HomeMy WebLinkAbout1941-11-20 - Newport Balboa News Times.. " .... ~ ....... :~ .... 111 .___ 1Im .._ A llltnw of Uw ~ f'aJ*Ily ••elupnc .,.. o1 U. Calltonua llouUI Oout dlatnct. VOLUJIE JJ 'l, I ~ IMDIPINDINT· LOCAl: NIWSPAPIJl SD~G THE ENTIItl NEW~ORT HARBOR OISTRICT .:--~ -I~~~ ~ --• -:.,_ ::~ NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA. ™' HSPA y . :'\l)\"t·:~IIH-:1\ :..'11. 1!111 , , . J t , I I' I .,,,.,I tt Ut'l• '1 f u ~· tfll··· .. ,,..,, '~'''''''''''~'''~' ==:!::-:::·-:: QllicJJ. · ~u4_! Mojave Corp. :'\l :tHI·:H ;: a,. T . S. "8RJCK" GADQ:a I • -~~e~ ... ::.u:r:~~ ·::~ :~y~~ to Budd New ,Nyab n.panmt-nt '" fWI -inc. Today'a mumbliltc and snar~u~« · ~rna thr RN Cror-11. faah ·l·an-Bu·l klread Dft'lft and • <'OUple of k c.ttorU. &me ~pk are · lnc-IIMd to luok dcnl"n the-tr ~4 at my fnf'nda thr r~rmen. \\l'hach I r ..... nt htJ&toly Be• I "1U treat- f'd t·~ ··hat .. belly ol fOIIW· thut~t abuut fLIIh · ~nnen and thr RN Ctr-. 11w flah<•rmen and lht-l'.tlOnf'r)' folk don't &t't vny n c·h. Btn nf'\'t'r· U..lt'u WHtAom C'aniW'nn hu 8il{llt-c:l Uf• Ill() J)f'r Ct'nt •·•th t~ Jkd Crou Yr,u 14h<>uld lt>t that a1nk ln. On~._tlundrt'd per crnt. Whk-b rn.1w. t>\'t'ry •~M of 't'rr ... ~t It ! ~r ~ •·un 't at raNI to iry n. J'U ~1 ill r h ... ·k tn ll<m\4.' of our rn.orr ~ty-tutty daatrM't.a "'UUid di~~elollf' Ulat •mr mon •·eaJUty breUiren llaa.:vt 't .. , ... n IL!Cned up JO per ee-nt. Rully l:pdyk• and Fra!Jil At:liano w.m to havt' tw-rn tiM< rncnitnc hcht.a in tiM< ••in•nt:·up bu.'lcnHa, and few thf'm • pat on the baC'k, Start of wo,_, on ~ kula· a'lllo'IUted bulkhf'.ad near the f'fld of thfo Pemnauta on tiM< ba)ofront wu unkrN by tiM< City ,Cuuncll Mon· dll y 1111; ht whf:rt a ron tract for Ule ~-.. a~-.rded to ~ Mojave the oJt!~ bidder on the '1lw bulkhad lone tuu be-en ad- ,·ocated u a nf'Ce&alty for aavcng the ~M-ac-h tn that art'a. The con- traC't pru·r was $20.9fl9.88._ ~·hlch ~·u '$1892.00 hl&her than Caty En· f.rlnf'f'r R. L. Pattenoon'a rat1mate. Dncton who f'lt&man~ pe~nt ,.h,.,ged 'lllo"fth. drunk dnvl~. and who care Cor t'mtorgency accl4cnt o•aJta in the caty Wf',..; In effect, gn.-n a raUII' by the council. Act - •n& on a report by City Attome)· R . L. Tbompeon, on a recommend· llhon' Pf't'\'lOtWY made by Poltce-OU...f R. R. Hodckuwon, the coun- c al votN to raiae the fe-e for D · rtmtnmg drunk dn\•l n& au.p«:b from 13 to 1.'1 '" ttwo daytime and rmm 1.'1 to SlO at mt:ht. ('are ol Tralftr \'~ DAIIAOEH AMMF..KRI:D Ple!Ujlr\K' guilty to a ~hafTe or belna d runk, E~errlt Barnett, .CO.ta M~. who Willi fnund In Matt Lujan·a c•r an Deihl and whu had dtln18£f'd thfo aeat and aeal liO\'t!rtnte by tNrir&C I"· :"'U fined SlO by Santa Ana ('ity Judge Do~d D. Ha l"'lllo'•IOd. Sat· ur:d&ty ant! urd•red tu pay Lujan ~ for repair or the damag.-. Sea:scOuts toYuleLighJing ::~~;~~;~~~;~~~~~;;;.:·;·GaiLFor Bids Hold Annual. ·P[a n .Spu·rs :.::~;:,:::::::::::~.::::~:::::;.: .. :::::~.::fOr .Newport endezvous Ke. en Rl·vatry· ,~::::~: ... rt'.'Jh~:~ !':.~~./~.~.h~~~:t;.~ .. Postoffr·ce· NO DA.'IAGE t"&&M TIDEM· Ctty dean-up <'n~'B wt>re buay TuHday clf'aring th•• atret"lJI ol Mnd anb df'brta but cotl)f'rv.'tllt' no damage Wl\lt f'l'porltod U mult Of tiM' put w~k'a h.llh lldea. Dnven by Mondlly"l·~<ll'f'lnlt w .. •t~rly wincb n Front atdewalk thmu~thout . . ~ ::; ~::.~ .. ;~ .. ~::~;"::~·~: .. ~~.: llt~t.~~~ :.~.:; \\'.th ~ vaftl'&&"d .. r •J•·I··~ri•t•, tt.. , ........... , ol ... t r.:h''"" alnoady arnvlq fmm t'\'<'l \' 1•••1•1 )''"'-' oll1 1\ dl 111•111 rt• II ,,.,.,lf,V IJ( Jhe-C'ompaM. ~f'WfiiJrt llolfh I 1 \oil\ f.,'"" 1 Ill• ._, \o•J,ol l"'lll• I• today compleUng pr••1•a 111 I 11•1,.. tu entttrtain tbe ~'ttr)\Jtt h•t.:•·:l • .II 'Uhdt\l"'h'tt .. "' rlh•• e;,·,,,_t,·r g athering of Sea ~uUt>'. lh• J<l\llo :-.;,."I'"' I II " I•·• ·"' , ,1 ",, "1il'· Millo lt-d 11 '''"''''""''"''" "llh lho•m X•'""t.: \\'h•l•· '"t""' J••k'""'Y ,, .. Ifill I kl'<l, h•• """ a!"llll( to• lllkt• thr I , ... h ntut rt•u• h•·•l '"" ur•t tht•tu ""'' ""o' .. r 1h•· ••lttl'r Y""' h11 • lllllhho .. t- '" I ho• .!Ill• k i'lf h110 hand ~·lth a k111fo ' \\II u ( thia WHJl. h Ne~·port'• bU111neu dtatric-t and .a cl 11'•11••11 t~r,,,.,, :-.1•·" I''''' • •'Ill ~,.,,,.. •••I Wlthl'llj .. ,.,.,., • ..,. f••r ron~<tdt'rublr .port ton or the Weill 111:~~ :~ V:,~:·" ~:~:~,',',·;11~;', .~ 111,1 1,.,1 .. 1 1,. ,, "" ,1 •~ 1",111,.,.,A ''" .:-Ia hi""" •~•~1 .. ., I ,,,., i'ttllf, Nt')"port l't'llllk•ntJal MCtlon. plannin• to atteod rr .. II fll o· \\·.~ .. '"·" '""" ,, '"' ...... ,. lr.,;lrllllft MEt: 40Jf!EP'' PltHDl'CTION. t..rn alalee romprialn,.: 111' •h•tru I \\Ill ... "" 1'. th Loc•al •:lliHt'opallanM !"\.,\\fh•tf IC••n• •• I• illho Ill olllt•l ,,,, •• "h'\\ 1 .... ,. t '··. I 'll i·hiiL I'CIII'ft t" lh•• n f\fltttlftl t•• It ttf t• l••n:-•••1 t ht,. "• •'k I•\ I • '" '""'••I \\ tl A•flllltll \\ht• p•t•111C .. •• 1t 1htl •hu• •·· ..,t h. ,ff Ut I IH t' I" ,,:. f, 1\'-• I ,Hit• ltlult ~11\1, It 111 11111.._ IJtul IJ • h ti11~.;Jl" tft lulllt ~\" Ill lfh ••1:,.1hJ.' t >\ 11'-'IUt 11 .. .. , .. , I Arn~·•"¥ today wUI IJ, lito· l•ull. "' "', ""'"·•· t .. "'"·"'' ,. foliohM tt~o• Jlef' tf JJ The prf'ductwn "' Jt't'Jlll .,..lk' olo•lr .... t ... from wa .. htttt.:lt•l l t .,,.. ~··~ ' 1111 • ,, .... bl I h . t""·t ., •h1• ''' .tt.-•t• 111.-flt \\ •I._ ••• • ut•t lt·•t ••ut ·~ impo~• • t'. tl( t army c-a"' ,~ i:"n Rnd lllah, wlulo• ~~~ .. ,... '""I • " IN '"''~ •·•I ''"'"'' ,., I ltr.t """'ttl jump M\'f'tll, 1(0 'lip thfo aldea of I A and Cautonuli 1110' '.: .... I l'llll• '''"11' lj\' "'101""''1' llj,;hllltl( .. r of ~ •• ,,. ('hurch ""'"' l'"rJI'UI""""" \\'Ill , ..... tall Ill!\' bulldin .. a and do all but turn l rta.onll 1 , lt~o· '"'""' hilt.:•· ,._..Itt~ Mil huto.••t 111 • · hu''' • ''''' .,,.,.,, t ••U•t•l• t uhh• "''••r ··~ •• .: ttdltl~ i "'"'"I·· .... ··~·I t••l' • .tflt• '"''' l•uddn .: ~t'\ •'I ... ~ ult•l\' '"' ,.,.,.,, "'''"" hu • lit.: 1H•• It • ,,, ........ , r,, -•·It·" ,.,k ·h~ ,.,,,. ... " It " 1, ... to m:1ke the r aJIJ"'"~'"'" ,. 11 11 . 1 . • '"''"'"I • """' '' '""' •· 111•· lo''l"""' _._ h ~-•... '"V h 't \ t '••tlltll• .. lt~r•• \'Mr.th·rfHit" 1 1 L'l' 1 1 r 11 .. , · · ' n .... prmp wu _II own .......... M~· momlnor. . . ~·\'II r . llll .. , ... "' •• .. lr ,, .. ~ , .. , lo~tl• .. , ... , lfh·" "'"' I ... l•llllthrtl( ... N port H "-L'o"-Tu-. .... 0 illu•tu• \ih ht lht i 'h•IH'•"f", walt •••• I rf ,,,,,1 r "' ..... r 111"111\ f'll ......... ..... arunr I·-~-·, Thr"'daya oflfttl'llllt'IIOIII'U\ ,,. ... "' ' •. .. . IIIII,., ..... Ill ............ 1 ......... .. _._ b 1 1 • l•lll\ llhtllllll.ll•·•l ,,,. \\ •II IIIah\' uti.. .. tf'"'ay ll r •Jt••tt n f · ... y noon y mean~t o a mo~ fl4l ~hO'duled the Prot•··'"' ''" hhlo~tl!' . , . .,.,,.,,.,.., .,, • •'M ._ " IJ olthrr' r•••t""'''"''"'" "'''"''"''''' c-lpture film rf'IMtlf'd by ~·For<l t'nntf'll•b ;n ·~-~~~~~~ •••ul '""" ,,·,, .. t.of•l•• ,.,,,11 "I '"' ll.ll l,.lt ""''t 1""~""'""1""'1 •ln•Km "' ;.. l•v th .. 1-h•Ht•r Jl••t•"lltlt•·hl '" ... t d -nt_... , ..... _. ........ ,.,,ltUtu ll···•'"'''" "••tkrn,; ul11 ct•• t 11 ''''' 1 1 ... ,,, •.. I• 1 hur It ... o or company an P·~~ ..,. ~,f't.IY~. hnt akl..,"rt•lll: ,..,., . .,,.,., "I'" W" ·~• r. ~""' ' ''"'''' ~:•••1 ll.:hto"l' IIOo ll!l lra, "' II b Th R bl flO I~ lit ttu• \ t1 n'"'" ,., .. .,., .. n~ uf t h • 111 ·t t • -... ,, ttely aMtl--' c:a Y )' t'O 0 na. 1 bl"• ~·h· ~ tutu\' olrolt "" ~"""'1111 .... n o~ ''''"" '" ro•11r "' •ht.• ""'' Ill• r fur LloM ah1o dtnrd on a ret~l rope c tn~ ..... . · '1''1 •11 ' ''t••··l•·•tl .. "''''' """"'' •~"'"''"" uf thf' o·hcroh rdttwr ..... _Aka.al .. ...,• .. in~· IM'·· .... -marinf'n pmb1«:ma .u,\1 " h""' .. ,_,,..,.h. nftrr Tttrrrrlt.'II.'T<'ll\1:, "ttl ••· "" Lulu bl ... llf'IWHn thr """''"ll>i ~,.~..,...., .., -mom ~rt ·--. ...... '" ·~· ._.. .... nttwor f'Yt'nb. 1 1 1 11 ttolttln"'m "' :tilllll "'t'lltlr ,,.,., "' turluy and all Uw tnmml~··~ " II• ' ""'' f'lvJCn-"~ ""l"•r1ll llh·~tln• Klld t ho• An·hr~ ~ ho·rr 11 .... rtl•or nro•" ,. hi• h 11011,.1 1.,. llfll"'" wtuc-h wu prf'part'd In their honur c·-m ...... '""""'' '" "''''" l:nHtlh (\"lllflOUi)' hllll alrrady du lluhl'lllll'l""'"" rl,.f\ .I'l l•\ 1\11 , ..... And a lao for rnrmbf'n o1 t.11tr ·Faa.hrnnan'a t:niOft. who abi<LJ)ave bftn C'Omcna tn ''oluntaffly wtth their 8Ubarnpuona. And to ~ oth- e-r ca flnf'r'lea. · wluc h a lao art' dol nc by Mr. and Mn. Hflnz Ka~ Hl.chllght M-u-. H••n·l··~, .. 11,. '"II \ '""''~ • ""'"""' ,., • """IMor~tl· ""'''~'~" llllll~tclllr .,,,. Allhouah "" Th•· 1 ,r,.,.,.,.1 1,,111,1 "" , •·~·t r•l 1 , 1 Bay Shor .. car... I ho· \t~t-annual Cotnrn•t-l .. r·· .. •linn• r ''L "' ' • " •• pr .. l(l ... , 11" , ... , .. , '"'1""' .. ,...,~.rt lma ... , ... , llo•o•l) r.. , ..... n. ".:" tt .... " I I•"'' .. ,. ... l•f 1 2~1 '1lw que.llon of canrg fo,r auto---I Wlth .. IOO ~ Soatut •·fi t< •'h \v ho· I · ... ,,,, """ f<.,l•·rt A llo•ll 111141 I • .,,.. ,,. '" •I toy tilt• 'nmmllt...-'" 'hllrl(••. "'4""''' ,,.,., "''''"'" """' mnbllf' a ('('ldrnt vtctlrn.t on city MEMA P . 0 , lll'ILDI:SG t40LO f'nlc-rtamect at ~"Jw•rt llull•·• ; ''' ~r ....... '.~'""'" '"~""''·k IIU ~· II '" unoJrr.l••lt1 that . a ~rAIIhy ,.,., ... ,"" ,,.,,.,., . .,,,,., '" ""'"'"'""..: strf't'lJI at.o •·as diX~ wiUI . ·Purctuult' uC thf' Coeta Meaa Yl,..ht club u .-t,. , I II••· ltM',ol ''·''''' "'" I '''""' ,., ,.,,,: . " . lin II"* w .. n""' will flllall•" nuwh "" ''"•'•'"' '"'"'''~ ~"JIJ.L.n jlU\ -eu. . Bf't"ha tf'Frank C'rnc'lle-r lind hta Atto~y 'Tbompeon polnll~· out 1 '••·• """'" I!.·••• •lh I :11111 ~•·Vl11urr l .. r the CUIIt .u1. ~... • I -· that the cal at JMat aa morally pol'tOrtlt'f' bulldlnft. by 8 . Challabf'ra c>hambrr e<( C'.omnwt• •· A ~~~·',~I .flmtr•l rt\,,Uil>o•t ( :.(''"' I I f T~ k •'tftlltf'nl rr••t""""'''lll ~ "' Ill r ft-• t ~ -· of Be\'erly Hilla wu nvaled wt bull fo r orfii.e,. -.net •1• .. n ~ 111 ••-" · " • · ""'"~ ••••·lv " ,.,,. n """''"• ,1111 .. """ •1,11, 1111., ~""''''' ,1,. ,...po,..bl. t.o c:a)'e for auch Ylc· . R ....... h II "" ,, •. I' :\1 "·'"'I''"'" ...... u .. n y ' tho• 'hun·h huant pllllla '" ''""'"''' .. t \\' II 1'4 I ,. ' ttma. u ~y cannot bf' movt'd "'"ht by Mr. and Mra. John F . lk· hf'ld at liM< ,.._...:, ... ,,. :. r'"'"' ~· 1 ,.. 1 1 11 ~ '''' "11 , ", :• '· '"' C'Offtmltt"' drnp In and -a fe-•• \\'ebltt'r, formf't O'lllo'ltera. '1lw In Balboa report.a ll··h c 'nl'l"'"· ·' "' ""I"'' • . "'""'" '"''" Alll(l'lf'l hradquart•ra fur ""'"" I nat"'' l"r •~·~ A ""'''""• C'lll follla M Y on Balbi!., bland, that unttl a doc;tp~ ('tVrn them atruc-ture, wtuch a luca1ad at 1108 t>neral d~lnnan of llw , . .,111,.1111.... •1111) ll!.oo iLu 1-'11••·11 I'"'""" d•·l Mnr. ""I"''" "' llVIllhohl,. ullniMtrra ~o·.,, ,.,. 1 ,.,. '" 1 ,., ;ill A•, .. .,,1,.,.y111~ t.bey'JJ II6Cn !IP nov.·: e~JU"r~te~ trea nt. Ne~-port boule"'rd. l,.i.ao hoWiel 11 P••nnanent kltcbeiUI:"'blilh.-1, "hoi~· ''"'"""11''''"l''" "1 ,.,,,...,. 1"'1"<1" ""' 1"'"1 WN·k \•uhlltlf'f't wurkrr• lhr l•hl """"''' ,,.. n '"""""" nf Ill-· • • Thr qtwtltiOn ai'Of't' aJO to reapun· Polly Appart'l dr-ahop. Amounr r1'11.1And all facfUU.a .. r IIH· lltun•• ''1"11,','. :-:1 1'1"''1 ;-; A !It··~···• 111111 flrtr· hll\'f' hf'f-n r an\'ouoaln• th. flt~ld "''""' nr lot1ll•h".: .. ,,.,,.,, "'lltt tn 'IRE 11.'"DGE 11tb1hty for auch C" .... In county-• 1' • • • I nd rdt t. ,. ta h v hootor or the ronatd.•ratlon wu not re· tpal C'ampground well ht-pltH'I'Il ol • " aL't:O '"' ' r• "' • " ' Jlulr ''""''""'"" ""'' " ""'l' uf ad ~'41JCIIU Ol'T d ty ttorntory when local offlcen \'ealed. • di:<J-1 n' the 8cout.. •uuJ tho·' Tho· ,_,.,,..rot '''"""'It•••· Will ""•·•·ruflll Ill ronlacll~ a tlltn•boor juiiii!IJC """"'"'· n••IIIIIC •lrtv-ayll Jutlc'f' Hany Hy• lout only wu atand by, to .-c:ert.alr If an ar-oCftct>l'l! 811 of whom \\Ill be hu.uolt•ol ""lllol liU< f'l'lll•.,. fur lrltll\'ltl11MI 1 .. , tntr,...!'lf'tl Jlf'r"'"'• ~·h<r will 1111 "'"' i•rllkllll' "'''·•• -"'"' a pat on the IJiac• by thf' ran~trmf'nt can bf' •·orlrrd out wiUI nLM 8TAa.~ DI.NE' undt•r ~an\·u. DlrUU und t·ont;••t• •lo·· "'·" 1\'o• ..CI~ot t ", '"•t IIIHI .... . •lf'rwrtto• tho• llllllllll"r•' N l•ry ant! ,.,. Jl"' o'"'""'"' t•'"''' ,.,,,. "'" d ty eounctJ Monday rupt land • the rounty to ca~ for auch "-"''" boo held ~n Ule b.·y rr .. nt "I' "llll ,,., '"'"·' '<'"""'"'"'I 111-.·unol1u11 . •luort h IIJ•kr•·l• tllllll •ucoh ""'" u rl~ehl 1,. 1, . .,., 1 """ .,,,, 1 ,. 11 """'· 1 ,. raJar, to boot•. but be'a alao In Ita te-rritMy. A. a result of the Amona celebntlrl! gllmptH'd din-po:<lt(' thf' ramp &T~•u•td llnrl th"l 1111!1 '""' IIIHI "''''''."'fur~"'"' hu ... •hff•·rrnt ''""'~~''"I arrlln&"'"""'·' ""IC"I"'''' '"''""' With I''"Jl"nelll ~ 'brandu~ out a bit. La.t week be ~us;'0~n1~tu:a~~ tr!:.t~:: ~~~I• ... :~~h:t n~;~lt'~~1;ar:...'; Arntork:an l:.egion hall. 111•·1'• 1l•·•·~oru 11u11 f wu lllkhl,•ln•l '""'' tw mlllifo · tnr 1 ,.. 11 ,.r trrnul 111 1'1 1 ,, ....... .,,.. IJf · •t on · t11ttP bmcb few tJw Santa .. ---JlrtU ·II "111 I If• ••~ urot"oJ f•tr 1111\'t•l rrndlna et•ntJ•I .. tkm •If bulkt\n• frra 1111 'llurtahl" 1 ,,.,. 1 ,..rt·1,. 11 In ad· Aaa ~-He'D ... SOUrc t.o 1M of aucb Kcident victtm... but Ulat John Carradlne, a nd the popular Civilian& Will .... an l oJ<. .. ''"'""" 1111\J h&hllnl( ft'at.Utf'tl .plAna, lhe flnt ,....ulllr wrvtc:N dillon to ,._._ .. ,c..,,.,; aa.u lo I _......_ _, r« __ ._...,. __ juftnlh '"'· v'"""" w.....,. ... . wuo., ,.,....,..,_ ".,..,-:::.-·""' ?1a'" .... --.A .. CH1Y--..:.:..: · ;.;~~:.::; Gtia.rd Benefit Show ~;~:;:-:. County Firemen fat '" -....... ~ .. -:!-".:::, ~ ::r-.: ....... way to ~ Wes Jay Oft a ~ pay buia wtU. w Swo~dft.sh Steak at Traffic Safety Plan ••Ill dlttr '""" .lunr I, ltU, tor. d ty, atartln& Dec.-. 1, q a re.ult • G t s 1 1 ...-.I , ~ ...... muct..~ ...... ~~~-~Tom· It_ Ill c•ffl<'lal council actkln. IS rea uccess f'f'nonnrl ,,, ·lhf' .. """' Y·•·tt·Kt••• IAnnchf'd TuPflda~o· ..... M•ICJ "' IU Y••no. "'""'" ... -.j(f .. 01 ----..... ---.....-r t\'lhAII All"l'~ .tt \\',•nun~ !<''{'\ "' In)' Bourk)' tried•IL A Jlf'mt&t .to operate-a dellcatu· ,,. .. f<or th•· No•\\ ,. r1 lfArho•l (· .... I N rt H b I Si ht In (' unty . Jllllt hop Into Wda m&r1M hard-.N'n lllor .. at 216 M.armf' avenue, as Many Attend Mf'l!a llrt'll Wlt• llllllllllll• ··« ,., ... ,,.1 ewpo ar or ' J{ f) II arbor ~lot or ( 'orJM ...,.. atnrt' whM"h two'• frnlatuJtl: I Balhoa bland, ~·:ua &nnted to L •IAy.hy lA-r•oy J• \tllh·t"''"• "'~l ru . / M••''"'lo: .;,,lh '"" .. ,.,...,, th•· JOIIu i' J f f , .. o••e-'"rhaulute I'Omplt'lf'iy and .... p Gf>ndrnn of l..o! An.&ele., aub-thrt·o·tur, ~·h·•!'-• •·rrii•••Y ,,.:,, "" II oil· ..... , .. ,,,,.,. ···~·k ~n·J "'"' "'"'""""""''"'"'''"'"""'b.,,.,. O r "' n!'i ruf• f'( In him wbtrn be'a •ot~ to a tart flxJntf ;t',.t tu appr<wal of thfo hfoalth of·j Thmu~ "OOPf'nttlon nf thf' Rttz hrn<·;·~~· Tu!'tlll ,. •I It,.!,,.. "•I! I~• ''"'" ' ...... , '' "'' ,f ~~~ .. muth ''""'' ,.,.,,.1\. Tr .. rrw 1-'~trrty ('•um I 'fra rfif• Sn f••h· at up. H.-•·on't t.hrow anyUuntr. flf'f'r I thfoatrl:' mAnRJ;emf'nt llnd lltt'wpnrt Of lht• foour """ h ·nto••n l"'"t,. "" ''' """ "'1:'""7•••1 "' 1-'I&IIIK Au ' • H be h hi ••tt• .. "l •r.t•t'-•"""''''·•*''7~,, ... ," but be may t'haJ'f' Y'•U around ttw< r;,~ • Fr,...... ar •r IIB•Il•'IISn•f111. R IIIZII ,. llllm <lrr J\mJ••rJ-"' : JCIIJ'It't\'l~l•on th• I,.,,...,.,,.\' IIIIo: hi. II II '"'"""""" :-41111"' '' '~·~~ "I" '·• '""I Ill•· count,.r. or Mmf'lhtnlt , was last SaluroiAy nddl'd to th,. lfllrht•r ar•··• ,. 11 br' f·f'n••l .\''' J '"'.~ "' flu '"·•Ill!• , ... .,,.,, ""'' ,11 .,,...,,.11 ''""'''''-'!!~:r..Iu•·• '""'"'"lo~hl• ....._!( .. .._.....,. .~ .. Jrw·ldehtAIIy. tiM< atur·f'·a •tartm« Thf. ••uunn l dUf...-d. at lf'ntrth trf'~ury ''' !h•• ltltrht•r Dt!llttf't ~~~tHin -fll 1 t '" ~ ..... -H1~~~-y ..,.., ~ i\~ •Tl•·n '~•••.I ;oll;til'"' ,. ,[,.~~ •• , 2!\ ~.-1 ,.,,. "" ftrlll '"''"' I,. 11 11 .. ,, ... 1 ,., ,,, ..,,, 1 , 1 ,. 1 ., , 11 .,, ,,,.,. ~~ h ·t'O' hf'frt4'flt'•al1~~~i1n-f ·,Statf" Gt.IArd, ('umman•lt>r ChArt_.,.,C'••runa df'l )'.1:,1 whrn • f(,,,,..,, I. 10,,1 1, 1 -.,.,.,,,.,1 ,~ •u~·t•l "" j!II•••I•,II .. ;~I•IJ• 11,,,,111.: ,, 1 "' ,.,_,,., 1 , 1 ,, ., 1 11 ,. o,:,'"l"''' • " ft'r11 our on uw •f'nln um, F. Lr 1 d tnd . Th d n t r 1 · 1 planll'd In thf' .. .,ntAor I• at ,.~ f'd t t I lf'd r ' • .., " ·" "1"•11 ..... I .... "''I"" . fllr.TOIA "i~F.P 1 t. f'n •·rtA1nnw n ""nl'll n a I t<t·n·rr1 r.h•nlr ~ 'l'~rt Will '"'r'''' '" -j •·a:,,., . ., r••tor••,..·nllllJi: " "'"1"rt1V "' ,1 ,, , 11 . 1 , 1 ,. 1 11 ., II •• II~··• ,. 1 , 11 ,, 1 • f P kA • rrrpllrf' A~ ... Ill\• Bt~yd ""'" '"'''"•n a• ohll· ,,, II ,. II I I .• I ,. ........... "'"'"'"k•nwho·ll•lrl , ... , ... ,~ ......... ,l ........... rM .. .. •tn Balboa l11l11nd aftt'r a rf'qUN f t •I . "Th W il' • ' ' •• "" J&I ..... JQ;D f f"a ur1• '"' 11rr, 11'1 oman 1 for~t 111,_.,.,,,. .. , ''"""t\'l'f. lholt•h · ""' , """' v., ,,.,.,,,1~ •·•vto ,.,,,111,,. ,,.,,,,,. ,., "· "' 1 •. ,11111 .•. 1 "' "''''""' I had bt'rTt m:ulol" for purch~ o ... .. 1 M ·I r T t • fll .-~~·.-, "' Bbep. thf' hAmhu~l'r man. 'lll'all • . In t a ... tnt'. II Rtf• uro l" mr m Ran•lci •. :~•·•'IHI•I ·•~~<Iflllnt_s.,ul l'tJ•·• '"''"""'v lh• """''"'~" ''""'·r 'ow·l "'"I \\' A Il l'~""'"· ''""'' ··I "I""~'" '"' ••·•I I•· '"'"' "'""'' ..__ ____ _... tJw. ~.__ni-t. Hf''A 10 tona of a urt.a . YPf' at Rnd , ... ,. l'ltnlt'll~ f•artolflnll u nn l ... •lln.lf'tl llt.rti :Oili'IJI.tllnl \' .... ,, 1\ ,, t•l•'p ,,, ., "'" ,. •. , ,, . ., "" ',., ... " '·~·r•ttnr•t .. r r .. r "''' ......... , ( ... _._,.,...........,. ""'""' ,.... "rnc-eof$8.~8 tnnd4-l!\'f'M'd. ACt-r ~ th d a·'.. th • M I . II I A I '"'''"'f •·t "''"'"""I"' "1'1"'" jwrt fanu•hrd rutt•n"J In J'Ml'\\• C'•lUn-.,._ I .. _b (( r nMir l}rl7.•·~. ···r •m .. nl ""• N!inwd ... "''' ... ( ''"'". ·~-· "'''' .. , ... , " ••• " ""''''"" ~· ·' ''''''""" l•r I' •: """1"11 .. , .............. """'"" ... ,, .... ,, •• , ..... , ... . ,.r • ..-au ton· ...-at~ on e cc-acy o ·r 1 o1 d · L' phf•II'M I 1 F • 1 1 r t 1 t ' t~ra and atulf ~-h~n .. &•n& ArM\'f'd. \'1\F\OliiA ~"-ROd Mh&briOUII et-~, •. "n•·r•. Fl· lllr II •• k ·I ';.;11 • I I fHolol .. wh!rh Wl(l , ... II( II IJ·d II I :lit• L •' ••• '''"' ~.' \ ', I·~~· '' ~to I""" T I''" ·,I ... ,,.. M .... ,,' '''"""''''' \' ,.,, ••• , .. ,): u•··V ~.,.,. I ... , .. , Ill . ' oil .... ,., .. • ,,.,,,. ''' "'"11<' "'" " 11"...,_, •n e t t· k t r · · · 1" 1 • 1 ' , t , r· \\' .. 1 • PN'<"f'dt'(f f')\" '"'"' j ,., no"·~rs. n~ . 'b d _.. th ' .... " '"' "'" r t • • "'" , ... ,. . I ''"'"' F III'IIIS ' lllf>lng 1•111 hi IV . I I I " •I \ • I ' • " '"" ... I ".. . "'""I'' I.... • '""r'"" II ,.,., ........ , ·;::·~~·· ,.,, • tt ••• .. •• f "'' j•. ,,,, 4,.,, .. , ~ was ,.,.....,,.hll'~<.~. nlmn11t. · oas 1 ' ., f>tiOtCrtf'll, ""'' '" "11 • Jl.,tn••r 11 II•Hnlt •\', ,. "''' ••h>t•·n ···• \\k • Jol•"" •• "' ,., .. , '""' Al'l'"'"'''' I1V l'r•·IIHI••nl ll11lo , , 1 ,, 1 ,,, f• •'•'lf t4•• 11 , '"*''., Mht•·• p:&llt. I.L.w:uo dt>••tdt-d to ltoa~·r tht'• ld R 11 o.•rz 1 ·k' d •n• rt· . k • 11 1 I' k ·r·t 1 Hl':tlliOWaiiJ"'t4"1ll'ntN!Mml'thcng , . " llttf' . rl -I'll'"," '•"' l·r.1n \11111-'hl lrr~t '""lttlnltl ,\ ••I •lt l t111 •·•· " 1•· I••• '"' 1 .. ,., ,. "''"' ''' tit•· No•"'l•"rlltnl '"'"'"''''"" ,. 111 .,,.,,,1, 11 , ,,.., 111111 ,, Ilk .. a m ural I" h:~nt on th\· Wl\1) ''~'','"'1 1W'I••rtJon .nf th.r t~P" \:'• ~ ""'"l 11toon•, :O.:o•wr"•rt...c·a,.•r••ltanrt\,;,. L P rr1lol••v ~''''"'''' "~"1:<111111 iu ul. '''""'" ,. ''' ,,,,,,,,.,,,,,. .. 1 tlu· ,,.,1 '''"""'"r .. , t•,, 1 ,.,,..,,,, r"''/ 111 ,, 1 111 ,. 1 ""' A S.ph·mhf'r Momu•h ''"" of a J"'l"· 11 "' rf "J"' to Ctt) E'ngmeu Patter I urdr•r. w•m by ""."'"rd l11l•·y . :'llo•w ll•·nn • \\'o·d•·ll" • •l•·r. t htr<l """'"' l !lttll• I 111ol f .. ll .. ·• , • .,, II•• II 1 '"'"'" • 1 ,.1,,,.~, ••lui " , .... r q.,~ , """'"""YV tur.-~hll'h mu•t l>f' .'l<"'ll t•• tw AJ'· "'ln • port J"'hllrnutr~·. mrrrhnmlls•• 11rdo•r. ·111t 111 I'''"' '""I,,.,."'~''''~"!'''''' tl•• , ''''" "" 111,. ••ft.:HIII/JIII•on ,., 1111 •\1 1'1'"' 111 "" "''''11' 1" ••lro•tv J'll"t'<'latN It "'all llUt{)jt"'J'IhN by ('ra.k Ac-1•\ C--rtea .Juhn Mo·Ad11m11 . Rio~ l••,.l ru•t L ll lll· lnstr111 loon nn•l Pno•Hi~ tt lt• ruff '''"I''),, tv """"1:11 lo, Ill•· l•·llth ,;.,11,.,. 1''"')' ""r•· Wtlllnm/ 11 1111: ''""'' ~"''I \ ''""' 1 "" 1"1' snme-••f thf' helt JW"tJIIf''" (0\A'n. Tht• f'IIUO<'II rf'<'l'l\'rd a letter t ... r l'flniJlll ll)', :O.:r•Wt"'''· lllt'r<h:on-warlllll~ drtll Will KN lllld•·rv.u~ .,., •'•1. .. , ...... ., .... "'''' l.t.•tll·· .. , "'" ,\1111110 • s .... , ... r4 11··•..:'•'" /•tv .... ,,,. "1 ~., ......... 1''1'11'1" "1 .. ....... J I I K ·~· ....... I ., t I \f· ,.1. I ~···' ••I "" I ,.., • I f....,.m· Ch•t Crank. 'lride.Jy Known "'M .... ..-r. A. "'"''"'Y·. '.,. Ill',''" o·Jirlr dalr, A tu...-r"'m &ndll'llllool \ll•11l1• 1 11 ,11 "'" "''" , .. 1· \\', ••···.rl ,.,,,,. "'' ~ :'IJ I h R A l·t •, ll 1 • ·" t··••·l ,,,, , ... ad\'PrtL•m.cman•·h<t o~·naahome ~arllg ...... "f>OT 1 ·"'' 1111 1:.. · <;,, 1 '''''"I '"" ''''11111' '''"1••·••1•1 .\tu '"••Ill F K r '" lt~ot 11 ,, ... ,, •• , 111 ''"' "' "" 1 , ... ',c.n Lo-'·· (!!If'. ,., ..... roualy onpoalnor Brnwn. Amrrtrnn Luno·h. :-.; ..... , ... rt I • • '\•'It , •• I' ''"'"' M .• , .. , '"'" r; ....... ,., (' •: lflt•l"" ''"'II· • • .... .. •. .. 0 H E Sl h M d I!· ...... I "··:· " ••• , ... ,, I·. Jt~ Be<rk made a fan,. talk at f'"tabll-tlmf'nt •1f fiJ!h canneriu 3t hlf'l"l'hAndiiOf'()~rkr, .~. . n . 1nesw~eper an ,;.,,., ·.,., 1'''"' 1"11' , . .,, .. I • 1'"'11 ' •'·•"'" . laat •·Hk'a K1w11ma mHtlng . thA m"uth of thf' SAnta Ana rh·.-r. l••r. Ltorrtllni> 11 Brauty Jlllrl••t . , '".. , , t: f: .. •I •or ,, l(.,f,. 11 1. "' ''I '" 1 •·•· •• ""'''' • • loo 11 11 . , .. I I "" I • "I. I .... ' • II •·· I 1 .. l!woarthiii Jlht-a.-.nthuntcn.cu•n't A" h~ti "'"" pr·~l'f'd bv othen s .. ~pnrt. tnJ;f'l'v.'R\'ran .. mnlll•lltP c .h B t R d \llo• .... , ,,,,. 11'11 • 11 '"' • '1.. .. ••.•. 1"''' .. , •• , t: .. , •. , .• I ' • tnn ll:nnd In thf' Rtllhi)Jl !'OIIntf)' •• ;,,,.,,,,. •• r :-.: .. ~.;...11. City ('Jerk ~UIIdtng lnl'l"'l't llr A M :O.:rl~on. ras oa ea y .II · ,, \' I' I •• , •• I . "' "'' • ,, .. I·•· ,,, " .. I"' -.. I I,,, .... "' •• "'''' ,,, .•. , I• I ""' CouncilmAn J •m Rr••"'n ~•II AA~ Fr,.nk Rll'whart Wll!ll •n.<~trurtf'd to ;'l;rwp.,rt I" ''"t:IJ.!r ''"ntflany, nt•·r · .·1 ·'· ,, '·'. "' •' '• ., ''' I•' '• :• •II I"'" ,.., "''''' •I• •I " '' '' I • d that rold . Allk R .. , .. F.d c .... ofi. wntr Crank. lind Jl'llnt (o\Jt that •·MndtM> •order, J Flutktn. ~ .. r.-J F L h' ·f~.. .......... I , ••••.• 'I "'"''' .••• "'"''···I,,"'" 11111 1111 ..... '" .... • ....... ,,,. ell hQw ''"'""~': •• \\"hf'r .. ·• )(y. lh<• t'lty d id not flMgmlltf' the plan. I w~· .... , ... Ralholll, m•·n hllntit~ .. , or au nc In g I ,, 'I I •'· ,., •• ,. 'I .. • •• ·L, I. '. •I ' 'lo• ' .... , .. rl. lin to •·· I ,, , . "'' II ··.' ' • •I II· '"" •. mn Burna~':' latt>ly7 Mt>'n> thai JOtil\'lduAI mrmbf'no of thr order. Mr!l Aht'f' Hll rrl'lt , Vugrl "I 1.,., , 11 , .1 '", , • "'' .,,. , ''" 11 ,, 11 , ,,,,,, ''"'•' Clyan H all Arl" ~:om~; to ha\'f' 11 1 ,,110,..11 dtd 11,1t fawor !!U<'h 8 "J>tOJ·j F11rmt11rr ('.,. RAibnn. m,.,lrrn ~"" <'Onlf'rencf' onl" flf th,.,... day11 . . ,.. t , and I hAt lht' «·ounr•l ..., 11 wholl' ht'aler. Mr11 Chat< L IIIII gra • • : l.lfT. OS TJIJ: OCT.A:S WA\'E cnorwr11t11on lhi! Gu11rd hRII rt'• ••lv· A!\'D Rr.llt:'!" f'd frum thr <·nmmuruty and ,.,., 1\ POMI': Ltfr on thr 'lf'l'lln v:avt' ~r Rt "n ur~trnt J"'l«'ll fur rl"t'rtlll.ft, thntmg Our J"'Ihf'f' rumml.l'~tnnl"r hAll .. I•·RIIt thllt ~"'11"'" or It r~pretlt'ntl.'d I I hilt thrrr Wl'tf· IIJlWArdtt "' :10 \'It· ..._m whcr" WU'"\\'nttf'n h.~· a r;el· l•y l',nr l .. R"m·s 03":V Will be f'Jt:·,,.llnc·l<'ll '" carh •••tmpany_ """ '1. • plaont-d to t nt~>rrstf'd ~T!!Ona to-. sth·.-· Whlr h I m ,hllf'II1Y' t•l f'A1111 m~ormw n•~tht , Fridlly, by mf'Anll along tu J:Pt ~d nf ll. Hr rt' llhl' I!>' .. , ll tnol II( mfltlon picture "'m"., former Citv ~mph~ye Caltfof'llla ' -~1•• h(: prqent<-d at C•,..tll Meaa Am· Oh. C'llml' tn tht' land or fflfo·w~,_r .• ~:.l~r-~ -Lr~t"'" tt&h. Tht' lhow, Di~s 3!16 Rf.sult of IIUI\-• r Wh H h _,II br pru~nted under s dd Ill Wber .. 1'\'f't)' "''8'"' 5I! Ia o~·f'r·I "'J"'•IIl'llr"'h•r (of the CQIIIIthne Pottt • u ellllt ness dnnf'. And Atl;lllhllr~· \'f"trrana of Foret&n \\'ht'rf' l'turf'll <'hAr•r frf'llo'ht on 1· Wa r s "Anti "ttl two .. p..n t•• the pub- !rooda made hf're. lor Th ... alhllr Will oren 'lllo'lth pot: and yo11r JU1It peel•. · I The m~n. tnp1r or dlsclllllllon at a '1lw Ananlu Club .nc-tu~ th,. ml'f"ttng of C••r-!_)na d,.l Mar Ct\'io' 8t•lf' A~ tahqn_ l'"! ''•r S11turday, S ov. F'rom San 01~ 0 to thfo Goldf'n 22 at Pnh,..df'!l Ta'·"m Vf111o•L~ ,.: t . ' ~·l h,.r rTT.ttlrm• nf community In· ·~.. . ~ lq.,tunr u p ~r 01'1''"f'r a nd.ilart ,,.,_, Will """' ""' d1W'11~ I fnr thf' w .. at MlutioM !lllUftht. Thf' m,...t•n,; wtll \\~ ,.,.,. 11re ••r~· and Ut,. "J"'f'n lit -; 4:> J'l. m . pay t~ ·~-........ ..,.,.,.,__,. ~ ......... ..,..,., To thf' lllnd nC orafllrett, mLNiofUI 1bPy'll chan~e my "'YU from and fnara blur tu biRf'k To Uw lAnd 'or Pt'&JIIf'M!,· taken Tht>y trold mf' to "''nte thfo truth to and llan. 11 fn.-nd U tiM< Bo .. att'rtl dub e\'t'r aeta ~ J'\'e dt'one m)' duly, ao t.bia Ia ~ a-a ·~ - ·. 2009 \\' C~>ntral 11\',.nlll' &rn In M•rhiJo!An •n ·1!\.'iU, Mr Sm•lh 11tm1· tfo :\',.wpnrt In lifO~ and wu for 1:0. )'f'ara '" th .. """J"'Itoy nf the-Ill}'. rM1t1ng In lU2'; H n waa a llftlvfliC memOIIr <4 t~ M11r1 ltbf',. lrit11(r• Sun'l\''lrll •n• lur1" 11 "''"· lf•owAr•f L Smtih •1f HPnw l nnti A brrolh•·r Arthur N "m•th, :'l:rw·pnrt B«>.s.r h F un,.," I J>orn•t• •·so "'tIt l!f> 11 .. 111 lto· mrorrrow m•ttriiiiJ.: 'Frttiu~· • 111 HAt· <lid K r.r"""' • h11Pftl. thr Rc.\:, C'rtrl J otiMOn t11 t)f' tn rhlitlt" l nll!r· mf'nt will' tJ. at \\'ealmlf14lt'r M,e· monal park: - ,,. II ,,.,,. of :O.:ewr• .. rt II•·•" h "'Ill ht• (lltJHIIIh ,.,, '"' l:t uno•h•·d w;,a.L~ olurfi,.y 11ft•·111•"•" 11 :1 ::11 f.l'• I••• li.,. ••mp'lny ''"" '"'" ,., f 00'''1 il I '~ f / f 0 o1 i1 11\ o(.tt II f I of \,\···fl·-'l•·anin~ Folk. ThwartNI in l•tan!'t •tnta•tun• r·rl ttn .. ,,,,,rrn n~. SJNIIll'oor ••I I l1•' $:l:lfl.lll)lt tnrro" ~"·f\··rif'r· v. hit h .. ·•~ 1110 \''·'r' "• t h·· lallno'l1111j.! \\ ,, .• "Jl ''rou•lldll¥,~. \\,Ill ho• M r"~ Man I\ • lfulololltt1, Y'~llltj.! dal•.:_hl•·r ••f \\ •oll•m lf•1lttmrt1 j) J•rt•Miflt·nt rtf lh• '-''•tlth ('t,:tJ4t t ••t11 H '' """''1 .,., •• ,I,. H ,, .• t I' t S IIi r 1'1•·11: I .,, ...... " ''''"' • ''"'' f) ••• f '' H ( •• S' 1•:,,., \\' r, • , .,,,, t 1" ,., If\ tud I H • ,,, M .,, t. .. t· ,, I•J ... dd t•·•. ~H~.CHtH si at •· Park .; I J Is Slat••d fur. r " •l•ol•r I .J-:~•· dtl fl.; t qf~t , ltf,d tfdh'•' Jt~•• tt.••Y '\\hld•·d '" •ut ,., du v tPt•· fu q lt IJt \' ~ dft l '1 • It ~""' par1v A "~olft orw 11\o:; 11111 .. tcttl \\1ft ' • I J1 .. iJ,., ~'''"'"' d ll•·r. 1otr11. ""'"''"'•' S4•a Ue•ac·h 1 .r •I 1 ·d A t h u j'''' •J•"' t \1' •·II u l)• r I ••I "' 11 '1 II•·• 1•,11< H ul)lmr•l. H · ..:I,, ruu I 0 I r· j•··· 'ttl f ,, ' I .,, ' ~l'dt•fl f•• '' d' t I f ••f fi t Jf , f,,,, tf•·h •H•I ~···•J}.~ \,f , 1 t1•tt """•''',. . ··•lll ,.. • .... , . ·f ·~ " ••• , •• , ,, ... Ill ,,, th .,, ,,., ,,, • I , ••• t II \ \''I •I ''' I • •It 1•\ I ' I I • t I • ' ~ 't ' ,.,,. ·'' I i•• •I I, I I II 'If , I !{di 'J,o I '1 Jl d 1 1 I ~ ' . f ' I' I ' • ,,, " ,,, , ,,, .. I I I 1 f "'' 'f t I J: •. If ,. ·I• '• 'A.•fl' tt• l "' ' ,., .... ,,, \I I .•• ' I"'"" .. 1 .11~"'" ''' It .. , l '~''' '. I t. \"' .. ... . ., .. \ I o I u ., • • I .· AJq,. ~h•t•·,! '""·•Y nrt•·rtt•· I 1•· t"';.t I t\• • lutU\1 hlnat !-\·,, I I ,, .''' ';A'' ... ..;. ,, r: .•. I It ". , ~.I,, •• I t, ,, •• ,, •• ._., __ .. .''1 ,,. , S ltJ ~tHq ,u,•,,, .. , ··' !•••I 1t,• J..tl, .... ,,..,,.,," .. •'"l' rr ~••trnnrtt1trtft~t 'A'llltt••·•• .,,,.,.,-,,,, r •t•t.d .... A1 ·• nn " 1 " r&fl Tf'·M· t tJJ,,fr,.. . If '" 1 "''' "! t '·'h . t-v ,.,, I••• tl• •t f• r • "• •••·\" t,.,,,., rrr • .._.,.. ''' •·• "h· .. ,,., t l t•ft I I ' r •. ,,r \\·hs•, tt . t•-"lr ,,,, , , t ,,. l:"ftt r'f" • f I I n,.unr •·rt ... ,. tn ,. ""·ru·" •·f f ~•u•th C#J&al ~~-I!• ••lt,u•·· ,\fatJ tf1•t. a tlt,, lutC' ,,,,,,..-,,t i ,k .. f ,,,_., 1\t fl'r fhJ',l • •• .,. • r•t .. ,,,, ll·~···~t ~~ tt . '·' l•.tf t,•-1 t lt ,t '''''f••'''''''' ft f••htl•••, ,,, ·J '·'"'''. '<aJ:•· 14'"'""''" ,,, " .. ,. I I ~ I ••• ... I I··~ " .,,., ,,. I ... ,,,,,,,,,,,, "' ,,,,,, I• ....... ,., , .• •I ,, ' ., ..... "' '"' ~···t 1111 ''" II rl '•·•··· I ~·,,,.., t •"or "" ··••·I· "''' ll1•r•·f••••· '"' 1 '1""'~ "'' I•''"" • 1•·•1··•1\ v( • .,;,,.,,,J;,,,, ,,.,,.,tl,,, .. ._,.,, ·•·J••t•• , ,,frtr t ,,;,,r ~ • f tTu·_..J,,f,. ,.,,, n ttu.t ·.-;" •• h \ ,, ... /'••I f),,"'',,, J•l •·· ·n .. •l1·f· •. -'--·~, · ,,,,., u ,,, .. ~tJ .. , ••'''''"'''. f•rw •d it •• ,., .. t' ..• , ''' If\,._ '1.\.fllft llf'T.RATIUS / ofol ,, •. 1 ..,.1,,, ''<ll'''"l' l•o·•• \It 7'1ltl•l• ,. ,, , 1,,,,r1111W h \Ill •• , .. 11 ,,,,,,, r,, .. , 111 ·I 1• ,,,,., J It l'tt~l•h :'' 225 2:1n1.•t•yi~l tr•tru 11 1"''~'•1.'''''' 1~'"''1 1 111•t• "'' ,,,,,, I•·• t'lo"~'"'''" '" "'"!"'"'' ''" :."''' ·" ""' • "''' ··· r·o~t.A M•· .... :l I ri-pttr-,t~d tu ~ til :ar•·" nurut;~•r •• , ..... ,,, ,.,,t, ,,.,,,I •I '"' ,,,,.,, t ••• I ~ k•·•·r·, lot ftl'' t,.,\t ~,. t ''·'' t ,, ... ,, , •••• ,,t , tl ... ' "•·ttl""' '"'''''••n •t ,.n f)rllniC•·jf•u •b-,,,, th•· , .. ,,., ... '"''" :·•Jr ... •h of ,.,, .. '"''k "'''"' "'"v "' '''"' '""'"'''111 111• I'""' t •k 1·1 h•·"P''"' ,.,,,.r, hf' ll!ldfo'-".