HomeMy WebLinkAbout1941-12-04 - Newport Balboa News Times- . . --..;..:_• L .. • ·-4. ... '" • . ~ .. . ' r .... ~.A. .... • Mill ·~.PRESs *-• 1 11m raptdly developtnc ..,.. ot the CaUtorrU& SouU, Oout diatrlct. • ~~rwu: • ._ ,\uu' tu t._, t u•an., f•l•' "'"' llll jlll l\1111 "''"' th\• '" ''" •··'II urul relal ~~·s·•i''"' """''"'' AN INOIPINDINT LOCAL DWSPA.PD llliawDN THI IN11RI NEWPORT HAR~OR DISTRICT-~~-... ~~====~----~==~========~====~ NEWPoRT IJEACH, CALJFORHIA.11HURSDA\', OEC~MRER -1. 1\41 -= VOLUJIE D --... ~~======~=r~~~~~~~==~~· --... -._, c-. I 81Uc/, ._2,uJi c t I A -IN~uau L"~ uoo ca.ua Newport aty Council Popular Lo<•al Couplt• ru,·t:u e~s ''IIPil"TtoN en ra, ve '1'\a..S.y momina'• fOI wu bl&m-...._ ' l rt'Vfal•' ::; Ruiter•. \'otmJ' u ., .. ,, • 0 • eel for •n autQ uuh a't the •r:r· .-ambs llo\m Criti('ally lnjurt-d lkll\ltl'r ,_C"IItl)' \'\IIIVIcted ~ bura· trance of LlcSo llle whicll b'ro\AI1lt · ~---'• · l~trr&rn,-tht Standard Oil •tallun Bal.boa Island 8 1 'L.b{. "BRICK"' OAJND-w d 0 lnJw"IN to Mr.. Ro. Allton, 1100 00 .,~~ 0 In Highway Cra!oih at lla~· titl.rn•' \'amp, "'&I .... -rtU. cifr-rtmcnt W\8he8 at t.hlll I. en I. ng to Newport boulevartl, and property . ThUn.Jll)' pt.\~ un' rav.--y .. u Ume to rUe up and .. lute Ute damac• to two car.. Drtven of Newport'• -·OOWKJI Monda\' \'Mull While "•·11-k rh•wn l.lalb.>a proihotl hlll "lwn lw aJ•I..,lU'ft.l lw,f.,n• Junior chamber• or commerce 'for , the whlcJ" Involved wea:e Mn. 1\!lh~ ~ b&nl4ld thumt;;. ••:rfNnMn, and Mr,. Wh•t•· '1''' etlll :SIII"''""r J""""' K""""'h E. Muf'tt ·an Idea .that has tteen 11dvanced Florence Davey, '23M Newport down on a ... faal fur a "1111' 111 " •·rllh'~tl •·•m\lllh•n u1' P•'<'ltr~hh• """ Arto•t 11 rant1"-tht' pro!Hlthin for t.he bettermei.t ur our c.ant~ Go Throug: h boulevard, •nd pavld Dyer, 211 •mlnlltec,tiOb~c::o-~ ':n::a~~~~nY',',",,. hii•Jlltnl lttt n·eul\ ,., llt'ilr·fotll\1 oi l'}' ···nh•n•· ... Jutiaf' .... ,ra .. •n '"" popuJaUon. B~y. b<lth of O.la M,_, ---,,_ IIIJIIrlr ll n •t•<'l\'t•tl Sl\1\u·d .. y hl.,;hl •·•••iolrtt'll k t•ICI'rtl to t 'amp Hot tU> Pretty near everyone likes qs, . MN. Anton wu ranoved to 8&nLa caJ». UUO\CII .... ~ty •treeta a nd In " IIJH'<'1"''111.., thr•·•· 'Mr 'ra•h , .. uth.,rlta"" f11r whalnf'r 'puntll\'f' PierProolem Stil·l ~In P.ir' ' well, and cata, Ana Valley hoepltal. !'Y~ theCo~~ctlnn t•,, 1'~1\4> ...... ,wa..nt, "'""-tl ·~···""""'' un .,,....,.,,...,...,..,_ •rmy w1atww to tftk:r too. 11 you lrlaiat. The wlilentnc of Centl'al avenue. • • .., __ t r c .... , hll(hWM\' I :I 111111'11 "''uth "''"''\!"'" tu k utrrror n\lmtul .. n l~t• ""'''"I"'"' .. r ii'7Tt•7••r "•mnu ! Lot.(! !01 ... _ ha\•• front N•wport to , .. __ ... nter of A-.. ..-., ... ytJ• • WI.,DOW8 made Ole •-.-propoalna 1'' "' S•n t'l•·mrrrlt•, hr.•u.:ht •lt'otlh l•••k ''·'' '"••rth • .~. trr•11 r-,,,, I'lL'' t t 1 1 • 'em. and ';'rea t Balboa, ~.arne. ~Utyceat Mon-~·=~\ ...... Har= ~:.. mall &Oacl t~ ..... uploatv .. at 11' lh ...... po•rllull .. r.n.t ·-··rh•II.O Ill llw !I:""V''f~ ........ : 1111 'Nn\' .... : ... ;.··: ··; .... :;: .... t~~:·~l ::~:."'~: J 'em like one of day mrht'a mMllnc of the city atuacUve~y clecora~ Chriltma.l U.. Pacltle ~ lracu . th .. n jun ... t..r '••ur ••lhrrll huo •• n·•t lnll<rwana a ft•l4 diu'.. 11',1• .. 1 f'h·r" "" lin It,. ... bland the !amaly. \Vhlch nell ---.·twn lhal body a cted to w indow• are t"'-at Surf and Ue the Uuc!kli tit bare•• "'hk'h Aro•ur.lant: J., ,r"l""1" f1"111 at-l"h·r '"h••rr .Jw-... u~rht t ..... 11 tho l••rto .. t '"" k '" th .. , I\' ru11 ·II · at __., r--..a• ... an ..-.., I& --_..,_ would be lnOOre4 at the C'I'\Jnl\' t.-n<llu& J•h)'Kh'lotn,. M1 ol" \\'hrlf' •ll•la·u rau•r..t·-nd•~~r' "" 1 1 • 111 ·Ju-'t and ~"'"' -.._ u.... popu r apo .... wear .. ~p ~k. __ ..... _....__would ra-,·.. f ..... -"'" ~~~ '"" 11 tt ~'"' ""'lrat" .n EK·END >ITION To ' d ide lhlite Next". On·lllwa- . ·Vanderbilt •• ,"t""::--:--:--~i~~~~~~!:~~':f~~~~~~~~~~':::J~~~-=~~~~~~~>f"""';~~·;;-;.;-;;~•-;.;_,;:;..;;~t_;;;"~rh"~'~' ft•n ,, fra<'llln·• "' lht· '"" l••t.: lhr n •p .. rl ;ih~tl n1rnll•"'" ·,,, ., I But 0 n c e authortzlnfr City Attorney Roland The .ahop'a main .,lndow ua devol· t'llth~~,_,..._..,..,...,._....,...,_"f1TMHiti.UI!ifEH14rtl"t'EI'!:.J\AUt'lll!l!llllMir1MClii:Anl'lt:'IITi--h:TI"nr-~m.h....+-~M~~~~..._; _ _.. _____ -J~IiltJill•---~ &wtult> doc• . ~mpeon to file condeJ'tlnaUpn fd to a tutc!ully-arraJ!,C~ •lee:· ttw> harbor and..,.. lJ\co channt•l ,.1"'111 ttw-f••'r 11"''"''11' :WI lllllo•l)t • "Thf'' ('.,111UIIIIllt~·· tlhlljlall••n l'htn, "" lk•th "'")""'' .,111t '"""' • yeah, and cala . au1ta at Ofl('t'. lion cfr wtute allk Una•ne and tu San Pedro, ...e \o • ~.ttY rr:nJ 11'''"" l'f'qlllre'd 1•' •"1•""' 111•· W•lltndll tn •t• t'h1ldr•u" ---.·&11 1M' auth .. rr I v 1'~"~'1'"'""" "rrr .,,.,,,. , , get loet •nd The ordinance wu adopted fol-n~Chtwear diaplayed acatn.at • ect at the OUW a.rt~or at Ban \\'hrlt· "ltal~tn<td II 11 11~turyd lf'IC. rvo•ly .t..-·u....t rlf'at Tu..S.y Thr Jllrl , lu.u.,; ... ha1,. 1-n '"' are packed up by lowmr a public hearinc at wtUcb ba!=.tiJTOund or clear ~ Ploortnc ~-hruko·u krrl't· ''111' n•rrl rtlltlllt•l" 11111,~t. "' th .. nolular nrnn4hly ,...,. 'I"''"'"'' h~ 11\llhlt• 1 .. 1 "" n•r• .... ,,, pollee or other• authontlea. Wll•n there wef'e five wrttten and no the wuadow \8 aparkllnc ..Uvrr WlM>n the eowtllll ltoarned th:ot t.rru...-a "'".,-"' N•''"'l>nrt II••'•"' t ftalt•rr "'"l•·r~ol ttu•rt. tr .. thllll( ~~Pad 1 UUa bappena they're' held tor a verbal P}'OlHta. The protata, mera-•~lUll "'tl,ich • provea partleu)arly ~h load 1IOiald nm from IO,()(lor -Thr ln)llre'd 1111111.,. t•f'oth••r. A" H•!;ll '"'h••ll 1'""""1 T•a•'ll#r a~~~~t • ~tnotfu,lty ""' ...,m~ wtp.;1 , rt certaan lenrth or lrmt> by the caty bt-n of Ple _council poanted .DUt, eHectl'"' 'rJnckr artificial IlCht. to 80.000 JIOUI* ol the-expk .. 1"""· lhur \\'tutr. who• '11111'"' lh·· ''''111''" •:"'"""· MNJ tt. If Krnurll, J>llh· !hll•U6th ,.,,...,.,, .. .,, pr.vat11 p1o. • and tlwn, .af not claimed, a,... don• rto~nted ·-than nne .,.,. cent The Bide "'lncloW reatUA!II m•mben tu..t.lly Mtd to deny tht' )'•••lt·rday at "····at\llllko ....... rt 1411" 111'11)' ··haarnran """""'"' lutlay ..... ~ lhf' l'tll•rrhno• lllld n!OOfura a---.·ay with, which 111 qUite a l~al of pro~rty ownenr In the aaeeM· lpoi'Uwear and a red backlrfUund. l"f'qUet~t. "1111 1111Jl<-lblt-1" tk-l••rn•rr•r Jl~l t'ho-11 lu ll•rMSt.-thf' iml•"{1ant .. r •m•ll a•rtcfl wh(',... th•·,.. .,.11·t pi'O<'f'durt-, and the only way the nrt'nt dialrlcl which will be !onn-how lun,r ltl.·y "'•••O•I 11"" .. 1•• ,... '"P"' lA a .101• uf th,..,.. Wf'll·kfltl" w •ny f'lr A t ity can do unJHa It want. • \'Ut ed to purc:tut. the l&nd. ro• ENGUMH ILIDH ISill.ZO IN AU11DE.NT nrAirfi.t th• S.ruth .. rll h••"r""' but ura'"'" , . .,1111ty mt~n uu•huhnJ 14u ..,........,..,... ,..,.nw ......_ family of cata and~ u part ol Ne Pawtlltr o.Jiel l"w' Newport Harbor ac:hool chlld.ren Walford C~ta. 17. "' 2fhf', andu•~ttf'd that tra ru•f.,r It• 1111 tlr -l"'ru•r .lull,c• Jo'ra11lthn Wrllr,''Wil' -Thr 11111jo•rll\' ro•l"•rt 1,,..,1mm•nd- the population. It ..... pointed out lbat the wid· have Juat romplt'ted -ckln• M l''t'm.lt•"f aven\M, eo ....... drl MMr, llll&i' ''"11111>'· IIV<IItuh~on l4o>uld be IC"r 'l'lpt .. n. diN'< ... , "' I liP t)-r••r 0 r-... do • ~ -..;I lhrtl nun• "' l hr 'f'll llllllla p .. rl Now t1w junior chamber h&a .:nina procedu"" wi.ll not caU for boxa for duatributlon •• N'plrtedly ~ alttl~f•• '""' mot. · at thr rrtrhf'fll 41141• 1"a"rblf' •~•unty ,uvrntl• 1\rpo.rlnr•hl aniJ ho• r.;lll••n-.t hut that all hlture ,.... at4rted a campa~n to aid ~ any pavlna. but mere!)' tor ac:-to l:ncliah boya and ~rtrua, U.. ~very rrom rnbtor 11lJ\•r1r• r.-C~tuar nf •llw a•'<'ldo<nt haa not hooad J.Jf ltubb~ H-. •rtd l'h"rln '''IIUI\ruo·tl••n ,.f ttwm tw madll ltt · &oet crtU.eN. At ... _ c:a"ty dump '"-qulaiUon ot· l&nd In the Clenter pro ....... t bein• nart of Ulelr con· ce1\'fd BaturdA.Y" ~M~hl wht'n lh• l)w.n drt""11111~· l.'~hrunua H11h· E Rnbll..-on, t'ounl" ,.,,.,_.lnat1rr .. ,... .. .., ~ ... .-f' 1 , "' ''""'""" I•• ''f'rllln 1tandant.; U\jllt ..-nt """Uipment for ---'n• for of tlw atreet from the Pacific trtbuUon to Junior Red c.,_ car In wb.lch he waa ndaul( with "11 Y 11'"' .. rru·t•n •t•tf'd that Mu•w wtll 1» p,.,,.,..._.. by tltr r ·--... ~··• 1 .,... 1 .,.,.. It .. rv,,.. fH uf tJO a ,...., be u.e an1rna1a \8n't 110 h<.l, acconhnc EJec:tnc Co. which ~ntly a~n-work. It wu dl8ct<.ed today. n.. ManNII O.VUI, lT, alan nr C'urorM •·aa• '"''" ""' 111 ttw unarna •·n.ta 1\l&h .. -huol IT\UIIIr tMJlArtm•nt un ••haracf'll rnr all I'Al•tlua [)Wra anJ • to memben. ....._ k•nn•l ~"--doned lb rail llae In the atreet cen· •trt boxa, which w""' ·--mbkod del Mar, wu ~ In a o'trlh· Wf'rt· aJlf''"'·ntl~· ••r,..nte'd by "'hit• df'r MUIII Man. H111twoh "-It"'" • ""' ' ' ...,....,., • _.. · nd 1 ld H 11 ,._ '"' any nf'w .,n,.., that nw .. rtna ,.f llwy're kept, ~y ronl.end, leava lt>r. under aupuvlalon of School Nu.rw •~<m at l1Ul et.-and !I:I'"Jk•rt " "'"" "lllnl" · "'hilt' a lJoaAnd menabenr will t•umpnw thf' ""' "'"'" th1111 •••l enrall ~""' 1 much to be cSUinod, and ttw method Th~ oppoelnc tlw pl&n by let-Orelha Tubbe, Included hair nb-bouw vlllrd, <(allta lit .... Op;'rat .. r thil'\l ,.,.,, ''llt'r•t~l b)' ~'"40111 R h.•'-cumnuttee. 11\4• m.-.tlna ''' •ruund tlw tahul'l b .. alluw1.4. an.t of dla.,...,n.; of ... _ unf"rluna•~ ter contended that bua !ranch._ bon.a, -nella, memo nacla, -p. or the M<'Ond ear lnvulvNt WIU Hruc·kwot)', "''ldf'rrtly HIIIJtht'd Int.• ...... held at· t.ta. lfu•h lll'ho••l t•at .. t•r-11 1 .--~.. u.., v ....,.. . .-.--1... r .... ,,,.. -• ,. "" an11u•t ~"'""" f" o1 10 aJaD lall't ao boL could be utlll&ed tO p!O'· for pur-aewtnc materiala, c rayona, ~ramM. Throdt~ro Pantojo, •· or f'llll'f'nlaa '"' rrar " '111" ••f \,,.. nth.-r ma· 1a llll'linntn,r T :'10 ir'I'I4J4"k. . r .. r 1111, h a·raft tw a·hai'JIId, and Wb&t lbe junlon want to do \8 chaae of tlw l&nd; that coeta for toJ» and jack knlva. and other a\~nl.lt', eo.ta ...... ••tv•. follow· ' hlnH afln 111" ''"111111"" ttanun•ll. thai "'H'h fltn4a ..,.,.., t-ct be _. ret aome backlnc (or c:ol'\lltn.a.cUon the a c:quialtiOn ahould be borne by •maJI artklea. I~ t1w accident. ~ buoked at :li', haa Wife', Et.-anur l'-'11" ttaD\· ('ftAILITY aALL NAT&D '"' ""'""''"-,..,..h urdtna- o( an efficient and aanilary UM~ IJt:IIU; and that other IU"eU fn ,._ tlw county )lll Oft dnmlc dli\'101 mt-11, 24, 'and ttl.•rr dan.htn, <'nn-Memben tof Nt'wpor1 Hat'tktr Aa Mf'IIIIM'nt uf the t'll~ CINMII for the W.t anlmala. And aome tM harbor dlatrtct llhould aid In ND Y&A&'tl EVE DANCZ l'~ •tanl'f', •· "11 u( 1 a.· .. ,.naHtr. w.-re atalafl('; .....,_ 01•t TuNday at hull I~ f"•lntf'd nut thttt IIUCh , loex~Mive equapment tor dOina ~. pure¥w. u the avena. tal.&lled lla"y Hartior area !ollul· are kall~ '" thr N'Uh Rr••·kway, tO. tlM> HarTJ W.-tn""' "'-"' u,e. 1~.v.:uuld· nrc"""'.t:lh 11~· to b . away wath 'epl "'hen rt'a nec:-ry. by rt'8lclenta from other area.a. PlaAnlnc to 6IM the Old Year out N~· A.aroaT all'MO&ED "' Ttlrran ... ·, lln•t hrll · •·umranlnn. una df'l Mar, at whk•h Ume fUr-Jtlat•C'd tn ,.ffP<'t th,.••aahout th . ~y have tentatlve·plan.w ror a 'Ma4! nert atep In t1w acqulaallon at Pla~ntla wtw,... Bob 8kllea Ia A<'~ to IIMft'ldal. ""portA Mra Lun l.-HC'ddrdc, '\:&, uf '~•n·· tlwr an1ll14fem•nta were ma4e fOf' hamur •tl•tnrt. ral._.r Own r-fta' wtup wiUch wouldn't coet mud» It will bt' formaUon of an ._..ment plannlnc a hue• N-Y•r·a ,.m-U. 8. AnaJ .,..s._-a Mft ,UIM Jtlde, Wf'l"r IWI'l4JIIIIIy ttiJllrwd. 614' orJ&IIIMUon'• aMa l."ttartty Ball 1&1111 ,...•ldf'nt. and tw .. t nwftlln lncJ~-a .... ~~~~~ii dtatnct from McFadden Pia~ to boi"W wiU:r plurty of !avon and 'A't'ek beeD ........ Ia 11\U'Y~ftC ~· ror Dec. JO. '" tlnty '''"' IN'C'tlclft of t ... t!ttJ. would iffi anlmala tftll!"'t''.,..,r:Jt"'ttll"'lJJImtJ'IRilr.'wt'1ttriiJit'hltfftt'llfta''"'"tliM~vetoai:-Ai -.aJ S='ho;:rt:r-T1M §l.tak.L ~-lr.• b t•1 pau. '1'tl!e~t~ r.pooR-•'-_,..,.., quickly, and an oll·bumlna fur-ownen to r-Y auma rencana· !I"'On at Bob Bldlea' clancea. «oocl ordeL wat portAon ot ODiea IIIli'-11ed under 1•~ elllilririihii\Jif a Jlli'if'WtthjiW ilh"Wtlln• hr taea nace to diapolae of thrir bodlea. li tu l24 acc:on11na to location ancY w ~nteed by tlw ~ment. vey operaUoM ...... 1iOU6Id on for AY'IIIy P..· -+"'--lll.._.aa,_..s "-"' ~y. tinA 4WI4--c-uuctloll ot rutur-• ·, Thll ian't aomelhtfll for animal rmprovemenla. t1w aouth by W. ,._ 11tnet and F -.1 B Off wtll lake place at .. "'-,Ana ~Mr•. Ioven to overlook. It mlcht be The P.clflc Elec:trtc h&a .. t a Harbor Guard Units on the ... by a..-~ ear-r:u y leer Country clubMkketa at 12"118 -.ell a joocl idea tor anyone even prace of about $32.000 on the l&nd, Rumored ..uppeiiiU. .. Ulat the <'Onrina boll\ dlnnft' and uM da,.... allchtly lntereated In the Idea and but uae of cuollne ""' funde wiU Plan Mobilization huce tl'ac:l ........... eoMAd-Off~~n ..... "11",....'"""' at tar.. to folluw. All prctoMCill will 10 tu-' c· .. nt•ndtna th•r. .,... 1100 tNIItl · lola and t~nly :\42 l"ttlllde totr ' 'tlw n!Thont~ ,.port ur~~tlld tM\ a•. .. .. , ••cht batlltna -.rt-~ ,_.. ..,... for tt. pUblic a~ "") Wand. a ,.ulna that 1Mdrw u. .. ~ ~ ,...,~· .. ..., po;...,. for _,... lllflk-flil& f,or U. ..... .. wbo owna a cat or dol whkh mlcht cut thla pnce aomewhat. '11\e ~ltJ ered tor a p._ n •• Urport_ new We•t o -t Rf'placement ~n· ward .upportlnc \.he '-eve"• be ao.t aome ume to co up anc1 auao will pan bec:aiiN the central Totnorrow Night ter art' In druUc riHd of bo..n., vanou. 'rMtllwhU. chartu.. look over t.tie preaent equipment. .ectlon of the •tn.t ua not pa\'ell -Ou· LL. llanj A. CaidweU, ~ AM UMa t.n't ..... rel1acUOD oa and 'wtU ... ~ ,.... cut· ........... ot u.. lad ........... Mayor Gonlqn t ....... for u.. ~t ~ ->~ h Oabfomla lltat. Guard, wNdl ID-_._ &oW '--' cMJn-.r e1 the o~rat.or at the' city dump, t.Nl t rou~rh cement to tay pro-., --.. -..,.. AalloaJiee Hoaor BoD at Harbor Rl ti.,a either. He don u welt.u lw can ~ new uUIIt.y au-to duct. Rar1kJto dletnet Oo.'•· P' and F s • . me.._ ot1ktUI ,.._...,._ wiUI what be baa. ~nii'\IIUla area, It wu pointed out. 0 , have been reqwated to moblll.aof or upervl~r Ll. C.ld\o••ll •tated Ulat otneer 161 .. o...a.-.._... tomorrow eventna at CoQlpton. m .. mtwn ur tlw. 11tarr a"" amvtnc T'llfo rnajnrtty ,..,.-..n plan .....,M N"•'p<•r1 Hartkrr llnkln H141h ''"" '"' ,.,.....tlun ftf 11 ,_.. p4etA Th!hk thla over, and In the mean -' L(eut. Charla E . IA-e a nnounl'ed hf'"' N'l(ularly ,.ncJ lnd1catf'd '11\at time ~lve a (Hlt on the back n'uTr~eth,..,aunn~~ OOO~IIvn~-em~'= ffoorr today. ... N Irvin ~· G lnlon, mayor ,c:' '' ,., . .,,... "' llwm wuuld lilt lOu hr on IIC'ho•ul laat w-k , . .,....., ltw ttnat than """" .,... ura thr raland, I r ... _ JUn.lor. ~ham ..... r1 ' r ..,_,, ua -~· ewport uaoCh and ...,..mlnc-nt "'' u"" ""' ""nronat 1 jurle a-rtedly autrer Local Guardamen will uwmble ,.. -hn11•l u,.. run h .. r fl'>llllf'd nut that • • ,.. · " • • t Co 11 d "'' t'al bulldn• contnertor, Uwo morn- 'l""rt"r "' lhoo llrf'Wnl ll'rm with mtnurtl~ *"'"''' Jlall1, warn"'Gr 22 h11nur •t >11Jrnt•. l'rtr11 I pal H. It 11111111181 " 1,.-lhl• I'Vf'ntual cJo• • d a mpany "" qullrtt'MI. lv" • JtM•bHhl'\.· !)(I '""""''" "'uul•l rrlflllrf' " 1n the harbor diatnct by vial· In& offluaUy anMun~· hiM lnto·n· I<'"'· lubf'lla Gnnz uked for 150.· Palm ltrHt, Balboa, at e p. m ,.,., um'"'"lr<lu•nN 111 th .. NrwJ•rrt IJil\'ldaoua "'Jl'•r1f'<.l tuday "'""'' hy u1., I>Oihllt• fnr ,..,.,..,., ONE MOB G t,"N 18 FillED · Thia~rtm•nt. ~n10nally. got jum~ on the oth•r night by a r•ident uf ltw Bttena V1ata 81\'d: a""a about a tr w lint'll wnttton Jut w H k about th!' Battle or tlw Boult>vard. Tht-ruidt'nl wued .. n-aallc at me 11nd plt!tlc about lhe beauty ctf t~e11 and other Phrubbery whil'h the r ity rcrntendll are rooted In n alrH t eaRment. I ha\'en\ ad\·oca ti'd that the tree11 and 11hmbbf'ry bf> rl'mti\'Pd ~r lnteruu.<l wrth in any way, I only 11uggatf'd thBT sePtti~ iuf 'lfii!' • C'lty h83 df'C'idf'd that c..rlaln oth· C'r oblltruCtUIOII, mslnJy 1\ Wall or two wl\ich offlrlllll! l'onlf'nd art' built on a Jlllrl <If lhf' t'll!l4'm ,.nl, should bt' rem twl'd, thAt lhtoy oughta ~ret bru1y and du thf' job. P ersonally I'd lrkt' ln eel' lhe trHI rrmaln, on 11rrnunt of thl'rt' are 1011 rew rrf 'em' In tht'llf' parl!o an)"''lly. Th('re are. too. thnnk jthndni'!IR. \•ery few J'f'Ople n11 lllll'll:f'fl hy rea· ldenlJI whton rolkll were bllttlln,~: O\'er the f'RII<'ment. Thi'IW ftllks . It waa chllrgrlt. turn thrar IR\\'O eprankl~rs on k1dM rf ttw l\llld k uh h&ve the 'errrontery to .w~e the a lleged pn,·ate propt'rty whrle playing. ...... _____ ""1'lJi bfof'n nam 1\ll the ma\'llrll rn Otllngf' t•ounty 11 he didn't · ha\'t' l'l)lflt'lhrng on the Thf11 d!W'IIt)'t mnn th~N' :s~·t nth .. r ~·wrd men ml'~lnn('d for t'llrld1datc.~. r1t'hPr. But I ,hf't r,ur mr.ylrr. who II\ " good k1nltly mftn'.' will dra\\' mt>re \'trlell thftn you thtnk I ·. • GIOGL£!'4 AT THE C'Ol'SC'U. ~J:r:TISO -----~~tit-ft'\'1~-. ... or.. Ule. l&le. ror<"t · In« or the cit y . Mra. Geor- jrttr Mix'" etl offtPell a IAu~h. both fnr the councilmen &nit thf' ~pt'ctA tnrs. She wu ol:ljecllnK to conatruc· Uon ot a hoiL!e l'!(lme"·hert' In tho.' Balboa area. . She conUncled Hrt~ualy that the ' M ~ r d hi lion or •nt•rina lhto n~ ror IIUJl· . 000 tor &boulder lnjunca.alw c:l&lma em rw 1n mg at rmpolllai t• tu M'Yt-of the Filth c~W.nt·t •l 01., U:<rl~•r tlutlnr t :o.l .. rmul rrntala l;f•nhr1'11 WlnniA" tho· euvetf'd 1•• ,,, lilt 1.,,.,.. "" th• r~I....S unltrtH atturn Wf'N' Ur\·ert~ l1a lrP, f"Award thr ~lin"''"" I• ta11 ri'ltlffi ,.,.rr ... ·tly to ha\'e aurff'rt'd In a ran at 711 ap.,.ar at lh\8 4!&1'1)' buur •hould "'" rnllntl'\f up'". "': Mid. and •-t ... 1 k h prrmana nut AUKUBl. E. Cf'ntral R\'enu•. blamln• lht' con ... t' u ot' cnmpaAy (' t-r w " 1f 11uffu u:ut ro•rWit-llt'f'll r1.unut t .. t •.-wall, .._.,lt._.. Mai-n, J..n '""' mtnuf'll y "_ .. _..,.,. ........ ~ ...... l'hrtt, twl.ty Rahbr\1 and J•1h11 14hlrh•y Junhrl'll ''lllllk .. ll( llr• j(rlld•'' In• hut ... 1_AIIIII1 I«•'""· t•hyl "" C'hllala 111111 fi'AI"'IIIn Mill•• ~•l•"""'"r"" l>11•·.11t· "''""'"· I'Hul Au•l•·nourr I'Hirl• '" llnllt'r Jlr11 tlf•ltf ('IIIlA, ('l•lr" ('flllljC, M1111o•1 ""'' h, Y11rtk" thriii\Jt, fi'r,.tl ~~~ .... ~.~ .,·,.,, lf•l Will A•u1th l''r•••hutr•u " 'II 1 f th h th Maynr Gordon Ill now Mrvlnl rnll urv•n fuulty p&\'emenl. wr n orm ""' w f'rf' P~' nun · • h11\l tl 111 ""l"~·t..ct lhlill f:u\'l'rn-r·-• I ' · hill tl\lrd rour·t•rm u N••·n.rn Mri\Bit' D~1tl• Heinz or WMt Loa ater join the main ~troup, L{•ut. ·-"'""'"' "II''"''"'" •••II lw• apJlf'~tlf'd ~ r -d Th 1 k . .._. U.•ac•h <·tty CIIUfl('ilman, fur the AntCell:• and ht'r paretot.B, Roy and ..........., N l . e !' t'r ma)' or r .. at'hlod tH tn unJI•r '" ""lltrly th" nf't'd · D1X1e Hl'anz a lao ent..rect a claim, by telephnmnK 22811. put twu Y•~n havlnc rillf'd tJ:H' Rm• f' Lt Caldw•·ll hu Ju•t ar· At ba I b I t h pna1taun of ma~ Prior to bootn'"' thla flrre ror 12887. Ml881e Dlxlt' • tiR 100 "'" I IZA 1"" l'ld " r\\'Pd ... •h•· ('••ntrr '" tak .. 11\'t'f ~ _._ h Jf , • .,., 1•-d charnnan or llw board ta.. c,"rntf'ntfl'd tht! • C'lty waa nelllfent ... on ... y tlllt t 111 tlnttnal••n tho· IH••IIIIIliC '"'Mil """'"'· "'" -vr•lt Beach. 1•~"1 r-0 ·11 L• ,., ... c w,.-lit•f\'f'\1 ruur Y"•r" on tlw flrl~&n<·~ 1 1n 111lnwln1t 11 pn(Piank tn dan«le ~ ' r ,.. " u•r•· ,,.,,,. "'" •·M~tnl\' llrh•l In lhl' nrtl'r a nuat had been' removed rt'prl'wntt-d by approxtnutl•·ly tOO •·omnutlf .. •, one of the lndlll tmpor-nrnr flll••r•· lw ~~ "'"""lllll '" ,.,.,. Guardamen. Ma "•r WhRrltln uf Lll· I \ant funl'llunH of tlw C'ouncll, and 11 fr11m " p1er at Coral avenue. .r a M • ''""~ "' tt~o· ""'" """ 14•111 J•urthrrmore. MiiiBie Dhtle dh·~ ll'Una ~<·h bforn~t In r•)mmanfl nl ' llt•rltlinnlly in,,.,.l;.:.,t•· lh•· ,-;.,.111· \'rra.:1n1r. ..-.. rn•n•hr, T f'lt '"'"'"'"' s.,,..,,. Trtl•l• 111n1t Wall,.r \\'"""''" from thto ganjtplank, 11Ufferin1t a th• batlllllun, t II••• 11\'nrltthlt' :-... llu·Prfttt'd ~lp whteJt put Mr In Rlflt' n~rkM """ l•lt'kt•r• fur w•t-F.Arl W ~'""1•·\, pr••Jolll••nt ••I '( . or Harbnr n11"nt"m"n itn• rri,.i I th .N -'ocwwnty ('---'~~-. •-tlw hnllptlAI for fl\•e dnyll, the lno f' f'WJl'>r1 Jlur'l••r ll••r!lty twrArtl. t 'U • • "''M'tlo~ n I w·ca runl (',df'd. MIMif' Dilfle wanta pay neartnJ rnmplrtlun, mall'rtalll ft•r I Juhn I I H11r 111uu11 1 111111·11,.111 ,., th•· .._. k I• tl lnr pfrylllt'al PRill and mt'nlal an-lhl' pnJjfct hll\'tnl( ht'f'll ltollftlf'd hy houllnjlt t'tiOIIIIIll• ... , ,,,.. !1:""'1'"'' .na PH rPpara ODM J:lllllh, whliP thl' pa n-nUl deJTiand the H•yv•ard Lumbo-r ''"tnpnny ••f tlartr .. r ''lu .... l .. I • ,, c ':•llllli•·iT7.1 for \' ul.-J.Jaht in•r t'llllh fttr th•• nllt'Jrd 101111 of <:nm -N•wpnn S..arh. ~·urk II( 1'"111''"'"· Anti M.-It "'' It \\lllw rru,.~ll l • ,... Curl Rnrl JV'!'It'ly nt th~tr dAughtt'r. turn ,Willi In r•hftrl(t' ul "'"" frnm h .. v,. lllo!lf'•·•l f•· ,,.,.,,.r "' ,.,.,.ry \\'lilt " ''"'""""''"I''" 1"''''1"" •·I ll<rth <'larfl\11 wt-rt' turned over C<1. F. Co. G rl'<'ruit.s Jlt•rrormlnl( "'"Y Ill lr· 11'11 ~ t•L .. ....:..J,W '"'"Y "' 'h•· """'I •••u•lrnl( r111alo·r '1•1••• k~>rrl' lhf' labor nf Jtlltn,l llll( Pnd IIlii'! j '" thl' l'lty'11 tnsurance a,g!'nt. for w••rJt ro .,.,,,,.r,J. "''""'" "'"''I'"'""· llu• '""""'' , ... 111ry ln\'4-!llll(fttion. • -An •·r•th '"111rt.: "' Htll•l' ""' '"''"'"I'" ""'" "IC""' 1111~ ''''"r "I• Register Voluntf'Pf!iil • u•l• •· "· ''·•'· ·I··"''~ "'"I •• 11wr ~· "'' "" ,,.,tJ,tl"''"' ··..-.. rty Mrl··~ !<4l't't'f:R.~ MISUR ~~1JIUE!'4 Mr!<, r:lth,nne Rnua~au Paul, :12, 11f :l~ Marc u!l avrnue, NI'W· pnrt. !lllfferf'd ftbf'ftl!iOM of tlw rt~tht k nM' la lf' Tuefllday night when hrr rAr wu Involved In rol- '"""" with. a m achine operated by Frnnk~ln Jamu F&rmer, M . of SantA Ana·, the accident laking Broad· •·llher. lolling out In an argument "' two. but ·It all wu_ on the ~ natured 11d• a nd tlw"" we"" fHiinp hurt. •• • • r•'ntal .. .._.,,,,, •.Adf trt• tull•·tl 1f .. r (·hr'~"""" Rrr~ll•·"·· r;.1.,.,,," J, for Emer~nry Dot)· th·· """' ,. ,., •. ~. ,,,.,, ............. r ... ,, "' , ... ,1" , ,<~., ... ,. .. , ,,, ..... t·,,~, in Time of biatitf'r "''"' "'''I• ····•I '"""" ''' 11"' '"'''"1 "'~~ ... 1"''"" , ............. ,. lll("'"'lf to 11erv• on M".)or DleaA\Pr · F.m,.rgt'ncy Cflllmltlee In nny ••f lh,. At)trvr li~l­ f'd d &ulfk r.tlllnll J unolrr11lAnd that m y MI"VIra w111 only till r~· qui~ when. and if the Mayor nf fUltt f t1• .' h•IIIIJ,_ I ••f I ufl\fUI•rt*f' IN • •lltllrl.ff,_,, •••ll••rl,,, •. rllu\all,•l•l•· llll••llnltll••ll I T t1,., '"''""", lltt•Jl 111111 1 ''""""" uu l•t1t,,1 Ull'l \' 111 l'fllfunlnn:r.•· .t, ._ .,, tt1, , ,.11,.tu1 urt•a ,,,.,,,,,,,,,.., th•· "'" • h r II•• l,.,,,.rtt ••f Arrrr·t I'""'JI''' •t1 f•n·v ·• ,v a n ,., :·••·..:'•'•''' ~tuly .,,,,, '""'' r 11pu•,.,. l iP •tl l"•l~f t•f) Ufld lfUifll ••llt'tt uf•·d "til ''"" V•·u r ,,.,. fll\'tth fl U1t•, tt•t•;. ' I:~'"'''' ,, f ... ,. .. ~tnu t t••ll .,,.. ukfte ~o t flu·''''''"'~''' f'e•t Ci''•rtar.crretury, Willi J WR +: "hrtnrr "'"''" ~tnrl •'fJmr~l,.t .,, , '''"'"'uul.., ,......, .,,.. •--l • ~~La...L r • .,.....,,rt-n•a bf'f'on tnttm .. t.-iY , ,1 fJ~o IWm·" r.T .. -;nr"'JJfrni'IT.wn r-~ .r'"""ft1'ttf"''l' ,,.,,,, •• ,, • '1,,,.,,.,, .• ~ ,..,nn•• t•'<l o#llh th" hutld1nlt In-•1~1,~! .,1.,,k. 11,. ,,. 11~,.11 "" ,., 11,,,. .,,,.. , .... ,.,..r ,,, 1 .. '"'"I' , tlrll'try In a•lditlon to ha1 I"' ·al 1 1~1 1, 1,1, 1,11, 114,11,,_ 1,1,.11,.111..,1 1,v ,.,,. 1r .,, ""' 111(,.,. ''"""''"" "''' H•l dut ••·!I. hr w:<ll r,...•ntly r iN·IPit ' 1 1,.. \'It rl ,,,1,,,..tJ 111111~ ,,1 lhr 21l j'''' ,.. "''"I• will ,,. '"' :•Ill llo•" Jtrr·l!ldt•nt ••I thf' O ntnttr r'''"''Y "·"' I''"' ya• hll\ '•IllY ........... , ... 'l".nro! r .. r 1111''' lhr 1111\'ftur>l l"t. ~~~ llf't, 111 ,...a.ht·• ""'" .... lll(lrl ...... ru··r bulldlrs•. "" ~r.· l111r•l ""'\4""' :runt thrtr l''"l'•'rt \' llllf' 1111" tho! I• o)' tll'lun,.• ll'ft tu 111••111 loltl lfl Itt" I'll)' Tltr • uuru tl "til tu••f"t In ~~~ •• "'"'k" I•• •tu•lv llrr 1•1'"' In 1111 -""'r.""""' ,.,.,,,,.,.t,. '"' l"'rt~•ll• '"' ,.,.,,.,,.1 I'"''• ''" tlw illl .. ud.ara br IIIIo( 11"1•1 1111 M•·r"'"·r~ "' lhr luln .. rlty ~rnnn .,,,. \\'•••1'1. I'• ~tlh"'"· ""'' Muthf'r t.u .. t ' f tt fttflllf''''''" 'A ffh ftw ,,,,., tr 1••rt10 11 "'"~ tit 11 lu11rtl lhJII thtor" ti••Yt. h f•• U\th~ UtlllffHtu filtH Wt\#t• f'HI lht:" ilfttl ttltll fKHk,. lut\ff hP•n IU 'lull•·tl lrt rtu•t ,.,,.,. • •tutrttry ''' • tt \' t~f•ltnutt• ••. urut tit• V Wf'rf' nr tlt•i··d f t•lftlt\'flft ,. .. , ......... ,. lit ""' la(Jd l•'" hht1 etul~twfHI ,,,,,.,n .. '"'" • ,.,.,., .. ...,. C •*tra•·t. "'"'1111 S • , l"'' t ., ,_,,, dl t.,,,., ,,,..,.,,,,., flu•·•" ttntl rr .. utrui••u n'tkt•fJ hltl .. r 1,.u, t 1f Y Il l tUt \fHt( ,,.,, l('tYfl'ffttllr n t .~u •.• .t•· ... ,,,,,. '" (,,, ""'"" h"•ut tt j ld 111: .,, ,·, 'I •" f .. , ••I fltU IN "IJ:tt • •I H , .. 1tl u•h u.ttkUtK ,. I''' htl1 • '•,qr.• tlu)• u I!•••• A It•" Jtnll luu f!t••'' ,, "• ·~·ttt~t h• udil)i •r"'1'f f'f•tJ•'•'•t ,. ji'tlf I),.,.,, ••f H, flf"W '~•ltf ,,,,· tt,. ft,,,_,., •h·l"''''"''tet AU,." fit• J•IIV.~•·• • ..... .t 1,\. '. 1'1 . ,,,, tft tii ,.l•tfJ II IH••It,ft 1t dl~o •' ,,,,( '" r trhhlfU I It d tf• r • \' tt •f I,• l 'tt'd 1'·•·- Hr· • r '1d l.t ,.., ( ·t •••• "I•P 1• '' 1 ' • •' t h•· pr•·~t.-1 • L II f I ,,.. ;llt~otli lt·····l ',.,.,, . .. t 11 ' I ~ fh ...... f\tf 1 . • •• r , ••• ·" •'"CI•• ,, I,,. ftlt .,., ,., • , I' ll'l ..-, •• ,,,. 11 rrt•\4 1 Ill• ~111\••1 , :"'''"'' ,., •• fll 'lf•ltl·~ t h -.--... .,A. '"" •• t;y ''1'1".!:' t t t J' •• , •ttntntt. ,. .,( ftflfl • I' A If• '' •u•t J •,.,.,t t" r~.,. f••r ".n, ''"' • ,, ,,, " .,,,.. r v•·f•, '"• th• l•'•'•'·!hthl•: ,,, HhtnhHt 1 'I""'Y t~l•l "• 1.'"'' fut14•• ,., " he• ' "' ,,. IIAAOLD nNK'8 OS HI" "'AY City ot Nf'wpott Beach de- clarea Ule f'XIIrtf'nCf' of an em;r. &enry rollo~A1ng " dlaaat.-r Of ma· J5't P.~rtlona. ln'.:_olvtng tht- lAAJU•• ••f MunlciQilhllf'l, 111 IJIUOt l'l•d·:. "'"' 1 rt·v., flnl-hlAI( 111 lhr j "' ...... 1,. "'''' tw•• (1•1 It'"'"'""' "' • "mmantl•·r .. r ~wpr.rt H•rtr1r , 1,1 hl u 1,.., "'"' ... ~o~o .. r.. 1111. I"" I-.. 1""'""'"'v "'Ill"•'-• Aml>nl'rnrT..,.J:1ml pn.rt nnrt tm11 f,r -1,.,,. Ylllll1~;-t:-lutt. 1,.,rrn n• ... MrC'har•·l Alth•HJI(h th,. l"''IC"" 11111 y "'""' I It \l•-.tll tu ltlt-f T4• f'HS'fr.Sh many Y"ar,. ~~Mif"d u tt dlrf'r l••r ,11d f"'lil r;r1.,.11,. 2n•l. ~•.-ulh f 'llulll ~f"''''"' rownr•lll f••r ,,,1to~~l~trr•ltr•l' t OfJ fll11f"• t\ fiiP:M TKCJI'II\' Tht' KI~_Anlana lut ..!!!Jht_ •tart- ~ Harold F'tnk off with a roar u llf.."'.: preaident of the cl at a tlln'n~r dttnce and pmcnam at the Balboa Yttc~t club Jut ntcht. The membera wer• ~rry to - Or;c H,.ril 10 u prettldent, and ~qually ~1\d to ~ee Harold at.a.rt. I wtah h1lh lot.a of luck I ~ . .. ty of the inhabltanta 11f the u pro\'ld!'{t In Ord.rrutn<'e Sumber .s:r.~ ' Each volunlHr, up<m enl4!nn,r the Of'Jr&nl .. llon, wUI be lUlled In • card lnd•x. fln';tt>rprrnte'd, phtllAl· crap,bed. and •upplled with an WS.n~leaUon card., crocker -.i4. ''' th,. Nr "'" Harbor C'hambf'r "' , ·,,1,11u 111111 • M.tt I'•·••Jih·~. r;,.,, '''"l•h•V• th•• f'111111l ""~'~ lllh•••• "" • 'I It•· '"''wt lllll"''''irrt ;:v.•rr t ,.,., • -----------.fi',T.•irr """ Ao111l111 ,.,.,.,,,,.,. :trd,l lhlll yl·/llr t~rriiiiiC"'I "'' jJIJ7.rll f••l l or·•·•l t.v .,,,. :-l,..,..., .. rt ft11rl"·' Jj::hl\' allv~ to lhl' ltTII\Io"lh , ..... r .lloo , ....... ~ •• rth ltll"" lfll(fn· ur•lrvo•IIIHI , ... ,,Jt·lll ""'' 'llllloll•' • r I IJIIoll•l•rl llil: I ••••• WI I' I Hilt• ,,,, •. de.w.eliwllltJlt of Or&~Ute...c~ ....... .._..-.4 Jl ..... W•.n •·~ol•r J.mlaliJ~Jl.+~~=g..-&tL..Ilii!I..I..UI.UIIUI.-ll!ll~W!.!t.U '•' ,, S rllroln} ,,,,..11 It :olt-hlrlt t.' ty, Mll}''•r r;,.rdnn'a aupp,rt,.r~· ~-,11 .. r•l• t 1,,1r,,..<J ..,,.,.. "'" r .. n •• w. thlll ,.,.,.h '""illy""" tl<"~t luan•ll• pltv '<hror•t ·~ ~· hMtttll'l! "' thf' r:a , """" that h111 bUAin•..llll 11r om1t·n ,.,.... ,.,,, t1t ''"''~ Alnrrr1l••11 Jtla y,,llru. ll'l•lll r•· ,;,·,!,.. I''"ICIIIIII l'ltl• h '''""''" '"'"'' tho: rud <•f 1711 Rnlt """"'''"'e fXP"ri'"""" W••u)d ,\f,,,.,.,11 Ba \, '""' AlrJ(•h·H, W"M\ Jl<llnt,.tl ''''' ,.,,,.,., ••v•••J•••kitll( Nt'''l"'rt ~1y, mak,. hrm ,. valued membf-r ·~ th" r: •• i..t. :-.;,.~,....rt ·• ""''">4'. u•nc l Thf' JUIII(Injf """"'1llr·~ will !Jo, t•n.,,udc nt ll&rt.ld .t:..ldwell 4ul• tx..rd uf 11Upen\8of'D. 1 ~'"•:" u ·• "'"Y Kotlllnl( duh rarw.un•ed •I an "•rly dat,. "''"n;·f'd t•"'"Y· • 1 .. ·~ • In the attno. tl'hkh wW ... I wtth ~ 41 ~ft'llon ol g _ ......,, . ., .. ..... --.left ............ • clralt .._,.. .... lato u. • lllftt to LM lon and '"'"' II'Md to Army ...... u.&ntq •• '1' llarbor •- -' 'JUtlta Itt he ftlltrtl:t '1te. IU """"t o( c:OIIla ut.l·lltna• a n cl 1'-lho .. l•lalld.. f rom llYlrtct t IE"'"JI ,....,.. Jn. O•nrJ(• .. P. , f lljv&F?e, jr., llarn"n M. '". ttlaa.on R. /\VII& rtl H&a ~ol HJtl•"""" ·a. c '1\uv•rn &TACL£1 • .,ttrnwt-1 h a • rf'OIU\If• aJl N•·wf""1 ~say " l"•n ,•ll. lu- ll•·• "'"' httlt now .... Four N£' ( ~ Barbara ' ' jenk1ns -:.. A"rizona 1 tn the .olltu ·• tB YWD&. Arl! Wft'e U Cha.DI 'r Ooe~r J•nkln \. (914 ~~ ~IK"OC: • _,., :.;t>wmbft 'lbe , rltea. · --~~~· famJ:y, Mr II ero.ter of Rl. Cl'oeler al•o • ADCJ Mra. f:v .. tiD& taland ~I -ni ~n. Hofenfell bride "' .wore a canl•·t ... Ole ·•·errn joumed lll AI ell)' tor dlllnl'r 'J'tko couple bome at Mara f/ ~ruona whcr:• au audltur IU t&ry of tbr ('• panv Mna Ito • uate of Nt'WI MAch lkbool aJ a · clertr. In 11 tw.D1.b of Ulf' lletore hrr mJU Mr. and M ..,.w~na N.vada. lurp trt.nda. Mn. llarbln JHn t« ef -Mr. aa 11t.n1nc ol VI ... Befon .,. ~ t;) • .. • ..... '• . ' .. I -·· -'Pap2 . \ Thu,.day, DeceJDber 4,.1941 -.. IIKW.OB'f-IIALB.OA PBBII ---~~~.,~~~~TilE UVING F AlTH popular. u "ca~ht o.n" and his mass singing movement wu By w. aca: KAXWELL ~ launched upon ita amuing career. AN /NIJA'I't:J\"/IIl.'I\'T Ull .41. Ni. 14',,/',U'I:k ' . PubUaMoQ ev~ry Thunday ev.,nllll( ~&t Newport Beach, Calltom111 Ofnce and Pnnt\nc J>lant at 2211 (.'O&Jit Blvd.-:Telephone ltll Nobqdy wbo bu ever looked through the pagee of thoee . Six montba after ~is playground .event, Mr. Liu bad collectiou of ..,avc1rifk poem,·: 10 popular ln ma.t bo~ tramed dlon1aes numbenng 1000. B~ the time or ~be Japa·. ~t4nd u .-:q1od·clau matter June ·u . ·1~0, at ~ potll otflce at ~ &euh. Cal110f'1ll•, undn lht' At·t of -Jita~h 3, .11711 •• ' ... M. I!'WJ can. have failed to remark the great nu.aiber of vereee good, Dele o(fenaive .of 1937, be had m ore. than ~ ~ed song '-:AnnQihv ('hnit w the .Va tioru' bad and medtocre--written 00 "Death." N o theme baa com· ~adere. A-f~w ~onths lat('r ~he Chanese G~vemm~t sent Oft'IM NEWAP'APE& OF THE l:rn', o•' NEWPOBT, BEACH -wrn. A ;;;;..ell ~-W. H."'Ritchrnan, Ownera and ~bh•h•n WM. A. MA>fW~. l';dllor -----maDded .ada attention from the verwe Diakera NVe love; and him to the ftght~g ~ron~t~ t_o t~ach the soldiers to smg t?· Navy Training Coune• it ia a noteworthy thinr; that even many of tbe greateet poeau; aether. So, ~y •. chma ts smgtng: at the fro~t and ba~k m W. H. H~AN, Cm:ulaUon..nd AdverWII\I NELL MURUARUEK, J..ocal !'Oewa Editor wn.. ut uw mu.t ttriklnl -. 00 love baw u understanding of Jloom froQl t~ aeeminc tbe supportmg hm.terland ; a.mon' tht! sol~ters, gu~nllu, Yt'lhpmrnl.l en t:duca uun dun~ natural •::ieoefation of tbill IIOl&n)8 lit a.; .. b.eet hap..J-witb refugee., orpbana; tn the schools and colleges; in the mdua· thl' p~u~t 10 y .. ano 1uu1 a-n u.e -----. .....---trial t" · ·11a d 00 bed to lrt-rnendoUll cnnlo'th of I'Yt·~ loft'a ~ ten'or. , _co-opera aves; m remote vt ges an m wna; Tii. -f,... j.,;. been adJudjed a news~~r uf xeneral ctrculatlcm by ~ ot lbe11upef19\' Court of Orance C..unty and Ia tully qualified • to l'~Jblillh all ~111d8 of le&al notacH and adverltaemenl.l. _ ~"'h•wolll. ..v.,nln~t ~&ncl ~oi'R•porid· 'nle ~ of the philoeopbera in ancient daya .w~re bent and out ~ong the Burma Road. ~~~ .. ut~!'~~ilii .. ~~e::!~~l·t:~rt upon develoPDI a bodily and mental fortitude which ahoUld ---~..; _:-____ ._ -o;o---_ ..: ---- 8UBSCR1P'TJON RATEH: Ja OraQCe County, 11.00 per year.· OuUude of Orange. County, l l!'l . Don't worry if Willie and Sut~~ ure bl'curning unusu~lly ·fine in their table manners anll gent·rat ttepm:t ment. -They are not aick; it'• juat a sure sign that Chrit~tma11 !ti 'coming. · . ~ . 11le new electron microlk"opt:' wall f'h(lttagraph t~e whil:l· kera on a ,ne.. ma gnifying 100,000 timE'~. Maybe it would abow the heart of'.the guy who refu&ed to support the --~--~·-·-------- Notine the advice of· a WaNhmgtop offici~ that "all tax- payer. ahould tighte n th,Pr ~·lltl," the St. Lo~is·Star·TimeM aaya the advice came too late', since the tllxpayer hu alr~ady Jolt bJa panta. . .. --------·--------- He~ ill one of Walur Wanchell'a bell\ recent wi~:~e cracks. "Wby 110 much fuu about that Nqi a~hip flying American flap for cliaguUJe! The Nuill over ht-r~ have ~n hiding behind the flag all along." ---------·--------Statiati~ from the cenau11 bureau aay m~ore than a .mil· ' Uoll-ba.,_ were bom in the United Stat.eM in 19-&0, with "prot~· peeta" even brighter for 1941. And 1942 will be election yea··· ~with -plenty of new 'babi~ fo r _the candidates to kiss. -------r.