HomeMy WebLinkAbout1941-09-11 - Newport Balboa News TimesTim .,.,_ A mirror ot the m011t rapidly develop\~ aru ot the Calitomla South Cout dlalrlct . .................... VOL~U. .. ,.!. . · .\ .. , • . ) ) " r LBOA PRESS AN INDEPENDENT LOCAL NEWSPAPER SDVING THl ENTlRI 'NEWPORT HARBOR DISTRICT ---~ NE WPORT BEAC H. CALIFORNIA, THl'H~DA Y ~EPT II . t!t\ I .. ·- , . , ~~~·· ... THE P ... ~ ""~ '" '"' , 1 .. ,. 11, fall ""'' llllplll"ll•l lllld th"" ~·' 1,... ""'" 1111\1 Ntatn l"'I'"IMI "'I'V'Jit ~'~~,.,.······· . n-~k ~ ·. ~tc-~~ ·· CJ: ... ,=, .. _ -~ AT .. ~= .:.N~~ ~~=:.~~~~~~A\'AN 1 Lt.ghts Troph.tes·-Awarded. · D'li-14 ...uuu. I h J to . ons LfUCt Ips 0 r .. !'::!~ ~:::m ..::::.::;;,:.~.':%;;I tiii'~'.T,~:\:'.';1~,·;;~;: ·~~\~: ~::·t;~~~d~:~ I • • I • By ROCl:i BRASHAW • p~~att R t I ..... ~k d6plt• the capturr ,, "'"' llf tw llff('I"N1 tnr ll""'•r\III)IIY to \'lalt I t G o· M' t' f .. By now I lm&ltiJl• Breck Oam.-8 1 • on en a the younc m\ll(li'Mnl' lu•l Wt•t'k llh· 1:11\'t•rtlllll'l"''• hlll(t' ......... bum!). a ay Inner ee tng n -t.-pretty well eee~.,.,..-to h!+'l -1 • r 1 II•·. II 111 "h 11 h •~ Mil hi '" '"' · '\} . •. at an ele\'atlon or abl>ut t 1.000 fC't't l~t••t toaa tq be f••J><trh••l lu l"' Ill•· '' "'"'" l~trl(l!"' utr)JI1111r ~ee~·. ~~a;-~~;:lltllll!¢ <lrvul tor dl~ s· elf Lt'q' u l·datt' ng Basl·s !'.'J;;ta~:!s ~~~~In-=~ ::.:·~.·~N"'~: ~~.~:t:·~·::ll~~~~~~::~~~.·: .. ::: ... t,•.·:~ t:·::~~-Tournament A. ssoc·latt'on UnL&BUl :liSdunnl.ldahty. th"'~nht }ro'',.M~·huurkml"d... • lh<' ll,,.·ked alove co"'I'"I IIIJ•·nt .. r "' •II .. r "' ""'''"'"'"'··~ "''" "'"' , .. ft , u , u o·Rr .lWnl"d by Efr•"o l.l•t\ol o•f 1111• oh~lrh t lo•llu•ro'<•W ""''''""'II hitched 11 lratl .. r lu "'" <'llr uruJ I ' ---r w • 1 I " 1-' 1 t ~ 'I I I k t 1 1 d Sar>taAna .• ,,.._ "''"'' t•"· '""~ " • ,I"',,.. <r\'o•" ..,,.,.,,, 1.~• ''"''''''''ul ~ .. ,,,,,,.,,,. headed for ttl# H tgh S1t'rr8 111 tht> Th .. I'll)' l'uUIWII at an • JOUrll· ('(!at the lime ot t.ht•lhrfl L.ll•lll i Muto h Fh·hl lll•t••·•l tho• pi"."" nl . 1 1 11 B ......... t T'-~ l .• nat.~Un• Mv-Anv u1.,ht •uthor· • l '" •t••t runn~ "''''' "' ,, ............. I -.... -.VIl'llll y, ,,.. trtu e r Will! "" · ·-......... • " C'1 ty Attllrnry Tht•m~•n Wll~<lraw told pollee. the Ullet lllo\11 >1: J•lor<l ,, 1• 111.,. ""'I lt·I Utll Ho·t:•fr"ll"" . · . t. ll11• ""'.,' lllho•r 1'1""""""' l_..r. k.-. lth h ot."'-' tlot' o·tt y .. ngtnt>t'r tu pi"'<'t'l'd •· · I' I •I>~\ flit: hi "" ~,.,.,, ~ "I lllttHI 1 • 1 ,_.. • H pac ...,. w• IS o·atmpong f'<lUip up thco 1\•rrn uf 11 lf'll.llt' l'Onlr&l'! l•pt'n ll v.·lnd'W'i~ &n\1 IIIII•• k•od tlw fool t ho• It 'I• It lit\ I~ 11111l1o• 1<\ tho . _ • ~"''" ~"''"' 1"1: "" '" ~• t.: () Ut • menl, -v.'llh tht' rorulructtqn of 11 111!!>S lu L ... u~t'd Ill rt'flllfll( lhC' new boat dnur .:...,__-(',.,.,,. ,..,.,.,. (;j,.,,., ll<'lllt.l uffh ... "' M ....... ln•phll'~ "1'''1"''~ ''"'1 jlrlllt'' '" k "'"' ,,,.\\ '" ~'""" \', ~n lJ••· .. Af' d 1 11 h h tn ·pcrmnd.. ha .... -,r Ta<"lhtlell f••r · • -1 ..... ,. t•r .. ,...n,,...l '" lh•·ll t•I .. Htl ~ \\' 11 1 11 · ~,c-: '"~>r r v1njt 11 111~ I .. l'X· , • "', ... , ~ '"' ... "":" act""""'"'"''""~' Afll'r __ hcoa_nnl( One "'"' r111~l1\' l..t•·ph .. tl\111( ::211 tlnl\' .:. """' • loo"'• I '.""' ' " h 'IIC', ....crrtr.ry ·~ __._ j .__ I &.:.a:t• buaU aQIJ ):::: !!hi :bLc2 ~!:' --• ~ .... "*'• ,., 'h• ''"·I *unuat . l'llrr'tr<t'"'tlalrmrt.rr-nr~ ~~""" to 8 1 ih' Ill '"" IIJC I cuuu•7 'R1' .,..unl'rll(ln 1i rrpo\ft IiilO ifiT tured !&!'It WH. W 11 11 lu f" ~~ \\Ill, l•,. l"'llll>fi,.,J uou( lho· j•llllllo'l ,.f Ill•• Toollflll<lll<'ltl ••I J.o •hi • 1~1' H'TTTrtlrr~~wc tt t IMIIIINI ur try about nlrw n 'l'lu•:k 1n lht' morn· rt'Ct'Utly ••.Smr to th•• port. Art'· I'U~~tnl: thr fllltHI<'I/\1 anJtll'll of s k tllln(; $9 trom a paol. .. l "" '"'"I '"~''" ~t·t:l>'lo·c 11oll lu· t:l\•·11 l'rl'l t: 1 ,.,,.,,,.,,,. M 1 ~ I'"'' Nmlt.h C1ark, Inc By evo-nlnl ht• Willi (II(UfUijt purl !)y City EngUIMI PalUn.'ll lht• proj4'1'1, I hi! ('(IUncil llttN't'd rw•lkt> thllt " gantt 0~ 1'1 .. ,,.,.,.1 .... I,.,,.,; ,. ,., ... ' .. i .. \1111 wIll lui"' "" I\ ~1"'' Ill I'""! • • I ..... ~''"'' I II\ llllllllllt"r "' Lni\C on being settled und .:dllnJ: 1\ul ,doo~dus..od that four applica nt• f•Jr l thll l tht' IJa~<u• ot nontal l'har~t'· al und amateur thJe\1• '""'' lhl• !\;o•l\1••••1 '"'''''''·'''' '"'""'''" 11•111 ~"'"''1 ·"''' 1'1:;:"'"'' ~,,. 111" 11•'10' h .r .. t ... M .t .. h,,.•l•u• "' ""•· to t.empt th" trout. H rn,'ll hurnn;: noo .. rmg IIJlft<'e ar_e now WIUtlflC to 1 "h"uld t>o· ~>II ri'nls llt'r m unth l""t s ummrr Jain ~n 111 Ill•· r "' ~~~ ,,,,.,.1 "'"' "'""'III .•Y :·.~~1,';~·~~~~~~~.1~11'::,11 ·::·,::;"',:,~"'" ,;~r "''1111• "'"' "'"'''" t'ver'ythmK went "" "l'hi"duh• fl'."'" lt'Rllf.'s and hlll'f' IIIJrnl.fled th .. •r I""""' f•••l Thu:4 1.1 llO·font )'IU'hl .,,.,."'" lht> Jlllfklfll lot I••·••• ",,..,,.,I ,,, • "'''"'" I•• llof••nulllh•ll n•oo'l\ M J A 11 k 1 Tn•l•lllf'o& Awa,.... Brtc k fiJPlred lhL' would be " '1\llhngnrss to P-AY thrt"e )ears rrnt w .. uld l'ft)' S...,'\,110 I'M''' munth lind lh<•y <"tttlld watCh m"'"''~'~ t'tlll· ,.,, lol' Ill•· • hniiiiJ<•t fl·,nl Armv_1111 , ,.,t~''' All•'" •;o:,,~1 w ~:~"'·~r·· 1~"";.;,'. •. • ttoodtlmrnfyf"llrtofrHhfor truut Ill lld\'llnN'. Thu.e,tht' projf'ct Wtlll ltn tMIIf'l ,.,.tt 1n pntJ1<1r1ton. Pll)'· o'ea'lnjt thf'ir c&f' kev· 111 ''""'"~t th,.llll•·• 1111" "''II ll>llrk tho• 1111•1 :0.: II J I' ; II M loA! l h•· 1'''1 1'"11111 1 •werlutAIIN u p tlu•r .. 11 .. '~llY8 th<'rt' fllllt<l """"' 1"' sf'lf·h<1tndnting und t~ only m.-nt ool lhrl"t' )'''""" nont \n lilt· hrd;lljl plllc~a. Aa IIOfl;! ~~~tho ''" 11 '''"'' Ill•· II· Ill v.tll IK' '••twn '•' In· ·· ... " ky _'!"" '''.' "1'r1 >\' r" 111''"'11"' "'~·rlt 1" .lh!' l'lly nt Ran been frnst fit thllt ••lt•\'llllun b y u tluy hy the Ci ty Ul exprcted t u \•Bn•·•· W•~ld •"•w«'r thl' entln• ••n11t ••rll lf•ft rnr the beach l h•·'' """''' ~r··•'ltooll ''" lht' p11hlu· r 111 ', ~)'Ill hill.''"' .. w. l 1<4"'t:""' lll•'l:" r .. r tho• 11111111 '"""u\lfltl "n no~-t-It> rt>llflnn~ ,thAI frol'll ktll~ tw 11 •mlllll lldvance !mm Uwtg~m · • flf thf' emprnl'rnwnt, w1lh 11 •ll~rh t prnr't'f'd t01 nOt' the-"'"''h"'~'" nr nil ' · ''1"'"''11'' "1"1 1 "1 1"''1111"' t r\' 111 !'h•,u•·,. I""'' 7 l lh• U 88 the bug .. !hut thl!"" t ruul eat fu r I'IRI fund l<J !uiHnCl' pr~mU\ar)' alluWitllt:C' for land Uk. \"IIU~hlea ' ill bo Na ···I ('u rd ........ fl Mlla&c· ~"" ''"'""'· b~a k(U!II Th.tl tll'lllf: th .. C~ll~t' thf•)-wurk. lhla It• bC' rt'pattd from rrnl81 t •lt\' t-:n .. IN't'r r•llttli!1'11011 I! plan~> • . a r r \.. I a A ................. I'd a nol p~ ,.., runo.-t tHl t'(.tn1pl~tlOO of t he \\'urk "" ' I ~~t·UP·'f' Hn\\hu,. ... , .:, H···•••Uf1•\ would lw hkt-ly tu ~ hungry for ntll '"' , .... t•rf'<'IIOII nf lln utflt'l' t•ARkE~. ~ELL HOTt:J. Set for Musterinu I ""'··h.~ wt ... Wllk hi .. Uawauan Jlllllllt .. \O>f'f'IWIIAk•• Wf'nt w the thco k md of b111t he ha11 tu nffff. The :illpa will be oulll on tltY· hmlmna and no•t ~rn• a.11 a part ,.. Mn~nh· u.,.., .. ••am9 l fo'ounlaln or H t' ttlls nw baA hlld hi~ worm8 ""'no-d bay f rontagr near Coaat Cot Ilk vrujt'l'l Mulll ••f the pro· M•~;!~~ t~eeN::.I•;:' •• ,';:·I;·.; .. ~: I ~f'~t \\'t•dn~day ur•·h""'"' ""'lc-f•r~l ph .. ·•· ltl C"lotlill v .. uth t '"'" •·unmuoci<u•'• trOphy. dug rJ r w .... kli 1\nd hllll bet>n rat hr.:hwu~· lii!d. the eMllmlltt'd ('U8t '"I , ... !0<'11 ooUtlll)' WtiUid be-f•Jr dr~ r __ .. thla I • I :.!·1 •. htuu~:hl '"" ll,. .... \\ ""'"'.: IIIII " , ... ..,...1 .. •1 , .......... Wf'nt t.o aau tenlnl( th~·m for thl11 lnp I horc $10,000. Th, t'ngonef'rlng <kpllrt· lnl: nnd lhr bulllltnl: nf IIIIJI"'. ~:" :;dno~n;:,.~ P. V •;::::~:.•:: u:... \\'llh ufft<'ll<l mll•tl'rllllt nf th"' Hlt'IHn" '" lhr I'"""'"'"''"" '""""' "" o'lllllj) "' H•lho• fur tle rhar h~ d idll't forgt'l the worm» And I ,,,.,.t "'·'" dll't'('tl'd tu complde ~· (' 1 Ll d Cl t :-;,." 1••11 11111 .. "'' unit ••f t'llllf!lrnl" "'"''"' tlwv I'"'" 111•·•1 ,.,.ft 111111111 "' "''l•·rlr.allull .,f th .. 0' .. Mall r -· • .. utwt mlln ••Y atrco IIUif.Jre" • .__ belna !\t 1 M • "' --. hOpt' tht' fn»~l k.tlltod th•· buJ:It I 111.-d spt'('ofH'otllllfl$ at o n<'«', when •·d th~tl " llntfrm lri&St'·('onlnH I ,,..w l'un· .... ~f'rll . ' "'~' • I ~ '.,.,,,, ~,., nl llllllrtl ...-t '"" nr"'l tho• lllh.,ut. "" "" '" '''""l•lllwlllrlll """ Trllf'r B k I U r. .... nk M"""''" of Ru~ ... u K.•JI~ ,, .... ,, ....... t .. v 11 t 1al !I• t\' 1 •n~,.t / Probably rlc "'all tel yuu a •••• .,.. .......... .-~ ....... ~ ... .,. • .,.~ ••. sh••Uitt IHJ Utit•d :w• thn t all lr:c!'.t· .. -1 , • '" • . '' • ,. .,..,...,.., ... ,.., ........ ,.. •• ~.-··••u•....,.. ... ., ••••••••• ~ ... .., ... , ... ,,. ..... , l&ftltN•• l•l•nd l•urru \1em•n1 A•· about II whcon· "" j(t'lS hllr k ThHI c· .l s . s t \\'Ill ..... thr """"' "'""'~ ~tnd t h;ol Tht' Pit' tnvo Yeti II~· ,, •• ,, .... 111111 "'"' hlltiMtl Plllrolhlljt IIIIC1 IIIRIII'IJV y h Cl b "'" lllllull WIIJI awan.lf'd Ule.p..,.t· Ll, h .. \\'Ill teo II )'till If ht' had tany lVI ervtce ys em I lht> duly ()( U'lll~·ll~ rt'ntll •n<mld f•trlli><h10I8 ~t •I: Uv 'I ·•nt1 ~~·~·r ,., ,. uro• coxp··· ""' '" .:rt lllld•·• Wfl)' Balboa ac t .. u IIIII lt.lt .... ( 'h""""l• t rnplly ''"' luck If thtn~!l Wt'nt tho• 1. •thPr way II<• dt·l<-,;:~tll"d 1,. """ <'II)' f'fflt'llll ur ll,... ... ·~\·er t f' Jl Ot H '"'."1."' •\' '"''""" within tho• '""'' f•"' .....,,..,.k~ ' ot• '"'" fr.mt ..-".one h h th bj I I talk , ~~• .::onf«-tlonerl' ."''I l••llttn ·• l 'r"'''""'"t\1 l'"'"'""""''" T "'""' Tl d t ......_. "'·-e may c Jlllge e KU ,., li nt f F• d p 1• 1 o•mplu)'t'v, !11/Wf.' thf'r«' has bt't'il ril , 1 B B ldo 1 If' &r•11 11rt.a. or -~ .....,.. •ll9vl Jbc..-. 'lrr):. lie hn:! bl~ I or Ire an . 0 ICe laxity In thl' paltt wllh rl't'rr .. nrP \'llnrty at~, Pa "' J"W"Iry, anti ' ..... J .. y l'llhl thoJI nooornlnJC uys Ul Ina. on ,lnthJIIII entry """".' to H .•• Kllft · ramtly With h im. 80 yuu .. h .. ulrl hi" '" 'ollo•('\lvn ••f noniJI on c·tt y prop· l.u.t~b Ounll.& rut.&w-.. ut. Mt •J·•I t •A t fl1'1"10f'f11 mntol_,....,f u .. ~.ow .. I ,. '6 '•lt • Htf"th nf v-ue.. MN 0... bl t l th l~·th 't r hlnl l 8 II • A ., !\fr• Park<'!!, who h n¥1: "'''''" lh••or ,,,( urr ,.,,,,..,,.,, Ill Uw t<ludy "' c I' I I d I I' • I. lh t .. -• -" e o Kt' r • u u • " t •·rty be<'llliM no pcoriiUn ur depart· h 1 ~ " t 1 """'" ""''""' na " .... me ,... ·• onl' way or llnnt hl'r But I Woollldr't on a 0 In prl lnt'llt w'as ""''" deflnllt' re•pon· hotllf' at the hotf'l for t •• ,,, .. , """' ., tlllll•hllro• 141K111tlll~. "''"'"""•hop a. a Ina san r .. r hrr Vlkll•• •htv II I h t If 1 " o•rul Y••HN, gn to C'·•"'to M• "" ll•"''""ttnn u H•nltm•· l'otllrtNIIl'll be ev~ pny Ul .II uro .. ,. w .. rf' I ltlblllty " I C"-,._ ... -..... you. \\'llh thr time hmlt rur udtnn U .tr1HII' Mt<lltl'r Rour hey, City • I""'' uth .. r ltAI<h' lralnllla. llu! t•om ~ AnnoUflet!ftll'llt WA~ OIMdr I hi• D-WUX OITION )STA MESA rbor~ South >n Centt>n of Jt'u~l to ~.0. (~roup ::_.. ___ _... __ '" JMtl1 Jlurhor tndin~ot nrrlc't'l'l 'l"''llllnnul t,"f'''l· l··nt for n;uln-, 1<111ltlh•t-s h·um c•s anc~ th111 '" 'I'IIIISJNII'f OM't'\ t I \'lo•k l'o•y It e •·~n '""•!ere II A l '11h11r uf '"" 11 ~~~ olrlve "' "" l'ruvi4Mnn •l>t '"' tr """ll"'• II I lo10l h t' WtMIItJ 111' tonnor.J "'"'Y "I thiiJ lhr c·o.& rtTnl f"illlll' ,. ... ·N~....u...-. ooly '"" •· .. nta a .. , •of J llUiaPQr1• fur thl' Wf'rktthd '""'"'" ''"' ,.,.... "" lhl' Jlr41JlOS<'d ( 1\'11 ...,1'\'11'(' (lrdl• Atturno•y ThllniJl'IIIO fill~ Ctty En· Construction \\ ork .. r I' Ill\' Ill f.,, '""11'111 llt•W numbt'r tnl( .......... k ,., tho-ptl\o'hll .... hv 1\otll'"" Tl"l•hl ....... .., plaquN ......... In Of oour~~e it w vuldn't >IC'I'nl llkl' a na iiC'f' for firemen tmd poltcto nflf·J I!""'llr Plotlo·r..,tn w ill Wt•rk out de· -.,1 t ted \l . d 1\~• "'"II· " llllllibeor cor whom no''" y,., hi duh .. r lh .. •·X• '"''''''' I'll ('1,.,..,.,. I 111111 2 tnf'lud.d: l""'" flahtn( trlfl, I ~UCII8, unlrl'll you '. IJIII.ll u! tho• pm~·t lhlll WN'k And ~ ec rocu ' lOar :tlr<•lld~ Jllt!IM'd lht•lr phy .. tr a l ,. •. I ·.·lfll' w,. .... ,. •• l'lllh lt111111111. "' r ,., I ,.,..... I ·A ht. Lo~ ......... .. ... u Ff'J)ftnlld drove !!«'l'«'nll hundr<'d mllr ll an\1 , •·r~ llhlllll tn "xpln·, t ht' t•tty ruu,.. WtJrk ill t'Xfl<'t·l••\1 In lw~tln In the' Sta f Sc tl d '"""n"llomll tllh•·r• Will tlf' ,..,.m I I lh '"~"""" uf All•ntla • C.._ 1·8 "' 'urhma tiM! campc.od out. ThRt'l! l\ gond llllrt of 'II Iaiii l'ofo.nduy llljtht \'nlt•ol tn r .... u r futur<' .Th•• Influx fit niC'Illl· r Q 0 80 '---''"''' I" li•r \oo '"'llll••rlllt:. Jlly llllfd " ',.":_ ~ IIIII• I ~ h i h II IMI ~""'" o\1111 I Kl'rpent of t.he I hr.,,,-. ('u ..... d d 't ' ,. . Tl lrrlll • w tll hf' •·undul'\1'<1 ,.. .. """" "'''I'""' 1' '· w ' wt • · • 'r 1 ..... .. .. the tun An o'\'t'n 1f )'•l U 1111 ,:uhrnlt lh<' QUN!IInn ttJ the penpl•• uri.' r r>lft 1ntn tho• No•wport·Billboll H rnrv 0 . Blankntr)'••• .16, uf '" nollt' lo: . 1>1• u1w•r~&lrll "' cu. oklllnry )IIlii I Nf'll l 1 '""" I· .•t. ~t:'ll-1"' l .. ._ln,r llk!ked catch any ftsh )'lou hll\'f'" ~,,.,J .. r tht' <'ll y nn thr bnl!o~ 11t nt>XI ~tret< olut' tu 1•ruw<ll'd <'t•lldiUon.~l llrun~ec: Wlt.ll l'l~tnx'Hir·ol ludny •"11 lhr drill tcruHndJt nt 'Srwrur• will Rff,...;t j,,.ll""' Yttdtl dut•' -,Rho•w ' "'"'''' C'IAM 1•0 l.t ff'IUit. thu11 far. time. 1 Apnl'5 rr,ular munl!'tpal t'lecllon.j In ~lht•r purl!! •·nullt'd by ahll• "'It'll whllt• rmplnyed 1111 • unlllrlll' ll~trbur 11111011 B IKh "''~'"'1. wher"l ho•r" "11 h " ''""''"rl~tltlo· h"llllcfllllr l ltunll11tc1"11 I war h. 1 Twjn Por· w'nc Made tw But If you ju11t wont H~<h. wh\' t'.ot1••r lht> lnw, \jl•• t'<Juncll cnultt bulldtiiiC a d 1\'ltii'M, hila crl'All'd ar l ll<'lll wurk ttboard th•• l'dliMillo•r.l L~Pul <'ul. Wllhll~l c hrlllten.,.ll, '"'• '"' thrlr ,.,.. .. ,.,." lu lh" l10lh 1'"11 1 1'1111111 l ·li: hl, L<• A"'(•· -• Of •u.t· they a rt• avll.llahh• ro~tht In ()ran,;:• l 111 ,. IRkrn OW ordm:w ce up Cor unpr .. •·PrlPntNI dt•tnand for ya'c·ht Slllr or s,·,ltlllnd, now IJO''."I: rt'· ''""'"""'11"r ••f tJ,. <. "111"r"'" ~t•tr mu• . I'"" 1 '""111 'I l"tllr 1 Kuabu,..l l ClaM 1 tM .. a., M COW1l,y. Trvu.L h~<•· A tn•nd "1 , pl1'4sa&e O$ re~t1on ; but: u etat· 'a cl'ommodllUOM .here. l butU n"Ar the AI'C'hM Ttw vktiRl, ~ .. v .. t ClUilrd, Will t. .. 111 dfllr.ge Thf' f'""'h•.,. ""'"" tw11•.tlat.cl at)l l ·lr. 2nd. Na,~tjki~-;~I~Ora~;;I\P:;~......,;i;:~_.,__, __ ._.;--;:--.;:;;~-:==:--:::;;;::-~ mine In Orance told me he wf'nl up 1 .-<t. b y Mayor Gordon.. alnce t.be 01'6-1 w tto wu 11 member ot the ~NW 01 • EnHatment •• •t•ll oJ,.n In both \ .!JMlJNtPILC ... ,., ......... In Trabuco canyon when the lll!a· IIUinCe "" dr&\11'11 ca n be ~a .._._ .. ~ hejed the Tea.aco oll ~ 8 .. l the Newportl!!!..~ .. L !l&I.al .,..,.,. by n;c rhttt•a lat. ~~~ .. fllaatllitle 1 .. ouU~ • ·eon o pened and t.here wue a lot l l)r amended only by vote ot the TheN wert no J?!2tU~l .~Md....f..l'lt wl'f'tr1qlpr.i01"' ,. "h"r~ "MtTW wn leN.'& I mnltart. c u arl! ·b<lftrd .,r d lr,., tur" lr.utry I 11111111 2-f' 1111, Oeorr • •, In l'lcinor ol ot other poor 1\atl there thrnwlna' r->rlr. 11 wn~ ,pr:o~ . , )JI'"Il~m11trurllltn 11t a IC'fi\'P r rnm thP •hlp 1111d hnol hH>n I • ""'P"""'~', " '1111111hl'r "' r"t·rull• I R •cwlthtlo•n'• llll"all•ro,., c fia-U&Il 1, t1 " A'-Jf bait Into the ••Atf!r ~cJunn):. p&l'1 'lflb}~~ t<d<>J•t1nn tu the ume .. nrw b ulkhl'lld nn thf' t>Ay•rdP fit I •·•nplnvf'd n11 thf' «I'IOc)n··r only I hunn.: hoof'n ,.,t.f,o..t Lu Uw lloltcr vr 'rtur."r.~T1fl" tUNN'f:R 1 "''"' h Ko••1~" 1 • :.Znd, Sftoa.OIIJWIA wtln wu ~· C>r'ltl.!l. though, thRl ht' t'111 lmf"1 1,.~1 1 h<' ), ,.,.,.r flt'llll'"ul:a • 3 t Mnn(juy ''"''" Munday 1:11 1117Jtl I• •II ~lilt •• lh•• 'lw.~frrllll: ,.,., . .. , R AT' RUA \ f:\ r. I ftlo:h "' It•• •I h1o11tl I'IR•• :1 o\ t •t .,.,..raJ tlfo••• he caught II nll'e tnt'll'l"f trullt. C'et v <\tlnru .. y Thu mrl!lnn lldvtll4td ntc.;ht'~ o·uu notl ""'*"'nl!. uor on th•• \\'hoi•• W<lrkHII! In th•• h11ld ' uf''''""11Y ""''""'' w ..... k .. ".:" r-"f.T tu ~ ' · ! '";""" '""""· 1Tr.,.llul'f', (.,..._,, lf11rt1or lkll'· I • • tht> ('llllrll II II<; ... I hi' "'~'"' Mllllll• 'r .. ltlll•ll "' " !<ft+ ... lnl lt.'!l!f'l<.'lllll'lll the Ship rn !!hallu\\ Wlll•r Olt&rtJI ''" "''""'"' "'"" """' """' .. u t IIIlA. t.flU\\1 tlJtlll\l'oolllf' uv.nrot. '""I ,.., ....... U(vW. .... tl .. m~ u a ~r huntlhC.: ill snnlhl'r lhln~ , 1 lh•' pr•• ··•·<lonJ:s ••nd 11f tho• t'ulln d trirrtct 1,1 I>IIY for aarue. Acooni·. 10,;,.,.r 1~ llald tn ~\'e IJro~l>c!d an v. .... k '" ""'""'"' Hodl" "l"'r;t;•r" ~· h•-.lul"'l fut pr.,,...ll~lllt••ll11 ~·;·•I ...,,.ry l'cty P"'- peoplt orP runny RbOII t ~fn!lt n unt · ,11 ~ IIC.:h\.l'.anll dullt'!' '"lh•' lllllt· tn~:ly. lh•' 1.,1111,.111 ... ..,,'t!lh•· n .. ,.,.11• ,,1,.;tn• dnll, hill ,,1;,,.1n'IUIIun 04 ... r Ill•· llurtw•r llrf'" whr> "'" "'"IC l'tHIHroiMV "'"""'II "''''" "'"" S..IU..•AIIl. l:k'nJ•tr lilt. Charlet • will~~ ('T"Il plan ftlr Wl' .. k~ "'"' llnolll\' Ill{ hi I• I ,lttol ""!!.. po•totoun,. "'hit h ' ,, \' ···~""'''"" ~··l ltrlj: ti•rlh !ht ' Ill ""I! whc•n II·· """C.: hi ,,, r,.·, rll'\'t' l'k•··l '" ...... , •• ,..I .. w II h lh•· ~Int.. y ,, hi • holt hoonoor,, ,... "''""'"" ~. h\4 """"~'· I Thr-M•n In " Til hi '"" Whn maay out w rth "l':tr full of rnntptn~ IO .. IIC.:hl ll~t· ''"'I !<t•n<~••• o rdiNonlr fn•l t hat lh•· 1""1"''1) t" ho• ll"· lh,. l•••l fr~tm ltlt· Wlt C.Or l n .. Ill· •:worrt tn ··~t,.hll~tlilnl: "c••nllllllnl "'""''"'"'" "' Ill• '"""'"' lo~oplo) I • ~I""'"' "'"''111'•1 Wo~tden llh•"' •:,.,..,,aJ Mf· C'qUIP.nll'nt 11nd llrl\'t' h omcll f•tl>; nf bdur}' Ute 1 11unnJ bftr,. thl' ,.1~n:l · ~'li!'Mf 1., 1.111,,.111 .. .,f tJt'llrtnj: th .. hal;,lnr I«IUIId u( th,. 1,,..111 fir(' dr· ''"I'"" "VIllf'm w hlr h Will r"w'l"'" ol11o11rr l"lo·rJ ltulh ftcolttna, l"utctl 8bo;l , n h"' _.,.._ mtl~ll But lhnt 111111 "'''"'~"Rr.y _tun•!" .,f '""'" lhan ltfl(l \'lllo•r>. Rnd ltlllllo'll 1111•1 lhlll 1'1•' l'tlut "' lht• unt1••r IIIli' "'"' •1>11 <'lfo'jtnlllllt tl''"" 1\muna ,·,.,,,,,,.,. '" 1.,. 1•"'"""1"'1 Mr• ""'"" ,..11'\crr, •Muunlal,_r ~ • ~ J•.arl 111€'111. wn~ llllllll'dllllrl)' 1111111 1 '"« a t Nf'wpcwt Lalllt """'nlt'l I foollllll ""' •l•'•·r nrf' ,.,.,,. '' ..:·ol.ll Ill ,.,.,.r~ "'Jl.Y Th• ompr"'"nll·nl ~hit II h•· "Pf"•rt •"l"'•l "'""''''hut ..rr .. rt!< I•• rrvl\· .. tilt·"" ~1··~1 .. r lh•• '""' Vot• Ill:< l hotl '"' ''"'"r •I"""'"'' '''' llftzl"'" I I>"''' 1'111 Rullln•, tCtndenJlla'a 8 lnl rlu~Wr lhAII th.tt I ll\'1' In '''""' ,, had lh•· upt o .. n .. r rallln,;: "'' oorolllll: ... ltt•fl••ftll< Ioiii W••rt• llllll\'8llllll( '"" •. "' .:•·11• '"""'·'' '"'"" fllolllll"•l l.JIIItl" It\' I' '01llllll••l••fr ,;. "111'11 ~"1'1"'"' f( II ltulliHII, l('uur1 J ... MonNl\'IIIIVtW,llnU ,, ttnly IC\t•k All ,',, ..... ,", ··lt'<'li<lll '" \'ollt• on t hl' Thl' :I""' r••tnfuroNI l'lllll'rl'll' Tht• h•lfiy """ N'IIII•Vrd lu Hnr hy lho•ll ooWII•'I ~ '"' nn\RI jtlll<ttl ,tlltl 1!1.1~. '""' \4hdl ur•· ~ .. , •• ,Ill 1•·1 llooh Hullillll l4<•h Arm•trona. hour ln drJ\'<' hi \\hi'"' l ht•rt· wert' l 111 "I'""" I, but ('ot y ct.-·rk R mrht< rt hlllklh'llll anti III'IJllll•'IHUio'rA, oh•· IJ K 1• 1 h 1 tra """I< "1111 I'" I rtll """rk "lrl'llt.l,v '"''"'"rv uf hiM '"""'''' If• v. II II"''" t M•·J! urv ~nru1111 t, 1011d Hnward I t v f d~r "'' h I th r n I • olll\ll' ,. UJI1c'. ' •r·· r•.ttllll t''l''''''""' ""' I'XIIf'fll'n• ,.,,. II ,, ... s ...... tur.l ,.,,.,, .. Mil l k II••IIIV '.·.I '•·tt, ol'lrllll'l pen . II r• :td\'ll<n> t A t• ('u~t fl !Ill<' Rll lllfo:no•l1 flo Jlllll••l'l J .. >l>o :l tu'-\6 In ° \Vp w~nt C'Krnflllll( llllfl Wh••rr \\o' ,.,,., 11<•11 \\'fllllll lw flpprttxtmnh·l~· lllo~·k ,.. .. r Trill I r.t.~<. "''" ...... , . l .. , ... ,lll •ll~ .. , •. ,,, .... 1•·•1 '" \'uhrnt····r 1'1\ ... ,; 11"1'"'''" ful l h •· l,lolkol ('11111'1'1"11 . ,., Hll)'lrlllnd K""t JtOt up i'Rr ly lht' Jli'X I nll>mll11!1 -.lf\(l(), and l'IOCP tlw prop<'Hll'nll'tof $:lll,i l4 ilt l'<,lrclllll! ,,, f'lliH118h•ll uf GraL•els to Observe ·'"' :tllMII:IIJI>"Ill~ wlot•rt'\'t•r lh•'"' 1•11\' ~: .... u t .. n l ~ •. ,,. ... 1111•1 I(IIIJoh "'""''" .~ ..... , .. 1 Cll'tlf'lllll<on •rf T th~r" wrrr ntx>ut 11 dn1.rn dl'f'r 'th•· ~orduliiiiC'e had Axpre!l.'~t'd thrtr lh•· ,,1,, o'lll:lll•'f'l l' .. rr1,,. ll ,,.111 U 1 \l'q""'q nrr· ~•·nl ,.,., C'hr•~••·IU!I'II l't.ILJll< fuo tho .,,..,,,.1 llt•ll11•11 "' I.J grszln~t urn und Wll h111 to • uuplt• ••f 11 llhlll!nf'!l< t u hfl\'o• the mlltlt>r ~llh· tw 411~, f•·•·l 1.,111: 111111 1.,.11111,..1,.1,'11 • • ' l •'liJ'I""'"II •I h\' "''' ,.., Hnv to:nrlt:hl l11u• ''" ~niiiNIItl,, .lunlur lilt, .Johll It hunc1red fl't•l qJ \\'lwro \\'1' W\'r•· llllllt•d at th·· ff'j:llltlr (•lt-o'llllll on foppro\'1'11 IIIli'~ ThP lmprn\'"• Eighth Anniversary I ' ..... 1 ""' lllll~ttlfl• ~nl , ... rpo•lllhl l I:""'"'· Jf . 11'"1' Y.yrt 2n<l, II .. Or you could tnk ' II hlkt• alolllll! ·' 1\\'llht\lll >otldtlluunl o'Xp<'n~C' tu Uw ' 1111'11\ lind fllllllll lllj( urr '" h•· 1'111 Me-sa flusint•ss J)ist. 11 .. ;•11 \' ,,,, ""' Nnlllllllol• 1111(1 Nil (''"'"I Oolltrd Yn• hJmo•ll'll Allll trail In lht> Int .. nftert1<Mlll till< ~I'" ta '<pii\'C'r!<> 11 wa~ \'lllt'd tu proct>t>d 1,11,11 .,111 ttnllo·t 111,. A<'l of t Oll 111111 B 0 c rt t' 1 "til "" J•ru••tol•·•l ltv Ill•· 1'111l1 )(I"'' 1nl M""''"" .111111"11 l:lurk,., u .. m . 'nwty'd jus~ slfind and tn<:k 111 t1w• ru:.now..r. ""'""'""""'" lll .. ro•t .. F enal "I'Jlflo\'. y rga n once I Facing t;xlot.ansiun .. , .. I 'I'll\ 'rt1•hy 1•·····nll)' ,,... I 'I• ,,., .... ,... • . II-III a rill A llf'n An· Rtyou. But I d1d11 t hlll'o'l' 1:1111 :-;.': (',.1u 1,111111,1 Rt·<'ll t•xprt'll!!t'd hiM aluf W pruJi'o't UI IO 1~ taken Ut l , • •••·•I I•\ ~;,.,.purl lf111'tlo or C'hnm ""'"' • l;oulll 111>11 l •lt lt Olllllfrrmar •. nnce el~ around lll'l'nli'Cl lo hll\. 111111111:11• ~ .. '" ,,.k,. up the ordl· nn t•tHIV "'''''''""' uf lht• f'ullnl'l:. ,\, (o tloll~ .. 1),,,., ,,,,..,. (If ttll'll as I.A•ust•s ~·~n··d . ,..... ..( ...... , .... ,, ... will hOI hi< t'hllrl•·• I Jfl'kln lint! r?\1011111 Dnn· any gltnll, eeth,er. I gu•ss d t>rr w;r" 1)1\nf"f' 1-:>r Jla!\Sa(;l' M<onc:biy ntght 1\hl!ll ti,,. ro•l\•tltttlun "' tnlc>nl tun •·i£hl ,.,.,.,,Ill ,,.,,.,,.,.,,. In l hl' Hnr I I II "IIIII " •·k• "' 111111"'" 1111•1 '·11•1•·•1 ""''''"'lit yra.r nrlh 'tod, llnlh"r" l 'lllter and JUIIt 1!0 common R_rnund lhPrl' l l.>' >llll ooih••• ''"""' tlmrn \'OI('(od 1\ ~lm· w;ll tw ndt~J>IP<I f,.llu\\111" ''""'l'IP '"" ,;,..,. Mr '"''I Mr.