"~i~'" Name City Fr6nta9~ , Is I a n d Cat k o I i c 0~ ... ,~~~~:~~.... ... • ebbed of ~i:::; '{,::~:::~.::::.·~:::::,.·;:.:;,:: .. :;::; As Possible Site C• h h~ N s d ,,,.,. '"'"'"' 1111 "1'1'''"' '" aJI $'56 c h "'' ~·.11 111 'io" ""''"'"'" ""' ,.,,. F A P k I urc , ext u 1 n ay·. ~A~cl;u~m,~1n1~t1m1:,;~,2~:~;~~J2~~'1 ___ .,..· • as ~,'',•,,.:,·.:;;• .:; ·~·~:.;:'·;:.~"·,":.'111 or q uat·ic ar -tl t ttl'tq•l1,4tlt•tt lht••Ut:h •••IWI '"• \ :l:.!·2\-f l •••nu .. ·ra•·y 1wt'll18 the ,.1 '"'' ,, 1.-. "' '"' ,., h"'" .. "h•• 'J'tJ II JR O.m~.J 1\Ulllt'lh t' ul HarhOJ and ,. slttnt~ Hotanan~ Turwsy a.t. \\'b1w.:.&,~llv111 ll!l&nol (' 11 ( (I' f' l51leop. , Tum 1-'U•·h .. l !'lllll' :-;.,nat11r, ht·hl ( 0 t I h , \lo i t h I'OOIItJ,•ru bt.• aplomtJ ltntl Bll lllr 11( II IUHII wbn knu"" wtwr.,or It,• sp.•alul, on S R A o.nd Taxntw n. llr ~.,;@jj Yo' ... y h 4.' fltvtJ~ tumtng S ll A llack t o tht• IU,te Covt'mmt>nt anu haVIfl): the lllatt' J}llY !Ill I'Otlt '70.30 l.rulteac.J of whitt 1ha.d 'hiUttorto obtained :, 0-~ 0 Hotartans w•-~prt-d ...,lth Koebel's t.alk. which. they un- anlmouely clalm<'d w~ lhc ~et of the ee~. Rev. P. J. Beary Announ~es Services For conetroctlve ~~-___.JC..cJhu.uul:!rcL:Jb11,~S::1Jta..._..JwowhunL-V~iaanu.a~n~e~y.;, Formal Ded · t·a.Ope·altun 11( 11IJII r ltlzf'fle en-'ftt• , ''J 1 lllo·~u h,•)\•'1) ""'•·•I ··"'•I••'·"'"'' '" h••'t" ,,,.,..._ Ill•· • , .. ~.,"J:" ., .. hrnrflfll b7 ~ ~· M• ~1 "111"' "'"'"'1"1 •• r '"' '""1"11'''' ( •• llarold flo ()r tlowa~ Aflt'r huuae\Oo·lvt'11 lulvr round-Ule :-;,.,. .. ,.,., ~~~ "'"~ ,,.,,,,.,1 ,\uJ llll'tdw ..... ,,,. :_~~~~~~~!!Jt!..!!~.!.!.~.....l~!J.....l_LA_.Jo_rt.._.u.ao_uUL..-. ~tatr ~Moy tilt' h-..1 1-..1 city pl&rulm~e rummlsslnn for cation of New Structure to Be Sc n~u n~ 40d-••t•··•H-•¥•~w~ ct -,;if,,;r •n • rulll u•···•or·'"'l: 11' .. r ''"" 11··~·· ''"" '"'''" ,,,. (;(,rdun II. Findlay to Study Plan Whi~h rr lflllm Wllrt' th<i' m.-ta.J (or •I· laetnn•l u•ll frnn1 1 h•• Sht•ttll ,. "' 111, k lit• ''"' 1\ "' ,.-., .. ,.... I h •• ., Vllj(t• 011\)' two •IC'h\'l"f't'd to .. ne "-~-!"" , ............... "'"1111"''' r... \\' ould Ccmt ( 'ity NothinJ(, Offer Aid On a m arine park &nd whlrh baa F already recelvoo tavorable In Near uture of lhrt't' rtr•J)o1h w h " r" Hoy ,., .. 11..,11 "'"~ 1 ,;01111111, ... ,.11, 1 11 ''''"" 11t11n,\11 ut .. : .. .:,., ... M• ~•'OIIl.!! will h~lp unloat.l Thl' c&clltn~o: llr•oor" 1'ui'io.ltt \' nl~;hl ttllol I'll l\,llt'llt•l 1111• Jl\\IIIJo: """" ('t'ntral J\V('nUt' 1•1an c o m m t' n t f r u m aeveraJ aoun"es, appetV"a to b(' both con11tructlve and timely. Only by buill11ng recreational !arlit· Uu to ki'«'P pare with thl' &TO•'th qf Cht' harbor dlatrk t Wlll UN!r'tornmunlty ~ able to rontiDitf' t o attrat't v l!<llllnl and <·ontinut' in the trt'nd to- ward I:M'<•onllng 1 h r pls~·­ groun.t pf S1111th.-m f'-lllful- nla Unuau~l An alnu•uRI r .. aturt' of tht ptan whk h a·alll' f•Jr tuu• hf lht' cTty rro ntaj!'l' lllnn~ C'ol\141 Hll(hway Is tht' ftwt that pno· ponf'nls or tht' pt OJ••rt df'l lart' It ran IX' t'&rrlr•l out wtthf!llt <:oet to U1e dty . and that'll l't'1lly svrnt•thln~;. The fnorlt- 81[4.' un•ler ("<•furidf'"11hon 1s •n pe,rt, wh"r" tht' lorgt yar hts arf' now monrt>d In th(' r·han- nl'l Adde Color 1t1n.;18 ""' t" !)(' I'IIIAhll8hP1l I I th I '''" ••I• ''"' .. no• olot\' ""'' "I"'" ,.. W11f ( ,,.. '"'''r••• tiJh•n •· " ,,,... 111 Halbnol 1\aJI,.,.. hohuut ••nd ........... I u · I I ·t~ oo.t11 •. 1 '" \'llt'lll 1110 •11 t "'" , First" ~'''i("('S will Ill' held SUpday .. July 20th ~n thC 1 ha ndsomf> new Catholic Churl'h now rleanng complt>IJon on l Ralboa l~land , it was learned today from Rev. P . J. B<>ary. !'1/t'WJll•rt -« <'J'I"'' o n ••• II• "' ~~~ ntt•mtra~ -~ 'tl ,.,. r•1•"''"1 }llj.:•l• '" ·h· u •I"'' '"' II II' f•ol"'" .,_...,....,,.,.", ll<'f'kiiU: t•• '" I•' t" 'l•trn t o• till' IU1Ihl '"''' ~ tl\1' 111)111'1\' "Uf'I IJIIIItlllll! lht' t tl :'\t\\11111 1 llatttuJ lilt• \'11111111 tiiMft ,,fft~ta\• "'"'' I••' I ~ ... ltu\d ll•n•t-•7\•*''' who will t:X' in chnrg<' of both Our L;uty of Mt. CamM'I at l':t>\\'[XH't and thf' nt•w t•hurdl. Sl. Jnhn ViannPy. lit' ""'II llt' • <lssistl"d l}y another pril'St. I 'tt1r rth•fh'\' \\Ut' '"t lh'flttl'\ "''' riii"IU&.!~I dl'll """"I lht• ~'""' ..... , '""' !....------------::----....J 1...--------------~ oeU.•n• "' ,, 111111 11 .. , .•~h '"'' bHtll"k·T1 •• , w .......... """ ku··" Jwn Hitt Nt•w All mf'tal from whh'h "lu- mtnum n•av bt· ~alva~rd wrll to tu JIJII lht' rr..-n~ •hortace uf thl\t rn~&ll·nal ... , Dt'I I'A~Ury In m• .. krn \A.RI rqulpm•·nt. • Tlw pus.,.ihillly of ('1111NI~111'1in~ n Mnrlnn or mnri.nt' ~ nil on 1-:t'PIIIUI (o t· I Itt• Jllthlh' "hkh Willi hi l11• tiiWX.,,IJf'rl un th(> l 'anfia' { '•\11!'11 on llw d t y's l\11~· fmut l'"'lf"'r1Y nlon.c the t -,lil~l l lidl\\11~' \\':1)1 \ isunli'IA't l hy lh•· ('lly l'lnnnln)( Cnm- 1111'1'-11111 111._1 \\'t'CIII11~~~~~· llilo:hl llllfl II 1'1111111111 h'C' ltJI(lUif'lf('(f fO ... tud~ llu• IJ111JII~tl 111111 In "".,.'l,.'littr \\ lth llw •''<t"f•llf'nl dtl- /t'tt', ··•11111111111.,. '' hl<'h t'l't't'llll~· ~·ompl.-!1'11 tH-.,:u\.lfttlnnll tor St ... n ·in•s will IX' hf'lrt at 7 and !) a.m . Sundays durin).! the 'summer months. Rl'\'-~aa·y ,.;aid today. St>rvkt>S "i ll ht• at H::'o a.m. durin~ th<' "iniPr• 'months. F o r·mal dNiil·ation of lsiAn.J wall nMto·raally n ·•lu. ,. the . '"nj:Nittull .H••v llo•ttt\' l"'lnl•·•l 1 thl• l}l'W t'hUrl'h \\'!11 lx' a.r1-<•Itt i\~~i~ttln~; him •·n•.'h ~un<lay n<lllnl>t'<l lUI('!'. "Ill bt' tl J>ril'lll frum Luynla \'Ill· City Provides Guard Uniforms; To Muster Co. B olhoa l'land \A.:t' -.·l•••'l1·d II' t lh1• !-Ill' f1or till' m•w ~l:!I•XJ <'lllh- nllt• C,.lurt·h 111 Jlf'O''Idt• 1'1111\'•'nl•·nt·•· anti accontnlaiO;IIaun lvr l>UIIlrnt•r Th4' :-\t•\41"'''1 II •' ho>r \'nit of lh<' !'IIIII' t:u~tr<l Whll h Ill hll\'lnJ P~tron S~lnt 1h ~lll't•h' .. r fllllf•orut.~ llrrnn~trd Th•· n••w Ball'"" l~tiRn•l r hurl'h b\' 111., nt V• iaf N"'''porl lt..at'tt. ·~ nHml'd ufl"r tht• I' 1trun :-:a1o1. "':10 boo nffa.-ialh rtliiiOier.••l at thf' I \'bllun: 10. """II -... ,_..",.. lh•· "'111111Ull) n•>t'll' of ffit• ('.tlhalhC po'OIJh• rt',..,,ftn~ on I ht• J!..tand and Ml CoronR 111•l J\1;ar·. Rf•\' l~·;u')' ~·d P r09ren •~L J 11h" v•~, n~y. knn111·n 1111 tha• 1 " ts ' SI'\A.I""' ""'""' lht:h ~r h no t"tlre M Ar~ nl'ar L~''""'.· l"'ran• ,. ~trulln<lll llflh ••r" llf thl' .Fourth , tha• plll'•'h :t'-4' nl lila• I' 1-: t'i..:hl·of \\II~' ll lnn..: ('t'tllrnl AVt'niM! I'" I h·· "'''I •l~tpttu•nl or I h u I I hurut1J:hf141'' wb•" '" f n•l ,, ,,,,, 1111~ "I'"''''' aurt""'"'l: 1111• "'''"''' \\II ..... ('it v ·~ditor of raet ,.,,., '"· r·· " .......... ~~~· , .. (., a·l·r''".. I )a·.""· pat(·h fOft'uhl•• • I·' 1 )' l'•lll!l k• > 111.1) , _, ..,. hawt-h•••·u ••f"''.•··1 1! ~ ru~ l"''ult••t 11111 Plattnill).! Co•mml~,l~"' dlllit11111!' Mnrna,.·.J . .Juhn"un nltm• Thr t• "' ,t •• ,, \\ ",. ... • '"' h bo.r'tl ft •IOl th•• lfl' •1•• Hlh l I hi" .tor.-. n•, •. ,, .. , lit• _,,,,,J\1 1 u f ''" 11\~ho•••n Jllll•ll• l(o•ol Ill \• ~~~~llf lft~ 0 ~· 8 1\ jKIJlt•oJ 'unl~lll"t .. ·t"'' th• lntl )..ltu\ t AIJIIIII llo-111 "''"'' J""' '"" doort"-'o\'11\' lrt11u I h•· l111k•·• \ ~ ,. fol'l!at.ly ,;lll•·r<,l """ •7 '" • tuu•..:• .takn .... "" "" llw 'l"'•·lal l'uttuulltt-.• C • '-''''" H·H .. , ~'·~IN'" H. Ul h ••• .t ,,. ·""""'""'' Jla,. •l•ala•-.ot ,1,, ll.11>tld JJq pktll' II' t'h :d11111111 . frf'r lu lhr Jlllhlh't Ill' lln\\at,l \\' ~'llj.!l'l' 1111t1 Thill'"'''""'"'"'' fadlll ... .,.. t•h iP t It' ltlt• • :ttfH\ ... \I fUUI' '1!'111 lUll< II, 1\lllllh••JII l'lMtllot a•tMIII UJ.Itll• h · ·•~•tv n""'""l'otl"'r , t ... tna • • ou~t r111·t ra l Aluni th• •· ( :1 11~11111 B ... itHIIn~ "'" 1'"""lll1w ,,, N .. w J,.rw.y and T lu · ru•\4 ... ht••r ,,. I ht• ,. •• ~ t•f Co•t Cltr ""othang "'""' •• ""'""" llllltPII llll<l that now Th" ""'"t"" 11<>11 ,,. " t11·,.ulllul I• lh" tlno" f11f' Nf'WI)Of"t tt.rbor llttl ~··.:·; "111 "'' '''""II'""'"' f••r liar t•uh It• •• I """" l•"lnlf'll 1011t to ttw c•-· \.\ '"'' ,., ... ,, "' N••WfU<rt ''''11' II ...... ... '·~···· .... Ill hi•'VI'tl \Oo•tt.huut • 1 .. 1 lllllllll•oll lly llr ltlowar.J w_ ..... lllr nnol l\tf a II II luu '"'''" "l"""""lt '"" '""' ~h -... .,..-."'"' ""* "' , .. utn~~: ,. 1t h ttt,. ptt 1 1 .. t h• • U \ t l•r plnnutna: • """"'" ,,., """' WIIJt anr ... lllrtl A 1 , hr """'" ,....... Ave. anD\' Of, MO•'Jt•. I'"'" ""'" ''"'" ""'" " ,,,::, ••• ' """"''' ruttlll 'fh,. l•lanntnr ··n•nm111416ua &leu ....., • Art•·r ••ll•·noiiiiK 1 ~'""11" '''11111 ' I N''"'l'"rt lt•r•~•r 11 nblll(alhlll lu 'l aul!Wiuu•d lhr ,,.IIIUDttlM of U... .. While It mtght bf thought that 11uch a project would 1 mean eliminating. theee boat. tor whlctt dbek11 have juet been built. It appean accord- t"4' to the plan pr~ by \he piU bou"d to b« qutt.e t.be connvy. 'l"bMe .cttocmen and ttup ttuiMr form en Ideal backpound for a marine p&l"k and there Ia lltlll plenty of room,t.or a .l>atb•Dl' ~acb at one t>nd I)( t h t' anrhorage art'l!. Ht'rl''ll a ronrrf'te fllan for a dtvelnpmrnt that would really J;l\'t •aomt>thlng for the thowoa!Jdll nf m olo,rlsts fll\1111- lng along ('Oft.Rt Hagh\A.·ay t o judge the City of Newport Buch by J)urlng the put nlnl' y t' a r J! which H~v Beary hu be('n pulo.r ot Ute rhurch. Our Lady ot Mt. Carmel, It baa 1apldly grown. ln- cludlnc the completion ot a project tbat compr1Md lhe remodellnc of t.be entlft troat o1 UM dwrc.h -d pt"''¥Ulon for ad&Uonal ••Unr c:apedty tor approldiDatefy 400 llllrlrl~ lht' Yt'BI 110" 111' WM nH•<l•' Hl•)(rn1•·11t o( th·· 1 'nltf,rnl" ~talf' p111'10r oof th•• pll.rilth u( An• ~·h••r•· r.uttrd will l'tontltwt Ul,. .,..,-c-mony I ir< z•·al ""'' rx••ri'IA<• of thr !';JI..-r.•l Fnrtv-ruur men hnvr• drawn unt· Mlnlllt ry maolt• him r •• k n" "'' n form" ·,n thf' IOt·a l 111111 "-'''''Jrcllnt thruugho ut thl' "'orltl. sa II rlt<' to l'rnvlllnnal ('"tnmnndrr F enton S..ry. · F'.amehsw Hlfln will be' IMUed Pt>n10na from all walka ot "'" to \be rompany about July 28t.b. aoufbt hla #dv1<'e aa4 by 1~ E&mah&w aald he waa taformecl. U\~ pii(Tt.na to_ tbe vii lace ut Are I"""-aot m~a.ured for unJ.tonna had reached a lot&J of 35.000 a ~ do ., at ,t.lqlatrlck'a. ACToR~ PRIZI':J) 11' h'"''" It Itt hu Ira r.,..,.,., Y""'"l (lrJHu r t '••tllotv tho-~l'II P anol t..o uffPr to. t'tlOper&t• w ~ t [llf'tv•·rt ve r ouely u •pOrt • "'"'"' •~trral •"""rtllnrnt fur th,. "• rttt .. h•' r ummttt .. whklll ~;;;o;--..----"t .. ';t DOO VNCLAilii:D of thr M•rced ICvenlftJ Mun-8t•r p4'n4tturoo uf fun•l• by Ull-1••1111• l'ttmpl•'••l llw ......-...-""•'*' ·:· Twice Tv.1r e In thn-1' '•tay!! C'Oc'lta MtAA. hM bf>Pn ''illltt'd by burglq r11 and th" aProntl var- tlrn Wil li Mt'Mahan·M bakrrv elorl' Whlr h WU "18kt'n" t'n the tunc-of bfottl'r than $!\(1 Tht'llt' llltlf' forrRya a .galnst hard workin~ ml'rl'hantl! Are ~omlng Vl'ry ttrrMmP. nnt tn My bProming trrllnhlt' If! buainrl'll man who h~ll Wor"M!'II flg111in,~r lln- claf .I!PI'_urlty. a~lt'a lJlJC "ncl otht'r I!Urh data. llll r•f whlrh hi' must pay. without ha,·ln~ 80m~ y,.~ l""mr ntnn~ anrt walk of( w il h tutrd ~TTT'I'<t-­ r.uh. Wharh brings up lhf• nl<l l'tnry of atlt>quatf' pollrt' proh•l'll .. n fnr C"ollt R :MN&. Thr RUhJrr l hn~ rr•mf' up bl'fnr!' nnol 1 hP 1 f'!'Ult tll aiWII'I'll l h P a am r "talk" •· h I -r h Jrrn•hJnlly olomtmllht'!l Jlkt' !llr bt'ang rrlt"nsed from • tlrt'. -M--... t. Any11n!' hrrn wntr hlng !hr thtl\. \Oo'l'rk ~ If sn. an<t larly ovrr thr Wl'rk- lt w o u I u bave be~ n cell thal murr buat.s were on thr ba,· liitn"Tn-m~ I~ fnr·t nnr .tnv w 8 1'1 t h r hMVIt•l'lt th<' h11y lla11 cv~r 111·Cn, ' Ma.,tl'r T11mm~· ~·oil­ out All pt whic h that NPwpor~ Hnr- ~ntning nn 1'\'1'11 t::rrntrr llf llmRII r•aii n' nhnut 11'\mr :opr r d t llat t h<'• d& of IR-'1:~ ' ;.'111 hi ~ 1 Ul ...... ,. .. ,,"" .. :- l.'r mr•vra ln. mnr!' th"n ju't try to the r UBtomrr to Jrt'l h ill rM. t h't> y 11httkl' hanlf~ wrlrnmr thl.' !llrAnJrf'r to fold and makr him f-1 pereon1. VIsualizing tbf' future g rowth of Vte Harbt2t Dletrlct, ReY. Sea )t qutetly 8t~trl<'•l work llf'Yt'rlll yl'nn ago towart.l &ch levmg thl' 1<1( nt11•n o( annthl'r r hurl.'h un B'llb<•ft 11!- l~nd. lntliC'atlng hl:o JUdgm••lll wA:< nt•l mutpiiH'I·al i" thP f111 t that to a• l'nmmudr~l•· th•· summt>r vl,llor!l, thl' Nrwpnrt c-hureh lwhlll four !lf'rvtres on ~und&y ru11t y~t '" un. ablt• to IU't omm••l•t~ t 'lt' f'nllr~ r nngtt>gatl(ln. With ll ~<•'ltlnK C81Hfrlty or 125 perl!<on~. thP nt'w t'hur<'h on t hr • y•r. llltllof1ana •l'· He wu caD-OftWraJ Order rwcetwd bJ Eam- nootud. or ,_lved U.. tltw of llbaw yNUroday rave natlc~ that Satnt, In lt~. tbe ace limit tor thl' atatf' cuard -------hu bc·r11 luwc-rt'd from 21 Y~•n .SEEKS PIER IN COUNTY CHANNEL A[ltollcal ton h;~~ l)('o•n mafia• It~ J 4 • Bhnt1tmry. :11)0F! nmnnl'l l'l11c·o• ="•'""l"'rl ll••1wh, for \\'ar L~·~1r1 rrwnt !)('mill to t.:unl->1 ruct ~· pit•r. m•wtrin,;: nnnl anti nppur- h•nlfrw'f"<. o•l(lo•n•hn.: :\410 f1'f'l 1n1o ('uunl\ (1tanrH'I rrom lhl• Mllllh· W•·•h·;h lanr lhrro of and J,)(':al ••<1 at l.nl ~l Hllo'k ~t:\!'1 l'anal ~o'('llun to 18 yeara. This atrvt'de an Ideal nppnrtunlty for , youn11 mm-In tn1'1111'd In thl' pr ujt'<'l It• ~taln tralmn~t uperl<'nCf' which wIll flf'IWf' V&IU8tllr ahonlrl t h •• y bt t.lraft r.l ""hf'n I h ,. y bo-o•um,. " I i h~ hh• n a;t• fur iwlt•r tav•• t4t"f'\'l'''' Jo:u otu!hRW putnlrol '"'t R.e•·~nt ad•lll hill,. '" • omJ>&nY mtm~rllhlfl ~ N~•-~d oor C'"•tl!ltll Mt'JUI. Mt l'latk anti 1 il'<tr,lrl' U•~ldooma· I ll ndoltl 11•n ul nwn '"" n,.r,tr.t tu I(IVt• :-J .. wport Harhl•r a full rnmpllny /1 Hurt•••·•· ljlll7. 1111 rnat•·rlul t h" D ft i:ioaroiJ<m o•rt hav•· ll<'t•n ·•'"""'"" Kll I "hu h .,.. "" IIIY•·n l\toomloty r a ees. llll:ht (j1UI1ol Motllrlll' l:lho.oiOO wllh " hiJ;:h l'''"r•· nf 91 !t .J ::~Hi=~~ '::r~ :a~t~"~~=~ •;.:--1 ...,_"'-'" ~,;:~ ~ ~ ~ =, -: ..,. body of "ArM". ~rman lllpnrurt:nan. • 8aa Jow puWkatton. '""' P"t'f'l_. '*"' ~~~~ '""Ow r.tlt"'t A ..... In...._._ .. !kha11uzer dr.r eald tn boo hl~ly I ---· -uar •rf '"" rltv'• •Pr>'""'"'•l&'ly ~ltla ~•nl oll.Mt .,_, vaJUM by At'lnr F.rrnl )o·llnu wrnl ' Mr• I, 1<: Fa~IJtl "f ~~~~ 144ll~ 'Jl\l)ll r ... t rof MY lrllfllll•• on lh• It 'wu polnl•d OUl t.la&t aq, unclajml'olt thllt "'""lc by ''" m""'"' phlr,. l'nlrrL~tln»<t (nr •ltf\""' """' N••rlh •ltJ~ •if '"" • •111nly • haJllaPI l':'nrtne.-r R 1. l .. tleriiOft .._. fw when th• •nlroaJ •·IUOh ... t "T' nit """ rnmlll~ot ..... ·nll\1 Mr ""'' M•• "l11da 1'"'"11"1• lhr ('•""'t lfllfh "''ffi" t1n1r t-n rarooruUy a•d the brarh at !lht .. "" .. t v.-h·••'":v I' .lrnlllfli:• 11nol ltni>Y ''""~"''' "'" .,,. 11 ... •II•• '"' lhl' 111",...'1 p~tlnel ~tklloaly ,,,...plttna two ...,. FUnn _.,.,. nullfl•··l .. r 1 h•· "'" 1 Mr "'"I Mn Y Anol••••"" """ J•uo tu~ot "'"' """'"" " !'""''""""'' oor 1•111n• '"' alrv•lopmf'nl ut U.. lfi'Vf'"Y ,.,.t:h,. •IOI: \lohl<h ""•1110'•'11 olnot.:hl•·• 11n•l Mt ""'' "''" A t ... lh ''"""''willa toll m••'"" "'1' I I' ~; •l«hl oof way It Ia taw.._ 11.,.1 ovrrhntlrol wt•al•· h•· .,. .. ,. ""'' .1·~ """ '""' "''" ull uf I •"" A Ill(•• I•·• ''"JII•·•, ,.. "'"" "'"""'·7""1 •n·l 11 ,.,,.,. •of thP f•l•nnlnJ t'c.:nml•kln 11111: hi• vat'hl rrum ~1111 ..... ,, .. loo l\lr• v l 'llllllllllniWII .. , ""'' r•·j~lllllll011l IOWllntnlf>tr , •••• "'"'"'I'" ..... , ... nlf' with •II .. f'riCIN Ia N~rt· Harh"r I .... w····krnol kt•ll \ Ill•· ""'"''" I" "~'''"'' II '''" ' "'''""' ··nltlol<' IOMI1t ""'"''' •wlm •. , """"• • r oamprf'hf'fl•lv• t11tthocl hut eY ulrnceol nn lnl~>r<•~t """ lilt' "''''''"' "''''" ,,,., •l•l•·r-ln I""" M•~ tnlllll '""'l,..tlll'oou lot '"' h"l•l wu .. r •lrv,.Jupmrnt whlf'h will ,_.It lllltmJf-wu ....mnv"t tn th,. ,,11101, 1, t-: ... ,.,~, ul ~"J'J'hlr" """""' "'" •• "'"'' It ~ "" 1••lnlnl '"'' I hill ltn • uralrnrm &n il tM>autttull)' .p- It _... leiLmPti ,.,.,, ll•·r ntr•,. Mno .It t • 1 •wo-n lfrt .. r th•·~~<· r ·•·nttlr• '•<4tlonr ..,., !'"'•'"'• lmJiln¥fMf'nt lD the c.ltJ. ~""lnllllllJ.: whlla• lhr """ ur tta,. frutu '"I" r n'ft ur th• l'rnbwrula tD Newport Harbor F(;lk l J nite In . , .......... ""'' h•)' watrr ....... o.) ·--,,.,. •llhrr. It waa ...w "~~-"""~~~~~~ .. ~.~. u. s. o. Campaign 19 4 2 Harbor Legion New Harbor Numbers Are Listed ~,,.,.n 'thr t• ~ n •lrlvl' t .. rut~·· 1 'I"'"' 1'1111 ,I" • II llolltllltrl I•• Off• I II d $;!tHIO Ill llw """"'' I •l~<lraol ... \(lllph I ' """''' I' ""'"''' ""'' leers nsta e ,:r••v1d•• rttrrrAI.uu fnt n lt'rt lu ttw kll\111 Festival of Arts """Y IU\rt many It~ •1 •I\ It ............ Mill ""'''''"" .... ~·· II,.,,, f aro• donatln..: lh••ll tarw· '" ll.:•llltol '11 1\nl"''' II F ''''"'"' l••nnlo111,.,.,.,, :-J•·w uH io o·r• '"' H11· Nrw1~o·rt Opens· At Laguna '"'" ftrlve • Kltt.v '''"' 11 t<ark s ""' l<lr•• ""'""' Allll'l """ 1...,..:1 .... , .... , k•·u '"'"'It""''"" Offi••talll uf lll"lt't'tiY,. ""r"l rr+-ThP """"""''' '""""'"'''' '''"' '''''"' ''"""''1 K•·~..:·· Fto••l to .,.,,, lntlt .. ttnl 111 '""""' ,,.,,. Al>l"1111tco•l 1,, ..,"',. dur1na ttwr bo o:n•l lit l<wt~tr r<'lo·IUIPol th•• s -:!:\. J>Un<·c K :-\rl~~oon s .:!ll. :--; .. _ Beach JuJ 30 pn"" Jnhn Allrn F•·nt .. n •: .. m -l n.o.t• \\ N 1; ... , ... , ••• 1 ": tJW!JU:A 1JJWJ.uUw llu.L 'I'UcJM!Ju -rmnlnJrYMir'll"' nr• f'tmnwtn . namPA an.t numiH'rJt o f th n 11 r nan 11 .\Wlcr. ~2;., All-<ra f;. 11hJ,~r,.Y A-F.ntnll lu"' JrniOf;"ll ,,,,.r Tlall'l' T' llf·><M•·V .l ~ • • niKiol In"'" l .t•tcl"" 11111 11,.1,.11,.1,.,. 1,. lhP lllalf• Amf'f'lt'an \'ullfhl' W)HI rt·~·~l M'I•tl lru~t Jufy ~ht•rF\' i'-4tl H .. h,.rl .I Jlnrtll'l! F;unow.. Jlu.:.IW"f')> w:u1 ...culVUU'4t-"\fll'h, May•tr I•VIIJ .; •• , t; .. ,""" Sllll) .... , M ...... S_ll Ill··~··· 'l'llklllj( .. v .. l lluo """" ,,, ...... r .. ·l(lttll ruuvrnn .... art! nl .. nn -l!!t 1n \h('"lfRltmrl' !ll'1'1"1m1' rr nny ~ .... !! • Phthl• M \\'tlrnan !'·4 ·, "til lw I: I\ ··n \hlrcJ damo•n .. tun by ,.. I Moorr, I' A ......... I ..:•·11•'1 ... ~~~ ~ 1-: I ~,....... M I" 10: "' M"' ; ......... I v.lt• • :h•un I • "" "'"" •It• • '1•111 Att .. •rl w llyrkman, ..... ,, T he namrll :tnd nllmlwrs toflhns·· tvun (' ~IRollt<lln S·lfi llarulol I; ll\1111! 0\tollt•l .. Ill I.HJ.:llllll llt•;wh •halrman: J 1-: ~n·ll•·tr lr•·•llttr•·• r"" ll•lh t.l utt•lo \' ........ •'•otllllUIIJolo•t lo.llll 1,\' ~'"" ~toutlrv "'"' , .... 'l·am,tllll, All•r- I.'J.:'Ifttt>rln.: froom lhi' llarhl>r l lll•· ~1'"'rl' J• S·4~< ~;rovt·t It clunn~; 111,. IWd\'o•tl:t\'' nf 111, . .,.,.,_ 11n,t WaJt,.r \ SJtl•··r 111 <'•onn•oiHt•lol•·• ""''' l<tol•t ,,.,. "'"" '"'" ju~l '""'l•h·l•••l 11 ""'''"""''"'"'It It ll"riflrl, lfal !ru•l, intludan~t t•oolltJI ~l•·sR, arr M <'ko•IJt.:RII S-·111 ~hiJ:I'o n hu 11\',.1 oof i\1'1 ,.., Jul~ .:V\th llll"ti..:h ~'·rvlnjt "" "'''' ''"'''"''" nr•· '·''"'" \\' l<otd ol•· ''""''" I ~""•••1•11 ,.,.,., loo '"" ''~""'"''' \("t~ I•• I' A l 'htoml1ot'rlln anf1 :t8 followM T Rmnsu s ..... ::. Jt,.JI., \\' ~l•l'lo·l ''"""'' Hll h Hn b~rt All•·" AI Ala•l•t•"n 11 111 .. ·1 111 ''""''''' \\ ~'"lot''' l"'"''''" 11 r.,~ t.J.,.,,, Unlbn8 \'toiHJ II o ,..,art l~n !';-k:\ Ju~'1·h An hull'll' !';·!17 l'har~·····r• """" n:om•·-:II • tn-f'nlnk ·~ An•l···"· A J<.···k M"ll. """"'II' ~ .. tt " ~ ....... , "'I'"'"'""'"""'"~ ''"I''""''" h y '"'''II"'""'" rrprrllrtll lh• Jural !'·l[o l.l'land (; F u ll f' r ~-~I. Buytl I. ~1o•lrnrol !-'·114 "'"'"'" "" l·h·· "''1:''' .. , 11111" so tnry II lUll• kt~·•nol p II 111•1" .I 1,;••111· ~ldf•·ll•t II o; .... '"""'"" '" ltll•loollltll"'· '""'' '···~"'"''' ,,, 11"'111•111 I'""' "' "'" ltollllty '''"'" ,lttmrs A. L1tll<'l11ll .lr !';-~i .loof\n •1hr11111:h lh•• ml'tllllm• uf o·;onva' f~ooll4'rt L lln\'•1 1. \\ Ho lt.:!.:"' II .I .,..,.,., •~1111 " \ 111' '111 I.•"' '"'" "'''"" ,. 1111 1•11•1 • """I'""''' •• •II "r r l•t I' A 11111mllf'rlln. 111'111' Lllj!tt. s.;tl I~QII K \\"•1-olltoi m;orhlt• Wtll ,,.. n ·pro •lw •t'f1 tn .lt hn n "'""""" ,, ,, ''""'I'-II \\'"""" I ,. \\'l•lklll~ ,. ~ .,, .... 'ilot .• Altt "''"'''"'"' ···II fiiVIIIt• !lto,tott• Jumr• It Wlllkln• IIAml'Or.. S·42 . Tl'rry Aten. !'-;-1>1 Kaiser ~aves '"" l'll&:•·nnl •·f ~fa'''''"' \A.Jih lllnr•· ••• ~ Gorllttn II ,. .... 