-•---------Tbe foxy Japa are a~~L.at diplomacy.-but snyone can ~;·tl:iey are onl,y playing fOl' time-waiting 'fpr Hitler lv 4riD 'bia European war~ U Hitler wins, the JapanP.tle will be~ come more cocky than ever; but if l)e loeea they will cr-wl back (Jtto their little lalaDda and be good. ---------·--~----- m"" ~and WOiflt'll who are ~·in· minimiR the ltiDg Of deal~. The p~pheta Of 8Cripture held lull)• rnopltoyt:d. Sl.ltea. Cllad. (lOI· up death to !be public g~ with peraiatent regularity. Tbe 1 .. 1(•·• !_ln\J rn~o~ny bUlllll~ corpor· of ld · .a:. th hii\IJ uf tht' l"tJUntry Art! liJ)end· Martyn ~y CbriJrttanity be .it a privilege to IDeet uca Ill~( nulhUIIJI lo( dollar.! on educa· for their e&U8e, and the monO Of a later time &pen~ long l,lun for Pf'<'Pit' "·ho "''nt to eam yeara ill .,.ted eontemplatioo of a diuolution that -'hould ~at tlw same l!me. •---•-•~ • ...__ . · • . Th.. t•hu~f reunn tor th. auc. ~ to 1l hJCber 8pbere. - ',...-and growth nf th .. ku~ or an· Up to a wey recent time every modern reliiion h4a laid "truc·tiHn 1! lhlit_l;he •tudy1~ of itJI great.e.t empbaais on the probable atate of man after 1111y tr~o~di 1ir vuc:aUon and Ole ob· -. ' '""""' of wurkanc exf:M'rlrnce .In death, and the, message of IU evang~ h-.. been one of warn· tht· !<!lme hn ... at the same Orne. ill ing, with a -..mona to preparation agam.t the iDevit.a)»le an almn~~t Ideal oornt:.ul&Uon fnr summou. ID meuure, the whole ~~eheme of our phil· c·an follow hta Ctll-ot.en hne of wnrk and at th~ sam.-time con· uf death u the greate.t event ·in"m&nta life. Tbe pall bU ttnu;o atud1t'11 that lead to ad\'a~: overca.t meD'a daily live. and the grave baa yawne-J at every mrnt. obtaana a practlf•al kllMil·l· ~ ... that Ia hlinl to cet any ut.twr t.urn of their employment. And in apite of all profeuiona of w•y. belief ill imiDol'taltty and a bettet' exiatenee beyond the grave; The U~ s. Nny n•ade uae of all t.bilt-inaWt.ace on •th u the cenb:al thought of religious thu• Oll'lhod of dt'v .. tnpanr hl(lll)' .1> 11kallf'd men mMn)' y.-ara befrorr ttu• belief baa.ca.t .a »>mbre abadow over the livee of men and 1)'1,..;''' lll'ho-"ohfll ""lUI w1de1y u.wcl womeo and littJe dtikiren. 111 '"1''11 hflo. ThUll tt.. !1\a\•y bu But the world baa out~wn tbit religion of the dymg lunt: bt~n rt't"OigntU'd AJI o)fft'QI\I uJIJ!drtunatu•a fur patrt<otll' and ·.baa COllie to deDtand a religi00 for the Jiving. rnf'll lt•_., '"""'' ,·ahtKIJie trade"l'X· Death baa been robbed of no bittemeaa by tbia new de· IJ't'rh•nt:t With nu"UJ:M'IUW to tlwm· mand..· ~r hUJD&D love is found, death _Sujl_ &itJI en• "''l\'u and on " •hHrtf'r t1me tbar: lh .. J. l""uld obtai:.· ft.. ~~a me ~per· thi'ooed u the king 'of · lerrqn. But men and women have 1.-n• Ill a l'lvll •oerupauon. reached a poiat where '"they refU41e to keep their. gaze perpet- Tramtn.: 1n thr N IH")' bto&lna on uall)' tumed lo*ard death apd the aftef'JlWhile. The ~rtain­the day the nrw rr.,nut t'nten the lt'rvtcr and dot's not rnd untll ty of .death prompta a b.igb impullle to get the moet put of the cS.y he ~av .... n.... tMuaandl before the day of living ia done. And the hope of a new uf mrn ~·ho complt>le Uwtr term• · ..__ d the 1o cb h th bful ut llfll"\'lce In the .u . s . Navy ea.ch ex.wteoce • ._.,oo grave 00 nger eatJI t e oug y .. ar and rtotum tq cwman life Ill· by ae....inc ~ir e.teem for the preaent life; rather it is an .-Judi> mrn of .very 4f>~rM of .... mapiritioa to make the greater preparation here and now for pwrtf'ncr and aklll. Natunlly;-ottwr the broader life which bope'holda out beyond tbe span of mt'n mUlct ~ tnllned to take tbl'tr , rlh•~'•• tn th.-Navy. time . .l'nlnln« t· .. unn conduct~ by 1t wu IDevitable that a faith which laid itJI chief em· --~w.n ia .;.id to hav .. .riven th<' United Statt"tt assur· ttw Navy O.~rtment are an lm· n~. ..... oo death abOuld bave been nevative and obstructive: on -• l'i' purtant part o( Uw Navy'\ tn.ln· Y-D ENTER'TAINMENT · by HARRY . POWELL Phone 463 C~~U~~G··· Balboa Island ~ SAYS: "HERE ARE siJME-FJN( cit9S GlflS: Satin and Chiffon Gowns .. Pure--dy~ Satin Slips, (taDored and latr-triA1mcd I -Joyce Bedroom Slippers Fine, hand•blocke8 Handkerchiefs New Nylon Ho~ Hose, 2 and 3-thread-Pure Silk anCil! that thia eountry will lk> invited to participate in the lnjt •)'lllf'm ~ ~ arrnot • religjroa that despi8ed m.ata'i&llife could not but hQJd man- peace COiilei'enef. If and wbt'n one.ut held, wheth@J:..W.e to take tflto rtae:e oi prac· kind ln more or leta contem . Likewise it i.e inevitable ==+-t- ift the "~hootinr; war" more ·a ctively or not. A peace confer-lt'aman to learn mor~ from a li\rin, faith religion which cberiahes the gloriea.of \he pres· . . .. ~JI8a's Depa·rt•••• ence with Uncle Sam abaent•would be unhkely to llt'ttle any· l'vrry day *orktnc expe~ eot eziwteeee and the importance of the here and now, abould thlnr. Whoetie wmmt-pay the. diQner check ? lt1V1111 him Uw pn<"hcal and tbe· be vitelidng and coaatnactive,. and filled with high co~!~· • --_ .,,.ucal tntonnauon that 1lfill belp deoee.iD the worth of humanity. • -----f1Tri111101ft -1ft. ~ U\e WOf"ll A p.,.. correspondent who hu bt>en delving into .th<', n~euary for • ratinc utatua -lt......_~blie_~t tbe old religion of tbe dying should rWq prtCea of food finda tht're is a big spread in prices ih prtty otflcen 1" any Ji ven tndrl. quibble aDCl qua.n'fl and ~fiiotJ questiou of Navy t.raJrunc ~ Art! Pftpar· .....__ beeau.e it wu builded on' abatractiona, and phraacs dlffereat parta of tbe country. lJe cannot understand why ~ tn pl&tn l&fl~U&P, art! well ~- peek ot potatoea coata 23 centa more in Wubiogt.on than io tlluatrat~ .,... tnchlde mattwma· were of.IDON CODCel1l than persona. It waa i.nevit.ab&e tbat BoltoD; nor·wby a dORD egp COflt.l 31 t'eDU in [)envf'r antJ tlca, phyak'll, and ou,tr pMnJ prejuclicea~ bave been Of mo~ moment than principles, _ , •ub~'C'ta noqull?d In the ~ven bec:au.e the old _.,...._ of tbe dym· "' w•• founded on pride ~ Clllta ln ao.ton. It la auch diacrepancies u these that haw trade or vocation chc»t'n by ttw ·~--e -c~ tbe demand for price control. ataman. Combln~ with pndkaJ of theory, rather thaD devotion to aervice. It wu 1nevitable ""J:M'rlence. theM courw. 11'~ that thlll deed of the crypta abould have been inlf>nsely aeF men the opportunity to prepare · f A promlbent phyaician of -New York aaya that women thl'mllf"lvea for ~hrr nnklnc In n.b aDd narrow, becawae iu impelling motive was hope o do 80 UttJe &beae dava of electricity, telephone, radio, auto· th.-Navy ~n·lce u *•1.1 aa ror reward iDa material heaven or immunity from punishment .,-aJl«laliU'd wt•rk In latu c.lvillaft in a material bell mobUe, etc., that they are becoming flabby and lazy. Yes. Ufto. the preeent-day family .woman hasn't " bletUK'd thing t o do Na,·y tramm~e cnurlt'a art! atud-'l'bl-world· procTeaaed not through the.e dogmu of h 1~ durin« ••·tlw dl.lry and are decadeDce, but in Bpi~ ef them. And the· invincible hope in but eook, bake, stew, can. wuh, iron, liu8t, MCrub, S('W, pate I'd ltht> t ha llat~ · ------·------ BillfoldS " Xeych~ins ~ . Sport Jackets Imported Cashmere Sweaters Wool ·Sox Four-Season Jackets ·' Wool Trousers -all 101' yO.u laapectloa at 701 E. Cen~al Ave. BALBOA .. .. • darn, wuh and dreaa the children: look 'after the .1J()wen, ~~.~~ t;~,~~~~ t~ra~fco'!,;:n&n« humanity'• t.o.om baa had no more_ ~onderful \'indication :----------_,;;,_ ___________ ...,. ' • -·b ..... _ -'d man' neck and do tha·rty or f(>rty (lth"'r ,.ho....., offl('t'ra. Study "' carrt~ '"' w*r .than the !'anal tmer'fenCe of. ~ reli~';~ from H . R 1 ' T R OT' T . • ·,. ' .... .. UMJ ue • ' ... • ""' th• dlnot"hnn t•f nf(w('r. on" bou'd aombre ftugloo Qf the d~ tq tbe ~ ligion of tbe . , ~.~.oi:l ••. t : No woode~.ahe geu flabby and lazy. . • "h'"" t•r at ruwal atauuna on land. liviD•. 'nle race '&u fought ita .4y out of the miBtJI and mite8 , • • . : . '· -· --• All n .. , .• ~,.,.rv "~~u1tance Is tur-D •, • . . ~·.-1111J~ J ID ilpite Of all the ''tenRe 1:1ituations" between Japane8(' hl~ht'd the l>iurJarkl't.t ~·ho "'itcfl of superstition and aet. ita feet on the eolid ground of a faath , • r .. tn ImP'"'"'" "'"llt.'lf'h·ra by lh•• that bea.ra IDftl aDd women -up under the ordeala of today. M' t · ~ J · } and American diplomat.. people wt ll informed abo"t internal m•a~. S<-h•~•hnJ: m MIN' than 50 We muat ~i--we do ~ath as the un-as er ewe er COOdJtlofta lft-J.paft -decJan> there wiJI tJe,,DQ..WaJ ue'W~l!noJ t...·hmral Jo>lttt otnd .._ttnftlt - -•-::----:-~ -_ lbeae tWO nationa. It ia laid the btg buHiness inlt'l'o'RtR 1.1f lh1• roffmod I•• yuunJ.: Jl<nrMic-mf'n CIICapable obrtac:le to bUm&n l8Dor an0Jiappines8. Bot We whu join '"" Mw "~·o-(X(oan · loncer .pend our working ·and lieaure hours brooding upon lalaDd empire realize that such a war would bring ruin to !'Onl·y. Ttua fr•~ ~··houhnlf •• n l· th un lcome vt.it.ant nor go out from life's busy laboN to Japan-which ia already nearing bankruptcy. Emperor ~· ul'd Rt hundrf'da of df>UA r.oo anc1 e we • _ hi --"..1 I h d . f . d l •at I r Mlh•~ •l'l'<"f'l\'f' f'f'jt Ular l ' s. Nny meet him. ro to ia -.iu to re y upon t e a \'I<'(' o m us n an< man ~ I'"Y u th .. y learn. 'nle new and living faith seeks not to minimu.e death, clalleadere, and it ia predicted that he will soun put hiN f11()t - --but to magnify Ufe. down on the war mon~en. fltotroat Xo•wll. A wtttdl weigh~ _____ 18 "'" fuur I' 111nd.•. r"i> uunrn . 1, n• Death ia beyond our ken and control. Life is our own Senator-Alva B. Adams ·or CQloradn di('d of a heart at· :~;·~,u:{ tt14n~r~-:~:~'\t"c!;!~!~v~ _to_uae __ . ___________ __......_ _______ _ tACk 1n Wubington early Monday morning. Hewn.-66 years on f'arhl'r day. wh•·n llml' hun~ t. hl'll\'lly. old and one of the nardest working mcmbt·rs of thl' ~natl'. A BOD of Alva AdaiJUI. twice governor uf Colorado und a ~phew of W. H. ("BiUy") Adams. thriC<' ~owm .. r , Alva U. wu a born atate.~man. Though a Democrat, ht.>·dul not filii for many of the I!OCialistic ideas (I( tht> Roose\·elt administra- .J'or ~·~ as chair~nn 0 --------·----~--- One small, but COUrag<>oUS. C\)untry Which refu""'li t O l11• down after it waa OVt'rrun by the German amly last s pring i:; · cquippetl fnr mod1•m cU~ona of ~do!.f ~itk-r:-But t~~ meau demoraliUd by the q~ick defeat. They reco\"t' burry, and aet about finding ways and m<>ans of makin~ thinp u unpleuant as posatble for their con(Jut'rors, By la.~l week there wu quite a bit or desultory war ~oing on in lonl ~ It h:uo ht>t·••mo· ... , that a puhht liPI"\'IIIlt Ill ltfll' "hf> 11\.~l~t.c "n bfoanJ: "''rwd hy II:•· public. SHIP ... now In c~uqe ot our CHINA-KEEP ON 81N6~0! , By Mlu.JC&NT TAYLOR. In Cllriatia.n Scltontf' Monitor A ainging China! Tbia is the spirit of that new-old country. Out of the rov and din of the air raids-in the shaken village., iD the abattered tOW118--China can be heard c~ m--tittk--tuaee. load. streae the rh)rtbm of Peddlera, ricbhaw _pullen, cobblers, met:al-workei'B, Wnife grindera-all the common people of China, have, it is said. t~eir work aongs. And down tbe centuries, the Chineae moth· But 'tbia .was u -the W0rta noDt> WU moJre-tiidtvidu&tistic thaJt.-Qid 'Ciiifta. That wu yesterday. Today, China sings togt>ther. )(any had a part in bringing tbia about; but among them all, China names ooe Liu. · · WATCHES JEWEL'S Precision Repairing , Sycamore at Fifth Street and sides being of great practical usefulness ·, ' . . .. \ -YllplllaYia ud· aome of it waa ch·U \far. a cc9rding to Crag· matary report.a trickling out of that country. Guerrijla unit.' have kept u,p th~ fighting.againet the occupying fon'H. Thf' rJvil 1f&r element entered through UIK' by the ~ans ;:,_ _____ _. ___ ...:_~ __ _._ __ ..,._..u,.*lllii-Cl.Jtol~1iejrl,U-l.. ~ German controllro go\'e_n~: BEAUTY DEPT. A ChiDeae Y OUDC·Men'a Cbriatian ~ation secretary in Shanghai, Liu Uaar-mo. happelled upon an American book called."Music UDiU!a People," and became.il)tereated in community ainging. Mr. J..iu at that time wu f,·c£ng.a'lfome· land torn to btt.B over the Japanese invuion of Manchuria. To belp ~ people.Wvta that they inlfbt re.lat the invaltt'l'=- A BICYCLE -l'Or-elldiiDias .. , • QMDt .,.m.t their countrymen. The smouldt'ring war in Yqoelavi& Ia reporud to ha\'e kept mort' than thrt"e full dl· vt.rou of Germ.all eoldien out of th~ Ruuian conflict, ta. ptber wtth JiWay tanka and plailee. Recenpy • ~ s polreaman of tbe-1'~• ,ovemment-ln-exile declared that 3:50.000 • Yqoelaft baw .,._ uecuted by th~ Germane t>ut that 80,· 000 prrtDu bad wreM.Id moat of Serbia from· the Axia . ... ., ;} 214\s MariDe An BALBOA ISLAND PlloDe 261 wby not teach them to aing together! , Yr. t,Ju collected a JI'OUP of cler~. office boya. and c~­ ~ woaMil, abGut 80 iD all. He trained tbia motley cborua. then '.,Ut oo a perfoi"'B..DCt ln a playground. l"ull of curio.tty, thOUADdl of Cb1ne.e lA Sb&Dgb&i turned out. Mr. Liu taqht t.beaa a b~ buf'dltenalDect--perilla aong alt-cty Yfry I ' •· --4 " . GED. C. POST ·' 3rd St: at Spurgeon . SANtA ANA t ., .. ' -.-' . -~ . " - ·--.. ,. Tburaday, ~mber 4, 1941 ' NzwPOR'f.BALBO.A PRESS .. ~~==~~==~~+~~---,~~~--~~--------------~~~-=r-~~------~~~~--~-------r--------------~~~------~-r-~5 Phone Booth Stolen Ex-Mesa Gara~entan a.uana.u.•. LEAot'E •• -...... l·ulta LlghtlnK PI Prog;...klc Nl Tlk• tlarb.•r 1lutJrJ.-t 'a l:lUl all· From Postofflce Succumbs Friday. at nual I''III PIIIIIII)' ltyi$.-.tbMn ll'aJlll' S d I t 'pasadena .Hospital "'"h 11 •1•1111.: "'''' "''"'" ="'·" tb, UD ay ~ ~b ~~ ••.: ... n 1'1••• •11.: tu.,hly I"'I>Ulou It 't ha .h or can cO.ta MHitll~ "'""' 1hcx-luo.J 1111-"'111 "1"'1 b ·llllll!h··l , ... ..,.. ... ~ "' tlh· ttT can p~n ere . . w .. k to ... II. ,.f tilt' sudd .. n 111'ath lt.lt'll, l \•ttdl Jt,•ll'h " It""'' "' W 1·-L) :St'\\ I 'Ill t llllll!ltl' l 111<•11 ' HJUh JIMrn.tn•ty a ni!'"" hi•h tn tmnna• ot a _. r 1 "Ht•nry"l l-\1111-..t, • ... .. ·-r-.. lt\'h~•l .... 1'<•1 h-.l till• \lt't''K albUillea waa rt'actwd ~meUme Conntr '""'' l•u~uu••uan1an. who L 1-\1111 h 'IUII• lA It' 1111\lt ••Ill •• u ... l Sllnda)' nwht when IJI-., aht!el ~ away r'1 ~<1!11 h.umllll 111 • • ---A.o. h I and lUI~' ·Ill'\\' 1\'"'111 '' llillll\t. t•• metal ••tenhl>ne buutb, nay tew· P-na -"!"J'•Iu .,. .., r-r-Foord 1'\11111)\'lt' Ill lh<• h•~t.:lh' IIIII)' 1lu 11\1 Local and Person~l Costa M.esa Briefs Mr. and Mra. A. A. Marttn ha\'c- m'oved w the J. M. Ray property at M2 W. 'WilBOn at~t. Mr. and Ml'll. E. H. Gttrr .. u of 22():1 Harbor boule' ,,I'd, llre taats week moving to, Loa Anretes. --Mr. and Mr-s. T P. \Vllat'r. 2290 Harbor buull.'vllrd, 1ue enter· talnllll a· niece. Ml.sa Ellie S)\ipley oC Los Angelt>•. Mr. and . Mra. W .... Wooda 1938 New·port boultvard. Coeta Meaa. on Tuellday at~nded lhf funt>ral of t~elr ni19Ce. Mn. 9"'ce Funk. "'ho waa killed Monday In an auto accldetlt near Rlveralck'. Mr. and Mra. Charlee Ptlklnton. P..,. ... tUid oom box we~ atql~." Mr. • II ho "''' a mft<'hln· 1 , ~·-_ ._ .. _ ·~· 111'1'•)'111~ '" ~\•ni"'h H•••·•l t>y trom Ult! lobbv of UM ~ M-1•~ by ..---. l.•r ""'"Y .)'NJra uJI· JfC , t'rated a l'al'hl,•' nt 1112• Nt·W~Ift U.-.' ~:I Ill HI pnpn.; IIIII) It••• 1<11 pcllll ICe. C , _.. ., Ill l•·u~t Nt'\'o•n Ill<' II 1'111• 1\ 11~ •'UIAI Ttw L"'•• wau \llJIC\.1\'er.d earl)' tM•ukvana. n•· ";•~ 11 p~t-rr••MI· • ..,.. If)' 111<'111 lo<l lht• lit•\\ l'l'llt'l> lo<o. .. ondav m"rnlt•l" ua, t.ha .... ..:..wtflcc dcmt of COIIlu Mo•J<a LIUIIJI dull un\1 . , v • -' r-lt!llllllll.: J110 tl, H•••••l :11111 C-~· "rrlv-"' Cor work. '&'h ... tel.:· th'routhout bt,. 'r•·• .. h·m·•· ht're "'"" • •v ft • ,... v Ht'ht•..S\!h-.l lo• pl1l} 11•·~1 Tu••ll\111y Phu"-cont""'""" .ulll tht! a!lerl'{'• one ol IJw "'"~' '"'"'I' wurkur• 111 ..... _.., ' · . ' 1'\'<'ltllllt lift•' Uw \~l'•·•·n llt•rilttl• ',. oCCI·-wer• lPIPI~bat..ly noll.flt!4 the LIOn. ort:o(llll:.t "'"· 111 t.t•y uf ";1;'~~~~~~~H~;;.~'" ~ "" St>lllh l\iu•t 111•111 llulhlvtll, IIIIU at ll dlnnt'r pa1rty d..-vwtiN -w-...~~li!A'~~!._~to~~l~lf;:I~P~~~~r~ .. ~O<•Itl~ lllttl·o•\1 tu Lvn· . · l...'rn\\ r.ord" llllljll(lll.> ,.~ "l.:uat• PUkinton'a birthday annlven&ry. lht.o • .went' of Ule u1me. Lll.1:~ •tm· .. ""••ll· 1-'Ut><llm•k..t Guo•St.B included 'their ton and AI ml&ht be lm~t.&UWJ, the poat-ed on a amllll l.lrtll loW wi\i 4 dllughter-ln-law, Mr. -and Mra. off1ce tubby pn.wldt'<i • auper· ~·ean of aaov , in aU St'ct A•lt.hnll ll t hoii\JUihl~ "'ll•><lf'llll~ th· nnt" tu thl' tnuttth•nal l'"~t:fll11• " of \' ulr ahrllll'e e nd d.-.·uf~t t htn• 'SI'WI"'rt llarl\l•t L111lrtl't 111'111 thl• \'<'Ill' 1pN'ad 111 lf'll•t a J>ur11ull .,; 1l.e l.'hrl•lrHU t'hf'f'F" --~· 1111'111\1 ••f 11"' atriktn~ n ... m ar. .. tlnJ •IJII~ II "'"" llllnnunr.-d lt'ICIA)• ,..,,. ~~~·· Whh'h af'f' to t>.-I•• ,.,.,,.,1 111 -'Uittn l'••lnt thlnt Ill th•• \\'r•t Nt'W,Itort ll<'l'lh•n lllltl •'II tho• L'•~tt•l hla-1\way I"Httw .... n• thr .,\n·h "• lln•l n,.,. !4ht•r. •'Antp, llN' 1•• lw flnotlli'C'd Jlltntlj hy thr I'IIV 1'•'1111 •·II "'"' 'So•WJ~<•r1 llarllo\1' t'hamt ... , ••f 1'••111111"1'\'t' \\'utk 111 ••ht'clul•••l "l"'"a,." t n t.'.-\I.U:Uil:O. ,\ T~ESQAY, DEC£, ~80 .! ft)iU tu ~:UII I' 'M'. :i)()N , aj ~·: ~ t:T\\'01.-:< ,. •• '· !;K-ENO .>anON Mr. and Ml'!l. A. J . Burton. wm have bt-cn h\'lng at 4.60 Newport boulevard. ha\'c-moved to 183!1 Newpor;t boule\'ard. Jack Pilkinton or Glendale, Mra. abundancy of _rtnaerpnni.JI but Juat •SurYivora 11·' 1 "" 1\&.1 ""I"". Elmore Haydf'n, dal thter, Elmo~. wlllch ot the cullecthm wt>re 1m· Mra. An na M 1 •••~<1. thrt'<' Ll~<u.:h and 11un, Phillip, ot Balboa. planted by cuatomera' ~tn..S which ll'ra, lira. .1. I • II l~~>IUy. L..•u.: "''" I'AI~ .. :H --~~..__----=-=...:..._ Mr. and Mra. C'ht>l'ler H~tnson. 232 20th atrcet. are tht' pllrenu ur a daughter born Sulurday at San· ta Ana Valley ho1p1t.ul. · Notice or mt.·ntum tn wrd hall been fllfd by MISB Rar~ra -J. Paull of 387 Rny Ptre('t. Co1tA Mt'Bil. and Alltn W. Rm1th uf Srin Diego. AftC'r >'Jit!lldlCIJ: thl• puat two tllvllth:c 111 the jltt!<llllal. W1lham \\'IOIIIIJ't' h11:i 1'\'lllt llf'd tu hi" hOIIIf' ~ 1898 \\'luttlt'r II\'1.'11Ut•, 11nt1 dt>· apli•·· h111 !<II yo•:trlt. <ll···lnrl'll hf' u• ll~llln fe"IIOj: f1ne. Mrs. P..t••r Thunlllt'll,. r,-;-s 'Ham iltun lllrt•<.-l. whv Cor lle\'l'ral Wet'kil ~h1111 bf>o•n l'<lllfm('d to ht'r btod a~ ti'IIHII u( rht·Un1al11tlll and artl\nt11. IS tl'J)<•rtf'd ns ><~•rnr­ what lmpm\'ed. Mr, and Mr~ S. A. Ynun~t~ .142 Vtrgmla plnc ... hall u sunday drn ner Jlll'lll!l Mr. 11nd Mrll. AlbC'r1 Youn~t and Mn1. Crl!f>l"'ltnm• ut South Gate. and Mr. and M~ ciu11. Sm1th. Cnata Me.au. Mra. Pea rl KyAAr of Poc:a.o;st•l, Oklll.. hnll bl't<n ""~'"".: ut the •homea or Ml'll Mub4>1 W •• Wtlllon lllre.-~l ~tnd Brock. 301 W:-Y\1leon. womflt. _..,.. -~ ~r.da 2.o ar:o. • by the thlt"Vell remauu a qu~)OI\ Beach;. Betty '1"1 ~lurlt•y f'•••r•l lf'he quarterly dinner of Nev.'J)Urt Ul•t the otflcen ~tre at juu to Lynwood. and II••· '''"'"'''.,. 1-'u'"'' Hllrlilli-Cltlunahip clau 'wlll be aolvl'. In fact. lll<'h a · ~rllon 31 aerv1cea wo·r, II<' hi Xfi'u\Lin\' nft , ht'ld at Costa M_eu Communll" d oon at Sat•t \ tl I' '" AI " would do11btJeaa pru''"' a lui.IJh ••-.-rn ·• ' 11·' "' "'' \\'tlh till' llt'IJI ••I ~lllllf>lltll, • Ulh l\1t11. "hlt'lll ht•J ~Unftt•l hK\'k• n thJ hh ult~ •u ••aut ..... "' \\t' l•r••ttt•nt lhe lll~tlu.ul •\l!llulh•>l" 1t•n111 ••I 1!141 1'hu. lt•u111 ~·· '""'•.J•...S lrum ull thrt•t• '"llllltl,., \'.tiSIIY.1'-'••. llnll l'hurch nl'xt Wedneadlly evenlna. IIJnm~nt Cur r\·cn Sherloc:k liert E. Kelt~ "'I""'''"" l uh·r bt-ginning at 6:30 o'clock. F ollow-Holnll'a ur tlw Thm Kan. nlf'nt wu at F •. rlui\ I'll •·•·ntc-t•·t> 1ng dinner. oa•hich w1ll be atrvt!4 th4• full,t\\ '"~ l•H,.L<4 .•lUll will preaent a vant!4 pro- ff'f'llnl conat.Ung of mo\•jnl pic· tun-s. mwuc a nd a talk on Japan. Ml'!l. H. A. 'trOm,pet.u. 1~23 Or· angl' .avenue, Ia makmg extenitve p4unll Cor the entert••mlll of h~t Cath .. r and mothcor, Mr. and Mr•. ~~c.l Skelly of Janesville, Wlac., wh•1 fre to •pend the wmter at Costa Mt>llll. Mr. Skelly Ia -.,xpectl'd tn llrrive thl• w eek and Mf!l. Sk .. lly will Colll>w at 11n early ru.t ... It will be their fll'llt trip to the Wt>•t Coast. REPORTS 81'~S~MM ()900 Dr. M . D. Cnt"'ford who rt'Cent· ly npenf'd an up-to")iate optum~· trit al otr1re ln ~ ntW Ort'<'n hu11111nlt at 1718 ·N.wport boule· \ ard, f'f'ptlfll that bUIIPHII h.tUI """'n oui.Jitandmgly Cood ~~ tho> pruct monUi. · "If I had any murt> cliefti.JI I'd have to work two lhlfi.JI," Dr. t'rnwCord sa1d today. "''t"'e mor>rl"~'". aau.l he lht! bghla were lououn~ m Uu~ pc .. tortlt'e lobby. W11hmg. to bt" .. Uood S.mar1llul anll u ve aun1e bot.ly .,1111e money he IJlt'pped m and •~·1ll'hed urt all bul thc-cl'n· trul hght. but 1t 111 bt'heHod llmt the 'tlut'\'t'l hAd ~Ain•udy mac.lc- thetr Jetl&way In U\t' Co~.· The lt"lephune CUIIIJ'IliiY dt't'hll o.'d to dhKius-., thc Jlrub,ablc-unmunt 0~ OIOIWY Ill tht'' <'tllll boX, OUT BAZAAA PLANNED ·Many a rticle• of handwork ~It· 11ble Cor Ch~tmu g1fl.8 wlfl ~ .,rtered Cor 1111lt at 11 b~tZAIIr to be held ~u-·aw •fto•ra• un, U..o•, ~- uodC'r II rthlp uf the llrll lll\ll .-rdi.JI c-tlon, ... nday ~fternocm clpb. The 11141e w1U t.llke place at e'oata W'e~ clubhouae whr~ U\t' art ateh un Will al111 be In ctuug~ of .the rt'KIJiar club meoc•ttnr;. pm- "ldmtc s apeitku and reatunng a dutplay of craft wunt maCk by thr' vanoua rnl'mbc'n ~·· DOG -UC'J:N"E Pla011 Cor U\-., twu atC»Ira w-.,rt' Harold Shaw, prominent c011ta complet.-d Tuetldlly at the regular !\f••sa sht>l'p rant·h••r. 1• next Wed· mHtlnJ of t il< .ectl'on, 1:7 ml'mbt!ra ""~Y alated to appear 10• Juqe and om-~ueat btmg 111 atlepdlln~. , AccordiJ\I' I• \< ""' rt'Ct'l\ •·•I the Uranae C•''"'l \ 'l11·rttf .. """ ,. Mrt!. Charlottt' :'\u k in>', whu fpf'lll l'rly re~~ldrd At ~'"I' !'li'" rk" 111 n·~·t ..ta M-. ~o~.·ru. .. un· ... tcLI TW!.'itia.,\ at Gran.IJI ralll' I..... ..n II ··hur.:•· n( Ulllflln« ll bitlik t ht t k Wllh Ill (l·nt lt) drt'Cfalhl Tilt>. 11rn•&t w .... '"~'"' "" " :'\.•w port Rl-11t'h tu\< w•lup "'urrnnt l>t· ,;u~od on Now. :?:! ''" ''"nlllllllnt "' D. K. Rlue. N.-"' p.11·t ·J:urftjtl'lilltll Mra. Nlcklu "'•II I•· r..tunlt·d ho•rl' for prullec:•(t ... n Scheduic_of Church Services in the Harbor Area· •:!• eu:uh'~ lt',l lluH lt)'\'1, 1J1 h·~·ult~ I•• Ilk lt•llnt. , 4 ' llllllll>t•t .. 1 .:•"'"" ~tlht tln(r t•luy~·u, 1:1i Jllny•·• • ~tlullt), till lu• \ UllU' tu tht• 1t'UIIt , ,:; • tna r1mtao -m _.._ .. ~ ~· Ill" 11•1~~<"'t•n· •Y ul Jll~ty, "'" )'1>11 t'llll ..... ,.l .. yllll( 1\lJl..lty hit:4 11~>1 lot•••fl tlw • hwl rllllfha.IUo "" Ill lllijitl All·:it:•r "'lundlt. l'ht'rt' "''lc 1111111)' buy• lllut tli· .. •n •C'd u1t·nt wn hut '""'"'""II ,.,. lh'' hno• luul t11 II<· tit'"" 11 ~·'I'"'" lit• I •· WI' fer tilt• l•>llhWIIIfl fll.t' t;r1111p llf It nd "''"h l•' · ••uJII jlhrllt'lll tlu• rr1111unl'l~ ""Y!' •••r ttw flllt' "'llltll d111111liYC'Il 'rb,. lt!Urr IV I ..tt•+ ll t•IK)'o·r •iku•lu:" nr V.'IUI a I II lAllY IIIII II, I 1$) It JQ.;. fll•)'rr IUid ol' • • ( ·,.,. 10\jUad Jll~)'rr S.o hl'l"f' "'" .:" J<IIU ht•llt' ttu.~ )''"' al(l't't wlt.h ua. • , • .,,., Tl'.un I lo•n nu1u11 1 V 1 ~ IIKJitt•uutu 1 C 1 _,.8forVII'<'II_ Will '" h•I•J at t-:ho·ll Muru& t \'I r ltJtymund tCI t'hJbMUat, 515 \\',-.1 {'t'ntrlll li\'t·· H\1•\•·lltt (VI (' I~IU<Jlhll IV) n".e. ' U .l:ihdhn 1\'1 t: 11rr 1U1 Chlldrt•n'• atf\'1• •' "' II :10 ll. m Mllt"bH 1 V 1 I I l>1llun rliJ Milrmntt 114'"''" •• nt I I u'dtM k, (;11y••n 1 V 1 T t' .... l li I U.·•·. t•. and ••• h :-\uii<IJtV lllllll 1>: Mlllf'r 11$1 .. to; \\'•"111) 11$1 n••w t•hurc:h t. buill I k•'<lll ' tV\" 1:111• ll U1 ,,.·'krtt IV I l..an~emc.dl' •U itiar·k 1-'••aclt-noan IL'I 1-'IU:ptr'k tV I ~ \\'hltl'h«'llU 1C1 H.$1wllm tVt rJil ~ thr .lnnh'r ('l\~tn1hf't •tof ('<tmm~,...,_ "•II "'"'""''r 11 fl••~tllntr 11hnnr \'II• 1hl•· fr••lll th••" <'.uucl tlla:tlWMY l'lnua "'''' ""'" """I""" uv f\•r "" olnhnnoto• '"''"'fMI14'f' r•mtrntlll ••h n .. Tho oil flrtlnt, "t"t11tnntmwn ·R•>+wofl A ll•·u r•'l"•rl ,..l tlllwr• f11k1n.: l'"rt In lho• I'""' !lllllt.,: lllt·o•ltr~M' wrrr II F Kr11 11\', rt•fiM'III'IIIIn.: "ttr;t U11ltlntt IIT'f'l"' c • M ('llnlph••ll ""'' learl Jl~tll :'-l••wJ)<•rt , I. II Nuthllln, ("urun." •It• I MKr, It I "('llhn.. Murrho. luuh•t ( •j111n1ht•r uf f'••mm•rr•• lt~<rr)' Oar11rr •nd .I W forytun I.,.,,,., hltr""'"Y, Jul\11 Hl<'lf'l, J 0 w .. tkln" ·and tt A 'Mryrr. N .. ~ t•urt IIKrl;,or ('hllf!\k_r uf C"tonlln<'f'l't' "'"' M .. y .. r lrV\aa"9·"tl<' ll<•nl"" IHtl' JtllrT'V \\'l'kh. rll·t•UII'UI o•um mlfl,..•m<'n. . lilll truphtu v.·tll hto Alll'llr<tP<i hy lh,. J•ultr••. lwn r .. r """""'"''~' ~ "fll~ IWu fnr dfo<·ur•lh•ll uf htlll· 1n...,. tim•-. ·~ two ror •t-·lal fo•Mtur ... Ttl" "'"'"' of Jlllll .. • •·•II ltwlwlr unl' mrmhtot PAI'h fn•m ""' •·h11mhrr of rumm .. n'l', 1111•1~ 11nl1 p,.,,.,.,.tunal Wumf'n'ti dtih, F:tM-11 duh and Nrv•purt I~IU'h \\'""'""'" All"'ll'latlun ·:una· ,, , l..c~ Ojtt-1. ' Y"'~. : • ... I'C'\' I~ . -~Ia .. , Kl··•u · san .. ~,!. 1\(in .• ·. San K \1 t :(' .. OM-; .. , . s •.. , ,,.~·. UbilotfHt- K \:Ot: •.. Santa An.a KUU ·. Sahata I •arbara K T1iC .· \ 'ltialha Bowling "F.ltSF-"DAY li.AOI'F. •·~, r~ .._. ltult't•lfV't•n IU 7 t34 K~ t" t'alahan •06 til A. NlaM l'•tlrr ... n .•M.~tt ~It If. ll•trt1MU U2 "Dt .1. .-r, M Martu tlO IHt J ....... ~1\2 ~12 71141 2211U-7t7-7H-TTI-Ia0 '•~ c·. c·. llid Nul ltnwi .· n 1 ._ tit T ...... ,_ .. , ac-tiiW tU ~ ,.. 1111'-... ,....... J . ~e·a court un cnargea The 1uut v.·u Mn. Laura Muyea. poaeu111nr; an unllcenatd doJ. a Iutter ot Mn1. f>. C McKen&le. u.'-:-COIIllll•hrlmt-il...,'tftlt-lteo-.-ll.l.ai;U Ha.ttiiM'a Included Mra. IShetman by Poun<tm:ul•Pr .:. SalaY.' ")fra. w-.. ~~NUI~o-J~J£W4--l<a:Dtm.IB; • 10.1 ......... -~~a-~~--~J-------~~~~~~~~~----~-+~~~_c~~~ .. ~~~----------L-3M~~----~~----•• tt' 2 ~~ ... ," 'MMA I• a'*• plannln« a llahllnll pn•.:ram whtrh will ltt•\ltlt ..,,.. r•nl .. r an'1und twu 1Atlft' ~~ ":wr.a.r.a MF.AIU4 MRnn.nr.a After 11pendtng ttw pnsl 11\'\'('rar montha at SAn\.11 An:i': -MI"I!. Mnr· • tha t.udlow hn11 learnrtl ttlal Uter<' II no plac<' quat~ like Col'lla Melli< and 111'1 IR thll Wl't'kl'nd rt'turnlnJ: to ht>r homl' at r,u w . Vll'\;.ma •tl't'et. •ltr CGIJnty Ordinance 408. Enter· 1ng tt plen uf'Tiot lfUIIty, Shaw de· ••hul'd the dolt waa not n»~p­ •'r:_ty. "AILUR \'IKITK HOME FOLKS ClarC'nce Arnu~lrol)g. who re· cently graduated~ fr'f,m a naval Ml.la Ed1th Conant. Membera a~ aiMl planning t1 'Chrut\m&B party, potluck lunt:heon and Jlft ell· chanae fo r Dec. 23. SAME. CAMPAIGN (.'OMMI'ITEE With }he !"ffall election o( ~­ Waterman . .J.re-ldent of Newport Hel«ftta lrrtptlon dla\rict board. att for Dec. 18, mem~l"'l of Ca.ta Me• CUt-Ctv.ic JA'a&'Ue havO' 11wung Into-tic·tum und are campalgnln.c fur Ctutrlrs P1lk!n· wn, former c.:u•t>t Mfu grtx-rr and IAII~rue-bac·kl'd cand•datl'. il•l'lo•. I>~ nmmng In uppt•>nttCJn to \\'at .. r - man L Ill. tt:t M1 L W"flll :tM :t!\7 r Ctaet&« :tNUII .,._..., SM u• waaew, ICIII<ott tit lUll C. Drwtl lD-77•-722-nan 7nT,.._ ... _. a.4nlr"" ~4011K .......... a- :tTn 171 II. OtU :n o W A. IIC'CIIn1 :at~ 21t7 II. hint 111 :121 M . Wlalte !\':'It !lilt 0 l"NWI" - "' llllr. and Mra. L. M. S\nc-kland, who ha\'1' bt't>n livmg ln. thl' \\'ada· worth P"'l"'r\Y on W . 19\h 11tre<'.t. have put't'ha!W'd the Brnwn re~l· df'nrr at IMII Li•r:una 11treet and are ncow c-omfortably l()('att-d In their new hume. Mr. and Mr!l Ed Rennl'lt ~U>n, Tf'd. 215:1 ~cwpnrt had a11 Tof>IWiay dmnrr K. C. WnRht a Fnl'ltet and Park. and Mellott. Mr. and Mrs. J . H Mcr.utrt•. un- til rt'<"l'ntlv uf 54:·l i.un:JtCJn litre-d. n 'lW j(~Rt••d Ill tilt' fu rtllo'f J.: rt(pp ri'Sidi'IIC't' prupcrty at :187 'WIIaon ~tn•t•l. Mr. Mc·Gil•r•· nwns twn arrl's 111'1'11!1!' till' strrt•l from hiK nt>1~· InC' at wrr. rade l'chool In Chlcatto. apent the wHkemt--wt&A hut mother, Mnc. Bhtnchr J ohNiton, 2228 New- port buull'\·ard. He 111 now statiOn· I'd nt .lh4' t:. S. Destmy~r hue ~nn D•eg<l, wh~r~ h .. will await ordf'rll for traN!Cer to achve duty. All><• Wf'l'k~ndmg Rt \he J ohn· :<lun hnnw waa Mn.. John:~ton'll 11 r.wd110n. Gt'i•rge Smith of ROIW· 1\ll'lld . J RfiC 'EI\'f: 1100 Gt 'E~TH ~tr-and Mnl. ·Anton Wacek of th" (,luAhfy bakery IAAt Saturday !lrned c•uk4' and c-nH~e to mort' lhnn 51)1) J>:UC'SU In Cl'lebratlon or thl'lr Cour1h ltnnh·eralry at M<•AA. . . ,. Mr. and Mr~. Mi•r·1'1;· ~1\Tt' nr-tT,-~,.......,,.,...,,.,... 1~7 Newpurt hnllll'\'111<1 hll\'t' pur- • challt'd tho> rt·!luh•n•·•· IH'"I"'rt.v al 1939 Fullrrtolll "''''""'' Mr :tnol Mrll. Ed •A rn111d, whu hu l't• b€•••n ncrupymg lh•· prt.'tnJ~u·ll, h11 ,.,. Ill")'· I'd to 512 B•·rtmrtl .strt'•·t. r.rn~am, ('llll·. \\' .S.C.S. Membtai"S t~lt•ct Officers tft• «A:< Ire. Jlr•IWIIlt'C' ,,r r.rlnlo•n c:t,nl'•• Plh••r J:UC•lltll lnrlnd•·d Mr~ u ... w nl···· ancl Mr :~nd Mr!l ,,,,.. J "hn>~"n an•) TO WliH~, IT ~A\' ('OSCF.i!lS My hu!lband. ,lt•lllll' Johm•t•m. ha\'lnj:" on :'-/nv. 29 left my bed 111111 lon a rd. I will n" lnn~ter be rf'llpon· C'utt It . ~.hl·· f.,r any Hllh•htrttnrll• lnrur- 111stc·r~. · SundAy, II 30 a. m . -Sundlly ·~ifh/l IIChOOII CllUIIIl'll for all a1t1. 111>1111 of Santn Ana, 1 11 :00 a. m. Momlnr worahlp Me· 6 :00 p. m.--eru.adera. 7 ·00 p. m -lllwnlna Mrvlce. 7 ;30 2, !!).-MI!i·We(lk 1>•··~·· r•·d hy hom. _,\taJor ("uttlr II' '" h.· "'"''"n•·d ' J>"n11 ln$1 thl' uot lt"utn•· ctllolh·~ 1n lhl' P •nnr tu ~oulon~,: th uplr "'''•rr(•t1 f••r 11 hn••f \'1"- lt w oth MrR Cuttlr'!l f'•lr• nl>' ~fr And .Mr.o A E1 Almond v! 191 Roche~trr st !'M'l. Mr.o Lenro cu,.tt'r And Mn< J , .... 111e \\'lllllll. :-:t>wrc>rt hr'llli'\'Ar~ ne11[hboM1. Pnj()yl'd 11 rf'I'C'Ill trip to Mt PalnntAr whl'll"r thry ,.,..,,,. rei the huJt n~w ub!11>1"\'ll~f1r}' 11nt! nther polntll M ~ntel"f'!'t. On Sun· dav. Mrt!. C11~tPr, 11rrmn~Anl•·d lo~ MM.. F19~n~e Bf'<~WIJ ·and sur.. [)nll~llll. dro\'t' 1'1 Ynrhrl LmtJa whl'rt' they wtre dlhn,.r jnll'!!U at the Charlea Foll~·nlbH home .. Seal. fJ20 f'Hnla Ann lll'!'nu" whn 110 r hiiT'Jr"(! w1th Jump· We repair Electric Cloclll•-..._;.n~~" tlnul~''""" ~ttnp nt 16th lltf'H't \\'atchM and Jewelry lind Orllnl[t: "''r nu<-, 'ort 20, tuuo All work Jt1.1Aranteed plud~ nnt ~llllty Rntl n•kt'(t tria l aJ:t'LACJI, Jewelew hy Jury. &t~o M "'"'''" t."' IJI't ror Jill s-port ...... ~ 17 In .ludltf' 0 J T>u<t,rP'S OOMTA MESA t'Ourt. Chafltell wer .. fiiPd full•1w · lnl( lln accident l.rtvul\'ln« can <>I?· 11rllted by Seal 11nd E P Gi'orl(e of auua• lloolerwan PERMANENT-& BII.ADDrB ~~m~ew~"--c.eaM... ...._ .. 407. Short 1t,...t. ... -. O..tmlt :'-/PWII With f)l'tlnM Dotr· bin m11rrlf'd. M1r kPy ftf)t)'ley t''lm· tnlt <1f llf:f' and Rhtri"Y T.rmpl" graduatlnJ rnto ml•ll(>l" lii7A'II. Rol- lyv.·oa<t mu•t find WI ~tl'lf)U\U tot to ITOW up wlttl. ' ThursdAy, I m~llng. hll Ooeflll "_.,., Elclea ....... '",..,.. f\.1'\' M r l'runlc, Put.nr, Ph 275JK Sund~<y lt<'hf'lOI, 1 :30 a . m Mom InK wortl\lp, U :00 o'clock. Yuung PNoplt, lun, t .:l() p m. l!:vanrelultlc -..toea, 7:10 p. m Pnrer. m..un., ~, Mrv· IC!. 7.80 J1. m . Pra\R '"""'-· ........... ,. 7 .10. Mev•tltDQ~ '::ha,...ll of ~ 8l!l1a.. ••••· (fl. 8abbath IIChooe, .... rdlly, t ·30 PNachll~ Mn'lcle, U a . m . w.-...csaJ ldpt Mn1ce, 7:10. I ~···•""'' 1" u .. e. c;:,-,.,,,,, 1•'' k l,.-.,,'j,,, 'Y.\\I'IIftl \f,\, I'·II'IU.II l•lh\'i•d •• , •. ,,. tnn.u•• ;,f f'\•r VI ..:urr•• It tl•· "',,._ ''"' .,, ut1\' t.!:'"'' I'" "• ·.v .... " .··, t .''• !'• I .,.,,, rt•tt•••u ltwr tf ~r··•t ~;, ''"''' qff•t••l •• t Jru· ru••r,. t.••'l't'•;·t •·r •·t• t11''" ,,, 1 '' ·'~' w ~ .,,, .. ,,, ,, • ._ ••11 1 · 1h•·l•,v:.l1••v.r~t"''•l•l•·'-'h'•"'''a!lh 'h• t;,, tH ¥.t,Ph t,. •' '' • 1.«11)' ~UjJIAJil"•l I Ill· "lolljtlllo•·Jol 1•1 I'• 1 ..... otrt. J . ",.."""" II r a lit~o~.•e ll 8 Fink fo' MttrrtJI It nn~~r~• r ..... :~:1.'\-4121 ............ H 1...-•11• M Jo'ry M \/• tr~'l I ty•·r v .. ~.: .. l ;.;-·, r"'• :.-;, ..... ,.... ..... Th"'"l""'" M Iii"'"'' I. l.i• "'' It lo~~w M l-lo•111irJ1 11::: "~· ''"~·:l 1":'1\t ~6M-IU·l~ ..... ...-... 3M :lN II. OaJ• 2110 3&7 ... ~ 2M l*l . II. ll.elm• 2M 377 J . CoofntoJI ••• 270 W Mark• 17111 ,...,. to711-6t•-le7!\ ~o,.• tflft •• ,. ~ """"'h :w\2 :1411 ..: NwiHn :w~A :11"' t·: TU•'"" :142 :en ~"'"" :IM '171 IC . .,lnt I II':H fl4P :j'lll·M4·J~III' l..ca,;ut~ .TotaiK \\ t.U~F.114UA ,, I.F.Afii'F. 'f'tt,nut•• '" f ttlr-r BultHut Phurtnu~ v I\"'~'" Itt•• I'll .. Al t•tf1 .. !-'• f \'H I• l11ul•·• ''t• '"••···r f 'ftlt'1 Uftl • f lttf I. \IU t.!4 I.F..\t.l r. I• , .. .• • , •t t '' 1, I .. ll't 1;, 12 II .. II •• ... Jll 12 1'1 1'1 '· .. ,. I ... f ... , , . •', .. ' . d Itt"' eft• tttl I • • • Ill t t I 'Jt I r.u :11 .,ut •• , ''·"Au~o:u r••·'-' "''''• 1h• '"" ... 'Itt"'''"''''""'"''' rn.,ull v r,. ... ,. ,,, th• "f• .. tt•f••l 111.riH •lr•'"' "'''' 1'1"" ,,,,., ('••~'" 1 Mr1011 . ",.'" .t r•·HI thrtll t•, '4tt I\ f W urlfl ..... a:a11•1 ~t\lr t•·r•r•'""'''H"''" '-'-'~•• I'UJrt•rt•,r ttt the· •tJipi•ltf•hiK \\'Ut I·~" .. r •l,..w th"Y w•·r•· loclt•fo•l lh" 1•·11111 ulo•l I "'"';., Ill" '"'>''' J•bcy '"'''''"'" ·,,. ... ""l•f"·rl Th•· '''"'''" H1llrrrhord ,,f II~ hA" uuuh• ''II! UJtl,..