• Hnrnltl .,, " ~· ''' ''" 'I'"' I•"'"'"'"""" dlronl'r Will lot llnlt h J•.,ttrr. IIIWI llnft l'"ually dl I t hru , ., '"unlo•l 1 11111"•~ "''" ,,. v.hllt II 'I k IIYI' W _,._ Jl4'0f'IP hn IIlii tnl•·r•·S tn 1 l•r :o tloloul•·· ltut ol \\'11!' d,.,.,,.,-o ''"" :ontl IIJlJlf.,\'111 eof piRnl< :~nc1 '1{ f:rtlltt-1 w dt n.. t. .. ~t., llf!lll Sun 1 , 1 .,.,1,. '" I•~HI• '"'''1 11 1 '111 tH'•H In ,, • .,,, ~, ... ,.,., Awnnl ,.,.,..11 (J "" fNit.\\' tuld rn•• •t JU~t ,,a _ _..<llJ"' • 1 11 1 ' Vf~"' •n 1 ''11'" ,.., ,,,,,,., t'•• r.1rlv ,.,..._tVfil f lnn~ \,.,,,., ,•.;h.,• ..,,,,., • futtiAn Mn~r,.•tn t. n.,; t•• put 1 ~·· ti'IP~I t••n up tu ,,_. vu ••r .... ,1.,.,, a(u·Rt tun~ dav ufl••rrt•,.•H uu•l • \t'tUil~ &t t\\'u • t t 11 ,~ ru \' .t••ttlthu..: t••·lnJ• htalthy forhunl~r .. tu!lhOitl thn•w "l"'ll·h"ll~·· '"""''' wtwh Will'' ,•·, ,1,1 '•1• :\t •"•'t,\' Mt ~ I•· ,,,.,,. ~~"""''""'Hilly .. ~lt krr, Hhlrl•)l d•er nnd therco I\Jit1 r.'l b<"'n "''" \II ( \"''"'''""RI"" · O I'""R•T•S(' T'-" lno•uh "IK'~ IINrtntr' I · ,t•o•·• '' 11 " • • 1·,~'"' ,,,.l 11-oh F•orr,.ruHn , . . . •••••· ... ~ r~" ... • l•k•• pl:a••· 111 th• '•"'U"I l'hRJ'I<'I, F ''"'' 1 1,1,1.,, ,;,,.,, 1\1• ""'"' killed for )*'&rl! \II 1:onno·n t'!< nf the Harb11r f'11r~"""' lu lh,. r •'l"''' t•f ('tl y 1111 Hr ••n<l\\h\ ,.,.,, M">IU •' 1 jll 1 ,11 ,1,,.11, .. t,.ll 11uo1 \I'C(II.I."' "'11 ""0 ' HI'\' \\• Jl thot'I!J th.fo \\'U\" tv•nt'li)p Jtrt~ . ft \1',1 tt H1 II t I lh P .,r: p . • • , .. ,. h .. , •• ,.,,,."""' l•tll'rallnl( ""mark Tr••IUtltll'r ,;IIIli thoH IWII llo~truL.. ... •. ,,,,,. •.• 1 ,•11 II· t·I••J;Ittffi "''" , ... ( lh I I l l ~ I ' ''""' '•••Il l• >II' "'·''" loR\\r.l . Ill... ·""' ";!'~Y j~llt ~~·;n~I:Atu;tl .. d "~ ,.,, 1 :ollhuuj::h t h•· rl1i1 IS Filii !llr,..· 1 111 (•ooruuu•ol•l Mnr. hoolflt••llty n t y Ill•· l:t.oll•·l~ lo• v.i·, 1 tnll•·tl $11\1~·::.1 ,.,~1 '~',;1 '1:,. ,:'.,',p,..ol ,,: """''' ,, 1• ,. .. ·•I 11 .. ,.. '!\1 ll""f ': ~~~~~'1"'; :;l· ':'•'•~• Ph~ll::: t lnjtll c H!!l' "''·•l·•····r .... ,.,. c r .. u~>:hnn of llAI UdJi!II.IIJrt•:< ,,( !;o•rto'J< l> UCIU G. :.n "'l>!"lr•·ll v.ho•ll ,, ...... I•• hi' lh·· tl I I ,, 1••1 ••• "" '...,,.1 '""'l"'"v hV H .... " .. , '"" • '• qTJA I"" 'W t nar tlM -• ..-" 1•• J''' 1' ''' •• '' \\ t I I I \Itt 1 f'lodllhAif L ~ rP.-. • \\' " F"',(' Pn,.tu• '"" lt>J'h•rl~ that nu\\· tn~t.h·<•nl. thti ,.,.,.,,,.,1 n rd•·rPrJ ~•·• •·nft ••f lt~ klfld •' t •r:-tttl(# C"•Hut 1, k .. 1,, 1, 1, 1 11v I••' "' I• 1 .; •• •I . ...:. •• "u"' ,,,. I·• • "' J ••• 1 Rltr H HRA ()SII•\ . ·11 '· I' -• ' :-; '''''""'' No~:hl t '1111 IH•rmiiiH ,_ _____ '"111 . Bnck dl(l6n' '""'' .. ~4H>fl h~-~· ~'"' ,. !!E:..'~o. !Ill S··r.t •• ,2_.}.'!!.~_:;._:... II l'\~·!!.!~,h•·Mrtn~ .. ~··~ b.· hc·ld In lh~!D!~r.u:..:.:l l.U: !•l'\.:'l..l!lS..$1£;..,-~.....,.,, ,. A.. •• ........ ........ I A I •• u.-.. ~--~ .;.. (U..,~. • . Jh . , •~'••h~• "' ~---u~-· • ,;.,.. "'' m .•1'!W lftlttnnnl'.tlf 11'"11 .,. piAy.d ""·.,.111 ,,.,,. 1,. Ill·· 11r,rth 1tm1 ,f o,,.t ,.,,.,,, ,..,,.,.M It!..-...,., '""' 1 tnp, or I Alire "'0111 a\1! aeon~. l l<ut "\'Po·y ll~hl ,'' ThPrr liPJlC'IIr t (> l t)('tllbl'r &th. t n '"~"II~· d('t,.nnut~ ,\lrxnndfor ftooftlv '"''"""Y ~· 01, .. , 11.,,),1,.,,. 11.,. lo'rtl!'fl'Tiftfllt -<~T"-~,...,..,1<,....-_..,,,.r~ Itt~ ~ ... ,,.,..,. '•J"'' "'1 11"" "''1 11'111111 <'•na -" I lt·••l ~fo11tn11r < lll•rn•r I ~.ah'a nuat S('IIOOI ~t:\\'' IOo• 1·•11'"1 '"'" k• rt>l II·· r••J\I•It.• hilt ... trh 1111'111\'l'fll'\' Ao•t•nrdtnJ.: '" lhr :•rJ!HiliSI fill H, •• , .. Shc\1110 Kl-:1. ,., •• , IIIHI '""'"""' llu l 'lllk•·· I ' '•. ' " '''" • '';"" ... :!tii iJ , I"Y I t•.oltl• '" IIMtlw•·ll INflllh'• IIARftUR ' •• • th··, ol•h 1111 .. h<••·n pn<•r 1111" '" trPnllttr•·r·~ rw•JW•rl. tho· llt•m111 t<rc· otul hv l lr l'l,ot•• • t:•yn••ldl' llr .. , ,, 1,,, .. ,,,,.,,.,,.1.1.,1•1 \\ ., .. , ''"' ~·"~t"''' dt 11,,,,k ( •RRJ"'I) R\' I'R'""SS ~ · '"''"'' ''' ·• ' ' " I!" ' 11" r " Thnm1•m • l • . • -1 -( ~, ·~ .. , ••XJ•I•h'41 •fl • • '·..;,, 1t1 ~ J.,lt phHut 1 Kruurth W TH Rf: ·" r . r .. · , jw," \ ~,,. "'ll ~" •·II:< :o tul • ollh·r In· 11•·11 l'l'lllt•nl 11!4 Ito pnm·ll! · A~l Jf~t.I,I•IU.' \\ )11'1 '' ., •' 1•11~ t lmr r lly 1 w 111, 11 " , , , '"'''" I•~•, , .1 '• If • I! "• • I"'" '·'"'' I · Rt•gmmn~: w oth thl' flrl'l .......... , l••r(••n•n•··" \l'rt•lll Whh'h With IU'I'Inl ·r~""'~' ut iJo•ll•• ........ lit """' II I r I '""'' T h• "'"' ,,, ,. ,, ., .... Ito •I• ''""'"""k ' (' J r -h Il l • f ff "'' lrl• .,,,, ' \\'tl•••h l ~t;JitlM •lt~trf,., nf !<ChM,., 1111 tho• lnlr!<l (nul A IIIX<·~ ROd All!41'll~n1PniH mnk II lhl' ·••ll·kn•o\\11 ''''''·'' r~p1!1lllt Ill ( 1 r1 .,1 ~,,1., • ;. rl II• th'• '"'•''' ,' , ' IIII I . H ...... IT ... h . t ,, ~~· I I I ,~, ... !11 ,:-; •• ,.h ... f Utttt•l ! B••tl d l'\'l'lo)pml'lllll at :'\t•\\ l"•rl '"'~·• I.Cic \1. II 1'1\R."n~. inc II Ill Mi ll''•• I'XI'f"l'd lhP m11rkr·l ~ru•o·ud ,.,,, 111 • " ,.;r,. w I hi' 1 111 11 ,.1 •• , ro If\ I••·' ,. • · , , 1 , ...... , "'•II • I• 1 '" , , ~ I "'' ..... I • I .,,.,, I ''"'""' I I·""""" :l.dtfl&J ~··L A""X"" CUAdu•·~ •wMJU)I.J?'Il,l ul cu:to I ltlflu· t1f the )11nlt!1 lnUJl\'t tl ~1\I!JI 1.)' .\I.~.S.LL\.J..u... ' t-rm111n1T"-..-..t"tt<~<" _,... ... n , t"'" ·-~-~ """""" fie(-~...._ +o Mr II'"MI!I~ '""'I'' r'•rf'fl'rl-n~l'f(f'l'N'it~ ll'r\11 '{"ttyt ~1.,.-;;-~'Pt\~ 1nfonff.eof'I~,"~Mf";~;;.;..;..n~ H'\;'·r,,,, v ~ . ..fi',f:"1'~f.~~¥.;;:t=fY-'"":-:''tl'~~\ f',....J;T;-11o'in-r.:"r-....... ..,., ..., -~ to P!'t!ll!l rcadt'r!l thrltUJ.!h 11 v.'l'<'kly ,fi,~:<l•al ,.,.r 11rrlln'g11. \\'hll~>'!l Ar·' Pt1 lh~> rnunrll nf r"''"'P' ~f n l"l•: thr \\'tl~ht.t •· l 't•· l·:t••rlnn r hllrf'h '"" 1111,,.,'\l .,.111, 1, v.•IJ 1,. .• ,.....-11,.,, '·'• ·• 1, ·· h•n•H "' :'l••wt••••l '4fon l<'" (.lu..,. j(rraTr'nn tv·w~ , . .,,.,.,."~'' tn "'' ~11n !"''""''' ,.11 Hrolhna l~h•ncl 1~ ••ff~'r lo•r fr<tlll V>nllr r RtnH•no1R ln'whl<·h I .. •~> An~r••l••• \',., H>JIIItlf'rll l1\' 1,, M t "''" Mt ·· l ';,rk•~ , •I"" '"" 111111 '''"'""' 1.1, r, 11 :t.ovl, ~··Wt•"rt lfl\r· piiPd h~· 1f.,r11•·•• (' .. '.::"'kt•J. o·oa•h 111..: 11111~,.. lll\'t•rs 1111 up tu .l~r th•· wrtlt-r llllt lo·ll .lhRI ll 11u~y •1r ;,,,,.,. M1111•l ll.tl•l "H,d MtAII l.o11 'lh•·lli.rol 111 (.,,.1 111111 v.oll '"' .,, !\It !\1•• l•ll111 ~~ wn~ ''''""'ilv 1 ,, I< ,11111.,1•11111. •F~o lh•·r N•P·· --... t,.Jia rl~l)l' IIIJ,; h " ( trn rn lfllllllt•· s l:t l••mc>n.l "' \1 h ill I h!' Jlllh · h .... pr• tjWrl y lty s.,., . .., .. r If tlystl d "'•11111 c :rtotl• I Ill. .. >I( 1\l'dll INI I ", ••••• , "" •• '" •••• .,,,,, ,,,,,,.,,1 ,. ', '' • I "' ,,,.. dJ ··•1..: '''I! Ill )II ,,, I I ,,r. lilt II M ,.,, .... "''I :lt ll, NI'Wfl<•rl /~tr J'l:al'k•\j , "-*u bll " ht'f'fl •. ,.., 11' II•H.Sidf"'rS the· 11\U~t Jl'tflUIR r ht"'t "'r••k f't•\'t•Hit•t1 thAt hi" rtt nl, "~p·•t:tJ lli lt ,, •• ,., .. rn ... n,t ,., '-A fl••';t• lt\1'1111 \\U~ n•d ,,., •. ut••· ,,,,,k, •• ,,j ~1 ,t'l,.llu': Ut l1 ~,,, ''"''"''' '"''litf (,.,., .• ,..,o r C'•thl nt'C.l l'd With thr llu tlll•f Oii,"'?l r..-yw•fi· .. TJlt lr 'poll (•or l hUI WN'k lnj( Willi olnt•!l t•Xt<·n<l 11\'f'r '"" rtly 'wlll ,,. 1{1\'"11 ... ·" •·'dtl<'k th,. lo)' Mr· o;, .. ,. '""' ... , .... , l•h• .. , .......... , "'' ,,, •. , .. "'"'"'"' IIIII'''''·•""'· t'llf'O'IIII ulty (n r ,,0,1 ,,.,:;.k!" t" ,00f~-wtll be.-.. !Q!Jnd slr~~t &l unf' JHunt ,, ••• ,1. fH.rth•:l • nt1r~ pr••l''·''" I• .._ '''pt•A \tt'tS hi Tht· ""•dh huff,., th•• t.ualtSu1•· • ~tlit.,r rH • H,,,k '"'"''"'' ut '" 1\ ""'"I f~•·'"''" HttY t."un trnunaty thlln clalnu><l, hy C'ot)' Eng,,..,., '< •HJ ,, 'I'" k ,,,,. ,.,.,~ Tt.~ '''" ,,..,.,. ,,.,.. ,,c.:•·, 1 1,..,, ''" lu• '" ,1., .. ,1\.uo·, ~ •• u :Znd , ·~·oil~ Wo .{IUIUlolllllll puhiH'R l111n~ ThP PN',.~ "ttl :. '-" • 11 rr,· l'l'lnlflll'll' rt·~IIIH•' nl 1-''0t•nol ht .. 11 !IChMI n,.w .. \\ hi• h \\'Ill lw• pr"' I I I'd h\' Ml"l' Sh11 lo·\ \\'o·.~>:hl ~· , .. '' I vear' Jf'Urnnhl'lll· :<l t~d•·nl ""'' rlau~htl'r M ~tr 1111•l M1• 1; \tl•. son \\'n~o,:ht. t~·ll• .. r wh• 111 II, .. ,. lf'nJ,! tw•·n , '''•'l''' '··tl "'t h tt11 .. -f'urth 1-:.o~tRI•· \'ICJUSI!'IT I.CI( \ Tt; .. llf.Rt: sa~hll ,l,,,.,,l,•••n nalt""""'' knt>\\ n '''"'' t•rl \ !"""'~' ''·'~ pur ; ha~Pd nUl ••I t h~· tilt ~· f1\t-. .JnlPt 11 Burnhl'm r .. qt•l•'"'': prc,pcrUl•ll 11 t 1!195, Of'••~< n rrnnt. lull hull Mr-Jnl'obun, ~·hn 111~" nHtln tainll 11 •hornr al Rlr hltl'ld. <,;nnn . hall apent the pJIAl three eu mmert J~e Harbor •~•. to Rt~cf•i,·f' Rifl~ and Otht.»r Arms ~ ~5:;~ ~~ -~--·-· ''""' Joa rs., .• , 'I lo••lltl• ... •ll lh•V l•la1ul, hi. 1, M ll•o\lt• lli<ll"•lt fill , C' lf:.l'old ftup k '"" I:'""''' ;IIIII, I: ... """" llniiNoll l•l1111<l llll. W ilbu r ll Houollt tou<l II lll>'olt l,.l,.nd. 'lnll, c 'luu I·., '""'""ltv ,rite 1' 'llnHpital lvr•l hl'r" Jat" Pill h ••f A nlll'f'W lfom11rcllnu &nil Ill 1414 "''"lln IIU:h. r rl•lltl' In a aan .t "'1111•rnl llf'r· !lll,.r•lay In ""''""' <lr. I IM'I'II hrllll llf u 'a Ill tlvr haY· W1110 prun1ln,.nt " 1•11l •rvrr th" , ...... ,.,.., .... at.~~ pn •·Ill ,, N.-w. , l 'tt• ltlr < 'nlllll'll n•l r,... rrllll .. n-.1 -----· -r--~· airman lt,.tc·r.a •mtr.orma., hM '" o f thf. IM!WI)' 'ftunty Ha,._r "' Cl ......... Ana aiMI eper- l &ftf'tlflracce, 1e I Oft u.e CIOID• •" •' i: ... ... WIDE CIIICn.ATIOS 1 Santa Ana Re(Uiter. Sept 8. '411 WN!nuday·a w 'ue of ihe Chi· AN IHDEI'&HDiiNT l-OCAl. HI.'WS/'AI'Ii/t ~----------• Clllfll Tribune reproduced an edt· PublloiMd every Tbunday evenln( at Newport Beach, C&llfomLI torml from the Newport-BaiOO. ~ an~~ Prtnunr Plant at 2211 Cout Blvd.--Telephone .Hill l'rcll". :-JewJ>ort Beach, California. in-... ---U-NCO_·..._,-od--clau matter June 18, l940, at the polll office at Th~ todltonal written tor the New-"N.!:..... .. Sea h. Calli fa d th A t f M h J 117" puri·BiiiWII pa~r thus ca1nt<l a ~-..-• c om · un er e c 0 , arc · 'cln'ul atwn of over a rr1lhvn coplH. • . .. NEWPORT-BALBOA PRESS JUDGMENT DAYS By_w_xEE MAXWELL . .P~rhape, when you ;,ere a youngster in school, you tr;ee to evade the ordeal of "examination" by playing truant. You knew you couldn't' pass, because you h:1d negl<."<:ted your ~otudiee and "exammation day" loomed large with terror tv your eye.. So you dodged the issue. u you thought, by Ntay- ing OP,t of .achool until the test waa put. Later. you found . ·~ ., ' ~· Thuniday, September 11, 194'1 ~~ts peace and lleCUrity (or his native land.' but We 1Uipect that if there waa nothing lett to fig~t a~ut he "w?uld die of, a 'broken 'heart, grieving for the days of fire and brimstone. Aa a matter of Jientimea~d thi~; has no bearing on the question at issue-we bo .. Hiram never loses his 1hooting iroiUJ. Right or wrong, he'1 a pand old gladiato~·:-<Free Preas Service). OFnaAL NJ:W8PAPEA OF THF. <'TrY OF SEWPOaT IIEAL'H The •'<~•tunal was headed. ----.,.---,-. ----..--. t \\'av u. Attain National Unity." ·rh .. Re((LSier reproduced thll ed· otvrod vn AugUit 4. out that you. didn't Jodgt> it at all •. but only addt!\.1 to your IJ!!"~'._,,., .... ~,.,.,,., .. ,~,.,.,,., .... ~,., .. ,~,.,.,,. .... ,~,.,.,,.,, .. ,~,.,.,,. .... ,~,.,.,,., .... ~,.,.,,. .... ,.,.,,., .... ~,.,.,,., .... ~,.,.,,.,._.,_~w-1 troublee; the test ha'll to come some time, and when it did F 1 T Z pAT R J' C K '-S· W'tn. A W&JtweU and W. H. Httchman. Owner1 and Pubhahen WW. A. MAX Wi:U... li:dttor W. H IJITCHMAN. Circulation and AdverUtii'\M NELL MU,RBAROER. Local New• Editor -----" . Tbe p,_ hu bMn adju4(ed ·a newspaper .of r eneral ctrculatwn by d«rM of the Superior ,Court of Oranre County and 11 fully quahfted t.o p®IUih all klndl of leral noltc:e• )lnd advt'rli.Mmenlll ---8UB8CRIPTJON RATES· t • Ia o.-an.e County, $1 .00 per year. ()ulllde of Qrar1ge Coupty, 1 1.~ A" Wuhingtoo correspondent sumK up the recent chan~· ea in the defense program in this terse sentencl": "Th(• de· fenee program now has a new )ugh comma nd but.1t still ha~· no commander in chief." -•---.....,...-· .After aJI -tll'e ~t,her controv~rsaal quest10ns nnaweffif {or given wpl. Art ~rBri~e of the. La -----·---~- Seeing the numerous pickf'ttn~ strikeO; mart'hinK bach and forth in front of vanouK l..o!'l An){<'le~; 'busint·~ hou~·s . gives ua the idea that theRe f<'llows might W<'ll ~· in l 'n(·l,· Sam'11 army where they could march to thCJr heart's content. ---------•---------We admit our inability to fathom some of the wqnderH of eclence. A Loe Angeles aviation ran claims an airplane will be perfected in the not far distant future that will' travel futer than eound. So. we won't hear the pla ne coming until 1ome ·ume after it arrives, eh '! ---~~-·--------- Tho:;e w.ho had hoped tht> shifting of labor in the na · tioaal dden.e program would a id in the solution.of the m• grant problem in the west(•rn states will he d~ppomtcd to learn that no less than 8000 migrants per month ;u·e st ill arriving in Southern California. most' or them coming to co~e you were wo r:'t(' prepaied tor lt'tban ever. And w6en \\'111 A Maxwell 11 the editor ,{ lht' !l:e•qXIrt·Balboa PrN&. He hu:. rvJt ooly .brour ht Newport lleM'h before a mllhon homu , but thl' philosophy of freedom and rrunkncs11 .. a>~ expreu~ In ' the ··dottll'llll. ~&ciiiV advert~.~ea the cl].ar· llct~r •A 'he cit y . you if'ew oldet-anJ w1ser. you realized that you hadn't hurt NEWPORT-BALBOA'S ONLY the teacher or ycn!r parent.s or anybody in the world except D s younelf; you wen · the \'j~tim of the cheating and you paid ' epartmen t tore the penalty.· , · • • IIO..U • .a _ _. __ _. M _... dl ~'Examination" waa me'*ly a chitdiah judgment 'day. a 7 ..... ,,........ e ....... all M And it waa a hunJrt·d fold easier, wasn't it, than the t~toret. at ••llo..U7 llc!!.ei'IIMd Price. "TttKt;t,: \'n"lL IUGHTS" of judgment days that cam.:: ~long to test you in aftt!r life ·: iSTABLISHED IN HH4 ' II Ill ~uprernely lmpurtant now If you -learned th(; I~MSOI'I of evaded "examinations" from . OcNft Frottt at lln.l St. HEWPORJ BUCH ttl fucus attenavn on the tact __ .,_,h,...,.l daye;-yo u probably-' learned that it was ·not only ••llh•ough ••~rt•Jally everyone In imJX*!ible to dodg,· j~dgment days in the larger reJatiOIUJ of hulllru•88 r~ogmua the nahtc of '-'OY""" 10 c~ -.rk w to •trtke. life, tNt that it dw~n·t pay. The show down has t o ~'orne. Tht-'l'he World's Newt Seen Thro·=-'- th .. r.-1.s a right ullolkr our form of ~an who ia prepart'd doesn't dread it. But the man wt}o post· ""5 .. ~·1\t'rnment whiCh IS. and m!Lit pones it-and trW" lll 5~odge it only finds his troubles ar~ THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR ,·nntanul' to be. more fundamenuta~l~~~~~~~~~Y£~~~!~~:77";;-;i:i:::::-~:::;=:::::--;::::-~----,....,..,.::;..;~~~=~~~~:;~~WY:nrt!Y"'-----jl-----·- 1.,t;ht '" work . ne-oiC>R'ianH ll~t·d t u us a Biblical judgment djl) l'nl .. r~:~ mt'n ant! women who want when the peoplc~uf a_ll ages sh ould be a8'8embled a round thr 1" wurk and earn a llvmr tor G 111 .. rnutvea and thear f,.m,he• c'" .reat ThroQe V• n•cetvc r:ewarda and punishments. Every do ,.., undt>r peaceAblt' rondiUona deed of good or ~\'II was written in the book of the record- "nd "~1lhnut mol~stai !Vn, little of 1 d h J I f • )) t h · 1 lni;. ange an t t' ut ge o a e umverse ste~ y and sol- "'" bUallttod ~d"·•dual fret-dum ~ crnnly gave j'ud'"'1~nt on the billions of morta~ who had h·fl . . ,.. .. The·Govt>rnml'nt shnuld not, rven paaaed on to imm<trtahty. It was a thrilling picture and Oil•! •n a alate of lk>ctared .emf'rt~ency. to inapire awe ui the breasts of the imaginative. But tht: lak .. t~ver lht-l'flnllol of private property requared tor national de t heologiana seldom SJ~ak of this im posing scene any more. tf'nse tu\t•l 11 ,bare eurted every They linow. a~ all of us know, t qat every day is .ludg- .. tht-r elto!:t :--·•thin •lM power tq ment Day in the hft> of mankind. They..Jtftew that an indefin-f'lll~thhHh .and malntaon peace in, ,.11d production by. natwnMI deCenM Rble spirit within us-which for want. of a better name we ,.r .. nu The 1101e Julltltiratlon tor call conscience-Is holding "examinntion days" every cora- n(T upat•on or priVate property '" scioua hour that we live. T~ey know, as we an know out of I•• m.sure maximum defen-.e pro· .turt1on wh1ch ·,nherf'ntty requtrea personal experience. that there is no evasion of t he test l'rott'CUon of the cauuru· r:ght to &.nd no ~pe from the judgment. ./ wvrk · · · Furlh41r. It •hould Ullurt! We have learn">d that the "judgments of God" are not lhf' owne-rs that ttle property Will l.>t' restor~ Just as 1100rt ., peat e· written in the hghtnmg. or the earthquake, o r in afflictions It Tnadtful--coft.trwti~Uabla..d-P .... fr-5......-.&. .. -li4itoriale Are n-.ly and Ia-a•e aad ha D.U, .......... T...a-with tiM WHkly M .. adne S.Ctioe, MaM .. Me.it« • ldMI N.....,aper few the H-. Price .IZ.OO Y....tr, or •1.00 • Month. · ........ , x-. iadudiq Nepa.U.. S:.,cion, 1%.60 a v-. lntrodYCt4Ny O.w, 6 ~1' C.nca.. • ()ko1a•ble aaa CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. REA'DING ROOM 111 &A8T CENTilAL AVJ:.NUE IIALIIOA. CAUFO~ ' -~---• QUALITY FO.ODS COURTEOUS ··SERVICE FREE DELIVERY ·•blr "·orktng '\."ndlttona are aaa1n or miafortunes, but in the CQn~ien~ of men. We have ceased u~ '" plaut ol' toealttY .. to flatter ourselves with the "strorig delusion" t hat the -----•-----Th••re are thre~ vtlal rightl ot •• • our c~t1u-n11 w,hich mu•t have the-ruler of the un1\·ersc takes time from the care of milllons of Loe Angeles county. People_ from coast to coas t.:. in ~very rank and f!tation, full prot~ctton of government: worlds and brings about special di~pensations in the realn• bow their heada in respectful triblfte to Sara Delano Hoo~·-1 The right to work In any law· of nature to an·nge himself on us infinitesimal atoms of our • ful occupaUpn. · evelt, mother of · the Pn•sidcnt. who pasSt"d away at· her •2. Th~ nght to refuM to work. real or fancied off('nscs. We are coming to undersland that home in Hyde Park. New York, IMt Sunday in her eighty-:l. The riCht to the fruit or •uch the power of choice-the prerogative of selecting a co~rae eeventh ytar. She was a truly great woman a nd had lived a lrtbor H<:Urlty In the ownenrhlp of good or evil-must bring with it the power or passing . nf pro~rty. wooderfully complete life. and it was her time to die. Her The flnrt duty of covemment 1.1 judgment on our acts and executing the order of punish· oaly eon hu the sincere sympathy of millions of his coun· tn pret~erv~ thtJ~t right• throuch ment or reward. 2110 ~cean ~roat, Newpol'l M~ts> Grocerjes • Vegetable~· FruHs Telephone 633 ~n. t~maln~~nu~~wa~o~~ -~ 9c~~ woo~rlkdL-J~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~-~ ~~-~~-~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~-t~"~~~v!e~n~t~ha~t~~~o~n~e~o:f~t~h~e~m~n be demnationof fnendgand neigh~~ mud hurt. But the one nullified without dutroylnr th~ punishment that e xceeds all the punishmenlA of public con- fabric ot our form of govnnmer.t. tempt, the lost t>steem of friends and neigh~ra or the penal· For One Peaay Military •trategU!ts I the fellows rho fight the wars or. JnP.•· with pep and 'thumbtacks f~ army divisionK an<l panaier unlt.a) declare that Hitler will switch· the main Get· man offenalve to Africa if and wh<'n they get a' stra ng!<' hold oa Ruuia. That's the big IF. but nobody can blam<' the Nui8 for wanting tO •ide-step a winter in Russia ven tf the alternative ia to fight the British and Free French on the A.fricaD aeiert. ---------·--------- Commenting on the pen&tent rumors from Wuhing- ton that a "Umited cenaorahip" of the preu and riaio may be iDvoked by _legislation, a Califo rnia editor says "In th1· dietator countries, freedom of the prea~t~ was one of the firsl freedom.a to fall under the axe of government d("Crcc .. Takt' eway a mania. right to say what he hof\estly thinks. aml you eet the ltafe for a nation nf puppelA. all uancing to the vic:ioua muaic of aubUe propnK;3nda. It has happened in other nations. We dare not le t it hap perf h<'re ... ---------·--------- . In aD· Ohio school. teachers launcht>d a campaign. ict teachi.ng children "how to behave." Among th<' finot ICJUWM in the .curriculum m t.hosc which embra<~ in>~truction on decent conduct in public place!i. Plainspok<'n obscrv<'rs will agree that the instruction iK prct ty genl'rnlly nt'<'dt>d. Bm l! i1 a discouraging thing wh<'n the Job of teachin~ c hildr<'t. how tq. behave devolves upon public IWhtH•I t eal'hers lnRtead of upon tht parents. Then · Is ont• form of "surrt>ntl<'r~'d sov- e~ignty" in this country whil'h is real and not a politit-al bugaboo wh~h i8 fu m ol't' ~n~ertiUH then arty <'lmjufled up by the opponenlJI o( the r~lt•ral admmistratwn. That IS A. W. Hawkes, pr~stdent of the C'hamber of com m~rce ot the ties of the I.a. is the puni.Ahment of the inner mentor. Nu t1ntt~ Statu. in Nation'• Buill· other man iB ever so stern and inflexible in his jwigment pf ne.u. you aa you are of yourself. Men live and die with their "lfAT (1, 8. 80LD,I:att '1111NK AIIKWT TME A•MY ~l~teH from 12 alatf'l, a cro.- J'ecllon of the nation. told thUI fn. dex ~porter Saturdly jult what they thourtat ot Cam p Woltenr. the Army In cenerai. Ln. recent aur · I(PJ'IIon of Congress that llf'ltctf'ell h.-kf'pt In the army beyond the ~·f'nr fnr which they were Mlected crimes and their r.hortcomings hidden (rom ever y external eye. but tbt>ir outward ease is a lie: conscience is "always oil the job," and the departure from their own h igher stand- ards is punished a.a inflexibly and inevitably as if they .were l on trial before a merciless autocrat.· Mark Twain goee so far in his estimate ot this stem inner judge as to scout-the altruism of the thing we call "self- ~>acrifice." He aaya: "No:.man.. ·haa ever sacrificed himself in the co~~"-1 11lonlf wtt h mnn)t of the pen~tlal' · · tt1f'll connf'CtN! with their. urvtce '" meaning of that phrase-which is ~If-sacrifice for another th~. Arm, Yt· 1 · ·. alone. ~len make daily ~acrifices for otherH. but it is for ... <'n n f'rv ewtod wnf' from lhf' . . . t :o111 1e~ of Flnrld11. Kf't.tucky, llll· 'lhelr.own sake ftrsl. A man must feel better for domg a duty noiJ'. North D11knt11. New Yortt, than -tor shirking lt. t\'a!<IJingtnn. Arkllnsaa. California. "Takt> the case of the Berkeley Castle. a British troop Have all the cleanest hm in the world at the . •' -A.J ·Il-X ·A .. RCADE Lnul11lana. Ar1Zona. Montana and . . . . . · Vtr,tnla. 'Thf'y were picked 111 ran· !'hlp crow~('d w1th sold1ers and the1r WIVes and ch1ldren. 