HomeMy WebLinkAbout1941-12-02 - Newport Balboa News TimesI I ~ " Tfte Medon ·-· Celu11t1t -.r r-- COrnu Home The trac-lc a.c-dt.lrnt wbkh ~lUlled In th.e 1Djur4.: ot MJ'. and Mrs Vaux. Whit!• 1•nro,ut~ to Sao Dtt>~tn lndkatu fllr motr fon·t'fully t h an any m~re .wunlt co.JUid tlo the lit'-' c:uaity orf a trafftt' aatety campaign the." highway• lb . one llt'Ver know11 whm 11ormr rrGkle.a~~ mo\!lrrlll or oJr unk~n drlv••r may loae l'OIIlrol ur hts ma~ '" l'r~tah ra\.1-on. 1! at ton 111 nut cleunt'6 up. mtolurlsls woll 800n have no rt-~.;a1o.J f r unv. law,. and far lo•11s rt'8Jh'l t ,.,; nny !ll'lf .. ly dfort. Slow Pokn Sp.•akm.: of t1!lll1f' llill'ly. how ul•out lho• sl11w l''•k•• ' "'ii'ro·· a ltll ot Ullt'l<'!!ll Ia ~A • ror uutwt t lUll abould ~ abotlh.l•oiii'•L Thr.'n allo-k 191 rli llv ln 1111' Ht.:nMI. boUII'VU to! 1!.l11Jiil, HJII't'(l ttlltl .0111' or twu utlu:r rull•lamt•ntat rr11t n c·l ttrn11. a morn~: w h o I' h . In lht• :.TilJIIr's opl11lun, 11huol.l.l. ~ a mihlmum "I"''''' '""' .. n the 01'''11 lol~hWIIY 1 ho• l•llol w ho ruhl~t·t'tlt'o krt .t '' w n the all 1'1'1 111 a o·lt•· at u ·' ''"''' 'Per hour. ~I" t·rJ ·~~~ ba.tJ t•nour~h. but th(' lo•n lo 3to mUo· pt:r bour drovt·r "11'11 uu1111l• on 4f1VIIIj.: Ill thl' Ml!hll1• lllno• nn 0.!_.11IJI'n I ll:h~Aay '" "" ntllo h a nwnao· .. 1111 tht• r.•lh·w "'"" lm\'t'IA 1uxty w •• II , ur:•,.l. bc>I'RIIl«' • lw olro\ ,.,. no ally aan~ mitt• rrlllll lnln d • In 11: el\mc-lhlllg Jo·llpr mlt" to 1:•'' by -tlont. · . ·•· Henry 1'llrre an·· many HI C"•>sla Me11a wlooo rerm·ml)lor H I' n r y. .. Ywrrtl flo•n lal frot•noJiv an •I With a hf'Art uf ~~:olol, Ho•nry· R poroutar mrm!)('r of thr• nlll Mtl!a Ltunl Club. OJlC'rnlrd b111 ~:aragc•. minded btll nwn bueJnua. but alwayl! h:td a fri~ndly end chtl'ry' wortl for everyone. HIJI oeath lut week at Lynwood will be regrt>ll~d ISSUED ~· SEMI· WEEK.L'Y VOLUJR XXXIII Snlatr s ·oat Concerns Seek -Aid; · Only Slight •• Ebell To ·Hold -First Bazaar Iir Ten Years Swln,Onc Into the final ""'* nf frf'nZif'<l Jlf~paraliOfta Of t.be&r hu11ar' In t .. n yean, me• of lhl' Nrwpurt Btach a.l Graft' a~ makln~ p&aM to f'rN'l ho'W'Ilbl and rountera for • ' ' T" ...J • t EDITION LIDO ISLE. NEWPORT HEIGHTs-B ALSO A ISLAND, CORONA DEL~~~ COSTA.~ • T1J1'.8DA''· DFAZMBJ!II t . IMI. SOMETHING NEW- HAPPY TAXPAYER ·· . TttlO.I'~ hnn~: fo•rl h c·t•nliiiUu\o" lllllllllt'nt hy lho• pultloo• anol tilt' th""'" 11 IOIWA\•• lh,. ""'"" pr"L''"' l'111r111n11 "''" """n•·il mf'n "'ltJ ltu•llf' ""''"•''"lt t lw IIIII hi --·-. Green · I.~itht.· 12 PI · · T ·s· 1 · t;lectdc Sirtn I .··.· . ans ..• Q• 0. V. e 1To Warn boats IJ J d p _ D 1 Nahf,.. .. , ''"""II"• tu '"' "'"'"' i s an ler ISpute Ahnut Janu""' 1:'\th. 1114',/ In tl11• l ll~o:ht anti fo•tc.ho•rn '" .:uhlo· I""'' 'mf'n u11lntc thl' ••nintH• r l ol N<'W 1- Bo t I d r11pll1y ol lhrlr ~rl'l thl1 Satur-PrioritieS Work Hardship On Small a dtoy. fli'l·rmlx<r 8 In thl' E~ll club. "u11ld lho• l'f"ll'lltlal ll••m "' "~IIUI loll•·~ t11 M " r 1 n ,. 1 " " nuonth!y hy lho· l' ~ (~llllrtt ""'' 1'1'1 o•l\•o•ol lu·ro· h•lt t.tftlllo•r ,1.,111111' F l lo•ll• Ito·\.: Employment; CouncH Approves Ordinance Of Intention to.Aequire Right-ef-Way . . . ... Ri.'<'t'i,:ing a pc'tition from a nymt)(•r of small boat build· in~ ron t'('ms in th<' Jlm·bur· :trt"n ·who c1t•t·lan'CI tht•y W«'n.' T'o· ll•~•tR wilt bfo o~ect ta l •unlollr·,. ''"'""''"'•llll•on olf'·· th• !'I:<'WI"''t llll\ \\·•Mi J•'l '\' hj,:hl th.-"'''m'"J: to Nrwport Harbat-• to,,.,.,, ··ThoM ''·" 1. ,..,, '"" hi 1 "'''' ,,.. • hRti.:···l ''' '"'"' " ''""" ro•,.hlo·n....__ At4 mAny ''While ~1•1 ""I ni\' llllO. l)tll rur tlw I'll\ ,,, Ina: t'lro•n II~: lit ''"'' \ ;• !o "" '"" 0 phtml.,"" aa can bt' .Jill~~d to:, ~''"'"" oH•· '"" lulho lh~tl Thr· ltl:lll "Ill rr,•"h f .. r n t.nll M l\l«.'thodM Suggt."sh.'CI To l'rotect •1-onta~ .. ,or Both lnHidl' and Hay •"ront Ownt-n -~:o-t ho·r kl,\' any M!rh l'lul) will ... ,.,, ..... ~ ........... , .. ,.,,,. ,,.,I "''''IHhl 1\llol ....... 11''' .• , .. , • " nth'li"n•··l uff at nnt' table whbt 1 I•" 1 "'' ,., llllllll\ ~.;..t .,.,., •1tt.t~ ""'' lloo• j.:1"'" I••'•"" '"" h ---· · \\ 1•111•1-l>o• nnJ:If'r• may flab fer II! IIIII ' .. \\ .. ,, h ,, "Ill ,. •I h I II . ~,.,,, ""1 "" .......... ~... ,,, .• ..... Jlli•t• r••t'lllil'\ ""~ Hull lOll 1.-lnr,ttl II"' Mt uf t'w·lnK ~kt .UJ) and I '\ ' ',. Jlnl·ka .. t• at a • ...,.,., I It I tl l ' tlor>to~nlo.l ' llll•llo·t• •W• I ll~>hl '· .. ' • .. • • ,...... , .. , •• , 1111" n " " "'11~11 114 •" th•• tll:t l.1L'il,v nntl mituuih.· n•JMII'IM Wt'l'' tMhlrd Monc•-y ('11-• _ h<Nilh t'llw llf t hr hiJthll&bta C1l "'"''' p !Ill 1 , '"' "'"' lttr lh"f 'Tho• lu.: J!ll:ll~tl I h 1· l•oll.-1 1'1 J' Nl ......._ lwiA~ tumrlit~ hy prioritirs in obtntnln~ m nfl'M:t!S fnr'-tho• affair Ut lhf' rttflllnc 'bf • I ............ , 1, .. ~ ,\,,,.I ~ ,., '·,,I ' .• t •• I ., I• I • . ol :! .o• • ; i,\ I llllh II ,,., .. {uti In nfflll~1 orndnl~ the-opportunity lh£' l"('pait· (l( h<•al~. lh<.' C'il\' 1'0\ln~il ~onc1av nl).!hf. agt'('('(i tn "'"''' .. r.:h»n maolo· by Mra. Mal'-...... I· .... , I .1111 ,;, "" 1 .. ·'" ....... ·oo. "11 .. 01 "' ... twl~ IIIJ: tlu· ltlr'l'll": •• r Sll~: .. , ....... tf "'""" nr nt'flun C'Otlflllt'W'CI ~ .. ·, · . l;'lr'1 \\'llltanur A•~tloollntr loire ''1"'""1 :. l•t tl~o· ,,.,.11•1 "'"'"'''" "'' '"" ''"'" •·• 1'"1 l'Ontad f f'tft•raJ aUihOI'Ifll'S Ill a n <'fforf tO 0ht:11n 01'(1t•rs fill' t:r,o•,. In thiiO ~ll:'"ntlr• ,ftalr..,... ,,11 ,,. "' f'tl lr•· ,111 111,11,, ·""~ ''l'•'l'lllt•d I•\ luolto•llt N IIIII 1'1 lito• I'I'JMII'I I., fl,\ .1 o'tlitr'll'' nt11111\ifttoc •, t.ufh ufwhlttl Hl'f'k.a small ciefenSC' l'l'~~(t or a C'han~('o in th «' priority nttin~ for ~·r~ ·" s . 1.1• ~·;I,_ 'Mra J. R. J...a... II •• """'''~''"" ., ""''""'!''"' ''!''' ..... It II IIIII ti o ""' '"""'"111 nr PI'Ufr "'tln.: the' tl('nc•h M.cht" ul SUCh hoal n11ns. ~ l'rriP, MrM l'llllllh'Y ArkermaA. · "ill l•o• llo~lotll•·•l 1" lilt 1"" 1'"1 1 lll,tol1• :IIIU loll\' (1'11111 Jot 11\\'111'1')( Uti tht• h<lllllfl • · ~trq Htr~t·r \\ """ lln(l Mnr w H 8 I b "lol•" "'111 ""'''1'' .. 1 .... ' "' 1 ""'' ......-.. · · Sli~-:ht PI'OII',;I was l'('('fll'lfM in n public· hrarin~ hc~ltl th<' . ' . • . . ' . -,, .. n. ~hnr·· lho•ro•h\' ·,., .. ,1111111 ""' I h r• 11111Jtii'H ~~ 1"1'JMII'I l.rtll"1' th.-"l~nlltllt't'M ur thf' rommil· . !\Ill.(" o·ll r I • same en>ning con<'t'tnin g tp<' Ol'dinanc·c or intf'ntio n ,.t o \\'i(Wil a 0 an 5 IIIIV l""'"lltllli~· ur ''""''"''~ 'I''' II #-~~~·. ittdttdllh: I A·.;U,• s. Htt\\'tlt•tl, d uth'num. II. L . Johnt~un, I C('ntral AVC'ntit ... :met to cH'qllil'\' ttw JlC.'('(~sary propt~rty. the Plan Private I In,. '"':.' • . • •llt•n n~c .... (it'Oil(t• C. Wood~, I Pad fie Elc•c·t ri<' right-o f-way. Th<' o rdinan<"t' was INlS.o;('(t to • s· 3 H··ld ServJ·cd.u D h d I H. S. Prltthnm nntl WtiHftm N. scmnc1 l't'ftding ;trrcl fll'<.)('{'('<t-•----Servtces For II urvive ., ~.., . eat en s Sutlwrln ncl. 'lllc• minority ,.. I ings are ('~fl('<.1£'d to rontlnUt'. s . I p I K ed Monday • .,or . ,, .. ,... WIIM JUI(ncooc1 )1)' Woocll, ltowarrl the f~llm_a tio~ of an uperVISOr au ann y c c h 'lonrv_ L"'•IOrd PI F ., l ta·hlhnm ltfltl Suth .. rl4tnt1. aSSt'S.<;JllPilt diSII'IC'I tn t h (' . a r ra s f' ~-'t J r • an am y It"•• lin a "' th .. h'ptrrla b)' u.a I Penins ula an.• a to pi.Jt'Chasc.