··antr'' ,. y ,.,, r :trl f 1!.-1 n n \'I hi Ilk no"' 1••11 " Minlo( I" rflll '' •• I'Tf"',.m· "''.rf'P"' tn ,,.,,,.., _l,.Wh., :'\tol l Ill( tho _, HIJ II I ,.f f'IIIIJ~·r. I'M<~rlllf'11 lltr•" 1••1 =""'" ... n '"'"" ,'Thl" 1• "" t11nr• lq Ill· lo•trl,.d II• i ,,,,,nv· •·toAkl't " • hrtvrr ••f Ill•· \\'·~··•• 1-"·~111· t;lt•ll H•·un • 4'1 :-: ....... ,~.,., ,.,,. ,,ffl' ,.,.. .,.., '.,1 ,,I•· .. r I rr r,,,_,,."· t nr.ms AR'41t' P4F.R\ U'T. T•u nwu rr••m :'II•·"'J"·'' lln •l•·• H• hu t 1\'t' :•h·r\'\1 •• I ~,Q rtt t 7 I . v..• '• H1tJU' ft•otl lnt•;. ftrfH \' M••f \ It•• M••l· •Ill \', ,,,,.jy U•r•·•· ••f I l'o· -l•ol 11"1"1: fr•m• lhf' tmm•••ltnt•· lfl•tl•••l •I•• tr1ct. Tll"y nro· lt•·rl,.·rt If ,, '"''''" ,.,,., Y··•hl•• llkoHnllr",. fl,,u,..,, l ~lu~o•l 111\lt lluJCh If Uotn•••nl, (',,~L•• M•'"" . . BOWLING "h•·,. aiolll ... '-.......... ffi,-~. 'I S_.ORTLJUID 80WLUIG AI.I.8Y8 fSAL804 ,r ........ ~ .-..w.~Jr lwtth---•t \1!1 ... ot g .... t-r•• .... -.11ft .......... 1'4nft .... ......... .-..... ..... -... ,.,.. .... ... ,,_ .... ......_. . ........ _ ............. tltltct Me. IH ,.. iwttT qTCQiill& ....,....... ... JlalbiA ....... ...... f*lnd . .,. .... , - lfl. f~ P • Ollva.r-. Jr .. ttam••n II. "' ..... _ ft. Av•l& •",... d Ma M "'«" 4 ( 'lui)'"• aTACLEI .. ··-lkJIW :: .... Four . N£' c Barbara jenkins Arizona.· . •In Ute eolltt lD Yuma. An ~ exch&nt Ctoeln J enkl.l t.ld 01 TuKO, d&)', ~c•vtmbc · Tbe rttt>a •••bert Q( I f&mJ!y, hu • O'o.*r of ll cro.~tor alao UIIOI ;wtl: •=v-c .. 1110& ltl&nd .. , Jllre. HofC'nfel Tbfo brlllco \ wore a ~ear<l•· • lac Ole rcorC'f Joomf'd tn a city for ..tannv Tbt' C{tllJll«' ~at MarL Ar1zoft& wlwt AD au<lttor a t&ry of tht (, p&IIV Mra II • uate of No•w )tiah tkh()oll * a clt rll In 1 llralk.b of th .. ~ore ht'r mt • Mr. ~~1 ... ,. •·ttd' l'f'C .. Nevada. I UI"J f~. Mn. Bub.ra Jt-an ter ttf-Mr. •• Gn1a1 ol VlrJ ...... ~ \ .· l ,. ' J ·" ~ .'-• f. ~rY'. :• .. • -~· f ' . •' r --~ .... -·-· ~· . . . NEWPORT-841.SOA PRESS s~"t~_!'Mpiollage 141l'\\'~ of Scotland' \·it81fy. Important Lea.vett San Pedro ........ ~ to LoCal Staam~n · ior Aberdeen llltu.f H.. ~AT~arBQift' ' 8 SlJE m'N:HMAN ""' 1"1 II"' '"11111•1-: ~··IH l in (H;- I •I paramount unvorUan~C' Lu u llth )' ucal f••~•i«'ll 1a11d Y•~ht.a­ u Jt-11 ~ w•U. aa the u•v. ,ff'dtor!'• law whach w .. nt anLu .. u...:t Won· dis)' •nd wtudl "ro\ .cloui llwt no a.lu:n ma.y put tv ....,. from St~W· J't>ll H arbo1 or &ny oltlt'r purtwn ••I the-L:rut.-.i S taua ahorf'lmr \UU\uu_t f trat LUIIlpi)'LJl& Wllh CC'f· IJAIII &->n-Junanan a lllld rea~ullllluiU 1111pu~ 1111 • w .. rt;m., Jlrutil.'(ave ,_..,.u~ .. Y. . :-.; ....... w,, IIIII th·· '"JIO:IIlt••ll WJII t-~or the ~t. :l8 \;*""r" .;.~h .. ~~~~ .:-•1\!·• :cl llo• B.ollo~•:c ,., .. ht Clun Uonal Boat Show Ill· ""' '"'1 .,. •I !• "' II•·· 111•·1111111: l•·r "'''"''"\' .. ,... bHJI an ann~o~tl t'Vt nt. In I ~U f··• Su..-h wu tbll mfvrnllolaun recel\1· .-.i t•ot1aoy f rom the :)an!JA Ana uf· Ill C' ot Ult'' 8urea.u ~~ fl'lomtln..lfUII a ntJ ~rd.,r· l'atrul. tbe flntt tim«'. It w•ll l!tr • 1411 ce'l'"-lnt Hand. ~~e~·ret8ry 'ti• tho NaUonal "--ll.'llltaun u( t:n.:IIH and Boat .Manufartur"nc whu son· ruporurlbl• for th•· ~<bow, l<H~i:' __ ,_~tt!lnm~t~ttth.~~ ~-".the 10\jlJt>.nK ul ll 1how' would pro\'f' l11l tl1' few butrl the 'tnduatry_ and tht-Y•• hlllm ron NaUon&l ddenllf' ,..·urk . ~tnd laufttl'- and enclnn for f'llmmt'r-.'1141 1411d I~ UM a~ r'l'qUiriiiJC Mil a\'IUI· able · •t t.,e Jl'"J'f'nl chlatl'y w11l do nJC (>OUtblt· to wpply and maanlaon tn. J>rfoll· ent i-ec.-rnuonai flftot diiranl •HA:I u the malntenanf'f' .. r thuo ilf'<'l •· '"vital to our natavrn.l dfofrt~IW' ,.._.:.: . The ey., nt Uw bnnt anJC "'"rl<l W11l-a c hanr;f'd paf'turf' 1n l l'l:l On one tldto of thfo Jlll.'tlll"f' m r•r• and nwno 'llttntlon Will l)t folfll,....l on p!Miure boalt doln~ " .)(oh '"' defenw: on yarht.e Nom·.,rtf'd t • · Navy u. and thoee &•r•·fH'n-<l ''' ..,. tn the Coa.tt Gtaa.rd Rc-•·rn:. on Power Squadron.'! a nd Sat\'1\1 Guard f1Hlt. 1be other tldt ul ~ ~Meture wiU di.cl.-lnc.-rt-.. tn¥ num.,.,._ of clef•"* wt.rttn a turn ina to boalt for Uwtr l"''('rf't l t"n for tMtr· pleuuno bl'tw~n 11h tf\.ll A larre proportaon ur ui.. 11001) new boat o•·nent on thfo p,.,.,,,.. eoa.t In , .. ,_ •~ ..,,,. .. y ....... 1 &II'PiaM fa.c.ton.., Nt~VY yardlo · .~t W'Ofb.~beT:-!"'Ifil. f~!ln•;r . w-not om,. ttM--~Itt ..... ~· U.. nwn In Ole' pfant and on tfl• -bly line "''ho paoy for tto .. n llloelt on Ume out of IIUt>.tAntu•l hnce-a-monUl pay t'n\•t loJ'f't'. "nw-~urr.nt Pacalu-Jti<.Cttr finAl ..._ an lntt',..tl~ artadt' em "1$<,.· U.. Boetm .. n" IBoetJUr A lfo'rMft ... tU.I a lar1[e ,...,,.,.nl~t.:•· "' ~---,•-=:hom~ ar. buytnjt ur ~t'htul<hn.: de~nt a yacht r hah hl4 • apr-uq up ulled the "Tn11hna I 'nat Tuht ,Club" arw1 t..o ah-1W h-ow fat t u-workt"rw h~t\'r atH k tn' yucht U... the t&ml' nld ~mtrto\'1'1'11)' .. 1 power Yereut -11 wai ... ('lln(tllll· ~-Here ano a roUJtll' or aamiJI•• ·~: .. Ia,-. a nrpatlor of UN' Tooltnjt Ullit ~ p1)11tt'1'·bolatlnl . "You roar a.eroaa Uw watt'r and ..._. JOU pl UM'r't' Uwr't''a nortMn.: to • llul roar back aratn .. But u JOU ..0. ,ou've arrompllloho"l -~. lt't Your owp alllll that ,.C. JOU Uwre and bac k." . And Dead . Cabn Pf'tt' lliUI"""" l?om Uw dforll ·of h~out, .. Now tf 1 wtre old .a nd hf'adr.l f« tJw end. I would .IIUr'l'lv hll\' 11 Milboat to trawl ttw-~~ l;•nr mite<. "nwno would hi' nf,. .. lfiW•'r wa7 of ptu~ Uwno." . . .. """'P .wtt'ADanN 11w Balboa P ov.·f'r l!'l'lUMclr••n i:< developtrw. pUlerln~t "'""'""'""'· &nd rotna placet "'lth a (tall "" h•••l· ............ LAUJIDaY AXD o.&AJifll:lla Phone 61 u ................... 8.1P'8 LAUND81' UliiA WYAS ·SHOP 8&Ut • Boet Covt'nt • A••nl~'l Martne Upholatennc ' Phone 207 224 ... 2Ut, Bt NEWPORT BEACH TilT THI •• :.d• e ~ '"''.l'''-'"'1 .. r ,\ltu t·nutc It 11. dl I••· <lo <I• •I •• • ttt •lol o~ I" 1>1......, 1111" I lil t••• t l,.ltll.t..~ \\hit h Wi ll CUV· • I ~· J•itl,d t• I tfi.,_,""" t-•1 tl lht•Jl Olt~l tJ:ltiH 'itullll..c lo••vlil>l}' Ill ltll ll0t· lHiillt•,J ••·!ui•·.C\••tu• h t 1'1t"J' TattJtl&l l,lt'l 11 '""' oil• I 1<•1111-11•""" 11.111 t ul· '":" "" \\•·11 · ... • Ill<' and unrhp• d1 1tl ... ftu :--•a.:•,,d ... .,:a\• ll t h JUtf"r~ toal•••n.d • ••I• '"'"''' th., -"q Uiul ''''' f'lh,. t•.u k t•• L •· 'luh fur '""' It • Oil fe,f U lttlt'>t Ill hrr 11! "I_\ 1 lo•o tf'd urf11 t r~ fit' "''Hit ••••UUIHt t•tlt.t \l.tl ,&tP Butt r:-.,,,, fT•.:!. 1..-ul· ll ,.,,. ltnrnlol J 111• luh .,. ,.., •••rHI !u·u 1• ""ut. M u t-k lh .oh I I.e a.: ''""'' 1111111 ll.u ry t_. ,. to'• II ••..,;• ""' • ,,.,,,, ,. ·••·•I t••· .. • ... urt•t 'i•'~'h·r•t.·tl •, f&fltf Ar'lt• •ruutrul ... ,. I h H H lflUtl 0 '" 1ht ··~ ........... , ~U.JIU!- ..... 11 A lit•\\ • l.t,.,,. 111 t•lt•nu·ntur\· p•lt•fllll: •~ urul••r \\.t,\' u t Uw c:nun• cn u · )-;, lt•••l !'.oluctl:oy o:1~ttl!. Wllh "'•H• ::u u.~·u.tl~<t•r,.. ~•u. hutut.: 1 "'Jinul.du•.: ••t \\ttUk4.J-u 1 ,,ath•wt ·•"'., ;t lltl Arlu Tuul•lll~ &JU•t..nu t .n~ A • I •• ,...., HI Hth ,., .• •'i.J 1'''••1 tu,.; \\all t ... ~ •·• t.:.•t lli7•~•1 v. tt run t h ... ,.,., l ,t, ti.t~' '" h• ~t\t'ta ·'• U:•lt•·a f••t lilt• llr .. l '""'' '"' 1• ....... ,. S.jilllll 11•11 Ill• IUtM I.., V.. b.et h .t \ t• t ••lfll•h lt•tJ Ita.• t l,..uuut.tt\ • .,u,... a r .. ••ll..:•l•h* Avb tic•)'t.l .... li .... l.....tl4-tl • • • • ..;... • .. c:,\'Jllt:IU '\I .. ~.:.\ "111:1.1-"' \\'Hr .. 11\0)' t u 111t .en.t tlt'l••n8f•• IIIH \1 .,;u bu t fht•rt• .. \\ tt' :th\A\J!I tM• ..,..,,,...h, ll~t TluJC ''''''l't.. ..,.,,.,,.m,..r.t \-\ • ...,. •• t":l'U• 1t d tty tl1 ... tt•(IH-tuln t h,tt ,t••u:'\h• u, .. ,., .... , .. h d t,.lnh ·r - ''"''"' l hlll)o;ll ~-•II III~ ><t Jh•·nt')'totl •••. ' •• rru~t "'"·" .... , .. th-· ur\·. l11 111~ "'lh 11-. • n uuhltnjt hnrT'c.;., Th.. "'U.•r · n11t oil I) •pphcll tu fl,.h.-ra11.-n ~&nd yat•hlJirllert cunt~nc · flhtlllll( d t:<t..n l ••nJIJit'll. II w~ J••ont.'\.1 uul. t;ut tl> ....v&JUOC'nt(t-r4 .ct.o<llt ll •·toa rtt'r t.o~ 1tnl1 rtahtnt( \ •·!<., .. b I 'I 1111:'1. t .... vcty ahC'n "noo \ •·••t ur.-:. !Jto) c,nd t!w mouth ol lh•· h .. rb"r 111 •ny l ~l't' uf craCt """' a • ltii'IC' tu ,. Dattluhlp .\t.o•ul t h.-••nly t-"'"Jllwru. lue~~Uy ,..,II ,,.. trHtd.-con lht' •• itt • .-.t T tl.. a..qutt•'\.1 l'r'" ••..U.r• bdort' an nll"'n may· til'r1'lrnl'T put tn tea "1 II "'' 1111lr lh•·,:•.-ru• "'K of a ,IW'r· "''' '" •l•·l""t a l'"""l"'rt l<lld allt-n ·•l••hl ttlo,cll.trt ,;ortJ, d llU cf uf draft ·~·· II , ... ,noll trum thC' local St" h • 1" •· :-\t•r\ 1• t' b••u rtJ 111 """ 1 too ••ltllorn thP nf't't'aaary .. , l•·.crart• ,. I''' I"''" 10ht:n n:-11dfonta "' tho· u .• riJo•r dt,tr•<'l are tn~truct­ t"l · ... ··l'r'> .. t thC' .. ,,t . ., .. r the i'OJtt t -..,.t.u n S..n f>.-dro. v.•hac.-h lt l•w ttl•-..1 "1'1""''"' l!w ...,_toffacf' r .. 1.toltnl(' Thrn-t ht-•ppla.-ant wall .... t..qourt<d rant lo lllhow that bit h." • ootnph.-d •·a til all ancho,.,.f ~~~o:ul.otlf•l\ll and ulht:r n:-qulrf'· fti••U f li t:nt .. n «>ment of the 1\f'W l•w. w1ll rw uo u... balldll ut the t:o.M Guard ""' Jlli'n<olty for \'lolattun tnduclan~t :o IIIAtlllblh vf f-,...._ fft ,..-...m ""d 1-500 fine. TK tl11ac:irlly, no K""' .. p.nod I~• bl' alln•·l'd bu olu,. tu tJwo ftt't \ that ttw III'CC'A· ~ry hlanka ha\'t'~n df'l..tt,yl'd In • orn\'IIIIC. .. nfurffmt'nt ac-ttvltlt'a ""'" d"ubll~ ·bl'. tax fnr tht' f1rat ..,...,k ur ao. 1t v.·u andlf'alf!d: a...ot·al I m m I 1 r a I t u n F~nkhn 0.\·lt UrJf't that all Jll'r· S<•llJI 11ub}fd to thl' !*w c.-omply .clt.ucL W\Ul II II),; It I \ II I II I k y M \ a )'VJ.: t.o ott"', ,"-II..OI"-t':,,~t'o11Pt4*-.W~---<4&J ..... .&1-4e~ 1 ho• ,....,. ,1011 ~ .,,r 11,,. 11 , ,., •• 1 :.111d •· Althou«b &n ahf'n could pul· ~:~•coonh• ,..,.., ... 1,1 llwt\' . . . Jtihly mall~ wveral •uc.-rf'Uful trtptl t•• ... 8 bl'fOr't' brtn« toppn:-ht'l'ldfd, u ... k Ill llu• ~I} .. w""" So•ll ltlllr ="•·II • ·Murt ... r.:•" "·'"" 11111,, tyko'. ttwo \'14\taUon mlcht come to Iicht ,lu· ,, 1111 " .: 11,1 fn••nc.l "'"'""d ot !11·'\'l'nlll ft'tn bf'fl('tO 1111d wnuld then -··11111,_.,. "I' 11.,. wutal Tt.'munadt' f>n'\'f'nl UN' vaotator frum llf'Curlns o;tantl "'""' h•••l ,.111 11 ,1n tht' lll't· Amencan · dllztMh1p p&Pf'l'l," -.h•·ll l11aaotu:"" Th•·y .:a therf'd ()avis -'d. -.h•·llll ""'' "" ~""""')" *'' Ill,> • • fi N i.ahto· "l"nt.: t hr lw:ll'h w:allt tl :-.;,.~~~or I "ht·h • I ht )' ftrf'an«ed llh'tr """'"nil •l•·a n•·.J 11nd puh11h · ··d ,,,, tttUT •·•" nnct an pattt•rns and t"tttu•d ••n u t u~tunt: tuD'en~ •·ath t\1· Sumta~• t .. urr~<t c I'<·"' d )hony a t.rnH•UJC rt· t.eunt nl ,.,_.Jrr!"" y:ath a ;••l.ct .. • loop M.c~ttll :cnc1 t'a f\'l '""''"'~IH ") \\ n.. II\'.-''" An11h.1m Itt t \ t '·,, .... t ~lt'Nt ht"'l J\t-u.. IJtlrr- ,.,f ttl l 'n,l• r rt .... tt·:t•Jtrt . ..:. l~J,: tr•"'· n t h• l•.11 k \111"•1 lh•~ ,..., u'r \\"I k l.ol•lo• \\ h'l•' 111• \ "''rto'<l • I• ·"'''' "" -lu•ll,. p;,.\ h.tc.l 'l(ath· • r•·d 1i 1u1 :-ttur-..••1 th••tu tn :' "h, .. -1 I l ilt' ti.L,\ I h• \' ,.........n·I'(J II tt'lf'· ~t.ttlt ''"''' .1 ~nu J.'r·•u• uw·cahuui'tt- •tcl•·rtclt.: I :•••' •l.crlt<h lh•wr (tncl ttl•·t Tht ·'' the•\' ,.., '" 11hlt' t tl ·1lf1Jol\ 'lllol h.t \ t' IH'o'!l juhbo•n! I II t h•· :.t • ... h. II t•u:-o~ne•!C-4 •• , •·t ~uu·.­ -"UI'I''~ ,n,:_. ~I&Jl<Jl.;w.J., ht~tL.,t'll an\! •••II\ •·1111 "h"Jl" "I' and do\\ n tho• • ••JUi\. :OC•·Ihn,.: •-• tlu•••• J'Chnp:c tn '-,.l,&hn,, ul"u•· :\1•--1 "' lho·ll •lll'll,. "'" .:at h 'II d fl ttlll :'tt•Uh••ttJ t· .• ltl t~flll.t \\'::&• \t f"' :-\111llt ""'' 1ht1 1•1).: hl~t tUU" l'ltl k • •II• h .... '' h1• h tu.tk•· ,..,u h J••r - 1•·•1 IIP\\tf , ... ,,.~ .ltl•t u; •. lat \' lit\• n•1•·r t nd -h.trtn h!'l•' !"• .tf.tnl' tt t• ""hll'l""'' (tnfll F t,.rul.t t he• tL.,. h ttli1H '"' t'ul l!• ttnu,J.t 'I h• \ ha\·f" tmmt1n1 ~:.'""' c:r.rrfllfh 'm thl' p:u•t t:. , ... , ... rh· •• ,,,. :!t ,l,,. ... t u·" ~~~ 'I-tt'"'-... , t'l "' • .... -1 Tttt l...•un~· •·•ll \• rtf:...· L.tt l\.-t q J r·q ·• J tllll• ll'' ltttlll :'.th ''t. lit• .,,,. .....u ur 'll f, .... t~ ... L-. •u.• hk·· lt•t pa:~ , ""h u.•l ..... ttt..:• l " r ...: ... • tt .... t•···"'"'"' '' hil• ~0 nMHJNO LIC'E~"r; j..AI'Il of a rommt'rt'ltl f labll\6 II· l"t'nllf' taat Fnday broU«hl $2!1 ftnn to twu Sf'\l'pOrt Harbor men w ho ";«'rt' _JJrTf'IOtf'd No\'. ~ by F'1.~h end Gamr df'puttf'fl and brt>u~ht bl'funo Jqe 0 J. Dodc«'. Tlw fucbrnnf'n who · Wf'rt' tAterl· l'dl~· pl),n~ thf'ar u lt y tf"'ldt' wtUl· .. ut hfonefat. nf ht"f'IIAI', Wf'rf' Pt'rry Tumt•r ,.f 1-:'-:'-:' :-o;,.wport hom~·,·ard t '""'" Mf'lUl, 10Ad JI\Ck Canrh. SAn Pt-dru. Ho•th paid thf'lf ftnl'll { '<>mmf'n-ial faaht'rmf'n mu•t ""_-. 1:\1' I'IUppht'd llt•t t~nly v.·ath " t•aJul ht'f'IUH' but mtlat bto fut.(f'f· pr mt•-<l. ph-•t•ot:r~tpht'd alfd r arr y- full a.-t.•nhflntlton Jl«Pt'"'· J udJtt' r-..odjte pntnlt'd out. ~f:\\' .~ICtSAL UOH'I .. A•~·•,rdme t" Lht' lahst msn n('rM l.nill.ekn. r uhlilltwd by lhfo l l, ;:. C"ua11l :ond ~ ... tdt-tu• llllr\'1')', St\\'• J••rt Ha rllf•r'to nt>w Wl'llt Jt'tty la.:ht :11111 w>~rnan~: toirrn '"•' tu I)(' ,, . .,d~ c,,, !O(•n·,..,, about J11n l~•. l!t42. llarhnmta:Oif'r T E. &t~~·h···: du<d n,...,t t ••h•~· Ao • .. roltna: I•• 1hr hullf'ttn I hi' "lj:n.ol•\\111 h,• , hnnJ!f'd tn roh,,,... 11 IIH:<htn.: j:l'f'o•n ltr;r.ht "'""ry 2 ~ ,...,. •'ll•l~. ltH• n .c•h I•• l.t:Ot l'no•-halc and thP <'f'h~·· twn ,.,,,. •II< I.• Tho· lti:fll \\oil ho• c>( JIIUO • tn•tl•l••\\• r Tho• I• a: •tj;nHI \\Ill tl••• to.• • h.u t.:•••l I•• an tl~ lr1 <' ~ar.•n 1~•11• hf'~ !'.t ill Plov.·inc ber way Ulrouih the li~be~t~w~"~n§23~a~nd~~2tl~~on~th(~~· ~Ba~y~ briny deep aomewlwno twtween RN. U6 San P~ro and S..ttlt •• the six · mutf'd ac.-hoonH, 8tar of Scot · lfnd. which put to .. ye.terdty undt'r command Oil Capt". CoJ~,Jlan· tin Flink. Newpon' Harbor marl· nf'r and one of U. f-rematnlnc nld-t,tme ulllnc ~en. Thf' ve-l. wiUeh Will ~elve a car~eo of kunbtr at Aberdeen. Wa~~h .. •• betnc tow.d en th~ cna.t- 81 v11yace· to . U. northern port, Arter load.lrt6. ~whkh w1ll requlno •J>pruxamately two « three weekA. thr schoo,.er wiU eet •II on Ole lon~ 1rtk to sl;ut)a Atrtca , 11.000 mtlett d1atant. J • Ac.-c.-r!rdlnc to Capt Flink. ap· proximately a y-.r wtll be requlr· t-d fM-the round trtp. Since Ult' ad(ooner Ia not liCJMdul~ to make a ny port ~t-n AbrrdeeA and Ita dr•tlnatlon, the ,_, wlll carry ample provtaklna for an 111 mo11t.ha' P"rlocl t.'lua allowing con· aadt'rab~ m.,.tn In tht event of YACHT:N: · Local watafntftc..n nrr~t Decame antt'l"t'ttf'd In lbe o11t ac.-hooner when •t wu towed Into N~wport Hu- bor more tJ\AJl • ,.ear IIJtO, at .&A.Poca cuaiooNs AJIUI'OAM CUIIDON8. Percy H. Beyer t1me muquera41nc a:. tl'! ~q_uat, tnp·ht'avy cambbnc barge. Rex. 1-'ollowang '"" ex.tarura\'t' propm 1tc . t•mst. ....... ----_;:_A ~- nf rem9Ck'll~ and altl'rtltlont. lhe ~<hlp wu restored to lt.e fonner tnm linn and no-dlrutt'ned wfth 1t.t Ortllllfol name, Star of Scotlanc1. SC'vt'ntl weeka aco aht wu taken to San Pedro Navy yard for In· •lallation of. muta and rtcctn.r. wh~h hat jutl reac.-h~ oomphl· tlon. . Bee••• Ow 8t&r Ia &n old·Ume aaalaat··..-...a and Capt. Flink an otld·ltme MUor1 ace-old cuttoiT.a of ttwo ... an beiDa observed to Uw • l&tt lettu. A.a the me'n•aet wu lowered tnto place, lbe tn&Uonal c old pMIU ... ...... bf'-s.h 1.1. &A nbef!rvance wtuda -old wamen de· d are wtU.....,.. copd luck to the Usroucb all the aubma.rtne and m lne-lnf..ted wal#nt of lt.l 1_7.000 mile ...-ce ... LIDO MWOIIDPUII ('OIIP ANY PLANK AJifllf11AL BANQUET No manapment of Udo Sword- flth ~ Ia lhta week com - pleUq a~ for i1W eon- ct'rn'a annual ~uet wblt:h will br a ttended by tile leadlnc aword· ftal)ennen ol tbe anoa. Here'a eom ethlnc that· 1a never thrown •-Y . . . year after year, tbey are kept Mc~l.ltf. each hllvinc a number, ad'mtone m&)' u,_ently need • · rep~­ mt'rit. One phannacy hat over 2,000,000 filled preacrtptlorur . . . each numbenod an4 u ch accuraJely foiled. Suc:.ll .. you witt ftnd at . .' . 1./U..~-­ p~ ......... Putr ....... BAUIOA I8IA.ND ..{.......-111-W The lnvtlaP..I atr.lr, which will take p&a.C. pee. 20 •t Sam'• Sea Food eat'e lD Seal &.ach. IB alricUy "alq." Foll ... wtnc 4lnner and a -~ prornm of enter· t.ainment. tbe balance or tbe eve- nt n,r WID be dftooted to d.lKua · alon ot u.. te.t ~~nc ... ton. ~--- lnvttaUona fail to alate the na- ture ol lbe entr. but lt Ia to be preaumed It wtU be flab • . . prob· ably awordlwh.. Chlcap O.lly Mnn: W\th the pancak e aeiuon at hand lt Ia 4Ut- c.-oncertl~ to team tbere ta no !rather ahorta;te. l~( ·1~l.~-~~(~~ I Gifts Unusual .~Gift Wrappings !14 Martae A.- BAJ.Ik)A IJIIAMD PRONE lM'J . USEFUL Christmas Gifts . lor MEN aod BOYS •• Waterproof Jacket. Woo( Slacb Jewelry Leather Gooda Play Shoes and many other ·useful items • g~ B(MJ'Ii $/uJp ..,~ ........ BALBOA 1.8~ _.,.. __ ............. ___.. ~--. ... tll:oo• t a.: a R:S: .-/ ... ....-... ............... I ~4~~-= I -~ SHIP'S and HOME WASJf ........ liN Jlll•wport Bh·cl 008TA MESA '''"" n 't.\\ 1 , ..... 1 h •1 • l1n~ t.-k· tp · lol • :-hc,lb tllo!• t b}ldlb1 :.pn .tau.a· 11 It ln .• P.. tthl ., tu•rtth•''' ••th••r!• \\It II' t1 .~~<':! 1~ :u 4i ,_, .oll"l'~' 1~11· ~,,,.l l• ,t'HI ttt~llt1 t l ut ~lt•\\ 111J! , .. nlnr:<o • r··· '.,:.tfl_c f1 '''11 t h• 1. .. -.u L ... hi·rrv "'' t'•"''·"J.! U h l ·, ... d&!',tu:.,:: : . A ll ol I !oo 11 lit• r• ..tL-Ju:.lu R \RRO\\ :-t:l.l~" UUR\' H! ·~• r II III•'" ha.< ,.. •I• I h1a 1~ • _.- f••·l Clt•l \ ll•h 1 I l o:-f'rl lll·IHrtt WC'f'k'l' l'.a c~~t."'. t.u R••)' l'.tA:f·, the 10ara&~ 111111 \\··~ '''"'''~" us• "" t h·· "·lnd n.t thf' t .... t .. c .,,.k "''"''' "'"' l>o·lnjt r nm- pl••t .. ly •'""·'~'"'"'' fr••n• t •• •r ball \\ ..t!'> • .. nt•·nt . t .. ll\ •. ••U thP SAnd "rhl Jli~l r•·-1 \',•,.l••nl:l~· k uHI·hf'l\rt,-;1 N'!llllf'ni!O !"••ll.:ht I•• :oharo• l h••tr Thtt nk~j:l\'· m.: ,tn;rwr "tlh ~lr!' ~<'Ill 111111 ,,, . ~•uth \'<••'"' :-o;.-v.10 l~jiUnll RHic.-h. ... ~I l~•tll!l ~''"' Tlmf!l An "l't'l"· nunrl•'\1 I" r!k.n "' .. nr \\ ht'llf' mtn4 •'l~llt' tv th~ Sl\lllt' \'le\U that )'OUTS dol·~. -.ellQ' T l 0 E TABLE V-1~~· I CoUrt H)• SlwU Martr,t' Dock. ....... .,. ---··w. OA ........ Of:('f:\tftt:R 1...- Frt ~ :: r>tJ 2 :1 tn:t t:\tnt:l\ nt1ta • PllTII-~ "''" ' 11 :14 ,,-;-4 :49 ... ~ --· Tit•'"· ,J• I :1:1 :1 -:' !\·r,;t -----\\\'11 Ill : :u • (\ 7 3: Rwpwt ~ Th1_1r~ I I :1 24 4 3 9:22 Hl«ll !)f' !\& lAM 2P Balb9a ltland) Low &:~s· -.es &:s.A ~-! 5:.., •.• "''" lt:N J.l l1:U J.l · Hlat! a.- tO 4-:' r,l) I :M t .! 11 :\."1 411 t• t .A I~:U &.l 8~ t .l !:~ J.l t:e! u ......... L----...;.=;;;;:;:....;;;;;;;. ____ ,, upuac. flcWW l.adieat. a. -. • 'M ............... ' . ; . l'.( .. . ·~ --- ntUap • . Toole • Rope W. P. hller 'Palata BAY DISTRICI' ........... HARDWARE ...... .... Smith~·· Corset Shop ARTIST IIODI:I-VENU 8-MIAS TODAY FOUNDATIONS ·AND GiltDLES · : . 8ANTA ASA. CAUt', ..... RailWay Eipress Agency, Inc. 8AIP VOUII PARCELS BY EXPRESS 8pfdal R.-•ll'nllta,.J~'Jeme. aad N•ta PIIO~PT IIILIPIIElll'T • A.\F.E RA.~uxn • 1 See LGc.W Apat, Padfte Elttctiic Dfopo~ ~ ~n:-1 A. '11. .. 1~:11 P: M. 1 :II P. M. to i P. -... . DlortM .. r a-t;" ... aM UU., Opl!ll to I P . ~. C"'IIUB'I'IIA8 DA·l' l'NnL 1 P. M. · .. . t ... ., . . Thursday, December 4, 1941 SHORT R~B:-1 OF J3EEJ-•; o}o;N<:'ASS P.RflLEI • MASH Jo:U l'i"I'J'ATUES • • l'(a~t BI="'ATII i="' S ALAV S t•·oo nu·cl t· .. , ... , .. wr Puddtng \\ tt h Lt·tuuu :'.tttt l. ('I il F t-:1-: • ... OCEAN FRONT MARKET* ... 0. M . CAMPB.ELL 2ll0 OCEAN FRONT ~~.&33 *We Deliver .. -------------·-----------·-----~ ~ ,• "HERE ARE SOME FINE CHRISTMAtGinS: ~ Satin and Chiff un C :uwns Pure-dye Sa tin S lips . (tailored anti la t..•t..··t n m 111• '1-l l Joyce Bedroom· Slippers Fine, hand-blocked Handkr r:c hiefs - New Nylon Hos e Hose, 2 and 3-thrcad-Pun:• ~ilk I Mea's Department Billfol~ .. , Keyoha ins Sport Jac ket~ Imported Cashmere Sweaters. Wool Sox Four-Season Jack~ts ·Wool Trousers -aU fol' yoal' lnapectlon at 701 E. Central Ave. PAPP.R BAG ~PI-:c"IAL BALBOA 1 LlBOX 2 LB. BOX 41c 17c ~ LlBOX ·i •• l 1 LlBOX 1.41 AWFUL FRESH MacFARUHE CANDY ,.,.... . . -mn~nERSo~·s Mala and Ct'ntral. .. • .., L .. 4 ~ .. ~1 NJ:LL Kt1RBAROD --n'l tuT ~OUih to be .ba.VRY Whtn Jil~ n<l\l'~ alon« lik~ eorii;. But ~ man worth wh1l~ '-the man who Will emil~ When everytbln& aoe• ~ad wrona. For~ te.t of the hea1t 18 troub~. t l'}C If M •vet needed It he'd 1:16W lt. Th.-yean puMCl. The oWWr day Doc. NCf'lved a from the bank. In l ,- Pollee to Be U,ld at .Bepleavou.s lolua Andret1011, . .Jr. Balboa Rnldent, calied s,· DNth Wt'l'e 31 plJ\k all p!l, une e.c:'h monUl aJnce b.la ell-Acco~ w advanc..'W tiCket Hartlor dl..tr" I frwnda ~~o·•r .. ~J parture from Hern.t. On -.c:b aJip ~ a fiMr-aapaclty atte~ clened tJUa "'"'"·to Iran• ••f llw •·u a notation U.t 4\M' to the fact Ia In proapt'Ct for the &JU\W Or· death ot J uhn · Andnoebn. jr . "''"' hla acrount had that month fallen ana• Count)' PM.ce Otflcera ball paiMd awa~ l""'l Thur.day a t hu• below .$100, it wu acrord.iJicli ~~ whlrh IJt tu tak~ place tonlCbt at ._.,. ln Sa" Ho·rfUirdliiQ. •ICf'tl 6.1 debited 50 centa ttw R~ndt'h·oua ballroom In Bal· J'ftli'I- ::::::: ' • I I ' 'I Pagt!l A?d It alway• eonwe w ith tht> yean. · And ~ am1leo U\at Ia worth hornaae uf eu th N ow anyone writh tt.e rnoet ele-boa, R. 1 .. "Cuba" Morna •• &oC'Iai For • num1 .. , "f ''"'"" Mr "'"' ~ mentary educaltn mathernatl~ commltlHman rtpor&d toa&y. Ml'll. Apdrora"n hnd dl\•ld.d th"" FTY SHOPP~-uw~•:•n -that in · rnonlha an $11 Supplytii,J mU8k' tor ttw •v•nt UrM Jtat•·et~l lh<·•r ~lboa ""'" lHRI IS depc>~nt would tll •bit ltaelt to will ~\'t' H&J'Iravu and tua de~ at Jl:l. M 11111111&r .Jrt\'¥, '""' , , • . • " ~~ \~~~H~~n~~~~e w •n~m~•"~j==~~~~==;;=~==~=~~i~~~~~~~==~~~====~~~~~~=~ Ia the amllc t hat ablnt'tl throup the l ea n . - EUa Wlw-t'ln W1Jeox. • • • · Mr. and Mn . Ca r t Roilt'nbaurn. of 302 W. Wlllon atrt>et, ha\'t' dl8· CO\'ered ,t ha t l ht> m1lk "' human klndnesa 110metlmta hl•s crta rn In It .•. You -· lakt loll! uf utht r fnlka, ~ Roee!lbaums M \'t" a t• .. uple of .one m t he n&\'Y and At tht prtll· m t Urne onf'·Of 'rm 111 atatklratd :11 ~troll. Thr 11th .. r d.,r tht>y , ... ceh·td tlw! lt ttt r fn"m a total strangtr In that n ty · You'll probably tWo l!Urpnlltd to rect'h'e thla ll'ttPr, but hf're's the ~. "\\'t ha\'f' a boy In lht' na \'Y . .o naturally hn\'f' a J:rtal lnlt'r · t'llt In ~Jon and ~-h,.nt>\'~r Wt''re out driving we plr k thforn up Dwi brtnK th•m tn ''"' • h9,mf'. Lalli Saturday f'\'f'nin~ Wf' 'Ylickl'd up your · boy, took hin; hnmf' and had liOOil' tandWit'ht'll 11nd en((,... and n-turned him In hll l)arra cka. MIX ftl lll'll liWA)' • • . It lan'l ~Y¥1<'h hut WI' (f'('1 II ht>IP" 11ut A htth·. I a J .. , mnk .. a habit u( writtn~ t n lhe t_,,vl'' folks, a• I , told yom: boy I Wfiuld M. I undf>nfAnd your IK•mr IJon't Car from Slln ·Pif'Jl"l. 11t1 'If yott ·-a aal~or bnylft yc,ur dot•! . . . It mtaht b4' 0t 'R llfln If he .. II drop m on youa JU~t ~1\'1' him-a hand .-.. ttvtt'11 all I u k . \\'at h. Job .,f luc-k Rnd-nt-llt Wlllhf'l'. Mr."'and Ja(tll. Couain!', IM7 IA- bi"'OIIe St:: Ottrolt, Mtrh. • • . S o. It lt!n't muC'h ... but "''ith· out aucw lltll'e · '-~"· tha• w1tt·ky old v;orld llo'liii!Pbe ,. loc ... ,.,.,... plu• to ll\'f' in ~ -f1 • """ • Dr. H G c.-~ ... ~~.;.. •wtl1 on CH1l plAre, do~'(ttk~ bl\nk a. M011t part lrllli&rly •. t•lh ''fta\'t'ni\J«o couot..n bltnk ••• S..ma th11t O.k u~•-<1 'tu ll\'t' 8t Hf'mf'l. \\'h~>n he Willi rnoparin~ to ·lf'S\'t' lhf'rr hi' • ho•f'kl'tf a ll .,, hi.-munl')' 11111 ;,f tho -blink wtth l!w t'XCf'J')tlllll llf $11\ y·t~~t•h !w Jo•ft un d('puaat \n tlfll!l' hf' nu.:ttl g .. t ho-ld up ••r hiH't' 11 flnl tlr•• or eornt>lhinJ: . . . A ftt•r 'rnni!IIJ!: t o eo-u M\"1111 J ... ll\'1'. ho• JWCI .... rta. ldt tht> mono>y In lhl' bunk, think· See the ISIJUIDBRS adYer1iaeme nt o o paqe 6 _....,_--~~.__.__- r . Defense I Stamp Christmas ~ Cards i l A NEW IDEA' ! • ! ! BROOKINGS ~ ! ? t P. 0 Buildang CORO NA DEL MAR _...._.. ................. ---. .__......._ . ._ .......----_.......,........,._....,_..__~ . .__....._._ SAILBOATS .W'f\lch It ~ done. • • wllh MJU Jan .. McOt't' u Juetlt -''here be b&.J :,., .. ,. lluatn .. aa hut.l • . lna.arnuch u uie t»nlt • ha4n't tolola\. Two acta of hiCh, clall lf1C'8. llr. A ntlro '"" 1\iid lunf( ht<c·n XMAS FRU · fit t o notify ()oc,of b.la &eo vaudl'vllt. will al.o ~ p,.._nted a n ardent ba•.,llo•r fur tho-Hart;.•r \ IT CAKES r ount'a g-radual auiclde ~til U'le about 10 o'colc-k. Morrll •ld area,and h'<Pqt.•·Htly l'lltf'rtAtn•-d "" . • . fUJI th~ yeara hJd t'Xplred, Doc The ball ~~o•lll be lnfo m1al 'a'ith many U t0 ollll • f·tn\l'll fMt'n<lll Il l dof'an't like banka. the e~Unn of vtKUUwo offl<lt'n hla ~"' """'" and un ht" And I don't blame lm. •·ho wUI attt'nd In full drHa unl· t"l"bi8n'~ Halo·Y•"• H.. •·u a ht.· • ·• • form. All p~ wlll 10 to U.. tone .,_..,. .. : l h,. N,att\'f' ~n"' You know S\l'iae chard -t hat rtllef fund nf the count y ~ ul ~ Ooldl'tL \\'•·•t .. net a nl1'll1· anemlc·looku~ plant that'a eouaJn offll'l'"' IUlii.M'Ial kln. R S. "flob" beer ol Uw boanl u l d11'« tura vi tho• to ll ~~ and ia auppoeed to put Elliott. of 'Santa Ana IJt l«'rH'ral NaUonaJ Oran~ .. alto•• hair on your c but and blce~ r halrman of t tw atfatr F\uwraJ w n " ,.,. "rr.-twl.t H t w her• bal't'pe belona ! Wt'll, If a Nfoxt r;tnt'ral mf'«'llng of t.hr ~ Soon .EW...,..,n .. Swa• l'hard plant Ia particularly aorlatlon •·Ill-bt' twl.d Wf'dnMday .J&mbUioua a~ reta the break&, it t'Vt nln&. Df't·. 10. at Round ~abk POnl"TZD PAR \4iaAPibl 10umetamea growa to be I' hall In P lact'ntla. llo'het:'C' Chlt'f Earl Thert•fore. •t ml&h't .,. of li}Ut · t>at to Bob RI.,Wy to know !.hat M rw. E\·a Kt'nllt'dy of 200f Harbor oouwvard hu a Swtsa rhard plant which 111 nhw 12 f«-et hl&h and 1tlll gotnr ltl'On&': ...,.,_ '1a!nnl!dy k .. pt the wed picked off and the ~ stock fanally aprouted new h•a\'e!l and the ftf'W Jt>aVt'll C'feW anto n-· planta and-aJtocether. lht-wholt' tht"~t'a be<xlm~ rather f'onfwllng. Boy! What a lot nf Yltarnlne 11iAT b~h mU8t have: • • • Mr. and Mr:a. W. B. Hutch\n.on hav~ o ne a~~o"Hl tim~ k«-epln,: " roof ov•r tht'lr-heacJa . . . and wath ~~o·antn ~ on, too . . . Ftor S t>an 'n YMI'II \he Hutchln· 1<4'1IUI h\'ed-pt'acetully In thear llttlt' o·utL,~.-iii 1945 Ne~~o;,ort boUle· \'8rd. T'ht-n. along camt' Jf m. E ttwl ~tnJ\'~ or Bo~. lilaM. a 11'-ter r11 0 . 0 . Bland of 19e0 Ha rbor Ml"'l. S~ruve. promp tly fell In lovf' wath the Hutchllli'On hom e and buur;ht lt. S ln<"t' abe ••aRt~ to mm·,. In anunedaattly. Mr. and Mra. H utchlnA<>n obll.ln«IY \'lint · •-d lht' p"'per&y a nd lived In the fC:\ !'11! . \l'h l.; tht'y 'lll'f'rf bullcttftlr tht'ar ,_. home at ~ ronlt'r of H1~rtlt-•r ..and .Bt'rnarll . . · .' Jwot n ttw Hut.-ht,_ twopn In IM't' a poi'Ull bihly of «•tttn,: trn· ,,.,r ''"\'t'r bt'fore 'tht' ralna camt'. Ml'll Stnl\'t' de<-tded aht' liked 1 h••ar nt-w homl bt'tter than l hoo fm•t unc>. 1'0 11)\~ boUKht It too atandlnft t'nlt'rtaannv nt . s swakn of Ow e\'t'nlnc will ~ Ttv-•maa E. Murny , Ulltalant ~nlt'ndt'\)t of thr l netUute for M«'n at Chino. WM ~~o·tll bnn~ "'lth t-1m a l#•m M ~Pf'rltt' IO thfo art ut. JU~ ·Bishop N•mes \'icar. for New Church at.Udo Isle Tlw> ftAo\', \\'. J . Hattf'r, fur t:: yt'auw ~tor of tbt' Chun ·h llf tho· MHoaaah 11t Santa Ana, ~~o·u ttu."~ \l'H k; namt'd \'trAr uf ttw> H arbor diJatr1~t·s n•~~o· E r aac•upal chu"·h . ~ appollltmf'nt beolnr; madf' by the R t. Rt'V. Bf'rtnand \V. Rtf'\'t'fUI. D. D . b111ht1p of the Lua An_.lt'.• dwct'llt'. The Rf'\'. Mr. Hatter hu reaacn· tel U~ vf'atr)' of h111 -~nta Ana p.nah an ol"der to ••"'t'J')t tht' """"' po«ahnn but llo'lll cv•nl.ntw u rte:· tt~r at the C"hurc·h uf thfl M...-iah unhl J an. l , at Ill aatd "St. Ja mH By·thf'.~a" tiu bfof'a. llt'lt'<'led by thf' pant hlollO'n u tbc'lr C'hnk·f' of ' nemt' but t ht' lit'· lt-ctH>n IJt allll aub.)f'('l t .. tlw a p Pf'O\'Iil ~ B111bop Slt>\'t'na Wtlh a bu11dan• lltlf' .,l,...ady pro· f'Urf'd on Lldu IIIII'. planJ< ttre aom,t fM"'II'ftrd at " rapid P.""'' and 11 Ill Jloped to ha\'f' tht> ..dlfac.. I'Om- plf'ted by Ea11h•r In tht-m•anllnw, Munday IW'f\'IC'f'll wtll b.. ho-ld at l..tK' ~~o·all rN•a~ ttwre and rent ~ <POrr-t-.....'l~ C'lllbh<>Wlf'. 515 \f. Cf'nt nal Bafbne. t.... flnt llt'n ice !fundAy , P«· (4. ••r plat'(', ~. now. the rtannlnJI: to build another born~. n Ji:ht bt'ttldr ~lr _.o nd attempt. 11nd af Mra. Struv~ doHn't buy lt. they'll feel pretty ufe from the 'lll'lntry blaata . . . Ollt' of the IJ\OSt acUve 11n tht or«anl~tlo., of Ow rww church. df'c'lal'f'CI today that ~re ~~o·u no faC't nor aub· ala~ to the IX'"'iatf'nUy lward rumo r that a wt>althy Balboe wo- man wu fana""an« tht' butldlnc. Local Library Adds ,..,.·au; •s coa~MA~n Sixtt.· 1t..Tin ... v lu It Ia no Jonjtt'r II hymn f)( ea.ay. • • .1 -L, llC 0 me8 llf'lf-ennfldtnt fipttmlllm that Or. During ·Nov .. mbeor ~~~~ IJt •••In« , .. '"" ~r­man Jlf">PW. In a !llartlant n'\'t'l'lllll ...... , pnunlk. Aftrr•.t t .. ,., ......-.. I'Kr n .. t lhrte houn lho do C'IIllAI I'""'' dn)JIII out .• \ T1w Nat~ I I ~r1ktnlo: A a"'"-'"' tum ln l'UnV•nlu·l1 at s .. w \'uall has Votf'CI to ro """ t hoo ti.ool.-"' &.-..hnuL Wo·ll. that'• anoth,.r *'fkiWI t'Uil~l\ '''")' .... t ll..d Ot'troal N-·• T~ llt'Wt'lll uf I lu• ~~ ahor\l•~:··A LIC tn P''l"'l hall:• In Uw lar~··r IOtZ<'ll tta .. ''"''" that 11pbt down ttw "tor •• ·.,11•' Mlllhf's lhl' ~r·• """" fruna tho• II:""''~ to lhl' ....... li ..... , .. T1w ttallal\, J' .. ~-· hllll ........ "' dN't'd to pnopar"; .._ ·I< •I uf ,· .. nil<··• i · )Oit....lebout .. ,oJ ~laura tn lluh· Cou141n Wt' •II tt;am ,;,.m·,: t .. ti ; u, . ._.,.. fn:M'n ttw-_.it,J•r• ... •uut.,. • \C'ht'n a man ~ ...... t~.-,. ttw ""' ol 45 or 50 fte bootottnll ln ,..,.,ldf.r al ..~ cklllany tbat "''it! .• ,,.., t.'luF' bacSrl't oucht to o. . ''""' .. u,,"" uur m lddlea. "Cornpertrw our • •. r.dlh ona w1th I hniiC' In ottwr land.11, w• muat rec- ~nlu lh;lt our c-.•untry Ia aln~~:u· IArl)•' ba..-d." aalll thl' RomAn <"athullc-b..,_ .. r thf' llnltt'd StatH In a fttef'nt lltAtf'nwnt tr1 the natkm. "But ... ,. t'annl'ot AVftld tho-n"JW'rc.-6ona of a 'lll'urld f'A· llultrophl' ... In Uua aolfoomn hvl1r wtwn fateful d«lalONI are tu boo nuac» tt Ul t'ridl'nt tJtat a aplrtt nf f'Xf'mplary ret~t,..lnt aht!l)ld c-har· Aclt'rik our pnf'lta and JW"•Jl1r In f'\'f'ry national C'NW a nd f'\'f'r)' dan,:f'r ~r prtHt. bav,. ho-f'n an 11\llptrahon. Wf' U't' C'Oflfldo·ot ttu.c thooar «ood f'llA mplr of 11t"111~ fR IIJI "!KI MUI'IIJI:f', f •IUndtd fllf tho· \'It t urt of fvrttluctt', wlll.n<•l ta.. 1111 k· •n~~: ,. __ A.11 mor.l tf'.trhrno th"\' "h.'"'' tha t fl'ftdoln ha.ll 1ls h nuta;.j t tuf\.11, It aa llmttf'd fl"'l .,f 1111 lov • ttMo ntthts •>f Gnd, and nr'lt hv thr nl(hi.JI ~Jt nthrn ·and lo\' th;, in· lf'tWJti.JI nf thr <'Omrt'lon ~o•od " l •un n.:-the rllonth or Novt'mbf'r. nf t h,. tun•• wtut h hu ct\an.ctf'r- :'I:I'Wrnr t Bf'arh rity hbrary addf'd lud tht' Gnvhbt'la-e,.nt rolled P'M'-' 6!• Ot'\\' \'<llllmf'S tncJudin,: 24 11f r ... rmRn~· lllnl'l' thf' t>f'jrll\nink Hf hol<~k,r uf non·flc tlon and 46 of t hfo war. th«> nl'w ttwm.. bt'tnli: fu I ton, LahrariAn C'llrit~llne Duu«· dtnllt'd Into t hl' .,.,. nf thf' Gf'r-la~< r;ornrted todAy. a ,._ pi a 1 w""· • m n ,~-• f' '" . R!onmy f' .. , l'lfol<pttr thrir rela\h'•• 1~<•\'t'rty. AnurnJi: oubt11ndan.: volumH of Thty Aft' w~tml'd u( lnl'rtMinlo: thio ltnf'Kia IndiAna Wh.., ltrf' mt'm· n1·W fll'lton Mn . Doutlu f'nUm· ttArcbh.lf'll. of f'\'f'n murt' terTlblf' h<•no rot t hoo flrwkta MPthowtaat ••m tl'd ~srato.:a Tnank by Edna aarrtCic;oa yt't l•) c•mlf', If \'tC'lnry 1 'I h t p I F•·rtw-r; Sf'arlf'l Pf'tlir oa t, a 11t c1ry "lr•· 111 If-''" WJIIC'oraaln. hll\'o· 111 to be-wttaa :'\:(1 Ifill!'"' are tlwy ,, r ,.. "'"'' Y"'l"" boof'n r;a\'lnJ: r11ntl~ rof t hf' Columbia rh't'r, by Jon~: told, a • lht•y o ne·• wr r<'. lMl lhf' r ('h All Th11t Glitt""'··-f'hmm-"• ·.J ··r ""'""' work amnllfC th<·tr -Ch '" triumph ur ~AJ!I• llrnl!l 111 f"f'Mit.. lr"l! f r1 tt ._ tb lifo· an \\'Aah in..ton, D. ~. by " '111" ,,,.. non. t hf' A!'· ,... "" TMy Arf'. on ttw> t'><ontr;u·y. tnfurm· , "r Jr o1 f n. 1 ,... 1 Ko·yo•!', A LA>af an tht' Storm. a 1-d 1n hlunt IAn .. lutu,. t'·-t 1111 an-:• 11 1 1"11 " " ''"'•· • '" 1 1 .. .. '"' 1•11" r"'" Tho "'""'t"'"' c•f lh,. "''"':-' ,..,_ Jlff!'f'nt-day China by fPm o f)( trrrnr sm" puml!flmrnt , '""' h h:H ,. ,...f I!.IIUS.. '"Mlf' LtortJ'" l.on. nlld !'ltorm. by Stewart. an wall "--mrt1-d lout t•• Ulrrn at thr · ,..-·'' r••." an•l fr .. rn lh# ""'" of '"'111111 'tnll~ual vulumf' In which a C11ll· hamill nf tht• Alhl'l! 11h••u.ld "'-r· 1 "" "n• •.t h<·r I" • •lllf'f' 11 ,,. IW'tlllllll( l"rnl:t lll"ml Ill I'W>f'!lnlllftt'd. AII!O 11 " .. /... t ... ,,.· t 8 t l h root lnon tn r r•wt .::pular. llhf' llllid. m ny ....... ·~ n .. .... R • II 1!1 lll l,.l'ltonary , ....... tn th .. RPV Juhfl ,-,. dart' mf'"-"''IC~'. f~<r .frw .na •t•umn~o: lf•·rr1• k. "''''' ·•t1onal . """nl(f'lu•ll• ""~ l:h•o~t Tnwn by Danf'. I' C'OI· r,.•rmllrr prupll' flO t•• gTealer lo·• 1 111n 11f AnM·dbtf'll rea.tf'd b" 11111-.ql.,nRI'\' loo lllf' A yn 1Rra11 Ml 1A lito· ""' llmf'n of Columblll, a min'. ~>Hurt. mAy Wt'll plun~Cr thf'm &~p-P a7.. Iii·~.., Lalit l!umml'r ' t till: tr•wn nNtr S.murA. r r m to ,lh" l'ulJ,.n l..th;or~:y pn·Cf'd· '" r,. yw lt ... tl $:.!'l and tlof' m,.mho-r~ tnJ: thf' t1ttltl cui:Ap..,. ilf m•Jr;tll' fklo· ... $411 f t.