HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-01-04 - Newport Balboa News TimesJll.' SAND CRAB .,. SAM AITY POLI11CS. With the ., tum of the New Year comes thoughts ,or the spring election in Newport Beach when lhrfoe members or the council are to be elect- ed in addition to city clerk and city treasurer. The three retiring board men are 0. B. Reed. Robert .Allen and W. A. Kirk, while Qty ClcJik Frank Rinehart and City Treasurer J. A. Cant com- plete their terms. Rumor has it that thC' three t-ouncilmcn are candidates to succeed themselves and the same is said to be true of the other two. In th<' latter cases. thus far. no c-andidates have of- ferc<1 to run for thE-ir jobs. Indications are that the race for council will be "·arm and that o~r entrants will come into the fray. Rt>ports are· that Eddie Moore and Earl Stanley intend to run with some talk of Ralph Maskey. although he has de- nied any intentions of get- ting into the aldermanic bettie. U-wa.& al&o whispf>red that Counct1man Reed was going to run for the office of city clerk. but later reports are to the effect that he wUI again seek the post he now holds. There had been some talk that certain memben; of the council would oppose Bob Allen but Dame Rumor · claims this has aU been iron- ed out and that the Smallest city chtd will ha~e the sup- port of his colleagues. Aody Kirk is an appointee and must run to SU<.'Cl'ed himself. Couty Harbor. Action of ' ..... r-- Bay Bonds to End War .NEWPORT BALBOA ~ ·RE-W:L~~UMES c~ KEEP POSTEl! 1 Year .••• $151 Qukker .. a~&~~ C11ttMk r..,..._ .. Newt ·TU..,... N•M·per1 ..... I EMBRACING BAlBOA PEio.NsuLA. WEST IEW'PORT. 5£A ~ COLON_y. ll~ ISLE. NEWPORT HEIGHTS. BALBOA ISLAND. CORONA DEL MAR,_ COSTA_MESA --==V•OmL•tni-=E===~===-~-===== .................... =---------•~•&=w=• ..... -=laa~t·~ 1 '~~·\\, '''' \Ml t. IN='===============================·=··='=rR===r=A·•t•lr.=.M~====~=· .. =aii=::•=='====:;==========Nz=li=M=BEa===-l ''M N • Shr w-.S Honor to Launrh \'t's~l I iss eptune contest IWinner, to Launch So . Coast Craft, 1st In · Year Deloris Smith of A~keswu C... wllo .._ llem Crowred as Vidor by AU tlw U.t F'--. Will do the Honors in Stylr Today. Quite a ceremony i~ planned for \\'~)· 411 .._. Soulh Coast Co .. which "ill launch t~ f'an.1 boat of any of thr lor.aJ yards in the New Year . wht"'l Oe&oris Smith. ntMilrd '1lli:t5 Neptune" In contest held by the r"~ major ship buiiiiPft. will launch an Airplane Resn.e Boat at 4:30 p. m. All nftUI.iws or the interested companies vtrt.ory .,. Brl1 ~ n- hnvE> been invited to the af-~ '"~ loftfy ....! ...., ..__ a. fair. llri* ot Nab~ ....,. ~ Ourlnll: a ![ala N~lll' Yf'ar'• En I"' tbr • ..,. d'!ort a Utdr' .......,.._ atfaJr at the Balboa v•c-hl Club • ._ .. , ..... ._ ..... • n.. Dfolorla Smith repr,...nUJI« tbe l faJr u tllory _. • ._. ___., Arkerman Boal Company. wu tlW' baa.r-.. -tMI ...,. - «"hORD u "Mia Nf'ptunf'" f (rr bird .--. ~ _.,. ...., 1N4. c~ _. ....._, •-'-.f .-nl l)elortr llll.rdlafTe at ~ .._ *--" orda or the •arebnu.ae df'partmmt aa.tl7 ._._ ' , '¥" -f o r U.r Ackerman Company aDd ,... w!IUW'r ,.,._ _ ... -' -Gr aida bl Corona dd Mar n;. Ia ~ o1 tW ~ -· 01!-- twr flrat job and ~ Ia l'f'1l0'1.«'d Ioria. __....... • *Y..Mar ~ to be vuy eftlcleftt ud capatM u tW ., I a. ~ _. .._. -....,.. ...., ... -=-....-..._ ~-•• ...... tlw- well U COUllf'« in for an IUilpW outhDN la p.ie ..._ ....... lJpt. .... .. p p p a £-.......... ._ ...... C.., 111 4:--........ . llhar. nf pulcbritud~. .... to--u.r ................. ~I ................ n 0 I ... i7tutlw ................... -r.r FIVE BOAT YA,.Da Pn her --~ ...,_. .... , .._ .... 0. ........... --................. ~ el tr.l-r Durtng tfwo f•.tlv~ affair. f1Ht • ., ....... Cift fllr a _.. • ...,., -..IL ................. ., ... ,. ..... ,.. , . ..,Hilla Captalb Brf'Wer of the Yarht C1ub , •1Ut.e J...a.e c-. .....,._. lw ..... _117115 .. c:lt6.-.-• ....... at......_ .• , . ...,..._, y•u a.c:tlag u muter or ceraDOI'IIH. Ia·, aequUw.. .. uw .....,.. _. ... ~_.~~~~~·~~ .. ~~~~~~c~~~~-~~--~~~~~~~~--. -·-·-·-.. _ ..... ..._,_ ~. -~ ......... ,__,_ a » .--u... trodu«"ed the fiv~ conu-..... w 1 --·-,. ----,._ ~...-• aJpbabl'lk:al order aa to their apon· cloroP, Jln. 0.. ......_-*Ill~· !!Or, A< kf'nv.aq N'r"'watecl by p.o-, v~c Jllllal'• • ...s • ......., _., Ilona SaaJtb. Peyton by J ean AJ. dlruwlJIIc ~~ • Wr ..,. leo. South eo-t by Mlldr'f'd MY· ript. pltacled ~ ~ "''C'8 ~~ Steat.a by M11rgar~t &"ott "nd -x.. x.-,_-_ ------ Newp1rt's "Pieft of the War., 50 Houses:City and County Plan I in Newport Meeting toW ork Out is Ouestion 'Newport Harbor status u •. , ... n .. 1n1hh"h''' " •··" ,,.,," '"'" P • '' 1•~• h,•u,...ntt unH,. \\ .. uht 11, "'""''·' ,,, •hun.,:f" ''"'"''' hv .... t • ·" 1111 ll••lllllll.: ll•ltttllll~ll ll ltt•U "''' 1111~1 :'\U of "'''tH \\'•tUl•t .,, '"1'"'1 n,•n~oh 1111 ,,., ( 'nntrol and JuriMdi('tiOn or Fa('ilitit;H, PolidnJ, Snnitnticm, .. ;h· .• to IK' Ut'h'rmin...d at Sea- 1'4ionH of INJf&l Authoritit•H. " < t t \\ f '' I •lit•! ft, ,.. .HI' f If U H f ' I f d tlttlh • itft' Hl0t't'flh'4' t·-·t""' 111 '"'' l "'"'""', "' ,. '"' ( '•ltllt'I'I Hnd llll'isctll'lilltt ••f ope•t·nflnn 111 Nl'\l port IJnrltOr '' ··•r• '"·' •" I••·Yf'lo'l"'' H •11•11 I' \\Ill h • tklt•rnlllll'•l In It -..·t'll'' of c•onfl't'l•llc'l.,_ l••tW("'"fl tht• Mn~•~~~, "'' 1t11t l Ht•t. t•t•' f tlt h u ( • • l 1.,,_.,.,.,,,. ,,1111,111:11 "r M .•~k·, ''""'~ ( 1111111'1. 1'1'1"1111-.1 h~· lh•· 1\ont'rl o f !ilttl"'t·vlsc•rs. nnrl the• ,. • 1 , • 111 .. , ""' , ... r ,. I'll' ,,( N1'Wf11111 1'-'lll'h, th•·••111..o.Jt It" dty ntt(.lrJll')'. llltlnnd r ..... ,. , '''"""" ""'' 1 "'' 11"'"' Tho ""'"'''n ·n,i~ wn~ cll"'·htc ... t Mnndny nt tht> ri~ttlnr ••lun Jc •• ,,t hu-4t'•' .. rt"••rktn~t·~"'""'' I I 11 llh 1 .,, 1 ,.,.,1 II I h ' l'llr 1'1111111' • W \ t' 1111t hlt"l7t"(f tht• l'ffy Rtfonlf'y fH t'On• H• 1 • 'II I 'I 1' h •OI'f' ,., Ill "' ft•v 111 'ft•f \\ lfh fh1• l 'llllllfy llfl fhf' jo; • '. •I" ~I·,.,, 1., 11··11,. K111~•·• '111'' iii\'IIIVt'CI. 1 ·,.,.,wtlm"" It,.,,,, "" Kirk ••pr.- ,.,, ut\ t•f•lulou ,,,,, "I'"""' "' lhf' m.tter ,.,. ll.ul ~to T lu•uop• n Willi lfyl'n ~ noiiiii1CIII Ill lf'JI,_III U.M C'tt1 &t * 1 "'" I''""'''' ttu• ''"""'", nf ,.,.,.. • .. .,1,.,1 "" llu • ''""'Y ,.,.,.,,.,, •In mwll1111 ""'' hrlna bark a ""f'ff"l '1""'' • ""' "I' lu 1••'"1 .,,..,·ltlo·a Hll•l• t ••Ill ~IIIII Ill\\• ·• ••nil '"' 111" tflll'•ll•lfta Ill ...... ,, IIW· , ... ....,..,. l'U"' a.:.. .. l-• ,,~~ ..... mm"ncto. u"~T" aLaCTION-- th•"'""'' Mr P.lr11•k•·v·~ ,.f(ll'r IIIII\' Mr '111111111,~ .. 11 "l.otr.l ho· 111111 'fHht .,,,. fhrtt 1111 h nnUI' ,.nfll•t t-..· 1 t+i •'" Ulllkt•tl t\\ \hf' f'•IIUty ('.HUh U n1. p.f, d f"t fh '' Itt•'"· ''''"•' Hutn th•• tH•n•h "hrt•• "''''' hutl.tln~ ''1 H••t \\tlfl th,.l h ... ty nn tlf'rl••r .. :,.... 1111111 Y. nr ,. •·rkrl ~ 1\1'-l o lVII ,... • ,.,_ ... ' ............ ' ,.,,,. "" .. """""' .. '"" •·II I '"'" • .,, lh•· Mnouw All hn fl\dllll"" rlt hut •• l••lr1<'1"'1 T),,. •uunlv vnc .. t N40.000 In ~t '"•' ''"'':-.:"\ttl Air ~tMtt••n h•·t•• ,.,. , .. J:•ttt Ult.:, """""'l"n rl• t.-!t!lt "' "" ri.-.Miun, at -"'ell u-. '"" hill •• I'""''""" f,r lh•• "''"'' ' llh· I I r I .. ---~a--w hh h 1• unol•·r Uoo• tllr.••'llun •If '"" ' 1"1 "1 wa• 11 ...,....,"'"' ~-· ol•• oil 1'1' •milo lu '"' "..!""' lr•l In • II V .,f Nf'Wtootl ltt•llrh llr IW'· tr rroJf'o'l IAtrl' th. ft!CIH'U I'"'• ~ :-:.w•• ""''· 1\ 111'11''1111• 1''\JIIr~lun. 'llf'VN1 "''"'""""It tth(oulol '" wtH k"'t l ~'"'"'""' 111•Pntprlal.. 11.116,. 1 ._ .... l'"rl lh•"' h l lr .. n.c•· ""'' l'tw fttr harho'f' ol..-lopm•t lllld ..._ , 110 out "" I" mut~rln•ll. bt•t•. f'lr . thl' , 1'"'1"'"" '"''"" I•• nll••ntpt '" ro· e>r.na• C uunty Harbor co.m• 1 In athlltlon. f'Nblh-fumta will ,,,. ""'"""'' 111,. llrilln•nre·a .,, 01., t•ltv """' wu rr,..INI. aiUtoup It ~ted l u~rot r"r ""ll\'o•rfOt••n tlf 11'1(1 f'ltllfllllll I I 1,..,,.,. "'I'"' INI lh• ._m ..... II ""' •·mtn )' I <lw•t n~: 111111• whll•• an·•ltt•·l ~~ y.01ulol lu• ""'""'""' thkt time. on. n l•ttnJ: •rnlh will bf' r•onvf'r1...-l WANTI'CITY'I "IGHTI .-•Jr'f'~l••ra •lilt nnt 1tn 110 _.. llllt• "'"' "''urkr no' hnmp• by u... t·o~Jilf'llman l•bc-11 nlol hr o-41"1•1 murt• IIHon tlvf' yf'al'tl la~. "' ''"1"1"1 '"" ,...,. Y.IIV lilt• r lty llfltntl<l turu l \\'hill' harmttfllf\Utl ,..tal"-baM I """r th" ,,.tlh• and II4UIIt1U\I w• tk l "llll'ay• l'lllllte.t bottw..-a UN dQ ' • lllatt>il lhr wh•llf' b.rbor •h.,uld ~ •loft han pr.Mnteot .._.. .... _,.. !.£~ ~~~~:: IF ederal . Savings Pays ty council, of which Joel Ogle, is the heed, revives the · old question of harbor con- trol. Some years ago Dr. Seager. who, before h«> came here. was collector of the port or Los Angf'les. sought to have a county harbor commission appointed. It was many years later before such a board was named. al- though the 1933 election made it the Oran~e county harbor district. save for a small section in the northern part of the county. Most of the cxpcn._~ or operation has tx>c.>n honl<-by the city. al- though the rountv collects thous:mds or dollar.. in taxes IB '" ,,.,. ''"'"lv "''""" Mavor 111111 ""'' tnunty. II• •rnwth ... -~ ~a •a••••"J ~ .._ ....... ti .... 111M ....... ..... ow man In un•lrr lll•m• l'f'I(UIIIllf>n, llh•l whal j r"''ll'"lllnjt J•nobl•m• '"' operatloft& wu 111 .. ••rlnlon lA til< \:uunrU 1 tbe atqulattkiD ot IDore .._.. .., 1 ...... , C ..... .-..r .... U. rirti.) ef tlw I AJIII As· Off f l'utu~o·llman Allf'n Will tl<lfll)l ""'', thl' mnet flttrl«"ult Of all ... nle... -. Q t .. C .......... ~ _ _.._~..__ .._. ' • whn aar.rd wllh tho!! lt•a whllr tloo lro thfo bay. u thu. far. - .-... ~ ~ .... _ ~ewpurt ICe O ('ounc·llnlln ..... n "'It , ... , ~~ •• \."'"""n ha• been "a"....., Oft coe· ' ... I tty ht " ,,. .................. , u ... l nplDIOft tbat tb• rtt7 llhoultt nol trot ol .,... ... and lb.tr ...atary from the boats. Recently the supervisors named Rus.