• R I.,, .. ,.,.. fUIIC'tlil WrY~ :' I ~ . . • I . "111111111.... "' I h.. roount ll ....... I ho· lu lot \\'eolnt•,..lay, Uec:. .. -.1-"'mrr-•1 .,.rvh ,.,. ",,,.,, h,. l •l · t m"rta ... t til .. fiDII t•lllollf' ro•lr-of th~' rropt~rty at th(' ~rt'{'(l ace gears I ,,: ... , •. 1 ,., ....... :.ry for f'a•l , ~1 .. 11•11\\ "' 'J. I'"' '" t'IUIIa Alii\~ • . th .. l''"rt•M I• •••ttO..""'"'' '" .... pncc of $:32,00(). . . . h:;on!l·~ly. :~. YthO dlood M~ •• , ~ 1••1 lh•llf\' 1-'•w•t•l ''"'"'''I)' "'"" 0 "'" .. lfl.,,.,,.,.y wlt-l r h atarW I \ lh•·lo.,ll .o· orl l,l,.touttl'r Mn Uelk .II anol !ltll• \',tta.\\'loolo•. '''''II'"""'"(.,,..,,. •t•lll\-,,,.,, ""''~ unl n "'""rllmr "II''"' ll~&llw'li .llll•n4, Condition l 'r1U..al J s d !\h•ltl;w•.'h, 1"7:o Nevo.:.,.,rt "·-' 1111"" 11 Hn·ll""' ''.•llj•lo· ..__,,.t ,.,,.., 1 -'I II • u Th ... 1 '' Pe ., " .-... -.. nu·tu ,..,. nt '14' "' '.,.t,. '"' ,._ -MaJority "~ (' llt'ltlton rt'('t'l\'(-u >)' .. u• nto . ' =-"'• ,1,, • uro b.: In" arra""Ni ._ .,.., " ur \\ luf-;" 1 .. ,,.,. !-'ho•p Hal· 1 I ..a~.. . ... , ... _ ··--'·' .. e .. .... -# ... __ I ·'""" l "lulr "h" ....... 1 '""-' vo.ilt•k a_l ' I ........ _,..,..ruv , ........ t ........ " ... I'OOnCr ,,.,. aro-.. nc .uuutc'l':>ll:~no u -. ll...t tla~-*· tint_. t""---'. -~-~)I'll( m ~ lu•jriLal &1. ' ,_.. -_ l'mL-rll bO:LL~Nt\JHtM:t .. A , .. ,,,.,.,, •.urno··r, K·n·.-ft-_ .. ~~,.· .... _ O~t·llr .. h1o· "''""""'r• IIIIOitf'ol , •' Jda. he-.,' ito ~~'"""~"' .lnl•·rnH'nl '""'" lntnnt ,,.,,, ''"",. '"' " '" th:· u>Onrtl ,..-nmcne~Wifo-1 tt...t ~ ·-uc ·-1 '<' "" In to Mlo lurv••.u I • 111••tr rv . l f I I "" ,.,,~filii! t•l•~ll tlf' f'llnrln4t .. tlw ell~ lu takl' tho• ~'('''"'-';"~ 1,.,,.;, 1, 1,,.,.111,,111 .,f ,·,,ats .... _ ... _ thr '''""" orl 11 '''"'" lhr,.. .. ,,., • 1!111·• f~tru:'> ro•llllltrll I•• luwo• ,.,.,,, r t h L" I I -. • .,, -"""" 1-,,.,,.,, ''l"'tlllf'tl I hr• "1111 II ...... , I urolo•u I lory oln '"'' I'Hmtolv wt .. :-to•JI!> IO pl'l ~U<tl f' I I' .. t-t ,. 1;11\'-~ J•ll,rl lorltr UJ)·' D hair v~ra ' .......... I era .. h ''" , ..... ~ "'"'"".'"'' Nun-• . -"" tl '""' "'"' llhl16y •I "'" 1'-'llht.. ' I (( I I I :-.;,. "h· u """f nht•nd ,1( 1 hi• " u Q 1-•-lollr'l.:r' f••r " nuuolorr orf Y''""' at 1 J l ltr r lh'• •lanot.rtl •l••·lflr atkltW t'ITimf•nt o IC'Iil ,. an• II'JI:II mr•fll ' ,1 .. o·rt~·ol ... ,.,.,.8 1,..0 ll.te-lJra. tilly nt.:ht lout 111•'11 'un•hloon Willi muir• "' .. hn Al'l•lf'raoon .lr 1\1 11 l 1 1 · 11 b< • 1 ,.,., t'"" , ,.,,,.,. ,,.,~''"' ••f "" 111.-•-. rl t llw I•"'"""" uoM' "'"'1'1'"'•1 hy thr 1 · ""'' tltal all tutu,. l•rlvatf' p'cre IO a ow C'lln r~c !' nr 'Ill•' "'' ... >MIIn,. runto·llt f• r ""l"'r'""'r ••' lkll MIJihtutth "' C• .. ta M"'''l ud ~po t'd o ,,.. lml..-nvtniC ll•lay t:luj!ham lt••lltlllllanl tolnl aolja ... •nL vo.· u•n "'" ""'''•I """"'' """• l•u• lw ,,., .. nu tf'<l anti mah•t•ln"'.IIC• ~ in tflt--Ha~)l ... trwr. ,. .. 'lta L'.•na T .. IUl." of u-'-"'rtd,.. .."lrty at lll'hr• "''n• rrtN•rtr•lly • no·•• "I"" a n•l •lvlo Jr••ll'r til ,. t1 · 1 k t th ... lflh [)t~trt t 'Ill fl I .. ,.... ~, "'~•"'! .. ,.,.., b~laln<'llll h•ou•t• tltt o·ll-·ol , ta I I #'tlf'tlln. too tl11-aiW'f'l....,at,__-.. F:xi>o1in,.: prioruy aw'< ma " I ,. " ' · " 1 .... •·~tn• •· Ill · lako'l'l l•J t•ln• lat•t-rllllorn• In M111 ,,.,., v m• ot In 1111 Han ttf'r ,..... '"' v-I t k 1 t hi\ .:a,aa•• '"'' "uito• "' IJt b4'alth ' .~... furnlah .. t by th4t dl)'·......._ dtHu.•ult rnr lora I y~trtl .. nut l'n· ' a ··~ n11wm~: Y '" ',. rru·,.. ; ___ ~ __ .., Whltr>'a face' .. lbco rt'•ull ut tw1 "'"' hall bf'rn a ,.,.1,1,,11t of Lvn. I\N1llnu ,..._.~ H~nmmlttMMd· wu .. •-·'-• I:IIJtM'I m ck-fcnsc work to obtnm T:o.· lat tlll tw~o to th•lhat•· B I bead havtni l""" tbruuch th•· ' Arut•r•"' f'llftlplalf\1!\1 nf feooiiDI -matt'rtals for the rt>palr anti m am· wllliu~;n~:u t•1 Mf\C' . the •I eat BROTHER OF A.. L car·1 wtndahleld. 8h~ alao IIUfrC'r-.... ,,..,, thf' J"l•l t~n ur thrt'f' Yfl•r• 111 he he UWI Mra A t. ffH' of tao for pt1¥ate plere....,... tcnan<'t' of privatf' craft. C•ty ~n· ll4!01t1P. arC' tofay•~r Irwin C<'o. eel 1 t ot th 1 lee While l n bu•tn•• a l eu.ta rt w n Monda ' Dl raun the lAincl uad t II at --.. .... 1-'n(.'('r Patterson said he had J'('• C"..orolttn .of NI!IA'IIIIrt Of'ac:h and PINKLEY BELIE~ ... _rae ur:, • ~~t a nd a.-. P'tMM-d w~ known for bla ., vfld bolD~ )' of Ia. t nnca-u .. of ...... "" .... " ..... ... • .. ul &nD UWI a num-r ot teetA • .._1&1 ..,..rtl. frtendllneee uad wu ., .... fi"'OII ao nteDded ltallterft ~~~~ ..... t .. -_ ..._ ::1 crnti.Y tent a l111t of all local yarda John Oatennan. ranc~t'r and w~n S .a. rE IN .a. rDJC .a. .,.,.. Jl,nockect out. Raporte ,.. ,... ......, \rtp llut ~ r.ee ltd b)' •-----....... blc o( tJuil.tlRe ~ bolrta koo\ll•n c:ounly leader, ot El Tpro. I"U" I"U" ft ft . a..-aiWQe. a lea41ar lD 4 Cl •.anllJ .....L......... • ·-._..,. eo ..... De ........ -:-..._.. ..._,. .-,..., ,....._. u..t elYlc • .....,._~_.. .. Ule w-r.JCG¥.~_......_ ..... .-•• ·=·• .. to~~ Diatrtct EncfMer. AlreedJ In the n.ld .,. Ratpb --• • 'th~Ua .....-~ le IBOh Obrllltnlu U"'ttn~ procr .. and ed ._. t. • ,_.., • •• fill .,.. _,_. .....,.,... . .. v •• ,. • 'That local yank may ~ able Muk~y. Newport r~altor, 8 a Ill ApP.,..,uy Vlrltl Ptnldt • ae. .no.... He autrerect two brokan oth4tr projft't. .,ppot'U4 by C'Oft· UM r .. u,. ,._~ aoelledutect tor be ,.;;itt:j a Pf"aC. 81.xty~l&ht yra,. In · San l to oonllnue in tKW~ and pay Dawaon, city <llrt>rtory publl.eher. United p,.... n-aman .Aa a a 1 • kc•. a broken knH rap and a trtt.uu .. 1111 o( Mf'aa merchant. llit~rday &1. UMir bocn• lwr., :ZIIIT tfMo IIWftH _,_. ...... _ a ·by many. BemardiRO, ·th~ lolr\'Tl whtore t-axes llnd <'Ontinue the Mnploy· Laguna &arh ano.J ('hu J_ C:rnh, with the-Brtttab fOI'('M 4lll. Ole llrok~o nu. 8C'cordtnc t friftlda Miramar Ofotv. Balboa He u N--....... ~ be wu born. wu the, rf't'oNI mcnt or 1~• boot huilde. rs. ~orT\1' rellff'c.l Nf'w York poltllrel fljture.!. "rlr•• froot. to l .. __ 11., nt' 11,_ · 0 Ourtn• hla memberahlp ln lh•· ' · • "' lh,. ,, .. r for u.. ot Ita. J ....... "' ,_, ·-·~ ~ .. who YUiltf'd ttw rouple lut el,.nL forrof'r l'~ta Mua l.lt~ru~ nllb, fuund In hla 1'011111 'nluntday lnl-"7\· .,.,1 ~llmlnat• u" ot MN:b -of John Ani.Jtn~nn~ · who _ r<"li<'f in th<' way or i(IIVf'mmcnt , now a ro•lllt.lcnl of Lai(Una I:Jeach. brolhn. A. L. Ptnkl~y of ('olta ~ratkm on oh\' lt-Jt and knf'e rap befort It beram ... th .. 1.,,.ta ...... I I''IC In a l'oma aod diad a illlcA'l l••r .,.,.u l'1'att ..-- aJen ownl'd a Ba homt>. · contract!'> or rhang<' in priorlly lllot t o be vut·dvnf' -by the~ an· Mraa C&D not bft performr\1 until -•U·! ~pof1 Har...,r 1.,...,. -ntaa. 1 I 1m.. Ia'!" wllhuut_ n-aalnlna .....1~ ' Hilr lleat.h r iOIM'd the ca~r rat in,: is ~. thfo pMit~· d<•· nvunt't'fftf'nllr com~ ·~ from Tt •.• ,. thnugttt ~rblf' that "'' .-ub.td•a. It vo.·ea I••Aml'd. ju ~ of I _..,._ t' '"' .. ltouenr• "-""!""J'· n 'WU lUI~ tliit oC. a mao who) •tartl'd u a clarffi. • l'o8ta !olf'IIA to lhr rlf~t.\l'althal J?lnkll'y may. hav~ ~~ amon.r the The rou~le wt-~ rnrout.e from p;:ldt'ot 'r .,:~:;.,. ·~;u:.::.~t •:' If,• w•• ._,,. .. M YMn al" In ~;',.':::.:m ~.';"t~r P"~lt aon.ly a boy In hie hom~ community Shtning lhr J)j'lit inn W('tt" Smith r apidly e•pandlng erra le ~ntlllNI neWIIJTII'D and obeer-vere capturt'd Bal~ to flan Ulr~u to vlalt Mn. noral J>H'r• ~lltpl'd u a rrtollr-a l ~"an ts..martjfn•o .,;..,,, .