__ T ,\ n .. n-fartann \'olum• of .,..rtlc· " "'' rnm " nrr I!R\'tnfCJI h•· ~ ,~ l"rlll(rf'u Rt'\'io•w, R J f-f \\' I ular m t••rt>l'l tn ln('al mill"l~Wf'lf wm l'\'. '' "'rlt. Jllllll•tr ••f th,. ( 'nl'trl" I ••Ill: I• a.:Rtilm 'Ill' All ("r ,. , ... F .. I'J: .. tt•·n '''at,.rll by v lr;h. the 'Christma"". f'luba..~-.' _ no • uJanl of a rrul8f' a Inn,; the CQIUt n .,.-• ., num tlf'r •·1 "' ·tr• A "''""'"nRry t .. thf-Ayno.orR~ a~orl f•lf Ill vf-Anc hH~ .. r R.'IJ8 Cahfomall Olht>r bookl! In are Pal·d $12,.~ . . . \\'too• df'mAnd lnrlud4• Slt'rra Out· IVV ,,..,.n !<4'n·an~o: l aothana an OkiRhtnnn M n•lo-I ho• "hi fA~hllll\f'd '''IM'Otoh l' "'"\ "''h rh'nty ,.( IMII>i .lltol fnlhll IIIII • \o'l~ , ••• ,, ...... h ... , a•rh fill fi5c l'r!>O -\ 4ilt'T ..• 1110' '"" '"' Ilk,.. PUt '"tu a .. ttU.t:--..: ....... tu-M lhllll(l'. \••U I' ttn.t , '"'"'", 11 .. " QUALIT.Y BAKERY '"" ~--, ... ,. "'"1. l'IIUS t: '!S1 .. lido! Give •1301 I want to malt• an a ppom tment lo r my C buetm'.-P•rmaa eh l at a's ae.ty Salel 123 lftOA DWAY • , Useful GUts -~ -THAT ARE APPRICIATlD HOSI~RY :i* ~LINGERIE HOUSE COATS ·-ROBES DRESSES BLOUSf4;.~ HANDBAGS CoNtumt: Jewe lry Infants' Gifts. etc: POLLY APPAREL olaoor-tcrc ... hNt, ll•·Mullllll 1.1 .... Third lflllll'fltol•...., l't.·t"""'· t:ntl,...l,\ ~''" ln•''l"'"•hf', r;..,., t .. 'fall \\•t h:t\• II t •It 1 It h k "'llf h .,,, ltfl(• tUe"tt•tl t•U t 1\ U"'lllqfti'J' ,.,,, , 1,11· I •.o.ollo ~~~ Al o\'1\;-./I'Jo: 1;-.1 l'ltii'Jo:• .., "'"'··"' I II \k \f I t .lt ltftll,, •·•· ~ "n•l t·t . .,, u ..... : r .. "~"' ..... H \IUfl' W~HIPS . TRU~~ IHttJ \\'1A1 tonf'lll ~~~~~·~~~~-a.~~r~~a·r~~-~~~~n~J~~-c~~~~[A)c~~a~I,~B~a~n~ .. k~s~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~ I tlfU'l \f '' I \Kii<C c~~ ·--·--..-"~~1\~Qw~ ....at.\ t .lt\\ \fU. .IV.\\ t.I]H FO R THE C~J OR~N T.HIS C HRISTMAS C. C. F E R R E L L Jluvant.L.Ic:hule C ~tmiM'r ~w.k' y ,..,...hf',. A""n of ('.U~~Jmlal TEAC"HP:Rf tf' PIASO Orpalat . ~ f6htdJo: ,., Goldf'ftrocl A''"'~ C'•,_ ciPI Mar PHO~E: SEl''PORT' 1..._\\' Leel!tma • -Ga\'en-a t hom• of Pupal If JHaared Annual Yule Banquet or Coast Association to R~ Gala A 1fa1r , .. ( lh•· f'\'f•nmg will bl' ....-ured by I F \\' Har km Rn, whllf' L . A P a tch hRII l~n df'J~atf'd t o ftrTaOl t ' "'"'t fr.,m ~anl8 Cl~tu• ~. r~aJitrth\Jtlnftl' of ~r~tt11 ''A'III be Ill 111,. h"ndll nt Mraoa Mlllt't w ho 110 llucr,•s.qfully hall4ltd tht.il· P9rtlon ur th,. prngn~m a y«'ar ILJI:O. 8hf' "'til bf' R.'-qa,;ted by Mra. K. P. Fr•od,.n rk. Mrs. E L. Crawford and ~lr11. \\' ~ Holmf'll. ~raUone \\all fnllnw thr Ear'ly ~rnerlca •rJ RPn• h 11n•l »nth..:. h•"' wN'krnrt m1talo•d frill ff;!'o Ch~t><l n11ta dub o·t14'1'kR whl"h ..... r .. t tllW'4 t;l r~H••h d•·tM•lltlflr,. 11n lh,. mnm· tnli: nt"-0.'<',-.noto•·r 1' Th~ •·h·•\ k!l. an lhlll <'nmmunaiV nlllll". tulaiMt tt pprm<lmlll•·ly $1.2.~1 ao'l'"rdanJt to f1~11r"" Jllllt r,.Jt>all•'tl h~· r F \\'11ltJI. m:t ntt j(t•r uf tho· ="•·Will•rl WliL RC!i\'f ~-,.o:..,.y.·,.lr•tm" ,• .. r.th· :.nnn11n• .-d t~l . an lt.l 12r,1 , . .., .. ,. •rl lll•n •• • u tt IW'rlplur,. r1tl' 1 trlllllllfljl -Aj1A•4.._V, it. :•hal ntot Y••l ' r;.,.,.l\'1'4. ,,...,,.;-all ,;aftJI llf tot•' ktnltA. '""· •·•i•l"''lt-nl ,,, t hf' ''"' .. r 11nf' f1r1<t fl:t'<l! bltttiPIIhiJI " Y•·t · I h•· S•" to>!) ,.. ••nnual d ll!t l1hlll i"n ·•t h•om,-. :n o•l ahrtMid f'Xf •••·•I" '; •liiiiJlOO . t:""l" II', Tt·lll~mt•nt.. to Chrtlllm:ta tlub m .. mt~o:n. pr••· t..-.. :1 uf u , .. flt'C'UpA lllon "' t llr \'tdlnJC lfHndl' I•• m,..•l 1~<11 IHII'I, d,.. ;l;t>lh<·rrRn•ll' mt)My no Jnn11;r a• ft'nl'f', hotnd ptlrt h.1ll'';: and C'hn:<t-H\':tth•lolo• ""d t tw l ntf'Mlllll•tnHI mRll l!hoppan,..-r•"Jilll~'m••nt>;,'' hP Mtlllll••n~<f')' 1'••\lllf'll: 1111111 Rurtnlllll ,Ald. ""an "•"'JoNoA ""-'-" lFt ~ roart'l , '11\tl' \f f .. l.t . , ...... ," ........ .. ""'"'u'· r.tt.utt.K-. 'I Olt.t:·t '' I"' t . '"'' '''" 'ft:vr~ nTR \ •at f "'' ~llllf t)IIIFK'' IU't .. unt >4ht'1l hll)olll( "' l'tar l.••• fit llt'l.' t f' \' \I I Ill 'f 'l flU/\\ I ll lot • lou I 1 II'\\ lllofllolo f ••• '~· '' T ht' bankf'r at:-... repmll'd lhAt f,.r by <h•tr• hea In the l 'ntlt•fl the llllltl'\l'lde l••llll 111 f2/lllll,l)(ll) ~'"',.' '"·'' t;reat ll11tAin. Th,. 1 hl~thf'r t hAn l1111t )"'llr'~ r-.nrd "h•m h "''" ~tionA I· w•.rk mark . an ,,_,.,...,.p of l.lA JW"' ~nt '""' hoo11 th" :'\:Pirf'lM M u, .. biWIII lndlral tniC thAt m•orf' llnd m "f'f' n l · ll:ttd l•• ta.. •I• ,.rf'nclanta of run11wn\' 1una Rrf' t .. amln~t lt• ''' JotRntV' lhPit "IAV""· :Jr,l,re ,,, wbnm •r" <'h•ar• h aavlnl[ll, 11t r• n~rth .. nlnR tht-~nnnm· m,.m,,..,.,., •~·r'm Hindu F..AIII lo·l CKJLL~D BEAUTY ·SERVICE lc atruct ure 11nrt . yl,.lrtm.: l,rnf:f duan:<, "'il •• 'ilrtw>rn are f hlif1'h ,., · · ' F~Him . ~ . An E x tra Larj.;•· :-:.•l••C'tl;•n 't1f Mt-:N'!'\ ;._._. au.t $1.UU s1•1 ·K Tlt:s t h lti w11r at ~ . Barrow• ~.Dept.· liON ..... Domestic WINES Cal-l'• "' ~Liquor Sto .. e •• ,80. FO R YOUR r' Fruit Cakes •. ~ ·' and Christmas r Pastries • a.ORENCE BAKERY ... hf,J.Ijd:M Phone 32 f 'f•,f l1 1 I ,,:t \-. I ~I Mt ulft \\ Ju,l,o I JIJ .'!0 pt'r ... at I·, '•·.11 "1•1 """"' I"' !'411rrry ,.:., ....... f h, ..... , .. ll ...... l'u n J.ututh M fturn \II h. Inti" "' lit ' \\ lnr t•• llf'n• "1111 ''"" ·r .. , .... ,. • ~r,. .. n,.ry twmg f~ln.: featured. II\ Hanr~ 5 Dum· p h n·· ... -.tt( holly. m u!tldoe a nd 1 hA~ 1•f the lattn fM lure w ill two Mra. ,F . W , Hk kma'n. Mn. tn thf'mJdi'PII Kno1 thl'tr r•tmmun· mr~llo-r• 41• fii'IO ... .., .. m ~H \'It ll""" Treat yourself to a new Per~anentl Hairat,y le, IUu. .,. •· :Jill) ,.h•tr• h "'""_,.: anff r, ... f M M Ch 1 It WIUI annflllnrf'd tht. ttJf' 1942 fll~. 2i.OfJfl llf W)M)m .,. f hllrl h a'nicure NOW for a errier riatmas. ~·(·~a l.ilauor StQl't' Chriatmaa r lub hi "''w "P'"· lind m.Ombf'l"'l MaMiona"""' And ~•m ·f MtSA BEAUTY SHOP ., "8Ji8T CC.Wt'EJ; .. f'AII\h. Mr~~. Miller. Mn. Harry BALBOA' , \\'~>ll·h And Mn . S. A. Meyer. that l'nrl'lllmflflla ,r,. hf'lnr; ac J>Uton Include Anll(l••· • ... Mala 8t,_. T ackett will go on •le at ,an '-------..;..;;.,;;;.;;;...;;.;..;..;;.,;;o;.,. __ ,,_.jl I t arly clau. I IIC.'! l 1 ~-l"'rt 1\f\'4. ~p~ dallY At t ht l•.,.al branc FlJ•IIlt•lne, ~ .. cme~~. J avan ...... In Phon• 1728 for Appoantment 1813 Ne w po rt Slvd CHSTA ~F.+4A ~Bank~·~· 6•na~and creo~. I L.------------------~----------------------------'·~----------------------~ '1 ·,1 .... _ ""' t .,. " .. , ; L ;. • -. ~EK-END - )ST/. .MESA NVMa&a ft r·T·O d tide Shine Ned .~r Oa IOwa• Van4erbllt In thto <>ranp ., ._.... aiNady .. ~ 0MIIIt7 llpllna a...,. . a A w111 IIM:Iude N.wpart ...... !M.:h Dt•'*-. ~ a....c:ti, Oallta .. t ...... J ... *"' C wtU ... ... ~, ........ tNH a..c. .. • thllt W&7· -.. ._ ...... .... !~qUal .... . ............ •• llatb ll llat .......... ~ ...... .nu- 1Dr~t7. .... .., ........ etaWlJ C11Ut4Dor ._,.... ..... • c.lua. • ...... "" far •rtaae 1g .. ~ lllr•• ,.,_, ....,, Mft .......... .. ctreit ....,... Ill kit lato u e ft ... t to Lola Ill 14111 and from iKn-d to A,...y ..... tnUnl ... · ort tlart.w m• ~ ftll•.tA to he ()llllrict No. 111 .,."'""' ,.,, c:-.a ILell·hln1a a n I" " llaltr•,. l11land. from I>Wl11d 11.. """'I' wt~re "''"• 0 f'MI(e P • f> OIIYIU""'· Jr., It a m 11n M. '·r··· ..:u ... o R. "' AYiia otl fl&a lll•l /4Rioll"lf" 0 , 1 r "1\llynn IITACLEI l'lllt••rll'l'l h a • I•'"" nr •I hall 1·l·,. "''"' 'w II• •n• .. ---t l';!ll.trllltl. A v-.;----r, .. ,,h lilly "ntt -- • IIIII IJI•r -.....-• tUMI - now 1 ! ..... Four .. ; NE. •• Barbara jenkins Arizona Be for ,, ' .. ... . , -.. -.._.-T~...,.-----~ ~ • .;.... _.. __ ON BAY AVENUE, IN EL BAYO TRACT t750 CASH Jordan, -Twist .& P~r.ker -- Never p~t off till do _today! \. -see-- A • .J~ TWIST eo7 Cealt Blehway, · Coi'Oaa Del Mar ' ,Pho•• a4aa lllnfld and Vacant Property ·Insurance ', I - ' '· (! , . .. _._.. .. -- ptPKO\'ING PKOPEKTV ' -~· --~' I ,, Start 1~2 ~1tb M"'V llt&Uonery from the PnM ahop . EARL W. STANLEY NOTARY P\JBLIC • l 'bow 1111 Phone -1~ 17th and Cout Bayahores EA. Phone 1776 O,:postie P.O. Balboa l.alanli· PAINTING ;--___.,.;----or---.,:--------__ -_-____ -_, -B. w. Wright I ' L na&PLAOS wobD, OOAL t'Ol' IN8U&ANCE I!ID .um aLUWOAL Jloward W. Gerrish . .,..,.,.,...........,. ............ See Cliff. Cflff's Tackle1hoti BALBOA %16• 1 Martw A"' RALRUA 18l.AJitD l'boftll ..,. -CONRAD SHOOK CONTRACTOR AND B U ILD ER COMPLETE 8 UIL01NG Sf.RVtCE • PH0 ""( ,.,., "'f•lJ..If 1[1._J .I J 2.12 M61i .... /a I fS J ,.:"':, •P.· ~t:i. E\'8 KPnnt'dy uf 2004 Har- bor boult'\'llrd. Cullla )ft>M , ~ •n- ~a~t'd 1n 14•mt' ntlho•r .. xt•MI\'t' ft .. l8JA J'SL A~n f Al l t • I JJIDDIIIO_,. 't'niRnt a l tift humf'. So far I ~ht-hila a~ a -doubt• It& rage and I WC•rkshlp and \\,II -..qu1p an apart-f mtnt <WI.'r lht• ~"''*It<'. Mr11. Kf'n-,._-~~------------....::~--;... _______ ..J IIJ!hl •Ad ""'m but «Wet~ AD unoblltmc•t..cl tht• ~t•rdfo'ri ~ Ute ll('f'lln. Thf' k itchen t. functionAl. rnak- '"lt It ~tile \u prepan and IINV. me&la wt\la \.he '--t amount of •ffort. ' Adjolnlnc It Ia a pc-n:h planned to a«ommodate laundly equlp- mf'nt and ~·ater beatw. Real Estate )loving at Activeo Pace In Harbor Dl8trlct Amonr: Harhtlr are. real eatate tn.nl'fl'l'll hhlt1l In t~ paat two 1\ ··•·k~ Wl\ll l<h It• "' the Ralph M. H••l:!'rll prnJ>o•rty at 31~ Ruby ave- """· 8 RihNI l"lnnc1. te Cb&rle• cal- lfllrO'II ,., 10:11\.'l nonA avenue. Wf'ttt l..c•l' A nl{l'll'!'. Mri'l. Annlo• :o.r. Oroov•r of·Ana· ..,ur•·hued the-ll. H. Charl>o• 11 r•r•,pirty at 1~23 W lla v :;\·~'"'"' "111~ .\Uc:,. Frit>nd place Bay annuco Tlnlhoa--:-the J . F . Lup- lton pln•'t• nt :l(l2 Apolena avenue. Hall"!l' llll:wol, haa ~n 110ld to .I H A•~:~:;-~r nf .ao IC. Colorado /It rf'f't, Pn~Adl'nn Jr,•n•· :-.;,1\' 1 ... uck• of •4317 Mllr- llli••n \\':1\' ,,,s An~rele•. has ho111~ht I h•· \\'adt' ErTett property at 602~ C"rf'nllhrtw ooulevard and J . !'I. l'tf'ro'f' uf ~ 19 8 . Orand OJ)ca PRM!!!·nn_. ha.l ~l!(ht t he F: H nll '''"'''' at 1006 St'uhore 11rt\'<'. - nt'dy 18 RIM rwwdc>hna anotht'r l •. t bUIIdm~ fuf · rt>ri'btl pui"Jl(oMa. . • M, E. &rry nf 2~ofl0 Newport bublf'\'ard, .hall b<>t>n oa~~urd a p4>r : C .. ~ ~rickson Contractor and Buiitler n11t tu t'rt'd II fOUJ::.!B'Im rf'llld. t n(f' j .:nd IC&r'lll(r on N .. w~rt bou"'vard ncMh of Mont• V Illa iotr~t. Costa Mt'M . HALL KPACE 18 NOW A HOME EAAE~'TIAL Hall llp&C't' Ill nl'<'t'MIIry to lllford prl\·acy, and rnmmunif'Ai tnn be- tw~n vlllrlQWI rooma m a hdu.e, llt'<'Ordlng-to' t•XJWrlrnC't'd hom• bu1lders. Halls at'P -t'IIJ>KtAIIy dNinble ~twt>Pn livin.r ro.m. bf'droom~. ttnd bAthr,.om. I n phtnmnJ( 8 houiiC'. th,.• proe- fl"C'Il\'r humt' uwntor 111 lld\'lllf'd that I t'Xl'ept fur pr i\'R<'Y lUtd aC'C'ellS. ~I hAll 111 nut ullllblt• apace. and for PC'onumy It should not be larg•r I lh~tn nN~III'an•. 1 In 1t:. mrmmum forrr the half ia anprnXImall'ly 8 IIQU&rl' With door o~ntngll on 1la fc•ur tl•d<'!l Jl4'pntt· Una accw to the aame~r uf room•. The m1n1mum hall 111 thu~ hm 1tf'd to ti'IC on~·lltory tw<>-~· room hnuat". Addltlnnnl bt-dmnma c'lr lht' ullt' of two storin rrqurrC' lnneased hall 8ri'R, which should be pla nned fur minmmm IIIlA'. p !14MALI. t"EATt'R£!'4 ADD DI~TL"MION Small but W<'llo('hO.~t'n fnturl'~ may mark l ht' d 1HerenC't' belwet'n n d1st mcth·e and an unintt'rt's tlng small hou~e. lrorrdlnJl' l''l~rt!l l1N'TAre tMt a 111mplt' 1'\'('l RnjtulAr plnn may oftt'n bt' made tntC'rt'<otlng ·through · t hco a well-honed gArden wsll8 And fc>n<'I'S. lind almr- Jn r 1\C'<'t'!!l!OrrN• H oul'ling PKp<>r~ point out that lht'rc> 111 al110 t.hf' opportunity t o rmnbrnr n ~<tnl!ll' mal~>rJAI In dlf- f•rent 'torm.~ llll<'h "" tn thP rn~<t> of wood whrn flnt hu.1r·d~ Rtf' Ullf'd 305 Palm Ave. · Telephone 132 BALBOA riii8St Deal in Ne~port Harbor BALBOA BAYSHORES LEASEHOLD ESTATES A n•w dt'al in pruJK'rly tl,.,, l••t•rn<'nt th:tl 111 beltet Ulan _Jlr"(wrty 111 f~l'. F.or F~ll l nf .. rru.tllt•n ('mu•ult ... EARL IN. STANt£Y, Sol• A'g•"' n•• ... <:-t Uhrll->· l'bone ~ewport 110 -·- T ·~--------·------'----·--------.... ,. General Contractor ... ~ -307 Marigold CORONA -Teiephone. 222 D EL MAR t-_______ ___: ________________ _ C~ts, Rugs and Upholstering. CLEANED • , wtth nr without rw•ldt'd M fi!C'", A COMPLETE LINE OF '-·bMr~ ~·nh ,.~·~h>;,;,.;·;..;•:'"':!J+-~-.;;;.;;;;:ti!I;:I~I:Jiii~C~"U~llaj~-'••a·-~· .:::..':-.:-. -·---·-. _ r OH YQlJR Rli:Ol!IREMENTS .. LUDLUM c;~RPET WORKS / .... • _.l The Tllree R~s, New Style I. While with dtplomllt'J and am&· ed might. th .. United Sl'itl•, Ill en- &•&ed In m&lung •ht'r Bmparta ae· cure apiNt "'hit the morrow may brin~. Amt'rica'• rutl're Ia ~Ina moldt'CS ·on another front far r..Otn lb4& battle llnee. ·;.:.so In the public achooll, new po111 ot leamlna llre being atead- lly developed •rid ap;11t• to Ule taak of tralnln( youn& Americaf\JI for active and vlt&l clll.zenahlp In "tomorrow'a world. No new tack on lhe ace-okl problem or educallon haa aroused m<!re lntert'll, and ap- pat'~nU)' won greater aurc~u. than the •·activity method" by which 110,000 New York youna•~ra In 70 echools hav• ~ U,flled 111 the laat 81~ yeara. F<>llo4vln& an e.xteruuve •urvey 0r ita result.l, the New York State ~parlment .,r Educatwn hill! juat r~ommend.:.d the progBm be extended to all public achools aa aoon u pouible. The prornm may ~ ncw, •but there Ia nothJn« -ne-..'-fangled abou LEGAL NOTIVE O&DINA..'ICE NO. Ul A N OaDJ'llilA.NCK or 'I' B & t'Ol'NWI'\' OF OUNO& AND T H E O&A....,GI: C 0 V H 'I' Y t 'LOOD OONTIIOL DI&TILICT AMENDIHQ O&DIHAHC& NO. tM, A8 Ali&ND&D BY OaDI- NANCJ.: NO. 611, OaDIHA.NCE NO. • ... -&.liiiD O~A.NCE OF TID cotnnT or ~ A.ND IJAII) O&.UiGE f'LOOD CONTIIOL DI8TIUOI'. ~ent from duty on ac:CIOunt ot W· nest or 11\JUry. othu ~ lnJW'Y ariatl\& out of and tn UMt 'l\0\1,_ of twt employment, auch perwon ehall recetve Four and one half Dollan dunnc th~ workln& daya of 1uch abttenoe 18atu'*ya con- aid•'*' on• half workll\& dayl on tiM' followlfll bull: Such !!mployee •h•ll only be t>n · UUed to one workll\& tillY at tht' above rate for •ach .month of ac- tual contlnuoua IM'rvice cumulaUv• up to but not to exc.ed 1J work· In& day.. • 1 No departJnen head may em- a pe....,n fron1 oulllda the ~ervloe of the County, ot from out- aide hla de.-artment·a.i a·aul>alltute , The Board ot Supcrvlllon ot lh• for • nl(Uiar empluyee who ~ on puunty of Orance, Btate of Call· leave of abaen<'e wtth pay ~n ac- fQ(nla , alao actina u the Board of count of O\'t>rllltle aervk't', nor Sllpen ·Jaon of the Oranae Coun· ahall "">' drpartment head ..... n ty .. ~looc1 Control Dlatrict and oth· or ll"ah.fft'r any ~!'>iOn within tht' er d11tncll !or which ""d Board departnyn~ u • •t,tbtJlJtute for of Superv1101'11 lrl the covemi.n& any pe~ who. lrl o n lt'&Ve of ab· body, do Qrdaln u followe: .ence wtth pay on accoont of over - SECTION 1. ~Uon 1 ot aa1c1 time eervlct', where auch ... •en· Ordinance No. 430 of the County mtn't or tranafer reaull• In an In- of Orance bein& an Ordi.n&J\ce ·en· creue of pay to aul.'h p<>raon ••· telled: "A.N ORDINANCE PRO· •l&nt'd or tran8fel"'"f'd, il beln& ttw V1Q1NO Jo'OR THE NUMBER lntt'nt of lh~t pro\•iaiQn that wht'~ ANU COMPENSATION OF 01-'· ~riiOM afl' allo\!.t'd pnae oft witb "'lCERS ASSISTANTS DEPU· pay for 0\'t'rtlm\' fl('rYICt', lht' de- TIES, ci.ERKB AND Ai'TACHES p.&rtmt>nl must p<'l"{om1 lhe work EMPLOYW !N THIC VARIOUS or auch abaenttoe without addltion- AND SEVERAL 0 "'FICE8 OF 111 l'oat or .t'x~n.lf'. Se<:tinn 9 of aatd Nl:wPoRT-BALBO~ PRESS o't any wall P."-1, al4 .,.I'WOI\ lh&l1 be aUow~-c IW4 hoUclaJ With pay aDIIl. ,tM Nme .aball DOt ~ l·uunted U Ont• Of ttw \'ACAllun dAly.. . II 1 &v.-ry P'"t""\>n twldina a full lime ~Uon Jll"' .. t...t tor b)' thu· Ordlnancf', Ult• o'ulllpi'I\JI&Uon fu1 which 11 fix~ "" " p.l" folio ""' tither ple4te ~~~~~·k blulla. ahall bt' t'ntltled to an am111KI v•c•twn -..·eth pay II( ad41Uon 1 .. the C'ompen~~~­uon )Wnl&n P""'lt.l•'\l. wtucl\ ,·acA· Uon aball be t.l.-t.·rmlnf'd u ful· lowe: ' SlUd vacaUon 'shall cunalat of one worktn& dlt~-tS.tunSay t'on- eedered one-half "••rkan& day! ful t•ach 20 day. lll'lllltlly work....S 111 the preoedln& ,., ... r dKlll\& hvm U\f' ori,tnal date of ••mploym•nt, to tM' t.ukt'n u ,foU•w• . ..Such toUo COJ'~ "''" ur oU...r pkot't' wAlf_Jt employ•~~ ,.., o•mplo)'f'd ehall t>t' enUtJed to r •. ,., .... ,._.annuall)' 111 o ne lump 1um au Ktu,•unl f'Qu&l to• tht' number of ,.,., ·•t1•'" ~otaY. then·· ttl t'Dllllt'd multiJ'h•-.1 by Jo'our a01l onl--halt Doll&n loJ \,.., drtt'nnlnt'\1 u follow•: , TIM' tint vac~tt~o•n ~tfter .appoint· ment to 1uch pwuln•n may be t.ak· t'n aflt'r aucl\ Jlt'r"''" ahall ha,.,. ~n in the Mh I• •· -foot a JW'nl..td ul onC' Y••r durin.: wh~<·h hr ahllll M\'e l()tuall)' -..·urkn.l nut leu U'-J 200 de~ elU'f'pt aM uthl'rv.'Uif' Jlf'll• \'ldf'd In th11 Onllu~tlwf', and &~ltd r !r!t•~h ~~ ~~~ .rww.,~~ LEO&L NOTICE to any uf 'ttw p..wtuma au= · ··-···-··----·· · -... - by thl,o ... ""'" ""-''"1" •·twr• Uw IN THE llt1P&IUOR nuuit-UF · "''""' ,., ~~~, ... "' uo.•r• '" ••J'f'h --TilE IITAR or t'ALit"uaNlA 1 aholl ~.a<C'I'<•IU''"" duly t'lltU'OHI • IN AND FOil 'fttlt ("'()t'NTl' 1 "' ''" niiiiUio•• dt't<'rll.ln .. a th~ ne-Ot' ~NOS ,·.,.atty lht·r .. t.•t ~&11<1 •ulhun&<'l ttw l'lfY uF NEWI"'RT UA •I( unltil, wh1<'11 I mdm~ uf neceMll)' Munl<'l.-al ••urpunallon ,1~ i1 ", ahall. ~>to '"~"' and •·••m·tual''" llllth 1·laal. Plaintiff. , "' • dl-.;\ 'TI~IS 8 ~t'(·tlon 12 of Mid \'1. On.lln&lh'e :S<l NU ut ttW L'uunl)' F'RE[I W JENNIN08, el Ull, ''' l)n.u.:•· •• '"''"''>' ""'"n<W w o.r .. niJ•IltJo ~ jU luUu-.a. No. lf'J&t Ttw uct .. -.na. l"~r<la. ''""'m~ 11u1u-, ..-lalanb .k•&IUth ... ..terka, AUA"' f't'MMONM att..•·h•·" au<l ultlt'l t'lllph•)t't,. nam-Arhon broucht In ttw t411J...r1111 -·• th , _, l'uurt uf thto ~.'ounly ,,r Ur11t~•· """ 111 •• '•rullllUl<:t' t-hall tNt t'l«t· and l'UtnlliAlnt fll...t In thf' Offh'o1 ('d <If api>Uiflh '<l. h1•l<l thl'lf n'aPf'C· 1 tl\:t' po•llwluo, .... .t ~>to P'""'"tf'd. of lht' Clt'rk uf lht' fhiJ•••rl••l" tnuuoft•nf'd. lAid ,1u , n-du.·f'd ur C'ourt of Mid Cuuntv dl .. 'haflCrd by tht· dt'p.rt~nt h.-a~. pro•v • ....-.1. tho&l .. ut.J .dt'p&rt· llll'llt hf'-.1 J<hlll\' llo•l '"'"'""" u_.. 14•·111 un<l 11111111" r "' .-mpi"Y"'• 1\o'ro·l••f••n-"II"" ,.,1 II\' n-...•lullon. l'r<•\'ltk'l.l, lurtl"'r 1~1 .. mphoyft!a "' lht' l'ullrtly w .. ttan-lJoopartnu•nl •twl lw\ r •u~h r"'htf and ·rnvtt. "'''" at11l IIIUlll IM• lltlt.jt·o•t tu, eUl',h ro·,;ul~tl lUlU. Ill hi hnlll•ltoorlll •a may '"'"' t IIIli' , .. I IIIII' , ... lllllltf' '" II\'• .... h)' law ••r t1y ,.,., ... r th .. st.at .. s,..,,.l U'o•lli<rt• lt.buol "' lilt' ~lAif' "' l'•"'''""'' ~:, •·1 y •rl"•llllment rof lUI)' .J.•4•Ut) n~t '"' UIA.J# Ill t.11111h• "'" 10 "ntan.: """ tlh-d tn tho-ootru.: "' thf' 1·,;,,,.,~, C,f'rk t f'll• li'U!: 0 .. ' THii: KT A Tlr. u~· I'ALa•·oRNIA ~ENP <JRI:ICTINH8 TO 1-'1\tl!ll w JICNNINOS 8rflt Of~lll­ lllA JJ:NNINOK, hill• 'lll'lfP. lh' ff'ndaniJI. Yuu ""' ~lreil'(ia'lo appear In "" a1·t1un bi'\•UJhl apln~t )'I•U l1y tho· abo."'' namf'd plaintiff 111 1 hf' Hu- IN'rh•r l'ourt of lhf' Klatt' oof t•,.u turnl•. m and f••r the~ t'11untv uf I'"'"~"· •tt<f to •nawt'r tho• ; ..... 1 1•laml lhf'n-ln <ill'ltiWt trn day• ..CI 'I'( lhf' llf'f'\'lt't' VII )'•Ill ut thiN Aha• (IUIIIIIWNI, If IN'f\'~ wit hm th,. Cuunty M Orafll«', ur wethlll •rvf'd elllf'Whf'lf', atea'tf'ut teaching the thre~ R'a, Cor WHICH illllaQce, aa if they were entirely BUARD OF SUPERVISORS ARE Of Onnge· 1.11 h!!l't'by ~tm<:ndl'd to boor ''' day. vao·nth•ll priva&t'p AC' l't'l•lll)' t\ounty l' .. ui.,.•'L' 10h•ll hf' yuu ar .. uparate aubjecl.ll, thty are li<od THE OOVE.RNINO BODY, ANV re"d Ill! fullowa: •·umulated In ttw pr.-•·t'dlnjt )'f'IH '""I llwy ~tn· ho·r•·lty l•noh1bllt'd yuu IWI IIJlJWAt 11n1l an•w••r 11 , tocether an ll •mete activity. A OTHER PERSONS, AND PRO· lal Evt'r)' JWr80n holdlnc·a po· and !lAid Unt ,., .. ·at•un llluall bf' It'"'" ''"IC"I:'"~ tcl tlw """"''" pra.--''""· .. -n-qutl'f'(t, .ttw J!llllnllff wtll fifth · ~de clua, fur example, VIDL'IJG RULES AND REGULA· 11tum pruvadoid ror b)' lhll Ofdl· !Jtlt .. n durin& Ow 'Wlutng Y•tor ILII · l eo,. ·•f lu"'· Til•· '"''""''"~': rni,·••lun '""" ju~a:•,.nl fur 11ny llllllll')' .,, TlONS REL. ATIVE TO CERTHN nan1·e, the couvwon.aatlut! for which cr lUlld vac.Uon IIM\'llt'ge ~"'"11· lot· ami th.-"'"'"' I" ht•rt~bv aua· tlama•f'll d~m·n·•-t ~~ lh•• ,•,,111 may tuu·• Cor lt.i unlt ••f work thl! R~,....... ,..,... r-d t 1 ( a~-··1 '"-· ... "' ur. . DEPA ·-... ~ &g," la ll ere b }" 1.8 nxt'CS tly the ·~h -~.. a e I ~··-uo'lllg one )'f'tor In"!' •• , ... ntlloon and rial I'll .... art~n. IIJIIIII ..... , •• ,.. .... "' -bulldm& or a poat ofllce.. Cn!A!.i amonded to ru.d u foUowe: Pf'"Od, abiLll be enhUt'd to an an· rrom aiat~ 'Qf' emrtoym•nt. In "" t~'nunlo of thla ...,,...,...o~~oall-1 will ~Y-(J tlwo c fur .:,,>. and boxes are A!Uil'fllblrd and with Nu peraon holdlnc • pualtlon In """' vacation of 1~ full work:n\& el'dll &hall auch p.-rlkln boo t'nttllf'd h.,,,. do-l""'""'"' 11\Jtl !Jltwor nohflt dvnandt'd In''"" """' .. hummers and aawa the atudenll the 1 • of l .. _ c t r 0 ..... >'• 1 S t rday IUiider-·' 10 • vacaUoR \llllMr t.-.halt ~&.12& ~ the l'uhtl•lll ''•o<le nf J•lalnt ... Krv ce '"' oun Y 0 r-... a u 11 co "' 0~ a•·tually worked 2111.1 dAyil, ur mu~. .... rnn!ltrurl a mlnll\turt poat oftlc.-e onre shall re<lelve wmPf:na&Uon half worktnc'dayl tor E<ach )'l.'llr ' lh .. ~l~At .. uf l'ahloo1111il Ill ,·;';fiatt-f:lwn '~'"" M!Mt a!M6 During the term, tht. boy11 and fur IM'r\'ICe8 rendered ovtr eight of Ml"vlce, dating front ttw dale 1>1 duriny. tht' ti1'11l ant.! •·II.UIIta y ... n llclwnltl, Jll''ll\'ldt.S furth.-r, thai ••f ltw llu(M'nur ('11urt vt ~ garls llt'nd lneuglnary fetters alfd huurs m any one caleodar day, thl.' comml'ncf>merrt.or uld !14'rVIC't'. "' t•mphlyment. · •h .. uld "'" ~''"'"" "'-thlll Rtat• L'11unty •If· Oranae. Mlate uf l'ah pa,·kagu to rnendll. They learn nur ·ror aervlet>a upon Sundaya or to bt-lllkt'n dunng th(• hr!lt 12 1 J 1 Any P"1110" Whlllw ('ontpc-n · t.l•·h·m•Hw lh111 ,.;.11J "'"''th•n 111 un· t••r1ua, t.._la ' 4th day ••t 1 ldul>o·t , hohdaya, nor compenaaUon when month• Jmm~atdy rollowln& the lllllltln 18 flxeil un 11 lM'' fuhu ur •·•or••lltull•lllKl. tlwn tllll'h 1'~"~'''1"11'" li'U. lirttlunetu: by rompuhng po~~t.a« .. .tblf'nt from dUty except u other· y('llr uf I!Ut'h sei"VICt', to be take~ ~botheurt IPo'~.-avwoe ~~-~T\~Ir' .. wotlof t .. ~ ~1\Jtll ha\'f' nu furt,h .. r tul't'tt •nd ef· •.RJI:Al.. 8l!l'I:RJOR C'II\IRT , qNitll; theer rt'llt.hnr; ~ond wrillfltt by "''IU l.n Uua Ordtnan~ provlde4; •• foll•w•: -~ "' ~ ...-lt't'l Nut'tl pro":U.Iun I• aa folloWI. nRANOI: C"<>IINT\' I 110r11ng, dtrt>ctmg. wntlng and acl-provldt'd, that ••h•ne~r any pt'r· The firat vat·atlon aner •ppotnl· ~~,unttyt'~lu1ntanly, a1n<l '~~~'ho ~ • 'l'hf' C'uunty C'nuruorl •nd h\a CS.p-, • n J i"MITtf drdatng m.ul·, lh.-lr h1story by ~·n holdeng a nn.~~ltlon, ., .. _ <-m· ""' t'n I ~ o • ''a<·a "'1\ u ,...,.... ut1..,. •hJtll a•·t •• att.,~y for t._· t' t .,..._ k -.--... .., """' ment to 11uch a -poeil1~n mlly bt' ... _. who .. _11 .... t 1 • "" ,,.. '"lh >' • .... r •"" t 'lf'tk u( .,,,. 8ludyll'lg-nuul I'\IUtea; then· eeoc· penaaUon of whach lrl hereln fixed tAken alter IU~h peraon ahMH Nl\'e '" P"'"'''"""· .... IRUn..-..Ul f' )' JlUIJIII MdiiiiiiiJilrii\Ut ... t.,.. ('•lilA· Kurenor Court of tlw Htti'f .. raphy ly ltudylni U}.e cutiea, rjv· at a rate p.r day, ahall be CJI'I!ered bftn In the llf'r\'1~ rur" J>"nll<l of IH'"1'~-~o h!_1,..""!~f""1~'"",.~vet· ~r n ly .. r Ht•n«f' 10 all "'""",. ••f all l'•llfumta. In and tor tlw l'onm· .,,., nr Ot't'UNI over wllich they to and 8hAII work on hottday. or ont' rull year dunng whld1 he ahall 111 '"' aen•"'e " ned.....,~ YA .. ~Irl olllt ... ~h••·h by I•• aouc-h Ofhnr ty uf.Ot'&AJ• would pall. Sunda~. or work over elcht houn hllvt' actually ... vrked not I('N than <me lyearr or moh ~· un ,_w, -h "'requared lu llt'l u ''""''utur. ad· By_L D. WaUat t', (IO'ln\1)' Education authorillu found on any day becaWie In the opin!on 200 da)'a, eXct'pt aa otherwlllf' pro· :•ppl y lor a~-.. "';~'·e ..,... oreff •uuc lllwl•tr•tur -.·eth "'11 Mnn..xf'd, ur ~ANU TIIOMI'80"', • Or lhe "--ad of tha .. ~nartment In _. h rd d ft'l ""''" tort •nau .,..._·ume t' .C ve, ••dllllfll!<lralo•r a-·• , ... , .. , .... ,n t .. -J. '' that punllll 10 a~llVIl." adaoo•~ t'X· ,...,. ~ ""'r-Cldn.t In t Ia U tnanct', an a&'d 1•,·-1'·----' t'-·ll\ • '"' "" ··~ ,,.. 210 "l'ur•..,1n llultdlna. Kar•'-Atl>l, •· ·• "' whlrh .11u~h ...,_,n t~ •_mploy-.. .._ k 1 11ha be • .., ...... a \'llC .... n W\ t'.,llnt)· t'ooUftllrl and l111< dfonott-• "'" dA,,.... ---I( ' r -•""' -~ .... )'AC'Iltlon ll.n•ll bt' ta I'll follow nc , II ·-t r f II ,.. l'al '"""• Att """'I , lr 1'1 I tltf -.,... 111 co-upt>rauven..... ae • llll''h wnrk 1r n~e ... rv, __ ... It th 1 t r .. _ tl u reY ...._corutl~ .!' nne u ,;tu;ll '" '"""h 11u•·h n••tt•r ~'<>lied 1,.,. · ' • • 11 n1 d • • ~ "' _._ e comp c ton o tuc wn nuoull k' .. _ Sat •-........ __. ·-.. ubllah ()(-t :10 t Ill co 1 ence. ulf-dUICipunr •nd ac:t· ncon-noo-4·•rman~-wall ~a"-•---or . h h ""~'' •Ill' ... y I un .. y <'Uill....-•~ .. u .. rnt-.v a r ..... •I"·~~ '"""'Ill by • · · k ,.-•,... " ' ~ ..,... yeatr II ll'f'\'ll't' ~· IC l:"'ea ntcbt to t ' 11 kl ''· f h 20 . enllfic outloo , In dt>\'<l(oplng chi -d:lniB"A te thA county, euAh ""r· • ""'' u wur nc ... 1y' QJ' f'AC I•~ ·~ .... )' tho-""""' mtu thf' .. ~ ~ .. r-I!UCh \'llC'Rllun p4!nod. u lwftln tuaJI k-' I .. r ·-I'"' -.or; .. ,,_.. • dren'•, respt>ct Cor the .. uthonty 1t0n 11ha.ll rect-lve tor 11uch houn of provtdf'd. whlr h va~allon may nut dllY• 1•C Y ~~ ..... , ur Ulll~. 0 L'mnn y ,_ury Tt.F. ..:.:'~'c'"=Cf "cv1 U 'aT Cit' or the ... h 1 tm 6 , tht· t····· pro ... ~m1. uvl'rtimc work additional comrwon-.. _ Ia r t •W•·rt mt'. In u...-y .. ar-pr«' ...... n& ~u··-Ju.N 1 .... , ,, .. 1, 1-. ,,r ..... • "'"'--rr (',.1. t•naNIA ~ ~~ .,.. r -""' cumu ll\t' rom Y""' " )'"ar~ tl tt UOWI 1 __ ... "-• .,.. ... IN .,.,0 "--...... (M•,INT\' the tradltlt)nal 11 n<r prugreqlve, uuon propurtlonate to the amount Said vat•at\un •hall be with full ""~ .... wn ,A" ,r:en· {"'· .. :"1 ... 1 !fU• tlrotmar)o" Nu 4:1(1 •>f lht' Cuunty ,.~ 0~-.--.,"N"!' ... " ~tpp<'ared equaL rtii(IWed for f'tghl houtr ae.I"Vlce foT pay. I..Nil\'1' qf IIIMM'nt·~ f•U ftk:k· '''U:::: ..... aa~ ~p .. •)'t't' ..... '":~ nl l 'r•na" ~ a nil th•· IIAOit' 111 ht'n· r ._,. '"- whll'h cumJ't'naatlon 111 herein fix-nn11 . 11, olht'rw~ llhaU not b<-"'"' .. .,. Y. "' mono "' .. Ill< hy l"f'pnlf'd. CJITY O Jo' NEWI'ORT Ulli:ACI( a '"' .......... '"' ~ ..... -1'\IUIIled RKRII\llt uld \'ao•~tltrm tum. ... --·-.. SI'JC.1'Ill:'i ~ .14<-...•tt••n :,4 uf Mid "' • r-• • ,~ ' '"" ~~Le:J:·~,.l'lm~•nL.lg~ba::yW.dllici:.H-nll.g:O,~a~~:k!!!&:Um!.!,l -',· pr"'' ... _., 1.__1 8 1111~h a ...... _ '·'"'" -f'dl"• th•• ~ re••-ha· . u 1101 •. 1 ... 1 .. , 1 ...,. 1 rauon' 11 • t.__ ~~~~~~=~;;n.~~~~r:e:~~~~~~bf~m~mg._~t~h~,.;..,.,~~~~ 1 '"'"'""' .. s 1,, u41 "'· thr Cuunty •t•th raa.. Plalnlltf. Jobn'tt,.)\ead 1tnd maklftlr ll 11llek .ratrly at•m IK'tV SEC110N 4. St'(•tlfln 10 uf laid I 'VI ~= l;o •artal tfl Ord ~ ... n r ... _ Count u Oralllf' I~ lwft"h)' .. m .. ndf'd to. L. • I~ "JR. -t· al, I .... , .. ndan•--~l1111 "'~ n t'll.)(l)' a prumllt· Pro,·edt'd. A !MI. th&: whenever '\ \'acat1on on ~ blu!IJI tnant'e ""0· -u ...., Y ""'d u fotlklw•--" """'" ....... Ne • ..,~ • ·"'" .., ing future. Callful'llla' Progreu Rny noorson .. ~ld•n• a nn.ttltiOil In y•ar'll contlnUflWJ IC'rvlrt': satur-or Oraqe Ill hereby .-ftdrd lD g,. 1\l 2 '" "" . .., .--r~11d U •followw: ,....,. PM·•f Til'-"' '•""'"''''""'''"""" -\'1~"~·-~,~y. 4. __ ~· _· _ t h.-IM'f'\'ICe of ttw County, the day coruudf'rf'd ont'·half work In& 1 a 1 w .. -~.r 1n th'· O-"'.-A~ Nv Al..IN' ·"''IIIION" · -cumpcon.aallon for whkb .111 fixed on day. ' ...,_. .. noa·-~ Artkln bNUJht In tho-Muppriur lf'1liOnthly buill, aha II be comp4!lled 1 b 1 Any pt'ntO!l emplo)'t'd by the compt'lllatlon Ill ftxt'4 f~ !'"1 po-<'ourt of Olf' Cmtnty ut ""'"""· rK>rvlce on Sundaya or month who 111 about \O lt'ave llltaon. auch ~penaa.UOn Ill UW and t'ompl&lnt fl.lf'd In tt\f' Utfll'f ....... ··-;,.'" " "' t •OfdHh IT'K A <!O!'IUil'SIT\' PROBLE!'t A ,c;ommunu;abte dlat•tute, puch ae tube'rculllab•. 111 nut 111 end\\'tdual pr;odAm. It· t't<n<'l'rna .... l'ntlre COmMltnlt}' ~'f'IIWit' every or uvt>r ••ghl houn lo Mrvlce ol the County vbluntarily, munlhly romp4!natlon to be paid uf thf' Clerk of th• """"""' • the hcad or lht' depart-who ahltll jmmediately prior to hie to the penqn hol4lnc·•OOh pc»'UoD c•ourt of Mid County. J"yn .. -."' ...... ..... --I lo•rl .... .. ,_.., Swf\r)'t4 .,., 111· :au wh1ch etlid pt>raon Ia em· rral~tnatlon have ~n In the ~~erv-unleea otherwllle atated. Surh l may allow aald pe1'110n a tee of the County contlnuoualy for monthly oompe..-uon ahaU be comf'JI fmm llnotheJ and ~rhf<:k the aprrad nf ~ums Is t~ mam of abst>nce wilfl p.y tor a one year or more u herein de-llllld on or about ltlf' t.t day of peraod of tlmt' accontrng to t.be time fined. and who ahall apply 'Jor t'ach followtnc ealendar month. whll'h 11111d pt'1'110n has been rom-auch lfllve before 11ucb realgnallon I b I Wt\f'never ln lhll Ord&na~ • JX'IIf'd to n-ndfor over trme IM'rvlce 11haO bf'comt' •ffertlvl", ahall be ronlpeM&Uon Ia fbled for an7 po· Thf' m"xlmum IPR\'f' of abiM'nce for allowf'd vacation w1th full pay tor lltllon at a nte p4!r year. Mid " uvt'rllmt> (l\'rmettl'd tn any one cal-l~ full workln~t da)'\ rot onio yt>ar l-umpenaatton ahaU be pa.ld to "UUe l'ndnr )'<'3r 11hAH bt' 12 working nf •·nnt1nuou11 lWr\'1\'<' Jll·rformt'd by J!f'1'1101l holdlf\& IUcll po41IUOtl In problem. CHRISTMAS · SEALS li rNIIIRtit' and duy11, unlesa nlht•rv.·l~ ordered by llu<·h Jlt'I"'IIil 1n the yeur pre•:edlnC. monthly lnat.allmenlJI u neaarly rommunity-wide the Bonrd of Sufl'•rYIIIOrlli 11nd dliltnlt from dat,. (If •·m(lluym•nt ; ••qual u h\AY be. ~ble on tor pru)t>c-t. Thr• mon-Pt'l''ldt-d ftlrthl'r. that uld leave of Saturday. .(l4}1lMtcti'Tt><l ont -'-tu&LI about the lilt ~7 Ol 'eeclt calendar PY rPcf•h'l-d fnr ubltroo· .. fnr m·crtame W()rk lha!l lft wor~IIIK ~. ' m•mth. Provkte<l. however. thlll · 1 hi•,.., 11 f' • 1 s 111 no t'VI'nt he t..lu•n *> u _J.o: 1)i'tend f c 1 Every pt>rSt>n huldln..:-" po· any pt'r&on hol4lllc a ~111on In 01 pr>•h•nll the \' ~ period BJJ JUilllll pru\'tdl'd fur hy th1a Ordl-ltw ~ Oepartmfftt w~ dul•"" T h 18 la whllt m"k''" the aale of Chri11tmns &-all lltll'd to fmd th,. ht>ft'maftf'r 1 II~.IJI!IIlCt' pro· nnnn•. th•· r omJ)\'ns. .. twn fo•r whlrh •·mU11~tl of f1eld work .taall l"t'('l't\" r:tlll'll. lli bnng \'ldl' 111\ld lt'tu'e of absence 111 rix•·d lov lht• da\', 11hall bf' al· lht• cumpt!na&tlon f&aed for llot·h t h p' m to lrt>at· Ahtl I 1111d muMt ~ L'\keft aa fol-luwo•d att Hnnunl \'UCMtlun t'"""'at-l"'"'""n Ill two lnttallrn«'nll, th«' 1" m .. nt And ltl ald. howl<· Welhtn ~~~>d .Df one year lnl( uf "'"' wurkmg d11y tRaturda)' ftrl'l lllll.lllfment•Lin& f•!' th•·" !otr • •~•• ·:,...-........ :;. 11•-.. · ,....._ ...... , "" ......... .,.. ........ ;.,....,.. t f'HIJ,...,.Ifl. Attl ,,.,...,...: r.." •• ,_..."_ 1.,-.t,.nwn ,,.. .. •• .. ~ . .. ,. , .. .... IlL Ill• • ; It# ......... ; \.:•• : ,. • t•t A ... t ·.-II ••• ···~ .~, ,,., •••••• ) ... .,,;~·· ... .,........_,_,. ... ~ ~ , ... . ............ ,., .. .,_., •\li, •. , .... ·~· .... , ............ ~. ,.,,""""'t ... ll f1 D ,.'!II ""' ·~n.tf'lt _,. .... ll' •'-• ••• 11•• 11' ... , •••••• ,., .... t •· •• no-'-'' •. ,, ~ ,., ,. ¥II .,, ••• ,lit ••• , •• , ... ,., 'rot.cf In th.t n•htJblhla rmm ~tnd 1~r'"Hi• t'Rrnlni of Pld t.'tHlllttlt•rNI um· full wu'"kang dlly 1 JM·mld from the lit to tht' 1~•th. .,_, H-,_ t1on .,( thl' nr1-'"'f'rll~ l'eave o~~nce. f11r f'll<'h llel dny,. iWtll:t l ... wnrkt>d uil'll.t81\'t'. of the-month. and Jill)'· ,..,. ·-,. h ·r hi · ..... t ... _ lt ~-t SECTION If If ""Y rar•&raph, 1-'-~.t-:.. tlt'nl!l. SF.CTIO!'l 2. 011 8 of said Ill I e Yf'llr prN••·dtnJt. dRtln~t from a e tm or .auuu u~ lh uay u Ia 1 f lh _... _.. -1 h I' d th -A ,...ntf'tK'e, c ~ • r 11 trot ... u 111 u •1lh thC' ht•ln 11r tha llfflelal Ordlnance...,..o. 4:i0 of tht' County tht' tJr1l""' dAti." or employment, C'al' t'a •'" nr mun , anu ttw fi''C'· d " ,. ~ t ..... k Jl ,,, t.all t ...... 1 1 t .. -C trdlnance fur 1111~ rf'L"'•II It lit' I h lth uf Or~~n"f' .is hert'by amAn ... _. to u ..,-lll rn a11 ftt ow11: "'"' 11111 mt'n ...-f\& or ,.., per· ea agf'nrh•H o( thtll cuunly ,. • ~ ~ ·-• ('--I" hf' unt.,.nlll etute•uutl ... r IIWIIhd. • rt•Rd Rll fnlluWII: Thr f1rat \'llr.tlun afto·r anpolnl· II.IU from ,,.. 16th to thr .. nd uf " the tubf'l't'lllft!IIS IIS.'<n{'IAtiun ill D'fl· ,. I h d IIUCh ehall nut ltffN I lh ff'IAAIIIIfl4t • 1111 Y.'hanever any -r·ann uo .. _ •-ment to MU(·h ~><oll1t111n ntR\,' bf' t.ak-I If' m•.nl · an .-ayable un ttr d 1 lng a~lt II II yionr-rmmd nro<>ram < r · "'"~ --... r · ·-I t lh 1 t ·•-y ( ... _ , II 1 pt•rll<•lll of I hill llrriUINfl•.. .... I ... ,. .. huldlng " rosltion pro\•ldt'd for by •n Afll"r 1111rh JlN'Iw>n 11hall hlrTfo ""'' 1 e 11 "" 0 ... .., 0 uw n,; ~rd of gyl.,.t\'l .. •r>" h .. r,.hy ct.. of cut ing dnwn th,. •prrRd of lhlll Ordinance I!! com""11 _ _. to a.