11.1\ In '•"' \\uti• '"" ..... , lt.uotl Ill}) w·~"'" Altr.rnat.ea ~ < •htt riN> F 1 ;nl(t'. S-M · • ll!.UD lg<l l.:li:llO~ fXI""JNI U~~ 11t..,-M. ~·I\JI't-111~ , ~tnr -rlll}' M 1\lmfil -af'll ~ ft<•l\1• ,.,,, with f'l-omn111n•l,.r t •rurt Hin...-•1"1"1!11fPfl ..,... "flit& 'nlmrn-,--=-..;.,.- Ntwport=r.JIMt! on, Fritlay· FOr toru·l(~:rnunr'" Tnilhfull)' ('tlpl•·rl hy " t!ln· k, ....... 1 '''" ''""""""~ ....... 1, 1• A ,.11 .. ,111 .. 11111 '""' llv"l" M"r,.toull ....... , .. r Jtr'yant S-1". J(ob•·rt I~"''"' Hukt•, R·:!l , H"> ;\I Ht~t•P IJ<J.:Itr<:t :lllt•l Mrfl ,MiriAm 1.,.,1,.1 1,.11,11,.1 111 ·"'" l!1ol1111 ol I ll•llk• M•" "" ,.,111111111,,,1, 111vtll•· M••oJ •• 1111.111 II llullolf'l ~IHil\1('1 l 'urtlf'JrU S ·22. ""' hl•rt Lions Convention ·n .... y••ur ·, ro•,l l\flll, ,,,.. Tt•nl h sr~·port Brllt lo I :row om tl l-'• ''""' \I I,, Ilk .... i\1 I. I· 111'''11" ............. t 1.''. "fld VI' t I IJJI)IHUII<I.,I II l._,. 'fllllf'J I "'l lilt '?ltJ.:l'liYr_tt)m- 11a\' Fnl<trr ~-ro2 · R kha t\1 \\' _ _ A.nnual. Ill tw h..td m 11w ,,..w IU•d a trtent.l 111 ~•mll Ana _y,'liJ M11 I..Vll'fl• r; .... rl:" r:m•1o\n Ml'lf : ~"~t•'.'tmlltf. ,1111111,..,. !''!!f"!'r ... J &t.M.I mltfl'l·~ rM 1n11 Vfl'lllft 1~ f!!l'ta Mnlruv ~.~. RPrnAnl R ThrPf'( ~ . I I'YtnP -Hnwl. nliW ht'1'1& n•~I:!!·!L..tl! .... ('tO , __ i "'VItl rnt?rfl'"""' 1'1.;(" rrtl"vt y,~ ... 4'.,..,.... . 1"flln•·l'l.. I·' • '"'" .\ , III•J•lt"' .. ~. r I w ~· "" I' " r I ''"''''''""" u .. t ... rt II ,.. y •I . o'!a 'n .... •.-~J-1-.a-rhr..~.._~·&U..ef'-·.,._ =-·:.., .... ~l -....-~1"'i1'fn-1,;.:'1"inn--..---. ,,.., rnr • 1'. I I .,.....,..;._.,...__... •. • !tMrr,.•·"" '· ."'mrwao• pn.l "'k Thry w llol•l\• 1 •. ~··IIII I• ll11rvov '": ''"''''1111, a;11" '~'""'""~ .,, llonr\' l-:tC1u• lll•••te•'! '"""n , K J{r llv ~.of:!. ~1llllrlt'l.' F. \\'t,. ttr•·~arto•nl of 1h•· ( tf'o lrt l\tl'~oo-:"••"'. II en •o hy l)OAI I•• Alltllkr• ~lr• ~fno)< II• Il l\ lo1,. II• I' I'''""' ut """~ H••l-·rt llto\"1 oo( 'l'lo•·••l•oloo l!•ohlu ' urul II I. ~hPr· m1{'k c: "1 nurtnn ··fll!t t'r S -:\ II t 1 ('I 1 II 1 Frnnk t1u'tt"r loon Allt·ndtool I"" " 1 ·r· • '11 . _.," . • -•.. J~lrt :JI tt•r ·'''"' ~~ 1 "' Pil''' \1 1'1nru llr•olt \ 1.11111111 11•11 ktJoM Mr" ''""'·1·1 '~"''It t<a•l., ''' ,,, .. r 1111· •lot\' wou\ ""' t;"" untfl • \\'tlhl\no F. URrbfor. :.;.Rr,, 1-nday lliiii'Tlllll: r ... :-; .. " (Hit•lln•. \'Jlfu""· '""'" toi•nlo •Ill lll-.lo\' m••· ~ .. ,,_\\'It o II l(ltk '"'"' 1,,., .. ,.. ·••·•• ''"'•"'~" 1111•1 •:··· .......... 11. l noloa•ll••ll "' ..... (II'WIV ,. ..... ,,., llall:tolR l~<lflnrl ~:wto•ll \\' \\'hal · Who•r<• l hoolt•:anol~ Hf t.litn'-fn1m 1111 l'ftrlc In 1..-ong Ht>A• h ~~~·raoluv , . .,,,,., Nl'll<rm IUI•I 111 "~ 111'"' 11"" Mr• v, 11 \1o .. v.•ll V• "' Mill• 1 .,..,.., lutolhlh•·l "", ,,,,,, •~ IH••III 11.11•1 ""'"''~ "''" ,,.. ho•ltl 111 "" f'l\1'1)' f h II II It f Mr!' ('nrrt,. Hvr<•n .. ( II• "'''" ""~ attendrol th .. '· .. 1111~ E ll•" ul ,,. m lr•'. !';-3i. p:trl' II I (' \lo ltf' WI !;II H'r ur • Mrft <('JArk 1\ttlllkMII Mrll IIMf'lll• ... lti\IJO)l. n R&lldrl ltntl ~llt.rr Wll tiiLLc.. ~rona <11'1 Mar Wllll"m f' thto I!HI Tnii'I'Tl:ifionn C'"nn\'rn11'1Jl, Tno '" hr ,.... vl11llln_g ht·r "'""'"" f • .. m-mttt"" m,.""'"JI .o f ""'' 1, ~"'""·'"'" -,:,.1,.,11 ,\It ~ 11,,1, -' Mr~ \·\' ltoolt7.1'lnw 11( :\tllh !".111••1 \\ ''TU. al l'llto t•fd lil Tl,•ar •oln v H nltlt'r. !';.:\J; Shar" B ~"l"t>:.t . ltt•l•r•'"·nllnc lho· lnrnl 1'111h ,.,, 11 I'""'''" M•,. M•ll ""l' 1 ~-rl7 . llt~RIIhl II tt .. n;J:a !-'·76 . KRiriN "'" loo~r·l ""' !!prrlnl t'qn · I' d •l Ill ·"'' I' II I r•" llun•hll Crlf!ta Me-liB On nl E F Llnytl "'Ill Inn tra m whtl'h q;crl'-.at ~an 8 h !'I, llu 1. 1 :• .to/11'1 ,,, I It• •• lt••l•ll•- -Dl••i!ll Fl'lol:t\ rTJt olrllnl; oonrl ll rrl\'1'' Mesa Joins l .S() At ea(· Mr ~ I<········ 1•. tt .... , .Mr~ A II 111 Ssonln i\nn ~~~ !I :t\ o nr 1\'•"""'·11•· Mo .. :~"""" I! Jl o,flo• o Here . L\ A Local Library (}uiz •l'}tt•)u' rfut Mf l•iUM ftJIKbl~ ... ,,. flit. ~i·Y.t•••" lhu1h t'•••·n' l,tt.""v f,\1 l h• ,. ·n, .. -r~·rllal Will ~'"''"' l .o<c i\n· I f•ol I ~~·~ " II . "olh• ,~ ~··· it s lttl \\IIJI 1111' ~;rolf'• \\ho•rt• tho• <1••1f•J.::tt,... Will 1)1• Filii "'' ~'""'' \ M•• ' I. 'I""'" """w' '"' "'' '" ••• '"••nd ,,,. I•"K" 1ft 7 All lllo•l 1 n un "111 ltrur•·•·rl f rum L•"' i\ ):<•J~ AI 'J 1:) JII'T) Wtlh q,,,,c i\ ~:roup of hvr mrm1w n of 8 '-<'hrr1ulo•t1 ••nr~tul•:.,. 1(1 :-\o;w ,(Jrll•an." ··;u·uv;ln 1<':-tm rl'lir<'~·,,riilnt;t 'the "ril' l h(.' r.runrl C:m.1·nn nn<l lh•• • :-.t .. lhOt'll~f' C'"tlurrh nrnw'f1 ln..~t famou~ r :orl,h:t<l t ·,.,.,.rn.~ W£'('k to ~Ji.gm 11 two Wr('k'~ pro-Kal••·r ~"llfl h1• "Xj)l"'('l<. In llrM\'f' olo(rllm fnr ~oun.: P'"1J11" o l thr hnnw Saturd:ty, July L'fith .._. J 1 ., · 1 1 f th (' ·ta Mr..,. (--r:tllllw•r I II·~ UtfUIV l,lto••Ju "''"'"' _,;x -··--~-.-..;1 •~ 1ury. ptY''-U l'n o '' ''" • ~• 11' -t--·1.,t-FI't;·-Hank~i,.--.-~--=-:::rro.-r.-.mr.lii'lfi,: 'ltf;'f',.ry liu<r ; •. ,., T d ' C:mrtnw>~ ... :-who nffVi~ Mr. tfarry-f~~:rw~ rrrm:·-· ;' "''" III IIIIV r•·J.:OI<It•r••tl l...r n 0 ay H lidtv rlirl'f'llll' rk" ttw IJ••af'h '·ornpalgn th:ll lh•· ~,( ... :. Injured r>•"'''" ........ lilt• llltrnrv """ .. , 'N: ws Times woulrl he giHrt In u.~· thr-(rtrn.-and o thf'l' d a ta : .... ...,,, "I Ar• llll'ff' IJl'lfl' ......... lhllll e . - h ' f h ltf \11 I. 1r \A.t• loot-mo tl\ ,,f lllllfHI ·~·••kll Ill 1111' llh'Mty ~ I liP h.tJ I (' NI'WfiOT1 w•:w l'f•tnm ('of'. • I --. __ I C"hn<t ("hun:oh hy lho• S t'n Ills Ruth C'IUllpft!'lrl ll'ft July \\'tth th" lal'~l•lnnC'f' of R<'V F. IN' I!' frnm 7 lo 9 home' .1 1 • •• ,.,11,1 '1•·1 ''•~• 11n•l (ltolml"''"' " , , ,1 11 1 Itt II tlr11C ,.,.,,, t Gl... 11 l I rr· 4 "'""' • vru· ,,, I'''" . "" .... I • • ()ffiN'S will tl(' O(ll'nf'f'l at I 1e V'llf'-r•ra r '' IN• , i"'' . ,., I· "' ,, "'""'''"" uqw •·•l 1 I loot-l>~rw••f o tr• ulaU•.n ~ f'uhllo·tly ~· ''"P in \usta M('!o.;t wh••n> )o;UIJSCr•ptiOM <'a n llf• lc•fl and ;:·;;,;,::.:v.~·, '~,[.~~~ '';;,::~~~:::~· :~ r. ll••w ,,,.1ty t~·••k" w•·rr u.t•lt·•• j f'•ornn" 11,.1 Mnr rar:r " l'•lf" T Seat Ill' "''hPr'7 'he , hill' a p C"""JC11•II paqnr of thr loc<tl Th1~ rnrn,·ron procram 8rmmln~t 1111 rnmptom,.trr nrl'rAtnr r hurr h. •M••• l11•11'n ,Ma'Yr) nf to thr croup 1~ 11 pHrt of ot n~tlnn· r . and Mr!l. ~1'\'mour .John11on l ~••ll•tltnll. f;tor.rj:!l' l.tX'kWOI!rl of wldl' m nwm$1 hrld by 1f1 ~twh fsmlly of AIIIV1Pnt\ RrP at C'"tllrll~tn Mi•" :'ol•lolr<:<l C'"tltorry of \ram' In nvcr ftOO CXJmmun1tir1 r rottagl' st 200 C'ty11lal C"hnn-1 lrt-tottm. \'rm nn S h tt 1m11n of KanJ thi"' summrr. 'h1c-plan i~ tn 11111 ll'land. for thr month of July <n..~ nntt lhr1r roun•,.ll•lr, J_unr yOimJr pt'Oplr <>I th•• rhurrh If! t.Aurl\ f'r 11.nrl rhtlrlr~n -YRma'll nr ~ 1\ns:l"'<"' arr hold-work oilt 11 romplt'll' p~rnm nf 8nrl PAt nl t.nF A n~t<'l•~ lnl! twro mo'f'lin~ r nrh rlay The nrtivity inrluttin~t •·nrld fr1Pnt1- t thf' wf'rkf'nd w ith hrr row• o fil"'t bfogin~ al 9 8 m thro uQ:h ~hip. rommuntty !W"M~. wnr"'lhll'l John Oht of Udo 1~1,. 11 ·:\0 am In thr <'vc:'nin~t thl' St"~·-and ~rratlnn. ' . . - who"" ..........,,·nf "'-~lkS und otlwr lnfo rmatilln (';tn l11• .-'" llu• llltr~tr;y l~t•l Y"'"r~ '-n · "~ '-I ' '1'1.1' " 1 • t••l I I ' ''''1\l'tl tu I' o ( •nil I rtiYI'f"Y se<'tll"t'd. F..dilor M .. N. Will!! lc; m.dlaf'l(e . ,1, '''"'' ,.1.,, "'"' v"''""' tl WI'"' f)"r •·••rn ,,, ""''" nowa I I ., t .. •r Wto • jllV•.IIIIr ~ ( ,RlllllfiNI Aolll The ur1ion of thf' MrAA fulk ., jolnjnJ,! '"" hl•;lf'h ,. 'I'"'. Ill ..... I 1' ......... 1'11 II • "" "'loo1•• ,,1, lrt lloo tafl•lol 1111oJ plotnfr<l 7 ltoow ""''-" m•lflrV •11•1 llw 1 r 'ro.,.IIW••r•l Pll7,,1r drive Y.iJI hc hc'flf'fif'ifll All around and refirv·t<; llnf'lftlf•r 1,..,,,11.,111, st ... "''" .,.111111,11 ltoorl lllorrpv l'foll•••·l f•,r o,v,.r•l•w l~o.,k• in~fllf)I"'C Of lhf• happy t'OOpt'rilfJoo bt-fWC'f'n thr• fWII nlttoool ,j,, Itt•••• h•·nd onol '""'' ltr1•l olutlnl( tl~t• 1110"1 Y""r ~ Mml•• ftlln"~ ll"rP ll11lloHa ""Y ltrl[l<llll Pa11:11 2 l'&lfl' ~ -ragr 3 l'a~te G 1'•«-4 ._,. r•-4 •••\• d ;1 ~I ••'''' t ttn,, • ._,tun St.,.. k tfuw "' 8 n y maJ{IIlXln,. •uh h:" .... ,.11 1,. llw h••' l•••hl ;1111t tal• r •• riJoll•on• '''"'" th" llhrary h•vr· ~ r•·mnv~'<l '" n tv1nvtall·•r·o·nt '''~rn1· If Itt oW lfl&ny tiOfllU Wf'lf' tJCitllflol rommunittP.;. Wta11t 111\rhlor-Wom~n A. ry lttolnlf t hi• w..,.k ,.. .. .,. I • ' . I ,0 .. N!-:\\'1'<>1<'1' HJtl.BOA l';t·:\\"S~TL\U::S, NewpOrt Beach, CaJi(orriia, 11-WHSDAY. JULY 17. 194 1. Page ~vo ' f • ------------------~------~~~r=~~·-----------------· ~------~------------------------------------------------ Thl" J)aJM"r not oul) h th t'fllllutuwd to tho· E--D I T 0-R"' I-A--L7S Slaw'• 1.-~eal ri"•IUIN'mrn..,, but "'""' hultl• rw ' ' _ • , • o.--~ (UIIIII) ~UIN"tlttt ( tolltl tlo·o·ro•o•, lltllk tee It ~ljtiblr to JKittllo.ll ,\LL 11'11al nul lo,.,, Newport -Balboa NEWS -TIMES I'HO~t:S I'.! 1.: U ·skinny Skriibles Letters To Th e News-Time~ Your friends and mine t :lad to lw h.tt k In I!,. rnt10.h•rah· \'ulum.--'-'XIII llt·rt• 'l'lu•rt• N\ntl The t 'urona del .\1ar Co.ntro\'ersy • ltr:.hto· .. 1 Or '•IIJ.:<' t:uwl\y Ul'<' ~It un.t !II,.,. :.: A-. \.'I :1\\ fur .t tond :\I r :; l.o '"~ A 11.!<1 ~vn \\ hu han e SubM'r·ipllur. l':<y.<IJI., rn ;\rlyioiiCc. $.! r>~J 11.<'1 ,'" 1 r tn I ll'ton.,:o• (. 'oUII I) : $:..'7~ per )••ar It' •lth /ollt•. ,1•~11•1 )•'Ill' '" ktt. ''''w :!5<: jl\'1 n nlltllt lo~ C olll to I Entcn'<l as ~l'<'Ontl·t 'Ilk'-' lllhtto r :01 Ill•· J• ,,•.,1(,. •· 111 =-:o•V.J uti i:P:Odt, Caltlotnoll, llnt.kf tho• A•·t •If :\1111 • h :1. 1>-7~1 S . A. ME Y1:."R l::J>ITfirt A:-:1> ~1.\:-..\t ;J.Jt Prrnlln~ l'l(tnl, 2'."(\X \\' C'l'nll .al "''''"'h'. =--•"I~·• I lit-,,. h. l'.at.r .... ,,,, A ~P«"odoble Loc•al ln•lllutlun l 'ur CJH·r ~:t ,., ... ,. .-.-.. ,, ...... .. • N4TI~~ORIAL {; ~ IOM CIATtON : t-• ~ 't r1r · 7Jt;;;;J;;:. ~--....::: -. y-_,___ t :u •r) l:"''o•nlllwnt .,f'lh 1111 "' """''' tlt:tl h.uullo·• Jlllhllt-111"111'~ abould &llrhJ!,h at r•·.:ulnr lllt,.n nl' an "''n11111111r.: ur II, '""""'1: "hl'rf' And hon•• r n.-h c1ullllr I• 'I"'"'· \\ •' hulol I hi• I '\, tw " luuola nwnhol , ltrlnc'tywr .. u l do•JiuH'rlllll' 1:11\f'rllrn•·nl. Ot.t'IC'IA(, I~J\I~t:n, ~t:\\'I'OICT 8 .\I.UO:\, ('.\I.I FUIC-~1.\ t:l!'o4•\\ lll'rt> • \\llh c · .•.. ll"l.htn)'l s km\ •~ I ". \\ t t ,. "I'V \!'•I ' ''I' 1 •• , ol··l Mar. C:ol r lttl\' 12th. 1!11 1 1\IE~. II • rf'~Oit Of t • 1', '' •I t..:' • I • , I • '·l ' ,, " ,, l'"' !tf\t o ll11• /'lty CQuto • -; .. ol • oomlltlon.11 on 1 1 r1~"qtrl"" to mnk"' I• f>S tha\ V.• '• t Ito I oiRt~ &In • ' \' I I• " t • r I Ito• Jtt'l lllon 8• • t 1 , or • ..:• •• llod,v.av Olvb1i·· _,,,,,,I '' f••h h ~' rl ',. 11••'l '' , t, t \ ••'• ,. l\.\11 tlllrt•lrttd pr' Ut'fr n .. tnk itnol 111 1 ,I i U t d 4 I t 1 tu tuJt• !f.l l'• 1, .. • 1 11 1 1 .t•l \ ,t.\ltl!\ U1l ~dl·\'(•ttr r• ... -, •• • t· ... ', t.t ~htr. I '' \...un\o\ •l••tu.:h Jd•111t lit•· plu • 1 ,. I , t•'' 'I'C ft•tlf"r f :qiJ•r" aut• lfl•'' II 1 k• ... '' ,,, '• .. tt~· :--·t ,, lltt•l·" 1\ P•\'1~Hm, • \. \ ""'"f ,, L' I 1 I ~·•.t 'I ,........__ ___ \ 't \'! \\ I •·•·~•· .• Dlatt ' ,, .. ,,_, t'tl•1 1•1• )I \•IU 'lh~·l ' , _, 11 f I ..... , I • 1 t.rtt•' l 1 • r 1 • • f •" L' t t ' 1 •• , 1, • t r ,, I •. , ' .,,,1 II I "" 'I t h ..... "'' II . h \I "• tl I I• ... I, I • , ' ,, ' d I •,..,., 1 lfl f f. f1 tJhllt f lo( It• \ t t 11 I t •fl • • • I It '• l tf tk• f. I• -'""" :lrtl. 1'111 ,. 1 \\ \t od •t,.on. ~. • I '\ I AIIMOC'Iat " • \'1 • •-rtrr---- THE l J. S:l[" f<'Oit TilE l 1 ~ \ r ------""",.-,,.,..,..,.,..,.-...,., 1'11'~' !' • I" 11 '"' J •r --rr .,.., ..,,..,.,,.,.r--,...;..,,.,.,"~' I~• .;o~..-e ... ....tti ~· .. ~. . . . I ., ••.• ,~· I ,, l t• II' , ..,, It 1••41 l f'tl'• Ma n \' ;,n a lltlo•lit• lo•:utl I\,,, Jtllf IIi',,'''''''"" l w hl lho "' I ' \• '·: '' ·• "· · U"ttinst' a'llllfiSt (1\('1\\ lh'lrttill,_; lttJrJ, IM•c ,fll"t' !Ill' 1 •1.1~1 f" f,l1t'\\ I 11 I I !• •I •''' I '' ,... 1 , .... ,. 1 1 L' ) •• n~• t"• '' 11 C'\t'J'\'(Irlf' in t IH•i I' :-.1 ·hool • •I o4 1 ''' n \\ .c' I ,•., 11111" I c" lit• 'Il l 1 tt 1. -1.....-a lui .Lli • • \•. t ,,,, t, I ,. n lt•1t•'1 thf' ~Or• • \ '""' latll'lfl P ' sJ-. ... p" ,. tl lun ' ,_.LU.'-'-.o-J'"_;' · •• • • a • t. I :11 a r be o • ••II !101 uml ~''!.'''1"" ~""find ~.tl oo( lho• \'••hwlt• l '~otlt• 'St·ot•· 111 C':tll· tttriHOI FL.M !tOll Odt•d h\• 1 ht 1.,. Cl~ lnturr lfl:l't Th,.. uftuvt• ~··-t'tfnn~ •I• (In••• rt'"'' 1 u·t•·tt "'fwf'd Y.ntu·~. und th• ~1'''"'1 \\lou h 111 •v lu• tnl\•o11o·ol t-"""'" 11 ,,. .u.._.,, '"· "'"''" "'"'~' ,,.._,, •1 h•n ~lj;!ll:t 11pnn ttu• tn c •\ '' ,,. unl••l'ls tht• ~"• t ~t•n , urr ~''"'"' 1\lttt. t h•• towlltu •r•._ u~ dtl"t"d)Pft 1'1 th•• C'•KI•• Tht•r• f·••·· ,\ It" "''' ,., ... H\ ft•r us tu rnfurrn \'•••• thi•t t \\'t1!1l•t )u• hO f'"~~thl•• tn f'll\1'•• ,..,,.. ~~th·Lh.u .,,.,-n • 'f'l .... 1 I 1n tt r ,,,.,,,,_.n ""'" f•!u t t• ular att••w I""'" • '" 1 d1f " ~··•·11"n ",tn ;,f ttl•' f 'u•ltl and II • ~"i.!l:''~lo•ol lhltt 11~ l'llt•llla ol••l \lltt· '" \\lthtn tl1•· '"'r"•rrll•· lornlt• I I • ('If\' n ( :'\•'ll 1'"1'1 Ho• ,, h tl I• IJIIII•· I"''"'"''' lllltl ~· .... Olh\' •1 Urn ,. .. rn~> f t•lh•( h\' Vttlll' !111 tf t·••\1: t• 1••1' •' .' X•.._H I.!'Cill~ l f' tLUthor• ,,,., ct\'• u th• rn un•f•·r :or•·• t "" ;,1n • IIJ••Y•·ol II \',nbllull I IIII !11 :'\\ltlh· • t 11 t' ·uiU•·I ru.~ ''11'1 ( lJt. ).!••I• :\It :uttl ~I ts 1 'hat h·~o I' lllto~t u f c\\hHt. low, *'''" \'Utllmg U1~ \\'tlllltll lll11st:. ull Thur on St n·l'l 1>1 I' 10 ucl !II 111. l . U. ll<.·nu•ul u 1 'l t•lfh•JI'IJIUIIJ.: tilt' II llh ,., •• :\lt:<l< ~1.11 • J'•rl•· l<••th• nl hf ~~·· til .,., J llinui~ ' '"")"''"' lltolfh ••! th.· ill).!h\\11\', ·~ ''" ,.,.,J h\ =""•·\\ P••r t H••tt• h ttn:t 1 lh• :-.tit· 111 tlth t•rnp•·t\\' , ... t•• a o.;'t'lll ''".''Ill ll'lolldo·ol It\' tilt' ltH l 1 I~.WI ulth r tu 1-!l'l l•• thl' IJ''l'llll, ..... .,h •"' tu I,. ... ,.. th~· ''I•·· at~fr:tp . !ot j.!h\\11~ •r l 'tll lllll dol :llllfi I·"'''"' lo l 11 • ._o.,k I lio· I 'lad of I 1'••!11 •· flits '1"·~11"" 11 ti~o llltll. lf,u• t\' ••r ('••run t •!• I ~1.u \\'e•rt· ••· 1 '1''''~ \\' \\llhl!t..,-rtl "':ot tu un.tc·r· \ t 11\• t)p lll.t~Jlf, n .q 11 t u( hn o: .. I o:"r lt\1 ""I hot.:!"'·"' 111>'111<1 t.•• \\••uf I a .. •I•J "•t•~···t ,, n •I ''<"· 11)!"''' ·I •·~ th. r1t1.! •• r J•ntu·,• • ( fh,· ,.,.,,,, • -----'.:.."..:l~:u l tt c t1h It 1 Itt .. ~ llrl\' J.J trt r•n· t iTilV\:j;'ttr.. !" fl , !" \' l'llWiFJ.Yi tl' l•l.,lrlr t t-:n·J! ·, .. r :"\ \\' I(I-7J-'SF 1 11~1 rl• I Tra f (j, L l•lli J,..lt .\~ ... ,., t.at .. n ''""~tt ••UI • • u au.uutt\ t . t . ·u1tt '•·~t t.~ •· tn n TJala...p,prr alrU:al....&A_ AQaKU~lLd~~JL IU'IU nf lht" (in•atcor lfarbor I)~ (o be a JCUidlo~o: furce In the area'• fur~r de\'elop- nwnt; llnd to ••·~· aloof from all obll.:atlona t'&C«'Jtt that• of fidelity to tbe public lDlerHL I That Stock and Commodity Quotations and Late News are Available at Our Local Office? 516 N. Main St. • SANTA. ANA • Santa Ana 600 SERVICE Hrrt. ro'-' will find a tomrlrrr bo.u ,f ft:h )fn , wich HJMCtn ynu$ f'OIC• inA. uf Nl"" Y,uk \hKk qu•tCt~ftOI\l, anJ n lrllrnt UAII\IIt•l '""'"'~ m.un~.&inC'J Eve )v.Jr \VII\C'Oitncc- \'uur oo.Jrr ro l>uy m -.·11 lisrt.! 1101h , hun.h or cununo•loroe• will h br rxl'tuor.l "'''" SJ"'"' •nJ ~cru­ f.ll) V\'\.·r lite """'' n "'••tt· lt"Alot'll f'U\.I~lrr ))'C\IH l•JOIH."\.t ing our t ~ I'"' t'" C '' .-1ti~.r-s .t.nd our :'\l\\ y , •··~(" \\Uh pttMi· N l J;.utlfll lf.~JII•O: tlOICU. DEANWITTER a:· • WM. CAVALIER 8c Co. .. Ann'il":-.,!Slii·('T:t,'4il in 1'\"t·~thlft~ l•l tl , • 111 , .• , It"'' f.," ·lrl ,., ,. • • '"'' I• ""' J ll 1.. IJ ,.,, "'''' ,, II •• , ........... .. \ra lianiJy fur rlllll'h till' :-.:lltll' l <'l"tll I It''" 1 It"' II•'\\ lt·lr ll.rvu.:t.. l<tlh ,If .,1 \ .. ,11 , ., .,1, .. ,.~~ • • I l"•nl lht-pd I• I I "' I"' I\ I ~til• I t•" lfl t •fl•,.. 'I ttlfl tL1• t •v '", ,tl-.•·1 ... ''!' nuz I liJ,:tl\\ :1\' • f , ;::--t=-n tl; r 1(• 1 •n :-1 .::-:. T( ,::-, -,:-n::-,:-:-. ,:-:-, t,.-,:-:-\:-, --!..' -'", u..U. lllq • t " ;, I "t ,. l h , • t hal t I • • II • Ius.: It• -t ~· r ~uu.ll 1 t" t• r." tt•ltn~! u • "P'' .. , 'tt •• .. Ill••••" "'•• rot• Sloe• '"'-~ .-----it---j--- ('OUnlrVm C'n \\\'1'1' llllih-c l .. oltdl\ '"''""" r:to•tn F ill 111<~1· Ill ., .... , •• :,. 1 tt• nPt fn mil t• " 1 c •lc•t• •• ,, .. e4 Tt•4• S•• ,,.tll(laco Stoc• fH~ .... \~}II'~" ( 'ndt• !ur \'Otlr 1n f111 •nJtl l~tfl a,::d o! :p i f I It f1d f\ f• 1 Jflt.! 1tt\\ II +I ~· tl••n :dn "' tth .. ~1<-•tnr , •• ,, nUt • ~~,.I ttf f 't~ht ' .and t!h • u • t 1 ,, • • • it\, ntne thto n-c11 .~ampirs wr h :t\'{' ltw Film'. (;r,.,•J,, .•11d l ~r tli-.lt I • I t•, • • • · ,., i • 11 ruhllr hi~: It· tl"r f,. ,., ... ,,. to \\h f,·t\ ~1t It••-lds· •>~t .a'J ;,[ lhs•l li•'ht•l )•J·t•trn•u l "Ita. It I I• It• ,., .t. ~t1•" ·,., t .. ·tr• Ill ••h 'I~' lt\J~ J•liotll\. Ul 1 .tl, ....:t ,,, ••r <·Ahfon11 1 It '• I • \\'tu•n a :-.dtool \\:tllb 111 .,!HI\\ ''' lo ':tlll ll t•·lfll~;•r -. tlt.tl ,.,, '• '1'' '1'' 'I'' ... • .. ' 1 ' I j llr \•U .. I I '''I 1111 1 ._,,tttnt• '' ,, It I ,,, •' 1•· l'll•ft•J''III o n t1 ~· ''"•• fh r ~nn ~hhl l •lt"'•• a \'•hu·l•• evt'r yOrll' is hchintl tht·tn tltt• ... t w l•·nJ.. \\ truop t Ill' :tl :t 1 ""' • ,, , "''' ·"''"" ,.,,,,, ~1.. .t ' 1 lov rn•·mt ... r• ,11,,, 1 h~h"'"' 1 11 ,1, ··>I t.:~o·at rnllv. Fur a nation I h e Jll'ohlo•rn b 11111 "'" ··d '" ''"'''' Tit•· •Ia '• ''""~ "'' "• 1 ,.,, It ' '' '' "•'• II ' '"' Jllvl8l•·n , 1 ,, ., 1~1,. .. n·ololo· .. r 111ulo·nt l'hJt~C't' fur a dt.•tll()f'l'\1ra tiun of natu,n.d ,,,lult't1ft \ 1n tlh· I'• .,,, H•••h'' l'u' '• ,,,, .• 1 '" ~· ... t.Jons '" t1,,." ,.,, r•·J.!•·tt ft~r lh·· t•:.ff , • ·,.,.,, ' tl t ,,,, t 'H ' •' n '' d tt•·· 'tlf'f'u r-an~l \\ 11lth .. r lJnjtccf S IHil'S ()C't'tll-.-aiKIIII 1111\'t' 111 •• ····IJo•t.tlf••ll :-;I It'll :til " "d "· r I h i '. ·, 'I"'' . ·"· lllllllt' ~:···1 lh·· llt:lh\.1\ ''"'' In r n f\••111 •I opportunity now J H'I.'~'nt :-. it~·lf. .ant r• 1 ,,.,.,,,,, 11 1.' • t .. 11 • • "' ,, "• • n l•·ller np ~, .. 1 \•lloll•nflrPlt.:"'"''" ~''''' Tht-U n lt ('(t Ser\'kC' ()f~T\111/.:tllllll' ,.,, '.illllfl;ol l 't•lo·n ... • •••.• '"'"" t\ •l•t ... ,, ••• II 111" ,. .. ••• 1111•1 n .• l I , .. ,.;,·.n· .. , ,.r"l"'rl\'" • • 1 ''"•-' ),J! •UI\ "'-n••\~ ~'1"'' H 11•1 • 1 tt1 't (lf\\'t•Otf'H'1 Tl• II II I I\\'' I I ll •'t I' cornprisln .-thcYoun;.:!\h•n 's l'h n ,lt:r n \.,r .. •,;tiJcllt,,. tl l••n:t , •• ,,':;', ,,,,,, 11,,..,,\,, _11 , .. ,, 11,, .. ~~···• '• ,., ,.. , •. , •· · ·• ~ '".. .. 1,,, f 11 j•d l ll t Ht ,uld'l h• :'tt'• Cath olk Communi I~' .S.•I\'il'l•, ~:th :altroll Ant;.' .. It '\\''" \\'1•l· ·~ . ..,,.,. "' "• , ','" ''' 1 •' • ''. .• J' • 1.,,.~ an-• • · lltt:l"" ''"'.'"n '" •l.•tt 1• "P"" f are Bo ard. Young \\'r llllt'n·~ t 'h11~f t:tll ,,,.,,.,·,.;tt1111. ·""' :'\.1· '"' 'tl '"· 1' •· " •• · 1 '""''I ·•ttilttl• '''"'' •·• th·· '""'"'''"' "" "'" ~ . . . f • '' ttl" \• •1n t"\ ''' • ~ "'' t.-I' 1 I 'tf • " •'-'latH 1 111-.,:.h\\ t\ •n c '"'"n , tl• I ~1•r fl ,•ffl t1cm:rl'f'r:1\~ A1n A~w·lalu•u \\11J l•llllltlf't ,,,.,,.I.I IJ•ol t\..!11 "'·'''' 111 1,, ,.,,,,,. "'' "" ""' • ~ '•' lu ttu .,fh• 1 !t11;' h:p ~( ;q• • tt ~J0.765.l)(XJ IO OJil'l'illl' ;lti(l -"'1'\ lt't;tJ1111, !111 ,.,:d tl'l", '·1rl11f'" It• I t I -.1-1•. I" "'"''t•· '" I' ''. t 1q r. '"'"'"" .. ~ngl 4n I • ., . .,l.t 1, lt~or:h . .t.l,: I! I' \\o 1, 11,1 and <k-r~St' workc ·r~. In 11tltl1ltoll. t it•· !' ~ II \\Ill ltn:tnc.• "''" 1.1' 11 ' llo•· 1~· hn~: '1111 · 'I'• ''''"n .. nvtlun .... ,.,,.,.,,.,,,. • ttlt I l~·1 1·•n•f \\tth ,,,,. ·-I• •t ttl tf .• t t t~1 \\t t•n (;q ..tn a ll-star pro):rllm of t•lltt•a'l llllllllo'llf 111 IIJt• • :ullJt". 1,.,,.1, ,. 11 , 1, ,..1 ~ 11,., "" , '' 1 1, • 11 "r lwtw.... \\ II• 11 I · -•11· ·I "" '"' ,.,,.' ,. 