111-• w.w STREET, B •LJIO • dom aa they walked along the There w:u; room in the ~ats for women and children only. P&AAR A A ('amp Wnlt.n~ hllfhway, In front 'The colcmr l lined up his regiment on deck and saft.l : 'It is our '•~II!IIJI!Illll~~~~~~----~-~~~----~~-.. "' bllrrAckll. In thf' m4'11S hall11. At · . lhf' rt'<'reAtton dub. 11nd hardl\' duty to d1C' that they may be saved. There was no murmur. without an excf'ptlon. hf're arf' th~ no prott•!'t. The boats carried away the women and 'children . ~"~:."n~:;~pr~\;~~~ .. :r" ill a ftnr "\\'h('n the death moment has come the colonel and bi~ e11mr. lhf' off•c•·rl' trf'rot thf'm w~ll. office rs took their several posts. the men 11tood at 'present,' ~r•plln .. L~ strict. but u 11 ~hould and so. a;; on dress parade, with their flag flying and drum:; ThAt thf' meNall. 811 a whole ar~ bt•atmg. thef went down. a'i!laC'Tifice to duty for duty's sake. •wy It"!.~· .thf'y g~t plf'nty Jo ea~. Tht•y Jwt·r<' .soldie9J with a soldier's pride-a soldier's sel~· ~tnd wh''" not Ju.~t llkf. they ~rot 111 respect They had to content a soldier's spirit." • I ,. I. I ·- --, --~~v~t)k.Qf Cad~~~~ )Wm.r. lhl~ <'OII It1 nnt he fX~Ied J'.he m ap Who finda ll£e.~· ·ing muat-CODleDt ~ tnt2 this 4~>rllrt. own bcttM' sptrtt. Judgmeont d -. 1s e\'ery day. A nJ tnere ls .,. .rw• -----,.- r l'ntal responsibilities h an not already lx'<'n turn~ ovl'r to the teaehen are rapidly ~.ing paR!Wd on· to board~. commi11· sioM and juv~nile b~reauR. Wht•n ynu ar(' wo.rrying about the crime waves and the much dilicUISScd laxity of youthful morals, give this angle of the propo~1t ion a thought or two believe that the war 111 Europe iH a cont('st bt-twt·un l:>'Cmtl· cratic Freedom and ~azi Enslanml'nt-that if Ge?manv .,'ina the war abe will hot n,'<'d to <·onqut'r America b\· ft~rc:' -. ~( arm.l but C&n Undermmr tlUr t'COnlltntC l'Xhst<'nt•(' by. S h\\'t' labor and control of Uie !!('as n-nd :u~-ays. Oth1.-rs i:'Hntt'lhl -that the pre.erit atrugglt• is merely II continuance of th<' frt'· quent wara of put centur1es and that other wo..ald-bl' ron· queron will a!Ue on the scene of action enn if H itler L~ subdued. TheM people-u patriotic and al-l mtelligent a~ their nei1hbon who think we should ge~ into the w.ar with· out further delay-believe we should abid(' by our tradition- al awidaDCe 'of ent engUag alliances and prcf)are t o 'defend our owa·country from any alien power or combination of powen. A full frank atatement by the Pres ident would help to unit£' and cryatallize the wili of the peop~('.: T .ct ·us hope the Preai· dent will make euch a statement· in his radio addreaa this Tbunday evenia&'. .. llll'nl 14'f'nl to be trylnjt to furn illh no c~admg of the verdict. lliM'f' ltnd morf' .-ntf'rUinment for -·--__ ·-·-------r-......l,_,.... ..... ------------1 lhrm Thllt tht>~· bf'lif'vp tn•\t th~ C"o<w· rmmtlnt !lhNild lf't thf'm """'" n Y•':lr. if lht•rf' Ill not, ACIUIII war, lrl thrm go hmf'. And thf'n If an BALBOA .. ... I Jl££ BIDBS, Jl££ CONCBSSIONB·· Hiram who -ft1~M!"d-+l---.... ~------- lson.' t o bo~~his h ~--··· ·--. s~· ... Prnrllratiy . 'm11n lnt~>r· Ill dC'l•'at apd disillusionment. And friend and foe alike. a:, · c \. o'WN1 Will' R~k('d llbo\11 Utf' lllalf'· • • · · I m.-nl gf'n .. rnlly throu~h th,.· P~l'~ 1they rrad Senator. Johnson s charactertsttc hom<'·comm~ lh'l t ntRny would "jtO 0 \'t'r tht' I bla~t . ·an.foubtedly remarkt-d : "Wen .. I, sec Hir~m·s still ill lull." "'""mn~r df'llf'rtlon. 11hnutd fu::ht InK trim." ... I hr\' hf' kf'pt m th~ amw O\'f'r t'hr 1 :J ~ . · -yt·n·r·!l orll<'""' tm1f'. 11 nd not on" -If ~ dU expect us to take Htram on in thia editorial in an Willi in t~ympRthy w•th 1uch an &JI'· attrmpt t.1 prove that he hasn't kept pace with the bombl'rs l'ertlon .. '~· .• w. C'llmeron In the which ~pan the seas and r oar o\·erhead. ·you ar e doom~d to M uwral \\ells 1 Tuaal Indu. . • · 1 ____ thsappu111tment. On the 1>the,r hand. if ypu exfl('ct us fo de·. TIIROWISO THE oot·ott · fend hi:< po&ltton.-and argue tha t he is leading a great cru· 1 ~n11tor R·'"~' ~~~~·~ If 8 11111n hlld sade t •• save America from t-am agt> and disastt'r. vou ~tood on thr l<hOr('!l ot the Sf'& Of shouldn't read any further.' . . Gahtf'e wh•'n C'hnat waa born anc1 The thing that inte'l'('sts us most a~ut Hiram. :u• hl' thrown IPO mt" th t' ~1\ ~''·~ry m1n'· lllf' SJn('e It would juat approXt· ('(')ebrateg bja 7~th birthday thiS WC'ek. iJ; th faCt thft-t -811 mlllf' thf' r~llm11ttod nm~tv billion his lift-hi! hal been A Wl).rrior. always in a battle. or ~ettin~ d"llar <'urrt>nt r n,Jrr&m of. ~XJ"'f'nd· lturt's 10 wh•ch t'ncle S•m •• rom· rtady for one. Yet the passion of his lif<' if! pcac('. He is as mtttf'IS .JH':'ftmrton S..etl N•-.. contradictory u the world we lh·e 'in. More than all else ht·, UNTIL 6 P.M. • '<)' •• LEAR~ TO ~\nt ! ChDd"'n "111 learn w llwlm. \\11~· not t.f'lu'h them t.o IIWIN rorrec:Uy! . . Rule Paplcll, Soutt""~t Dh·tnl( • Cham~tlon. and lnetMICitor o1 ~wtmmtnr at .t'nh·f'n~lt~· or TnM '" rtow opealnr w. a.a... • ~ of dh·tnr and ""1nunJn~t tn't~llon. Child~ a "pec;ilaltJ'. lnatru<'tloa 1(1\'fn at Balboa. or at berw-b bOIIMl. ~ ....._ So. I for appehltmf'llt. / .._ . ·I r .. t I Lucas DENnST • h "'· O..b-.1 PboM lf.lt NEWPORT BEACH DR. C. J. CARTER Deatbt Roofl ... Plal.a • Spec:uhy Pboue 1529 Newport Blvd., Coale Ne .. Otftoe ~: II . Ralph D.·.Hoard Pit,.._ _. 8v..rpoe O.teos-tll ' r \ .. , ... ,· NJ:WP()RT·8At.BOA PRESS ' u-~-1~ u~_,· li)'\\~IIAi 1t twu ·uuloCI'I ••.nus SchNUlt•' Gl\· ... n lt~l'l( OS._'i,C H £01 u . ~~#f....__ bu thllll<.ll\lldtu oor~~wlthllm~· •· " ~----·-- 8 .; ~MU .... ·-o-lrine drop~r . Now, a t ltw for Rem..tration L':l'~·,l·h··Lro·l~ "' "'''"''' I~CI III•:;IT - -~. ' ~ ~ ~e of a year. It '• only about aa t;•""' • 'hur. It "ho·lf' ~urtdll\' Some> lhlnp thert· al't' l can't for· blf a a an uver·•laed ·powder-putt !lot Harbor Hagh Maoo.... ha,.,. ,,.,..n lwt.J •t~<•url"' &t't · and hall the bf11ht~J eyu you • I rum 7 tu 11 •' ,..,., k throu,huut , A rtt'loJ uf wheat. a summt>r aky. 'mOIIl ever aaw . . . Rttatrstlon ol •tullo·tol s at St>" the •umnu·r "''"~"" ''Ill llt'ltt Sun I A w ... st 14,nd aonJ:ang '" tlut corn. • ('IOrl Harbor \]Ilion lla~h lk'h\>t>l wtll <hly return '" ol• 111111nl ••·ht'\lul" · An uld raul t ... nl't' th .. r!Mld r,.p A real, hlltWIIt·to·&•IOdn ... dep· he 'made next \\'I•Jr .. ·!4day a nd \\lth Mu!'lo•>~ 111 " till 111 1'10 1u1.t • by • pity &hl'rtft· told lilt> thla'n . Thuractay. Sepl. 17 llthi HI. n'J>t~rl.c l1 '' "'""'k ""I"'''" 1111> Kt•\• P J I An url'hau'd rh:h a'n flow.-r ur trull The uth~r d;oy 11 frantll' call ITtnclpal 8 . H. Oa\'lllsuu U.-nr)· 1 Tht' ..:lint uf aul\laght on th~ ~me h i the aherltf'a ufflct-. . . Juniors and ""'"t ' \\&II[ rrt.:lll· AI 11"' 11 ''" H111l~•-.' l~lnaotl ' l'tt't'S A · big burly dnmk rnan, with a ter Wedn~Y art.rnoun lltlt\lt't'tln t'~l\tr,·t~, ~~ \'t,.r:u.' ~""'"" Mu>~~ Lll~· httrt' my :IOU I and leave tt lk.'llr llll hill ftU't!, Will! tryma to 1 :00 a nd 3:00 o'chM ~ ""l•ht>U1('f'••l! I" Ill lirr·o·uflo·r r~. hvhl "' " :•(\ II mutl' force hill way anto tht' hum~ of " Tttursday momln& frum !J flo''' 12 111 · 11111"''"' "' tt.l : uo KtltJ I' IIII I 1...>1'\1 tall my lift> wtlh lhlng• Ct~J~ta Meaa worn~tn. u'clock. and freah11o•~n. Thuflldjjy '' l'h'<•k "11 """ "''''" llll' I""'''"'" 'like I hello' "Coml' qlll{'k !" ~'& llht'. "I'm all afternoon from 1 .~.1 ,,, :1 00 thr••u..:h••Ht llw ~.,111111,.1 Bt'n H . Smith alonl' 1\nd lutvr Otl ~un and he Baia lk'bt~lulto PITH" .. AaAUa4 .. 1t!'6 "'on't lt•ttve~·· . So. 111ren• •hraeklll" and I'\HWI drawn. ll patr of il~ttt'pld d .. puttea burn .. d '\Jp mnt· nul.-11 ol ro.d to tht• wumlln's hume 'nit' bu• tchedut .. l••r ro•J:llllrn · l'hh ko•fl~ ur. , ,.,11onto: ,.,.11,.. t .. • lion da)lll only Will t.,. "" '"II""" I r•••llt 111 llo·rllrl , '" It" F But No. 1-L.•tn • lh•• ha~h ll<'hool ~l 12.30: 1111h "''' .\\'h1llh•r 'Thr '"'' 'l,tol• '"""l lou1 1f11l I·• ,., ... n . u rhttt loOr ...ii..Ud..l :Ul 111r.,..l 1 A 1111'11• 11 t. .. {, Ill 1 1 ,1111111,1111•111 .17th and Pl&cenltll 11111.1 Willi<•~ 1u o<l tlun l ·l:l\•'·ll'.hltlll~oo• I and Placentia, Wal~.... tllld Har. ,. ID-WEEK -·~- DITION .>STA MESA J ~ ~rs . :.hes • Oflllllt.oll I wnndl'F•what t,.hf' pres· •·Ut ~o:•·•wrath>n u~t'S In llt"u of hayrno1ws. :'llut C11r aton ng hay . ptu undl'nlta nd You can ata ck hK )' 'most anywhere ... I mean a~ n plaN• fur yuung'nt! to takt' thl'lr \'IHitnra Aftf'r .. n. w1uon'l that thl' rtl:olfl furw-tlun uf a havmow! \\'ay ba!'k wht>n I 'wu just a lltllo· >'Jirullt and frwnds ur rt>IA· I tl\'o•" ~·umt' fur :iund;oy dinner, lh<' hu,.t kvt~ wnult1 bundll' tht' \'llllm~: kol.l>l orr Ill tht hnymuw .. w .. ·d When tht>y I{Ol !h•re"7lhe~an Willi standln~t un tht> tronl porch, Rrm11 aklmbt> . Tht> ttl& burly man With lht' k iU' on htt muc wu llltt'tl·hf<d on the lawn . out cold. 1'What111ell kt>pl you blnSa 110 h.IIIIC ... !!<'% the wumar. "I walled and wallt'd for you. Jfte pulltnJ on olllt' B'dt' Of the duurknob and him on the other Thf'll. all at once ~ ~mt>llf'd my <'Rke burnln~ al\d I knt'~' I {'Uuldn'l fnnl 11round a ny lr•ni(C'r Su I JIIKI "'""' uut un lht' p1.1rc·h 1111tl blfft'oJ tum unt' h<1r Blvd .. Harbor llhol a nd llllh 1 Tlu• :'IIKIII'IIIII Ho••,.llr•'•·~ I'IMII eA. ' thenl't! to the aeh<~·.. • · llllll( n .... ,~, "'"' ···~~···· .. 1·"1"1'"'"' 1 Bua No.2-lAANt' lh,• hll:h ll<'lhhtl l'lllllh'<l. "Aflt•r llo•lo·noc.· \\'hut -. . ~. ~ rhc ... South at 12:30; Beacon .-t.olloo)1, \\'est Mor,• 1"'"'·" :_ ., Newport at 12:.0, ·•"th• !olrr~t at u l'ft•r llld)' hu''~"liUic• Hus•11111 On (. ·~ntef8 • 12:43; 22nd a~l At 12 4!'>, 26th bf'•~r lw tho· tMtl 11,.1 11,, """"'"I' 1 - aAd Cen lrsl at ,l2 :47. L1d11 1111.-"' pr .... ,,.,,. 11 "''' """ h 11 ,..,11,,.,.0,, Of Jc'uei tO "'"::=====~===<~r=== .. dunh tlw ladder o\'er the f~ t· ~ •. ... ,. P. A. CHA~BERUN CHIROPRACTOR nHlnl whi'r .. !lwert -smelltng pralrlf' hRy ,.·a.~ ht•o.pi'd 1n varymg quanti· t lt'S "' o·o)rdan& lu ·the aeuon. 'i In autunan tht> mm\· would bf' pac-kl'd '"' flail hill' o•uuld Kl'atC'f' wtggll' un· 12:M , thenci! to th~ ht~h IK'huul ""''uld ~hu~ ha,no """ 1" lo•l h••ir ~•No. s ~¥•H''~~-._,t+--;:---·~:---~----~ ·_,.....,.s.o. ·(;roup Ill 12·30: New~rt )U'J t11 22nd If ftlld \\'hr11 lh~•·r ,,,,,,, . ., 1•• Ito~ 1---~~~~----~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~ 1868 N.-wport Blvd. COSTA MESA C4FE Hamburgers and lht•rl' he> I!<" •h•r thl' nftt>tll, but by April the Cil\'r:S UIJU~C1'HR:o.llll' flt Hor buards would bt' 11howmg Tht'odurt' R!•btl\ll, Nt'wport ~ach quill' prnmi!IC'UIIIIilly ... 1. Jo'ord-Mrrnar~· dt'alf'r: h~t11 bf't>n There wt>re I'Un,·etuenl placea to named to the urtaCJill buard Llf thf' IIWtnJC from and chin oneself and Autumnhve .lnduatrv 01\'lahm of Ul'luall_y. und<'r Uu.• .. avu. were pi lhf' CIIIUnll All~MI<'Iattun of Orana• JC••I/08 11<'818 with gan&IY aquabs lcuunty, ttrl ur~ellnaz.atum w hich l'~<'<'rtOK 11ver the ~ges .. :.we'd C':Onlt' tntu bt'IOIC Ialii Thurllday u ~··rumbll' and swam lhrqugh the !IH pt•r t'l'nl nf tht' 1·nunh•'a au~o­ huy. Htnk ang Iii to our mtdntta. un-m obil<' df"ftlt'r11 m~t tv dt~lllfl prnb· 111 !&nllliY Wt• retH'hed the mol!t In· IPms pttrt~rwnt to tht' tnduatry nrc•Ntlllble ('nmer. Thetl' we would The new org11n1Uttlon. ~·htch will dm..: forth a motif')' coll~lton of ~ open not •ml)' to a ut...nwblle >-Qtllrm uiR k ltten11, block. wtutt>, a..:ene&ell but tu rt'p.lrmr n and ac· ~:ray. )'t'lluw and spult~. care· , ··~'IOrv dealf'rs '''' w .. ll wtll run<'· fully l'XRmlnlng the t>yf>to of eal'h ''"" a; 1tny trad t' "lll"~IVttlun Ita '" ~ .... tf they wf're Y•l open . . maan purflolloe. ac.:unJmtt tu Htlb· Th•·ro· wt·r<' always k tltens . The 1011. wtll bf' twttennf'nl ur lhf' In· ,.,~at•Jrll. It! they were (•xlra II~· dul!try as A whole. thl.~ tw-an~r IC•In· f'lnl fnf'Tid.~. or ma~ co\&aJn•l t'd lhrottKh improVeJI\AUll of rela· w"t *' nlluw1•d to piC'le out ~ o~ tlnM be~n dn1f'Tll. bf'ltf'T' hlbor IIH')' wRnled a !! liOOn a.s the bablell rt>la taonl! 11nd lmpm,·O'd ll'jtlalatlon •··utld ll'n ,... t ht>lr motht>r .co,·ernmg th.-aulumull''" tndua· And tht>n, .. r rourM . tf the youth trv. ful ~uellt!l w••fl' ab .. ulut .. ty lru,.l· • ·Ru~l'll r. MI'L#an nt Santa Ana wort hy WI' mtRhl delve Into mft' wft.~ naml'd tn tht' pre.I<Mnry. secret cache betwet'n the 11t uddmc • 1111<1 bnn~ot fp rlh S('Vf'ral prtJ.t'd •HOLD PRI\'ATF. MF.&\'IC'F." v11lunw" nf TArZAn of tht> Avc-i • and .hwk London ... 1Jt wujl't •·oa I'ATIUC'IA HltAI.¥ ;:~.~~:~f-c~1'~':;' ~"'~;,t:;; ;:~:~~~::'n~t n:~ 1 he:;[';;.",~~.:u~~~~",:;;"~"• c:::; hii1d•·n TJinmundL>ICl< ana CRp Col· t'i\llp#t flit 1'tft\f)' rR-.ffl'iR Healy llt'r In lhRt ldt'nllCI\1 place ... I. f S~IIman 1, daujthtrr uf Mr and Maytw we'd rend for sn h()ur or Mr.o. Mllrk A. HtoRiy. 1304 S Bay ~n, sprawled lulCun ously an the F'runl, ~lbos hol•nd !ltrf't't at 12:40. Old X11 ntu AnA 1111<.1 "''ury w .. at.l ~:"'"1"' h.o,. ~"' I•• Vat'lorta, VlctoriM ,.,,., Thurln I hrrl\k lltc•·ll oof lho· luolut "' ~IIII I Var tnrla and H~t;rbw Hl\ol., t ilth llll( Wllrtc foot lho• l'111lo·•' l'l11l••" l•l r1nd H•rbor BJvd. Ill•''"'' lu ,., 1""'1 I 111111111 I Bill' No t Lc-avl' I h. hll:h IH'hoHot \\'h Rl 12 30 · Crylltal (',.,, Ill l!l 4:\ I Kl "'" •'IIII I 111:111•· .. ut •~ lhr I I ' f . d p II I • l unhmol••ll l"•wc•r "''lllo:hl h V t'Jr~t nc'1 tc an a "'" • ·' .11 1:1 :\:1 8 lbn •·I& d t 1'' '~ lh ' olo•nl Rootol't'o•ll '" I"'""'""Ui o• I hi' a a uo n a • •'·•· t'N'C !11 . h I •I I 14 Mr l' ~~ "" hu•v k.,,·puo..: "" ""' I ~~ '')() . .,, v1-'" rrt'"" BuR No. ~ Balbton 1.>•!1\'o' hlt:h " I IK'h~>l at 12::40; t'fltl Ill f\''11101111111 A KnllllnM IIIII I\ IM II \'IIIII lo Ill 111 12 t~: Main air•• .. I. UnlhuA Kl \'oll'l'l' Ill" \\ If•• '"'''"'I"' ht' ",1nh'll 12 48. Eut NI'Y.'J)QII Ill 1:! ~otl, lllh It• Wll~h llh• clo~.,: 111 lht' kol ollc-4o :, "trC'et at 12 :&:1.-1~lh •lr•·d Ill 1:! : •• lllllk lll'od ""'"~" lulllul ol rooll .. r lht>nt·o to the> hllh II\ h••·l tllrtv ttloho·,. B uoc Nu. 6 IAilVt' lh•· IIIJ:h "'ht,.ol a t 12 30. Santa A n11 R\o·nuo• ""'' Mr• dr1\'f' at 12 411 A•tu•u• Rlld Ofooi.hard, SAnta An" .,w-nn .. and On·hard. Meaa drl\t> riM 1-.:tdun 23rd •treet and Eldwa. llrKiflt' av ... nuo· and 20th at,.....l 1 •m"t:'' "''e· n~ and 18lb str.·l'l al 12 !IJ. 1ht""~ tu ttwo tllfh "'h .... : Mc>~·.a•c Mo·bt'dule Rua 114'hf<dule f.,r Th11Ndtty mnrnln«, SC'pl 8 · flu11 No. 1 Cosht M"11a 18th •tr .. 4't a nd· Whittier 111 II 40 Whtt -1 tl•r and 17th •trwt. 17th and Pis· I <'t>nlla. W lliiOn and l'l111'4'nlla, W1l· fiCin and Harbor Blvd. HarNor Dl"d and 1~th atr ... •l Itt 8 ~ lnlrrl'l'lllll( llociC'I·cl 111 thr Alur}' uf I hal I·•~ M II IIlii 14 h" IC"! tlnuoll, lltiUjChl .. farm ,.,),d " ..., "'"l·hattd tnlfloar 1 '1 r IIIlo I ""' rr••·•l " "ad .. w Whlll' In 11\141 • 10t'lortlll••ll flh 011111 watt until hf' ••lwra ur' A U N1QUIE Olf'T SHOP !It Mart• A••• BALBOA. IALA.NU thence to the hiJh !'l'h•>ut. \ 8tttrNn. 2-BeaC'fm ~tat-ron Wl'llt NewpoJrt at 8 :40, 30th ~olreel, 22nd lllrHt, 28th and Cent ml Ll<h• ble nt 8 ~~. thenci W tho• hljeh lll'hOOI -· RARIE OIM'S TO SUIT ALL PO<.'KET· BOOKS. ANO lT8 FUN JUST TQ COME I N ANU BROWSE 'l'lO\IND • .TBE BIOGE_IT . - S.LE YET ~ UNPRECEDENTED VALUES · GOING FAST I sw.~~s~ 701 Ea'St Central· Ave. hny wh ere the 11un 1~ur~ In ben Mr11. Healy. who waa wrll known .,,.,,lenlly throuJ:h the mow's o~n on Balboa laland where •he had South w10dow ... Then wt"'d cllmo ~atd~ for the J'HUil · atx ytoar•. har k tlnwn the lad'de~, !!hake th• WIUI klllfl1 last Thurl'day mnr nln;: I, haft from our r lothi-11 •IW head 1n an auto accident whlcb occur l-------------hll• k toward the houli'e 110 as lo M 1 rf':d ' neRr Hull\'llle. Whllt' BhP Rnt1 W. STANLEY .,.,,,.rly loo•a ltod whl'n. thf! fnt'd r nlr k-M1"• Stf'IIA BurkhRTdl wer.· •n SPOT OF OOFFE& .. eout HJclttwaJ Bua Nu. 3 Newpurt l:Sivd. and 1 22nd·•lr«l..•l .8·t 0; Old &nla Ana 1 1 a nd V1ct.oria= Vlrtorta nnd 'nlurln. Vlrt.nr1a and Ha~r Blvd, 19th I and Harbt>r 111\·d. at 8 .41'>. thence THE ISLANDERS t•1 th .. htl(h "'•·huol. Bus No. 4 C'n'lltal Cn''" at 8 t 6· PHONIE IN' B~LBOA hna bland at 8.~. l~nt't' to tht' -~-·-·--"'··--·-·-··-------~ Par ifl«' and Pall~df'l! .i 11 ~3 . Bal:l '-------------""':"'1-~··----------- • Phone lii 6 nrfl'>l'lltl' P .n . Balb<>a l!'llnnd •'II anti mR!'hf'd potalt'\f's llnd SJ"Irt'd 1 rrn~ll' to Yuno• • n thapph: pll'kiP~ wer• at lal'l l Thtl dt'l't'Rl'ed, 14'hn WIUI a nnll\'f' '1'):\t t>tl On thr lRhiP lll~d lhf' dlnnC'r flf ,.~lljfll, WQJt :1:1 yiiArll Of 81:~. ho•ll nonj'! Jn 8<Jdatlnn lto hrr JlHrt'Ob l'llf' 1~ htiCh ~~ehoul , f I( 1 111Jr~•· I hill "AS II Jnng lime Sllf\'1\'t•d II)' It IICtn, M1\rk lff'Rh' ·'~" anti "'' didn't hlt\'e \'ery hagh I Spt·llmnn. 'lind 11 hrul her, Vanr,.nt 1-------------l ll"~P•rt•l•""" M"bloe Ut" modrrn nil uf Ualbt•n l'llllnd A !Cf'l'•'nd brn· 11""1''"' r•w•m takt>s the pl!l<'f nt tl)~r. 'M~trk HI'R.I)I, Jr ptf'f'f'dr<1 ht'r rcy's Dump B~J! No :'1. Balhna F.nd .. f pt>ntn I 'lui .. at 8 45. M:un 11trt-et. BaiN,_, )o:a~t N~wpurt. 9th strt'•·l, 1:'11 '1 I lltrt'et at 8 .:\4. thPr~re l•• lhC' hllith,l sf'houl Hull No. 6 ~&nta Ana avl'nll(' und Mf'J!R drivt' 111 '5~40; AC"a rla l "BEST OOFYEE I• BALBOA"• 111 ll.ia Rtnlet CERTIRCATES OBTAINED Notary Public s-·,IIOrt Bftlc•h Gil-l 128 :\tartn.-A~u .. Balbua l11l:and t,o t 'nlon OU ~tat loon ) K BASK~T. Helen N. 0111111gher Good"· & \'aruM • ~1 1111tlcluol'" haymuw but I. doubt 111 dt>!llh hv unly Jt fo'\lo.' ~·f't'kll I'' 00\'. ULSHS TO s t•t:AK 11ntl nr<'hllrd avC:nut>, San111 Aua 1 ,\nol \\hllo-wo•'rr• nn the !HlbJl'<'t. IS sA~'TA ASA n1-..n11r 1tM Orcbat-4, Keaa 11rtvr tlunk ltuc k M t~lt·r How to~ 111111 Y.lrl11n 2:\rd 111-1 d Eld I ·-G<l\' Culhfort L Oll'un wall I ' ' ' '~ 11" nn. t\:1:< II hN•n SIO('C' you l:\!1{ MW a }f' 0111111>:1' 11\'I'IIUC' lllld 20th t t n 11'<1111 uf hog llfi'Wl't)' h01'1'~8 Y.'lth • Ill 111' IIVI'nUP llOd 18lh ~t t t tlw priiWiJml <;Jit'llko•r 1n Hron tn A 1111 j . 11 n -e · r· ltr:o11" k11111111 ern tht'lf hamt'" , , . 110 lhP. PVt'ntng nf Thunodft ~, Sept. ·r; ~; th t th · rf't' · a j 2Mh. wh••n 11 puhl,.. ri'N•pt 111n will · ·'· c-nrf' '1 " high lll':tHul. • ''1 h••Hrd tlw f'lntter nr ho)r!ll'R' bt• hr ld (vr hrm 111 till' Mallllrrll' ""''''''11 1111 lht• Pll"t'ment? Tetn plco rt'RF.I«'1;tA)HIH AKMH1ATIUN Th•• rlt:<t,.'r; r hll'f f'Xo·o·llllv~ wall I'I.ASH Hr:AI. ('AMI'AION Th•• Hunttr1gt nn Bt'aeh NI"Wll <''•lllt' lo ~~tnln Ana unt1o>r lh•' IIUH· Alll'n· Kf'lm I1PI4' ,.... . IHI<II4•14 R IICllll htUe bouquet tO (')\J"f .I plj!t:l IJ.f the 101'1\l Y••unc Ol'mrl· c· l . '. ,. .. ndpal llf I I ( · M h f a(IIH rano union ugh tte:hoot wall •&:·w~ '••II III l"~an. Jo n W ebSlt't. 1 raL~ nnrl thr Ynlllllo: )PnuwrAL>. lr •tf'd t 1 hi • ' I !':1 \'1' lhr :'1/rws: 11( Hunlllll(lnll H•••ll'h Tit k .. UI 01 .. ~· :-~rd r '('1 ~1""' 'll'rs, .~ l)"n tl'lr l t \ • ... r J ,.,..,,. u hT""''I ttrM n Utf' Ortlnl(• ", "ln \ ••crl'lt•r. who ur the (IIUt lrt> pun ha~•·tl f•JI' 7~ t'f'lliA frnno I C'nunly Tubf'rrlllloSI~ ttnd Ht-llllh 1: ""·' r~ hn.'l niAd•• ~ta~nllnl' for 0 nny mNnlif'r uf lht• Ynun~ rnm· <~IINwiRllon tht!l "~k. Mr Krlm I' Farld r.as,.lme Cnrpnrallt.n In urrat11. -d d n H . ~ .,,., . .,,. I' o·aul II J:Nmarrr whn lh•• unttnclron Bear h foeld, started T h" ft'<'•·pta••n """ r~rtlo(onlllly r~~trgned bt>rnu11,. .. r 8 cha ' ••Ill ~~~ nn nJ>Pra tQr. H is ahthly phlnnNI f••r St•pl IRth but P<•llt · 1.,~,.111110 from f'al'•lllF11no t:•~n~f <nnn o·arnPd pmmnlton In piRnl puned unttl thl' 2Mh hcoam htgh ~r·h•~•l · '• •I• "'·' n 111111 fmally tn hiS prt>sent f'\'•!ilt•un· <•r AA<~tlltnnt Su)"H'nntt'rll· !'IF.'F.K ('fTI7.r:S~HII' •·nt An nll-a ruund sporL'<mlln who '""""' ~htmtmr-mt hBtltna, Mr. \\'t'"'-l•·r IS tonti nf thP he!!l bowler~ on lluntm~o:l ••n R Nu h Dunng th,. l'"~t wu\to•r st•rlf':<. hi' dowrrl'd 2:'1:1 1•11'1" In II jtl\0111 Til win thl' 1'0\'f.'tPcf \ norrwa n Ut•whn..: (', •ngrPlll< "250 · ('Ill F l\'" rco~ad.-nl14 uf the> H11 rbt•r ate& art rnehJW "ttmon.r ttl~ alorn11 who nro· luday ,11\lt'd lu •r· J>t'"' '" nrrtn~·· r .. unty Hu1u·rlu~ c·tturl fur fihll l ho•Rnng un nH · turai17.Atlun pru< f•t>dlnj(ll The nrw bt1Rrtl ""'mi>er waR IW'· lel'ted at a m"•'t'"l! uf the Orang~ ('<•Uf\t,Y );it' Ill! t ll!IC:4flt.fOA tb1J weoek al whk'h hC' JINI Ctu111t· lllAII Sf'81 f'lt lliJIII OI!Io was di8CU~ PIAn" y,•rn• r .. rn,o.lnlf'd to IIUpply IUil/)1\,:ll)' ID1\l1'TiiV 110 ~~<'h()(lls, <Jr· 1:11 ni7JIIIf>n~ ""{I "al ~•I" rluttrn1~to I hr••lllo:huut t h•· • • •tot')' I , -Do "Mf' tf""" u.~ , .. f'!lip_ trnu.Nfi ~"-.--~ ~dmu.m. ~:rrft ~-cwiY 1\0 t wh~rr you1 1:'0&101' ,t1c1 h lfl~llll( 1t~ lul{h rmk yuu <lnvc C'Ompr"'wn. hut when ata lu''' 1omprus•on Thr ,,.n~ t 1!1 81mply thi• Stu· II P rrmlum beeomelt lirrfr~,.. , .... tllt'nd ,,, ftn,.,1, r lt'•n ~mmc cnnmw Few pc11pk reallte that 8Udt iorrr&vrt frttr la•an'l Klld H J•hlt ntl'!l, Nnrnllfar•elly pr~· comprt'ssmn cau~s lco1>~ ""'II. v•lllotl'\ anol smrr(lun!t lc11t•l k f IIIIIJI'IIIIlll whtc-h r ontrou r'\\ 1 !C 1rt lin rbor 1111 lin a.: nrrlt't•rl' •t.,•rtlhlQJal t'\"fl• llc•rtl rm· muln- M1ld i1.'rN (mm lt•s an-~ tt'\ltl 1J1 • lt1111SI111I'I lfM'fl 'r Vlt•t.""" tf • •. "'I) ._ ... ,. h A l'llhllf' uf ).,,, II ~ I I clrlve ''" ..... roruvtilon ~.,. '"' n ,.nJOpoor· 11 I hlll hr wnWcl .. ,. ''""' ... ' llt{'l)' l .. , '""' 1111' «'till& ··-~W... l<t "'"NJ'<~M tbr. !Ply \I'll l'rnta a IIIII nf II'IUiaJlnrt• fw thr WPf'ktlt\4 tlllllAir tnr IIU' ... limit lhll ri'J)Orted "' ... ,. .. .,,. the tht<•11&1t t '111"01\a• .. ~ kk!ANd r•eull• lhiWI tU'.' .,... .... m6de fclr •m•nt 01( •aa.t· , the .. t., ... ~ . ................ -"'""" ... a. o&et,.... a • tn holtor 01 '· 0 " AniJO. wtlu waa ec.• ~ll'raJ ..... ... ltarbiJf' ... . a.JI(.f'mbw u a ,.,,.,)I lley pn'.J· • will be made 'ttn. wh<1 maay tl•n,.,aJ Me· n hw _.,...._ "'• at N•wpcwt lv•••l h .. r .. l•too talh "' Ani!,_ trmarrttno u (t Ill 1414 Oc·rlll\ .Uh. rrl&la.y ln a aan J l'"'llot'rlt l llf>r· "''"rtlay ho lf•riMif' •lr. > ,,..,. II hr"'l flf •• ,. '" II VI' 1M,.. Wn• l'rumlno>nl n put ,,.,,..r th" ' ....... ,. , .... ,hi .. ,J rnt •tf N-· ·--..... -tf..._..,.. .... fill rM rl'allunlll airman lolltructlone Orstta M 1 "· A c; (Juann "' Cuiii'ICP placr ...,.__.liMe ·ef Ma~,..:,~•w.::~ .. ~~'·IW>lHnP~f' thilt'll 'ltfll'l~ T hey nrr Mno Y.lvA S F11wc colt \\'ol><tln H F11wr ••tl "'"' Mr11 ()oru· t"~;. I ('oolv~:r. 1111 uf Balbua I~· R. ·.l:~o~,.IW). J}al· ;.~v A ¥\\'mia mo< M F f 'tH'\Io•r ... r R~·f)f,ffl'( w,.r•· r .rut" t•nvfl'rh1~ wurk (tune h:V~'' !.dlllilalh;m and Ill!' rnmm111N An'IU'es "'""' tnlo( a t lht• Sllllloo \1111 Amf'r1f'll n '"'ICII•n h11ll w;,. ••nnounr r<t l or Ort l! AI tha!l ·n •·• t•nc the flu,r· "'"'"llf' purrhRIH'tl 1•.'' I h4! tubrrru- lor~lll lll'l.""' ,;,,,.,. \llh .Chrllltmll.t Hl'al fundlt "'ill 1 .. t•rr~~ented. ~ .. !. eh•t•t•h W19' m AIU&~!Jhudllf IiLII.,-~&~-ni.Jwtayn to KC..t. 't..~l~ -=·r-. len thoYMnd m•/e11. ~VI'ry 1\rop. =·-...- Brod-J S'e1ala A.-I ho· •'1111'"' thtn~ thiS l'ltdt' of Hul· und MrR. Y.ll••••n Phoae %C2 <.:usla Mt•sa R.C. PARKER 180e !