·_ bf'O'n In ~.ht> ,. .. n'll'f' ,,.,, " ...,11nd of n olo·ndar m••nth .... thl11 duwallf>. And tht' \\'urk 1a fl. r · '-" -•-.. r la,_ It -..·ould htl ,.,. 1'"""''\l ""' b :~blll'nt fTtlJll , duty on ~recount of unf! year durtng whl\'h h<· 10h&ll " I \\' "''"''v .. r 1n thlll Ordln11nc• ,.iraan ph, ..,.11t••fl• , , 1r1u,... ""'' nRnrf'd t•ntirl'l)' hy lht• Ml~ of thr inJUr~· llrllllnJC uul of And 'In th• hAn~ at•ltmlly workt-d nt•t leM than crmlJX'Illllteon 111 fixed for any po-ph,.... lhel"f'''•f tiTI'l'tl~<"'tl\'r 11f It!# ChrllltmRII P.t•olll\. lt 111 th" ~n·:oti'JII 1•1111r~t· ur bill .. mploymt'nt, •urh 200 dltY"· I'Xc .. pl aJt otherv.•IM: pm-111lhon 11l " rat•• 1~·ro tilly, each cr•m· tact that any .. ..,. ,,1 ,..,,,. .. \llrtll co-operAtl'''' t•rr .. rt In the r>uuntry. l>t'r!'••n 11h11ll ri'Cl'I\'P full <'umpen-•·ld<·d att thiJI Ordman!'l', 1111d Mid 1~ '""'t'"" ~lutll l:H· paid t.o t?K-prr· une IM'nh•nll·, , 1,,.,,., ... r phr11,... t ... It ha.ll a!l lt:i uh)PI"II\'~ th(• room· lllllwn dureng thP flntt 7 daye of \'n•·atH~ l!httll runlllfll rof the 11um-11"1\Jlnldlnlo( llu•·h poeltlon for •rv· <~e<·lared Ulll'"l.'ollllltlooru•l ur 111 plete ('rad1rn\wn llf lh,. rhsNlSf• ""' h abllt'lll't' bill thc>rt•after com-bt•r ur daYIJ \'llCIItltln pnviii'IP;I' AC· ,,.,.. r<'ndo·rl'tl pr.ur t.o the l•t and valid. · "No mort' tuhPnllllllllll by IP60" 111 Jll'llllll!l•on •hRII bf' p1ud In at't'Ord· cumulatr>d m lh" rn'C'f'dlllJ( yeAr 16th dAy11 ol ru• h u&t'ndar monlh SECTJCJS 1,1 Tile,. 1 H•hnron•· .. ..o 'd :IIIIo• With thf' nru\'iliiOnll of tht' nnd ll"id ftn<l \'lii'Altlln 11hall bt' ollld Jllt)'ffil'llt (ur &aid •rvl~ 11.__11 (nkf' , II•·• I "'"' I•• 'lu f•tr•, n.. 1 leo dl"t'11m hr ,.J~>::au tn hPIJl ,. t k d h h II ht> II bo t the I t ,.. " IIPII thl' rmnlly'• nuntn nf ~l'nl!l. WorkmPn'l' ComJ)f'nll"tlon Act of a ""d unnjl t r ""'"'nng )'I'Rr aft-~ ,.d 16. h"'~ ... •· ''"tor a hu cal _ ... ~ 30 da)'• fro•u• ""'I "''"I ''" I"'"•"IC .. . , tho• StRIP ctf Cllllfnmla.. 1'1' aa1 vAI'RII•m prw•I•·J:•• n1•·ru<'1, IHI t ._...y" " eac e ..... r and pnoor 1,, 11 ... ,.,1,.,.,.,1,,11 .. r 1 ~ but Is 11 pn111111>1hly 1n whi1·h r·,·•·rv 1 h• \\'ho•nP\'t'l' any Jlf'""''" who i!l d~tl•• nf a N•rual bt•1n~ !'"" yetn n11rnth. pn1VUlt'd further that tha.-dAy• .._ft .. r 111,, I"'""·•~·· lllrr•~•r. thu. rel!ldPnt uf lhlll t·~o~unty hiiH 11 ,vit~l huldint-t ,. fl'lllt tlnn pr11vtdf'd for hy fn•m datr llf Pmpl•tynwnt. In n(l Jlr!II'IIIIUn ~<hall "nly apply to the Orderu•n• ,. ~hall , ... 1,11hllt~h•••l , .. , stakl.". thu• Ord1nnn(\1'. the cnmp4!ntllltluu nl llhall '"'' h I"''""" l)f• o•nlltlf'd lilflhway8 ltPpllrtment, alao knuwn <lilt' w•••·k 111 11,.. :-; • .,.1~,,1 !'.all"'" It l!! up tn u~. ns n rnmmunlty. f,.r whlrh Ia un a monthly buill, rT."i'1n'll'rw+<~LUinlt·lla hto Jlhttll have a~< thf' KoacJ l>o·p~trtment. p,...1111 " ,.., ... ,.1..,1,.., 1,1111t•·•l 111 th•· to Jlllllh tuwnrd th,. ~Mtl whirh hRil 11nd who h"li performed one or wurkrd 2CII'l dll)'i'l,-,.,.. nt!ll"f'. dunn~t td1 CcoiOI"'"IIlllt•m for eat~h offl· C'otuetv ,,, 111111,.:•·, ~tal•· ,,1 1.,.11 ~~-t..lblulbe.cl lUI. !he t!WI!rcu• Jtl"''' montti11 ,,, 11r tual continuous tht• flffll ~tnd enanml( of n•r, lomtr•l. • "'"'niNior., llallllllant, r .. mea: ••·..:•·I 11, r .,. 1111 1 h•• """1, ~ ,.1 loaia asauclatlnruo Bu)' S~>als~ !:4'n-trl' rtnT'tnJrtttl" "f"l1r'n'nt-fltlcal .emplo)'mcnL. :u;Pr~'J'eo'll•·rk. att.a~. and....,~-'1..,h,.." ... r,.. Lh.t..lli!:!!.''" r~ "' ttw lll•"r•l "' S•'l• • .,. y••:tr nr the p.-P<'t-dln~ luteal yNr. 'I d t Any penaun wholl4' c·•tmJ)t'n· ,n Vir ~ f."n·•-"'•r· \7:fj11~ 'f.,1 ''"'' ~tj!lllnlll '1ttr ..-111 c·umrell~d tn bt' Rbt~enl fmm J1llt1nn 1!1 flltf'd by thl' dl\y, who Ill fr'ir "•1\com rompenuUon T11 \\'II.I.IS II \\' AH:>:t:H PIEOI'U: OJI' TilE KTATJ: ..e_y C AL I P' 0 R N·l A 811:NO 9ftb:I'IN08 TO: L. A lACLAlR. liM C' ~·t.AIR C> RAN 0 1: CUI/NTY TITI.f: <...,.IMrANY. a Calef• rnla , . .,,.,,r. IliOn, Tru.VH. J , C: &.JI:W I~. Jo"JKHT lJO}:, Cllnd HICCONI.I , .. , .. ;, J)f't•ndanl.ll 1 Ynu art" dl,.....tt'd tu 11pJl"''r In "" artlun bi'IIUJht •Jalrllll yuu by t hf' "'""'" namf'd plaintiff In thf' H•t· rlf'nur Court nf th• H~tf' t>f ('all· tflmla, In And fnr I hf' C •ounl y ul Orana.-. •nd to tiNIWf'r thf' C''"" pbtlrtt ltwfoelft within '"" dAYfl "-". f'r thfo wrvw.-nn yt.u ut tina A llaa 11ummu111, If ar.rvl"d wll hlu lhf' ('()unty uf OranJt', ur wllhu• thirty dayll If IN'rvn l rl~" h••r••, ""d yuu arf' uutltlrd I hilt Ulllt''"' yuu au AJII"'"' anti ttniiWt•r ,.,. "'"•V•• rf'quart'd. th" l•"•!nllff .w111 lak,. jtfd«m,.nt fur any '"""">' "I """'•«"• CS.mandf'<l In ttl•· ('nrn "'"'"'· .,. arllln« Ill""' ''"ntrll• t. ••I "'•II RJ•I'IY '" thr t 'uurt '"' ""' """'r rrllrl d<'IIIIIUCL...S Ill I ho• • ""' I' I" tnt • .Ill\'"" undrr my h~tntl 1111•1 "''"I •rf lhr HIIJlf'MIIf l'ullrt ••f ""' I'•)Urtf)' rot llrNIII(I', t\llllf' •1( l 'ulo l••rnl•. thlll 17th oiM V "' ... , .. , .... 1{141 I ~I-: AI. Xl't••:•tlllll I 'III'IIT flltA:'IIIa; f 'IJI 'NTY t II I t\MI'I'II , . .,,ml v l 'l•·rk 111111 1'lr1 k "' l}u "''l"'rJur l 'uttrl nf lhr Klllt" "' t'..,ht .. rr,tM In •n•l lut I ho• C •,,,,,, 1\' "' !Ita nj(r lly J{_ 1. lf•t•·hr•"'k, I '''I"'' y l~lti.A Nil THf tMI'14' 1N 2111 ~I""IC''"" lfuel•lcllf>!. ~ .. ,,,;AI ·• ! .,,.,,.,,. .. ,., All••rn••v '''' l'l,.cu lall '11h1111fr f1rt-30 t Ill "' WAST !'ti::S 11 TO &e cluty nn arc-ount nr fllnn11 or In-nl)f1ut ln ltoll\'e the aen•ecr ••f the '" tht' Ordeu;w~ pmvldc:d, •hall ""m•· l-"'i----....;•;.,.,wlllQI'41Qji~a,:AWJ-IWW\W!~~n.e~~~nd'\hef,-''l!'n mjury analog out Cwmty voluntarily, Anli whn 11h1tll hP f'llld uul _9£_,Uie Salary Jo'und made 8 '"1'Miri'P of,......,..,..,.,_ kcnt.aUc:d lD, • vaoa\16n-.IMfoeln ••f th,. c;mmry, o•ltcept when oth~r-o 1-lJo:AI.r C'h111rn"'" •• r th•· u .. ~~rtl "' ~~~IH'' ''' " ~~~· • ..... 111 "'"' ......... ' • • ordt"r of •Scl'rl>tnry nf. the Nuvy nwnt. llu(·h J!f'riKm .11hnll ~elve provldPd, who 11hRl1 lmmf'diA'l~ ...-., ,.._..,..IMJ~..QIIItatw•e or full <'lllllnt'nllallon liurlnlit the work-rru.r to hiH rrsijlnatllln hnvt· ~n hy 'fuw. u~.,.,..f \' rUflcatlon by Uw f•Jf'n.H -.,. -:---• t,t -:--- ·.....,......,..t_,(M:.....,~~d~' 1111,1 1411•1 f'\1'1\l~oJ '· Knox, "All nwn now rnll!ltint: 11'1 ln.; d'A)':< or aurh ab!K>nre tSatur-111 thr "''rYI<'fl u( lht• Clollnty for ti••J!r&rtml'nt b•··•d to the audltt)r the Na\·al Rf'll{•rvt•!! will bt' rt'lnln· cill~' rnnaadt•rt>d ont'·hnlf working t~nr ypar c•r muf'P. nn•l whll ~<hnll lh~tt 11dch t'lllf'I•JYM haa perform· t>d no Arth·t dnty thrnughout thl' llllyt. on tht' ~ollowlnlt bal'llll: npply frlr !IUt'h h•11ve before IOUI.'h •-d thr nttrlll"'' .. r day. of work a11 p4!rlnd or.l\-enhunRI f'ml'rjiPI\I'Y. hut !'urh P~ip OYM' l!hRII nnly bt' tn· n'llljitnllliOil llhall ~flffif' pffl'l'tiVf'. lll't r .. rth In ~nld <:ertlflcate. Pro- thl'y w1ll hr rriNl!!NI to lniiC'll\'l' ltll'd tt worklnlt dll)'-With Jlhall bt' allciWt'd 11 vurallun Wlll'l ntl•'fl, h,, ... ,.,.,.,, whenever an rm· as !IOfoll lifter lhr emer~f'nry ,l!! II t·nm'Jl('n!li ton fnr t"ach montll fullpuy tn C'flllJII!It nf nnr full work· l'h•YI'c llhttll h>t\'" ~n diAit·h,llrxrt'l l~T ~~enw.u I'M\ be.,. llt•t•ull cunllnunu!l !lcrvlrt' cumu· I Ill( dny I Satu'tday run.,.ldrrt'd rone loy tlw .ht·lltl "' 111:. &aid dt'J"'(tn"'llt, ~~~-:-tJt~ttfto-lf.ni""',_.,f-cl+rl---+!i.l~lii-I~.).I.WIIolC.. ... ~l\ 20 df.ya ••r ulh••rWII<P 1o·i'lflln"tl'd hill ... rv ,to his rl\'thn n. jnh nlt C!<JOn as fl'•ll· !on bit> after I hr "'""'1:'''1.1')' ill m•o•r. and Y.·all not hi' rl'qltlrl'd to 1'1•111· -·-·-fll•l• hl11 tour ~-car lcnn...IJ'I at'tl\'" f"<mr rl:tll~l'll ot ""t\'ICI' In thr l'nt1t'd S LAtl'll S II\'Rl R~'llrn't' lll'f·d men urg,.ntly tndny Tl~t>y ar" t'l:t/1..< V-:t. whlrh lncludo•:o rndeo and cum· munlcatidNt; V-5. a\·tatwn. Y-6. fnr trftde '-Jlf'rlAlllltll nr men dP!IIr· lng trade ur \'ocntlunRI tralnlnll V. 't. flt't't nfflrrrtl. A more (kttalll'd ouUintt of ea1 h nt thellf' rlalll'l'll may be obtalnf'd at your nelll"f'!ll ~rulllnl offlre. -co~-n.u\ anc.\s ;.ATJ"ar.· Don't worry about being tno poor tb lft't "''l'tltl you "'ant today. Be pett•nt and t'he time will come when you ~n affot'l! ll. 'Illtn you WOII't wallt lt. • ~tt•n'u e nn~r I hr c-urrent flliCIII ~·t·llr ''' r1unng the feac11l )'t'ar next fll"l't'('tllng. Ill t'flm~IIE'd to tlf' ab· "••nt from duty on af'c:nunl of .Ill· "''"" nr mjury, other than Injury '"'llllnJ: out nr 11nd In tht' cnu,.. nf hi!< l'mplnym,.nt. aiJC'h J!t!lilnn ~hR II rM"t·IVP full rompensallon ""nn~ lhl' working d11y!l for auch llh.<t•llt'P, /ill lhl' foll<lWIIIR ba8111: Sm·h ('rnfiiO)'C'I' 11hall only be en- tetlt>d tn o~ workll'l~ day with full •'••mrlf'nJI~ttlnn tnr I'AI'h month of af'tll&l t•ontenuoull MrYll'l' cumula· t11·e up lu but nnt to excet'd 12 wl')rkml[ dRyll. . r 11 1 Whl'ne,·er any Pf"1'1101l who. t1 hc•ldmg a full tlml!! polllliOn pro- \'tdPr1 fnr hy thl11 Ordinance, eotn• JWnAAl•on for which Ia on a per foho nr &thu piKe w ork buill nnd who hall performed on~ or mnrt' month11 of actual ront.V~uoua 10erv1r e dur1ntr Ule curt"ent 'rt.tca.l year or dur1n1 the fiiC&l y•r next pr.cecUnc. '\ compeU.CS to be abo llny~~dr~~~~~~,f~~~~~ "''" ... by thlfl C nan•·"· whll'h pol!llion lr1 Rddltl'•" tu the number of u - ill df'llljllll\tt•d .ftlr 1•1o~"·I'IRif lime or ~H<lJtlliJI, tlo•JIIIIII'II, rlerkJ!, altAI'hl'll, lo·AII." · • ••n•l •1tht•r l"'r'll•n• e-mployed In lh,. lfl AbMnc-,. ~~~u~ nf Injury <ltfiC'PII, d<-pArtmenlA and 11\8lltu- c.r lllckn"-~"· w1th or wath,.ut P-Y· tenn11 nf th" C•o.mty, u herelnabm•l" not IIXI'N'I11rr&r 12 full ....,ricin« eta,. ""' ff'lrth .... ch .,..ttu_. or MH-- 1 SAturday t"Onatdered one-half n v .. offKu. b-Ill rd. or rommtllllton working d11y 1 In llny yn.r ot wn--111 h""'by ,au .. w--ct, .UbJICt tint 't~ Ice, llhaU aot be a har to or a limit lh«' approval 1Jf lhe Board ot Sup· upon tht' trrantlnlf uf Annual vau-,.,.., . ..,..,,. hy R .. II'JiuUon. a numtll'r lion y hnl'tn provldf'd. ... ,,, Mf!llltantl' drpJ.tt .... caerkll, at- Ill No pt'nton abMn,t on leavt ,,.,.h,.l. And "' h,.r p4!nOnl up tn but o1 abMnre w1lh pay ..l.n a ccount oo.t to uc~ rev« UJMa tbe num· of vacation 1111\all bt' ,.nrtltted to hf>r pr<~vlflo.d en each \tern and llil work for~omJ!t!naatlon for th• the m mpeDJillllron. herein beltJw In County In any df'pertment or In tht'' acht'dtll"~ fiXed, -.ctpt t:n tbe any capacity fot lht' County, dltr-R~d bf'partfl'\#nt, noc.t Oofttrr•l In& 0.. Ume ot IUCh Ya<*UOJJ.. • I.Jt'Ro~rtln~nt "-nd 8hanft .O.,.rt· th t Where a holiday nr hollcla.YI mt'nt. •'"""' the Mlmbw IMIJ 1M occur dwinl '!'-vacaUon ~ tlt\y tl.aMa that . ........,_ n~~ea ,\'J'T.::-IT · ' l'•ntoli :S•·W 1111ol•r •ll1, II•· •'' II J !iMITII. 111•1: ~ ....... \\'•· .......... , ••.• II C•ounty Clrtl< nu•l 1''"'"rtt• ''' C'lt-lk lh•·v aro· ""w I''"' I'' ~olll ur .. ,.e.,,· ,,r th .. IY>rtr•l Ill ~"l"'r"IJtl•r~t ''' '"''" tn f'l1:tnv '""II•'" ,. '" '•r•ntc .. f ·,,urit \' f ·.thJ.,rhllll.. I STA Tt~ IIF I ' A J,Wf olt:Sl A, '"" ..--.~-------- 11••• t•t•hJt. 'A:'" • ••n,.;~th•r•~cJ !'f,rt·t\••f1 t,V ,. ..... tiiiO, •t••l I hilt lhf' ...... 1 '"'" h11nr·o-'"''"~ lh•·f1 I"'""'''' lan•l Ktl••pt t-d 118 It V. tl•th• IJ)' thl' ft,lloo\l'lll~ ftl~~ ,• ·AYI-:~ ~I·J•t.~•n,..,.,'ttll,... ___ -.;u Wt:ST. 1,\MI-:.'-' A BAI<t:R. Flll-:11 I" t{(tWI.A:-;IJ A:Sl• WILLIH H W"R!IlF.R • :o;r Jf"-" HI 'I'F.~IIn~ ~~~:-;•: A~J.;ST ~U;J•.:JWJ!iiJJ'.S Wll. J.ARli RMJTJI ~~ "'.JTSt:.<;l4 w rtt:nt;(,,... ,. M\'e hO'ff't.ml•• .... t. lfJ)' h~n•l ,.,,,,I ~tffiXPd I h'" nft1• eal ,,.,.J ,,f I Huard,'"'' l'tiiJlf'r\'lll<lr• .,r t1r•••~:•· ruunty, C•hf,.rnlll, thl.ll 2!1th dJ•Y I "' Ntinmbf'r, I~U rREALI · R J SMlTif. I rnunty Clf'rlt and f'lt ··••tt" ,.., C'ltrk 1 <Jf 016 Boal'd "' 8u~rv,.,,,. vf Oran&~ C~nty, CaliforniA Prlnt...t N..,.,rt. Aaltlt;.a PN'M, N rrv. 2T and l>f.c. 4, I~ 1. ·.and~ Read .. The PlmSS ~- . .. fflx'd l iuca~ Ut:.'\TIST • .. . ~·!tt''• \\ •··ut '' t••un~ '' \\ t•uttl H&.\n1 • H•"'· 1'1111111': I llflo'f' l'h111 ·1 ... I! Ill lk. Halph D. Hoard l 'h,\."h littt ''"'I '11raN111 . · ... , .... , ...... • 'I ho• tlol"stll '1•11 ,\n ...... 1\ '"""·~· t \l,lt', Ill'. < ;, K 'l'nhill ·,.",·~~··~""~~~~··~--··«·aeoN '!',!1111 t ....... • ... ., ... , .. ", , .. ,, ... ,,h ......... . Hllh~· · '!114t \\ II,..; tM H If ftoi Jill'"'''· 11111 ''''41"'rl ,. D•n•l•~ • u .... rl··,~l l 'l ~~~" .. 110 eulh· ''h·•h•' 1:.: IM ~''"I"''' Uh_11_. I ,,.Ia M-• ~'tfAMRt:HU.N l 'tiUti•I'RAc-rnft ll\111\ :'llo•wt"''' Tll vft CO~T A M 1-:.")A .......... ,..,,. tt t• T t1 \t t: T a I ,. T Jo:\ o•~ Jo:l<nllllll•~l · I iii41U"'~ i''ll(f'd l'h••lll' :14:111 IIIIC"" 111 I' \' l'arllf'l I ~lt7 :'llo·\\ •II Ill Ill , l'•llll8 M- HA~UL (J K. OJ.tAUI:L. Jauttrnl CCirnptl ..... _ Newpol\t-561 II&""-'"'") C'•ia&a Ml'aa 1". \'. I"1\RKY.M w ..... h .... ~ ••• , ••• ,., • lllt~l•••~ r.,, ... ,, !("'"" \\ ...... .......,,.. tltn .... ,._,. I r-t IIIII Nwpt. ,.,.,..,tHt t llf .. , t1 I , ......... .. .• -I ~EEK-END EDITION COSTA. MESA I • --- ·NVMBU n >r To ed · ::tide • Shine Next ·n On Ilium· ---I .. Vanderbilt •' ' ftt ln the attnoo ,•#·~J. =--., : .. _-_ ,_ whki\ wW a. llt~ wtth nrllb- • 194) wndon...Qt ... • ~ew tn ·~ 0ranp ~on Al'f' aJreedy .. oranc-~ 1ft llat!Un• a..,. lt-. A w111 lllclude N~ ..... ....... b Dt• .... .... Baach, o.ta ....,t_ .... JUAa t.N<on C wtU ... "'-~, ........ ftun.t B•d• _. Ia Ut .. tr&J ... .u be .... ........ rlaquai ... . 10 be • ..,.,.. .. ....... _bo_(h bll' IIIV --....:~ ...... wtll ... It r. or tlllll'lfnUNl7 • --..t, .... ••UAttJ outdoor ft4 _. ,._ wdl II ciMI Awudl ....... " .... A&.l. Wllltl( tli iAliA'NTI:Ir.LJ • Rave BOSSI CAFB ITAI.IAN nJNNIII~ ,.., •• ,.,u , .... !ott,, .. •nrl COClTAI&.I, ton CO.DMA Dll MO' ·,.,_,. 11111 \\h,.n 1111 ~anlll Aaa \t.a. .. Mit 11 IIAMI't:M'"K sn•;tili STATION '7th anot Ma1111 ,.,., H III':AI~f AHTF.I&K Overstuffed Hamb11prs A,'IIU A HI'HT UF Wri'D I I A& C'r-1 lllah .... J Aasaclated S t ; IC \' I C' •: LYLE POPE !lith '"1;1 • .. ,., m t • J'n""" t.tllll 't.\\1'"'" nt. '' 11: • 'AI.fl' ,. . \rmY •ludtaa l ll r • t )uUI\1 ~left ·'-·-~ ... d1"&ft "-""I ..tloa Into U • .. llilnt '-'• Loe Mka'l and '""n ltlfiN'd ~o Army ~~lq. .n ll&rbur m• Ltt1t 'III'JtA to he Dlllt.rtct Nn. 171 ... me.ni ol eo.ta Hul.(·l'linre a n 4 11. B11lb"a l11lantl. trnm r~ bl' 1nn1p ,..,.,.. ..,,,, t le~• P. r flllvaNe, Jr., ll8Rittn ... Y.IIJIHI. R. ia-,-ACLC I J'lollo•riiWI h ll. .... ...n.•ovt• lUI -.. N•·Wf"'r1 ll&y .. - \~'U I U\ B:'~I<J•;T 1·7.,. ~.;. ,,,n .,Tt .. , • ...... ~"'·'"'""'~-.,...., .. ~~-----~-.-.:o.•• ~l:tiiiiWII CimHI~t II Var111t • ,, ""' , ................. , .......... , .... , ,,,,,. , ........ , ..... , ...... ..._. I I I ' II '"Iilii \u o • • .. '""' ~ ru··l lllllt ''"' ••l•"l"ll I loon• f I',IIU'tllld AV,.,, .... 1•11'1 tll\y """ , hllft·,·r ,I .... 11.00 n()W . . I ·~ . .... roa Nl ~ ~-,~-......... ~-:---~'~ ~~='-...... _. .... _,... __ .._~.~.-.. . , ., Pap S Annual Ebell Bazaa r ·Set for Tomorrow , ·r .. ' NJ:WPOil1'.BAUI PBI88 . \ Mr. a nd Mrs. JOMph ~. Ardoln, ct·as s I f.l( D .......... _..., ...... 428 ~~~ avenue. Corona Oil nD, ..._ ~ ••••· Mar a~ tM parenu etf a dallolh· "\.-i; 11tt tP~~•rn Friday at St Joeeph hoe-------1:-------- pall L08'l' AND~ ROOM AND A.RD, 302 W. WU· Tht< Re\'. Rubert Bouey of RICh· • -· eo.ta M-. 41c1 mund, Mo., w111 be pat ..,-Jeer W81'-lla.oNc ~r·• rill,(, _r Mxt Sunday at the evef\tnc Mrv· In or Mar AnUieUo t.ll put& K&Atrn:J'UL J...rabm ~ nat. ,, .. of F~ll Goa~ I A.Nembly, 22nd Nov. lt . ..........._ C . F . Deaftl· COIDJ!ietel7 ~ ,.,.... &a- .. nd .EkMn atreeU, C~ta ....._, ac· eon, 2'11T Oout Blvd., p11oDe eluded, Oil ~ J'roat lD Bal· ~·nl•ll4t to announcement by the NeW11ort U. .ott boa; t.ae per IBOIIU., ,..ny ...... R~ M. c. C!'tlniC. ...;;;;~;;:,;;;;;a;;;a;-;a;;;;;;:;;;:===~l a. c. Padler, 1101 Newpon -. \. . . -Thursday. December 4, 19U roa 141&--Mice UtU. oottq.. on laUMr 1tnet 1n ea.ta Meea. UOOO. Term.l. R. c. Pubr, 1808 Newponlll"-. Oollta M.a: J Ttf For CHRISTMAS Barbara jenkins Arizona Mot or Corps Learns M<•chanical Angles From Thco Robins at Club~ouse '1 .• ~· ..... ,. Trnut.l.; l'hwlalll( ......... The Cunningham l)ome at 121 SITIJ~%10111a WANTED Bl~ Ooeta ....._ 1ttt Jl'tVE ROOM HOUSE and one· quarter acn. $1400. Term1. .,...,_ boQM, 2 KIWI. $1100 . Term~. Four-room· bou.e and o~ ac,.. nooo. Terma. R. 0 . ChambeR; .JlOO Newport Blvd., 'Colt& il-. ph. 400. 40c Fancy HomeMade Ice ·Cream I._ .... - Jam•. Jf'llln . cuilklt!l'. cak••,.. urau ,~, all aorta (J( Chrt•lms10 Kl!lll a n•l ;,,, . .-""J' • 1 ••I •• n 1111• r .. ~tlfllo: talk needlework vnll bl' 11ffrrf(<l.t"r ,.,.J,. ''''flu "'I•••• tt .. t,.,, .. "'"'a' liUit M .. n. th .. J •· • 1 r .~, v ,., •·Ioiii'' udlln•:.N•·• lll"lul>t'f'tl Saturday at e olllt llllllUII uat.~t' r 111 tlJe 101 belli,( J•l&nned by tht' way11 »ta•l ••I .:-;,.,, i"''' IJurh••• \\'uiiiJ•II'!' Mu· tD Yuma. A rnea rur cumflltlt'l' uf =-:o:wp .. rl ,,,,. l'"'ll' tt ... ara~tru•l l\'•' "'''ding were exchl '&ech F.bell flub. Mrll n. w 1\H 11 t .. kwg ph" t-111 M r H·•h•ru.' t 'ord Marine &Vt!JlUt', Balboa Lll&nd, was Jut Sund»y evenln( U.e iet · tanK fflr a pleaaa111t r atherin& u ~!au Ca therine CUnlll,n&ham enter· uuned inembera 'Qf' La•· Mentn.-a l'lub," f'ollowln,c 1upper U.e bal&nc:e ur Jhe evenin& wai devoted to vl.l• lllftl ' WORK W ANTSD by middle al'ed woman. Oood oook. 11plendSd l&undreM. v., nUabll'. Refer- eneee. Call or Wrtta SaU Ro club, Balboa. CUlt.. t 3p roa RDT -~ double ootlqtf. J I'OO!IIU and batb; newly l"eeiiY&tad, D1W eqWf' mMt;; 110 a laollPI, UWIU. piJCl PlUDUDer PlAce, Bay and q:pr.... II&UMJa; pbODe Jlt. . too ,/ A e e HOUBD P'OR ReNT-We have --.,-----·-------J ..,enl bouMe for rent lD UM a-o-1er Jeni ard, pubhc'lty , tuumul n, Hltl<l t••· l(:ono~:•· ·•I =-:•·\\ t•·rl t.ad Tult Mt p_,,(J11,~ ll''j,;ltll 1\i~ ohH'II•~IIIII 01 ' day. 1,,.' 'lliilllra:i,,. "lutl h"M~·•·~ wht-n s.-w ,.lpmr•t Roae~ potte, I"'Ot lUCHT -A.ttraeUva day, ,'lhwem Ttt. aal~ wu bl' an ltll·dM)' <'H•nt, • ~ • a~nt. 0oeaa mw JCiec:tro-Tbe ritet becuuuna In mid· rnor""'"· •nd ,j,.. '~"'''''" ;\\II~ L• laarn•·•l ton jw.t arrh·I!CI. ~e llle:apeaalve I " . ~ FOR 8ALI:-81X·room houat and •t.ora bltlldinc. r; ••ncu; 160 teet on B lvd. Prl<:e $4600. Pay- lq 1ood tntel'tlet. CloM In to Coeta M-. Good tor b111tneu k>ca Uon. ll!xclUIIve llaUD&'. R. C. Parker, 1801 NeWport Slvd .. COIIta Meu. 3ftl e-ta M-·Newport Helfbtl diltiict and wUl be &load to abow Ulem • to IDter.tad ~. ll. C. ~· 1101 Newport boule· van1. eo.ta M.... atu 'membc-ra of .. Will be h•ld at th~ F.bell rlub· .tnll tho• oln\..r •1••1'" •·11 thl' Hl.llrt · W fta. llrookford' .. J• E •. IIUI wt eqwpped. Slll% f&ml!y, her houw. ~111 \\'. Ct-rytr•l t&\'rlllt ... ,., •I· ""'" da .. ••~~~··•I hulto·rat'"·l ('o..ta ~--edv. l"''oft~. STU Jnexpel\live ~ville Pottery a nd CroMer or BllJboa. A 1pec~l ~tprun bu .. th ~all • ·'''""''1"1' """"" '"''1 "park -----------FOR-L&AaJ: -Betttor boule lft HobnaU Ql&u at Brookford's Croeiu ala be In charce of Wra. Lew Wallat·t . r•lu._. •II•~ ... ,J \\hl\1 1111..:ht 10" IF YOU~ WANT TO OJVJ: a Newport. PN1•111t'ftltt by ,_,. 120 .:, lSUl, COIIta Meea. 46c: AD4 )Ira. I otMr featu~• 111dudm~ a v.hrlt• .,, .. ,, ... •'11h 1' 11'"1''1 "'·'1 ~ll\'t' n •l· t'hn•tmu pre~~ent ... l'•t Ftlh· to .,.._ ..... y ea;npk»,...S. ~Oil tloa l1land elephant M.le and "f lahpnnd." A •a:atol• '"'''' '111" lA•\\.u<l ~ •. .,v .. r · m~ T Bckle from Clift'• Tacltle Owner, 121 ~ -., 4t-41p .I'OR RAJ J: rtiwt ~ reeond1· Featuring Palapld• Ice en .. ... Clulslaaal Candy • Mn. HofC'tt beautiful hand·wuven af~I\Jtn <~-•· •ra.: 11·•· "' 111' '' '11 th• :ro•lll•h· und Shi•P. Ball)oa.,.. ' .ot4 n.c:>~"llayit ,.ttb riowan; Uoned el«:tne wuben. 22M lo 'lbe•bndt .nated by Mra. Mar1•,·,.t Wtlluull.:; 1"""''1 '"11'' rm.: 11 Th•· I .. ~. J'Oil RENT~~. t bed-~Bay lt wttb Our&" "GW'a rlow-Newport Blvd., Qleta Meea. 42e ~~---------.W~~t_,wt.,th~~--------~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·~~~~"·~·~~~·m·"~"md~l~tl~'n"r'~th~· r~~·~·~~~~p~p~y~------~~~~~~L-------+-~ OMDfh'.a~ ~~~~t-~~~~~~~~~~~~~1-~~Ui~~~~~~~~~~~~:~~~~ MOOBB'.S -. The dub il 'meeting t r• " -.D ~ ~ c ,. ... t.h~ c-e_ MIM Norma Younc. huml" t-t·n-'"'"'"''"trllt•••l h"w 1" tt·:<t " but· Lfot me help )'Oil flnd UM ~t ly Qanaialbe4 AIID lara~ IIWIDY • fl1centor. I~ ,_,.. cuuantJ'. joumetJ· to nomR:I npert. u th# r ... tun-d t• • ,. "" "1'1'1.' '"1: f'h•·r>-1'' thl" one. MAny, many hww:lNdl ot &'GOd ~ 111 llocJMeter .u.t. flO ci.Leeount. J: z t.rma. Balboa j'e\ly for din ~peeker_ MUIII Younc. ~"" c-nn<lu<'t~ I• rollon al~ lltr\£ere memben in my club, aD e-ta M-.' ....... 2215-J. J'7tt LUGGAGE Furattun, lton, pboae U6. ~ COUI • procram ''The Happy Hnrn•·. l o. t h•· n•·-<1 lllfl'•· ~1urhLo}' night l lfe.l. eo.fldellu&l .. J have helped bome at'-11. over _B.a.dW fltatJop KHJ, wr!l <II!:. n.•·• 11111:~. i\1"1''1 l'•••l'• 111',..,·","'.,.bt'_r~~.-U!l.!!!!~~L!~ me help you. Wrtt.e DaDT RSNTAI.a--Huw a!Miut A ~nd N-TRADm wbat you don't Artwna wt CUM Chnelmu l'ft'IPf"' M .. mbrr• "all t h;·ria-.·1"·" d" It lltftt or ... m• lft..,... a ..eaUoa lA lila warm IWI&hlne FORTNIGHTER what you want. Rborer -'lasters -Hils . AD a uditor ot ttw way• and mean~~ rnmmatt ..... 1111: "'lh ""1"'·1"btll" "!!'1",.,tt' ttl!d 110n. OI4....Dtabll.lhad club. ot Palm·e,_.. ana! For l'a• ··• nne Clu'tatmu tu,.. Market, qHt ltock of tary ·of lbt M&ded by )Ira Vif'tor r,,..,.,., wall "'"n "'''"'' ,.,.lu.ohlo· IH,T-hr•n me· FRANCU DE MONT 101\able .-tU .. ~.L Jordan, $~.()(} • UNr'f\anil{uri""li\ Santa Ana. MRS. ADEL~ OUlBAL -~1111 DEU\'t:JIIIt8 ..._.~f'wport-W .... Fri. panv ,.,.. &C't u ~. "''·"''' ,oJ k """ I• <1..:•· '11'0''r i'Jicl· JOil 8 . We~tem Ave., Loe Aq•a.. DeMrt VWa ApCa.. C&tbedraJ 1211 SOuth MaJn ltftet uate of N • • • "" , • .,, u ... ;, on~trlw'"r Phon.ea: F'l:cleral 4202 • 2101 City. llbr .._ trona Pallll f>tloM l f?I3-J t111-W. , _· __ _ H.ll'h Schno ME1TLED IN Nr.\\' HOII4IF. 1\t•·Hn" ltal•· raa•·ntllf'rl< whll Wl'rr a clerk In Now comfo~bly twltled In tho'lr I'''"'''"' :~l th•· HlfttK I llt'lj/llflrl Will , ~~ran~ h. o1 t -:· -'Marama, Aria., home are Mr. It lTd l''"''·•••h '"' r .. 1nul an ti\#Tr rnpe<:· beCore hl'r .... Mra. B. M. Hofel'\leld whnl!f' mnr '"" ~,:.ar:•~:··~; Kll;oti"""1.Y Jlft'Tint Mr. and ~ wt'd . N.V.da, to• fritonck. M I ButMara .J« tft' of Mr. Ar'Oftl o( \ Befc ...... ., ' I •' nace took ~No\'. 24 a t Yum11. lltao lo·t lh•• '"""I of 1)\•• fltmlly t•ar Mn. Hotenfeld beii\C th~ rnrm••r ""d "~·''""""li lh .. ''"uh•nt•. They Butlara cromer ~Ina, d&UJbtel "'' lrt·rw lllakt·r. flat Morrill, EJiz. ot Mra. 0.-ce Crolt&er, 207 l•land tthfolfl n .. ~ .. ~"JY 11Jblnlf7, &ltlftOI,..~' &Yt11\W, Balboa. llnyll••n, ll•·h·l'l \'In Uuaklr k, Ilia Mra. Hot.-nfeld 'lJI a &raduate rof "f.olll .. utot". l,l,.( .. n nurkee. Sally N.-wport HarbOr t :nlon H11th SawHr. J)o•ruthv C'rorann. Fayl' .:hoot and prlllr to her marnat•· l '~<rl·,,.r. F.hz.al>rt.b Ha.w\f'y, Ear· -ld a cle11C'al ~Ilion In lhf' Bal· lynn A)twal(lat, Ada Jad~·ta, Mar· 11oa otrlee ot Ow 8outhf'm C'Bii· l(~trf't ~·hull'. Evelya Brace and lorNa Telephun«" Nlmpany Mr l-'11",' 111 t•hnalln. Hofenleld 1.1 a uctttor and .... unt , • • • ..,.rt~nt pf thf' Corum Farm~ Co o1 Mi rama. , Hartlonta attend1n,c the ttac• ~y JnC'IucS.d Mts' Once croa1er. Mra. Fred CnMIIf'r and UW bnde'• brother ·la·lJIW and ...t.r. Mr. alld Nra Evan P: J onn ot •ablo. ll1and. . . JO:W --~N ·,_~ Tile Rev. E . D. Oqddtll of Cbrlat Cbun:b by the Be• will nnt Sun· c1a1 ev.nlnc lftA.~!CUrate tht' r1rat fll a .n.a of in\erp~liVt' w rmnt\ll .._.... wttlt;II'Ut ra1111oua mu · .......... ~\ to be ('ONJidered wUI lie n Hunt'• "U&'tlt of U.. W ' wtudt the &ocal putor wtU tllllrll to tnterpret ··tut. thf' ....... p6mtn t. depleted, on Uw Won Ul• auctienct". Thf' t. planned to enntlnlM' fur elfttt monthl wtUI one tn- / t.erpnt&Uon ,._.thly, the Rev. Mr OoociiD ~ today, • . ~ l'lt!'Xt 8uaaday t he ~ tMmt wtU be rotknl·f'd M··mlwno ur Lu qoaturu club rn,.t M"rad11)' t'VfnlnJ a t lhco FA- """"' Fnlt'hlln humf' on Colllrur II· Janl1. Mra. Marth• Hall, )688 Tullln tt•. 1''111 be 1\t ... lea:l ni"Xl TuH· d>ov 11t 11 m,..ll114t or the Hom e JO~.'nnumlrll dub. 9' Mr and Mra. ClAy Tururtall, 3()3 :12nd MlrM"t. NcwJll•rt. rtr~ the par· tnlll M " di\UI(hler. bum Sunday ii't ~t. Jlorlt'ph hur•pilal llo-..11 t;s.-, H:a.., ....._ ~ttrul ~ ......... ·Au .._ ..... ••· fti"'fokfnrd'•. IH t;., IIUI. C..ta M...,-ed\'. Mra. Rac-ht'l Wtll"y of Balboa IJII&nd lro phtnnlnlt N>Veral da)'l' \'11'11 w1th hrr 110n a nd 11Aillthter·ln· l11w. Mr and Mra. Walter Wiley nf Glf'ndnra. Mra \\'atltl"r Llpp C?l lAlfl A n&«'· lf'.M WIIA 11 ~unjlll)' ~nt at the ht•ml" , "' hf'r par,.nll', Mr. a nd Kt"' A.. L. Obf'r of 1007 E . Cen· •ut u. enct-or 11'R> ~ YW.UdaP mualc at H ch Inti "''''""": Rlllhna. Ice • A ,.....,. I«Aibua laland ~dent lJI ..,. • · • • • Mr10 tfKrnld li<lnkl"r a nd h<'r two wa£ ~ OFf1CQM rhl)clr,.n wh<,l-hiiVI!' jullt arrived AnnUli el«Uon or offic-•na nf rr""' ttll~tuau. I" 1.. wberl" Mr H.-port Harbor w R.C.S. Will h .+ H<wakt>r '" " nun1n~ l"nl(tn~T. Mid M .t TuHday aft•mN>n ~~' Mn• =-:11n•·y W~trd, 212 Sap- Chrill Church by ttl(-&-a It 1 phln' "''''"""· Rnlhnn 1.11hlnd. hall partl<'ularly ct.lred that a full Ill· lwr11 •nlrrtAuunl( hrr '"'" 11nd tenclanl'l' t;;e ~pl'f'Wnt~ l111n~hf\-Mt'aoif1tw. Mr. and Mra. Her- On the .followtnc d:ty, Ot><· 1o. h<.·rl W \\'~nt 11nd dlltttthlt'r. Diane nwmbera ot the N-'J'Ort <'lrclr .. r f"hulll \ 11'111, - W.I .C:tt -wttl M1d tfif.lr -Ml". a-nd, M rll. P11~tl RllriliOiey, C'hrt•tmu party at t h# hl•mr llf :t:,lt) 1ko•11n Fr.•nt. :'li<'WJll>rt. a n• )Ira. li:. D. Goodell. :WOCl 0t't'llll lh•• pru\111 pnr•o'nlli nr II t~·ln buy Front. Gift p~~r-IIAit~ll w ill tW' 1111d ~lrl hnrn t .. cJny n01•n ~~ hnmf'. twoupt for boyw m st':Ynboh· A Tm'T" Ur. R.it.l.ph .J-t,uan.t.. the '_alt.eruti~ lcan lnlltlt utf' llt Gllntf'nll thr Rt\' t>~~Y~I• 1110 ro·po•rll< lhnt moolh••r a nd Mr. ~II betnr: prea~nl of th,. hulil•'~ r.rr llutn~ Wl•ll ~ Jnatitute bnwTd of tnultf't'll 811th Mr10 R 1. ~'""''· t:•4P Trvlnr U't elforttnn anc! ~Ktmu f'llrt)' "''""""• ~turnr<1 hnmr ye~trrdny will open at 2 p. m. nrt••r ,..,, . .,,.,,, l1ny10· • a•nrinl'mf'nt at • _. _... " l.nnJ: IW11rh bnllJ'IIRl Mr !'lll5an Lt:Aa~i:'lio ro ~A "'hn Ill \\ alh tlw I' ~ :-lA\'~'. Ill An f'Olhutlluttc-hunrh nr H :\r• ll••mr ''" rurlo•lll!h 111111 Will rrmllln bort(H whta ha\'~ ~~~ 11ltrnl1rn~r wrth hL'< warr durinji! h1•r n>nvall'll· a prt\•at,. dancln~r c-IliA." l'll"ld 111 c-•nrr ( . . ''lmcigiOe me,- -steering a Destroy~r!" . ~ "And I've had two pay nJSes ' .-in "nly eight months I I'll say JOU can't beat .Uncle s .. ·• N~vyl" • , 'TOU ~uldn't n~k (or a I'U'~ tbaD 1 that which 8 tellvw gm.. wbea be ~ bat'k homeWl':•riliJ: a trim Navy unifctm.'llle folka crowd Ar••Und. Th.·y· nU want to laiJw where yuu'vc la..,·n, wl\.1l you've dooe. And. man. do you have:~ to u.>U! CREATEST LirE IN TME waiiLD .You're p roU(i. Ancl )'t•U t>houl<l he. FOI' you'q been k:uiir.g t l ~· .:ru-tl&ot. life in U. world. And it's a thrill to t~ll·nhout i't. too. A thrill to dthe ndmiratio·n in theey~oftheOneand Only Girl :18 you tt•U :tbout the fiJ'!It .time you steered a Dcst.r!•Y\:t._(U barl!J_led a P.T. ~~­ at moro than 4;> mile. per hour. Or IJtepped out in front of your ehipma~ to recliw your first. promotion. ' .... tooK WHAT THE U.-S. NAVY AND NAVAL RESER~E Ct'•~ YOU f~worth~J;,c)O !"I'Ar lyrtOtradM and ~lltiOM lD cht-r.um. •ooo PAY •ith fl'«UIIU' incrc-. You nuay earn up to $1:..'1i" D'll>nth. lACII YU .. you nrtt errtitlo d to a1 go·n••ruwt VIU'IItion pt'Fkl(l, wuh fullplly --FOOD arJ pl<"nly of it. ntl'l Cl.Oflllffe. A mmpl,.to outfit of d oth- inc when you 6ht t'nl111t ((h•t'r SIOO wonh.) ~ Ml~ CARl. includin~r ~ul .• r dt•n. tJlatc-uon. AIKST IPOitTS and cmlei'Uinntrnt ony mnn CiMilifl:R for. ftA¥0.. ADVDITU•£. lliRIUS-You <'nn'l beat the !'l:a•·y for thr"'f, KCOII[ "" OfnC[R. !\t .1ny c:tn ~"'" fur aa appo)inurwnt. to tile ~:1\ al J\,·allo·my ur . the A.DD!wotil! (J( ~Au ut. l't!NI41.'t!ln. fUtVtla SUCClSS.It'll cA.evf•!rN!Ivy traino>d awn to ret. aoud·pay mg JOha in t'l\'ll lafe. ...... -... ..-••.. ~--. I'll. II& · Where el.;c in tlll' w.arlci nrc there BUCh _._ Ojl{.IVIlunitic.s for th.·tJI. lor foil, for ll fulure ·, as m UnL!c Sam's t'\a\-y'! Get t .hls FREE book!et ~: J ,., .,-w,n f"r \ -.ur fr• •" '•"I ) ••l ''l.aft•l n t h•·l·~ • ~:try .. ~~fall)ot1;r.::~ • Olfillta • ._ ~ ~ .&llMaa \'.adtt)hlbl>o'f'll.ll!f lny_· day evenln.-. an-fi('IW lr11mln.r thl" an~: plnn• I•. f••rna n wnmcon' • lntrintk>tl nf danrlnjl: In th~ South hru.t.:•· ..tuh "ha• h "til hi' "I"'" to Amark:an ~ .. )'. 1....&114'•Tllllnlda7 thl" ll f'lltlnlwr:o nt ol w.ll funclr••n l'tl$.9 MMMI Its 'MW•i& wtf ~~rm~~~~~ .... ,..~~t"'i'~,....+e~-'4~~-...,. ~.._ .. ~~~~ •-"-' ........ +.MI-~IDIIUJQW!f~~f'('J\llar_£nvy • ~ w.lrf ...... ,.,---r I mto·d It Rn''" ~ all \ ""' qu•' ... :J••tll' 1"•·1114 .,ha t ;·our t iK! ,,, .. ,L .... tntl •'' ' rhumba .and the t'nngtl w1th mNII eAOOU l"&6i nt; ruultJI. AmoJC¥bqH «Uendtn« "'"" and Mra.. Howard Bak l"r. thf' J . W. Peyton11. \l) .. n HAilll. Roab Bo)'da. Allan Crate•. Mr. a nd Mn• Fawcett whole e~AI{1'tn.-nt nntl forthcoml"--mllrrilljrf' II' Rf'n.)A- m ln Vatl YatH, jr .. nf Ll'n.-8f'11c·h wu aruaounced 1'1't'tntly b)' hf'r pareatl, Mr. and Mra. Wlta.an Hnll ~ ~ 2U Cl'aA4 Canal. BaJ. Wedclln« VO'III'I v.;lll ~ exc-ha n~f'd Dec. ll at the Fawrett h<>mf'. only Nla~ and c~ fnencs. to ~ In atteDclanee. MUIII Fa~·t'ett II ~ ··,....c. fit~ Hartlur l >ntnn HtP~. • • • ot1D'I'I or ftl& oon:a.'lioa J .... aad Mra. Rlln')' C. We•t· o.w 01 Oarona ck I Mar, •·e~ lut •&uaq-u.. licinorf'd lv-ta. of Oowa .. ~ L Oleon. From -· 'the Oliea ,...._nee 4n Loa -.n(e· Wt .ae ~ pii'OCHIMd to Pat· ._,... ~n a t"&mpua II :t tfll De 0o¥'ft'IICW and hll ,....... attandlld Ute Ocddl'n tal· Oolando cplllp football pme. "Fr\11 h r"r Ll\'ln,:-" Ill the IIUbjf'Ct nr 1t lnlk '" ht• ~:tvrn lt~nlj:ht hi"· r••r·· nu·i,.h.•r,. ,,, tht• 1\:t'\\lf">rt Hllr- lf,•r IJII!'IIWII• ""'' flror•·AAh>nal \\'~>· nw•t'tt a·luh ~~~· lh•• llt•\· Jo: D \~· ••II ,,r Chra .. t C"hun-h tw the ~~~. Fnllnwin~ t ht All<ll"f'AA.· mt'mbertt "1ll nt11 kro l'l:o nll fur tht•lr annw111 l'hnrotmll:< w.-Jrnr.. rrn~r"'m The "'''"""'" ~on I><' hrld at Han1110n'1 ,.,.(,. ('oatil Ml'llll Mr liM Mno A A Kf'TI"'~ and .,•n: Rill. 11:l!\ C'•lA"t htfl\lll'a~· Jut Thu1'81.1Ay ent•rtJ11ned a ~Uie· tul ,,r ~:nullo tit a "Repubh<"an Tha.nh~l\'ln~" fl'lrly whl<'h prn,·ed 11 th••r.•u~rhly ~n.l'•yabl,. n<"t'U ion. 8 Mrh'R tN ltliy ,...,.... ~ and MPI. F (' Kl"m.per and Don En Earl, Anahl'uil. Mr 11nd Mra. Ll<'):d BA:o~:ter. Rl\'f'raldt' .. and MIN &,.. ncot H"cllf'T Jo'ullf'rtnn. M.f" X•mp • l"r 1111 M<>nMy "'tendf'd tl\e annual Chrllltmu dtnnn party a h·en by AnaMtrn EbeU club. • nH TIIAIJIIJIQ WOIITH $1-,, l Officer. Mnny tuight even --~ to. Amiepnlia tncian-to ~tiona few. Or to PenMoola with the ftyirig ca~l. Ym. trainiiii1hat would be .-orth tt~ to , Exciting?\' clu bet. and fun too. ScJinMhiar SOU in one ,_, •• time. Training that will dolni all the time. Real bf..man'a .ad(. Doz. -.n you Of a well-paid job' in civil life. Yt't inr. B.~ Football. ~alii~~. AND~-----,..--.. =-p.i14._wtdlll'1emrinc Oi.)'OUI' k~ MOVIES ' tool aDd a OG1~ oUtfit of c:loUUnc £ree. . ' . • pn!\'wwa. r f'' . . DIOtL .. ,.. ............ ..... · ..... • m r•sm AnD ._ EI maRCY ~ .. . l lk•W \o tU r rtn r•·tarl.' un u I ill(v~w Ll•"'!\:nl'\11 huw...) ~ ....... ~--­l'an lt•nm any om• ro( ·.c:; 1•11(· r•ay true!""' fn•m 0\ i:al onn tit.. • rRdio how m .an\· m:oy h~'<'•lml' •fli<',·nt :!7 l'('{'l'lt'tl " frnm ~·"Y Jaf, .. •1•·•1\lnl( ~,,. .. un.t .:.ana··~ "" nuay , .................. c ..... . .. ... ...w, ~ ...... -· ,.,., .. \\'ithout o•hiJ.att••n •• 8 my r ll11 ,. h ... , .. -... r. r!. .... ..,twl m .. fM tlo•·klrt , ·-t ;r .. in th .. ~~' ~ "'" in1 (ullJI"'·•ill-;,~ •• ,, ~ GpJ'O"Wllt-fur ~ 1n t,_h..• !\u\) c.r ::-.. .• ~ .. : J.,..,_,..., N._.~_._.._...._ _______ ,, - ~--------------------~---- '.1 . --- I , " . .. .. f>' ., . ' ' : Tlte MaJora . Column Taak Ahe41d Lota of ,fqlka t.aJJi abo"t provldlnl' D«euary ~~ ror Antay men aDd wOrkllr8 • at tt:e new Cad•t &QI\ool." but It would aeem t.o aao be (lme t.o ret a comprebenalve pro-- IT&m y.nderway by the entire community to otfer aome con- crete Procnm-·Whkb w II I brtn~ cadeta &lid anny men bere for Nc:reatJon. Bua!Dua- men ue ~ln& about • the .poMibUJU• ot otrertA~ an at· tractive and wboluome" ~­ crw.'tloa&J propa.m which wtll at the .-,me Ume beDertt the dty, but DotJ\iac' wtl1 hap- m.en:ballta a n d rep~aent&· au ... ot every acUvtty tn t.be ~ty wortr toc~ther . . ;. Kf'nnrth John•nn. onr of thf' <'lfY~ Wf'll known, • voluniHr fin•n1 anti hont h1ulrkr '~ ilh now lit Baff:1nnn, Field C11mp Rotkorts. tion!', Ken. _, .. ~ I ' . •'? -:_r-----.-- l I .. • • BALBOA: . SEMI-WEEK-END ISSUED . 11 4 WEEKLl . EDITION ,il() X :M.ES -~~~ EMBRACING BALBOA P~INSU(A. WEST NEWPORT. SE~ SHORE COLO~-~ i.iiiOISiE. NEWPORT HEICH!S. ~f!O~ ISLAm). ~ORONA DE~ MAR, COSTA MESA ( SI'!WPOaT MAGI. f'.UII"C)ICSI,.\. PF.ct:Mll,r.ll t. INI. / .. EIOHT r~~~~ ~. ... ----VOLVMJC ~01 Women's 1 ~!:;~~!