-.ell Craig as its head or the harbor depart- ment thus dividing the au- thority between tne city en- gineer. who is the city's har- bonnaster. Little conflict has arisen between the city and county, but with the rapid growth or the port. new problems arise and \\ill con- tinue to arise, and some co- brdination of etfort should be evolved that will provide for adequate control and ex- . panston. That both boa~. IIUpervisor and harbor com- mlc;.c;ion. repi'CS('nt all por- tions or the county. means that solutions 'l'ill be based on a county-wide inten.'!'t. which. after all. i.o; what lh<' peopll" are e.nti~ to have. There is no mtentaon on thf' part of the News.nmes to create di.o;sention. but rathf"r to arriv<' at an amirahlf' anci satisfactory · arrangt>ment · \\'ho HL" It~ Some months ago ve scribe loane-d the book." ''Song of &>mnc1ettl_'l' to some friend who wanted to read it. Ye volume has not come back. althouc:h W(' have ac-cused sc\'eral of h:w- lng it. Would not .the~~· sor of same. whach has ~ e ed's name Inscribed on thC' flyl<'af. kindly return !Wl~e to the pia('(' from whenet' It came! Many thanks! Learns To Travel By Wits Early In Life Th .... d . o· ·d nds L ~c.. .. c ... I .... D ....... , ........ --•• dtlaP.·"I (~' A I(IY•· "I' any .. , II• rlfChla N rllher ,.platlon ousan san lVI e _ .......... ••..,... •st......... ·1ty tty · · 8 .___,._ .. F ''· · · ..... -• & ft ... --• L: d · ·o ,, u · - Annlllll statrmf'nt of coodJU.oft tl(l t«Uod bJ -.. __. _... .... ........ , .... --s r-r ...... I' K ... .......,._ ·---I 0 -rl ge-n anger; llhf' Ne••por1-Balboa Fedual Saw-c.-.1 .. ..-., .... ~ ......... A.,...__, ...... P'-,.. Lllllllt) ... ppore fur F'nulk lluWmlln, ..... I.Jf'nl nr llnl· c 0 d 8 lkh d l in~ and u-a-w"' c.r,-a-~ > • • 101:11 a nd u•an A~iatlon. ~ t lon. an hiiiii:WdaM.f .C Gr •e 5 \0 .... If___,.~ C'UIIIn* i!' a '"'" l.!!lu1vl f••t n ttn\' \'""'" "'"' tty r ers . u ea IOolll)'. r~\'f'8h! that thr U!IOC!aUon t•ntt .. d Stales c-'*' --I II nc lllilt&. ftp... the. ... ........ ·~('ham· h ... """" II""'"'""' ..... ,,,y ' ......... I hwo IW•nl rh1'1'kll to IN"'t'ra) hun· I t.rr .. C :w .......... ,-... ,..,...,_.h'f' .,. wf'll u . " "',. t h" .. r I• • "'IUt • ,.,.,.1. I n I•• dl"f'<<11 nf l!har.holdtrlO anti patti -~ (JII l"ho·r IIIII h •~ ~'''"1.:11•'•' ' •' '• f lhounmiA .. or dollllrl'l In dlvhlrnd~ Gl bal ....... ..,. 4lltls II .......... lis~ •f'IJ.ht .... isflurnc•f' II•·· .. , .. ,..~ .. , I("'""" I ..... " .•.• "' ". ,.,. '''""" .. , II • "'"""'"" .• ·~""' 1111• 1 ....... "I' '"''""' 111\CI ..... According tn Prrllltlrnt p A. 0 war ....... a. I .. -r&e ............ By~ dirf'C·th· .... ,,.. .. MttDIII """ "'' Tfoq• I • '" It. I • " ., .... , \\' , •• l 'ql·· .. r N••\\ I''"'' •l••tol .... "' " hrarln.. 'nil' «"lmmU• f':\lmf'r ,.,,,. llf'l'l'l! 'r lhf' """"' '"" .... -... ~c-. ...... ;..a .... ,.r1 ,, II. q,...,.,, "" "'' ..... v •••. ,, ... , .. ,. II• Il l~ Ill• 'Ill "111111 11 ,...,. •lltV I nit"""" ........... lhlll whrn t ha """ tlon d nl!ll'd the Yf'IU 1H:I ,.,.,lh • · • • 1 ·• 11'" • •• ,, 1 '"'" .,. ,,,.,. Joo114,.,,h,ll ••1ollnn11o·•· wruo "''''f'l"'' It tnt:\1 nf $1-113.R71 . lln lnr.rr&er or b T ld .\8~ ............... ('_..c •. ., ...,.,. .. r l•n.,;ram. fh•· '""' "·'""'I 0 ..... Jt ....... "''"II I.,, 111""" • 1'1'1"' I 'll \ 'tr:fl'J"''Tt"''' 1.;: ............ "'' "''"'""' nultrl' lfl , .. .. llf'81'1y $ZMI)OI) (\\'Pr lhP rr•t'f't!ln~ to e 0 Ml 1 ....... , ... •••11111•··1 l'otlo '""'" 1 .. '"''•I ''"' , ... , .. ,. , .. , ... ,,tl .. no•r .. '1111• .... .., ..... ,..., .. ,.,.ct ,.,,3,. •f 1~42 ............. ,.~__.irf' B}"rRrlli& ... hMad\·bforo Mil" Mr Tlr~tOll•~•ll lfl"l"lluo lll\ ""''I "" 1,11,1 1 1 ,,1 .. ,,.,,.1 1•1 11,. ,.,,.,.1 'I , .. ,,,, '" ""' l'lru111t11a ,.,"". Tt'.t-AMOCfatioo ha~ ftr-.t mr•rt· .. r..iiK ........ _. .. lhr ,. .. rthf' I...WI ..... alld lhr 11 · 1 "• '' I 1' 1•"""11 .,. r rly ,.,,,.1,.r ,., 1111' t.11t., 1•1• 111 t.:• 1ml•l••n ~·~~ lCMnJIII nr S~21.!lG-4 and ,._ L d I • -............. (·...a .... 6ri ........ f •tlt l'ltll"'ll""' ,,. ,. ... ,,,,, r ........ , \ t•fh \\lif "'flit v.• .. trr .,.,.,,.,, t e • • II II II II I ' R~N n( 11\'l'r $:13.000. Wllh """' 0 a leS ... acwtaa:4 -'-K .. ·-••r. AM. .. eMir 'lion..&.. mind. , ........... '""' ,. Hrlhl· """'''I ... lh• WI I ... """'"ll " "'"· •flf.•"'•V· \lflt-tl rr .. r ':< •·I Sr..~~ Th,. a n · r-'""'"" ,.., nual dl•klend is3 rpt and th•• • •or ... _._ .... ...,..,. .... ~ .................. ('•ta Mf"A \1• ,., I• •' •••·I q ul 1 ... 1 .. ,,, llfiEM ~INatON Ull r.nt Jlaymt-nl ,.,.lUI halr • r th~<l ... r-........ ........,. .... tllw !'lair oJ "'Mhls.c· "' .,. • '""'"I ,.,, '''"' v.• '' 1•1111. l'.n•I•I"Y""• .. r tl11· ,.,.,. anti pullr" amount. thf' wml·allllual JlAYM"'• Af'tioD m Uw ~ IP'aclf:lf'-= ._ ..... _. .......... nf u..1r W'-.ral ahUIIW,. tu lwolp II• "'"'t.: 11., • ., 1""1"'"''" '"''I 1.. •l•·r•uor 1, •. ,.,. """''•I 111" , •otJnt•ll t 11 rnr thf' nthrr h"l' bl'i:t~ la11t .lunc-. rn tfwo Alf'v'..aa.n. ... ~ ...,. .., .. II· v•·.t tlu •IIV "''"''1•1 ''" 1111• """''' 11111k" ,. ,..,'Vr v tn "''ler to enabl• to ll pr1ntl'ill'llBtPmi'TII lh" ._..,..,,.. ctramat.k' r<rC'ItaJ try .....,. ...., .t __._ :o~o tu• "'"" Ill• """'' till w"" """' thf'nt 1•1 ''""'" 11n•l•r thfl .tatAt r•· tion •ye: u.e IAdlel' JlliiKM ....c-. ., u.. -~ .... a... -..._ ••!!=-•. •·"" 1• f•·•·t ,, .. ,. ltu, f"'"""'' ,., thf'fflf"ht ,., t ut Jt~JJ. wbksla ,.r· -... • _. ___ We .. "., ...,.••sit"'-all "ln wveo yt>an thla LIIIIIOCiatlol.t N_,.-_, ~ Kiwalrtior Cllllt to~t Mr t· .. tt•·l"''" ''"'''" tltr lu toll(•· rniiJI t'rr1111n laiHtrln• tuiJl to •· , hu «TT'"''" rrom $22.000 of orijftnaJ be bdd Ttoid ... J ...,.... ~ U•• ......... ._ .. f ..... ~ tlwn ...,_ Mlddrsl) "1'Ur· "'"" t.••tll '" w:w "'"' '""' <'I'"''"'' •• .,,.,. 1.,.,..1 .. n•, "'"'' '" t1111·ucn11 1,.r1 lnvl'8tf'd raplt&J In nii!OUI"t',.. fJI wed~· at a...·• ~ ~ ~ ... a =' .... p ..._.itatle_ .\a~ .. a JWt'\'ifliL'o '""'111•1 Ill•· •a Ioiii '"' 111" "'"" unol•·t ur 111r alat" w h ir "~"ICill'llltlllJflf\. 11M nvt-r $1100.000 II hilt~ built n"--11\IIIIIW flu 1111111 l111r II•· "'"" It l••arol rr•tll•••lrtl th,. l'lly r wll tn llef'Vf'a lllld und"·tdf'd rrot1111 d ~pt 1'~ .... ._ ..., ~ r...tt. I I I) Ill·~ w..-te Mft liN-._WI'r. A_. """lol l'''l"'" ~tl• ul 1111 I• •·I "' I'""'"' t n,,. ..,, ,.,.t11ry •rf .tall! ,,. 1'\\'f'r $30,000 :..!,.J;:-" ..=.-to._~ W.r ft ' • -.. elftriall W iEfitW<ata'th-"' fll lhfo l•lllklh rrol ""'' wo•ul•l • ""' "'""'' llu """I''' I "'" f••"'''l¥'"« peNOn· "Thf' tmdln~ an<~ ma.na~tMnrnt e • War ...... c-t-2M,._~ ..... •--•r: It '~"" ""' •lanln• '''" ,....wton to Ule II ti and a u w.,.__ .-• • ........_ _. -r--, ,,.,11,11 po 1'11'11 llf'f' conwrvs Vf' 1"1' ~~Ct."--l[llllla ill tk ~ ..._.~ca.-ia"""-"f'.) .......... ,..... rf'tl.l buy..,..., I• PAVING lAJ'AYElT[ n0Klrd In thr NlndJtlon nf tltl' 11, "'.,. I rufrh ,,..,,1 f ,iol" ,.,,,1 II II lt,.n•l"ll l".dWIINI t'.u'-. J """l'li'IAIInn's loan" no <1«-lll'lqUf'nC'J' .;n .,.. u.r ~ _. ._ dll6 IIIII .. -... _.... .. !triac .... -a of Uw probWm'l w•••L lutdy ... ,. rr"'.•lt "' Ill• ,. Jl: "''""' ll N .Jadwin, f'rlln~ problema aDd no forecl~ure". All !'::":;::.-c .... ~ = ;.. 5 as -IN ... ~...._ ... ,. •ulfod r.,.m. '""'"'' .. 1 '"'~ •Ill•• '" "''"''' 0 .... l'r•• k~r ,. N I'""""· P:. w . ..,., • dellnqUf!DCIH. Including lnllnll t~ ~ ... t.bal. ..,.. ~ .,., ..... " .... "'"' arr 11M! NaY)' ...... An.)' and lhf' .......... 1. hiU! ,.,.,, •• ol '"''")" "' 11111•1 II .I n,. ........... J II . .__ .... ,. mrn nnw In l hf' snnf'd fnrrr11. an-5 ""'"''' lit•· ,,,,..,,, "'""" .,,.. ,.,., ftan l~ 1'••111,., lf~<rTV t.11r e, n. lt. ( ~ftdllb~ ......... ~ Ill" r I ~ lf'M than one· tenth. of one J)f'r ~ an llllllC'Il lltl.o ~ ~ .... ~ ~ • 1 •1,, ., '•· 1., , . .,., ,1 .. ", , .• 1,.., lullv H•JIIIfkl.-tn, K W f1ort<~n, W J. of totallfliUIII. t.fwo W1do4T ........... -.r~ tllat 1.,1,,., :,.,11, rorol 1,1,1, ,.1,..,.,, .1 .. 1111~ I' I< l'rlrMI , IC. H . Walla "'niP -.lt'ty nf ynur runo111 111· ~ta · · ~[ '111P .,, .. 6wfh'r ,., • ..a .... jDb ul lhr \\11r I ""'''K now ·•·•IJ ""' . 111 , "~""'"' """''" 11,.,1 ,.,.,,,. ,. , •.t "'""I'"' t; w l:lllllh•n. Vf'lll•'" hl'rf' llrl' adtllt tonlllly pro.. I "'""' ~ ~ .... ~ ~ _.. ....... ,.,. ....... I ..... attaf·hrd '" ',.,, ... '" • ···•u•a '""'' I ""'''Y ,,, ..... , .... ,, •I II loll"'' ''"'"' ,, u~.:r•,.·ol •• v I 'lot loll" I! 0 w .. t .. riiMI, II ----\'UM'ft~tbru.=.~..,.,~, ............... ~ ........... fl J .......... IC lfl a \••if· (oun••l •n<J "''""' l•o flflvAII' f1 , •I• "" ul Ull nd J"""'"I ""'"''"tc Y, V"una. Jfqward ~ Th H bo Lad "'·" '" • '" lhr ulll• • of Roland 1, 1, , 1 '"""' .. 17 ft UY LOT ,.0,. l'l HIEf:T ' ree ar r 8 fnr ........ ~~ ... -~ .......... I _,.,...,~.,-...re-,..... .. r. ,.. \\'I'U '''""I""""' ........ An;o. 'I •· 1 ...... , ...... l.ol • '"''"" ••• ''" "'""'·n "' l'uunr llmnn '~'"" u ,.,.. .n ... -ut •Jrno. ... ~• ...,_, --..._ ,.._ .. ....__ ... ) _.... • t I . N -.-...~~~.... .... _......._. ~ ... ---I ...... .......... ... -or -...... ...._.'" P"'" .. ~ '"'"' .. "" '"' l•o ''I'' I"' ,, ,., ... 0 ''·' 0 lly .,., .... ,,. ..... lhr f'llrf'hl! ... t'rf Enrolled In aVV ,-.. "' .......,_.,. , • .._ r • I ' • •I l!llo•ll• I • .T -....I '"' ... ~a 111at 11 aad It" "I 'II:""., ... ,11,1., " 11:. " ... "'"' tt.. • I"""'" ., " I•·' ""'" fo'mctt .. v • ,Ka-.."&J''u•r,~:nt fwll.w1.,.....,..,.....~ •.. •. Ah•• IH n••v. '''''"'•'••·•f v lfh tl•·' ',,,,,' •·AII••f t•\'•••· •v•uu,.. fu t 1'04t f••r 'lu·l•urr••..,. V-12 ·Lt Cal TID!tJI.eh l llmmary ,.~,..,.,~ .... -....... --c XI .................. -Me-~-...... ,., ........... ,l..illn' r.,.,, ' • Mr il ~ ""'' ...__. ~-.,_. .._. \I t I'.• ., , 1 ,,, , •• ,,., ,..,,,·1t~1, .. t1 .. ,.,., f,,,,,,ll/ '"'"I' • •l•~t l••tr t',•nfr-ul •vrnur ·-·--· .. • ~ 'iiC ~ ~--.............. rostnu·t11 a n ti , , • 11 1 , l'r•'"" ,.,. l•lt•ll ~tlll•t 111111 "''"'" '""'I •·•ul•l Jnfnnnlltlnn hAll hN'n ,...l,.llll"d ,.," rf 1111'1' ~• , .... • -.r _..... r" ..-._ _ __.._ ... ..,...,_· •---* fi lAnll ' ,, ' ., ,.1,"" ~'""" n l 1.1 ll'l'llr ICATION '" I''"' l•h••·•l '" whlrn,. rnaln ar· that Navy V·12 Cnllf'll'l' 1"rtunlntr trob ril br Nom;• 0 .. ''· ... ·-.r ._..