-nt H,,,,,l .. h '''141Jirl O>lttrh,LII.: IJV JA. .... ~.-·1•1 ••• , ..... ,,,, llo•·t ........ ""'' l/rinl"l ''~ l ro.nt·lt ..... r,.,,,,,,,, I Ito q .... nlllj!Jf ''r"'rlol ~·' •·11 M•·"¥Y· rt.ntb """'' ••lll•·r-.... II••' . ' I lli•·rrl , ... ft••·lr '"'""'""''''~· h•lm,._ "'""''" IM "" '""I'"' •••• l) •'hllf'jll '· / " / !/ / I .. I ·It l I I I • .. ===--=-=--, .EEK·END miT ION :OSTA. M~ N~· tsfrom ial flea SecMd I lahU,hta Of. ion In Varied tip MeMben · . &uat• rom ftve •1th many Of tile. · 1 youtha tx.PKUIII "'"" arri~ heN I !Nr ~m .ftlad\ tliltl "1JOI1 that ..... • ...... ""-"-' ·~· Jlf'Oinm ........ · r ttw """*••=-"fttt I ,......... et 1 ,_ IlL .......... ..-....... ~~~-, wtll .. ._,.. al • :II wttt .. •eaJW .... pktune wtll M ..... to .. ~r 21 ~· :()' . I . . C• Old-Time Enjoyed I Hearing ( aucr.-tul .. Bam u.nn-,. Aidrf '1"" ,,~ ~ )'""<~: -~ 1"\._.,.1: "' .w~- ot PalL~ f On-. Santa AI Of '"" larl."" tW mapit) c ~">·~tum laac C"OfOCn pn ,....__., t.ann --.., t)penaJ .-...for thr .. -- Pap2 . ' . l ~ Thureday, November 20, lMl 8 · · PRES& I Disorganized Labor IIBWPOB.... ALBOA. I B:: MAl 'Rit:'E R. f1tANKI, "The Way of the Transgressor'; ..... v.-c.rld htstr.rv hu ~n wntWI aince human IOciety finlt org&Dbed ltaell from the s.n •·rsnro ... o ~ll' .. aod COCKTAf&.S, too ...... ,., l'U~t.! every Thur.day r\'•nme at SewJ)(lrt S..ac~. C.htom1e~ ,.., thut ,.. .. ""'~: pr .. tlt trum ttw ac-famUy into tht• trtbe men have made 1.,... to protect them· Office~ Pnntmc Plant ,•• ~211 0~~ ~tvd. Tt'lephoon,. 1118 tto•IUI uf our p~ooon It we aelvea from th<· wr-ung doer: By common coneent the majori· '==~~~~;~~~~-_j En:en"d u IM'('rol.d-rt.>'• matt .. r Ju,,. 18, w•n, llt lhll P'''1 off tce at 1"k" 1'"',. 1" •tUdy tht' 1\appt'l'· ty have band1·U ltogelhcr and prescribed penaltieS against : "---------.--------' New;»<~rt Beach. Calolorn~a. tmoh•r tho• A• I ••I ,.,,n,h 3, tb711 '''!:" ••f th<' r>Btil ~" <an cn•ally , i l•rvfH Thf bfl!nl( tlw raM. II -.·oul.S <'rime, ana greal l:>)'Wlema Of laW and COmpleX Codea Of morala lllll.UUUH •••nn••nUtUU'l'lU'lUU'lUUUUU.lllrU'l ... ttYn<lAJ. NEW!4t>At>r:a ut· nar: f 'ITY m: sr."t•HKT BUUI ,, .•. no ttt..t •tt,.·lahur r .. adoor• nl \.o· have grown up aR a result of this .defense policy. The aale--F 1 T Z pAT R I C K' S •1,1}' w~ouhl rr~td uro (;n liMo tuA(orv ard • J. .,, ing of hfc, the cooseA'.ation of property and tb .. prole<'· __ -W'm A Ma.xw .. ll and W , lilt. hno.1n f tv.·u'l-n• 1tnoi l'ul.t(Jlh"NI ,1 llt l~·r 11111un!i, anol find uut why a-"" WM A MA.XWt:;LJ. Y,.:ht••r rtw .. 1oJ , :onloJ ~'-"'""' do:•MYC'd Th11 1ion of the indrnllua l right t o :th~ punuit of happi.nealt havr W H HITCHMAN •. Cut ulut•••n ~nd 1"."'••rti>Hnj{ '".:tit ~··m ltko• Of tr,.mendoull boen'the fo unda tion "Upph which law and ,JDorala have built. SELL MUKH,ARUEK, 1"'11'111 !'\t·l•~ t-,d,tcor • ,,11,,.11111 ,., , .. ~,.,,r,·h b•tt It nally · ' I and mankinu itw; Ot.-en at .-...r•,..tual war wi'"' th,. diat ........ • ~ ~-haa been AdJud&rd '• nrW'JHIJ~r ,,, ~,:uru qol "'' lllltl j(JO by "' ''"' ,,uol • au tw h1tll for all htta.-r-r-~ -..,- deci'M t4 ttl~ 8uperwr C4urt "' V fiU it(l' ('t,uu ly a m.l .~ flllly ljiUhfled .u ("'" t'f'IIU of any ot tht·~· thmp. to puhhah all klncUI or le((al uutw•·<~ ''"o.l """'''1'"''"0' nt,. i II• ""' s.,mm!'rvtllf', Bulhflr of UntJI cornparali\'el&··recent years the c&.e of the t.ra.DA- th· •~·•·kl•·t ·'\\'11)' tho• f:tuld Dt-' • liUWJCRIPTlON R .\ Tt-:s , 1,, ..rl . tonn;:" .,111 JM.miJ< •n h•" trrbW<>r ha.s b..·o·n uvcrlooked .. .ltJ.w and order have toeen eaaen· .. Orance (;qunty, $1.00 per yeur .. ()\lt.-.ttlo• u ( '( llt.tlilo:O' ! · .. uuty, u .w ..... ·kid 1\'loJ I h tht• O'ltlt•IUI rOI\IIII'I· tially ~~elfish un.l clcfef\l!iVe ; they have been punitive, rather DEPARTMENT STORE -COMPLETE UNE OF-v . La diEts'. C ·annery Boots Gloves an·d ·Uniforms . ~ ISTABUSHEO IN HH4 A I -I. ··• •'1••11 "' • '··rvun~ .tlur wu.una ut 1 han curative•. ='•·c·w ty h as persisted in the belief that all'crim·~ La Ha bra Star uys "t.hc hand "f 11 lug Wt ou iJ·~· J•olttw.d 1'''1 ·" '11 ' ""1~_. thr .... ,topu"1"'n ''' iii dehberate :.nJ wtlful 1 antl has ignored ita own responsibility 0... FtMt et 22M St. NEWPORT 15AC:H bou w see!' behind vamuuK thln~K tltat an· haJ111•'11111.S: m O r·· ::.:·:,,':,;,~:1 ~?'~~t;v::~~;.y"~",:"':;:~: for the shor l·I'IUnmgs Of its weaker members. Even the .an;;c county. It ia pr!'liUffil'ti that tlwy Jllotlll lu~;l'rd tht• t'ltUrl· ··IIIII{ th·· ld .. nlll':tl path. " P8~11 t•h'-frc h has uc·h:d lur ~enturics on the assumption that all 8 . --;-.•• 1tru<·trnn ..... ., ' t ty polttical campa1gn whach luum~ l••r m ·xl yt•ar." I"' 111' h 14itt .. , . ..,,tually 1""d tu d ... mt!n are pr1marlly "Minful." and th~t puniahmeht muat be -----Wh•·n thr gmlcl• r!lmf' 111th bfo dfecthY Hutn (.ICI"V-Uatlioo.ill promotiAif . A writ.-r aaya Germany haK ft•UIIoJ a way tu c·arry con ll ' In~ th ... r 'loOl!l ltnd llhJ"<'III'ftl Wf'rf' man tent.lenl!y to t'HO\"id. rather tha n excuse. ia "well ill&&~&· # '' I ·. Wftlt to "" · ~ (Aov,. .),l an1 to come. I"I'YAt War Without gokJ &nil WlthiiUl l'flll\'l'nlhlllal ntiJrtt·y ltkt' f"r tb.-1"'tt•·I'IH•·pt uf th<,_ -."h•o trat~ in tht· fat·t.that the a\'erat,;e p<'rson Ch<>qeea to believe ~~~· th.· Co•rl set s h 0 p ..; -h··~ Br't.a.in aou l the lJnitf'\.1 ,!:;ta tl"t! ( a n• t ht· prt~spcc.·t of I hlld to tool I r .. r f'lllhlf'nt't' They ouna.~ tK •. -.-. . 1~~·h~r~";w~t:h~~~~·:·~~:··~~"'~';d"~':':pP;;n~.~t;h:u~~in~,~r~a;t~h;c~r~t~h;:·~~~~~~'~"~~~;,J~.;o~f ~h~~;.·~f;.e;.U~o~w~of~·~·d~oTu~b~t~f~u~l'~'~caha~rac~~terr~.h;~r---~---a~nm~~~EJ~rE~~=-~~~~~--------lt------------~ .. tht> tu \ilk,. '""'""t"ll" ut th-alm.e ::., -=:'~~ -----• ~tnd nhj .. •ll\'•"· 'II <\"'" lunJ:' u ttl~ ..-.-· • r>nnrlf'l•· " .• ~ .uth .. rt•oJ to thfoy 0.. s.rr.t-d ol \ A n-port frum--s;,mr Ho bt·rt11 tl'altr. 1 1Ka y:; Aduif Htt· II· lm~h··•1 H1tt hk•• our prew n• dw ..,_. fnr tt ·• ..... ~ .. Kampf' lS th_t' m. fJIIl as kt•t l fur b.xJk a t the t·a mp """'n.''• 1 ,,..,. 'c••:.lt·•l '1 "Rtlyrat wtth • hrwldn ---IW.: __. -fo . m11v' ,,,,n, '"·'h"' ant1 .. f>t>r•tl'd .-..r ,.. pa.to ltJrarY. U ~ht: boys reatl HlttH·~ d('J'ITil\'M phtloKClphy uf gov· ••nlv •n t••rm:< 1,, , ... r .. , o1 111 thl• =:::"" .... ~ trnmtnt and his d1abolll'al phtn for W11rltl ctlnf1Uf"Mt that ,..,,.,.,1\. . dl t·:muJd make eVt>ry mtltht•fll Kiln of the m UnXIUUII ttl fit am:• lntl l~<llf•ll ,, . .,_.. "f't•' hootllllrtt.to •' UCif'R t-.a · · J"•1nt uf J•r<•'!•h•l•"'' "'"' II~• to-• =---~ ~ out l'i:uiJim and aU it re~nlll. ""'' 11,, .... "H" o''"'''' ""' •'ford t11 ..... "-' ww -----• 1 Pfl\' 1-J~ lnhu!.· "'''" no•t llff<lrdt"l ...._ f~ t Jrutial ~vcrs in the elt.>ctloo of a· t•ounty KUJ')(>rYilwr jlh•· n~o:ht '" "'' ,\ k "'" ..,.. ..... nt hu.- f/6 I'd 1 hlw I h I no otu• (" •rrt~r>l.v..tn. , ''"'""''ratlnn • for tlua dllitric·t at1: a rt·ady under wa y, lhuug tt tK nt•ar Y a nml cruu m ·LII ul Uw· ~ru.ld.a ~to're<-k4'd ::-:v ~. •• year until t.tw fin:ll \'oting Wlll be ~on<>. It ill UJ1tlcM4t()(Kilhat lh••OII, rr ... · ... ~·ly ... '" twlnjC dun·· 0. L ...,.._. • the incum~nt 'N. E. Weatt o'f Laguna St-ach, wall enter tht· 't•td>~)' • h tllttr UPwt bo ' • llu r lllho•r ll'll..,..l'lt Art> pr•••u• lnll:' ..,_.:-c,._. fliP ~ a.a a candidate for l!'e Oemocrattc . <'onJ:reM.Ku!n~~ tb•• dt.~·~""" .,1 .. 11 "' .. rk•·rll ~111g ..., as ., .. oomiruttop. Already there are two avowc.\d U11p1f'nntt for sur- 1 """""zrd ""<I ""'· thr•-u.:h fhl'fr 0 Pl'-• · r "A'tth ros ta of threw to five mort'. Lu~al polaltl'S .:r ..... ly "Y-"'""0 "' ""''rhoiAnt 1011'"~ .nit I •, -.... erv..U ' f' pci: , lto•n ({'<ta, hu\'t' put lor A hll l'rll'r ~ 1.-. ..... haa bc;un to rumble lD all tteet tnnM or the ~ounty. It U! 1\atd MltoJ>r>•nrr: ,..r ·"·nrkr rll lr"''' bfol'oonl· .... ._ .. Pldl.cft ~very .,fu ..:Jal in tht> courthuuJole wall l!t'<'k rl'·dc·clt•lll. "'I! unlunov-d ..., C... .. ' e · It unuonlt ""1",..' t .. h\'f' lhP\' nu .. t r•"'"fllll:!l' Mnd l.oko• >td\'lin· ~ t,.tt~· i"inla.nd linda hcrHcl! bet wt-en tlu.! •lt·•·tl u nd q .... 1 '~t~t" 61 h.-.-. I "''"'"k... an J . .:::-.,:~ deeP bhK! )it>&. Six~n monthil ar;o ( nr le ~'\m \'Olounta rtly hutlt1 a mMrm~>nt '"'""'"'till to acl -.-• ..._ J •----~· .·11 r mt>n ey with whiA"' to ftght Ru~ta. A month agu th<~"" 11'h" mulll ltol~·r s n<l ~nt'· --•a. ~ _. ""' . . fwuol tu th .. •·ntrlu.>'I'I'S snd th<' t·rimt.> in tht> w •• riJ r-; mJt the reSult of malice, but of malady -that c nlut ... lar;:'-· dt:grce i::~ a disease, and that the highest duty of the stall' •~ n ot 't~ punish. but t o, pre•·ent. The ne\': n·lt~iun rt'c:ognii.es that mankind is not lost ln tlbduracy, but 111 Jlt'rp!exity--that n\cn requi.:C not the lash E;O muc h Q th~· !tg ht. . There U. "'' pro.founder truth in all the scrip,ture~~ than that brief aenh'ru•t which says, '"f~e way of the tranagres&or ial hard." Tran• tht• progress of the average transi,'l"eUion of the ~tatute c1r mvral b.w and you will find ita ear4y roota in miae.ry or' darkn~tiil. Maeterlinck. in his wonderful dramll called "The Blut• Bird.:· .o~ns the land of the unborn children a nd ~hows us A \'ision of the inlant.K waiting to be bona into the wg rlg. ~ilntl' takt-_ with· them their sc~. tf!!lr reat_!~: \Mtiona, tbt•tr pidurea· and their bCioka;-t.beir gi!ta to t~ race. But otht.·rs-, alas. d rag reluctantly along with them their t·rtme!l. 1t iM ~~ marn·lous portrayal of the influe nce o f pre- natal condition . .; on the human being and flashes a new light un that ancat·nl warning. "The sins 4/ the father shall be ~on the r hrldn-n unto the tJnrd arid tourtli generation.- ... Jif .... •·J'Y'-•t~tt .... BANTA ANA. OAUI". IM~DA 'HIJ«pftgJ[S SAYS: '-+. EVERYTHING IN SMA.RT SPORTSWEM IS TO BE FOUND AT 701 E. Central Ave. BAL'BO·A =. ~ ~ our C u·. cmrucnt requeaWd twr to qurt ftgt\ttn){ RuK~~ta If 11h.• l .:~n .. n.l ,public. A• ot ~undll today llrL 0.. ... waot t , retain tht> frit-ntJNhtp of the Unatcd ~talt·ti. Rrilam t.h .. l'•·u~k<'r Ul "damnrd 1r two cAM .. _.; llr. _. aJ.o h u w .• mt"d Finland to make peace. Germany. wat.b Mev, !J01'iCt d~tmnl'd ~'-hr do•n , .. )Qt~.':! One of th,· l,{l"'('ate~:~t uetecti,·e~ the world has en•r known, a man who has tlcalt with c:riminals.all his adult Life, .einphat· ically declatea~ that there is no "criminal cla.118." The trana-- gl"eMMr ia ~fictl·nt-ne has moral astigmatiaro. The new pen; .. -----------------'""--------+ ., ology would nurse and nourish, rathe r thafi t o cast into outer darlmeM. ·-It ia nrangc that this doctrine should be ao slow' in perro- .. Dwudw .. ~ J .. bor umon. .;xon\t' unwt\11 ...... y 0 J' -• fl6 eraJ dJVUt.ionJI Of UooJ» Q~aJ1CJ"t!d tn Jt'tnland, "ad\'1~!1 'I dl'mand IIUt"h tlUirajt...-.ua Initiation 11a &IMP .. JlDDa to keep on fighting RWUJia. 1 ,....,. that 1t 1a rm,.,.Mbl~ tor an ~ _, Jlr. ' 8 unrmployf'd -.·ouk4'r lu lw<'on1~ :l _. ... ~ m,.mbf>r ·Of ttw union, and If he •-p Though the anti-Nui nations arc grateful for RuKHia'il itakH wortl •. ,th<,ut Mnl'flt of .... ..,_ • detena.iDed .c.aDd before the m~h.a~ German armiett, it ili lllmlonllllm. tw •• riAMI'd lUI " "IICab" -.. ,_. f .. ~a 'd · · · t ur ••um,.lhii'C" N'pu.:n~tnt In tluman •• D , DO ..:ftt ·that U&teamen 0 ...no: e mocraCietl are Wtl~ .... l~ly, _.... .a-at Dk!ttlor Joe ~ ';J If Stalin lotlee, the UDJU.'tl -Tboo ~ncy '" unlona o1 a::::::.......:::==-------~_;_---~HJ(liiiniiriD:"llay,llfl~-. -tfO bt IFIJ(I"J: ~~ lat.ang into the every-day life of men and women-that &h many of WI ahoult.l persist in condemning, where charity is o.eeded. Jt ia strange indeed that two thousand yean after the Muter came to 'seek and aave th011e who are loet H.ia rtiftcll*e ahoWd .WI ~ ~ puNabment lho.e who nquire IUiilUitu-.oLJU•U, Jrais lranger 8Wl-ffi"a1(alliera And mother.. have not Jetmed that Jo\'e is better than the laah, and that 0 · S ttM'1r own CSHtnu:tJon than any ........,.twice/ .. JD&DY men U tn 1917-18. If t~hn WU1.8, oth~r Con-~ could poutbly brtnc Mwlllbe a dc!Mtnant fi«ure in the pea.ct>;:onf('renc·t>. But even Uk·m Ttwo mo~u.ry ,.nd .of union· a tlanet Oi bavillc Communiam apread 6 ftl' the re«t of tht> '~"' mu11t Mcome 8f'('()ndary and -. . "'o •rkt'rll l]luat be encuura«f'd tnlo wwtd dc8 DOt deter the Britiah from accepttng •ll putiHtbl•• \n.·nthf-l"llhlp ~anlae. o1 ftnanc:tat • lt-'t" tid, f.Dd DO quet.tioM IUik(-d. I o tro llml'lllru·Pll. Tu li!IY that potf'n· __ __._ __ • • llrl nwmht-,.. 11hould be penalluoi "fl•r tho• o•oo:ol .,f lhl' frutla of unluo!· Seftator David I. Walah. Ma~arhut~t>llll pt'mocPat wh .. · '""' tS tu ~tdmlt ihat umom11m 1111 i.<J chairman of the Senate Na val Affairs Cttmmith't>, 1:4 ""' lttt•f•'t'llliry .. II ~ nut I~ W•trkl'r·~ · · · 1 b f oult lh.'lt ~llWll M\f' to4tt al-.·:n·• baekwan:l in Upre&~~tng hill opantnn nf tht• C'CIUMI(• !'UNlit~ ~ t••·•·n 1n Inn,. dan ty1n« h1111 n~hl f»raidcnl~~~~~ in plun&i.!!.g !htli cvuntry rntn war, l~, tRk•· •d,·Rnh•ll:'~" "' ,.,u ... ·t•V•· reeent radio addreaa attackin~ thl• admtntstratwn" on·r~ '"'~'J!" · . h r b . rr .. ur policy Senator Wa.lab charg-ed.lhllltn t t" t':l!leS ° KU martnt• t·• ~,·,.od dNolmo•hun 11 w111 "Jl"'" attac:ka on the U. S. de~~troycra Grt't'r, Kt'am<'y and Rt'ubt·n "" 11.1 ,,~o,,r,. •·• all w .. rk .. r.o, n-j{ard- Jarnes the American warship!4 ha·d ~n tht• a ggn'!\KClrll m "'"·" .. f c·mrt nr mdu:otrY orn·I!IJ"'<'<'· · '--I 11\'P ••f flnnnn111 Alltlity ""<1. -. .. 1 l \'C.ry instanct' and this infonoallon had bc.-..•n deli~·rah• / , ... m., 1nt" 1L• h .. u~~e All tho.,... llhu leading aucceeda where drivmg mu,st always fail. . What law ever de\•i8('(} by man can inflict a pt>Dalty com- parable to that which comes of the tra.n.sgt'eUOr'a own con· scJcnce.? What fear of punashmt•nt can sting-lhe '·iolator of the higher la w like the lash of remor:se? The Supreme Aveng- l'r hlll4 made man hia qwn m6ft't.etrible judge. ·Do )·ou think the traru;gressor ch006(>8 his own way? Jlu"A· httl(' you know of the conflicts of the b~ aouJ! rt was well written . "Judge not." Dr. Goebbels Preaching Fear withhcldJrom the people ... Not CID(' amglt.> hoMtilt.> urt hll!l beoc--n o muat 1••11 By .InS. c . HARSCH. lol t'hr••han Scit>nt"<' Munllor takt>n against the territorial integrity of thtM t•ountry err thi; Tho· ·n .. yal Faoruty .. rnn:ct l:w• Ont• nf the most important news stories of the war ap-. h .. h t .~.'"''" ffrff)'~ rn tt•. Thr hntunJII •·:'" • , H.-·R; T-ROTT Master J~weler --•• 1 _. -W~tTCHES JEWELS Precisictn Repairing Sycamore at Fifth. Street SANTA ANA .. Phone 5618 t·unlment by any other natmn IIJI h, thtK nur. t t' Kt.'fla .,;· 11,,1 111•0, 11 ho·n ttw ro• ~.~ .,.".'""'" J11•ar1•d 111 the newspapt•rs last W<."t'k. ~>.lid. adding. "The Pre.ldent's 'MhO(It on sight' ortll·r iN 1rl eli· 1\l!holl lito· f>o hk:< "'" h '"' Wt• hll\'f• It , ... ,1=-' the story o f Dr. GO<'b.tX·h; trying t~ arouse fear m ,-----~--~--------------""P"-..... , Nd de.fian~ of the law o f lhc land today. and thr~: ordt•r h:n. 1'"111Y '''111 tho• """'n' "" J.",.,l••r~t t lw (;,•rnlan people. ft•ar of dl'fl·al. liP U ••f l~t h•r UIUJ th•• {",,OJ,:r-t:•li&J' nf ahocked. amaud, confused and terrifiNI tlw Arnt•rtt•ar 1,,.111•111111 1,11,1""'·011,.,,. Thtl' c~11•1• Tht•r,• ha.s been plt'nty of fl'arof defeat ih tht> minds of people." , .. , .. ,. '" J•L.~t a l•l!ht ~two·•·n th<' mot~t ( ~·rrnat~& from tht> ~·~inning of the war. Tht.>y had their ------• • 'H•·~al ..-.. 11111"'" 11 ·," ht~>:h 1'""' ... \'n m tlt·:1dual a~aDPni.!Sii o'-the fact that defeat mil!'ht ~ fnr l h<' • """J•·ft~ t .. tr.•mrrnd "" "' Hert' is a 'Worth·"A•hile !.4Uggt't'ltinn fr••m \'f'H'~> ,·olumn 111 •• ~,, , .. 111" , .. n.tlt'""· an ""d tn \'t•ry unplt·asant for Ge rmany and G<>rmans. And a.s individ· t~ South Coast Newa : "Cratf t~t'SIItont~. wlwn yo111 and sottnl'· '"'" ur1r1•·· ··~:<·r~ ..,ooJ om··'"'''"'""" uals tht•y b.•gan as e arly a:; last Ot."Ccmber to be<;ome particu- ). one et.e k>t your ret~"""ti\'e hatrs d<•wn and unburolt•n \'t•ur '1 1''111 ',~·,'1!1' lr•,o•t.-..... hq1• '1'1 11 1" "n~' ,"h1' iarl.)· t·um·t·rned a.bout the hatred which was butlding up r-~ · ""•'• ., • ••II '"'••· , ,r, ,.. ,, aoaJa to c.~<'h olht>r O\'(lr the mannt'r rn whtl'll I ht' w .. rld •~ ..... , rt:ohh• r.· .. u't .. r 1 •1:-:t 'Rc;A:-o;Jz. rtga inl4t thl·m in the occupied counttifi!. - . •rated. are good for you . occuionlllly. Some fo,lkr;. h t•Wl'\'t'r. ~:1• f.:A Ho R But rt wa.a not until last "A•cek that any high official of t r---------------------~~ ~ ~ ~ . try to start a crab ~ion with £'\'t-rytxxly t ht·y mt'i"'t. whtt:h 0 the Nazi party ever: openly and publicly usro fear as a rAe&JUI • "'--,_-.. ·· _,_Jt~..._ipdil;ij&Q&IA~J ll.J!Ollf·.IIII~~~.1J~ru.uchl·r.1 Pomted~~~~~~~:.~Mlr!l'il1~.,.~~-·~ft:J.~::;:~~21~.:.""~~~~~ _:Jj!~=.:"""·..:,:~;_:gt}.';~~~1\..c;~:-::;.o --_....,... ,.;:.;.lo-eecf JtUrstot.P'Wj'fGIJIIftt!'M-1t~~~ffi·pt'fft1:>i-trctt"!:~ -·"'Mifl<'"t~ .. '' _tllc '"'"' 1dl·· t:ntil now the officia l prtlpaganda liqe of appeal to the .Jtoiiiiiii---+ ..... ..io.JI,.-..~ • . pr••n!IIIP" Pro·~ ,f, ·I J{,,.,~,.,.,.lt · • t...-~ th · f · k tht>y ealhn~ch eeurion_" debatt~. ur cu_nft•rt·nr·t•:4, lu t twc• po.•r ; I T .... 111,11, , .. :,·,. .on· ~.,11;,: h• ,.,11_ Gt'rman pt•uple hu always ~ATn (I promrse o qu1c , e~U>:J -.. WCJI .... 1.0n.~n really get bag loads uff tht'lr l'ht•r;t!!. anti t_lw~· f,.,., r.11•. .lo •hr: 1 • H·· k .. 1, 11 .. r. 1r vicH1ry and plenty of spoils of war. Hitler's Nazis ha\·e played mocl\ Setter. Ra(her than ~o about tiarborrn~ot Nuur I h1•11~hl~ ';nr \\'•· r. •·I th<t' "lhP bo·11t tu tha.t> hat• both in their pronouncements and also in the tan· h ht .... bl I l ,, ,,,. 1'' 11''111 " J•'" I~ 1" l'lllti\'Btf' ,, 1s f . . I . h h ~ d led t alt -----·~~--- in your mrnt br:fut. tlnd t>ome-ont• w 11 mt~ uc tro111 ,., w rt 1 piM:om..: Jlt·rs•"'""'~· lli•lnlt " l>~t ~tblc taNte of spoi o vtctory w 11c a\'e n o ou • a aimilar affliction. and go to tt. Brother, It ·dtlt'~ 'lla kl'. ~''"''' oof \\ ·•rk :lr•\\ I\ till tlwn halO AI lOot t•r ('3('h nt•w coqquest. \"icto~y was made t o taste RWcet in penon's cara bW'D." ,, "''''11 kno•l)n 11' h~11' th<• mvulh of every Gennan~uite literally. because it wu P.•ll11• :\t••n111>1: ="•'•\'' Tht' ri'R· · b h h 1 ... 11 \\'h\' "'' tolt,• 1,, 11 a1,.11 wttrk-omly a(tt•r th~ first b1g 'victort1's t .!ll <' ?<'oate was put on In the Senate debate on anwudrnent u l' tlw lh'ttt rallty ' ""'" 1'"""·.: ur n tnll hlllldlnl'! L1 thl' ratitm cards. · law Senator She-ndan Downt'\' nf ttti11 stntl• dt•dart.••l thnt i!i 1·1.....,~' '1 n•,olt•·~ ,"~ "'"1 Ilk•· w,. But in the currt>n~ edition o f Da~ Rl'ich .. new . swank, , • .t~· • ''' ''IU'·t.,:ut,.: t l•'n' h N · · 0 J h p ! per ~n~ of thtt J>t'<lple nf Ca ltf,,nua fa \'olrt•ol lht• Prt~srdt•ut'~ :-:•o~r:·· "' .,,. ,. ,_. hl•·a .. r 11 wa!Otf'd WN>kl~: party paper' o · t e azt reg1me. r. 9sep ~u courw. This brought a n g••r••tt" oll•nutl fronf ~t·natur H rr.1r.: Rll "''t'· l~bbl'lN f,·•r the-first lime made a p ae·appt>al to the fear Johnson, who aaid "I do not ~·ltt•w t hal litltfvnua.t~ wa nt 111 which has been in the of Ger· .. • • • SWISS STEAK IRISH POT A TO ES BR USSEL SPROUTS B~KED SQL'ASH CO:\Ib l:SATIO•N RAW \'EGETABLE SAI.oAD ~ \\'llh BEST FOODS MAYOSNAISE HOSTESS CAKE • ,. ' _QC _E·:_A~.N ERONT · .... T* 0. M. CAMPBELL 2110 OCIAN ~ONT 1-1¥'--83 ~_We Deliver \ .,.--... --- ,L . I • • ' .. Thursday, November 20, t94i [ocal and Personal Costa Mesa Briefs Mr 1JI\d Mra. Gwrnld &tea, of ~ Atlrld&e, Ul2 E . 18th ati"Mt, 1931~ E 18th llrf't'l. •re rt'porte<i SJwnt tht' WHkend wtth hta alater, u tlllflt'Whal lmprO\'I'd fnllow1ng a AlJu Sh1rlory Attrldae or 8an llt'\'t're 11ttauk or thl' tlo. Dlf'j(o. Bill Bt'llt'h, 2068 ::O.:cwpn rt boule· S.C M . Snl!\:t' of 302 Vlcton.\ \'ard, Willi IWTIOn& lhullt' attt'ndtng Hlr· ..... t phu u•·1to le&\'tl thla t'Venrn~ t he St~tte F urm Bur,•nu cvnnmtiun by train fur San FranciiiCo wherr whlr h l'loaett lart Thurad11v at San he w111 jo1r1 hie bro ther and lh«' 1 J oae. • .. two w tit motor to St'llttle tor thrf't' Mr. and Mra. P . J KuJttwa, 1 8~1!1 \\et•ks' bll,'line~• and pluaure trip Whlttll'r 11\'CI\Ut•. un• l'll)tl)'llll: " Mr. ltnd .Mre. Clark' Ratht'r, \'ialt fro111 th1•1r d~tugh!er 11nd 1,1111" F.. 18th slrt•••t. ar .. th~ par· pnnddaughl•·r. Mrs. K t' n d 11 I l l nl11 of n bttby girl, born Sunday 1tl T hornl .. y und D11phr11' K11y , ur !-;.t. Jnrlt'ph hnspit a l. Mr. Rather 11 Blackf•w •t. ld11hu. u, <Chur~e uf th.-vegetable depart· Mr. 811d ~fnr. Rnm l'l"lt\'I'IIZJIIl•l lltt•nt nt th .. Foodbul<d markt't. and tWt• daughtl'rH, M Hull~·wo-..,tl. Capt C.rnst11ntu1 JO'llnk. w ho 11 ar«> now t.·mnfortuhl\• lot·attod 111 ;j,.,.,,,m~ pract1r ally · all or hl1 their new homl' 11l '1:11 Vrrglnn '""" t u 8Upt'rvlaing work aboard plare. • }lnt. Prt~\'o•nt.:.nn 111 thl' 1 h111 1h1p, Star of Scotland -'llp«t· daur hter of Mr. and MNI. Crorgt' ,.J to return ho-me today to llpt'nd Co\'er, 470 Nt>wport houh•\'ard. ThRnkllgl\'11\g w1th h~ wlft' a nd Mra. Blam·hanl M . \\'httP, t~tnt .. ranuly t•n tht'lr 2lat atrt'ft ranch. chairman of mnt ton pll'ture!l. IS Arc<>rdlng to word received t.h~ week'a ml'Ptlng nf lhr Jo~rtdlly Aft · JnhMtnn. 2226 Nt>Wport boulevard. t'rnoon rlub whu·h \\Ill bt' h•·ld c 'htrt'lll.'f' A rm11trong hA• romplt'tf'd tnmorrow In the w nmPn's c·lub· It •·•1u"'~'n IIVIIItlon mt'Url 11m1th· hOU"l'. 1-fnlltl'lllle.~ Will tw Mrl!, f't•l IIIJ;: Ill t' 1\ft\'al lratnlnr; l f'hnol Stem and Mrs. W. f. Walk,.r. 111 C'h1c o. graduating yeatUd.ay Cnpt And Mrs. IP1~ul T Ad11nu 111 '-'flymg ct•lnrll." H,, will leave of Lo11 An.:••li•!l llpt>nt Mtlltduy 1tl Munday for at'fl\'1' dut) at ll naval Coata Mt·l<n whl're th,•y lni!JWdt·d "'Al ton. lvcatwn nf 11/hi<'h has hot lherr rt'llld"'"''' prttt>t·rly Rt 4:11 'i '"'•·n _ duwloaed. Vlctoriu strN•I. nnd \'l~th·<J friends. • ---------- CI!pt . A'(f11n1M, w,hto IS 111 Ctl tnmnn.J t'UOD SALE AND BAZAAA of on(• nf t ht• lnr.:•· TrnnRpRi'lfln Mf'mbers of Coata Meaa Wo · cllpptor tth tpll. had 'lf'fl StnJtnporr m~n·ll Rellt'f Corps art' plannlnr a juat 10 day11 prt"vinull. f•lOd. 1111le and bazaar t no nun· Mr". Gra ('e H utnf'. 2008 Anahf'lm ma~~~ to~be ht'ld Saturday, Nov avt'nut'. tuu just rt't)Jrnt'd from '"' 2~. at thf' nld TeWftlklt' ~ulldlnc el(tend..a IIOjourn· 111 Canndu, 11tnp · •m l"f>wpnrt boull'VIli'd. Pruldt'nt ovt'ra at C'llljrllry. VHnt'IIU\'I'r 1111t1 Blanch .. Kujawa announced todAy. ·pther largf' cltlttll )xorng lnf'lud•-d A IArJ;:t' delegat•on fr<•m tht' local on h~r 1lln~rn ry . Whrle tht'r e "hf' 1 f ••rpl! Is planninlt to attl'nd the a n· Vlalftod a ~-Yf'At~oi1d 'iiratd and a ' mi8rt-r.;ct.1?,~n-ot 01fic'Pfi o1 Tt'(tcr- tw ln b rothf'r and ll&lt'r of il'l year11 allun No. 1. whtch will lakt' plart' nont' or whnn\ eh .. hnd tH'en 111\CC' r•t Bellrtowt'r ne"t Monday. Ac· 1919. 1 ( llnlll\g t O rtlt' Jll'I\IOrlt)' ll)'lttm Of Eljthtt'rn mf'm!lf'r~~ and 'ues110 rh.'l'llon customary ",lh the W. R.· wert' prt'llf'nt Tuesday at tht> rt'IJ'I· c.. ~1 rs. Pearl Brown or Coata tar mtf'llng of the art.' 11nd crart11 MrliR •• tndlratf'd a a th~ next·prt'a· flt'('tion of t hf' ~·rtllll y A rtrrnnon ~th•nt. club. A num bl>r nf the mrmb.-rot art' no": lurn1111: \hi' rr~tft of glus Tl'RKE\' UI:SSER I>ILATI:D t'trhlnlf. whtle other11 t!C('Uplt'd Cl'rtaln ttl pro,·e a popular .df'n•· • tht'lr trmr Wtlh nt•t•dlrwurk Hul"· unslruiH•n and lt'cturt' Ill that t....._ ..,..,.,. MfJl L 0 . B<'m~nt And owht.-dult'd for ne"t Wf'dnellday, Wno. Gt"t:•r~~ E . Lf·wj~o. . ~ :-;,,., 26. hy the Colla >t•aa H omio· N.tw Cul'lt u Mt·!ln tl'~ldt·nlll nr .. tunko•riJ C'lub who~~e member11 will Mr. lind .M ra Harr}' Y "1111~ u r ",, t•·h 1 h'l' t'Pmplelt' prrparatlun nf Plac•rnt•a whu a rt• :.t pr1·11 .. nt It~· 11 Th:.nk.qJII\'InJt dtnn~r hy .Mtlls Cllll'<l a t. I hi' hon11• ••f lhr funllf•r ' Frann•s Ltlt's (of tht--Hnmt> Eco· mnthrr Mrtt' Huldn \'•11111.1: nf 11\!'i · """"' 11 di\'AStnn of .thl' Dtopurlm t'nt ft(l('hf'8lf'r 111ro•rt. Mr . \'•oun.:. wh•• n( A~nrulture. Stnt·e pmof of th t' Ia a brother of J.fn1. Allll•rt Utult•k. puddtn~ ill 81ltd to tw Ill the eatlnf:, wrll a,. .ln t'hllr~t· nf tht• mt'nt dt• j 'h" dt.>mn!"lll ratlttn v.·lll be cllmu· pirtmen,J at -th~ Rf'd And W httt' Nl hy membt>rs dtnlnR on the food ato rf'. Bob \VIHt'tJI. whu hM bt:•f'n 1 t~y have l!een prt'pared. The 1-------rm-tltk""'ft theft chtrirttt lht' P"•l t menu w ill lnrludt' lurkt'y and all aummer , Ia now IIAit'llmlln for thP the trimmtnc11. chip att'ak comp11ny. Mrt.· Calla Vlel~. 2109 HArbor ..... N• • ~Aa&II:D ,.o ,' .. B&AKK " boulevard, r.turned F'rldey fN>Ill 10-dayll' Mjourn a t ~lbuquf'rqu~. \\'nrd hall been r<'t'f'l\'f'd ht'rt' o f Nt'w Mf'll .. wh~rt• llhf' nltt>ndf'd tht' thf' marna,~:e of M LIIS Lo111 Hunter, wl'ddlng nf ht>r liOn. Lt's tt>r S mtth . furmf'r rt'lltdl'lll. •Jr C11!1t11 Mf'M~and and M lu Palrtcta Ar~tnbnj~hl. Thf' .l:•m•·>< t 'a.trull, whrch tonk pla.ce Wt'ddlllfl, nr.alnlllly plann~ fnr !,:-,: .. , .. 1,' HI tht· hom•• ?' lht' bndf'· Chrt!'tmas. Wll!< 11d,·an• ,.11 '" :-;11,. c.n"m1 a part•nL~ m :-.:nrth Pl~tttf', 9 wh,.n 11 Wf\.~ lrnrlll•d t'tmt Mr 1 ="•·hr. The new M rs. <"arn•IJ, who Smith hAd rl't'l'l\'ed nrdt>r!l 1•\ ,.,,.,.,. '". th~ dau,:hter uf Jofr. a nd Mr ... rot~ SAn Frnn~'••ru nf''<l s 11tu.rday \\. ... HuntH. untrl latt'ly or 224 w ht're he wtll emhark ftll' d11ty nt ~f~<J.!n.,JtR strPt't. CttalA Mt>I!A, Any po.n~un enlert.alnintnc a mlat.aken ~a that 01. pi'Nt'nt r•neratlon of boya lJI ··aon·· and hu:k1114r tn n•·n <', will bt• fort"ed to take lift t.ht'tr hala td nn. youn& Coat.a .Mf'Nn who hu Jual accum· pllahtod w hat tlldn and wlaer hMda would han• dt'ciArt'd lmJK-Ible. , j' .... ' NEWPORT·BALBOA PR~ 11/iuu; tk WATEBFRO~ P~oc.·..,.~· 91· K lgl(ing Htur of Sc.·otlu n d C •~t ~ l ' ntlt•rwu~· \\'11\1 I~~~·~ .......... M'l ......... .. ''"'""'~ lll•t .. llnlh•ll ••I lht' ~1111 • t ~··•tl•tl\1 • "'••Ia n1111 r1~•11._ •~ 1 'l"' t ... l '" al•• lo•l"' Mhl II\ II ftlll '"''"· .... ,.. l.lo·lll~ '''1'1• ...... ,• ...... lito· jo•lo Ill·~· •••. '•'"ll•h·l<'•l "II hill 1•1 olin•. 1'111'1 t \•11•1111 11 Fl111k t• 1••.-t•..S lh•• '" .... lc t '}"'" • ~ •IUI•I•·t h•tt, C tu h•r uw • llllhhu.,: luu .:•• \\ hh tt t•ul 1 ,,, •••d ·' 1':-;'! ..... l'!•: 111 ~·1' .SII••I' '!16 """-''"~---,-'-· "\I.HCIA '"" '',.I I • Rare C tl.rtsf m,ls •• nd ·-Buthd.tv (~tit · Bub enur. 17-y.-.ar-old aon of Mr. and Mr11 ··w m. 1>. Crallf, 272 F luw .. r atrt•t't. rt'\'l'nth t•nltatt'd ill \ 'nclt'. Sam ·a fl&htln~· rurc-e11 aru.l wu •ublk•qu••ntly lhltlvnl'd af a ntwal t rlllllln& lk'huol nt'ar C htt·acu By SUEHll't'll~!'':-.; ;''''1••·'"''' ~"It" II·~ ·"It\-;. •C"Iauflt' f'utnunt "''"' "''"''" "'"'' 1 1 •I• I d , . .! •··•'. 1••1,._ ,,. ,,. llu!ltl1ltl'd a Lu,.: H .. I. ll .... ,u, •I ', ....... ~til ..... t I ,, ... , Th•·ll .. .,, 1\ •IIIII :-,:,." 1'"1 I ltoll l~•l llllt•t ,1 TP !'1111 AI 1, I ,'• • \ ~ ol IP II,!' I ll.,;: "'"'''' .,, h 'q•l•"""' l h•H IHht Autl '' • t1.ti~,· ., f, t,. IU ~•l(("IUII\'4'1y by t ho l•l,ot•l•·t~ h••fr I • II,, I d ;o I'• 1 I Il l•" I l'ho•\ l•"til 1t 11 a &r>Odlouktt•,; \\hit• '"'"I•·· I'•• 1 l'l •·l··~lr~ . .-1. ·' •tl•l><·r '•"''" •• \utnput ... \\til '''''''''I'"'" ht• "''' &ud I '' w •• ,,,, ,, Lft11t w...-k tw waa une of '800 botys to t~e• ~erantt'd l4·dllya· l•a,·e and atnl·t' lw h~td nn "liornf' folka" 111 llltnt)lll. df'tt•n nmt'd 'tu lutrhluk~ ttl Costa Meaa 110 he could enJvl TllankiiK)\'IniC dinrwr "1t h htll mutho•r a nd fnthf'r. \'t\IUmf' u r-hUUl~ J•.tt:-~,,·,uthH'' •' \ tl\id ''"'': t'tldthn It k ,,,, ... I ,\ ,'·''" 'I' ,~.I t \\,\I' .. \\t'tt' ~:.:)" .. ~.·.~· .. ~·;::\·to·l~~·.~;" · ... ~~~··~:".:;;: THE IsLA N 0 E RS l f ll• II 11111°, II •.• ~A lii ""'"'''I I I! ,.ra<·f' f••r tl\f' ,.,.,.,, ~ •·! ., "". '": ',, • I 1110\ltl llhlp'll lo,.: llllh I'·•I:•'K loll • /1 ll•l•t \\oUt It'll••• I OJilo-1) 1,1 lth•lllh~ \\ill lot• ll'ljllllt'ol ,._ tllll),t: 1,\ll ftof tht• f"tiiiJh' f tjp • I bltt.nk f"r t~ •a.crt,U\tt•·"' ••I t.:'a"'t "' ,,. ''''"t •H • I , 1 1., , ... r.•,..ult And th.-lr r.-.m arkt< t• ... 1 I• .. r ••J lll'r I' ' 1 ·'' ' ' 1: 1 1 • d· h••~: I'""' , ..... lo• hll/.11101••11~ '""' , ...... ''"' --=-- Stx t•'dtK'k f'rtday mormng. Jual :,2 huura Mflf'r h•a,·tniC lhf' \\'mdy C'1ty. yuung Cnua wa lkt'd 1n t>n hta pare nt• a.a tht'y "'ert' a t break· fiUit. ttta hltchhlkln~ tlmt' had •·•·hp11fod tram tmlf' by Ul houra. Allkf'd If ~ lntenckd to try t o bn'ak h111 · rt'marka blt' ~rd on . But j1111t Ill t'IUif' h ... ,. ~1111\J;: ttr Ti'll\'1' Ct\IIIA t nmorrflw momtnJ:, thu.• a l· lfiWIIljt fl\' .. day!l bt•f\lrt' ht• Will hf' rlt't'l~trt'd A \\'OL. WIH, and 'ac:ldll a \\o•11llh "' llll••r d I•" '' 11 lit,\ 11•••1 ~ll(tlt'ol mRIIIIn. W011t lnll'tt'~<lll•l: aro·llto I 1 11 • 1• '1 •I •olo I .,., I• tot "' lltt·ll '"'lor n1ap. nl tht~ hu: tt.·r~ .-r lhr ' , .. ' I· '' • ' t.~. ,,.,t•th ••tt '~thft•nna cOMit anti tl.o· • .. Jo•r "" Tl ' ' ' • I• ' • • • ' '• • 1 · !Ito • tl! ••I h•IU«'ltf'a u f t two ••hnntwl '"'·""" 11 · 1" ' A crom panytlll' t ht> · •·.t:11 tl ~ \du. h : 1'•' ~··• 1 "" • • ' " n1~ .H• • · ~ ar.-. dtollghtfully t'llll\ ••u•ol \\II h I.\' " "' \ ,._. ' I I '• \ 't,;o•l•·• htnl8, fish. and ya• hi,. Il l•· 11111111u.: "' • 11. "oi 1 11"' ·I M , dt'tOI'rtJ>li .. NI • .t ttf.• ..1)<.1. hi .. •' .. :,. I : .. \ I· ••• I ' ·~ I ' : "Chinf' ... lhtl•"r • I••"·"' un ttt Ranta Cn1z b llln•l.• ''"""'' "' l'h\)lltl(t' 111 kt'lp 111 II\, "' ,,,., 1.• 'Ill ftl t II \"'T 'Ill ,., t huh·l~ T hlllta th• h''' h trf.,,r ,•n !"-1"'''' l't ... ''''"''•••ft tl\t• .. •• llw 18lllntl tn a:-.;~~ \\llt•l tlol flo••h 1 1" "·~•Ill I• •'• ,,.,I>.""'' 