HomeMy WebLinkAbout1941-12-11 - Newport Balboa News Timesl I .... '·"' _ .. 1 ....... • _ _...._ ____ -; .. _ .. _,_ ·. .. nn: ..... ~-A...._ fll.·tM .-..t rapidlj de~,.,._ ot tbe Calllonua 8q:ut.h 0 •\IUU ~ l<• • Oto tJeaa. t.a Mlhl ltHJ"'TIIal and f~ Oout diatJiCL ·~ VOLUKE U '" r... rl\ r and "'\ala ' 1tf•1111lar aupJ•u• 1. . / .............. ____ _ AN IND~PINDINT LOC~ ~A.PIIl -VJ~G TH! !NTIRE NEWPORT )iARBOR .DlS~CT ;: , . 'L -=-==============;;EWPOR;: kEAcH. CALIFORNL\. THl1R~DA\', u~ox·t<:~uu·~H .11 . wn, -• -. ( ~•·wuP:K ;;- .~~~ CO.AST-DISTRICT PREPA.R·Es · FORWA:R war caUiht,.unpr'f'parcd, With hu1 . . . ~b~rt on, ollt' m11ht say. •• Si~tct> Japan's dastardly attack on American !llf{'})Ost.B i"•-·-----' R,t'aliutiuo fthlt ttw i'(IUnlry ,,,. at·tualh· al WU' wu TIUa ma". v.·ho bya the way the Paci1ic last Sunc..lay, followed by a declar"tiun of war by Aircraft Obst-n·~n · <lrlril ~JH•«'fr~ uf \\'ar bruuKht humc to' the pt-t•plt• o f ~·uth••n• <.'alifumua aut niabt ~n \'::J:::'r:'.':.~~~ Congre&'J on Monday, the enUre weat coast of the American on 24-H~ Duty I • when • comp~te Uabt and ra~o bllu·kuut .... "'rdrnod by baa • habit. H~ is <·ontint>nt bas taken up the challenge _,., is preparing fo r I H:BS l~ight•:r Sid ... ,• Ft"<lt'ral lfl\'il and miUtar'y authurtUt•K. Tht• pn•·n~ of Jape· one or t.lw~ ~-, ... ar. Newport H•bor, ttirougb the alertnesS of Ill\ publir. at Local P08.t8 If ,. ou Can ~--It IWHt' airt•• aft off the CaW'UI')lia cuul. .f.lr't"!UmAlbly <~pehtia.l pk w tJ o g ~ t up · bngh•_ and ~arly. officials, civic organizations and loyal citiunB, ia aetively en -FoUowi!W lauDrhlnJ: uf lnlf'rllll· Ho-hond thl' ''"""''"" •r.,...tr .. c•l (rum an sin·raft ,·~r *lm«!wtwn• tn l~t· , .... t ai'i)l of tJw 01' m U1e. gaged in taking me'!•"rei for the protec:tioD oL ~t•nal tMwt!MU. aundnr "rtt·moun, tttr .. '\\t•I.JJ.U..Iw: ru..u.1Ltl.ll.l.l l'•t·tfit-. w .. "v~ u Uw ..,.tlltt' nf -t~ t+f'\cle-r~,..$\, Nav.a .-4 r da k d I ,..._ lOcai'Civiii&A Alrt'r:all llt-n·llthlli rn•nt ••I wnr lh•· •'ltrrt'nl t'lllf'r-• r an ear Y· .1....... h~rmany and Jt.1"' w ere declared t>nemit>a of the A1r fun·._"" an-huntln• duwn th.t• •=•mld·W' in\·a•Jrra and ft· Wllt-n two "'Akf's • ~ ......, n<)SlJI "'~nt on a fUll ,. :~r-tuur b:i111!l_ jtl'n•·~· ha11 1111 ll~thlo•r a.111;. 1111 •·••II. ,. up ht r h ~ • United 'States by today). I hat n~bt. L••ruy A ndo•r· 'a o·u,..•ry t.•ur .,, Ill-.. ll~~rl .. ,r dUt· Jll'<'t to dM>t rtiY the-m anon. radlo: and-lwtrna to ~ pr'f'tty mu-* for a IMl before boww:u~tr out of bed and bNUng hlmwll l'n t.h~ cJM.t. . Well. tbe other rnomln« IN- mt-rj:<'II<'Y. S" 11 n d a }' att•rnoon '1; .. \Cpurt HlHbnr's varlou. ·civic .nd \'ulunt.oer orgaru.ut,IOM )OIIlt'd n :on ull-nut t'ffort "for p~JI4'rva· : "'" or "':lkr and pwtroctlon or lo .. ·al h\·ea and pro~rly. . llart1nr Dforlaft'd ('~Geed - ·• Prro~IC~tlly ll;lt> font klcal All"n y to r, ... , thto ..tr ... ·ca of t~ war ,,·as. th ... I:Jarbur ~partmt>nt. , l'pon ul'df'rll from t~ U. S. plao~ Which ·J.'ully • man... Tho• ulti·IK .. IIIIUh••l olt~rk ~,.....n llllo•h• ll<ll a INt Jl,.t,tlu '" Wf'h' 11~1 In t-..v lmmt'dlat~ an>ll. llpuo aiehtln& workin& In ~huur lhlltll, th: w11ul•m 11hml•· ro•l••t.:al•'(l I•> ""' 111 11 wu thf' n-111 thlna. •'•rct..nod hy · ~""''"" "' v~lunt-r ~uril4'n. , .... IU<'h aii"C'ratt. o•n·~rt wtU l"eport '"''' l•~al ~ ~·Ill tlllf'n.tlf' "" tic-""''''' ho•p.,. 111u.t hu.:~~· dll\'" tho• •'•lUrlh lrltf'"'""'''' f'umnwnd llhuiW' ICirle and rmt••>'" wllaoo liNt· by telt'phone to the plc•ttln« board :l~·hour cluty '-cturutu•n or th_. '" "It"''" , ""'"'" '"''' 11s ,.,. 11 "" rt>IIUII ••f """"'Y t•lanH 111achtf'd "'' '" "J>utu,. ,_.. the ltrat at Rlv'"''~· In tbf' lntrreaa of ·•rt>l!t'nt t'me,......)'. And<'f'lo(\ll """I Authnnh· fnr 1111~ .. 111,.h1.,11 0,,1,... •l'l'""""""atf'l)' 400 mU.. .. tt •h-•r• """"'IIC Public: aafety it Ia "'f'refore m&nd· Thf' Harbor ana .,bllt·n·Rlll•fl •n•t whlt'h .... ,... rf>rtUnll ... ly t\lMM'd ...;, ............. " '"""'~ ....... .. v• 1' ted t 1120 ~ l" F.nlel (;rt .. 'tH•r pun·••Vt•r ot "•in· ,..-f'r • ,.,..., •~""1.,.--.....,. • ...,,. ~tory 'hat the nnat bf' manned 24 rust. cx·a · a olat .. htJth· b1u·k bC'fHr• noac·hln• thla h,.•l . ..---,... ......... ~· f duw olr''"""IJ.!~. "'"" rrr•nrb thllt ·-I'Ua "-'Fr.T\' Of" AJ.&. hnun dally for duration of lh~ cur-way. ~ oruna -.ar. Ia undhul ~lll'h waa thf' tnr"m1atlnn ,.... ,-d ... _ 1 · flur1njr .lho• JIIIMI' lhr~·co ''"''" ho· ha• r~nl ~mr-~ncy. · · "" un er ._ ~rvlah•n "' tuht. lr111M'Ct tblll munlln• by Ma•'"' Irvin ·"' u d ,.,,J1" _ .. __ llll'taiiN1 n1u1 •• llrl'•'ll 11hn!lo•a thnh .. " S.v~n ahlfurhavt' ~n arran"C'd. L , ooy · t o..-..._.1\'l'r, c:to•nll c .... ,. .... Oc1ntun. , • • f fl t ....... rnr "'""'' yo•ur11 pro•\'lt•ull Tho• aud· .. the~ l'unnln• from 12 noon to 4 <'ru t. ra .. nt llbllc·n·o·r · "W.-lll'f'l"t'n 't f'ntlnoly •tlatlflod .. l. -.. •n rtfllnj.;o• In 111\'li-· 111 nut lll'l'n-<1· P. m .. ~ to 7 "· n1., 7 to 10 n. m., ft.alpp Rande -aul•tallt, 11nd · ~ 1th """"ulta f'f 1111r tlret hla•·kout," '" •· r ~.... ltl'd In " '"'w 11"1'"'' tn lntf'r1ur 10 p. m. to 1 a . m., 1 to 4 a . m ., MM~ean lAo .... ., 3rd '"""'t"nt tJ\1-uld .. "Whil• ..... ~&onl• V I ........ _.,1 · , d.-curaltllj.; hut rKth .. r t .. lh.-ra,·t c .... , ... ratlo•n . anti ......__ fill f!ll t'ltllif'n• 1n aldlna plaM fw f'IVIhllll Jlf"'ttHtkt!\ llfldf'f t .. lla• )ur I11MIItl'r ('oil Ill( II rrn«ram WM 1110kr.t tooctay hy M11yne lmn ·nan. fl<•ntnn ~- C !DITION 'OSTA MES~ .)S I 'ith :m er CitiM-, an .llefen. •.---Unifona • • eT~Soon- • awok~ clark and eallly u uatllll H~ ~.brei ovn and t ttmt'd on thf' radio ailb · wl tied badt' for a lltllf' unadult.rrated hat.rnl~. H~ riKUr· ed he had a «~ hall ho~':...,'?f rn· joym~nt befOI"f' hf' had to g .. t anc& ru.h o~f to work. W~r'f' M wu 'du. at 1 o'clock. • And naht ~n ~ anooUll~r Mid that It wu •ll'ht o'clock. and It WU time f~ aU ~py fotu to lltart ar;.tnc. Cnlt)lt Gillard. Harbormuter T. E. 6ulll'll.-)' dt'elarf'd N-port JfU'bnr •offlr1allv rJoMd at 12:30 o'clock. ~LunL'ly .. aft,.rnnnn. Nu boata or my c~t·~~< nptum were ~m1ltted tu !r.1v~ the-hartw)r until 2:110 p. m .. ~tnndH)', when the oi'\Jer wu per· tinily rt'1W'incff'd lo p;I'J'lllt comm~r­ c 1al rost~trm.-n to..attt>nd t.h•lr ne~. and. 4 to 8 a. m. Women aft' ac-o untHn, w.., ..,., n>tlltf'·nu In•• tiM •h of blar k· ror lht' a...-•alJirt fmrri ,-.moua-.tntta. ~-atmt:"-Jiitailili"'iro;c};;ni:'· f--tn-mlrtftoltttl~ia....-,..ILAillllllmiLAIIL----...JILUW " ( llif' ,., t 8 a. m. to 4 p. IJ'I., end hlal) Jao·k ~ J Johnatun, Htll tlnuC'd humin& u did ... vtoral ""'" foU11w In Uw .-t~t ol M"ftun, ChWf ., Hw .... r .ta~-met. uu) ~l ra•nt ot Balboa t.- 181d leeped trom bfod hk~ a startled fawn and .Urted thi"'WWrJ« on hi8 c~ 'Uke mad_ • A.nd whPfr he v.-u about r'f'edy to .~ from the mom u~ an· ..-.-qn the radk> Mlddf'nly an· -.nctd that t'Vf'rytlllft« lii'U fa~ In Salt ~k~ C1ty, "'h~h hAa lUI boUr'a dilf•l"f'nt Urn. than u.a: 'J'1te radio wu blat'ked out on this ~-and he had bef'n lllllf'mnjt to 8DID«PPac. tia;e alt.o«•Uw-r. and _. Ida f~ cot r'f'd and two ~ ... 80 mad that he at. four lnatrad or t..,...~ few breakfapt pita .,..,,.~ Wheat.iN to ll\llk~ him atrnng ~«b--D IMU> Ow radio announr- • lf he .,n mf't him Mrlally- ·~ ,.. "'-moral la don't bfli~''" f'Vt'r)'· ,. , w• you hear, .,.JW't' .. W 1r .... .IJI)~. "I!JAD. tiA.D IJ'IOaY • • • 'nwre'a lt!Hn • lot prlntMt mtf'l}' about tM r. It « ~ d old llhir•s -"kh'v• ~n r~atorf'd tu rc•llpN't· ability, bounc-C'd rrnm gamhhn~ alllpe back to thf'1r old jfoh11 .. r C81"JO carrln~~. lllut th1a 111• tbl' rtn~t lime l'v~ 8een thr atury m re\'dllof, and I don't hkf' 1t murh ~ rnnr V1da um't ttw 1tttl 11h• .-d to ~. 11nd It ''""kll hkf' no•\'f'r qa In "'Ill abe bf' l hf' prt)l Hif.!at II nd ~lM'IIt yacht on the> rJ\1 lfll' c • .,. •• . , In' order thAt 11hf' b<'rnml' o>olhf'r 1 Na''Y boet ·or a r1\rltn nrnrr her flnt' f1n1ahlnga han hM'n 11tnr· ptod out and 11hf' look!! for Rll thf' wor1d likf' your fnmt n•nm Altl'r !be lnat•IIPMnt ful~ Juu·a arrn·- ed. ~,,... n(,thina ll'rt. Thf'\'·, ... t'V~n takf'n out hl'r ronr ftrrpl',.r,. E\'t'n If llhf''ll lfl IIM'n'f' !OUI'h II goOd 1'8111!1'. It l!!n't J:ood t .. .,.,,. auch a flnf' rrnrt lorn arrort lok i' aht' waa bf'fort' uw lrrt thl' har· bor yutuday artf'rnr><m. Thl'y'rf' t'V~n golnlt lo tt'ar out tht• bf'au· Uful "'ond In th• w111ls. 11nd .. un w~r~ nomo\'1~ thl' ''nluahlr. mtPr· lor work an hour bt'r .. rr 11h1' ll'ft • I hA\'f' a h11nrh th11t my fnrnrt Skip~r 04-llkm ft'lt th.-ll:tlltt> "'·'Y about IJN"IIllt hll' rhllrjtco fnr nil t.hf'~ yt'an IUI<Icknly turn Ito JW'• o·~ lnaldot. and 1 imajtmr t'c> w.11'1d ''" c:hH rful v.·twn h~ l'f'nt hl'r bt~un•l· In&' O\'lr th~ Wll\'t'!l to S:tn J"Nir" for th~ last hmf' Yf'llt,.rdny. Anyway. Wl''ll IIIWA}'ll rc>m<'m· b.r ~r ..,. on~ or tht> m011t rnlnr- ful <'nft w~·\'~ ~\'t'r had an thl' harbor:. • IJI an .arlv rl~r. And hi' ~:nt trapshooting pnund!o 11 llm~r before n<10n.' H" did 11 r:ur·t~·· middlin' Job of busttnlt r lay f'l· I«MM4> AIWI u~IJ .. befol"f any~nc: ~~ had a -clmnno tn lltlo'lnt thP ,...,,r ~ cam~ I dunn() ~ tw>r h<' arran«ed that f1n~t ll'nnt•unc c>rnrl)l or not. but anY'f''IIY ""t>ryt\n .. .,,,... •'a3 ao Jltt~ry thf'y .cnuldn't h1t an)'UIInK. and ~ non \\'tin 1n :r wal.k! ·,.. • Inf~ntally. v.·h~n ~'l),u'no IOJ)f'llk· tnc it ahooll~. "-''k Jnnnf' Hr ... rd hera· aht' d1d at ~r IIUit turk"Y IIC'hool boys h'om I tb 10 p. m. l~<·m~r. Earl .)' Byrun Mar ••a-na And window. dlapiA)' ltahta In attark nr tnvuk.n, ~a)'flf' ~ IA.Ia ~ tnlo Only m~n aft' ~11(1bl~ l6r'1.tl~ night llhall. H•,..,Y · Alf'n.Cra1•. \111rle\WI buaii)H& Mua8. ~ pnmt...t flVl thllt "'*"-atllllt' • -lit. Boyd lnctkatfld. \\', H. Hltc_ -:-,lt'1l'Juur r tnfl. •·ru luo man)' C&l'll Ufl tbe .,,...ta," atf\M'Ck•na ....._, lhla ~ .. , u.· aty to ........ ... "'"· S.ymore and Mt11 Alan .,., aald. Cc•uf)C'II ahoKIId hP ,....,... prt..,.-bar DIIUteL .., !'ifoej.,.Wq AU ('raft '"""'' C'orpa t'ulH'ttoal•c t'ml~t. Addl Anwrfo·Kn·twtru Jnf''"'""" m•r-,,..,~ ~ .....,... lly •• ""'Uihod ,,... tlw ,-t...U. r ..taht ........ Mf'lltht'ra or. N•"\'P"t H11rb<>r·,. <if'lllrf'd In c o•han.t ... lllr~dy ft'f'hl\lt tiM-puwh At • mHttn• of Onl"'fl' Ool,nty and .-.-p&.tkHt col f'4wWea ......... l'ndt'r pr<':<t.nt lfllltructloM. flth· n uo•n and uthPr Ma·fA~ ~·111 ~ \\'o111en'a Mutur Cof'Jlfl IM'Ir'!n rune· otv of ~rv nf an· Onjn11l ~"""""· 11rr t:tl"f( .... tl<•n ltlana . lbyor Galflt~ ' • · · f'otul'\(''11 .. r t 'lvlllan ll•f•NN' twld ti<JnlnjC lil'll\'f'ly t'lltl)' on I h .. Wt't'k cO.-ta M ..... .....,rvatlon ...... , tlwlr Jllllf't'll ... r hnlllllf'M "''It •l.:T~• "WI' do nnt hdk'VII', -.... • ·-................ -•-1 r 11 .. ~ Y•"'l .. ntay aft"""'""· erran,r•"""nu ..,.. -..- • .. rml!to-d. to lt>B\f' thf' harbor only hf'tw ...... th" ~u~of sun~ and ~unl'O't. mujthly 6 48 "a. m. to 4 :4r. •• ro '-ll hon~h · rt>tum may bf' •n:sdf'· !H /I~Y 'lMur. Both out(ftin,c onc1 lnronllnJ!: hoalJI lll'ill be search· ··•I !11r _ Allf'nll, .Harborm_aat~r Hot'H'hPV llaJd Una mt.U"''un;~. 11\t' iiA~>r ·~ •nrn•a~ Itt 11'i1& ~~tl'- • ~> ~loltnlmt>o. '\" ' "'\ ,,: ~~v~,....._, .... w .. ;.;,nc in, c~ eonju.ncudn w1th thfo hartlor..aepertm~nt, tnd the Coe~ ~u~ It \he Callklmla Statf' Guard Ncuttcar eorpe. and th~ Balboa unit of the 11. 8 . Pow· ~r 8quadn)ll. , . Sane~ Sunday nlcht hot.h o~n· IZIItiOnlll hll\'f' providC'd pe[IIOnnt'l fur , 24-hnur guard duly o n har- bor "·att'nl. the• Powu Squadron hlc;o'wl!k• aupplym~r prh·at~ yacblJI and ••ruuwr11 for u~ IU' patrol v~S· !!f'l'l, Vnluntt:'en frQm both groups ar .. !IUbjKt -...command by Har- tw'""ttAt.-r Bouc-hPy. · r. .. ~.a~~~~toa~ s-H~ ThP lto<"al :'llautlcal Corpe. which IAI N>mpnlt4'4 of mf'mbt•n from all !<('< louns of Orang~ ('()Unty, baa u - tablosh~'(l htoadquartA>rr In tht' fnmtf'r Southf'rn Countlt't! GILl blloldong at :305 ralm atrHt, Rllf· bt18. wh1r h baa bto~n dnnatC'd. c011t rr.-... by_ tht' nw1wl'l!. Ortll'~ rurnl· I uro· and olhl'r ~111pmfnl hall J1ltt>· WI... bt•c>n prn\'lded. Tiw hradqu~trt••n~ Will bt> open :!4 huun< <hu lv and In t'IUI~ o'( nt'· "*'M•t~· may ·,,. '1'\>arht.d by t~lt'· phnnmg 1842-W. 1.-lf'ttl (;u»rd t•uu,· Ann~ ''·' th•• m•t'd •1f nddotlnnRI vol IJ\t .'I'" '~"'''""~' appa1e'6t• tonll,l· •lo •' "' :'l;t·wp .. rt H·~rhor Stat .. I ;.,,,,j , . ., ')< •F and C ~(IJik 8 I'Ud· .t. 11 •·n•·;,.,,.,,J.!IIII( up..wtn~; f'Rrly 11~< ,,,., k. l.t•·•ll Chnrlf'!'l E WI' •• '''ol•·•l.l•~lay L<•l'!l li.An 24 hnur11 •11••1 tit•· nffwllll dt>•lllnttoon nf \!or • 11 h "f thf' IW•• 't'ompaflil'll h ••J •••H1i••·(l f r•,nl "" Pnlu4t.-d II• IJ..Ih ,.( r.7 ltll•n It• Un Hll•tinll' '••o.:h "' 7: •. 11n •n•·n·n~<C' f•f nrarly l••t '''I \\ l~ol•· n)!•tl nullt.ar~· t PIIMn•hlp ·'l"lll.ot• ch:<do11urt' ur \Ill' ,. . .,rk and ha\'f' bt-t'n ltiUIIa.ling 1n fU'II\'Id· 1s, hl<'ated at .._,_,.,.,.. 1-'llnna n onnlnJt • rum••l"'l t ... t thf'y ttw 101~n and e1mo.l .........,. ,.,... ' A l"t undll'r way ll> adoJpt untf'urm •!'IC \'uluntHr tnln•ror"':'"" alnrr ptln\Pin& plant • tJw S.nlfl Ana aft' mtono•11n ri1J7~na •"~~' attal'll tift RawaJI. U.t ._ .. thnt Urn". rlvl'r ~t·-m· ..-V.._._ .... _ at-t --•'·-~· Mfto•r ,~ • '-~mh·l~• .,_, ••rrald and b"'rk .. ut ... nata In all -..... ~~~ ....... _ ·~ •-"' ~ '"' ·-~., '''''"" and r<>fllmllal\'-thrl~h· "1"Y antll·lpetr anJ .,..,..... .. _.._.. Jn •·IUW' ol( o·mrTJtt'llC~ n~. and Hum~r b . ....., _.. bf't'n Mfto· ulu. I•M'al s .. l...-tl\'" !Wnok-f' uut thf' t'loUnty. Aa anon u IIOc-h liAr alta1·1l "" our '""' ...., " lie • upon .. l~rn~~l ur thtt't> bomba rolluw• '<I <·hlt'f oJwerNft' ~ Vau,1\n. Boant 171 ~ .. h ·rct ,. rtt.•n.. -· •ld -~., ' '"na'lll ...... ffltnpletecl t.be ~ c·d by lht' rorf' whh<Ut'. 1111 COI"J'II rlrtct llliatltant, ~ L. Plnkll')', 2nd M&f' f"1m ll ~·uun'a "'"" •·ht• ,.ld will bP notlflfld. -.u;,. .u:· ......... members will ~talheor llt the1r ~r-·-lalant, and ~ W.etew@t,.r. tw "'lahMt lu o•hAnJ:" hi,. draft r·l.... II\ the rneanUtnll'. f'XUflt'Uon o1 f'llt r': .. Mlatoun11 whf'!t' tho•y, w111 :rd a.u!at.anL alfic1llun \\'twn C"hl .. r r!f'rk A. J . ttlfo •tr.'"'t ltaht. will tw ttw •ta· .;..~,..:r t~=t ;,';"'~:"::,: opc;,....e un~r 1•tdt'n !rum •h••n Vn.lunt-c•• ... -... ·-·m· Ha)'man ukl"d hJm "''l~~tt c-IIUIIIIfl· t ~ .......... 1 -d II Th ~· _..., -u Ml hr everyon. to ....... _, A .... and fl,. want..!~ ....... • alrll·t I'Ut .. l'llnla. ~ lfltter pf · ...J ~ir'duu.-wwk Al"f' Wm. Clltlnn h• Willi hlllo-d Ulll ... r. thf. LY t"Ctmply by blacklna out what· f\llla but·fcw'lm,.......t.e awaautaeJ (K't'rll, naml'd Jot Mu1.day nl~rht'll RaliAbur.v; Jllft --...-..k, Wlll•rd nthcor rt>plletl, "f'unlll'lrntu•ua ob-mNiling, an·· F:IJ7..iht·lh Ht'""· N .. w. ·~ _.... j('i't hit J't ha ~•. n.-r lll(hla .,.. In Uwlr chartrf' \-ttw flf"tt whtatlf' 'will -ftd • Monors A. L. Pll*lty, Kennf'th nr 1 " c: ntc~· my ...,._..,_ .. --..,riM ftf ahort bllurta fa. a ....... ;uort: F.lmur.• Hnydt':-t, Balhua. and ('ran~. John ~ P.ter Ban· \'IC'WI4 · '(; ., ....._.,. '·'•tta ou1,,..11 n11 ..,_, ... , 1 1 -"" A A.......,• t .. --a-~ -aut•-n. ftl Ch,_ mlnut .. "'' • ,.. ' · '"' '" n ""'"'· c:rofliiUI cr.. . ..,..,._, c. J. "Y""" J•lolllnlnJ: an rlabnrate ... -.,. .,.. • ,......, , •. ·-.... ,. · Cor'"' m•m"'·ra lr I ~· r'ttl J _.... ary --·-w ... ,~ ... muat ....__ _ ... _ 'ln·ttw f'V•nl that audl a -• '· ,_. r '"' •' I (' a !II I flj'; Dayton 3 ... 1'1$ a, J. Hanaen, Un~ Wn,.tln~t hAd hf'ltf'r bf' plant• n-w•-n,. n -uu ..,._ thf'mll(•l\'rll rnr lho• urwrntlun ut Henry Wll•w ... ; .. Morrill, II'\IC 1111mP 11unr111~""' or an-p· •rv...t. Mayor OorOon Mid tlda Ia -..rd •. pPn~ona ano N..U..... ~ ~<rhool bu'""JI n.nd ntllf'r trnn11j,nr-"Bud" Due. <-. W•UM~wu. dratcuna llf'null<' '· l..o~~ Anaeletl mnmln,c, Ia for realclenta, upun l"f'malp ralm and lnanfar .. ,_. tatlon fa"'lltlc•t~ '" CJlllt' of ein~r-CJ~yde Otto,\ \:n..a... MD. u-~ ..tlfllf'Mit' now,.r mar'1leta ar. aU IM•lnc ttM!Ir lilomea, to ••Unculalt •ttt. tn ""•1" '"-~ a. aency · -_.., loMd nd now "* wtll all,.,.._, IIOUa IM6de &M out. It 1JIIhc'e ,. nre ~ • .. All . othfor N~v.rnnrt Harbor 'or· -· a · • ~ Lo· e 8 •r v .ra IMIOft Ia .-, ~ U.t all ,. .. r*w wta '-...... .__.. -·-,bell.-IMl Clarll: aftd John Boyd. be 111rfi'Pf'd bel? ftf Jlnfll•. ,.port. ' (anlzaUona ha~·f' f'llhf'r l11unl'hC'd " Tbe ~~-poet II 80UciUna abuut Mno tfu.,.l r.lll, l•ll'al nonet. 1'he ~ b. kept drawn a~r dark l"flfii'Y ..,~,.. • pfOITilm of aid or out> .•lJin<ttng by f6 mo~ volunteers tO work thrH· ff'llat•n • M""' or ~'"uthf'nt C'llllfnr· Nu lljthte nr any anrt muat bP lf'tt ...,..., a.-.. -, l"t'ady t o art in rut• hf nt'f'd. hour ahllt.e In -sra. 1 '."•'~< ""lllntf'n'lltl fl•l~'"r l!'llrdfona burnln~ 1!1 bt1111-hot-dt~rln« A hull•tln -..cl ~,. ..,. A n'lm"-r of ,. ... -I llffl<'e-r-• a '·la~ko•ut In ... _ evAnt that l• .. hla fhoo N .. wport Harboor Ma)W · 0.. "'" .~,.a OQ Otuwrvi•r .. at thf' r:.,.tll M t•CA •.•r .. OJIO'raiHt t>y lll ... n JJII'fl whu u • UK ~ ... hAv~ bef'n nddC'd by th.-lfi''AI ptlllrl' t .... r 1 ,.,., nu~· "''"""' "' Ill<-l:""•rnmrnt aro• l,.fl burnma art .. r rl•,.lna ••IPr f'utJnrtl and "''*'" Ia to lte d•nartm•nt and work or nnl 1 1'"11 Al"t' so·rvmg • uorrf'· 11 d f'llt· I hu••-. II<Jrh 1111 In .. I•Jl"'Y ,..,-.. --•. dllltnhutf'tf 1" all l"f'lllltPftta nl tae ~.-• , ... II' n.: '."' .• 1 d 1 t'-t 11 .. "'" tlrtrnll''" •·11mr ''" Tf'nnl· '" " ,,..,,_ Ia jtOinjt fnr~•ard IIIOIK>thly And r'"''· n •A '1."'" 0 Hf'lrtjl ~·lll('.o IIIII l~tliorllf IHTIIOjtf'fttf'nlll Mt18T bf' m.M foor t'<oft!nlllfllly lhnMICh _..,..,_ r ...... wlt.hout c-on!WIIun,. fur poult.l .. f'Mnay J'IN't'lltt. lh~· Au ""'" l"uurt It I ll>tlbt'le, ...-tur h "'"''" r..,.p,nalblf' JW'f'tlflfl tu t .. In -la. t-nt.< uut lhal In 1M ...._. Roth Nf'wnnrt Hnr"·or and c~·t~ "','.Ilk~"''"'' KU•rd. 1"1 lht' '"'"'"'"" . ( h 1 , hHr• .. at all tlmf'a an•J '" tum "' an a or nld. thoo ,,_...._. ._,_ ,... "' ·-.. ur rnany \'PIH'II IU ~n nJ)f'rlllrd " M""" Am .. rlf'on l..l'g1on J)OIIls hnvr I\" ~at,.r i<Upply arauuot J'll •~~~<lhl·· "" lh•• "Mokn•l" c· .. urt," 1a nuw ltw.no uff ..,. 111won u a blaA"kuul "" -r .. tv 111 JU hP r•oUnd 1" ·-·• mt•btllutl fur Rc·itun and many t ~•hut,;.RIZt" by pttroiUn" IJt•th ,..,,., 1 ( 1 ... _ •u.cnal •• r ... rt\•fl'd uwn huntr I Jo' I ,, ) Ill II l< 11tl' II tlltllh• t'IIIIOI'f'l', lnr ")U,.y "" .. atwf 4t> not ...... m~btol'll hav" •·nluntf'C'n-d thl'lr new otrma pump njt p .. wt ""' "M1kado" puruun ur lla uu.. hav· IAJJt ntaht'• tflrflrulty nr .anmP · 1 :'\t'wport Mt"\11 pumplll" "I 1 until 11tlv1_, lu ''••m-C...t .,.. "f'n 'I<'P8 to nthPr dt'r~nl!f' ~o:rouP,'I. · " ,. Kn .. '"~~' ht•f'n lh~or••u.:hty hiiH·krd ,1111 •1,......1 ll~o:hl• runtlnulntc to hurn ..-uult• d o!IIH nt . . ,.11.,r th .. hlal'lu.ul ••anal. Will nut want.-11• Will "'"'"" •hf'n It Ia ..te. PF.Tinos GO\'F.RSUR f'OR AR~ED fit'AaU~ h I ••·• ur •«"'"· thr ,. ..... ,,..,, rumtoany " I fo::wh 1, .. ,.1 hall dlr~t t .. l,.r•lv•nr \Vtlh11n1 S•ch11hury •• V•tlunl,...r "Ko-1.., 1 • , ""'"' .,, "'•our dwf'llt• • ••nou·• IH•II Wllh Ma-h L'lrld lln•l '"1: 1·11 ol(l. ••hlll'n'o•r Ill (".,lilA "-.. ""' riiJII ...... t t.,. ,..1,;.,_-• t• .. a • • r AA\'Injl mad<-arnan«"m,.nt• tn tall .. 'II tho· ,.,,.,.1 th.tt h "'"'1'"''"'1'" Mo•IIK'" "1"'rllfl "''"\11!11K J'll•lll. ,... !Mhl,. ••r 11111'1"• Lltld •10 thrtr ...._ ~ ··11rf' •or lhf', .l'f>atl .. r anti lu , . .,_,.,...,. At 10 :10 o'd•w·k th111 mtlrning 1 • ),,11, ... ,, •·ro•lll' ,,, pill'"'" 111 111;,hl J>urlll lhHI h•• h•u• "'"'l"'fl OrAn~" ""'' lmr tti,.111 "'llh ru•tt~ w .. .. lolo· In "''rry p-lbl,. m•nMr, ll!'a.Y· thf' ffoiiiiWIII~ lt•h•jt' 0 rllnl WHII .dll'-l , II. the "l•"'r\'1'~ lltllltfilll" "'II(,' 1'111101)' frum 1111'01 I" l'lo•rn antl J•llol," f1nlo•M " •ltr•, t hla 1J1 ... ., -"' ,... h t 1 tor r.<or'iltrn 1"''"'"'1 uut pntrhl'd from thl' !'l:ewport Bt'lll'h t •lh·:< "'' tnHII•·•half' r•·r•ort Wit h I II l oo•r•• 'I" ""' :t rrv••ll•·r ""r '""'"''· l"'r"''"" within lhla aheft.r Wrl'trrn I 'n~on uHirl': . 1 •rrlly, hP ••l•pllll fo•re. luturrfHtli••n aulunuolw '" ,.,. hsvl 111 Any aptlrt· ll-, Uff tea. 1'4lr-f• Will ,,.,.,. a nuulmuua..ut aiaf,.c,.," f'.O\'I'I'OIIr,r·ulbo·rt 1 •. Cll~rn. Slat!' llllu~ll··ll Ill 1111• rrpo.r·t. ami th•' iojl JIIIIMI• llt••r•· .. , l""''rlllh••p. lho· "AIIIIol011hllf'e MIFf!To .... mi'IY u ... loullr lou etal ... Capotul, Sno·mmt•ntl•. C11hr. J>lntoo.•n 1,f .. r 111 \I It•• '11 ol Ia g:''''ll 1111 lwh·l . f't'HHIIII 1"'11111 thnt l'llth• t;llrtrtf~ Willi lh,. law K•·•·f> nrt lhr alr,.,..t.. ...... At_t r,....._,..,. of :)2 IT!Illl 11nd roflt·:< 111 nnn;o RrP ' 1 I I llllllolwr ,,, ""'"~"· l:li l VI"' hlf'n 1111•1 111t11·1 hii~IIIIV r ... ·rult .. d 1111 mw•h "" r•-•1•1,. al nl«ht.rl, ,,., tl I d '' · . rd h • 1 1 h 1-.. t 1 1 .a II k I I . I .n''lliH•IIra~t 11f whrtltf'r •II' nt1t an urjll'n y ""'"" 11nd ri'IIJlf'r tfully 1. f I'"""'~ , ;1 1 altiludl' at Wh ll h fl'llfl • Ill'•• ''"'"'' •·tr v "" 1<1111 ....,, u ,, ,.,. y .. unnl( • ,.,. ''" " '"'' I d r I ,h I I . h 1 h I I I lllilllt"lllllt• lllf nutf 111 fllrt.hr,ml"•. rf'CJU!'a f' ur patrol1n1: or l':t'W· ·..'1\'lll!.!. 14 , "ho•lher th~ 111,.11,.~ r ""l'r> y . ''""" Y'!llr """' 11n r11a " 1111 11 ,. v ·-' ,~ .. ~ ""' llflt l .. ot ....... "*'"'It .... b ltw port Harbt.r. Or11n1tr· I'CHIIIIy. C~th·l ,., . .., .. ·~r·j.11 .,1 lward. ·~. 1 ,11 •• ,,., .. 11 P""'""" lru\'o•hr•~o: "" lh,. hljth· ro•·•l'llllllry," lhf' ,..,.y,r • ""''''""'' ' ·~ ··~ Jo:lt•fll•;l , ... rt .. , t'llllr••tllla 'l l~ ..... (u':llla, Whll'h Wf• '·mdrrt'lnnd WoUld 'Inn n.o:<l o•o•tlt• l1llmf' Arid Ollffifwl Wu\'M ul ru._:lot :oro• on~tnwto'<l lfl 11f \'"II Jlro' •'llll~ltl llWIIY fr"'" hmlll' bf' d th ,.. h b d I I I I I I 11'"' "''11 ll<n,l·flr~~a ,_ ""'" ••tl•)"'t "" t'r (' r•omrnund nr Lt Ray-'fi I llo ro•l'tlllll ul plane• from ··h "Iolii I k ....... tho· or ••udhl(hl!l y "" • ,r.. rv lljt ., r .. llrll, rll\'f' 1 .. 1111:1•11\' ,,, .. I k""'"· Ill ltw lnlf'....t m <utd Jo'. Rny. !'llnllloltnoh·r Vt'nlura , n 1111,,11 I•·~• 17 1 iii~IJtn•,.. ,,1 1 lllllfflonl( ,1 '"' Indio~ '" hl•11• •·•·JI••· I .. i,Jv with l•lilr hi( hi" I ~<•n'l 1111111k I u .. l... C 0 I I I I I I I I I I I ....__ .,, , .. ,t,h. ,.,.r,•tv tf .,.. ••wt o .,... '"'" .tuu•tal unollt, l\'11'1!'" .,.ta111•11 ''''"' 1.,~1. 1 kl dlrl'•'ll'•n In I• uuu• " I'''" •••,luro• ~ .,,. 1 wn11 "' II( l "· "" r .. , • "'"''' w __ ,.., r c I I It II ,,, ... k•n•t '" ........ ,.,. t ... o a lfurniA ~Uale C:•oard. mtutl· "h•• h h•·lld•·•l l ''"IV l•·nrw•ol l•••ullv "" To.,.,..l,.v "' '' ~;ro•KI 1 '"l"n.-.. •h•·•·l 1 11 1 bP •·111 Cl•rJHI. Hradqua rto I" hR\'r al· · Tho• ol••lllllit•l l''"''''r "'' ir•·:i l lll:t'f. -Air "Wiid Ward..-11111,,1 •• ~~ 1 '"IC "Y"1 .. '" WII r .. lldy l)f•('n f'l'rllhlillho•tJ f11r Uf(l~ll l II•\' \\'•""'' •oi.oy 11•~•11 lol•l II r~olf u( l 'll•lo•t t'lurr .,f J' .. lto 1 lfolftl(klll 1\nd 118ft•kl'f'JIInK nr Hrms nnd niiJ· "'"'' rrii•·Jihlllll "'"" •.• "" '""' 11•1 ..... ""' • ''" ,,. "''"' llf'IIIV "'It""' A flo, ,,,.. '" •'1''""· all .. ,,_ notu:na. Al.l. ( 'IT17.t:'\l4 I lu• ll:t 1 I• ,, • lo•lo •• I • '• .~1 u M ''"" 17.• o1 1 ,,, '" 1r 1 11 1•1 ,. 11 r111na:11 II If· f• .1 11•'1'"' ' 1'' 11 '' "'" ''" 1111'1 '""""'"""' R . I'....,. dn nut t'IIJI t-Polkf' lol(ltl" ""'"' ''" "'"'""" .t .. lv '"'......., ~~~~· tfully. • 1 SurLIII Arw Tlu "'"'"'""'" ,.,.,.,, 1: • •1•7''·" lut \'lllll '"'''" "I' 1 If ~, 1 h 11 1 nd J • .. n-.... ----nt •-ahi•• -"-cit r .• .~ .,., .. ,. ~ ''" f '"'' f raw" a "' JRV :'1: (,F:O. <:OHII(J~. ·~..-... ,,.. . ....., _,, "''"~'" ·"' hit• "'II' """I I•• 1,.. '"' 1.,., 1•·•1 • "l''""l(' ,, 'lhl>lr "'"!....-. I I 11 1 1 I ·h~ _ __...,. MA.\'nr or Nl'wnnrt HPIIf'h Rlarknutwln lheC,tywlwe JMI "'·I· ,,, .. ,,,,.I\' llh •l•ll ollll'l I I I"'\ ......... """ ... r '" .. _ ,~. ha I fl .. ..._ 1\1 I ..... ,,.·~ , •• , "''' ,.,,, .. .., .. ,,"l-l s , ..... ,.,..,.,. THOR fo; R<JI'l'HEY. \'f' n.,.>nna "8 Ollf't I...-radio ''lo.ttlo••\'"" n•ol .,f :o •Ill• IIV l•w·fll ~ rurok lto>l•ll•· Mllll t '.,llol lft~o:lo llt~hllltW .,.,11 1,.. 1,. 11,,,11.,.1 o'lunna- HarbtlrnlA!IIrr. ="ir·" poort llt·ao·h I hal nftf' t...'t.oki .. C .,-.... ..:.1111, a 11,"' lu~:h "' hl:11 k•oul "" •. I'"""'' ·c·u v.· ~ •. ,. Mh .. ro· I . .,, 11 k , lu•l!il! •l••llt' 1)_\' lto<"RI Gllltnl!!ml'n, 1, ... ,.1 Lo·~ "'"'IHrf'tl thAt "mrn ot SF.W DEPI'Tl' !"HERit't'~ ('omply "'1th thr 111&..-k<M~t I '"' ...... ,.nu,_,r anol tfn Nfn' f'IIJI thf' I"' • "1""' ''" ' •·~· 'V"'1 "' Su 11 ' ' \ ' h l'"h" '''""J.! lh• fu~t· hl11•k~o11t l~.olt•l• M .. •k•·Y '!';It ('h"'"''' lC t Ur1\lroa f,.._,.... l'uliN-l'lt.allun .. ,_r c-alli. tlf' ""'""" >I•·• I<' •1•'1•\'111•1~ "'"' ''" ~1'1,., J•l••·ll•: 1411 \\'•·•1 ~"""l"''' lr •h"'' ~"•IC l•l~t•k•••' Pf'~"'lur• . '••th •·••ntpant"s art> em thf'lr hlf'll, full~· ;u lfl••d . anti f'IJU!ppt'd to hantlll' a ny rm .. rg .. ncy wl'llch mny !'o·n ·t>r R(tbcrt L. U.,yd Wl'trrdi\Y- • MAin-function or thP post La,lh~ 1'wl'nly (lrunJrl' <'••Lnty phy!<o· r1ana and •url(l'unJC wrr .. tho,. ""''" I!WOm In All dl'pUIII'II hv Sho•rll r Elllntt. liM'ul rr. .. n ,,.., 'hnr up thf' lin"-aad dkturtt tlif' '"' 'I'' "''• 1'''''1'"1 '' ,,, •rh ~o:•:oi~ II I. l'h•·ro"'": '•1 ; \\' ('rnlrul I M"'"' ,;,,,,1,,,. I''"' "ol"r1' '"""" rlfl,.....,..~)· nf ttt.> ciPs-rtftN'ftt. dark"• q t ,,,t·: •• , , t ._·hi '''"ut1n•·•l ,,1,,.,,, '• :; • .,., .. ,,, t•· t·,~tt"'" '"·•1 ,,.,.,,, •• , .... _. ut.J,, "II l~r·. Mla"na.l" ~ill be ... ldfod UJWin 'f.,,., M1nl•.1d J'•'ltl t,. ••n1o llh•t '''"" '''''"''"' "' h,;,,' Kllrr •~11riL. I"'" M•l'.ollurn 41 r, SHII Jlf•rruor 11111•;, ph .. no• 111111. :-.irw1~•rl llo·lwht" Y.arl l'l;ordo V 'J'i:; l1o•111l A voJ' tu~tru• f''"'''~'' 11t1!t ,,f~u, 17':'r1 IIHII~"' "la,.·l Fnu ok A nti,...·A·o. IIIII l"•tHol lll\'tl ,I,. pt.ah•· "'''I •f ,. t,f,,, "··ut '" ••r•a.-r-d I hHIII•·•IHII•·Iv "••Ill• ""' tt .. atllothla '-'•tt• "'' e.r.,; l"f''' . .,.,·t pr·,,......J "#,,,If' , of .I I Jill tilt I '-f11 tlt f "" fttlff lr"" I v "" f"H•' d,l• •~· 'u'''' ''Hra '•ti .. IJitl "''' utt• 11 ,,, tn t ··~Ja•at ·~ afh· ·rtu· 111r rr•ul • "I''""'" v:a lf lrr tutu ,.,,, ._. Jt I•'"' '" •· '' • Ji>t .. nlwl ,,.,t "War NeedR Money: ' ••rr~unl ""'!-'""'" •·· h"ll• "' "''" • , . .,,.,,.,_,... ,...,,.,.,.. ll'"l""low• t1talr,o• t... • 1 'J'h•• I''"'"''"' ,.,, ,, • rl •• -JIIf•ll« Ulialt etrorta ,~~-"Now, more than ever beft~rP, muat the J')t'(•(Jit• ,,f Nt•WJ.Ml lfarl,t.;-~··---+-..,''ht .. t !f•orltk"'"''" , """'I p11rt1 ::Uut a •..aJLtw .www .'-.l.it. ••• ...:c:iiJt Tm Pff'rrlnr to t.h. harbor bend (!'V{f!'y E!rf6ft lu help their g6\'Clnmenl in lhUi!-nsJ.o;.----t"'""i\'Tt.:;;n;;;;-1 .. tfi,. '"'' "'"' ,, ..... 1 .. ,. ,,.,,. "''" "" "'""'""" ....... ,., .... ,,. ................. :,, .. ,.._, .. , ........ ..., .. ~ J1111Tnl .. fPl!lnilr and the air r'lild / • hlldr,.n and lrrr"I1-UJI''''" r•r""'"" • •on•l llloV••II" "''"'"' 1.: I•• "''~T hie \\ ndf'llll.. "ThiK pro('lamation. iRsued at the eam~t r'foqtw HI of tlu· I ;,\'l·rnm•·n t. M t '!-CT ~~ rT "" ,., "''""''''IC~' "' 111· "''"''" ~ ,,. .,.11 .. 1 1,, ,, . .:1,.1,., ac rnr hnth ... n·•r~ thll' ~a.w.,rk ll\ ie an appeal to every Americ an tr> BUY DEFEN!'it: ROJ'I:I 1!' ~lrw 1'''"• "' ""'T ":-;y·,. hhu k''"' ''' •·111,,., n ... r~·t." ··1 ,,,. ata~on. hr dnnf' artf'T liMo uau111 day'• and 111f raid X•uh •nt.fr"'aloun 0111•1 I f-Ir .. l 'hwt ,.,,,, k•,, ·r·r-l lhf' n:~hl·,. d une" ""''" bHn ac:cnm· "8ond.tJ C'ORl Ill=' little RB ~1R.i~. Sf.&mpK cnme a H ltJW ltH t•·n ''l·nb • ''"'" unly ''"'" ""· ''"" ,., ••r •h•lv •opiYw on tt'"' .,, •l•••!•ltl 1 l!l ... ·~, .. ,.r. piL~h"'!i. Th;.y stand out In th~ IJefenRe Bonrilc and St&mJ'lf' r an tx· purchued from JIIIH' nt·ar ellt '"'"t'•.ffw•· ""'"'on trd ("a"1· aa ••lh .. rw•~ "" I"'' «••·Ill 11•11•• •"v ,. ....... _.,.. ·,n n11n and ~·"trh fnr pfanf'fl throu~rh· your bank or at retail W >res. . (, t••l•t.r••llf•ll'll•n ••II ,,..,ll1 ""' ,.,.,.,., ,,, • ,.,.;,,.,. ·,., """ h11v• f}Ut the nojtht. nt n~ 0\'U t)w ......... \'< .... t-or "'ntitPN l t :nf(llllit'l 11 Ito, I• "''" ,.,..,,.,. ln harhor '" ltlf' bltlf'r ('old W1thnut ''The C ity of Newport &>ar h urge. all AmcrtcanH lfl MuppM1 t hhf .... JOt llll(ht'll hhu lt•••lt ""It"" ., I ror•ottt hy ............ :;-;.~ ' .. = '--.II, 1 ...... a•t•• ...,, ., ..... ................ ....... ,., ..... ,.._ ......_ ....... ............ ............ ............. • ...... ..... ..... a.a.w~. --will-~ .......... a1ct --""" --f..UO..: ........ , 9et. l1'rMII Rid· •'-.... o-.t ._,...._No. ........ te ltUI ' I.Mtn ..._ a.... hoel, ~ P, .... , 1"-ce . •rw.t ., Mala o.:e.n '"-t ... • ---... ttl OM I . -~ ',...,, (.,, ( 'hluuMtl •• ()f... rra.t. ~ ,..,_,. Hhrll, ...... JeJDI!8 .... • It • K< outS. I 'tlone t 1 t•t'Jrtlu. o••r· "'"hwav .,... .. I :1 !'lan It.. mar. M(M cnmplai.rllft«. lt'a !"eAIIy lulrd work. _.. •It 11~. ,, • I•" k , • ,;llllll'llhl( t•o al10111 "Th" n,,,,,.,,. "' thf Ia ~--~~~~~~·~·~------~~~~~~~~~~~~----~~!ru~~~~~~~~~----------------~------~--~~--~~~~,~~~~~'1 anr~ ~· .. can offn '.m, u well lUI rl;l'n.ed) IRVlN CJ-:0. GORDON, IJf !Vo•lth .. rn ('allftorlllll l '•tllba ·M•aa n l '" w•ork on~e ''''' ••1 •ll~antuUon I don't UUnk that 110~ of our toiU ~-1et~ •nouc~ c:ncllt tO¥ " k ind word at e\'f'r)' opport\anlt)' ,._ ,.... loki>wl.,. ,arttrlpel•d In th• blatk-1 ~·hi• h w1ll t ... "''"' tn r!Jpe wtUa H um!} fl'lr tM whole ,..,... of ) •l Mayor, City or Newport Beach. ... I •out With almnat ,, P"r ~nl •w-· whal#v .. r rllf~tl•on .~ ... Croda· emf ____ . ____ .....;.. _____ -_,.._.......;;:_...;.;; ________ ...._ _____ ..,.._-:-__,l'c:-. · l•r •ld. I ·' I . .. ... -I now NE.WPC -. 0 :'~(""\ nco~!'...-·--- 84 Legion Aux: Bridge Bene Ia Profitablt .. ·. ~ 'Proaou"""' • fiJ wu tbt ilftll'fll bnc Mewport Harbnr 1 lola ' A'ullillary Ttiu . Leeton Hut ProcN1 ,.:< fDr and a rar ~---.ra~·~~· l!!leYea card ta bl • '"" bf1tdp anct rn • ..,.. ...... Roland , llartoa Do4d. }of,.. Onllldy, Yra. Rot» Rowvd ft-.rda. ., aad Yra. W. C. Bon ...-a prt&e VII a ' . . • i NEWPORT·BAIMA. PRESS December 1 France, Norway. Denmark. Belgi~, Hol· BALBO• Pa•ss 1--..ll G-and the rest of Euron~>? The answer lB ,to be ' -A R •· .. c~l. .. ~.~,. .... ,.Gilt aauu, ·~"' a·-~•·• Then a 11 ty~ nr mouu'f folk • ,. . ,1 _ • B.Y '!"· ~ ~ . _ _ ~ ttwo fact ·that we a~ in~e~tly 11 peaceful PeoPle -A.' '·'~''"''•··..:M.,.., ,,. H ''1 11' 1 i,., i: wtM, nl~ and 1rntalto. : ~ Youtli, aid Diaraeli, a lilimaer, ma.rihoOa a •~11e and we ~rom an act of aggress1on which lends to die- -~._--... au-ach, ''•llfornla t ... ,. want th .. world and • ry· and a-a --'' lt wu a -ll--laration of a -· .. w .. -.. _..ll ' ' • • I"'\'¢ 11 .,_., Tbunlda)' .. ,.""'"' 011 .w~ purl '" thtn" .~ ......... ,ua: :--" '4" u.u rupt the peace of -the world. :..-.&--_ _. -. ..... ft. Plal'\l al 2:.!11 I 'u&'llt Hh·u T .. l .. phul'k' Jill " •--•--'-f-"'"'-• wer th con J··-~--f u..IA b ----~-------• uu---~ au•-Hut won't I ·•·Opt'l'll~t'-..-W~U Vll ...... aortune, po - e c -0 a c,.._ w 0 &atft..d .. Mroa.d-<·lau r~uolt• r Juu~ lk, IIJ411, ·'' th .. f"NI~ off•~ .... , Ttw ..... rthwhil.-typ.. •• kind to had grown weary of indulgence and learned diaiUu.llonment lt'a 'the little trur;ga thllt count. A ·Santa Monica air· M.wport ~b. caJII<IC'lolll, und•·r. tho A• t •• r }.taro h .l, ·~·II th••lll. !rom a aurfeit ol material triumpha. • .• ~1 • . .. 1 lhlt ~t•ll tht'Y muat .-ntr"*at. . plane factory e8timates that it costa $800 to permit a wo~ ~ .J0:1''1WAPE& o~:· mt; un •w ~t;\\t'O,KT BFA(;• 11 , ... 11 wun t pWih and have to But Diaruli the brilliant spoke not alone for )limaelf: vialtor .. to go through its..plant beeavse the yoUDg men em· 11de. hit ~ aummary of the human apan ecb~ the c:ry ployeee •pend 80 much time lookinj~t ii!.-r. In the cue of ~ 1'1 '1) ..a .. m •• t u.ra.r. yuur feeAin! on. of unnumbered men and women -bo ,have come-with a f tim "" younc movie actres. who visited"the plant, the lou o . f! wm-A M...w,.ll and \\'. H l11tc.huuU1 c ~~:n,.,,. umJ l"'l•hiiHhcn . *"M A. MAXWEU... t :.J.'I"r . '• :.•stu Mt'aa ha• lon& ~n plentl-a.udd'enneu that stuns and bewil<if~o the mellow mid~ ia aid to have C08t the company $20.~. . tl111y liUIJf•l•oo wrtll eerv•c• cluiMI yeaR. There Ia no yearning so. tllled. with te&TCt and .U-..,.,..---,. . --'----: W. H. HJTc.HIIIA!'-0, C1r1·ul:•t "'" uttol .\•h ••rt•~111g1 SELL Mt:RDARta;K, Lo ·• al ="•·l~o.i •...J•~ - ,;--PriM a.. ~n adj~t-d a .ilcw~pltJH'I uf I:• I"''"' •·•rt ulullm1 by ,__VII tbt Bupl'tkor Court of Orttn.:t l't•unty and '" fully qullllfi.U to pobbab aJJ ltlnd8 of lf'l8l n .. tl• ,.,. uhu ,,dVt'rtiM'liiCnlli. 'V ---.---.----auiscRlPTJU:>o ft,\ TF.~ . ·' • iiilOrutce COunty. 11.00 per yt'llr (<tulllult· ,r t ''"nile Cuunty, 11.60 lud urganJUIUlnll alld now It hM re'Proach .._ tt$at which' exclaiuul. "U I ~Jd_ only live life ,,11,lhct une--t~111 Co.ta Meaa Cttl· (IVer!" I.Crl a CIVI(' Lf'&IU~. Thm· .r .. folk• who feel thai. Halt of man'11 days are prospective, half retroepective. Hw rhamh!>r or · Comme~e llu Uffa aprlngtime looks forwara longingly toward the'aprtng. ,,,,,, ""' ll.ll(>lf adt-quat.-tQ guide tile N bin "'~--•l••\'f'lupm .. nt and pr••grt'M of Ule ot g truer was ever written uuua Pope's deathlella liDe,' ' Tbe sneaking and tn•a<.'hl·ruu,.; mt th•,.J .. r ,.;tartua{r'(h•· ,,111,11unlty and lh11t anotht>r C'lvlc "Man never Ia, but ulwaya to 'be, ble8t." .And the moet tragic war in the Pacific wu typw<£1ly JaJt:Jili'N' :.n.l t )'Jlll'ally ,, j.;l<tiiUttlun IJI prl'tl)' much In th~ robbery that comes to each and all of ua ia in the ieemlpg · 1 h ( 1 k .,,,,,, •·nh·~t••ry •• th .. ...cond tall Nazi. Attac::kiDgft~rican (IUlflj •:-.ll--an 1 lt· o~ur,.; '' • .tr nt•M; ... d inability of mea and. women to live in the preeent day and I k f .,,. a uv~ ... 1 won f'r ... whilr her "apeciaJ ert\'OYK" wt·n.: :-.1111 l•rl'lt•ru tng to W•lr · ut ,.,,,.1" M e>ll" Ill' une ;1r the 'flnart. hour. · a --'u! 80IUtion Of ililft:l'('nCt:S \\:a,.; l'_h ,tr:trt c:'n!tu::•uf It fnrndJu•>ll, flult~~·~ D..M. .. -tJ.e-tloctl'ine amacka of lat&Jia-.hut-lllAftV -Of ~~ . iLfl ~''" J>uuth Cout ··~ ·•~J.J!"'" ~ -' - E NT E ~ T 'A I N M E NT . by HARRY POWELL P-hene-463 BaJboa ~anti tiolr Wlnc:ti. tJ)iftg to d_onainah•1l t't7ttttfH't1t-bY'f.tk:'t' uf ft tllol h k ,.WIIIe nne C•f thr lar&eal -who think eaJidf'dlyUprur Ule iUbjed 1e&ii t() fhe CODCIU• JapaaeR militariata are brag~mg aboJUl ll11·1r matiaJ "\'it'· uuno .. 11.,rntt'd ,.,,:umunlUe..~ 1n thf' AlOn that it we reaUy bad the opportunity to live life over .;. ...... --=------------...-.-----"..~---~--..----___, ..._.._.._ " and weU may; f,,, 11nn·~ l 'rukd .Statt'l:l 1s w .. ·v .. alwaya dun~·• pr~tty we live it tf-'--=~~R~ .. ~acW~l~. rr~bal~-----... ~~,;.~.uf..if:...i"totci"U1~;;::cii;u:v~Uiwiii1l-7rwUViilliC'SFsava~;f..,,,..~,h.,.··"',.r,.,or"' .. ..,114~. ~a"'t~le.ast, WE werr ia not o ur willa ant.la@jurw"tt .... wt.o wtt11 b • t.lk>y may ba\·e no furth'-~ \'ld"''~'" t u br:a~ t. lt<'gan.lh.~· .,,1,;,,;~1 but 1n tht> pMt two cumatanceta, environD}ent-all contribute to the ma~ping A UNIQUE CHRISTMAS Glfl! .....,. • ~ C1Y of the CO&t in me'D, wealth an•l u1h1·r :-.al·rtliCl', A.mcru·a Wll i ''""',. lh•hK!I ha,· .. ~H-t-n rhangm~ of our patha. Tbe acciden( of birth makea one man a r.....to~"""r ,...-;...-llr1dr p • _,_ --.. ---~&.. o&.-~ an· •-rnattonall><uidtt.'l and rl·dliCl' their ·~JUntry t•·. .·I 1""'1''"1( oal4t d the beli Tb 'de f . ..., • • r ~ y,.. ......... ~ ..,.. ,,., .• wJtJ.-nly tut''" ~on urban c011• an ano r man an un ever. e acca nt o enva.ronment dlaJnaall ot ,..m, · it. propt'r lltatioo. The J ;aJlWlt.•M.-lla\')' fiJUst bt: wl~.t frllm t.t ... H "1Uwut the nuu:h,mery to make» one a cooscrvafive an<l one a radical. So little a tb.ilag lllldred StaaJey uw t!w au; Japauetlt' citit·1u nust ~-IAm•bt·d tu Jct~trul'l ion, and t,•k·· ··ar•• .,f il as-mia&.ing a train or waking up too late in the morning may llflll&' 0 til • cb&Jt'D -I f h • J.1k•• II IIIUO \!. t\11 riel~ .a..; . .M.... Julla Jape~ military fWli4:h mu"\ lx' rl'lrl'\.'li rum l l' 1'Ufttro. ttw r •• thl'r ur tnpt .. t~<, 11 um't 11ur· alter the whole chain of exlstence. The rea.aon we live our Kn. Muy CtWDt ol their go\·~mmept: An..J th~· t.1:.k w1ll uut be l'unplt:ll· until 1'"~1111: 1! "e·., .. a httil' bit ovl'r· lives u they are i» primarily becaUJe we are we. The aame ..... ••d •rvtna . .,... __. VII popc-o Ja,..oeee lnvadt'nt an..J puppet rukr~ art• ch:aVt:n out uf China. ~ ll•·lm~u. T.hcre. are 80 nulny reaaop. appliea to the prctbability of our ltvi.Dg them differ· ed ~ u-'"-b··-'-o, U·-huria, Korea. 1'h:ulancl anJ tht• D.'utdt 1-~sl ttun~;" l1J b.! dune:·s., mMnY an&le& 1 if · th rt · d ----lu '"' Pllr\)Utlt·n't.l; II() lll&nY prob· ent y JIVeD e oppo untty to 0 ao. Jndlea. The~ "maniJ.At~'ti" L·dantl:; whil·h Japan. holtL• "'"'" 111 rno·e. One of the fundamental mistakes of thoee who look back ..... ~ liiMkr autbortry ~t Uk .. U 'liKUl· ur Nalilln:i anoJ ll t;()r. Tho•re Ill the old fllmlhar boj'ey with regret upc;n what baa been ia their . .failure.io underatand cma pledae that tiM>y ,-hould not b.· ll•rttfJ•·d . muz:t bt! givt:n '· "1~<«l~urit~ dnuu•~ .. ; lh~ lacj( or lh t even the • f 'lures d t edi th t k ,,r .. 1ocr f~Kllllwl Lor l.n.ab ancl &~r-a errors an . ~~ an ~g ea · a ma e up --ua&.o .aore civm.ed and tru~~tWf,rthy can-. In twr d('SpN1ll•· .... ,.,. diiiP'~""I : th~: nt>f'd of IM'tter the atory are all esaential to the plot~d all neceaaary to · etforta to cll•tnate tbe .'eatift Far Eut. whiJI,l ~"""~4 ~ ~ •~c.u •.u.-&a and -.&· lhe·roundiog out· of the life. There is no fteOrd in the world UD&bW-· to control her own n•rklf·!'t.~ lradt·~." Jlr)lan is rl~tt'r-11'''" Ill.-drmand fur more ade: of men of any life that wa8 whoUy perfect or entirely happy. J•;at•· ~~<·W~&t' du•~l In tlw . .med to eoaumt aatioftaJ hari kari. Sh~ hu aaked for It, and lh~<kty-.wttl.-d u .. tn<'~; the lack It Ls impouible, indeed. for any pei"BBn of intelligence and at i. up to ua to see that abe gets 1l. '' tn"'ll 1n tht· r~:••~utial IM!Ctlon: uonnal conacleoce to be co.npletely happy for: any -length of ' •-----• \ lhf' prulll•·mll ur z-mm~ and water ti&e. Infant. and imbeciles alone achieve...that condition. .....,_--M-4&ri~W4l ~-- ,Among· 20 P . To Sorority ' Develops ~e ·muscles, tea'ches co-ordination and sportsmanship, be- sides being of g{eat pr.act~·c.al usefulness ·a _ BIC¥CLE-·-~ For Christmas ... IWtJ'a Hoe t1r fll. llr. ud lira .. ., ODilia ..... .....,. ....... ot lilt&. .. '.ad to ~.,.___. ...... Ill. 8L • .......... Hetct ............... ............. P~bly the Nui-dt;unmatl-.J ~lt.·t"M uf J~tpan dad us 11 cood turn without lm01'·ing it. The ttn\·akm,.; und tl•·:u·heroUJil attack on Pearl Harbor ant.! th.· l'htftf'JIIIll':l whik Jupah('14(' envoys w~~ atiJI •tailing for p:al c. m Wa:ihingtvl'-haJ th.•! iut&at&Moua ~rtect of uniting thl· Amt•rican Jlt'Oj\ll• u they baw aot ~ united for a· g\'lh·ratJun. In f~l·t, th~ d~tardly ad -• to bave arouaed and united the wholt! Western •"rJ;~~tn:u~ •. hu;:~ .• o'!:~· only Carlyle neVer-thulidered louder·tban when ~ ecomed the "'ork ... nuuch ,for two CIVic Ofl&n· childiah ambition of weaklings to attain "mere happineu.'' G E 0. c. p 0 s ·T 17 ... 1"'"·" 'hut for "''~:ry mother'• The bardeet leaeon for moet of ua to learn ;. t.ba• life Ui SANTA ANA ... Mil ........ .. IIIIIIINt)'W ... ... 1111111 JIMq I • •'J] ~·-­................. ...... ~ ..... ................ ............. ~ ....... ........ Diillnd -. ....... -. ~-..... ....... \ The lilt cheerfid • ...___... n.owr.M •• BIXLE FLOWER: Before \"o .. l . FLOOI '11ne 81 PrWay,lllltlll ~, ..... ·-•. ,.... Te .... ~~ '"(\II uf WI, lndl\'ldiiJIIly. Juft .. -' ' 3rd St. at Spurgeon ,.,mpt'lltum 111 the' life of trade, a g~!-Au eapeJ:ience, all knowledge, all feeling muat eon~ ~-=---.......:.--------~--------------~ · llelna.pbt"' against.-the r.•th~ brtiWn-.-kmnl'd bandi~ . CaDada. C..ta R;ca, Gu ....... u.ta ;m,t uthl:r nation~ d('(:lar<.od war qaiMt Japan evert bt•furc tht• cpn~rl'tlli of the t: 8tata could act. Out' by one th<' .SUut'h and <.:~·ntral Ameri· C.. npublka are faUing into hnt·. Gr~at Britain, wh01:1e far ..,......,. territ.or8 were also attat:kl-.1 without w·aming, at.o a-t • to the punch. All of th<' cuuntrt\'tt around . Japan haft clec;lared war on ,her an.J Hhl• .hun't 11 · 3000 IDileL UDder .uch cirl'Uhllitancl.'S, JUSt IJ,,w much can GerlaaQy aDd ltaly do lo aitl the Japunc~· l.;t•rmany ha... ber haDd8 full in Ruuia and Arm·a.~hill! lt1tly has bt~~ rc· chaced JO naUitary impotency. · ---------·---------'l'lae Ullited States Supreme court on Munday handt..J dowa a dedtUoa setting aaide deds1o ns or the California court. boldiftc tbe l...otll Angel_es Times gu1lty of contt•mpt t..-ita .editorial COIDIIIIPDt on C8.6(.'K tri(-.J in the lcl<"al couru. Califonaia tribuna1a ~Mold ·that the nt'WspaJ)l•r'» romment.s bad a tecwleDcy to influence or intimidate the court.ll in thl' lri&l of-=--. 80IDe of which were awr pending on right .of · appeal But tbe highest court ruk>d that tht' ptt'8Jil has a ncbt to p:ubliA new• and editorial comment on matters al ..ue befOft the courta. 80 long n.s th<' same Jocs not corusti· tua.e a real Obatruction of justiet.•. The J~c~iun ~ •onsidert•·1 to be the llb'Ongtst reaffirmation uf the constituti(ma) guar- anty ol freedom of the Pre&JI in a 9uartcr ccntul"). • • '1 "My country-in her intercouts<• with otht•r nati<>ns m_ay abe always. be_ right-but. right ur wron~. my Ct>Untry :" 'l'bMe iJamortaJ words we-re· utt<'red by 8h·ph<'n IX.'l'atur. eaiJy AIDeric:an .,.triOl, and-lh<'y an~ a migl)ty gill,.f tip that now ia the time to forget politics and pt•tty ~~rr,•rt•nn•!i uf opinion on our Government's dont('Stil-ant! furl'lpl pulil'it'l< 'I'beft ~be plenty of 'time in tht• future to j;('ttlt• our squab· '*-iD u.e· approved democratic mannd·. but ju..t now tht• paramount taak ia to crush alien dktaturs and ugc;re-880rs. ---------·-------- ,.., P"··}lt'rly-~towrn.cS rivalry can tribute to ~ ~n in~iritual a.,_ture .. U .. knowledge in· . 1 \'lt:tllty ·~ purpc»e !fW • creuetb .Orrow" ao mUCT ~r • .the tribute t«t the aenai-, ••nm11,m1ly. • '• , · ~._4.4 . • t What 1f .the Ctt.mber of Com-b11jtiee. u bmocence depart 'Mm the knowleoge of good and tu .. n·(' nnd Cl\'1<' Leacu~ ¢RE tra\'· (:vii, ao much eareleaanet~~ or ex~ of zeal, 80 much the ~t-·~~n! ... bt~~f~=~~ ~~~': ter ah~U we Ullderstand and·appreesate the ftllibility of oth· ootr .. rnlf'fll.Pf Oieta' MHA-'t ean't t'ii: Men who wute vain regreta 'oVer yean that have been ,.., .. thAt "•t matt""' 80 mucb how Ji\''ed 'do not remember their birthright'; they forget the pow-~··· att~tm that ~nd or wbo brine• f th 'b • u1 to d · h'l t.h bod b · -•-11 nh•mt. et 0 e WDUl 80 JI"OW an J&1D 9( I.e e y 8 rJV~ Afh·r 111t, thf'rto La r.olhlrqr that to senility and decay . '.''.! hlntl4c'r or tk>iay the o .. r~~ · Emenoo'a Givine law of compenaation works nowhere lltlfnldlllg •• r 8 gocxl ldl'. and YOu . tJ ... __ , . • .. _ .. _, __ ...:-g of lost Y""'"-wa'tb lluW """ I Jnuw: that Gellta Meaa more anerran 1 YI&U an UJCI U&NUA."DI ._. .. rs a J'OIId Idea ... 11Uper-c:4'"--! larger ad~. A modem-poet, Arthur Davison Ficke. J.'ulka "r~ 11l1ll "lalkmr about thua beautifully Con.oae. the men and women of ·the "MiddiP. th .. •r Jlf'rAt>nlll n"aC'tll•n upon liMine Yean'' for the Ia. of the joys and beauties peculiar to the' m•Jthl,y bomtlf"r.' 8 -19, u It th ··nuM'd Rlunr: the Ney,·poi;('-Balbo& you : atwrduw .Fnday mvrnr.'•· Pru· "Now I know l ll'lllly• lhf' rntlto> Jlflpu atlon wu &mewbat what the meuure of fihat may be clone ..... ,.,, ttw> lllrf't'la wat('hln~ It . . And may not by this child 'of a dark race ~ .. 1111" wnm<'n w••rf' eo ~moUonally ·•n·n·"m•• lliat U\('f muldn~t hold Who Ill tbe 'toftC~~ot''the sun ''"' k th~ tn.r'!l ... A number or At Jut for a brief moment t.allea bia place. '"'" r.·mm·•-d th"" ~ta .. thf'y 1 bid him bear hia banller with the rest, " .. ul<l 1f the> 011~ ~ In rtP\'Iew . u .. w •. ,w. 1 th111k th~ cro'wnjnJ Nor too much blame the · dusk that haunta hia breut. t•·rnttr~ or nll rum" frt•m a ~~tJidlf'r, 1 can m~re tranquilly behold the atara n W''l ~""'11t ...,.ldlf'r who ~an once I could. Their alien majesty hum,. nn INl\'P and hapJM!nf'd to 1>1' ''" tho> ~ .. wport ck~an Front Awakes in me no longer desperate wars "h•·n thr rt-19 ftl"llt Pft~~ onr . . Against their far indifference circling by, II•· wilt• hNJ 1t fur IK'\'~"'1 moml'nts b' d 'hte t "hf,,.,, '""'m~ n """""· nwn ht Fqr J tqo have my or at, an a b ·; , ..... u(( hL• t•;lp nnd allond•ng lh~rf' Upon its rundure I no leaa fban they . '" Ow won<t. barf'heRd• d. contlnUf'd Decline the teet of warlike argument. lu Wl.l.u~~ Ulc. plane With h .. ~Yt'B. Ln " Finally tw turnt'd tn an eldnly They go'theft-.everal wa~ ...,& my way. nll\11 .. t hu• 1<1d~. Nothing of all my hopes hav~ they denied, 'Tk""" r•np," hf' ""td, "If 1 Nor do I storm a.gainst therrl as of old. ,., ,., h~<•l Rll)·•l .. ubt rtboul It bf'f1•rf'. f 1 'd 1 K:'\t '". 11 .. w thRt ,.ny nmntr) We pasK, the aovereigns o an t!QUa pr1 e. 111.,, .. 1n b111hl 11,machmr hkf' that Som~ day shall I be dead and they be. cold. ""'' ·~ n••t ••nl)' w••rth flghttnc for. t:ntil that hour, untroubled in our flight, hill w .. •th dym ,; f,r . ... We t>eek nur paths through the spacious night." \\'h •I l'••ml'.o '" nunl1 &Hnu ~, ..... ,,, , ... ,. t ~· c,.,·,.ult bark 1n U we wer<' truly in earnest about our desire to live over ,. "'t '"' ·'I!"'" art.•r ... h•n_.t an agaan, W<' should profit ~ every niistake of the past. And "'~··n· ,. \\'•• nl);;~r..a him ... 8 c. w• ahould .. ,... 1•·, . ., what :. left of life that no such desire would \t :'th·\-.., " .. ~ f••• m.,n~· )'•an a ~ .,.,_,. it.~ _.. t. • k •n '"'' }o:,.,.ulr l"'•'"fflc~ ... o\'ertake u11 in the the ye&J'8 that yet remain. I• I' l'rulham nf ll\4:1 Oran•f The physical man .cannot go back' to what hM been, b~l ", .,,,,. ,,.. .. n•• oo( Uw I hrt't' uldf'8t f fy . ., "''''. ~ ,,... i'""'' .,, "'"' lo:c-at ttw the 80Ul goes. back through the mystic power o memo . ·"""'" c· '·''' ... ,q,.,y •n(' atartl'd Old age--and E'\'en the season of the middle years--does li\'e '"n '"' ,,.,.,., fum II Ytal"' IIJO hfe ove~ again in retrospect. And memory has a'blessed w.ay I· II•'" t••r· Ill·'" ••f tho' "'~"•'hAmc;; of blott ClUl the abadows and gilding the h ' lights With '"''" l~•n .. lo• thll< ljlll• n. """ h\'l'd the dedantion of -.-ar agairu;t Japan. Senator Burton ~· 1 ••• ''· 1112 ,.,.,,r,. ··•to:ht d~t"\1 h("t~\'t-1\n finds tha t his c'•unlry ia in ..... , .. ..,L"'"'"' Calling the people of the United Sta~ea "war-minded'' IR so~ething that evi~tly _,Qn~~!rom, th! ~· of_ Axas yardaticlo! .. Seldom wa.i any t~nn ever more of a n:usnomer \'lew ot the attitudea taken by several o~her nations of the world, including Nomura's own Japan. · · . ' Wheeler wu abeent but he ga\'\.f out a statement »ayin'= 1 tw ·•to:•·." •. r !-t' :m•l Ptl Fmnk. "t ' ", . 7~ ~··:t r;l' i'IT 11$:1': l'llllld :t.NI for " ·-w _. to tick htoH oat of Ja~Jr.· U>l. Cha8. Lindbef'1Cb mn~ ~r 641 __ '«'. rw\' or ill a fiDiiDc declaration pleaded for unity in fighting thc ~::ro ;..lr.','t ":ls cr,hm lxly.1on. th~ COUDtry'a eoemiea. F•·nalalr. ftrsl atl'n ml"r In riY ~~-. ul:uly ,,,·twt•••n San J't'dro )lnd --=----r. I'Mahn:t. l~tllnd ... R.