\l.'wpOrt BnulrvRrd COSTA MESA Cttmplrtr Ltw ef Nt:W A:SD n;r:D I K ' E S SIUO aDC'I 1"p repair all .U• c. Paat VJTAMINS -1w Rhnrk !-l,·ert~ w111, lhll year. hAn·~•t 1:\ malhona of pound.l of 11tillrk to ~ delivered at l'P\'o·n C'Ailfnmaa porta. From 11118 "normoua catch 7~ million unll!'l of VIIRmm A wUI be PXIfllf'led. l'h~y will cnme. t o r..;:lleve ho11unmty on thl.' form of Alpha· IH'Iahn. Mult1cebr1n. Heplcebr1n in<l DII)'Rmln. All to be found. IIJ'"" prr11r nptton. at .. AJ.I.EN'S PHARMACY Pasade na PubliHht•r Succumbs at Ralboa Following Illnt'ss PMaden• P<•lll. pARIIC"d RwRy Sllllll · day a fternrlf'n at hilt llumm"f h umt• Ill B11lbtn1 tu~ ~I'Rth f hmftllln.: •n 1lln"!111 of eiiChl m•rn.thll Mr Hr•'<klllj(, ~·h•• hat! hren lUI· !'l•t<'llltPd wlt.h lhP Slar·S •w10 r uh IJ.:~hlng r nmp11ny rflr thl' pa10t :17 The PrC'IIII 1ft on 1\ $1 a year .SHEJ,L. STATION , ....... M&lll YOU& ft.u,Qt'Diiiia___ ~ )'f'IHI' II nt1 hilt! hf'f'O I! nf'WAfl" jll'f m11n 1111 h•~ "''"It hr ... w""" bm lull Pl-octac18 at th,.r of thr l11tr W IIIIRm H Htt~~· I km.c r,( L<m~ ~Arh hllloinc>ltlt mlln· ---...1'1 llJC"r uf th,. Pr"II"·TI'I,.Rrl\m uulal D.-u 1 hu• tl••:olh 10 ~c>llrf!, lljtu, and WI\JI,. ..... . ..... __.. .. _ COUIIIh of Wllllllm F' Prtllk. prtlll · ...... dent flf bo\h, lht St.ar-Nt"WI 811,1 : P relti!·Telelfram companl•.. 2920 ·W. Central Mart-•t Putr A.._ 1 H• wu brJrn In Orl\a• Valley. 1 Calif .. In 187~. h la tlrat job betn« Newport B-'LBOA IML-'ND , lldvertl~\nc m80IIfl'r !1f lhl' Orlllll' rt.e.. 111.w t Vall•y m .. II'"'Ph Lllt•r "" wu l Marine and .Balbo.. ------------..J connaeted with the Oraaa Valley ·Balboa lal&nd -Union. ------------....1 . .. ·~· So, af your enainc knockl -nr hn!l Jolt Thu, St11·ll Prrmium drllvcn crc•t~ .,me of that "n('W rar llv.-hnru"-thul muy fJlJWf'l whf'n y••u wuut 11 . &IVU • ~ w·ry likely be your truuLie. C.,tx-n ia re· hunrllm& ruK 111 II ~tffw Anti 1t 1lrliven top lpon~tblc. rmlrnl(r, u~ w11l, 10 nt w <.1u 1 ltntl ,,Jd. ,,, •«l'ilftfl ., ... ,. ,,, •• ,. ••..:••• r • .,,tJ h l.ctwr And. you can't ttvnirl surh cerhon !i~ita rompll"'trly, rqardlen of ~.oH or a.-Jme yw uacl Y o u can co tn thr upmK of havinc the c arbon removed rcauhuly, wh1ch wtll ~clp. Ot, for trmporary r~lirf, yo u c•n hevc thl' •p•rk rctardt•l (but 1f you do thi.a, )'CIU'II UK UJI m rJre I IIIUhnt').- Or you cen take 11 tip frort') Shell sctm· tiau and .Witch tt• Sh~ll Premium -• •rc· c1al motor fuel they've crcet~d th'lr;com· venaatn for the h taher comprcaion1 wflich cacbon c•uaee. Shell Premium &UOlinc wiU ·' Sltr ll r ,<'rnaum r!''h 2t mor<' than "ret· ular"-rJr 1111(•111 $1 1t rnonlh ratrn if you dnvc the tovrrAI(r 11mount. We recommend tht t.lllf ere nee t!;' you . .. ....,..rfllaft,lula • or""'_,, ... ,. ttarbor ,.. u. Mwal-. "-and OP"r I Mrhflr., a. ••UN!-· .. --------<-( \ ) I· .NEWPORT-BALBOA PRESS Thursday, September-11, 1941 • ROOFING . BY · -·.-.-$37,180 Construction --- J. W. BROWN SONS , .CORONA DEL MAR ...... :Three-Day ReCord ·· •• ;,:.: " • J ... • ~ -. ,,.,.· In Harbor Area Acoordlnl to pn-11ent ind!CRtlorUI, UU. month'a bU1Idir14: re<'ord 1~ a.-ted to far aurpAll!l that of Sl'pl 1HO. y.•hen pt'rmtt" ,..,.,., I118Ut>d to a total ..-.lue. of $~4.4 10 . Ourinl the first 4'11: ht days of t~ current muntb. C'lly Hullrling Inapt'ctor A. M~ }'l;o-ls<•n hilS ISSU,..,J 12 permi~. totalhnJC $48,680. Of th~ numb.-r it'\'l'n f¥'mlltll, to' a value of $!'\8.180. ~-.. ~ ~ed be· ... ~---·--------------------·-·-·-- I I ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR' · tween Thureda'y and S11turdny of · .. l,.t weoek. eonatlt~llnf three of tM heavtut daya m the-h:lltory of tlw local office. I i I .. ---. . L--------!.------·-...:·-~--:------·---+ - Ljarnat run~le butldinc projecl ot h year Ia a new $22.000 hom~> wbkh will be e~ted at 932 Vlu Ll4o Nord. Udo Iale. by Mr. and Mn. Walur Oou11aa II. Lido ll!le and l.o. An~elu. The home wt:l , be of two-atory conatrucllon and wtU Inc I'*-l2 --1'00me anll three· . oar l&r&l'e. Mr. and Mn. DoufCI&II ..-Nitkle at 813 Vfa Lido Soud Poet.-Will BalW BuUdi"C penntu weR thla weel< ~ to two docton who will PH· taWA!Ih ,..kleace iD the H•rbor ..... S:lld tu h•· ''"'' uf tlw m iobt <'u'l\'f•ntPnlly urrnn~··d a nd hei!l ~·qu pped a~to courta Ill th• "'utho·rr• part of the state, Mot el Corona del ~lur ha:. <'JlJuyo·d 11 purt1n1larly o•no·n.~g1ng \'ulunu.• of trade SinCe opening for bwtinell8 August :.!3. The •·m111. wh11'h was bu11t by Mr!l. Galt· K M<'Kinnt·y at u cost of $1fl.flll() and 111 bt·UIK 11pf'ruted ,under the capable managem•·1.1 uf Mrs. E\'u M. Kc.H.'nt:r:. l'l)mprises 11 cot· tugt'll. •·•u·h w1th 1ndl\~dua l K'U"I:" and prt\'~tlt· bnth fo'l\'e or the 11 units are al80 eqUipp•·•l w1th modo·m kit,: hen facilities. including s .. rvo·l Elt·l'lrulux n•frtg<'ruturs . .:n~ ntngo•s. I:<'IH'ruus burlt-ln l'upb .. ard!l and breakfast w••k . Til~· ··~mh1n:l11on bt>drl>t>m . h\'ing room of f'R I'h c·otta gt' ia t'IHJWh·d throujjtlout. othf'r roum&;-9e1n1 floored 111 linoleum. All linens. til! he:!. cookmg trtt'nllllll-and other-equiiwnent u1 suppll<'d hy tht• rnunt•J:<'UH'nt .i . · _ , · • . UJ('Illl'd r l!!l .flff CORRt h.IR" wny on M~r~:u.onte avenue, In Cor:ona del Mar, the oourl.o.:ommand!! jln "smpress\ve view of the. .proa~r­ ous and fast-buJltlm~: t:omn1u111t Whlt'h IS (r~tnwd 1n li bat·kdrop of thf Santa Ane hills u.m.l San Bt:rnjlrd1no m ountains. The pr:evailin,t ocean bn•eze succeAAfully carri" 1ho· -h•ghwuy truffll' nulllt' away from the court. lea\'lll~ 1t quif't and r'Nitful at all timf'M. Contractor. for th.-juh wu R. OonRid Hall w hr brought tho• Job to completwn 1.11 41 dayt1, a full Wt'•'k aho;ad o! liChcdyle. Electri.-,•1 work was in charge cof S. ~-BlackbNird. thl' rtlf;fJftg tw>ing handlo-d IJy J. W . Bro~n ~tnd Sons, Corona dt·i Mar rOt>ft>rK. Lumbf'r wa.~ furnished by the Bay l11•tn\·t Lurnbt·r Co. 1 P~otco by Rt>g Whltl' 1. .. . . · . . ' To Discuss Purchast• of Reach Front11ge .. at Early ~e~ting_ I ISSTALLATIO~l'l ~TASUARD l'SIT~ "ll,L I'Rl•\'IDt: !'4A \'IS(i:ol UEQt'IU PLASS IS(;. ' Tn tht> Fm:1!l hoou• hlllll under The mec~nlcal c,quq;nwnt ~h1ch tlw pre\'su llns: nt•w l.,w-rost plan, 111 to go In a houso· shollld be COil- wlw rl' ~<partt Is Rt a prf'mium. the sid~red In the d,.,.,j(n. Structural School. Board A wards $3500 Contract for New BusGamge \\. h h f 1 ki ~PIN•tion oJ s tnr.dardl7.1'd an<1 pre-frammg may thl'n ho• 11lnnnrd to 1t t o• lnll'ntH>n n 110 nl(" • <?nntr:wt for building Finest Deal in Newport Ha~r BALBOA. BAYSHORES LEASEHOLD ESTATES A new deal In property development that 1.1 bettet thail property' iD fee.. For Full Intorr11ation Consult EARL W. STANLEY, Sole Agent ' nu. &Ad Cout Ht,hway Phooe N~pon 1• e.· R.· Erickson ··.·· t Dr .... and Mn. W. J . Monla will ereet' a aile-room dwf'IIII'C will! thref'-car r;arar;e attached at No a &aeon Bay. at a ooat.t.,Jf MMO. while F.>r. and Mn. N. 0 . ~,.,.h of Santa Ana will build a elm1l11r elaed ~•ldence and doublt' Jlara~:•· at ·216 Narci.UU!I avenue. Cornnu . .,,o·r lh•· ~erollnd..Arwl discussing thr fahrlrMtl'd k1tc·h•·n ~''llllpmPnt will. perm1t the ~ononll<:tl ms tallation J,;flrn"t' t o ho m;t' :'l:l'wport f'ff..,_ t llllb;it.tntlal l'cnnomies and <~f pipt--'1.' d ucts, ""' "· and other " t t plu)>t'"f'd )>llrdlll!<o• of puhlll' pnrk flt•f•t nf Sl'hoo l '"-"'_"'-'CL...,~_._.,..._,-j.,:"{~,,~,_ 0 n r a c· 0 r Titnilil~·twl'i>n ltuntlngtnn lif'a<·h A1l!O!lWNl I.I'Jf ~1.0 C111"]!trurtton 1tMn!!, .~eeoTdrn to housm~ au· -l~t to ~rge H. McF Arland. and B ui 1 d e·r ~ ctet M;r;-at-a emit Of 1600&. OtiM!r ............ t~rod "''1-wt)t>rt. Ill# ,Siatt> Bt'•H•h-ftn.l t ime. thorltiell. Ra lboa , . .,n.trador. who filed the Park ('ommuoMton will me4't Sl'pt Fur the k1t cht·n iu a nPw small l'repiRnnlnfC cait ·''"ld latf'r nd· iu\\' hid of $.'l:i1l0. • Jo'ntnk S. Lampert of 1010 ('out 20 and 21 a t ·tht• furnwr city. J home the housewife may select d1t1on.al framing cor tfw adJUlltmg Tht· ~:arngc. which will be hl•h"•ay, haJI been lsaued J)('rm1t 1 1!. (;oVllll{lm:t, ••X•><·ut.n·p 11.-.·retar:: aJI m•ces.sary ••quiptlHmt from 11nd cutting of stnu t u11tl mt•mber!l. by ·33 j ft>·l't 111 floor a t ea. will' be to build a nv,e-room dwelllnr; an·! ... JbA "o•n1r111". ••••rl. r•·"'•rl." ~tandard11.ed prPfabrit'Rted and • ~ • ,, ,.. ,, hwah•<J on tbc school ,grounds ad· double r;arage at a c011t of $2~. Pnur 'to n •c·c•ntl\' dl~<l'io!<t'<l IItle ~lock untl!!, whu·h lndude wall R!l l,l'Xl'RY MA'tt:IUAI, J:t<'rn: to lhP C:tfl'tl'ri:t kttcht>n. and · a three-room cottal{f' """I <ltffw11ltu'~. th•· ~nnHlllllluon hnd bRI't' cabinf'tll, <'ahinPts undl'r thl' ~OT f:~SENTIAI, and wrll ht' of an arChltl'ctural double ~rarar;e at 11600. Both Wtll ·authon:r.<'<l th,l' lnllll<"cilltto· pun·hMCt' sink, and a kitchen range con· The Federal HoJl~IIIJ: Admlnis-•tylt• tf> cnnfnrm w 1th the main be locat#d at h111 Cout hllth"'"~' .,f 121)() f<'<'t of h•·•,..h frunta~o:P nN•r lltructed to fit perfl'ctty Into the tr~ttin. through 11 ~ n111<1murn con-~o·hnnl hulhh ng. f>rl'\'iously the property. Shf'rman. E. Saltf'r will str<':tQlJined. PM~rnllle. l'.!!:l!£!L<!!l ._,~!UI.:r.J.Jw.:.•u"~,.'-'~-JJ~i-"•'"II«Jf-I}Jt<!!-· OOuBed-.!:#"::bit; ' &Uiid a Uirf'f'·l'ar ~tllfiiltf':-lifilrftgr,+JW.I:'--''lllllilL..L~U~-IJ.\.t:L-JJa.I.Y .... .l'LU.U:.U..f.-1:0"·..::;..... fnoukh-Th._~ unliR~·ar.. demand . that h,ott:<··~ lw bu!tt or 1 d r tl:' Ba · a::--Jnr a.nd laun4ry roorn at 1104 Chft made in standard 111u's. they a re · d 1 "J>II5:1." .l'a!l<' -r.Pw e Y land 1· l'ntkr tlw prt>~<'nt tltlr. onf' mRn N1111ppe a ong luxury lines. l{llnt.:r . ..... ,.,, .. · •L• ...,._t of •1000. R\'allabiP 1n a w1dl' rani:~ of mod· Th L~HA h 1 u ... ,.., --..r-• ""'"" tlw l'lllf.uo• right·• nnd arwtn-. e ,. aa 'ullSIS e n y urgeu \Vurk "' to bf'gm ~>I arf ·earfy ' n th~nlneral n~:hu.. 8 Met·up f'l,. and colors. ThPre 'ls· 'amplf' that famlllea with mO<Iest 1ncome.'l d I LOCAnON OF WINDOWM MAY .uTF£1' ~ which the pnrk hoard dP<'Inrl'l! opportunity for the housewife lo butldmg new sm:tll low-cost homes ate. _..:. __ ' · would pn-.'<f'nt mult1ple dlfflcultlt-!1. plan a kitchen re!lectir14: her per.' ~<hould start with the barest neces· R •td• Some nfl'anll of !!<tl\'lng thf' cnm-IIOnal t.aate. l41tleS and expand as the circum-Ul ang P errpits plrx Jcg11t llitW\llof\ wit~ OOUJhl...,,""_,._~-stances permit, eliminating every Sept. 3, Frank S. Lampert, 1010 l 305 Palm Ave. Telephone 132' BALBOA a Y~ TeriDUe lai.uJatloil . -......... Pliloajtl Ul.t TEIDIINIX CO. OF OR~NGE couNTY I• See Our Ail la Saturday Evealq, Poet In ouUinl"l r..cently eome hlnta fer j.I&Anlnf tM'IM&tl home, if .... , MAI'Ieeted that livln« ·and dining ,__ be tfwn a ff'W larr;e ''"'"· nl "'M !ft'hrouh'<l ml'f't,ng. PERMrr.. ln"-T~Ail~ s•1uan· root ·of apace. ev<'ry CnRIIt -hl~ehw·ay. S-room dwelling 1 tt3S • 2n ........................ u.',l41 corner. every length of pipe. and 2-car garage. attnched. per I'WEE ·JN8PFA71'10K8 +--:-t10 No. Jlala 8L 193' • 2t8 .. ·;: ..... _ .. , 23S,07' P•rc· I'Oillli!CIIt>n, and enory foot ow rwr. S2r)()(). 1935 • fOJ ........... .,7,,.0 lumber that can be avoided. Sf'pt. 3. Frank S. Lampert,'1010 I FREt: f:STIMATI'-8 Saata Aaa. a.llf, 1113t -82.3 .................. T ... OII Coast h1ghwny. 3-l'oom cotlaj:e and 1 '---~--~-------..;. ______________ .J dowll rather than a numbf'r of Rt:URflO!'t I'I.ASSISG ...U -· A (,.,., prlnt·lplt'll of bedroorn · 'nle r....on. promptlnr; thl11 ad· pla nr11,11.: wh1ch flrl' offerrd by ex- nee .. that the larr;e WlndoWll llcrL'I.Ul"lpi! .... IU.U.~cr""'-=-'.llL~CUU.lc:l'-'.0+ would &eave eno}l( •pace or tUrn-.. .-.nn••.,.,,,..,, ... , ltun .,....._t. Since the. car· penter would ha'll'e fewer openlng!l to bulld, UM OMt would be leu. Kitchen wt!Mtowa ahould \,e lo- eat.ed 0\'er a link. whe~ver po!Ufl· ble, eo a view Ul available. In bed· rooma. ~ -venlllatloo,. roven UM location of wtfidowr~. . H. W. Wright ~ WOQD, OOAL AND OLUICOAL 111&Jlf_,..n .......... ....... 111--1 .Ecmwrny In the area of r~lelepinff room.'!. 38 well Rll impro•ement In thetr convt-nience, 111 obtained by cnrrf'ct location of door and wtn· dow openings to MI!Ure maximum w:~ll IIJ>R<'~ for fllrnlture. -eon~f'fti'l'n~"fl\. use-f){ bedroom ta 1no·r~n11.:d wht•n thf' dreuer and ('ln~..t Rre n'RIItlnably ch.se to· ~:cth<"r. H ouukeeping cnn\'.enlence 1.1 In· n <·asl'd when there 1s--sutricient ... p.1r r \" J>f'nnll ~hi' bed to bt> mnd•• (n>m two ~i<lf'.o. 11137 • M3 .................... --. 1108,010 Qu ~· 2-car ga ral{e. p<'r ""·m·r. $1~. 11138 ·'MI-.... ~ ........ 1 U ,t3T . est• oris . ~pl. 4. M rS. Xetlie !.t. lialb~rt. 1 111311-&42 ................. -... ltl,'t'!l . ~ C!endall', rl'-roof dwelling with ;r~--... ~.~--"""::~--~-"'""!----..;..:....-.----------.. UNO-510 ........................ 1,1to,t22' ·. . 1nd compos1t1 on. 6300 W . Ocrnn front Jan. a. .~.~~ ... ~ ... ~--.. • t2.o.o ~P\nswers pe~~~tn;\!~~·~:·.n~!1:·0i Kennard. I P'eb., .0 ....................... -... TT,lfiO Qm·sticon Considering the ex-1!120 MtramRr dnvl'. i .. p111p1 .to j March, 50 ............... -... 51k'T2t ll'l'lnr riJlfWa rance of a small apa rtr'nt-nt houJ<t'. JWr Fr~,.'(l Bar-~ AprU,-N . ·"' ~ ... o.,.-.~.:ofltl,lll l h(lll!'l', carl 5·ou pi NUll' 'ad\'lse "US 1-"'"Ulwl.ll:.• . .S300. " - May, t3 . , . .. ....... $, 1to,7t3 who•n· IS thr• moet d'esirahlt' loca· SPpt. 4. Dr. and Ml"!!. N. 0 . June 87 .. .. .. .............. 1112,748 Iicon for th<' <'himney? Cash. Snnta 1\ na. 6-roc.m dwf'lling I July •o .... $ 12,4011 l · A n~wo•r L'Riess' the buildmg n nd 2il by 20-fnot ga rnge 11t 21~ August 38 $110,326 budgt't w•ll permit constnrction o! :>l::.n·1~~~ffl. pl'r Floyd B. Rogers. 1 Sf'pt. 12 • · · S 48.58° a t'lumno·\· .. ( good proport1on11 In ~!;OOO. • _1,..,_ , : r~J11t 1nn ,;o th(• siu of thr hOII!<t' it St'pl. of. Mr. And Mr!l. Waltt-r ·CoNRAD SHOOK . go!"T~_AcTo R .Ar:-~o BUILDER 'COMPLE"TC B U ILDI NG S ERVICE Pt-i Q NE N (W P QRT 1034.J 2 12 M•~,, .. , Av£· P o . an , 2 01 B'ALIJOA ISLA N'O. C I>Lo r . l ""!eiD• ....-~·•y en• •p•ft . Dou••la~ U. two-ston.• 12-room.t' .... .., '.-........... ..," .. , -'" clt'~lnthl,• a nd more -et·onnmica l " In planmng " low-coet hou~P. A to l,!<l' an m•~tle chimney. Clllmneys dwrllinj: illld 3-t;ar gnragt' attac h·I'--------:---------------------.J housing ~XJ>f'rt !luggel!~ that un , ... ,·.!atnt11c onf' or two !Jut'S and I'd. at !l.'l2 Yla Lldn :>lord. per \\"m · --· ,r . \1-'mdow openirljC!j should rV>t oc· cur imml'dintrly o\'er a bed. I'Spt'· <'In II~· nPn r thP hPad o! ll'll' bed~ • ll'~i'-the .building budget will f>f'r · h1111t of llll!ll lliUm size are too tall Rnhrb:whPr. ~22·000· I i----------------------.,.------.. r111t coMtr\1ctlon of 11 chimn<'y ot am.l n:.rrnw fo r g ood e-x1erior Sept,. 4· Tom <;Arson. two neon t gooo !'o::_t;:-~~' relation to Th .. ·j,..,.r~l. when built o n ga ~'::~llt;t~::::.~;::o"mt~~ 1_1 __ d. '*hf .. T .. aasler· ,;;;.---.--+----,- t tf'f'". It 110 ~lrabl,.. unda, hA,·., t-1\e.-•lfect o! div~ ~~'pt. . C'fl\lill)[e ttnl'lf;" tWcr-2 -. -"" :;; ........ -· and often mnrf' l'i'nnomll'"lll t o u~~ tho· h<•ll><· .:1 two parts. tn lll!lldP o'hllllno·~· {Jol•''l ,,, Ooe!' t!:l<' FHA JWrrml ~tN·~· f>·rnnm d"w('lllnJ: nnd 12 by j TRANS.'ER AND STORAGE C 11nno·y~ ,·.,nta lnliiJ: "r"' nr twn the lot Ju ••·rve as down payment Oldest m Santa Ana -Srnce 18112 h _ :?0-fnot· g:u :.go•. att:H·Iwd. 308 Iris I o fl 1 t 1 f '" <'lllh'. <'•>I .. n:. clo-1 !'<Ia r: JWr Oa v-1_ i.:!_ 1\rh Hll t n llU illJIHIIlt ~IZf• J, .1 l.·•llt• "" R ~ J :lro' l•w• tall anti narr"w for 1:""" .\ll•\1 •1 The buildrng lot mn~· "1 ll J;nr.lun. ~:\l)(l(l I MO\'JNG • PACKING • SHIPPING ._ . • ......... ~ ......... ,..~-" ...... , ..... l •·~l~n .. r a ppo•!or·.tr'<'t• :.nor Who'll -<('!'\'(' !h <11 or part of the do\\'11 St•pt 1\. nr. and !'ofr:<. \\'. J . Monlft I .. •·It coli g ahl.-...... :. h.t\1' lhf' pfff't'l p.o\'lllt",! ,J. p•·rv.hnl! upo n Ill' n duo, I\\'•H<Icor~· 6·rtl0m dwPlhn~: with J· L,ong DistanCl'· or Short Hauls · ,.f cln 1dtng tlw h"ll!'•' 111 twu "pari~. amllltt· \,<Illation of thl' new houst-ear J::lr>IJ:o' a ttadwcl. at 6:l 11''"<'"'~~ t""REf: 'lt:·r~· dl'~t roy1n* Its tlntty nnd th<" ~~ -•. " I: •;· foil' I R -L...\Uul.D6ide. $6500. I I" ' ' f:STI:\IATJ:s • -CAAEFUL JI..UlDI..IJllG .,_ ___ _ S~pt '" \ ~\ 1,·.·r11pcr· 111 ~ "C': :,l'f:;lno·~~ \\'tth•n1t E .•·t1·n\·agnnce" •,..-----1h-"""11A!41CU1•'e apparanq! l.lf-wi4th. . -~"""'-"U!lt•na ot _!be..EJ'&l&a ' • "· ' · ' · • ' j ' ·' n . _ .·.· 1/ .. I I ~ dftfU,t ... ·.G E N .. E R ·coNTRACTO.& --·~·., Telephone 222 • ...-, '. I • r ~...,---__ e<mfft llli · tram~~ ·:JOt; Spn'rJteoa J -S'ANT.t\ ANK p~ 156-W .. (( ... ,, htuldm j:: and ><t1•ra~:•• !<ho•O.I L---------;----:-----------~..:.:.:..:.:...J AN ECONOMICAL PLAN FOR A SMALL HOME "'-0'/~& 1fZOO""' ,~;·· ( ;~:()• .I. )Wr ow~11·r. $400 ~··CL ~ l'h•'J·ruan F; . ..fu1.11.cr.J..l04 Cli ff drn·~._:l-(·flr •;.u agt'. :<torage I and laundry roop1, JWr owner. Sirll'l(f. .L_:---- ~Carpets~ Rugs. and Upholstering;. .. i· : A · COMPLETE LINE OF -Sl'pt. !'>. Mr~. Mary <,:;r1ffln. ~a nln 1\rla a\'f'liUf'. po•r J. H. E."'tll:< ~t'Pt. HI~ c-'rnmhu• ,\lio-n. 308 In~ a \'f'lllll'. per S:n11 Kms(alhcr. i H<'pt>. 10. F:~ Hslyo court. J:l-12. \\' Ct•ntral jl\'('llllt'. pt•r l<lll<:.f n· 1 t lwr FLOOR COVERINGS __ ~---t---­ FOR YOUR REQUIREMiNTS . ------ , ~1'['1. til. Ed .• Ctll. :1102 Lar,a·y· I'll•'. p<'r Ktn,.fa tho•r. r.- 1 St>pt. 10. w . A. Grbbons. '930 l'ml'ltl.l'r. p<'r Kml'fRtht•r . L~;~UII ~&RPET WORKS Phone 2806 ·. SANTA ANA .. 1622 S. Main St. .• .. It ahoald be doael . A Complete Sheet :Metal S~rvic~. BMc:h. CUmaUC CoacllttoM Call for -W . O.tnl Newport B1M1i tiM< Rl&ht Ma_.rtali .ad ....._ u for •s: .. · Appllcat:loa j' ('aJI •. " &ad "'" ww Be Ola4 to LEE. o. POTEET, ~ .... · •. ·•· __ .. Sho"' \' ou UN' \'ltal ~eelS tor -f'ropt-r PalnH•a So 1'-':"'--:' ___________ ..;,~-----..:~----J ·. r-uaa for \'oar 1···~=-----...;..---------~:_ _ _::::.;, ~~ ! ~ .· Phoae Ne-,o~,J217.I' · HAT!r ONLY ONE K~Y? JOH:'II T. . W TE.R 1 1stence nf only Oil(' kt•y wht•n .you· ha\'e for t ....,__3_o_7_M_an_· g-o--·Jcf~·-c_o_ro_-n_a_n_e_l_..M:.._ar--'f Ai. No . need to hi' <'nnt•ml~ll~· incnnv~n.1encE tbe ell· SYMPSON & NOLLAR ~ or three. It nnly taket< a j1f!y to mak a upllc&ter ~· • we do 11 nght htrt' wh1le you walt . · 1F'ormf'rly Joha 'P. Sympeon ) . HAROLD I. JOHSSOS, Locbmltb 2310 La,., ...... l't.,, Bf't. u aacl 'tt ...... - 2828 W. C.ab'al A••·!~.-oo.....;_--:----~--~--=:.::..1 -.. ,., .. .. --L September 11. 1941 NEWPORT-BALBOA PRESS and Personal 1 Costa Mesa Briefs R~v. and Mr:~. Curl Johnlk"t Mr and Mr11. A. C. Almond, 191 f1C a Wt't'k a t I hi' Crnnd Hoc heater ltnlf't. lptont . thl.' WMk· 1'110 wt!h M r Almoud'l:! alaltor, M n . L'lt~m Hu111pht't'Y of Sii.n Fernando. .... :.at-M.,..,~~ iM..eur boul----- at l...uk<! H"n· Ht·rrit~•o· \\'\ ,., fmt 1!'1 Alht·~ JlTI'I?. bh~·k tJI\ A \',li."1U ;,, Pearl Andt'r.IUII nnd Cam•ly. ul 128 Vlrg111111 l)lt~t't'. to the former C. E .. . 111 E . Wilson s trt'H Juhnston M :!226 New-port Spt'nt Sur1LI"y w ith htll and dauf(hler, M r. And n Drake or M idway Ctty Tettnf'y, 41 A ~hm1 !~lrl'rt, rnl"d fl\1111 a \\'l'.,k'!e rout· at the hWipttRI. Bt> 111 rf'· (l()nslde.raba.-:mpro11..d &Ut'I>IS Bl the S. /\. 14l-V•r~uua pltwe and M I'S. Alb(ort \'llllll).: tt;or'!! mootht'r. Mrl! Htlm" Mr.~ I...Juyd Hn~tl!o•l 1011d Sharon Ann. ''' LonJ( SttMfty (!Ut-111:1 Dt lht• Wrtght hnrnr on Sun Mr. and Mra. J . H. L.yon, wl\o htt\'l' b"l'll rdldlni Ill 2020 Harbor bouh!\·aru. ha\'" .11tU\'Ni to 3U Sua•ltz.·r· 11\'t'll\Jt', ~ .. wpVrt ~el&hl~ Mt und M no Ot~\'td Earhart-or 1-::sth"' ~treet .1110 Sanl~t Ana a • l.ltt •. 11 n · ltw prtl't' n l.s 01 u sun. burn So•pt 1:!. ttl Sllntu Anu \'allt•y 1'\uS· pttul. 1-:IIJIIYIIII( 1\H .Iuy leli\'<'8 th•·tr H•li!J<'l'll\'•• fllllotl~t·~ ure lui <I K.lltttj::y, Carl l>t-Fun.l I tun So hltl'l'\\t'IS, "" 0)( L'anlfl n .. b ••rt,. ut ~~~ l...uts Ulmtpu. ~J'I{'.nellll~"todoty w1th M~ Fnn11y Arm, 1 ~0 F.. 1 !;th lit reel, a!'f' M I'll. (.up· ~abt'lli'k und Mra. Dorothy f{othwell. • Huntmgton Par k, and ~1 tSM Junt' Arm, L.ong Beach. Mr11. l...atrr't'llll ~II and children, Uyron nne:! Sttndra, ""d the rorm- •·r :; 111oth~r. M rs. l...aurn J . Readll', .111 uf H5 Shurt l!lre~t. spcont Sun- clto~· "ath rt!luti\'I'S at Oc~oMide. M r .. l-'1\1111'' A rill .uul Mr .. ,, IICU.I)' .~··~ERAI... st:K\ IC 't:.. ''1111..' t I' t . ('I J • • ·~u ura aza aon a."-'s L llm\lll'd "" M••ml.ty u lto•t\\lo•d HIH :\U t:U MEMA Rt.,IUF.~T I th•• fllno•rnluf Mn• H otwa n l " lllh h·. 1 ~~llndult•"' nrC)'"rUIII 1-'111\0'rul :ot'rvtt•l"fl \\ ••to• t• ld .Sn I 1 ~· ,--..,. 1-"' 1... ll, &b<·u•·k u( H1111lllt~l"11 l 'tll k llrotuy fc•r M rw. Ut'llllo.lo• Mtllo•l' ·f Th' , E . • i Mr!! Ma r y Hil'h~tnl~nra nltd "''''· who!le d('l\lh oc._curr .. ct 1'httr.~<1Ry lt or IS .. \ ( 0 OJ.t F'y.-rett. hll\'i' ntO\'I'rl trnnt 1~:1 1".'"11111.. Mt he.f bontv U!) Uld """'""~"'~ t•f NootA'Jturt H11rbur C'•·•·tl pltu· .. tu L.ynwuod: Tht· Rtlll ( "11111 ~' rou.t I 'tltZI'It .. htt• "'""~ nrul \hrtr frh'rt<lll ,,.,.,.,,\ pruj-...11y '" 11('1\\' l"'l'UI'h'•l .SIIn 'IV•trll •racludl' a 1"'1' 1 t.ltl.til(h· "Ill 1111~ ,., o·tt1111: j,:lll ht'r fo r lifo• l)y Mr Mntl Mno ':'tltthnn Varrtt')' to·r l'>h.,; Kru•t•n~ K o"~ "1 l'tw"."11•J •tll •tl•·tl\' ... ,.._. '""'-" '"''ll••t luo'l;l • .\ rtz f••llr llllphrw!l 1 •r1""11 ~•·I· oluuwr \\ hh It "til tw ho•ld at I hi' M.r. Mnd Mrs Ed C ttUilnt'y and Mr nnrt Mr A f' Wol,..•u tM ... on .. r S:!n D1~·.:v ''''"""" ~··l ·j M r and Mrs. Monr~ Nettl•s and 2'; I . . . . • . I .... "'' h~<ll "' CoHI\111~1111)' churc:b ""' ~ £tul s rt'l'1, \\'••r(' ,,,.,.k,·rhl h,•:oo l-4 ..... ,, \"•\ntn ra. CHrl ·"1 .,.. •• \ • \lt.u t .. •fttt;IUil' R ::4~ .. ,11" k • htldrPtl, Antta und R otwrt. hll\'1> t lh I ht •t I n 'I ... M I 'I .... I A ~ 1• ,.,,. 1 ""~' •·r ·' 1' · "' · '1'1''p'l410'• .~ • "111 ··~ ·" "''11• F"ll"w•n.: t11nr"'r n 111\'rr~lrtrll ro·lllrnt'(i from Sf'\~rftl dll'l'l'l' \"BMI· C'lo•IIIHlli: """ ro•oo•nt)\' 11111\'t'(l ft"lll ~.·utt lo·, f•Hlr .,ll••l'l'!', •:•1 1111•1•• ~o•l lh•ll 101 ~<'I'JII;IIu pu rk und Sun Fran· It 1 i-.; "'-1 k 11 1'1"1.1"110 '"" "" pr•"'•'lllo"l •mdrr .llttt!on "tro•o•t 111. atunt:ll Cit\' '"II H<•lltt~ltl, .,., >11 ••lonaud •lot•o lt••ll ,( Mil• Mllllllr \' Rl't<l, oll'\11, ~t n. Mot'lo•ll.lltol .11101 ltt'l SL,J•·I • .\1114 ~1'11<1\n an<t,tU>Io·" \\.,,,...,,toll"·''" 11,...111,.1111 l no lllll•~l \O'lll tl .. F tolh•WIIl$: a "ho ot \'tStl \\'llh tht',. Mt!<ll lktty \\'tl'llon. al""' t'llJool'o~l , .. r \~IHH!Ut'rqu,. '""II"" I''' lllrt'lo "' M•''lh 1111 ltfr ro·l'l'<'t t lilt' parentll, &b \\'Inter· k r.·o·o'nl t rtp tu Sar\ I •••'1:" "11<1 T t;t :'••1\'lt '"' "••rt• Ill d t '' 1:• "' lilt r-tin I ,., \'Ill' I y fthll"\l Ill I hi· ~Ill hnttrno· and Arthur ttbson haven· J"""" .. 