~~i~~-!_Balboa lad,y ·wins ·~1 _:~~~"ls'Li!n· ~Newporte::H~rbor To-= G ·.:·· . ·, , k r'Facdtbes Here IQ A gl' · E · ·t -,.<Jub. Speak~.r ap · t ·fiJ · · · · t d .roup as Ut\IL Man-y~ c4"wPII. bop•·!. pen · n 1ng ven . ''"""''!' .:..,, Ahlw-)·. ··rll '"'"~"-resen um1na e T R b ln, .o•-tor f or the \\'Nt ---.. , Fl I t r th I . -o-'" -·n-• I . L OrMnlo:f' (·~ant)' nffktAI and ..... n.•r-Sh F · ....... ~ .... _ na ac o e ~ n1 ·~ no ...--·~· u. ... _ ,..., .. ;n,t In th .. Ot"'" f "' hr 11 ,_,. 1,.,_ y I d ax . ro ·e Tralnlng Celltt'1' near Coat& Me .. b~aklng .wordflah ~uon of IMI llv•nt .AI•"" II 1' .. 1,1 c•t l.._,lt<ll~t '1 " onwo an ,I 11 lnrl. • -. t• ~veaJed that probably t I r t y OCC'U~ luday Whf'n offiC'IW ol ~ ........ ,.,, plat to '41th • 230 "'I\.Ol '." .. : ••• •"k"r ""-11t)' '"'!"r• rlnes or u e I e famJJI~• or mot'e wtll Dt'ed houa· the ,.Balboa· AllfiiDJ C' I u b an• ~ tiAfl '1"1'\>t•hy rno .. •ntf'ot b\' :~ ... ~ ·:=;~h """' N,....,.,.... 11"~"1"'" lDI' faciiiUu within the va.r1oua nount•f'tl the wlnnf'ra of haDdeoaM • Hal butt An~el!n~ 1 'lub a .. r.:r~t • CaJJ{Qnala Tu .. yen 1.-pe ObtaiDecl to Make Survt~y Of Tax Sltatloe .. City Of Newport BMd. ~81dt'ntlaJ communltlea of • t h. • I:T\lphlf'a 10 the IUU1uaJ f'Vt'Dl here. llatfln , 11u.:ht ,111 :\·1\ 1 a <' k 1 r Abho•) tttld u( thfo dul._.,. •of hi~ " Newport )ia.rbor Dt.trtct Within WIM•r , of l~e wom.n'• opeD ~·• " "''oorl<l'• ...,..,.,,..1 T'h.-flah o>Htrco anti n"C"Ailcod mAD)'• tntt•r- t.he near tu~re wlwn he Vlllled event· wu• lolra . J M 8teven.on o1 ~I by nlll S rt•• ot Ol•n· '"1 '"It .. ~.,.'11~ hr hall hint In th .M,,.._ ot N•'"""'rt Harbor h•• offku•l f'ftJ'Ac'il)' e "'"'""'• -..--Balboa who landt'd a t88 pcNnct •·«'IIChf'ol :w11 puumJ• lnJ ''"'It Cbamber ot Oom.mt'"'e tht. w•f'k. ai&run.. .She Ia tht' ~1te ol Jua..r II houu &nJ 40 nunutr.e '" lanJ l'lltnli fnr 11.,. 1941 fuuth!.ll Lt. CaJdweiJ'a vt.lt wu SUv~. "''dl knOWD ..,on.fljjla. fta.na for tl&atnbutl IN aw~, lmn<ltlt'l ,., huncw rhr N-..,•r1 brief at he be rn&lt" ~ ,,, H~trf>nf' l 'nl•on lflltfl ~till cnct .. ('outline l'hrtmnu-f4httna" To Shine Nut Saturday NiJrht A. Citiea Turn On JUwa- inak-d J)ftwatJona: Famed VanclerbU& NEWPORT WOMEN 'IN ·AUTO CRAS~ .. ' . , _---...... -· :. --~-------------------, . ""NF.'WT"("'RT RALOOA NEW~TIMF.S. Newpaet &tteh.· CaHfomla, TI-IURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1941. ..._, ,.._ •u•l _.,. laa• C'Onfornwod lo tiM-, 8ta~·· lnr;al N"qYirP.,_t, hut al~ hutch "" <n-ee Count~ K111wrinr C nttrl dN·ro'f'. mal.· ... It ellctWe lo pubU~ ALL tep.l not &.-_.-... Newport -Bal~ ,N E W S - T I M E S I'HOSt;M It A IS, ---\'nlunM" X.X:\:111 aut.cn(l~l~ ''·•~ .ol.' r in Aolm nr o• $2 !'10 po•r )'car br Omnl>e C"uunly; ~ prr )c.ar tc 4th 11m,.; $.100 Pt'r Har tu Srh TOnf.'. • ~ Jlf'l" mof1,1h by c.arnPr 'J::IIwrect u St"Cond·Ciastl maw •r a t 1he PMcor(,~ m N..,..·,<wt lictll'h, C.allrom1a. undt>r thl' Act or Mard 1 '3. 1R79 ...... -A.-~t-EY-f:n F.ntTon A:'\ll MA:-.:Ma-:n Prfnllna Plant, 3011 w. Central A\'C'ncw, :-.o'"I!OIL n. R<'h. ,C:,rlrl"lltlll ----""--A U.petMI.~ t.-aJ a .. Ut•tlo• For Ov~ Sl y_.;. · Skinny Skri~bles .... ,. Thrre And • S.\ft:Tl" DtX REf'\Stll WITII !o\l,t:t:D 11••1'•'~ :1 lhuu~hr 'from the public •tlf•·l~ tl•fO:IIIIIlo·nl of tht> Auto- IIJ"I·olo· n ulo •ur Soul l~<•m CalitOI"' n Lt J( :Ht"'IIO't Hll•nl IH'CIII ,_ WhiJt' )'OUr ..... -~ NEWS of the CHURC·HE.S c.or 1~ or:o\•·hn); unolc•r 40 milt'S an F'ULL GOSP EL CtiURCH h~t111· r hi• I'•· j, only t~IIC chnnce ln o Alllto.•mblles of Godt \\'ltll "' !hill •l•fllo·I•RO' \\Ill b(' kill~ f Corner of 22nd ancJ Elden ..... C'. r . · I"'' --Costa Meea, California (Mk.lnnyl H an ... ·o·oll•·ril '""''UI's whllt> your ltl1v M. (' 1 rm11c, p::urtor KK.K\JS o·:cr ~~ lr~o\'t·ltnl; O\'••r 40 miles per Ti'lephhn~ 1175-J -K ®-·h··••r Ill• ,,. ~~ ""'' c·han('t> ln 19 .surHiny ;-;<·1 ool ll:f~·a. m. UATIHL EDITQ~'~~IAt ' • It. II ''"Ill' • ,,,.. "•II I)(' kille-d. ~l"rrung \\'orahtp Service 11 L m. ... n L-.~: 1\t .. u t I 'hr J~lln''l< \\'n~;l t, o'll- OC ION -• \ ., 1 ~:\'u.rr~l'llallc Service ,7 :30 p. m. 1~1LI~ile-4P.I .... c:.s~s.!..!:~./llu::;;IA;::..:l"'..: ... ~,_t-.:_ ---, .. ,. II.·., .. ,,,, '" ,. .. , ""'If on~· oolt ~lrll All• •. Ktn~ ••f ( 'oela .. _ 1'\JrsJny II lid ThuridaC prayer -------. it( 11 " T1·ll y•••• """ s .. lt·• I ~ •m,.. J •oOt• llfii•J t !or•!ll '"'-'l•dtPolll•'i I~ lllfl'llll·d loo ho•r hllnll' &Uf(erinJ ~rV~CI!I 7:30 p.m. \\ t •• \\oolt I I'O J Jolo\ tt.uu.: ·~·' • ( rr .. m a "''''""~' hNirt a·lmmt. Sbe I 'h 1 1 11 1 1 t ,,. un:rltlr I V h:"'' vh!lltlra. I COSTA MESA COMMUNITY . .· I riM lll'l~ 0111 • •• ···r j,!• I I""' ;\Its """ ( 'h orl·· ( r ( 'n.ta ..... CH ft I ---- t;_,-.... ,._.;,•_ oflldal or boent tlaat ~ ... puhnr nto!IM'J • vono ~· to•• I ~,,,,.,.n,. '"'"' h11-Ll . =+·• l,l ~H · ...._.. ....... at ,......, ~·'" an ..-rountl•& nf II, .......... ho 1 n frn·,,r,./1 "" ,.,, .. -prulo"'li'l\' • Carl 8 . J ol:naon, Mlnlater ......... 11ow f'N'II 41eflar k ~t. ~-~ lloW filii• toW 1 lunda· hu.\'•· 1••11 "'ltl ""' f•\":< .ollol '""~"'~II••Jll t tl . ~ll\r l l n l peak8 181 1 Harbor Blvd., Ph. 311-J _.... ,.t.apiP of ....._,,..,k &O\'~t. al•lllloii\J o 1 "' l•fo• an.t lw 1 hI' 1...-frt•m '1 1"''"""·•1 kn''" 1"'1~• when c 'huro h s~hool 9:4~ L m. ~CIAL-PA-D 'Nt:""PORT BA-LBOA CAUFOR1\'IA ~rrnl'l 1'1'11110 "11 liOn ' ..... ,., -,~.,.... h .. I'"Y" _In ~\-l•,''';r ·;·. s~cretary ,· -'lr-rrun~~: WMIII.Ip 11:00' L Ill. V'lr r • ,...,..,.. • . • th:-~1 .t I turn \\ '"1' " 1 w h~tmber ol 'C•lllh (;roupa 6:30 EIGHTEEN MII.~LION SNIF •. LERS XMAS PRESENT FOR CAIJ.~ORNIA RUNAWAY PRICES llt't' Jlt~n.,liz('CI and l.'nalJlt> to oHc>r !';1\in~!' tn con.;umrl"'. In I :reachloc. this (X'I'inrl, ·a ll !'('1'\'ic'('s which Opt'r;ll~· to mhll'\' li\·ing t'O't"! i · 1be H()(l4Jt' of Rep~ntatives is now cn~a~m in a must ll(' kl'pt a t maximum cffidt.>ncy. • · ! T .. 1« w-_... ot V.. ~~~~~~~~~!deba~-=:· te on Wl!)'S and. mcill'\S of dlt'<'kjng-ln·_ Efrect..i\c, deiiirable._priui t.:onlrol w-iU-~tfrihrtt.-"1\-::.Av:-a !:-otm-~DIJ"' .,._ t~~If ;;a~.-is Pisri'; ronttr:o'· a nd th.~ Qlk~-r:1 ·,~ch"r·ork solution, failin~:-in its ntt<'mpt at l'nntrnl. can onl~ ~ -:.:.• ~• ~ ~ ~ t ~· a aUI."e-~a. na aon o COl] mue pounn~ out 1nng ort h· a mort' painful rt'mcdy-"l:txes 010 1'(' dr.t~lk th,111 "!!"""""-~-• • • ,. DPW blllions In plll"Cha._~~ power: w~ile the amount_ of L"'n· any yet ~1'\•nmcd of. ~. ;-..... ~ =. -:=-.!. u:= ':I .umer...,&OOdl stN dJiy decl~, what ~ tlx> !flOSt S('R."Iblr way • ~ • ...., ·~ _ of~ a runa"·ay price spiral'!" . i ~,.. ... ~, c A , -_b.,. .. ~ to 'h"' di!MntM. but ......... l• MODEll MARINE SERVICE ~ u,::..-:y-;:-,:....~ lbar1» dlsagreemtnt as to wht>n>. and hO\\' much. ... ,_. r.a --a 1 0 1 -11 • 'COntrol should ~ a Should Cl'Uinp ht> fixt'd jtLc;t for _. el .._price~ w}lk:h ~t out ol line? Or should all priN>S and s ·H E L L · D 0 c K 1 (!),. p~ • ~ 1NII!I -~ 1ror.ff1 at thtt preyaUlng Je\'d on a et>rtain date! 11 ._. 'I1UIIs not onJv an ri."'nomic problem, but 3' htunAn probiMn ,_ .,_..~,_ 1 ...... ~r1y ~.prod~ror wag~rner.)\ill ron: ---·~ ONE A a·~y i ---..-r-.-to bavthl-f»" qOier ten~·· prks or WRgt'S ·trozt.n tor 8 A L 8 0 A" I .s .•. -.~~ Nw-o·· . " i -JEST I•QR p TODAY . -I by Remlow Harris "Yes, Gofdori, it's a k('g or pre-Jiriority nails. We ·~ive a whole handful as a premlwn _wi~each \housand feet or lumhrr~" AUDITS TAX ADVICE -SYSTEMS Milan UnderwOOd \. . -\ :.2035 IIAIUIOR BLVD. C01ta Mf'Sa PhoM 2'.l33 S T I Cl ' E 1 --1 P! . With ·The~ Pastes, Glues and Cements! • • . A THOUSliD US'ES • • Sealing .Packages • Pasting PhotOs • Making Model Airplane Manufacture Christmas . Cards • ' • Repairing Bro).(en Artides And So On To . An Almost Endless List • •• JUST A FE\X' OF OUR STOCK ON AR E LI STED BELOW HAND ~taffnrd'11 \\ltitf' Rubllf'r P.apt'r C'f'mf'at \\'att:rprrw>f, tran .. p.rPnt. .... ~Jo!-,...,_41'.. ·--..,..,he. 1 J'b --- (!''or Jlo)"' 1-'4taffnrd'~ Mod.-1 l\lak~r A.-roplan.-C.-m.-nt filanford'" UJIRAR\" PASn; •·or '""~". hnn'M' -d 'OC'IUWll 8tk'k~ Sc'l'tc·h CEI~L1'LOSt; T:\PE • ..-.~ lfoftctll. t'tUtt)' .............. ---+-~-ucr l!Se ....... ~ .. ·" I.IQI ID (wLl"E Bottle .• lOc: 'tnccln'" !'4uJif'rflne St~,\LI~G WAX GI.,.MED 1.:\Rt:J.S LePa,e'" WH~ PASTE . ... -1!k ~ All Paper \\'orir Cart~·· ( lc-4' • UQl19 PAST&) l«k .• NeWPOrt Balboa .. ... . " NEWJ-TI·MES SOil Ct ntral An. Pboaes: 12 aDd IS ·---J , .. .. ~ o1 tM fmf'f'8'!11CY. But the other fellow .. abo .. .. , .w · I a vqCeJ' ~ vo6cio autta on Capftol HID. • ..,... UJ · ., ........ • • ...-• ,-c _ • ,,. ..-.... ,.. W:~ca:~cx:~:a:~CICacx:a:a:~CICacx:a::aor;:~?.Oa::.:-~az:~CIC,OC!=~?Ca::.:,.cx:a:z:~ca ...... .-,. - ·-·.~~ .- ,. ,. - i .. . . r J ... ·' . --,-~----------------~----~-------~ ' ' -------..,..-:.._------~;wPAML.-B~aE)'A ~·~.,~. Nf« iiOt't Dtwdt; Cllllfo·m,,.. n c;:ttsnl\\'. m:C~fnF.R ·1,. f!l-11. ,............L-ETT:......_~--To--rTH-E---r !·ne~ember Bulletin· of llarh(,r • !.,___N_~.;.....·w_s_-T_IM_;;;·~~, ---...!· fhamber Shows Aetwit~·· 1 :\lr ChurtJ .. l'tll;rn t.•n. llt'.l'l. •t'""·· -' . \\'t:~l' I ' II A ~ T " r . - ! llclir Str .l r.tL""'1. 'L"::'\'ITH 11 11c · I nm tll!rt...-1111m~ thi!l i1•tlt~r l oq' r." t _r.. .: ''' mg. vuu relative to lhl' rt"<'l!.ll l'lt'\'tlttn ~"l"'o·t "1 •·ltto·r "Ill lw rt•aoly ln ii' t., he> hi tlt•o'('tllbt•r 1M 'I, l\141 I t:o•hnuu ·y t lf th o'f M nn~l -~I • f,f I''' .tf'h'fiiiiiH' Whl'lher or oot 1 m ••nllu ,.,. ." I I I ho .:m t~• wr~vc- l.l<' re.·au .. ~ a• u .u. .... l'lor' or tlu• 1 ~lto~l'lt~• \\ o• w411 hi'I J• II""" 1,1ftl·, !\:f'\0 l'"r1tf ll<'ljOthla lrrtj:f\ll<>n Ills·~ l'llil~ j:l'l o·••lllf••rt~l•ly lo><·f!tr.d 'T o trh't IUl4J yo u br electr'd lUI mv ''" tlllll y.•u· 1ts11l ull uf us muet :<UI'I f'UUr • 1 H~IHI 1 nw {'llllfom ta J rrl~ttth•n lll•· \\ t-~:-:T t ., I ">\ s 1' IO·:I'LALT.· I trh't A•·t . t h•• law . 1>:"''''""".,_ lhl:41 M•;:oo;T 1'1-::") l't-:1< 1-:nl• rt:u n m.-nt, , ••h d i••n Jll'll\'llloll that. In a r.•. I Tr,Hn• ,.,. ur1• '''I'•·• to•.t I•• a rrl\'t' In I cull el~diun. lht• pd 11ion o•~tlhn.:, llllllll"''" 111 l 'I'IHIItii'Y MtUI)' of (Oil' lolh'll l'il-•'lltlll .. ilhllll t'UI\111.111 tlll'tn· \\Ill 1'1\flll' .. ol.l o •I ho• · llt•UI'hle 1\ lllllh•ment 'o ( liW gro11111t111 llll (1ft" ill'< rt·llllllll IIIIo\ t-:ntt•riUUIPit'~l. I whh:h th<' n •nh•val .. r 'ro'l :&II '"' \" uur p:11·t "111 llw• l'r.•g n un will ••.•IIJ;hl. \O hldl Allih•Jllt:ltt-111 m h•n.t. j l>t• 10\lj.;goltto•ol hy ' It \'.lniJnlt t•d Fult•lv fl'r Ilk tn( .. rm.tlltUI llll frollll till' \"~I) nl'luollflj: tl.e f'"lf'r·t ;n ·. Tho.t' ·;,.tah·m••nt ot ~<t•ntat.•v••!' (rum 1111 ~•rg:IIIIZII p ·uunJa .. 111 1114' p<>fit am a.lkln~ T Af'HTt:St: AT t fur m~•t'•'<'llll 11 1.111 tulh•we : •'f"'·:>~r Uw ··~o·:o ,,, tht• to:utt'm "1. "!'hat ht' wt·onglully 11*'•1 h is yachttnttrn Uuuttn;!. Yarhlln~e amJ nffl(•f'" In r 4' g a r c1 tu ulJtain ln!: a ll ,,,1uuth· "1"'''1" Hr<' "All Ye&r n~tmu un a pdiliun. ILIVdJl& Cur .AC.ll\·U~·~~··. nt . ..: '•·'<'~r.!._ .Hi&r~r. an t-ll•ctlon lor the Corouo~lwo of I T h,. ··nmNlnlnlO ll"ll""lt"" t hI thl' Cu:utal M.unw1pal Wal,l'r Die. yr ar. llt-.·o·n~,..r :!t\.:.!'1-~. will be tnr t and m•~r~·•·P~<'IM'Dit'd t.. U~e '!l""ua lly lntt'n·llltmJ>: alrnt>ra t ht' contt !lu and · t-ffo'l ~ A Sl't-:• .1 A 1A 1 'II:\BIIT'l'F.F. or ~ht' pt'lltloo wb1ch he dn:ulat· lhf'. C haml;(or \ t.:un•m•lv opflOW1! t>d . • • an t" tranl!f/r · C'anntortH N THE lltJ UUl.~•: ·""" non "·t: I' :\IUH:it ,, If 11 I I ('UHI •.-• I ',, h• r •J•• u t• r h t• k!' a n d ' I • \ II , tnht'U"' \If,• 1'1 t"JWU1 th• \" 11 • ,~ \I' t'l•tt ""' t••ntn ,,1 l Ul l ,, ... ·• otn ,,,,.,. "'"''' '''"' f t••tl• all t • • •.1· s.1,1.1,t-"'"~·I\' ll·•• an. I • '. ~··1 11•·· f·•lln" f1'J! .. ha~'" '· .... ,., 1 Ill \ t' Kpu tl uf th •• •••• 11 .. It,, I I •IJ J 1 I t\ I ' I , •••••• , ••• \ •·· 1 tt• 't I '\;"'"""'' t t•f &;aiUt'<il tlfhf 1 1.•', 1 , 1 • r It ,, 1.ru, ,:. " alul.l\ ,:, II.•,. '·~"' ''' 111,· !.u u u. t';• lll.~~~t ·"-~' '" ~·'-•'-11 ,,. l it:- cvn ,,~·., .. , ,,, l'lu \ . A'" \•·•• • •n•~ .. :· f•l''' IIH.! ah~hl\ lWI ~u.-Uw • h~A>t .. ~~~._.....,_ e• 11\ 1i11"' o\11 St·1r ~\jllll•ltt T ho•tt IH\\'Jt ll.:tl and wlaht·e c1f \h•• ma.jonty of th~ • I'IIL{Ib IJ'II'II "·•t•la\'••ol T h ,, lo·tt··• , y I vutt'ra of the du~trkt. Ul't'cl hla btlr, 1., a alto• "' lhii mouth ot alto•r 11 1,,01,, 1 ~•1: 111r11.,. lw ",.,, ,. ofHce ·and lnflu<"nn: 10 lake ht. t r.. f;IUita Ana ltl\'o•r adjolnln& vat~''' nwn o II o 11 ll••r t•lavo·o tlletrict Into lh~ t:outal .Munl-~ y~tur d t hmllJI l'"l''"" uf tht' ar o '' · piLl Water Di.Anct. Y , 3 T h t h h t ted b1a ( bmnlHtt··~ a H,.JlOrt. ,.. h i <" h lli lk r~ u.. ~ .. . a e aa no o,era I qu ilt> ·~plt>lf' mar W 1\ad OD -,; ...... .,..., ... 1 ... ortict' to t.l\e bt'.t lntuuta of tbe ; · f'tr.at Tum .... ot• •t• • I ''t•• . . . ·I """' 'It tt \I Jj ' St O<tJ T c 1• , mf'mt>t'n of th~ .!Se~•port lit>ICbU N'qUU • ""·nn: ... 11 , ,. , lrrl<>aflon 01at.ru.:t." "· • • SO.J.'T~ )fAIN NTIU:t-:T· 'nil• .... ,.· 11:"11 "1 "'" .,. . ' ---~------~----------------------~------- ON 1'BE IIOU FllONT ol -•ian•i dcfrnee .. n Jbaa 1.%50.- 000 R~ C..O. YOiuteen.,. tak.iaa ua ani" p~ ia beC'"i'-& ., 1M ..... iD ..Uona. Th~ eerw behiDd the liiMII puforein&' ecora of rital taek. rital to oar powiaa anDH forca-prorid-a.. blood few ftllerleD_CY· UeMftuioDI, meUDJ eweetera end arpeel ci.re¥iap aKl Uclqukiq .other d11ti" el the rrqsa,.. ol the At.r aad r\e!I. Home Servi« · •rkera ee"e be<'k h ome • the eonnedtn& linli bdweea I he mali· an antform lmt' hl.- faailJ t.broaah eonted with the Red Croae 6eld reprc!kat~liYe • I .• , t I __ .. .. ........ I ,. I ·o· t.t'l\ Ill ,. I ·So fiLr u l know lhta "lll&lt'· hlgh.t.·a y • wl I bfo t1o•u t'll t'l ...., Bl• ''' • '\ ' ,.,. ' . " ' '' mt'nt of ~trounda .. hu Of'\'f'r been give n a nam<' •·a rty tn Janu.ar)'. ·B. -,.,,"1' IIIII ',.. • ·t..otol•u ',. made public e1ther by )'OUriM'll or Stud if•• a rt> """"" ht.·mjOt m .. lt· fo r 1 • 1 ttl ' It' ... rtU..-aL.-M41 't~hJt ,\'~ e 1••\ltlll d il you:•aupportue. . · tmprovrntt>nt11 '"' ..... ·wpn ..... u.... · Thla. r f.'("all l!'l('('l lnn Ia a public vard from ~~~ulh "lfA1n TiY' ttrf' V.· C&ulw 1 \:' T ~ illJ . d t Ed ~I IIJ• I •,li t ~: "'•••I\' i ll 111attrr 1\fld dire( Uy at~u the U<' · . , J'"-•1 • , \'1 tl I · b d ... "' k tr··· k··tl '\'• M.,re alb ex !in tbcu C14Y colore that could be placed oa em a.rtiat'a paleU. are tlae ·pia chc-"'n .-.,Otint:at paa;onC)ele on 'tagu.na loacJ-'• TournaaMnt ol .._ ...... -M •· IN"J in P>1»arf ~aa'a New .y._·• Day parade. LGgu.na'e "Ptaj.r bl F\awen" loat wUt 4epld th~ity of ltb. w ... t•m Jte..,U.phere w:ih each ol the II•• glrla .._OWD aboft npinraa-. a ,,ot on tbe two continent&. Left to right. IN• ... Marl)a.ret Hoper • "'MiM. Meldco. .. ~ erine We• '' u "MiN Ceabal America." B~bara RHct ae ''MIM United 14crt-.• F8hh ..... u ''M,'la Canada" and'Loie Warne, "MiM South Amor~a." M&.Na Gloria DcaaMIII •cl ... McCullouCJh. DOt pactwed. were c:hoeen alter nat ... More them tO attftlcti•• Pt. .-il~. ~ ed in the cont .. t .,aducted at the Art (;GUery. l.oren HolmwoocL widely laaowa artill .. • vublir of tltt• ~ewport Ht>\JhU HARBOR "llt:Ait.l!IOG .. ·• f' I LAlit.: Ill~ ....... : I IIIIL k L'.,.:lo·IIIUII lrngatton l•utt rH·l. Tht> ab o ve 1 ~for .. V ielrH t t:n.:mt•t>r ·c.:utoDt'\ r ... , dora. will paiDI life•iaed por1raft. to b4 ued on the 80ato para&:r•f'b marketl "1. .. •• false Ia l t:dwln (' ~<'li on.· Sff'l"mbf'r 24th. 71''11 11 k '\ 1 ·l.J \\ 1111' 1"' "' H. ~· l'fltn ·~· 1 1-M~ r·••lln I I • ' t ~ • at• ~nl1rtt)• Th•• · J>f'lltlon men· • brought out an rnthut~rutu· Jr1'0UP Honor ;obi~ oncd Lh~· 1 d rn &lalcd H J~'"!~~~~~j:~~~7.i;a;~~;i;;i'!"':":~~~~~-~-4..J!-i.:W~I.a.IIO.U-~~~~~_b:;_~~~~~~~JlJ_......:... _____ ~ lnthvuJuuJ not 1111 a n o(fld al of ablt-o.JatA. t 1a no~t·...ary IIIIIJ~~f_~~ t !e diatrlct . anol Ul"re w:R oo'up th~> wurk \\'" now . havf' -1 ~1 1 "11 t; ~'<t""''" 1''''""'"11: . etetioaed et Army uad NeyY poet&. ~ notllr"l•r••et'nlation, I enthu•lu tlr County II arbor C<>m· ll\'MIItohlr tt•l\'11°~~'" •I" I,.. T l1r \':II Joll\' 11 r1n11t 1(1\lllt' \OIIh I •nol t1,.1,. 110 t11,w 1111• ··~ llltt l••'"' -----l'liJ',<j;fUJlh .. 2 " llt <.IUVIIItaly ffiUIJII(ID lt•lllllllj.; IIIIJKH1..1Ult aitl. '\.o n •- t/l!-L--1 Me• .... p V PARvrc IS and rtJ11..ulouaty false u t.he.re I tbe ··crt.At"r ~l·wpUCt.:· Harbot' .. Anatwm , "11•• 11 •·n·l···t '" ' ~o; 7 A ~>:J:I •I:al o••ff '"'')' •·••k '"''" .:··~1 ~ .. • l'lo.LOJI cnulrt nt•t aa\'(' bt-Pn an f'Xprt'Nion 'prug-tam . de(t.'H I .. rtlh \tftltlt I "" .. n. ..... I' I ,., ·I ,, .. klo ~ lit t.tuttll ""'' I ;"' INJURED IN FALL of th~ J\-101((8 o.r Wlahe.<t of the I S F.A SC'Ot 'T "Ht-::'l:l lfo::ZVOUS ... : e<J .... lilt• ........ """1'1 ....... ,,,. " Ill r I '" .. ooUIIOIAJhlllt.: ... {II h•lol Whll ~ h II ' h I t r lon~: IIIII ............ t•UMo'IO ........ , ·111<'11 In L'Jt •.t•Ht rlo.: ~lltl ·.a'•"'r••f,J r daya ~ome morr c 1 y \'utf'rl! prtnr t~ t f' f' • wn or Th 1.11 t'\'t•nt r·uullnu•• to '""'W ID • r •· • -.,. 1 • u ~n• .,... " .,r lh1· 1""'1"1""11" ".'111 only '"'. ll•·fllll , n , .. ,,.-l,lo• ~ro1l In f"!.l•l•o· foodl for children ahould .be full n V Park•l! ..... 11 kat~•·~ :'><, ~"-;· • fnnntng I h e · t:o ~~tal .. unl<'l...-.i lm rv1rtAnl'f'. OvPr t-.10 :-;,." K!·ouu " -' -• ...I .t.at\4' d I '~-~"' \' r · Onr lolllll(lotlok f ol oo\•1 . lilllllt~oof(lhi'Jlllftll~tcOI:ftnoolho•l .,. mort! rc a and protelaa an rw•rl and Colli a M uS\ mo•rchA-n: \ atu Dlatrld.. .. w~r.. r·•·.:t•l•·rt••l t :roupa c am 1 1 k 1 1 11 ~ 1 t.b tb I h td-.. b t h A f >• h "3 ll I ~ P" 1" ""'. 1 "' . "1 .. r. l'"flttllolo• .,..,.k \\llh M)•rr'hn···AI;.· WI e unr " pro• ...... y f': rf'<'t>h·rd a ahouldf'r Injury to ,. :.. '?r l'ara_.;rap . • _. from Salt I.Jlkt' llnt.l Pr<>vo .. 111-", briJkr "" l•l••v•·n \'••lfr Jill,. wh•·••l tlo·~·~ l•lll"llln•lr Ill """tlwr "''""'' Newport Beach Cnmmar School 'r:o-ll ~•ntly •·hilt walktn~ from vat:ue nn.J lnoliflmte u to be II Omaha, s an fo'riUid .. ·o, Rllrra· ,1 tt 1 .. .. __ , l _._ •-1 t .. -tlal •• 'P> .. I l h _._ ,.__ l "' u ···I too th•• I IIIII '''"' h ""' k ''"'" tho· llfof'a. IIW I"ti"-nl ,..-.e r ... coo ... n. • ... ee e-hie •botn• to ... ~• of ortc ,,. h ' n:f'&nln~o·~ll. Ill o• rr wn n.w, u ..... ., I mc>nto, \'upta. At lzuna, and ruany ... _. • I I It I " bod -·lldln ._ ....... _._ .... ,_ 1D ,, ..uJ-.. I r l hat t r """'". t'\'t'f ,. .... ,,-~ I\• u.. ,., •••• , ... ,hnt'" a,:t•t'-tnLr u ... ""•' ....... , •. ; Y·uu r ma...-........ .....,. w • employ~•. Cbaflta Allen. of th~ ~ 0 0 10 om ta 1"0 w , f'Vf'"r 0 othf'r dtalall\ ru•ntll lotany Mea Vatttlly Ill>:"""'' A11 olu·an1 T 11 I' Tilt• ,. 1,,.1 k ,.;; thr .41 811.,.,1 ,111 ter. Tbe IDf'Du for lbr wetok of I )feu ato re. t>arkn lilwmbletl O\'f'r t.lt' tlf('tore. · • I Scout. "bf.rauM u( Utr'lr lralniD( play WIUI. ,, I'U"" ''"'" ~ltrfltn I•• 01,., ,.,01, 1111 ,. 11 "' nm~ IC 11 ,. 1 ,j l)rcembf'r 8 Ia lt.ll'd I M unr,·en au tfe<'e In the dark T ho rt'furr I nnw rtqUt'lll. you. ha\'t' b llulll<' v.tlu•••l -.\·ur k .. ra Ira "Fit . f r k .. ou-.a-I · .. a !l.lr )'Ilk t on I IIlii-' and z. • 111 ll A •• """1 '"11" .. ,. ....... lll'f' l ht• IOIIUl ll ootftll Wh h h I _.......,.y: <'ream of <'l' f'ry ttOUp. aud thr fall no.ulted to a l:hl1tp"<< J~•. · · 111 • "' Udt'nllt' l'lant11 The Navy and 1 to. r 1 1 -l. pie, e&bbalf' ala~ -d baked ' bonf' ln ble rlrht ebouldrr. He c:ll'mnnJ that Y• u -tfl~· me and C::oa•t Gusroi. . .-\r . and_ all waa ""'" .. ,,.., ·ru all "'!I •v ""' 'tut t hink "' ttl p...-wnl Tht'r" awfH... :.. -· rt>lumed U. work Jut' Tueaday. I &1110 thf' t•f.'("wra' of ·thl.l dlllltrtet 8<'0\JlJI ·hav~ bfonPfltlt>d b" lhl• ~~~~r' ,,.,.~';.~fl wu ,. I vp•• •I •WI ":lllatu" an r nrl anol • JCII"''•I -h I f tl 1l h • ~ 1\11 kPr pia) '<'lilt A lll\lwllll lak I"'"'""" "l"'ll. Wllh 01H'r1H fr,.fu Tuuday: ~ .oup. c orn · ' ~---,auc 0 ~a un, you ave any· tralnto; Ina th loa t{;;_ • '-'aDd ca"'tt&&!e.·'\ettucr and e•c '"""'-_.,.. for advertlaln .. ! No-euc h lnform.atlon • ...., will jut1llfy An"' n~ a ••-d about th• '--. . P 1 .-..-. I thl" liN·" ,,..rf1ap11 fllllna th,. r•n.l -"' "''"' ..-~-• II f d I tl u .,_ ., '" ~ rw My fa\'ontle "kn•Wkt'r n v" r ·· IIIM•l -r ealad and cre.m pW'fa ~-It pays for ltsell. • my noca. rom. a n your ' ec on n,..-aide of t.hla "Bullf'tln". The uam UrRn~t' finally ~·ll!rd Hunt Wecm-l&y: c bk:km ttOUp. balll-t?· the Hoard 0{ Otnoct.on o1 the color plate• Wf'n flnl u.d on &acton Ut>aeh 7_6 a tlcor 1 h~td Jt l\'l'n lln•lt~l.lbt .. d ly thrrf' will br' 11h1fla ~ ....,.,...._ a1ad &lid fruit IDC l.tand ~rt. Nrwport H d &ht. 'lrrlcaUoo tx.-tbe eover ol "Ford Jlllqume". tbtm up·. Tb&t madf' an almoel and nr'w playen dev.loplnll. but ....... P'rid&y: c.reaaa ot t.om&to MMlP. t.rict. . 11lia ..._ a ctrc:ui&Uoe ol 09_. a perfect ~ tor the Ol&en wtt.h al pr-ot lbe outlook for a larl" ftlwiiday. rict &ad tomato aoup. fro-11 pealt. c~ roll. ebrimp 1 &Ill ..,cHDc a copy of tllla lllilJIGa eople& A .tcwy "Younc u-e u t'rptton ot tb•lr morill-7-7 aquad __,a pretty llllm. ltprh..c ~ trt •. ~ ,_.. l&lad ADd ctncer bree.d d 0 • D letter toe:~ ':"~~~fE':i..AN Amertca Coee Sal line" with tb,_ Ue vktnry rwn Harbor l h P y pr&l'tll'r wtll l•ll pArt ot Ule .et•!ry apple aDd canot •lad. aDd float· callr. . · IIIOh' ptc-turf'e apPf'and In Uw dldn t ""'" 'a aam~ Any buy Jtolnc out fnr lht' Vu HERES YDtiR ~ CHD/C£.»£ADIN& AT/lEW lOW -PRICES TBIS IIEWSPAPD, . . -- I Jr., 1a• by Magaziae Li~ted e Tbrouqh ..,.ctal ammqeme.:. ... with the ma~ne publlahers we offer America'• ftn .. narm and fiction mqqazinu-ln com· bination with our Gewspaper -at pric" that simply cann~t be duplicated els• wherel Look overlhla lonq U.t of favorite• 43me l•~f'. Story by your l!t.atf. No•w (cor & gliUl<'f' lnlu t h r 1111Y may "'".._.,,...., that hr "'Ill Ct~RIRTMAA , W.F. L F' A R F.: "«>f~IRJ Hlill ... and lh<' '.c~ ~un,wl :-J•~ty 14 .,.,~ --- Ags ln a roflnrn~l rommlt~ r<'· 1.-ru•· fnuthltll rttvurltrotc 1 I'" k 111 .. "111t•11n~ lllltn ... "' I' •• U prf'lt~ntln~t all JtrotiJll! will han•ll f' ""llf'rtun ,.,. l'ot·fllV~trti~'I'-W 1111 M• ,.,..,,. '" B"h ';,.,,,..,r IN klo• '"11\1 the ("'rt..tmu Wt'lf&rt" Mrtt I · Aftaht-lm, 11;1th 1 1\o> o•ol.:•· t .. to'ull-I''") "I . """' Y mlmtlo• "' r \',. r Y H:unl<l llnpklns M ol ~r ... ·ll. It f'rton, ~:xr .. htlnr 11nol J.,rof>tn ,... .:.tnl• lr to•• wu uu~ 111 IUIY ~""'" Hamlt'l Will Ill'! IU' .)llllll thl\lrmrn "rlark hHnu·,.··. ~·llh 11 ... <'•fi:•• '" I • ·'"I ro•troo'hiiN"r II If yuu w1 t t•• )lf'IJ1 olh t'nl ur F.•r~'"l• r lflu l••r 1110 IUOIIIll Wilt 1 ,.,,. 111 ..,. ,,,,...,,,,,., ''' ~otdllollt l u knoow .. r t o• '"hn OM'• I a11111101· ~001 k · rover 1tl '"""' tw .. ••f 1111' ""' loo\'nl '"'" lll'l"'"l''" w h " "" ant•e, c·~tll " t e.lh<" Ct•mmltt•·"l .. ltt'to o·t rnur", ·v. t.a t.o ttrnh.:•· ""'' f111II!Pullv ·.:~o,,;,.,,,,~.,, '""' "IIIII( hi I rur} "' llw 1 ha m llo·r of f'om· lluntln.:t u n H~·n• II \\ 111 I •.:lot tl ,.,., 1•111•· l•·:t 111 • 111 I h1 l-ltoflll•·t mf'f"('t'. 11Ul f7 till' lo'il.ll Willi tl11 •oil:; J.-•111(11•' 4 -1'-~-- .. . ._ ...... * * * -lftll'tl _, .. NICK IMOWN ALL MAGAZINES ME FOR ONIE YIEAJt l-..sm.!~~~~~~ctlon todayl ,...._ ~~~~--~==~==~~~~~ • -, ,\mn t• .... f I tilt (.rOWC'F' ~~ ;·, \uu 1 u .111 C ,,, I • • • \W•, tl .ttl '\j t•• IIIU t ;·, \Wt t t.llt ,:,mill, J• Uln ,1l :.! ,, .. , H·te h ,·, c.,~ut.th ( • 1•1 '· ... I .t) lt11 I ft.tc t I• ~ (' ,: ,· ... \\tt.h ( ; HfiU (It f 'l -, .... . .;~ THIS . NEWSPAPER, I YEAH, AND nv£ FMnOUS MAGAZINES For--~oth newspaper.·$ 75 and ma.aaziqes ...... ~.~ GJ>OUP A :.... '~'"''' \lulef r .u•u"' "' ...• ,.,,. .. ''" I f tpttt u ...... t\tt\H~ -( .............. ' •••• ,tid • h y.·,, I I~ .... -:.... ... • .. '"·· f)ut•lt~•t' •I~ J,,. I 1 \1n r-''''u•• ·\ u;"''""'' I \r. , r.-~thl•·•\1., t\\n Lh , 1 '" tt•~'~'' c., .. ,.,, ,,,, ... ~~C.U:'".-llJ..ECT 2 MAOAZIN.ES ............... ' :!h ·'1'1"'1• .. '·"""' (),Jt.tl U•t••l•'• "":.... IIUHhlla;' ~ f l,ltllt!! h\ftt flt••ll ltu,ul ~fltn .. , t,\l ll. I' 1 I' \tun,.(nl l .u ntlut• I \t. , .. ,1 I I\'''"'~ l'tnd I \r. c ,l " .... ,, t., .. + f--1-----------~----...,'""'~~===:-::-:-:::--== ~1 ...... rtl ~· ..... -, ~~~~~~--~------~ua·~~~ .-t•.11, ,.,.· \l.1t.olln~ , '.CI. fJ (Jultlml A· \lutlort'• llm nr [.ilr I' r. 1'.1•hlno•lll t\\ rtl.h) ..... -~ INI '"rollri!Aft •. I \'r. l'unlfl < I 11luuor I\ t. l'lo·•oo.t l C ultm~ ,;·, Q f~nn fuutn.tl k \tn•f l'tnthl\ Jrn'l. I''· r• •• ul.u '\fn tuni.. , :·, r .umr r'• ,,,_,,. . .) \'r. lhrHfn"• ( •• ., ... ,. I \r. ll•·:lw.,.l. \l.tt~tinr ~ ;\ • 11\.USl AWW 4 T1 • Willi ,.. FIIIT UWIIII Tt Ullft -V ln/.Y A-fhw ... ny 3 !If• ~ • • • \oo1rrn (,uid~ ., '"' ·-...... ~nl.onol .. _........ ... ., ·~· \ih rt .,.trrn ........... ·.... 5 1)11 -,,,.,,.. \ftrld , ()() -.,,.., •• rut f'•rminc .......... 2 7~ -'l n,.. ( nt~f"'inn' , OCI ~ TtlH \tnn '2\ ~ "'Mid ni~rte ----Ul n , -, Ill \fo.thly> ___ t.n ':J Uff' ·-·------Ul C#rulo ••J•rlron l"m'l ~. ,.,clow .;.~, c ... ,._. c.-nikMnJ: I. ,...ic. t •. . .. .. -I .,., I'll< ~Mi .. dltt .. " claolred .... a ~ .a.:np«M. .. ,_ .-pa. ' !'fA~ ~ oa &1~~-------------------- POAOI~ .. SOOt W. Ce•tnl Aveaae o- N .. fiol flit• (jillrrr-Ttl-r1r~>nn.,tul fTwwf Vft~nl ................ AM "'"' c·~tum•'" t..tl "' '""' '"' milk •·11n •tlllh• NtmpAno with K ISER'S Mrlk Yutt'll •·nt•) tho• IN•n••fll' uf lt11 r Kira rtril· "''"" 1tnrt >"~'·11 hk•· II ,,..,.,.".,.. 11 ,,._r, . .-lt<•tt.-r, J>hQnr .No•"''JMWI II 'II r .. r tlo·fh ··f v "''"It···. ur I HI)' it It I YIIUr lnternt_ *KISER'S MILK Of Course! (~lassified AdM bring" results. _ .... .' P~-Newport GIS -· ~. ' ·: ;.~a....,r;;o:;q~litiiiD''•~ .. ~·-•Y-.L.. -.. :y-J.;.c.,.:Pr.l:w:i'_.__.,. __ • ._. ,.., __ ... ?. -;-•>~• • I •• ·-· ) 'i" .... -, __ ~ .. \ ; .;.·-pqe_::. :._,_l'i_our ______ r _~------=---.:.._.!_~\ ____ NEW __ PO_RT_B_ALBO __ · _A_NEWS-___ TIMES_ • NnjiWt Beach. CaU!omia. THtmsl>AY, DECEMBER ·4, IP41. ·.COACHES UNABLE TO ··AGREE ON ALL-SUNSET LEAGUE ELEVE.N, TO .. RESORT TO BAltOT --=:!,'1· -\. • • I H~RBOR· HIGH TO OP~N CASAB.A SEASON WITH PRACTIC~ TILT j\'J GARD~N -·GROVE THIS FRIDAY ,· Coach Ralph K. Ut-t-d to (;uide·· Destinies ()( ·Varsity .and ('lass B Basketball I EWS· TI-MES~ Register For Emergency -· founcil Group • '· T ro,phie. s ' ''·Result MaY Not B~ KnoWn Until . · . Next . Week As Poll By SChool Offered ln~Officials Is Reported Slow 1' flu tt•tP, l!'t '.• \1\. t'IO).: ~t~:t"rt ••• J ,. ~·,,., 1-'r .orrk .\·. l·r~k\.·r Cl · b s·h ~ . ..• n .• u ..... II.. .1alwn l'Or u oot I lo• I "tup !1\ 1Jl,• 1"11 ) l> !\!;IJo'r I• ·, ;.r ~:,,.,., :;1 "' ·' Count'll und l Harbor's Hari1ld Sheflin and Shipkey of Anaheim J.p Close l{ac·e For Grid Honors ,,, 1~""'1" 111 lh·· t i:u-l•ur IJI' .. triel • h c-.-1 t ' f -All "' .._ · L .... 1·. . · "· t ••·1· hnu"w·n•· troph .• ·s wIll ='<X' 10n f• an -•~nuscl t>ague e even IS etpparenu~ ·-~~ .k. ..1... •·· '" ..... j 111 J"l~ l,h:tl llll') may b :n t ,_ ~ 1 . • ,u 'hilf' tht' foul ha ll !'4':1~011 is ~hll :1 \ n.v Crr"'h IT,l Pmnry. r ,. · ' IlK•' n• xt .·un• 11.'1' 1 Nl th•·. in about th£' sar.1c uphL•aval as the Sunset Lea<>u•~ footh~u u.. 1• 1 " 1 '. ,. 111 c· ~·· ' 01'1''''~>11 y. ~fWJHIIt H a r lo o r Tr.IJI>IhoiUtlng . · b .,. • .,..a.u the Sailors of Ncwpor1 lletrhor l'nion II ida Sd1onl !"''' a l-,,,." 4-' .1 ~~ .. at "'"·d. "aut Chid r!uh hllltl a.rt~~ttwr qt 1111 n 1, w ral'<' has been all year. Durang the season. there was not an J'f'ady ·working out in p n•p:u 'ation h1r tlw t'llllling· h;p,k••lh;Cil 11 b 11 8 1• 1·,.: k• . ...: t••r auxlhai·y firo men. fumu1111 Trop y !'hnutll on the· 1.14tJ untied or undereated team in the l<'ague with the flnaJ cJe. ............ ,. "" .. th-· ... f.l'rst rc··m" uC '')" .~ .•.. 1"'.· In -....... ,.,,, .. JUII•fl 11)1' thi~, t'ootltdii-Basketball Vo ey a -ow tng \llr.•l) t••IH'I'. !IUtll 11011 trurk J:~1olll1118 at(' st ~~ . . f h . d '-"• ...... .. u ... .-,..u .. ' ""' "" • 1\ .a.·'. I· I r;ulo• JIIUmt•) nwn, llt'l'l-On" . . ... ... a ··sa I C'IStOn or t (' pennant wann('r epcndjng upon the outcome. IC' 'da hen .... _ . "'--··· ,..,_ .. _ ll ,, ... ~.. '·' G ., . iiiiiiiiiiiiliii!iii! ___ ....;;...-iiiii;;;;;;;;;.....iliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-~-----=--_ _. .( roml'f'lftt•IO Ill t·xp._,·tl'd to lltart c .__ c· . I 't h k N h .... ra . y \l' UIC \'nr...tt~ dllU ~.. ~p3 go LU 1.IJ\;ICD .• .,.;tlr!tl'ff to '-1'1'\'t• :\'< hf.!l,_~..-uc~._ hs-Rb.utl .110 o'l'lork In tho• mornlnl( 0 tuu Jna galll('S·O t. e ~ason a wee ago. ow t e selec- Grnvf' fc;-.r u prn<1i<'<' r n l'Ountf'r, 'II) ~onrl <· ... ~•h lt··~l II-• 11.1,. Peterkin On Don ~~· . .',;.1' :onrl m~•n> otht•r clas. ... i~a-.m.r .•untlnu .. thruu~:hout "'til') lion o f a n all-s tar t<'am is in a mix-up with school coa"ches _ "·ldin.. th.. vorMt'-• t nd H ·n ... I" '1 '11 111.: • ·u 1 •.•lohnJl to club off1cllll• unabJ.n t o ag"""'. vu. • -• 1 \\ 1 r II•• ro· n · ,..nmt· "''I ,..on ... who ltr" ....-,.._""" ......, • a.. cLd &ah• )·~.u Wlll k -_ · _, •r-~• · ·"" • ... ' "' · Lt.St-T''ll--JK<P4~~lll4:L.--~~-..-ri~.,...to-~,...~~r-fnrm!'!11~· ...-;'lT;;,n~··~t;.h~n~-·~· ;d-~~~!f~~~~~l--{'1-itf~--r:tf--E:;u,!IM.,._-t:;«''I~J:t~tt---....... ----------=-----;..-j C'oech Ralph K . RN.'ff "hu 1" h'-•a•l \'ar<lty !<f'lo .-t a on• ur II' I :m """'' ""'' lf;m:--. worth thP oft hf> boys' physiC'ol rducaltvn do•: ..... c.,nd It ;om' on lh,. 1•;~'1' "' i• •• rly .mtl S1•· r n• "1 '11•11 rl• Tl,.. "1'"ntl T A • d 1• 1 1"1' 1"'1'1IU.'-t· of duta(')t-conn~'<' I· 1'3J:•'!" C't,mpo•utton a.nt111patt·11 by agrc'(' upon which was mentionl'd abovt>. S he-f· partmt'flt' ol tht> high •S('hOill a.: l;r'ltl'IU'o: I' rl••llll•llll'l' "··~ I' <fl-111· .... ,n I ""'II"'''' Jilfl• \ ;ond ('run•·. earn war "' "llh '"''111"n' lht>}' a lr .. ·ad) !luiJ offidal•. are b<'lng "•mated o_nly about thr('('_.vlaycrs for. the hn. Shipkry. Poore and J C'nkins. wf.ll u tM adult rdurl\lwn prw •-<I Y.'"'•·rd;,~ c .. ; .. •h lt.-·~1 111,1111,11 '"'~-~••I•. l\11ll•·r ... nt.-r. l\k· lr .. lol ·nu•,t• 1ndudr• rity or !'OUnty bv !'am KmJifather who hll!t t~<kl·n f1rs1. tNlm scl«llon a nd thl• bat· Whrp it ramt> to thr lin(', said I.R"'· · 11111 that tho·y \4t•r•· "111•,.-.·J tu c·.,, k..tl nntl .f.u·k•ron 1-!ll:orrl• 'fh•· 11'11'1"'"''• rt·~:utar polwC.rrwn and an "' tl\'e lnlcrul ln the ur~tlnt_l ll~· Willi so ~clo~ for other poil~ Pirkrn!'. hr would plck Brtzold of F------....=::..ftft.~to-~Jd--tliffiJr-,..rnoif-m'>kf"lt-~IMI~-k.--t=-<~'-ii..-H-....U.~~r.iw+-1Jol~..:W~~.l.u;I&.:-'"IJJ<.:_J.:.:.&.IJ.:J~-!-:':Ji:IJ.,jr-,Um~~rW,silni~~~JJ;~llCJ~:w'~'w.~=~~~t-•:m· Je t lOll lb11 t' I! V.'llTfM'ml!tt. · . n l'Jt\\ fol'"lln Cilaand on(' of ' . ..doubtful whe-n nkt'd t hiJC w~·k l.rtJ\f• . f••l•l ;onol s. '"'' ''' f••n\:1 1•-l.•. Ko•n-~ • An • .h\ .!1•·••'• r6nfereDC'o I"'~ •" ul I'IIS d"partmo•nf:... T .... trophy sho••t will lx C'OO· to a dension la.;t Tu_C'l'day . mght. hiS own II arbor ends, but rl'fuileod .__ k .... 11 T . t1 f t tr1 II 1 in til-It .l l,•r\t.•r t 11i. lltl 11nol lTn~· . :.rrta \l·u • •npln~l"'" of ..:a~. dt'<'t ll_!' I 1 1 agr~ to earh st•nd Ill thl.'lr own . ~ ·J conct>mlntr HariK»"'I '""" f'll~'l ~Ia \'(' II" J n,; nf'•lll • I • I hllml•lur.:<tHp f•l'•llllllt u~ De>el i. tll l(tf •ln. a hDJttlll'llV brut• v.lt l ~.oln.•tl'on to Edd.l'(' \\'t·.··t o' r s.~n't·· to mnk£• a chokt> betWI't'n Dt>11n1-h,_ w h 1 1 -' \1 .._ 1 'I 11 o"k ·or1•f fn1ol '" •·11 ott I• •t••l I• 1. tohunt· t•umn:tnu-s and ol 1 •. t 1 1 ~ , . ._ ' .. u ~ t .. )'l.'ar. t' lt\'e Qfl Y ,. u ... , •·mo•n rl' •·• • • ~ · Th11r~•!ay ""'' t .. rmrr N-,., •-• u., mf'Jn ~ers n a\1 e 1x t lu.s~ .. ~ A"''· who "·ill anrioun!'(' tht• All· •on and Thomp.on on tht> basis of '"'O n'tUmi.nC ~nily lf'ttf'rmrn J cohn S1h1lhn..: loon •.,nl• II 1oolol S tnt·o J(.,·tl ,h "'' l'hmt: to..th tho· If 1 If I -.: h .o t ·' t ~ .1 1•111 r 1•11l1lw '""'~''' C'~JOet•r n~ llnli I «'rt g Ll t C' t a1 · '-,..., 1 • 1 Ito t 11'1 I II ar ••r 1 ~ 1 • ' '"" 11 u ... e:-n "''1• 1• · .... ;1,. 11n•'••r UIC' ll" .J•' t•i •·rars 1 ' 11 c 0 omre ~ on lliT cqu Sta r tram from the n>sults of tht' ablliT)'. anc:t ttwy wen-llUbstltUtMI nn la~l Sht•flrn rrntl'l . Jnt·K ,.,rlf'k lint \' 11'rr' :1n1 '''' ~· "'"'"'" "1 1 1 1 , tl , 11 nor«'rl .. -' ba.~111 · 1 "'~'I Th~ l""ul orJd mentor nam~ -..~......_~n•hl"'--.-. _ ____. •ta-·"·1· "-'un1•. ,,..~lrl• Tho···~ .. nd 1•1 o\ llo• rr •·.•rn•' .11 ' tlo• •arn•· · ''' a 1111 1j: " ' ,., om un" lhl'>'r r'(dl\llr..-1 Fm· l.'lt('r ....-ot '~ ... "" .,, .• , • """""'povo---·p -...... ...,..... ,. ~·-.., • "~ -.... " '•··~>rf't· p,:t•·rktn who gra1!1iate 1 --:-· · ':''hr trotJI lihriUt('rs wtll fin.-"~ • , · Rii'O of F.xr<'l!!lor an4 M uniz ot tbls YNir t.._ __ 11-110m~ c. tron". '"am hno"UI• fur llw \·;j,,,,· .. ~1111a•J. t·l··•·•· rh···ll..::on~o· .. u-t'llrtn in' r:ti'· ( ~h · ... · tf .. pt. ,1,., uf ~-:a ... , d l't'tnc nnt.l ptwn~· tift t · 1 d t 1 tt . f\(•n thE' b·1llnts appt•rtr to bt• rw.. ... •· .. .. rom t •· ·'''"'l"•rt nr .. !'r triJ;h · · · v ar;;t't-' 0 " t-rm ne ll'lr • · ' · , · ll;trbor and McDonald of Anahrim bl .. 