~altor P'. !: PrtYate cltiwns. old tmrl young arc learning that th<'t<' Ru,.i<4•ll '"'Y.!i th!lt t h~ ··nly llmf' h~ ,., , r "··nt QIIAII hun • n~ h~ Ahul an IDUay t.hinp they cn n Ju to hclp tht> nation in its war h15 ··r··~. pull"'' th~ t n~~rr. llnd effort. eft!ll thougti the~: are not membcn! of lht> \mtt'>l r.:••t !!•'''"" An.-r t. .. r1<'k~ ·e-m fOI'd& Cqa;a~ ('O-O~ration with thc cinl and military 111' li.· d··· hh'd they """'' h~<> rr~:t · 1\' l 01 kill llnll,ll\'\'t'r !!ho•t lUI}' nh>r. autJaoriti-. il DQ1Ir the tet~t of antt The Japan~se have been fighting Ill Ch1na for sUgtttly more than rour yean. They began· the war on a trumped-up int:ident &nd tht'y have continu~. with~ut the formality bf a declaration. to fight the war with extreme b~tality ~oward t he ci\'il population. The reason for the war •• ostena1bly t o 1 ,,,,:n ... rly 1n •'hllrJ:t> "f " rt\II~Ad ('\'er h~\'e taken pi~ bad not the Japaneee lM!en anned to · ~~~:nal """'"m Ul thl' \'~rgm Rh·f'r ...... ; .. ,.. thi .... ft .-ceful Scalt~f«.ar&aRi~JflbQr! U{lion leadt-ra ba\'t> agret'rl l!••untn·~ vr ~e"aaa . . . · the teeth and desiroua. of -e ao~~ om a r- that .ra. ahaD be taboo duting d~t> p~6t emer~cnry. h t.1p" Sm!liJ•·y tirur N-t-n w1t11 Ule people. . . em~ aad etn~tal Rlrt"nctes ahould ~ that thb U\•yd Hrlldt.ly !thl>p fc>r ~~ Yt'Ant I If •the Americana were inclmed to~ ~· why wu ,_. jOf ·. -~ j 11nd .uthouah not· ma.ny tolu ' bvio"•'" wk.• the Germf:p pilture o1 Mt.ioaa' ilaity ahould not be wutecl. kno•· 1i. ta ._. • •*''* 'lftt.Nnlr. · AmerieaD public opmAoD_. .110 o . ~j\1'" , . • & '.;.\;.k, . . I' 1 I. . \~ ....... - ' t· r 'H . R .. ~T.ROTT r~aste~ Jew~ier .' WATCHES JEWE·L.S Precision Repairing -Sycamore at Fifth Street SANTA ANA Phone 5618 , .. .-------------·-·-·-·-----·-·-----~--~----~·~ AWFiJL FRESH ' MacFARLANE "' I Y~ 8<-otl'hman Who 'f\ilt \'t• II~ Pri<'t'M CANDY · IS GOOBER ' ' . nus IS PIT<'IIt:R Ot" ~CUlt: CW 'I\' S:Tl'FF 1 CBOCOiiATEs PA;ER BAG 34c u.. ·NOW \'Ol' CAS Gt:T TillS SCOT('IOI1\S'S GOODER'S F R t: S II f: R ('.-\Sil\'· fliGHT HERE AT IIO~t: IX ~1·\. ~TOU~ ... ASD ... YODJRLL·LIKE. STUFF ·COME IN A.~D GET \"Ol'RSt:l.t'.COS\'I"SCED AND · io?; SW~ETEK L~~~~~t;,. AT . • • . .. GUIIJ)I:BSOII~ ~DRUG - B.U:.BOA '~ , " ·. • .. ,. •' r --c--..-----.........---, I ··---. ...._ "ou~~t ofLIJIIk A.a.: J . A . ~k. ~t; ..,-et ~vtlll', tl~l·'t~·, ~h·•·l<~ 1•11 ~all. ~ --+-. ~ l!.,.,.ria.u-"ao~aey"· Uuat: JCJ~:W.n. Ill' FMMDl; 1lutea C. Dodd. feent.uy. 'lueAiday, 8 :30p.m.; at Whlt.'e PariCA...ue oate. 0.~ lleu-"IM'pqrt Jlutlor ~~ult: J . ~-s..;,f.-,.,..... _dent; Howard Gerrish, s~c~~:ary. Tu··~ noo'\ Helna Ka ... r'e cafe. . &1..-a.b·of Newport a--.: Dr. Ralpll D.~ pl'ldk•t; kill Kinltatller, aecretary. Thun1. 12:15 p.m ., Gue Tampi.W cafe. Coro.a clf'l ~ar t 'hk "-.: Harry W.-.tu,·n . pre.ldent: Kra. D. 8. Lloyd, ~ecrt>tary. M~~l8 on c~&ll 11t ,l!peclfaed plaee>. · Newport (..'hie Leape: C. -F.-De~ pneadult; lin. Hukel1 O&beon. lleeretary; Th1rd Fnday at City Hall ecp.ta Me.a t'ttlz.rn• <'h·lt-a-cw: Palml'r, eee'ty. Eat·h Wl'<int'sday, 7 :10 p. er80D, eecretary. Meeta at bldo clubhouM GD c:a&l. · Newpo" llartlor Sentce ~: H. o. ~ P,l"..sdlllt; Jaa Tw1at. eecrtt&ry. Meell! Wednl'llda,y noon aJ Whit.'e c:&te, Balboa.. ADMrtc:a. "l.ea1-l"oa& !tl, N-'pot't ...,._.: Olean croft. C'OID· FDUdolr; AJ Dyc:Junan, adJul&IIL 1.at .ud InS ~ ........ llu&. ~ JAockHI AuWary of N-port a....r: MUdnd Staale~. praeldent; _Jiut& J4&ert. HCretary; 2nd and Ub MoDda" J.ActoD but. Aawnua Lrctua .. _, 4$$, <·-a. .._: Homer Bombo7. -- mander; Gou G~ adjutant. 1st and 3rd lloada:r-, Lecioft b&ll Ameiicae Lql.oa AUIII&IIry of C.ta ..._: ~ Botnboy, prtel- cknt; Edith Dulaney, BKretary 2nd and 4\Ja ~ at. IActoa ball \'t>te,.... 'of f'urrip W&r~J: J . F . 1lw»mP.10ft, ronunander; Floyd Horfard. adjutar\t.' lllt·:mt 1''ndaya, M-Leek balL _ • \:,te..-of •·urrip \\'&riJ AaxWa~: Lola ThomJ*)n, pee~.; J:1la -001\l'llct 8l'<''fY.~tttl lo'ndayll~ ~~-MU. .,_ •• A--'•U.. N~ ~=r I aw· Smith, pretaldent; l'ltrbert Tbompeon. 8l'Cft~. &.coM 7.------F'lraMa'a AII&War)', N-pot't a.dl: Mra. IMrtlert Tboms-oa. prealdent; Mrs. Ralph R~tnd1•1l, lk'i'T .. t~<ry. 2nd~)·. ,.,...,. •• Aaaod&U.:'~ .......... ···~ •• Jam. Col· Uae, pnAlde.n~ Harry .Andenon. eecret.uy. ~~ nalAC• at finllall N..,.ort aut.or Y~.t (..,_: 720 Wet~t BaJ &YeDU8, BallloL Cca· m.odore Jamee Guthne; Secretary, Low.a W . Bncp. ...._ Y~t.(..1.-: E. H . R 1eaenJ. commodon; T . &. )~ ~~mmodore;Fred B. _Hunle, ~-<X»nmodo~ _ ...,atoa lalaecl \'at•hl ('luat: AIIBn BHk. commodon:· Jc)(Jy Ad.ilmta HCretary. Balboa Island. Vlk.laK s.Mia•. <1ull: Bob CJ'(Iflby, commodon; .Cia)' C&mpbell. eec~tary. Mee!a fln1t SuAday at Vakang's Port clubbou.. N-,ert ~r N~M~ ('alniA: lkn Yollnglu\'t', Jr .. lll'nt4Jr lk>ut; Don Younc. aecreliry. !ll"'''llCirl Hnrbor Yat·ht dub.· ---------. . ~ ....._ A.J~CUa• Cl-: E. H . All•n, p~nt; ~ Crodler, eec:-re~. Meet. on calL ' . .. · Newport T1aaa <1uat: Ed OroeiM'ndyke. jr., -ptftl*tlt; Mary DaY- Iqe, MCtetary. Ml'l'l!l at :'l:.o:wpcoa t Hnrb(lr \"adlt club on_ call. --I-'-------t--..... l.a..d tSwJm Club: Her~rta JohMon, captain; SI&E)' 'lllom· aa, ma.nacer. · Newport Harbor Trap ~hnollll& (.111b: J. Harold Caldwell, pre.&· 'dent; lira. Jea!"ne Huard. A<'t·n·t.nry Jo:a, h 'Sunda)' at trap crounda. p.,_t-~i"' AMocaat'-of Ne;p;;. 11ut1er u .... Hlp . edtooi: lin. E. 8. Dixon, preauknt; Mrw. Jo~roed Aah•an. ~- p.,_t-T-IIer AMOC&at&otl of N_.port lleedl o-..._.: lira. Lee Tnne, prcs1dt'nt ; Mrs. Fay lk>nedlct, itec•ty. 3rd Moncla,y. ~·· CouiM'II of N~ llutler: Gou Grable, dent; Gladys Ed1c'k. fK~·rt!lary. :.lnd Thu~llday at HiCh IIChool. Ilea Mcouk: Harry Gartll'r. sk1pper; Conat.antin Flank, flnt mate; Each W~. eve, 7-9 o'ciOl·k, Amencan Legion ball, 15th and BaJ O&rt Martaerw: Clare Stimson, aklppet: Lala Merritt. tint mat.; lit and 31'(j Thur11. p. 111 ':., :JmJ and •th Mt~nduy ~\'t'll, ---.,.-----------... , 8eoula, ~ewport Harbor: Harry. Ru, Seoubnut.er; Fnday, 1 p. m, Scout Hut. 15th and Bay. . -----Of.rl 8eouta. Nhport BNcll Troop: Ml"'l.· 0 . M. Briacoe, leader; ~~We Martha Fisher, co~lender. Grammar I!Chool k indercmrten room Ooeta M.-Oranp, 81%: Hugp I:;, lklau, muter; Mn1. Rotlert. Rapier. aecretary. :lnd Rnd -lth Th6r1'4oy, 22fl4 Se~'J)ort Blvd:: C. »: Home I!A-onomletl Dfopt. of Co!lta Mf'lla G~. II!: llrw. Fred Brace , chalnnan; Mr.1. Haruld ~dy, ll('('rE'tRry. 2ne1 and 4th Tuudayw. ~ewport Harbor RNI c·n-: l Jr H"ward Seager. pre~~ .. A. J. Tw~. aecretary. Meets on ocall. • · Coeta M-~ Cn.a: \\' L. Curne. "halrman; Mrw. Ra.tpb VWe, eecno.tary. 4th Tuellday "''"IITng at Coeta lleaa Fireball. EIM!U Clob of N-·port lk'lu-h: M n1. SUMn B. RutherfurCS, pret~l· dent; Mnl. ~ Andt-r!lccn, st'<-rut.•I'Y l ~t 11nt1 :lnJ Th'!nod.oya. ----Newport Oart,or w-·• "-aauo.: Mra. Geoqette lluwell. r>nYrt~rru,.,.\frs. Rny l..mn. St'rrPtnry. 1st Tut>!OdaX pftn. 18t M•:,nd.ily. 11-'-aod Kn. Vera M&ll~r. prellldE-nt , -.-'I --.. -· Aa Auet Te E!ery Caliienia Com . . . . T-. Chrlltma.-.. . • .... YOUI' gift Mftllltle -· appi'Opl'late -. . . . Food Is Always Welcome· "? Assorted and Fitncy BUTTER COOKtES, f-1--.:.=.::..:...-ies ·h om w hic.h lQ ch.90ae. lb . . ---- Looming larxto an tl\t' M nntg.11m•ry • t r e ~ t f1nr1n1'IMI da11trirt. Bank of Amt'rit'U'a ultrR-mi.Kh•rn &An Franclllco hc•111i ••fflc•o• buald-•rilf -~ted ~ Jll,ry ~ P .. GiannKil, fu111'd1·r or LIM' na~ -b.nkln« instltl~tlon. -. - Th1a newe~~t evidl'"'~ .. ., Call~·• ~--&. &ad naa 12 ~it'il. In hill ~CM~Ion addreu Mr. <.illl(lllllll pc1intl'd OJUt that "lhla bwldin6: u! 1111 Rl4-it>t tll..l~fl'Y ClOTI'Imuntty m CllJllomla,' a ·~n·olr or t('('hOICnl t'X(!"nenc•(' lind rlnan<'ial n•f!<.llJrt'CJI Jnal&nt• Jy ~ to lt'nd Ita IUI.~Iatant't' wht>revn needed." At t~ aamp-tmlt' Mr. Olnnn1111 'Announced tluot <"11llfomla had aC~\'I'd a t~' bllhon doll11r bRnk. rt•ll()urceta or Bunk of Amcorlca harinl; p&UO'd that r1gure. Thl8 .,. the rirwt time th1s ""'""rd hu cvtor bfto achievf.d by any ~nk uutalde Nf'w York Cl.ty Mesa Sa.ilor \\'rites of Experien~ at Naval Air Station N~rt Rarbnr and CMtJ\ Mt'M af'l' Wl'll l"f'pN'IM'nlt'Ct Rmung Undt' Sam'a rll(htlntc 'fofq•.<t nu\\ llf'('lnjt action ln HawRII and tho· f'hlh(l- plnea. Letttorw from "tho' bny10," alwa)'!l of pnmf' iniNr,.t to thco home "tolka and tMir f:11'nda, ha\'" now tAk•n o'\.. nddl>d Sll{nlfl<'ancto with thf' outbrt'a1c or hw•t•litl.-11. In a ltotttr \\TIItf'n to hla fnth- c-r. E. M. Tn1:oht'I01 M 1H75 Lu- KUna RVt'nlll', .t4o!<ta Mr·!U1, ycoun~ Norman Tn~•·•m tt•lls intc•rt•.>~l · inl)' or life at Knukuhl' ll;oy :'1:11\'111 Air StAtion. H"'wau. Tho• •'•'lllmun- l<'ation. whlrh '(oil!< wr;tl•·n j118\ 11 Wl'l'k prior to thf' J or ·u·•·!lt· ntt11cf< • folio"-.: • · tr10k \\'ill Emplo_,. Ci,·i[anM in Many PositionM at Cad .. t Ct-nhar Mujr•r W. A ft oolto•rt"''"· ·.,. .. .,. nHon!hll~ nfr~t'f'l :of' I h·,. lWW ,,.,.,., ('uA>It Rt'Jllat'•'lllt nl ~o·11lo•r "" :'l:o·w 1••11 hulllr\'Mrd, tin.''" <·k 1111111•1111' •-cl llutt numt r""" q\·,lo...,, t•l!l(lloo)' 1 •'II Will bl' ff'lll41f••tl tco h111111lo• Ujlt•f 1 .ot lltnl< At th .. llt'hOOI I . J'r rJo•n• whe tvtvr ~tll"f'adv pa"" •·cl 1'•\'11 'lt'r\'ll'l' exurnlurttll;ll>' f••r l"h~ 111 """Y 'tn-Rolqt:Mrto·rll unti l \\ h""' r..1m••JO lll"f' •m tho·, 1\'1 1 ~"'n · ,, ,. ro'i:l"l"r "Ill ho> ~1\'0'11 prd~;l I t•n('f'., Sr<•~tndary prt•rt>r·ent•o• w111 ,,.. , &.:n·t·n lu t"' u u•rlJI ..,..,, •• pn:...M lh•· ,r•• •pur.·,l • •Vtl f'.f'rVh , .• ~xuruu.ut 1 .. ,,._ • fnu11 tho:-t1111•• ,,;,..,a:rt Oni.Y 111 I he· •·••·ul th11t thl' 11~1 .. r •lo~ll•t• • lo•·• """'~ o·'lhltll.l<h•d "oil tllf' • u•l• I •••ulo •r • llo)'l••\' lndl\'OClto>ll~ \<hoc fl••l nnr-!11• •·I ol\'11 ~·1\ ,.,.,. ro•ftllll•· ' 1\wnt ll. t hi~ I'IPtnJr ~HI 1mn rlntf nJio• woth lo:OVC'mmc•llt Rj;to•nrll'~.l f-:lliJ•I•f',;,·~ I' ,,, " •I 11 \ "" lllrt• 4•111\' I'• f'-•·11 · v 1'4tUUJC lt• )U 'f Utt•• t'fll Springerly and. Pepper Nut HONEY COOK- .J~S. P"<;lt~d_ i.n _C!!tra~tave _Chr~•tm.aa ,pack- aqes,-~Sa.nta et.,uses and Ginqer.btead ~~ . -' ··-·20c FRlJIT C AKES, per lb. ·-eoc Attractively ..:.wtapped in cellophane. Suit- •ble lor qdt. MARZ1PAN---Ba~ed in ahapea of fruit and vegetables; made. of Almond paate. -$~~' Give _~Faml--· ' Wh~tt-n_•r W(' hun· nrc:omr•liHht'tl durlnJt Uw pn~t yt·ar ha~ bt-.•n mutll' JlnMKiblc• throuJth tht• l'I1Ur1t'~'Y· 'c·o-oJM'r<atii'" ancJ luylllly 11f uur fncndt! Pl••u:!!•.~....our •ru~n: \hank,; ~n•l •tur Wlflh fur a Mt•rry ChriKtmM. and ' HapJ•Y Nt•w Yt·nr. Mr. and Mrs.· Emil · Greener a.rter thnt tho•y mnd1• 1111 wurk 110 mu<'h Wt' didn't It""' tlmr '"· jt'l't l'lt'k. Thl')' fp() 1111 Jtt~od Hil thl' WRY n\'f'r hut It V.'JI~ hnn1 t o lll'l'Jt it. In flll'l. thr f111h j:'nt m•l.";t of our Th:wk~<S:IniiJ( •l1111"'r Th•·r jtllVP 1111 rna11t ltom turk••Y :11111 I•" ,,,,.,n.•tiJ .t th•·•c•f\1•1 ar• ueh &,•·d ~----:------------------------­ln o ••Ill "I 1.1. l'llttk •· \\' llo•lll<lo• ··•u pl!., n.•·ht. "rrw"r Ht lt••o tu ~u": ~ """'• tl .e \t • lu•fltofft•• l.ud•hn): rnoam ami nil th,. c lh.,r th1n._ .. , I' \~_...t.1" II \K J;XA\fiN,\TIOS that go With' 1t. and JCR\'f• o•\'c•n · \l o\ II .t wll7. ,,f li27 (1.-.·afl, body clj{81'!'t, • • IHolllo \.II ol I!:Olt.I<IA, Willi :11111111!( :1:1•1 I am going tu hi> h"rt' t woo yo•nl ,., ' ""'I= I · ole I •rn11o "" willl• ~'" 1 ··~~· I think. It !lllrl' l!< n nr•·· rl:u•r '""'' I'·""' • lhuo Yi'lll 't• •l:ol•• lc:ot I I Clldn't M't>m to wnnt lll wmk . "·""'"·'''' • 1111d will e,,. I'''"'LI With ~1n11 or jump .,lit. o! !Jtln••:i •"'''·"' ol f• 1 ulttlliiJII"Il It• tlo•· lotor, 1 110 I'm JCOinJI: I•• wi•rk •n nlrrl:ouo· J,,,,, 1-: \\'allllkP, ,.,...,,,,,.r\' ••f th•· mot&nl l<w lh,. tffnf' bt-1"1:' 1 fllll ~!:of'i· l l.ol ~'lt<tf 111f11111, """"""' 1.1 working Rt thl' Nnvnl Air Stnu .. n '"'" "''' k .· In Honnlulu. Tl;•·r•· :our" nr,. R l••l - of ml'n h"r" 1111 th•· JJOiancl h ut lliP:~ AT _... \STA A~ A hardly ""Y \\'ofnl'n , H! :oU l t . ll> warm 1111 lht• t om•'. 111 flit t l'n warm v,.,. do•n't w"• i•fY l,o•ol '"'~''~ Ill night. 'l· I hllvl' ju11t """''' hall< rr .. m w111 k And thPy :tr,: •t,un~ th• ,..,t JH•• fwtl' M thPy d1d Ill Sltll ltlo'J,!•I' <:'~:Ill" NnnllRn 1~ t•\'ulo·ntlv 1•·f4•rn~ a: hfl~ tn th,. rr:u•f Jf f'J' tt!" f·ltUflt•ttHI lng prl\'IIIP fll'~p/'fly 'f<or '"'I'"'' toxpan~l•m •. 'Tiwv ,.;,m•· 11 no! tl'il tht' Jlf'OJllr• In j{l'( • ,;1:t Mr!> E rr11o •• J . N'"'' :on, m l•lho·l 11( \\'tllo:llol rutd Edward :-.;,,.,ruoq uf rur .. n.t d•·l M~tr. p:tu•••l lf'V.·n \ M•'•11iln ~-;, I l1••r Sllnla A 1111 hoom,. 621\ '!{t f ;, 11rud1' p"lRI'I' Htlr\'1\'••r• 1nl'luclo• ,.,.,,q,,.r liOn, IIRrrv :-.; .... ,.:on ••f A lhl••ll, :: Y.';· ,,. .. Fl~t••r. M I'"! Br•nh:o \\'al' >mil. Akr•on, ! ''"'' ,.,~ ~o:rnnd• h1ld• n, Mr11 \'lrJ:llll·l \\'ol "'•II ,.·11d l·.olwln, IIRrry. M•;l\'11~ V•r~o:11 """ Antlf'P N'"'"""· '"'" thr.-.• ~o:r• ' ,~:randf'htldro·n S••r,·· h;~_.,-.ti..,.liiMill ... ~~::...;q Thlrol Oint""-"'-' t•u•tn,... t .nll,...l,\ Sr". 111"\j,..~h.!'. r: ... ~ '" Mall \\"• ''• ,,, • "'' '''"'"* 1"1'" 11 'A tu~ 11 u.,. I''"' ,,,..,.,,f •·ur'v ''""*uru1..: '"'' , o;lt 'I ""'"' ;,11 Al •\'\:'l:•·t-; 1-.: 1'111•'1-;' ~·· \'llll,t.ft\' f II \It \f lt.ll Ulll.l,, I f1t1,T\1 \' f ,\HIIOC f l..ltf H .. ,II.\ t .tl\\ \Itt. I 11\lt'\(~Oo l .t . \'l tlt.ll loHIIU~ · t•t., lllltl t•t.~C ·II , rct:T~ llHUK" NAUtfl' \\ "1f ...... ~ .n.\\ r.a.n¥ ftl''"ll' l .l!.tlrt.M"t 'Jou.r:·• "'' 1"' ~·-----·---"""~-----... ,\Ill ('1--')oi~P:~ 'I \. Friday AfWraOOD lin. Burlln Lankford. se~reto ry luJor W~'11 (.'lub of c·o..ea M-: Mrw. Robert 0 . l:oac. pnei· dl'nt; M111s JeanQtte Kl'!'•·l. l'•·•l•·l.oiY t'1not ond :lrd :r'uudaya: --;i.i:::::::;';:H~a~r;;bo;:;-1'-\\orn•::;;•, \lutur C.'11,.;: M;s. II \\'. -lia-k-er~ Woma~'a Sode&y of C ... lao l;fon·kle, ~ewport n.clt: lin. Mary -••nJq, pru1qent; Mrw. <.;_~ .. r~r. ~Y-~~ Tvf'psaY-• Womea'a Soclfoly of <.'h'rtAtllul l'ifon-kol', e-ta --.: lllrll. Ward Pilley, presldrnt: Mr!l. M11r)· U••l11•f·tt. 11c•·n •ta.2:..2!'d Thurllday. --------- w..-·a Cluitltlu tl'tftP"~ 1'•'-ol Sewport lleedl: Mrw. P')ora Se.tty, pre.o;fdenl; Mr•. L111i11n 'Hlll tlf'CI"l'tary. lit Wectnnday w--·• CllriiiU.. Tempt',...... t:.ao. ef O.ta •-.: llrw. llltlnle v. Reid, ptel!ldent:. Mill! Sarah C(lnant, ~ret.ary ~ond f'ndliJ. In t.hr:H rtr four 1lny11. I think H Laelld.Jt by bQill, iL will be a wcf·k or eo befof'l'' you~-l 1l. --~-,-. NORMAN. " ' ( .lltiH111>1ld for~l :O t•l IIIII hi .d . 7 • 1 l•.,·k Rn•l ''" Tolf'll.•l:o \', w ... lo.o•MI.I\' nnd Tllufltda): n( rJI·Kt). \', •·• k fo•. • tWII·hOUr-t11T'I'tf'tT'It1t h r : otal( .. 1.11• •I Tn.lnlnl( w1ll IIU<•· t•h• •• .ol H.olh<•ll 1\NI rr•~~~~ M~llr and decorat l<•nll In th" 1,,,,,!, , •.• , Ms11n ~tr•·•·t at c,..,.,,, t:nltect 8taua !ljavy 11.r.,, f11r lhl' · r, ··•·• • 'h.•·f C rc;t k•·r t•• tx• tn mo11t ·,pert, "''nm 'ln lh~ lrft 1111 ~, ••I n11t n.&f•t 1••11 breut. Th11< culit'lm may "" AJ•J•I•• ""'·~ fr,r bnth th111 , 1a1u1 traced rn1m the prnr t1r1' .•1f thr• :and :o l•f'•l~•"td .JOllt.ntSArd r·ln1111 arr WOIFM!II'a Rrllt'f CofiM of C"'la M-: Mno. Blanche Kujawa, Pftel· C,~;UNcSer11 of lht M1ddh· A~•·ll lu•1n1: r> l:•·•tr•rf'<i hy Mra f:\'•·r,.ll dent. Clara "McMurtry, lll'Ctetary. F1rst and •uu~ Wed~. _. w.eann.r lht bRdl{" •of h•m••r ror r.M•·rro.• fi:.lll w. Surf. ph""" rA:I-M. ~.., ~ty, M&.JOIUI \liiiiM'r c ~Ora"'*': llr.t J!>hn Hal•h -~'~ ,o~rw n~ar ~" h•·urt;. '\~~~d~~~~~~·~~~:~!kl:,•!.~·~nn l pree.; Mrt. F. E.OZelln . Mi''ty. l.Al<t TuNdlty. F~ru ahc.w thAt thP grf'al · 1 ' Ale.....-,., o,r...., . ., a.-a ci.'NMaCitib-·: ~:11m. numbu of rec:-ultll In l:ncle 8&m'a Our worlll wtakneu 13 Mt ma: Arthur Donaldeon. pree.; )(ra H· J . C<>O.-u. ~tary Flrwt Tue.cSa). Navy ~~~~lift. bi ·<:11u~ lfl,.y want to l1•'fial. tftit irptntual You-r.An't -··-···~ . , learn a trade. 'nle m rcat· popula't ll"At Hlll;.r by a'ppropriatln« $lH.· ..., N-f)odet)', Ou .... , ....... Canlal c.t•••e ~= ua.cs. are &•llaUdn m•talamlth,I()(I(},OOO.O!>O ahd Ulen ro•"l ~k .. 1 . ...-. oap~; Klqa.JI ~ eac:ntar'J ....... ....., ......... ,.....Net ud elect('ldaa. to your J olf.-cbann1ne Pa4dod&. 1 ·-... f ....... ,, .... ,, GIFT ~ 1ia There' a at least one Chrtstmaa· pre( Jlllllllllll en~ you sho lijd. get fo r yourself ir" SKILLED BEAUTY SERVICE . Treat yourself to a ne~.er~~!!ent, Hairstyl_e1 Mamcure NOW for 11 Merrier Chuitmas! MESA B~AUTY SHOP Pbooa 1728 fCJr Appoantmaot' 1813 Ne.,port Blvd .. ' r PaJCf' 3 FoillliD An Ext nt l•r~·· N•lt-ctlon ur MJo:N·s, ;\.'\~· af)•i aa.oo MI"I 'K TU:~ tlr1t14 )'l'~tr at Barrowa Dept ....... I K lU N "" t•i•r1 Jlh·d. ('OMTI\ Mt-:MA Flae IJcaao~ .Imported ·Domestic . .. ----:WINES ·c...l'• LlipiOI' 1101'8 • ••••• FOR YOUR Christmas Pastries FLORENCB BAKERY HA I IIC 1/\ Phone 33 l 'luttt ••r ltn\ .. \\ IJI,I.t•\ \ .... , ..... ,. t. '!II .,.., Jlla'. • I I "'-t •• ·' •·-•r·" •I ll•mm ,.,...., "4hfol'ry ..: .. , ..... , .. 4 It""'' .. "'-. l'11rr .1""'""" 'Huns • \II h ln•l• "' lin \\sn ... .,,..,.,. . "'II II \ "" r 'J'nrk"Y ·- ' I ~" ·' • '1 .,. U::--~~~ ~ - VEEK.-ENO EDITION COSTA MES~ . . lith t Is aim i .. . •' Citbelllf UefeMe r; Unlloraa ee Told Soon In vw tUdlout oqtun. CllW · el !tftla rn.wd Into li&ry to ........ rhor f'llldrid. c'liM--- ..... )'01' Galtclaia. fa.towork,..._ ._.. ...... .... -5 =· et1 'llhl hr aa ........... . ....,. ....... ••t•• kl&lb 0 ...... IIIU--~ ...... • a.w lloda-..... ...... •~«t 11141 u... dl.tttrict ................ fullowe: • Aaa ru.....-r -..<., J'ftU Ria-. • a. MGOQ..t ........ Pfo. .. l"'let to lltll Udo .... a.... hont. "--pta P. .... , ....,._ lr'Nt ..., .... . ()Ceu rtaat ... . .~ .. HI ,.,. .. rrrt tn Channel ,, ()I•""' ,..,.t.- UJ f)f·.., lllYd., 1•11', Jamt'll r.. tJ., tw.ud, ..... .,. t I l"ll{hta, uver- tiiJCIIWay ....... "' ~ llt'mar. ~llfl . • l•lantl, fi'.arl W. .. -'76:• now '· ____ ......, ....... '· NEWP< cos· 81 Legion Auxi Bridge Bene Is' Profitable· Pronounl'f'ft a rlr waa tb• lif<n~>fll' hr .. ! HewpQrt ~ArbM J loa Aualllarv 'Mlu IACiWI Hut Prcx·c'l't tor &1~ llM a par Ia Baw1ell4' ho•pltl\ Elt>ven C'ar.t tAb! fM brldgt' IUiol pn by Mr1 Rnl11.nd Tl Ua.rloa Dodtl. Mra Oruody, Mrs. Robt' H-ard~~. M aDd Mra. W, C Bono lipec~ · prtu of a deeert lfene wu 8fanley Ac-kf'rmllTI wu done by Jac-k UWI 1la1piL B.llukl..a-b&.l ...._ wtlo wlt.b b t ...,fd •• c.l~rt ..... • P"<'~C .br1dg,. t' laere w•re Mra da&Jrm&~~ or n"fn'l l&1ldred Stanley IUIC ceua G 1.1 I . <'halm UJooa: )Ira Jul•a Mn. Mary f'tuun b ~ an 11 · wn•ln~tr .... •.• ...,.. m.adf' of P<•lf('l _ eel c..,dle& ~ Marilyn Hos1 Among 20 P To 'Sorority Ma. Marb'D HQII ter cl Mr. and Mrs. litroi~M-. ' ~t1 ~ of ' a.ta. ..-w to ..... ., altiii'TIOOft ., llllld at ML 8L » 111 ar.twooc~ H•tcll ,.. ~ -r .... fanula aD cl • be''PMd ~ -~;..,...;:.', ;."'-;ftetqr w....r .t.~ .MA., NMC)' I ......... )~&~a e~ •• Uif ....... ~ fl*lir-a.-i UIU •• ___ .,.. ................ ..... u. llfta&r . . ........ u.c;., au. ............ ~ -. .............. -Pl1dUa ...... ... FLOWERS •• BIXLE FLOWER~ UJI Newport o-• ..... •. Before Yo ( • I FLOOi Three. St , -Dancbt . rrtday, ·s.e. Suclay' ..... E\•eallp To Malle Arftar G..._ 'I I t..::.. --------.-~ ··---'-~ ---·-·Thursday.~~ n. 1941 raarth into Poland. France, Norway. Uenmttrk. Bt:lgium, Hoi· . LIVING LIFE OVER MERELY MEDDLING lbWPOBT-BALBOA PREIS ~ ~ ,·1.,1•1 N ,,.~'I ''" fl ,·1-n--1·•rr': "1 -• _ _, -"' . -~ Pub~ e~•ry Thunday o·\t-111111( 111 :'l:•'"l "•rt 1:•·81'11, t'lihfumlll OlfiC:e and Pnntmg't>l"'!' ttl 2'lll r·<>~o~t Hl\11 T•·lt·pht;nt• 1618 i:ntered u IM'<'ulol1·•lu .. 11 w••ll•r .1 .. ,.,. I"' 1!•411 .d ,tho•.JH· .. ~, uff•~··· 111 Newport lM-ao:h, t'ahr .. n .l.t. tlll<h •t n ... \• ,, . I ~t .. r• It ••• lbo!l •'Itt', • r1 \ 111 :'tot:\\ I'UKT tst:.\<.;11 OFFICIAL Nf.W!tP~t>t:K ut· • r • . wm. A Maxwl'll 11nd \\' II lith 1tu .11•1 • "'~~~·~· ·""' l'utJII:.h•·r>t \\'M A MAX\\'~:1.1., ~:•lllo~ W H HI ~'HMAN. ('oro ul .. tt"lo ·olltl ,\•1\t~la:.ua.: e· ""£'~ ... u A•,..•a iUt Tlw~ Ill a tv~ c•f lhOutUIC loll( 8)' W. KP M'AXWELL \\'llll nlr _,,.,l .,,,, .. tr . ••• .. Y<Hltll." ...iaidDi!~li "a b!_under, manhood,!_atrugle 1-1 ... , "'""t th•-'""Ill und eve,.. and age a recret~" It was f declar~tion of a' man who hfd . 1~.::~~::~.,. 1 ..... 1.,.r11t .. -tasted of fame, fortunt', .power-the conelutioa of a eynie who II•• " .. , "'~""''' tyr~· '" kind to had gro"'ll weary of mdulgence ,and learned di.eiUu.eionm~nt 11•··or· from a surfeit .ot matt.> ria! triumphs. 1:111 <1111 1 h,.\' Jloll!lt rntr~Mt, 11 ,.,,,. ,,,,1t'l 1.u~h anu ha.\'e to But Diaraeli the brilliant apok.e not alone for hiulf: 1 ,ot•· hia peJaimietlc aummary of the htunan apan echoes the cry I'• •' ,,,, "''' •lrug y.,ur ft>t'l ! 6f unnumbered mt•n und women who have come--with a • • • 'Anu& ~ • ~uddennea& that stuns an·1 be..,ilders-to the mellow middle r· .. st.• ~f•''-11 h.U! lnng htefl ph·ntl· "\ .... • ·c.ll~ ""''''"'"I ~"th 11crvu:c dubll yean~. There ia nu yl•aming so filled with regret and sell-~-Preu~ ~~~· lttlHIUI:•·tl " '"'" · l"tl"'' vr h' '~~''"1 ~'•r•'''11111''11 11Y t1 aol .. ,~.~~~·~_..t , .. ,.,. 11n<1 now It luLl r~proach aa that which exc)aiBlB! '.'If I could only live life :\:ELL M F HL!AtU;t-:H. L,., ,11 _s, ... i'7; 1-•• ltl .. t clecr-of Supo.·n or t:hwt •• r n,,. .. .:•· C' .. •lrl t) .,,.t.J '' '"l!y Cl!lllltllctl J"'·lh•·• .. ,.,. ttw ''""ta Mt•aa Cltl· "' tD ubll.lh all klndli ~oJ,h·Kal "••l•l•·~ "'\'1 .~.tv•·l't•~>••utC nt... vver!" • -• • • ,,.,. s 1'1\'11' U •Uj;Ut• • • - sUHSL'Hli'TiuX H,\ TE:' Tt ... n· ,.,.,. SJ·Ik11 whu reel Uwt Half of man':; days ·are Pf9Spective, half retroepective. &a ·orar~~• euunty:-$1.00 '"'" y .... r ''"1:.•11•· .. 1 ., ,, ·If• I:•' cuunty. $1 .50 ''•· I 'to11nd•t·r ''' C'nmmt'I'C'" · hM Lif:e's springtim-: fu•1k::1 forward longingly towaro the ~ring. . . • ' ",, . ., llS•If htl••<jiii..Co• 1•1 J.:Utdt' thr N thin lru 'tl lh p ' ...1...: th'~-lin • ~. 1, ~, 1 ,1,11,,.111 ·""' pr.,..:r··~~~~ CJr lht· o g er was t•\'{'r wrt en an. opes U.:a -· e, The Kneaking and tn·:u·hc·r(JII:-. m• I h"d oof ~• :.rt 111g ~h· , 1""' 1111ty ;,uol th.ot u:.o,th•·r c-Ivic "Man never '-· but always to be, bleat.'' And the mOet tra~ war an the Pacific Wa~> typu ally .Japan•·:-.•· :.u.J IYJ•H :til~ •· "'"··"'",. 1" l'tt·tty •nuo·h In 111" t·obbery that coml'S to each and a11:of·wr ia iD the aeeming . . h h I I k. .. .,, I • ,,, ,., •• v a.h lhl' tfi'l"IIOd tail Nu.i. Attat'king Am't-r~t·an out po~<=-m I ,. "tll'l' " • _.,,. ·nt ·)o,~ " mabllil)' Ill men.arul women to liveln--the, 1\PGAAftt day aDd ,, 1 t1n1; I wnmtrr . . . r--- while her "special en voy!;" Wt·l't' ,.,,11 l"' lt•ltdtn~ I•• """' k f•1t 1 • .. ,.1., ~'''"" 111 .. n•· ,,f tht' ftnl!lt, hour; land Greece and the rest of Eur"pe? The answer is to be. f.Qu.D'd in the fact that we arc• inh~rently a peaceful people uci we reooil• from an act ·or a:ggrc~n whkh te~~ L? dia- rupt u.e·peace of th~ world. _____ .. . It's\ the little 'things th~t . count. ~ Santa Monica air· plane factory es~imates th~ 1t costs $800 to pernut a woman viaitor to eo thtoueh jts lant because the young p1en em- ployees t.~pend 8() much tim looking nt her. In the case ~f ~ young movie actress wAo vi~Jited .. the pla~t. the lou of tim.- ia aaid to have cost the coinpany $20,000. ' -..... ::-_-_-__ -______ .., _________ ~-~ ......... ...:.~..-~~...... --·-~----..... ENTERTAINM~NT QY HARRY P.QWELL . a peaeefu! aolutiO~l·rt·n~ \~~ rh-:"~r:wt••rJ:<I II' .,f a II a rr ,. l •II·· ''· fttsle'it·J:nlWing coin· Perhape the Jvcttine sm_acka of f~tapam. but many of ' tJO-wht"ch ts' trym' tT to· .:l nmtrnMrt tn. ·tnr~ nf ~~ -·-· ...... ,,,.,........_Ulc u:.lluh: ~th,Ctoaat _... th._.__ .... dty ~ .. ___ I --------l)lrfhlFtl .PJ1one-4"'6,..3--••• r> 1. ,1-ltk•·" ,,.,. '''"' f•f thf' la<rgellt 1I8 wuO . -,~ e&nu1 ·Upon uae su~ .. aeau loU U&C: cc j ap&nCSC mJlJtar).lit.J; a~c .Ura};J;lll~ :tlJu lll tlh II' llllllal ·.,\'Jt· . ,:•o·"ll"'r:tt,..l t unolllllllltK'l< In lhC' g10n that if We rt>aiJy had the Opportunity to live life OVer _Balboa Island tvry," and well they m.ty . I"'. lllll'l' tht• 1'111l<'tl Stall'S ,,. I olo \\ .. ';. "'~ d··~ .. ;.~ again: we sh~uld vruba_!)ly Jiv~ it _,pretty mllch the..-U&IIe-.~ ..-..--:=:;=:;=o.:::;::===:;'-=:;::-=:::-~--~-·-·-----~·---...... arouiie<ftu the nt·~·c:;..-,it)' lor ltll.,.,lllilt'lr w •• r 1111 (li, h· :-.a\ a~t·. Jfrt> " ~· . -..n 18 not our wiJ.&a __ ... ~PeS aJGDe t:bat l..d -·. La~h#. • -,;n~t~WI'j-_.._, ~-DC IIC'Uh.JI' they may ha~.W.fuftj'k:r \'1~ ltol ,,:.,., l01 't)f ·~~ ,tlJ•1Ul. l{c•garJI.':s. . ol o•ll• oj l1ltl 111 lht• J.lrt.~t lWft CUmStanC~8, ellVirnnment-ati' COntribUte tO tht> mapping qt. the cval Ill men: wt·ull h un.l ulht r :.,~t•rr l w•;. Anwrwa wui ·· "• 1111111-:~ h." ... "'''1.1 rhnn~:mg o f our paths. The accidt."nt of birth makes one· man a believer I •· I I I I . t • h'"'&!'"t-! ft•~t h Cr Ullh thclk' antt'matuma uan• 1ls ·•ll• ..,., •w•· t a·1r • tollntry • a nd anot er man an unbeliever . The accident of environment \\, ''ltlol•llly h.<\t' ;,I\ urbnn r.un· iLB proper tltattvn. Th\' J aJ•.uh·:-.,· 11:1 \'Y _111!1:-.l b•· w !Jit·•t·l n ··rrl u..... "1lhu.ut-U>c :uacluncry tu makeiS .one a conscc\'ative and one ~rad.ical So litt.k a thing the t;e;u;: Javanl'&' ctlll'M wu:-.lllc IJ<•III~JI.·ol ll'l •k:-;trudl•m. a11ol •k· ,,,,,. "r 11· . as missing a train or waking up too late in the morning may J 1. . f l ... l I trnrn tl t i .lkt ,, 1111011 "'}''. fllldll h.IITI~t'll I h h' le . f . Th . ap&Qclk' ma ata ry anut 11·:-. mu , v.' rt· ll't'l It· 1'' 111 r•' .t.. 1 "11, r ,,1 ta•plo·t;~. 11 1,.n 1 11ur· a ter t e w o cham o ex1stence. e rea.eon we live our of the ir gu\'ernmt•nt. A nd till; l.t:-.k Wtll II lii l>t· lllf'IJoldt• llllltl ......... ~: II \II! rt· u ltlllt• hit ll\'t•r· liveH as they are it; primarily because we are we. The same Japanek in'oladl'r:; antli'UIIJit't 1'11h:t':-. al't· dr1 \ I'll 1111luf L'hin.1. 't.• l11a,·u · Th•·r•· '"~'' many reason appliee tp the prot;mbility of our living theJn'dilter· · 1 • llltL>:~ ••• h·· tlnrto-•. 1l•tf/lft•ny u nglc~ ~ . Manchuoko, Martthuria, Kur,•a , T hull:\nd and l hl: lutc·h ... m•l t>nlly lf viven the opportunity to do ao. · 111 t,.. ... • ••n.~otl•h•r••d, ~., nlany p rub· e· lndt(!jl. The so·catll•tl "maud.tll•d' u .. bnd~ wlud1 Jap:111 l11dd.• ''''"" '" ''" •·. 1 One of the fundamental mistakes of those who look back m lrWit under authonty of lhl· l..1•agu,• 111 ~at u•u .• und a :-:ul· 'l'h••rt· •s lhc· uld f11nuhar bo~t;Y with ~t upon' what has been is their failure to undentand A UNIQUE CHRISTMAS ~tm ~ -Develops ~the muscles, teach~ s c"o-ordiftation · and $portsmansh1p, be- sid~s being of great j -pr·act}cal useful ness l'mn pledue that they should n ul IJt• lttrlll h d, mw :t be gt\'\'11 ' 01 ,o~,•qunlco urami•.: ... the lack or that even the rs an~ failu and t edi tb t k' • • • ,., .. , •. r racthl tt<ll fttr Ira•" aocl ~1\r· . 1 .erru res_ ra.1 es a ma e.-=-""+..--. mto more ci~ihzed amt tru;-l \\II rilly 1':1 1'1'. Ill he•r dt•SJil'l':tt•· ... ~ •. <IIS[!'•SOII. the no·Mt ot better he story are all estW;Jltial t o the plot~and all neceasary to BIWCLE--effort.a to dominate the l>ntirl' Jo'ar Eas t. whale liet•mmgly •""" "'1: of t~t=tl.l>r ·~<.h <'co~ arnr~~'tt1lc"-RrnJmlitij;c>UTOitllle"Tl1e:n is no recoHriil the worTd un:~blf' to control h("r own rt"i·kh•!4!'\ lt•~tclt•n~, J apan IK •k•tt•r· 1"'"· tift. a...muld '~ mo" &de-· of meh of an.y1ifethat was Wholly perfect or entirely happy. '-• 111•111• ,..wa~e dlspusal In the mined to commit national hari kari. ;,ht' J\a~> llllkt·d ror it. and ,11,, klv·sdll•·•t distrccb!: th,. tack It tti impouible, indeed. for· any person of intelligence and 1t 1M up to 111' t<J ~'t' that sht· ~;l'ls 1l. ·• tr••:s '" lh•· rt'stdc•ul•al ~uon : uormal conacience to be co,npletely happy for any length of _ ·--• lh·· 1"'·"1''"1" .. r ~~>•n•ng and water time. Infanta and imbeciles alone a chieve that condition . -. ----- .. ·POi Cliri.stmas f •ll l•t •l\' :o111l " hunl1rrd 11tht'rll. . .. _ ....._ _. 'PO)IHibly the Naza-donu nalt·o l nilt·rs .. r Jal'all did us u 1; 1,.101 ~11011• Thrn··s nut only Carlyle never thundered lo uder than when he ~ the ~ G EO C POST guod tum without know111~ tl.' TJ1t· s u .. :.~ kmg an•l t1 ··at·ht·r.,us ·' .. rk · 1"'11)(h rur two r•vtc ore an· childish ambition 'o f weaklings to attain. "mere happiness.'' • • -· 1·'1 1''11~ t .. ,, fn r •·\'t'ry mutht'r'a The hardeet lesson for-most of ua to team is that life ia SA. LA ANA attack on Pt.·arl H~trbor aud th1· l 'haiiJ•Jtllle:-.~whtlt-Ja pa lll':-:t· • .,11 .. r ""· •ndO\td\!ulty. J~at u 3rd St. at Spurgeon N'r ~0\'0}'S Wt'~ttiJ ~taiJin~ ltJr Jot':tt.&; Ill \\',tshtll~!!~--h~tJ tht~ '..''III J;.•ttlll•n t!l the life 'af traQ. a growth; _AU ex rie_nce, all ~~wted~, all feeling _!Dual COn· t, _ _.... _____ =o:o;;.--==:""--·~-------------..... irwtanuan('(IUH t•ffl-'<'t of tmll lll~ lht· Allll't ll',tll Jll'llf'll' as t hey "' J•~""l,.'rly·..:uwrnMt rtnlry can ltibute to. the gai" in spiritual stature. If "knowledge in· . Jtlll \'lt.tltt~.ttnd purpaae Into a th ,; h te' th trib te to h · have~~~~ unit'"' f••r-a ~urh·•=·•ll .. n. -111 fad, thit-dttt>t'~trJiy , .. ,.n .. un•h~ crease sorrow so muc_ grea r e u t e. serun- act aeems to ha,·e arnusal 'M1d unlled the whole Wtstern Whtt l .; the Cl'ulmber or Com-balities . If innocence depart with the· knowledge of goOd and Jlem~pht l'f' ll~llUMt I Itt, , tb~t 11!'4 brn-Wt""'it UIILN4-N-rif'1!1tr much-eareleiJ81leM Or ext€88 Of :teal,'li0"111Udr-tite ··hn~: hy d1H1·rent road• A• long d ~ U'b'U' · f h Canada, (.;(lsta Rtca, (;,l.a .. l.lltlll -:tll•l.tt\hl'l' ll.lli\IOS 'd.:·rtarl·U· "' 11'1' kt•o•p otne t'n~ lr. \'lt'W the ter s hall we understan and appreciate the fa I I ty 0 ot • war againKt J apa n ev,•n bc:fort• Lh,• ,.,,n~r·css of the l'nilt•,l hdto·rn11•nt of Cu•ta MNm J can't t·rs. Me n who waste vain regrets over y ears that have been ,.,.,. that' 11 mattt'rs ,!.10 muct~ flOW 1· ed d t t...... th · '"rth · ht th l t th Stat.e. could act. Out• .b)~-tmc• 1 h1· s.,uth atad l\·ntral Atnt'ri· '" o no remem~r etr ... ng. ; ey orge e pow, "'' .. 11a1n ,thltt f'nd (lr who brang!o h b u1 d hil h bod h · •-~ republica .are faUb(g into . hrh·. c :n·ut Britain. wh<ISl' far ,1 ;~..~,.,111. er oC l e uman. so to grow an gain w · e t e y s nve~ e&atem t.crritorieK w"n· al:.u at I :tc•kn l w at h••lll warrun~. al~~ T Mt.·r all, thf'rc lll r.othln« that t o senility and decay. -- . " tuclcto·r nr •h·loty thl' ordt-rly E • ...~~ · 1a f mpe"'•"tion works nowhere' beat WI to tl'f~ pum•h . All rol thl· c•ttunt.rh·~ arttlll\11 Ja1mn meraon a ... vme w o co -, •or.ft~lt!IIIJ: uf 11 .:owtd 111•·tt Rnp YOU have declared war on Ill'( a n.J :-.h,· h:as n'l :1 fnc·11d w1tha:r 1'""" '""' 1 kMoow thnt c 1,1111, Mt'u more inerran.tly than in the balancing of lost years with 3000 m.iJea. Under such drc·urn~l.uu·t·~ . .JII)o,l lroow rnu,·h C'at' JS n gc>tod idu ... auper-coloual~ larger advantages. A modem ;poet, Arthur Davison Fick<'. Uennany and Italy du to aul th,• J apuJh·Hl··· l;l'l'tllany ha~ ~'.·lks ,.,, .. ,.,,11 · t11lkong abo~t thus beautifully CODIOies the men and women of the "MiddiP. her han~ full in Ru~ia a nd Afr11·a. whflt• Italy has bt"·n n · l l~<·:r I"'""'''"'' m•l'l•"n upun tft'in« Yeara" for' tbe lo.NL of the joys and ~auties peculia r to d ucerrlo ""milit•ry. imn .. tt•nt·y. II••· nu~:hty t>omt,.•r. 8 -19, u It youth : ,. •·~ • rlrt~··l1 ;clo•n.: tht' Nt'wport-&I!SoA 'II"'' 11111· ~~r-•dny nwrrung . .Prac-"Now I know ---------·--------- The United States S upremt• n•urt on ~lond11~' hanlfl'd ••· "" 1 h•· •·nttr•· I'"J>ulattun wu Somewhat what the measure of whu may ·be clone '"1 "11 ll~t> "'""'111 w~<tc·han~~: 1t · · And may not by this child of a dark race , · down a decision S(>tting aside (h.'t'IISII.IM of lhc C~bfurni1.1 courta holding the Los AnKdt.'H Tinws KUI!ty tlf t•unll·mpt ior ita edito rial comment on ca~n• t nt·tl m l ht· lut•al l'uurt:-:. ;-; .. nt•· "''11"'" ~.r._re ~ ernru.topaijy ., , " ....... th11t th,.,. n.utdn't hold Who in the long procesaions-1>f the sun """ at~o·-lc·~<r,. · A number ,,, At laat for a brief moment takes hf.s place. had a tendency t o influence or intim1datt· llll' .eourt.H in th1· uia.l of caaea, aome of whiC'h Wl'rt• sttll' pc.omlmg un nght ul t.ppeal., Dut the highest t:uurt rull•d thut lhl' pr1'l'lli haH a r1eht to publiah news and t•thlunal t·umnwnt ~·n to at tl·r~ al taaue before the courts, l.!o long as Lh,• sanw J,lt'=-' nlft ct~nsl i· lUlC a real obstrudinn of ju~t in·. Thl· lkd~tnn is , un:iidt•rt• t to be the strongest reaffirmatum .• lf llw t'IHl~tituthmal gual'· anty of lreedom of the press i\-a C}'Uarlcr tTillUr.}. . . . "My t'ountry-in.ht'r intcrrt•urst• with ntlwr naltuns may ahe alway.s -be 'rign~but. ti~hl' or wrung. my t·uunlry :" 'I:hese i~mortal worqs \Wrc !lltt·n·d by ~t .. plwn P ct·atur. early American putriut, und tht•y an· a riughty gc111•l ltp that n ow is the t ime to for~l't poht1n; and pdty d1ff,·rt'IH'1·s t•f opinion on our Gcwernmt·nl'!' do nw:"1 w anc t r .. rl'l)!'' ptthl'h'" There wall be p lenty of trmt• m t lw futut·,• t" =-'t'ltk .. ur :-:quab· ble. in the' appro,·cd dt•mt)l'r:tt u· manrwr. IJut Jtl:-.1 th•W, t ht' varamount task j.s to cru:;h aht•fl dh'lllt••r=-.llld :tg;.rl·~snr~. ------· The degt'ff of nation al tiiHty Ill t ht· f:11·~· t•f t ht Ja p:uwsc' menace iH WelJ illustrated by tlh' llll:llllll\lt~· ,,f \.\tll).:l'l'SS II 811 tht' renew . llo•w•·l•r I th111k the crowning 0 o 011.01 k Hf .til I lOIIi \' (rfOnl A ~oldlt'r, u • \ •'• ~-~··Htnt{.. soltltt·r 'A'ho WH!' """''' "" ,,.,.,.,. utul hnpr<'nrd to hr •II 111•' .So•wpt orl <k ran Jo~runt ·.\It• II l h• ll·l!> ftntl pa:<:<••d over , II·· " II• ho•el 1t lo•r tct'\'t•ra<l moment ~ .. •tl\ .. 111 "11~'111): u w•·~d. Tlwn hc• l~·"k ,.If Ill• I'IIJ' a11d lllluulin~ tho•rr II \ho• \1 IIlii, h:trt•ht'lldl U, I'IJn iiiiUl'll l11 11•1!"\\ lho· f'l:lll(' Wllh hill I'YNI. I· otoull\ llo· 1111'1\i'ol lu 1111 t'ldrrl~· .u.tH u t he~ !'ildc•. t . \' klt<•\1 ' 1''~1' ... hi.' I'Aid. "If I • \<I lo.11J 11!1\ tl<•iohl Hllo'll( trr;c;r.;ro•, I 1\:'\•o\\' """ thul llt;y ,·.,untry 11, ol , 111 loutltl a no:othlltf' llkf' that II• ,, '·'I "'1!y ""rlh lt~hltng (lot·. ht.f ",,,ttl •IYtll),; f, •r ·· \\ II II I ollllo" \I' lOll' Ill St'f'nl,, ..:•uttl l•• ~··· f\p•· ._ .. ,,\t.ult bRrk lfl ·•: ,, , ,,.:.uu ~d l• r ~_. '-'n~rt Rn I ..... ,,, • \\' ll\1:-o:--• d ~Hill •• S.C. \1 :-;,., \ •• \\ ;t:=: fn t '"''"'' v.-nr~ R '· 1!-, • lh• ~-'••.tt lt' ~~·st,.ffh'l' ... I• ,. I'H•Ihl<lll ,,( .Y.•4.1 omn~otl.' \ • ,, ,. '''\" .. ( lho· thro•(' uldr11t prc rt• Wtlll t. 1. ,,, ~ :.1-t'T"" Rotltinll permit, the Senate ~~d lhl· J••mt , .• ~ · ut1"11 f1~ :1 VPII' of ~~'1 II· ~: l'ih :-trc•..t h ... t l'l11 ldr('~ 111 to 0 and the House asNeJ 1t bv a \:(1 :~.-...-..to 1. lTiw lt•n•·' "11' •1 ' •'11 "'"""~ ,. : .. r :w yenr8 __ ' . .'t lll•·l \IIIII IJlt• ru ~<! lif ll\111' d~ting vote was asl by _MI!:iS J~·llllll•'tll' Hankin lll 1\lolll-I \ -1 :. ····~ tl-11'1. Jlt·· Sp!;lllllh· · ,. ..... (,, :r Y•'Hrq ·").:'' ... f ... rank I :< 1 • "'' ·•( ::~~. \\'.,!nul plih't•. C'1lllll'll .• 1. "j: 1" ·'" r.cm1ty u .,. ~:rand· Senators H1ram J ohnson. G,·r;ahl 1'. ;'\~·~~. lt11lWrl 0 . Taft " '''·· 1 d · .t tt tlw nl..o' .>r !Ill. h1s • ~~ •< II till• I :.t !I" I If lho• Ill C'hll· Ge~any in 1917) .• ··~ -- and · the other i&o lalionists joint•d t ht'lr ,.;,Jh·a~ul·~ in ·- Nor too much blame the dusk that h,.unta his brr~t. I can more tranquilly behold the s~ Than once I cpuld. Their'alien majesty Awa kes in me no longer desperate wanJ Agarm;t their far indifference drcling by, For J too have my orbit, and intent ~~lkln i.ts rundu~ I no less (han they Decline the test of warlike argument. They gp their several ways; I go my way. Nothmg of aU my hopes have the~enied, Nur do 1 st Qrm ~inst them as_g( g.Jd._ We pas.-;. the sovereigns of an equal pride. ~oml' day shall I be dead and they_ be cold. l :nt1l that hour. untroubled in our flight, W<' =><'t'k. our paths through the spacioutJ night." • If w~ wt•r<• t ritly in ·earnest about our desire to live over again, wt• :>h\•uh.l profit by e\'e ry mistake of the past. And we shouhlM law what is left of life that no such desire would u\'ertak<' us 111 the the yeanJ that yet remain. The lJhysH·a l man cannot go back to .what h aR been. but t iw soul ~:toe:-: back through the mystic power of memory. OIJ agt'-and t'\'t•n the .season of the JDiddle,Yt>l\rs-<Joes li\'(' nrbtotting IIIII itte shadows and-gilding the highlights witb an nur <'Oil' all its own. · ....::....-Of-··:-...... ~ ·-............... _. ··-·-..... ~~ ..... , ~ ·- ,l('lltill'W l 'S UY THEMSEL\'F--8 .. ---·----. newspipt'r men to the e'ffl't't that Aml'ril·an·s are "war-mind<'d" sugg~ts that namt' t'all- ing is ont" of llw favorite de,·icea of an Axis diplomat who find10 that Ius ~-~loti . ~ . ~ , .. ·Master ,·}eweler WATCHES JEWELS Pr~ision ':Repairing ...1 . ... .}. Sycamore at F~fth Street SANTA ANA Phone 5618 +-~---------------·---·---------·-·-·-·-- AWFUL .fRESH MacFARLANE CANDY IS GOODER ·~.-'"'t..to lic.k:JlelL.out a( J ap·m .. t 'ol .L.:ll.a.s.. Lin.lbs·r~j1 • ~ ,..,, ':·r ''!'' "" t ~omething that evidently springs -:----: . . . . · · yarair~~:a,t wu any ~rm e\'et mon! ot a mtsm:nnerfn~t!'C:J~[)CO~I:i in a nng.ng.de«.laratiOn }llcadt'd f~1r uruty 111 f1~hltng the :.ad _,,,,t "·~~ cal••n I:H•y "n thr l.· , f h -d tak b several other nations of th~ country's enemies. • I." ol•l·· ftr~t ~to•.on•··r 1" ply ~It · \1('\\ 0 . t t? ~ tat es ~n y • ~0\\' \'Ol' C.-\:S . ca:T TillS S('()'f('lf:\1AS'S I''''' h "'''"•···n ~nn l'o•drt• and wo rld, mcludm~ Nomura a own Japan. ( \:S 1 liT -------• ' • ,.,.,.,~a,.,, 14'~ra.t . . H,.11lt .. r F. E The Japanese ha\-e ~ fighting in ChiD& for allghtly GOODER'~ F R t : S II t: R ': . U\' It (i Private citizens. old and Yl'llnl{ a rt• ICJtrnin~ t hnl th\lft', u''"" 'I ,,,.~ lh.cl th" ·-nh· tunr h~>l t h f . The be.g&n>the war on a trumped-up n•:nE AT 110:\lt: I:S.:\1\' STOUt: ... ASD ... . . . . '. r ". r:t qu.1 11 lu•n ' ;1.: 11.. rohut mort> an our ~ ean. . Y ·~many ~ tht'.}' em .lu lu ht•lp t ht' lll\111111 m rt~ war I , •·)···~ J•ull···l lh" t n.:~et>r, Rnd mcidcnt 1\nd tht'V have continued, without the fo~ality of a YOU WILL LIKE HJS S'I'1JFI' e!fort, even though thl'Y a 1'e nor mt'm?t·r~ of thr armc•<l .... 1 ,.,.,,,. \fl··r 1,<' Jlh'ktd ·rm ~lcclarathm. t o r·1~ht the war with extreme brutalit~: t 0111o'trd forcee. Complete co-oflllralnm w1th th~ c t\'11 and m1latan·-••1' h·· '"'''"''''l lh~~· "•·r.-'1"' rNt · . . ......~ f th · --•en.~~iblv tt'l COML'I~.·· •".'"" n L~,y ·\'()('RSt·.l ••. ('H~.·\·I~.·cL:D AND •·~ • • • "' 1 kill :fhot l.o'\'•'1" !th••t lin\' m •rl' the ('r\'tl poptllataon. un:-re&Mn o r e war IS--· J .:. .... ~.,., utr .. _ authoritiee i:' now the lt!st of hlynlty ;mtl g1100 d t •ten.-.hap. H .o1 ,,.,,, ·• 11 11 KnM~t.Y ~~~"' bt.• found in et'unnmica. but it is doubtful if the trag<'dy would 2~l~ SW_t :t:Tt:R 1:\."l.H~:. ,\:J' .•• ----• __,__ ( . 1 .. 1 ~~. •I~ _ 1:1 , h.cr~,. •·f. •• r~t•tr .. :td! e\·er have takt•n place bad not tht> Japanese been a rmed to JlS' •!;t .. tl "'~lt·rn tn•lht' \lr$!tn RII·Pr l . . th' f ful a•WVft., ON DRUG . Scon.ooe for organized labor ! Union lt•adt>ra haw a~rL'\.'li mmt ,.,. ,,,. NC'!"ll<hl . . Rllrbf>r !'the teeth and dt'!!i!'OUI of taking aome mg rom a peace .. u n.,.. ' that .trfkee aball be 'fabo<l during tho pre~:~t"nt <'nwr~' rwy. 1 ~.pall\Y ha,. ,,,,, n w•th the J't"Ople. • .. , - CmpJov.n and govern, me ntal NgetWit'~ should ~--c 1hat th1.; .~~·J··'11 "'"1~· "111'P f••r 19 yrnrll ' · l( the' Amt.'rtcana Ylere inclined toward war,· why waa . J-I ''" h not mRny folkt• · ,.., .. ·-'"'-'' th German l•t'ure of national unity should no~ be wuted. kn0w erdalntod mlnt•tu-Amer:ican. public opiDioD ao obvio-v -.-.: e • .. ------------:-----·-··-----------. IJALROA -•, ., ., .. r . "' ... ,----- . I .. , ....... .... .. ~--,.----..:......-----~---·~ . '- "ntursday, ~cl'm~r 11 , ~!'Itt " t ~Rt OF HARBOR DISraiOT OaGANt.I&'IION8 ~ewpon ~r Chamber of COIDI1Mree: Hubbans Howe, .,.._.. ct.nlo Harry \\ clr h. s,., .•. ,.la l'y, Me..t~nga tw1ce monUIIy. • ~aaAur t'blu•~bt·~ "' c ·~~"!"""''" "' s-·port Ha~: "h. 1. )lurria. .........,t; Toey Plumm.·r. S('('retary·treullftr. 'lat ft~ ol -a. N...P.rt Be.cl. a:1-...~ .u.a.= ...;.,;-..... preeideat; w .• ~o leCrf'tary. Meehl un call "t S~Jt'Citled l1tr\e and p1acL Qleta M-. ~bi Co«n•i~:~J: iltb .tr.~ Wm.. !1&1SAw7o pruldent; J'. 0. T1dlmat\, aecretary. fnd''I'\MedaJ .• -New·port lbrbur Kt'~Ut~ Koltrd: Earl Stanlt>y, pres.; HarTy Welc" -.c:rwta.ry-tre.uurer. Meet.~ monthly. ' ~ Touniawl'nt ur Ll&hbl ;b~;;:-;-;:-A. &-t-k, preSident; . caret DoUVIIII', :<<'l''ty . .\ft·t'l:< un (·a~l., . Newport-8&1~-· ~ry ( ·t~lt: · Ju~ ~lie~. pruldent; Jrlu1oD f · PoM. ~tary. Tuuday, 6 :30 p. m.; at Whit.e'a Paik Aven~ae cat•. --~ -----,.:..__-_.,_ ()oeta Meu.-N!"'·port Hai-bor Lluaa Club: J. Lealie Stefte.alieD, .,.a: dent; Howard Ct-rnsh. "''.'ldary: T~~o·sd11_y 110011. Hel~a, Kalaer'a cate. IUwaale caub;r N~·port Belwil: Dr. Ralph D. Ha&rd, pf'Midellt; 8am Kinafather, secret.ury. Thur!l. 1:.!:1~ p.m., Gua Tamplie' cate. , • Ceroea clf'l ~-r ('hIt-.. ~.: ""' ry ,\\'l'llo\'er . president; 9. Lloyd, IIN'rt•htry. Met·L~ ull• ~to\1 ttl SJl"CI(II'd place. -Newport Ch·k-~: C. F. oennillon. p-,...--lde-n-t;.:..· -M-n-. -Hu-..:k_e_U Glbeon, eecretnry,'Thrr.J 'Fr1day at C1ty Hall. . • -. · Coita ~Na ntn1-nll n\'k LN'J'Of': Th01'1. <."nrnda ... -eftm...;-CMr~ Palmer, Sl't··ty. t: ... h-\\'t·o..hl•':<day, 7 :10 p. 111 .. Towl'\lf'nd. hall. "tada late-'t.»uuno111t;y ":. .... ~. -k-:-ife,er, prallobttli-R.-a. ·~ ~~liD'· M_ttl:i l!LLido ~uuse on-~·. Newport Harbor Hervtee ~1ub-: -"--:---0-.-~......;;..--'--p-..-a-ldell--t.-J-'adl== JWlat, ~ntary. Meet11 Wt>dnesday noon at Whlte•a cafe, BalboL AIDertcaa Lfoctoa .. 001, !Ill, x .. "purt llarttor: Glenn Croft, t'OID· ID&Ilder; AJ Dfckman. a~J):Itant. lit and 3rd Tu~)'ll. J.Aa1on but, "-riuul Lf'>alua AudU~U)"'IIf N-port llartlor: Mlldred Bta.n.l.y. p...aldent; Juha Eg(ert, aec.fttary; 2nd'~d tUI Monct;;;8o LePm.but . Alnf'ril·-Lrfiua · 1'-t 4M:-(·oata Ml'll&: Homer Bomboy, com· _ manc:kr; Goa& Cr~le, adJutant. '1:<1 11nd 3rd Monda)... Lotflon balL l\mf"rlcaa v,loa Au~Wary or ('t~t~&a .Me.a: conr. 'Bomboy, presi- dent; EdJth Dullln .. y. awcrt>ta ry 2nd and.4th Mon4aya -ft lAcion ball. ' 0' . • ., A1 Asset Te_Etery taliftnia Coaiil1lity . \:t:&l'raaa of t;omira "'arw: J .... Thompeon, t'ommandt-r; )o'luyd ~1m1ni: 14rgr I!' \,l:lc Wnnt~: .. mf'ry atrf'f't llhulh tltl du•trlt'l, ._~otla~. IWJutant. bt·ll:d Jo'ruLllya. Me5a; 14'(101) ~II. Bank · I'( Anwn•11'1t ultm ·nh<do·rll ~~~ fo'rancla<'tl h••ao l ·•If••·•· bullt1- UI£ 'II•U ~lt'lll.-d l l>...-f'nobo-i !t !Jy A. P . GJanfllhr I• \Ill dt•l u( lhf' \'eteraaa of t 'orriiD \\'arw Aw.IU.ry: Lolli 'Thomp110n, 'pr~; Ella atatev.·•de bankllt£ m!ltlfutlorl · ~~ad. J~ec't}·Jo4:4th t'rldll)'~. M.o·sa ~""'" hall. --Ji;t--i:'~~c.aii;~Ji~~~~~;;;:iii;;ir;-:.-~;;i;l~lii;4~i __ Thill n~"'t'lll ~\·tdf>l'<f' ••f C•l•fumu.-, growth "" run hlnrk tun~ ~ •'PR!dlttto.. f'le~ Pel"-•eara ...... .,...._: a~ rillf's l!_ator;~ In h1,_ drdto'tti .. >A addreM J(r t;'·"·'""l J!'•llllf'd BW JjmiUI, preaadent; Herbert Thomp~~<>n, R«elary. ~net ICorWI&y.-out that "th111 T~tt11<tm~ L4 lin a!UII't to f'n>ry rommun•ly 111" C~thfum1a, --------'-----------a relf'·n~lir ur ''""hiiO<':ol o·XJlt'n•·n• •· and fmant'l(ll ro·"'''"''''" IJUIIIlnl· nr-ta'a AuUial')'o ~-port s--11~ lin. Herbert ly "ady M lt'nd 11~ a .... ~111tano·f' ~ ht·r .. \·f'r ~· pna1dt'nl.• ltrs. KaiJth Rando·ll. '"'trt·tuty. :.!!\<1 Tuesday. At tiM-~~am•· t1mc-Mr t:ll\nrum a nnounc:'f'd th.ot l'a hfumiA h11ol "-'a J\Mioclattoa: ('oe.la ~-Ftre ~t, J~ea COl· llt'hie\'ood a twu htlliun dull~tr hank. r•'''"U"''('ll of l\<~t1k u( Arnf'rll·n· lltla, preatdent ; Harry Amlenwn. st'Cretary: ~)' eveJl1nia at-fiNhall M\'lfll; JIL"-vd l.~! fiJ:nrt' .Tht." •• tho-fln&t llmf' lho" ,.., ur.J hu ••\'\•r bHn ar hlf'\'t'<i by ~&ny b.tnk uut.ldo· :-.;.,,.. York C1ty Newport Harbor ~rrlrllt Club: 720 Weal Bay aven~ae, Balbo&. Com· m~~ Jamee GuUint>: ~re~11ry, Lowa W. Urt&l•· ' Balboa · \'11M'bt Uub: E. H . R u:wwn, t'ommodore; T. 1:. J ohMQ.P. ytu.,c:mmru!dore;£'t:ed.. .u. Humt. rl'ar-cOIJlnlodo~. HeM Sailor \\.Jit~--. \\'ill Emplo\· ('i\·illanK of Experi~ncPS at in ~lany t~ositionl'i Na\•al Air Station at f'adeat Ce•nte•r r ."· This Chrl1baas •••• you~ gift ••n~lbl~ and "a;proprlate Food Is Always Welcom-e • Assorted ·~nd F<lnc y BUTTER COOKIES -v.Miehl's h o m whi~ to ch oose, 11:) . . '. Pt;t)per Nut HONEY. COOK- alliAC.tiv.e C briwas ac k · _ ~~· -:Slmto~F{)s ~d • •, • • • I ' -FRUIT ~AKES, per lb.' Aft-r.,chvely 'Wr~pped u'i cellophane. abl~ lor gilt. MA8ZIPAN-.. Baked in shapes of fruit 'vegetahl~s; made of Alm~nd paate. , ( -QUALITY. BAKERY . ----- ____ --. •·n••~ r. t:n Ill~ '\',."1'"'' Ill~------·-----.~- IIAII»Ji 1-t-d hc·ht nub: :..A.:.I.:.t;-,n-lk_l'..:k:...-,.-.. -m:.m_od_o=re:...-. .:.J_u_d)-. -A-.-~~-m-~ ~retarJ·:-mlb01l1lfr:mtt.=-..-;-~ .:==:!-..__ ------ \>'Udal 8QIIac. ('tub: Bob Cru~<hy, ('Ontnwdore; Clay JI!Cret&ry. M~lli ftrst Sunday Rt ~lkllll(" Port dubhoull4!'. ~f'"''J)Ort H11,..;.,r :.nd C'n.•t11 Mr:oA t-""'lr.n.,.,.-,'t""'.,,-"ft7,rr;'T"t'~~m-r-rmTr-+-1----- llre wr ll n•pr<'l'<'nt ... t :tnll•l1!: \ 'nd •• '""'"'"'J: "''"'"' _iJ II~<· ~··~ \\',.,1 S11m'a ftjtti'tln~t ft•rr<•!< "'''" ~In!! t ·,.,.,., ftt·rht~·•·u~< 111 t '••"I••• "" :-.;,." x.,_·port-Harbur .Siln ('.JI~I .. : 134·!1 \'uunJ:h~ ,-,.-.. -,-.. -v-r-,~~-u-t_;_Vo __ D '!-OMnkll Aecra·IJ~ry. :-.;,•wpnl·t Har lour Varh~ dub. . ,. -• , -----r ~ 1\qU.c Uub: E. H . Allt>n, prea1df'nt; Frank Croc.ker, eec- retary: iteeta on call. . . "' · ____ _,..,.! __ _ lli~port Tuaa ('tub: "~' c;t .... nt-nt.lyk•·. Jr .. prl"lltdent ; Mary Dav- ldle, secretary. Mef'h at :"<·WJH~l Harbur \'n<ht club on call. ~ ~ tiwlrn <:lub: Ht rberla Juhnson, caplaln; Suzy Thom· ... manaeer. Newport IUrbnr Tra1• Sh<ttolla, ('1.;..: J . Harold Caldwell, pres•· df'nt; Mra. Jean!"c H .. ard. ll•'•·r••l:ol~ t-:r .. h l'und"Y at tr11p grounu.. ....,_t.-Teadwr A-·I&Uoa of Nf'wport llarbor tJ.ao. Hlp Baltool: Mra. E. S. D1xun, prean.le-nt; Mrs. Fred Aahmal\, &eeret.a,ry. ,._,·TNeiM'r ""'"lC'Iatlon of N-·port Bead~ o,_.. ~: Mra. Lee Tnire, prcstd•·nt , M rM. Fa}' l.kncdtl!l, 8(•c'ty. 3rd Monday. Al-U•Jn In Hawn11 11r1tl ,;;,: l'h•hr-t~·•l '"'"'''''nrol. lht "' .. k """""u...,...~-­ plnl's. Llttf'l"'ll fn>m "ltu· bny!'" • .1 th.•l numo ..... ,,,. , "II•·•" , "'1'1"~ WA)'ll flf · Jftmtl' m iN•·!II to thf' ,.,. "oil llf' r•~t•tll"l '" hu•~•ll• • •tot•r homf' folks and 'tiW1r 'PJ<'ndll. ten-·'' '""" ttl lh·· ,.., h•••l now tAkf'n ••n nddt'<t l-ol!'ntflrRnCf' , f'•·rat.ns •·t. h!l,.,. "'"''"!" ,.,, .. ~ "'ICh th .. outi.rvnk ut h<"'''""""· ··ol 1 .nl ... ·n ·o·· .. t'll"""""lh•ll,.. '"' Jri 11 lrth•r ~ n ll•·n '" huo fath ,"'" Ill lirrtl\' h•·"'t.l'·'" I•·•~ un.t l'r. E. M. Tnrl<ho·un uf I "7ro L,:,. 'h'~ r '""'" :tF'*' "" lh• • o\ ol .... r' guna ll\'CntH·, ''""'" M•·'<lo. ,·,.I'JnJ: " r• >:<•J• r "'11 .1'1.• 1:1\o'lt 1'1•·1• r N .. m m n TMr~h••1rn t•·!l11 tnl•·rt~t . ··~··· So t'••ndary pn·fo·n•1wo• Will '"' tnly nf l1f•· Itt J(:.uk"h" lt.l\' :-.;,1\ at -,.,," 1· l• I "'Ill' \d o .. I""'" ll1• I• A1r ~h•hun. Hit\\ lUI Tht.o 'uturuun· •ltllf • •J '~\ tl ,_ •• ,.,I!' • ,,., .. ~ .. d .,., k11tinn. which wn ~nlto·n J ll!'l n ''"'" "'' '"'"' t .. .,, '"' i •11l\ 111 Wt't•k prwr'lh th•· Jap·u,,.,... ,ottm k . ''•· • '' t l 111•1 tho• h•l '!r • ,,._;,,,, ry1h•"·!'l: .... • •• , •• " • '''··"~'·•• \\ •II l h• • ,,.,, ( Dt•.ar Pup: 't•f1tf t • ltoJtl"\ lhd l\ ul•,.d .,. "hr• 41" Whato·\"•·r we• ha\'1' an·ompliHhc•d during ttw pa :>~l yt·a r h:u; hl't·n muolt• f)ltMHiblt• thruuJth tht· l'ttllrlo·sy~ r·n·"t"•rultun ~tnol .. ~•y~tlty ul uur frt.,lldl'. Plo·a:-«• ae·vr•pt nur '"-"''t•n • t hllnkt-un.t 1111r wr..h f1•r a Me•r ry ('hrifctmlll4 an1f It HltpJ•Y Nt•W Ye •:tl . 