11M"' \\Htt•r ••aV br obt.un···l Utt··· tf11 .tr• \., \ .. t\ • ....,,,, ,, ...... ,...., , •• .,,, l ~ttn t ••rfil u( tt 'ntlltt fl'lti'Ch\ •••1 t~l ttu· ttl\.• I 1• ... 11 , ... l•·u~ht 1 ··u""''''" tuuU c·h..;,::.'t(tL. .. T he'rc-,,,, •'h•l•'-'''" tl; I.'''~~~ Httttt .. tat • ef•J· ... ,,. "' :t~• ·1 hnttb.h•r'• "( •"'''"tr: ,,,.,,.,,. '"•' 1111.-1 o1111l l :l·hoOIII 1'1llflll ""''"'' at._.,_,_. th•• ••····•n•trut'l•·•t """' r '"'""''' n r.... ,.,." •lrti" "'~ " ....... ''"t:t· .. r t~r:r •.• ttl••uth \\hr·t•• '" "'''"'' 11111•·• tlwy .._.,. ... ly "'or"'"' lfll' IIIII• It Ill 14 )'o'llr !'t'\t'lltl ••lhe•l "''"~'"' •rr hkr\\uw t .. ut.,: '''"'''rlf'tt JUt•• ''"r "u ',., 11.....,. uwhtthuti tht-fnur !"41ur .. , F tulstthl. ••• t\ .• &lltlo,HI Ul h f lfh• r11tlr 11Ut1tl t'r ...... , •••• , .. ,,. "'~ \0111 1 .. • .... ~ .. ,. .... Ill 1111 \ft •· t;n t n•,t•• .~isht•r~t~un iN Targf't in ~Iarine• Rh·u lr~· · THY THt: HI, HI! • 1 1 MO.. '-Utili uJ : .. , .. " ............ . ... ,h ... , ,., (\ ... ,.,. I , .. \,') Htul BALBOA CANVAS SHOP I ~111111 . u .... l t ._t\tla e A"':""~• M11nnl' l'l''"·l•l•·rlltt: l•tuut•• :.•u-;-!1:14 'v ~l•t 141 :-.;~:\\'l 't~IIT lti':AI'II ~tir~d 1\lilitar y 1\l an Out lines Problem s Raced 8 )· Mesa v~•t•·•L tu· N~ihnt:. • · ... , ... , . .., "''t I ••""' ,, f 1•. ,,,, ... , .. lu"' t.••\\ pwtt..!_t~· lllnt't•a,C';ltlllllllrV"I "•llll•,tl\\'.,ltl~ 1•11•11• 1-l tl' ltr, l ll~o•· hooo• \\Ill ,\fll••llt'lll rl\lllrV"I ~''" IWI\O O'I•t ,; nd rhrttl'r .. :· .... ,..... H··..: Ill~·' , .. 11 ... I t., I ' t I •f H1,11 S:1 i \\ ,., t .,. "··II j ,,, ... , ltt•'fi ~ "" 'hr '"''·Jt···· uf .• Thto Mt'dlt'tn• ('h1•.: I•\ p 1 ,\ll .. ·ll '""'"~ II• ••olo Ill• \ t\\l \'ttph,,,.,., 1••l o• o· lrt\t'Mit.:llll"ll lwr .. ~11111111)' ..__, .l, ' Bt-11\1( hnat C'Otf\OIU'nity tO :w>()(} SottlRnd, Snihnjt t" \\ ot•ll" tro l 111• 1;, 11.-1 llllit:fl\ 11 II• \\ l.\'1111111 ""''II ••flto ,;I ll "'''t:rt' l11lcl lo)' 1111~ uffiC«'1'11 lllld 'm l'n 1tta t1<11M"d a t tht> lht• Callfom ut t· .. ,,,, '"'' .. tlwHO t•l •to lui• IIJ.tl "'" t1 _ \',. l01r 'I""'"~"'" llmt """II"'' luul '""' n<'w \\'erlt C'•11lllt Cad et Cf'l}ter '" 1•qu111ly ,·a luablt• ~1 1 J•1,t 1111111 ""~'II ·" '"' "'"""I. '"'"l:hl " '"'"' tol 111111 "'"' 11 hlat h I•'""""'"' ""' J!otng tu preiM'nt awtd<'r an4 mor.-..... .,..t~ludfoct tllm<ltol,.·l.• ,,f \'acl1! '''" 1;11"'·••1 •"•'ll 'l:ht••r , ·•fi..UU· ~'"' M•lt• 11&111 I pt'r)>lt'Xtnj( r~tn~r of problt'm.tl than Clllb BllfJc"''" T\l"'' ,., y 111 hi' I< olpJt l'hllhl•• "'lito II"""', ... , hi 't' I ' IJtl~llt•. "'I l l 24th ~lr•"'l C'ttllla .Ml'aa h11• f'Vt·t auapr<'ted. ,.,...f111 Knulll 'a11o1 :'ti lt• ,... \\',,,, ,.,,.,. '"'""~I Atr•"l'""'" ::--: .. :.'1\ I 1 .. 1.1 .. ((.,,,.,. I h ... ,.,...,1•·•1 """""" MIIJOr W F.. Q.w>df', U . S. A rmy .• tlwr Mnd Sturm :'1.:n.•'• ,.,, , ... ,., \l.o,. '" • • I• r ~~~\ "'' '"111 I"' I'" • '"''"I ... rtotRy 111.:1'11 llo'lllll' ltr Rf't., t1•ld dlrt'l'tOrll of the; Co1l1t IL8 1 knuw thf' Lo t: llo••l. ,,.1111.,, • 11•11••1 :-;,,l •t~·l·•' Tho· l•r•l "·'" ft,.hlll.: M•aa Ctwmi:M!r or Cummerce Tut'a-I'd Ill ttwo 11\lmttalolo;. ,.,,,II IIIII II IIIII I· I .... •····' .... ~ l"''"nl ht•r •···I• .I~····· 1 ...... rt'lh •• \\'httf' """ ""· dav nir;l\t. n7.r:li\lntquPiil , r,)7,:.ri1'i':;' C'\o•n'( •rt,tf I~ n•~ Tl"!Tm"' TTir-T1MJt•l'lT -fiTr tlt'rl\ nlrntnr 4oll lt'llo~fhrr t'r,.rr I in t'Xplanat10n. Major Goodf' lut.'4· !W'f' huw 11 · akiPJ" 1 , 011 ""' 1.:,.1•· 1 '" ., .. , • 1,,,,.,.,., Th·· ,..., ""'' • ·""" loo ttl .. r>••h•·r al•lt•tn 111111 .,.,, t.-nt'd tu auur. lttf' dlrY<-tnrl that Wlthuut 111\f' Mtl\1 .. · \\llh l 'hn~l II .. ,.,, , .............. 1•11111 ''"'"' IIIII\' I'" hM•I rn.-.1 • "'"''IIUI\ '" "'•" t I Coata .Mt'sa'a pmblt'm>l would nut m"" ruml.n~ nn. h· ,, .. 11 1 h "'' I•• ·, ,,...,., •. J. ... \u.:•l• ~ r••lto •· '"'''"'' ·'""'ho•t '""'' "h" h '"II• "l'l'r""' h llrlllt' aa reaul\ o f the-mt'n'a mnral11 Many of )'uU kr: .. \\ 1·1.1uJ1 l 'ul 11 • ••I 1 .. 1 ·•~· 11 S•ttl t'••lr .. h .. rl~·• 1 "'" 111 I hi· tlolrkru•.,. \\'htl,. '""• olr <·onduc·t. but JYUUAI)' rrom tht' num ...... r 01\1' thllt~ "' '"' \\ ...... .. ~ lw •• ' '"1''••·-.J Th·· r.r .. l """""I """""'' Mil)' tlltiiM'r aho••l hurdt' of lt't'Chf'S lind I~ chanl<'· IIIUOttraled ntaptl .. :. ~· \\ 1••11 ..... :· 1\.tlo• \.1• hi to I·· 1 •••• ,. •. , .... , rro•ll• •Ill: tl'rto. ·b<•th mAlr and ft'malt'. Whll'h hur ~ turh HRrr)' \\ •I• •h-lnln•l•·• lito 111\\ s .. tllh f'""'' "'""'" WI I rtc>ek to f'\'t•rv rww •rmy r amp tfl w oth ~uc·h ituc·r•·1 .. 11,.1 , ..... hn\•' '"''"'' t , • ., \'.•.:·•••ullt.l" T it•;. .. · .:• t'U"r;a ~''"t•aus J:I.J:CT?t M prf'y on the . llOidtf'rll. H• fur1hrr 11ft.,n bf'#n •·nt .. r th•••• •I ''' '"' 1uur '''''' " "• ·•1• """ ll•••r...J 1•1 lt••>~•hniC Ito. II~ .a l'oowrr Kft•I•Hiroo •JUthnt'd l'tlmt' uf th£' mt'UUrf''l a bo In tiM-i•tratt>'to '"' "' 1)\•• :-,:, . .., 'Jt,, It \\til ,;to·.tl l\ l••••hiHI•• Ml•·'•luttlll( th,. ''""''"·II Y"•r "''Ill ,,.. \O'hll'h hll\'t' l>t'<•n aduptl'd In Ta· purl n .rubr YA•l•l • loh II. """ lo II. "'"1: .. 1 ........ "'""'""'''''I"''" • \IIIII I' c· ('ntll( .,, l 'ururu• "" I t•uma. S.n Anh./1\tu and f'IIM'wtK-rt•, C•w·k Rnd C'hlf'f Ht.:l• t•wllu.cko•r "' II l·•·•l'''"' '' l•••k• ,.,,.,.,,,. ll~t·,...~.WII t "'"" "'aa.nano~ tu tho-f'ttfll to t•ontrol lh 111 attW&tllln. the• \\'unfu l Blnls lh.t l "'I"" "'"' ''"' •I • lh.tl ~. " Ill • 11'11 '" lot" ''''" "' ·~•lltlll••lo•r.. al th .. ttr•an . 84'11\f: a n ""'"'·urp-oratt'd com· 11t11~,.:··r" dub \\h"'' htl11rj""" I ,,,.'~"''' !•u••''"lo! , "JIIII•II'• 11111111111 dltlltr r "'"""" m unlly prf'..llf'Ot ll Addf'O dlfflcultt"l . t·n 11,...8 arto t radtltooll. uoul •ll••u~o:" ou11l ••It·· ''"" n l ufflt ''"'· """' Mill Major Goctdt' a~. hlnce l•w t-n· •·r 11r tiM-Ir ra"'""" """II""''"' 1\ss_.'Sst•d $10(} ... int• , ""'"'' ,,.. 111111~ ... Y••·ht d uh Al~~t fllN'f'ml'nt Ia n«e..anly looM and burJ:,.,. wl1 h 1la """'11''1"''..,1"''' •1:~ , ... ,..,1 "''" 11ff1•·r ..._ .• ,. RtoiiO'rt 1 r··•t rlr tivt' rnt'lli Urf'l Will bt' d tfrl· H£' llrJ;:ItntZt'd lh•· lwol .. ~y onaktfll: fur \'iolat ion of 1\ooytl .............. nt ('IIII IIIICIIftiO'r, .,. f'Ult. The bol&nl vot~ to rnntact I 1·rut~<t• whe-n • bllntl .,f p11at•·~ Ill"" u ... rr \• 1 ... ,. fl'rllnll"· ,....·retuy t he dl1tnct attum «'y·" <'>ffwe In an n...J th•• aldUmt',.. h•~•rt••r 1.11y ""'' X4'\\' Shark I~\\' . tr•••UtiJrt''l' tr I . d 1\nd 11ta tt' law I! .will bt' flck'f\UIIt t' 't" wtll r«'nlt'm.ber t h,. r,.tun 1 t r1r' ·~n11111 1"'"~'"' 1",., w .... k . 11""~ n••n•l"r lt••w•rd h H.k .. r t~ ·,;.,w l . t rrnrl to lt-arn 1t t'XIah ng •·ounly t.oo.k Avalon Yuu '"11" JJ4'rtlcrpu.l&!d .. I 1't~dtor tt... lf'lulotr~~hrp "' (.•nn t d If t '" "" 1111·11111•·-"ltt,.:h ••• l"•·wp .. rl d h _ ... handle ttwo ••tua •on. a n no wht>n tht' Lily brnk•• "'"'"'' frt•lll h••r •·r aqou• r"n ...,. .,...n exc ....... lfll thf' potNI1btllty o f adopt1nJ a c:oun· tu~e and aaOt'Cf ,.:~tllnttlt\r.'"lmmf'~bur lt.'IUl lb. nUt..du:.L.llr~ ],........,._and ._. pertH lpatsd in ty ordlnanct' w hich v.lll aatlafac· Vt'hf'n ma ny 1uety rtro.t .... : • hlt1t> 11111."'" '-:"' " 1"'11~'1 rmon .. u'l'•ra thrnul(htottt ,,_. Jfllr' tortly <'OVf'r tht' llltUIItiQn. uut nf ch~tr~trl••r. bt•rllm" "''""" k . I .. ,. :Shll t k ~ ••h•·rmllll Tully • • 0 . C. Andf'r110n wa 11 appoinlt'd and were .. ro.J•·rt'd t•• h••u\'t' l•y 1 "·'' 11 """' '' r 11 "~til '"1 fr""' 1>4Tflt.r.~ ftltAT ar.c .. ,,.I:&I:U Chambf'r of Cnmmertf' coordinator n•11nbt>r al"lll' thr nttl 111 I tnt• 111lh ., h '1'1''' .,,., ·'"'''" "' ~• '""~ 1111 \11 lf'l"'r"nlh.' ,.l..,ruloonNI tw•l tn funr h on wtlh Mujur Cuodt' whn tan· 1<1\'h.' ""''" a 1.,,. .. ,,., h.q•l ",1"" 1~""~1• "1 '''1111 "'·'11'1 1"'' "hi• 11 '""" Ju,.l ~~lllttll"' '''l••rl ly ,, f 1 .• t..,,1 t • · • 1h .• t ••• ,,.,,.,..,,.J•••I st .. ••tt•••l J•••··· '" 1n ,•hRrttr " mt 1ta1 '!I r -... ~..._. • 1 \\--alkt-c1 ....... a:.. thl• •ft" .,ff•·r 1111: 1 l•••-m.. .,, ru,J .• • J, t • •I ..... t•uu.:,•.: ,,,.. lr r._ ,,, ........ ,.r snd t'lltf'rtauunenllhrt..~bolll Suu., .. ,.plrltlllll ,., .. r~ttnrr" I " · · IJtr 'M ~1.....,1 tio• 1o r·r'"'"' "I"'" th .... rn <>rn.nRt• t·uunly. C'"l:uufr Pt.••, tnl ••'' •••·•1 fh• :!" 1 ''"'._..,. "'" • "'"t ,,.,, ... , .... ,...,,.,. t., ftu· tfn r t .. •r •h· he" I I t• h \\ l1•• h •~t Ht t• ,.f.,J t -\ "" VRrtflU~ othPr hutunP!ILtt riU!'P • (u11t !4l~·up J, ·• ,1ntl •I••.Mtntt-.: t•l ''" \\' •l•l••• ll••\\ur•f t•·•'''''' ttl ,., tk• tlw• -.w,rr ,., .. ,..1, •ri' tht' mct•\tnJ:. Ulf'lllrllnJ;: ( hn st · lf'r hf'r Ill It . o·JI h:t•ll,.r lr r rtltr ••• , .... , t ; ••• • ...: .. , " ''"'U ,,,,. \\' II Mu •\\••11 mi\A d .. <·~·rahnnl. hnhday C""l_twtlnj(,,RitV uv ... r·r•l.'-''' Y."lth " r ... fnut ~·~·'*I• \ ,, ..... l it t .... el llllt rt , •••• Jill:.''',,. ftlt\ 11\ttUII' .......... I rt''l'tlllnn llf by·I,.W!' And pnntma tof "";,., Cr•·" ,, • '"r hllll wa" ""'" '" '" II• • • ''' •I '" •lo·t "" ,.. " '"' ,,., T ~~ llo •ll• h• v ""l~·rl••l I tf, It\' \\ tu• l1 111·•"• .h JJ ttl•·~nt , .J. R A.IIUil» ). 'IUHNIIUN .c9v raorr.u .a l"l'l't!HINU l .. t w ...... 711 "11ol :•11 "" lit•' )looy N""l••tl l •ttt •lh• fl~·· "' .. Jf 6 ·-............ ,......,,........ , ................... ~.._. . ....... ... .,. . '. ....... ~ .................. .mPmiiC.III ................ , s-,."...,.. ........ I VALENCIA I.AIIJIY ,....;·,.. i. --~4_i}-.:_ '. SHI~'S and . . HOME WAsH C:l.&4"'1~ . ..... --...... .. . .. ,. ~~-._. ..... C'Ctl<CTA NJ:"A .__ REED'S I - ' - EDinON COSTA MESA -----· Jtsfrom ... Sea bill Hichliallti' Of L*alnVuied hi p Mnaben a ,Smubf,.._"- aith JIIIU!)' ol ... \ d rcuttw t'Jl~ I·- ~ ...... -.... ~ ....... -= -·~ .. .... ' ....... ,-.... 's •• .... .... ---.... ·~··- •• 7 ...... • ''J:a ftllln .. ~dM*-_...~ ._ ....... 't ..... 1:30--.. ................. ..................... • •• •-..: A.--r .. ...._ IIUit .. .,. .... Cf'lllld ...... .. . ......... . ...... • puhllrtl~· fuldrr. lnJ:' tf n••l , ···nJt I..Jtl••r h•• "kiJ• 1 .. ,,,,,, ,, 111, IIi • ,~ 11,,111 o;hhtk• Tlio l•••l '" ,,..,,,.,,., '" ''"" 1111' k· 1 • Mtlo111nn ~:t tti lf.ol 111 '""~,. k1 r------------.Tr~tth~~~rt~~~l"'~~~~~.~.~ff~lll<~f'~f~,,~r~liO~n~l~~~~~~n~ta~.~n~na~t.~~~~~~vr~tr~~~~~-t~~~----~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r,-_u~~~~~~~~~~wu~~~~-.~,~~~~~~~~'~''~'~'~''~'"~~-~~==~~~~--------~~L~-II~t~~'-~----~-lF-----------~~==~.~~ ;-.-.~ .. ~~~~------~~ w ith t h,. F'l}'tnll' fo~urllell.'l dl\'llllnn l ',...... ''"'"'' ~ .... ''"'"'"''• of the U S. Arm\' T )w young J>f'Onlf' wUI l""rl'onll Wf•r,. A rre~~ll'd hl'rr ", ' ''', ' "", •I ,,t I II•· , ""~' n ·' ' ,, lor , IIIIo :-;,., t:t Ill 1,.,.,.,. ,.,. ,.,,lu•h•·l' r;hl ,....,....,....,, W..-1 'I \KI't. tJt lll h '"' lhr f h'"'"'' at ·Mr. Rnd Mra. fic1 B.·nno'll And lhr1 nmf' <>n Rlllbon bland. lt(tf'r 1111 Mu:umuhtlf' had mitn whn '"''I h111 h<•~tl ,, .. , •·I o .. tl•u tl •·~•·•II"'" •. ·•··d (llol(•''l'""l" ""'' 111,. "'Ill.,... hrtd •• 8 L -..._ c\rn.Mh l{ltU ·;. ( .. nt"t• ~tunR'iO~ tt• ha~ t'tiJ!Uh' "''" I Uf'h •• :O:atH • ttu tll'\4. 'tu\\ l1,13 U••f ·~··•·n • ft~uf l••fl ttu• fUnth•r (ut ttWt ~~ n it Wh ... f• ...... -~~;r~ed;h!l~'"\.~~·l:~·Y~:. \\'~ttlwr Mra. WilliAm t.:mla.nd. 3~2· ()l.~n • -•• \o lo " •I~"' l"tflh.-rt'\' hoot~:.: I •·~IJ:•· 't" t 11) a "' ..... ... Jewel Tuhbs whu 111 knv'" h' ::1 ' • • • fo'rolllt. J"'hrt' ,.po,rtl"d:-RO AT fll;' Tilt "'J:J:K: ., ... ._, ol 11,, '"''"'""'" ,,.,, ,,, 11111, f '""' ( A~~J:KIJ:M ~'~"" br prt•tnitl~ to &O to numbt'r or C'nlll•l Mr!ln JWr!<llllll. Shi' i\gaan an Lirn .. hght .lim Alton. 87· !'antft Allll rllnt·~· i RfH' ·~ R \ t: I •I" I .... I )1,. '"" ""'"""' 1111 l.ttf 1\1 t sr."K ,_ "' 10 o'rlnril ... ":: r 1 • f'r, wn." r hnr,.:r11 wtlh llf'IIIJt t to , Th,. r•oii.,WIII. I think,"'"'"'' ,,1,,1,1,,,, ,,1 ,. t YACHTUPIIOLSJ£81111' tunp ~1ft)' Ia rt>pnrt•·d A!' rri'IWI'I,IIlJ: l':lll!l fl('· l)nr··· 111<£1111 ·th£' (0\'t•/1' nf Cuela drtVf'r lllld ....... Rrrr.KI"d till" dnlnk ""'''\' Soll\1' , .•• r .... .: .. t w .. ~·IIIIIP: I I .. ,, ' '''1"1' r•otlo 1'"11"""•1: ........ ) '11"' """'"" "1 .... "' I p "'·· ....... See tllrllv from n lllrnn"l' t•'flu•tuon · 1 1,, .,,, .. 111 11 .. t, lt.o 1· '"'. q,,. t11hll•·r "' M .. 11.t11v . , 111111,1.,1 __. ....._,1 . • ,.. y ~ft•!l:l arr fflt'll!I!IPI1 (II\ ill! l'llrrrnt drl\'llljt t•hnrg•· n .. Willi f tnt'd Hill ""'" ''111Jll"Y1'11 ·" l hl' ...... ,. A••.:··•··· CANVAS .. ----..... ... .. v.rh1ch 8C'IZ.ed hrr nhout RIX \\'f"C"k" . ~1 .• ,, ''" ,,,, h•''"'' ,,, '''''"I'' ··f ,,.,,,;r,.,,,. l"n•tl'''''' !'4•·•f••fl•tv 1_---..~ ' · 1'"""•11. lh•· :\1 :'-J. T h••mpMn w tld· h\' City Jud~t" H11rry H ydt>-. RRt-1 p ,,,., O fft"' h•ottr•l \'l'ry i'l•·11rl\' 1111 11 , ~.ol. ·I •ll ~tk 1,,,,., ,, '" , \\ 11 •: • .tit•·""" ''"'"" "'"'"' 1,.,1 ._"L ,:.:~.~~at a~tn Wh••n 11 ~'f•lltlW J:,f'kl'l Hllllll' o·:ot "" \\'•·sl \J,'iLqon ottrt-f't, u~dll\', lftll r11111p11ntnn, Mr11, l.1nna t'ltll 11! l ht· ,.,.,. Thry ntlnllrto;l \\'11l etrl"t'Hf t. ( I 'lllfl~,_ ,. ...-"'' ... ~ .....,. her ,..n thf• bnc·k AlnH,st 1n~tnn1 · . ,,,.," , . , ..... r , • •+H'' H·· ,, , .. ,,,,,d , '""11'·•: '"'' , .... ," ,. ,,, • •• .. .L •11-..._ _,__ '' · ' · Tiro· \\'t•ll. whlt'h hall 11111"\'l\'cd a u1w1~. 111111• •.•f ~until Ana. Wl\8 >tf · It r Pt•I.:•~•H ~ ""rl•l·t·trdlloj,(, :a tr 1 "'"-•• _. ~ Pllra.vl~l!l and hllndn .. ll~ rl'sultt.•tl d I • ,.,. • 1 1·• .• r .. •'1. ~··•••·•l ~~ 1 ,,.,. I•• IJu ,,,.,,.,..,.1 '" , .. 1· .. "'" • • AtKt-ttA'f ,.,.,.,,.U,:'Ii,_ 1o. .. _ ..... _ .. _ tw"'"""r ll••rtr!l nf m!'l'hllnlt'lll mla· r1-lltf'(l ,.n a dnmk r hMIICe_ a.n \H•II I yrtwl l.loiRIIII+-r. •·hllltn.-tJ t. .. r trl""~ I • m ""'' ,,... ,,... • ......-..--an\1 for !Iom eii nii' llht• WAll I'PIIflllt'tl r .. rl ,; 111'1'. la&or I rnuhiPI', JIIU!p«'('ted t I tf I (! L< I• ... •I .. ,, ,, • ' .... , I I •, •• ~· "'"• I"' ····•I'• lltdlo• '\' •1 .. 1111 r ''"" • h It ' " , rr "'-·ro R wheel r hrllr Jo:xnJII •fnr 1'<'\'<'fl' ftnt.-d 110 Wit h thf' lilt' IIU!Of'<'l\1 ,. 1111 lfl " Jtho-d II\ IIi A ~~~··•··,. .... , ,, (. I ~~~····t •I••· ,., I ..... ,.I • .... • I I ........ ,n '''·Ill! ..... 1-'lolll.\ • "'''KI!'Of· ( I ........... 1'0 ~· r•• • ~<:tllolllf.!•'. rl'ur~r:int7.JIIIttn, noflnanc· fnr a prrull1 .. t ••nt' yf'ttr 1alt<•1ll In l11ultl th••tr hooul 111 wl11• 1• • ... • muscular cramps thr \\'htltl,.r w" 1 h 11 1 lh U ,, '·' · :, , , ", , 1 ,, , , ... II •" "' 11• lfu••••"~'"l "lTfT,\IT'OTI:K"" -...riTa T "'~" man .Ill fnto• fi'I(AIIltn.: hl'r r"rmrr lllj!' , ntf rrhnnn,~:. "' nnw r~>_por1t'd I !.!j' ~"u , IIIII f· "''lJ l•·rll II• •' I -r.• ,; r, ... -• > '" ~~~· Ill ••II l':trliflil th; 4300·fo(ol (T!CTHDIAS &f:!"ICi S!" _ "I"'' tfJI'IIII\' \II T :thll I Tho•\ olo•t Ill• 1 1 f f 1 \,.I f,l U(fl 't.t 11• .. \fL., ... ood hf'Rilh, M, r:<~ Uo•nnl'll·rt'l~•ft." . r II· l·t··t•·••d ···olro•h·· "" ,, •• ., ,,.,.,,, nrul a•·•nrdtnJ: tn" lnrnl wtld· F: J R lllhnll t"IL~t,11t11111 at ="••\\'· '" l·u•l•l IH·r •·KI IIt ,.,,.,,"IC I•• wollo TJ'i(o Mf'rt·On•··Anolh•·r 1'111b m•·' 11 · t 1 k ... .. ' 1 1 lh 1 k t 1 f \! ,. , ,, , ,,. .. ,,,. 1 ,. "·'' • •• "' 11 1'"" ""I""' T .dll•· rn S•tt ~. Ann ut lhf' h••f11•' , .. , ••r .. pru"~c ~ ,.,,. ~cw .. , ""'•rt ,.ntun JltJZh •• h•w•1_3lJu·• .. ''~ ~ :•n• ,. ~ ,,.. ... • "'u ,,., • t • • '•'• .,,, I ' •· •I It , • ., • rt J•l• V'li' ,,, r·' of4;..ra."'\\'tlln'r~ \·.eh· ... Ill'\\ 1\11'111· \\'htlt• llfflltlllll or thl' l'ltmpnny ~~IRhhlihm••nl 11 YPilrro a~ ... thl,. hllrllthn•· A• II r ........ ~h·· "·'" :~.:. ' ' • '· • •. • •. I I• ........ '·'""' ..... llou.lll•l''"'' • 11111<1 n11t lw rflnlnt·lrd t•Jdny. It Ill "''t'k nHlt(tl'd lh .. ,...h,11JI)t•llrd thnt •••nlllrutl•·ol Ilk• It f>'l••llltlll I•• I:• 1 .• , ... 11 1,,11 uml••r,lt,wJ that Rn l'llrly attrmp\ h~' Will "" lnnl:f'r hr 11111,. h• 11111• • lop·:•k•·r Jl>·t '"""' '""'"'""I '.!..: " • ' • • • •_ • I '' ·" ~ •··· ' bnn" 1n tl'lP Wl'll H , h. 1•. I•" ••. , 1• k 1 II • I•· 1' '• · I ' • I I\• • '•' -• Pe~cy H .. Beyer I'! t '!~rtl "'' ...... ,_ .. ·~21 .,""; . " . llnUP Ill thRI fl''"'""" Ill ,. .. l!lj(ll:l· Ill I •. •• ' ,,, ~· n J• .•••• ') ----· -ttl'• eu· • II \II t:'lf' th" _ • ........ -h '«'"""""~O ,·iCiij ...,...,..,.. r .• It "''' • • • "''Jtr~t I• ' . • : • • _..•,.,..,....~~!· ~~~~--1J~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~~~;=~~;.~~~~;T;A~~;~~~~~~~~~-~~~~-~~~~·-~~~~-~-~~ ST I 95 . . . t • • ,._ , •• I• ,-t,. t t.uH•'r•r • '' •tr• PI:RMA~"t:. !", . n at thP 1<• h•••l. w.il tak•• "''' ,.,,.,I ,,,,.,,.,. ",,,,,,ro ••tl h•·r rtl•• i • '. , . .'I" I ', ;.,..,...,_ -·• •-1-+ol "' u .. u~ ... \' I .Check & DOUBLE CHECK .... ... AU \\'ork t+ndf'r R~olhnll' d ulll'll until Iii\ RPJ)<•IIII· Th·· 1"111111 "'"" ol ........ f':n•·•l Tllllll< I' f' •I • .--;-rr ••• ~·' •·'" r .... r.lll . ... lot P al ~ • .,._Lion of ..INn .... ()II ~·so h I I . ,. I' ..... I~~-····,, .. , f ·' • ·'' ,, "''" h ftll'''"'~···l e reon • u,.. • .. .,. ... • .... .,. 1111,111 m. "Y .h<', m~td•• t1~ th .. t111ard 111~ of I " lr•·r •· " "''' hw••Y" .~ ' .. 1 I 1 •I ·• 111 Bro.d\4·a~·. ('M la M,..... Milton lrhnmp110n tfr Ct!mpllny •·111 m ,th•• • .-d · 1: u f Ut•· • nit,., ~ .. 1 • ' • '• ·' 11' 1 ol '•I (8oft \\'atl'r) l'llon• 1 ~ 1>1 r,.p.,rh-d 8$ ha\'tng crtrPd 11lruk• I;U!'4J:~P~Rl4t: "SU ('AJ4H 1rhat ,,.,,. 1111•1 ·•'' v••t~llll!l r•m ""~111 ' ' •• • · ''• '' 1"1 W e rt'palr Electnc Cluck:~ \\'att·hc!l and :J"o•W('lry , All work ~lllll'rtflll:t>d •uUca. Jewel er 1816 :s-·pnrl Rh·d. < (10MT.~ !\IE!"A " I II 1 1 • • "' ,.,, t ,., 1;.,,,,,, AI ('lift' .. -\l.t . ~I .I\1 J:U ..r !tJ:h( 1,111 llllnd t)l·ltiW 4200 /t'N Ul~l'l r a purll•· ··nnllltllii\IC ""'Ill .... :1( ntltl••tJ \'' I•· II• t'llloll~ ..... 1 .. , ,. '•ol· I• fl .......... ,~ ,, .. t •••• 111 tiS BRnmng Nn. I ro•drHIPd wild· (•n•h," tl'oll' '"' 12~«•. 111111lh••r "''''' s l11l J•r•.·l•·•l•·tl I. lit•· ol••• k pll11ok 1., · ,., 1' ,....... r.n "••:"' ,. ,,,, •• ,,,,,.: l•"' "' ••II••··• 1'1'11 ..... liiHh -d "" Ult' C'.<•lltR ... l!fll fnr 11110 •otf a c·h.-ck (or sr, Will'! r•·. '"" .. ~,···r,v1h.l . ..: P'•'i"ll•lt· """ t I I "' "' lt\111 \II \\f lll ,'f\' ''''''uill ;•t•f,.t,.•'4•••lt•\'ff1• f'lal10. ,...,Nt .. r H unt•n~t ltm n.-11r h. plirll'dlnJt<•l.,·••.F ndR)'hy Mn n •1 •1""''"''''"1'''''' r:a•hJ>~•rl ~r .. l ftl '· 1 .. :-.. ,, '••·'''·"•' •;,." ,f,1:,,11,.,,1 ,.1 )'; .. , 1,,,1 •. l'rt•tlfOnl nprrRIIIII\.'1' llr~ bt'low 4251'1 \(•, \\'rtght ttf 121 24th tolr!•f't, ::0.:PW · IIIli.: \\'H~ t "' "•'I· •·••I 1410 II "'ll~•l ·ol I • · t • ,-, f•·t>l H ttnttngtun Bench Ntw11. por t. j:;hr tttld ,.,.,.,.r.., "h" ml~:ht I"''•J•·• I !•• J,.. •' .,J,.·d ,.,. l•ottl( "'" •·•· '·I' • 1 • ·•II• '1 ' ''•''1"·~ •·· ·' ''''" ·"···•· , •.• , .... 1 t -' ' l-hR\'f. If·~· th,. (ll1rAf' tlf'lWf"f'n th~ t f•f f\\f'f"fc..:,.. t' d dt• 1'tf'fJ .,,, f• I lf 1 • I + ~ I 'f + d I•• I f!t I• t fu+ I •tf It I ., \ 'I•. f t +It If lr•d J·'IRF.MJ:S ('f:l.t:HR,\TF; Hnnk ttf Amrrtrll l'lnd the .~ .. y~ tu:.nv trial~o~ ,,,,, r; Jt•t'11•+1111 Tlu· t v.•· ' 1:• '• +t •• • ;f• tth I' fhl•f ···tt·•l• ... 1·"' r~l·· td "·' ~; •. , . . I t \I I I .• • tf .. , ., ,,. , t II ,,, ,, ~ t. I ,,, •• , , I : f I •I" ll,fl, I ' A larJ4•• ntnubt·r ,,f ~ta.'4lB MP~R 'A'Ard ·J .. ,umbe'r C••. ., Y''11 '~ '''Pn • •·1 •,. • •:rn• ' rurt NP••' · ·' · • '· t ,,,. ' .,r r .• • .,. h· , , 1• , , •. , 1,, • ~·· '" 1, .1 fr n·t-n~tl, fht.•Jr faflllh(l'."' nnd gu .. ,.t,. •t•·..:i.:;jr·•J ""' ~ ' fh• rr-tuu•J""'" ,,, ·1 • 1 ··I ''' •' tJ· ,, , tl ··· t,, •1 ,,. '• 11 .,, •, tt'• 1,, k .. , •. ,,. m Att,ndano·t' HI lh(· ftfth an· ('()!'('fA ~J:!"A • ~··lll~•·k•·'-·•l·•l ' "I 11 •·~tl!l , J••rt CR rdil at tht' Pre1111. Qu•r1"r ttcr.. •ntf f l\ ~'·r'ot•m JiiRII· \' d n\ • t"rf'd houa,. $ I.M>~• ( ~t11h. :-.:o \\'lwo, TRAIIf: RH R G rhAmhf'rll, 210il ::O.:~>wpnr' Rtvd. !:xrttun"' ft~t m full '*"~~~--~--~--·~--~~~·~--------------~_. ___________ _ K•'M.r "lntahut v f ., ........ ,. ., ., .. ~ \1 • :·' ,,. ,,, •·I ' \ T ID£ l=A-8·L E ---.--- 1 C•"' :""Y Stwoll Mar1n • I .,,, 1--l{,;t,,, 1•1 .. -;;..t • llawltor hmce LAUIIDaY ANU U~ANIUM l'h"'r.T'1~ I II f'ah. A;_•, ..._ , .• , r..tr. th .. rl,t \ fll ., '). • .,. d~o• ,.,, "'' ''"· 1 '". H•l• 'ffll,, u•l\1 .. '" ,., ... "\,. !I ••• •f .. ,1" t , ... ,.1 II .. I I .... ,, t .,. · .. 1 ' 1 r. 1 , •• , 1 , ~ • • ' :s'S ----IJfl,\ U~t,\f '\' _ tl\l.tltt\ I .. L\~IJ f•f.,,ft.. I fi ii .,._ I Next Saturday, ·Nov. 29th, we are celebrating OUR FOURT H ANN IVERSARY M~y special• ;,ill be advertiaed in next Thuraday' 1 paper. Watch for our ad. r hArJ!f' nf thr M),. ur thPllt· prnp· "rt'"" by •PP'•Intm .. nt. P h''"" :-;,.,. · port. 400 :l"" 0"\0\'r:\IRt:R Hla" ...... F n 21 '\If 4 \f '"'" I !'' II ! H I f''" L " f ' S D a Y I. . -----------------S:.t 2:: 'Ill 4 If QUALITY IIABBBY Ne,.i part 8hd. (X)tfi'A IU:8A THOME tT.MAI.E BA&ITOSf'.M Sun :z ·: '18 4 If A ~f'n .. rat ron IIJt'• ftond · J'IIIT~nt11 1 M•on :It -1 ·i!l !I'' mad• 11 hllhlt of h"""'l: t h«'lr r;rrltl' T•,..~ 2;, •. ·n ~. 2 trm~llll a nd 11df'n<old11 rrmt>YM Nuw w .. rt 2'1 · 1 !1 ~. 1 thf')' juat l~~'l thl'm r:rrow up, a~· ~0\'t:MRf':,K •~•• nolda and all, to bl'r"'I"M! bllrtt.one Th·1~ :t • . " 14 II III •tncer'll In dane• tl&nda. I L.tpUa.oe 'f i(Urf"' Indica .. II 2 t It : .. .'I • 'J ....... I !1_ ~ ~.~ •,~ I ~,~.-. Ul :t •• • "•I •• !ft ' "" " • !1 If !t ,., '!~ 11:'!1 "'·~ 1...... • ..... i Ill •, ·, J·tt I .e -1!%~ •·•• La.....,_,....._ ..... p.a. ·------.-------. -· -.A I L tl A&: .............. ,..,. ......... • I nu.p • T...a. • ICGpP W. P. hiler ......... R '\' I•IKTKif T > ... ...,._ ~INlAND · . . · . ·~ ·~ • ............ . ' ·. ,. . • ••• '• Nl Old-Tim Enjoyed Hearing ~ful -=·~ ht<atin.: )'(ltJ+ dlay ..,.,.nin~,; •Wd ciUbhou ol Ptll i.qdf't Orivc', Santllo Of t hf-,,. the-mojnrlt) "10, from .-~r -....... thP priuo fO( wttt.·. ~d ...,.,. plr p. """"'"· Gnte ........... -~ atm. 'bfotn&" ( ... Holland . 'pAec.tram w. -'""" ............ OCIUftti'y .Wy --.... 0."'-w P'""fu.Nt ..... ,...,. ... Oipiid) 4-----O.•alttwt ---,.... a..JnnM: c _...,. ......,..... ""' ... "'--OUt ... -a.. --·Jtullllllliill.n ----larSa.di.Jadl --.. a..dl; Mr. u --· ...,.,.,au , --,_ ... " .......... - -· • c li ' . • , __ --· • p~· • ' " i ·our.!\irn· Dw<'llin~ ·:-jtart'l'd. This '\\'""k in Harbor .o\n-a Oru n~•· C"o, Builders 0 n .. l·:nft,rtainrd !:y Sft•t•l ('r)mpan)· 1,WELL P.f.ANNED 5· ~ .. WT••rt H11rbnr tll,.,l ru-1 \llh ... .,..k ,..,.., .. · .. rk 1,..):'111 •·!• f.,,., ,,,.,, hr>nlf!!>, ''""""'"It 1).,. '"''""' • t .. u.t f'l"rrnll• tn .s:uo,P"l':t J.l •~~t ,.ht',.,ra\ .. nf tho-rlwo•Uot.J.:• r \lrtl'ntl)' m rd<ot • "ll~lno•·l r"ll Ill '"' '.".\""') tf'•rdo·n··· "''"'!I '" \Jo<-.hA: Inuit •t 6Z1 f'hl( dt"'' lo\' Fr• .. l o +;ro"f;"••r;o "' 1~·~ At.I,:,.J..\.. f',.,, dtm li t-·m•tl•}' ho-111~ l h• 1 <•ntr;o<. tnt 1n 1·h:rN:I' 'Jil,. 11\I U+'I•It•· 10'1\1 t. of fnmr .•ud JOtu•"'" .. ·uh Kilt· ••• Alttf'd M 1\l'tl""1 nf l.u1u ,,., .. 11 a S,'l.lOO ,...~,.k-JI<·r •nd J•hnll At b .• n .~t:.rt,.•l om • "'"" :· r:.r In '•nd Mr~> ,; 1 ,,..,,.,! t,.,. Ant:,.r-Tt..-Lr•--:mau • r • •: h<lf'U' •••IJ I"' Jo~ 10 \l"d <•n 1 .. 11 ~l'l.....,n 1· rtlol "' <"l ... r jt .... r Uw •mrlor. l"l"''k ll~notrwk~ ••I halho o;r h I nd t~ IHI,I<'tirll' h ~t h~· 2~-1·••' t ,:om,. ,,,..,.1111\IC at 21J2 Al•al•otl· ,. \'• ' ·'' ,I 1 lllt•'r l'"mul" ~-·"'d d'I"."J: th•· •··•~: ""''k tur ,.m .. unt" :n r,,.,.,.. ;,, 1\IVIO \rto'\\l4o-a f~I'YI .t .. ro· l.•n lol '" "-li.th '\4 111 '"'· ''''""t<'d lo\' J"h(l \',,:,., "' f~<.tho<Jt "'""'''"('' ''''"l'•fi)' ,,...In f)oo.nr~·· l;.>rd••n h!t.• I, "II 1·'""~.-t "" roh\r odf•l' Jtnt> l••td f ' """" .,f .. '4 ,\l"·•·!id" · ~~r· ''' t. •·hi lol( .. '6r•·ar K•r.tlt" n<'l ,. k .. ,-. :Ut,.l'>t l l"t\f '" '""' , • .,. ~--.mt,r<:'ft':'ll'l --- l..oc :~l it.,.lt\' P.oartl In All-Ont Y,ffort · to P m•..-Offlc<-r!i th"' pnrntHI out. fturll "" •N'11 ..,..,_.kl lll('ludP Z...CuiUI IWIII'h nn tho· ·,u1. Analwlm on lhor _nnrttl and S•m•t Rf'lldt on tlv ,.,,.., ,.... ,.... .. ,,t, .. n· r .. mmtllf'• "' 'ttl• Nrw!oort H11rbo>t Chan,~r of c .. m . lt\f'f(''" luu lndwalf'd II• lnl<l'nlton nf I'O"'f"'""II"C wlt<ol<"twut...:Jiy vnth Uai ftto8.lt y bnenl. Wrnobns of thia croup Ind..-Dr .• (*""1 ~. Dr. 0 . M Grundy. fJOn•kl flrol"h Ktr. by, E. J Lnu••. Jam..,. Rubool a nd ll"nr"Y K•iwkll. \\"11)1 16 """'"" .. '""I'd <>ffll'l't" ~tnd 2::.0 nnn-,....mf,.,,.,.,~•nM!.. h11lf \•f .rh .. ni ........ ltr iai.i u·p r;...,oc.--.1 -n.;; lterta-rfnT•nr-t"nt..-r. tlt'1ntr--r~~:r-1tr­ f1P-" ,..,II br rr'llllt'<'<l f<>r llJif''""'· n aiPI)' t-:'!1 t"m1h1'11 Tho 'I 1'1,"''"11 ~~•·•·I ':>llllllll\~· II'H ·· ..,.,,,_,n· "' ttJ•· H··p+ll •l" ~+····I ,.,., ·1•·t ~r, .. ,. r, , • •· '• ,,.1. ·' l•n '"''·'·' '"" '" rJ,, ,.,,,,,.. ""'"''".t~l,q• •d I •rr.tl~· • • .. r.,,'\ );,.,J,J•·r~. ~-~· 1\111'\1.:•· .. r~· ~· ... ~r~ "' t h· ··•·1111''" .''"' "''' '"~~' ,\.•r ~'''''"II" 1 '"'•"'•IH: o; \\'olt.orol u .•• ~··tt , ~:~-". ·~· ~·· !'•· .. ,.,, ... ,.,. ... ,r , • .._J,,·. tiu·· '"'"''"'"'"''''''' r:.ll"'~ nn "' .... '"'.i: lilt!•' ~· •l•'f·,.,.,,.,l 1111\tl T ou,..-lfo) ;l[o0 ,. h"lo II \\1\1 t,,~ •. 1 ;.,lilt•/! /lo•11 r· o·.~f•· 111 ~ .. nl "'"'~/:oth••r, ):,a;..,. r•hll>lh· ~~, '"'"'''1"r .,,~ r ..... n ,.~.-, t.·•l "" 1~·1'1 ,!J 1~1 "'''•' rr•·-•~>lo·nl , 'h•~ ~;,, h.ur~•· l 11!111 ~' llw •·:o• "'" 1 1 ,__..u..,.o.;... J.A..U.. !lie .D"L!.lll J.L:JUio:IU_- ••1 ' .r~~t .. ·r F .• r ,.,., . K.n.•l·•ll"'r -, .. .,,r. ,. ,,frro·.. ,., ,•.,.r ,.,,., r•r• ~•·I· ,,, wrt: r ... f •ll· ,, ,,, . 1: t lj•'t ' :-' l l••l•l•·to 1-toll~·ll l~bll•l .,.,,loh+ol( , mttnil'l"t, "hu '-" ""\lo' ... n -+n" '"" '"~' l'••:or "~ rlrr•·• r .. r .. r .,,. ~~ ... lm n~·· tl .. t•l• n, "h~> r">'l+1•·• I :•, 1-~o ,,.·,,n ll~>l' ll>o~ l'h<•"" "" ,,.~,,,. llll••rr ¥1 m lb.: 11-rf•Utll tof th!' ·•~: on •-, ... 11•·11 l'r••,.•do·lll l'il11nll'~' u,,,,~ ... 'n•• ... ,.,.k """''tm•·•-<t th•· .,,. .. t><OU\11\fl\lllj;( I H!lliiiii\N' II~ ""'· "' ''"fill•"""' "' P<otrllld Ro·Mrh K1rhy. Atll>oon lf,.nrr 1ond Oordun Emi1Ull·--- Planning (~on•ultant' Study. PoMiblllty Ray Drxelopmel!t you· livt'·in .the U. S:A.! How Much of It Do l.' ou On·n? Value. - There are lots of fine vacant and imrrov· .ed pro~rtles at ('orona d.-1 Mar -see- A. &J. TWIST 8ln Cout Hi«ln•i)· ..._e U%%. INSl'RASCE ·• . ~" ···~··r .. •r "'"w .-.f ·" 1'<•;•'1th•·rn (',.(:f••tnll't nn<l'· h•or•o•' ''''"'"'"'''I: f11;,1' ''"'"'~ f.,r-, "'1\'•·ll+•·i" ,. 11.11•1 rum · •r'<<h .. r•· .. r II•·· nw..ro~ n~..-r­ ' ol<::Oi.!. !11<• l•j,lh· f'l,. l(u • Th•• fl•~lf :,11 ~'"'"" !11 llu· \•II, J'T!ol'llh-,'0 I••~·· !11'111"' r•••lll "''11o ~ n ·al ""'' fll<•nl~•·f F>...,m I"''''"!< nf tunutur". "olh ,.._,. l hr~ nt · -~nd ,.,......,..FJI t~rma. 1\lt'Sa· Pi>rmlts Climb to Quarter ~llllion 1!1.1fl I Pl -:' 111:1'1 I'll :Ill 1e•o 11pnl, M M11•· "1 J"""' a7 July t <l. Au.:u.•l .;'0 ~'"r'~~""''"'t. •~ (\rf"""'' ~f'l · s... ~ .. ! , . ; • • ·, 1., ·. r c , .. ' •. ·=--· .. - EARL W. '• NOTARY PUIU.JC • H. W. Wr:lpt • , . ..... "-' ............. ' . •. ' ..... -!. ... ;;. ·:· • ~ber.20, tNt SYMPSII .............. ..... 1111 Faai'LAC. , WOOD.' OO.U. fllayed .t Fullerton la•t Wednto•· &MD Cll.lM:JOAL <by oPVe ~ld odectdf' ll\01' SurtMt -"""'"""1~~··~-~~~d lo knotk '~::~;~ ;';:'~~';; _A:':""'~"'. auu un· · ,.._ two tough 1\urd.l• to o~:..-r in Jont>rn •nd N'Pw~t. hnf,.. b\' !hi• limP ..... ha~· .. Howard w. Qem.la M11W.~A-. N' ............... ~ _ ... . tWu lo•ll 1ii111i lnJt"tnn B<'l•f'h, h+•rlotiM I hll\'0' \< r,....r,ur.: lh11\ th .. y nuo y 'boo t.,u~h··r lhftn rf\•>llt llt..'<JPit think. ( """h J ... ,. !trn<"ll ~~ te•m "'"' tw ndo·d " l'n!Ttplim~ b)' former Onl!.t•h bwk sp_,uldmg who ,., .. , •.. ,.-_, .. lht> Rf.o.a d,.r .. at at th'.' J,.n:lun-~hnul~l 'in t@II.Hty muo·h t•ifww-r. ThO!' I natrot 1 . -. FOR SALE CLIFF'S 'r.lc:JU E UOP ,uJTOIIOIIILE • AO::IDEN'r • -un: . ~ ... c $• ............. • 110 McFadden Pl. HERil 18 A OQOD LIVING AT A ,• See Cliff, Cliffs-Tackle Ill%...._..._ BAJ.IIOA .IM *MD -~- cJ J J)_j,,l.l····:. . .. .. ...... ~n-1. oloo ~"•" • 1 CONRAD S"HOOK CONTRACTOR AND B'utLOER COMPLt:TE iiUH..C INQ SERVICE C. R. Erickson .. Contra: ct·or and Builder 305 Palm AVe. Telephone 132 A nt'W dnl In For Full lnfnrmtUon Coniult EARL W •. STANLEY, 'Solo" ...... R. ~~ dl'aJJ General Conh·actor ---$.-· . ' . - M1 ,.__NIJ·N•t•· Ht~ ....._ 41 ,., ..... t ......... ' ' .f . ' La o. POIUtl, .......... .. WHAT! LY CINE ,.,. SL. lk't. !I_, !t .. ._ ... ,. ' .\' .... \ ' . ( \ ' . I • -·f ···. Anon • • Amona ttw ctwrtah.·.t 1"-"'•o .. n.• of Mr.. Altll O&.on :o~" W 19th •trt'C't, Ia a y.J)o•· ... J ... ,., ··f th.· Bo.ll(ln O..tte. clat4' ··f ,.,._ ' ll Ult:\. ~A p.naal ot Ita lnt• '"""'"~ '"'I I'UI dkwr. .. that '''"" ·'J t~ ... 1 l..ct "coocl okl da' • hMd 1t~rr trouble~. even u )'\'" ottl<l I .,..,. o•hocf &tttff'~~ -•"' to• hr thai whale' today Wf' af'l' h"r'"..-..d' t>~· war ·and trafflt'. h o u, .. ,... ttrv~,. -,natn ~· ~"" "•r an-1 nn\'lltft'n. 'nit-fronl ,_,,. """• .:r tJ.. da\ I V'llll thf' ~·ar of 111"% H•url....t • ott. ., f'rl\':ltHr IColnc'a and • """nr;• an<! lridUUl Upr\.11 np in , I hr 'no of'fll "'t>a t.. "' h w-h t'WlnaaJJI C"d .. r nru.. •" 1 Aft'W"nt"an ...... .,. .,. .... , .. ..,.., prtvatHn u • ~~tr 1 •f ttffllon -nw-I'·• I• 1 • ,.,,...,. "' 1 nounl .. ·r of llf'ftUI. •'"'''"' In .ttw-• (pii•>Winflt. and r'f'J'lft1..,1 QIIOtf' U ,,.,.u .. r .. ;f.fat'Uyu t-~1",. ~n~t oo( trttff11· acndf>nll: "A l.er.: .. f\rl\"1· ll•,.r .. hunnrr rn-* 1\-r loJ'f"'an.n•·· tn Rmad ~nd on Thu""l.a)' anti fll"f'd from 2lt ln lO "''"'" .ot • '""'I' wh:.·h. booinc to W1n<N 10rd _ •• ,....._ ' . .