'J . ''"' '11 l'••ll t \\tt H '"l'''"(th• J••tlt1n''"' 1llc Jl('('(j fu r th(• l . S . ( l. 1:' lllr\ lnll,, •' .10~ :tf'IIIY lr':llfl· ~· 1 lfo. 11 I • t• •1·• • t h1• 111.'111 ~ Ill 1 •I<·, I' ,. I lh••t•· wa ~n 1 1nt t, th• t'1\lt A.,. ..... ,.,,, .. n u ul ing c3m~ an' ltK'illt'(l in (ltlf ·o(.fhl'·\\,1~ pl:ll1'~. a. lo111g cfr.;. '""1.' ~•·" • 1" ~ ""' •·· 1"' "·''' ''" • · ,•r' 1·"·'t1"'~'~ Th• '• '"""' 1 ""'' '"" al••\•' I•JO••r to· ··-~ r· ,,. ft A It ' l t t lHltl ' 1 f ,. "''''''""" rl\'t hun. n "••·ttl< I I' l'\th••· ·····d f•r Mlrn.n th~H kl •h ·d th:q \.\1' lt~llld ht\'f' Ott ...,IIUC I"'OTl a ,u~ t'J y. s a J\•su , I '" I ' ... u:t " " -• -Ill " " ·•l ,, •",' ,_ ""'"'' d"'~ • ol AQOO() lx' 't 1 1 t f f • hCIJ><' ••f I••W•"tn s: til•• ., ... ,.;l ltn lll camp "' • JTl('Jl t o S1 tla ('( nt•a r :1 ()\\'ll ll H ('\\ Th· "' ",, ..... •1···1 "' Hlt.:••l't•ll "''" "" I\' :till •s:·· .. ou nt:o p,.,.,. ''"' th ot h<> t .. n~lll<>r~l I hAl It wn• -thoUS8ii(J peopJe. 111(> J"('('n'AfiOnHl fadm~ Of !;\.IC'h Snlrtll h · flllrl\nr (~ml~l'ton bM a "' ~ _, m:mv-attl~ dtttll-ltf'l t l\ thl' ~t"t" tn f'+t{ nrr!N>.I'II M 'Y"Dft'UDDtJM. are 800I'l tnVaroped. Soldi<'I'S WltOdE>r HlmJ('S..,;Iy l<''·frunt 1 halrmAn nno l 11 lllntl· lt"M Tlt1ot • \\hill hll~ h•·~n th~ tolrr Hli:hWR\' In <'nforr l' thf' law r h . I , ltth""r 1,..n,•tRr\' \\'~tlto•r ~plrrr l mntll'r wtlh F:urup,.lln nnttnne for "" !lll\t i'C'I. hnwi'Vf',., that If W I' ,.,. MGut 'tatreeta. vainly .eeking arnUSt'ment or t t'lr CJ.SU.r(' ho-111" tht• lllol IW'IfUIOOtll'fl ... 1\·MII '. l'llltJrlo" Anol ll•n'l thAt a ntrf' "' t•/llve-1'1 no !l<"llon from the-lltatl' baura. provktine a w~ ranae of recreational and social lllltl . Rl•)' P.tiWKnJe thr n•n rl'ol l ml'llll rnr I hi' l'ntl,.·l Rtll.lf'JI to ""' hi' would ~'" to Mr CAtn hlm .... tf ev.~ta the U. S. 0 . llervice dubs will J.:O a lo ng w ay toward w"IC"n Tho· comml!!llloot'rll "'111 Into~ ~nfl MV th11t; tho' h•• wu pcor· hul<l ,. nu·dtns: In mnkl' IIIIJ:J.!f'll· -• -"''11\lllly · I"J)J'OlW'c1 to f!nlnlr 110. .,,. 80iving this problefn. II"''" '" lttf' 11i•ttr •l l'lf !'luprn·U.Orll In l hf' m01ll .. ••r u ( lh-Mllllilry 'llmulc1 rut nffir l'rll In C'nr~•n~t •lf'l We hope every citizen WiiJ lOOk UpOn this campaign 11:00 1/nd thnl'!l CJIIII•• 1\ l'llllrRio(o•tottll Rl'• 1(.-pl:u ••mf•nt I' 11ll'l C'Rtnp n 0 W )htr IIO•I ''"Jlrf'tl urwm flnf'll rol -....thl .... o-than An opportunit \' tn 111'0\'ld<' f'f"('f't''l I ion '1"11 HoWt'V<'r t h ... purpH!If' ,, f llnll••r 'lon~ltlo•rutlt\n fnr )()('lltiOn ,,., tNt ti'l f\!1\' lho·m. If nu ill,.hl'r ...... r-~•Uilfi m I'<O • • ··n • oliO " tho• 'IOffl lllll<,.lnn "' , .. lm t th u t • I ' . I .. · '" • • "'-" I "m •• .. nn ll "f\a ', oun· t11nciJ """''' Ill' t~tll •oln,.•l for OUT soldk-rs u.nd sailor~. \\'l' h rtfll' 1'\'\'I'Y AmPrk an \\ i I ,., .• , •. '""'"'' ' ... oltlh•nll onol tho· lr\' I 'lotll It ''""'''"PI' th:tl nOI onl• •• J I Wfl!l Al•tl tnl•l thRl ll m~>tnruot striVe tO put thiJI driVt" 0\'l'r th€' top llS :\ cit"fllOnslrn lio n tO thl' II•J•t•ll\ l:lu\1\lllj; I'"J'ttlotlll\' M lllo' S:tnlll. AIH hut OriiD).:I' l'nuntv II rnulol nnl h.• fln~'•l fnr <'XI'N'<IinJ! tl1ltire world that this country .is \1 unilro nat ion st nnding horh"r 1 '''11111 ''" 'hn·rut """ "'~ ont .. ro·~t··ol :on.t from "'her •ttlu th•· 4r•·lf111 .. ~'"'"" It mot 11n1,.~~ 1 tl" I•'I.I II:E:"\l'l: \\' ,\:-:l •l·:t:~(t;'\, SAM~S SEA FOOD CAFE '!S(JI ('o..,.t liJcbway, !kaJ Bead~ "Wa tch for S"ord n .. h .. Ueer, \Vines and Liquor for Sale at • SAM'S FISH MARKET ATLA~TH' ('0,\~T t.OtlSTER Ul~~f:R II..W Tt'RTU: STt:.\K 111~=-:t:tt 11.!)0 · Ut:LICtU 'U:!4 Ot' Tilt: Ut:t:a• S t:,\ Faln()u• LoUW&na l'onlJ~ann .tun•ho Moft 8hrtl C raM Guaymaa Green Turtle Slt>ak . Jumbo t 'ror; Ler;. Onteta .. tlto _.Half ~~· Loob..'-a 8Jlrimlla and AU Otber Kind• oT !Wa Food• ' Lwacbeon 50c Ulnne n 60c-'J5e -Sl.OO STEAMED €LAMS SEliC l'OVJI SEA FOOD SWDI Pliloee L. II. ,.._.,. or N!-oo lor a-nn~ 0,.. till I A. II. IJH, , rlmlnltiiOII '"""''lo·rr•l lon ,.rf•·• ,,,.,. ..,,, '"' hf'lnc ~rlvo•n by ftrr••lltlnr ••ffio•r•r "'"''" J'fll\'1' tiHll solidly behlnd Its dE-renders. -• -rrom1n••nt , atl7""" w h·• ~·IUlt at n.-"'"" •'•tvtn~r rN'ktl'•l'l\' a n .1 • Th•·r• 1~ 11 lltt~pl•'lnn lhlll Hnl· lo·n•f •rw ''Jil~•nnl olf'l•n'l.e pmJ~t dnngf'rNJ~h· nl thl' limo' \\'hilt n I can•_take it"~ith ·my CP gas range to do the work THEY'RE BUILI>ING CASTLES I~ on ll'llorrol 'tuu• I••• mnny plo·n• ••• "'''" In' I' I~ I'HIIf11\' Thll! •• lltlltl' nr >t frlt 'n•' \\'1' hnv·· n "~>'''''' ·rh .• t'!l \\11 •1 lltll••r thank,. 11h1111t ··•p•·•·l1dlv Jtoollo,•nltl<' trom the law. but 11 t ~n'l ,.,., l'nf••r•·••ol 1111• Maybt> it's lhl' longin•• for );('t:Uritv fn a lt~tuhh'fl \\orld. 1-'n~o:ltlll•l • _ '"11 ~1 '""'"1111111 '"~ 'llllo h IHo' do-,,,.~~ n T'"r•••n I~ hrrnktn).! t v.·n ••r "' J tr\~ !lOJno• '"'""' ""rk IH JW'"Uadf' ltlll'<''•>th•'r' l:tt.\~ :ol th<' I' trro• llrn<'' Maybe lt.!s lh€' etc.--sin' for n (':ti;llt--of om•'s O~t'n in w hidl '"I ~htT1 ~~·r• H· ... ·h "''<'llll'U lu lh•;'"' " olllfhnrttv In ~··INI tht>l ' ....... no !lll•h lh•·or-.• 1\1'1'"··1 ,.,~ ... shut out ttl<-tuntuJt und tht> s houting of Hw \\an ·ing \\llt'hl "'"'.J .,,,., th•· F"ll't h .. r .t .. r ~· ,,,.,n. r:oror h .. "11'' r·H· lhl' rad~t w""'" If tt l •;'l•t•n l 'lk•'~ a 1Ntr 1 ",,_, k •·•~.t \\'n• '" .. ,.. r•••h\ Tr•. ' u np 11 ••n't n•·· ....... ,. ' l n name-nf hr,.nt1 h•~ ~~ "' .,.!'lt•••t ( .. r "'t•"\f\1 .. outsi~. Whatc\'er it,..is •. we cio know tlt:~l l'tlitrns in Cali-111,1, 1 .. ,, ''"\'"" r."''" 111, 1,. "'It tit. "'"'''''·" rrr•ro '"l" orr ,..,.1st· ItS! h,. •ln<•JOn"t 11 .... , .._.,rth· h "'" fom ia nnd throu~hout n1ost of tht' F11r \\'t•:-.t h ll\'t' l:ttlllt'lll'ol • 'I''" al \ """ ""~"""'" t>~~·rn•·.t uo 11'1.! l'h·· lad 1"·'1 th• 1 llf'' 1• • '" Rill" hr•"•k • "In"""' "' knto k r-"'''"td pf lu•tHb'~ T h•• ~lP Ia J\nH • ~tfiiiiP 'd th1t• a111tUdt• ,..:,.m,·hu.t\' dtl\\'fl t•\ .,,., It a boo. m In h ota.sln.,. th.nt I!-\ tht' n nvy of tht' natio n. '"' 'l. -l"~·plt· 1 t dk···l \\\th \\hll l t•kttl • n ur f 'htt•f n( f"''tllt •' ~a, ... lt \\111 Fon.'<'rtStf'rs It year n~n w ;ttTJC"d thnt t'lltlttitinll ... \\t'f" '" n. l!ttl•·r "', t .. "" \h•·•r l 'o •lo •~"l •n•l 111. ""'""~ '' lm· , .... , (.J:'tfll(lflll 1 ,.,.u '" ""P "" n ot rillf' ror f'('ShiC"ntial huilding .. cltll' Ill 1111' clntf1il1~ llf lah nr '··l·lol •I lilt: ., .. ,, I hi' •·nh· ''""'''' 1""'11 L ,, :"\••\\('"'' :\1\· onf .. rma· f•ftl• •• , .. ,.,., h• r·· an•l thnt t ho•. "' r · I 'lit ' h:. I\\"' ftn•IU t: '-'t•'t• 1' • ll•'IJL"h 11 '1 t •Ht;r ~ n ."'' (t<~tu pui\Uctty , nnnnt a(f•tl'•l t h:tt •• ,,., 1 ,., •• Itt• a nc:JmatC'rialc;. nut {'\'t'nts h :t\'(' failt'(t 1(1 hc•:tr 111'111 cout. Tht• 1 ........... ,. II ·-I fill•' •"lllf'lt· t' ,,. •' ... •'"'""'"'"'' nc1'mUC:h "'"'~ n"l ,..,.,., .. \. oo ( ... rt .. t llll: • ~ ---f• .' -- I long 0 \1C'I'-dUC h ous.ing dri\·e \\hidt ht•h:ll1 ~:tllh't'illg 1111 >-Ill•'"' '" , • I\ \lh•·o II ,,. "".,,I'" :..r tl h,J•.,.r on pub. fttl•" I•• I"' th• ..(fo,.•r • t•• I"' 1--"----n\Cn urn m l~ la s ronllfit!Nt spinqin g ntl't't'n r on 1t'' :-~y. · ,. .. ,..,. '"'' "'"'l "· • ••U.•L..Jr.u.....ut , .. ,. ' uv •• '" 1 ·' "' • •· l•n·t "' t ... ft .. rn .. ,.. • "' •· 1 '"' ,. "" 1 t l• I\ .... ,,fi',u.~t~d HI, .• tf tl I l ll1\lr11. ,,,., h'Um&J. I d tt tl••l ... hurl' Tt-;-;-;•ll;"f·lt'l··:· nll I, {n ~ ~U~t!Out: 01t.lr\ll.!,-. Of this ~C':tt', fill' \':duo• 11f n1'1\ e I II rJ,\ t • H 1 1 t I' 1 f t•t tho• lll1d • Jto of.,or• f,,J11 1.'~ f "" ., 1 o1 h om es built in C"nljfn rni:t n ·al lt•'(l S'l~~ miTiitlll. :'I h:lnrl"'ttllw 1 h~ ........ " ........ .:~1..., • ~· .. , 1 1. • u · · o1 1 •t • u ~.<.:.. SD 1 tbo...., "hu du · ••l l "J'' 1·, ~~~ '" gain o r '17 IX'!' ('t'nl 11\'('1' that ~·11111' lll'riod ill 1 ~1111. And il ,. I I . II ,, I,, .. •II I .... "''... ll'l ,, '.,.,~ .. I ' I• • II· 11 •h:.Jil!h· l hl'lf II ,., 1•:-~•t. 1 .. 1:•'1 '•II , •••• t tl.tt ,, '" ''" "•*l'•l,. ,,.,, tln •• 111 .... u ti• lid l it I · ttt•t !Omr '"It t:t"'' "" '"'"'' n ~,,.,,, .. , ... , s h ould be n otrrt what a lion'-: o:;h:-m• elf all h nllto' lo11tldin~ 111 lUI~ I t \I tt II 1 ,, I ' ·' Hl ·~q ...... ,. t I I ·--nt•·r ·1, th lf II II ,., ... ~1 I rr .. •· the t-ntil'{' 1\n•lfth Ft'fll•ral Ht''-4'1'\t' D t:-ln• I. ( ·.lltr~tt1li.t lto•lcl ,. " I• .,,. "''·'' t •• ,, 1' ,., ,, ... 111· 1 '• t • l•r 1wl\y "' ,.. n ,.•. ,,, 1 ,, • ""''''""'" '" during th()!l;e (our lllt>nths--~!1;\ 111iJii1111 IIlii of a t otal 111 SJI ~• e ( '' I I"" ,, I 11 I' til• l lntn k•'•l' l o II.., hrrur """"' tn I 1 · I '-'ttl•i• • t "r !' o4 i '' ~1u1 · .,, •' '' ,, ' •' \••'1 m&AI" tht"''•' thl1 "''n· t.·· •htn~ lh·· I'\' mil ion. This.lnt:tclt•nta .ly. is nnnt'\\ ph1'11ft11ll'llllll. Th,• :-;ta lr• 1 .• ,,,,,1,,,. ,,,,. 1.1, ,, ... "'I" •k•' n,. #\n l• t\1 11 "' tt t' •.\ t\' an'l I \\f'rt• f tl •'" th .. HJl\HilUI u tl.dJ\ bas long heen a leader in h onW·hUildim.:, unt• illlpt1J'Iol lll l't'll· I ,,• l ltl,.....l hl'llol ln\lf t!IC' 'll'-'11 !hi' rrnr.,t·r•" II••·•·· y ,.ll IA'III 1-ollt'<l•··l \dlloh 1:<. I J.,J,.,,. •t eoQ~ tbat. at M.JoY"' lllC...l.;.t.Q.;L'.Sli.Jra.a.u:.h..l>:.tllk.iU~J;v~.!.l.i~-r p ,. I''',.:'""' I ;1 I '"' '' o1 at •·• • ·o:o' '' :r 1 • '1 11 l'l tho Har· llnllnr 11 rnol•· .. ,·,•r rh" I om 11 of any sta'tc in tht'lnicm -a l'fntt:'\\1clt• ~,·~t~·m lh:rl h:1~ hr't'n fl'.lmr~ • • ~"~1 i""~ ... ~~.o.Jllle i .,nouah mono.:.y wuaJo h"..f.!!.11".!.:!,.. · -e -·1h .,. · ol 1 ... )( ol t!•·· ~ lwrtule of In n nf'l' on ~und;ty alofte ''' t ill«' specia lly de\'Otro t o IX'Itt•r ho ustng fnr lht• :1\ t'l':t);l' famtly. t1u• l 'ro1t•·•l :<·,, . . 1 oq." ,, 1 . • • \ ,,, '" •· , .. ,., anrt>d , nrr <>f tw" ,,r ""'''' ,.ffl·. ,., tnr 1 New hoint:.>ii'Vt, Cahior1li<l lltcun lllul'C lhn\ 1111.: l'l,lllllllllll· IIP'l I''''"'' I ""'" I !II •.n•lft··· t h . I Ioiii ,.,. \.I' I,,.... 'I • II'• ttaln· thf' r• .•t .. r lh••lr Ill I'!' lll g, II() , .. r tues......__'""""'nnf .m lv M · f 'f ~~ tf •c:itizcud"'"· "''' Ill •''~· th.ol "Th•"•'·s '" nu•nt .•~ ""rr".::"' t •• 1,r, . .a,, the day~ • ·~:r . . · . ~ fml' ~·. 1t ~ 1 '(\T!'Il'1>' llltto 'h'l"m,." ~~~,...... ,.,,. ....... "'1 m uolt: •xactW4r """' ...Uan r. --, ·-"'h)IAhOWJ.I.. wr mnurn n,·cr .\_he with a Sef\SC Of ('1\'ll' n'SJitiO~<;IhJIJty, 11\{ll"t' l'll lZt~ll:o' \\'lfh :t Sl:tkl~ ;--: (nlr 11( Ill"-"" \\ hn ''" n"l r ht "-""1 in the w e ll-being anti pl'l!"Jlt'rity o f tlwir hnll\l' tu\\11. Hl·:tl t~o. .. •n s 1·nth'rr•d . 11 ha..; ~•'llt.:ht In ltcold dm\11 1 J.ll'll'•'' whllt' t" .. ,.,.n n .. n." thnl "" 'lr•· 1 11''"!'; castles a-building n1<'lUl a ht'lh'r l'nlifo mia. --..'(•kin•; to l'lll'dl't"P hhor 1"''~~''''\\ ..::arwtitllltn~ hi•·h~·r \\'tges·l munit'' thnt "'l"h h:n··· .<htllollrrn ,~,1~," PRit~ STORM WARNING~- ~ ' • . · -• • rnnnot c•rpf'l~ f' nt.un ''': ''",.... · II is St'\•kin~ IK1th to rai--.• :l!~rit·ll iltlr:tl pri1'1'<: :11111 ht~lcl down 1 fnrr ('f tho•1r .. wo h•wn "oth .. ut -:;:-~--t ~ mtlnttflld\11~~ Tintfm'l~ nf ~fmt (foJI~ "TTf-nf'W' JIIUr' rrlekin,: lbdr 1,1\'C~ tn~ll.!_''!'"'' who\ · . . . h• olriY.Inlo( tnp ~t ,I c. • :ttnr ~ d\:t~tnl; flll\\ t'l' h:tn• 11(·1'11 Jll'lll'l•d Pill \\ lniP :tl th1' :-.tll\1' time thl'lll' ,.1'...,.,1,..,~ hrlp I'll'' fM '"'' That the quc stinn o f prh•t'l' ~~ 1111\\ twadtlll-! into tmul•lc'll aeas is admHtro by no lt'ss a qualifit'fl tli~S(•n ,•r than Lc•pn Senderson, Fcctc r n l Prit'<' <;ontro l Adminis t m h1r . His statement that thl' situa tion i:-o "wry ~·riou~ ... hb warning tha t priet'S a l'(• ciuc to dimh far mol'\' tha n llwy .. ofYitt~ p1~~·nt '' . 1111' llt'\\' l:t' loill 'n•s trkb d irr•t I t:"''' Ill :t ..;mall fr:tt th1n of lniT'p f'"lllll th•''' kn~'< k .wo·r nn•l tltt• puhli1•• ( '11-:t;.. itwhulin~ 1.1fl,lr , . .,," a ..; \\I'll ,1, ptices, thf' h""'J'II'll hall:-••' th··1r ,.,, t m• . . · • If thrrr mot:ot ht' ~··nHnwnt h•t 11 11111"1 he' t'('n~tdt'n"'rl ttl any hrcl:tol l'fftll'! fft gt'lllllllt' JlMCt>l 1't' r,.,r 111 .. ~,, \\'hl' .nl'f' mnoll' '" IIIU((('r fht"' t tUl!llt t1U•'n•···~ tn~t,~n•J nf thmol' wh,. :11'1'-\hl' • :It~~·· "( thr dl8~!1frll' ,,mlrt)l :'1:111 th:tt o:udt a s tl:P \\OIIId I'll' r••pular 111 all. qu:trters. II 1-.rl ll<".hOC'I. 1111ol 1n• ro'"""'' rr!trn:-sa· advanced 4.4 per cent~ It is htl):t•ly C'htl' In lh<' \'llluntur~· ;tTtd •;•< l' . I bllllol'll An' t•h" rf's!olo·nt:o n f united errort or l'{'taii('J'S, c,:hain nnd illrli'J)('fldl•f1t. tha t tht'y ... --------------------------·'("'\:lrnnn old :llnr :tiiJ'r'"''''l 111 ~&It \\ I 1 hAr k with t hf'lr hri'nol:o fo•ldl'•l. In have moved n o hig h t-r. 'h o <'~tiP pl'i1'1'S :-;in,'(' tlw \\ ar h;l\·c t drl'l\l1 nnd ft"ar C"f """J" olnmap' jumped 17 per cent. Certain bask commoditiC's haw soan'fl MODER MAR'IIIE SERVICE to thl'mllf'h'"ll nn.t 111 thrlr ""'"'' .5() per cent. Up to tht' pl'{'S('nt. though \\ ilh int•n•asin g ctiffi. n . t ttnelll. whtlt• lhr h:otth-l•o•l\\'l'l'n tho' i rulty, the countrv's reta ilC'I'S h an• SOll<'ht IO al~'rb n l(lst of 'l'it\' t>( ;'\rwp••t t I to-n, h an. I thr • oJ ~ st,."t,. H1~hwny I'"''"'"" • •In I'""''", these mounting cos~ oChen'LSelves • .an at·tion \\·h ich has cit'-s H E L L I • 0 c K to wa,.: .. nn.t thf' mntt••r 111 fmRII:V·, aervedly won ~e praise or the .Federal Price ControJ Admin-tat•l o11 the tahtl' thn1 tnr k (•f ··n. lltrator. OJ!4'f'llllnn ~ CrrtAonly ('or"nll do•l l • • )far f'AYII t-nl"trJ!h taxf'!l Into fhf' However, it is obvious that the comE>r. ~troccr und the I City runt! rarh yru to lf'h'f' ut~ I Main Street merchant, 1ifdepcndent or afriliatro. canno t or 8 l L 8 0 A 1 5 L A N D th~ right t,., ''"manti lllom .. nr t1t11t . tbem8elves hold the dikes against the Pressurt' or ad\'an cing I mon'f'y bAr k In. 'rrotN lion T li e I c ity ntlttht l!x•k al t he matte-r a.tB.. n. eovemment's own attack 01) the proble m h as,:..--------------·-------..llfro.m anolber angle. 20"\, ot the '-·· ~ ... It'S PUN TO WAtcM 1••~1· ,,,, .. t..tt.: 11r 'I'"'-'''~ tn a "'" '''''""'L••l• "· ,., ul.l·h• \laflt "''"' tH1*\!• I· 1'' t t•tl&ru•.l l'•·r ..... t r,.. ... t o t•t;f. r~" r.-. '•' t~r•·ntf' than th~ ~,.,, uu ... t olt .. ·u .. rrl mrl hod. Anol (I' ...._. rsntr"' oo•luollr U"t' r .... furl I hon •~rlrr mooi,.~. [·-;.~ ~i'Y.I .1.' ..... I I Yilt''\ I· 1:\"1'11 '\Ill. ''J halt• 1'11 f/n.t/r 111' nH•l..ill!! in '"ntnll·t-," ht'rl'\ ).!owl 111'\\·,-a ('l:rtitit-<1 Pt•rfltrmant·l' g:L'i raTI,J.!r -.thnl mak1·' c·nnkin~ tim t '\'t'f'l in war111 \\'1·:d ltn. 1-: x t r;, 111':1\ y itt"tlnt ion -t•naltl£f you to rt•lr~x knn:rinJ! thnt t•vt·r~·thill l! i'i ~nin~ .to "t·nm e out j u,t ri!!ht. •· ('I' hroilt-rs m-rd no nn·lll·atinJ{ (1\ real tillll'·'n,·er) nntlnre t·on ... trudt•d 'o that fHI'e nncl hnntls are nlwny s o ut of lht• lwnl znnt•, cn·n wllt'n you· re r e- nw\·inJ{ foods. St·e the bt"nutil'ul ·new. CP Jlll'i ranJ{es-today-at a deal t'r's or SOt.:THKI-lS COUt-iTIKS GAS COMPAl'iY ~ . . -----· In hvttt•m·Cottfomle lt._ .... ,. thoR 10 ,. 1 ~' GAS eoekl,.. -----· ' -c -RE F o WA ho FOI B .. ·to A FOI au or WI Pltonc WA 110 ,, dt WI ch -If th ... .... po F oJ FOF ne ro f a r~ PI 15- WA pr ~ p, w In or POS t r ch Cl pc WA he be WA u ,.. w H To alu 1ln.od TWO -; -llnf T ou. .Uy t De Mel [ .A.-De ,_, oa-t'< "' J [ ---__..____.__ ---~ '!" -.......-__ , ~WPORt B;LBDA m:\vs.mtt.s. ~e\\.-port Beach, oallrornla. nnmsnAv. ·!Ul:V 17, 19-tl. ., .. -~~~-------------------------~----~-- L A s s 1 F 1 E ·o A o v E R T 1 s 1. N c I CH~~~~~1~~.3,~}A(~~~~:~:~~~.d~::. ;·· !"IIJIIIU\ ~, •• , IIIII~ \\'(•J't h lp. 1 I I '. II .• Ill ·------O&EAN·.SlD N THE . • ... '-•• k ~1,,., 11 1 uw •h' '·cwlr aD· I ~~ ,l'.·t.IJ \ 1 11111, ''h111 h th••ll. olll•j ~~·I JII••II • S14 \l.u u;,• \\< llall•·• I l.olld ll•~h ~. ta·,•l tu HI Jnt~rm~·,Uatc 1 7 "· u .. llvl ~~ Jt 111 SELL· Pboae 12 or lS RENT ' -BUY -B US.I N ES$ ~:,8 U 1-L' IN G E AL ,_~ESTATE p 0 R :::::>A Le.: Want t o tluy atn/Jfl to 800 IQ .rt 1 to b< nlov~d on ~ny tot .,, Newpo• t . 29-12 N•rHt St., Pa'\'.f'tn,, !)b 2tp l. - FOR SAI."E LOTS 1~. 16 ·'"" 17 Bucon oL Tu•tln Sta., Nrwpoo 1 HelgiiU. B•ro"'"· H.Hry 0 w .•• ·ton. owntr, 107 £.1st Cent~r St , An•htlnt. Phone 2600, ~5. 3tc -.---... ~. FOR SAL£-Borg~l'\-M~UI \epee ault~ble for road1lde or•"oe •t•nd or amall bualneaa. See B;alboa WILLIAMSON 703 E. Centr~l .f!>.tfc. WANTE.~ Buyer• to purch••e toO hom .. llu. for $10 down and $10 per month. ~·:. lnter .. t on deftr~d p~ymetth.. Good 1011, water, electrlcoty. You rn~Y pur· chue half ;acre for SZf>O or att acre lor t6QO. IFIKe r-eetrtotfotta). If you want a homealle, buy ttow thla UIY way'. See R. 0 . Ch•m· ben at 2100 Newport Blvd .. Colla Meu, In charge of liquidation pori 400. MusiCAL INSTRUMENT;! AuToMoBJLEs I COOO u•etJ PHtno' $.29 t.J9. up to $69 Trrma 0 AN Z SCHMIDT PiA'IO CO . !>20 Noo·th M '"' So , S.l•1t .l Ana. U A B V GRA~D Repgu •• .. d A bf'>lut Y, COI't nrw 4b95 no'f'f o n ly $195. You muot ,.,.. tluo OANZ SCHMIC>T PI"ND CO., !>20 North M~"' St . S~nta An3. • ~!l lie. -SPI NETTE RtJIOUta .. d $19~ you Jvwl p• y out b"l<>nc.e on ..-ay tern ... OANZ SCHMIDT PIANO CO .. !>20 N Hlh M~ln. St., SAn I• "'"•· r.!J.tfc. $!1.00 Or month will bU)' A bUUII• ful Mode•n Sl)lnetle Poano why be w-'hout one. DANZ SCHMIDT PIANO C.O .. !>2() North Maon St., Sont• An~. M-tlc. ThC' only plaro in lht' Nf'wport llarbor nn."'a whc'l't' you cnn get l 1S('<i \at'S CO\'C'I'<'d IJy lltc llic-Time Ust"tl Car Cuarantre. Conn' in nnd Sl'e our big St'IN·tion & lt>al'll first hand .about !his WOI"!d('rful plan, Lo'n~u,·~. ti.:ltl p Ill ...:v.·mn~ \\' ''~'"'"· 7 ~su p. m. COlT A Mt':SA COMMUNITV C HURC H ~111\r~et JIIIIMI•' a nd !!<'lllh•ll. ~11.1 \\'t•••k P rn H'r !"t•n k<'-. \\'ed· nt•.ta y : , ... v,·r .• t.llh •llllrwr. ti :lO. ·ftrv. A. c. Ahuc:. Mlnlstt• , 'Sun.• .• ~ t •• ., , ~. t '""" ~~ L• .. nj ""'' II i' :--,,I \ I ' l ' .~ h • t'tlll FIPST CHURC I-i OF CHRIST IIOl ht•• ,. •t•• • I t• '' .1 I',,,,, SCIE NTIST terhl••l 11.! .. :n~t (.t,u t:ul ;\\'ttfH'•.. H h;l, ~·1.1••1 Hthl 1 •• 1t•t n •dd l\• :'\ tl .. \ p~lf 1 Ht lh h I l...effJi \:t ... l o 1tl I'' 11\ A tlfifni•l f'\1' t ,,,. ~l o•l h••r C hurt'h. i ~.I \\ ·• I 'i' :-;, •): : • 1\ • •' T il•• ~·" ~~ t 'hilt I'll lll l 'hrlat. l'ut• ' ' '' I "" ~ q·ll !'-· I ... t 1 • 1 , i',.,..,, "' an H,•st(ln, !'.lat>a. luWIIIIIp l)l.l~t~>•· ,, ~··•," ,. Sundu\' ~~·l•t\ll ut ~· :to tt •• m. -Mld \\I.;, J j .~\ t t ~· '\ ',. \\ ··d !"ttn<lal' ':-:rrnr t• !II 1 1 a Ill \\'ed· neldn1 7 :., I' "' t:CJ~Ju~~ 'l'Clillnt.IUIUI ~h·tlln,; At 8 , B~~~~..L\' • 1111 ~ '' '.'. p m ·1\,•(lot'n,; I:I>HIIl. I l g O••ntral l'ara\,•1 ' ~1, II 1••'1 -lllf' t'ln~• ,\ ,.,, • Ill'•' II t I' 111 1 tu 4 p. 111 eJt. ,·,·pl. !>Wl,~'ll aJ..i,hul.J.lll):JI. l.£,Y~NTH .Q~l: AD..'LUUI.STS Se\'enth l •o" ""'''"l'"Y ,·,~····h , I l'h1 t~l ' . Tht' putolw Is , •'r.!l11tly lnvitt'd too ut lrntl t lu• so•r\'ll't' and ust ~~ '!lt'"tt.IID~ I{IIOin: Corti"! ••• \\ "''"'t .. ,.,.t 1 ·t.,idll st ... FIRST FOURSQUARE CHURCH OF COSTA MESA t 't•~l.t ~t•'"U dalUt ol:t~ 111111 1 IIIJ.: Snlohulh r-idlol\)1 H :10 " m. PIANO ACCOROIANS. B•ll'"""'' THEODORE Rev . <;. WIII.Jrd. Ste.Jrna, P•ator ' l (Church of th~ H lghw•y) 11 a Ill and Prot~uoon~•• $29. $49, t l67, ROBINS , M.a,e Sturns, Co·P .Jator F ULL GOSPEL CHURCH $1~. woth term• of fru ru,on•. 1 Pltone tnB·J Cornt• ot 2:'nd .JtHI Elden Sh., ,Euy paymenu . Clarlneto. Trum. Ford • Merc-ury Frlolny i 30 p. ru.. \\"orahtp COlt"ll Mt u . C.Jiiforni.J prh , Trombone•. S ~ • o phonu. fJnroln ,Ze-phyr St>rvirr.· R\'\' Mae Stearn• to Ro•\ ~~ I' 1 .,.,,"". Jl•l-tor 129 And up. V1011na, M.andot.na. . \'hRrgt'. f;uwlt\ !'rt • .:•ol t• 4:'1 " tu Guotaro $12 and up. £uy terma, t%nd & Newport S llllJav ~ htllll, 9 .:10 a . m •tomtng \\ nr3lt1p ~ •• ,:,,~\'_. It u m C.otlral .._,.. . -t k ..... I t ' " I Voctor and Oec:ea Recorda and ~ c l\lo: nlng \\'or~l tp, 1 I o't• 0<' : .,..all~;•· I!< 1r ~o'n·u·o• , :It p m \\'ill i~(\ · ( 'nnlJlll~tt~d Soun CORONA DEL MAR A "HOT SPOT" HAMBURGERS ' ' FOR ·RESTAUIAIT DRillS -.ETC. Think of It 107 l.in. Ft. ( 'ounh'r Fronta.ce, TeN• JH liLUIN(; 11:\S ~~ FUONTS, TOO Ot•t•u n Avenut' l..arkHpur and tfO-Ft. Allt•y SCH M I~~·~ I ;N'"o. ~;: ~ ~o~t--h .a----.---..:_....----..&--.t,(';;:,.nrsh:ldf'~r s~ •. n'rn ... m ··,~l\.r-1'1Q'tm'ln('nJ<mr.-. ~~-:'tnd-'1'tnrrtort,v-m,~........