0' t . -F~rJifm Att-~"' "* J..:o+:-c Sdu:linn nl Mt·:N·...: ;.,· ... a111l $1 .00 st•,,·u 'fit~\\ tlur-Y•·nr Hl . Bano"• 'Dept.· lioN ·IKW Se'MIM•rt llhd. ('UST.\ Mt:."iA Llqaon Iinporled_ Domestic VEEK-END E()ITION COSTA MES~ _,~.. . n Nt·\lnr.a 11 '. lith ' Is-am-·;_~ Ci''·---~ Defeue r: lJn.i(~ ll'ToldSoon In ·,~ b~Anrout <'t,fun, Chlrf o1 illlM rncM'd lnto t11ry to lnmrea rhnr llliltrirt.- .... M,cht cM.t..r1dl . td~tyor C.oftbl. tu.wortr _.. ....... ...;; ... ewlt .. u ar, (If ..... ~­·---........ • ~ ~~i •• klal~ .. --........... W1 N-E-s --r--,. .... *-'-L-.... -.._..-----= .. ., -~. .......... _., Carl~. Llqaor Stofe 8ALHA YOUR ............. ~ .............. \I U' ;ow wile \ .. ., ....... ..... -,.... "' :.·.t •••• ,t • 1\tl ~ •• , •• ~ , •• ,, .. ,. nd M E ., G . \\'rll. I ~ut hl'r•• :~Till'r·1_c:htnnlrtt-tT1••~•kr.)r:'!'wt'·'T' ',..'' .... '"-+;''"'h..,• .... ·+.• ... ~·..,•••_..:~·..t•---flr.;,·.,.·"t-+-'..,.."_'"_..~~f!.~_a~~~·--rs. m1 _ ''e u" !CI'< da~·:-t I•• • u rHi• •"\ •·r ••n th,• n•lt· \\ 1th J,:U\'f'rni1u•nr u..: .. ·ru •··~ J ... Pa..-C--TN(''""' "'"-·•••"•• "' (.'OM&a ~-~ Mra. Guonlnc-Butler, U$~ "XTi'Wllun•n --__;,--=..:...=.-=-=:.....:;.c::...::;....;OL-4+-~--._.,- da' .• I,,,, Qtrk ···tth th .. •lh r c , t il· ,,,,,,,,.,,,.,.,,,,··oil I•• ···I Cakes .a Prf'llldenl ; Mr><. Ottil \\'o•atiH•"\'oiX. So•o·rdary. F trlll TUt-ildiJy. . a .. ~ ~ • •• • .. ~ hut aft~>r ttl(• I lho•y m:HJI-1111 "''Irk '-"·!• • 1' • •llltt• ""1\· Co-ordl-ttac (.'nuilc·IJ ur .Sf"" port llarbor: Gosa Grable, preal· 110' nlurh wti dt<ln't h:l\o• tmw '" 1·. · ··~ • •lunJ: I·· ,, • "'' • '" dent; Gladys EdiCk, l!l'l ro:tary ~ml ~huhlday at Htgh sch11ol. get ~'1<'k. Tho'~· fo•d Ill< 1!•••1 all ' '1 tho· o o • '• • "' ·'"' '" •I __ --.---the WilY ,., ... r hut tl """ h:ol'ol '" · ••· 1,1 ,.,,.,h. \\' lt•·••kl•· Sea tkout": H8rry {;nrtlt•r. 11k1pper: Con.st&pUn tl1nk, flnt mate; kl'f'll 11. rn f:.f'l. lho' fol'h 1-!"1 m .. •t r·l· · •' I .. ,·,,, •·r ,,, H .... ,., :!II' J:ach Wedl. eve, i ·9 o t'IOt ,k. Alnt'rlc:tn Legion hall, l~UI and Bay flf ••nr Thank,.&: I\ on~: '''"'·' r Th• ,. ' '• • · .... , .. ((,. • I ullolon"l-! -------.:a v.•usros.~ttnnttutk••y .u,•l •··· Gtrt Mart-,no: Clare Stunsun. 11k1pper; L1la lterrltt, flnt mate; r rl'am an•l :111 th<> , lho·r thon~·, l et and :lrd Thor" I'· '" "· :.!nd ''"" ~lh ~lullday ; ',.,. . thnl lt'l \nth ''· :or ol ~,,., ,' \o·ry lloJ Seouti: Newport Ha r bor : Hnrry Rl\e, Scout.'l'luter ; Friday, 7 p. m, Scou~ Hut, l~UI nnd ~Y· Gtrt Seduta. Newport 84-at·b-Trouao: Mr11 (1. M . Bri11rc~. leader. )(lM MarUia fo'lllhcr, co·kader. Urnmnt.or lll'hll('l kmder~tnrlen roum Coll&a M-(;ranee. 61:!: H uJ:" E. Urlnu, nuoAter ; Mrtt. Roberta Rapier, Aecretary. :.!nd and ~th Thur"oi·•Y. 2~114 :"ewport Blvd., C. M. b<ody ciJ:'n r.o. • I am J.:nln~: loo tl<' lo•·r1· tw•• \'••:••~ I U11nk. Jt ~irr• I!' ?I no• •• pl:u ,. I dttfn't """"' I•• w.ol I '" ,_.,,;'\< \ll:lth ~111111 nr JIIIIIJI ... ,, .. , l'l:uw:• 110 I'm J!"'"l: I•• w .. rk • n n1rr-l:o•.o m"l •lr!< f,r th•· ''""' t.. ,ol\t: I :l·•· Wllrklng sot th,. :":J\':JI .\1r ~'"'"''' \: H ,,. II•. ,,., l '• 'l' I 1 • ,f!\ '"''. • •r .. ·I· I l· I '~ . ..: \\ • •'• 1: I • ;.,_ "':' l \1{7. •·( 17:!': (\.,. t' dtt~~ t:L \\ U~ .1111' •lit.: ·: '!1 , r1taru' \\'i'l' ',,. •, ._ .. t ht" y•·•n ·,. ... 1.11• t. 1t ,Put \\•til t,, r •·• .. ,11 ,,.,.11.._,,,," '" n •• '••r .'1t1k••. t'••• •• t.u v of tit• ,.,,,tl l:tt lf•tl :ttll•••lltt• 1 •1 In Hnnnlulu Tl,..r<· ~Ur•· :or.• a I• 1 - . Home Ec·onomk" UI'Jit. or ('•~t~~la Ml'toa Cor1UIIf«', liZ: Mr11. Fred nt mrn ho•r•• ,11 t h•· J«l.;n•l hr.t t: .. \.STA A.S:\ Brace. chatrman; Mr.;, Ha1 nld Jo:Ody, :<t•l'r·f'\nry. 2nd and 4th Tue8day11 hnrdl.V :ony "''"'"n 1,. :til 11 1• IU .~ .\T ----:\It• ~;.. I J . N~~·· ..... 111••1111 t Wltml HJI tho· lonw Ill f.t• I ~· N-·port Harbur K~l ,.,,..,..,; 1•1 ll"'"'nl ;-; .. a~f'r. pr<'!i . A J . Twrat aecrf'ta ry. Meets un c~tll. (;OII&a Me~~a Re-d t.:rt ..... : \\' L. Currtl', 1 hn1r man. 1ttr11. Ralph, Viele, eecretary. 4th Tue11d11y • ,·emng at Cul!ta Meu .FtrehaU. llbeU Club of .S~wpmt 1\f':u·h: Mrl<. ~111.n n B Rutherford, prf'SI· , Mrs. Rny A ndo·r~nn. ~····1 • 1.11 y I ;.t a out :lrd Tlurr:<t1~ y11 Baalat'lll ~ l'ro(,.,.Ahtnal Woman'~ <1ub of S~port liartM»r: Mn. Vera M11lf'T. prt>s1d~nl, M11tlro•d Lorkhart, At'<'rel.&ry. let and 3rd Thunda)'ll. Ytnm• "·r tl••n t ll'"t' .tf1\ tw•fl • ,,,,.,,. 111 m~:ht I ha \"P JU~t • ••n~· ••·•' k tr-.1,~ "'''' k Andth•·y :tr• d •ur J..:" th• 'tt t • t··· ~ tht•\" flttl In ~.tt , l •t•'l!" , X••t• Nunn:;n ~-~ '\jolo toll\' t:tV•• t ht~Jri ""' luOJr.t tt. dfl lt. Tht>n w•· •·•onu• al•onl{ WII!J an &Xf' An•l t•·n.r t ho It• w••,. •I• ·.,·i Some of thf' h••nl"ll AI• Jll~>.l nht••lt new but WP h"''" l•·a t tti•·rn .. r \\'ollt •I •nd .. ::.l~:orol :-.;,,.,,,,.,, ••f f·,,, .. ,. 4 ·I• I Mar, p.t.s:-c•·•l "" ·• \ :\1.-.n•l , .. ,• 1 •·r SnnL• Awo "''"'" ll:!fl ~· '"''''"'" ""'''' ~ ... ,, .• ,,. tn• ltltl• ·'"I• • .. r N)n, lht rt\' :",,,,,. u1 u f "ftJit • • • I v 0 Uf\t' ~1!<4ft•f , !\11 ° J{o·rt ,, ' \\ .••. .,. ". r· • ..,1 rat1r.~ '"" t .. • • .. ,, thr••uJ:h :e ,j, v.. Itt t .111 ... 1 ll•'•~·h•'<l, U•·•ullf11l IJnf' 1 hlrtt l)ln,_ ... .,..., 1'1< tu.-,1 t.nil,·l~ .~ ..... ,,.:.,,.,.,,., .. ,., t.-, lu '~•II F \\' I ' ! II I • It 1 •'·'• 'ftw h V,hl' f 1 1 I•'Jt• t,.~o,.,l t•/r 1\ h .. '\llftllf' ••• 'o,lj '( "'''' • ••• \1 •\ \'.• 1·; t•l!fo ·1. I .. I \'1111' t .tt\ ow•l l't . '' II. 't I"' I It \U \I I I It llftl.l.-. I ltltt .. 'l 'I\-. I \Hoi'C llttflh .. / . I "\lllji .... ', .. ""· \ I It\\ \let. I \\ ''Y ....... .t~A r.un• I ,, ....... ,. "' lli.t.'l ... ; ., ... •• ,,,,.,..,., ... ..,tile / '''"' , h.u-.:•· u• t ••Hut \4ht•u ,., ' UK at J'Hr~•·..,. ••, 1 t· '' \1 f 111 'I 'filii\\ t ..... , hut n f•·" uttuttt•·"" laDior \\:omf'ft'" ('luh ur c·u .. ta :\ll'!lll: Mra. Robf'rt 0 . l:.ong, prul· dent: M1ss 'Jcan..ttt• K··:-•·1 -"' •··t.•IY F tt,.l uu•l ::nl Tu~:.!ldays lh,. rt tn n p1l• and burn 11. s..me ••f 1l 1s r:o·w nwJ gnod lumber. hut \\'•· h.J\• I•· dto 1t "'e IIIII hR\'f• 1\bnut lll ,.,-IS h•ofto"' ; '· •t ' t" I ·I•• h•·tl lu'-'1 r.t~h t I• l':!t': '• "I'''" .; .. • 1-uo nk ,.,,,. k·, ••I It· ''-----------"'""-----------------.....; l'h•tllf' IIIIJI f h ..... ,,, ..... \\'. UakN. rapt . I to tear down. , ... ,, ... • .)f rl,.,,r ft•·tl ,.,,,"~·· t •• • --Womea'a Sodely or t 'hrl!otlan !'f'n·lce, S«'wport Sta.nley. prt•Std~nt. l\lr:< (;, ... ll••lllo·r ....... r .. tnry SPcund Ttr,.~dlly, l'n th ......... r r .. ur •lrtpr. I t hink ;...., _ . --. _ J l!Cnd)t hy l,wtlll. 11 will' h<• a '4•·• k , t 11..-'k ·,.n,l ,,n TtH t.td.•\ '•\ • •ll.•,. • •raJ T htlnw11lY "' ·:w)\1: \ti:ni~· 'flf ('hritttlaft l'if'onk'f\ ('-ta· )!-.! llii. Ward I or 110 b!!fo~ .. rou J:'"l . 1t~" p11J~y. pr:::::::,.; !\f:o1 y l!•llt.l'll. ~lrt rl'lsuy 2nd Thur!lday. ';o..;ORMAS • r. ;-, \{ '•· fio til ( "·•·l't It,,(!":" t.l" · ~ •'· I Tr~tlnllll>( w1ll laiJ .. WOIDftl'• Chrl8ti&D Tt:mJtf',..rn-f" f 'aloa of JIOe.·port &.ell: Mn Flora Beatty. prr~rdrn.t: M-rt<. L1llown H1ll ""crf'l.ary, hot W~~· Womesa'• L'llltRt~pf'~ t:.ao. of Coata ._, Mn. M1nn1e v. ·Rel~.pnrn~ent , ~a r11h C••t•a nl , Rt••ri'I.Ary Second Friday. \\'OIIIfti'A Rl'llrl ('Of'JII' •f c·,,..,. :\1,..: M,.,. Blanl'he l<uj11wa. pruf· d~nt ova Mc!\furt~c~:a~· ~NI 1\fl~h~rd-Wedneaday. A.ltar ~ll't~. ~t . .luhn \ lanor~· ( alh~tlk' C'hul'f'lll: Mr~ Jol\n Harrh pna.; )fn&. F -~ Z..l~f'r. ~ ly LA~l T11o>!dny. ~tar~.~ ~1 of Moaat Caimf.l catlllollb a.rdl: Mn Arthur Donatd.P>n pns .. Mn~ H .l C•.un.!..e~. s .. u,.tary. F'trMt TuelldA) • • d l .. ..:t lt••tl ( .... ,,,., •••• pJ Me<.lll1.8 and <~e<_•,rt~ti•·n~ tn tho· ,.. 1 •· M:t~ri -;.,,.,., .,1 "' ~."'' t:nlt.:.. s·-t~ll ... f th ~ '-'" .~avy 'ift'o ftr I' I"'L I ( t•r,tf k_l•r t•rt ht• It, nt~llt f.'Bd, "''""'\. ··n tt;.. ,, ft • • ~'"'' ,,,,,, blf'ut. Th1~ <'U>'I••IT• may t>,. AJ>J•i ,. • • (Fir ho•lh thlll t l:tPA lrllt'ed frr•m th,. pmr ll''" nf"o tlw ,,, ,, ;·r• ;w•lff'd .rt11nrllll'fl tll'\~1! :tt" Cru~~ad,.rs of lho1 M·•St:ll• A.-.. ·,,o,•c 1 •• -•• t .. rc"' t.,. Mn• f-:\o·ro•lt ':"'f'&nng thf' t.:.<l~" ••f h••n••r •·! :<ot• '". •.: ·, W. Surl, ph•·n•· rln M. Ulelr Ol"d('f'll nl!:or lh'l ho art I or.•l Stt· :\t·.Ttl,. arr""· t74:1 , wo•:on Hlvtl J·'••·'•' HUll ('r<,.kt>r 111tltl/ • F lg·utPS lhVA' thnt l h,. gr,:.t · , ' num~ 111 n•<".,IIL~ '" l 'n< '" S11m'a tmr w•.r~>t We.llknclla ~.~ n•y ma· Modertt-ftairstyles ·. . Ther e's at leaRt one Chw~lmM p reR· C'nt y o u should get f0r ynll rs~!f t t'R SKILLED ·BEAUTY SERVICE Trea\ y~u rself tn a new Permanent,. Hairstyle, M antcure NOW for a Merrier Chnl'ltmdfl! MESA BEAUTY SHOP ..a,,.,..;;~. ou Lady of Moat i.n.... C.Uiolle an.rc.: a J. NWM. a.pta.Ua; Mo~ Lllonard, MCntary. ~ ......, :"A\')' f'nllat b4 • aul'l th"Y wnnt t•1 l••n :ol h•1 l llpiptulll y.,., (An't lea.rn a t~. Ttt" m••lll ptopul<~r h-•:.t H1ll,.r hy rtpprtlpnAttnr: $.'1l.· 18l.3 Newpo rt Blvol tndM ar. a•IIAtlon m•tlllan\lth. 't~II)IY,r).'ti'IO and then 1_,.oln1 .,_rk , Ph ... ltt 17~8 In~ Ap pot.ntment. ·~· lll&Cbln.Lit and electr1claa.jtn your •. gnlf.-Cbat\n~ Paddock. I._ _______________________ _, ' \ . ·~ .. , ' .. <l nd Christmas Pastries • FLORENCE BAKERY 1~1\ I 111 1/\ Phone 32 . . ' ft •• Brandf M~~ · •·•·•••• •• h .t\ .. . \\ ... , ... \ \. ,., ····· '' '!II torr j oint. t ·-\ • ·•• ••ld It . .,,,, J 'l'i' '-'h••rry ''""" '"' .. c •• ""''""'..._ t•un ''"'"tt'• a fhtfll \II """'''''I "" \\ ,,.. lu -"~ "'' r, '''"' ., .,, .... _. .. .\l•·"'a l.i•t•wr Stor•• Jll'!:' 1' '''" t"•rf Rlvd. f I 1....,1 \ \lt,1-A • -. .~ ...._.,.. .na ... (..1Uef ·~ --wtU •!act .ad U.. dl.erlrl\ ettne _,,, an lui~; a AM fCI y~ r .... ~ IUd· .-.. -.o OOut -~*on. Nu. ..,_. to Ifill u.... .... Oa.u- hunt, Kalpfl P. ann,... toa.c.. ,,_. bt Mal• (k ..,_ rr-t 10. . Hht'f'm&ll! tHJ ,.,.., t•·PI t .. f "h•nnel ,, ( .. """ ll'runt. It I I )< """ Ulv•l., I ~I,.. Jlllftl'll 1. ,,,, x-...... ,.,,.,.. l IJI';I{hla, U\IPt• IIJ~I•w•v .,,.14, 1:, H111r llf'rtt•r- -1.111 tl Av•·. t,11,. .. ~ , .... ~ .. •• 111:!!1 •'•·I ,Milr. ~·t:UIII , ····Uil UJ "-"' . • ~ - . •·' --. 7&:· ,DUW I .... ,..Four N£WPC cos a. Legion Au~: ' Bridg·e Bene 1-s Profitabl< ProllOtfn<"f'<l a fll wu Ule btonflftl hr1t J'i t!Wpot'1 H 11rbn r 1 loD Aoull.lllary Thu Leeton Hut J>rocf'('o lor l'ttla and a fl'l r Ia Bawtellf' ha.plta Eleven <"ttrcl t.abl for brtdg~ ant1 prl b)< Mr8 Roland T l Manoa DOdd. M ra Gnmdy, Wra.. Robe "Howard Robe~. lol aDd Wra. ~·. C Bon' !lp8dal P'izce at a daeelrt 8Cene wu • .~)' Ackerman wu done by Jark Ul1a city. t;;=::::::;;~~~ Wf'ft'-a-rit-, RAndf'l, ,.;-.t •• wbo wlttl 11 , ~ed a ~-rt <'II proeeed!rtc · br1d.:• P ben wer~ Wl'll cii&Jrman or rdl"f't liWdred.. Stanley ant ~Ia G II I • charm auoaa; lf~ J ulia • Mn. U'I'J'r' Chamt .a. f. D d IM'rvlnlit --" made ol J'OII('' eel C&lldlU.", Marilyn .Hos Among 20:·P J o Sorority. The m• ·cheerful • FLOWERS • BIXLE. FLOWER: Ull Newport o-ea .... r Before Yo -----...:...-FLOOI Three 8i_ ' -·oandm ~ ~--• Page 4 . . . .. I nuildht"' l,t•rmits I.,,,. :1 llunK ThPrk•·llwn. i'H nr .. lt<l :<I r!'t·l . 11lt••n~ l o<11111 '" 1tltli r· 1nr 111 olw.·ll rlll(, S:ltHI, ...... ., .. . Sdzall Ho'me for Southern CalilorniC?- • I Plan Y~ur HQ~e 0 ' for Economy Los Angeles Firm .Awarded Outfall • 0 -1 Sewer ·Contract •J l ,;.,. ~. I • J fltuldl•·~l'"' lttlnl· IIIJ.:I "" l 'ut k :!•t h\' ~P·f•l4•t hfJUa· llooll ll1 •l\lo •·ll111~ 'rolld .::IIK~t· Ill . 1 ·1 ~1. Ani• l h\'~1, ll.oil)l•tl lHittMtl, Jil•r :\!I A hnu!lt' dt'<:rea11e1 In arze 111d <·ust. so lncrt>KIII'I thl' amount .r o·a 1o• \\'hlch mullt be applied to I>< plunnn!&· Unhke Ul~ larce horiiSI', \\'ht•r{' rOIJIIIll may be jl),. ,lo•ol a ruund wathuut much cona1d· -r·• 111111 rur t·o~t or "'Silt' apace. I ht• l~w-r·ost hu use pl'eseull li Ccmtrllt't tor o·unhlr;lf·~~.n ••I '1111 1" '" ,. q 2"W l uuttall 8t'Wf'r hilt' fur_ t h•· ~"'" \\' ,.,., 1 I ~· • ti. M' II A 1 ''"' klo•, 1 .. •Ill-: Cr•A•t A.f"plac·r ntrnt t•t•htt•r h f\ :"\t1\\ l I~· ,t4 h ••u•· ''"rv lu lU -rtw,,.l tt\\.-11 port bolllllt'\'ll rd h1tll I~< •·n ""'a rll••l "1.: ·ol t .!1 1-:1 \l••l• "·' ·" • 1111•' I"" tu th• R A \\'att"''" ••!lliJ'IIIo) "' ,='h• ''"''" t-: l-'1111,., $.\:!IHI whll·h must be aolved margin or Loll An~o;l'll'• nl 1t n :l,.orlo•d 111-!111 • error ot 142,1"", Will' drrm rtmt'!ll loll I t:l.t:c 'TRIC a•t :K\111 :00. If .. v.ry llqUft~ foot ill not u~ I•J lwst ad\'ll(llagl', it may mean thl' """rrfr<·f'' of !!Om~ amportanl ('11118 ann••unr~lhl:< W•·•·k Th· lh·• ~o .('lly oor :"•\\f"•r-1 B•:ll•h, pro)ef't.ed ~wu..Jmc wtll l'•tuu··' l'w• :-.;,., ti. ~· h.u:tw~·. ; J.Jlll:, Wllh lhr Oritn&r.tuunly )'unl .. ut fnll M'-r b)' agret•nu rtl \0'1111 tho· baat:d. .-otjJt~ -64-1.~-t-l..- pald by thf' J:lt\'I'Ntnh nl f,,r prtvllec•-of • onrt .. ..tliiK v::ilh prt'at'nt ouUrt II IK'I· up · tt"'-may br1~ up the lll'ILQI!!;U sr."' ar;smt:sn~ 'Tlre OranJ:I' munty liulldut~o; d•·· pArtmO:nt tht8 Wl't•k l>'l(Ut.-.1 " ,,..,. rull, lAi Ulk! M.:J luchi. ~~:l:l 1-:hh•ll ~Vt•hul', fo r the •·nn.~trui-tfon rot 11 tl\'1·-ruu m rNudc•nl'r and l:"r"~'" on B<·mrtrd Klrt•+'t iwnr ltnrl".z botulivard. Co•ta M .. .-... Thf" al(ll( • tul"f' w ill t'llll aru md $:H!fiO 6ME Leonard Dt'F l~th •atreet hu bw erect a flye. m n'tllden<"4' nn tilth 1"-t Dear Oun«e. The 1Lruc:c tUN> will c<Mit around 12300 aE.'IU\'F. OLD PAIS'f r ... . Luore ur liC"IIIy paml Kh~orrtd t.r remuvt"ti bo'fur,. nf'w r:unt "' aJ• piiM1, huallltn~ I'Xpt·rtll pnlnl uut lJurrunlf htUI flfof'n fHUOd lht• l1o••l piith"tl nr n·rn"\'UJ~ I'll• h 11nparr· ed 8111 f"r~• fr<•m hutltJan.: I'XI•'r· IOF'Il ~ tnrc-)1. hi•Wf'\'t'r, .11h1111111 " be hAn414!4 ~ -. ~~r-~~-d w Ita UNC\ t-·aullf' "' tlw far+' h:t7_..r .. An f'ffe.-11\'f' f*lnt r .. n .• ,,.,.r 111 r .. r . om1111'nded (nr f'lllt'f'lt whlo·h ,.,..,n .. t bfo rt'IH'hf'd. Wtlh tht• lllfl'h -~:~r:~~~~~~~i!~~~~~~~~~~~e~xt~nt that ~ _ .\~ll·lk • ""' ~ ·''"' rtot~. Future IAooW"iiiiiF'-:TIT ............ ~~~ ............. ,'I mu•t .. '-o~bi t!'MHi rMlTTl""""TTff'l•"t -,;>TllPJT y,; lit • OW fiouei Ia to '""' """' 111 .... llr •l 101 :-, .. ,111'0"' a family with s 1'1.1'\IRISO l'tltl\IITi--''' "• h• I• t tu "· • I, II ".r.• d• t>nd'4, mtt>rulr ~pa<"e mu11t bto h~ld to • • ol ''' I:•·Y 1\ .. IJ, '\ ·"' ho~··• t ·:.,;· A nunamum and ~very bit ,of 1\t '•llf·•ll••·• l .... l •v·-1 '" '!" buou,., .. budget. To gain theM 1""'' r.. fir. .-H · Wt.u~ .. rN<~ ..... + I r,;-; ,-,,,T.O,;t,,,,, , ,( -,\Tiilt:-'\,,ill~---put tn som~ pmctl~a l uw. llll~·l'loiU<I hl~h\\11}', po•r M L ,d l•ol lolo l•••b ,,1 ooll lo\ tho• Mo! ·,rn11r k. ~ · J~-;.;_IIICJC::~-~::51 F.A'ODOift)' HOUIIe ,,,.,.fl. l'lyrur ltull. Wl:f ( .. ,,sl ! I I II rrl nil I "'I . Tlw aqun re or rf'C l.anl(ul"r houae .. ,,,,,I"''·~· ;,,,.1 n .. \\o'I N H SIIIIS ·r· - hl~h"u~·. l"'r Mo·('"r"'"'k ·:1,;, ':;.:;·~.'',.,,',.,.', o1;,",,.1 ,1:; ,,:1','. 1:1 m•••t e-conom ical. Of the twQ,o,th~ 111''' II, llr ""''"t '.'"i•lll'n,·•::o ,; til•• 11, .... ,,,,,. ~·z-·'h·•lll•· Tlu o ~;;:!~ ••1uarc• plan Is 11h~'htly more•d· Ff'r nlt•a r. p••r Md'ur;tn.••k 11,.,. 6, 1-: A · Wrt~f,L :li.W\ llnzo•l " . .tl """I•' .• ''I'" II "I lh 1~ "'"''' " ·c-, ,·anlnl{f'<)UI sinc· .. ·•t t'nntJtln8 tho! ,f '.11\1111"• ''"' ll '·' 11 I"" 1·•11111 l:rt'lth.il amount of, tlo;or. area :"·•· · Jlt'r M•·l'untlll'k 111r.: ''""~' , ,tft , 1\.tll•·•l·lll J•alloo ' • \\'hwh rnn be en.eln8M with ttle rt.. r.: ·•·•r.:·· "'"' 11 ,,., "'" '" ,,,. ,, lo•a!tt ~ 'tmount .. r wrtll artoil. Both tll't'lt 1.-\L a•t:IUtn)4 ,H~· \:r.AR:o- 1 !1:1. 298 235.0';' ~ 111:1:1 .a03 .-.. A97 .44U -nt:l" ~23· 700.0119 t!t:li M3 9011.11.l0 1~11 • ~48 91 t .&:r:- '1'939 • ~42 Ml.i t:, 1940 • ~ ... 1.110.122 J11n 34 ..... h .. 40 IIIII tu Uatr • 1•111 u! l ho flooiiH' :uli1,_ !10 II>' oiJo· furlllll rt>QUII ... 01n ly four'w•IJ COr· ,,,.,,,,,. ••• •d l'\17..•' aruJ .u·tl" a~ 1' n• .. r:ot •.• n r .. , 1h. l'·'''" : ........ •. 1~ W ithin fhf'IW' "'hnJX'It may be ·i'ho• II\ llljo: ,,.,1,1, "'oil~ I Ill l"•·r· • ·•••' 1 plar•f'd t"·n be<lrnoma. llvln« . kttrhf'n. · """' bMtbruom. whicb Uo I , fllo'Joi.HI". l.11111t Ill W•k<l1J ... .oj \1'1111'1\Ct.' uf p&aaiOI' lbruUjo;h an· oto~l )I,.., to\ \1 olloJ,.\1 • oo\ o•t)il"kll Ito" """'!' 1'1Hlm . Th~ Bno . .JI hall, ('On· ht' minimum !'f'qUfrfmt'nta Of 1••1 •" t.: 11d•" .llo•l '·"' tw muol•· '"'ton..: th~ bfod'"'"'"'~ \\tlh thf' lamrly nf. thr~e. Bt'orau.we of 1M I · ~mtrll tot11l ftl"f'll tnvulved, t~ room ut·• 111 1ltt 11 11\t' H~•ttt I u~·n.• ••llwr purtluta of tht• J,ull"'1' makf"S '''" '!" I t• okf.o·l ,,. '" nrul '•·II· ''" ll:tl hrnorn acct•s-li•lo• (\tom lin\' orr.<nJ:f"m<'nt is nearly a lwaya Urn· llool h oil .onol ol I• I••>'Miolo• lu .J,:•o~ '"''"' :rnd 18 aald lo lw 1111 unusu~l llt'd tn twu btl~!<' patterns: t \ nhfl '""' th• '" '"'-""'"' to auy r••lllt "'"'''llll'll<'t'. Cor a h•·ll~•· nf thL~ l>a lhr•••m Ill pla<"O'd bl'lt"''Hn the 'Mnro·h. !.0 1 "' ""''"'~ '"111,.111 IIJ•· 1111., •n· .,,.,._ tw .. "bt"<1n><mr~ or '2 t bl'ltwHn pne AJirtl, M •· •un ""'' lhf' kalchen. The lat- M.t\', 11.1 l••r plan '" '"''"" M'Onomlcal. be· June eT Es!itPRtial-..Building of Hom~ Is ('fillS<' the i'Uil!'t'nlntttnn of plumb- J uly 40 I 72.40fl on~ frxtur<'" <"alii to r shurtn con · l\llj.;lf~l . :Iii ' Ill'!. II:!' ADowt~d .l' ndt"r Ft•dt>~al Ruling • IIO'I'ttnJ: Jllf'l' ltnf'S. SavtnJll attain- :-;,., ........... r tf4 • •• Sl4:t,r,';','\ t•d hy I<U<'h mf.'&ns alt thiJI and by 1 )o '' ·~ Ill $1111,6:1.! Tih· .J'Illl'·•• I '"l'l\1-,;.sn:to·nlt:r l ll'lltng 8tandard mAtf'ria\ air.ea • . . ............. ,..: .. Thursday, December llo 1941 8tut 1162 wttb DtW at&UODoai'J rrom t.be .-r.... mop. EARL W. STANLEY NOTARY PUBLIC e Pbon.a 1778 OppoaUe~ P.O. .-8&1~ laland H. W. Wright ......_.Qa.WOODoOOAL .tJfD aLUIOOAL nMHewport~ ~......, FOR SALE •.. CUFF'S 'I'ACZU .. OP llO McFadden Pl. ID:RI: 18 A .QOOD LIVING AT A e see alit, Cliff's Tackle ShQp ~ALBOA SHEP~s -.._ Overstllffll HIMiqen .dro A arcn' or oo..-uu··o...e- Whea Ia S aata Aaa " Make RICH BA881:1T8 . SHELL STATION '7tla ud Mala ~ VOl'& HEADQVUTEII8 . .. ---~--..... ........................... ~ ... SYMPSoN & NOUAR &1% -I8UI 8tnar& PboM 1!11 PAINTING ~ ~11 w. O..tna ~ .... N-port ....... o.MI. _ . ...._. ... Al.J'YOMOBILE e ..ACCIDENT. • . . CONRAD 51-tOOK ..... CONTRACTOR AN D BUILDER COM~LET£ BU ti.C)~U SERV I CE ..HON£ NI[WPORT IO:J~.J P.o . e o -:z,.o1 eAL DOA IS L AND , C A Ll,- • ~POOM~N~A"~)S ~~ ~-----1~6·~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~U~t~~~-b·~k~'~U~~f~~~~-A~~~~~~~~~~ ••· · '· '-''-"' .......... uf S.lt•t·l. f'd Jl .. ••r . h t 1..,,. hrl•l17t' \\ 1~ n rP 'lilt" He l••nt• t) VUf thus OH nlm1Zing \\':tli&!C" 10 mRtftr· ._ ____________________________ ,;__...J In liM' wtth the <".tmflnlgn uf 1 1 n •ll"n ll llf'fl'nlle eff"rl~< '"Is 111111 htb<•r. ll•••n t~otal a 1117.·! O b,..•a Dlv ... lon nf Coralr""t (11•· 1111 a 1111111111111 111 """'1' 1' 11''' u •ll "l.llnllwr, thA baeo 'l '''' In 11mt1ll •· t ----.-.---~_ ... ....__...,. ____ .._..., ____ ..__ ... _,_...., ____ ... _..__.,._,_,...... _____ ..__......,_,...... _____ ... -.._.-... _ ... _..., __ ....,.._...,._.., ~-•• "' " t:~T \\ I~'IJo\\'~ u: \'Ol'R 1 ~ .. a ltl•· fl\'rt •·ntn&r ur n "'"''·<'UII 1 tttbullon tu bring 'ftouuAAndlt ,,( ~lrll•.'l ioon prnjo•, '' ",J1 1 "' ''1' ·•• 'h••llH' ''"n:<lructton, r.• n\'tliiAhle. o n h""'''' 1 1.1 f :lt:.\TI"'' IUI.I, 'IOI '~·r~ l f I t " t I atn& manu acturera .tnln dl'ff'lll'~ ~,.,,.,.,.""I ,,,, •I'JI· ••••• n I I' IIII IOJI'rll .. prcl' lr•\'o•l. Retarl proctuc:tlon. Orne W . Hamlltun, It o~oo • 1 ••h• I\'" "''''''' :u·~· In ~"·ntl , ••1•1111••11 I•( Soorrlll• rt l'.ollloorr!la hunl~<·r and ' bullllorlf.! materlal« l'ltanplnlt fur the t'utu,... . ehairm&n of 8outhf'rh C'altfnrnllt I II rlll '•·"' '"<111'1 I of tho• ftto•l l lf'•llh·~ l.'nllllil Ill" II I ot•~t , hfl~ rl!<· •l1·a lo•r~ :Ill \\'I'll U lllllnllfBCturerM If ftorl'!llJ!hl Ill II!INt; A ynunr; i Hom• FoundatJon,. ur~"" the Ill · '1 '• Ill'" "' • :"' \.1 •1 ""'''h•·o· '·•··ol ""1'1'1~ "' '' •t• 1, d:. In 111.ok<' ,,.,. 111 1k1111: c\'t'ry •:·rur1 tn pron~ , .... ,pt.• ,,_1 nnt c .. ar thAt tlwy fo rmation of ~al co mm1ttM'1 tn ' " ' •, I '1 11•• I~ ,,:, . ..:1'1 >< 1111 I'·· .,Jo\•· tl:• I• '"''''·j; "' .><rn.dl •li•••JIIato· "'lflf'lit'll tor hom .. build· "''II s••m ooutJ:rnw a :<mall hnul'f' WFVe1 opJionunltlf'll tvr dt>fNUie II· • .. 'oJ 1 •' 1• I lr·· ~' ""'"""· " .,,, .• ,., tl• :•·: ·• ,,,, •· ''"" w .. rk 411~" T l11·ir flr<•hh•m i:f r~nh·f'd hy the. 1ndu8try tn their comn11tn1ttes Rnd ·• \ ··•h•••• •~·I"'' II."""'~' 111.1' · •· ,_.j, ... ,,,. •·•o.ll rt.utrr•~o: lht•lr lull hoo1ll4•' 11hwh rnn tw l'nlnrged. It to MCUN hear1n,.a from OPM 1111· " "•' • · ~·h 1 '"'"''"II 111••hll'l1nn \ RI,S ·IHI\\'S IIOt'MIE ~.f'f'tn•·•l ~h"n Tftp' hnrtllf' '"' burlt. • thoriUM. I :1 • " ""'' II ., .... I "' • n • 'I" ••• ,: • • ' '" • ,, · tl · o1 olr" ,. ·, .. r ol•·· 1:-. •·1Rt: llAZAin~·· 1 hr>o may lw ar~·urnplr~ho-d ~61111)" I '"'''w Dtvlalon nt Contrar't •Du•· ''~·· '1"111 '''' I• ,..,1'"11""''' · "ll : ··l·ll"' '' l"'l'fl"rlln \ t ttn ol .. wn h11UI'(' 18 a cnn~t.Anl uul ro·.•~·•n~thl\'. lr1buUon hu bad a lpt'('llll train '" ' liO••I•·I tl•ll ... ,,.,, \\ II'• ,, ..• I •\ \\l oll ,, ••1111•'" "" ,.,, ..... rtr•' hn7..ard. IIN'Ordrn,:: . Fur o•"(;\mpl~. ''"''" ruum<or n lh~1 . C. R. Erickson· C ·~ ll t r a c t o r a n d B u i 1 d e r 305 Palm Ave. 'Teleph~ne 132 'BALBOA tourtnc catlfom la. rarr)•lng •·x·· ' •' ·1• '''' 1111' t•t•l ,,.,:, • 11 ·• ••I •.: tl·" ., th'-,11 • • .. -.;•ry '" lh• :".otJOon.ol ~·~~ Pn'th•ctrnn a ttu r•''l""'' "" !<lf111'111rlll wo rk. to""t of JUD part.ll, fllllf'l', bnmbl': :-; 11 I• 1'1'1•1' ollhl I• '' ol ' I I I lo •l •'l•t oJ••oot •flll~ loo '"'"'·'''"" 1-:,,ry )'l'a.r OM OUl Uul~· u>l.cL~o4'-fuw.b Ul !Wf-FY,-:-______ ...,,..,._ .. _.,. ___ ..,...,.,._,.._.;:~:,.-.. _--,..,._,.._..__,._..,.. __ ,. __ .,.._ ... _____ ...,..,._.,_.,._......, __ ,._,_.,._, _ _...~-!-- 1'1ame-1Jirowers. plan,. ;'<"~rif'll. -tMT"'" "''" ,-.,. t•·· •1"11•' •11 ""''" I · I· ,,, •I o1 ·•II .. 1 •• , "', "1\11 tr ........ In the United T u11 o~nJ Lht:. ~·lli tl w.LII &a\'~ tn pums-. e&f'I'O lhip parta. ttnll """' I 'I '' k ll I; Joo 11'• '" -.;. ,.,,,. I• ol./o,. roo•tlo•'P Ur1111 ~~ ,,,., '" :tltllt kl'lt by flrf', It h< I ho• l"nK run I" hi"'•· nuwh u( the ~-ot.her _dodenae_lli'Jll"-~'hlch , . .,,, •·ol•l•l •n •II 1•11 1 I, 1 _ ······•l "''''''"' th•• !It•· l"'"'''ol ""' T~· a nnu111 pl'.P(W'rtY tw•h.on•.ol '''I"'JIIIll'ttl tnst.1IINJ 10 am&ll lnduatrial planllo mAy pnr· -. " ,1 , 111 \ • r f', >nl "" 111.; · olllil fur· •l '"' rl!; ft ••m f'j,. ta ritlhlRIM lit · :otlll ~,; f"ltr tm•r.or tl'l, +w,;nF · ctuc.." Hamilton 11lat f'll. "Tht• Sf:\\ IIH:Mf: HS llt:Uil~:o-:: ,.; ""' h""" • lloltt 1"11~ ,.. • • "'"'"'""I) ' I 1111 If ttw w rm~o:. I ··a1111,.; and train Ia .wrect by. (otftrlftlll 111111 -M R Arlillo 'klt· ;.r ... lllf,; n ..... It ' ~·,.,I ,,,,'I' oil ,,.. •• r ... , .. ,, .. ,,. I" 1!••"1 I lllv "' tht• 'l~oo•r C'lltaell or fife phutthon~ ltro• uln'ftcl_v piAt'f•<l. 1hl' experta who ar. eq\Hpf't'd. !n 1ttl1r t at~ :O.:t<WI"•rl ,lli'lio!h l.' .• ,,. 1~•11lol111~ 11" • ~ • • 1 !olloo',•. •loot•·>' ~lrt l·· 11 lh• hoolll•· ··:'1 ,,. trnced t o cnrn-IIXtun ·!<. f1 111"h {ltwonn~. lnt\1. 1 new deft!Nie pnx!ucllor, In l(l('lllt·o 11 nt-W f.,llr·J·•••m !)\\ollllllo: ut r :!o. \\ ll.tllollooro • holl'llooll ••I ~oolo I• ,,l,lol•· ,.,.,(~ ~l •wh of thltt loli:< 1~1·•-t••r·, \\ullp;IJ"'r a nti trtm may t'-U..t tlave ~n m~nll<'ffl With Jo:l' MoHio•Jitt II\ o·1111o·, Il l•" 111 tlu• 'It•: :. 1' 11 ,1 .. 1 "" 11 .. ,.,,.,. 1-'.,IJn•l:• • 'II loo ••IIJII lllllool, hou.~mK 1111· ho• Jlltt rn mn:ot •·•·onltl'trnlly lntl'r. tconomlc ata,-natlnn. Th111 "h••uhl t-l<'or.;ht... Tho• I'''"' tn11•. \\lnol1 "' 1•·•:• T l • '"'" :-:1• \ H J••ll• y I\ 111 ttl .. llll•·• 1'"1111 .. ~,r. hy mRkln~ th.' l 'nlll "'"'h tmw n11 111.pru\'f'ml"nt8 be only a 1tarter. It 11 nnw UJI, tn ho'IIIJ: rro•o·l•••l hy ~h··rnt:ttl 1-: l'ul· • o:1 I'·' • h··-ho·•• ·"'" lh•·ro·. rt .,. 1':•·• •':-·11 1 , ·'''1'1111• on the hom<'. LU•· •l•·,<t rNI. I hi' att_,. .. alrt>ady.prn-1 U8 \0 keep tM,ball rolling." lt·r. \\'Ill f'lllll Aflj)rH"CIIIIIII•·Iy s:\21'111 °' ,,.. 1•111 t h·· lolllldlll)o; ,, olio,.lry \\'111 Tho• Ill'~ I II""'' ... <'hi'C'k COII('ern ° \ Jdo-d "llh \\'lntln\1'!1 llnd lllRir8 I "'• • ''"1.. oJ,, II;-t•or;t I•• ttu•o•l llw ''""'1:''' 1 ·• til•· '"''' o:• linP with tho• \\'Ill l«'f\l f'-~ 11 hancly llturRJte Never-put off till tomorrow what 0 ~'PA ,.,, .... _ . I t.. Ill• • lltil \ ,.11111"' r•••J'IIro•ol h"'"''~ • :.ltl'tllo·l' •I I• (trl'·rf'!lllllOnt. If ' .... "'"' ... l'•'llloHI..t···l ,., I I• ''"""I tbal t.lle• rnor Ill nnt •t\\\th'H' I t• IL: ...... tunt , .. 1,•r it "·ith ttnnu .. T\\11 J''•"IIIIJ . ,,.!"L .. \\Ill"'' .tp· ''l''"''r lll.tt. f ·1. !lliCh fUI a~· l'l •ol oon hll'lol rnr.;pi •'J'''" ,J,,.,~I h ;•lo .ll lllttr:l•• \\hl<"h nrf.' both ,,,h,IJII•I••·rt 11\\u ;,,. th, ~~~·· ''"'·~:if·lf t "l .uul ., ••nnurnl. AA ":tall IJ•J•ImJti,). •lUtHlllll•.!iC of •nlh.ll Ill• t•',.,l:o-l.q 1f lu.ll• J •• a! ..... · ~.d 1: ... lh • ('t•U~ll lh'I Jult I f • • t • '' • • ....... tf \ l••t 1 l'1••Jl 1l dt •.oou l.ft,lf'l 1 uR KJT('JfES C' T ho• kot. Ito •o " •r•t dl'flmtt'ly ht' '""''d' • • ol 1 "' 1 krnum. As lhc "''"' '"""' "'1' • ·t-d ""'m In tht' '" Jtt·1 Ullt tht• \l,.'• h .,'l"'• 11 .. 1\,•11 •I t •· prn\·ldt"d \\"ith •, ', • 'I •I• II h '..:--., 1.11.11 fttr \h• "' .:·t •' d ... .z , t' "I tr1 .. , 1\'thitn 1 ·p•ol ol t:, ;, .. ,.,, o!• t o.ol .,• "· n tt I•• . llo J'I•• I ..:ttl ".: '•·nl iiAllon. FHA •• tli• •ttt ~ •• 1 n~t·t.d tn:•·J • ""'~ .... "' .. : •N;~ly aff.:-c h •d \\I •I• ''' 11-.tl 111 ~uuc ll·j "h•n lh• k,tol., 111 ifo JldOrly ••• ,,., ... , a• . .l\\h•·l',.,.llh· llr.;ht••ol ,tJ ol \; .• oti-d AS t•• hn · Quest!:!ll, and ~/\nswers I Qtu•~tlnn "·In o)\lr llf'll' hllllll' WI' \\ ,-<h l11 h:t\'1' II nrrpltt<"r 10 Oil<' 1 "I tho' l>4•t1rrHom!l nn thr !II'COnd fl•~·r 10 a<lohiJ(III lfl 11 flrt•piRrf' In I lh•· lt\'111~ ~''""n t-f ,w 1'1111 thU'I ht' tlo •rw al th1• lf'a~t t'"Cprn!lf'~ rast Deal in Newport · Hamor ' IALBOlBAYSHORESLEASEHOLDESTA~ A new deal in property development ttlat Ia bettei tlian" property In tee. For Full Informauon Conault EARL W. STAHLEY, Sole Agent . ., ..... c-t a•1•-r PboDe Newport 110 R. JIJ~ A~ General c"ontractor + 307 Marigold-· CORONA Telephone 222 DEL MAR you oulht to t1• 1 u1·· f·•r , n t h ~t l p.tll ''"' u .... It•· ._ ~--. con\'f'nient"<'. '"''' •• 1-tllhltu,.:. , ,,n J.!•• .rtd 4'ttl1 I• 1 t. ,\ n"" •·r fo:\'•·n · ftrPpltrrP rPqlltrf':< I "' tn<hn•lual flur rrnd l'llllllhlr 1 ft•tt"14'1.•flnn F••r r-et•n••nl~·. 'li•n tn ~ ,, . .,, t ho· !VIlli .. o·hrmtH'\' fnr bnth j lon·r~: r•"'lll .tn•l lwtlr .. o m ftrr · ·~~~~~~~---~~~----------------...:,;·;;.·-::: Bu t h n urs I hO'n "" I ., -see..:- -Get-Ready_ .lor .. 19.42 ORDER A NEW SUPPLY OF ~tati·on,l')' From. the~s~-·Printery . ' ., ~ ·-r .--:-~· ·• \. ;_~_·.·_·' ....-~I ... . • ... 'ff ... • ohU-- ~l•r:·, c-.· •• _,. n 9 11•'"1.J.'II l '.lli I :<II \'t• IIH>III'Y b~·~ ,,.. .• ,~ !lln··k n~r i!W1•r~ 111 hutldlnJ: It\' ht•U~•' ~ I ,\ "'"'"'' \\'lwn Ill• •lol:n~:~. •kat· 'WHATI D.NLY ONE KEY? No need t~ be ronltnUIIII)' in<"om·•nlf'nced by the •· Ultence of only one k~y when ynu have· nHd for two or ~. It only ta~ea a Jrffy 'to mak a duplkate, and w. do ll rtaht h•]t! wh1l.. yoo wart -" . ' I i ne RUII!Ota.n8 o!-'ch.! tn "-'·~ 1 . . HAROLD I. oiOH~SOS, LockMnltb _1 110~~ d~tndy cuaa-"·orda, JUd&'lnc by I WI ~ IL. BeL .... '-_, •• ...... 111. the nair!• of aomt ot t.helr dS,Me . .__..., ______ .;.. ... ;......;_..;;.~;.;;;;;;;;;..;;;:... __ .,:==.::.J ,. t. ..... . ' .. ,• 0 ., ""' • .J · Tbunday, December 11, 1941 .• L~.~a~~ng!:!.~?.~~~ c2,s!~. ~ne~ RB!~~!s .. Mr. and Mrs. F.. A : Sanborn of Arcadia have rent*<! the ~acSI­Newport~o 8J;.t• now lucut'.-<1 ,at worth place at 19lh.and Whltlfer. 425 Sh01't sil'e'Ct. Mr. Wilden iB conne-ct~ with the Week<>nd lfii('Ss.R At th(' W . .L. ' 4··~-Women's Qroup Hears Tra\·clfalk , By Mrs. Lewis Expenenct'a aatned dun"'"' ne&r- ly 110 Yf1U'a In jfcwemment Mrvlrl' In thf' Jlttlf'-known po~;,.NJtluns o~t thto Vnlted ~tat.-11 fomu•d th<> bl\!111 or 11n lntf'~tln~r talk lt"l""" h~ Mn. Of'orgr · F.. U\\111. g11f'llt l I'Pf'a.tu•r at thi!l ".,,..k '11 me<'.tln~t or thl' Cotlta Mf'IA Frlda v Art.-mnoH• t•lub. · P--.. --.. -~ -.... -- For CHRISTMAS Fancy Jtlom~Made ·.lee Cream Featunng . ' ' ra,e 'i . t--,.:. WEEK-END EDITION COSTA M lS~ l'lil '\lltJ:I&. -·~---.....iiiiiiii . .. .. ... .. Cook hom<> .. ~60 2i)th ~tl'l'l'l . wrr .. Ml'. and Mr11. Clt1 rk ScmdurJl'k{'r IUUUl!.Ul .. .J.Wi. u(..,E,..:s.ul';.:hu·r....._ __ _ M,f. llnd Mrs. Ht~wurct \\'hatnc:)· of ..,v. 17t'fi strt•t't uro• IIIIW. lut•:th•d at 444 (lid t:uunt); Ro•arl, h~\'HI~ cumplt•llod mm·1n~ .thot4 \\t'~k. West Coaat R~!plact'ment ct_pter. ~r,and Mn. R. E. Scott of Fall- IJrouk are now . located in onf'. of Daw110n •~ot~ea at 1~2 La· • ~W'ftue:Atr.-and Mra-.. Joe Armstrong ot El Mont~. b&ve rent- t•d the residence propt·rty ·~t 24M ~.·wport boul~!Vard anu Mr. and K Hl'rnand.,z or Cui\·C'r Cl\y ·are now locat~ on Val'lurlo~ ati'Nt. Mra. Lf'w11,' lRik, whlrh wa• II· luilt1'11ted by ,phntngrnphl4, wu madt' llddltronall~· antc•rr.-<llng .fly " ttiiiJllny nt nwment••• nnd Oj!dl· liN C(IIJ4'Ctf'<t on hu trl4vel•, The pr'1•~:run1 \4'au;•r••~~<·ntl'd undl'r au!l· ftlceJII nf t:hto ~rtJI Hn\1 1·rnfts Kl'l'timl .....pld~~; Ice ·ew .... ··-· . l ' r-:·------~----·-----·-·--·-·-:-· J~( IH~~~(~~ 1-Mer-ey:-Christmas '~~ s . Mrf . Jo'rt'tl Utili( uf Mttgnuh,o street. •l11 11111d tn·.bt· :<ltj:htly In•· ptbved followtn.: u n .. n ·uus brt'~<k· down liUfft·n•ol l1111t Thul'><day. . Mr. and Mrs R.Jf'hllrd E Hught'l' of Sanci;';nrltt.-hn\'o• ~wl'd tn 41 Short atret<t. N r. HuA;ftra 111 All of· the foreg,,mg 't'n~ts ,,.,•r.· mude thro""b R. C. Parkl!r . __.._ ____ _ \\ .R.C'. IEU:t T~ o•·n t 'ER.Ioe ~~ rl! f>t·arl Brown WIIS t'l('('ted J•t•·-"Jtlt·nt uf "C•usta ~ .. JOH W uml'nl& rto·ho·f. ('urps whl'n the 1o<'ul unll •• 11 .. r e .. 1111114rutv ,·hun.·h. ,; .:<upp .. rtip~--.,rirn·rs "U'l'n' Mr. and Mrs John F.J:l'lund tuuce. -" ro•t Lo •IIJ.:. S•·lllnr \'ll'f' Jll't'l!lld~nt. moved to Ult> Edwk plan• at 4~1\ lo,. t'l«rk. JUIIICir ,.w .. : Etta IJ'coad. Old County ruud. Mr:s. F..du·k und 1 ro·u,.;tn•••r . t 'lair .. \\'nght. t•ondur· her 48ught'erll, Mar Jon••. :Jean aud 1.,r h·a c ..... Kllurd. Ph•lt'bt' Mor · --Ctsctyw. -."' TIM\' k>rnte'd ltl t~rr MW hom.-nn Orc-hord nvf'n'nP:--t-~'"~r~ o·ht!j•lain und Blam·hl' Ku: Mr,.. Ch urll'l' P1lk1nton h1111 l:tk en fl\'o•r tht' \'t'l(t•htiJh• dep11rt mc·nt at Ill•· Rc•d >tnd \\'hct•· stun•. Mrs Jo~Jllyd Lonllslt•)\ v .. hv IHII! upt•r:tl\·d thu m it rkc•t fnr· l«m nl'ltlllc pi1:<l , lio qllltllll~ boi,.IIU'K.'I hN 'II\1111' uf oil hell.lth. Mrs . Laun•lla S.OII nnll •·hallln'n, Byron and l'ntldnt. 41!\ Short alrtol't. I!Pf'lll tlil' W\ .... kt'lld Ill (.,,,, Ang~IH with tht-•f urm .. r'a aunt. Mr11. Wtlhum H ml•lll \\'h1fo: an lh" City th~y llHendt"d th.-W"'lh•rn Ll\'eatock 11how. Mra. Ah1't> K•n~o:. li69 Xl'w~\t boulto\'ard. he ro•~•rtt-cl 011 l<illf~­ what lmpnwt'd (nHnwrnjol '"'" \l'('j>klt' ltPTtllllll llln•'"ll A J:•·m·rnl ·"''·'· M·•To·lhr~~fS \\·rij:ht WAH ....... ll:tlltc>d dt>h>l(h l•· ,,, thl' dt•· l'•ll'llll\lll •'llllVl'llfHolt til bl' hc•ld •I ""''Y'''••><I n"xt lllu.v. Mrs. Jd.t ·,.,•1:< hf'llll( ll(lpoouh·d nlh•rnat<'. "'""'''' 1111' tho• tiu ... r.,s~ nwt'ton.: 1 h•· I!'• noc·lllll<'I'S 111 nll<•ot<llltll'c' 1111r· looll ol th~· hllJ:,. dt•~·~ttuh-d barth- d •• ~· ~·:.k .. hako·tJ hy Mr11. L4ong In li"""r uf thl.' nutal Anmvl!rllllrlrl! •·f 1\·:; <· .. , .. Blandlt' KuJawa, Lt>tU~ llll•l•·k. Kathlt't•n \\'a&ar, \\'ro~:nt ::snd ~an. Br~ .all t>C 1\ hnou Wo•ro· horh dunn~( ~he month .. r L>•·•·•·mU..r. . . Co~unity-~fense To~~ of Discu!ision as Directors Meet ••t the r lub. , On bf'half uf thl' ,.mualr ltt'Ctlnn. Mrs. Alt-x Ohwn prt'IINitl'd a gfrt ur' new eong buuk11. Mn<.· R. f~ Slc,.n. wtw tzad workc'C! untiringly to •~u~·th<> booka and waa tched- ull'd 'til pl't'Mnt them .to the cluh, waa unabll' w do 110 bt'<'aUKt-of 'uj: neaa. DurlnJt the bualnNII m~Unlt wu annoufl~ed "{bar tl\1' will not tn.Ht thla Wl'f'k • numbf'r uf ~·~• ~Jan Its t'l otified to Fr .. eze As!'Wts · · of Alien Japs Loclll meTChantl! 'nr ramH•,;. a<"· t•topttnl( bunk r h,•c1ktt druwn br Jllpenf'llc• 1"'""-'ruJ llht.uld du ., only whton llh~<•lutt>ly crrttwi that thl payur he no Anwru·11n·b11m · nti'\'OUII l>rr:tkdcm·n f'<¥""J'lhc·llt•'<l by a h"nrt nllm"nt 111 j!l\'c·n A!< dul!f' nf hcor trnuhlf' Oirf'rtorll of Cost.a lof-e.u. Cham-t'ttaun. Oth••rwrttf'. th .. y'll ~nubtlet~a I'N•r nr Commerce. meri' whu fur ftnd the~h'f'tl htoldm..: the well· inany year~~ ha\•e l>et'11 1·atally """" known M f'k Rltlrh C Rain~ nr C'cm•ptun h>~B ..,.mc'li With ronmmnaty bl't~erml'nt Surh w1u1 the wurd n.:.)t>a1wd thaa purl'mtl<t'd nw F. 1-: Rwc~o·ll h""" .1nd l:l'ntraJ lntprc>\'em~nt and V.·l't'k by ufffo·f•ra a t llu• Bnnk of at 1917 1otrtn7.11111hl flv .. mw nnrl Amt>rica bran1·h••14 m N•·wrv•rt prugr.:s11; ·))let Tuellday nljthl In .- CJar,J.baas Ca•dY. • ·.ooJlB'S 422 41'!1 28:1 :!17 A ,.,,·('hnr 2~ ;!110 , M Farnu 400 ;Ito.:! M WJutr ...... Olrtrt l~mC.. J Bro~ 3fl7 4\ijl Thumr•aon tt. Olrldw'ell H2' 434 M. S.r.._ J . Hdlint 433 267 M. Shand t-'. MnrTUI 313~11 L. LAw M. Ntck~rt 413 :147 B. lAw :,D2-M 7-628-l888 ~4-617 ·4121 Soutlt ('_, S. Horvath 309 326 J . Rogtora • 4118 3S7 F.. 1\anatall 3S8 3:\11 E . Ylrnt 365 2111 E. Nle!Mn 21U 327' • Gifts Unusual Gift • 2u ~•rt .... a.~ BAI.I\U . .\ I~I.A~P t'll'-'sr. aan Th•l '"•totr,lo. lor rhe u lteer"· Electra elias BicJdes~T­ Kitdlll Nee* Radios, &c .. FUNII-BELL HARDWARE 1842 Newi)Orl Bl•d COSTA MESA I I and a Very Happy New Year! ~ suv iWtn;K dfi ouAt!Ty-rRoM J_ THE KISERDAIR:Y !.'.:~:-~::~:.~------~·~~~~-~-~~-·--·--~~~~: 1141 . ,.·-·-··-.... +--·-·.,-·-·---·-· ----~....,.,...--. 't". ---·""·---~-----·-··-----· • • r for. this ([ hristtn4ts. . I G~. ~· Be&-ge .. at~n •: G. E. Badl91 plana lo toke JW•IIICJ.:uwl ....._. ...... _.J"-f--«'tt"UW· h'· The ·""~: ''"·nrr '"'Ill .~T••t•Y d•~u~h~.n~.~~~~~~=~~.~~r~.~~~ns~t~e~a~d~o~r~.~fn~l~-1~ty~~~f't'~r~~c;•!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~--JlfflJll'rt~· Wllh hi:< ft~th•·r :cn•l luwan~ the usual Jlne of Chrult-l'OUnta (•arrwd by t1h• twu lnc·a 391 :l~ .. "' " ntCJlh••r. ~tl.-.• .. r 1 ho· 11ola nrl n ty "!"" h_s:hton~: and drainage, holiday IMtltut.runtt un• ""''J••c·t t•• th•· 41!\ :164 Stamp • • • otillf'f\'anre and 111mllnr llnu, Willi ll'l'a•ury dt•p~trlm•·nlurd•·r fr<'t'7.11lf: 3f19 4:16 Mr nnd Mrlt. l~•h Rkolo·s o r IJal· d j h all I)Jitlt'l!l u/ JuputV'I4' mtlaunul11, 11 Ch ·• t bnll Rltrll'h hlll't• ...... 11 •'l1J•iVIIIP ,, ''"ll<'erne w t a IIIIIRie ViltlBIIy :'>lanm.•y 347 2:,7 Hlnchl'llff IIS mas . " llllJIU rt;iO\ pr~blem, namely, WAR. " fllld. 662·4198-.709-20419 MIHl32·&U-IMO hr1r f \'l~lt fr•lm u,,.,r ·""''· ,J,., k Dfsrullslon c e 11 t e r ~ d around • Under prevrnu11 unlc rtl fr~zlng C d S ktll'll, w hu w.~.~ hwow on ... ,.,. llllu•kuut Jlr<wl'durr. Air 5ald warn-c·uh IUIIW'lll, IIU•·h rc•!lt rtrtlllllll dad 5 DaulleN ' I .......,,. ar s rrum 1-~•Jrt K r1ox, Ky \"""11~' !'kilo·.~· 111,; l'l$:nnl!1. llonv guArd duty. Cl\'• nut •f•JJly '" Jup11 who• ht•d laved .Coft'l! •ln 331 RobertJcon whfl "'all rnrm••rl\' 'n!J.1 T•'\.1 \\'ar· ali:•!l tll'f<'~ and rithn an,:Jn of an th11 C'nuntry ''""'''l"01""'Y 11mc:•• Alutena ~~ 347 Flannsaan lnll'll unh••lltr:o .' III.!J ~''"'' rof lht• I ht• m:wly·prt'M'ntf'd. problt>m. A June 17, llt40' .. ~Itch Jllpwll'liCJ ~-RJ'M.'llll8rd 302 288 Eutman army bund Itt Furt Knox rndlt'l, brl\llllht to thf' ITM't'\1~ by lillie Pf'mutt•-d tu <:nntallllt' hwunf·~ Smrth 4te leo . Speuldan~: . Mrl! Miory F. Anhlo•r of Ora••~:•• "n"' dlr.,l'lur. waa tuned In Pf'Mod· tranaaclJCinll und;or R. ll('tu•r:cl Ia-Halllt>t.h 270 381' Hurwitz H"lll\' In Patch the"" latt>lt ni'W• <'f'MI'. S..li(tnnutll M•·r~duy. lht' 642-&118~71-lWTI MJ-&15-582-178.11 1lV<>nue. h"" lot•••n •"ffto·t t:lllllfU: h•·a rr'..;, •• .H (omlf'r urdt>r waa o·nncAJit•d anti b rut hPr-an·IH" ""'' _,,.,,.r, Mr :.,..J n~ .. c!l from llWall and ottwr ' Mrl'. · w .~'. '-''"''" .. ( :'\o·\\'f'"''l pArt.'< <1f tf.,. WRrring '\'1'rld. anJ 11tf a ccnunu frvzr-rt -.nttr tht> ~· ~-DallM fM•f••r•• f'llllC'IUIIIo•ft 1,r th• ---•~n hun llf theW!/' f'Arra{-d h~· Jnnuni.'I4C' Ure Thr 1-<•Wt!<'" all'" ,.,~•1•-<l :ol ' · · ' _.,, J .... · l'rA•td• t ... u '"•ll·.. n.noona whu nrv Arrwn•·an c JlaZt'n~ the Jana Hanllf.n ohom1• Ill t'n11la •·o ,n n l IAJ)'\ ._ ...,ury WU P ' 439 Fhnt 430 MeCuM 342 Mtlll'r 1 .. • BROOKINGS VARIETY P 0 BurldtnC} CORONA DEL MAR .• Meaa lllld the r E. Fk'ntii'AII humr. :'1111)11111110'1! tur AilTra.f• warnlnjt hy \'lrtUt' (I( hlrth. Nn play • dut•· ~ kX'Itl IJ8nk11 '1\'ef"' IMtructNI 101"%tt11 at rut. "Nfo\\'J'IIrt: · · · .. -·-· • • ·-• · • · • • ThP unly r t'ltlJiar bW'ineaa to a;,. f,, ·no \· l•n"ly ·r~·frW.t> "paxni,..nfM. <•ri · · -----3•5 Hr.\1\·e·r ................ ---. ............ -.~··-··-···-··-··-··._ \.\'hth• IIJI"'IIhlll; lh•·' \\f'o kc•nol Wtlh ha.'< mutho·r. ~h'41 1\lan~ Jnhrutlun. 2226 No•wr .. rt ll<•lll•·•·urd. Clar-Pn··~ Arm'<trnn.: ...... 1\'t••J no- hfll'Rhnn thrtt :cll lt•a\'•·" Wf'ro• ''""" <'l'ill'd and thrc t ho· \\ ;,~ In n•rvr t lmmt'dla t..ty tn 1'11 n p,..~., ro;lt•al llll\h nn prt'J'IITIII•Iry lu 11!1\\'IIIJl fur Ptoarl Harllor. Huw"" '':lHI."a••tc·d \\'811 the t'ltoctton or " chcot•kll (ur Japnnt•M NultonaiJ' but nnmrnaltnK commtltt"t' which, 1n tn Jlff'\'l'l'ft lht•Jr Wtthtl:>~wals !rnm turn, Will chOOIII' ·18 I\Qmi~11 ror ra!t'ly di'Jl'•~tl bo•Xf'l!. -~31· E"rlrhort~ .:..: • ...: • ..::-.~.,.;....: .. ~"'.:-~"" .. -.. IM-672-4127 -191!4 • f"IUDAl' LEAOVI: t •1ort'C'lonchlp!l, ballolll tl' be mailed . IAianol Carl" tn all "mC'mbt'ra prloi.'.to lhf' Janu· m r;t"ll£ Jl" Tilt: SA\'\'" NOW I Wtutr'11 Coffee ~<r)' m~>eting._Compn'!lng the com -NII\'AI r,nltllolm~"nt" llrt m•·r<·,.,•ln,~:: I llo-ll'n'll &auty n11ttce Is 0 . C . AncleBOn, Wm by II'IIJ'l!'l an(l hnunol~ """''' dl'dArn-1 llalbo•a Mc•rc-twnt. S:~.lasbury, ~ell Murbargu, J. ¥· liOn of wnr. R••o·rwtlng ( tfftl.,r A. I R• .. ·d'tr Ict·rt>tll'~ Milll'r and c . W. TeWlnklt'. r. Cllmlfm ,.,.,.,.,.,, . ., ltodfly l Sout~h CUIIlll (:trllt --_ . Mn11t rN'f'nt liat·hc·r•"'" til "'~!'"I ' l!ul~ Lights Progrant Ordered Canc~lled By Coast Assn. up for duty nrc• !\0'1"11 Hnllftm .. r,., SCJI'Tfl ('HA~T LtAOtJE 1111n nf Mr!l. O rphu Hl~llamnr•·. :1:1.! B11y 11tr•'<'l. <:usta Mo !4a ; \V RITI'I1 • llaulx•r11· Collins. "''" ur Mr. nntl MrR. ~t ... vc• Hand Outa Cnlhn11. 18:l1 Orn 1111•· :o "'!nit•·. f'ox-Tna'Cia" tR Mf'lllt. nnd l'lntnl ('IN·r tt. C"rw l 'cn••11 Pullht·r!< Ill\ del Mnr !llllhnnkl"r-. llukf'!4 "' .. ) ~! ,: l 20 18 ~ u 17 t SAILBOATS WARSHIPS TRUCKS 12 24 ! FOR THE CHILDREN 12 24 . THIS CHRIS1'MAS 2": ~; C. C. F E R R E L L ~ ~~ l:J Ul U 10 JS 10 •18 9 JS Balbo" P .. rnl Slo re BALBOA J. a.· ·a ·sTUI aaos cou'i •LvD. -----·------------~-------------·-·--··-· Smith Corset Shop- ---- -• ,iainMT MiUJP'~I..:-\ r.S t1K-'MJ~,C TflDAl FOUNDATIONS AND GIRDLES , I NF.U.IHICI l"f,'KfiU 'AI~"' l'hniN' nn KASTA ASA, OAUI'. +------·----------------------------·-·-----·-·-~ ' .. Mr. 1111d AfrM J. A , Mitl<la~JJ!h IIJWnt Sunday nt-<hrtarln "'''I ''1"'11 lt)elr return to Co1'fu !\h•l!n l•r"'IJ!hl bark with thrm lho•or J!ran<r.t:lltj.:h· ter. MN~. r. K. L"ttman. f"r11u•r · ly llf P l'cl rt/l, Ill , tt h11 \\'til \'IIIII here b.rll'fly, &lh Mr nncl Mr,. LottmAn ~~· 1n J!"''"' I\ Ill•' Ill ... ,.,,, k lind Wl'rl" l'llf'o·nlh· tran:<f•·rn·ol to~ Ontnr111 frorn th•• ·~al'h•m ~t:•t" Th1~ llr·aMn. for the> r~rat tim<' In 1,'1 Y•·~r~. ''"lllmllmltl'll alon~t lh<" ( h'lllll:•' o·n•mty l'l)<t!<thne wOI n<Jt ui.•S•·n ·c th.ear tradlllonal ouWoor I 'hra~ltnn!l hghtmg pr;•grftm. Mr~< .11\hn l.uhlrn of :!1•!'•11 ~""'" Tho· r .. al't A!IHI\f'tallon'll annual AnA nv .. m u· Willi hu~f• "" Tu• ~~~." "fo'•Jrl,\' ~I ll•·~ 11f Chrrstmnll' SmliPII" at a l'Jl:cn lllh luno h• ••n hon .. n nj.: :o """•·n ·aru ,. wha. h hA!IJ!ottnNfWQrld grnup n ( frl4'nd~ and n•·•,:hh<or,; I" ull' fntiiP !IIIli'(' alii onau~:urntarm Thl' Arf'o·rn .. un \\':1° dl'\'1•(• •I '" hy nr (" 1.. Hw•tno lli'Rrly a d(·C· brll.lgt•. thu~r J<haron~ tlw '" • "''''" .ul•' 1111<1 u half ngCl. W<t!l v•Jiuntnr- bring Mr11. F.IIJ:"t'nr l::l'tQit. Bnlbt•to tly ranM"'ft-d rmme'drat..-Jy-"ft~r thf' Mr11, H~tn•ltl \1hl\\••l1 :onol .Ma ~ •ountry wo·nl un a ·wl\r-tcme batll!l \\'m. Lan.:Jahr. t.>:dh,ul l"lntlll. ~tnol •·.~rl\' lha~ W•·•·k Say whut y .. u wcU f't'ooutl Stalin. htl4 was lh•· ••nl~ j:•~\'t•rr,otwnt waih brain!~ t'nlllll('h !11 , Jlti'j•llrl' fr1r II t;t•rman tn\'lllllun Strako·!O If lhf' harth-rate contlnurtl ancr('all•·. It 111 p .. plblf' tP11tt .ro-rnrl Jlr"diU'tlllll \tal l y~t catc·h 1111 with i ! . SHE:~~MS l.l -··-··-·· ..... ··-··-··--··-··-··-··~··-··, r · 1 au(,.m••bll" ouiJ•Ut. P111't'nt11 wh" rnu"• tl>l"lr • hil1lrer. l'tolc•ly l>y lh~ IHHtk 1111'111"11 "''"" rNtch th•· llllljtl'.-who·r•• 1 h•·v WL«h they hr1d u~o·d 11 tworhrw•h I~·IWf'f'n chapler.a I Mt'l'dnm"1' Wrtlto•r M1·1lutt, Ru hH.nl 'Thr l'ulllmlttee In r harge unan- Dlttmllr. J.'ll)'o'lll' nlfllt o•r nnlf '1-:ol tnhJUSI,\' :tpJ'I'U\'o•d such arlion op ..--~~ .... ...,.tcillli~IIIII·~'*"'-~#NMtiM~~ ~t ... ~· "h,.rr .lclft &lid ........ t>tm1 mMt Mella : Mr. Hnrl Mr11. !\1. L F n•·IHI and fanuly, ~nnltl i\11:1 . !\!1,;14 ~;,.,: lyn Tun14lall. Oc.·t•.t nt'l••w, 11 ncl M ~­ . Harnlcl Mu~'"'" n .• A u.tlt(·tm We ~pair Elec:tnc Clr>l'k~ Watchu a nd J ew<"ll')' All work lfiJAranlt>t'U .....UCB.Jawalar liM lliewporl Bh·d. OOSTA ~E~A· -. ..., .......... ~y ..... PE&.'IA!"t.:ST;._ II.N l'P A1J \\' orjl t · !Wtf'r ......._.. 8qpf'n1alon .Jif .,.,." I 8~1. CpCa M..e ( ...... , • -9 -l-ItO-.1~ Se: Jsan 's Greetings ~...,.~_TO ALL! fur thl' annual Yuletldt' pageant. and loya l cu•tomert, and "f'hn~tma.o; In Our Heartll.'' whJch ~~ lnlendC'd (or fl"'Jit'ntatlon Will c ontinue to heat everyone . •• we would waDI to be 0«. 18 by students or 'N"'IJOrt +-freated A few of Our Many-a.,, 14UDa. Rt-i!ch Gr&\f\nlBr ·•chool. Mi111 O.,r-I othy Sptcer, achool Men,tary, sate! ' E~D TA8LES 9.Sc UP. CO FFS' TA8LES $J.i5 UP th11 morning that piPna for the Jllay would be earned UlroUfh ex-• Ct'pl In the· t\·enf"lhal lOcal au- thontlea deem~ auch a oowwe un- WJAe .. --~----~ t:pon ·completion Qf 20 yean of ~n·ace In the U. 8 . Navy, a •llor . If PhYtllcelly tit, tan tr&Mter to the Flet'l Reterve and receive on•· ball at laJI" ,.. "p&J'. 9 .. 5 u.~ Allfftinder Aut• I ,..ct> $19JU .. $13.95 , ~ ,9•Jl >Wt~ .W. Sl.9.L. __ _ M~tw 9•11 Conloleufft Aut $4.75, 9•15, $6.75 ·Other tia" '" p,....rtion. I . Costa Mesa Fan~~...-. Co. Phone 1660 1660 Newpo~ Bl•d., Coeta to:f••• ------ I -··-··-··-··-·· .......... ··-··-··-···-·· .... •• J r USEFUL Christmas Leat.he r Goods Play Shoes· T-and many Otber usefu l items ·I • g~ .1 BtJM:i · g~ I . 21)11 , ~.,.._ • IIAI.Itf .... llti.A..'WD • w ...... ------__... ~ I • I i GEESE ,EGGI i ~ iwiri -City PouHry -Market I Phon: 1105 Weat Ct>ntral, Newport ! ________________ ------------~:------·-----.. --------------·-·-·----·----·-----·--~ ~EBIONAL GIFTS WHY NOT give a CA .. ABY this CHRts!'MAS?- MAKE YOUR SELF:< 'TIO'N AT THE Costa Meaa Bll"d Fana Pbou 375 2060 Newpo rt Blvd C0.ta M..e . . . ... ______ __. ____________ _ • • • Vith · 1ls .air.t1 -~.' .....;...... • \o (~itir.ena, IJefen• ..-,r; Uniform be Told Soon I I Cl Uw hlnrkop,at C111,htt1, Chk-f ol · rkinh• rnclYt'd tnto ~u'y'· Co tnilui'IP a i itrtww I )WfiM. fua· lotKht dWJictlt lit MHY••r c~ ~~~ lo~wt...,; ... ....-&,,e. and auaw...,... ~, .. ...... -.......... . I Uld ,u.ft ~ ........ ~ ~ ... e.,-. .... ...._.,...,a p.,Jiu Qat.( I~· e lrwlun Wtb ..-.t' . •t. an4 the dmt.rtd U ~• w.r.~··an: .. tt.llowe: IIIIa Ana R I y 11 r eti"NNt. ~anll ltld~-- "'"" Ia 1600' o..t fo'h-. phone N••· · ' 1 rn ,...,t lo IlK Ia 0 '·"'" .... <.:han· 11 "'mn t. ll&l pt1 I'". ( '•IVInf'J I'IM:e. ,.. rl'f't '-• M a 1 ri ,, c ,..""" rront -. • I. lih.,rrn-.n, IHI f'toon.-e · "'' ,..,., t" i1uu1nel I u I )f·.,.. Jf'h tnt. I • •. 111 '·" f'/VI Jtlv•l., f,, l10lr. J11mr• 1 .. I·"'" K•.u•l, l'toune ~ ,fl fii'IJClfh, IIVI'T• 11 lll.:llw•v llrrl4, 1 i:, !'lVI l lf'rllar- '' ~·Ill ,,. '"'""''· ,., ... ......... 75:· 1:} fluW ··-4'----..& .... ••• 't • ' Nf.WPt cos a. ·_Legion Au..x Bridge ·-Bent Is Profitablt PronounN!d a frr · wu tbe bl'n~nt1 br.l Newpqft HarbOr , loo A'uttillarv Thu Lec1on Hut Proc~ --,w-~a,nd·~.-.a' Ia Sawtell& 'hoer•ta El~n c-ard t.abl trw bridge &nft pr1 by llr•. Rolan11 T llllarioa Dodd. M,.. GruDd y.""' 1'11. I\OJ:le Howard ~l"di. )' aDd Mr11. W. C Bon ...-claJ pf'\ze ot a dlllert ~ ·-etanley Ac~•rman. ... dooe by Jack thJa city. Ralph Randel. nolud ID&Q. wbo with· b • eenfld a de-rt ru pncecUnr brid,;'e p ., beno · w • r e Yra cb&Jrman 6f nofT'H ~ 8t&nlf'y .,. Cflla .Q 1 I I . ch&lru aticiDa;, t.lra. Jul1a Mra. Mary Chamt .IN and wrvlq '""· madl' -ot ~ eel c:udM& Marilyn Hos ·Among 20 P To Sorority .... llu1ya Hoa ter cl Mr. aDd Mra. .... ol OIM.a ...... &.-tJ' paedpe ot ..... ,.._ted to ...... ,. an-n-a• llltlld al ~ 8t. .. .. a..twood lkta'b ,. ,..._...-.... , .......... . ~ ..... MIL& ..... PaUJWal.lll _, IIMI Naaq I Mplea. ~ ea... B11t.U.- I / . 'l1le .... cheerful • BIXLE FWWER ~ UJI Newpert o-e.Meaa • ·Before Yo '. --. ~ .. .. .. -· ! P~e6 ,J.-\\'. con don Elected I Balboa Aagling ~Club Palatial 11otor Yacht to -,i .. ad \~acht Club Awards Trophies Laun.~bes New Career at Annual ~lef'ting for Marlin · in Commercial Field Earle P, Halli\,urt:b~·. palaUal .motor ~cht Vida. recoa-nl&acl u one of the thrH laqut·. ahd beat- equipped pleuuno 1hlpa In A.mer- o • I \~ I I• 1o 111•1l knuWII '"'"' 1 ' • , ,. , , , • :t:o•t \\,,~ l,l!'t Stlt· ' • ..._ ~~~ , ,. , t••ti '••lt.ru•KJI,rt ·uf I ~. · 1• rl 11 , , i. , \ ... hi dull, IIUC· r ' \ I , .•. ,,, 1-1 "' ·:i \ r ;utluro• 111 hat ·-~/tuuj U.. WATB~RONT \ :.:,:'·.· ;:.:·~~~·:!;~'; ~: ;;:;,;::;: Hy 8VE liiTt:HMA~ • II o ;..t-o I llr• \',.1.>,.11 .... ""'I!'"Lr• ~"' ' '"'"" """r•• :"•·W •lu····t.ur•. iiO~AY ~GilT ) "11 1 \IJII -'' 1 o "'1" ";;ll•l.i r••lo-r • ··d •: 1 '" 1o·o1· ,.,,. \\'n• L . U~alboa Ani hn& ' luh l~aat wHk ,.ffll'llliiY. recocntlW<I lh~ ~lose of ttl.. lVU IIWordf.•h ~t-a.son and unml'd w1nner11 111 tho· varioua f•lllllllf!l. . ---ttet~,_,. .. .,..~ilt J!Mwport Har· where ahe will un· Aerao a •~ncent wr;e• of tMll With a view toward purcha.N by the U. S . ..Navy. 8uah wu the aU'{)flalng dla· rp.ure made on the evt~ of depar- ture by Capt. Roy lJ. Dukln, mu- ter ot t.M craft. • · Thursday. Decembed 1. 19U ------r .......... J l ---...,,.,.,--."-,.,.·tmill'iid'' tllo _.l.4oi..,, ... ,.~,J~IU..4--,-,_-, ,,• J1' ,,,.j llo"11)' J!•(;n\ndln, ~r m. r.r' I O<ilflol1 f• : ••• :'·' \lh tHilt)ftf Tu C. A. Orahli11 r rrt ~~~ritebello, \'ll'tor over a 3e<!·t~·unl1 broadblll. wt·nt the rrand v••z<· r,:r the l.art· c~l fl.llh clluiht ro n 'n'y tu• kle, the lrfJ(thy bel~ pn.~o·~otli.J by 8. M. l;nfflth on behalf .. 1 the Udo !ale (· .. mmuruty ~><lllt.on. SKond oiWUrd In the aanw <'lu!i8 went to \'•·rn Walker of Lo.