HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-01-06 - Newport Balboa News Timesj 11 SAND CR-AB • 7 • f . •. t ..Atd War Quitker -· IEEP POllEt! · I Year · • • • • · $2.50 ...... a.. ......... N-•·n.-.N~--- NVMBF.R t Fishermen C)urRoysinServite 1(ity Tax-Payers Set Name Staff. ElectFeb6 .. new reCord In Payments Wh~e Costs are Lower _Mortt than 7·t ~ret'nt of Nt'wport l~uh'll Total ('olk-t·tt-d, b Munidpality Saves 123,580 Ovf'r Amount uf I~Mt Y.-ar. '"'"" ""'' '''""''-hlp .,,U\ all m•11111n.1 I• .... ,. wleo>IIC polkf, .,.. J wleh wr 111ay hP ,,..rrnltt.d to runut• II ThotltU J eff-. .. ;.. • .. ·········-.······---------·· ---4 ' • --- •• . .. Pace~ ,, NEWPORT-BALBOA NE\tS.'nMES, Newport Beach, c.lltomia, -~ ~ THURSDAY. JANUARY 6. 1944 P . . . D 194 31 ~t;"~" ID'"!~I:~ • .:·!~f~ n1.~2 r~ "U-nder 20" Club Dances· Sponsored Save Marine :;:h:~! ,::.u~e :~· nyer I ~ew ~~on w .ronk fiOfltleS am pen lft;~ ·:',!;:;~; ::r~;~~";:::---r .• :~,: 'By Harbor Rotary Club To Be Flyer Off anu.:~:.~~~ ~:,~ r .. :::t~ or r088 ru~ I S O\' rr.be la&&\d bf'htnll l!lrthf'lll n • ., N rt Be h l.lllll S m•t'r.:ber hf' pulk<l anotht'r ll•" Vlt-t or Gr'at" .. who Ul c hair· ·s ·td· p •b • •t• i u r ~.2 -~lb CICily $4.2~r. lUI.! Feb Held OJ-Monthly ewpo ac marmt' pll<lt f rom tb~ IM'II undf'r ,;ll"l • t lht• War fo'Und drtve, .... U I In g Ossl I I I e s ruiU')' '" 4S With ,. 1)33 I I alm081 itlentlcal d i'CUQMitancn . pullb lhat" th~ oiJ and t~mper&· . • , Th~ tntaJ lor llf>o rm t.o·r ut lit. ~3 -------1 Second U eutenant J ohu W>;lltl. mental t ruck lh•t hU ~11 1.11 UN 16 $1G.IOO In conlrut 1, S:ltj,.IJG \\'II h ilo<' announcM purpc»e ul ,.001 w1ll bt' he lei a t Coata Meaa Ma rtoe Corp. tlgbler plloot. madt' GUESSING AHE AD OF MEALS by the !Ud Crou. wu .IOld for Tbl' I:NIIdh11( JH'IIIIIl l"llilll f.ol' $1 229.41i4 , .. 3 ... r•pnrlt•ol lw I'd•· :-.;,.,,, .... I ,,,.. ··o.(llf' ... lilt l .. t 1!11~ 110 .. nly buUdinc lnlpo<Clbf f, r lho: L'lty oof 11.8 hll:h II-" Ill<' '""'I Ulk'ol l" bf' '"' Nt'Wporl Ueach. Jo&lnts It r•h•~tr I"'· "'"' rnunt h "'"'" tho· l>o•ll10 ,.f trN·· lure al havoc that Jlruorotlt•l! '"'" .to 110 ""n· ~l•ll ron~:mK 10 II"'"" / WrDU(hl WlUl bUtltllrtl( puto•nto!ih t •11,to•d ~tai •K ~:vo•n Hfi!'l tht' \AAt tit• a In lb .. dlatr k t rluuo..IJo hllol ~&Ull'rl'•l anol burlll . Ult· \VIt.b a Yt'llf '8 lnllll In 194:1 111 lo•lnl I'•' Frhnolir)' 194:1 wu Sft7,. 1142,327 In c•mlrlilll l'Vl'n In 11142 • :l'i4 l'11ur .llr11 m a<J,. th,.lr .... bul ~ ot ~.22() "''lth thl' o'l.unp-In t h,. b11tl•llng-fifold In Man·b ''' toe down on builtllnji( colmon.: In !hut yo•ar AJin.l anti May total• M&rcb of that Y•·"r, •r.n~tlu•l oun ,.f 1.: ltho•wo~J lht' t'fflo lt'l\• y .,f thf' In lN.1, took 4'Vr ll a 11wll lo•o l11l.oo •lo: '"' olo•r wl,o n l••lAI" It'll hl $2fl.r~ tr•D rUle wtlen Vh·•.~o••··l tn t l'rmll ool I ~tnol $:).:~10 fur th.-twu months Ill et~tlre pr~-•• rllllll)' Y•'81 8\Wh ... ,,.,i"""'!IY.-Iy Tbt'y ll&Vt• nu. tuat- lt41 wben tht· botlltllll)o: '"'"' "':II.~ ··ol '" thrtr loo9.'Pr llrll• k··t frum When you thin~ of Insurance JOHN E. SADLEIR -Maa.14L •·aatA to IN'f! you lt,.41'ranlrn of Counle "LET JACK DO IT"' ............... , r .. r th.-a&ml' mohUl 111 .4:! •I •• ""ra a.:1na.: JUvenile dell.nquency w .. n·~tn'" C1ub An ucellf'nt or-' a forced l&Ddlnl at ~ea elgbt mUu How w~ll OPA eued ab~ad on 1 $40<1 and wl)l be repla<'ed oext to\ pr•" hllna.: w ho leenme entertain-o'h• ~~ n• hall hef'n obt a ined and a 1 off New. port rec~Uy and hu Ed "ha t •trl •m•riguc& 11111,..,1.d e•t ID I w o't'k by a 11hlny new 1tatlon wac- "·' • • t .. o tt·o·n·al'" yuunaaer1. lo-1 1 h al v 11 t 111 .__ Dubbl h J th k • " ~ _.., '" • B •Jd• p . •t .. , .. n o· m e ()(·a II w . "" an I "• " au P ryt•• ano ,. quu· h • ·f anne<l fuhd.l! Ill shown I on. Ul tng ermt s .... 1:"0•1111111" and hl(h .chool ltu· lltltlo•ol ~llractlnn HdrHhmenb I work or the Cou t Guard h> thank t .. "''Y I c .. _ b I .... I t '· u!\ I o•n .... r .. y.-a erday mt't 'Ool II•··. flr~t rmrtv will be donated fo r hUI life. . I ~ Ule ~act ~;;;• t l'rl' ;:u on ;ha -------- N£WPOAT DEACH ;, .... ,, ''"'····I th,. Newpoft Hart»or lw Hutarlan Tert .Wrlght and it I• • Dubble who rt~-lldell at 3'>1'' ()uk per cent ert'PCt'd thwtt•t>n,..P: ...--------------. 1!1'14 :!!1" l!f:'·, 40.1 1'·:':•1 :oZ3 11+3' ~ I ~':1' 54@ l 'l39 :>42 1940 :W2 1!141 4blt 1°14'..: 310 Ja.nuar v j..-.... r uary \taro h , -\pnl ~IKy Ju•• ... J ul\' I AII~"''IJOI ~pll'll:l,. r f )( tnber So~emtwr l.k...-t•mbt'r i • Tob l 1942 2'1 :l9 3? z:, 17 1 .. 14 23 211 31 30 :111 • ~~~ I IJ I 1 • ~·-: ' • t} "t'n•t .. r Twl'nty" Club. h;opo•ol that wtvu of the Rota rf&nl •treet Fullrrton •w tilt,' 'n y-.. r "0 otutual mduv,•·m~thnt an w ath ~· ,. pAUL NORMAN I r th I b -• 1 · • " · ea mat~ or e aax mon " pe· llro~11 1• an... o•r e c u w•re mny tnkt. ... It upon themeelvea to down &nd reported tmml'dlateJy t.o rlod iondt'd In September The bi~-, YACHT MIL IIAJU!:U •• ,.,.,,!of :MJ-' J)~tl ll l loiTi "_.' j ~:. ·.-.. t .. t ~""'""' when a 1roup of funu .. h t·ooklu , ~tt.>.. Ttte aff&lr Ule Coa.t Guard I t In ti t HolllrHIII~ m..t wltli Dr. Walter will loo• r•haperoned by member• or I 1 ru crea.w over ee ma "" wall t ......_ &-a. ... ._t Oeftn lit n..ro." .of I. ~ Ancelee w ho out-tflo• o••ommltlt'f' and their wivea. BoatiWaln'• Mate F'lrtlt Cla&e l on cann~ fruita. ··~re 16.05 1.000 I ..., .. lL 2'-t St., N-a __ .... • Cbarlu I•ac•. IJUiband or Fila. e&eel had beftl eetimiled anJ 20.· .,_.,. ...., .,._....,. • ~""' lmt'J th .. jll\'t•ntll' prorram which i\ numbf'r of hard and rut ruin , Act reM Eva Gab1r, anaw~red ttw tl06,000,c-w~re purcbaletl by, ..... N1 h"' 11•·•'11 '"' Sill o·r rudully follow~d hnv .. l!<'l'n lah.l down by lbe high call In a Coaat Gua rd patrol VH· 'bomem.akera. '-------...r..------.J 1.11 Ill I:!..' 1 . .!~~ -~~· :!&U ~~1 .• '"' tho· pa~t ~·tar by Ul~ Crenlb&w so•ho14•1 ~ttultenta' commltt~. Boy1 1.;,\\ ·""' l 'llol· :tnol l• fut •pread-llnol jllrllt nt ll'ntllng wullt ~ l't!lll· 1111: t .. <olh• r .:r.,.up• thrOUI'boul th-nt" oor Ntowport Hafbor·Coala r ,,,. S ••u• h" r M • ~l··•m ~··hoMJI d!J1tricta; mUit be :.: .• ;;, SamE'<! "" lh!' clu b commlttef' lti :.!i 1 a .. H••ht~\ r,.prriM'Dlatlve• wert' .,2 J:o11 H .. h <'Al ii~ llubbard C. H ow•. :.:~·1)~~ "~k ll'" ('alk1ns Ma rton Oodd, H ~ •. ~.otll t: C"hrlJOll"r and Wa yne Ha~r ll.io,!f .. ·t•olo• h1a:h ll('hOOI repr~~~t·nhUv"'• '" .. ~; will bf' M~~r1lyn Hill. Petln V lrk · '·'"~ elw&lt. Claire CraJJ, L<1rry lAn&- 9 ""~ mado• ~Tf'<l Shand , Dick fi'rH nu.n. 11 300 t: .. ,· \\'1trol anel f'am"r"'"l T loom. 4.:t9!l Tht• ~:"rtouro·• flret dance bu H'.l/16 ho•o n t,.ntattvrly M't for Ja n. 14 71)0 9:1!) ,,.,.r 14 ""II under 20 yean ot are. ;1nJ m uMt apply tor mem benhlp In Ill•· dub. :Mf'm~rlhlp applicaUorut n·ay be nbt atnf'll at tht> high 1 IK'hvnl. Nf'wport-Balbo& Pre•, All .. n'~ olru.~e atore and Earl Stan· lo•v -nrfiCo· on B&lbo& lllud. and numh..r M C'ommerce office. Bal· 1-..oll Addit ional partlculan will t ... a nnnuno rod oroxt we~k. I Hooked Aug Prlcea f>rlr t.. on hooked ru g• have 1943 In n1·vorce Act•·on be .... put under retau ceiling• by Januarv 1'o :.:3:, _ the OPA Thf' lADle ruling ie 1 "'""'""ry 4.1>33 Says F. Bechtold plannecJ tor help •tablllze th~ tn-.. ---------------------------1 Maro h . 7 er.; duatry by putting In -..n<lard Apr11 9.1&:. Fl·red Xmas Tree "1u~ Apprnvt>d •tzea fo-r tuturr •. EXPERT REPAIR WORK On FORD And All Other Motor Can D EPENDABL E SERVICE Proven Ovt'r a ~riod of Many Years in Newport Hartxw Brine· in Your Car TODAY for an Expert Appraisal SATISFACTION GUARANTEED THEODORE ROBIIS 1111 w. C.tnl GORDON B. FINDLAY "BuUMt-of II~ of Distinction·· CONTRACTOR and BUILDER ·MlO (}out alvd. For Building Information See • 13ay o ·istrict lumber Co. WALTa a. U"1CDo o.- NEWPORT~CB ..... I ISO •IE PI:IIES;IIE ·IEEIEI! Newport & Balboa MEN & WOMEN CAN HELP S PEED PRODlJCTIO ~ or VITAL BOMBER & CARGO PLAIES by workin!! onl~· 4 hourM dall~· rt f tht• oour,Las SA~T." •\ "-' n :t:Ut:l: SIIOP tor On :t f111l t 11 •' .io•h .1{ th o• J>or.<a .. \s l..on; Rr:wh l'lunt .\J'PI.\' l'OU.\ \' ..... ~F~Shup ' Ill E.· Srd Street llutaA-.~f. ,_._~ .. toS:teP.M. I ' S t:mplo..lmenl Scn·k~ :-,en \\'. :lth StrN-t Santa Ana. Calif. K:SO .\7 M. to 4:00 r . M. 11111117 &1Uif& .... , lloaday. W~y. Friday \. Write or call for Job lnf~tion Booklet ~l1.4V 1·: l::i output will ~ 22 by 36. 24 by 48. Jun.. 14 <)\jU :l1 by :10. 27 by M . 30 by 54. 30 by J uly ; ,l!lll SANTA ANA ID u ac tion on &0, 36 by 36, 38 by 60, 40 by 40. AUJ,"Ul't .... 7t>ll 11lr tutl&y In the Superior COUrt. 4IC bv 4A, ~ ~3--tnchtl. I St-pt,.n~t,..t :!:.! 3f~\ l 1 r-!1 Mu7.t"tle Bee.blold ot Newport Maximum retail price• weat of 1 Odoobrr 13.!HU Beach 1 h•r~t<• tha( ller bu.dluw!, Ult' MIMiulppl will vary 1lnce Novemtwr 10.014 Fr~rfck B«htold, ..t ftN to freight lA allowf'tl, but there will l th••lr f'hrll!lhnll tree alter ftnt, he frt'ljtht. price• a dded to ranc-e• I N-•· ~ Nf'Wpurt Pharmacy. to·rruri7Jn~e their tlve cblktren lbe "' S4 11:1 lo 120.25 on ov&l and :l&08 W Ocean, per. C<!rdon F~-•Y• lbe ~xtiDcula!Md the baa. ~.10 lo 122.35 on round. matched I lay. tu built! 1 marqUet"; $l:le.• ~ aftl'r 11 had ~ndanfered ~ bouM book rufa; S3 95 to $11.~ and Ot·c ,. Ooualu R Ward. ami occu panll and ecorcbed t.b• 14.~ to 119.111 on eelect1 &nd <'••Ia M4'a. P"' own,.r, t:• m ak<" o'l'lllnlt Th~ tr.mlly t.b• .,.. U 95 to $12.9~ and 13.30 &lt.-atioll a.Dd nopalr 10 ~ntht)U..... fotrffl to _.k nofu«• ~ 1 $14.4:1 for hlt-u d-m lu rup a nt! lneta.ll a bathr()(tnl. 305 F: !"'Y """ added. · · IVI'ftUf!, f.j:,O, I ~hlnld. Ahl' all~fed. t. addkl· ~OTt+£~ FOR .IUNI~ Ofc' 31 R.obf'rt K.-llehrr u,. f'o..l t o tbt' Ule of llqul)r and w ben J unior Amn k ana WJII gain from A~l,.., pH G<wdon • .,odlay, to olnnklng becoomu violently ~lv~ tbe WPB order aimed to lncreue maa.~ a lleratwn. uJ repair to In· l\nl1 frl'qu~ntly bu ll~k her a.Dd pr()duclJon 1.11 lb~ low prfce cotton t rrtnl' 'f dwf'lllnJ:. 2112 Miramar knucke•d ht'r down. In addltloa,l l:ood• nf \lurabU q UIIIly. Output Dr • 1 1!10. ho· vloll'ntly to•rrurl11~• and U~u~e• "' euo·h Ia brice w ill be lnc reaad I OK 31 F'nn Gul)~>rtl 27:? 3.'lth th.· r hlldr.-n. l!lhf' addt'd. Ha &leu • tu 1!1.000.000 yarda, m011t of which ~t. prr ownf'r, tn hullol onP olu<.ooipll l<'ll hiJO earn•ng11 In l&ftlbllnl will ~;n t" manufacturer& to lh~ lllltoory framl' ~1\l"f\j:l', 1:!00 !tllol lo•a Vf'll hill ftu n llv wltboul food flrlol nf Infants' and Children's rw 31 Thurman •: W.-1111, LA· 511,. r har,:ell · ' W!'llr Thill lthoulol m o•an a produc· I:UDI Bea<"h. JM'I' ""'"'~' to hulhl 3 Mrll &-t·htnld Allll8 CUIItody or Ill ri nt a built two million do~en 1 rnoom •""'t'llll•lt 427 Pfllll~~<'ltlll tho· fl\'l' , hllolrf'n. $6!\ " month for rnm1..-n ooVo'IILIII'. pantl•'!l ancl whpH lnoo. h•·r ow n !OIIppn rt &mt t l 2 a m011UI durmg the l lrat qwu t<!cr o( 1944. J a n . 4, 1944 Cbarl<'ll C' f'11'T'~ rnr .-a1 h r holol ~h•· a l110 ••lUI tbe 7 1 Al"'lr l" avr nuo( r~r <'WlWr to cnurt to rull rain l~.-hu•band Vour Brtdl Work, P1aeterla1 hull•l •rvtrf' J>llfCh I•· ro•l\r "' lt ••rn 19•n konJ: or ~>lhei'VI·~ moleet· alld Ce~neat .1oM rtM·rlhnc . 12()0. ., Ina: her. I Can In t~ future be JJan 4 C"IWIIIOIIdntf'\1 Alrrratt. They wr rr marrlf'd In ...... f'Xpt'rtly ly done ll&Bin by f"'r 1'1wnnllnd Mt'llnll ln m•k" rr · AnA, Jun.-~. 19:14, anfl ~'•·perat~ ClAUDE IIWEETMAN pair l•l lnl#rto>f' nf main bulldtnll: "rtrr th,. <.,•n stmn• t. ref' lnd~nl l 1ft Twenty·FourUa 8 t. •M~· ('.,lUll Blvol ('1rnn• •Jf'l Mar "" C'hrh•tmu olay hrr r olmpl!llnt Newpert Beac:ll. P'MM tii·W $2500 l tatett_ -------------- J an ~ c •-:. :\lr 0c""'"" J'{"r ,-----------------------------; R ,_ '""I na n-o•: to rf' rot of a •IWI'Ih ll'! with "" ••I ~hmt.:lf'll 11>:!2 \\' ( .• ...... t"ront 1.1.10 J~tn ~' n r \\' F K1111on .:o•r 1 ... r """" a nol rurr .. wll to rrJtwof olwrll· m,:: ... ,,.., o nml"•"ltll'rt 1~ "'"'"'~ I Sl . $11:> I Jan 4 lta n• P n·krrnn f"'' H•- (lnot Ram>"''" 7912 Lafay .. tt ... t" rumpot~ltlnn rrrn •f 1,o.'\l llht•p Sill J .. n 4 r. n Fln•IIA\' 3fil' t ·,,.Ult IIIV•I I"'' H•-unol Bar· "''""'"· tn rnmJl"l'itlun n ·roo .. r ~hln­ r.:l.-r••!llolf'lll'l' $ZOO I'I.I'MIIIS r : f't-:H~IIT~ ' . BURT R. NORTON 1111 Coa.-.t Hi~hway Phonf' 2417 NEWPORT BEACH RAQIO SERVICE :\ IIAI'PY AN D VJCT()RJOl lS NEW YEAR THEY llEEP 'EM RDLLINii .. THE U/U6A61 AlE THE IA&KI/IME Ill 611EM61 US1'a TO ., ... ....:A" .. TOW f.&WO&m •. I.C:. Sl.&TIOIOI nuT U.T\.UT I P.M. PACtHc: w.aa TtM1 P I'\ :l l Mrl' \\'Ritl'r r.tbJOnn. , ... ,. :-'llm Klnllf&th4'r, No; 1~ H ar - l••r l!'l&n•l . _,_, __ LBOA CLEIIEIS._ .. [_ . . Tlto' Tll t'•'-r I :~I I" rfo rmll :lm"nl: •h• ,, t"" • c"rnta:1l f un tlnn~ 1t ,-..,t;at•'" t h•, • :u r" r ,.f th•· •ti:-~:•!1',. t hUll I''''' ;.,ol om: I hi' •lrn•lf'pml.'n' 11" r • "' , a,.... '' l:'' • .. tlH' p.1t1('nt '.:c h.,flt • hur'• ... '"' If••'<"'"'' 't:""-rrJOir•rfn~ ont!l\ ••lUI\ I~ to Ulll.'flll lof•• t'Oil JS!'It"RA'W 't: !\{:F. • I Jlow;n'rl \Y. r.l'rri~h 1 -1 !8111 \\'. C'rnlral .\n . 'S • .,... rt llf'ar". (' anr \l"fH'tmm t: • n1a: :\('CI!'I.~T c t!t-·t : L i •, · ,f'l ~,r··! (. · •· tf"' .... I . I \\ , ••• ()ualih · I .umhrr :-.nd Build ing 'la t_frials ... ~ COSTA :\I EAA t..r ~IBER.i. CO. L E. Ronfruaa Phoee 48 Now Under New Management Pressin ~-Ciean ing-Me nding ROBERT SCOIT, Manager Formf'rl~ l .aJtuaa Beach CleaDC'n -.,.-- '11~ Toast of the Co~t :iOX t:. Third 8 tne&, Suta Ana II. It BRIN&DIIOJ!F 1 I I .t peace and the return of our joved ones frbm the battlefields throughout the world. Let us determinedly conci~uc to work toward victory. Let us dedicate e\'ery physical and financial means to backing up our men on the fighting fronts. IOUTHUN CALIFOINIA IDIIDN COMPANY LTD, _u A_It _l n -\_._A_IHu_' -J,_. HrtSTUS-- ansar.I. 0 ~~!'Ric PL l i :\1tU 1': G- ' 1(,.\ slit:~ • ·ar.ntWF.R:\TOU • \\'.\~IIF.Il"' • DI8RW U HF.R8 • l'hon~ 116 . ~ I %205 Coa."'t Blvd. 1 I • • 4 .. • ·-------1 • _J _.,.-, FISIEIMII'S UIIOI IEVIEWS ITS EFFORTS DUR,WG TIE YEll~1943 :::~~~ :r·e:~:enfo: ~-= tc>n~~~r:\~!·;'p.~~:::; CLASS.IFIED ADVERTISING ducerw and. \.hereby, .remalD fl.lh-1 on al~C'or. 1°l no ac:t 0 eon-, tn~t and aulat I.D tncreulq our1 nothlnlf but promleea or fU _ -------------------------------- n.l\ J'ood Suppl). • ..l'deraUon and favorable ~ I I we Induced tht' manaaem•nt or mendallon bY the 1M ADplea _ Puauc NoTICI[S FOR SALE WANTED 1 LnsT ft: FOUND • our thrH •Nn•,ort lkacb cann•ll'" trmnal otfkt to Wa.b~ un 1----.-L--_ In a C'Omprrbt'natv .. rrt)t rt on n ... Avalon and Calaii.Da H'arbor, two lea to W.w c:loeed abop ~· ,_ lbe .uWc~uent rectucUol\ ot lton .,., ·o·nt 11 1,. t th FO" •AI..I....S piKe 11eer--WANT.ID TO "INT__.,.,ell. ,.,,. LOn-• b•o•n u .. ,., '"'" ou.,. acUYillu, H A. McKittrick. IJual-l h srb .. ra on Cat.altna Bland. u Te· meDta with our orcant&atlon tor tht' ca~~nen' ~llfta' priCe ot.P.d ~ nt 1/11. '.,,, 111~,,~;,' 1~11,11.:,. a~~·~~! • .,., I"'Cktl\1 '"'''· ,..., ce""' "''"" ••• ,..,..,, ay •"•1-"""'P bot-" ...... '"" '3'" lt., net~~~ agent of, J...ot·a l No. 31), Fie-celviDI polnla for our flab and atlntho!r: y•ar on our mackerel pel' ca.-by lbe O.P.A. ooul ...-or\J~r , th 1• 1 r N 1 1'0 " Atoo 1''" aof '"" ••''"'' ,.._,,,., ,..,,.,.,..,., Wilt ,,,.. '0 " OC'un ·••'"· .. ,... A•word eTmena UnJon, prt>aen!JJ .,)Ole of ovemlrht anehoracf' for our flail· catch ·. , . C'ol'l'llldered a pin. We f.¥1 Ut&l ilrll• 11 ··, .. ntll,. ~ 1 y 1;; 1 .,t;;f'<~l' r•"o••• ,...,,...,..,, 7.., w Otd ,...,..nc• To * • ,....,,,. · """"• ....... p .. rt 1111 J '·Ilk th &C' 0 ltah IT\ f lh l ' .,. ' . W k t bt'f anybol'y .. f}' "' 111 1 -I& ~ ('ow"IY ...... , Col\o Wrllo ... "a" ~ 0 He••· Tt,_ • c mp mf' 11 c• a or-<'rm•n. W& ..aated tht• Cannery or • thia ~ld DO P redueed the -··••h•.t """ r•l••·l "11 h 1 hr• 1•1tv _ neue "an•utlon durin~: 1943,.. Hla re. Open InK a tarr;f' 1terrtlory per· .-r1 Local No. t to ne1ot1ate Utetr much. and In no w~: ca.t IIUift· <..,r·rll ,,, , "'' 1·,1 1 It till N,.,.1~.,·: J DAY •71--'"b...-- porl wu pruentt'd ttl lhl' annual mlttiDJ our live ~It boala to op-no:.w. •veem•nt and aucc~ In ultimate ('()NIUmer lo.L u .. N, h , 'ultto•nllll ,,11 ur hl'f••n· • ",, ""'''''· •r,•t'lln&' of lht> or&anrnt••m lul eratl' a nd lay tbelr nete durlDr haVIJ\f 11. aiJ'I'~ on a cloeed abop clenUy t o juaUty ou~lnue• our .,_ J~<nuun lith HIH at 4 01• ,,., ''" k chttt.o "''"" Sunday and 1.1, in part. u folio-: daylight boura aa ctoae to abore, buill with all thrH e&nnerif'a The ,We Intend t.O COD tncb baVI' r 11, ''"" 1, til ,,.. ••l'•'ttt'ol 1\lhl puh ""' ...... ., ••"• Bo~·.s Be SuPPLJ'Ef; Local Union No 36 le actually u we tlnd ~e~ry t'llnf\ery manag•ment jolnf'd w~tt\ foi'la t o bave pricea wO.P .. A. and I""'' ,,1"' nh•u•l 111 ·•r ab.•ul 4 l'lll ~~· ,._ a reborn War ~by. For eevffal Pennllllng ovemiJtht anchoraae ua 1n maldDf an ap~ to ttie \'liar ·bf't'n N1abllllbed by the f 1 t o',l••ll 1 111 ,,11 that dav 111 lhf' """Y· ..... •on'l •••• to.,, t ... ,_ .. ,, letf '"' Tra .... ........ .: .. ,..... ..... .. .. " MA .. IN. eAlVAOa AND Mf'Q yean, 1837 to 1941. we were a In thr Kelp at aoveral requet~led l.ab~r Board for an &djuatment of whlcb we cona~r are liD-(•,1111,11 r'ltl\lllh••r 111 lh,• 1 ~1 \' llall Bl..Uf IUBBON HATCHI["v very actin, btaltby OI'CaJII.&atlon, hll'atlona. Improving condiUona or t.be ware ac.bedulea ao U to place Ul . ad~ltlf'd, and-,&leo~ new :N~"'I'••tl Ht'lll'h ('allfumla . , rrtt w-!lth st ,._..,.. Ano . co eapeclally durlDg the wlntrr our "uler ing and lnvlng the porta t hem on a par with other cannny tbal w• he conaulted -ore a.aec j 1110 w c;. .. , ... "'"'· ""· ,... w monlha whee Snuth~m Callfomta'e ,1r S &n Otego. san Pedro, Sa~ta work en proc..-nr mackerel at priC'n are an~U~Unct'd In lht fUture rl1t• ·''"'' •• uwnllttno•d • h ... k "' ,. ..... , ...... C. Ill blf mackerel run Ia ~ Purl ~lnrtra and Santa Bar~ra anll ,. __ ...... ~ Loaf ~&eh. and Wit· we -" the e.labll.lhment ol • .;,,1>1 "h•H .,., lo:"'~n u a ~oruarantl'l" W L I • tflt 1 ' ' .,.., .-~·"· ,._ ~c• t'· 1 11 b ... A"'TEO TO EASE Harbor' a .tab In thl' back hit Ull , 1 hu openlnJ of Redondo for day· mlnJtton, and In due Ume received C.llfomta rteb and vame ""' .. ~ "' tuolrr will t'ntn '""' t hr '" _ 1 -------------- hard and the eubtequenl na\'al rc-1 llgbt operaUona. the War Labor Board directive In Newport Be&ch and Ule malliDf eantract If awaniet) t•' htm "'"' WAI\jTID TO "ENT-0, 1 ..... EMPLOYMI[NT .tricUou reduced our flahlng ar-We Mtabllllbed excell•nt t-on·' (T&ntlna an lncTe... ave....,IDJ of N-port Harbor a Federal Cia·! will '"' ·h·• ltoro·ol f•rrfrttt'•l If thf' ,0.,.,. ....... b y clvlllo" P .. m• _ ----~ UYiU.. clratt quolaa called otany tacu wttb th• Coaat Guard and ar~•un\J 1~r;. U>cal No. t , Ia today toma Port ol ICntry. •u11 ''""rttl tu,l.lr·r rdullf'a tn •ntcor ,..,., "•""""c• 1,. thlo .,., HIL,. WANTU>-O.rde"''· ,..._,. of our membera. ahlpyarda and Naval ofticlal.a and by lhrtr later In a very healthy condition and we We al.a tnteDd to work· for u -lnlu "·"•I "•nlrll<'t af't,.r bo'lnr; "' Witt •·~ 100 to 1'0 ,.., me ... tiS . .,.,. H .. aaor'llll, -Lid• major facloriea and w veral other coope-ration on our peUUon.e, we will enckavor to ~ them 110. alatance tn havtnc mort a.Dd bet-, qtt''""''•l. 8<• I•• •"' by lilt' r uy ('oun-.. ., -· w rtto ... "C." , Nord, 111•• '''' New.-rt -..ell ID1Dor ODM ca~ our r&nU to b~ many objecUoDable reatric-Our ~tuUon condUcted two lrr commt'f'<'t&l boala buill &Dei cU of Nn :pnrt ~ach ~ .... Ttm ... No,.,..,, .. "" I tflt be ~Uy reduced and a year· a tiona aucb u elated areu and laat aprtnr. namely, ~rTacuda and mack available to the n.benDID Said 1'11 1 l'ounrll, rurau&nt In ,,., lnacUvlty reduced our ranlu to a Flrinc Zonet~ ellher re.:lDded or al~core. On lbe barncucla auua-at pricea -wW be able to pay. th~ ~tat11tu ~tf thl' ~tat .. or Call· H.l.. .. WANTI.D-Girl '" CIMII· amall DUDibeT and their morale l'f'eaUy modlned.. uon we man-.ed tb pl lbe dt&l· foml11, 'IIUI u n·rtalnf'd an~l det•r~ wu at a IOtr point. Our efforta were a1.a .ucce.rw er-a to a confereDu call~ by tbe 'PuBLIC NoTICKa mlnf'ct tl~ut lhl' Jtt'no·ral prrvalllna REAL EsTAT~ F oR SALE '"I .... ,. Har .. r .. rviOe .... ..,. dry .,. .. c, .. .,.,... "I "'""' M., .. 1-. ,..: .. Some ot lbe reaulta or our ef-lD rellinJ mucb better ratlonlnr O.P.A. t.o ..-ree to pay ua a prtce , rat• ••f f'C'r '"""' "•ltn In thl' h>- forlJI aTe the opeolnr of Newport cond.ltiODa. Se-¥eral .ucc...ruJ a p.. wlllcb wu aatftctat to penall callty In v.'lllrb th .. Mhl work ll#rt'· lk.cb, Balboa Harbor. u a twen-peala were made to varioua Local to raume flllblnf on a Tecutar NOTICE Of' AlaEaaMENT In lln t rlbf',J •• to be pt'rfoTmNI "0 " &AI..•-'·-.,._, ,.,,_ ty-tour bour port. t:.ltabUabJnr Draft Boarda that han pe~lt.ed dally bula. fur «"arb craft M lYJH' 11r workman I , .. ,. ••• ""'' ur ........ ,.. . WANTaD-Otrt ., ................ ~"-•• , ....... '""."' 'WI\1 .. er c·•ler-H "T,_,_, lA fe"'UJ. lOT ICE REAL ESTATE BROKERS YOU WIN! Y oilr Request for Penniaaion TO SELL "'UR" CORONA DEL MAR LOTS IN BWCKS A-35 and A-3& HAS BEEN -GRANTED Y~ you·~ tight. Thoee sand lot&---ao dose to the beautiful Corona del Mar public beach and also to tM advantages offered for swimming and other aquatic sports ln Newport Bay---ahould ~ sold to the taxpayers or Corona del Mar, who could buy as an investment or as a site for "that little ~ach cottage" or a small income property. Yes-you' re right again. Being unrestricted, pu.r- chflsers can build what they want. ~J,Jbject only .to zonlnc feiU)ations. Yes-you're right a&ain. 1be most important feature Is that when these 46 lots are sold, where on the Pacific Coast could the values be duplicated-in a location comparable to Corona del Mar and' from many other viewpoints! BAT II!JLAND CLUB. LocatJon or mt't'hanir nN dt'ct to t'llt'('Utl' tht' '"" -·"-'1 111"'11• ,.,..,,_ ... ,. , • o1 priDCipal office, No. 6. Bay Ia· ~ontraf'l and aJ•., lhr Jeftfl'lll J>,..· land. beiDc the rdtdnce ot H. It valltna rat .. ror lf1fal holiday and "rlvate ,_ •"" a.tll. ,. ... .,. N•w.-r1 .. acll Ill '\ .... -Huelttne, ln the Ctty ot Newport OYI'rttm.. ~·ork for •a r h cran or Beub, County ot Oranp, Stat. ot tyrw tof "'Orlunan 1tf ml'<'lulnk to "0 " aAI..--H-ofld ....... callforDia. bf' a~ ·f'l ll••w• o.. .... .., ... , .... '' •-c.,.,., WANTI:O-Qirl •• •-"· .. ~ 11-. ,., -........... , .... ._. NOTICE 18 HEREBY OIVP. That at a mHll"'' ot tM lloU'd of Dtrectorw beld on the •u. day of Juuary. ltU. an .-.t of Ninety and no/100 Dellart CII0-001 per ehare w.. levied upaa taw ..,._ ol lbe ~-D&JDed eorpor· , atloa, paya~le to ~ W . Bptnee. Cl .. alflytlo" C.rprnt•·l nuu~o:h C't'lnf'n1 •'ln111ho•r Contl"f't .. Mlacor Hourlr hr Olo-., Wato Wate 1110 $II M I :1:1 1000 OJ"t'ralnr I 00 ll(o() O.~·k Barct'OIIln 1 00 1100 )l.cblDt.t, c .. En(ln• I I~ L•'"~~ •"4 ll'ac., .. Ortw . C.r .... -...... . .... ----------- .... ___ ,.., _ ........... ,. .. .,. ,., _.lit_ --· Tl ..... ~ .. acll, , .... T_R_A_N_s_~_RT __ A_T_,_o_N ___ 1 MiscELLANEOUS '"0« WAHT.D-.. 1 .. -·-J' t• c.-.... ...., ... ,... AF\t-I "'"'"'"'·NT WAYa. .... De rr-w-.1 ........., 1-• ,._ -,....._ •"" a--. ,._,.__ • ._ &at ...... ~ I .,_. I M•'t MM. ~ ........ .......-. ........ -... ..... _,.,.. ........................... . ..... -· ... , .. ... ........ . A.Mlltant Beontary ol ta.ld corpor- ation, at uld otnce on aid Bay Wand, lD lbe City ot N.wport a..eb, COunty o1 Or"anea. 11t.ate of C.llfOI"Dla. Any .ure. Upoll wt&ictl Operator, En(ln~r Ptlt' Drtvrr Operat.or. ~ Operator. J•l Nl,. l:W 1:)(1 •. Jo l 1200 ------_, __ ...................... ···-··· lftC._I... P'1y McK-Ie, e'-· ttu. a..uHf!!lt'nl rematna unpaSd Oil the t.Dlb day ot Pebna&ry, INC. wUI be d.eltnque~~t. and uns.. pay- ment b mact. bl ~ • ........., lbe a.ld ...._, or • 8laA)' ot Nld aha .... u may be ~. w111 be aold at ~ otnce ot a.ld AIDIItl&Dt SfocTet.ary, on the t..Ul day ot March. INC. at tM t.our ot 10:00 o'clock ol akt day to pay aaid delinquent ...-eat. to- pther with ftye perceDt peDally, or be forfeited to tbe ~· DATED: Juuary •· INC A. W SPENCE. Auwtant Becftlary of a id Bay laland Club, at II» otnc• Bay lUnd, Ctl~ ot Newport ~llcll. ONDty of 0rul't'. Or1VtT Opt'rator. Pll• Drinr ftftnlorcln~r tll~l Wnrtlf'r T-ruC'II Dnver 1 Onr e 100 I~ tonal 100 Trudt Onv~r t Uockr e tnn .. • ~bonot conetN<"lloo anti ~nroral Watchman Any othn cl..-11· rallon omlttrd ber.tn, not leN lhiUI .eo • 8711 7:) 87!) l2.00 K.OO l2 00 1001 8.00 720 7.00 $.00 700 r>rovld•d that one and oD~·hal: t 1,_1 tlmu th~ P~"alllnr nit' aha.ll be paid u cepl wat ch~r.f'n State of cautomiL . A881!!88~ No. ••· 1 OaJtl!lan and oUter nnn.manu.al (Note: PJ-make cb«U ..,.kerw, for any worklq Un.r ..... PRANK 1.. RJNI!!HART. Clly Otl'll ot the Ctty of Newport a.cb. Oaltf""'la Jan I . and 13, tM•. NOIICI! or AN!RJAL IIIZ'ftNO or IIEIIBr~ -_.. -· --· .... ._.... If -_....... J. "· ......_ c..oe Htwor .._._, _.......,.v ..... , .• ,....._. ,. __ .......,..._L •. n-. '"'" RAGa TOOA Y f WANT8D --· oao-. ..... ................................... ... .... _ .. ..,. ... _.. .,._. ...... ,,_ .... ..... ...... no.-efflM. .. ... Tbf' Annual mHttna of m•mbllra ~-.· ----- nf thf' N-Jl'>rt Oaltw. r.df!ral F OR SALE Navlnr;• and 1.1\An A.Moct.aUon wtll ti'"~Pi'tiuru~e;;;;;~;;;-be Mad al lhr A.8oclatlon:a ottk'~. ••"T" JIIP,.tOAvna ee-• ,.. 333~ VIa 1,111<>, Nf'WJlnrt BeKh,l -•'-e ~~MM .... ,_. .... C:..- Callfornla. uo January 11. UH4. at ",_ -_,...._ 111 - 2·00 n'l'lno:k tn thf' aflnnoon. fo..-1 ..._.T._. ........ ., .. , •-.. lhl' pu,._ uf riM"tlnr; two Oint·· = ...., .._... .... ,. .,. tur-a, rallfylnl at·l• or Otflcero an11 I · ...._ . .,_ ...,..., ..... Olrrdu1'11, apJ>I'f'IVInl rq~Urta. "" ~ ., .. payabllt to the order ot Bay taland more than elpt 181 boun duun~: Club. I any 01at c 11 ca.lenda.r day JI\'~C!Je Pub.: Jan. e. ttU. .uch work 111 rl'qlllrt'.t In I'U"~'" .. r vlewtDc p~ made for the J»Ut y•ar. h•arlna a full report ot llw A_.,.lat'-'11 rlhAoc~l «'•lfMll- NOTICE INVI-;INC BIOI 1 l<~n, hf'arlnJt '"' ntrl ltn• of " prn- ~rAnt fnr '"" ,.,.., 1!1•4. an•l llwo tranii&I'Uun "' ""' h .. thf'r htt .. nf',.o 11~ mnv 1•rup•·lly o'umo• bo'fnrf' Ut,. m•'i'tlnjt H ousEWARES F URNISHINOS dh~••u, .,. .. ,.,.,. Uvl,.. ,....,. .. ,. '··-·-...... ._ .. 'oloro, u wro .,.. .. ,. ......... Oft ~~~~ lw-., llcMMeft ,..,,,.,. ...... c ...................... ,. a • .,,, Ana f .t .. ..... c .... c .......... ,..., ....... '"'"' cltolre, _._., ... ,,.. .................. -..... ...... ........................ , l-. McMI ... ,. .. ....,,,_,.. Ce., ._. ..- .,...-,,, leiOtO AN. 1-ttll ,_..._,..-....v.-..- u_..._,....,.,.~_._. ................ ~ .._, -- ....... ...,.....-.,., r-.w- -........ -fw ....... eote, IVa MIIM -.. a.A.A.A. .... -.,. c,..-., Bar v_ .... , .... T,-.~--­.,....,...J.a. ..... ....... ,,.,, ......... ...... '"· C.ll , •.• ,, .. •· .... AUTO ... ...., . .... "" &ALa--...... A ~ ..... ............ --.. ·--·-...... --........... .. ... P'"&AU-'11...._ .......... ....................... --. ~ ............. ...... ...... FoR SALK ...w&..U ..... ,...-. • -....... ,.... .......... .... ..................... ............... "" aAL&-~ - -............ ~ MDh I • .............. _...... tNCOIM TAR o.v ............ , ... -0 L CUI.I.Y & AeeeOIATD --............... ---~--..... aNITA ~ eM.t~. FoR R~NT ..... ,_. ' ....... -~.,.. eo. -·· ...... ....... .._ -.................... .._. -.. ~ -· ........ ,...,..<1 .... • .... Mr. Rhoden. at the Tract Office, will show .you over the property and give you fult information. r.:OTICT. 1!'1 HF.RI.OY GIVF:N that lheo C'lty CouncU of the City of N•wl"ort Beach, C'allfomla, w111 rt'<'t'lvt• MDINI bldll fnr rumllhtnC all lsbur, mAII'rltal, tranaportat1011, and ael"\\lcU tnr the C'On"' rurtton extraordinary rmf'rJ,tt-urto•" r a.,w.t tly fir., flood. or olrut,;••r lu ltf·· t•r pmJWrty, 11nd r .. r ltn •· "" "'"'"'"v,. anc.J lhe aeven r7 1 ll'l(ttl hnlhlny .. to-wit : Nf'"' \'l'ar'll 1111y M··m·~­ rial O.y, fo~uurth ttf July, LAbolr Day, Armhotlr f' J\Ry. 11t!Ulklljtlvln,; Day, and C'hrl11l 0\l'llt 1l ahall be mlln•IRI,ry ur~•n lhf' Coolractor to wh .. rn the .-unlrru t Ia awardt'd., anol upnn any IIUh-cun· lrac:lnr unoll'r him. '" I••Y not lrall l.ban the u lll apt'rtfl...t ,,.,.., In "" labo~n. wnrkm•n ,lln•l m .. r hftnl• 11 ~mpl• yeod by lhf'm In lhr f'llt'<'ttll•tfl NEWPO"T BALBOA FEDE"· AL lA VlNCI AND LOA~~·· IOCIATION .. P. A. PALME ... P~s6clent. 1-1-13 Professional Direttory --------------~lr-------------------Remember, Real Estate Brokers, you are also in- vited to offer our other Corona del Mar properties for sale too. JOHN SHERROD HARRIS of a r•lnforccd concr etfo bullrhead at the ~tout hwe~~terly wtnr wttll of the Ll\lu t•lc-Brtd~r ln the City ol Newp,rl Beach, In a C'rordance with lhf' plan11 anoi IIJ"t'Ciflcallona on file In the office of the CUy Engtn•er of aid city. Each bid ahall be made out on a form to be obtalnN at lh•• office of the City F.nrtneer an\J ltlall be 'acron.panll'l.l by a cerlltled or N\I\IMNW¥\NWYttMNWMNWYttMNW¥\MW\I\IMNWMNWYttMWWMNWYttMWW¥\NINI cuhter·a chtck or bid bond for SNOOOLES (A lfuce JW"• the leatlenhip of tba luwa-Tirnea.) or thl' cnntraClt. Oordoa II. O.....ty, M. D. .. ,..... ......... OffiN ..... , ......... , ........ T , a· •• n e 'nle City C'o\lno II 11f •ud t;ll y reeen~ea thr rl~o;hl '" rrj .. .-t 11ny "' all blda end or walvf' any tnf~W •tr oll• 111 trralnwul lllttnl' may hf'al •Irk lunltll wit"'' lh4! JNlt It'll I lull"""'" nl"'"' al .. lvh" 1 oml'lf't,.ly llul th .. tt•J\Ittlll "' l•llllf'fltlo .,... . .,m., ltnpttl wnl ~llh thr luna, .. ,. ... III'U ru. nf trealmt'nl. Th•y rrllf'l al 1 11" "'"""'"">' anti l'ltfuro·rt1 ll'llllltr, I Modl'm 01 o·upellttnal Ut,.rapy altllt 1-------------....; mallty tn a bid thr Jllllh·nl Itt a<lJu•l I•• lrt'lltm,.nt anti hf'IJMI In cnnollllrrn him rnr hl~t Dated tbl• Jnl day of JAnUt&ry, tf'lum lu work By t;)' . ttunaedord. _ . ME83Y 'YOvQe- 'Ptuf1T ! U:RO\' P. AN'Df:R80N A1TOIIJirEY AT LAW ~ ·-........ ...._ ... IIAROI.D K. ORAITD • CHAPEl. OONRAD RIVH I P3C. II.D. .., 11 ....... .. ..... ., .... ...... ............... I ..... •••• ... -. a H ., -. "•u-om._.Pia--........, Dr. G. E. Tohfll ~ .... GIIGeOII -.............. ..._. .... _.._._ ....... .......... ____ .._.. Dr. M. D. Cnwfonl OPTOJI&Tal8'1' • "We Ourwelwe tt.. Bellf'f' ~~font Dy !Wmn1 Ottwn 1\fttt" I . DOROTHY UAKl't11 . (7 out of 10 people read Newa-Tam• cr ... ified Ada.) --------------------~~~~==-~=~~---====~!r-__ ·-__ _ 1M SHOCI<EO ·ACI ~l. PLAYIN C. COM~ ON NOW PVT ONE C"ER. A 130Y~ GAMf. ,t.NO ON ~ ~UNDA'i TOO W OvLC> YOUR F'AT~llt t(NEW THI!.? "', f:· v . ' (.;harle-" McManuw • ...... ,., ......... o-ea•-~ IIOR11MF.R lroJIOOL let Otrat. .... ~lela .. t rnv S.•huut -~!tnrlna Gr•ttt.. Colt. P~·., Army A Nny 0 . A. Mertt-r, 11. A., OW'f ... Pri~pal ...... _ BtTYNOW- Ci ty Tnx Sstlf' I .ou A . .J. TWIAT ..,.., c ... t mall••• PtlftM z.n f'OilONA DP:I •• All Eya ElwaiMd 0.... JtttM am N...pon nou-...r~~ ..._ Mil aNITA lnaA BAJ.TZ 1101l'11JARY Chapel ,bJ ....... ••• o-at ..... c ...... dol ..... ,....,.~· ...... ..._ Newpttt tl ----111 "--·- ,_ ..... _ _....._ ...._. ... N.D.CA.AB ....•. --UY~&L --·-·-•••• .. ·-........ a-. ~· WHO'S WHO I~ HARBOR DISTRICT f'lRP:I'f.-'f'T. ASO IUSOU""O WOOB- 11. W Wrll(ht, 17M Npt Olv!J , Cor<ta Mf'M. llvd Lumtwr-, Ptl.' 8-J foF:"P:RAI. ( fi"Tlt \f"l'Of&-• rf(trrl .. n n t'ln•fhrv '1-t Ill ('""'' mvrt. f1h w . PIIINI and C'fiN!truct.laa. l.t''fllr.H ('fl'fi'ASIP'."-. r.~,, Mt"ll l.l•r ,.,. .. , .... , II~ 1\f'lp V'l'll plll n )'nttr hnmr" ~ 4&. filly f rl•r rlrt L•rmlll'r Co P'h<lfW' 1150. C'oeat III.PWI)' -at ArdieL On"IC"F. Mf'I'I'I.IF:"- N,.wprtr1 ll11rhor PuhiWIInc Oo., F'ttnnetl II -13, NtwpOrt a.dl. f1ili"TISU- Nrwpt)rt JfA~IOr J'ubll.t\lnr Co., ""-'-: 12 -ll. N~ ...... U.AI. F.ATATF.. I~MURA!IIl'T. a NOTART P1llt~ " 1-II W111IRN' 2'..l01 W. ~tNl A-UP. "'-e I. auww•.a ft'A.,._ Nl'wpnrt Jltirbor PlAIW•c 0.., ,._: 12 · tl. H~ ...:1' METAL WOilK-"'' V..t. JltumlilnC A .... IWil ....._ .... ·:r-. .._. --YAIUW'ft .,....___ . ..... ..._.. Yut.ty Ius ... * • _. ....... 2111 ... ,.. I ' NEWPORT·BALBOA NEWS-TIMES, Nt'WpOI't BNch, Callfomla. 'nfURSDAY, JANUARY 6 1944 I 0 r, ........... ...,... .. .. ........... ttlb ,, .............. .. -...... ~ •• twee-t .... .... .. • ...... .. ~ ALL lipl ...-, EDITORIALS FEA~fUR'ES , Newport Balboa NEWS-TIMES ----~.------------------~--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~----------'~, WU-CEAIEI .IOITIII IIDISTIY 25 Y A ' ~· r till~M '" .Swalu gavt! tbelr I NEWS ears go I ehJer dau&hter. .Mi~on, a W&tt'h Pass y o,ur. Paper 1 pa.rty on New Year'a E\4.'. Her I ~u ... •• of the CHURCHES READY FOI PEACE PIODUCTIOI in the llllvlted cue.ta we~ Dorothy TlltU! to Your Neighbor! H bo D• l•odfi.Uro t Wallat•t• Hden Relc:h: Newaprlnt Oft which new,. ar r astrict I Hal'ry Spaultllll,. Clart>Ol!t·• Prins· .I papera are printed Ia etrlctly Y•·:or rntl fl ntlll lhe -•II bl-at f t H·tl!n 111 lhrlr J*a"t'tlme pro· lnw, Gt>orl(l' Ktn~; llnd VcJylt Ward. rationed today ~UM of the tndulrtl" ~itll rully mpced Ia lu ductlon Thill i• nnt ..,, with tl)f! • They pulled candy, played KIWI"8·1 l~bof' and ahlpplftg ahortaQi.. d I k ,_, ppl..._ In . T .. l en rrotn the• J llnuary 3. IIH9, ha.l mueic and aU kinde or fun So the aupply cannot eqllal tr•·m•·n ,, ·~ tAll '" IIU , ... , : bull•l•·n of hoal10, t!OifiOI!'I' and FIRST FOURaQUAR£ CHURCH nurr,.rablr IYP"" nr boat•. f'n· aautical rur. ~hen thr 'M.t e•lll;OII cl the Newport Ncwa. v,nt~hlng lht> o!d yt'ar makt> ht3 the demand for papere wl)lch I. A. IIIEYER EDITOR AND M.ANAGER. .....,.. P&u'-IOU W. Qontral A~ue, Newport Beach, Calllonua OF COlT A MEaA lt11lf'H Hnt1 m&rlnr equipment to Jlhool ,., hn<·~ thf' wayt1, ~n~Ctne• A bt:n<<t ol "600 · lltlrkt •• J~lh· 1..t bow and the nt'W year ~VIlli: 11 greater theft evn due to uur armf'•l rnrree and Ulcwe of tullnK blork8 and rabri~atlng end at the lwaoe or Mr. ftnd Mre hie gr~U14J...Jalult· tv a war·:, . .,,. • the wa,. nev.l . Do ,yowr ~)Art . ,,11• 11tt1,., 11rrnnllnJr to Irs Hand, mll•·htnrn· nf 111,. '-Un,; ln..t.e. Frank J . K:llzht at il&JL&a. New world. Hurrab tor tbe ~lad N ~"·l When yew hJivl .,._. the (Church of ttl• Highway 1 OFnOIAL PAPER OF THE CIT\' ot• NEWPO&'I' BMCII ·A Depelldable t.oc.l lu.UtuUoa for Over S5 \'ears Al'v. G. Willard 1team1, Pastor Mae Stearna. Co·lll'~or PhOftl 177a·J • w neUrv 'M thf' Nalloa&l Aao. try "'Ill merely reeume th••lr Year'• E\'f! and arler krenly en· \ "ar . newt, INfll your Newa-Timn l ""> tnr an e:~~ceUent dinner ~rv~• on to your ftelgh..___ clatitm "t F:n~inr and Boa 'fan· ""'l'lrt>llmr runcflnae -pnlduclnf ~" ~ "y -----· fo'rtday. 7.30 p. m worahlp ~~erv· ll't', Rc-v Uar 8tnm1 In ch&rrr. ... by the gtnlal botle 1 Flank dlj lllc I Towry F.v.-rt>tl of Pall8llena anti ur:u·turen~ Hrow well lh• In· b "'~ r .. r rtorrc•atlonal PtJ~"· carving), the ltara or carddom 1.'1· Balboa Pallaadea 8pt'nl thco latter Sunu•y achool, 11:30 a m. Mnmtng wu,...,lp, 11 a lpt'tlaJ mullt'. palllur·a w rmon olu~trv IJt d'>ln~ th•• job Ia refle.:t· It<'• •·lilly thf' Re-rch IJaU· dul~;t!d In a Uvrly conlclll until Jlll rt of lut w~k on Balboa bland I Balboa and Pf'nin•ula. vacant t!d evu y day an th• MW• repu1111 ,,.,, ... , A rrt•rira r>IAL'f'd the recre&· twelve bell• prorlalmcd the arrival as tbe ~eat of JJ A. B~'ek. He building t>t,alde dnJg . ltQrf' acrou m. ·::~. :;,•·•,•:'~:,.,:~~::::.• :.•== ~~.0~~~ ~~~~~., ~=.?'ca~~'!';,.t~: of the younr;atc r. 1919. and Mr Beek a~nl Friday rtsh~~m ~~~dlb~~~tl :!.':."~· nl>r 1of lan•ltn"' r rart. mlnHw~n.. f nroet war predicted per --lng rro.m the QCf!an. Mr. Ever~t Richtl .. ld at&tloo at lala.n.d bead .. ,.,-,.~ ... rt ,.:!<~Ia. aub _ .. __ ..::, 11 ,.,.,.,.,.. " ,-• -The dredger "SIIvergalt',"' which r.ald he had never bet>n on lh 1• ~ SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS , -· • ... u .. .._..., .. ro t.u:•• nt lnl'ro>aMtt IIVf'r .tHOi bet::m operatlona M ar the P. F:. I boa bef nd ha.tl Corner W ~ln" •nd Chu-h Sta. th .. hlghlv publirlz•d PT'• 11nd of 'Cp~noht urra hy ~roupa of Cflm oct'an n 8 row-1 ore a . FAT SAVING GAINS • "' • . ~ •· · aub-1tallon on the cl!ann«-1 dred~t· n<'vrr caught 110 many rtllh 10 hl.ll Coat~ Meu dt ,.,010 .,, uthPr 1~1 are tht-m <111""' 10 1 ~41i 81"',1'~: lt d ••ilh lng. haa cpmpl.eted a aufrlcient hie Realllt>nte of Balboa Ialand Prellmmary N'port• reveal that Satu rllay rnornln~;. S • b b ll t h pr olurta of mnrf' th&n 300 ynrl1a. l7ij pl'r 'l'~t Tht> t . Depart· <'hannt!l to enabl• It to bet up aa and Puaoll'na dinf'<l on rleh Satur· collecllolll or uWd ~ouabold rate ~~ hovl. !I ::o a m. t•l'•lolln~e bnab under 200 reet In mt'nl of 1 o~mm .. rn m " repcor~. rar lUI tht> Nt'wport Garagt•. And day ancJ Sun•tay, by tbt! wav. 'or lltslvng• hllvt• tnl'reaeed over • l'rf'JU•hin,; ;-;..rv1ce, 11 • m. l<'urth r"ll• •I "~l~tr~I'IS Artt>r lhr War. the •upplemc·ntary equapmtonl le • hunclu•u ('f'r l'l'nt tn many loc&li· , Thi,o dta l tw'r'vke to thf' Army, ""''m"''"' " 2:t.1 prr c .. nt increa~~e being put In pl~e to procrt~d wtlh p 0 -. --0-ad 1 tlu l!t liC.'r lhf' ri'Cent OPA regula· California's Golden Era OUR LADY of MOUNT CARMEL ~''"'' ('l\ll.t Guam. Maritime t11r th. rt'<'rt'ltltnnal hoatint: In·• S· tht' channel. accordlnjt to lhr plalll aper fiVe e 8 1 tl• n alluwlng f'XIra ration polnta CHUflCH I 1 ·, mmluieon and allied c:.ouotriM ,,,. " 1!1111 "h••n cnmpart<tl w:•b r.rat outlin!'d b the en lneer. Have Stations tnr uiM'u tall. Alelltllder William., 1423 w. central, ,_port .. adl w11l bf' matnl&inod cfurtn,-1t44 lli<~O IJaJOL'<.l un l!K! pneea.. y 1 t Director or Jnrormatlon ol Ult! California wUl be the h o me of many m on> people aflt>r thl• s unday mUIIte• at 8 •nd 1o a. m. 1r th .. "''"r contlnuea War coni. Art 1... Heard, ·Frank RlnrMrt. Harbor'11 paper drtve ta pMg· 1 Anftrlca.n Fat SaJvace Oommlt t.."" war than It was ~fore the right bt-gan. Th<' thousands who ---l"t\l'ta now amount to -n 0¥ef 1\lr. Allen Leads J. c. McCain , H. B. F1ellh man anoJ I'C'AIIIn~r amollthly. It ill ho('l"d lh8t ·!"'"-----------... have ~ here ln the "second gold ruc:;h " are solei un thl' ,T. JOHN VIANNEV CHURCH 11 hilllnn tlnllar!l, an eotlmatr A. A . W c,.>d or $anla Ana l<>ft many more Harbor otudenll will , 314 Marin• Ave., ealboa llfard t'111t clrOC"• not rvrn attf'!Dpt to In· U .S.O. Singing Thursday In a motor trip to ~"n r ooperate In thle collt<'tlon or Sta~ ~t to the man, and lntend to stay. Sunoluy ma .. at 11 ·:;0 a m. rill''" thr r nJrlnl' and ac~ry Diego "'ute paper. Area capl&lna have LOOSE-LEAF Ill DE IS When restrictions on home construction arc lift<'d. Wf' I branrht"tt of the lnctu.try. Bbould l•·"tl"r '~>r thr rnrrtmunlty eioa • bet-n choRn and each hu llwatt'd hi 1 CHRIST CHURCH eY TH« aEA I!IH mark lhr collapae of the at Ule s..nta Ana U.RO on Satur· a place to atore the collectt>d pa· ~ likely to see one or the blgxest building booms ever to t b b tnd ·-I . HI wa.rcl Thurstrm. who Ia In II per In hla dlatrlct. I the eo..t. Many people have already selected 8 ho mt' s ite a "ev. E.. D. GeNII!, l'aater rind ltwtr In a truly enviable po-tor, Tbomaa Allen. 'nlere belnr; t• ar 1 ery regtmen. ata ont' Thf'lle ca ptalna and Ul• I cation No•w Stock Ju~t R('{'dv<'d fnr nd I Coonmunlty Mnhodlat AXIl, OWt'Vt'r. t Ia ua~.7 will ,c~\' ro·Phll! I• HMrhnc''e b&od dlrec. 11 111 til 1 tl a I baw had plans drawn. Ot~ prefe r lo walt and purchaSf.' a Early momiDC wont11p, ~10 .11ttton. prrhap11 not occup&ed by about •i• .. r thf'llf' lud~r-. each at Ft. SUI. OklllMma. hu bt!en ot ttw ataUooa are u rollowa: · Ctl b echool d 10 16 any other produur Of the mate· hu hla tum about once tn lllll hOOif' on 1 rurlnur:h GtQrge Yardley, Balbo&. Jltand. boa.e alter Jt ... la buUt In .tther case. however, the wtsr pros· a. m., ure a.-. : rials for war rrom t~ ttnt ,...,...k~ our lunl lt-ader wu In ---Collin• and Par~enun. Bard flldtw home owner is living especiaJ attention to the flnan-a. :~:yomf'':n::rabl.:~~.·-Tu:-30 day nr puce. our tDdldtry wtll ch&rlf' or thr abort twentv·fiw F: A Spauldlng'a ramlly anoJ Hn,.,., C'orona del Mar. 604 Avo- dill ~ c::oooerned ln his plans. I p. m . flwl 1taelr virtually wttbout a a · mlnutr pr••tm•m 'I" Nt"W Yur'a tw~ ~::=renK~tln~. Ln• .. n., cadn Street; Dick RWD.ey, eo.ta IJ He hu carerully -i-at.ed the amount o f the down pay· I Mld·~k prayer 1 • r v 1 c e. rlnu.11 problrm of convereloa or re--F:n anol tho· llng1nJ: proved to be r;e ee gf' g ook a joy J:feaa. 120 Vlrgtnla Place: ,orence l'....... . Wedneeda1: covered da.b dtDaer, tluolln«· Today hUDdrade ot ma.D-very rnjoylfhlt' ror all or tbow In llrlve. t o Forest or AnJcn lut Sat. Dllnif'la. Coat& Mea: 136 E . 17th ment and la saving money for that specillc purpose. Throug h-8:30 p. Dl. ufal'turera, In Other tteld8, are attendancr. I urda), Whf'rl' thl'y revf'lt'd In the I ~lrH.t; Ro~rta Taylor. NeWJIOrt, A I s a-Complete ledger set in compact slz.e, suit- able fo r smaJI busin~ or the homt-. out tbe length and breadth o( Califo rnia the nearly 500 I tum lnlt rout war weapon• totally At lh•·""' ''""~'""' lh•·rr nre 0 ,..11. n:any beauttea or nature. 313 31et Sln!et: Ruth Aldridge, 1 brulcha olour atatewide branch banking system are helping I THE f'I ... T aAPTiaT CHUflCH ,-• na rlh· frum :oliO '" 1.000 vreant.l I to make tb1a uvtrur ea*r. And ruture home ()Wtl('nl know ' OF' HUNTINGTON aEACH !Pop Bottles Give land thf' numbf'r Ito ltoiDJ' Ill' rapid· ~ I •-a Cer. alaUI ..., Oraftge jiY Thf' jiO'rYIC(' m.-n tht•rou~othl)' 1 r Ia D .l j All kinds of Ruled Forma. tbal when u. time comes to buy or build. the resources of I'" ., .... CltJ Hall I laps Good Stare t'njoy thiA r ommuruty tJ~ whlcb r rea Gl ·" I Sht>Ms and <'llrd."." tbJa tJ.nk wiD~ avalJable to lend them the additional money The mlnlater, twv. Lutbrr Ar·, ~"'•lllllt!i tot trrU in plan. Md annp l DttUdatlll S.. P'oodl needecl ~ thur. ••Ill ,__. at the mllnlinc A ll'tlt'r, ~mm a lAd tralllinC In a l to ~111r1 IAtlh nntl l'fHhn( w&th tbe Or, ~ tqUipmrnl -bow', 10.30 &. m .. 8uftday, un U:e I ('.Aflrot nl& Armv Air li1e&d wbkh I b<•\'11 ~~o•l,.•·tln,; t hf'll niA·n lllonge ,Cfttt~D )'GU want to eateh Many workers realize that In spite of high income taxes •ubjeet ~ "SancUfleaUoo." Or turthn dc'DOilstrat~• lhr common Mr ... llrn IWI Y" that ht' t'nJOY" your own. I'( and Uvtng ~. this ls a "golden ern"-wages a re hig h t'r hnw ~&n Ood make bo~y. oae wh ) I kniiWII'd::l' Ul:\t the~~e future nyan (!c)ln~: !ttl!! nne! • OOIIIlil·rs II a pnv~ I I ~ , ... __ • ..._y are -~• .. likely to be in years--and, thererore. doetm t f!Ven conald.r b.lln.klf n•f' only too car:er to finial! lbetr llrgo· '" bl' 'h,,.,./1 ,.,,. thll'l I' •l"l·l HORMEN fiSH ~ NEWS-nMES ~· uc ........ holy• 1u .... · r th · ••" "':tK..-T ...... time In dol th . ,,..... both . 'tr:uninlot •nc1 be on t~tr way t.o on. ...)' part o e evrnm,:: s I II 14 ''to (.. now la Ullll:' to aave. 10 ng, f"Y are pro "'''"C AU pet~plr ot thla commur.lty .,n,l thlt< ,.,.nr. I""'Krnm <lfW'sn·t 11tart until twrh·r j • I 3011 W. <Antral their fundi and their future. l wbo h~&vc no rhun:.h hnme a re In· I • t . bo ldn't • o'clr~k. an•l I ~ert quit,. aJeep)' OPtf ~ -~ .,_.n•oKT Kr: \f I• • vlted to worahlp with Ull t liC• m~> "0 Y• cou re , .. ...,_ ~'L• • · l'll!t '"'' trml'latl0 ,1 of the prollhn. 1w1utmr; thai lnnJt. aaye Mr AI·' Woodrow Wilson's Prophecy FULL GOSPEL CHURCH . "" t.•f " J ap mtemmcnt camp to lea. _ces:oo a F i a i a i i 8 iII I 55; 55 I *XXX> I • <> 22 d d E de C t M llh'tr tl!•lcJ ,., thry l~det1 their I n an 1 n, 0' Jl . ew 'pl.tnt' w1lh fl"P bnttles and went tl•l ...... ,_ w-k mart..-the 87th birthday o r Woodrow \VIISOII Hunday IM'hC~II. 9'4:1: Momlno~ til\'. b(lrrrbtn with I hem Bctnr &IU. ~ IIUt I I WOM\lllp, It , ... V811):t'lt~lll' JW"kr. t ll • -[)ecesnber 28, 1856. And a lready 20 years have gofl(' since 7 ·SU p. "'·. ~ loi·W<'<'k l•rayrr mMt· 1:'"~ shuL•. I h•·y m:~d•· a rouplc of he _ _.... away Yet his spfrtt· Uke-1§10TT1e ~t guiding p~ lntf on w~·lrw-eola~. , .46 p. m .. bull lH)'~ ron thc little men Of a-'" • ' .' . VOWII( IA"'1'1t>a' I'VIU\~t·luiUc _.rv. •·.,ursr, tht! teet tb:ll it wu ogaln.11 enol .. flelt at every lntcrnational council table where men Ilea OD .~rldl\y, 7 .45 p. rn. rf'Jt'lllatinna anl) trry wuMd out I pther In the interest or a laaing world peace. h~toln't d:\.mp<'nl"d their MllhUlll· Woodrow wu.on· de ror a· world o~anlzation to COITA MEIA COMMUNITY urn In thc lark 1111'1 WI' d3rt• lUI\' I S ct\JS8 CHURCH lhf'ir nP-tlll'ttcllon tn a Jnb Wt•ll Pft'Yl!l'1l future wan failed ln the last generation. but it may don<' may hAVt' cnmfM"nllltt'd ••mr-• f N · Cari 8 . Joflnaon. Mln'-ter IUOCI!edln thll one. IC we had joined the l...t>ague 0 a tlo n.'i 1111 Haror alvd., Ph. 311.J whnl fnr thr rroneequcn<'U . we do not know how successful it would have been. W e only <'hurrh ~hnnl Q •~ a m 1 know that It couJd not h n,·e tJet>n m ore UnstiCC'e'SSfUI th a n our llomln& Wonblp. u a. m t llltl.,'rl\\ •c 1 ·• I t ill Kc llf.' Youth g-rnupo, HICh Scbonl. Joohll ~ t,n•l • '1•1•1•:-• •" ,;,.lol attempt to avoid war by ~tayint: out of the LeaJ..'lK'. Iatermedlate. Adult. e.30 p m ' •. , I·,, ,., 1• • '"'"'' ' 1.• ., ,.,., We Jcn<M· now thAt Wt' mu.~ s trive to·J::('l alo ng w ith Jo:vnunlf ~tervl<r. 1 30 p m • ' ... , :"' ·• ••111 '" ·" "' '" '''• ....... _ ........ tries ln so ...... ~ort or lntt'ma ... on a l as..:,)( :ation \V('1 ~lid.,., ...... tello•nlllJ' IUiol prllYf'f. • . . • I • ' I I .... ' 'I , ... ~·~~~· I UUIIC'I '-'-"'Y' . • •• ft; ~ \1 ._ • \\·~ ··JO •.• ,, I fl • • ~ I ~ f ' ltf lhtf. know now tluit ttM-re is n o easy way to "run out'' o n o ur nhli· _ y, '_· _ P 1r ,.,. · 1 t. ,.,,.,,,, "' '·' • ,. 1 .... 1 ..... "l h' 1 • u f• th •lu tt ft,.,.., t ,..~,, ... n tll)tf gaUona U a great world poW('r. \Voodrow \\I :-on S.1W t IS. FIRST CHUAC.H OF CHRIST. ;··•. "' 111 ,, , 1., 1,,,, , ,.oJ,I .. But u far aa America was concerned, ht' saw it too MK>n . SCIENTIST I .. ,,, ·~· .. r .... 1 "''' ·"' ••rwtn 1 nfll ·t llr "lid in HH!l 112 E. Centr~l Av , Newport Buch •t • ''"'''''"''· ..... 1 t 1,. , , • .,.,-. wu.on predicted the present C0 l ' Si. ' • •' ,\ ocrath'h ut tho• ~lullwr l'hun-b " ''I IJIII•o 111"11 'I) I' Cl 0' ll.oflil .. 1 can predict witb absolute certainty that within another th•· fo'!rMt 1 'hurrh M t 'ltrl~t S.·l .. n: • • n 1.• •• .,., :-· ·-•" 1• • ...... '"''" t1 the m be anotht-r world war If the na tio ns or list Ill lt.•III•JII, MliJIII. . 1'.•·"'"" ·' '''1·11 '"" twno ,,,.,~ '" genera on re w . SuntJR . Srhuotl at I .,,, " .. ; ('(IIJIII~ ""' hP:thto. nf '''"""·, win• the world do not concert the rncthod by WhiCh tO pi't'Vl'nt I l'lundny ) lil'rvll't' at t; R ,;1 , "hr11l k• pt ht " h• •I • IL:Ia l > trar• • anti lt It wm rome while this generation is living. und the ' \\'•·UDt'Mll\' ,., .• , 10110'''·· "' •.. •!.j! "a,·, ~l<'k ,"' lh" .. I""'Y J /\noll~l·····r • • • ,, • ,.U t \llltO 11111. •'"t':tfi', NHI!' lftllf chlldren wlll be-acrificed upon the altar or that war. ".1 ~ 1', 111· Ho•IHIII•~ : ···t. 711 I mnk••tfi thN' "IO<olt>• arl~f'. I IIII ..,..._ h. r •t..-f'S has proVed his prediCtiOn tin· .. All t..:cntraJ A'-' • '• U ol&lly ~A. mllkt' lhy b<•d ... noJ he .,.,.,. htt· a1~ ~rc 0 UK' ~a , ... ' 1• m lu :a r m • '"~•'!! ~un11ay11 mPdiatc>ly. Anti nil tltat d"f'if et cannily accurate . But has voice did not preva il. It \\oil' llnll hfllhlllyJI Cl.tllc•nully ••hlll'rvrol I J.ytlda and l'ar•otl ~1\W him. And d:rowned tn the prot-tc or those who opposed his plan be-, Th~ pulllll .. I l'lllially Invited I \umed to thf' l,nrcl .. ...--. 1 lu attrnu !Itt• 80'1'\'t•" anol u11e the Mary nnk"r ~:.l•ly •ar• In "~dl'nce caUR Of their personal hatred toward hun. Ho•a ollng ltuum 1 anu llt'lllth "ith 1\t') tu till' ~rrlp- ()noe he said "I would rather rau in a cau se that some -'-• I lutf.i. .. "Thr r•rllllll~l'l' "Ill be lui· _ _. .. trl ph iJl t tri ph · that 1 know !'OffiC Htght tHIH>n~ rnr th<· future are flllf'tl. 11te tim•• r .. r th" r .. apswnr•nc clay WUI Ul1\ an 0 UJl1 U1 a C8l.UJC .. thf' bl'flt np.,I••J:to'll for wrong Ullt11 or thf' tllvln•• lt••,tltol: II lhroutrhout day wUl rail." • I m thr J'ftJ!l thr t><•~tt rvidencf' of all lim ... an.t "'''"'~'''' rr layrlh ble I n · ... rel r r the· l h I . -f':lrt hiJ all on thf' •IIH or t1hlofl " 0 r1 3 "'t' cnn Oul'r, ~l'l••nr•· •It IIIIo"' h 1\1 l'hrl•t ~ cup Invasion Soon? • r thf wurltJ ,,., "'"" Trynn FA!-nn,.. an•l I• •·nctu• 11 •lt h th~> ~plr1t I wR~ :ln•l l''l" tor or l'lorl~"" hrallnll:'" A..hlih ~QYemtrlfT't official has predict<'d that Anu:orkan TIK• ~ale"' 'olumt• d rops off with thf' first of the year, war cuualties may ~ tripled within ~ da~. . 1 hut lMrt> '" 10hll n o& t•nougb m a npower or "wom a nP.<?we r " to 0oe1 thls mean that a rull-f;Cale mvaston of the ron tln· :utq~;~ntdy h.tn!llt• """n the no rmal h ul'ines.<:. A rurtlier t ight· ent, or major thrusts in the Pacific are scheduled fo r early 1 c n ing nf thl· In bur mnrkl't !'('('Ill!" likely to (('lltow when ttM- 194'!4 American lOSS{'!; for tht> e n tire war thus far total • c rop pl:mlin ).! '"~'t!ms. • aJI&htly over 130.000. includin~ those killed. woundtod. mi:-;.,-.. Wom en nn\\ ~·t'\·ln).! in fh(' rt't;lil lne!u!'t ry a.re doing a mg ln action, and t hose taken prison<'r. Action ttwlt wnulc11 s pll'nrlitl jolt. lu1t tlwr" -.till :tl'l' no t t•nou~h of them. In food triple these JOSSCS WOUld certalnly haV<' to }')(' Of 1\ !'l'OJII' anti SIOI'\.'S. l'IIStconll'l"' haw hc~·n ):\II'JII'h·••d IO S('(' hOW Qllil.'kJy the Intensity not yt't evt'n approached. "butrh<'l'l'tlt'" .. hB\1' ll'amc'fi In l·arvr s h.•aks a nd cut chops. Howevt'r, military Jeaclc rs havr fl'l"que ntly warnro us In m~'t·lirig 1'1\ ilian nt-erls. lht"'" "onwn havt• av:lil\~rl t h<'m· that the hardest' flghtin~~md the most coslly-still liP=' !'1'1\ I'S (If ~t')f'fl prrm:mf'nt jnhs it thf'y wl~h to k<'•'P 1 hem . ahead. It seems l~lcal that ns we ·move in on ttw \.erman whil<' nt tlw snm1· lime dome tlwir p art in thr w~•r ro!l••l1. and Japanese "inne r rings" of for1ificntlon~. th<' going will Our ".tr "nrkl't~ m11~t ht• doth1'fi nnd f<'<1. :md 11 •~ the becOme lnc reaslngly l'Cverr. Whatever the cost moy l><'. 'n' 1'<'lailt~r·=-joi\.Ji1 thl it. But lw m u st ha,·e h<>lp. Am! hf' must must pay for It, AAd we cann ot indulge in the wis hful think· look to the \\1101t'll for tha t lwlp ~im'<' th<'Y I'('Jll'l'"'t'llt th,· o nlY I 1ng that the war will tx-won t.hrou..:h tht> rollapse of o ur em,· S4lUI'I,:' o f antiiHblt• lnhor :'UfJpl~·- mles from within. ~ R.-ganlll'S." of h ow mtwh pro~n·s:." our nwn anrl ,,ur Al·j 1n American ho~JX·cially those with ~rvire ,:;tnt"!' li~ makt> in trtf' South Pal'ifi<'. in Itnly . in RtN<ia. nr in ~ iD the windows-many prny en> will be uttered tha t our n u>n I air O\'t'r Eun;JI('. tht,ll'.:-> a n·al joh to h<' don~ hl"l'1' ;tt ho mc. 1 and methoda wUI prove-adequate to a<'hievc then~~· ob-Lnd~. ir s up to ~ c111: This is your da~·. . jectiYN without the a ppalling los.~ predicted. . I Its Ladies' Day 1be t1dal wave of Chri!rtmas sh opping h as PR~ over our NtaU stores sweeping~ counters and shelves. W eary dens aDd proprietors are now eomlng up (or air. ~ that retl!pers-both chiin a nd indepmd('nt-J _ ... Ule to.handle ~mat) as weU u 0\e_y !tid, w!s tiue not DOt only to the extra effor1 on the pert or tht>ir regular t'm -j ...,_... but a11o to the cooperation of' school departments _..... permitted ~ta to work during the holiday vara· uan. ' . MODEll MilliE SERVICE SHELL~DOCK BALBOA ISLA·ND 1.1NYEST MORE in WAR BONDS UVK TODAY: a., J'OW foocla at lehwey. Ciet more aac1 ... crocaiee. _... fnaita ud yqetablft ,. '"' rDODq at ------J'OUr bama. lAVE POR.THE FUTURE: BuJ' U. B. War Boeck. MoMy thet ,_ lay away la tiUs aalwt •-o1 .._ ... tmoat will help to. briDe,._.-aad .ua euble JOU to aa;o, more full,. tbe -,s that wiU loDow oar VIctory I diAJIEFI1IIT JUICE ,_.._ ...... ,..,_,1 ...... 1. 'R•IDI AliA ........... ,.., ...... z ....... •••tat- ....... -· ........ --· ...._ ·. .13 . TYP1W. SAfiWAT VALliS ':' BROD STAMP ITFJIS ::..': •a... 0 Duchess Soled...,... ....H• .(S)LuncheonMeat '!:37- ----·-... .. ,......._....,_ r Pwitaa Mustard -": IP (1) Deviled Ham l~.: •= II' Soup··=--__ ,...,_ ~ .. IY!av. -(l)CherubMilk :.-.:= =· Airway Coffee ~0.:. .. 20' (l) Libby Milk 2 ::.1• Nob Hill Coffee ·-:~· .. 2r (6) Dalewood o:;::-. :,-21- =' GREEJ STAMP ITEMS = (18)Peachea~ •:= 12- (27) Peach• ~ • .!.~ a• (16) PreMrYe. .::::.., J: ... ._-..a.-..::~~~;.RWIL.WII!!!!!~~,_..-•..G:..J (6) Dinnen ~= _ 11• ... --~----~·~~--- .-. ~-·-- CIIIAIS Shreddiea -=- Wbeat.worth Kellogq'a Pep Cream of Rice c':. •:= 11• ·Cream of Wheat ' c;: I~ ~---.• ,.,De. Dina-Mite .... = ,_. -=--1• ......... Old EDgliah Cl6CiDW"::,. II' -..-.-... ,&. White Magic Bleach .:,. • -.. --.lk Gooc:hril(1 Am'Milla ~ II• Jatcb.a 10..... ·:r. (1) Baby Foods=:; 2_11- (lS)Catsup •:::: !:;:-11- (18) Catsup ~.. = II' (6) Tomato Juice :.::, •= 1• •IIAIAMTriD IIIATI... (6) Tomato Juice :;: ~ 21 .. a.r,. -• J'O'I It NOW wiU pleaN. JlftT? (3) Prune Juice Sun~ u._ ••• -11. chop and rout that .... u Ia curutMd •-.,..... .. to lift ...Wactioo-« ~ t-cJc. '. (10) Beans UM.,_ 18._1,. lolo.od-... (7) BEEF ROAST GoMe 27•..,... 25• ·<20>IJmaa =~ a:=·1,. ::ti~'::'" ,_A.. ,: .. (10) Nibleta v==-'!: II' (9) BEEF S1UIS C:W. tl flwlwl 4 , ...... a. ..... (t) IACGI SGUAifS Or ............... ....... ..... ._ ....... .... .. SAFE--AV ... (13) Com ~...... -: IC• (15) Gardenaide Peaa ':: II• (12) Lamon Veq·All t•~-1• GREEN BEANS ~(·-. .. · c:~i )i~ ~ .............. .... • ._.. ...... ., .._OPA. Eut Side Newport Blvd.. Co&ta Mesa 608 East Central, Balboa .. I J 4 •· Eddie'• BARBErt·En SANDWICH&'\ Are Deli("iou~l MOORE'S OONJIY.CTIONF.RV t••o.u ...... .. ---, I Oft. 29 Sale. Total $228.75 I tbal ctMta"t buy ....... T1M-LAta "..,.· 2102. ~ relal..S .. _... .-.••. Ow fooda ~. IZI t bt-~ ... ry "-. 227. an.J BARQOR HIGH SCHOOL NEWS ~ .._ •-n a.