~ . • wllen thut plclurf' uf lhf' Lolt.l' Canon Wat!l madf' a ytar aco al N~ Harllor YKht club, t.lw farnou1 old ll('flootlf•r ~-:u1 bo•mg u\'t'rhAul.-d for participation In thf: elub'1 &llllual Old 'nnM" Badon · Jambo~. Today sh~ hl'll At th«o butt .. iu of tht Gulf of California. off M a z a t I a n. Mexi«• where abe wu nmm.cl and ~eunk rff~nlly whill' en.:ar;t'd In 1hark fi.llunc Accordlnr; to n-poru hrou~otht ht~nH~ by tbe rttumnc c'"""''· all mf'm~n of whkh Wf'rt fortu- oat.ely~·ed. the 28:.-ton achouner ~~o·as rammed by'tlle bumana Mo•xlcan coulal lttamer ComJN'('hc, whldl wu ~lnr towf'd to s.•R l !lr 11ankln~o:. In the colli.llon Uw Lotta" wu lto\'f' In II() 1lltdly that ·llbe quk kly tloundf'r4!-d and went doown. Approxematl'ly 130,000 •·ortt-of carau wu U\'f/d. Capt. R. 8 . Hoffn1un. llUU!t.·r 11nd nwnt>r nf thf' \'f'-1, will J'O!maln al Masallan to tnllfy a\ the otnclal htannr; on tht> llcc-a~nt. Th~> IIC'I\oelnt>r. which had ~n moort'd at Nf'wport Harbor for Ow p&8t 15 year., wu built at Port Blnktl}'. Wuh .. In 1881. · ~ " -- Woinen Suffer ~u~ fcoord1natlng Cou~cil fa Boulevard C1'&8h I He'!J'S of u.s.o" Work C....UTJ11At4 tW.AI.H AT WOII& 'ftw wra.,P.nc ~ df'c:oraUnc-c1t CbrWtmu pacJtqq ~ OM of t.lw CrMlelt jo~ of Ow Chrlllmu -· 110n. Alter Cho-trnu ttw. decor· a tiona .• o with the okl Cbrlalma• lt"f'f'l Into thf: uti ('an n,.y ba\'e aerved U..w purpo~~e Thf' OM f'llC'f'ptlon Ill ttw Wlf' of Another ~erloua automobllt> craMh 1 Adman111tntlon and functaon of at the entnnce to the Balboa Ia-I hf' Unltt'd Snvt« O~t:anlzallon~~ aand ro.d on the Coaat HtKh,.:ay f"m1td the bula nf • talll Jh•l'n wu report.ed by poll('f' on Satur-Iaiit Thunw:tAy t'\'etlln~t by KenMth day, wllen two woryum •·ere tnjur-Knl~tht , ~t<>n~ral ~tary of t~ eel •noualy and two car11 wer .. ~;ontll Ana Y.M.C.A .. -.·ho ••u badly damq.cl. ~ . ; I::UPl!t l'pt>ak.-r At the rer;ular _04RJSTMAS The accldf'nt ~c-urrt-d whPn mnnthly mf't>lang of 'Newport Har, SEALS Charlett Larry .O'Lnr.y, uf 2151) bnr <'•~m:tenatln~ counrll. Chn.tmu 8eaJa a old t~Jina~ ltw .... Of'k of t.M ~ &\'eAU.e, Lua ,\ Djte•!t•s lamptt'd to m11kt' a l(•f\ turn frn111 Uw main hl~thway I" th•• ll'larue ro&d. pohct' aa1d. A t·:.r nJWrat•·•l by Ml1111 Thuna V. M:uTu•: uf !~~ N. Birch 1trfft, Snntn Ana. cr.tsh· t'd Into tht' rl'ar of ()'Larry·,. •·a r . lnve~Ucalmg otftt•trll •··1~ •rhod. lnjuN'd chl'llt and lt'ft 111d<' :o 11•l ller alltf'r , Wh't!'t nAnlC' \\'ll~ IIIII obtained. 11Utf4'rf'd -.•nuus f:u·u•l c:ula when ht'r ht':lll •·r:o11h••d through lilt' VI'UU.I.~htt·ltl Hnl It "'"' men Wf'rt> tllkPn t•• u S:enll• Ana hollplt.al by ambuhtl1('• RUMia may h,11n• n •lrJ.:o"ll:< rn••·· dom, a.1 Mr. Rno.<u•v••lt At1Y>< But 110 far It 114'f'mll tn h(' """ .,,.oJ,·r · (or · we h:ivl' Mrn "" r••r•·nt an· nounctmmll of rf'\'1\'tt! m.-c.-tmgl'l. ... n•,.r.zn:ttiOn All Mcretary and Mn r-..d,th \urrie wu named c halr- rnun of a nomanal.Jil£ committee too ftiJ t ht' \'RCAn('y. __J I'RURATifiS HEAJl~O S ET e;,.,.rJ.;f' !". R<IJ:I.'r!l. formf't' CaiRp lf:,:tn Jllo>ldu•r. hAl! f'lt'lldt'd guilty to hur~:l:trr uf lh<' Slllndllrd 011 lla· 1•••11 at rt~~tl'l h1ghwuy, and 17th "t r•·rt. =""'' 4. and hn'l appllt'd fl•r l""halt"n HParln~t on thf' latter :~ l<t>l f,r Sm·. 28. comouuuly KUY- Itlu of the tucal tubt'rculo.ta-. rlalaon. Y<IU CAn fullt•w your df)l- lar. •• lhf'y ICf> abuut thr work 'of aprtadjng kn,•wlf'd.rf' ('onrernlniC thr diMIUif' And "" thty ""'ork to ('Ontrul that dl ... ·aM and makf' our h<lmt'll llllff' from ll.Jo meMC:t'. Th~ Y~>•r thf' mnmn,r of thf' 54-ala Ia flt>an-r thAn 'f'\'tr t.ofore Thf' gtun.~ In tubf'rr ulnl'ltl rontml ar~ tl'f'm41ndnul'. but tho!-llulk ha"' not bf'f'n c-nmpltt4!-d Gmund mul'f not br ln11t And furthrr cain• mu•t tNo nut<k' en order th~ tubu- culnlltll IJIIl)' unt day bf' 11 forcotlen fOC' til .Amf'r1ran youth. ~hf' alaO flrtd at ,...,, ral h~h•n« b< .. ta nff .-..'1\ Bar · Th.o Jon•·•· lt•t•r bl"'4f. "Sanlll•t 1 • oof :-;,.,. \'11rll. hAd Ju-t ,...t,,n.,.... fn>m a f'nJI,. off the cOAJot • t .Surnhano •nd "''aa .-lliW<"t~ t" arTI\f' ,, W tlrnln«tun. Df'l. I ..., ::!.1 tl•• ln~~: .-apturtd 7 ·-•· r •.. , "huh atw manntod. llw t\10a "" h>•nt • 'l tu• n t1 I)' of ..,.-.r'l( ""' '~" ctry Jtvnda, f'k,, ..lakfll f•UI •-1 tt...m CJn.. 11f hrr pn,... ,. ... IMt .. h· .. "" llf'd nrAr 8ancty Honk •• .. 1 .,.,.,Olrr _, Chlftc-.tO'A-n . . : • ~ ~'-' pl'f>'~H •aiU. allrr. lJun to tlw fee( that II •••• ,... ......... thf: t'Ount.ry oa P,.. Ja~ Mad!· liOn'. ....,_ to ('Con«,..... • turh .,.... brQuPt bJ -'•«• r.•r h ,,._ W~t.o llar..nn. •%_, "'*-' '"23 boun .•. . Yrt, fOf' all t.hr ,..unll alld haf'fhhipa of a roMurt y....ar~ M111n· try, wbo aJIIOCIC ua •·rouldn't .,,,. a I'Oiialnc wMc~p arwt holw f~ IIU<'h lUM U ..... lndN"att'd In thr Gurllf''l "Dd...-nt TlUl lbt of thf: Town ot Wlnc:hendofl. IbM." Includtd .,.. _.h ..ul..tlrnflll' Jtem1, u : NJolla J>lfi(Waoft, 7 ~ county tax. JOe: .tate Call. tc;.;· or. "John Hall'• ~w~n. 10 an-. COWl· ty tax. 10c-; .tate t.aa. ltc " The chid rtoywtfty to lfM' ,. t hi I with INdt panty-.... Uit taurrtt •~ lhrw. fMft "'"~• .till ftJIIul ,. It>• dtdn'l «~'f 'f'ftl ,.i4 btfOf'f' thry br· tal'ltf' df'llnqUO"nt . . . An~r all. f &ueu buinan ~I cban&e much In 128 yo·an .. I'd l n bf' • 1,."' , ... r lf'amtn« f'W•uth. d""Jt Ia• t " qual 1fy. tMo found hr W• ""'err wl8hrd lf'l follow lhr ;•r,ff'Wfoon "-• he bf'f-a!nf' • r..;••rltr nn thr s-·· ark· 1 S J t ~t,.r·Ea«'· wn•1nt undrr t~ htl• Paul ~k \'tant and ~&A\~' t n ... w.n-thr hap-pH>~ot day~ .. ; h • hff'. . H t 'tl w·~· bWI. .,.,. q~nt frtr ttt-s .. ...-p~rt Ho•A• h • fln~Wry ,.·r.rll.f',.. • • • nor1a Mr Murtr•. hrirn at lbk· ,...,.fi,.ld and ~1-Ar•·d at en.rt.. MrM rH-rntly m:t1lo-two ImpOrtant rh>tn~ Sho• 1~ 'Hmf' Mn Rt.tM-r-: Lur khardt Mnol tlllr\'f/d It• r.~ ~"If"· Mont Hannc al,.·a~' t-n ln~tt'd t'l ,..hf'thf:r or nnt " dyM·tn-Uwo-wr,,J C'.ahfom&an m"'' ~ ~Ull)' tnMplantt'd I '• had Oprratcw :\ll dwn« a b1t or -•· uth ln,r. Tn datr ~·a uncovrN'd .,,.,.. drftntt.f' fact CKJU"nAS Dorta 1a atMtllut .. l • an.J urwqu''",.. '11il~rlllr.tr-.-..:.. ..... ..:._~~;,....;::.;;-.:;.....;;;;;;;:;::;;:i~.t~i~~-~~:~'!!J~~J:J~&~~~~4~~·~"~·1oA ··•t h ?'ont.ana _ rt ......,. __ ............ wrvanl: north of Bllhn~t.'l "'twor. lhry ,..v,. 'Newport Bay 11lOM OVII - unto thf'f'. n Lnrd. do I hft up m y 11nnw ... and I••IJo of It ... AI~· Mill" 111 tht C<•ldt>n Tf'Xt 10 lht lttlll of .-lk and. •Joofl' and ptw.a VIIJIInn • !'; .. rmnn on "Sooel And Anta and «Ood n• ~thbon ... na-, &tdy" nn !'IundAy in• All Churt•ht-' 11thrr day Dona 10nd twr ,_ hub- of Chn11t. !'kltnllllt.. hy Wf'~ ctJn~r j[uHtla on a 30fl0: Ont of lht' 81hlf' t·ltatl"n.l In· ,.,.r,. ,.,ult" ran<'h Hoth Vf'n~ and rludf'l tht.,. W<Jrdll of Jnu.~ fn1m n\.'lllt'p~aaut wen!~ at thP Mlltthtw· "Xo man CAn ll"r\'e twu !lam,.,mtal. mind ~11.1 •• miU!ter'tl for f'lthrr hf' wtlJ hatr And to think that ~rut hl>rwo ,. ... the 0 04!-. and Jnvt thr <llhtr: Qr "'-" hllve to n ... , a bon4 ~ en ~, hf' Will hold to Ult une. and de· to' hll''" pork chOp!! trtr .upper , IIJllllf' thl' nt hf'r. Y f' r!lnnot llf'rvf' r.od and ms.mmnn. ThHf'f<trt I MY untn you. Takf' no lh<iu~tht for your hff'. Whllt 11hall f'llt. or "'hill <'OurthnuAP ut•t'lt·r: ot· Till': I'·'-'· ......... :.. ....... • ... Tl\1': .._,, ,_;n· •; ... "-~••t: Sl•Th't: ,, .. At;tt•;•::wt:ST ~~ :o;t:U. \ Sl• l" '="\'t:\· ttt;AL 1'\t ... •t :HT\ l •t;t:I• .. :H Til Tilt-! ~.\TY. t"111t l•t:I.JSJ..l!.·'tt;;:"fl~ TAX .. ::; AXlJ ••tt A~· M .. :STS =--• •Th ·•: 1s Ht:Ju:HY , a.\·t:x I•) l '·n i' ~u T •• ,-r .. n....t.•r I ttw t *-•tu .ly ••f l ttMn .,:r · :-tt•t.-••t "·'"'"' wa... ... __. .. ~""' .,"'. nw ..,. \ "'····u. . f I'" ,.h T I ··--rt 4 ,·•us•trr,. -\rt , a. :: .. , ,,.... Rr\f'O\M' oto~t T.,,.,, .. , 1'•4-- n .,.t .. , ... ~,_..., 1 .t..t ... l fo.P "W~~ Z.. 1uluw ye not thllt your body Ia tbe temple at ~ HoiJ ()holt which Ia In you. which 'If' havt or Ood. and ye ore not your o•-n! For ye an! boucht wtth pr1« · thf:rtfon! clortfy Ood In your body, and 1~ yo11r ..-mt. whl('h an Ood'•·" ~... to<.k tum pola~<TtjT' 1Jiil 7:1:F.Iu''-:::;:r-· .,;;::r.:"hr.o\• Newpm:tBay lnve_stment Co .. Belboa PaviUoa . Plaoae57 , Thf' I.AMon-&rmon lnclydeJI a1ao thrw atatemtnl.Jo from "Belen~ and Health •'lth' Key lc. lhf: 8cr1p· tu~a" by Mary Baker F.ddy.: "111«' Individuality of man Ia no Je. t.anr;tble tecau.e It 11 ap1ntt.AJ and bec"aWif' hla lttt I• not at thf: mt'rcy ot matter. Thf' undentand- ln& of tua 1plr1t~ Individuality makn man mon! ,..al. more for· mldablt In tn~th. and enablea lllm to cooqyer an. dalleue, and dlaU.." •• llkl'd Ball. 'u a "'"' ••fwr ttMoy had "' • ··~ him t.1w1r trullt bt'caUif' u,~, tlad found from upenence tbat h• wu ~J h<•nhl .and <"JmJ•I• I• I)' C*fa.Wf. To my mind. r,.. "·"" may nc.e""' a m<•n! III'IN'r,. 1 r t.ut~ Ulan ••n. p.1d h 1m by t. • ~.... tn Qtftce \tucaco lJ•uly s~ n.r., nothlft& wr<•n« ... !h pn!Wnt•y Amtnca ~•<~pt tt.at ttw two crtet ma.ur. at build.•-« up <11rtllan morele art n mner.r lbe Broolltrn ba1l tam. Bl.l ot 'K ·,4 , J/1T Z'J •• u ... r r•J••f df'mant11'd In lh• "''"' t'rar T•/•...._ A__... plaonl Jj,'l:, t•. 1~ Jr.f F.•th .. r ~ll,. 1 ;ov~n un.,..r roy h•nf\ t~nd Hel Cu\ ut , t •·t I hr liup.-nl,r C'<,urt ••f 0,. ,.,_ I 'I ll~tl I not Hurl*t T11yk~ • ·.,.rnh •of iJfllntr•. Kl.atA> ul C..U· .,.,., .• t)t' C'f t~A IW.I. MAll r•.rma tho• lith day ,,r IJ<·t,,l).r. Aa ...... -....... '· , ... , • Pltr _,,'I ........ ~· ·!4t.AI. JWf~F.RifiR tV1PRT .,_.fl#f c-.y.c .... ....a a.,RASf;£f'fii 'NTY t X&J.'r 111 t v •t 1~ •nd !4W)y ,. • H J AMfTH. 2ft •·t 1.; 17 HLf.I("K n:, r· ... ,nty f'ltrrk a nti f'\#rk ,,, lh~ · y.-., .Te • a.-I M>•prr111r <:nun of ttw Mtat-fff ftl:l 11. 1W4 fno J•~an; '"•hf<,rrua . In •n<l'f•.r the r..oun· Gntf•th ' ty •.t Oranae 1»41 Hy A· ).. Hatr h,.•,rll, l-"'fi'Jiy Rt 1LANIJ TJff1MMKJN. 10 Mpo1rwP>n Bu11dana. Jllanta A'\11, l'allf•,mla, Attn~y Wr P1a1nt1U tbiiMh Of-t.. 10 't 10 ...... ... ........... , Itt• . ' Dr. Ralph I). i lnanl l'h\ -1.-iau anol " "a:• II ......... ,>itah Tbo· '"'""'" ..... ,\I' ·•·h· K.\1.1\U \. t \1,11 . Dr: n. 1•:. Tolt•ll l l'j 1\' ~!4 'IAN 1tt1~ :.1 't: ; •·:•,, ~·:... • ·-1 '""' ... ',. II T•1h~•hutu·-. - urn .... '!*' tc.... '!Ill _, · DR. C. f. CAR,1t·.R " ........ u .... rt ...... ,.,,.,,.,. , r;1• "'' t•h ...... a:.'Jt.t ... Nf'" """ "'"'" f.,,.,,, M•••,. ~. P. A. ('JIAMn•:IU.IS ('fiiRIII:RAI~'Ilfl - ,,.,.. N..-.·rni1. nt\·11 t."OHTA . Me:XA .... _ .IJIIII HAAQLD K. OAAU[L J'uurml (( lfnprl ,,.._ · Newport 561. I It II,_,• a) c 'u•ta \t-. SHEI .. J .. STATION ,... ... ~~tat. YVl'A ltLUM&VAATF..I&II Harry's Dump ... r.MT rot·t r.r. '" , IIAI • .IIUA' .... ~ .. ,.,,.,..., W()ftK HASKt-!'i' """'" !'J 1 ;, llo.:tu 1 IMalaPf!d • OoOila a \'arM • N~ ... n. •-•"" t .. _ ••nil" wlUt· .... ~ ...... "' \lal.-11111" til N ... ,...._,, "-•Ia A•• ,...,...,. nn - .:-----....------- Awful t•r•·~h 1r-uettarla•w•14 GDODER CANDIES Stlc lh. 3 IbM. for $1.4Ht (il ]~f)t;ICSU :\'S DAI.II.OA \\'r ,..,.,.lr all ""'",." :111. C. Past c· .. ,.,..:r lnt ud 1'1pura•·"" rl1uNr. lti'Z I"A~·rA AS,\ I - ' • \. . WEEK-END / ~ EDITION'. \R, COSTA MESA ---.. Nmma• from lnual Sea Seoat e H il'liU.hta Of !tiUon In Varied . .. Ship Memben \ N'ft &wta from nve ay -wllh man)' ol U. anne I yout tua npect8d lozvOWI arrivlna here 1-. )'Nr wUJ rNch tbe Uwo noport that maN ......... ......,_ """'"" .,.,....... ........ l·for Uw Rftl4rneua. 'ftle wtU ,...._t« •t 1 p. a td .......... .,.. ..... .., tw 8nddni a.... ~ on¥ wtll be ......... .. •UJ be c.Uid at •• ....... wU& ........ ..................... ,_. __ __ , .... , ..... ...... at t:IO =liM I hr 111 p, m. c:w-r :ram will 1tart al 1:• d lhf' •"""' baD •• ... "" •• " rtr lt·30 p. "'-· 1 UJ' thf' th~ - br I hf' lklnday pracrun.. 1 I1W'IUI 111 7 a. rn and IJw I t'ahl rrn-mony, Cnfonaal ·• will hr hf'ld at I a. m. ' wm it .... mhlr for phato- ' 'I :10 a. m. and S. 111 llf" jlf"nnllll'd to 10 to ·rvlt·r~ Nl 10 u'c-loMc. 11w I .ltmf' n 'h'illiNiy wtft t. n nl I '' m .. and tht ~ "" _,,..",.,. """ ~ttm lt·hr·"· ur In l11ndf~ pni·k IIJ> nn1l I{U htlfnf' •t • 111 C 'uhor•.;..«'tn hr p6~ I I' 111 111111 I h'l' ~''" S«''U .. ., lht• lll•k ~J\~ ~r 21 ' . ~--~------~~--- \ " '; (j .. -............... . \ '-'- ' NE . Old-Time Enjoyed Hearing SuocPuluJ 8&rn ~ ~ Oub r· ~ )'(IUft -"''I'Nnl; ated c~ o4 Pal~ Vriw, Santa 01 Ow-... tlw maJOrity CIUitr)' ~· lallc COl Oln I f~bO mrn m ·~ .. PrDr for u. Wftlt to Mrt Gudm Grew f --- ;-J I t'· . r NEWPORT-B-ALBOA PRESS ~unday, No\'ember 20, 19U 'oie4 i, LtMJGtl aMI p .. ~o.al It ~lr an Mr~ Ju fluthrw plan· •w•l '" ~not Thank~;.; 11 ,nJt wtth Twelve mett t>"r~ "' the ca'*n eecUon, N-po·ll H.,..ch Ebell club. r•nJuyed a , pi·· ~ or: I oullna laat r~ll,..)' the ot •. )'. olmtrary In· ludonc a vial! ,, ' ''"' Sunny Slope~ CHO~~~" ~~~Yl£ES c LAs s I F I E 0 '~ .......... ~~.;::;_;. n!lual Father.;· !';itc '.\"ebstc r-Smith Rites rtbc;~n-ed ~!onday By nre Charming Ev•·n t ~a:""e!l!S. T('achers ·, f' \utumn Season ~ ttu f.,t lnt,r 'l'f iiiJotlt•r M\ Sunora. I Tht· c;t'O J\lhHn1\ . ..,•ho haa ~n ol\'rN,t.: at •IfNI', 24th lllrf.'fll. ha"' ""' ,.f! t11 L<lft An.gelu for th• ,. .. ~ "'"'r"-~r:L•Ss·il l'r "' .. ~ .. •·~ ,.,.. .... ,.., , .,. ........ -L'·•-,,, -· • t.,,, .. r·• t , Tho• trr.tn;:,. l";•unty Humane So· •'Ill\' nt..t l'riO'oiilay 11t tilt, holl)e of ! •r · 1-: J·' UrU!tlnj:. 17110 E . SurJ, lh•• H.,·a. . .,, -.., It • • ,._: !!a..rr • ,.,,.., )f n I •-• I \!• ... --:~ .,.....,.-t, r -f ,, •• ' .. , .' .. ~. {.; !' 11 : ..... .,. f '"' ..... ·' 1 "'' • r .. , .t~' u.. "• •I ~t .. ,. 1•r, ,111 \\',.bl'il•·r. .•• \11 ,, •\ ~t · ~ II fl'l •· 1. SA••ath ···t.•;o..l • ••n::• ''*'" 1:.1 ttn- ' \ r:j. J• ltt·•·k s ,,,.·:ol.••rt "' l'al!'1 "hryR~tnU!emUJn ~-•rd• rul, and a~ at a famoua l'.<b ,,J,.na nursery. When •' NeWIJ'•Il H&rbot Girl Warlnerw met ttlti' 1n..-k at the home of Klal t;all Horne!. Arline Clark \\as weJoonfed u • new memt;~er. th .. lllltlAtiun ntea l>eln« conduo~.J .I'" !-lk1pper Claire l'Jtlmaon. ~ J.: ,., 'tli' now busy planntn.r for 1J11• 1 l'hnstma& wei· .a re project. • lfA:ol ftiKTJOM\ t',.\ltn· l\lc•!-t:l Store Purcha!-•·d b L3-.Jo11a F C'nmmr 111 ,, . •.t ,,,. ''"'' uf Ute 'lllll!t u.nfn~,..."" o1 • lupm••nlll In tlw h:story of lh•,''"'k' Mf'!ln bus- '"~"11 dlatri<"t ",,, ,. \\' 'l'e\\'lnkl~'p 1\nllulln<'ement o,l 'l,o ,Hfl' of hl'l ruunel'r hardw1• • ,., .ololl:.hmtnt at Hi41:? ~l·Wpnrt I··• ol'd. PurchaHI'II uf Wl'lt-known CAaMa, cAmouc cayaoa Rev. R. J. BL\AY, Pn.t Sunday K..,.. at 8, 10 and 11 m. cau .. or 8T. loaM VMNnY, (OI' .. rMe) lll~~Pri.t ...... Bunda~ Maae at 8 :30 a . m. ·.-- «;IIIU8T Cllt11ICa BY TBS 8Jt.\ (ComaiMI*J llet~Md~M) E. D. OOODI!:i.L, K~ Sunday achool at 8 :30 a . 91· Two Swt~y JJWJ'nlfli -Mrv1Cia, at 9 :30 ana 11 o'clock. ~·00 p. 111, Eve'mng aervice. '• :4~ p. m. Methodiat YoUth Fellowship. t'JMT (;JIVIK.'H OF · cklu8r, I!K.U:NTIRT 112 Ea•t Ctntral avenue brllnch of The Kot.hu CburcJI.' Sclentlet, In . Sund.fy AIChool at !Sunday nrvtce at rr a. '"ln. Tes tautonllil meeunc each Wed· nesd11y a.,l.8 p. m. R L'Iadtttg room, 111 Central ave., open da1ly 1 to t p. m. except Sun· da)'tl and holldar-. , The public Ia cordlally Jorited to attend and ~ reedJ.nC room. o•nt .. rpri~~t wert ~I·''". Sml!li lln<l Rev. ~n. Ktnwter WANTED -... ·-------... W ANT&D TO lWY--HoL&N \'> move. Ph'> Newport •.w:h 1838 FOB 8A.I..E' FOR SALE-Double-barrel J'Utl, In cood con~htlon. C'hea~ Q 2la~ •trek _ L08T ahot· Sell 39p PO 1>:-'nlrat tht Pre., 16-tJ!e bto t new-per tn t.N Kubor dla rlc t . 'and only 11.00 'Per yea ----- FOR RENT -A ttractl~e elrtele apartment. Ocean' vi-. Elft:tro- lux equipped. 21121, Ocean oa. w ..u. TJ:& A.. IIIAID & a..u-.. .... a.on. IUU .,. avoE at I P.M. t:.-ery ....._, ·~IJ ('hnJt ro rhc NarionJ' "-----~--................. .. Front. 37tl l J..ClaO"Jr4 37tl l A 'M'RA.CTIVE HOTEL ROOMS · t -Reuonable rat..-by day, w~k. month or year. lnnf'raprln~ mat· t~JIJIH. 103 K C'Fadckn Place. !llewPQTt. abov• Mocre'e Conftc· tlonery, 39p , FOR REf'IT-~11 bouae, + bed-: I roome, completely furni•hed. 1 small hoUH, 3-roonlt. complete· ly fumiahed. Alao ~J"'e, sunh,y bedroom.t. 181 Roeheatu atreet, Coeta Meaa. Phone 2216-J. J7U ool rCashmere Sweaters· l~v•m of the J...,,,I •• JI.o H1udwaro -Phone ait.:J-" ,.,·,ll,pany, l..aJoll.• """ wolf lf'11~ Sunday, 8':~ a. m. -Sunday FOR ~ r-Furnished dOuble Jwr!lll<'lllllon ~-I .I I' t"f'llff'l JIChoul. -cottacee, 3 roome and bath. =""I",. ur tnl••nt\i'\n to \\<'(1 ha> l~lvnhal"'tn. who It:•• I"'"" wtth Mr 10:45 a. m.-Komlnc woralllp. newly renovated. new equtp· 1.,.,.n rrr•~ l)v .l·•hn .... Cl\l'ertauJ:h T•·Wmkle. tor llo•rt•"''""'· wtll bl' 6 .~ p. m .-Yowtc Peopla Ep-ment: U5 a month, utilities pa~ '•I '~Il l .S.·o olt~ ,• ltlt .ll. \'o•niW. ","d prfllnnted to th<' I""'''~'" uf man· worth Le•...,•ea. Plun·am•r PI·~ Ba a d r-.-. \ ,.,.....-..uti '-"" ~1 '' '"' ' " 1 'lltlrt· .r11111u•un, :111:t f.l 11•1·r lh• .. noo•. "~··r. llll other l"'ls••l 1wl n •main· 7:30 p.m .-Oolrpel Mrvlce. Balboa; phone 314. · .. .. ~ t 1 tr I C• 1•1pl n ~ u ., .., -.-~ a~e, y n -~.,~ •• ~Jo,.,----------- r.-r ... .u_,, llt.obtn• "' ~;,.'"'"•rl m g unrhanged, Ill•· 1u ·w cowner11 Wect.., 7:30 p. m. -Midweek ~~ t,_,· ,:-.r'b ~W '1"' I.'~ f 'fJO'TI'. \I' f'l.l 'll r~~·~&lt<d. aerv1ce o1 pra~.r and pralae. DESERT RE!IITALS H~w t-bt11 1 r--~~~~~~~~~-~ • , ...... , .... r· .... ., "'"'' I l..•• ...... tur'l!l f'luh "'"' Mnn· Mr ffllll !\frs Fran~ \\~r<httn vrj Mr. 'l'e\Vinkle, \\hfr 1-n~ ht'Pn ll\ Thun., 7:45 P.· m .-ctlo\r te· a vacataon In the warm •u hill• lit~~··-~ '"'""" 1oooltl t~ ..--u;-' th 8: \' . 1 1 'Ill E lluy Frurt( liJ•II""' l11land. hu!lt nCSII at COlli .; ~''""' f••r tho• heanal. of Palm Spnnru Rrt·a? fo'o rt•a · ll , * ••" •• • • ~P1,.1 I <ill' r1·~n·n11 "I ,. :,~ ,,..,. ra•· {.. --.._, 1 ..,.,,,.,. • .s Mn• ,\ ""'' Knullloon wh••r•• ,.,., Kpo•nollflK tho• ""'nth lfl •• Ar.·' "a111 quarter-c.-nturv :o:td Willi '~'"" l"'nt FCMift41aare llnnable nontala Mew L Jnrtlo.n . • , 1 ...... . ~ .. J• r.-.... "lr a,, • ...,.,.,.I~'WI\• 1.,., n t>.-~ 1.01111111;11'd "'uric un ,.·rAp• .:o·ICM w ht!f' tho•tr IH lllt' ht!re 16 , ut , thE' fofe .. ·e f1r,.t pu~lmaS!t•rs . · e-ta Me.& A pili.. Clltht•tlrt;l :' ~ .:! '~ " ;:, .... lc. for ~ r htldrrn'• ward ur IN· on~ rf'm•Kil'll'd s itU OWNI oonaut.-r olrlo• r~>lll I'll· Ctty. (tom Palm •nN~ ~ ''~ j ,, •n~er ,·,01mtv hn,.pot:ol Mr~ 1 tall' in tl\at commnnit\' hut (or the G. Willard Stearns. Putor Spnncs on 1ndto hll:h\\'ny. Pilon • , • .,.. ' • ..,.. ....... _no ..... . ....... 61 l'lln.tll Ani\ n .. r.Jf'n f\t.udy l'lub 'r•rf'RAnt. at leut, ""··~· IIIII ··ont~m. Phone 1778-J 7'!119, Palm .spron<'l! ox•·hlh.D• ., . 'I Koot•tll••r. a nrw ulf'nlt-r. w.oa " "'' 1-d3 t th , del M.l ·-~ e. • •·-· .. -_ .,_, !!ll'a.n....a f",~ .~..... .,, ~":t''"' "''tlh a lflfl r .. r ht't nl'w ml'l n · Y a ., 1 .. nma · r ~plate rt'·t'n~rina tho· lm"'""u field P'rlday, 7 :30 -Ev~wuc ~rv· 3~t; 0 ........ """ n~ ... •-• • . hOntt' nf fofr11 l' W Harn."'n he auld . Ice. -----~:i5;:;:::::~::=:-:::-:-:-::-"7'7-' , • -~,.,. •llllppt'4 rri-slft 1 11~ '"'"·"•' rr"'" nl ,..,.,,. Mrll. whrl"f' hlnt'hf"lll "iul .ll''!l't'd tu :14 · __ ._. __ . • Sunday, 9.30 a . m. -Sunday : P I L... r,.n l'ltlff', dlt ulhlt•r ur lhf' h1011 j .... ~ .. ~... ·~-anti ,. ..... tamr!l l•orut. Tru•t)'. IIII'IIIJ>oit':' and &11"'1.{1 ._, M p Recall c ign' IChQIJf. cru.e. for all ac~. II J_.. .. lb T tv '·a~aJI H 1 S llh 'r I'· !I I Ia ,..., ' a amp& d :OO a. m.-Momtnc worahlp. • • • . \' ' .... IIJI<.III. ..... 1\ ru• . . .... .. r .. I'll • m " ,,, }> •II • na . t Ll I Se i e ·oo . c de . ..a~ '\C,•IIm•. l.lllt:.n <N·I'n. Mnlw-1 an .. Mtnnl~> b. U.""'" .. r C11rnna 3 ye Y SS ()D 7·C)().P-m. E ru.la I'll. Uesa ~r s\l~n~ Pf r•. F.v~ Ptullop!, ll<irtolhy Mtl· tlo'h fof,H lift' ·.,.rtud..d <•nlurtl( J5 of Civic I ......... ue Tu~~-"'7:30 v~n~-~~e.eek w~ ... (J{ Son •t J. ' e.r. o.-t"y l'".,.han l&nd Adelald" ~·,only artoat• ellhohoiUol( W<rrk ttl • · ~~ y, p .... 'CUUIPft c~rubM J.Ag!Aoa ~ll<'tr 11M g•ll••ry M11rl' than 100 mcmbera· and wrvtce. Pra ~\ lbaqaer'que. N. Jl. :wra W H Tnuotv. JZO ~nl.t : • 1 I'I"~~'P''C:IIve memtw-rw of Co11la I '11\ul'lld&y, 10 a . m . -. yer . \r.a a\'emw, on ~•tu;•\.1~· •tto•ndfod lhJ~1 ht-IAu, J•runun.·nl Co•lfl ~1··~., c~ltiztlU' CIVIC' League mrt meettll~. .,.._ ...,... -" ... Uw lh .. wf'ddon« .. r fofRrltn F. Ltndl'f'y M<'•a c;ran~e ufltn•r Wdll tlull "'"'' no.:hl tn dnft a roui"'M' nf II<"·~ 1;'811 Ooepel A.~ _.. ..,.,.,... ., ~ Wb .. r ~Jont.t ANI. and MiAA Elo•11nnr W\'<·k 4'1"' t .. d •u~~~~l·ll1l 8lo·w11rd :•r t.un '" !)(' follow,!Ml In their fnrth· EWe.· .... HDd' Slf'OIIl& ... ...,_ ............... -""nlnn ttf .... .,. .\n~"'"'"· th .. mar· t '"'nJ:f> c~ounly l'nnlMt:\ r.mu.:~> '1,.111111.: nora II eampalrtn RKAlllAI a.:, .. M C. Cronic, Put.or ~ ,..,.~wt.Ptl~.~ n.~. ntH takln~ plrtt•e .In thl' Mil' H.•lau''""'l'"'·-~djllan•sl l t; .... r~:" \\'ntf'rm&n, prer.idPnt .. r,, Sun~y l!Choo\,.9:4~ a.m . ..--• ~. ~ '-:;.;---;· lalt•r t>ity • •··r ltw IC">t.tr. ~:. +-~rt H~ l!rlsatkt" Dt1t-Jtornrq-won~trp. n~o·elec!tr. •••=• .. o.lla .._ • . I W R Tn~ty lind Art Win(frfn~· Mr~< I let• ,..,..1<1~ I l~r :!:lr•l IIUf'o•l, t ru I . ~1 Evangehatlc eervlcH, 7 30 p m. ~ !» ..... _., •ll•rb tun!( I ":' r.·harnf'd lhlll wo-.:•k rn•m All 1.11\• h I th r t t ( 11 I I ... \\'atl'm1an. th• Le•~tue lll'lll'rtR I Prayer ~tlng Tueaday HI'¥'· Jlhc .. ,._. • .at A8 $ .,._ rw. !\I~Jot I' o ""'fill rhi'AI 'IIIt hunlllll( lrtJI on .'" h I' ".:'~\ urh IIIlO' 11 II !hill< h r;· Ill l:tiii!V nf fra ud and niiJir .. prl'!l• J IC(' 7 JO p "'-: ' • 'IW ..,., _.. .,. tt;.. ••-r:ht~r K· rn , oo•tnt v Th.-="•mrud.~ ""Jl"rt-11'1·'Y· ro·at 11 ~,'111''r .ornl 11 1 1 II ,. " "r" ·, o•nlath•l;, lhl' r h411tH ~trnwlnrt nul Ptl\.IH ~rvtee 11111 llr ... Jln. ,_ . ....,. -'....,." · < o·r JuUI , tooo:r:n " 1 f'lll lll u C'dl tl 1 , , Thut.say. 7:30. ~ • ·• ,....,.,," tmly ••nf' hord. "'hll'h WAft , tud uwuu'"ll"'"~ lh.-"'Jitf'Y .,. ur st.oh·rtt•·nl" otllejt y mn •• •Y 1 ~h --.,___. A. e:4P:a:M: •• 11•~n .... ~••.t.t _, II a ""'!lc!Y ~ .-------t' · · h1m loo :t<'ntrt' l<iln4'R ~ tl'i f'nt 1 *'tliiJ ~-, --·--• ......... ~ _-..a.. • ~ ,..._ "' .. _ . _ llwn .. t I•• ,,.. h":tllltl( ""''11f11t l••rtl"' f • •"L .. • ...... ~. alA-..,_,_ • :.:'t. -..q •• ~ '* .,.. , .. ·'--·-I ML"'' M lfi;Ar~t M ~· hArl,. of .10, • . · I I'•' 111"n fo.lo·• ltnn on thf'[ r~>o·u ll "' .nul'('., of( .. .----. .. .,._._. rt FOR SALE . Nice l~tl~ Elither 11treet In Ctll!ta UOOO. Ttrmft. R. C. Parker, !lle"·port Blvd., C011ta Mesa. 37U ru=-::=~--=s-:-A-:-L-:E::---:-~~-ca-11-h-bu-,..--.on.-~ lot and unftnahed hoUM • partly fumilhed, on E. 1hth •t. I Well located. R. C. Parker, 1808 ~~Blvd., eo.~.a ~~-. I ~ nc,-~ ... ""*~"""' , ........ nn..J '"'"""•' ,...luml'fl Mnnttny I Mr~ .I " F tNiwr '""' !.IAUj;hl..r.l ... , fu r f•··r .... "'lth Charle• t'l1• Sabbath school, Sat~ 9 :30 •• ~::-.a -...._. .,., .. "· lllllll r·•m " pi•• ~Wnt w.-f'ko·nd nutlnjt I ~1nrtltn ~:ll••ll. ••I llt•l \\' 1\io\, o•x· • k.uluu 'f,,~;f'l'""<! WRtt•man\rlt tlw l Preaching aervice, 1~:~~ . ....;..--------------\•.,t~p '1ll r.~ Jirsa •1111'1#,... 1" • ., S..ltmlay •tw """"'''"' th•• I~H• It 11.,., t tu .,.,,, •. lh•s 11 .,.)c '"~ 1111· 1.•··•1!11•· I•·•• k· d t1ck•l , ' \\'edneaday n1ghl aervlce, 7:30. HOME FURNJSHJNG8 ....... ·~·a ~ •'-f f"o ... \1\ .;, 11\'l\l ••.• , ,..,,..,, .. ,. tho• l.ol/1 An· 1111111 "ht•ro· th•'\' \\'Ill ,, ... n.t !11'\'\'flll ' =":llltl'il a ... I Board of Stl'lltf'JO'" -. ---F')R SAl & ,. ••• t . .. -_ _. T y........ arr..dlfn vt ' .._ ... · I':" u . ... ., '"' t*l:·~s '*""'C"Cth,t-·--· ·•-"" !:'"Ira c_,,nrro•j:llltiiiJ:ll o·h~rr•·h. 111111 .r.o~·s "'111 !\II• ~··~tt 1•t "~·'n·ln-lu" "'" 11 .. "11 ~\ Wrl~ht, r.nlll. m )'-C'. ~. RAUIU l.t~C 'TI'RE tloncd rlednc wliJiht·r!l. 2201 S.a...-..t..W oon ~unday .'L~tiNI Mt. \\ llsnn 11ntl lu111l ohou.:tll•·r c·al'l 11nu Mrs "'"''· 1·1•·•1. I • ort't', Churlu .P•Ik•n-1 •• \tl:ur llol•kma n. t.: S B .. uf Ne"· =--ewpof'l Blvd., Col!t& M••lla. 42c ~-lin ..,;U: b ;a ll;r.a< .. 1-rl'l por "' II I'I'ToNIIr ' '"" .'Hitl ~1•'•1 Opp, 0 . S.~8t~n'l 'ork ~·oly, "ttl do•l11or•~l lrr tur,• _ -------_ "'• ~ A~..,...,. ..... •lloo•oloo a nti ' ":r!' •·h' '•·ol In tlw. board of d1rN:· 1 "" t'ltt·•t.~ o.tn :-'1 l••n•·t <wl'r rftd~<•1 8 CUBIC-FOOT SER~EL GAS re-~ ··-~t~ ..( ~ v~;; ·~,-~~it\' F.OCYI'RAI.L ClAM F. Mrll llnrnr"l• r>arhr I•( Hnlhn;~ ,.,,., , .. I oil HI• \'ac.anry lett l')y rr. !<lll tl•lll '\\'\\' 'fiXII lc~·· ut 11 p. til., fngt'r:atur. 9'-. years guar:tuty. --.... "' crwt"at,. .-, f"l•Y.rt•'fl .ltmmt.-H•C•·tutlwn. AAn nf Mr l:clwntl \\H,.c h••:oCit'X!'l a t th.';o( ''' •·k 8 • ••• ,, •• ·~•··•t.nn ul ~nnnl l"lt-· ~ ~t .. n•bt\', ~.n· 24 S60 dtRCOunt. E Z t f'rmA. ~Ilk•• • ..-• .............. NW.-t~ .-.th enct Mn. W H H1trhmnn nf lt.>:..t 11"'oo!lll.: "' lh•· 11"111' t"'"11"1""':< I'""' • Fur111ture St<1re. pl.onc 145. ··~ •· ~ A tt' ...-• ..,. ktnc .Ca ··•H IL"lJ! ln,ct ,.~nd.,\' t"f'lrt'lrntMi 1 ,·lut•. ""''111'''' "1 lh•· c ~ .. ~tn ~t.:.' ·r 1. 1 ·••t. .. ..; OJWn~·d "''lh put· R.-'SK•:R R-t ,.,.. ~t:\\ IIC))If: • --.,- ... ~·t .-• ,.,.~r't',... W1"Ut t~ ht.• !lth h;rlhd'l\' nnnl\~ll<llr\' l•y Ill• f;r;uo.:•· ,.-.,11 .. \l uo,: '"''' hnllo ~lt.• 'I. .t . ' ''"""'''' hy lhr• htr"l'' t' F \\':otll' m,q•:•.:rr o•( t h••l TH.\UE \lh:rt you t.llill-1 w:uo' h•l ~~Jo P--...--,...._...., . olon~: a do>u~ \'oot111jol fn~nrl~< '" ·\I•• ,, ~fullo•" '''""'" 1•·•1 lh,. 1,,,,. ' • , ' 'lnd Wh!4 <"llnl'llldl•d :-.:,.,, . .,.,., lkrto h H:tnlc tr .\nll'ftt'll I \l'hflt Ytlll want. Rholl f'r t-urn:· ,,, •• .,~.~ lh!' .loordfl~-:-> ..... p .. rt Ha r!Jo•l· It ~ So•ttl< ... n \tilt I T'•··l<'ljCI\'InJO: F.\' .. <!a nn·. ;I,,,. ~ust pur.·h:~.-··•1 lh;. r.no· l"-'0: lui· .. Mllrktot, lar~;o•;,( l<l•kk nf ' . ( I I I I . . plied h\' lhf' r o-tn -II~<J turn.ture Ill Sal~l """ 'r.:tl~ .---u ~ to••ll'·'" j;.om" 111 t IHht•r hr~h t\ I· Mr1< Lol\·ton '1-'··r·o•l \\ lduw 11( thr '''' ' 1 l. '1Jl • · ''"' ,. ll'l'lllo•llol· :tl 121\. Ail \' fii'C'IItrt' 121 1.. . lh 16 h h "'J --' t ' ~ ' \io • 11 1'1 'I I · · "'!lfi•U ... 1un !!lt.t'f>l f'l hunr .......,.,...., ('To"., ,., ll'' !' r· ~ m,.t "t l "lt"11"' I e J111rt~· """urn,.-.. (I In to• I lr ~·rool Ellro·l. hns n •r0··nth· • ·' at wns <11><• lfl!h·cl t•~fl;~· RaiJlh P 41~.w "'·~•• •• ,,... "'..,, .• r '\CI"" #' 'h•• !I '' hm.on """''' \\h,.ro• ""In· ••ltl ho•r ~.111t,1 ,\11:1 f'l'••t"'rty :111;1 1 Mu~kt•y hnrrtllo·rl tlw tranKIII'Itnll. _____ , _________ ....... _ ~ & a .... , .• -''"" ··r-t "'..,..f'P '"''" •I 'l··•llho·ltt llllJ'jW'f \\;Ht lli't\ 'I'" tai<trt.: Uf' 1"'1 111.11\o•nl '''"hl••l.•. t :x(llusinn and Fir~ MISCELL.A.'YEOUS ",.... ,~,~:c-.~~ ....... fl•-'f'""' ·~ ,;., ••• ,,. p:or1H'II~Illlll: \\t'rf' Mlkf' ill ht•r llt•ll·o'llll Ito)• ho •llll' ll••r J I t Oil F . ld I nt:~UK'R:\T1'1 Pl .. o\~ ~u:r.riSO -F.--..r •• ! r ·~-., ,-Ln -r: I ... t.ton.:c Brth'o• ... l!••rl>roN•k llarr~· ol.lllj;hlt·n• ...... !\.l•s.~t·S (.,.,I Ita lllool ) rt•a t'IIS le Tt·nt!lll\'o• pl.lllll flit a ( lllllllY· FLO\\'ERS "Say tt With F'lo~.\ ••I-. -· '"'"' ·~ ..... , .( 1t• •• •·•C •. .,,.. \\ 1" ,,.,_ .. , ~r ~1'''•' l'rulh:tnl I!{ ........... \1 •II • "'""•Ill• ,,, s .• nt;, at lluntine;ton R~aC'h I widf' flt·nwcrnll<" hll'\ tmg In be Sny ll With {lurR ....... u·,. Ylo•\\· • • t1 .. "t ,. • •r ,f1,• t ··~t ,.,. )e .. , ••• K .... ' ~ .. ~"'"' v ·c 1t· r .. 1 r. h t-' "' " ••. • l'-•h \'" P rrn,l•'ll f-:111""" un.t I''"" I hl'lcl I•IMII•rlot\1' 1 Frtdnyr »I 8 p o•r Shol.p. 1710 ="~""To<>rt Uh·ol '·l"f\ l't.t•l ~, .. "·"I Sllltlh. Mllco• l lt·~ll •' .. •, nr the> f>nltrt• 1111111 · Ill \\o•r·· ll flll .. tlllo'o•d Ill fl lttnt·h~un l'I>!IIH M·•>t'l l'lt"ll•· :1 17·J. 4.1• .; <'·-,. '•J·I\' ,.,,,~han .lol\1111\' ~to~ :'l:.lti<'Y ,\!"'""' ltlti ;uttll,•t.:l"' H· h ~tllftf>ldwalllhrelll · 111,,,.,111~'11( (lrnn.:t• ('ollmty 1:11•111• ~t • -d ,,.. ,.. ··v .... 1n f 7 -.h., u • , t ... t ,... -., ..,..., .......... .. ~. ' lh~ *~" .... 0< ., h ... !.t t-, • v . f: I• I; -~t ----, !~ ~·,•.: t ru "'\Cr . ~ -'t t ...... "ii: t '., •h. '\ •r .. 1.. .11111 ":-h• 11~ "''' h1h.tn I ·lt o•o•l, lo·l,l ~··;.l ,•rday l••l l 'l'lll ttol ··•·•·tl -lr~l t.:ht by 11 hly!lll'tltlll"l .,1,,,1,. \\'oonll'n'11 !'huh· cluh. \\h•t•· ~ho• \\II\ ~l''"l'i 'l h,lllkl')-:1\11\,: ''l'l "•' • '\II llfleCI:H'IIJnr (ltP i\Jii"'llrtll~ 011 lht-• f'lt(lgtllln . n.~· ~"MATt; .&.'!ISU~)'-~l-~ ·r ~tl.&.."J~o,b..U~w.L~-.ill.!J~ ~~~~._lh!:...Q.. n. Otl ' . wULbt: h.cilJ '" P!Jk&•:_l!!•IL • T1 I 'I I I I t r 'f ~r;~.. \..J..... 5-:o•\\ 11 nil. -~~(".I .... j • I •r"'l"t' tll~t t wm '-flllll lfl'lton ~n • l• •• ,l t\ ' •• ,.. lt•fflt' " ·' ,. ,. ,.. • • • • """"~" 1 ,1,., \\ ,, .,. 11 H.oqwr ''~" '11···~111 Fl'•ml, '" 'P•',IHII II): Th:"'"" lr· •' •' I • '• ••11n bHtJh I'IH'CI. J.r 1<4a Hr .. n:<MI. Th,• . I I I 1:"·."~ "'"' ho•l •1-l•t'lll ..... ,. ,\~:·1 • '''""uhl tllllll'r l'<lnlrul "•' Pfl'l'Pdl'tl b,\' n ,.,,, "' ·• 1• -··1.•' ,, :en t•r -. .,. · ·I''• t• 1., ;oo1t·. •• 1111' 11.11 I"''"'· ------• ' ,,.,.,.~. l.b.e.Jl.J'e hlu1 <1111••nr Kt llllntl(t'f'fl. ' . "' •i•l· '• ' d••lltrovrd two olf>fTtrk~ ... · • hr d • 'r •,~ 11 \\t•.ldtn~ uuu, ~1r :quJ )411'-lf.u· .. hJ F1nk ,q · h • 1-1-\ • ~ t t rl • •'hi ''"' •··•d ruur t,t t-~. RF.~t\RK:\RI.F. Rt~~AilKM •• ,· '-!' \ .J 1: ~ ·ar. ·'' ,,.. 11•.: P l.•tth•u.t :c\•·uu•· pJ.uul• d r. ..-.1 ,... , .. ,. 1.,n1tt'd vtRII R ton~ l::.· ,• .•. t• •; <r•l«'"'" Ill 1., • \ "ht .o .uh ,_:lh·,.t.