___ • _,_ r ....... p .. n,. •llw'l•ll•l: • " I •Ioiii lin tV• \' .... I \ ,, I ,,.. .... , ... fl ... , I I•· lr·tn I t 'nlt Ill th~ C'.A!ift,mla Jn,.litutl' ,.,, ,....naJt,, "'! dr>f•"S' ~·--peril~-~ •• I ··-7 11-w I . I 'I I . 0 •••• '"lilt .. , or •• I lo ' "" I " ul,l•" II k•'~:· I I 1111( , ... IIIII II lfl .. •llltl lttt•olllnll c· .. n Tf'rhnf lf"frY In PIUMd~n~~~ h"" "". ~n "~ laiiii,___.~Y ar• ......__ W • a. n.. • -• It ~ • , t ,.,, ,., 'l• ~:·,~ \':.' "'' "' '' lutdnp ''" th•' ''"' H\•lfllt•· '" ""'' r•rJint I• n•rw a r,.,llrd lh,..:(' lrlf'al broya, Tht•v lll'f' ttll"f'lld~· m '~ t..,... _,. ·-.&· ·--.. -f • '" -....... ,. C'Oiftm ..... ~.,.,.., II ' . "" ••• "II I l.r• ,,, 1~11 I '" r ,.,,,,....,"' rrth &. ,. .. 4v 011'-<f'r.:::., ..... L--... ... .. .... hr h I ' ' 'f l tl t t•' , ... .,."\ II tl•t't tl '"If''''",.,.,.,,., .... \4 ,, ,.,,,,.,,.IJ,th fnr•· tr•m tht• uvrr~ ~"r~t" M. Hnll!tlrn lOOn () 0 _ ....... "···· .. -""' arr •Hitr: t ttl' ,,,. I •' ~ ,. 0 .. , •• ~~ .. 11 ..... l•l"'"' ., I 0 "''"" • 1• ... •1111' 1 .. ~~ndllly "Vf'l'lllf', "• H Q'-f'ln nr Lldn IIIII'. Rl\rtnn R tlon tJ• ~~~ bi:P mar·-~T v-L.:-. ... -I •11. I ' o\1• V.IIOI WI\Jt .. ,. •••••• , •••• •• "" --.....alP • 1 .. o• ~,..... alld "ul._. .. ,ntr•~·t.. ''"'' '"' 1 .. 1 '"" 1••rl1•on "' "roolnt .. _ ..... -n n( ... r and Mrw J A Ru• Rar'IDI' Fay m·---~ J-' • "I . '"''"''''I , .. .....,....,. ,. ,,., _.......... ... ...__ _ _. .,ul Julll lnt•r ll•,. •tl"f'f't Mr. J .. t • .. ~ .. lint! JJ-rom~ w J'arkll . ..,.,.. Briar~. ~ DE a c •r c-, ----...r ..... _.....-.. ,, ·I •' ... ·•11•1 l:tk•ll .. yot ..... ( (' I t ,. I) k I I no-T" ~ • HC t• 1m JrfH) s , ... ,. .. ,. "~•· "'""'' ""' 11 ··ompn-.., Mr ant! Mr!! . .J. B. rllrkll. btllb OtiiLiap. Jtm Dwt..._ ........ f--. ., • uurl I"'""'' • • Ht f• ~• "' I h., ••1•1 ~ I' r1Jtht nf nf 81\lhna laland F..d Goode~! ~ r,.._ &..-.... & a I I r -1 .. raW _..... lwnu~W ul lhr IIJt I " ""' ,,.., • "''""' J 1' • • l way Thf'V llf"f' undl'~tling a 1'001'111'1 ~~. Jll'1p ,_ ~ ~ tw?, 5 ... .u.s Np: a IC ........... to.,. matlf' "' ..... , ... ' , .... ,, lllt•rll ,..... n raining a flf'lll...,'f'tl to ru thm. in "'""'e wlth l nttr ~ 8011 ._,.,. 8lu1 .... t &• ... Of .._.. _ _. L YLL. .. I I ,, .. ,...,.~~"""""'""'""·'''·" p f,l. ht S h I .... N-·----,.._ P. ~ ..... arw ,,__ ,.._... _. wrw•-............ ""• "'' rt•-1a • c ••n lllarL·•r Area Ge• ... lthf' N•":V rlther ubnrP M an,.t ..... Lea. AI'-.-.-..~ .-. ,, •r \:t• 1•1,. t ... \t .. , .,, '~' '"" ,., 1ft Ll't u romm111111nn"tl en~nrmnc offl· l)(lf. ~ ~ Hmry ~ il .... ., • _._ .. -.1 •h.c te wla lllw warM quif-111.\ lA" 1 •·1 I ,,,,, ..... , ,. ...... Cf'l"8 llnd lnrlud<'W lh~ study <>f and a...t ....... 5 en-....... ,. ................ , .. u.w ., a\ail· I• . ": A:"'IIINIII(I ·n:'<",~ I 1' I Morr Rainfall t-ilhl'r mf'l'hanlral. f'IKtrtral nr F..adl -~a.-"'-._. _...._ ._ --... .. w·-• 1•--t II '""'"''I< Ill I It•· I''" II( hi •• •••• ., • .t-........ .._ ..._ ....... __... -• I au EftWJ' <':1M~ rommun )· B'C"" II•· •. ,,,, llrtllolll<• 1\VIIIl.holl (",.d•·l rtvll .. ntrlnt<rrln,;. ~Pf'ndin,; upon manuu. _,. .. _ ~ •-....,.._ q A TIRON'I MCO,.tNG ,.. ., th• apllludfo of l hf' Individual I!IIU· anrt ~ ....... f-l"t••>ao: X ~ ........ • ... X ........ ,..a tlmr that lhf' 1, •• ,,, 1 ,.,, \/IIi rr .. m t't~llfwnll• ,,,. With "k•~~ "1 111 "Yrrr ut t¥hlt-h dent. .. .... 6MII ....... r.C ~ ~··~ .... •tee I ...... for,....,'" rn-: "''"''" "''"''' Mtll l•lu.f llit' ''''·' lr••trl Hall··· '"'""" Ml"ll. Jllnr l Thsur of 134141 ~ Jn•u~ral#d July J. JH3. the .......... ·-~ -.H--.. W, f -.., ..... -......... c-&.. .-\ltd thai,,.., """ '" '' '" luo•l '" ''" wtlh•tftl II• ,, 1\VIIol ll•n '"••1••1 ,,.,., •. , 1\, ~ f'f"PPr1t'd lo thr OCR .-Navy'a \'·12 protfT&ID wu ckslp· f"l uldMit --era 1 a .,,,,. tn'•' •rt• Will br ,., th,. 011\1 l!t •t<•~· ~1 :1 l fllllnlltld Avr Uee thllt her m'tall ~. Bobb)•. liP ,.ct to proride a ecl8tlauoua.....,. .,... a Jet II"' (.'IMI ............ -'!& • _. .. .._ •......... "" ... ,ttv "' II•U ••"'" 'fh,. \\'•1 ' ,..., f•rtur• 1•11<,111 '""''"'' •un• '""V Jtr<ornlll•• ""''r nlln, U.t~ Hat· 1~" ,,,.,. walo tlo·" wll h lnl.llrf'llt. t.hr rl•· "' I h .. ln•lu•at~or •m t..he atorm t:NIIIl•' Whllr lhf' r••t at t .. mAL 8\i had ~n mL ..... <Ung fnr three atoff~rpenonnetfortbi'NaYJ'a 80lCIIIIJ_..ID ._.~t y • .._ ...... , lwfe-Sf l••rlllhorta«f' l'r••l•o•tll•• 14-•ttr•l ha~~ l_t .. •l ··r l"•'k' l ln,.tru•llunat •h•·••lllf't houn and ukeod aid of tM kx-aJ f'!lp&ndln« fort'H me 5 -.... ~ ... -..... _. ... .. N--•I• "' 1 ........ ttlllK ·~ f'rndUI'UIIII "' "'"'Ill~ lht' tornolamf'OIIlllt , ...... laW enfOf'('('m('nl hf'sdlluar1~rt .,_lthoulfl appr.ntiu aeamen ...... • .._ .... twr. Wf' w .. ._. ' ' · ,.... ..--..... ' . ' . '"'• orolllr"" ••t tltt<aP lluw,.ver., .... rv l•or .wlual nl.hl tralntna In ~r.ly beUrvin~ thai ht~ rno-now~ 8\udenla upon ~ lht-e. ...S ......._ Aic:Hia) ..,_ 8IIIP..... ... .-r ...... a --.r .... lltapid. UJ-r •Ill iflffrr rr-Pahrtrnl( Ill'"' J1r1nt.or} lllllllr an•l "'h"w"•l th« had said he might gu. thr will """ r'f'd to ,..,-:' % .... ~ ........ ,._.... hn Y-. ...... A • I a .. C: rer ~ lfl •I• ,, .,,,, • \PrY r)f)Oiulbl4! part will IIC'hOf•lll 'nl•y .,., prepved phy•· lad had trwvoeleod to Hunlintrt<~" ctrodrtnat arbool ~ ...., ..aa.?R .................... ot ... -• n a I • ~ lilt .. .... .... ,,.. flO' pl~toloo mlltf'nala 'nla Ia llbout I k all)' an•l mf'Dl&IIJ t<J att&Jn th .. h Beedt by his •ils and WIIS roo~ ..til .,. com c.ed euiCaa • w-. a Cftld ~ • ~I ...--a I ,;. 5 ~ en a a .-e u , ... , '""' ol • yt!er'll ,, .. Wllr ... mrn•rn IC'"''· tJt• aiiYPt win ... '" at ttw hclcM of an aunt. Mn. ~ Ute Unltei! 8t.a Na.aJ ~. TIM ...,_ tl T::ll .. • I -" • -• .... • -• ........ • ta.. 'pr•wl..., "''"· AnDy Air ,.,"1:. pll,.ta • younp. Offi«r John.• N1JOI'1•· I '''""""''' lit•utltt•m t'allfomla ~ OVI•I lll<ollhU! t~ blacbft jlllt ... ''" " • 11'&11,.r. <'ri"P 11ppr~ afl#r """" ahowf'r. p ,..., trlt.Atllln '"' the tut .._ w 111 16. the la~~t 24 how-e ....,.._ 1 h&Jk•d up .01 of that. TIM ...,. IIGD&J ra1afall a. a.TI Ia ~ \o 1. Ta for the ame bma 1ut ,..,., - • • • • ·" ·r NEw.PORT·BALBOA NEWS-TDII!a, Newport S.m. Calitomla, 'IUESDAY. JANUARY 4. 19M 4 -----cAnother Year C9f Growth and Trogre.ss·----- • For Your Information ,,. vocw a~ THill OCN&IIAL tNT&II&•T' '"' Tl& I NV C.TM &NT .HAll&• OP' P'CDC-L .AVIN 8 A ND LOAN A •• DCIATIDN. WC III'U·U·H OU• P'INAHCIAL .TATCMCNT •• DP' DCC&M•&• 8 1, te411, ON '!WHICH OAT& WC ALeO III'Aid au• 14TH CDN.CCUTIV& •&MI·ANNU~ OIVIOI:ND AT THC IIATC• D~ :II ..... CCNT "llll ANNUM • THC ITCM "~ltt.T MDttTOAOC LOAN•" •&111'•1:· • &NT. 114:11 MDIIT DAD&• AaAIN.T III'IIOIII'&GTY HAVINO AN DtttOtNAL ........ IIAI.CD VALU& OP' ...... e .e o a . we D'IWN NO ~a•ccLo•co •&AL &•TATC AND WC HAY& NO AIIIIICAII!Aa&• OVC. NIN&TY DAY. DLO. 0~ THil .ANil 8D.IIOW• INO. e t4 .DDD ,. DUC WITHIN ON& Y&A. AND TH& .ALANCC t• "AYA.LC DY CII TMC P'OL.LOW• .... NtH& YllA··· THC CUIIII&NT DIVIDilND -T& ON TH& -··· 'DP' THC LA.T DCCLAIIIATION 1• 8 Ill'&• ClrlfT. DUll Dtii&CTOIII. HAYINO IN MIND TH& YllA.LY e T IIIIlNOTH CNINO DP' TH& OU.III'LU •• All& ALI • .D· CATIN8 T O TMC •c•&IIV& AND UNOIVID&D "IIIDP'IT. ACCOUNT AIIIDUND 48 111'&11 CCNT Of' T H& t'f&T &A IIININCie, WHICM III'C.CCNTAOC 10 A •Dlh T&N TIM&• TH& AMOUNT •&OUI.CD aY DUll TOTAL IIC.DUIIIC&• HAY& aAtlf&O 40 Ill'&• C&NT A. CDM"A.&D WITH D&C&MO&• ••• t e48, ON& Y llAIII AaO • THI. a•DWTM AaAIN DCMDN.T ... T&8 TH& u•&P'UL .. UIIIII'Oa& •c•V &D •Y A LOCALLY MANAO&D AND O .. C.AT&O 8AYINO. AND LOAN Aa.DCIATIDN. IT AL.D OC .. DNaT-T&a TH& CHAIIACT&• OP' .&.VIC& W& HAVC •&NO&•&D TO DUll INVC.TOII8 AND au• 8DO.DW&•a • P'DII WMD•& •uiii'III'DIIT AND CDD~-TIDN - All& ALWAY. DC&III'LY A III' .. II&CIATIVIt. Wit 8 TANO •&ADY TO •&ND&II THC ...... & ,..,& .. DLY, H&L .. P'UL •c•vtC C TO ALL -acv&M Y&AII. THta Aa.OCIA ~ --...,.,.. ~·OM eaa,DDD D~ ...... 4M.. tWVC a'I•D CAJIIITAL TO ••· .... acaa OP' _.. aeoa.DOO. IT -· ..... T ece&.VCa AND UMDtVtD&D J1 STATEMENT OF CONDITION OF'FICERS ........ _._ ........ . .._ ~-· ...0 ••wlille&MCNT ~· -· ca•M-ATIVC AND ,._ ~CT&e .. nta caetDtnDM DP' .... a•aCIAYtG .... ~ ... MD DC• Ull.tw=CY ........... -0 ND ,.0.1:• • --& M4 DCUIIDUI:NCt&a. IN· -a···· ...... TO Nell NOW IM THC --. .. oecc.. ,... uaa •-• DNC· ~ ~ D•C ..... CC.V D,. TOT~ ..- -_,.... DP' YDUW P'UMDtl IN· ...... D ..C-.... AOOniDNALLY ....a~O -IN8UIIN'fC& DP' eACH '£ I I TO ···--nee -o&•· ----·--~ INau•ANC& •• •• T .... -IN..,WUNC•T~ITY ~ .,... ....-co.., ...... wov.•MM& .. T. .... ..._ --D --INa AC· ...,_ ... ~T...,.I TNC.CP'DWC - ----.... ACCDU...... -WILL --.-TO .._....._ ~·o-~ • .,..·-•ucav CHAaTE.EO BY ' UNrTEO BTAT£11 GD¥E.NM£NT / ASSETS FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS $821 .564..25 'nw .AM~Wiat..._ uwl\a t'1,..1 Truot u...do '""" ID&IIr '"' "'-I• tile New&>Un llay Area rt~ll\ll., moathly paJ· meau are ...S. by tboo """""'""' u11ttl the luana .,. htlly .,.... INVES'T'MENT'S AND SECURmES · Z7 ,100.00 CASH ON HAND AND IN BANKS • 34,180.§ OFFICE ~UJPMENT. LESS DEPRECIA'MON '\-_ 791.15 DEFERRED CHARGES AND 0'11-JER A.SSEI'S 7 235.90 IIIMirell<'e ~-a.ad •l4bw obllptl.--paW In •••- T<YI'AL 883.871.99 C) '• LIABILITI:m MEMBERS' SHARE A<XX>UNTS . $688.96121 Th'-,.p,_IIIJt UM MO'IBp aad ln..._.. o1 ~-­tui'JI<)raliOilll. c....Sit ua'-. •--..., f he ,._._ nal o,....:aat'-IUWI t,... r....sa. Ab V ANCES FROM FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANK 140,175.00 '"''-A-'Cialloe lou l•u•DdlaA•Iy ..... ._... a .._ ell ..- wllb lble ,...ne baalliDC •J-ru Ia -ell ....a requl,......ata. LOANS IN PROCESS • GENERAL RESERVES • "-,_ .......... Ia ..,_,.._ -·~ u. ..... ... R.el\llaU-for ._,.._ ul ..-a .......... ,. anwror~t~ UNDIVIDED PROFITS TOTAL 211:83 4.9619.19 28.700.00 883,87L99 .. : .. ~~~=--.. ~~ WALTI:IIt e .III'ICI.III 'VtC:C·--·Ca&DCN'f' • "' ... a:va:• ~ •cc•«T•••·T•c•au••• - DIRECTORS ~ ........ ll ......... ,. .. w ............ . Ill'. A. ..... L .. &• WALT&It 8 ... tCI.III C. W. T&WINICLC W. A.WILDUe WE SELL WAR BONOS AND STAMPS Newport Federal ·Savinss and Loan Association -NEWPORT BEACH, CALIF'ORNIA ... Coast Goup to Ele t LErs ftft FISIII' ~~~oc~~· 11~t~n~ ~~r ~ C au :!~~!~~ ~:~r~ o~,:~n~o:~u~~ Offic. ers February 15 _ l drmocrncy for which Wt• nrt' ftj!ht· Ina two ware at onrt>. "lla, hal you My, thnt'~ • fWfort> ,...,. bc's;in making N~'W mighty am bitious p~ram that .. ~ ..._ \OU'V•' burt out lht•rt•" = ., ...._. .. _,.. llllttr t...w-ol thP f'ftOtuUon In ~cht Ytar rf'solullon~. I think It Is WI' II , . So It t~. So It Is. Rut "'' old -thai we fil'Jlcrmt•n ~;hould look Grnnd Pnppy uSf'd 10 ~ny · "Its 0..... ~ -"*UDDI ol illfonnaUon wtllch hu rome bl--back and ~ ~·hnt progn•sJ; was 1 h••tl('r to hnvl' put up 11 riaht than ....... -a.llr ,._.. ,. .. 1-lhr llooard llldk'atlnc thP pot~~· I'Nidco last ynr. TI"'.H' "''diet murr 1 not to havl' had thr rourn~:t• t o '-' • .._ llllttr c:Wir •a ' • dlllit)' ol rnor-. ravorabW Jr&bla· wvual bic opport untlt<'~. !Jut not fi"hl at all" And hr al"" !tllld: ......... n .................. thr -rutUI'f' .. "'' a -.... .._ 1 n .,.._ W&Jtiem Ca~Uftuw, rornytary of .U ol Ulem. Wlwn lht! chan<'\' "Whe re w~ls hAVI' gnnr. \\"hl'('ll ...... • .... _. ._ a ... dlr Hunt~-on 8Mc:h ONuntwr ol ~ to l'e't"'tabllsh tht-uniun v.,. ran lfO". ._ r z C'CA;w;w~:-'~t~ that his dly did not mi.u. That wa:< our btggl'SI And my old Gr11nd PlltJIIY wu p , , c. A. -..r _... ia stucl)'tnc dlr s--lbillty ot rn· victory of 1943. 11 ~:rrnl mnn. .. ....... 0 IF .. a.ai-1M -.._.. perk biJl be-'l'llt'n thel"f' WU I hi' baiTI!CUrlo ------- ... a 2 he ~--E. r.-tJw nrK1 -'on ot ttw State tllfht. w~ ~toppe-d 1~ drop '" COST A MESA ~ ...... ., ... ..._ ..._ ~~~ to ,...._~ ttw rPquln-berracuda pri~. ll11J was only a g a _, = 2 ~ 8MdL 11. -~ ol matcNnc on the-~n or penial vk:tory, but It was a vk· r , ................... H. dtift cw cuuntift tnVGiwd in !llalf' tory. a a 5 .. a...-.... L putt ~tklns. Our JtT'l"att'!lt fil8lns Wf'l"(> '" our &. ~ ....... -... ....... Chartn Bland and DeYf' O lm· efforts 10 reopt'n lhl· port and vars -...._. ., N .._. lous d~ ti11hlna areas. -.capuul stl'ld ol Lone BPadt and Harry Yl'tl, we madt' 110m<• prdgr••AA In _. ....._ .,....,.. ol N~ 8Nc:l\ •pok~ 1M3; but we barely cot Jtartcd. ... ....... ......... bi'Wft7. ... a 7 r .... ~.... -----Our blc taU lk-s aht'ad. in 1944. -.. A , -I .. Q • s ..,... Our btpHI job for 1944 will be ... , ar 2 • '-...._:; • .., Harbor ~"'·-ers ,... bulldine of a ••ronc union , 7 ..--.. ,_..,.ww r11 ~. Without a ~tmn1 union w~ an- .,_£ L •. ~ .......... llw Defeat"'Tastm hdpl..sJt. Newport must bf' too ~ a $ .. a 1 ' lh+ f...-illc Apin. 37 19 pt'I"Ct'nt oraanlzl."d. This Will rc•· ' .. -1 .. .._. a U.. ""** to qulno m uch patient and dlliKent SU ill& work. llllll is my rll'l't l"t''IIive for ....................... --... ~ ' lie .... ....,_. to _ _.ed -"'-"' llct:ork•ll 1944· -«>t'""" • -7 'I · \YhC"n w~ have Oflt&niZM Nl'"" 2 iJl C btcll -var; 8&0or fonram. thf' ... ...._. .. ~I cacnw ol l'f-)K'rt Harbor alf8IO ~rt. w.· ~hall han> u!'ly bo·~;un. -..-, ., ae O...tJ ..._. 'nltltl Hlp Uw T tin 1\\ lth tht' otht r SU\tlh t.oast porb .._. ., • Ina ....... a. .n · -~ WI unnrganlzl'd. we will have to com· 0 ° 4 lllctl tlaal &bey benly """" out • Pf•lt• In pricl'~ v.•lth dt~unlll'(i rlsh· .Mr and Ml'll. F. A. Spauhllntr nf :HO W Nlnf'lf'enth alrf'f't haft Wf'lrnml'el lofr11 ~f'dl'rirk P. ~pauldln~t of River Fotf'lil. llllnn~. "'hn haa arrlvl'd for e.n exttnded atay In ('nata Mea. Hf'r huRbflnd, C"odrt ~pauldtn~r. atattont'd at the Ranta Ana Army Air Bll~~r. 18 the ~trandlan or lhf' ~ta Wua rut- dt'nta. Mr. ancl Mr11 A. L Ptnklf'\' .,( Drua dway l'ntf'rtalned 111 r~<'~nt bouae cuuta, llr8. Ptnklt'y's f'M'a l'nte, .Wr. and Mn. Geor~te Starkf'J nf San Bft11ardlno . Thf' ll•ltllua Talt hom• Of Har- bur Boulevard Ill ho11l to Mn D. D. Kra.ch•l of San Bf'mardlnt> Mr and Mnt T H. D11kln nf Santa Ana extendf'd dlnnl'r h·'~rla tallty rl'rently 10 lhflt claughtt'l' and h..r family, Mr. and Mrw. Ed F.dlr k and r hlldl"'f'n. Harold and Sherrill. IL Vela, of ........ •t•rW Mit zuisc '<rirtor;Y CJI'IFPr to wta tbe Sclutbern ..rmrn In thf' othl'r ports whp liN' 0 flta ~p. Tbla tim .. still al thl' rnt'l''('\ of tht• cto.:·k buy· U. Hartlor t.da .....Oy pound It on "'"' and dt-aii'N< ·Henf'l'. my ~('("()nd ta.. -n-ltaltee. they led all thf' way rt>«nln• · hr lp nrgamzc thr ntht>r _. ~ _,.In duar.-r or No· South CuaM port~. I -t ....._ II"'· k II 1 I The Santa Anll avt'nUf' hnm.-•lf ntr rau ..... · ,..,m ''-ur C" 7 ,... 1 \\'hrn thl'.•l' two ~h·p!l 1\1'1' !IUC· ._ 11('(\rt., .,.,..df' wtth t J'<'lnte1 ce·s•lul we will bf' ln 11 po:<ltlon 10 Mlu Alke l'lumf'r wu lhf' ~····ne 1 follooo•f'd t,_ly tty Attt1dr;e anol <'nrl') nut I hi' rt'lll nf thl' prt'lj!ram; rN'I'ntly fr>r dlnnt'r filUUIIo "lll'n 1 s,teDJL Hart.w·a llf'C'OIId .trin~ 1 tho• mt><t lmJlOrlnnl part of whi<'h. the hollh·• honorf'ol f\r. and ~'''· ~ -f1f ftrlll Lt. ....... ,..,... mo.t of~ R<'Ond half anti 1• the• ~11ppor1 or thl' \\'In Thl' Wnr (" G Huatnn, Mr10 II K \\'rl~~ll, a. Y~-UICiedlod • a 11at matchf"\1 the Tua:on thJtt 11trtn~ f"r.'lo;rnm t>r thr C t 0 . No !lfrtkl'l', Mra Paul Hnbf'rt11 amlltllll'l F:mn:a ~-V. a ~ Mlltf'd • ~--bull•t for bukf't Ttt• finAl K N"t' nt> wnrk ~<toppn~f':<. ~trl'nh•r 11rns ""kf'r -• adien • -I'd..,. U. _... :S'i·ll' I doiC'IInn. c1tfry nn nn lnto•llit:rnt Onf' of lht' m110y 1111rhor h n,.. Wllr .,.....,.._.L A ...,_a.ntw-r. ---I nnd f'nf'fltf'll<-.<tru~~:le n~:aln~t whlrh pl11yr<t ht·~t to t·ll<lf't~ O\'l'r ..... ._. .U..C In U.. Euro-•EEa WIN 4t. t! I Fn•rt<m nt hnmr 11,. wrll M 11n I he.! t lw hollllnv~ Will I hAt nc ~lr11. ..---~ "-· X. In 111 .. _.f'nd l{llmf' of th,. .tnu-' hnttlf' fmnls, nnli pmtf'CI lhr 1 t:ntrh \'~t•le' nf lint 1>-•r l!t•lllf'\"trd .. .._ • ..._ .Jo ~ H Ver-.,,,. hf'tll1<-r II~ Harbor Rcou nvt"r· i\mrrlr:~n :otnnd11nl nf 11\'tnc '" Wht'n llhP <'Oll'rilllllC'd r'n1lr t" H ... · • ~ -IIGtiftrd ~ ~ ..-h,.lmt'ol thf' TllwUn mlttdlf'Wf'llthla thnt our so~ Pilon will m n•t 11urt11• k. Cltnrlr'" ltolf'y. Jt, r· .,_ a-...,. War Df'part.lftlt , ••·11'1 In a fl"f'f' lll'nrln~r ct>ntHt I nlll h:l\\' to N'IUm hnmo• h> nn on· nor,J Gl\11d11 and t,lffc>rd J.n ~I •· _.. ... ..ua.. lin. V~ Dak Ba,._ wu hlll'h J~lnt man I fl nl•'<l t'OSI nf ll\·in~: onti T't'On tto.ilt. _....... _.. ~ ~1a Kr U\<1 wttJI 111 Iaiii,._,. Tttr 1\<·0'to hn.t 11 w.•o:•'' '1111< ~~ m~· th1n'l '''':''" •' Tht• llo.l Rtul lly,• t~h,h 11111, lh" -W . a ~. 116 Allalont' "t-Id d~ty ttn•lllr lhl' brllkl'l tlppln~t I My fourth r('•nh·r Is to hrlp lny wne hl•~t,·l>l't't1 lw ~~~.,. Otlto \\'t•tl't· Aw..., ....,_ l*n4 In baftf'h from f'\'f'rv an~tlf' lhr fnundattnn fo>r n ft~hl'rm••n'• •r\\II'C ,,., . .,_!!!Jl: • .'"hrrt• Slllota l 'ln 1 U. ._. ... , ....,, Ul""'lrb r'""' ,..,. \"•ntl \' Rnd ~play Runt· C"''-1)J"''fllll\'l' 'l'l'hirh 'hnll h;no• f11r ''l'l'"ll~f't'lll n wllh J;tlll' 1 r - ' a bJ 81 Uw l'anta An.a ~"D ~ h n t•la\' n 'J;ht .,, 7 11'< Jlll'l'IO!ol' thl' m:u kO'Itnj:; ••f o>\11 1'8\'h 1111'01btor. l;uull' ""r" \I• .. ~ ~ -..,., .......... ~ Ilia o'decll .. W'bat rrorulaf'• to boo II ft<.h ~~~ JWfrl) dll"\'('f to thl' f'(ln· lamo'l! Hllrrt~ c-.• ttlr , !"r ' II ·-::::::-• SIDrtla~ f'1"1d. Al, ,...., Ulnllf'r-If fhf' n....10 I~ the •mm•r It< I~ l"'"~•thl••. nl PI i<'•'~ l1t•·~·. E P Grn~o· H••lln ""'' ntn.:, · i ; a 1L .J• l . tM. J;1UJN' ttwy •will Ylrtullllv b<-out ,,f mnrr ~~lthllhll' ''' hnth thrd ft•hrr· t 'l~tud•• ~wr·..tnutn, l.llt•ra ~1nn ,. ... _. woW at ~ UW champlnn..8blp "'~"" an<l tht• rno'n nnu 1 t' f\)f't"llrnl'r:an to f>ta ~"" nn•l Etln11 Jo'l\l'l<, ~ .... a -co r-f~ !be \"atlllty tnhlt•h n ~"1'lpt'rnlh'f' ~I'll •tnrt> ~It~~~~ Ftanrl'e Gnn1nl't An.t ~!·• , , ._.--a~ ... 11,. Joba lbwur•· l whr.., fi~hrrmf'n mn~ fllltThM«' JmoJ:'" Wtl"'m ""J".'''' A '"'"11 0 T a S fill a.-....,._, IIJodL, New,..'l Vanity Tu.tl"t ""Ythlntot fmm n fi•h honk I<' f'A!<O· !"'f'rently ,,, their l)ho•tlln t'lllltj:e ......... ta ......... lilt twe Attrtq"f' ITl F' (21 e>Jialwm hnf' and Jtt"()ttril'll. rrlen.U In u mjl U\'a..b ,_... .. .... _.. llrewt~•D I"• F tl l Errnta M~ 111~1 I"P.'OIVI' Is In pllrtlripllll' -..... -....... 8pMil (A) <' ill BuliOt'k - -------~ SIIM\ct never llhO"'ll iL~Jr to so .... ..,_a-.-... , .. ...,.._ (2) 0 tt l ltlanll• Rt>btn.,n 141: Obf'rto; But:r~tmt gl'l'lll an advantqt" o~ wht•n 11 11 ._-..... ....., _. .. .,._II\ 0 VMII And~rwnn: J.~lta«. T. t\qulrM 121: m11dt the ~ly to ralumnr 11nd .__..ar_ --.. M. II. 8ltAacl 121. 8Mfer. Warnn: Handly •t l. • 1dtCamatJon.-Addllon. . ., Ration Coupon Dates and Data +for 3 plloas ol ••••• -.. Uld ~ at ,..,...,..Uon. j Bsllonk 4th lNIJ)f'Ctl<lll befo~ J.',.bn1ary 2ll lfl44. ·January 71. 19M. Tire t~tlett All cuupona mtUC br C'lldMwd C-Book :'lUI inllpt'<'llun War Aatl-Book 1 S tamp No. 18 11 pair aboelll now to •rtntf' not art\. War Ration Book Ill Br••,.·n lltampa F o1r meal, c&nnool flllh. moet rdlble olla, cbenf's and cannf'd milk : R 11nd S Nn~r tu JMUIU')' 29 T-January 9 to January 29. U January 16 tn January 29 V-.January 23 to F••hru11ry 26 .. 1 W-January 30 to February 26. X -Febru11ry 6 to February 26. .Y-February 13 to Mllrt'h 20. I Stamp Nn. 1 on "alrplanf'" ~t ( t pair llhneal Novf'mber 1 to 1 (datfo aot .eel I. War fhtl"n •ook IV Stamp No. 29 :1 lha IUit'"· No- vember I to January 1:\, 1944 Green 11lllmp11 fnr unne<l. froZt'n u d rl'rt.aln dhydnltf'd foodll: D. E. and F. now to January ZO. G, H and J -January 1 to Feb- ruary 2(). Red lllampa 1 10 polnta ea. I for meal. l'anned flah. mOIIt f'dlble oU.. chHIIU and canned n11lk : 1 AS-F•bruary 77, to May 20. 88-F~bruary 77, to May 20. C8-Februory 27 t.o May 20. 1)8, E8 and F8-Mardl 12 to May 20. mue •tAmJMI f tO point a eL 1 f~ canncod. froun and <'f'r1 alo dehy· drated fooda: AS--F•bruary 27 lp May 20. 88-February 27 to Way 20. CS-JI'ebruary 77 to May 20. 