~o Angelell whu In the event the VIda la pur- chued by the navy, 1he wtU doubtleu be preued lntp !lervlee u a9 armed deep-wa patrol boat, Capt. Deakin aald. She would aeem ttl be well fitted for a career' of thla aort alnce • Lloyd'a or London have gtven her an A·l rattna, tn- dicaUng ~ crait Ia the beat that may be built. not from the ! • 0 )\-'bat a chani., tuu r·mno· ,,,.,, l \\'h•ll ,.,,, ,,·h·l 11,,o11., \'ula 11 iu r•J o ·· \ E''fl lldHH·r, nnd ttwwa~runt.r<'uai1A»Y>< hk•·•lll"lh.l\• • lh•r h r , J""''ol lh·· ;.;,,,.,! ~ ~,,,,,,.~ Ru•l·•lph Ky· much, nw-•k'",)'' .. rf\t•v:_.r•hht ,,. ,, h• .,. '. '~ ''·'' l '' •' ~. ··h ·1·d l•·t ~ ,,,,.y~a r eta.)· and lJ'wo har-ttt•r IF4t )lj "T"•rllil•' d··r ,. t.•' ·' • t-1 dl '. fu I t1! "' ~ I' 'I d.r• l"r "" an•·hHI· t.hr ~Z}' ''*'u' lf'ncco 1 h.nl til· In I h. lloll I• II 'I I·' ••Ill• • t• I ,,. ' l. I~ .! .. I L••·r-,n l .1. •......, .. ~ ... t 1 ,. I \\' •"· 11 lhlloh·or•l Jr . .,. •• ~ .. uran rP 1 ,.,.,..,to r.Zt-u I '"'' o1 1\ 1 h· t•l , ; 1 lf· ,J , 1 1 1 olo o II\ fatrly bf.ttkdn.-ci ,J..,.,.,J•I .. t•f -.. ru•• ft:ooh• rr ''· a·k '~ ,,h.,••tJ ,. c·,,., .. , I' • .• '' \1• r r " .~ 'lJIJH•u•tt·t.l IM-rt" and JOin •n tht-JJit*~ti!ttU•· In ;;11,,,.1 ,, ,,d 1,1 u,,, , .1t ,,_ ;.: 1 '• ··d t:·, ... ,, F .&n,·•·ll. ateact UM'r.-.,..u .twa\·y um lnuu'\.~1 th.ot lh•• I~ • f,.' I:• "I '"I ~ "' lunfll'd a m•rllrr '"''Khinl 271 Pl•l.!nd.'4. </ In the wome1.'s "l"'n tourna- uwnt , thf' Nf'wport Hltrt.ur Cham· lwr 11( Commerr•o· tl••rhy will go I•• Mra. ~ M. l<lt'\'o•n&o rn of 415 ~: lilly avenue, Ralh"a.. ff)r a 188· l'"und flah. Bec:onrl a\\ard, prewnt· ··•I by Newport I l:o i-bor Junior ~ ~~. ~ ~~JU~~~~.&u~~D~~aK~ Ml'lf. H. 8. Stark ••f Taft lor a atrucUon, matf'ri&la aJid equipment I >~ 7 · poundn-. • as weft. ..... ••• ~ ... It , ... Oil"' hiM .... ,.,..-J', .. (,., (1, It ... \\• ,. tll· .. ~\ ,..-•.•• tt No bttlol wtut4f ~Ia hf,bbtnK tn•t•l•t 11.~ f···l••h 11,ol ,.tt.• ,..,.._., about. no proucf C'nii ... TII parafitnj( hurft,,.j 1 ,.111 , I • ol , , ~ ,\olio !'., >l>l -nti...--h.. ld:ni .\-~:d.ltl.f;l!iil~et~LI-...,OJIBIIBU4[J(U:e. l u the 8a E\'en though lh& VIda ~:~rovu un- ' ·•""'1: i11 '" I· r\ • ''""' \\ h• I• I h• ~ .,.,,...,,:J,...,.. ... twi.W to tM4 navy, lter ow1lh 1-"r.-nch DreM•~' • • BAKED APPLES • • • BREAD Bt;TI'ER • • • COFFEE had" lht: hay •II too IU..ll (« On<'f'. Ew•n t!lf' :-;.,wt"•rl dorw. lay on ttw iuenol f'mpty hJr•l """"' 1.. .. .• 1 t .. • .. uut •·11 ''"'"' ··~t Marlm caucht "" :'~'"ry tackle u a " rich man'• playthlnc wW !-=lclf'l"l • ""ll~··•b ht~•· ,,..,,111•' • .:•.r·11 to Vern '\\'~k•·r whose top· 11tlll,be at an f'nd for fM W111 en· · All _-I -1/ __ 1,,j1',1·•· .. 1,11• ~Ill Tt .. , r.: ,, rl.• llr• d '' I •lll !oool. 011~ t•lhttor ro( ll l~ht (111h of 271 J••umta tonk~-t.-r·the ahipping trade U a c&r!fO NU ~ ,_ ~ That aU t.Mat.a P ml'tn. on th•·ll ab~ '-u'*flllood t .• 'l bl' a tl"mpnr· all' ,mea.tul"f' U '-ht•(W'Ct thnt lry t.omornJW OW' C•...,.t r.uftrd "111 ·rea...trbur flablng n ... , ,.,, lhlll lbe comm.-r<:'lal fuohf'riJl .. n lu11h·r pt'OPft' !nap.-<"bon rAn ,;u ... ut 111111 not kwe anottwr Jl"f"oOtlll IItty 111 a ...-on that Ill O\'f'r hll ,,,., .,.,n Tftltirday, "atthnufh t .. o m1lfl foot 1ood aadan. lnaad.-"'•" n .. \'l'rth•• ..... ·.a "'ciay. :t.o-bto un tho· -.·u ..,r ll&nJ wbo •t u1l rn thl' m""""" una-no ot Uw SF.\\'8 "'"r .. ,11\'o•r· tallaa &1.-b)' lhr L1>11~ l>won:l ~ty tnform...t. aiMI ull...t '" ;... ·tum. OUwr11 .,..ho ath·m)>too(J '" rn· t.r llan p..cfro ruund thut h:uhnr ~ and put on h.,.,.. Tht'\' ~~~~ ln IMI! ran UW'y Jtf'l .. ut • \'"'I n • bf't ... ·-n %J' Anti 29 "n t h .. fl I\ N-,.,..t ~·n,. -4120, R•·• :!Hi UUIIDaY A.'IID a..I!ANDA J»Mtw~ 111 r ... "'--. ..._ •. I P'8 LA 11 N D a Y 8laJII • Boat O>n-rw • Awmnjj .. • llaniW l'Phol.slf'nnr; · PIMMW 207 :nt 12 21-"t l<t NJ:WPORT BEACH Ta'f.THI ·HI, H .l! ~· .. -~ .. ., :...-._..._ .. ....... , .... ' t , .. 11 11 ,.,11, 1o r '" , f111oo """ •~ 1·' I''" ''"' I 't "1:1''""" Hnlln 111• "'"I 1n the open ~'' .. nt. Th111 trophx veSMI, the ~pta I (I 1tated. Ae· lho·•r ot l• 1,1 '" 1 ... ,, ttoo· ::-.;,' ·J 1 ' " ''" • "1't11" •l .. ro· .. r H ri!Jw• \)'1\11 dnnftted by .J U. McNally cording to preaent plans a he wouJd o:n oro! 1'"\\'il ~•II oo:oooJII r .. ,,~l '~ 011 ~ (.,t, "1 'ri..· "1W""1"-'11"11 " t'hf' :ott'cnnd placl' trnfthy. ~ ~y between, her home J)9't Of Cor· t.;u.uol• '"'"':'" 1'"\\<J f,.,,l\ 11 1lh '· ·I• ;,,,, "• • 1"1: ••·lol )':ot · ,,,. Hnlb"" "An&ll'lr~: dub. went tu tcz, Honduru. and San Pedro, per- '·"""" It•·•· '" 1 """~"'""""'~''''I ·1'1 \ ~hi .,, 1!•o• '~""1~-'11""' .\lt·X lt. Tqdd of t•asadl'na '«''U.a hapa even S.aUle. 'the nature of ,,,.oJ · .. , ·'" ''"'"' r ~"''' ,,,,k ''1"1 •·'' "1 ' ''"'" 1:• :-•·n•• :!::"-t••Hmd fl.lh. ' ·her probable cargo ~u .not d.l.l- "'1: 1, ,.,11,11' 1 ''""'" tl11 1• "''111 ' 1 '• Ill• >• ·•I "' t!ll:.! 1111 lutlo-~-Tr11phy for th•· largt>lll marlin r lnlled . f,f,,,kirul fir• '"'I"'' ,,, •.• l .. l<•·•"n 1 ~' ""·'' J:t'l"'' bl.or .l. 1111'1 "111 " oKIII(ht 11n 3_. tlltkl~> JCOt'l to'BIII Jo~ortheputwlleraldayl!a crew 'i'"'r ··'•·1'~, '"" ~.,. ,-,~·ll·~.r ~ 1"1' ~,.,,:,,,.;,II . Ulllh'fll I!!· s l"ljtl( of Gwndl.l;. wh~ catch C1f workmen haa been buay atJ1p- '''""" l•••k" '"" "'""•~ ·I""'""''" · 1' ' .' '''""'"""'''· ·"·~•·tJh ,,f 11 209-pound ftKh broke the ping down tM lhip; removlnc t~Acr t "' ... H ·~ 1·1 otnl '"' "• "I' "'"' h ~ •' 1~" \I .:• 1• • ~··· r..ta ry· ""tid's recont lo•r thts weiaht rir h gold finl&hlng1, twavy broca~- 1••• l.o r~·· Til• 1•11\ ·•·I'·•·· ,, l•l ••'·'' • '1' ="''' olu·•1"""' •·IN'I1'11 t.lf'klo· Ten howr~ hr)(i t O minutl':! ed draf"'ll and other palaUaltrap- hnlo· Tiro• ''"" lof,!hl ·"' tit• rod ' 111• "11 1' 1 ol 111'·•rJ ,.,.,, T HIJ: \ll•rl' rrqulred t .. play and land pings and equipment. 1111: ll~:ht-o I•L '""''" • o>olllli: • • no 1'•1''i"' 111•11>'""'"'· arro.J J .. s. t lw hulfe catch, It is pn'aum~ that the te.ata at •··I I·~ ""''' 110 1 ho• v. .• 1" 11 ~· ' .. :.1 \ I : ... k l~:o lh<l:~ 1ft land. T'ltrn• for dl.ltrlhutln,; the awards Sftn Pfodro wtll requ1N' about four .,.,, k nwl 1 II• 1• ,, ;. .. It 1 ·'1'1''' • ,.,t.. 1 • '"''''' 1 '' ·'""""''''." fitMI oofh· '·' 111 tw ~11de b y In.: r htb director~~ c1a)'ll, upon cont'twnon c>t whk-h the th.-lho'llu ,,. l •• tilo·~ •·I 11 .. 1 ,,.ff•'"l .1 ,.J 1'-r tho· 16 1'1.,111luol·ut of w ho will m-t Jtn<ortly tn award yacht will rf'turn to Ntwport H•r· lh:ol 1f,.•1r \\1\o ,. "'"•''"I •·:• l u•lc t: lt u•t ·1.::11·· ~""1'1 11 Ana. Ito .,,h,.r trnphiH m•t tnrludt'd In thf' bor to awatl the navy'a dec:i•lon . 1111: '" tho 1r rrn • to. t·•1•· ""'' I• II 1 ' • -,,,., t ' tJ•I IIIII 1\1 .1• 111• ••I l••llrlla&'lent llat. The Vida, "'hirh is noglatered I 'I• """'I :-:.,I ...... 1 'hll'l" I ... ''" , ......... •lllo. .. loor• 1'1111 Altugether 211 •wordtt.llh we,... under the nac of H onduru, Ia \\ h"lll \ ... k""" I' II '" '... oil IIIII tl .... IIIIII'TIIIIJ.:. F ro·(l llr"fnun. Hnllllljl \\ o•IJ:hf'<l In and r .. o•oordf'd at lht' ownt'd b)' Mlnera Agua Frill Cia. \\hllo '"''Krill! h•>' r.... '' ,;,1 .. lh•· 1'1·•1"1 "·'" 'lo' l•:•t too llf•n ·r lilt I•• rol h11rbnrma•t,.t :< ooHic·e. m& Ql( .Cortez. Hondur1111, and t. un-~hl' .tllo I ·' l•o!ll>: 0 .,lof loti: hi 11"1'''''"'11 ' q ol.olll r,,-'Fr•-d K Jlnlb<·r, th"o·rll bt·t~ brnu~eht m by Nf'W· der dtrect aupervt!lll'ln or t.ht' com- '"" , .. I J·" 1.•' oil , •.• ""' '" ,.~ •. It • h ll lll..tll oo( 'h·· o•llt .. rtAinmo•fll 1••1 I Harbor bolt b. bl;t not orri-pany'a we*l coa.st agent. Earle P. '" .iw...luru too ~" !.!JJ ~lui\ ·'li·"'' ~.: '"'"~•II···· oJ)ll~ \'•:lir~o• .Bitrbt·r. dl· , ,,,lly WI'IJhect. F 1r10t marhn of tht" Halliburton, a couatn ()f R ichard It "' trmat'~u~: ho •w •f"" klv aii.J '' • r..r-.:t {'llhlwity "'"""'n wa.s brou~:ht in July J9 by Halliburton, famoua and ill-fated "'"'";i;thl.) oour lu1rh"r l11'rrn:<~ mn· ·'•-· ·l·~t•rl 'tw tlh' ht~'lrd wa~ R1u• C"-ll#nder or San .. Qabriel. 1\ ad~t'nturer . ' OCEAN FRONT , . -' MARI(ET~ 0. M. CAMPBEll 2110 OCEAN ~ONT OPEN 7 OA YS A WEEK ~~··3·3 *We Deliver 8 A I L 0 R s ·: llardwue ............ I'Hdllp • 1'oolll • ~~apr W~ P. Fder 'Palata B.~\'. DISTilK"'' .......... • h11wn 11lwl '"'" "';,,,u,.. luG!: •11''' l'h•lltJ•• •II !-=un :\fanno "'11" t!~l-pnundl'r reqlllrH,IK.II" hour ami De•IKOed by Cox and ~:•··•r · ·.ull '''" ,. ·'-'-:. •h,...-l • .f. '""'c·l'l"d · tn m1n11tM t o 1t1nd . The lut fish and J ohn H . Wells and built' In ,;, du~>< too, .. 1uo·, J 111', y11ur (II\'· "~.M "" 11w.tl\: .!~ .... , .• It-tln•'" "·" 1u1t~d on .!1:"'' :1. b1,;ge11t day 1930 by U)e PuMy and J onc,; L -· . . . ·•nl·· ·''••1·~~\~1~~ r~~ ·~.~; •. j:.~:-.. ~\/''~1·.:···~~··.' t,. .• "' tho· llf'!I!;On b\>lnj.! Aul{. JO when C.orp .• of O..lilwarf', ·~~t~~.,:~~~ Ral·lwa·y ExprarrAgen~·· •nc lolh••r hu1l••t1< Ill•· ::-.;,,,~· al~ti \\oork 1 •.rltf·l-: !' \'·•IIIII:, ~.111f10 1\na fito ··•I 1n nnd recordf'd. nnL with her home port. Newlj Hj~ .J • lw,..t•. haq;l•>o, utul 1111-;11 arul fr11h-~ll tho• ~··•:o r Mr llo•t•k l'uol1 bi'o·n top· l'ro•lll•nt c>lflr•rw uf flRiboa An«· York City. She Willi ploN'h~d In • • · nlo! ht •utll 111111 luXt.of \\Ill prvhuhlf ""'''''I "~ t rll tlw , .... '" ,\ h·ft h\' lin!= l'fuh are E tl. Allen. pl'elli· 1939 by the R<outh Am• n cRn rom·' SHIP \'Ot•R PARCt;I.A ft\' t :XPKt:SS · oltotHI!Iat•• ll11• "' ''"'' l'on"•''llll'ntl}' I'• "f.!:"'''''" «•I .I I. It•·•••"'•)~ l'a111f tll·nl . r:,•urKe P. l"nl:<ll, vice pn'•i· pany ...... a...t n-•--·" • ---• N .... IIIII~' ............ lw oro· nl'ftl lll"r·· II ,, "" \\ hn 1' J.,,,,l,.~h··•l fll• , •. ,"1 · olo-111 \ Fmnk ('rott•kl'f, sccr.tary· HR.\'Ing an (1\'t'rnll lt•n~:th of 2::~ I s~--011 F.,...,.. • ....,.,.~-.... . , . .,,hi lilt.: , "l'1t.tl '"'" llw •:••ul••r oof '"'' cl11•· tn •11•1•' ff'flt, -34-foot bf'nm and t9 fM.'t PIIOMPT MHIPMt:~'T • MAf:'E IIASDLISG tul uro• r ·•• 1"1' '""'' ,, . ._,,tttu<, Tlw ,\1 lit•• '"""·'I •ruo·o•t llri: arl dHp, till< VuSa Ill flCIW!'red by two s.e Loclel ~Nl. P"·ifir f:lfocotrir DPpot ('hl t~lflo,o~ lt••~:att11 ~1· ltt'l•ro•d hy •.'"' •oo..llll• ;•t '' " I'"'"''' t oo lno r .. tt~r <Ol'RMARISE 8C'A&E 1~ h .p. Wlntnn D lt•JM'III. Hf'r fut:,l lh•· ::-.;, "l"•ll ll~trlw•l \'ot• ht o lulo.tlr• dtl•·r '' ••1•(, I '" ;"Jf'loo\'" Jl.tlol · t"npaclty of ~:1,000 ,;AIIOflll ftlktwt Offlcle Hoan:-.. A.M ... I~:IS P. Jl.. 1:'11 P.M ... 6 p, a llfk··~ """'•• "''' :.!7111 .onfl ;.!IUh ••f ! llol• '" '" •C•I '"" 1•: '"'·"" ,. ulhf'l A · ... ubmar1ne IC&re" off the hl'r to crurw 70oo m1lea at. a tnp ~ n ... ~f'lll ... !lUI,«~ te •.r. JL_. thtlf moonth fill thl' ~":•th thr• dub 1'·"' ,.,,,.,,'-' ., Nc•wport·Bal~·" coaft early Mon· s~ of 18 knoll or u far u 20.·. .(;llllfttTM'.,lC DA'I rSnL I ~· M. 1~ h••hhn~>: 11 "" ,, 1 h ol "''" ht I•• f'l"'· 1-,fl '" ,, . I ho ·II II lilt t '"" oo( C'oom. dii~·· mnrntnr TaUtted in UIIIIDIIG•-+flftft mO.. at a mOM' ffOI\Oml<'lll j =--..-------~---- \ 1oh· ~·"ott ,.nl•·rt·n nn•• nr f',n. ,,.,-~M1nro "'''" "" ho• pn•Jio•nlt•ct n • llltt> r.-sporuo.• by Harlxlrmuter T. I<J)('ed. Thirty ele('tr1c motor11 pro· , ••II•·~>:•· ~~.,~. 11•·11• '"''· •lrt fr•t• "' '•-,., '"''"•l••l• .. : H. R11•,;••n. F. Bouchey and the county patrol \'ldf' ll~~tht 1\nd power. All portlon.e l .. -------------------------.----• ,.. h•••l,. "111 "''' •• 1t ""t "' l••rr""." :-'" ~''' "'"-..» rtl) a l,:r~:•· nnutll'»l bt)llt. The har~ entrance and •d· 11f thl' •hlp are linked w ith an ,.,1 ol1111:h1•·• Th•• •• how ob t ho\ Will 1 ··II h..-.tut,: 11-.t 111:00 n plrnn. ''In JAfrnt. lhQrdll}f telrpbont llf.t'\'ll'f' wttlle 1 1, 1,,, . ., 1 1 11 , t • ,. r. \ 1 · ~ c · •' • ''I"" c 'oomm• ,.,.,,,. 1-: If rnmhfit Wllh no alarming the radiO 11yatern lnf'ludu thl' moll ~r'.o •.t o•nl l:•tl.•lo•\', ,1,.11 'ol T·•l• •:•<•n thlh"·' 't':o•·ht l'luh. 1~41 · enc.s beln« mnde. powerlul 'radio t4'1ephone afloat. 1 •~·1• \lh·a .. r 1·,~1ot.1 o'lootl lho• J,' I o '' t'f·n1m• '"'' and Mn•. Th~ "11c"re" foUowfod a report A:ot lijl addl'd feature theJhlp II 1 hrwht lfh' 1 \\'oon•l~'r 11 llr. 1 """"~I B .. ·• ·• pt• ·•·Ill• ol tho• 'luh w1 th .1 r<'C'l't\'rod by thro local pollee depart· rqHIJ'Pf'd wit~ Sperry gyro atabll-~ I :\1 ""' 111t.·r Rq .. , t t 1 " 1.1• 1o '"'' , 1· • -~ 111 •·pi '' •. s•·t 1n• hutm~: n nd-mrnt that n 1h1 p'a wake had been tl.t'I'AI whll'h rfoduce n normal ~ l•··k pl'ln·· :11 \\' lf1•11lt;'"" ""' 111;; m ons .tnd ho·arth flll'l'l'll. fiN•n nl'ar lhf' hatbor •ntl"'nce, al-p.-r cent roll to five !X'r cent. I F••l•l '"'n "111 loo· II• Jol h• , o• th 1~ • \\'ol h ('l•mm. •loon· R•<'"*'n at thP thuut;h no :ohil' wu'-(11 ~lght at Capt. O..skm tuui bt't'n "'ith the 1 1~··:'11 .. ·· h• lru lt.olho~. Yru ht rlub nrrnn•· llnw 111'1lp slnre. ahe flrat went . 11nder1 1 1<111 'ttu~ .1.11r , , , ,1-. ,, :ot.ol plr, .. l~o••l th•·rr moo<~t nuti'\\'Orthv IHh'· ron:otruction In 19~0 and In the ! SAYS: , , n · 111,ulo•q11 .• t. I'•' 1 11, .. , , . .,," • • ~-· .. II' tho• • IIlio'• hl.·lllr\' ;,nnw · ~ \\ llo.\TIU'I> ('LA81i'EM evt"nl the craft entel"' cargo wrv- lio'l•'' ,.,, " ol••rt 1 .. , 1 ,.., 1 II•· lu-1 .. 1'"' h · llu• lnuldtnl! of n nolA; 'su,ooo ~t··nfllly 11,. 1,.81110« numtwr11 0 ( Ice hf' will continue In the capacity :--':"""'------------r ott\· 11 h• 11 ,·,11r ,, •• rt•, 1 ,1• o1 " .. r 1 luhh"11~·· anti arq11110rloun or th-::-.;,..,.-1,,1, u .. , ,.,,r citlz.ena nre B\'ail· IL."' maat<'r, he uid. In caM she , ·t looJ• ,, p,,, tfl• \\'nl••n• Yno ht 'luh ut , Itt.: lh•·lll~··h ··' .. r the opportu01t~· should be purchll8ed by thf' na\'Y I I ,lu~l 1 .. -r !<nturol ,, , \llll lo~ 1 lo•il•· ,.,, illll•t J~thn1u~ loo,, !411ul\' , ,11~aUon undt'r tllC' and outfittl'd ns 11\,gunbollt, thc- \\tlh o'l\11'! ,·1 .. , ,,, , 11 111~ 1,,J ,.,.1.t .\1 '"1\•fu<tooll n( tltt' annual hll'· .;n::f.ool~·· .,1 lhrhert Kidd\•r. l'Xperl V1da nnd her fnm1er 11k1pper will Come Down and DIJOY Our Good Food and Cnc:kt.a11.8 BWm LAUNDRY SHIP'S and \~OME WASH .... _,,. IISl. Sr"p<•rt Rhd. «'f~TA ~""\ !Bo••Bullden S t..... {'1'1dw,. \ Jl ~:ar1-J:•ct- ~:U.trnai!N' )lartrtf' \\a~ ... 'lafin, llanho ""' I'· 1. 11• ,, ''" 11 ''' 1,<, 1 .. 1 . .r1 .. J '''' • •" nr•·•·IIIIJ! lho• r•·nlllltlllo•r "''' 1 ..: ,1 .. ,. ""' hRII ('nnduct<'d ndull unnwd1afcly part company, Capt., '"'·'' ,,..~ "1 ~ 11 .. , , ,. 7,11 """''' 11" ,., :·nll\1: w:o:< 11o•,·utNI tu 11rol'inl ll ., ..... of ::-.;,."port Harbor Union Dukm-lndlr l\tlng nn :lVI'nlion to I ~tullo'ol r.1, tl ,r 1 11, o1 ''"'"'~ 11 ""' 1.1lt•" \lllh lht' ~~r~o>nll ~~'n ,Jo.:ll _, ,,,.,J.•• r thco past 11e,·crl}: gunlx.•RU. ftnd n preference for "a , ,, ,, lh·· ""' , !Itt• I•• ·• •.r•rol , r r ~ I• tl.-1\lrH•nt.~ tc• thl.' t•ntlro• ""' ",1• httlr chll'kl'n rancb •!IOmt:where on .,,1 ,,.., II ,. ,. I• \\ 1 ol· 11,.t , , ·" l.ol.•c·· .\ "l"'f'mlly do••·orrnl•••l l \I 1,,, •• 1 , I.IIIIH!II nrf' h•ld each the llll'l' dry Mojave desert." , , ;ot 1 1 , 111 '• , ,, ,, •. · ,,,, 1 ,t,, ,.,, .... ntNII•t thl' rl'llr1ng t'nnt·l 1 ,1.,1,, 'f'· .... •V. \\'t>dnt'.!Oday and t il• '"'"I' ,., 1 ,1, ,· , II·• t.,11 ol "· .Jnt· 1·,·.t'1ulo Chd tl:llmtln wn:- 1 , hrrt•ol ,., , .II·. !rflm 7 to !l !\10\'11:!!4 FOR TilE NA\'V I',, k· o1 1 .. ,, 1r • 1 •" , · ., ll·· ol~ · "' 1' ··ol -,,, lo 1: '"'II 1J3. No tuition Thr l '. S . NB\'Y 111 prnbnbly thl' I 1.,1.oJ.,,.,,, ,. .' , 1 H· '' l't~l·· ;•ol•r:.: 111 thl' nffnlr wrr• 11 ,. ,. ,. ,,, world'l51arjt~>lltii111Jtlrdlstnbutnr of l ,,,] ~ 11 I t' ol II. I' o i. • 1 I I'• •I ol< oo•lllnl••lo•n'i> lind lhl'll mut111n JliChtrl'!l. Jt matntAtlll! 2000 ,, , , • \1 • • . · r • '. , . • • · .. ,. !11ohn.,: I •r .A!\fl Mrl< R11 1 ~1111'\' AKU IItTS SriiDE (rims rn ron!!lnnt t'lrculatlon and 11•• • 1 · • : • , 1 I •r "''' :\tr~ lflownro.l n I t"nltr;..rm:~ l''llpbuildm~ Corpor· hal a mghtly nttendanrl' of 150.0001 I,, , , , ' t: , ' 1''4"' :\tr . ""'' T':\tn• ~: nlto•n. Ill<' I ..: new <>Ut!ll In .tht' !Of':lf11f•n. Th<' NR\')' "rqulrf'll bl'· 11,. •• .1' I! '• o 1'•'1!•• l ·•1 1 11111 r 1 1 h th tween :100 and 400 n•w rtlmll l':tr h I •I \ •' ,.,. ... ' ,, '• " I 1 1 . fl T ... :11>: '' 11 • "' .1, launr ed ano er 1 . 1 \ ' " ··,•; ~ '11,;:·~ ' 11 11~1 t L•h•·rt y 1, 1 , t~elr;hter IMt wHk Y"~tr. ~or pnwt .. wnlly the l.'nllro out ·; " ' ·'.~.d ..... '· ( "ft I'"·" pin:.-. I• • l.ounch at least onP pul (If :~II oor the mnJor fltUdlnl<. ·. • t:lt•rt:\Hu' , the pa · Y ,.,1rh ,.,.,.~, 1 ,.,·rry WHk lndefinlt•· Tht> (IIIII!' Rre lrnflt'd (l'r R peru~ -•• .. ..... •I l\loO~IIlJ: ru·turl'l< ano.J J\•1. Tlll:O \.orol . oiW emplo}'!l ts.oeo of {our )'t'1U'll and lh4•f\.n ·tvrned to 1 I • to If' lrst '111111'1\f'r ul' 1111,11 a nil tho• !orce 111 being in· the-11tudu•fl. \\'h~n \'(>U Wllnl'l!ll • , .• • • t" r"•·r \ .. t hr o'IIJ'I· , r•·••~··ol !'lnw nuttlon p1cturr~ ~r your fRv• I :-•' ~'""'•'11 "'"'~an .-,.,., 11 th h 1 thn flrtlf' lllhlete·m nrlll'll ynu nr• ta· II . '• .. ·satin and Chiffon Gowns Pure-dye .Satin Slips. (tailored and lan!'-trimmt,-d I Joyce Bedroom Slippers Fine, hand-blocked H~ndkerchiefs New Nylon Hose Hose, 2 and 3-thread-Pure Silk . I •••'• De....--e•• Billfol(is . Keychaios \'itdlt. I '' r '' , .. ,• .on lUI a w 0 e l' R N f th 1 •. I•.·•'• ,;r 1,,,.· hutlth11.,: "! t.1t. rty type fr<'lghlrr< df'bt .. d to tlu! •. •. a''Y. or t ~~~;~=-~;·~~~~==~~~~=~=;~;~;-~~~;~~t~:.:~~J~l~~~~~Ei~~~·~"'~=~-~' i t of h nrt'f'Mlty nf ~ludym~t th~ fhjtht uf i ~~ !l•'.lra f.! .. n •utpu one. II IP J•roJ~A"•~• led th,.1;-.;nvv to ;~~ ••• t;t;"tf-n: I 1 July, It ,II ........-' v "' .. --~ •• kl'~ll~--~~ I ~ .. I _.~~ ... '• t' ,: l•t Sport Jackets Imported Cashmere Sweaters · Wool Sox · ------DantU., e AlllFOA.'I tT~IIlll'" e tJP&IX(o ('\ l'-HJC""' ,. ,, ·' , .. 'I I•· ll \ ,, l{o•mp,' I , , 1 '• · • • ,. , ~ .,;,.1111.; l' ,\ Kro•h~. Curl!:<' f.rR H11ffo•l s•:; per will be 11erved llo•l •'• ~oml'th•n~ • "'' .• ,.,. {,,...l 'll:t,•f ' K t-' 'M••r,:,.rr RRII''h a;;_,ut I n m.., ''''l''ation.l to be ma~e ll~"''''r thT""'" R\\'IIY · ... l 'lo l.q... .\ :-Ru h.t~ol•o•n. l'a!!~ I•\' P o, ::' Y•'-"r nfto'r )'l'f\r . thf'y 1\tf' ' '' • ,... lh ~llltW\' .1. \\'tlklll"•'ll ',! R .Tho· a tra .r " ;I be Informal, dant'· ki'pt hf'<'lllt!<f', .,,rh hann,; · n ni!IHbi"r, l'o•mennt• may ': d 1: .. 80AT con:&!6 ...a~~~'~.·--:...~· .. ; I ,I ' r· • _ ',\ litl•' .lo•h:t \\'IL•·•n. F ~ ''·•unr. Pljt "' hl'l=lr .. ot t o'clock. ur~o:1•ntly ntf"d n rrplar e- '"1 "I • ,• .. ·•!.oil. tl lll:lttl;rll,.OI' AI~·· MuoJI ml'nt . " -~;:-\t.l~o:-:~1~ J\'iiJ')ti~Tiii'k-;;~n1t11~""~""Tf'T1~:EI!tll~l'lii---·H--:.:.:;:..:.:.:~---r-----...... __,H'?T"'.-....----· -! I f , Percy H. Beyer IM • u.-. lilt. ,..__ iwao. '1 I' I I !t I I I 1 •' I ol •I ~~ •• ,.,.,.,. \\' I'> ll.tlol••r:<••n. \\' \'I '-• .. ;, " lk 1ls. Fro-d lin'" 1 ' M n 'I' ..... h 1••11 t 11h ... !'• ., ' • ·• l'l ('"'·nut;.. I'''~ 1"\ \ 'L\rrn' •' I .. 1,, 1 , 1-'ro•ol H•'rt11o1n, To•tll 81blry .. k.l T~·w J ohnson. All' , • l ' •. I I ·~ 'l'"f rl • • • , . TIDE TABLE ... I ,., I "'•ll \1 I ·"• , ••• ,k,_Bftllx•& lflll hdl lllro;h 1 ''" lltrh l,u.,. I -: I I t I " :t :i' :t.6 II' :00 I.. ; 1 .. • : I ~ '·' ~.~,; 11':~4 1.'! ; 1 ~;:411 II '! fl :~l ,1. ...... 1\:U ).S V o: I 11 I t ·!8 • • ''''!lit .'f.t ~ , ,lf i't':\Utf'lt tfr1:11~ -t-.:....... ~ Ml•h lAw ,, •• .:. .; • • tl .. ::oe .q 1:'(! &.4 I' '1 • t • .. 71 %•:t• ·l .S t :M 4& ,. ,, .' •'\ 1 ;. 8 ~~· ':': l :ll .•.• t:.lt "' '-----~~-----...-J , l.l&'hUace ftC' &rc• ln41CAI4P ~ ft\ a...~we '!,.,.. ....... P. -. \ ·~I •I . ' \', k ··~ ,.. , ~ (')ut> membl'r.t 11 ol \\ ,, , • ,, hold lhelr A!"nURI r • o 1 · c , • 1 • 'I n11tm1U1 t>"'rty nt'xt ~l''•t•l " ,, •. , ~.Dec:.13 'atChrt::-1 l1t11. ::-hut. •• F .. l;••\1 I'• :! , dtnner hnur . rae•\ 'I• ph ··• 1\, • 1, prerwntf'd. n~ of· :o., r~ ••· '''·' ••··I and p1.aM m nd•, , t.•r t ho· , "" , ~ ,....an'a ac;tJvltll'&. • ----- P. f'. R.\r~~ I'OSTPONI:D Pu~ (., "t;., 1 weat.tle!'" tbt' P . C. ' nnd t.;n,.<'l<Al>-ut atiboat !'*C'H ll'ht'dni«S fur iut hn4aJ ba\'a : ..: · tll'.-t:~ JWII't~m-U until .Jan. '-ac-· r.•r.JI"' tn th• rae» ~tt.e ot Balbc\a \'lfcht <'lllb. llro' ph11r n111o y h:u 0\ •r :l,Ufl(l,(IO(l I I II I'd rro•,r n ption.l . · .,,., h numhf'rNI and Plll'h IU't'llf.ll tf"ly follf'd ~Uch Hl' )'I'll \\1tl f1iid 1\ f ~ALBOA '. _ ... -.. • ; . · Tlt~ay, December 11, 1941 Tfle Star Spangled Qanner v 0 aay! can you M'l' by the dawn's t>arly light, . What Ill) proudly w~ ha1h•d 'at the tw1h1:ht'a laat gle!lmlng! Whoae broud stnpt>a and bn~ht ,..t~or~. throut:h the pt'rilowa ficht, 0 'U 0\r fllf!l2!1Tt8 Wt·,Wilh'hO:d \\'t•rt• lilt g allantly atreamlng~ And the rocket's re-d glarP. th11 b<m\ba bur-rttng fn aiT', Gave proof thrt•UJth thl' liiJ:hl tN•t our flag wns at11l lht',.... of Church Services in the Harbor Area 8T • .I AMI:"-II\' ·THE 1'4EA ' 1EPI8(X)P.U.I Bervlcd wtll '~x> ht•ld at El.l<-11 clubhoUM', !11!1 W<"lll l·t'ntra<l , ... , .. nUt'. 1 t:hlldr~n·• kr\'ll'<" ul \1 30 u. 111 M11rnm*' """''"'" "'~I I u\ ht<'k. o ... ·~· 14, an.J ''"' h ~~~"l'tay until lll'W o'hurdl ~~ blllll OI'R Lun~ 01:' MOUNT ('AaMEL C4UIOUe . aJlii&VII , Rl!v. P. J . BEARY, Prleat sunday MtW~a 111 s. 10 and 11 a.m . • CHUIIdJ ~F 8T • .IOIDf VIA.Nllfi:Y, ( ~) Ill llartM Ave., IW'"'-lalaad Rev. P. J . Beary, Prlelt Sunday Ma&~ kt M.:lO u. 111. •'--· " • I ~· t'IJIU!4TI4S .JIK:li:St'l: THt"lt' "\\'•thho•ht ""' th<>u Ill\' lotlltl<'r I ""''"'~ ... r"'"' m.. \' a .. ~"r ~.., Ill.) lt•\'11\f: kln.1n-.a and thy tn1th •'•'II· I 1111111lly 1'1"1'"*'1 \'I' ""' Th1~ \'o•l ~·· 1 , h'lt\ t ht• l'lilt.hll" •• t ht• ':,,l,h•t• Tt•xt Ill tho• ~~~~-R .. nn,.n •'Il l t:, .. , tlh· l'~·!'t't'\t'f" ,,( ~'"" ''" Sumlot\ lti .. 11 \ ·hurdw• ,,( Chrlltl ~. lt'llfl~t ·rh,· ,,. . .,.,, .. ~··rn"''' \tu hht•'" tltt••o· \1 ......... '"'"' .......... \\ >4 .. ~~~ l'o\lh ~:n.~·h Wot't lrl\ltltiiOif'>l ·111141 ho· ,.h,.uhl th•l tl .. f' olo•otlh !IIIII \\1114 Uo•t'H•Utht, '~" l4\Utt• ~:, .. t htht tt•tfl,. 111lv•l h1111 t.•1 ltd t~ro· hi~ lrnn~<llo I"'" ho• luool I htM '''"'""''11\', '""' loh'tt,.o'll I ;,,.1" Alii I fl ;,Ill lilt' '""1m~< "TF\o• I .4 IRI' l<ll•"''o•lli I ho· . t •• .luy~< ••f· tho• 11Jirll(h1 1•11<1 • lwlr 111' l\t'111Uih't, ,.httll tw '''' ,.,.,.,. Ttw "'''lo~ ••f 1\ .:o>fl<l 1111\11 •H•• .. r •lo;r•••l I•~ I ht• l,\ IHI I ltlh\. lw oil' h~hlt•lh 111 hhl WilY lo'"w lho· 1.111(j I I1Wrlh JIUit;lllt'lll, !llltl fo•l ""kt'lh '"J' hu• ~""''"· Uwy !'1" l'tt·~·.,.,,.,, r-·r f'\'.,r .... A ll)"lllo: lho• J'ttii!Uijl''" f1'1•111 1111' l'htlo<tiOtll :-11'11'11•'•' Jo•ql,.•ook, ":-\t'l o'lllt' 1\llol llo•Otlth Wllh Ko•\' I•• thr ~~ lll'lllr•'" hy ·M,.ry ll1tko•r to~lth ~u•• lh•• t~~lttl••nu-ntll 1i'in ""'1 r ... ,.n ,.,, .. nn•'•l '" Q say, dOf's thut St.lr·Spnn~h"tl BannE-r yo>t wave· : •---...:....,~·.; tl\f land"'of"ttno~n~+tt~t\t. Ul4l tlr.n! --' CIIIU¥T ~ 31111101 (Uommcal&J M~l· E. D. OOUUEL4 Mma~ !il.uwJay ~at. 9:30 a.·m. Two Sunday m ornll'llf-.avlca. at 11.30 and 11 o'clock. a cavalry lliiUI)' 11 "•" •·nn ''''""""''r"''""' On the ahore, dl.mly llt'l'n thrnu&~ I h<! nu~ts of the dE-ep, Where the foe'l haughty hu"l '!1 llr<'ai.l tillt•Jll.'e !fPOSt'B, What 18 that wh~t•h Uw bro•o·z••. :'"r lh•• towcrmg stet'p, All It ~fitfully blow!l half l'"'"'.,. .. la half dlllclusca ?' Now It catcht'll thl' J:IPan11'1T the mnmmg'a fll't!! bNim. In full liof'Y· ~~ now '11hm .. • on the st.re~ . 'Tt. the Stnr·Sp!tnf,:ltod BantH·r, () Inn~ may 1l wave O'er the land uf lhl' frt•t• .uul ttw hunll' of the brave! ' 0 thua bt' It l'\'er when fro·•· nlt·n Hhnll l!~lild • •I 7 :00 p. m. ll:vt•n•ng Sf'"'""'· --1:46 p. rn . 'Methut.hllt Youtl• to'ellowahlp. •tradd4t!d lio•fun• ~" 11•1: 01• h ia b11.dkiq broncl1 .. ••r 11l•JW ht~r>u !or t!r6 bowadinc m·11n. Tho sa ilona In,. hi I•'" alw.''" nrt' IW:IniCD in tho-U.!'. ~n,·;o~Ho·so·rll• • on ahore lt<ave in l'utu•ma. l'\,1·,11·· t'l&ltT CHUI&CII OF CIIIU8T, tinction f• made bt'\wo•'n ~niJ,,r~ in • 8cJ:&MTIIn' 1 the Naval Bqe"e nnol th .. ~·· in''"' 112 Eaat ,..._ntral avenue Trgular ~avj. Enli~lnwnl In til•• -U. B. Naval Rca<>rw i~ f o•r fm•r A ,branch of The Mother Cburch. y<>ar'l', but all me~ r·nli·lin~: iu tho· .. The 1-'lnt CbW'Ch of 0 cnrvt. Nav•l RI'IIC"CI Will ,,.. ro•h-u• .. •l ,,. Sc:lenllat, · In Bwton. M.... lnacU•• dutJU 190n afkr the na· J.·n•·lh •• '""'' r''"""'"'"l:' lu llwlr <ottl!''"" nl. IC tho• o "l• q·• 111 ';f • ll•lll "alhau n IU"rl •hl' ( "''' • 1 al •••utttluc, \)i,;~l ••11t ,J IU tht• '\:1\ illl:•''''r\'1' \\til llo•l l~o• t• •'l'lllo .1 '" ''"1111'1' I« (hvir ''' nr .t• rm 1n n, ll\\ •u·t·\'u···~ llpp··."rtllllll "' fo<r :toi\'IIIJr•·nwnl, l•l h·11rn ~~•II•·• 11'..1•1•••. ~·r l r:t\1•1 nnol 1\tlvo•ltlllro• 11ro• lllt•I!IILOI ""h•·t h••r n ltlttlt ,.,,1,,,.,. lll • h..-. r-.t~­ .liiHr S-ca\\' f•r th•• !":t\al 1:•''• r\'i', 1111ol hl• puy,'{,~hl, ,1u1hh11:, "" .t. . cal anJ J,·nl~ C:IH'\! arc the ~a111r, Betw~n the1r lc>vetl honlt''\ u~d ttu• war'a d~solation! Bleat with v1ct 'ry Rnd J>t'Hl'"· 'nm~ lh•• helt\''n reacued land PraLle the Po w'r th11t hnth mni!r nnd pl"''ltl'rved ua a n"llon! ~n conquer we must. wtwn nur • r>lllll' 1t Is juat, 'And thla bt' our n)ottu : "In God Iii uur trust!" Sunday achool at II :ao L ra... - Sunday eervlce at 11 a. m. w h wh ttti<I'K trl I'"" II• Ill~· 1 ht• ~·~ ( ·, S. ~ ll.\' ~· S t•t·d~ :\lt•n Testimonial I'IMICitina' aach Wed· ltrt• nnUHn. . • • neaday at a P· m. · . · = Sow fur A\·aahon · a...dUI&' room, U.& ~t.ral ave,. Tht• nrw problt•ll ul r~• tod by , J · k open'd.lilly 1-'0. p.m. exc•pt Sun· i'hrltt~lllll wurkl'rll Rnl1 1lllllltl"ll:trlt'IO (arounc Unr And the 8tar-Span~l<'4 Bann1•r ofrl tnumph shall wa\'e O'er t,he land ot tht tl'l't 11nl1 ttlc-"hnmt of the brt~e!" dM.yl and boUdaya. rcl1al1)' Ill t'\'"'•ry K(Htt In ttl<> ""'"" llt'•'tllllll• ,\llll•lllho. "" "' \\ oUI m!Uk In Tbe public Ia co • nf thr w11r 8II11Mtlun :ototl lh•· alufl· \\'ll,llllllo:l••ll I • i • r•.,.rnlly lh10l Tl{ 1 Sal C a1 .. ,.. ,.. tho· I ' ~ ="'·" ,. "111 "'''"I 111uro• I to attend and UN the rMdlne_ 111o. · oof ""'"'tllltlons '" lnihl.~lru•l ~!~lc»iOFTOaJG(H"ET';_EIJJI.A Sea e8 &IDO gn room. ----o·umnnuuto..a and """r c.nmpll, will nwn """ .~o ~11 ,. 1~,,.,, tr~to:un..: rur _....... " M~ Good St rt ,.. nmonJ: the m11ll~•~ ,.,.n,.lll••nod ,,.1,11,.11 1:'""'"' ''"'k To• ""Jlf'IV Decembfor· ·~ haa bf ~1\ !WI R!<Hl" 1 ISftiCa • a Costa Mesa. Churches Jur t .. ur day>l wh•·n tho·ltlllllt' Ml>l· IIIII' '" ' •• " ... o•lo. hit\ ..... , ... ··~t· .. ti lhrou~>hout thP nRtlon RJI R dny C•tr • r .. ,, .. rill Cuun.-11 of Xvltb Am~rtt'll ""h~"<l "' l .. llr·-I•HIII Io• :-lotVIII tolr «<\'ln;IJll'<'18l ob!ll'r\'801'1' to the A. J . Cnnclcsha(lk. ~,...r 0 OeMa .._ c-maal&J (luuda ""lo.l:4 ,,; annuMI 111'''1 1"~ m 'l'r•·n· •t.•ll""' 1 .. rn•· lu:<ll ',ol•"" In th .. Bill of Rl~hla. lhn11;o mt>morRbl .. • 11"' ·oran~t> County Tuberculoal• }\ev. Carl Johnaon. MlnUitar lo•n. ="•·w .lt-Mif'Y. J~tllllat,\' 4 I•• 1 'l " .. r k .. , ,,,.,,,,,: ... '"'''"''""'h "''Ill · final 10 lim~ndments lu thl' Cnn· •n•l H••11)th AaltttC'I&tJol"'ffteporta th~ Pbone 311.J Tit .. ('•tUIIt'll rt>p~~>""'~ lht· 11111)"1 lllltutlnn wh~t·h. thrnlllt:h 1~0 r.·suli. .. uf tbe C{rst week of tht' an· Sunday, ll:t6 L m. _ Sunday p,,.,,.~tllnl dt·nnmln.ot oun!l Ill lh•• )'ei"' ur turbulent world l'h:lllge. • n u a I 11 a I e o t acbool. I 'nllo'l.l StJ(tu. and r>~ nt \hr ... _ --' f __ .. r th 1 CHRISTM •s Christmn• c -alli 1•nohlo·mrr 11n-ahnn~l 1!•.• th•·n• 111 na\'l'..4Lqur .... r..-n>om u " lrt'l'S n -.,... · 10:66 a. m.-Momu~& w~p. ·' · d t---' t II A 1 ~ •L$ "S 1 forA •·uuulllon, Thr Rl'\' ,;..,,r .. •· Pill an guaran ·~ u 11 m .. rh·llns 1 • ~ • uc-ceaa II ~· e:ao p, 111.-Younc ·Peoplea ICp· • .. the lnvlnlablf' rl~hl l tl llpt•uk. l'a!<l by the result worUl ,........... H .... r~. n lf'adlntc Hl•ploMI t'\o•rK)· ''"" Itt''' turu'-1 .. thn:,. n.vlKt1,•n ••ttln t it• ··n•au ,. .... t h\ '''''"" nutt() .. ,.-.,.,." 1,."'at1uUl'\ .. r :llu•Jt•' Mt hduh• t it' .ht• l<"'••JI\ ttl•• Fl••t 1d1; S urlt•lk, v,. , J't'lll'"'~•l:t . Fl10 HRII ,lt'lf"· .. tl•f••tru,,t,•·•l rr••llt th•· ~tutn .. An" lih• ph~·....... lt lltl c, ·•""''''"' .... ,.,... ,.r , ........ ,~· r ... ,,.,. ""' '"''''"" , ... r t1111rtt ~""""I ''""" "I"'" 1111' rllriiJ•IIIIt~l "''""'' "'1111 hn..:hl unol IIIIJ,..n11h11hlr jtl11r1t·• LEGAL NOTiCE IN UIF. MI'I•EUt.tll tlUttaT Ul" TtO: MT4TE mr l '4l.lt''OaNI4 JN 4ND trua nil: ('UIINTV Ul" Ull-'NOit C ITY UF' NII:WPORT Ulli:A\.'tl. o1 Mun1t·1pal curpol"tlhon of thr 11111th daM, l'lalnllff. L va. Jo'Kll:ll W. JENNINOS, t't WI, l.Wf t'nda nt. Ne •• 1M 4UA" ,.li .. CUII" A\'llnn bruUJhl tn thto atuptorlllr euurt of ttw L\lunty or Orana ... and l'ont}llaillt fllf'd In ttw Offlt r vr ttw ·t .. rk uf ltlr t4uttt"rlllr l'ourt of M id t.:uun\y THll:· 1'1!) It'Ll'! ~to· TIU; KTA Tit tW t: 4 l. l ... tl R N l A MENU "illt EET l N UtJ TO 0 ° "'RF.I ~W.·JIIiNNlNG8 •nd OEOR· l ilA JK..NN1N08, twa wlft', 1~·­ tf.-ndanla. .. Dr. Ob~d Luc 4•t~l'li'I'I,..T • ,.. ':'!11':1. \\ I ••nit ol l'h•l .... t.ao ·, t:\\ I'IIH 1 nt:."c 'II I :Ill llllk..-l'h .... :.l Ill _Dr. HH I ph I>. ,Hoard~ I'll\~~· l11u 11uol ""'I"''" ......... , .. ,, .. • 1'11~~ K,olh"" lun 4,.~~ II \1.1\1 I \, I o\l.lfo". ~ I >r. < ;, Jo:. Tohill 1'11\':-lh'l \;'\; ""'' :->lllttlliA IN :!'!1111 t ,.,.,., """""' ard ., •• ,.,, ..... f\4~-: ••trh'<·: '!"" ,, Kfto: ....... II "" 1111~\lo'r, • "" ~""I"" I I DR C J. C ARTER Deal hi .. Uh II .. '''""' M- llr. 1". 1\. l 'IIAMRV.RUN o 'ltllllll'ltAI "'Nif\ '"611 ~··w, ... ,, mvlt t '( >ST A t.\lt:O~A l'hnn.-IIUUI l>r. M . 1>. Crawfoi"Q u I' T 0 \t t: T K I 14 T 1-:yr~ to:"""''"'~l 1 ;1,.-• Jottt.llll l•huut• ~Hl '""····• "t ,~ v r• r11t>a ''''; :-. .... ,.,,, llhot . c .. .ta w- · HARULD k .' GRAUEL Juurral cct,,..,,, ...... ...-: Newport 561 I tft K,_h••> C._.. II- KUIIa1 K,;.,...,. avwo .. 0, WEEK-END. EOlTION .: t, COST A MESA Xi'ith afs a·im tern .. : .,or Gitileu, tilian l'k!fenJe bor; Uniform · , l:w Told Soon ocl In · thr blaC'kout "" ... '""· ndrf al HldniM mcM'd lnto .. ~tr)' to tNUre a lnrtxw tl)latrk1. ' fur rhcht dild.rtetl d•l M"yor(~ anhc to wortt wttb- ....... "-r u..lr I "'laqla •• IIAit. ,. trf -.....::--.. ... wtl....,., u... .. .""' .. ..... dmn.. ~utee ethcl&l---. • ...., llr .. ta ~ ~~~~ec-. .... " and hi ( l f lh linJ\ 'A'Hk --'""" 1:< r•rnh1Nit ,,, 1111' Cullllt'll. un.D.D-8J• Wtlrll p_1111 31.'-~.wl'), -i • e T~j)·_m. -:-_Ooe_pel a«VI~. T'ht>llt' t un rnurh tnkl.'n fnr t:rnnl· --we4il., -,:~-p. m. _ ""Jiifc!~ ~ _u,,, ·•·xecuU\'c l'o,:•·r••LIIrlo·ll Rrc- t'd hbt•rtu•ll nf't'd tel tlt• rN:nll•·tl· tn - 1 . 11 a 1 d. ..rvtoe of prayv lllld prai.M. ,,,. ~l.,rk 'A, Da\\ 11.-r und Muu• ~a \\ ~· • tllttu~,.; .. ,,.lt·•n pu1u1J'( uut 111141 l h•,.,.._ -"dlUt.ili. .Ill' i!liCJI J'J N'• • ttllf "" ,,., .. II• ' 1f1• .•Ptlt&ut•· ttn4l \'uu art' d1r.ctt'd to appel'r In •" IU'IIton broUJhl ... JIUUI\ yuu by ll•• abuVt' named pi!IIUIIIH 111 lht' )4u· l"'rtur Cuurt of thf' 8lalf' of t :.11 mmnr;-,n and '"' tiw ~~ ..t ora~,;: and to anawttr tht' ''""' J•lauot thUf't.n within lrn diy11 art ··r tho• ... rvkf'. "" yull nr lhla AII"A-aumm4irut, If ... rved wllhln I ' Jo: It 'M A N to-: N T 8 na4mn··,. ·~~.-!.~ .•. ----t---· .. ~'l.. ~,.. .... ---~ac: oUrrMt ua. \\'to nPt>d tn r<'nwmbfor •thf'Y ahead. or our re· ~. 1 :~ p. m .-Cholr re· t:ll•lll' :. l.<.•wry. are nut neC•'!I!Isrii:V ... , ... rlnllllnjl. tum• for the tint h..,... tpudtl \' '"' t tl •~ ...,, ''"'''"'~ ''" thf' t•ntnpl•·tt"" ot ft..•• if r• •·n11t trntn• We• net.'<l tn rerrwmbt•r th<' d••m11· WI'E'k lut year.'' · Flnt ... _......,.. QU)'Q of cra\IC way of hft' ill nut 11 th1u,: "The • aiU'IUal apart, not aomrthm~ n"utmi mf\1:'· kale or Chl1•tmu Ooeta 11- lc-olly In Rp81'1'. 1t I!! 0 WAY nf hfo' Selllt' Ill not , o. Willard s~mi. Putor ttt'd to. pr!lch c-RI n•al1ty and c,Ji· 'tVIKf chanty drive. It Phone 1778...1 rt'l'tly h nk<>d to A ml'rll'a·" ,cyBit·m Yot~r H,_ ,,.,. hA8 1\ rat ~ter i"rtdda)', 7 :30-&v&~~&eli.aUc aerv- or r~ prl\'llle entcrprllll'. hkrcviOiil Slgntllcance. TIV Ice. 0 ~~hill &1"1~ in Eunopt• "'""''Y u1 nul uiM'd to aid a few un· Sunday, 11 :30 a. m. -SundAy C?IIIY' ~fter lh~ ayatem o r (rt'f' I'll•. r ........... re ~ bttt itl raUMl' xbQs)_l. c~ for all aeea. terpriae roundtrl'd and peopl<>.l rund "'"'<.1 IIJ >~t>Cure the health and 11:00 a. m.-llor nln& 'IJ'CJntup. weake ned and brnkf'n hy ~nnom1c-pwrlfnrt> of the common1ty. Durin~ t :OO p. m.-Cruaaden. mlafortuM, tlllndly touhmllti'U th1•1 r , llw ''""''"~ yt-31' tl\4> local tubercu-7:00 p. m. ...... ll:venl~ ae\'Vice. 11VI'II to totAl cont m l hy lht> IIIah•. "'us1>o rtS.'It o('lll ttun experts to apend Tuaaday; 7:30 p. m.-Mid-week ~he dutructlon n( fl\ rMn&l •• till' funds t n I'Ont!nue and e'!pand aerv1ee. dom And free l'nlt'rpn Yc ~,,. .... h11nd , 11s Jlr .. gram of l"''hahllltallon of Tbi.araday, 10 a . m. -Pl"tlyer In hand. The prt·sc-nl l'lnf'rJ:•'n•·y. lh• ,., . ..,..,ms with orreatt'd tuber· mHllf\C. brin~tm~ exten!IIVP J(u\'t'rnrru;nt • '''""I~ and Ill! year-round health r.11 Ooepel 4.MeaabiJ C'nnt rol or t>ur (-t•untmll<' hfP. "'""' I ''""":' t 1un r11mpa1gn, aa It Ia well J:l4tea &Del I%Dd Rt t not be J)t'mHtled to mak•· l'lli h kn•"'"" tha t p<·c•plc In una country • ree "' contrul peml~tn••nt. :'\'ul 1 an \\'1' :o( • t1~> nol ,.,.,.. .. 1'1 rPadlly thlnp which I Rtv. -M.C. Crume-, l'n~tnr. Ph ·2 :~JK ford to htt\'f' l"ttnt Jk !lll\'l' rnl•·r· tho•\' olu not completely under· Sundny a<-h•"•l. ·~,Ill H. no prtse c>ndan~:<>r('() hy n\'nl J:ruup' ,.ia;1tl " MornJnc wonhlp, 11:00 o'cJock. themael\'el. Curr••nlly tho· nul:"n L~ Yourfg l't'•Jplt·. Hun. 6 :tu p. m . wltntal! t8 the <'ff,rt ~< o•f 1111•· lar~" \(11\'E 1'\PORTFI CLASSES ll:vanaella\JC aervlcea, 7:30 P· m. com,...tlt1\·e hllCiy tu l.amp•·r autl Prayer meeting, Tuuday Mrv· r·-• i'J"•rll'·mlndl'd persona are now 1 7 30 cnppll' tht' m olc•r tran!lp,.rl uuh•~ tffM•IPd thr npportumty to attend ce; : p. m. try by f'\'t'ry nwa11." 1"·~~~~~1·· It ,.,.,.1,ral adllll hyl!kal ...tucatll"n . PraLle .aervlce, Tburaday. 7 :30. · the farmer, th•· manuf...-turf'r. tlw ,..1a~:<es at :'\'t•w::Ort Har~~ Union Sev•t.la Day AdveaU.t dalry'Q"'art. or cnttnn ~otrow••r, pr•·foor Hl):h ~~·hon~. announce• Coach Ollurclt of Cluiat Bill&., W.S..ut 8\. te uu <me medium oC tran~<pm't;(-R:oiJih K. Reed. Sabbath achool, SllWrday, 9 ::i0 Uon, rnther thsn ~nolh\·r. nr•· llw~ ( 111 Mnnd.:ly and Wednellday eve-PNachl•!&' aervlce, 11 a. m. to llf' df'nu•d thf' r.~:hl tu du ~·~ ~~~~~~~ th•• badmmtnn cla.u meela Wednc:lljS&y nltrht ~~ervlce, 7 :~. Shllll lf'jtll!latu>n. l'fonltory lo 111'' rr11m 6·30 to 9 :30 ·o'clock under -(>ubi\C' lnt<>ri'SI. tw l'llflf'tl•cl (t~r I ho• lht• supPn'i~ton of Joaerh Hamblet. ~neCil of 11pet·ta1 lllt;•n•~tt? A rr•·o· \1 tho• 11nmr hour on T11ellday eve · ec>flnf•mY. hl<r JlC'nti"'Tlfll fro ·••d"111 · IIJIIJ.'. ~lr R•·••d c-nac-ht ll a buket c11nn·ot sun·"'" 1r 1t '" '" .,,.,."11"' ., hall •Ia~>~~, and_o.n' Thurt!day eve· m onopc>ly nf thl' (I.'\\ niMi.;,o< a \'niiP\'hall dasa. All In· The'eSI!I'nC't> nf lh•• !loll of Rl~ht.• ·!IUol•••n :~nd. nr tual plsy takn w1lh wharh lhl' !<)'"'"'" .. r fro·" ''11' f'lao·o· 111 lh•• H!ith !O<'hnnl gyrnll&ll· ttrpr UioC ~ tnllf•parabl~ hnk•·•l. 1!-11111 lut jt\lllrnntl'e of frt•t>d•\111 lro all. t Callfllrms P rllRfl'!l!l R•·•·u·"·· p,., 'I .-·UR. THO~M P. aEEDU ' .. l Hrllt•\'111~ that If f'lltlt>lllrl llrt' hill<}' tht•lr diH<'~~ Will Ill' h •11:< h11nlt·nr1om" t h1111 1f t hf'y 111l ~<II•··· llw l'n•IJ'•UI nt I.A'J>C'r tlnm.-, "I Ht•l h•·:<~llt , Llllli·h Guhunl, tr~t-11 '" lt•·o·p 1111 ll'rwnt tompi<Jylod. "Thu:<•• "hu o·:u1 >~II II u!IC' tht-11° ')lnnl111. :<ay~ Supt·11nlrnck•nt H. R . F111· • ho·r;--"mal<o• niiiiiiCIII ln"lruulo·llt" .. ., ~\ ctl lk•XJ·II ur fun.ll ur•· < 11 h· 1'1" hll\'1' gartlo·nll wheN' nws• rn.,..- 1 nul. Unl' hill! made bru k.-c I•·• .. 1w 11•·w J>"lhs. The> h11m<•11 uf 011• \\ uu•••n 8rf• UIOiill•la C)( l'lt•nllhfl•·:o-~ till) n lt\\'t'r·llt"WW lind Wt•ll·k• J•l 'IIIII !I u rt-a lw» :v~ plclUTfii<JIIt' " ~ t•lll• 1:11 ~ots•ll>~llnlu,,. .. r til• 1\olu 111 , • ., th11l11 < 'h un·h htt' ,. "' 1 ""'' l•·ol thu i ·, h•· commu"'"'' """ II.-tl"'" :111111"1,1N)I) ,ItA :lrt.fMIIIti(,H I ''" ull .. ·r" w•lhul llu· llult•'<l ~1 .. 1•·~ 'f ha:. ':--a 11:0.•' nf .d)ttUl !"~U JM'r -t•nt "11t11n 1111 ''"' I!'. yt•11r11. Tlw lu~ll o 1 fl~llll' "' lm~··ol 1111 tho· fad IIIII I .. 1 to• 1 11•111 "' lh•· orufl •··~Ill 1t .•ll t"' hi•\• • ,, ••• ."i!"t·d u &•r•·t•·r•·fH'•' J•ll lh• 1':1111"1" f'ltUI't'h. Tl1r 1.,\\••r 11..; it •· uf ,;U.IHfhHI UJ h~ tlttt\t•tl I1H it "'", •·\' '"'"''' loy t J,., d1ur1'11 a lii hor · 11 "'" 111 uo:.o 11 1111 • '"'"" ••!illnml••tl t11.ol Ill•' II' 1\ ,.,,. :lll,f"KI,IKHI lllf'lll· lwt!" ''' lh•• •11'"' h. 'I'll·· I 'o•ll•·~o:· "' A~ru·ulluro· 111111 Vooo•·.,lry ••f th• 1'111\'o•rluly ul !'o:1111• kor•~ "'ll'l"•llo•ol hv r-:orth Amo·ll , .t n rn t!'"''~ '"·' r' .;a,:•·n•·•••8. rt·put i ~ tlo.t l ohlllllll "" y•·at th•·rr wo·to· d1't I altt1 f1•1f 1•• ( 'hint•,..•! rut"tttt•r ,_ :.!•': t t l"•'tllfiJot •·1 ltiiJHf)\'t•tl "'twnt ttnll• J •\11'1 t '•1I••U M ... •·d 1u-tlwp tl.•• ..:t•·at• ... , -..~:;.:1•• •·•·ntrahut ahfl ...... , •. t.y .... ~ ,,.,.1\ t•• tht.· ,,,..,o """" IU~ 1'' I I•,~J ,iflfl t ... fPt•• tltt•lf ""'"l~n· lti• ut t" ""''" dHt \' Tlti·~·· lt\'Uthun II' "'11"1 wn1 k llf'hfo ,,,. "'" t•Jtllf'd l'lnl'rl "A' !'o h·~oll' 1;1u11p IV, hi.'· , 11 ~~~~· \ ht \ &.: 1\ t lt.H'rl Ut~t nH'I1Hf} .,,., ,,, •. th. ttlt -.,:t .... p fir truth• 1 fl""'' ••J•II '" t••• t tUf"', fht• ltth "'" C..unty uf uranar, '" wlthlll tharly daya It· aerO'I'Q a\lwlwher~. and yuu arf' nu\llled that ,unltoall yuu ,.., aJIJ,..•r anll auaw•·r ~~~ ai1<1Vo• rrqu1f't'tl. tlw JIIIUfltiU Will L11k r Jlllll(mt•nl lur auy '"""''Y ur ll"n'"l:''" "'''"""drod 1n t "" , • .,.,, '''"'"'· "" Mrlalllll "I"'" o•untr••·t. 111 "111 ltJoply lu lhr t 'uurt fur, IIIIIY u\lwr n·ll t'f d«o1111111~ 111 lht' t'lllll J•hllllt . J...&Ut•lt uJ•IJ,o.ULL.I..l.UL!l---~-~-4 t :h·rr T it• "1 "''"' ,.1.,t .d 1111th , '''"",. .. ,-t ... Hupt·rtur u 1rt ''' t ... lt4' t :t .. ua• I .l .. tthnl "'"J • r•ht:7"tJ•, t !t••ht• II • tlllllt\tUtl• n · t , 11 .•11'1 'I• 111 HI JttUI t;ru11p JJI. n •·lti'""'._ "''''"'"··•k• t.:. uutJ av· ~ , •• I"''·" 111 11 .,,..,,11 11r thr Cmmt-y n1 ttnlhlf';-t41at .. '" 146h· furtHit, I hill tth day uf I '-'lo obt'r. I•P•I" I',, "' ••f Ill• t.dl'i ,, .... , I' t•H.t 11141 o• I "' no•l tl '""'"., '"1111111' ,sfo:Al, Mll l' .. ~ltltJR 1'011KT "•I " "'""' I•" • • • ··• "' l•l•n..: '" 'lltANUK t.:ut'NTY 1 Itt t/111)! • • u ti.d , .. -.• ,a.ttt••ll A\HP t1••t ftt Hhill l"" l h It• fll•lftiU~ o •\•1,.._ l tt Ul h \i'ol lf11t rJ•~•f '-'",.." ,., , .:-~Ct \' Itt ttr• h•·•• lu.~ou"t u.Jt•l ill __ .. , t n• t .. ••• "' 1 ••· ,,. • ••I l" '" •·r '"' ,J"' I' !-= ......... " '""1 .. :.,. • u.l• •··"'t••l ~rs Hit' \\••rk \\all tl,.,, .. t.r.uu l•fH• It• 11\ t• ,,,,,,,.,, •H lht HJw f,l\tHfl t U• •• ,,,, tt pllt ol \l,th••ll f H ~I fit ~ '•""' •I lh I h• "\ • \ u11d wtll ). tiiH '" ,, • It . '• d d ·ti• 1111•1•• ... u•t. •1•"-111• .. ·• ,\•II ,. l·u~n ,., ,nstaU th• tt ''' pi :, • .u 1tl • U••• k 111 t•h,tC.• ,,1 ••fit ' tfJ' 11 •dft Jt H'- t•n rlHift•\II•H. t 111 1111~' lttl•tl•ntll•H A \ ~ttl t ' ,,, II •lu • 1 '"' tt .uton~ I tth ~>-1 .. 't " t l .,, f tHI, Ill tit•· IHH' u tul u 't t. 1 t l.f • ••l lt•lll hU!f' ~till" '"" .-n., ·.,. 'I"', '· .. s ~~~ ~:.\'a l lil', ,q 'It, ""''"'' 111• lll'''j" a d u'J\ , 1 ,t• r • .. 1~ ht 'r '~'"'' "'''" ht 1 ,/1 -L '•l I I • V.tt h J•t "l'' 1l••t :o. ' .. t• •it t t \' tlt•f • If•• .. ~.. ' . I ,.: ''• I ,,. t ft I Ill t • f I• ,,,..._ ttl o tit. I'''' l l'''' ol • Ill I• ott "' '0 ··f ... Ill '.' 'I · · ''' ..,,h II J KMI'rtl. 1 'uunly t'lt'rk tuld 1 lt·rk ••f llu• :iU~!<'rlllr t'ourl lof tho• Hl~tl•· ool t.:ahtuuua, 111 aud rvr llw I 'oo_up I)' oo( 11.-..nj,(f' Uy 1. U W11llu• r , I~<·I•'IIY ItO I. A :"0 I' Til liM l'li' IN , :lll) liJIUfl(t'UII 11111\dllll(, 1-'KIIItt AIIH , ( 'ahlulrlltt, All••ri'"Y (Ill l'ltlllll lfl l'ul•h"h 1 '' I 1111 t IIJ IS TIU: Mt'I'Y.KJUK UH KT u•· 1'111': lilT 4 'r• Of" C 4t.lt'etKS I.\ IS ANU yitll( TtiF. C'ctl S 'n' CW~IKASG'- t'ITY 1 W N~;to'l'l -"t1' lsto:A•'It. 11 M•lfll' 11mt c ••fJ"•raft••tl ••f tlu ~111111 ' ... ,..~. , .... , .. ,,,. v•. 1. A ,,.., 'I.A II!. •I al. I u·f"ll'l""'" Sn. 11n•o 41.1.\14 !4t ·~MfiSI<I A~ f jqrJ l•f•t~tl(ht til ll1•~ :o;.,,,...,,,,, ,-,,qtJ "' Uw C'•HiftiV ••f·• lfUilK''· ;u,•J I ., .. ,,,111,.41,1 t il••fl lh I tu• f H Itt • ;,f th• f., .. , k ··f ,,, •. HIIJWf l111 c· •• utt ut "'"'d •· .. uut'j o•o ''''"" t ~ •• ' t \' • J •• \' • • ''j" ,,,,, ··"'' h••tlflttJ ,,,,, '"• hf•P•III hn•f ttft MW••t RECRUIT! .dr••'•' I' I . iH•·LJ ... ,,, fd.tllt11tf •1 I C '•1111ta M._ ,1...._ - Harry's Dump "tW.I'IT C 'f lt'l: F.E .. 1\41."''14' we w •I" "' ..-«" J • .. \', 1• AICIU • ..M Walrhm .. ~•• • l•""•l•• • l!:nQre••• r,, ....... "wl .... " ................ ... '!10'! ,.,..,...,. t-r""'· 11116 Nwpt. ...... ..., •• ,, tit• I ...... C ••Ill ...... AJ.I. \\I •HI\ o:I 'AitASTI':tr.[J BOSSI CAn: l't A 1.1 AN Ill N NIP: liS ..,, ............... t '• ~nol t'l l('ltTAf...S, •- co•6-rltA DH NU Aaaaciatid s t~ n ,. 1 '~ t~ :!IIIII 1<1111 I rnlr:ol • l'h"tw 1401 'M\ 1'1 lrt I IU, \C II, C 41JP' , · \VOIU<. BASKJ4~T • J I• •• t . :: • • tl• tj,. tu•r lecim "'S you..eam in the Navy Ltk• J ldft.:tlll ,,, ,.,, lt lt \' lh1tll1 I '" I t)HIIIII.:•••t l)t•f":trttl•·d 111 t tw f •,,, Wonllo feorrt o lrodel TMre ore fofty· odd hodo:\ ;ov (On t.orn tn ltlli"'f'fCJ¥T Wonl o ,t,.ody jo~ wolh no lot olhf You're w•e C;l H"'' '" I he Nov f Wont f;u M~ol\ . /r11e ltoo•d .. Ire., rned•tol &:ind denrol cora f YOIJ get oil ,~,,, •n the t . -• U 5 No"Y If you ore 17 or over tho\ ;, y.,u, greot OPfoGo•lvn•lf C.,\ 'l fri>f!'T'Jffy~ ~~~ twt .. d boo~ lei, "L•I,. In Tf,., U ~. r:a'(,'' lro"' lhe Navy fdotc.r ol·ll-t•, llf!W\PIJ~'· ·, -;. Jd.totlf H' hfi"UI.: 'Iii''"* llfo1 l il1 f •••} .1.,11 ~liJI1V~ Ul~ l;tmrl l'tL ,,,,,, i t• l1•·f th•utltrlll,.f\ 1n th ........ ,", ,.,,, "'' , ;, ••• u ••t.)Jt f ffl\ ,.,. ·~·· ,, 1 ••• :.;.,, ... , ,.,, f ·.,.,,, ,,, r··~tu1t v -.t trr:•t•tc•· ~'"'' l•·rl•l" "'"' 1711• •It• '/ "' Tf••l Is .. : ... '· Hl'f•f':ltl• tit , 'I) I 'H'T ltltA:'\•: .. : l'l oi '~TV o " t•.,,,nl y ~~~ ~•·•I l "lt lk ,,, ff)f' Hllr ... n•.r t · •• urt ••f 1ttr X'"'" ,,, 1 ·.,llforrr»a. "',a nd fo,r lh•· ,.,,, .. , I y ••f ( •1'•"1C" By· A L: U1lol•"•d•. l ..,t••Jiy lti)I.A:-111 TJIIIMI•HI IS, 2H1. Mpt1~itl li•.all<1on• ~""Ia A11a.1 • c.allf.,m~a,""1\~~~~tl Pupllah Oct.. :SO · \ 10 • , \. .I ~I . ' I Ill,.,,~. ',.. ..... 1M ... , .. c-oupe ...... ........ llldtnc u.. cf.utu tr .•• , ..... .... .... ., ... u.e ~--..... .... .......... , .. &n<l GUier ,.,... : &Uu.o.il7 .. ,..... "' u.....,...,. or land~ .. '-IUad --on1a,. e.n. c.,.. ... ~pCa.IM wt.o will Porlk·• Cbiel Jlud•· o.,.. wtU Ml..,·t ~ arid U.. dlatrlt-t U -n• _,,, an.. .. ,.,,..,..: 111\a AM 1\ I y e r II ,_t, Jt'rlll)la ltld· "'•" I• MOO Cn..l wh•-phoM Nn. 11tr-t lo lttb I l,ltkt laa. Chl.n• · n Jo'r<'lnt, RAUpfl 1•. ,IIUtnf'J f'IIICe, ,_,,.,.t ·c., M a 1 n 'I C lt'f!VI Jl'ront 'to I. folhf'rman. 1143 ..... , .. , ' ~•••·rl t•• I 'hannel , I " I '"'"'" l"nJnn. ·:.Ill 1 It "tUl lllv•l.. " '"'"· J"m«'a 1. "'"" H'""l, l'hune '''' ll"l~hl11, uv,.r• I IIII(IIWilV ar .... , l l~t ~IUl rtrru~tr .. ,. HfliU 3 fiiiW ' '·-, .,_Four ·---N~WPC cos· a, Legion Attx : Bridge Bene Is Profitabtt rronouocr<l a fu wu the bcot<ttt ·hm Newport. Harbor J loll Aulllliary, Thu Lec1on .Hut f'roct<C' rw ltlt.e and .a r"' . Ia 8awtelt~ hoeplte Elt"Vt'ft card tabl few bridge anrl p r b)' llr•. Roland T llaritoe podd, M ra Onmdy. Mra. Robe Howard Roberd.t. • ADd Wra. W . C Bor ..-ciA~ prt&e o( a --..n.-.... lltanlcy Ac-kl'rman. wu done ' by Jad thla city.· ~=::::;~~ ..... w.~­F 1taldfot. ~- 8a!IA. wbo wtnl b ..-.t'd a dcucn <'C Pft«dJng br1d~te I ... re were Mra cbaarman of "''"' ll1ldred 8tanlt')' an _~-G il'!. chain a&J.aDa; lot ra. J ulla lira. Wary Cham _.....a ad "'rvlna ·weft madf' ol J'UIIC ed caodi-• '. Marilyn Hos Among 20 F -..,_:.._J..G-4;)0ft()City . , Me....,..,. Ho ter a1 llr. aDd Mn llraiO*&M ... ....,. pledpt of ....._ .,.._tad to -.say an--. lltlld aa 11t. 8t. r .. ar-twood tktg on.. ........ ... .... , ....... . •b*?IINd ~ ·aa...Pa1t7 .Waw ....... 111UIC7 ~ lfiCitla e~ BuhC .... wwefU* t.aer a.-. w. • ., - • ._ r ... .. .. .. I -. -. 1'JEWPORT-BALBOA PRESS Mr ami Mra William a r .. •11 rupylng t h• PhllJI p'a PfOper- t, .. t· u :tr.•, w Ra_y .an· • New Officers· By Newport Hamer Church GroujJ Trapeb~n Club for Trophies Last Sunday .. -CLASS n·l ED . ·--r lltvA'I'IONS ~~ fA~ i:JJI;. . - . ... 0 , . "" J Balboa Island Couple Ha.rbor Motor Corps Wed Friday Night Continttt•s Trai.Jling at Bride's Home · in Mechanics '• ~lr and ~~r~ \\'arre1. A \'"r&ll uf :-:,,~. Jkrnttn.hn" hu1·o mr,\'ed to Dr c ·,;. .... l'"'fWr'tY al 107 :11•1' alrHt. ~l r '11nd M,.,. Arnt·l Cole from :-,-,.,.,IJ," Ar.z a rc> ~tt·cup)'tng, the I ·~ t'ur!l>' prnpo·tty Bl 570• St'&· 'h'll" IJPI\'C' \I t~ l! ... ,.h l•ui.m.tt ••t Am.-- At one> uf •th .. m•lllt bi'IIU\ttllt l\l•·lfltlo•r• "' :-;""l"•rl ltllll~•l •1 1 .,1,1 ..... • l••l;1\' •·lll••rl:olll· hCintf! wcdd tngll t•• l>t k•· p llti'o•, '" \\· ........ ~ ~,., •. , ,.,,,."" ..... , Sto.polt\' I • 1···-•r-Tllo•' H •• lt••H ~~- rally durtn~t thf' prf'-Yuh· ~··"·"''·' t.l~·ltt '' Tit•" t: .. t." ~ I· ·.r:l ~··• •s::•· -•J. '" .d~·· , 1 ,,, "" · • l>nruthv :khnl .. u, clau.:ht••t ••I l\lt ''' :-;.'II"''' \\Uu..t~WI'"'~ .. I "' l\lr.~. r•;,:.lult l:;tl"''k' ••t :;fit R'uhy .ttn4 Mr!< ll.-nry· Sto.~ol••y , l"•~tul"''f!.jll"n ' .. ,,., t, •' •· • " •• I!'' •" .,, ,.,..,,:. "; t•IHnnlloj: ., 1•hrustmro11 of :n:tnnyK 11\'C'IPJ•• }ildl~oo>t l~h<tltl ··~·•lllo'•"'"''''f tll .• t 10 '''"·-!··"'" (o1r rw)(t To,.,,.I,.Jol, t_h"IC\1"""'. on Frtday n11:hl ""' 1llllo· lh•· '''"''' it .. ,.,, to!•·•.• \ '' ",.,, ",u, .. ,, I• '" •n••lo.l•·r~ ,,f hrr ltrtdlt" club. •If Jt'r<,nu• I:J•·rn~trd Adtoll l!< .ols•• "' ,.,,., ··•1!1 •t • 1 '"I! "•II I·• "• • I·'• d l\1~ 11n11 ~''' Jr...-R <ruh•r:< nnd Blllbt>H hilt\lld ·_-1!11•• lih ~!1,.1~11 1• '•Jill 11 •.} "'''•' rl oi,•IIJ:ht.•r·· :-;,lJiA• and M.1r~· .LuU Th" 9 ••'•·l•..rk •·twdl•·lt.:ht. '•t•• tilt• J\· •I:••' II •!I •"L •· •h·""· •• .r .1~1 \'1, , •. 1,,, otr•·••l "'''"'' rc-c·"nl mnny "'"• p.-rfnrnwd IJ\' th,. R••1. •1••1 ., ... , '' • II.• '" ,-"''' ,, • at lh•· l',·ral \'un 'Gto<>r.ce E Th,.u•s "' J'a ''''" "·' Th •••· rll• • ol• s.: \1, .I •' ' 1\, .r· t,, fk II• 111,. on S11,.,••r ,\" ,.,. Lutheran r hun·h. th .. rtlo·t< l11k 11.~ 1'1"" ''•I• \do 1 "!" 1 • ~:~,,_,.,.II. .\fr ·"·" :0.11• Mil" ~1111lh. 211(16 pia('~ bt-forp "n 11ltnr b11nk•..J l111!h II• ·• I •\• ,.,,,,, • ~l .t·. :-;t '' I•·A· ,., 111t ,,,, 1 ,,,. !>p•·nt Fru.bty 111~ht wtth bC'aullflll v.httf' rhn .san lh••· 1-:Jo, •I• ll o\ol•l 1'•1 :II· •n• 1;:11 11 ••1.t.1r1., •lltl .olh·nol•<l lilt• 1-'w· muma. The. brttit· v.hu Wlfl' j:l\•11 1\Jo \llol o.ll 1-:l t .,t .. tto•Jt , .. l,,· .. ,,, ...... r A11:0:tllt•--:-;,,.,,,,yrnc-i t- ln marrta&r by lwr f,tlh••r. v. .. r•· ,, H. tl.dl 1: •' ,J, • I •·•I .l lo\ ,.,,,.,_.,., ..:~. o..l \\lull. ~Ill!. ~Ill lUI 1:<. Vl<'t'· Ca \'ahl'r-blue 1'1\JU'tllhlo• V.llh Joz.~toJ Jlol•·r. I fiJI I\" II• '' l:•o~• I ld.t f•t•••Jolo 11! • alctn arr t'AIIlon•,. ~~~d • arr~t•d" ·• T•11tl"''"'' II• ;.,, \ "' I :11 l<J• ~ 11•·1 ~lr 1wt ~fl'l< A 1. Fnrbt•.'< haVf' whit• lflblf' "I"'" .,.h,..h ,.,.,,.,, a ''' ~"'''' ~ 1 • II til I, • l'dl"'·" .,,.,,,.,, lilt• I~(Jwrk pr••l"'rt)' nt ~....whale on•but u·tt k\ l•p ···•·••·•• 1 a t • ..l..uu..!