-~~:--=FO:::::-:R:::--:OC=-=-=-c~·up=-=a=-=fl=-=c-=-y --=a=-=a=-=o-==ut=----:J:=U:-::-:LY:-:--:-1-::-8 -t-:---"'ib'lil Main ,Strut. s~nh Ano. 5S·tt . EVI'II'n~; F.\•·m~··llrul s~r~!('~ lt!d . • RENT You'll do b~\l~r at BLU-NOT£ l<t'V c.· I ... Anoty" Arhlr.•ws Wlhl hy r ustoor ,, • ht ; ,.___ ------1 ••u"IC CO,, ,.,.. Welt 'th St.. 114 ll fun n•·r palllu r uf Ut<' (\-sill Tuo·~•luy. llo•o·twr T~at'hiDI. "Tio" I "' d \1 Ill ''""""'""' 'IJ( FOR RENT-W~ hav~ ,., b•olnd ~ -< -v • 1 d b ' lovlnc~ll •lh"' tu ilo•• ola t•lluo Tt•rmM You·n ·I.ike Dll.\\\' FIU"I now. nevpr been li.vtd In J bPd· I ~.,. ---tlM1ft.--ii-=''"~ll:..-.:..l'..:.":..:.n:..:l~m.;.;t;;.:U~ti'-'t-!-y-,-<.!:::.~.;.;h-';llk;'-r..:.•':.o.l1::-l;;l\7.'11"""11""':1l:-;'t'~-(."'"'-'-lll:;:'.,H~I s,·" '.)N'lln -..,--~~--.-r+;;.;..;;,'i"iTtT" ''' .,..,c ·halt ,,..,.:. 7.":.i-r.--l·--------"'r..ro-~-nrr..--"T~,-~.,."~f)~ o'\'t'LIIlg t:!l!t Wt'<' w 1 It' }1111'S• ;1~·. n rn . • r y~ ;~ room B•y front hous~ .tv~···•ble ------------Jlavls rnnuly.. Mo•f'ttnj::. :11 1'11 :O'It'lll'll8 :n ('hllrge . me.'"''' I I J•l II•' '"'''' '"" r: ... l "1 TO lor year·· ·~~·~ ., ;;, re.uon•b•e H ous.EWARES my Ill• ''" •• ' ' It IIIII Ill!• re:nLJJ to 5\ftt,.b•~ t~n:.nu Str ----Pt41llH•" 1 ,, ••• ~=••'d'1' I~'' 1u '"'' UNUSUA.l OPPOR'"'IIIJJ Mr.~<'. W . \\'hlfrhff wtH hr at thr Trac-t Pillmc1 . Lodo S.llt'"J•Ol ii.U . P)tone RENTAL~ I I l.t'~~··• '• 1 "" '''I I 11'" "" Sill• .• ,Moyt~"'Wuherl e . ,.~_, I ,m, Ill .II I IUJJ d ·· .. "' l'lotl•l, 1!100. ---s~_-~_._c_ RCA RddiOI -t.c J J If), -t II 11 e 8c~.:::: .. '. ''•· "·I 1•111 " . 'I"'' I""" WANTED T G REf\JT-N~-n o• \l~cuum Cle~nere lift) I) ~re tit• , ''' 1 I 1111111 1 111,, ... \h•l pr~c1•C,_IIy ,t'w , u•-,fur-nt~h«'d 2· Phon~ ~94 a Nl fHiO ,.. P 1 'ott • , 1\ tflt '~"~ bfoct..-of)m ..,ovae o,., Of1f' ftt"H ll·UC \\U8 •I• .t l 1 '•'" 1111 1 \\ 1, I• 1 :t llfl ' I Un UUI···· aahm··· .......... ,,. ... c· ......... df'l . ~In r Sa I u nln ~ l.tnil Smull'~ f11r I he· JlllfJtl..,.. uf """" ln~t I hhc )tfiiJN•rt ~ tfl Jtrnl'l&lrf'fl\lf' imrl'lta"'·r'-! P It 0 P E It T I E R • IN f :;,~;e:~~~'·: .. N~:oo~: ;;. .. ,e~:~~; _P __ u_BLI~ NoTICES No. 7 ~:~:~,. •;;." ·. 1 ·\', 1,:: ';··,11"1 ~~.:" ,·;:,'. ~·1 htqu~rP "M'' Newa -Ttrntts off•ce ef ttw I• I • • • + ldlo• ltl•o Jl•tl ( 'itizt·n~ Natiunal Bnnk ~:4fi Suulh IIIII Strc·..t or !>hone N•""I>O rt 188 !>54t l..fF~l+'ri~~z~ ftR ,:u~t;,.,r.;l> t.~;~~f"3 "~,r:t~:~:; ~:~;nr~-::r:i· ~~~~11;","11\:·; ,.1 ::·,1,.1: ,1 :.:,., 11.,1 ~ 1'11~ t '·l ·~.l:-1•:'~·" ·• ,, •. , .. ,, cu n ·,·.t ' e 8 \\,,.;Jyl'lant vote i ttor 11 .. 111 I '"' tl . "''''I"'' PuB LIC NoTICES 1""1"• "' ~nl•l l·~l··•u••lllttt l '1'•11 I····• , •• ,,,, lttJ1 tl•• \ ..... fll luol ~~~ • na: .•. ~.. ,10 ~.i•lLrnct~r 33. Hand ~··n• fH • ' •• , .. h~·. ,,. IJ!tlt, :-c. htHtf "'""'' 1 'l'hf'" tio·u.t ut Tnu•tr .... "' ttt. t·t ·h · I u.. loH•tlt• ... II .:"f'HI l: ••• ,... 9 (~ IC't ·····.t rov~rtng• l him_, '""d I qqf• ... ltllf fin I If , .. , I... Hill• ''"""'ul ltld····· \\'til tw• ~,.\\, .... , lt••n•·h tr.t ... rn.-ntnrv JU'h OCll RC"h1•ble t r••n,.d Qlr1• 1-.t to 17 t o h~lp With Childf'ef\ l4nd tight hOUit WOfti. Ci~H ~:.aontt H om_e C~01p, New. . port 2013 ~.lie. WANTEO-Typlo~g by hour. lnquore lOI E bo.o p ieCe-o r Surl. lJil. !J6.2tp. WANTED-Young c~,-, w.-.nh w ork c..adng for chtldr~n or a1 rno. the.-.• helper. Fully 'txpentneed. Watttl t o nw Itt. P""'"• 13. r.nt Hard To Believe But lj's True You 1et 'the-amount of VIta- A aod 0 in ONE •One·A·Day!" Vi~min A and 0 Tablet. u ia ,..,~ula o1 Cod u.,., Oil, wturnum U. S. P. Srandatda you will ectually lUte tha t.ute. don't be•• to -a r·ound with bottJ• ,_ ,...,,. epoona. you eft l!l'tOUGH Vlu.mlne A DOt, remember that • "On• tablet every day fumiah• full DOnna! nquirementt, et a ,·.ur ·•u • t 1 "rl •·· H, t . u.-,, .~..., ~~~\~·~';,\':',-.!''~~.r.:",'h'o "~.':.·;. ;;!,~~",~''!~ .. ~:· 11 ;;~~, ;t r •r tJ lli'!i't~ncd 16 ~'l~~=ure t aut w•t, ' , 1 , 1 , , , 11, , NOTIC£ INVITtNG BfOS ••·qu ltt d ,,, rtlf!ll'1h ,. lnho• uutl •lt,.t rl• 1 ,,.,.,.,v,.,. tl•r r'wht tu rf'JH"t '", ..... , ! "'' .... •\\IIH! ··~·t •·•U• "'''' • 1 ... I'.J-.. '.'• ,,..._ l :J lr" ·~~n 38.l'ntruth t•l\li f U'H 1 I ! o\ ,,, •' I· f H I I '""'' i •I t•+~tlol "' .,,. IU t ••unt t•f1U111 nnv ... ni l ttltl!ll ur -.· .. tve ""Y tn- •tH I ltii•J lllllt • ···~ Ut ,,,. f·fl·•·'tl.~ ·~ I''"'"''· .d 1 II\ It\ I ' ~· II tu• ~ ................. ,1 ~1\'t'll u~··· t ht• , .. tltl\'jlf't ~!....:.._l~t·,t •!fltu· ..... f••ttunUt • bl . 1 .. -~o 11 .:r:•11! prol"lll" 40. Japanl'se lwul• •I \I lo • I • • I " • · ' fl,.lt 1'•1 o~r Tt ""t"•'!l nt ,,,. ="''"1wrM 1 1 ... 1 1,,1, ,. rwd ,. fttlt ltful JH't I'"'''" .tuty 2nl1 . 1941. at New-\\ll.t.JI~I I "''~:~' 14 ~h'i·t•'l;.tl· 17.T~•·":"t~rm com 1hltt" I t I t t t 1 i .I ·•''tl• l'loo·•· IA•II>( u ..... 11 {'•lrr .. , •• '" •· llt•:t•h "''''""" "11' !'•how• ''"1' •1 '"''"'111'•·1••1111 1111111 ltllluunt"'l"''l l"'r1 H•·nl'h, ('allfu,.nht tol . C'nltt·rm ·-~1111 1~:~,",,'~~ 43 l'<'rlod Qf lllftt• II"'' ' 'I •·I ... , Itt.' 1'111' .,( N•'""l'"'' It•••• It '" lrfl, , ... ,,,.,.1 1',11''' "' lh•• , .. n •:qJll lltN II 1"1Nili.AY, ,. II \'A'-" '(•Jt~I A:" 15 L'nltof ., ~ lune I :••'"1•1•· 111 ol '• I I ,.,;;;11,:·n!i .. ,,. •-•·•·· \1 "'" """~ 11 "" 11 work ~-t~~~~~:o. U :;;~:~~"' •:·;::~·;.-~~~·"~.7ule :.~:" ~11t1 , :;, , 1 1 ,, " 1 r , ', 1 r• • ::~1,'!~:~1111111~ 1~1·.:: •. r•;:,:::::,·,,.::'";"r,.::~ ~ ::.~~, 1''.'~:;11 "'',:·1 ~~;·~:~ ':· •• :~.:r~v m.\~;:~v ·~~.f,~~,W/;t~llt~ch E le-,,,~.~~~·~·.~~~···~ '"'MI~ 11110 9111 ' 1">' ''' ~::~:~orll~!t nutmrat 4!) sanua.rac 60.Arunt>ralpale ll'l'rl' ••. ,, ., , • oo r-. ,. '1'"''1'""!1 "'"I 11'''"'"'~ r .. 1 ""' ~ntl•f"''"'\' '" II••· l lont•l .. ·rl l~•" .lulv 3. 10. tT. UJ4f \~~~~·~·~ K11:-;i-,~~:-;" :'~•.•II~!.\~ 19. F:nrfo:-h 2:1 Bury I ref' 5:! Matu,... fiiUll•l I'··· 1 ,, .... ,, 1 .1 • •·"~'"" it .. u ••I " Mll•l lt l:•' a;o11 na:•· :'T.\T~: •W I'AI.I~'"It-'I A • 21. F r<>sllng 2!'i. Insurgent. 46 F atal M. Th1'rl'f11re bl'f•n •, "' ~''"I'"' I II•'"' It (; 111111 lllot 1 ~~~:;:;;~~:d .. :~~~:~~~:i\~;u~v:-..~/~ t:~·~ i:: !':Y zo •. i'E-3tla~n;aa_tre3'"'f•~8~.:::1f't:lt!u'-n~gve'/!~~=15~6~.-A1t~h~o·m1ie~'R~'l-~~1~1~{~~;:;·~··~·11•11 ,:·:~· •,., ,·,~· r ",' ·~~~~ ~~~~·~~ \','. ";:.~·.' .. ,•,;:.~ .... :·r "~;,~···;;:: .. WHO'S JHO JUARUl "'' '" ""•I f•r ,...,,. ~ ...... , ... ,..,... 1>tnt... 30. Ptf'Ib(1cr-~ 2 3 ~ ~ ~ , ... 16 t ~-~~ry-il;"l.o • T •1•11 .r.. "I ,,.,, J'h'"" Hn ol "l"·•lfl•'ttlillttJI on ftl•• In t\l'l'l.lt\NC'F.8--~~~;,:·,~',',">~~~~~11l\;:;,r•·JJ \~~:~~n.Jtku.~.!'~ •t. !!,~• .. -ll'a"~"dl)fton~',',vl•,·.r,.,,nr,,l•l ,ll".' l!~•r<l••YI'.'''~~~~.~.·~· t.h" nfflr,. Qf F.. _I Moor,., prt••l· Gu 6 l':l!!drk. Maytaa. RCA VIet fit> Berv'"R£ Vln1tt Wldte. PIL ... 111 me. ho "" th .. Jl('r"''"" """""" nouw·~ • ,,~ -. 10 ~'l: II " ~ " " t t r t h...-11oanl r " II .,.h 101 .. ~ Aut. ... ·rih~J ... th., wllhln In· 12. A wpport 'I'/ null an•t \'nltl hy lhto IIIW nf \.If••. I' "11 (I " .. I • I AUTO 8tTPI'I.IU • aPOIIT ooona-~1""'""'"1· .. nd nrkn .. wl1'•1i!"<l ,,, "'" , I ttl~trh't . -I ''''"''""'-1'-·•·tt Atllo Stl ..... ll-. "10 "-In .,,_,.._ ·---lh 1 th Jl't UII'd .1.1> S4. P~cklyfrull 12 1~ ~~ t'4 Cll)l'l" "In !11 Inti•• .lfto nn<l l .nvto ., .... w~ , ... ~• • "'"' "' ~ ~-~:.; ~fT;_t:~H WIIE·R~:(';~~· I hav" ~nvt'lope V / 1 lh,.re I~ no •l•·l.n··~JO. t<tn. nor d"•' h. J.: ... ·h hi• I "h"lt he' "'"''~" ''111 "'1 AIJTOJII()ftiJI. RICPAI81HO -. 1 ,,~,...""'" ••·I 111>' h~uol "1"' uir ... ,, "" d tt ~ I • ...Jd "lift tl t R fur n1 lu IH• ••l1tnlnl'tl nl lho• ooff••·•• V 1 lrr ."··~·I~ • 1 2~ MC'L'A .. ..,.n ... ,._ -"'-n--o., ""'''''' ••'nl tllr •lflv ""'' ,.,.,., '" lht• a:I.Aprlze(Scot lb V/ V/ •A ftn lftaCr pur·roe (', I' Ill"'' ,...,.,.. • r uur ,-, ·~ •·~-•~"' .--n "'t'lll<'l\1~ flN"t llb<we wntteQ. 37. Maintain ·-~ 16 !7 ~ 1~ lin> nt"''"· 1nuf ha1·•· our IJI'IIIIC '" u r llr•• prf'llld..,tl .. r lh•• """"' IIA K,.:N\' CIUUUIC- ',,IT AllY :4E·~!·1 " )lfl • .l.t'H 311. Noblcm· n V_.,0 t"'~~ l"f 70 ~II'~~ th• 'lotlulte .: ... 1.. ' I'" hlt·d "' ~·till) \\'•••1 , ......... I• '""I No•"'J••• I 1\ukt·n·. :!1 1:1 I )o"(•l\n llnkl•ry Thill b llf'llrr Fnr r ..... . ""'"" P"l•lt• '" .on•l 1••1 .,,,1 ''"'"' 4J.Anolr.tl'cl ~~V.....: t:/'./-r,/',hf:/1/ !l:•·wp .. rl ll••rr••h. l 'nllf""''" "'"' F"ltCI':I'I..\C'r: .\'ill KINUI.ISrl "'(HU•--, . 1 \t'~'','· .. ~~:::·:., .. ,. ~-,,.,. ... , .. , ~ l'•ll 42.W li'HlrJ.w ..,1 2 , 23 CHURCH OF AIR ~hull I"' '''"'"II'·"''"""" n ot'lli II W \\'rldll. 171W N111 lllv1l , C'o ••ln Mr••n tiJOr'l't'l.umtM'r Ph. 1155-.1. l'•rl J~>b 111 li ~1. 31. 191.1.. 44. Vputh " " Vh 2'1 ~ I :;I!.; 76 ~7 rt•••l ,,r rrt~hlrr'" 'hr•·I<'""TorTtltl ''"lid I•O l ''iU \RJr:~~ 47 Bnm ~~-".--+--+--1-~I'V~·_/j/~~~,.. Thf' ('"'""'''"' !'hut• It .. r ,,,.. "'' ,,,, l••n , .. ,., .... 1 'Ill'; I .. r tit• ... X. ... IIIII~~ F ttllrtllry Julollllt•('uotlu~: 1111 Vlrrlnl• rl .. Colla M .... SON IS INJURED l'ol~'<' r,..r,.•vt•J a nnth <' S11n· ' .-t~y 't!' nutrty tht' parf'lltli 11( \\':11· n•n ~fasnn, 1!•. "tay.n~o: 11t 3117 A puiC.Ita A\c •. U&Jhua b lautl.. that tit•· yl"luth w aJO tllJUr rrt tn an auto rtt ~ td•·nt n•·ar· Lrul• u~t,·r :lnd \\'a~ In llw l.>t. ... ·nsl•·r (',.toni." llu:<f'IIUI Th•· m··~l!lll:f' i11d not r•·Vo•a l lh•· 4S ~1:1p.:1•a 2~ 2'l ~ 301-o111 Sun·looy "'''"'"I; "'II lw 1·1~· nnt<•llrlt tof llw lo!ol nuoolt• l""'nl1l•· U,\MUJ.ISr: Mr:RVIC'P'..- slor.,. l•\'C r r:;;-' Vh '"·nlN1 lov l•t F• """ F llullk•·t t•• t It•• "' "'"' "' ""' llonl•l ul 'I'• "" ( ;11, (Ill, T lr1·•. 1l11111•1l1•o. V. ( Jrr S1•1Vkl', 124 MC'F"nddrn Pl., Nwpt. B. "'"" .Vt:: 32 ,, ~"I t'llrllltluu' R•r•n•• ,·.,uuullt •·•· "1 1 •. ,.,. ll•ol11 •hull I•• n ·••·lv•d """ ur:~tr.llAI,('HSTKt\f'TUR.-.t Ill. :l~dody ~-:-+--+--~f/~ /./~-.,..~~~::--f l'ublll'nll•on ,.,,. ilw 1111'1 • '' t "' rt l•••l with thr 'lt·rk ur th~ '"''''" (;ont"n Jl. .Fin1!wy, :UlO (~,._,., nlvd Mt 4()2, l'llrn-And Conatructlon. 113 Chnn., .. ,. In to 3._ 3"' V / .,_ • ,-.t ....... I · · bone -' ., t:%% "'' ..,..., --..l. _ __.., __ _,...,...,,..,.,..,., Tilt..-f'rt<C't-~~1--t"~mrnrtw'f"rln-.. t•n..,..l"'' Aua.: .. .-..ltfllt l.t·~tttr:tc ('H"f .. t\NIF."'-- !15.Bor,~l'r ~.,.":'qrl•.-f-o-+--F-~~,_:---11'1•'1\M'I tn !"nulho•rn ('all(oolfl\1 1'•41 111 7 ·:ltloo'olo•k I'M tlll d ('n,luMr•.,.lt l.hr.('n "l .l'lll•hf'IJl)'llllpllln ymrr.honwo."..,.,_.4& 57.Aj!atn ~ "40 ~ 41'1 I ~ .. ,.,., Rt.t.1 1•111 1,:--:, ''""' !1 t .. I• ::11 \\ttl '"' "I"''"'" ""'I puhll•lv rort•l tluy llhrt·k t l.umllf'r Cu l'huttf' II~ C•.olut fll11hway at A~ t,s Tu.tr·•~ • ., .,.~:f-o~br~~I-~1'~;.,.'/'~J ~ a m., l'nd fl• !"l•ndur.t '1'1111•' ..!J.]••llil .!'" llt oL •ltu'..lll t.Lo·-l.!.utwL ... ~.a.~.,; Ml'l'.f'IAI.'f'IF.f'-• ----· • ....Mlfnlhl'l"! V/,~~ '12 .. -'t~ _J-t'?/, ., . .,, · "' T r i!MI•·•·" ~ .... 1,., ul tt,.. :-:•\\1••••1 l\11o1ln•· S l•·••lt•ll v Sl~up, l ~'fll\ Con~l IIIWII)', !'lupPIIH, llol1t1, Etc. 69 lkfi'Jr~ C60V_/jV/ I r..~~-f /. To Conduc:t Ut•d '"'·''" .;,.,,,,,,., ~··ltt, .. t :-;'"1'"'' SOT\1(\'I'I'IU.U!-'1~ '{!:;> 'ib v;: '1/ I ~'18 1'-1'1 ,:....0 J:o·:o• ,, t'r!IJfoorttiJt N•otll M lll!-:"'lll"lh, 2:.'flR w C'l•u trnl Aw·nllf' f'llllfW' 12 or 1:\. NI'WpOI"t. -~>liiHII-•of h~·tn;urrr:r yo~ dru&&ift f.w _DNE~QAY .,,, II. *''IF'* JO tablet• jjt 90 t•blar• U' 180 tabat• 11..so Orienhd Cream •o v ••'"'o .::''"-. t .. , •••• ·-'~·,. l•d '" w. '"f'''''' \ lfl.tl -.. It t. n,.,, "'' .. ··~·'" ··~""'""----··· • DO\\S v......: ~ ·:-( 'ros!" l ..._ifesaving '~'"·· ,.,1,,,,. '"' "' ,.,.,., , ,,.., k ... .,,.,. ... r: ~o~r ·•·•·•.n:~ , 1 r.anol nHIISUrl' !':>1 !>2 1//,; ~'3,-,'.J'i l_l_l N, .... , •• ,, llll tl••l' l 'uhfl,hlnl( , ... l'hiHII'' 1:1 . 1:\, N1'Wp11r1 DNtdl. 2 ]'r~J!';.:Olan v~ Tnlmu.S ){t :tlflt lf I "-1"''' "'llllt ll• lu•ntl !4)~·dl ... ~., .•. , ,.,.. II }'lllll !\'''~·. 17/ ---:-'" l rtll'l"r f .. , "" 1'""''1• ., .. :-;,1 ttw r th• I·'""'' ""I,.,.,,., I"'" II••· l'lti'TISU-rl\'(~!"' 3 ChOkf' 4 Mu•:'r no.tc ~ llalf • .11 s ... E"'' '1: 1'1' ~6 r/jf ''l ,--, 11•111111 H•·tl ,., ... v "'"'''''" ;-.; ....... "•111111'1 If ""'''"'" 1 .. hill! hlld N•'"'l••ll ,,,.,, .. ,,. l 'uhlh•hlnl( ('u l'hlllll'll 1:1 -1:\, ,..,_pur1 o..dL ~":!:'1--t--t-~-tl.,-~" ---!-I'"' I l1f'tll'h !':o1nd.l\' .lui\• 1'1 t.o "'" '"' •l•·•l1oo• d fool f•·lt•·ol tr Ill• fti\UIO l'if.;fC\'If 'l"~ .;.e V/ . .,:f'W!:.I"1 '-'~-I '" oltlt I tlw lll-ll l.ol•· Sn\'1• ~ ltllol "'".' •tul lol•l·l··· ,, (I I~··~ '" 'Ill•' t .ol•lt···, 111•11•·11 llu•ll!o Slrnp, fi{lf) 1·: lilly, l'h Z:l1 •• ,,.blotter •me&. V....0~. d:~ <• 1 1 , 1 11 11,1., .,,,,1 ,,,,1,,"''' ,,,,,, 1 ...... ,. ,,. ui':,\1, r:MTATr:. ISMt'llAsc·r: .t 1'1/uTt\llt' •••:nuc~ \~l~'r ~R f \' J Uflilt:l ~~~ ltf I• ,.. • t. 'l"~"lrot 1., "" "" lov II•~ 11;,.,,., .. ( L••w II \\ 11llr11~·. · .'ll'l \\', < 't•rtlrnl Avr·nu•• l'hon.tt 3 lllrnl Rf'rf rr"''" f'io •t•l •·r tti'UIIY.IJ l'tTA~(·!4- l\:•·wt~•rl llll rltur l 'ultllllhln~t C n l'hun•·•· 1:l · 13, Nt!WpOrt ~---------1 -HH~-Y.-'1'-MrW• ... ,._ ______ _ DOROTHY DARN IT B .('harl<·~ N O'V\1 L CCr< ""H'\T HE.~Ot "-J 1 > . GO'T T~ \N"T('1 HIM A L.L T11E T t"""E TAAT.S A 6ooD ONe ! Dt DN'l' '70\J·. E.\IER SEE' GOLF I<'~ICK it-lEI<~'.!) 'fov~ 1..\,.'TLE 13~0l'H€.!'<-~~·T IT'? W.KO. .. 1lOE5 ~€ TAl<)? . . r (',.,Ill M··~ll l'lumiJ11111 ('••flllllllly, ('r"'" M•·~n l'hune :110. T\'1'1':\\ IUTF.IlM- N• "I"''' lloulrnr l'uhliMh HIIt ('n I'IHlnf'a l:l · 13. Nf'WJIOrl O.IIC"h. \'\lilt "I\ !41tHil'- ll .tt ... o h l111•ol \'nrlt•l y S t"'" ~·. I!Jr·, '.!':w-nn1l ur1 Phune 2111-W. \\' .. :l .ltl'iO - \\'•·l•l11o~ ''~lll'rtly ''""'' V. Orr ~•·n.tlt·"· 1:.!1 Md•'Ait111'n M .. Nwpt. 8tfL 1 Business and Professional Directory I!U. UA~t•tJ y , JJU~U ....... .,.,. ..... 1'11\'MIC I\ 'I · Ml 'llCIF.OS'" me. l'h.~•h·lan and Kur11NH1 Oftl•·•· tn'7 n nd "''"'' , Nr:w1"irt n ..... h lltour~! HI l 'l a.m . .t lH~ fl· m , l'n .. nrJI--Ciffl•·,. u~; ""·· .,.., Ur. Ourdun M. Hrufscly c .... cr .. r "''"· et Ninth II llffl•'" llr•.: 111·12 •.m .; 1·6 p.m·. ,, .... , •• .,.,.,. ~'7 ItO\''~ Jli\IUIF.IC HIIUI' l-'tonTll't ly ·Ill JlaiiK~n hl~nd sow ...... at..d .. , - IIIII Mf'l"adci.-n PI-, N•·llr l'll:'r F.ntrence N .. wpurt' l~ltCh • ·, ' ' - IDK.\Xa ctJRRII:V. I.D • UR. II. t:. 8TAJf:Ll':k J)J':NTIMT Trlrph ttnf' N11wport 8911 "'"'"" Rulldlncr ftalhoe l'hone 4M f''"'" ~1.-•a f:allfomla 1'. V. I'AUKt::.~ \\'alr hmakf'r · .lfiW,.IN • r.ni'AYW :.0111:.0 ()f·••un 1-'rnnt, N••wpurt r,,,,.,, Hwl•• Welr.h Repatrtq fluid ,.I•Untr r:, .. wa-. Repa&noood AJ.L W( 1RK GUARANTEED ) l_ __ Lf , -. Ni-WPORT-BALBOA NEWS.~-.._poirt .._. CaiUomla. 'mURSDAY. JULY 17,1941. . . . ~ Arti~try In _ . -. .. 'Rhythm Is Arinual :Baib~~ Bay · Regatta. July 19-20 On Air -f.· Five Classes_oJ Small Sailing Craf.t to Comp~te In Tw,)-Day .Classic o,·er Oce~n, Bay Course Lehman to Sail For Harbor hi . Jnt ~rn ational Star Series 'l11r f•oH""lHU: "'"r.l' the r~~<•t ' uf til•· '""' '"''' da v rnrtn Onf' nr th.-.. utslllnohn~e tuQII•· huliQn" '" thr ruhll< 17.1n~ "' s .. " f'Ort ltariJt>r anti llaiiMoll In pal· lletllar. 1~ lh•• wo•ll ·kn .. wn .. A1t111· I I y II l<lt vtltrn'' ,,( Sl!U1l .. y Kt•fll"ll thnt lit'"'" uut nvt•r th(' otr o'\'o•ry ~:.tur•hv nrt•·•nt~~ttn tt\tt•r th•· ~1 u· tutti llro•~·lt IINlln~ Sp•t .. w 's n..t. .»'.Utk- \ 'NEWS-TIMES 15th. Annual SOUTH COAST EDITION Out .Next Week! '"I '" I Ut L---------_.------~~1+h~~~~t~i~~~~7nrn~~nrnr~hrt~•~>rl~nTrrrrl~~~~Tiotr~~~~~~~.~~~~~·~~r-~lu •~··d 1 :--.. I< 1 .. •II 1 h' h<>t under dlrl'i'· r llo• I • l \ll•'hl <'lub: Tht• lut I that Uu~ pro,: ran\ ,, ho•ltrol loy th .. ll:!'l n•ll• t·v .. ry \\l•o·l< 1:< J'ril\'ln~ TTilll' 11 !lra\\int; !'ant that '' jlllllll1): rn:wy n• w ''ll'olu:,.. I<• tills lil.' ll.uu T It c t; emen..WUI! <- ... 'PfnT Yftt'h ls-lo t'OA'\fl('lf' ~Hilii1I~•Y un<l ,...;untl;.y, July l !l-~0. in thc Fiflh Ann11a l Balhua B:e:-Ht•g:1tllt a l Nt•WJMll'l IJ;,d,.,r, . "fK"'~ hy Hw IW.U)()J~ \:acht Cluh. --- '1llt> ,;kiptK't'S wi ll sml lhl•ir s mall crart u\t•r a c·oml•lll· atlon bay anc1 u~.-.·an t'<Htt~· ~igncrl to I«'St the skill anrt judgment of the many rom- pcl tlcu-s. Tho• Sl8rllnl: hn•· rnr llll da ..... ' 61 romJit•ttiiV<' ('rttft. lnc•lutlu•.: Fuk•on..~. t-1at llo~. Sntpo'"• !'no'"· btrdll and Nnt lnnnll\· w111 hr 111 front uf IIW no•W JlalhU:t 'a'.ll'lfl Oub bulldlna: on Tla) ~ohJ<' 11m o' 1\ml th~ ........ ,~ -.ill rtm:-h Ill lht· MI1'W' plaor. St.IIIIUC ~IIH , ........ ,.'1Htld I ..... . \\Ill """'ll u ll ,,, II 11 111 "" Su11 •t:.' .. lui\ .'fl -.11!11· 1110· llurtl ra••t• ••f .th,• :.,tt.·-: \\all ..:•• tuul•l\o\,1) S11111l11~ ,,1 .! 1,·., An••rU!• , .. ,.,,,,, ,,,,. ••··•ut.: .rna•t• I•\ \ ,.·111 •lui.. ull wrol• 1"1 ,, ~:tl.1 ll•'l.•h.r <IIJIII• r 1" • tun ' 11t• 11 • t'.tl1.t ",. k· nol "l1t• II "111 I• ll•·ltt '' 1 h·· \ ,, f I t·luf, Surtd 1\ J\1,•1•1 ,, .. , lt•k All 1 h . Audit. -Tax Advice -Sy'stems • Moan Underwood Ill RabJ Aveaoe Pboae: Newport 462 Balboa blaad • , I I --~tt , •• , '"' \\t ltld ~ j ,,,,., , ••• tl "''•lr· u" tt.•• t ,.,,,h ,,( h t,.. I ' ··•· ',\ffll ft t!ll I tt I .. V If ftl" '!' l tJI1 111 lb..• :<:o 1.1 I~,Jl tt;u \.1•1 !'I 11_l'l.Jt11 tthfi••U !'--• f ,. "' IH•\\ lUI !• I ·' II I rt\\trH' t••l l (hrt 'I \\HI• h•• t I..... f I f•' I,,' f• t ·, • I ''' t IJ ,, h•d Itt tt" +I I • h" t• 1·• ,., ltlt ., fht l'•t.'• d ~· •!· I '··I I 1111,.. r • • 1 trl I I\ '' r • • ' • \ ' '' • ,. I uul \1• ., t.t .. ,. ... , • ' l •t I' 1 ,I ~ \1t h:th l t fl f ft.,fl llt I 1 :.:, \• J·IU f I lolf I., tl ' itt h f I 1 t h f • U I • t fl' f fur IIUt tl\ \t I 't rll t ,, ,r t't• • r t1 urrt".-.n f tlf t ., •. "'"'' •r•fl"t •• ,.,, :0: h•t· h• ,,,,_" d~t •h ",,,,I l •iir tu ~· r1 tf•• •'~'''"'' ... , 1 t• 41 I •·t Ul.ttt \* 1tt ttHt 1,,,, • f, .,,lf J••I• Ul tlu l•t t • I, '' r. .. , .. ~ rrntcrrrlT'ITT':f-T • e r t ,.. .... I.\'''"~ ;\1 1·1 ,..,.,. 1 ""', ~ardl~· • :""t t ~ I I Jooto'l I tfld !'t,•phel),a' \ • (jll•'r". t111ro1 HIJO·d••:o S un tl ,..I••~. lluloll.tl\1 llt·Jipk'• flo-' 1 ~a ... \ .. =-1: ·' •~····· " ... rood; t't• p 1, r • \ ,.,,,.,.. I htnl Albalr ..... ~ ;-: '''l*d \ •ut'"h l n:4ty·• M).,..' '" ..... I •• •I ''' ;\.n., ' :-'uuvf'nlr , a.te"' '• 1,11 q •:<••h', Ullrd. A ll ' , · ,, ..,, r • • ln•l~y·• !ll l 1• I 1\:r k" "1!1 hi'. IN!lf"' I 1 . I •'f ,,, ~ • '" c •h th1n1 1.• llfh'?.\ ,.uo.~, t•• tit• ~.,, ... ltunJ;: t t1 •1 \\o•Uiol ho•l1• lollnJ,: lotll k !ho·<r,.\\d' l ls.ot 11 11olo• llall ua tumc.o:l! o~any \P •r~ hS,:tt An,, t ,.,. • •·Jt:tu th.al tho fl'lllllt \\Ill lw •tf olt•llll,to• lot'!"-_ lol t" Ill•· •·nllr• o II\' In ""''' WU\'" lw fuund "" lht' bulhJhll( llalotf"" In Jhl ....... .., •. bodv ucd rna~ h ,,. 1 o~· t h••r ~)GOFF t h.Ul ftUt• ( ;• 1-\•·111""-"' $:r••up 111 --..n• '" tt\1" llno·M t hai 1111~ ,.,,, pluyo•tl ut t .t• by l ~•nti•'L.\tttJ .... Hld th•·~• '"1""\••~1 11~\ -·r • 1 ""'!-. a •t •uhh· lutt uht•\' oil "'~!"" "" l ht• road I'" I·• 1.l.orly ':'l ttiJ • ... tJ,.flP :tf'fU U \ h lht .. ,. .. In\\' I\' t f ht• J:"IIY ho•ht"'! \'till 1• nr• nnrht ~ 1 t.:,d, , t and ~,, ,. ~ ••Llr ~•J.: t•,tl o.~t rl a tJr nul sfuulv t ... ,, 'J'I':"w I '" I II Ill Ill' 1•11 llllltkt• \\lltttr ''"I lint ,.,.n \\t•· ,,,(., 11r• I.'T"" ''11! "·th tht• pnsl'tn~ of '~ '· I t •' ' •\•1\ \'•··~ ;\t t ••••n~ u nt:\n· \.._. t:\'EI.\"S tl~.....,~j, lht'" •Nl»f:t:ttttti , ... -.... ~ .. ,,. &W,C ar uU tuut Jtll&u..: u p n a .. r•· an,J "''J rC' t•B.!h """''1,r:t11o tt '•+~ \HIII!-•If \:":ll '"'' k '"' tho· ··: thllllll\.'1111~ rt•'<pon~· ""' "'"•'I !t•llo·r· lo-'1\';. II I•·W f····· .. t•• l\,t·nt•JU M t;lt,y na.: ',; be\uuun..: nh••:ed ••f ,·un "lh n ··V•·I' , ... ,.,thl• krtt•"'" nil,,, .•.• lht .. iUUnly Jtn•l up I•• •'ft:ttJit• \nu tu ~··t ttllt \\llhont '"'" """" tho· tllll!tl. :\I!U)y l~lb•J 1 t:•k•n~: tt(( tho• r~t•ll ol oc 1•1 It" • ar owrt hhntll anol-rt:Sidl'nts h3\'t' .. x. ----~"h'tn~h-+1 -'t'l!lrfullt t~i- 1"''14"'" th•l111!o·lvc•J! as ~:r•·ally ap· 1 n:arkl11,.:~ "" lht• ,-llr h A:'\ [I th••n pro•tiiLIIII.: \.\hut IJuh lltuq•hy na."l LOArliNG TH ~ ZON€S . . ~tltt•\' jlltd hlllnrlv nhtoul hytloanh 1 doll• 1 .. 1 1\nii~•J Ill "l ... nllllo( tho• 'f1H.'!t•' tht~'" n tLny IHn·lj.tn anrt l l• m:o y 1..