• t .. ~4,1n J'lrl· mcw>lrtl "'"''"4•110~mal.._.'~ c:ralt to M to be c 0 m t' unt of ll• rll ll· Bro!<, c \'. Johfl~,.~~~~-:rE. Han· to a ~Upt'IVII'(\r 11nd lhf' JX'~i5trnt 1 by the Germane recently. but \VhJt~ • alatl'r A co •rrotma to Art crt Ule Uont •m•lfl'll and laAir vat .. .,,.,.,,, anti t4hrr•"" Ar<att· 11 1 ... ,. ...__ hlaa4 ._. ~lllht'd bualntu ;mt ctvlc !'<'n. Han~ Dickman. Thl' TayltJr r~rll>. J'f'Modtcolly dcn14.'d. thalj lltnn~" bt'llrfn~ thr namf' otf VIr-Whit~. brt,t.hrr o1 Uti' tnjufl"d DlAn· lllntd of n ow .,-1 1, .. my. ht• tlret J'•h ,.,..,. th•t ,,, •a "'' arnall t. 11t tNo P"rYIIItt .. ••------. ... IHe"'r•e· Tbe fonner an ~r· Boat Sf>rvtf't'. J: W. ...,~10n. Jr .. \hall Tt-Wfnklt>, "ho hu juat IIOftJ llfl' Pt~~y t.ave ~n aprWollrlnl a rar· camt' &crou lhr hlj(f\way •olt.l h ' ,.,.. ~rp,. ano •ui'Vf'ynr ft~r tiM-fltlll rallro,..l llror to br ""'"' hrol ,,,,. murtt lh&n th,_ r ...,.,..,._ 114 yH,.I 'end R. P. Prylon of lhr Pl'ytnn hilt han.twwe buN-o n .the lltnl"'t' tim'!, ~~c:tnr; the aad atruc:t&·t.,. WttitH rar Mad " .,.. · ;, ''''",....'"''"" !Htya liM Ulat &II M · wu an enttnJellllltlc angler y lc.l HI fr1 dJ • l'allbra'r.-ra fur lhr """'"' .. In t oo """ llf'mar·~· "" wutkrd nual 1 I(> 1 r f •• I Cdhl()llnv. liar!')' Canlrr or th(' ua. wou run. • ~n aay fact that h~ Ia ~Ill 18ft'. GD and a thlroJ ~-ar pll~d tnlu the -<luded lnalllhu 01 lh ~•d ...., I UJ'*""I hoom 11,,. tl~nll• 1., 1,.., '""" 111 r 111< '"' 1• .,, be ~'IN& "'f· and even Invented a oew type Port of .&-\'('TI &>Rll, Don Pro('r~n ht' nrt'de ll lung rut ener t.n ar--• -• e \ll .... I . . mm ... , ,,.,.. a 'l •mall craft wit II Itt of fllltl hook durtog hi• 11pare •or V'tkJn<>'• Po-. thr Pn~iric Yacht duoull b~J~tonru rar~rr aod Ulat I U H If II Uon• t.1ub. T h .. )' Wf'h' A I. "'''"·J•rr•iolr·m-oor '"" ,.,... mnurtn•• In bfo etanrSa:C,IIII"d N tim b~re. " ' '' ' $ 2 66 · · amm .. · ble v.-trto and 1'1 liM t 11 1 w T Wink I .. :111 h•"IC" hank waa "".. ••( thf' · I) e RA>pair. lhl' Bo!lun'l' Ux'krr. Earl'!' he will go tn lht-dtlll'rl to re. 5 I 7 n daUJtlll'r, Y.lf'anor Uf'lle, w~r• kilt.._ H; )'Alo ar .. ~. ,. 0 e,. I ... '"'I(HII't• uf lhr. Natloonal 1/ran·-pt'fmftll "' ,.,, ... al lA peraalte .:-• LAnding, Chari!'!< A. 8rC<'hf'r's c uprratf'. but tl Ia Ill II many ~ IT t.hr rraRh Thry wtre •tt.I I Mor!~ <..'r ra.':'•· rd IJ d II ua t';" ~li"tv 81,.1 ••it " normt ... r ••r liMo wtoultl t,;. mattf' to Jl"r.<tfla not Trafl•e End Boat &-r\'irf', w. K . Warrrn of month,. tn thr prlmarlu next t.o bf' (K'o·upan~a of thf' mac:hlnf' awry a.n , 01'1 ra.' Y 1,.,,.r•l trf oltrrd""' all•l o·h•lrman roro~rt,-'""""r• or bolla f I'd • 'The l!jl f~tball IM'UOO ·Th£ SR_a_(l!£& and_P.Q!!_!?!Iuz.la!Je•r --'-al~ tr-rinrvrr"-lt-ttw htp· -·.-~ • ----l ,.r 111,.'frult "-"""'1111 ,-,.;,;-;;;111~ .. '"' lra~trre _. ,...._~, IMOrf'dt• ~-oow il ma«n -or 'hlrofy--:-of th<' Dou$:1a.~ Hool anti C"anOf' \o. ~~~ n • way and 11tn•ck th11 Whltrl' ~-.r X . L h "'"''Y yo•at• .... ,,. '"''"""n yr~-n I•• thr •ua•r•llon a!Nf ftfr permit 'M Harbor High School var· p ., proml t'd t a1ms· are ---_ • I t Wtrlll•l too ._, ....... tn ._ per~lft ffll/f -· b . Prol .... t . .... a ll mas . I ·lor• "''IVI'•I •• " IIIIJIO'IVI•·• ,,( l"lln I II I t pi t .. ty. 11.-llh ul fnur or flv,. Thr:-puhhf' hrarin~t on th.-or· m" k .. a runoaJ announcl'm~nt Mrs. HattJ•e F•Jelds g '"''""'"""' ~·,~mly · '" ' " 1" """ "r .,., • 81'Uill adl'qulll~ rut'rYf'll 0 n t h t' ttlnan<'f' of intf'nlion to wtdt'n C'Pn· IallT In l ht '11\'~ek. but the ~Ill· · '1'"" 111•Hwln• '\ b c n c b and with not that I rat Avf'nllf' anti ti~'IJUir(' fJw P . F:' l)afriU<Aing llflglr lr• hi a ~otranct' k d c • Bad I H J II·· wnH t•••••td••lll "'"' JnmtiMI(''' 'Molr•llv I h,. ma,. ... tty ro•pr•rt many th~ p8lll two ~tamu .. hl'-rt~thl ·of·w~y wa.~ markNt hy fivl' rnlo lht• art•na Ill thlll a number as e lty y urt n sa T 8 .. r '"~ An;·;~''"" .... tl'll~ ";'"'" .. ll(lf"~'"'' lloat .. u 'm•""')' r'<tl'-rt· CII.IJM' •nf lnjurit'l. flntllhl'<l In . l"' f' rrllm nt rlty hall olfldalll haVf' alrf'ady ... .,. F u 0 p· tgn 0 e llll•l " '"' I 11'11 '" 111" .... ,, 1' "' ... I lly llo .. ottv Ill ,_,. rr'"'' ., ... ,. VO.Tlltt•n rrot··~l .. rrf')' wrr . a ver lpe .'''''''· ..... ,,.,, ... II , ....... , .. loroNI ""'' ·''"~·tlll.ll ,,_ .... 1 .. In ...... , •• _ a thr~~ ~•v lit> for third M"" Sadi•• MPvrr<. M~ llort•·n~l' ""~""""''"· l ht> cant~ltlacy of l.tr t r • ..-- fllllrr. which -,. nttl bad. The Goodman. Mr.::: Jlannah Goorlmnn. Mallkl'y and plro.Jged him lbelr ---11''"" 'IIP·•·r 1" "'" "" ov,o· '"""1 v '""''" ''' ,,.. . ...,.,, In ,...,,...,,,.« , ... boy II dllplayrd & rnuraJrc 1-'. A. h:arl~ ami 7.. II. ,Jonnnn IIIIJlporl Cla•mll for damllgl'll lim•• mt 'Ill( Mr• He Ill,. ., .. ,c.llo. moth"r of p . t' .,.,,,. lrtl•·••·lll•·•l, '", I";""Y" ''~'' 111111 "''lutatfl r• f'"'rtatnlnl '" ro•1(111e. and 11plrtl wldom ~quRII'tl on Thrrl' wn .. nn w·rha~ prot,.~t-II I• true lhat.the harbor dla-tn 1~2.667 7~ wror~ DIIVI•· .oj::Oirl,l Wllllll Flrl<fll, lrtt .. r 'Rrtlf'r. an•l ermanen ••·lVII .. llti(R.n 7.1C ..... "' .... " .. ''"" ror !lor ..... ,. a...-1 -~-· any t'(lmpt>lltlon Thrr hat! In · Sworn in· hy f'tl~ C1••rk Fntnk lril t iJ1 c-ntlliNI· to a 11uprrvi11or, lhP (;,ty nf Newport H•'ll' '' ~''"1' ll«'utenent tn th .. "'r11l NlAt" _guartl, · , "'''1' 1"' kll••" 11 1"' 1'1" 1 11"'11 "111' 1 'II) •Ait"rl"f ·'"""' •" '• .... Wendell Plckf'M ll c~o a r h Rlnf'hRrt. City F.ngi,...•r'R 1 •. P11t· tll1'('au .... thl' bulk ni th .. t-'lfth d;w-day nl,;:ht tu th• r~y r~ounr rl a wal -lily hun thf' nlhPr PVI'fltng • -''"1''1'11"''" ~Au '''"1 ftlrro 11111 1" furtur.tl lb" t..uo.t..l.l U...t .._.._.,.,..1--- whnM •llkltl and Jlf'raonalitv tr~on l('!itirtl'<t. whf'n qur~tiont•tl tril l f10pulalonn 111 hrrt', but _tu UflO!J advlrt' of City Alt"f''"" /till· 'll(hen ilh,. 11tumltlf'ol ovrr a 111,.,,,. 1"1'1 ltrk•·ro 11"''1"''"'"" ••f 1""1 "1 II'"IC'tllv II• "",... ,,..,,. •"'' 11 -•rlrr .. • htld tl:,.. admlratloo of llll h I M d Thnmnl<nn werr tort'n• I , .,,.r ' { ""'''''" I'''''"'' rtl!w ''" \ll ll•lltra "''""''' "'" •••nol, ••1ft lh"' thf'na h\ Cilv Allnm~'" Thnmf)l'on. I :tt lht• pn11l thl11 111'11 1m hAR hed II'V· ,. of ptJifo un tho· !flolo·wlllk In frnnt It thf' enthu•lum ,,f 8 fatiC" 1 111 ,~ ll••"."IC" ·11,, t'mlrd : .. 1,.1,.,. .,..,.,. 14 '''"rli"l ,_,,. ,;, 11, .. ,,., •• playt>ra •n•l hll'J Herbnr l'n· ... ~ ..... ri ,. 0\\'TII'l~.; "'II hm the• pro-,.raJ , llnoll•l"l«'ll. whlrh llfllll lhco to I h,. rnft)pany rarryln.: lh• 't1 ' I of lilan k'•. c ·ar•·j :-_ _ 1 1 mttt 11 1 ,...,_ l I ~---~ .D\ftlltler of ,. •-J "' ~ ~ -• ., n .., '""" "It 11 any r~ • ..,.r .. l 1'1t .. 11~...._ · hill wJolo•~ fJfff' r•• 11 • 1 ~..,.. -. .. -.-"';Moolwti!IW!t.,. ~oliali~· ~=·= hy ~~~·:~~-,.~,~~~)font . n()W Ont> rl:.m;~ ~-~~; fll•·l loY tlon th~lo .. msov ;,,111• rl. ·a~ r:~; ~h::.~·t~:~,.;~:!'~:~ll~~tl Mo •~l~•· Alo•l• '"''"·" ~·•l•h 111 ,,('I ,,. f ... y •~•I n .. t __ u!..:.tll';r !';aiiOffO WOUld ha\•r bc-1:'0 --' rat o• (tor totn<>r•••!l, to ""'"plure the f118ht'Jia GrAhl! V.'hn rlnlmNI 1J111t t . ' I "1 1: Al'•lt•flllort lit '' f l'n•ro•Je>roll . II • 1o01tnorltw •,--..-'• l'mrr proff'q n..-c•l\'•~• r.