-t.., ~...l-'..uk. •· s.:,...,__ 1 t ::.-W -+t~' ~ Mr-+·~ lllrnAt. ~ ~ "'" JfJ~.J •••·ttt•···'' 4\d•l._, .• a, ,.,,! .. , .. 1\.te•! • .. 41 ..... ,. ....... ttt:.. uww..rude& penc.JIId frum •. ...,.,1uliu..: "'·"•" \t.t·,,,. =""•"' s,,,,,, ~1 \II J, ,ft,,.,, h.nU1J.: m•,\•·t~ h•·rt' trorn •t~amf'rs Attrf)ttHntH "•'"' A•h f~r" .._ ~f·1ll.!·•'' t .S• t1t rJ• .u .d ...:,, lh· u l•ttUh·• In ,..,.,._ Ans:t·l~J!'. lain• and Arthur M•·"tnlll'\ 1\11 l!r '" .\If, 1 •1 hrool , .• ~II .\\lito til•· A Of apt'<'IRI n<ltt' \4"1't;l' tho• t .. •.lftll 1 · ,\lm••ll<b .• l!tl Jt,,. ho·~ll 1 ,.ll"t'f'l. ful floral dr·t·toratlull .. v.ho<"h wrr•• l'l.t :\"'\"T l-';\\111.\' Kt:t ""lo:o> ~t 11,.,.·,. 11. cutU.: ll.l.s dqwrlca arrangf'd hy MF11 Ju~n r.oll. pulm~ 1 'Til·· M ,, , 1-; :"'•·« ltiHI 111111\1 1v1 ,.,.,,.,. tlutv 111 II o\\111 Mrll lerna, "'""'"'""'* nntJ IIIU•WUrllljlo ''"'' ,M, .. ,. 1<:1 ... ~ ,'\;..-,. 1.,,,., ~-;.',.,. ""''~ • )till•·. ".tl:tll!;hlrr "' 1 hr Alm••ml~. b.-Inc .ulll'd partll'ularly o•ff•·•·t•v•··~.,;,11"1'' ,. ,ol I• n , .... 1, 1t 1 r•l• ,,f; '"' , to." ,,., urn"ol '" h,;r h••n , • ly. '·'""I~ r ...... l .. ,, ~·•·II"" 1111: ph' Ill• , I •••·~{" hut ,,,.,. lllll'r ·· tl,.•tn'rl "'olloWtnJor thf' •·.-rcmrH1\'. whto h t11111wr "II I II• l•·lt• II Ill•• t•llllr•· c· .. st Mo•Mif • wa• attcndfod by 60 lrlt'lld" nn•l .!'"''-" w·1,. •·ltl •·rlttllil'<l :olo .. ,onl l',oJI 1 7.••ll•·r ll••llt•rt;j .. n ,..,n of Mr. n111l rt'Litlvr•. IM at:if-111! wrn• loltlol··n M· ll.llr··' II•• I\ 1••111 I ill I\ I·· " tw.;. Mr~ II Z' lto.lwrl.«.!,ll .. r R:liiH•:l Ill· to a n"Cf'fl~lon Whh h l~·nlt•rr••l ,;,Ill 11•111' .,f Ill•· lllo\' lwllll: t•11J"Y lr•ntl. 111 (''1,..<'1•·<1 h .. ,,.,. I hi" \\ N·k· about a man)'-tlenld ""'dlhll~ o•Akl' ... , . 1•••111 rmm lht• l'nan •r!'IIY M ('nh· Wh.l('h waa lt'r\'f'(t With t ltrko·v Thto~···JIItrll• IJHlllll~ In hlt•llli .. n fullll:t a t Bo•rko•lo•\' 1\ h<"~c>'hl' ·~ " Mnctwlctw.find ('hampR6;n.-t:1u·,.l~ '" l h•· h"''" 1,,.,,. Mr ·'"'' Mr~ E fr•·•u1an "'"'lt•nt · "" '·•II nomaln alao UWpcc-tt'd th~ h lldl''•· nt>1nv L ll<f~lll.~. !\f,... lr• nv ,.;. ko·r1 1u1ol 11. lh•; Harl~o•r ar••n Ullfll aftr r th,. ,...,."« !Nf'ta al'tKhund,... .. of no-I tf:llll:'htion: f.:\·r-h·n M·u·,· •;In ""'' f-'l'rtl'lm, .. hnlotl,.,.,. -mf'mbraoc~• ,.... f'l\'cd 'll ~< \'nn..t.~·,.l···•"""'· L "b ,\Jo.:.-1~ ~tr ·'"'' Tht· \\' P. MrCet• ht•UI«' a l ll•JI· of tiOC'tal funr ttron' Whlrh b R\t• Mill F \\' ltt.:J-:111,. .triOI """ 1111 k . ""' 1 ~1.or1•l "'"" la.!<t S.llunl11y tho• lati'IY. bf'f'n lfl\'f'O In hf'r hoo~··r \\"hlllh'l M•· .111111111• ·M· l..:tiiJ-:11"' .... ··n·· .. ( II rl••llllltfll Jelllhl'nn~ "" Cpon ~onrlualnn nt• t hf' ,..., ,., ..... , hn olll•l •• I'IJ.:hl··t ,. tllll·lu folltl ~Ill•-" l'aln • 111 M··C.O· ··ntf'rl;fiiW<t Uw you114r fM"<>plf' lo·ft f•.•r tw .. l ll.lfllo•• I.\''" •••I Mr 111"1 Mn: '"' nwmll<·r» u( thA' Adt•lphuon w.cka: ar•Juurn at. l'un \',tllf'\',t"·,,,, ~ln•kl tfl•l Mr ""'' Mr~ t-:•1 <11111 F.,JJ .. wlnl: .tn att"'"""n ~\101n1. Idaho. _ l-11 .. , khtll•l hflll Mr 11n•l Mno ~···~ thr· If\ Y••llnJe 14"11\0'fl m altf'ndHI}f '" · ~ nf'w Mra AdAm~ wh•• 1,. ·' , ,\ '""'' ~to•n \\"IJI .. v. hr•••R '"''' .\fr \4 ,.,.,. f•·l•·l1 nt d tllnt•r Rnd a l!Ot'tfll IJ'Ildual,. or ~a-nt" M•·nu·" )IIIII••' :-,-•• " l:••u l" u•·rh•·• ,.:nw-.., t-:i-1 ... ,.,.,.,..J;ti! , _ eol~r• and t < LA •• f"mplo•\'<"1 1 '·•rru••rh· "' \11•••11•. K on~o "hto .,. . !\tr and Mrw. LNt McOa\'rt'n .. ~fl'tlll\'1' _.n"IIIT)' 81 tho· """ •lutl"llf'<l Ill ('IIIIIJI R"IH•t;(" f\J:I \~ 'H.1y 6\'f'OIII', 8.'\lboa. 3 rt' ~a.. Al"·rart rJaut tn !-'••ll · • • • · · l u.,lu·•pnlln~: s.n I'Arly \'llllt trum Beufl, .,. Ad.tlma bl'lnlf pnodur-A~~()I 'Sf ·t: 'l~llRI~fiP.: l tht>tr Mn. DIH'i'n. whn L~ lllt••nd· Uofl coordiiUIIHr Ill thf' Mllll' <'~· 0 (' II • f th p t I St ·k tabllahlnent Hf' 18 a ~rndu!llf' ur A '"I'''"'' f'llll'nl h .... '" .... n urtlr• ,., onjl; 0 f'l:'f 0 " Ill' C' a • oc, -U C L · th.-11111 rrtllt:•· .. , Mu•" t.n\'t>rnf' tun. Young Mc-Oa\'rt' 1:0 t'Xfli'C'It·tl ' · A. · t 'urll.m ,.} '"'" -\""·••A~ ILOd Thu ..... !" ArTI\'f th•ll Wl'f'krnd :utii-WIII :,.:._......_. ~ I4A:-o-UI'IPt!tl."4 \'l 'l.l: PART\' Hulhns. '4t•ll •If Mr 11111.1 Mrl<. F'., n·ntntn at hnmc ~nl 11 11Hrr th•· J rt••llfiUI ,,, ,., .. ~,, M ..... ,. tho·,.,.,., .. nt-111 "' thf' year . • !\!: l:!nnt ho• \\'nlto•l l••ltl 111111 Mn. Joeeph B.~SmanJ..clu Jut ~ sam K lr.afathc!r not only donated Tuuday llalned t•• th~ uid~llcy three troptUee tor ~ n rat tropll:p of Newport Harbor W•Jmen'a So-•hoot conducted by the Newport clety e>f Chrtetlan ServJt:c, auc-fiarbor Tn~Unc C'lub, but be cHdlng Mra. Mary Stanley • In tuml'd nght around ar:d capturfd that l'oeltlon. one> uf lhc.>m . Other otflcera comrm•.mg the Km•fathcr. with a aco~of t newly-.elec:t.d board Include Mra. Oil bert liOOMn, ·vi...-pruldent: Nit . ut a poulble MI. '111'0 the rd p.lact.. trupey in the! all &hoot Mra .. Loula Crandall .reccordlnr conduc-ted at the club'a new retary; Mra. Hanrv llarrla, correll-~rounds on 11th atrcct hut 8un- pondlng • aec:rat.ary : Mrs. Cyrua day. M ller, tre..urar· ,·halmtan of so-~ d~t..l • relallon.t ·and. h:K'al nctlvlties. Don Oundforaon, the ' druggtst. 'l!.'on the hand&cap •hoot. Mra. Mary Stanley, m•~stonary ed· nlnmng up a lit:''"" of 44 out of ucallon. Mra. D. ·W Holtby : ch1l · :'ill. Bill Olorf•eld ·wall aecond with dn·n and young (olka. Mlu Emma 41 Brsnatlne; fellowahlp. Mra. Alfred other I«'Hrt's Wt'te R. L. 8te1n- Smlth; c.naemberahlp, Mra. H arry nwt~. !J9 : Har•Jid Caldw•il. 38:,Roy P~111ip11; apirttual life. MJU E._, .. :'1/ewland; atatua of women. Mrll Ludlum. 37: ~e Ma«TUdcr, 37; Ha rry W•tover; liter ature and M. C. Smith. . . Dr. J . Woodard, publlcaUona, Jilt. Allee Hancox. :J7. Sid S.<eratlf'r, 31: Ed Zutw, 36; .ie&JUle Koan1. ~ &IWl IL 1'\lppllca., Oeol'lfe Ooeldilcr : pub-Bngga. 34. he~~ M,.. 0 . 0 . Bar71arcJ.._ ~.-r.~ twtn~tmc tn thfo "'*'" devoUona were conduct.!d 11lar 16-\'ard pra<"llc-e' r hoot made by Mra. 8t.plten Weatherford, l lht' r .. ll;•"''lntt' JI("CII't'a: wh~ aubjcct waa "Some Little I Htll Glorf1eld 76 out o't tOO· E t-Th&niJa." A ,......___ Ht< -d . . ' -·"f'i "· HompeM mPrY(lj'(f}·, "10: "Karl Thai-k"fr. j9: )L Orville aDd Suynna, Chapman I R.u)l-I udlum ~ Mr PAilf[ 32· and Do~.BIIIingJ. prc~nted •e"-J H &ult'\', 29, Mr.\\'al~. 22. ••ral Yulctl'de numbers under tht> o.1n ~riiOn. 21 : HarT)" l\1dfor. ch rN'llnn of Mhl. Ornet• Rilling!! 20. Mr Sttoinml"lZ. 20. Mr. Spca- RI'poru were.~.v members• urd. l9 : Dr, w •.oa:.rd. u : Ray attcndln .. the ~nt· l:>&alrtct Cun·l FtllhPr. Iii: Prl.c Row, 11. and Mr. \'t'ntl,;n at Oceana•d~. ·1 Ta\'U.lr, ~. , Thlrty-l'lftl w9: brought b~ • Or. R . o Hnard WW~,th; doublea m~>M&..N fo. dLIJt:lbullon at th .. 1 C'fiiTIC!lillon. h&ltlJll 22 out of 24 -•ttlem<"nt. San -Pedrn; h1rds. Blh Glorileld "''" accond whe-re "Chrlatnyu" beg ina Dec. 14,, with 21 and Dr. Woodard third clul' to U.C fac.t thl\f 4Q n.tlonali-l With 8. 111'11 ,llre · r'e~JreMntMJ among the . .r•· .. •df'nu. . :_ _ !Identification Car4s ~IMHED Til& I:X('fi'EKENT M' . t D-Obt • _ .. C'harJ.y Behick. son ot R arry US . !lM:' 310~ · ""- l'c•ht('k, ·~ta Mella mall carrtCf'. Bv Fishermen 11 conv~ tMt aome folka ~.1"-==..r ;-- nil Ulf' breaka," Beginning nf'Jt week. all per- A• I"C&80n tor htll ~II.IIJmllltiC" ll<tnll wh/\IW bwuni'M rcqu1ree them \'lf'wpolnt. Ctlari•Y potnlJI out th11 t Jlarbur r hann .. l cntnncf' mu.t be "lno·e joining the na\'y 14 )'f'llrs l'upphf'd with ldt-nl\'fl<"rhun t"arda. :tl:fl. he ~ apent • mollt ,of tu11 C'hwt Rui.Jtnd H~ktn.tJn annoum·· t•m• ju.t "atandang by" at Pearl .-d thu• mom&~. llllrhnr. an utterly brlrf'!'<>m«' and O n W.-dnellday. o.t-17. an offl· unl'\'l'ntful life. A 11hm t whOe agn. rt'r w•ll bl' s lJitmn.-d an the! c1ty h,. obtained leave to ('()me home f11r ruunc-'tl r•h~tmt>H'II ~ ltw c1ty hall c'hrt•tmu and lutd barely r4'at·h~l 4nd upon &Pflheat~<•n, •upport.,. ~"" Pedro when th,. unror;;;;,...n hy thf' P.("ll'Pr «'~nt'-la of c1h ; 11ttack took place 111 H(lnntulu. Yfl z..n~h•p •lf•rUI~fl<",!tea or o~r hill younter brother. Jack, who pr•w•f 1 wtll 'III!IIH' IIUI'h cardl lo ·••mf'd t~ navy only thu, aumm.-r. quahflf'd Jlt'l'llf•M. h~d arnved 1'1 ttw hlands juat '" Only th01w who mllkf' tl¥!\r U"· tomf' tn tw In the thiC'k ot thing<~. m g by fllhtng , tu~~: boat opcraUon -rll1'1't ~rrt'I':O . tmt "trndwoll. t<lll bP 1"m,lltt..,I'IH hf' M ya. e!l$ttblf', Ctud 'rtuuct,tki""-Ul aa1d. Tlw •·ardA will ht' tlllllk-d undt-r Mrw Wu r,.Ul l>otdll w1ll I"• , .. -tktll· II'Jillf'S next Th\Jrada~· :.l 11 l'hr.-t· 1111•11 <lcnno>r p11r1~· t•• t)f' Kl\'•'11 h•r mf'ntbt-of .&Jbua ll(fll'nlt' ~nnrt "'""~· taktlll: 1,J11, ,. :-;.,1. '4!2 a t lhf' ~tr 11110 Mr .. \\' ~ tiun•llk·•· l'hur• h .,1 tho· ;'1:,,111.11 1. 1,,,. AnJ:t"· ~~ .. ·nl 11110! W•···k '"lit n ... ,r ~ .. n nn•l Mlaa~ Milrrar.t Scha rle, mUIII•· 1,.,. · · ·' • ''"'~htr•r-•n ·lrf\\ ~lr Hlltl ~lr" W I"Hrhl'~ of 301 Or•ldenr•x! 8\'~0UI'. ~u~·rvuuun ttt th• C'ua11t Ouard an,d wtll •·u~t thl' applara r t 1\flproXJ• nutt.-ly ~~ •·••nb <'>tt'h, T) .... L h d I s Jr ·1t • .,,. \'•·•·u· :-.;,., .... Ill Tht'V C'•1\-nna del Mar, entf'rlained Sun. &e ...,r .... ·~rc.um w n 111 A J:'rn -· · · · ,.. ~· · · · · · • I t ..... ,· 11 1 1• ''"""I 1 It•· P "" "'I! ct··~··rt •·1U' 111 tho y afternoon at a pta no l'ecltal ... uu ,. •• ·'"'''" f"'' :11 lor nutn · • ( f .. _ 1'-~ lllfl"nt rluh. th•• Rtfnar '" Ink•· II h h 1 ., 1 1 lh• 111111,.1 .,1 '11 1=1''"' h11•uu·t\.~ huon ••aturm« a ITOIIP o uer pup .... I • M \\' k r IJ' h lj; ..... '"' lllln "'"" fl 11111\'t•r<~tt\', L• II In• t .. -.. --ntatlon "' I' ll('e "' "'· II t' II' ( .. onol' "' "'""'''''''"' \\llh lhr· L o ll A llJ:f'lt:,. y .. ,,,_ ~,, llo.o.s.oko•r 1.'< " whuli• r f) CIW .. ,..., .... ~-• .- ·t.l:• Ltl,...ll'l Rulwrl!tr·n wttJO wr·l tl•· 1t.st rilolll••r l••r .,11, • .,f ''"' 11.,, frcl'hmc-nta were •n·ed to thl' ~Am .... 11a a n-~ mO/'nll,.•r \"hPn th•· C:ltll ''"nti'RII~.· ~ fl.t kl"rl'flt'l•l rru•r ''f'IIJn• """'PI• and Uwlr mothcra. ''' ~ ..... .. t h II "I · t' ,,,1 ! .. rup:tutt•l' trt L.•.,. Vt>):l~~ J ,.. ,,~-~ t I t Th -·• th " .-r -nlltrrllt,.;•·. h' ..nrlo\' " ,.,. f'up•'-takJn""-part were Qcorvf' Jt'••IIP mf' "" 11'""11r ..... , n .. thll:' Wfl• •hid tll'lk .,, .... ~ "' """ M l~ \\'I;.~ .. , •. ~ who• L' hUI N .. Trl "" ... l't••Jnbf•IJII 10 Rttt'ntll\nl'(' tnf'ltllhlll! • ,, r InC' , onna pp, ...u&nC)' ' Mr. and Mr.o Lllrry Smtth And r hlldr .. n 1\fo\'t>rt~·. fluo• s nd Ll1nnt<'. I of Ltlit ;\ lll{t>ll'll lOfli'Ol the WHkl'nd at th .. <h<lmf' r~t Mnt Sm1tfl'11 par- • "'"· Mr nnd Mno Mil•• Smith. ~ UCJ Ocean 1-'l'UnL Mr Snulh ue WOJJK WANTED b,~ · .. ~ ,- WOID&n. Ooocl cook. tplendid Ia~. Very· nUable. Refer· enCN. Call or wrtte Ball 1lo club, ~. CaUt. 43p ~ --·-.-== -- 80011 AND BOAliD --~------ROOM AND BOARD, 302 W. W~l· aon, eo.t.a w.... <' ----------+- WANtED. --J.... "'------• WAN'Tm>-•uao on r.t ntat. loan. howle aftd klt. Six per cerit .._...,._ __ _ lntereat. See R. c. Parker, 180e Leok •t t.faeee N~wport Blvd., eo.ta MM&. 4ltf FOR RENT FOR RENT -Attractive lingle apartment. Ocean view. ElKtl'o- lax t"quippecl. 2U21;oi Ocean Fl»D! _1. 31tf j'c()R LeASE -Bette-r ~ ln s-port. Prefer to rent by year to pcraon ateadlly employed. O...·"fr, th 24th at., 4t-41p fumUihed. V e n e t I a n bliildl! . Double ra~e. Fenced in rear yard. ~n 8uf14p_y 1 to ~ p. m. ~ A.ijao ave., N.wport.Heighta. ~p f!EAUTIFUL 3-nx>m 10'111'CI' flat, completely furnllhed, carace In· eluded, on Ocean J;ront In Bal· boe; •35 per n1onth. yearly leuc.l R. C. Parker, 1806 Newport. Blvd., CO.t.a Meaa. 39t: FOR RENT-Lal'lfe bouM, 4 &eel-~ .._., completely. IUn)iahed; nnall houae, 3-rooma, complete- ly f~ 4}ao • ..,.~ .WDO)' I bectrooma. 191 R.Oclie.tcr •treet, e-ta w-. ~ UU.J. nu FOR RENT -Ocean front homt'. real fireplace, elc<:tn< liarl. Ute, atnlt and bath: ne"'· hnoleum, ni« beda, cloec \n. 135. uUhha pa1d. Pearl J . Sm1th. broAcCf', L&rw Real +atf', 2008 Court Ave., Newpo <"h. Pr. u~ ' • DESERT RE."'lTALS--H ow about a vacation an the! 'tll'ann I!Un.~·hln·' of Palm Spn114ra an:a! t-·or rt'R- aonablc rentala ace W. L Jord.tn. ~.rt. VIUa Ag~. C ity. Blx m1Jee trom Palm Sprlft4CW ~io' hlch"'·ay. Pnonc 7'l1i. -Palm Spr.ng11 u change. I ' . ' HOUS£8 FOR REST-We have 1 aeveral houMa tor ,.nt In t~ L"~ta Wua-~ewport· Heic~ll d11lrlct and Will be glad t o ahow thc!m to &nte~tAt parti~•. R. C . Parker, 1801 Nn·pori boule- varcl, eo.ta Mella. 31HJ REAL FBrATE (For Sale) thrilling 8ilb by . LU~ien Lelo111 •l-IIC'icn Lrlon,: 'o ama&iac - "Ba~lait•• ~lid ( :..lopf' 1 .. -<'f<''!lioot. ltub.-. eta,-. fracranl f.-houn: t2 ·~ • 'lai~p<a" Du.tiftc Pow- J..r iA a marHio>tt• J•*cler •ith tlw rio·h f••l!'"'"'f' ul the r • ....,. .. )J"Tfu-. A bt'autilod pt~l. t2 ···~ICMI i, a fl~ll··<oll,C and iD- timate r.ift, r,.rnu1•lifi.C ~ cl you ul1na. llir.hly (,.,:rant. ~ $1.%S "n~-:r·lr·ll mto"":.!l"'IJ!!ru~ •~-" ,. ,.,.,.,L lll!!Pt'•·tut-.: ·'•·wronrt f'atteraon, Ardella Kennell. DtXI.-~-----=-~~~~~~~-,-J:Ut.~~~-=:-""-r c , ...... r,,· ~~~•·•··~• .. '""""' '"'~~~ .,.,. . .-n,. Slo·.ok . C'i•rlnnr f'llCI\n. flnm-•. 1_;1 ol.l\'" l'lan t" 1 '""r thf-tr Ct"n· Ann SmiUt.<Nld PCJ~ ~ Am: pn ~ltll't "'" ma nA,:cr of t h•• A 1rr raft t•••l rl•·parlment. Oa~• au· .. l..oll ----,.-.. --- •-oR ~A~Nice llttle cott.are on l!latllcr atrftt In· eo.ta Then cheerful •• FLO WERt •• BI~LII. FLOWER ~ tU8 N_,... o.;.. ·-. Before y1 I, ' 'I ·: Dlr<Sd; Su.!ltl' Fuwlt•r. r 11t11y Ar-:\llllf\ F.~ IS ft1.4f'KUI,. hntt I ol '',II ,. ""II••· Jllllll fo'••hl lllln ·. P n.lltmaa•-r \ .. nd ~-.· h•. H Angrh•!' Mr Anti ~,,.,. .lur·k &nk,.r a,. r.Hw '" •·•i'py•n~ lh·· l 'htlltp's pr'up- f'rt~· a t 14\!fo \\' tc.tr a n• W.r 1t.11d '·1. Juan n,. ll1odtl. ~·"nlltftn•,. ,\ far••\\J•II ,.,~,1 unrlt•r -lran,:r ''" ' I ~ "' f',lf,.n 1111111 tha t "" .. -·· "' . ••k nnd Lout~ Owf'n rtrr•um:<l jl"'''" ""~ • 'l''''"'ll•'••tl , \\' 11 1 1 111., !'lllrl· Adam~ Wf'l'l' properly thankful la."t 12009. Tcnna. R. C. Parker, 1805 Newport Blvd., Coeta Mcaa. 31tf l10ct IIIJ,:ht 1>1 Mrc \'o•lll\ 1 IIJO riH•r 11 ,, ' 1 l ••1-:.ll<llll)l! I• Ol~ht tu fe('f'i\'e Ward that thl'lr P.T. A. MI:I':I1NO ('4S('ELLF.U ••f B.d l••:• l~olatul '""' h··r """ ,.._ ,1,' ~~~·,,','. /,:.;:~· ,:'1 1 1 1 1,:. ::;.,,"~"'ll;l ll<lll·ln-law Rnol dAughter, Mr. a nd c· .. rr r"m1ul B.rtl "' ''" :!tul l'·•t '' ' Mr11 Rllllf' Rrook.t of H onolulu. Mr,. Hu11k•·r r•·• ••n tl\' lnto\'.-d hf'rf' OARACE~SE on Coat& Mea r.r"m s .• n I ""lo:"· h .. ' ;,.J.: twc-n ma r· I· atrcci. Lot• 50U27 feet. Full Duf' to a rumurf'd blttr koul ftnd bec'&Wlf' of the f~t<'l thlll two uf thf' thi"Nl llt'ht'duled I J>f'llk,.r!l had lwo·tt called Into •rvk t' "'' ~11ult "' thf' natlohal enlf'rJrf'O<'y. d1rt'<'lt1nt ••f Newport Hu.br•t , llm"n H 11:h 8l'1wlol Pan-nt-Tt'at·hc-r >L'•"•'IIII H n voted lo t'anl'el nr pttt~tponc Tlif!l· day nl,ht'a llt'h.-dulcd mf'f'ttnK Nn further attf'mJ>t w ill two mafll' to ocall a mHllnJr unt1l llftrr th•• ~liday•. st v.·aa mdtcntt'd. • Rt hill•• Ultlt:tlt"" S "' 1••··.:·• ~~~~ P K Bhll· ••f :'l:o•wpnrl o·a n1p thr>>IIJ:h Sunday'• a1r ni:j :-:h .. rlh .dlo-r th. I•'" ko11l """ lf•·tl!hl~ anti :\lr.'< :\lal~<•l t'J\·p l'nl unhnrmf'd. Thl' mCAI!a(e wall Te- tlllli>tJ In lhr· ••:Il l\' • '"'"'I= t'••rp Jllo•Y•· "r ~t•••J • "' .. ntt·tll••nt•ry, ro·-•·••tw'i'l h,.rr tw telephone, la8\'tnl{ Ball "l'l"'"r•·•l h11r r .oil\' of I lor 1111 II•·• I Fr·ltlay '\•·niiiJ: fn•nl 11 tw•·n· n•la)'l'd from a cableg ram t o tltlrkt>n•·•l Ratio••• """''' """1-:'"~ ""'nt h" "'"'"r tnp tllr .. u~:h t h•· Lt't< An~t••lfl! "''" hllll h!'f 111111.111 •ltolh·-.• , •• J-:. ........ 11 ··n•l ~ .. utho·t·n r un "' th·· Thf' IIOniJal ,;o•nlor 4-H club ini- totl!t'r ootitltt """ ''"'' "l"·h h•• I' ~ Thf'lr 'ttllll'rllry lnlilld•·•l t mt1•onnnd thllnt'r will be held at ,..,.u m Yuma a "'.-"k ~~~. pnc:e ~ cuh. R . C. Parker. -• 1$()6 Ne•·port Blvd.. eo.ta Mc.>aa, LUGGAGE ! c.J&r. -t2c A f1r.•m1 :'l:t•\\' Jt'UHTNI< ;t ITEit fon•• ("ltr ~• r11n:< C:ltt. RUSTIC cott.ace on bluff over- looking Newport Bay. Beautiful view. Full pncf' U1twl. R . ·C. Parker, .. 1806 \\nllltl "" lflllJ.:••r· "'"''' ,.,.,,,. l••r :-luJk•\'t•r., Ill So•w \'ulk l'lt~·. ="•· the l<'orm l!url!au In tht• Jro '""'"l•·s """It \\,,,.' .ol· "1-!••1.,, F rtJI;<, \\'a;<hllll<:l""· 1"1 ' <' •l:t~' 1'\'C'niOJ: M··mbenlln chargf' of ~ lu14r·tl h1111 tu ""'' 1\llh "'" '"''th••r ;\ll.ont.l c::a · 111111 •·tht•r pmntll ''1 tho• nHnar Il l•' Betty Boyd. Custa l'h"n•· 111:.!.1-J 1-'0R SALE-S lx'·nx>m hou11e a ntl hr ~tlllrt'uu;t lw ""'' a '"'"1''""''11 '"1•·r•·"l . 1 ~1··!<11. cl•·• .. ntt ... ru~; Gerald Utm: · · ~ I 11tore butldlni. ~ garagf'll; 150 hnrl h•·•·•t• •1<·1""••·•1 1 ~~'" Ji,.ur:< :II ~1 1"" ~larilyn J1,.,.,4 ·lli'r, •lnus;h· Tu~1 1n, 111fu1 mill Initiation. anl1 , 'j _ .. _, _______ .,.. .. '1--------------"': ' feet on Bl"d. Pnce '$4~00. Pay-~ .. ulll l•.n~:••"" "hr'rr• """'' l''''''r•··~ t•·• .. r l\lr and MrN n ...... ~ lln"l•·l· H••lwrt Hl':t• h, I'OCila Men , fom tal : s I G N s ~ lng good intt'rcJt. Clo&e In to 1u ·n· hnllon,.; :11ul h"ld•n~ all n1••· ;,-r :ltll l'hff dn\'r. :-,-,.,,.l><•rl 111 Lt1Jil1Pn t ( Crtllta 1 Mn.a. O.XId for bualnt>SI! r Accordtnjt to wordl rt'<'l'l\'PII t .. rallll' AJtJo,.u,.;li h•,' '""' 111ta hl" II··IJ.:hl:<. "'"' ho~l ~untln \' aflo·r • 1 TuMday frum Mr. Ant.! Mr!t. Hal f,, l~an1 flu• '''·'"''" '"' lh1,.. ·" t•••n ·"'"'II pl•·lt,.;•·•l tu Tttu ,\l,;h:t ~t.t 1 . ( O F •f lpocaktlon. Ex1,';!.11"N1v~~pollltrttng. R . C. I W ORUF.R YQJ... 1 ALL KJNDS ar cr. ....., ,~-Bl\'d., Ill Smith .wh" wrutc-fr••m At'a ('"'I' Hall "'"1•••1 '' ""~ a r•·•·•·l: ~ .. r .. nl~. lhr> ph'<l~tnl( tt•rt'lll""·'' , ! . Costa Meaa. 39U pulco, MfXICQ. the lornl rnupll' h:o• l117t•t! , ..... '"·'' .Ia,. .... ('~ .. pln(lf'!O l.lkiiiJ.: piHtt' nt a '"" dnmr ht•ltl ('hristnla8 Turk~ys t ! -------- ~" h:lwmJ: s lllfl!tl rnjt•yal•l,. no .. '"'" '"'' 1.11 .. ,. """'' 1.••1'111,..111 .ot :-11' • !\t:try !t mflt-,..,. 111 Ltro•nt -t-'KU~f I'~ I'HtiLTaT RASCH ( BENEDICT } I FOR S~uolln.e 11tataon C4 t Or tOUl' thri'U jlh tht• S••lllhlf"fl flt·· . If, "'1"'•·1~ Jn J,•:r\ o' !1111111 (.,r \\ ,~J llo·l,.;ht:< ,\ '"""1: fhtN' a! • • f' pump). COffCC ahop. 30<\ 15X~- pubhC' The h•t!t•r 11101trliC'tl 1111'\ :u '" r• •II• I\ l••ntlu•~ "'"" l\lrs. \\'tllount !-'tt•pht•:t lh•lhr·rNI T~ aAd \\'ed!L 1 : ft. lot at 6810 Stat£ Hlghway. would 110ron IU\'t ror'l h<lr P~tll••ll :<:nnth Ill. thl' fnr nwr Prlll•'llla 2W~K ~ttnta -\na A..c.. P1L 1"'-' ·' PHONE 87 ! Wnt Newport. Property all tn· llland homf' ('hn,.ln~o<:< 1;•11' Th· l'ri'l!$, $11111 \\'t·h~l··r u( t'n,.ta Mt•!tft C'OI:il.A MEI"A -·--·----· .. ------·-·----eluded, 12000, Prf'IH'nt leUf' ex- . ' ' •• t-1 ~ _, I J ..,..._.. --- { ! ? ~ !. 'l . ~Y k ' All o\l;."l:XJ.O.:C:. ·c. •·• ~ ,. \ TAI..k"'O , t • '\. '· .._ T..&' ClRC\IS"' •· ·-.".. ~ C ~·A~ • :"" -, ~· c:. ·~,,. "-'l ~tS"t"'· -; .. t C\..:..~ ··~ ~ 01- ~s · ~ ', _f"'t;~· Pitctl Feb. lttt2. Max EckKt. 1100 F. Wat~hm~tton, Lela Ange- , lea. Tf'lcphone RJchmund 7887.1 Up HOME FURN1SHI1iGS t I lnt'XJ'f'MJ\'4' Roac\'llle Po9-fry and I Hobnail Olau at B nx>kfo rd"l! U O E . 18lll. ec.ta Mea. t:k:,l I FO R .SALE-F,.;.t ~~ .. ;. ,;o~d~·. I t •oned elcctnc wa.~heno. 22Q·l j • C()(l Ksa.. ~ I 8 CUBIC-FOOT SERVEL OAS re· I, frt(erator. -~ yean JUaranty. 1 I HO dtacount. r: Z t•rm1. Balboa I F'umltUtc 8lo,., pt.one u~. I what )'••u u:ant. Rhurer t-'urn. lure. M~tl"l;.•t. lnrgC'~l ~fork ,.r' u'l"d turn:tun-tn Sftnla Ann , I:: II S.•u!h M~111. stref't ph•)nr 1 ••N-w. I II-' Yl•t . \\' A!''T TO GI\'L " l"hn11tma. pri'Wnl • _ Jrf'l· .-l,.h: 10~ Tllrk~ from 0 1ff'a Ta~~~,. !fll, 'I' Ba !boa 4014 IA•Wl:RS "Ia\' 11 "'lth F tv'At'l• !!lo~~· tl -.·1th ~"' · ''Gtll• F l•'"' · •r St.oJ~. 1710 Se'lll-port 151\"d .. • l'neta M-. Pborwo $47-J. -t:lc -('OCKEJt 8PANIEL8 --Gorrcou• C'hrvtmU puppt... aU rolora Wt.c .. \tftd ciMmpo~ atock. Alto blkll llfd.. 15 moe. Ellcoel- lf'nt fw)d ot PhOn~ ,....,.,., .,, ODroea ... *'· -. • If •lo.-ltl.r• tJo,. oAtf,.Jl . .J ....... •1..-'lllto..-"'"•1-v "( ar,.(r,..." l',.rfun,.. ... auo l 'uu. 'J1,. h•'"""'••t• flaroo i•" in•. t 5 ' • p~ .... (:h;1• !"."'r •. ~'"« 11irt. st. .. ·n h~•·ll~ t ... u .. ., her ":'" ....,.,u.,. tloi• ....,.,, lool1 "'a.-tly 1.~ .. •tat·l.• cof ~hipe. ' ..... t2 l.dr~n lA•m1t'• l'u~rr Chip 8alh ~''"I'· · ' ~ ftare •2 • "11'1lit~r" Pr,Hetatl.., <".-tairt."Th~ .. ..,..._.,. n..c..,-p.,..d« ... c.a.-. .. aatc-biDI flaar..-.• A ~lift. • T.u.t""" .• 14t;;... tleer • 41 DOI'T AUIM · OVEI II.IS! I he fcll,:vlng ed1torlal by r.::nchnter Ooddy. one of the moat reliable newt allalytb .., the c:out, Ia reprinted wltll perrniMI-n fr~m ,.._ Lot An- gelea' llluatrated N-a. and Ia ·10 t imely that It ettould be reid by every loy~l cltln": By MANCHESTER BODDY Thur"lday, Oeetmber 11, 1M1 YOUR 1tte ntlon, p I• a It I Fer an lnde'lnlte periOd you are goJftg to be bombard· f!1 w I t h bulletlnt, commu- nlqun. nim~ and th~kloe etor:. from Ute bat.tlefronL _There It no pOMibl! way of a vCIId.ng thlt ·· bOmbardmlftt. • Even though ne~papera and · radloe ·' w e r e "blac:ked out", and goatiplng tongue. _,. tied, you would tuffer more fr-om alienee thall you do ff'Om the very wo.rtt that can be told or printed. If you """ere for-c.ed t~ ttand ~I b)' llrt, your only ho~ of emerging uftbumed would be to ¥wear aabettot clothH. · If• you could not avoId -~ --Ua uiA,... -¥CMU-onl)' hope of remaining dry ---~Hbr...,.,...,tf'l,..~ clothet. JUt t Ul ti\uatlon. The only w a)' you can avoid being hurt by atartllng buHn nt, unfounded rumort, thoct<lnt reporta of evenll at the '\ront, Ia to eatabllth a Y.llr'dttlck -a atandar'd ot value-with which "to meat- urt all that you h~ar ~"d tee . •• • •• !!,~RELY at a a.goe.tl;t, h re It my "ylr'd.tk:k" tt It workt:· · 1 1 kn-Japan It gravely ......,..f.eil.~r • .ee.l~ other vital war material; that the United ltatH 'llat . "- tabl·a· ed an effective blOck· .-that makes It lmpo~~lole tor Japan to get enough ef "'"" ~"'"-. TMrefort, wtlen I read ef .. ,.,. and ~ vlctoriee by Japaft I am net ht-4fM taa.C lflemayad, ltacauee I k n • w that" Japa" flat been fOI'CIId lt'y ~ a xle pa~rt •• jiJUt everytttlng etM .ltaa tm. tiM flrtt f-purtdld, with the ridlcu.._ Idea In "''"• that we can 1M •trig.......,. lftte 2-1 kn: ttJ~ItH flght- lfte Japa" ha . IMtter thaft J50 major .-rthlpe In the ,.~flo again.. fewer tttan Z7'l .~..-...... . TherefOre, wtteft I rtM ef ..,.,. naval ~ lty the ~ ........................ ~ awe MeftlfloaMe: 1 .. Mt e-t Moauee 1 knew II'Ufl, .......... r---~.r~~~~.nr~. . J-.1 k-tluit .... .. Ute Met dtaclpltn.l arma.. • n .. rth1 -~aud of Chiang Kal-tlhek'a 4,~ Chi,.... aotdlert -4a holdl"l the main Japane• arrn)' along a 2000 ..,;te fre..t In Cftlna. 1 k-that w h • " ttl .. army obtalnt the entlnea of war with whk:h fo .tage an effenalve, Ute Japa-a,.. "'let will 1M crut.._.. I kn-that co "' II I n a If Uftlted ltatH and 8rlUatt re- eourcea wUI fu,._ ·tIt • •• tuppllee. ·• e : TMrefore, wtlen I r • a If bulletlna and report. and hear rumora •ttout· "lftvatlona~ elt er way·-1 am not dl .. mayed ;I am armed with a ment'al coooeptlqn-baeed Oft ho~rd, cold fact-of juet h- the land forcee of China will take care of land operation• agai.!'IL\he Japaneee. · ' 4-1 ~ow there are 7000 aeparate Ja nd .rela tively. tiny , lllandt 1-n t h e Philippine gr-oup; that the one Impor- tant laland (Corregldor-the defellte of Manila bay) eom- ;aru with Malta and Gibral- tar aa one of the m lghtlett fortreu rs of the' ~orld. There:rr-e. when I read of t'e battle for the Philippines •. -======== .. ISSUED SEMI- WEEKL'Y , -===== . • 'I ~ .... ) •• • \ . ... .. \ '· .... ..;:.--· .. -... .. = EOITION ~ '~-....... ' . /' ••••• WEEK-END •.. EMBRACING BALBoA PENINSULA. WF.ST NEWPORT. S c-"' ttnc .tt 1 s. 8 .AI 80A ISLAND. CORONA DEL MAR, COST A ME'S~ 1'\UT u~-..: - List ~~Air Raid . . !40 Miles .. of Christmas [iShts ·and Shri~s_are Blacked DuLby War Junior Red (~ross l1~:r~hatS Fort-rs . .. -'Not Satisf~d With _BJackoULOfficials aim --e -.P erkct -System !\lay or UUMiftt"MM ( ;ordon IMIIUftl Ordt-rM •'or ( 'itir.etw, llouten to Aiel t'ivilia~ l~feue PrctJtf'am At Nn;port llarbnr; tJnffonn :-;iKnaL. for 1\'ll Em~r.l•nc·it"M fc)br Told Soon would be the. approvM IYJM' or ha11 ~ .. n· rr<'l"t \'NI pnhr tn that '1"'' ''"n•·•·r-nuq: 1 I"'"'" IUI•I 11 Chrlltmaa d«orilllon ll for l he ttm,. nr not . r r;•tl•·nt•al" ll•·•·~~<:ll}; 1" h·~v·· &nd Ac-('••nllo~ '" '"'"'"'"'""' '''•" \\r,rn ••tl(&lll7.atl•lll ... , II I " '"''" "'lo:TIItl~ ,.,.la ltiiJtho-•1 .,.'" f•lf Harbor a rea t bl.a year under lhe j A IM aban•hmt'd 111 the plan fur •ntl't th•• huo t..r 1\tC' t'IAtr• 1 '1 Natlnmtl I !A •I . r ·, .,_. """'"l'tru l•·r• , • .,.,,.trtrd. -~~ 1 rr ~. th•· 1,~,., ... ,.,,,. ,., r ii.I•S. .,1,1 ,. 1 ·,.,. , hndlcap of "'I f r lnuda. illllhli!MIIn~o: •IUltl d«nratl"l( tt ... will .... a t tlu· ••IJOI II r·hnmtiN~ ,,, I. "''"" \A til I• """'''" ,,,, ..... ,., ... 1.••(1 I ....... Will ,,.. l•r•poart-•1 ""'"'f:""' ... ,. coat Thoutandt r.~.rg<' Vltntll'r bift varhl. l'iOIIf'r'l th.-( 11 Y hall \\'."'1"""'1"Y· llt•t ono noo '" . ·"I i •• ,, I •••• hu~e• "" , ... '"""" ........ ,ll: .. nf'lf'A, "" ltt•l I ln .. rv<.t60ftt, 'J'houaandJI of <tollar-e have al· 1 at •li• mr10rln~" lll;lf11t th,. 1 'J,a...: , 1it 11 tn 0111 k·· nul lol•·nt '''' "1 '"" tltm-~ 1.1. 1 , •1 '·"'· o<~HI ,. ,,., 1.· " ;: ,,...,,.,..: ••f t rf ••IC-• "' r v•" , 1,..1 ,.,, 11,,,.. ..,,,., 1,..,1,.,1 •••I•) ready been e~nt along lhl" ('uun-llil:'hWil~· I ·t·arol~ for 1'"1 ~""~ "1''''"1"'1.! "''11" par1 rot t h,. ·:••Hd· "''II ,,., •t·"' o, .. '""'''"'""' •14 ••rlfHMt ,.,,..,. '" 1,y ~"'\'"' '""'''"' I•• ,111;r.,0 111 1,, "'l••,mulft h•l\'f'•re·nt.-·r ~f"l"''t on tt • \".,•.•1 ~·, ..... • .~, .. ~t··! 1 , .. .., tl;•''''' u,rr•. •I .-wt>r n.-,,,,. 1 1 -d I ' ,. n ,..,.,,.,., t Ill• • I\ I lan • .,.,,.,.,..,. "''''" PI Ch • • I If trh••r pt•ll<'t• ~IU . b. tl, 11 .... t ., ,,, , . .,1,.8 • ,._1 ~· 1 l '•·~·l·h· 1,11,,.1 1,.,, ,,111 .. u an rtstmas Mustc On Streets · · :-:·· ,.,.,. "'" ·~· """"''''' '· , .... : .... ,., .... ·· ,·... ., .... ," ,... ... .-..... ~~~ .. •n ~ ....... ~ .... ,1:"'~" ......... .. Of I".... M D . y I .d ... rntrr lhf• l)l•rt .. •r l'l(r·r pt •II• r~nl.tr:i.l'•l ... lit• ur:u . ,,,, ..... J)e h Cl • -tlii'V l~>AVI' •••lfll' ~sta esa . UrJncr u etJ e lonllrhnhg I hi' I r•••t••ntllll ''!'t'I'IA A."', t •• , .. llrht•rJtl'll• I•.' I '"' ,. " ·l.•.. at 31Rl8 I •' AI ,......... ..JI .... ~ .. '"" .... ~ \'I J 11 11'C"'tl••d ••tlly lu '"14' \A t t),,( ffiUllt'V lte: Itt,. J••l f••t fh• \I t • I l I I ~1 (" ah ft, k • ''I• Hll lf( .• ulr" "'""'" "" Itt• S t r a i n a Qf rhril!tm&l' <'Rr•oll' ~-m 'be . hrerd In thP l'tr·ro '" • ... Co.t.a li rJIIl ant! lhroug;l;out lbe conunun~ly durinl!' u,,. Yulrtrdl" holulay11 _l!r<'nrdm~ t .. a proJ"JIWol r 'M annnunc-rtt t'l"fay hy H:~mld K 1;rau"l nf th" Har••l•l K r.raurl ('h&flE'I and well knnwn ~fua ,,, . ., '.trf' A rnu·Han Itt 71'1111 lU I• ,. II) lfU"Jll\• .. ,· -.1 ••• I' •• ~~· ,..... ~ eo ..... en "'"l)'l1 :: ••ru."pmflll "''lt h I"" .. nmkr lll<'lr '"'"~ "rl ..... " I ,, .. _·· •• ·,,, I !I ·s ~·-ht. ·~,.. 6!r=. ,,, . "' •II "' •• ,, ... ., •I ........ .. '"'" ,.. .. ft,, itf• q l•rt tal ... , ~··••I ••Kn·•'" "i,.. •kl'r hAll lir~n Jn~tallrtl at lh•" 10): ~.al ;" ··r .. ,,,., .. , •. t •l._::ll'f.;ll'" '., IJl····l"f\.·· ••• ~ .• ,.·,·· .. '. '"I '!~ ' •·· k· t ,.._ •• an , ' , ~ ,, h tfff1nt"'ll41 h-!"••'" m ". t !lot•·~'\ thnn ·h. to lhr ""J"Ym,.ni Th•' ''"'"'' '''"" ll' hfol~ rnr.•llto!-" .. '· It ,. '""•I '· "•' '' '~•·•·lr ·"'' ...... ~1· u l t 'l.-• r nmtnu ntt \" ,-f~ ~.:.n.t,•·~: ... '.~~~~~ .. :,.~'",',',",'11"'11~.·,·.~~ C.•f 1 lw JWr811flfl •'• • f Ut~· . I I'._,,,,, f f I ~t• I• ft.Htf .. ff •'l.... ~· •• 1 hat aiJ fi'S~ -., 1...,...... .. "' , •• , .... ,:,.._.,,.,..,,.,. f. ~ .• nt.,•ru ••· ~ taJnlnf,! tJJ~> ,.,,.. t,,." , . .., vuh•nt•·t\r '"''' "·"=~"' '' · -,. .,.-'l.Pr •.,r T1fr, ,...,.., lr"..,....-n !'~ .... • •· ,.,.., l•~·t.t _. ,.,,. ••••• a .. • ••" ail/f .. 1:-n.titJht r,:, ••nt1-tf \,,,. hfl utl~ttRai'•·!,. •fft•• --; •• ,,,..,,., , •• ,,,..,.,,. •11 .. •1 1 ... t u11•l •·ff ,t.u tl••vl••·· •••• ,..~.,,, ltl•l ·•n••' , .. ,.w 1 ,, ...... ,• ........ • •• ,. .. "''''I•• ,,,,,.,., •• ,.,4 .• ,. All Citizens ._ R...._C ........ Air RAW (~ .._ wtll nprrat• .,,.. ... , l'•olk·• ~ tloda· ~ and Wbo .._. w1U -~~l I.Jwtr ..__Ia, and UM dbilrf<-t""' d lt'" t ... y · Will -no. _,, &1\.-.._ ••I .... ...,. .. fulluwe: Otet. I ~a A- ..... . • ... _ ••lrl r•• .. lll«f•w•y -.t wht• .. 334 w. ••••• 2 t rM "'~t to 'tttll .,..... .,..1 "''"' ..... o .... a..n. ~· .......... """ fo'r<lnl. tlalph .. . ........ )'. l 71t •"-"-· Mac.. '""' :t l !lfh ,..,_t "• M•ln !(t t.-.t a1111 h ••rn l)rean "'-t .. • Uay 'h •rut. tl I. ~man. •ta " .... , ...... ,, .. 1 '"''""' • ,., .. l • ,. ...... ,'11-.l ......... "'"". ""'' ''"Y ... ,,,,1 '" f lf....,. ~ ...,.,. ~""''·•·I 1 •,.til 1 If""" lllv.l .• ......... '"',,. t "'"'' •• '·'''" ...... . J .. ,... ... ,., ..... • '•, Vt.. ,.,.,., t4•rUfl. 11uona fAt 1 •··• f> !'i-t~·•• .,, ......... 11v•r· ,,, 1.,. ·•' ·• • · ...• 1 lh..:hwllY ..,,.,._, I..... \t, • ""'"'I 'I .. , ~·au• ltrruar .. 1 do not get emotional "jlt. 1 rutu 1 ·, 111 rr. · te·,;··. 1 t'xJ:eCt to r. --. of " r.r~tuel f'l:lnl' I•• ha'" " '"""'t•·• · ,..,,. .... ,. t1r nut • a ll th~> l'••lr"· c J 1 ,. tad v ·~ _.e ,•s. a nd I ha•' a· IIJ)('fll<l'r . nr pu h hr Rll•l · '1'1'. !I,Y:ot-f'• f''lll m• I' I 'O'JIIIriOJ: a h h II t ar nsurance r·ar '•"· no I ' •'·' "J~atll'r. ' I 'I I f~ • •qf Vt~••l ..... fy.tt tlotiU' I .,, .. ,.,.· '", ............. ., .... "''• t u • '•· I : f ,.,, I ,, r. f,.,,, ,,f t !.tl ,; . t' ., ....• '.\lt ftt .... " •• I, • ' .. .. ' . I I • ,,., '' If oltlf fo' • f I tf jo ,, . ,. "'. " "" I' I I • , • t •• , t •••••• ~· .,. ~~~ \"I t • .,., •ta·,.-. ,, ,, ... ••••• ,,, .. ' . I •••I I '-tt ••••• •• . .. ,,. t•l .. 'f t•t '"'" tdMi 11•11"'" '"'"'"t. ":.rt W, .'I ; 6 • ., I Av••. I tUM. ••·I r•"' t.ttt.u•• tu.:u he.-d .. and e•f)ect it;tg utl1,1:ate ~tl or tr J• nf \tiP C'hap•·l un Bro:uJ· '""U tHtV•· •nf,•nt1:•11ou ••\f'r th•· \.. "'lui t.''"'H' , • ' t ·,' ' \• •• • •· .,,.,J tt r• • •·r:u1•l• ~I'll • • ,,,,,,,, •'··~ t.tt&r . ,..,,,_n k ., .. ao:•; .. ba!li& for "keeping my \('hl. v.n h a larj!'" q••:lll·r·m,llnl-Hl!lr k .. lll" '" ,,., l'tlv wtr••ll Out In Bla~·kout j'"" "'''>I',,, ,. I. a d con.t')• t . v1ctory. . · \\'n~· n•·ar :\*P'.\I"'•r1 J!h d \\"h~t·h rhdl•; t •• t ,,..,. •~ tnklnl! pltv , O•·r•t•.n .,,, • u, ~-~··~~~--~-~J~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~\itta~~·~.~-"7~~~~~~-~~~~~·~~.~~-~~-~~~h-".-,~-"~~·~·~.~~r~p~f~-~1-l!~r•·~fY·'~··~··~·~~''~'~.~.~~·~~~~~~~t!~"~·~.·~~~.~~·~~-~~."~!·~~-.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~lt~·~·~~··~•~~·,'~··~~~'~",·'~··,·~'~~,_.._~~J~~~---r-~~-~~----~~~-~-~~-~~~-~-~~~-~-:-.~-.~-~-~~~------~~~~~~~---------.-~~~~~-~-~-c-3~.0:.~~~~1i~ .. MU~~~~~~~~~·~;;~~~~~~~~ . . 4, \t ••• '·''' ·····"" 11 111 •1., 1\1 (> ' Arra n~;f'm•nt~ \\t!l 1,,.. m .••l•· 1 .. hi\\''' t h• •lat~v l 'hll~tn.a~ , "'"tt• • ~>tart ~'Arly n• x t "l'•·k •f 1•• ll!bll'. Iff' 1 XJ•I'I l-" h, h nv" k 'r :. ,., 1't•"'"• 'n t :v• 4 Htl.fUIInlf \' \\ )•'' •!r,;t••· It• hr·nr fav•1t1tr Flr •·tlt'ln" ~ I ' ' '!···"~'· .\ '" "1 A '•·~\ h t' '''•'! tu• 1nf r:1•·al nf "Hit •• ( h J• f ''' f'nl 'r: t•Ut t.•·r ·• I uar(Js ~eed Mobile Kh(· .I Tttr fullu•in~ prne·l:,malicNI MSU. i-ttMI luda~·«tt~ ~»)IW lniu f;,.. •. Ciurdun; Munr~ ~ , . UuuL ~u-L.ld.-;tt, ""'"ftht:..w;oplt ul. 1- '"" l"trl ll:arf~or fw·n·l •. ,.,,~ ""'''' let hr·l11 the-ir ~,., rnuttf'nt in thi-. rri¥1. . . Tfti .. prnfiarft:Jiinn, ..... ,.,..l ilt lhr .. .,...,..., r ... j, ..... t •tf ,,.,. c;.,, .. mmrnt, ... "" "Pftral tu f\\rry """:."' .. " •• , -tn •~ut:t't.N!'4t: -ttt+MtKr--, · - ,_ ft,IWCk rfJ't a-Htf .. M SIK.7!i. · !'o4tamp. romr M .,,. ... 11ft rrnt... lh-f......,. Rttad .. MINI StamP" ran t... pqrv-h~t-1 fr11m ~'"" IH'a'"t pcl'l nffiNo, ~'"" '-nk nr at f'W'tail .c.,.,_. . ' ' 1lw ('U) .of Sr•purt Rr:~t•h ury;..-. a.r' """'""- to ~ thrir atl•\~rwtnrtlt •ith thftr ...,..,._ ·~· IK\'L~ GD.L GOJU!ON. . · Na ~··w. C 'It,. •tf ~ ... ,.wt llf'tw:h. ·. . ;~~· • I "-"--1~:· l'hf,nc• a:r nuw . . -. .- I I I • • •• I f • .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. e. .. • J • )>. . . ·-__ ._ ' --., ., .. -. ~· ~Two .. 'I ' -----------~------~~==~~~~---~~~----=-NF.\\Jl()RT RAI.BO,\ ~t-:WS-Tl:'>fl·:'i. Newpbrt Beach.. California, THURSpAY. DECEMBEif"n. mu: 'l1lh .,..., .... _,, .... C'Ottf.ormed .. tM • IMate'• &focal r.qutrPnwt~t' but a~ .. lilold• •• Oraace· t;-nly Su"'rior <'.6uri .,.,..~. naak · lq II f'lt«fW. to .,.;blJJi'""ALL. ~cat ttnl~. ED.ITO·RI'ALS _ Newport -Jlalboa · . N. E W S -T I M E S PHO~"U U a 11 • ~ I!Wf')' ,......, ... 'n•,..._J An.er-\'til-XXXW ~Tiptlnr. P11y11hle an Afivr~'n~--:.. S1 ~ fW'r )t"ar in ciran5:f' County: · S2 15 per ) eAr tc 4th zont". $..'\ 1.10 pt•r )'c•ar to 8th :wnt>, • 25t' per nQ\Ul -~ carrwr- JEST FOil TOUA Y ,. ' ~· .... · r.-·' , " ... ~. I • • Ent~,-.d .I ~;d-ci;.~ mllttf'r at the Po!IIOHIN' •In ,...;_.port U.acb •. ( • C11hromla. und"r the Act of Mal'(h :l 1R79 .. --A ..... ,...)-ff-:.v r.~ ---------.-EDITOR A !!till MA~AGER P!'tnUft& P1ant, 3011 W . '<Antral Avmur, r--;towport &ach. Callfom•a A lfa,lnt Ml 1-.1 ........... Fw 0ww II y_,. ---~ a••u•••• ......,. w ~ u.a& t.aM'" ' "k ,___, ......W .,u.aw. at rec-lar r.ten-a.~_. -....-..u., .it tt. ........... .... ,.. ... .._ ewt. ...... , .. ...-L "'• t.aW ..a. te ... • ,_... lal .,wd • .,_.__ratk p ,_.L· orriC.At. PAPER. -Nri\'PORT a ..... A_u __ so_A_. -=c-=-ALIFO-=-=~a~NJ:-::!.!":::~=--- -THE -CHRISTM~S'"SHOPPERS' FLI~G MONEY TO BURN :- 11lCSt' hard. s.acrifida.-. tim•"' call for ~tnnp•n! '""\OClllt~ on the part of Stlttt' ~u\·t·mmt•nt :.-. '"'II a" Stah• dtu.-n. Californians lll"l' nut in a mooc1 to ~IIJIJII." '"' "'''('tltll"' 1•11 a ·-m~ to hum" !'<'<~I<' to <'~trava~-:ant -mintlt'll 111•htiti;m:-; from the JiUie k>ft ttwm aft"r the-natiun·_.. Ul)!l'nl t.·~;wt inn ,,( • aweat, toil and tax'-s for Anwrit·a ·~· rlt•ft'n:-('. BILL OF RIGHTS ~mlx>r 15 ha.-. h~'<'n ~'t a~i(K> th~1~hnut the<natiP;t, as a day for ~h-in~ ~Jll'\'ial nhst'n an"' '" tlw l3111 nf Hi;..:hr~. those mE'mor-ai:>IE' Cir.-t tNl iJnlPf){;ltnt•nts t n tlw Curu;t it·ut ion Which. throu~h l f)() ~'('<lr.-O( turhU)('nt W(lr)fl ch:tn~f'. haw assured frcrdom of tht' P""'-" and ):UaJ-:tntN'd tn all Amt•rican~ the tnviolnbk> right to sptxlk. think and wo~hip as fn'(' nwn. ""'"" \\t•ul~ lu· ••nh'r~"~•l ttft ttu~ l'.u &(,,• • ••alit • I nr1\'••r d td hut 1 111 l"jff•·~ 11\· \llllmc ,,, roiM"\' the• .-r '• , .... ,, tn d11H1~ 11•• tl ":II t•r.·v••nt .lo·rt.rl b •mh1n,.:" I h n -•. 11 \ •'I ,. ...iUHHt•• ptt•f• r.;tA• t • f 0 r ~R(t•( \' II'"' rtnol I ll l rY ffi\' llf cl t I" au • •"lt: t • ~' (u ~t f-:\ .:r,· '' ntr r i• n.n •I·· .tlot • ·~·r••n\te• n ••:<t "•llint.:l\' 1n :tr-;\ ··rd· .--'"'' n.t~·.f ,,, prntt'l t 11f·· an.! rr I'• rl \ 1\llol lltt· rule• I• !'> unrl nr•l ..,., D!llhl•• "''"" \\.hl'n "• U••rt'l II~ 1\ \O rtr. -·-\ntrtl•:l "'"' •trt<l flt.:hllrtO.: Jar-•n ,\m•rt.:l ~~ t tt·l·t n,.: 1,. t·H ~··w r v•· l h•' t t •t•flflt•l ~ ••f tt:·, • t'4rntr~· lltr hl'{"r1 \' :tn•l 1111' l'llf 1:''''\rnrn• nt .Jnpnn,rt•' h ·n t • .: \\ ,.r,_ t" tn;.: hur!•·tl ''" A Ul• • 1 ,. l"•'i- ~ ,,._.,onl' It !< tho• 11lol • I to~ :\11.! l llnu nil' l!n1l1111' ·-"" nnt lrt thr \\:H u.l• •'frt•• ),\l!h \••Ut ('ht uctnut~ :ott• f: '!.~ P n II l l••t 1111' \\:It f1k• f' • •J•otit '''lt ••f th.•t '('rf'ful t:tt • r.,.. Pn • 'nh·:~n· ~-<•·• 1• ttw lit: I 1 • ,, .. 1 .. l•um rn:: :rnol lhr ~n:•l· r 1 1,1!.1- IH.tt '4.,1 c I• •\\ uu: These too mu('h takt'n for ~ran rotili'rf~ ~ntr-1thlttrr•_......_...&.~<ua.....l&1· ........ .._._1.-l>.l.!- f"•tt.lnt , ••mm•~hty. •. l"'o·~~:n.c t hrf'liL:h • '' .• n,._.,. .,tn- '' '' t" ,,,., ... k rnr-\:If" " ·•. '·'', tt• l 'n• t.~ ~.,m !C ~~ J.! .. '\r~ .. : .... r·r-t '• nc ~ l'll••t •!!b tn ~:lnl:l .\".1 ,,, 1 .. rh trol bV the State :1! W ,lf' hut lht'rr I!' A ~anl'l (11\11!' <'!I'l l\ ~· c I A II k c ( CCl(ll 1 . • ' I '·• I I th 'h . ,...,. ~ " r .. ltr\ • . 1 an• ma .. t 11m t(':l u• l ruotma11 1,11, l:!< 11 11 "'" an.! "'' ,. .. ., ... , . · 'J'be ~on Of pt'i""JIIa) f~ ftntl-f~lQtpi"\SI' 1'1111' "'+> Dtt!ei bkn pqv D'"rJl.,n~!"' m '" ' ll~. ~ hand ln hand. ~ prest>nt E'ml'J').:<'nc•y. l.uil~~ cxtrn-:~;;In 1'\'«'r l'f'f\)T'f' llll't(' tntp.•tl'lnt \\ p nu j:h! •• 1\.~ .~ . )'f l It 111 he":l rl•·mn,.: :1n.t rl'mfNtln~ 11 1 1 1 aive govenunent contrel of our C'\'Onorn1c 1 «'. mu.c;t not ,. 1,, "''"' ,. h•·" fi ll" kty t hr m.n .• '" " .... "11n..· w • tn "'""t th(' h I · t ,.. \ , . ~.\< rtf lrl'l'. permitted tO make SUC COfltN\ J)f'tmanCil . •'Or~ snn \'\' at'· !•te•j::r.H!'II Atljlll!le <I lh~mlll'h'I'S I•> 1 f rd to have cotnpE'titi\'c l'nt<'rJlrl:;('_J'ndan~<'J'('d hy I)Yal the· nn\innnl "''":'t"'nt _A n.l .:<n t ' lr. the> 1'1\'tl -''"r t h~ wArrm • Q.. -·-_..::_:z:.:..::_-....-=.: ... L"':7___.,.it.,.,"·1.__ ti . -t~..U •I 1:•"'1 IIJ:am to ht"ar..:'.JJ/\rge !\( \\1\.~ ".Je•hnny. ""t ~·nut !='In ~ •• : &J"'llPS ~. '--UTn"l'l 1,. 1ft" 'M (ll1 IS \U • k'-T!fNI'f"<<t.t Jllttfltltl(' llnJ:'!O rf 11":11t llt'l' lin "IT"I'IIUM" ' efforta ol ~ large competiti\'e hody h) hamJW'r and •Tipple• . the motor transport industry hy <'WI')' nwart!' pc~<:ihlt'. If thr' fanner. the manufacturer. ttw datiJ''ym.m c'r colton p-u,,·cr. · Eer to 1.111e one mediwn of tran~pc'lrt:.tinn .. ratl;cr t'h<!n an- ··' \. ther, ·.re they to be denied th<' ri~,:ht to d.o 1'0:" ~hall 1~1~- tion, con~ the public lnt~re!'t. bt• . .-nal'tro for lh<' ~.of ipeda1 interest! A ff"('(? l'\'OflOm~:. likt" (l('n;ortai free<k>m , cannot sur,vlve lf It Ia to \xoocurne a monopply of the few. ,. -'1-·_ The ~ of the BW ~ Rtghts. \\ith •·hich thto sys-~ tftn ot t'" efatel'llri!le il ...,....bly linked. is· itS j:uarantee ol fleeclom 'to. aD. , • . 0 -r' . MODEll _ MA,IIE _ SERVICE SH~Ll JOCK , B~LBO·A · .. 'I 5 LAND .... Thta .,. .. , •trtnMt to eeru.....,y P I ' ft nf'W• ut tiM' '0~t4-r .. !\~ ()ktftc't; le a cuJcUIIr' .turc-e I• tlile aree'a run.._ .... ,., ment; and t.o ataJ aloel ,,... • aU~ t • e1u.wpt t~t of lldetJf7 to U. ...... -........_ by ltemlow Harris iini or Club Plans · .Holiday· Festivities • .. \ I ·I Final pri'J'81'1\llflr!< \':f'•e· n 11 1: 1 r.•ondl\~' l'V•·nln~ hv mt t'.~·rll of th~ Jun11•r \\'un:l'n !< C~ul, ... (' •t-ta Mt>~ fur tht lr ,.·,,1111111 ('hr ~tm'la pa1•ty ~hkh, will ,.,.. h,.:'l,! !hiM \'P'lr In th• hom~ ot ~·--ui~ Euil•k • -~ay ·~\'f'ning. llt>•·r:.:lxor 16 . 1 Th~ exl'c·utlvt> buant "' t h·t> I young c-lub w11l be huatess,·a ··rOf' t~e atla!r '":lt h Mrs. ·Ro~rt Long. I prealdent. In chara-.. Glla'M and t an .. xchangt-M gitl11 tui w~ll &8 •lunatlona for Chriatrmrs w~lfart> • baak£·t.a for (·,.!Ita Mt'aa_ '-''Ill fill lht< evening's rt>cn ·at•una.l h911r11 I The Edick 'hnme Ia l'bcatt>d on I C rt'hutJ Drive bt'tween 81rch anu < ')1lrus St rt-t-ta In, Santa Ana ' Hel,hta. Church Notices On Page Three CONRAD BALL ON VISIT HERE .. Corporal Conra.J Ball, aon of Mrs. Velma Barber ot Ba1boll Ja- land. pald a qulc:k vi111t here yu- lcorday Connected ,with tbe PU1l-J •·hutc Troop at San 01er;o. tie It'll I Ius e·J\'JI!an dothcs at his hvmt.' lUI~ returned to h\.11 ~ou_pany. I ' ' I Hard To Believe 1 But It's True '· .. ·:>·:.-et-AS Si FI·ED ·-EOL 0 ' Says Mrs. H oweU,ife: When I ~ot ~·rrled, we rented our home throJJih your column•. Later I found a W«Jndertul maid who'• a s~m at the pric~ J 'pay her. And no.w we're c'on•lderlriR 1ettln1 a uaed car, itO ot coune rm - watdUn-t, your columnla ea1erly; I know I'll find juet what I want In no tlme% t I , OUR CLASSIFIED COLUMRS CNV HEU YOV RUN YOUR HOME THRiFTILY ' . . . - Ne\\·port Balboa --. --.E-w·s ·TIMEs-· .·· SOil Ceatnl An. News-'nmM, Bulldln~ Phones: 12 and U ·. • o · .. .. .. • \ . ":-. --· ., ----~----------~ f'\:F:\\T'OPoT llAt.r..n\ !':F.~V~TI~·tF~. <""'I'Ot1 ~ftm, C~llf,,m,:l, 11 ll"W~P,\ Y .-J.)J.:CE~Uti·:H . .J t. l!l-IJ·. • Par...: ThrN "" -. HARPO~JES :lEARN RELATIV~~~IiH~Ai~~~~~-U~M~H~~AR~O ~FR~OM~-~~~~~~0~;~ •··· ,,,.. l <oi '" ··i~~•t··d ,,, .... •"'• . to he pftl~l -... .. . 8lld yoa wili be if yoa .mel tbe.e · woedroaa pte byt.eieal.el~ • I• tlte ltolide~ -rir ir. L.irirw ,.,._~ n'f~ "C tw;.r. -........... r .. h 1 • ...-L~~., ~ 6u ~t-;..,. L~•u"'­ .t Clllll.por. ' ... ~;:"""' ~·f•. • I f\,~ .. •a......, ........ ·.s...· .... .......... ,...,_.. .. . _,,,.....o ... .. ....._ -.t~tUS •T••• •""-,il, .. ~~ k·e eiAm ""' ,.,.. drli;.:ht· W, "~'"'· Qe thia hy ...... ~. .. • To ...,.., lwr f.,..l lile ,.the -., ·~ rnf .. rn!_•n«", illettd "'()prfWt~ ~·:ht" (~ ..... · .... ,. l""t..d "ith cbftn...~ --r ~ • Cned ~JmJVOIIIpt• .. Per· ,_it. 1!1111"1'1111:' ,.......,.;,;.,. ., 1-...... ~.-6 .,.,.,.,,,_ ••.ouble c:ontaoaer, 16.50 J • • • tt• 8t ..... ~~MUDO~ .... .:. .. iU~'TA ASA •• .,., 4111111'. ,..,.. -.. "' ...... -... . . -.... . ., 2 t;··~.t;-, .... .. Oi'l ~ J., ,-,'.l •. ; .• ~ ~~~EWS of the -c1ftJK-e1i-&s - . IEVENTH DAY ADVENTttTe ee.ta MeN, C•llfeN~Ia IWY. M . C. Cronic. pqtor Tekpboae 11$-J·K . lUnday llcbool t :65 L bl. llont1DI WoRblp Rervk'e 11 a. m Sc .'l'Dtb OaJ Aavenu.t ·Cinlrob Eqn_pl'-ttc: ~ T:JO p ..... r . . nf Chn.t . I l"tMeda)t end 'nlunl!ay pray~• co· "r of \\~lout and Cburdl 8\.1 1 ~ocee 1 :30 p. m. f'a.ta ~e~<a · q t u• 'l\V moo nln~. S"bbatb Scboo• t ·:.o" m COSTA MEIA COMMUNITY CHU"Ctt ·, J>r""' hi~ St·rv•rr. 1 I a m. C~rl 8 . JohiiMn, Mlnl•trr: 1111 HJrbor Blvd.. . Ph. 3tt-J ("t\Mr• h S<'h<~o•l fi ·•r• L hi. Morning W oi'IJ. If' 11 00 a. m. • Youth • ;mur•a r..:lO r m -· ··f~.;h ~""'"ir · T oun·.: A 1111t F.v('n:ng S<>rv•cr 7 :;o p m. !\1 d·\\'•·f·k F rltt,wahip ur 1'1 ay•• \\'C'•Inea•lay 7 .30 p m . A hnmr .. Ukr chu rd. lor b•,ro('. lo\'lng J'"'•Pie. F'IRST CHURCH <.Jf> CHRIST .SCIENTIST 112 Ea~l ('rnt:al A\'t-:.l•e ;-.;, ... l"•r\ 1\• "' h "' bran• h ••f ., ... !\lutla·r rt:urrh. Thr F't~~t f'h llrt'h ()( Chrull, S• ll'pt 111 1r. Jl.,stnn. !\Ia ·II. ~y S•···'"'' at 11 3\J a n1 .;om~ ~VI('f' "'I II n rn-""rot m·li~I"Y T• ><t :m •ntal :\1•·• ll!lf.: :'II :\ ;;ol p m ltra d ''I! t:.,olll, I I.., ('('nl rn i\ \ ~ , OJ••n I r Ill I lll 4 Jl m ,.,. Mesa Liquor Store Ill~~ 11 ~I'" r<orC Jli\11,, l'honr H \\ t: U t:t.l\'t:R -c·.,..,e;. !\lr,.. , ~TCH k l 'I' t'l)k Tilt: unqu '':.; ~fm : • ":HRIST CHl/RCH BY THE. &E.• Rev. £. 0 . Coodcll. pa•to~. • 'Ill\'' h ~r~c><•l 9 ::!1} a. m •.n lov ~lmuh.J!' \\ .. rahtp IJ a m -·· l -..•HIUI( \\ t.lliUlfl 7 p. ~ ~ "llnj: r~·Oplt• lll'lil t'-Ill I'!, Ch . ". n.•t, (" '.IN. '"llllt \'huth •IJ!I('Uf!lll<•n grou "; .:.o p Ul t. . I \\'1 flk I 1 :I\ ••r Sf't d ('C'. \\'rd -•• ~ •:t). • .,,.,. .. , ,.,J ·""''' dJnn~r. ti :!'' ;•. u. I O:CIRS7 F'OURSI)UARE CHURCH f'lF'.Cf'lSTA MESA • 1 Church nf the ~iiQhway) u~.., (', W11J.ud Stearnt, Pa~to• Mae Stearn• Co P.utor. Pho~r t778·J P'rJ.lay. 7 30 p. n·.~. \\'orl biJ· 1 1\ tt, tC·\' :-.~a~ :-'t• Rrna u }.in~t· ~·.·ul:ay ~~ 1 .,.,f !' 1f,. " m :». V. PARKES JEW t: I. 'R 1· '• (',mfta ' ~~~a Sfor,. ..._ __ .. ·aLA _c-aout :CANVAS CURTAI'NS • F R t; t; f: S T I ~ A T t; S • • . . ' . Santa An.a rent and Awning CO. . , PhnM Santa Ana 207 ' ~----~-----------\ .. ----------------------------.•,------~~ I ... ' ' 1 I ,f ·4°/o · DIVIDEND NOTICE Thr t.-nth f'f)ftM'MJth•f' ~tan~· .. J4'ormt•r , ~~wport II arbor U~sidt~nhi No.w tocated In 1'. S. Ou~JHt's~ l lndt'r A~hu·k J.£' t :..r~t·r 11 .1 ... ''''"'rit'llf"t'fl hy n utunl'lt•r c1f N'"'''l"'"' 11:1~·1 ... 1 fam 1llo• ... '' "''· d11n11·: tho• '"""' I\\ o• •In~ ,;, han• lc•a n-. .. 1 t'ltlh•t dif"'•rtl~ ••1 sruli&~·. rli lh.1t "'lali\tos ill :ttw llawniinn h-l.11ul .. I hi'P''' "' '''''l••ltlltl ...... h. ......... . t h· 1 .. ,·, ,,, r , • •• ,, J • u "'"" 1h·· "" I·• J • ,.,:, II· ''!'' l•·lurro1111; fr••ru 11111 thln l f •lft ,, .. H tt'lt\UI~ "'''"( ft•t .... , t 'utt·•d ='t .t•, On ,,, .. ,,,,. • ~ L•\\ ,., •. , rh. 1 ,._ '' •• , .. 4' f•tta •• ,.,. ~''"'""' ,, ••• Iff' u• th•• t4u\t'f\IUU\ I• •.u r•l\ "f.. .. '· cr·u .. t ., ., .. ,, • , ••• ttt tl t! f I ''"' til fl• u.: Jt ,.. f t ,, , thll~ '"•'\ t•' .... hh , .. ,. " •• ,. an' 'tl•• ,llto•r tho• ~lii'JII.1:'4' atlao·k \\hkh ,l:tJa:l!l l:lttlldlt•d ·,, ,.11 11 ,, ·"' '"' I• 0,.11,1 an""liJ...I'•"II'i U:t"rh••l· '·'"' .sun~:1y. -,..,,11\al,n ,1:\u£1•1·• ··• '"''' •. "'' :-.:,."!"~~'' l'•"tnl:t:-h·J· \\'. II. Atlarns said tneta~·. 'huw... :\h • 1•·"'•"1 .t 1•·•1,:•· "'· 1''""• da~. Jh:sl ho• h:ut lc•:tr"!H-..I .indl~·dl\' thi"'IIJ'h Somta tum JO.>;IJII.•~' '·' · . '·· , · "' ' h• H '"'"'""'~ h 1 .. t• Kn·& .. t .. ''-"' t ""''1\ Ill~ \\ lll'lf fl'lllll 11h' ~~: • '-\ • · :, ~ "I I• .o• \a• 1 :\ ,,.~ ljult. l'10l land · ... 11'\lll~hoht tl 1.1l h 1-. ab .. a r.l t h • lltf'am.l\tp l.urll"'"' ,,,_ ... ,. ""''"" 1 1 -r,, "'oto 1 " driuhhlo•t·. ''""· Man.•ll Brtluk~ 14 '"'to .,,,,. d••dlrd '" I("" .. "roul I • "•l't otl•. .._I ' "I • • I"• •' II Wl\10 h••m•-.1 1"•'-\' '111"\ I ' I ls ~~~.-.11 \\'aikiki. ,.,,. , ·,., 11 .. ro> .. 1••n nn.t \: .. ~ .. ,.,.,; ·• 111 " 'It I \\flo, l' 'I I (IIUt ....... • ··•"lr'-•' nc 11111'\'llld )!r" I ,,,,, .a~ t-:.u ul\J:.a '\ f u,.t. • ••·k , t 11 • , boa "I" tt .. t l h II ·,.,.,. 11111\lh ,.j, t.lra Natllln I• \1.1' wlf<' "' Mil · ,111 111n.1""'' \&!no-d l••kph""'' • ·~m•t"""' """ 1 tun I ' Nall•m. ,.,.,. ""'"'"" 'T'tnu•• t wit ": t lll••tlto•r :\In• t '111 ,..,., \\' rq• .. r1rr ,..h,. .. .Caltoll.-.1 at I ~•HI BI"'•''U ••1·1 h•·r "'''·' ~''"'" ._.,, t.. llttrt ... r IU 1tf •·•• tn h"\''" Atrt\'r't J.'r:t•14t\. :trt•l thnt. l h••y 14, .... -··· 11c~!1; •. ,.1,..,.. llarl~<•r t••IA)'. '11i•n•. A.n\' ,,,., ... i•l ... ,., ... ., 141iHI .... ,. ll\ prn••.t "' 111 1,..11,.r '"'" loll'' f<·tl 111 1 : .. ,.,. 1'• .,.,,." Ia • ..,..,11 knoown t.hfo»r II• t,.:h ..... fu•••f .tt httku I I• .•• t t••l ·~ "hu h&ll 1.-t•n Uytn,J tw>rtlh W&l! .J•tu.IHI!l.U.J Wll~-ll\.o· \"" "'"' ,.,.,1 .-~..~.....,. • .t.t~ a.tu ·r:att '" v~r..u1 1"11 !. 1" ~·,,., "11·"· •' "· " ~ltlf>rtll ,..h,:r,. lh•v arr ,...,.,f. S;,!r Of· Ship • N: nl ... ~ ...... ~a • ,r '• 't ,,,,, • \. I "1 \\I ,,, t11t t t \ ftt '\\ H "'' t \I t I• t• \1. \ •• ,, 1tt ,,., tth I ,f,th.'pt•ll "''ll•ll H\It11l ollt ol .t.•h :' :-;..,, .. ._ ... 1, '' • tt 1 •H' I t • •·· At II"" Ito I 1111.1 f' 11 1-'~nl·ll II ' J''•ll t • •t•l I• I f• t I tJ,••• •f lf't I f, .:"'* h .. f .,j ,;of• r t r.d I •• ''"'-' '"'•••· 11 f.• I \\ ,., I ',,•, d ffh I"'' ·•I 1i .. """'" .... "" t'tlll ... r !:l.L...lt-~ JJ_ ... \ .. ''....1" \\••• •·: ,. "' \ t t ' I f I ~ f'hlf••\\ \Ul~ th•• t\tiU1 \4. FllZPl TIICI'S I , .. ;PT. Sl'()U.J.; \ \\ '" "' ~1 111t Wut~ltu't'akrr ¥: llh I hll11ou! ~lttn ~riai o' •I•· "'''"' ..: 1 tht• )'Mr. ...,.ll• 1 ,,1, 111'1' '"' '""'' anct t•• k• I' St .. nn·J!"'II,f WMIII• • I" I I ••• " II \). IR .. •·r· '" 11 11111 tm1Trnlt 8c · CANNID FIUIJS 6 YIGIT AlliS -vat~e, f:old Apriroaa ..... u:··as· ~J~YJ'!.:..:!~=25c l 'hofle. WtooO.. l'"pHie4 l'nllt Har-Per H~ PQn . . Del MORte· Pun .• f'AIIt Ulrd~a fat~t. l'\jt ............ , ... 11M Sapr Belle reus::-~-..... -, ---:...-.· ...... , ... r,.- o.l ..... ..... ~ 2 ':.! w .... _~.J- SUISWti I PI.1JUS. 17c' ........... ,.. ........ tiA,.. ..... ,_ ....... llrt POD~D BEDS u •••• v*" e~eliP ...,-., .... 2~ ........ •k• · _ __.,...__ _c7·_·---~---l~---= PJ:DUT 1!1 I I I~B OTHII LOW PIICfS. - ,.wei D•••rt. ,.., . .,. brf-Hy Parby OleOt,tnr.rarine "'"" O•t•U•• (If,.