• 1 ~I" I}• I Thllnk~a.: ,\111,:: Il l {t (.HI \Ill • :"' 1 . th "' D ~ r ~ Crn<Jt' ,.f thoo ="'""'fl''r• • • t• t ;. •I• I I , ,, , r••l~<• ,.11 llo• , . · 1'"'1 •I•" · \, 11\li<'ocd ~~ " ''· l.'lor t '. •'IIIII"'' Ill lho• "''""''' I· tnk ""'' •, \ 'I'll" ',\'otKil'n 8lrtll'ttlrl' nur r"rN•I'nt dl'f••nJ'f> trnm•n,:: an,l armnnwnt l•r11.,:r:un 111 ROlli · l•·ttrtl'h L11•11 t -l'u)nro'""!t.:r tri'IH· Tutllol';\'· ~ ~ .,a ,..,., .. t ,.. .. .,t 1\ .. t-.-lay It I .... r \ • h1 1 T " &!"~.or• ~'\ 113 •t th~ ,t.••M.. 1·, ·:.ol •• 1 ., l ito• J•trt~ '"' fl' ~lr ~~;~·::.:,:,~·"\.n/,:'11~;:::~~ 1~·;;. ,. n',;;, :;'1 1 r' ·, !' ol •I o•ruht\ tht'.,tXJ'I081011 .~ y ,... J&a.y Jna:.irT tr"l ~.,_~ T lllr' Tull.on ,IJHI !1"11 ~~~~. J,.hn ltarro•lt Jf ' "' l';ol I ' >: 1-l.ozlng 01 d ri ,. Al~-C C~ r-•"tln« "'"'" Purkr1r 1111•1 :'\fra. Lom S.•t o·r. ,' 11 • • '• • I t: .oil dll"f'rllon!l an ttl~ ~ A!t'r...t S m tth A S ~··· tt1tl 1)1 11 11 ~II :lrtol ~tr;t!.l.•l. 1' '''· 'II•• tll't'f'Ck!l. $f.'{'ond dPr· ~P+At .J A BndmJtr R H ·n .. T,•tr ,,. ~;,:. "'"' ""'•l:hlr·r ~la r-1 Mr :~ntt ~f'tll .• ;__.~,, : d! wu ont ownl'd,by the ~..D...J d•f(Prf'nl't' bl'lwo•l'n r1 [lo•lill· I IIIII llll<t~~.Jllttii'SmAn iJI that th~ l\o•hlw111n thlllkll "! lhl' ~r'<t rl.-t·· lion. lind t)lp !"\1\ll'!'<man nr the I N &A L 8 0 A and-BALBOA ISLAND 1. ¥,• • .,. .. r·• "tt'M:...JIJcewtc::!dtandl I•\' a• •·• nf emel"'tt'nC'y. 0ctan ''" ::. \ •r l wu C'l~ tq traff•c ~hnt~ thl' c~Oon. · Let me h•Jr you find tht rlJhl one. ~Rny. man>· hundreds of Cood •mcel"f' mcmbtrtl In my rlub. all 11ges. Cf'nfident utl t ha\'t htiJit"d hundredll. lrt~lt' h•lp s ou. Wnt .. fur ap,l•rRth~ or !Itt' mt> lrr-ptr· aon. CMd E8 bhshl'd club. TheworicF. Nnrs Snn ThmuJ'h -. THE CHRISTIAN S~ENCE ~IONITOR ... _ FRA:"'C S DF.' MO:\'T .lt)fr ~ w,.,.,,. n "''~' L.•s Anrtf'lu l'honrll. FEdPr•l 4:!02 • 2901 Red fJYII'S : Roasters • Hens MRS. ADELE (.:l~IBAL f'tktw leA., DI:U\'EBI£~ .,.__Stowport-\\f!d., Frt. .......... ........._" ................ 8M. J\• '"'''"-''OfUI D~h ,..,.,. •. ,p.~r ,.,.,.,... b Tlf£ CHatsnAM SCU:SC£ M.'ILISHISO IOCUT1' OM, M-, ..,_., ......... M,...chuot~t• · -At Tllllbi.J~UnbiUfd-Free fr-s.-a • .a .._-EditoriQ A" T.-ly •nd In-e.,. -d 1.. 0.., ......... Toc«her wtth dw •. Hlly M••rine 5Kdoil. ... ~ Meeitor • 1-.1 N~""P•s-f« the H- Price 112.00 YNrlr. or It 00 • Mon!.h. learclay t-l•, ancludinw"M.e ... •n• Section, U :60 a Y-. lnnodiN'IOry Of•, 6 '--J' c--.. c H ~11 ST~~ _lli!!Sl._ •.M .. ~~G RBOM M'..-oA.~- ·, i I 'I ... loouta DuriDc lhfff day1 l h 1 • 1 weekeDd Sea 8c'outa will <'OO· Newport Harbor lo t b e I r ~lath An njl a I Renduvoqa llft'f'. The community Ia JSl. ... piau t.o w•lcrqe ~ youlhlul vS.Iton .• aome wbo come u far u Utab, Ore1on and Waahlncton. Dry land a&IIOMI, ·a lot 0( them. but they <"ome h•re to rractlre CID U,e water. what lhev ba\•• laUDed In tt.eory at hpm•. A API•nd!d croup-ot younc mtn and 'tbe Navy bu Ita •·ye on thelr arttv1tlea fcn-po111lblf' fUture 'ael"''l<'e ·:· Two Mo.-. 8peu1Dc ol pouible de- fenae needa. N•wport Har- bor will ('ontrlbute two more ~I• to UDclf' S a m · • wooden IIHI" ne11:t Saturday wben the South <.."'Uut ("o ISSUEl> SEMI- WEEKL" / 0 ~-·.-"' • -• • l I • I, -. ---_ ..... ,-.... --.. . · . I -- EDITI_ON (~~ EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA, WEST NEWPORT._ SEA SHORE COlONY. LIDO ISLE; NEWPORT HEIGHTS, BALBOA ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR. COSTA MEsA --·-------• --------;------.-.._ --• I _.....___ \'OLUME XXXW r~ IC mergenc;·1es FinaHy J\pproved nt)lo.C•n ·r ThMk.~J:I\'In£ .,.1 .. f11 ruul llll lllll•ntlrtl~ lht• unlt>n .. ~-tho• Ollhulh' dum·t ... , Jll ""' lve· 0 es'tern tates 1 pnlJ)natl" M'I"''IC't'll 11nd plans w~ IPn II'•'~" nro• 111\Jio~l '" ~·In 1n thi' A-. .... •mbh 11f' 1 ;.,.j ( ,tun·h "' t'o"'"' 1 llnnnttnt"f'd today by · Rt'Y ·F.. [),. IP•I un• · '-''""'·· hut 1 It") • ttl h•'"' t o·.:utnr iC::~!L ~stor Q/ O:u:ial nw. .. ·~il t ... " "f''Ot'tttl '"'"'"'"'"' ~·.Av .. _ . R d · F d I pA~tnr of I hi" C'hl<tll MI'M 'Mrtlt• ,,.. I ·,,..,;1 ~,,.,,j Fuul""ftUitn' by the-Sf'a and Rrv. Carl JQhnJOft. Cil ln~o: r u:, .. ·,tl ,.,...,~111111 \'l,lltn.-: S.·ll s........ ""'~"''"'~ en . e.z-~\P'US_ r ·la ay odillit Community f'tlurrh ~ uniall '"-'1,.1 nturdt "m h<ll•l ·•" tho• "'""uti Ho•n•lo•/\o'll' "'', 11w SPn·kf>!< to Ill' ht'ld \\'~ Thllnk•.:t~•m.: o•:tncll••lt~:ht n•m· ·"''"'ko nol nn• 111"1·~1 1•' •llo·nol lh•· F f Ph . . G teed F A 'd t ntj,!hl , NovC'm~ 19, 11\Unt .. n 'l'r\hH "" Sttnollt\' With ~nllllh)'-Mh'"".!:."'" .. , ""'" 'rllll' ·~~~·-· ('omnwdore"8 l)a"nner and Annual Sea Seoat. -~ Y8111'fl808 uaran or ll'fCI en 1 . ' h .... _.. .... .. . \\'II . ( nurc• y ""' S.·tt ""'' , •• ( ltlh ----""0 "' "' nnt_anun All ... -vn I!UiiJrn ~T ..,." c, 1 Ill"• I St .. :orn~ ~···Ilk ln.-: C 11... Ex . . f o· k D . the-l\4.'0 c:hurrh<-11 for all n'!'tdrntl en "I.A•I ,., ( '"" 'ft\J•nk'" Rn\ "'II' ( ,1111;'\'h, ltur l .lllh "' Mutml . a us, amana bon 0 run ravers; I o( lilt' l'ntiff' L~larhor Ot•trk't t• llrxltko• I .111tun Smnllo•y, n .. h Wli· l'unn..r I nan at R~ndez;l; To -Be H .. hllahta I Of A ard M • c $'>0 999 88 c tr t F ' 111-trnd. 0 ~Ant' \\'llhnlll Wtllil•m• lind J (' Th•· "'"'' (,Utr~·h "' I 'hrbl.l itio ·-v-...a-...1 w OJ&\'e o.. ~ ' . on ac or RA>v JohnMr\ \4.'1tn,.. the-' •pr•k· Lkonllltl"l:• r \\Ill l'lllnf'11~f' II l'trin.: ~·h·ntuot.' !lio•\4.'11Prl "''"''"· ~II ' ltroa"ram to ln~lu Compet n Ul . ~ p n· ··Ia Bulkhead ;t'rforllw-!11'1"'/l('f'&nd Rrv C.oodPII.,IW"In hlo• lo;r ttw mu,f.·/11 fl111"1lnn t'unt1i•··i Titnnk•l:l\'1111.: 11,•.1 .... ,,.: Nautical A('tiviti-Tau•ht Ship M•mL..-e ans... I \4.-lU· IU>III!II in the-pmJ:Tllm. fill llw "''!"1•'•' "'"' ~pi'('llll mu,lf' h~· lf't'Oo Thuf'<lny, Nto\'I'IIIIM•I ~'0 "' Ill ~ • " ~ • 'nlc-'fin-liar Wt'di\N<d~)' nl~tt'lt thf-•·ho•tr ••Hf f••:tturl" M"• .f..,l, 11 "' with tlw ''"!nnumll)' I"Yilrfl _ _· 1 • • PI •h ' h 'II . -""I I ld t ... -. r t ff' poi·IIK'k tflnnf'r h.-td hy 1114-N.-w· Pur11MT!Itn, ... ,.ntnu ,,.,fntl'1 In lith-nil Tho• '""'""'t I' ~· I 114 .....-.ft k N ~ .l • ......___ t C!-· , n an\\ IC Wl msurr m'I:'U ca a on •ac:-st't'ne o ra IC por1 n.-ach <"hurch wtll Ill' • s-rt s o '<l·~·lltl "'"''""' on 'Minnk"'· t-:n~ot C't•ntr~tl. Avl'nuo• ~ . ••K' In• to l'\\'(IOn Ml\n• . ...-,y S... ~'·"'ta rom Y8 crashk. and ln time of other emergt"'ncll"S was adopted by thto 1 ----r Wtoslt>m Stnh-,c wilt hr undN'\\'ay 1-'riday with many ot U. city council M6nday UflOI'l the I"{'C()mfTl(>ndatlon o f Chief of, N p · ffa • . 'YULE UAHJS ,· .. ntina.wnt" n lftl(»f'Wn.c thf> c'lfNO 'tMIUIUind youthll npect.ed Police R. R . Hodgkin.~ and Cicy Attomt'y R oland Thomp-ewport osto ce t 1 • 8 rur t,tw Sixth Annual ~" &'Ullt 'HmdrzvOUtl arrlv\nc heN I son. Thi:-council awardC'd th«> rontr:wt for 'tht' ('on.c;trur tio n • , I 0 TO SIIPASS l'hurwtny. 1 ~ launcbu a m I n e a'ilo'~pt'r and a,11"('ratt c ruh boat. Th~y I or a bulkht-ad along ~h«> bay front n t tht' !~<'nlnsuJa .P ol,nt to s k L ·o I . : lnctlrntln.: thAI ,.,.. ·~· ... ~thla )"NN" will I"Nch tile =~~~ ~~~~ ~:: 01 .: I tht-~~~~i:a:·o;,:-;;~:·~: at the meeting ee arger ' uarters :PAST YEAIS '~;;,·~~.· '=::.::r ltA .. ~t/urf ... thr ....,or( thai ~ • · productloo baa bHn aup~\1 up by the loc:&l yarda. 1 hy Polit-r Chief Hodgkinson which catled fpr • gua tee · ., IRfl('('S hll\'t" J'lWtlfk-tl thMr In-,.nuua c-om ... Ut.k!N, IMtu &I /Uw ·~ .,..,, ....,.. ~ -:-o( fees Co r ph~irians C'8Jiro l}y. rX>Ii('(' to th(' 0 or That lar~t'r quartf'ra arr Med-.... Ill"'' to w II ~·ltur. Poa1 (11rUthlAII hKttttn.-: ,of No•Yot•""' tt'ftllun •Jl pnrtldpnll~ ln thto ,.-1ft1[ and .. Ill,.. ,..,..., .... .. F'avortte ..... I dents or to examine drunk • ~ ",.d to uc-omm•>dalf' lhf' raptdt)' Offttof' lnllpoo<'lllr at l..ne Anl[f'IN. II Arbor I hill )'I'AI" I~ lol ,... "" • t"\'('111 0 a..t othfor MUtlc-al """''· .. .. ,__Lookdlnc out t ::u ~ ~:· I driV{'r"'l:. and the plan was rec-tc>nlloti .• und prob.:lt~) l<'~taH)', t(1(>, ·J,tro\\'ln.: Nf'Y,'por\ ~af'b po.t ot-bnpurtant I'IW\JIIolf'r-.tlona a rio • ll\l"':l'r and llMUtdl-r ,.rlllt• tnan lJiuhJtuht• ul ....... t .. -.:.. .... _ .. ntrnJ,~PYJUnda ~ on , ... 'lllr. -an w a c 0 If • • • ...,. . In f'O!IC' n( IH'f'ldt-nto:. cinl~ 1~ In•• fl~; ~ 1IH'ft In lhf' announcem~ ~ahty r f'nlral I'W'atlon, aooct •ov••r "" • r-'"' ,,._._, '""'' · ,. clnattoc ac:tlviU•• of flllhlnlf o mJ'Tl(>nded by At t 0 r n e y furbl<bc lilt• .... cl .. r.n• vk'tim to ~ r«•lvHt toda:v hy r .. Btmutu w. ~ttl and •"' l'llalblllty to ro•..r 1'\'t•nt ""'ill ... thr c.-ww~~ ....... C_,.. •"d y-~t.u lt'a A"l to h h ..... " 'J111~ ~IAif'mrnt I~ llrt,.lll-'lllo;l un 1 .. n~·r 10 1_, ...... 1 ... 111 1 .. _ ...,_.... r.,........, .... ,.., ... , -· -· · •"" Thompson 1'n lS. ....port to t e mov-' until a ....,,,., l<'1•n ••nv-. •H Adam• aakjn• for nro•-•· to ., a6dl" t'Dlro.m ,. fCJr malta. 1 • ., '" " ,.,. " ...-..... -.-" • ... old atutf to u.a natl~~ ..... .,.... 1. '"'> " -•·· "" '' ,_ r t "' f'ff1hutuum ,.,.1 llltl 1 , . .....,.,., -W.. Uta e'ic:tunc. l h o u C b lo council last night. t:pnn 111<'. "<'~n(l • ftlmiAh poal nfft:e quartera hera 0\afT&m nt thr ruoma or •build-Allf'rwt.rw"f' nl thfo '""'""'",..,. llarttur !,ant:.,. ~ub undfor,la,:!:l An "''f'ftai_~~Oi"M '- . ; •• 1l'H' c:ouftqil aJ,., tnl'tructl'd lor a period ol at leut Ult yean. In& •lffl"notl, .,.,...,Inc lnaltk dl· fmm rv;.ry _.lion uf lito• nty au•l*...., 1 • ,...,..... · ,.......,...., f~ ......... -. n. YOUD,..Ura lDlaDd and III&Dy llodgklm;on pointNI ~!W~'IP ::'\1n•o:-I rvin G<'o. Gordon te uk The lfo&H t•rm WflUid be f~ •-tlfl• •"•I an y adJtllnlnl[ I'I'W•'IIna: Monday tn 1\Aih•Mt ~~-r ol ~rc. t"rtdeyl vtatton will ,...._.., et I p. & ot U,em ..,. beiJIC tirouCfll to J)n'Mn tina: ~~ Pf"'PPO'8l ~ at the-. c:oopt'r.ailon of tht> sufl('l"''itiOr.o Junt' 1. lt42 aod calla for 2.000 _,.,d for ttahl atf'aa. drtvf'Waya ""' .............. _ _... -•-a.__.-~ lbon!a to look al the ........... It 11 ,.._.. ... ntl'-' difft~•lt •·-C'hatnnan J•lhn Al•rt bfoamlld ....__ Annual .,_ "'~~·t ..._11 __,11 r.-y a .... "'W"""'-~ ....-. ~ ...-• ' .. ---··L .......... ·' •u fur ft('('id('ntll in count)' lt'rritory anuan fut of floor ~-Tbl ... -·IUn &&at be a&b-..... ._. __.._ ..... -• ---.. ... ·-a.-. tx.ta and lnaprct lnteratluc to obtain medica) wrv~ {Of' ac· IO ,. hk h locnl pb)'llldans nrr 'um· r;;uwnt •r--• Ia ~ve" aa 1110 attt.d •·~th ar;::. ;ropoaal '"'"' with . clfolllht I" hrar1nc ""1'"rt" hr ~\.-act Raturday niahl undrr ttw l p. "'· ·~ ...,JJ fltl .._... l ..... pbula or·b.arbor &Mlvlty tn cidftltl and 6amlnatlon of aJJ~ mont'd. I IIQ.YAre ff'f't In tre lrwln BulldJftC ifopartmf'lll l"t'WI"''f'a llle rl«hl to ~r:o,~llon, rc...-.nt.d b)t .-llU~~ ~ thP·N•Widl ~t ;' ;-:-"~wtQ ~be=-=..:: eebool caa-coactuctad by drunk driven. A_tt~y Thompaon -Mof• ....,., I wturh ta 24 11: M fHt. and ~ ftjart any or all bldl. ln n...,tlau N--0 . M•Camtthrll, 11 11 ,Junior Chuntwr fill Olmml,... •tlllftd'1t10t.._ .....,_ wtll lie U,dr teacben. Ju1tl the l"ll.n Nld -lhltl phystdaru cannot ~ The-Mojavt>' Cor-pot-ation ""'•~ larwrr atru<'tur• would tall e a ftutJMor wtth propoarnt.a for t.t-F.at~~..-• ~ • I ttw ~ a.n,_, ..._ 011 a ~·,; be _.... clay a t.eedler ~t IMr blamed becauw for ~an tht>y the-Mlr blddf'r on lhfo bulkht>ad to bulldlnc of about S6 .. eo feet. kr tf'nna &n<l lo at'UI"t' ofhra on RaJ..___ .... ~-K-n .. ), c n. alanl----' t:.O._!·a~-~~ .... · ... --... ·-........... ~p tram Banta AD& hav• reapondld to acddmt calli. Net · 1 · .,._ ,., ... ' ~.. ~------• 'ADd menUonecl ~bUlly ·ar and whe-n t)\(' vic:tlms I"«<Yt'r, fr?-ltM' t'Onll ed ln mock p alon~t 8Wa wtU be rac:elYed up to ~pa..U.. In a&JIUOD (n ~~~. ~ Sdtuatn. Ju~ bend. aiCGJi .... to .. ~. lluDy ........... ,. --...,;;;;,.,_ a ~ ride. Not wanUac l•) .qumtJy M ttw '""If ol prompt ttM' ~nluula bay,fi"'ftt. 1'1w «:a''·l Deeember 20, ltU aDd ~ .. red; al80 to .now wba~ --cleat-. dwi,... ....... ~~==~!ra:;~ii~ ....... --IUda, wlto to.lk lt....tawit ... ~ lw ,...1=-= ;-~-=-~~I .. ~ J)etall. c..& .... ..,_ ....... ,u... ' ...,...t ..... --...... -YtHtMtl ._ .. • u.. ...._ -. CGD· fa.es to -v t1w doctcra !H. .s.. ~ N p On ...UO.. wUI be ~ N~ • ......,. ~. J ,J. M•· , ... _ J·-'-,..., • .10 .. ~ ~ .,_ • cetftd tiM klea ottallta•"-' Ph)'lll~ IIOr'M\hfw-aco potnt· .,..uennn who -ld ttw '*' ... 0 aper on ~~qUell. -lard. . ,;: .;;;;,. -,.,_-to alt.:.-.: ~ tar " ..... O'lft' aac1 back OD the bland I rd out thai they <"an IU alford to within '"" pl'l't't'nt of th,t' f'l'tlmat· 1 • • • O.lhna IIIla nit Rnhrr1 AUM, 111,,.... -·~~-many ol tlw SN c • "moi\Y ••. 1:JO. .,...... fcrry. lm&Jlne ber .urprtae rxamlnr drunk drivt"n ~thout I'd f'OJlt. Thanksmvtng c p w t•-B Conrad Shook. S.'<tUI~ wM will~'"'"' w•-.,...,... ... I oclodr •• wbeD the ferrym&a lDfonnt'd j paymmt bf-cau~ tht' praC'tl<'t' Ill Th<" bulkhl"nd w1JI-tlf' ("''f\,'fnJC"1· e• . . a"' uys Junior C''hamhrr nl Commrrcc-.J,nd.on..UI':r*aft. Utah Ntonda ~ armhly Anoctwr~~~=~:~S-.----=;J aakl teacher m. ... .....-no-·~trinrentllJ le thfotr ~-,f'rot"--cd. ~ UJO .. PV'R'-N 'B~ A -nu ..:. nn111.~ f'lntt, tfaT" '''"" """ Nor1hl"m Otllfomla will WfTT r,;; r~ C'hl'lr• for <"hlldren. Jo.. A. QU<'ntl)' phylliC'ians arr callt'd. UPQfl r>ri~lnl: .thl" Al'f'/1 In Ill' bC'nt'(lttf'd. ... order to ~\-.. , ...... m-I ew ay ve e oltf ArMdk1. . .... ···-· liM ~trllniJ'f'l" 0 I rn&o,. wtll ~ ,..,.., diJIWft at Beek s. to ·be 'ton1ratulatrd to f'xaminr prn:on11 who '"" l>mr-l"f"ltm~ts for thl" IWW"UUTtl'nt · Residence S.. Scouu llany (;llrtlo'r . , p m -offtnoA' --and ....,.a on h S. policy, for y,•blle In nmons: 1h~1r palil"nt,;, or olhl',-.; rh,trirt W<'l"t' l.nl'(hr:atrd by lJw ployee~a of thr N .. ws-n....-Mr Sl"1trl rrportf'd th11t thfo nw I......,_ AN j ,_. will hr 11t I p. m. A ~ that caae It meant a f u 11 who mis:ltl r11ll thrm "hrn a llf'f'• "'"' 1 I l,hr r"'llll''' n( lh,. ~y a hOikla'' 110 thfoy tsa etljoy Vnntlf'rfltll )'1Hi11. l>tnn .. ••r ,.,,.,1•1 M")"r lrvtn (;..,.. t;.1roJ<If'l, O r · tlrr fJ"'Or"'m wnl at art at T:JO ferry toad, ffff, It mad• 1 lot tor i.e nN"df'd. but 'ilo'OUid not do M~ f~~nt prorw·rty ""nc>~ •hno.r lnt!' 'J'haalul«f\1-«.r na.· ~pt'r c ,.. WAtta. m•na••r nf u. .. hi avallllhlo• thro"1.:h It' ''"t''"ln l ,.n~:•· "'"'"'>' Hra ~,.,, C"twnmn-I' m ""'' thr IF'IInd bell et tM of oun;.tera happy if the-phf~iC'ian had pronounf'l"d "'" front on lhl" nl"" hulkhf·at!_ 'Nn><port branrh uf th;. Uan)c· n1 Jf111"1, fur illumlnallnn fiiii'J:II*'II, or.on-111<omn~ t: J~Mif'hr)l, H11rry ~·• at II or I :1P P."" y 0... 'AIIf"oad lhl"m intoxicatrd. ~lanns: :'lll"\4.fll>rl ll:erhnr •~ a •iU DOt publhh 08 Thurl'-1 AIDt'rtra bu purTh"""'' l h~ at Anol llnrry Wo·lt'h Will nonletrt Wo·ll'lt, ltr <iordnn M Cinnt~ty.l Wlntflnl up tlw th,.....cMy ... Reporta from t h o • • ac· c;uarantr.. F'..-. ,.,...,..,..l'lllnt1nl fYtfTimunl ly. ~u<"k day. . 1 t rarttvf' '"''" · 11tnry '""!lf'nr ,. at nll,..r ) nd tl LM n•·•' 1'' '"1''''''1 ~ .. hn A !'l•·~ert, 1~1tm!TMwlnrf' JaiTM'II ,11'" will hr thr Suftday ~· qua!nled with rou rl Pf'9"" Thf' pl11n "" 11ffoptt'<l by thl" C"rn nk wrol 1" !h" munril prnt~t-l•tl'&d th .. TtwMta)· and 11201 H11v A•·l'nur It ..-u '"Am-tlwm In t1lro~lrtu" ll~ehtmlo( \' t:11thn•· llftlf f'nmmnrtrlf'f' Alhrn Jo'ulluwlnl( mru ai 1 a m uwt U. ('-'ur• ·-.... l H&PPV Hyde 'I I II f lnJ: Any (I('II IIO:"'I nf f'Rnnl"rt~ "' Mf tllday' lfAIIIIIIn• thf' !lf'lll ..... ''"''"' will """'n IN• to:lvo·n thla Sullltntl ""'' llnrry (;llrtlfor, lfw-AI .. olcl IJ hi ,.,.--·-·--· ..,.. ~ .. ua .. , NlllnCI nn Y ra " or 8 li(lJRrllntrl" thl" moUth of till" Snntn Ann Rh·,.r Thuf"!!lday IIBP""' \\1!1 I~ ... ''''" f•tf' llu· '"''' lt~htu•l ''""''' nrt•l St·n Sf'ttUI ,.1..,..... .,... all a.lat· ,,me n~r 1 ..:.·:.::;:.•Y. '"'1~ 18 -clotDJ'~t aa <"lty Judie of f~ 'fr•r c:tH~ within lht' city . f !I . I . hiltf'd d f'di I ltalph I' Muk .. y, ""'"II knuwn j I hi '<I 1 t I I ·t · · ,..... · • . f n•lur rtl••" will ,,. ..,."' at a. m. aDd beartnc out a&Jd r•porl J'hy,.wian~ :~r,.. J!U:lrnntf'<'d $.1 fur "" •nt •,t•tno n any '" w•tnn pm· rom an · Ollf6 t l ift Harbor rr-tllur "''1 '~ ' • uro· ""' 1.11~ ''"' 1 1"~ 1111111IC'' f.'•tWt1Y St-out ;.,...,,. All h11nd11 will Allwmlllr for photo- ,..., the l"t'qUf'lt by Jlf4le till\ limP rnfl• In 8('('1cfi>nl~ And lf'f'l• h,.ro• ;\t.•~nr f;nl"f'lnn pt~iOII"tf publ"'hf'd awl ~&ribu&rd 111•,' b uDll' a.rqulrrd b.y \\'et. !" 11f ro•f'O•tYo• II flr-..1 111111 )ol'(lllltf ~Ill It\' .. lfMrTivwt t: Y.'hllr lln4 hll(h tf t 'l :w) A m and .... Harwood of Sa.ola ~for ~lmll;tr t•mo•r(!l"ttf'il"~ t•nrf $~ nl nut thnl llpflllrl•nll~ th•• m/llfrr nf tJI'-. " tw~ "l"r" lllrw '"''' '"''" full ll•·r•· nt•· Itt•• nrl••• lluol •hn•rl•l I"' -.;,.,, s, '"'' utfwtrtl.• '" ''"~>'"~> ""' lo(rll t \• II II I , . I lrcl l t H•.-.v to -•t In hill plac• Jut nt"hl ~. ntl mu~t til' I Allf'mnt In lht• t &~ll f'Annrrto•J, luf'atinJ:: :'II thl" on Wf'dn~ . ·• ttl• -... , •. ,,· tw.th h•lll"" ltnol ... , fhltiM't'<i '" ·'VI'IIr•• ... , ...... ,,. f(,.,,.j,./\ '"" 's,··•>tlll• \4, ~_ •• : .. • '"'"" .. t to' o',..~ .. IO --~ -• J .. ~ ~ " ,. ~an • ., lin·i Htl'"r w:t~ 11 •lr:ul '""~" Th.. Sf'"'"~·TI~ "'hohH ~ .. " " ... 1 \'••hmw .. r lh:to r, 11.,.,, :• \'I• •· """' • "''• ~"· ~ ""·•· '"" Saturday, wblch lhf' loc"'l \Ill!· , • .,lf,..ct tho·tr (M• frnm lhl' Jl:llll"nl 1 1 11.,-... ,1 1• "" "" .,,,., "" ''"''IJ• 1 'l'h•· St·u S.·uut l~tnelllhlp 111 thr Sruukln• l_,.m11 N"rr!TMtny wtJII be I ('••tn••t m••n r•·•'•'"''o( a ('Hntmun-hou 11 I ~r -· r ... ltlotlll\' '""" o;tr····· "' •••1: 11•111 ' .. ~-r of juatlce wu clad Pb\'!o<lf'i:tn~ Will l'l rf'I\'C' from lhl' ,, .. ,,,,,., '"''"' tho• ,,I,IN•' nr lhl' it" r .. adf'"' .• nt u l"'d hnm• 'I i\tiiOolll' olo•lull ""'''· .. "Ill'""'' I':OIIIJI~""""I """'" , ... h•·••lo.!•llll"11'rtl twlolur.tnln "'I,,"'·· anti the sea to do, _, .. ~. ~;; f•·r r"(IIOllntn~ II rln mk :-J•·W"'•r1 ll:trhf•r l 'n•nn II I 1: h Thank .. Rh'ln~ "lth .. ,..aJ "' o'tolnr"' ..... ,.nl\ ', .,,,. 'I'"'',,, ,,,, tlu llt•h•f••f\'Ooll' "''" tho• A1'1'lf'r1 · s.• ... ,,, Will ,..~ur•• """ battt'ft riii\'J't<r-in thr day 11mc-anrt $10 at ,.-1 II t •u I t uwd 1 ; t t r t huwfluhhrr !'=o•h• • •1 '''{•r•·••m~: 1 11''11' :• PI•' ,.. pra,\·rr that ,.... trul.\' ha\'fl In 1 hP 1111 r • ·1·1 ''"' 17 • "" ,.,.,. "" llu• """'''"' ~ "''' I''"''' '' ,., •· ' "" •'II'"" '1 w a ,.., .,. • 1 •M 'II '11 ,. "'"• " n · Mlu Jo KN>ln n ~~~~~ R:tr· nu:ht, 11crnmin~o: to th!' plan r 1 h · 1 1 '"', 1 .,.,,.,1 t•tttl•m•··· '""'k '''' nn•l ~hflmto et •" ollnn •·r 1'\!t•n• 101! I ,.. f'IIV murh for "'lll"h to ·-"''"l .. ntt ,.. ........ """-·" bllllnll t.1 r "'"'"''I ""' ful ""' Sho·ll·• ,.,, ... I ol • __. bara Hodgklnll o :'hann~l htland adoptt'd. "'" •·r _,,r,.1,.,,, 111 th,. .,.h,,,1 :tn~~ • ..-\T~ l'.'t\' 1 • 1 ., •• , .'T 1, 1 1 \f 11,, o:.;,.,. s. .,,,r. 11,,,,,1 ,,, ,. ''"'" 1 111 I' "' ('ul'l"" will hr pl.,--• 1 1nd Mno .I ll• k I :n77.1•· "' L ''II C , . ' • ~ ·' 0 ~enlly rnlra tel fnr Ran Fran. (/IIV t\ilnmo•\ Thnmn-"n r••tf'l• IH'aj,,..rj thl" r-nnrte•raltnn h\~ rtl~ thankful. h·llt'h \0111 lll:ty f '' llw illtV ,,, l'tltiJth••ll {!to·h,or•l Soo fl \lr• ;.,II """'' llt•'ll """ tiiJIII' Ant1 ''""''Ill :• I• nt ltrlll lit•• ,,,.II ~ta ct.aco whcr .tht')' wllm.'lllll'l.l onf' Nl oUt !hat the dty t.s monJl)' l'l'lllll tul•· l ~·lce M•·rnlt andour uff 1~1h ~lrt'f•l, Will o·n.:!•~·· "111 ''"'' th•· l r•·k f••r hon'W_' ---ct the ford .:rtd cht""'' ll nhltr..•••"l ''' 1• "' · I•· "'''"''' ,, , l t'nnltntr••rl lin l'a~o:,.. 5• __ ~ _ __ ___ _ __ ~ __ I ' Sea ~o,uts .Of Western States To l,articipate In Record Rendezvous At Newpo~t _Harbor; Thi~ Weekend._ St~rtin~ Friday, Nove'lntwr 21 - ( ) . ~· I • ... \ • ~ ·1 \ ~ .... -.----1 --~ ~~~!!!!!!!!!~~====~==..:=;::::....====:...:...::=======7===---=--..:.-:-=::~------. - NNftJ at~ hoy. frnm ,.., .. ,... Wl'llt.m 8ta~ •111 join ln thr Mlmpi'Utlt~n rtahl I• a ~~ ~t .. p.,mail., ~ Md phnt.o ,._...._ a ld........., &.tell """If thf' furmrr Rrftdrnnua ..,. .. ..,.,.... aft4 at IJNo .,,,,_ rtaJtl • ,..._ ,..,._, I• ....._ -. ..... ... IICU.ttaea plaftiM4 for tiM! lf41 8M flcovat .....__ al ~-P"rt Harb!tr thk ~lfi11t fartllt"'-,.........,. wt&Na tiN~ .......... ,.,.._.,... ..... 0.. ef ·U.. ,.., ~ut 1. Ia Uw1 fflPI\ dlmbt.lll rompd.IU... 1 •••b-' .la.o.e are ,._ .of tt.e typical ~ al a I!Je'a 8c::out a. ... v-: .\t tJwo .Wpa. tt.e ~eplaw ,,_ 8o11.. Gate. .._.,..,. lla llllc fw tM .-r.,._ a' ~ r -· ..... - NEWPORT BALBOA ~. Newpot1 ----~~------------------------------~~ Tlll• ~r not ... ,, U. _,nrmr4 liD &» Blat..'• lecal ,.....are-. ... Mt ahoo '-old• •• Oruic• t:4>41at)' ....,riur ~~llrL~r-. ruak· lac It elll(tW. &o pubUd ALL le&al nntl~ Newpo_rt -Balboa. N-Ew-5-T f·M E S PHOSr.8 I~ a II .. ,. he' t:vf'f')' TUMdaJ and Thllr-da)' AfU:nKte~D• \'nlunw X:\::~uu · ~~?ttnr. l'aynbl~ In A1lvanl't': $2 50 pt>r yrar In On~n~:c-Counly, J:l 75 JX•r >ear tr 41 h zouc: S3 00 p~·r yc•ar to 8th Zf1ri1•. 25c Jl(•r month by curn,•r. ' l:ate,..(J u ~<l;.....s math'r ut tht~l'o~tutrlet> In l't'"''f<lrl lkuch. California, und .. r thr Act of Mllrt'h .3. Ul79. -------------.. A. )'jF.YER • • • El)JTCIR A~!> MASAC:Jo:lt Prinlins Plan}. 3011 '\\'. Ct•ntrnl A\'••nut•. !"••WJIUI"I llo•;wh. (~hfot ma A O.,eedaW. 1-.1 laaul.Uoa For Oftr II Yeara ~~~--NATI~W}Tbi\IAL . @)-- m1t~~ ·-:~---r- 11M .... _., •• ..,..... "'• llc)ld -tal ,n.etple of 4etnnrntlr &nw...,_.l. _ oif:.ictif.-PAPEJi. NEWPORT B.u.BOA, CALIFORNIA ' DAY OF THAlSKSGIVIN(; - ·-- . I l .. ...., ____ ..u.l~ bxlualcy . ...l...abor....has two 1 •• • •• _ ··~ .. ual lntlh ~ders, and two vacancies han' ~·n <'n~att'<i for htm<~t h~_lh:t tlw fn"l't outposts <'1\'ilii·'!''·'fl ·~ CJhfn1111.r ''11 h ,...:ol. "' ll)ell to fill. No thanks for this can go to labor officialctnm ~1s."11'? ~·ltl<'.m~nts n•a<"h~~ from San. 01c~n In :-;.en Fr:.n-·~ has oppoeed any hou.~leaning. Jlou.<;('('ll'anin~s h:l\'t•l ':'~'·~· -n w n~IS."JOn was nrHJ:JII~ lht! ,.,.~''''.' ~~r •"•11111 rllntt y a habit of raising Oh1 -somelhing to whieh \'('n;,) offida)!' :lll'. hft• ~n tha~ past ora) ('l'a ~\'h('~ 1 ~(' fl<tg of !'(lam n(•\\' 0\ ('I thiS notoriously allergic. ._ · t~rnt~r~·-l1lt~re tl~<' Imhan nN •phytl's. un<~•·r th,~ '.'"' 1.•:..:•· of F •·anc-•~·ans. ll<'llUU"Ni tht' cmfts ~nd skills of t'l\ 1llt ;t1 1110. \......_ lll<'Y t;umt•d hid<'!'. l"aiSt>tl "ht•at. ma•k' t:1llow. t•(lnstnwtt'<i fu1'11iftll't' :111<1 fashionc'CI artidc's I)( iron and lc•:.tht•r ~ . CLINICS SHOW TH_E WAY Tttts week at· Los Angeles, and next W('('k in San ThP cross. th(' swnni.' -<1ntl th<'· h(l(' -tht~', I' • • ' l \ r 20. 1~1. NEWS\ of the CHURCH. , F!JLL GOSPEL c~:ar,.... of 22nll """ Coet~t Mte~t, C.l \ Rev. M. C. CronJc. ' Sunday S<'hool 8:~ a. m. \ Morntoc Worship Service 11 a. m. Evancellatle Service 1:30 p. a l'unday an11 Thunday prayer .erv.cu 1:30 p. m. l COSTA. MEl~ COMMUNITY \ .• CfHJRCH C~tri B. Johnaon, Mlnltter 1 tltt, H~tr'Ow~~~--f'ft:--s4....._,V Church Tiw t'11n:t litn l:kic•nct• TI111nk-.· 1 ,..,., ,. ..... lt.rtfta .. car&.nlel, ••• F I .. ~~e•·• "'~ t~ Greatf'r Harbor Pl•trlc1 : 1o ._ a alddlq fon~e a. U.. .,...., IVtller ~ a ~eat; aM lo atay aloof ,,.... &II ...... u- f'~f'f'pt -~ of llde!IIJ to tile f'UAIII«' ln......_ fOOII \&IIIP aM l*ritf, But AIW llllft IUSI:a'B ~a~>t•t"'"-...,Jrll ,,. a ,... .. ,. v....we'"iftt. II n for ~th·•ry tor~. or :--:-: -~-~--=-:--:--:-:----:--:--_ --- Fresh Dai(t. DrU~ "'Sea Food!. · Or. complete equlpmt•nt when you v.·ant to calr h your own. HO~'IMEN FISH MARKET I t OS CE~TRAL A~ !lf'El\'PORT BEACH _Now i~ the f t-:i\'int-: Tla~ ~t·n trc •. up tn lhr trmt""~1 nf lho• lt• .. llmonu• ... \\Ill lw brClllli· _________ _...,.."- rAI01 (ln•r fo\t-'AI..' 1:1:10 k•· 'At ] I DAY SERVICE ffhBIIkS~i\"lhi: noy • llt'f\"it'P Will ~ condlll"tf.S on Thundav. :0.:•• vl'mbt>r 20th 4t 10 00 A.· !\1 '" Flr1t ~I!C" or . L"hrjlll. S•·irr.11~1. Scwpbf\ i1~111'h~' 11K F.a~t t'l'n· tral ~vl'nur. 1 ~ 1 All arl' ropllally lnvltcd -- .. - I I . I ~I . I -·. . .. . . . , • . . . \ --' NEWPORT BALEOA NEWS-TlMt:S. ~~\,·pua·t Dcn"h· CnlifomtA. Tlll1 H~n;\"Y.'""Nn\·..:MHEJt ·~'· J~l-11. , ' The Sea 8f:out8 Ha,·e Landed At Newport ·Harbor ·-ScQut P.u'blicity ·Enlisted Men Naval Reserve To I!~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~D!Yh~~~tln~l:!~l!. Be Released After Emergnty A, , . .,r,hn;.: t .. ,.,, annuun• <'mt>ol ••un:l''lt>IH•II u ( l!o•· (JI"l!t na\lnth'" mlt.llt Ows v.~k 111 \\':llltun,;thn lf1!~Ulg thl' \' ·!> rC'o·ruot Ill ,),.. 1.~ ,,.,l,•r .. t s. ... r .. tary ,,( th<' ~a\'y algnalt•,! na a nl,\'rtl 11\'lltl "'ll o•uoiO'I h"""· .. All u.rn "'""' t>nllstana: m .. u,l will b.· ~·tU•I •-;:, a m .. ntn. l''"" t,.,. :~._l\'.J.I Jt,M 1 •• \.\: In· r.._•. $! t~·r ,(aa~· hvtn~ ''Xlh-.1\-'t" \'1"'" l.llfli'Ol 1>11 uo I I\ I' oluly tflr.,u,;l',lllll \llnlniiS~I\Ifl 88 1\fl l'll"lj:ll hut I'U~ Ill\' I" n"d "' th•· nat t .. n>tl c•m,·r· v.1ll lw llh rc•ru.•d t.• "'l'~""'matt•ly )!4'1\ .', lout tho·~· 'Jo .11 J.,. t'o•lt•lU.,•ol S:!t :'t a ljiiHIIlp .lJI.J Ill .,.l.llltnll he· ,,, 111.11 I I\•' •Jut.· '·~ ,. , n alt.·r \\Ill ""''1\'0' r,·.:ular pay l:kiJII.Uh'>l ~ lh· , rut'1 a,:t'lh ~· ·, .. s Uh u t ••r \'h't'.tl ' uf $:.t'U f••r ''it• h y,..,_.,.r bP twn'''" ' • •• n I~· :-pa ".:'· '' j:olrdiJ"'-" ,f th•• 111 11\ '"" duly all•·r l h1• lra11111111: I, njttlt ut' lllllt' ro·ll ,tllliiiJ.: 1U th.-lf p.-no"l -~lll>lllwnl " t 'l;11u1 \'·ti In l ht• l ' $. Navul f-:llh>'llno'll\ '•m lho• \' ~ :"a\'aJ Jl"l\o'r\:.0 vrft•rH Hl'llCtrtUIHtlt>S fo•l lt.,,..·n·.-111 h•r '"'" )••1\flt t.ut 11 mt•n \\lUI .II"'' hlhl.•·•l tr:uumg '" a m.an ~nll.11ll tuJa~· and thr ,· .. ntlll\lt' th'•·ll tn tdo•ll n11{l ttl t •u · ru.•·•j:o'lh y o ll\lll \\ llhUl ;,1, JWnoo , llalllt' \lhlt' 11•'1'"'1•' llh'll'" l c>Un h y •. r """ "·" ,., .. nttt" "''""'II ..... "" ThiM j:lvur• m··""'''Jt "•••-.:•ah"'" .,, .. turnt"oJ to h .. cavlluw J<•b u ~•uu._uny km•l llu t·h lUI t'lt·t~h'~"'· •'llf 1111 p lUilbl" a!h·r ttw o•mn~rn.·y , ... ntt r,o. nl>tc·hmultll. st.•nu..:rtroh· 1" ,,,., r. 1tnJ w1ll nut ._.., r··~u&rt•.l r r11. plumbt•rll. •·e<lks. l l• t'hrnplrlt.' h1.11 h our )· .. ar tt'rn& bakt•rs I.Uld ht>r-tra.tri anti • in a• tw~ ..-n·•c~ '"''&lluM Tht•A•· I fo'our • IWJik'll eof !l('r\'1• a-m Uw , <'nhatm<'h\ bf' ttlVt> l'nlltoJ Statt>a :"a\'&1 l<t'lk'rvt' nft'<l ··•·ntiuwr Wllh lh•· --------------------"~-r-- MOan Underwood. toSS. BAJUk)a BLVD. UDO~OOSE 701 Via Lido Soud PhoM ~27 Coat.a 1Maa P'tlolw 2233 ULIIOA ISlAND 220 Ruby Aw. f'tlone 482 -Accountin1 Supei':Yieioa Office Procedure PHONE 633 For . Those Extras Which 1\take The Dinner! • • MIXED NUTS CRANBERIUES RELISHES ,VEGETi\RI..ES l\1iN CE )lEA T I PU~IPKIN t ;,., rid ft,,,.,,,. H ,4 '"'' d • "··r 1 ( .. , ,.,,nt. n•n' • f t"• 'I''~" '""lt'' •I ft ,. f tttl' ~ t u I tl o tt u '• tl'lt 4 I d il ''"' •h, n c 'f\t• t l lu•l ·~,n "" " " t• '"' 1tt t, ~ ~< tn lt• tlh , , • •f :tt l ltlf•' t .l.Jnn .r~t I '• u h ''•'~•' '•• t.,.~t l\ , ... '•• hr· 't•" ,, '• r ,, ' •· •·tn· ,.,,, q,, ,., ,,, 1 , ,., r·••nt .... ,tnd l\1:h' th• ... rn•· li•r 1, h:c•l f;ookol '" •·h •11:• Ill• aolol•· v.h•·n '"''' tl\~t\i•d li• l.td,, 1 lu n'·:tt I.P. :• ~ •·:•r :11•" • ,,, ,,,. ,., 1'111111' "ft t'IUH'''f'llt•fl \\+f.t lh•• ~~~·•lh .. r t••la\ a" .. r !h• 1• r •\nf"-Arn n"t' '(1111'"'''''"' \\hl•h' ~11\'" ('llnr·~mmx. lr~tffh-ru·•·lol• ''' "':'" 1h•• :, .. ,,.,,nrltnl' to t:tl ,,, -;·,,,,, ,,.,..,,.,, '" ,,,. 111lllfil1 """ "'''''' kitll"rl :1" :1 r•·'-1111 nf :tlllnmnloil· ,, , · t•ltl•·nt • la-t ) t•;c r ... J.,utktn . fo'lf7.pntn• k '" ,,..,.,,hn.l.·nr ·:-:'''"' N··~·,,,,r, H'·ll• h m,..r, trttn ,,.._ .. ,,, •l•·r """ ,,,. ll r •h·v . r , I . I 1101111111 I 111 >CI 11\,l , flh fo1 In,: ._Ill tcr h··l•l I .,,..,·rul•·r lN nt N 1• fl\ m tho• lcoril1 ttf " mta,u-...J lffl<l t••·t .,. 1~••· .:n.n1. "( "hn~l"'"'' In Clm II•'""~ l"lrtiUlli wdl t.. annnu~ t..trr W.h·y .buy '"''' • · "·""' • ··• .,,_......, •r•lf1 ,),. ..,,,,4 ltltf•>~nlnlo'tll • II "'"'' .tt..oml",. "' ""'ltll•·n ·,• •·•ur n .. · ~.tt.·h J&ntt.:J"'Int •·u Wli- '•1''' n lolc\1"' ,of lf\r~no·"'l twr-llo~l '" the• A•..,•·m to'tl tllarnbrtW , .. ,. ''', "'''' ... t\• ••·f\ th•· , ..... , •f't ,., .. ,~., ... , ..... .( ttt otn~·· ,,...,.,.~ 11'1''·• '" "'0: •IIIIo• ·' ~.ll•'t) l 'ulll l1t•• !"al..t) 1!111111"\IAII ('UIUU\IU .. ''''io." m 1 ... on,;•• ,,..,nl) ,.,,.. '"''{'1: , .. ,.. . .,,, .. , '' lo ~ \\ .!!, "" II \•I 1• "' '•'"I'"'' '''1"•' ... '"'~·'~'" lautll alt oq,t...U... ''" ,,, ,., II •II .u-.1 11 ... '' ,. fl•"" ·'"'' '"''"' Ia thn}UCh&riul die \\•''!"''' •-' '''•••n• .l.l \1 •1 ''""I ,., .. lu1\ SitE· 01 1011 TIIP !'-I'. furn.lly "(~lifo'fftian" noc l •nly \A\U)I'U m llftC')'• kut m.aktt rh".l,!o:tl U \TI• the IoCr Ilk, loWC'f• l fhtu.k (,.!l,lc n ~.Ut' ltttUIC' llriKIClUI, Com• t•!ru· me"''' •••• -4UC, '\Uc.to(IC Spauuutlounlt"cat .... """'" 1~'w"~'~ Suc.uJeu ~ ... anc. «!Jn.c. Srt"'' d1.11r c., fur 1mm~n. duldft.a. lt.lfl\ciiLC' .atm.osrhr rC', CttOftC'RIAI trn~IC'n. . . CIICAit 'If'! tH HI ... II aiM .. _..n,..,-<,.,...11 IF.ct.f~ .,. ~ .. <rl-hmll) .. IOUf'ii. ....... an. ,_....., __ ,.,... D. a ..... 1"81', ....... _..,.....~ .............. SOUIHI .. ~~.IC.-" - car! ..r; A .frank· stateyrent by you.r Ford dealer ·--- W E OFf.IE\'E it 111 .uur rr•l"•n•ilultt). 111 tiuw~ lll..r tho·•r. tu ~i\f• uur •·u~- h•••·•·r· th•· full tw•wlit uf "''"' "r ~nuw al••ut tlw :~ulunuollllo• inolu-lry. Ba-••tl "" "!.:11 "'' '""""· ••· •inr,.r .. h 1..-lin•· th.1l 111111' i-tlw timrtu lm~ ~ . 'u'u rua'\ "'m•l•·r "'"' .,. tf'll '"" dti•. "hi·n .wt .,,; II~· ",. miJ!I•t ·,,,,,fir I·~· ~••f ,J,.in~ ~~~. ',,., .. ,., .. tl,,.,,. ar•• ••rlh ••• '"""~ • aN t•• ii !tap· "•· •·uul•l maL•· lu••rf' rn•m•·\· "'"' un. l}ut tlt.it'~ mot rll•· l~•.int ••• "" r~~ l•t•l.,. 