HomeMy WebLinkAbout1941-11-25 - Newport Balboa News Timeshe Major5 i 'Column 11 r·,-11 ===== ISSUEP SEMI- WEEKll' -\o , . , / ~ \ •-. •.:. BALBOA 1\\ES gq ·· r'.. :--; .. · ....... . MID-WEEK .... EDITION . EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA. WEST NEWPORT, SEA SHORE COLONY, l"'OO ISLE. NEWPORT HEIGHTS. BALBOA ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR, COSTA MESA -. -I Fan ... Go By N•110.-port llnrh<~r nnd CnRtn Keaa ··onlrll,utrol 1111 !Vlllr.· .. r the l :i,OOO fan~ to \''J.!n•·,.~ tho' J)oa•Hnrnl'l Nlrlll!f;lo• • 111 t tio· 'Iaiita Ann Howl 11 hank!<,;'"' In&' 0Ry, loitll!)oiiiiJ: Ill I r••lll h( Ut• golf' tnuu I!! n'C"i"l'k t ,, 12:~ lhf' !'.1aJnr ~Ill' I o·o·cl .. d 111 artlin~ a p<•rt'h '"' u... :.!11 yard lin I' and "IIIIo• ''net. , tllr; ·for Uw :.! J1 m kJo k-.. rt aollced Au1•h ~nd fans I!" hv In qul'~t of 11•·111!! 11s • wait ll II ·I .,.,, Vrfl;\'· Thill'<' Wl'r<' JUSt t.be ff'~ t hat pu20~rd b\' thr Major'& -t T h r r e · '' .. r,. pleoty m ore and muny OJf them on the . fo'ull~>rton a .. Jr Whlaalon' Thf"U. Speaking of thllt j!n.J ll~llslc calla to m ln.t th1tt It WKS about as cold 111 the :-; A bcra·l that attemoon a" th111 writf'r tltn e v 1· r ro>mt•mbt•r bavlng cxrwrlenrf'd In ' R"ut'l- em Califn~ma In IM 1111\' unw. lrlclu~ 1 rtp8 to thr · ltnO\~. 1il fa..·l f'nt•r•• rl>"'ll ut llpt'o'· tatora appc nreol tu bl• trt•mlll· lnr and 1t· ~H n 't (rum Def'Yf'8, Su Scout Tbf' !'Pa :-;,out. ha\'t• •h'· pArtf'd Ito\\ f'\'f'r. \\ hth• ht·r1•, they had an r·\r•·llt•nt 11m••. wcord10~ 111 11 nurntn r uf · atflcera Thr b11ya ho·r·· thl11 ,_.,. v.·t•re an t>llt t'llt·nt •·ll· ampl• of flnr youn(: Amf'r·l tcana. Tbt' altf'ndancf' wu aot as gr:rat 111111 ) r·or a20 l&lt. S~a St'oul rt'<'Md8 In· dicat .. thal appru'Cimatl'ly 2;, percttlt of buya ·m ..4Ae 01"- aantutton hrwe b(>("tlmf' af. Uliatf'd Willi Hlf' Nf\')f. c..:oul Guard or jolnf'd l'llmf' othf'r llraoch of l'nrlt-~am'~< um- .Civic Ass'n l~ :studies l~fa~ forSeWei.: ' N a 11M' f'\\' I Main t:Xtf'n~lon; t~ttf'nd Sf's.1doa I Nt'cr'S.c;ity ~f a sewer sys· I teru at Corona del Ma r anrl fuhtrt• plans for namtng ;inrl 11roica tin~ t t}e -flew Soul h !Main Street Extension which 11.. now ex[X"Cted to · tx> form· , §ly opened about thc middle · ~r .January. featurro t h (' 1 rill'<'ting Friday ni~ht of thr i Corona d(') Mar Ci\'ic Assu· dation in t h c Palisadcs lTavrrn. 1 =""arly 1'ho i•rnf"'l"tV IIWIII'tll of thnl r••mmumly att,.,,J. •I tho· " >'· ' ~ann "'hu h """" f'll'o'WJr•l """r It~ ,l u•IJ!• Harry \\"t·:-t.,,·,·r Jlft'!lhh·nl , Thr.,u~:h th(' r~>ur~""Y • t !II r ""'' !lin• ~tar Hryn"l•l>l. n._.w "'\"' a:• of th•· 'ral11md•·• T:J\'t·rn. th•· ''' I ptnll"llt o~tn wall runhnu•· to hul•l 1111 m•·l't anJ:!I t! r rr t huo "m t•"'- 81 ,., ~tdtnJ: tu M r:a. I 1 ~ U•·~',l k~r I lit'-' ret a"' Thr c-on.·rnsull ot ••plnlun rrc-,1'11 In grnup t1i!I<'UII8io~ Willi I that Cnrnnn •h I Mar ~ a• an no·,., I or -. nmti\T}' svl!tMT: 11" thf' r"-1 suit l'lf IL" trerncndou11 IIT""1Jl 1\11111 ed f o r c C' e . IJnya lravele-.1 •• Cft&tfr dtstancra than evt"r Wore to a.U•Dd. antii'IJ•Strd f'llp:JIIIIIIIII With t h t'J OJ)('{Itng ••f the new ha~ehway from 1 San~ Ana.' Prrl!ldl'nt · W (' s t O\'t'r olf'<'jArl'•l th(\,t ht• wal! cntiYlne<>d that now wa11 thl' tln·u.• to lay thf' groun1l· work for web an enurprtlk', fVet thnufi!>b It ahould prove that thf' time 1.1 Dol nchl for UDdertakln& the actua.l y,·ork. Woody Vlalh Woodrow-Merr1tt Willi m Balbo& o v e r the bullday. •ruace aa It may ... m. be wu a vlaltor 1n1had M on• ol the town'a oaUvu. fo r Woody la now lo Lbe ltauone'd tor baalc tr&lniDIC at camp Callrn , near ~an Dteco. Hr'll be r.emem~rf'd A c;ommttt~ wu appolntf'd to df't4'rmlnc> t h r nf'I'«'U&ry pro- ' -lollnw t" t~hlA tn Kn • rr~t nf R !11\ntlary pt•• .... , Harbor Sea 't:\\ l'tlKT tn: \l'H , ('.\Ll'P'OK" \, Tt t:su \\. :\U\T.l'tnt:M :!~. , ... ,. NtiMIIF.R M Scouts Amaze Visitors ·-~· , .. ., In nen.tonstration I - Sea Scouts of Five ~\X/ estern. States ' . Corriplete 'Rende~vous t lhlrbur ~t·a ~t·nut Fnr ~IM•dal ~hi1•. "ltanttt-r" I lt'mcmRtration ( 'umpll'llll~ 111"'1' cia~·..; of llllc•l\)ool\'t' 0111114'11Vt'I'S IIOCf nMn- pl'lllt>tll o'llmhu~o .. t ,, Hlt n ~al.c .,.,l'i:a l "''IS.:I'nm. ov•·r 7tM) S«-a S."'"'' :11111 nffia'I'I'S from (1\'t' \\'1•.;tc•nt !'llalcos • Hlllr1t~l . thc•lr ltotllc'\\:ml ""k (''''" ttw· No'" I""'' llnriMtt' St•n St'out 1wn- dc •/vc.tll" S.mcln~ t.tflr•rm•tn. ' Tht• 1'\'c'lll. "hk h ntutt11ally ult r·nd!O natlnn-wlcl4• nttrn- tinn . wa.; altc•rtclt'll ,,,. II"'' 1m I F. C :lllc•IIP, Nntlunnl Cnmmo- clo!'• Jo:mc•rlltts un•l ,;,lllltlt•r or ttw St•fl s. ....... ltltiVI'Illf'nt ' n~ .. . ' donnl St-·nul l ·:...:c't'llll\'c' Hnv-• tl 0 1'1 I' (' ·1 ,,,.,, .. ,.-ltctn•l""' '"" '"''"' ah•t•' w-e ltllll c . :an ... •n 11111 . .. ,.,1, 1,.1,.,1 ,.1,1,..,1 1,.11(1fl fur 111 ..,,. Apphlllo!. t'\t'i1llivl' nfric,'l' of ''"'r• Thr '"'"".:" 1'•11'm(;· ,..a lht• J.o n..: H•:ndt ('otllldl \\hu ~'~'""' , •• .,.,,,,1 ~--"""1. ""' HI dial ~·· vr I he• I!~ I I Winners Nam.cl lt••n•lt•/\'llll' I N"""'" ut wlnnrr" In ltu-~ , , ... , 11 •· tt "',.,,. r f'l,.,.,...., f4up•tay. I H II·•·•~ )"'''' •·~tlt•tl~tolu•.t "' 11 '11,.. l•"ll•llln trum Han Lute I'"""'""'"" • I lot1up u•l . ... t I •Ill V ' 111•1111"' ~ 1111 ltll(h•••l Ill I ltfl whale '"•'"' "' lh• N .... , ... ,l II " I,, .. ,''"'"' ""'"' "''"" lhf' """ ~~ \'Mt l t C_'lul• tttul :-I••" ~ ••ett • nrhl ,.,., ,., .. , ,., ... , uf Nan l.ut• Cll*po. ·oll t• • "' I""'" lt•lol ,.·l Ill Ill•' "" 1111•1 lho Altoull•,. uf l .. •na lt.adl. ,, .. ,1 ~ •. ,. ~· ""' ltl\)4 "' thJ. fl••n 1 llotr•l .,,,, .. .,. 111111r""'" !hill•·• ~"''" Th .. l 'ml"'""' "' 1 .... Ana•'-: ""'' ,.,.,.nan.: ,. "" ttnll tn thoo ruttf'r. dlvlllkJft. l«•l Shtp Acth•e Th" l'lnltt lltt•l l .. •ul• U. boUt () ftB d 1111 ••11\r 1''"'"'1"'"' 111 t lor frum lhf' 1'1•'11.,.11•" llay C'uurol'l&. • ''""''"'''"'"' ,. "• 1 h.. Nr"'l"''' a.... An~trh•ll., W"f" -·un•l aDd r a oar 111\1 .... , ~hlp """I:''' Mk ll'l ... •···l ll•lrtl ,,, .. •lury ...... ,., •• won bf I _ hy ll•u ry c:,.rtlr t 1'hr I•"'" 1 lh• Malulu ul ,,...,. lt.ar h c•nun• :olo ""I" ,..,, '" ··•I " 'l"'*llf)'IIIIC 1,..11 • II Thf' A•lvrt~tur,. C'tr..nr • Uay, 1 """t In t}lr thtrr •lily """'JI"tltlon "n •I ,..,. .. .,,...., Maun, 'Mtaatonl 111 "'" .. ·luol .. '""'I olltlla Ar,.a t 'uunrll. ,. ..... " --.lftd and I lui oll\llllllol( 111 I lor H,.n•lf'~V""'t third ~ u "tlu• •lf'm•tnatnttnn ••f a t•tf't'· ·~ He& Jicut~ ablpl att•ndl~ ""'" , ...... , ..... ,. ''""Y I'"""'"'"'"'' th ... ""'"'"zvuua al\41 the ..._ lkout I ""'' "I" r"tr.t.l hy ~,.., .. ,,_, ll•rt.ur thtJ)' r•~~ 1 Kra t4<'uccta w)lh whlc h lh .. v .,., fn Ute IJory d._ a ,,.. . .,,,, uf 4 mlnulra •wt lO _.. l'lrat.,. a .... Anl•l••· N.pt~ Has New · . , Procedure·· ~. HHt tlmtt ...00rdllod .ln atual ...... ; ~tun, Cr-...& robcNtac ~Ut·th)ft •'If t htr, ~.,.eiUon wlllt .U.. t,.,. f1ll .-ear ~; Boetta. ~ llaa4Ji ..,._. , .. ,.n m"" trr.m otnit~!'""''' .,-,.a arprov.-d b)' lhtt Mra 8<-mtt. al "'· 8&11 ~man&>: PMIIIIt, IAe 111 on t--...-.. mhrr 111'1 thf' I•" tal '"""""' "''"" 8 mtnuh·• arul fill An&f'lf'a; WhlltJ hk'nn, cr--l lnltl"l" n .. w 1,, .. , "''"'''''" A;." rr•ult nf lh,. "-'""' nay , Mra llawll, VPrllqo; JoM aao who kr1•t thl' Spm;tl~ bowlln~ &llf'ya In II~IIJl!f'n· did c:ondatlun ~'"' hr f••••la bttt.r now bl'<'llUM' hl' altf'Jl8 at n1ght lnlltl'lld of worlttnJ:. but that at's gtotKI tn gf't home. for a rev.· days. r••port ~ Th .. - al Uw rwx • Tn"l"" """ ,., doni 1111: ''"'""n-trl\l•"n , ... rrurn•,..l· toy 1411vrr. I'"""''"""· Ran Mf!m.rt .. , tlu• h• "I r.,,. ~kll'l"'' loiOoll•·• lt,.rlt••lrv. Y11nll,.,. I'III1Jif'r, Mna• "'' •I u ... !..'I"' •l•·••~:•u·.t tty II•• l,.,.,.y II• y . Matthl'w Maury, n .. "K"' · "'"' "'"'~" :tt.au!!!..t.!J ~· ·~'v.:;;:::t.=~:~==::=.r-------=::...:~flll """" 1 -... onrv: Vf'llrttlt'ft. t -:- A ThriU WllnC'IIIIIDJ: lh<' lllUIII'hlnjt of the two """" !llavy lYJBtl' at. the IocR I ~outh ( '1,811t farm wu a rt>al thrill f~tr thr .,ctatur "n ol J•nrt H'u larly for the wn~kml'n Th••y ll3w a boat go lnlu lh•• watvr that will ,.;o tu b111l•l l'all'lf' l'am·,. &1Ut Navy and In lht' \'l'l'· &el was l. ,. IRltt>l' :tn.l Kktll nf · Uttlr rrafl If Uu· Y:\1S·'<!I ever haa tn · g•l lntn ad inn. et Wilt I'IU ry \l tf h It It JtRrt 11f rtery mao who contributed baa swrnt In mltkt• h•·r aklf' &lid I<'IIWOfthy ' M tiS 'Em Then··~ ""' i·•·uple w h ,, havt bN'n protmln•·nl In l't•W· rr.C< 1 1 ng •• r t u b.-r au .. ,J January · A"-"""l:llllln :o-;nm~'d un th<' • umm.llrf' "'•·r·· Jl M JJ:I\ 1~. • haurman. !';' \\' Ulacktward and Les!Jt' 8tcfh·l1ll('rt m,.n In "'"'''' &tla I'; I IIIUI ItO t II ..,., fur , .... rmt ... ,. "•th 'I h•• ... ,, ... ,, I nattun •·•It t .. ~ J:l\••tt t.\ I"' nl I J•h)'lll• laruo ltlt•l ~til Ill• lu•lf t It• l'hOIIt,;t flt•ll uf\MH\ III•U v.h .. ttl• •JUlt•·' "l'l'ar•;Ont h' uttf at t•' ,..., \ ,, • •JH.., t •• I'' • • ••J•f tl• tnf lf" •' I• .. The ("no ona df'l Mar ('ovi• -'"-"" •\ II r" lo•nl trtl I A "•'" 1111•1 lh;,., r 1atum ""oil 11tar t plttn!l an 1 h.-1 14 "" '""''' ,,. ••• ,, , , .. 11:,,,,. ·I •111, "" 1 Road Celebr atoon n• ar fuh:n· fur . a f •·l••hr.ttann 1nl r.' 1 A "•II ,,.. ,., "' ,,, I·• ,,, .. , .... t maTk lh•· ••r•·non!(' •·f th•· "''·'I· ~""1'",.. llarhnr SC'1t Srnut• "'"'"''<! ,l,lllna.: '4•Jt "-"""" ~tll••ttdlnc ~~ ...,....,.,..., ~,... J • .,,_.,...k-''' '"'' • '""'"''" 1' 1' ~ "'"I ~t.ut h ~trun •·"<t•·n~•''" tH <· .. ~·, 11 t 1 U 1 d 1 1 1 h tM _..... ''"' ••· i .