-prf'· .. ~--.. lTIJ II hl•r "''"· "'""" ,.,,,. a llltt ..... thl• r -•r tllat hWI Y' I , ....... Ill! • , " ....... Runllt't Lt'a$rtl,. P<'nn:~nl tsrntf'd IP!I." than""" Jl"tf'f'nl nf \'OtM fur lhr \WIJ tnur.)(e a r otn S..ptf'm!)('r lOth ,m .. ''n~ "~lk -etlvt.'ll•·..: IJnt•~·• ~"" •1r l•lll ,. ... clr'ttAkf'n , ''""'-="':·• I"'''"'' I·•·""'" Arooloo I TJ1.,11, •'""'"" '"" ""n .. nfv ,..._ •·Jnr.,.rs. Th~ thin~ Ill, t':ry thf' arf'il <of lhf' prnf00'-•'<'1 ~~~~,...c-1, nnf' lng along 'the' ~llfll'wnl'k ,,. hl•••t alj,ka al :lAA"t Tw.,nlC•Ut •~t,.. ..li!J~\\•1•1 1/t'L' :J. L..l"-'.1 -JW!LUA "'~~~ l.H~~UO.""-...&.-.,. ________ Iil did the bclll they rould a~J m <'nl rli~lnrl ;mil ""nf'r"' nt. mnr,. 711 F.lllll c·,.ntral "''"'•'"' oo u d Newport: ,,...-.. ,,,,,,f.,,f hy I ft ,. ~It • '' n lt.••hl •If l'"""'''n' ""'' ""'""'' trlntt •·f lhr rniiJctrl t '1 while a utiiC'urrd al t I m «' ~ ' I han nno'-hYIIf nf I hiP [ITOJII'rl y In lllPppl'd lnfn a d~pi~, .. ,; ;,,. h· .ft Hrrt Hlo••ll \lo ~ \\ ""' o ,I\; •hl I• I '".., A ro.:• I• • ~ '••rl•l o .,, ~··•'-"'" I··~• tnl•·r,...ta tbt>y wert' nf'Vrr t>:hlpJlf'rl I t hi' nrnpn<;l'il ctt .. t n rt how• nnt u. s. Gover,ent and h•ll. ....... .... 111''' I" ..... "'' ,, 1"'""'11 '... • .... "''""'"' If ..A ,,, ..... , In -:-mAtil' nn~· nm•··~•. thr• prolo'"' ,., .. I I Sht• """J:"II '"''"' '"''"''· •rtio•y ........ , ... , lhe Not Guilty f'f'iVf'il Wll" n\·rr·rulffi anti rlo•nto•il !lullrol iu ......... -For ~nrfll of m~jllbu&..Ar t.ba-~~·" Plate ......... ~. ."") 5 lines·· 1 time-30e • Phone 13 Now . . . ' ... I ., ~~~.,-.. -... --9~~~·-.J. T • ·' _:...._ _____ _ -------------------------- Father or Harbor High StUdent 10 Tars In :.. :;How They Stand couuAGEOUS TARS LOSE TO Writes Praise For Tar Eleven l wedne~lly a.•ague ANAHEIM 27-7 · ~ ·R~ERV~ ¥ IEWS~TIMES Ttl• bllprualona uf a ftltht'r flf ,thlnktng lht• most uul;t~n:ln. ,.,.,'Last Game·: Tht1mpsnn Ull~no . •• w1161 1~0 TURN TIDE FOR TITLE HO' DER a Ralilor Hllh Jkhool at udtnt • fort• of ""'" . r"n~ T he df'an Rai~R Pharmar•y • ~ ~ pfOC'!ny do•u not piA¥ on tnuf'hdown nf ~· :tO, 1-:ltr.pRint·k. f •' Ktnsfalhc>r'll • 12 12 tbe 8&Uor dt'Vf'n but 11>ho II .n ,t_be 1'0\JlltJI(o• (of our llttJ.· .lapnn .. ~·: Harbor ,'· JF.llllnluiottr·.F'shatrnvl~~', . ,:· 1:1 l!e! ent!Ju.luttc foott•ll fan. II triVf'n corn tnjC hat k "trnnl( allf'r havlnJ!I 0 r '-...-u Ill the lollmr.-tn.r lf'ltf'r arldr<'Uf'ti bHn ah hur annihilated Anol Alan I · f'hrui\,Y!Jl 'S Hut to the Bporta !ldltor.• Nt•WJ~rl l one of th .. mullt ... ruontlt:nal run· ·; -Llldles l.cliQiie .._..._ Newa.Ttmu: nlnr tlll'lllu of all tlmf' bv <"aJ)-1 ' "1 wttnMMcS a b ard fOU4tbt., lain .Eddie SLcvena .,,,,.. ~ut ran I Hattllng a~alnlll tht' llltJWrr"r woeckrtUI football camf' I a • t and utoPf~t--d " aurf' tuuc-tuk>Wn t ~nahelm f'l('v,.n lut Jo'ri<!Ay nll(ht. ! -""t wt-n Anal:«-lm and N"'~~''-whf'n no utber play<·r wu any-1 • • tort Harbor and l lhillll mention whf're n~ar tht' Anahf'lm boy J tl'~ .IM'nlr)n u f < rtl\('h \\ f'ntlf'll IIMIWd lie ~ lll your vahtabl• l}aveo't -n a belt_,r ur mure t>k k .. na· l"lan.t Glrlll Whlte·a Caf,. llo•l;.n·,. J~auty RaJ boa Wf'rt hanlll arcnmplt~<h tba tutun p&ay.re aboWd be ..,. lhe feet. l hope you ,....un·t ovf t · ~ bJ meaUOft of aa.t eve· look lll your "·rite-up the> Sh••f 1:01•11•· :o;to·t•hf'n• J:uard&. U I ll y coaUnJr S9R4 111e bome 1a to .._.,l:!l(nidaJ) b~ llabta. Of Jln t.oy1 'll''bo with tlrlr po'"'t'r 1 !'ho:nm, onr ol lte flnut centera I buill P" Nrwport Boulf:'VW'd cgun. 0.. 8¥lla brotJsera. P'llz· a~ly hf'lpcod to at<>p _l hf' , PP•••I ·I II~rloUr .hall t·vH bolft.IICNI . an1l Dun I ltont,. ~Isla rn Coata Mesa. patrick aDd U.S Uttla Ja~ Uon trrma malclbr.-" n•u• h l:o. ~ot•··, \\ 1lol ano.J Juhn lkt·da, bat•kflcdd (JoiiD Dlada) ,.,.,.. most of the ecorr. and don t forj;l't o11, t. ':/" 1 m<'n I th«-powtrful Anahf'lm IIDe. ~. not ~lbll lba abNDea Wff& outw•lr.-hcol plo·nty ··• J ="'•·xt )'f'llr ("utlch P h lcen11 wll~~ Dalr Rr()('kt-tl, a junior t b II fit \hree oUter cood ~· Cb&plln, Vt'ry atn('f'r..ty ) oun• an.t rn11ny hli\'P IIUt h rl't urnlng lt·tt•rmf'n .... Y•r. will be bark ne•t --.oa 8roek.tt aad ~ .... w b I c h thank~> 10 &d\ an• ,. Harold Shf'fliD, who Will thf'n bt' for tht' ba<"kfl«-ld u will ED1ae. -.diJ bampered lba --.11 •lnoen I it' tM'n1or. Vf'rnon Jo"itapatrl<'k . Don! t\AnJt and Boudlnot wllo an aJ.8o wtso ..,. aU but ctet14 toward thf GF.()IIr.E Jo:l:'u n •t• .. ::"~: Tripp. Bob Gaynor and lolanut•t 1 bltrkfleld m~o. a.,t cpaan.r beeaUM o1 Coa c h -'lunla lacklu. an•l Uon Uln~ha.m Pre~nt Indica lion. an t bat Pldlllw' ~, to' take 110me of 1 Mr aDd -""' ('turk Hather of at rt>ntf'r, who Jut Frltluy night roac·h Pkkt'na will Dellt wuon Ut. Yf11t7 tlNd boJI out a or re· C:O.IA, Nraa ., .. t h .. parf'nlll of a playl'lt· his hut JtllDlt' f•f th .. yc>ar hlt.vt' a pretty fair backlleld, but :Jil¥-•Dt. Tbere '"rtn't any to dau ht..r. Sharun a.-. bom In Subelltullnr.-for tht InJured Ullly h1~ <"hit'( worry will '-repaa.c. -.1 ... ft18 wu a ~ a.dvutace • . 1-8b•nln, Ulnttham ,..... errallr In m"-of h la f'nda and l\larda. aU • to ·,AMM~a. · !\Oov<'rnbt-r ln St Ja.wph'l Hoe. paaai"Lltl• ball fr••nr t'«'ntn. but of wbum Will be lo.t by> cradua. · _'', • '*1At .. m«loa &D •1 -., ol piLat b1a playll.r wu atndy a~ralnat , tlon. •• Eddie Stephens, Vernon Fitzpatrick Are Spectacular In Harbor's First Night Ga~e . Newport Hnrbor Union High School's rouragrous var· ,Jlty football team lost its ttnai game .ot the season a t Ana· Mlm Friday nighl 27-7, but the" Sunset League champions they had been in a real game~ · tacklt'. 111.1baUtuted at frUard. a poalllon ~ bad never played be. fore. 0 ran r e and Huntlngtun trailed at t he bottom of Ult' pcrct'ltare coiUDlA u the 1941 t.ootbafl wa.on became a matter Of hiJJtory. The came ';wu. Rar· Don Blnlham, ,_rve cent~r. bur·~ flrat venture of the IM'uou ptayf'd h la beat ~rame of the year un~r artlflcl&l IIcht. while auballtullog • portion o f Tlect At Half tht' eveolnl · f o r Billy Slfenln lleeervea more than any other Sheflln play•d a fine gamt', ·con. feu tor ape lied the dlffert'nce• be-uldf'rlng 11e wu handlcap~d by two:«.n the two elevena, althouch not havlnr been In compttlllon t~A·o or throe. of the Salton were ror three wuka and hla lnjyrtd bc-11.-ved not •to have been up to arm wu In a leather aiiDI'. Char· par rn the mattn of tplrlt. The lea ThompltOn. ~nd. play«-d only Sallon, 'barely able to muatt'r a a brrf'f lime bf'cauae of fln ankle cumrll'lo• rlrv~n upon the flelo.J Injury. l.)av~ AJien. playln« h ie bc'<'ftiiM or lnjur i .. a, were oppoe. flrwt y~ar of football, excellt nlly ln.: 1 "" of the flnut high achoell INbttilut~o.J for Tbompapn. llnt'l In Southern California lble Tacklea Manual Muniz and Bob Y"'" and lhe Anabelm rewrvu Gaynor p!aytd t.Mir uau.al bard lnf iiJII •·.t two more tt'ama beaidu «»mea wllb Muniz blocklnr u th• atartln~ lln•·up. • 1 Anaheim p~n,t by_ hit hard char.r· ln.Ju·.,un.r t ·h f "'*rna may In g . Don \\lid played a. whale · ot h&\'•' be•n the decldln( factor 'A'U a game dunng a larg .. ~rt of the thf' ''"o.J acore. 