-ou_... U\at .a at-... ... ,., ............ t..._ ....... 1 .... tlln._ ...... h..~ wD BHnd .. l#ia tn ttw ._.ftk twcm· I Uw .....-.. r-W , -n a au.- 1 ""'« 0«.-mb.r'aiJl~ $22:1..1~ 1 t.r 12 aft" Uvar V nu. 111~.­ The-room •"ltb tbr mNt pupdll 1 thai tlwy hau boou.:bt ..... ,.1 HARBOR CAGERS MEET HUNTINGTON TONIGHT I buym t: 100'"; •·a a rotMD l08. 1'1w 100• • n't'r)" •-k auw-f' Uw ~tt;M rO(lm buyanc Uv ma.t lltampe ._ ... a•art ... t • r ,1111 202. nu. room purr h.&Md Ttl.-blc>&.otty roo-. I two ctlizm-led by 1•,11·· 11,11 ,,. , 111 ,.,,111,.r $36 7~ •·mth of •tampa 1)r room •~'11' r .-. an.t Uv boya' IYIIl ~ Preii.Miaar)• to Bamf'a ·~ 1.,11 ,,., 11 II···· ,,.., ~h·•ul.l & )At llalll.,.._t In .......... ta .w•r •.. ''"''''• -..... u...r· ~· 'Junior Red Cr088 \\' or.k Room OPf'nM ...... Thf' Junlo>r n ... , ... ~ ................. -11111111. LIDO ••p•·u···l Thut ... ,., .Januan 7 tn tbr I fn• u lh ••ffl••,. . T~ •••rltn~"n ~ T•a&waa .... ~ ... -... ........ I buytnc ttw-moet lltampe prr pupil hn .. t 1 atte-r ttw•r V nw Ella· wu ala•• room 202. &Ad .tbft'd'•ot? lutl ".,...., llw-nvu·• nooa~. aad Uv Stan at 7:00 provf' to 11'' """' ·' 111"''n'"' ,. ''' Huoll•tc'''h ,.. t•ll II t . t., Mt t'HI nw .. ~!""'" ____________ _, tba room ff'Cf'tve-d ttw .:••ld aDd o<ff..-.. baYf' IMJutttll atampe f1lr 10 Jn what promt.H to be a "~Whale ball ott •·I th,• ''·" ~, ... ,.,,, a&l,·f<r V. Room 206 •;aa llw-,_ con.c:uU~ -u. -~ a .,...,._ , .. _ va1111ty and Bet' h "" .-..-nr ln t f ~,., t\ft.l 1. nutt•,:.~t ••f 1 ht• .t,,u n.-T1 N-.ort a..dl • ·l~·tt ,,, "11 •tt~tlrnt .. • h•• •. ,,.. '" Kll•·n.f "'"' t,, w .. rt. '"' th .. ,,,.,,,....,., 1"'1:1111 ,1,. r .. rult v ,.,.,.,. hall hNon 11111\0'\1 lnlo• a \\••lkrno•l'n an.l •·ill I "" •'I"'" •lurtn~ lhf' ole\' .a.n.t ""I 1'h•u•I<H' afto•nlo"n afl t·~,-o·h!.,tl '•'r lh•'~l!l•~ f't U•t•;/\.f" "'h•• "'•h tn •• .......... , ........ _.,: a ··= .. . • • ONCE A WEEK '· A Report to the t;itii~ of Newport Bach CALIFOIIII W CHBT, IIC. Total Vo11eeW Cflleded lty DWrida: • ··~-14 DWrid 1 B·-Pftah= .. 1e A 8&ree& " r • -2 -..aaa A Sired le ~ 8lnet .. " .. S-t.:ut Newport-Ahantl. .. l5aa 811 • 4-Newpott BNW'II ua. te -. 81aeeta _ $-W.tNew ......... ..._. ...... ..._ " .. " " " " " IUwr, eue,t N~ .... 1-N_...... .... '7~ 8edle. aM IT._ 8-Newpert lktpta 9 ,,.. .. . ._......_ .... ll~eac. Bay 12--aan.o. ...... : c;.-.. An. ... Is-Balboa ~= C... Aft. te ea-.1 .. 14-Balboa ...... = a..-1 ...... '" 15--Cor-.-del .... t:o.o.T .. Total Distributed: 4' To N.uo.al War ..._. " '"'",.,... llarhor 8eollt .,.... Newpot;t llartNw KfoW .._. " s.avau-Ami)' "CathoUeW.Uar.Barftul " Commu•Jt)· Chu,.... •. ...,.,. " Nf'"-porl Harbor DhuCn ....... IKEwy ,._. CoAta .... c-ittft Campalp Expraw. prt.~ ~ CMta Mf'Nl a ~ T ........ Co.~ Ctwc-lul notunwd NSF " Chfocob Pn.at DaW. H~ few ......... . ., ..... ....... ........ ------s.s-a .... !ll5...'ie !J_ •• IAAe ·- flaiT}' Wt'lc:h II. F. KL>nny s P. A. P:tlmer Jud~e 0 . A. J ones Clyck-Ashen A. B. Rou.~c;elk­ Hubban:t C. How(' Earl W. StaniPy lnin \~ ConlOn Cha~ R. Pt>y1un W lt. Longmoor ..... nue .. ,.. .... .SI .... .I! IU.. !liM G5.1S .......... S14.15 ln&.a'i tMa %1.'74 I;._; :Jt&.%-1 This Report is made as or Dl-<."('111b('r :.'Sth. 19-1:\. Subst'Qtlf'f'lt t•nntributinn:- will lx' allocated in acrontan<-e •ilh tht> ~ational War Furwt (M"'C'f'rlun-. -_..__,_ . ... ' o·aftf'1'11-tan&~ wtth thO' Hunttn«ton ble hf'Jllf••r .. r Ill•• , lu<nq•t"""'"l' BeaCh Ollera promptly at 7 o'cloek round lht• \'>H <>I\· w all nll• '""h tonlttbt. an urulro.l .. l! hut •I• ,,., m ttW•I 11tl•·r In u,,. curtain nw.r the liMa qulntf't lltht \tlttol~t•' •~•"'II!•' ··•II dub with thf' blr;hly toted Rt>lnk. n,.,h '',,,,I ""'' To>ll1 lito- Oll•r tf'am. • Both tl'ama havl' llllf· Oorkell "•It t II "'" I ho• f,.rWtll .1 r .. r.-J Of\f' wlba<"k thla )'f'ar Nunt· wall: Loot•\' 1 ••"~"i ... to• un.t c;l\'1111 lnr;ton l•1•t to Corona !U-30 wbiN Bolaf' '"'" '''"'i"''' tho• "II IIIli'•" tbe-Tan ,...,1 10 J)uwnf'y 21'-27 tent CUIIrol t• "U'·''" llt11ol tn a.;t .o1• Bot h lo.Ma ,..,.~ MU~t.alnf'd tn the chlrt till ''111 1• " 1\,•loo n.t 1-:.1" "'''~ Anahf'lm touriuunt'llt. The wlnnf'r their btolllllttl , •·ut•·r or th•• ~ Ia mor,. than llkf'ly Lin~ "I • IO'ar;uf' rrown Thr Tara wUI bf' N. H. tn co all thf' way and capture the Atlrida~ v ... , •• >1 II •·. ''"'"' ,, .. ,.... ~ ~ T ho• 1'"''.1<'•'"' a r•· mak ln.: •hit ' l,.'t• klltllll)l( ~'" tn• h a p1p,...a I -. l "f"l"'"" ...... , .... f••• 11u .. ,.m .... . I I'""""' t•f tl 1'U7714• t-~•~~ ,. .... .. II• rttJ•f,.••t4 • :lth t OlUt h fUtlft'" !'&tu •I•'Ut~ ,,,.,,,., '""'' l111•\ 11 IUr lUir..t t , .. , "'"' '"'' '"' l utU••t "''' 4 ·r .. • I s. , .... ,. '" .. lh"t*ttN-1 fttt ttw .-..n. lo ...... Um•. ltwv aho>uld l:tnn.c Mrl--.l•r\. .. 11 ' ""'' tf ,.Cut\rnl• • h•• •••wn~ '"'' ·• •eh 1 .,,,,,..,__,._.,,*. th•·tt •••u ._., ... ..,. f'rr at•h-• .... It ... "n"••H lt•·th • 'h•• t lh• ~~oh. ''" t t •• tn• • fu'l .. , Jo•k .. • • .-..,... 1n l!tf"at .~ 1 • I' ----------l'plnll .. ~··ltu .t••hll:-••11 11w >t.Ut• 1 \\ h,,.,., &•h ll,t• I .l4•k• • t ut f r-u hl an) n1aaaw:IJW1 &n•l fl ... , H 8 Hpl•••atl't :d •tt\t huM l't't'U At l lt•U l•ft,..t•ot II\ • ,.-. ... II&Kftt nuCr h-.•4 Ellt'ittnc flniahea markf'd tt1• Mill._, •· , ..... ,, ... wtth lhf' !'low\ "" '"''" All11 ""'' ""'•1·1 ,,.. ar•""" •J'I~·•ai...J hl&tl •pot of thf' w c-nnd round of j VanOP\\ .I~·' "'""', ·~111' • II •~ • "'""'""" """'lfhl I'.,,._.,."''' J>ltl.dH ar.. .....ttwrj BooiM' N . H Uw BuJtb I~.,.Ue' IIUit Wedneaday. Banw• ,. "'"' II•···~-lhal llt~rl ... rl IJO u .. .-"'.It""""" al l'hlllK l hnl .... rvlo .. n• .. n on h·•J•Uala ~""" !I IN<t a titanic battlf' to the Raymvll•l .; ,;, .. ,_ lhou.:h thl,. Allll•'lllt'lll I~ IIO<"I'n "'''' I'T·---·'ft'l r"~~,,.,. n JI ..... I C'f'f'11 S3 to t1 ~rind 6 atymlf'd S.v .. r , : ......... 1 111 naoJ I loot I• 1a " ... a man. _.mol • •I "''" 'l'lll,.'r• a•~ot I'"' I• a """1' ttw nnalaul[btA n( a atronr: and ••lau•. &n•l rO'Iunu-..1 laat m\lnlh to l '•~·lo "'""' haw· th,.lr a~,."' willtn• ~od 2 five. 22 tn tl. Pfo-\\'n~l· ""1''11 all•·• •• ''"'!! "' ""'' S..t ''" """'" ,.,,.,.. ....... ,nJ "' .. ,-..un A..:ain l 'ull" rtn•l 1 hardly fumlahe-d any rom-\\ hllo• "' "·" '"'' 11·••1· "'"'"' """"' '""'' ••••I "'"'',... ""-1''1al• pt'tillon u thf' ~ Th~• romped lhadfor Tar'" lllnw"' n ... ""'"'" '" '"' .. ,, t~o·•tra ,.,, .,,. ~•• '' "' ,...a•ltr•ll m at .. rtat anot nff wlttl a 61 to ~~ dec:lalon. Jn ~JNHk•··l h\' 1'oornl11\' ~lo l 'ootko•ll "''" .... Ill~~· Allo·u " ll•lt l(u liar I I( """ "·"'" an\' ""' Ura•'-'r'a l't-lh~ final~ .... rlod J dl•poef'd Of lhf' hllh 111'111 111~ !'utloor f10rWIIrol tho• IH•I INIIIII llo•olwol W•>1tl1l ha•r t.:r•l• lh•' ,111111101 t!O'ol (""'-..... ,ld C'f'f' Sllilla In abort nrde1', t to tl. cacer11 ••f =""'"'1'"11 ll"rh ,, u.:tun l:ll••hu4lt·ol "''1h "111 "''111"1" lht•l"l'l'"''''"'" 11"'"' ~luocllftlra W L. t.at Tul<l tn ll•l!h 1111' ~<1111\o• T11•tln' 11111'' huol tto•l ol11l~ • Kll•·•l Ill 111,. , .......... Sir J 0 Hl(h '""' '"•'\' ltnro•h· ··k··ol ooul II JU!IIooJ Y•···· lh'ro· ttl l ltuh .. , \ar'!lllt~· .... .... -Tll,.....• 2 II victory IIVf'l to \\'Ill 'tho• ~IIUihrJ'tl I ;,.,,t hio k llo•rlo' I ('allla .. 'll ....... '~" r .... L I • 0 Counii••Jl l'hllrn p•••IIAhlr Thill lhnl' ., ... , ""''"'! l hll' l•tnk.'ll .I I ---.-- f'POnd II I 1 t be-Hnrl••• !Mo18 r•·nll•· t'""'''(l 11 , II "11 I'll 1 ' lb 0 I t••r WI I " ''"' ol l oo •.;u all\' fut I 1"'"1'"" lhf' la•·t lhal lhf'\ bo.,.ll f'prtnd Ill I on f' 1\•~ltnilo·" lhf'\' l<~t Mil tho· ttwr "lart"'l aluw lhf' Varalh altd ...... f'lorio...S P\n u way a not ,.,.r,. th'\'o'r In olllngo•r nf Woldenbo<rg'a m .. naoon ho•l.f a r a«••• .. m .. r~t"'l ttw YW1..-. Ia a ~lud o... o 2 betnr ra11~ht Ttl•· fin111 ...-or. wu 37_11 '~""". • r ."""~·IH•I'I'.'' llarl•·• 11•·"1 r rar ll•, ....-.,, t....C ,..._ .. , trttll ___ 0_ I !'\••w '••llr ~ t.vo• I oouplo•,o llldtt•l· l'al•talta no• llltrh :-~t·hunl ln lh•· IW'Io•Ool j;lllll•' ••( lho• •I •II· ,.,, l'lllnl \\'oololl'nhf'rlt 1 nlllt hf'rlyl r l bf' 1 .. _ r .. Sltln :oint ....... ....,._..- !'loon" f"ourt 3 1~-P .. nt.d J va. .... blf' IH-etlo-r I two Htlrhoor .....,,. """r·l an•l l'lll'k ltararr ( 1ah" c -,ail( an• I ''-' n ft..:;•• lmtnary t_. llutlor Whf'lmf'tl th .. 1\a~ltn mhhllo•Wf'ljthl,. lltu "''' •"K,.o,J"' ••llh lhf' lolur T,.. "~ ur ,.., ,...,aJ4I·S4 "'-' 4t·ltl Ill " frro• ~•·•rtlllt l •ml•·~t I ~,., lo•t • 1'16111'1 \'h llln \'llul(hn anol 1 arl~ '1 '1'1"1f .lll'lrtl • a 1 '~-l po~ rtocl •• Suut .. C'nur1 s l~f'•rlvd .,. c-.. ra• " lf' qua .. , n tnr _....._. !'llfiUo ~ ... til Cou~l r .... . Soortlt (.'<l\trl n~..s $. ·, 3 SO-Perlud I u . Pe· ! Tunuuy M••I'Aukdl, lil,.n a W..t.a.on .,1 ... ,,.,r tt.-H.rb..w la&la ..._ to L'ta of H,.rborttea 1\ll•l ILiumm! ""'' J ommlr I "'"KI••. AI ~lmt•••n hll lh•• 1.,. kM .,. • ,..._It thr lloalf Wfi'~. ····~' Itt tlu• l :e·u·lt·Y\'ttiUf s ... " I HO•l ~huh·> l..uiiJ:hHtrf"'. Alhl •• , • ., ..... n.t~t :!7 Itt t hr T•t'• •• ....,.._ Yf'ar • t ... ,. '·''I""' llnw•••t tn ,..ly """'" '"h111 ,,.,. .... "1' t llr ,.,·r ntnr·,.1 hf' )' arounol lhr lm\11 'I'''' ""Uillt, hul l ,.,, motmtn):"' •·ul,.rtatnmrnt • I '" '"' oout ll •-aa -.v and Jk 1111111 "''"""'1 atrlnJ: l•••k O'Ofer tn llw l lo•lltlh •tnartrr llar•4•1 \'anl""- \\'lllko•t l .. d lh,. "'nr~r• "'tlh 13 f"•lr l• "" ... ,.. f•oll•""'""l hy I'-.'-' I BALBOA'S '"""' • "''h It mark•·•• au•l ,., .. Mlll(l Yo'llto 1 ffi&'tt l"oint man RENDEZ-VOUS C ·u t'''-' lit,, .. ¥t ",. 1-111\'•l S t..-ltl• •• •"-• ""u:-~ • , ..... h t .. u.,v. ... , hv (:.-tw ......... , .. ,., -..tth s:: ••• h • .,. -nw- 1 '"" fuFWMI•\Jt lltaolf' 1011 loul 9 ,,f f ~•t•l .. ttftiUtJi :\.4 Jt Ut1.- Thf' \'lloaty ltko· liM' 1-· K•n,. ~~>'•• " aJ•-lll&rtrr. altt .. •vct• It BALLROOM PreaentB AISELL ~ , HILL AND HIS ORCHESTRA SATURDAY NIGHT JIIIAIY 8, 1944 • ....,.,. ""' ,.. '"""" _on.,~ "" -lt.- ltN• """'"'"'' T'h•· \"•r•tv lr••t..d fool lbf' fit 1ft I,.'' J04'~1••l~ li<rc•l)' l ,hl• t .. I hrtt luatu ht \ lu hit thf. hluokf'l • \ • 11 tlt•"•l:h lhf'V h aol """" th:tn••• tu ~Ink th ... t•ll 'f"ll•' ( ..... ~. t.. t.·.f •• ....... ., ... , •• ' "". t: H fU, ,d tfu It tff 1t f :.• \\ '"'" '"' r .. , • am• tr·-m lhd r .... ,_ .................. th ... f"'llfl •• , hall 'ltli• 1t "',J,. • •hffrr•·nt "'n''' ·n··, ••'a:"-u •·· "u•k en .. , •• n ht-.•rn 1\H\\o\htt t .. u f ht ,, .. u f ltfl•t ta.Jr ly ,, , ................. , t't. ... UIIIi'f. ••f , .. ..- .... "" lttr:fll •I• f, I ._ lh~ f '••UI:.f"I- V.fft• , ....... '" ......... '"' , ..... , ,. ... ,.~ lttt' ... t Tluol ~<on llorm ••flt• "J'• IIHtl t\'f* t .. •h• .. •f ''"'•t: ttfWil ·rh· \ ,.. •.•. ,, ull '"''"'~ ..... , .... ''" f••ti~· ... , ..... ,.,. • •• •ull Uu·l Aft~ rt•l..:•· W"" lh•• f•I.Ch tHNII "IUt 1:• IJ'•tnt ... .-4.-l~tft "'·•• tuech , ... ,.., ,..,.. lt•t I 'llj •I..C I Hit• \\ I h h ~1tlll•;11 "' ... , .... u I ,....... I t1 ·'. J ftf••tftolttl r I t I l't ,_ V•• •••' ,. .. .. .... , .......... 9t4 \\'• ···~·h···· .......... , tfft ........ ... ., ••• r ••• A,.t •t' • I . It ..... •• II ~ ~·I t ••• , •• t h 't t I '• •• .t ,,, I I I "' \ 1 I. ... I• ... ' t tt ' • I• I ... I • ... I ' . . ·'' j l'onwna (tff«•rs I !-\c·lwlar!Ohit,~ II 'J II • • .. ' I 1° .. ,. '" I ' ' .. ' . '·•· I t • '• ... J II 1#1 t1 • tl I tl • 'I f • t,t I t ·'"' t• llfl 11t ... t,,.,.,, ,..,,~t .. ,. • '·· ',,' 4 '·'• f •• I I . I f ,. I f \ I It ~ ... 41 fJI tfl•# I ' '• o I I ft t • J ,, • 1 l~t f ool I l ,. C'IU ........ . ..._ ...... ... ("X ..._..._ ... Fri.. a.t. Y•u"'-o 'llar• Jot.alMfw-1 t ... --n. ...... ~,._... c.----. ...... ..... ._,.y...._ .• .._ '''" '" .... llaO'IIanol 4 "haa ~"' ...... ,_,... 0'.._.~ c-1---- ............. n.-~ , __ •• l..a.M'tllo-H.n Hany Ja-Ia -.... F' ... ,__,. c--e: • ........... 1....,._ .. .. ......_ •-• '" llnu .. ,.· A a..., Tala ... ac ....... -... -....._. llw'K tMJ'IC Mull 1 -0... II -"Tarltl · .BALBOA 'l'•a&'l'aa . ., ....... .. a..aaa ..... .,........._ ......... _ _.. ..... ....... ~--- n.r ........ .... r-~ I_A_... ..,... n..n. -.._,.... .... .. -...-e-w ... CM1 I ....... ------·T-. .._ ....... -~ t:aa. (~y .. ........., ..... ,.. .... , .. ·.-...-.... .. ~ ........... ........... aotb lu.rMnl Db c-1-..... ........ , OMJ ~T•J._ .. ..... , .... "..,... ... -no...,,_ ........ .,. c..rt-N .. e ea-1-e T..._~ 1-. 11 -~ ¥~ ~ .. , •• -., ..... -~ ... •let1eftt d .... c---. -nw ,..,,.. u. u. .... .,. P'allo-ft ..... '"""'. . .,..__t l h &)' 1 'I :rady-•tWy Matnm<.-.) "'t,....t .. ·• ... ,._ .. , 1 ,,..,_..,.. • A t.a-ly Tak... • 4 ,._,... ·w.,..cr. ~- W II EN F .. ..u.wl ....,__ .,~ ...... -.... -~ .,_, t : .... ......_ lbdl&WIMr. ._....__.s .. -a~ ........ , .. ,, .,, .. ~ wwtl .. r ... '""' ~r....t '"""-ta•• r-J.,,.,.,tU_. T.,n. .. *n r aft ....... ,.. "'•hfel. J,u,..,. lrut.W.. !'~ ••·u• 1•u•t.v.n r•n ra~ Nrr••-Ho~.-..... ~ .. ·-·~ l-. I n ton-1 ..... t ll.r , , • ., •" ln••r~ Ja\.•lr tl,'*n U''••l '" l ,...,,,., "' .. ' "''' •~thl a flll ,. .. ,.. • .. a rvl •• wa• h fur e ~·-~1 t • •!""' •, "· II,.. ··1-, .. , .. ~ .. " lr'""' ... s..·J ... htt:l ··lt .tr .... ·~\C" If >'"' •I" .... t u•e Or. 'olol ... t'·•·•'" ). • •• ,··t ~·•• ··•••t rt ••'I •f • f, r ' • It , n .,..,. in f i ,J ·' .,., •r·rv••··•' ·r. ... r .. , f ,, ' , 1 • t • •t ' .th· ' ;( to ft • I ' "' .,· .. \\10 l •~o',l , ••• ~ . " . ' I ·• I , ~ "" . . .... ' '' ..... f • 1. II T • f.,.· .... . ;:,• . ·1. NAGGING BACKACHE "DAile£ TOMIT£" and Every Nit~ Monday thru Satu~rday,. 10 to 12 P; M. KFW.B-Dial 980 .. • " I ~ -.. . . ,. PapSlx NEWPORT-BALBOA "NEWS-'IDI!S. Newpwt &e.ch. Callfomia, 11WRSDAY. JANuARY 6, 1944 Harbor Branch of Red Cross Proud of Accomplishments; Seeks New Workers 1944 I -~IIarbor \ Feminine ACtivities john Hopkins Home From Virginia for 48 Hours From Camp Pickett, Virginia 'nae t.brH ceotera of Ule Harbor ra ther lban dull lbem. It t.<>tala Red Crolla located at n,&lbo&. 841-are . &D.y lndk:atlon. n.e nlpt Catht>rin<• l::.t...ton, Soc'l('ty RetlOmr • Phones 12 and l.J Wltb • welcome and f~ell In rommunlcaUon1 work at san boa llland lllld CMona del Mar, meelln~ thla Wtf'k bN•uaht out abt • Residence Phone 600-\\' aald almo.t In the aame breath. Lu!JI Obbpo when he enlt.ted 1n ~look Wk upon their tint rom-t.-acben rm m the l{rammar ~~rhool 1 1 the Harold Hopklna family of 1707 1 November or that year. pteu year ot aervlce wilb pardon-u n-"'nulla. Local Singers J oin W!jAT'S COOKIN'? 'Costa Mesa P_-~T.A. I Ebell Book S J~;&at Bav Front ha d a forty-elfCht able pride but they alway• Wf'l · ~H w . ec;tion hour vlall wtt.b lbelr .on, John. Island Circle Meets come new worilere wbow efturu, c 't Ch h In Cantando C lub's :-· .... ,.ral Wftb wo-ta&d ,_ ear AC Lieut. Announces Change wbo came trom.camp Pfckett, Vir-. combiDed .. 101 the loyal &roup who ' o mmunJ y urc lt .. l ..... "'""'~to,._ to Y<'U -.-l'•nla, 'lll'ber• he hu b«n trainlllgl.At Mar C.asa Tuesday have been (tvln( lbelr time alnrt• Of Corona del Mar 17th Anniversary ,,, 'l'lt'nlly thai ..... ~.ny l At Uw J-.y -ctac ot ..... In Time In the Air U&i.on School at Nor- Ita Inception In thla area. can turn 1 '"n protluff u n.. a lAIIt ot auper-eo.ta 11-Gra.mmar ~ P. fnlk for amphibian warfare In lbe lr.ach wttb her andwkhee under out even morr Incredibly large! To Pres ent Ves per a td t ....... T A Oft ~Y member& nd • ~ 8ooll Section of Ebell will Signal Corpa nf tht Army Air 1 b totala which wtre 2M.208 aurJ1r.al of t<-llt llltclwn& Ben Ia aaothf'r guma wn-e cfeltcbted with 't~te Ia-m~t at tbe home of :Wn. Andy , ... "e. · \\'n,.n tn .. ("anllndto f1uh m .. t In '' • • ,.. ,,..," hP"-0 ,_ bt«,l ' \! ..._._ er arm anu the promlae o1 hot dreaetnaa and 2,480 ~rarmenll for 1 On lhla Bunda~ artl'mllnn at Aanll Ana for Ita r~hran•al tha" r.-IJ"" that Ia a palate-Uclkler lllld f~ C... lad d6ltc m'• of uwtr Klrll. 1208 E. Central Aven~ Bal-"' nunn~t this 11hnrt rurlou~rh t Pr· cdfftl' and lea ee~ed by the hoat· lbe ye.r, according to local work-4 ·oo o'rl<,..k thP · Sunday V•llpl'r "• .. k t h .. r.. wa• an unw•ually 4 , r~utll\' lfOOd at 0... u..• ot ..,eaku. LieutftW!It ~ MU-boa. on 'lbunday. January' 13. lllinated aooner than waa l'Xpt·c·ted "7'ee, tht' membera of lbe leland room beadquartt'n. I Mrv't·e or thr r .. rnm~Jnlly ~un-h J •·"9f'r ai~t"Dtlt• &n<'f' tn tb .. Mtb,.r-1 thf' )~when---.._ warmtb In ,rbo ill atbletic ~or for u.e at.artiag Mlb a dl'-rt bndgt' at I N-eault' or an order tu return to I C rd.-met at Mar ca. nn Balbo& Ttl• quot.a for lbe Harbor branch r.rnu" will bf> J'IN'~nl"d f11r tb<' lng l ht• d ub ,. ... , f'lf'bralln& .Jll ,., , n 10 , ur laat CIOUIWe 1111 Uw _.... WAC rroup at U.. 1'-ta 4aa AJr l :00 p. IlL iaatead of lbe uaua.1 I tht' F.allt which a! moat creeted him leland on T\leaday noon, for their ~ 11eet ·18,000 dreeelnp a I'Dt>fltll l llrllt Ume In lilt' "M-tln~ Hnu•" · d Mri ,. 11 OeeJdlu .._ ...._ ua ! Blue.. bour. R-rvatlona ahould be oa bla arrival here the entire monthly conclan. . I h J 17'b blrUvlay &II f!IUT Bay Area ••n• 1 __ ., lib 1 ' I Our<" l h b but lh~ eacer workera tulve bfofll uf l e ~oup llfl umtnf' ,,..r..,.t on • · , hrr "("ttn(tolale P\lddlllc"' fw noT n.e t.u.llee• -uac prrriowl -.-e w any of the boat-. Hnpl<tnll fam1lv were able to be _ • v•K · e uslneu meenng ~ out •• hlclt aa 33,000 In C'ornna del Mar mt'n ., ho arr • parl "'-.._thaa 8111~-, ... ntrr .. alan• ~-111w cto-'t 1 to the prGp1UD ... ~ded «Wer for ttt., QC'c-ulon, I tnr;•thn for uinnt'r--on Chi'Wtmu ,lbe member• voted to rfye ts t~'"' November &Dd 2e.OOO l.n December Th<' re~e·ular pr••~:ram wtll ho>, on~( .lr .. up. w .. n-l>ff'Wnt Ttwy k• ""' "h+-ro· It 11.-d Ita c.ictn but by th,. ~Mtent. llrL Hany Bur-In addition to th .. rrglllar revlt'w Sunday, lhe USO for rt'fruhment.t. Thf' ot l&at year. Bllgmt nt••d by "I"''' tal m1o~tr •·Hf'l · v. ,.,,. ~1""'' t-:rrw·rlv And Don Pnd· 11 1 .... &nu " part ot her cooidnl!' tbck. at wiUcb time tJw prladpa.l ot CUITftlt t:too11. f rom lhe publlah-John gn~duated fr<•m Harbor 1 Lt'gg Mf'morlal F\md which 110 111~ In ellaarge ••f thl' wllrk •·c1 hy Mr lln•l !otrs Sharp a.nol bam of Nf'Wpt•rt lt•·ll:hta, St,....art .. , 'IUIJifn.-nl 110111e 35 ,_,. ac•• of lbe .cbool, Eventt "-. IDIIde era· pill4! and Clvt'n by Mn. F. E . Hlrh In '42 and then wu etudying 1 rnalntalnt'd pt>rpetually. wu open. room• welcomf' worke.-. for even thf'tr ltlliiJChl•·rll, knnwn ,.. lh" f'nt r ,,, Olt!Ca .Wf'A and Or Obed "'lorn h••r 5o•t"r gave It to Iller g.. 1 P'-fw ~ llocJ4ul tw the . Rt'anboltl, Mra, Ed Go-den will re-41d and fuuntJ to cuntaln $7.00 . .. abort a atr.!tch .. oat hour·., ...... IUr ShOijl~.. J!('\ ··n·ntl C't-•nh I .... lll' .. , Uall••• lltla n•l •·hn I• a!-!~·· .. ~ ho-tnJ;! olf'll"'-. It Ia • u--at'bOOI library. ,. I Yinr Uw faat-movlnr curt'rnl Speaker's Forum will I Thoa., IJft'lk'Dl whu hau celebrat- work for• It 1a lbe comblnt'd e(-uf !';a.nta An11 wfll s•rl'~hl•· A o nr-..,, .. ,. '"" ho• •r•l ,.f dtlf1:'1• u uf LM .. .,,., u II r an lw .... at lillY F'nr 1 ll(lttlt ..,1 bumorous lcMKb. neat.t of lbe day followt'd by twu H 1 etJ their ~rth durlnc October. forte of the amaller unit. of "'.·ork I olllll Wf'k(Jml' Ill f•lllf'nolf'•l t•• all .. h .. r luh tuuo• llllol tf'ht>atf'd fwiUs """ a-~ty Bryaat (IYt' two ~"«"I mOlt .mte.raUnc book .. ~Alao lbt> ear Program o n Art Novembe. r ember werl' hoa- wblcll make the •tt•fy(na tou.le 1 <llr" tn rnmr on J anvar}' 3 !9:.17, '""' m .. n "'ho ao,htwn tn Ill 11aYort wtw. ,._syl the firwt portrayed tbe blJ ....._ HUt.' by Kryea and reviewed by __ for t'd by a &'If ket. Tbe reclp- 'nle.day nlr;ht at lbt> Balho.a Ilk•• 1 , .. '"&! '"' th .. rnJ<•\'mf'flt nf '" ...,. taktng I be inqul-'tiwe JOUlll broth-Mra. Herbf.rt ~lz and "J ourney M••mb,•tll llf the ~IK'!Ik"'" ~·.,1·um 1 iente Wt>re elldamu Ruth Reid, work J'OOII'I a t 111 Palm, womt'n C of C Hig Annual 11 • • " til•· ba;,•·mr oi hall "'I CHOCOLATE. PUDDING , r 1,. lhf' mov•t' and the aecoad lnt.o America" rnle••Pd by Mra. 1 whn rl'sloh• ln th .. Bay 11rea wUI Maymt' Foot•. B. Frietar. Ed wlw» are employtd durlnt th,. day "" ~·o • .• A nil t:p1,.; ••pill , hur•·h :.! , fl•.ur. 3 t. baJdac powder . ._ 1 !!'"'" 1 .-lvid plctu~ ot the m oYie-Margaret Nel~eyer. 1 otlentJ lht• January met>lllljot of ~e 1 Goodt>ll, ¥· Stier, E . Doll, NeU tame, m~ to do their tum tn thP ()inner "1\S E\'t'r" ·'"' • "'l!''"'z,.,l thr '"~' t 'nnt!ln•lo , JOUJ:a r •, t alt. 2 ecp. t c 1 mad motb4-r wbo taka her t'rat-Co-hoet-• fur the ll4!_.rt w ith group on 'tuesday, January 11 . at r Donkt>r. Rachl'l Wiley and la&bel war effort-and ~port~r nuv•• It Club 1 m.'k '.! 1 aborlt'Diag, 2 .._ un-•·h llf' potrntlal eblld-tlta~ to ria6t llln KJrll wUJ be lolra, Victory 1 the bomt> or Mra, J U ka'ln scott In l•fi·CaUum, tMt t.belr ~IIJbt work !Mtf'\14'" t.. l'lun11 ,.,.. un•l•, "·1y 111 , ur rv "" Tilt• "'~·k .. cu•lh 17 y•·ant ,.... .... t••r ...J r bocolate. ohe em"" a c:tirert.or. Crac~ lllld Mra. F . Jack Park.e. I ~llerton I The next meeting wiU be Feb· earpea t.belr aklll lllld f'nlhuloaam the an11.,. ''"''",.'""'" loo--rn nf •Jan '"'"' ""' so" lout aua:l\· IIM'1l md Hrat Plf:~ add •lnt a.d lbt'-n LMut•nant MUier Lold ot tlw Tht' t•luh whlrh is l'lllrflv "I ruary 18 at 12:30 at Mar CUll nt-r m.-..tb..:a h ·lot I·•• 1h,.--,,..,.. '" t b.ot ,.m .. hall ,,., a rf'PJiarl ••kt JOottrd dry ~Wilt&. ~ mt•ny at'lJrit-wlllda the WACa The CU.ta U r a War c;;:tle~tt 11t uoJy l'n•up. will bear a prOIJT&m wilb lira. Klrka and Mra Rut.b P011tponed BYC Board Meetina Scheduled r••t'rlll Y"'""' t.y 1 II• :-.;. ",.,., If•• '",, kh ,, h .. "'""' on Jlrt·parat""' 1 ... 1 • • .,,..,,latf' wtUda laa8 ~ mf'lt., hav .. tallr11 ~r. lbu. ~IIC dliYt' .. -eot ••ver thf' lop when It on art waUl Mra. George PaJge of 1 M.arah u ho«e-a, t.-•r Chamh•·• ,,. ('.,ruml'rol' ~<n•l l f• 1 111 .. -·•nO<I '"""''r1 ••f t ho-r ur· .... "'th thf' butter. mf'f'l for c-om._t duty. WitJl a ~bf'd ala goal of $2.400 tb!JI Anaheim who I• chairman nf that ·------------ 'ftle _.., ~-meetlnt ot .. ..... 1111 Dtreetora of tho• ..._ ~ Club which wu ,....-..cl from lut Saturday. .,. eGDftiW alter the WHk)J din· Mr tlllla Saturday, J&Dua.ry 8. l'n•"Hie.al l.o~•n.:m•"'' .. , th .. l"h•n•· N'llt •· •"''" ''' hf' p,.,...nh..S Ff'h I !'• ·or .ntn % ~ Jb"-CIIf'rft c-ana. .tart of lb..-att.tYil.._. ~ w~lll. Mellon. In c harge. I "'"'r baa llflpl•lllt"d 11 lttr!nt·r ,,,m. I~• a t thf' Santll Ana hiCI .-boo1ol • V• r ~n.t place IR a ,.. 1111 boO· t>y tbf' -m. tbe \\'ACe D'--~ mtlto'<' t01 ,.., rk nut nil dc-l&lla "'ldttt.num Inc wat.u . ~ Ia a a:IO •~II: • •rrt' '" 1~ ai:u,tt.._, Uw Air-, s E L L Tlto•y arr nr r; l\1 c;rundy , I' A Of thf' ""Ktnel ~p. ,.•Jueb bt-uvm fCif' J ltaour. 8erft llaGt '"th WAO. beta« tJw lall braDc:b f« 1 Palmt•r Wallo•r I-IJI•~"' Braol .. n • lutl<-<1 I,A"t'•n F..-1&11•" u di~or MU.V Jl:lYftl '-'-· 10 ,...U.... theta to ftller. They may - Finch Inti W W IAnlfmnor I"" .. 1 h,.'Y bav .. t..-WIUI I he f'hltl aAuca Wo rll In any ac1klly but ~llatift Th--r lun r ruvliJI'II II aerif'• ,., tho-f'flllr .. 17 Yt'll'll Hf'rtwn Bick~l ... (' butter. 1 c.. puadeaed ....... duty dlatnct tabl•'1! u tn thl' p31l wllh l aa dtt"f't lm of U.. Nrn-nl CT'OUP of 1" «' top 1111Ur.. l ~ I L ....W.. Brie~ a _... ~ lwndt Ralt h :Waailf')' and ,._ F.. Ar ku-to volc:H. lhf' ..,._. an lk clwb'a Mart' butter. -.ar ... 8llk 611 Llt'ut. IliOn -'d tJw _,. ......_.~ man In rhar.:,. nt thl' N,.wport I blltory Mn CJariaton,. lt-'-li:M' tov ol 1 double ~ .... aw.t 1 ful patt ol bt'f' ra~ '-Ow •CCJici- 8PILI'fl lll bl,.. H p Kf'nny and 1 ,,,.no acc-ompanlal 0<11rr lllot wa~«.. W... ~ add h all 00.1" lite lbat Uwy te.d. (" 0 .... ,._ t ~ ~ Jnhn F. Sadlo•lr In rh&f'Jit' •'II tbt' lD bonor ot Ute Ot'C'UI<.on thla well ~Me'--.& uad ...... and 1 At llw c..__ of tbe ~. tra ., 0 M 1*) 8albtoe tllhll', p, A l'almcr· and 1••edl. llw mt'n ~ early to, bNt ..til lllldl .. a... Pour •·u lf'I'V"' b)' a C,_lllitlf'lt' ~- HI'In• Kalaf'r fur Utln l .. t'. ""-rl f'ftjoy rd'"*'m.at.t. •1 •lOt" .. t"fff clancc*tte ....... priaNI nt Uw M~ out Jobn-~-~0 . ~ I W ~ta.Nt>y nllll J W Peyton, Jr . I ... .., Dltmar Uld D. ~ OJ& o I • I D o 1 for 8aJhoa lalanJ, Uubbarcl C LIWU •lEIS II " i ..... , ., 1, .. A.-H "'"and L H M •rm&D f« Cor· 1111111 RatiOn (;og c.-... -ona dfl Mar. and 1... W Brl!fP aad JIOD '1{044 M~ '.II~ Vitamins A and D Y4t'A m_. IM,. Vl._ln A -........ ,.. ... , .... acuntt ••f•c•l••• •~hat are more lt~el, • eccw I• the oCMe. tW..t. .,... _.. ancl ainu .... wtMa ._.. wa .. Ucieec, ol ... wt ... , ... Y ...... VIt-a• D to help the ~, -... preper UM4of .. _.ci_ ........ pborv.a in ,.. ..... If r•• are ••• l•ttlnc .... ,. ef .._ ..,.1.,-nant .._....._ .... ON~A·DAY ...... Vi.._..A ... DTD .., ~ .., ... lnaure JOW ...... ,......,_,_ .. Dr. G M. Grundy lor Eut NPW-1 -~·· IMA.Jf ,._, ......... n-•---~ J)afa Jl(lft. I oar tum~tl"f'd Y"•" ,..,. ,_. Ill•...,.. ' fiQIIF ....-"-... 1 anuca ., .. ~I'&Unl wW w limited to lwn ••twa b~ury wffi have rMOr'dM "'PlY: War ....._ 8aek t hundred ~Uf'IJL ~~ lncldmta of~ fXriod lbnJUCb •·ow ~nil -pdaa ...,. . Stamp No. 1 11 pair llboeat ' -------wb.lch .HaN-pta«. UU. wtD ill U.S._,. -...._ Awdly l ~-to •datf' II()( IC.'t). I So th £1-.ast Five undliublt>dly be raUt'd ''the tacnd· rn-OPA ·a owu -x -~ 1 Ww ........ 8aek Iff U \.JU lbW •1,.. ••'" ·-,,,. -•tlalal like rw.l Uw precla atCUIK;J 1111 wiUeb ' 1'rOW"D ••mpa -F'l'r 11'\~t. • !Making Name for lbat '""''" ...... f...-quncat..-..... fP'I ~ ... -•· .. M.,tanned ·rw.. lll<ltJt ~ble a0a. 1 dn n<•\ 'll'llftl '"'"lnoott...t A• bis 11\.a " • lwt--and n.nnffl rr tlk ' The I 1· 1 it .-n.s 8 .Nc... ll' -"ntiUY 2t JDSe ves l tory'a little twlpt'r J '11'1U .-.cord I,... ...tlltbltory tD ..._ tMt T J8111Ua11 t tCl Jlllluary 29. ~ -:;e Coalr<•l Art •,-. tbat 111 .Untt. looiUDc lleciL! ,. J--~ II L. J1011ua.ry 29. Hubbard'a ~UUI O>ut bukt\· ad'·~ •·ommlt1.... are to be 11w M1rt ..,cat'-.. ,._ ». V Jallluary 23 to Ft'bnary 26. ball team defeated Owta M_. formed lr'om lM CJ'OUPt .,._. wttl amn.. .u-Jf. ik .-raU te • W.-J .... ry 30 to F'~f)' 25. • Merdl&Dl.t .--45 Ill "& fut IUid fu. be atfectt'd by control rullnc• Loa Ancelft ·~· a ftMM fl!l X-F'f'tlnaary 6 to F~ 215. rioua pme "'"UNday -In~. Jua-Coft«Tf'lll ••rote lhla IIPC'Uon Ia. bt-mow. .tao tiM ~ ... Y-Ft'bnaar)• 13 te March 20. uary 4. at the Newpon RIJI:tl Uowtna tbr ,. • .,....._ ol _.and ._,_._ atloolltt Uw-waaullJ f• .._.., ""· 1 Oil "'aiwplaDe~ ~!beet I'Jdlool IYlD· ~ ,._. lbNP trade crouP' t'lllft-'T •I 11 lad 1 ..... fJ pair ..,._, "---ln 1 to 'nae Mer«'hallll jumped Into an wnukt be twlpt\al 1., ..UbUI!btft& '"~/~ter~ a~·~ fdatr _. .CI. 1 early 1.-d but Routh eo-t ....,., equttable and worllaW4-malmla agaialt _......._ Uw Yalidity ot WM "•tN ._. IV rec-overed to makl' It a thrllln '"'" OPA _,..flhou~t mU4'b of .,.·ha.-b 1 ~lu 'nlf'y wtn add lltunp No.~ :J IM. ~r. :s~· '"'~ .core ••• tied 17 time• wtl" tb!JI rm\'UQclft ()f'tt'ft ll ~~ Ow _._ I to Jan-.ry 15. 