08 February 27 to May 20. E8--February 27 to May 20 GIIC!IIne Coupon No. S-C A·Book, cood Trial On Morals l Charges Jan. 18 SANTA AN.A. Wllllnm Aohlf"·l ..on. :>!i-vrar-nlt1 fnrm<'r m••miM'r ••f the Cllhrnrnla ~lat~ l"ll\'ftl Guard. plud,.d not g111tty an•l not 101ilty by rellll(ll'l of tn~<anlly t•• ft\ •' nt•'r· I aa chnrgr' Whf'n lw npp• 'If ~d I"' fm f' l'lttl'•'llflr .Jud~t· K•·nrwlh F.. U orrlaon. A'''"'"''" wh•• nrprnrrd In t'OUrt ln bta Nll\'lll Gunrt1 unl'nrm 18 ebaJTed •l'ith commtl'tnJ: nr nl· tl'mpttn~: It> ft\O mil '"'""Y mo•t al• on fac.e·wttb car l~n. aumbrr f'lobnlary 2t. 1H4. !><'Cor~ A·Eook 3rd lnapectlon before March 31 Volunteer Recruits Needed Now! for U.S. COAST GUARD ___. - PORT SECURITY FORCE · More men are needed for part-time st-rvi<X" by the United States C.out Guard to serve at BaJboe.N._.1J011 HarlJor. ~ men will be enrolled in the ll oU1tary Pwt Stacurity Force u temporary members of the UnitL"d States Coast Guant ~­ All men must be cit:blens ol ~ United States and between 1M aps ol 21 and 65. and not daslifled as 1-A. 1be Voluntary Port Security FCJ~U has been organjz.led as part of the district or- gMizations ol 1M UnitM States Coast Guard and perform part-time duties for the Captains of the Port. To thea Ca~ tains or the Port, raponsibility for port security has been delegated. and 1M work is carried out by them through the mem- bers or the ~r Coast Guard establish- ment. members ol the Coast Guard ~ serve and members of the V ohmtary Port St>curity Regiments. Whenever n.>giments of voluntet-n are a\'ailable to take 0\'t"r the duties or the regular Coa.....t Guard. just that many more m<'mtl('rs of tht> full-time miljtary estab- lishm<'nt are rek>a~ for rombat duty. Whil<' the mt>mbers 'of the Voluntary f'ort Serurity P~menLc; sen ·c on a part- • time basis and without pay they are, whUe on duty. as much a part of the Coast 1 Guard as any other member of the Serv- ice. ~Y are clothed 9-1th ttn! full au- thority of their rank. their rating, or their particular assignment. 11\ey represent the Captain of the Port, the Commandant of the Coast Guard, and also the Secretary of the Navy. Tiley will be expected to attend training cot.trsPS at the location ntirest them, and when they satisfactorily complete the pre- scribed training, thett will be given unj,_ fonns by the Coast Guard . They wiU sign up for duty for 12 hours per Wet'k, ao; directed by the Captain of the Port of Los Angeles. The period to serve wiU be assigned to fit their spare time. U they find that for good reason they are unable to de\'ote the required tim~, they can ~ign by giving proper no11ce. This is their ch:mN' to l'{')ease regular Coast Guanl~ml'n f,,,. J'llOI'e nctive combat duty. Anyon<' interc!'t<'rl. having 12 hours per WN'k for dut~·. nn('! not in Class 1-A or suh.l<'t'l to thl' dr;tft. is invited to caU at the rcc·ruitin~ offin• Rea-uitin_. Offite Open 10 A. 1\1. to 4:30P.M. Sundays olfen.MA •«alnat fh't' young 1'\I'W· . In cha~e of :~~,:.~~~;~:::;, ~~~·J~~~~~~R~; FLOTILLA 21 U.S. COAST GUARD AUX · Judgt' Morrtaon. 1 • llul llfaly, CotDdr • Rememllf'r !hat h ride ' tort~•ta IIJ)tntual ))("' ... ~ e~Uier 1 Loded at BAY DISTRICT HARDWARE STORE, Balboa Island vacillaUnr ~fond or •lf-u.rttn !It llutlle A ·~~~•••~~-~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~T~t~~~~~M~t~N~t~~~~~rt~~~~~~:: Jllar7 Ba.Jlf't' Eddy - • ,. NEWPQM' ... IP)A NJ:Wa..'I"DDBBI. Nl:apat--Qg•t-..._ n :'J:g>AY, JANUARY 4. 1944 Legion Hi"1 JimcParty ~GLASSIFIED AD_VERTISING IOTICE , .. Sherrod llarril. ol ProperUea, lAc., reporta bavlq told lor &be crn- ZENB NADON~ TBUST a 8AVIN08 BANK (Jt L08 ANGELIB tile followtq ~of nal •tat. loeatecl Ia CoroM del lllar, Newport lleMII. Vallfonala ••kl ...._Dot heretofore reported: 8ol4 te Mr .... Mn. Wape IL Ball of Balboa tale Me.uWul .. le at tM late,_U.. or eu.au.. AYeta• ... 0ee.a ........,., ,....., '~ OoN.a ~ to tM waten ef N-.ert ~. wttla a r-t· ap of .,....u..&ely •• feet .. OoN.a .._....,.. ... 11 feet .. .._ ~ .......... portlou .r IUoeka "C" ... "D" II Ceroaa. ... Mar. 'ftM Ia aa _ __, pueel aoe.w • ~ .. ..., ..... water tr.t· ap ...,. aa trmb'ree ... ..._., Nftrpirt .._,., ... Pe='-'• llal· .._ ...... ~·N..,.,.. 'It llee )Ill& w-..,.,11 ... .,...,...., for- -':1 10ewa • ... N.,. ....._ ........ ~ ... ..,.,n•W ,, .... a. ......... ---zw.u. ., .......... lleUer ~ ,.,_. 8alwmaaT.r ....... . AIM aa •• '1-7 uti.ac ........_lite • 1M NC1U Ia &M ~.,.... II 1'1 .... If IAtll 1. I ... t. Ia ... (}II, 0...... ... Jtw, .. ........ lin. K. II: II tn ... If •=W= ~ ...... 1 ... I "-t • .... Mnet, .......... N---~ _.... ef ..... 8tr.t ... o.w...r.t A-let I ,._ .. • A" 8trMt. W., tM w..tla•u'-'7 ..._ ef "A" 8tNel ... ~ A ... -. a.ta ,..,.,.._ ... ...._ r.,..l e•W ~ T. r . ~ AIM aao&liler ... .._..liMit ...... 11 .. Ia ... J1a7 ..... _...,.. e1 1At11 I ... lt. Ia alodl A·a , c..-. ... llu, wW .. llr .... lin. 1. L Cat,.. ef LM Aila'elw rt'' ......... a,_ .... ef IU! fMl-"''I" 8tNet ... ,_ ........ te WaJ ...... (a11eJ) ....... ... ......._, ,..,_ ... ~ T. r ...... . AIM .. llr .... lin. ~ r ........ hiJertea, Oellf...._ a .,._fMt ~ ...... 1..-.. A...._ NNtll ef ._.._A--~all;,t,.;tii ............. J llfeet«IA&Hiaaa.el& -• of C..... ... liar. ....,..._ WM :r 1 ... ~ ..... W. I. :.•==.. Ileal KeCate ......_If c..-J(a,, ... 11e11er ~ T. ~ .. lb._, ...._.vt~Mtr L ....._ ef ............ a '=•",.. ............. 4hlM-a.....,.__,...... • ~A,_ ........ ef ... ..._ A...._ o..-fill liar. Puu • w ... ............. W~T.r ........ Alee .. llr .... lin. 11&7 ~ If • ~· Celli.,.._ .U If ...._ ..... , ............. ., ..... 11 ... 1 b'-.......... ,., ......., Drift, ....... 1M ., o.n-......... "'** ......0 .... • ,.. ............ ........, , .. ,... -...... ......, .w.-........ . tr.,. A ..... l'fertla If._..._ A--.. ....,...._ ,... 11 ... 11J lleai~......_C.IIt.Verbweet•k ......... lleller~'f. r . ......_ AIM .. Mr .... lin. O.tp L A11bewa of o.r-... liar, IAt 11 ... u.e ......,., a feet o1 LM 11, 1a ..._. 111. .r o.nu ... 11ar __..._. a ,_.._. ef II lwt • 1M W~ .... ef bte A--. NertllelfJ II ... Yiew A...... Pia t -.......... ,.,. ... ~ Pnpertlw, be.. ..... Aaplw.. AIM .. Mr._. lin. ....... W ........ II ............ LM II ••· -.t tale ...... .........,. I feet...,_,, 811 of lA& II, ... tMt pwtaee ., Lot u ~ ......... ,.,.,......, om., .. 111ee1r ua.., c.... ... ... Mar wlill1t pareel freata .. tile W .... rtJ .... ef Itt. A"• .-. Nortlleft7 ,,... ._"--A-. ,... t ttr .., ....., ....,.e- -WIIJT.r . ...._. Alee to llr .... lin. ...,., N ........ Jrt. A--. <» ......... liar, all ., Lot ..... a porUoa ., Lot te. Ia ..... .1M, 0...... ... liar~,.._. Ia • a.~ .... If OoNeuM A..._ at ... --r ttl Padlle Drt... Pia D " ............. 1117 W . I . Bel· ClOIM, ._.. Eeea .. Brel&er ef eo-... llu, _. Weber "f' T. r . ........ ... Alae to Mn. A.-8traaa.taa. of PC: 1ua a ._.tlhallot • Lartl· .,., AveeM, NorUiertJ ,,_ l!!lea.tew A-ae betric Lot 1'7 .. Blodt !11 of Co,_ Ml Mar. Pardluer repr-•tM by W. I . Hoi· comb, RNI FAtale Broker of Coro-del Mar, aa4 Seller by T. F. ~Utodeo. Al100 to Ml1111 Hen Bakf'r of Loe A,...elee. a aile 4ht!O on t t.e W~terly aide of Caraatloo Avn ue, 8outJworly from S.a\'tfow Aft· n~n thfo bluff11. Thl11 l11 -of te.-l»auUful bluff loh on •r· look.lac Newport Bay. tale Pe1laaula, Balboa blaacl a.nd ~f'Wport. Purchuf'r wu "'PI'f'tlf'8Wd I• tbla traJIII&I'tloa by Real F.atatf' Brokf'r J . \\'. O..n aaclt of Loa An~ tUMt Reller by T . f'. Rltodf'n. Tnw·t ~mall at Corona df'l Mar . Abo te Mn. Row M. Manl4'y nf AJtadeDa. l..ot !0 In Block !M of Corona del Mar. lla\i nc a frontace of SO f~t on thf' Eutf'rly aldf' of lrtoo Avf'niNI, Sorttwrly front Seaview Avf'nUI". Purcbuer l'f'P"'' wnt.od by W. J . Holc.-omb, 11#11.1 l':ootate Broker of Corona df'l Mar, and Selle r by T. 1'. Rllodeft, Al100 to Mr. and Mn . AU~ ('. HIIIIM'ft of Altadf'na, Lot 19 ln Bloc-k t n of ('orona tiel Mar, havtnc a frontace of SO feet nn the Wealf'rl~ aide of Lartl11pur Avenue. Thl• pareel Uee Northerly from I'Wa\ieW Av--. Pun:laaaer waa "'~W by W. .J. Holcomb. &eal Eatate Brokf'r of Coroaa del Mar, and Sel~r by T. t'. IUiodf'n. Al110 to Mr.. Lola r.. Glick of Corona, California, a beauUful build· Inc altf' on the E&Aterty IIWf' of Oolclfoftrocl AvMiue, Nortt.er ly f,_ 8ea~ww Aveaue, belac 11.11 of l..ota It aDd the Nortlilerfy 10 feet of Lot l4 In Block !M . Corona df'l Mar. Pun-huf'r ~nted by &ea.l J;fltale Brokf'r W . .1. Hoi_., of Corolla del Mar, aa4 Seller by T. F. Docletl. A11o to Mr. alld Mn. ('b"df' C. 81aaw r or Balboa bltUMt, Lola I aM 11 of Block A·ft Corona del Mar. nta Ia a beauUtuJ aaJtd bf'ach .. te Ia the co•~ rronttnc the Bay, na ... •c from "11" 8 t.rert Sortberly to Way l.anf' caney). Pu"'h..,r and Sell~r were "'pre· wnl.ed by T. F. Rhndeo. Alao to Mr. and Mn. LytSit B. Ca,yot nf AlhamiJn. a ,.reel 0t1 tiM! We~~terly aid• of Camatlon Avenue, Moutherly of Sf'avtew An•ue. llavtnc a frontace of 40 fflf't by a depth of 1!0 feet--.llother one of thoM unUMial MlldiAc .. tee overlooldnc Newport Bay, tile Pellhl· eula, Balboa blalld ... Newport. Purdlawr and Seller repreaeat· ed In Wa deal by T. f'. IUMdM. Alao to M r. Harold E. Blsby of Oleodale, Ca.lllomiA, a •-·lot build· lac lite .. t1w1 -.... r~ee~c~ ... ~ Bay-nalaUnc or Lota 1 UMI 15 In Block B·n of Corona clf'l Mar, ha.tnc a rrontace 01 "A" Street of 11.41, U~roqtl to "B" Street on whk-11 It aho 11M a rrontace of II.U feet. Purchallt!r and Seller "'preaea.-by T .••. Rhoclf'n. NOTICE A.DDmONAL PROPER11ES CONVEYED NOT PREVIOtJSLV REPORTED-ALl. IN CORONA DEL MAR "-~~~ De!w-ription Lot 18 and thf' S. 10 ff'f't of l .ot 20, RIQ('k 1~ Portion~ of l..otA IS and 15, Block 233 Portion of Bl()('k "D .. Portion~ of IAha 17, 19 and 21, Block 137 Lot 2 In Block A-83 Lots 5 and 13, Block A -82 Lot 28, Bl()('k 1 37 Lot JS and Portion of Lot II, Block 2.414 PurC'haMr 011\'e Ora)' K B. lllllman .1. R. Glddln~ M. L . Barnes R. V. Miller S. G . .JanH W. A. l\'at!WlD W. Olonr, lr. JOHN SHERROD HARRIS Success Plane Crashes On Mesa, Killin« Pilot Instantly A M .,1nf' CoflM r'-"cn ,.._ plun~ted lo tbf' r'OUJid at <:"'IJ«a Mrsa l .. t Frtdav --..r cany· Inc tr• piSot t.o tua ckelll Tbt r rat1 In a powrr <tino .., '\ d1'4'Jl holf' In aa "fW'" flor~ • n F:ut F:tKtttf'ftltb Ill,_._ ~plnrtrd IUld caucttt fire T1M-....