• u,. .. n f •· • • .,.~ .• • '•I h Ht••hwnir !l:"d \\'o·l't .. ,·, r H"' ' . •f f'(' \1' ~ f'runn .. lrllh" 1 "'' hro·t•• ,., • ""· tt•·-'1 ..... ,._ .-.. t,...lrd h\ llw "'''" ( .. II · 1 ' 1 1 . 1 1 , ..,. lhoom..,.h l'~ • ..,·nrlur.:~nf I lllhlltf•.., conol Ill ..,...,. .. ,1 .. In ''""'l'"rt ..... InC ..... let~ aad :'.0 ..... ·nrtd ... thr II '''"•"" ""'" .,,,, "'' "'" 11 '' ' 1 ,, •• 1'+11 1\!'8 n .,..,,vsr u~ . ,.t ••• 1-•ltl tlrltft o.fflt • ,,,.,.,." f'l"''' "·""' arran .. ••rr••ntl' woll I•· ,.,.,, '"'"' "'"r"'l h,, till~ ". ,, .. ""'"&: ""' "'"''' ''"""•nfl .. urtl "'1'"1""""' •hlrlt .... .....,. .. •larntllrd In thr roo lfl&:l\ S• ftt••l f,ftlr•llriJ' IH III •\ 11t4 t .-~l(lrt•d r .. r !Itt' •1'•'111 ·~·H•II Il l!•·• I'""' tur ~,.. S.·uut 1Undf'7\'1111'-,SC'" ~·uut .. ,., .... lAIII ··-·· tho· lllttno•hln& ........ ''MM·"" ..... ·~ .. ,.. .. h I''"""'''"''", ....... , ltiJ• lt•k•" thl' ftrllt ·~r thl' y• or. h•· anola.·al. o1 '"'"' 111 tho· S•111lh C "''·''' C1o. nn~~ttunlt~) .• \t thr '"I'· •·un•h wtllla; I~ hr,...,·aw. ....,,. tlfornoon .. trlltl"ri •rr. ,,,, II.• 1• F 11.,. 'JI•• ,.,. 1,, ,, v..ar 1'11111>< r .... ll I Olll•'"' •• , ~··I PI I ""' lr rt '" rl::ht. 1.11111 .. l'ulr.:rnl'lu, ICA•I•·M ~otn•l. llnho•rl Hldot'\, lfJOrr\ ...... , .. r, "'·-"-ln·llll ........... ntun Mhn ""' f,, "'""' •• " 1 .. ,, I, .. I "tfl •.• nanlt' !lor ltll' "''',1' fur.:ll\'.,1\~· '""'. ~~ l''"''lifllns: lhr tl•tar In llJ!f'ratlnn. ;,ll" SkiJ·I~' .... ,., .... rtl•·r Mhn 1 .. dl ..... ·ll .. orwralhm ...... """' , ..... 11. ' tilt• •I ,, "'' ,. , .... 'I''"'''" •I ,,, l'l•t.:t:•·~l(d nt lh•• tn•••·l,u~; ~·n·l 1\ •hn\11' nntnhl1•" \4hn l••rtii'IJ•"trd In 11ft. llllltu·hlnr.: uf flu• l \f"i Mil \t tlw ,.,,,_ lf'tt '" C'art .. n """""· •• "1• • """ of "" ,. "' "'II t .. na~:t.t. \\'rl'tnn.-r •· l'ortrrl nn.t :l• f''l"''"'·nllu.: thr 1'. s. ~""'''· In lht• "'ar uf c·811t . .,,.,.11 .. j., tt. t-..... ..,. .. ..............,, ,.,.....,. rto..ta11 "'" 1• r. ol Jll\t) •I" \ • nil• • II•• t '"" •·n that rrrwr;om I!' ""~'''' l··d I L -I h ~. • t " 'klt•r•·r SIN tu 1.". r It I o C "1'1. "''""' t \1,.... Ut•;c r•l•h· .. ""'' "" tho• (tlatfnnn,"ttat ..-n~•· ........_. ~a:u.ru••• "'" !11 lw tnk••n :n lh· lot•HI ru1111 .. , L" 1 ll l ·' 1 t k nt lhf' •hadu\4' an• fht• II lilt• "l"'n"';r, \fl l'4~tnclr" U•·~trd•lf'f', ,. htt..,. holtHfllrf I• --thr mif-ruplioDa· llol\ ''"'" • "" tt,at ., 1 .. 1. It II r t't' 1n~ 1:• tf ut•'tH£>< u • ''I' 10 ,1 .. ~,. '''"' h wolh u ... ,,1\' ,1,1111 '~tncl '""" "\11nr~ 1\f•"HI"If'f', "ho .-Jih hf'~ m nthf·r, wo·r•· , . ., 'I"'"'""': '" tlw rtc•t of tltf' mh'r.,rohnnr I• 'I''' • 1 1 '''"'"'·" "' I• "' "' • ' 11 "'''"' . . n hL...-" (' II t r t ! d h ......_.. r1 I I H~·· hl'ff tflu-f" ,. fl •"'" .. ~ .... ,1 ·:·· , al nnd 'IVY ,11 '''"" " 1, ft nl'l\ u . ..-no . ""'"• lf'IM'n martiiJtt•r " ,. I' urt :•n ut •·r .......,......." ""· .,., •• 1; • ,., ,,, l'h 1 ••ffr t t ('llr•Ut!l .t••l ;\l,tr thr ('t\'11 • • • t• I ,\ 11 '' 1 ' v.h•• ll,t\• ll••l 1 ''' II • • .. .,, Hl· ,, r t1• '·· h ,.. ·•' ,.. •.t ,,,.t ,,.,,,.,. n •.. "··~I",, ""''~'' ~ .. ,. ~C'"''I t ..... t "'"" a~·· t11 Itt th • ,., rv11' ,,,, '"" .,.,,., •• "' ;,, th,. u,..ufr,..,. \•••LII 1 ...... HI~•··• 14• ·~ut,.. t•·..tt,.t••r.-•1 f, •f f hr ft• n•h 4lVoUJtt Jht ftld•·•t ,..,. tiiiM l•uLf(,.~n•l'• tlt t V •'unuv .. r 1!.-•1•-"' M"~' r \' IC ul•; r I foha,..t . fo'H"I l lll•~•t II I I,. 11 II<•H)oorlt. 1 'hrul•·• I ••ntll~ .lit• k ..J"c"'" "'''"''' 1 :nor 1'1 ., . .,.,,.. Uo•nfll lie lh• 111 flu• l o•f~~I•/V••II"(;Mifh••U.eft t1 11 l ,,fll •lhlh , • .,,,..,, •. ;} ",.,.,. u ~.-. .. ,, 1 n· k' , • t. •• • J • r 1 •• ""'~'" ttutl lttltfl l'ul.-•·u• •·· At It••• f'••"''"'' Service (:luhs To llold (~rid Uanquet Uec. 12 I •ul•• f,.r tt •• Mrltuetd ~··" I•' •• t lltttlrt•t l 'n lt•t• lf•1·h ~ • .,;.nt f•••t ft til h ,,.;1"'~' ttl 'A hi• t1 t lltt•· llw \ •• If \ ft ,tt~·l I ' fhqtf,.tll t. U fl\ ""Y: """ """'"· lt.rt&"l .. y: ·ny. ln61 1 j,.,,, Vo·llt!H'". Jolalulu, UJIII lifo,., h , 14< ,If to·. l 'aaall .. na, llan-. \'•·• •ln.:... V~olulllrf't. I }tot llaltl)'; ~"v'""'" 11•11 Alll(rlrll, llulptun , r.,,. II IlK• I• ~ A•hulr"l l"arl(lltlll, Hllv• tll•l••. 11" I 1• h t 11 . Vf'rtlu.u; I~•IIA 1\!"' "· '""'IC llf-a•;h ; ·rurqw•. I'"""''''""· v ..... lll(ll, v f' r IIIII( .. 1i11111 Vulraulnn. ClrllniC" l 'tfttnl)', 11111 .. Jo1ujln Ilia AnK"'"•: Vrlhm- l•·rr 1.-•111( llo•ftr h • Tit•• \\'lml•• ll•olll 1'1'1\1111 lilt lottlf'll 1 h•· t•·'l""''"a.: ""'I'" "'"' t h ,. 1 r c '"'"" 1!11 Altcnll""• 1.-•IIIC lloo,..·h ; ArtltllltUII, I ~·• A11a.:t1r~, Ml~tr ' nf lh•tl~• ~"'' IH•·t:". M•nJC J•u. J•.-.. •h·fth '1""1'';' .... ,. ,\narcr lt·"'· •;n,nt, \'•t •l"l:"' ~ltutk '·"" llllt(f'l,.a; Aru.',,tt ,.,.,.,.,.,.,, Sn n~tu 4 h. I j l'llt<<ulr!llt , lolt•ll I, I •• II , ~1\1~ 1.111• '''""'"'· Sll!llltlourv. ~"I I lAke; !'fllllotflllll lllltll.:t• C '•HIIIt )', l1t,tt• l"•u• :~~.,, 1 ... r,. 'H.l .. Jtu, '·.,,,.,,,r, V•ntur r• \lfl••fltf f_,,,. Arttcrlr"; II•""''' 1'1 .,w,, t '1"1'. ll .. ,., • .,llte, t 't ••V•• ""'' uru·• r. f., .. ,.., •·nt Jtny~ I I• r u u,. l '~tl'tiM•I•·••'•. ftnhM'', Nt·w .. L Harbor ~:'itfe ''" fNf'r two ole• mlro~• whu r<'ldly ·1:~-~~:~.;~ii-~~ ~~:~~~.t~un~h-fm· a1 -f~ _L 1-'-ati.'~~ 0~,"~ 1" ~ .. 0 ~~··:: ~~~ .. "'' '::·~~·.·,·.:t::. I·' ,,;. f!'""P Rl!>t'l nrrw•tntr<l ~:rl' ,g \,. t-6 =a:sn=oo "Of liltS. ' 111!.'.!.:.! IHfllll;'' 1 '•111111 )'; I ..=lttMt' ........ -~~:_ ..... a~~~o-.~.::::;::~:iiJ- wtll lx' m1"1'1ed by thr olol Umcrrt. Thry Rrl' Mr. anrl Kra. C. \\'. TrWinklf'. 11aey were known and admired by countlua numbl'r of twr~nns at C• ~la MeM nnd <>thH lll't'· Uon11 nf tbvollnrlxor Rrt'B AI· way11 with a frat•reJ iy W!'I<J tor anyonr "ho l'nll'r•·d tltt'ar .torr nnu P:• n<'r """ tn I 1111~1.' who rwedP4 Mt~tlltll:'nt·••. t h"ar ..proiiJCTf<l. IJ U r I n.g th~ }'rll~ lh('y lllttll " Iotti~ country ~ttor" 1ntf1 tlu• lt·n<l- lng . hnrtlwurr f1rm 111 thj' r \\'. Jla rrl~ftn nf c. ·nronR cl• I s d v· . i I h .... ,,, .. , ,,,. th~ ,. f .,, 1"' ~If! t •• ,, •• ,. ~~ ... •lui• ,, (t , ..... , •••• , ·, • '-'• 'ttU' tlfiiJ•fl pru 11• .,.,,,,,.J( tn t ~18r tn rrpn·~nt th·., '·'~antz.att•tn -. M· . '• ~ . lf'"D a ~am . , ,,~t•r l t\l ,,.,., ••• ,, 'l'A ot\,•-·nq• II .,,····"'' \t•to l J ......... , lt.d t ,, ... l'ill••t t•tltHtr. ... th•· li•·n·l .. 7.· I econ e Weepe fit• ,,! J'·'•' w•t4)••1 It •tf••f •l•'•h•• lf•tl"t/ k:oll'"-'t ,.,~ •• ,,,,.,, ,,f llu I nl !l<'ll!'lltnl' nf thl' :-:1'\\f'Ort trar-~ In s r -------, ..... '"'' '"' •t "'1" 1 " 1 "'" All• hnr l'•uordlnnlmi ('•lllrt• al I '''' ,..,..._,.,. """'"-,..!fit,., """".,....."'_N•wiP"\ """ ,..-.,.... ~o:•T." :-lltl rw I n a Xnl:"l"ll~ t ..n111• • 1 . l ''"''f'OO.ofi "' \po.d Ill'... aJu II·• " ,.·, •••: ~'•"J" 1 1'' 11•'' 1''"' •~··•" 1 1 "· "'11""'11 " t '"1 '' \ 1:.. 1 ·,, ... otoJ llny, """' Wave, · 1 f J) 1 1 1 •II '•'·" vf Ill• I•• nl lilt II t, .• ,, I •II • I oil I•• ''' I•••"•"" f••••• I·· -• • nv•·t f•'''' IIJ""'IIII'•n• •r••W•h·tl Y~l:'"!' •~ roJ•I"lf''''"t"" ,,f A ul rn:o "· r tll't:tr• i\ ,.,.1'' · •I•>J••• t1 '""'"· ""'· l'lnta i Rites :Hetd For ~:.~~~~:·~. ~~~~~hr7, .. ~~~~~~ .. ~ ···~~~~ ,;.:·~ : :.::~~~ t~: :;;·\',::: .~· .~ ;::·~"~: '.~.:~ ~'f.::.T.';:' ~r:..,~:··~·.;:~:~'.":·~ "":' ~.:.<": ", . """ ·M•. ~ , . :.I :-r ... ,. ·~,:~· ""' ;•"'h' .... ',. ,, . ,"· ,. ::.·;.:. "';-; ~:·~v.: ."'::~.···~*~·"'.:: .... ~~;; 1R. S. Hildebrand, .. h,. 11orru1ranc-u1u• launl'hm~o: ,.r a Ill' ="'"Y ,,. l'''l""l••~o: f••r 1111~ Aw• !"•tprrinr (",,.,,r "' .. ,,.,. ..•• , .. " ·• ' "'" 1 '1~'' 11''"1"•"" ... '··•'' ,,;.,, •• "" ·,:.11'•' """' " ... 1 " I'•;'""""· 1•''" 1\llt.:rl•·,., uuuroty, ~'"" nor plant· • r:o~h 1•••111 an 1 :• ,.,.,, q_.,.,., ,. "" •a••l I• "-'tlh !hr drrath "' Mr • v,.,, . .,,.,, \;, " '" '"'"1 , .... "11 "' 1"'11' "'' •• • 111' 11" "1"'"11' 1 " "'' 1 "1 •I•'•''' • •I· I 1: "''~ ~1 .. 1•.11•, ,l;tlf' A,ric..af'a, 172, Here. 1~ Ye~rs .' •,.·~~: .. ~~:.'·.·foot mln•·~W.H',~I"'f ~t , ,. 'II·· "' .,, '" .,, 1, ~'>If Jll•'•lll'fll"'l '"'""" 'n. ·t111111;hl• r lor \1 , ''" -·~·" II I•· lfiJ• 1111•••11.'11 :"IOII•oflllt •Ill" "' ·: 1111•1 ............... , ... Ill ,,, ..... 000 tiV l,,t!ll·· :\I I~ .. ~anolra l l•·llrd•lo , .. :'>t r-,,,.urtr• s .... l•t•lm.lll .. , ~;. 1\ ····"'' •m·l IIUI ···I "''" I \ ......... I ..... ,"" '"til ........ ,. it~ ..... .. -_. -• 1 ,.uri ik•ach. t·""n" :u• .r t.rf\'"''1ft''4 ~,,... •••• ,,,,,,l••t<~•l !';,.rvkl'~ .,...,.r,. h~'>ltl l'aturrl:aY, '! l.11111.o hlnl! of lh" 4~•-f"'•l hot.:h .,, at to :<t .-~ :"nn• ,. l!•·jir•hJ,.. 1111d . , r .. r HII!IS<'II !'. Hilllt•h;lln I MJII'I'fl I ra~h h••llt lllrtrl<•·d lltr·. fll. ( ':or• I ll···n •l•l•·f'/llll ' •• "I'"" 1 a! hh• aflr r-1 m1on•l •w t.r•, l rtl.'on. , m nl'!'rwrc prr f , t 1 I I 'I 11 f 'I m• """ n n l:.wrul "'I"'" • 1 .U.-A.'-'--:====-:--t-l-.r"-'t'Jirlill'"•ttCthoFir.&LChuu...b--~'~1••11 •u•• •• ~~!'-~':!"" Y"-tl' "1'''''"''\ .. ltrt ' 0 1•411 (•.lk~~~t .. ,,,, t w I~•"' ,,,,,,,,~ f••t ,,.,, -'·••t k ,t ,,, · ••f l'htllll . !'ro,..nl l~t. :"rwr\·rl Hh•IIOC :o~tu.~r t tm•• ''''''"'"' .. r -:.-r"rllrl""1. t't• ''11"'"1" lhr •~r.--lJW't"!: ... -d!:n..th " •---l ·l•ww...Jic:t :.l.a .Y'>ll --------!·1 : ••• ''""' ,,,.. d•J•11 1 1 "·'"' ' •· r••n•· \'•oll•11 ll•ll ·o1 I "I l•r lwi.tl•-··•rr-11••' •to• ,,.,,,,, ' • --,-1\rnrh. r rntl thr· C'llr.101111n ~.rn• ,, thr 1••1<· lotr· Y:\1:'-~!1 '+••I 111'•• II•• ' • · ' '• •·• •, · · 1 '1 1 ,,.. llo.