·•"'•'• •• ne t 1 •• ~s· Jot ~ -. '"'· AIIWAY CO ... lltll'>• ......... ··--, .. . ,., '"'" ........ ' .•. Kltcltew fltOtiuce Values RED APPLES • lWml -annm&Tdh'ltlflntl at thf. ratr uf fouu.a~ pt'rN>n·f. I"'' annum for t he-M>mi-annual prriOO rnclln~t U•••'f'mlwr Sl, 1!).11 , ha." llf'f'n tlfof'lar- H hy flw INt.~ of t hI " A'.''"datlun and --ttr--ti-t:-::::~ ... ~~-L...:..._ will hr pa it! 110 IJC'c'f'ftl· .... , :u . 1!111. • Ahsulufe• 'sarrt~· t'or \'our t'uncJ" EM'II 'A<'('( Jl':\TT I :'\SI'I: 1-:0 t 'I' Tl) S~>IMMI.IIO. ~-.. /(~ St '! ;( ;1-:STif 1:'\ F( IH < 'I IHIS'~1 AS Newpnrt .l~alhua [ed~rai .Sa\·ing~ and Loan AsHridation :~:>::~: \'i;-o f iYif'l :'\('\\ rJ(oPf P,(•:td1 C:tli~•mia • \ <Pi ·.~ Phnnf' 1 ;)0 ,.., MON~TEI GUM DIOPS SATIN MIX CANDY 1101CE~4 MIX elttDT J'ELL T tUNS ·. CHOCOLATE DIOPS O'ANdf SLICES 2 I ll) 25· t jiJ• 2 . lb 25. •·•o• 2 ~.0~• 2s- 2 I IIJ 25CI '· a• 2 o 1 ~·. 2541 2 I b 2541 h•o• ''"""'"' Uutl'·en Chocolates I' .... 1 I' 1 II• c all 7r. " I SOAPS , CLEAH.Eir$, !!£: tifehuoy Sw·p Su;purh· Soap Ox Hiltl Soap _ \\:-hite :\1:tl!ic I .' • • 3 I • ~· :~ ,It: '-. ., ,:·t • t:.: 6r ... b I , .... *l '·,: 2G" 21. ,, .., , ~. .. #\ •I , .. 9' Pure"< l li•1uid Blcar h ·li~Y ~l::an~r.r., 2 ....... , 23' 1 hiP\ 41) ' • .,. '70 . ~ f,,, · I W al'd c'trf Ti!'lsuc • REhD YOUI ti!:L CF DI$111S ' Th('n c<·tl·! ,r :of" I: i I I n ( lt•lthl, I II!Y -I•· r ••rtJwr J 5. l :JIJth .A snrrvt'Ttir;: Goltl Medal Flour K,trh,.n tull'•l · N"n. a ... ,. t,., lt'i Itt.~ ... 15 :;.•o .Slc In l'"rkaaro CARROTS Jo'r,.~h. rrlr•. trn•l,.r T,,, .. "" Ill 31c JO~·» IQ·-·» IUS SETS IURIANKS (izttllilliteell Outzlity ·Metzts T· n•'•·r }uic·v f J1 n: . 1 . · . ., II . • . • 11• • •1''•(;,1·• ~ .. fl·\\av 111"111 • 11r1• J:ll'll"lltlu·1l (•t I 1'.1!>1' \I Ill "' :til l. Ill I • • • 1 ·k 'J I • • ' ·' • 11 •lu .' '"' •• 1 \' I ••· ,,. J 1111'1 rut•:cl~< t,,.Jny. ~~~ .~?~ .. ~~AST ; ... -. ~~~ii~~j~~r _;_~ I .II riC"'"'' r;:,"' •olio• r ,' •••I ••I J •• .,· ••I I ,,,;. •• 'Z'i Rolltd Rib '• 1 • 35r · { . · . \II . • • u• tto Lamb lreo,t T••.t•tr"' •. ~~ ~ t)f~ 1'4t\•· Ia, & .• ll I II. . . leef Short Jtfbl Fo~tcy llclcr, Cod Itt. .· • L I ·, ·-,..-----.\.;. ~ 0 • • 0 • -._ • • '}' "' 0 ' . 0. ... -----..... -. ----- ~: · · ,·, ••t~P'l H\1 Pfl,\ :"\1·:\\'~-TL\11-:!'. ~f>\\1)(-11 Bt'.,ch, Cali!,ania. Tllt~P.SDAY. DECDffiER 11 , 1941. -~-b~~e~,-~·o_u_r------------------------~~--------------~----~------i • ~ ----------~·----------------~~--~~----------------- .. -·r ' . 0 l . ·~; I .- • . . . . .. ..... ~iL ·. . } 1 -.-A; T~ + -0 • ~ ---- If ever there was a need for faith, now is the time. Much of the • 0 • world is torn by war .• Men in whose hearts there is evil have gajned power. Those who toil, in fields and factories; women in...-the h~me; : little childr~n _visited ~o. their innocenc~ wit"h disaster -none ·trave escaped suffering i.n · • 0 thl!,se. lands where greed has swept over all the land. .Perhaps the time has. come for the ~ng· oi spirllua) ..r.alut•s._ Perhaps only those ~b9 truly b.elie~·e._ and are. wj)ling' to fighT' for their-ra1ffi in the good, the generous,-tile ](indly "·a-y of life "ill ultimetely ~un·in•. L(•t ('hristmas. thl'n, be the symlrol f~r' ~~newed faith. Christ 'mas, that . most lloly I )ay. wht•n a. littll' ('~ild was horn, touched· with. God's own hand in blessing, that II«.• mi~:ht A"ruw to manhood a Man ''mnng-men, a Leadt»r in the l\·ay of life that is rightl'nus. and ~ivcs to t'\'t•ry man his just share of this •·orld's goods. Hcmt•mhl'ring II is "ord, we can feel ct»rtain that the t.»\·iT will perish, drn~nl'd i11 th·tt vl'ry mili.i·ry tht•y han• h~ought down upon their fellow men._ The e\·il shall hl' ·swept from thl' l'arth. and the good shall · arise from· their suffering. to ~ ·!ile(-' th~· dawn of a._Jtar,pic.·r day .. lit·· wa~ on~ a tiny child. like the. miUiQns of little. <"hildn•n !\till sl'rU;<' in our own c.·ountr~:·· tud.ay.~ Ir:-His ·name. _let. us m~ke this Christmas cror timrlo·-pledgt•-ourstt-k:es -t9--tht'-c.·cu1t~nued .safety o{ .9-..t boys and girls -·. for they arl' th~ mtn and womm o( the futun•: who -will <"arry on the spirit of American dl'moc- - , . .. . · . ,. • • • , .· .. ---ya~Y. wfttcft Jt'tt('s nnm ~te· thr rhtht ~h tw~~ the gooct xt~'1he free=ti.fe-=-.withou:t-t ~---=--..... ·---=== ----=- - .the .torr~u·nting kind of "right" and .. wrong" con<"ei~f'd· by dit"tators wh'! allow no. faith . among th<'ir peoble -hut dt•mand hlind following. .", ~o : · , ./. ~ ... '--~ • . I H~ ·was a juFif Ll'ader, men and women in all walks of life fol· .,. I • ..... '-' F 0 0 D II ~ \VESTERN CANNERS,' INC. I c 0 .; I N.c. . I . ·Newport l'~Pt-Sl~t and..~laye....,.te----.:...lf---· _J:.wrnl)'-N.J. lran Gf~~al Qlltr_i~tJo~D'-~ IT ALIA~ . PRODUCTS , · Newport Beacli,. ('all.f.o~~li . N~"-port llfoat'h <WifGI'Illa · lr I r ..--• CAUF()RNIA MARINE CURING and PACKING CO. ~f'rmlUl i"a;ci .~ ~ -~· ,:NewpOd ~ .. .. . .. . --·-.-!- • I \• • I / Newl:in~amily ·..., Eojqys Reunion and Newport Boat Trip ._ a ..., --~ ----' I • 1\T.\\·po }lT BALBOA NEWS-TTh~~ N~,.;rt ~; C~t;;.nln: '11 ll 'H~tM \·. 'I , I • I l L ~ • • • , -----;-- Harbor · Headqu3_~ters For Fords . Fdterpl Savinr:s· and Lctnn Pt~~·s f• kppf. CIINflw lronl ..._. riaiti8q h'-dl 01 relatJ, .. oe ...,._,.-' INA!-lripe OJ pl-w• 10\ln "!OJ die wa;. coelort CDd ~""lenc. Ill Podllc Dectric llcrial net-COCKllee. You11 cdlo opf>redcN-1M ~c a 'cd ... .n. ... aad die ....... , .. ,0. die-.. -OIIIotioe tlcblt- LOW FAUS belw-St:WPOKT·B,\LJIOJ\ aad L08 ASG£U:t4 r-"' ~ ONE·WAY F'ARE ROUND-TRIP FARF. 30-RJOE TIC KET 1 lnd.ivtduaJ ~ • t • • •••• ttf -................ .. Tl<llri a.~-... ,. 75 _;s "l lO .55 30-:da>' hrntl I • I:: !lj .43.:.! ~SEI ~FOODS LUNCHES 25c· to 35c At KIS0'8 LAND~O F..tel Uole We ..... N ....... .._. trical_ servants in cbc-modena home. What could he IIM)tt i i . ~ ... . . -·~ ~~~-~ ~ ~- Semi-~'nnu:~f Dividend Of $7. H!O. Home-Made Pastries and Hors-d-oeuvres . . -• For Bridge Part!eR . ----. Har.bor Caterin~ Service -11-1 F.. Surf Balboa For I!"H' Wh•·n Af'f'Unt· panitod By Cirntlfoman • • SPOitTI..ANil Bowlin~ Alleys Pavilhtn Ualhol& . ::w 8 R 0 AD wAy ~ANTA ANA P .. O NI lOO lH~ wEsT COAsT ·~u. ANA ,.HO NI 8 ~11 . ·I &ND8 .. &IUI:IUJ or Til& .. \IIU>I.r. .. AOI7' YOD~tY "'NOTHI~G BVT THJ; TKt:TH .. t .. . ----·. STEAKS THAT SI.ZZLE! A let: A 1'1\ IC'I' Ot' ()t IC tb;m ·I.Ait UIS~t!IL'4 • • • • • • • • • • • • • .. • • • • • It"' J'MI a ·~·......,... ('hrt.lmAA _, ..... .... ••JJNOI.J; REU.A" ... "R,\NT ,\ IM (XllfiN' . TO TOWN" "nn: flllfK '91.A1'¥. t40UHP..Il" \\llh s .............. ... IU•r M~•"'" t AII11mt M oiH:t l \'nu'll •n.)to\ tho-111"' ,_,.. u ,.,., hr-ar u nr,-t ·"' f "'""' ''"''"" 11nd I'•'" Av ... n.u..... hlllitd -l'hnftll ,., .. FUN FOR PENIIIES EVEitY I> A Y I_N ',fll .. ~ y' .. :An -f-J tnliaa·y \.rce~s-.nd:; C tlla('.; •:or Sal~ By I ;A:-.~Ist a~,\,;~ Lclllgu.,: _ .. m .l\'1,\ .,. H.\\'IU.AND P .\1 'll:ft'E UODOAaD .. . H(lLD BACK TH~ .. DA ...................... t11wr 'r w-w .. - WMTII ..... WllTEI IUIJOI AilE &IITU :!&IIC»IEW! ---·~ ....... ..._ ....... ....-•w.N .... ............... . ~~ .. ~ '""-._....,_,_,.... '•1u~TRIC TOASTIJS ,.·lea~. r-. ----,....,_ T_,.,... -(o..ma--II) .,_DIU<J..JIARCII • 11Ain'¥A «:oTT .. .. ONE ··ooT Jl.ll HEAVJo~N'" ... ... .-.,;xcf:l,... M<JNI>AY AT-/ru•~ . ' : l ILICTRIC MIXER*-~~"'(-"' ·'r".,~,.,.. ~·orb cuJu$ivc-1of!).f on,lrr dial for dtwrrJ mu •nl ·~· .• $%1.1S. mJ''" a::rom u oc por up ... $11.1$. Ltft. s •• i .. .,. a~rum>IIC JX>f>-Up ••• $11.15. IL&ht. PrtN~M scm.t'll•tom•uc ... S4.9S. 1 ... IC111C COfniMAKB * ~-•-ltldaJc liONS-* Lift. l'roll#r ,,..,.. Colt-.sl.,, ... ,~. -pltttl, 1\lt.~ic ... • u (r,' IUIO!Nik .•. SIO.tS. m,JII: c;.a ~ ..,. _,_ ... ...a~-.. su.~s. · ... sus. ratCII UIIIC"f Te CttAMal AMe AYAILAitLifY eJ MUCIIA.tlll -. -----~n. a.A..r ...... a..t-ru.W " ........... •vr .4Rr.t:T FOR TONIGH'f .. ' · .•. F 0 X , ·• ... F 0 X ,.,., • · • HORMEN FISH MARKET • I I AJAX ARCADE . R A I_~ JfO A :.o'ftciast lTi~hway f-feal ~n~ew.~----: • • • FLOOR SIIOW Featurintt Barrett and Bri(kmr.n Three Shows NiJrhtly · -. · Friday, Saturday . and Su'nd•r . ..... ----. -Dancing- • I AT1ANnc ('()A-.T Wtun"Ea DlllfHD TtTR'ti,P: .-n:AK piN~d-. · llr.r.u :ACfP'.II ()F I'll& DU.P w.• r"""'· ~turdaj, r .................. r ..... ,--~---,._, .... a-,"' ... n .... ,..,. ,.._. . , ...... ...._ ...._. I Sua day uti lloUdaJ ·o,.w. •• u... llatt talleQ t •• ..,.. ..,, . aft41Atl~.._...,._.,.... • I · 1':•·~·~~~~ L • .,.... · n ... Te M...a. •f r ni'!AIII:D ClA---Ra 'Y601l IlEA noD ...... ~!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=c~~~I ---A·rl-b_a_, __ o_n.o __ • __ B_·_ed ____ ~--.. ~·~•-L~e~.~~~-ft~·-·~~~~~·rw~•~·~~··~··=·=l&~_;o~~~ .. ~:•~L~IL~ AI YOUR \DIALII - -'' I •• ,\ \ .... ... . ... -. -----------..-...--....-.. ' ....... _..._ .... ,.~ j ! . ~C:OND P'LOOft . -- 4 Mrs. •~mma ~1. . w-oo nan,~ 70 Dies At S3iita Ana l•••·,tf& • I''"'' t 'I 1... f u.n • ... ; ~tM mlln. ;u • v J\ 111.'-~· • k a! h• r ta .. u1• • •. /u :---uf h • :. rtn•~t· l 'ht• •. s .• ut.e . -\fl t 11.• ~··•h:tn /.anuly t.!l \4••11 kn..-"n ;.t c: .. runJil :U. I :\l:~r· 1"'lr dt'l ••• ,,.,.J ,. .. lbf' mnthf'r 'ol .,.... 8wccu .., ~-'at-AltA..-'--»:. _Nt•WIIlnol 11f 1'11•1 · \\ llll1101 anol ~..t\\11> I :0.•••11111 l••ll• ..., t.bc .1.-b~ .qf lht· •• avy. moot, R.amau la th~ hou~~«" gueat t•·J<I.Srnl~< .. r·.:_ r•oll:\ 11~>1 ~,. '"'"' tatttaUntr ~all r b&nlft'tl In ••nlfnrn: of )o.lr . IUid Jolra t.t.lrla !\:I'WI!Inol ·llh" '" "'"" ~tn·•v••·l l•v •no•lhtt ftCU)Iat-of 1'1:4:,. p<•rl Jlt'IJ(hllt "''"· lt•n y 1'\:•••fUIJI u( AI~. N \' . nnr ,.,.,, r :\1• ~ llo rtha \\II Before You Build Or Remodel- •, VWl _, hlte,.URC ...... .... ......, ...... Celer t ....... ,.. ........... _. ,..,, .,. .... ., ,..... csrpeta. ·~·~~-....... ..... ~ '-1 "'•• ·the v"amin-s~ving features of a CP gas range IIAf.ll •ut YlfAMINI IN fOODI I'OU h uy. Doe'cln impro~r cool.onJ! ''' >CI<'I ch~m' I <>r· .... f~l)', lh~ ;,itamin·tUinlt "J\' 1\ OOJI unJy ~ lwahhf11l -Hul'1u01lt a. luAih '"''' ~~ '" r, ~!And 1h~ righc lunJ of'''"""'" " •o '·"1 wi•• CP(forC~rtifird P<"dorr~unu ,.:u ""II"· CP-eiiOIUe sna•s. for "um:-t ... ktt•p rt'n.ltt -f.allofdMirrullfFII,V.tamln fiChJUICtl Ont broilinJ rrqu1rt'l no r rrht'lllllf; 1.9oi.c0oll~J rllio:r-J!,..,-.,,omotHr.._,,t> .... cion fro• a IOUTHl RN COU I• I i .._ htt "'" o ( A k r ••fl t •htu . •n•! .,, ICriUloi•'IHioltrfl lol.llol lilt•"" I( r • • t jttanrkhlhlrt'll t If 'tu building '"-11'1 In tN Newa-t'lmet! l. roa L~B~'iet-lit& Howard W. Gerrish WITAMI•·U WIIK liii.IN ''"'' mrr u u.-c, m •"t r•"''"''* ,..._ • .tttth ·~ '''''"',. t.•t\ .. ,~. U !lh '· f N •'rTmC'tiJC'J tl~ "'fl•••• •ut~••nttu ""•"'·UWMIIOtlll ~''"" tftAIIna, nt , .. ,, .. ,. \1tt,u r. •• " mt.•ff''"'~·,' .~ .~,.._,,,,,.It ,vi I ,, •t• l•r. dtt·•c , ... ~''' , '"' ''' hr.•ol t'tf" "r.•rltt•n Uf •h 'I ,.,,. ft .. mf',-... llh•'ul •'' ("n~<L. ,.., tf'lf' \.ln.t. r '' tr. · ,...__ J Wlf&MII.·UWI•G 0"1 •. 1 I', ,.., rte'\lft,l hC"tl t n.~:t'\ htU f•' t••H f mu( .. • ~·h m'"' "'"'• ,-.( • Her. •nJ , tt ~' •'• I Jt, •f'l• ''ll~ t ,,. ttmrf'f.UWff' t l'r, n '"'• ~ •••t'n ah!r• '''" rt" rt '•hf' ,.,.,,.,. htt~ ' lit''' rnu, 1\ " :.• ' i . t id .\ . .,,,, ··r 1 .• ,.1 ll•i•l• ,_. nl,olo 1\ flflo I II f, ••I II lo ~,,...,,hnt: ,.-.•r ....... r ..... ._ .. r !",,, .. t ~t.tnl •r•t :'· •~ r •.. ..,,~""I St. I • I ~ na.• ;'t r •.• t tn·t • " , t t -. :'q •'·•'' tt•· • · · ·. r -tt-"'' •olol .1, I· o .. ~:: 117' '"'"··•·• .. !•"• •fl• t •• If I ' I ' ''·•.f ( r • 1\ t'•, I , I tlol o o II • ,..._ It I ~~f ill t l,lf\d 1'1.il t•l~ t ~t I• • n I• • ,. \1· \\ • ''rntllh~ .. , ....... fl. II I ' olf f-• .!111.:• ' ,_ • :-;t.tnh•r\J :o\.t ,. , t I . :1•• r , ·••••I \ .. ~ ··~· nl ·I ,. -1 I• 11 'r ~ 1:. 1 ,., f\,.1}..:. fh•• \\o ""'•: •• , ~.&Ill T! ,, I '\ II•· , ... q~···· . I n.-. · ..... ''' J tJ.••t l 't H) '•• Jll 1\, l IHJ 1' "' • 1 •• \\ I I t I ! fi I' ,. ' .. T(--; ..... -' . )~ ', ·-t, \ \ .. ... b 41 .. ~, ---~-:__-~ ~·;-:----_,--..... =-.(":-:. •• • ..... . I 1 _,. •.n ··-.,.,, .. n' ,,(( tt'•'r -h.1ll ~n!lr• 1 • i h,• l•o•no•l il nf •llo'h ,.,;""'Ifill •'"'l•lr.&ll•'" anol J l • ,,,;. 'I"'"'''"''"P oUc=n_ ..:_ ~Et 'Tll 1'\; 1,_ Tit.! I 1h•• (~I 1fllnr r~ ~ ,U,•I• I·•• 'l'•' l'"l:hT ••f • IPUl• Of ''''M.ttn tn r• ""(" rf It ' :ln~ '' f\1 k' t \r pr'i~-n•• .. , •tl-tllll'··d a.-·qu:l•rf~tr , flo : 11·•1 .1'1•1. r ·tho• 1••:-m-ilf thl· .. .. Quality I .. umher aDd • COSTA MESA LIJitBER CO. R. r:. lio81'ET.LE.a Phone 48 ADVICE .-SYSTEMS MOan . Underwood 2035 HARBOR BLVD. Cosra l.f et<& Phone 2233 UDO CLtJBHOUSE" 701 Via Udo Soud Phon~ 5'21 .... BALBOA. ISLAND 220-Ruby An. Phon~ 462· Accountint Supervuion Office Procedure Eighteen Years Experi~nce Is Our ' Reeommendation OT .EY 11d McCULLOCI. 8UILDER8 aacl OONTRA~RS 2807 Villa Wey GORDON -B. ~INDLAY "Buil<kr of Homes ot Distinction" CONTRj\CTOR and BUILDER •. · A. Telephone 402 MlO Coat Bl\·d. \.,· Newport Bfoa"h Pbooe 429 .IEWIORT BUILDERS SUPPLY Cement Brick • Steel •·, I~ES ISBEU, S JO-t· \\'. Ct>ntral' A n-nue ~. Phone JJ.aJ\ • For Building Information See WAL TF.R 8 . S l'IC'ER. Owner :SEW~ORT UEACII • • - · . ·- -~IFIIYOU .A ; .. Legion· Presen~ ·11'~g To 1\1 arint>rs. ATT.ENTION!. l 'hl\' I r'\'o•l!1,.'"' Ill tV' t'lt'ld tht' .t,\\' ;,1 t.·.~-... h o\ ,, "t ,. r t " '" . , N~w ~tu'dt:'nt Body Amt'ndmt>nt Propo~-d • I 1\l l - E s TATE !'.'• n rl:l\· l ••••t'IJ!ltc•r t-. thl' , n •w 't.:'~;~';,~:,,.,~1~11:,.u:~~ ;_r•r;vblbl)' 1 1'' 11111' "'1'1'''111 lw·l·•" 11"" ,.,.,.11 D4l00 4 Pt'"NIIIrSitl A t>Ot""r (I( tilt' ~fUrllh'r' Mhlp \"~tl,ll'f•; Ill 1' • 1 ~ ., rr'f• • ol ·'" ,W n•ldrllo•ll 1" ll\t'' 1: -('~CAIIIIQI: Harbor· Schools N~ix>rt Harbor Union 1-li~h Scltool ,.,,,, '"'''" "'"' .:r tl • an Stu.t ... , 1' .. 1\ ,· .. n~tltUII0\11 "n\' t'•t-lr f.,•·r:·nl n unthlv n·o•(•\m~; 111 · \ J\ lwot•o""'"· 1• • .... 1""· c.>uo .,,, ... 'I ur•~ol lo• t """•lll tUilt't' tbl' pi&)' CIIIW • t tllll' 1'1•"'• !<t-.1 .l"tu•n• lllo'll\ th•~ ~·• ,,., f l\lt fioti .. tttl' \\·vn• n\••1'~· • "" •J · ., 1 •~· •••h"""• 4tt tN)nO fC'• aeua11 ho r" ,,. lh•· ~''"''" All:otlll;try o: t ' '"' • h•w·n . "''" ft•'·r pt•ntr 18 •"-'.,"'•1 1" t,..tl •:•1•lh• ~1•'1' '""I ·I oor """'" • or ''"'' ·•l h··~ n1,-..mh••r ,t( lh .. "''"''' thl' Ar ••rlf:\11 '"'If"'" \\t)u I'"'' lt~.M T ;llh ..,. malunr her or .·.,,,,, WE CAN HELP, TOO ~Wnh'tl ·t hr ~tnnn•·•• w 1 t !1 11 n · ""'-~ ~. (enal Wlto't...n hotot\lo ... •n llrYt'ra) If lho J't"lw~l llmc-nolflll'llf I~ IIIC' t>pnerg'"''".7 existing in this country since th<> be'-.Arr•t'rl ·a·• fla.: I I that It -~ ... ·I "''. thl' lt.•Arot ~~ "'Ill "'' • • • ..__ ~p • • • • : \'nl'••r I"•• lt·~dcy,.hlp of ~k•r 'I' ~<Y• lUI• IUIIIIIIU'"'l'l ·-gl{Ulang Of UK:' European War has rt.•ached ItS m~t ....,_,te nrr ('lair.• Slim• •n. I hi' rfiW nr.•·, V.11l lw 1t •·••a11'\Jy bro• .. lo.hl-·" '''('C lhr ~luolrnl llu•h 7 -r •· Ia !ll•~>f\-# • · stage, and we Me forced to a('f('pt tht.> crisis of war. ~ ..-nt••d ft•m 1111 Jlr<,(of'durc~ ,.,, ~·•inl: !!-- . . . abnar~l Uwir lmi\J:Inary 1 hIp t E N · ~ ~· .~.,.I\CI~ftt ll We or school age will not ha\'(' to be actn•('ly mvo)vro. \\'hl'n the.' orol(r l'lllllf' .... pr ........ l l SH FLI MAKES ~' 11'''1 A All •h.ki.-.Ay rra:e•t.:r,..l at r-: .. w but we can help by joining SU<'h organizations as the Rt.'<t c .. lnrll. thl' ··ohlr J..'1111flb< rr .. m .tho LIE DETECTOR LEAP ...... , llnrhor \'nlllfl Ullfh !kbonl f t h n(l\f' bu• ""''th •n'f"! ,, ,,,,f'\,h • r '"'•"d '" 0•.-ng• ("''""'" -. • .,.,. p8y d tfff'r .. n(• JOHN D BV AI'oii1.1\M P•rvneul a P oint Oft•c• 11001 O..an "'"d P~one ll~ *"'I .. 4tt ,., ""' ..... i'l •• ,. ... d ..... ,...(,~ .:;-.,.~ t t \M. r ••"'-'•'"'I Vtctor filet .. "' ti• \ Oan1 ~ '""':" P •.tna Co"" ...In\, 1110 loiy ..,.,, M . .,_,.,., "''I \.Alit .. tft ""'" ... u>t ..... n,. .. .,,,.....,;. ~~ "(\' hf '•"'''"'\ .,,..... ,...... .~ .. ~~····-.. .I... .,. . .,.... • .... ,.""' v • ' t • , .. .., ..... ~ o .... , ,, hnudt ~ ....... ro . ~ ,_.., "'"'""" •• '-t~"t• An4 Ca .. f W tfc '''' n •"•• ,,, • ,), .. ,.,.,, ••• ·•' t .,• .. ~ V•,tt•f ,..,._tud• 0•"' •n• c.tte ••••••r•, • ••M .. , •. ~··., .......... .. ....... -· ~"' ~,., N" 4o"""' •"•"'-· \'~ell• ~ ............ ......... fer KIUy. ..,_ole ltou-. t.at• . ..._ ... ._ "-• "•"w·• ,._ .. ,... m .. -tte ,. .. ~-. Ool•fl•. t4Uol • ....,..<'4'1 .... ...... ... •• to A 6 ,. .......... Lae-• ...... . ., ..... .. C .l Harbo . .._;._ . • f t..-D -"' c h 1tarbooar11 W&IC'h Wf'nl l 1> thr bt•\\ , o-· t•••' IMir I l twd•l'om 1\l'u._ '" \'f!oto .ross: n . r, \\1~ ~\('a unit 0 tJK." !~nl f'OS:1~ un(k>r ( (' olf l h<' Nllp •nd fuunol ll\l'rt' In 1 l"olrtlltn ~tC'm "'tlh hi• ~~~ de-l ball luo\'f' tt',. t•.:ht t•• \'o•lr al 1• M,u ~,.0 • .c10ndo11on , 1<1"' h••• 1 direction of M15S \\ 11liains and Peggy; Adalns. \\ tlh the ro-1tcoaol o! lhf' bnri'I>W~I f):\11 lhf'\; lt.'t'\,rn~o: m~hlnf' vl•ltf'<l Uarbor •n "' h•'"1 ,.,,.,., ,,..,. and •hall ha•'<' 1 "'' r ooc• tr->00 'A c 1'•• "•' • "nw-orily .-.. tn tlw "~ .... , .......... \ \ , .... , .. ,.. .. ..,., ,..., M.,,n •u • ~"'"'• ~nA , f •lit M .tfc On<>ratioA o( the student bod .... thas' organ; ... ·tion ..... n a""""'"'· hall lll'('l) ueiog. a bfoautlfUI ""'·:.. Wll lltolhl"·'' '11011 Wkl'ol to tJw au ulh .. t ·r•nl'lll'll:l'• "' t'ltli .. nahlp ,_ ....... P"'' Bh•d •• ,.. All .. : ....... uool•u .. ~nu . "'l...... N-~ ... rbor ~"" J u.u .... "" vo11 n r. r• lhttl njCtlt '" 1 .. 1,1 ri!U~ ..... , .... • r-8 ·~ ' . h uch in •id' 1 • and .._-.__ ... _ . _ , ,· Amf'nt'an II a K -•·ompll'lf' "'''t~; 11t.,C~"' 1n1 ,.,,. au•lltnrlum. .........-,,.,.. "'' .. ' f~• """'"""' Done ~ lS . m Pro\ ang {' olt\tng . UiUIIUdg~ for ~ar \ ~C· ~:old frlngf', tau .. la alld a bt•I\Utl· Ill' '''"'"''4 t h C' l't:\'lr""n by or ~,,,.,,.,., rt. .. l)' ufti\'C'I F O R RENT "' ......... • ..... 0 '""'P•nt . YO ~"' you can pt tuns. For ourselves. \\'e-:aul aa_'Ofllplish much m kcepmg bu.5)' fully rr.uuntl'~ l'llgll' The: ··r"" lll!kiiiJ! t hf' audlf'OCC' tn ptek out ~-'~'• """ II ,.. ... ~ ..... , . ~·· ..... "''"" l111Cd Cant ~ by ln a ..... _ .. pful task. . &napped to Immediate att~:ntiOti,IJlt .nmlnal fr<"'TT ... ~·r of n1De , .. ~tl(!lf'llt ("t•Urt llhall h&\'1" ... oo .. ,.0111 REIIIT -""'". Ia•••· ""· tt·-t.lr-.--u·~ 1tt:'l lk p...Mn to· "''ltbdrllW nllun .au.-... , Old 'c;.,.,.,,., fto&lll "CJr, ..-,-11".,. _, ' a• thl' nc>W nag WU UllfiiJoiO<l I nl\'11 folnt~\ Hf thto •tllo\1'01• C"h-.... lh t•r l\'llt'"'.. Ill 1 ~~--o·• •t-ol ~·ff IL~AV ,. ,. --• • lhf' WT'Oillf m&Jt Rv l hiJt ~mplfo -· •. .. • -.. -............. of ""'· ••• , of H.• • ~~ r:MANO ..... ..... ' ar ''""""".....,.· • BUY DEFENSE SAl"IXGi STAMPS AND BON~ I I I Rt • d4'IIIGIUitr&tld be-h:V i"r .... .., a evd • CoJia Mou tine ....... ,, .... .,,,,.,, "'''"~ ~ ~t-_....---------~ ---~ --· -.--~ I..atiu Club To Uaye !;:··,~-::.!:': ",, ::: t h rorv 111 ~ 0~ ·~I,.Uidl r •• " ........ 0,:0 CQIJ1I' tn ~ ~ .i Chr. •---p ... .t..r --,-. . BUiJaii -.J.Pei ~~~~··~ ..a&.a~l'~_._... .u... .... .. ., ...... ~, ...... (;~•d ·~·flf'hoctlon' Je.m Thio:: year. we.o'r ,t....,. n -a;.,.... ........ gomg· to "''"'g-and -..b ISLUJAD ... ., t t•remenHI ···~'('<'I!" • ng. 4Pnlll _cofd,_clo~Y.-~-·w• fn ....... _ ..... I ~-"tit ..,.. nt• ~· """' .... " ..._ ~· a:>" • Afte-r havln~ l'Xplalnf'd bo'* ~..._. • .,,.,.;,,.. ot ,,.. ..,,_.,-""' """" ._ -------tttr--tmlf-fNtttl't--'Witt--flllllt--11----~ that. if you havt' not purchased ~·our Christmas Prt>SCJllS as , O.Ct'mbfor 17, aflrr .achool. th•· uc-.. lo•tr•·lln..: mao•hhtn work. Cap-l'IIJ:W'PO&T II&ACII . I L .... atc~mod.otiOI\0 ~•t• ... , ,... I VW'II .. -···"·· •• •t..u NOTa Yet do not. We arc enwwe<J . • . I t d r .....-..~ .. Lalln t'lub, r>l..-IJ?UII Antlqur•rum. ''"" ~tf'm ilf'mllnlltratld t.U.. ........... ToW 1 Dl:tol.l'n VILlA~. c .......... C··~ "'UfoiC f'O . 410 W-· ...... .. • ..~ m 0(1('11 \\ ar. ns ('a 0 5•-"--. .... "''ill holol • C'fihalmu party In Ullin&: Hf'\·rrly ("lair.. and Harold 11:10 348 . . I'T.l6.:WO lanta .... • ~- tlng'ng moneU 'tedy onStaetx~r"e gi(Sal$. ~:e u~Bondse you tndo joinS us in buy-1 th~-~~:rl't:,rt:;~r ~ 1 t ~h..-rtln lt3l _ 391 _ .... _ ~ J44 ~ •• :~:~,.'',:;'n "~"'L ..,J~~::~. _E _ _ .:.-na es .LA:' en.st> \'tngs a tamps. .. ~ "m'"*" • n Jlo• ltl!k,.,l J\fo\'C"rl)' I( ahl' bad 19."2 -Jtf7 • 247,690 0\0\ ... , p .. , ... P •lm fopr u•e• Tilt MPLOYMKNT -~-Ch . -, ' --.· 1 ~'1 fJJ·}Atl(l iltuo.ltfii.JI U "''f'll . c>VU &<>&d a 1J,e -.nod wJ1a1 ~ lt:J3 ' 29J ... ,. ~ , TIIEOIJORE ROBINS ,JOib year, send n.'itma~ Ji;anJs, 3~ M<:Jose.as g1ftS U ·-C'U~l'nt Latin clllllll. will llMWI'rC'tl, "no". lilt' n .... tlll' oil W 1!J34 ::. 29l 2:\5074 1_ _ ~I Uc WAIN'U:O -H~lf'.-1 ... , <r-. defe-nse ~or stamps. K~·ang that your m.oneY lS plat.-ed 'dane ... •IV ('hf1atmu nrul•. In "'"''hlnl' jumpe-ol .... y up lncfk"llt• 19:15 -to:) ........ -· 497 . ..0 f"OIII "'"-l &ullr ol ofllcoo. ...... 1"1· ••• • ........... , ..... ,. ln your country your fri(>nds will rPalize that your country LaUn. and be wrv;'\1 "'''~h-I lng that ., .. halt ""'' Ttl#n wtlb 1R ·-·s23 766.«8 I '"""«""• "'""'"· .,,.,,. tl\ -,.., .............. rc DJ w uc is f .. t . . and . ·r ml'nl• Thl' <"llmu of UIC" part~· annthf'r madlilf,. tn ahqw t be UU'7 !563' 90fl.090 ~'" ,......,. ~•P•r1 ,., o grea amport<l!k't' to }OU. app,.-ec.ute your ga t. ""'" h4' tn.. ,...admt or tht> C"hri81-l~o·a~t but .,, ,11., ""UIIM'a P'-" 1..,.. , .. _ ·--, .. .,, "~ l r W.l'""' r.o ..,., ......... •• '"'· • 1n .,. • ... ., 548 911 L.T7 "'"''''· to Otc wpr jww.. • .. , • . "'Join us this "'ear in,.crh·in" our all to the ..o-r .... ~ of our mu story Latin. .•·asltaln ~t .. nl •ho..-.._, ~ au· t-.... · -1·7 .... , -.. J h h lJt; .... ~ j "'--· ..._ 17 1._ f ··• f ~ ~ "" ~_.. ,.0 •..... T " ~ • " '"•" .. fnc fa I" 1 ~••ll and . h Don'' bu . I . ' h Ch . . '~·tom...,r WIUI ,.., .,_ ,; ·h•·lll ,. h" "'' bf'tn,c •mba~ lftO .• ' " "'"'" -~· '"• ~••• • country ng fS. ( ~ UXUJ"} pi"E'SentS I is nstJnaS, l':atumaha in f(uman hml'll II ··an f ff•'('l th" hl"ar1 tfarul~ Sbef. -~2 \,~0.127 dvced ••••• te Aeot• at , .. , t o ... ,.., ,.,r•• -·nclo ""'" "" Bu De( Sa · Bonds and S t t ' f b h JD.oiJ pi• tr..,.tw•d•w •• •w.:••r ••• V•• · y ense \l&ngs _tamps. "":"" rom th!JI <'l'lr ratlnn tat hn'a lll'll rl J•r~&~·t~o·ally •tuppecl -lloa 1•10"4 ""•-mw 0 ,.,.., •• l.••• t,ii . ( hrJatlarul borTOY.'f'\1 ('Ulllool•. 1ur ,.·bt 11 hl' wu &lkf'd, "Wt'rf' y 0 \1 Jan.. 2l . ~jot() 1 "' tfc Tit lole • ... . . t't]lt't~ own f~ nf l'l\~; ~~ tM trutb .-tlt-n Yf'll told~ ., ....... ~·--n.uo ,E D •• _: ---D--.--...:v f ·--------------------11;."',._ ___ .,...._.,. 1 :;~~~:U:~'" m~rr~~~~".c.:; lfl'nrra : ~~~~~ •. ~lttlt-l(lrl y11u ,.. . .,I'C' • .,..~ !!" ~~I :: .: ....... ··:~ .. ::~ ~AN\.~ -.--DUMDe88 j . 1ft(~ :1 , A, -' t'J J 1· In ac<"••nlano ,, w:th I tiC' H1>ma.n llay ~ 151.1..,. 1 , ~0" &41 1: 0" I -CHA~NQ[. ,,., r-------------~-. '-'. _·-~·IJJ~It . ,-tj111t ~-~~;"~:~~ "~~t•;;;.,. ·~:C'dm:;t;~I B~tsy Rabbitt To ~= -~!. 166.~1 ~:;: •. "· .. ::·: ~;::/";:.:.:;.:~· Harbor Sfnlft PAlJL NORMAN _ 4J rnrrn ot .mm . ..xdmr ·-tr:lrta ur i ltrprPst>nt Harbor A• -; . !:·!~~~ If Hit ,.,,. •ccom,. • ., ... , .. 111 ,..... ~undry &. Cleaning YAnrP a.-rL •Aua . .&OIOea' l.IIJ w. pa.c. I , Botber •. 0Yft'J1'0WW wiUt&VJ liM~ arne. -u.~fl tumltw. u . Slry·blue 14~ •• 'l'boupll\a.l u H&utboJ a All lmaC'I M.Maftld wl~--­.a.au,.a .... wtca U .lpf•d• M.Men...._ ...... u . ..,CGptallll, .............. .,.o.-.... ... To tau foolloq.t • Q .JO)'faJ ... . .,7. Weird .. C\atUftc ~· ... Deltre eo au, DOWJf l. SfrUw 2. Olrl'a nam. 1. Um~ua part • ElOfl~at~ ftah • ~~ h~ C. E.ktmo rutunr tool ' Tttlf ol ~·~· I. Pe~tve 10 Ferrui.le d"ltJ' 11 Modnate I~ PubhC' n<oUC. 11. Pollrta-\IUI .. ,., ... I' !'2 I~ I" rr 12 ~ ~ ~ ~ •• n r· re :• .. ,., "' 24 ~ ~ ~ ~ 32 3~ !~ l;;t!) "' If 'a - ~ ~ ~ ~ 146 .. ., ~0 !>I .. ~1 . 5., OOROTH"""" t C "NT • £AT Ol'l SLUP ~ ~ ~ I~ 16 1 18 ' 10 ~ " ~ J5 ... -fe> ~ ~ ~ ~ ~0 21 '22 23· ~ ~ ~ 2~ 2'l 128 ~ ll"'t -.o . •• ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ s• ~, ~6 15'9 tf() ~ ~ ~ '#2 '4tf .. ~ , ... '41 ~ ~ ~ ~ -~ !>2 !:>~ !>'f ~~ lb4 ~ ~e -~ ~ ~ •o· . CIA\' dollll. nnol .nrey ~11)4'rtl .. _ l 1 II .. pie T .. o ........ ••lllg.lltooo o. • I ........ __.__ --.,_,_ ; Club n'f11·<·r11 "'111 "'"" '"' m<'m· J\<•by ttabtlttt. nutlltan.llnr --.,..., 44 4 44·• "..,. Corn~• lot 0•., .-lao '" Ill ..... ...... ,. __ ,.~_-._........... h4'r.o~, to ,_111111t.<te I.'K' Koman ~r81.1 1Hr r,lr l. hiU•·b<'C'n rh•-n t() "'~! ~:.. 4~., ~~~:~:;:;;I vootrd ...... •''•' .._. M 224" 2ht St.. .-.Nu•••"pal-rt't ._. • h•.. 01( n!IL.~I " mo..-klv IIUbmll· ~~<·nt tl\111 8i'hool at th<-Gcooo.l . '-"1U· Ofoor "''" • ...._ Nt l!nt: t•• the :\IJ1h1111t v of IIIIIVfB nn 7fnlhl~ f'll):rim&"" lo \\'.-hi~-·' I;,.~,., 1:1••"" •oom d<>ub'• 1n Hollr•oocl, ~ tH" olay \\li<'n tt .. m •• n 11111\'"to "'''"'I t•m. I I (.' C'llntf'llt. I" hoC" M lcJ Ia T•.ot•l IIlli $1 I!•~ 441' "" No•,.••nd•• ""•• ••"'•~• ,.,, ~:1\·c>n ~nvllt-J:o•;c unht-anl ••f at April 194:.1, ,..,. N lflt .. ,.t .. apoa-od W••l ••'"'"II" tor ., • .,.,. o• 1111\' otllt'r l im<' ,,, lh•· )'<'ar I :"''rt'•l hy Uti" nJOIIunaJ aoc.-lt-ty. ..... ........ • ......... leru o .... · (':•lllo!h'•nt 11( lhf' Amf'rlriUI ~o-lH• 3 llllruo T hl'lk,.-l,..·n no11k• ..,.. ,. .... , J """'"· '•"• "••"~ • lutiun , altrralhrllll '" onlt'rlur 11f ,..,., Co , lOOt ~ .... 't ,..,. , __ , ('JtiUSTIA' !lot tt:,"t-t: t'HI NfHf.~ Tho "'"'lt-ty huJW'II~t,1 etlnnalat. o..nr ... 70t llt•Oft•l ~t r ..... t ,.,., ""'" ,.. .. , p" J4l "". -~·WM~~ tftott-~~ lf'elt••'·1~ ~ .-tr.....t::!OO. nlf'rC'II'I froru "'"· c I l.ntd lfl lbJ lllt:il Jl('h<Mtl atutlconla ,., ... ryw._,re. ,.,.. 4 I • llu•l•ll•·lll ••n nf M lo\ln~lltnt.lrll'u :an•l 1111 t rulh eo~ao Hunt1n~t"n l'arlc hutl•l 1.,,. ,.,.,111 ISCELLANEOUS tiDUIII1 prl'l'4'~Y,. "'" ~ Thll ""'" I -·•·•·t •· ... • 1 from Ill" l'sallll~ 1~ 11,,. GoltJ,.n T"U JUNIORS SPONSOR ...... Jun .... t•·-••t-llto· ItO• tcartt~·· In the l.<·~~<~~n ~knuno oo "God tbe CHJUITMAI DANCE 1111 Am .. thy•t A \o•· l"'r mrl'tlrr 41Prt'llt'"et of M.ao" on Su~, ta aU TtMo Cbriatmaa uua fi200 • Churrbea of Chri•L l=>l'lntl•l d~ rear OK • .. ... H A.lhu• kl .. Hf t :l Tbl J...rqoo N#rwoo loclud .. tb... Ia beiq •~uo~ by-':1M JuDklr Jrl~na buit.J •mi .C•11 )'. f " u t word• f rom H11brewe: MD' fl.lt.~ c1 .... Tbia IJt ~~ to follow • room '"'*n<"•. 439 •:1 MudC"nlt EDoeb wa1 rrualalld u.at 1M ~bouN new tlilellw, ~ la wbkla ... _,.. A'H , N_.,art H•llhta. pt"r liht'r Dot-death; u4 ... DOC, .... -.... to p .... ..,. .SO.'t ... ~ eiak.. P100 -•• ~., O..t ...... .. O.la yed Artodnlla aftel Co<llfle.ot .. ' 0 I. CUt..j..V liM• 1 W 1r. a1.. loANTA AN41" 1-To• Ac.~ovnllnl I •. ,t( HAROUl<K. OUlrEL CJIAPFJ,. ·-wi. Ou ..... tv .............. Sen'! n, s.ntna otlwn .... , .. .... , ., . ..,.......__ .o..e. .... Pw IN·StJaA'NC. -liN-...... • • \\'. -~tcfLF.tLAN & ·soN· •..., .,. .. ,. .. r~. M .• .,...., . Tllt'L'"JUNO -£XCAYATINO-1'.\MD -aoal ""u.. Ood had treiNMtld Ilia: look for dar• ,,_ 0.. lfr'a ror before lit. tnDeletlolt 111e 11M oan.. don't acc:cept a a y ID .. ta·l ---~ ra-w..p..-..-thl1 leatlmooy, th•t be piC'Uf'd God." tiona. , Alld from tbe l'nlm•: -The I.ORD 81•-· of th4' cocamltt-. ar.. Der I Or. N H" W~tlkrrdln"·t nn v.en~ TOP SOIL ._ ,.=: .. -~~h--"-~-----~-------------------------~ ____ ,._._ ... __ ~ __ .. __ .-J ICH• ;.u, c "•fdr•n "•••t '" Ttw t ~-- 1\jutM•y 'I~ H-ra I OO ·~ profaasa·o·nal n~: .. ~~ .. ..., UOTHUt.&r kaowt'th the !!•r• of tile uprtrht: l'nt•rtalnmf'ftt · ,. at ,..,.lfl"'. 1111 rnut Htpw.y .• _,.. .. ~ , ... ,._ nd their lnhrrlt•orll ~••nil be ror· lll'ttt' f\l>«l'n; df'f'(trlllJ.9ft: Kelly M. L MM'nrmlr ll • 1 ...... ..._ MII•W. •--ttc. "D ~;I ; '"'''"'· · · · Th" ~1"l'11 or • «oocf man Kf'llf'y and Ju1ly 1\alnl; IIIIVl'r-OK 8 (,>.•!! If all, 101~• < '"""' are erdf'rf'd lly the LA litO~ and be . . , d"lllllhll'lh In hi~ ":&Y. ., • f"llr rhe tl~nt · Jadn"' HIJL , , Hlltlway. c:euplOI.. per Jd l •. M1 · LORP IOYC'Ih }Utll:lll~nl. Rnd tor,al!· I_ aul lolyrfhn ,,., l'll'lfNI f ' v <' O>rmkk t'lh oot hi• u lnt•; lh"r .,. pr. n .. w rK••rola. a m i t h f "tfarbnr 1 OK. I l•r Alh•n tt"~". 4:!11 ~0" aAt..l:-e ocy<l•. ..••cl-o ••t•nQ mod•• ... Ad• "' tngl•nd l .,.,... ...... 110 '" VOl ' .... lip l lt'rv,C'd for ,.,.,.,.. ) flf'p f'al11" "'ill ~lay many nrw ~at Avl' r··~•l"•·l ,,..,. M 1. I Amon~~: lhl' f"l••;u:i·· rr .. nt lhf ltrr:lllj.tf'mo•nlll l :o·nwmhf'r. "" De-MrCormh'k • B o ATS & S uPPLIE!= ('~~li•D ~(', .. A,...,, '''""'L .. :'.•1•'4Jt'fl I ··mt ... r 19 IJl , ••I "'" ~·g olanc• El . I p ' l•nd n ... "" • "" .-•.• ,,, ~~ ... :-:., .,. 1 ~~·~~~~~~~.t .. t.J by ""' )"n ... r.· ech'ica .... t• IUrf'll" b)' ,M:tr:r ll<lo<•r ~:·1·1 1 , "'"I ~-:. ('ely,,, ... wpup 1h•tt• tl , thp ······m .. n·.o 'If ~:nrrr•l•'• , ... ,. "" 1\ IIJ'('< II\ I .......... mltl\' WIUO r aU.-d Pif:r N •· r. ,.,,, .. , IIIJ:hiA II\'. 1ft : linn tl•tl llf>•·n rrrufrn~'•l In '"" •vi 1:'"' M ••ndll\' '" o·riat~h· all t~ ,eatl 1 ''""'II' I"' ll•·l.:~rt nt. .. -.. •. rl tll'rrre bPflltP 1"' .,,.,, rr.ol "''"""~. •l u.(<'n~ 1" '•' "' J•r•.,.••l•·nt IU•~ city .,,...,,,,. hon l•e rould ""'"' """ "" 1.••1 """ . · t;nd.' nor bf'••n f.:ll''l"'l 111,,. lh• tlrono , \"••It .• nu·IIAA-=• I.I.J l 'un~rc·Afl , tk· Dorc. !! ltll) \\ ,t.' Ii i io l'tuk on~tr:lllon nr "'" •'l•·rm•l " "\• 1t1.o rroiR'('Hil(.......,. 4L~nal,.ll1!' J&(llln!~ A\1~.:.. 1~!,11 11 ••lell•·t~ In '"'" J)hJ~Irnl nnd mllh•rlltl, th•• •t~h-ltortl 'fo:mp•rr "''~lfonr.. l"'t 1-I All• '' "' lll'f' t•f h<·aul\ I •I• .:•-r"o" r,eolt,ollf'"l llr ll1l\'l•l~t~on llp••kf' II '""'' min· Dec-II I or r · I. l~owrrlllll i"•• or ~r<lrtf ,.),,..,,,, •:n«, ., ... II ,,,,. fill ,.,,.~ f hf\l'l'tiiiOfl th•· !to'MIIII!Ofl!'l\~ ,, • 31 S..lll ''" Hll\'. lh •lloll :to: .. ,, t •• et.•u t nn•tH ,., . "' .. ,, .... ~Jt I Q 0 I "' •••v•'"' Jn• w 1 '"""' y. ,,. w ~~h~.~ A -4~ '""' .,..,., ...... k ... , .. , .. 4 .,., '"' r:•r,turPrl1 ,t'rt ,. ""'•• tu :·'1 ,ntt fm· 1th•-.. ~tuatu•t\ an•t thr rw...,.t for .. ,. ln n•·w r•"'td•'•'' , .. , ~9tlu•·\ U\h~ , .. , .. , .. ,,, ••••h "'Ud•·u• "''" , ... ,l~h•blf' jtltofh. ~ I I :LI"'. fl'l<ll"n:ololr. lhlnklnK and I w Jllatokllf'nt·l !•II '" "'" ........ ""'"~ Ill""'' " ---'" ltn~ j l.utt l tl:ltl 111 ~I· olll•lt ,:'\.t\~' , ••~k!l tn 1:-uJ•l• :tl "':tl l•'ti""l h. '"'u I•J:o't .. n t-:,1•Ju· !"ttM'''"' lf"'t.J n.e ,.....~.,1\,l ''" !-=-1''"".,.'' f 'htJIJII '11w t•••tlt• "'' ·•f ,,,, ... I'''~''' tJif """" ""'' IM•nn<ll•~l '" "'., .. ,·"1111• 1111 ~lwlo·nt l,t.•l~ In lh•• t•l•·•lj:•• <tf 'nf (lf'rlt•l II lot •llol)'•'•);"h ••'A '" I•· ,;.,., .. Jol!lllollb loo •Af>H-11, .. ,., ~h11111 1•11 tluty :oil• J:ll<nfl ''' lhr fill~ I dof'Krttwo ll hwtl t.;·t I •lv•.,. In !'f'""'lt 0 0 I 1(1\J()W Tt-4E CI~L? IS ~HE u~ TO O"TE CharleM McManuH I ' I DR. R.-\I.I'H ,D. HOAilD PIIYINC!IA!If • acilo&oN Otn'r.OPATH ,.._II • .,_ ~ ...... ............ .-,... .... ...... DR. (:ONRAD RICirrER 1'1t)' ........ ...,.p.. . .,.,.,.. ,., n .. MPNt N_,..;rt.._. """: ft·lt LM. A 1·1 p.M. I"'"•~Hn..tl Ill; .... ,.., Ur. finrdntt M. fin~ady ,.,., .... , ...... ,..,._ N""'P''rt ,....,.11 ............ f 'r11lral Au •. a& !~flit I• urn...-ttr• : to n '·"•·• 1·1 p.M. T, ... ,.._ J't UY.,\S C. Rltn\\'N, M.O. •• r:. a"•· "''"'• "'" "'"'""" ff I. A MM r:,. f"n'Tr.rt ,. .. _ .. " -._ ,_ ,.,. ... ,.1 ....... -..... ·-.... -W ·F-rilo .. ,_ DIL B. &. 8TABLI':II ' DCMI&f . 'hi 1111 II , ....... -..... , .... • ..... .. Lr.ROY P. ,AHDF..R80N Aft011Nt:1' AT LAW ...... .._ .......... ' ...._." ' C'.-«a ·-Calif ..... Ur. (;. E. Tn~ill rn t."''c ·r.ui .-. •nrlllJ r.oN ·-·-..... "··-1 ..... _,...._;_ CNf\H V.•W ---~ If ---~ ......... '··-.• - IIIR.-\M M. f'IIRRF.Y. M.D. .r., ... r.,r. ,.,~_. n~• y,.,...,..._' I%H f'aata .._ . , WHO'S ·wao .-1~ IAIB'I •TitCT A'"l'f.IA .,.t·r:"'-. ' · t;,., It l:l•·:_:rtir M:ovtna: rtr A Vlrt11r !'::·rvl•:" M,.rriH White, Ptl. !MM. AIITU\tHRII.r: KF.I'AIRI.,.fi- V Or 1 S1·1 Yrl'lf• 1:11 ?.!• • n<1•1"n P lnrf' N"WJol'lrt 1\1'11(',., YIKr:t•i.At·.-: A ... ti.IU ... IU.t ... fl \UHtU -· t1 w Wrt~o:h1, 17"4 Npt .. lllv•t . l '1r<1a Mr"o.lt 11 ... ~ Lumhrr. J'h. m.J. I'Ulrsn.unr;,._ ·· ,.. It ... lit"'~ ...... n•lry I 'o~:-.r:Rrtr. TRM'Tt•R--· I r.-,rtton n ntlllly :lol l()('!'"'' mvt1 Ml 402. J>lan• af\11 COIIIt~ J.(lVftP:R C"OMrA'IIIP:"'- 1 t"~n M""' l.hr r,, "1.1'1 ~~~ h,.lp ~"'' plnn y011r hom .. :".f'honf t ... . llnr IJI'II frt• f.•lmt!"r r o Phlonf' 11!'10 ('oa\t llll(hWa.l_ ., ·~ I ~ ~.sM:CJ..&LDE~~=-~-....-~ I Mllrtn .. ~(ll'<'illlly. ~h•IJI, l.l'l':l r...,.~, Juwey. 'Z'IUP{lii .... H IOfftl, & -.nT~RV rt'ftt.tt·-· . I N~ M11rp1trth. :lOll W. Oontr1tJ AW>nu.. ~ 12 pr 13. N..,..-t.. I I ()t'f'lf ·r: Ml 'l'l't.lr;,._ . I . ~ .. f'oit·wr••r1 ll;u l ... r 1'•1hll\h1nr r,,, f'honl'l: lZ • 13. N~ Deedl. f'RI'IITI"fl_:. 'N•·Wttt•rl Jlnr·t .. ,r J'uloll•hln~t r... Mltln ... · 12. 1:\ N..wpot1 a..dL Rr:At. F."TA'I"r:. IS"t'RA ~(T. 6 !toOT AllY Pt ... I.J(:-r.,.w II W11ll11,. .. 'l'1Q2 W rrntnl Avtl\~. l'tlorw 3. iU'ftftP:. ,.T ,\'ff>!l&- 1 NC'Wflllrl lllllh•lr l'•thll,hlnl Co ~: U -13, Nf'WPOrt ... lfmT.r;T MP:TAI. "'OR.K- (''"'" M<"ll l •lumlotnJr t:omfllll\)'r Cnl!t• M ..... Phnftt 210. TYI..:WRnP:RI'-• 'N-JWorl ll'lrt.or PubU"'liiC ·c.. PhaMI: 12 ·IS. Nf'W'POI't BMdL V.4RIF.TY l'tORP'.-• . 1 . r!.-'•lhl>& J-llftd Var1#()' St~. t~. 2!k and up. Ptlane 2l11·W. , yrp;l.nl'f6-. \ • I W. .... e~ly dOne. V. Orr a.mc., 13t ......... ft. Nwpl. M -·---;' . I I • l -,..-. .. ~-... ·-_ .. _ .. ., l '• lor NEWPORT BALBOA .. :--:1-~\\·~~·I'lStE.S .• Newport. Beach. -California. ~DAY,, Dt.CEM'BER i!. 194). .. _ r -. . . . Udo tale Balboa Coata l.lea& Balboa l.a,and w~ N~~·po(~ N"·port ~,loCh - Corell)& -del Mar N.-wport Helchta IIi~ I liE IR liE~~ .. 1:0 WO M IE lNi lkl~y Ac!arus • Pbones 12 and U I Seek Float Pennit Fc.-R-ivo ~Ito II,_. ... . . ~~ert•s .. , tOW COST • ...., ywr ..-fer ynn tt ce .. ..... __, ...... ~bfliry, ---., ._. loet liE. Ml ... !llaaobile ... --.iaponaet ... --,.. .• wt.,.-_, -it IN ci-eo b.r a font! lc'• aanlr dN •ind ol ar ~ ·--•ed ....__nd eo dw law dtuil. All *fmw requi,.mmu lui•~ ~ - --~-'!' .. eMtt~ You11 rtfn In I'OOfft to tpel'f ... mloy I ricH Moll10hu. amooch'rr. Thrn, coo, chl1 re-r )'OU Cfl-bftwHn CWO 90 hp ftllintl -6 cylindf'n or I . Yes. ic will pey ~ou co look to chr fucurt IDd im<es« •ow-for chrft tftiOnt: I II the frdenl ua iuJiU onlr 7 ..,, ctnc; ll) '' rnaJ be'"'" bdore procn arr lo..,rr, ~H funhrr rc-Rronoont OD crrdic crrmt atr inJ•n•rd. Mor~vrr. chr .new FCird nn ""''' ""'" ' , .. America needs vOfuideeiS to keep the JiPt of- liberty ·burning ••• to safeguard . our American shores •.. to m• our new two-ocean .Navy • T. m: tTnite-d ~In I ('!II jq now buildiDI the rnoJt power- ful Navy lhe "wid hu ev• eeen. But it take. n :,.n• than nhlp!laml planea to petrol our ahorett, .Sfe- (l!' .. lr.l !'ur liberty. prot..ed millionaof American homee a n.l families. II Dlkt'fl mmt V~ ,. Every unw hnttlt"-hip, new cn.U.r, new,de.troyer ill ;,L,l ~ nl\ll'h !'II'<') And iroa-\mtila Cl'eW Of t rained- nH"l n:•·,·hnni•·"· <'h-. triC"i&rw, r.diomen, eirnal.men, c-a q)(':ll('; • anrl ••: l)•'r ~pedal-.-aoea aboard. llarpftt L 8eharle C•Mr.ll'~t~r w..ae Teadwn ~ .... Calif ...... ) 'n:ACIIEJI OF PIANO or..-. . A.ua•pn•te« 8 .... : te7 GelckarcMI A Yell• . .C'o.-41el..Jiar ,PHOSE: S~?O&T l~ LtSsons ·cavm at Honw ol Puptl u Ot>stred Men's G i f'f .s. ' . Wrapped ~ wnpprn _.. eosped~~Ry ,,.._, ed tJw Vandtrmat w~! Gilt bu,YftS .... ,.. haw • .._ ~ to ,._, a v .. •m..c wn,.•• 'lift! ... - proud -of Uw fiiW pta laaidtt tlw .......... ! ADd dlia • _,y a. of -.'"-'7 GWt Servicla! VAiit Gur delft ..a JIDU'D _. eot111r7 aii 11 •• Free Parking _, Amt'Ticaa. Aoto Park. aftd a& Platt Auto PartL Charge Accounts _.,... a¥Jtllltblt' - plans ..,."' .. J"DUF a.wei~Dca Vandermast •••r•• ·•• I'J•.•••rt •r ·----3' Ill ... lrt'ID'Q " ' . .... .. ... . ,ndtoua • tiqk ndenio. J o qualfty,_ln. ' .... ,_11.'-d _, ........... -.-.~. ~ieti* and CNC~ Th.1t i.>~ why th(' t ·. S. Navy ma)f train you to be ftT1 l'Xrt;rl in ~ll_\' 1'1.1(' o( (orty-6'n modem tradee and IU't' l(':lmin~,:. Anti it i:o ~We for you to be eemin1 ,a.<J mu.-lt "" ~~~(. l'lll a month be(ore your 6nt enl.iat- nl• 11f i.-1 c-nmpl.•tt'<i. ~-Get tlliS FREE -BOOKtET · -• -··· 'Ill..,._-fonl it lonpr, to-r. •NIH -•a -n. I~ incuior •ppoiac· So. •' yO.,·,. t•rn tJ,,...,;,.t of • nrw ~at, . wt urar )OU to an an.J Jrt•c ford for ··~ h 't eM lon, loft 4."6/''Y c.-r of chrlow·rrtcr fir! d. tltere never was a &eHer time fo own a FORD T H'rfD 0 R~R· 0 8 i IS Ford -Mercury -Lincoln Zep~yr •. t Newport BMdl, CaUionaJa .. .. H iFht. nflw itt I hi' ~nvy 'younc Americana have a d •ul I!' opp••rt \11111~ 111 !<t'n·e theirOO\DlUy while byild- i: 1: I lh'ir 11\\11 ,..., iant~· nnd inde))endencc nt'tbe aame t il1h'. ' Tht• a\~ wnnt.: 111\'n to l•i.:t:•·r Jl:l.'. ,,, qu 11;1~ :nr I he DO!aitjol~'ol wh:•·h m•L"t '"' tiJI,.,) ""our naval are expanded. h i:< B n•.tll'l'l"'rtunity (0/C..,./y youna n\3n,-one · Wl'll ~~o·vr_:h . thinl..in~ 11hout. ~ ilia pia~ .. foe .>OW .../. ----A... 1 yflu h:wt-a tr~t!c• now,t)C' would ttke to t-11n1.one, --- "'·hr nJL ~l'l-tlw f\, :1 r .. cji abou' Navy -opportwuL;. and tminmg ttiOay! . nufU.,..... l.lona co ch~ from. . MOO P'AY .nth ""fUfar I~ You ma7..,.' up to $1Z6 • lnOftlll. • • laiC II YIM Y"" •"' eDtit.lf'd to • ~~ •aaot.ioe ~ro...t •d th (uJI r•>'· • GOO. ff!PO aDd l'l,.nty o( it. nn: ci.OTMIIIO. A ~nmpl,.t• An yea ~lclerlna )olnina • ~l,.ry. HI'Yice7 WHY NOT CHOOSE THE NAVAL RESEIIVEI ., . 8UILD YOU. fUTUn ,) , . M nil cour-s (or :_\·our (rre ropy of •·Lir.-in the l '. S. ~:n-y." :!t iii~J.tt. tratf'd pa~:ttt. T <'ll•'P."Y. prom"' iCina, and ''"""h "'\11 ~ .>u can «'Spt'rl ••• ho• you cnn "''in-on :~li(c incomt'. D .'!'<rnl""' hnw you""" l<'~m nn)· of 45 t-ig p:~y lr:od•.trroft'l.a·. i.."l t•l . . . ... t I '• --·· ' I rilE JiAJiBoB ARE.\'S ONL \' CO~Pl.ET.Ji SUOPPIX~ G':IDE ' ~-- . • I 1 . ' ., 9 1 r. _, _ __:_:.. ·-J-----I--')- ..... ~"' . . ' . ' BALBOA ' ,.. ---·· ... --~ '"'"'""' . ~··-. ·-.. --·· .... \. -.. , ' .\ '\ • _.. ...,,.,. l •r • -. ··~---·== =t ---. -..... --..-.. . ..... --... • . '-" ...... "---...... , ··:. -... . . .__._, .. _ .. -..... , .. _ ... _ . _....._ ... ~ I --.. --. --- .· , . I e No king ·was so proud and mi~htv that he did n?.~ ~eem it, fitting -that he himself should travel ·to see the child. ·No gift in royal coffers was so rrch or so rare tbat it could be ' _., ~ . withheld as· an offering to this blessed babe. So "ings came . . from many lands .... with many camds in brill1ant tra-p- pings. They came and knelt, hcstowmg gi Its, before Mary, joseph and the child .... and the Three Wise Men who had been first to know that lie was in t~e manger. --=-·--.,.. ....... ...._ ... e So the world's riches was lai d at the feet _of the infant jesus. But as He grew in stature and wjsdom. woriJiy things became of diminis hing worth to Ibm ; and fUIJI't:-and nrt>re ze!tousty··He-:soug he'\h!' ~imple ·bca\it.r lrliiiCti·~ ~uul s. Then, when ·.the wo rds o f ·God we re spoken to l .lun, I k f, .r- sook all v~lue.S less ·than l·:.aith and Love and llotl"•r, and -~ ... :...... ,· .. ' thes~ became His philoso}1hy ... reli~io n 1 , • tt;:-tcll int.:. • ..,, t. • • ness. For if lli s -~r·in t were truly (.11 n!'crr·..., l1c.trh the dark veil of war .a n·d : i1lt cdc:rance wou~d he lt ff~·J. -j ~'''Iii u-... . • an'd, hrotheFiy ~~ wouJ!L be the ,,n)y dicta!or o f 111c11·..., d ~:c'J-.; . -l=hi.~ .Chri~tmas,lQ't thGrc he a prayer ~oirr Jttart\ t!J at J I re;___ wo rd will be re-heard a nd re mcmhereCJ arfJUIId the Wl.orl d : a nJ that it wilT leave an unfad itlf.(' cch·o of 'the · soul-"i.tt~-.[ymg stillness of ·peace. .h p • I • .· . . . .. ~NrNriY'r/YN'wYN~8~)/bJ>»>~~~· •. / ,. 1-· ' . '•. J / .. . . t # -• 1 . . .' •. .. . .. ..-.. -... . ·, -. _, ... .. .. ·- • ~--·· I ' .· ... ~ ·- Coast tttthting Ontttrowt h Of · 1\lesan ·s---ldea {;ain ed On -Trip -\ Or. C. G . llu-.ton \\ ., ~, .. ,. ,."··~01 1. "''" 11'1 1111 :111 : ·~·" trip to Tt-,a . .o a ltlll•·, \• r i••ll ,. ,., ·~ , 1\ ·~·1 1 ;, ll••••• ·br ho had b'Ml mnllint! .. ,,.,. 1n I 1' h ••o! .!qdd. r;l\ • ·,"' iiiV•"I ir '" -a ck~fmitf' lira. Thr lr..,_.lt t,f • h ! I • • • • 1 1.1 tt.r tur.• vll ~ •t 1 C"tin .tmu ~n •• l•, "' ' tbf t n hant •r1 •I. ;1:.·' C'ti!Utrru.Jt I 1!l1t tv l•r •1 ' • Uw •ntorr 1..-n~,lr, •of I• • ~ty t~hnr 1 "r lfoat •n h oi tnt r.·•" P,~\1owo t,r. n a• lin 11. • • .,...,..,,,In ('o .Sa~. 't•· out ttnna• C"1.unh· an-t '· • •· 1 .. ' ,. .. • t ~~ t I ,! • I • r t'• ' ' ., I ' .. , ·I ' t ·~I \~ ~' I .,., 11 ,, "" I' • i I ' ·, \' I ~ I I' t I I Itt I t I I II ll ftt •fl 'J'''' ·'' tIt' ' r ., h ,, , ...... 'j .. t ,. "<<t , IH • •I U l• -ldnjt .,,.soP IJ,.th••l I •\ ,,. "' '"'' ',. 't I'' •' 'tl h ~ \'I" CotF.mUIIIt-r•oo~t &J•I'' • • · • '• '· ·ru·r d ,,. 1 • '·'''"' t I ~··,.'' :.• 1 f •f'li!f'l't•d, d d Hfl-d•·l I'~ f l 'f pertii!C·o.-tr 111lhr ("toru •o •· I , "' ~~;llf'l•• "I!• 10 l lo•\' \\•or ta'addttKift•tn tt.r '"''""'' ,~ ....... "'"' 1,,. ·"""'''"·'• .. r ,,,,,,,.~1 .. ..... n.a b rlt.l tn th• t• •j • .,,. tlu;\" I o "• •." ol tlr•· l'.,:o•l I'"'" clllt-.. \\A\' 'a'laat tw aaw on "'"":: t •· • •J&t~•a ID ttw ruqol -II n •1(1 • ~''''10" f11o ' l••••tl,tlol 1'" oo( t hr J 1'f '' '•"' '\'ul•' l•"lliP' 1•r••"l •'II. •I Ulllt tnp .,_ trttm ,....,:oc ....,...... · • ~ • · -':-"' ---= ...... ~ · ••·=• "att. 1J..t,;lll..:a_ • • .,~ t ·~kvn Ut Hv ttu· t J -:....,:.!...,. ~.: ll.n&Qc 011 U'ft-11 1 n 1lw f f,.nt )11!',.... ( ill I! .I \ (' " a al ~I lull I ll W If nci4blll& rl.,. '"'~ '" dlhllol• "..,,, h flr tiH•t• n lo 14 '''"II .... u .~t l.bt-fi, .. 1 \\fl \ rpn-. ,,,, ,...r -., .. \"I fit .. ""r '• • ·• r ._~, u .,... lit. • 1 r'\J._' '"·. ,, '' "'1w ...,._ ,. o urr"•! t •• !.om t hal t'UUIII)' • ttraUtof'll t" '•, ~ ·., •. " Ill••• " \t•· '''•lr .. ·, ,, • ..,. t 1 1f , ...... , 1t, '' !l'q•J fl 't lo I It • Ooi fl Ia~' h ,d .. t•lf t 'u t t\ttfU \t ~ .. '' ... .: ~~-.·· l f .. ii*J t ~~~1° \'11( ft&:ht lnJl ,.,.~, •• ,~, .... !-" \' ,,,,, ln"tlt.n Ill n"'' ht•1.t l" th•·\ ''' rowtl t ••Oit>ot hrlol lo). ll_lt 1 ··,•·•~ •' ""-1 ,.,,, ... ., -f-;-.,. ,.:. , __ , ... ' .. , "" .... l ' Eacb ' .... ·· •1 '':• ,, unt'l• ;ttt•·•J '"£0."1. •"." ....•.• ,..,) "htc h ;,f'f'! I I f \ •• t ~"tH'-f • th,.ir ""''" • • t '• • .. •' j••H :-,.• .. -.., I ~~· . .. ,.,.,.,,~.,. i Juj.'f·~ • ,. -I• '11"' •• ,. ·• U\1\"Jtf •I JJfl7t ~ Tt.. . • '" I ,.,--, . . .... .... Realtors to hold annual Meetjng 'rhur~lay 111101'111111: I h o• ="• "'· l"•ll Jlarl;"t' t;•·:o ltv l ',.,onl "'" lw ld 11" rn;nlal' '111•·nl hi\' l'lo'IUI- 1 11~1 th'MIII(l Ill \\'lo.1o•)>l ('.,J['li'o ~l'l"P· :-.tam ~tn .. ~, 1 :all"'"· i,lt ,.. ,.·~ lrwk II. ~11., • T hJ14 uc ·~i 1 t),,. aru1~&it I r-:.•·•·t • tnjo! at .\\ hit 1 Ill •' • th·· o·'t•o l 11111 uf to fu <l'll f.,l. IH~:! o• 1ol IM· h.-lol Oth,•r lmJour1:onl matto·t:4 \\:lit h•· UO lt,t• hU~&O• :-1:-l ~ 1 I d tilt• :t• I ttl •I· 1';;1>! tu I •n•i<1Y!·nt 1-:;• rl \\' Slall· ley.. ' How<tnjo! .I tot 1"'1 ·~uunt·l at t h ,. \\'rat C~t 'J'r:unolljo! (·o·n· t'l' \\II b t .. n ·vlt'\\t•d al.d l•tuJ,!'l ~ ~.s .. lt.·purf.~ •• ma.r.. An uffu •·r ll'•tn 1·,. 1 • .. ntf'r li-IP-1-------+--.om~tHNo"-m""''""' tn :1nrnt1 antt.l(l\'l"' !Ito· :-.;.,ll .. n:.l C 'un- \'t•nt iHO IIO'Itl n·t • ntty 1n llf'lrolt • Will be madt· 'tl\' ~I r :-;t II II• \ \\ hoo II'J•It !wlltt•d Ita: lhrloHI' .to. or..t at -r--o->-'u.,.....:;:...w.=~Mt'!lllll '':.:.:s"-:,..-:-:--:-. l'rr·scnt ufr;;-;r-:1 .. r llw tt";.;Jiy UPPER-New Hill JAr "float ... on ran. aa S~nta Fli-Railway ..... l)tWMI panenair ~uipmeal::: terrier. Car 11 Auornccnt liallted with roam rubber upholatcred cui.-. and linoleum cov~rrd walls. LOWER .LEFT-A\mo&t coa.v.,uional in appt"3r.a•c• thi1 -a..t.a.Fe p.an!..n~ach riJir · .Lic.v.o- lutlonary atcp in car lhiildina. It "b1nka" the curvn like an airpi&M due to 111. pen~m-Jilce auaJ)enaion. LOWER RICHT-The arcrt t of en,Y ridinl( i5 in tht radlcaDy new desi~tn or thl•,a,t of tnfcb. In1trac! of ~tif'jtt flat on top of the trudm, dlt new ar·body ridt1 on tbM tall coil tprrnt••t~bei1 ~ wdl put tbe .c.cntcr or .r.vity. • j J A Re AL ,,. 1 1 d Santa Fe Has O!;. • ~, toneer .. s ar. Y r· I :r\t'w Type ('ar ~1an, 29 ears In Legl~ ature For Pa~senger Ease • Bnarol an·· t-:art \\' :-;t:tn1t·y, l'n·s1 dt•ut. A J 1'\\ 1~t \'11 t l'1, ~··h·nt , llnrr-y \\'t•lt h. ~ •• , I• t •l ;~·'1'1 • -.:•'II . cr·, uml L•·w II \\';tll:.o •'. ~I ale ·' - I .. I L. ' . thrn h~t ... t , .. , 111 •·· 1 • •1 ... . rommlttrr ltf Ju•llo!• •• ' ;• · '1\\t•nt~·nlnc• ~·t•:r r-. il''t t a :>1 •1 111~ "-1tt l••nt ohtalrk'<l ,. l'l••n•·• n1 ,. tn thP f1dt1 uf pns·. ... .; Our tlt-li,·rr~· nwn brin~ ~oo bottiN wtuaty -the br:uth· that ro~ "·ith .:ood h.-.llh. KISER'S Jlllk g_ins ·,Juh·k. la.~tin~ f'Df'rJ~." and food nhw that bri81 f~h. ruit11ral <'Pf'or tn ~'7'our rh"'""· PhOIW N•wport 1 U I for dr~· !'W'f\'H,.., or buy it at your p-ocen. -:KISER'S -MIL'K c:oA!It A.,., ... , mt1"n "1uo • '"' • Ito 1"'1\t' <of ah~·no'f' fl'ttlll lht• (':alifnl'l1lit ln-.t tllllt• of Tt><"hnolcw~ ,, IIL:<'t' ..... ,. 1'1 a nti !1:\lt•tv. th,. '''""' m tl<'ll In un·· no,.•ot ' ··1 ..... r I St I . c -............. 't:.nl.-·a ·· II' rlann ... 1:'1 J 111 t.tl\l' a !'Mil'ilion as A~:-i,tant .~-.·r~·tar~ " I u•. :t <' ~natr J ~ ,...lr•·t th .. wmnt·r m ••at II '• . oiJ~·• .rtt .. n .1 nt•w l'•·ndulurn typo• rr .. m ahrlnl' In h"""'· frum Il l ... .. llo• '1'1'\ I'd :t" riliOIIIt' dc'rk rof the' Stall' ~·nail' a t the sanlt' I "'''111...! r • at \'u ,. l'rl'SI\.Ient \\'. A ONE STOP SHOP Points of View th•-,.,,..,....,1 w' ·~;., h • "mnuln7'\ lillll' 1.; ~ ltr·r ar • ••11n1ool \10olay. II • ~>trf'tomt'll ltw ••f(N l10 Ito hlo•\'t•o 1 11111 , , .111 o. t ,, ~ 1, .I , , \ I" ,.l)l!lo·d : .. ''Ool:tt". liUllpPnolf'11 lh•• :JmhtUntJI' tiM ... -'tstt urfl ttrf" r • • It •In ulu•\• U:-4 f t•nter .,( LN'n\'\-.• . t f ··k I' .. ,.. I ,. , ..... : ll tl j., ,, ... I Ult •• •:1-ll•toillt of yta.r~ ., ... br11hant an ..S unllliUI\1 that n••' t.lo•\1·1·~· 1 ·"'" 1 ,.~,.1,..,1 .,1 1: 1·. ,._. 1, ..... 1,. , ,,1 , 11111munlty. n•"" 1\' til•• , ar' 'll a nr•w ttl'wtdur;. ~. dlr•tnucf"l rant' l uthrr'lln>a mro\' t'"hlJ"'If"lln•l th•·n '"'"' 1~11111,1 tl•• "'' ,1 11,,,111 ,11• h:•• ;o I\\• lt •l l 1,,.,..,,.,.1 In 1,,111 111 r.ulwa) ••:t<'h t·nn!llnu''·on. 1: II -.dt ._,~ than tho• ·•· t I t I I rt t -1 ! ____.. -. .._.,.,,. what •,rd al aoa·ar .... art' l'rf'll •~ o lo: \'t' whf'n '" '''"k tluol I''~~'"''' 1-·•1 I :•II n A ~; .... tllol•·nt In hi~ '"' o I II•" r" ··nt Inti"• an • <'\"••••r· ,._.......... -_...... ot"'-r ·•·-trrl·t• • fair t'hln<'«' I•• 11 t·••lll' oof a\'lnllon ant.l aut 1m~ hi' ,_. ~ 11'11 )OU. 11w only ' ,,.. ....., ~ ' . t lt~'tnlt tho· ,,,,,.. uf th• l• .t.:o•l tll\t' h-1:1' Oil}~. !·· watchlol( tloo a-----1~ ~ te1lf ... ""hP--.._.ir-+f-f'-...,ttW~-f<--*ft~M4!0ft+ltH+aa ... W"lAt<P'MII~t.._, -::,..-.lllllnn. If' tt:flll O~• 11 1 (1'11>l"'ll'"'f!"'i~<-:-l:-:,,~,,::;-o!l~!<!f ,. 1~ 14<• l. ljt iAf'~Fifllo( t:wllpt•Adl'oJ h 'UAI -4W 8I'IIP ...,rilltfllc at ......