-•If t ht' mlahar IN'ar Santa •- lllrf'f't Ill at lhf' ~ Cit • ,_. dentlal dt..trlc:t. ldtmtlry of tbf' pOnt .. -.. ""A IIIJI:-lOOPd by autbortt.la r ... ndar:~~: notlflr a tlon of nooxt of k tn PI~,. department equiJIID"'t frv>m ''•""-•' M...a aut.latkla tJwo Statr I""· \'llllon of Fore«rv r~ ()ran.r.- •nd from tAl' mu1 ... ertatioll noll·~ f'd out t.o t.bl' K- Honors Atmrded Lieutenant ·Date l Mickel wait j Lt. {)CI Dale M k'lllehralt. -411 Mr aad Mra. Ctlawifoa Mk'lll.d•~ nf ~otlta )(4'-b .. bPrn ~ted 11 p l'f'•ldl'ntlal cttattoa and ar IUr !.f('(lal for mrr1'"'*u .,.._...,_ ,.,.nt.. In tbe South Par•t ir ~ t ~" a n nnunrf'd by tbfo 1ttt-Naw.l l o·~•.-•r : . Thr h""''"' part k'lpetf'd In nu· m,.roua routtn.. patro ... -..-t _..., 11lon11 •nl1 ftjthlrr "''"~~· plln(lnc a Navy fo~thUnc p&aa,· On 1 ,n,. ,,...,r••'"" wtu~ nvm~~: .. • • I I r·nrt for bomhrnl, att.a<-klnc Japa· n""" lltllrrln~~:. ht' •• .,. ac~ b)' I 11 larc•· numh•·r' .,f •n•Try f~t...-. l'"''"'"ra lllork lnl!' two -• ._ Z..ro I Into 11 ~m~nkln~t 11pln a nd a.notbrr tu " ~·nt~ry flrAVf' I 1.1 Mlr kt<lw1111 I• a f<~ !\an· 'A Ann Junl•or r lire" tl1~ •• hrr,. h,. "'ll." rto ptaon rtf l br fONt· bell tQm. He IUid biJJ •1fr lbo- '"'"l"r J..:mJ A M~trv Murnly D•- ruldt-In SIUl Dl~o Hoetlnr a larr:• n~:~mtwor •If •h--lr f ,,,.11·: ,,,.,.r t h• bt~lldaya .,... tbr \\'rllr:tm It Mdnl_., ••h ' bll...- "'"lrnrnrtl lntr, lh,.or ~ M~ aDd Mr11. Wayn~ Htof,.r n! l"anta An.a A r t l'll, thf' )f iUII ~-loon<ht <A N ""'P' .rt Hl'lltlllll lhr f::brnnali W··~t family ot C'<'llla If.-Mr. an•J ~fno \\'tiiJ;rtS Ratl'"' •<f l>'ar ta Ana 11nd a M>n and da~blrt · t1 l11•· of the boet,. M r Mel Mrw Carl Mdnt"-' .,bo II ari' b lb• Cout Guard ... ,....._. at ... a~. ---- Bob Leahy's Bro. ~ftl 87, P358H In London. En~. ' FoR SALE ~0111 '"LI --l ~··• ._.,_ ... -,...,,,. ..... r •. _... ce .... r. ••o" A••• Jre" '-4 arwt •''"••· Pll<>no ....... ,, ltJ W , 410 01• -IISIRE C..tialled Prucludion of Vital Bo.t.er ud Carxo Planes ., EMeatial Aimaft Parts , ONLY 4 HOURS DAILY .. Ill ILlS MXT..\ AN..\ f'I:I!DEJC MHOP Sfto thr ()oud.u Repn-smta tiw Tuduy at 1r. A. F..-plo)._...l Hrrvtc.. !ill W. 6th Ht'"'t ~ta A-. CaUl • ... .-..r.-.r-... %111!..W..,... .... .t...c..r. .. A..ale5-P.IL ...._~ .... , M:» A. II. to 4:00 P. II. ....... , .• "' ........ y, Frtday AY AII.A.m.ln' C::UI DICATI'E Nt:CFMARV Writ. or OlD for F n"P Joh lnfonnatlon Booklet LEGAL FORMS FOI EVERY TIIISACTION W• t.Y• ln8det It <'Of'lvenlfont fttr ynu to ~ nJnJptianop with en I"NjUrremenu f/1 tlw a.w by carryinJc a complt,tf' stock ., aD fonns aM pa~n OHfJed ror the «Wijlllttitti ol ... ~ tnnactlon. ~ R • .. , ...._ tMt INa ort•"lutleft ta ) ...., .. .._. a~ty a "d all of rovr ~ ...... ~..,. ,,..,., o c.ompleta four· Cllller -ptocatM prlnt•"t P'Obtem to Chi ,._... •M publ•t lllng In t h l N•- ( '""-a.of ~ edvartlalng. No obligation ) _. • att..c.h«d to ,.,,, phone C4111 for ............. of •"• to lncl IEWS-TIMES • WANTED WANTIO TO IIIINT-.... all, "'P· ........ . ... ,_ .. , .,. ..... _ •-· ~,...,..,.,, Will 11..,. ,.. .. ,._. Ta .. a -'"· Wrl .......... c a Haw• Tl-. ...... -~------ 1'011 a IM4 ~~-aUe"d ... ....... ..,_ v..... .... 0•-., ~._...... ........... . _.. ..... .... • •• '1111t .... were. ......... ··-..... ,. ........ , "''"' ICM tie ... ,_ ... , ._ ... apf T..-. ......... . .... _ .... ~~. MAKIN. 'eALVAU '"~!~NO" MI'O -·c:o. -W Ceottral Aw. ~.aw.w ,... .... ., ....... Cellf. ..... EMPLOYMENT M·l.,~ WANT.D-Oirl 111 Cl•ot· .... -. "··~ ......... u ... . , 'i "' •"" er.l! ... ,.· "' "''"" .... -........ ... .... -W-A-P'IT_I_D __ -,;_-,-,IC-t-a"-,-.-.,.-,,..- ... .,.. -" 0 ~....... '"' T.,.u .. ".,.. c .... .,_, t.t .. 9oiANTID-Oltl ar -·" tar ..._ ... ,.. •"' _ .. .._ Willie •• c•••••• Tfitree •" f~URUr ~rill ... -.... ...... ~- ........ '1 ...... .. , .... ------WANT.D-4alrl H •-· .. rt "-· ,., -..ailed ..... • ......... ••e .,.,.,~--HI. "'"-II ar II fat .... ._.... He-· To-. -.-rt ....... t.tt. Ml&eELLAN£oua ~·ltMAN&NT 'lltAoY.. ..., 0. ,__......,. __ .... ~. ...... ""· c-..... -·.....-..c. . .............................. . -· ... , ..... ·--· .. ....... -. ~ ....... , ...... ... ............... ,. *"-......... . -_,.. ...,., ~ .. . ....... If -.......... J. H. ......,. c.-Hrwa1 ~-• ....... ....., v ........... o... .. ,.,...., ........, ....... ITt! ... ANY RAGa TODAYf WANT.O -............. ..... .............. ~ ... ........ ....... -....... ,_ .. .._ . w ...... ,.,-, •. M .. ._ ......Tieleet flff'-. .. .. Fo" SAL• l l etitfi"iiT:;H.-;A;fl';;,.;;ttMt;;:;y>;nl;ai=e•t;r.;a __ ,_;- -lll"' affldnlta fer e rrtfl Qer. ..,...... __ _.. ......... ..._. T._ ....... ,._,, 1'-ef ...... ..... . .. "... . .... ,. ... ............... ,._ . ..., ........ . ...... , "'" lt o•rtl, lluv. ~rll ur Tnu'r with a WM t A d. ' LosT ft FOUND --------LO.T-1 b••"'" Ilea~ alllll tll"' ....... ~·-........ Alld U411 ..... ... (k ............... 110. "'····· ~ ...... "'·-~· ... , • ., J , .... Housii:WARt:a FuRNiaHINGs UN~AINT.O I'UIIINITUita IT.Ift -cMat ., "··-·· ... .._. ... .,,, a 11arloty af at!fiM, afllltf'a -~,..... ........... , ............ .. ,,_, .. , ...... .. ........ .. T..._, MaMa ..... """'""ra C.., ... aM .,... • .,.., ....... Alta. ..... JUVINlL I'UIOfi?\Jlll.-M r tlille ............... ...,. • ....., .. ..... .... ............... .,. .. _..,..., •••I' ..,._*"d ..... •r..., . ................... , .,.... ... ..................... c. ...... .., ara.4wa,., ...... Aota. .. .... 1'0" aAL..,_....rllf -I _, ...... .._.~.~ ... -................... ,.,._._ .. ...................... ~ .................... ,......--............ ..... ..... 'VI ,.,,... .... w a.A.A.A. ._, ·-.,. c~.., VI-.... IMaTr-.~ ..... ...... .,..J... -- 1'0"' aAL•-e'-'rta .,..._, ,_., ... .. .,,,., ........... ... ..... .,.. Cell , ... w .... ... •· ... , .. AUTo ~o" MLa--..... • .,.,. ......~ .......... ..... .......... -........... . ............ . ..... FoR SALII ··~ ................. ... ..... -....~-.... .... ............... !:':; ............ . 'Ofl MLI-A ....... -~ ....... lloaff ..... .,. .......... .. ............. _. ..... tNOOin TAll ............... , ... 0. L . CULLY & MlfiiA.,. ......... ..... I .... 11!111 ..... ~ ....... MNTA MIA, CALIP, - FoR RENT ,.Oit ltiNT-u"'""'' ..... ..._, I -r-, f MI ... , .,. Ora"d 0.• ..... ....... . ..... ~. .... ... ..,, ..................... --· ~-,.. ...... ,.., l ·ttc Professienal Directory --------------~r r-----------------~ flordon M. Gnendy, M. D. ... ,..,._._ .......... Nl• ..... O.lral A ... OffiM IIN,I •• II .... , •.• ~ Talr,DIM 11 LEROY P. ANDEIUJON A1TO&ND AT LAW o.e. ·-..,.. B .... .._ .... 0.. ·- HAROI.D K. ORAVJ:L CIIAPF.L ''W• Ouneln~ Uw llettrr lkrv• o., Stomq OUten .,.., .. ,._ N_.,.n Ml o-.. .... o-M,..... • £).a Eumtntd 01•-n ttect Dr. ll•ry M. Kaafmu OP'MMr.nusT II t If el11 IU l'llllt IIUHTII'WTON BI:ACII Trlrphont H R M72 OTTY NOW O ty Tnx Slrle Lou ". .r. TWIST I .., r-• ln«flwa, ,.,._...,, COJlU:OI/A DEl. MAR I OONRAD RIUII'I'ER. •. D. ..,.< ..... ...... Offttt • ., .... ...... N ....... .... ....,., ......... •·•,. .. ~ ...... ,.., Dr. G. E. Tolllll I'II1'8ICIAN ... evaosow -......... ..._. .... _.....__ ................ ·--........... Dr. M. D. Crawfor4 OPTOII•Tale'l' -E)'• Eua!Md oaa.. ntW 1'71'7 N_;;;;-..,...._,. f ......... oo.TA IRL\ BALTZ MOarnJAIIY Vlaapel., ..... ••• o..e ..... Carano .. , Mar . ..._..,.. ..... \ ..... ,...,.... .. - -. . ..._ ........ , ......................... "--... ·· H.D.OA811 •. y •. , . .... _, CAT 8MPW&L .._...... I .............. .._ ........ WHO'S WHO IN HARBOR DISTRICT YIRr:t•I.Af'P: AS U KINDI.flllfl WOOD-- II W W1l~:ht . 17M Npt lllwl , C011ta Meaa. Uard Lumber , Ph. B-J OP:"P:H.\1. f H'''THAf'TUII-- r.urrf,,n II ~ ln•llttv, :\410 C'•11"1 lllvtt. Ph. 402. f'lrtna end Con•trvrtlon. 1.1''91\P:Il f'O'ft•Aslr:"- f'•"'ln M•••n l.ttr r·,, -"l.ot u• hl'lp you pll1n your hnmf'." Phon• 41. IItty IJI•trlrr l mnt)l'r Co PhoM 11~. Cout IUchway at Arct..& OYYU r: Ht'r'f'I.JP:"- N..-r•or·t IIArl10r l>ublbhtnr Co., Phon8; t 2 • 13, Newport a..ctL .. RI.,.n'iH- N••wport H11rhor Pubthrhlnr Oe., """"•: 12 • 13, Newport ~ JU:Af. r.Jn"ATr .. IN,.VIlANCW: • Ntn'ARY rtJIILIO- J.rw II. Wallo<'t'. lD W. Cmtt&l A.,._, l'lllciBe 3. a UJUtr.a liT A III'Pfi- Nofow,_t liarbor "'*a.hillc c. .. "-' 12 . u , ......,., .... .aT NrfAL WOIIJl-~IIP ..._.....II a-t......_. ..... 0... ..__ ,._-. • AJUZTY noa-..._....,.~, ................. .._au-w . ' • -· NEWPORT-BALBOA NEW~'J'DUll. Newport. Beach, California. 'I'\JES>AY, JANUARY 4, 1944 75 Percent Southern California ~omen War Workers Want to Keep jobs After Peace Harbor Feminine .. ·A · t • • t • Festive Dance and Buffet Supper Enjoyed c 1 VI . 1 es By Members and Guests at Balboa Yacht aub . . I llr LEoN£ aAXTER 1)tob &a IJior -•u~aJ ruporuablltty. Wttb more olndoua!J Jlnii*IS tbo~ l\o n....-~ M "'00;"'-. r Jt.,_M'I"ft to ~ tbu HJt· 1 Wlwtkr tl .. tor1unat.e « ..,. kr Ma ,_d.....,. tt 111 Dill _.. pBctJc.aJIJ' n~ OD« ac thia ~ tMt tbe public ~-trial~ • mlll'"'c a.nd a ~ ...,.... n •· .U, turM LD -ftfY peadW cktlta.. aaY1t.ed hnY trv ,..., •-..r ~ t.o .u.rtoul ..... wau-s -.-. ,._. liM-y hb ('a.Jif•..ntl& • ~ It's liP to ttw uU~ )t.t t..1tf'r thaa T~li.U. ~~bnaka. C'aiJwrinr Easton. Socic>ty Rt-porter • l'llones 12 and 13 • Residence Phone 690-W Island Home Scene Of Double Wedding pnoeumably, to determine wtudl F1 nda or who "" .... r .. ._ L~ Anmversary Party ........ Are boD& f~ aad wiuc'J t aaw ~~ Tb .. y r.&an In h'lt'.&ln are -.,ply the G..-t Amencaa • br~ loltn-U» war .. cwn AM ....,. I Crorllel ~Add NeW Ufe to Linen el l ~;;r~::::~v~;' the Rudds An ~venlnc or gayety wu en· 'Mrs. Alma R.atll an4 ~ Ac:k· joyed by the members and rue-\!. f'r. Bob Boyd. W . S . .,..._ J~ 1 of the Balboa Yacht Club wbrn 0rHDf'. Ru.eU Hardc:ultle, 01'.- Utey attended Ute dance and tnd· Hunter and tMir dausltt« ... fi'\ supoer to welcom~ Ul~ adv~nt .OO·tD·Ia•. Corp and Mra. Be* of th~ New Year on Friday nl~tht Pa!mrr. C F.. ~. Huald . and .alao t.o wtt.n-the c h0011lng . Ultcluna.o. W. S. Loud. ~ua •nd coronation of "MI1111 N~ptun~" MOI"ffUl. Don Pfode..