-• \'ttllf IH>Uitl' that •·at• II•·~ Ht.,•h•/\'•'1.111 ttn.J h .. v .. o•urnnwnto•ol II•<' tl m11truiSL~ lwro' 111,. l.liLkllll: 1 on (l)'t> l"M•,. •••utt••uwo olrl\·o•r :&nd "" t .. flrll' I )'I"' of wurk thnt lw ltlt' 1 uffu JHfllolo•m 11 l•rrlly IH'Ut•• k•~·p yuur lo·mprr \'11\1 '"' thll. Ill J ·-""'"1: llltu;otuln ()o•·J•IIt• t h.. \'IIIUrlln:-. hnnl" ....... 111111 h m .. ro• tmp .. rt ~nl I lh;·1t h•o\'o• hc't•ll Wfltll'n lllJIIUl th .. It 18 Who•n X<>ll 1\rt' l'lllll roll Ill: tl''"""'"' .,r ""'" .. lrtvtnJ:r t nday. thrl frum f\trnl tc)(l -wttd hl'oi'P'l>S kC•P ' taw o·ontm1 ... 11 t .. tw tuullo•n n out· yuur 'nr In jlttr•l mo•o•h!U1h tl • illt 1 The SAND SIFTER Ont r 1\llttln Ll•lo J,.lr -.'aliT!. focal rw••nt' fur a lar~.. h h u ••• "'armmtt ~&'h"n Or anti !Ills ~tiU1· lo•v l'hKml,..rll hut 2~1 f• i.-nd~ t•· nt~o·11u11 slylr 1 oltlu•n nt all llm•-s anol r.·mo>n '"'1 tr thl' ('rly 111 1nto•ro•,.l•••l tr. m nk I thlll tilt' rullb..•r, hke toatll"n«· frl'· tnl{ 8 hltl•• nlotu ,. on ttw 0 ,\,, :!r) 4u•·ntlv ~··t,. ,.,haus• td a hd ''h'''"'."' mill' hm•t "" I '••nl rill A\ r lh•'\' ''I':" Ft~ll"w I h• ,.o• It nil .111 l h ,. ~h•Htlol t><• :ololo• 'In \\ 1Ln w•ry ltttt·,.l nch·:o you &rl' ~1\'o·n Who•n Y••u J::••t .. 1r .. rt tw ~:•·llm~ 1 hulw liiH't'ol:<t;"r!l )'toUr lll'torUie, anl.l nl"xl llmt•, s~<' -.·ho •In oo l twll .. vo• en lii.,"TTl! T hU! I th~ •hHI'rf'n<'<' f•"'l the thtr'"'f'nl'" " '"t'Hlllv tru•· 11t .,1 h•·r r<li\Oill lfl !Hid m >kl' 8 •hH•·n•nrt• 111 thr thr Harbnr d ~t rtrt hut Ia pnrtl<'· 1 tnlfrw t,.ll hHtt .. rv :l'•W e:ott!Ot;n~ uta ly 1\t'o •·ntualnl ''" lh..-.. ()fl('l • W10y Stnp" uot lJJ the l',rllllllllllll SAY "YES" PLEASE .•. In Hy thr "8)' WI' might OnJCinlllt' thooao-1.\'<•rko·r~ who haw• or ly a tr .. ruun> huflt tn 111hl811tl(n la fl'w rtay& cuAtll SaturdllYI tn l •l•otlnj! that ll I~ a "Ont• Way makl' thP qu••ta for th~ U.S 0 !"lrH>l" t l'nlt~ S!.'rvlce Orj!li.lll7.8tlon • in * * ·------ No Foolin'- Next Week We Will Present to You the Finest ·SOUTH COAST EDITIOI pARKING AT RANDOM .. ·I our Harbor D111ln!'l. F.very ltltlt Plt>nt y nt c 11mplntnl8 a re pourinl( hf'lps. tu1d the .. Boys" ne!.'<J tht- ln from lhe rCIIIllfnlll Ql1 ()<-elln relaxatiOn WC Can giYI' them ht'rt'. m• 15 Aven~Je. whQ have only the "allt-y .. If we have lh,e money ·available to drtve thmu«t~ In o r det -t · I. 0~'---t~'iv• your: 4'111111:l~-:u.~+--=-=--==-IL=.:~:..= to lhetr homu amtgarage• Beem11. DAY. And d id yep know lhal l vuutora and ~• denta a.Jike llvlqg Ka!jot'y Math" hu &trudy aald_ on C~nt•a.J at that polnt. park In .. Yu" to W illard Mlnor! La•t l lbe .. •lley" whea they ~14 UIMl F'ri~ Ill Yuma! ~ like ~e Central Avenue, and leave the 110rt of a lo ve bu~ bu ~otun tnto Octan ,Avtnue,... acces• to their I the o&d office of the N-8-Tlme:t~. garagea , One houaf'hold .fmdll It maybe tt·• time they moved. per· qutt~ thl' usua.l thinK to co m " hap• we cen ~etlle down and get homl' &t nll(ht, ha\'t to park nn out a newapaper between wed· Ct'ntral. IUid lattr get up and -dln((ll !1000! bt'tn~t home the car w hl'n t he --------- .. ollt•y " hr...-Willi 1lr.J lhf' 1111 d rar · lit t Ullf' ttf thr'lll' Olj.thlll"lt'11 IW· lllR lu t... "T11ps' fur Sumi'I.>Olly' • NEXT WINDOW PLEASE ... !IIIIIs &Ill Pr)•t• of Sa.nla. Ana -.ru honort>r at a bnJat 11hower 1 f'<l'ntty 1{1\'rn by :\frs Roy Rue· twll (t( Ralbo& OLD FRIF:;o.I[)S ('nmbmtn~r bt>T l>rrtf~t" rlub Rn•l hn.tmlnlun f'O• 1hullla.•tJo. !lfrq llu·ry C'llrr ...-at Tl,.. :"e.wp .. rt llt•ll• h !Iran• h or 1!1,. l.l•nk uf Anlt'lll n. Wtll rrrtt\' lltlo•n hav .. t o butll.l a · •lnn•.1n · ·unlrM Mf't' l'~<'tl G Bra• e and gran•l· :< .. n. 1{1< h..vl.l. lt>fl th .. rr !lti'M hom~ rt'<'ent ly to twgm a granol vat a. t ·nn lnp tn Nl'w York. \\'ttllhlng· r•l f t lf'n•l~ of ltl~lt •tkn•llnl!' anti ._ ntt tho• ~ROlf' 1nlo•ro•!OI!I 8rftun•1 tnhiNt at thr ="•·wp .. rt tl " rho 1 Y 1!'ht ('1uh nt A hrlol~:o• l11n1 hl'om thr olhl"r •lrl)' I~>~'Rl frlort•l!l R!Ok l'ol to Juln lho•m 111 mM't I ho• grniiJ wrl'r Ml'l' H•'lll'r\ ll•·rnlol ·~l rll 1 l~nrolnn I :nino!\• nnol !11 r~ .1, H lltut h On lh•· tn\'tl~'tl I !<I f •.,m 1'-f" ;\n~ro-lf·ll '"''' lJoovrrly ll ill~. w••ro 1 !llmrll Mnl" !lie•( 'r"ll Allo•n < ;, nr~:• I..:HIIk'r~h<:>lml'r. lll••nol rt H 11 " k " Vlnh, \\''''"' A lln•rt. I ~nu~rht .. n l.lnrno·" H !\I art 1n .lao k ~I< 1 'r••ll I ( 'hl\rlrll ( h\ •'II !II 1 '"'I flu ron 1 'j,, r·:• !=lwlg11rt ()11•1 Mts~ C'r:rtr\lllf. ~f!.: a park n,.: l'lllt •· II' r 'loVIth-tl for tOn. U (' an\.1 the !':oothern tho•lf •u~t .. n .• ·r• Jus t T-llY 111 fm•l ~lJ\It'" . a l'fHol Dt•f•r thc•n• fur lht• ••lol "Jallfltl)''" '•('oulol ))I' tho•, ~nulh t ',.•sl "' '''''rii!IIOJ: 11 I• ot'a I 111""''" "IY torl lll n•l all ~<'•'II "" s,•a ru r th•· "4U.kt· t•( l•t•(••Ufh'' FLOWER OF YOUTH . F ur Uu• bo•ru·flt "~ 111-11 Ill rio!•' 11 rm~• ~' 11 .. llll rtually l>!'o tofllt• 1•f hdlln.t. (I •• \\ iu•i>l 'Ill;<' Wo' J'lllll a ( o• \\ 1 ul•·ll "'"" h "lwn .. t ... y•·d . k•·•'l• Harbor Service Laundry & Cleaning Ul Palm Street Pbone 45 • BIGGER BE'ITER MORE PICTUR~ NEW FEATURES NEW PICTORIAL MAP an({ ma~y more· outstanding innovations that wilt put this f'rf'n n n•l 1\1 r11 !lh,. A lio-n n r·" aun\!1 1-f ·.r "• I ~td'· 1'9\ '"' th•· -~Uli'Rlll. Hno1~ UlP\' uJUOUt f'o1 "" Ito• '" II\ ru .. f 1nr'l\ lad n.~ tht> n olo·~ hf' 1 pi~ )'I! nn t hr ru·n•rn I M()():-o:t~Jt;JIT !lt ~~AI. .. WIUO '" \ StECIA~ _,.~---4 ... . EDITION r-· • • • and find out So~teltocly else waits on me what real vacations It's fun to travel with Dacl n~ Fl• flftr'--f.fwr-tc""-ab"' .. ~!""":-- mo«hcr and Uj I hll.lt('n "' hl>l('ls ~~ A lot morelor your money.:-;:---. , niE:ht. \X'!' think thAt\ hAlf thC' fun of tra,·dr~. \'<1c alwo~) s sec lo.>ts of filings to t:tfl t'ur r ri~itcl• •t-out. '\X'h('n I ~b•s I'm gom,!: tu stay '" hocc:ls too. A HOTEL IS THE PLACE TO GO It costs o lot leu thon you th ink @) • \ . Otut. •.•.• ,"' ' . nrdrr nftrr rorkt 'lil hour .. n t hr l t~la nf lht \'o•m on \\'rt'f>lll" man-<1' I th(' nth••r niJ:hl wht'rf' fri<'nol!' harl ~n ln\'ltf'<l to l!ml'll M tl l:u•lt> 1 h t 11luhn~ hllrl--ur..l ~l,.akl' C'nmln~~: tnto ro.·u,. ,..,.,... Dr. and .lol~ F. E. AbboU of U}!! Angelc:. •• ~ Or. 111111 1\hll Alhf.rt ~oflMI1_ Mf'!ll H \V tt .. ht. ownl'r n( thl' \'I'J!'!\, Un. fo'IO«-n'~ Rt t-w1ut anl.l Mr tAoonartl "ing,.bnkrr. I Tt-IF: T ILI.F:HR nf Do the members of YOUR family uy this? whl'rr l hPv mrt for lunrhl'r>n J~Vo•lmmlng ·l\ncl !llln bathing. but. du,. tn thr fnl't .thrv ar" nil "fllOrtA'I'mlffl~,.jy~l)""'dtll:;-ft-not.-perhaJW1t'irbenn..-70U ba~ aner civen Alka-Selucr """" thl' problem!! nf th" !!Oil. thl'~· a thorough triaL · avol<lt'•l Hll' l~'plr 1\nd rrlaltP<1 on , All ovt-r the world .... ople who have wed Alka-Sdtzn are lht Rn.llw111 rt'1iftlll wrrr ~ B. Klmbmu~oth C'lrtrr. Jr.. F.dllh 8erml,.h, Prf'•IPric KrN~!W'r. R11~··l m nn1l llHN-. () n n H ~t:'!l•ion!l JlUTII"II ll11r. \\' W C'f'tt lr Mrl F'rrd AV..THM-Tl#r&ll8f' \'irl! nu\ CM-~ tie 1~ 1\lway~ lh,. hullir!lt indl\'jdual ln tMI'-n Rt'Cen't ly sh~ houM' "'1'8t · td ltln1 :o-;ormsn L_ Wa~or~e<>n~"r of Be\·nly H llll\. With l>f'l Addlr H&u~orh th~ !fmur lunrhed a t \'lc:. tOI" Hu~orn'• In IA«una Uld then Kn. Wllll&al IUiode• Henry. Sr If Alka-Selt.teris as ttood •• w e say it Is, you want it in your med- icine ubinet; lf it ls n ot, It won't cost you a penny. We will refund the purchase pri!'e to' any new user who is not entirely sallsli!'d n~ Alka-Sel Alka-Seltzer Hlll•b<lrnu~th and )Irs. J 0 ~r&w·l ford and diiU(ht~r Marj(lrle of laYited Uwm to dtnner. -':·-· ______________ _... _________ _ on your MUST List! (And Don~t Forget Your Friends· In .~ Newpn~~ NEWS-TIMES Phone In Your ~rder Today! Ntwport Beach 12 or 13 _f 'Ca At pre eta. jO)' ori. bO< l;.ll we- Ita! I tDrt of epJ we ~ II.Jll , . . --~----....:......~------------N'E\VPO!tT'----BAJ..BOA .......... ___ NEW~. _s.'Jllldl. Newport,.. ~CII'Na . .:ntURSDAY'. JULY 11. 1~1. . -ItA-RBOR-A-MlJSEM£-NlS PRO¥£·: POPlJEitR ·Wrr-H .. FIL-it'. STARS • t ·-' •• _......__.. --~ --- ·cabin In the Sky At the· Biltmore + . ~ ~ ·,Viking's Sail Club 1 B lb R .. · Mona Makt's Stwrtat--ular-l~innttr ·()ffrr.lirt Mayberry In ·::~;; .• :~)"'"'':"y" ·•r•u~m.•_pr l"'r· Hold Steak Bake -a oa ecreation . . "1\o'UI•I· '"''" ......... ,'"'"If, .. ,, \ "''' "'''"~ .. ·'" .... ········~ ... l~au"b ltiot Show ' .. M ........ 01•17 ····•miry ~t .. ,..-1 nn~t .• ,.,,.\,~·· i t .. tt•t 1\lt,d ,,,..,, "'•th t' "" ,l,t 4'"·'~1 \ ,,, h•'' ,.. l <'tt•l) Atht htO tlr lA•tr:t ttfllMlf'QUe. ... Bru&tiWil\'·~ brtj:Mt'!lt mueH'BI 'llh·e aurartl\'1' !'011\ll . nllbht11!1't' c A That ~''"····~ I •• u · ..... r 'I ... ·' I'" ,ftt ., '"' ...... h ''I""'''' At ''Nt'~t'~ I tltllla, )'011'11 nf.vrr k n<IW Whi t • proJu• tlun.' •·('abin tn Ule 8ky". 1 ov!'rlook rng I hi' !'vunty rh.lllJld t t t t ln~t "•I•• ""''·I I·• \1 .. 11,, ~ 1,., ,1, • 1, 11 , , 111,, 1, ~111 "'"· 11 1,,, • •11111 • "" 1,.. llltlll Y"" ,.,. ~~~'~!' and etarr •Dg J':lht•l Wu,l<rrll ID Uw nroJIIt Is to bt' Ul~ lt'tllllg (Cor 8 galil e n e r s r a ~ at 17rl~J ....... •f II ):It\\ ~~ .. , .. ~ ''".. r 'I\''"" ,,, "'"•' " .,, I·,,, ' • r . . Wkr.t t•• l.ln Wayi.JC'r ry. lluwev•r joyfu1 rule or l\el' c:dr?e'r. and lh~8t .. uk ba.ke IUhi C\'ClltJU: of m('rr.• '-" krorul tnA• ~'"I~"'......... ·•' I •• , ...... • '·' ""' t:.· ... lh·.• rh·· "j .... , ... ,_, lh ,, •• !\t ......... _\'1111 f····· ........ )'•'II .. rnvr, ynu ro nrlgloa.l JI:<'W York rut. tuu hc'<•n mt'lll F~hiNy ".'",ht fnr ~l!'Nbct ~< h tlt~k "'""'"" arr titrlT-"1"' lt-i.,.....t~-.ru-~tlr1' \ ,..."' ':"'"1 "'"'"'"" •••I 1'"~ " ~"'' 11"11"' l•uihln.. , , bookt'd tnt(> lht' Ullin o rc.o Thmt l'. uf tlw \ lk n,::" !"atlinc ( lttb Flynn, Po' '!fell, ot ' ers ~ !"ho•\\ "'"' .... ,u .... "'-l.~rr •.•.•• n • t:l't ~o:•'li l'l'<l. ):l't J.'1"lnjf Jrl'l J"Wffy l,.o8 AnJ:I.'lee. and wrll UJWil a 'J Dot\ PI'Jt'rll.'n. IUmftbll' ownl'r . Ball 1) . :-.; .. 1 •'"" '"II ,,.. I'"''""" lo: ·•· tit• ,II,. .. u (u r fun• \'o•u'll I~ l\&ld wel'k ll return l'nj:8J:•·Illl'nl un M un· of \'tktfll{!! l'url. wtll llllf>t'r\'IR\1 ° et 'USS(' to lluii~·"'CHtd flct\\·1 · ''l'l"•llllll•14 I " ·11"1 '1 •\ lh1'11 II 1111 Ill 1t ""'' \t•ll'l ,. 111'1'•'' l"'fnre tlay. July ::1 · IHIIII1,.:o·n wn1,. fur th•• ~-ttnm· anti hut "" •·· "Ill Itt• \lthtt\1•1.-p1 l1 • • "I'• • to"' •·ol \\'ltv •• 14<·•·"'* In it. F.lh(l \\'ah •rl!. 8111~ .. r u( c····r.tng ThiiiY , .... ''XI'•'•'Ittl "" ... ""' """ • , ......... '·"" \\Ill ....... llt•\•'t "''''" •IIII7.Jtr•l lly l .ln - • l I H \1 .• , •••• ,. "'"'' ,., Ht l tt11 p , I lt\1 , .. huuuhlt' \\hut may tc nm:n'11ll bl-~.n~ ltflu-11<' ,. .. • H ,.,.. d 1, t A TL-" of tht' ftl'lll rank, .:•·ts ht>r flrlll anti . ,\\ l h•',l<' All " .t . enry •T J ('<JXen an ar )' mong J1U8II; •1"1'• '"•I ,.,..,., ''''"'"''" th,• "'"'" hl\1•1 )'"'' '""''' 1411•1 find mat. opportunity \o t'oontiJ Ill.' sin~:nj: lt8 I Supportrn~ ~11811 \\'1111'1 ~ IS Oil<' s t.t l)alboa L'un z .. ono, -~\j'av, .•\r-'"ad'e,• ''"'II h.\\, .• I" I•• llu·t I' I•• k•·• I' \"II "• I r """'I 1\ "'" "'"' we ll atl U!'ltng. tN'rtlllll~ untOr~t•l· t>f-I hi' Uloli!l ohMIIIIj.(Ulslh'tl ntUSII'rtl 1 een r1, ~ I" -' • '' ' Ill' II lilt l h1 • "llll'tllt•lllu• l 'h •II•" Ill 1\oltl 1111 \11>11 Will "'''' the able monwnts H( l h••utr•· who'll ...... I'Blil~ ······r Rl'~··mhlo·tl l ntiU•I••d..ar·· Novel GuAGt llook .:\t ~ Areadt• ltecorda '"""" ....... 1 loovo•lt{'" .... WfiiJ'I·~··· 1111 ....... ,11\r """ at 1\'l(lllru l'r~··u. a nred 111 .. Ail Tlruultlli\<'ls Mlf'f'r'' TU<Ju Uu~.o. wt·o .t•hao•t'\1 l'orjO' 1 '<:o l "'* -'" c ..... g .. \••·•·hwm s .. ,.1 ••~-:Y ""'t ' • Many NotabiPs .. Taking In" ·.lk-at·h 9 The BAMBOO · R'OOM and 'LEE lN S SHOWS -11 12:30 NIGiiTL\. STARS Lut.SuadaY. B.,,.s·. 1'\cx ln~:r "" "'"''"' un.t 1 slllJ:•' Jlt•rfl)rnlt·r·. J•(H•l••y \\'il~illl. , J H .. samqn.t Jui.n~''" a nd Kallwr· t . t f ltl('d . mf· u uuharn tl"' t'b l•lllt" • :.11 N t'\\1lUI't llad "M.\r Hnlll~'llll'nt 1'\'llh't"S !'II~· l a:-; I W (l throt"•I<•Kk al 11tm1t•nt v.: h o >''.on Tl;tlboa F\m Zom~ and tlw Ajax Ai"t·at1t• on l\1aili''St1"«'t a,. h<•rat•lf the tttll' of the "hottut PI'O\'ing . popttlal' t'('('J't'at ~o.~ "•nll·t~ wht•n • ~~an-•.ff !;.(~ thtn~ 11" ·BH:>uol\\ ay . and rad1o w hl11• away I h1'll' tdlr• ht>lll~ '•'"""'" ~huc,•l an~ ftlm.~~;. . THEATRE Two 8111o•n Slchtly-1 &ad 9 MauAH t6A T. at 1 :U Co!IU.uoua Sunday from 1 :t6 At POjMiliT Mlldlllkla ~ a .... t Day IUiul'day • .July Ill CLARK GABLI': KOSAUND RUSSt:U. in "THEY· MET IN BOMBAY" ...._. Al100 -- RICifAR}) ARLEN AND\' DE\'lNt: In "MUTINY IN Ttl£ ARCTIC" ~un.-~oa.·,._,, .July !e·!l·!! ROLAl'ffi YOlTNG .lOAN BLONDELL in "TOPPER RETURNS" St't~n in J lalhua la..-t !-\untlay \\t'l'c' till'"' pa•urniiWfll nll'll\· h _,i-s of • till' lloll~'\\llOO film c-<llun~. c•adl ;h"\'l•lllJlanic'(l hy a la t).:C' p;u1 ~·of fril•nds who IHtd• tlw l inw nr lhl'il' ll\'t'S :\1 thr '"''" ~···n H•H:'l:'"''' :w Mtlueill'na • • • • ' ..... nt nl ..... mlln,. rrunanrbl peo-Uai!Joa io un i'.Oill' :tllll t)t ht•l' f'l•· .. t ~·ull ... II I "Khfurmo IU&t.l t he l't\tl~l1;ftning :lnlti"C.'InC'nf Sp01~ w of t"ll \\ (t., \'IIIII !"t""J"ttl Jln bor at BalllO<t. . and H:olb •" .. :;:rr;J -F'Imn:-tr •. rK .. ~ll·nnr---­ mftn or""' -·n···" ""'' ·· ""''' ,.( Stellar Team f ri1'DtU totJrl'd Uti' flt\lhr<n rt'l n• ,,, .• " , ... "'' ··~'s"""a:v a·'"'' ~··n·.·n Wins Plandil'l 1111ol ratlw l'tnl(rr. l lll'k l'owrll. wh" 'II ~· : ••. , .. mp~h·•l hy A p~u ty At "' (ri.t·ndl' • • .. -- l ll'nr y \\'rl• <tll<'n "'hu '""' "I'· 1'tw "I r>lih \\'lu•h•·rw••mao' hid reart>•J In mor,. promtnent rolr~ 01111.,.,1 1n 111 \\'hill''" An<l •\·••)'· rl'• l'ntly IUtol a ~rnup o f I r lt•n.l~ l)o•l\· "'"'m" 1, .. h ko· tl a If!( At v.·pr,. notkl'<l !':unday • 1 ... ,,., u 1,.t·,. t hr ,.,.,, .. n,.u~ 11( nptn-l t;t'ntnl AI Anoll'r~"n "f·lho• F'llll ..,11 ,.f uti uf lht""' whu h r•rd '7.t•n•· '" ... ontrnum~o: h 1 " 111""'1R1 ,, "'' '""JC Mllrv O'Rt·rll)• l'1!'nder 1 Kuilt' Puy prtti'!"JAIII ,.,.,.h \\'.-.ln••tt-hf•r ,.,.r101,.11 uf t hu• ,..,....: at twr •lny a.n•l thlll wrl'k t h r youn&:llt'r". l'lf"'"'"l! ;...,u1 1 'h>n to.lll4'k at Vaua Wt•rr ~hnrkrn~ With JOY and ,..,. \\'lu i••'" •n H •lho•a '"'•·r lhf' werk· lhUI'tusm Ull lht•\' <'OJf•.V••I I h 1' 1,11,1 t.l ~t"'' anol l inn , ""'" fr~ a nt••rry I:•,.Jnun1l. f••rrl.tt whc•t'l ttn•l ~,.-,.,.,.,.11t11i 1,1,1 •. 1uanrr ,., AI IA \')''a uUwr llmUIU'JtWilll' and 1far4llol U 01yd'• tn 1114" rit)'. Cueat A•oiater "ho·r.. 1 he'\' ~··r,. fllr ~trllar at· Thr AJUX An·o•l•· h'll' rnau~:ur ''"' 11.,11 f~ fll!ID)' m9fllht~ lltrrt somC'ttnnj.!" nrw by l'tll'rtllllr "-... , .. 11111,11 I' "'Y'" t hat Ul all I ~ucat rc~U.tcr fur daUngulab4!d tho•lr ""'" thi'M t1111'0 ar. eu"' to Jwrl'<MtultiH'lt wh .. Vt~rl till' Ar· ,.1.,.,." lhrnu~:h a m "At 11\K'<'...-.1\11 j •·tul .. lu "llJOY l hf' 10k1ll lit&llll'lt a.nd ~.n 8 1 \\'lut.-·11 an.l 11...-p Ute antlllk'm .. n!JI ttffl'r..,t pl~t<" p~tt'ltrtl Mary o ·tt,.lll)' f'CXD- TM book Ul boun..t b>· ~ .b.anoJ • .,.,_ .,. •'JU~ ln•tl .R!~'-1 lfom~ly h<·•IN k•••l "'I""' t·~v••r nnol "'"''•"'"· :t r alr .,, IJJ'Arkl•n« f'J" ~lll'81ll promlnl'f\1 In Ule mnUon I &nil " ,.,.,, hln,.; , ........ th•l rrorictrcl ptcture indrutry. eodaltte. f •om a I' .. ,. f ,. r t r~tl'nJlll'mf'nt to t1w inhuul !'rlll'l' bWtlnt'llll Mlf'<'UlJv•·~ artlltt ry 01( lion Mack at Ole new ttnd oth•n Brt' lovlt~d tu ln~~<.·r,bf' 1 Ha.m~nml o 1can. w ho •loft! IDUJ lhtlr n~·~ wbUe there. k)lo num~r1 1n addltloe to hS:. Not only doea the lnv1tatioo to work u a.cc:ompanUtt -·~ / Hf-~IIY~-rin -~RAt~ .. ·uii~-1.. -la---ll •lrn the r.,uter rep,_t u •· Con«TStulaUOILI ban ~ .,...... IW -:'• -., -4J-s.ul --:~;;~:~::~~:~:~=~=~~r-----tallt y on bdla1f C1l Ole -~ addiUoll to Ole _ • ..__;:;.__,dill ment to Important JUea\a, but It r1f N~ Harbor, and tt'a nf Far .. :W4t BALBOA ThPa1r{l n .. , ... ,, , ''"'""' "' It• ,, . .,, s1 • ., Ill Ill•' \ • •• ,,,, , .. \'a,·tlt '"L: \ ···Ht•·t .......... ~.'\o·, ,.,., .. 110 \; S tnd••nl• •:.'W, t•ltt• ta\: C hlltlr•·n Ill<• Mat. a .. t ,,.,1 ' lQIIMI 1111 • un•• .. , .. ....... CUIOC( ... .~, ... ,...._ t•• ........ ll1tl\, e Ill 16o e Tilt, 1 .. ......... ~. .. "•• l •tl\ '""'"' • rl. Met .• DICK POWELL and P8;11y "THE WOLF OF NEW YORK" ........................ ~ • wiD ~u.. hr • Umt to~. ,_ a.ti CWIIe ... ~: :;;;t. ........ ......_.... ·-~ ~ .,...__. .. • ,_.... -· __ .,...--,.., ~ y_.. _ -_..=tlt-.a-.a."'''ilia... ERROL FLYNN HENRY 'WJI..€0XEN and Party Were All Here THE ·FJJN . ZONE .... *'· WM~ 011.1)' IIIIJ n EL8Ii; JANIS WENDY BARRIE MAE CLA'Kk iD ·"WOMEN IN WAR" --A.lroo - BOY ROGERS "GA.BB\"' HA \'ES in ''COLORADO" OS TifF. STAGE "CRAZY QUIZ'' ('a..tl A"'·ard" -Mu11lr Quilt - ( 'ruy AIH'tlon All In ()n(' ('ondurtf'd Ry Unn ~ayttPny ,.tartlnt: Tbur'ld") July za "Too Many Blondes" --Alt<O • : ~ llil: &he Road" . . ' ~-.......: _j, )>Uj~ - Anywhere A Better • · Special 85C Dinner Than Ours (!Wrvf'CI .From 6:00 to 8:SO P. M.) Special Cuts of Steak . . $1.00 . -$1.25 I>inners $1.50 • • FrtvoUtv By-Al'S11N MeCOY ~t th.-plano Aad tbe. ~bell F1ora Dora Girl -V E ~ R A .. . 11'TII8TREET AND THE HIGHWAY ( Overlookbll .Newport Harbor) . The -·IEIDEZIOUS BILLIOOM Pat ra1-r. ~ 0( Mr . ....t M~ r A. Pal~ ~ A~ A''"""'· ~tt th._ .,,...~~; for ~ n"oo 1 o att~d tJMo Hcww sa.-. I ~hf" will lltay. at tiM' ttotel drl ('orun l<lo with l>ttyllla C"~n. Mr and Mra Raymond K~t ltarv•·>• and t1au~~:htf'r Mary f"'l· , u .. n, ~. IUit.l ~ K r11l. a ,., ~a'''"C tndav f~or tiM' A,...>)'" ~o n-r I r ...idf'n& Wb!'ff" they wUI .. pl'nd ...., -........ ---.. ......,. ........... ,.---t'our Stan Shin~ In N~w I lit l a -~ .---EA-T_MO_R_F._.--.. , I moo G&ADE FOOD STANLEY KENTON'S .. FOR IES.~ MON'EY • MAIN CAFEIERIA ' '·· ... IMpl-. ""h" toarflrtd. ,.. ... , ... 'lltrhrtl a114 tMir At..,rt an- "Artistry In Rhythm" Ill S~ .... 8lnoet ~U) •larr,rd IR lhr ,... .. ""',...' flr., .. hU "Uu l Uf Tit.-t•oc-,,.. Pa& ILril)', rr.p. 8all&a .a-._ ~ .,..,...... •. "llaccrd' '"n" ,..... '!:, ,...aulr ,..,,..,,. fratu,... k ==========~========~-~~.NM ....... DOl & MARY EITERTIIIMEIT . Nightly at BALBOA ORANGE COUNTY'S '"Tift: PI.ACt: ro· ('.0 .. -.. ·-,,..,, ftt ..... ~ ..... ..,.,. ........ ... ··=· .:,·;-.-'';/,\ ::.~. n-.. \IV ..... """' .............. , ..... '" ............... ......... Broadway ............ Phofte JOO ...... , .... , ,,..., ... , .•• ····h·l .......... ..,.. ·--·· ... , .... , .... ..... ....... ,.h ... ltt'l ••••• ,,,. ..... , •. .._. .......... ,,..... .-.. -.. ....... .. .......... ,,, ......... . r.u~ ... ....,. •• ... . , .. .n ........... h ... . ................. ......... ........ , .... ., ......... , , ...... ., .. .... ... , .. ,. ....... , ........ .. _,, ltf' .. ,,,T .. f &I .. Ttt•• CASH CLUB ...... ,.,, .... ~ II•A•f"tY"4 f ... .. ...... ,-- ....... cwee. ........ "'-·--...... , f hekw . Ka)· t'raarill ftrc•rJCf' llanrrurt l.6ut"" Ak••olt'• "IJITLE MEN" "rd ..... , .... , tl H HUll! A Twht Trrrur Mttttwl F U I F·o I P E Ill E S · ~Tire~ew--:. ~. ~= Jt;VEitY hAY AND NU;HT Sl MMJt;R ANU WINTER .Sia-n Our Gue..t Book When You Come In • • Main Street Balboa 'I N~rorn• ,DA!-IX>A :-.:EWS-TIMES. t:4Wp011 kach, CallfQro,ia. TI-nJfiSDAY. JL'LY i7. i941. . 1 .. __________ ;..,___________ .. --. -.--------· ~ --. ·----:.:----------.,~.__;. ____ .:..,_ ________ _ --HARBOR au1t~1~c VALUED · AT s·73G,434~~~~Lr:~CE 1 ~~~~~~RLi· • -·-· I E T T E R C 0 M E 0 v E R 1 Mt>mbera of the Orange County TO HOME 0\\'~ERS- ... N·OW! • ~You'll Never ~uy _A BAY FRONT LOT. --__.;--~so~· -tCheap Again! • TOUAY ' ---p' T r I But.lding P . •t I ~~t·~lt;~" ~~:::~~t· r':~~~.n~ .. ~-J~!~ Expansion of i•ort City Gains ort OpS . el11ll s t (or .. pu·n1c un·l »leak hllkt'· ln !\tomentum As . Construction I NE\\'P~EACU ~~:~.~~ lbe ret.'\.ll~r tYIJe of m onthly U )ltU ~ a ff"tw:'f' 4all) •C)k) IIUaC'f'• rr·•rr.,.fta.,4 lulf"fh•r , ut aaJ h••.....,. ••· ,.,._,,.,ll .. tll -t Mil u• t.,.-.... thn•tf" •• :!! .. :·h,·,; .. .'~ ,:::·::.: .. ~ .. ~=; ..... ,. tl • ~ I 'llh· 11ffalt \\Ill I>P l'"t-lu1 k. w1Ul ....... , , .• ,.,,,.nt.•-••• Starts On_New ·Homes, B~ildtnp OtJnty n :~~"":~~~ ................... ~~o ::7rO:t~~·:sx".