_. · ~h • -occurl'led IJut :VCJAt ; II«' r untlnul'•l '" H 1 "" fhl' '11:1\tr· 1U t h" r:~HfoomiA 1n!ltltUt .. -.. r r • .,,. , ... l'tn',.,. on, .s .... r "''11 l'•'tl ' ~ ja to h8Ywo ttw-m wh•n NrwJ""rt tlarht•r c·vmplrtrly li't that c·s rllo·lty 1,11 11 0110,1".1 .,1 Tt·< htllllu~;y lit· '~' ,.1,.0 •· memlwr "I ltll jl:lt th•· I'Jtr rllminalf':o m•tfh fi ' d..,. a ~rnt outllnf'tlltw rljelfltltr"f thr'l~mt>IIJO yt'an , on th .. meanlllnf' ,.,.o,pl"'· n( lhfo hto:orol nf lnl~tffa of lh•• ~way 81111 lun·hlng t'nrounlt>r;><J I ... bllt wtlo wi nor and ~t" aquarl'·riuM1.1lrl±K \'t'll·' lnjt hll •luollt•a at Cal ·rerh :'l:•·wpurt Harlollf l'niOD HI It h hv I'OO\CIItH.na~ 4 ypt" f'qulpment ...... praprr ~ wl ttw Lottlr <"llr~~t•n It w a 11 fkhnnl "Jl«'ft>ll,ng st high apee..ll .. tliotr ·-& ri ·II ....,. art' a,.;ardrd a •J'KIAI IIWrf'Jrtlalcf'll Thrn I'MTII'. 1919 whf'n H••«'k ~u -'7· c-. ... today. t h . prom(olf"d '" Rtl'n>!Ar)' of t·h t' Nn' only dt)<l! Hf'Pk t·xtrdM thr· o...:_ ... ":.!;. from ah ltt.a 1 ulred! Stat .. Mrnal.-. a porhtlon ttrat he •uoull fltlht'rly mt••ro·11t In hl.l 1011'11 Dr. T. P • .1\.eeUef · + wtUJa Or. Huaton motort'd lhrour;h .till hold• 1 rducal10nal t'a~r. but bl.l ln-1 H C 11 On tk rural dllltrit'tl brtw.en hf'F'f' However. al'lf'r llnlahlnr; col· tere.t I.e oa·h•tted by th«' fact tbat , ears a aDd Tellaa bu drV'f'~ a tra-lf'Jff'. Mr 84-rk toot( up~ v .. riOUJO I younc ~k 11 .ltudyln& "n d •.r ' F. D o~r O..M.D.CitAWF()RD dtUon tnat' ha• mad" lh• Oran«f .-ntrrprl•u oa•hk'h hf' rontturtf'd -.n" of thf' taUnt ln•tructor" who ! Irs( ay I • (.~unty. Co a • t II n • naUonatly ' oa·hrn nol ul'c·urirol wl!h hll of. or.cc countf'd JOfl. A U~f'lc "m onlf I -I OPTe••T•IeT I --.ar.Y.P' ..... ... _.,... ........ ._ l'ktal dull PI, lnl'lwlln~t t h ,. df'· lhf'tr · 1tuden!JI r fa~. I t At ......... 1 I I ,.:.. Bc-,.k lndk alrtl !hat nnt only flr T . P, Rt•t"t.IPr . well-lmoWTI • ~ ~-v..t opmir" th Bat b.': .. 1 ~an~ . t P : hu hlt' lkiO hll•l rm1r11rJ< from· Nr" port R&rhnr Jl~Y"i<'IIUI w~ Ill • Tbt-Navy rrqulrea llto m••n tu n lull " f' R II Rn Prry oov.· m the l' S Ann and llts-_,.111 ttw1r namf'll bft blank"'' In ......,..,. "" " hu"rn....,. Ilk«' ballla. .,,nw ..t hHI, ICO<"I matrut'tM "· bul -Y _ , ,..., alllnJt htll 1!111olf'nt •In''" w ith tlon.--1 st C'smp l "allf'n. had ht~< .....,. ..,. 1 f'tllthl pl&r.a fo r quick lolentlfl· Oukf' r.Rnlln«'r. wrH kn o wn a ,::lram rn hu• ,.yr. h.-·11,., l'lrcd. ftntt "·•Y off ~unohcy !Iince beinJ! • 1 l'atk>n. I. rnldPnl uf l ll•rltur bctnnol an•l lho• .. 1 th . f r.t 1 f'nl~~ onto tt •· nrm.-1 rorl'rlt r·------••••••••••••••••-•••••••••••••••••A•A A·~· milo \\·b,. fur man\' \'f'Rr" hR~ lfl'fl~ an• t•rt-• AttJI\P u ~~y ~~' n, J • : ••••-.:•••••ww.v--"'t'•~..v-.v••~...vv.v• ~:-rv• • •~-• • 1llf • • •: • • ~tnt•·t,,r111 that h •• hatcn t ,.11• •Hint .. 1 t h 1!' VIW"Iltann YtA,~ "bortlavttd lh l' l~lhun T ulil"tlnnH•nt "' l.llo!hlll . ..rrd '\'rl.. l'llr wn:< vl~<ttlll~ \\'tth friPndll 'in • A MERR. y CHRISTMAS A ""'' nr t hl' ... mmumly prOJtrlll . I-! " ltWal ~tort• whrn llllthlmly thr J. :I·" h(,. h Ht•••k olt•vo•l•1'''•1. "'""' 1\ n••w,o 1 hal nwnk••n,..l an,t unlfl"'l _,;....J • •nllt•Jo:•' • '""!I matt• ·•f t11r ,. ......... r Ga la Ebcll Cluti thr l'nl1n· n:~t1oon w1lhtn a lrin~tl" .. .. • t • • --· • • iiiKI '1\'h IPl\llt•r at (·a l To•t h. Baza ar Saturday ..... "ll•t \\ll.'l nallht•ol oovrr thr radlli. ·A lrlllt• • known (,,, l o on .. ·rn· I . 1\ "'"ntl""nyan..: 1 hP OI'WlO • o r~ ... ...ny ~-EW YEA .. R . llljo! f'(t•t•k"A s.;~rVho• 111 lilt' !<tatr Acclai med Success 1!l..J'!IIl'" a ltaok 011 I'!" Jlf"'llt'li-JJArr • !'lo·n:otl• II' thai tw '"'" '"'r\'t•,t un. 1111•11 .. \\o'tt• 1111' .. nlo·n. (fir all of· : -tirr ,.,.Yrn ~n-m •• r!f lfi'Jt1 nrnt• 1 Tltl' ~;.till l•rt7h llf .. r fh·· ;'\lew-· r.~· •"'l< nntl ml'n m TMnnr ilTTTTwrt1 - • Ill llll'llllllt!<· ,. .. , '111"'' a~•rt n ..... h 1-:h••ll I 'IIIIo ho I: ~&\· 11(1'1\' In 1hf'lr !<tat .. n:o. Thna rnol• .· to the t •. 1 I .Newpc)rt H~r fommunity F R 0 :\t Rt:t:P"S ~ .. \KISt: IMX'K ar.ED"S SIII:LL .SI:Ft:K ~t:R\'ICt: So . -· ... (;...raJ -~ ... port .....,.h ~ III'ZirS f'Ht3#1. st·Pt:K ~t:R\'I('t; ~n. ~ ..... .... "~-BaJ""' Nand I • ... a· MEllY .CIII;ST TO ·at.L· AS • ------- ·• I .. ZONE Balboa ·• •• ·-.. • Tho• llll'l ho•111•·1l:tlll ):'1\11 11"1 nrolav, llo•t·rmlo••t t.llt \\'o• Jlf'O-o•ol 111 Hl'o•ol• 1 !< Ill !It Tt':tl lf':t\'1' • unol.·l "hi• If th·· l o•uthllll ~~~~1"1 IIIIIIIH't'ol a '"'' lolo•ol ' ••• ''"~' lo\' all 1111 tlw .... IIIII' .j,,,. t h.ll· it 01'1:\riPd • tlfl' et•~• t• \ht' t-• t '.~.t \\:t~ l .. tt·,n · pr ··~··nt and ''''''l''''tll 1 1h·• h'-tn,t. • ''••\, "'"' ;\lb•\ll .1 .. \\ albh ,. an ~i·nt•· \\n\·,~n nf~h.u1 \\ 1 ... :\t r \·\'tl· • Ill • I•• ••I l .o',\\ IJ \\ .t11:oll• :tnooiJh'l' loo t>,f 1-\lfli' II, I'IHIH'If tl\1• lt .hlt l ut 1ht• Jt.1r· t \ll'f'r )tr\71' ... l' 1 • l. tU Rfl~ t. r 'tl1'!1trtrl '=ph<JIIl'•l :lf'l""n w nn I r :'of r.r. !)on· l••·l\111.,: '-·''" tuf,, 1h·· ''us .ti l ~1.t',\Jhlfl1 an.t ,, t'L• .. tmM • H• • k I•' ,all• d \\ .• 11,; •· .t!-4 a .. ,l .. n-.. I tl rk;·y \\ "" hy ~1t -. _,;r ,, i• \' A.r· 1~111 .l 111111'11• d 111.111 j um thr t • !" )\:11\',\' ' Mnrrrt-d applic;tnfs arc not :-cctpt~d by thc regul:rr Navy, but :t m<t,.r'ltd noan can tt\hat In th~ • Nav.JI Rf'5t:r~f'. -,1Jd ollh l ·U~htll•·.t I'~' !>ihhlt~ ··rf•···r k.t rn .. an TtH' :"tl\a1 ,,, td•·tt \··~·.rap·rnt~·· • \\h•• \\,t!i' ,..,,,tl1\· U•ltnar··d tt rnn\ :\It"' '*'' t .. r t;ra• • ,, ,., tn .Qf t•-'11. nt;lJ! nn'y 1n • •·lt,hrala"n uf • J,,flu,.., n \\,, ... ;.· \t'tl1~tl .tt t h ,, th•· •·ve•nt t•'\1 tl• •l ' ,,, t h 1\ t •, ••U.all ,·u·turU""!t ,,,., .. Arn " ...a.va:.: • "4'"H•· t uu,... -'":·,, • \\a~ 1 1 ·'"'' .1 • r L \\'holt• nr •'u:.:ht tu i\ ntt•ru ·" hy f :-.· t.un ~.,.,.. .t~·au •·t H.tJI,.;,a t ... l,tl\th 1 !if t .h·aar 1ndt• ,,1 "'' ••t • t •' .. u1t'f'~~ l 'rrry r~~~L'"'~ . . DISTINCTIVE GlFT THIS ~y£AR? , a GREET ING · CAR ITS! • 'PENS PENCILS • ·RAD)OS • OOLLS - '-.NOT \\' AITI:\'(; AXY Lt1\<a:Jt Third . Dim(lnsion '" Pirt'urrs! Ytttt'll l.ikt-Th~ Jewelry - Store • DIAMONDS ·· • WATCHES -. • ClOCKS • TOI-LET SETS FM \arown-l 'ps. Too Our Pr:it·r~· :\te · As :\lwa~·~. Rt'a!i'onahlt': F.naltwl Or Lucite • ROOKS 'l1nr \\'at.-h ftnd .lf'"'f'lrf t:,·r ''""~ llnnf' ~~romptl~· .. \ P. V. PAR·KES . ' -•. .n:WEJ.R\' ST.\nONERY I Tt'H Ttl !IOf'..-porl--.rr\T. ('O!'T.~ ~U:!il.~ ,... ... :r, • RINGS - FOR .QUALITY FOODS • • • bf' ~·our di•wr ~t­ ID spirit -so sprnd \'OUr tahir with <"hfotor. and sin-,: thf-, ... ,.,. hf'st of rnn1hin~. A ltrart~· ~I i~ rnr~·oitr'" kin of happi~ • plrnt~·! Thrrp'.; a hutrhrr. a hakrr, a frultf'rt•r, clair~· and J,:rON'r ri.:ht in thi" tmt--1tf..,. --in !'I~· ~·na with t hf' nut ritiun ''""'" "hir-h nuskf' an~· ft•a.,f a;; hralthful a .. U I I I 1-. ft·msltin~. \\ ith \.C•tar t•c·tmnm,· .in mind. uur fucotl .. .' art> ltrit•rtl ,;, 1 llf•rrnif ~flU fu .,.•n t• a J:t•ni·rut!" -f r -) f:tltlc· uf !.:'""' thini: ... :at tht• h•a"t ... ~~ .!\ , ....... ihl1• c·u~t. 1 .. ~ , () . -; P. S. -We Deliver, Too! • • lJCEAI f·;RO~IT .MARKET 0 : M. CAMPBELL 2110 ~n Front Phonelt633 ., rl . - NF.\\'PORT BALBOA 'NEWS-TJMES, N~ Rfoftf'tl. CaiUnmu' ·nIt' HSPA Y. OECEMm·:R 1 t. l!H t..,. PaRe .. ------------------~~~-----------------------------~------------------------------~-----------------------,-------~--------------·----------------------~--~~~ Helpful ;Hints To Ease Task or Is h I. Wrapping Christmas Packages ,.. t , C 0 ars Nt'Cd ~hort ('llts t o ~hristmas \\ 1-:l('Jiing of gifts for· th:. ·G ·e·t to' see' w~ family? £w1·yont> ts Ofll'n to n<'w and quick<'r ick>as for wrapp~g and ~'Or~ting ~ts ror out-of-townt·t~ and tlw H B Immediate family who J'¥.'('k at th<' (':!I'd!' and boxt>S arouncf uge ' 19 u.e tl'l'e' days b<'fort> St. :'\khotas is to appt•m·. : - Flrat may _ iL b ~ a31o) l h a l . -------------wra~p~g ahould bt> a Jllannc..t ~Af· pra.-t~<t>' will show Y•H• thr t-.·l't fair for v.-~ach ta~lo· '"lli~J<<I'I!, ~Ry t11 maLe!' ~~" lie llat :-;,.''l"1rt l!o•u• h j:I':Hllllllll' ll•h'"'' paper. nbbon a mt ;J,•1•11rJJt&\'4' ~·-rt do·•·•Fatlon• liU• 1 f" ball.'< ,,1 pupils o·nJ"YI';t ttw th1tll .. r wnt•·h -,__ b .. _ • ' Ill~ 1t11• I' .: AIT .\ • It 1 ~ lhi' • pon:~• ll\'4' u.·t'n ~·l ,netrr at hanoJ t•••tl••ll. oui ·"Utl! pa:<:r·,l on pno·k· , MOIIt i01portant uf th,• .,arapht·· u~, .• .. n.t fl ·•l pmt• l •· u~:hs as , .... 11 htrp•t<t IIIIJ'IIIIII' In t h o' ..," ••rl•l. D&lla ahOijlol be a rull "' tran:t-a>< n:•~tl..to~· ar~ I'll t.tlolt' tolT -d.,,, rlllll III«J•'l'llt·ull_v 111"11~ Uw "1'~'1111 parent IICOIC'h l3,,.. whlo·h Will 1 At Hom~ • frnnl F1 1day 1110 lhnll~h 1" rf.,rm· be used at lh<' m~l dftrwult tmlt' Tht t•• ar•• 1111 hlllltll t u t h "' '"~' •1 "I'''' al ro ·Yif•\\ l"r Uw ,·hl!of- 'lD tbe proc<'oJurt-iolo a .. o111· .·an olreum up fotr guy. r•·t • • ~~t'l:~ pdpt>r w.h&l<h ~·dt 11,1 lap l'o•lnt1ul•t•:&•k~~<'a 1 or .1ruuntl lh1 Til•• ll o'ltll'll•loo l:i I fltllho•r 1'\\'<•1•1 OY~r tb~ enda. ltJtt fa r . family lrt>t' Tht-guc~o.l ukl stanJ-uloou•~ I ho· "'wan I r ""I 411 o•x· · It'll tr• n:clv !.1w ultlludo•>< 1\lld tllllt economical th111 wqy • 11111, ,. I•Y·" llr~> I' •rwr t· 11 r I~ and Jllnc• ..,,., •• u .•. hro•ttko,. lllw I ( oJI lk c'artof! in Uw l'ltlll't JMlllltlon b .. u~lu• untl l'uOt'll which ar<' a a nr ng Whlcb au1111 .)'OU tlwn i'<'ll" I 'l'nur _'n Ullt un ttl h·aat 0111• p!h l(a~(' I 1 \ ~<llfl)!,.'o•r!l a 1..-l-fo·d 111'1"1r· . •· tun ty IP ~· ,. tho• Ill r• ,. 'I' u. ribbon and "<'XI rjla" :-."ext be. ..,ut 111"" auJ oJifft·r··nt rot ,,,. •'•'""' •-you f'mbark on the JUb' of w the turm of "blmllif'. I ·:~~~~~· '" """' "rr" mh• luiol .}:; .. 1 wrapplllg. h•ar oft abc•ut fllix I I'Ul'll Ill! 'hanging thro•t• t'CIOkio•g ,., , .. •l•n~ ll••· '"'J.:•• pl.m•• lu (ly iaeh alr&JMJ (.1 at'nlr·h ta.... rtr.t1 Into .a t.loll'll h c a o..1 to lull a l a n place thr bark ut J hf' ... ;,~ han•l Co! c r.okh'll. UKIIIJ: .-.·llophan,• foor ' \' r :-;' wp.lrl Ita"'"'" nnd l h 1' rlut.lro•n W:tll1·ol oolll~hlo· 1111111 !l 311 With tabe up Y ou will fm•l that It frally murr an.t ta .. a.l pl1·t ,. " "' ~11.1 llu I '·''"' l'lllh'll'a' wbeo that DN'NI;mry nap u( l'·ll"'r .. ,,rh.tl' "''re will bo· lltt' pr"l"'' I lura• ,. ..:"-"'!!" \.Ito II 'all··· I I hi· ~t!Jr lllH'ktn•• llt1'11. n uno• hi•Jtaun anoJ tllll\' ""av to a nc·hur I hi' 1 .-11... -., t-• •• • \.'..•IIII .. M• ,.. h.'io k too ""lt'lr <~ Ia nt>t:o..l~t.l to 8<.'c-ure a J.ll<'lt: ,., ')l ~nt an.t h<'ad to lht· <'WI. r• ,.,111,. 1-~IPI~~ ft~• f ( L--'--S.w..h aa ,ltl:d;an~· ilu.C!)· _tn1 \htW{L ~ no-~~ 4f'-t>Ur ,..,.....,...., f. . · t"'IVtT"f'r:ttmn fo( t h o Mrwp •II ~~!!1.1-lol!IJLKWJ.. mov~ T.hc 4pe. "~.a l!lmp 1' ~rnl!P<'o.! p:wka~·· •n ~ ....... , '"''" ,. ·"''' ... "" c · ~·· 1 bt' maskc.J or bt.!tl•·n l.at.:r J'I•J• ,. u( a lOri( I' lxo"'. I'""" II "' ....... k \\' • • . • ... ' I I '"" 4 .... ,_.... • Jlih·•••.... u, rabllilflll ur stu k• 111 • "ap Ill uny ~I\" an. lt·n .. ·nt . . 1 _1 ~t ~~n· a nd ,.,,,.ah· An' h.,rt·d r~· du _.-tu h•· rltttll ,,,. by ': t\ •' n Rab~l Sl I k · t I I \\ II• 11 I ttl• Jt.J:o \\ 1~ h••:odon~ tl1111 Th .. tnmmlllj../1 Cu r 'tho· a.: I I t • ·~ I"" ma Ill~ a So Ill'S " :OI . Wh\' ,., •• f c ... ~ ko ,~ r.tllql Ill·· .. , .,1 I••"'!< 111 a Ia rio· oon l!lt.: t••l!_!.•(' h .: _, '-'' ftnrt t"trrll'tm:l.q\' 11,, '"'" ---",.h"m· "Tntrt 1 rm-t.-r r·•""" -... but an. a \\ay It•· 111 \l,rth II;,. :-1llh n.• tn\rrrJ: th.-h•l nf lht·.'.~\_lh:_•· .w_.l~.!.!LlJ.";··· lliiiUJJ'.:JI· papt'l' Onl· lhuu!-:l•t. ,.!1••111•1 ~~ ko·pl ''"" :onol n"t ustn~ a lot nf Jl:lf'•·•· I l'lfl '~~l-.1-.u,la,;ll ""lllh.l'.t lhl' Ill• in mm~ &( t · I' ,:Ill 111 t•• ,,.. ni:oll· :-;,1,., t lll riJ"'•I ur ,.,1\.1•1.,.<1 J'Uf'•'l drll 'IJ.UII I 1111 I tho· '" 1!1!!!':•·•• t-d ... \\Ill UH· l'•''k\1.!•• ), .. .,( t.e:a\\ •U••U)!h Itt h,,j_. ~ltJtttJ.: ftUd \\t'l'' t fl 11.• l•.t1 h dt ''.''' \•• ~··• lh~ aamo· wlu·n ot alll\'o·,.· J-lat ,.,,.,;. ,,lll'full\' ... ,,r h,.,.1 ro·sultll n,.. l.•rJ.: :'"·"''" """·'·•·r tail,•rtl,oJ b<tW!I Jll:u ••I at ••n1• ''"'' l:t~p··c·t n proio•:.JOI• nalh· wrnl•l"'d I 'l'h• I'· I !I ~1 .. ·1t l "''"' r:•l hnur>1 '!f a ._JWilj<ago• _!;1\',. tho• •I•·NIIt~l lid -,1nd 1,.110·1tt thai I'"~'''"" , , 11~'111\; lo:11 k 1111•1 tuol'1 ._ ef!ect WllhC•!II, 1>\•IOJ.: fill!~)'. 1 t~ .tl t""''"!"<"rt I!O th••l i»,!·.I:.UI'l'd l' II II I .II\:. .1Js.:.LW1'U 1 But af Y."ll "''Y yuu Jl.l><l 1 :on't 11~, • .,( v;ongal• ol varu 111 tytn~ lflo· l~unt&nJ.:Iun IS•··•• h l'l<•t lUll I I h1• ' ~-ll laalort·J '"'""' that·,. 1ft r:"~ lit 1"'1"'' v. rai•I'•·J .;.,x ... vr I Ill' tall• ,. =-:t·~''l" Ill H•••,..h l'll·r Ill ,,.,., I ll~ht~o aDt.l flat.'"'' L.l~·. ~·uu tan l 'ra..:· br<Jwr. pi!J>t'l' fur Jar~e buX<'ll 1 1''' 1"u'."''' ~", n.:;·loi!Urt'ol .~nt~·· tke Wilh a Jllf'l't' ••f A<lllll rol1h~>n c 11\'1'~1'<1 \!,llh n •ol s1ano ftnt1 W'n1J•· tim,• n&:i1 l)' ~ .n~nf'l'r • Ts. t..be bow uw v.ay )'uu llllt~ j....d Ot'atly 18 11.-ry· ·1111\&rl wh .. n t•uttnrM .. n. ~ h" furnlt•hl'•l I .hI' 1 -u~ally dn. a 0 d af at·11 110 t hf'I•J m liu-f' b\' rt>t.l )•a r n. On the nN •·ouoa ry lnfolmlnt.tun lo lh~ \ uJ. 1 --· . p • to•l' Pous;:h\11 an.! uUwr 1\lro·rall .U.It;hl an.J fllll lb('n put ymar ~·ncb or y&m !'Ill• I' c·••rrespono.lmt,: · llrCODd t.oo.· arouu.J thr ftrat IJorw rt'o.l alant 1~1 t~orh·ll oh'll.'r•ng tu lf•Jlt ('IM<'ll at Uw oppoei~ way and lit' That ' . l 'w yuur &nltlallve in mak&nJC a ll<'a. h'\'C'I wUI 110lve your problt>m· uf the • "daffr~nl" pac-kage that v.·1u L< 1 "'nJ: thf' m .. a.rournJ «'nuf"'IC', th1· lltral&btne• and a frw mlnutea remt'mbered by lhr rtcelver giant rlnnl' """"' (l(o\!,n &t VIU")'Ina.t I __ ___ ____ AJ'K'I'M In olo•t ;ormmr lf.«'c'Urateh· th•· IIJW"P<I w-hlc·h th~ 1!·19 .,..,11 arhlt'\,. 111 varwu" l'nj.l&nf' ·~eJ~ 1 at "'a h·vel • At lllr IllUDe Ume Jt .,.... poutblco to teat htcol cOt•· Noted Newport Harbor Yarhtsman, ~-P~ul s.· MtKibben, ·Js Honored . aumpth n &t thr vanou1 •flH'da I I During thr pa.wt tv.·o ye&r~~ ance '!be aAte Dr. Paul 8 McKib-1 mf'm!M<rehlp Ia an. lna.lequat'f' tho>r<' 'hlut bt~ ~~~·h ~l ";""11~"·1 bee, prom.ln~{ 10 local yvhting mf'&au.re-or hh -unnumbe~d hOIII':l .,.,.aann of a nora "' ry ad.IYity for many y~&rll. "''a • 1 of dot'voted wrvlce. , lfl ktuUa•m <.:ahf<tml& and 1n lh\' 1 a llplelldid tribute .... tbe I • rn uuc·t.on II( n~ .... -lypt>a of plant'll I -Jt1W1110111. ' -~~ ' He gav~ to t h CC \acht <1uh l or Ot•ll'lllll', thr lucal <'u!Yt.lm~ ... ~bor Y,acht Club. of l five v~•ra of ra.tt-ful and en: .-II· '"!ftemllt''l';"'l '• ~C# -ln-vlat part cu r field ~~·t'l 17cc~:·nf I!UI h plaraee. wtlh =h~ 7 a~ ~~tcd of 'l•lr endeavon. regatt.. an•l llr«'enlly t hr famoua f>·36 In· n vera ty · ...,.1 (m , yarht raclnjt. that brought tn thr t.erc.·ptQrll.-Ute AI.Tubru and Ol1itonlla aDd held m&DJ' l:on•Jr· tdub rounta. .. twa .. :ot• .-.n<.l pr .. ,.. other tut mUit.ary aircraft havl' &r}' 'de~~ Hla home 'lfi'U 00 tl11~. 'and without Uw alaj!'hlt'lll brcon Mfn roartnK 0\'t'f tt:e C'OUrllt', llllimoa IJilaDd, • Whe~ lira. !\lc-thought of ~raooal'· r;aln 01· K)nry IUtlbftl Ia ccmuownc ber ""'· He ,..:ved u a d&~l'tor. of ,, ,. di!Dce. The following Ia a res.llU-club fl'r the y~ara J939 and 19·10. UaD by tbe yacht club: and no olrK-tor V.'31! eve.· mort' BIC IT RESOLVED l b at a1 coo.cloeDUoua and dllicmt in lh• D.a. .....-1 _...... f1f tbe IIM!Jn. perfora;a&llce o( hia dull~• o · m n1• be.re Of ~ N-port Harbor lhouJhtful ot tb~ 'but lnt~ri'IIIJO Yarb! Club. duly aDd ~«'JIA!Iy ••f hla fellOOA· ~llfra. fl was lwld .~turday. the 8ixth day of fortuna! I' Indeed for ua thtll · h1s Dec:embeJ:. 1~1. lht> ~ollnwtn~ be 1 t~rn1 nf a• Uv~ d11ty a~ a ml'n I• : duly u-eordrd ano dlft't'lt'd 111 l>t' of ou{ JTK31la t ua•matif' .. nnol ... ~ oo the pef'l!l&lleDt r~c-1 , cU~tor ,.. . .,. t.l•.r~ ~!llh al ~ of th~ club anoJ a . COJW "'''lt }lf'rint.ll! m I he ltft' l'f lh(' \'lllh ID tbe f&mU)• of l>u<'tor l'aul s I . McKibben. tl111 lit'""' juolj!m<'nl an11 mt.-111- Dc.ctor. Pllul ~ Mc:kl~n :·~··no I''\ • nmbmcocl w1t!' hll! "illlng- Wboa.! 1~3th roerurt·d :.;.,\t•mut•r "''"" 1\l all tlm4'll t•• ad~·~ .. " .. ll ' " I ._ I • ''' l•lo·r t h,.. ad\'lt t' • r ntho·rs. arvl • ... . uo·tamt• a mernbt:r "' .. I I ... _ ... rt II •bo \' 1 . 1 nil! l•nM 11!tl. CU'\'11!. •II In tit • 1. UK' ,., .. v.·pc• ar or ta• 1' • ',u l ( 00 the l2th d& .,r Julv J!l.:; ,1 11rmarl• •: tof h111 h••nur •us •lui:··~ cooUnurd IU'k~t'ly h; ~ ant~~'<! ::~~: w~::~~ .. ~~·rr:c;J•;;1 i~ ~~~:;,:~ .• ·-.: Uwr.an to thf' f'ml (:!1111 YOUR HOME AND MINE ·Hia rl'lativt•ly 'hrlf'f I"'',,, 11( .A l.'o•ntl••man m tl,t• 111'~1 ,.1•1· •. ~------..._;'----------------~ -Plana Revealed For Christmas Welfare Work tnTI'ltTnati•\1! 1'•·.:-a ~!ina: ""I' Ph• , dnoato .. n1' and n'..J..~v tn•lil , .•• ,.1 .. may he lo•ft nt lh<' :-.;. \\Toi•r1 liar· bor 1'1 n.mhfor to( ll•mmr•r1 • fhl t h•· ·Wit' o f 11:1' 1 •mrrlll~•' \\hooh m· dud•·~ wnrkt·I'!O : r11m Thr A n:'• r Iran l.r~ ton AIIXIIJ:lry \h•· 1.1"11• C!nh. An;o·rh an 1!•··1 f'ru•l< l'ar- ent Tf'a<·hr no AI<J<•• t:tl l""" ll•.j;''' Of'AA "an ol I 'l.,f••l':<t n:ol \\'t~mO'II!< Clll'•. <"•••r•hnaiHtJI c 'uun• tl c ·hn11t C'hur• b bv th" !"• a t-:lk>< c 'lult Md the (·hamht-r nf c· .. mm• ,., •· n th•·rJO ukr<l tn riJlf"l&nt r•·pr<'l'•·nt:.ll\1'" a.rl' the Altar ~.H.II'I,\' """'-":an• •· Lea!rllf'. Fhdl Clull .. ,_.h.·rm"n" Un..,on. Jo;iw;tn\1' ~ah lt~>1 .try c 'luh \\'om~n·!l A..,..•·im1ron. :&l' \\'f•ll a.• obll"n ·rr" fr• m t ht' 1' .. 111 r and Ftrr drpan m,.nt.• II( 'hf• Wurd, u ( f'''' hf!!!!o"-1 I' C.rinoJin.: YOUr 1''\li'Tl nnUI' :tOll m nJ.. -,...t'TTt). anti mnral • n·•ra~· ·r.•.t ~ lllg yuur .. wn lol • :••I T;;oin•l• I•'•" ·a I !.••on:r l 'h:rnn :or '~ IIHit!i'• ·• page fr<•lll nn ·hi.•l"tio-al flo.\'o•l, lot.l l.o \\U!! cnd•·aro oJ l'l ~·II lh" · " I Iolli of wo•nwn nn: ,1.' . .,1K IL ,,,.~:.,, .. Jl . ''-'''" JH'tVH•·;..:t·d ,,, l,.I!H\.\ I ,,~ :J I I t.•!" a,:!'(nl ~:.t•·!'l uf t h~~ , 11,. ,_,.. ab inin~: m utlt•rn kat d,~n\1. ·,, ..... ' ~·· J •round fluur ~1:1• 1111 llt•• f "'"r :111•1 f t t J &~· :tJ•PI • t Ulf•·d ~\I~ X • • t'l • ~ I •, ·ant. '-'lalght: •'"urtl u .11 -h!'Aithful qual it)•·~ !1f ('ooiiiJil• 1(1 :. ,·, ,. :o :•' ,,,., 1o "' • • • 1·,,..,,. , d·, 'lfl•hnle ""h•·nt. inrl11111111: \'nlu:ol l•· \ •· !-•l.l'-• .. , 1 • f!'oun.~J • ~:ot :,t t.•· '• · tam in~. r 'JW'ri:\IJr B·1. Th~ l·•'u,,J I rr. 1\ t• II LilJa!'"" • I I lit!' t•l• ,, la~ ._ frr•h;n ull y tla\'tiT' nn•llh t .. t,,J n: I ltuu.:tn \ll:tl i'"~'" IM '"'~ COfil is only ohnut r.;• a l•o:t f. • .·• 1.'< k• •·nl~ (,I' 1 .\' lh•· .. : ·~ Buy cft•:Jot'd h:~r~ \\mil' I' \\ hf:tl ,I , •:u t r:-· tttid dtlt • ftfl~ •t:ttt .. • at a {t'('fl ~lur,., l l t'f'""'' A)tutlt ;:(' !\ • ,., nd lu '",. l.tlll ·" ""' "• 4 .,..uno!. Gnn•l f\nr, II llll: the-r•·•· :tl ·• und• f~t •• :.dtna.: ,.r.! ·~.' ,.,.1 r - 1 .. :tl• 11 ( r a.:,, a t, ,, o ,.,. CTin•ling Dtlllchm• Ill ,,(} uur tl<t'IIIC It•·•' \\•' ru:.~ t:. s••uh :-.·•··'' mixer. n,, .. ,,•llr• tmnl••l t 1!11•· h.!O 1. '" • 'VitaMi" Rcoalth D~ead ;mol hli' ·•····•I!< lh.ol h.l\'0' I '"' ... 1 cup mdk ~v "''·'" I•• ujl' 11.1-: IT f.'t'l't'llll·.•· l cupwatrr 1:.1-.:0:111.\'Eh lhll\· Jlllrlfll311l I" 2th~p.~hrorlcnin~ Arll• ,,.. I 4'•·•! •••n r1 ••I I •· I:, 2 th~p. sugnr 1.;1\\ !I oo( till!< • lull. \\,. "" II• I• lo\ 2 l-•P· ~all \'"\•' ,an .h•m•l!"ary hf•· ITYtnh•·r,.lo!J• t•1 :\lr ~ ,)•aut S :\1• K1hl~·11 1111 1 11•, :Z coki'!II'O""r"•~"" ~·,.:~~t • tnlotrlttl tw a J•ar't ,,r, :t1li.l n.:;~,.. 3 lh!!p. wnrm water . ( talt·/wllh ""· • . '1 cup~ wli~tle wh••at nnuf • Th•• ~xt Y'!<liU>n will h,. hPIII 1 I ---· ---- at \\'halt> .. Cof(r•r Mllp "" :'\lain Citizens. Group Brinjr m ilk to bnilinrc pnint. A•ltl aalt.llhortl'ninlt &nti ~urcRr. R•·m.,\'o from heat nn•l'ncl•l I cup wntt'r.'tnm- bine y('l\~t w.ith 3 th~fl. worm wotcar. ·• Pour milk mixtur(' into mrxinrc howl 8tf4'Pt . Blllhon, ron t-'rlolny. r-,. .. I'm-' ' ber l :.!l'l at tw;;-1\·r o·, I•>( k PJ Ed I.. t• "'·hich time all rrr,...JW·ntata\·,.~ ans . uCa lOR uked In mn.kl' rr ptorlll of r kina uri{O'll all 1£• rnml:' pr~pl\rl'ol T'!l."K-'li!P' nr • o~unl y and murw 1 hrlp and'· lnfur ., J'"ll 1 r•lmanr·rtt outlawms;: lhr•' !'-"'· 011 to tlt'man<IA "D•htr_v hn:V<'IIIt and "hot • ftr!!" han11 In !Wan~.t" f'<•unty: with puh- ITIAV lie r plnton llllfttly bl't!UiiJ: I h P o! com· mriliii,...;."' i~ ffi fi m --;;ny.rTi\·~ mere~ wher(' thr cnmm1tte~ "'''II m ·a prn~ nf gnoally ln•'r"""' efle to ll tht'y are prorll'rly taken rd art•v•I·PA·bv lht' C•l•z,.,1,. ·A-· ca~ or. It 111 hoflC'rl that· anynn(' Clallnn n!( nran~ .. rnunty. " "''"-~ who Ia lnte~lltM v.·lll furnlllh any ann'luncr<l tn<lay hy w ~ur· ·and add yt'n~t m ixturl'. t;~iAIC t>lt·c-,_..,. II mlnytu. Ad ~ups J!l«Ye our. The rtmainin~r cup iR ad<lrd gradu- ally, uainjfnlll)' the ftmount the bf'at- .,. will take into tht' dourh. K~ep • d0ac1i. from t'tilllfilnr ~atttn ttr \old1"i ilback witha patula. Wb~n well m i:rtd, Rhape itlto two loa•n In two anued pans. Let r iae until dou· W. oriKinal bulk. Bake at 360 d~•· for 1 bour. · lnfonnaUon whtr h -a·all help tbf'l J(f'()fl, Jr . pru1oJrnt CO!PJilllt~ -In l't'f'llllt tt &I nann(' . llrnounr-ln~t Ul!f' n( t hI' "",.. Tl D£ . ..,ABLE •oe• unca~ f o"r durln~t t h ~: nnda~· bnyrl\tt' ahd '"hot c&rf[to" l;,ol . Cbn.tmaa ~n Att.endJDit the 8.1! "th~ • mntlt vh inu11. ant! un· _ preliminary · m~t.tng 11n~re M r •. 1 Am.rrtnm itore~. Ulll'<l by lahn~ OECEM8€ft Htfrn Randrl; )ofr-3 F:arl ~tanfl'y rark"l~l'l'l'l.-!of r !';purj!'I'On <1,._ F J2 4 117 1()'41 3:55 •Matie twllln~t. :o-~1110n flt.a!tnr<1. rl"~"~'"· "Onutfr,. OJUnty r ltl7en• 4 7 1 !I 3 1> 1 1 Dr. Ho-.·aro w SNeer. Vri P' t..' af'l' ttu• vtrttmll '•f a n,.w w11r fi... 8a lS • :!i2 1 J :3t !:1~ 10:$1t Trine. Yra c. Harold Hopkan11. nl.aN>d by thf Teanurtr rf' t:o l<!n ~. :1 J 1 3 7 1.2 ~,._ Jotln W1 1\Jbb& J ohn "-, · Su 14 6 32 12 ·30 1 :21 11:44 8le1el. JU<Y, E. 0 r.o<ldell, Harry T h,. ~avy Nursl' r'orp1 lolll"lll IU Qf 3.8 1.3 D. Hyde. J . 0 Walluna and lolr.a. 1 1 • ., P.:• cent aJlDUally througb mar-• Tltl.., ... r•~,.., '" urrt~ or..-~~· • • "-D. ~A-'l'-• . · '"'•-.i rDO&Uy to N•vy mea. ' ~ 1\trWW •· •·: *"' ,.~,_ •· • ...,... -~n• ·-... c. .. ,~n-.IWI w111 ..,.. ~ ... lew. ·; ~ . . , -. I ,, 4 ~ .... ~. .BUFFU.MS·' I O~est and Largest ·Department tore rn~-Long Beach-• • • Five &N•IIIc lloon .. • 96 O.put..,..ta .... .srr:u- -••• ._.. ... tile MWf' .. ~~ton-for Ilea Ia Ita Ia- ..._. • •u• ... l"...U.. Ud .. ...,. ....,n. 4tlt n..r ~·oflood to JOU•I f~,k alld UN-ir .......... •• ••...- rdw . .........,,. Stoff. IAMt~t Rrat-h'" ,.,.._. U.rih CNfrr ••• tile~~ Shup, \'nun,; ('aJifc.nUa. Kltop. ~ . Ud ..... ). otllu ~\'I!DM'DI -.-t;ocu; . • all ~) ...t ra,:f'r 'to ,...~ ... , . .,.,. X:UU A . ~-to .. :.1ft 1'. M. ,. ~ Ill Bt"'JT1'MS' .\U'I'OPORT. II a... Rpari••UOI and Ntti\'Miiret ... ' •. Or. II you pN"frr, park I• uy onr ''' !I Uu•ntu•·aSHIJM'I~O . . . 'PARX.' 2 hour's FKtit: • ~tbrr plaN-•ilh a Ruffu'""' pun-._.. of ·SI or -,o"'· Publir .......... rata at lhf' ~~ TOI"OK_T an! ,..... ..,..... It ... , . .,, rtOMd. . . • 4 rJ ' BUFFUMS' HELPFUL IIOLIDA Y S~RVICES Sltup •JIJ• BuffiiJII''. ( 'harp-l'talr ... yuur ::o •l.1\ ( 11ar~.:•• J\1..-.Hutl fur ma\_lmum . . notl\t'rtll'fl.,. lit• t.ak•· :a ,,. .. ,., •11t l u ;a mc•rry C 'hri,l111:a... "il h :a Ruff una"' ~t'rc·halldlw c·,..,,.. ... l&uu". A\.tll.;ltlr· 111 s;-, '''~=-'Ill cf••num- m a lt•lfh "'"' Jl:l~' un1•-frlth •lnwrt cphr<c "m.ull • .liT\ all" •l•.•n:•·l a u•l llw l~;ilalll'a• ill t•asy lllllflllih tll•l.allttw iiJ.., I ·...,. ''''"I'""' jtr,f likt• 1 .r<~ll .ofl\ J•l.u 1• ill llw ,,,,,. t 1111 ~aw·•·ial Coifl \\ r t•J•J•in.c S.•l'llun, "''C'IIfld . . fl • .,,,._ ~ .. 11 ''"''""'"' "' ~ ... ,. 1 til • '"''' n11rfth r l11lh I•· lr· •· I'·" k,q·o·-..f,a. llw ll••llllllaf t'fiSI I 1f I'J7do I I " II · "" • ,,, r •• 1 111 r•·•• 1111.111\ ••Ill ·••·an •••IC" n ill ~l:a•ll~ '""I' fur _\ltll, .1ll•·lltllll'; I•• t'\'j>'l'~•· llaan · 1wlraolar w '" •J •'J•III' :rii•Yl,.l•·ll\•·•,:.·.'.lu-,1 rla.ol "'', I I ,''' ,,.,, ..... 1•·11 • fla t ;·•· ••11 ZJ-:nalh ,,.,,I, ',J ·. '"·' •.t-; 11 ,.., l .••n:· '"'':•·~~ c;•,x ·11 . I ;'; nct:t: uu.n ·un· st:IC\'Wr.' t.~ t 'uit,.d 1':11•'1'1 I 11 ·h,,., :.· :111:.·" r.~·••· ~f. ;.,"""''.u f'alt · f•tlllt:l 1'11 1•'''·'"'" ;.,.•clll t./.1• ,,, 1••111' ''1111•., f • • .tlftonu:a , Ar·•''•la;'a...,~•'' /.1:1 .o l.ld I 'Lila J I ;-- l ~·r wtH ltr .. n, mal. ~tiftA amrdua . ..,.d at lltalfu,...• .. y,,.. "'•·••·ly pa_v u ... ,.,,..., .. r Jl•.tf(t - "g ••. i'o:u S l.ilt• S:aJr•, T ax} •111 Jlllrdii!SI"' ru:uJ,.,I ,,, '"''"'.; ,,.,,·:;rtf,; ''' ( ·altr.,rnr.r ' I \· ~ Rulfu~n~t• rh-rfully f'Mhf--. pay r,ufl daf'C'u With ttr \\lltiiiHt a ~llrdt:t-"'· \\'tlla•tlll rHir· t•haSf' 111 tta.-C ashit>r:s _fJHil't', firth , f10Qr; witJ;a (JtJn"haM"• in ltw-rk•JJ<tlinlf•nt \\hen,a pur· <'haHe l8 made-. ~. ,. I !. -. ' .- P~Twelve ; . / NEWPORT .BALBC?A NE\\'S-~ ·Nt>wport Bea~. C«tl!!omia. TIIUR$D~Y. DEC~ffiER 11, 1941. ----------------------------~r-------------------~----------~-----+~ Mar Casa Is Setting f ar --· lslaQd Circle ·Party JIARBOR VAliSITY,.:CLASS. B CASABA TEAMS APPE~R -STRONGER II LAGUNA CLASHES ~tat,.lv ~tar l".o• 1 "" Hnll•o:• IAh'-'lol i,. tu· l>e ~· 11.1.,.: f.,r \111 '• r•~· n A, J', rt , 1 '•• •• : , ' • .r ltu nalboa 1'\Joh•l ..... 1 ••• r •• , •. \\':::,('~ 1.\lol hI II I •J,:IIo .ot 1:! IU wath a r ·• ·II.• k •···1 •.• .... Sairor A. s . Lose second Game Of Sea son and Bees Score 2nd Straight Victory Last Tu esday iterrb<'r• •t't h•· o ''' tl1'1>• l •··or ·• w at h Mr" •' • I ., ... 1 t·ro •··· • ~htl\\ inr..: , ... n,idt•r:ehiP impn1\'t'nlc •11t o\·c·r· th1·1r :IJ •I-··•' ln duu):l' ,.,;i to• ,,,, ~~ ;•.It t \ · c 1 ,.. 1 k h .... 1 .tunnJ: tiH' ,.11.,, "" Mro~ , _1 .. 0 :ant'l' lag:ttn"'t ,;u·r t•l1 • .ro'"C" a!'t Wt'<' . t t' ·'•'"1~•11 11 :11 ~·• va,.~· th•· ,.,~~ 11 '"~-!•· . r car t' , ·. t 'ninn I fi~h ~dHJ(,J ,.:11~it y h;a~kt•tllltll squad fin:ally Jt ... -t • hoei .. -·.. ,,r,• :\!1 ~ ~·· ,·,, !"tnltt1 ne•e·k :end ru·rk l'littrh• in 1111 O\'t•rt irtll" • ).!arnf' whc•n l.:e ··w •.• M'" ~,, . .,"~ f'r"""·'11 ~~~~ r:ttt) Jlh..:h Sf·hool in\'nrll'rl the" llart10t: ~\'m last Tuf'stht\' ;af11·t11o ... 1n Pink nnd '""' ''""'~ :1\r,. I h 1.1 y • • . \\'llhllmA.IUI-1 :\It• Ito•) 1:1, :11.! 'I'll•' !" oai .. r j \ ;.,11':0~ '"fllotlll•~l "'I lB aJtil,lr •"'Ld•tP•ll {\..,',\\lltra •t&.• !"t rt id< h\ !COUnth•tl thf' ltf"'ftN-111 -~,,1 t.•t! ~t' .. "'run\ Hh·u lt 'IIHt'd J1K.J 1ut r ''"'' ~~ ••lli·J..! tt.•·ll' ~·· '"''" ~tt JqJr,:tlt \'lf ·:U)-30 l 'ha\'hl~ An uv•·rtlu,t· f" ,,"'. (OOI\I Alllr,. )o 'l tlh\ "'"' ~!otlo!.S!i\ 1"" 1' 11"' I'''' 1''"~-'"'' ·~1 h o•olul.-1 It• t..rra.k tho• Ill· I.Jt.:ton,o I'• • • In thr hOIIH' •..!. ~~~~ l!o•rt Ill.~~-,., ro·nlltlrt •11''"' 1''111' .I \hu~ '"' l v.lf\lf thr raul to tit·· r•l .. ~'''" .oil• I tiHJiltmt·w tltt> ('llo lo· n~ o 1\1••1 $ .. ~. 1111~ )t'.tr • I IIII' nt·cr•CUIIII')I-, 'J, .polltl n1:orp1. I• w ! 1cJ1 wall li\· u~ .. J t .. r c lna111\' ~<nd \\ 1J h I'• " raJ !..''' ·• ,. filii' 11• •· ~··~ win. chu,.;.h· f'UrJIIII"'l' Mt'\01 ,lll~htilu '""'"' a "'""' r •• r 101"11'r v ,.,. ... hI \'o-rnon F ll 7.pl\trh k ,.r,d 11;,, .. nww wu an , h11r~l 111 tit•· t.a:r.swr Halp . ll• • II ~ \:11!\ll y h•••J'"'"'" ~hrflln It'd th., ~&JI••,.. \'oHI<I\\ Nil' anrl Mrll !'tn lt h tn ote • .u ~ 'I I''''"'"'' d " lltu•"•tl••' att.u k Wt•l Ita a .. orinJ: I'AniJotu.:n 1-1111• t'l. I. l hf' fovcl om prH'••I •h·l•·•·'"'''' t·l~\' I fl f•IT'Vtartl htt lilt• huJO k•·t l•·r 1.: I Tlw '"" "'1'':"1!< l•atlh·ol '''' ,.,, 1''•11.14. "'hat.. tu~ ~a ... rhn • ·I I. ---c1llurt1~~~t+·1,~-~·~n htutnl "',..,_ thr ftnal whtaUe thf' l)all thrnuJ:h tho·· ''""i' ( • 1.cu.r a\1.1.' .. , ....... AltiiiW -.,.. 75• fllj#, .. I for ft.~$ fl\h'ti'Ttt' r.ou · tnr.!l ti.U to fiiU O ~h a·~ Itt Utt IC•r•• t• '-' •f' ,.... •• ... .... ...... '!.\to .... 'nile .. ,... «IUt ~ J"'OTTJAI.LA . Sl.%6 t ·p GIFTS t1)R AU. '.' ..... ·,··· • ' , '.r-.:· •·•tr... .......... , ........... ..... .......... ····· ............. . ..,...nil"•· t'wtrv a... .... ~ t k.hl•• T ~ ' e. I •· ........................ ,......_ 8LIZPI~G BAG!j AM Glnl'! .... • ._ ,....... Ala •\n a.:-. .. ...... -....... ........ ..... ......... ,_ ............ . ....... ,_,. ·--I.. • .... oell -- JI' ., •• -........ ~····-~-IU'-15 S5.75 ROXI~H ,a,u\·t:~ ••It•\ t•n putnU at c •;:nt•·r t rr,rn hu• J .. ,,:J••"'l ' CLAN a S.JIIora . \\ ... ....,\' :\lallo•r fj ... II L•gun.J I ~ ··•·:• '··,~· "\ :--o,,..,,k c 0 0• ~,. ··'lfl.itti J lht;! U c..; 4• \" .tnta :ooh't ' )t. I , ., lu·ll Cl (; (I H• • •ll"' ~ul 11 c •rr.n•· o I t I •unl:tl' K• "· ra ·l ~t•·hr n.-~1\t•o u :•t 11 .~,.., \\'luarl .. n ~1111U1. 11•11~ l:t.tluur. '•I I..HJ.:UIIa ----------.. .. .. ;,, ;•tt Oj.:,fll'i!4t tolliUl" C b Le , Jlr&~~c •~•m• ptay.ct by tdllu asa a ague ma.ll' up of the group att~ndilla- Sch dol I · ~any· ul lht t .. am awmbera Ill e e s lht• lt&gUf Bit" a t fUlated Wll!l the Dl·~rupted ' By W"""~ Cal:fOflllo& Slate cuans. are dty _ ill c>mplr,yt>H or ar.-Olhnwtw coa. 1 tul· 1 , tlw •·m..ra:· nr\· ''"'sttr.!l n••• tf'.t y,·i~h ~llona ftQuinac •ant'" tlh• C1rst n.-\\ s or tht· at-p:trt al'ular dutit', dunn~ ~b AD tao k • n Jlawtw by J.q•an many e-mt-rJ;t>fK'y u now .-sieta. 1 .-n M·hn play on b:ask<'tball te:lJila OD<t routLM <"on~ wtUl ·n t1 l\:f'IA·JXlrt Harbor Dillltra<"t lht> war l'mt•r~~:~n<'y U. be e D · · .. n{,r unltv ' J1askcit..all ~asu~' 1.\'0 rkl'oJ out a'rns ~ publ"' be-- w4'r<' not · pre.so.>nt .. last TUe».tay t nm<·l! IU't'Uifoml'd to ~ .atu- lll~:ht at 'the H arbor H IJ::Ii gym. atl<m. at la antadpaled t hat the J.ea,:;m· j::tlm•·s scheduli!d t o r n~ght ba.akt,Wl-c.la.M Will coia • that t·venang were poitponed and .tmue. I -ft· ·' ~·A, ClAU _S SH·OWS YOUI ...-~. ·- ••• . SfH'~ial ~i/1 ... ,,,.. ,.• Yl'S sirr(.'('. S.'\111n Cl:uis t-. our ~t s:"IIMmnn -IJrc·mt~ ~ift-llltY<'~ ;,,._ pn'd;ttc ·th<' ,·:~Jaae of a t yfJ('writer to anyone-. anti' th«-y aJl{\n'f'iate the t>al'e with whk:h they CMI bu~· a ty(l('wrilf?l' ror a t:irt .at T'M'm.m's. . Tht' famous. CQron:t li.Df' off<'" a Wicft-d 'Oif"(' •.. z ..,nh\'nt. ~n-:un­ Jj~ ~t:trrf:1nl:; :uw ~ilt-nt~ .. '. :at r • it'f'-' ~·ou rnn" .uron.l, on tenns you 4.'a0 -pay. &-<-Corona! -a ;~:~~~:: .-Und~ei'-~a-ted-.-88-.ilo-r B Quintet ~-~~-~,_.~·· ~,, .. _·-~~1'11 ~~"~"N~·T· ... " -"~-·-'~-·-....._._~_, -L.Il-1~-l 0-1-J ~ __ T_o Enter A_nahe_ im Toumame_n_t _ ----• • ,_ Tht" P,'Ul tw .. y.·an1 U., ~"" \\nl\1 ·,~' • nnsllfl.rl'tl tn tw ttn n a:;ill at 7 u'o I•• k :--loo)uf,l \ht·y "'111 I ho· ~:ulr•r:o w all lt\fll !,!!a~· l111· "" no•r nf.tltt• J111-:1 l.Jtl .l•Jl ,.~ \ • ·, ha·uu _ Cu.J.a.s ma.1.L..Il \~ ..ldl 1 , 1loa· Jllaycu al.!u ·. -i .. • • Jl; ,i •••• .t casla for ~tllis -(~tlst••• , .••• ~.., -·. 7~ *-. .. If Ouhtmu , 1941. find,""" •hnrt ol ca•h. a ~.nlc. ,,f Amnou ~'"'"~1 )e>en •rll toJt JUU •••CJ. l lot Ju.lD l71w, u.0J.J. .!n...p<L)U1 Lit t~\h S IJI() b.11wwt\l alkl "'" ~ aroU>,.:N ~""~" ~· •nr ht•n<h .•. rn '"l •n1• unt frum f \0 le> 1 1,11\XI • • TO HAY£PipiNTY Of MONIY fOI CHIISTMAS: !'4Z~ .,...._ ___ _ftf.WL~L.!.!~~UJVV~~TiqN NI)W . Start a f\•nlc .,f An,rrtt A ( IH•'!'~'"'' ( ·,~~~ ... ·~ ~,,,.,, Af MH' 1't,jn,h .;::,."-• "'' orfl'k•f('ff_~IJ""'d .... ,11l''"'rtc.•l'• ,,t l"'· 1•• uf I 1 1• f ill•_ f \ tti~A "'~yt f'C'tr't1l"t .. "'1,~" •• -........ ~ .-ll ..,..,UfJ:.clL...J U Uu..JJut> 1,1 "'. •'HUt,, ... fff"''t It 4 t•ltl•l••• ,, , t *'', i • ""'•' 1 'I ,,, (,1ft t _..,, .,_, # tl• • I \"I • \ (UIII\'V''"''"'•I\·t~ • "'" '• ll #l .. , ·····-· 1(~. ••·'· ,,., .. ,.,,. , .. ,,..,_ • l'utik of Xutrri ru· • NAtt(JNAl ~: .. ·,:.·' "''' .. ,,l hl'l .. ltmhte ftJf·•~ l"J ·:• t in' • .-.: • •r .. u• ,...., pl:lrt Uartk r t:nkHt HJctt , k bonl .. ·'"" t• ~• t h.tl -wtll ro·\t·al I h. .. ltr1.'11lac hnv.l•nlf lf'":J-"''""'~nlJ¥11·· 1 1as~ U baltk•lhall t .. um b!Y turn 11-•l etro•llJ.:th u) til•· lt!•·JM•nt l'la~.• 1 ''"" "all co•ntl nu,. r•·~o:ar•!lo·ll!l (of • •l Ill an •·•• •·ll,.nl · rfl'ord.. T w " II qaunl,.t. tf any .• ,. th<' An:th•·•m 1 hl11•·knut11 lllllrtlll): t;om~hl ·Thur~-)rara qo at Y.'U undf'f~ I.AJot 111hl>l II l>ru~k..tbaU tournl\mt>n~ 1•tny. "" t ht• l'l'I'Uit nr \m•hlllatlon )•·ar 1t ran up a lon.: eMaD or ~tartln~o: t!.al\ a ftt'rnuoil. Thurl!day I uf ~>qul(lmf'nt '" ·rnabl,. tl·• ~J)t!rt. \·Jrtunh brr••rt· ~Inc upelt. , lt•nd 1\n"-'ltnllit Alii')' tn I~ com-Thu year. a w .. n.,...._.f'\.1 1,.s.tf'ly dllrkN •tld. yet ~-rmlt tbe . C'.a.M B tram. ~tuod b)' J'ail•b \ ·I ~·vntlnurt! u.., or rPJUI:U: lntrrior K. •Rftd.. U. won ltJt nnt t••o lllumlnat!Hn at •·u aln••un,.,...l t u-pract.tcr 1amft Of tbr ....,... aad 1 I ola\' hv Jotana~f.ra Jfaunr Stanlry_1.,, lhu• Car uftdrfratC'd.. anti ('h11unr~· Prur k _ _ 1 Thr \\'C'\Jnt;JO<Ia~· nl~:ht hRn•lirar R H · 11''1-=Uf' "-lUI ha!Jrd I htA \". C't'k W! tt • t l'f' N'IIUII ()(,. t h r bl:lo ~out lal't ev a er o~~ht wb,.n~ all lit:;hl.tl ' ;r,. c•r · • • eh•rt"tl (t'\lt ' • 1 ,,. \\'r•lnl'l'<!lty nt,._...r l~T -.,. 'd a~r• ffi Co ht•wl t)l•·tr m<'l• h.-4 0 .. ea :Ill hl'<lulrol for I h ill "l'l'k 110 Thur1'· . 1 ohn· r\"HIIng :;ot:~nl,.\' l'i lllrd.. 1 ' I Thiii"II•IR\' tw mnnllj:• r" ,,( ~J'<•tt · 1. 1 't•rrJ"•rAIIo>n8 w•·n; ,..,,,;1! m:t.!•• Ji · · h ,lnnol ~·· ;.nnltlo• lhf' "!"'""'" Jl:olh .. a new c urc • l':wlll\.lfl t .. ,,.. c"mrh't "'" .1114· k· • ol • 111 v. ho'ro t hr .1• C'llnr a'lun r.atlun.d Uic ~lk\'1' •• '"llltl """·I \II • ''••ri••r fl").!"• '' 111 of ••'Uf ""' 1 ... t oollh'ol put u •t•l \\ll h '"''''" h 'I' .. •• -·' t 11\\ 1· 1 ...... 1111 ' .... I~· ..... t ·r .d ,, ~. ,.t ' ,.-, .. !:-f'. I,.< 1'!:.. I-ll• ~ 'l'i II t I I!\ I I' I • \ , ... --,~ do1.1L' t l l .~·ttfo•J•' I • J•l. ' ._ ' I • I • Tt." l:o•\'f'rnn.t \\ J t!attn la r<l-,.:h.nc t.u• J··~· ·a• tt.,. F.pl.l· .. ; •' .-t.un h • : II.·• ~1f ••tl\b In ~.on:.o \aa tt.<' :.!•'h .,f 1ht• m(ICith ·1 .. ,.,·,·, ;tt ttw I'"JM..:,,r do rr~'1nd ol . ·•··: ,,,. 1 .tncJ thr t .,. , ', r • rt • ... 1 \ tl • =--• • f .. ..... r:. , 1 t •• t, • ' 1' t • \~ I~ h t t •• .., I 0 ' :I,... :t. ~ • • • • ,, 'I . ... '. '. .~ .. , , ..... •1 • fa·~· ,,. • •' '!tsh~·l \ . 0 ~ f ' ' I • 0 • I ''' • 1 • • ••t..-•' •1• 1111 1"4 'c , .... . ·1· ., ~·~, • ,. ·• I ·• I·• t ~ i • , .. , ,..-~ ... • I ,,1 ' •• • ••• ,0• I • • • I ! . ,...... :-= •• I' • • •••• 4 •• \' I 1 1\ It '" ,. -.n ' .. ::r'l '. , • : • ,. 1• ~:~.. '• 1 ,.~ •'! ·-· I. 1 • • • .. • ... ,. ! 0 t • '-4;. ....-I 1.11 o"" 1.1\ Jl •I'• r \ • :-•~r--·'" • .. , ut h :0: ... k t.. .. \ .1: • • I . · \ .t • , I · , . · ., ·a\• 'l' "'t r•'o ~ , • ,. \\ . . I - t ... r.a',.' 4 t \ ": \ ',\ .. ~:· ··~·-·~ ~· .•• ~ !\~ _,·,:• t • •• , It!\ .. tf"" I t \0 I I \';e· •t Y• l•• • .,,.•. .... ::: ' ··' ~t ... .., . ,~ I'll' • •· II :u wr tran." ' nf"\' \ l.lll ' ''.(' Udo 1 f'oiC'raJ •t• ,,, • r Lnh ..:o J·•hn!' • , Lon·. . ' ·~ C•1l· and '"-II•· I a n.! '1 Wt'~l ! • k f' • · t~rel't • IC'h ho• • • c. •• t r·' ;r .. nr . ·.. .. ,, .. ·· •: ''" · .. · · • In tltl' \': :· ... ! ~t l!•• \\,\ ... i i"'''"·•" i P· '.-:,An a ..f .. ..,. J .,, 4 '·,• I • Th~ lc11. a ! boll club llf lk'hj<o.Julo•ol ·~rn:.: ~~ll:•ll••t ~ "til bo.• ~ ... P·!l ut ~·~~ (oor •,,;.l'l t " Ill tho• l t.,l l \\1 I•IUOo.ls , H\ t ur1oJti~t \Ute} :_,J,d •ll't.' t tuurna .. : ,, , 111 "111 l.o· •· .. nuuc h·u u ~t.lt>r the • I I' rulta. ,. ·it.·.-.. TIER.\..4_,. Tt'PEri'RIT£R t:o. UO ,~~~ Fourth • Santa A-~oee 713 .t 1 1 t l.r ... i( \:. • • i :· •r't" ,,,:\: ":· t r i·! ••• ,. l l.l' t• .. 0 .~ ... ..... 1•\1'1 \\':~ .. , .'\- ~u:-.Ly an ·'·¥'· ~-, ··be n h ·.:· I ttm· it un- ,., h ll' : .e ""' .~ 'i/!Z._sifBz @---0 . _!?_ -..nil J.... rJ/1/i/ff!lf/f/Df!J&/?/?~ tk)7 MA./(5> . . . l • .. :\'n•, ~!lr.'".a 11 • .:~ .t ~·oet • ).:, J.,. u t •'• •• r . • •o\' at :\ ~ ...-t !.fZ of • "· II t· •• f onomlrt I ,-:t-,.,,. "·, · """ ~ t!• ~oet a . i.f ... 2 Crar.,:r · :ill Il l \\. ( ···ntrnl .\ \C'nu•• :\t·" ,,.,,, 1\c•at·b . ('ali(. NORMAN NURSERY & FLOWER SHOP 110'7 Coat 81\·cL · PboM 51().\\' Coro~J& *I Mar, ('all. r / .,., . ., ~rt·\'~ntwn mdhll<lll Slh•uiJ. ll··~ .. ',t:.uanl~ d a t nn~· thut· h•• t•11h7t•tl ttl t'\'t'l')' t•umt ~lurin~: I'•~ t•la .. • I i ,.,. \\ II• ,... •I "tl' tht· C hra,.tm:\Jf ,..,a,..•n \\'tlh tin" nl>'l :'lt~ rul\' ''"' ••f a ,.,,.,Ill purp. ,.,. tho ="""'l'"rt t;l:s~r b',, r '""''\ • ar;.n," .Ill• I "I"'" h.:ht• ("hn.:rh• r of le)ntmt•n ·•• t "~ Jill;!-"' av tr .. n' '' lntht\\ 'ul'l:uns 1' '. J:tllll'tl \ht• (t~tlOWill~ prt•t itlllh•ll:. j •t:l' ~r,atli!l l\llfl ('otl'lltl llllll' lwi!K ,_,n 110• worth whtlt•. ' lt•uu,.,.,. thr '"'' !rnru l ,. h••II:Ot' A\'Ohl ll,:hud rllll•lll'll m 'tlw lt·l·••• 11 ,,,., nitlt'>~ .!r y ''"'"rutl"n of thl' tr•·" I'M'.-~~···,\ t 'ul .. rr ••n.l ,.f t111ltk •h;AI!""·III\ full·.-",rl'd rlo:•tJru· liJ!hiA • 11\1 h 11!11 •~tt·· 'tnt h lli}<WI' .Orlj;oDUl l'l;l(';. 1 n"· :1 ~•f•• th!>tam•t-(ron. ''"' • rut 1 :<lt•\'c o r ftreplace. 1. Sln{Wi lrt'<.' in,v.ut.·r :..t c>net' :Inti • \ 'Sf• mc•tnl t m>WI r .. r t rtm fin• I kt'<'P Wllh'r ... ,.,,1 nbt>\'t' • ut lOur mka of' flake a.s~·Ht,,s tor lml·: fru·•· llurllla,: l'tllln· l•nu• .tn-.· Ill Ill tatlon annw. . , • 1 11''""'' Theeclore Robina 1 .. .· DuriAe ~ past two dec.adea. RMI~a ~aa Mned the Newport Harbor public .and the1r ;autos. He (#t•tlnn t nmmtnK rtnd t o.t I ••11 whtskt'rt'd ~anta Chuuic·s nr•· \'t'r)" dangorou!t. Santa suits nnd whi-k· ftrt>·rll!t811\ l' by ·' Waterspout Misses· Harbor, A hUJ:f' wRh:~f"'"' whic'h ~w•'rt nr rnP.!I the Catallntl (' Mrid \\'t'<l nt•l'•ln~·. mf'nacf'..t Nc·¥qlort .llllt · • bur "ilh till 111:111)' "'""n·•l •·r.trt hut "u.tch•nl" ""'''r\'1"<.1 ami 11tr111'k thl' <'flll!CI ,.;,11th nf hl•rt', !Of'nrltn~" "uh·r c•\'c·r lh•• ,.,,..'lSI hlgh\\'11)'. II • .,..., ,;.,.._ ... ~ -hliiAic ~ • small g.a..age, then ent t>red t he eala field ~ith ·the •~• 'Ford dt.trlbutorahlp, whiCh t;e hn eon. -..;:..~-~"'11L.IMI.c----1-":uo r<'!'<•rlc••l . A• lh•· lt•wc·nn)! • ••lumn n! \\II· t__.r appt an,·, I u l"•llt to ._, 8 '" •-:. t' 1 K< rt'"" ="•'\\1H>:1 ll:t rh •r.. ht'l 4JUCUCI ~llrtft't ......... " __ ,ril+t-1~--Jk\-~: st•t tt~U~ t..U.u·-n~~ f,, u:u••f the •Model ~-. "' .lfr.-aDd ~I rs t-:•J ~k.·ll\' w•ll ~d th~ v.mt<•r n ... n•t,.; w th Uwir ila ughte r. !.tr s H A •f'i-nm· ~~ It au•ld••nl\' tum•'\! down I h • ··oaat. tncak1111: u p wllt'n fr ~<lr\lr' \h(' hiUs a 111t011 .tt>tl:uwe 11u11ll • ! Ct~rqna ''"' Mar • ~h••rtly :tft .. n\ 1ir.l ·,. il r 11 w•·r hall"tJ un · ('un191 IJI)!l)No'dY lUI " tlt'IU)!(' IIWI'fll IU'roU l : e road a l f:l Morn• lka• h , " ~~~r pi :-:~~'J'Or't lTaghts. 'They---f-.._,....,. RICAN RED CROSS ~lf bumr .. '" Jant>8\'&llc. ARE· IN THIS CHRISTMAS WONDER LAND FOR THE ENnRE FAMILY TWIN l\'AFEJ.E IRO~S \\II h m tO\ h :q fl~ B··a•llirul rCimhin· :1tlttl' t dto :en1l r ,. r "r •i f'I:'IYln~ • JJt,p h lth ... ;et IllS NO. I GIFT ~. hwk I It' !"h:l\'t'l ~ ,tf flit : tlh C\\ ('J! •• ,,. ,,.. • \' t \ ,,..,,. Ptull·tt I 'or 1 a hi•·" ·t ftl•· a~~· i H·:~..rl<- h ""' ,.2g:.ct ••• '177::,0 C'•t .... J I, HIIJ\ ,C7!J;'t i ,\I til \"'I' •, 1ld r L m~~•:·: \\'.\Ht: '' I lo o 1'1· ' ; ~ ' \' •• • • II Special $-l.rR Kl.t:t:~ swt:t:I't:r: t;, n111n• ... \\' t.:n•·1' I'Pil1h m•ld I 'f"<l• r n rlo••lt.:n \\ rth _, .. , .. ,."' .... J; •fw-:lr m~• .Only $-•• -. ~).;r.) : i\ rh~ rful tift for, 1 ht• ho!"'l' Ronmy. in•.d•• ca\Ilc & ~h""'" or thn ' 'iliiifit .. d cutn• ~ Cnmpl•·•c· for nnly TOOL Headouarters ....--------~ ~itt 'H i!.~ . ~:! !f ~, ,., ,. .. ,..:~~I h . I "; 1-(f:_, • _1\ \.i ... ~ ~ t . ; .: . ..,. " . :,. I ~~~ ~ ~. . -. ---.C...~' ... ~· , .•. F'-, "" . .. ...~~ :;.,, .,"~~.:. Th~ m•"'t Jlradlt-nl ~:lrt" "' •• , rur 3 """'· t ,\'f'r,\ m:M Ilk-thf'nt ,,,. . ltw lnld jut... to oln raruun•l th•· huu ... ·. Tbr r.: a rr hurt•lr•••J., nf ttfut.. t o •·huu-....-· frnrn t tir rt• "'"' : It """';,.....;mt...-r~"1 ~fl-. 'f u;t .. f .. 1\\fl .. )Jt' ... -.. :'' ''""'' :tnfl l ltl n< I It •• m a •ll••nl·lll•"olly .}\h• n d,,.,,!-,IJ, f 1 '!9 opo [11'<1. ,\ buy 111 • • !' ltwk' !'h.l\o I I (Ill!' Ill_\' di'Jt:II'IHlt·tll IS IIIII "' ll ... l'llll :tllcl ;t1:111 ... in~· ·:il l' l"r 1'\t ·r~·: ·~···:-;,.,.II l•••l:ty . Little llusky \\'A(;ON ... L ... -~,~ C?·-rr ' •• 1 '''" r .. , ... ,, .1 ,.,., • •·.n·· Jll• ,· lterd\ (,,,, rnlo· 1 .. 1 lll .. l • "1"9 "' ,. \1' . 1-... ~ I\\ r• Ita \'' co flu· r "'"'lo:l- a ntl &•ric·•·'· I •~•u.) # ' t ; 59c - -_.t. . ·---~ ...,. .... "' ..... 1 ., .. r• I "t • t ., '.t 69c Co~~· i~:today and see th.is wonderful ·where literally hundreds of -selections giftla~d ·of await your bar2'ain.s _fhoice. .. • HAROWAR£- ~cJrA !'tf(;A 'HONE NEWPORT 1325 1/ . -t -.... l --.PuBLIC NoTICE5' Pu'BLL~ NoTICE& 'PyeLIC NoT.ICES . _; _....___ N OTICC OF' tl f CTION \\ ITHIN 'n•t Nl WPORT t'•t tGttTS l RR t(",,A T IUN L)IGTHIC'T :'\1 11'11 ' .. : 1:-: 111'1\Fl iY l;l\'F:" th .t nfl ••l .. tl··n ho~"' 1 ... u oatl•.1 I I \\1\1 l w• ho•i.t I flo I 'lit oiH\ o•l ,. YH• ~\1 \\ 1111'11 •\~:-.. t•l· l•'h 'I'H I~ 1\1•:\l.lol>:t> I '~ I . 'Ti ll•: \'Ill' 1'1: •\l !'(t \'tt 'r l·'' It:-.. Ttl ~; t..•l I'!' 1'111:-,; tW 1'111 ' t :l't'AI.l. ••I•' T ifF l 'Fit~'tl:" ~tlf 't :lfl' I'll 111 ' 1<1'\'\I.I.FI• Fl\tl\1 l'\liiiW t h 'l ' Tn \P ie• 1.-1 .1 I'•'"'''" 111 •1 •'11 th•· h.llh •l a 111 a , .uttl•t ,, •. ,,, ,. .... 1'·" n ,,,., 11lt 1 "' ''''\"' .. " .1*1, "''' " I"''"''''' , .... ,tr •• l ""''" '''=" •'IU?"l r ;'\,, ;t \\1ltuu tht• I•••Uih,ath·~ "''""' Ulh le't lh•· .Ct1 t•· ••f t t1•• ••I •1 thv ~'"l'l•tl itt·u:ht..., hill'" 'r ti t' '" th,• lt,~flk ... ,,,,_.,. l•11t t•" '''' l 'l~1 t h t ,,1 • ''til~,. •"t•unl\ thn1 l'lil l'•'· .. ' '· dth•rnta. hU t h •• 1'"' ~h .... ,. ,,. All ttuuk,. ,.,, ••pt t h•--, '"'""' "-U1•u"ltttt•• t.• th•• •lil.6h (tt •I .,..~.., ''' arr .t uThlthlt·u Att '''""" ~,,,,.• ttf :0.\h t l'a\'lr~thtH l h t• l''''fh '"'' t'\ll<lllfUn,_: IIIIUk' tlf t'l ,1,a111t..,. IU•• U h •lt ! 1!1• \1\art.·r l"t.•t. ,J ,,, ,, 1t : f, 't'thhh'n :u hl 11\1!.'"•· ttu~ ('t,lht1. ~ll·tll ,;,,, A \\1llol llt ·ll ,,.. '''"I fl'd '''''•t u~ a I'IJ\''t~•• ,.( lt t\'d If~'"' "''"')..h ""li\tHp ''*" ttf 1 ''' r"'"'" ~.. :l ~·t th·· ~··" '"'''', .lt·h•~ •: t tu.-\'i.ll tl••t . r""'tl"" '' ,,; tluo tl•••t.:h\!'4 ''"l!"''"" l •t<~~I HI t -I ~ ~~~~r· • ,,,r •·r f,,.,.,,~.., ·~·I (lh~atn ""'''''''' ~hall ~ ;,... 1\ \\ ,.. • -~-- '' 1111111 I"' r·•••alll'tl !Yr• ri.,... tiH· ''''" •••• r . 1 '· ... IIII'IC,I>t•l •• r t II r I I l luJu.l ,,( l •t'r,,,,,,,.,. Nu r.1r 1 •h·'"'"" ·n•n·,. I 1-\':, turJnt .. ·r .. r ltu-• ~ Jl: •tU d .. ( I •u t'lot t .. r, • t'n: ,.,,, .. 1•'" 'l't ,, .•• ... IIU•• •••• c: .... A \\'~tiO'IIIUtll Ill·- Itt• """" .... ,, •• "" ··I I 'htll lt•11 I' l'llkmiull • __ ! ,__', "'"'------...·-·· _....;_I ___..I. e~ b. . 'I hi' 1"•11111): !'"" •'· "Ill '"' .111 ~l·;.u~.J. :\lr,. ,.,,.,, 'l'nn~lnll .. r .::••!• .. ~ .. ,.,Ann ~'''"'-•' .u hl lh·· ;\tt:l ;..•n,l :o;te•••t ,!\:f\\1'•'11 l'•a.h t.,fl,. '"" ho• ''1'•'11'111'11' 1.' • olo• k .til' lito• ~·rvuol 1''"'''>4; J"( 11 •l.ut.:h H II \\'tiOllltCI\JOil . ._ ..... , I ' ~ ,.-, •·"' k t• M 'l•·r ,,..n, Nt..•\t•tnhrr :tt• It\ th•• !'I I ~N'tar-y. '· ~lu-f••'l••\\111.,: """' ,,f hatl••1 .fttlll•·ph ll"tlllll'\f t •uh 1 ~· t•, 11. tt\. 1141. · . "111 ~:· •MII·~A...!\!...;:i"' ,., .. 1'"" r--·-·•-----"!"'-----------------• 0 F' F' I C I A .L 8 A l l 0 "t Spt>clal RH .111 t lf'rtlo~ Nt> ... porl Hf'tghh lrriQ.llton Dl•tr•rt' , • Or.ar•l)~ Coun fV:""t:atiforniJ Ot>crmbt'r 18, 19~1 I~Sl'R~CTION S' T 0 r" ',,,, ,.,, :dut •· P I ~'''" f'1t''!•lt•~t' t •• filltt '* •I t fh• ...... f)htU It'• dlt ,t Ul \lt ,, , ! lth ll 1 .... u~ .. ,.,,.,.,, ''"'" ,,.,, ,. I•\ t ht~t ; •·• all •·lc·• t , .. ,, ...... ~. 1• , ~ • tn thr, Tnf1nJ: :"'l''"".,.. n~t tn 1 •· • ..: Itt 11f tt.. "·' ,,,. "' ttn· , , l ·l~tlt· :-\11 \'tt T I' \\11.1. I ·; •'••1'110'1'1<1• ... ,,It A:-.; \-t·.\' .•ll•t\ ........... It T ill. II , .. 1-'1. ~.· PHQNE DlRECToRY GAI~S I,OQC) NA~ES 1.1"1"'1!" ht I ho• ~tll'hnl•·tl• al " '\ttU • f t hr ""'"-'' 'tr""•nr•· • 'n,,,. \' •lfl•• t .. i-\• 1total RPI''"'IHtal••h I ••• nr nt~f'"''~'"'"'' h· t •"Mt , ...... , 11tnn tn t ht• •··uk Ltkt•U ttlll uf u~'••lnti"n n• • ttl ohna.: t .. 4 · t ~t. l ••~tutl•l dtt'f 1 it I U !Uh1t.:,• r n( t ht· :--;,,11, t.rru c ·.,l(rurfl ht T•·'c l'ltlltit· , c 't~lt11Htf1t\ • • • ' ~~( !'.hfluJIII~ l'lll•l 11,~11•'' t , 1 l•hltl .. tu ul· h'f1trt):• 111 11/: '"'"' '. ·····k t "'"•ltl11t' • •.:ht \ ...... \ l'·•a.!'· .. .. '"" l':•r••tl \\itt.. ';t; tn lth ttld I'"'" 1\Jq•ffi,IIIIHf•l\ :• .. • IIMI I I ''"~ ·•I ttu• •t•••• ... ,.,. "' ,,. fi•qun•··t "' UJ•t•h ull t••'••l•h••U•·-. IU • r.ttt~•· Nrwpnrt Harbor Dl•lrkl .._., ._,., prnmlno·nt tiulllDf'"" rlrn.-'lha t 1 r:4"p,._nt a .. ,... \'arira,wof t•n t.rrprtar" aAd ""1'1''·' a nm'tl"'•• • I ,.,,.,. munlt)' nHd~. AI lhf' top~11 a mw Ot ttw. bncl""'"l" nrw !'lh r ll 'farlnf' UrM'k and ,,..,. r ru .. hJnc NJW1tm4'nt "•.,.ntl) 'c·umt•II'IA-d "" llw '"'> -~1\' fi Ul Unrt I Listen ·~o1k'~ - 81ft r.. A l}ay and N iRht (;aM ll~att»r or a l'adfic (;88 ltadiator Will-Mak~ -An lck-al (.;in • ~ •• ,..,.. SIM.M l ip .. SAM KINSt,ATJIER I' L tT 1\1 U I·N (; Ra )' Anti .... I •hon~ 42Q.. .front. rwar !Wth toiN't!t. The-koe • .torac,. ""' "" '"I' "' ·~··· "'"""" rna hi,.,. prnmr•• drll\'f'r)' uf f'ru-hf'4 kf' t n ht•-.1>-""'' 1 h•· ., .. ,.a. '" iut ulho•r I"Al«'rJtri""C of ('lart'llf'f' ~ and hi-"''"· ,n nh Uo·o·cl. ~Jt4l 'front ....... ·" ...... of u.. .u,..•ll\f' .. , ... ,., .. , ........ n.u ..... l'harn!JU'Y uJN'ralt'CI b~ l.unn'-' Vl~l at lltfo , . .,,. ... , uf \l~th• "'"' ('r•ntrirtl. Your ( ~harge Account 1~-t . Sc)Jicitrd May Use . Our L1ay Away WE GJJ.~ WRAI, -· Or You · Plan t\nutt...r b~twl ... lll,.. hulktln1 "'""h h"""""~ """'" """"" firm. tltf' ll:tltNI!l :'1\llrhu• thard"'"" C'nmJNUt), '" """"" in ih,. thlrol '"'" rruru , .. ,., II ... 10\\flr'tl llflfl 1111\1\IOJ.:I'Cl b\' T . \\···lull ·'·" . Uttltum a•hulu 1 .. thtat nf lh1• r.-tt; .. U1tr1h \ar•· lo~oll•liut:'. ,,.,,1,.,,1. "l"'rltll•d h) ll11rn t:"'""· ~I'll known In Ill•· , ~" ·, loHIItlin&: llltln,fr) :u ul rtdh•· r""' lt•r&dt·r . I . .~~lwenstcin"s ()p(•n N·ew H:lrliu ~tnna, St•rviee At Balboa ~·,~r · 1 • • ·r :-:ar • , \ ., , • , ' • • • I I ' • 'I. I ' t~ 'I I • II I • I ., . . \ \ ·. : ... ·~ I ... 1 t i .. I I ,. ,I •. . • I:'' ., ' r• I I' I If I , H t 1 \I 1 o L : t' ,...., f , 11 I ;• \ • I I \.' 0 I I ·' I I ~ f I ,, I· ' ,-,-,-r ·r:-: t ' t I -4 ,, ' .• • I '~ f, •! •' '-;t J .: t:r 'I l•:- '1 • (, ,• ' '' tf f Jil,. I \~t' t t 4• I ,,, ··t , •• '''• '·• I .. t J, r• "'d. :,, t ,, ~~, J II , \ I I l• ,, t \ \I J• , 1, •z, u. ;u 1 , •.•• • I I 1 I,. l i :r• t:. I 11 1!.•'"'''.! ,,, 'I l•. •' lltl' f c !1hr I ~.f. . . I • ~~MODIPOW~I~ OFF UNION IOUAa£ IN TKK .EilaT OF DOWIITOWJf IIlii .FLUICIICO "• ., Hut . • r , n .. , •. ._ ·: I • ~AN FRANCISCO'S !1nest fam ily .., h otel. Q uiet, refined. 4nci frr J!r.dl y atmosphere, in the very heart Cl! the theatrJcul, restaurant, and ahoppinQ distnct ,. + \, G•rage l•rvlc• ·' I• •It I I ... ... { .·-,-'I - t I , .... ~., ...... , laa.C:arl" ,, ,, • ,. • It,, oJ ,., ••• , tJ;n aaln ... w'tb. ..... -.t .......... ROBES_ .:t'! ;~' .. :~)' r h . ·: >-, ·x\, \ I ...of ·. I '\i t\ II ~I\' k .II J d ~ Ill d ' $:t9H f u ~~UI;; Dress~s ~:ur En·ry ( )cTas:un \ t·r.\' ,\lo~tlt•rlttt~ .. ,, .... " 179:1 :S ewport 81 ( 't)st umt• .Jewrlry b An 'Ideal A nu \X\·. llave a Cift · · ~uw _ Wille FOR DAB.Y Ch rr (,Ji r Scct 11111 h tr Hahy 1-.. · '·{:~till pkiL' .i a 11d ' " P rice-.. Hca"onahlc ( i\11 Cqfrir..,, Style.., ·a nd Price\ arc\hc(c . I • -...... _ . lwrkMhire ·HOSIE If ·n ... lc&.~l can •~· .. , ll•·r. ,,., .. ·:-;,,,,I< J., I lr•t~·. ( har Et·•mumy (;it't Se(·tiun IS OPE~! . \' uu'll Prirl'S l..ikt• from It 2!'ic BLAfiK·ETS l-1nrtd (luality · $2.95 to $1·~.95 .. ~sta Mesa The .