111 K ffnlttt'l <·huJ"f'l. lnl• ntoo'ttl Iff'· 111,.111 Ht•fllthltt '" MINI .lullu A lin , I til no·d tu Slln I...Uis Obi..Spo w I oltJ.: lttoulo· at \\'.,.~lllltlt~l·r M• Ill• II 11\olo· !';o•l,' •·~I d~ ul tUIItth,.l ll Will lht'" 11re ~nroll--' at CaJ·'ornm ('~t.-,t,.r ;;nol!.-y ••I ~ &c...1..._..1ln1 r Mrk 1 " ~ ...,.. u "IN'I't lftl t'd 1 11 nl,,. I~;• ~;h•11 h.-J lftll"" Jtauno•y, l',.lvto·o h nw ~· . tto ,.,., Alit •Y """ '"rl • I M I fl I flvtn~ llt.'olnlll"r t h•l' "'"k lo•(l i'CilcP:M'IIS t:R -I'I.A1·r \\t.IUUSti' ''' ""' '~" 'lf'ltlll ,l'l•lln •·hi I Mr ancl Mr11 "Brh'k" Catne.sanll I"""'" Flytn$: ,...h,.ol a t F'llll••ri••P .I ~ rltt• J"•'lo:"•ltl 10 111 l'ltr1h ulurlv ·, htldl't'll, Mirha~l and Cn-trhPn ln tlt•h\'l'r fl pllllll' t•• St rluuol .. l • Mn• 11"''" (,rPllllo • I lnrult•r ""11"1 thr·. '"'"'''' , ..... 1\(111011 olll· 141 2:1m ,11trrrt. lt'fl Mundl\.y foor Mmn. 1-·rY,m th••rt' Itt wall l.:tt 1111 '""11' M•·~<~• n•ul "~1"1' ol· ·•1••r . "1"1 7•·•u• \\ h1• will ludlt\' lf'I'I'IVr tho•rr I IWtl \\'l'f'k:c!' fiMhtn~ nnd f'nmpl111:: tu Alhlutoo• t'lhtoo, too pwk 1111 '"'ol ~It t:lmo•r J f'latt "1 :-l:onl:t All". loll II n:olotnth1llltooll I•·•Jl•·nt 'MI .. )' Mr. Roa('h IR empl .. yr\J hi' tnp In the high muuntaln o'ultn.lry T.o~l"l Cruft t•l~tn••:< f,r trrtlrtlll); "''1'' mnrrtt•d Thu,..l .. \' lltj;l!) '1~1•''" ,..,.nk \\'rllt••r Sktlllll'r, Ml"' Atr('raft • hliok t1f BtHhop t,,,.., ho•tt' ••lllld rlto•J< whkh h ••k pl:u·,. 111 l :tl'"" l 'tollo'l tollol M~try A11n \\'tl----I 1 · ('oo:<tl\ M••ltft Commum t\' t'htttt·h._ Hnrlt~. nil ,.f \'""'" M .. ,.,. M n 1 _QJwn PArtin;-un<l cltt!· ~un<1r!,r....J>U!:Hl.l!. nt th<' _ _!:to rut. tJ) f---Mr_jl[td J.lnl.._ Wu.lkr a.-_·twf,l ll\1.: .U.:"-~Jolpuw,t.h.U~~··"'mll--1 'n-n-rr wm ffl't "'O til\"! Yo•l[r,.~nt , -Jau~k autd -Carl, u ( lo.t.lUJLJ..i'~n¥ AR».........UO. £, l8th--...... ~~~itnn.: itt I til Jlrond -~'ttr t hi till ~W nrrw-lrt ~ to ,,j,..,. nn-1 w1ll "l"'"k hrl1·fly .,11 \'L"t!tnJ: nt tlw h11ntl' ~1!'•••·1. wcrP Mr. and M rs. E.u l way ,.,,,.,. lho•tr torrt\'111 front th•• tlt•·tr fr·H·rnb at l 01!1 " Mnln "Tho• l'•·tt~ltllrta .. n," Mr11 Ko·ld reo-' er's m1other. Mrs. Ah•,. Ann r1nd daul(hler. Jane, o r L.ong 1-:U~<t IW\o·rnl mnnthR """· hll\'" ·tr•·•·t. S11ntn Ana. "l'"lldlltl( with "Th•· V111J'r" Ot111 I 1789 ~t>wport bnuiC\'artl Ht•ttdt, and Mr. and M ra. A. 1.... I lt'utwc:l llw '""""' Norr111 Mt>llott &:lltlnn .. 1 Hn~Rrd ot Costa Mella . l hnmP 111 21'11 F. lltth 11trt't'l """ ",." l t 'j\RfJWF.I.L ••oa ~IMTt:ll I Mrs. I.... B. F ortune. who J · lakin$: f'k•li~NIJ!Iun thll• wN•k ~11 . ~f l'll. R.,lwrt Adum. of ~141h ,\UMII'li'IIHS UAY ~CHIKAM livufg at 20i6 llllrbvr After u llhurl \'IHtl with hL'I fa· nnc.l Mrll F l'4t·ll•'r llr•• prt•J•rll'lo no "ltt·t·t. ~··wp!lrt 18 l'llll'rtlttnlltlot are this w~ mm·mg l llto•r. FrKnk Ttmp~e. and, 11atn , 1 ut PyUy Apparel. _ ~ Snturdn , 'aft!t'mJon 81 11 (lll'f'well A "1"'<'1111 AdtiiWOiull l)11v jlr\I- Bi'8fh ')fr Fortllnf' tl'l !\h ~ flPrl\lN:! \\ Yt'nl, R uSMII I 1 I ( } h u H KI'Uill Mid 1111rty WltM hrld Murutay . . T I I _ _._ r I ,.. R ('It l•r c-r ai.Ater ... r,. yrun afto·m<otolt "' W··~t Hh11' 1-\0I'I.al ('f'n• I with the South Coast l'llll' t•, t'I'Pf't'IJI to t'll\'e t ........ v or "11rl o~~<"nbnum. jr , rtoln l'lf C'~trl I h f !'\ th p d I y • r t'nrl H atbor. HI\ WAlt, where ·h~ '"I R n!lf'llhAIIIll. !lr ' :102 w W11~M • ",,"·",1011 () • (IU F d &liii,"' .. H w IV trr, !hi' llrflllr h•m•tnna I hi' Mtllllf'll · lllittlonf'd with the U. S Navy. ttlr,.l't. 1~ now llllldvtn~t A\'lllttoon "'1 Nl\'<' 11""1 ,., II)' nr """' ""'''" f<nt~ot 11nd Cotllllttrllo• NttVAI ntf'dll•nH" Il l r.r••ttl 1Ak••11, Ill Afl-111 111 ru fl111"'" "' ·'''""'" ·''" k,..,,.,. ~u ~lt'li F A. Btxll'r, 2428 New-t•r It :10-duy '"llr-o• l hrr.-ho' "'" ln\'ll••d J.:llt'•l~ ,,... ~~ .. ~dAnt•'• llt•·rn l 'ttllflllloln M u•to JI"'•J•••'I P.•ll l>ulllo•\'urtl, Ill 1.'\tnltnt'd to San. 1-:n111 1;rrrnr1 I' o; H urttnn. I' Th t 1 111 1 ,.<f \• 1 • k l••>t , . ., fnr ,))r11rh••rn, Mro h , lot o•n \\' T \ . k 1 •\ \ 1101,.,,.,11 F •· "" 1 •· K•r • P""" prtr ta Ann a l~>y h•t!lpltal Wtlh 11 b ro · ,.,.11 111 thr Ford ;o.;uq· -.c•hoctl. Mf'l' • \tn lr •• • 'R l trfltArl\·,)"·l•lllltr '""''" lho·,v "I' and h"r daullhler-in-law. I •·n htJI tho• onJitr}' hJvtn~t been sue. R•t!lt'nbftum'" crnnrt_v m \\'II II <'I 1-: ltu!e.,.eU ~~ H \\'.•odf'otll~h ,., • .,,.,.,, 111 , ,,.,11111,. ruttl ;.,111,.: ,. f' Bru\\'1\of n akel""ftr ltt l:llfiP<1 F rt<1n y Inn fnll at l...ynwnoti ,Hrn\\11, \\hn '"I "'"''illll•' ,.,,., H llt\'1<1~··n .. : \ Rf'A "" nf j l:f'"lll' .,f '·"'"''''ll''ll•rt" lllllltl..-·r~ :-;;,,. ·~ ,, r•u rt••d (1~ rt•!'O\Ing ~11.'411y I hn.s ...... n ~· .,,,.,.() "•th the :".t\'\' ,., •l.t ~, ..... ,. ~t r-.: t :lll t•htr t•nnu ,, th• I \••ntnJ.: I h l•·tl.ttflturut 1',.,. ... "h" (ur t ~ r I t f'ntl't.'uucJ ~1 1 '-l •' u.dd J l ""'lt.{tt ··utt·~t th ... ,,,.,., tt••u "lth th.,. n·trl:t e past hllll IO'~tdt>ll \\ll't Mo , ... .r Mt'-" \\' A mold, 8011. a I • lln ''"J:'". I" """ O)('At7 Ill ". ,f '"'"1: n ...... " \\ h•t Will 11'<1'11<1 :'• ''" foo\\ • ·'""''"' Tho•ll pr .. ..:nun tn·lll\1' ~nd d.oa~:ht••l ~~· l'hf( :IIlii rt:IIIJ:hlt•r. Jo:l .. ano r. all' of A unw<la \O;ho•r .. h·· ,. ,.,,., , ........ Ill "·~~···s .. tllll t••l< llt•l•t•l•·ol .Sill r .. s ..... llllontln ltfl Andrew J L uptun. :,4;; :.".!:;n ="""!'""' holllrntrd, ttnd Mt><~ lltf'lJtl _.mo lhlnl( ~It• J tthtt."'"" ·tllt.l thrt••• •h•l-Ill•' '"".: ft•tlll lito· C••r•llllrlll _.tret•t. tll.fht~ '"'••k """ '1-"•llto• Hu~t·r!'l ·"f><'llt !'undsy 111 1 :.;.,,, .. ,.,.,.,.,.,,, .~1o·ro tllo :"oo kdl, •h•·n llyro~n J' t'halh•ll, Rllfl :\!11r·; 101,1ttllfulft• ool 1-:••lloolool T utu Mill Snnts A nil "lt••r;• ~ht• ha' ~"II lllt•J:" w'ttl'rt' thry ,.,,.,ted ll•• 14 hu hn .. l~t·•·n h••' '''·"1: lwl\\'•·•·11 b:h7Jti><-Ht w•ll )"'" Mr J"h""'"" 1n1h11 lln7tltnn l•tllfl h\' an•l thr•·" 'apartna•nt r .. r th<• Wtn· !::1ll)<ort l':llk :tutt and oth~r p!llnt~ ltfP llnol tl•·lllh !<Ill" lwllil: ~t'\o•r•'· \\It """' '"'" 111 tl~t· fllltt nt1~ '"' 1•·.-11\o• 1\1• \1• hll '"II~· f:l l'ltrr••· I o( tnlt•ri'Nl. l,v burnNI July 4th "''' l.l>ol Fr1 lh· I'''' :?'! rw•ttlh!<, liNn,:: 1'111· ,,, ....... , .. ,,,,., .. ttllol """;.,··I and Mrs. (' C. Altrtdl:<' Ht'l ntnn Partndge. jr .. 'rrnm thr dAy trnn"f•·rr .. ol fruJtt .Sunlu Ann (·I• ,\•tl "' "'"""'"" lhll> ,-.,mpany t !uu•t• .. r;1 .,,,,,. Th•· l.:lll~ ..,,.1r Mtr~t ro•turrwd Frtd:ty j:ll\'t'TIIIIIl'llt atr bue at Tucson.j Vall•·Y hoo:<ptlnl l '" l h• ('llilolt•·n,. I''''" n.t•·•l Ill' Mr• II·•\' I lit• k• 1 (hl~ll' KOJOUI 11 at 8 ,.. \ rtt .. ,.1,..nt thr• wt'ek~nd with hlq I hoMpi!RI rtt Jlnl YW•u•o l Ttl• • htld, \\ 11.1. \tt:su t 'UR \\'P:I.t'AHP: , ,, ~1,.,11,.,,r ro( Ill•· '"'Ill pr .. Jr• 1 . Un Snturda\'. Mr nnd l t:r"m1paro•t~t~t. Mr Rnd Mnt. R. W. whn 114. ll!'' ~111111-:ht•:~ ,.f Mr 111111 I •ltt>-lt "''"' ""''"'"'"' ••f lh" In tofll''''' lul tooJI '"' fltt·ll rt.••t•l ttridgt> 111111 r·n11tJ11•11, 1 ....... ,\1<-t'lt•llanrt .,( 118 Brondway, 11nd Mr< \\ 1-. :-.;,, k•·ll, :I\! I Hr"'""' •Y ·'""'"" \\',•ni• 11 " •lu" nfl• """' f<ort· Jon• •· ftw Jl,oJ IIIoolo\ •I 111 ,.,.,.~, 111 •••1 and Arnold. Wt'lt' ~uo·:H:< •• t h1,, :ttlltl, Mn< <: D. F••rguMIIn. llllfft'rl''l 111 1'1 ,.,., ••ntl :tll'l tlllnJ tl111 ltrt;.: 11 drl\'o• t••r ..:•~<Jd 11:<•·'1 ·,.,.,It .,, lh•· '"'"11.: "" """'" Wllh 1 Mo~lmAn home tn An:'l· • :t:l.lA HtHI)<•r hooulevard. llf'J:I'f.o· hllrfl~ "1 ••r ~~~. P•·r f'l'llt uf l'lothiTIJ:, llllltlllil•· '"' llt'huul "' " '" 1"'"1 I~·~~ Tho· • "•"• llu~ ,.,,.,.,.,1, I her h .. dy \lollcn h•·• dH·,.;. lwo tllnr "''""'WI<', 111d \nllllwct ndtt TUI''I· "'"rlrol J•l'""""~ r .. r tto•ttl \'l'lfr M Moq 1.11111!41' l~chtnld. rormPr ljtn llo•d (rlllll II hoolllll• lnsl lnllr cht~' 1'\'0'rtln~ f•lr lh•· f'llrpo ...... r 'llrl11\ltl .on•l hlo~ 111~11 ""~''' •·f Wlrl• Mr11. Ed Murnll, 218 E , L'""'·' M"'""' Wht> hall !Jeen rc.s.ldJI!R P'·nd .. no r· Uuy ~m~u.lm~t any' llllrnwnt11 1n ,_, ul llllik u 11111.t· J ur JJ.ot • •·nl• II~Uint,.,l reP I, t•ntrrlatnf'd Sumlny .1\ l tt"'J.:ItJK C:tty and Sttn Dlegul ~ n lt••ul 1.,11 Tlw 1 ""il•l•·l••d r11n~t1,..1,. ,.,w-1• Rl a Sp1HIIllh (tlnnrr. tho•IJ I f.,r lit•• J'll"t 1~ lllOnlhll, hll:< rf'-• Th•'. f.AIWlt fd i\ llllllt 11"111': Ill \\Ill lht•ll 1" t u n o•·d u\'t•r I•• lho tnrhtdtr~ ~1 r 1\1\tl ~11 ~ lllr no•tl '" lht• Hllrh<!r dt.'llnl'l ond l !'t26 \\ 11•111 slroo•l "·'''''-''Sun I•,. tl '"'"'"'' l••urol I••• W••' wht'l•' ''''lA "'" .IA\'C t :Y. Dllo' And llnn. Holtonil , Mr 1~ :tJ(:t tll lt•·at~>d tn h•·l Mc•!<a h~me \JR\' tlw ~'.''"" .. r " J•l•·t•llltl fallltly '"t ol•·tl 1.,.,.,,11, _.1 1,.111-: 1., """ J ilt' CAP'Pr, 11110 Mr und tl IH6" H 11rno1r IMHIIf'\'llrd rrwuron. 2.1 t r lnll\'o·, l!.olh•·rllll: f••t ffl l H \I' Ill l'll,ltT' thf• ~·,··~nt t:ta••'-t '-IU• ht•1•·d ~fi tr\11 tr duat•• url i• 1''"'-''1 1 l•·ltHnJit Rrf" ""k •'HII•·•' l'al••t Tr'tlfdl ~ t~u,,f,.._ t• \\' K loohncun t•r La ..:una BP;u h ~tr-F:lnt••r \\'trtkl•t 111<1 !otllllh' of , tl '" '~ollt:u t M•• LArry Tou k••r. , '1\•·ol l•·ol.o\ rr .. l• \\' ••htrt~r,., I • . ... -. .. ,, ~a:" ,lll:ttiDD:D-I,J.K:ATI: ·+t>t~TLt'l'K .11t.'SU,; ~li'I'U • M 1 a~11':> ~IW IIC!> llo·1mul 1 ,_:'"'' \\',., ko·t• ul l'umnaun11 y hakh olf ~lllll'l i\1111 lou\, lo•ttlo·.t lo ltotloh ho•h.l it lhfl hltk 111<'111(' lUI•; th .. J o•hll ~h•~tt•l I''"I.,.IIV nt .. llll :i l"'! •l "'"'"'' l'll \ turk, ~y HtHb.•r , '"'"I''"" •I M 1 llo•/ntnl ,., ,.,,,,_ l'ft,,.,. tolt•·thhll.: w .. re M r htlhh llt <toltttl'<lo•ol '"'" lh·· ·•Hill l n rhl Mt 1(,., 1'111 1_. nlnlotA\l4thle~. h · .rr •• ..~ "'"'' '"' ,,,," ,. ~'' "'"'I ll··'·~~ "' ·• ·I ''I . II a. w. Mr• \\'tlh.oott('t o•\\ \\ltoo lttol o•two'll Motllt\ ""'' J•t•,.;hlo•t, l'l..lrlif, M r '"'"'IC "' th .. ''"'""" ,.,,,1rr•~ hM\'o·~ a11o1 ~'" 1\ 1. 11.,'"'''' Mr a ttd nw•·t'd h• !It" II I • l'o•\1••1 rt••• M t \\ I. 1 ·,,. , , \It •· Florvno • olo•ll•'t• l'r\•llcll\ .ol 4:0.1' lto't llootol 1 'I • ""I M1 • lo•u \ 'ltrk. Mr·~, •t,....t l.••ll~t• I It• II ,,.,.1 1\1) • 1\ 11 l',,. 'Ready fow .S~hool ••o• azaE naaT lndl\ klual St, lt•M Ill S.•htHII Ur.•~> ... 'M \\lLSlURt: L\Uitli' t41111n':" Kt:on.ATIUN SkiKl'S SILk H0."41t:R\ ('ASt'AI. IIA~ HWt:ATt:as LINGER IE • COATS • Sl '!;, lu $1.99 $1.UU 'aad up -~.96 Kth· aad ur $1.9.\ IU\d $'l.ff!) Sl.ft5 ud up DRESSES- You· ARJt;{CURDIALLY INVITED TO AN ORGATRON CONCERT .. St NDAV, st;I-T. 14-.~:SO and 8:00p.m. HAROLq ~· GR~UEL CHAPEL COMMI•:MORATING 8 YEARS OF' SJt;RVICE IN THE HARBOR DISTRICVJ' ORGJ\TRON SOLOS- DR. C LARI~NCJ.~ RJ.;YNOLDS CONTRALTO SOLOS- ALICF. ANIJR .. ~WS RJ.;ILLY Af'<'CIMPAN,.:tt IIY AL .. :XANI•Y.R RII:IU.Y Or.anlat VIOLfNISfi'S-,- MURIEL HATCH and L~ NOMA GRAUEL Al'('()MPANJJi:ll UY UlA"JA ORAIIII:L HARO LD 1<. < :RJ\tJJt:L CHAPEl: 110 Broadway. Phone 561, Costa Mesa ... ,~ f''ttolllt•••<l lhf' T urn.-r pmfl('rty l'r•n. Mr urvl Mr~ l;, .. r.:•· T .t\lrtr :!1!• llrntorhl.o\ ,,, \lrll Hol~<·tl I ' 1:·"' .Soorl ' 111111••1 •·•·11"1:' 1~1 1.11~14111 11\'Pnlt•'" otn•l RAIW011 fl"fffmtlv• ~1"111"''' llll•l -~~~'..l•.l!l.l.!.!!..!!:.!...: ---·-:--fi,.,..,,....,,......,..,.... .... _., __ _."-""""""""~---f.--------------""''''t r.nrdnn 1\lm••rul,.. 'Ahf, hn,·•-:. Frnnt •·n,, ~fut.a.:••' hU I ftfHII\ ul f lrw ruu~ th•• .. ,.,t: 'IC mr .. un.:· ~" '""'Joe en one ot -tJw t-t SIJTr~ Mrw, Muzg.YIJ"dA'UJrhtrr.; wU. w ol.-~UIM!l-\.:O...~I·ul-lui:k <1111 and Mr nntl ~fr<o Fr.ot.~ h •lltt.l:"' 11 • hlfl•·fl tn tho· SAl•·. hll\'1' Mts~ Frail• ,.,., l.-·~1••1l"' \\ h•• , .. , to•·l' In rhnr~:r n ( Mr-. l'il~tdy~ 1".1!1• k n ! Carl;.bad !\1r<~ Htoo\\1 11"'' "'I '" tht• f•trm"r Annn Smtih lito'"' .. 1 J\1 1 II '"'· \\Ill 'l"·nd 1 h• th~ ltfJ\'emnu~nl JndtM : • Will JtltPnd No·w1-..•rt HMr1M.r l;....... ".2..0 I'Ol'ILA.U.-IIT" I' I~~ h·l tr. llu J t \'ot••• .. ,,,,. • '•h~"' \111\ 1 m:m f'utlr!'J' lflnrr U\1' J:"'' • , ""'' , I I I I .• I h: ... t. ,,.,, IJ,!Ilrlt •• ;, 1n th•' r • .tl •·f 1!•,•• 1 11~o:l•t l,.r,,,.,.,, 11 ,, 11"~''" """" , .. 1.,.. , ... r ...... r-Jw"'"" ...... FOH SCHOOL a -~ . ONLY WIIILE -. TJ II•:Y I ~A~T . 1.. A D I f.: R J\ND < ;J·:NTLE~J·:N_s WIUST W J\ TCHf<";."' MID-WEEK EDITION .-..... ~Q.ST A MESA e Ia r tin£; ·:'fOb th aticm \t'nten r of •'uel to ll.S.O. (;roup ....,... __ __:_ __ Nc'\\JNtt1 lltu·hor lllllllltliiiM nrrlt't'I'W '"" ·n •1tJ lvnul n"f''- lt '1'114'111 rnr IIlii In· lttg soh11c•rs rrom dllc•_-. and 1 hill 111 ,, I I11111CJNtl'l IIM"I'\ • I" I \'lo'lt,t .. V II • ~-..r r • ~ o l .... •lrr·• • filf"'t11 "IIIII A flllhll" uf I Jl wtf' II ~ 0 olrtve "' '" '"' l'rnvllllnn f11111Lto '"' 1 m tu.pur. • '"'I '""' h,. would •'I ltp lu•mf"ol ately '"" '"'·~I th1tl "'" reMit 11 '"'m'f'llnl&l ll .... lol '" Nrwr•otr1 lf•r• ""''"'II t .. n o•rnla • • ,.,,.., •of t ra.n•I'Ort• ''" (.,, lhl' wrrtlettd Hof'tlrmlltf' fnr lar,. ld Limit ''11'--"'dl -I'f'P"rttd tm of rur1tm1 UWt .... t h,....,... • "'""'- ,.... "'"''"• klc~ "' rl!lll.llla thu. far. .... .............. cw•-•nt or ·~ I bJU.. ....... llle ~ .... ,..,.: ... outJ ...... a-on '" boeor ., tlry, U R A.., td, Whn wu -· • ~ra.l dev.lopo ort fl..rhor 11'C· Jl ,...,,tf'mt.r u a .. ~ow...-y llly ,...,. 111t1• will be made Wa•lln. who m&D)" v ,. 1 ;.,n,.r&.l Me· • In hw .,..,.._ "•lin~: at N~twpon lorite an , 1-foKpital tl'f''vr•l hrr" lalft · lle&Ut uf A no I,._ ftf'mllrl11nn a1111 I 11! 14 14 Ill'!' lUI ltf'tlch •I fl'rlolfly In a Kan •IIIII l"llfl"r•l .,.r. y....-trntlly A r ·ltv ht fl•rt•or ''"· """ I"'"" hl'arl ot J 1~,, '• "' thrr har- 11•1 w"" t'r"mlnf'nl I f•t 1'111 HVI"r lhl! I • h lnllllr 1"--J.._biiL.--- !ItJptrl'nl ut N-- l•· ,.,., ''" <.:-n•t·· """ ._ .......... '4flld• ,., .. """ ,,. ••••• ''"''''" l•littl!"' 2fi~'r;~r.'l' wlflt-,.,rprnnti"'TM• ·-ttnTrTr-.~.._ ·ftlTmrt1nn !!lrt'rl r.,·1n.ll'l' "tl h ho·r n nMr ntwf-m»tl "')'.j TffKt:t: TRAI~IIIIlfF.R.~ WIS f 1 1 !'; ~1•~ .lnhot Jo' \\'o•h!llo>r, :'>07 Or-II h h I . at PhO<'ntX. Will' " •·• • Ill 111 .,, "'''':11"'· wn-" hn"lf'IL'! \'ester-IJ! SC' "1• Thn·•· .. ,,.,,.,..rs "' '>:t•WJX>rt llu1 ~ reunw'l nr 20 .:;ll'll','r: r)l\~ llJ!~Mo. M_v~~~t,tn ·, • ~,,w_c;.v ·u~ol" ~:~'~"':r;:-~~~n~~~~~~~~::,:~.J,.;,;;~::.:.:.;,:;;:!~r:;~~~:;r;~~;::;;:::;;,=;;.,J.::-~ ~ 1••11 llo•;" h~~ ,;:n., ~:nlllP~ I Mt 111111 .~ .. \ Tnl•·ll•· lollfl 1 II ~ I ,. St 1 h .. • ''l&:••••turrr •·lv .. t P •. , .. rn~.: t f)JSCONTJNU I•:D MODJ•:L~ OF 7, 15 ~~~;r.m~~J~~·=~~~~~~~~~ r ... ltlldJ.:•• 1111fl .. Sltf'llll RftPriiOOJil, dttll~hlt•r '"'' .... r l lrltrtJ:•· 1\h•• """'•II nwnrolt•d "' ". ""'" T h•·v 1-----.....,.-------, Ill•' ufflttr hnnopng Mr!l Frank hrtl'o• nl.,,, ... f (o lilt' foonw·r Lull'\' ·"'' Mr• .l••unl1r-11, 1,1 O•tn r,1111,j, l'rtl\'111 ••I thnl •·l,t~·. Whit Ill lenv-T111 ko·r ,.,.,,,II'IW" 111 1:11 V1r1.111111 ''"'"' 101111 l;o·ur·~:•• ~~ 1 .. nnell 111.1; .Mt.ndu~· f•,r ~~~~ll. Alnska._ __ ~1iiu;. 1\JL lttt\l Mr>!, T no k•·r ,,,,, utt; T lht>( \\h•k tnkl·n Jt.-'l!lo·;.~"'" "' lh••lr r . 0 1111'1' ~l'flf'f'!l r··· ''''"'I nt ~.,. ~It It •td M "" flntu't t Ru~<,!l, who n••\\ I\' 1 "lltJ•I•·I•·•I 11, ,11 ,. 111 :.! l!t l ol11 v " "h""' ''" l11olo ·•l I •nn Cunrlt•r 1 h• t 11r 1 ,.,,. 1tn 1'tt111i V.ltl fot•Jl I truul1r1Jr.: .,,. ~ •. ,,,, "'' .. , 1'.! \\ h•' J.:r'IHUid ~· hot4tl I Ill'"'"' • J:••t ,,,,, •. , Wit\' Applu uft••n l••f uiiH•U4)u•tJ• ftill\' ,,,, n ·t•lft• hrl\' fH'•IIoflt~ ,t111r-111,~ tfl•• ll•ll'(f \\••• k Ill ti1t f·l1..:ht fllfl•' illo\•• ,:,,~ ..... " "' r· .. ~tn MPIII\ f•ll' ll•···u•l\• ,\· Mt Tlll•·•oo I' lllrt•it(l\' ... , 4Ax~·"· ,;, .• ,,1:. ,, '···nnrll, 44i ;,,.n,.•Ume JIIJ,'l. lift' lhti<,M'!'f'k 11111\'· \\·rll-k not...-n In t'hr Httrl~·• "'"" 1;1 ~oil, (.J A 1;1111• k tl o'OO, T Mr 111 1~11111''""" I • • II •• 1111 '"' '"". n¥ '"" k I•• tlt••n· Hnlbvu home att addition '" h••tfll.: '""I"' lo·ol "ill I I Aol·~•. :12x~•ll. S:o lft I< lnlhf'r. :12'< I•·):•· , ''l"l'"~ ·r. r'ilt '"''' l\110 '' Ill.!~ \\' II;,,,.,. fr,.nt_ where they the R. C . Pruko·r r•·ult,\• ,,,,.,. fro• ~ • ., Bo lo H•••·•l 24•~•'• \I C" Hmitt• •tr•·•·l/o :-;,,,,,, •'' • •1•111 ~l"'lld tho· winter. They will l">e2~!. J11rk u.,,,,, Jo:J>, ROLLJ•;J) c ;OLD PLJ\ TJ<~ A NJ) STA IN LI•:SS STI•:J•:L C J\S J<:S. 1\ LL Sationall.)· Adve•rtist•d :\lnkf's. V ALLJJ<:S lJP TO $:H.f>O # ,. ....... 1-------------, tn o,p;.rnte their nureery Hn.••·. l.lx~ir.. 1-'l••r• · ~~~~~~~~:o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;t~~~=~~~~~~~~u.~-~~~~--~~==-~utALL _~~D]g~-·----i~-·~-- ''"" C.ro,·~." rormtr mfdlcal mit~ ""~,. f'••H'1' h•·•J•.IHI "' r~•u ·-nRl: LIFE - ~lonary. wu teheduled to addrUIC E 1 slref't l'nlerl~ttnrd Sunday ln)uOl'JI ,.,. ... :,·"<! r~r ly Ht~turcJ-·. thr • m('l!)thly m eet1n1r of ~~~~at a lay.ett.. ehowl'r honilr1nl hu rn••mii•JC "h .. r. h e '""" AI n 1r k ~v ~1,.,.1\ \\' S C S whlf'h ta beln, sll•ter-ln-la~. M nc rhf'Ptf'r H1111110n f 'ORP~ TO RP:foll'Tf R 1t • &r ~~~~H'•·fll\' ••l•"'"'~d hy R u• held' todAI' 11 the 80CI&1 h.l.ll or nl H unUo«ton ·llf'a1 h Rupl\f'r """·" llfrl<"tAI r"J'"''"' · <lny ot t)a• ~ .. 11 1... M• """'" :12 u11111 r•t,.ntt·.- . d th 1 11 d t l ,. u -...... " c 11 " r"~"'"'·' o.f C:•111LII M• ~" !ihelt•••• I rnmmunttv. <'-hurrh M-r11. w.-H 1 111'rte on e a wn. n "'hr& on!, .~l!<&.:purt ......... <r ..,, • ,....· orp. w1 '--1 1-" k 1 hi 1 o 'l" "",. '•' ,,., 1 r r'•"•lt&Jt 1(tJ hl~h~•· .. ''tllr\' Will c:'Ondurt the bUIIIV~!' ur nJ l'llrt' ru IIIII In Jltn llnl tl" " ""fll •o ,.,., •ot•l 1 0 Announr,.. I .,.,.,.,;,n n.~t,.r~ (;OJ''"'" l'~'~"'''t\1 onl hal"<'! Mr .,,,.,1 ••f Mrl' H \\' I •-<"'· n-ly '" ,,, !-:,,,,., Al•lt hi Ill• l tn~ ,,, \h• I ·•nd Mr" T c· ~ .. tiRntl fi'lrtlto11 •l'"''"d c11pt11 111 .. : •he &ervl•" ·''"'""nt M•AnllllY\Io n ~n•tlhelcJ .Your Choice $1750 ,_ .. \It :wrl Mno Alhl'rt r>udrk, 1~<1 r;,... ... ,, Mr ""'' M,... R R••,.f•ny P '•''f' :,,,.,l.,.,.y I..Ct ~und11y 1111 I"* ftr~l •l,.r :ont1 Mr Allll Mr < R r 11rlcl'r _-n t""' Wh•o IIIIo o ,,., rl,o• l>l'lrAilfT Ut \I 'I \' .,IIIII' \Ill\ r;~ t "''"'"'" tll"Y hl\)e-,tllkl'n 1n 1~ """h•ton Mr ""'' M •~ I. ~M IIrtn<l nl .. '11 n ,.,.,,, .... ' \ :., lind 10114 J,.~, ~ 'l!•u tiY •11"1• .,.,,,,,1, 1•,• ''''"'~ Th,.tr trtp will lnrlude a :1nd Mr nnd M l'!l M :.:"""n(l ,, r, •. ,, th•·ll •l• .. ,r. ' "lltat,. \lo'ltt , ttl• I•''' •;. "' hit~ t~···l• I•·· ,,..,1 ,,, 1---------------, 1•1111 ,, th,. Mlddl" Wut and lhl'y i Lnnrr: H<-11r h , Mt rtntl M,. X Mt .t t.• l:'f''"l' ,.,,. , r., '"t11rn '"'I III•••••Jv. ''· •~ ''"" .... ~k '"' nrt p•rttrl!larly II'IQklhJ fnr'I'"Rrt! rh"t'<~~n·.Mr llnt1 1\fr" R Hllrd II,.,. .. ,mr•lo!••'f' ;1 ,. •1n bht~' lnl( ·,,, 12. 11•••1"1""' tit• ""'"I'' ,.. l'l~tl llljl oold . (rtrn<Uo An• I ,...," ll'-llr· I. I ' l 'hrt•! ··r. ... ,,, M r~ ~ l•• ~,, ~ 1111 k• I "I • wJ rllnr. I ,,..1111( lf,lo•l• ,, " ,, • •• I .. , ... 1. \ •• 1-4 1\~~ II\ ';<;o:bnutkA. nnP A brnth,.t Hrnk,,v. Mt 1111•1 Mr• JJ l'ltr ~l··n •lliolt~u• J~ll11vl J" ln .. Pnd •of I•""''"'•' '''""'~" r• ,.,,,,. t.!•• •I ~1r llu•trk whnm ft,. ha11 n111 .,,,. "'''lo1 M1 ''"'' ~tr• 1-. • 'hrt•l"'' d l""'•ltt '"·"·' •I "''~' r"« l•·1or. S• lot••l• ''""'"I<''' ''"'"''''' •' ~"" In 38 ,yean. M.nr AJII'D"" "''" ~~.,. .\rlj,!•·l··· ~r ~ r n rk' ·•lllol t••!• •• ~ "'''·1·1· •• •' '""' wnrk '"" ,,.,,.,I ''"''"' 1(•~1 I ('htm hmMn ""'" ~ u• c-harae or llunt lnl(t .... II<·~<• h. ,.,,~{..,.., 11ntlllll•<l '""'""'" '" •I·'• • · · lr"t ~,<1,., 1------:------..;..--th~ ltOrt' d urin( thl'lr llbeen~. I,,., M 0 HllniOC)ft, C.oeta ,. .. w a y n lo• ,., .. ~ .. I~ •• ,l.v "!Jit-)'""' :""--------'!""--------------"'!"-------' Sy(•amor.-at •'ifth J•hont• !'S61~ SANTA ANA .. t ........ r. •. luma,.l'ft!AA, .... ... of U... ..,.,,. C'ouatJ tlart.or .. ,... u.• ,. • ...._ 'Ana aiMI ·.,..,... •• INN'hnrap, .. ... -~- . .. L NEWPORT-BAJ,.BOA PRESS Th~ay. September 11 . 1941 ~ In a 4enw toe For the tint Sixty-Two T~ophi-.. Cm~crete Oil Barues -t Summer Llfe&nuards tornf' lh~ l'N!W b«'am~ ' little lo\'Or · 8 e- n f'd ~ they itidn't ·h ow atea "'inners May be Coit~'l;'Ct~ Close Bu&y SeasOn v.nt're lbey w~e •thear ~Una· , taun w .. Sf'Wport l and tnred the of :Ylieht RacMI at Newport Harbor Without Fatality rru&ht drift Into mined' areu. F or llltu.r; 0.. W ATEBFRfJN'I' Hy St'E HITCKMA!I: r ' -=---- . , o·n~·· nnd hall Itt lw In"' I'-d tu San Funny than~ whnt "unu~u>tl l Oll'g'<• f••r rt-IHliiM \\'lu n ~ht-r•·· w .. ath .. r'~ r a n •ll• I tt ll piA<'f'. O:o •urn•·tl 11 w.·,..k nr•~·· Htl•·r. !ihe hiHI Pff\'luUt Vl"ltfl Ill !'IIIII ~·r~uwu«·••. 1,,, hll)' IOJIOiht~r lll'l'llk' I hltd 114"t'n thr bay f"IIKh ttnd ~n·v I \\'oth thr r• •f ttf th•• 8t'lllt' flt'•·t and rain 11\A.'f!pl. "' """'tl'l)' unr'l th•· l lf'mtwr;;• ,. "''"' ~··h•~ulkl '" cha n~eea blr unllrr il~·onl( l'loouo)l< l•·ll\'o• l.ollt T;o~:;(lll\' antJ "" Kllrdone UllllliiiY lht' ("l(lld"'' I;,.,,. brad;:.· t tllhon,; '"'" r Mm;c .. r .. y Tlw pr"'" wa~ \ll'r••lil lord on (ooJ &u(l "Pf't'AN'II ,,( .,.rdoi'H•:t ha 11 ~n flxt'd at Sl6 ~ to "fl"" lhl' sky fur cluud J)f'l>plr 11 1.,n lhos V•••r aotJ lUI thPre 111 11n l..a.lt WHk. Yo•hllf' San t'ntrll'llf'nll l ttl>undllnr" · 1,( t u•h thP St"lllt(oll lheormorne~rw h•w .. rf'd around 1~"1 ,.h.,uld br Jlltud Ll<l!l vear's "4'a· IUid t•nly a faint brt"I"U t••ul'h~ I ..,.,11 wruo drf'RI"Y And ~npro>fltHblr lhf' fl&I'&JI"t or lhf' C"lltf lluulU' lho• '"'" ln l,.. ... , .... li 'toctl4c•·n fULhecmcn. brodg• loolcf'd baa but '""I In th.-"',,.1.,,.,,. .. ,.,., uutJ , aroN'n"ii ht~t llunllhone &J>d bf'nf'l&l h ol lhr toav hoy blu• and dfiC'oll" M A IRk,. Rt:TI'RS Ut ' n1r; nant houn lh~y dnfted. llfnalllna Marklnc Uae cl•"" •./ ltle 1~1 fntntlcally. lnct:Nantly blowmr the Yac!'t racine ca h· .• J~r 62 hand· fuJ: hom . Mndu\(( up tllarn, a nd !lOme trop!Uee W•·ro> "warded aA many vletorioull ""·"~"'· Satur-mnkonr slrnal t~t IIIICkll -k-Nt In C&liUiiM . • tty lht'y were day ntrbt, at ~ uruwal preMnlll· ru~hted by a palot boat and the lion dinner or :-.;,. .. purr Ha r bor <:out Guard w .. n(olafll'd. A cut-Yacht club. IH Aped to thf'lr rucue. whlc.h Chill O,.ln~e Se-ra._ luwed lhem .llllff'l)' thruuih the ln the Clllb Opt'u.:.l: Scru~•. hl ;o,t<ten Gale and 2nd awan:ts or' rh.-f'C d~&u • ~hrjrnruan~ll, • )11Uf\K nurae. went lo Don t ry' "'-UIM-.l'empe ~·."·u.~a~~~·r0~.,~h: ':.'.r~~~:~':~ :u~:~•~1~n!~~~· .:·:,.u'::Js ~~h~~; Rhodes C lua to H . Jonl<il. Walton ~3M llnlr'II!C)oul.-1)' surruunded by "''"' ,.11111,..r nt,purt .. rM She looked Hubba rd, jr., an<l .\ .rr .. ol. Harland h•·~<lthL f\nd hrq•JlY un'd saad the fo' BeardeJet,; l st l•n•l 2nd In lh«' Star Claaa to \\'••no 11, lieo~t' F . ''"Y"I't' h~d lJI't•n a non~l tnt~rf'sl! ~~lett%. and Chunl'l • .,, •rlt•s KOiontz. 11'4( t:lll•ert.