1... I the II'Ao1 ron~tllllltly rban~nr It: anmt11m,.. It 1"811t><l tlww ~· to tlw t.a. burdPD and IDI:,_ Crft'ft l'tJimp. f~ rAflftf'd. !r<r.A'II I h&Dda, mlltf't'11 lnt,o conh:•n-nrf'. •·bo!-n otP nalicwl&l dlrtll. Tbry lnlni<!ucf'-a.d enta.lrl dh)'drat"' fooda: 1 --.. H tal --·• r· J prlnt'lplftt IIIlo tht' A~n -· D .,. __ .. .,. ~ t JIUI•-rv-..,... 8Vt~n. I'IJl n auou onortlfo uWn oWIIWWU• bitt al~ bt'for .. be~.... • n. __, r , ,..,._ 0 ~7 cv of lbe South CI)Ut teun, IICON'd ~ -..dr. Undf'r Mr ~....... mon '-Y wllalda " __. G. H and J --1-ry 1 In F'l'b- poiDll to lrad bla t,.am ••tall" """ attf'tltl, n baa ~n pa6tt '" tbu ,..,..n.ncOf'CL • ruary 20. df'l"'ltm ban~ted til JW>Inta thrnuc'l part •ol tht' taw 1 .,_ ~,. fron I want hUilcwy to ~ ta.a Rrd .. amJ'II fJO jiOGat. f'a.t f01r the hoop to l,..d l< .. la Mu • lUIIe c-urnont ,_ u(, a .-..11 """ .. ,. ·-J ha" bHD ayln~J:. and • -'.. caDIWI'd fUIIa.. IDa.t edible oUa.l Gloc-knl'r and Mllr hf'll f1 r !\outh __.. JTa~~:az.an•• haYt' aD wtto .,...._ U... ~ ~and C'allDed rWDI: C'Oitll\ pl11yl'd an outatandln~t pm,. "IJy t !,,. Ia ....t wunt. tho-OPA Mrcm ~ _....,. procram·· Utal U F't'IJnlary 27, to May 20. whll,. Han1• end Mlllf'r 11tf'Ott uut , hu 3z11 1..,,. .. ,..., ~ labnr anol 1 :ha. .. ltl1lr«'lhlac -In A.,..._ I 88-P'...,_I'J 27 to May ZO for thf' Mf'rC'hanlll.. C'()ftllum.-r a<l\'tiW>rV to•mmatt,...• . ta . t.t " mctJ~tUatJ wdl 1&,...,.-. to CS-F't'bnlary :7 t.a May 20 Linker anti Alht'l ~ '""' lllalw~trht Yo n.• ,..111 ,.1-.:V,. that. nut rr1 ~ Ia ~ ..... &ad al.-.,.. 1 D8, D and F8-llarda 12 te of the South <'01811 tMm but. ~ 417 advt••rv .-.•mmlltf'f'tt Itt OPA fall..-. )lay 20. 1 to rolde. roul•l nnt pia)' Tuf'ttlfav not 0~ rePtt'Wnl.t tbt' rarmn. BIDe atamr-'10 point• ett"t f•l Tb~ Na\'111 Tnllnln~ ~tatlon aN' Tlw ll<"Xt quotatwn ... from • War Donation ~ f~n and ~ dttly- the n~lrt c_ballr nlt"r• .. ·hrn I bry lfttn 1 haY,. jWII n'('f'iVffl rmn drated fooda: play SoutJI ('lAIII tnnl~rht tThUno· tht' t<dlltor nf a ···U·kno•-n .......... In Memory of AS-~._.,.,. 27 to ... ,. 20· dayl at Santa Ana Hl1th ~bool lettrr n.a. -• h-ttrr n'Jit'&lll< BS ~ :rl to llaJ 20. • n.. ~ .,f Routh ~ ttw <MW .. f thco atatt'mm1a. ""the aub-lAMey She1111811 a-,...,._,.,. J'f i.o 111.,. 210' haa been. an far, very aurc('U(ul 116dy a,..umf'f'lt brin~t ~"""""' .,...., ,. • D8-I"Hnnarl' 27 to llay 20. and th•y hoi"' tn <'onUnu• """•· ,._ tbe Waabln~•ln prora(&lkla ~ .~nl ot the Ru1lor .,_ ~l"d'nnaa'J 27 to May 20 day. Jan. 11. they will m,.,., a mac-hln,. Tht' ,._..,. wu thai rf •boo wtabf'd lq f'f'ti'UUn llnOII).__ c.a.ea ... team from lhl' ~AAAB. c:onauner 1Ubnd...,. ,.,."' noC Yf~f'll. l'upJ-t by the ftffl cro. ...,.._ c..-No. ._(A-Book. rood Statlatl.-11 fnr th,. ~t•m" 1\tf'twl"v tnnatJon ,.·oultl bt' lb~ dlrt'C'\ N ·t ron.~ In Bal..,. r'IPt'll"ntly to ~ for 3 .,..._. 1111 ....,...., ..,. to -re: .ult. alao that ftMtd l'ontnof ID thh• s·ul to Uw War Flond. In ~ .._,. 21. lM4. Iouth Coaat 46 M II L l'hnman not .... l drie AD coupuna muat lw t'Mnl'llf'td I war t• a be1tn JOb I ban tn Uk , 1 ..., b J J 1 lut ..-tiL • '~-__. ... -· ,......_ -lwT 1 FG FT 1&11 war It tm't u you 1muw l l "a' •· 0 ,.. •ar Y __,. --~ -~ 12 •·rot .. an.l IUIIIed ;h.., "''tor nt ~ 11r ~lwrman •·aa perha~ "-'t 88d ..... 1111 ~ F ~Hav•n F'. Mltr hell c-. Clackner C Shl't'h•n 0 . F'rlniM'rJ G -Ma<'h 4 I'IC'w• lt'ttf'r fur the ·.,JUn:f' o( lbe to _.,. .-.plco in lb!JI arra U.. Tin I t ,,.,. fl~r... on whieh hr madt' the &D)' nthft-P""''n. ·I~ to hie _.. C-Baall MJa llupKtioe bet~ - -I tiYily In C'lvir al'faira. 1111 ~ .. ...,.,.,. a . 1 .... 1 riCitt drP>cl1111tinn• nn any .....-. B-Baall-..ftJI '-P«f.ltoll befon- r. AU•n I l t&Dl '--•n.J t~ many~,_.. ~ 8 . J!'M. • fCif'1nt'd f(tlf' lnnumffable a -.c:....., A-Baall.....ard Ill IF 1 :tioll Tt~tlllll 22 2 Totala ~--·-22 l ~._ aftd IDdJntl-la ll8f'dll a1. ~, 06.la Mua Mer>c:henta 4S F'G IT --Er -~ ·rJM~k.. ·---r4 ~---Santa Ana-Builclin-. R. 1 n.-.a & -soc•• • Anrlr•·" ~ ~ :ftiiiii!~IU!I;I._IAWUIII-----+- Hnmt~ • fONUEN~EU FINANCIAL STATEMENT ~flllrr ;, Myrrhn :> PF£t:JOIER 31 . t!tiS 0!~1) DAY ,·· ~ ! G G..a.. CaNe ... a Oreal Variety of l 111--.l aut. "WE INVITE YOU TO BRO WSE ARliUND" C. E. LOU(J{S 11!:\\'El.IIY and 8TATIOSER\' · Dlamooda -\\'ak'IM!it -Ftn• twpalrtnr Ptaone Sewport !430 ntn-tl Newport Blvd., Cooota M-. ('alii II li ~----------------~---------------------.. Before You Build or Remodel ... _ .................. .. \'Wt our .... ,......_ _,.. aacl cllapla)' ,__ C'eler rut• pl-nt•r .Wa. -- P"'.W.n.,n atOC'tl el ....-. carllf'ta. llnot.um ... _. llaa bUJI4h. • LliDLUM --+-till_ met-Works ,__ ........ - Rt:.~· RCL'\ ...... \\'•r Bond .. ,,..__... r ....... ~ .. -•-BIIIIk St_.. 1_.,. nn R.-al r:..t a ff' c-tra.-C-&Ifo KMII F ... tat.: ~~foal r........ o....e Ofnc-. Bat ..... t'Uraltwrr ..t thtu,.,.... M._....~.._.,,_ \.._h S '!.1.A». 1C IN.t ..... en ,., ..... ... 1-""'.!te..M e.a.\.t! ~CI~t: n,.\!t.CI l .ltM.!tl CI..A."-"•. I :'1 S'!.l )l1.•NJ. .I !J •• ~r~n<;.(.A~~~~~~ PE"!~d~~l C~ r , .... ..,,.,. • \.. W q 4tRDO'-" V•U p,....,d ""' 'U(HARO 0 ... .-THE.A ~ ... , ,, , • Cf.OAG£ W COOPt:•. "'u' -...c. ~4RT .. 4 WHIT'$0 .......... , ~, .& , ..... , D ,. ( AOOK.SHAtlttfK.. •ttO"'"'f'\ f.., 5-rrv•~ '"' ............... ~..,._...,.. "., ...... ...... Inc· ........ a- Uta... lhl=llo; ' .. _""' s-.e-... ( ........ ........... ........... .,._. ... ~ .. ot·a 110\"" llflM'E 81W ..,~ ... Rf..tJJ1tL ID I•N ~ &: It~ .. ~ \ 41-~0#1 ~r· :.:·: .~;.:r::-.!: .s::· -. --~: .. ~.--~.· .. ~~A;~~ II JIS! .SS.\.It I tS.I11.!! M..5.\! .3 t t.AU.S! 1:11 .!1 ••• 1!$.. ...... S%.18S.8&7. 19 b -pi A, 8 and C in Book ., apin Januuy I). Take an iaYmiDI}' now. Doa' t harry lhr arocrr lhr 1Mr d.y. ll.rmembrr, tomato . IOUpl aod --.b I~ poena than ~ • I Cl,-J0U CU do M -.ch widl -- '" &,i.e laamiay Wllil brown and lerft wida 10illallled ..... ADif if you --•.... , .w .. 10 JOUol d&oDrr. a...e ·---daicMa. aYaaY .,. •• ••• Y8&a ••••.,. WI'I'R ....... .... -. vaw...- 1...,,.....,, .......... c'. -- J Cllfl8 .... lllltpicla 1 ............. ...... •c-.-· ...... . .... _.... .... ..... • • • &aD••• , ... So simp~. roo ... che bakers of Wdler's Enriclwd Whi~ 8re8d •y: "We use rhe finesc insrediena money can buy, thea add our bnc bakins skill" ... Rault~warigbc good eat~ aod feww coat aod saodwicb failures! Get Weber'• Brad at your poca's. ~ ... , .. , .• .~~.. . ill 80Mtlwu. f!GI;J.~iG Those ~ODDS and ENDS I . for .. , ·cAS-H Through a NEWS-TIMES Classified Ad Many articles no longer used by their owners can be turned into caah. quickly and at a trlfllnc cost. Look around you and make " note <!f thlnp you no longer Wle. Well. someone else can UR those very things and NOW ls the time to ..0 them. Readers of the N~ ~ provide a react1 market for every type o1 used article in good OCD- dlUon. You may have. a wub- lng machine, Ironer, Ice box, callJet sweeper, ful\. niture, baby buggy, 00.. boat, tools or any one o1 a dozen other item. which can be sold proftt- ably and quickJy NOW . The cost of a Oa.ssifled Ad In the News-'rlmes Is as low as 40c Telephone NEWPORT 12 OR ·13 And L 'et a NEWS-T IMES Classified Ad Start Selling for YOU Our Ad-Visors will help you to prepare your ad! • ..... , ... __ ..... .•• r . ' , • O.ll PBBSS ~ 8'""' _,MJJ H b E d P801a&t"DMt ICft.UW Flabermea Nominate auT.YaAJM -• a r 0 r n s 11Mlma Wat80ft. ........ ._ et N~ ... ... ....... D. C. Wat.oe an4 OW. W.._, Offloen for 1844; fa'·~~ ... -a a l OD T\Meda'l m.ct 1ft ...,.,. ~ El__... __ Feb. 8 In& \alii ~ ...... ., .. -T. If. ('"JIIUCI[ .. ) ~ 'Ch , o· . . peUUoll ta t.ermmat.e jaUat .... ~.....-.............. ~ ..... Cllutae ucl Pnce PeJ\Oft ,.,.... est r1ve anc:y lA the •t.alee ol Mr ..,._ lfeMMr. aqrt lienor DOr At a meettna ot n.llennen llleld Ana AnaJ Air.... ' ~ Ia UMlr llbip7Ud, 'nMJ ent.e whk:h abe U.ted M a ...... Olllea -.. ~ ebct"'-ta 8\lnday mom!na In u.e UniWI hall. 1'\A~ ot 1M ........_. • .. .,.. look1nc Wltb 801natblnc Wte of IADd In UM N-port ........ ....,. a .. -.... .sta al· Cha.riN Wallae" "''u nomlnaiA'd atruvuS.. .,..... ....... .. elMo ... IIAIIl .a.o.. tbem. wbere tll7t •· •th $15800 c11etrtct. Mr. Wat.loD .,._.a ...., ..._. .. o.._. -.tJ by U.. for the pre.ldtncy of N-port n...... aV\aU. n , • ....... "' _,. t1 u Arm,~~~ Jt WI'. . ' ~·tina Mra. Wa'*"' .. oat.,..., •s .. ~~~. 1\e· U •ach loea.l lnttlrnaliCJf'lal vt•r· tb .. ,~ p,...fUCM ~ ..... ----·-· ~ ... om• f ....-. · · · . · ;.f.-~~ ~to-nwn -.n4 Atlied Workad·ot All\· tK..-cou &OWW IIIII& .,_ Ji¥--· W. 11M tiM _, _, ... p. liiMileJ, local ~n"a. fht>bt tra..uw ...-.. o... • -~-"Zr'. Banner Year RePOrted By Pmtoffices I JI:IIDptre State Aa ~t of tiM War a..t aAJ.lllfALL DAT£ Ob'Xhr Ill C roe dlred.oc-, 'lwc-candidat.M .,.,.. named-roc ebthty ot ~ aa-et , b :ncla ~= campe.I&'D, ,_u1 11rauPt ta a H!:o,'a;..Ul:C:,::"'1 0:-::! 11JM .. 1 t era• to .tuct'l the <'AI'h til tbe othn maJor umcre tu 1' .. 1 -U~<'MIIt ....._ ~ ~ ':; ::' ,=.-:! hlgllly -~ oaachM4oD aader · · 111.-ua. eDd ......_ wt.at Jowplt FUrrow and Earl ltowf'rw '""""" ut IJw ~ • ...... .._ JU'd, n wu 110 the able ~ ol P. A. of ralftlaiJ, loCCQI''b. to report ...... t11a7, ..... -. tabn. ~•·Ill ~tUe It out for lhf' poet o1 1"''"-'-_.... np.miJC'ed U.. a..a.t ....._. clumecl bl&' that mm the BaJbaa ftn ~ el· Al~lt ... :ftrat rwportf'd VIce pruidfnt; w D. 8tf'w&r1 and ,........ _... ..... -,... ol.,.. -• &a..w ~. ~ tt would look ~:~,~~:r:.=::: :!t-: !Ictal ~rere.11 Lutot D~~·;;::: t.bat N_,..t _.. would be al· Ralpll Noble. ~re\arJ. and "Tn" l"•'tl•an,. al Ute ...._ .a.. P" ~-~•• ~ ~ .t-~ out of pla.c. 53600 to be upended only Ia tbe amoun.... .... . u ... · loc:at.ecl a •~taM .... ber of the l\mnell and t.ewta C'annau._'h,l '"'" •·o .... l ~,w..._. pnc *• ._. ... -.--at ... .--..-- anY wbere LD cvo:At of a ~ klaaJ e&\fatropbe. ~-bM~_!-ai~U1t_ "!'~ ":: ~ --. Ill-. JilalkeJ found treuurer, and Joe r•atte....-nn and 1 .... 1 II<' ...... lla'Oit,,_.. "J .._ ~~ ClnUW _,. .,....c.q ~ Newport Bay, In addition, tbe llutlor wu an· -..., ... wt.... ·•• ....,.__, t hat the J'R.A 1lil4 eetabllllb,.d Roy Drooka, •rw-nt-at~ .,; .... ,,. Weill.... Jtttt .._.. --·• ~ on... ,..., W mliC!b 1 .. ln a comparf.IIOD wtt.ll l .tl lut YM.r at au'" .. _._... unu•-&o~ on the q"•-. Three tnwtHtl will be •Wc'tt'o.l IH•'t'tant dial,_, ' At IWbula, 1 ........... H.. r . abled to I'DMt Ita uUonal quota thil lme • n • .. -.__ _,., K JWCI wbere or 17200, a.ppi'Old&mtal'l _.ball l . lily of m&tertal tMt would be al· h'oln a alate of four eandhlaiH . --f'ftft)' ,..JIOfVd Uull '"• ,_,.. OGIJ a mall luw-.. f~ ..... ~ion -·, __ .. who Include ArUiur ForbN Allh· c· Asks F Bid ............. , ......... aftd ·-Ill of wlltcll Will be .uoc.t .. to IIUP-""' -..... ... ~-· 1ty 0 S _ ............... ••• ...... cratt -were bullt. port u.e Uruteclllentee <>r,uala· H bo c· . G hu\I.H, that tbe 1oaal bulldlnc Gr• by Know'lt.oa. Clyde Camptwll and r K••--. ..... a,_ .......... 1, .. .. Price aid ''Gee, II you'd have lion propam. wttll ... remaJ.niN ar r IVIC roup dlnanee would .....,.l erwc:tlon of H A McKJttri('k, ano.l 10 olti"O't'l""' ,., ..... uf ........ I~ &o ret .... told •-would be budclfni ~ 110 pu ce~~t apporUooed .mona auch .~ wtUa1D u.. d ty. w1li be named h'um a ele\ .. nf 11 ~~ llatio f o-T IHI -.ke Ww Bond .... Ww Ulat a rouple ot .,...,.. ..... 17 qu.alUied wv !~UnUM all4 re· Makes Preparatl•on For ........ Mr. Kaal&ayfound numm ..... cancthlah• r .. r lhoo lal· on 11~\a n 0 -·---, .. STT.MI'Ta. ...... .. waWdn't only bave lauCbec1 ... at ... _ ·-••--....... "-.• .... t.rr poat .,.. ,_...., 1"\.tkr. "l in<·" total ._,..,_ "' 1,_ CII'IM. • lief orwe 3 r-Ul ............ --· ~-unu..... ~., ' We'd ..... been convul8ecl.". to tOO pCIIIIIMts ot erttk:al mater-Peanon. Wally NoUar. John Ta)'• New Bulkhead ''"'""« ......... mo•fi•Y ........... CllartM I'"Uitecl -t. ...... ~ To Elect Offl'cers Ill Ia. .......... ... Ulan aooo lor. "Cblt" Pollard. R f'rb NIU'ICh. ~ ,_..,..: . ap,,... a f • Aad .,.t, npt the~ wu proof Newport llanor'a acuve Scout p«>uncls Is _. a u.. avencw F'rcd Dudley. H c Buckman. J. ..-rc" 114 a wn-. ......_ tMt Wap were beLD& turned PJ"'Oram. ~ Boy Uld Otrl home. ...a... e1 pkunbtfttr 1ft H M.Ja.. Keith RJma. A:uol Lar· tsulklw>adUIC 114 atJ • _..,. A.e r ... wt of uua ........, ..C tw war Ia a place where SC'outa. Sea 8cout.e, Cuba and With 1.ppolntmcont of a three· the at~~:.. In a 1tft4rle .on, M.el Bulla. Jak,. &Judo•r, btay ,,.,,,,. ....... ~ ,,_ ....,.. ,..,,-..,-4. lhr offM'f' ta ... utW • .._ta DOt much blner than akltfa Urownlu, ,.,111 receive 11600 from man nominating commlltt't', con· wall wltll • .... on one .... Clyde Campbell. c c Wlllf'r, a.-o I tal ... bu • ._ .. ~J •• fwt ~' r.u... lot rau.a. Mr . ._. -. ,._ BOt ~aet klftc ap. the tuft4 tor t.belr WOI'lt d\lrf~ IU.duaUOA Ia AOW be.i.DC JiVItll tA illd t.be 1litGI Clle OUI<tr: a~ ~ &114 a-~ uulltb tv &ac W, If.. 0u1a. ,....n, "1 nl•l H wt • aiPl F l•ta4 I'D tiel Ulat tbe proprietor of the tnaulnc year; Newport Har-the Rlectlon of 18 dln'Ctorlal ean, :, «Jnft~ -parUculartJ Additional nomlnaUvna W\11 be lm• , 111 ...... u a ,......ty flit· thai lwor .. I<IIOff ........... ~ -x .-.&pyanl -bave feela the bor ,.,11d f\aftct wu anotlecl flOOO: dldat.ea, nine ot wbom will be ravored ~ rec.h ecl at t.be IM'at -una 011 p<•l4 1n~ ,.,,1o_lay • .n-_. u.. CllJ .,...,., uno:t..r a ~ Me•,- .... waJ. Some of them were In SllJvaUon Army, $800; CatboUc e~ctt'd to Rrve u tht' ofnelal n.n41ne. tMl ~ Bead! J.WUU}' •• a114 u.. ann..t f'W· ·~"'"' 11 "' •all.,_. rw ._. .. _.. ralln• but ...._........_ .1• I • ..... -before tbe war, and the Wclla.re Breau. aeoo and Commu· board of Newport Harbor Cbam· wu "out" 110 ltr. t.be IO"fD-Uoa will t&IW "-,...., •. "" Un.1oortaJu.. ......... a ,......, M-... , .. ....c "-''t up what they have to nlty Churdl Wt'ltue, f*)O. be.r of Commerce durlnc the rom· r.a•nt hom. ..,. eDncemed. Mr. ----~1l.-.J ~--•J fw ._.a.,. "'''" wtatle Ultll ....._. ... 8?ll belp wtdp tbe Ja~ out of aandy A.a a gHlure of cooctwtl1. the U\l' year. M trey tiMe e..ll ..,_ tiD ..,t7 Stanley RetJIO'II• • *"'I"-"~ al u.. .-& -rlf~ tiW .,._ ,...__"- atretebn of ~)'front. Harbor eommlttft acl'Md ta alJo. Hradmg the commlltt'l' on nom· fo~ aome of tM .atll ta be '-to &-&8 tJ,.."'itbl t .. ,.., ,_.. .. atW.U. an •--• ,..,. ,_ Ulle ..... Of courae, the employ«• havt' ra• .. $200 to the e-ta M .. War lnallona 1a H. F. Kenny who will rd at o.g ...., Re eooa &-Draft Board HP.ad I by lit t'GW, ...._ ., ......_ o-e n rn.n ., "-"1 ...._ daDe the actual work of drawlnr C'ntal committee to off·Mt any b4' ~~Dialed by Lew H. Wallace l'•wered It wu ... lm~W. l•n.tJJ•~t _...., ~ ta.a -111 -u.. ... U.. ..... tile plana and poundlnc the nalla, <'l•ntrlbullona to the "Harbor fUnd and J .. B. MeSally. Aa aoon u to ret U... linr' .. M.a .,... .. llarl W 8t&DJey. whu baa .. ,. .... .,, •• 1Mn>..,. • , ..... , At ~·• ,._......-,....., ... but t.hc»e ahlpyard m~n. who'vt' by rel ldenta of the MNa. rn ad· nomlnallona may be eomplet.ecl, for tae --. .... U.. type ot ed u chairman of Local S.lloc'· tb .. ,....,pooat ,._, 1a 0. .... ., u. .e alt.-._ ta Ml ..,_.. ,..._ Mel ta be foUta of Vl.llon, are the llllon, Coata Mesa wu allocated ballota wiU lie prep41red and mall· oona~ WGIIIII .. ~ uve 8ervl~ Board 171 aln<'f' U... b&na tho> ... , .. ,.._ 1a -..., .. -·· 1niAe -.a ..._ onee who've l~old awak.t at nlght.e ,2~,74 a14 her pro-rata ahare of !!d to an member•. Ro•port of the to tbe uniUWJ•IiN ....., tbe W.Cuve BcorVIc. aywt.em wu flrwl u ,_, '"-u. ,.,_ _. .,.._ llaft J 1 I ,..,... worrytnr where the next dlmea th•• Southern California Telephone rl~'ctlon mull• will be made al H~ A11tllll'-will 80t ..,. lnftt~tllcl In ~. lMO, hM 1h,....,,...., .. ._, .. ....,.. -tw..,...... ...... ... an comtnc from. and where U\e I r.lllpAny contribution -.e ... _. the anntal dmnc:r Jan. 20. prove .... _ a .. --., __ ...._ ten4el'ed IUe ~ In that lhr .. ,_,, 1M' ..... ..., ................ ... oontracta can be obtained. 'l~uta ut l2.00 wu ·..;~eu7:ii; Olreetorw whoee Lenn.l l'xplre. dlvlatoD ... Dill ....,.-;. ;;u; ~ty, ll w• rev~ lodaJ. llr , ... u.o ,..... ..a 1M& • ... ~.. ' h., ... n •a a wonder to me thn all ""'' In mld-~mber. but who are t'll(fble for re-elecUon ru. eleetltnl~ ..... ao fU ta a. advwnt Ulal Uw I'Nipa· bf' ............ ,.,._._ ._. •• 1 a a.lll· fllta7 ._ • ..._ 1£1 ••· baftft'l t'lther pullrd out ·thcolr In nn tt••mlzed •talemt'nl fllt'd If nominated, are R.alpb P ...... u Mr . .....,. .. e11n .. clslef'-1..1011 Ia ~ by 8t.al• !wad· hooa.t on 111 .. ~ _. dlttM 0.. •-....W. ......... _. llaJr and become bald. or 11\lfft"r· h\' lh·· Harbor commlll« at con· k••y, Hubbard C. Howe, P. A . m lae, • ...... at ea.ta •Mrtera. Uw local rna.n wttl at· r .. l Ktnc Ia tv'tr'rn • 1 * ,... .... CJwltQ~ ..a ....... ... eel tbe ,.noptnr Jllterw . , lu,cu•n ,,, lht' campaJgn, It waa Palmer, Carl DulieiiiOD, Dr. 0 . M. Mefa oaa ?Met Cllt ~· Cl!lpt a polltUon wiU('b 111u twen Ikon of t.k "-' t...a et ...... ,.,...._., ..S a .,, ••• jilt.~ • • • shoNn I hat 8 total of 11a.800.H Grundy, A. B. Rou.ueUe, Earl W. A~ .... Qllt ..... M -'-ott.nd b1m -U11t -fh,e-maa l&lo<llriC. ..a)MaM te .. 0n1a "'lf\IM.r rarnrt'a .,. Jlln. W~ WE"U 1Jt7U ""·'· rullt'C'ted. After decluc:Uon of Slan1ey, Braden Ftncll and W...... llftltd ., --....... Jr -....u._ a.niee appt>al M&rd tnlfltace ,.,.. «aJ, M ..... .,_._ ....... llltn .,....._ Ciao td£t OOIJfO PLACa th" apportlonmenla already not-S. Spicer. p.aa ,.,...., 11i111t1 ot tale ftlA. ...... la ....,._ Mt up to .not aD ... IUe frwtf.aC9 .... ....., ... 8841 .. .._ V.._. ~ .!"~-_.. WODder ll people ~ally rullxe •'d, thl' C'om mlllee Ualed UM.IIO 'J'hOM who are alated ta caat&ll· O....,.~l7 • recelft 100 f1l Orup C!OUl'l. Ooallllt,.... lillut tlw ....... _. ._......, rten ._.... ._ "* -...... wbat tbe alllpbullcllnl' bu.ln-1a u campaJgn expenae, JncludJnc ue In office for anoUMr 1J IDCIDIIIe MW ... _. ~ W tale .,..._ crt tale W~ paM. f1lt.-d 1t ta to c ....,. ......_ _,., ..._ 0... • ...., ..... I1I*IIr to....., ta tlWI harbor dt.-prlnllnc, ~ eto. (It wu an Pr-Mideftt W. II. ll"'p?ow. io '-d' 1 1 .. Ill • ...... -.at tiM aate wtn uw... .cu.. .. ...._ '* ~ ,_.,...,,,. • .,.., ...._ ....,. trkt a1t6 peace cornea apln! J'<\lnlt"d out that Ulle ftCV" ta ._ C. It, Aebnnaa. ~ ~ ::=te ...,.... ............ 8?ll ....... W. ,..........._ ,._ tila a...d U.. -at ... ~lilt a wile ~ ~~ •We'...-I'Oin«' to htl:re -ot .t,.n two P.,. cet\\-ot u.e.....W.a Sam Kl,naJ',..!~~ ~· Jl'. Kenny, Hal _._160 ,_ M.ua, C.. ....... Joea1 ~ ,!"fllt..t lfN!C.taea tu. « ........... -. ,. )kaijialrJriiiiA-,...nel ~ the bl«re.t amall-boe.t planla In l'nllo·l'ted, while national head· Will Smith, S . A. )&yer, and L. o•xlallnK one--family ...... will Jilr. StanJ.;j Ia -of 0... ,_ rnt·ln and all o,.or ii*, ........... ._: ......,-...,.,....,. ; h l1ll --_., the country. IJIIurll'rw J'l'rmlta communiUN to H. Nor:'~.:,, Dt -.,_ tt.· ('onverlecl Into two • tiliNe hJecUYe 8erYloe c:hal,_.. l.n thr l'lar.-d ~rt• t~ ,..,. IJ·~Ut ': No on.e can expec-t. whl'n the <I !111 t "I' In three JX>r cent of "aa-._, .--r tmll dweiJI . by prtftC. .,t• C!OUfttry who bu ~f'd •In~ tb<' 0 'II' "-""""_,... R L ,._....._ ...--lne an 1,...,,._ "' _.. flnal whlatle toot.e and the war 1 th · tOtAl rnr expen8el l Prealdenl ~n&'fllOOr Ull• Wl'l'k 1-.1. a~d ~ 100 -~'1 be~nnJn.r ot t.lw wortl ADd '"""'".-.J "''lh Ow-ldra Ullal a a.Witl ,.,, .. , 1 .. 2 rb~ ~ hu ended. that all or th4'~ pial'"• In addltlnn. the commlllH Ia nomPd a comm ittee 10 work o ut .twPIJingw will be INMd ~ UM throU«hnut hi• .,.rv;roo haa won t•ulkh• ,.,, •11..• ~ al Uda poMit -WM partk'Warly ... ,. - auddrnJy will atop all work It'a tli•I•IIIIR $30 In J>OIIl-dalt'd checka all pla.na for the annual dlnn•'r ''' rnmo-nt and ronverlecl at fed· only pra!M' fiiOm 8tall' and Na· hut \rlllulnl ,..., ~,...,.. U..t to 'orrtllltf '" l'rlelnt..,.,. W H. not In t.be earde. 11,.1 ulh••r l'hN kll 10 a value or nwrttng Dr Grundy and Mr ,,,1 o·xpt'nae lnlQ multlple·famllJ Ilona! offic-Ial• on .. v.-ral ••·•·•· , ... , ,.,1111,1 a.. 1011rr. • .,.0c to f'«· A'lalt~, .,.., •t•lf'd alen tMt ,_ RICtal ~n we're gol.ng lo atart $IS wo•n• returned by reaaon of Palmer wHI be In C'harJf(' or C'&r· !wl'll lnga t.e.-. wtll ba ....,U.t· •ton• lhf' nplntnn haa broon ,. •. ,,.., t r~.--111 •trf_._ 1"1 ""'' tnc• • ..,. ....... M4 __... havtnr real compt>Utlon again. A '"' !';uffwiPnl Funda .. ry.ng nut !ltTan«l'rrw.onta with lh,. . d fur a KVefl·)'Ur penocl. rr•·,.-·1 by "hl~th•·r up~~" that OM' Uo•llo ... oil ..,... ...,._... a1 a ~ '" rho-paat ., • ., wiUI _.. Utaa .mat majority or the' planiJI wlll ~till nun·liJlJ"'rlloned Ia 144110. ysu hi l'lub, lh,. prn~<r' am (o)llnw· __ ___ :-;,·wp<trl II AI bur boerd baa ad· "''""'"'It ,., llw ..,._.. ..t r.-Jan ..,..,. Uf)(l '"' ..,.,...u u of OK. II. atart working on lhl' rlana they 111,, 1111111111ttee revealed. lng the dlnnt•r to be au(K'rvllk'd tntnlllto·rNI Mf'l<-c•flv•· H<•n'l'"" In 1; undoubtedly now have for pleA•· by Walte r SplrPr, Bradt'n Fin•·h New Al·rcraft Plant th .. way II ah .. llltl hA\'o• ...... n ad· :-; •. ,," '"' ....... rl..-olltf Latayf'itr u~ and commercial crAft. After .. ,..,.,. ('oatribuUo• lind Mr Lnngmoor mlnlal,.r••ol Uw '''""'lrv ,.,.,.r "'' '"''" he 1 .... ..," ~Ut aNI lOUI all. tbey're Wl'll·alocked wlth ma·l ,,,.,•nrdlng to a breakdown of I· The plan, u u.ual. prnvl~a for Mr !';IAnlo•y • Appulntm•·nt tu .,,....., ..... ••-~ a.7 tJi1oo cllinery to produce boat., and what I r•·r !Ofll' by thl' \lartoua dlatrlct a ... rlea nf dJatricl I.Abl···· Ralph Now on Productl'on lht• ""''''"' bouonl. II\ lh·· f'\'l"nl f "'"'' tl .. olh '"" r-.11 I hal '""' could be more logical than to at art l'h' rnwn. the averagt' co.nlribu-1 M~kl'Y &ttol C. E A('kt•rnlan will thAI h# '" fr••••ol lu "' o ··J•I II , Ia "·""'' .. ·•• lahl• •I unlll lh• n .. al puahlnl' out things that a publiC' .... ,, WD.S lllrgf', ll84 lndlvtduala bf' •11 l'ltarg-r or lhl' Nf'w~rl tablo•. at Corona del Mar ...... n .. A Jlllrlkuhuly 111•>11 ''lllf'•k" IOit oluo.: '"""" •• I• tort ........ J lt-al With lh .. ,.lliiOOUil•"d ~ et wit.b lola of money would Ilk<' to h'll .n~: l'llnlnbuled more than H. F. Kenny and J oh n F. Radl••lr, fotr thl' !"•·wrw•rl ll•rh"r ,.,.,,,. ,.., ..... I. •I• ... til '"' uJI.-d '""' '"""alnr Juv .. nll .. ctrll~'l buy? lJtl nn11 \\1ul" lh• final cnmmlt·l BAlbo!!: P A. Palm4'r an•l Ho•mz hf' Ia f•mtlll\r w11 h ,,,..,., """t II ".... I••HolroJ '"'' I hal Ull• ". 1,,.,, ''"".: ,..b••l•,..~m• .,...,._ It 1a t'ntl I lble that NI"W· I••· lllo•o'l lng WM In MNinn, a do-1-.aiiK'r , Lldn '"'"· F:arl SIBnlt•y c~ft~u,···~d .. , __ ..... -Aoe.-t hulldlng flnt.l ft•htnR ............... I ol lo• .. loo •oo iO•ofi .. r '"" ••r-t ..... la lflllt•fll ,.,, I"""IIC'" )'fJUn ........ re Y pou 1 1 ""''"' • ........ .__ • and <"'harlt'lt Prvton. Balboa 11· ·~--..e _,.'-. .-...~ ---k . tt• r port can bt'com.e one or ·~ mn!!l 11.1 1"11 It •"'"" \\U .I'OU'.('tVo-u .... m . • . k•r pl•nl located In tbe form· 1\noJ Will • ••OII••IJII•·IIll\' ... ... :,,, h ....... .. • .,~d ,,. ~"7 lr ..... l ft., ........... ._,.., ............ famoua places In thl' world for , '' • >l•·nt ''' :'1/t'wporl Bnch ltm· ~~nd , Hub~~rd C dlloi"M't• nrHI ~. IL-f. I, ~turdll•JY~ factory at 1016 C~t lnfnnn,..l "" lh•· II• •, ·~II\' "' •I· h "'' ,,, t,;• "' l•..ull •of lho> """ •luolo "' ho .. l\ on• tubrr• ,._.,., pnlductlon of pleuure craft. u •·"'·"'"' ro·!lldin~ in F1orlda . It ,·,·:·r~IUl, ..,.,ronlnO I' G nr.l nnEu t l lol~hway awu~ lnta production f,.nn.r mrn ''"'" lh'l'• ·~•·•••••• o• • I •· •' ••r·l lr~o ff•• rh•• •••I 1>•1 "'i<:•,.,., .. ,, llw Newport II f ... .__ t r k •'·" ••·JitUI••tl. ortRRII a.nc r nant y, U ' ln•lualrll'a o '''"I •'•11'1' llaflt• ,.ho•h hiUO tt~••··• t ntl•r T •nt "'' Cl .. we u ont o uoe ""!< "' ~'•'P· N , t 1 M11ntlay momln.. a.ceorcllq to ' ·-0 n ... . b lit ,, \\ "" found difficult to check f'\\ p«>r . I Mf'mbrrw "' lh•· "J'II''Iol •···•1•1 ... , ~· . I.. .. ......... " .... l .... r.-.1 J~·-1· "'""" '"' lhoo ,., ... -.... em a er uoey re 11 • s~atln will .... , limtll'll to 2t"' l'"""'unctmml by com~y ofll· . . • l &t~r start &B\'In~ up thNI<' ol•o'":\' nn I hi' averagt aubl!'rip· ' 11: "' "' ttol\r 14'1111""' I"•Y th .. JOlllll• Ml' '•· "''' •·I 1 ... 1 •Y• ltr "'""' _ .. , 41•1'"'' •,,.;, llov wh,.n • I"*P ot war bc)ndlt for one o! tht nt w II"" t)tnrl< thrOUJI'h war planta and .:-u•·llts anol sn JlOJllllnr hR \'o· II~ •·~~, 1 t whl('h will PC In ll'Wntbf·r• ,,, th~' I•~ ool "''"'" 1 • ·• ''' • •· • n '" ''''"'' .... In H• o """"' , 1• • w •U• '" Walt..- craft Wt''rt going to get when the I•• ~lollp dunatlons 811 In aome I~· dlnn~r• provl'n In pnAt Y•·Rr&, It •• I • p "~. t of e~l e I ' 'I hll·••• o. •o ' l,o•"• h i .. , ... o'"'"'• II• "'' ,,..,";, "' ,,.. AIIC<'Iea wM ~l:tOloo·S. I!OIICtlOI'll failed to Jt'arn antl('lpal4!'d lhat thl' full nUmtwr i 'l•' IHIUlU aC ure am para 8 ild' ,.,. ~, I•• l.tf,o, 'I· r lo.a.donl( I" •n•l oour lmorl th .. joH•.,nll,. p....,.,. war' a over! • • • lh•· nu ... ber or peraona repreRnt· nr ri'Acn·allonll wtll br tako•n up I •.,r ua•• In lhe concern'• matn rae· U lOg "H)ID .,.•(•0 '' ""' :-; • ..,, •. ,' ""'' lt.lbo• II .., .. "h .. h ""• 1..-.. ,. .,, •uc:.-twly fol· r I on • pArticular donation. How-f4.r ah .. d of thl' dat4' tMy •l Ban Dltro, wtll operate for Corona d••l Mar ''''"··I , ...... ·I ,.,, •h·· J••u•l Y••r bJ u.. WANTED: o , .•. r, Lhc committee ha.11 earC'fully ----"''' Plght·hnur ahlft.e daily. Wbllt ,_ • 11-1• A~ • ,, 1 •"·' · K• ... aul• .. lub and la VOLUNTEEU 1hA k d ... (' _,, IUld atlmat•a W -o-1 Da H jJ d th# wta.l numbe.r of meo and wo-llnlrrtprooHoll''"'"''' Ill th• ,.,., 1 1 \ 1 t'·'·lb ,. ltu ... •·' ... __ My frlmd H4'1ml'r DlckPy frnm 1 •' u•t' r (' nr"" e ~ LA:I"t.00 0Cf' a .. '"' n In b!' l'mployed 1a aUII with· ' "'' ' " ..oM ._ ~··~v ,_, ...... ,..,_., ... o.....,. CT~ th111 ,croup rnll!ocltOnJI cuvtr about G t S I on a dl'l M11r "'"" "'''1""'' • 1" • 1 .. 1 .. t· 1 •' '"' '"' • hu•c~ nf V•n o h""'iC"""' u, .. M.,ulhwMit Balboa Jaland lalltlll working llkl' tr.oo• tudl\'tdualll. H that eallmate as rea UCCf'SS; 1'1'1 M rl'etrictt'd lnfonnauon. of. find A f"lld)' ........ th proo•11'""' ., •. ,,. ,. , .. lll·•lo. I S..· "'~'""' ......... olub I'Ofllmllt.e the dlckl'nS tn ~rt mort' men for 1 ... 4'1:!1\ll N t p fit l t ,, '"'• 11a.ld today It would be "ln h 1 1 ,. 11 , f 1 Ule Port Sl"t'Urily Force. or what· I" .ojiJJroXInlale y corrcoct. uoe av-•1"""' e ro ·x• PM of 200." evrry pur• ""'I • 0 . "'Oil,; , .. ' 0 0 ... • II 1:. 1 •• , """'' ••kin& •• ,.,,, '" ... ,.~ ...... ntauv.. .. ... 1 ,,;, ~:roup rnntributlon would be tenlhon uf llutl•llnl( .oM •••uo ""' ""' • 11 ,, '11• 1 • 1 1 t< l h >fil t... '"'" r · oil•• lluhharo1 (• H-•· ev"r they call thr voluntel'r cl~· 1'11•·•·•1 at about $3 pt'r Individual, BrtwP••n $:100 And $800 nl't prhf· During the Opt'nlnc daye the to·n•l• 11n · II\ htl.ohl•· "" • • •ult 1 ., , .. 1 • . 