7-7 at the end or thlroJ quarter wb~n be wu ID for or thr halt Later 1n t~ gamr Harold 8bentn at f\tllback. Doa Wflh C.O.Ch Pkluna mlnwo re: ' Tripp playf'd the f'ntlre «&m~ at aervn to re.t Urte pl&yera. Ana· t~" bloclllnr pc»t b«awoe of lbe hf'IJJI'I' •xcc)lent ~rid machine nn Injury aulfered by Dal~ Brockett tht-a!H>re up to t7 po1.11lll. J•·o ••Hit. a~to. Eorlehardt and aau0,. Flm Roudtnot b<ltb aaw u llon. Chill . Tht'" Sallorw 'wtre th• flrat t o •Chaplin .wu on lhf' broch with acorr After a fairly t'Ven balllf' ble knH llljury In thf' rlrat quarter. the HarbOr Followln1 the game. the I!I&Jiorw e I eve D employed a play that ded~trf'tl t~t in tht'lr opinion. the Collt•h Pickenu had be4.>n •vlnR I An.l.hf'lm llnl' wu the atroogf'at &U y«-ar. A _.rt'tned pan from comp..tltlon thf'y met the t'nUre Harolo.J Sbeflln. fullback. to Vt•r· Mas .. n. non Jo'ltzpatrlcll enabled the In· -I IPirt!<l Harbor half to apeed autty St ik · ' . S yarJa to a toucbdo~-n. Fltzpatrkk ! r es n pares ' tllf'n kicked lh~ extra JW'•InL Th" ' Smllurw led unUI with f04/r mto: ' '· uus· left ill th~ balf. AOahf'IDl eom~ a lo~ pua to put tbern Wednelday League Ia ~ottDir 'position and with ~ IIC ~. they awept arou C04 for a toucbdowa · kkk tM addiUonal polnL Pharmacy Hut<:bln'eon 611 c. cat&b&D 406 Patte..-406 BurdMJJ U2 11. Maru 470 782-il2-'7M-2280 the eeconct b&lf ADa· hetm'al«roor attaclt piDed mO-aMDbbD and apparently ·apatk· ed bJ lhtlr Jut eea~Gd toucb. !unlor C. C. dDWD lD t~ flrwt 'half. tbey · r:11>· J*1 tlt.ro:ucb tbc tlriq and AOI¥· wbat dl.lburtened SaU~-t o.r t.betr ,addl~onal acoree.{ -. -~air It! I~._. C. Hut 434 St~venaon. US A. Shand 144 o.tatt ... B.· Fry Mt J. Snrlu 747·723-775-72~ 1 Thompi!Oft'~ 418 T. M•Niny 442 Kuttng 438 IAmb a~, l"klnntor 444 ThompiKin 703-684 -691·2088 Football-· Basketball-Volle bali-Bowlina ---- GIV THEM A LIFT! a.c.-Itt llee ........ ~ ...... ........... I ........... -··:r···.... ....... ...... ............... -_.. ... ....................................... c.,.., ......... ... ...._..,~. C._. el -....... Cellfalliw. s, *'.,...,a., ..... S..... Meter Cc C _.. .. _., ._, ef ntu '''* ,...,...,, ...... ..._,. t ........ liftt"' ........ -......... -........ e .......... --... -~ .. .., .............. ,......,...., ..... .., ...... ... .... .. ... ca.. .. -....... c ............................. .... ............. ~ ............................... c... t ••••• ............ _. . . · .. W~ the• Sallorw ~~ & DU· mertcally auper tor tea tct .. bic't Wbat Ia the "lif'dal or Honor·· What ar~ f'. T bcutlll ~ ~. T. ~lwellbed thtm cooaderably an<1 IEIIIott'a Klnafather that Ia i lvrn to aallora In the dealgnates tM • ,.._ ty,. . .,...._ wttbout doubt baa an._~xceptJonal Moore · 463 M2 I.e. Wright tJ. 8 . Navy:' It la the hlg~ In· torpette ... ta lluiM hrl ttt,.. n. UDOUDl of \al~nt, \ht'Y won~ lf.l(. Pt1'1lllpeon. · Sat 337 F. Crocker dlvldual lwllr-d an enllltecl man pertmettt.al -'"' H feet. 111 feet. a4m.J.ratlon or both Ne.,'JIO,rt Hu· J, }lerrllt 3M 4'18 FUller oan recut~•· It I~ awanlecl by the and 110 ftllt: n.e. Nata are c.a..- bor ud Aaahelm apte~ra :with Parker 386 438 Wo.~lbury Prealdent of the United ltatn to able .t ..,.._ hrl e~ ef M t.b.tr eourarto\18 lltand. Elnott' 419 6 18 C. Druck the man who, In action Involving mllea per hour ap4 urry t-. w • J!ddle. Stephana, atuderat 733·77"·722-2210 707·820·826-2363 actual conflict with threnemy, more torpe4o ,....._ ...,.._ dla,.... pl"dldent -and ---·---dlatlngulahn h lmaelf conaplcloua-emoiCe·Kreef'l a~ratua. and ra,W • .F1upatrlcll of tht backfield tum · : Lad lea Luague ' It by gallantry and Intrepidity •t fire artti-alreraft .,..-_ tIt e •• Pd tn aleUar ptrformancu f 0 r I ale Glrta Whlte'a Cufe the rlak or hla twn life. boat• have not yet Men 1~ Hartlor. Stephen•. ~red from tLt> J Brown 370 376 M. 0111 • ated Into the fighting fleet In MY ~peedy Anaheim ck who wall H. Caldv.'t'll 330 31\3 A.• M<"C1lng I tr 1 have 8 o m._. llpt'd allz«-tl l great number. go&lward bound a «-r a elll t y B. Fink· 346 287 M. Farrar.l t ralnlng rnuat 1 s!'r\'f' u an ap· -- - yard c~ that wu amuln~ F. Morna 331 321 M Whitt' prentt<"P 11••aman If 1 t'nll~t Jn th<' Btepbeoa waa a riserve B pray. H. Rriacoe 37~ 318 D. f'hllllps 1 U. R :-Jaul Rt•l!Pn"t'? No. An y l'r lut year who hu matte good 598-~S-671 ·17S4 !\99·5~·~57·1709 mlln w 1 t h prevloua apecliatrzed '"" ufe vaulty ·Jn hie lut ynr ,,( I trlllntng will be enlisted in ll roo"£b&ll. Not only h&l hto doni' Helen•a Bal. Mer<llllnts 1 Special Nllval Rnerve Cia .. lind ' an excellent j<>b at guard. but on R. Le!lll<' • -3fl:'i Z94 ll Ga,::<' will receive petty offl.cer's r~llnq \be rewrvf' playa whach features ~I Fry 2~& 357 I..AnjlmAtl•· 1 lind p~y. ltOWt'rful Harold Shcflin as the M ..... 0~«'1 . 266 :lfiO ~~ Hflm11 ~ l rna.ll carrln, 1t Is St•'phc>n. who J. ny"r 28!\ 377 J c·,~u , V . .._r 'U1 th \. • ..,. rune U\e tnh'rh•rl'nl'l' a n tt hrll J Yo~:rl H 6 270 \\" )>lark " llramt-n t' :-<. nval •·• k'ft'" h It I I -3 -• '" .. -~ ··•n 167~ It• H'n 'l' rrlrl~~ thl.' ~•m<' pav a.s .,.oc .,.. u n•su •'• n many ;,, ~>64-r, 3·1710 ,,,,.,,. .,,, · .• llw :<<'amrn in tht" ro·~ular :":wv. • I I \ My Christmas Shopping Guide Will Be The Big Christmas Shopping Number Of The N ews:Times lfuf'Dfceinl~f'li! --.-......_,.. runs by Sh<'fhn. w II • 1 , -•••l!f''§"th eo-t t vee. the ~en t.ll t~e Nav.~ Rc· r~~;,;~;;~;~;~~ -.-........ ~w~h-.e~n~le:Jf~t~L(~, ~h"'•m~:o~ •• ~~,·..a.I~~U~~~ll:m!llpPJll<>•-n --rr.~rmfll ..._. ~---~·· ...,,, ....,,, :.........,.w..:J F'llzpatrll"k pla):t•ll hill flnnt I ~~ ~hand 362 34fi F. N rt'l:orn en~ertll'"ment, free medlul .wo ....... • of- WATCH IT ---------·--t~-. and you · will' see ·how · easily you - can be :spend-thrifty, this year! .. Newport Bal~a IE.S-.TI·MES ~ .,,.,..'llma .Balldia« •u V..tnl Amae Ph01H'8: 1! U1C1 IS ·. / ·.~..,.I ~~. ..... .. ' oJ thf' ..)'t'ar nt dill Stephens. ~l.. Lnw 31)8 30!1 ·F.. Tunetwl ~::~c~re, hllve the same oppo~- Tiw aturdy Hnrbor ha••k rep,•at· H. lA\\' 342 37:1 R••fo!Prll trlllnlng 4-dJy 16adt' ahnt' 1'1 rln)( lll<"klu tu :\I l'<'nrlrl! :lPO :171 F.. Flint sum en Atop Anahf'lm"" ball carru.•r11 for tl33·f>!lr•-6!"•2· 11170 64!l·a86·a.'•4 ·171\!l. 1 no galn. Tht' ilmazinR thing """~' tbat be waa <lotn~ It tmm hi!> ~tn• Ariel SloiUI of Newport yard lou. runn . up from hie i<&fety poet tn ..mow the oppol!illon Stephens from hll ~ard Fullbac" Duel 'fbt' duel ~tWHD fullback& h ouod Anaheim'• Jerry Shlpkey I willa all ed1e ,over the bard. plun&· ,,.. Harbor back. H&rcold SQenlD. ::Jban.ID' .. play all ye-ar hu been oullhbd!n•, b.~& l. obeurtta._ .i'i:· ported be. 8Hmt'd l llghlly under pat ntday ntpt: altho~ his ,tefeMtft play wu a pmr.·ertul f.tor' In boldln( A.nahelm u well .. u.. 8&110111 • did. ••• : 1 • 0 ' slalpll•Y· with a fut and pow«-r· tul llDe to opeD bolu, had a bet· ter opfOrtunlty to . look well to &eUoa tb&D did ble Harbor op~ a..tWe Jolul Ikeda. deapite bl'- IZW out ot the .ram• a portloo of tM avoln.r wath a ali(bt In· Jvr7, tuned ~ -~· marvaloua de- ... OlCI[MaEft w 3 8•09 2:01 1:37 '3:19 6.t 2.0 3 9 -0.4 1b 4 8:37 2:78 10:16 3:~ 6.0 2 1 3.8 -.CU t~ ~ lOt~ '4t2~ ~.8 2.3 3.7 -0 3 Sa 6 9:36 3 :27 11:42 . 4:51 6.6 2.:1 3.7 -0.2 Su 1 10:08 4 :03 5t3e . tl4 2.1 '11:0 w a o :J.4 4:48 10:47 1 :20 S.7 2.1 &.ct 0.2· Tu 8 1:33 &:M u :se 7:01 3 1 a.o 4.6 o.s Tt•• ........ I• ca-. ol--... _..._, L .. llt fiJUrw a. ID:i. ~ fiJUrM p. • c.in~ w1'11 -• lllell a.U low ' • I DNEJ1i~y ·· i ...... ,. .......... I Jll ...,_ IJM I ... I \ ' Twe -Piait&-Fer- Island Piers Puzzles Council ,-- L"""'' r S I,_ Pqe 'DOt bllYe uy priva4< rt&hh . , ~ Newpon-Balboa N 'E W S :--TIMES The Worlcf't Newa Seen Through THE CBRIS'IUN SciENCE MONITOR A• I•~--DM1 Nn.s,.