• ,.,., n.rt•l•· , .. ,.,, • • ""' ··• I'''· IP •I 1 d. • • ·•· ! '.' ''" • .. '"f'''"' Jnttrm,.nl ~vnltr~ "\t.·f:• ,,,,t or• .. r. ~ ''1''"1 l.n·. u~ v.h~· '''"111'"1 II :•' 11·' ~1"•1•~·•rA "'" A!~"''""Y'~ ,,,,.,.''I"" '•• 1" ' 'fl• • ''''"rot ~~· .. ,, ·t I··•·•· a• '11•• •;,..,,,.,,, llnll•••r l'••l J•rl\':ll<'. . "'"' ~hn•k•·· .. tlll'lt ,.,,. ... , ""'''" til''•'' II r.••v.···l"' '"''' ·····n 11141, ..... l •r rnrl••r •!od ,,,,.,.I···;··· .... lol II) 1'1•·11" It •:. II • ,, .. , ... ,,,. ......... ,., • I 1 1 'I .'' t• ,,, 1 ,., 11hr pia ,. t·:•t• o~n "ftmtnt·····' II• ' ~" a· ' ' 1 1 J \a'rlPhr!'\n•l ~·n~ a nath·r ntt~•n•IFf:''•'fi''•r q, f'•••th•lrha1Ji' '' • ·-•• ,.,.,,. .. ,r.,...;.,~.,,,,,,,., ,,, •·•·I• ,,, ''"'~ lui\ ... anJ bl'llttlf•S l a\'tn~ IJecn,n '••·•rnc thr ctr:lln~ ••f , ••• s•nr '''lfiOt' jj,, la •otf'llll!tJ.: .,, Ill•· ., •• , .. ,'1,.nl \lohlf'lt ... "' ····1•.•' If ,,, .. , 1:""'"' ··-· ;·· !11• ...... !\11M 1·.•1 II "'''" ·, .• ·~··""' fo( l hll' rtt\' trn yo•ar~ ~'I•:OIIJ-1•·1 Raror r .,. 111•·"' ll•ol.l :tt ! Alo•l lh• 'II'' .,.,. 1 •••• , .... ~o, ... Ito .. '111•1· ,,,, ..... nat •l olL•· o\'•l k I"'" '•II r:.•t .... ,,. 'Ia!' })rt•n in thr ~tlltr thl' ra-'11 I'P<'o',.nr \\':ollm llt~t.l.:o rol 1r ·•·~··•· ''''"' ,litton• f d load l•'•"~•ot 'I• " ~~ "• l'••l 'r·,,, • •'••.: I• ,. • 'lro vr11ra lie \loU at Dne tlmr v an-••f tlw ~uulk /".,••1 c·u .... ndn 1 ~".YY I(•'• "'""I \'lrl1( '"I ,,. • •I •hr '"" llfl'tnll"r ~~·· I• r • .•. ,,''I' •' "·•• p·orl·••l•"• I n··' 'I '•''"''" , ... ,,,,,, • '•"1 1'"· rti~tt \\llh the C)ft•nn \·a~v.· fhl ~'ol tt.t• ,t'r•·n.,ru•·~ \\'htlr , ... -.. ,_-''·,. •n ''·" "'·''" t tt a it.·!llt:nn1•1! "'"' f•-.ttt.r·• •mJh'*'•"''r.t v. ·t. ••· fl · t.,,, 1:"1 '""-'"'' • • h•t'•r ',,, •t,• I ,, ••·htrr l •'torr)'anv l!)l' h All I hi' Y:\1 ~ lo.'l "'' th~ l:on:• """'' r··r ·iul\' ~J·'•'). rtnll tt.•· ,,., , '•"'! ··ny , .... , ••. y h• h .,v ...... , ... , ,, ,, • It• l l ;•r• ... J I. ,,.,1 .. , I •. '•I•· Thr (Srotr:tlt#'l1 lPA\'"!1' hl!lt ~·t•ln\A.' •J't tn ,.,·~r tw •u11tt t1rr•· th~"\ uf tl••· r •:•-h t.,.,..~ .. V.hlt ltttl•· .\tuc-. f-"'•"lnwtn« Utflhttl!''~t·J"' ,.,, . ..,. 1 r; '~<•'J.: 'h•· "~u k ,,,.,,,~,I • •••• J,,., •• ,., • •I t 1hl•.,. :"ofl·, F:ll7..8hf'th lt lrtf'brnn•l. a hrn· nr,. ~m1ll an rr1rrpnr .... n I•• l.:ot''" '·,., .. \'l I r~oii.AIIl •l:.o,J(f.t•·r •·I "''' t • lnvllr•l I~> a r• ·"I t •'• flo.. .,,~~ \lo •1 I ·t o I• 111 •:·· • •;<,r . . trr (;r~>j:t'lry Jtilol•lro· 1, n' ,\11. ''lr• lo•ll ~,. 11r,. lh!\nkflll 1,, ,,,. l•••nAid l 'rlolhllm ~··•tilt f'••AI'I ,.,, tn H• R ron•lll1••rv ,.,,.,,. ••: •·Ito , ot: KIKro,.frot•,.r, In 11•l'•'l•• •t·n "'•1•1''"''" l.ull'•ll '1"1" tltlfk•r ·•·nn s nt1 twl"' !ll!'l~'r~< :\lr,• H"nn· •hln,: '"' pArt '••r 'h" •rumt·v '"•t·l• ,,.,. ·oc.•! •• ~l'''""''r "''''" lo\r ~of tt.r R-outh f 'to<tl!l c··· ""'' •r· t • l'tnl( •l•"''"'"n •of II•··· H II Y.• ''''' t ull ''" ""' .:• 1111 '' l h" lltl~rr nf Vrnt""· 'f'Ahf . an•! Mr~ hv ,a••l ,.;'""' rr 1111 In th• farrn m•·ll·• r, "'r" E•th••r l'radhllm r•l"'' ~11 anl1 "'"" f an II •" ...,,.,. • :,)1 •·•• A"~IJ•I • •I 1•'1" 110 I I •' .. •' •I• 111 ••• •V· r ''"' "''' '"" F:mrr11 :\t•l!nh<·rttl ••f (J:ymptlt hn.o" •rmoll tt\l~'rorot In .owtnt An•t J•rr•Jham '" •·r••· ,,, th,. "'''" ,,J•I t:."•~•·• at a '"""(lt a••n h"'•! ,,, '"~ '•• r.rrnl( K"" In th" H•l'>'•·• ,.· l'lv•·" •'•II"' '•' 11'' ,,. '"' ·,, •·•·•~· \\'a!lt.lngtr n hiro~wl '" rnrh nt th"""'"'th ,, "t • ,.,., 1 r•mJ•Rry "n•J•'''Y''''" fr••m thr • ''"·I'"")'. y 11r•l lan•l. "''·'k '' .,,;., .tt .. ol '' .,, " aull"nro;· ""'"""''" \\tilt h t ."\' • t.rrv with lh•m ~• ll'llr.•ll~•"1t .,r }""'" •r,t "''""''"" P'>~lrtftJit 11t th" r"'"t''' .n lA •· • • 1 ' "'' n•" II 1! .... 1 Ill •I•• "''": Mr 11nt1 Mrs ''lrt nr r. r.sr"n7ln l),,.,. I!" ••ttl t ·· A•·M ir,. hr n•l•l•"' II•,M••r•l nnn••lln• r·ol Rt~ort ,nj.' .,...,,h S'lr• ltuhhert1 r · If.,...,,. ~~~,. ••' 'f11Ar1• rco ''" l '~tlm ~'t""' ,.,, II•• M F•1ilr~tnn t\11\'1 r••nt.l'tl the prl"'p· f'a plnln .l!'an!l llll~rviWlr n f thr l•,ral finn 1n 1'1:!11 all·" ttir •••mpcul)''a l(•n••ral n ·•·-•.:•·• 1':· 1'"' ""'''k '''''"' £rty at ~lg 3'2nd. Str~t :~ewp'l.rt !ltHJ• hutlotlnll f••r lhr ~""Y frnm "'" hana~t 1 r '" n .. w f••rrman nf 11nt'l Mra. Walt,.r f'r"nr.. wtf~ nf . 1 ·••r•l•m U .. uulla y h •" '"" Leat l). 1 T~rmlnaJ I 11 an d. declared th~·· th~ m<'<-hantcl\1 d i·JtUtmfnt an•l ' t he (lrm'a p.ur.chu•nr acrnt 1tr.bulb! lum~r and labtlf f•or ' ,. Mr 111111 Mrro It• v• • J>IA~••hurro •1f ~ •fl n •. ,f,trdlri'; :trr· ,,. '"f•VItiK Ito~ 1 "'Ji' rl v "' :t•l41" l 'lmal Blvd , N~WJIU!l llf·IV'h I,C)(tKINU •·na ~UMt:TiiiSU! TU RI'V:' TO MF.J~f TO Kt:NT! • • !J ·IJDH 3 TlmM \ 15e • • J 1hnn,. 1 :l now ·. --. :... L ... ~· 'I NEWPORT BALBOA NEWS-~ Newport Beacb, Ca.tifomia. 'ruESDA Y, NOVEMBER 25, 1941. SAILOR VARSITY IS BLOCKED 1-i .lN LEAGUE RACE BY · HUNTIIG .JOI BEA .CH OILERS Sea Sc9ut Officers Feted At Gala Commodores' Dinner Friday ,- "Tralnln.: fur :-: .. rvk,. h 111 1 •I " v.' nlo•r lW"!IIW•n Wl\11 m•·~l •lo·:la;ht )f~n" ••u tho• kt>~'tlnto •·f 1111• ful un•l ur.:rtl thnt th .. ••'n•lr•l~ dlnMr tn N '" ~ '"11 liff 'H • '1"' nf ,., .. ''Ho•nolf'F.\'••11•': mstlc;. If r<·~· lntt Ule St(th Annut\1 :0:• a ~. 111t n .. n(!fZVOUII At tht ="""'J••It tla r lliolJio fnr rr••r.. l fl rtltPn•l frum bor V&l'ht (1uh oll11tan1 an•l nf'<'• (ttlh· I n I a n •I In a .tlrrlnt t a 1 k Ha~ mun•l J''0 I tl f ~-Q\lt'lltlon or • t~'l"' ~ t (J HanllnO. H .. ~111n11J' f;(-0,ut ·~···· !'tam1arol ll&tl br•Bt Whlt>h roulrJ cullvt'. f~C'tltly rt'IUrn,.d t r "m ~ UIM'ol hv .. vt'ry Ji:rl•llfl IJf IW'ft the Hawaiian lalandJI, ga',. '' "''"uta •• Uw '"'" ''' ,.. llal! .. tl In plctuno ot thi-•\'ahiO' ot thf' ~<111t «>•ont,.~ lwt•·t-.. n. ~r<IUt• •ork Ia the lal&nda .-tw~ th,rt' ("'nmmodort' Al~rt l"'•llan•l ,,. Ia a race mblturt' .qual '" any prt'.-ntin~t tJwo N• ... port H11rbl•r !PIAN Ia the •·orld _ Y a c: b t Ctub. al~~n rt'C'rnth· rt' MJ'. Jla.n.lD tolcf of' tbe mthtl• t umf'd fmm lfomoluiU ,,.,.,. II alaam for &-outlntr In Ult' IAiands, brit'f oul,lln,. of th,. •tuath•n en a1YlftC lut&ncta •·ht'rt 1~ yC>tm& 'ttult ....,-tton Mayor Irvin I;..., • .,.,... '"" atmo.t U» JWr cml ~rdot'l t'll\.ftldf'd a Wt'lrnm,. t<• •tend Ia ec:Oat ectJvtUu H .. t~ vlatlln ot'l bfohaJf Of lhP t'tl Grub-And How! ~<.1 ~~'""'' lot·ln.: 1\t dtlt} .\••IJnL.:, U1• u dt, nr,t' h \•• tl• fu •'*' ··1·1 · ,,, .• ,,,,., Ill·•' '"' y ""'' ,., II V.llllo· .oii••HIIu~ tho· ·~Ill ="•'"'1"" 1 th rl1"r S•·ll· S o'"'' ltl•lltl.-/1 ·~I' I• Hlllll':tlo•d ~~~ 11\f• luUil" lth.! II ~ ''' 1•r 1 \ &~>U trt ~ Jll •·· )lill' •I tl1111111: tlu• thlo .. -d:\) ru.1.n• U\ ,., '~ 41.J JM•Un.f, t;( follf~ltoN,'' :.~ r••lln<l• h:tlll an•i lt.u•on Nl II"Unth nf ro tl l•r ••n!i !olfl J•umd• uf 1tm01 b•·ilns J:.'!; flOI.tnrf, fof ft •h ~ r ,.,.~ flf m:.t·k••r-•'l :.• cr:••··'-nf r:thha..:tt~ :.! •·rat•~ of l••tttll"' fi 1~ tw•x•·:o-uf tflmilt~ 1!'> polln(is of hultrr I~ follll!ld• nf rf•a~t ~·f 1500 .,..iCOI'rl! '''"1••11 ll11rh<1r l'lly flllt•'),Jb 1111d 1'11'11 lt·;ulc·rs Urlllcd lh•· I'"~' \\•••·k••nrl '" ltS~I!<I 10 atag•n,: tho• "'tllu.tl S··:t St·u111 ~,,,,,,.,,,,.•" hrtr. I 1lw SI-n SC'out~ <·ncampro ,,, tht• ':\lunlc'tl•:tl t 'amp~:rounda. C11 y 1-:n· ~:mc···r· R L. l'llltt•t'On and ,.,,~, · ant C'tty ,.:n~:en~·r John A ~'"t:--' ('fl()pt•r.otrd :"it'IWI· waa In dl:lll:<' .. r' "' ran~:tn.; the Ca{llperoun•l for u ... · II\ th,. SC'outs, Who u. .... ·d all ·' <l(lkt~>: ranltttrs. .JEWS-TIMES F.ootbaii-Ba.sketball-Volleybaii-B'owling . ,. . "~~~~;t~~(~·~"~l'p:!!~:: f'Oln\'il& Harbor Keglan In q· os.a Race tlw h~h wind ~ th051' S.·a St•outs .,.rtvt.,t1,.....~""'~ nty C'oun•·ilml'n c-~ratl'tt _.. th s rt H r11o h ..._ 4 c-a.-of cannt'd I · Coun ,_ _ _.._ .._..._.. artlve ~adt'rsh~p H~> "' e-• ra'JIO a r ,. am ..... r nrnnge ty ---¥'" ....... ,. Newport Harbor kl'~ar11 a r ~ tht> two flnt plare .~quada. MN o1 ta.. v,&lu. 0! l.nlerMliq of commtrn addfod a •·ord nt ~~ri~~r hc•an'd ·;o.. I ~lomas 1::. &uchcy, h&rbul uw .. -. burkllng down In ·l'&rltf'ltt u fht'v "'-m-tiUon Ia _, .. _ II-. n • tn ...,.._,. -----. 6.6 A-y,' -...."'. ....-~•-•. · • 3 l'hS4'S 0 cann• pNI!' ·.-. rti I t-.o nd ·-••tl b ttl f I h . ' u ,... ...,. ~~ •• ..__ -•.....-•• .,. ·-·--... • . .....-...... · I trr, pa c pa"" a ...... n~: was a e or w ntrr r amplonllltiJUI and ~ ..,,.,Ace u '-don .. In 4 rao.M ('ondt-n .. '<l milk ( 1rnn~w County Boy Scout Execu· at the Sporttand h11wllng a llt-va thf' ladlu F'rlday Night ha.ndl-~ •~re Uw 8t'a koul and 1 • • 30 ~o:nllnn~ frt'•h miliC tl\'1' llarri!'On E. Wl\lte and !'•'<'n" 11t P11looa. a rrordlnJ: to tht' p~r-rnp ltagut' w 1 t h tht' ft'mlnlnt' oa..r lkOut ual~ ~nod by I Mr. and ,.,.." WaJter tfon,.y-&rC) tffllll!hnutc; tary HarTY Welch of lb. Chnmt>vr • r~>nt&Jtt' t'Oiumn1. kt'J:Iara· battling fur t'Vuy poi!Jl . '~, • ..-........ ,.. _.,_ ._ .. _ ..... 11.ht cutt and thrH <'h•l<l,..n r"'"'m•d . """'<'tnamon roll<~ Tht' leland Clrl• ttr• In th• t·-,• --.,..O<'It wuv -~ ...., .. "'"' of C:nmmCJT('. ('layton Thl)mpsnn's Oll"r!l arc ~ ~ ~-.. .. ~,..,... to Uw JOUtb u.. ear1y thl• "'"k from a . n rutllln . t:m r ··rko•rhou'le roll'! Official~ of thto South Coal'l Co hatthng In' a DI'Ck and nc:rk race at prUt>nt, but tralllnt them by ftl-. ptNcl ID Uletr ytara of ot-t tr1p apt'nt at Paradlw In ~nrth· ?.