1 '" I"''""' "" "' laNI who're willing to help out e It W&ll rl"allzed by N"wport Hnr· 1•l11nl hu bet'n mannf'd by exper· thr "fl"""n '" .,,.111..: ,,,,1.,, '''" , , 1 1 ~,..,,, • .1 .. .,..,, Waert•'" Jlodd,. H. COlLI& Guard. (.'olwtloaa bJ Dletrtet h-lr Amerlran ""~'''" all I'Ntull "'' , .. nc.-d peraonnel drawn from otb · pr .. M••tl hy It~"' old• '"I""' throl n . ~·· ,,, '" ''"I •• ''" ''"'" He' a •pending lot. of houre C'nii,.C'tinn!l hy dlelric t.e, toge.th· th!' New Yt•ar'll Ew• ''H I·.I inx." tll•·r feeder •hope operated by Con· lh,. hluff ,..., ''"" o• ~11•1•·>1 '" • , 1 1, ,. , , 1,1 1., .. , · 1 ,.,,.. '· • 'h• II·' ftfl•l \-\'•vnr llarpttr, • l t. •••1. •• ., "'"''I , .. r•rr wntaUvM • II lw M "11. II II oil, f'rlflf)' Mlck• ·l •nll l'lull•' l 'n•IIC (,.l'orry lAne· , , •· ~ '"' ~t..oll•l ''"II Jl'reftnan, worklng In r('l'ntlllng-nHir.ra. Ht' • r w1th tht• reepecUve dlltrlct WM report I'd tn•h1y by FlnanOI' uthdal('d JneXJM"rlenced help will 1.,,rl••n•··· ,. I( I, 10l• , 1•1•1 , ,,, '"' . 1 .,, , .• 0, , .. 111, I'"''""" .. "· knowll his but~lnPll!l \'l'r y thorough· ' •Jlllllrtl!, Wl'rt' Ill! follow•: Offlf'l'r Thf·n Ro•hlnlf "' Wlllkrol In u rapidly aa found pruv•·no•·nl '''" lh"" '" •. ""''I !••r t. •• II•••• ,, ly, and anyon!' whn hu 8 yP n not lllllhnn Pc•ninsula lo "A" at reel, Paid adml118lnnll numbfor~>d chJIIP f••~tlflblt', It wu Indicated. LIOn ,,, th•• llnrl~., "'"', ,, t 0., 1 1 only t o do aomf'thlng fnr hill Mrll .lnck Hillman. $872.90; ''A" t•) 2000 Jl"riiOnM yl'l th•· affnlr l'•·ratmll dulrlnc work at the Rln< .. · llfjlllolftiH•II "' ''. t.lufl ,, ,. I• o. • .-,,.,. , .. l .. , ,,, ,,,, ... • Th.-m•"· r lh• • lh ' J•l•nnll 11 t·· ._ \\ 11 I tf •I t '•u u••run """""'· country. but In addition ltk~>a th(' •I 1 "'t In AI\'Arada. H. F. Kenny, WRII pRrtlr ulnrly notnblr· fur I \.II I ''•11ll plnnt may apply at the eom· anti bt BC'h pr••JI"III• ~ .,...,, 1~ ..:u11 .. ,1 ,11,. , .. waler can gel a r€'al brl'ak. phil $1!•66 76, AlvnraJo to 15th atreel, ordtrllnl'u . Prar ll('ally no ron.-gnt pa.ny office In Corona de1 Mar, at ro•r..,1tlv by th• ,.,,,7, ,,. ·,,,, , ,, a fine uniform. hy rontnctlng HI' I· ;\fr11 ,lom•'ll V. Guthrie. $1598: "out or line" lllld th,.r,. wu 11b~tn-th•· ufflce of Conaolldat.ecl Alreraft Tru•l ,.,,, s .• , 110~:,. H11,,k ··I '"'" n • 1 ...... 1 •• '"~' dane• .... f• "-, ••• .-: !o • I• I• 1' 1II 1•IV fOr>l for Jan. 1• mer aa aoon u poaslble! 1:11h to :lOth lltrl'<>t. Mr11. Eugene lut<•ly no gambhng, ar('•Jrdlnc lo tn Snnta Ana, or at tbe U. I . Dn· An~t,.l•·ll. u , h•11•• lt•ulol ll l: 1··1" • • • F~n,.lnn. $11:'15 80; 30th atreet to Adjutant A. J Hllyman Ga mu plnyrnPnt bureau, &1110 In 8anta htw,. '"'"" I"'" h11,.. 1 l1•, ::•. I''"" JIDI:1'II t Santa Ana rl\'er. C. F . Dennlaon. ,.., ~;kill, provide-d for thl' OC'!'rul•m I Ana '"'"~ wlll be no four·honr 1>"'11,,. r•·At• .. •ntso ••, ''''""~" I•• 1'IIEa& SHS3. )'l;ewporl Ialand. Ralph Mu-by t:lydt-DenlingPr, pr()Vf'd ••pc· •htfl at thr Corona del Mar plant. J11hn Sh••rrto<l ll10rr1~ ""''" ""' :1t Sid Bla('kbnrd. t~ eleclrlcal; ko•y. SIH 50: lndualrial •ec:Uon 1' 1..111) pnpular and Wl'r~ lhrong-f'd •t w u alated. J>'ull pBrllntllor11 .,, ''"' h •.• 1. "I wlur4. and Connie I Muscltll) 11nd union•. Grl'gory G()rby, and ' with playera throughout the 1'\'l'· A "durat111n" lt ... wu necoU· rwar• on I' kg•· :1 .,f t hi~ '"""" Shook. thr bomb 10helter expert. !"o'IAon Stafford. $4228.38; Ntw· nlng, Rt••ll lul month between the OUt•·r rPI't·n l lrun11r•• 11••••~ 111 lh• were In Santo Ana lhe other dllY·I :•101 t Hclghta. Mr11. Don McCal· Mu1lc for danclnft wu provld· wnrld·famou. aircraft eomp&lly ,.,,.,n" •It• I Mnr "', ,0 1,, lud• 1 Papa and Mama Ro11111, the IIJIA· tum, $400 31; Lido J•le, P . A. c•d by Anaell Hill and hill nrchPa· nn•l Clyan Hall, owne.r of U.. thr"'' 11:~1• 11 f\f "" v ~~~ 11, r1 1,, •. 1.~1 p etll txJX>rla. 11tlll are ha,·tng I ul1111•r, 11889.82: Harbor leland, Ira, with Belly J••an Rozell!• u Sturdltoya concern. 'Ibe put ty Mr An •l Mn~ J 101,1," ;-; Whyt•· their ,·acatlnn. but thl'y couldn't F:nn·tt Gardiner, $115; &aco.n \'O('&IIIIl. thr~';. w~ka have been citvol~d to JlUi f'hl\llt·d J,t1t t:l, Ill•" k 7 t7. ""'' ,.,.,at popping Into Johnnie VUrl· Any. Earl Stanley, $230; Ba.lboa Commandrr S . T . Dunlap. r h11lr· r<'modelln.r thP build!"-and In· UJt 14, lll•ol'k H 2 Ill• 1 1,,1 • ,. ta'a Archea the other night. Just I!•IAn ol, Colllns !!Venue we•t. Ml• man llf U1,. ~'''"nt, wu ably lUI· ~talllnr nt'C_.., equipment. ttnn h,.ln.r h~tnlllo tl hv 1;,.1111,1 w to aee how thlnll'fl were goln~t l<n••· M('('8Jln. $435.73: Balboa la· 11lat.ed by Atljutant 1-ll\ym an and I Rlt('hlf' u •la t i •n•l l(o Bl .. 1 Somebody aald Earl Stanley'a had lantl. Colllna avenue lo Canal, Mrw. Director Robert Holllnah,.ad I•HI.IC.'E &EPO&T 842, w .. ,... Jill" hu•·•l '"'"' lh· tbe n u. Ken Gorton, too. Tut! · · Hnl Will Smith, $1140.40: Channel ,..,.........,...,.,,.....,.,,.,,,,.,,,,,.,..,,.,, • .,.,,.. ... ,........ Ourlnft the month of o.e.mber, ('lty hv Mr 1\ntl Mr• y,,..~ t: Jfnr How're the New Year'• reaolutlona ll<la.nfl. Mrs "Dutch" Hucoc:k. committee lncludtd Jud~t• 0 . A thf' Nt WJIOrt 84'acll poUce dep&rt· r1ntttnn, A J Twl•l artln~e u lltol~ out! .. · $314.i~: Corona del Mar. Gerald .lnnl'll, Mr Sherman, Irvin Q4>orce rn• nl ,.,,,wered 2M e&1la. made U I "K"nl 10nd l,t•t 11. "''" k ~n .,...,.. ----W Ritchie, $81 •. 96. D1alriet.e un· r.nrdon. Clyde A•h~n. A B Rou· arreata ucluatva of tratnc, Uld purch!Uif'd by J c-a>hln,. M It••. IJt:ATR OF BIIO'I'IIE& known, $218.80. Mell, Charlea R . PC'yton, Hubbard 1~ traffic arreat.e. l.Adl'tnc wu with w J Hfllrmnh h'lno111nc th•· Bob Leahy, Ne'I''J'Ort Beach ~ Offklen C.• H owe, and W. M, Lonpoor r;lve~e pei"'IINN; UU.. autoe df'al nwrman, learned thla week of Upon the death of Mr. Shennan. "..re ro Cfl\'rrt'<1 with an ...,.....te ~ ,,.. .,., ... ,, , .. , 111•1 Alii ~~ holoj l>f f'f•ta M~ '' r -.w. • i•u • h , • .,,". ·,\·,,,-, ,,i-. • h, •• ,,,,,,.p. An .. •c:ela.-nt II r ,, •• , t ,,,, a•r ·r~•m ···h· •••• "•" trrn t.t»CaJMd and ••.• 1 ,, , ,., ""' ",, ...... , t~t,.._ ., ,,, , .... , 11 u ,.,. , ..... u.t w11t be • , ... , • •' •· J •·• n ''6th' .,.,,,,.,.t tt• .,, h•tJI• •I •tl11u tltrn R•fr..eh· 1•: 1" tl .,f 'h h• 10IU• •l"'f•l\tlm.,nt "'' ,,,,. 1••1 Ill• tu .. r party Will tJ4r I •...••. 1 t•-.; ll•·'"rlotll Tl'ff Wript ,,.,,.,,,a \•fTt '"ar.a• · 1 .,.,1 u .,. h~or;4~• thwt .,. • .,:. o1 the '.I• 1 I· • • 1 •h• :-.;,,... l"'••t Ito a• h ll•oiAIIIOI<• '''"V l~tkf' It Upnft tb.m· '"' 1 "" .,, "•I• v.•;. 1o. •lil:ll w h o • '" f111111•h o ""k"''· ,tc. 'Ibe 1 ,. f•l ol ,,, "'lcll l( ra vorat•l• 11r ,.(hlr .,.,11 t,.. •h .. ,,.., • .,. .. 11 by"'""' 1 1.,,, ,,, I• o:••l.••l\•1• ,.,.N: prfl•lln« h• '" ,,( thr l'tom rnlltrl' all4 UMtr ., ,,., t• • , tl•l • ·i•ttl• 'h•,.... .,.,., tnK lift' .tv"• , . 1 to "" , •I ,,,,...,. An•l w .. ,..-to,.nt A "'"'''" r .. r hard and fllllt ·• ... . '" ,,,,, Ull'"'' a unltl•tl n1l• • h,.,.~ h•• .. n l11ltl drrwn bJ Ute t• .Jo 111 I ''" hll(h 101 h•oo•l .AIU•.,.nta' f'Oinn\Jl ..... Ttor r······-.. furtlw't .... .,., '"·V• "'"' Vllb •ll .. ndtna m\lat ba \\'• fo. I I hAl I( ..... 1.-tl<'ln ,.., ,. al•l-"'" •• , s""''P'•rt Ha.rbor-cc- '" • ,,,,, 1• I• fl t11 ltlr 1Mhtt1ual '" M• ,.r, "'h•,.,l o11alrtf'ta; m\lat bw •1•1"• 11 Ntll '''""" '""' a larr ,,,.,.r It t~n•l un•lrr 20 ,_,. ot ""J'" 1tv •• r thr m .. n 1n ~ wr l\ttr . en• I nr1110l apply for membctr· t • 10 "'till 11' "ff"'f:t, lie ct.n~ •hlp 111 I lo• • h1h W.,mbct,..,..p ap- t h .. rrtM '" v•,te -r•ll• •"""• 'II"Y hr r.tlt&lned at the the death of his brother, whn ASI!IItln« chairman Palmer u J!:arl 8lanll'y wu appointed to nil \'Blue or 111100. and sao worUI of ,.-ed awa y In London, ar.d 87 campat.cn ofnoera were H. F . Ken· thle n.eancy on the ~mmlllee other penonal propert~ WM .... MO. ('OAMT VM. NAVY 'r;" n .. r. AN'Ilftt'!llf('ZP IIIJth .. h•,r•l N•wpnrt • ....... IT..., All .. n'a tlrutr atan uc1 aut !ft.a.nl .. y'• ••ff•r.• 6n 8ARia& laland, anti f'tlamt..r fif ('~fiMJrc:e etnee, RaJbt)a A ttdtlkJrl&l putJcul&ra wtll .,. annowaoed Mill w•IL yeara. Mr Leahy. who ta 83 yean~ ny. lreuurer; the late H. L. Sher· Ml"mbera of the quota ciommlt~ rnver•d. of ace. &lao hu a 1l1ter ~aiding mRn, audlt~r ; and Harry Welch. &1110 Mrved u the board Q/ c1J. City Ju~e 0. A. J-beard lG tba vtclntty of London. II'Cretary. MerOers ot tiM quota NOtan. Mic-and collec:t.d .. 1 tn nn-. ~·· Th.e South r out r,. huk,.lh"ll .,;t .. ll •loch botlk wdJoll •Ill tf'a.m will play th,. I' A Nav•l Air 1,, ... 1 '""' U •• 1 p m In Utr 8C.Uon team a t Santa Ana th· .,,.,.,. .. •<f Nrw Ar>dnw K1rlL. IJOe morrow nll'bt ,; C'• ntraJ ~~ I ' fill! .$218 rA MESA et tents >wer ' h•aTotal S23.5M t A.'ftt-h ltl'l' fli(UR'tl t\1,_ YNird thnt IOUfttlnK to n-MlaRt• ut wu abl• l'l rwt._ toc~a• .,.~ .... ~--,,....,. .._. .. :.-., .... 91'8 I ~--.... tant -~ Ctlaaller ., \tktft ,.. tM }led\al.t ,. r. ..... ~ .... 'lr1 nra • wUI be w •• ..,. ... . ...... , ... • .... te .. 'ltMw .... .. ,rany a. fw "' .,.. ,., . are~~~ .,.,, c a ....... Wly, Hal Wll • llftd J w ,.,, wiUI all " pcolk!y, al>4 ,...-.nltlMd In ,.,, __ ... ft'INrl WI\Mh· ~ attllutlfo w .... t 1'hf'y ·l~ucnu~ owr.·· 'Jbry ')U"C'UlJon uf )11 and ot.h· rt Amertaan """'"' rtliiJOt left. •·or un- tiP lntnltlon 1ft unthlnk· t, r00.t IIAV· nation rnn lind lt1t d· •lon.<c ns t n Ill" tlwy 111'1' le-i, 11Ur (ltf. flhtlllflf ill· ftt•pul.tll••n f'fl~:a,:•'fl 111 hi• pri111:u·y • .,. ( 'lrll'll 1'1 "''"': 10:\1'11 l tlllr• 111011' flii ... J lllolllll• 'tlllll"'' illtf1; lfll'kl'f'4 hut tf flll'ir •·nt· qf l!tilllittJ!' ,., Jt;,f'l) I ltf' )fllf' ,.,,1'1 nf or llw • ';I• ft•I:Y ,,f tltt' II' ( '11:11<f. If T1.1 ny t im•·•• hu hav•• :d - . Wt•~t I.; aR t111· Anny I sIt un tfnn. NOCJift tlf' a lfos!nt itm to 75 Percent Sou Workers Wan a1 LEONIE ·~ Wltb more oftkla •llftllt'-oatrea to an.., kr tau beadaciM'•. It ~ tbat the pub ally turu to .-ne ' ~ t.n vartoull ~ ll'• up to ~aumably, to deter ..,_.,.. are bona tid are IUI!ply lb" G r$ aeue o; Humor w<lr- U the ap~lo~ ca11tornla women wa a recent quelltlonn&ir t.bllr ~-war lnteotl pel -~n Callforull talre lt. ADd lt tbe .cboed b)' women In -neit.ber t&n tbe nat Aecordlng to the r ernt ot ~ women D«. p1aDY want to IICay U war. Only oae In I ~rt to n-turo to t t.IH! Ttlat may m&ke bow, t.o the women the arwwerw, but the: ~e.~ why It ..-.e to a country • o1 bom• are autfer ot the womenfolk wb oOcally IUied out lJ wbs 10 million lll<'ll war; wbert milium• are Uvtr•J un•l~>r una UaN •·blrb m ulfl .......cuec1 unmediat .. l n.p n, ap.~n n Before Yot ............. E 1111( BAL' NEWPORT-BALBOA PB.ESS Tbu.r.day, January 6, 1944 ~-:--':-~-~~~~-----...... .,, .t.tr. MONOPOLISTS Practical aad l'baely .... ....., ·~·-· .: ........ w,-~ By W: KEii: MAXWELL Thf' Prf'U hu ~9 adj~ed • _.. • .,.pe:r .~ c· rl'l4 l • I -· ·~. decrM of Ule Superior Court of ~ C•.unl Y .r~ .. J • '.' • to pu&llab all k.lndl ol leCa1 ~ AA4 •1 n-t,s.~ ------.---BtJB8CJUPT10S llA'T1':S r ..r·-t l •, Jn Or&n(f' Cou{lty, fl.OO ,... ~ar. <JuU&ck ol uraz>l" · Folks in the ·•euy moaey" parade of JW3-4.t J>bol'Ui>! remember that the provertlial rainy day ia ~JIDIDg-~ .. 01!~ luxuries would.make milbty poor J!OU¥ftllf11 nf tJw JlnEJlff ·ouft era •hen the eurpla ~ CIOdld u wdl be ID'\'c:stt"-1 in U . S. Bonda. The Government ia iD technical lecal aQill.r()l ol l lk railroads &l;ld the threatened rail lll.r'ike bu btftl ~&DJL..-­ ly po~ttponl-c.l. Sane people ~ laopia' tW ,-..will bt-re- stored to their ownerw before t.beir ~ _. t~ u\'rr t o a lot of pea.nut politk:iaM. To., mllny people are aaaJung a pro("Jt vut or t.bP war. und it Ul high time that they be made to n-a.lur tht-y ba\'c 11•1 n bhl l•1 cx}X'Ct to be paid for doiDg their pl.am d uly. Tbt boyrt in the jungle, 00 IIUbm.ar'iDe8 aDd ID bombing f•~ cs arc n•1t qu.ibblini about prolita. • We ~lve up. Tbere'• DO~ ;u.t wlwn-thr bureau· !t ·'1tning will strike. UDder our adnD('«."J bbrA" btn • • .. • • ' A , .t , • ..... .tU•·n"" LAo< Tbere ia a tradition of ancient Athena that one of iu ~ .......... "' ..... •\.•\~ ~ de th ... ., ...... t • ~UcU~· s;reat and ~f1cent statesmen was banished and m.a e .,..,. • ........... 111" _.. dclim of popular ext·(• ration beeause the people gn;w weary ... : ...... " ·• ~ go r-f havin• him called "Artistides the Just.'' In ap1te of all -·-o"··U.UC b.a ·-. .~.. ••• • .. ~ ............ l~ ul l1ia valiant een'll'c m war and his constructive labora lD n . ., .. -·-" ..... w .-........so-w. J>eace, ill apite of the real <·xcellence of his cha~c~er, ~iB -•" r .:.ne *•me ant. ilema to the populace ~auae 1t rm: lied ... "l a...•. • u....~ a monopoly of an out.atanding virtue. ., , • , .. -J " lu i • :'u~r· Without excUl;ing tht· Athcman populace, it iB easy to • ~ • ., ............. t.. »uuwuo, toD•lent.and the ft'(!ling wh1ch moved them. Mortal men ~ " ... ~. ·'-.. '""'" 6"' ""'""u loul tfUU· r.ot Ollly akeptJcal about human rv>rfection, and jealous of • _ L ... • ........ ., lJJ' I~.....,, W I '..._ .,., ''" ••• v ... ., o.:n&r&• it, but they reeent having it flaunted in their faces. By im· • ·• , •~·.. • ...... ~~l ~ad.l fJlicatioD there ts alway~ a contrast between this perfec- ·' • -..,. •. , • U•..t -' _. lur-w-=r1y h f 1 h t t ion and their own ahort('omin rr~. Intuitively t ey ee t a .~ • ~. -.,')t..4L"-.•.;H&i \.Mua.t\1 ~ • .. ._. ..... 4 .. ,.1 .. .u • .J u1 ... ow-l the individual professing or reputed to possess impecca- ·-· _ .............. 1 wulurm. "" Lility mWJt be lacking in that ~ympathy and understanding , 1 • .. w} 1•11•1, liatc tor .... .. • .... _t' 1 .. , J .a.Jl lb • ¥:hich make. for breadth ami humanness. Freebom men are always hostile to monopoly. The hiB- t·,ry of their emancipation from autocracy is the history of ""· • ' t· c... 1 1~ t:. ~ .. o. t h~ir resist&Dce to the tlh·ine rights of kir/gs and over- .. ,~ .. ,, -.an.~ ... lv••l y•ll ... -. Xou<Aay ... ! r. 1 J -·t, ... ,h twtJ &J.:..cn e-r- r• •r c.. u. -L u,~ .._ '-"'',; Ok cb.U\J ..... --"'' tu ~"-''" ly 1\kAUIY .; ,._~._.... .•. uu ..., c,·.-wt puUCt: !1)rda. 'nle bJ.tory of their advance in knowledge is the his- tory of their refu.aaJ to acc(·pt as truth the dicta of sorcer- t ra and aoothaayera aJI medic·me men. The history of their progreu toward ~onom.ic fre<'dom-a ~tory that ia yet RECIPES OLD &NOU811 PLVM PlTDDL'IIO INOREDIENTS-One-half pound ~d rata1n1 (ooe and a half cupa) one-halt pound curtonts (OM and a hall cupe) o~ fourth pound cbopped miXed pet>l tcltron, oranre and lemon), one-fourth pound tip , chopped, one-htllf !X!,Und rround auet. tour cupe tine dried b~ad crumb•. one-h•lt cup nour, one-half teupooo mace, one-ball teupoon cinnamon, one-fourth te&- apoon rtnre.r, one-fourth teu poon clovca, one teupoon aa.lt. one &nd one-fourt.b cupa brown augar, one cup elder or orance Juice, 1tx erp. one-ball tablupoon br&ndy, rum or ~rry tlavarlnc (optional). I(E'n{OI>-Kilt all truitl .lQiet.ber. Sltl no~a ao4 tneUW"e.. Sltt &Jaln wtUI aplce• &nd ult, an<J add to fruita, auet and crumM. Mot.ten aurar wll.b elder, add navorinr and beateJJ "IP· Add tD dry l.np'edlentl &nd work. together well. Place lll buttered mold &nd let atand lit a col~ place over nlrht t.o 11pen. Steam IIX boura Ule next day. Spnnkle mold with (T&nulat~ .!Iugar att.,r butterin( ao pudding will have 11. lhiny aurlace. • •• 7 .................... . , _.._._;... .. j t •u ul Ow nc~,llbor- ' • • .u....~ ~. ~ .. ~t.t.a. a ... -ucke.r' __ . _ , ..... : b> .w ... J••• tt ... w~·· , •I :::.. • .._., ~ • .J Hv-..Jy," a , , .,. ,. ,.,,... ... 1 .,... "~"" by ttenry far from ita final chapters-is the hiatory uf their implac-OCEAN FRONT :.~le battle ~Mt the economic dumina}lce of colossal wealt.io aDd power. It i.l a ltrange trait uf human nature, however, that MARKET while mea lD the mass are ins tinctivdy antagonistic to ·,. .. 1.._.4 ts--u...n ,.1 Ualbuoa u.. monopoly on the part of the other fellow, there i.a a lurking uri.. .. .,.> ~ .... ,,.n! u .... Laot ::mbitioa in ev~ry·.individual to be himself a monopolist. 2110 OCEAN FROST .... l \ .. ~1 >olD('~ ln• ulhC.: wu Milliona have been squandered in efforts to ''corner" the -~...hr ... Lll ;,q u . ~~•. t.·n.wr· GEO TAYLOa • ,, , •••..:r ... w .. n t .. toe ..Ch-tl ·...rain markets. Fortun~ have been wn•cked and s trong men GEO. PI:TDSOK-• 1 •• , ... u. .. .: 1., lllll\uunc .. -driven -to auicide by titanic battles tu control this or that "3• 111111 !..-• 6 3 3 1 ~ .:u..... u....: ..,, ~ .. var<l. -:.s ....a_u a:& t.ut sn· IEJU'WY . ••yera ha\•e been puniahed for paymg lull' ~~ , .Jl tn 1-c~li AnJeles last week t.b.fte food abup s ern-f~ n total of $2400 for raiaing the wa&a ol ~an \"lubl.,Al of WLB regulafiiiaa. ~ lot vW..l} c .......... J.,.,, 1!:. ~peculative i.leue of the stock market. Laws have. been ! ,.,._r,.__ -r•k-I ..... flouted &DC1 common morality 11~0rl'd by the ambitions of I ------------------------..! '". j .~..~., l.. )It v, ··. .-.. 0 -. ...... 11 tn• c .. unt) .. wee w 1.1cn to p.iD a strangle holli em the supply of the life ne-~ ............. t••.J "'1ua Kotanu c·cssitiee. But tht• fundamental sen&' of Justice in masses _.._..._...~_.._.._..._.. _ _.._.. _____ _________ , -"· :'\""' p<>l t tka..ll City --------· I Representative Winifred St.a.Diey. a bript aDd t"UCDo-t -. ~ "h-• "....,•Lout ... a pn\'· I'.~ I ,. ,.. Ul S&nl.a An&. mtervenea, and "monopohst" becomes a tcnn of derision ;J nd reproach. ly woman who repr....U a New Y~ titalf' dbltnrt II• congreu. uya ''womell do DOt vote for "pnitJ b ..y' ~ ~ u.a.t ~ ··~ Kaa No sane mlu is so fouhsh as to prof~ss a monopoly dcnt•al t'IUlliJdate..'' She . •• • ·-1 ~ Dollo.n Offer • ,( learning or SCJt•ntific genius or IJtcrary ""tfection or ar-Arthur. Rooeevelt, u~Nutt aad odlten ~ haocbrlll'k". but I ,,_ "I ..... Aln-•--at~ tiJiti~ akill. By common t·unst·nt the gifts of fortune in these contenda womea v~ for braiD&. .• 011~)· ~ • pha.e. of mankind's acti\•Jtlt's urc w1d~ly and promiscuous· .\t lh-a...at ~<.:~.u bi<JO<it 11~ ly dietributed. We do not dt·ny tu the least and humblest Speaking of federal tasa. u.ey aft~ to~ hi-~b '"' •'J I .... ~o r.La u l ·" ........ --• • . • many ~ to 001111e. ~~ Kaullloll ol )llalllf-r-·-~• o..-tr ruunlbl)' qwta ofl the ~bility of a share 10 thcS<· cnduwment.r;; and we ( 23 •.. _,, , wt ... l•-r '"""'''"•"II 111tu blood !Should diunias with contempt any d aim of monopoly in 110ta warna that Uncle Sam will bawe to colltd n.• ..., . ....._.., _.., •·r.Un" tv ~port by ~ 28 billion dollan um~y fa.-a "'-1 ~ af\ft' t~ •ar .: " _,...jl> :~.a ... )c r. bl.-1 .ton.oc beauty or health or taste. I enda Chief items in the budcd will bt. lat.""nlt c.c u.r1 ••• m .. -.~ .. r ~~-.pun Ua.rbur Rt:.11 Ia it not then pecuhar that in one ma tter alone-a mat-nati~D&I debt (300 bilJ.iou at 2 p« <'811.1 as_bilbuas: t"tnn l ···~ .. tel' mo.t vital of aU to th~ happiness and welfare of the 1 • \ ... L.Lt .... n nudun., the Ct.lfltri· . divid··-• __ ( 1· cd t te t expend1turea, four btllioa.l; army aDd ury. four ~ ...... ,.. w .. r .. J un w.ouc~a. Vtc:.k rn wu--.. many o us ar~ me m o arroga o our· vet.erana' ~f. three hilliool; public W'OI'kA. 111Dt11lplu)'1111rftl l •I> r .Wra. t 'L.u.a :;pdman. Mn. ~elves a strict monopoly of truth ? No matter how sensible --u-• etc will ea11 for a lot ot--IF tJw ,.._~ .: .... L ... l.np . Mr• !.Anora H~l.kr nr generou we may bt-in other matters. some perversity ~. ·• -~ -~· XJ• ~" tuort.. .., ot bo r ... _ fi d · 1 d · t t t. r t th Idea ia t o eontinue, aDd ....e I*OW-. will ba"~ to bt aa.adr • ,••rt. K ra J..,.~ W o:lc.b. rn ,o u~e ten tmpe s us to eny m erpre a ron o ru Cor amort.binc the bic c1e11t.. To 8ed ...ta a tas bill ttw-1 :~~~... u. ... Bl•n. rune. CK'U Gauch-' In ~ligion uve that to which we ourselves adhere. country wW bue to weWela aa .-J ~ CJI at Jrasl f...., X no ~~H•I.Lih. Ra..r.:=d 1'hl8 monopoly of righteoUSO~S§ is the monopoly of t,be •. ~ an.l ---IJ vna ,.__.. . -. . . .100 b41l~ wiUcla • __........, ll.a * Pft wan ~ AA.. aD .. r Balboa. K u l.,.,u. Pha~ of old, expressed m the vamglon ous prayer, "I Elegant Gifts Diamonds • Jewelry Pearls • Watches • Clocks Silverware • Dresser Sets -..(,... At H. R. Trott's Sycamore at Fifth Street SANTA ANA ' Phone 5618 BUY U.S. \VAR BO~DS! I !.iu~ ... \ • ··n•ll4 ""1 )t.u. x.... thank God that I am not as other men." Sometimes it ex- America'• ~rd in llhipbuildinc to ..ed llw war I ·• t b.. T u too.., Eun Jm-, ,.,.. presses itaelf in contempt for the belief of the olher fellow : . • ~ :r 1 :-. hl .. tt bo111. lC u . Lulu . . . emergency radii like a lainc:le ..S ~rates Olin' • _ 1 \\ u s.-utt • ..a11 of BaJ. :"omettmes m hatred for those who chance to dtffer-a 1 -------------------------- more that oot.hiAg .. iaaptJ iHe wt.eft t.heft ia a drt.rrmt-·• • h~.u. . ..n.J .Wno ~rt~ ~-hatred that hu led to bloody wars and bE-stial outrllges In I nation to •uc:ceed. Wha. the ~ oo ~ lt.:tt.rt.ll' AMI '":: ~~llrs l 'ruo-A nn \\ooda. days gone by and which leads to bitter strife and malevo· 1! r------------------------"1 denly broucht A.IDeric:a IDlo tile war .... C'OUIIl.r)"a tllbl t: :.. •. , •tum• a.r,. n~ tN:tnc ' lent ·persecution. today. MORTICIAN merchant mart.De toa.uce wu ecareeiJ 10 1-:! millioD t•olb • • 11.. I l·•r lb.-n""t blood donor Nothing is farther from the spirit of true religion as of old and oew abipa.. At t.be ..S of 1~ ~ lAiftii&P' h.a·! ;: \ ",h ~.!." 11 ""' Jan.. 77· Kra. 1 exemplified by the grt'at Founder of Christianity. Nothing been trebled, aDd by the eDII of lMt it trill bf' about 5t h.; so obstructive of the fulfillment of the vision of a new million t.oa.-wbicll '-aaoft thaD Uw COIDbined t~~~ t•f Tbn"f" Local \' outbs heaven and a new earth. The spirit of monopoly in truth i.s Britain, the Unit.ecl 8taa.. Japua. Gftwuny aDd Xhnray . • ., • • the spirit of sell-righteousness which was rebuked by the on January 1, lMl. 'n.ou,t. oar 1ft:&( lllftdlant flrrt r.:. Take-\-I .... TraDilDK ~laster when be eaid to the accusers of the woman taken helng built to med the .._.. at war. it .hoa1d br ft't.alnl'! Thr • • ... 1 , .. u•ru.. OfW' from m sin. "l.et him that is without guilt among you first cast fnr U&e in foreign trade whee pe-ace ('(IIDtJII ~in.. If I b• •. •r • J:O ' h :\n•l two from a stt'nc." It is the spirit wttich drew forth that solemn ad-.. _1..a ...--fil'uJ ..a.-· 'I •·• ... ~ • I• '' l f"-'._..u.-C"'nrullt"tl an United State. ~to take aad __.its.~...... •-' 111 ••tr.. :.. , .... \) \-t :i c:otl.-,:·· Tr.unlnc monition. "Judge not, tba~ ye be not judged." It is th~ spirit commertf' It .J\ould never be~ UJ11011 tbf' awn-ha.nt I!·.. l '.•ht .. ,n.a ln.tt.Jtut .. which prn,· .. ked that masterly and unanswerable reproof : marine of any forefp power. · T .:~ 111 l 'u•t.Jo•ll& "Thou h~llu<'rite. first cast out the' beam out of thine own ..... 1~•.-ton s.-.. 11.. IW\n or -----• ~ ,-! 11,... 1 ...... ph A S.···k ot t')'£': an•l t hrn thou s halt see clearly to cast out the mote Uoet of t~ DettiocraU aDd ~ t.h.aa b.alf nf lhr t-~r .. nl J •rum .. W ,.f thy br .. •tht•r's eye." n-publt'c• .. • ·-that t.be two lil.ainr _.,......._ ahoulol :a&•t'( • · l fr .u1 1 lfrs J R . n.c-----·-,_. --Tht>rt' •~ no monopoly of righteousness or v1rtue. irit'ntir:tl platforiNI Oft the part t..hia eowtlry ill to fob~ m r 1'"'' ~ 1'.-o)' n nnc. &nd " II· ··•·'" Ill .... n ''' If Y'•ll have aspired to be a monopolist of truth, take. a \'.rnrlct d f.lin after the war. le&~ llw UMt ~hal •• f II •1·111 Jf 212 \'ua LI.Jo f . . h f I uok at ~· llr own beams be ore startmg out m scare 0 <'1mtrst to be decided upoa cSoiDestic ..... Tbt-,.Jr-a ••f I .. r ·•· •~ ' ·'" , · aff · · • ~ : ~.: tn ,, th ..... · ~·counc m<"n Y••ur brotht'r's motes. putlin~ •tp a united froot oa •OftiCD UJ'II • a g ..... ~ ·~ -:11 L.........:.e-•--blank,-t · ' UJ,t.-.: ... n~ ... llootolji'T\t".J -----------------------------but many thinkinc cita.DII wiu -~ to Pft a , r:;. u 1 •• ..,."'' wHh tht> endof'N:'ment of the preweat ~:-..·· forri£1' p •hr,-· .... , ·h r .... h ...... r •floot .. A Flame Goes Out until they know more about it. &.r are W"cibdn ing tf '"' -· ~~ 1 ·,. o:•n~· ron~: .,ct~t· ... ra h ~, • ·U·-on• •U·I•"'S thP a!Utly Of will n!l«<·nt to a reetoratioft of lhr ltaJUII monan Y-tn 'J·, "''"'llnrt( 1 ""glnt'~~nn~t H "" .. i:\n •mnt>xatlon of ~ at FiDiaDd. PolaDd and otbtr -:.-. H •I ·'lll.'ln•.,nn~ 1 pown « .-mall nation11; to Brit.aiD'• ldW?Wal ol her hold.~ 114la~ .: '• "r rc\11 rn~rr~-_ _..___. -· t •• • • ..: -.I" I lin~ Uf">TI thr apt- Russ1a '~; recent repudiation of the lnternationalc, fiery r.lllytn).! !'•tn~ of the Communists, lifted a thorn from the :;uic~ llf rnnscrvatives and peaceful thinkers throughout th~ worlJ. Kong and other colonial roc-....._: to ..__... • 111111"" &a ···!. · '!':• ln·lmJ••al atu.tent poliry in the Eut IodiN, de. ()then would Dr to lmow' if \ · "' •rr•• rnr~ ..,"m_.n Thl' music, bellowed by a whole generation of "red" OUr COUntry hu aMUDWJd an oblicatioa to rebuild. (ft'd and '1 •'U•I• rtl.a Uf"'n ~ra,luatlon <'ltbolrt('rs and echoed loudly by a udiences Of nat-heeled all f ... _ •:~ _ _,a a... a..-aD IIW2ft'l ~. <•r•trr> '1 '" •l""'"•alt~d In· W11nwn ··nn\·mced the world revolution should start n'ght rehabilitate o UK' na~ ra. "'fi""" "'? war . .,, • :r ~ .. l t ... n ..-h(.ol ••rhf'"' thf'y let ua uni~ on our foreip polky. but fint lrt • Jm....,. • .1 .,. tHmmtnl<~n...t "ru"~trw •n hf'rt' m Amf'rica, was not half bad as 11uch things go. But what that policy ia. u.r l'lut~ Atatn l'fnal Rnen·e. I he lynn;, c•alling "ye prisoners of starvation, ye wretched • ---1 "r th"' world" to ariae and mold a bold new order on the \1 It"" D'LWWI:D IX Though WendeD Willkie ill ..W to br ...Jane roa.sid-• (]Urn'rmg Cll rt"&M of the old, offended practically eve.ry- o..a:... • •~:~:ar.xo c .. '-...... -" .. l b h _.... h erable headway in bia cam-"-for tile 0 --.,. J'"'A" uoll Y ut t (' ·~ ota.· .....-~ •rit.i norw w .. r .. ''"m"~"d In deotial nominati09 it ..-be hu f~ it a.po-iiW to ... , ... of l"<'al trafr1.-c:nuh,.1 ~int•c the 1100g or world revolution was written, the pin etreogtb in the ph'otal aata of. tk ~ •·est ... arr.r~t '"'"f'T Ill~ "" .. " tnJ Hu!'..,ian Jl('np~ have battled a ruthless .. foreign aggreseor where • G.O.P. candidate would baw to fiDel a dec::idiDc ~ " ii· r.rtr~ 1"1 f: C~'ntr•l nn tht>ir O\\'Tl beloved Mil, and for yeara ahead, they will • • l!tlt' repnrtC'.Jiy bar kNt hU number of e&ect.oral vota iD order to wiL ~ Gownlor , ~ 1u r-.:lk tru•" or· , a...nroln b.• IX'\'U pil"d iQ getting their country back in shape again. (f>r n tll' l ([ lpt p r 1 "ll't• Our~;•l•·t'x thr );, II• r -"' ,.,.,. hy ,c.;,.,.,." 'I t 11 J,, r11 Ri'llt," JIIHONE N!:WPO~T S61 liO BRO A~WA;, COSTA M ESA ._ ______________________________________ . ._, _____ . Carpets, Rugs and Upholstering CLEANED A COMPUTE LINE OF FLOOR COVERINGS FOR YOUR REQUIREMENTS LUDLUM CARPET WORKS Phooe 2806 SANTA ANA 1622 S. MaiD St. CONRAD SHOOK CONTRACTOR A ND B UILDER COMPLETE B UILDIN G SERVICE PHCI>o£ N O:WPC RT 103 -4 J 2 12 ~ .... ,.,.. Av~. P o . Bo• 2 01 Dewey of New York bu cfW11 DO Wi-Miti-of aay thanet-:. , !'lyr ... tan "'"'"'' hy Rn.!