~ ,-- ,........,a.~~ ICIPICIH .. WShiiG W&i I p... ..... ..-. --." •••• • ,....,,. c ~ .. -u.w •• .._ , .... s ,.,.,. ._-B£i1 rW. Aft n-1, nM ..,_....., _. .. o.i1J ...__. ................. _...,M....._.S........_ .. ar-r -.... N. • ., ... (. .. "- ,... 111.00 Y.....,., • 11.00 n M .... dL . S.l_ ... ..__ .__ iaciMift' M...-.. ~ IUO a Y-~ -• ""' a. •. ' '-" c-.. . 01 . . CIIIII8TIAH 8CII:M'CIE UADINO ROOM Ill J:art 1e-aral AYellae Balbo&. CaiUomla • .. \' 1,. NEWPORT BALBoA m;v.'S-TIMES. Newport a.a. Olfa-. Tl'ESDAY, oo:=DIBER 2. 1941. Is This Mai·n Street? ··-~. ... ...U..aA .HNINWt.A POIIIIJ lllCHAHGa J -·-· , •• -· ..... .._ ''" •ac ....... "' ..-fer _i ... .. --....... _ .... __. •ftiAM )n Or• .... c-, ....... .. , ....... ...... JOHN D .U"NHA .. . p.,. .............. ~ ...... , -· o..-..... .._ ... ·- I• HousEHOLD 'F uRN.S..aNGS , , .-vtT LIAVI CAt.IP' -~ ... ····· ...................... ... ...... .__._. . .-.. - ~.--... -..... ~. ..... ~-~ ....... ........ lly -·~ AD .VERliSING . -SELL L CMHA,T .. , .. , ... ..:.. --..M-.lk I c..,.. ·c....,.r •·~· ,,. 'Uie --........... ;; ~ .. -. .... = ..... taft ..-... .,..'" VILLA. c.._ .. , c ... , ....... ·-... _ ~ ...... . -.. ... ~ --;;;-.;; .. T~:;-....:c.;.-- .~ .... ·-.... , ..... ---~~·*' fOfll "ll"'' ., VIA"-.. _ ... _ . -. '--· ... ... ... _ ...... _ -'-····-.. ~ ...... ·--· "'-n..w. • ftc. FOfll "INT .. _ 1~ ........ . -·-··-.....,., . ., ..... -... ··-· .... -.... ... ....... . GHt•_.. A .,_..._ •"•"• .... . .... W•NTED To Buv · ---... ---~ wa .. no-w-.. .._ .._.,. -"--..._.... ........ ....... . Mus1c~L INSTRU~~ · A "lAND • •o• C:H.IITIIot,.,, N · ..,_ .. -...... ..,,....., ... ,Y ,,., r.v ..,.. ,.,. IMie- ·terma.-VIcter .... ~-· ••- for Clorlot,.... ....,.Ifill .... a. ..... _.. ...... ___ l~ .... ···-,,_ ., •• t oM fer llfMII ... Melfi~ 0taM. _,...., ... llllflll, ce..,...._ ~ ............ 11! ............. ---...~~~.:..~---_, ............. _ ...... ~ •-•-nta ••• .... -• N P'IANO C:O . .. ,_., .... .,. ... , ...... .... ·-~ v .. ·u -. ._._ .. •~u-NOTa IIIUtiC CO ,-W ... -... ...... ,.... ...~!" •o~ tALa-<: ..... ...., ... .._.. ,. •• ••• •104 ..... • ... 11... -.......... c._ •• Mar. ••· .,,,. •••""' H. C...,....,., ~ ..... ., ..... MISC£LLANIIOUS ----- ••ittnt c•,.t•'' T .. . ,., owe et Dtle,.. ""'•••te ., ...... 0 &... c:u . ... , w. W t4., tANTA AHA 1-T.. • ........... .. ... ------.:..·--·----LosJ_·& FOUND I) .... --' .---....... _ ......... -._ -···· ,..... , ... , ........... ...... ..., .......................... . • .,., • ..,. ,...,., .w-. ..,.. ... • ..... ,,, e.... ....... ........,./ ................. -.,....... ,.. . ..... ................. .,., .......... , ............... _ ~:!]1!!; .. _ ............ ~~-....... --................. .. _••-·--~-----~--~--~~~--_2 __ !~8~8!1~~~~~~~~--!!~~~~~~~AI~Ne~•~ -~Directory ·-·___;;;, r----------------l r---------------~-ILUIIOI.D LOU~ r. INitJaANC. CIIAPI'.L ...... ~ .............. .,_...,.... Odlln ...... ............ Ollila.... -On'MJ ... _ .. _ .. ....••. -~ ....... . ..._ IL w.-MtCIALAN A'.N l aUIIDI'8 ~-~iiim .. a & A ) INHWIMi-DC&YAftlfO-MD'-80CII ~.,....... TOP SOIL ._ = •• Jllcupsue-.. ._.,..,..~ .....__. __ ..... -·• n:,..--tory . --.-·-·· ----~· r----------------------··----~1! -, -·--· DIL &U.I'II D • .,&aD D& B. lt. ftAM D .....-:uJI . ····-...... .-.__.. ..... ...................... Dr. c-.. •· oratt1 .. ,..... .... ,.-,_,_. ...._ ........ .. f _,,., A.-~. nC Nlttt• • ,;,,.., "" : tit l!,a.m ; i -• , .... 'lrlr,..._ 11 Pt:AS c·. RKO" S. M.U. Ttl et:tu ....... -...,. -· ..... ~ I.DOY -, • .umaiQN ._, ATI'ORND AT lAW Ur. P. A. Chamberrin r c ·m imrAA( :-roa IN'oll NI'WjJort Olvd. ('IISTA MFSA I'Jt(,_ I !WI \.hovt"S:· nr.A Vll't~or Srr'Vkl' MriTitt Whllf', J>h. &M, 'TU-~t·rrt.IF~ a ~ .. ••MT AI'TU .. fMtU.r: V f'l•r ~''" ,,.,. 11t Mr·t't~rtrlrn J'lnt:f! --Nt-WJ~t•rt Jkach. · nar.ri.Anr. -\~rt •u..,ru.rsn woon- " \\' Wn~·t.f. I'NW ~lpt l llvd.. ('t~la Mru UIU'd Lumber, Ph. e5-J. l'ftl''lfnAarr:,._ · :=:t::A:::Ltim:e:J'amdr). JJ:lbt.tucCa:s1J~ 110 V-JrKinla-Pl., Colta M-. A~~ ~r..\~--. ~~-------~---~ r.•n f 111 Tir.,. l~•t~rl .. , V. n iT ~rvke. 124 McF•ddc:n ft., Nwpt.· & GF.sr..a~a. n»-.,ntAt-roa.-· . r--tnn R f't...tl"v :Wlf) CtJUt Blvd. Ph. 402. Plan• and ('GnJtnx:Uoa. r.r-.ttr.a •~••rA'Iftr.A-, . r.,.,. ,__,. J.br r,._,.,,, '"' h4-.lp ynu plan your homlt." Pholw 41. 1\ry nl•triM t .. IITitwr ro Phnfw. JI!IO. Cout lll~thway at A~ .AKJ"fF. ~rr..f'IAI.nP~ .,.,,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~L!~~ll~~-------- - ! NEWPORT BEACH COSTA MESA BALBOA • ., . Barbara Crosier jenkins Weds Arizona Man ! Pilo~'s· Cla~s Is ·1Busy With Holiday • Dates and Plans I I o •• , • t . . ' ' NEWPORT BAI.80A NEWS."'''IIIS. tlsaport Be&di, CaW"~ ~AY, D~ 2. ~ THE---WOMA-.N'S-PA G E Reception Honors Newlyweds In Island Residence (Betty A clap . . Phones 12 anH 13) ~ , '11le SAND SIFTER One Ban of 'J'bread WiD Make 1ma OWr Set ~----------~----~·~-----. . . ·- .. .. . CORONA IW.BOA JSLAND LIPO ISLE . I 1n the ~ltude of aamall churc-h • Two Important •lalf'M.an• at.'• .ll•tnoortnlt Mr an•l :Wu J amr ... An th•·r 135 fnot ID~•"I"''I ID Y14Jna, Arlzbna. wtdtllng vowa. tral'tmg t hr lnterut nf mMnb('n ( "~r••ll ...... ,. ttunt••r • at • n·••·1~, 1111•1 ,.ft _.t h•• waya at Walt.oa llul•· W'ltft eJtchanred by Barbara ut thf' p;Jut'l Cla.u #If th•· C'llrl~t l i•>ll ~urula~ afJ•m .. •n 111 t h,. lo~LrtJ~ :-;uuth Coa.t :Co. tbe. 1,n ,.r cro.lrr Jrnlllna a nd H. M. Hofen-l'hur"h by thr HNt-thu• m .. nth .l llull••l\ IMiantl ! orn~ ''' ~r" ~I on· \;jay 3ll •11<1 a 4~ toot pi&De , tailtl fwld 01 Tu.I"OC?• An zona, on )dun-0«-1-.,mber 14 "''hi-n Ju.t.:.. a n 11 n•~ !.!• Kr nll,. ,..,.,,. ·r,,.,, ••f lh• • rut .. ·r alt"r the formal c1 1 ,.. day, ,'IJovf'mber 24 at 8 p m.. · Jdra IIIL"lt-y Y.'coattl\'~r 1,f C'ur11na n·1 ~·r.t l·n~l•• M tn .. n<1• ,.,,..,.Jam .. • "'''"'''~ l •u,. to tl•f' lllneae d ttw TIM ritu we-re •·•tn-d by tlf'l )lar will hold an int .. rm.al • run~ I 'ha.rmM •·I t •,,, .. n.ll t! .. : "1"•.: .... ,. •··r Hull 81, e~r11 ,, membcn of tbt'.brtde'a lmmt'dlat.-OJlf'ft h•-.u.e ror thcr rill.M ami lh -'far. AIIJO>rl (l~t:dl-n. ttam i.J St.-<k • ""'""""""' launchl,_. _,. 11~k ­ faml:y. hn m othf'r, -'1111 Gral'f'l·c-emi'M.'r 16 whrn twv arul·lolrll t: '•n11 J utl,.,n, 'suttl~>tlantl ot f-o.Ta ~ "..t~ 1.UUe lll&.,.ar-ul·•· Croster of ll&lboa. Mn. Fred 1 ll. Cnodrll and Mr. 'and t.t ra I • Mf'tiR .., 'S<to··'·' l"'llroJ•I~e<e. pmty u •11~11,11 ~ a"-o of 1ialbLia and Mr W llo!tby hOIIt thf' annu~<l 1 'tlrtlfl-Tn• affrur Y.·•• h .. t.l,ln th" r .. m . on " •· "l' n IJia.id enaeatble, J;,,,.t &114 M,.._ Ev.o'1 ll J on,.. fit Hal·. rna.-J>&rty "' to tu tr~om 'l to 4 p m In t b" .t h•· ··t • hmtto-n .u-· wbiW ,,,., ..,. b land )4rt Jonf'l Ia t ht' n~'W T~_Cipen h<-•IU!f' W&JI planni'\J hy 1 lt\IDJ:fl"lffl' ~of th .. )ll f\:riUl" ba) mrolhC'r .f"'ltPI ~· Crll~h•••l ""JUW. H ormfttd'"_. ~ -I ttl.-Wellt.o¥t:ra land Mr an•l ,_.,,. 1 tr"n' ~·nw Th•• ''"'"' "''"' .,..,.... 1r. lh 'h•''"')' boottle ol cbaasr-&l!llf' Tbfo brl~ wore a blue tiiiOrt"<< JlAym(lnd F..aatman ••f. l 'ooslr& !\I•·"-" tl•,. f'f"f ""'·".: lin•· "'lth h .. r hu~-'';or••h n l'rhJham waa llpOGel>r 1,;1 , tiUlt wflh blark arrraaurl"' 1 anti y.•ho w ill arl u t•o.t rwt11 ,,,, the ,,,.,,,! "'"rr h .. r v.