~ loovf"' nf hr~>nlf lnvitNJ S<>a Scout otn~n to wtt-with Hte Balbo4 PhartlUlcy t o only two polnta I• Wllllt-'a Corfu tar n,-rtMc~ 1 ~111 C&Jifontla wllne ,Uwl vUttt· :\6 lf'\)neb of cnfft't' ru-ss the lnunchlnp of a C'rnsh 11trp out In front In thl' Wednf-11. Shop with Jlelen'e &auty Shop ~ "''t b •: .,...,nc bu.._ I'd lill'. tfo-ycutt • al8t . Ura l.L---..----------' bon! nnrl min<'liWt't'pt'f' !X' Satur· day night handtcnr ,.ompetltlon snen point.. behind U:e lt'adl'r. • ~ ID&IIJ IUCIHtlona f~ In· All~ Abtt&. • 1 ~Pfncer of da)' Thompsnn'11 m••n lost t h r e t l..".,•t F'rtday niJ:hl the leading er'C rtnc tba df'lclfnt')' of tbt' 1 · Mr and Mrw .F..d Mf)fTIII ano.l real<ll,nf at The• . Newport · Hartloc' Junior point!! to F.lllntt·11 llt'rvkro 1 a 11 t Balbo~\ llll&n cl Clrl11 took thru •• l KOUta _,. altYanco.d by ~k-ramuy IJWDl '111anlul«ivtnc Day 18 C't)amht•r or Commf'~ ap(>n!'ON'd night, whllt' thl! Bnlbna fft.anila('y polnt ~t away frnm tht' Balboa Mn- .,. froiD all eactkJM of tba ,..,with ~ 1n Loa An•el~a. l ""4 )trw t"Tank Vakt'pe!lr~ tlw ~11111 S,.a .. cout ball and with llpllt four p~oint11 with t:,,. Junior ch11nlll. Ht'lt'n'e n..auty Shop camt' loa. 8klpp.r Tftreacle ot t tu Hu.,_.rt 8. f'Tanll. 22. aDd Mary ,.., Rfoach hl\vt' rt'nlt-d tht Rurl Kl'\lt>J:rr all chalrmtl n, wnl> t 'humho·r/;,! com me ret. ruultlng throuj:lt with a thrrt' to OM win -.cu.o", Pro-to, Ut&ll, S.. ~t I. O'Nt'aJ, 111. ~ ttw Nt'WJ)4Jrt rHidt<nc4! 't 11100 t>c,.an Rl\•d )fr fl''pnnslblc for 5«'Unn. thr a t· tn the Ill'. sam Kin!lrathJ'r's j ovt'r the South Coeu t Girl• and atp, lll&t.d Ute n~ -Of BN<'h <'amp cmwi'll ... ..,~ tuut'•t 1 Ia t'mploytd In Ule t~·ndnnrl' of glrts of lb. Jlart>or f"lumlx-rs tr1umphed over th e Hft'<l'll lrt>rettc'll wtr~ thru tn ClOt' ~ clow'a. tiftba •atn ID ~ a wt'ddtn« h t't'llff' "'"'k t Rarbrr $ho1> ar('l\. · ' · 1 ('hrlatlan·11 Hut ftvf' thrt'~ pnlnt11 wlnnna ovn the \\"hltt''a Cofft't' ._----~--------------------------------------~~--------~~------------------------------------~---------to on• ' · Shop ) · j • fndlcat1n1 how clollt' the rarl' , Managt'rll Chau~cy Druck and \ . . l f. '• I I I I \.• SH~PING DAY~ left 'tiD Christmu! Once more The News-Times will prove· its val-.e to you! Soon ~ we w~ll ~ublish . the · big Christmaa Shoppinl' Edition of The News-Times. -------,. rt'ally t.. Elhott'a. are only ont> Maurlt' Stanlt'y ~port tt at the ' point behind tht' luo.lers. both th .. prll<'li<'~ 8<'1181r•n• at Sportland ~ 1·Junlnr Chamber and Kioafath~r bf'romln~r ~pular wllb loc~ k!l· 1 tr.all by a mue.2 points alld Ult' 'lara v.·bo dcalrt; to lttrmlffim 1 c-rliAr INm at prt' .. nt. Chrl.-tlan'a thrlr "IP&ft'" or "spill" bow.1- l Hut. ra only four pol.nta ba(ok of mg. I --- Harbor Band C Crid .Teams;W~ ~ ! .whu" ~e ~~t gl~~~~~ ~~ La~eet Ana eim 1 tired fr om cunflk t la.ttt Wetk ~ ptgllkin lntu t lwaltJnt with a t it' 1u H\mtington Beac:b. Ray Woody. 1 tht' Ha rbor H llh School Class 0 ' llt•t·ond llrnre. 80 and Clua C gTid tt'~ma acoret.t l polrtt ;fal'!d. vlck>rtt'l. :1.o • -'"· · :;; Harbor 1 The 8et'll, 'coallhed by Lt-e Tiin~. 1 hrl Ttl'.,. ,)I ec:ort'd thl'lr rd win of the .. a. <Mach Horace 106 by U n~ the HuoUn(ton lqU&d de/t'ated IUard Junior Be&dl Into c:amp 12-0. Tht' ll'h Sc:hQ()I of Suta .&oa 18-0 nnt• Sa r 10~ eaabe In th In a fairly nay pme for lKa tnltlal lod tvbn lODato, lett Sailor•. Dunne lbe b&lfUme.. the and. recovered a tumbled b,.AII aecaad and Wrd lltrtnp ol tbe acr~· lbe ~ line for atx pGIDta. re~lve • c b o o I a ec:rtm~ Later Ia the contut, 1:4 Imler ADd U.. Sa£1or aublltitut. .concJ. booted a Jonr punt from own Parker aald tbat bJa OH equad 40 to tbe Huntlo(too to' J:Ot'e to Andien.a Tbunday &Dd yard Jlnt'. 111•her~ Ule 1 1 If vlctorloue .• will be lied for ae<:- ~ ond ln that dh!.la.LcxL L !.be.. tJ:~~~~~~~~"-2~~~~~ aet Lt'a,cue c:onfel"fttee. !Sailors Meet · Anaheim In _ ·~Night Game Vovln~ the llpe'l'd t h e 1 Thl' Nt'111'por1. Harbor U n I o n lltuatloD_ apparently dt'manels. the • Hl~th Srhool vantlty will mul Orange County, Traffic Sa f 1! t Y AnRhelm In thC' rlnal gamt' of tht' Council wa• organized;-at Sa~ta Sunl'f'~ VI\Jnll' nt'xt Friday night I Harbor Fails To Exhibit fire· ·Of Fonner Gam~; Oilers Store In· Last Five Minute8 lo Tie - The !'l:t>\ll)Ort Harbor High s...-h(toJ \-arsity football team I. is now definitt>Jy out of tilt-runriin~ for first place in the Sunset Leag-ue ru; ~ n-sult of its tN>"'ilh Huntington Beacb last \\"ednesdav aft<"moon at thr oil dty. 1 It was s~iJar to ttk> year that Huntingtqn ~dt • lf«.'ated by ~arly e\'efY ott_.r team in t.ht> league, llp9et Har-_ bor out of a championship by . . adrninislt>ring a real •cWop-day. How.y.,r. ~-.ot the tra- . . • dlt·pna.J .,utt« llle Harbor t-.m.. mg. · · •t u murb ~ ~Y t•at a.ftn Tht11 year Ow-l:&.mt' awant only plaYJ~~r w A.,.u.tk., · Ny. thai a ~ c.b.anoe. ,at. thr.. ~ ,...~ ,. bard ~ ttt. ronmr- ltllf' and t ' t' ~lurs • .,,.. nN 1n1: Priday a.1 UMp btia~ eaDfd dt'lt'att'd. 1lw r~ ,...._-. tut upoe to play anoUwr hard Sailors Dave Penant Chance with "lfs" •• Ana recenUy. Is comnuttt'l' rha•r· at Anah~lm. Game Ume Ia 7:30 mt'n namt'd and dat" ~r Tut>ll(lay. p m.. llrrnrdln~ to local 1rbool Novflmbt'r 2~. !l&l fnr'-llll flrs,t offlrlalll. Helen•a mf'mbtorahlp mretlng. Tht-~ami' will mark the flntl R. Lf'llit' : after page of values and barpiiiB designed es~ially for yqu! It will ~omplt'te­ ly rover the entire shopping field and area with· ... w AT'cH FOR Its page prattically all the l~ading stort's and shops prrsenting Dr. C. 0 H u 11 t •• n. nt ("tllltR Jrrlo.l <'nntut thl11 yt>ar In which !of. V••gtl l'tft>llll., temporary slrl'ring com-thr !':nilnr11 wtll play uneh'r the j 311 · .~ mlttt'c cl:ntrman. prl'l!id('(l. · ' rlontJ IIFthtll ano.l Coach Wt'ndt>ll J . \ <>gfl An otganlz~<lilon . p~. n prl'!'u•nt. Plrkl'nA ill rxpri'IP\1 to take hill • lf. ll(W.·Jtr td hy W. A Hu ns. ~tall' !lfliiAci to AnnhPim JOIImrtim·,. thll!' Rur~ty C'ooro1innlur. •·as atlnpl· , wet'k for a wnrknut undl'r the I 'So. ~It Lt'agllt' r<l It prt•VI~I'll for : ' · 1 nrliflrlnl llhlf!lln&ltnn Ho~ndouts • s Dukes I A mrmht'rllhtp lnrlutJing In· -:.::3 Aua..,rth di\'HJunll<. nr~-::wtznttuns. c I\' I(' How They Stand 3~ Sl,an I bothNI and con mt•rt·ral f1rma pay-1 OaoJ not bo<A·I 3~· Hmcbh#r,. ~~p~==;p==~~~~f:;tf:i_ ~id::e~as:.;-;;::.:an:d::....::~ to JK)h·c .·your s}lopping . , _,..~ ing rw mtnal thll'l' annually, ,,,.,. • 1 315 • · J tmmcz I nffH l'fl!. rn•!ftolt·nt". a h11Slrt1 M Wednud.Jy LlloiJiue I 4:!.'; U rt' • \'Crnnrl!~!~"" ir'~h,: a ll nwm-• _ , . ._ , .W L t ____ ~1~~~~-~==~=~~~~~ii~~;w.-~~ r In ~ _ . ""'ii'tM ~ __ ......_ ·--!j~,o.,-:~ .. t':'O:'t!t$"~ ,if'! .... ""_~ ... .. .. I • ~ewspaper Alwa)·s Sen·es its . --.-- . ,. N el\l»ort I boa IEWS-ll 3011 Cattnl An. N~n.....,. Bulldln~ ' , . Phonn: 1~ anti 13 ... -~- T .. f'lCI'<'UtiV4' l'nmmJtiC't' ur thr ,rlrr. Thnmp~<on nu. fll . -11 !I I ttvt· offkt>n ~'"'" f.J\'f uth<'r mrm· ~ l 'hilrmaty 11 9 1s 0~ ---- rr.-F.l!lott·~ !':C'I\'ii'C' • JO 10 G t-rfl ~ ~Ill l'rrmnnent ~H•r••rs a re tu bt' Ju'nlor Chamber -9 11 Aitken!! 450 3"2 f•arl!"lon <''t'rt~d f or I hi' nl'wly pletlgl'd Klnl'fllth('r Plumb 9 11 !':J>o>l'l'ar!J 4\0 3'-0 Canon Tue~day. • Chru•ttim·~ Hut 7 13 ~mit h 437 J;,~~o r•,·tr <.'uunlllat It" mrt•ting today, llnl!'eth 294 343 tfolm~rJ: • Lo~dlu Lugee ~6~-739-~9-2062 &1.o-e67-66ll..UU~ I I Ray· Y Ol}tstone, Sr., , w /"' hlnn\1 f:lrl11 21 5 ToF't'dU . Pen P.,.,.. B. Y. C. Member, Whttl'·s c(lrr .. t s hop t9 •1mt u• 3tli Dies In Temple -City •Hi-1"~11 91!""1Y Sho,, u Haltw-.a ~ft'l"''hRnts ... . . . .--------- ., .. . . . ·~ \ •r ' . ' . \ ,. ' ----------------___ ... TeWinkles Sell Pioneer Mesa -Date .Js Set For Hardware Firm to La Jolla Firm f?~st ~ ud~es. to Cnatltl~ rr.Ol"l' lnh·r•·llt than ""~· !:". I·• 1111 olo•!lt•J\ fur \ht' r .. mllhlJ-Vtew \ ule l..t:!hts tran.actloo In tht• JlnJht•r PI:<· "r "' thl' '\111111'[ 1<1'11~1111. In tho· T•w ('hn:<l•"''" l.lt.:h t (\t.: ''""' trkt for many yo•ar!l was th•• •1'111 1-llh'y•t•lnn t,• j:• "'1' ~ 1-::."\ 1111t~<• , r •t h ,. ,,, IUL'• 1 ·.,11111\ al• of thl' Tr\\'tnklt· llaroh\a to• \\'•• \\Ill n•t attl .. ur IWr:l<' au Co •!<I """'"I 111••11 "Ill Ill •.:. tlw The ~..\NO ·~IFTER I t\ll•·r l•''""''c th•·• :-\~• ,,r mor• lhl• ;, .•1•••1 """ ~~.,~ ••f-l lw Ornnr t•t"Hll \' tt uh~P" :-: ... l•t ' {\t Uti C L A 8 S I f ~I E 0 .. A 0 V E' R T 1-S I.N G Of ••oata fol.-ll& tu ~rutth ttnol !.von. ulhH l•rtiJW'rty 111\l'fi'I0\1! Ill ('otSl.l h v 1, ,.( I"' .I ,, k 1'1"1 M Ill" I llrun,Pt.:. lh,· ~,,h,,r •''''"'"~ U'• ff1• 1 \\ lls o·vlt!o•lll ll•:tl N •'\\ (Iori I I•<! h •I' ~~ lWII'I'\\ h:o~ Ill 'I nn lh•• Ml 01lll•·· \ ur :on ll111t• :ol ""'"''''"' 01" ., olo•(lllill' J'llllno! m.o~lt'r A mnn,~: th•• l'all•na ,.,; 11'111'1'11, nttl'nollnl! w f' r •. I 'll! Mnr r!io :-<uc• '1\lc lc, ,-;,..,r~rtt·' !lllllt\Hil 1-'\nrl'{l"' ltott'ohlnlll. Aile'• l 'o•tl• r. ,_,,.,. \\'nl!o•r Frnn,_ IUld !11 .. ~ !:o•lli' rnn~··r T hiR ~II!• hrouJ:hl 1111 an ''""' whkh ""' 1111111~· w•nlo•r n'lll•l•·nlll know. That II ftrr till' lnflttlt • •f aummrr ren t•l•· · """" oJ,o pn riNI our mld11l l r>r t 1 rl~ rf'SJ'f'•·tl\·t' .homrs rl!W'wh•"' PHONE 13 ··-FOR RENTING "" · 1 \'tof,• • l•ghltll).! .ttl n• >< at · ._ Pll ..-..ftr11 of the 1..a Jolla JlutJwaro• ~lelia. :Oi r T•·\\'tnkl•· !'all \\' •' voow• 111;1lft lltll' t.h>lltl.ty lllt.:ht (to• (X)mpany whil'h. wa~ unnolUm.,·J \\'tluhl llt'\'o•r l'fllllllll< r ll\'111~ any-a• '.-rohn~ '" : n hllll••uoh ' nlt'tll ''' 1.