~;---- SAND SIFTER 'nl.t :-; rwp .. rt Jla rt" •r Y " 1 h t Club,..._. buljl:'tftj! \loHh mo>m ho r-• aDd lhrir WI\: .. <WI r t ho "''"'k•·n·l aa many o;u\·t•I .IIM 'otli .J"ID"l rankA wilh tho· lu• •I unllll t '' \h• unual m~«'lUlg trtr o•l,., I von _>•f ~ l'lf'W C>ffj; rrll \\'1\'f'-' \!o t'l•, J• I mltt~1 to all "''th th1·tr ,.,.,.1"'' '"'' bu.,_nda durtn~ ohnnf'r " f I " r wJltcll lh~ mt'n l"'ttr .-.s t" t ~· •It· ~ou rtW>mJ< fo•r Utt-,., ''"'"!: • bu.alnrA. Et-.ctt'ol fur llw r .. n.m~: ~ •·:or ~rf'. Tt'X ('un.t .. n ror \ · .. rnmu do~. Dill Haxt• r. , ....... 1· .mm•· ~. .Addiaon (;uri"~. Ho·ar-c ·,.,,. modn~. nn thr' h •RTI ''""' ru-.. · Walton Huloha nl Htlol\' to(v~· ·,. Henry 'Gr&lllhn ».nol UrU :'I· ".or1 Ev ~om• "'"" ''PI• •ant••ol I'" r 1 captain ant1 O)'run · Jo"ar"' o·ll ,.,,.,., Captam. ' ).Irs. Edna •uh ... r . ).tartha-1-:llt-n f-"'lltlt•·r. :lotyn\& u lll l1o•• ·I w .• :t .. u tll,t.t~ar•l Hyr•tn . f'a..,.·· II 1:" \ l'•·a n"'"· A t-: .llttl : n•·r t-: I •· '' Urown &n•l •·lh•·r• .... 1 IU: AI.HATI:oo•\; '"''' "'"" .. n n&:kln :.1 In•· ':r,,:-... ltt. •-·~·l.t - l•.at .. Nlt,.n nr: f r 11•• ftrth to•. t •••t h rat .-s •·f 1 h• II ~lv• ~··q..-~ lnl! ... t' 1'1 rll lf'ttolv ""' tl I , ... ITI' .. I 1-, nto. • ' •·n .,. 11 h 1 s• f • .I m 1 f., l.•11' rfl• •· B 1n 11• ~·· ~ t.! ' '~·"'-"' 'n l '!OL'lhllll 1M• tl •I "''' .... ,.I ...... Itt\ • f r r,. .......... ur.k• nv.'ll t• hrr. t•ll h,., r t-· •r I :.n I v.,,.~ ''II• J II• •! "It h •-tf \' (loot h ll C lo\' t-:1'11 Hn'", "rttf ·"''-~ ' V• r,"" hu ...: th ,.,h F..o r· ... ··lt .:t•l ,.,.,.,. "''' •o~ .f1 I .l·v k lltllr\lltrt .Jatt, l•ut:.•· anal )l.ar·\· Ja\' rtl•••r•t A n-t~ J\ltk ltfolo~C t an,..a 11r10t r .. r u•an t,.·r • I·' • " lln~ S:ouat t•u • ,.:· \o\Jt~1 )!tJ""!'I; f •u!f~•· • 1•'v;1n~ fOMJl••• 1\ J,:'lUl' \.\ l<li II 'IHlUk7••d t h•• 1ilf'••tJtlqp ,·)\ho "'·r r "' \o\at,tu.n .,.: t rr .. m I h ,. oft•·• k "·' k l'oiw .. ll fi 1l!U11r.a,: "la..ft. rurt HJ• ,,, Jt't.r ut••l Y"ll IUik t-:~. '!ot· rt Ul ... hilt •••. •II· I , .Arnone thtW' At 1 h·· • tu~ ,,,, 'ctillnrt. atlt'nthnl! t h .. ttll.,.lrn..: a&n.t Tilt-: I!'J.A~It (1.ll'l't:r~ wsrh &Watll.ng rt'aUitl' .,.., t'f• !'taft C '11m· l•wk t:•louorol:< llank 1\Jtol J. t'" modOtt' lhlll llllol :lol1llw f';uthn<·. 1-t'f••·n .• m anol oolh• f'"S at .. ·,..,-,f • .• tm• Bt1J Anti ('Mrohn•· 1 1&xl•·r Aol IIII•J IJ, ''!'' h ,,.,.,,, an I "I' t •• Ill•• • I•••• MlldrN1 (;UTt't•\' t ... •IU..• lUI·! t-;.a••• •l•ot k ft'f•n. a :4Jo.rt lj)J.llol oi•M Brir-.•. tho-\\-: • A \\-ll~tfl , l'~.-L 1~---,..,.!' ,.... IOil.u' ..1h.e .LJ.aah, tiN afl'4 n .. tty ,Yulttloof' t:v I.Ool I "~"' ..... ,. tit•· loo>J I :-J. 'ok•' ,,, •. Pal JoJ .. rn.-\\',.,,.,.,, .u . .J :\!;an ~· ''"llnwnl ,,,.s, t• I· • ·I ,.,. • r Ji.y .• ....,.ut•l -4. at nu ...... , ... l tt a.:•· .. ;,, T NF.WPORT BAJ,ROA NEWS-'t"IM'Es, . State Guardsmen Meet Governor r Olson Season-'s · Demand To .. Baptize N.ew Phone Lines . ~lnny ,.,.,\ •· ur.: " ,4 u:., • •• I'Uit.< I <on!<l ru< lo~J II t 1" l it• \' J'"'•' I '• ~~'rl •lunn.: th•· 1111mnwr anol fil ii mnnlh~ \\a 1 ,, •• tho · lxJ( t t•·.,, lin• •·t' ,.... ,, •' \;,.. t.'ttnslmulf •·IJ..IIs o'XI'<'t'lc.t '" Bwnmp It lf>J•hnnl' • 1n uit~ ln •h>~· ta "' p' I'·'" I ' !\1 l muald •1-:t•: t l'o:tll :tl:•·r •tf 1 l11• ~"•11h<·t':1 (" oltfnrtllll l it•\\ t ' I rnu..-t 1y • •• t •··· to h n1e ••pl••'t ,,.r l*n• k :--:n..m ~ ~3\'\ • ..-. A c;~nlltd3te muat br no shorter thilt !I feet,.~ •nch~• t all. .. • t'• man must n rve ilt least t2 morrth1 and tilkr 01 Nilyy tri\tntng eourM in h•l tr;~de or vocillton;~l apeel;~lty ;~s ~toll lll. p;~u a ,.equsred ea~m­ inat on before he obt;~sns• a r;at rng. Every c:ated • man In the Nilvy Ia .. Petty Otflcr r. T•·h phnno• c •, nq ;ut•· · "11•1 \It 1t th•· \',' h 11 • 111'"' ":'" ',o\ J ·t :< 'an , n"": ""'',. •·hftn.,..... W••t'<' , ""· J, 111 n 111 11 ,. t • S :'\'t\'~ ··•vou can 11tr.~h lt·•l ln .""'' .. r 11 "'''' l'"":•·a·t" choose 01111, of many m~chanicill -1 -.. unol,•ttllk• n 1,1 11,.,...,_ 1,,1, ~.rrtl\\'lll;.; trades, •ncludong aviat ion ma-· lfnw mr11 h oil II~ '' , .,.,1 II• fe>l't! , chanist. patternmake-r. rn~•alsmhh. I',. •'r•·w ool tt ltaltlo '1111' In the · n~·r ,"" f ' .. n. • ••Hrl1 rv t 't·n•l fl).: if:ooc f'n~glo·11 ln a \'all\ tlo•f•·n~·· ,.,. .... opt cal .tw•ct-;,nlc. r adioman. bo•l-I ' ~ f'lll'\ ·• Enli&ted rnen In the . grrtm. T l:l·v "''''~' nl~!u·,t 111 l'••m· t-•maltcr, illrograptoei-. Dlnel en· u. s. Na~y ;~rr the best t'ed In plrlann In ·hr•l•·r tI nt thr\' ~""''' c•ne,.,. ;and welder. th~ world. ll .cos.ts llpprolCimiltely ; ~?<-"''llll_,b•,. i• r <"hn:otmn~ wh~• h $175.000 a )'ear to teed ·the crew ill tho• hlll<ll'~t Inns: 11JII'Innc·,, •Ia\' \\'hill os 1 ho• o·a!•t ... r 'uf tho· 1o;! of a, s•ngte U S. \pnttlu'hap. ,., uf thr v•·ar.. ,, · J,!ttu:r ••n a 1" !4 h:tlt1~·!'4~ltp ·• The 1 "'''""'"' ('ul~ J. ·"'""" .. M tl.,. «~...,, of honor IMt l'lahl*>' "' " lur~• h f'on hf'ltl at IUranr-· ':A·Ittt:nrgh lh,. n•·w . 1;11,.11 1\,:111 It~-guns of t "e main b<tl· Is llll'.'•• 1111 nffu a al lutrr•·ul ft1r lrr ,,.,..,_.,.. f.'afr In :\urth •~·n~e llt-.wh undf'r th~ au•r•lrt'lt of tiM r.t.rth ll•·r;lmf'nt, ('allfomla Stat~ m.ark••o)lv mrro·t~.~~t· 'u11r a· an uti,. t" te"~J r;~nge from 12 inch~s to t.lu 'J'I k"t ~ sn •I'll· I' !' ~avy? Couanl, t'f'at~rf'd at I ..nne H.-...-h. ( 'ulur.t'l l ohn C'. t 'rt'ncll, tlft"'"M,.I!IIt ofiiH'r of th~ •·uurth, wu· th.. 1-::~sl tho•\' w 111 l<llll ho• Ill· 16 tre.•es . The effe~t•ve r<~nge of Yes. Sa•lors on thto Nil\ y must .,,;lc-J .. ..,_, ltir thf' ""'"'"'"' •rttl thfo lunt;hron ._.,. ...,...,..., ~ lla,lt•r c,rr~:ury ah•o of thf' t"ourtiL. ~1 'fu ,,.111 In 11;qlolo· Ill!' Yll~l nunl· a t~·•nch g u'1 •• 30.000 y;~rds. or ke~o '""" haar cut to within the A'-•-•' .,_,., .. uftlr-rn n f thr'"'"lb n .. pmNII, N'fltt'l"fld at c-peon. \;t,nwn hf're •llh thf' Cio\· .. ~ r l ·' I •llgt-lly morl! that'! 15 miles. T he pr•:.cr•b•tl lviO·anch. l•ngth. On """''·. 1-'ft t• rl~thl .ln ta... t•llntn ,.,,. .,,...t IJ,.ufr"ruutt 11&1 T. W.a., c ""'ll hon, r••mmandlnc otnr«'r uo·r " ho luav .l'lll ll." Sill a I :\1<-Poon· , _ , • c:...,..., U.; !Wc•tond IJt·lllo•na~t c·a rl :Jubn l'aul, •romrnaadhoc ~r. ('umt•an~· \I, urance: .,,.1 ulol "t:,,u,..···tll••nt l\', l'"r,l,.,..,..-l.,.·h., r;~nge o: a 16-•nch gun is soto•e· ,a t.uc;:~ biltii~Shlp the ••• bilrb~r JJM.f,.nant ,,._,.,_., r:. 1,.,., rnmmancttttC off~. c·-,_,. 0, ...._: c arf-'tt If. •:. ('.._...~~No..., 1 •!" 'l"l Ill••k" lh~·tr 1·all:t llhrall ot. wh;Jt grtiltt>r. chilorlo ar~ occupoed most ol the U'-lt"• rurt>fnlll'llina • uftio'~ Third Rat fallon : ('aplaln Ia Jl'. Wllatt1;n, c-nnmwndlnc oftlnor, !',...· 1 I 'ht t.•lu·a~ I:,,. •• n-.r 't 'lu '"' •~ II• '\} ""''~' a l•ltlt't,. k• l. ,...., , ,. t m•e k~eptng tile t to01ds of some n!fld ft:•UaJI~ttt, 1.'11:11' a 114-:to It; tlf"l IJrulf'nant !'am kf'nnrd)', tft.tlnctun 1'\&rk, rummandlnc f'f• ll:t\" fat •• olt·laya Ill ll largo> JVr· dod } • 'II' tl' j;o\'o II a "1':11 i:IJ.;' til 1.-400 notn trtnonted lO lh!! proper ,..,..,, ( fthiJ•an~· n : Colt\ .. , .... , Hl•ltn; IJf'Uit'nanl c:nlonrl (). H. ......... ('um .. lun, r nrnmandtnc otfk-t-r, .... ,.,.,,.,. ,,, t •• I ··~··~ ttl!• ••I.IJ'I···' .f llw \ 'Jill• ol :'tat•" ;\',l\'Y ~ A sea·' length. • . 1----A.f'WO~ILP<~:..U.L.J~t.L:...L~~ILD<oJ.TI:r· a,u!t~ ltu· lcC14k"a ... r 1'h•• ~;, ... ,,.. Y.f r"' ttJOOHIC .IIP •U'lol th,• l .. l \ u\• r t h•• \' t'·t•k ... n.J HI \to• tr J1t•\A :"-otJ1 h KhU! Ktclmtnl: ~t.o , .'1. ,:\I. \fc-( alh1n, "''""'"" ntrl~r. K111Ua lloP((ifllt'ttl. nl~ \Ja~·ur of Hunt~ , rll. m fl':a"(', 1 th••:c · , 1 , 0 0 ,, 1 ,10 ,, 11 ,10 , 0 ,1 ,, 0 ,, 0 0 0110 010 01 , o,,, o • 1 • 1" ln~tl•>tt 1\l•at·b; n ... t J,lt'Ul""""' (!tlhnf ·-····'·"· 'nnljlt6ft, BII!CIMJOTrTN>t. ~lttll ltrlllfH'et ~ ~••Jor Tlu· n.anu.:• r ',: i .j th'al "(,.j, • -1--~ .... ..L£, ~ lt,.acJuu;atlr C!. :o<I\11\..Kra;hnrot;..J:lo,Liw!I''VI" Gta.·~ 4'""'11dftt I, NPW•~-------·--i:r---·-·"'"'".,...,.. __ _. a...n ""'••"': (';&Jol~n ..c • ...nrtte ll•·lnrirh. C"omplnn, adjulaat, Mill .. ~a:l. 11'111 : SN-ood . Uf'ulrnaat ~·h"'"' ''l"'l•'l '1' 1 " "'10 111' -- tl,.nry t:. ,,,.....n\\nhl. t•nnunanollnc offh'rr. llr:tllllu:&rtf'" detaelllilefll, Thlrd RatlaUoo, Onut~ onol • "n'l1nll l•·ol '" lan raollo· II••• Do "oer ChrW..-K~MW•~ At · ...,._. ArN .. .....,.. £sf.t.h·e"·DnoM Shop ' S..,~•ten t U~OEIUE • """~ I ~ "-...,. ........... ! ......... Olna. --I 1 00 to 5.95 oo•"S•._. • P~AJIAB ..... ~ Turbana 1.00 A_ap a..s a. v, - ROBEs anci HOUSECOATS ... tl"'' I.INJI,.nant \'r~e A. lll"'·luu1, Thlrd RallaUQII IIM•t..nrno, ()raaat'. . fto:tl 11 -ofl t• \\llh It 11.:11 1:1~ foor • sur,.:• ~ •• , ··nt••rt.:•·••·.," ·-c,, han lh· 1 ·,., ... • , n~ ...... r ,,,,,1 •·t• !"'••r1 11\ l ;·•· \\ tl t1 t• r "1t u It " tn a '' • t C•, ""·ll·lll•·lt.t o'• 1 11•1 t•'• th-..J r_J ~ .k t. "'*I'. '.:h --l.!..Jq, • · " .• ""·' Famr of Newport Harbor Trap Club Sp~eads J'~rougheut ( ~aJit'orma lt.t' t • "'l 't.tu••rtk ''J '-' l o I a 1 t•ht-u·trr' ·" t .d'Jo4 th•·, n tlt l•'tU\ • \\• \II t h~l\• t11 lflt ft U:Ct' 1f"C (.u II• • · ,,,..,. •·•):'11 f·d·l ·,,n•l tll•·.u t.,;. t'tt '!' -t11• loll<' lhl' ~"'"t uf tho• y•·'tr l h j • ffil'lll i'IJ:'I'r ":'ltt1 J • t • ~ ,_ ~ '1 '" I Ill ' 'r Ill· "~'" """ ll!u ,,, ' '''JIIIJ•IIl•'ll\ lout Ill··,,...,,_. flo•:.r II ""''al art~ ria·· I.,,'"''"·'~ l r ir -,,1'1 11 '~: 1""''"1.: •••t ll•l•·-l•\o•k '·"' lr·q ~lto .. lor .a.:•'llllohllll14rirrad'll,. ltiiJ• ;.:'""""" l''"''tolf' !us '•·f.-nr 'f'TiltT'rm Tlll' t.sn"a.:"r ,.,i.t • 1•11,, • \o\h•tt l •llfj \\la1111•t f' ,, •• ,. tn•··•• .... h,nJt 1h•· •:O:ltl• ·ur <.:ahlur·~•··•'•···.\\ltl<lhlt itk that t'l}nlUUth·~ tl ttt• ••n ;~ U•••ll~a l .t .• , .. th•·t···~ Ht•' • "''I' "'"!'•11 1111ol ''""'•• ~~-.. ~~~~···~ Ill • .<Hn• .. tH t~q:ana7.Ail"fl hy a Ill· lttolly 1:11.~1,. t hat l'l"lll.!lt· \:ot · "''~'' hf'l\\'"''n l';l"tll anti lflt"tll c·a11• • IH iol ~··I .,,,.. ooollf ... r .. ,. "'"r .. ,. 'hnl•l!itl ... ~l··r l,. •nt hll.~llUtiJI liUit 1:'''" ,,, )IIIIIJI , .... t-tttt .. mllrk!O!IHUI pln•m t<l ·h~tnnl J'lfltntq thrnugh 1 ·,.,.,. .. 1 o',.t141tlloi ,, I • Ulooto· •:!;" •I •• lit I\ ~1,,1 ,. U•~ lr4:~t.:.r. t hr '""' Ang••lf'tt I"IIL: ol•~ttan•, '"'' r lh•·r•· 'n t• v "' .,. ' • 'ttl~ '• ~"''"tlttlltttlu•.: tlu<l fl&lm Ia \\ oth llw rat•· al whkh t .e 1 •·l'nl••r 1-<J.~t p •nr thrn· "'''"'' r111•1•· • ''""' lint"""'''' u ... r, ~""' ro•ltrlflj; thP Jn<-1 lhjll th•· ltl"Dtllf'rahlp of 11\t'llll ... r~h•p ~~ ~fi•Win~t tht' dub thun 1:? uno rl'qllt'llht rur I II Il l-! h10nt•• lhry t!•uu,.;ltl tl ••t•l (hat I',. "r);tli'IITa l"':l hal< g~'JI to a 1111111 IJt~tl<•~< 16 r to ll 0~ aJtpruxl· llno·& rhri:~tmli.-. f'flllll, whwh nu•y lhf'rr """'"' "" 11lho·r l••:tlll 111 •1a.:ltt tntal ·,,, f1.t y ~th.-.t<·r~t 'which td. nw.l• I~ llltl nu·n an11 wom"n by ~·•H br t'llt't't'tled lhi~ Y<'llr un •uu;~ ·a l"'·rf•·• t •htv T h ' ,. ! c lud•·t& m•·u Rntl '' ttDl~n frnm 'Lee th•· t lmr the:-wr~a.n•z.at.sun C·f'lt>4 Thft mana~f·r Aahl that 450() • . •lwtn I ltno"A' th" \lo tt r n•'"" 11nlal An,:o•l•.,. ttnlartoo San F?mando, b~KI•4' 11.11' ftrtll hlrthd&y. ' «"mpluyf'f'a "''" bt' on oJuty '" • • th~ ..... ~,... .enrJW"l IUl•l qu .. ~'"'"'"' '"''"If Hl'arh Southrm' CahfOmJa Cl'l'lll'aJ o r-• at lht" Nf'""'l'"rt lttHhor l'nlrnn• •• I L'-I / Doc Cl ed flee• tn hllndlf' t h,. rtonlltll181'1: • -,.,~,.•· ffif m )o rA haJJ rmm ~Y~D t f)n"'u lA y,.ry UJIII~I. llllttnl: l tKhl 1-:l'l'lll•·t <hAiaiH ;.11 I> an 8owm&D or ear CaJIB Thl.ll lt•lUl COmp&rt'B with • at hom•1 -ltln~t all """"" ,,,. ~"""'• '" ,f 1 •r.-~:on ll.llol ~l r Glorfl~ld la 0 "Sh k" De h In• than 3000 lut y~ar The I: ••ut'fi frnm ll,.r m nll'f'r &I}.J llllll••• ft•j:l~•'rN f'rnm ldahn Falla n 0C at ptObtt'm 111'111 bfo .en(' of C'lrTUitll •, •lw• .,.,. \'•:rn• l'lo•lll" '" th,. lin•· !'anl'r -thr at&rt uf lht' o,T.ntsa. C a,·arlablt> for J*oplt' to talk on1 1: nt fl~ brtnr: llllualf'd at Kok u . barge Trial Ends rathr r t llan ,.;l"ll(llln~t. at'('f rlltn~ • HKd nnt far' fmm J•,.ar~·Harbo•r llun thf' r lub h"" ht'l<l t h '" e ' . tu Mi Af('[)onald. I: \\'~ ••Ill ht'&r mn,.,. of that lal"r mt'tlal •hoo«s an•l a mt'rchand!M I• • •. • 1th0o 1 whtr h ».·u thr flnlt ~0111-Ruaulllng rrom a trial that bu u .. nct', ·, would •t ulde 11 vtrdkt ; fl"llt~e~n . · e11h:nd~d OVt'r a rc.·rtod or th!"fl' of guilt)· 1t brought m" .J«Iar.,,1 , • ( 'F:r lJ.F: s A"TlO:'If a bnar.J th,., • •···k11 an 1 n onA.J "'...( rur1·d·ra .. ' " 1 • · lw t»o·Hn trr ph\ and me d a I ~~ ' .. -· • ' ~ ..,.e lbe Judb~. "I &In t'onviM'(I tl • Lurllnt' t'ftrt•Uff' ·IJomolt from llorw -· · • 1 : publtr 1ty. Jlr . R u hard t'artn wlro .. ~ --~...._.__,_.._~Ult-NfTU'~<I' ll h 11n tll . tl:r ml'mbforll p~ ~"· -o It" I 111'1\11 ttn t'rrn r ur judg-mt'nt not In· • out at llf'& u thr tn~n~tp<~rt r arn.: Fhiv ~UIIiiey.-on--t~ -e~ -~r~ ..... w '-l.l. 'lWI ~.-.a:iminal.-"•IJII8•Ace"~-.--- t lng lumbe-r ""'hk h w a ,. hom.,.;.l I ~ru.un<IJO at ('LIIIta '*'"~ lndk:ati manl'lauKI\tu In <'onnrctlon With W l\.11 quult•<l ati anytng- WI art' a'!"altlnr: -"""''· I'IIJ)f'rttng! Jill: tha_t lhf' orunlt.atlon bu beeD U\' drath lut year of M r •.· VIr· ltr11 Lamb. who difotl Rf'pt. tJwo LoorliiH' 1., flll'k IIJl molr .. •r-d 1 t>nUlu•Otlc~IY. aupportt>cl al1,1ri~ ,.U.Ia Lamb. fnm~rr Nto1ll'f'Ort girl. 1940, \lo'1U tht' •laughter Clf ~tr. and amvr Krllt'r than tht' wru&l th .. ptUit .rt\'~ monthll art' tht' ~Jub WlUI ~lt'ared of aJI guUt thlf ~Itt. ~Jofra. CIa u de Sweetman. • 0 + --' I' ... f ., ~ ·-r \_. .. SMART HAIRDOS Jo~or Your Holiday Spir'v ~ c0ARW'ITE'S ) ila--~EAU-TY-SHOP l•honc> 1526 . " . • .. . • .. . . . . rorona del Mar : I P. 0. Rid~ .• dale .,.t. whkh .,..lUI Jo'rl•lay Wto I n"('ordJO. 'A'hlr h ahuw that rorty Dr. 'C'artf'r, h't'ad or a nt'uro.. kn o wn rto•i.Jt'nta of Nt~-port know bt'r hu•h&n•f. U ('umolr. M ,th•nJI'&nd ; la r r to la hay:~ .t..n &octclll clinic at Gardt'n Orovt>, Beub for many )'~ I I I'' 'I I I • I I I o I • I I • • I I • • I • • I I I' I'' 1'1•~ A. NaUoo w1ll nat, be hOme for thn••n. rvt'n thou~th oot aJI hiL aMt'rtrdly admlnl.t~nod .an ll'lllul· r-------..._:._ ________________ ~---:-------------------.., ---a-.. .~ ........ C ... _. ... ___ n~... •nol . ""~tl-h'ad ·An nrd~r ofo•r 20.000 lATitt'U wu lD ·•hock trtoatment attd ~ r • .4 / ·"'-"-.. .,. " '-~· ~ 1 t'4 h h u.b d d Lamb died a •hort lime lat~r. Hr &f'ft aJI lw'f' C'tarUrtmu lthopplnJt 1 I' a.c w f'O t • c l lt&rte lUI trUI now be fl"H tn retume bl• ---· -.. ;-;-,_ ·lfaad. brddefa tull'lll ahd rm .. to ~ bmu~trt r lb.r ~d .20.000 la oow ·-&one. onr bt'funo lhf' holldaya. J)latlbt· ar~>nn)inc lo Or. R.alpb D. Hoard :~ In the Na~)' lbdk al tut ll lh~y arnvt' O(l\¥. \ promlnrnt f:'aclflc • ~t mark~<· man fnr ,-numbf'r ol )'f'Srlt "''hn Bupenoor Jud,gt' t; ~~ .. . 5e to 2.00 "'"" lnlll_nlml'nW In toundlnlf thf' dl~~t~. a Wnllct _..of not !nJIIty Thr Ravi.-.Jr·,. p_Jatl,. nf "l;nc~l lo..-at nr~{IOtTutu•n alter thl' pro~u·n haol rutr•l IAJWEa TIIAN A VF..KAGE -· ~- 1811 Newport Blvd. COSTA MESA. Nf':o<t Door to P<l!'t Offin- Rhf'ph,._nl" tracl'\1 l ot thr• IUlt;ll'fll&.• ~ L • I Ita caa. :_;r1.hla 111 all tht' «"\'I· I R.foorrnt ttthhral ,,._..,.,.h '""' nht I rulf)t'nl .. r thl" NI'IA port Kar· -_.,...:; ---- I hat rl'fituf1,.11 fii'tuf't' J,.,.,., ,~ T,....,..h<Aot-in-JI:' ~'tnh t~tr1 ~ ..,. - hum thr tf'rm "'"' 1(1\l"ffl t•r klll•ll-'' C'altlY(••II !'•-n nltrr lho• rlu h "''L•,. ...-A"TS AND CRAt'TJ I I , r ·'t , . · • fcormo•.J r..-mu"'luon l oo UN' Hf, ~t'mbf'ra ••f lhf' Art.• an.t ('raft:o l 01'1 f'rll, "'l:niW' '" •M 1 r:o "' " r,. ~linn or :'\ w-.-. lk I FIJ< II llkrn...-t '" ....... 11 '""'"'•I r I •• (' k II ~:nounll '"" thr Snrt ho-~ol·· ,f • . •.. '""".' '(\( ' .. , 1 • ,_ 1 1 r th .. l•n•· .. r ·~11111 lro···~-f'XI•·ntltn~: conUnu~•l ""·" r k con c "hnl<lmtt.c • tf"a..t nu\•• Uua k_.,. .. ,. '•.rt• ~-f' M•u u • ~ # I 1.. t , 1 1\ll • l • :U 1 •·fr 171h ~tn·•·t al t 'nlltA .\lr.oo:1 <'&nUl """ JtiiiA th•" .,.,.. .. k wh.-n •• 1\Jl oor t\rn u. y nt.o 'f'l, '""' ito•ttr lh•· !•luffs oo\'o'r l•••k tna: 1'1'1''' lhry ffil'l l\Jo•ntlay an lh•• alut . 11'1 c 'hn~<t" rnmuot ry. 1Ut lulol til hnUM l'n•:ct•nf . wrro• :lo)o·l'•ll•n ... l :rh,. Anto'r ll I'IJl \\'o•o•kly tlw OIRI!I\· ;\' "l••tt ll,l\' Wall oohltun.-1 II\ , 1t1tr ,f(1, 1 11,; A«'ory Yr·o•o•nuon. \\' II. :\l••n • k··l 7tn•• •hl'lt nhut.-.1 "1lh no·xt \\ ••••k t< I. II :-A ~o:F:I.t:s 1-::'I:A:\II~~:H ttifw~:tl• lh•·n nhl111 11• •I 11 tu,:t E . R :\turr .. w. ~tanlo';'· Aa kf'rntun 1 ""'' 't an.! orol 1 r·q • "hwh \\ ,,. 111•1 olio 't Lt-1.1.• \\'.tl!:u •· .. 11 S. J.J,.\ •I. \'11 t .. r _....__ 1 'I· uolo·r" • • l!ltrhuf•'•f tif11o•t :Ill•' Gf'CI('f' \'••mnn Orr. H P ·Ttll.,t · ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ nth l•·tt:tl>' ••II !'tllldH~~ to•, '"'~''''' ~n. ~~~~~n ~I ICul hPr~n•l (' I. Sllifil'd Ath Cot't R·E·S·U·L·T·S lh•· '""''1•1-' l"r tho• l·t.q• .lit I "" Thnm . J.: ~: lkllloltnool. p ,.n:o lol 1••••1lt I• tl•• ~IIlio'\\ III" 11 ·•1;111 :\fC'C"t\IIJIIII II n ol ,\lariJ<II• t \\'al· .. I I••U lhtl ~~ \\J• .. rl fttttlutr , ,.., f~'" o~t 11,,. 1111• 10:t l!i'J·!'fhn .. ttnc :t••~rr,.! .. ••Jl tltt• '· 'i.ct; " •I I I I\ tu •" a,!.u• ~ 1 h .... th,z.. ,,., ..... ' 11••1 I \ t h·• u•• , \•, ' 1tam11. \\',.,., .~'ft•·r ,-Jurt• l'hU• t' a.:.C u~l'•' "' !"lfl\'3! tt(flt ••J!t tu ••rs~h·•·n t.a,'. nl~<h• o1 "' "·'" h11ltnn' . --·- MERRY CHRISTMAS Happy:..New Yenr ~~--~--'-------; h~ Make it •ue r~y• by b~y ing some thing for. the car here, some accessory -or maybe a n~w Tire . or Tube. Be •Hnppy• w~th one of our wonderful now 1942 Foras or A Rep-oq4it ioned Us.ed car. covered by ~he Li(etime Gu~rantee. . . ,.,; .... Anyway we will be happy to serve you as in the past 20 years nod don't forgot our ex-· ·pert lubrication department. ~incerely Phone 28 ~· L ., I ~· -. ,_,.. -·-----· Your HE:\ UQl. ARTERS For <'n~ti 'I Yrt·: ~I'PCK OF ('JIINA. (;I.A~~ and ~11.\'ERWARE.· _t!'LI.:CTI \ i~ ·.\I. .APPLIANCES Cltni~T\1.\:-: ( 'AROS I II ll'SI·:\!..'r\HI-:S 1:'\1~1.\:'\ .11·:\\ 1-:I.RY TOYS ' WtESSEMIA.'S ,- ;' r .. .r " ,... '. . ' l !WAllER's S_TIRE . HI.~'RS ~ 4~ 1411Nn/A~.~ ·~~ fll 1- "The CompJ ctc Department Store" Pp1 o at Fourtli. Long Hea~h • I j C.H~ISTMAS ST,RE ·ROUR$ _saturday nights__until 9: I OPE~ ~H;HTS rXTIL 9: ~tm11n~ f>t't.·pmfl('l' l ~i h unt.il Chrl~tm:-~~ ·F:\'l'. ~========"·=h=P=n='=,.=P=<=·J=n=,t='=n=t =n=·:=~=l=l=r=:~)=f.==========~ ~ ! -., ~-;~_:.:>~ ~~ .. : . 1 l._ •-' 'I • •. • .:•"' ~· f" ; ··-----. . .~ ... -~..aj .. , ... __ .:: ...... __ ..... .&•-tllooli*b-·~·W..IIIidlo,.j& ... _.;;-. ....... ;. . .......;.. ....... t~...:..____J . \ . ... ' .. _ ... i I • . . I ft' ., .,...-J I ... ... ~ , . ' .. • i -Tlll'H~P.\ Y. Pt-:l '1-:;\tll}-:H I I . I" II :•·q :\\'I'OitT B~\'l :noA NE\\·s-Tl.MF.S. l"€'\\1'011 ----~---------------------r~------------~----------· Old San Juan l\1ission ·IJo.use~ \Vesf s Oldest Craft -Shops A~ ANDERSON · SElLS-~ TWO ·· _1AIR_ GUNS TO ~~CURD'S R. A:f. !' .'\.ol ooi1J\ Ill' lfh' "'1111'11"'''"1 .111 ~~~~· "' J•l ,l•/1\'•• 111.1 l \'lll'l•' 1 1111'-11'\o•fllo-.\ I•\ .1 J ,.n·:·~;.·to'h llo.tll .111d ... old I ·~ .\1 1 .r\nd•·•-...••n :ndtn·· 11··· \ · ;-; .\nn~· .111d "·"' '" til··••"• 1 1b I j.!ltJ1l1t~l" ,o.j I 11\1111 11111111 1'1 ,,,..., 1>111 .\lldt•t "'II l''f"'' lo 'l l loMf,t,\ ·~I the• '·"'' 11! ~~~~· ••I lito• t:lllh lo ' l<lll,j.lllol'...: l ll•hllll.~ J: .. \.)''. o I ' I I ' I ' t f t ' • '... ,. ,. Ill I' Kt ,, t . ~ I I \\ '\ t I I 1 I I t ,,.,. t •, •,····· It( 1\>-'" I ,,, •••• •I ,,,, ¥.·~· Ill ''••II ••• , II•' ,.,,, ..... !', l •q-. d .. "'' ' Ill ti t• ., ··I tt,, ..... ·~ J\11 1 " 1 I • ,I' t 11,11 \\I! h :t ,\, 11\;,,~i l1t "" t ; \' 1 •U ll ttl :1 •• 1 1 t• ,,, It 111 ,,,, t: 1:.--L ~--~ .. ,,t Ill·' :·1·, 1 •·I J j t ~) • ''ll1tl II t•• t it•• Jt~ ! 1 I lt•1 1'1.\• t l I ~'lfl ,. lt I II HI:H~ tC.t It \\,tl 1'\ '"' .. \\1 I I I \I' ,, I t.-l•l •· ·' •• • I' I J.:UII' ,,.,I l\1" •• , th• ,\Uit'f If\ ,•t,f t 'll'td o ,,, f,f .. I• 'II \tit\ UBI 't\\ ,,I t' 1 ,• IM q', \ I t\1 11 l••t.a !d\ ,,..,., 1 u ... , 1 lh '\\.It I\ ... tltt r .. t ·"' ,, .. oJt I tl:tl o\1 \ (41 \\ Ill \,d liHl '''Jl o l•t ill~ '''111'1 d lo t I )hl!lt1 '\' .• , ... ,, ••• 1• \t , •• t 1 t •• t ,, .. ··":" .... ,. '"' td• .. "·""'' tf tth h t \\ ~Ill'" lt.l\t lto l tl• !n • 1, ~• t• II.-l 'tnt •• i :-o:t ••• • 'irtd '1\' •••• u ... tttf l'ru•• •1•1t· ~t·h .u tt •a..• ••f. t h~ run I ... t1 ,, , •• t " II .. .,; "1111• 'I" • I~ ..: I' tl n' p, I\\•• l•',l tl•ht' t•l .. t •• t n.· .. h ilt tf t 11ttlt fttt•lt••ll :--.uu,vl ltol•• .. hn• , .. ,,, .•1 tf• .. , .. , I•• ,,, ... ,, th• .. t.t ltd.tl•l 1 h, ~~~~~ 1 ,~( •. ,, 1 .. , • ,Itt ... • ,rrn.•• tutu .,:ur .. fll•'l f ... tl d\11\~ !'"h):)lt •htf~,.,.-. J"tl•,HtUol tiUI• \\t q•oott IH t 1 1'f l 11J.,: tl ,·, lllt t•t \UI••II'"" t•llt'• '.\tl h •••fttll1 '"'" -'1 r• t(H tt Ill• I 1.,. Ull•l 1 • llohr ,11._ \II• I t1• "'' ... , .. 1 ... I llilfiUI• l i t '"' ~llttll,tt• f t ,tll t·l h Uu ~·toll \\tf l \fH• l 'tk l "',,,., \\ttft lit .--.,f-+~-·w..;..:.,,.:...,.ILtot•lh\7; :q ~~~ .th·l ··'• •,,t< 1 I ·~-...-rrt~t .,..,..... t Uf t\ \\tlh t ht• ''''t•11t•fl tlt.tl ••·'' •t tol"f dh•U , .... .o~~r.-,,.--,"' ,,,_,"'J .. u -f·,t~:·l . .t ,J'., .... · 11*' • ... ·••• •·••tt.,...- 1 •·•ua.·· I ;\( .\1 d1t -. .. u ul l lfl•tl 0• "ltt~t ..,•un"' lu lu p~t•dt~t t ,,t l ... •na.: Itt •• h \\ h• ,, 1 h I \ lilt_ tlltlHU f:u11o~.t '"' .. ,., tu •" ,p,,. .. ttnJ,: ..:·• 1 1, 111 "'"' l :.,lf .. •.• Fun Z 111 J..:tlo • I t lltl• I I '-l ttl tilt uwut iH Uiu. ' I llu. ll\t I'UII"':-•'!--- Island ~1an Tn Rare Mid~rt . Car At Fresno .. ol ,\,\111 ttl uf I' tll,...:t I""! tit· I Ue '\Il l I t1 lflC f11 1tlc •·t au• .. -. lrt 1 "t ''' u \\ h '·' Un • • .. 1 tit• h h\ .... 1 J 1• ''' au• I att. • ol'-t t • '~·· "'· tl I • t 'f h••ltl ttl .:.til ••.• t I• •• , .. ''' t • .I• •·• r t:t tt, 1 lar .. I•• • •tt• unt" ••• th· 1th \' • ·''"' 111 • ••fhl• t• t11•n ' tu .tu!e '' t•J t ... h• l•t : ttH•I·'' I.... '11 h HI ... , ...... .. FHA I\jhl ll\j \\li lt l h t• ••I"UI\ H\tt\\ttl put l"'"'' ..f '1 HUfll\" 'A t•l• t ,,.,...,, tth••Jt t)H tljt \•' t n;•U tltl\''"'' f•d '''" t u•• tt.tll••t I~ igll ~hnol Hnnttr Studt'nt~. 1:. ""'" it. 1 ...... , "'""' u l:• r ., '"''"'" •· ''"' 1:o lhttll'r ll11n111i tl' t ... t 'I" •• t. 1 ••I t ''' "' 111 I 4 ·,, ' lntt• • ·, ... ,. ~tut le•l ttu.lt h. \. -e \\, '' u.ih 1 ol ut '.;.", ... ,,It ,, . 'tn '-'·• ltu ,1,, t··•···l !'fln u.l tUhl I ·t l II '"" lit» h ...:, t , .. .) tt t1 \\ •II ~:"t,ut h .. ~·l\h•t'" ;, f11,,n~. ,,,, •• ,,,, .• I t•• luout ••u • tl,.• h••U••r h:"t It o IJd l~tll ;\\••• t(,,,,h '~•It • \\_.t tl \Ua UIH F t•IU.t lllf:" "''" l .. •h· 1 t\\ , •• , ,. '""·"' t:.q .. l •. ,,, \1.tl u1,n :'\•!lttL~ Tt ll•tJ' itltol \\'~tlt~r •'''II .1 • l loo\lo• l;loll l :.tj.\ Hoi• \\u1 ~o<l• 1•111 Ul!d ,l ,lltll ~~hlfk\ ~~II ltil ·h·•il••l t otl) l"tU.t• ht ·· \\t'l• \lltu o .,tt,.l, 1 '11\llo~ l 'lllld·· "'" , ·h' ,,o~ ~•••1., ~'"'''"··;ur•:jl ·, .. , h. l• .t l 'U• '\·"'1' \•l.tt•u• I ,\ul \11 \\I ''" t lu• ,,, \' .. nttl,.,..,,,, I'~FI \1;\~• \1 Ill ~1·'1'1'~ I'"'~ l1• ,,..,,II ,.,It ''""' '"I ~ ...... , ll ·''"'"ry "' . , ..... '''"'""' GOOD BUYS IN \I AC AIIjT OR IMPAOVt O P AOPUlTY INS_~ANC£ or 4'LJ.. t(INDa ~1. /. T .U'' I S1~ A [. A L T•O A _, C6A&-'f'-t+t6HWA'I 'CORO NA O t;L MJ'A .. { . ~HOH~ Tht• llarbot .. ~rea Now' llu A ('cnnp~~e RADIO SHOP . ..... ':' ..... ... Nationally Adverti!Wd Merthandise • • • .... t.. hun,.,·lf ku•l ''"'' h· . t ... , ~· • \\'•· .,, .. " .. ' t .. ,,,.,,. u ... I'' "1•1• lh•· Atna11 • :-u~ ~tn•l put ~ ttwnt ,., .,r flraf1KP ...... .,,,,. ~•II ,.11,..~u·tr·• tccUH,,. 'rh ... hHh• "'114 • •l,c;t• ,,. ru · • .. n•r••l uf ttu tr ,. ... ,_ lt h•l huat n\4 tel Hf II"'' lU I tra• k1111 !'•+IUt fHIIt''"-.. nt•!'\.~·fl \t• 1J11 t 11t11r ... l untuf\ ... ,,.~,.,.• c•pr• t•r.:m K::•n A. M. to K:OO P. ie. t'or Man -Mrn·lno -..,_.,. :I I.)'!:." all "~ lu·ol lu " :<lllk··-i.l . .UU\ I L.o.1h uuili.t:.lUJooJ lit• "'\.'1. ln Uw c·•·nt•·r u ( Jh•• • tr ,, 1 Rntl J.!'''"' ••f ltu•,. \'H '""" 1 hd •l" ,.. tlu al utlu-r I m u•JO 1111101: a I nt• k whh h llf'<'""'"•ry ho •Y• hi Ill ltllol · h " 1 v.·hll'lt Ill•~ lanra 1.:11••\'t·ol l • k"'l1 , "'!!"" llfUIIl IIW\1 u ... fllc1h tin~' marhtnr lll till ,....,.,,..,-•"froot that rrralll'lf\ nnol h t•ltt•YiOJ: • • LOWEI.STEII'I R~ I. F. R Ill I 0 8 E a VIC & PIIGMUOI ... .,. LIV4' c-olir"" elf\ tho• Ira• I In<' JtUt.lh-wtll v.•r lt "m•• IUt•l, ''I' Th• Hal~ l ~la.nJ mM hu I'"'' uulty lO k n .. w lht' f a• l• '\lte nne auto w hh'h tuu bl'e11 dolf'kt'•l ('otl7 ... 0,. A ... ..-11'1"'" hAa r .. IAhof'd at 8R mllu JWr huur, Thill tiny • ar Ill<' f trm "' H•lhrrt t-'ra11khn and l'tetal-wo~. pot~: a.u.er-w·;dllq <AIIIIII oilier eralta are ta ..... t Ia 8llctlt ._... tllww .. ,... ._. _, o1 111e ..,._ craft ..... baa a motor ••llh only .60 flf •I A_ ..... ,..,. '"' an 1ntrn111v .. publlr ......-.. . · -C:!~Wc iDctl dlapla('c-m<'nla. bu~ df'· 1 f'l.locl!tlun f'amJ•Illj(n "" ttt.. "'''' 1'----------••••••••••••liiiilllilila•• .. •••• ..... , Ia tile WN& wire ._._ a& t!laa l~c...-.u-Mta.aoa. Of ....... ..,.. to .WI')'-Ia ,.,. "-* .,_ .. llle .... to ~c.all)' ......,.. 1t11 Yflope t h r •· .. · c1u"rt.•r.C nf oo,. 1 ""'1 · · ·1 ~~~~~~~~.p ~~~~~~~~-~~~-~~~-~~~~~~·.~~r~A~m•nMW .-i~~·-------------~------~~-----------------·· _..., (rail, pott~ey makl nl(, 1108p mak.Jnl(. h-ather-•·o'rldnc .... OU!f'r ttkJIW ·~ ... ~ W1h .......... of arthity: TIIMo .,.., aen1 Ttt,. ap ut .. r "'"1.:"' ,auluh· ,.,..th. . iD&'. not tu I"• o .,Ofolll"' ~·If r photo allow• Rfo\·. Arthur .J. llutc-hJn-. nUMion pMo&or, bHid4'-of,,.,. NaM walh o1 ,.,. ........... lpt~rr rtc'tt ..... ...._how llle mldgrt aut .. ,. "h" h ,.,... "' tnall~· Mlulon will a ppt1lr If ""'tol'f'd. Bfolow, left, oluan· ~~ mJWoa. cank-.r .... ~ ,..._ leek a& ....,.. ......... _,. tw tt. _, _..... pilot~>• I by otrh·• r.o<. 1\AJO ~In"' I .,.ry )'f'af\ • .;,. At rllfhl thfo .-tor ~~ n fral(lnHit of .ualllakM ht1rll f,_ tlwt ,...._ . rapidly In 1"'1'111.trtly 11"' 1'""1 ' 84'V«-ral y•~r• 101S vset~ fot .. .t G\t\ . ~ anu .\\0 ; ~te ,~, ~0,. \\VJ\V .. . • ·~ $].00 4 . ·~ ~· ' 50 GREETING CARDS l'rintf>d With \'our Samt• $1 This \\·,..,.k Ohly ~·-vmr~ ... Will Always Save ..;. At - 2108 Qt'eaa Froat Phoae New-port 5 NEWPORT BEACH! CALIF. .· .. •• ----- 1 Young Men Showifut~Willingness ·To Serve In Navy, Says Official "="'"' in mrr,. numh<'"'. hu: '" th•·lr Wllhn~o:n•·~<.~ lu t<••n ·•· • ·"' , .. ,. •\valua.t•• th•• nuln·flftYt•·r ,,( ,_, ... l'rf'lWOt .t · ~ :-;avy ," JO:IIOI I:• II Arlm C'harl .. ,. A llhtk..ty. 1' !-' '\ f ',.mmllndllnt •>f t:h•\'o·nlh ::.; •' ol Nll\'UI u ....... ,.,, .. ""' ,,.. ,.,,..,,., .. nat•,'ttuttu ••·nih ",,., :.'t :!.'J u .. \., ,...f"'\'f;IJ.: Jl~ I tol lr.10C'f,...f ,,, ....... $.t...L.! r ... J!''''•r .,:.,., ... ,.,, '''"' ''b" ut•• Suv·,J A• nJtrn1\ ,., · .. Jt.:ett " ~•~~•· lhiln 1tfittl r•lll•ol n ff l • I '~ Ita \•·,. f tll!ltr u t . •n r•'Jt1tr11'1·:.t h·~ .. ~7 .. ltU t••·l ,,, 11 1 \1 .. t .t il._. n ,,-ruu •;nll:o«t•~d nu·n """'" h t , ... n •'' ""' jltf tl \' •• t 111• Ill h.t\ If,._. Ll . n ol q,,:rt dill\' ll.'4hforf• rtnol 1111•••• •·ol ~h···· •·•II • I · Thl~ tnfaJ. t t• •• C•~nunht ~.P.I \'•,lu nt• • , .... n•· h• u•v • till"''''' .!Car•L ~~ 1i4.fJCW• !4h•,rt .,r th• r • , •n t tw ~"'' 111 ttu 1:t1• ··I '''''"' t111•r ••f Hha•·~=.l•k••tH '•fiJ.!Ift.t li\ •Wl fthuq h fu••flt \h•uf tu•.,,, ..... ,,, :o:atlt·rcJ u._ .• t-'.:"\.."4a r\' L•1 rua n lh•~ t •.A.•• •I••• k .,r,,, 1 • ••t \" '; •I •· 111• • ttf t•:.n fl,.,., n.,, ... hutldan),! 'l•tll ut• l• ~~ ••·•·1•-'••t • ''' ThPtT" :tr · n1:v• :1 t 71:! , .n,J:H" • fuu~ rn••ntt ...... ,, .. ,, tj, •• "'' l."'~~t· "'''n"l a n•l ,~;an:,ul 111 fa,.•. t rut•1•~ ~"''"'' ''' :'\. ''''"' "'" l h•· :";.av·a l !'tf·rvu•· at "u ... ,,, ,.,.,,.,,,., •'•: . .t. ,,,,, q ,, I ..: .. , lu•hn,.; :-; 11 ,. \' nun•• ~ "h" h tlw n· af•· i"'-"" <lutv "' fttt'!'i' J,t •l ht• f•,fal J•• f ~•IUHI • t '1 • ,. :..: ~;'\'\ ,. flfl\\ ~t ,,..J ...... -~ .. '1 '"'" ;,11tt .. UJ,:h tlu· I" f~•flh• 1 'I''"' • • l:tt•ll!'ltt•·.f al tl11 h• J.;lhftU1L:' I I · •u.•rJ,:.•·n•y lty ~~"" I •'J"•tlu• • ·l l1 .• :...!:-111lls Pl.r n•·•or l) ''""'"' t .. , ,.~~·!-•·' t •'•n•··~· t t1•· u~ '" ,. • .a~lt·tf p-·r "•fUI•·I 1~ '"'"f'"..;' d ~:l4 ~,11 rt J.._'HI:Lr '-'. ~~\fo ~u·, ,,.._,,,, ... • '-' ~,, \\'til ~··n·•· f,,r th~ tt•.• .... t ,, aJ}li--:l tit~.! r•·tan .. t tu•·n. r•·• •H• ' to! iluty d lorm,.; Ito•• hutl )' a r l.n lh<-,. •mm lM:<I••O<·•J r II II k • • Clocks -- IJresser Sets Compacts t•r:tut•· ~Ld• ·• • •, !u a.: •·• '''' .. :t L!ltf•• I t ''" 0 .... n 1 luol<••l 111 II • \ 0 I 1'1 ,, •I \ ,,,. uts.:•·• t lv t • • •'·•! .... ... I fl ,._,,,, nl•·fl In t~i ~,., u. ,., n.d tl •tht• ,, ""''' v.. '" ~ 11 ',.\,, .. tc.ntlattfltl fl 'I L.····· •· oil. ' tf· I ,, tctot'"fl•l • I" I'' I t ' •·fit • f • tht v , :lit ,, •• ' •• t•. ,, • 'I I .11'1~ t tl<•n• n11•r•• IJ'-1 d t .. f,t •I :-;:.• ~~ t.t! lnJC t1f .~·t~''''" ''''''''"~·lM'•r f ,t th•· n.•·n' " • to ··v• · t "'' ="' '' ~· \ hfHJlollla( • Complfot# Une of IH&mond Mountin~ Olamoftd111 Sfot While Vou Wait. . Make Your S«>lcctinn Nnw WhiJ(! Our St()(·k I!> Com- plet£> --f'.a~y. CJ"'Nllt nr We Will J fr,l•l Your -Pun:ha.'it' Until You Want It. WATCII and Ct..ocK REPAIKINU BET'LI.CI JEWELRY COHTA MESA •·' MUU:O Tft.\~Mno~.-; rT·H • I Wh:ot 11 yilt r"r "tum" ur "lwr''' AC· JJ(' ('lr!'\1•'. 111·11111 l't,wo·r. HuHt In ,,.;;p A•·rt~tl Jll·nu••r•t) '23's 11l•·11•h•·•l Y\ulnul f'ltlomr·l , . 9 f otvc 'y•mr f;~mily the new thrills (Jf tt~s ____ m,,JwJ r.,Jurpt.w~~~h, No necJlcs .to d , .. ,,,., .... ~urfo~tc noi\e and re<md wc.u reduced 10 t•, I , . . .j.:h)IIIIU\ ucw hcauty of · tonc--thne n~w .J~f!Jitt\ are your_' only thr:ough the U(}lllill' fe;~Jurcs of a Philc o. Plus BuiJt.Jn Super Acri~ Syt" trill (, J.lf'<lric .Pmlt Buttuns. Many . · ]J oiiJ,.r fc:~riH~. Beautifully desig~ Walnut CfmSOie cahinet. .. ....... ..,. HUffRY-Quantity limited LOWti .STEII'S KAI.E8 11 a· to ~ RF.RVICE -,. .... , IIAI.IIOA .......... --) '1 - .. • ' ' .. t-.1·:\\'I'OH1' BAI.B()A :'I·:.\\'~-TI:\1ES, Newport ~~·.:,rtl. Calil omla. nlt."PJ?DAY. DF££MilER 11. 1~11 . _. . IA4o tale Balboa 'CO.t:i~f'llia H&lb a Ia an.J Wc:.t ::-;.-"'port Nt-~ r 4•rt H<-at h Corona del )da r ,._,._~ Hf'IJ:hta .... ... OIF I tNIIIE IR IE~~ 10~ W OM liE INt .&tty . f'h,•nt',: I:! a nd l.S Abovr all c>lsl', "Ctlrlslma.~ g a y liUIU~('!Its homt--and· · rar('!ildt>_ .J:.QQ<I food, o I d fril'ndo;, -~th, comfort, thlldrC'n .. small or vown. 11om.-happirit•!l5! So, what b«>tl.-r ".:aft" th11n ch«'t"rily comfortable 1-u miturc -for lht' HOME! Fumalurr hkr you wiU Jlnd ht>rr hl'lpfully priC't'd! • • A MarpriMI Awalte Vou 1'•·· .._. Vou Han · ~.u, ~..... ,... ,.. .. ,. ~~-"'· • • ·LAII!IIEACI FUIIiTQ~t CQ; Gin STATIOIERY--' ... ·:Initialed Rumpus Room Sets Napkins and Ma tch Books Cos t11mc jewelry ~a per PLASTIC PLACE CARD HOLDER8. IDEAL f'OR YOUR HOLIDAY DINNERS ~NO P~RTIE ... . -----• ... The Review SiK B'est Scllc'rs For E.heli Book Section Delicious foods 'Add To Itinerary Ended By En)"oyment Of Yul ·. H lid .Two Harb?t" Women Additional Soci~ty News on Page 8 SAND Sifter . .eoays . St'C ll'lrro nt lwAI ·"""""" wer•' '\V'th' Ch . t • d' t plan Mra. D. K. Blue aDd Mra. Mable : Need)epoioters ro·t •·m·.t Tw·!Hlk~· aflrm~1011 a l 1 n s mas Inner 0 • and functwol11 to ar-UIJ"e munaed Friday from f4 J y ) p t ' T h r Jo:rllll'op&l C'llllrr h gr~p tho· I "''" l,qr llt'A.~If•n of tht-N'""-·· !'flng(' for, lh'e bus\neSs Qf Systematic~ planning becoiDts .-II trip wblcb took th:m o~: ~~ n . U e ar y . mf't llt Mr~t. F.tlM F'ioh"r'' ttl•· I'"'' ''""' h F.ht<tl 1"l11h· Oook Rf'<'· all-important. Hl're are some first &ids to tM busy horne Mtachican wbert they picked up !_.r•Y Chrl~tmu P~Y wu •!'_: 'olhrr f'\'f'nlnlf to rf'ltJI • umrnunl 11"11 h•·lol Jn llw hnm•· 11f M r 1 k · • ·a -\ cb.vrot t llDd lalted Jo.r<~ T u ~ 11 a Y a ~rnooa ~JJ' t , Hr"'"'""'' K•·nl,t-t11rv.-,· Mrll. Har· rna Cl' -n><'IJX'S Ct'rtam to enhance her ~t1on as a e v a Needl,olntera club which met ID' 1,,..,. nna. ,.,,...,,,.. plan11 anrl tn ap . k ct k h II~ . · -~~ with relativu. , 1 ..J pnlnt ,.. bt~lhtln~e ronlmi'J'~" A,. '"' 8!4!1!1to·.t hv Mr" non &lll t'OIJ an rna <' o m:tY ~al tunes SOfllething to anticipate " · th~ Balboa ~nt~ula . home .... r hl\lnniUl ,, thnt .-ommll ll·•· w11: ''"111:111>~ \\l'h "ml'd thl' group at 2 Crown Ro .. t of Pork · I 1:b~ vUlted lira. UJv~_'• ·bro. Jolra, Roaa. l'f'IKOCk, 2017 Oce&D ~ l'ln'h ""II· 11.11•1 I\NII~ttlnR llr> r r. an•l IHI••r l'H'r\'"'' lf'a Ul<l 12, riba ork Mit and ·mllltt. Add wdl ~kll ' then at Young_lltun~. Q.bao, ant.! ·Bh·d. . \ • llrn.tl-n l"lnl'll ""'' I iiii"•' ~nullo r·•tkl'lf ' 2 cups pdr . bre.ad be f'(&'W aa.t 111\d bAke ~ lllinui.e. ill ' l&tft" ~ N~ Fa.JI• ant! r :t.iu. Pl'llCOt'k pnoa:ded .duriDI .. IIJ, 11111~ 1 h•• 10, • .,,~ nf bf>Ok -. y C!"'m bot pan. o( C&nada_ ln<'luded In the1r thf' lunchf!on houl' whftob preceded .lllmt" · Wntkln~~ "'ll" •o •·hrtr,.;• '"' a.111t ;and pepper Oftll, l iU.Df'rary wu a \'lalt w ith frit'n<a-thf' ·'t~rnoon'a aewt.D•. To add nf lhf' nlf'rlln" 11nd nlanll f.,r lh• "''"·~ !\lro ~.lltt ,:.tr•·t I' Nl«'m~yf.r I t•aapoon a;avo•y t •-A"bo ... v-o.. V .. " ,.. ,. ~ • ... u n. , .. ew -·· f!rmoot. to· thf' t:ollday motit lhf' bo.t~u fnrthrumln-.: ,.,.,.,..tri'A -w .. ,... ,.,, J:l"''' an 1nt•ro·stm..: ~~·rnuot of 6 amo11t on•ona Baked Caullflewer Wlttt CMeei and · \'\'lUll' ~tly7t•t1 'f'hr ~IIJIIotlnK 1011;ht !<•( 1· t' II.•;J ,J.,• n!<••IJ < Ia!• 'I fltlV~ntUrP • t;abtt-e poona flour \ 1 c.aullfa-r bil Ill t.bey lngt~ ~ Cs.!!thWilll had arranged boug~ O( flra aDd nf'w o·hllrrh 111 n••t "" t.1.J,, lslo-'""'~ · ~-.. ,., Y•·:tl'< '" Parat.Jt.ae" · k t u~»~e.-~ .-e . wer? e ~rn conf!l an<l I"C'd apJioaotmenta about "' F•·lt•-<< .,1.. ,1 ,-,, ,,.,.. , • • R•l"'-rt p;aprt • 1 •• .......__ f'-·r portKift of U\~ AUanttc ~a.bo.ard tht> homl'.' Ill th~ l&te a ttnnooo l'r"t"'r 11111 In lhf' rl~nt ~t-fl•·r \''"' ' ~ " "" ... .._. -tbal th I I 1 ( :"»"'""",. "Th .. l<><rt .. v ~~··. ~· lla\'t' buldlrr trtm and roll ,_......_ ...wa ey v alf'd with Rt-1/. Rua· th~. gui'Aia t'xr hllll,;ed glfta. f''""' lh,. l.l•l" Th••n t•·r w '"" t h· .._,_ -...., _____ •• J.. ..tt L Stro.p _n~· 1'\'Wldtog ID :l\:l'~leJIOintt-re prf'stnt 'were l,hl•• hrt•l~o:•• lll'J'""'' h :"»-• :;.111 \It• I·' F l:•·mh•·lo l !\!r!l Ru_, 11 •·at IJII" ''""" "" that bunt' ta ,. -...,.._... -n Vir••ftta. H-1 a f rm to . , \1 I ' ,, r I I f II I 18 I f t I t lh I .. u. ~ Jl I) f'r ..... r ...... ,IUlll'll 'fil l •ta-Hazel t)lt\ \'o til "JWO IIW fln<l _, r\ h' •'I 1• • "" l!:t"'' ''"1.1 "rfl a rom t•ll II', II I h ''· .t>l t'OI'v jiJ!I' t•t ~ tusl' DDft ,.prika of • ._ .._ ' c-r-'" u .> av,., .... • I' r 1 111 k · t' •!rtn ;.:111tf th 1 1 2 u.of' ""n.st -nUI"t'b by the SelL R·~-• Ourolhv Kt~t·kner Na-.-..t-~hull i 'luLtu,u:u .al,_~~-1-l• _,,. __ ._ ._ 11101'1 It llmUII • "I .I ,, 1-: • \\1 4 rt>&.• Ot. ~~DD'tS grated dlec-K • ~~u, • "' ,,'d •o('lc ' • !"u·•:• I· h.· rt'•· .trs ' fn-lll'l'lrJ#'I'Tllfnlll{ !11\:tltN! 1l'l~~~tiiDM _.. •, • ' 1: h 11,,.,, o.'\:0'\\p,J "Oo•·.""·lt,•ran•l th•nl'ttU•·f'7-•·•ld~y !\ltx ~mtla -4'11t•).f• fT ·nF. ,n i:tl ~···! It I J --+.....-···• nmt~ [)O~•H\ ettlt.-f""J'r<'f '"nrt ~:J\'1'11'\'," --- llllll l" c 11t tor,.. "'111 1~ l"l' k • -1 , .... ,~1 " •· ' lit· lollilhllt~:hto. ·''"t ••OI••aJI! t•Jwd .. and Joarnka. C'o.tok u:f'dluiJl al.ud b ~, d t h•" '''"" HI\' A<• 1,.,., 1, .. · ,,, 1 o·l '-\\ .,.1 ,-.. ,,., .. <'On· 11•·1 'dlot<ltiiiO.: Ill""'"' ol nu at t iUlhflr,,..t-r unttl t('f)•lfr 1n bull·· for, h lflt! Th .. y "'f'lll Ill ",;. t •• ' I ,, I I ' !! I •.. I' 'I ·'l1"'"""'11tud.c! I· .. ,.,.. """~ .. ; I ....... "',, h It~"""',, an.: ~·ater . llltu .. ha.·b \'otU tun~ ..._ \' 1 1. 1 • • · .. · , • ., .. , .. ,10•,,11 1''1' r '" ,·.; .. ,.,.,11 t•r••\\lllll;;. t ,,-,, put s~lt aniJ a t(·a•""IOfl. _, Orl!-tn q~· thf• ntrr,Jil''1f'rt' '~·nt•: n ,.. ..... ._,. ... l 'ln'ur ltli\H,•1.: au •. r.,,..!, ,,~ ,,., .. , • .. :,h••)' '• ,.,., r•·u~t an hut tt\'t"fl and Drain and ~rarat~ 1n n, ..... .,.r,·t~& t,h~. ~~ n -wtttot-+tt• 11,, ,.:. • ..,, .• ,. \I I•• Fnr·t v". ""k fur 1., lu~ttr_I.IJcrl IO\\t'r l1t•at Amt'~f' ID a w.·r JI buttn'f'd Mk- 0,,1 ,.,.,.,.,,. I •• t,J,•w 1 ,.11:-t.tfltl\' , 1 · •; "'' ,,,, n • 11 I. N tnrhulcfl hlld • ,.Ji7tuour>~ IJa.'ltt• nflt·o 'lng <!ulh.· )11\kf' a w.h1t11 tmu~f! b\' .,.1.,,11 th•'\,lt>t•l \, .. urol 1111,1, ,, ,111, '. \'•. I\_, : •1'-t, u"·'"'· Mrs mf'lltnl:' buUcor. artarnn,; m tlm;r " ' 4 1 1 1 'I I' · • • •~ • s h p ff IUl•l al.,,...ly wloltn"' . nl1lk ... ·--··• >D I'''"' llw \\:1r. lh•·.Y !lllltk lio111 l h•,\ • • '"''' •' 1• ·~-.. -..rJ1.e1, p10.1c u _ ,.. ,._.-, " 11 ~k•r lh•· wluolr t hin,.; 11·11., ,.,, 'lr• 1!:11J"' ll•·'•t-·li ~1r .. L)IJWn t.lbla;~aon . ..twtt-!J' 111'12:-.,.:nr-all(f i'"t3btt'Wtlf•t:. 1:""'11i,.... lit! hi It• ,,, t11r fllr1 1h'l .,, v• •·;• !"lntl ll ~lr~ :'11• "' \I 1 :11th~>rfo,J I tolble•poon Jl our -----rh .,,.. p,,..,:-"\' •· r • :tuliff.,wt-r 1111,111,. :1:1, 1-' 1-:. t:• nl•vll !\In• J.ta.r· 1 cup milk J ~r·r~nklt-I tal"r~r·~~n ··h"'l" '"''r • • • ,_ .: "' 1 (• ~~··" . 'F' !\lr''t Mur1r l ~ te;aapeon I ll It 1 lh•· • l•rt·ad ' n jmlwl f'o, ... , t<•J• ,,f , t-:1\ltl.l'Aitltlli.'S "'"·"''"'''· <\•11• .tfl•l.\1•·1' .\1 l10·nktnto 1 c.;an eplnllch '•auhfo"-••r an.t •a:.u , .. ~·1t h 2 .... n.. •·n •ml•a and 1 ~,.... <l<•t w.·tth l•ltll 'I"'"~"''' "' 111111; t11r \'o•rn"ll ,,.,I -••" t~&un4~ftn \\'rt.i.h•· t•1r C"1 hrr nt r •it BAZA~R SUCCESS t uf butter aAd •a•ra nkl~ •·ath ' • I 'hop ><ptna•·h fill" anol m1x ""ath ru.prika ~k--n _._ t 1111 "'"' •I( tlwlr qut-tlf t"" n • • .\ r· ••n.• t1111 •· ·"". l"'rtmna whu ,~ ~ 1 m,...,..-ra r "'~" "1111' ..OUI t' mad I' t•f I hi' bllttt·r. till br~'ll bout baJf bo • '""'' n• It•·• 1 ntly. 11t h~ont•· t il• \ u.•~ •I• .t "' '""k"'t.; PlU• 11partdl(l& .. · aa ur. · h~ttl •• Nlw',: gurat«:;ttT ~d ~,r... .., •' I :t ~·. '• .... '' • • t• t hatm~~n of "•' 1-'T'Ilynl' ••f ~1111 Jo"mnt l8• I '"'' ""' ('a~ ......... llr~ untl tllbiM. Mrs. j os. A . Bodman 11pinlual hff'. :UI• F.:1JU.-s-·laDd : ~~· IUiol !olno t-:dward ... llo\lt•• 1'h•'\ ln•lnot••tl ~l··~·trttnf'll· J n E l lit~ratUI't' and publlcataona. )IUIII 1 !'4r . of NI'W yurk . JlMifnln..rl ,_,.,:.,,,. \\''1< ....... lt'r, ltOKe r lected President ,Aik f' Haa roa ; wppu-. )11'11 n .. WIJ'ItJ"If'r J>N>Jll·· '"'"Y 1\JJ •hn('ol I w .... ,.. Hv h:tnt l':ttlt'rAf'IO, L.rw Chu rch Group I c.-..rRf' C.uHdner. mftllbrnbtp. at lhr Nt-~'Jl<lr1 llftrbl>t \'01 hi \\'f\lhto •· t-:dnu F Bamf'it. F.. E 1 Mrs Ha")' l"tulhlJIIt ,S .. ua of l.,,,b tnt'luoh nlf l'tt"' 1-Alna l'uo'•,.r' Hou<111wt \\' II !\lnx!A·dl. H. At · 1 w~t-n. )I r a Ha6Ty ~~0\·er: . • • • \\'.-lith lluntd ol """' h Kirby. R. 8. !\t r •. J nM•ph A. Bodman of and pablk'tt)', Kra. 0 c : Blli- WVIN<: t.U:In : •• )In~ Hlt h· """'"' !\laq,pr..t \\'alluun.. Stan. N .. wrort IWar h "M f'lc>rl••l preai-nard . &rd' Ulr kmllll nn Channel ~·I tn•l ll'y A• kt'mtan anti H ,Z WcKID-d!'nt of th~ Womf'n'a Sodrty of 'Ill#! mHtinc ,.... ~ned wiU. ... -~- l"'arshaJI, UOPtty <.'UI.-. ~fllrgar~t 1.2'1111•. an~~r-UIL.l. \\'I~.Jr_man. ~! • -'DEFENSE ·SAVING~ STAMP . . CHRISTMAS CARDS! SU nlt:M f'lRST .'OR A.~ IDI'j\L GUT • • • Our Gift Wrappin«s Are JU~y • • + BROOIIIGS VARIETY . P. 0. Bwictmg·· · cc;:m.-. del Mar In tht-homt-of hf'r pal"f'nU !>lr nt"y . C1u1.ottian 'Cuyk" of tile Chrtst' ~otlona Jed b,-Mrw ~' aDd Mr., &.-1• F. Raaah r,f '"''~ ~ duahoUM ~·u tumf'd Into ~urrh .y th,. ·!' t a . mcludla.: Wt-athHford. ··s-UtU.. 11tbtp I t\nlf~lf'a. ~I• her huablln!l ~,. a vf'ntablt-rount ry f :ur wh~re •1 mf'tnhf'r11 from Srwpor1 ~jlrh. Tb&t Cod U-.dl". T II e ~ 1 wetll th.~ aurnmo11.1 or tbt-tt"v"r"• lugf;' prrt·l'nta~ .... r h11rbl1r houae-Balboa. llal~ ltiiiUid, Corona lUI from t.be ctutnct ~.-Uob .n ,._""!"' _______ ..;. _____ .,...;; __________ _, mMt to r.port f<>f' duty a.n tt.f' ••lw. wel"f' MJI'I to ba' I' v'-'led Mar IUid Nt-'VI'ptlrt Ht-IJ:hla. 1ft a Ck'eaaaide'.foUowed,and,.,...... ~ -\.... --c -. ~ . " ·-" . .. ... . '--,'• , .... Phlltpplnf'a IUitt lllSttlng tG thl' lll'<'lfttJi ' -;nt-thf' ~p by-~ OGDdfll. 'lire; D W. , • • • wt-rf' bougba or 11r11 and .:rHDi aftrmorm In tht-rhurt'h hall Holt by. lira. J A. Bodal.aa aDd AMONG -\.h~ luc'al boyll who tlonatt>•l by the A..utaDre ......._ Wra. Uodman •urtHded )fnt W'-Alk>e H&Deoll., -l -i..JJaa.V11iHO ralllld to the cc!on be· &ut•. Mary Stanl~y wbo waa Ita 1m1· It ,.... wotrd to I.Dc'n-aw the fOft lhia 1war ne-Wa <'&mf' onr thr dent W'hm the WJ~C S. ~ .. tflrm· cord't'ftnce· apport~t t lwe A GIVE NAUTICAL GIFT. II Y IIITIICT 111i·w·a1·E. It ALBERT S. PAINE Owner _ •• · !10 Mutee Aveaue BALBOA ISLAND, CALIF. Ph~ Ne-Wport 2224 air &r? Hnward QUIJt(lf'• or lhf• Noted News.~ape ......... ·· ed tlllli yura 8«'0 dt.olvlnc th~ prr cnt tbla ~Wat Jftr upbn'l 8&ff'W&)', Jtte Mdv&r and Hu1111 • -.,. lAdlu' Aid SOclt-tiM. Th~ ~~Uo;:~ r«OI!UIWnd&Uon bJ the' pneta~t l>ulne ot thf' &Jbo&.Drlll( OJ Man ·Js M-arried follnwf'd th~ r.-porl of thf' nom-aocitt.Y.. Plamt .-ne berua for .... , and younat bualneq n1arr Hill Kirl. Coming u aom~whal 0( a eur-tft&tlnc committee r~ad by ~ l.nM.a.ft&Uoe · Mn'ke wllkp. will be 1 wbo la• & auc:ce.Uful oil man all prt.e to their many fr1fllda lD eb&!rman, Mn GI"'U'e Blllinp. llD aU day aftalr wiU. pot Juclll on bla ""'· TM. tlrl}'11 wiUI tbt-lr thla u.a Ia ttl~ &D~t or • otttet!rw etertfld to wrw w.1U1 hmct-at -- brilfht and amlllnc rount.-nllllcn th~ marrtaa~ or Harold L All~n Mrw. Bodman for lh~ totnln.: Yf'lll IAtl•ra WTUU. · II')' ~ all .•IH be miMed by all down ht-re. o1 c-orona d~l Mar Uld 11 r •. wbo wU1 be ronn.aJty lnlllallt!d at the H~ Tobenna11 Sdne-nt And II CApt. Jo~IIM". 1~8\'''" hill Jt-nniof' &-hwuchow of u,. An· the n.xt meetln~t. JUluarv 13 1n San redre to Santa aau. ~ moortn1 outalde thf' Balbo11. l>ruR (f'IH. .,. ftce.-pt'M64fllt: Mra Gllt)f'rt r?ad A;nd IDf'mben wppiMd tNrty Co. Itt. old town ju•t won't bf' · Thf' vowa Wl're f'llChan(ed No. H~; rt>corc11nJ arl'rrtan·. :t.lrw ~fb wlllltf'd bJ t~f' hnv tota. ED· tbe umt'. v~mbf'r 24 In ......_. Vt-gM, Nna.Ja. L • w Ia Crlllldall: rorruj;oodllll! tert&imnent duriD« u.r· aftf'naOOD • • • Bei'ore r~Ju.rnto,t to •UleJr n.w 8Kl'etary. )Ira H.-or~· Ha r r Is : ..-u =~ bJ. a tno ,,_ ~ .. HYTHM ON T H £ 'fYP£· hom~ Ill ~-Ck'~ Bh·d. tn <'o-ti"HaJr?r. )Ira C'yn.u" )tlll.-r: llJKI Sundlty lll'hf'OI ,JU'n1or df'plrtmf'ot WfttT£ft-That Ia Orad..n Flnt'h'a ) the followinl( h~ of iif'p.rt. ADd comprl.Md On-1.11 111\d Suzanna n-pott•ry ahop' on th• __. __ _. rona tK-I la r th~ rnupl• hont-y· menta, aoclal rtlatlon11 aocJ local .....__ Uo ,._ ~ ~ ~· mooni·tl In Arlzooa n I' a r lhl' ..._...pman, t"f' and •"lnltn. aod Hlpway ot-ar lht-Stunl.l Toy . bonff' t M All h &cUYiUea. Mra. M a r.y Stanl~y : Oon• 'BIIImp; piano lin c~ ... ,. Th~rt cf'rt&lnly •·un'l,t Ul\ a ~m~:Ot ,;alden:" of -:_,~ miMIIooary rt.lucaUon. Yra~ o_ .\\'_ Bilhn~t• arra.."l~ thf' pr~ rh.w.pln• 'service whl'n U1~ B-1!1 11 'Roltby: f•llo••ahlp. )fr"!! AJtrrd At tl* cl,_ ot tbr __ .__ tea • ~r .. df'l Mar tor lf'V~ntl Yf'&ra Anti a_..... hlld d • ---look the 1pot IlCht lb~ othf'r tlay waa a formt-r co-p~hl•ahf'T ~f lh~ ouuuo, <' "'" aD yuunc-pr~ •·u IU'1"Yf!\!. )Ira. Alfnod Sm•tb ', ... ,. . Oon and Mary Mc<:~:uro Ontario .Dati R · pi• w.•ork. M•u E111111• Hnlnii\JJl~. ac«ptln« pourtnc bouon •-n ~elllnJ thdr homt on S ev.··l Y tportt-r. .:-----....:..------:------------------ port Hullhlll lllld . u. l"f'llth• to f build oa Ultlr lot oa Ntramllr Postpone ·Hi Schoo1 1 Drive, th~lr old atampina jtr.,ur.tl p -T A In E e g ____ ... Thla move 18 mor~ tor tht-l>fonf'' .t • ' • m r ency ' or Donald. Jr . . . . h nagme ,\-hit for a Uotlon dnnk: ";au•r· Puf' tn lh,. tiiHi fll'n nnt•••nlll, 1 bc!t ry Ire 1• llkf'll w .. • . th . f'm•'rl{<'ttl')' 1\nol anrerta•nl~· 11.'1 t., l nne lbl¥.;1 1 ·, "'•' 1 1"1='" "bla<'k-nut~" lhl' Tla.,,..Juv mN•tlrlll . . . -:-r· .. , ron 1\1' • ~'>nn f h • H ,_ · • , Whl\t f 1r " h ·tn• 11 ,1 Sh · o I <-l"f'wport ar,~·r t. n-to rt 1 rrt 11 t.: t ( ' ' • H . h S 1h I P t ....., ' • Is \'f'ry 111tm tww llml m 'rl' nl· 1J!. • 1 (l(l nrt'n · • .:S\1' rr .\!!l\1.'· ' 7 -~ riRIII'ft-'WI\...-~nM'II___. a--" --'11--.. 1 • trartl\'f' than f \'l'r .... P ou,.;la.'l "' "'1 "'' "" 1 aniJ Kathf'rlne Mrmlrnhalt ha\'\· hr hi'IJ until altl'r Chrlstm.t.• ' nt'w qunrtrr, '~ • )llmnuu 1 lnv<' I Mrll R IT. Kf>nn.·ll. f'ul•!i,,it')· I' L-.. r -t'hl\lrml\n fo r I hi' 1\!1:0101 ifllt<lll, r··· '5"'""' • vc•ah•li ~hal lhl' mt•l't In~; '' 1.• to 1 A ramlly n •unl"n wo:o hrld . rr ·, "'"'"r" ~r·:••ritl pr••mlnrnt , .. 11 '"I C'~AII)' In thl' T' AI. Th~p110n ' nffirr ~">; "hoi \~·rrr rnllrc1 tm~r- homl' at 3:'>4 A\'\>Cl\4lo Stn•••l tiiiUrl~· mt" tlo-f,•Ol'l' .till It'll J ':·u;~ 1 I C~llta •lf'IIA. l f••r a'l"'"•'t ""'''''It! \\Ill lor r•'·l , \'rnlr.l :l fl rr 111, •''11',.1111\•' """r•l ltr\' Hlllli'rt llunry ••I Hit h· tnl'l'l>' ,.11,. ·,;a 1.J mt•ml. MIM••rui WM & 1C U e II t ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[·:·~~a~k~r:r:M:'':'n~·~ln~)~·:n~t~tt~~~f-~~·;II=~~~.~~~~~IDll "~"·~ \\'•~~~ ,,.., A1111rmhly Church · . ~ <~lrn•l•~r 1 art• r-··'~'l• 1, ~It" 1 '\• ', • r \\'lio',\' H! ll:tlh!-to 1:<1111•1 \\' (~hrisfias Tr.tffir .laiDs "1'• n,•1nc .t ..... ,v lay~ '" t'1 ,. , l\ ' , .. Shop In COMFORT, with EASE '-.·--1 'I' . ' . Ill MOlDS • Solitare Rings • Dinner Rings • En~Jllble~ _ WATCHE$. • \Valtham • Longines • Gruen • Bulova ·• Elgin • \Vittnauer CLOCK.$ ~H..f1e-Store Whose l.ighted ·T~ T"·inkle A \\"elroirie l o r Y\•.ar tclt•ph•'lll' t'IIIIIJ':Itl\ lua.lh .,:.,., lt.1-tr.tf· "ll' j:tlll~--t·X•'•'JII IHI t .lu··ll11.1>-. Tu !a.llt•IJ,. th~ ,&lu i~tm.t-< lo•n::: rl1-l.11,!!1' lt.1ll1• ,,,. """J,Jit,n~ ~~~ tf,nJ•k th•·lti -1,1\ 1\ • "'~ ·)" •' It 1., I:.,, lllll.IIIY pi.H'I'~ .. nt.l J ,.,"~~~-1 '" rl1• :-11 i.l'. t111' ..t~wr Tele<:hron • Seth Thon'as General Elcc:tri(· • ln.gram - .. . . . . . . . . Largest Stock of Homr Appliances In The Dastr1ct, Refrigerators •••• Range& •• \ \Vashin_g Equipment -~ ' Rad1' n.. • R~ ds ~ •. ~"r ~payment? .-·Easy, with our ·budget terms. . -.- . . HEAR THE ·SINGING poe . ... '. \ -. . . I ' ;{(ll d;l\' of tlw·' ,. 1r. ~~·.tr·~ c:t!•;·l 111.1.-111-11. l tr 111"1 1' .... ,,.!e thnn'';~~ .. m .•• t ,,·111 J.,. ,,,,tl-i .. ..: f'lni-rm.•-·r,~" · llfl!,.,....."""..,rtn"t-...... tr"<~"n"tttr-i---"--....s!.!.!!.!-!..):.:.a:..:''-.:. -!.:H:.!.!-111, 1 f ,.,:i·r' .·.1.,. ~'!!..!.!:~ l(!.!.!J; di .. t:uwt> a~ tl1r~· ol~o l b-t , ...• r t!w~r '"II 1 .~ tr.:tOit· j.ltll' :uid ~~~··1.1~ '· lf~u t ;.;Pihi rJ1.11 ;l.,·y In • N lr """ Htult:R t~ \IU \ l ol., tw-•111'\' nf C hri•IHIII• t!a~ dell• I'). • • B lX.L l\ R 'R Fl.O\VEH SIIOP . ! 1:411 ~!'"l""rt 1\h o1 ( 'ft.,b ~''"" l'hunl' ·~~ R . .. • A -" \ ' • illra't p:rrti,·ul:u I~ ut;:t•nt it '"'ul,l hd p 3 J,,, i£ you c:rllr.l t-:trl\' flu 1-liii.H ¥~h·k or • 'Jay or two 11 ht•r thr hul~tby. Th:wk you. · . l_.,fltlH CAUfOIIIIA 1'[UPROIIl COMPAIIW •••• t ............ . l 1 lo . toHM4 '• •, ••'1 l I I I @ . (~orhain Community ~----s (' .. Oit:O ilnd STOXF. ,li;Ji;T Tit: a nd <'fH.I .. \1~ "St:TS • . nc;.\ntrn: I.HiHTt:t:s . JJlf'Kf:TS a nti ('lt.ti"S \o C.-UIF.d BR()O('IIt;.~ • lm.\t't:l.t:TS H. R~ ra ·orr rhonf' ;')GJ~ .;th S.\XT.\ A.~A ·~ . .. .. , L ..