111 tin• l•u•i"""" l•on.: •ftrr I~ f'tu,.r· j!•·u··~· n·a,.•·~ tu "'i•l all•l ·n .•l t,all~ "" w a111 I•• ~"''f' •Hir n•-t•uurr•. · • \\ lt~·ll "'' ""Y tltal llltM' iy 'i. ~,,4,.1 funr t .. hu~ a r·.rr "'' artual1y mrJi n tl1.tt it "'·'~ 1 ... :a lul ltanlrr to lmv an ault~tuululr J,,,,., ~m. \\ •· ••"}'~ w···r,. -~ .. ,~ alt••ul tl1i·. ll11t "!' tinn'l rrrltaf" '" "'-"· ,, nrn ,-_.,.J .. e rnuntl1•. An•l tlr~n. n ,.w·rar• I •••••~ arr "'""! atlrariiu· tlt.:~n cJ,,.y ,.,,., a, .. ,,. l.rr n . lmt ahrr d"' fipt •1f tf,., )rar all l11id1t nlf'lal ma) lw m••••n~ •• ctM-ur .. tnr '""'· \'r•. it i• ••ur 11inrrrr frrlin~· tl1at it may ....C ••nh· lw lt11r•l••r Itt '"" a nrw r.ar l.ctrr oa. t .. Jt. it n••• al..-. lw-d,·f( K'Uh "' .,., ,·,,., < " -,. • • • \aturalh ~··u'•l ,.,,..,,... ••~ Itt ••Y that now '" "• ~.:.... t til'(' ••• ''"" •.•.• , ....... , ••. -,,., ... .:... lw,.a•~ -.,.·,,.,,.,.nu~,,. ... ,f tl .. iftiJr nrw JfJI2 t'urel t• tlor) finr•t .... ,.J ,..., rvrr lmih. In . 'I""'''~· 1( •.. nml hotJ.,.J.t•l olrfllil. f,._lrn~ · rr•fn"'''"''f'• l1.1\ r . f.,. ... n .. nrr l in lull "ill•· ,.,, .. •m,tJ,. rr•lu• t i••n '" ,:•"'•''""~• .. r tl1r · •. ,...na tl,,. of IY --~~~~~~~~::!~~~~~.,.:.....:.....,J..l-----=~~r_:i:_~~~~~ """ f•·•l•·ral •~" ",.nl ~ -;·,;--1..-,.n " ad llil lJy }Usa 'l'tf: 7t;-lllffu.:tililll il •• ..-..... ~-r.,.-..:.:.....:.:....:,.;.;;.....,.:.:.---.. ·--.··---i~~-"- -- OCE .AI 2110 <Hean Front We Have Ev~rything Here Now For the . ?»mplete· Feast ·., • -L--• ROIT MARKET 1\1. CA.\IPBELL Phone 6~1 HrJt, .• ,, I•Y I •r r• 111•'11 h lltn\1. 11 J,un• h. :>: •·w II''' I '"' rt·h u n'h~•· or•l••t \A. 'J 1 I' I ahlrr Hlu•• f'hr,·r··1••1 ~, • .,. r•••rl rul .t h nn5:• v.. "" t;y H ,/\ Hit,)'.. 1JIJ!lrlr1, UIID~ t'(Jmf'lt11V t·v..·s·· rt Hr;,, h IJH r• hnn•luw '•r ,rlrr. """ hy A .I ,, ••• nr'·y N .. wr~rrt H r a ,--h P h:ttrr "; ·•· ~, ..... r"•rt ·~··u h n•ur•~h~nl'h~·..._ ,,, tlo•r . .,.,,n 1,\' .l•oh11 M• A•lam~ Hr t,.llmg l(l'lrlrouA /" • ''""' ,11 '•' thror ltlnPt8rr In th•· fo~rurl ar,. .Mr I ""'' :'>In H :'1: 1 ·unnln~tn"m .,, U~t lh••" l!tiiiO•I wh•• rrlurn .... f l'· rl'nlly ~t• r a I hr .... "'' .... k ,. tr1r tn !',..,. Orlr~tnro s .. .,.. Y for k ~"'It'"' Fltll,ll, l't OVItlf'nre. It r ·: an•l Wuhlna ton. lJ. c •'I ~• ... ··n. Thrrr i• r\rry indwatifln "''"' '' "'"'~ l~t· mtwh l1i~hrr. !'il'd, WI! frt·l tl..al with ri•i~ laltt•r :an•l rnatrrial r,u~~·~ it nl"'l)' Iff'~,.~,. t .. :r(,,... prirr_- .,,. l''"rr titan th,.y arr tu!l;a~. ~lurru\rr. c:r•·tlit rrquirruu-nt!' ar" n••• ••nly unr-tltir:d ""'' n an(l ri~ht••f'n muntl•• f,,, tit~ t • .-l.m r,., Tl1e trend i• '""''rd f!"'" ~rratr_!lrr•tri•·· tit-•. .\n•f nttw l••r tf,,. lir•l timr t••• tnay r ...... -~itflf'r a .. , ... w M "8". ~ I•• IJUr Ml•tttn!f'n and frif'tldrt Wf" aay in •II •i""rit' _,. ;. tlw tinwo t~t L.y a •·ar "'"" tier" 11r1 ,., .,,.. • ~ ,;,.,. In huy • l'tHJ. THEODORE lOBI -IS Ford ·--l .. inmln Zephy.. s....,.........,c..,~ ! \ ,. I , I' • I 1 --. ~ ., J ·- .• Pale •·our .. ·' . ·' • .• I Newpwt Beech,-Caltf<Wnia. TIIURSDA Y, NOV¥MSER 20, 1941. I I SAILORS OUST JORDAI FROM SUISEJ IA~E 6.0, MEET · 0 I L E R S IN TRADITIONAt ·.GAME Fini Sailor Basketball Practice Set For Dtr. I Coach Ra l1ll• l" H•>t•d nnnol\lnl'o•d today thot ht' 1\t•~ r1t lh'fl t h•· l1r•t bu kt>tbllll pr:u•two· lor I ~ c.•rnlw•l 1. "''hirh w111 r .. uu~ •·I•>~'•' 1111"" "'' hHIA ftf tho• foljotbnll 'I""'" 111 N-110rt ll:~rl"".:. t 'n'"!t 111~:11 School. ,, Rl'ed will l'f\111'11 tht> \'Ill" II' nnd Clalll R hll>.krthnll. ~~~ ho• olu1 l:t't )ear and Ki~cry "Wh1ll > .. \\'hi I•" IIW'Ck ~o~o111 rf\lo~·h llw (' nut! 1.1 ,.,,. •ba IQUatl~. Harbor Jfii;h h11o, II IV.'II)'• o,luM n It r'fnr1 h In f rot hit II. t>w<> k' · tha ll and tra<'k Bnrl flu trod tu t1u 111'1~ • Ultn~: In an)' m hM' 11rnn . Bffnnhn~: to pn'Yioo• l'f'I'Ords. Jl"nc'o• \f\lol"h ltftd and h ie bo)'l to bfo " t h l"t'at to TI1o• \'Ill" J I~ an• I 11 "dl ... , .•. ,,,u•·'< ;sc fh •n "'"" t:t·t' •• ,,,:,•r'\\ :a~ f•! ,,,., ~~·.. ...,.h, •lul•·•t tho• '"'' • l""oJ' II "I ,,;tl• • ,., ...... t• ,,, ., '" ' 1 ~ way but 'hopK af'l' nnt too hl~h thlt yf'ar for any !'I rln.: o(,.,~o 1r· l 1t tOf'W. I ., -U Lut )'NT thr Sailor V8r'l'tty ~o~o·on Th ,.,:!1.2 ~ thf' Sunllf't Lf'~ hll~krlh311 1 II '4 l I :! d\arnpkln.tllp, but.RT!'dUIIti•>n luok F' :!1 l :!•2 H :SS S .22 Af'W1I out ol ntnf' lfottnmrn MM t 1 t 4 2 -1 0 proml.tnr:: of lh•· lr llr mwn n-Sa 22 10 M 4 -4:, 6:" II\&Jrlinr: I• llamld f\hcontn who a 41 2 l 0.6 pltyed llt'('(lfMf 'trtn&: Ju t srii'IOfl. Su 23 1:04 :. :.2 U ~.t 1:22 ~ .. ct:JM lhfo B INm .,. bPI·_ 4 I 2 7 ~ t 0.1 t..-than f{lf' thfo Vlr'l'ih • In t"t,. W 24 2 21 7 211 t:ell e :JO (.'~· nlf).UL ~ ................. , ......... t.-t,. .. ,....... ... a. •• IICIIIIII ... ,._ _... ... ,.,.................... .. .-a.._. ..... •'so ,.·~~~r ......... , ................. ~ a ..,. Wrdnesday Eve n...-s --...-... t H a r b o r a ..: .. :,. Bulrrth::lll tncue • blh· lbr1.-d tha. Tl-s&y 'P n... tla..V•r tlt~;h Sl t1oo1 IULPUIC Cem· 6fft·' nlcht nm· t .. lt•:ua~ h(lhdll)'S . -I Courageous Harbor Eleven uoaAc;u;ARKER Defeats Jordan llespite "Jordan 11111.,.t h~· Nl'wpnrt(;;{·o". Fu~bles; Play Oilers Wed. sn r un t hl• l .. ntl '" of)e uf ,. ------ s port f"ulu . anti mnny lh·~ fiB\\' :"'t>WJlOI't IJ;n hor Sail•·a· \'at'l'il,\' pl-d~tically f'liminated _ th" earrr wn~· A J ordan llig h S<·hool's t•.hnnq~ in thf' I !'·11 Sun~·t U>:c•:ue foot- 'IN THE HUDDLE : I ml~hty hattlr !tlugo•d hv 11 small I II . . . ..., 1 valiant Hu1 hur ,.,1uad · wn11 111.. ~~ Jl(>tlnant l'<tC't' la.-.t f nday ~ftcmoon on Davids9n ~ld r nnr t'fll!UII llf nptnion u( 1111 t ht• \\'})en they turn{'(! baf'k thlfl1L'a\',Y Lon~ &•ach in\·aders 6-0. t iiJ)("Clator!l and . th:\1 It Will! on.. Tho• ll~t rl>or t•lt•\·o•n oulpiH)l'(l 1"' the most .thnlllng g&mu p'ny· t hf' Jot lla n t nhe thf' !'nllrt• a ft!'r· ltl lhc• fourth q wtMt'r •·hm f rom l'd l()('ally Anu tho•n 11nmt• nt w1 nom( 11111 fum~lt•d aw:" ,., o•n •vn·ad fom1auons. ttw-y ran ,and gut t.o thinking anol for th .. w"rlrl t·han•·o· 111 •C'itl'l' until c•ari,· 10 th~· 1~1•'<'11 tn a ck'!lperatf' atlt>mpt to "" rouldn't l<t't' wt.~· lht' l!t urt> fnunh lll'l'loci Wht•n. thl'. S~ollur• Ito• lht• '('ON'. Evt'tl tfw>n ~did Bhouhbl't h &.vr been lH points at fl'('ll\'t•r'f•d thl• hall ori ahl>lll tho · 11101 ltt'C.Ilnll' a l't'al threat. • lt-nllt . no you rl!allzt• that for all ~-yanl lint· an•l FullbHrk ll:m•lrl Th•• Jlart10r l'quad tul"nf'd in • I Jord~tn'• bt"ef. llf:lel!d, ani! man Sh,.fhn ra n throu~h thr· ••n lln • .tlll1111n1: tldt•n!<h 'l'j."llmr with litO. powt>r tht'y had to Jll&y a r· Jorda n lin" and ~f'CIJIIIhry do•fo•n•t' I .'V·uuuntl J ohn Jkc'Cia IJC.I."('tt.iac lt.'nBI\'1' ~a rn e throug hrn1t a d tu '<''11rt' s tandi up. 'J m'tbn tJllly' nll a ftN'hOOn. llarbor mufft"d at least two ot r S h(·ntn one> e>f the> """'' Th" o•n lll't' Sailor t"k>\'t'll . ~·'ltr. I am not try ing to t~tract Fo!lt)\\'tnl: lito; pc•rfcwmar.r•· 1-"'·irluy ,., ,.,-. -.ulf~·rro mj6rit'!> it C'OUicl 1p f rom thl! tea m's hard fought· ''lc·t,.II~:Jtlnst tht· ht>:lQ' J nrd:1n to•am ~·rfun:l v.hc·n Ctuli Chaplin. = tory but rBthl!r I'd like to bring \\'hit'h b<)a(tro FUllbac-k Andt>n<oon, L.'U1or'l1, and Dal<' Bf'<dwtt, nut t hat the boy• wen , rulfy 20Q JX>U!td~. a.c: a <'llnclillrttl' for all· m~: half. hoth sumrid k~ Ut- )~etlrr than thty app!'a rt>d on/ ronrorm c& h~o!'!<. Sh('nin is ('X· JU n t·s. pap<>r. Of all th" t tam• that y p;:oct t>d to rc·<'t'l\'t• a htt.:h r:llmg t~ c..u1 have wntcl'f'd 1 knfiw of no nlbet" wh••n thl' all·~tar Sun~t va~:ut• .tumhlt>s "''''"'~tty to t~ Sail- ttam that haa tndeal"t'd ltutr 110 t•lt>vt>n is pi!'kPd a t the l'nll or the• oN. who probabl)· would haw-nan m uC'h to Jts fniiOWt"rl 81 the ltfi\AII "<'a~. pm viding ht> t'nntinut'JI to tho• '-t'Or,• up to t •-o or threoP b ut m lgllty. agJ:regatlon or .4 i tu~ In a l'lt>llar t'W'rfgmtan('(> tc.UI'hdowns. The I<K'al grid mom fiBr bor Sa.ltm 11 Exo·er t for a 11111• n~::am!'t Huntington 13<-:lcb and fumblt'd oo the <WW")-ard liM. oplrUon ol lhfo roAchtnr r.tft ff LAlit 4 2 2 R 4 7 0 3 re-r thP Harbor 8fft f ini"hcod Tu ~ 3:31 ' t :Jt 2 :M ~.M t'\rsl ~* n! Uw ('0111 pPUUorl ,.... •~o to fe~tur• Craw· f•A>h l.tu~ an.J l h" f'aaltba Klub at 1 p ID. '• "" oe twr rame-play · *'* ... .J_ • .-rn t~" r )lr n • \Vear va ~ .ut h • ·...-c ·., and TM P'oac.l f!:l~k .. t VII t.he Grem Hornet.. rrftl llhowln~e agamst F.xr~l•lur the Anaheim. . rlruw back . to lb(' five-yard and • b oy 8 have play1·u and lou ht Bullbecll Dael fumbllod as:am and lo5t 1~ INl1J an ~ 'I I..-start or the .-euon wu thr mselvu prn ud. . g The ganw easily N'solvNI' inw a thl• two·yitrd stripe to halt aa-po·~lfi'>n~·u from I •.• t , Tueaday N'nw for the-rreope hanging,! dul'l hetwe€'n ~)l(oflin and Andllr· • Olhc>r goalwa i'd drivt>. . n1~h f,,., t\W!I' of Armt.tlce Day . I Chill Chaplin and Qale Brockett ':>on. Pia~ mg Wit~ a fir,. whu·h ht• lll'ttc>l' judl:f'N'n~ in tu~l call· thtrd' tn thfo Sun~t IA-AK\11' dr'<'illt 4 4 2.6 4.2 0 6 aftd Min thfo Southf'm Cflt.lntkos Ttd.a are r la•...t In u•~ or .,...'".,,__ ~ · l.•aht toau,... • m darto tt,r"~ • • ~lp tournament at AM·~-.-.~·-_.,,u .t..:-~·•h _.. -,,,,. I • --I with kn~ inju riu are d fl It 1 cnn~i-trnty mnmt~nNf thm~aeh"' fnl! Wflttlrl hn\'1' I:!\'• n thfo -Sailors out nr 't ht,> Hunt tnl'ton & e ~ e ~' uut thP r ntirt' gnm <', Shl'rtin o;tar, It hr lll'r r hAON>. in ttw-opinion ol ..... FR Rl(; liT ~0 \\' planf'" .. a r e rolling out of_ America '•fttcturit>tl bv th<' thou!IHnds. A ,-iuuon U. America's fSHt..et -~;y,•in~ indlL"~I ry. Tllf' uppor· tun.itiee for traint'd me n. now anc1 in 'ttwo fut W'f', are alm011t unlimittod. That's •·hy the llnitf'd &alt>l Navy'• offf'r of FHF.E AVI."TfON MA INTE NANC E TRAIN ING is 110 exn-p- tionaJ. Beca·u.ee in the Navy you m:\y. if qui\Jj. &d. ,et the fiOMt aviation training in thf> world abeolutely without C08t to you. And on top o( it, you earn while you learn~ f'nd ol your fiM t'ril.ilumm ,.ou --~· br eanunc up to $126 a munch-•••h ,..,... lw.arci. ~ and n n •mplt•te •~•6t ul ciuehanr /,_.' If. at tbe f'Od c•f ~·our tt'nD .,( .-nirP. ~·~ •L-h to ,;t>t a j nh in cn·i.l An r•t.1011 ur cltht-r ~-~ •our ~ n -y ln•inin~t • ill l~ a I~ aMt'f ,,, )'uu .. LOOK WIIAT TIE U.S. UWY .. ,, NAVAL II£SUft WFU YGU I •·.dl ll~«l. ~ tadre ...t \ i Empfc)~'"nt the c~runtry llVt>r are ('ager t o em- ploy 1' ... ,·y-4&1100 lllt'Jl. CMd ,_., &ood food, 1ood friends 'The l'.t,vy is n••t••d fur ir~ popular s ports pro- JT..s.JD. 1-:\l'ry kuu.l or aport frnm ha!*'hall to a,.,,'j,~~ ~on.! !OW.inm~i''l is ofTert>d the m:m wh1> f'fll~l!§. 4 tu hn:ll d !"lllp, t he Jntl'st mo\'in~ rie- l urt~ .1 ro• ~~~· •wn 1 '' ' • lr1n niZf'<l r('frt•at ion. such ::1..., d r.•m •I ,,.l', lllflt.:tn~ anrl mnl'liral Pllllill'ta in-""l nwnt. J:• .. ~ t·~ m , ,.,. 1 he I iff' of ft 1\ia,·y m an the ··. ~~ fun m the ""rid. · 11w f,,.~ef :o~t•r'·"'l nt the.S a\')' would do justice --NY •11h ~l.ar -""-, • .,. '"""-' to ~·o1ur n 'A n mnll~o•r'a cool.ing. lt'~J we ll pre· *Am u p tn •• _ .... _ .. lb. p.t.rf'fi -:on rl t.l.t•rt .. plent;Sr of lt. • perrop11 l ht' Annht'lm g a.c: Ja.n t red hnth on offl'n,..• and llt•f•·n~·. Coach Wcn~ll Piclu>not, who this 't htnk that lean'tl an e ;m'· \.Lid On lml' plung ..... and around lht> Wf'l•k r.., taJstn~ fn('UU~ to pr-.- 1 or cmly 16 plaveon to n r~'~ ~~~ c•nd~ ht> ritlcliPd thr Jon:lan rlo•f,.~'<4' l•·•rt• h•• lttl\ .. for ttwir a::anw \\'.cJ- • llf'lu!oon. 10 .,-n~ ;,r thP ful:,.~ hi : :lnd mntt• than nnt• J e>rdan taC'klo•r nu day v.·l t h thfotr l~it.JoDal schoK 1 1 S tb Calg' knr w lw h:~rl ronnl'<'tNf Wllh !l(lftll--nv~tl~ llunllngton &OM'h. . • ''"~"'s an 11u ern ,_ 1 _. Th · 1 fom la ' Wh\' 11 1,. almnA I ~ ng afl<'r holltnt: thr ham n m· • ~nJ """ 011,, tht> Q~ I nf anu ~· k 1 t ~nh.~d ntnJ: H riKor ha ll c·arr11•r. On th•• ralltnl: and !ltl'rbn g play o1 Billy 11,1111.ky ~~tt>;".U!!!l'~ or e Ol.h£.• h;tncl mrlit'atin.: th" prr· c:o•·fltn at N'nh ·r. v.'ho ha., i dis· 1 WI t I I fom iiiR<'o' nf J on:Jan·,. 8<'t'. lht.> lo,.·.otooti o•IIIU\\' 01'C)('kr l,.l W3!1 olf f 1 ~· J · ·~ ('r*'" ;• '" thl' ron-l.on: f'••:wh in\·adrrs nevrr came-cr11trh1'1 !ttnnc1ay Md n "'doubttvl .. 1~\~~ll uro an. Jl ~ n tlf attaC'k wctt•m !'<'<•ring IJi-.l<tnC'r II( lia r· whHho·r t•tlh;•r t.h4•' halfbacok or h ,. 1W••ur ••m ''•"'ll With t)Ur hnr'• .:o.1 l ;ond ftnl\' thn-ato•no'll l1oto• ('h"l•lln \\Ill ~' \\'rdnl'<lt.~y NIYY •·am anJ then put m our · · ll~;ht. spt>t:•.ly tout(tl an.~ really • • ptour It un ( lh n ·a.h. 'Practice Ltnes, Conrad w.·ns P:~ ' ·I j.!ul runkl"'l. Kflt:r rt'Olllnft a •I r Ull' • "UJ'IC' f•' ".1'"'' ···lurr.n!l •n" darty Thursday Open Volleyball Loop,• tr"m thr :"wtll •·nd "' t.ltl' J ••Unh· une .t~· u ••. "11tt·t p•,urcu •t .;n For Keglars New Ca ~ Anaho·un lur nut l•luying th<'lr p 08 11rst :<lttnj:: 111 lht• t\mC'rwan IAI:'· --' I iun ....... tha ll (',jl'nl\ ... at F'uth·l· :'\o•\\ l~•rt Harbor IH•Klnr:< dl'.. Jim c·nnrnd'll tnm ~ the • tun and "llKK,.,.t..,J tlu-y txo ultnw· l'rl:tnTltll~ to tak,.. ~tol\•ftnt"l{" .,f \'lt'tur In tht" t\nrt rnunc1 of the • vu only :Jti • ~'''" ,n,.lt'1Hl I)( lilt• I he no",\' ~wlln,:: prnl't ll't' jO(·~RIIIIlS Nf'Wp<lrt ftarbor n llltriM ('om. · usua l 50 olullur ·t•xJK>nlK' munt'y. :1t ~p<•rllllntl In whkh a m1 ntmum munlt~· \'nll,.ynall Lt'a~l' tn the • In a latt-r ,.,.tumn 11" puur<·d 11 un l of uu ~~ .~r~~ona may tsk ... 11n llultut rom,..tltlon to martr ~ Har bor fur pluym~: lhl'tr f1rat alley r-ntl prart ir l! nn hNVIpm. than t~n ~art that ~ d u e U. elrlng at:ulnst J'la • enlla. 11pltl3. 11pareft anti regular t ("'1l>lt)ll bt"rn C'nnductt>d, Scout Leader / ,,.------. ... ' ---~-r ' I ( f~or an hour at a flat rate char·gf'. I 1..a.l Tbunld&y •laM c-.. Both t ho"!-' tlreirlng to' learn the opcntd the t'Venlng b)' drleatJac 11porl and tho.e ~o compete In Don Dnu,rla•'a equa.d, wblle OCia. le~uu aDd deelre to Improve rad Shook'• IDftl fallowed up W th~tr pme are parUclpaUnc . ~ llt'C~ cune wllb a wt. - M•nafera • .. aurif Sltilley/ a:nc!l ~d _Ol-l rt'a men. r:baunt'v Druck annnunC"erl torlay ·ott. Colt~ dof'fated that Tliuradav night is no~ OJ'l'n gain a one point lead ln ~ flnal 81 l-p<•rllanc;t ' 1lue tn a ..A·nmbiJI!Oj( nl~ohl nf t h.-<'llrrmt rouDCl. Douc· nr t ht" Thurllday a.nd Wl·t1 n,.,..lay lU l!d tall'd ~lrt In t he llf'C· IPIIJ!IIf'l! mtn n •tron~t W t>tlnf'll* und pla~·off of ttw-n~lnr. pre- tlay nil( hi IITt'UI!. Th H! tht' all< VS nnl lng the Cou&Jrt llq\l&d tro. 11r-. nuw OPf'n 1,n f llll Thurlkl;y l'~illnl( tn a tie Wit h Coarad. nlghtl'l to thf' gl'n<'ral publlr 10• New lf'am capt.alrut "'eft el«t-- 1 lltf'R•I nC tlw' rra·re two Bllr\'ll "=hit h I'll ~y nt~ht and t hey •10 nrr ,,.,.,., •·e.t for lh< t>•.Lih , .. 11, .. 1 J<f'lrr·t nrw t f'arr.a and ~art. the lr a l{ltr cnmprt1tinn h• und..r\\a\' M'<'l)nd ruund or C'lltn)l('tlllon w ld r·nmiJinmg nf thr two II'Rir'l;.,. T hurllday. :'\uv 27th Thf're ••Ill , hn11 rrllultPd m 8 n f'll':ht to•nm IJc ltV o l11~ liHB Thur8day be-kag~tt· Wrolnf'srlay n1J:hl Am .. ng """"'' uf lhr 111.a.ok~h·ing boll· 1 lht> nt\\' 11quaoJ!! fur 1 hat n1~ht t:< da\' t\ train <' t l'rrd trnm "''' n•'W The nt>w tl'am l'llplaln• aft t.:nfi .. t ·('rnt• •. L:-uck rt'ptirlt'•l 111. J:l:'k Raub I,JnUj:'IA!I \\'arcl Ed olny th:it a 1.11ml•l'r r~( rrw;1 ft••nl Jt.,_:;.,~ 11nol l:•·<•rJ.!•· •utler. t1 or man~· ~···"" a INdrr In Boy Sl•oul arlh•ltll'" tn thr llarbor are-a. l,lr . (;r undy 1~ a nwmbrr of , th~ I()(' a! admlnl,t rntiH• f•ommlt · ltr fo'r t h,. !o4ra lilfonut ft,nllr n nu ... I hi' !0( hnnl !'t·,tl'l ar(' f"n_,.,~.,ng . lonWIIIIJ.: ftiC'IItttr·.• a: !"p(lt1 la n I Ho~ They Stand J :m {'r•nr:l1 1 ·n' I t 'to!ls url 1 ... ,, n .. uJ:rn!' W L . 7 ~ • 6 6 • 6 · 6 . ~ 7 Strikes 'n Spares l adlu Ha ndtcap Bal. M~charftl lcerettet nnrrrtt Kraft ~t Hrlm11 :J!l4 Tht•'PJI!IIt t' :l'~ll ~~ ~hnnd 4:11 ~t. ~rllriC'!t ~7'-I. l..nw Ladiu Handtc.lp lslnn.t G1rl.s \\'lutc'll Cnfff"t• llo•lo·n·~ Beauty Hal ~frrt'hnnt.s H•·< u·s It <'rC'Itf"!! s.,ut h CoaJOt G irL- w L ... .. Jtj .. 11 1:1 II I'' .. ~· ·~· j 11' C '••rtllld !"hnotk Tho· H (. (~·t•ns uf nalboa .be I anti Will takf' a chan.:e frobl II • tr 111'11:11 (anllly olmn.-rs and , \\ Ill do !It' '" Loll Anj:t"IU at a • '' llt hut ant nntt t h"n «>n.)Oy • 1 "m n \'i('" "'lth t~tr two daucb- , tera 1AC11 1'1M -.,.,.. ~11~ "' • ...,.,_ An~· m:m "IHl Wt•:\111 the t rim u niform of ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1!~~~~~~~ .. ~~~~~~~~-~~~-;~;··~~~-~~·;~;i.d~·~-~~··:b~f;ull~~~)~·~~--~~~~~~~!l~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~~~~:~~~~ y o( jobe in avy aviation. · ...... t H 1~1" f'llll ClMI I A -~~ .-.It ~ 0.4 Some may become ~zpert.a in Aviation Metal· ~::..:ou .. ~':.. -::.1 ~,. .. ~·-~t~·.='~-· Get ... ;.·s FREE a 0 O·K LET a:nithin1 .•. IJpecializing in Wt'lding. brazinr, .. -... ____ ·-..--__ ____ &.fl.! electroplatinr and the other craft.a e.Pntial t.o • the cpttinr and fit &.inc of metal parta o( p&aiw.. n.n .,.... ..,. ~· ""-L-A . . M h' . • M \ .,.no.. •"··-· I vWJMW,U vtation ac murt 1 a~.oprra~ lw•t ttw !'a~·,· for....._. cafe for and n!pair a \'iation en(inea. While · •c.--~ ,.,..,. n. .--\ ~~-.,me become epecialiat.a aa Avia4on Radio-•rron1ntmeont to t he !'•u l ~,. w .- Jn<'n. Think or the future 'now. Any branch o( AnNOJ•ol• u( tbr Air' .. ·~ . t.h.iJ \raining would fit you' (or itn~t jobe f1RlMI ~L lt'e-f·•· S a• y trs-t in the years to come. JDitn to,.., •uod·~~-. ,..,_ .• a•" w._ . . ' avy. 11lcre are actually 45 ak.illed tradca and v oeaUone wnich theN~ may tettch you it you are qualified . If you ~in~~rNted in radio work, engtnf't'r ing, a£>rial photdgraphy , car- pentry. pharmAcy, weldin~. the Navy DlftY train )'OU to becwne an expert in )~our cb01en •field. J( you apply yuu~·lf. nrh 'nnn-ment sma in·' ~in pay v.·ill follow l"t'gularly. Jlt>fuA' the " ,.,, v····:d "' 11t/.'\'a17 ~ I ~ ~ Are you eon•~• jolnili~~ •• .._, •nice? ~~ WHY NOT CHOOSE yt(E 'NAVAL II£SDIVEI . . . · · lA 1"""" o..,·, .,.,.il. Cht><-tt,.. :"1n ·at R..-n" .... { mur. T he ~·n.t:uyr(>f tl,..-~"'I }uu Hnn<•un, ootl· · \II n1• n noo• · .-niL•IIIIllf , :_, . 1n 1 h,. :-.' "''"' H y n .. ..,II hi' n·l~~n.~ ~~_..,,_ ___ ,_. on 11ct" e ~ ... , duh· tbl'vuj!h.>ut lhr l""no-d uf tiJ"'. n ol H~n11l ' flnof'rlllrn•·•. hut tl1"Y .. 111 t .. • r··I•·A.....rf t~"""""" d1tty •• ~W>.>n sf••·r t he .-m-,.....n. \' ..,. tJkoir Jle.i\K-cUD}\(' t1'16nod. ,....aniJ... .. r ttw Uonc1 h ~! t-......__ ..... chnr *"h•l rue nt .. • - H.,mrmt'f'T -tl.f' ~u-•r .'Sa~Y •nd ~ ..... t u~ ... 4'..-~ ... u.. ... I:IOI" ............ "'""':"~· .... -.. "!"' ,~ ... "'":. f"r•'-'~' I 1"-...1 ,..,..t-m~:· ,., ,...,...,. ~" o1 H-*• ~ .,.,. --•·t-.J r n.1 Oi.tl .. 11 .. 1 •Ltthfo S ..... ~~ ~ lb ll;w' ~·--·-: .. )t•tl "'"'~·n f,.r Y••ll~ !,... C'OW el "t .. r~ 1n t tw l '·-'· Na "Y·" .::1 ll.w•lrlto.,J 1"11• • 1··11• what J"a..-. prt\m ,•t h'f'UI, nri\t \ ncatioM , .. ., r,n~ ... I'"~ t ..• h·•W you 4. 6ft fYtt·f'? P O n hf.• ifh urDe. ~ ,., nl-h,,.,. ·'"u , •n lo•llnt a"y <>f 4.'> ht~ot ,; .. ~ l,r.o.t.~ ..• bow ln .. "tny m t\ t ...... •mt· nt'u-en . 27 . ,. t 1h•~ ff'" hook""""·· ch .. ~ .•• ,. l .!t~ .. r ,,r t!.1s pa~r Cor a; ropy. Or tf'le· r"·'"" l.om llr" "I '"· tbe I'OUpon. You <'an putt' it _ •'n a p nn~·,~ .... ~. .. • .rd · • • WU it THIS MHI ef_~ORI IY al!l'r ,... .. !".: ., lrM booiLiel yuu df'Cidf' to .o;; ' 1 • n plaN" in' t hft N a\y, you •ill . -_ r•,. " •. 1 •• -rt' l•po·l-f'mblf'm. J t iA a t..u, . .,( 1....oor )'Oil will bt-proud lo •·ear. . .. ·----·--·-········--. I · THr..-MMI.ukeor~tlllacMitOII I I te U.. N.lwy Editor of tWa MWSpaper o, I I \\-, . .,,.,;1 "'J' ' t.,,.. •l·••n ,.,:. ay pArl wh11u.c;;""'· plt>IUie I I --nrt m,. (ro ,. .......... ~. "l.U.,in t he Na~y." rwi.nc Cull I ..t~t. .. l• ,,r., ut 1Lt· .,~1.,,nUJii&* for -a lD t.be llia vy 01' I I ,_,., .. ; n.-n.-. • · I . 11 :" '"·' Ap. __ ,....._ I I I AJJ ~-.. ~ :. . IL.~~~~~il~~~~~~~~:;~~~~==::~;;~~~~~::::~:;;:::;:~· Towa AwM I • * suv£ vou• couNTIIY * au&.D YOUII RI1'W£ * 1. •~~!~ •••• ~ •••••.•••••• _. ... ,. , • White'• South Cout M. (;ill 3!'13. 2{11< Jo: Nrll11rn n J'hllllp~ 3ro2 4:!:\ rtnd,::rrs M . F'llrrftr 3fl2 373 F.. Tunatall M .. W l'lte 2R3 324 Cnm w$11 F,, Dsrraw 34'R 1611 •Wlii!On 1 ., , M7·Ml-617·17~6·4SG·600·16~12 talanders :11lt ~:!3 J Brown I 2/t3 202 F Mnrro~ 30:\ 34~ D. ~nk J &;;~-~ L~•gue ·_ Tol"t'dn 5 Strikes \\', F hnt ;,n 4~ . _H ~lrork ' R !\tc~ 'nrol 4;,..; 3~ l'nr~'"' · 1 ftour l,lmn :\0:'> 40:! R. l'arl~nn J S wkl"r 317 J :?tt f! nyer : I A. 1-:1r h • m "08 ~!•:\ Jfnlmtrn: I 6P!l-67!l\(\:•3·2027 to3!1·1lq0·636.l':l;, t I • \ •' I 5 Dullea --Pencil Puthtrt P.• rt~t .. n Htnt'hllttle :!'-7 F"l.nn,.nnlo' f:lo~n 41(1 F.11. mnn A J lmlnt't 4 1:! ~p!lt 'rtln~:<· f A'\r!' 376 ' 4ti:.! M 1111 n t71h ott htMon r.r, 6!ll\· 7 •• ,;J~•·!: :1! !'IP•·6!lf\·6'3.193i !I 0.1ub ·,_ Handouh · w · <r"' 3114 ~ s"'rm,.~· I \\' lll\t~ 3(1~ II Hl'rbC'rt J A1!k tn~. , 3~1' L LnJ,:~tnn j 1-:. :O:rl',.~llr•l :l":l ~humnkrr , C ~n·tt h 4:!:" ~1;, J~ Aharmnn '65:•·6l-0·1163·1!•PS r.~_ J\09·6i0·l!lt\7 I --·--+-- L ~",:-~c.m~~ I save money too! Youngs~er . Corona! F.nf'OIII':'~ :.'('111ng pPOf11et to thlnlt fnc:t "r ;mel d r:u t·r .... tl1a1 is '';,at l)'P" lm:: on a SIT F.::'\1 (';wona will do: A SltJIPrb lit::ht •:vrr,H itt>r. "ith ~l"('l"d An<l all thr m odf'l'n h•:~tut t-•. A J•urrh~~ of 500 ne" ma<"hinM £>1:01hl t s \'OU to make ·- a rat"(' 5<1\'in~ <'n St1('nt Cor:•naa ••• and terms you can easily handle. ... 111'- Jt. ~. TIBR.'¥.4N TYI'Err·RITEit CO. 110 Wee& foutla Saala AM Pia-. 74.1 .• . ~ .. ) Dance Team ~. · !, r r·-~l , (' r • I, ' .. ---..___ - .~ . • ~ . ... ~ .. .. \ . . . ' . !\'F.\\' POnT RAI.ROA NE\\'S:TIMF.S. Nt'WJlOrt Ilt'a<'h, Calrf;,rnin . Tilt 'H~PA Y. I':On·:MHEH ~'\1, t ~'-It . The Red Cross Appeal On tht• night o,f 0<-tolx•r 111. tlw l '. S. dt•strtly~·r Kt•:u'l:t'Y· JlrOt'-"«iing in th~· ~11r1h Atlantil' off kt•land. was stnwk uy a torpedo. Am,on~ ttw injttrt'd \\':ls ('hi<'f liuatswaiR's Mate• U>onard Fronta kowski. H is lift~ dt'llt'nch'<l on tht• imnr~·chalt· a rt'i\'al uf blood plasma for :m l·ntt•r~t·nt·\· t ransftt-:ion. \\'I lilt• a noth<'r'ct<>!';t l'llycr stl•am~l to lh<' s id<• ~,;-tht• strit'kt•n Kt•ar· fl('y, t·arrying a na\'al surgt•lm . a 11lan<' ln:1dt-tl with hloud .plal'ma dunah'd hy Ht'CI Cros.-. \'Oiunlt't11'S ttlok 11ff frtlln a n I ltn<k'sig naftod ltl•land air hu~. Th<' clram;,a til' stur y of how th<' lll:uw tlroppt.od .ttw pt'\'l'-1 ious plas m;·, to thc> Kf':tf'n('V :-tnct hnw i.t sm·pd. thl' lift• of U>on.ard F m ntakowski has ·J)('('n toltl in tht• m'\vs column;> Of tht> natio n's pn."S.-.. It is W<'ll. hOWt'\'t'l', In stn•ss that tf~C' IWd Cross was on the job with traditional promptfl"SS. TitC' nel'ds of our ~tilors in the ir· dancc>rous North Atlantic assign-• .f1l(>fl t Wl'-f'l' an ti<'i pat ed. I G ;.,.. 5 •th 1\\·o Navy fraft To 1Je l..aunched . ev. m1 -~imultanrously .At South Coast Here 3·7 Y e~rs,· Dies ''\I S:\1111•1 ·~ No•\4'111loo•r ~:· h.u•l. tl.ul,.:hto•r "' l.,.,•,ld• nt \\'al• \0 111 t\'' , 1>1.: ,,,,.. ;~t 'thc-~0111h 11111 I llltlh~rtl jr . "' tlw ('CifliJwiny, ,.,._,,, c • •• pt.111r '"1\, n h\" 11, ... •'-' ""''" ,,,., \\'nlll>tt ll•tllhllnl, l)r., u ,.,,.,l'""'ll'r At"' uttollho•r 11lrrratt l1 "''' '""I ~ I••• lit•• I' S :'lo.t\ \ "'Ill ,·r 1•h lwmt tho• C ·:Jp(r,\ will btl t•·· I""" ho~., '"'"'"·"'' .. "'''~ ttl lnutt••h•~t lull llw ''t"'''"''r h11a not I lol t• 111 '"'• II llllllto\l Ill lhl" Wtllhllo: ·~lllhll,: "''" tho• .. •h ·r "''"' loo• In •olohlto'fl Itt •• ,.,...tllolfllt•OI whlt'tl ttu· ,,., '"''' ••I tlu· . ttuo·•· ,~, 1,.,,1 "Ill rnd•ulo-rttloh,.,.,.,.~ h)' hl11:h '"'"'" •h•luw•l .. r ttl ~"•"I'"'' r:mkllllt ;\111\llll ttrfklul'<, lht•N" wU' I I ,_ ltw "'""''"''"'I"'"· t tu· \' MS ~~. h • ,1"· .... · 1 · f "·" •·•·• " •• •. •·•I ,.. .. ,.., ..... , tt f""" r -1 ,.,. 11 k• .. ·l ll)'lnr.; ,.,.,...1114tll)' ur an· ~ol.m•lt••ll•t "' '"'"' ~·· "' ~ ,,, 1r10 '1"'"'"'"1 1'~ !\II" Mll•tlyrl tfuh· "'""I llllt14·''"''•'1"'r.' thr• YM~-92. ' •ltln<')' ""'' ".;•· "' h ,. " ,;, . .,,._~ ,,.""''"ln.: !Itt• lruuwitln.:l. and w·~"'"~l··n :-~nut h. -.: 1 ... ,. .... , Katht•rint-( 'ornt-11 k• ,., 1." t111: 111.: S.01tth c.,.,., ol· """)' ''"J" Tu••JOoh\\' 111••1'11111.: •I • flt·uot, · .. ,11 Ito· holl't 111 A rcorc'plk"' lht• l"t J• "''l•h .............. • • • :\t lhltmor~. Nov. 19 '" ·~· lwlol ,,,,. lo:'"'''" In llw, ault 'l'l•k•:n Ill "' hla rr"""'"' ,. :'111111 ' ul ''"""''" ,.., theo •••'•tnt1 flnur T,. \\oaf t\·nlntl :-uot'IPI •·•• """'"'' ,\II• 1 1111 n ...... ,.,.,. "' n.-•n tl~ 1"'" "til l~o• "'f\t'tl lll'llh,Mr'< lluhlwrd 1 1,, tt • .-"""I'''"' h ,. ••"""'""' .. \• ,1,... ~"""'""''' • • .. m.•ll ••til ro·· t ' II••••·. "'tlo• nf t",.•nc•r~tl M llnAilf"' -:\!""'"''' Allrm•""' \., ''""'• tu 1 .... Au.:• lo•• ·'" IW"r •o•n l 11"""~-""'I M••. "'"1~.-r t1 •~ ~rr1'1o't'a -.Ill .... , ..... ~, 11 • nl "'' I••···· t•l'••llto'IU'fl, n .......... "'lit• ... , ......... ,., ... ny " JtUn'haalntl I ·. The Red Cn>SS today is appcalin~ to thl' nation for 1 FtM .-b&alfto _. IUaa a.Yl'·er111 mt>irilx>n;hip support. This s upport i~ n~"CCro so. \'itallv tha t 1 ~ .... _ .. t ... _ _... •• R--'C I d . . . I """ ross ea . <'I'S a~ askrng for a mt'miX'J'ShtJ) ~'ttn1J¥1rahll' 1,_.,..,1""· llif•\' zt ,.l tn • r llan•lol '''' • lltl•·lllnt't," loot .t lo·n •Ill) ••!\· n~:o•nl J'l"t"<lthntr A l'f~IM wtiJ J to; c;rau••l t ,,.1,.., C'ffk' 11nr: wtll l'·•l'•·lll•'lll ~ 11t.· lttlllll••• , •• .,,,.,,,,, "''" hr J,..llt In lho• JIIAnl )'Ard f« ,.., Ho·y C'•.-t.Jnhnfl"n oof 'thr c· ... ta lot ,:tiiiiii)C !\I.-nota~ ,.,.,.nlf\1!. St) f'llll>lm•-RJMI lhrlr wtVW'tl. ~ .. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,~·~·11~··"··~·~~~~·~~··~·~19~~~~~~~--~~"~~~----------------] ,. 1 'hut • h lntrm..-ut "" 1 I I lr ~ , PnrtlrAP 8r .... ~Hr. • • = • • • • • • • • • • ..... Sport . . . ---• 't'BY DON'T \'ot; £NolO\' 11'!- .... • SPORTLAND ~~ling Alleys ....... ......... • • We have a private Dining-. Room Jdeal f~ your Bridge Parties! • . , • W1IV NOT 1'R IT! • • 1-n • • • • II ILL adult Amt>rkans expressed tht>i r lx'lic>f in ttw Hro Cross by I tJecom~ ITl('mbt>rs. 1be Kearney catastroph€' illustrated but one of th<' dramatic ways 'in which the Red Cross is omanizin~ its 1 forces for/ the dt'ft>n.o;c of our country. Qui€'tly and with lift I€' fanfare. the Red Cross i.<\ at work on th£-hoJTl(' front as well ~-t.X. mlllta" front. ' · ' \\·,.,., IJthU<trr t.trrn.,ttal l'ark "'lo·r l ltll""'',' J7 'V~•" Hrre • I n1-.1 I !\I: "'1fo• tof " • :o;m1t!J •·•• '""' nf ttw 1,..,1\~ '"'"'"' I 'uhn ~··llh·Juhnotlolf'l llJ>• ,...1111&conl• .,, :-.:-1,..r1 tit-.. 11 , .. m l"'"f' •tflt•"llr h••r "' Sir C~• · .a-ue MarDotlaW _. GeM.. ..,._lid irrun 1,. ,...., 1 ..... , Tkl·l l.n~ 11.,,.. llurh·· ... ·•~>tl yra,.. .•~" ltklto:""'· " ,.......,.n tl) knl.:ht...t Jlh)"'l· ...,... 04t'lllll In lho• l~ontlt~n trf 191\'\ a,., tre'a n..Juchial nha """!kklalla' ftnL" •\ Tt .. ·hRit•oo&oor Mitea.·al . 1 .. • "',.. "'•·II kn• ,,. n ha\ lnte ,.....,. ~ t 1 N l•· ,., •• ,,,.. •of tlw '""'"'""' Ur~~m· .. ..,. __ ........... "-• ..,.._4 tnane't'. TIM\ pk'tur.-wUI play Tlua ..... y U1nt "'-lurcla, .. \ ......... lhlrk an rmrh·~· .... " 111'' • 1 ~-1'01 nra.t Y "''' 11 . t1o'trlw>r 1~ lhr WA)'WIU'd' ('arl-, lafur-doa riP .... aad aport.ArHI C'UIII&>Irlr lhr n ,..,., , fiMro•fl Y*'ara. rrllrtflltt a lo " II I I The Red Cross h•1s startro th(' job o f helping tht' Anny • ~ -.-----&I .. l lfl::o~ •..• """"• ... f.:ll)' llffk ..... ""''' • , • ~ dr<·ra ... -.J. lra\ll'a a .. .,,, lloo 1 ~avy Fl.lms To Lion~ St't' Movies, I"'""' 1 .. ~nlllh "' ltrn••• .n.t • L"-t it ··-·~-and Navy stl't'ngthen our defenses .. ' The IOc:-.11 rlri\'e is lagging, ·despite th<> fact that many hN>Ihl'r. "'""•r•l s ~mlth "''"' .. • • ft"n Y OIUB Be Sh~or -·Eat· Turkt-y Wrth "'''" , .......... " • l'""'"'rty uwnrr Initiation At workel"l' in· tlv> field are st>eking your donation. Won 't ·you plt'ase t'K>Ip in this.M<'rcy Qri\'c and give as gcnc~..Jy as you 1 l"an .when the !'Oiicitors caU, thus saving them the timr of another call: . • • J All tL -L" • lw r.-f"r a numbrr (I( \ rar• an• I • Youths, on'~ IM· I' IXInJ{8 ', ......... nr •t oloM•r ......... ""'"' Eleotirk Grill ~ m J "'1111" ... u ...... 1 ..... , l•y ttl.. ...... 1 ---en-.1a !\lc--11 1'-•~l•"r' lltcr1101"\ ,.__.,, ''"" fo:l..rlr1r r.rtn. llattlna wu ' • l._, ':-·•" 111"11"11 l•il'llln'' pn-Ill" a ·rnr ,., a _..Jtn~: and In I Of llllo•ri'Jtl t•.• pttrrnlll Who h.avf'11Wnt.l'll I·•. 111• ••I"' ,. l'ttlun~. t•N•·I 0 300 Alk d ... 1 ..... ' Ver n lftal .. lt.tn uf ioNit rn by a pruml· Your boy and mii'M' is waiting t!) thank you! .. , rv I ""'"' fntl rmttv "' Anahrlm with "''Y" In lht' nllo·tJ ~llllf'll !'liaT';r ••ntm r"r:tll111:11t •nol ''''M"'"' II • I Aids Sea · Scouts Jcity~ to . ~~der · Medtcal Help . In Traffic Accj ents tOoatmue<t u.not '" >:ulll'\1: mrn \\'~41 "''' !'~· tllrk••l ol"'"''r \\ ttlt .rll tho· 11 1111-.. ,irt'maft'8 l)anfe j ,...\lrlll .... n m"mlwra attf'n..ttn,r Run lc-mplattn.: J"'"'"" l -nl'lf' ~ru II nunlf" 1.,, 1,,11, t1 ''-' II• llll ,111.t ;\h' , .S.v anrmooon .I na\'Y !" tlu· 1\llno•unr "mrnt that "'KttiN·r ,,, lh•· 11•••11 '"' • I Il l!; T'11•~· i ._,.r ,:vii, /IITrf.no""l 11.,. """&AI tloo rnlhu~tiUtlk .,.,,.. Uw •fra. lit ~r .. up uLt.llrw tnlllll•m Jlll'lur~ll Ita\, 11,,1 :-;1,.,1, 1 ·.r. ' · 1 1 -, 1 1 S 1 •· n ht l .. mnv "'"' ~rr lhr •linn,., .,." "" Hr .. in thr lof'll , toro·c-w1ll bt'' Th··~ll.,\lt, "'' 1, ,,11,.,11,,t 1,~ lh• • :tnro• ':sa.:•• "' • A 1111"'') 11: llh b ILl fff thl ., ,,, lh•• \\'oottlf•n'• (,lllthtott..,., ('.,,,,. • •I "'"m hy Mrtt ltaln• l h•t I~ I own y " fill\' ' h f'r • f"or.l • 'unit•ltll\ "'hi•" tt .. lolfl• "'I' I ....... fi i7AIIoon .. -.t.