-t ,..•ek. I wr.u• but un \lit' M••sa . lw 11:11ol t 'ha'rtlltiO ll>Ln 1.,,1;11 \\'Jllle Uhl'(tllflrnw.l. ·Ill<'· r•'J'IIorl· 'l'hl' 8 tit• nf thl' T••\\'lnkle'l! f'n~Wnl I' Ian" •·at"t for u n • .ct price Jlald fur lht> hardw art> !•am,· upproxlmath·ly tout,: 111'111\hs ).:r"lll'ln-1: _ "' , ,,,.,.,,-t•• n1.ck•· tlu. ,. aor<!. IJfhldiJtl:.! l'lanl(', gooJwlll an .,r the c~rr J'IIt'hun .. , tlw;r II\'W oii\'IMU•IIS •• r l'liOIJ"'tll\•'11 :111•1 It 8ftd etock, but n•ll ant·lu.hng the huiiJing. whlrh, Uwy oll'r\Jpi~U 111 , IIIJ•cdaJ <.:1 rull·wus J.l~o:ht on~ -tlul buJiding. wal! $:!!:.,000. I Junt _ h•tln 14111 IX' r• lo·:•~··•l "tlhln tlw All pt"r.at~nel uf the atort> 14 ut1 Mr anc.l Mrs Tt•\\'lnkle. bo_~h ru·xt ~··\'t'rul .•"'Y"' IJy x,>, r .. t;~~y be rd&lnt'd unJI'r thl' new flwn-Wt'\1 known 111 the H .. rbnr P~-llari)· \\'t'h'h enl:tp. tJt waan'l ll'atnl'd, and ('hff I trh t, woulll havo• h<'l'll in_ btullnt'U Lloabarcer. v•hu l:al! ~t>n 11eum-fur twenty:two yean Ill Costa R. 0 A d laC ruponalblllty under the man· I Mna had tht•y rt:talnrd lht l!turt: • 0 ersen .aacent of Mr. and Mra C'harl.-e • until January_ T Be K• • TeWinkle. l!I'UI be the 11tore man·: ~wrnty.two )'t'ars ago lbl' well 0 IW8DJS ~ qoer I knOwn· couple Wl'l\1 tnto bualnee.~~ S k "'h · d . II In thl· corn~r bulldmg Wht't~ th" ~a er c urs ay rm. Ben Franklin Store 111 J~ted r • • - t ho•r•• nr•· , .. ,Ira ""'"' anc'l tlnlt" lt'ft hc-hlnol whlrh lornl flf'OJ'II• arc· (ION'NI In harbor nt r •lllnM', thiM I~ n ~ron offc·n~~t•, but what t•·lllh' •·nn tc-11 whc•tl' ~111 ma.t•r P t mLrc N o TIC E!Ii N O'TI(T • Of' INTENDED SAl£.. And NOTICE Of INT'fN"rn TRANSF'ER OJ' LIC€ .... SE , f"OA TH£ IALC Or M COHOLIC BEVERAC[S I !':u\ '• ~ hl h••r••t•v l:"·•·n pttr .. IU\nt I•' 11t.• I''"''"~~'"" uf ~nrttnn :\440 d ... ,. 1'11 11 (' ...... ""'' ~····llt'll 7 :.' "' Uu~ A lt•nlu'ttt lltt\'t•rttJ,!• • '"nn. 1 tr .. l Al'l uf tho• Sl ... f• "' ('Uittt•r· 1111~ • Uuu J ulln lJ.. Alll'.n -ur Dal-1 l••a J.olu11tl, 1 "'tlf'ontlll, lnl"notA tu I At•ll It• t:••nr~t<' If C• n'"'"~· ;of llal- 1\()ARO "NU • N00tt.t 1 ""'" .,, r• • ._. .. ,_. hctn\f' Nt~>wt•t•• \ t tr'l\tt\t • . \lll••"•"U d~thltU • ),,. .. ,,.. '1'(\ W ..,. ••. .._..,.'"' .. ''C' ,.0,. • .. 1: NT ~••' .. ' Unt~>Ht ( fr-4 tt '''U', OAf" A~·· Ctt'ft .. f1 •• ,..... ....tUNAbl• ft ,,. 1 Oa •an r f~"' .. "' ~ ,.oo• rc oA ,.,,.., -"'"". •••••· •" v '~I Oljt C'<>UI\1.,. ""att "Cor. ltolu ". top of hill, fool of Now paf1 8 1vd • C<>ota ..,. • .,. Weat~m Hardware Co .. of k .... _ a......,.,..1 •nd• D?~Ar{ .. 1 • 0 t -1 , ilnt k t o t.h" mt .. iln'" nr. B,nm· ~ ""·"· , .. ~·· ... ~ ., • .,.. • • 11tudl~1 netrudor on lh•• No·w-" TeWinkJe'a wu a mem r. will nalla and conduct~d ~te )of e • a I port Harbor llnlnn .H•gh S..tw .. l lng. prc>alrtl'nt. opttr~rcl thf' meet· of DI:SI."T VILlA, C•t"-"'•' C:lt'f ~!!: ~ ~~\\':" ~r ~~= 1 po11t ofttce ll1 addition. T be r •j t l\t'Ul(y will ~ tt:e spc•:tl<o•r lit Ill!( an..l aaked lor au~aut.IPD• tint~ '"lnttr1rt~. llrtunr. l•l· 11 ..,,... from P•t.., 80, .,, .. 1 .,stnr~ nearly comprised lnr ll'nliA. the Kt•·anlll Club mr .. ttnl= Thurt~-And <"omml'n!a. loCra f' In r • D c r b:u·•·"• r tt . a l"'' tumltur.. ,. .. _able ••••• w L ~· 'nw D-o•>n•re bavt -nvtt .Mua btalnelll block. wllh th~ I dav. Nn~· 27th: ncmn. at r:us' ~1,11 l~nbtllNin, rl'acl lh~"'lf\lltt'~~ Dr 1 .and, ft11tu~•·• j ........ Noo"• ~aim ._,1.,1• 7111, ,.ar 1..-on the Te~\nkle bu1ld· j exceptlun of one or two othrr 1 Sh~ll Clllr. Balboa < 1111h nf ~nnta Ana lntr•'fluc·f'd Mr t••·:f'll o r 14·tth 1111 llt:l>tll 1,11, ka~t" • II Us tDc and Hatch and Norberg. who !!mall 11trurturn. 1 Speak•r laat Thur!lllav wa." .... ,. ,.C 0 <"a ric ,,, f'hllf'n x. Art& and "'"'. II• ,.11,... 1 !\'Hrntw·r .-.4:14:!1\t' ___ ~ __ _ __ -- IIOIDe tlm• &CO pu~half'd \be Te-l ~·o years later )oft and lifl A. fl<-rk of 111\lbna flllarltl ~1.,.;, _ hill I tlllllt•d II~, lhf' lattttr havinJ 1 f\( 't (1no.: l'lllll•lry IIIIo I l.lf1UOr ltALIIOA PI! NIN\\ULA-.P,.s:grt Wlakle'a Builder• Supply. wIll TrV:lnkl• dllll'ontlnu•d t h • 1 r 1 tary nf thr Stl\\.1!' ~l'nJJlt• fur llu.tll\' J'lll rl't'o'lv•·•.l a mnvl .. •·onlrut '''"'"/If~"· ~ .. .wn 111, A\'f'nolr 1-'nun-FO" r.ALI: o,. ~"'"""'~ 1 eonUnue to occupy t!le rear ol lht, .:enf'ral atorl' and w~nt Into thr y~ar.t. he told or many 1111,118111t.: I Mr ClArk .put .(~. a .bftauU· 181n t;rln"ll!lnl:' tn 1111t1t .lnhn M ..... _... ~ l!.•ch•"•• r"u aore. TeWIIIkle taiJ. I hardware buatnraa. During t h .. !.t.lramaUr and lnlrrrlltln~; t•vo•ntro tul 14 hiiO r•!llle. fllrrnu.:h a ,_ ot Al\o•n 1\nrt ............ Ill :'lOti \\' Cf'n-tllCJGO C•••• •"" ........ N il f"'"l ~\\'lnkl~ li&Jd be '·ould turn' yrar11 the firm gnow. mn\'eJ Into, whh•h havl!' ot'l'Urrc•J In thr t.•.:ia. hut tnr lcl! llotl llhrowo•d rro,·lr~f r r~~A \'r . c t v ,,, !'\ .. "' f' n r 1 1 '""' Wa"t '" ... ,.,. ~ .... '" '" tbe •o. re..,..over to the n~w ov.'n· 1 largttr qu~r\t'tl and lh~n mov-talurt'. Hf' rcv~ah•ol h iiUt)' .. r llu·l hl11 "human lntttll~l'nrl'", eettl ll l' '1 1 ""'""" ('nunt\' uf or""lt"· '•"d .,,.,, ,.,,,,. ...... •"'"'• f.n Dec. lit and that br wouh.l r d a~11ln lntu the hanolaom~ nrw lnlf'restlng chara1·t••rtMlll'll •·f "••II n hth\c-. rllmloln~ lrrl'l'l tlf at ~ ·' ,. or c 'nllf,.mh 11n,l tn1t I',. •'""""' ..,.,,.,, p.or • "'"•ronc• remain Uwre until t~ end of Tt'W:nklt building. back on thl' kno14 n _.,nalon throut:h11ut tho• lu lt.:h( t.. rl'll<'lll' c·ntR a ntf ble r~r 'hll"'' 1,, 11 ,. 1111 n•ur "'" ,.,. P•"'"•"la Puont Olflc.o • tile year. At that t.lme. t\1! ex· 1am~ comrr where they h~d 1 yrare. tnlc·nl In lo•·'!tln~ ln11t ('htl p~t. '.'" Tuo·11rllw tho· 2<ttl ''"Y 0. r JOHftl o e U,.NHAM ~r..·to t&Jrr a well eamrJ n•et , etartt'Cl In bualneaa over two dr-~ I •r ('11\rk wnultl hr a •uh\rc{ for i ,, •·n l>t•r 1!141 · "' r.t,..,,.11,..,11 A 1011 Cke•" .,,. Pho-••• eDd be and Mfl. TeWinkle will .cadr.! betore. , C ~G T "'' h•~·• Jlr"KTam& Pllfl"<'lally, llr /II bb1n•. In• ~tl(l *"''" 1 • .,. An-• 11·4tt ------I 0881. ' roup 0 Ktn,l Tu ~nlmRI \\'rrk Whlt'h WUI/ 1.' lt'to l'IITt'• t 1 'lly uf •I .till A.!ltct-fl'•, I S G d A Hold Two December 1'" tn Arnf I ( ll\lhl y n f l.mt Al11o;l'lt'll ~'"''' .. r P'O .. "ENT-Wiftt•• ..... u ... ,.',", 22 • ---tate uar omen :re I M ti N N llr llnrrlll ot IAtWna aroke nn 'f 'llllfotMIIl, ... :! r•'"'•· lc I' "' ,.,.,. .. ....... a. ......... cotl••·· J..AI\AI il!l llfiPtJ On .,... .....-••· Compi•UI)' """' I ee ••&..., e OV. thr htllt••c:.v nf thf' Kk'Dbrrly al'ld ~tm••unt 11( th.-lnt•·n•ll'<t l""''ha.,. ,...... US wotll "'""'" palf. P t d. 23 M E )j t t '••ll~o•r -.llnmnnol mlnc-11, and "'r/l'rln· fur 'lhf' ·lh •·n,.c• It StOOOO romo e Ore n S men 8 Co•,., ea., Avo & C•p•eM • . ' S p • r 1 a 1 announ ... ,.m .. na._ 1 hll< J'lr"'''"" ctf' mlnlntt. In' R o 'ft h. 11u1l til••. ljltltlr• 1111 .. r •••hi ''rnolnr ,.1.,_, Po..u Plio,.. .,,4 ' . . wel'k rrom of rlrla111 or lilt' nrart~c· At rwn wl'f'lt hr w~ born ..,., •w •l ltc•rn~ti't-111 :!01 lof11r1nr ant1. Nowp<>'l Har&<>< C<> .. p&ol" :.1 :· HoU to oorpo'"l. P~ulo Vl<k Co"nly CoMI A-<'"'"" ,.,.,.,, r~•·IO<·,o m"Udor fnr & ""m""' l~lh<« "'"""· -''Y ul N••t"" > •"' tM C&llfomla Slate Cb.rd ar. Adame to. corrorst. f'rivale ": N I'd lbcrf' would bJ• 110 rnl'l'ltnl{ l(l o(· yf'IHlt Hf' alan 11h11WNI rolorwttf lll•rtolh. ('uun!l_ '_If 1 trllntt" ~IIIII' rco.. ,.&NT-&ylt•of off''"·'"'" ~mlllg tne atrohjt~llt ,In 'south· F.lrnceP to corporal &nd P rivate, November. b~l that two w, .. ,1,1 h .~ :<1 •II II nt hlrdlo IIC"f'n In and arou~~ •"sl r 1 II IN. 11j1,J 1 he· ll•l•lr.•"" of ,,.,.;11.,1 ·-"'•· e"'' ee .,.., em CalilorD•a wl~h 22 I oc auflht to corporal 1 held In O<•rrrnhc-r Tho· fll !It 14 ,11 ~C'~•rt ffart~r • -llft14 ,.,.n11t .. • I\Jiol 1 ro1111d••r•••• •~ 1nz ,..0.,1., ,....,,. N••po,.. , ... 8N'D ~JviJir; promotloo In rsnk Prh'tltu . who havl' bei'n pro-hr <01'('. 9. 6 '30 p m . In 1\ J'""' 1 Al•llC•tntM 11n !hi' r~rotr:nm and 1-l••lfl .l'urf U11llu t 1 'll.v "' ~'l:••w-"tk. fnar ~nied thta far In No\em-I'IIUJII, lncludt' F . L &1wmsn. bera ot C'ommc-n·t at 11.,. ,\na.l A ... Sc·hrtol'oh•r. T ,I N,f'lll. J . \\ !o\ ·ot.• nr f 'irll •~omu• ro,. ,.E,.T -,..,,",.,..., Apaf1 and 23 add!tlonal •.nll.ltm•~"-.~ bemot~d t o lhe rank or prlvatt'. tlrat "''""ion with lhf' Al'lllll'ttth••l f 'llum 1 J'lotl•llr lt'l' o·nmmlltH w~r" Mm~ I'~~'Rrh· c '•""'' v ur t ''"""" kr u the re.ult of the rect;ultl . C. ~Flr. D. n. Dyf'r , Jl. W. helm Elkl Club. Hn4'hmb, F1o1ren. r R•....,.ne &ftd -D•ted• p.;mrrub.-r 111 11 .. 1 '-"' lift WMt C.nto et, ..,..., **-DOW-tm~y by Ueut. Ct'rrlllh. C R H.o wi!. W. \'. Th~ l!f'C Ond l!l'll"lnn llf'Jtt M .. uth ) b toho·l l'lqoJirt•fl Ftlr l•olur~ttlnn arl'l .IIIIIN M .AI.I,I':N, port .. •<h Pho,.. lfJ9 W Oordon B. Findlay. l'ommander .lOIII'S'. R. D. Munrtay , J Smith. wtll bl' 11 .-fatrnUII Annuul Ctlll,.. !\fn;lt.:~ '1.. Aahll'v, Mr" F. A Vo•11tlo•r ;.,.,, t.l"'"""" 11 ,, .. I:NT-Att<.C.II.,. fy,"ftt•lw•/. r.droom a•a"'.,.."'' ~ ... ••'11""' of Company F. anrt Ll~ut Char· J . P. f;utht>rland. f'r lvnte \'lUI'. ma11 J> arty of thl' A""'''"''"'" ntakt' 11nd ~~~-· · 1..,.118 fhl!Won.J And Me LH. com~r of Company .0. '"· "'eath•no.·ax Morr promo-whk h will tiC.' h«'hl Tlll'll lav 1.,,. or 0ranJ:r . Mr11 ('hnrlf'a r.nner c:Y,nltt:lt: II I'O:'IIAWAY. 0. tlon!l will be annnunred In tht 1 nlng. Vtoc. 16th .. 111 thl' ,,.;.,-11, 11·:. ~fr11 .1 W ll•tl•·ol]lh and Flore~., fl?