-no·o• A~k,.d If Rny ro· "'·'"''~II hlld dev .. luJA'd ab<Jard. llh<' Thre. trophlell Yo• oo· uw11 r!lt'd In ,honk hl'r ht:ad the Alb&tro.a C'lll --I ~I IC'""IC to Ot hu• •·rf'"'' Captain Oenctu Rhapaody, Ed J:u' • II :lnd. My•taC', JO!old "Th .. y .;., >til u~rlel}c:ea. W. L. lnalee. a mi .lr•l F1olly Jack ' "" II 'lflllman ,..•am .. n n .. w Ourtn~; tt oJ\1 m e I...S. • 1 . rifo!ol ~Ait: they trunm~ "'' an a rapid ,... P,.ft~""'t' h ,, llYb' '1 d ,.,., lJt r oMit.._ P-... '" .• ,... ( II ll n t'· 11nd 11h1~hflf't' m~tnnf'r ~ g~r de l<'f ..,_ 1 S PC' 1 ~t<~od watfht·ll, t•.ouk lhl'or tum '\t JWn nc u.y · rw~ r allll I hf' "'h~l and •t'Vt'n nelpt'd with Wt'nl to Track \\ ll;ol ·kiiiJ)t'~tod by t ht• ro.:RJn2 .. Steve and Don-t h\ R· \~tt· ~l'\"Uilfl \\'olh ll}t• luau h ur ~<umm;or Ill•· C ,.ol~ro-fllrtf'...,.,f'~IW h"'t I ""'I ""'""''rottololl' hr~tuty an<l t~ '""' .. JU•I C'llfl\'t'OiuoMIIy pr .. tty I Jf ht I m:rukr.. .Ia SilO "Wtlh plaCt' WU won b\"' illrn" f.:c F!nf'j.• -,. t ht" f")(t't"l•l.t•O o ( Ju,r t'I\Ktnu . &h(." -wtn, WIW.I--nDt t H'ih£ I 1ur nltl "'h•"•n•·r fn•·ntl rh,. lr • 111 ~·"od ,,,11,111 4,11 (tur dt'lltln&· lhl' r lub. fnrf't'Jl,.,r '" Poi11 F"ry· 11nt1 , ••l••t v. h•• no>ttlo· ll••r h•orra,.-bft" 111111 .,..11,. :-; .. wpt~rl ,.,;, h<'N" ..,. f' aro· tht' Tt'mpe V T t<1•111 ftor .I rot phwoo '''"' v. ull•·r 11ml ~J'nn~o: "'."' h·"' 111 sun FrntH ,,., " :-.;,. "'" wun't try Wf'nl to Jtabt,t"l :)hlulldriiUIII ~tnO IH•t•li ,,..,. n•·ll I>\' Ju!K ph ~' h"nk I 1 h h lc 1 ''t ,., I ht' S<t. UB'«, 1-)F.Mf.CaAC~ • -. t tu to.u •'r ar· u .,tt'41l4JT n •· •• :A· y' (tt' TH,;,. "'•,•."' '"'" 1"'.. ;,ti(J t',.rl !"• tullan.:. "'" v.tll lt:.avt' hl·r h•·rt' nml try to It'll In tht' Rhod•·~ 'l,o•• I:H piiiC't• .... .. ......... .. h .. land had ~lldl II loonj: and 11<1· ho•r I wnnt '" rf'SIJII1t' wurll on wlnn~r wu Hit./'·"" F n .. lln:t~ll'f' ~~~n f'1'11n•·uu•to'" Fu•h•rnutn~ t•ntur""'' tilro••·r 1111lu•l•n1: So'''"''"'' l'hl>' llndlht'S~aliik>" ~·•I \\'~tll.!.•n HUh· • Wtinrf 010 )UIIt ~~~ ('toltorful lihd to~thv tn~ 11rm1nfl lh,. w<orlt1 h"ll """' · bard. Jr .. Sf'a !{.·• ·""' :lrol, Tum ltJl f'Vt'r w1th tu tint' llf'llftoow'l ,,.. ttt J>~r fl San 1-'r:t"''o~l"o I wtnl F.~RAJU',\UF.RU C"nlwford's Wh n To•d nnd Dark ~..~t11,..nts. It" lint' ttf uutdoor tllhlt ~ llho•lln'l h"r lhl' ntrormng llftrr sh•· Monroe tonk f ll""l pin•·•· for Sllln< 1J1,.1,11iytn1f ••Y"I"I"I ,.,.d llhnntp" anal 11 ad l'<•o·n '""""'' 111 hy u • "''"' gwHtl Y r!lr, a.:n Ira;: o•aUun~· "' San wtlh their Tom H oot;,., 211t1 lllo\'urll lnblltf'rw. all ,.,..ton~ rr .... hly toll ...... lllto•r Rtv· ''"'""toO Wf'llr)' ltnd dll'· t'rnnr oM-fl llllo'fi to rl.mb to the tnr going to AJ B orko•t nn.t hi~ Rflll · attt'r a r.c"ent dtr~ln tt)r ho•lttn.; h•·t'"l••tl h••r •h••·k" tltto·rNI woth th•· "' To·lt·~mph Hill lu Wlll<'h the ex· lelll' caldron alm.,.-.1~ N .... rtoy the .:•·••r ullll INI••IIIP"g~ "' h••r drparl· 'lll'lllt'nt M AI\ 111'"mong ' shop Three trttpho.o•" ,,,•ro• """"rd~d wharvn are )&mnat'd ~t~tth dt•ro,.,. on~; •·r•·" "' 2:. ,.,,, .. ,,.,,,.And'""' h f,At<•t fMm ~~~~ \'antn.r;o pornt you wtnnf'nl In th~ \,1, otr•"~ r lasl!, and Wont"""ya and pu,._ "'''"",. ""' ~h,. l<<'t•trtl'fl '" ~,;n. ''Ynrtlf' ,. ,.,.ld Y.lftdl "n;. uf th,. bwll~llt hllr· theM ~lng, 1>'1 w' L l n111!•e In and tuna lt'ln .. ,. and'""" ..r o~~r ... ~ on~: "'•• ,.,.,.,,,. thu,. '"'"'" In I hi' '"'"'kl T oidlly yuu look MyBtlc , 2nd. \\'•' \ Ktr'k. Kl!· 'nw pur~·Miftl'r, Ofomuo'I'KO \ "''"' Tl"' l n,:ulo•r V.fl>o .,.,,tJ '" l h,. ol .. v.n ('" A l'"llt1)1itltiiVI'Iy df'll~rt~ loh~. and Wlllllllll ,,,,.,,., C"'rillpln. •VII'kf'd lh .. r .. and "''" IAiko·d. Wtlh ~'"''' "'~ lrol•·ro.uloooll.tl T r;o\'o•l A• ••lllhnrolt{lo•no \VIIr r .. ndiiiORI snd J rd o. R. Wurofrn ... ., t•w•k flr:Ol her •nJinN'r ,... "'''"" I""' """'m"r "'"~"""'"t'"" l wl"nurns.bll' t 'r11••n atnr• have place In the ... .,,, "' t '1:-t~"· G H Mhf' y, "• hutll, hr 111ud. lui Yl'llr Man .• .: .. r J,u k I" lll(lrr Or• I! flit' h rr lo•·d UJl murh M lh~ ahoppln( Navy \\'hltnt'y, 2nd. a r.l I''"'' C Sm1lh. Althouch full detalt. uf the plan are aa )'~t und lfk'loled, Sewport Ha rbor no a y IKIO!\ b<'l!onoe the huc1· quarten tor '-"Unatrudang 60 larce concrete oil bargu, 11 ... rtea or wl}lrh art 10 bt' built tor the gov- ernment llt an ll(UCri?i:lilt coat of '-"10' 000' 000 Amonc Southt'm Calltorma firma who\:h havt: a I ready t •led blda fOr 1111\:h cunatructaun Ill Vui.Onfte En- terprhles, Ltd,., of Pasallena. aa- s~·rhodly headed by Vanc .. nt lijrr\1 Oll10n. According I<• ,a new11 11-"Patch rarro"d Munday by Lilt.. Lui~ An&w·· lt>ll E~tantorlot'r, J ohn F. Dolan, J...Oa Augelu attorney for the Volson- ltt ~mpanY. uad tht' firm he rep- rl'lt'nts ho ldll 105 Ut'rf'S t,~f harbor lund at Balbpa a nd lhal of a con· lrKt l 18 won conatructaon of a llllt· wrty ahlpyard capable of lumlnK •>ut 370·foot bargr1 a t the rate vr """ a Wl'l'k Will bl'gtn Immediate· ly It 111 un~n1tood the barg~a are !11 .bt: ' Uf4'd f11r IMIOf')l<.lrlll\fot ull rrl•rn CamOrnti' 10 fii-Atlanttr BU'bol' .. ..,.ce ~~-: Phone~ Ill Palm Av-ue. a.a,. ~H I 8'8 LA V N DaY RECORD of the WEEK • Coklmbia YICtor 0. K. BlueBird Wtth th~ ~arly uperung of lcllool and ronlt'lqucont clo•tng uf the rnaln vacallon aeaaon, :-tewp;.rt Harbor'J t'fflr ot'nt aummer atatf of %2 Ute· guards wa.a th111 Wf't'k pared ..W •II skeleton \:reY.· of ~''"" mt:n The guard,~~. who havt' funrtaon- ed under Capt. AI 1,_. . .,1 lind Loft· guard Chl«'f Frank Crocker. ef- fec ted a rwmbt>r ut rescud Kn<l on many ucc:a11uns renderf'd t-me r- g't·m•y tlrstald lrt:atmtnt tror mlfl· ur ohJurles. Although hllndlln~e 11 I"('('Qrd s tt"ndance or vacatloner.i ami b~ttht.'rs. th.. lifeguard 11tafr IUCCd."fully cloae<J the liea iiOn with· uut a llofl1rle (~&tallty. Walt Kl'lly. who has bet'n stu· tw!V'd at the 2~rd stretl lookout, ha.JI lil'en named to suereed -<:a.pl IrWin for the remaandu ur tht: yt'o:tr. lrwon havang lett lh~ Wl'f~ rCtr S t1oektun whtrt' hi' has acc••pt· t•<.l II t'H8l'hlll2 pU!!IIlun n t Collt:Kl' uf tto.o Partrtr. ('hid t:nll'kJ'r lind Pl'rl' P rlletl .,, th., Balboa err.-sta tion. art ~x­ ~Lt-4 !lo.me Satur~y from Rtnn "hl'rt' _!.!!! hav bt'.-n ll_!ter!,!!!n_g " non\'t'llt aor\ of ParoCI\: CO&At for«'· men YACHT UPHOLSTERING CANVAS WORK eiN.APO<'IN. CTSIIJON!Po e AJRFOA,. C'I'MIIJOS" • toii'RINtl CT!4HIUS!4, RHAT {'()\"ERH and Ct'RTAJS~ Percy H. Beyer 1 ~4 • Urd !41. ALL Tl'Pr:S OF Machine \Vork for rapiAin Ar.t•on K u,.,or Anti ho• , ,,,r...ua. ·• • •••k 1\f'.d o•ngw•.,·r v.••n ·l (JI'f<'ns.• 1\r t l\•lt v and •hap bulldtnc Jrd • I! ,..,.(>Wnt'no by"'" 11,.,...,., lt.••t ltr•d ""'' lh•· .-.... 1 .. r Itt.-,,...,. ocontcraround \'aUt•JO andlheEaat ".., F.lhnlnllll""-" BOAT &EPAIJliNO Butldln~t t:u of T,.rn11ruol J,.J,.n•l '" no~n 1tntl ,....,,.n ~ear~ """rl" .un lBn y Thl" only f,.rry In survive The Dave Jt.,"' oral trurhY ror MO'r~ IU~IUJIIJDfSO TJlY THI ... HI, HI! ·~~ JtWea ..... ., .....-..... -Hir~••1 111 Come Down and EnJOY Our Good Food a.nd CockWia ------ THE PLACE TO GET YOUR •... Beach Umbrellaa a Beach BaCks ••• For Sale or Rent CLIFF"S TACKLE SHOP Wanf to serr Your ·Boat? •' We buy out· right or sell on consignment H« matn l'f'OPUllnon w • 326-h p ,tro1,.,. Th~ ,.,.,,f'd tnT Hnnnhalu Itt.-bndK,... lind 111111 ..,,tMartc from Star Elimfnati11n• ""nt to 'M)'Tnt• "Take the 'A' Train" 1 ELF.efliUC a ACET\'U."IIE Polt of Sevea le•1 P'atrbllnk• Nonoe dlf'!W'I. _, ....... r .... '' I"'' .luh h~·l " ttl•t• to( ruu d!lhop I tht' Ft•rry Bualdlnr; lJI th~ on~ thai Lehman artl hi .. So •••. , Ill Paul ~. and "'I:LDING ' 1 twa''Y rtuly typt' Sh.-,.,1n,. "' 1n ,, ll•·u tho•\ r •• n ootll .. r w .. t .. r "'" ".'""t" thl' Olllklllnd tram. San McKibben. jr .. r rrv.·;n.: rur Lehman HARRY GARTL!R l&nuu a nd ra n "~"',..1" ,.. • ., ,.11rn j ''"'~ rr .. m ttl<' l•ltuwl" 10nd hatJ '" .. _r iWII'III('IINI •nd I<>V«'nt or San St'<'ond plare "·•• ..,..., .. by • Ttt! "The Kiss Polka" VIRG'S GARAGE 1 817 COAST HIGHWAY c:Hnlly ror 60 da\'11 H .. r ................ r ... rod oon r.un \A.IIIt·r ('umlnK f't bn!'tll('O mlllll lhl' old ferrlea. Kru~er and lho•l'tlllll•l v.alh Har-1 laM Cft&..a ...... Ul L .Urn 1!1 11tarhd •'lth rork anlf lo:trk thf' w11 t,.r ""IJI•Iy lwloJ hut lltlll rf'mf'mbl'r tM v-thf'y r;ave •Jid Enat«n cr,.v.ar.: .and Jrd by • ~ I VlRG1L MOORES. ProJl. Phone 9.49 brown neta. 8~ fu•h•·•:': .',~; l """'' lhtn.:• 1:·" ·· •ml ,..,,.,.,, lh" ut San t'n~nC'JII<'o's JA«t;l'd . .)t'wellt<J Ro~rt Allan ami '·''''·'"' Girl In with Mla. . •'"IC'""" hr .. krfl••",..'"'"tt.."" rrum mbg tt·•l •kylln" u thl'y plowf'd lhe Slar C r""'' , .... Harul6 En-A~e -SerYJCe.l '----r.:-ape __ n_M __ ... --'.,=-'·_k_, ___ ..:.• -.- -J~:IM~~AH~~ H·-~•-..M w""'" th .. ...-........,., • ...,. thru~ah thf-blaf'1t -~~ at t •l i nwon ti t pi~<•: .. ,,-h thl' Chu-• I'I'IIUII" ,_,, '-1\n f'XJM'RlUVf' hullon,.... In! tH·t'lv '"'l"'.ndt'nl .In Mol. ltw Wlnt1 l):.y "1 nl«hl ne. ' I t ilex:\:.nn watl'rll ~orfu tuna, • ttl,... rtlf)'JO s ... ,. ttw>c ~ta!. ''"Pf'l" fH~ s"·oao•'I8H KLC!"'INO Squa~· won l•t on thr July Sl'rl .. • C'Ar ..... rt"-" __ .. Pa-"· .• -. SAILORS: llantwJu'e • nronze • B ...... opernt• 'nw l);omor,.,.ry ,. .... !' '" I:IH'r ""' und ht'C'rtltrtf'd thrift !41'1 Robt'rt Shlnutlf'OHtn and lhf' WS..ite's I montN trip COIIIIIlJ .,..)lind a:lllCI(l 1 . •·k•n.: .::w,. ""' .wtt llw\' n~:~e•~l A:>4 ~I':AMON "'AN~ for PC'11. DQ~ Fry takonJ: '2nd with , •• ·" ·~ ..... ....., ,.. •• A Wulean romm~rf'utl (Uihlna II · • ~, .. , ... ''" rlooo·k ''"""'"''"K "' ,. lin !'llt'wnnrt tlarbOr'a ma.rlln catch the Tempe V r;rd S J. Wilkinson., I .~ BALROA JSI.A.--D oenM C'CMtla poo and Ia 100d tor • "" "''olh h" hu411 l • r..•ll•·• fur fort·· ''"'flped (t(f llharply thll wet>k, 3rd. wtUI Koela HARDWARE to daya If you alay In MI'XIIlln ,..,. wn••l Tho·n l h,. fu.,.J "'~'PJ'I) hrjtl\n 11nly tO bt'lr\lt Wt'lr;hl'i! 10 at lhe MW,.U-r l'lalunla) ~rtN I Phone' &8• %lO !lllar1M IIA.I.IIOA UlLAND ...._ ftU Ji'lttblp • Toolll. • Rope W. P. Fuller PaJnts R:\V DISTRICT ten. LAlit )'MI' lhr Ot'mocnt<'Y \~'"''1: ""' anol tho·n lhl'y v. .. nt nn ll~trbnrmll~ter·11 dr)('k, The 1841 T'rophii'S for Rhulles wannt'rl! In ·-~-·-·-·---·-.. -..:.-. • ..-...---------------------------..---.. Wt!nt ..,-ound lmmf'dlatel)' att"r f"\tltorv< ... ,,1\' 11u1 .. ,. "''' uf San rat•"h no'"' ~lllnd!o at t~. a llncle the Nod1umna~r Saturttav Strii'R llbe bad oiKa1IMd \wr Wt!tDCan IJ. l''nuar~.~~<·u the•y Wl'rf' "~"'" br-C'!llm · t iJih •hy uf laat year's f'M'Ord run wt nt to Frtdenell W . Lyro~ In Mil · ••t IM. whwh r.-a~·hed 1ta conclu-tnu: Genrt" D. S tt'pht-nro, Va· ~T I 0 E TABLE c~-..u acrr. ..._. 1"11. 12 • • ·30 :u eat. u a :u 3.t au~ l4 • ~ 3 t 8ErT. ._ Mon. Ul 0 DO 08 Tuft. It 1 U O,t W f'Cl. 17 2 2t IH nun. 18 s 07 02 Jtl.arlne Dock.~ Bat~ Ltland I 1.-au.a.. •n t~ I :U ·UI 10 24 21i .,., .... , lAt. ,.,... 1.1 tl :.U •.• 11 :'1.4 :l/1 ~=· I.A ...... ....... "'"" 1·~ • I 1~:.. !.. .;.. Ul II tl • I I :Jl '!.1 1:13 S..e II Zit 4 1i '!:'!1 ~.I A:JI 1\ '! 9 :,4 4 .14 3:11 •.• •:'!! .:u U.~Uaca ttpree incbcate a. m B..Wf-np,.. .,._., p. ... ~<wn 1n :-Jm~(nboor. qul'm , and Hnrland P Dellrdl'lt'e In Tnp Wt'ljthl ttl th~ "'e~k ••as re· ~a ~. \l'ho' flmshed FU! nl\mtd mnlfod by Aluander B Todd. who W L tnll.,... • My11llr ltot•k lilt In l:uuJ•-d a 2311-p;•undt'r \&<bole ft•hlna the ~lbatn'-~~ dA~. Jn•·k H lllm11n" 11 t.oard th,. H coll Port 11 "''llh Capt Fully. 2nd and Kenny Fams-1 \\' H t'lmholtz. A 22.3·pounder wu worth's Oh Oh. 3rd. In th~ Palcnn torou~oo:ht an by H H Hou~ aboard dn!"l<, t roph'"" went Ito Bill Ll"f'. the 27-A·I:le w1th Mr. Gouman, f'urt~r Mullrtly and D11no1 Smith .tnd a 221-Jl')undt'r hy Dr John ~lc»umfi'M'r Sllllday ~Mf'll j ~. hmflf'l~. foRhlnJ: 11board the Bl·l Hitrl.antl F O..ar'dl!l"•' t•••k tht pndt II wtlh C q S oble '.\r'Ct pl.u" trophy fnr Rhndl'll \A'ln· I tlth"r IIU('•'f'AIIful trnllua of th~ n•·n• tn lh" Modsumm~r SundAy V. ""k IHjtl"lhl'r V.'llh the Wt'l(ht or S"rtf'll. ln•l 1nd 3rd 1\WRrtiJ< jtOIOit tht'or ru•h th,.lr boRI and boat· I•• W.tlt••n Hubt-srd. Jr . ,,.. Sl'a nmn. sr• 11.... ;,nd l':t'Or~ D Rt,.rhrn" in ' I • 1-: Allwrt. l(lf} J"'tlndl!, Dnn· \',aqu,.rn In tht Alhottr"q" C'IRM oh· II. J II M• :-.:ally, R••berl Mil· \\'m \ li rk fllllrt'd t1ro<l tn Kn· ••·r. 1211 f""•n<too. 1-:1 Ptraro, R A f.,h ... \\'n• 1.. Jnr~lee. 2nd. •n M)'lt· HurnlO . C'hnrl<'ll Banty, 70 pound.~ t1r Anc1 F:•l F'Ulllll'll. :.rd. In Rhap-~ ·'"" !'n!'ddy. I atl J'(:mnrtr~, B1ll M• "'"'" r;n1 rny, 10:.' l"•llrdll, all Abelard lh~ In lh·· ,\ugUllt PC llf'riP~ Rubf>r t llnlphan "''lth C"llpt. Ed Offul.. ~hlno,.J.on-an and the Sq"''"' plnr<•tl .Jnh l\ Trynn 1~2 potundll. Of'llot J•l S I \\'olkln110n Rlwi ttv• KtiA · Ttlnt Aatkc'll , c R. Kent, 112 '~ ,., Zntl. nnd Bill Brn"·n and lhl' I rx•undll. U.•banll. 0 w S m ith ~lltttlll•·lt·· .'lrd Trd RriiJ:I'I' And hl14 1 ! Chun~L luok lilt Star lro~phy In \' AC 'IIT"~F.S RF.TI'IlS 'ho• .,.,,, .• Myro n l.Aolunnn And hill I ,-,"II ' Ill n•ct'h'lnR tht• 2nd MWArrl llll\ lol llf\fl (~or~tt Gnfflth rt> l.uhor O.y lYriN IIINtt•tl I•• Nl'lo\'porl tlarbu r f11l Til•· l~l•or [lay Sl'rll'!< fur f'(''lf l'""'"lt "t\11 •• mnnthll' cruo~l' lti Brto! '·"' • r.n·COI"Ittllt tanl~h T hrP•' ltrnna lhr tlRwauan l.slanilll. th• ( dA\', nnnl' r IIIJ'I hll\'ong lwl'n 'tnl\oJr '" thror "''at~ "•"!"d the ant 111,.. .,., •··I A four4' built ''!'"'"I 44 f•••t l'Uit•'r. P11 jnra , "'horh wn, ,,111 "' llw 't.hlrd dsv """' l'AIII'fl · • I hi' ,.,.. 1 f"'" bu~-no 1'01 rtt'S an I hill yrar's Tranapao lhf' rno ,., ( 1 hi' thrtf'-diiY WBEN YOU NEED. A JOB OF PRINTJN.G , and want it done in a style that -will fitti~gly represent your firm ~nd the character -~ of its business, just 'phone -------.. ------1 """" th•,· ."'!"<'f'llll, ~ully·fl.mshanK • · \'lit ht rae·,. • Ln Ut..-A..,._ ~. R.. ~ ~-~~~~t-ii-------~----·~-·-··~·---:---------- .... RF.~IF.R PLF.Al'4t'RI: NlRT" Tilt' f'n 'M h1tll 11doplf'd lhr alii! "''"'"" phratlt', "P,.,.ntlf•r Plt'aii\J,.,. P11rt ,,r llw l'~trlflr" as a df'•l~:na "''" ,,, :-.:f'w HeAI"h nn th~ rh•t \\'111 t. lnal~ a nd Mysttr J'lnrMI 1 -------;----------------·1blJ~~_,J,.~~~---------~----~-------1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4t~!i~~~~~lblllnD8!! cl&l'l~ fnr . A :lrll1(. 11ntt'1(1 Cords Keds 207 MARINE BALBOA AVE., ISLAND n:a...ul.oME 11t _,. \ S&odl CniiMft ,._, M..-. ...... Mala..__. Man .. " .• ,. ,..,... ............ Ou&aoaaN ........ THE PEYTON coliPANY ttl'£'-*~ Nf'Wp011 ..._.. ..... liM • •h•· ~-1. and Ed Fuiii!PII snd I Rtonr·~· 1h·. 3rd. Bill LH took thr ~"'~" 1 "'h•>r Day Falcon trophy , ~~ TnpbMII • Th,. H"rry Baun petqNtual I rn· ph\· foor SundaY PC raua durin~; Julv A-<! Auru•t waa prvol'nll'd '" YALEtciA LAUNQRY , .... , ..... SHIP'S and HOME WASH C'LI:.,\..'IDJG ... ...-.ufG ' ...... ,. liM !f..,.,. ...... OOftA ~ . ' · NEWPORT 1618 -r Good "printing is ~ur "long. --· and expert craftsmanship . . ' combined Yfith good paper NEWPORT-BALBOA Puss . . ~ 2211 Coast Boulevard ... • ·~ c : • 1'-.. Thunda LEGA SOTJCE o' I>~OAQE AJA.'OHO TO WHOM I Nouce 11 I tHn days aft uncMMii&nf'd hollc bt'venlf ca.cnbed u 6500·6510 N•wport E ty. Punuant I undeniJ'ned Blat. Board • tuuance of 1 llcenae 1ur prcmltel a.; ON SALE Anyom.' de 1uuanc~ uf , tile a· 'l'rtfl Slat~ Board Sacnm~nto, grounda for law. Publlllh Se9t. IS THE SU mE STATI IN AND F __ OF C ITY OF N: Wun&cipal si.ltth clau, B. W.' COR CORNELL CRAWFO F FORD. hee "Mt:-t:-.:IE Ji"lR.!o; T l>U miRD 04 Defendanh l AUA Action brOUI Court of II and Cnmph ol the Cl• Court of s THE PEOP[ OF C AL GRI!!'E"n St B. M. COR CORNEU. CJUWFO J! FORD, hu MINNlE FlRBTOO THIRD 1> Oefendanll You a.re dh acUon broucl a~·~ nam~ P._er1or CQu tl fornla, In art Orttl\le. and plaint lhert'lr 1 • lh~ wrv1ce • !Jaurunona ..1J County of Or day• tf wrvl are 110lofoed appear and qulnod, tht' pi m~nt for a n demanded lr artalnc upon to t.h~ Court ~rnanded In Olven undo ot tile Super! t y of' OMlnJ:• lh.LI ~lh da! tSEAL SL'P ORANOE • County Cler~ perlor Cou. tomta. In • Orangt'. Rt)LAl' 210 Spurg,..Jr Cal\fornoa. Publilh July IN mE Sll mE STAT IN A~D I 0 1 CITY OF ~ Mumrtpal alxlh r ll\."-' GETTLE F fl Dete:ndant AU, Ac Uon bro~ Court or I and Cnmp of the Cle mE PEOP O F.C A L OREETI"l" CEJ71 E f- - INT£STION TO Till: ~ALE Of' BE\'EJlAOE!'4 Postell li«'pt. ~. l '*41 JT MA \' CU~CER=" 1B hf'rt-by gl\~n tnAl l lf· aftt>r the &l!p\'t' du t~. th~ prupo:tt•s I• • ~l'll a l1. .,. It'll at tht•sc prt'lllUit:J, tullows. Coast H1ghwuy. Bt'ach, Uruux,· <'VUII· lu IIUCh 111\cnltull. til~ lll liiJPIYIIItl tv thl' uf Equahutlo11 lot .of an ukohohl' l>t'\'t•ru.:~ 1 or lll'f'll.,...ol! r fu1 thest lUI • f uiJ0\"1 BEJo:R only. rmg 111 pn.1k lll "''" h h<'t'll-<4' I:< I IIIU)' prult:>~l \l ith th•· of F.qUR h7.1llolll ttl to, l 'a hlt•rnu•. sttt 11 r.~ rc.r dt'IIIU I a:~ pru\'IJo•d IJ) J F.SSI f; ::; UA I'M 11, U141 l o \\.'.P.A. to Establish Rt-cords Systt-m for Statt-Guard .\)Jpru\al 1J/ a 't13.000 pro~ct t.• Pl<•,\'rd .. a '1•o)tr{p eh: sylltem of 1 •·o·onll! fut the Ca.U41rn1a "State 1 :uz• rot ''us a.lnROunc~ th1s wHk ,,,. lilt• ufftCl' vf R Ruuell Amurv. \\'••r k" Pro)eCI Admlntatrlltur fQr :-»mt1wrn Callrornl•. \\'a~hlnj!l vn has plnnod Ita unc· 11••11 un th•· r·..qut>t~t ur the Guard 1°1 liouthern ·c aHfornua rur WPA .... sl&lljll•·•· In ••stabllshmg a com· pl..t•· '"''"l!vnn.:l t t>cunl8 system, 1 li!•IJ!IIInl: uri\J pn•pa l'lug dl'tens"' lhillt a nd maps und lnsllllllng A I'IHI~rty rt••·ur.Js l yStem fq r thf 1;11111'\J, I{ 1\'Qll r••\'t•Kh•d. fo:x P•'<'ltod to <'on.t I nut> for alx lll•rlllh,; lu n y,•:or , th.-pro~1'l lu :-;.,11\ht•lfl Cuhfurulu will ~mplvy 11"1" ~U t u l:iO \\'PA wvrkers at • Ill lull,; l1111t!8 In o:tlat'l throufhoul 1 his atrf'll wherr 1111ilH t>r ht!adqWir· t "t" .,f/ll l'll ur t he Guard ex Lit. Tilt· pnu•·••t h9" bto(>n n-rt1fll"d .,,; ,, praurtty dl'fo'n!!e JOb by W ilJ!h· st"'Es roa orvoac.."E I Birth Certlfleatt"s Harold y 8tOV.'t' or Nt'Wpo.lrt I ._....... !Ha t·h tJat SatuNS&,Y rued d1vo~ Mu.t be PreeeDu::u p ru.·Hdln&• a&f'"'"' Mn J'Neann.. E llm.-.nt Paulhamua Slv\4 ~. Whvm he char&· I UJ)OU nro · CHURCH SERVICES . t'A&~I:L t1ATHOUt.' t.'Hl'lk:H .1,"'1:. \ . 'I Pap 7 DIRtx.~tq· OF llARBOR ·DI8TRil~ t~it\~'V;tTIO~Jf Newpert ...,._ C. ....... _, c.· w : H"'*'tr.S H.,_e, ....... ~nt. Hart)' Welt-h .... '1"1'la~ W-tU~C• ,.,,.,. monthly 1..-~ _, (' r.w _, N-..,...t li..t.w: ko11en a.NMr, pr'MkMAI. Tun) Plumm.r, ..-no.tal'}' l r-.•w•r laC Tlturuoday ut -u. ~ with l'rut'lt)' Th4' •'<>Uple, who Rt-cauM or ~me mt1uuJt'1 111nd St'IJUnlt...J 111 Au~~:u•t uf lhll year. In& ,.0 11,•er nlnl ellllbllll\ of d ill· .Ut> th.. pun-utJ> vr ll m unth old ,dr4'n V.'llhlnf to thla Y•'t4r t'nt~r bllby S t'wport 9t'.ach Oramm\t sch<>ul ft.,,. P J BEARY . Pneat N-..n ~ •••• e 'e -"-: Sari ..... prMwiNil, W. M. Sun.S•r Ma>llko>i "' ll II) a n.S ll t....,_mvur. --~tar) MHta "" .-.11 al •1••1t•.d tun• a nd pia~• . ~ lfl l.'Hl'k'H Ut' f)Jr thr 11ntt ume. elth··• ln tht~ t ',.\SUIOATE)ol•f'OR t'OSOREii~ klndo•rcarten or flnt J:IIHI«'. thl Tht' TWitm r-: .. "s ~~aye "Ural\fl.!, ,,·h•"'' board of tru•t~•,. r,•qufl!t· ~t. IOHN \'JANNEY, tt.'adMlk'l t•ounly's nu•lll hkt>ly ··•ndldlltH a t tnt: t hat all parent• cr coardinn .. ,l Ill "tartaw ~'"· III&JboJe lalaad lhts wrallnt-: upp .... r to be Ouv pr4'.1!f'nt their child'• barth ··uttn · Rev. P. J . BMry. Prt•ll V.... ---'"~ vf ('~•. 1.11 1: liJth Slf'otol'l "-1'-bury. ~nt , J '' T"lhuan, ...,. • .,,,.,, ::nd 1\t"~)' -N~rt ._,f)' ..;.,.: Earl !U•nl•)'. I'"•I.S.nt, Ua;ry aecrwtary.t.-..utJ&r WMta montt\ly . ' N~-..... ......., t ,_.: Joh1t AIJ.n Jll••ldant Martefl C Dodd. eecretary. T~y. t :W p Ill at .\\'hll• • l 'aok ~v.nu. l'ale. L<l\lUtll1 Cur lht• GOP Ifill 1CIItot1 cat" wht'n ~glltt'rllll fur llllllllll· \\'t'st ftlr tho• l>Nnu~ Ruth h,ve 'lion tntu theM ,.,alka. , trlt'd It bo•f<•rt• ond 1at1M. WNI ·" 1 Olat SUI••·rtntt'll'' Act•oru•ll& w . . v· l'tiRl!iT t'IU'Iil'H lit' TRI: llltA t..w .. ~~-N-fMH1 ...,._ U... 4 ..... t J '-h• !tl•fte,_n, ..,..._ ent Horae~ 0 . ll!n.stan tlw lllw I lknl, H owan.IIJern•h. -...ltary Thuu n 1~ ll.fll dua Ta"'~UI ~ •. "'II <.ill all t olluwa conct•t rllllli 11¥t' It \lllU\IUatt) )lrrUiudJIC I ~· r~ulr;omenlll : ' E 11 oOolJitl.L. M111later · lllhwaala ,,_ .t N_..,.h ....,..! l>r kal)•h 11 IJ••r'\1, p~t~ < K1nd4'11f&rtrnl. "~f'•'\1"11 :I 122 ::;um11ly •••hwl at 11 :II) a m. &m Km•!alboor . _.reLAry Thur• lZ 1:0 1• m \JIM Tampl'-' cafe. If thfrt> II but OJif' tt·n " durlnt: Two• ::;unday monllllfl "rvl .. -. ' lh<' Bl'hUOI Y••r. auch •·hri.S IIIUKI al I' 31) and 11 u'CIU\.k t. .. ,_ Me lltu t'htr ~: Bno.S.n• .,.,,...h. p......_aC, nor._ tJ.o four and one·half Y1'",... nr •11,. 6 :10 p m lntt'rn;e.Jiaie •rtd And.I'IUn, -·N'tary ....... ,,.., ••II al •a--•r~ P'A•'~ .-.-- I • MID·W&EK -· EDITION , CQSTA MESA· -. • 1ers aches mny bt• 11 hKI'd lltlltt tv b4'~tl lllllt't' ltf' .hllll II f1Ki r !trt. Jll\rty (lfJtllf!IZil· llun JLlld kn•1"'" huw ltr llpJ>rlll tu t ht• mit~>< whll.. u It rur llnl( I hr ulhl'l'll •WIIh ~IIIII:''"II•Hlll for nutrt' l(ll\'"r"""'"'" I "' tu·tt•n.·y ll nd O'l'OII ,,my t:X pt·flt'lll't• """ nu•lltl\\'t'd lh<' ~ont•·lllllt• Hh>rm~· J>PIT..t tof \'()UII~Y pula I h ~ 1111d h·~ Jltlrty lllfl)' j(IVf' ham :t \1111\hh· Ho· 11 n l'l'ntly lM't'll uti l ht• fll(hl llldt• t1l ~t'\'t•r"l l'IIUIIty thsturbotll•'t''" r>n ur ~fnrr St'pt~bl't h i "' llw • H111}1 •<"huol I.Aa~uo, a t UM I ht'll ··u~nt, echo"Xll yr tlr • Thl• l'hurch. II arbor, South ~h•ll n~"<'f'Hita~ the ctul•l ,,.."IIi ~ -; :~o P 111 li:''~""" krv11 . ., ~ ........ u.-tco ....._: l.' .. -Lltean'-". P""..aent , ,..,. Hullall IJ1ba.m, -·r•tar). Thlr.S "'n •S..\ at I'll\• llall \'t'lll'll u r •«~" on or bt'for.• lh .. fm•t c ·-c.. ,.._ .. 'tu-~-~-= ,..,..,. ,.,""'"'" 'hm • "hlrlo•lt" • •ation 11r t.t .. rch tollowl~ thf' 11l"'ntn,: ••f "'R T ... 14 ('IU'&CH Ul' l'IUUitT, r.tmn ..... I)' 2rld Wftbi T .... IUIO'n.J hall I lht' lk'houl year. ... . y of F.~('AI'F.S IS.Il'R\' 1 .. •1,.t gradt't. "~lhu1 :t 1';2 · M<:IENTlMT ('enlt'n Fu~l to .. I • r1 112 .. : .... t Cf'l\lntl aVf'IIWI LWa .... ('--.lb A-. K A .. ~,..,, ··~•: .... It, Pat· I J L' Ru\' II Br•"•kll. ••mpi.•,Vt' uf C'll ll· f( thf'f4' IH!-but onr t'llll 1.111 IIIC .~ ----------t..-.c..;_:A-,.,~ h I I I -..# -l'.__...ot~r • 'hun h. """111 'n'tar 1 -------------..:....:;.:;..;;.:::..:.;:.._=!..!!.!!!M~--_,..; , .. :f:K IN.'HRMATIOS ABOt'T furtliH trm~ ptu' ~~·o·umjfin~ f' Ill' no~lt. lOt e II t ill • --- '"1' T IIARROR T m1ra.•ui••UNiv t'!IIIIJK'Il Injury f.torlv (1\'t' ton<l .,;,,..halt yt!ars ·.·1 ~<.:•· <•n 1 Th• Fm•t \.:llurch of ,Chrut, N -pe11 ........ *'n,... • ..,.: 11 ,, ~n .