-.. •-·1 • arttrr I lol'11lf1y t•H •n' t.:. ~to\'f'nthrr 2 1 "t n-<1'111• trf lito• ll.otl•u otlt• 1 ,onol Ill \l•••.l IU't'of'ltna,: Ill ttffMt'f\ tof I M' h Th ,. 1 ~~ -.~.~ \' 1 1 -r Fcr-. lit· '" Itt r r aJ'f"""'"" th.,lr •f>P"'<'Ia· I I I' II l..t)l'l<•ll lt1tll ~ duCS..I Ill tho •oil•• • I lft.tll• 1 '".1\ 1'' 11 ' ,. 41 1111 •~ . I · I 1 .. I' 11 lllto•fot' I hootl ,.( ,.,,..,,l,.fll •llft nrl'_ afttt • flU Uft'<lil nr.·~ M"lOJ,: ~tr ·"':'''l f"'l If~ th•· plttthh l l••n •.f ..... Arin) .. . vic-• , ... -... v1"411 ~ · '.a.•lal \'..trf"'lns ttf 1-'.,r'f'IJCTI .. ,..,.1,.. · EnJ.;Int'i•r It L l'allo·l'""· "''1•1· \\'an• , ... ,., un. Girl Mariners Uanka In R~turit :tnt C'tl} Ent.:rno .. ·r .ltthn Sl• ~:••I an4 aro h"loltnt.: tho•1r julnl mt'C'\1111 L J;u·k lt:tul• .. , thctrnt!ini'M'tnj.: •••·· ut that llmt-I egion. Auxiliary f.IOII'tmo•nl Tho· nuoo•ttnJ,: I"'" t .. ·t.:lll With " Care For Vctcrar1s ·nw pl'"llft-.:11 .,f c 1 tu•f .. t l'rtlw·· J••l hh 11 ''"""'r to \\111111 a ll Jlf'r· , • lloldl:)tmM~n th:l\ both ,utu~t ur 1)11~11 lnlt•r• l't•·<t A[i.' Lllflhully 10• AAd S~laiers ----I Allo•r 1111111)' "'~"''·'"""" f'ol'ftf'1(f' C'o•nt r;ll_~~w.-rn ::1c:r:tllN \llt J. IWJrfll&ry mrmMI'3 rf'\lt>&l -1 1-'ttnn•t tnoht<1t•on ,.f M•• Ar· ~hnfM' ttw-"lftft4tpt' •of ltw 11¥>11)'· ~~.::,::::::::~~==~-~~-· :.'t;lh <:lfi'C'I'. ,., .. ,.fll whr'n• ,,,,,.,,)l .-u Thill \\ nt IM·~tn at fi :Itt v m . I""" ('l•rk ,., ~ .. '"''"''' llra o h lntu ••• w~ l 'llt)h•oOI ..... Tlrudly "'" IW'f'n '"'""''' /nnt·• nnw <''<t•l . Itt• n --A• .t~ lh• tr • .,., .. n, m••nolw•rtt 1nrml,...,,,·,,., "' thr S r ••t••rt.'tla,, 111 .... tu I••~ .l l:mtr •not hill rna«·r •triMNi to nnf' h()llr pllrkin~: w ;y. c D M c· . of Ulr !1\t•\\, ... , """~'' All'rrt•IUI , ... r _)a;, Mallll~rtt ..... ···•-rv ......... 1 11111\lt•:tl ' ''"''"'· ''S!m ~~~r tahlM unltl lht• nf''<l ..,..,,'"" , • • • • JVJC LI'~Hlfl A11111lu•rv , .. ,.. """' with •l.tHCf' ultchl "' • ., ..... tal ,_.,.""• 1n l}m1" fur" rt't11m. •·ncae.....,.t'1nl' P:-oll••,.,..ttn n •pt•rt•'<i 1h:J1 h•• hat1 . G T St d rhanty "'nh·rttll,...,. , .. ,. \'Oil#JIWIIIJ Ul.e h<.w. •4 Mt.. t~rl H om rr 1n lhl~ l•·rrilt~t)' 'Ow• mall,_ wll~. ·m ntnrtrd 1.,.. Cturil'!'nnn of thr. roup 0 U y and l'•lollo•r" 1111ot ··~I"'' IJ~lly "'' ~llllfll An", ,.., rlln .,..._.,.. fUll· Ito• lln !'Witun"')· tlod and •·nmmilll't• pn>pttrinJ.: a piM to-Se .. t h .. tlmr ••f yrar llo'llh .-fntn falft .h .. ·t-.1 by .Rklt>.-~ t.'lau-e 8UIIb ,a.,..,.,.., lnatU.... on sol\'P I hi' Rlllhou bland [»Pr liih Plan For wer apprc.ar·hln« ~ ----~'" .., tftf' ··tllp VIW'qiWf'f• I hay, ntunday, Nov....n:wor put<' Anct I bat I hi' rommittN' · At a r~C't'nt Ptl'f'llnJt "' t h•· • tub N .. rly • •klun Martnrr rrM'Ih· 1 r---------------- would Ia)' the plan h«>fon> the\ --led hy t.tra, •:art W IUanlf-y Ult bt-rtt •athrr•d ''"' ,...., ,....,_t Ia "* .... 0. Wu council at tht> mN'Iing two Wt>Cks F.11.,.ctf'd to bt' 004' ''" the IDCIIIIt ITOUJI vi\tetJ to don•t• lhf'Pf' dilly formal unlfOI'ID 4r-fur the OC· ht'ftc:e. • tmpOrtaDt .-IOOJt uf the CoroDa ..., for eoldlen u Chn.tmu c.-on l'laaa few t.hefr otndaJ W To Assist In L' t Scout Rcn_dczv.'-lo.uu~~----.. ~O«J'PM!II - 'nM-t"ftUftcll ~~~ liMa JAap 5!fJ Mar Q v1L._A IIiK>clatl.!!f1 n be aUU-.A-~ _.>t &-arM1.oo el l bOfl\4"1111 pQIIIt~ "' U. _ _. e .. howln~: the gra~ a long San IJcor.T hrld In a lf>nlf Umf' l11 I hi' .af'IIMCM\ loatriK'U"n . at !';•wtf'llr llmopital R•''"" ttr{lolf-zvnu• llu• WH f'LAMirl •' 6011!" A. BIEGEL na rdlno A'\·<'nU<' from thr Co:\.~1 1 tot•hf"<tu~ '"" 1~o&5 P. m. Satur· waa 11:1\lta by U1~ Ul~Jl1t'mt.,.n .... ,,. (olf1IJ>I"t':'t f"1r «1rla ar• •-~--!O • I 4 ..,_, at,-......._.r MecH b ' JTII:f\'\lo'll\' to Jltl"'l' ttu> WilY for ..... day, No\1. 22. In thP T'ati.Mdf'll prurnt, Mnt f"hllloll' ,.,,llr n, .t.1rll I .U•• Jl"'J'NI""" ..... rttn.rrn ........ I ........ !10 : ..... St. : Ia ---.r of UN' lec'al ~-l'on~tn.tcllon Of c-urb~. ~llf'r nntf Ta\·rm •·hrn th.-vital 1011~)1(jon of ; ltalr•h 'R&DIIrl aM tho> 't'""ri•lt-c4&c r•u· I>"'J«'\ ta '" lw at..-tr.:t lJwt I : .. Ill trat~ t lttft aM l'll'p" wnlk:o n~ p~ hy \\'. T. JC'fff'r· ,.,.....,.,.r ttystrm (11r thB! r ommu nlh ·J Mrft Rtanwy • · · f•nol nf l_.rmt..r -• BALBOA ,...... .... Ule ci&J, ta Ia dlup of .;on 'llo'hn rl'r•'nlh' announr •'C'I lh•· ~~ ""P"tlf'J to br ~IIK'I~It --, ...... ~......,_ :! ~ ~ tsihfC,_... for fii'OflO'('d cif'V<'IOJ~ll'nl (lf :t hU·I· Thl' ANitodAitun, II n •I r r th•• • , • ~~ d c d ()f ~~~=~~:::======·::::::;:e..::: .. ::: .... ====~ f\M'' {"f'OII'r lh•·."' Th•· rttunl'il tn· h•&llf'rllhll' or Juoll(~ Harry W···•·l Allan Craig E ecte .Almm~ er :.trurlt'd P;~tt••r.cun 10 1""'' J,.ff,•r· 11\'t'r. haa ~n r"ntrmflllltln.: ". __ . • Sq . L, t j2 "'" :1 fli'I'TT'Iil '" rtol '"'' "nrk "' ntll\'t' loow :o rol •lt•lf'rmln onR JIOJUII· •• Balboa Power ua n .. or 11 I Vlt tur SJ~H'I:tl Two N- 12·tn Rl..t ~ .... ,. ·····-NF.MI-~ ltmc n~ tl wn,. Of\ h1~ JII'IIJ~•rty :~nrt hlltly of ohl amtn.; a "".!!\t•r>· ,.,... ~ ritrl f\01 r•nC'I'OfH'h llllllfl till' RO·fullf tPm In '"" rapidly ~:rnwlnf.( ... ,,.. \.\'lth c· .. ,,,,,.,, ... ,,.,. ""'""'t II •·11~11111.., V''"' ,,, • ''"""'" .. '" .r .. -0. 11wo Tnll ril:'hl ·o(·\1'~, ~1nn• th•• r'OUf\I'Jl rlul n 11111li· Itt r<'JtiBt'l' I he-Jlr<'IW'III l~•lt •·r. prr•l•ltt•.;, l h<· H:.lf1.,,1 l'••w I 1'1,,.,.1,.,,. .l .. htua,., f•~ l'•.nttt.u • not ~,irr,.. a,41:11mr• r .. ntrnl nf th1• ll•••t'-tNI uf dit'J114•QJ. t • ""punll' ,.,. ~'l""'l'"' h· 1•' It• anuuat •1•·' ,f .. rt.o . ,.-li lftnu•~ v.,., • "utnfu .. 1mpnwl'mo•nt nnol tM• rt-•1"'"'11•1·· Arlnulln(·f'tnt•nt of I ho• m o·o•l llll{ ll"ll ot oil II , 1, d\itll• 1 aJ H.olloo•, l•t•>r•·, Mark H• "ty ltra r t '••mllllt• .. ,. ........ f1,..,. I • .. tumlollt Noo 71~ M . tt .• l't• T .. .,..., .,.,,,oq lrie...S. 01 reloti,.., oe ~ cmd bat-trt~ or plra~ur• louta '""II en1oy cJw wat,. coelor1 '0Dd ~~.J::: Patillc D~ tralna and .,0101 coochw.. You11 oleo app<Kicrt• ,.,_ low !rip far• ODd 1M -o AOYIDCJ'Ir-tM -af cocautoloOtl bd:-. 0:'1:£·\\'AY FA.RF. RO\.::'I:D-TRIP t'ARE »RIDE TICKET llndividual-.JO-day Urrutl1 • s•_;:. "1 10 1:.!95 ., .. s,,.., .. ,_J ~ 1 w.r-•-• .. o.. w., ....,. Trl,.. 10 lhde -d JUde c:-... ulmloe Tl••• \ ... _ t.t .. .,eJ .,.. Potarw _,be ob!a•oe<l "o"' T h i A.q•'' .., Ql>f'r'IIOf&. · ' -no-se.l,ort ~" i · , lnl i" m :Hnlt•nanf'f' """ ma lto' l <wl11y t1y ~1r11 P ~ 'y 11 , h t ('I o1 "" :>;nw·mt"'r I~• ''""' ""'' J,~··t·t• t ·~ ... t • ~·' 'I •• "~ ,llul~:r• liar~ llytlo·· .. '-:tl:o~· w:o~ Llo·~·l ,.,.,·r..ta rv of thr nrl!:tlllt:t Tt•""~ riN"t~'ol 'I" '"'f''•· "' l'•i:: :oil AI"'' tur 1 •11•~ '"'" 'I' Ill•''"• pliiN'rf liP"" :1 y.•:tr :tru1mrt h:~<l• tum llnny ••lttt•r tmp"rt"nt l "J'I' • 1111111 y.-ar ,,,,.,,,, ,,,.,,, "'" 1,1 , 1 ,,,,,,,. "'"" ,., ,.,,,, "" ,.,.,ntn•""'"' PCJPI'I.,\a: • unu·rnllllo: t"IIUltunll )' olo·\ ""I' A l:.n I' p 1 •111 1~.: ,· .. 111111nn•l••t '''' fwoo )' .. ~I ll,..~ :~ • ...o•J J,, .. lofl a.,. a,-wr ~· N••· "' aiC'IIAKD AKI.t:~ 1\lrml,..rll ••f 1 hf' 1.:11!111111 II•• a• h I 'Rml'rn ( 'l11h "'"' 1111'1 \\'o•tl !lt'"''"'' n o~ht "Ill: !\1t '""' !\It ~< ll:ol \\'11l ~mtth on Ball••n l ~I:Ultl AT LAST! A Dependabte --r~ Service Is He~! • Dll\1NERS BRIDGE PARTIES . . . • -------. . / Harbor tering Service 1110'111 lof IIIIJlllrlano•r In J•l"l''''' Jt .. t•·r1 1 1(.\ol Ll•lil &.:•otnrmlflif' ~"'" Bt'·l ' Bt'·O ....... •i'.~ Tt:PF.TL • 1 ···lttrr•t•ll'l s;r· . 22 --.... ll t'Ht:t:: t•\\'nt~f !" nr.1 •·KJlf't'l.-•1 lu t.-· • .. , ,., .-nd ''"',, 1 ~··· fo'• II"·~" :---···• hld,•lt tl. T•·,et~t 1'ntf•' 1h•· I•H-I•t '-h't· uf Pl~nning Expert Asked To Study Upper Bay Project I. I >o·m1n;: T1ltnn ha-. l~<·•·n ;, ~ o-Il hy 1111· l'i:HIIIIIIl-: ( 'u1nm1-.1• ;II • •f ( lrant.:•· l'flllnl) l<1 m :oko· :1 ''"''Y •·I tlo•\'t•lt)J>Ol""' I'll t 'JIJII'f :-.:o•\\'1~•1 I l'\;t) • ronf•·r with ''" H••ar·h, I )ran~·· 1'0\1 nf 1:-onris n mak1n1: It•• ('••tumlln•l"l l<ult•·r I 11 •· ltul lu~i l'•·v.•,r ~'l"".a'"" ,.,,,.. "'' '' •. ,, • • •I U11•h• at~llvt• ~tU•l ltU\'• J•llt 1 I' IJ •I•' ,.,f 111 mant-U\• '"' 1t11 ••'·1' ""' t h • ~· II n ot• IHIIIIPt l ra..-,o·lll 1: "' ll11 t!·ol I I y,., Ill I 'Iorio "'" ,. ,,, ...... I • • • mb•~r •~ ut 1 hi• H:,•t·'•" Y.t1 ''t · t I"''"Jflf'"" 1t o I l11 1 1 fl 111 ttf (J• I 'Of liJ JU r-\f Ut 1'tt2 l\4•• (•rt 1·' ·• 1 alnfltuhu•·t II' "'lll tM '•'" • t•Pd T h"""'' '' ,,., •'"t f•·r .,, •. r"'o wonw n "1ff•·r11l "''"'"'' tn 1 ~SEI ~F~DDS r LUNCIIES 2r'lC to :J!ic 'llld)'. Pr.ol,l•·fn~ nf hl):w-riy trnfhr wrll :tl~o 1>1' ron~irl<'r:rd 1~\ 1 hr ~· ""r:.l -•udy 1lt" JM.arct ~of S'{Jw·r-•1"''' a' wr~ n .. lhr Or.tnl:l' C~ttllll ,\ l'lanrun~t 1'\l•urd ha.• cr~e•po·r~•' "" 1n ... -rurin.fl: thr· ~rvU'I'l-of thi!< ""' • d · •·•·cldr•nt ~"'"'''·'' :ot ''"' tnl•·t· • '•''" ()( II\•· 1\.oll"-h' (,l;on•l rto:td • • • :.tit hrlnly. , Jl : Crvt~l lltt:hW:t)' .... "''""!.: ,,, FJ"HER··A~ I" N• J"('f'flnl~ 111• >' w•·ro · M11o~ ., ~ lfl l'! .. ~ •t• ... za V Mi•l "' .. r S:outa Anlr WJJARF CA..,,E •' , ,, ~rtVf"fl , t1• '"' 1 • U•lfll u~' s.ntl r, I • • O.l~l.t•r Whll Yo :.-• Il l al.tot,ol....fftf.-t-.... : ,, • whrn h''' ~whd p1 "'':.{''' At Kl!liO'" J.ASPI~Q (Jifu'illl" uf lhr• N<'WJoQrl ll:otl•• 1 " ·" ll(h Ht•• v. "'" I o• lol • •f rh•·ll • •1'•11 Th••tr t•:ot • •·llrd•·•l V.olh 11 hll\1' Jola• ••l . Ywa're fl ·{illg !tlgh ;n the Navy y, r n' I· v. •t•• .. ' ., t,J lh '\":' .f"" 'l' • ·~ o lo•"QI f•"'' ~,.,,1( f •re J d~f\toal ;,,,,. ,Nr/t•'"' to_ ~ u get ,,.,.,, 1 •• ,,..,.,,.,.,. r-"'' I )r Q ,..,.j, N. \ f If ~ IJ' tj 'ou ... ~, ,, . , .. ,; 0~ '"'" 1 1"'•'..,. , \\ '' t1 '"ad•• t•.1t I ne f-:oo 1-·o t•CJ f 1'-t.' .,, "" ,# ,...., No •, u ""' ...... ~ 17 01 .o •• ~ "'-::::':"-'~~l,._-4. of ,.,,. . ••led b•,ol.t .. t, "lifT IN T U ~ tiA. f," trom the No., E~otof of ... 8t'er, Win~s and Liquor for ~ate . at .8,UI'8 nKR MAUr.T • • olEA~ PAKar.a a. "•'LYJN(: IILINU" Aho 1..\ ~F. UKF.Y'ltt • • WIIITE'S._ . 'Lut of the Uuanea' ... "'F.Ul'>F.MUAY UNI.Y ('A$11 NIUIIT sun.no or .. ~.fln AI,PI.JAN(~E •. ,,,_r Man-_. htta ............... .....:. ,..._ ,., ,.. ............ ,, .......... , .!Vf~ltY UA Y IN THE YEAR .. ;XCEM'' MONIJAt""T TilE JIX ARCADE UALBOA . ATLASTK' f"OAMT I ,Oft"Tf':a PI~SU TI'RTI.F. MTF:AK Ul,,f .• R ...-or:l.lf'Af tr.A or THF. urn· "r.' ,.__... 1.-fei•R• ,.,..,..,._ 4tomhn "'"" "~" .........,. -. ... ,_.. ,.,_,. ~.~ lltralr · ~. ,....,. t'rua a..,... o,-... ,..-t~ 11•11 fUtf'll I:.MMtr,.. 1Mwi..,1 aiW AH Otlllrr ..... ef ... t•_.. ._ ...... --......... -8'R!AM~D ClAMS 1 fir.& YOfTK IlEA FOOD RWDf ,..._LJL .... 11w_ .... ._ •. raUIM" 0,..•1&.& •·· ' . _,. •• ""'· ~ ...... ~ ~ . ' • l • .. ·. .. . .. .. -. .. .. ••• ,, :.~ . · ·~Ar' ~, -.... "'-·~~ .1.. 'ltl"'~·.; I ":& • .. ·' ..... ~ -----~\'PO.~T B~A ~.He~~~ ~onM mtmSDA~NOVEMBER 20, 1941. lEW PORT HARBOR COI 'STRUCJIOI lEAl$ ALL· TIME RECORD Eighteen Years Experience Is Our R~commendation - . Pennits TOdate . Reaclt Total Of $1,149,577; City Building Records 'Show Progress Chairman Nt"wport Hurhor l'Onsrruct ion for a hH•l\1' lllllllt hs rl('dod today ncarro an nll:timc hi~h record in this city's histocy as 'bWJding (lC'nn'its rt>at•ht'<l a total of ~ 1 , J.1!J,;l77. only about $10.000 s~ of tht> total reroa'ded rvr H).Ut. induding th«' ft'(."()f1Structioo 'of th€' two municipal pi<'r-s. • Bootltin« th~ bulldm~t t•fl.MI tu tta p"'unl !'Oint W t-r«' JWrmalll ~·t>~k (or Frank tl~ndrlrka at a.uM durin( the put w (' (' k AhaiOilP Avf!. u a I b ... l•h•n•l wtakh tot.Jed $U .. 8.'-'• Thl'. pt'r. 1-J\l lffiltlt••l t w<l uf UIC' 110'\\ ro·SI atU. '-uH by the <"a tyt building ftenrl' I• 12.200. · ~t.or'a Cllflce. lndudl'<t two l>tust c>Xt•·n!'IVI' lh.hlillr.n IJeln.; aew boawa, a commerd al lltru<"· mrul•·· th111 "'N k tu un ''"il•lins, tuN aDd projtda, C"&hOit ;nr \br ruldrnrP Ill lhP fOOII!nJt !100 •:1 ~ and C'onalru<"llno of ~; a lhrl'l' <"&r ga.rar~ by Hubbard (. diUoM tD local Harb;or are a · Huwf' at hui hum... 604 A' Ot·adu ~ p:n~~st ~ lbe put ...n wu f« 18.000 wb~ C"alt- ,_ Ow ~onatrutUon of a band· -.e -w boiDe for Jl'r~ d 0 . Oftlw7 ot l.oe ..A!'piN. T b e ,.... ,pill IICDoeo ltnactun, wbJda ..... r a cane• ... brine erect. .. by Ooidoa 8 , f)o41ay at 821 <:lilt DrlYe, one ot the. D-Nl .-..uar ~ ;, u.. HaJ1)or . .,_~. A -boee wu ltarted Ulla ~~.Gattah ., W. CillllfiNI Aft. .. ,.. ....... ~. ...... .. .,..._ .. .&DmDI:N'I • • nu UJ'II ......... c .... ............ Belon You Build • Wtrf"t' f ~1'1 I lhtf''W t•4l H'rf'H hlr ltQu•J• -tJ\f' th(l''\ tn taWirt Uf H U.m \4UH"1 I KNr t,,..J," lrr•~" rAt-"~lc-uwd•r<~dt!-luw~ ~· ... .crri,....•uoo, • s.-plary ol llfffl ._ ubtn .. Suu foo4a '"o" afrcr ...._ 11 ·~ 01prr(nahl~ ro &J· .,., •o tn..,. ........... "'a II Low·•rllf'Wt"'~ ,.,. ... ..... ftt~m•ttt, "'trwniL Or Remodel- \. •• COOK THE VITAMIN~SAVING WAY-WITH A CP GAS lANGE to .., •eo YOUIII1"' loward buildins yo~ily's ~cahh, Krvc wc-11 hal· ancco ;vitamin·rich muls. And. of coum, it isn'r rnou~h just '!l sdccr rh~ ri~hr food' at rhr markt-r. For m.any of ahr hcoaltfi.Jiivin~ ,·ir.am•ns m.a~ be losl l.llcr, thrnu~h impropt r \nol..•ng. ln• A (IITJFIID rltfOIMANCI GAS IANGI help )OU ,,.oiJ vir.aQ1in \\ .1\({". Ul'ttC'f broali,n~ is amon~. ah,• aJ, .tnu~cs a CP gas r.m~·hrinJ,:t ) uu. Unf. l.tmb, -f~mor~ ,,ou'f••""'~tl~ Ct.;t;l~ One rca~lfl i~ rhar lh('CPhrm • er, unli~c nlh~tfuih·s "" />-,..,.. IHt~littg. There's no h<lt hwilrt J.!r!d fO "fry" rhco ).lndl'nidc of the rnC'"'.II "''h ilt' top side-is he in~ hmalnl Fur full in for· maaion a hour ahiuntlmh<"rimporiJnt feature'S of CP COtlkcry, ){'C • dulcr or &OliJjfERN CO\J~TIE S G AS co. I . -1 . , THill OF THl WAYS A CP GAS IANGI e wna•Jet.UW!Itl IIOiln s .. rrcfonr•na nr(r''"'' Mr .. u '''"" m .. rt '•u mtn ru h ,JU'''"' t.. 'hl\f' ~··IJ ''"' ~h•o1on~~: """Me• .-~w fC'I ,..,,,,1 rhr J'C'tfti'n ,,..,"'' tt'tt' fll1m f'. ••th- OII.lt o u·r-.t.H>L••• •h• v...JN ~ttk ........ , ...... OWIIt. t I''"""'~~ .. heM tn•t-f.tt H l U fO t'l'l\1 "'"'" ""h "''n,,.,v,.. o( Wllf'f . 1f'tJ ,,~, I \OIJ dOtl\. OUI. low,,_, rrucu"' t P f"tt''""• •In"' f'nahfH .....,_ to,..._ d..ce> ,.., .. •llnlf\a,c "t""' u ~ • .Building PetWts ~EWPO&T B&ACII l'rrinlta T1Mat I !l:lO :\48 .. .. ...... .1'726.S40 ) !\II 3:11 ......... :100 3-1 I, J!(l.' :\o n .... : .... 2476~1 I !tJ I :!~t:l .. . ..... 236.~!1 ... ~1:t 1 ~teJH .........• 23-"l(}. J I !t1.') ·111.'1 .......... 41J7. &-lu l:t1ti -5::3 .............. 'Nt\.1)-'• 1••:17 5t;.1 ...... _,, i()H,>/!1• J•r'l'< !'>IK , ........ 91 t'G:r; 1 1!.1:1~ ~:! ....... 861 N~• ll14H 54 ~ 1,0.0.1~. .l;rn Fe·!. ~t •• r •Apt II ~l't\' 26 .. 41 49 ~· 1941 &1 ~11 T7.t511 104.i'29 111 .1~· 167,1 ' 1-1\~~ 18 3.'>9 A Desi~ For Living ........ ._..._,,_.c:• e rt ... _ .... ,., --..we. ...... ............. ..., ~~~··I ., .; I __.,_,........_~ .... IOfdleL . k•s Reeearch Points-To Gain For Dairies OTEY and McCULLOCH Bl;UDERS a.-d CONTRACTORS :..~7 Villa Way Phone 4~-W Newport Beach For BEITER ROOFS Of All Kinds ~ OWENS ROOFING· COJ 509 E. 4th Street -: Phone Saw!J. Aiua 4338 GORDON B. FINDLAY "Buil~r of Hpmel of Distioct1on" . CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Telepboae .fOZ MIO COM& Blvd. • -HOM~ .. LOAIS S~-11~ NEWPORT BEACII • ., ........... 4 .................... ..... 1110 n~\' rf'«l•~rr "' ']~•....,.._r-:-r-t'n .. wh•·n ~he· tCo•rr~· • 1: 1 ! IJO l• at n,.: d ·'" t .. 1..:11 :· lM \\ "11 .u~-• ··ul• I· ,.,,,' ,. t X· '-""' fh: \ t i-.. al"''lt" ~ h· J llt- <1 rl.. I• nt ''" tl·,. ,.., ', a • \'oy-:tJ:" "llm1 T r:.n•1• 1 • ... . f in hCMI,Inl! <1/'(1'0'(' Workr r!' W;l~ MittMII rr<"t'ffl I~ ~•wtwon, in an· nntmrmc pl:ln"' for 1.-14'10 1!0\·r m · mo•nt fm:lnl"f'(l umt"' an t ht• Los Anc,.,•->·b-.nc IW'arh llarhur a~·~"· 1tl4-()1\·i~IOn u( llf'fl'fl~l' JlcXLCIOI! Cl'ln~tnataora f'liiiNf IIJWln flrl\':lll' build<'n< tn P""'>ictl' ~.noo .:let· dita(\fl)'\1 hhnll'" an thl' :lrl';l hy "~"'' Jun('. COSTA MESA LmmER co. a. a. Botn"E'''LE& • ....,_~ Building a homl' •• T .IH .....:en Oftl' of the Nt'WI· TI"IM Ad• •11 ... t~ ~-~--------~--------_.~ PhOIW 429 IE'V~RT BUUEIS SUPPLY Cenlfnt • Brkk -. ~teel ' I , .. WELL kiOWI ·SALESMEN! '· Th€'y maki• hundnorl~ ()( l ';llls f'Wf'Y na~·! Tiwy knm\1-"": no limit!' or failt11'T's! Thf'y t!f't in whf'n illl .fltt\t~r wa)'~ anrl mt•ans. ~i11m· thf'y nn• a fl<ll't of TilE' n<'wspapcr n•ad lm~t ·onf'. pa'Jlets..of :llt::k:tnta Itr...mr. ,·otr \\"Ouldl~ Jl"'!'."l'<l to. n•mw sunu~t hing-th~ ~ \\'oncli'rful !itt It' _ _lcllm\:S...dao·r do~ . • · ThMr ~• i!' 'c;o mocfl'st th:lf lot~ (l( folks think thrm ~Jt~ Of ron~. unU~s ~mf han' t i1Ni thrm. you woukin't kfl()\\! .lll"t m JI 1:1 and ask fnr the ClnssifiN.l An takt'r! You'll br amau.,l "ht•n' tht• ans\\l'rs t'llfll<'~ • Newport Balboa. I I -·1 .1M W. Ceat:nl Aw.w IEWS· TIMES . ' .._ f'ltcMw I Its \ """,.. ...... c.~ . \. : PhoaH: 1e alld 1! \ "' \ I I i NEWPORT BALBOA NE\VS.'I1Ja];. Ntapoft BIMII. Cabfom\a. 11fi1R~OA\', N()\"t·:~IHJ-:H :!ll, l!l.ll. ------,__ --------------~-- .HIG ·H scHOOL FORMS JU~IbR -~~~L c~'C L A-81 IF I ['0 .. -·A 0 V E R.T I S-1 N G Chapter t!,) Be Organized Within Rt'cord Adult Ed~eahon ProgAm • PHOIE 13 fOR RENTIIIG BUYING SEILIIIQ The ... School By Student Leaders J4'or ·Harbor Area Is ~vised n --L;. n Newport Har·bor l'niun J lh.:h Sd 10ol nnw hil~ a Chaplt•r•" "'"'"".'" t•t•wnr \\;.UI m:ul·· tht' of the Junior Red C1·o~s. Tlw huard of t'<.mlrol. l'ompri~ing 1"'''k ,,, ..tu,nc.•·" In thf' 11"""' ,.,. • h •nt<IYt' 1\<lult ,..4',hll'l\l h•ll rn•j!'f'lllll students ·of the school. rt'('('ntly vnlt'<t to apply for {I t·haptl'r ''\:•'r nll .. rnrt•·•t tw thl' ~.·wl'ort within the high school. nmt tht• Orangl" Cuunty RNI Cross IIRrh"r t>fll,•n ll•.:h ~ •. ., .... , has designated th<-Costa Mt'~a lmtnt'h of th<' Rt>d Cr·oss tn A !J-f"A' ,.,A .. ,. .11"" 11.-.-" '11''''''' 1'' • ,' . • . lh•• nll!hl •·•hll'llllf"' 1'"''1!!'\nt supervlse lis nchvttat>s. _ J "1'" h hall m•trt• • ra""'"'" an•l l!"''"t- J unlor Rrd Crou C'halrrran u( ---C'r nt\••mlunr l' tht.n In an\' Jll'llt the M n a branch '" )IrA ~&dtu',l' B h M I ~·rnr. nn.t thr nR\'i~o:ut,.n •·I"'"" hall H. Devh.laon. wlft' ll( th•• htJ:h eac • esa I,,.., ... lniTNtllt'll , .. ruur IW'l\liiOnl' II IIChOOI prlnl'ipal, whn will llll"l~l Sch ) 0 ,.,,.k Itt'< rntly t h ,. toa.lnnnto•n lll directing actlvltlra ~'ttl'tJill· a •l. ()() S pen rla~<:o ntt••ri.tan•·•· "" "'""'"'' to s•11 t, y\.tOr for the achool Of'l:lllll/.lltll':t Baseball Ye' ar .,.n t·XI t>nl lhiU rlt\JOIOP~ ,,,, lhf' ill )&In Flo rt>n rt' 'W11lianu• •l~t•rt •.r•• "''"' h• ht IM•Ih Jot .. n.tay • Jndlvldual m t'mbt>rshtps a r t> ·a tht \\'•••ln•·~~<hw ,., . .,ntn~ll • being sold by thl' stuoh•nts at••l nO\olo' a 1 Th•• h~tQ.!l llal!IO h;uo t~ ur a prugram for the rtmatntlrr ••f ' ..:oni:rrd (f•r the tw.'hool year Ill b<'tng I'•Jnh··n· !1:••\•.p ·~t II r m tn . ~· 'o,~t '. u"'' .. noo~d "Cor. P ... t r ~~• h ill t .a•t tt1 ,.. • ..,.. loh'flda~.. and w ... ~Jau fmm ti.30 to 9 :\0 p. m lfl t ..... J:')'m · nttstllnt ~l•·mh• n ma\· a.llrn•t •- III J!hl ••r o•Uwr. All<l "th• w •l,atr· lflj! to• IUft~· lolt"ll•l htlh ......... ,. Ah·•• o•n lol••n.U.~·, ~ '" I' I' "' t. It < IIIJ'<'nllhlll t t,.,.. <ft,.-r'\'I!Ct 1tY )lr~t loltnnll' \' ltrul H•• .. m 4 3:. t ·• ()I" t ''"'"' Mf'ta. tfr\C-~ un•l a , tf&7<:.fl""'l' · C'ltU.a " lll'l•l Tu••,..la~to ..an~t• tun .. plac•. a .... and Df I I Ill ... l "l lo-5h~nd the "'• •l~•v• .,,.. u-· ... um •~ • r th• d••••t f Cir ruod ··~ lu ... t.ht HoO tu Ow ah.,vr m~· t1o "'"' • b..,.•" "'h ... luk.S '"" n...•· ,Ja.)" tl..-rr arr -"'* f~ tn .. "'I! -; '" If J• m • ~m.·r, aal 1 • .... ,. .t ........ l. ••• •• th• I t n • ff"(tm. r.alm Sf!' lt\Qtl A••• •••t •• I H~• W l,_ J tud.an. •-"" t "'""• t'.-ln1 ~., lt'QI 71ft 11 tiC ru•m anti 111 111' NDW quart•,. . ~~~thand fio '" II p · m . both un· _ tr,...r ....... , .. r.J n..•a J-JG A l•o f a4l00A t•t;o;&'ll' 141 f'OI,..T tht·rr ' at" <I.-. f<# F C'III '•"' r (HI l "I Of41110f' ,'I •I f'::!-1 ,\1 F ~ '' F I TIA '"' t; & A'-'tuh t•f'u•f' N,. •• ht h n,.t UttfUIHit.h~·· ,,...._ .... t·· W~ I 14MJ.OIII 41110 Wll I IAM!ION 7C'I1 t: r •• ,, •• , n •lho.l1 f'Aiif('t,n•ll. ,. '''· f o.R '~ l ll•,l •.u•ni h, • .,,~ "',r lt IN Ai r;--.:,.. \ •••lA M.-.' I ull r"<• ''~ •t " r , ...... ,_,. "-'•vrrt•o• t Ohtt t Ott• ""'"'" Ut elude II -aM ·phla.wl of 1-MWt· ..... n··.. '"'" niiVIJ'lll lOll <'Ia••· .anl< t.r..t L ~-Arthur •• ~ ••. ~nd "''9"' .... fu•nl -l ('• ..,~ ~~~ •·ork and Ia ~xpc'{'lf'<l lu • .-nl.-r thr u urJWiition nnw lln•l•n' ,..,. 1, t'._,-·,·ondul'lt'll tw tlutl+'rt K~ol•l•·r m.-t a.l • raft, 6 30 '" !II 30 p 1ft . • '"lif .... ~, ,., ..,..,,, 4n.a "' on HOM'' -Ol''"''"'" -At'l' aroun\1 t.,. pnKt\Jt'llon nf lcnttlf"J .. "'-· m ~ .. t ••• .-n. ... ,. Tuo>a.la.~· .Aa!..b\' ··~·fl.l . 1oll•ll~tb&JI • ~ ,., ~ "'! ,,, h ftn-. ~nd .tmpl• R•lfn•nu ,, Ul p ............ n O• foods fn r the Rf'd (;"ra. th•• 0 ran g ('. Cuunty Gnunmar \\'l'tlnee<Jays &ll•J Thur..ta~·· ·, n I t.u ~.J.o P-Ill-, IWpb .,. llrn!. IUk1 ••• .. ~•· "''o"! "~" • ct•tt•••"n ..... co"•"v• '" .. Month!,. ..... .. Thf organlutlon uf tht' .,ltnto•l ~·huol Ua~. I JliHIIll 1:1:1 n( tlw ht~o=h ll C"huol ""'"'""· 'J '""rIll. -u•r: "~-' ......... p,, ... , Offll• ···~ "" I& ..... b•••• .... .. ·I R ed t'roae Chapter and till Y'OI k . Cn•ta MC'IIa youn~l!tn•. ·~·am f' 1 bulldln~t from 7 tu !' r m' lola• »-Iilli tOH'I o BV RNH4M . r•• )1. .... , ... -'"••uunct bno • . ., 11 expected to be c:oordlnatt>J with nut on th.-~all t'nd ,,f a 1·~ Thl' ,h:ulmtntnn 1'11\ttJI •• t.llrf'f'\.-d .AtJdJhoDa.l .. \\'~y •••-a n o..-.. Bl~<l Pilon• l" •~1., • .,,~. ... • ·~"•• t.IJe h-emflndoua pru~:n.m brmg l!l'ure o~~t Garden Grove lut Thun· 1 by J ••·11h llamblt't and m~t• m•lu.io-~J>anl.llb -; t 11 • p •.. •1 •tc · AR'<H ull A M4Y . under(akeo by the !lo"f'w port Har.· ''"Y aftfmoon. Thf' Unans ha•l I -~, -·---ttAMtnl l l:• Ur ,.,,.· .. uu.ma, «· -:7te" ~In, s ... ,. An• • bOr a.nd Coata lil'lla ReJ (•rou tht' JI('Or t' tied at ~-4. b•Jt th•• ri• l:.lh G d , h...tra. 7 tu tt p m mwur· routia. '0" Ill "'' w ... ,., ,...,,,,. 1"· l'hol\e 4»0...-· bran<'ht'l! of \he O ranttt Counly <:.niPn Gr<>ve youthll atepp.-:. out . ~•g·· ra er I Ytu ).tan .. Hwt. h . ,.,.. •• d . "•'"""1 ctoulll• ... u .. vu Pr f. -t L "' I ORRE .. roc>..,or NT ,e-<1 Crou ~ap_tt'r In front In the eixth tnnlng. w .• Ti I "'"" tJo-•t:~IC larT'IUII!rd ............... eomp•••··· ..... -wti1,Cl5J<'!>t lift: ,..,., co -T he ach~la "'!II not pllly thiM I rl es me y N'IO~I•IOJI Thorala . nltchl ln ad. . .... J IJ"> ................ po•d . r .. tO.. Sulrlcttmt vltamiJ)a for th«-no-•n day ·n.enl of a tr• 11Wtnl( 1 11111.1 nto• .upplle<t In lhe m.enua Hated b'!- .llm' aa ayJlmllttod by llra. H• ..... Thurt~~lay ber auw of the 'Mtankll·l Od . f Th k ~ , lliuo 1,. uu-al~·atl J..-ntlull· c .•• ~*' 0'• "•• & CYI"•••· ~1\'t:ll! hvhda\'. The M«'lla l.t•:ll Ill"'' I e 0 an s jtJ I j,p b >kk In~ -to ~ .., ""'"'•' J'i•f• Phnnr 114 lwlwduh•tl 'I' ·cluh with tmo :-;f·w -' •· 111'' U< ht;h -.r" ._ ; • _ ~-, 10 "' pu tt uin<' Thurs.ta)•. ~0\' 27t h' • :•1 Thl' fullf*•in" 1,.,..111 _,.....,..,1 P ~ anti " an• ... ' ..!._,_· ' dl d .. "."';•~-.tl!'l!.!.!to:!!IILI N>o•m r ·~ FOf' "l'T _.,u1to llfoll•u•.•"••• lht' Mraa amon · , hy laltlf• l.ttr\0> J••an !\f··~"r tn ih.· ,;.,11 ••••I .t~ .. p an.l mo·IJll ehOp, ''"'~"'''"" '110"'•· a"lt( "' "' l 'o•t••r Hanc·n •ft a n~>w• <tml'r u ll .. 1 .a. t n . 1 · f ., 1 ..,. ~T\1~'"' ;'1111 ll N'•luo•nt n u .'l • ,.,,,..... 1 IIIU'JO h,.t...,l al"'"'. v•tl ... )'• , "'G"'" Ph<... ,..,...,.,., ~~- Lugo v•ho Ia in c·hurge ~·r pro·· ~nng lht• tuud at the ~~ y, p~rt Beach Crammlr Schovl ntl"t"' m tht8 y.nr 11n the )lf'aa 81 1 ~:V f,.,:s hl . .n•l ,.,1.,.,.,,..., a thou~ht •1.,.11 r. 311 t o 9 3(1 1-, .,., ttaiJob K.l· · · 11 tfc . , .,. from Santa ~rb&ra C~tllf'.:•·. h " thai '" UVIX'I'DIUIII ''' t h,• 111111till! I•C H .. • .t ~vn•. an.l ,..~ 1"1'"'")' .,....-~ -------,.Sonday~ ~OYt'ntbtor Z~ ( rt•am '~.srt•· u( thr bat~~•ball ttlanol ' ~h~ Amo•rtran~ IIi&~ Thank•$:1\'tn.: Th(' ThUIJOoilt.\' tot ,.,6, h m•onth i lot• • FOA 'I[ .. T-"• "'' ond Apta Ae .p\nach IIOUJl, chut•J>t•d tw>~f "n ~'"Jl"rt squad 11 roai'hl'd b~ tr \OUthful IIIII•· lull)'" C'IJmfl0'-1'"'" 1, m ·~-1;,-,.l*-.,......, ••••• tl"> 4 V.ot• ''·De · toast. polalo ~~alaJ and Lru\\n villt> K . Urown. Hobe-rt ~'1''1'1"" ;.:a• ~uhmtllc'<l lo llw :-.;,,..,.Ttmo"-A•ldit.,•nal , ........._ m,v 1.., nb-• ~· '•''"d p...,.,. 2'll w. EMPl-OYMENT I WAN~~O Htyh '''"'"'' '?0 t •"h huur ""'' ...... (h t:hitdr•n ·~ni"O• tat 1ftth·M , ...... "" W4 ... Tf'D -Hn(oeo<lo~nlf'll· '"'" \ ln.. •tr fllv fh• hour .,,.• d•• r h ttn• N•.-rwrt 7'U W II "' , be-tty de-rt. and 'ht11er faculty m•mben. lw !\tr-·(~•rt.nJtl•· \\'u lflron. n~•hna ~ tfc. Til - -..:_--------------------.,:::::::---------J '-"'Y la&JWu I·~· a 1ort1t1<•n •oth ·~· ........___ ,1-~ bu~•.,..,_, '""'nan t ur•,. of ;::. ,., m-ote ~""'" ·n• who ~ '<> '111,\!'I:KS TODA\"' · '"'til att .. nd 'Oit Al .. T f "'"'ohed C:.o•• I Ln~T Rc F o uNo I et ' f'J ,. · 1 1Thr rli'YlfW of nn Rlr-raul .. tr'l•n ' I -'. -'. 1-•1 A. II 14~ A Tht• 'o('fl·ilm '~>f ;a (;~lime l•umb' ~ , """" W -~ W/f ~ j . .:; f Tho• nt~hl I~ d;ar:k, I ho• \0 tnd &• ht~oh .. __________________________ _._ ' ;\ rr.•'h r••ml' th•· •lh nt c·:olm Campus .chatter . tll•l"'t , ... ~" •h•• b, ,.~r O"•Y • .,,, ,,_..., .. , p , 'tOO Wr et c.-.. ,,.,., •" t~ o .. ,. A"• t lltp '0" flw .,._. t t• t .,., ww ntJ't ;,,. ,,..~ b .. ,, ,.,. t fWl"' ¥1! ...... Cou•t ACIIOM I.H~rly t . M"llaJ7 hat U. Crlndi(ll maLarial U . Sktnnitd U . Cleanae ot IIOI.P 14.Conect ~.MucullM ft&IIM lt.OoMum• 11. Splder'a n.t No. JO •. Rftort ·1. Part of harntu (pt. I 8 Rtgton ll.~nty ln EncJand 10. Exceu ot chaflcea 1.8. fo"'nnatJ Ill. Perform 20. Vau 21. f\tmlab 22. Small donkq ts.Haraa ' ,.. City tn• Jaran ~~~:'-~--~;..;~-~f~ 27'>Cirl'a ,_. ' ~~-29 FIOWftl SI.O~IV't~t.l ~~:]~~~~~ ~.Euro('C'aa ~ cotn 3C.Car~u 311.Ty~ meuura-•• 4!.Attutllnaud c2. wnunc tablet 4S. Cl~t rile u . A &lata u.·aev·~· ._. .............. ....... 11. Dedtne M .TIM Mart ta.Crvwd D .QUHtlal IO.O&mor 25. Ilallan dt7 t7.Not KUft ca. Deer. ... Ttll'ow IL Latter 8 12. Butt n . eon.uttaUoD 11:-Map or... town aita M.Godde• ol peaee M.Summlla 17.~ \'f .... 8.mftr'C tO, Nerauve vote 41. P't4t·boUOm boat.a 43. Pauable 46. RaiM 60. !klec:Ud &2. Ret'elvlnr ut lio3.0mcer'a auaatanta .. , - 13 ·~ ~ 21 20 32 314 37 2 ~ '* -~ - ~ ~ 17 22 2~ ~ 21 6-'/ [L :J.-fa-~-!0. ~ ~ ·~ -~ ~· - -~ '" ~ ~ ~ 16 18 l'f 20 -~ ?0 ~ 214 ~ ~ 26 21- ~ 30 31 ~ ~ ~ ~~ '3f> ~ 36 ~e ~<t ~0 Th•• h.:hr, :trt· ndl , th<' C"'U,;I:'I' m. Tlw ... I"Y \'f'tl: .. tabl~ .... .or n\&ltl. 1 A not.:.' •• iw:.nt an th•• :.)() «'\~ P''181"· "' •" Y · • ·-~' Anntlwr IHomh "tlf••lru~utn fli'Ltr"· •la.l an•J puwa.,..W-t..--.._ I S.1)' 11 ·, '"lunm~; t•n · fllf•rt 1 • · • w-.J~y pra ..... p. b m m - t lh Y'''· ,;,. ho·;t'r yuur nm...... bur'J:f'rs. >C'Oit~P ...,...._ • ala d . I But wr nn-far .'IY.Il)' )t'l~ •·ath •·h•PIW'd rTfllm I \\'•• IJ\'1' In I hi' lanrl ur ~rira Th~y . lima. bran ..... p. -••• \\'hN't' " 1:1\'1' thank~ toda)'. 1 troD. etf'Wf'd tntr~ato. fnut &.AI8d Nnt h.-no 11ft rlftrk~ of thft n'cht ; and. mart.w ~~ 1 Out ~ 111 rot'l'lf' ~ohining throu$th Friday: clam ctitow'dPr. _.._ Not krw11 but a ~<hinlng, lll!ht wrtb cb_.. '-.alaod • • d H('r anl<'m l!hart'!l •·ith )'OU. <'uokf'od wiat.Pr pearL__.__--- Ht>r tPm •'him 1~ hopt' ana..-... PuiiLIC Nonca proi!'C' s~ holds .. hid! to you. Stw. watchf>s from our sllvft' ca.•• Acrou t.1w oaoan blue. A.-..... pott O•..H'h ''" F<>tt llt(flwT l -•111• .. brcttot:Jn, ~ C....,PI•t•Jr f"•n11twd W tll ""' I ..,.dt"'omt •f d•••r•d AI. w l ,..,.. c.ump•,.,••~ fw• rue~d ......, ••~ rent ,., ,.O<.Net~r, '-U -P M -'111,.J H&, r:-ro.-A«fll'? -'""""''"' ,Ap.tr1· _. 1118 w ... c C:.nt•ol, ~ .... ~ .._II Pho,.. 11lll W ,., tl-IK. ------FCHI "I:N,--Attr•ll,.. flt•melle4 -.,.._ ... -.... · ..... ....... "-"·~·· ... .,. .... . ..._ .. ,.,. •• ,. ... Mr,. ... r .. -v ...... ~·-· ....... r1 0 yf'S, "'I' fil'lll' y~ Uiillir ~-.,... a..tt Ge*-1 __ ....... __ But Yo'P 8fT fltr a•'lt)' .t tM ~&ate_-' Call..,..._ 1'04it ltiNT-It-to• wom•" w~ liv.-in..U.. laM of ~ .....,. ... _.... atU:MrL .ftt'l!• a Jtc. -·~ -- Wlwn' Yo'l' gi\'1' thAnk~ tnday. I N0'11<.T. IS HERf:UT CIVl:~ ,...,_ ,, ~ored «l.t•Af' v w or • Tbal Hltl'(..T. WAJiKt:N h fiA ,_..,. 1111 "''o.t p olo"· l."•do Al110 l'(lflt rihut.-d ,frnm the JW"' TAIL 0' THE ('()('K lilt......., lu ..... Pfllonr 101'1 w o• .. , 11c. of Mrt. ldarlf' F.ht.-n rnnf'f'mhl,; I m(•rtJ:a,te. C•J KOL'TK~'F..BT n -_ ---. . 1 - l·t hf' Thanki'JCIVInj[ th•me 1111 th • SA~Ct;<Yl (lt'~Al.lt" Uw••of· f'Ott fti.,.T-I ... d •oom ...,,.w fnJ!n••lnJr !oint F.hl~n lut ~r icnnn.: l)oo., nbrtt ~r'IMliULI 1,,.1, •· ,. .,. • .,.,, .. , 11om• Sl~. wro•te an .-xrrll<'nt ThankA,;wm~ f'r1)'. tc,-•tt. I J.ht\' p<lf'm whlrh v.-. printe.t at AS l't:J< f"(.,n:tlt"LY. U~&;; that t im•• • •~'·' ..AT 1~ !i t14il't:tt••A ' THANKSGIVING I s:r LO~ A~(;t:l..t~'\ t~ a C'4'rt.a!D t'At"t~ llDr••'TI » ~"Ott ~t l 2 •too r e1u"n~ I~V IIIO A£ AI. TY CO .._ l r"W Ill .and ""' F:nnus:h uron ••llr f<'llt lvf' bnllrd TAll. 0 ' Tt·tt: c..-re"K utd It• ·•••<t ----\\'ath net•,ty un•·11 l u llhRrt . I 1 t:nul!J(h of IIWP !hill'"'" m••v k~ ·"''at 13;,-c'OAST ltll;ti"'A\'.' ••· •v of Ornnt;• Stat,. nf o'rot&f••rl/,t:,, I h h Hfi:'I:A ht;, ~tAM c'tty m ~ ... \\· :.r•t ttw "'"'r"''" t•r ""''' n&•lrt· ' 0~ T .,, u•n h41"db41tJ m.t• lll•d A L W l ..,•• ..,n O' abnwt '71& ~·.,..