-oUc-r.ve&led by ~ tuture and member.t of the, l(l('al Club !JoUM. (.'oe\» Jott'l!a ll••IJhtnl! Uwre!K'e or Ca.ta Wua. public-• State Cu11rd may rarn prornotroo 1 _ _ _ __ • , 1 TUcker to platoon eerg~ant,. Cor-partlcl~U~n In the progrtftn or , own rtas llf'MC'c1 ano •Mr_ anc1 Mn. Haro I""""""' In for , .... cttty. "'r""' Haft ---~ lt)t officer. Include Serceant Larry futn \IY regular atlt>ndanre 'and WelJ Kn A • t Nt:w rwrmp~.,;t r«'lllttt>n_.~' poral EdWard em to platoon eer· Companies F and c. Lawrence T ' p . . 't c-I nru" n "' Santa. Ana In the Ot~tcu I'll nit' rl'll11VI'8 ( 'rl& and P'O.. RI! ... T -L .... ty ec.•-frent· .-nt. OJrporsJ J . £_ Sadlier to ald. . : I 0 am .;:)l('enes bloc·k on Wnt Bay and nqt t.lrl. (.'arl•• I Murray Col Mur-.......... e.l " ... "Ieee,· ........ . --aunt trtcbt CUldel. Corporal Men who have enllllled In the 'At N ~ 8 OO '" their newly cooatroct.ct hOme ray "'U nn the e•mvoy when the ••••· .._ .. , .. ,.,... .. .,.., r. A Stein to -..-.eaDt (rlibt local.Comp&nlea the put month enpva 1r 8f r are ltlr-and .. ,.. WlftWet' of Keaney waa torpccioec) • Md a. ,....... wuu.e ~.~Ito..,. .... ,. Private L. D. DeBord to mclude, for Company F. Roy A. I ---S..erty Hilla. ~ ... t&&H to t•ll. ...... ....." J, ......... L .... -aDd trauport&UoD eerput; ~11, Dwlcbt 8bllfer, Beman! Accompli~ and artllttk' fonn· o • • • • • R••rtr c.., ..,. C•vn Aw. Prtftle Richard IAwnDce to Eldr.iclce. E\lpne. E . HID Ill I e . t>r l't'!ll~ntl of Hollywood who ~~~ HOUSE 0\11!8T8-have liND FUN AND FROLJC pr.vaJ._, ....._ MI. ttc. ~ private, flrlll c:INI. Jim Jamn R.. McConDick . llarttc C. chan(in& .thf'ir add~ to Bnlboa 11een around thHe part. of late. at lht> Balbda la'and home ot VIC ------~· to corporal; prtva.te H. Naluar, B. E. Oq_utJtt. llarehall hland are Mr. and Mn~. Wlltlr R'llmmoned to the Ftaher bay and Mk kry OlrlJtttanHn. Rrtna- -"t&AVV ·· • • ;~INYELUGIIICE lfopklns now rmldlnJ: nt 21" front hoiJM' wer. t.fr ann Mrs. tn1 knapttlu'k" and IIIIJlJ•IIn r or Ma~VMm1!. t!larry D ahl nf Bevrrty Hll'--utJ ..Veral dilya wl.'rl' l>oc: and Grace I Mr.;ttopkln.~ Is Wl'll known &It' .and lotrL Ouy Mornll of ~ BtJthop alld a•m Tommy and the among art <'ircll'!! for hi" r :1"trl An~tt'lra with Vernon anlt La • .~ Hut~~:• rro ••f Loa An~r .. ln, all p1tlntinp whfc:oh hAVt.' hr~>n ""-f'tl!\ Wroolltt <trorrtnr In At \II# three--bclnc elltlf'Aivn o1 hlbitl'd In I hi! ~tatt' n:< w••ll n:< In f'.a,.{le-lfllufh IJII!lllfe han bren. Ji'olll Sl uolht~~ 1 h.. I ~If! I )()Ottlaa' P('lln~lvnni!l. H.-rf'('I'\VI'd hi~ r.·arw-rttvrly. Ma~ Olhnml' ""d Jr. •tu lu •d 1 rrn ar••unll Ulf' bay trnlnlnc at thr Roynl Arn•lt·,.,,· nr 111m Jlyron . .lr .. Mr. and Mra Nor., aboanl thrlr IJC•••t Alt11u 11r ,Art~ In London. Ill' nnd Mr~ linn-ro an WaJ;:tt(lner o f Tturllor:am•. A r c .. ta Mna .. ,, .. ,,,,., Mr and Mn. Chuk l<llthrr, u•• thr par- REAL EsTATE r:-n R SAL!' --_. • "-He-NMr ....... u..,.,, .. ,e .... ... Uo WILLIAM&Oftl ANO ¥(1\.LIAM.otof ?all • c;...., .. , ,... .... ~ k)n<~ plan t6 rf'mnln nn th~ 1 l.1nr1 whtJ encamf't'd at th• Town Whi'N' Mr. Ho(lkln!t Wtll n .,.,, 1Tnu11 In 1J111 An~rlf'll w h r r • mnrinr ~ct•nt's ns we: II a~ 1!'1 ill llf•• Vlr~tlnla retuml'd their viRit ff)r !'Uhjf'('t ~ " day nr ..,. Mr. ancJ, Mra AlrK· ent• of a clllutt:hlrr lw•rn ~lln<lay, ------ Noveml,.>r til at ~~ Juv,.h n, •. R~AL EsTAT~ LoANS 1 have a t~f'. b there apy • lilm'l ~yroll from the very flrat I --.,._ anoll'r A flam 1 of '"'" AIIJ:f'lra c:baDce far me to continue !by dilly you entiat. _ J . W H11rmnn It~ rl'~n"• rlnl! pit& I work ba the U. S. Navy? Yes, tr What Is tht fnnry Phi£ IIIUI'k In trnm rnmrlfrlttlr•n~t Ctf hrn:~• hl:.t1 'fOtA qUalify, you un enter the the muul" of a lt\ln ra11rd? It Ia rneuiT'nnla snd J'lll'url"Y Navy wtth the rank of Petty Of· eaHed the "tompiOfl" and It l<~eps fice_!:t-whteh ~)II up to $t9 per du1t and molature out of the bu· n Grrtmort. an•l R•thl'rt F 1\• 1- ~-,;,0nth, plu1 room and board. · rei. lerm11n. .-' How many mrn an' there In Dut'll a snll• r In lh~ t' :;:, !lOA\')' N~w l'nli!ltmrnt!l in I ' ... '''""' the crew of a u. s_ battleship? nr 1":1\'nl Rf'Mr\'(' rrr r•J\'1' fl'l\' (; onrlot•ll' Wllllnm ""'" ' I"" The modem battlrlhlp e.arrles whP, Of\ 1•'11''"" Yu .. he rc:ce>vc:s E A rn,hl. F:rn•·i'l ll ~-.,,,. '· .I 1 k from 1200 to 1~ enllated men. full pily ewen t 'ough he tc:chnl . J \\'lllinmli, .l T 1'•r1 ••'• 'r 50 to 7S Chi.t Petty Officera, 9 C:illly Is not worlcl.,g. Th"n"'"' (l M••• I ~ 't11 ··• II to 13 Wilrrant Officers ilnd from l!l !lfkrt~l 11-fl\j(' • n·r ~r:lnlrll Gulf,. J-:olwln r 1-:•11• k T I• ., tl' 10 to 100 Commllllionrd OHiCfrs. n I' S flllrlur"/Vcs. In •~c;-ep-./ Mnr1••f . II"\""" I' ''·•I fl • \\-hen does a recruit' I 'pay tion;~t casu, sllch :11 seriO'II •II-hn t: ~I tllf r t-:116:' no· I 1· , • • Newport -Balboa N-E-w-s -. T I M E S PIIOSF.S It a IS .) \'nhtmr XXXIII ..;,,h,rrlfilf"n l'n~·stloll' In Arh•tm•·n :--$2~ prr ,,.,.,on ft•urot••· ('tounly, !:.! 75 JM'r Yl'11r In 41 h /<lnl' ;. $.'\ 00 l"'r \ 1'111 I" Ho h '"'"' ~ f"l"r rrtllfllh by <':trrr,.r --- t:nto•n><J ~~~ Sf'c-•onrt-rtll'' rnnttc·r sl thr Pn•'.Uf!w,. l'n •;,._.,,~,, n.·ur-h, C':>llfnrnt:l, untlt'r lhP ~or !'.1:-n•h 'I 1k7•r '' -Ltf'Nt -,,. l'tO_,Ifl -8 Ut1Nifta -APTa. .... lftoft<:e , .. u, "'-"' •e•.. e• -ce,.I,Yf.IIOI\, Me"thlr • ..,.,,, tired •" tl. ,..., ••••• et I? tt ,.,_ '"0"'1" "' "'ow•a"d ••rr•w· .. ...."''"'""' ......... tltAlHUA tit MAY lft8 ' ............. ,. "'"· •• .,.,. 4\....., 1 n •l<f r l')nnr 'r-n .. or NT • IOtc . . --BUYIIG -SELLIII . '4 Mtts ic~L INs TrWMENTG MtscELL~NEOUS ... 1'14 "tU IIHI ' ............ ,_, :. I .,A::H Clt .. TifiCA-T-.-.--- ••• e...,ew d ,,.,._, .,,,,. 'e•h••tt• f'M 0 U' ef ..... "'''• t ••' , .. u It••• r•y I••J•n•• o .. ,_;ltd Afftlfavlla anti Cer1111u• T••m• y,,, .. , fe•r"••\• A'''""'' 0 l . CULLY ,,,, , h• •••n••• n~.u;tUwt ••ttt' _,... 1 w Jt d at . .JANTA ~ 0 .. • •ud u • ... d tt~ '.~•t n•w """" I ftc~ T •• ~~ ... Trrn•• t/e~tf f'I•"H'• It""' l,lt Uf' •• , .. e•'"d"'u l'~~f1u t~> "'•'"WAV Ot•nd "~d. ~,uttfwt. tNa11 Oan r t..(.hh•ll11 ••• M•dqu•••••• ''" at n•••t •It •••nd•• d ""•••• "' h•"d . tn••• V" .. "'• ft•e •••• ""• on" foo ChHoU,... UAf'l/ ~C U"!IOT I'I"NO t:O . UO N" "'•'" ••, '~"'• Ana IJ tk v~·11 •• .. ,_ ec ~on M~ co., • w;• "'" .... ..... u_6,.o •~- P" sT·~r:K I OM a4\ ~ (. W k~r .... ~~~ JJwlt r •• t1o •ncl_ e11 l""""• 411 ,.,,..,.,, ,C"o•ona -·' ..,., .. l'tc ...... HousEHOLD FURNISHINGS 1 -... .,., •.. .,.· l..•llt ~...-fkle CeM• .r'"•· ....... ,~..... ,, •• ,... - ,._.,, • Df I "" ._.,.,.. l.IYtfte rftll. d •n•ne rm. lw4f ''"· ....... ..-. 4ct•'· ···~. ... ,., ...... ". tift ••'""' ,. ... "'"•· lttc ~c. 'e. ••II· .. ., ... 1.1111""''"' ... 0 l••t ....... ........ "" 141W. .............. ,,. .... ...,.", ....... , •• ,.~. ·"·· • ..,..... t. "', ... ,.4;;fl .•••• ,.. ,...,. , .... , t" C• ~•tal Awe . ..,._ h i ..... 14 ..... loRT. & ~ ou=..:...:N~D=---­ -~oi.Y-.; • .;" "•"•"• _,.._. A ,, W. L•-. ol\ or ~ t"' . ~~'"• 9•1w. ·~_.,_ ef tW for rotilrft to ftlowa.TI-...... WANTED To Buv ....._ __ WA ... T&D-WAflt ..... , .._ .. -... ~--~,. ...... ·-....... .<( w•.;no--~·-c•e.,....:. ,,.. •. '"•· etc. ~ ... -... ... ..,. ....._ Ho~rt aJ-W . 8-Ha. WA ... T&D-H•l., -·· ~· ""'*'· ......... ~ ...... cl.,.t _ ... , A.t ,,_, C.. .......... " _;:p , ' ~ e . .._...... . .. ~ -... " ,..w. _I .. .... t~~•,.,.tao-o"' ,. -tw ......_ ··"· .... 7 -·~ -''"· ........ "•" ,,_, A... ---. .............. .,...._. ~ -,_n lleM" -7-W. -..... :J· , . -""fte ....,. D• .. f* ...._ .. r Alta c .. t R-E-S·U·L-T.at 8wstua Ia .._ ...,._ ,.,_. ·~ Bismes&-·Directory ~----------------,P----------------~ I I IIA80LD C. OUVEL CIIAI'EL ·-IN8VaAN08 . _ .. _ ... A. I .Nm Prof esslonal Directory I Da. RALPH D. IIOAitD - PllftiCIAJif • 8VW.O&OJif DK. II. E. ftAJII D • Olh WOP Ad DDft8f ........ Tala11' II Jlf ...... -•I ~~---.---• I ....., ...... . ..... .......... " ....... ....,.. . - OIL cmraAD .. Chli!li , LEBO'f •..:~ .ufi)EaiOJf ... ,.... .... , .... A~ltf AT LAW orne. ,., n .. flltftlet ,.,..,...~ c.a&a ............... fl-..: It-It a."'· • 1·1 p. ... ........ l"h,.~Kfk-e 1111 .._: 1•-1 'O..ta ..... Cellf ..... . . Ur. P. A. (~hamberHn - I .tart ~ lmmediilt~ly upon enter· nna or deatty In the fmmed1.llt l'luiiiJ• S llall llu~;" """ l • • lng the Navy. You•r.e· on Uncle filmily_ / -. n11 k ..; ,, ~fEY En Q u I c lo ec1oon -.Ne.-.. Time a 'w .. ,, .na. Dr. (1ordoa M. Orund7 l"hy-"i1111 &Ad f'u "•""' 'Nrwpnrt .....,. .. ll'"t•l•l f '.-ntrat A•"'· at Jl!lntft utn .... ""'·: tn n • "' : s a P·"'· ., • .,....... l'f t:mRoraM:foa 114M NrowJIOrt nfvd. ('I ISTA MY.~A ·----- 1"A88Y'S 'SEEN f1Gt\i\NG AGfl.(N ~ fAK€ -ro sr~cs. ~t:~ p.. ·. ~Wi:L'­ CAI nocrcR -. ------.-----..·~ . l • .,.,._ lllJI ('harlt•M l\lc·\tanmc N"Wfl'trl t•tttr .. !M -Plitt-...,._ 111 YUlF.PS.At'~ A !'Oft llli"UU.I~O Wflfm-. - Jl w W ru•ht 17M Npl lllvtt , ('.c,.ta M .. ~. UM'd l-umber, Pb. 1!115-.J. '~"""''",.._ j l--1f--I._.....A . UI.D~!.,f•)urula~ JuiJ)n&.:CMlln&. lpiL'i.Jr..allll_a Pl1· <;a.ta M n..,~Of·.f'IP!' I'IF.RVIt'P',...... ...... {. ,.,. ..... By Cy ll.ungerfnrd ----.....<, -------....------;, ~ .. -w ... . r Gil~. nil.,,,.,., 1'\tttt ... rl"" V Orr s .. rviN'J 124 Mf'F .. ~n Pl., Nwpt. & fiF."F.RAf. f'ft'I:TRAf"fflR-r.nnot .. n ·Jl ,.-rn•IIIIV ,,,, l '•onAI n lvl! r>t~l 402. Pllllll and Conat~ f.r·~nr.R t'U~f>A~IF.