1tnd fait tf'am• In th,. S•Jn~! mr luriM ·Iloul1rntlt :on<l IIIII' Slui ,,,,lor lh•· "11'-lf\ ,.,,.,, '' ·n,. ff h•>ul .0 Hlft 1 n 1 ,, d ,..._ ·•:'\11·•· o·ornp:onH·~ havr SJX:<"tflc S<'Ore • . J ~low In commg 10 and \\rst l'lllfl ( d Ed.d' S ... h r.-:,~f'. drclanod Coach RM'd tin. r11Nf1rtl•; '"',.-.art· ,., &•l•·r·. c1 .... c· :mrt . 11 t• um• "rll pia\' hilt 1 • • " 1 c· Uvt< Oil ._. ·.,,,. ,, -111 o•.1 , ... r a~· U1Ujvr di~.. Th~ duh ~ruuntls, outl!llind1n~·" ~·ould P!'Obably not bt• unul or 8 ~uar · II' lo·p ens was Ho-•f'Veor. It will not ~ thr fl"t Char'W.. J'lo·nnr~orr un.a lw.n .111111!• • ,", ' '"'11-•n '1 h·· "l''l'f ·lll•l II ' I• r "htdl 'ar'o• "nnn•'<'tl d · wi'th in St•uthc m 1 'alit om Ia. iuc lonl· 1 nc•:>ot Wf'('k hrfoJV th(' rl.'s4jts <'Ould n linl.' guard. 11n.id Piekl.'ns, but .,.11, that Coach R, N'Ct hllll atRrtt'd haro. a,:uan.l•. • .. «t•l·••i~ ,..,.· ;rl hnmo• nn1f "h•"ro tl'l•· P un All'nt .. r 11•11· Cnnk wIl l •II• 1,-111)lool.. -1 I 't.l 1-(t\ t . l h 1 b(> announcl.'d. tlll'rt• 11 1'(' so many othl'r fll.'uvier ,. i 1 1 •-.... 1u-.. to.,,, 11 r 1.,;,,~. rtn• n\o\;,, th•· 'lw.ht· ;n<;rru tho· 01tn1.1ti1r(' tronh.ln .,,. i , ----1 'n ' 11 rl.'e alsmg t f' row • Th 81 t ...... and taltontt'rl .-wirds In thr 'Sun~~et out with a veory little mntl'r n n , ._.... ""' -" ,. .1 ,,( g11r , l rt-f·l! whk h t·Xt('lltl out • rre a tid • atltht .wnd eondfod thl.' yt'ar with n Thr• nn..~• II "'I" <I i~ , ... n,1olo·~ "'''''"'' ;,,,. "'h•~lulr•rl It» allay on • "' "\'. mrml>~•r "' theo '1941 aquad ~ ut.o Ana nt·:-.1 T. urso.Jay n·t;:;•. tu th~ fihifl'll overlooking Upper C'onC'ht>s nt lht:> m<'('tln~: ,_,. l.A'a.:uf' that for on nll·star S<'IE'C-- pt'ftty fair ball" club. • 1 ably lttr~;f'r th11n th·ut 1o/ .~tw \n't,~l·tr h~lllf' J:round~. at thl' onnuat fi)(Jtball banquet '" 1u .• r1.111~ t!h• 11r>1t t.mt• M; 1,. •. ,., ... ;11:•''-''P. ort nay and which p1 t.\~ltl' wt.-.•k !j<'l'ffi('d .;o hr onnnlmou~ly 1.U10• he• woulr1 probably ~ to 1~~~-·-·---·-----~~~------~-J!III··---.. ---------·II!I•••••••••••IIJI!I•~~-~ 'h >-1 •'} lh •I tho• Whule ft•IUJI lna IUl PXtt•llt•nt windbre&Jl to the Hl-;rN-d UflOO [klZutd of Anahtoim ~d~oCt On(' f.-.m UllOUICJ' I'Chol1l. "" 1\ • ~ t h•· sm ants. II( nd1t of shoo\ era. 1 £jac. ~-~t ~riD I: f'nd sf.. SinC'(' ·llilly Shl'fli~ had rlDt lx>t>n ...... ~ . ·• ...... \ •I I ,• .. "~ •. ' '-.... •"" ,. . .. . ' ·- My Christmas Shopping Guide . - Will Be The .Big Christ mas -H----~opp"in..,g,.__,NN-Uu m b~-r-(} f--1-hi-P---~ News-Times ·Out Decemb~r II! • , -. ....... .. .. and . you wiU see how easay can be s~nd-thrifty ·this yeat! you . --------. ------·--NewpOrt Balboa ,._~ IEWS-TIMES N"n-'rt~ Bulld.ID~ son Ceatral A\?Du. Pho~tn:-12 aDd 1s \ \ ~ . ' I I I •' . .., " . . -~ -·•r~-" ~ ' . w£ •.: . .. .. ·- - ( ------__;,---------,------.-I~'Ctlnnj;_ ~fcQt.;(;·tld of thl' Ana· ahll.' to piny lhr('(' gnml.'s, Pickens ' 'f, • • h.d m ·~t ~(' Cbnmpi.ons !-aid fw would pick Aldi n .Qf ·Ana·· Sou.th CoaSt Company' -upsets d?Ong .-fnr a., l:ltnrd: fo,.itiotl .anti Rirn of hf'im for l't·ntf'r, hut 1hllt hf' flrm-F.'l'o•l~lor. fnr onl' or thr tnl'kl•·· ly tw llt'\'M the ~m·rlleP ShPn in waa (,p()_Uffo d D~ug D-~ke•Lall v · . . C'Oflt;l'mrn~:_the rf'mamr:ko-r nr l_tll.' thf' ~~ t'Pnt.-r In thf' lf'IIIJU<' from -............Fn ~ t;U JLIV 'li'N ·1r11m all-star f'll'n•n 11-l(iy fh•· ... tnndpnlnt of :th1llty Th• ~··111 h c ·" u "'t c .. mpany't~ sout h Coa11t and Drug team wlll l "'"'!":n"i ~I:~-In """ ct 101: a M'<'Ond all·!'tar IJUirot••t 11t:t1:o>tl Hll llf'!!l"t 11\.~t Tlit'll· han• tu "in thslr ga ml'l to re-Cnn11h \\ •·mll'll f'lrkf'n~ ol l_la r· tNrm. P1cko•n• "''"' lw '"m1ld not •'1· n1 :ht t.,. llfof.-atm$: 11:.• ()'1\\'t'l· maJn In a Ul' fM the ll'ag-ue pc"ll· llfll' •;uri tho·ro· wa ... a flO'-'Ihlhl) ho•,tlalf' to nnml' \'NTlon Fitz· 1141 j ·'" • -. I ',, • •. n ;.~. If• 11•'1' .• n; ••.• , •• ''H'' upl!t•t rt'('oi'(,IC\1 that lht• '-lr>:l/ly a nd l'fln<l ... ll·nl. Jl:llucJc or llnriNl r. lluc1J:I' II( Ful• 1:" 11.1 1, •• 1, , t . r tr·• oli'\Jl:;.l.: I' . 1.-t T·1.-.;.l .y OIJ.:ht. anyth,n..: may P••rfntTllanct• . u( ~tanclf'l ~fllnll lo·~lon. Anolo•l '(m ••( Joonla n ~ :•.r 1 ., I· A 1 r 1 ,, ''• , ,..rt "; 1 • 01 l'l'•'• ma\ •·a1·n h1m tho• nth.•r ta. klo• Phllhf)'l .. r Anah1•1m -fn·· .1 hadv 1 r : 1"1 ro : ,., . •M"nll :-p .. ~·l"t C r:w1'ord 21 26 • So. Cont 'I;;, on· th" al~~"tar ll.'f m. Do1utt ltl'ld. tit• namt'll uno' ol Jl··r·bor'l 1 It '"'"~"'' _ J · L<mol" c; F 4 Do&mhbon nl FIIO•·•·tnn ,\ns J::h•'n "'""'' ,.,.,,. r•rrl<: nnol \olf'man nf ,fnr'dan for Yh.· C t_.:wJo• l I •r.,:: h:trt "'· r. f'u!l.t'l d r, 1-o Jo' 2 •w o•tzrl '""'m t ron 'fn,..lhr oT hf'r J:llam pn· f'nr1 ... nnd nnrk~ of l''ull(ortl)n for -~.~~!r.•t 111 '"', ,.t ·.,:,. a•al 1 ... 'c :.r., .. :r:.s • c-13 Wallen '11 "10• n nrt. m;oy win In lh(' poll n tnrkl•·. but wn!' undo'<'iclf'r1 for a rol "" th••Hii:h tt.r, m1~!:t '" r... 1 ( · .. lh,han fl G 3 Rurk Til•· •·nd ll1' ho· . m_olrhl-d wiTh ••'i·iild t•hoiCI'. Ill.' pointPd to S.•nt•· tlll,l' \Ool:!l .. ul , .... n~ tup. !···I d' h ottlo· 2 r; • . Ulh'k "'''/"'"or ,\nahl•lm ~~ ""'(' OPf•n. •Stf'rltwn!l or Harbor os'bi~ choice 1.11 'l•:or: <'•I ny a n<'W• "'!'('r \\'nil· 1 !~ul; :-;hantl for Crawford :-\•1 a~loo;•mront roulrl hf' rt•;~rhf'rl 1 for n ~t'<'Ond tram s:uard nnd BUJ.T t·n. tht ~uuth Coa11t &<111·1<1 tumo•oll ' ' "" an a ll·~t!lr Cf'ntr r. I'IC'ko•nl' dt•· ShcJlln as t'~·ntc•r I'll' tnt'k C.ame Score.· , dar&•rl ht• hrlii'Vf'd Rilly Shf'flin pf ~ • .:_ --~.:.._ __ _ l'la)'lna-a •llff,.rcnt matl to fili i I I lal hor would ~vu hrt;-n "t'lf'Ctl'd t -TID£ T'ABL£ • ul H:t•lr 10q1:urt t at p:tr1lrr1lnr Food' bulttt 46 31 Ho~h , had h,• not l>r•'n out or tl'lrf't• nn:ht: thr> I''O>'ld R:t!lk•'l I'Wl\mpc"<l ' Hnlo·y 11 F 11 B . Hlnu ty t J:"m•... I hi< Yf'll,r. but may be _ _ • thr Hometn 46-31 but In th~ per-~·Myrehn 14 Jo' 10 L. Ulyd 'r ho.;ton un thl' Sl.'<'opd h'am. D£C£M8£" t'f'nt~eo C'oluml\' th«' g lln e Is Kelly 0 C 4 Malloy Hot a-F 0 t :05 2 :11e 10:-H 4123 , fllalked up u a •·In for the Hnr-ld-::Cork~ll 18 G 0 When 11 rami.' to !I<'IKtinl an ~.8 2.3 3.1 .. -O.a ntle bec&uH of elll!blllty rule.. Peterkin 6 G 8 S. McClellan all-~tar birkfield, thE' coach<"S Sa e t :M 3 :21 11:42 4:M Nut Tueeday a~t •• "Dec. tth. wt>re eown ~ -confUlled. It wu IU 2.5 1.1 -0.2 0.... HonMta w1U UUI&'1e Jerry B. Adama aDd Dorothy n'ported hfore. HIU'Oid Shenln.,su 1 10:08 4 :oa~ __ 1:31 wttb the South Cout t-In a Adam• ot 223 0n)'11 Avenue. 8&1· Harbor's 200-pound fullback haa 5.4 2.1 0.0 t ame .c:heduled to .tart at 7:10 boa 181and, fl~ nollce of l.n-bN>n !!latl.'d for all-league honors. I( 8 , O:St 4:41 10:47 1:21D lp. -· wbUe ~ord'a OJ'VI will 1tenUun to wt'd la.et ,Wftk tn Santa Oppo!llng h im .l'l JNT)' Shipkt>y o~j 3,7 2.t 0.0 CU. mHt tbe Food Bulkl't. Both 'f!'e ·All&. , · Annhl.'lm who WB!I out~ttllndln~t In Tu t 1:33 O::i-3. 11 :!M '7 :• th4' Anahf>im.J(arbor cla~h " WN'k a 1 3.0 ••. " n~o. Shrnin ha.~ <hinr-d brilliantly Tldn .,. pl .. •fld In ordn or U<cun-ed. I In " number nf ~rtmea thr• -~:.~~~~~~· .:,-,{"~1,~!'\r~~~~:~ P.o:: M D-:--D We D7 ajght Rat1•0 Mn. Pool'\• of F ulh·rton wa!' an· ercai'J ~ .-0 r ....... '\ .. nthf'r man wJ!o• rf'<'CivNI c-onsider- -ahlf' favor fQr a b<trkfirld post as WPII n-o: Jt'nkm .. or f:"(l;l'lcior An· l'rlt~r<on of )ordan. a hl.'aVy full·l h:1C'k. was all'O ~:ivrn somr n:m•id- 1 r•ratwn. Pkkf'n!' !'aid. Althou~th Shipkf'y ha« lx-Cfl C'OITI·1 .-.·tin~t with ShPflin (or confl.'r· rnl'1' honor:, h(' plays hnlfhock part of tht limr and fullb~rk nt olhrr tim('!'. Sht<llin pln)'!l fullhnrk almo~t l'ntir('ly. Thr hnllot m,;: mrt)' r1•cult 10 Shipk.·y hl'in~: rho~t·n :1$ half nnll Shl'flin n~ fullhnrk.' with lh<• ortwr ,,\·o f""'~' ~-;oin~-; to P011r•' and .J.onkm~. Orrly thl.' rA ulr.. ••f t h •' fmid hnllotlns.: will I I'll \\ ho lhl'r Tho''" t::l"'"''~ r·nnw 1 rllf' "IIIII l'lf'ko·n• · 1'11-k.-n'., ('hoiN' ('o~ao·h l111'kl'n~ '-:J ill hi' WuUitl IY•\'t• ~nnw 11nuhl•· h1m•l.'lf 1f n•k· L'r..l u. llMl>i' I+ +...,.. :ttl-~ '""" amunc lhr Sup,c•t Lra;:ll•' r•l•" 11' th1 .. ,,.:1r. fl,• !'aul h1< d i•HI'•• """hi lw thr• ·hal'kfl••hl -------- ~ Nf!W )tf!RCt'RY, l~eo~ mmme. A<ftffif f'TI,;ne nut put a p in .rwt ~-,_,.. htilm..uy llt-\'IMlrr~~ -M~rr·s hil!il r~~tlo of th11., IN-fore, hu made il!l fnrmnl ~wer: ~r pnu~d _nrhrc\:Ptt. hv a-p- bow to Americ•n motnri~h. :'tinct phcat1on .,nf B\'ol\t rnn pr1nr1piC'S ~o ~rikin« rhan~re in the 1!1j:! line i~' a utomoti\·e i!<"•i~rT~. Amnn~r thP ~IX the bn-atl ~tie of ru!'tiP!I~!Otrrlantl bl-•d}' tn>~>s otTl'r•·d i' thl!. Two-11nf?r U.• widl'l)'·fln~ fend«'nl fl'Uanlf'f'l StdRn 1hown abo\'1'. LHJUamatlc EJ t M • ., bUYJ bumperll ltnished iniDri\·e i1 available a~X1ra cost. ec arguccJ ----·Don of-The Year, -------------Schlegel for Saint's Gifts ftir · ~Men • • . -. 1 tarn 10f t llf' Dons. Ju(' ~larpu r r ''' thC' ~il<nal hp nnr of 1'0:-1 t F TilE YEA 1~. 1\c(-~,nling lu r· n r t ~1 , ~lo·IO. !\lnnRgf'r of \'an•lo·r'ltllt>•t'~ Santi\ A na ~lcn'll store who spun· ' I !IClr tltr l'vcnt F.rlll Jam1~on. 1nrmrr Ln~unn Dun of Watch~ ur ~ Ki neysf ll~lp 'l11nn 0t'au.a I be 81_. of llumful U.ody ' .. ,. "-~ ........ , .... u,. &lterl.c .. wa.ne ••u• fro• ,.._. b.,.....d •lrNm. a..& • kldH)'I IOtni'\1PrU. &ac 1e 'bf jr ••·rk-4e not act u Satur• IDtt n• .U-taH to r~ •ove lmp\HIIIH 1 hat>, II ~.utnf"d, maJ po •oo u,. •v•u·m aod UJ w t tbe who&e ~toy "'arh1n• ''1 • ~ympromt "•I V be nac::r •C bu·lla~lt•• JN'tt tU·nt h tlllli\.hf', ll'•t k t of d oU lQ-. •I• It nc U,l 1\' :htl , IWf"llll I• f"llt\n•• uad•r l h• r; ••-• ff'fl nt ""' n .. :vo• AC:Ct,.t)' a'td I,J,. ,,, V"P .,,. ''''"Clli. • \I thor t rn• :•f \11fru•v or ••I uJd•r d~• orJ,-r a " t uru•l 1o,.t lJt.ltn·n•·· KaAt7 • too fr•qw• nl \U .r.a: ·un Tq.,,., ttilu~o&ld M DQ uoubllbat prompt •·••tm•nt 11 •t•r th•o "'I'•"" 1'M /I• a"' t l~tll• /ioo ... ·• h•'• t ,..n ••nnlnl r'l•• tr rn~•.t 1t mr re thl ft fr<~rt)t ,..,.,.._ 1 tu•y hawe • n••u n·•·O~" r•rwuu•a. At• rH"n"'mtnd f"'\J b7 1.r-a1•!t.ot 1._.•1o1le tM c nAol ry u\ H. Ah • n .. , .,.~ .. l,•tl t'Of(T WAST£ ~ lllof( A WHIIIIIN& UT ALICA-SHTnlt LIJTTtlf~ lOUU frNt> T+f( SUN S..t~IK Inc, perhape a ~ktell or two-Rreat f~n to.· ni1ht; a m isenble t.tdowu, hudac~ey feelin1 tom~mnr momtnc. · You p.opt. who occealonalb at• t.nd a party and •nJoy 1ood fe&- and 1ood food. oh~n ~ -__ _..o.... __ .. _..,_ ___________ ~_ a ble-plfiU''"K.. rn tht> ~111--M·-ft+<~l ~ram"". and ~I felt the h'J'lm-1 ~~. 1,., 11 ..,, m.drtine- . \ . \ Clln. him a brand two knoW11 from a atore be kno"-.! .•.. \'andeorma11t'•! Cih'f' him • MN~rt .rut w·raf'IM'd In a \'aadermaa& tift bos .•.• "1tbou.t extra cba'J'f'. , c·o.,W to Manta Ana &1\d pull free at Americaa er Pla!t Awto PariiL . c-.a~ aft.ouat. a"' antlabt.. t..t ua wrw you ap1JI tiUa ,....; : Vandetmast .. Fourth a_t Syramore '8aD&a Au Santa Ana's Stor. forr!OUNG Mtn :. .I . . \\ll.l tlsahnctly dcMI'•\'I'd 111 n ••" 1 fut m the r~h•f of MAI11 ml,. Ja.ml11on ha.s b<'en a bulwark hut h arlm~nu b.cau" Atka . Selt- 1 on orrensE' and d. l'fl'nlle In t h" Do:~ 1 t om bon~• a r.itabt~ anellftlt pelft- 1 hnr rt.tll fall. Bob Gretn. fu:ut~ •Ita . 1 r•l1••.r w1lh b11ffd.d alluriWAf I ~an !••<'go Fl~h was ae ... ,c.:a .In T It h h u __ .. • h. \\' ry w '""'" you ave ...... . tht' . '''" or t e <'E'k ballot or,· I _.,., Artd '""'"tiOft. Celotl s,.,.. :l.lrM .HM wu third. ,_,, ~luwular faUsw. N•~ 1 • S'UI~'\ Ana Higl) ~.hoot t>l'l) r ra 1 Nwwuler fal..na. Wf•Unj up thC"tr llt'l\." •n on Thunkll· Alh-S.IIIIfl 11 Mn·&..llw •"' J:lnn:! eve. but lhl', fDJt" o •• :y I pl•••nt to talle Your drvgta thll! wuk compreted the' vut n·~ •Ill Atloe.S.IIan 117 OW 11N1 114 "C • h11 16da foun1a1n and 111 ..._. • ftlr >'.o~nt of the year. ~it!, fl:.s 1) v.nr•nt peckaa.n for h- llen :::~ hleg~l. one uf lht• ouL• .tnJ · UM Wh,. flO' 19t a SN~<II•I9 rng high 1rhool bar k• ot thr lh• nut time """ • 110uthlanJ th1• )'f'IIU' t&ktng UJr, 1 :;:re'" 11 dr~ hOniJTS • • ' . - •ulldlng a hoi'M. 11 eaay--<all ~ne of Ut• fllewa-Tim .. ;Adv,rtl•·l• .,... . ' .. 811 WuJJ -T .-y lka .. ,eltl.t'r ., / ., . I <1 , ' I ... -~ . ~ ·'-.... '\ :': ·~-., ' ' . .... -" ' ' • ' ' ·-. , •"I I ~ .· .· ~'PORT BAt~~A NEWS-'f6ttts.--rr-ewport 1Jftdi. eatlfomtft. 11 tt1nsnA-T, r'l!X'"Dtnr.lt ·1. 1 t.,1 1 . Safety Assured for -T!ny Tou·rists t ~OCIETY -ltEWS Higl1 School P.·T . A. P lans Discussion Session For Meeting 1 I I Oomin~ •~'·<'nts • In llarhor :\r('·a • '1'ht• '('"1111\IUIIll)·~ t\bh)!l<lll•ll 111 F'"JDA'V . D£C£1\lf1rR' !>-- ~,lt~l t 'tulth···n"-\\111 hlr hh.:ht tho· 1101111'1 oiiSo'll!'"ll'll Ill lho• Tlll''tl:o~ o'\'l'nmg llll't'llll.: I I \o't'. !II .-.r lht• ·. ''•'W(l<ll'l llarholl' l,'nh•n lltr.:h Sl'lh..,l l':tn nt·To•al'lol'rs .\~!-V<'Ill' "r'" mo·~t tnJ: in t hr hi~:h );rhoul <';JII'I .. rta • C'o&ltu1 p , "' \, '. r,.,, .. ,,f 1·-· ·• t-'1[1\ "'ur" ; \oo 1· 1'1. ~I·~ 1 t , ; l.tnt Hall •• ~ta !\lo •.• I'! 110 " A II•·•-"•"'' C1ub. 2 11 1~1 \\ ·~· •·h :-. , ~thh,•n'-'~ ·,BAlbo:• t"'""" r .... 1 ••• ~·o 1 ~'"' Uly•t. a ll •l1" N~'NJlnr! fl, II• h lto•v :-; 1 • 11 I TToop."':' I' n1· \,~''"' n;,t t•.u; and bay tr• .. tl • · f'Nita' ~,. ~lo 11,., ~. ""t 7 ,, 111 Sc-out h11ll I!U h :-;,,,.,., . 1\tl'>or t:. ::;.,l)_i,nn. prt•~uit•nl. Wtll t':<ll tht-< II)•• ftr,t nh't'lllll: Sllll't' t lw 'uc•t•c.:.~<hll <'llrnival, to tll,lo•r :ot i:\l) p. m : und' k tu l tho• lott'lni'S~ h1111r ho•(or•• tho• I""'' I (tliUill ts ''ll<'n•od,. FrRIIIr~ on thr ram'l 1\f't' tudp~ t'mnklin W~l'l , ,' Orttnl!<' aATU .. DA'V, DECEMBER G- Cuunty sup.'dnr t'OUrl Jtitl)!t'. \\'nl-1 NeWJI<!rl lf1•1~o to t.:l~·ll t '!uto to•r Tipton .dtn'<'l(or "·' Or&n~:rl uar an<J r .. ,, 11 oh 11 11 t'o•unly juvo•nilt• cl•partmrnt &nd (boUM .• ~til..\\ A mMnbo•r.; from 1\nlhna Newport llatl~ r "'\l''rh ~n 1. · ";11 1><-tlo<t•~!<4's for tht' t'\•fn•l'h-11 n •u· 1 •. 1 , 1 1 . 0 ~ ~IIIII\. I ,II I' h}\ ..... "' nwnt hour. Hut. · Th -d---R-b-·..I'. I Ooet& lt•·.xu Alllt'rll·an 1.,.,.:,.,.,' eo ore 0 IuS Auxiliary, " t• "', Mo·u ,,..~"" Dispell s Mofor uan. calllomra ~IIIIo• I :o1nrol, ~ ·:, Mysteries to-~adies p. m. hiJ:h ... "'"'' 11•• .. un•h• m wl"•rl ll:u .... , t:trl 1\lllrt~•·r~ "Trouble ~l'notln~o: In V o 11 r 7 :30 p. m . '"'oout hut J I • J J.Aiwantft~verett Or~on . \\' ellt's Fihn 't\t l..ido -Horton Stars In llilarious foiJledy a~ ..... I.W.. """atrr \\lth ur ... on ""11,... In tho-...... n.o ,..,.,,r arv l htru th)' l 'umh•~·urr, lo•tl, 111111 K uth j\ "'"'' 1.. rl~thl. Tlto· tlloVIl tllll'"tlnul llll•l I;MYf'•t :•t', ., t •• n '" ,~ ••"' ,. ·' " ... ,, 1 :a f'•I•IIAn Thr Mif'r Tltur•J ''' I W 1 v ho•n Foh\ nrol t-:vrn·lt ll"1t ICI "'"'" ... hl• •. ,.i ... ,,,, .,., t 111\h•th' ,. .. c ... , , ... ":-l1o1 oio,.;lllllf' fur lk 1•' If·•• I 11 '" '"'"lllllro•ol "• I he .1•1.:,·• ~~ f<wol ll~o:hl fll\'l<rll•• Ill h•·,l) tlh'nlt'h 111 lll~l ·•• \'. ltlt\ ln..: u'l'l~<'l<r• o•ol 110 ·I ", Au~·,.,, .• 111 ·.,..,, r :1\lCl pi '"' Hut '"'''"~' thf' r11.ot 4'1Jlht "'"'. u... "'Ill' .......... , ....... 1 I• I• t tn·r, t.. IOo•ll••n joh'lltr•••. •·• 1 hi• l••·l" 101 ''", 111 '''" tlriot In 1 .. ,-\n . ~··l••.o In I hl\l 'Jmr Iff' brlnt:• a f'oomt'\ly with hlaa 111 ot '" ,., Amnu•ol full o•f u1tn.r. ""'• t u mur, .. nr lhnl fino._ him ln , ""' "~""I tloorlo•n ··umrllo·11llnna. lourlnll I hf' 111111 rouple ot .... anna, llurtnn hall ll<'f'n t "''"• thr • '"'"'I'Y wlth "Rrrtnattm. for "'•·rl.11 "l't ... rtrllljl In \'Arlootla d t..._ l'r<tohlr l'r tlf'nry Ouff)' bu -. &•J r.l muat ot IfNI t•UC whidl hr Mar,O.W 'I It k o•fo foot ltmtl"'t Hoollda)' ''"to:"• • tllo'lll oof """'"' In "Hprtq· llml' f"r ftf'nry" will two .. ·a~ at "''' l'"l'ul"r JJrt•;• J•utto·y Dulf)' 1 lll•l•o'h•ol ll I Jo:l l'nloi\An ··- mootollo• .... ' T iny tour..U eometimee crow rcetle• on lone motor tripe and their limitlctl m er&)' and ~ rcquir, double checkinc to in,ure that enry .. r .. ty pfC'cauuon ie bein& taken by their parmt L With the entire rear-com· partment ol the family Chevrolet •• hie pertonal...J>4ty· lfOUnd, thle )'OUillltH aNUtnel II favotitcf perch that Clf'd.Uiarilt would be danaeroua. However, a ainlple .idJult· mm t , cad y made b)' Chevrolet ~non, QJil\'crtr:d tbc relll' door handle to a ..Ccty·action handlt, winch "free whceb" and doC'I not open the door. After the locll·il ad· juat«< to .. rcty poehion, •• indicatr:d In the b11ct, tbc lock button· ia !kpre.-d and t he inaodc handle then will not Opc'D the door; rcndcrina it "chlld·Pf901·" ~lcaec ol the lock bl&tton CAabla tlw drlver to open the door .. uiUAI. Mcol nr" -.·lUI ta,co 10uhj~ or Thl'c•· N.wpuot Ht·n• h 1; r a rn '" n r'f · •1n,... ftohtna teortur+ he-fort\ t hf' Sebool 1'1' A to,. n 1 ol .. t.·•·tu•J>: I r-;.-wport Barbnr l\tootcor C cor I' • achool fllo ult) ''"'"' [ l!.•lt•h I o t"1llth,·.-JI nl N-port l'r"' h i\n•l l!ut h 1. Tnlltn ol JaC'Iuwlf\, I 'llllfum iA ...,,.,.. I~ a -mArrtac,. lll'rniof' th .. Wf'f'lt looo ... t N oied Experts Testify In "Shock" Death llmt whkh mrt In h ohlnll CIIMlJ!f' • Dadm mt n IIIJ,:h ~·I""''· t\:311 t .. , u ;. ... a 1.a ... 11 -"· th :4 •·•ty '"'r<' "' Nl'wport f~ach Monday night 1 ,,, . .Juhas Srhort-tw r. ill':ul nf llw Th 8 'lb I 'J.tr. RDblna ~J:IUI by o.lt}tiCnb-e :30 p. hi -I ll'llt.lm thrrary work at Stockton e a 0. l. ,tnr: what harprn~ .wh«'n 11 tlrlv.-r TUNUDAY, DECE~BEft ~- ::;tat •• IJuspllal and )lr. ~ Il l " b p a • turn.~ thf' l(:nltl"n !<Witch An tl t Wport llo II• II I. !toll C'lulo IK• •h ' I Hrosllg. lnl<'ly n f Warsaw. · · ''\ • s trr• on thl' 11tartr r And ~;rnrrally 'af>ctlun, Htl\'111"11•1 1\ II u r \ •· ' .. • . .. I ll~. !'• 111 ''''"'" tc•l;l t ht• ,. ao rt 1"1' l'V " my rry rom ". Ia Iand. . ~ I d I 11 I'd lh at f t h home. 210 t ·r.~>ol al A'. rut••, Hnll• .:, 'It v.as n •rur-h•ol. that lht>r<' ~ s a· n er 9!!!•Uon, '"Wh!'.!_!!!4kC'8 thl' .('flT I Ttllttf}ing I IS .:the h · a "o.lillj..'Tlnstll' cr it. noo" whu·h ---1 ~o ?" !'lr Robina t>nifi.d'Tht> lo"·· C ''I t" ~""" ~. "t•·o I ""''••• C&.8e of l lr Hwharol ,\ 1.cl.l Lu t.u .._+<cttt~ .. 'tam-• · l turt> with aromt' 11nappy flrrw<!rka Lloae Clulo. II'""'· K ""''r t 'atr ,CinliiiJr"ill::''ln&t.<•n. kno~< krl~e or th,· rllnrt!l< whl'lt t.f' dtmonlltratl'd how to Newp1111 llao" ·• lttotary t 'lui• th4' J>alll'lll un.t a t. mp'cl\•· tnt thf' hattrn• by nprlyrng pllt'nt 6 30 p. m • ;,.,. ~···• :o;r,..ll , •. ,.. I •t~!lk-.. ~oYJlk I t.•llt TM St I lr~ l'lllllri'!Oqlll' hrRrthll rn 11'11\nd tn thr to·rn•ln~IA. O~f' ('urmt~ :-;l••·ako·t " .. a , l · • a e In I omt>s nr<' takrns: the I!I~•UI.:ht "'-· · II t th •1 1 • , •• ~ ,.,.;. , 111 1• •h':<IJ.:IIt'oi to• ,. ..,\, 1 , "'""J! It nt-x rH •l nno 1\} 1-'hrum. 10 " m , • thN«' dR\'1 fiJI rt'!'lllt•ntl! tor II In 1 I' t lh ' ·II •-I I' I • (tr ( :it tt'r had neon•• of tlw NJ.,.•t•· · · . n J: h mt>t' tnJ:I 1.' t'OI'J"' '''" . """'er tan •" t r <1 ~ ~ "' .. ,1, · ORDER NOW! 01., nt nt•• ··~.!!an• to cnntt'st surh P_'annlng for ht~lhlnyll G 1" r 1 6 thcllUK'h't>ll, tl10 a ltllll' tmkerlng room-. 0111'11 rr .. ut 111 JU u 111 Ito 1,,,.1:. a .. '< Ur ·~··hnllwr oh'tlart'd t.ortz Willi h"111''11JO t • mnn~frt.-nol!l wrt n mulora a11ol g£un a omt' t1r11t 4 p.m . ~01 c:ooulll t'ctol\1-.... lll•l•. ,.,, ,,. nl'll'll:!ln'y fur:. th" typ~ of .L.. tano ntC'< IUltr... n~ 1'1 1:1!! unu.-r·1 ll fll "'" ,. m:-<1••·• 1 · ••xrr thr l\'N•ko•n•l Ill h"r hom<' I t 'h · ... k •I 1 ·' j ~ 1 1 111 I' 1 ·· ~ • • Home Mad~ Pastries and Hors-d-oeuvres . ----. l •. , •• ~,,~~nt ~~-.·Art ... · lly .,,, .• n •t ra."ov~rlook,ln,:: th<' "'":t!lth h!ly '",' nt.lt he ruhlancr of Mr. ltoblna. Th~tl!f' . • ·~·. ~--" . " .,.. ~.,.. ,.. ~ " d W illi •tl 1°"h r 1"''"0 '-·'" k "'"'' '"r" • ""'""•~·~ ~"·' 11\TRr Loy, le l.:tmb -' r ~ n Rm .. I' Ill' I'' n ~ all attending t h t ll"Uion lodudtotl NeedleJ.tUUilt•tll, Wllh .t.lra ~:...... ...._.,' ~ ll"f'n lnl'lrw-o•trns: hill nrw hl'lml.' on l •n·n,. t1ak«'r, J>at !.1orrlll. F.llz&-Peacock . IIAIU.oa l11ht.nd. lunchron 'ou!l arr '-'k I• "Mhadnw ow Utwt 'Rtla·--. .. 'iiaU1_,..... IIIII ~ C'hannf'l b land. lit' Ill l'llflllntt oil-LC'th It~. Mary Stllnll'y. F.lmore CoM& J.t.•an 1-'r~oluy Att~mnco11 ~a1• ha t .. '~ thine" •IJol "1"" , ..... ,,. "114"1" 1"""' lho••n fur. 'aa.i=y CIUYr l.rC'<'tor at Paramount Stulli,.a 1layllc·n. H f'lt'D Van BWiklrk . IdA Club u h anol • rnt~ ,.,.,·ttun, 11 lal(• ,....,.ln•II•IC '"'" 111)"1.,"-1" tho-lat"l uf, :\I·U M'a '1•7•Jeler)' Practice Seulons--25c Hr. Two fre-quent vlattror1 to (;han-Tnulouae. th!l<'n Durk.-c. Dt•r uthy a.. m , w nrnom. ""'"" .,, .. uhiK l•od•~ "" lhf' U du ,...;.....,..,\•IL tho' .......... "-• _...., I • . --------------.. ,net bland, Jal'k Spaulding &net Coraon. Fayt C'ortlrr, P:llzatx-tti N•w"Jrt Hr•tlooor D111trht t:"'" ...,,. baa uf lrtc:k' and lhr kid In llw-lhrt'f' '"'""'"-4 pallla k a oee· BO.WLIIG America•• Favorik ~oor·sport .• Jluth Benllty wrre mllrrlrd In llawlry. Earlynn Allbrtgh~, Ada mulllty lJa.rlkl'lhall L~-.:uc•. t;·:•u hab.\' o·~rth<tuotkr 111114·, '" thr tl!rra .... uf llttlfo IM<·A&IP ICall • ..the r- t lllt«' trUmmtor. frt~nola r«'Vt'l\l4'd,. and Jadw tn, Sally Sawyer . a.tarl(lret p. m ., bllh a<•hool ltym. -. tuh'd art''ltarry ~ehoon, l..,nna ~. M.,.1#w.._. ..ta.. ........ hont>ymnont'd In N~w York. l.ut Scli.,-le, Ev~lyn ~race and 8 u t Melt One Anolhe~: <.1ub. lutll'"· ' Hrary O'NrUI, u...,r thf' di'"'U"• of Ma)tr "'· "· \' .. 'l)ytle 11. wHitend lh~y were rueat.a of Pra~ eon, 0o1ta )&rea..' _ .: .. • and carla Duncan. Thousancltf .. of ~n·.•• "'''•·n .... 114'4'11 F'ur1ttrrmnrf',' appro~~imatel)' :10,- For Bridce Partiea • • I Than. Nlt8 IA4Ies ~ For..l~JlbeD .(('('0111:- paalf'CI By-~t~ Havloc muy mucbo bien ll~mpo en M•Jtco an Hal aDd Mabel 8mllb who bid buenotl dlaa to men~ or Balboa l •laod many day• -oa«n tUia antlrlp'll~ A V&J~d motor trip In tr.e aoutblanct. To' Be 000 famliiN tJmJuchoUt 8CIUU.,. C'~tllfumla .,.. rrnolvln~t lhla Wf'Ck As O...nga4S ll••·•r nrru•tmn~ SnvtnJ:ll ("tub DtJ j;ft; I c 1~t.,.kh. IIV••rlt.:ln~o: mun· thnn ~ • • .. ----. (• Harbor ·· .. Catering Service SPORTLAND Bowling Alleys 414·E. Surf Balboa Pl¥tne Z-119-W Balboa SATURDAY~-DECEMBER 6th San ·cwmPnlf' MPn'!l Cluh .. ~lllet>nlh Annual 49ER ·DANCE ANU <11RIST~IAS ('AKNJ\'AJ, Bt:Nt:_nT CASINO SA~ ClEMENTE Holiday Trip Clark~ and Vlvl• 11tnm n1 , antlelpatlng apC'ndlnJC the- day" with hrr mt~t h«'r bl"rJC. South atat«' Thl'y ·will 1 c<'mtwor l:l and the firM o( the KanMJt City. ~t r11 ~larllh•.ll two •lnuJ:htC'rM. Mnrllhl\ IIA7.It'tt at 1'11'111 Hf'!lo•f hf·n..tll niJ:ht nl thl' Rhrln<' Lns ' Angf'lu .. - NeedltpOll't~ ·'1 M1 mbrrs ••f ll t> N<'l'•1lrpt'olntl'rll r luh nro· "'"" 1n1: In n11onlt•·r •lu. too t h•• ~otro·nt llllt•rt·l!l l!h'l\\'11 Ill th,.,.<' inf.,r m .. l tunc h•·"IJ~ lt! •I '"" lnJ.: bo•t:l4. :"rxt lo o•Jito·rt "in th•• .:"z.on Wt•lllo n tl4 ~lr11 1: .. , ... I'• ,,. DI!!JIIa.)·tnc tbr ~ullful af~eban t~·r lfA\1nlt ArrotJnl i Mnny If"'"'""''" cot 1•''"''''1'' '!l ' t ~•"ll) J lt•jt~lltnwnl S t10rM thttl rha"' nr•·u un· tu , ... ,.,\,. ,.,,,,, f ,, "'' •:,J••,v·n•·u•l! u crr•U ,.,.,._ lwlllll' "'"r"'' I"''" • 11 """' • uti <1tri11tmn' AAI•"' vnlullM'. 11nd It lll ()r('t•ml~t•r :t4 n11~ ''lrll llli'Uli'Y. , .. IOIII:Oio ol th.tl itftfll""lllloii•Jy $.10.- Wt• '"': lttlrl. '"'" ntn 111t11 mill'""' IWJIIUtll lltlt I"· •t•·nt 111 looi'ttl hlun'!l ,,; ol ... hol' AIIJI•Ill: tlw lnr~:r ''""' •l1111111: "'" 11•·tt thrN' . WN'tn y,·hio·h ;uT' I"') •111: ,.,,,,, '"'~"' '" Enonnnu~h "'lllTlnh• tht<~ .-n,..on'a • lho·tr o·nrr;lur r r• ""·' "''·Ill h ,.,... I h1• •1• ll•llrtt; '"" '"' '"' oil I"'"' hl;:h. fulltt~< 1111: 1 o " t 1 :Jtllt.: l'r."l '••I•·• I I"" lj;lll' "lit IIIII I 'lllllfi!OII\ Jl:onk ool 1\lllt'llt'll S•• IIIII ~ I-'ll"-I -:<o:aTion!ll Unnk I '~tit I"''"" 1\ 11k '"'~ '1\n'l:••l"-t 'I'm to ,. "'S• '• 11 I'J•" Bolli lin~: t'oomp:o'n\ • t'h•~·f•· :oltol Mo·rttll ;\1 1ollllt:ll'llltllll' , . .,,.,,.,.,,,. llli<k•·" "' 'I'K•. f·~ "''" Jot······· t ;,,..._ lt :u u:• •\. u .. \At • II " rrHifH • t h• r• f tnn' '-':atiPfl tl , thrHUJ'IJ•JUt ttu~ y,;y.-.......... JY'rr~Yr' .. .-... .... ~.·--... • m•t:S AU. Tilt: \'Y.Ail :· • • • STEAKS • • • • Thh• w~ na \\'ax We · Recommend · ( I.A!'I!'41C ': ,h · q ... s~,,,r .. nHt t •rt•'f•ntx "Tht• llf'Arl uf thr f ... ttn c ............... . \'r• •••• J\ll,ouu l\t)(JH lilt .'141 a•h•~ 1"' !141': \tl I I. \"il'llf': 'JI( FilM lUI All TIE TAlliS., I 111e llfftAtlllf ·-· ., ~ -·ld·e rlclwtl m8A -'"' till wom•" fll ... .,, ... -..... kl\11 1-_. ___ ..z... .. .bta hlr Uoor .fri:M~d ('o'nll'_"l." Fo r AIL • .,, k .. f•f tt••' l:"lan.t !'-= h t· ··~Jtf•< t~ S •·•T•o rt Rra~h f:twll ('luh b•r wa r thl• ,c-.hJrdav .,,. '''"· !-(u'"" M. • hu~hunr! K"·""· '"" k ~'" o 1111· Rlllhf'rfurd. l'""ldf'·nt of thr ,.j;,h, M"'-\'trior u; .. ,.r, '"'~' "nd ""'""~ • '· ho•r fhJ,:ht too \111' I '""1'1111''11 ~··hAirmRn and hl"&d "' th& affair. and ."tra. Mar~earrt \\_llll11m<~ "h" : Ulll! \\'(•o•kt·nol ------Wti\'P thf' --·noJ tiJankPt... _ , -----Wright · · -·----Science · Instructors of. Countv "AT~ • • .._ • • .,.? Orch<,~tra De Lux~ -' \tie ~~rpte ••••" wttil · nA.&TJNo WEo~uoAr <D.e: ••> IOiTsT.umaN'O Qa..--.o & Melv)" If\ ••) wo ,. ~tl'd wo,. . .a"·· a. Colbert '" '''"•'• !he WEST COAST ~AN tA •NA PHONIS~s J!IO W--&ND8 T1JUDA1'-ALL-IA1JOIJ raooaAN .... CJWIUIY t J11atJ MA.ATIJ( • .. ..._ DO~ilZ\'"1' ia "BIRTH OF,:nJE BLUF.S" .u.e-t-Nt a HaM~ .. "'0~'1' GUN,... I .I 'Ill· F 0 X · '' ........ ,., .o-.:,.,. "'<\I W JLLIAI!I ~OWEI..L MY .. NA LOY I" --s&ADOW OF THE ftiiN MAS" ALIO --JR!IISY A.LDUOII roll ru:AIDEl'fT' I · .... F 0 X .. ·· • ·' .. , to Tn .. ••· oDH. t te ,. • O"AMATIC eHOCI(II .. ~MWAMP W.-*P.R" I .... WaJ .. p ~~--,) wa1a. a • .- ----7No HIT ----OeollleH Ha"'"'ett'e N•• .. ·"'''HE M..\L~E FALCON" Impres sions H u· C 1 A p ~ h . ear . . 4• • rotessor ere ff •\'. I••Ua.! h,t"4 II ,,. '" "tllf ,. ~ 011 hl<l W•·llt In I,, \tl• • to I lll•o ,(1\ and rrally l•·o •k 11 lto•k ,,t lh• b<otok;~ 11 h1111 t1• tollt t " . ' ... , r \t•U '''''"" I tlld yn u LUNCHES 25c to 35c Dinners • Salads Cocktail& • .FISHERMAN'S WHARF CAFE . At IUNO'IJ LANOI'SO roet e1 u.-.1a1e llrMp Ne_....rt Beae• • .. (It'll' I \ f f M I t n 11 ~ ll'l\1 hrr• "I ot t! •• "'" d~"l'ir••.,. frt·"4f.ft•' ,, t l .. ,, t 1n tu~h ,, 1 ,,,, ,. ,,.,,,, 1' f L A. hru• f••r: q,~v ... ,al ,,.,r~ J,f\ I hll' "' f•dal d'ull•·" t•·w II• ~ • h•·1tol1t 1 ry 11 nr! phylllli'll · • • • tn pt•t'nln "'' ,,,, ,, 11, t,. • at I :trt p ru I" l••r '" • f ~ ',q,;. ,.., C•rlll~t M .. ~ _A.u.Lil..IJ:~- 1-:IUitm"n Cn .1 1ttTtl Stamp Col· uth .. r r••lty lr&nttll• t •. .,~ hl lectlng by Phllltpll Thl'r" 11 r ,. M•,. 1 ·~ the pur• hall•· ••I th• I 1•,1•1 d --I• · I mnr•· nn lf f~rent and unu11uAI I miUI t•rt•pPrty, :lH ~,,,,.,,,., I:. hr•hhiPI!. l 't•l~'r IAW~I'e uf Hllt•lll Ani\ __ fU .I( FIR PEIIIES EVERY D'A Y IN THE YEAR EXCEPT MONDAY 1\T THE I AJA·X, ARCADE B:ALBOA SIZZLE! AICt: ,\ 1',\ltT u.r unc nt:f;n.Att msst:tc:"' • • • • 1'111'1"1. \H ('I "I''' ., ""'-"' IIIII I 'rt"<•'lltll; "I t """'' \ uu In T hr HA.In" •I I ~.n, ' ...... , •• ,. ~~"' ''" nr;,.J "t\>·11, "' """" K..,,,.,., .. f '••"trill••• It• • ••f•l l't• "'.I.J''1 1\ ..... n ct:t:: J FLO()R SHOW }"'eaturin~ Rarr~tt and Rrirkm'an· Three "Show,. Ni.-htly •'riday.-~~tu~ay and Sand~y -Dancing- -Friday, ~hmtay, Auatby-and _!!oUday E,·r.alac--- To Mu.ac of Arf"ur (UbowMa Bud .. ~-----·•·- •' A.TI.A~nf· f'O~fiiT I~ DINNr:a T l MTi t~ 14TF.-\K Dl"'i"'ilr.a n r.'r .r• Anr:,. ur TilE or.r:P •-' ra,...... .~ • ........,._ ........ ..,. ..,... .,._ f oua • m 11• f •.("'• T~rt"' '111•-• r ,...... ,.,.. I ... . ..,. .... ,.. -'"' "•" """' ·~ ...,, 0 a.wt An·ou.r ...... flf ,._ F_.. ,_...._ -. -HTP.AIIF.D CIA- ....._ .. ) . . I • . ... .. -' Buildi"g Total Soars To $1,186,580 With ~onth Remaining ..In Current Year:-. --.., Con.c;tntctlon at Nt>wport Harbor chtring lhf• pa~ month o( Nov<"mber. t:ustomari·IY one-of lhc ~10\n•st rnon.lh~ of every yl'&r, totalro $67.!">Xfl as City Bulfding ln:-Jll'clor ~-M. Nebon cJosc.>d hi,; books Wf'dncsclay. Activity thl• JNtM thirty.dtt)'S.ln tN N<'W(lOft H arbor f)a~trkt has t'elultl.'d In thl' total of huth1inr; peTmlt.ll ,;o~rtn~ to $l .lH6.~~1. a mattr r of $20,000 OVf'f the nii·Uml' hich ~nt.d la~tt yt•ar, . Officials OPM .and FHA to -Tell About Priorities The"' •rt'fllalnc onr mol'<' month befOft the nnal fh:urr for the reeord shatt~rina tw.-tvr month..; , -~ .:.... ot 1941 is I'Stabli.'ltwd and ·lndic·a.. Jllf' Ornn~:" < 111101 ~ Rualfipf"'' II'U<' .~., l'ot~Mdl r•bl1 Kttvit) .1:ttsns:r an'k•llnrt'fl t1olny a ~t­o-• .-... ' ' m~: to tw hc•lri ur tlw Wtllard ~ ~1 month prO\,dlr.;.: J unior Jltc;h S.·hool Auchtorlum. 'lll'eeu .... r .,..., .... t.L Sllnta An:l. a t R 011 I' m . 1)(>(-c•m· Jnn. F1•b. !>lar' April !.hy J)!De I July , Aug ~pt ()('I UMl ~ ........ : ....... _,~ .. • M 6111 41 ................. _ 77,1:W 49 ~ ............. _·1().1729 ~ ............... __ 11119.1 26 -.-........... ~~; '"" 67 .. . tO '. ~7 3& 44 46 ............ JG6 "''~" ....... :.. 76.2:,9 ........ _... ·~ 07"1 -....... 1411.44:, ..... 101 r.3:: 'ni .. liulr, •'itc houw; piMM4 fw a lot 1urroundrd bt' Ul'ft M kawy folia1r, ttu nnythlac lUI meld ... tl"ir~ aa a ~..Wk ••r!lia~ TN e...Ode ·~·,._ wO.W ... hr4 ~ -.uda fw ,,....,.;_ • lwallf}' r•n ioa a kill!n..pricM ~ hi •riki"C ... pliciry,~ ... ... ... South C'oaat 1 La~na 1 Newt . It appl'&rl that tbe cotll)ty au· pf'rvlaor• will have to kick through with funda for Laic-una canyon n <>od rflld, lf any relif'f Ia to be forthcoming ovn 'the tilf!Xt P''rlod of yura. To get the mattt.'r b••!ort congreu and a final ~proJP intltln will requi,..-an abund&nl'f' of time. At Laguna t)a.s paid In nearly JbO.OOO In Hood ~ontrol. t.a.4 money In the paat al.x or aeven yeara !t Ia · aot uoreaaooable for the com- mun.lty to expec~ tbe aupt.rvo~M>ra to do aometbmg about it. Thu» for that money tu been •Jtenl In othc-r pai'U 9f' lbe coun(y. W t' ~I DOW -lf the .upu\'ICM>rll t;eally baNe an lntereat 1n the wel- fare of Lacuna'• popuJ&pon. ()np • eont rae tor l'llld h<>r t l ;("a) !Pet lor tlu· J~lrptl .... or F=~=:!...---~~~~~~"~ ma«tt' a numtwr d1~11., .. inc: fll'lurity r••J.:ulntloM. l*Jl ··~·~I d>t)l th,.ir o'fto'f'l unnn l hl'rllltllttnlt ,Nov • ..... _.1iwl!O~ ---~ PI~ ... .• el ..., Jiaw. • --... ward a ba·lae appa,_, il •ulf da.OC w efftl. '-'de.*~­li• ... r-. ... -la ....... ,,. pole«. die ceq '-akf .. __. • 4ie-... •b"-.. pelll.._. ........... ln-.y,_. .... ...._ . ...._ -It· ~y 'be that IA·I'Ufta won l 3 (l ~~~::~~~:t~~;:.~~==~-- • .. , wiUI pe~ tnnklnJ( mquarw-. con· dust!")' t1f th•· c'flllnh· ano1 to di~· Total IG4 .fl.l,..li :oll!l 1 c.mina ttM! con~troction or n<'W .. rmin;~tl' 10 hUIItll'r<:, lf'ndin~ I -- honws UM! -pArticUlarly prrtJtlning 11gt•nriN• and thl' JHihhc in gt>n· iMJu,M; witla ,.._, ..,. tile r\tov. 2ii 'Hor.ce Putler. bu1M to ~llnlt or pn'SC'nl ~true· rr~tl rtM> htiM>t in!ormnt1on on thr l·,.,... e( tWa ....... i-. A one· •tury. 2 room aDd 2 car gar · t:ul"a'nd ttw-bulhling or addltlo~ll. subjf'ct. . • • a. ...... : ........ lll4i(l'. c-onnected. 2Jt craac~·c~"'·. New a.... .. 1 Co-l'pomors o1 thf• rnt'f'tlrij: llN! &M ......., -=~ 'WIIb ~ "'!llierman lt. B&ltif', JQ."iir • 1 Durf1~.~rbpult w~k ~tJI thr Santa Ana Olambo•r of Com-....... ...,~ ... ,_, • Nc.\' 26 H.· Auck,U .Dillon ol WWft .. .,.,., y nspt'C'IOr f! ~I '""'~ and. the Sonia A nil l'lf>tNW' ... r ....., -.. ---Slul Marino. buUd :10 • ,. framf' I« thr r~lon of thrw newl flou~lns: Coordlnatln~t CommlttH'. ~ II .._. te 1M •••• .. and .tucco rea14enee, -pn)'KI' ~.and OIW' eJI.t~dVf' ,..-model· ~flcial.l or thr .OUirf'' ol Pm· .... -....... -....... Ave .. prr owner: s:aooo. I lac projr('t.ark br . ot ht-tl8i:tlon Mlln&~trml'nt .• the Ff'dl'ral NO OM llk• to ·dine ID ·a lib Nov 27 W. P. 11ee., ~r&,f I Horace P er, mcom r t j Housln~ Adminl!ltra lfon. thr Con· . bowL Yet man a .. a-,.-... eotta« ... 613 W...t Ce.atNf' A vii'. Newport Hartli>r Union High 11t,xtion Inatislrtf'l ,Division of i'oom ~ Ill' -~ ..=.~ per Dunkln Rooftnc Cor, S70 .ehool faculty Ia corut~tin~ 8 the U. An~f'lf'!l Chllmber ot ~om· dindly oa f:. nn.t ~ Nov. 27 ,.,-A. L. sricluon ol1 two-. room a2't9 Gtwndo-carCana~ara~c~ rn<'~ a nd thr Division of Of>! en••· --~borinllaoule. Of ~ we Gl~ndale: build 4~ x lt•frunt anl.l I IIINt'ttJft' at .... COil • HOU'ItnS: "M'f" lilrf'Potf'd invitations caD ' do "lU.O.$ dQJ!Pt, ..-c.-ah•Df:lr hou.t!, 2801 w-()('C'IUl .... S1350. Anothl'r 11ddl!lon .to the to tMo .prt'lf'ftt' land ¥1WI'r your llal17• in the cllftN-~ whJcb A vi . ~r W .. B. 'Mellott, f2tOU 1 .....,... bl~ community 11 the quratlon!l. • , · lhouJd be M chNrl\&181 diJUcb& I Nnv •. 2ll J . c. Fr'IIW«. rtruol 1 ..,.. ~honw for II~ Au&-11 of' All ,hulldl-~. matrrt11l itN1f'...-. eaD rub· U. aut wW. a little b<ouM. 501 36UI atreet. SUS. I ~ Marino wtUdt Is ~lnr. el"f'('lf"d rrpf't'!lrntativ~ or k'nding ngen-~ JftcenultJ, the unwelcome Ylew , • I>~·· l . Ml',..-dltb. ot Moaubc>llo &t ~t()nyx ~Yf11~, f"d II 2Mt)6 cif'!l 1\nd othrn ,AII!IOCilltl'(j With tht• :n_be ol -:m=z ~.:: hllil•l onl' IJlory frame ~r. 41!* W . t ~t ~. IINIU"t n' r ~lion lrKJUlllry liN' invi(J>d bi«U. A furthet &Met .. 'u.t rl'o.ppy A\'e., ~r O.vtd D. CQrdt •n.' ft "":ori n r run • -'J)O · 0 a .I(' tfi'il ~lng. the)' aft d~ .. iuula $:lj(). l'ifiOO honw for A. L. Ertcksnn ot I ----r -. -lnl in -'-'-wlnk'r ton. a.: 1 OK 2 A G 't>tson. build 3 I Qlfftdalfo. ~ 1tructu"' -·Ill ht' CJ lt~ ... ~ wanlltla; · .. ftet by li f ' and ~ r San e.mente ........ n. out the clratts •. ai)CI .... ruc•-n• tq pruent chlreWnc. ~16 ...S lltllftlle -· • <Gfco&d a1r that tTMp ~Mel :tttvtrsu~ Av!. ~r~otey ud Me· A.. c. Dhrm 1.1 "'~"' hli Plans Gala :::-: ,.:r:;UGM•~"':::;·l <'~•lto .. ·b. ''1oo. .llame at 511 RJvrraidr. Nt'WJ)Ort 'AI9e Ca • ) • thll .con. onf:-: fr~ ot Electrical P-.ita ::"~" ~ -;:~ C: ~ 'J r m•va . : =."' "' u. .u.. o1 -ted tc COlt 11100. ---I Ue&.... 1. . Hub SmlUS. AI -Poppy · With beWbiallt<rt'd mtn wallln~ Mra. franc~ E BoWf'l' ot BaJ: A»-~" .. a outleta trl 11t"W • the ~ta with •lll·•hootera aiUIUI b,oa l•land bu ai:cepted a ~~-hoult'. Pf'' Home Electrtc Co • • OUf frienda aftd. mine at Uwtr •ctea tbla oomm~!ftlty ill lion on tht> Ranta Ana ~let:liVI' A:::·do1 A~~ .. 'r;.m::~~~C:: comple.\lnC arn.nremc"DtJI for lla l:!l'rvh'r Hoar(! ntrtrt'. 1111"1. LltJa M . R\thl o(, Balboa J5UI Annual f9'er Danct an ol 'In 'nt'w • l'f4II~Hnce, ·per 8W W: ....., .. ' ftC&lloataJ with Mr. Chrtlt:mu CarD Ivai beMfll ·to .. )lull'n-IJH'n h&\'f ~~~ o.ll"'t'-d tn BIIU'kbcard -fnhrft-•-... ~ te _.. -aiar4 ia ..ta a -a .__ nw cr .... .._......_ ....w .. .......... ,_,If ...... __...._r ....,.._ aa. ..__ .. ~--" fuaiJF. •TM N.o-1 ~ I' ._ ...,...,... A.-i....._ JU" C a a·cwr A.--. W-'" • a,•D. C.. -p,. ,... l!ftBil& ada-te Dni,p Z.S-7-T. ~.Artanar Oale of IU lwld Saturday. ~embH 8 at t b d be 1 Dec. 1 t....o.·ent~ Radio silo., . .._ .... k. • ,._,.. ___ .. __ Cl6m-•-. wu tom gar an wh •ktrwl 1102 Eaa. Ba)' A'ILt.., lDAaU .u ·out··~:::~::-=~~=:;~L:== • -..-.. ........ , ~ ..... ..., faC'e.t "tn ~ration for the at· · oil 11ft.· ltfU7 . .A.bboJt ' ol BalbOa ~r:-d ·bY. the Slul Clementt fatr Saturday n11ht. Kan.caroo ~11· per Sid W. B&aekbeard. ,_.. ... ,...,... l/lo vtlft from ber Mea'a Club monla dertved rrom court hu been conducted each ·OK. 1-Dr .• ». Baller. UO Sap· ~ ,_ tM Eut. · ~ &nDual beoeftl Ia uaed to buy w~kf.nd with_ many of the bual-phlre ~,~1 :10-ou~ • aupervlaor. unW we elect Ram I .... ~ • Daw-. N. E. Weat 111 fOIDg to ... ~ ... -a~ make a.not.ber drtve for a com-:::: C!* ar!'":. •=. fort..lble chair In Wuhln(too. ~ WIMa ..... ,..aac. _....,. t.f La(UD& doetm't want to he f~'r-eiiMt...,. .. -..raw ....._ • ,.ottea .. aJtoco~tbrr by Ule aUT)C'r· =~ aftr«rr .. · .._ a.. viiC•rt it will be' nece-ry to 1111t a8 ea.-t• ..-ce Me efe Dawaon I rlJ We.t'• courthou•'-' A ..W. •aridJ el ,.~ eWIIt.e¥e chair. From au PaN of t.be fifth' ,_ ... .,..,... ,aallia ........ l.ao M a ,.n el • ,... •• •au.-..... auperv r1&l dlatrtct are aprout· '~ · l.nc ·a variety of candidates whb ,,!:'' -------------want W~at•a Jnb. YOW' friends and mine ~ rKtlvrd aecond de(Tt'e b u r n • when ber clothe• caucht f rom Of!~ ~tW from the kitchen raore. . -. Mr. a.nd Mr.. Jobn L. Upaon n,: turned from a thl'\'t' week \'l•t with rclatlv~ in Colorado. Jlhnoi.a, New Orteana. Fort. Worlb and Dallu. Texu. · 1 Quality Lumber ud Building Ma~riala • COSTA· MESA LUMBER CO. \a.1 aosrbua . .,.._ 48 . •• Eighteen Years Experience Is~ Our Recommendation OTEY an~ McC LLOCI . ----BllQDERS .-OONTRA...;:;;..~..:O'IO::...: a · -~_::::_.._. . 2807 Villa Way ) Phone 458-W · · lin. llut ll:l.cle of .JII &. Bay a .ubat.&Dtlal ,tit l or every child ae• mm and lllrUICe,. belnl In rHid · -.per 814 W. Black· •• .. ...._ 8aDMaa l.aaacl, Ia ~ tD tbe ~ODUDUD.It)' under bllb •nttDcttd t.o the tt•er Hootcow or, ~~-. 2-Al o•aoD. 511 R.lftr-~.-= ~ ~ prkW to IOdal a:bool ..... , fined for not eotertnc lDto the •ese. t.Mt.an 26 outleta a ""' BALTDIOII&. IID.-Wl~ ll,tot ..U. el enPD ,_. da.r-t .... at,._ ...nen .-n .. lib 8peecl ud _,...,. acbl.-.ed aa ............. ..u-te ~a_.. .nMd of klldlq wbldl .. . • ...... PM Mbdap. ,._ \M ,..t Ua.._ weeb Ule 8plrtl ol the occu&oa. ,...adotnr., pH &. &. aclrtdp. ...., .... tM .... el ll.utla .._. -a ...... ~le'--wall a ................ a._ ........ ta ~., ... t:lcM ... tft For BETtER ROOFS Of AD Ki'Mia . ,.,..,., ~-~ . ' Let a CP gas range . . help you save them . 100 Offill. MAlnHMtllt YnAII- in muu and uarcablu are killrd chrouah thr wrona kind o'-,l:ookin• Thr natural tupply o( ctiCJlti.sl m.lntr• •h. too, i• nJu.-tcl. Vital rutont .,.h,. mort and morr homemakt<n •rr curn• in~t to \'cttm•n·chrifcy, CP ltU cool.t>ryl YOU CAN SlY I !-nth\ 111mint and mi't· t<ral•.for ~umrl<',,. Hh the• runcrC>llrJ - htac (li•tn ••I a c·p. ,I <'rllhrd l'('tl•·rcn· an•r j!H unj:r Ynu'll •• tjr h "'I'""•· fUU )1 mc-.o~l\, ru.a"-h d .t.i'f. I uti,· Pr nu • •.ah·r-.an.l \OIU II b, .ahl., 1" r• ,tu,r iirl'lTdtnn-~••u I.,. •u \ 1, mJ ''~t·c.attlc-,rutet'nh h.l\t'm''"'' H.l • '"' -cht'\ ,,.,. f•r nu'~' ,•,.:,~lutul ,,. tl•~ r ••l . ..ut·-\ thtl,"\ ,I tl•t ( I' \\ ,.h•r't" 4 • ;~y. GE~ fUll INFC~"'Al'OH .. n • I' , ~~· nHI•·I' 1: ,, "' H1 •'•'(" 'llt \I, •·r• 'I I I \ I I I :t '. I t • I ' I I I ' t , • ' o 4 l . \,. ,., .. ·- ·------'TI ;::~E CF T-o:t \',I.'''S A CP C :.s 5::: ';I ,W I LL Htt'Jt YC tt-S.':Vl VITA'~:1\S '"'' J l\•1' ~I, •• • ""'H '*t'C''I•' l,fr t · "• .. ,.,, ,, n •n • ti'\.l \ ''f*"' w .,.,. I "'-r'''' ·~·" ""''" 1 •• f'41,. •• t l •# h •. ,J. ~lc·. ltl• m,.,, ""'• .,,.. , f '\tnt rlrftt') tH .flt'f\ H&r~ ubi.-. - 1e Srt' r (41udt tC'Oft atur . " • ~.V-SAI~ ( -;:~;-~of{ U T. E ( ·~~~~::s 11 .. :r ~'J' ) ~SIUNIF ,.,} A ..wtl# N,., •nd convtnim~. f()O• In che II-Cenihd' Pft'f'Odiillft ,., tan&H. S'J'I1th nt'w tlesiJ-.d-•i•l {ftNftl well II latttr lOp bumtra ancl aitco.udc llpd•J-pWI • ,aperari•l con ·dl•f'• rwo- ~U.dlall .. ]lftt .... ....,... • l l·· n Reva GoodeU to Start Series of Sermon Topia~ Rev E. 0 . Guodtll ~ ·~ ()tul"('t\ by the Sea ~d loc' ~ tw •·Ill QPe" a ~· of S~"!!AY e\·fftlnr; lf'rmtlM ~ with th~ Lnturntatlon of ~ nli~tou• palntln~B. 1 Rl artinr; thla Of!Xt SundaJ ... "1' nln~. Hrv. Goodrll'• tbt'me wU1 uon<'rrn HolmiUl llunl'e fUDOUe "'h.:h•u11 pa.lnton~ "Thr U pt ttt lhC' Worjl.l". "' · f"hn~t ('hun:h wllf nhm atart lhll' n••oo:l !'lunrlnv tu nlvlt'rve thll' n tnl'l mn.~< thc·m;. 1n • 1111 clllUfth IIU'n'll ""· parlh'11lllrlv 10 t b t' ,·hur-~ h mu!'lw. i'CIId l~l'\' l;oockll. 1 ;-,;, 'tl ~1101lfl)' ,Inti ~lh l:eed.Lnlt . wrl'l;s· unt1l l1ln~t 'H;JJ( t 'l•' c:burch 1 h ••; r '"ill f•• 11 'lrt• f 'hrtatmal! ~-,..... .... ._ ....... ..,.,..tet,. -.pls.d lafeR, IUCb 'Ill • ................ ..,_ .... ~~ ... hfldlq pa~. 11110 .. u ,.._.....,.. ... ..afM ...-. U... latll, plutn. walltMper alld Te .... ICa _.. .....,..,... Tile patat. naplofecl lD ~Ina,-waU ~ L. Jlartl8 C..paay ...... ~ _..,..._ ... ,_ ... _.., lllltarial ,.,.. ... P:ult Wall ............................ ; . . . ... ...._. 1.Jit .,. ....... ,_ TM llf'IF wall material. called ................................ c-to ~. pro.ldes belli oa(; UW ~ .cap6ed ~ ra.w. ~ u4 Wide &aiBb, plWI ample ...,. .... ~ -1~ to u ... I_..Uoe apJul bnl and cold. Ia ,_,.... tratlen er ta .-run It Ia iM mull ol ten fUrl of r.- u aaell u Ji te • aUH rro. -rcll •«<I bJ Tbe Celotu. Cor· tMir work. Ia an. Mr. Martta estl-poratl-. -'-, a .w.ce C 125 .... people ,... C..HtO bouna bere are wtll M IMdJt .wt~la 1l two u4 -kilt -a dHI«D de•eloped by Tbe ball an. r..tJu o1 tll!t llart.tD Jolla B. Pl•ree Foundation. wblcb plaaU. bu devotf'd 11 :rear• lo lbe dt'.n ., 1 ........... 1 1 opm•nt of low coat lndl1•1ooal _... tty ..... M. HeuN dwellln~t'· To mHt tbe urcenl llftd. a a.w Tbe hou~• will comrortnbly 1tc-1 ' "nd of dwf'llln~ bu bfton buill. commoclate rrom four to 1111 pt'nl'le, Callf'd lbe c .. m,.&to boua.-. II• roun-1rro\"illf' all the bu lc ll~·lnt.t <""HI· dation. wallll. door•. wlndo .. and forb, cnm·enlenr•·l llnd o.lural.otllty roof can be •PUt '!P. by the ~"n In of bl,:h rri('N olwt•llin~:~. In r .. ;t, onlf -\'t'n bnuu. l'artlllons. trim. l!l~>y art' bt·ll•·r lr"ulnll'•l than plumbln~ anli kltch<'n rqu1pm•nt many u n.lluu homo•l, nrrnr•linc to N'QUirf' furtbPr limt'; bllt t hf' tf.-<>11· f!rnr J );!h1b,.rt:, !lro••folf•OI Of 'J'be OWENS ROOFIIG CO • . ' 509 E. 4tit· street P.hone Santa An, 4338 • .. SANTA ANA CA.UFQRNIA 'I I GORDON ._ B. FINDLAY "Build~r of Homes of Distinction'' CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Telephone 402 8·110 Coa."t Rl\·d. Newport Bn<'b ~~~ro~·•u~~ fr•·ends a· nd min·· ~lor-Sehea':_ -~_'"!!' ... ....u:~··•es··"·l Fatolrh ... ·.1n, .. oo: ~· .. , .......... 1. ; I .&nc1 ~lar) land :tlumtnum em clark t:r...-n. 1'11n•:•• t-;.l\\ .11 cl l•l:tncl: Is· ~---------------.;_ ___ ...._ ______ _ >It• 1·,. I• · t 1 · :.•:· • • he-me 19-12 L PJ t S lurnmum "n cl.ol k lolu,t. '•'\ .u1.1 :0)..ol I ,11 f1 I lr Jl 01 •'' 1• 1''" re.i• , 1cense a e 1:1.11'k 11n :Jkfnlffllllll. (',.1111• I'IIO'IJf .n . :-: ' ~, • • .. 1 .• ,,nth:-In 1 '· S. Announced '"1th ~r···n .. , ... t1~· .m,, )l.1ntl•·l1.1 .• 111 '1 •• I• • ., • • •• ~ 111: ... 1< "" huH: l\ l)tn. k ••.• . · " .1 1: 1·.:;..• • •. · rtalnt'<l ·•· ltl :-.11th ~~~" ;1 T·' 1•. .. ,. • If ht<r ••• l .. r '-<'ll"t11•. r .. r ·~·~~ lll••loor lol.t k .. n ~~·· n :'\ ..... "'·'' k \'1'1111'1•• laeo 11"<' p l.1l•·' f,.l t loo• \ 1111· • ll .. ; til • I IIli 11 II• II~ S t k.tll lw· .\t 'Tfn!Oinl E • F1RE .\('('IHI.:'\T • I.IF E IJ•·•·n,.-. an1l ( ••nlt.h""t · Uoo111l' \\ IIIIo tl t'"tt:-:.t•tf• ... ll'f'"'.,...._,.,J•I!l .... :pdt•lll• \\'1ft. ···k ••n \\)HI •' \11 tl:f t 'ntt• ""· .tnd llh t-tn .11 •• •!1 1':4.' n• •... ~~ .... ;, ' n •,. ~ T~lt• ..... ,. •" 11 h ...ll_brf~..j)J~ I ... ... "*"! fl t-... ww'#. -ti4M~~ ..u.wa.... l11~h\\,1~·. :t1111111llh'•' th•" h··•n"' \1,.1111 \\~"'111n~ .\l.1 k 1 •11•1 htu·· .ttl t)f th• .. \ ~'· r.hlhll•• t'"!ul• •: l} ~ t. • t,•" k ,,, '. lh~'' 1 'I 1 t 1• 1 ~c,ut h. t tl ._~ J l••.rH.• .,; ('•''un "'·''·"1 t ~ .. ·,·h t ~d.-·' t :'llo·•· ('.11' 111 ('till 0:111,, \\Ill o'Nl· (l p k l•l.:o •'PI \•II•'•\\ l u·l 1111 lt'nu,\ """'11..: u,. ••i ln .:;• • n bl 'k .... \ .I l•'n,• nn \\ ~;~,, l d dl• ''':lr ,.....,~ :'\, '' hJ:i -.. "• .t pi,~: .... "( illttl'k ttn , p, 1ft :•' \\ ;1: t H l .... •ljt'•l f,t• 114-\\ t ,,, .. <tJH I t 1 tl,,•l• :.. (I•H!". pth 1 .:o-1,.-tf•"' 111•' l~~~r~lp11 ,,, l1• • O""-•" pi~,,,. ,~, 1· (l1'.. t'•' :l .. St,.,,.,, ... 1\ltl11llrllll11 "" loll• k J.;,•nt·u·k\' \ r .' '"t•h •\.',l6t.· l'1•1:n1! tl~ ••tlC· 1i'1t ' •;:.,. n Ptl \\h.'•' t 1hcp .•r·l \\" 1 ,.. '•111 tt, .111 ::· tlfl b1 I( k \tl .. ,. , • ( ~ 1 lf••rnt.l 'I \ • • d t~ I ..-'q \ • "'''If and "'t'' ''·""'' 111H'"1' ~. '' Y·•·k nran.: "" 1l.tr k l•'u··· I '1 t· ~ .. ~-~ ..... ---.,;:-. ""'*' ., ---.... _, . . Rt-fon' ......--lhrild Or-Rernodt4--'";f"'!i'l: I'N1 ron cr~ ,m, )ltnn•··••l :1. 1 r.•f un ~ ~~-,._,., -•• • HOME tO~ANS s~-ni'UN For Building lnfurmati<m . .. . ~ St1t' District lu1nbcr Co . ~ • 6114 Sfn tf' lfh:lmny At Thl' Ar..tw~t \'I,Jt nur lnl~f'f"llnc ••*"" ... ·--11-_... ,. on I•'·• k J 'l.•'··"'aro•. lml :1 I and 4i"'lla~· rc>O""· ('nltir :'\!o''l' 1111. 1~1··-~ 1-: nol on •I ~ J>hune 111" :1,1. \\ h••·· 1•n lotu,•. I 1· • ·• n __li.'j() ptdG plallttltlc ~ ..--,\ll ... ·rt "· fi t 111-=h-(' r ..... !. ' "I· i r:::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: P "'twn<oi,.,. <olf>C'k nf ntlt'o r&..._t._ 11aoae.-... ~ nn n \'\ I• 11• . I' •n 1l ;( •no \\lui • .• ..::-bll.... "" 1:1 1-t•n K 'll , • 1tnl '\:o•\\ I I ,.,,. ~ht .. •·. "h ,,, nn ••i•\ • .. ,r•' n ''~t·h· ic~n "h'''' .,, ""·'''"''" (",,.,..,,., ,,, :~nrl '' , .. ;~,·hu .. ·• I• "h·t•• "'~ r~>rl l.(>lu••:~n:~ 1\q'h od tr'ln 111>1•:rP I y,·ll .. ~ "''I h1 ···k 'hh~...... "•'\\' .lt>rc•y ~·'ltth (" r••llnn. \\'<•<'t \";r· l:'lr'll:'l: (NI<-rnl ,.,.!low ,.,., 'h1.,1'k \\-IC('I"I1<tn; r••llo'\\' I"'Tl rfnrk h111('. l'htlllf' .. '!9 N.!WF~RT . CUILDEiiS -SUPPLY Cement • Brici • "Steel LU LUM Car~Jet Works "'"' "run~'~~~ io-k · ,.,.11nw nn hloo,. , 1 !>flcctcctppt. yrlln\\: on ~. l"orth LES.,ISBELL' ·· \ St().l ,\V. Central A venae D:lkota. I Who PI'~" f;; alfvl'rti~~T No- 1 Res. Ph~ 1145 Newpo~ Beach. C..U. a. ................ -. .... ~ ................... 1~. 1t ~ foritwU. i-. .................. ~ ........ ~ .... .--. .. ..J lr.t So. Malf ~L .· , ... 4 . .......... ______ __.....,__ -.. -- ' -. •"- ' i. I • .... '" -·~·· I F·l E 0 A.D V E R TlSII N-c·~ _. ~~E~~~~: ;.~_ Ha!:~~! t·n~~~~si~L -A··&-s ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~··~~~~~---------~-----------------------------=~=r~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pl:ms h•r !ht• C."hn-lm:" Jlo."lrt) lOfl:iWI..ul h •ll Will out IJt· da\ ul~:•~ uutal a lah•r date. NEws' IN BRIEF-~~~~: .~~~~~~E !PHONE 13 FOR RENTING -· BUYING -·SELLING ~£E':u Sf · • 1 D Th~h~t~l~m ~~~~doo ~~~~~-~.--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---------~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ oJ ~ U ..._ ::_ 3 • _ L) y • PillA t 'ricln)'. ~o\·OO'Itwr ;.!JI 11nd will n'· A ckddfd dc't'l't'lll't' in nwml~t•r·J F R · ,--~--------------------;_ ___ • ttmin riQ!'4'd until -pnn~ "hl'n the')' ch ip for lhl' 19-11 hClnor Mef('t)' ha.t -~ ENT XI \l E s t ATE WANTFn ~ erJv 'T&1EA£ 16 NO CALAMITV WHICH RIGHT .,.wc)QO.S wiLL NOT BEC.IN TO • A~~ ':.£1-'CRStlll O"t.INAT&O PllOM ONE Qlf TtC OI.O£•T Fl._ · INTM~~. LLOVOS OF LONDOM, WHO UMD IT TO DESIC'itU\'T£ TM& ABSOLUTE aaAWORTHI"EM Of' A W5SELr "''Ill ope•n u~uan al I hi' ~unl pnN· 1><-.·n n•vrah~l ·~· ttw ~radt• l"t'JX)rt~ ,o,. Il l."' l ....... , .... oonql• ! -I '. s "I E' I w ...... 1 r 0 w .... I•• ........ ~ .... lo c•f Sl 50. fllr lhl' fl~t quanrr ~ ·~·'"' f ... ,,1,,, ll•••ll• .._ , .. ~ ... ,. .. ., ... ,.,,.,...,~ n .. ch 111,_ • ~la,;,>t Jlnfhruan's rd a tcod · arh At llw t•nd nr lhc• fi:SI qull rtt•r _ .. '\'." r~ ........ hlo O'IIZ > ~ ., tf( cla~!-4-.. 111.._, mnkm~:o t'<~rn~lll.l'f'))• 11f Ius\ ~·,·nr thc•n t wo•rc• .17 "hult•nl). OoNfl Frrnt .. llr • ". noiHI()Clk.... nwv wifl 1,., u.o;•IJ on .the· •h'fll)_t•r l"t'll: tlu~ llUnrlc•r • • -· t_ & F , thrQu~houl ~ht' ~t·ur 111 kc-.•p nc•l<':< \tft•l't' un• ,only ;!:1 ~rutll•nls llf\ lhl' .-00111. F'O~ ~~!'4t r ... ~. •••go. t C'~T OIJN{') HIRAII II. CVIUlEY, II.D. ~ lru, .,_ .. ,..._. .....,,,, .. liM ....... 311 .. ~ ·Main Btl'flet I on '"hill lh<')' •·r.· .. tud~n~ Tilt' honnr. roll. . I alr)t. 441 O•d r .-...... R~·" "Cot. W ill ....... l#1<1n h lo WAtot ''"'"' I ~ us .. , lfLoit '...;;,-d Whtlo .:..~ .. ~ I ~:irl~ ltrt' a lw makm~ Oltlt~ ';~n•l S.•nu1r ~·ln!o..-. ~··mtwrs of, the• ........ tr" "' "" r~u ol "'•w-"coc -~•lu•ll •I tfoOI'I\ llull .,.,.,., An ...... ·1,. ~··~ I ~--------------' Mlnb for C'flristnlll!' prV!It'OI>i. • h unt>r !oOCit•ly al"l' B•·V•'rl~ C. lllln•. ~ lll•cc • Cr~IA M•t• lin< _,. • '•:• ... .,,,1 <'I l o•h• 1•11 hu•d l•g .. n,. A• • I ,...__ r .,. \\''II • r ,._ .. t:rl"·ard C'urnwnll. Rl\fii.'II'A Mnt· .I ablo O<u •• ,.,, "' ........ c o•f .... tl l'h 11'1\ ,. ..... QIOn ''I'K" 0 <> IS..OC. I 111m1o .-.n$: l:vo ~Ill. Jc•:ll\t'llc• !'IIIII, lkll<y Ruhhllt, DEN"T Rl Nl.fol'-' s1;,,.d llw oqv•l -.•u• ci?~St'S ~~ n•adm.: h ·anhofo ~)' 'Sif' nnd Jc'lhn Mirlc•y celtl, cloud~ ,,,,, • "' '"' ''"""' • P A ""l Mt:,. (o~rt. 2JI'I' 11•.,•4w h ,, L 0 • I • Waitt'~ &ott. , ' I Junior dns~<: Allan "'.'l'k. Phyl--'t•n• 0~ '"' dru•t r or mod· 1 1111 "'• Lido Lido hC• Mou tt~ , Thr St~r"lm"h C'lul> ha' clc'<'ldcod to lis Child". t:clwin 1\hll{'r, nnd HiU 'II"' attan~~~~-.Al..~".!.. 1--.t .... c.-,-1.21.l.-~:.'!.'"~" ~··ur:~-=:=..o..~-.;.. .. ._,_. ___ · allc-nd lhto Ramona l,'ot"t'Rf1t on g11J7nnr DCiaRT \/Ill"' C..t ... d•;, Cot w 1 • , 4 --,... ..... •. , I h,,., ~·•. ', •• \J. •• .,_. •"•"•"• I M>mt' Sut urda~ f SophclfT\Iln'!l on lhc• henor rull: Cl ,... .... 1'0'" P ..... 5pllngol I I no AI A .......... ~ ... wb•ll P••" .... : Orw-or the-jllniiO~ WA!' liN'n 0\II'RIC(' Alinm.... Paul Andt•r~ln. ..,... .... 1 •••••• w L .• -tr•dAn. I • • , , • ... .... "" Coaot lllwd Ot Plw>na .I pu.odlin~ a brand OI'W flu(fy white• l'atrl.J;~'l nutlc•r. llnrold C'n~. -.. •. Pilon• 1'11"' Spr lngo ,,,, " 6 •• lie I nl4>p around. Pn-tty !lplfry no~ Claire-C'rait-:. Muric•l 11.1tc·h, f'n'd atuc 1 l 'J'hp Gk•c-dub unifanna. . ..Jllivt: _:5b•!flc1, rand Ill! I Will Smith. • FOil. . .I'EN.T·-llu•u 01 oftwl.a-ltuea f'OR !'Al t: a .,.,,:-;-;,."'' I u•n-~ M US!CAL J NST~~£~: ~ l"t'lllrnNi from the• ruc-lnry in Making lhl' hnnt•r m O'fnr lht-ir ~ling •oor .... ~ .. ~~ 12'!) par -.......... !r._ftM'I4!1fl lol'uot NUl""U --. \ I whp'rt> lhl') Wl'l'f' !'Mil flf'!tl q1J:1rtrt'"' hiRh .,Pl<lOl..are '«" ....... PI( .. • -• I o.., . .w~ c-.. a. ...... ll .. A. ,.. 1'14NQ r D,. q uuaTMAI .... _._-+-, .;.:.:.;~;;C'r.Jhom. inc·)' "N'l' m'M"t tnlhno hll: '" ~lnllttl 'i'n R+t" ~ .,, ""' N•'"r"'' 1~~-tk__j___ -~ -- 1 for the music as..··~·mhl)' ~tuch wu.~ OIUKio'f', T ... , Tt ... fl\11)1, NonNI ent, t 1at .. r .. twol r at ·····- 1 p~nh'd ln!<l Tl14·~nr . 1 '1'1·1pp. nncl Wnllc•r \Valkl'ls. P'O" ,_£NT 8 ., VEAR_--841t>o• BALBOA Pt:NINhUI" J'OCNT ,__,_..,,~ ,....., ... ,..._. .,,_ Mr. Gt'lthlt''S civko: da!i."<'l' tiN' 1 ----• :r:· 4 ~d•~Otl•t. 2 balhoo 2• 4. t: ltCH"NQI! '''' Cho ootm•• ... ul •f"l a.~t'l' ~lud)·in" lhr ""'"'~' ll ut IIIII llf lht• I C • • J • t l:1 . E •.. 3 1'1'4• oN"'· "' .,,,thl. c , .. , hnn,. Ot .;,.1 • '•wd ,,_ <• ' -.... H 'V" rtmtno o•as ... r.tQf' •r f'llrnt ·CK~tiOU ~· vM I J_;nilf'd Stall·~. anti llwy lake• lht· . & • ,. -,.._. nlonlft C.rh '!tl• A ''" ... h •• ,.,. AI IN}!O ft•t .... 411 t ...... \(o .... fll•noo ''""' ~~ .... la~l lf'n minUINl or ttu• r~~:·riod l'3Ch , Give s. B •. Assem ly *on •. P.hnfto 1W "!!' .. 71c ~ ........ b~ ...... r ....... u ..... -Vnt>df<O• r ....... '\1 ...... ~ .. ci ....... day to d&'-("II<S 'IIJ<.-!;1 IC'In~ an I'C>flll('(" ..... nd "' o.-..ng• (. ...... 1, Mig hi I .... d. ... ... llfwt. • ... y -0."1 I 'tm'"'•ath the-ramon!' (JIOC'IIm•·nt. C'nmanals j:l'l I'IIU~hl. Thill. In f .....-~-... ~... P•i d<flro•nc.a. --~--·--··· M• ~ II· !\1i!IJil Tulh· (IMOIIOI't'fl Ill mc•m · l'!o"C'nC't:, i~ lht• l¢1nry llllrk o r Car)·. itlrKtiW Aj!C 111 'loQ .,.. noo JOH"' Q BURNHAM ...... ~ _ ....................... .,_, ht·n< or lh(• "junior -F.n~:li~h rlasO:f'.; lain Tht'()(ltirc• Stc•rn's tnlk nnt1 ,., wlniP•. Including Utllllloo P ........... PUllll Offl.-I. • ....... ~·"· ••• u .. ·--IOfl f lhnl I>OOk ro'porllo; ltrt' ritu• for this . tlo•mom .. rntacm of tlw lit•·clc•lr'<"lur. O.rtructo A WA'""'"· ph ~"~ _zoot O< .... Bt•d ""''"' Jt!l I '"' Cho~oem .. OANZ Kt4MIOT nuartl'l; Jnnua~· 9 unci Jantanl') :!:\ In lx• ..brou~:ht tn llarhor 0\'('l•m , IM·W. ...,.,, t6 4tc flt.u.o c.o , .. ,... ...,,. M . 1lW' flrnl F.ns:li!<h da~....--. "all havr ltt·r fl -I a .... t. ""'"• 12 "~ 'i.:h l book l'f'porf~ ltj t um In c In 1.-uvc• rmm lhr 1-:l~:in. lllinnill, "0 "' "ENT-I'Ioo••u •nd ....... A•· H lhrou~:houl the-yl'nr. Thl' wrillrn pulwt• dt·rwirtmrnl. "l11•n• h1,. work ..._..._. •P> Agato 51 • .. ,. I OUSEHOLD v-·•a. •• ..... ., .. IILU·NOTe F.nc lillh cla!'t."'('S muO:t tum in !WVc•n. i~ n l~ i n tt\J: firld nf N"imr dt'l._..-111M. l~t~•"d Phon: 2ll w. ~ FURNISHINGS 1111\JSIC co . • w-.. " .... Nrwport Harbor ai"N "'No"' you can pt · U.-ct CAf'l· 4bWftd by tht-ur ... 11me Ueed Car Guarantee. htR ..-lr<-tklJ\ A lftlm rlr.t hnnd About thla "'•Kleitorlul 'Plan. TH.xltKmB ROBINS .. ............. , tJ....a. .... )'W "-' •. ('.etnl ....... ...... I~~~;~~;~~~~:;;:::;~~;J~;~~~~~~~~~' Mi'"' Ad."lms', huck••y t•·nm~ tum, C'aplam ~lt·rn hr!rn:~ "''!t=th Js.u~. " a ... ,........... tl .,_ I slartro nut la'~t Monrlny fllr t~'l1im l'lllrolf!y tl'tl' ftr'JtctN'tnr. ,-0 ,_ RE~T ~--~ MUbT I lAVE CAL lf' ~•<•"'<• fin t t imr t.bis yt'ar. Tho· rrc~hJ!W•n r.-•ly~rnJ)h, R>~ .,ftl',·c•lnl"f'd'. h~ Pm-· _...,_ .._ ~-•oo~·: hou.-0" .... .,,,,ul, r"""""· ,..., ,..,,n11 '"' r~~~~ro~~~a~·~~M~~w~~~ , -~~ ~~P· -~-~~-~.·~~~t~~~~~U~!~~~~~~~~=~~~~;:::::~~=~~~~~ ~~-------------------,.,-----• thr f l"'"<hm.-n did \'f'l')' w.-11. •·•'1tll'm l'nivrMllty (and tm&-TI · ~ ~r _..._.~to "'1'-t•b••. cu1 b.clo ......... a It 'G ..... -8 • t e ,, ' ~ . t I In lht• nrt rln~~C"< lhr ~•·ld•'Tlll< whnm Cnptain ~lt·m WIL" lruuwd). ~. • •••. Aoguo ... _ •• & ... 1••••· • ft usaness Dire(. tory t,JJ~,t . l(l'J l hn\'1' hN·n makin~: r lny morlc•l!l, hut alliO mod..ts ur mrdi1•\·al Ior-I Alao c~mpl , Chold••n'o .... ,.1 ........ r-----=.,=----------. I .__ .a I 1 · ""·-· h h k I M1 ..._ 1414' ·" .In ttM ~, .. , for • ___ .;,. _________ ..,. ~>at. .. ·r P,'lrlll'" aa,.. Will •·loc, 11nc turP ln!lhun,.•nt~ ~II(' ll!l I f' rft<' • • & ••••• 'tnHt Ol•dtl•tog ._ .... ,. 1 rortrono-<. Many Oln~lma!< C'ardll wh•••·l. nnd thumb·o.wrrw ,..,.., ..... .; ...... M••r 8 Pnllory d.,nu ....... ,. II ..... -.P. AUL ~ORMAN H ...__ "-··- ·-----------------··--------.. • Olrt' aJ,;o bfolnt: m Rdr In UC(' lhi~' •'lnl!f'~inlln~; i'l lhomu~hJy l' 01'1"1"· •Jt w .. tmlnllrr &t • JO.f1 . Au• olo>Op4~ l r•ct•ua · -· .• &fUU'f (JIIf'T~~ ~~­ l l.~t .. ~ •. A Great , .... . -~·meet at· u. l.&rau.. JO. Dolta JL A •t-tAt 1S 'Ia ., epJ manner M.Qiiacmu. l'f.AftllfU ...-= UM* ....,.., n ..... m.w • Diat&ld •• 'J'wt~Wt· wdpt JO.T~ ' 11. Torment 12 A 11W1C et .....,,, ... ,.... )rar. ThP mo!'t JlfltHihar I>'P" ln '•'"pltunro. w ith d•·ar nntf un~r-coeu ..... ts 71 'I'· J_ I'VlRvTH&NG Y.\f'UT ""1~ N.\kr.a l...aiaridry &'C'e•nlq ~;kk~~~j;~~ "'llh mlorrd ()."ll"f'f :~~~~:l'g\J~a~n:i h~~~~~::'.j';C'I~I~~· APAUMt:"'T f'OR Rt:NT <,uol tnJ"T lm'~a. ~ ... ~ # .,fWh, A ........... ('...ft ~ --Ham ; RTWI ~l nihi'T nwthndll ; ..... for l rooung "'•" 1 bunk 2'.l4~ :lbt St., N..wport ~ P. T. A. MEET-ING :or chc'Ckini. on vf'r1nl'ity arr lli!IO : :::.:c·~·:~ :;,,':;~·~::~"toot ,' 8EAUTIF'"l.IL .,UN PATIO wt '"'I· "'-m · . 1 rtl~~ru .. ~ thorou1:h y. The "wnnt·l · ahl• ''""' homo H•••r •oo.t NEXT. TUF.~~ ~ ; ns-«l(•iatinn rrnrllnn • timr" IN'I • ltc "'' fl ru•"· woalh••p•oo•f cuoh•ona, ~ .'-~ 1/ '1:1'1!1 c-rroit for ~:ooct. "''nrk: l n tt)l~, B ..-......--~--... --. ·· :·a.,'II'Ju•••ll'-ct.••·•· • 11 • ...... I On ,II'"Ciay. 1\l,;tr 9 T_:30 vprii\JI l'f'Spor\!14'!1 of l<U",X.C.tl'fl'l O'ATl; •Be· SuPPLI~··-wllo t•b•• F'o• ti.a(oaon of n•IV-. p.m. thr nr'l(t P. T. A. mN'tlns: _. 1 1 ,._.. · h ... , --' ·-•111 he-hrld-in lhl' rnfNrriA. nom na !I . arc• !'lUI ""'' •"lt ,,.,. ".OVIf.oAT-1 .It ,0 ..,.., bollom an•l coot 1!>10 I r.c,.f, lhlbo• • :\f F. S Di lh . .:.h·.a-t {k"nv.'~l!<'. I hal mrntlll 8!1'1(W'I8· Cllot.,_. bwlll Q••• '"'I...Sed t iO Ph 11)0 -"''..:· • + . ~-.. . xon. r p....,.luo·n . '"-bctlll' one. wotd .atfd llll 1 ~ 1 ".:rn-P"""fiW-0\'f"r -ffW mc't'tiiijf • ~ · _,~ Itt VI• Lillo N11rtr ., ... P ,-m. t.Al£ ·i fD<•t ol~l•l< "M • . . · •1lhl'r nn-dc•l:,)·rd If thc> wor...,. ~ _ _ ..- "\\'"~.,..,.,";..Ow U..trr !kont ..,.~~~-I f1M&a ..... c:lallftlntlll IIARO •• P K. OIL\IrzL ., CIIArEL ................ .......... . Tla.t U.W'Ud ...... ., AMca lf. Oae.l ..we ..... , ... ~~order a Put fll t.c. •--. .. ,__ r-r .. _,. ThP dl!lrllll'~lon wll_l hr on llhl' hnvc-,(ron~: Pmnlionnl mPaning p · ~ rrla•••to•. 146 0<>041 t:.ond•llon I i:a;~~~rist.ma.s acllvltlt'!l of tht>l for t~.lnvolvf'd prl'1t0t'l. • ·1 tiT -=::»U~ftl.!ES ~..;! • _'_"~~.~~o: ·~~·~P-. ,.... "'-..... ... r ~------------------~~"' 1&. ........ ... 3Ft. _ ..... •. 'l)pe . -JLUdl .. ... .... .. ..... Q ... llllilall ., u.~ .OM:J1 .. ...._ a.o •• .... ....... ,&VIlli., .......... ......... .. _.. ... ..... -- -~-........... .. ,.. ... ....... 11.0.1» "' ........ •.•• bo,.... ..... 1'1 'rtriDell ..... 'aJDM el .... -...Attacll 4J.Du\ap ... Ruaalaft -paw .,:eo-r ... A.ft1ean """ •. R••enlJ llod7 aJ07 DOWN J:,l:lonpted a.b I. OlrulteUaUoo ··~., apeedl 4. Annua!Jy I.Jev.id m oni.JI 6. Fa t.her ..a. OrHkl.~ttn- • 2 • IZ ~ ~ ,. n 21 2~ I ~ ~ 2& ,., ~~ 3l ~ ~ .,, '12 'll If" -.------ 3 . .. ,., ~ ~ 2'7 so ~ ~ tfO .,, . ~ ~ ~ a • 7 -.J . ~ 10 " ~ IS 16 ~ ~ ~ te "" ~ ~ :n 211 7~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 51 52 ~ ~ s'. 36 38 " ~ ~ w -~ ~ .,, ~ ~ ~ 1~0 • ~ 'JO .. ~ ,~ ~ .... r.veory yc>ar ,..... · · · 1 8 , .. _ .... nd...~. 11-t OUSEW"' ""'E""' ~ r.... 1 .. _ P T A ,.11 'n,c. · IJ!'Ycho-atalvanot'TK'Ier uws C)4R,aTMAI noe-KtNO. to• tlotlo H basket.a with food and diAtributes ano '"·r .Pro .,....-: a very • ~" ~ utL ._ • ._. "1"'oatt, "'" ~ ttwm. U Onistmu K!ft.a. to many Nrnftl of ~l«triclty Ia pullfdj ctt1 .. ld,.rt, .._..... aro4 _,. HOUM ... AINT-.... norlft ·WIII'- famlBft In tlw dbtrict. th~ an area ot human lktn.. ....., .... ..,_,. : __..._, ,_ •wr "-"•'"' -~,. When this area Ia dempfoned bJ Ht~ar ....,1.._. "~ ,_ ta.• •••-1ft •·•••-.. ,.._ .. ,. -oRT ~·a oo-IP thto tweet UIUIIlly produced by -. Mitt,., .. _.. -..... ~·· .. ~ ... anti ...... -,....... ...l .. t .... ua-.o ,.. l'il'~ ne.......,_••-.• arb~~ _from_ ~-t, ttw> "I• -. •-. """'•"!....."_-•,.. • PO -·~ HONORS . ·"'--··=--. r...::::.T" ... ~· ~ .t_•o·~"!!! .!!!J~ ~----..•.!:.... K ~K2il a~ Nrnftt pli!IM'll I rouifi I iildn ,.......lc ftea c;;;r.;;. Qoldfl•"· • boa '"•'"' lloro 100 E ll•y.'Aw . 'nJftday art~rnoon el~tht girls mort' I'T'Adily CllUAin~t chanR..-e In 1 H-1 ~Mt>"-r.t'o p .. lllop. -•1 "~ lrif'd gut for .maJoi'T'tlf'!l to lc>ad lhto ft'<'Ofdin~t ln~lrurnMll. Annthl'r 1 •• A~ p .... , ... t. L••""• ...... thto H•rbot-blind. Tilf<re are to I:M' ln~trumrnt liOmPtlmH u!W"d Ill lhr l · .,.,., 1" E ·· thi'T't' rtnajorettf'!', one b aton·fwlrl-"JJtl,.urJIOI.!T'Bph." whirh record~ thr ------MPLOVMENT er In the center as lt'ltd majol'l'lleo ln~plrnlinn"f'xplnllon f11tiO nf lhf' wii.H two others to back her up. A'"J'W't'tl'd prneon. A Prnfro;liOr Bees Lose To Anaheim Announcftnr nt of thf' w innl'nt will Vlllorlo llf'nuA!Ii, or the llnlvrr· [)Iauter ov.rtoolc n 11 r "Hft" WANTED -Ho.,W<tunl"l· lraft• · rnv. ,.•t< •" ,,. hour ., dar. .~ ~ .. m .w . •·•k· I ~ madt' IK'1tt we<>k by Mr. AUt'n. ~liS' or C.ral7., nftrr Pxlrndfod rt>· teain Jut T!lunldai .,. It _clrnppt'•l dirPCtor. C('ltl'f'h. round tha i linnt al'f' bfo. the tam• with nllhl'lm by a Hl!l'" WANT.co-w-.. ~ ~·'· I ~who trif'd out "'"rr lt"t'n_r1 tmyrd hy lh;.lr hrCJllhlnc: thAt :zo-13 •"IC•. to M<ljPY loouw '" ••· F.llioll. Allee \Vri~:ht , C'nrolyn w~ l hry rnlrh thrir hl'f'Rih fJUII'kly 8'X)n!. • ~ c ....... '., fl ........ --. ..... 1 II81'1"V. ,<""onn1f' C&mJifiPid. J o 1\ n I jncl hrfon-II' II in.: n liP. 1tnli thAI I n <Qihe flnrt half o( 1 . ttllm" Ow"" lhor• -lo•ndo ""'"· Ap· . Str lnhnlll!h . Diana Mnrl:"'·nrth. F. I· • lhr•y ptJI mol'f' ~trorl nnli c1riVf' I the · Bl!o~ t w~ • ;;"'.'7· 11•::(· Pill' ••tu•ct.r. O•c "" . ttt "''anda llt'!'S., and .r)' \\'inn. ! 1"10 lhf' joh or 'ryin~t ,,., dN"f'ivl' COIIrAJI:I' () . f'Y ••rfl I.... 6rvlolo. Lido I ale • ""· CALENDAR MOflday-Studecat ~Y ntem bly: ~Lie Det~ctor••. Tueactay -... rd of Control 11n ,.xnmlnrr thnn tfn 1n1th lrllf'rs. "'"'"'"n('e U Ana.h<'lm ·~II r 1.: cl Thr nnl' to hr dl'mon~lrall'd hy through fo r a fi('Orf', lhf'n l hry MISCELLANEOUS r:lfllltin Slrm j, the poiVRTRph. put 11 fairly ff"tw1 fiJ:hl tu hntt! whlrh ,.flPJld~ on hJontf pN-,.!<Uff', th& (•nlonlalts until II" lllflt l'll\y 111.-TH CI!RT" IC4T£e ·onli hr hns n proji'I'I&On nrrnnJ:f''l of Ul~ hall. Th<' C'nl••nllll" ftr•nr•l ,.nr Out of ...... •nrnt thn1 r nahlf"' thr rnlif'l' 1111rti· hu~ •lind a J>l'IUI ft"lll 1'"11"111 to O.lar•d Affld"'"''' a"d Carutlc.atM P .T.A. me~tlng Wednuday -Girla' meeting. rnl'l' In folloW I hi' ff'IHIInt:" of hi~ hill rl~tht end. Thr llr •on• n·ll•l A nil· 0 L. CUll V Lugu~ rN'IIrrlin(! In!~ I nlmf'nt a~ hf' wnrm!l1 hf'lm 13. Harb"r 0. th•• lnllh 0111 nr ""m" nnf' '<1'11'1'1('(! Wlu•n the ... corul luclf I llln" frnm thr rnw.·d In thr nutfttorium aroun<l lbe Tan~ w .. ,... m11•l ""'' 204•. w )•d It . Thursday-Girla' T~t~nla tour· ,. n a m ~ n t at Hunt ington Beacll. ~. Frlday-Baskdb"ll ga~ "ot ·• y~t sch~duled • "Team of fhe Year'' , F"ull,.rtnn lr)()k ll 1\fl lhnn~:h .~hould bt' t;onnrcd M I hi'. tr nm lhr yrRr. .l BAH~ fnGOftWI T•• 'r~ror,.•l to makr ft l:l ft Thtr> 111 lhf' l••urth qu11rlo•r Anllh• lm 11• .. r.l rOP o,AI E ~ D" ~·" "•" ul•o II ···I 8J:;Illn lo mnkl' II :.'11 r. On "'" """"U ""' ..... Prof•• I "ntloh• n nf fit11t pl:.y Aflrr th•• lw k •orr 1-:cl ~ N-II•.. ••• v•• I ,,.., ~llllrr Oaahrd IU'tlltnol rll' I •·11•11 ...... ,, 13vT lt-4' 13'E:Jit.N~ ~~ -roo SoGGY · 'fl.fl :>ttAA-r .S t•ooTtN ' ! .,., , I R. W. MtCtELLAN &· SON (.. . ............ , 'I'IUJCimfQ,._ D()AYA'I'INO -lAND-.0C. JaU Clalnl ' TOP SOIL· ....... ............. ... "'....,. ... "' ............. DR. RAIIII D.' HOAJ&D PRI'IUCIAN • .IJIIOKOflf· Olfl'r.oPA TN ..... .. If--.r, _. __ ......_I_ A,.,... ..... DR. OONRAP RU:II'TER .... , ............ ,._ Ofllc!P let Hlt4 "'''"" N ..... rt ....... ll "-": 10·11 .. "'· ••.• , ••• t'lto-...•:ra tU; ..... tt·l l)f. Onrdne 'M. f~rulld)' l'tiJwta•...., lletrc.....i !'\,.,...,..,, ..,..,. .. Kn-pUal 4'.-nlral """· at 'Sh1lll urn,.,. "" : 10 It am : S 5 p.m. T•l• ... •-ll Ut:.o\S f '. RltnWN, M.n . 1'\r, "'""· ,.,,."' ,.,,. '"•••AT ta. '""r.M nnr.u I DR. B. E. ftARI A DUTift 'II IIIII••• II(_,_... ... ....., ••••• ..... 13.ROY P. ANDERSON A'M'OIUf~ AT lAW ()ev&a ·-.............. ........ e-ta ..... Cllllfennla Ur. I!. A. Chamberlin C 'HIKoraA~"TOII JHr.G N•wpurl Ulvd. CIISi'A MI:."A 1"'-IIlJA Ur. G ... :. Tohill ,.11p1U'I.\ ~ a11d IU'IIlflt:fl.N ..... ·-..... "'··-· ........ • ~orJI••h 11 F H••11av :\11'1 C'..n~l Olvo1 l'h. 41)2 P lanJ anti Con~tructJOn, •···~nr.R ···n~rA~trA-. - rto\11\ \fl•"ll l.l•r ('tl "f.l't II" hriJI yotl J11en Y'"lr hnl'nf'." ~ ... n •ay O~trtrr l .rrmhfr f'n Phnn,. ll ~tl) Coa.'t lll~.thwaiy a t A~ 1 "~ltt'T. !Wr.nAJ.Tfr."-. Mt•llnr sr .. •wlly ~h·•P. 12')5 Cnll•l Jll)fiiY. SIIJllllll'll, Jful,tA, Ete. I '\HT ..\It\' f"l'ftl.lf:-, • r)••PI ''l':lrf''Wnr!h ~nt w . ~INII Avoono ... IJhoM l:l Of' aa. N.-,.1. lftt"t'lf'r. Ml't•rur.l"-. • r r.:•·wl"•rt l llubur J'vl.ill~hlnr Co. J>hnnl't : 12 ·1:\, Newport flf'lldl. r•"I'\TI'\f~ · :-;""l"•rt llnrhnr PHhll•hlnlt rn Ph""M ' 12. 1:\, N~ Be.ct.. Ill F. \1. F. "'T \TF.. ~~-f'R~Sf'F. • NOTARY 1"1"1U.f(·- lo~w II W"""""· 'J'Jfi'J W. C'f'nlnl Avl'nue.l'hvfw' 3. .111li 'RftP:8 I'TA'fl~ .. _ • r-:t·wrmt Jlnrht1r P•1hll•hlnr C.o, f'hr.w.: 12 ··13, Nf'WPOI"t ~ j '""':r.:r 'fr.T A r. "'ORK-. , c·~u ~1 ... ,. l'l•amllanl( Com~ny, <"nt~ota )t...._ Pt1one 210. T\'M:"'IIll'£1:~"-• • 1 t'cowt""' Jlrwhnr Puhll~hlnr Co. ~: 12 3 13, NfWllliri ._. I V.\Rif:TY I'T'OilF..-. I I. 1 f\nlhtrll l•lnntl Va.Wty 8t~ 10c:. ~ Ud up. PhoM 21U·W. , "T.I.IUHO--· ' I W•W~Ana•XRII~ ..... : V. On~· UC lid'..._ Pl....,._ ... . . • 1+ .. ..... ~-..... NEWPORT BEACH COSTA MtsA Lay AWaY -One of These Soon I tlful Jl(ht t~rltt'r (wt'll hl only, ,,. · lt.. ca~ and all) ror $39.'75 ••• Ml)' tenna. C&pltal and.amaU Wttt'l"', euto matlr ribbon' ft\?rM, and otht'r Corone ff1&lul"ft. C1t.Mr Zt'ph.Yn u Jow .... ~.75. · · .-, __ ,_ ~. n•ltNAN r~r•riUJ'aa co: · .. 110 ... F_.. .... Au PlaOM '143 ( I .. .. "' .. -I .. ' Nl:\\'PORT Q.U.OOA: NEWS.TDIE~; Ke+port'Beet!ft. canrornii_-~AY, DFX:'EMBER 4, 1941 . Greet~DAs Ja a ••rcq Cut. Fra,;runt l\n uc1ut•t Of Our •·lo\\t'N :'th' h :r k. K a,.:<" llr ,::,;1 :'\an• ~ 1 'at:t.·t~e n ,,,.r,: l ,. .. ,_ Tt~ \t'tlt:K tW l'lt\SO Ur..:anl"t · Ac·c•umr>anlat ~Indio: S07 (;ooldomrod A~ C.'orona t4J .M..r -+---=AIMI~a;~:: Xt;~f'9RT IMI l..t'l'.<on' \.1\, n :11 Jlnmc o1 l'upt~'lf ·l l.·~zr1'(j .:-:--=---~------~---___ .. _______ _ Fresh' Daily . O..hc(ous Sta Fonrt1o Or. rompiC'tt' f'QUIJ'If1'W'nl. ·' •hen )ou "'""' to c:a~ . 'HORMEN FISH MARKET. OH C&HTilA~ A VESt'-. ~'PORT Rf':A{"'8 .. .... f man and A lie-~ brt'n confln~d to homn with thBl bit flu. Mrs. Pearf Brown Elected President, Mesa "elie·r Corps -- CORONA DEL MAR BALBOA ISLAND LIDO -ISLE- Yuletide Theme To Mark Meeting at- Mesa Ftiday Club • )ln. Pt-arl BlocM'Jl'ol CCM~ta r.lpa Thl' Ou1stmas spirit wiU prevall ,.... t>l«1ed prt'SKirnt ot tht' at tomorrow aftl'mOOf\'11 11\eet.lM Won~C"rf• Retit'f' Cor-J-, to IUOCft'd of ttl<> Coila Mesa Friday Alter- Mn<. Blanriw Kuja••a, at a . mt't'l· noon Club whm tht' Arts ancl 'm~: )'t'Sit>rday held in tht> C08ta Craftli sC<'tiqn takes chafge of \he )f~ .. Q;wnmunity Church Social progrum and al,o;o manages 11 sm&U ll.all. b~r uf handwork ----+--DK .rWtion. conc~uctt.d in rlt· Al-tici<'S suita ble for Ouistmu For Your Greeting . -----. • • Norman Nursery & Flower Shop We Td~3ph F1a-·<'f'C ' .,., ('GMt ...... ....... ~-­c-dd liar. Calif. J :_11]) ·JE lF' uaiU<tit-fashion b)' tht> I"Ptlring • gift!C 'll"d paCR11gl' ctH'OI atioru wtitt--- ' ~idt'nt. ~ tlw followin~ to ~ on •display. Mrs. ShE'rman E. •1 olf~. Mn. M&r&an-t Lone. Al'n· Saltt>r. chairman revt'alcd. A ·~ ""_i« ricoeA[elideDt. ~ Mn . iaJ Spt'llker t!i al110 promised but ~ Dt-an; Mrs.. lea Clark<'. dt'tails will be k€'pt a St'Cret untJl t jUnior vn.prn.idmt. aucxwding ml't'!lne time. ltlra. AUc:e KID«; ltln. Etta· Tt'a.d. Plans for •the program wn. ~lfoctt'CI t~; Mn. Claii"P romplt'tt'd Tut>$day at the arts and 1 Wnpt, ~or; M.n. Iva Cot-crofts l(>("tlon met"tlng in the ~ · ' 1 cuard: Mrs.. l"horbP MortJnw.r,. room whe-n ~-Saltt>r. Mrs. ·w. c;haplai.n; Mn. ~ Kujaw•. F. BoWlin and MIM Edith Conant · ~-. .,.,,.. ~teucs. f'Uteen memhen Formal -~Uon Win ,. and .one-Mn. Laura -MO)'M. It's eU In tJw way you loc* at'lt. A..""1ually, ~ ncar is ~ than ,,.. dpm. Your C>'ft play fllnn)' tridu, and t~ P'tf' C'f'f1 a1n w a y t o "-U...~··rc right is to haVP thrm rumlnt'd by a C"Ompetmt opta.;n· etrist •·ho can COrTC'ct a ny 'dC'f'lciC'ncfr s in your si;f!t. Come t.n today . • DR. M.D. CRAWFORD ere bound underetu4 OUTNIRN CALIFORNIA llLil~NONil COM~ANY I U reiM, llellone • T•lr'1>he~ U4l ·- J The present t~t not ~ly is aj,prcclared ·by rhc One who · it, bur· ~a ev~ one in ~America. I. I I -r I ~ • I.