-td .. p.~..,. "••.tid of ''' for rr hlf" t o """'"' 'f ,,.., tO Jtp ~IIT()MflRII P'~ UN C.•t•• plllo• "10" r. .. ,t ... .' ..... P arte • TRAC'T0" .. AL\/40f' CO luel f'l•e4 ••, ~nlo """· C..Uf. ... ,, WANTFo Tf> Buv WA~TtD-We"t te IIU, ltovM .. ,....,,.., Pho-New~r1 .. ac.ll 1118 •• ttc. M ISCEL(ANEOUS ---. .I .. TH CaltTif ICATI:I For Ovt ..... .. O.ta11M AHt4avlte .... C...lfac.t• 0 L. C.ULLY liM'' W. ,_ \1... IA.NTA /<NA _, __ Hou~EWARE~ Au .......... .. .,, Bt;AVTif'VI. rlOO ... •••11 to ... w tth ouf c.o•o •fu l -."-•'*'" W it fi,me • toor l."•r?WI 'or w ood, ••nni"P"Unt. nr '""( ,.,,. f I o n r 1 Onlt t 1 2R qt 8 .-lt•n41 P • In t ,.,,, .. , /00 l ll.,ey A••. ••tbo• ..,.,_,,,. ,._,. ... ,,, .. • tOt He IIIKAM M. (:l lRKY.V, M.U. ~::7.., r.ar, N-.net ,..,..., y.,a..phu~ 12M MMla Ana 64. Volume of mapll ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '41 42 ~ ~ ~ :\II Sn Main S ln.,•t 'ThF~ "'j'!.",nf 1 ,'*'tl t"'" '1a,rt· f .. 1 t "'I,'T li"'~c·tf ·-·,.AUtfott~I A l"a!f•• la l~,llt S t•t.:w·r"" ~ In .nuu.:...-•• ~,,.. uo "'' n t)' •· ·~ • ... • • I Tl I t I m•··t unt\' •• · .. unlv uf l trlllll'" ~, ....... ' .... !~ ... t"Y· •• r 1 ..... 1\nt:•·" "· I '~UIIIy I lf'\ J•a n " rarn• .., "' ' · . . · ~ . . • r . r 'tt .• f •I''TIIa a n •l that an •••• ll"l ,, ...... Aros:•l•• ~l .ol•· •• , la t .. , 4 1'141\jQ I OR I IIRI" rM4" •• •'•'•v•••(t tl•'-" •• "'" ,,, ... ,. ... t!UI \o I U1 1 \;IU lu•• r.ty tU1~tHf• ,,..... "'''''' t1t~J(t•Ht• A l'•li"f' ''" t ht "''"'·'~ U4t·"" •tuf n ... hv Ot And W~fld t te& '• t~~t •••~ ''1" lrffHI l iU•tt f'l,tfh'l f lfltlt t t\t Ufl \I tit•'-' ,,,, fU AI t••, 'If•'"""' Q, .-u,t "''"'t.' 11 .. lltt ttu l • h,._.,, {"''"I \o1 htHHU tt. hr hhfUrtt lfl't • ft t •• '"'''' ;. ....... 11 ••• " '"·'' ... "' ,, .. , •• tn ltiUHUfltt. U t \1 ._. ... Htl .... t)tt r ... 'h•••t•u •• OA"" .... '' t4._.t0f t•t ANO to·. ~""0 Nn "'~••u \t .. "' 'rtl<' only r\lace In the . Nt•WJIOrt Harbor arM whC'n> you ·a.n pt \ 1 !IC'd c" n rovf'ftld b)'J lht> l.lft>-1,nlt" U.ed ··\ftr GuRrnntf'i.''- Cnmtt ln .-nd M'e our hl~o: IIC'IN'tlon A IMm nt'l4t hnrld ftbout thla · "'OfltWrful pliU1. 'PFT S TnC:K TltEOI>ORE ROBINS I I I I : II I I . I OH ... AI ._, f"t. .. ,., "''e f1te l Pup •'••• U•t.h , •ud Ou fh A•• 111wn,. •• '.,Ou-v t•ow"•' 1 Owr M•t o M••t \lift tit , ut _. •••d•t1U bill tn h ••f 1 .,,....... 4. •d•,_....f;we"lof\e, .... , ... r K•tt, ..... ...,., .h.p h«•~f't r.t 5l\u tt f'l••t ,, ~· • ..-M~l I •vu"o ••<II II< r.. .... ~ ... _.. .... ,.. ..... ClNt .... -"::::: ....... Business Directory . I ' / PAUL NOilMAN l'.\;(!HT AAII •. MAUa .... I .. Awal~ ..... v....n Harbor 8ervlee: 1 Laundry & Cleanlq 2'J4 '' :.1 lflt 'Rt ., Nrwaxwt tw..ch ..... _ten . IIAKOI.P K .. URAilf'L CIIAPEJ. "\\',. Ounw-lvo .. I hi> llf-ttc>r S.Onrw It) Sf'rvlna ottwoA llftttt" ·i u ........... ...... If, ......... ,.., )'QUr ,...,..,ty, ...U "· .r: TW181' ...._ N ....... rt 111 ,._ .. ·-DIU....aa .., ··-· ..... _, .... Mil ... ,... ... ,.~ $6.75 "'11.1. pay '" ...... , ... , ... ,_ ~ -De _.(or) P\lnalallbtp U a .... a .. ...._ ...... A.a 1111 " ... t 'RED M. BARNEY .· .... ... .... ... ... "'·. .....AM . R. w. McCLELLAN & SON . , •.. .. .. &. ........ , · ftUCUNO -EX()&VAftMO -IAKD-._. -TOP SOIL· ...... _! nnc.tftl .... ,. ...... N.....-t .... ..... ...,.,. .. ·-Prof essioflal Pirectory I - DR. RAI.PH D. DOUD DR. R. E.ITAJD.D PHl'AIC'IAN • tllJJ&OKON D&Hftft OSTEOPATH .-..-II Tll~p•• ... If ....... -., .... ".,...'· -n ... .. ~ ........ ...... ftolbna Ina Arr ... ......... --"'* --. . IlK: ('UNRAD KICIITER I I.F.fli)Y P. ANDEIUIOH l'h'l'alrlon attd Rllfl(f'OD ' Uffl•·.-107 Uft4 Ill,_.& ATTOaNr.Y. AT lAW N~"'lt'•rl I'PAf'h I Cloctta M-llaftk lltdltll .. llnu": tn·n a.m. a I ·& p.m. ...... ue l 'hun,.tt-4t(flrf' Ill: 1&4o!e. ,, • ., (Jolt& ...... / r (!allforW M . Hl~:hweya M. Encounlera 00\\'N 1.1AaJang '(~ 4'1 4~ ~ ~ ~ '16 •n 148 '44t ... OtltiJ,:h •• yw•u,. \\I un n1tr 1\UC.L!I _ . I .11Hll w•• IIHIV taat •, hf'tutA. 'm••ll J:'3"" rtf tlt•• ~"" lA ili ,.,. t~· r.tA. , Fn•u~o:t& "' l··wj.!llt•r an•l 11• "''"' ll\'"'"''1 an•l u ... ,..,.oJl,n.&d!<•l(f l•tr•l !'"\ lith 1'•11 -===============: T. ' k , • . . 1 , r1 · .. th• 1, r~or P'"'' a t 111 • •I•,. k /'< ~~ IUtl 't '~; \\ ,\1:1:~::--: I •H \ 1-Ur. Uurclun M. Hmndy l'hy•lrlan and AurrNin actor 2. '""'" ,.,. out 3. IA'Il~t' 4. lnr<'nd.:lrl~m 5. Aicnl UlW•I In eonr· making 150 I!)?> I:,:;, !»I ~ !»2 ~ 5'4 ~ 56 I Ol T Yov nt. (.I. A 0 . .,.,. ...;.J;J li mr• • u nu tr) 141·• • . I r -... \ TAll ft' Tit~' t 't H't\ I ~:n~ou~o:h "' IJtllh-r~tan•hn~ t" "" f ra•h•y. tl!<' 2U h • ay " · • · · ~.111,. l•·nl'l\' 11.,11) 1mvart 1!•4'1 ~jl J!oi•" :-.: t it:'"' r .. a. ~\ "_ :\1oorl~·•t:••r A lo&l ••f ft ll·thllln• ~~ 1tllt.l rrutk•· t ,. l 'aty ,,f ,,,.. An;.:•!•!' 1'••·'""'1 rti"Tti"T!'t'l..,.l 'l:'\:,\'\;t '~. '"' tW li t~ ltto· ,,f "''l th I" lt\'1', ,,f 1 ... -.. An..:• I• • c·:.J.:•.rn a 1'1\I.IH ·f~~l \. \\'1' tlol\nk TllC'C' L10rtl ufl<ln ll)tfl 111 .. 1 U,t· a.l•ll•·,.a ••f ,..,.1 fl,• '\ lly ~~ I. I!•• l .. ll•l:c If ~·m• u·ant tu w ll ·~ uur l''"l"'rt~·. c·,ll A .• 1. '(WI!'\T ' 11111 c """' II tech'"., l"h. u~'! f .. , .. ,.. 11,.1 Mar '- 1\1 "'" "'"' p...., . .; .. ; ... Ill tal f •·nl ral """· at Slnth Offlt•f' llr•.:•ll) I! a .m.; I ·G p.m . I )r. t•. A. e hamberlin C 'tllllOf"RAC'TO.,t' 1Hr.t\ Nrw(lnrt Jtlvd. ('I 1ST A M J-:SA . d~ty a:aKf•r UJ 1:\;, fi • •• •"' Jht.:h~ a\ ="'• • 1 ~tr•rtt:·•~"' • \\'•· hill'•· •'hoout:h t" 1!'\'t' l~·r1 l~a•l• C'•.r•of'la •I• I ~t.or ', '' t•I'U ~ .. , 'J" 1'•11 1 ~--------------~ Tr-1~11 M»oM 1AIII By ~harlc·H l\1c:~1anuM J • .... ilL(~& TebW at r, PAll. wo•a "'" '""""" Ul.~"'"'r." Yfrrr.U ,.,....._...,,._ ...._ r...-,.,, I'II¥Mif'IA:<tl and Mt'RiiF.OJIIf ... .11t ·~~..... ...... .. ... ·- . .... ....... l .. ,.,_ ,_. ______ _ :t~'lf.l C'•>~"l IJt1HI•·Yn"t NrwJ'fl"'rt ..,_...,__ .. I . -~--- 1 ~.~:~~10 II ·HARBOR DISTIIC! 1 1;,,\ A. 1:1••• ttlr Mroyt~~;. TWA Vlrl•tr Sl'rvlre. Mrrrltt. White, Ph. 5lf. A f'Tfl '4f 'l'l'l.lrli' a ~U'nRT fiHOil~ • - ''""''"''''''' ll•·1•"h ""'" S••J>Jlllf•JI , :.IIC) Main Sl Cuna. •AmmunlU.. ) AI'TII~tlllll r: Rr.I'AIIti'IICI-' v n .. ~:ro V•"' J:·~ Md·:llt)tlo•n l 'lnrP Ktsn wmm- Nt•wpnrt lk Rch . I '' ~ 1 :• ,. • I· '''""fry J.,ltln~.:rn~lln~ot. 110 Vl11:1!'1a Pl., C01ta MM~t. l r. """'·" r ''·"' 1r.r. 1,, ''" Tor•· 11 •lt•·ri•·, V, Orr ~rrvlrf', 12-1 Mr Fnddrn 1"1., Niwpt. B. lif' 'Y.ll "'· f o~+.C.\i:-Tfllr.--.=-· -· '''''"''" 11 1 ••••ll o·: :111fl (',.,,, ntvlf J'h. 402. Plnnllllnlf Conalructlon. •.• \fllf.ll -. 0"1.1'·' ~•r:~ I ,.,, 1,, :•I• , J,t., I'•• .. ,,.t ~~~ h"'IP """ pl11n yn11r l'tnmfl." f'hnnf' 41. _:'t::n, In 1nrt 'f.•tm,.,.r ,.., """""" 11!'10. ('Oft,'lt Hll(hw•y a t ~ • "'' \fCI..-r: '"41'f'f lo\I.Tir:~ 1 14"'"' .,,,. •' ·''' Stlllp, 1~'0."1 Cnn'<t H1w11y. f;uppiiN. Uohta, Etc. .• , .. T utv rr·nur-_ _ •••• , I \f'•• , ..... ,. "' VI) 1 w rrntral Avrnur. Phon<' 12 nr 13. NC!'WpCJtt. o t ' H r: '\l 't•r•t.rt:-.-_ • ;,.,, I•''' 1 11-•\ lo•or I 'uloll• hlnl( Co. l'hpn,.~: 12 • 13. N.-wport O.Ach. l 'l'ti"TI"r.-· . · · .... ,,., .,,.,J,.,r l'll,ft•hln,• ro Phfln,.~· 12 -1:\. NI'WJ)Ort O.ac:& ftr\1 J'"4T \Tr:. ,._.,., R\~f F.. NUT"RY PC!nJ,I(;....;_ · I •\\ II \\'"dl······ :•~¥1'J W C'f•ntrfll Av••nuc. l •h•ml' J. R I ""'~It '4T~ ~ti''4-·~M··~·'-''' I l;uLt..L l'uhiJ~t)ln&. Co. Phon~: J2 -13, N~ 8MS. '4111 t T \H:TM, \\OfCK-• 1 • ,. • ., •, t • ,, j 'l"lltl•lllJ.: C"t)!Tlpftn)'. COtltll MMta. Phon~ ~10. T \ l't:Wtii'J'f',fl"-. ::''"'1"''' ''""""" Puhll~hlnc Co. Phone~: 12 -13, N~ S..dL VARIY.'fV MTfUlr.--' . i ll:dl~"' l •lan'l V•rlf'fJ Sto~. tOe!, Zlc and up. Phone 2111·W.' · '"'F.UU:'(fl-· .-. I . ~eldln1 •X1*11r .... Y. Orr......_ 124 If~ .... I'WJ', M • .- . ' , .I ' . ' . )4...(1 Pllp!:1ibt . _.._ NEWPORT BAl.BOA NEWS-TIMES. N.wport f!:eacb. California. ~RSOAY, NOVEMB~ 20. 1941. ... ------------------------------ NEWPORT BEACH COSTA MESA THE WOMAN'S · BALBOA (Betty Adams . I' hones 12 and 13) Over 400 WitnHS Webster • Smith Rites Harbor Hi Girls\· Mi ss May Doller Becomes Bride .Harborlles In Thanks festivities . Which Unite Prominent Harbor Families I League Honor 150 . Mothers At Tea ' . . ,Of Los Angeles Man I M:w. Prt~~eUia Jant' Wf'ba~'· ~t aDd cbannlnJ dauchter of llr. Ud Mra. Jobn FliiCher Web- .. , o( 1101 Orance Avtnue. ('Oat& IleA. ~camt the bride ot wu- Uam Stephen Bl!lllth, Lll. aon of llr. Ud Mra. W. R. Smith, Jr., of 8U Apolena Annue. Dalboa la- laDcl, ID eolemn ceremony Sunday. JfO¥emt.r tt at ~ p. m . before .oft than four hundred ~uta wbo pthel"''d ln lbe Ca.t.a Mua Coamunlt). MethodWt Cb!f.tCb fo.r Uae rllH. • &.fore an altar ba.Dked Yo-101 wlllt.e· cbrya~~lhe•uma and -~ ..-.,.on.. fenu ana palma brtJbt- --ODly by. uw liJhl 0( •·ard the altar. (;o\4-ntd In poudrc 1 blu'. tarreta ancJ carryl.n~t nuae· J'l;o>urlv ''"" hurHU"•·•t an•l ftf\\ In th• ~urq•lt (;ut <hgnlflt'd , • (aya of pa.tel fiOWt'l'll arnJ jt&r· mt~thrf'K. qf ~IIJdo•ntN •1f :'\o•\\ 1111rf lk f' c1Htii.I>N8 tn l h ~ 0nlllj!~' t1en1u· brldt11tr1Uti~ Wf:f1! ·•M II H Jlath<lt' l'rolnn llt"h ~rhonl w•·r•· C<J(IllfV C'tollrt. Hnllllt', MI .•• \..t Grace .._.wrettJ or Ualboa lallutd lllnl(ttlarly h<,nnr•·•l ut tr ... nnn•1.ol ''""''."1 t .. ~ ••1~· •m•l Lrc ••. .,.., wt .. Hllrr!d ldyO'ra qf Uu~·iwy . .t.I••I'H·r,. T•·11 I(IV\n TllltrKday a·-_ Of J..-" u .... ·h·s wr·n· mar r 1 ('hilly wt>al.htr ~&t lnst• comlng tn ="""'·port Harbor is a gt-ntlt rf'mindf'r to boiUlay mii'II.Je(l folk iltat Thllllk111:h·ing til juat two Mra. Stewart ,Dabbltt of Lunl( • t1·m.,<•n tn tho• 1 aft'l t•l'l:l h\' Uw Thtn•.a·· :-.;, vo•rut.t•r 13, ~ Ju.t~· l~acb. -I' I Cilrl:<' I~·UI{III' and 111 partu ull1r "·' 11 , • I ' ,,,.,..r .. n Srtnt11 A nil J • Aalllatl.nl' the brldt~oom a·a 1 mtinbt'ra or thf' f'XC'' uttv•• boArd till' .. r tlw l'o·a• ,. beat man wu Aitl'f'd Klapp4'r uf 1 'h.,atraa••" to 1 ltur~tr nf Utr a.ffatt Til• , lot ttl• " Itt I' dauc:att' · • • La. Ancttla and ua!;t'r• 14'hn Yo"ll-1 A• 1'111)1 m•tthN arrf\'o•d Shl' """ ~tr an i _,,,' \\'tlllllm Smit h .ta)'lC away and plana mu.t t. uno <llolf'tl wlthm t ht' n('xl f~w nf'llf'd' tbe' ;,tt'a at th~ &.!tar and Jnr•·tt·d liy th .. ~:•rll! ~tn..JI lht·lf l''ttll• ''"" "• • l<wmcorly llve.l t' othna who &JUlia~ In wnu n.: 1 ••lvtaur, M11111 ('lalro· Sltm"""· lind Bni'J•a !';Itt· , h•olle' ll almple t.!tt• C\Jt'lll.l wt're Sttwa'rt u a b b 1 t t I tsu·h rf'("l'l\'!'ft "" oulurun .run•a~:• fn,. ·1 llld • •·tr<'llt"'"'Jinc :tl'•. • F.verf'tt W111cate of Loa Ant:f'Jn I \\'omf'n fACility uwml.i•·rot w • r ,. 8,.1,.,. :111.1 •• .. ,,. 11 "arden Ia • " Robert Hokt' of Corona del Mar, alaft hun••rcooJ .:uut.t /1 vsrlt'l)• .. r :o~tfl• a ~:tft •·f thr brlcJecro om Hortoo &Melt Smith of Nf'WJ10r1 ""'"rtlltnmt'nl f••u .... -,.,a, 1 n l r" · Wltn• ~~~ttng the rt~ wu )I r and Frallk Well•. Jr . of l dUt f'•l I•Y Mt~.-IOta Trunp..t•·r '\'o•r:o~tn \\'r,. .. hl' o,t thla city hnur• P I a n a of many Harbor f o I k a who are to en~· t IJ<' 1 urk··)' tlay at home or ln ·'the S11Uthland we~ rt'vt'aled tocJay . Hi'\' llnd llrll E. p . Goodtil whul!f' ho.me OVf'r-look(br; the aurf wtll IM> O(lf'n ThurWay to CUt'ata ' "'111 be the Ct'nlt'r of family re· PAGE I . I Lester A . Smith Takes Bride At ,Albuquerque · Ebell To Hold 1 Festive Bazaar •. In Clubhouse 1 -CORONA DEL MAR BALBOA ISLAND I LIDO ISLE I · .ldt>nth(1ll of thts IK't'tlon wW donate .lpa ot prize.! plant& aDd pot amall n owenng iihruba. n ow· I era, t'tq. to be aold at a booth at ' the bfzaar. l..Mat Thurllday t b • , , . ·1 &'f'OUp'' t'njoyed v1ewango the attr&e· Mra. Ralph Vlt•lt uf Coat& 'Milaa 1 Forturw t~lll·rs. v.1tltt' elt'pbant ttve n oral rarden• of tht SunnJ . l"t'tumed 8f'Vf'ral tlay11 ago rrnm l aut•U••ns. bright <'olorc.od aprona. I Sloqt r~ryaanlbemume ahow and Albuqutrqut' Nt'~· Mf'xko, bring-, en;rabte hanc.ll'raft wru•k Cor aalt' • tbe Goohdge rare plant gardeu l~g ntwll· or the wt>c.l•llng of hPr 1 and lt mpting ~:uislor d&Jntit'a 'will ntfr Paaa~oa. ann. 'Ltlltf'r All>l'it Smith. and , be \'( rv much In t'vldtflce at tht' ! ~aklng p 1 an • Cor the coa- Miu Patricia Argabright. tlaugh-Nrwpo'rt Jle&('h !-:bell Club bazaar lllructtoo of ac rapbt10ka for ~ tn nf Mr, and a.tra. Herbt'rt Alnt~ ler Argabrirtht of that city. No-! tu ~~ :rtagl'd .Saturday. Oectm· ~'" County hoapltal cblldrat ..._ 9 9 1 h .,..._ bt'r 6, In tbl' dubhuuae. Tht' an-neld Mondav.. Wf'~ n;t'mbera ot vrm....,r . at a rp. n t t r uet h f ~· ·' C tl I Ch h noun~.:l'mf'nt or t t' oJI ferent typt'l tht' haodcrart eectlon which met onl'rf'ga ona urc . ·r 1 tha ad b :W -1 Nearly ooe hundre<J cuut• at-l 0 '00 wu m • Y r ~ .1 ynttrclay_ at 10 30. &-m. in the· t d d t h I f &.1 VIctor Grace who Ia gent'ra,l cbalr-clu~ouae Mcm. ber• arc uldDC -~ .. ".. th eR n oc'"! __ ,,o"~r_nooy j m.&D for the l'ala event. . for old Orlatm&. c ard • and ,_..., •Y t' .ev. . ......,., e .... urtlct' 1.n thl' oldeat protntant ch.u~Th IJt Of apt>elal lntert'at Ia lht' aoft prt'tty plctu.ree for tht book 1 . Albuquerque. Br<:auae of lbe t'arll-1 wouly atghan WO\'t'n by ld r a . Thlllt' 'PreMDt wtrt ldmea. Victor nua of tb~ hour the bri~ cboae Margaret WWaama or thla city Gract , E . E. Boudlnot. J . R. lA to 'l''e&r a wool crepe •ult of which v.·•ll be giveon av.·ay to the Pt'rle. Lew W&.IIKt'. Ht'J\tf ~ s. ·A. "-"4'H cii'U'~Ia the YQWL ... _...~~·-_._. .... :& -a.ouc.-olerrea ot cram t>h&lrmaa. :-1-r attrn~t-~l&lll& A-JtttltHt t l\'t' board --.-ttl be Mr. and 111'8. etyle p&drft and ro~d .. fullk!IM4, wtUI •tlo rlbbou oallona. 1 J''lrat ll• ar>pt>llr on tht' progTam Cull•·~:•· ~ htlt• her huab&Dd reo "" <.A>urg~ M. Coodt'll of l,()jj An-pletlnl' ber co.tume abe .,... plaHd W1UI ta~n at Uw Bd'o~· the doutile rtnr f'f'~ ~Gracie carol Abram• w h ..,! M lals-fll'lltlntlnJr at u. ""~"u-' ICf'lu. Mr. and JLra. Cbarlu .HalJI-otf.~face hat aDd t. trarrant -tar aiaM p.w1 mnoy bfSan MIN Palrit'la •col· J a ve an ongHt&.l • ~ntt'J:pn•li)'P )'dJ,l~ hntr llJ~n "r ho o I. Th • cJay of AltadeGa. Mr!t... ~· CO~~I'f' Of Joh&Da.a Hill roeea and . MtM Web • "~ r ~nted • vtD ot H~ ne.th &an& oJance T hla wu rollowC"d b)' ..-v • t'OUJ•I• pi!' t.. mak~ Ulefr b N 11• Mallt'r 0( AltallenaJ ~. Arthur gardt'niu. ellll.ariDinc pktun u abe walked Ulm .oprano wiK~. "lf -Go.t l rral mu .. cal numbPr11 elplg by nPal llurhar "htl ,. Mr. F'roet •~ :\1 .lllynt' and Mr.-: Nina Hoa&· Attndlnl' tbe brt~ wu Jlra. to Uae &&eM wttb bir Cather wbll Left Only You".1 "&catu~e" an•l th,. (1rl'a ..... t .. t un<t"r th" <h • t·nl(:OI-•'•1 tn •rplltnr l'' r.flltructt"" l"nd of Altadt'na, ldra. Cleno H. Glf'n Yatn. Qlatron <it hooor and P•• JMr aw&)' ln m.arrtqe. 8be "You IUid 1". She wu arcnm-~ r~tlon nf Ml1111 lol~~orat llk-h1..-h 8t l~•• kht•f'•l A 1 mrt Corp. :'t11u~eh and two 110118, Glt'nn. Jr.. two brtd .. ma.kSa. M t 1 • 'EJIDon WU IOW1Md In brora.de •UD.. ~&ed by Mn. P Y. 'Mlonip110n. Mia Murl~l Hatch an• I M Ill"' " tuld-.Jame. of Wutwood, ld r •. Mulllaon and MIM M a r I' are t ~ut ll)'le. over wbkh fell a cbutTb orpnt.t, who &.lao pl~yet.t lA Noma (Jnu~l. ":iultm~t play . Mrs Suc;an ft~herford Gt-orxt' Burce of Ke<londo. 1 0 cr&De. .ororlty •!ftera ot t be aa..7 fiDJer-Up &enJtb vell. 8be familiar ballada anoJ the tw o I'd a ..-lr<·twn armmpll.lltr.J by. · ~ \ kf't'Plnl' wllb tht' patriotic trplrtt ~! 'Mley we~ ~~d In ca. ...... ~t not ... a lllrtn, ol wt'ddlnc marrhea, Myrtle Nlrktll at tht• plu.nll Mtllli Repre ents EB 1 and aulatlnc local uso officer•. tu.me 1\Jitl. - .-.1 pean and a rhiDt'atooe ~-R_,tlet~ nuthPiyn J>lumnar run•·ludf'd tht' A F . M th~ Goocklla plan to ..eotertaln Max VIele. ot eo.ta aleea. a lit, IIGtb .uta of Ua• brtde,.oom, .l>lrecU)' Collowtnr tht rf'CN· proc;ram wtlh a tlramallc mono,-. t erataon eet two of a JTOIIP 'of ·army ,boy•. coueln of the «room. prt'alded .. __. wttJa INr wlllt.e prayer book 8toaa1 Ole couplt' apt'd to the n-· 'locuc.o • . nllmf'a unknown u yet. but man while uaht'n were ...._ ... carriecl wu u ordaid ~pUon . at Ule Coeta M•• lo)"'·l MIM PPII)' ~ryant, club prelll· ~ beautiful Hot~l ~I Corll·l Mr. and .Mn. Harold F\nk of Georre Bnmer of Albuquerque -.... W1tb ...._.,.. ol bou· cia)' A.fternoon Clubhouae where ck-ot th~n utt'ndt'd an Invitation natlu ovtrf<,oktnc; tbt' blue Paclftr Hulbf•a ratamt w 1 tl join other and former Coata Mua f'f'alde'Dt ,.,.. &Dd ..U. rl~ nearly four hundnod ~eata wer1!': to moth~r• tu enjoy thf' tn hour ..... 811 tht· ..,umg for the l"ortll'lh I m~mben of t.helr fa.mlllea at ·a who Ia a frat..mlty brother ol tht 'nit br1de wu allt'Ddecl by .Ma. ~lved by Ult we<ldlnl party I which Collowt'll lmmtdlatt•Y f'rt Anmh11 l';<•u'thrm lllatr k t Convtn·l n·unlon Ia Puadt'na ?f the Her-«room, and T . Vernon oa.dftl of JIIUu,. HoiUtJ« ot Oollta M ... &DC1 Ult' couple'a pareot.a M r a . -'din,; over tht' two tta tablta uno tlf th,.· ralifomla ~ratlf•n man nnk homt. St.W'inc at h~ Bakeraflt'ld. Callfomla. M .aid o( bonoll1rbo wu JOW1t· Wet.ler won a mt'lon-plok 'jt'r-1 a.autlfully dKontf'd wIt b au· uf \Wtmcon'• Ciulla ••hlcb wu al j th&a yf'ar a re Mr. and Mra. D. S Palma. and ff'ma bankf'd th~ .. Ia a ._,. ,_'fllfft& formal wy rown and an e11qu ... te r11r-tuJDD le.vea and brtrthl N'ulta and tt•nol~'<l t.y Mn Suaan k . RuUltr-, J..Joyt.l or Corona. dt'l War who arl' &.!tar 'Wbt're tht couplt' excbanc· ... war. a mta&ature noeP--p)' ~ ot ytoleta aod cyclam•n and vf'l[f'lAbl;oa ....... r,. .t.flu M;8t' Htll ford. rh~~olrman or f'mblemt~ and hod and bcieteaa to ,their aon ed vowa. Soft muak ....... provld-' ..,..... Ia Mr bait ud ca.rrted wore. bat and (lovn In match· MIN Jaol' Andrraon, .Wtall Do~o-t iwal• for th•• .Jaatrtrt &no prf·"· an•l .d~turht..r-Jn-law Mr. and :ld.n, ed by frit'nda of the brtde. I a oorr•, eAt• ...._.r bouquet laC toaae to C()DIJllt'tt' her en•· Uly Tully and MIN Margarf't \\tl· d .. nt ••f tht< ="~"14(lf•rt Ht>adt Ebt·tl l Orval U oyd, J..Jale U oyd and Mr Th~ nt'W .... ra. Smith attended 1 fll ~ .....,... «t~Ured Wltb tume. 11w bridf'CToom'a motht'r, aon. all meml>l'ra ••f tht' farulty. loin! t • :\1 Pr aktna flf BaJboe an•l and Mra.. AI Touracbn. I Alb\K!uerqut' hlfh IIChool aod Ia a a ............ IL A trio ot' bi1cs-Mn. 8JD!UI, wu coatuml'd In a Thf'y 'A'f'rf' prnf'ntl"d with gar· !.lr~ H.-utwn/ !of n"y of C oat 1 J.rl• MUlCe Tayfor ot Berkt'lt'y fT&4uatt' or that citfa t:olvt'r-1 ..... Au1.ed uia lo-blac'lt formal a«t'ntf'd wfth ,old dt'flla <'OrM«n :\If'~' Ia arnviDf Wednuday even1D1 to ally wht'r~ •hf' .,.. ... atflllalt'd wltb toDH. R.r no-en Wf're of pr-1 Girl• who ht'ad.-<t rurnmlliHI! Junior Club •JW'fl•l Tbanlutcavtnr: ttay wtUI twr I Alpha Ot'lta 1'1 aoronty and Sterna dee'--u wl're..her mothc.or·a. Mra I Wf'rt' Rita Trnrnpt>tt'r, t'Dtt'rtatn-lmrn••dtah·ly a. f t t r adJourn-.. l tf'r and brotht'roln-law. Judgt' 1 Alpba I o ta . national hooorary ... c .. Hilliard of Balboa leland I mf'nl: Belay Rabbitt. tt'a wrvlc ~ mcont or t hf' ·' On\'t'ntlun oa Friday ami ...... Donald J D 0 d, t' 0 r r mu.ac fratt mlty Thf' bridegroom I lJitel"tiet at the ~f'pUon t"f'n· anol rf'frnhmrnt tablr11. l"at An-th1• f• <h•mt•·tl 'Junt .. r nub& opt>n Colll& Meaa. Sht' •·UI ~mai.o uo-who w .. wr ll known 10 Co • t 1 1 t.eftd. aaturally. about lbe newly., df'I'IIOO. co.~gea. ~tamtt' Kamp t'<l th;.tr l'"nfnenrf' f!lHtmc and til Sunda)' vlaltlnr with Mr .yld J.lt'&a · prl. or to hla ".ollatment to wedded ~pie wbo cut lbf' flrat IDvltatlona, Pat l"ark•. r~frt'ah-• J••tno ,, tn '' ~(ala ht· Jllut that tve· ttln Don Dod~:e. Jr .. and t h ~ thf' army I• a tr:raduate· or F\111- pt«e of Ole larfe Ul,_ Uf'red I mf'nta and Maraan Gartlt'r. pub-n1111: Atlt•n.llng 1 pMtaoo ot thr Kobt'rt Adama of Nt'Wpor\ Beat'h. c.ortua Juntor t:ollt'.Jt' wbere b( I wedcSiac cake and were wrved at llclty Othu Lracu• cabln~t roem·. _.., trom ttri8 vi~IDit)' .w,.~ ·Mr. and Mra. Jamea Hathcock wu actin Ia lbe Ol'Ua A~h•l Ule rel'""met~t tAblflt llt&rt.lnc l bua w~ aaal.lllt'li wert Bttty Aon lotr~ 'Rt~lwrt Lunr; of Newport and ttwtr JOUDI' claupter wtll t'n-Slrma rrat.emlty. Ht' Ia noW In t UM ntreeluDeat bow'. DoriDf lht' Hocera ~n..J Dolly Ji"owlf'r. Ht'ljtht• prutc.leont. M I a a l'at lf'rtaln for ~mbera ·oc the Hath-thl' -l'nlt~d Statu Air COTJJI lt'f" j reequoa, Mra. JKII ColYI.D and Quarry of l'•..t.a )It'S&'" and Mra <'OC'k f&mil)' whk:h tocludu Mr vice at the Albuquf'rqut' air but' 1 MIL Har'r7 Sbeue ot HuntiDJtOII Mrs .. Horae~ -Parker l Robt'rJ Adam•-of Nf'l''port BH~h. and Mrl. H. c. Hathcock and wIth the 38th R«oonaJN&Il« a.-b an4 Mn. Ray Miller of , . all ,f Ull' ('Ofrta Mna Jlllttor w~ ctaup~r. .loaD. ol Oaat& Meaa. Squadron. They art at hnmt to llldwa)'' Cit)' alt.ern&tal)' plaJ.ed EntertainS For meoo'l l'lub • llit'hard Hathcock, and Mr. and tb~ir many friend• at 619 s. Hlch .a;: -:=..Uoar!m....eat ta b.l,. Mesa H. E. C. D D F Cl 'b Holds ~;.~. ~~nof ~lk':,~el:.d aon. st~~t iD lbe New ldnko ctty. wMre u.. bncte'a calle wu pLac· HCMDe P'..coaomln Cl~b memt.ra: • • • U Off to Nortb Hollywood wtll Magoon and <'hlldrftl. Roy and .a ... eowrecl wttla a u t1 a were pNta of Mre. HoMlC'e Park-Thanksgiving Fete ao M&.r)' Adla Abbott and bn LorT&toe of WUmar. Mra. ora ~ dDUa UMt daeonted W1tb er recently in ~ Me• two children, PeeD and Jimmy Col ·d ..._ ht Marti of _ .......... _. ...et -aa4 fem bom• for a IUDC"-an buaiD .. n Alma Rath Home for a --turk-~luab lt'rved e u .... u •. er. yn •---r-·--., a..o. An,.lea, Mr. &Dd Mra. Loren alld wtUa IIUftr caMie.Mkl«n &Dd ...... Mre. Parker choae a at Ute T. II. Moffet bomt'. f"ac• and dauebter. Barbara Ellen _.,._ ••••1 Ill ~-at brtlli&Dt llnkaa theme for noral llr. uc1 Mra. 8tule)' Acker· ot Butta Ana Htlpta. Jlq. Lo&a a. eoftM ud ,_ell ~ '"" a.coratlau OD t.IM lundlaoa table mu ot Ute peDiUUia will &rnm«f' A. Allen Ot Santa ADa Ud net SIXX)ND ud 8YCA1108f -Prices Ef1 ective Tues. & Wed., Nov. 18-19 ---------- UBBY'8 -) 29' PUMPKII Lup ~eu ., .. ·. ~A\' . y I • 25c SAUCE/ 2 ... c.. ----SPAT-IIEAT ... 2F-Call I • .. if{ Lift 3 Tall 23c a... A.nt ~ ot ud about the bome. tor a f....U -~kin when tJw KDowlton. ....... &dpr QouU lira. Altc. .M-.U. OODd-.cW iin:-lfalpb .n:::r--:::r.-~::1":"-.r.:-:::r,._--.:iiii W•Da of RJvera, &n.er.ooe buatae• 8H&!oa. lntro-:::;t've';!nl ~n ~,.~ h~~ for mea· f..Un .)I rd. ADd Mr. a.nd Kra. wUl com bAne Ult' bollday taceoUve A Comolete g Course ~ Dbmer. ..... Olllee .. ......,.~ •••••• • • • • • -~ For That Better Dinner .. ------------.. ttuclnr Mra. Arron Trtppt'lt. Mlaa or t' . . E. G. Waller and KIM Ed D a wl\b a duo birthday Ctlebrallon In Ida G&ef' and Mra. Parker. 8r I 'lbe layette ahowt'r ,.. •,. In Walkt'P of Nt'WpC)ft Beach '&111 llonor of &rtrem Smith and Gor· 1 • • • honor of Wra F:lmf'r Pattl't"mn _ ... _ ,_ t .. -,..__._ M•• bome don • or 011 tt h re1 .-....... ... ..... ....,... Almond. Amonr Uloae •·ho , Wtalt')' O'A·er nt C'ornpton. ("~r&.l•l t • c Y •• 0 ....... ••ore 1 ot Mr. and Mra. W&.lter Ale~ will be P"""nt for tbla unlqut' ...=:;~~~ 'Myera of Dow.-nty, J...xnn \\'aniHII •urrrtwtt ••Mn flub ll'lf'mbe ra for#tbelr t'elebraUon of W har-celebraUoo are Mr and Mra ·BEfiACH ....._ __.~ • aa.. __..., ot Lon1 &ach. W. W F"'fll<'h..-or L brought • larte p&rftl tnto ~ vat aeuoa. · Btrtn-m Smith. and IIIlo. Jackie. -, ..... ...._ • . Ooeta M•• and ~~It" H.-Jlley or-romn with ht'r name on it. Tile A ~unloa ln Ole A. C. Almond lofr. aod .Mn Gotdon Almond and ... .., .. ..,.. -.. ~ ' eo.ta Meaa. 1 Jift wa• • bathlntlll' It'' T 11 e boale oo Rocb~r Street. Coat& two C'blldl"t'n. AJbt'rt and Clara .....,..;.., CLOCila At tbe clotll' of thf' rf'C'PpUon 'clnn hoatf'N Ullf'd Thank,gtv~ ..,_, will be enjo)oed by Mr. auO Julia. ... AIIUCD MlM . Wt'beter chiUlltf'd Into hn 1 tlf'('orallona abr.ut tht' tvlmt u.d lin. l...eett'r Coatea of Hollywood. A qult't day Ia planned lbua far IIIJ If ...... ......_ 01141& 11_ tranllnr IIUit of tboftv ahadf'fll. nn tht rt'fruhml'nt tablt'l' Mra. LuellA Buclulu and M r • · by Pru and ('aria OUMaa or ''MUMS'' topflf'd by a platinum ·wolf rur I H•dl.III'Orf' prl;r.t In br~<lltf' weal BerthA C rt I e y o( Huntlnrton CtJannt'l JalanoJ who will entt'rtaln jarkf't. On hf'r ('oAt fllht won a 1 to lotra. Ludllf' Wtalhl'rwa' of Beach, Mr. and Mrt. 'Fraok Ltd· me m b t' r e of lhf'lr lmmf'dlat~ larJ<' alnjtlf' •>n hill 'Mid a . ah~·n <.'o•ta Atua wh•• wu a I:U•'Rt for ford of Norwalk and David AI· family . Whllt' nt'xt door tll~ Jm- 0( rlct lht nr w 'fr. and Mrll 'lht' tvt'nln.:. Olhtrll prt'IOI•DI were monlt of the Mf'tl&. 10001'11 will lJ,. .t'l'llf'rlalnln~t a Smith lf'rt fM a ahort honf'ymcxm Mml'll F.lmer l 'llltf'nton II e r t . ED;oy11ig nankegivlng earlier hOUIM' Cull of Loll Angl'lrll guuu . at Palm ~prlnrt• · ''•till !I. llltrr~· H" k" r · ~h .. ldon 1 thla yf'ar with tht"tr.. aon. Duant>. Mr. and Ml'l' (.'harlu Portt'r • .. --· .. ~~ of thta city and Mr11 PoriC"r'!< ....... n mbc'r 20, tlU')' wtll bP at !-'mit h. Ht•t .. •rt I· \\'llhllrr~ llk:b.· ~-aftd ure. C. M.~•~<lna of 1 hCimf' to thl'lr many fru•ncla tn Rt•l l•lltmar Jt .. v l'a~t•· l~orer thll\ wt>tk'• Jmt .. mothf'r. Mr11• Winl!red~rbre will ! t'iiii:i~l'li!'rfl!!(!jH!i'k"'er-....Ju...&:tt~ir nf'wly f'rl'l'lf'<l rt'l!td<'nrt' al Ba~·. a-:.lwtn Wilu k ''"d '1 day bv. Howt'ver. Wf'dnco~y tiC bt' walt'tJ.,..ar'Oll n1J lht' ff'llllVI' h•lll· 1 111• ,..outh M~tyo~ l'tr""' 111 l'om1•· Horvath .. 111f' n"~1 ml'rltt 1: .. -ua l nf'lli ~.,.,.k t.tr11 Deallln• wW en-dav dtllllf'r table 1\t thl' H 0 b-1 Few Y oar Tablfll ton Afrfll ~mllh t~ r:t.luatt (lr ll(· lilt• llllnuttl 1 hnltlmn~ t1<1ftY J tnln f<.r the nnrth v.-bert' sbr will nArbni'a an AnAhrlm achoola &11 •• .ht'r In thf' h·1m_,. r•f . :\lr" :.:I·' 1 ·~ o ll , be a guf'"t of her 110n at tht' Unl-·~r and Mr11 Jsr k Larion of ~mllh vn l'rtda~ 1'<'•·rn.h• r 12. l ,-.nity uf CaliCnmla and will wit-L..aguna ril'arh wtll !Opt'Otl Thankll-Are Ready • -. FANCY UTAH TYPE CELERY EACH ------------ WJL8oN TENDER MADE HAMS ~ I..OCAL FRESH DRESSED TURKEYS w.. Will Take Orden 011 Dl'CKS, GEESE or SOfT BoNED ROASTERS ·us. AS USUAL We WID Raft AU t J. S. No. 1 Prime Birds. t: DCODditioaaJiy Guaraateed ---· -I D-thf. annual C&lifornta-StiUVl giving 14 tUl :\tn• Larson., mnthf'r -Relttf Tu ford grit)-dalllltC lhzfull ng Mra. Vt'lmtl Uarbc'r or (.'"hanot'j ~~~,.~~~~"n~~'i'. ~b:l:an:d~--~-----~~--~~=======~~=================== thr =""'~port 1\40,., h \\ ~ ~-F.ar . Thll.llk!Ur'l(ln mom· Mr htn•'-1 \\llh th•· ~I· •• ~ • :• ty In aod . ~Mf'yl'r art' 11Chtd·1 • .. l...._ r.w--.ft~ ur;(Y' t tli~"""" ,...""' "'"" -[Q --Tr:\ m Ill<' :\It"·' • !1111• I h .. 1. 1'~-to Join )fr. l<'yt'r·s. llllltf'r an.J ~·.:: -.-,....Qii....._=-• IT'S PHONE TODAY • • • 1 bDl. Eut ol N~·port Blvd. Featuring - "Chen Yu" Manicures .. • -~---. ARLOTTE'S . -Phoae I ' !'tiltnj: """T lit•· nlf ttr "• :\Ira. I family. lht' ,ra~· Hartltt~ for n 1 • • A .I ltull<'r rtml \It • ,. .• "··ran-.. a CIC ~ratltudt'. J.\tr arit1 lolr11 , , tall , ..... y .. • ~. • "-T'AtilnJr ~ -wi:;ttnlfto-~y..... r tn.r tit•• ="•'"I''''' ..... ·• · ,. 1 :\11"11 anti tlaty:htff. :-.:am·y. wtll al111• • 1-: I. 11.-rtt\1 It ' .111 I \ 1• II 8 I bt' J'rl'tct•\•t l f ' :\lo ;\lltt lt) r• rr··~· '•'•n ~ I' ~IC'aa. A larg\' af~alr v.tll tak•• pia•, So,., !"tl "'"'' II I t• I •'II lud. fIn lht' ho~t' !If Mr anJ :\Irs. A~-tn~; 't h na ~ \\til 1•• r 1\ • we~ 11,,. """''~Inn wh" r.•t•rntly t11t1k Shtl\\ II h~ J Udi!•' II J I ••l~;o· •lUI'• I ll; )t>lltolrprf' In ~orth (.' (l !! t 11 t lnJ.:. I h••. • \'o•1111 .;! ; r •;. • 11 •• , \'eral l\:,.,.8 C'• ,,~·r~ "til b<• ltlld for !1.1 r •''llllhtl ~ ••; ! I'• ·~·· .): ' 1 ·' "'C:"' 1 an•l !l.lr~ \\'nLl't'r ltlll•l-•'rth u; dt~l'1 ·' , •• , I•\' ;\I,... \\ • •·• • •I l~mlft-· · Sanlu ,\ na. :\lr nn.l :\I rl' t ;,,,,rJ:• tr•·' ~I t• ~· ,. \\'11 '• "' • maoy 1 ':::,"•::· ... :.....---~---=:------; I •ur PJ.: tl;o .1; • • " l\trll ;\I I • l'lllf'Y 1 THERE IS NO MORE PERfECT GIF.T • THAN A p,ORTR.AIT· C'nlumn b l~tnJt~ • x:m-B!:' , !. _l!, ~~~--·-·--,~.~r~lR~rni~~.~a~ww~~~n~~~·------~·~("~~ro~aa=-dr~l~' • _'It: ~I t •, • j \' ' ~ And Now Is Th To Plan For· That Perfect 01ristmas Rcmcffihfancc. --:-- :\lake '\" ~mr .-\J)pointment Soon. . -~ The World's Nnw-a Seas l'luoUflh . THE CHRISTIAN SciE~CE 1\IONITOR ',f"'/nllf"nllll •lrtO[ n11i/\ .\'r.J'Sf'apu ·- .,..,......, THt: CHIIISTI\S ~(If"'[ l't'lll t•III'>G IOl'ltt\' ~ • .-...... ) ~lrH'1, ""'-tM ~--" .. • llwwtU II Tl'llthfuJ...-..c-~i....-UnW oM-f.,.. 1.--s-.. tt-al· .... -E4i-ialo AN Ti-ly ar\4 1-nKti" -"" I• Oatl' Faa"'""' T-..c~ ..tth rhr WN~tt, M•1•ri ... s.cu-_ Naka .. Me.it• a11 r•al N....,•P" fw riM H- p, ... J II ~ Y Hrf" . .,; II 00 a M unch. ·........_, 1-. tnclu41tnJ MaJU.IW Sacnon. U 60 a y.., lnt,..IICMfY ot•, f ~ U C... • Okd·ahle Ill& • Cll&i8t1Al'f M'IESC'IC' a&ADIJfO aGOII 111 r.a.t c-arat A.-• ........ Celtfenlla ,• 1ar.1 •' t t ' •p•· t ~:· J .. tJn l! •11•'11 )• • I -' I I I •. ,,.. • I t r,., ,, .• :·.,~ ... ·. · ~~··Jr. ,,,\\ 1··.. I' I : \ • I h:t.''' 1•·· n , 1 .. • :O:II'.IIIt.;o•J\' l'llf'llt.:h 11\1'~ 'r1• 1 h•· .... :un.• 'l,·n..: 1 h , .ti1- PIIh t .. ,.,, .. ,, \\ h ... ,, 1'\ •' ... ll.:hl .t.._•., "'''• ,\nd ,,,ur · \J''''" 11\tl\ lll' .t.~····\ '"·~ , .... ··1,,- \\ ,,;,;.,, T ·• 1., .:ur•· i h:1t vnur <t~hl t• rt.;,hl h .l\o• ; •• ur ·~·~ ,,,,.m<n•"l l\y a CC>lllfl'"· lo nl OJ'IIIOI•'!I"I n ·" ., "' . ' ho t. . . I 11•7 I .ttt\ •.., '• j ii i1-• . • • ' 1\:\Df· ' e DR. M. D .. CRAWFORD . Ol"lO.Jol&:r'RI&T Of"--at P . \'). PARKF.N "" " _ _. ....... ('-·-.......... tnt;. :-· "'··~· 1 ,. 1, ··, r Our Flowers Are Es pecially · Beautiful. Now PhotM' \"our Ordt>r! + • ' RIC-HAD $E-ELY P 0 n .. T R ..\ t T U R E 218 Marinf' .-\,·«-nul" Balboa bland Phonf' 43ft ..