-IUid lbdr or 1944. suewta. WIIJiam Jolut DtlltDde>r aacl Tht> ballroom waa colorfully dt•t·. hi• brothu. C'>f'<>"''~ Dilllader f1l .._ ot Humor worll&lnc ~~-lndoutn .... aP ~ mtor-o-• only <•n,. :\Jr :tnd "'"-•:tt Zutlf> v. .. n • It Uw ~ca. Ql &ouu-and -#-haJ poor nnt a...-•>rdanc h< .... h ~~ tht•tr R.att.-l'land homo· Clalltar11la w0111ea war W'urker. ta IJ• u. '"''n'l",.. ha\' .. any tbl)ul:b~ <lunn;: •tw-h.olt.•~)" to ~r 7..ut~>~··~ a ~t q~re conoenWIC' ,., ,,,.,,.,.~· 'fbao• m•ara u-~ C.W· I ''"' r and mmho•r ll~. aQd 11,-,. tlilelr ~-war IDI.f'Diloo•. U't ,,... t rua ~ru-rt .-nat .. p-ruJ"' a b&lt t: R Zubo-o1 ~nro "ho _.,.,, pel -then Calllorua .~ caa"t lt'.u! .. oo po ~t t ro .. y.n. ,..,. w•lrll· "'lo l>111tlmJ: th6Jr ftll) ·l•hh 01nru· tab lt. ADd if ~ &IU'OI'ft'tl cr. .. -, "h •rt• t.b~ I'"'"' or ~pnr:-\• r-.ary ~·I thMr •• ... t.Lns: •Jato• and .cboed bt women In ~ ... , ... ~l>o!tt) J vt.~• .at.-tho· thut...,.a l'IIVU'<......a1) uC th«o -nett.ber ~-" Uw naUon. .~ .. ,.,~. $1 .. f All ~r· 'fi'9 t ... t-4 rnurr....:• ol rrw-hnoi.t ' .. a-,.., o.ntl --. llr&l•·•l for the (,t•culon with varl· f onu:: &al'h, ~rltt Strom. lAn7 1 Th<" Ranta Ana avt'nUt· hom .. , r huPd belluuna compl~tt-ly I'OVI'rtnjl1 Wheeltr. Hugh Wal1ace. I!C&rt • Mr. and .Mra. C. B. HudJ wu tht thr ceiling. More color wu a.ddt'd Voun~: and lh••lf ru...ra. the 81 sro>nt• or a croup rtf hll'al ,' •upll' .. to thP featl••itlea bv thf' aemt-for-Lurk~re. the Bob Sondoaa. tlw who wert' blddt>n fM Sunct•w f'VP· mal gowna worn by the r .. mlnlne 'Walter !cotta and Dr. and lira. : nmg dionrr to rl'nt'W arqualnt .. n~e d~tne~rs. of whom the fltrl' I'OOtt'at· 1 Char1~ Doty. i wtth Judgt> and Mrll Harry \\'Mtt· Rnla for the title of ".Mil8 N~p-)fHIJra. and MellilamN Lnt« Acc!c:lfdln« 'to ui.t m C>rd. ;r. po-'r , ,,..._w~cd "'brr:. 1,.,..-.-,;, } t. ,.,,. ho-r · hll'hand ~r and )Irs .J K 1crol of Ua. -_. tn do<f•..-t..-ln~ u..Cnbuu ... u. 0>-~1(>¥·-!>lt LU\.,kw ·•IY> <If tho· rtfAI'n ~"\{) plaiiU WCJil to -.y the~ lll'ler 1~ n'A tl .. ,.,., •.Ur .~ .. ., •..-t~r'>ta Ttl'"~" •· •1"11"-,. 1•-.r-on •11h a rbnn.:r war, OnJJ ooe 1n :•our hu &rt)" -.•tJ •~ n,..,,. , La.Jt nl!h•«~ t .o t •tlrt• tho· t.tl.t.· :.:1• •• rrun~: wtth clellln to rf'lum to bc·r hom~ •h•· t.bnr S..cr..f' ct>.<o • .11 u..: alread• •1 • ;.a or• ~'lltno·n'-·•I "'hat•• anti U..! &rr Ol1~nn:: ~It '" ,,...., :t... vas ~"1) ·H•! "'' •-fll• •f h) thi-"'''' {:I<M That may ID&ke llenk', ..:rm~ anti ~~ro~ Utat ,~.. , i.n lla.nA1W ul ,.,_,, 1:.1, ''· "'·•· liljfl lo r •h< h••n .._, &o ~ -ll'bo liU... m ID1all ~-nh-~"'" ..... ,.... I , ,.._ ~"'~ •·r....,,,J, ... , 'I • 11•;-1 .mtt "'"''•'•• tiM aft8Werc, but~ a.r• c(•iDt· JH~n lb. ... ., , .. I•' .. t ,,~,.. ·• h'nfl """'r '"'" <iou.;nt.•r<-J'"'" leM I'M8C}Il8 why It tJfM~"t rnaJ._. llf!C1w... u1 t!; ._,••truJ~J-br-1'..-•ttl 1•'•" •• ~t 1 •"111.i:t t~ ... L-..u.n~ -.e t.o • ~ountry ._ . ._.,,... m i.llerut ~..,"""",.: r-~r.:.~::-•..-r Ch•t "'"' .. ,,.,. lht • ••-. _., ... I•>IILM I rot,...._ rail· A ~ ~ ~ fw •"1f11 w • &.....a. ....I ~ .. -.-ll-J *'ft&'~ , .. t '· .,..,..:•~' abtt• 1ht· • ..,J,·bra nc -. ~•r..tl "'' f t .. ,. '\t"'fi dr1N1ut .. ~ }UI•""\Ut~· ot the -f'llk w on 1.~•~ J""'IO· ..-ate~ m • t• •t .. oJ ru•·•~of.,tli\A ovc.>r who havt lx'Pn 11pendm1= a tim"" wt-re amonJt the g\ll'llll! of 8t.d'f-. Bob Henlfoy a.nd lire ,-w-•rllun ••I th~ huli<1ay llt'll~ ., 111 h.onor. . Vl'lma Barber. Dr, and Mn. H. S. !'•1·!r t'•.rnna del Mar home, De.nrlnj!: was tnjovt>d up to the . Winkler. .J)r' and Mrs. Fred Tht· frlfthlt• h<1arcl. ri.'nt .. ro·•f hy 1t tlmf' of the coronation of Deloria ffiber, Ji1onmc~ Sbibl~ ape~ Lena a,.,,.,., . ., ltFNR _aR.l "'hl>l-.ar~ttfl....,· Smltll Ill! "Mfilf Neptune;"' follow·· Lr•tfl': brth o1 U. ~. Jlft8 "'"' · <·d..:,•rl With lllll While ll•n··r-. l'tl hv lhl' fun-provoking bt'<IIIUD Ll'tty Pell'nlt•n and )Ire. Arten wn" laid for the hnn•Hrtl l!ltl'slJI. whlrh 111 alwav. IIChPdulrd '" Moon!, )ln. Ehae BoiJio aDd lira. Jllr· Rnd M rH Hot,..rt Ross, Mr bri'Rk ltuiAP 01 1iw lltrnkt' ,.f mt.t· Stanlt'J Cbri•toph .. r. both ot wbolll an.t .\I n• B Z M<'KtnnP.y and the., night An abu'mlanre •II 1·ar>~•. bavt' hullb&IHI• IIO'n'in~t: ht Ute hu:<t and h"!ti.••.S~J. hr•rnl< and thr t•ut game of hr.•llk· Navy, Xt>a•n H . R. BartLwt, mn A 1'"mf'IM..-,..,,.,,.-!_ nf 'hr dtn· the:hull~>on n.Jdf'tl te the mhn-C'fototby and C. F. fA,Dnillon IIDfl n~r "1111 u bt"nut 1ful blrthl!ay •·nk" ml'nl A wrii·BJ)JlOinlo>rl burft'l sup. Meadamea )IAry Van Oe$fitt and whi• :1 wn,.. J•l'o·,;rniNl to I wo <·t•le· p~r Wll~ llf'rvrd nfter th<.' NI'W Year Juanita F1etch~r and ~r ~ brnnt~ "' I ht·lr nntnl duv .\!r11 ha<l ht•t•n duly ,::n•t•tl'd by npproxl-'niC' five bonn,..-d ronc.e.tanb for Ruu an.l !\11 Hwltl, Attir ~>t>m~~: matt>ly 11)() gul'str the t1tl«-ot '"111a Nept uoe-Wl'ft OUcally UlJed out lh .. J:•,_ lf'fl aJiolJ .-•Juu: P ·•l \'l\11,.~ • Th•' r..fr• •)ltno "' ,u,-.._l,...l ·' t.-aiJiafull) Wbea 10 miDion rn .. n lll••nt •iN to hr h~l'lt••l 1•1 >-,,nd Mh•·f C11n•lm.'l• 1'111 w:tlo olu•· <'o't!'m"ny by tht• twr;_ Anwn~: thus1• pro>~o>nt W<'rl' \'ll't'· .JI'an Allc•n. lJtl<lr"'l \\'ytra, llar- j.t "'"" PnJoyc·tl by the ~ruup C•>mn ckl r<' ""d Airs f\nm Ko>n>p ga~t Sc• tt, 8<-tty Sbrllry u.nd Uw W\IJ tUI:n.,.. ~ l U lu hr ... tf tf..t •1r ,, .... war; Wbere ~nlllwn. • f tcbtldrftl 1n _.a4,.tw.o an t a" •h•:<)• rruA.n\ Beardsley-G.ile.s Flt•o•l \ 't mmr•lull' F (' Bn•w.,r. \\'tnner. ~Inn• Smltb. are llrin• un<Wr UDII&turaJ <'v-· ••II r.,_n ~ weaJcb llr.lW't n •rtJotnl)' bP Callfcw.la -........ ;;r"'.. ... r• ';. Band P Women \l'JJJ Hear ............. i ......... a.. ..... ~Mt-.won -..,.. iut -.ott ..... ... •lscar••• dMce ~ n.--esc-... ., ............ Rlaff·!'•lmmclflore nnd Mrt! Fr-etl t~•••••••••••­Hunle. tht• Mt'!IHra. anl1 1\h.,;,lanHs Announcement Tole C. F.. Acjc..-man an\J Ulejr ~uc•Ht•. ...-edied UIUDedlatrty tho-~ ,..,.,~ f•or aU ~~ n.,, .... 111 t .. ..... "' epjn. nat ......-wrt lllltk ~1('<41!1' m Uw· Y••· nl&lkPI • .. --f~<r .,._ 1rbt-drs,... tl m.&Y Do• ········-~::= to .--t.law unnrr~nJ" t ·, tr. -H~~~· .. HE ~r·• ~--~~ ~~ '10•':.__~~·: ll• .. ,,,..r at H .. mz KAiflo'r • r.,,. a ~ ,._ • .-···--·~~ ~-,,...,....,,~ "•: •1m,..., th.-tlathnt R••••n··~ Dou~las Employee -~pillow-­........ -.. COlao ..... ..... ·-c--· a. ............. 1\tr. ntt•l Mrs ,,f,., F:. u~rusley Pinkley's Drug St~r-;-1 S E L L of 190 ~·(•nty-thhtl Btrt•l'l . ('llflta o· I T h. Mt•!lft announro> tho> engA~t'rnent J8p ayS fOp Je8 I of thl'lr tlaughti.'l , Dor••thv Mao>, ttt . A ,... ... tnuc'l. '-"Y aDt'l duty Y,... •"<.! ,.,...,,_4\al \\'omrn .,.,,1 b"f·• •• euc• ~ ... ,..... tlldr .. ,-ctJl. ran lb... ,,,..., • ·-tan ·~ u. ~ .... I G bP ~ <>Diy u a ~acuw y...,.,. oo ~t.ay Jan•at)' 6. , -patnob<' cettitarr ot .-... n t~~.A .--: LJ'dta !':ti"IIJn ,. • h.aorman <>1 1 ho ... , ........... ... ~. Tile d1araiaa· ...,. .......... ....._ ... ....... ~ cnclled-a ....... alcr7-cricp .... ......... ~ I Llrutr nant Hubert Lyon . cm.,11. Trophu's won by Newpnt·t Har- No•wa c.r lht· coming nuptial!~ was ltw High school ba.~ket.ball tram, 1 11 t r 1 1 d 1 1-wtwn I h1• KI'OUfl swept undt•ft>ntcd r~vea t• n r t>n• !< !" re 11 tvell , tnrou!;h thfo' 'lrixt~tlt-a nn u a 1 In lhl' mldllt of ~mdltional Chrlat -, Southern Counties tournament at 1 m.u fl'lltlv•tlt•ll. at tht-home of j n untinl(ton Beach HIgh ldtool. i ~1.'11 ~ardsiPy" j!TantlparPntll In ur,• now on display at Pinklry's ~ ~la7 -J"llna~C,"' J10noary ..,_.me aNI Will ,>r......r.; Ui IW •••• an-ttw ..., Partioc-til&J1y it Wln t tbr-ll'rftl~r• .., ttw> t1ub. ("V•I a c -., "' ....... .,.,.~an Wbo• •• lllll ~,....,..,. ,,, 1 v~ !by tk r:&am•• nt ttw .......... ~r u-o-b i)lant ..._ ..._.,. by ttw> I'"* nt ~ ft...T' Wit "*' -.-,~ ~'bn :t.lr k• f~ U•lr .&aa. !by faw-arat>W pub-0\lr ,,._-"""-dd cwr a ~rpa-.l lie~ or~ l'llhrr ..n dkJ .-urd piCtu~ II( wbatC "'~·ntl 1 tk ,.. or oft IL _.. ..--tiM-lla..U..-hlt1 _..... wtuc:n ,, ... ........ ~ .. ... '-a ~ fill illlladlw edr\naa to auit every taate and pufl)C)W. .. I ............ ._ ecl&in&l ma1 be obtained bJ MJidinl 1 a I. .. IMI I • I fll to the N«dlework Deput-t of thit ...-.a ffJiuc..._..._ .. l Gar~ena. dru~ ~tort> in Costa Me!'a. Mtllll Bean111ley studied at Har-1 All mPmhers or the team receiv· bor High School wb~re she wu l I'd Individual trophies as well aa J:r!Uiuatc·d'" 1~41 ll.,d lnll'r attl'ntl· c.he large trophv won by the Sail· t•d R1t11ta Ana Jun1or Collt>l{l" fol ·i ors. Georg .. Splnk. harbor Ct'nter, .....w bP ...,..., _...,..,. In ~r t.,..... U... ~ ,,..,_ prrll'tturm~: I Ba b M E A d dirt)' -.-alia .... lilopr tlw pb I.Jw-Jr -.1r In lfw wa~ pluru I r ara atson ngagement nnounce _.. ,...._ -« tMl u.ry r~ T F G N. I R ~ u..w .-... . Year FIVnds o Robert . obar of .. ~~v~nt or~~;~~~ liUmm<'r Ebell Members '«fill . .& ~ Mme• P.• ... •'nl! Lh•' trlj.iJttfolrar-bmt .. r 11~orbatB ~.l ut.st~n's t>ngagnner t iUIU 1•·h•• lu!t• ;ol lhl' AIJ?I)" Della 1'1 11 Robert F. Gubar, Naval ltl'· Hear latin American aoronty boi!M IB &rkeley. the 1"0·' =======--=--=-----: '11ior 7....t!Joor ftl......,__tn. wbo ._..r~ ~~f'f'l!f'nt W R!I IUinOIInC~ or Jl:or· Books Reviewed , __ ,....,._.. ~ o.n.. • ..._.. t.ra Ol.nllyn ,)JatNin. t1a11~hter "' AI tlw J_,. -usc-of lhr ~ .,. ltwtr ..,_ 111 Loll '-'r ""'' Mno Otw-ar R ~lat..on uf .. _.._ .. -y--t: J 19t.O TWttln av,.nu~. to Robtrt t" ~ ~ -'ftw~. _ _.. rs --~--•• _.,.,... ...... • -....--.--..~ 1 1 ...... tla ......_ ~ Cobar. !Klfl f•C Dr aod Mrs. ~· ... ~ ...... dw .. hiltp -·~ ,._ -,....,. •rc-a _, fll ~ Jln. Jclllll Te ..ct lin ~ Rllchw. )lr and 1-t•r 1,1 t';t har. 311 W, Comm•m· .._ • • dw ._.,... e1 dw ,..._ ...... 8 tr. ,._ • ._ .... ud nw wra!UI ann\M', Full~rton. tJ .. --.... ,...... ODDrer. c-... ~ ~u-Met !Inn I• A g-raduate "'I . - , .. _. p o 'lwe4 &o Mn. .U~ Al1ll o1 JUt W Harbor Hl~tb 8<-Mol, later at ten•)- "'"-............... ~ ~ FNIIt .... ~ f...-W-. lnir Santa Ana JUIIIM Col~ and: • a..a. A.-, ... • *' .. iut-T-.. ~ -.r w8l abftld Ow -.. a 80pbom•w~ at th~ l'nl n~r-1 ~ t. ...... u icm llfw 911 Sri-rat e-. '"" _..,..• ._., e.w -.-, ef C.W~ at S.rk .. J.oy. ~~ ~-_. -....