~:.·,·~ ... ~~··~n~'·:~;s~e~ ... ".:.::~<1 ~~:::co . .. -.. -...... -..... :.. 505.34-1 lunch . whtlr the ~-azwe w H I • 1!1:\'1 307 o ·:oeee "" 'Wain "·''T\ .\!'>~ \';dw· ,.f ;dl luulduw l'lllll(llt•lt'cl 11r uncl1•rway this yeer ld 1 ·-· ... · -... · · 2-17.690 fumuth lnJiviJulll "cllks •·ofCo>.-, ,,.11 1.,.1.,.1 , ......... , .. ~ ... , It\ \\'c .. lnt• .. d.l\ \\:1 .. ~l:t i,J.:I. :tl'I"HI'IIIIll.: 111 1'\'I'IIJ'dS of City B . . !~~ ~ ................ ;~·~: t:rt'tun arhJ •w.:ar IUII..I ·~·· t"rl'am t iuild1n~ ln:-)"··1'1•11' .\ \1 ~··I "'" -·-·· ' Ul 1ng !~~ ;~~ :: ... :::·~: .. ::·:::::: ~:~~ rcu_r;;.,.d_"' 8 _ 8 ...; .. ::., 11 ____ "'T'"...,....-------------------. llldlt":ll ill l-: 111:11 1111' :'\t•1\ JKtl'1 ll<:trlJW' l'lllb11"Udion era b . Six IIOIJH"!f' NO)\',Buildinr; On Balboa .... nln.'4Ula Point v:llllllll! lllllllli'IIIIUII dc•,ftl1 t· lilt' 1.11'1 1 hill S!lll11' ht.•Jicved the 1!):'1? 56.1 ..... -.......... · 908.09(1 -------:--_,<::'!....,rr.rrl.l· ' -I f1 -• k b 1938 5-18 .... . ............. _ 911 .s.:n I _) I II · t 11 'll1 r1 :.1(-;rr.l·-,r mark "'·''~"·~ ''''1''!,. •. , 1114 "'~·· Y 19".9 "'A2 . • 1 l"':1l\ h .td IM.'<'II n•:ll' 11'1 a -.! ~~·at' 11 11' llll '' 111111 • tt·. llrllllj.:'' c·.,untv llulltlo·tll Fx-. ·• ~.:A' ..................... R6l .?-IS I ·1 1 ·• • · 1 9~0 tl'r".l 1 ot n 12'2 tho· 1111 :t l •1f 1~1 \J Hil l lOg (il 'f'· tlutngl· ~h·•w tlw Nt·wporl llarbc•r .. ' ' r· met" 1.,. ~ 1:!.:201 a 1111\t' thHI 11l Ul" strut:lu1c. IJ.-Irtd It• ulll •LII uth..r clltt'll tn ' 1941 I · I' \I c · .. n~l ruo t 1•011 "'I tvlly thll week tl.<· r•mnly rn th .. llffitttml nf ••on -Jan 26 lilt• -..I IIli' fii'J'lt ot Ill .I I I .. ···· ........ .. w.cs n11t 1 ortftrw •l 11lone to n.ew 'lrth I ton fur t1111 r•·ri•'lll nf nne I Feb. 41 ..................... .. 64.&10 77.150 104.729 ..... .... . )11,195 1!>7.11111 lnl.•ll•l •··~•ol•·t'il:. '1"111 all ~"· · h""''" (o1r H••111 y Eggert wa 11 , •••• r •·n•t•nl! ,July 1,;1, 1941 lnt·lud-Mar. 49 . ::··:,~ ;·,', 1~"~:,•;·, ',~ lo~.';\1.',~''.';::~ ,:::::1 tN<u• •I " t"·rnu l to butld two addl-In~; ~nla Ani\. j April }1 t t .. nal r•"tlll~ t" hla h hme at 11011 An 11 t .. n·stinl! nc~l 111 the fa< t , lofay 211 • llrn~tl• l .. ·.outrlul hl\rl~·r 111'1 lh•· "" tho· 11ay front ·--·t nat •lrmm:-the p a • t twl"lve June 67 166.888 OHUl\' H•e t•·n11uUttl ft••lfUr•· ... "I tl1•• ' ''' • "'lt•'l• "" ,. ·' n· • ••lll<l' uotrn~: Ollwt hr.m•· ""'""r" were thla nw nl h~ th.. llttrh••r a rt>a ha.'l rP-Jut~ r .. lll• "'" k maktn~o: ~·prura or ,jnatall1ng 1,,1111•11 a l(lltn ro( nNtrly $70000. '.!7 50.6~9 l'iHFUfn••r iiH•t \t nr llf1'\&U't ( To '"'"''''~ I Ill'\\ r••• .:< ,,,.N lhP 1:! m '•nlhll t-ndlng July, tal 2fl0 1 I In atlollllt•l l •• 11 ... huih.lin& eon-1~1 of 1!140 On th(• olht>r hand. Three Homea lllll t .. · ~ ··lo·•·t n t·Jtl 1\nd plu.mblng !'ant a Ana is n1·arly $60.000 bt'- Hutl!ln.: , .. ·rn.)..ll!< r .. r 111'' 1'11111 1, ontml"l.,r·R of tht• l'ity ha ve been htnd tlw n uuk it ""t cturtng that I "'"''k '"'""''' $:-!U .. uou.•ut\• tct•Ji d:! 1 \\Orkln~ m·rrtrml' to keer u p wtth l!llmt' rt>rltotl. I I h•· tlt•m11nd fur ltH•IK' type• of Th<' followrn~ Ahvw11 the total hnrm'" 111••11 "hh h • .. n•t nu lu•n • I 1'1\ttW v.hll h 1111 lt11lo· lltt•'" llo•WI 1 "~" •l :ut•·•l t lla~ "~··k wnr~ "' hulhlln,: rwrmll11 I!!~UNI In Or-TI 11 1 11 111,1111 • 11 l t11rtnl! 111 .. p11.•t w•·•·k C1ty Plan· A r l(~> t•uunlv ,.,,,,.,.for the -year If'• 111....-n•JotJI •. I..... '. II n·t •··r ...... ul~t A WriJbt t-nll&ns: Jur~: lil1 lSl-41 ll :>t""'" "' t-:1 :.l .. nrr-.1 , 1:!'1 1:1 . "'' • "'"'"' ="''"'I'"'' "" ,.11 n1111,,..,1-.lt·tln•tol Ju'll•oln r 1-. B. Wbit-$1"'·•"' h••u•• f•·• ,,.,,,, •. , t.lt•V•I ..... n \\r ••t• th•r•••·n ~rmtta to Anah••n• • 'rJUu \4hlt h t .. tt. Ul)!: • n •(t•••l at 1•" ·•I .-.l•·•l ttt lan."l H•t•a 11\07!11 :.12.11!\3 3!1~1 ·~·7 July, 9 C'alirnmls Mllrlnt> rur-1 lng and Pa<'k lng Co .. 2624 Lllhv- c.U.e Street, makf\ r41p11lr11 to f'IE';.,.. fll!h cannE'ry, $11'10. ·July Q-Hl'nr:v E~gPrl. outlrt :! room lldflltlon to hnt18t'. 16110 'Vrst <Xf'an. Jlf'r F. Rny Cret>nlea • Rnl1 July 9 J ohn Ll'lllf'r Morrill 1tf F.l Mont••. build nne story frar>t> 4 room rt-llldr O'"cr. 1'.!8 4:Jrd Sln•ol pt>r m•mt'r: $1500. Jul.v P R&•llr M. 1no.·ln. bull.l -=-.....;T H~I_M 0 I ME A IS_ General Contractor an«{ Builder 200 I Oc~an Bh·d . Phone 815 Balboa, CaUf. 11 1 East Gtb s t. · Phoae 6581 Santa Ana, CaUl. c~.· R. ERICKS-ON . ·Contractor and Builder 305 Palm A venue B ALBOA P.hone 132 .... "Q ' ... _] and Poir hou fbr som whi· Johi 1UI'C n Uelay -They Are Selling Fast :!Ill Ill!~" A,,. Hall••, I.~ lund It IIII I Th··, I 'u h(ooll~lll loiUIIIlf' Curin.: 1-'•r'l• 'toon Kll •·ll•··r i ',l)tl. ioltlot.:•' , .. r \\' LH\'•t••llol I '" killt.: ( nrr.puny 1!4 maklnk .llo!ltllllt.:loon 1u..: -.t J•;,!'Cttd• na "t•v hu4" ""''''' 1•·11 \rnprn\'t"ft!•'t,f .Q f' lt!C r nnnPry d~S" -~·ne h :t:,o:t Fllll•·y 1\ "'' ~~ Ill•• 1<tl•· loti \\ •·~t 0• •' til • "~tiro,_ S:!I'IOO. l.a..:unr. ll• h I., ilu lot a 7K,lf)X :.!71> 7•1!1 nn~ !!l o ry ~20 3 ~tr.wt. • f>t'r Otf'v~a'::n~ll~l\:;!~r<~'l~l;:l.f .. ,ttU..h:>'-1...;.... ____________________ ...,====-=====::.......--~l---'lU.:... $:.100 . !IIlli~ IILPH P. MASlEY REALTOR 341 0 Coast BouJe va~d Ne:Wpo rt 'Beach Phone 402 Finest Deal In Newport Harbor Balboa -~ -Shor-es -Leaaehold Eatatea A· New Deal In Property Dewlopment That Is ~Than Property In Fa DaiOHiri'L\TION HOKE H01'' VNDE& VOS~UCTJOS EARL W. STANLEY, Sole Agent Phone eompany Launches Vast Defense Projert W.P.A. Starts Inventory ·or Civilian Groups J11lv !l J (' lwnjnmln M ~nr =-'·1~.· .. ·,1,,"1'~ •• 1, ,•,<,,·, .·•r,~, 1•17 ()I' I:Wrn~nllno. buJld ont• 11lorv tl!lo•1 u , ' ' · •' cnrn~o:,., 301 341h Atn•l't. I~"' .. \,n· AI• •h••tr..o l1liJ,7trl 71i,IH ftr.tHI!<' II~• 17!1 7:1 ~~~tl r r.J SI:.'()O 0 ' n 1.~o 1·2-l", II L _1 \\'llrrf'n Lll"l~d r -Pih l'lnot rlll ·• ,, "l>llTcJ , 1·•· o·,•.••.• !>-·_3_ 1 nnt> ~ttnr\', 4 ronm hOW!•·. ~0 1 :-; ,. ('In · 1' • ' ' Cln\'JC A,.,.. l"'r nwnC'r, J1500 ~ .. lnta ·'"·1 ••' 1 ~,,~, 7':.!'"-•l•;.t Jtth' 1,-Trtm ( ... ar!itnn a.· 'f. \\' 1' ;\ in ;o; .. uttwan ("altfumht ~"·'1 ll•·u It • 1"·•;•"' !•0 1J41j llnrml \'Hhlt> tn 1w·rnut ="'" l:il l.llln'Jtlllf " '"'" I""J''•I "'• 11• \\l1t ,.lt11(•· ''""t' ,., T>luw (ftr n&:-~...,.~ ... , ·~ ... n41• fur n·m••ll'lll'g hulltlrn~o; ··t Ill r ...... IJ\If\UtL! p l••a.:tuut t•• lUtl ln {ttill:d d ·····n!-•' \\h··n \trtUJllty J._hr '1\10 ''t"'·•~·d ~·· F:t•l·l··n J'lnef'. $1~00. I I I I I II Ill 'tr 1 7 1;:.!'-:.! iHUI;, nh\l~tf'lt '•' '''1"'-"" Plf•V' •• ,., '·· . .,., Hr··· p...-.,~ .. flfh•1 "' u, .. Hhttori~AI ' ' Juhr 11 .. : (; \\'r ir;:h1. ,.r,t t •·ut• n:•''" v :-.•·• Vtr •. r~nd h 1\ n ·.II .·· ,~.' Ht•!"i ~ttt \'•·v J•ruJ..-f'l h••J:•"" on•· :oct).:'n nn th~ ru.,r nf hn•'•hll ... ' .:'""1"1! lt a ffto·. tho· ~toullwt ll I tl •1.,,.1'111 ,,11,,11 of ,1 11111111mnlh In-l'nl.d ~:: :Sii~< ~.~111 '3 17:!,UV:t ltllol anr\lhf'r 10 I,_ n nttAI"h~'•l In fnr'llltt T•·l•·l•lloollt· l'""'l'""'' ~''•rl \'o'lll"'' ••I '" tlt.•n •·rr.~rtnb.ltllon huiltiing nud IHI tho• udjnl'o•nt 1"1 ··d "•·rk 'Ill,. \\ ····k "" .. Ill'\\' oh·~··•l '" ltf• lll"hllt~··.t r .. r htor~·· clt·h·nMo N t I I d I ;,)>()I f"VIl 't Blvtl IJt•r nwnPr, s·.o lt•lll! oh,.llllh" linr lll\'toi\'HIJ.: Jill 1'wo•nl~·ftVt' wurko'l" "lllrlt•tl on ewpor . s an ~ Jtlly II 1\lrl<, tkvt Anml'l.' I'<'- •''C1"'11111turl' .,( m nr•· lhllll $:!(HI IHIII, 111,. l''"jo·•t . ht~<l :.luntlny. U A J t n-of hn11. •' \\'tlh o·ompo~lllon. 290.'> • "' <''"'nn~-: t l'l 't-I :'ltt-t..-..mt•t I..... • Au ,.,.tmu•t·~l 11i ,11111 , lubll. as110--nBS ppea 0 Wo·st n r'f'H/1. ,,,.r < • c• n Ho•;fmJ.:' tr u l Mann.:l'r nf I hi' !"o•ulh•·•n II kl d H 0 l ('nntpany ':!M ('-·llfurnla'" Tr lelohnrw ('umi'IUI\' I IKtJUn!O """ ,. .. ll'tl .. ,._ .. , " n II ome wners " IJl Sout.hcLu Jtallfrlrni:t whk h I• Juh· 1:! Allhur I. .\lark:~ ro( Ttllll tmdr~rt:Oflr~ i""tl\'l'l"'!rl:' 1 nn. ""'"", "ml'alo·1f 11,111.,, ull\' by \o\'PA _ _ S on Ho·rna rohn ... hullol onr lll••r/ "truoth•n 10f n rw·l~.hn•• tti•OOj.: nn 111 111,. , .. ,1..,,~1 "' 111,. rwwlv e.-,.. 1 1 1 1 .11 1'1 >c l'l frnmt• garage:'. 2~3 3:\th f "· I ' • ·'''"1,.o'l ,. an• ~ lin "f'l'":t n: Str t " $1'0 !>N-mtlt' route rnrn 1 <'1 rnn u Lal.tl ..t.-l OU~<o fur t 'lv•U&n .o.. • . • . _ 1. I'<' • pt: ttWno•r. ., C"l\tliz bt1th In !'nn l!••ro:u oliu"-" " • -r;-·1 rl't1101"flttnl rnrflmuolty lp the p ro-J ulv 1:! :>ttl<, c;nll' K .\I•·Ktn-.. . · r .. n"''· hf•tl(l.-1 hv ="'c"" York • ~ t 1ve hum!' rown~>r lUI)':! Hlllph · •·county. Rntl lhf' lll rrnt.:lng ttf tJolol l-1\lavur fo'lotrllo La{iua,.,Jia It wUI Jlt'<":. , who h~· <1f'vl'ln ,1 nl')', butld II unit mule! an.J ten '1\m OCEAN t'RONT IA)TS with old fin-aprart- mt•nt hou.ow. Buy thf' lots -llou.ow t'ICt;t~. l :til- lt1t"S In and paid for. t'ull prh..-onl~· S~lOft CHAS. · F. DENNISON REAL ESTATE 21 I i Coast Bl\'d. Nt-wport Beach Tt'lt-phonf': Nf'\\ t"•rt 21 Phone 429 .. IEWPOIT BUILDERS SUPPLY Cement -·Brick -Steel I· ll I~ t he Crt~• JrimJ \'. a·r "--ll!' Call rat• 811J;" Cfnr b ill! lt u P'"'' to 1 ~=-~-;:...:;:=--t7th and Cout Hlghway Phone: Newport 160 tlnn;o l w ln •a twm l'a.tHz to Uaut.y . .,._· .. ·&I In ••lannln .. the prouram p .faJOke~. h dl ,.__ ~ )!Rrllf.:t'll t'ttllrll'l lt·tl. :l:!l tc• 33() h nth I . • -,..-....,.. ~ .. lthel II~'<'& IUitl '" an lllf( .... c -.c '\1 It A n · Ill tn tvtrtttlnn t~n t ,.,.,. ,.,. "'IC"' uf VllluntPI'r Joftrtlrlpnttnn In I'IVU-d" of ta . lot for thl' • ATJ:llrr I' vcnuc. per . D~onala long cllrotan•·t-ll!'lw•lul<•ro pr••vtutuclv d ( O( hundrc · " s Hall. $11.000. ~ISBELL -~Central A\~eaue . ReA. Phooe 1145 Newport. BMcb. CaUL I . ...._ ~ 'mne Painting ~ C'all Ed Gill .llrli\QUOi't'd atlcl will p r; (I\' I II r I IIIII~ p Pnlll'. city at ('orono del Mar. I July 15 Loul• • c. B r e e r of twE'nf)!:four tll.lklng rlrru ltJI. ·. 1 roclalm.ed u urgE'nt. with a! Two of the:' three home11 for Hollywood. build pleuure pier and The o~r lof\1: diii\Jinrf' jolw an• I two-month • period eel for com-wblch building ~rmlt.a wne 411-noat. 1205 North Bay Front. 811.1- l ~uan C a.n undrrarountl . pltUoo tht new projKt will be ~u•<l Uw pu t week wer e for real· boa Island. per Croft and Neville. cona rue 0 ,. tr .. att>d 1111 a priority job waiDJ d mrt tf 1 toll rouiC'.l>C'I~Q Santa Ana anti , ence,.. now UTI l'r m rue nn n $950. f "I 000 000 nut only Ul<' lltafh oC the HI• we 11 t ~ewrw t, thf' dlatnct I tl Jul.v 1~ w. Lavin a of l'a...a-[)col )fllr ot a coctt n • · · · 1 r1 1 J< • ~ !;; rvey J~rOJPCl In • 1 -·• " thr oiiLI"'IO rtf air unoh'rgrullllll 11 '3 "' n r< • u which l"t>v.-pnrt lllland Is oc:-atcu d ena, build font' Ilion•. 3 r oom I I J: .. 1 vllllttus •·nmmunltiPII but Al~~<l rn-~ An o ubtan•hng (l'alure of thl!' h<IIJS.' v.• 1 1 h ••ara"t · nnec lin .. rablr brtwf'f'n UHO A~t'H'tl IIIII II I t • ·I r thP \VPA . . . ... ... I .. ... "' ·"-II t I f •"'l" nn:.-, llJl I ,. tn~ ,,,, pt"r!lnnn• o attra< live rnnununtl)' ari'A IS thf' J;,oJ 1-"'lnl<'\' A\•rnul' r•" uwn~r .~t·v. '"' a a r uJO o •·' "•'""' ' • I t· ' ct !I "''II I . . • . II r I I u-on tna tng ruJ<' a • . fa.-t that tho>8(' "1lh prorwrty lflPrt' •t ~ thl' bullt.llng nf n<'w fat II Nl to·-• -h "' · lwN.'n :-.t•v.hall llllil Yo•r mfl.· l.tl· oo t!'" btly fl unl ""n out tn I •' •tnt1,,0,., 11t an ,.xr><'ntlltur•· 11 ( l 1 lob or•' 11:1unt•••l nt o hl~h levt>l ~ ,~tlv lsll • ••ntra.o· ora tcen.tea • Plumbina Pennita t'l~~tlln.:. a J>olr IHlf' &nil "'P•'Itl••t , l.l~t•••l tho• twc•lve rt-~water Tine. It ":"' l••rtmrd . T II e $711Ul0 The N(•wlutll Y ,. r m u , • , Ralph Mnskl'y • ..,HI ~O<III:V he Ia tto7 Balbc.a./\'V(. I I ld I $1" ... '1~1 l ln llr~J:t'(ountylllllr.Lrii i .Tny· •-tert>~t ,...l unlv tn tho• Hale ut I rnutr Ill n•· w ,. n 1\ ,,.,, .•~~ u• · • , 1..-------------------------:::-----_. Crlll'rJ!ril<<' t'lr.brll<'ing l'llnl'IMirtlo-n lor &t .!':tel;'o:_l"trt, Whn hu ltt•rn li-~lols, lt11VIn!( lhv purt luuwr to built! .July I I Mrl!. ClAtlys Fn.st• r . 1211' I 'rtvr ~tr!'('l., :oepttr tank, po'r 0 .l\J. llocltl • Phone: Office 5 16 .--------------"'--------------· tu ~lilt l..skr (."11\'. f'<'nl!<~l f<tr )'t,:neral bull41n~. 1 Ult ty~ or hOml' hr <11'11lrl'~t I . --' ' ~--~--------------------------------, !iL _______ A ___ ~_·s_t_in_g_w_·_sh_e_d __ ~_o_d_e_r_n_H __ o_us_e ______ ~ J. M. MILLER Contractor and Builder Costa Mesa • I .July 12-· <'. tA'WII! Hintz. :i 1 fl l"olmtl't tin A \'1' • f'l'r tf II 11 .. 1 hrnc•k I Jul\' 12 C' t .... wt:o Aln11:. 3 1 11 Pnln~c II m A \C' l>t'r II II 11"1-j bri'IOk. ~· Oulv I:! \\':ll rtn l.ln\·•1 l'ra n" 21l I Ony>< ,\ \'•' . l"'r II II lin' I b rook ·.]lily 1:.! • :>lr~ ~04 « ;a n1•·t A,,,. br C••k I . Jul~· 12 .I (' H ~1-•uJ:hl• r l"'r II II Hnl. n ~''"ht•· 411" 1 Oc,•!LJl F r .. nt. J'•'r II 11 ll••lbr,.•k .luly 1:! E . 1; \\'r11:hl ;,11(\f 1 I ROY SHAFER (' PLUMBIIG and REP IllS . Phone -353 S Il-l W t'1't C f'll tra I Ne•·port Bt-acb ~ ~ OUT DOOR FURNITURE See the latest in Nautical Stencil on Our New Swing and UmbreUa. ·niAIKS .:_ BACKKt::ST -l'.MBREI~LAS AW~fSGS ..;_ ~EW 08 RI':<"O\'"ERED PERCY ·H. BEYER 124 !!Srd Str~t. Pbooe 800 ULvJ., pel' Jl H., llf•lhl!<wol( . :Tiffi· ,.:: r. , . r.l'fi!'I'T'"'i'Tt~~p;~~~~~;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;~ ~lua~n111 l>rl\'•' Jl••r 11 II 11••1 - IRVIN GEORGE. GORDON .BUILDING CONTRACTOR 1111 W. Central Newport Beach BRASS HARDWARE -QUAli/IY ~'OOLS W. P . FULLER I?A1NTS -Y ACIIT FrTTINGS 110-%1! llarf.IMo Avf'll• Balboa Lulld Ph~ Nt~"-port 2224 Phone Ne.wport 398 flllll'lt . II Jill!< lllll h.l\ o• tho· ~oJIIll' ,, It , 1 l• t 1 •• a ;•P• ti.&'Jf'•· t h:H tuan) ull r.• n~u·l•·r t\ h.-u ... "' .!n }lp t•l.t'l " )''lrlh"'lhlly htll't•'"1 tnt f•.tfur.,t h~· II••· h \llu." ''"'1tt ,.,.,,~ , .• ! .!uuha: N•ottfU ,,,, t1 •· Ut t "ht• h nt·•"n '"'' 1• • ., • -'' h f'i'\i:-·· - I \II • 111• 1\ ,,,,., ... • I.H I• ,,,_. .. •;u ,,Jl. J 1·,,.,. r I t H 'H ;•h .tfl ih 1 "to 111 I ,.j,l I hl•>•l .,,,,. I'. I . ... .. ' ' ,. ,. : '' ' , ' I• 'I.,. I ' , .... I f' •. ''· I, ' \\ .,, : I I ' I l!tt t I\\ fl•' I :,, . '. 01 1 \1,1 .ij,' t ,t I• t t l ''I I '· a.,~ r "' n • l h•· ' I• .. ! •. ,,,, t •• :-,- P \ I ,,.'1 I I' ... ". 1. .. i ; I itl ' I· '" • 11 -• ,. t • '' If • \1 Jl • ( •• ' I\ ,. I • • -l I ... I ' I•• l '. • ! . ,. brook . .lui\' 1:! ~lt<q :>IIII J"II" ('o••k•• 1 :l11l :>t nnJ:oltl A \'I' I'• r II II 11••1 · I h t I)<• I< Juh 1 ~. .lt•hn F: :>l.ork , Ill ~··r~'">'ll~ ;\\'t ··"'~puu) r··r ~1 II Tr11n111n .1111~· l,'o l<:l rl T tltlUI:< 711 !'tal• llltgllwny. !"'' 11W111'r El~ctrical Permits For Building Information See Bay Dis~rict Lumber Co. \\'ALTER 8. SPICER, OwMr :'iE\n:?.RT j!'~A('fl --~-~~-~~~·~~~kmo~~~~·~~~~~~~WL.AUCD~~------·; ft~jJ j== .. . I tnva~ln'T\ • •f t ,,, ' ('oppt•r -h·· l•' ("onlph ,,. '' 11 P •• a·l 1t,.a • :. n 1! 81~(",,n •.. ,, 11• .._ ,. , • ''"'' '"" 1h" boll~Pinr ..... l•• l··lt' l'''''f'l• pln.n• l:ot n t u 'l/ '· 1 • · ,, ' 1 ~~ •. 1 of th,. h,,,, ...... :.:. r . 'I~~ •II~ ,t ''' to ttr·d•' ·, '1• 11 I ' ., t . '"~'·q ' ' : :an•l il " 11 . • · • 1 • • • \1 Wh•t t t it I I.. It 1 It~·"\ ' I' 0 \ ' ., • I• • • • 0 , • :tn•\ n ,.,., 1 1 • II·• I • •.. 1 '"" Jf"unt· I • r •' 1 • '' ,. , Cor :• · • I' ,.. t' · F.IN'l t lc. Jul~· 11 ·Aj:,'lH'.~ ~ ~hnnnhnn 1101 :>Taq;ucrllo' A\'i'Oih· lr:<lnll· ~41 •Htllt•l!< in JH'\\' r1 ~ oh'llo t' JWt ~; J . Allf'n. .July 1.: .I II. :>hilt hll'r 1.11;1 O•·•·an lll\"ol .. u.~t til :!:! nutll'l!l 111 ll••m•· El•·•·tno· II "hnt.:•·r. 1010 I lo • Ill ~ 1 "nl, tn>tlall :::1 nullO'\." In n•'\\' r t "'·'~'1'1 '' }'f'r llonH' El•'r tr....- .1,.1\ 1 I llo'lllll'll;t l'a-a n\\'1' ,~;,,~ < ":1ff ll• ,,., •. in~1n11 ;,"i nutl•'t~ Ill II• \\' .... ~ ,J, lll't' r•·r (' ~~ Trullly Hllt f _:-.:l•U~ .lui\ I.'• n 1\l lll rt\' f,)j ()rohJol .\,.. tn~<1nll z; n1llll'l!1 In ll<'W GORDON B. FINDLAY CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Telephone 402 3-110 Coa.'t Bl,·d. Newport Bea<-h SEE SANTA ANA BUILDING and LOAN ASSOCIATION • 601 1-:orth Main Street about a monthly payment lo:m fl):tn for that new home whereby interest and princitml rrouce each month. h·••' ••' l"'r ~1.1 \\' l'.l.to khe tlfl .luly I.'• (' \\' .l·ohnl'•'ll :l 1 !l ,\n • '11\~1 ,\\1• lll.!CI.I II ;,_: •'IIIIC'I!< m lh"\\ n ••ull'11t r p ,. t ~ 1 cJ \\' ,lila• k bt:urJ. ..~--------------------~--------------------J ,'f - 'I I .. , . . . ~EWI'OnT BAt.B(M ~l·:ws.·run:s. 1'\l'"Jil'" aeecft. O.~'f(lmia. ·nn'ttS!'A~·· .rn Y tl. t ~itt . .., Pn~;l' &·~ 'RVEL ELECTROLUX REFRIGERATOR NOW I.N Mt1Q[L ·HOMI KITCHE-N~ON P-ENINSULA .. __ • I I ----' lb F . ( Vog~l Winn~r N · H b .' · .B:tthruonl Is $11 000 Answl'rs to Od UrnltUre 0. 1 In Big Servt>l eWpOrt ar Or ·gainS llt•a:!tluarh•rs . 1 Library (luiz E · · M d N Salrs Cont~st Nation. wide .. Publici.ty ~~~ .. -~~.~:~~ .... '.:.~~~t>S,, .. ,,, .. ,_:Motel at ~;; .;· ~~:.~~.';:',.:,7 1 q UipS 0 t:;:;rn ew Jo~hn \'>•::··1 r>f lhr lllt ll••a 1-'trr • I ~ -tu r ~ l·,u~qutll\" \\l\:'1 "'•tlflt•·1 'hI,. ' I '·l·•tl• • \.II ·"·""·I d ~~ •• , •••• ," c D !\•• ' Ttn\t•l. :• a:tl K h E h b "• k I lh • !'"ulh.rn l'••llnl •·• P urmJ.:t ,,.,.,.,11 '"•,'•!l!l, NC'wport '" 1 1~1 of,"' 111''1'· ' 1' "1' "" '""1 M N .. t.. 1 tl'>4 l•tc en X .I l•ti.OJJ (l;t.· ••• ~,,··.·,',· •• :.· •• ~ll\ ••• 'r' Hr:\1 '"~fum \\U• llur l··· h.&l! ):•Un.-.1 tmth•n-~11~~ ''"' ....... ll!o I I ,, ,, \ ·,, •• 1 .. 1 •• ·""''"' ar ;-.; .. •I :.· ,., tlOt• i•( tht• l}\\UT'I!C f'Uhlu It)" nf t hr ht)thf'lll a tanulna.. t · .. 1t t H t ·'•'t \\ t • U • •• .tl \ I.a. d'-. IU tfa, ,.,,,. • e :'\t• t' S:•''~ .•e~ in t h f' "J\rth''h:tn \\'•n ··· :O:•·n ·tl Hc•,o'J'-'"1\Ihlt• {,,r th's &~t\it.•\'(..Uent \l•u• '1'P• ,.,, ' ,,.,,, "' '" ''·''' '"'" • I ,H I\ Fh:' "" ' ~·'' "Quiet As 1A Gas Flame.'' mil Servel Eledrolux Effi(·i~ntly .Home N~ds "'ijhout Fail · Editioe Sen ·e& Of All ~R.I••tt l.P .. t••JCt. ·'" 1ht• r ...... lt tl( thf"' fjr t "·•·11\ llitehn M'k , phc)(t\.,...f'bel', ),tp ! '''"'•ilH~·· ''·"' "' .qll. ,~. ,,, H· ,,, \t I ""'''' ,.trd ttl•~··· ,,,, 1\ N·· H -:: ... l:u·~:• nun~"~'-''' El•·•t r•••u..: an.lllarty \\'t•kh.~rt:!!!:!ror~ N~"l•·•• 11 •• 11 •• ,,, ,,.,,., "" '' 1 t .. u·· I•••" I•\ l•llld.,·, 1" ~,111111 .,1 ,11,1•1 11,., ,.11 "'""' s .• 111 \•·II o•tltl•'r fn•m the ( I fl •1 I I ="•'".}'"'t lla,lj)o•r \'h~nrllf'r '' • bor· \1•~·,1 l. .. tl•, t: .. t.1., ,,.1 11 1 ~-.... ,, •• ,,. '" lu" I• "" ,,j \.t r • ~ ~1 .. 1•· l.thr '" ••I rr"lll '"'4' n( tile It• r t.!••r!l f • :Ctut trrf' M , t I 11 .. ,,rt~•ut h.,.~ P 4 '~'"'"' n.-~~t\ lll•t uP•,. Th •~ IJI ,...,. •• ••f ltl:IO\' ll\\'ant~ nult't•. t u-tMd•·d ... , t ltl•·•l••k ' ... , ,, '''i'''"''"' u l.tt '''"h '''"'''"•·k• tth~ _,,." "'II ht• \\*hhh \'nt.:.-1 H111t hi.'" .. 1\)•·!'C •t~ot.l f l )! .. •(' .. ~ t_lUft U( the" ~rt"&tf'ft 1 tu tl\,d •tt.t1 ''' ttu "t' l•~tl1t \ 1t•\\1tl ,.,,11 H•4nlf•· f t••t-. fr••tU ~ h .lhol"•'l"•' t l.\t'H tlllU Uttttt•l hit\'\' r('ot••t\t•,l f••r rtu·lr •·1(••1 1,. ~· ... r .. '" Uu~ a\h·.-rtlJ.h~ (}( th( th-.u~ ,,. 111"''' Ut1 ... , •• q nt Ill 1111 l1h (', ,., t \.,, .. ,,,httuu 1\.'-Ut•.l \\hhh . l•·l n,· ... ,,,.,H h.lt•ol h~ ~''" <)wao·l~ \\Ill ~ ... 1,11• ••nt•••l •t ,, ="•'" 1...-t Harbo>r P lslrlrt y,•a• the fan ''"" 1·1 1r.: 1•1, I''" 1. 1,, 1, " '" •I ··I ''''' '· 1 11·d 1 • 11 , , ,.,. 1, ""'"' , , "' -.::rl 1 ... 1,1,, \'it Ill'\' ·llnno·l" ~>.4.1 "' llw ~1:1\'l.llr "f'l"'lllllnf"t' -or lN>ullllfullv "'pro-N•'\1 r· 'I H " .... , '" ···~·· I• I I I. I II· •••• ,, l·l Ill ., .. l'.tllt ,, • 1111• 1 IJttbl tq .... -. .\tlJ.!•'\•·~ tt•nt..:ht tltu ,xl futr ,·,,J_.r phutos n11 -t-be AntttJ'•' n •ttl••\'•l\l•).t ~\ , ... t'" ..... ,.~ 1.. . .,,,.,., nf th · .J ut~ l~l'llh' nf Ute •rl• ,.,,,,, ''' tl•• l .•••~\r1L•'• \\h'"''t ' ',,,,,I "''"'~(;,.,-., lh-.at••"'"'' ,,, ''\"'''''"•' lh•' The Mode llurnt" Qr'W•flt'fl n.'t't'lttl~· "·" Jollll p. l'tll'nlt.·l .. l Thrlr•.l ,,. o\ll ••n.ltn.; tlh "''"''" -I I I I 1 I ,~ l n t•n \\Ill ,., anol V I!-.t-•h'l t-"•••·.t ~·~·•. "'hhh h fUI tt. .... ,r,·ula·,Ttr'•·l~·t··~t.t\11 • "''''"'' ••• I '' 'id"· f'''' 'I hll' ·'' ttlll• h••lil.l "•~· tll•u "''"''''" tto•• ,,, ""I Thl'rmon !