•·•J•IUlJC dr,.M ', r U.•· A I~B-~ 2"73 and Mnt. E11th•·r ... tbe rennwny tne p1rly ••1-toii~IDJ Tu ... •lay !Ill' (;••··h•ll" ,JOumed to a notbf'r part nf Utf"' ~II .o(M'n thf'lr humf' f.,r 11'11' 1 'lrr 1>11 Cit)' for clinnf'r. , u J)ILJ1y w hit h Y.tll ,,.. lll lo·n.h·li 'nw couple •••II •miiJcr t be 1 r mf'mbf'ra and tl1t•or f••n11lh·K a.o.. at Manuu~. oear T\M.·ao11, lD f'la.na for ~r,·cnl:! "',., .. uu • ..t. Artz.ona wh~re Mr Hufrn(f hJ ta at a N'i f'Dt _ m••,.ttn~ u ( tllr ,.,...,... All auditor and IINI1tant ~.,,.. In t ht· \\'llll~am II Tru"l\ h"tn" "" t&ry of lbto c;....,-u .-.. -.:wma l'om· !'/twpc~rt lldj;lot" A 1 t h Ill 11m•· panv Wra llnt .. nfl'hl Y 11 jtra\J-Pnaut .. nt Ruvru.,nd 1-:.o.!lltulOt ll ' .. uate of NI'WpHrt Ha rbur t 'nlvn po•lntf'll Mr · a rhl Mr s . ll u r r y ~ School IUtd waa cmploy•••l tLW l'hllllrs. ,lotr ttro;l ~~ , " Artllltl a cl.-rk In tbe Nt•wpctrt lkac t I'P '•· 111111 J.lr ''"d ~It • ~;.ry.•u·l llle.P1.b of tilt' 'r(II'Jihunl' Compl&uy t"n~t•hwo •• " 1 unutHII·~· '"' Jlo· :.• ~fore hrr marMMJ:f'. ·, I I urd1'" l'lortJ4Im11" •I•, 1.tul 1••11' T hl' nuri'll~ • vlllfllltl•·•· 1 h 1 > Y""r 14 ill bl' tv-;••h ol loy A rtiiiJI l'rlc·r and WI" 1nol1t1h' M t,. I ·vnt~ Miller ant! lfr• 1-:lnw r·· II;•) olo•11' Mr. and Mn. ~hi StPVt•n.c · ..,.. wt'd · tf't't'fl tly 1n La~ \' q;a ~. NeYada. lu.,ruunr \hf'lr many • trif'nda. Mnt. StevrM ••u,.. M1'' Barbara JMn Armat mn~:. dnu~:h·' ·Mr. wwt Mr>-t' E Hu-... ... •11 •·n-tn of Mr. and Mnt. S. E Ann-· jn)m " tv.·o w .... k,' ,.,,. .. ,,,.,,1 111 .. ...,, ' 8trOnC o( Vlra;lnll P llti.T. 0.11tldt•r City. St•\':t•Ja " Befor~ You nuud Or Remodel-... ,,.,, .. , ... ~u.c ........ ... ~,. ,_ .t:elor ........ ~ .... .we.~­ prelllt'aeiYe •lorll el ,...,. ~rpeC.. U.alu.-... ...-·u.........._ au ... ~ra rar f"Ttdh"m Y.U r·u-llpclNibr. Dontol•l •II' I m•~thrr y. w. "'"' 1111; ••f 1.)'0141 .. •1 !J.PI!C,.,J 10 tho> ,.. ' ton It I&: bun• ra l'rl '""'" .. oo\0 r th rc ,,..Jihm .. nt tiblo• \A IIl'l !tlr11 f"hlllllltalt '-' h" '"''"'<I t• ' ''l•t••fnh~•··nta •·e-n-'" autuuo)l 1 ,,,,.,,. • f br ••n7~ an•l ~;o•t Ill lh1 • l11 ;.."-'""" lloUIJ • all• I lHJa l;_ •lra.:••n• ,1.-t.t• rtn~; I h .. t a h l r "'r f •· ( ,.._.,.,. ...·a r,.. s,. •J ,, ,.,.,,11~· In ~"'"J J'h!l ~br.L-<k;• '"': at t•fl''"'"l 11\'olll: ttl 1:.'7 AI"' '""'' Ha ll••:. l>l.oll•l II 14 "i at I tr.cl 1t1lolr • 1<1!1 l h.ot Ill• ntllf'"' nf Ill·· ~,,.:,.:. 1·a ~• a• .... ,...r nrat\ .,,,...,-,-.. ... 1 ~tr~ c·.uJ ••II .• ,n. I t t h···r h J ... m • ,.,.,. "'''" " ...... ~.,. JO:ltty .. ,,_ t;·•·n rn• nJt~~t•r ,. v. • r•· t•' ... _,.,.lit an t h .. n.•r• •t t hf" uh • ta: J.: htt.JJIII•~M .tntt "'"" )f,.. Th .. nr.u l'yd~r "' La- .:un 1 II-• •· ll " ,..., •·o! bn..S.· At- '"" tu.~; lt••m 1 1 , .. Y.•·r.· l fnt Ju·l· , ... n :::uth• thud ""'' lr.I UUI f"tuur. 1 .. u · , • ..,, k• 1 •t••""''r ••. ••nf' ol Ow o1c1at ,.n ... \ ~. ' •• , t.... South eo..t ( 'ct hol\ •n~: losk•·n IM lnltlal etan.. ,., lit:!!• H• l r··~hn ... rota •·er• Mne.~ 1 •1 1h!'-•lllt't l1•r 8 rouma lat•r .. ,.1p ,_.... \\'~.t~r-.,·r.ana aad .. ra. Hull Wea t~1" .. • pounRJ. Amon I( "1 h1• 1:!11 !)HI to lho: ()('C'Ulon WfT'e 1:01111~ an.t 1-\alll<:t llrti(J:I. Ev and t•ai' ll·•~n~ Anily aJioJ &ae K Lr k 11_\·r .. ,. a!l'' l.la rty Farw.-11. l!rrll an.t ~lrll1•• i;ut.hnc, Te• and 1111i1 p~ l ·vn.t~on Holl llf rvey, the Grfftorol I'"' •••.:•·"· t h,. (~urge Holat1'"" Hu k Artol \'tr~tmla Terkel. Ja..• 11.1 an•l .. l .. r.·nn· lldfltz. Ad ttwf l.l •l11r •••l c ;url .. y. John aad lllh·n t:nHith. t.:arot. tl. s. Jane. Atl-·~ tbe little thlnp that CIC*lt Ia -a.. J'OW ..,_ a to..IJ linbt. mrra l llll<l l.ln c. A. Blakely l.t cJ!w~•· If J'otl crocbet. poa'U lad it eaiJ u4 IM1rpnlaift cP u•te • 'o>nl•lr. an• I ldrl. G.W .D. I>&Johull . nDUII' ICC:~ that will do .. IDIIdt f« J'OW aao-... wtiiOJe- 1.1 t"o ofllolr a nol t.1n1. w. W. L',.t"l'· ~~ f~twe. A ciiep, -cblir Mt. lib tiM -.nidi ,_ c.aa r ,. ... _.. tnU lift a MW look to a fa-'te dltalr 184 will c.-~ 20t Attf'nding an · Orangf' County Cuunt·tl mf'< tin~~: in .,"UIIf'rtun ,.~, 1• Carel Pany clay n·f'nin~ ,..l'rf' )fr~. \'rra ,.,1• QuartN tabl('>o lor m•arly f1tt7 . it'r lin•l M111. Roi'M.'rt Adama. brill!!•' pla)'lfll: fan.' "''<'rt' arranced ' Travt>~ thrullj:h-l.i('lti!'H Wf'r• abut.ll rh•• dubhutl.<W' Thu~ • lb~'ll tn mfltlf'TI p1rtum t,v Julia al~l'moon by tht' Bullctine Com- Ann Hyde qt ~ant a Ana at Thune-m11 h"' "lw n lh4') hc'r.tt""-.'l('d 'One ol l ''•>·'a m~'• tin~ uf thP ~··WJl(lrt ttwir ,_.,"'"' ••f do• .. '<'rt bridgt'L ' 1 Hl\rtw•r 8 .t-P. \\'_ ~he 8180 td•l Gu•"'' ;:nttwr•.(i at 1 p. m . for a m mnny va•·nttn" partlt's f'ny1y ... 1 tt.; .. *rt r .. ur.-~· 1-..·fon• bridg<' play. m llo>XhJ • dunn~ lh•· huhth)' ... a. ,.,.,,.._ :ol ,.,;n•r:trl "'"rf' won b7 11"n" an1l th<' '""''"" '"" otuo<.•rv .. ·l ~t r~ :0: \\' Bl:u·k ht>ard 'and .Mra. by t~•· Latm 1..,0rae F. E l'<lttclint11 whth• Mrs. Susan , T~·., nf'W dwm\)(-1'11. )I no. L.}'•h• :\1 Hutlw rfonl n~d\'C'd' hi 11: h · S trttrn 111111 l ttM HltM-man· Dt•w-awar1l et rummy Auiating ln man w~·ro.' mtr.-..ltK't'o..l. )Ju_' C~Yllllt ,...,,·,n~: \\'l'rt· !\IN. R. P . Tillot!Kia. Tubt•!' ulut>lh•l Chrtlflmu o.lt>t•.,. t•h:rhmlln. !\IN. ~-A. l'oft>y('r, Mn. ra~10nll •wh(t h w11( tw nn S.t.-._, ... n Fhtnk tla rdiman. 1\ln:. "S.-un ~ by lh•• AAI!llltant·,. u-a~uf'. ~J>f' 1111 ~~th••r. Mrs \\' 0: M\>ricke-1 and pnu of thl\ en·nin~~: ,..u wcm '-" I' ,... C n. Rude:!. Ly•ha ~tr-..tn Gul't<ll' In< h•li,.,J )I a y •Hallt'n- JA~'I:f'l c.t ~nla Ana ano1 )tiu ! T 1rgrma TtsomJ*IIl. n an ('af>l anc.l Wra. R. B. c '•o!f· ~0 mab.1'he dlarmilllla.. ... ten will work ap ~ and~ .... man ('apt an,J !ol.r•. Walter II all Ill awreerued crodMt 'ClOttOe. it will J...cltK paMctly '~ oaj 1atp U ('t>llk!r a.n4J )ol,.., .. 11. Gr'irn•-ball of.tllrud le nq1lind f« tbe dl8ir back ucl.,..-Dia ticw lor Las Me 1. s G l··y {'••m•lr ancl M re. w \\ uodtttiftc tllia cbair-..., .......... ~ ......... .=.... edf • G 0 1 lfna roup !-;h~!·· a.nd all liM' &a Seoul Offt-:::.r;:: .• -;:;~~z: .. Needlcwork o.n-• of ~,.,.... Girl Scout Troop uests . Islander . ~,,. •h~ Y.C'rf' ID town Wt'f'C' Ill· ~ur<Lty ,.,., mn~t .... th .. lim• \.,,, ·! -~njo~s.. Outif!g . ·~~-·n by ,.,u ... c ·athmn~ \"un· _, ..... nt•d~ .• , thf' d(lora "" Coming Events. New Come(ly By ·· ......:----· nlll£lUtm to c:.llkrtam a "'nu" .,1 ''1 un 1 hr ff'~h·•~~~• of lh'-l•un •,. J H ·00 Ar A hlkf' 1n t h<' h ill!'! abtwr l"·rnf' .ljfllr1ty J'urto·rll (rum L&a )lftlll"~'\ ...... y _, •• ,..tiW'd raap • n \1 n ar_ r ea Mrs George Wheat l'ark 1\nll jlll"nli: luncb LD lbe. c .. l--:-~··111 t·~ tn .. ~ .. wwrt Harb'n r -W'll B p d d perk Jn'<liJD•III .... r .. eDJ<•Yf'<J re - : \a•·flt, <'lub tclr dlnnf'r. ADH'Illl WEONESOAV. OECEMBE .. 3--I e r0 UCe <f'r.tly h)'• ="'l""f'Url &arh G 1 rl A ll~tht 1111~11..-r ., . ._ ..,n-~·1 t.y ·· ........ U npl( and Ca rul. <,'aljf .&All!. .0\1&01 --.JlQJJ·CWD-. --~ ~c-o<JI T[90J' ~"-3-whfon thcv .-n· the t;<Mili'llll .att~t ..... Ulr J:trll< J'.coa~rdJol,.,._ Ill c II anoJ Vlrtc"tnt•• rnllltltonc-d offlrf'rs 1ralnln~.l nl~h ~ lnHinl fWrrormanc-f' nf tbf'-J<·~·.,,j an &U:CU~· QU.lln~ot. _ • • Ulf' n•IM~'Mthl« . f'tot . · Tc-rk••l. ""ulab NalJy .... ..,orPnc1• ~thc'lul. 7:30, p m. nnr-~~·t c-nm<'•IY ":loh·u Arf' Uk,. Plannin~ t¥. •. llffalr y.