· • ...,-fer Latill Plrl« • ...., will ~ hiW ,.._,... 11u bePn the reclplrnt or many .A.frb.. lin..~ will ah;o .,.._ Mnt. Artll ....0 ~~«_..,.,. ~I hon n in llle past aevenl iiKIIuiiP iut fwr lilllt ,.,... a.ff"ft't' llilrr .... aad lwl tnf~ tJw fCII'III,If't' 1 ,._,. baYing brt•n fP:IIUtt'd ~ ..,...._ ..._ P .. .tcat.. C Lo. AA&e...,... "~on'r cl!f' fur th(' mag11.:dn" I ..,.,. .,_. .. w1ll '-'cia at 7 flO -ttw mum tnp "Look." She wu •pecllll J:ll•·~t of 1 a widt a t8 '-lo fciGrJw flo...,_..,. D ... r ...... .,_,..,_ fnt a lJir s-·port Btar h I 'am1val lut tlhr ..... -Jln. •· D . ........,. .,_,.., r-rty at,.~~ nn IJ;aJ. ,_, at whkh Rht' was made _. ~ b,.a tJitanot ,.., ~-\"toar• F.Y .. fnr ~~~~~ Apln cht' fn"l' lhe bell • a &Tf"'l' v bn tf.....,. Ht«b wtwn abe wu c·bfw'n "l'•'"nfl ' lut I ltfttt. a.,, Sell o, 1"ntdr •ull jrn .. ~ n.. cut. ••lr"'DD'd lbr !IJ>nn~~: a! ~anla Anl\ .l1m o"r (:ol 1 a Voalll M! bltw -('ftft'<>r. IM4 . ..., Uwn ~ ... Uw tln~t frt>llhman t'vrr to ..... 0111'1111 ........ y~ .. ir..-1---wt INVn'E YOU TO BROWSE ~Ir C. E. WU(J(S _......,_..., .. no,...... p:ort •4 ,... A ,.....,.,.,.,. mldru«bt rec~lvt lhi• title' Just la.o~t rn••nth lunf'IL ftrda ll'rrr ......... f, t 1 at. "ht• moo<ll'llt'<l f•)r th< r~t•<'I'IT bc'r tlw~UJ;h •HJ' htflo -"1 .nu:: ..,,._ C'O\'f'r ,., "(1rdl " dnnrt tin'brrlJl J.._. Ar*lla <;.btu llO ll j!riV1URt•· r•f F'1ller· low .. <l by d·•ln~t h~r !!hnrf' flf war won an additional award for mak- w•Jrk duttnJ: <'mplovmt•nt 111 lht' tn~; thl' a ll·tournamt>nt team as l':;1n1n AnR An n:. Atr "Rile , f'<'nll'r-, a' !lid Bud Aftridi;E'. Llt>ut~nant ! ;il~s 111 the sr n nf 1 - Mr ·mt.J .\lr11 rt.rllar<l l,;1lt>:o nf part\'. Oxno•·•l. }.!,. ,,., "'"''tl h1s educe-1 With a brilliantly llghtt<l trP<' ' linn at 0xnllrf1 Jfi~h !';,•hool and1 rl'f~eshmpntll or ht>ml'm&~le r an· \'f'nlura Jun11 r c 'nll~l:<' and 1.s die~ fruit rak•· nn<l Jl411W'Om blt.llt!. ~cr\ln& """1"e"s with the fl t•!d a•·· I th·· ld•· w:•" 1, "1-:l't cd~t·d" l!llb· liiiN v Tile dal•• of the wedding !ltltute for C'hdstmas Ill hnmt•. t hC' 1~ inZt. fin II,. 11s thl' KfCH)nl •l'l•-<·t 1~. boyll derlared. Thr Amt>nran L«'· >~.~~,yf'l, unr crtam ns tu his forth. !:'"" Auxiliary ha·l charge n( re· { omlng furlough. rreshmenta. Mesa Army Camp Scene of Wedding Co• poral Geralt.l Doug.herty rlalmNl ~n,.,. Rdhn n'Brlpn 11.8 l1t• The nP\\' do~ room uf tht' bat· ll'rV, ltllrllr tivr·ly furnl!lhed l'f'('tnt· ly by the local bram·h of the Red Cross. Willi tht' !K'tllng for UlC' af· ratr Mra J nhn F . Webster ia chaJrman of the camp and boap:· t.allty committe.-. aulaud by Mrl • G UI1JUn& B.ullu. bri!IP at high mon nuptialll re-Ml,; Ja-;;-;Ta•t:-a rouain of Jdr. I'Pnlly pt'rf I'TTit'd In the hl·:ltlqua ~-~· Good~!!'" and a resldcont In that 1 lPn• •ll Oattt•t'Y 1. hollle. r~turno>d TIJ~llday from , ( ·o~ta .\lr·sn h••"t""'"'!< cl1111n; I h<' ~r••n(lln~: ttw holidays In Long r!'l·t'J•t '"n '' hu·h fnllnwrtf I h•• nl•·ll IW!l• h wllh frienda. 1 Wt'rl' Mr" Jnhn F \\'o•hl<t.-r· .\Irs. ,...--------------, r-:unninl( Hull•·t :or1ol :1!•" Haroltl 1-i:. Gfnurl Battery I Honored At Costa Mesa USO ' FOR L'li8UBA.lrtiCE l!li!Z Howard W. Gerrish %fl11J \V. ~tral AYe. NeW'l»>rt Beada. CaW. • • a -.a a -.... a a, .. ..... ... -• .,.... pal ..... c-..-. a. K..-11. J.,.lur J"artlf.r. ~yn ,,,, JllniM l'OIIt'ji:f' 1\nd ~""· ~ran Hamaan. t •• _._rw br~ ,,, a p~on:ln••nl C'nttn. and ttw botlll..-Onlni!C' t•nun• y family •~ crt Kn F.;art )lo.-rrow g-rtdual" ,,f ~tanfortl llnlnr~ty An ,,, ,.,,n~ flll\·d with ~t·:l~nn~l l c·ht~ ... ,. nHlrkc•il ~t n ofru-, c1····n d1 I· • ,. 1111~ th• ho•lllla \~ !•·r t!w !0>'1\'lff'·l 81'rvr. hllJI lll't'n madt• by pns!rlng I mt·n ~l:l11•111f'l at l!atlo•ry I Tlw At'TOMORILE ,\CCIIlENT • F1RE UFE tn.ll f'l" twppy In ~ th.at ~ "',anti atft'l.'llo d with :-Ju !'1gma Nu ---j~~~~~~~~~~~·-~~~~~~~---~!!!'!~!!!!!!!!'!'!11!~-fcdul&-bdt.rr ~ an a.U.ack fr.tl<!m•ty A,. A Savnl lli'Nt'n be ot llw niL 1a rompl~ltnJi: hl.o~ mt>tlinal "lu•llee the trntltllllllltl tw x of ,.h.,,·.,JIIf••:~ "' Ol•'n \\l11• :.11'• 11 ,,,, tt'<'all wllh I lbt' AlphA [h•lla l'l ~flf'lll'lty hnU!I" I'I<'A"II HI r • '111 ;·~ !Itt• C!l\' J>lll· In B~rk~l.,,· T. h•" pwtur" wu tllk·l ~o:~nm , r tl,lllt 1111.: and ··nt•·rtHIII·I Llrt>nse and Contract Bonds Written Belen Y • Blllld • Rc.-J ... ............. ... _ ............ ........ -(Wie ..._,, ,, .... - pt he....,. .. ....., -..-,., ... _ ......... ..... u41 L1JDLUM Carpet Works BURT R. NORTON 1111 c.-t ........ ,. ...._. un ~1.1\"POKT Bt.:..\CII RADIO SER\'"ICE A R.-VPT .U.D \"'CC''OUUt·~ ~"'EW' \-u& BALBOA •101 CO. ~" na.lt --orr Jore .... .., .... .... -1A-.ooMe .... ....._~ . ...-~ A\'111Jab1r •r""'-' ...... -.., WortE ... _. .,. : , a 1 llr and )ln. Artlnlr Kaaprr of •n ~n t~an• IM'u C:rn.a dd J1.ar -krtaiuwd -N•) •late hu ~en ..et f••r Ule 1 tlwtr ~ ~u,. Kn. w...S.hng, whk"h rr bahly w111 be en who•n Mi1111 .Mai.JKln rult'd lUl l mr•nl that ht,~:hl l~hlt••l tht• yul•·tul•• '-------------··-~ queen of lllt' Newpurt Harbor Ctlr· - Dlval. u.u-P.""•a• _. Xn.. •r------I ~~ tlolllof A........, llr -J COMING EVENTS lw, 0 Mt•rkk~l u hostea . I Kn ~ ~ u.-~ HNJ CT<I.ss wurk rooma. sureical ~ -11\tndlaJ lliCitt at ttw ..,.. .tn:Mings,' 10 a m lu 4 p m .. 111 ~ b ¢ ..... n i$1Jt ell-&;t Uw THURSDAY. JANUARY 6--r'alm stre.-t Oalhon. 201 <;rand 1 ~ l."bPBIRTHSq Club.. -Sf'-.rport llnrb r Kiwllnl~ ( 1ub Cu.nal, BaJbtla lltla.:ld, llewtn", II' ~-,. •II mr.-t :H th•• F:le• trw Gnll. Hal· a, m. to 4 p m bna. 12 1~ nt..on WEDNESDAY, JANUARY S- Kiwantlll LadieJt' :-o;lghl •!tuner Amt>rl<'nn RA'<! cr088 work To rM'J' an-t lin. Cllri8 SWtr.n-6 •5 F.l.-rfrlr t;nll. Dalboft. I t.balc-T Ul6 t: f'\ot"ean t'Tmt. Bat· boa. at St. J-.. ·• ....,.tal l)rc 31\ 1943. a daa~K11l«. T<> Oll'p aUld lin AI •. Kntln. 6~ Ou~. !"_..,.,.., ~"-al ~~ JJ r;-b • btwplt&J. ["« Z"J 11'43 a-._ Bu..••'·' ,, nn•l l'ru:t·~!41Hnal \\·,,m. ~n·e Club w11l nu•t•l at tl••ln% Kal!l('r's f••r 1\ 6 :45 tlmnt•r ~d mN"IInt: tn fot!r•w J:tlf'll r;,·n•'rlll Mo'C'tlng will bt! bf'ld al thf' 'luhhHU~t· 1\t '1 u't•lock f n!lu\\ •••I h~· a It'" ll II~ Wtlll ~Ire. rQOn:ll, np~n Y a. m. to 4 p, m ,, 201 Grand ru.MI. Dalbo& l.tlliUld. and 111 Pal111 -\ V('niJt'. IJaJboa: Paliadee T!IIIPrn, l'nrona dill Mar, IUrglca.l dr .. ~l'lln~s. 1 tu 4 p w. "'~wport Harhnr Servic~ Club. ntHin. WhttP'~ Ku.IIJc)a v,,ff..,. l'lll'lJI Mr. and MnJ. E. 1 ~~ nn• and NewpcN1 -Belhoa Mr. and Mra. HelD% Kalaer bavt' N £ W S-T I M [ S t•luttH'tl Jr•>m 11 hol11hy snjourn at ~D It a 11. the Kalter'• dell£"rt hom(' at 2!l ~~......,--£--,.--T--e-,-_.--T-...,...---,-A-:fte.-:..m ____ •_-:-:V-o:-lu_m_e_XX lOY Palma ---~ ~ .. ~=~~""' '"' I.Jt Oranp Coun~ 1:2.15 prr ,_r to 4tJt -; $3.00 ~~ ~ to .8lll_zone:_ _ F'nt....-.d u ~ mattrr at t~ I'Utotr~ in NewJlOrt Be~ \ahf01111&. undrr ttw Art of Mardi 3. 1879. , EDITOR AND l\1.\N,\I,Eft Of'FK"I.-\L P.-\Pm OF THE C1T\" OF 1\"':l\'PORT BEACH l 'Nn ...... ,...,. New. s-Thraagb Tim 0ntBnAN SciENCE MONITOR ....... I , .... ,_, N .... ,.~ ............. ~ laDa f'nlawllfOIDCDn .............. ~. a •• .T "I c ... I ...... 1_.._,._. ti•-" ---· .. A. ,...,... ............... Dealy ..._._, T ......... lila W..W, 0' a I ....... ..... .............. " .... ...... 1Wsu •u... Y..t,. • 11 ... a Na"dL • I 1-. I I I aM a . s..-.. ll 60 a v- .. I .a... .. ......,._,,c-.. .............. _ DNE];ilDAY MA!~IBgS Each .. One·A-Day" br3nt' Vitamin A and D Tablet i~ ... 1.-al•nt ill Vitamin A :md D "'''IIC1 to onf' and onr·h•ll Mapoon/ula of Cod Livf'r Oil •••tiac minimum United • ltat.. Phannacopei.U St.n· ..,. ... A aufficlent aupply or tht<~e .... bnportant vitamir· .~ ~· .-cuauy for you as it Is ~->r ... children. YOU CAN INSURE 11r'e ~ lntab for you and yout ,_IJb)'aHinc to it that each ~ taba a "One-A-O:ay' TeWet ... ,., day . l TAIUT A lAY as ALL r:~ ::.X£ C •• It, ·~/, ,.,__,, I ............ "' 1M erie"Mt..n en.! I _._.,~lett... I I •amk of .lmtrim tcAne»W. n"VQt AUOCIAnON ~;lLI!'ORNIA'S ONLY STATEWIDE BAN~ C.dn..J ...., " c..Mn.. ,...., Jl, 19U aiiOVRCII c:.AiaY_._.._ ,....., ._,. ... 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 ~ ~--......... . fOTAL CADB , • ·-• .1 nt.Oit.M'-" .... -.... u.-. ..... Gu•• ...... ,.....,~ ...... . ......c.-er ..... ,, ....... . o..-....... a.e.tlllle • • • • • • • • ...... , ..... ._.. ......... . .._ .. ._.. .......... . ~ ........... ~··=· ...... · .... ,.._._, , ......... ,...,... ... .... 0...-11 ·-•••••••••• ~ .... ~.~ ..... o--M ••••••••• c:..n--w'IMIIIIItr .. ~· •I ~.d.-a .. c-111. Acee .. ••• ..c& ~-~We • • • • • • ~ ... -......... . lOYAL IIIOUICII . . . . . . . &.IAIILITIII ~sm. .,__. • • • • • • • 12.Hl.I1 •. UO.I7 ........ _. n-. • . • I.UI.17U5UO UeblltF ._ l.e'Mn •• c-Bt ..a • Acw.-. ~ ... ..., .. Accept•-_. , .... 1m. .••••••••• ._.. .................... lc .u.-. ._. ........... ,_ ...... . ~ c-, ........ ..., ~'"'·'"....._ .. .... . . . . . . . ~ .......... . ._....,w.cul anrtr -. ~---.... · .. ...... ... ..._ .. c- c:.Mcl •••..••• IH.-.100.01 u02.no." IUil.IIUf 1Utl.o4U7 I.JM.IIUI . ...., ...... IOUIUI .............. ,,_. -----101' AL CAI'f'AL rV1IDI • • • • • • o • I .... ....,_. aiNU67M IMUP.US.77 lt7mf.H4.11 II.IIUU..l a. no.-.. lli.MO.MJ.tl 1U71.7UAI JUIUM.M UIUIUI I.IOI.MU' PAII.15UtU7 ll."tUt&.77 UM.IMAI &.MIMI• ............ Those ODDS aad ENDS fOI' CASH Throu«h a NEWS-~ Classified Ad Many articles& no longa- used by their OWIW!ft can be t:umed Into cub . quickly and at a triflin8 cost. Look around yeo and make a note of thlnp you no looger uae. WeD. someone else can OR those wry thingB and NOW is thE-timp to ..0 them . Readers of tM New. 11mes provide a rwtdy market for ewey type ol used artick> in good mn- dltion. You may haw • ...... ing machine, ironer. Ice box, carpet sweeper, ~ niture, baby buggy, bose, boat, tools or any one ol a dozen other item. wftlch can be IIOid profit- ably and qujddy NOW. • 11le cost of a aa.lfted Ad in the New. no- is a" low as 40c Telephone NEWPORT 12 OR 13 And Let a NEWS-TIMES Oassified Ad Start Sellin1 for YOU Our Ad-Visen wll help yoa to prepare yOtar ad!