~ ' (''""'" M,...,. Llor c·., .. ,_.., 1111 htlp you J'llnn )'0\.lr home." Ph.on. 4&r . ""Y n •• ,,.,., "'""''''' l'•· ('hllnr 11~,() C'lllll4t llltthWJ!Y at A~ 'f ARI'iF. "'I"F.f'Mi.Tir.'-!\.fJrlln/1 Sp• ,., .• ,., Slll•l•. 1;>00 r nn•t JIIWII)'. SunpiiN, Jlolatl, Ete. 'iOTAa\' r•rmr.w ---- 1'\nrll M :"lfWIITih :Ifill W C,.ntral Av,.nu .... l'honf' 12 or 13. Newpori. ',,..,..,.r. "'"''"f.fF.'- t NI"Wf'J'lrt t tllmnr l'uhll,hln~r r o. Ptmnr1: 1~: p, Nnvport JJ.aeh f•Hf"Tf ... fl-" · I ,.., ..... ,~.,, I lnrtv.r J'111111~111n~ r, PhonM. 12 ·1:\. ·Nt'WJ)Ort 8INttL RP:\1, f .'4T\TF., l'1:<4t 'RA'if'F. It SHTAR\' l•t'RI.If'- 1 1.• w 11 w oil,,., :•:·o~ w c .. .ntrlll. Av1•nu ... 11•~nc 3. ht'J'tftt>:tt .. T \ \tl""--. -•• '•'"l~·ri -H,ort~~' p .,J,Ii,hlrvt ('o . .J>hnhf'~: 12··13. Nf'WJ!Ort ~ · <4SIU.T ~r.T \1. "fiRK-. ·, r·.,,,,. \1• '" l 'l•t mhonll C'omp:lll)(, C'011~a Mt111a. J'h~ 210. T\'I'Y.\\It1Tr.RI';-. ' N•·v.t•u I I hd~·~ Ptlhlh tTf'nlt' Co. PhonN: 12 • J3. Newport a.dL I VARtt.n· "'TnRr..-• .,. fl~tll•"'• 1<-IAnd VA~kof~ Sco....=e., IOc, 2.'5c! a!Mf_"P.;~_t111•1J, 1 wr.r.m~~ . · . • Wett11n1 eapef'\ly claM. V. Orr~. U4 Mc:Fadllea Pl., Nw,t. ... . I -y - _ .... __ ~_ .... ________ _, __ ·-=--__ l _· __________ NEWPO ___ R_T_,_~_A_LBO __ A_NE_:\\_'S-_TL\It:S. ""'"!""" ·IIOoo ... -CalU,.rmo. ~ESb.tt. N<l'JT;~~...;-:..,..~"-~-r._. _________ ·. __ '-_-:_-:_-=._-_-_-_':_,.._· ----'------~· NE=~T:.:cH' THE W 0 M AN'S. ~A BALBOA -.EbeU Card Par.ty. ~ lsl~nd Couple_ r etcd Thursday Planned By 'On 24tft Ann iversary Building Co~mit~~~ Before You Bailcr ·o.. ..Remodel- n.n-.... ~ ....... ... ...,., ,_, c.a-................. - pt , ....... ~ ...... ......... 5 ... .,_. .......... ' ~ . ......... LUDLUM ' Carpet w ork8 .......... A-._ Ass'rsta11cc LC'aguc Annou nces First Soc tal Event " ' ftf ,, I ( B<·tty Adams ~lothcrs Are Guests At (;iris' l'.trlitl.'"l: ul '"'''"'hnw nl" at .... ;UIIIIUtl lia Ann Hyde · To ShoW' Movies Of Mexicq To Club {'•llflr ! 1)11\11 llj ;\!<'XII '" oil'f'll'tiOj' ''"'''' 111 ••I a ""'Ilii' 11( Suut hllnol1 wu·at L101l• 1 ~ un·~. t ho· pwt ur'''"l"' , ami hll'lurfl' 11ia• tJ!I tllt'v vrNih••' \\Ill t'-<' """"' 11 tov .luJ Ja A 1111 II ~·ol· .,( S:.nlu .\IHI nt tho• I•H i ho 11minr 1 n •···un~: "' ~It·· :-.=t•w pnlt tlar It• 1 0 11SIIIo li:< an tl !"roof< '<Siflll!ll \\'u· 11 •·n·. ,.,.,,, th•:. Th lll'"luv ttl r;·:.st r ·m m th•· lh•.nz K:..,,,.; !'ar,. T ih J!l <'RCII"' 1r.o•\/t1n~ 111 1,.-ln~· arrau~o:r•d b. :\I rs. :\lllolr•·~l 1."1 k 'hart . JlrtiJ:ram 'halrnmn f'n·•·o•d · w .. 11' nwiiiK .. r tlw f•lmM. :0.1 ,.,, M lll••r \\ 111 Jl n'J<Idt' u\'rr It ""''1.1'11011-Hl'!llllnll. :'II r:< :\I t I 1 " t a llt•nd lht' UranJI" ('111111 I uf Uustnf't<l< and -1 Mrs. Alma Knowlton -1 Fetes Los Costuras ' T•··• ''' '''"l"'rt lf:lrl••,. I '.UO. 'IUcll .;.•h~>nl ,........" f:. ~. { Uh""· 1,.,..""""' "' "'" ........ P.-'1'. A . ._,... 1" ......_" r'f'n"h1it~t' Mrw. Alma K:n~on or-Slmta tho-hr'l ...-n "'" ,,..,111 tlllr' ltfrt.. Tlllo-l.racur·•nnrrd nMIU..r> 0y Ana Ht>ighllt Hlt.ertatnrd 111 h~r I Recent Bride · CO~O'NA .DEL MAR BALBOA ISLAND LIDO ISLE · 'Giftmakers CJub: PHfns Yu1e Party ~In;. lla r.n ·llt'lJ<·rb o( 19th Coslil !tl1·1oa , t'h"''' It• ··n- tcrlatn lhc Glftnlllk,•rl-l 'luto Tll•'llt day, :'l:o\·t•lllll)•r IX. '' h td 1 hl'ltl II lt'nl:ihy d•,.<·u,,.lur1 r .. rwo·l'nlni-J .:•fa · tdo·.a~o lur ( 'hn ,lln.•s 1:1\ ,,.,:- I'I<HI~ •ur 1lwll'· .:al.1 ( 'htl!-111111.! lljlfl) -.lwn• .th•• 1;1 01111 '"II t•x· l'ht•nco:•~ pr••,t•nt:o-"~U~ ;.1 ... ., ch ... t.•u...._,. oil. :"\':an!o•, 'At'll' (lt:l\1 1'1 h •t .. Jili.. ,.,,·han~.:·· olf ~:rft, :o-rr-.. :ll.lhfe F l'\1'1' nf :!."1:.! F l""''r ~l r••• t \\Ill h1•:1,.,,. thiii m••••lln.:' I h'l'··mho•r 3. ( :u''"" :tt II'TitllllJ.: th1• ;.o••;.tnn and ••n.)tJ~ lflJ.: a dt•:o-.. ,·a 1 t·out' ... , ~··r'\ i 1d It~ llw t'll'\'o•r h•J~I I''" HH'Iurl••d ;\l,•,tf,lflh"' Hwh •rd Dt!tmzn·. \\'a l· Inn (;o)r<'', Erl l\lurnll. Eu~<'IV Ellllott ' anrl 0 11' \\\•litho I'\\ aX. · .. tu<1••nt .. In tho-.,. . ..,".J o·alr..,rta wttll a pro11ram alld t ... hour. l.rft to nrw home for t hr U.s C0111ura11 n1ht .,... l',.a:a:~ I' runt. J»~l ef tho• l'lllt'W ;· '""'" c '1&1"' Ktlmto~~n, C1.!1~ ~londay t>ventng. Prnjt>l't of ~IISl-4 I'RI"' ·r1 .1..\ Wt:R~Tt:R fao·ult~ IWhl..,•r; \II-lh•rc~t•y TdJ, r .. ·uJt, .....,...-r: &Ita Tromprtl!r: tht' covenlng was the !'Omph•tion Dauplf'r of 'lr. and ~'"'· olohn ~''"' Y t>f'a Mlilf'r "' H-t:l-oa and SN'n ·tllry !11 ' \\'alton Hutibard, f'I'PH,oJl•Ot II( ~fiUIIt ("r13&l Colll- pan~·. tt•turnl•ll l'luly ll.ill Wt'ek frurn a Wf'o•k '>< ,.,.,·utl!m In Palm l'p t .n,:s. Sh•· f<'Sitll'ol at 1 hr Desert Rr·tt;oat Oh Thlfnkll~·rng-t:ra 1 :'lin• ~l lllf'r llfk'lll lht> llmner holD' "1t'l 1 n •·ntls a t Camp H3an. ,.., .. 1•rr..ulo-nt. and ""'· Dh-. , _ of srrnp bt•ok~ for rhlli.Jren tn th' ... ,t111C'hrr Wr~tf'r of Oranp A, . .,.. ·--, • --Ora niH• C•IUnty H ospital. niM', ('o•t. !'lf'to&, ..,... .• ,. ... 'thr brldco , . h \ ~Joh •. · [' Allr&<'liVe 1mltaliOQ l e ath e r ot Wllll,uu step~~ria Smltb, Ill,• 200 (rat ~r I t_:.,t, n \ Ja nney Church To ~n;J li>••ks With pu·turn tt• dr·. ~Widay, Su\'l'RJIJtor .. lJl tbr COtl ... , • , • • , * · • liftht lht• t.ny lnvalltls' fan cy MP~~A {'ommunlt~ ('hurc'h unltlnk w atnl'SS ( unnmg -MJIIt-r Nuptra1 Rites I hs\'\.'bt:l'.ll ffilt.o.ll' by mtombfou ln. two promJnrnt' S t-Mport Hatbor · · ,r . • hullr:,:: Mm•·• luna Tru11ty. L1l· famUJr.. Thr brtdt'~rroom r.. thr T'•· ' h:or n ·•'·" II " .. r "' lra-m• m....t:_.l.lo· .\ "hll•· r!;tfiii!Jik \loth llan Clwo•n. LooUIAt' <:nlllb!l, Duro)· otOD'o f !\lr. and !\ln. \\.,.H. "Strn•" Tho· ;:lrol l•lllhola\ .. f :'ol t• ,111,,.,.,111 \\•·ol•llllr,: ,11,,1,.,11 ,..,.r t" ('ll\•l••~l:thl .. ·,.,.0 1,.,..,,t h\' th~t t~y Fr\Ji>hnn. ;\l&lolt-l'nt·•. L U· Smlth.olr.,utRalboal .. land. TII•tfiii<JI Mill<·• "··· th· ...... I I ''''" 1\•••1 \\h•'n "·~· \'•rt:l lllt C'lan·• thr··· twn d ~~lid· an arr:tv l ''lllo• l\11111108. ;\lo·lt.a 1'rllllty. l\'11 -------------------------------· '' l· '·""'"" ,,.,' ll lh ,,, '"'' • tn).t n•fll.!h•Wl ,,,u~hlo r .. ( . fr anU I o( t,:':vll"lal' r·a rnntulr1H un•l r hr\'. J ohnNitl, f)uro\hy ~hllrr &nd F.va '' r· II .. nd ~IHfHt. ···'"''''' 1ft •.l•" lil•l ., ,. I ,. • h r I • I I I . PtuJtarlll •• 1 ~ ,1, 1,11ot ·' c "' "' c a n o • aant ''""'"·" n I m \\htt•• · F Th B '"'"' , .. "' ... , I . tlllolll"n .\ , . .,., ,,. 1.' I :'II If 11\:. \\' II II• ' lllo tl\ ••• j ~· .. ttn i!IJ: I hr ' •.• rh ln~o: hn; Wt'rf' I 'nit'. (•lui) prl'llt'lltn l thf' hOI' I· or e , oy ' r •. r. '"' tl~t ':o.tar 1,,11,1 1., , • .,, t h •. ''"' .' ,1f ~or: j th. '"'" :'of r ,,.,.1 :\Inc :'ollllr•r. :O.IIH!I I •'88 IA IUl a' pu,lur.c .f .• or lwr "''"' ~ """'"'•·n••··t u•k•'"'"''l"·'' ''"' ~1 ,,1., ,1 ;-,; •• ,. ,1 •~a,·h. Cr~t l.•••n··•'unnm~h:.m.AHan F:I· huml'heron shl~~<nt.J a ThlUlks. In The Servi·Ce ... ""'' "' ': " Ill I ,. "' ... , ·~··· .. , ~UTI 1.1\ =' "rut~ I .' .ol :\ r m •1· n ;\lr ~ln.t ,t.lrll n :-; <"lUl· ~VInjl;. Day rl'frt•shml'nl ('flUrl!l' - lh•· fan11lv \\hll<· :'lt ro< !\llll•·r "•• 1n 11 . :0:1 lo•hn \'•·~'"'''' <'hurcb 1 m ra.:h.•n • t~nol Mi !Ultl ~lr~• C'har----· -- ,...,.t,..l "' I ll•· 1.• aol vf llw I dol•· • 8 ff t S "" lh• l ·l:on·l :'lit !!\llll .. r Ul lhr l "'" :'11111··· ~lrll ('unnlnjCha m wnr~ u e upper Th,. r1 m1o111ol•·• "' ""' "'" "';'' •• 11 ••I :0.1• ·'"" ·"'" l 'h:uh'" ·lolll· &11 •• n .. n l""" fn..-k u( ~trl'y·hlut-S F Th d J<f"'IJ( Ill !'lit\ lftj: j::lnH'~ , )t•r 0 \ ' &Jkl \\ oto• {1 t'Uri<Jlj:f' Of pink 0011. et or u rs ay Mr~ M11lo r 111 lh• no"tho r .. • , 1 • • • I II j II I :0.1• ,, t h.UI '"" '1111·11•··1 , .. , •. va t. h .• ,., .. , lht• hri..W:~trrl<lm'!l mn· By Mesa M 0 A CJu b n1nr • u • r•·n "'" . "'~·· ,...., ..... ' ' 1 . • • • I I I l •1 II\'"< ..,,,, ''"'""' fl•1m :'uul hl~tnd t h• r • h,,..,. 1\ gnld tint,..! olrfll"' and • ,.. ~ ~ U< IOJ.! ho•r ht!J' CIO• \lo o•ff' •' I 1 ---...___., --·• u Arth ll 11 1 1, . r • 11'" • "'" f1 111 1111,. ,.,,.,. ,::1thcor-j •'"'' a o nrsa~r" nf v i .. ll'll< and ' , a.uu <Ptn• ur I ··r .. !"'' I I ,... "'1~\ -"·' .... 11"11.1 rusea C::n.~1aJ _........... at l.IN·t Om-AnothfoT (.~lib mrm-• and am Ur anJ ~!il \ ah•n ..,.. . ••t ..... • • • ··~ -r L . -.--"~ .... I I \\' II I \' I • · . · 1-'oll,·t I' J ~· .. 0 .,.\ ;.c th•· 1·a no.lJco. I ttw "'•·•ldmjt "''" r r ~t r11 J Jo: ,,.•rlf mrt Wil t . r~ 1 nr• u•" tint' Mtllrr an•f "'"' "' ~~""·' Ill ·'''·" . ' ' BroN•k•· uf I'Aalulen" 1\nol ':o.tr. anol ••f !';;,ntll Ana fur ThankRJ:I\·m:: lhuJtc..., l 1rf' . t::lfu• H•·•·••• uf t ·... • \ .. )It" \\'IIUAm J " ~htrn:o-rlt 1__.1s 1\10( he~.u ''"" •hty la.~t \\'t"C'k t • n1nrd" olrl :'lhlr. ~~··-ttnol l t1r• ~t1 111.:•,•:·,, .,1 11 1 1 1,": .... •·:;,:,"'.:',,1',',,~,.~:;1 :; An 1, 1, 1,.·11 • ~anolpanonb "' 111,. l:wot:ln I''''JIIIralll•n fnr rt fam•l~· W& Mlllt'r Of ....,.. An.:•· o•A, ,. I , ~ ' ~· blhlto. _ '> Oll(ht buffPI 11upper lh lw lib· . an\1 wra .• ,...,.,.hco J.tfii••T u ( Uak'o•r•· ell nr wtth h••r f,.lllr·r ~~~ .. wa11 "l · 1w1 VI d llo'•"'"mb. ,. 271 h.• 1\rlol \\'"ltl'r ~hllrr of .Mnnhlll · llrt;•l· rn "''"1,. t~lf,.lll ·"' muire Honey,.,._ · Mr,. WA!l .. r Mart"hbonk w 11 1 tan .lkach. Alao lht' hvnuro~·• '"II' J•rlnl fa~hl•-n•••l "•th ,flll•~l ht~tllno. AI •hiAk thl' rouplt' "J\o•d away t•nlt>ljaln 11n that tV\'D.iD£ 1r. her rran<kbllolrf'D. J,.an, T.Vf'lyn ,."'' • ""'' • ~~~·lip t \1 D.& C.b vt'U: tor 8 hOtJI'ymOOIJ ot M'CTI't ·a~-Co•ta IUaa }\Oml' at 265 Jo1t.wl'r OaJton Noelwr and o .. nal<1 M1l 'l{.