·~no Mnl. I Jill\: to. r I fit' .tfa 1:W.. tbf' HaJ, Knhbm8, t.lyma Lou Rred, Ba.rnf'~ Hadmmtun. high «hool, 6~ In , Thnr wntt"n by, -ll r 11 t ;,•or~:,. F.. L. St nthhll' and )f,·11 )I n r y 1 .bna _lallunl homto ))M-'-\f'd' ~hn.,., l'-1 Unwe'! and Wlllt.m 11.:w p. m. , Wh•·r•t ••f l"l'Wf"'>rl l'lf'..l'c-h ,.·m t,.-A (I I,. Abbt>tt. 11pnnt'W"•nt nf t h ,. ~'t at 121 ·11~ Av~ur H ubb&ol. 1 Ntwp<'lrt Harbor Servll'<' Cluh. c 1!'".''" lht~ Wt'f'k 1n tht• ~out I troop Latr 10 tltf' aftl'mu•1n th .. 8Hd Your Gl"ft'tillp I• a FrN11 • Cat. ~~ 8oaqae& ·or O.r Flowen ; A~'\lCII 0tt:Oef' ~ ...,,. !Jon.-; _ • • • nnon. White ~Of(f't' ·Shop, m~<on. • l',u•;,c.lt'Dit W om<'n'" 9Jubh'lll"" l•y ~nrla ga\·e urtpromptu p'-,VII ,,n th,. thy .H~Jt.,ft, Doria Jacot.: JJutb i (JTift:~ .Jtrun1 a( tlw •rhtb ( _Amerlca'n t:..rglon ·Auxiliary cant tht• lli''"Y•Ian" C_1ub. · Mn. \\'llfiAI park .. outdoor .sta~r. ,.._ ..... .._ _. Mlif"''A .AKA Murphy. Bfott)' l"roe«ble. Gae.Da> wuco · ~ Fl.lbf'r, .. arllaa-FJirn f>&rlY. I P,,_m .. 1AJ1on but. I ha• ""hlfV<'d aU«'«' lA Y.'IUl b f' r -_._ 't.._· __ _ -~~::;::::::::·:·:~:::::::::::::~~n~k~~~~·~·~-~~::~:~~::"':~a~a~d:l ~~·'"~ and~~~ G l tt~~~~ ~~~,d~~·~~-~~~ t hi •·RR~~~~~~~ twftl But~. _ I~ rool~. Dr. and .. r& Albf'rJ meetln~. . I · play and her farce. "A P\aCtlf! covc-nng' from a 111"\'~n altlck · 8oUand. t be Geora~' Ho~ eo.ta Me • a Womea'11 Rtht'f on Sugg...tion". • ol appf'ttdld ll•-t • BIXLER'S ltr. IIDd .. nt. Robt'rt F. C.mert,-earp., 2 p.m. Ooanmmtty Cbvrt'b PlaDDiDc~ the ,....UU.I ~ ~-M.. OeakiM. Ia ntunaiiiC ;lr. w1Ua II:IDe ar-a Ud Ru,!lf lloda1 baiL -wttb ...... W .. wtao Ia •tatel tble,_k from • ·Yilrit wfth ber K,.ia. tile Roy .._~wit" THURIDAY OECEMaER .._ cbaJrmut of t'duc!eUon tor tM -la Berlleley. • t1M!t1' diJidne Bartlara Ud DaDaJd, Newport Be.c.b EbdJ Club, · 2 Calllomia F'f'deraUon of Womm·•l -----. . • 1 .FLOWER SHOP Mil,...,... ..... Ollila--.......... -- STICI 'EI UP!· Dkll Edwarde, tiM' r..arte Hall!· p. m.. clubboUK. • • ClubfJ. and M,.._ 8Uan M. RutJwr· . •JUft 1 ~ ... ,-the ..... llurtoa ~r'a. w I t b the DaoUd N""port Harbor Bu.lneo• and ford. pl"t'Sideat ol_.Newport Beach entNp ef the ,.._.n-,. 1 Douslaa Jr .. ~ Puadna Rob-Proleulonal Womeo·a aub 6 :-30 Ebell and Mta. K. V, OUta. book ,-----------~---.-__:_ ________ ..:..:; ____ _ • ft't Scbl•""-•a• &Ad Mr. aDd P· m. Harrteon'• Cat• Collta » e«tlon cbaJnnan. Lut wf"t'll .. A 1 'Mra. IFnod er-r. -DufiA« U.. Kiwtual.e Club. ~ Cwl' : Pla«Ue .on 8~" .-... CiVfll t • . ' ., .... ,. Wi_th These ·Pastes, Glu~ and Cements! • • A TH _OUS-AID USES • -8eaUnw Paekape • Makinc e Model Airplane Manufacture • Puti~~ -Piioao&- Christmu Cards • I Repairinc Broken Articles And S.o .On To An Almost Endless List . -.------• ~ -.. JUST 'A FEW OF OUR STOCK ON HAND ARE .LISrED BElOW ColorleM. dfkos fa•t. Hold• Ucbl. Tul..e • 5c For oftk-fo, honwo ... W'lllool - Slk'ka qukokl)', clr18 lll•tat~tJJ. 51~-oa. .lar • 5(kt --scGidl -('ELLt·I~E TAPE ,,..,_... lfon~. nutty ...,.._.r. J()lr' aad 1 i)(t ~~~·s UQtlD GU.E ......... ,, ... _ • MEAIJSG \\'AX ..... .. Stic-k • l!ic- All .. , ....... kJ ..... "" aDd ., ('Ioiii or tra....-N'tll. .ag,. aad ap ~..~ -~-=u-ttt A...~ .lar • lOr F-,Ail P'apK .__. ("attn'• (lre UQl'Ol PASTE ... Ulrc' . ------·-----..-..--·----ew)iort B81boa IEWS-liMES ~---· ... .' noealnc It w a a melllJ~ b 1 Shell Ca(co. by t11eo EWtl Club ot s-ta Afta1 ~KDI'. but ••hy. that t.be Al Nf'wport Ha rbor Sea Scouta 1 Vallf'y at their buaar. ~lien ... wbo wrr" pre~ would p. m .. ll'OUt· but. · I .,.,.., ""beet Ia lf'&vlnr . tomor-~ CO far · -Newport Beach To-.'DMnd Club """'· t or Loti Mgdt'e wbf're 1M • • • city ball. 1 :30 'p. m . . will at&y •1th Mn. FN'd Ro..•lan..tl THF. ALBATROSS f'nthuaa.ute F .. IDAY, OECEMaER ~ ot Santa Ana. Jlnt. Frank Rc.paw acatD ttlOic over Ill tbe Nrterport Coata Mua Friday Anetnoon ot Brea and -""'· R G . Jllller oll Harbor Yacht t,u)) fM tk UtlnS Club, 2 p. m .. W omea·a clubboUK. Huntmgton &acb at thf' Blltm~ and l'burth racn i•r lbe Inalce 8 alb 0-1 laland Baz.aar. 201 Hotf'l wh.-re liM-y wtll attend Ulf' ~. but thtrf' Will · be a lull Amrtbyat, all day: erml-anau.al etate board mf"f't•nc ~or •.~~pie or 10 .wvenUl llayent, Coaat&l V.F .W. Poet . 7:30p.m .. 0 r•---Mary Jay wu aru tRill· Coeta Mua Legion Hall. Handwork Sale Is spmfsorett By 1sbnd-w. S.C. S. Aid Circle I 1riDc' oa ~~•-Hf--hck Dt.ark> Hillman• boat. merely to lack of •·tn<l. and coafllc:CDI IIOflC• ~'&mf' ow·r thf' bay wat...-. from St. C~<:f'nl and Dirk Powell. Commodnrco Uu1l C u t h r I r &Dd cha:npti)O 11111 Jn.!llff' ailed 1:., Jl.,r iiA-11 numh<'r two to _1 ~ f1rrt Ew'11 health hu bf'en below ~r nf late. IIU ht 14, ,~;1 u nco I rommll tn from thr cluh cltclL Pat !lurr11 ut hfo,11jt' him wortl· lhg .'"" Sunday • r1 ~~~ word 1,IIJI&k. f'at .!1 nf""'' tf'd •l!h·~ A. r• •I ~laei&JI. blue an..t ri',J kmtt1 ... t '''H .. I• r &Dd 1 rc-.1 r'"" bt'anll' o~ut 111 "'a.• ,·ery 1 f p(< hi.Oj; A~~· Y.:tlo hlnj: tfw bay ( t>mJ><'It(ti•O , .. ,.,. F-1' Rnof Jdt' 1 ;r: • n,.r..tyk.-uf I' \:4.1 t• rut an. atlf \" \\ :•:k• 1 !!1. ;"'" • n •. , ... ~.n ant! L.'\tW•'Y l'l • rn·.ru· ----· -- I I Youngsters Honor lOth Birthday Of Barbara Hardiman Tbr te-nth birthday of Barb&r,a H•rdlman callt'd for a gala cele- bration Saturday afternoon ln thr bomr of hrr parrots. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Hardtman of 223 RavrnL Lido J•lr. wberr a dQzen young· steon It'll btrrd. Small bou~rhold artlclf'• IUr)l •• apron•. boldf'ra and tow.-11 will · br for 11&1«' at tb«' baz.aar Friday aarl Saturday of thia week lD the B&lbna bland hamf' ot lolra. Bert Bartbolom"·· 291 Amrlh\'M. bv mf'mbcra nf lh,. Balboa-bland I Ftrtt of all the young gunta Wf'T\' trc-atf'tl to birthday rakf' and let' crram In rf'd and ~·b1lf' c-olora O..coratlnol! w..re In thoro.• ~e tonu. Tbf'n they adjourne-d fOr a tbrater party. Pruent wrrr \\1nkll'r. Ctrc-1.-. Thr aal~ o1 bazaar UtiC'If'l •·•II bf In cbarr nf -'IrA. BarUwlomeow and a food Nil' .to bf' h.-ld on Saturday morning 111 bf'm~~: ar- ranjltod by )Ira \\'. s. ~mlt.'l. ~nl'fllll rt' f'l\'rd .,.·In l)(-u11f'd for thf' I!Cn~ral A.Ctl\·lty II( th~ t"lrc!l' (rum fian Gllbrlf'l Whf'N' tby wel'f' lflJf'~ll Clt thrlr f!('.n-ln-law and dauothtrr. )lr llntl !-Irs. Hay LlDdeoman. oys .For-Border ' Mr mhc•r!O of thr l'l<'W!'<Jrl Of'al'b M · · W '11 Be -J '!:own:~entl ('lul. ~-ul h1llol th,.tr ISSIOn I -~r~~ay. llrrrmi.K'r f mfftlnt: •.n Provided By Circle c th_~ 110 ~""'r .. rt H•·~~~ 11 cuy Hnu , \\ llham Hnltzdllw. rluh rr('l()rt-. · -",.., /.gnu Wtlaon and )Irs. Ed n 11 Hart errnd t r a and caket to I Mm~•-l"orr mr M.lll.-r, M o r g I a I . MaHle-Haun. C.racf' Ulll- lllldrf'\1 Burk. Jr••~" Bar-1 MJ'C1. .F1ora Harf1i. F.lma Mort'- a.and. A II r eo Jl'lrrnbf'r(. Wan.an Qonover. Vf. lol. »ltcbrll • o d Loulw Gibbon•. - SAOLEIRI MOVE The rafn0y of J a " 111 ·....-man~ o t t "'U.lbo& bra...a...i lhf' 8&11k of A.mnlra, monel ... IU'daJ to 130$. ~Mt ~ntra.l ,_ Ui. and Jli'L Gua Ntttnb(.r( (I( tbe Meft _,.. atUI telling of tbrlr u-.,..ek.!J, vacaHon through tbf' Middle Wlllt and Nortbena atat.ea. -. . . \ Fr~Mr. S.tudar. s...--, ... itolldar b~ 7o ... al Artllar Ol'*-Bud FOLLOW Tlfl ~STOM Of MOll THAN 101,000 CALIFORNIA MIN AND WOMEN -. Chrittm8l Oub_fuods mabie you to par hoticbr bills. mm tixes, ~ praruums or olhrr 6.cwxW obhgarions prompclr. You laft50tormorepa-weck... Mhoont fromS2~ up .Tbm~o( • ..,