\ll•ans at l ~::t Oct•an Bl\'d. in tlw Prninsuh v .... ,.1 H,; ~~~:,0111,,111,.1 H 111~,.· 11,.11 .. t :tl~•·'"~~·•'l'"'~'.h'"u~'huut c·o1 .. , •1,1,,.1.,, ,.f "'"'"'' 111., -1· .. 11 1111•11 '" "·"'· '"' '" '''"'' ""'"1: "''' ···~·~1 111.:'""" I · T 1 1 .. "" 1 ·n t It 1 f .u l h·· ~··uth , ...... 1 "'"'"'"~utttl >01nt I':J('t C'OOf ntlt't t O ht•('Oilll' 111111'(' ancJ 1110 1'\" i1 tft'l'lllll .\lrllo•l' lh•· II ollun I!AI1111,: tl•ll\ lljlo•JJ " '0 11 ' "11' 1 1 I " 11"' I " f I ~ I .ili un. tHo t h. Hilt I Ill\. I ..... .,. ,,;,"' •l l ' \.tu ~' ....... ttl•• i\\t'l\llt' h o useas n<•wfea.hll-.:•s.f'tJlllpn11'1lt a nd t·nn\'enil•nr'I'Sill'l'rtddt•cl :-.: .. 1 '"'I" •"·' ,·.,~··1 \\1!1 •~n .,,,. t•h••1"" '""'1""'''" vl~w· 0 ·''1'111'' ''1''' "·1·" ··• 1'• ·• '''"'''"''· ,,. "'' h utl.lo,l•' 1.,.,,1111 f~ th pt •·t' 's . ' t ' 1\\'·r r.l hut thr ti"ti"YI 1-'utll l lll•· lllo' u ......... MtU!to•t J! vrn .. · w ith C1t•tt .... , '''.1""1 .. t """''"~ ,, '"' ..... I "''1' .. 1 '"'""'"'"··I lloo• .. ur (' lu ae tnspec: JOn . "I ~ -........ '.. , ..... f h ""' ........ \\" I h ,, "' , ........ ).. ,,,. 1 hJit, .. *\. t "' · ·. . . j c· .. nr:uw \\:'1~ t....._.,t'lrir _..,,.,,.,t,,.. '"'Y 111 11."' l•adq.:•·•utu i,IUHi l"h "''' """' 11 1111111 1,.,1, •' :-.:o~~ .. 11 L,t~t o f lhl'Sl' C'On\;l'nll.'ll('('S to ht• m :>tall('d IS:\ h;mrJ·, •• , .... ~ 1111' t'lt!'lt t)t o n~·· ···'•ttllt\' ..114•\olof.ll jl llat!~··· ~ln:<l••r J !.•lll'hl"y C'fl<'l l• .. , II•· "' '''" ... ,,_..., \\. ,,,,"'I I .... " 11'11"" ~~ I • 1. a I I lfl 'II -.''''td \\It\.,,, .. , ••HI ,,! \ t~l lt u \ lt~l '''""IIU•IIIIf.; t h•' and :,.:Pamirl',..!Whitt-.S.•t•• 1\111\•lll Th••ro "''' ,,,., "''' n "·~l"'•lllrj.! a "'" ,.-.. ,.t, "hlo h .. '""" •'Ill ''''"'''' •·•r•••l I.' ,.,. \ bt ''' "'"-I tqlt I \ 11 \ • 1 \ pf,, . lut.• "' htP•tu._ • • ttt~t Itt tt•• t u ttt• "lti)l' n11-1,.1111,.1,.1•11 11,,1,,,. ,,1,1,11 1,,. H'l t u1 th .. ~ .. ~~t'•r·n t .. t!if tttl\la tt\\th·d h\' llnrry \\'••k h _ ~n ttH t\•·1 1 .. 1 t ,. •'•'' '" tt 1 1 \\' II 111••11"11 uf • '11elol -y;yp'aa ,,.. uiU4•ttl{ l1h• hlthil~,.. nu UM• hf:W h ,t:ll ,.. """' uuolrt • .rlllm nt tlunt· ln;:l•>rt.. lh•n• h ' • .... n~.L~' Thr ···tn aaud··· ,,, t lh' '''"er-F II·h· O!t·lht ,,,,.,,.,,., .. 11t ·~''''''''''•)'-\\tlu•ltll•l-'tt lhllt•I•Ht •l'~i4l\'••t•'lltfl •l•·'~'"'·l lll ht1t l ...._ __ ~_~_.:__.a. '' • II l1 •It• • I 1 l 11\• •I I\ If I '•'1\•tld I lull ••f t h\. 1 It \' • .-..... 1 r•fri},fHlt'•l A t \jJJtattT-~-.,•·· •• • 1' , t • ~~ ' \ ~'I••• lr,.lmc \\ hh h h <>• ,, It'll 0 f p I " II r-;;-;-;r;-;;:-;;,1 • -r-T\r.;'T~ 11,~1• I -:--.:-7:"·i7'4-~:ilf-,-~,,_ ... ,. :--••U• ,,,,.,hnJ.: the ht~' ••'V'·~J (" t :tr., tr.J ·1'••,-,r,·#•l .. f•tft ,, ''• '*'' 1 , \\ll h 11-!'t lht• k """Jdy a~r.1n .... 1 u ... II IS not r,f lhl' \\11\' \\1111 ""'" n •l mak, ~ tltt• fl'flhl\'111 ••f~f1<0d 11 .. 111 lh· •••. frt(:•"r'\lt•l to 111•· Jootnk l•u r tl ' lrimpl<· an1l t I Ott' s·" ur;.: '"" 1 10lur ,. Many Featuru \'ogel. whu w:U! J"''' ""'"''I' o1 a prlzt' In I hi" ~ .. r,· .. l F.ll'\. tmlux :'81t'a tor lf'lll ho•l.t I o ~ulll h• 1 n C'nllfomra awl wh .. ,.,. fl' m '""s rnlt•ol lh•· h rj{h .. st a m .. n,; ~i~'·l n r- llOJ:t' •('uunty a"·ard " nnt•rf'l. •h• dbr•'\J tn,Jay that t ho· rl'!rrJ><'I.Jll•l b '<s 5(• rntuoy ult•iil lo•.ot un s th..&t It IS w..tt rn k••t'J>IIIJ: \\ rlh tho J•Ur· p< •lOt' 11( tlu :OI<Hit•l II• ;fill' \\ hto h I" t o s hvw th•• pu.hll< 1 11•· lale,.l 11ntl \'••ur ):illt'ltltlt•O', ""'''" lh·· pt•a t· e ~nse roJ,!ranl •. ,, : .• •·ll"lliY U\111·1"1'1" .. , ;111" l.) "'. (,h ~"ks Normal \\ \h \\htf• Jt.t tltl nt \'~J''I'•f4 \\I f \t t '• ~I t If"-I I tho\ t\•1 tl"t !II of •I•\•• h ,tl l tt••UI• UUtl i'lt\t'ft 1 h•· •. ~ •• ,d l"t•\\A ),,,..., Uhhht,·d. \1 "'• i '''"'''''II \"~ •• ,,,,,,,, ,,, ,. II'"' ,.j ; '"'''' """""' .. ,, ... : '''''0 "" \\II ,,.,, '''" J:tl I tiiii i1Ztt.,:t' ,,( ···htuta . .IIU.ttt•flltl out· T l•'\• "'•"' '1'1 ,, 't I I I I I ,,. • \\lt•t• olt , .. ,, Itt .... ·····•t•lltl. ,,, t-1'"" Hl4,lnuttl•"'l 1'1'1' l•.llutt' •·I lito• ll.u l-...,r by fn tt•',., \1 '· t \'lui ~~~ 1t .I 1 1111 11 '•""'' 11 .. 1 "' 'I tftt •'1'''"''111••1\ l••t u l•uUdlll·~ -, 1.1'1 \ \\',1;t;,r'\l11'1-wlf1r '1 jllhlbJ af It I I --•........-M.......-~o-lnt,. ·~!' • Ill lhr I" I Itt I ~ tlf II'~ t l).!t r .1h1r \ H)!t 1 pnlhtt"''l ttlJt r\._ ~ r . '"' ., •. ,, "1 t n' ~rml'n"r"'T -;~-{ -''-=-=--i~~'""'n~·~~· ..... """"' ro•a'ill o· '" th(' rdllj;l'_r· anuus ry ~u.,p Jes at"r' ... lnnt: hf•· ~H'ltt• th.r•• n r•' flu 'hHi\lfl:O.: l'1lll-c \ht•J•• t.tot J•f,U lh :tlly no wr or-nut In tit .. 't.,,. .. \' Hf( .. , l'a t.J, 1th • , ,1):1.1 ttf lht '"••\.\ t.\r.t .. ltOJ Of I t 't•'h• I I i t t' t II II o,;, • I ' I 1\ II I P I!_.. \\ tfl 'Ill Jl JIJ, t • q•t t:u I'• "~kiU "' tf~h{, tlltla. Jlf••·• ' "t'l"T1T"~ "~i"f t • ~·1""'1-1-,,-, -1 ~~' 911 tt1i• ,,1 tl ,,f ,.... 11,11 1,'-,u,.c.,---,,,\Tftr-tlttrrtltli.,l ... ,.., ... ,,.ii,.,r.,_,,,. .... ,+.l*'""· T ht• l •• f• n,. •• l'r J'I'Hnl '"' "~''' 11 1 '" • '' .. ,..._,, ''••uut\' lhuldt•IJI , t,.,,.~ '" tla11t t•t•t \\••ul~t llof" nnl','t•nr••l•t Th ... , ... ~r ...... n!'uuth '·~ ···.t •nth··t.a.kt.;t••tUltl ·u ... , •. , llt'•tltl t •ll ' • ••• , ,,,, ,.,, lhltlt•t ,.,, .... , "' '''". l ... nl C'ahf,Hnt.A. lJU:tlJ1t'~:rt t•• •l:t'•• ht..: .. \11 phtt1t" ''''' ''' l<•n1 l lllc b · th:.t n·'''"''nlh •lt•-rl ••· I '' •··• \1 • 1 111,,1 th. "''' .. " ''"~ nhti ~J,-..-1ft._n au • n &nr . &.lHt: ~4f \\•l•h \\h•• l•t .. t,: " ..... 1.1 -·•··h 1 ...... ..,.,,,, ,.,1 .. 111 • Quiet .. , r•n t:l\'l•r!d•lt· '" pr ., "' n11v .. ,.;.r,· ... " ' lttt•h·• .. h h,,~ ,.,.,,, ·1•·\ul tn,:: ("Ofl· r atr\ ~~· • .,. U•t'••f t•t •'" \\ th ttl 1 ll••ltttl l nd•111,1,, A n nppt"ahDJ:" f"lllUI ~ I <I l tq• llll•'• Ul tt!l•JIJIC I " l·'lallk y.·,.,. "' "l<lt'niiJit• It""•' 1,, .\It•• ~t lt•l•• o( I III II 1 -. ,.,,, ... .-' 1 ~ '' •" \t '"' 1 '" tn \\ h1t n ••'""-ttl"' tmttt tn·•·tllJ,:o· honw oWn••r l:s Ill•· '~"''' th•• ~··• ur rl\ 1-'ll>l :-:~1 nwrt Hnnk 1 1 1 1 · . ••··•t J'•""J.!''P" un.t ttna ~n P uHuc II•• t~ut lUttll\11• '-l'~•'d IU'SS f•f th ... Jo:lf'\truiUX \''•..:t• 10-~IHttaA•,I 11uln.,.lnht iii •''J';\n•l1 ol \\••lkfl~ UOtlt• t Ju• \hrt'tlln O O( f•lfHto .,•1 1" ti l ,,t,1 p •I liTo ltf•tl An npl lllll~n fllr thl' .,, n rl\11' lli'\'1'T ht'tn-.. 111',.,..."' ... 1\.-.i . At ~f··~lllll•ll ~""' n 'll<llr nr t hfo •I• r i• ltnl.' 'lt . """ tnl ••. ' I II t r•·IIIJ4o'lll"r ,,111.1 b.· "i\!1 Qur..t 111 1111' 11~'''"' nf tit•• Hr•"· 111 •• 1-:'t~t mun 1'••1...-lll .. ow Jllnnt at •h•l'rnt .. r ~., •. 1,,,,1 II • 1.,1 "·"' ,,.:' a •:a~ Flarn····. fur thut t:oo 1-!''''"th •••'111.._. t·•ll\' u~ httpr •·J~Ctoel\''' tt••JI\'''"'d Hl ''"'"'' •n•hna.:. nutho r· ,,.~0 ••l''" ..,_.,~ 1 lu t'1, ft••·•t '''''" \\ltll UJ•t·t tl t•S t t.t' ···fri)!-'"' t h~tt tn f\t•lrn t \'.h•n t''ICI '"~'f'Hl lt\' nn l ht• ,,, ..... J*h"t••i:•·'l•hy. r u ttlh.•l ··~ ... '"·'' I• •••• I"'• I \ 1 ttl •t.att•;fl "'""'''II, ...... 'ThHJ illt'UI~ o ( th·· •tulolll11lt11•· u.tu~\1\ \\U-~ t•tt•r ........... tf\~ Htt•tu o k ap-,,, r•· ~ "'", .. , .. ,I p , ,,, .... ... \'••r•·l ... ldo d. I hut lh• ,,. ~~ n .. olr~· ""''' r "'"' t•··••·" ""~ '"Hill h t n sunMt "' llrl•l• •• k ,,., \\ ·l·lr '' "• Jur i. 1\j: •H\1' tiM 1•11/7• 10, lutlll lllllr)! lndlt,.l lt!l l 1 ntt•l••\'rtr• ttl 11.11\ tn· f!u k•IIUJ: ,,f tllunuual••lll tn tth t• ,.,,.j t•v n1~•tt• t h:•n :.u p•·r •~nt ~tat:'J•'U'•' "'11'h ,,..,.,.,,.,, "" ~n· l•'rt1•~llt Oll!'h t lll any uth•·r tn-t·r • ... ht••·t • •h•l ·l• ... l••l•u1nl'••f•••n 1''' ,:,:.:• ~·· tt,dt"••• f•hu ltt (lft'·~ ._ •. r;th ~ th• su1• ••••r \'I•·"" ••( at. • .. n,·• ni• n•·(" f ''""' '"' C•" ..... h"" • t ··n• ft1 ~·I t" • l ' ·" I I\'•• ""'''' ,.. •·• in t hnt rnrn- \\'h•l•· ,., t•M••rnlr t o "l,..ntl o-"~"~ 1 """"'' .LI ~:r•.Hh .II• '''·'".I •I• m:o· •I nnr!ll'l•·~q thl' ~•n>t•l E l•·r lrnhr..: ,, t •~lllltnc t r••rn ''"l•rondttlt: rn· "'"1111Y· !II lh•· 14 11T• 111111' nn dllllllll r .. 1111~1!1 '11 I'""""" , ... n .. trllltlun Ill'• ="•'"1""1 ""'••I "·1 ~ lt•···n ~l·rur­ rl c•·rnt"l \\llh Cjllfk rrl'l7111j.! ll•. I I\ II\' ha· r•·,.h• I t h. hrch•l'll in~: ltw h J,:h••l "I'" "r puhiJC'Ity * I••\'• 1 1n • Vf"'r J :. v ... ,,,. kn.t •l•·n1an•l More Attr01ctlve ro~r furm 1•'••111•1" hftM lmf'l"''"t I 111M \1 lilt ., .. ,to • ,., o1.1 h"ll•l' hy Hllcb· i'oo( k npp• nrtnsr. In ":1rhtln,:-. 111fT" ··~I 1•.;11 1111! 111111!11~111•' rn thr WOf'ld Th<' ~l•••h I llomr whl• h Bur-n m·•t ,.riatly Til<' ''"ntlolnl'd n•~<ult hllm. pr•>rnln••nt realt o r. 11 n 11 hntl h.-.'n u 'l"'<'t:u ular <'Xf'IUIMiun '"' "''" '"' Htt•l•lo•r lht• l11rgHt 1~· .. ' rwd -·~ ,,..,...u,, 1 • t •Lt1 •· '"'"~ u*''" t fl I o lilt ft,f., I l)to I )ufl h lttt I\ 1·1 • I• I lo ol t;j\rtl f,, •I h Ill \1 lo• II 1,,, , , ,,, " ''"' 11•1 ••n• "'" . h ''l' I• .. r '" .. 1 .. ''1'•• •I tf•, •. , '" d ",,,, " '·'" ''' f ftd 111111 111rlo I I tl till'"" Ill I lth \\I ,,, "'"" H ll· \ ... \\ "' ,, ... · ·n ,. ·'"''''"' .. , th . .e tt' , t f J lt ut Ill ••I·· ,, .'-'f•ll t '" "'h " Sht·n·~ For t . ( ;al"4,1int• S. I h·f l'nMt• ,,, """ •t l .,•11 ... p ''"' tl•t t•h tnt: th. t 'rtl••l ~,,,,,. uttlttutt•·•l f 1 tt I 1 dt t t """' \\'lt'l t lu UH11fllllf1 t' II u t ur • I '' •t k ••uf "1'1•1 t f\Unu t !It-. l••t htt iUu,. '" llh• {).\ du\'j , ....... , ............. Il l-: I,,~ 1 IJitll I ''''"'''·'" ~.,., .r ""''" ._,_,.,hi•"' 1h• , .,.,· h lh "'"' .. \.('••t•• nni~ttt"" • tt ut n•'ll rir "1'1••••1 t t1~ nantt,.r (l hr ' I t llltU IItH. '"' h• tuullv rt ppltt"1 t ru, I 1, ""It""''''' Hltd '"''" ~'"' J•f•~'••·•l II ~ ••• I' t ,, ••• t \ I •• , •• Itt !ofNtns. \\Pll known OranKe ('nun·' m "''f'r-tlll bllftlnPAA a• tlvily. 1 - ~-----I WeT. baYe ~ lo &.a. Wb11.t lht <.ltfPrult' rrogrtlm hill' rll'llr t hill ll .. f,.nll4' p~rsliOI\II ' public Llr n ow gaining a r f' a 1 pri>vldf'd lhl" llt1muhrll for t"h e -aill IIOOf'l be Ole> C'&uM of certain -~ ~ , ... t:.' 1hut th•• 1 ,..,.11• ,,., ,,,,,n "'" ',.,_ .. ••·• •I In ennklu.. ,,,., •• t t tl•· 11VI111t .. n 11""' :rlnr, "hi• h "lUI J'f'T r ... tc.l bv m~.en. wm 1111w lit· 11. r•'na<'ol (tor """ hy ntho·r <'O(Ilrmnl .. ._ 011 All PACU1C GAS READNG APPUANCES · U OrcW'red Now! Sam Kinsf ather . . P"L U M B I N G 819 E. Bay A\'fl. B,Al.BOA "homt>y" atmoephere. wWt·aprf\lld bua!.nn11 bnom locally dlalocatl,_ In ~ bwllneM pic· _ .II_ II ] 1, Augmt>nting the attractive turn-durin l:" the put year. It la now tun!. Rupptwa Oil many mat.enala _ 1.: ~ lahlntra ot the Model Homt'a In· '1111411 not be ·~•te to mf'et th<-h"m• • "11 h 1, , terlor, It the C'ozy patio wltb lta l 11nnt for 11un~thln~t The atlraC'• napldly lnC'rt>a.ln~t dflDIUid of dl"· t'-· , ..... ~ • "'"' •f\u(t-.. '' ltU~I 1 , ... iftJ" lltf'cl r lrcular table which Is well I tlvc woll 1\bout thc fiAtlo provldf'A tenll4' lnthllltrl~ and' at tM anm4' I I Ill ___.._ t•-t ''"""'I' 1\u •. ,. ttlf sh11df'd by.a colorful aun umbr'ella prl~cy anll prnlt>C'tlon rr!'m any tlmf' ~nn t I' v An v ........ c ...,n o A holt> tn the Cf'nlt>r of the table w ind ~ malntalnNt at curnonl hJfh ""'' 1"" 11 •I• 'I pt"'1flltl! the umbrella ltlCk to bC' ThP rntlll l8 bnC'k ('0\'f'"'d at.l-...,~Ia A • • f'Onllf'qUC'nl'f', t h f' \ • '·" "If,,. I n lllet In pltiC'e. · 'I JII I'('nt to t h1• h"ll"'' whrlf' th r FMicrttl fi(nVf'mml"nl thrnull'tl 1111 an! in l'l"l'l• .. 111 lh• h .... rllul \\'lth lh!' tabll' 11re rour 1 nlllr-uthn <"n.S 110 IW'IH'h artn•l. an l•ll'ltl ~y~IC'm nf prlurlth•11 vdl~ b r In I( r,...~hn•·~~ .. r lho ""' .. r .t .... ,. f11lly flnL~hed llt<"el chalrt9 wllh "1""1t fnr ynun~:JOte>rll or a•lulll< I ahnut 11 oledln,. In thf' output of l'vur f11111•l' • lu·ul.tt~'l '"' • , .,, alorln~t bark11 to artord t he maxi· Thl' MOll!' I llome t. o.Jrea..ty tx-1 ~mf' r~tnJJUtiH'nl' llcomll on tho· fun. "t .. " Ira.: h i ,111: ,, ••• , " , I mum o( comfurt ~:lnnlnj:' In AJ1JW"r mnrP hnmr· ltf'lltrlctlnnll have' alri'Atly llf'~n to Atr:>nv• 1., 11,, .,1 111 ,11,.,11,,1 ""' 1 A rat an r hllir and a c h a Ia e I llkC' M 11hr:uh" nrf' pl~<nt ... l '" 1 h.• • pla.cC'o l on a l8rJtt numtlf'r Oil It I'm II .an ""''"' '·'"' tu.n-1.,. '""' '"' .J 1,1 lounJ;:I' l'qUtpfWd \li th whi'('IM a l I pnt to nnrl ru•rw•11 thl' fmnt 111 thl"j rnrhKtlnfie aluminum. IIIPPI, zln(', 1 ·-.1 11 ~ 1 1 I ...... -xprn"n'r t 111 • ,, .. nt• "" t ,, .• , •• on4! tm<j ~ enable It to be 1'1\l!ily h01.uu• whtlr "'"tl htl~ IJ<>rn rnstRtl· l'orJWr. l 1n. nrhh4-r. ra•lloe=td f t h 1 rno\·l'.t noout. rnunds l"'Ut tht pat1o·NI In tfi(. t ron y?~nt ~tory-j ~fflt. aM m ach lrw and ,, 1"' nu••·· 111 ~""1:'' "1 111 '''' I fumllurt• ·WhiC'h !\1r. Burnham bas ... I hi' lnl'll\lllltlnn llf a IIIV.'TI. '-a·rork lnl{ t nnll!. """ l'li:Jl('C'llltlnnJ l'he!lt' ~h•·uld IH· r·lnn •I n• ·~~~·h ,, ln!tlllllt•tl. Many Vlaltors an-t hnt thl' lll't will bfo furthl'r f'X · po~~rbl1·, t•n•l 11 ... lwt.t 1t .. 111ol 1 """ All 't•hn1r11 llrl' watt•rprour a.nll :O.I:uty vrlllt'•rll 1\ n tl ~•J:hl'<<'"rll l<'noll"(1 In thl' "'"""',. nhNrtl. J•rn· from ,., .. ,.,.,11 •111•·•'11 .. 11• 'l'lr•" ',,., ru-t proof anti l ht·lr J:ll )' l .. I .. r tn "' !l<'t'!l I h •• l!llrnhnm II n " •lur•·rl< Ill' I II~ ""' h mnt•·rtala rnr t'an ... , .. ~ t ' ... , ... '· ., ... ,, '" I""'' !!('h(•ffi!'!l bl<'nd In wrth thl' Allr1<'· .3.1• an,. hnm,. nn•l "''II ,.,.,.r '"''' nnn·t1f'f••nl" ""'k Will fwd It tn· pon~· """ ""'" h· 1 • h·, • li\'1' l<UrrounJinJill or the I!Uill)c'\ltl· hun•lrl'ol h1\'l' •lo>W•I\' '" .. 1"'' 11'11 • rrll.l'tn~tly ,h(flt 1111 , ....... ltll' th• m H rh .. •It IV• "·'' I ,, ,, '""". I ' 1'(1 p nlto ttw int.-rlnr nnd rw u ly un 'I"'' ft· ,.11\ntl may ha,·•· '" 1 urtnll nt~tput plt'l•·lr I""' ol. ,,.,1 , .,11 1,1.1.1 11 ·'' 1 ~pNlkrn,::-o f l'unbathlng, th !' l u .. ·~ .. r l><•l h dr•uc11 trnd f•rmi'l,. ~tharplv or In"""''' r:tl'"~' d lft<<ll'l ""''k "IT " ,1111 ,11, 1 ... , ... 1,,.1111 t ~~~~~~~~~~;;~~~;;;;~~r~a~t~·~·~·~·~·n~·~r~~~~,.~~~n~n~"g';";~~~~~)~'~l';"~'~"~~~tl;··~·t~~~~n~lo!~'ll~t~·~·~l~•·;·~·~(1~·~u~n~ol~l;n~t~h~l'~11~o;m~•~· .. ~l~t~•;n~u~e~•~·t~~~rn~tt~n~r~t"~ .. ~~~-:~~~ 1 ' ~ · porula.r f'H ttt~ .. t:u t• •I "'' '"htt·~"·'"'· but no•--,,. •• r ... · •• d :••~, "~~~ •, no-uo ''rNtY tJrtl rHEIII HtJME .. Late Class. Ads FOR <;AI f 011 Pr 'o l '1 •l u• f •~.-ft.,.........., ........ ~.... Ou.ttla!iJ ' •- "'"'' lttol ~~~ ... t ltl I \1* 1-.fh St . ttr It ••• I It I I ••••.•• , "' Quality Lumber Rnd l\latcriaiR All thf' f"hl'll p roM NIA rrnchiC'f'• A"l ....,.'IIIIJII t't"l11tttur nt r•t 100· •• 11\n,. ICIIIIfil'n" In llf""' Ylllum" 1\l I tompttrll f vrl\• iooW ' .... , lbf' I n""'"' " "'"put : .r 111111 ''" 111 rnr l • :tn tw• furlht•t ~tlt•J•I .. '•f Uft ~~ KUV t t •uu~ "'Uh , .. •ttnt:Pr u ( """''"~" .. r tttw rn11h•r tnl En•rtoyn>f'nt Oppor1unt1 y ( 'lllt( .. m \1\ ~htJilttrlt.ltu.: l•·enunul '"'""" u•••·•l• r·ut•r• n nv. I ~1 • ·,."" a11 J14 '"••nn•·l euunn.:,.r I"' k• "f'."J.: rtrt),II~\'Utt'flt '' f c....L.irf' II •• , ... ,1 ~Itt •I t\" flliltl It ,, 4 Y.•·• k •ltt\ ... ft uru "' 1•• t\ ·rtu~ ''''" 5ttt t \ ; ~ ..... t • tu lw • rt-t·lo\lnst :trltMt Ill• II diH Ill•' fuh ft•·H t 1\ 7tNtU I•\ I ~_...,.,,,. " ).. , ttt11l 11 nhu t.v fl•'" t .. ,.~ "'1-! ,. I I ..... hI 'I• """~~· ", ... , '' r • •"' I '·'' ,,. II lit ,,,u ~ .. '"'""'"'it lt ... ,,, " "''h .•. "'"'' t '' 1 "' u · '; 111 Ttw Ln,. ,, \ l I. S II 1 ,,,k.-•1 HAf~BOA I, AI NT STORE c · c '. Pl:IU&t:U., l"rnp. .,,.. r.. "•) "''"· ......,.. ... IJ-1~ C'allf. . • e Ynu'H h c.mJ pc:nrlc ~:~r th~t ~h<•ut ( r it mh 11r Jdlli.IIIH.IIl\l '· Th.. ''"'' o.f voin · lltt·y '"l' ~pt·.il..) \ulut\H:s. It ),I)'S ''tlu' .tn "'h't.mti;rl pt~1plt ''-"1hly arc /, •-r·-----JJU.V&.' ..i.mput&..IOI.._f'l-1ij>lc: no\('~'l_c;.Q'J' ___ f_~'---• ·' •r• t. , n lt··t ~ q , 1 >41•1\N••·· t • ,... ~ .. , , ..... ~·"~' 11' M~l·" '""' 1 Only Senel Suyi Silent ••• Lasts Longer "·•1 1•1 .,,. t'•v 'h•n "tt ~•••f" u. ll....-J.._....,u~.l ~ t..-14.L.c r 1iec - -It a.. --....:.osaa. .,..0 IIOVI111G -A.- • ill!.Ol." "' ' • ... e ( '" n.in~ ~·our home dnc.·~ make you and yuur famil~· murl' impmt.tnt in tht •·H·s of ,·uur fr~nth and nl'i,.:hhor~. h rr rbl' fJm'il th.tt em n~ ih hnntl' is a ~uh,l.urtr.tl It h .l\ t hl' initiatiH' w "'"''' fur ic' future. e 11w cummenc \'IJU arou"· i~ impmc.uu, ~oo. for rhar ~tlmul~f<'~ nfhc" CD inrir:rtc ynu. To follow ~·ou. e 'Ynu I1~H' :. rij.:hl tn he pruud. I'm in hu~ in_~: )Our hrmw fur )UUr famil) yuu h a't p1111~l'd ~uur f.tith in yuur communir~·· You idrntif\' ynur\df with your nt·ij.:hho" and \\ith ~olrr tui11rnunu~. 'llr.tt\ "hy JW~tplc hl..t-111 'I('C nthcr families hu' rn): tht·ir.u" n lttunt·'· e l n\l't """-i11 ~uur 11\\ n huml 111 \Ctur 11\\n liiii1111Unity. CONSULT THE ADVERTISERS IN THE B U rL D E R S' p· A G E S OF THE JEWS-TIMES • • • • • • • • • •• • • • eo8TA-MESA-- LlJMI'lEU CO. . """i:"'r.. II0~1T.Tf.F.II ••hun• 4H I- · AAil 1'' Atwout fh11 St'W Oaarantl S~dal Auto Af'cldent l'olicy Accm•:sT tooucv Pro¥td..-m"'lmum ln<lr mnlty of Slr.OO fur S.'\ 00 • )PAr Howard W. (;rrrish ·,~~~~.· '" ,,,,.~ ~~u. .~·~.niiJJ. 41~MIM NMIM ... ,,. . n PAKJa ~'J<lna,.........,...u,~, ttr• 11-.&Ur~ .,.. t-W"UI YOU ··~ th. " • k .. ~ " u, '-Ol1A 1 ,,, ,,,,.~, , .. ,.. "~·~~· U1,. I• IU \ • -· ·-""-I lro tl • IJt eo'IIAti ~ ... ... ,,,, • ,,l"lt' ,,, nu.,h. •' . J"'"''' a m,·:h,•fi ,,.., , ... ' ' tr "' ,1, r .~h • •"h •• •r ~ r h ll1,_.. Y u--fld I•• f) e Nt;JJUfat"i!He f\f •nita 1 .J .. tm ~·· 4 .•• "h•'• ~ ,, , ,..... 1 lrr U'IIh,.tl ••Ut tft'r JI ''' ,.J ffth .,.,. ,.._~ , ,. .. , rr uat ,,,. ftJ•I•""~t tn •11"\,..,.nt 1nt ty t.n ,,, fv •·ut • r r•· ''•''ty. A. t 1"'•" ,,.. •• '1 l'''''t r fl ,.,.,z.t h • Hl' n -.•.r,.,t3.,-_.~,._,,,tp~•'" ,te I"" t •• I"•''' raw lon ... rd otl, , 1rta 1 ., :•"'~'•:r~ )"'Ill Juula inti<fe, "r t-..-li"•t' •••u'll .&J411:C: it i1.n AIJ tJII .. l' hrl( ft AI lilt'\ tltal tUUIII m o U ... fiOjtt'rti Jl.tl'm• l"'tatutc: • ulltrul, dry and ' lttfli\1 (ltlll, II I<'AIJt nrt iJo(t' 1111t 11ur, an•l mAny rruHC'. In •1l•l•ritJ11, I'J,II :0.\.'fH'I liN · rr•,lurr Ira• lhr f•mou\ "Nu • YOilOOtiAT 011( llfJittCfMIOI,l ... AT 'fu•inl( I'Arr\' '" ''"118 ay•-lltwlt-lf Y0U -l~CII U IIIII" IHM Ollf ... c .. _....,.~. ~ "J.:• {H-~ 0• I 0 ° ·-~~ _ _,,ti; tC:d S:~~~~-~ 'sw· Sf. ~ i'!J_"'!!:!J.:.. ----~~--!!!:!!:~-==:..:.:ro:..W.l=.;.'::lll::.B=:::IIl:::IIC:t:_ ___ ~,.z:~ Get Our Prices &Del we ft<el ronfidf'DI of your bu.'la~" • FRANK CURRAN LUMBER CO., Inc. .. ,. .~ ..... I'U __ .....,_ ____ ...,.._. ____ ,~~~ lf-'itNtM""...,......., ......... - • nl•h • f! w V't 1 u,~r ·t •·! t•~· " • .. _.._..... ,,..,.1 ,., ! U r ,_,,.,, .. ,. .. 1 f r: '" ~4n• "''•P'tr t '•' ~t1 ttj If,,. YIH'thh .lrP the •P ,,turr ,. f, rm jll ,,f J Jll fU •••ft "''• \l.hll• l•atl a nti 2 l'••lt "•rh of ''•• thlnllPr and Ylflloah prtltluc• • 1 •.pu .. r m•tl u'm 1!1'•11 Q _,..,.., t8 U~1 8 1f'J!·,'N It I ,.,. I•• f,rm ar•ottnd the btl~ of llnlla 1nd b•th'11b•f A -YPIItlW. /tr hlfoWit,.lt rlll~l •I"• 1! ... r~ull "' the r•ttloe o1 ...,. .. . . Featured This Week In Kitchen Of . Model Uome At JS:JI Ocean Blvd> BALBOA FUIIITUIE STOlE NE\\'POaT BEACH .. / I . Pap J!llbt NEWPORT BALBOA NEWS.TIMES, NR,ort Detach, California, THURSDAY, 'JULY 17, 1941. ----~·------------------~------------------------ NEWPORT BEACH COSTA MESA BALBOA.., THE I • WOM.AN'S (Betty Arlama • Phones 12 an1l 1:1) CORONA DEL MAR BALBOA ISLAND LIDO ISLE Business Women Here Over 200 Vit"w Smartest Fashions T~ke Part In ... At Harbor Assistance League Fete Convention In tho· llt•liuhttul ~l'll tn~.; or tlt1· 111111 o'tlfl. ... II' 1:•1• ., ... ,,.,,.,.,, "' lh·· l.1tl" J.-1« ('•tuhliUU"' u\o llt-okllll: ,111111} ltollll • otll!l 1J1 tho• r luhlr•tll>l' TIIREE LOVELY HEAD~ Engagement of Miss jane Hager Revealed This Week 1Craft Group Extends 1 1 Mrs. Marvin Wilcox I Compliments to Is Feted On July Mrs. Tillotson ·Birth Date Ptan~ for th«' pnn wh1C'h tht-!'1-:••"J"ort IJarMr mrm' thnn \?i.IO flrl'l"'' t New~10rt li11rbur Bu~ano•s,. and L;•l•'•l~ uf tho• :o.;,."I•HI i l.•lllfll /\•· 1\•••u·h a..tol111'r. Prot.