• ~l ; JKII ~·· UR 01114 ~eT lo'ra(lll y whrn hill 1'1\r rlun~I'<J tl\'l'r ·•r brfo"' St'ptem~r 1NI .. r th.. l:kh·ntiMI, In u. .. t~IO. Maa. I -r-•llt, IM'CI"'Plary ....... """'"~)' nllull •• Wtma a ,.., ........... T hut lhP prflfwwly IIIUlltratrd 11 flvr·f•lt•l ritnmt~llll a nd land· tho•n 1·urrent echOOI :v,.,., r Th1~ f t:lun.tay M"hvul at 11.30 a. 111. ..,... •t .. r~· !on :;<'\\ f'l'lrt HllrMr, as eRr · •·ll uo~hlt· dot\\ 11 ,11 tht• 36th sln~t>l <hull nec..ultah: tht' ctuld bcutt: 6 S undlly )iot'rvaca at J 1 a. m. ·"..-traa I~ .._. !tl, s-.,..• ~: us.nn f't\ott, "-· llf'(l an tho• July ll'!llli' flf Ford mng· ,..,.,.1111111111.-1,., .. 1, IL" <lll•'<'r ha\'ln~ ,.,.,sr,. of Rjte on or ~f1•ro· tno· flrl't T""'"""'""l mt'rllnK eal'h Wed-' mandt!r; AI l>ycllinan. adJulallt lat and Jrd TU.da,._....,._. ...... '171111', u• ~<I all l'rt'lllln~ot ~trt>at lnll'r· 1111s1·rlt'dly fnlll'n 1ulll'l'P whllf' n• ,1f M~t n•h fullnw1ng lhr ••l~·mn.: ~>f 1 '"'1141"Y "' " P· "'· 1 -• • -----··~1 t111 nu.:h•111l tht• t'ountry. 111 be-· llll'llllll: from \\'llm trlgtun Kt :1 411 \ht' lldtoul \'ear " " Ht'lldHII( r11ulll, 118 l'1111tral 11\'t'., "-...._ 1.._ ... A•,ll*ar) ef ~-.. ~ ~: Mlktr-.4 8taft»J, I'll! pl'oo\'"" by lrequrnlletlera com· 111 lh .. IIW trllllli !'lt) child-will bfo adnnlll'•l lnlu 'u jlt'll d111l)' I tu 4 I'· m f'XceJil Sun· pr.111~nt . Julia Eccrrt. -·f4'tary, 2nd and tlll MuadaJ'II. J.4taa IMIL 1111!· lot =""'''lll•rl H11rbnr Chaml)('r l'r •m ,.ravul nf 1"1hr r• 11 ff'W min· lh•• klndt'rttnrtrn nr fln<t J(rlldl•l lltt_Y,C J'll\J htohtlll)'ll. 1---, . tf l"ntiiiiiPrl't' II II'~ ltth•r. Rrt>nkll Wll~ nriWht'rt I•J aflt•r M<'huoi'Juu ~en In ~•':<.•1••11 1 rlt" puhho· II C'OrdtaUy Invited ~,.._ IA!w._ ..... ~ ( .... ..,_, H~ ._..,. -..,. 1~1111'1!11 to bt> rf'<'Pivrd 111 rrom 11 11., f<Hind IUrd a r hPr k nf hill homr ""'' month, C!Xl't>Pl by lrunslcr. I h1 fltl4'nd Hll!l UMr tht' readllll l mander._ao. Ur•b~ •dJulenl lat and l rd ,..,...,._ W."'-lllaU. " ),, ••1ak•• ,,. 1 lUll ur• A Bar th ') h 1 f S J l "" 11 I !'i ll. II II • ·"' " ... "1 . .., 4 • • ' nddr•·~· 11h11wo•d ht> WI\~ nttl f're , n t .. m~rn n& o e 1 •-< 1 ~ • .A,._.._• ...._... -'•'Maar) ef 4 _.. ~ eo...._,...,,, ,...... 1••1. who \\(Sh\'S to lt>arn nwre WhKt Jl&\'c prouuse at btctilllllllt.L dr""n 14'ill ~lranaporttd..Ju ~h....Uj -dt-nt. ICdtth lhd&twy. -·,..tan-2nd and ... .....,_ at J.4taa 11a11. ul"'"' th•· H llrbur ma:.ter'll' ollica Y"'"~' w"" !IRtli'ffnrtnnly "olvt'd ,., thf' u~u~ol ttmeo. a nd '"llu\\ inJ; Costa Mesa Churche8 • -· -· --- '""' wvttld loki' t u Wilt' 11..8 geon4'ml '''JC"'' "'""' wht·u uffll't>l'll roun.l ••nrollm l"nlo w11l lw }t'lun1root '" \'...._ ., .......... ...., ,._.... ._.1 ,... r. ThwJ a, rl•·><lj!ll fur 11 NUmmer cottatte on him 1111tu;1tranu.~Jt' V.tHkln~ Kt hiH lht• 11111111 bua "tnp!l. 0 11 T11t·~l1ty C'Gala_..a--<~uiiH)' CIMarc!ll c:vJilnl&IICkr. F1&.a1d' Hattarcl .OJU\aaL ,_ Uld Jrd ,....,..,.. OaMa th" Cr.,!tl Lakes. The unWtual. OC· usual )ull In thl' r a M .. ry rnurnlnK. Sf'pt. 23. tht' rrj;tllnr • hoi'-< _ Hn· Carl J,;hn~~tut, Mlnllter ~w-Arnenc:an L.cwn haU. llltb et~NL ' l 'tl!"" "hfi J>t-<l bualdlng, wa~ ln.c:lud Thl' r·Uy l'f'lllu\'f'd holl l'ar rrun1 ll<'ht•olulP will bf' lnlnl(hh ••d 111111 Phone 31l·J ----i --- •·•I Ill n l'tllhllj! plrlut't' C'll rrtNI on l lh,. ~""'1. ' nllt~nl.ulnt'cl thn•ughoul t h•· IlK)' Sunday, II·~ •. m. 8Uncla)' , • ...._ _, F~ ...... A......,,() C ... : Lillfl ,.,.... I h•· ll)llj(nzauP'll ('O\'f'l , !«'hnol raf~tena v.1 11 bo• ··.r•r. fur 11ctw>~>l I aon. prntcMnt. 1:& Cunrad. -r•lary 2M and ... ,.,....,. at Ollrloa A pmmlnen! 4'RSh:l n attom 4'J 1 1110H't:~T I' AID S.U.Oit:R-'4 t;u!'lln1"8'l, Tur!lday. 10 ·~ a. m.' Mornlna wonblp .,_ Ame.ncan ~ ball "'"h''"' lu knnw Whl'r,. ht' cnn get 1 I•HORL\' I'AIIl :-;11J'f'rlntendt'nt EMa.:u aiiW• 1 30 p. m Youna Peop&M ltp----------;----pl.ln,~ foot a "l'nnwblrd" and llpprox· • f'"'"'" out t hat the bull .Jtl\'l'tll wtll worth lA14ru.. "-'a A ....... N_,_c-......,...._ ...... ..., mutt• ,,,.1 ,,( bu lldln~t such a ;oraJt. . Lt-gisluttton l•l pml .. lt.: thl' llf'rv· bt-t'1tJ"M'If'd tn maintain l,"i)od .. r·l 7 30 p m . Ootrjllll Mrvlee Kill Smith. prt'lldeat; "~" '""-a-on. NCntar'y ...,... ~· "''\t'ntl biUI~~t: f'~hus~~~ ~'T~t~,~~ ;~.r:::~~ s~ti' J~U~I~;:h'~~ dfof' fWI OW' bu!IQ aj 811 l lm .. s li nd , Wed8.: 7 1 30 p m . -.. ~ .. 11 -.,_.a.....,:,_ .............. ~ ...... ~~~newt .- , .. 111'1""" If 1'11•1\4 birds v. 'H" !!Uit· • ~ "htl,. wattmx fur 11r hvut l•uv s lla.· .ervlct' or prayer and ,__....., • -a, •I lu .. : >!ol••rn WlliPrs and whrtht>r . hllSI' rrR\' Rfh•r ll )'f'flr of ,. .. n 'li'l' I I I r-· ~ldent ... ,. Ralph Randal, .... ,..,.,. 21111 n..n.~a,. rh.-'b~ ..... ••Y '" nuw $:11 pt't d tlldtl'll Will h4' f'X~I·t··· In ('Uil· Thun., 7 ·~ p, .m Choir ,... ---------"1 111•1 any t'll:llPr n dt'alt>rs c11n h P lh W ld dull tht>rrt~t;l\'1'!1 "' a """"'"r rurt--h.,1,...1 "-'• ._... .... : ...... -,_ 1 _ • 1_ J.-Col· 1 · th r art mt•nl . •a il w..,a m e or "" · _ _ •IIPP ~ " r Wllr T lul'l tf'<'RIIII th .. f~r~l't thai Nl~tml with ~nnd l'ltlvJNhlp FRil· •·intt FOtl _,. ~., llna, ~nt, Hariy AI\CirP,..,•n. _.,..tary. ,.,...., eo , ..... nnllaU '"~' I n th• "'' mil\' mt'~tn '"'"' of th~ r.,. l ht'tt' h:lll h.;oo•n It grjtdll~lly A~· l'lgllt tv l'ld(o on .tl\1' bUllMI. ht• sal<! V.C. .... 'Pndtng lt~,·el nf liOhlll'rll I*Y In , Jl, \4 11.>< upplyll'l.g !lor cuuuty Te 1 lhP t 'mtr•d ~Late!!, but tht' pay ll••f ll lltl th.-y .. un~ lluly utrlu al W ll.lo 1~ vel lrmd<•quall' SA~t:U TO IIAilBOR HOARD i rllln~ 11~11 tho· C'U!!ltlmury torrn . Rt•\'OIU\10111\rY \4 1\ r llnldl4'1'11 Harry \Veleh or OalbnR hllJI t ....... "J'Io ·o u ""'t' 1111 bat'!~ hou"'' lartf'd just ~huut •t bedPI'M0k . "l'l"'lhtfli Ullll'tant Mcrl!l~&ry of '1'111 ~ ·· -~h•• 1\!lkf'd. Thl'y wt•ro• prnmllll'd It few dnl-tho• nt•w Oran~f' county hRrbur "\\'•· !tin l hnd 'nu bac khnuse for lil rM 8 month nnd In flume CA!Io·.~ •·urnmtll.'llun and will srrve 81 a IIIli· I• ar~ · lw rl'pll~>a wn1l gn••t dig· lcfCt'i\'t'\.1 11. Uut lntA;r In thl' w":-ury of S2:i per month. The appoant· n1ly '\\\· Jtul mrot•tn plumbing.'' ttw C'on.tlnl'nla l o·urre~t•'Y her·sml' mt'nt \4'1\1'1 rnt1fied F'rlday at " IIJM'· Tho· P rto :<s 111 t•nly $1 a yeAr BAKER. ELJZABETH L. SHAW. MRS. THERESA ·c. RlCHARD· SO~. FIRST DOE and SECOND I I(, .. : IJC"fendants Ril but va lu.-h•Ji• a nd .,,.~n rallorut c a.al mectl~ or the board or sup· wt·n · unt'Prlullt. Aftt'r the Wkr t he o•r\'ll'urll tMtldtt'ft wf'rt' glv•n ltlld rljrhta by C'onjitre•!l. but mo~t of thf'm 110l<f UIMTillt::T MEitTINO lllln' ""' for n sling ' ln th<' W11r of 1812 lht' bast> pay G . Willard Btaeru, Pul<w Phoflll 1171-J Ft\dayo 7 :30-ltvanaellaUc llln'· let'. ~ Sunday, ll 30 a. m. • 8uncla)' act\ool. ca.-tor aU II•· lJ :00 a. m.-Mornlna wul"'lhlp e .00 p. m. Cru.del"'l. 7 !00 p. m, ICvenl,.. Nrvlce. Tueeday, 7 :30 p. m.-WI4·11f"k Hn1ce. 'nluraday, 10 a. m. -Pra,.r mt'eUntJ. .... o-pel A I tb r.~c~N aa<t1 n.,. 8lf'Nt ...._ 1' ..... ._,_., It II k-n. -----.; T . a. J ....... YICe-cxMnmoctore,Fred B. llurur, ,_,.,,-~ ........... 1' .... t..Wtl ... a..-. -•••; .., Johnaon. a..c:nlary. Belbooa l.aland. v...._ ...... ,..,.: u .. a. t'n.t>y, ~mo4are • .._,.Y aa.,._a, ~~. MMI.a tanl l:h1nd.y at 'Vtlllnc'• f'ot1 dullbouae. -.. --------...... ~ C .. ! E H. Allen, pr dO 8rt ; ...... Cl'ocll.w, ._. re~ry. "MMta on C'aU. ' N-fMH1 r-C,_.: FA c:n,.nrndyk•, Jr, ~nl , lllaiJ DaY· tcfa•. wc"'tal'}' MHbt at N"" I'"'' ft•rt• .. r TIM·ttt ~lull on ~~. • You Rr•· diN"< tf'd tc, a ppear ln I ' ., n to• ''"" ur .. ught l!llf&lltlll you bj th .. ""'') ~ nroml'd pl,.ant\ff In the ~lll'<'flo\r r.mt t of the State of I· tllf•Jrnllo, m nnd for lht' County • B. J R~HTH. and Clnk .. r th4' ~u­ Court uf tht' SIAl< tt( C'all· In and for tht County or of l'foldJr•r!l wn!l ~till Qlltll' '"" hut !K~rly r.-~~:ullorly n'''"l\'l'd M•·X lt'R n war t trMrr,. \\ ,.,, pn act frf"lm Sit l•• $111 J'Pr num t h, IL'I wt•rt• t htr!'" 111 tho• ('Arllf'r I n 111 a 11 wnr- Hv Cl\'11 \\at tonu-s lhr' lk'RI•· "'"' :oh~o:htly morr tl11111 Sl:l T hill htltl hl'f'll. r RIHf"<l 101 lht' Inn" nf l h,. ~J>u n.ISh·Arurnt'R fl Wil l l<l Sl6 It A numbt·r of Harbor \Jtatnrt Pu rf'n't-t .. ae'tll'r I<S!till'la!ton· mt'm· lwr" •r•• pltull\llllt 101 "ttrnd lhr· 11r.:t fall M-8811'•11 • ·I thf' OL.,lrh 1 I' ·T A whll'h L' •1'1 fur tlt'XI Thullldto~· Ill Jr• "''' 1u rk SliO'II kt'f of th .. dlt ~ Will bl' Mr~ )o;•lw.trcl T \V11lk~'r "h•• Will lll lk "" lhP 10ubjrct, "I "'''·~tment tn y.,ul h Thruu~h r';oro·nt-Tt!llrhf'r M••llli'W'n;hlp " H••Jtlslolltann Will l>t' 11 t !I n rn . pi<'llll lurt<'hron tn bf' llf'v M C Cronl<'. Pa.tor Su•day IIChool, 11.46 a. m. Wornln« worship, 11.00 o·e~. E van&4'hfllc H n •lc ... 7·30 p. m Prayer rn«tlnl . Tueeclay llln'· .u. manf~C""r N-fMH1 ~ T,.... Mil •daia « ... : J . Harold C.WW.U, ,.... dl'nt . Mr. Jeamw tf••rd. -lf'lar)' I Al"'JJ Tihl~fP~(•:<o:. Bwh.ltn,:. Snnl tt Allll. Attm''hey fur f'ln111t1fC 31 I 111 l'PER JOlt C'< >I ' RT OF TE OF C'ALIFPR.~IA FOR THE C(JI'="T Y OF t tRASf;Jo; ~EWrORT Hl-:,\1 'H 'I IJ)3) ~(lf(IOrH I II•II ul l h•' clll.'<.~. Pla1nl1ff, ":~" lal,.r , .... ,.,. I•·~ I" S21 Anwnron llllht.lr}' ray _Ill l ht' IIIJ:h••!ol Ill Ill•· ""r id, hut 18 pill .. r I 1r, Ill!'" and. I" answ~r tht' com·. J•l.11nl th"ll'HI wa lhm IC'n days after lh•· :-••1\h •' ••n vou of thta Ahu ~\1111111"1111: 1f 11~rvt'd w athln th4' < 'oollnl~ "' Ontn.:~'. or W1lllln thlrty 11-t,\'l' 11 'PI ' t•d ••I.J<ewho•re, an<1 you ,,,,. no11lfwd tha i unlt'!ls ymo !10 ap· l" •• r :om.t JlltiiWt•r llll abuvr rt'qutred. lll<' plu w t•H w1ll lak4' Judgment for fully h>\4 • ""'l"'"·rl "''"' t h,. WR~''" • LU,\' 111n111,y or damar-demandl'd J>RIII wnrJ:t,.r.c wh" nrr · hnh1tnt-: 1n lh•• C'nmplarnt, as aruung upon 1 ••mforlnhh• ~""'•rnntt•nt ufrl<'" • oortl lll! l. 1)1' Will Kpply to the Court J•tbS llllfl rmplnycll' or rnAnllfll• tllr· l••r ,lfl\ nthcr relll'( d4'm8nded In 1nl( pln ntll ~tnrl ~"""r11nwn 1 1'1111· tho ''"mpltlllll qnar l1nr\ pr"J'''''" wh11 tJoko• trut I;"'"" u ndr r my hand s nd aeal hltlr <"halll't' ,111d n·r·t•J\'f' 11>1 muo'11 ••I Ill .. Slll>l'r&llr r .. urt or lht' Cbun· ft~r IWII nr lhrr•t• <luyM' work .. ~ 1\' ·•I llranlo(•'. StRle of Callfomta, "" ornlv '""'"''' ,.,.,.,.1v•·A r111 ., 1111.• 2:\nJ d11y .,r July, 1941. ""-· 1'Sl~AL--m:t"EnfOR COURT Oft'· month'a .\C:r\'Wl' \XI 'F ('IIl':<olTY i I . 1 • o ' ' U. J . SMJTW.. TIU:-1 lfUR~t:l.t:)o,~ ACiF. I·, •IIIII I I 'l••rk lllld Clt'rk or lh~ I How Inn~ ""·" ,, tw•·n lflfl('l' you ~IIJ"'III •r l 'llurt "' thr Sta!t' or h:.-··· ~··•·n .. I llllol u .. trrdt• ll ~l11°k I .tlll•,'l lll». Ill and. fu r thl' Q>un· and l'fl'l"ntl•n.: 11 \\81< u ll"ll"J•I n; l y "' l llllllll:l:' htotKt'~ \'nrl>n Lm dK ~tAr • Hy E R Kolbe. Deputy. HI1L,\:-;n THOMPSON, :-;.,1 1111 Y•llllll! ,.,.11 whu lu\'r·l .'Ill :-:l'ur.:•·yu B111ldmg. Santa Ana, t".tllf""'"1· Attorney ror P lluntlft and I••SI a t I' 1lnlu• ky Thry ntij:hl IC~. 7 30 p m. l'AIH ll#rvlcr. Thuf"'lda)', r-&-T_.._ ~ _, N_,...t ...,._ V.,_ ... 130 ~: M.n. 11:.. 8~ lha'un. JICMHknl . Wn. rr.d........, _....., !"••r\·..-.1 ~tt nt:N,n MevN~ Day Mnea.t l."-•r..lt of (llutat ....... .,.._. IH.. ..1 Sabbath echnot. p a\urday. t :JO 'r AKINH so MHRE WA!'U~ I'reac.hln&' "rvlc:e, II a . *"· II "' "llld t hat a n Ielah•, fa&rm"l hall lhrr·•· nlltfrlll&rrthle dau,thlent Thf· for 111 m:11 raPd nnd h•cat C'd ut Wednuday nt&ht lf'rvloe. 1 :JO . rtiiF.t' I.IHIT!ol AI'TUMOftll.t: 'f\1 111 Fulh< In t1ut• •·••llr!l(' uf llnrl' \\'h1lr• p•.rk,.cl HI f'oortHIH •lt·l MtH I hi' t~lrl t-:<'ntlt-mHn Wlt14 lldllllled lhlll hu•t ~·n•lrl\', !ho• lo" k•••J J:loo\'1' '"'" lu• 1\JI~ l(f'HIIdflllher too 11 f1ne pall 1uortm••nl .. r h111 1 ur ""~ ,.,,,,,.,, "' ol l\\'1111' thro•r• w:olh·t~ ..,.,tnlutnj( rn"r" th11n 'J h., ...., ... nd """IChll'r miUTI4'01 S3fl0 ,n ,.,.,.h, llr N•rrflrllll II ·'""''h And llon ltl'd Rt ·Til'f'1'P t 'rf't!.kl , {da ur Cardr r\ ( ;r,.,,,. Ioiii Jot•ll•·r Thr hll In ('OIIIfltt' or tlmt• I toe old ffilln fi11Hif'\' "htt h \\II~ I ho' ror .. , ... ,., v •• , II"' wurd that hP wa~ grandfalh<'r nr J, .• , ... 111111 l \4oo '"'''"''JII ""'" lot 1t ln11 uf trlpll'l" Clall'll, h"•l IH"'Il ltt•l r••lt•tl Ill lit•• Thr• I h1rd dii•J(hl"r nunounred 111 •·sr whal .. t ill' thro·•· "'' 11 ",.,.,. '" hr·r flllhi'r h,.r t'OIC»IC•'ml'n.l an.J <·stlnn.tn~: nl I hi' 11-•lto h "" '"'"' hl'kNI Ill• r'lllll<rnt a nrl ""' lolellllinjtll 1 II•· ~""l'h•-d. "Ynu hllvoo my r·unll('nl TI'XHII dool'l""' r•·r~or I "'"""'lnt: rnv dauuht•·r . "~""' """ •·n~rd1 l11111 111~1 lol m~thool fl"f •lll \lu· "'"It .. r 11 And lhul 111. th11t )'"" <1nu't locatl' ynunl( nr11n \\'illl th•·r•· rHo\ •JJ.mrol(• r-&-T_..._ ._... ... -1 N_.,... ._. On -..._.: Mn 1 ...... Tn ..... Jl"'"•·,, .,,,. ~-'•l· lioo1..,..brl, eo< ty lfd _JIIIftdaJ .. ~!-*--"_....._ " , . ..._ ..._: "'"' ounm• BIIIUer, l'""'ldf'nl. Wf'll Ulta \\,.,,.,,..,. •• ..... f"•lary f"'rwt TUwedtaJ at ar-. nutr ..-htowl eudltttnum. 2 :Ill p m · ,,.,..,.di-U.C ,_., ,., ~-llfi'OI1 H~: cJ,r-UraW., ,.... •l•ul . 1;l•dyu Ed1dt, _, ,.,,., >: 2u<.l ThttnodaJ at 14t&h whuol. *'e Mt•uule: tlarry c;artl•r. aklpp.r. I'•IIWlalll&rl P'11nll1 ,.. .. c.; Y.eo·h Weds. eve; 7·ll o rt._...lt , A.-nran Lto&1cM ...... lltll and .. , Ubi Martllen! Clan 80tnaon. altlppoo,. l.lla 111..-ntt. nnt ..C.; -tilt 11nd l nt Thul"'l p. m '• •• tnp echtl'•l . 1M and ttll .. _., nw, Hoy 8<-uul hut.. • Roy !4r-ta. NewpQrt llalbnr llarry tta~. """"~· h'*J, 7 p rn. H••t~ul Hut.. 10~ and Bay. -utrt-Kr•"'ta. ,_.,.... ..._ .• T,_.~ .... ,. ft M llrirerde, ...._: .,_ Murtha )oo"tt.r, ,.,. '"••lrr t;l"'lmm er .,.,...,1 ltlfllllfraartllft room. ••rl1 w .. ,,,.,.~,, .. , art"""~'" "' :t ·so / o Nt•WJ~nr1 llurlrnr mm:\ncfln~>t nrfi".,.. I ,,.,.n~ttlnrm l C'f'fl· '\n•llc•nt fm· mnln· l in,: ~>oltllc•r·" rrom c·ltlt>s ttnlf fhflt IJI' -til 1 t'uflsJ•ur·t n..-n 1 " I •• I \'k k rrv If e lo" •tl I ' ~ II lr;~olf!re rttll•'"' l'nut 1\ l'•luu• ut I t r l••r II ~ c 1 •I rive ,, "'"" "'' alrttvlatnn '"'""' r ... lllu ..... ,. ... '"'I ...... h .. wouk& I•·• "I' trnn1,.,1 •I•IY •fl•tfl ..... 1.,1 111•1 ""' ...... .... ,,.._ •"'mr ,. ... f'ltl In N"WJH•t1 fl•r· tn1nt .. tv t .. n t'«'nla a 1r • '"'' otf I l"an•port• .rroo fur lht' ....... end •"" lltlfl,.lr fur lar .. •If Limit >''II' ";II r.roortect lrm ut •·urllhll the "' ............ ('orbn,a Ju•t ''t.lnl ltk:ll~ ... reat~lla thua tar. 1nw tMo "« made ,_ fnrrttm•nl ot ••hit· • bJ Uae .Uta, ... .,. ... ....... IA'e Ia ouU ..... a .,. '-Ia "'-or fit ~ Ulfry, t1 I . A,_, '10'01. Wtlft ... -· *' ft'rtt.raJ IJI,nlopo purl H•rtlfor 8&W• In I'(J)trm~ J .. a ......._.,y .J..Ia¥ ...,. ,.,,,.,. will ha made Ma• lin. """'' ff\dy v " I ;,.n•raJ Me- ... tn hLw araplaae .... u"l at Newpcwt . tforite ;an rt lloMpital "''" VPol hrr,. Ialii '-''""'" uf An•lr-ltrm•u•ttn.~ arut ol al •••• o.,.._ u ..... b . "' l''ri•I"Y In a Man rlt Ill "'"'"r" I '!"'r· vra!f'riOt:r 0 -. . 111 f In 11"111,.~ •If' ..,.. ,,. .•. , ""'"' .,, ll••r 'a '"ltv,. har- n•l Willi I" oruln,.nt 'f I 'f IL l I I h J I :u t )0 hit\'" I<•' "'' 111111 "'1h'l S •~ , •,, ·~ ~U...Y . • -----111 fo'<JIIr I tOkiO Mlf'h to thf' wlltr·n nrloon • 1 • .-ta ,..._ lira••"· eaz_ """" •; IC..Iaot, mut•r. Mn ~ 1 '" '"'' '"'",. th" '-~·-•...1.!.1!1u.1n•l " •111 D••A•J!'J41~2ta_."'i.aaJJuJ:L.lll ..... _...._. ___ "~---__ _... .. t~..-..... "'"'1.-*W.-----.. ~ 1,...,.. ... t «'..ta Jl-u,....,., Ill: Mrw ,.,... lltlf••ld f:.dd) . ..., ~"'"'2 ~~~d 4~ T,~,.. ----....,. « • .-.-: W I. f 'um• rhalf"man. 1111"11 ka!p" 4Ut T.,.., ~ at t;c_.. •-ll'tH t.l~ lJ c lulr «tf s-....,t .._...: Mno K•-n 8 Rut.Mrlord, pr ... ~I r ~ It••)' A, ... rw.n -· ""!Ary hot ell't :t~<t ThuiwdaJ at IDMII •I "fm' rnt II' f•,., lflr-C 'M at'a • ....w latll'..t~~ .- hairman ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~~~-~~~~~.t~~~t~:~~l=f ·~rt1r•~ A v~. J~lt~4 !iii ' • ~ ,,nl:.~=h-•'• A~ ... M,;;,.~~rr;~~it;;.-;-.;;;.-Jr.-;...i.=:::::::::;::;:;= PI"• • n• •,!,. l•oov Lrnn .,.., r•lary h t T•i""I•V ert•r 1111 WondaJ: t:t,•il • ll.t>h'•""' .... ~,J!j \\' f ",.,nt r al Halt,,. ui.~A.,.. .. "" .... , .. ,--"...., "-·· ell* _. .. _,... ...,._: 'wlr• v .. r,. Mill,.~. pr .. atd .. ut Mild~ a,.,.lthart . .-r.tary lei and lrd l'h11 r!ldll)'ll , t"r\cla) "'""' .. ",. f l•ot! "' f ••fa w-: Mr~ Jbll•" Vl"l", J)t'f'aident Mr~ llur lllo l.urdotfo,~•l · ~""""'" hi""'' :tr•l Jo n•ll•v~ Ju•l••• \\-.-'u f l•lt nf f ...... w-: M"' Jtrnll'n n '"'•na , pr""'l 1lr nl , Mrll" J""""lt• Kf'IW'I, , .... , y t'ar-t a nti l rd T11"ada ,~~ __ ....__·~·- . ~ -;,· , ......... ~ ,_,-:;;,.:.; .. .._,.7"if,. x:r;--- ~tanl .. y I•F'f'ltltJf'nt w,. ,..,_, li••rfl#r ,...r r•lary· R...•·•·n•l T u,.today 2 p rn 111 ,.,,.la l hAll .. f '1•n •t l'hur h by I he ~ "·-· ... -~ty ef llln.t ... _,...._., i ...... ,.._. Mnr Ward 1'111• v P'""l'l"r,t Mr11 M of\' l«o-nt ostt ...., f"'"')' 2011 Thuntday al ,.,,..,,.1 ha ll. •:••t• M,... f'•mlru•wll)' 1 t1ur• h w.-.·• c~ .... ,.._..,_, , . ..._ •' ~~,t ,._..,: M"' .. ,.,,. It• """' r·r• '1" .. "' ,.,, I .Cllu•fl IIIII .... , .. , ... 'l.· l•t "'• •h ... 'W1rH' \\,,.,.... • ., f11rtoiiU.. T-P-"~ •• .._ ef f'-ta ~t-: M,.. Wlnnt,. v ~~~Ill rr~"'""'!'' .. 1,.., H•r•h ''''"'"'' -· r•lror v """''""~ Ynday. \\•~'• llrtW f 'nrpe .f (·,,.aa It-: M"' Hl•r.-he !<u,._, .;.., 1 ·l~r 1 l'l•r• Mr Mprlrv. ~,..tarv f' r•t mr.•l lhortl \V,..In•lt&ty I Altar....,....,, fttlr • ...,, ef ,._,., . .,..... f'et.....,. t1.."'•: Mn Arthur lJuna1dl•un. P'"'l1•nt Ml'1' Jf J 0~~>~. _.rwtary ,.,,.. "'-- dAY" a{ .-::lo ry, 1423 W t•t:nlral ,...,. • N_pt,l1 S.Ch. .:0---~- ·~'t .. ICF.K lumhrrmAft, ..._ •n of. UN~ -IT ·' . C'.ou~~t, Harbor ant o. M•alea. '.i\fta alld opt'!r ........ '"' ......... __ ...., __ Holy N-~. fttlr • ..., _, ,.._. (..,_... ,......_ ~~ I It J Rill liM , tlaplaln. Mur~an a..-.•nard. _.,..larJ a.conct ...._, ' . .. 1-.. - • -------------'-- Tbunday, September 11. lMl ·- .. . . LocJLl '~qll ~ I}~ 1 . IJ:h ~. Ok4· · a a~~ AhJ;e~ ;.,~-.MJ .;~ hit~9~ C L &II·I ·F _I B D ~ ~eq Sunday Ev~ , . . .. Mra. I\· N. J•d•••n. 817 AI leo ln. and Ml'l. A. 8. 'nlom.,.an ~ RENT HLP WANTED • At a 1.q{it'..l;'n•ntfti ~ony. a"en~ .. e,ent the ... ..u .. l\d ·•oft!~ anr •ac.Uontnc al &d)'ll••mrunt ....L::......:'------...U-....1-=:..--"!~--~"--~' ...J-l ..!__.;_ ·--···•· p.rfo,... tn ... ,.,.e~flU.CSI .--her .,..ta at Pua~na. weell. ct.na el C.piAa de -.n ~. M .,___ ( _,. ~ Mr. and Mra. JOMpb .. _ ... ___ of Farewell Card Party Given in Honor of Mra.-Smithers Firemen 'a Auxiliary Observes Decennial of Local Service nur Anah•lm , MLU Beulab ~ ,., -ttr FVVo'lt'r anu -1'1. uuuman A_.... ·---•1~nt ..... __. • ., 107 Utb atreet, are vacaUonln• at uf La. An(f!IN . and Harry ~ce. --.. unmo ~ ~ • .. ,..... ... liOn of Mnr ~ u.8e of N-·-~IU. Nla~ at Man DMIO.. F'raa4N Park. pun IMacb. ,., ... IIMt 8vn4lar..a1t-Me. __. 'arn. ~~~ l'rltdh&m and Mw Eva Jo Ft~lt. 271 E.. 17th I'd ~ ID'.rrlaf.. e~ 84-v•n .,,u.~ Kay, of 204 tilr-Mt. hu accepted.• position u Mn. w.nUt B. am1t.ban. ll'bo With 10 cbiU"Ur ~ ... and Mlaa Abrena, wtw wu attended 0on1 41oVeiii'M: •pent lut ~<! c:l<trk ' In the Q\l&Jily bakery. .. Uta. ..-c...._ brr t.ltl ..,_ n~ ~ ete 1.11 ,... ......... Ill t>y ht'r 1l.etn. M,. Dorott'ly Webb, at •• .,......,. M r. and Mn1. Ed, 0 111 of Balboa ~ ~t Jll 'Ya& &Ado IIford l alhedal~. New~ Harltcw , ... 'Rbu or Low Anft'~. woo~ a biUa Island were Sunday ruealll at tt. a,... wUJ '"'*"' to Pa.ctene fur m.-n·., •u••llary ntwWrv.-d Ita &~)(It tallur...q •ult w1t" brown ~-MN. S..le Pullfll nf 440, Cama-Edna Wolfe home In La Habra. Ow.._. ... u.. .. -.n• -.or-~., <biMt ml(hr ~ a IPf'O\aJ 110,._. .-• ...._. 41 ,_ ... Uon nettu. .. If" mllng th•~ week ed ._., at a fan..U tM1dP' I blullf08' a -..n wtudl t.o1* pl.,... J:urd .. niU. Wilham ·~~: b.rothcr wtt)l triencta tn !'k•'ru~no>nto and lu~ 11~ b)' Mnr HafT)'; In a f11utt11 Ana rat~ ,,f thl! bnde&room, aulllted u *' San J1'1"8n~. w ... 91 f1t A~ af'eftue. OOf·l .... t ~...,,e. t>f till' Of'l"&nft:u man. ~ Re\'. Gerald S Baah of Mr. •-Mrw \\ 1: e~tell ""'l!re Ol\f cMI Mar. • """· mt~ by Mnr Hf't ~nta· Ana Jo'lnrt1 Chri.IU&ll ch urch ·--...... ~__,.-· .. _ ~ 1 1 t down 1roln tht'tr L'ultun home. (Jivt~ ~ta lll<'luur ..,. ....... mt-~ 1 .,..rt •lmpt~Qn, OCIIIll wn • "t-r•· , ~1\cflng Uli' mArTi•&i' t1tH. J'rt2\k Jlarcllman. c . J!l ftudd, e 'Mf'lll X f'..ll4'th ;)oo'hn.~<.~h, 1/.tln IWI'\.-.1 ......... win& th~-~·~rt-muft)'. tO Monay, IMptictrltll JII ••Jwrty lnter- F'ollowlnc a recent open~tion.at St. Joeeph ho41pltal, Mra. Flora Beatfy 1a now eor\'\'al~aclnc at h~r U.ll)oa oome. Mlu E lctiN Owen uf 216 [){a. IIIOnd aVf'nue 1a a hotae C\JHt at the homt ot twr fnend. Mlu DaLa)' Thompeon or Puadena w Hani80«1. John rr.nn. Mur-' th .. flr'111 tWn YN"' l<nd t.t~s<tllrn"ttj fr11'nl1ll and mi'MMr'a (If' the lm· HC:...,. Ylalllnf( uld tro .. nas Jlftl/, H..,-~~rt. £uc•rwo Ft-r~-. E:-.1 7.ubr. •lA".:•• ~~··U, Orliiatl .. ruf'l!llll.-tam I HE'll wue t>nttrta.tned Mr. and Mn< ,\ s Tho.npaun, tpn, LMter TabeR. ~ I. Moon. P RniW'n, R1D !fnllt.h \\'~tJttr 'ff .. ,.ey· .,t a rrt'rptpm h4<1d Jn the S&nta !112 &ant& Ana ,., .. nu ... lt-rt Mun· v. Park ... all or the Harb<Jr dl•· t•utt. an..t R :-: .1111'1WIII Mr~ Jl(n """ hl'\mf' ()( Mr and Mnl. Pat day moi'Nn( fur .• "····k ' \ IH~llth>tr En.)uylng • week•' vacataon at tnct. aed Mnr, I~ Weu 411 Palno BrW~UtAt. ''a. ..es •'-'U•I w Uw .lordiUl. AJ1!!11111ng the hOIIttN wue at an undl.ac:lokd ,,, ,\lll'ltton. Zwri Nttt•onul park are MUdamea 8prtnc'&. a •&aler of the holltt... J)Nle~)' Ill UIC\&. ._lUI U.WOIJie U.. 'Mr!tl!llfmls llt-~ lllthH, "alter Dy-Jo:drth Mundl'ry, WilliAm WIIJKin. • • • 46tt,nd du.-lu a!ln .. llll All 1•"111 pr .. l!· ~"' ltrltl Wnn4ruw Jh4lay. Mra. A. A. ~· ull •1 :104 Apuhma to;lmnre H11yd"n a nd Mary Stan· FOR RL"''T Beclroom. fumJiiba4. Ladia p~ferTed. CaU an. I p. m. 124 Ma("nolta. nu FOR RENT-Brand new tumished bay tront hom•. forctd a1r rur - nu~. 1432 W Bay &\'e, phont 2311. 2811 FOR RENT -Nkelv furnllthed du.' plex . one, 2 ~rooms . one. 1 ·bt'<ln)()()m ; winter or }'t:llr. Cnll t:WSO Ocun Blvd. 28p FOR REST A ttrartrv~ nne-bed roc.•m ap1utment a t 306 •,. A po l"na ttvconut'. a&lbo11 l!!land •Sept. to Jun .. 1' Elf'<'t,rrc rf_· fngerauon. 28< ROU81:8 W AH'TZD.-lt you have a boUM or apartment for rent, p&eua Uat wttll wr. We are bav- tnc many cran.. R. c . Parker, liOe Newport Blvd, eo.ta Meaa. Pbone 511. MwMcar ~ •~EMw oill'nte ...,... atill aot1vn ~Mni' of Fnlluwloc a brltl hcln•ymoon the avenue. haa ~~~ 11 .. 1 llyU'II'IIUI'Iit tor Icy , •••c • l.M 11Wl1Jl11..., , .. ,_., .. -·p'·· WlH ,-.. · t N ,lht week. M " .\lill"'•l••t Maaat:. 11M N~ C\n:w f1f "o ,.. . ·~ · .••--~~.. ......e • ew· .. "' ....... Frank Andrl!wi; hu return-----------·-~ altuaooa at 1~ t'h•er·trr no.-mbr,... ,,... M~m .... 