~er Logkally r nough, the Council of Peoples Commissars bas __ lD .. :_ ..a-'-'on to _._y out of ........ --.__-~ .... to lrad '-• 1 .n .1! ~ ·'~·i:'d~• •IAm•g·l ,f,•<'Hit'\t thr old In~mationale does not t>xp-·· the f-lm' g __ .._.._ ...... ____ -_'"'_-_-_-_-... -----~--·_-;::;_;::;_-__ -:-.:,::::::: __ -~--~-:::::_-_-_ u.w ~ .... UK' ·-IlK ~~.-. ~~ th !Al t rnnt f•·n J.or .u J ht'•<J· • ......,. ,_, · ---.... - in all popular poO. of rank aDd filr RepeNiea• Gftwnl • "" !Oiph _, Wn~tht "' Lot! ,.f the Ru:-<!'lan people today. A new Soviet national anthem For But"ldt"ng and Repat·n·ng Information DouJiu MacArthur aDd Gownww BridiiPr of Olaio aft tJw> ' · ·~ an c-mpJ .. y,... of rh .. nr. al~acly ha~; been aDDounoed. ChOice Of ID&Df Who partidpaU iD tJielr I80ftiriaJ pcik • .r~to Tfu. lonjr f'•""lJlJIJW, nn !>fnn· Simp, like battle Standards, have led the people Of .by • •n:t!'l,-INw'll,d 1nt .. a h.:-hl ... and former GoverDOr StaMftl of )(innr-o(a baa a f~ -•• t .. to.~k ot tb .. f"nr•l ~ara~ef' 10 •'''N)' co untry iD every age on their crusades. When finally m the Nortbwat. Mr. WUIIde baa tllr ~ at ..._. ~_,....rt bn••lnn'" th ,. Iicht J!lobw< the1r C'au.qe is woa. ao.t or forgotten. the songs, too, pus Of the -.h. leaders. wbicb • aD aid .. ~ ... lliDdraDre. :1..-t r!'V'~ tfl, ~ nf thf' polt' nto historj,'. The dousing of the tnnammatory old Inter-.-... , • -Wen &,...1. Do~"Y· norartrd that It Ia hiDted that WJ,IIkie will bolt the oouceutioa tl br faa. , ,.~ ..trn .. r rrN hc-J :ntn h•• .tationale is as IJ'OOd an indication u we have seen that the to will tbe DOII'Itn•tioa allk* ia cloa~ a water ,_ tPT. n...~ -san on Saturday Rusaian IM'at of Commun.lllm admittedly expect. to have lbl t by hia eaem,_ -.....s ~ ud Willlrir ..,.. 'Dfd ~ t!» ~bt rnr r .. ndn hwda too full wtth Ju own war and post war problema to OU He .a;: ;ti.!H pohce wUb Uw ll-r.nd neck wllea tbe roll ol ...._ '-caW. ..ada Cllllll far a ~ ~ fll ~ oa-•.. r.urtuno rt'volut.loaary flree over bere.-C&lifornia Feature etampede to~. mr. Serrioe. lag Dlllrlctllumllar Ca. WALTSA S. SPICER, Owfter •I:WPOaiJ' 8EACB ,,. sw. ......... .. n....-.. -w ~ ..... uso ...... .. .. __ .....,_,. 7 - • a ................ r...ar ........ ,. c-... ...,, .... , -.. c = .,. .............................. : .... t.-Jlr _ _. Jl.n Wapw K. Ball of Balboa ow kauut\&1 ,.... .. ..,. ~ ot c.nu.ucn Avt'Dtw IUid ~Boulevard. ._... "-On..& ~.t to OR wat~n of N~ Bay, ...,. • ~ ot ~tdy 11.18 f«t on «Xean Boulevard ... r. f.er( -u.r s.,. -~ porbon.. <~' Baocu "C'' and ~o .. fill o.r-.,.. Jlar TIL.a • -..-.~ par~ I l«a~d on t.be blulfa., __... .,.._ fii'II&UCir IUid aa """*tnk't~d-'V&-of N-'J'Ort Bay. ~ P 'e Baa.o. w..wt ar • .t ~ .. wport. ll UN juat WNterly fill ~ F+=lJ ,__.,.,. ~ n :u Uw "OJ" --· ~r --................ ..,. &r..a 1!!8tat .. 8!"·*'~ ~-Elliott, of Balboa _, .., ..,. nact Salaaae T . F m.odlr1l.. 4 .u.. -ny ut.dltw W.Wl~ .~ oa ow roc:u In lbe Bay_...._ .......,.IIIC ot Lot. I . Z and t . 1n Block C-33, Corona ... --t.-J1r ...t Jl.n Jl Jl Plt"ndt-~ of AA&klm. C.llfomla. Llta 1 _, 2 fNCt --a-Sfh,.t_ twt.ftc Uw NorlJnlrHterly cornu fill 'lr ~ ~ G P*IUV>d A• .. cu.-Lot t fronll 0C1 "A" 8tl'ft't. -----• ~ ~ ~ of ~A-Stnfl and Goldrnrod Ave- • -. ......... a ... SdH r .. pr..-~ ., T. F. Rbolkn. .U.. ~ ~ ....._. ~ •t.. In Uw Bay cove, con-....... a.... 2 ...... -lll.uc.k A.--32. ea.-cld Mar, .old to .-r .... lba. J_ Leur. ttl t..o. Anpw-wbkla parcel hu a .......,. fill ~1f2 fft't --.r· St..-t and nma tJaroucb to Way .._ (.-,yo ~ -s ~r 1¥pi¥WIItftl lily T . F. Rhodt-n. .U.. '-Jlr. _.lin. lla,.-moor.S F. Balldtl, Flllkrt.on. Callfor- .... a a...t.ac ~-~on JMl!\UW AY"ftUoe, Norlll of lka vil'W .&~ ~ aD at a....c 21t --.1 Ullr ao.&Mrly 1.5 feet ol Lot 22 711 .._. %r. ot t-~ d •l Jlar l'webulrr ... r.praenttd by llr. W. J ...,._._ La& ~t~ ~ o( Qlrclna ~I Mar, and -...~TF~ I .U.. 14 Jlr _. Jln ArU:Jg K.. .-u.oe ol Monrovia, a kau-t-.. ......... ~ ..._,.-Uw ...,ta. f,_Unc oa Carnation •-,..a ..... fill s.-a.--AY-DW'. OJroaa cklllar. Purc:lluer _, ~ cttpom:akol ..,. T F Rlilodra. .U.. .,. llr. _. Jlrs. llay Edpr of Balulinc-CaWom.la, all fill a.... u ... 17. _. t111a1 ~ <tt Lou •• and n IJinc Soulb· a tdy fill r.a6t Dnn a ID«Iil 234 of Corona ~I Mar, w hlcb F ; IJ ._ • ~ at DfJI..,....~Iy 100 fHt on Uw WNtu· b'-* fill~ A...--~ ftl s-vww Aftftur. ~' •+......,. ~a-a Ella!~ U.Mirr C'. E. VertrHJJ ol Bakenfleld _,..._~T-F . ......_ .U.. s. Jlr _ _, Jl.n ~ L A.rw:k"-. of Corona del Mar. IAt t: ... ..,. .......,.....,. ~ fot'rt ~ lAt ••. In Block ~.of Coro- -.. --~ .a ,,_~. of JS f~l on tJw We.krty aide of Ina •--~ et s....--AY'fti1W ~r and ~Urr •• bf..,. ~ a.r ....... J;..nc:tld. .U.. W. Jlr ... Jlra Hamid •· nan-of Balboa laland. IAt ., _.,a ..,. ......,.~rl) ~ fn.-1 Uwnvf. all of Lot 21. and a.t ~fill a....r %1 ~ Sclcatb..stnly of Pactflc Orivt', In .._. ~ -* o--._. liar wll.vJI pe.rr?l fronll on the Wut- aty -* "' lrw J;..--. ~ly from S.Oavtt!'W A.vrn~ Pur- ~ ... .._ aotjii~ ~ T. F . ~ .U. .. 11r ... lll.n. Jbn'..-y ~n tOb Ina A.ven~. Corona .. -· aa .-I.AI Lt _. a-J:·ofi:wn of ~.t 20. 1n Block 234. Coro- -.. -..._. f'l&"d • na t.k t:U~rly aade of Gol~nrod •-a1 at ~ _. ~0!' Orn'f' F'Urc-~r ~n~ by w . ~-R I a .,.. ~ Brolin ol Coma& ~· liar, and Selltr ~T.r.~ .U.. .. 11m. ,ac-~ ol .._.na. a kautltul lot -._...,_A"-~rty from~-.--Ann• lllle''-1. Lot .J1 ill.._. %T. fill t.-.......ea ...,, liar Pur...._r ~pr9t'nt.-t1 by W . J _ .... t 1ka1 ~ ~~ ftl c-ckl Mar. and ~Uer ~Tr.-....... .U. .. ,._ .....,1! Bak~~ ·~ L.• An~t"l"•· a alit' 40xl20 on at --~ _.. el C:ata:'bno A•~'"''"'· !'1--..ath;,rly fmm 84.-avit•w A--~ ......,:.. ~ •>n>-•>I tho•· booaullful blurt lola 1 '-. ~ S.y ~ I"<'!UJWUla. B:Uboe laland anll ;:o..;._.w-~ .. a I --~-l,... Ill u... lrana&cllon by Rt'al Ell· ta1or ~ J .-~ of Lc• An~t• t .. a.. and Sell.-r by T F. ....... 'IYad..... -a1 ~m-on.:a .... 1 K a.r .u.. .. Jlnl ~ X Jl.orn.r) .. c Alt.aolo•na. Lot 20 an Block 231 -* ~ -*1 Jbr. kann« a tro ota«" ••f 30 fe-et on lbt' Ea.lt- erty .... --..... J;..--. ~~U...rly rr .. m &-a•1.-w A\'l'nut•. Pur-~ ,..,..,. ~ "" .-J &lrnm b R"al F..alalt' Broker of c.-.,. -_ .at s..a;r 11>y T F' Rbtldo'n At. t.o J1r aDt K rc .\t'r· I r H.-uu<'n of Altadt'na. Lot 19 iu ._... %r. at c""'~ !·I K •r h.u·m~: 11 fronta~t" of 30 te.-t on o. --~ aJr: ot Lat.u;mr ,,. nu>· Thtto rucl!l llt>to Nort h.-rly rw-~ A~ l"'.:r• ~ .. ,. •.,-u r"pr~~nlo'd by W . J . J1o4 p .,.. Eallat,. ~r M C.-.rnna dt-1 Mar. and Sdll'r by T_ ........... .u.. .. J1nL ._ E. Cbo.lt t)( ('o,rona.. Calaforrua. a bt'autlful ......._ ..-,-~ F.......,.l..-,..,.,. "' t;.,J, ... nr...t A•·"n"'. Northf'rly "-..,...._ ~;...-_ .,.We an ut ~.t 16 an•l th" :'llnrtho>rly 10 feet filiAl u • Bioodl :::U.. r or•I!Qa •lrl K a r f'ur<'haat'r rolprciW'nt- ef ~ .._. II!IJilaS..r Blrt*rr 'W J H>•l• ••mb "' t:orona del Mar, and -..r~T.r ....... .u.. .. ,., .... lll.n. Cly~ r ~ .... ,. nf Balboa Island, Lou 3 _. U .6 .....,_. A-=:. 01rY'Iml ,.., -"hr Thta ut a -auUtul aarul -..:~~-.., JD.., ~ .. fnlCt.->t tta.-&y, runntng fmm "H" Stro>ct w,-lo W'ay a..ar-, • ..ti'Y f'urrtu .... ·r :\nll ~ll .. r Wlf'rP rep· ftlimlalilef,_ ..,. T F_ m.-..1oc. ~ .._ J1r aDd Jlrt Lmn 8 ra~•·t I)( Alhambra. a pan·••l -..,. --~ .... n( r-UT.AI>O!' A•Anuo>. s.,uthPrly of Sc>a\'lt'W A-.... ~ a !~bJr" • t 41\ r ... t by a dfoplh ot 120 feet .....,... -ot-..,_ ~I lilull•lln~: l!lt"11 o•·l'rlooklng ~wport Bay. tk 1'\1 vta. llalbnoa lslantl an•l :'O~n. Purch&Mr and ..._;epa»....,. Dt u.::. ~by T P ft.hodoon .u. t.o J1r ll:tl.rMI E 8Ulby t)( r.~n•JAJ,.. California. a two- ~ ~ _. .. uc ;t;, ,~,. _,..-.. ~J·of)-•n..: th .. Bay c-nna&atin~ of ..... 1 ... 1.5 • Bladl B-l2 nt Ctm.na ~I Xar. bavmr a front--cor--~;.-~ .-.t 11 n. Ulr>~a~o;h In "H " Str•"«'t on w hlc'h It .._._a ~ of :n t.2 ,,..,..~ Pnn l\&8t'r and ~ller ~pl't'lt'ntf'd ~T.F ........ & l .. !li.U.. rwwt.O&IIL"4 f:O~\~D ~ Pill:\ .... -:oo~.y-KPOilTED ~ ,. • ,.,~---011 ~A& ............. IAl U _. .., S 1v r-t nf t..n 20. Bll)('k 138 ~ ., LaU ll ar:•i I!> 911,.-k 23.1 ...._ ...... -o- ... ~ ., LaU 1; •• .arA 21 Biro<"" n:- IA2 .. _.-'.u ...... , ... u. .... A.-32 IAt ...... lT. .... I.J _. rwo-at LoC ··-8loc.ll %l4 ~ 011.-.. Gray E. B. Hillman .J R . Olddlnp M L Bam.-a R. V Mlllt'r 8. G Jonu W. A Wallon W. Olowr, Jr .... . 1 : I :~ o•••••• NEWPORT-BAI,B()A PRESS ----. NAVY ILJCCillllT8 ENtoAUI.:~IENT 'I'UW Two youlhNI eo.t.a ~~~ Mr. Rllt.i Mn. 0 s Mal•••n II'~ t l..hil w.ek TuaUn av<·nue, hul't' W11111Unc·~t.l each , IT yura 0 -.,e. IUl th. th•· 4'1ll:lll:t'ment or lht'lr .tau~;h· •lcned up for 8erv ce w ~ t er. )11sa Barbara t'amtvn Milt· U. 8 . Navv. IICCOrdiQI' to F . A F , · . -It ln h ._ of IIUII, l<> RoMrt U1lbAr, ltvll of Cocllran. r .. .-ru er "T~r,.-'1 II' :uHI Mra ... ~. H !ltctl.! t;ub11r ,,r / Pale a . IF.SU~UitMENT TOLD 1 l u."'!r and Mra. Jay s .. r ....... y. Ill,.~ u.. w ll'a•E••ao--"" 2!ll..t l lrHt, bav• annnmw ... t ~ • -R A lh~ l'll,;ol~nll'nt M Ult'lr ililu.ch· • lly IH'I: Hl1'CHMA.;II MTI\Y ""'A\' 1''1 !~{,., l'lo•ruth)• Ma .. u .. ar\1111-•;v. :ll .. tho·l I ..11 t 't rtl -·•a- \1 h,, •• "' bco lht~ brill" 11r Lt Rl•bt 11 11 1 "''"11 pa .. .,...... I •nM MY OOOil L I~ ''"'"'"' hce .... tt l11 th" Xtnt!rll'an What a,... yuu af-"' ot•. -. .... , )"" Ull••• nuw ~~ervin< wtth thl' II ·-u -•n 1 IJ 1• >n ilt•l " 111 c•r p.n~ l..Jkel)' u nul quak"• • Mtc,,.• 8oM'Ial ,...t.ct T 11' a rlit l'r;v 1)V~,_~ :olio-tl '"'"' lhl'm to malaria do•n-Th•• t-11111·o(•J,.1·t atiN~olo•,l ltarbt>r 1 • l'"hl lt•l~<n•.. \\'lth rne It'• ti4AJ ltij;h I'• hl-..•1 allc1 !1 n l J ·JI:Ito• In 1'1 Ul IIIUI ... >t>O Wl'ath~r Wa\'"" In Ill)' WOI'IIl tJr.&IJW all I ~• 11 An" 1111 u11.t "' uol lht•n• 1\WII)' huplna not tho· ,. •• ,,., ,.....,,...,. fn'lnl Uwo ba• IHt \.,. h J:t• Lt t":llt'& "'t..... •• " . 3 ••Ill 11f )111 ,.11J M.,. tt·h·har,t ll&lt•e 1 "·~·n 1" 1 ''1 Ut 11 t.:Jwa~ ... N I'han h·.H 1111 l tv a ir hll•li wllb tl\4! uf I lll.llo•r•l r<'o'O'II'o•ll hie ••thh·ath•n I ·•I llalh"" leiMII.! ,. hu cau .. hom .. AI• tll'h "' n•llln• .,.a..-.d lft IM 111 llxn .. r.t lllch ... h,,.,1 athl \'l'n , .• ""'"111 ""'' afh•r ... rvtna u cAIO!(.I II••tan<'f' I b10ar • otull 1"0&1' llltr lllltt 1,11 ,.,.1, J•t II~ ••If 11 • r ~·n • Llbt-rty ahlp Ia •'l'l'"'''"'hlnl( thun\J<or and u..n 1 .. 1111 111 lh•• 1•~·••• of 1'\"Cu\'t•ry J ~ ••. 11 • '"'"'f'rin• wa11 Qf ,.,.,. .. C'IF.Lt:ltR.-\TISU ASSI\'F.ItMAit\' ''"' ' I h•• 1111 a~t'l of m•lar&a l'OII· "'"lrr •hlmulrrtrut f'\'111)' It ~,.. IIIII M.""••ll Il l•• 1••11 ••II h<'l abun-•. l>vctura •I n •• , .... thr f'CI\In•ul• •n.t awaiiOI••• tht> Ora""'" CO\U&Iy llf<'"·1 ,1 1'')' 11 1 qllt•rtuu. Mlaa Jlt nt-.m ,,.,·,•nih Grorae J B.-nt.lltn "'"' " ·' r. •• • t ..__,M th t b • ~ . B ·u ,-···· s utttl "'' •·a•l•·.t I It' .,., ... o .. Y. l'&a.~lll~ -ra. Auguat 1'111~ 1"· .:a: .. H"•un ;be. tra..tlllllllal box ttl ,..l'h•~·~~J&I•·• Ana l '<'llU•·· 111111 ·'''l.:•·r r<-u • I th t h Doll I' I h d 1 u _.,·en ... t .. A P a ' ll 1 ltJrurtl) .-r tnck w n.~•· a • r,.,..., w •· hotult' tn UforkeLI:y only u C'01ta Meaa. Ttll' brhh-·tOsbo· lilt 11 t:• ~tolu•l•• Tho> Rn and Ml'll 0 Wlllut.i Stearns l"''lumrd Saturliay follolo\·· lnr o.·,·eral daya vat'llllon at lh<· F E ntaaa. U t•otlqc• nt ar Lake EWnore .1:'1>11• p Rt'la; .... n of M r. an.t M,.,., Rll'lo•lrh Rlf'ta uf W. VIctor- In 11 ri.',•t. hM bo•en prm noted froul I prtvato• to private tint clua, a~:· eu ... • ,; to word rt-c,•·&Vt'd trow !Lair ·•·hrr" he 11 ~rvang w ith tho• Ftfth Anny . Mrs. Carl Shepbar..t, 161 Eut l&lh atn•ct, apent tho• w<.~k er'I.J with MrP. GeorC<' Nauert or San 0..-.:~ Rt•utrnln~ Sunllay evenll&g,' •h._. wa. ac<'<>mpanl\'d by Mr• :tlautrl wbo will villt at Coat.a •·•a for aeveraJ tlaya. Th1 m·w oiMy room of Battery I. 1\'hlt'h wa.a r.n•nlly tumlabt•ll I thru ugh the ..rrorla uf COlla Me•~t at. .. ..t croaa. .. -tn wmorrow t<vening t c lht' IC'tUng for a llllll<'t' pla11-l n<'tl by tho• Mna USO. Mra. J F . Wcbal•'' 11 t'h&lmtan of the camp hn'!Jotallly cum'!llllNI. ' r No•II'J~•I'l Harlltll l''"''l" l-lll(h i!l'hOOI 11nll Santa A1111 Ju.nhu ~:ut­ I··.:•• wht•r,. aht> W ft.'! dh,.t•n "lt.•n" · 1ur lt143. Mr. Oobur Ia u f;rtt•IUIII' ,., ~IJ,•rton Junior l'ttllegc an l1 !•tantorl1 unlwraety. whcrC' hc wu llffaltatt>d ,. •th Nu Sigma ·:u. "nil 11 now •·ompl..tlng hla , ,.••Ileal alulllt'a In San Fran~l••·u II•• &a with lbt' l"ttl'lll R ..... ,... .•• No lla lt> 1\a.l b.:t•n ael for the I'RANIL t"'IOWI~ 11\fMMHNF.D lo'ra11k .1. ll'rowtM, 231 E. ltlb ,..,,... .. t, d&t•d lut W<'<lnl'a\Jay at ~anta Ana Commu ntty hoarttal. ~..:t••l 87 )'c'&f"l .• · A w lt>ran of lho· Sranuah·Arn· ··rlcan war, Wr .. ~mwtll wu a .reo·mbo•r of Calun•ru t Camp US· \\fV, and wu a r<'tit cd lfiC'om~ 1 '"'' flrc·na,.n. H t• had br<'n a rtl• ultnt of Oranae c-ounty tor thr : •. 11<l alx yeara. Sun·h·unt lncludt· hia wlfr, Mra l'<•ra F rowlaa, C011ta M"•"· lwo brothera, R. H. FroW\.1&, EJ c .. n. tt·u, anti E. J . Fruv.'tN. Cu(l\'r· ww; lbrM. aiaua. .M.ra. c. R.. ~IIIIth and Mn. W. G Houaton, oolh of LOI Angel,·•· and Wra. 8. \\' Squlru, Elo'1111to Fun.-ral "' rvwt'l Wl'rt' hf>ld at Santa Ana. Ron.1lu Clt>Y1·land ha.a rt'luml'll to hta alation In R hode Ialani! aft· r t ·~·no.ling a holiday furlough w1!h hua mothl'r , Mra. F1on•nce Clcn·lu.Jod of 218 COIIla M eaa slrt•o·t Ronald · 11 wllh a Navy Cun1tr anion Bultaltun !lnd hohll I .T. MU'Kr:LWAJT UUNOar:o l.t. f j.g 1 Oalr Mtckrlwatt. 11011 lhl' runk of ~t•amsn ""'·unll dua. "' Mr. and Mn C'hariPI Ml<'kei- F.n ... gn \\'arro·n Tlllt, eon of Mr. w••t or 2013 Newport boull'vard. I ant.! t.tta. llof. \\'. Tcut of 2225 Har·l ,. All lui week th" rt'ctplt!nl of a I bor boulevard. has bl'••n tranMer -l'"'"sllt.>ntlal citation and the Navy 1~1l tn tlonolulu. at·cul.lln~ to wurd ~ Air MNia.l, Ute hnnont bring k - rt•t·••l•···tl bv his pu.rcnta. Another MlnWl'tl In tl'rog-r&tllon of hi~ mt'r· 8•111. 1-luy.t: Is lltlli i•JtWil In \VII.IIh · tt nrlnus 8('hi<'Vf'mrntJo m thl' South mt;hm D C. wl1.-r•· he Is In train· I'IIC'I flr. 1 In ut' a 1'\a.val E l,·ctncal schtX•I 1.1 Mlckt'lwall. llarh<•r H :,.h I b ttuluet .. IUid furmrr Santa Ana I Lt. t.,;uuWr. Cunlltant m .. ~ltuk, .tun lor coi~Jrf' root ball captain. ~ ::tal atr!'t:'t, 111 hun~ brt..Civ J•llrtic'lp atJ•cl In numrrnua rnut mf' flltlt•w•.•.: u lrtp to Austmlta wh lr h J'B!N'Ihl, t'lH'Ort miNtona and fight· I ho• m:..;,. as l'f•llllllandtng <•fflc••r 1 r· inlcrrcpUona, piloting a Nnvy abtJt.or.l onl' or the no•w Liberty lll(htr r plane. On onl' fiC'I'Uiun, h i'IJthll'nl Ounng th•• vnyag" h<' w h1l,. Oylng an ~cnrt fo r bomb- II'XI"''rll'nCl't.l one cncount<'r with • n1 att11ck Jng Japant>ae ahtpplnc. tht> Japa, he repo~d. ,but was he wu ac('()lled by a l.arge num· atlc to uutrun lbt> atlacklnl fore-Iocr of enemy tighten . Be COW\• I ea. . t•·r-att"c-kt•d and ""nt one llero ~ -• " ~JOI\'lL In a. amokJ~ fPin and ahol T··c p, rdt·W. who furnwrly OJ'I· ·•nr•tbf'r lnln lhf' lt'a accordlnJ to t•raltll an auto wn·t kan,.: yutJ ut lht· rttatlon 164:, !'\.-wport bouh·•·u• t.l. Ui n ·· por~r..tly mut•h lnt(lHJ\ •·tl an h• nlth n fl,·r b!>tnJ: lllk•'n to SawtA·IIe htiJOj IIBI rnr tr•·tttlllt'llt lrusl ~·11·1· Hit I' Ho• WRII Jlllt'halj;l'll 11'11111 ll\1• hw•l•llnl about t wu 111u11U1l1 ni:O and I!' nu,,· J•T UJh r a tu1.,; anJ ••·· 1 ~: ""11111 his Sill' Ill: tb at l'n.lm S;>nnga. I H onlt' to•mp••r•ll ll\' "1th ltts )'Ill · l'n t..~. Mr anti :'>l t N f':oul Fut ,,_ !l•r II( 4:!. lkrflflld •II•'• I. I!< !<fill<• t••r S~;t Jatl< ,.-, .. ,.,,,., 11 hu AI · ril'l•d un•·xp.-c l•·t.ity IlL~ I 1\ •·• k I roo111 I th•' !)outh l':wtfu 11 h··• ,. ht• hncl oo•o•n IW'r\'lng •u• <'I t·w t hu·l a bt•u1 J : • Labf•ralor bo>mbo•r ~t.:l F• ... rlll•·r. who rN:I'I\'o•tl 11 IIJl• t·wl ttl.ilt•ln I•H htll ncc·c•mpluchruo•niJ< llttrUII( th • \\'>t.k•• Jshllh l t a td 11 yo•ar 1\f.:IJ, o•l(pc'{'I.Jo ,,. t.·a .... KIM•n f••r OfrJc-o•r <:untJI'J·•I•• St hufol nl :0.11111111. Fin ~HMJSATISCI C'O~~r: TO RF.PORT SIF.XT TUEll. C'nndtolnfr~ for " new offic-Ial lt•lllltl will I>•· augl(l'lltPd by the- """""""~~' '"'"rnllll'l' at thl' N'Xl ••'J:III:tr ml'• 11ng of CMta MrM • 'hi<lllbo·r or Cnrnmcrct', which Ia ••·I fcor Tu .. ~~oii•Y. Jan. 11. At t hat 1111•· plan11 wtll also k drattf'd '••I' lh•• nnn11nl "'""Ung and dla- • u~MI01n nu .. ll.• c<Jnc.,mlng Oaf' .. riiH't•mlt•l: ~anlta.ry dlatrlct t'h·<'· \Inn r ttamll··• .. r ('ommerct' workr rw. It• n•l•·•l b y r· W Tr Wlnkle, put n ,.,., ... rnt huroy daya Jut Wf'f'k 1 h··n II wn11 lt•arnf'd that only ''"'~' dnv" nomal!wd w r"gill~'r "I''"' ,,;r lhf' •t l1trict f'lectlon, bf'- "' ,. lhf' ro·l(ll'lratlon bookl cl(lal'd T b11rro•lny. Jll'c-30 Many nt'w ru- 1• m1. RB wf'll u pt'raona who h ad "'"'·•·d 1unrP lut voUng, wtrt' • l(tltl.-ro·•l durtnr the ahnrt pc>r · ,., .. nJ Ume. I WhC'rl" hr will tak•· nn Atr F•ln 'c' Atlmml11!rAt1nn •'ullr~·· 1111d lnl"r 1 II Ill 1(11 Itt YHio' 11n11 •·1•11 y f•ot ~J•••· I o'tnl t'nJ:'IIIt'Ol'l'trlb' trnlllll11; OLSENS CELEBRATE GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY F &Cly years of happy marrkllp :\I n GRrth 0 Ol.lt'n. Thf'lr only ., M r Olao'n and grandchlldn•n, I! f.-will boo ""!' ll Ill• II lli'Xl !';nl-~ '" · ' 1 1\, l<'na Ruth a nd Larry. art' a .a urday by Mr M111 II I• ttl· 1,.,111111n.: ln atltnd. l ~~<·n of lll:l Vorl{ ntftOooptac(• I 1 1n FndR~' f'Venln~t Mre. Oll<'n I The Ol11Pn11. whn wo•rt• IIIRrrw•l \\til 1,,. h•Jett•u at a fa.mlly dtn- tn 1 94 In Clout.! (uunt\', K:oll<. o "'oth t urkry and "all thr I r••llreol lht>lr funuly un ;, K••nr< ll' L rilt>tliiOI{!I" 111 bt' lt'tvt'd. , ranch. moving ttJ i·•l~<la M•·Sl\ 1•·1-1 Mr l tbwn •·ttm!' to thll co untry ~~low ing their r.·ltr••n~t•nl 16 y •·IHH I from [Xnm~~rk at the ..-e of 14 111(1..1. Thry ha•·•· 11Wn.coJ lh••lr hiJitl<' '''"" Mt'll. Olra~n. who wu Sophlll tt•·rt! atnce that t111w. ll111hnp bdoorf' ht'r marrta(r. WIUO Plana hll\'t' . b•·•·n ma•l•• fnr "" 1, .. , n nnol "'""·tl on a Kana&a fann Ol-Cnhouae rt't'o•pllon from I wo to I nurtn~.: Lhrlr ruldt'nce hut' thl' flvf' o'clock. Saturtlay llftt'm•)f•n t t:s• n11 ha\'t• made many r ood 1\t<t-tlttlng well b!' llt••1r nnt_v tlnu.:h· frio nda who wUl join In wlllhlng wr. Mra. F ern F.. Johneo n of Rur·lt!.•·m much ruture happlni'U on l(llllk. anll th•·er dRught,.r-'ln-law, th• 1r gul\lf'n wtddlnl anntnraary, Mr.· and Mra. H&JW Peter Oleen, lN Vlrrtnl& ,a... wbo w11l nat latu.rday celebrat. t.bll.r plden wecSdinc ~- ~"" ••f M' ttl hi 1" •I '"'"' lith 1·rlalu '1\ lvlbt•r h1• 111 l"'lt><•• l•l•n•l anti Ia about '" M 1 11 1-\ M "'"··II IW1I \' •· t .. lla "·•·I I'"' 111111•llllt 111 mal~ttla but aald ···•ut II• filii ac-rumulatf'd for,•r •I ••···t •s '"'""' '•·t. ''' "''"" "'-h~> •• '" \h•&.-Wh•·ll lw r..tunw..t ''" 1'\f'a('••n Bay whrn 1 wall• ur filth l•ttt h.t.ll tltlllll "lotlll Ill '"I It• ~··n IIOHihl ljUIIkly tlo:t••rm llll' lluwt•v.-r, IJtfl tM\Clk Utat H•....w \Itt hill ... htN I'''' ,,. . Ill ~ I I -• ., ,. ...... "' ,. •Htr II•·· • """' toC hla ft·v1·t I bd ... vo• \\'o•l,·h lfa\'1' tatt. 1\I;UW TJUC MAN 111~ llw ,,,., 1\Jih>u "lth hllll •~·· 1 1.•1•• 111 "'"I'll lito\\' t'ttrry • phatlll· I\\ 1\YN, .. ,.. th•t lt\K'h d .. turbs Mt •n·l Mra Jac•k I .alii I t•ll '""' "' ,., ~· 111Ul<' l>ul •I that Ullll' "'" ,.,. arc· rart~ IIIII N>l rare ''""l:hl• 1 L.UI'tiC' A till, 25:10 ~'~""'" I h·, • ""' no lll\'11u·•l uftlc~•a o•lltolll(h Thf' J a1·a .--t wu """ n• t'lllh' anti th~ htolltoro····· ·"''' ••·f' "'' l·'t lh'hall ,k,.·tnn•ll him · "'"'" 8w;pt by a Udal waw 100 1"'' b,,,,,. •l•tt-ra. "'"'" )' 11'"' ... ·• ">lh •JIIIIIIIIr "'"' autpha from f•···t ht~o:h "'·ht.•h •·-1 ,-..llant l'r,lfw••fl \111 1'1111•1<1\' \,'"""'' lid I 1 • 1 h 1 ,. \ I ••till ,.,. lilt'•· h'll'll! ,. t'l l Alllpa mllr• lnlanlt I'IU<'b wa""' II' I I l'll)ol\' II Jll"'t hltlhtln\' l'o•lo•· t 'llo· "I IIW fiUl a.•a•'lhma h•• hn\'ll their ()ri,-111 t!IU.rr II\ .torm llrni'H>t( Ill I hi' h1HIW to( hi• j:lltthl 11"1 • •••I 1\t "l'rt WIUI hta h•tT fltll ('I •'JO•ttt-~ Of *'lllhlll' 1.1.-u wtaat 1'111'''111"· Mr ""'' !1\rN \\' A '-~"'S' I 111" ""'· ,, •• ll•i•lulu wh tcl\ IIHI.II...S• ,,,.,.,. It mallrr what ea._ ......,; W•'._ tl:o I 2 :l;lnl B!to•tl ~•'11 ot•h ,., .. ,;,.,.,,tl tht' Jllu•w ttunla '"" JOI\11 c·an't ln&ltt U..... I •· • • ~ ""'' "•Ia luatw.t hta cuno.ll· • • • ~·rt I I b MI!'4S c·t:('IIJA Mt'NH'/. \\'ILl. \\'F.U I'Cf'ND~ \' ' lt·•n 1u• '"·•'"""' Afto•t 10 llaya t IIUP • , ttl " 1\ h• \\I .. IIIII IIIIJIIII\'1111 fut . t at Ia tn untJurm ~Ye .,....,, '·'"" •• '''"""W I•• l n•h• wu hue-.. r all.-nllon. e1r1a who wortl '" Thf' C'hlll'f'h uf Nu•••l r" H•'ll•ot 11 I'•'·"''' d 111 11 ll ~ At m;v ht•ltl· AhtJ•I'At•IA 11111 ,.., 0111, h Tha ~Us llo· Guad&lllpt• In St&nl~t 1\1111 11 1ll 1,11 111 • 'ul• IIlia. t \' """'"•t h••ltl al th..-IJYC N- tll'xl S11nt.lny llltlrlllllj: bt• lh•• I'• I· l'llo•lt• "Ill' 1'\'l'r)' llto•rul ... r uf Y••~tr'• to:•·r ,.. .. thf',...ff•r. aU... IIIII( "' " • h"rlllllll( •'•'1•111 .. 111 Ill• ~tnt• ~ • ••·'1\, ltrthl 1-'ruo•hllll, 1tl h I(• ~111,_, ,., 1,.. ttJCftlllc.,., ,..._ 0... "'hlo•h wtll umt•• 111 "''""""'' M il'~ .. ,.,. IIIII•· ,,, anoth••r waa ''"""'n 11,.1,,10 S ••J•Iun .. I'Ctllllh nf A• Ill...._ l't•o-lltR ~htnm:. ''"ll"hl ... r ttf .,,. II II I I I r \ ( u hi h I ., " 0 1 ' ' 1}:1 '' I' '1' • ll I ..... 1' W <' "llrfflllnt .... l hV h,.r lllahil.,af .... 1111•1 M•·• t'artua Murwz or l'•MIIIt •'"'""'""') ~tlla<'k• ltlllfllab an•l •h,.lll<l m•kr 10 t .. u~I\I'W ..,... ~t•'""• nrt•l t':u"'lttlup•· 1-'1"''~"' "" .. " \' ·n , h ,,u,. tu llulue It t t•~~M•tttllh•A I '""'"' rautt•nt Marla ....., ur Mr11 t '••n•'•'l"'l"ll ..-Jnr•·• ••I 1'111.1 '""' ,.., ''"' flu •I"' II •·•c·t•J•t t.hat I who c-an _.,,...ralh h•• ~ o1 In An" '·" I" lllluto•• n an hll(h•·r lo•a vllll( .t .. lnJt ....,.n•thlnlf t~tN, ..,_ Suntllly r\•rnlllf.: "' It ,.·, I•• k ,, 1" 11111 • llhaual•·•l 11111 lh,. c·u,.. ,.1, r lh• 1,.., .,, J'llln>llln• liMo Mr- 111\'tl•·.t 1.:11•10111 Will .... ··nlo•r lnll ... ol •• '"" 1111111•' LIIJ•Irtn an•l rt'al ..... \III II thto r ..... t O llllrod .... at " r .. N'pllon to ~ ho·t.l In <'•"''" • '"'' lhttl" how yuu •huulol lak•• y,.11r·ao 111~.,-ttt Ttw l'ooutll ~ M"lln t'hlbhtoiUk , ", oot y .. ttrtwll. ""'· who•n . yoou 1 ·,., ,1,1,111 -"l!h llwlr ll fuut ftlll• Mlu Mu11nz ht Wl"ll krHiwn an 1 "·". lh· nu an.t n••l •" w•lkln~t • 111~: 1"'"' and North AMerieea wtaa t'tuota M•·••. hll\'ln~ ttlt•·ll•h·•l IM•Ih llt t•llndt ln1 .. , 1\1 '"''' t\ah.lft• ~t. •a.. lh•• I•H'ttl c·k lllf•nlttn· •• h""' aut! l·t ll..tto\11 llJ .. , <'XJW'r1f'llt'N Oa"l un .... r N.""'trw·lk>n ._ .-at te-No·wn.ort 'tl•rtkor l ln;t•ll ICI•·h Th•· h h r~ ,. 11 ""'"' ••II 110'1\JW'IIl W It' '" I'Unt In 11111 • a prror llral ,..,. 011 .... , •• young J>t'"l'l" will ro·111th· "' ~nnl 1o : lo· llo•ll"ll "''lf'a n 111 raprtntr anti (lur vullf' ,,., tJw -...-.N fll Ana • 1\1 II ""'""'''' Th&• ... a .. •n tlt·t-n'l t·otntpt'l,.nl w•l•rtr-t ..,..._. I'" 1 • ""'"til '"''iOn ralur111 laahf'<.l 1:,,..,. to lh<l' lmiU\ ~ New Warnlne: Givt~n """'' ~ """ •"'''" wr ... ·kNS by the "" v "' th•· ... a. u 1 bad lmqtn-00 ()angerous Art-as ... r. ""' 1u!h• r tra•t.· wtnda. ra!n, Local martnt'ra wt'r•· wamt'd ""11:111' w o•t<lh••r. e<CI'Y brea•J and Slllurt!M)' by lht• U S <.'out o uard hullk~ ""'' noll<trw..,J abc-cun.,..,.nln~t two nrw dan.:•·r ,.,.. ... J lin lh•• "'I urn P ....... Prue- nlun~e 11'11' O ran.r.-. <·nunly t'out. 1 hun ~ •hlp t•>trrtt•ll a df't·k rat l(•> Acc-oro.llnJr to a Nut h-o• !u Marl-lhnl IIIII\' ,_.., mrnllt~~lrd wlt.l\out n1·ra luut-d Jan 1 by l'ttpl w F. >tfooiiMtn~: lh•· c•l'naora 200 lltUr Towlt~, dtatr1rl C"•1ut Gunr tl nffl· '"'''"" moonkl'yra v.-ry much allve cu. firing will bt' c-ondurtrd d"IIY I.Jo ••uW\l lu AIM• rica for UJN'rl· bt'gmmnJo( Jan :1. bt•t wf'o•n the 111 ·ul nl 1'"'1"''"''1 In thr t!Pt h•JUrl of 11 a 111 1u11t e p Ill In n,;n111•t lufttnlll" pa.ra.lyala Brtn«· lh•• fulltiWinl areu-\'"~( .,,,,. lnu·k •llvo· wu nn n"w "R(K'kt'l flr1n~e will bo· rnnduct-•'XI"'' l••nt ,. to Chid Of. tlct'r "'ru••· t'd from a pctlnt on thf' bt'ac.h 111111. •• tt.. ulllf'c.l tu aall on lh4t In Lattt udf' 33 dt'Jr1't' ... , 22 mlnu· HTH A NtlF:It wllh Frf'ft L4'wla. tu, 4 lt'conda north. ril(ht rul·l "hoo lnval'lably n•turn~ from hla muth 2lr» ~ t~. l~>tt am-ln.,·••l• wllh • amall -.no aboald. muth un dr...,...... tn.ao•. Dan•er / Thr "'""k"Y• .. .,,. krpt 1• c-acM an·• will f'Xlfond 10.0110 yar<la nnl) hantllo·ol w.ltb c-at'f' and of the "A nil-a ircraft ttrlnK wtlt bo• ·~"'' Ill" "''""*""" ·Ut" trip A•kf'd t•tmdurlt'd lw'IWI'I'n 1 lin,. 2:1l't d••-tf lh·· "''llw·• wrrf'n'l ~mpf,.(l tn I(Tt'('l trur from an lllh hnllk oof tllllkt I"'" "' lht· nto•nko•ya, ..-ru••· Sotnltt Marl{arlla rlw·r llnt1 a lin<' "·"' ""''' th~tl !hla wa.a .u .. ·nur· 235 c.I<'J:T•'''" trul' (rum bfo"('h 111 "I:' d 1111 11 w"" huJ>utlanl 1•1 k-p l.1illl11tlo· :t:l flo•I(To'o'!l, 17 111111111•••, Ill• Ill ult\' '""' Wl'll :u ,.,., • .,ntiA lJftnJ(t•r arc>a will I'X• 1 1\h"lil "''' I•III.V r•·• r1·nl1on un lh•• l••r>d 9'J nollt•ll '"'otwttrol lol.I II"II V ~htl' WIUI raol1t1 prOCTJI IIII "Milr&nt•rll an• warn<'<! nut to ttllol '""'"" 1111ol IIIIOI(II.&IIIra lhe mf'n ntt\IIK,.I•• wtthut th•• llmtUI uf lh~> hlltl ht"lll:hl nhV1K '"'" IUpJll)' of .th•)l'" tllllll(•'r znnr• tfurtllji( lhr l••fl•lllll.: 11111lt'l tal donai Ptl loy C'IY• JH•ruHI.~ ~ h•·n t111r1.: 111 tnk1n11 '"""~ "''"' 1•0!' ahabby In quallly plllrr I • 1 • n fur lton••ly mrn. "Tho• Rbol'o• n<ollo'o• AIIIIO't.,.clo•ll .Fn!o hllll llllol ('ltJilllln runlltAn• 1111 fiJV'VI0\111 101\Awartl ftr1nto: 11.,_ lin 1-ll11k ,.,.,. nnw IDkiiiiC r aama 111'1'11 fur Lht• arl'll b•·IW••••II t to o•l\tl• 1·•1 II 11111111••1 'A Jlo•rn,._. llll•lo•r ltv- !lid•' "n<l San Mnl••., 1••1111 Night Rail (~ontf•sts Resum••d at llarhor 41• ... .~.,.,., lt"'l"'' t hr" Al f-41ln P•••l· t • I h• I\\ •1 .,( lh••111 ri•IIIIK t•• lhr ·holll o'il•hl 1\ .. ur grollol l"~ot••lh••a I· ltnk h"l•t .. u '"'"'''}' ·,. h • tt, .... ,,., •• tt1 Htttl llf,.t ltiHI···· I'"JI'"''" ,,,, 1f 'till Frll• ''"'' t.:rtt•hlttf•·•l (ruru Baak•·lhatl fnnll Wll 14 ••1••••"" '"'' ~H 1\ttiiiiJlO•IIIo, l'••nfl~tVII•ut~ln lhP Anll'•lll'lt'•'lli"lll ihnt '' tih ltrt "'"''' II'"""'"" 11hlp wllh" ihtr•l IUJf of thr· •Juru•ul hiJ,!hl l!ato••• "'',.,-. ,,.,, IU v,.n,,. ".:'' nr1tl WtiJ lljllllll h,. HI tol oi• I 1111• "'·' .\••1 ~· •I IIIHo•• If lljl I•• flt ~l u(tl 111nn '·"'"' A••I\J&•JU,. JltHu • 111 v. • •• Jt tl 'f• """' •d•ll•·•l '''' lu•·r• h rutl plltyf•ll tlllrlllj;( lh•· .,,,, 111•••11 """ ·I .. ,.,,, Ill!' .. : ..... 1 1111•1 W··•l f\10 ,,...J<\111, tnlltiV ~IIIJ'Iuyo•tl po·r11111111 • ""Is "' • H•l' 1111 I•IHIJO •1f thr wrn' •lo·t•rll·•·•l .. r th•· J"'"'t"~;•· ••I ••lid ··~·'I'' 1\lot~~k ". ('h lna, J<tt• wlln•·K~tlnl( lh•·lt flll'"l II•• ~r"•rl n 1 n•••l l trduc N•rw h•· """ ""''II F lr•l ~(""" .. r th" "'"K'"' "''tll·ll 1 1 , tllol 1 tJ•·"' wtll • "I"" '"'"' "''til .,.. pta\'• •I '""•••n ''"' Ht~ht ''# 1 L II• \ · .. ur •• t••· • Am•• '" l(lnntn.: nl 7 '" '"' k whotr Jluu! ':-.;, . .., I"•' 1 111 I l lllf>••ol Alii II II bo >lll lnJ:inn B"nrh ,,., .