-ssavn~tl \\'nnwn·.. ,.cluh.o-\\aU ""-lllllt't' l..o·ltl.!llt• \'1•'"' •I ""'' \II tlw ~~~' 1·. ~I It. 1'1 1 ~ ,,f 1\ ollllo.l I•· takt• Rt ttw Stllllht•rn p ,,,,,,.l ~··Ill'" ,.lllllr~··~·· r:o~iuun ~"""' ·•11!1 llfl ul otllll(llllt•'•·ol Ill•· '" .•• " l.t•llltoll Summf'r ('onv .. ntaon In l.n~un.l ··n)ol~··d "'''"'1'1 llrftl~.;t• y···•··nlal h•IIH \\llll'h "'""'"'" l'llt •··· -h··l•··· Sunday wr·r~· l'lftnJIIC'tl'd Ill 11 '•wt·l· II(~•Tnt•on !'Ill • lt•Ji,..l'l ~. ltttio•, lito• \\o••• .1.11 k ow l .ltll Slo"p o,( ing nf th4' local bn.'lrd 11011 ,•trmr l"'''·'"lo-nt o( th•· 1 .. •141..~•• ;tnd .\It• H '"""._J.o,J,..ool, .lo.UIJJ• ·~ uJ l!aJtoom m rn lotonday nl11ht In lht-holt•<' of F. J l'ark•• vi Lltltt hit·, '" .;o•n-'"'' !.•·11 •• \\ llliotllt ... '""I' "" ll.ol I A h•hghttul surrriBf' combining I Uirthdu) tumor;< "rn· l)Uld Mra. r 1\ trl:\' .. 1 11u t , llll J a pt•r><on!t l l\tan·m \\'tlc'nx 11f C'nsta .1\·tl'-"~ Sat· •.bower w~s ~ stort• for Mill. H. urriny-r•\·••nang In thr Wakox s ne w P . 'NIIot~1111 w.hen she ~.tl'l\'t•d 111 hnnw by 11 (llllt'l\ nncl u hulf M t•M lla•· !'J~WI'Oil llt'IU'h• El ... ll !"lull'!! rn··.nds. . • . I A ·-d c .... ft ... t' I (,, ... ,.,, l'IIJH)Icl II luUnd or In ~eru ar r .... an .1a s ,.,.,(' •••n ., .. , , .... "'·'··· .. ,, u ·t ...... w;... __ t'r.l'l'l.ln. ~lonrln\' ~at thl'''mmOI• l(llW.--~.Jo<U.u - I bh i-: • JM'I' ":,,, "''I ,.,,cl h\ I ho· honor(~. I' U OlJt4(• ' • Vt't'll Mlll~r. r·~rll'nl .. .-111 Nl;HtiiHlll lflr '"'' •'II""' \••·I• I···· hl.tlt!l d!•J•ll•.'"'' .lllr.oL\li\'o• Local B. 1/, P. \\' nwmlw·.' "all 'II<'"'"' , .... ,"''", '"' I., I•' •lllttlfh" T1n" ACt lUI hollt'1><;(•J; hlld l"'•'l'l'lotlll'l~ \\ lo" p.tr .Hio•d Ill I" .tl'lt dunn& I hi' ••nlart' cia~ ''I ~~~~~~~":!:;:::~~=~~~~~~~rlf~l.ll.!.!~~~.:.._.;~~~~~~!:''~":;,·d~l ·~~~~~~~.~~ · . rGu~:::.t:, whu U lflh· 111 f'un~:rnt ulate l 'nJt>r lh t' 1111\nllgcmt'nt ••f M rs. tiw hilly 0 ( tho• t11111,... '"'1'1' l\h'SSI"S. 10 Al.lillOa bland Don IL I d MrC'allum m I'm be 1 8 anrl !'ltnw,... llom••r l\h•llull, J . C. ruuncl. till' tmdl'' •·amuggl..-tJ" m ~lfts uf h!l.lldk••r. Paynt• 1\. G Jlu~.;hl''• Rll~ Wal-~mi~~;~~~~~fi!~Sa:~n~l·~·a __ rA~~~n:a . chu•h ILI\tl uther 1111\'t'l neeesstlaes l:acl' l..l'l'll\ r\ndc•r>ttn, l\t. J . 11~­-·•·!rtctr~ ~ \fJl!m'' t~:-,;.r~-:-J'Of1n\\~.~1i.q~. Jack Co· Mno. Huston D. llu.:t•r of Ulllboo hland annuunn•s the forth·t:IJmin.: ttllu'na.:(• of lwr duu~htcr, Jant', 'lt llit·am Shurp SIIJJpy or l'lliSII' dl'llu, F ntJuy. t'\'t•OtnJ.:. Au~.;usl 15, 111 lh•• l 'lwbln I lrnluran <tt th•' (.'h,.llfflllll Plu·k Hc.llo>l 1n J.,o:.. An· t,;d•·"-A r;:(.(.ptaon '" tht• ..::arrl.·n~ vr lhl' hotel WlU f(!llow the cere· ~· the conv<'niJon wi ll '"'l'lll "llh 11 l"tnllli't: -"'•t.wh -..... ~-.t~!..'.!' ~lneu ie'Pfun "l•·n•'ll f~· "'Pr1;N • ·,n,..otJ"0i'Hil -uuo; ;llt,<J'flr.Qn cltont Edfta 1\illlo'n "' ('nllnn 11nf1 Itt\\ an .... lit•· ,.,. ,.,, .. 11 .. r tho n .. ,' \\ "'''' :-;to ...... ~pr..-llt'f\tattvo•JI f rom Rtvt•,..1<1t•. A ~rlo· hwltlanl(~ """'" 1111· "'~'~' <11r11tl .I" l.w .\Ito 11 H••l~ llun•·.m. Oranp, San Jkmolrdtno and lm· 1111('''' lA111.'1Jo' '' 'l'"n..niiiiJ: /\tuo I •tn'rn"r•· ''•·llh lltll•nu•r•• 111 Bd Air. Lot; honort'e durong t he lunch('{)n hour vm anrl H•·x Tllm••r, An;:l'lcos. MJss lllljlCr has chosen Tbt> lunc:heon ta ble WliS • cl~v;>rly · for hPr at ll•adnnls Mi•s Ann Ma· rlf'<Orat<'ll w1lh a l!peclal r a k t' ,.,..o41oh C'U"IITIUSISI· "-' prrial counllt' ~~o ill tllkt• part. '}"h('• \\'h•·n gu"'1' an1''1'd at I p m <'ar .. l Ill•'"''' 11 1111 T.1n~a So·•·l~ -.on or Los AngC'Ics. ma1d of honor. aurrounded by an t'll'ct rlr tram "'-~ ....._ 1\hu is rntc-l'lainin~: wit h a mls· and an automobile denoting tbe . M&RCJ:II.A A. I'IULLIP8 district's pn~r11rr. for lhP roml!lll '""'''" -.·,·r·· •4'1 -.uh J>UI•• ~.;n•l'n C'••mlurw w tlo.• r•·•w•tnln~.; '"" dub )'P'Ir wall t.. dllk'uu.>d at 11 J•UJ-"'r d uth..., ..uuJ rwiJlun.' and c.·n· :.ltufll> 11 ~o:ruup uf '"'"''''' r hrunun..: a.m. fnllnWM t>~· It J>l'<'t>ldl'nU' ll•rin1: o•Jifh Qll1111 1'1 lllhl4' \\I'll' 1.;11),• nloMit·lo'fl •Oloorl ht•ifl'h (Ill.;' Ill· roun-·•'!hit-t1t:«'U~Jion 11t n~ pniiP<t tmpwnl Vlllll't~ ~~o11kh w .. ,... t•ludan~,: "'''••r~tl ( 'hln•"•' ~hwk ~""'· c· .. llan!'OUS sh014'1'r this Saturdn)· mode o r t nnaportat1on Mn. Til-""' "lltTHr:a u ·ao<T (nr thP brictc-..tl'<'t and Miss Vir· !olson wrn u11e nn hN trip t'&sl. I """' .. .,,,..., ...._ ~r• .,. # "'""'""' ..... -*•l•l•r -"--llr ........ &inia Vander Ble, bridesmaid, who During bandc·ra!t })ours mem-1 "'"#-·'-• ra~t or -J' ._....,. Is -honoring Mtss Jlngt'r with 11 : bera worked on p,razes for tbe ""' ...,.,,...,,. '"· ,..,. ... AM. r.ut. w 1,, h'"'" whac:h \\'111 1)1• IU'I'Vt'd \\un a.' IIJiolt• Jlrlli'S durinc lho· ... iur·l muk••r 111"""'' tlw 1.11•''' f1·:1-l•·xture In Uk '• ,rhoul lllo hf'n.• thf' mt't'l · hnt1£1' hnur AI onP •-nrl of lht• ltwr 'lllt·ho·d '"I•• lonthln.: •UII,, kit<'hPn shower about the ftrst of coming Ebeli card party. T h o s e """"" M M f---ajJ-Ia-·•'-'DA--AOl>tQ,....u;.aJ-llli:_ I rluhhou"" ar I' dlsplny of ltw urHt ''!..!.!!!.. "'JI' tn h•·t;nnHt r•·tl, August. • C!ompllmentlng Mra. 'NIIotlllltl'wea:e , Nrwpor.l lnrhor mc•lnl:lt'rs hov~ pi"PIIY Vlnlo•l)o WIL~ toppo'ft with 'I whllo• nml niHI•·' ~1ntlo·l' tnc·lwlt'd n•·~~ ukr-. of (!9Ur•e. Yoa'lt aiM charae of :-onr llll: 111 , tal.tic-. Ex-I.H-nullful apnrot tltJwc•no;J tuho·•-Franrpc llnrvo•y '1'••£J:Y lnchrm . mark lb,. blot of mo!!Uled poap. PfCied to •t · nt1 fn!Ql 1111, city an.> "'" lw-1:'10111 n•·ll~ 'f'\\, .. ,.fv. 1'111 J';tlm .. r. llnro· •lnnr In ncb, tboucb It be ..q ta. y.,. , MIIJtor, Jl''4'•lll• 111 ElaJn(O A.fl.l.l!ttan•·p ).('a~.;u .. rs ~4'r\lo•cl rt" thy W•·~••rvo·r. 1'111 1'11rk... Kill} tbe aoft roll of the uturaJ ~. M~rs. £vel)n Flln' Oorothf'al (r•'l<hm••nll< of humt"llliAclt• r<tk r Jmm~or, ~han t!Pirll. J••lln Qut•· t hl' ~OUJI of curl• ln tbe ebenaut hav<' n>nll'd thl'ir bay front home not and her guut. E l. ~oor!'. Teac.ber of Plano for the ~ummt'r and arl' waiting S A. Meyer, Henry FT'f'f'man. W for. the compll'tion of thc-ir Coronn R. F owler. Do n a 1 t1 McCallum. · Orpalat • AoeomiMU'lat dc-f Mar home wht'rE' Mrs. Hager Myrtle M. We11t. D. S. U oyd, ltudlo: ~~on~o~:~";.~~ A~nw W "·--A-fllo n I II I Ma rian h I rl -di M·ll••. RPIIV Poowo·ll Rn rhnrn Wtl· hair a nd the •ln~~tle'Tlttte troat earl • .., ... ""-....,oiiiillii """"'· •• ~ • T'\Uttln Wtl 11 10 ll><JU•' nnt•r 1 .; ,.. • _. McChelney, )fll · 1 1 ' 111rt and~J St 1,.. 1, in rhn ,. of inrul ~''" 11111 "'''~ M ' IWt't,,y ~~~.' on tbe dimpled brunette will entertain 1<0nn with an Gpl'n 1 Su.aan M Rutht'rford. Vt'ruon Orr . .£1toae: Newport. JMC·W hma~co "in homtr ol Jant-and hl'r ·Lew w,_uacr , WarrerrMw:ng and ~aaone Olvu 11 lloma of Pupil C)wnwaU _.... rf'n4' · lin ) l'l: Rlt--o•lw•l l 'to tlo•r nnd . Mr< F.h711" ~--....:....--=---,--___ _._:,__ _________ __::__ ___ _ 1-.---.. u:.,. · ·~~nt.L-------nrth H"+mtt't•. ,_. m. -'~J.L,. fiance. . ~ ' 1 MJ.aa Lucille Weat 11 Oealred 'M rs. N. C. JIAJ:f.'T. grandmothl'r -~~: .... ~----iiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiii~~========~==~ ,...... r nrty Sf'VPnal mf'mht'l'l\ hrou.:ht ,hack mun~t.:-•·r~. ""~·~tt•il "" lllol Mill!! Mtgra-nr--Prablem 'l1'le Hartlor f'OUP wall lH' t'llll',_j N-porl ~ frt~m tlw rtnnual National Nanr HolmRn • . · • ido kle-¥uunger -Olllif.' bridf.'·drct , i~ planning t o I Pnll'rt ain tht-IK-tmthf'<l pair at Vista Vletta In La&:Una Reach. ta1ned next' Wt'dnt-sdlly, July 23. Nlfl\'l'nllon In Lo08 AnQC-It'S whlf•h y M lal Prtti'Ot . Discussed At Mesa Set Enjoys First by one ol IU ml'mb.•r1<. Mno. wn~ All<•nt1••d ""Jl'.,..ia lly hv Mr~ , JIM' W • S · M S D Grfotha Clark 1\tbba 1 h4> u . v Milt...-arut M-A •• m -H•'1·•·"·•nc t•rll•·~ h··fnrP hn•l..:•· omen s oc1ety eet port a nee . n r a rae ' "..ra r • ~~ J.:n\" om I pin' ,..,,,... Mrc I. t-: l .otm~tx-n·. . After lhl'ir marrial!<' lhl' cnuplr· Will be at honl'c-In Alladl'nR 1\!. Mr Sihlc-y as t>mployf.'d nt tht> Vc-ga AiN'Mfl plant in 1lf'llrtly Burhank. ~fr Sihll'y lllt••nrlf'd C'omrll Unl· \'l'f"'IIY a nd i"' n mPmh<'r nf Alpha 'rnu Omt>J::n Frfl tt>mity. t1w hon'W' on ~~~~ Avc-nut· tn fJIII)ot 1 •t · ... 1 n ... h ... •• · 1 -·' 1'¥. .. l'll fl r..al'ru> llW llrtu l'l li<~ l lan• '' m Uli ,. ht·a J on Lulu Jill · Whe~ Over Laguna Way Visit The TRAP DOOR 'Tht' llonw of t'lnt• t'uods" Ou O.Uy MENl' Fntun.. ...... ..._ -Lore '0 ........ -.. ~ 2rtl*' ll.lb rl'W ~ ... Het ..._.. .. -"T.DNr;8DAl' Y .... ~ 0... SPECIAL 8UNDAl' DI.SNU tHE TR-AP Do-GR - -tm v..& Bh'd. 8o. -= ~ 511! -La«Ua Beach . ITIIAML~NJD ,!!! !!!! ~TO ; OAKLAND AND IAN fiANCIICO....,. VIA THI SA .. · -~&QUI., YALL-IYI . . )(ft( Sourlwrn P.06c'a ""'~sr addirion to ia ... o( aueamlin~d trains: t.M dazzlin& S•• . ~ O r11c11 Kf•m • · l\k m iH·r' \\ htt,:oltl~ ;'"'''''11 <lur· 1111.: tlw plunr11nc nf tlu· uffhtr "o•r.• !'II 1 • Httho·r1 flu" !'11,.... .luhn P111 k•· M 1 • 1-: l\1 llan••·v l\11 ~ !'It r!> Rt-rt t., C"11i1ptr of C\&re- moont WIIJI lh1• J:llf'l<t IJp«'aker dl8· f'U~I'tn~ 1111~r:ont n ur p11 In CIH f•trnta l~·f .. lt' m"llllll'rll of thr W o- .m.·n ~ Soo('lt'1y ,.f t'hrllltlan !kr· !'-turtllly 1'\'0'1110): rami' rr .. m 'lw ~sulv dt•\ nruh•·t • luh 1111!'\t"' '' ht•r•• ifll<ttll lift\' \'OIUIIJ: f""tJ'lf' !!'4tll-- t r•··l (to• lh•·tr' :u .... t mfc•raH\l spurt t.lano r H:t\ mund ll:•n ,., M" t-: f: l~ru· ' • " u( 1 'nl'1 It ~~ •• ~,\ whf'n thf'y m f't rt111·,., l\11-. (' L n 1nm Mr< l ~<tn· Thu r A•Iay '" lh!' ('ommunlt) l• .. l•••n• "r lh•ll•w•nll ··H··ol tu ul•l n~ozu•h Kor'i•)'. l\tl' p A l'ul· f'hllfl'h li't• I'll HHII II:•· COhtl rul J,'' 111(1101110 \\ hI,. h Bi g Island Summer Bazaar Scheduled Over Weekend m .. r l\11' ltll'h:t,..l CM•tlo•, l\ti" II Mrll w~rol Plllt•y rrf'~ldNI OVt'l "'"'" Ill lli"r th·· ollf'""t"•" •• r 1'a1 E St:t!1lo•r !'Ill" (" F \\'rail,. Mr... th<• s•·rc~1on tnt ro<ludn' ld r 1 ,..I"' kf' ·r hl· ••11'1 ,. 1'\ ••n n~: wa.« l\1/tr\' i\lfl, Allhttll !'ltr~ E\•'r•·ll l''"'l" r Tho~ -pt·ako·r namf'f1 roor un•ll'r lh!' 'l"'"""rl'htp "' thl' Urlu t:11nianl'r, M -111·•r~ "'""'n'''''. t ''1"'11 rof ml,..rl\nlA w o r • 1 • m ·j l~l·· ('••111111111\ll" .AJ<><<H lutJtLI . h. '· '· ' " A vantty ot ~. clever. ouae-Mo.. J::lnwr llo•ullt 1\t,.. Wtll14nl• l(ranlll who t'IU1!fl aut.,§ nn.r TStl· ~t'4'n "011'1ti\IIJ(IIIf( '1"11'',... ""rJ 'ff1-hold nt'<'l·~~~~~~·~ anrl dl'('on:tl1vr K IHiron, Mrll. Juhn Hnlm11n, Mr-mall,. wlt.ft. _llu l!h<'lt.-r, blld, tent I J"Y•Ill( 1'1111' It 111 lh•· rrfr<•:<hml'nl nrtiCit's Will IX' for !11\lr this Fn· t. E l..nttn,tlf'l'). M N .l~tm•·' r.wh. •·11mr mt~rllnll!, lr"'""'· m ig· ant1 tab'l' "'"" ,.~ 111 C'rsnk, l!t>ula.h <1:-t\' and S;Huntay, July 1R ont1 rll'. Ml' T W•·~lnn J•w lind tlw whoo a rl' fur~lllhtotl woodt'n U\el-!"Mlly. t'hilriiJltt• F r I' k Lur lltt· 19.' whPn thP Ralhoa Island C'ln:-11' Mr~-~1arthn Ello•n F.asllf'l' 11nrl l•·ra .. &ntl ~~~ I(<Wrmmt'l11 camp ~I• Item ' \' rt 1 'tl:wll••·: ~ ll~rv··Y M thl' W oml'n'!l Socll'ly of Chri!'· Altt t' Pluml'r m•granb A -trow-pt~n. of lnl~Uf'e4! L\'nn, I "'" "'"""""-" I r il. ~'a "'"-·'-h I"'. I I . · 'I . • , " · f llan ..:>CJYJ.L'1." o .. ~ 1!1 nnnua sum , ll11 fflr prb.t•ll ~~o·hkh wt>rr aw111o.l· hutllnlt ~ttf'rrncnt uf lhf' problf'm """ry . s~, 11''~ ·":"" .. " • 11 mer bazaar In th<• hom(' of Jlolrl. • • f'd &t tht <',I'-M l'll.r<l folay wf'rr hll' btoen evolvf'<l, ah.-Mid. ~ken. (b~eG·~ra~ ... t l;ha'~l.!fr'<'~lgyn Nrtu?ln,-R. E. Bartholom ew of 20t Am<'· won by Mn. W11nlua of Lon& A trio cun~~lstii\C' of J9~e ADn -... .o · er. '-01' u 0 • 1 th. t a-eh whu rec:rlvf'd a al&Ck auiL J ont't Allee Faye Jonea and Nlna Oortnf' Burttln and many othtnJ.' Thys • 1 'li ._ · .,. 'd . • e sa e wt ,.,·g~n • n 11y m om · Mra 1~. F. Lounabf'ry of Balboa M-lloyd playt'd a bo rn duet of -------• ~g and continu" on Satuniay• who won " tuam and Mra A. R. "Facr to Fa.ce" and "Old Rugred Wes Crocker En joys I when a food Mil' will be featured RlcbardiiOfl of Balbo& Island who C'Tou". Plana were rtlade f•r a B ' hd · p 1 undt'r the dirfot>tlon of Mftl. Adrian won a BeJonl& pl&nL birthday luncheon to be he t• trt ay arty M. Marsh of Corona df.'l Mar. Pro- Aucu-t 12. Tables wUI be arran(M T .. -11 f 1 _ _,I ceE'd5 wiU be u.wd for the Ctrc~·a · 0 f and decorated accordlnl In Ulf '"" lllllf' 0 roe.al w e nera .,,.. h h ..._ U vifiary f icial mu1tard and tht' anueala of dell•ht (' urc wo .... ~'-rnur .MUon.. . . ., .. --------S d C 1 t d A Jnatu d ot the circle mH,Un~ u youn.rltf'ra a t e watt'rmelon 1 • • • oar omp e e t Au~·· 28. the «ent'ral w S.C$. we~ a ~rt "' lhl' 12th bl·~hday ·lnt~tal 81rthday I Evening Meet Wilt (JU(e J.a.rt'" an IUlnuAI parole C!elebratlon In hunor o f "eaton C 1 b d I ut Hunllngton Bfoal'h. Rev. and ~~· 1100 1\f foT Ank Cn>ckrr of I e e rate Cumplt'tlun u( lht• ..!t'CIIOn nf of-I !.!111 f'nrl J t•hnl<un """" J•llalor and ftrr·no t.1r 1 ho• c•"mlni; ) rnr W ll!< Wlft' Of thl' t•hur<'h Wl"re lntroc.tuct'd I marl•• Mondn, ,.,·,•nml:: hy lhr N••w-"• ~~o•.-rr Mr11 F n Batr hPior of port llltrbOr IA'I:i<'lfl Au'llhary · Uran~C' Mil MaN !--ulda Paul of \\'ht•n lht') l:lllh••n'<l 111 tiw Amrrl· ~anta Ana ran v~:wn hut 1 • Young I{IICIIt" $:1Jih~r~•l nn the When a half llnzf'n m,.mh<>rl! of O(t'Bn frt~nt •n lhr l'ar ly l'vf'nlng Hnwsr d RAymond Ounn'e fitmlly for J!&mU pnur ~o tht' p•r Dil Jrt!lhl'red t~f'lhf'r Run<11\y for a OIN'siJo werr P s tt v Lou Sullivan. •p..rlsl dlnnPr It wu In honQr of Jo I...« Meat·hl"m, ·Norma Loving. hl1 first birthday Ft ank•l' Waltz. S lanll'v Hodgkin-Hi.tl mothf'r Mno 1rl'nt' Dunn Trade your.~~d one in .N_OW Get yourself a new typewrlt~r before the typr- wrlter compc'lnies get into war munltiofw, •• they did ln the last war! You can tpt tub allow· ance for your old typewr:iter now, and )'OtJ pot a new machine, or a 'nerMn-~bullt, In a favor- able delll. The balance remaining can tx-p:~lc1 ' .on convenient terms to suit yOil. TRADE Wmt US NOW! ,-· . R . .4. TIERNAN TYPEWRITER CO. 110 we.. Eoul'th Pboal!-743 )Mf*i• D•Jiitht. You go Ill/ tiN w•J from Los .AnJd~• to Bakenfi~ld, Frttno. Muced. N~ dnco, Oakland and San Frsndsco in coolau~­ linccl comfon . Beautiful ~emery. lnapmsiYe meals. from Los An1ela to s.o· FrsnciiCO only t6 one.,.,., $10.80 rounchrip,in lwrurious chair an. Enrtmely low fara t<? S.n Joeqwn Vai.Uy poiocs. Call us for infonnati~. Mr-M1kl.....,l Stnn J..)' n••W ,_. • ll1o•nt, l'niiNI fnr thf' nt~nunntlon nnl! n •"ult 1111: I'I<.,..IHm <'f n ~I'<'!"''· tnry !Ill" J uhn E~.:c•·rt n( r-; .. ". Coming Events In Harbor Area aon. J")(innlt' Qi, kty Utobb1e Lov-' J'I9Mt'd the di'IIJrbtful &ffalr In 1 lnl: Kt'ith !=;a•ll,"lr. Jim Crorkcr. k~plng w1lh lhf' nati\J <'f'l<'bi'J'Ihln r~===~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::::::~~ Gr&l"f' CrCII'kPr anti Rrtty t'rorkt'r ' .. lOUTH IaM D. W. HOLTBY, .,.._, -...._ Pf ...... rt BNdl t Jl'>rl llo•llo'h w~'" ••lt'<'lo'<l In lhl' po· FRIOAV, JULV 11-v · 'I C 'illlln C'mrta Mt'l'8 1-~Jn-mrn'll C'lub. 7 :46 10 a arpenter Ot•flo•llllt• .. ftlr '"'' •talt' Au"ltnry c I b B ' hd ronw nl "'" to l~r• held 111 Snera· I' m. far" hall e C rateS 1 rt a Y 1 rnrntn cluri~ lhP mitlc1h• of 1\u~.;w<t N•·wpnrt Ht-ao'h 11"Y ~· oull!, 7 ~other July b.rthtiAy WAll Cf'lf'· M't' Mr~ Stunh•y, Mr~ Mali•• Hnl-I' t.':'r~ -~~~:~Jr~~~:.'ltn•rtlnn 1 p m bt'a~d by \'will Carp4'nl.-r anti a lin~ rln•f !liN Mt~rr .. lln r.111 Alt1•r· • " 1rouri of ht'r frlt'ntl.ft In th<' home! loth an<l lilly Front t\ ""'"~ nr .. i\1,.,.. n •• ,..,,. Pullt·n. Mrs llAibnll "'"'"" t''lrl'lr hi\ZAIIr 201 ot her pllll'llllr, Mr Rntl .Mrt! F. JI,.J,•n llnnt11'1 nn.t l\lr~ !lt n ry Amrthyst All·•la\' H. G rllhnm 11! tht• (..'•lftJit Boule- Chttrntll'rlln A pt•t•·c·on\:rll'llnn r11u· · · vard, Redecorate Gn!atf'r Newport lbrbor INSIST ON- l.cuf'~111 .rnkf.' plnrt• 1n llunlllllllon, SATURDAV. ~'!l V 19-.MJaa Cnrpenter cclcbralw her RM!rh l<OI"f''."-~ Club·-'!hamb.qi-1ettt bt!'t-h·_.,l'ltt'.....,.rltllrl~-fn.--mt,.--11-- BETTER CREAMERY PRODUCTS Tht• Nrwpurt 1\u-.:tiHlr\ h M of C'omml'n"l' nfflr •·. 4 P m lncludln.-: MAry Martr SmI th , llllrtln rf'('f'l\'t'<l th" Nnlittnr;l C'ita· Llfr• ~n,·J n~ ln:otrtll'liton. I 1'. m. Betty bl'nnr. J a•·qurlyn l'lRmoon, wm f11r Mo·mlw'r-hlp 11\\l'lrtt. ho,·· lOth nn.l HR~· Frt•nt Charl~n Applrhury an t1 M11'kl'~' I 1111: t'twlr IJIIOIIl '" f'llrly thl• rt•Rr B.qtl.lft llllllnol C"ir<'ll' II.<L7:tl\T lind Selt'r&. Ff'I!I.IVII H'f! be~an WIUt " Thr IN'rtl I:N'IIJI I< ""'' of tho• {pW rnoo Mil'. 201 Ami'lhy81, 1\ll·•lay ec:avenJII'r hunt \\'llh ~1 11!8 IIICnOI 111111" rt'("t'l\'tnl: 'llf'h hHnnr AI thP S UNOAV, JULV 20--and MUll ~amun wnmng pn7.e•. ,lui~· :!R mo'f'tln..: flt"' r1r 1 uffir Prs F R Al•lrlc h Sho·ll :\lulll'um. At thf' ('one huuun nf th•· o'\'t'nlng ·Will ho• £'"'"'• "J'•'n Itt thr J'llhhr f•nm ~· I' m. refrt'ahrr.l'nt~< nf , ake anti i,.. .. From \'our 01'00f'r • • • Or Delln red to your Do- • ':iiilillliill!!!!~:~~~~~~~,,~~ '" :. p m IIRy I!OI:>r.rt Annual W . C. T. U. R N I' w fll~ttr" 1 ~umm .. r ~·.m,·rnt"'n I..RJ:"II' 11 llrnc h J:cj:h 1 1nstit~te to Meet -Sc:JwoJ-. • c~am W f'rt• lll"rvt••l 00 PUCU AND SAYI MOHIY VIA PACIFIC RECTIIC Wednesday Afternoon Mo.llloAv. Ju~v 21-L"attc"m "' Sl tl•• l;oiRrd ~ -.JII•~ MM'fw'f' o•rl· i p ll1 ~l't>tll llul •7•'nni•"' fln•• Lf'!l f"'nf'turn.." \\·•1 h TIH•mt•"•'" '' nit• rnTT•''I'"ncllm: ~"''r••tary frc•m !,(,. An~•·lt•,. w1ll NHH1urt ltw ln~lilut •• nn•l nn•· or m orl' Oran.:•· t'ttunt)' nffil"crs WJII uf I o'nct - A tturt\··fl\'t' ro•nl lunt'hl'<•n I•• whit'h t ho: 1•11hllr '' inntt•!l w ill Ill' ~<rn·o•cl nt I~· :\0 Jl"' Tiw 1n~t I til to• tll',.inl' 0,1 :! p.m ''iith :'.tr<: F11'rn Th•nlly nf lh,. ltl('lll unfnn •'~trnd· In~: n wf•lt'nnw '" .:•••·'1.• Mr11 fl&rrrll flR\'111 """ \\'AnoiA 'Mlomp~••n. wiUt '"'"''rr•l rl'rl'ntly ••llh " la~·rllf' 10h11"'f'r h\' 1\ Qlll\r. trt t•f hn~<tl'!l.•MI '" thl' F:tlw ln Jl:dlrk hnmf' on ~1"'"1"'rt Tlou\f'· VArtl ('n,.tA '"M.,_A \\'hrn lr\lt'!Ot ~ 11 rrh·r,l t hry Wf'n' ~tl'<l by fl'l1r of thl' honorl't''ll l\1 r~ t.urilht M ullin~. 1 't>rt•lln .t••l Mnr i :Ill r m. lllll~'>"n H••.t c·r··"~ \\'n· krt~•m ltl :10 1\ 111 I•• ;, p 111 In llnlbn~ Inn HutldHl~··-- IJ!•• ~·1ving ln~l n1•·t1••n I p m . lOth' nntl n:w 1--r.ml Hill bon ll'l:{n,l \'111 ht I 'hah l'ttol· ollo•htlllrtl rl\1'1'8. • 10 II 111 , C:1rl1' sft.lllng n\(u . 2 r m TUE.SDAV. J ULV 22- NI'wport pink 1\nc l blllf' P" \\' l' T l' ELECTRIC' C'l.O<'KS Rr:rAIRED lUI Newport BlvC.Coeta Meea ----...... low.:.- ENRicuEo BREAD Cont.IUn" Two lmJKlrfant 8 \'it.amllfsand Iron bn•ttd madl-\\'llh a,·,·ra~·· "hnlo' "lwat flour in lhrrr im· pol'lAnt \'llllmm and mm,•rai l.l('tnl' It 1'nntnms: Jl('r pound: 1 450 1nto•m .tlaonai l 'nil!' 11:\5 m~:.l of e \'ITA!\11 :'1: HI. nW<lt'fi m lht' lllt•l for 1:0011 nppo•t ito•. pmpt>r dl)(t'>'llnn. t'ff1c1cnl UlllllliiH\n of ,;i:trrhro< nnc1 !n.IJ:Ill'!l •• 2 fl m~ n( :'I:I('()TI:'I:IC' AC'ID. n mt•m - • tlf'r llf thl' \'1tt11'nm R, ('('lmplt•)( nncl nn lmrlllM anl •'S>ot·ntini tn ht'alth 3 9 m ;: 1'\f I RO:'I:. a f001t mint•ml n.'Quirt'd e m lht' rlll.'l to maintam h.-aJth. 106 Main StrHt BALBOA Among lnJf'liU we N> .Mrs.· 1.1&1· l'hur('h by thf' s~n 2 p, m. l'<lft· t'Olm Rf4d. Mlaa II:Utel 0 111 Ariel. ductl'<l by Mrs J•nnlf' Rill' Tfiomp. VIae Pat [)akin . ~•>n Lunch•,.•n 12:30 p, m. _1•---------------------------..:.1 ., HAROLD K. GRAl!EL CHAPEl. L. Phone Newport 511 -C011ta Ml'-. Calif. "W e Ouf"'l'l\'1'~ thc-Betfer Sc-rvf.' B)· Servit)g Others 84-st" .,,,, .,,, IIArl ltMtiWM I WU ftiMI.fl'!' CONCEALED -JEbEfHOtfE-~ I xpen •• piece ol conduit u ebowu above to tbe left ... eaa be built Into your aew home at aaall coet- eoocealed telepboae wiring. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE COMPANY I I~ ra.tm "I , llall>-· Trlrpll .. .,.. IU I ' .1 I'll I .. r .• &p( tas rep .bUt wll In ten SaJ ·R~ lac Bo; 1 ~ tba ~l tit' &rc: lha ILSM brt: yt"t ('0[ t'llj Ha !or Abc ~ btlr • by R t'l AJr fnr Frl em In wei cui• ba' eff• roc -tit.. alw tift ... anc C'lt; cor It c .0[ be tot' lh slg to thE wti in@ .. E pis gol ar• &II• 011• In I pa. ge t.o 8 "' ou fis th up ur cl( l11 an bu St IM ·pr (I' a1 {I) In ~E w in lll w fi de fi pi bt (I tt .n 1\nd tri• JWL