11,11 t s..c11 "'b"re Mr l.ert' Ia con-a teactwr ln tht• ,\!h .. mbra llthuoi!C. Mi tu ht-r Coruna del Mar hom• PE!IIJ:s'Sl'LA POJ_:-rr RE:s'TAI4 ··~ '"700 lfrnn,.rh Jnhnw-n. '"""" '" t.f,.t-f..ll ""' ted with tM'poiiN! dt'partm~nt ' 1 t-----~~--~'!!'~U~!li!W~~~6~·~~'-"'"-f""""""~~--,t\'-f}~ WHkend c uv•l • .t v ... humf' .,, fulluwln« • m onth'• IIOJOUrn nt F'I'R!IIIS HEO • t JNFUR!IIISH.EI.J ~ -~ a.r ~-_.. J;o, k .f'unn•·r, F'rnnk ('r•K k .. r . Hv"'·r nosTt:~ ~~RIOOE __._ &rid Mn"WWl -nmn~ -:r.mf w ...... lttllf •ltert etw-w--•!trhnr;~ _..,~~hfrt '11f f'Pfttlri!o ;;;;'.1 ~ ........ ~ O.VOtwnt ""' R~>bo-tt• ~""' Jfuffm•n. ,116.,,. 1 Jilts. J. A G<ont, 111 W. Bay Santa Ana 11\rllll•· """' thl!rr "" 10unt I rnrludln« ..... II • W ~ MIM AW.. H.an· r, .. n,.\' and Rt-rnnrlt P:ll1rffi~co ort•'lllll'. :s't'WJJO•rt. "Ill' h041tt>U Pn-neptww and "''" •' M• und Mr~<.l MMI Juhn W.-1.118 and daughte~ UnrumUihl'd :r btdroomll, 2 •: C••ralcnfiiC lht• dUIJ¥'r tabl..-l"'lt" 'lilly allt"rnoun 1,t 8 df~U~ert bn~e Ray OomMc:k "' ''''''"'""' I of C'alextco, a r., 1ptondln« the ..,..~~ bath.l for '3!) monthly fur Wln-~-.I . I• .A~.~ ~ • t:.r~~:~ b1rthoiloy ~~· ik\~ratcd In when• ht~<:h a.•urf' w .. !l" w~on by Mn MIN Ardell,. I<· 1,111 11 :!tJI.I r~ar-wrth the t .. rml'r'a par .. nl.!l. Mr. and I lf'r;..:IIJI(In • the_.. c:oommtttft ,.,.,rtrd that 11'111~ ""rth 11 n·d ru.,ullln s ndm"l l:ra•., Cnmrtwll, Mrll Hell"n laM II net avenue, •I"'· lit M"'"''" a t C:at· Mns 'lernfon Orr of Newport I bath rr:~h,e;! !o=r~;; ",.,~~~~ dlll'llllr Ull ...... ·~ ""* Iff aorl lM ldl4r"-":00:.11 lo:LI,." 1111111 lttkmg !W<'MVI llWilrd alma leland, n\,1ko11.: tho• 1r1p In 1 HriJh~ I u r .IINliiOII. ) IN'..._ WM ~tna'. a dnu· Cyu~ !llllwpuf.l,,Qf:~b l'U? t:kopa.rl· Cllht·t f'"lll~sts Wf'rt' Mudame,o !'Ompany with h• r lmtlo· 111111 au11t Mr 11 nd Mr11. L. p Fcolllt, who AIIW) IWYt'nt l rton~IJI bu th .. \'""'~ .. ,_ --~-... ~au•n• ..... ,._n "'""' c: .. n t.-nuu• ,. .. ~. Jltf'IWnt.-c:J a;ll l ~:,•a. Watt.<~, "~.\'A ~fflOr•, lrt'n• 'U. Q-. who ar · Ill • rr P r ' t"·· J '"' _ .. _,. n t-,_"' _1 • ' ,..~ e vaa n.: 1tt'l•' ""' "u L'llt\'1." 11prnt ""' IIUhlnter at 218 Sap-I S...e uur ttd nn thll! p:tg.-off~rtng ~.,. ...... ry t lbnMX I"' ·~ nw ........ -altdldl... • I ko·v. Molly Ft-n .. lun, Julia Egg&rt. Mnr. V~lma !<Iori~ r ,., H:llb<llt )!< r phhlrt' llVO!OIIt', Balboa l•lan4. art-n .. w ht•u-on rt-ntlll lt·nnt<. a ._,_.._. nlil1t.,.. Aftw •bl'rn« 1 Yulimlr•n« dw au UK lT••IIP ~<II· Thertoflll Walhtct', WuutrC!d Wulden· 1 t Is Wt't•k rtoturn1na t11 thrlr Lt\S I J• • quO~ lll~ AJ't",904 thf 'ptecr J'Kimtotl '" th,. "'""" nf Mrtl Mat1~ 1 burt. lllelma Blucklward. Onlclle Land and twr ~''''' r. ~Irs Mar~· Ansc•i .. lwrnt'. ENl NSt.:L:A POI~T Ut-'F'IC E w • c~ ~ ~rnecJ vvn t ftolhn~r. ~.,..... • "..-,nn ot N¥Url Rudel and Mrw w R Ktt.tlftCfl'. Luve Barber (,'•••II .ontl • .. n pt•u~:· 2001 Octan Bh•d. P hont :us to trU.ury • l wllllft -• 'lwld. hf,Ctl 'W'nr4' belniC • • • laJJ, of Altadrn • "•·r.. l'unduv I Mr und M.r-1 Hf!rbert l:lunt1nc -:--:-:-----.::-~------- OUtten atUndt.nl were Meldawt-. •·on b)• Mno Pwot• (\• kr .. ll ""d '''" Harbor Realt flo d lunchtot•n cu.-ttl-.ot H .• u,.,,, Y t1Mit I"' H J .~""'" Ana a,· .. nut-, :-: ...... R•:AL ESTATE (For Sal,.) ~ ,.. ............ M. n.~l b) )fnt Go-<•r.:r iJtJrl.rr s,... "'' y ar I IUb '•"•rt Ht>t~thtJO; nrr thl' pan•nls nf t-iJ ...... dll ,:.-, ~ HAn'l-ll>tl%1' al.llc• wt'tlt ,,, lfl:t ('....-krl'll SPeks ()esignation M L I M I t I a dhughtl.'r, born Y•·~t.,nby Ill St I ('(ITT AGE un \\'tiM<on l<trt't't In -atilt P'.d Wrrtktor, Mno <A<•rl.''"' rn wkfln r.n '" Uv•"" prHI"u-1) 1 not1,;; or'~~"" ~.~11\ /:;;~:r ";.h,,~;: 1• J•-rh hoaprlal COAta M.-sa. F'llll J>r•<'e S9MI lit La-... _ l'a~ "'•"'", "" ""'1· rn~mtwf'!l nrto•ntltn.: ""'" a.4i ~ff'D~ Area C'. Pltrkf'r 1806 s w,..., t HI , 1 .... ~tal" ; • 1 ~~11,,., &a }Jior"'JU, Rlllplo l'f'r 11f C'tlm m.,r• • ~(I" • tr rl It• r,.· Mr "'W Mrt<. \\'alt(•r Lapp and Custa M4'~ • " r .'~ · ••L•''' 8 e, 1 ~t~o,...k .l-f\•••n..Jaml!a l-"'l'to~t . ~blhty nt h1w1~ Ntwl)Ort turn k> wnrk t••l .. \ llrt<·r iwlnJ:I."uii.Rw~rd.o(LOl&Anl(t!lt•S,IIptont 1 2 •1f I ..... 1 Rt'ta Al'bo1m. Har~ftr dtlltrh·t Uw.'luU.Hiln l~ Na. =df'r ('&Jt' nt " ph) ·•II 'I ll r .. r lht-I th .. ""'l!t'krnd with Mrl'. Lopp's p~tr• EXCELLENT LOT In N4'wpurt I ' • • tHm"l deff'IUif' Arf'Ji \\Ill' IJIIIC IISHd I rut w~k . t'!ltJI: Mr 111111 Mr'll A L. Obl!r. 1007 Heighl.l .• ~1411 price $165. R c lhu' m11rnlltl( •t a mHtlnc uf New-'U T .• 1 d I'~ ( cntrul. Ualt"'"· Parker J&Qe New l lJI·d.. H K G I Ch I p ort Harbor Rt-lllt)' bullrd . at whlf'h MMI. ony h•r~ho•\ lint llU~th· eo.ta Me.a por .' • ~ ~.:..!'':~ :.'lA• ··s : _!"~Uel"i_ .. &~l ' tame !lt'\'cral mt>mbt'rs t:t~rted ltor, R~. of fl•lt••ll l•l~tnd. lifO' E.!ward Jlugh Alliin, until ro>· • 23U t•,C g 1111 ... U., .,,.~,.·at a to ponSOr \.iOOCer ~~•m·•·rnrn.: th•• unava1labrlity or motonn~r ba('k '" Ark .. n.aJ~ w~au., ccnUy a W1d\'nt vr Costa MH~~, f'OU. SALE OR ~"'a£ f CJ . 1 Uh .. · m .. t .. riAI• n~ fnr eontlnued I th"Y will v1<1rt lr "'lllh nnd rl'lll-1 hi to rl'port todlly In Los Artgf'lts l T -~ ...,._ llorw:lrtnC Ml'l Onr-, 0 . a$81Ca .~ua:~lC, humr l'"n~trurtlnn. John. dumham, _llvf'a, r.turNnr: ll"'"' an 'ttmf' for for Mr"lce an the t • s Anny. AI· ~t'f!-~m cot~gl' at Sen11hor .. ~ <'111m. -thr n~nlnr; ''' "h•••l l inn hA~ '*"'" 11pendr g lh 11 I rtn Oh\e, !lit>,., port Somf' <'al!h OW.t/1 partklpat..cl fir a !Wr11'" f'lf Mrl!'l<" ln\'lor'l nt ""' 1;farbr>r en. .. Ralph M~y •nd F'. Roy Green-ut !llorth O..nd N~;r f' umm,•r fttr duplex I'IOMr ln. Phone Or dnoer .~ roUuwin& ""hkh th .. y 1 rh 1 oM•• Cllrdiallr If\\ 1t,S I" "t~tltl lf'll f, Jr . ""f'r. •PJW•tnled a11 a IJlt-· WrlfM Brr'l~ ... h•1 rl'!¥ntly rt> l · Anltt'. 1190 2 p .~·-~ lw101 a ll" aJ\d tr~l-:n '"""'''rt .. t dn.&Shal And ~nu-'•1"' rommittH '" in•....CII(&t. the luntf'd t o h111 Bttll>•.1 t ... tand hum"l Mr ·~tnd M-nt ..-rank Seamon Qf - ....... If-to ('fftlftJI In Uw IIIWI('r ... (Itt ~· llf•lt..'CWtl\! whll'll wm M I "1"tt .. r furtJwor. rollowrn« &Ill ...... •k• IIO}oum at F.:l Paao. Tt'XIOII, hli''t' taken ·I . -PENI.NSCLA. em~- ,....._ Cl41rlla. MIL 4'na K.,pe.r 1pn .&aaled ~t; SIUUIII.! Ill-'-,..'" It IJI hoped .to arranr• a n ~ly !;nn F'rAnn"r". ··~ .pl~tnnlnt t~o hm£.<~e nn Pup~>Y a vt-nue. Corona \\'t' utr .. r two "It'' 2 ~. r<)(m~ ~ ln poon~ •1\il "~''*"~l .llar"W. K.. Gn.IIMt ~l...-t lnJC bet""~" r~rrf'llf'ntati\H '""ve 1100n fur t~to•• wt>ekR' V&<'l-~ df'l folllr. and plan . to sptond at 1 hnmt'l! 1111 rf'nt~tl lerm~ g,.1• ,,.1, OU.... at.._... •-M....__ •'""1'"'1. 110 H'rHOttlwMy. c oto~la M....,_ 1 tl ~ Ff'dt'n.l H IIUIOIOJC Hurellu, tl"l'lo HI th,. r .1"'"""" RockiH lt•ll!<l Ill )'f'Br In th•• Harb<or dl!!tnct 1 ad 1111 n•nt.AL~ con tillS pa .,. ow.e-1~ w. w . o..Gft. Yava ~·.., """'lll~f~T"'r~r·-..tfifh.-th.-I nontl('ll buard and th4' felll l ThPy are th,. pr~rent.A ot Mrs. Bn.-, , , • , ~ .: :, ""'*"'-"· H.....,. atM. Althd R\~""· 1\No at ·a·~ liM~_......, l'llA"' r;roup. at ""'hrch trmf' the Peret' Marrte• ft•fmt'r n·sldeut dton Frnc·h ttf•!\H Haul drl\'e. 1 I E:'III!'ISULA PO I!IIT OFF'H.:~ htftlln!l, 1I:IIDn' P'aJrt'bl1cl, Orad• .,t '00 U.:"l~~ ~tuwt'Mnt'nt men would ~ ukf'd 11f th~ Harbor lltf'a , hall bfoton I 2001 Or·~ttn Blvd. Pirone .ll'i ,...-<Jh,, Jlarcant Brownlft. '"'"' pru~tran~ -,~~cl~. ~~' to f llplatn u, .. mt'thod.ll by Which I llptondlng t"h,. plllll llt'Ven.l dAy" I Mn Bnl~~ J ohrwon or !llewport I •• -Nina~. ~l)'ft Lutton, H .. n ral t•r ... •~lnn. ILnhl'njtrln ~ \\{~~-N~ Harbfor mllJ be lnrludelt vla1llna old (nef\dA on Balboa Ia-wu cn·hoateu Saturdny after l'lQ()h l-OR S ALE 2 IIOl'SES. 7 tllltl e r1dL ~~· Marvua Brode. IWb-1w1 , Mn~w· I:M'r ,)(lolliiA\ ~W•Uu.Qt 1~ •• " dl'f~rll'f! an·a It waa pointed' land He ,....,, '"JI'Y~ a ~rv.•ordltah· 11t a rnnnal troa gh·en fo r her at1'1·! moml'11 hOUl!t'll. tnr I J!W)O Cttrlll't .n ~.-,.r. ltelen ~ If--' \\"~~~&na, llcon·n<r. OI>BILY,)': Pra)' toUt t h&t.A.ol Anct'IH and Ban Ott· lng trip dunn;t hta ao.)Oum he~ ter-ln-la~·. M'r1. Wrlllam · Lou111 l tth st rwt and SanUI Ana av ... Bawr. and U. If'--JHn Saw ··r .• rid C'radl~ S...nc. Jdnllnto, an1 ltV coun&Jea a rf' no'"' enU~Iy with· SnttdgMLq M Orange-Tbe attlltr '"'" Owner. Ml'll Mary· B. Grit· ,..,. ..... ,... ~ Tne~~•"' ... ,. , ... ·)lld~l _.1.1 "'I~ dtol•nw ar"a and 110 f'nUU.CS Mr llnd Mrs MyTII' 0.\'U Wt'rt' tottk plac.'t' 81 Santa Arut Ebe'll fin. R·l -1:12 W~t}lllnster 8\'t'DU~. · ._ · oor all nf •·tu .. h w 1ll he-••I to pnot1tln and H 111 hoped to add l' .. turdllv "'lthl dlnrtf't ltllf'tll.l or rlubMuN. ""ht're 75 .:u~sl.l w•r~ C'r.~lJ\ Mraa, Calif :n p • • • • -·-r1)o J?,..U Hrf"'f'r who ~n.U>rtalnl"d at ...,._Off ~AllY ,.1'\.'llt!Tln ..,,.,.., hy ~ C'llll"f'n"" 1 ljll' ha r .c11atn c t t(l this ceneral flAl'-A• y h 1 b •• entl'rt.alnl'd. 1 .---- .... rtoida. lOT man ......... ,. ...... or I t •rrttory. c. ...... ar t c u ... r navtll •• rlrJ.'D. tr. ---~ a ""lctfont 7 ,_.. dt"•..,n••r of tb f•moua IMIR d Cit Mrs. (I ~ R·• ..... r' ··on of 32~ 011\· OPF::" f'OR I:"RPF:CTIO:" :"o•~o~o nu.._.. pnaat ., o.m. C't.w .A\Idltof'luDL I . . ... I' n r •. UU'<' ..... -I al 8an.o. f« Ow put 31) )'"aN:. Ci • !"""'Arid th .. IWO &r~ \'llr'lltlnnlng mnn<1 avenut-, Bnlbon I!CIIJnd. lt'ft 2·~n"''" ht.!Ulil' at ~2~ Ah:<" -.-. ..... .._ ..s ,..._.. Voc·•L ,. .. "'<'11!'!!!!...!!):. Ah~ -~ t• tiZeD8 Lea.uue Ask~ Il l thfo H•rllnr aboard th~lr Cllp""r, Sundlty fur Ofon\•tor, '"'-lo., '1'.-ht'r.. 1 i>lr«l 111 :".-wru• t H"ol(hu•. n .. ,., -~--_.., -ifr<:~"ll rt,.ltty, lnl'n.tl COl~, ._,1~ _,.. # •·· '-'-' II cla.7 ,..... ~ el ,....._ PYI -l 1m di f o~ II f l'ummRndt>r she will ap<>nd (.,..,. wtot•ks \l'lth h"rl , .. •'-•rll .. r .. r ar,th ><tid ·AI'"'' W'Ai\--rzo.:_.llan or woman wtU. car to work u ~ Mtate ....... man. R. C Parker. liOe New· port Blvd, Cotlta Mea. 22tt FOB SAL& • -. F I:'IIE SELECTION afsiii, ~: mt:lllanea. a w a rd •. · piA4~Ma. St•rrptun:. cr-tin&' carcll and glftll. The &:nptlll'e HOU8e, 117 1!:. 5th, Santa Ana. ph. 57S1. lie HOME FURN18BIN08 II CUBIC·F'OOT SJI!RVJ:L QA.a ,.._ fr1&4'rator. e't, yean I\I&J'&Dl>'· no dUICOunt. E z urma. BaDioe Furniture Store. pt.oDol! 141. TH A lJE wl\111 yuu UQn 't want fur whal yo~u wuut Rhorer .P'UI'nl· t Ill'•· M:11 k .. t. largl'8l 11tock Jl.f u••·J funtlt ur" In San.l.a Ana. l:lt I ~uuth l'ttntn slr.-.-t phone 11-"11-\\', C'l'!ITOM BUILT MAtTP•••re l'OOLD RETAIL YOU& OLD .M.\DJlliS!S M.WE JNl'!! AM ISSER·I'IYilL!IiG. SANTA DA M.\TTR~ (X),, •u '1L ...... Pti()SJ: HA. IU MISCt:Ll.ANEOUS LAWN MOWEM 8H.A.RPENEV• and reJ:II.Ured. W ork (f'U&nLilteecl • Phone 2llU·W, 1M2 Harbor. 33p F'COWF.RS "Say It with ¥1owtn; • Say 11 'w•lb Ours." GiU'a Flower :ihop, 1710 Ne-wport Bl\'d. Phonr !>4i·J . Co:ota ,._ %7c T\'Pt-;\\'RITF:RS SlO.OO up Rent· • d. tt'l'ltllt'd Sumutrand Addl~ ~'·•• h 11• A b' Gla!lll Typtowril· ••r c· .. :llr>'. W 4th at., Santa ,\tm J'h••nl! 570:L 36c J 1 :owwl prlut111j1 ut•th.-Pn·ss ahop. <flu, Sk.u//-'t- CAPTURE SIJ41.. NEW FIGURE BEAUTY! :=.~:;:t,,~.. t.e lwr a,.rttldlly lnc1lll .... M)' l1rArt ilf "nl)• S~·~; me a e ~CS 0 . mutht>r, MMI Jo'. L Hovl En roult' I'm·•· 1:12.')0 1'Prm!!. Woll bt> ho•l1l v~··· llarJI&. .. ,. ... , .Ana •fftllll G . ,.~ te 1\flo•r A pll'aUnl llllmnl!'r nt thf' hnmo' !!ho• allll• r lan:. ~ brl.d \'WI ' ''II"'" next Sunday f-ft•m """" to' ,.,.. ~-'ll"'l!cll too1t rta~f' "' l&aftl 4(tfl •nd Dl!fl'-h, ' Ara Thp I eol'ge "a rlll'an I '!''lll'h, Mr and ){,.,.. w .. ndt'" P . with her .IJOII, Zf'llf'r Rnbertllori who :l p Ill R (' l'tlrko r. rt':llll•r See our Used Cars Before You Buy!. • ar..c·~~ -., WM hte~ted tlttF? WnrwtmKn.: Lllnd nf I two fUI~ • ~rgfnr: thAt ~ had failed to ltull••lnth •rnd children, Sally and ut ltlll'ndlnt the umvt-r.ut~ at I :!'1' by Aft~~ blrtJaday cake bear ttlur Wllff'P1' (-,_ltmllf\ ~-""fllv wurk (tor the h(o.-1 tnttorftla of htll ""'"''· who have ~er (I('C'Up)'lnt: O..rk..tf'V lriC '7IS eandlft. '""-!~hanna tboo W't)l llf' ~'"""'flllnlrd •• th«< <lflf1l • j diMU1c>t and lt.ll "lifi.'K'kWideril .. th,. M"rnll ruiden<'f on Ruby ave. • · ~ wer. Mr •n4 Mna w L """ h)' Al•uftdet" R•llly. ,._,•rl m .. mtwno ,., r .. ,.ta M~lla CalluM ., .. ,. 1~11,.,~ lllland, art' ll'll\'lng thll' M111s El!!lf' :-:ewland of 27001z A"·Jul FrPSh •'rJ:'lnt!O\ for Kt-'1 l'tudan , ,.,.,.k,.nd fur their hOmt' nt O..vt'rlv Ocean !o'ronl relum{'<l Tut•lld:ly fol· J~olt.a Ve~~cl. Ray .H...U•tt • n .. ~ .. "!\,... )t .. """"'t '""" n Ci\'lt' LralfUe htllt nl~otht unanrmowr-lloll:o • towtn.r '"" ""'Hkll' •·arnt ann at h•·r. McFarlan~·~ I:UM . • .. 'naeo ~nl)'. llut. ~"""" CtlftM't'1n !'ttlht ~anuo "'Ill lv v•lll'<l to. d••rnnntl _ch .. lmmf'dla.tl' rhrldhf•ud hfll11t "' Kansas. \\'htle - and .lay Murpty Mrs Dolly \\'~'"'· · rt••'ttll ttf l,...,•r,:t \\ tolerm11n Jllo \f ~ G 0 Q DE R • · '"' j(l\'~n rl.<: 11 ,·1,,1111 ,...,,,, II\' M t~l' I , • • • l••r" pi••AMnl 11ummrr In lhear tlwrto llht' 11\tendt'il two fAmtlv rl'· · faU. ,A.& AWI'IIDft, Mr . .oct M••· MtlMrl H1111'h VIolin nuo'll ('nn nl'f'r dlf'l'llnr ur ="'rwpotrt H torghb ' I "" h••m•· at :n8 Apoi~M ll\'C' unumJO. thrt'l' C()Unty fAir'S lln<i Vllr· 8tetn ... llr. ~ Mn.. H. &lUth. lrMiolllltun lJilllnd c N • • .... r o•rtnnl, C'hnrl··~ d•• Ro•nul, nnd A h. Tht' J.Aoar;u I!C! lt-d thAtCh 1-''' \fr "'"' Mr11 Slt-pht>n. C'no~by 1011~ flthf'r func·tl•lf1j!, lttrurdlng hf'r A DIEs • ~'"t.'d Myt~lerr .. ( Loft•, In lw rlu)'• f' •.• \'II 11' • .,., •• 'h:llfr••n. Stephl'n, Jr. Rnd Mlr· thf' llJ'JX'rtunrly ,,, mt>etmg many I' 1 ALL CARS. MUST BE SOLD! THEODORE ROBINS P.·'I":"IL -~ MEEI'Il40 t••J •• vwhn. tllh't" bv MlliJI Jhl~h l'llkon\nn 1>4' "''mrnlltl'd "" • rrm• · • •r • •r•• I·· ovm~t thl11 Wt>t•k for Lo" l'ld frtf'nrlll. I '"-Par<rnt-T~a<'h4'r A~·IAIIw• ""'' Ml"" 1-"=""'.11" t:·r .. ul'l' A•·ronm j ~~•dnt"•·. ,.,,.. Uw P'"~' nnw htld hy \11 d • • ~atur<Say lt"lll'lii.A Rt lhto 34C lb. of N U H • 1 ,, r atennan. c· 1 1 [) d •• T t-n nwmbt'rl' 11f thl' C'mrta MI'SII 3 11...~ f Ci' 1 t~Dd ... ,___, ewpal't Harbor nk:m ljth P"'"""'"t \\Ill .... hy lll~ ... t.nt lll' T I. I\ '""'f' Wl'rf' r. An ... r.~ ant. or .;1.00 II VO<W- ac¥ WID C' lb finlt ~'t"" ~Tlw ('nnr"rt .cc>rn~ttnleo th•:.:.. :t' '::'mRrniiHtrn1g1 rndn1mf lltlhH, ht'hd I '! 1!. H~.;u. of ~ OJ ego. Jun1nr Rrdang club ~~:athtorf'd Ialit I' iiJ' Nf.:\\'POaT B&ACB board meetJnc of ttw-""'"" rlub -·u· ·~uf'l'"' ...... , vo~a.-. .. r "''r\'ho' ,,· ..... y !"· ... lin ur e r r•nm-• nljthl Ill lhf' E R W tl .. tlms tmm... Gl!NDERS()S'S . -at __ ........._1 ••t · ~ t ,-11 ..... II •~· 11 ' 1 II I al ,,.,.,.,, .. r a·hr ... ,\,oil)' ""d H \\' ~11 1. 11 Nonn11n. of SnnnRn·~'~2219 8Ant11 Ana ""~nul'. r,r " •---------------l lt l-·~ ·~ ... ftm•""'n a w-t ..... ;q-~eir.·:j"fl\lu \\\ u ...... · . H ...... ,. bofttliflll u.'puwlcflttlt. Mn ·P! ~·l r .... , wa· . fl"'Krl"S>IJ'I•r1111111\' , •• \\n~ht . n•,...•rt•·d "" thl'tr C'hollll' I lf'-t\ :\I ComnA dt'l Mar.~·~~~ WII'IV'r h;tkl' 1\lld nutd(ltlr JliCN C ... "'"" .-..-1-....___... w . 1 ,., I""' 1 ,·1.• ~o. .. 1 11 II 1 ~·1 w,.,.. •1f " "I" I" ••f uH~t••·n~ lu be ,.,,1.,..1 • 11: lh"J<e tltlendrnJ; lht r,.!f'r· Th•• cluh h1111 '"''"""""''''"'"a num· -----.J ~"''• o&...J ......-Jl"'IE'" ... -...ff n4t "'" .. ' , •• ,r ..,.. ~w \ ·IILJ~o .~ ·~ ~ ·~' • llllaJMl. -a -"r""' ""lll \\'...,ln•'"'ll'' l'n>p .. ~.,.,,,. I • n o1 , ••nvenllon of the Fin"~'· l>t>r u ( rnll'rt·!OitnJ: nu~oonltJtht httr!le· .. q~ntrt~n. ·•!' "" .,ifrc:flll MHrd. ""'"-' Thu' T·I,J.:rHph and Of!llvtorv A!'.'IO<'Ia·' ha• k nd•·" 11r"11nd lhP hay and An • f .J ~ • I c-... .,.."'""'"~·t1··tt.l 1-'r.·d Opp, \'lrto ' I ., h·l•l n'Cenlly at Loll AnjrP•( gJd·fA'Ihrrmrd l'trlloW r ldt• 1!1 rotan· ... -------------------------· l'r•'l<ldo•nl , C'hiOti.,lto• f'ulnto•r. l!<'l' "''" \\ hl('h atlrRt'tt'<J dtolt'jrllte~ lll.'d ftor thP ll!'l\r futur .. td a l\· .ull.l Mn< t,,•,.nnn.l· l'o'l.-.. r•t 11 "' .oil pAr~ ot tht' t'nrtrtJ . . .. Mr. and Mrs:· Harold K. G·raue1 ON THI INSTALLATION OF THEIR 1 lr"'"<Ur~r. l'llrl'l tors nttnllnatt>d h\ :-'lui•, M~l<irn, CIIMdll ""'' rulon ~IL':I F'rnun•11 1-ora h. •lttllt-:ht..•r uf 'lhl"' rnmmlttf'l' • With fl\'t' to ~~~ .\t r ""'I ~Int. Nom llll' al80 mll4t> I Mr und ~~r~ flrndPn Fu .. 'h or :l4t j 1 ••loo;'t Nl1 Arr 1....-.. nnrcl l1t'lo'••r•l • ro,' :.t foour-day tr ip to Las VrJ;· li1t7.f'l tin""· Cor•llll\ del Mar, r "· I.I;>!<SI' .lllhnlllln. Gli'n 1-'unk, F'n••l I' ., . .j II<JUlder o '"m lllmrd 'T'U~IIY rr .. m ~"mphlll, I Ten.n . "h~>r~ llhf' hAll l!l"t'nl the , l'lt'n;r • ..Mr.3. Chn"~ rj\k•'1'''" ... n 'n Htll. ntm """" "'"" Mno ,., .. 1 n.n 'T~'"liW llfDtlllr, past ~·u...n1Qill.lle \U~.J>u.,sr,and· I Wt~QC'!A -· . ...,,,....,. ..ll'omanca -•o4-. Frank flllrPnt. ... Mr lllH! M~ M 2 Pi=)). , · q·. ,1, n. all of 114 27th lltret'l. Mr F lnrll ai"NNmranff'd llf'r v.'etlt It ,. I•• Loa AnJteln SundRy , ... nd \\Ill llf""llt1 .. r~w day~ With hll' .1 <lf.~~Rli"' CW C'H~~EIU't: UI~TS~t:s PROBLf:~l'l \ '•· ro :\lr and Ml'l. Joe Summf'r.l ...nn llnd di'UJ:hlt•r·rn·l:\lo\' prtor tn I Special for Saturday Only- fresh frozen Youngberry Pie 25c (EIGHT INCHES) ,. ... ,. Cnlll r.u.d Wtlb jutcy, lr .. b youo~:,;,.ll,.. "HO ME MADE" --Ovii.Y'ii' liAiCERY ' COSTA 10:8~ I - ... WI \\'h ot I· 23rd will I btl! rt•f;t.i• t ho• lou~ \1 lht' :OMI!:O t I • ,. t pa 1-l•i:ltt .. r Wf'll :ill un rn tho• unn .:ram un.t l nh·l:'llltltnr .ot l"B \I l'r· Or. T he 11111 friNitl 1111 Whll hill' 8 (•o•r·tury mt•thr·m,. 1 It Q \\'II dent IUifl~ yt>t•rtt wht- be rr.:~u m"nt In "' aiOf\J: ,..,ll Thnu):h fr 11 J[T11r r .. ~ be-noml'ml whorn lw .tlmf' or n• T \\'hill' 11( t ·nn tlw melluxta u lnln th.-A At ...... hilt tho• f ;an~:h• ,.~,, Ut•\" .. "Jtlhlo" IIIII p.· tl!llna llr ~· Wf"ri' "'"'I gT'uup uf ht tinn of Wfi fl('lt'nt a1:u I<• lw knu; •t·u~t·•·~ He to. of $'1, 11 1 "r t• m thlf'V~a obi thf'lr trou ""'Ill rm~w not. ()e. There ar bf'ttcor thru brt'C'U t 0 couUh•-ll td lnJand ( put.lcu.lart] ftflturt b: 'nlf' .a!Hir Into UIJ.t ~Uoaln1 have made- Nt• St'\'l'n "' Harbor un ~Nard tunr day nt~rht and tht' trc ln~t Thnsr thl' r1>nk11 : Rlchllr•lll , A!f'A!1am11 Jamf'~ I>A\ An•l lkrH ftl811m "' tt tr~>mrud•ou~ It ... til tw- unltll on II' OOo ('nm,•s U ltllr'l! hilt h U ,lll llllt• W Nlnf'l!fltry ttlf'lfll' •h-Ill rl trn<·th··· 1111 df"•f'rl 111111 -. At -t~ ""m mont'y i" C'lub bml<h ere ••'!:"d F:\'f'rv 1 Pl•bllr i\v • !';••wpnrt H erlvtn~:. r• lain ~tuur" .. _ _.......,.., atuff" but hi' II v thot rf'AC.hl'll ll I • ·, h· •lll at a barbec:ut' pahn rt't urnanJt 11om!' l•ii'CIIl'Sitlll •• r f'OIIlnlllnlt~~ rr .. h· . . . I wet led---~~~~;:~~~~,'::::~~ !-tr-~~d-M r~ Grnr.gto La~~·!'l(l~"if~~~~§=~§~~~§~~;;~~~~~~~~~;;;;~~~;t";.-;:;; .. : .. liCJ! featur.• d a nlt'elrn" or the Col!> .. ''" ~ . . . """ ~n. .....~ ..,._,. Itt ~Cl'll Mnrnher of Cl•mml'n'(' I. t!H ludtd Mr. and Ml'll. Snhl-hnvi> llpt'nl tllf' rn~t ~·eAt lit St'O· I FOR SCHOO[ [UNCH ..... ....,~:t"'::owin...-..d!Cialr*a•:..:J ho•ltJ h•~<t no.:ht nt thf' R. l' Pllrk.•r '" :-<ounmen. Mr. llnd Mr~<. Plll{l tra. an llumholt rounty. 11rl' Rjtnln Op-;;: ..... ::...., PROGRAMS' • SUNDAY-, S __ E_PT_,.-r:r:-i+'ln'~m~M~Imi~-. t •· •r::.n Jllld Mr, and >'q JQh"rbMM-.m '"""n .-.nd jl'h!ti.lng old J!.nlft\:1 . ~ ~tdi:lll'lt'k all memMra of fht> r 1 ... •• L . Particular lltlt'nllon wu8 ft1\'t'll • 1 r f'llu."' :nr. "'""~" hall now ..-. 3:30 AND 8 P. M th~ bl< wlt• ;oltullllon wha,·h Ill bt'· •· •'wllliltf' family. • • •·urt'd Wl'>rk an l.mt Angelu an,t . . 1rkel Richardson Co. DISTJUBUTORS 730 W.-t Seventh Street Lo. ADQel .. , CaliJ. t'•lllllllft. Arutr anoi prt'l!l.'nla a H r· \I and M ... R 1 1• l thP yuunjit 1'11111"1•· 111 11rn\nglng to • .., . r. . nr. ..urn.}' • "&,.. 1tk th r t """ t .. _ li'\{lTl\t(Ut'a' on ilown-t<>wn "lrf'i'tlll -o-1 H 1 Cortfn Ml m t'" 4"11' u ur. .... me In fft' II "'"• !lllll'JC"""tf'd that b1cwltot :t r :ntrope.~wS nudt. 1 •, l'outh Mr!l Lllw!lon 111 t ht fOf'l!lf'r 1 · · -·' H "'"~ hoth.. un a y 1 a am· c-H p11rkN1 hAI"hll%11rdlv e>n I hi' llldl'· I h I I d r lnrt"nl'f' Ill. dRIIjitht er of Mr. and . , ::nt"r w er. p Af'e8 wtorf' AI :\f R H H 1 2 WRIIuo nlljit ht t\4' lnlptllllld!'<l ro•r I I . Ill Gufllltll tnc:lunl'd Mr An;l . rs I I ur I 1 Albert pi&CI' r\-'~!t tflll< .......... .... l'ol!Siblhly <•f hn'l'lnlf• w lnd.!!htrld ".,, •nd Jf'an. Bluf' H ill. !Ill' hr. '~lt>C'I!'<I t!\ thr ;"~cuti\'C' MRrd of od\'I'OUIIn~ ~<t ltktor~ nu·d~ Wll~< Alrou·: F.trl •~n-.nbal.lh. Loll Anttlu. nno j th'e 0rnn..:r C••llnlv C••trrihl Am('l. dt!ICul!Md. J. ~· Mlll~r. 0 C". ,An ~lr u:1d Jtlrs. Lin Ftlle>'" 11nd wnn' 'llf'l:ron llll~llllln· ,\r thl' 1lt"ron nnd '\\ m . !;llllrhur y belnJ! •" l.tt~:1. Bonnlt. Jat•k. Qrllf'l' nnd l'Rmr 1 mtr.' ~r" Mnt "' 'Rulhnjt. tm- 1111!Tl~h ~! n ~on;mltt~f' ,tn '::llll· I,, u!; ,,, Compton. mrrltall' ('1\ .. t rrr~ldt'l\t .. , <(hP HAr l:lllf' e t'o\.• O 8U(' l"~~f' llrt' I • 0 h<~r J:rP\If', \\'11!1 nillllt'd tn lht' po>s' Altl'ndlnR thf' I!H&h:>n ~o~o·<'rto 0 1· ~1 1 11nd Wn1. H. F.. Nohle nnJ r 1 1 •1 ~ ,.a·· ·, . n mrcr" 111 . ·' r• ,.nna ~ l'llmrr () r••r t•'"" Ht>n.c-f' Pllrkl'r, Sldnf'V r~:-.th who ha\'f bt'f!n O<'I'IIJlVIOJ:J th (' t ... I ... llA\'1d."ffn, Wm. Sllh!!liUry. Tnl'\~ j th .. Hr?Wl!ter r..<!ldl"llf'f' •t . 3o:'\ 1" t-~'s A '"'"""., All1"111~try.ll ""'lng 1 . \. • .... 11.!... _... t' C'(' oru \'l('f pre!Oiul'n 1\.!1111 AIIOnl \\ IIN'k, (' \ Tl.'\\ onklt. El'tul l Alllt'lh\'llt avenue. ...,. ....,. ll'118rou 1 k lA th ..... I n rHnf'r Rny Tul•n•. and C'om· ldt Tuuday for thtlr 't)omr a t '"' P "~' f' lltlmf' --7 "'"'~ Mf'mbf'MI. Paul Keller. J ..... I Rt>\'ttly HULa. ~~ Frtdlly 4'\'f'nln~. R ... FNift Rftvt-u- :\hllf'l\. F'nnk \'auctln. 0 . C. An· M:<~ Pei'IY Noblt -. ... boetf'N at IU ,, .. .,. • vtUUii~·IICID dl'r.on, and Mnr. H . c. Louna~n)' r·' :llr .. wtU party honortnl her br(l· I KR8. ADELE G IMBAL .J ---th<'r Jim , and Don Frt•ba. of Lid;• IL\I'i".\S ~ .\TE PICNIC lslt . l.·bo lett thta w-.ek for Palo ........ Saturday, Sept. lS. ln ayca.mon-Alto w]'ere UMJ wW atwnd Stan-I ........... Qroove park, Loe .Anpl.& It wUI ford, unt..-tt.J. Mr. Noble 18 con· 1 ..._.If...,....._~ I'lL 1M an all-4ay attau. necttd wt~ tiM floCNltJ •' U .C.L .A. ..._ lll.-1 Its W.... N. M I ,. A COM~LETE LINE OF Cold Meats and Clieeie .. ,._...,,._ I I! ~cFaddea Pl. Neat toP. 0 . .FITZPATRICK'S DEPARTMENT ST'DRE .. ~ -COMPLETE LINE OF Ladies' Canner_y Boots Gloves qnd Uniforms UTABUSHID IN Ull4 Oc.a" F,...t at Uft4 St. M&WPORT I&ACN ... Bank ( To Be SJ)eake1 ,_ ln&tlftjt 1 -"..--~a -.. --·h _,_"'"""' . ' ~ I' .. wanis C'luh "' C:ul!' l'el\ ~ WArtl ill 11111111 thr l..o11 Ant the BAnk of A gTAf1u:tt( of F 0 r •I h A Rl-hool. Mr. llpll'nltllt bllCI trust u.ptorie lief' alllfl wit t'tltutlon11 lrj foho comtn~r In bl'f'nm(' af• e>f Aml'rfcfl. VIM Rotlf't lng hf'r llletP