• 1,. IIIII I"'' "' Ill• 11k 1•1" r •• 1 11 a.: "" 11111 I'KI(II"y·a local gym. 1)11 •ruo•II•IIIV IJntlootl M A Jl T II A \Ao'illiflttl Hi•~ody'10 piiiY"•I IIJI IIUOt I"""''" j;l\lt" loo t:YI'!"Y, ""'llr•l K1o •ro.:•'ro t'ltll (ttrf' tlflf'Ohl~ rtf lh•• "t•r l• fl f 'UJ)IM f tl tZ \ 111 ) ,,.._ ltt't t • ••fl t 'lrtft'rjfl' t r11nn ho~oth "' h•,.•l 11 "' 11.: lit• 1.. o.;.r, ltu ._. • I':VAI ·~:1< ,..,~ Ill rRI t•'""' h•·r•· Th• ·A · I• .. ,., \• '"" th· ,.. •• hR.II t•• "" hi~M ,.,.,, ~t(t•r" Yo.'JtJt !t6 :ttl u r1•l th• H to au •• f• ,..,.,.,,. \\ h• 11 tt•• Nfelhe "~'"Y tHH't' 42-!lfl, blolh In r,., . .,, oof lfnrbo•r '""'' 11 v. dl uo;•l••llltl• oily l1<• ~~~ BALBOA CANVAS SHOP (::·,, "" """' ""~···· "' . '·""'" Peyton's lllil Hardwa11 Cl . announces the arrival of a new shipment of---- Marine Hardware Ill Cant 111•••1 p ::J RIJY 1 JIAT HTRA WAR IOND Sa lira • &at. '"''"'" • A '"'"'"•·• ~fl\rt 'll ,.ph•.)• ,, ''"ll PhonP 21)7 2i.~ 1., 21 rot HI Shell Marine Products Ntwport ll••"rh AT THE IIAJIOI.D L ~UKN,.UN PIIOPiti.I.F.R P'ITCJIU Nfl ttetwHn 28 and 2ll nn th" n .. y NewJX~rl l'h""" G20 For Your Si~u~· I'IIUNF. II'J < ntlt IU.Q~N .....,.,: BOAT izTn;IUNO --------~pftp SHELL DOCK MAIN CHANNEL RADIO SERVICE HOME • AUTO • MARINE RADIOS REPAIRED MARINE ELECTRICIAN BUBTB.NOBTO. Phone 2417 1111 Cout HicJiaway NEWPORT B!ACH Ml! .$Z51 ....... ......... TA MESA N I IIIIIIF.at 1ents 'JWer ' rh'aTotal • I2U80 rt lk.i\ Al'f' rlKtamc flt~ ~""' that nount&nK to ~ol .. d ~ ..... ....... _._. .~ .. t:IU.. ,. tM ........... ,. " ... _ ..... ............. ............ Ma.,_, ... .......... ............ I ~any._ tw • -.,. ..,..._ ,_ ._ urw: ... .. ,..... c. • .,... ... ... ,. Hal ••• • IIMJ W .. ,, WIUI all .. ,....,.,, .... J"'""llllooct In J.ff-. ·~ '"'"" Wftldl, ~ altltUI.Ir W.-..t. 'J1wty e r f!.ltfJUI'Il lly ·~-"Thry '"rn.tbl ol ort and oths , Amt'r1atft "'"''rout '""'· •·or ..,., *" tntiPntlon ... unthlnka It, moa •v· nation nm ' lind .. ,. d· ~ .... ,. ll'4 t 0 .,. ..... y lin' k-s, tiUT lltl· I ll httnKf 111- J JII IJIIIf:tfllon rtat:a~:•-.1 111 hi• Jarina:u-y (1.• I '1111-.t IS "' 1111: I· :v.·n I Jalf It • 1111'11' ·o:.,l tllltflll· m rnJ•·titt,rs ruu·kt•f" lnlf rat f h•·•r ••01· < rr( l~>:ttlinK if,ll.trly ""' ottt•· , •• rt nr • of ""' 1'11· aft'I'Y ,,( fhf' 11· c ·,!:I !If . It mo~ny lim t·'l •ht-1 hav•• :~1- • Wo':'lt 1 ... a!' I the· Anny tt ~iht.'lUon. woulft br a olt,::~t Inn to t- 75 Percent~ Workers W 81 LEONE Wltb m or" oL .'MI ... MI~I to a.r u. be&dacbe ,_.... Ut.at \be ally wru Ill -"'PI* lO varto AC9ndee· lt.. IIJ Pft'IWilably, \0 ...... .,.. aN' boel are .U.,ply the a.-ot Humor• lt ~ arp,... Ca11tCJI1\la wumt8 a re«Qt q uelltlal tbelr ~-war bl pel -then Calli take it. ADd l: ~ bt w olD( -rwtltber can \b A~rdln.g tB $1f'Gl of tb~ woa plulta wut to • war. Only oac ~.,.to "tura UN! '!'bat may • Jlow. \0 the WO tiM uwwen, bu --~ ..... eaeae to a eOUD .. MIDee IU'f' t .. the __,fo oUcally fUitld • .. ~ 10 miiiiOI wv; -Wllft'e m t .,.. uvtn• unc.k o.c.t wblcb 1 ~~maW n.pft7ap.ll HIM •• •• • ·""' .. , ... I Page • ------------- For Sale! 1941 Ford Super De Luxe Station Wagon, 6ply Pre- War Tires, Rddio Equipped, Exce l- lent Me.chanical & Paint Condition I LYLE POPE I .a.aodatetl Service I 26th and Centrotl ' I ~------------------------------------·------·-·-- Wat~lt of Amtrint NAnON.U l'Mlo"JJ ASSOCJATION CALIJ'ORNIA'I ONLY STATE WIDR BA NK 9-1 rf p • ., 1/ c-Jm•• Dt«.lwr 31. JWJ •••ovae11 a.... ....... . , .................... . --~ ................ . 10r~ cu. . . . . .1 m.on.uu1 • _ ............ a. ... .... , ................... . ... ~_..,,. .. .... a.. ................ . ...... ,....... ............ . ._ ................ . ................ .__.. •• 11, .... . ............ r a,........,. .... .............. -....... . c.... ... · ~~~······· 0'1 ·~-.__ .. ~ .. ~ 'e ....... -. ..... . a..····-····· ,... ...• . . . . I.I&ULITIII ..... .._... ............. .., •. u •. ., ......... ~ ........ ..,. ... ... ......, .. "-"'-.. e..a ... -._...,, ...._ • ..._ •• at ,.._. , ............... -.. .......................... ~. ............... ,_ ... ~ c.-.....--.. ............. ......,..,.._, • .._,.. e.tea.nue ...... , ........ .. , ......... , , • , • IIM1.111AJ -.. .. w.c 3 1 1 -. lUll....., a....._ ...... 1.-.uus ......... ..._ .. c- ~w ····· -:~ ... ., ...... ...... ., ... -----101~ CART~ ,_ • • • • • • • • I 4M.SSt.OtUI 21U33.H7.01 uu.ssuas.n lt7,t77,JU,J2 stIll H l.Ot ).720.000.00 "o.u o 642.01 10.471.71Ul 2s-.ti3.70UO t.Ma.tu.n 1Uti.012.11 l.IOUH.lt ltMI,IS3.JOU1 IU21.21U1 UtU !>O.U LUUOl.OO JII.JIUIUJ --, 1.1 I . :'"" ft I J~ GoldeiU'Od, Ia ,,,, •••·d '" 11•~ h rot•• with an at- 1·•' h ut J&.U. , I ~•I 1 • \1 \\' Kohn, . :.: l,,,' .. · · uu••, are t.M l••.• l><•m Dec ll ""''"!. ,, '1 t .... : • ' fl ••L ,, :' I I' . ·. I I. '' I \1 ,~ ,, 1 ''" '" Farwdt ·•I Su11la Ana. I tht•tr-lb l· 11::1 1-: •···ntraJ. ., \ I I . I . ~1111lb, J U 11 , 1 ,o.ll Wh'k end ' # 1 , •• • "' t;t••th~·• ·Jn· I ,, ,,, ·, ,\t ·•ll•l ~1NI J•crc: j•• d tlau.._,,, , B 1H tJan•. of . "' 1.1·.1 l•u~t~tt · \!UHI~ MJn of \I " 1 \1 \\ II Tou.-.ty. 3:1() ,, 1 1 1 ,\11, " "''' luos t>t'.-n hav- ' • " ltt!ll r 1••••, h "l•u~;~;lt• wllh t II• •1 1•1 hut II> ll , 1 I I) b<1 CUIUIId- , .,, . '"'l"''''tJ •• uod ;\It!' ,\'.,,:,(,.u L.. Utb-•·' .!'~"' ,lith :-.t~t·· t X ApuJ l. art ·~ '. ul .i •••• u,_;ht• l , born \, ,., ~ !)u v ul l:lllnla Ana u .. ot \' h•>:~J .:.d ~11 Utblll)ll ,,. :1.:.,, 1u"'t , j ... '\~ tn lh•· U I I 111 I'"' • .1~ • I •'·"'·"" na •l"·nt 1 • " _, '" 1 ,,, lh• 11 l!ulbo• Ia- •, I h·Hii~ iO~J ''J·~~~t-na ~Jt.venue. ,. th•\ \\t l • l'•ltau..:: lhanK• 1d ., 11 l•.1l a • ·~II'• rtaJII.ttrd 1, J ht \ • ~ t•· t t ••d 1 fj l•·,t\'t• •I , ,.) I• 1 ;-.;,.,., \ '' k ,rdullllll& "' J toll :.!0 • ~~. ,rill .\lr:l ~ 1, 1.1.1• iC IJt•olld. NEWP0R,.-BAI.OOA PRmSS M,.._ Jolla Tel.man w.·u adlo d· ukd u ,.._ nten~r at ltr day"a .....U.C ot Sf'Wport lkadl f~U club, ._. plan• tl4!tnc \0 re- ..,._ w~ iook. on ~ A m- •·ru•a. II,.._ W. D v .. nckd ..-u 1 o b4! Jlf'OCr&ID dl&Jrnan Mr-and lin. Joot Manu. nl :'llt-wport retunw.d Sunday faUow - ong an ~~~~ h<•hday -lin« •I t..hrlr --taan r aban n"ar Late. HetY~~a&w. M lhrlr ~u tb .. y bad J&aunJ S or•·k ot !~J,.,. .. 100rt ucl ~ Burdkk. Caata liN&. 8~ K-TPar'a ll:we wltb lhl! 0 . Z. ~ la 1.-An- ll'f'll!l WeR llr. and Yn. Oarlra•l Shook,. llr. aad lin S . W . Blat'k· ~&rei and llr. aNI lira. ~M RltdlJe. n. R.obrruan. formerh• operated a poeuy at~ w. Bai- boa lailaDd. -Capt. aad Mn. aut. -.m- thaJer, unt IL OePa.a F'roat. '"' lbe .,.,.. .. ot • ......... !11om Dec. JO at at. J~ ...... tal nw SAipeu.a.n ~~ re-••ded -...... l.elancl, -me to Uw ....._. property OftlJ a (ew weeu ...... Btatf 11ct-II. E. Womack llu rt!li&IVd to lYe .... Ualt at~­ ta..n llortw, lclalto. alter ~ " holiday ~ wltb baa UDek-,' M-G. Yoore o1 Ntwpart Kripta. Sgt. Womack, wtao ~ ta UUa' rommuntty for about nv. ~an j lw•fo~ joUlUic tbe ArmJ Air ..-(.~ wu a -mlwr al Uw I 1938 ~MU.. daa at Ral'boc- H al{h 8claool.. I"'''"'''"'''''"''' .uo lh••r I"'!C' EcScMe-.,wboflallta-~ .. ., .,II• <I lllll• ·. ,, 1111 boll••• " : ounPd at Camp lteama. UtaJl, re- ,\tu.,. \'II ~oil' o d utmlllJUIII C'f'lltl)' ~phtlld a 1~ ftlr· , • 1 .. ,.1 '""' , '''·' \,u··•l• al l I •u.ch wltb...., ..UWr, lin. l:lnlly ,, '", , l1 ·•I I to .. ,,, 1111 lbt~ ~I liUM af 101 atlt ~ Pvt. • I'"" wr-M ·~· .... M"J"" and I ::!t:l __ ... ~ Ia Ow Wnrb f~ ,,, 1:u1o." l'a• ,.,..,,,, vt l'odm ,l t ._u., ...... Uw c-r-trr • 1 , ,.~ r-•rtlon ot wllic* Unw be llu bl!l!n ''"'·rt'~ ~ tbe H~ra •• ,, •·•·"'·'~ • r :-;,"1"'1\ , ... ,.....,_, ot Uw ~.J' Au 1: .. .,, l'••h :-,1 '"''' Mr•,t-uro·l'. Tlw Wlday wavl! mark.-..! I II T itulo ... •. ·• Ill""' "'"' hos tuwt trlp ~ atnce ntertnc , , , .• 111~L ". I~ Co•Cvr•· h~r t h.-~. 1 ••••,... ~11 :. ']httt nJ~ \ U• ~~~AS , 1 I I • 1 olltll1 Hit 1 ul !1ft und )(re. ..... 8trwart of Coro- 1 ll I ' 1 \ • I Ill olllj,;•' II a o.Jd liar .,_ ASpuwtlblte I~ ar- 1 , ,, • • I ,,, the • .onctnc a -.rt-party ~Of; •• ,, ,1 ... 1t j ane 13th ......_. anntv~..-.ry u t ~ r-aad lira. llaroAd R. Holt&. IJae \I • lhllll ~~~~ ~"'"b JhVJ>Iol' pl-.t •'-uv~t' lllklftc" pta.c., •· '" ••.> 111 " ;-.;." \ • "' il t-;1'., •t tbr HoiU Ml•~o ~-y ,. .. ,. .• ·I' • ~ h•l•l "' '·''"' 4 · .. uunwuly ' .,.,.ntn~. I~ Cftam . .-:111.(! and col· ,1.,,...., l ht hu.tol lth•lJoollj( ,,...,. ,,,. wu ~to )ofr and Mr-a. I ... 1 ul 1-:dd Ktlht• r. Su...Ot L H. WMCJaluo and du&.lr\·n. \\',,jl,., n ut! II• ll'n L,.., il•· 'lt.:!fn•ah-Joan and ......_., uC Corona tkl n. nl~t wo·r.· .. n••ll nt mao.Jm~r"ht .\tar; ~ licK•... lira.. StA-ve ,,. 1 l!llnt 111.: coniiiiU•·ll unttl th•· Smat.h, lin. f'lert' Jordan and _,..,,u hour•... dauebwr, ......,_ and Jlr. an..t ;\I ,. 1 '""'"' •· to( Ttorr-enet', lit )of ra. Ji"rl!4 a.u.., :.! .lh .. n . • t, "''"' "lud<!Pn•·tl lhla Mr and lira. C. 8 Rudd. 32U , , , lc hv ,,., u\l•rru.:nt vtslt trom .:)u.nta Ana aY'l!JlUo . dllf'rt.IU.Ih-..1 h • 1 '" 11. L"\11 p ltlt'IUlrd T or-rence .Sun.Ja)' ~ .. ...._,. o1 J~ ,,f t '"'IJ'I ltubo•rlll, \\ h1t ar-n \•1'\.1 >!ld Mta. HarT)' WMtul',.r o f &...o. ,\l ·•11ol11~ ntlr t nnun IUhl r\.'mau\e!J . \ngl'~•and Coraa.i cltl Mar, wbo "''' o1 Tu. • I 1\ '\ ••rtlllt; ll wu bta f·• t:l thr holtday. lD th.-ar luea1 I Ill:• •l 1111 r .. u.:h (It """'' atnl'<.• ·""·'. "Jitt;h OluCfa." Otbt·r p ·•UI )'"' ,, , Ill· .\11111 ,., "''"'' '""nthll 1 1 th•· Rudda Wf'.,. Mr at~d Mra.. ..... I: Z .MC'Ktnn.-y ot '-""runa ...,., \l,ol ·'"'' J;lr and Mr.. ~rt J ,., ••• r • ·.,.u .. .M-. :u m"' , •, r s I'W'J" ,,., H :u11or n""'"'' "" :t11 d J•rof...,.,.•naJ \\'o- ' • I ' ' th h,tt•r lk lwdul• •1 a ln4'f't- O: I··• • .,, ~:ht llt H.-.n.z K.aiwr"• 1.: • .-:-lh"'' ,. ,,,. Tbt-1tft1ur W'lll .. ,. ' 1 h •ll'.n,.r at I •~. follow-"•!: "h.•h C •rnl Jl1a.DIC'an of Ute ll"ut;lrlS Aort ro n plant at ~ B•'"' h Will I• II ol ••won~n W1to )hkr IIUr l'l..•nea." LJcla 8t.rai8 oll progt am t:hatnnan. :~u.:n:a ar-.\DL~G PIIOf't08AL IULI.t:o 8\' COt.'~CIL I Thul'lday, January 6, 19« DELORIS SMITH CHOSEN "MISS NEPTUNE" PASSPORT PHOTOS 1 Hour Service T .. ,., • 0. loru Smatb of Coro- na drl Mar wall co lhr honor of r•'JKflan.: :1.5 ")fUIII Srptune of l»tt." Tbe .,l«bon wu m&dt at .. ~··I•' y,.,,,..-. •;v.· party aponaor- t'd by BaJb,.a Yacht Club, tbl! at- .,"' I•' ~ ~ u W\1( c·an.tt•lat.r bl!ln~ • h•<>-n by ,..~ rr t ballot of tbl! l!n- 1 ,.. a.uo-trtbly "''" ~1111\h WIUI f'Ot,.F"'d U the ,.. p,.,.,..ntati\'C' of Ackerman Boat ••. , tJ•M1• lm\ '"" b.·Pn an lhr •m- J J01)' O( t.ft2t L'OfW'+'m .. I'W'(! \ut '''I:'"' .,.,...,, o~·u, tlrl!t cap- • ,•t n( H."'llw"m YIH'ht Club and ••ntpl"\'"<' ot lht' 54>ut h C•>aat '"·I'····. r•r ............ a t lh·· rnnll'at . '"'' ""',. S>~fld r~tndJI'I:at• bl!lnc • '"" n• d b)" )(rs Don K<•mp. Wife A. :S. S)llnt \'F.&Y LOW Anhur S Smolh. tormer may- ,..,. •J S t""'"J'<Irt Bo>~h and a rHI· I• nt hN·•• for n.-arly t O yean ... r .. rort.-..1 to bt-wry low at Baw- l ·II" lk•ru t.a l. Followan~t wvl!ral ..,.,.\',\' ~ autfe.-...J laat ~ar. h t· ..... 11\k••n to tboo h""J'•lal anol .,.•·m('d to ahow !K>ml' lmprove- m f'nt Cor a 11.-8<-\'f'ral wHka • Open 9:30 A. M. • 11:3 0 P . K. a PIX .1.01 MACK 'S PENNY ARCADE 100 MAD! STREET tat Balboa Pter) BALBOA DINNE&8 BANQVII:TS PROFESSIGtfA-L-(; A R-DS of B Y C Vice Commodon Don ! Kenti>. I Aa h~ ftret offieaaJ act att.er acceplulc lhr honor, "Mtu Nep- lllne ' ofrlclated yeaterday alter- noon at tb<" launcbinc or Newport Ha rbor'a firat warc raft of the n•·w year an aJrcr-art rracue boat-which wu ctu11~nl!d and a•·nt down lhf' ways at lhc South ~·uMt company. At lt no..llng thl! •pon.eor u ladiea- m-'·u~!n~; were tbt' eon teat run- ""rs-up, Mlaa Mildred Wyers of , the South Coul oomp&Jiy; Yra.. Dr. G. 1-:. Tohill PHYSif"fA ~ 11nl'l !'l'"RGEON J tZO'J ('oao.•l A<llo~"\•N Telr phouf'Ot: ()fMc-.e: '!1141 \\ ~: 181-8 I( nn "ll'""r. (':til "''wport 5 Dr. ObcJ Lucas • '!'!II! I I \\. C ·,.nl rol f'hllnf' I til() ..-t:\\'l'lltH lit: \('If DR. C. J. CARTER Dentist I ' ,. 1.",,•u J, .u1 All<·n. Tbe Pl!yton Company; :t.~ Ma rgaret Sm1tb. Robert V. l'la.!A' Co. and Mrs &tty Shet- h·.>. \'tctory Shlpbwlding Cor-p. -IIChU '''" 1• .. rt 1\h rL, C ft"IA !'I~ IIOUDAY GUESTS liuhday guH la a t lhl' Ray L. ·' \1•·• 1'111 hom•. 215 Brotdway, were t· ,, p G$11 M Pel ••r.eon, Arhng- 1·•'~ :So:br . and O r. ano..l Mrs. A. P HertMJt, Norfolk, N•br. 1 1:\ !'\rw Yr ar·s E•·~> the Mer- nit. ~ .. Jo·brntcd lbo>u 26th wed- 1•••1: dnntv•·rsary with " ham dJn· '" \1. JJ. Cnnvford • t· T n \f f: T R I !il T .. ~·, • • ~:" •nliiii"!S ,;• t.!t8t'S Fatl.f!d J'hnnr 2<10 ,,. 1 Gu•·•Ls uw lu•'k•o..l Mr-and Mrs. 17!•7 "''"l"•rt l~•ul~':l:-cl t•o.;,·rA ~1.!'.\ """ h<' 1:.,_.1 1nto unronll('-n"• 1'1 •r,..nct• llhlh·r nnd Mrs. Oa.lr E. 3nd ha8 ralll•-d "nly mnrnl'ntanly Mlllt·r a.nd o..llout;bter. Dude Lee, 11tnr,. th••n. a parr••ntly nnt rt'<'OC-•ol 1-'ullt•rtcm llt r and M rs Oavlo..l roiL n~ ,.,.,.n htB family ml'm~,.._j I •v,·r. Costn !lf••lltt, and Fro>d Ht>m-+ --- ----T ~lr-Snuth. wbo Ia a w t.-ran of 1 .. nway, !'frwpnrt HPig'hts. Mrs. I OR. 1 ,:- 111 ,, 1 .:, ·'I :',!.,·,','~,". ',",·!'US • 111 Sp .. n lllh -Arn•·n f'an war . wu 1 11. uu·nwnv "'"'' un:abh.• '" be rrea-1 ' 1 ·• m•·mbo-r-n ( th .. flrat Sewport ··nt u llht• wall •·•••hn~ a dnugh-l!ill SI'''J"'rl llhd. Ho a~b r Jh ' coun,·•l to tM' l'!fftl"d I· r 111-law 10 S nrlho•r·n Callfor-"""I" \f,.,.. I all(r thl! tmo-n'a on<"orpor-atlon In 1 "' at th•• tmw r'h•"" I~:IK llun141 ('a liA t 1Y'o6 Prior to #nt .. rtng thr boa-.\ft•·r !ftnn•·r thl' ~:ur"lll ~main-l•,. """ l.:v•\\" t.o •l I lr••:ot r•~ ht' r~ded at :Z007 '\\'. ern-,.,, rnr a "wato-h' rnrty and were n.uro • •II ' "' II· .•rt Troulole lll;.h 1: "'" l 'r•·l'~urr, I tr.a.1 al'ftlue. nn hano..l to llf>"•'d lhr ol.t year on 1-'~1,,11,. 1 ,,., r l•·rs Ltvrr, Ill "ll)' and WPicOOlP 19tt. K.t1lt•'\, ~l·"n,. h Con,Jillon• • H tp CT1Idl! COIIUIMn:lal and ------:"••Ut tl' J:to. llnl ,,, •. , l'lC:. I aoclrty pr1nt~.n« at reuoaable l S..'l''" tor Victory! Tum In your 1 th '" ~!"' '' 11 JIII IO'S~ I rril'l!l at the rr-ahop. IW'rap mrlal, r~s. paper. gru.ae. -_ --+ -I ----------------. -.----~~~--~----~~~--~---~-----------------t . t>n•l"•"-'1 lh.at U.. clty'a waur ~ 11u•t•·ad <>f nounll\1)', u at p~t. ~ C,IIUIU'J, IJl YS•. lnol•••l t .. m • I ""ltb a pertiM&Ia.rtJ _ } l :-,, \\ lilt \riO~ nu )Hill Inn Uhlg. • ( 7 .. nnt· Tht·r·'l''. \I•·• I • :al :'lta .... a~c The one ho~ tn lll our hems for 1944 is thJt it will brrng peace anJ the return of ou r lm eJ ones f nml the bmlcfiuJs th roughout the woriJ. l.ct us m•·l··rs bo• r.·~tJ t'ada two moftU. n ,#.~ ,,·.:.~ m ,..... • J'l onn wbl!n It c&IJ\l! k-) r,.,.. th•· ... uno .1 ~tJnc on lion-t\ •l~ty '·u~· F:n~:on•q r R. L. Pall~ ~:· • ";>vr-~o..l that Uw der1c:aJ wortl· .,. 111 lhf' wat~"r ~t cti4 , .. , '"\'(>f th,. r iiUI u UWy btttn-- .s 11 w-oul•l br rontu.~nc and com- pi:. ttl" tb·· bt>o•k worll. 8o far u ( ~,•·m~r tlrnr fnr tbfo me.~ ft.ck-r. l Mr-Pattf'I"'IIn .aJd Uw -~nc 1 W••lllol b<-nrl:'hhll!. At prt'Wnt. be l J'<>:ntrd out. •t n!qUlrPd OIW Jnall ! ""'" ,,,.,l day s per 11'\Gltb to read Watch for the announcement of our. t I l l ~\\. tll·h 'L''"'':'"''"• •1~~1 ••• Ira. r.•P.' 1 !'>p. ' I' ol• 111!1 fur : I Ov~:I'VI'o· l ·""I I 'ntl,.n•·••lj::ht t . • t I l1n1 morleghlm { I Z••n•· Tit· '•'I <I !-;j•t'l mla.st ( ' 'determinedly continue to work tO\\ .ud \'icrory. Lctusdcdie2tc cYcry physic~l .lnJ finlnci.d mc-JnS to b:acking up our men on the fishting f roms. IOUTHIIN CALifOINIA IDISON COM,ANY LTD. IIA&DWAU J. B. EITUS J'Lt"\IRI:SO Geael'al Elecbtc ...... 11. .. lh • ml!tl!ra 1 Thr proro.aJ ~t.ally dtH fcw lack of a backer. l I l I $-1'F.A& EJIIII.DI l .lf'rrv 8 Adam8, 223 0n)'Jt a"" ] nu,., BAlboa laland.. lut WN'k ~•-t ··hr" It'd h&.a l~Ut Jl!8r of eoatin-f unua ..-n·trr wltll Doa«laa Air--l l r:.(l nnli wu awarclorod a dlamoncl J !tlu.lol,.,t 1!\·p •ar ~I .-miiWm. \ Mr All~ Ia .-let.ant projl!d •up••nnto•n.to•nt l.n cMrp or man- u(n('!Ur-ln~ rontnJL ~•:wr.a Pt'JIP ~ Th<'ft n1 " 301 J a-" ('f'fttnncal !'ump mounll-d ca ar-~.... • ri'JV~rt•·d '" roUce Jllload.y "Y the R A Wat'-~J. COOIIrec· : ... ,.. on thl! W. Owltn1 ._ •rwf'r line. Tbe .-., ~ to rt'pOrt, wu ....._ a-lard Ant! Central a~ ..._, .J-. I 0, ~- ~fAa IIOAT 80Ut C'barlra ''C!Ioclr"' P~••..., .. ,..,., ... 11'".-nf Mr and Kra. 0. ...,,_ fill \'tltlnc'a Port. a.. r= , • _.. i""llat~ 8tar '-t ... ~ r~n11mtnc It ~-y.,.._ ,.... .. ,..,..:'\ as • •tucllllt· at call~ l'rl'p•-.t<>n· ac"-1 ..... OjaJ h 1111 :\h•rt~dr made a .... e.~ •~If .n lluowtM.n~ ...... Annual Sa I e! BALBOA r w:-.- WHATI ONLY DNIE KEY? .. _.. to ---~, ........ .need br tbl! ... .._ ot _.,.-. 1141 .._ ;roa ""• IWIICI fnr h,., • au.. n .q ..-.a~ to ..... a ctupbeata. ... -.., tt ,... ....... ..-...,.,. .... t. II.UOLD L JOIINBOI-r. Loc* 'Ua ... 'Z'Ir'k.......... - .I II 1 r ...... , ~ tC'e-1 1 I.• I I n lo•. l \Llp pl'l hu tl!l' ~l';' t l'. t.F:\\'1~ n.\LTZ Mortldae UO CntL."I Bh·d. Comna del Mar r'ttunt' SP" port 1\N(oJa U Licensed Veterinarian lllodl!ra Oomptf'W.lJ F.qatpped Mmai.J AnbaAI BeepiW Over 20 yt-~trs experie.nce In tnattn.: IRr-Jtl! and small A. "'IMAI .S BOAJlOL~G-BAmlNO STRIPP~O -f'UPPINO Dr. S. H. WALkERDINE 101>6 Ct :ut H •fhway C'f1ro11r1 01!1 M nr P hnne Ntw-port 2t52 IUJIIn~t lloolf'rwano PERMANENTS B&ADD'F'8 ·~ II!"...!.~D!l~ Shop o.t.M.. ....__ EARL W. STANLEY Realtor Phone 1778 Bal bo.l laland ,, Thunday, January 6, 19« .,1100 .. ~ II' i IIII:P'I-- lor • 1135 HIQhw•y 101 Jv.at l.ut ol The kche• Overpua WORK BASKET. BalltD N. o.IJacber lb•ped Good• aDd YU'D!I • •--" ... n-u-on.u. .... ~ofllalerlala ....__ Ill •• .........,. Baata ... M~M.UU., ' ·~ N&LL IIU....,.._. God-.huflt· Sll~ laiiDCIMd dda ,...,. ror YQU; Upon \he brldee 1011 lltUd; lt'a your allip, Q>e, ,.,ur OW1l ahlp And you an tn com!DANI JU8t what the tw.m monUIIa' btp Yo•lll do --- Rt•eta Yo·holly. aolely, tr1end, wttll you. Bann.t S.bn..,lt-·Not Np &ey aaya U..t .,. CICM' .un.n.o ID 10 ~· liW fii'IIJ _.. u4 only _. lA 1000 kiloO\\' U.. IMt ~. H.ow about you, broUIIar! • • • Wbat <'Oftl4!ll to IDIDd • . . ~ Haymaa owna a copy ol an Ia. k.-ttnc old book. ""''lw BUlb ~ IteM." wMdl .. puiiiWwd tn lt'N at tM Sip ol dw nu-Ilq&l'ra, a neet Street Prlatnie ... ··Patty" Fltzpatrtdl, I -t1allaDwD • ~·... tn --~ Ilia btU • • • wiUUn h1•o cw u.u.. daya an •• 1 So far u tlala Uw -..u-t • ned.e4, •Y• ~t .... "Siaort atCOWlta make I 0 D c been able to f~nda . •• K . C. Burdick. a.. deUnlli.De, elY-fonnet realdfont of ( 'oeta MNL ia Ul&aUon rac:bN now mana,rn of a arw.u-e.c" Ita nry 1ow..t pt>ada on-bard at' Yucaipa . . . ~bb folJowtDc Jollnny V~l J)Wadll for folka to &!1 a 1 r pI aD e opm up u.eu ~ to w.u.mct- • c.-..b . . . . liiJ ,-nicem .. n Unablr to ftnd I 4 • ~ Lut ,_,. al«pl.nc quarteri. saya Jollnny. _. m o r n I DC at UN! me-n c-oAv<'rC•' upon the USO t Coeta x-. a and ait up all nlpt. ''Ilk~ refU· ~ ~ ~ from. C'x«"'"blWIOhkla." eo.,. .,OOt met • • • ,t.l.-a th ln Ult' craab and expao.&oo or his Corsair. liglltu pfaDe ..• It WILl only a raatter o1 mtnutea unlll fir<' trucks arrh·~ from both ;:=======.:-_:-:..:-:-:_~-th~ Costa Mesa depart.meDt ADd tho.' a1r bue. b'ut even berore 'J1wo otlwr clay a n~ t'ltk'rty lady ~t uvmc quart~n at a twlboe real Ht.ate offk:e. n~ oaly tlufll tM qenl laad waa a two- "1"!!' •. ~ ·~nl oyer a garap few wiUdl tJwo owner wu them camE-the ogling lq)eetatora. Bo.vard W. Gerrish With arrival of military author· ..., illea. the crowd wu ordered beek k.inr; 175 a month. At the lady'a ~ look. Uw fftltal acent apol· CJC1ud. "' '-it -rather outrac-," 1w aid. Ill' w. o.nr.a ""' ............ a.M. ...... ...... wrtte. and af'ntrlea placed to keep the curious at a safe ~· Befell'e long a clean-up crew completed the gruetJOme job ol ptheftne ap the pilot ; scraped up the twt.tN •'Jt'a DOt Glly ......,_, .. de- dared tbe proepecUw teaant. "it'• P<J11i Uftly wftrd !" pieces of plane wrecltace an4 haul· PALlia AIAIPI ANBW..aii:D ed It away, and wtth ~.radon al' PillE DIEI'AJI'NKNT smootho'U off the n~ld unUJ It presented practically the -WIMtl ia a fa.lar alum not a • ••. tl ... u. ...... 1111-tl --e Hc1pe ILttr a~n romanli•.Ur loft tu>d lmOOth ln apue of diAJ'(>IOI wlods ud har.b wftdwt. Uoe .,. • l\lawio~M bo.lr nob ... , a.-,., po.., a.-. au,--·" t.~~t BALBOA I SINCE 193:l) Balboa Balboa 1sland fa.lar alarm! ftat Ia the ... q-art···aranct' .. before the plane Uon tbat N~ &ac:b ftre de-- ----burw<.l ilsdf In th~ pouncl. l't!~ untnlf'IIT job done, ..., __ __.~t would like to han .-.. lrl• a wt-rl' withdrawn. Barely bad ··~red. · tht• lo..at man lett b.l.a poet wbeft About I o'dodl Jl'riday mom· IEWEL&Y • 8TATI~"ERY thr lurking •peetaton cJc.ed UJIOII ~~ Mrs. Glfbtort GaW looked out thl' 11potJt like 110 many vulture& at a window ol lwr bomt! and aaw R kill . . . acrambttnc. pee~. wbat 111M' brl~v~ wu a nre at shMing hordes of ~tatora. hrt IM'I«hbof"• a.o.-. 8IW phoned LOUCKS Watcll 6 Jewelry Rep!\lrlng OrMll.nc Carda For AU OceuloiUI Kiwanians Lay Pl~;s 1 Marine Corp~ Pilot for Member Drive Kl."~d In Crash During January at Costa Mt-Sa +· *-·----------------------------------------~ l. 1-• Watehea and Engagement Rtnca on our Euy Budget Plan 1787 Newport Blvd. Ph. 1~9R COSTA MESA There was noth1~ to -but UN! Newpoft poll~ dep&rtme~t. l''irat r~port.a of atlvanc••• alofll a smooth ,.acant field, but t.beR Cl'"ine inaUuctioNI for the ftre thl' Krwan.. m~mbo•rshtp front pttuple went to work like de.-truck to CO to Canyon Drln• and for UH4 are du~ thr:t ,.,,rnlng as lllggmg tn th~ w~t. raJn......au.d Padtk aYftlue. thf' all-out drive to f'nroll out-~rnund with lheir bare baDdtl. Siren blartn«. the n~ tJ'U('k standing Harbor dlatrlct men st'arching for Uny 8Cr&pe of twt.t-~~ poethut~ to Canynn drlv~ swmgw Into hall act ion. Prellml· .., __ .. _.._____________________ •·ll mE"t.al. for nuta and bolla an4 and Padfk a\·~n-In Corona nary report. are enl'nuraging and bits or bumcod ctolhlq that the &-I liar. 'nwoft was no li~ al JJr•~l lftdk&Uona .,.... lhat f..w, Machine \\'ork Vlrg's Garage -Oiaa.l ......... '~-~--~-----.------------~ motE MOORE makes · Better Ice Cream TIIYITI Moore's Confectionery 2100 OCEAN FRONT Pboae 73 c I an-up c-rew ml~l have ~r-IJult rc>inl. tf ·any. of the front lint' patrols !'l<lkcd. All afternoon they q . Corl\ir~C"'d that they had been will bl' compt>lled to pay the pl'n· •w•mrn and ctrla doWn on dwlr \ic-tlmi:rrd by ir falllf' alann. an alty of defeat. h~tndll lind knHa ~\·ellng In the inw,.ttga~tlon 'A'AII laun(·hN:J. It dr>· Twenty picked men. chnA,.n IIUlt dirt; boys pU8hing other boya out \'rlnr-f that Mnr. Gal~ Is a real· Tbunday, an alftady In thP field. of th•• way and quarreliq ~r do-nt of Cneta Mesa and tbal the ea•·h lnaplred wtlh do or die de-· wbn hsd first spot~ a twUit~ st.--l8 at... tm"nl.ionf'd ron,·ergt-tumlftaUon to "eel hla miUl" In piece of coppt-r from a ma.clairM! nru brr bomt-. saw didn't ~v~n order t6 meet the coal of 20 new ~n cartridge . . . or the buttoa llimoov that Corona d... Mar baa mt•mbera by Feb. 1. Tb~ mem- from a pllot'a wdfonn. two finoel8 ot ~ •me nam~. benbip "command!:." are: Ruaa When dukne.. fell that bar· ~ tift. lnc:lckntally. wu In Darline, Fay Blower, Jan BriM:oe, bAric 111ob wu aU11 mllliaC -Ddtaler eo.ta 11-nor Corona C1yde Drnltncer, Btu Dunlap, Jlm the apot and 10 pt'i-&a men. 4el liar. Ell'-. Barolll ......... ~0. wcomen. boy. and p~eft .uJ1 It .. ._ In Hunttn~ s-dl. O.·u,.-e Gordon, Bob Henley, Juctce dl~):ing frantically for eome iiiOI"e 0 . A. JonH. Hertt ~y,' Cll:tt J:"nrf'IIOme IIOIIVenln to add to the EXTIIA. IPOII& rotNTII Loucka, Bob lllurplly, Burt Nor- roll('('tion Which already dlllteD6-H_l,_ of tlw country \\'t'rt' Inn. Art Rambo, (]ec)rp Roetnu, o·d tht'lr pocketa. tM "''"'ll l[h·en a ~·ond pork Gt"•r~e~ Stricker, Henry Sweet and Snm<• of thrll<' tiOU\'f'nlr hun~n bnniL~ by the· OPA. announct>mf'~t U..·•·t Wllaon. mu:<l have lm·ed one. who an ha\iug ~n m!Wk-that "Spare'' Any of th••M" men wbo falls to rlyl'rs. If !lurh a lhl~ happea. n1t.rofl at.amp Xo 2 in Book 4 will "nlu•t a n-member fa.eee a nne that ont' of UN! latter Ia ldJJecl ba be ~c.od Cor fin point. wcvth nf of $6. accordln.r to advanee an· n plant' cruh. 1 wonder lf u..e f r-3b port! brtween now an•t Jan. nounrem .. nt by rre.tdent Bob l"'nplr• wrll Ilk~ to vmaaJ~ at.n.nc· i!». 'l"he ~tamp Will not be ~ H!JIIIIUihl'ad. ---------------rli;.•;.;ing In lhe gn>Wtd for blta ot cur<>d rork. nln~~:'a m~Ung wtU be Capt. Jim· rra ac.rambllng over the spot and I for I hi• purchaar of nnok~ or Gueat apealten at thia eve- wrN:kage and 8Cr&pe o1 eloUllnc Thf' bonWI "''u .-rttdly de· my Watkins who hu 11 Japulf!M to bt c&IT'ied home and exhibited 1 rhm cJ bl'<-3uw of ~ f'ondltlon ol planea to hill c~dlt ln Ole South pr<'ludly lik" 110 many tropbjee ... , thP C.1uc~ atock markPt which l'n~'lfrc. and Lt Wayman, a vet- liFT& .. -·- FOR MEN and BOYS • LYLE POPE I Official 0. P. A. Tire Inspector • The Qo.,emment now 1aya you may recap your Ur•• without certificate from the Ration Board Uae yo•r ratloa certlllcate for pr•· • • • Ia ,;lutted .. -nb mn,.. pork than ••ra11 of lhe Klaka c:ampatcn. The l···r•• Chi••r F rank Crocll~r. wbo for U-J Urn£ tn Jt years. nwn wm ,;lve an lnterat.lnc In-~~ n g .. ud l..t•glc•nnaire. objoec:ta to 111i,:ht Into combat c:ondltlan.a on th• tat t that patriotic «J''UIJe are 0!\E ftA.CREa OI'T th·· widely IM'p&rated batUe fronLt. n•oll' frl'quently opening their , Wath M'boola d•'li!W'Il thf' , nun-1 Ju•IJ!<' Jom·• will be program ttl• • tings by ainctng "'God sa-try 0\'f!r aa reault 4Jf ai,..knf'• chrdnnan. i\ ,, n• n:· instl'ad of the "Star an.Ofll' teadwra and atudPnta. ------~p .. nglf'd Ban.ner." I ="'~""''POrt lkach nrammar Mhool !Wf:~ &E-~LOYJI:D "ll waa bad enough." 1w •r-. 1a 5U1J dotnC "bualnna as wruaJ." In compilllnce with the elty'a "" lwn. "'" threw lhl' CoiUIUtutlon !'-uprnntPndr>nt H . 0 Enaign re-1"1\'ll eenic .. ordinance Wbleh ape· uul thl' window but now It looka portf'd t.oday. Only on.-lrad\n 18 1 • 1f••'ll that "tPmporary'' employ- lll:r som e people are tryinc to aboent from "'ork u r•·sult or m .. y not bf' hl~ tor longer Ulan t.hl"()w our national anthem out ann.-and the num~·r or ablM'n·l J:Ofl day'! at on~ time, Pollee Chief w1th it.'' ~~ puplla hu not u ,.t"l rE"ached \ R H Hodl!klniltln thla week recom- Spl'aklng of Ole Star 8~ aJarmlnc pn1p0rtlona. ·he said. m· rr•J,.If tn city council. that 81X ru•·n in hil department be em- pi ~~ for anolher ftve-monlh.per-+----·----------~-~--=---------'t l(ut . 'f'h('y rn~; ~. Y... ..Pbebua, w: ! 