>m,.t~tn..: ulol. "'ll'llf'thmlt nf'w. oallon. For Ull' tr1p thl' brick S lrHl. Huah&ll<!• and ci'Jttttnoft -.f ~ flnmrthmJ[ bnrruw ... t, IKM'Drthlnf cboel' a ()(Mitume ault of wa foa~ d ub membt"r• will lifo lnlluJf'd Mr IUkl )frro Thomaro :MOI,.r. I blu" and • tollll"'nrr tn ~ aflot-A I Jri'Wrl aDd maroon acceuorlea. In thr trad1ttnnaJ 'rhiUikll,-1\'lnJ! Jr .. ol 81t'rra Madr" and \lr anol ••u thl' ruatnm •·hl!'h Wlu CuD· T'IM ,..bite orchid frum ht r brld r's olav aff~tlr A Ptol"lW>na.l P~t Card-J)e(>idf'dly Different- -"ith fi~oanw, acldreM. aad ~en•lce ln- '"«n• on f'Very ~rd. Aa .appropriate, ia- f'Xpt'D!'ive ~rt aa~1ime! ' . -~ There's Still Time - Get ln' that order DOl" .for Chrhbbu Cards. ~':'. ~ Qukk deUnry usiired. _: .. • .. BRQOKIJG'S VARIETY lira Ftt'd Mailer or :>;f'w Vntk IUJU!'hllm fnii~WI'ol In (•omplrttn~t ~tt COIUplt'tt'd her Cflf!liiOlC' i-:nju\'10~ thr ham hPnn . Rffttlr ~r::::~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~i~;;;;~;ii~' ··"~ unablt' to allrhol. hf'r t"n!<lllmC' ~be "''IJfe • doubll' I r wtll makl' thc>lr hOmt' on Wtlh ~ir.. \.'1¥1 ...... Wo•re Xt'll. ,; c.j ~ • _ rolrllntl ,.f ,...,.,, ""'"'" " ~Ht frllm flaltio& hlanol II Jl'IO thc:r ri'lllrto :'olrll'kllltn~h 1': !IJ' ,. v \\'tlhnmll . . t h•· lort•l•·.:ro>nrn. IUlol Cll\rr1. f'<J "! • Mra. ~lUter Ill n ~rmluBio· uf WaJt,.r ~I ~· 1 h 1\ a '0 k . l't'll't I 1 ~i'fnr:o "''•niiiL hl"'i~l''ll btlt*tU"' nr ~ew,....t Ha-rbor U n ~··n M•~ . ,. •wa.llnr••l/ Trl\1111 \"ll'lc•. JtRIJrh ~~~~~~~~~~~----~---::=-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ · • Corona del Mar· P. 0. Building REliES YOUR . CHOICE .UDIN(; AT/lEW J.Dtr'IIRICES • .................... MI.'IIAe~ ... ,.. ... .,.. -'-"' ... ..J .,_..'t G..-.~<r :J t"~,.pn·. ,.,_.. :::J Ooild Lll~ J-r-1 !.6& U,) !.1) ~ O.rlol'-tltnW . ,,_ _ :JOn ...... ,,,. , .... :::; c..ewn "'tdlf' ::J c.I-Dicn>l CJ f•~ ~ ·-·-· ,,. su ,. .... For both newwpu-per cmd maqCDiD• •••• MOUP A -MLaCT'i MAGUIIR. 0 Wad .,..... .. --·I \'r. {)T,_ C'-1"*-<!.I Yr. :J.IrTC'nt'-" ---I \r. 0 W...tn. R.-.-. I Yr.· B '-,__, • -a~-~ --t Yt. ~edml-~ ... .= ttr. · r~·· "If~ --s =:::T'---- '':; ~ c.----I \'r. ~, \01~ """"' ··--I Yr 0 A..hta. Girl -II 'to. ' AfWicl ·--1 \'r ;J ta.oowheld W-cari-I \'r. "]f'adl~ ~-­-...... It ....... • ,..._ :JSoonr"''ful r-i.. I Yr. :: ,_., fu•i• Grown I \'r., D ~•f~ . ~._. i ......... JIM. :J ~al1. I hf"lnt. l'rocl. I \'r,' MOUlt c -RLEC1'" .. ••eAZ~Nt lJ c:-fon • !J 'fnthn'• IIIWM Ufr I \'r. '......Siftnlt _ l \'r. 0 Poulin frohuM I \'r. Q l-Je-11111. -t},._, ...... ., Jnlt. I \"r. ,__, ... "if• _I fr. 0 ......._,., c:~•llr I t"r. .U.. au.n. Y1 e -· ,_ ratT .....,... Yl &111ft C~d ...,,.,._, lr.w..l -.1 .-ct.. .tt4 ~,.... c-t. I _... t ___ .~ I -_....,. ., ... ~ .... ,.... . ., ..... ,.. ~· -..---------------------~---------­ ~ oa a~·~----------------------- fOIIWikl& ·-' . . .· "h•l•· hyll• I nth• azHl hou\'llrd •B I ~honl and attent.lf'd ~llnt:t' Ana : \'I\• I,• IUl\l !!'Ut'llls. Anna Smllh. '•'nlo·rl'ol With " yt'lluw-thrnato·d J unior COIIt'«"(' Whl'rl' llhr w 1\ !I ;\Ill! • .,.,.,,, \'11'1(' and tl uuj:hto't.• "hll·· .,r• hl•l IIPr fllfl\.\' \'t"ll "'1111 .rtlhatt'd walh LAII M "n 1 n a" Sh:u "n loth I l•tanr nr ~a n t n o r .. -.n•··l V.lfh a llltrlt ..llllln o\l "'"' ~Moro~ty Mfon•, «'nl.r nng Rt. \'m· :o.t .. n1, a, :0.1 1,.~ ~''".'' Ann l'lntk n( J"ftrllt '""'' Sr hb()l ••f S un ung In ~ 011\'•· und :'oltlt \'t~•l<'',. mnl hrt. :0.1 1 "' l"nlh••tln" c·unnllll(t}lln , Anlf'lt'tl. H" r l:lull~llnol rr l.'<'l\'r.l :\It !> Aolkm:o .. r :'ollnn··~~~ta • r• ,., •··loo;l twr "'"'"r in ttl" w~·ol· h(ll llt"hoohnf: at ~nnta AnB high • _ olin~: pnrty II~ Ollllol ••f hnnnr u .. r M hool and f'rl'll{lll l'tll)!' Collt•~:·· Sk' v j.:u-.n lAlii' o•f ):••l•l·p:tpfr ·latro•l:t Ill' IP nn\o\' o·'f~nni'C'II'ol Wtlh IIH' J ~ JftS ~rSUS m&oh• '" thr• Lnolt• !I olru s l!l~'lo> .\ BHk firm "" HHibun hlanol -t Slacks Is Topic ~llf tJu\lol't~ !'ho• I ollfl• <I !l IMIIlflllfl 11( TAhl<mlln r n ... ~ IUltl hlu· ,Jrl 'Coming Eventa I For Mo_!.Or----corps ph111111m 1\t ~~ rna11 " a " Allan I I ,_ ~-:•~• ..... ~ .• h·. "", ... h·• '"t' In Harbor Area --::;ls•rtll v .. r!'u~ ~<IA'k" 111wny" :1 tho• ""h'''" II \\' M"ll "' ""'' 1. . clt'bt\ta hlr tllph . and Ill•' .111111-' I' :0.1• t il~ l••tl, "I ,, •• An.;••!•.• WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26--11blhty llf 1':!1 h ;I~,, ··vrp~ •nnf"rtl! • •••nt l•·l· ol 1h•· "•'•I• lin.: I' a I I ' Nt>Wport Jfl\rtl<11" ~,..;,.,!' .. Club. wall nn.. 1\( tho• I"Pil'll 1.( <hl<· \\ h I t •• • Ill 111011"11 l••lltlooflnl• rr• • \\'llllt'll BalhnA ("uff<'l' ~hOp . 1 l'llllltlnn hy ml'mhen• nf \ ht• ;'lo:o•w - \\ "f'' "''''" ''' .n.ll• no• ml•"r' "' WKln. ··r port Jlarhoor !\folor. r torp!O whl• II 11" 1'"'" S "~· p 01 r 1 ll<:Ao h C:lrl *'IIIII 'm l'l ~l un•lay tllll.hr a t t)w llall1":' \\hi I•• • ·,n. ~.u.llu n .•• u • • .orn • • IAlanol hum!' 11( ')tJ It Jl\111' ('.ol. tlnn• ''"". J:l;u h .. tn• f,.r,. ... , 't: ,. r roop. allt'r ~hnul km:o. rnrl'" 11poot1o<or Follow the lead of '300,000 -· far-sighted ·men and women! (* flo•rni arr,on~~ "" 'll . .,. 1 I.• It , ,,. A,!ll~rican ttflol <" r ''"If \lo'llrk· Tho· \\':t\'1' ,., np•nlnn fnvoil'•' 1 ol,•!ah•a "''" r~ .:!lmt:n ,., ·I th• :.I •·oom11. nJ'M'n 10 ~o ll m t o 4 fl . m Rktrtl'! tl<·t au~·· or th>'lr trtm m. r AU yo(! do iJ 111-tnge at any branch to sa•~ 1 ~gular sum wtekly tnr \\twi·· 1h· '""f'l•· kn•:t "" l lll'alm~t .HI\Ihtu\.~O I~Iarln,••,arl"'nr:III•P l'mlurml' w1ll h r 1 8 k ••• uom ~o; up. -n....., na.t D«cm~r I you will share in .tn \\lllt•• l'.'liHl I''"""~ \l .. ·•c: II.· .\vco .. Balboa b land. pro••urrd AI' ~···n ~~~ ''"'1'11 m('n.· 1 ''\"'II' -Ill~·· :ol ··a• ,, I"'" I ., .... ,. \\ •• , ' io'l'ldlly . Arter.nu .. n ( 1uh Uru.f):l' ho'rlt fllllllh ruvn'"" lfl I r II ( r I I . of America's grC1t <;:.hristmu Club ch~dc distribution. )w can rl:ul .t r;r···n 'nuta~ """"'! :-:,•cthm. dr:o>'•·rt hrl.t~" Mfrt~. allt"hl"l"'" m•·•h"''"" nn·l ~any amourlt from $2~ up. and Bank of Amerka will pay c r:o .. tull' al .. u1 llu ·•'I •r r ql "-t •t H k l'l b f1r11f Bill. AI pro•!c.•nt.::,ll•• J:l'fiiiJ' •11 1 • .1 Th' · · , --.,. " ·' ~"llll ollllf'.mrt t-rll 11 • 1 re-·'"• int~rt$1 on your comp rt~ account. 1S as 1 111" way to • "mrl•·t···l llw "ttmc lllll•lym.: ''""" !OJ' o•ly und••t ~11· / 6 ..... I' ;., 11 I ' ~ P· m • '-" 1• 1• t , ..... __ mon,. for au::.-. •• tues, lif~ insuranc~ premiums .or for . ro•o ····'"!= :" 1\'. nc ort' Badmlntun <.:I ailS, 6 30 lo !l 311 tull'lo•J:I' t•r !'o:J",.. ani o>'urg.. .. ··r· ~·... -, ...... ,.._.., :'ol r11 ·L 1h.o•. 1 .. • J•l "•' 1 ,\ ' • hi h ·h 1 · km olf Co11ta ~lr,.a, lllJ;hWa\' l•a· -other f'ltH'hnV I• rn. J! t<r Oo\ jt\'m ' -, r-:I-··· .....,..._ ..... '"iJS:~~~~~~'"' an :Ma,.,.~! .. ~r11l O!rwt>r • 1"'Hvwt ~;.~ ..... ~ , •mmi!IIW!al'll n tf tr f'r;:tTftt~'OC:'i..7~-.&:<>·t<..~~-*~~ .. -~~~~~~i1~~~~-•lmc pr"' ··~''"'"" an I r•·· • ~-: .. r .. o' • "'"' h h h I . VISIT PARENTS ' ,_ '• -.:::-.. ·•.• 0w,-~ Aoua.-P!'a • t.JV p. m .. If: s · (\(' nnnflx, .\L. ..,.. ,.. ~.,., •• , • H<!mr Recrpl1on THURSDAY NOVEMBER 27_ :\lr 11nd :'ll tll Hnrry ~mlm and O.llnlMI,IoCONIY OIU>aa. o•w,.•'l• 111 t ~··a rty ,,,;, flundt•··l ~.: •1•·,. t • • .. """ Tro.Jll\' .. r H .. IIV\\•11..,1 !Zp••nl 1 _, ... ,~ IOf -•· P•,..l• .,,..._,, -:it N•wport Harbnr IIU!IIf1"SII nnrl · ~ · ' "l'r•·. r•·• "'"'" . a l.l'••r h •ur .,. 1 'roff'ulonal \.\' ,, 01 I' 11 . 10 Club. I Than kl'J:lvin~ al t!.o• h"l11'' <If lh"ll I lho• o "llnnm,_h.w , h"m' r .. r " ,. ... 1 1 . (~A, 6 30 pnrl'nlll ~l r ""'' :\lr,. :\ttl•• l-\m11 h I ,aM'r ll .... e ... p m • .. • ""I'"'"" 1~-o-'f'on~ .th" ll• '' h ""' · Klw&lli!! C"luti: r.n~t· ~(':\ ~tl~ .,>f :.!~ l:Ow t A \'Cillh.'. :'llr. :-;m att rir1l !'111p!r "" ,:,.···I '" 11-· I ~ C'onnKh'd \\llh the eoun..J de·, • 1 'llft". noon h 11•'1"''" ,,, '.,.lUI. q,. '" •. ,...... Amt'rli'Rn Ht'l1 ('fo\10!0 w (\ r k . ra~mrnl al l 'o•lllmhta !';tuoli:•!' l ~ w...._lmft ... ,.lw 101.. I"" •e(•"•' , ;on'Ui, oJ'".~ ~ n m tl' 4_ rr-ft'I_J,Ulc_Wfl\ c~.l'll:tl -.~hi I<' ~lrll_ ::;mtl h 1 I i 1 PAlm '5:i . l!alhoa . :!•II Mar· 111 rmplo•~••l ~~ l nr "'a niT r-' ne A\'l'OUI'. HltiiiOR IIIIAntl Hc•r•olt•r Ho•al Jo,..tat•· .. :rnnt. Nt>wro•r'r llt'll···h Jo:bt-11 r lu I• ~.-. ... J w "'~'• ~ v~~ li~, l 'ulld lng C1ub ral'\1 r arty, p. m . .:··.ef'rt. 1 ( """' lfl~.;h" 11y. ~ .. t fllollr'!..,:2~'rotc·h fnr !Owurr1 t'hh" PI~\~"T 81'1.1\ .. 11\ ~0\\' .~or t:arl~ Tulip Bloom.oc Snt S11rina: • BIXLER·s FLO\VER SHO~ !UI se~port Bh-.. -· ·c .... •-..._. .,. .• C.Wta !\f t'!!!L !t 1 H • • 1ppt>r. \\'alter :\lnn ·hblank hon:t• ::·;~ F101Wt'r glrl'd F'RIDAV. N6VEMB£R 28- Fnday Aftr rn"''" t. 'luh . mu!llt ~·'t'Uon. • aftfoml"'" ~•'liS I•'" ( N-port lkoa, h ~~~· R <' o u t · roop. 1 I'· m !I• ""' hut. Coaat&J \' r \\' A UlU hll r) ': 3G p . m .. !ti«'M v .:•nn hr~tl. , , lUNDAY VISITORS Mr. and lolr!!. Atilt• !:1m 1th o! .;•106 {"ourt An•nu(' t nJoyt,l 1\ visit 1 :o:unday from ~In• •· ~nuth'l! fliH · • nu . Wr an.J Mn n t.' Cnnapbt>ll anct brothrr, F l". C'llmpbl'll ot 1 l 'pi&Dd. A leo fm m lhetr • on . ,;..," Scnlth and .. ,n, Gl'"''· Jr ·I \ lk'l·r. \\'inf'l' ana l.lqucar s..un nsu MARKET ~t:l(' 8anta Monica. Mr l'lm1th hololl! '1\ • P.-tttoo 1n the otfu•co 11f t hl.' I ,1 • ·.'. 1 r .. l.l~. ~atlar~·~ f"1"0C0\ItUOn C'tlntrol · o f Oouglu I sund•y A" H&tlday t:,•r nlflt&· ...L.---------..J(A~ .. -~?" .._ .... - ,....;"" . -I \,r-...._ \