1 r. John11, E . H. Walt&e, Howard .. •••••• 1 ...... ....... I G-·rrtah. H. JC. Younc and v. 1. MrManlp.l * * 'JdkJ'IfOM 81Mf 'JVIIJ, WAH BONDS WoterC__, Th!nt 11 on~ enemy ol armle1 and naviH thlt may be frualnt•d by a 1eneroua •upply of water. Ty· phua, anothu dr•·r•ded pla1ue Ia an. other enemy that must be •ubduC'd in Afriu , In thr Jun111 lalanda of the Padllc war qr•d• tire•. At.o UNCi aad GMde Ill TirM. t • I I•••• •••••• ~~~~~~ted : 1 -· _~. :c- 26th and Central BALBOA GIFT SHOP So tba "Liater a:;~ .. ·,;:o~• often c~ll~ Uw •·v.;,t~r cam~l." or juat Phone 1406 "camel." 11 ulll'd. The "Lblar Ba1·• I 11 • khaki cnlorf'd canva• b•l bav· •• IJae -.. L----··-· In< a capacity of •bout JO 1a11on1. l -.. ·------.. -----It •W r~quar~ many War Bondi Tbe P,.. la only $1.00 a year. to proYide eno111h "camell'' tor our delJnnd by maJl &.llJWiwN Ill ID& IIU ao.. ft&htiAI force• •• home and abroad. ~ ClOUD~. (~JIO a ,..., .a.-YllUrl tool "a&cll ... ahael wttll ....... ). ...., _________ _. _____________ .... War ........ IJ.S.Tr-,D.,.,_ S<•l'nnd Lt Rnbo•r•t ,Junt tof (..'ht cagu wu k•lh••t tll~tnnlly Fr hiAV morning whtn h18 fl,.;ht.•r pl~;n•· t'rl\lfho•oJ an tul npo•n (h•lol 1u•ru 11111\ atn•t•,t 1Uh1 Tualltt tt\'1'11\h', c.; .. atll ....... Arhorohnl: '" •·V•··wtlrt••M a•'· c-ount11 th.-plan .. wruo flymg About ~ ft•f't when It w•·nt tntn a nrtlf'l•· •11,.,., eplr111lh11C rapidly to th•• I'Arth Tht• lrnptt•·t wu .,, gr••ftt tht• plane-Willi hurll'!l IU'Vt'r · 111 h•••t In thr grouttol 11n<l Ita bomb lnad Willi ('Xplodl'd K1111nd uf th1• t!Xploatun was hu.rtt throul{hout lh•· community and window• shook for ll<'vrral block• arnuntl but rfo damaa:e to civilian property wu reported. Lt. Jont, who waa att.~hol:d .lo lhe Marin" blUe! at El Tnrtt. I• aurvl.ved by Ilia mot!'E"r. Mn1. Ag· nea Jont of Chkqn. Within 48 houra llf tht' r rllah. f three oth4'r ~~<·rvicl'ml•n Wt'r!' kill· 1 I'd In two nthrr f'lar'lt' t•rallhrll u<: l l'llrrlng within 10 mllra of thl' Mua accldent. Sl'BMTA~TlAL IN(;aEA.KJ: MHOWN IN azroaT • Subetantlai lncreuea In total I rt"Bnurc•·a. depoalta and lnvell· nu·nta, aa wt•ll u enhanced capl-~ tal fund11 and an lnt'n·-· In lur- plwr acrount. r .. awrt•d a rrrnrd 1 year of ~o:rowth for Unnk ,,, Artl 1 ertca. Thill I• ren ... ·t••d tn Uw bank'11 atRit·m .. nt of conlllllon at the <•Jn .. • or buroilll'lla lk •'l'tllll•·r :11, 1943, lht' rl'l"•rl twin.: pub llahl'd un l'al(t' 4 of thi• lruiiH' I On n .. rcmbr·r 15, •urplUII a•'·. rount wu lnl'ri'IUio·d fmm $62 ht'"t. • 000 to 175.000,000 lly the tran~•· (f'r Of $13.000.0()() frnm IIIHIIVf•lo·•f profltJt a rrount, /oil a rt'rtllfl th•• bank'• IN1ol111,.; •·np•u·tty u• IPI.: llll'nlt•d In lint• with llll lnno·I\H ed vulumC' •1f war prn•ltH lt••n Joana Total rcllflurrr•. lb(• rtlat••nto·nt 8hOWII. W••n• $:t f\!17,!11.1 tHHI 1111 Ito crcue of $928.22:!..000 over a yc..r qo . )'IL'Wt * * 'kJ'-J'IfOM 81U/ 'kJdJ. WAR BONUS Wigwag Frequently lh" Nttvy. tl1• C'••'"'' Ouard and lh•• S11'"'" C'•fl" "''''• 11 ex~ent to rt·lu} '""'~n11•·• ~<Ill•••"' benefit of telrt•h<•llf'. tt•f• a• ""h ''' radio. Thai 11 whrn tlol' ll'lllloiH•"'" .,awm I• empi•J.Ycd. Uk• a tlnll~ hi in the ·W11 ••I'' l.)'llem. the vurt·lou r c,f 1 War 8av1n11 St11mp or Unn~. In 11 ..U baa an lnlln1lf'a1mnl •ITcol't lll~•n 11M enUre war eiTort, bul wh~n 1311 m1Won determined i><''tPie ut thru 1IWida to mak• our War Dond drtn1 ~c .. lful. the r11ult 11 •nythlro& but ......_tetllnal 11 .1 ,.,.,.,. 11,,.,,..,.,"'' , I, AT T H E A E N D E Z V 0 U •• •. WITH AT THE BALLROOM IN BALBOA Saturday ighl ·-· UUY U. 8. W.AR BONDS! ---II17IIIWY. JTEI! .$ZM ...... ........ TA MESA N\fQU t et 1ents :>wer ' !h•aTotal • S23.580 rt n..m ''"' """'" ru,.. "\\fft~t tlut t nounUnJ( to P~ot wu abl• lit l)lt«t• ~. tll ., ....... ~ ...... lee_, .... ~n d &..uf\.-... nant _..._ ·~fill t:ltiCIIt ,_,.. tM ctl.._,'-1 ,_ "· J. .., ......... .._ .UI ... .L-w.....,....._ , .. P'Wf .. .......... ata. ....... '•'arry-,. •• efftM ... , .. .,.. w. II. •• ,... c • ftr1elp. ... •ny, Hal w .. an aad 1. W llhiJI wiUI all ""' P"kJ,.,.., • prmrllt.ed tn Jt~lfllr'IICia. ar f mtn W Mh· 7.1~ atti~ • Wf'Mt.,...,., ~~e• fn.'QUMIIY c over.'' 'J'1woy f'"fOMJt&on ol purt and oth- •m Americaft c• Jt mat ooaJit .nt.L'!t. fo·or lfto ,.,.., lm.rttlon • be unthlnk· r>Mt, mo.t uv- n naHan nm ry 11nd the d · lh111ifNUI It!'! In 11 ,.,, t h•·y 11 n• d.H.:. .... wr u<l· 111 ulrmlKI i u- lil fii'11HIIittitln J-. t•tl~lll~t'fl Ill lllf' r•rimary riri•· ( 'na~t t" Ill~ I tn t:. l·:v•·tt !iot II If I•. II u .,. .. ( 'o:t'il lrtllllll· I t'lllllfll'filtJNi m:t rkt'l-4 llttt th 111 IIH'ir •·m- ll'k of lu:u1ht~ "' 'II., rfi•·ulurly lhe l SllfTII' surf of pit • o I Ilk' Pn • IJ':tfc ·~:y uf the l'ific· ( 'tNIKt. It HJ m:my tim•·" .\ · who hswc• :.I- I hi· Wrst fs a11; tml lht• Army f>f'nt situntlon. w would be a ttf>~:.tlon to ....... 75 Pel cent Yorkers' -,LIIOa .no -.ore a ..._, ....... ~ ............ ~ ~---· ,..... to .. .. d lt'e • ... -·Ny. \a _...,...., .... ~ply ... ... ,.._ It • GIN caw..a.-- ...... q~ ............. ... -U..Cil .......... K:baN bt- -Mt&Mr ... tl Ac:eord.lncto ...t·oftlw.,. ·· . ...-. ....... war. OaJy ... ~to nCIIn ... ~ ·~ _,.. ~ ..... to tlw Wlr ... _..,.. .. .... .._.. .. __ .. __ ell'---., ........ ......, fiiW .... 1 ...... war;.-...a .. htD. _.. '*-~· ·-·~·­.... ..,. ... HEAl .... ----, un ' &U.Ift ~--· ....... ...... ...., .. ..... 'I 0 0 ... ....... ---· .... LIDO I..,._Sitt ,.._...,... •• a ... , ..... ·~ .... '-~-· .... , .... .._ .... ,.._ 1:. Adult&: toe -lientce llee IOc ~ 11C:. TU lac. ......... nt.-IM. Maureaa O'Hara -Jolul Qarfield -m- Tbe FaileD Sparrow oan--N-..... ..-. .............. Ollria de HavUand -ou. Coburn ·.:...lD~ Taxes, Assessments, Approach $100,000 During Nov.-mber ul\ 1Jukl luncht!C.Irw w1U be eerved ul noon. ton t~.~ fullnwlng day, Newport unlo: \\Ill uoed WIUl Wn. D. W. llullll\' l~lb \\' Ocean Front. I" 10o •1 t !uno ho•l•n wrll be eei'Yed Nearly $100,()0(1 Ill "'"'~6 ••ll~ "-'' •I I '' • ·'" k Wllh \111• procratft to -naenla wu pauJ by :-.,,.,~pool !ull"" Harbor ruld•·nta •lur •IlK I h " manlh of {Hunabo·r. u• o·urlllng H• ~u'IIC t: ,,.,. 1'\AI.t: IS BU L& I 1 • l hJ~l J'r ~1 .\ 'I CU!IICERN: a rl'port turnoahrd th·· '11 Y corun· ~-ll'l'll 11: t:> Hl::.ltt.:liY GJVEN, ctl by Tr.,uurer J A. Crwt U• "k· I'll• ""''''t .u llk "' u\ .. nona of Sec- en down, lh., amount onr iUJ•·•I 1 "'· .H II ,,, tho: l'ahlornla Clvtl '"·080.48 HI i'Urrt'nl ,.,,_, » llnJ 1 ·., I• l hhl Aoll.'illh M Haul, W~~ ~MIIIt'lllll, $:!:1'\:1 116 f•or l.tXlW hoi ,1 '·' ·' 1~•16 llol A\·o:nU(', chro- and ~t.~~~ea1111to·nt,; ,..,,.."'l'l'""~ , t• •I• I ~1111 ~II IIIli\: County, C&ll· 146:) tax•·• nn unut•u•h•·ll po osuto· "''"" ll•l•nJ.• to lli!U to Frank X. AI proru·rly uml S!\1\ ti 1111 1\l l[o llut • "h"S! aJllr• 5ll 111 234 Brad- ,.. '''''I Al'••nu.,, l'ltlc<!nlla, 0ran1• cull paoJ u ... ••nv'tllll . 11 lh t ... a,ft RMvenue front lllo• \\'fllo•r <J, .. ''•>lilt I)' C.:ulotornlu, u. a ce.-~ i•• '·'' 11111 propo•tlY conalaliiiC of partment •mounl•·ol 1" S(;4:lii!J:>. ,,. 1 oksf 11h•·•l ~ecnt·rally u : a&le or city luiJI, $H 'l:. r.o ton .I '1'1il \11 ~'"'I< "' truJc. suppliea, turn· claim dcedl, 114:18 IJII 'l'h• lui L 1 lilt •. ll>.lur d, •·(jwprncol, l.ntt.&lla- (lgure onrlutl••d U•l "· J:lk .;;~.:, '"'" 1•~·1 lll•IISIIs unJ warea be- NEWPORT-BAI.BOA PRESS R~ DTATE (For SUe) OJG ACRa LAJCD cia •nehlltn av-. 1'1111 "* 11100· a. c. ,_,_., 1 .. lfMFJIOI't ...... eo.ta...... tie l·ROOII rR..Um HOUS&. 0.. Upt.a aad water. 1G0x200 f•t on Banta AAa avenue. Full pnee tUOO .Terma. ft. C Parke.r. 1801 Newport Blvcl., Ooet.a Mesa. t4U II A.CRU, 8aacty LoMl BoU. On Orana'• aveaue wtt.b two liloueN nua ae a '-'l'a1D· Nl .,nee 1 10000. Tenu. J . C. Payu. 1780 Newpon Blvd., Coeta .,..._ t4cU FOR 8AL&-8mall hoUM -, Cout Blvd. between 3TUl and 31t.b; cloee to Bay, rood &au· I tion. UOOO. Apply at no E. Central, Balboa 1 Buncal~ Ct. Apta.). · ~u Prln-.. O'Rourke Blk 11. r.a.at ="•""I""'· F \1 1><, ..... 1 ''""''''' tn and about lhe re-CorMa <kl Mut, Sf.OI\f., '"''' '' !'''· ~~~·~ l" H.icll1. llllt•nued vendO'r ......,_.. Lola 11, 12. J:S, :lll. :!1. !Ilk Ill l o.l l.u~ll"!lll •:~tabltllhllh'nt and U.Oli!DIATII POB. Home 011 Braadway. ao. ln. 1150 ft. frt. 3-bedroom boue all IMW'lJ clec- orat.ecl.. PIUtencS. Doub&e rar- ~e. MtoO. ft. c. Parker, 1toe Newport 111¥4., Coeta X... ean-. N_. Eut Newpmt. Sl :1:1 !\7 u•l I< 1111. 1 •~· s, '11 . lh•• eM" and bar Balbo $111111\6 u >l 1:.!, Ul k .\ 1" I I• Inti l.quor •tA"Irt! knuWn U ,..........,...., ...... a...w. IWl -Hany .l&mM lD Best Foot Forward c--.: ................. ..u.lp-_ ......... ,,A .... J ....... .~ ............... ,...; ....... o.--;'I'UW Balboa 6• a , 4• , 1 11:• • r · .• 1. th•· a<JJre!lll or wh ich Nt!wpor\ l)uy, $ a ., ' r ,, 1111 1 1 ual<l lllghwll,Y, (;Orona .,a&al C'lly l'r"l"''l'' I• I ~I,LI I 11 .•II!;<' I '~>Unly, CahfOr· 111.1, l"i:' th• I With lht" bi)(Xi Will South Coul C" 1"'1'' $l0bli "' ,.,., 1 1111,111•·~11 :liiJ lh" On·aaJe r• nlal on th•· • II' ;. II 1''' h ""' 11,, , uuu "Ill•· lll••na.-. tht' On·aaJe ttun dre•l«••. th•· t<J\Ill bring C'um· o1 ,.1 111, .1 •ruroll 111~ ns<· IUl<l the re- put,.d Ill $12 I~' r huu1 l••r W Ioiii l''"'k·•!:•' ( •lt·lllllt! dutUIIt>d ho uri OUwor ro•nl11l" "' • o\ \' pro)'· ~!'II Ila Ill'• ""'' hl'l•l by a&JU Intend· ,.1 t)' mr luol• •I Alh-1\ ~ Mo :lloiiiHI, f • tl \ • 111101 Ill l«lln•·Ctlon Wllh 1ald FOR IAL&-1 acre In e-ta MeM ,A,1~ two '--. Larce 2 bedroom lloc-. fully ham.l.llb- ed, open for l.lltlmed.late ~ alon. J2000 down. Bee ownu,l 2114 W . C.tr&l, Newport. Pta. 192. .au O<xk 3, $2~. S•11tll1 1 ... u.t < 'tJ. hu~111• ~~ •·lllubltshuwnt. ,.. nttol nr n ly 1''"1'' rl\, SGll , I • u ' T h.<l til•· <la l··. "'~i·~ tn~ ~ For Sale I $T ' ' 1,,, \\ 1h·rc a-.uu ~--' • s o Jkoy.~-n ...... k -4, an j.!'lll II(•' ' • I I lll·' lho·. I !UlJIIIJtoralJOn or H 0 M E l k I I , r lt , It It t , 1 U !''rt•J l>t••t7 .. r, "" 1111' It•' 11"' • P• 11 ,. th••r.,-(ur 111 to ~ paid are ~2~. Sunla ''"" """Y All l•n ~·bouary 1~. 1944, at eleven ~ ,..,.,.... Ba....·. br~y fr ont .• ,. •. , $1:::. oiiiO• k ,\ M nl lh· .. rr ..... u( Frt'U INc 0 ME ..... M A M :-:,.1,.<10. huololtttl{ "'"I"'' \ \\'tlhur, [1()!1 F1rst NationAl E n run.a at 7:00 6 t .ll tor. ft•port•••l bu•l•lolll{ lh'' 1111t. Ill !tank l\ttll<llng, Fuurth and MaJn PROPERTY t_..t 1 •>mpltk aJIOWIJlC of I vkJue of $78, piUIIIhllll{ p• ruoll" \I• I~ ~olllll\ Ann, ('allfOmla. Three ......... ~ 8t $(16· ,.),.('l ol<'l\1 I'' 1uott • $:.!:r.tl!l. I IIII• ll J11nunry :'1, 1944 ~uboo r .: .. ture Pr.!!Jr&m arla plu,t••ron"', $II. ,.,111 111111111,,. 1,,.1.1 AII~:Lt::-.l!:M .RUSSI. c·~~r •-•~~~~-' ~t 1 'tO Adult.a 31k:, lncludln& .. .1 d v d -·-_. --...-.--Ta:ot. ~ .... ._, mtu. lt. Buttlru-H u,.,.,l,..·• ,.,. ,.,. I lJil• ""'' ··n or. , ........ "- O.n• .:.:;. : ~ E~;~~.~: :;::~;}:::::.:;;:::::: ! ·c'LASSI F'IE'D.... ·-~ - ~ Oc*&ra -llaljor1a II&Jn 1n !IIIM'o·ll&nfflu• tc.·•·•·l&rh l lll:l.l' \\'ANTt:D (....,_1 Beavea Caa Walt M oiCt>llan.-ou• r ....... ,,.t.. lit• luokd R c pARKER ~-N_. aaJe of a Chr uH.,,"rult ''•1:•11• lu II \',ll.l> ';ao<J•·•w • l'h•lll•' 613 11101 M~ ... ._ C.ta .._ ---I John D M C'M IIIHI1 Itt II HI s .. ulh \\ ll•tbbtorJ, !12!1 VIa UdO lA' ~~ •• =-~= _ C.ab Coaat Co IIllo• "' H :! I II• ol I• • I I •·• lo ll>l 4:1U Fl\'E ACRE8-Framr houae, pUJ. na. om~& lA l nrUIIUlt•d J'llln~. $;.:,.: '"· I "''·"I ''' rr.l l lilrl or wuman for tumllhed. Oar~e. ~. Tenna. 1 l n.....r.,ft~ w nrJ••rur, "'"' ,,( I I f11'h •. \\'hilA R. C. Parker, 1101 Newport lJ'P' ,._,. 1u• ,...,, \\ttl k 111\\J I (MtKIO~ "' Stormy Weatbe. r hg.ht ball<'rh·•. '.' ..... '1'1 111 I·,,., •I ......... ol Tllll'l' In (anuly. Blvd., eo.ta 11-. Sk -aDd a -~ tNtw-Inc .. rt>flln.J<-on aul•• pulo~\. $1 24., l't~nll•• r<><lln nl1ol Dl\lh Mlont' 2 LARGE LO'tJI 1n 400 lllock oe ll &an C:rOW••I'JI' A'"'" ' I ''·Ill Ill> ··----··-'·'-v--.0 tler -"· """'t a!)8 •""' Newport mYel., eo.ta 111-. ou.;-aaD ~ .-u . C31101'd IIIIIN IIIli• II. $:.! .. 1\, ll.oh• Ill Par'lilu wt~ Rkhard Dta I Cornna do·l Ml\r mnp ~I , S · • 'all· .. \ , 1 1:1 , :.nuH•un•· tnt..!"r!'•t .. u In Pnce 1700 per lot. R. C. • o-ne-· "-t ur01a Tt'l• ph11n•· l.'•). I'·''' 01l.1tiOII ,,1 ollll11o:' 1n 3 nuf'lll'ry ~orman'1 lll06 Newport B1v4. ~ lileiL ,on pt!'r, 17 64. Balbna llr'"'' h 1:u11k ;\""', ,. u11ll Fl.,w•·r eho>p, 1307 THR.J:I!l LOTII Oft Anabetm aft.. I of Aml'"''"· lnl•·n·•l ''" 1 ''' tllll•l• ,.,, u.t iu.:hwll)', c.:orona del Ma.r near HarnUton. l:ac:b tot llalD $e3 01: Chn auun IJ<Ju~l.~~. •·nl.ol~ l'lt""" ~I!O·W. 37U fMt. A1J uUllU.. Price 1300 per and ftn~ll at t'll)' llbrtll . St:.!~o hl lot. R. C. Putlet', 1801 Newport .,.....,..,...ml'"'" 1 s a f l,;1\'flONS WANTED mvd.. coeta ....... Jlc A Report to the Citizens of Newport Beach CMCSJ, lac. -xffiliated with :Natiooa1 War Fund NEWPIIllliBII •11111 COMMITTEE4 CIUIPAJGII MJV.,... [lilt 2:1010. 1943: ~AL~.---------· """"'-·-7 ---·~-,, ...... ,. ~Irly ....... ~ o.. 1 .. ._ r a .. .& ..._. __ ,_ ..... --~-.. ·~ --m .eo 1,tll.7. 1.1181.00 1,.136.10 n.cnct • a a .& ...... .. ... .... ...... ·---· -. _._, ... o.tric:t .__... ................... ...... Diatrict ._~ ~ ..... -..... l*lnct ~.-... .......... -........... ...._ Jthu. --.. .... , ...... _ .lltillbid. ....... ....... DiAnct 7-J 2 ............. .,...,._ DitltricS --~ .... -o.trd9-UM ... t-=rtd ............. DWbtct U-~ Pay Dultrid u ........... ~ .&-. ..... - o.tnct u e·._ ...... ~ .&-.. a..a o.tnc:t 1 ............ ~ ...... DttoUxt ~ ... -v• a --- 0... Md... Cllaea -- ~----~~---ToN..._. .... .... Newpart .....,_. .... .,-. ------ SC!Wpolt ....._ ..._. ..... -------- Sah..U.U AJWI)' catllalic: ........ - c-.,. c:::..dl -~ N~ a..-D , n=llu111M .. R"JJ ..._. ---- o.t&--c .... C••pa"C" w:.l..,... £ ....... o.t& ._a~~ •1• OIL M a lUll Ch«'.b ........ x.r ---- a-:b ... ~ ......... ..- T.,JII.IO ...... ........ -.oo ----,........ .... 2IUO 21.74 IU!f. 30.00 113.00 UtM 4..22t.31 400.11 1,18t.&2 U5.00 %30.00 ~73 1,140.40 314.7~ 171.16 218.90 21.14 • 15,800.74 ... ~ • A. a.··--~~· .. I &art W . Stanley l.rTiD eeorc., Gordon Olarte. R. f>to yton W. II. Loncmoor ,_, ~ • -* -ell Del S 1 -. INS. S a ,._.t eoat.nbuUONI wUI ... an ... • w a ..a -Jt-zr.t~-lla •• .._. ,.wec~un. Otllbuntement• lnl'luolt•ol th•· «'UI· 1'.\ l ~;·n::-.G AND DECORATINO POSSU SJON AT CL011J: ot -~ ~~~~~~~~~~i43.i~.pn~ ~~~~~~~~~l k.~1np~n• «~. ~ey~l~ 7-~,~===============~~======================~ ~~H~Il :~t··rh1~l t n 44 · ~dll·~ ~~2~~~ .. N-~ h~.~~~.-~ -·---------------------------------------·--------------It: library '"""'· $A:Ir. :ou ,. ... , .•. ,., J'h•llll! l:ll7. ter acre. p100. R. C. Putloer, ....... n-...,_11 tlllnl' tunlt, $1 :Mfl :!11: • nrnp ru~d, \ ::-.T 1·ar ··nler work and ,.. 11106 Newport 81\rd., or.t& $39:1 oo ~r··•ml '""' $tl•llt •II .• ' "· 1' 1 1 w eaa. au Tile Yoaapat ProfMIIoa __._ lltted)ap ~~ ... .,... .. U.&: 'he ..... .,.._: ........ , O''Cha.~; -.Q .. , t R7; C~t~.-.a I"'IIM c •: A ...,_.,.._A a.-;~· ... 1' r 1 5')4A4 411 unupp<~r· lll•l d•·luog .no JOb uo arre or pro":d·r Yt u,m ~ .. 11•11 , :,11 rhl , 11 v l••1 &Hill II llitlph Fle('nH, Bay uonc un ... ••• . . .. , . 'I . .... ' ·port B•a-"' d Oe tl f tl $11 !1'1-'r4J ~ 11'1'' uuup, ·" \\ "' ...... bun n: mp t>n un , , , I , I =--•· f'htJnr r all.t '· 4tp "'.!U'.!ol MEI!:T1SO Nl"wpnrl lk lll'h \\'~I' S Will mt,..l n.-xt Tth """'' nt th• """'' n( Mra. E n \; ....... II, .• ti\HI l lo "' Front. Tl\4· •tll•h cL . ....,. \\oil • "" Vt>no> •• 10 ft Ill \qlh ~,,,. I •• , Gorao·r lellollnJ; I hl' til~· \INIWII I 11 I dl~ S.\l.t : \ " t I M t'LJo:A;\;F:R F irat clau • 1 •• , ;21 ,.,., nnndo, BalboA. 46c 1 'II II "~;;\;::; R••J Fry .. ra, alive or I • ... 1\ lur lh•' pan. 1968 New- Jkltl HIHI., Cu.lo M.eaa. «ll Dresses ., .t . ' .... -r.·.-u. I,,. ~=--~: F~:ATIIJo:llHEO, 20 -lb. 1 I• ·'"· j:U<..J • unohlion 1 Make ,., • .,,1,,u."'"'· Ztlli 2111 St , New· I""' 46p 1111:1 1 t 'II.\IR woth Altdf' tray. 1 : ..... t rnrulltonu $!1. :140 eo.ta '1 , :'l , c.'~<lllll M•·sa. Phont' A...., u TodaJ'• H•d- J--. AU eiaee. Tlae ai- ••J• attractin ·-:. 7f ' ! ~ " . . ~·77 It ·~ ~~ I.\\ I :'\t; II ~~.":$, :'<Jo•w Hufllp· •h!l•. .. ... 1 \\'hrt•· Ruc·k Cr0841. : , '" h 1 Mill l.ni{UIIIl A''" . c ·""'' n ~It ~a 44c 2-BEDROOW HOUR. -t.rp bam, c:hlcken eqlupment. One acrt. Tuea 112.150 per ,._,.. Full price $2100. 11000 clown. R. C. Parker. 1108 Newport Blvd., eo.&a Ill.._ UU BUY NOW. BUD..D LATI:R-6 ac:ru. San4y 80U on TueUD a-. Vacant. Wonckrtul v1"' ot baJ. beauUtuJ bulld&nc alte. PIOO- Terma. R. C. Parker, 1801 N-- port Bl¥4 .. Coeta 11-. Sk 3-BEDROOM HOUII:, ~ ~. Chicken eq11lpmeDt. TWo and a half acrea. near bAcia 11ehool. Tuea UO per year. FaD price 137~ $11150 cioltm. R. C. l'ark•·r. 1806 Newpwt BlYCl., C01ta Mua. &JU TRUDY HALL •• I . ' 1, d: :-.\1.~: \ B \~Ill' Rnnge, pt•r-~ • ,. hJ t~ -~~ndtth\U burrwr 1 1 Ill• 1 111-11 11\o'll, $:1.'1\Kl 204 Fl:RNIS HEO combination -- anJ at'rVt<'l" 1taUqn -nice cor- ner. Ser\'lce 1t.aUon equipment. Lnt 70xl21 Jiouae now rent.a \ tnr $3~ pe-r month. Full price f $4500 $2000 cuh. sa per mo. l R. C. Parker, 1101 Nt'WpCJrt , l Houltvard, Coeta K-. Uc: l Modela which tlae Junior M-.. adore. Tailored Froca...t ........... dNMJ modela for women. We abo t.&n a complete liae of Clothea for the WOGMD wiMt are .. ploJed ia Del .... Plaata. KORET SKIRTS .. New Briaht Sla•d..C • .I rns DEPARTMENT STOR I! •n hll• ~~ R albn11 Jsl~n.t, ph. "' '•'I"" t 14~111. ·~I" Shores Rabbitry l lO . 16th Street Co1ta Me 1a RABBIT FRYERS I I 1 ,. your o rder 111 early ,. •l' II have 11 re11dy lor you Ph one 423 A I 'TOS t"'R S.,LE I 41 6·t'YL I•LnR • lub ~U;•Ja.n. 111'ar I n.•w trr•·s. ncth>, ht>atcr. V"'ry , I •all, lnw lltll•·a~l' P\'l. party. :Jt••• C·•urt. Nt\\"J'<)rl. 40p \\.\~TED -\\ \ ;\;TF.D Klinker. Abnut 10-ft. ~~ 11~1 h~ In good comhtlon IUld 1 ,,,.,,,, ,~l!(ht for • :l~h. 20i' Edt:e· wut.•r. BnlboA. 4~p \\ \ ::-.TF..II TU BUY. C"r cuh -- ~:1·" t 1 h' or J:U r.-fn,;rrator 6 I·• 11 h>ot capacity ~11.11 428-J . 46<' ~llS('t:I.LANEOU8 l:h '\'CLF..S SntO. ,...nled or ,... 1 1 rf'd. \'ng<'l'8, 304 Main It . lllllt><\1\, and 208 Marine An . 11<111>1'• b lftnct Itt $25,000 WILL BUY • nnl.' of lhr moet dotetrallle n l'c acr.-r11nc:bu 1n ~ C.'ounty. local~ on tbe corDel' nr 1'\uton A \•enue an4 22Dd 11tri't'l, w1th eacellent '~ nf Upper N~ Bay. The maon bcx.-hu dare& bo·urooma, nicely ~ with rarp..la on moet ot tM noon. • YOU CAN HAVE IMMEDIATE P 0 S S E S S I 0 N! • The txlra cot~ hu tour rooma and CUl be u.ecl tor a. rar~t.akrr or u a rental. Tht propt>rtJ hu barna, DDr rail. prl1t>n and fndt ~ lola or (lnt eqUipment. •• Price $25,000 t TI:JU(S Ir DJ:IIDt&D I • I' A I "11:"0 a n 4 paper~ ..-,...e l!allmatfta. Jrururance car-R C P' 11 nv~ IIOIJIICB YOU Willi y_., a a._,,.._._. .... TO SELL mr a.J!!U ..._ ........ -8LOCU A--.15 &: ........... -.ml Q&Alii'D'.D Yes ..• ~ riSk 'n.. _. lata ... 80 cloee to the ........., o.-till liar ,..._ ~!ada and ablo to tW ads~ ps ~ f• -· inc and other aq e•ir ~ ill •=r=t Bay ••tdd be aold to t ._.e talqlaJWW ill c.-till Jlar. wilD aMIId buy u an m-W4----... ,_ ...... little beach cotta~" .... _.... fiupsl).' Yea ,...._ ri&fltl ..-'fte ...t m.porta.Dt fea- tw-e ia ttu1 ..._ ..._ • .... .-...._ where on tM Paafit ea..c ~ u.r na.. tr duplicated-in a tot:atio-~to C..C.. tid liar aDd from many ~ •itws · '•! ·-m 'm ... Tr.t ~ 1ril1 aboir you Olft' IW fiupslJ _. P.,.... t.ll iefonaatioa. ... ...... ~,__ .............. ____ .._.._ .. _,., _._ ...... ! ...... TAKE HKR TO • • ----....~ .... - ONCE A WEEK COSTA MF..SA r oeol A. J . Burton. Ut N~',ort ' ' ~ ~~~~~~~~Wl~N~rt~.~~·L---------------~~------------------~ s c Ci .. em pric higl no~ Bur t>ea. The higl flic1 the first 34c as. I todl: 191~ moo as fr El cent cent F1 and L; cent M and Sl cent 81 64.1 CJ 24.1 p, oent P• and It simi mad wag. "I hQPi the • that rntic to tl in t 1~ t.lml birtJ es. any Mar kno• is a' duri the mar nevE up" popt boy! pen No to a bot app forr bet of t tlon mye ena amc duo the ed. Dea that star trat into SOrT our is s rati thet abh rlist say 1 I I'll( \':t~ gur cnt al't' her ()('S lX'. cor the the ~01 nal hul sh< thi es fi~ if 1'<11 of W<l \'('1 .;(( l'Ol sv tn 5e "'' n fo Ttl SAID CRAB "' SAM Buy Bonds to End War . Quitker BALBOA MES~~ IEEP POSTEll 1 Year •••• $218 ---~ ......... .. N-.·'11-,N ..... ..... EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA. WEST NEWPORT. SEA 5110&£ CIJLONY. liDO ISLE. NEWPORT HI:ICHTS. BALBOA 1S8-4ND, CORONA DEl MAR, COST A MESA \'OLt'M t: XX.X\'1 l\lesa Newromer Claimed by Heath .. -· .. . ..... l N \IMBJ:Il t !.11 I Ill I I' ldttt 111:1,\ llttf 11111:. I ''' I ito II t'.r'lt•l II t'IIIIIJII'f if l i N! "' 1111 11: II Jttlll' lto•,ttl -,l.t l'l ill • .oplt ll'll lj~ l"''I IVIII' lllll l'kl't~ l.r11t Il l·'' :tl• .. ,,. l••r 1 o·d 111 ,.,,.,,. """" 1 '"''lol•·lf•l\' "'that l hl'ir 1'01· t •l1 o\•~"' "'":-l 'l•".tl'' 111 !Ia•• 11 1••r •· d11 1'''' ""' \\llt k of londinJI: ''"''' ""'' Jtii'Jiill'llq! , ... ,.~, '"' 'ltiJII'II'Ill lt\'l'f' .... •lt '! . T ift' l '"'''l'lltlll'lll "' '"" • ''""'' \ a nd. pa rtir·ttlurly the III'III,V :rnrl llw rtllv y , 111·•><t lllllltr ••ll.r l••l) !11 ,,., IIJI """''' ~or·t o r m a d tlllf'l':>' to r'llol'dlll:d t• :atrd ttat•'i :r .rtr· tlw JII'IIJIIt• nf lh(• Pu- r·rt '" ( 'o :t!-.1 ani! I llr•ir 11rtlu~tnr •· !Jtlrr I hr· ~~ :1111 1 -.1 prll'~:y of fht' 1\'r:rl w \\Ill 'l1r:1t ,Jr•ruld lw• d•rlll' tiJIOII llu•,l ';w rfic' ('rNtMI , It h.r, Jrlr"t·:rrh 1•-.·rt r•rr•v•·d l•r<r '''llldlt!-.IVd V :111d l11o IIIII OY tlmr• .. ll1.rl . lfl \\';r· hrrwt•rrt, 1111'1 r• .11 •• lt.rr II Hilty l"'"trft• \l•llll h iiVI' Ill· I r1•:r tly fn~nttl'lr l't·:u I llurlt~rr l ""'f•l•• to 1\ !111111 ttw Wr~t Joe 111'1 l'l•a l a l\ Nlrvnna . It II\ ""''"'iiiJ.: thai "''""'''"'' rn lh(· Navy 111111 t hr• Army hn-. "''' Jtln•rt~ly 11'('1~n ilf"l 1 lw Jlf•n l in tlw prr~·nt .-ituntlon. , , , .. .._,., .... ••' ,.,. 6tlotreC ~ dw 11.4 At.,y, I • 1 otl tlo~• loa•t olru d• t-•n <Mrnr•l.4 t .. r ••llantr• J'.rtf, :1 " thPy hiiVf' nllf, It ~llttltl .;,-.•m th11 f nnw WOUJd be A .rt .. , ......... -............ ,._....... ...... ~I NJtl tim•· for fhr P lldfir· Cu;r,.t r·nnlo(r'f'W(inn al rir~:ntlon to ---------------1r•x plaln th•· matk-r to thrm . \ NEWPORT-BALBOA N~S.TIMJ':I. N1wP0rt Beacb. Callfomia, 11-lURSDAY, JANUARY 6, 1944 pqp Two d I Save Mar·ane , ,., ""'' l"f'III:UI'd '"" ~ "'"' New Station w ~ D 4 'u-•oil .ntb • II'Cb I~ 1942 « "Under 20" Club Dances Sponsot;e l unhurt' trom \be oceaa. :For Red f;rc.a Tnldl P • • • 19 3 Uf!ICI6 Ia Auc\llll aad • hlltb fl)r Fl Off It li'U )II&A(''a II«Uft<l reecue ol -rlontaes am pen . I '".;~a:·:" :r s::~:· .. ~= By Harbor Rotaty Club To 'Be N yer rt Be h I t:.~l~~.~-~~~:·1\# m;::~d :::;. )l:a \'lctvf GJ•C"~ wtlo .. c:Mir-SmO'IIl~ aa.p ... -..tl and ra rttw.l H ld u· M thl I .. ewpo --ac Mllrllll' pll!tt f n •m "the ..... unlk-r m .•'l • f It! .. \\ar •• '\.did dnYe. ft-a ld• p •b•J•t• iw t:t ..... _,1 $4 1'9:> All•l Ye• e J• on y almttt~l lt..lf'nllcaJ clrcuawtancn purta that th# u!J and tallpeR· . ·ng OSSI I I leS I 43 •-tlb ... IU3 Secdnd Llt>lllt'lllillt Juhll Wyatt. -'mdtal trucll tbat baa .._ .. -Ul I ru.oo~ ~~ ,.,. l>nf'mbttr ut 11Hl W1lh th .. tulnuun•·•·d purpc.e ol 11nd will be h"ld at t,;011ta Meaa War1ne Corpa fllhler pllut. madl' GUESSING AHEAD OF MEALS ' bys•OOlMand~~~:=":·n,...pta:.,!: Ia 114 lfW ID .... nt ra.t 1" S!ll.316 o1 ..... m a..:mJ: juv ... nllr <lt'lln4~ \\'nQ'lan'• Club An n celll'nt or-a forced landlnJr at aea t'lght tl'llln How w~ll 0 1' A f:"Ueut'd llll~ad on .,.~11 by a •luny -ala~ --c- 'nw buddftlr: r• oat• ··~ f r a.s. u nopor~...s by~ !(~t.e bul\dinc ~tar ,,., llw C'il) ui Jhw~ Brer'b. punU a r.,.., plo' • \Urt' fll llaYUC lttet pr~ h.A, ~l .... ~ ... patftl!tab t .... 1ft ~ dbllrii"L \\"b • ,...r·. tal&l .. 1M3 "' IU.t..m 6a ecaU.. -to IMra t.tal ., ... ,. ... ~ cla&p- ~ ...... -~ ~lfl# II! Mardi of tMt year. ~,,,., Ia 1MI ._. t""ftf a -ctn tulJO C · ,_ .... .....,~6n~rf .. eetn """""'',....,. ~ ..... "'tl .. IM1 .,._ pw ~ tl.ul ._ ~ .. -. , .. ''" .. ' ,, ' 1943 ...... ,,. u Me u 'lw I•.UI u....:l tu bf' f r ' ·~ ..,-,ntt• .t.., \hi'" ~~rtu •A ,,...... 4 a .,...,. otloll f"oP#LIIC 18 , .. ,..... t 'n t~ Stat,.. J~Yorfl al"n tbr ••• ..... ,......,. to...l ptbr,...., and I...N tb• ft'ot... • ....... bf"u&ry ~ -Jl;1 r.. t··~ ~ mao;lor tbrll drt.ul on lbr bullolo~.ll: ,_\41 Ia M-~11 ' t •t..ar \rtf A'•nl Uki K ay \••ta~ • .: ,~-......... ...t t"' rlr ... ~-) <lf tttw •.r.Jo.r •lv-11 1•-t.al-• fo-U to lJ'.:~., an~ • '> !'ool•t '"' ...,._ twv mnoUu .l""f-tl••h • ~,-t-.a~• rtwtuat· ~ Ul thrtr l• "'"' 111'1• krt fr"n.. WM11 y•lhi•k of I~ JOHN K. SADLBIR ...... ..... -.... ,.. lt"s Ylauclk ua ., C... .. LET JACK 00 rr EIJEIT IEPIII - DEPENDABLE SERVICE ~ Owr a Prriod of ....,. Yf'II.IS iD Ne. port llatbor llrilwill y._c.roDAY ,_ .. Espnt Appraiaal SATISFACJION GUARANTEED I I I I ~ ..... _. f•.-Uw --..>tb "' 44 1 • prnh·hn~; wh l,.••·m~ ~ntenaJa. rhntra hu ~n ublaln .. ll a nti ~ off Nf'wporl r«ently and hu Ed v.hal ~Ira America would l'at Ill '"' • 1 t .. r t~ .. n-•.:~ youngllta,., lo-tnl't·nrtc.b malt' vocahat will be lll1 Dubblr'11 thtu P ••yn ancl th" qutc-k th ... way \lf cannl'<l rOQda Ul 10huw11 Oil BUI.Idin• PermitS , ,r l:otarllu•~ and hl~th achtd -.. addrd attrarttttn tt .. rreahm ... nt. v.•ork t•f th" coa-t Guard t•1 thank by thl' !act thd thl'rt' waJJ only a 1------- b 1 • 1 '' .,, • •·n '"'"' Yl'lllt'rliaJ met !o r th" fm1t J>kl ty will ~ t..lonatf<l for hi. lift' 7 per cent dilfurn•·•• bf'twwu tbl' " 1 "'I( .nw··l th• s .. v.•poort Harbw by Rotarian Ted Wright and It Ia Oubbl" wh11 rt"aldu at 351:.1 Ollk '" t•ml muvtmt>nt anJ ...-h .. t CPA pAUL NORMAN ·•t'mlrr-TY.·'"nty" ClUb. hoped that wlvt!ll or lh" ftularlana 8tred . F\JII~rton ........ lhe n yer 10 , eatimat~d for l.h~ "ax Q'!Onlhll JIO'· NEWPORT BEAC_. 1!.-~1 .... ltaslr plaN! fur the club •-may take It upon tht"m ... lvu to •luwn anti r~ported Immediately to rlod ended In Sl'ptl'mber Thr h•~-WAaft U.U. •• ._ .................. Cllwft IJ; 1111 ., ,. t•·ol ~unuav whl'n ·~ ~eroup of fum lab cool! ln . etc. '1'\'" affair t.he Coaat Guard. 1 gut lncreiUit' over ratlmalt·s WIU! -;.,.,1\>,!l lv.tanana ml't with Dr. Walter will be c.haperoot'd by membtora nf I Boatav.aln'a Wale Ji'lrttt Claaa 1 on cannt•d frulla. Whl'rt> l 6.0:o1.000 224 ~ 21.t St~ Neapa1 ...__ !IC)!ol)!ltt If• no·r 1,0 .. r 1. " Angelea who out· th11 commlttH and thl'lr w ive a 1 Cbarln Iasaca, buaba.nd or FUm I e&Ma bad be4-n tlltlmatt'\1 ant..! ,:!0.-I ..._ _, 1''-". .., •.J,. '.:!3 ~ !t1 1 1>37 lln.-t..l th~ juv~ntlf' prorram wblc:b A number o1 hrard and faat rule• AdrNIII Eva. Gabor. a.n1wered tbf. 1106,000 caae. were purchlul'•l by '1.------------~ lilt> I H :5 h~<.• t,..,.,. "" •IH•t •·11!ffully foUowec:t havt• be«'n laid dnwn by the hll(tt call In a C:O..t Guard patrol vea-~ homema.ken. ·~; 1'<3" :!>4,. l<Q't 'W2 lf04o) ,.,., ~· .. : . ~2 .. 1!!D I,OI<t I::J '"' thr I""'' y .. ar hy the Crenaaw ll(•hr..-1 atut1enl11' rommllh'e. Boya I .l~IJ 1"4 K t•_.,,, '" 1 'luh and Ia ful •P"M4· 1n11 l{lriJ• attl'nrllng mu!ll b<' real· :Nil '-1·• 1n.: •·• nth~r ~eroup11 tbf'OOCbout ;l~n!JI nf New purl. Harhm-Coat& UN% It ... :-.. uthwul. · M"• !ll'huul dl11trlct•:• muat be , J:u-uarY ~·rf•n&aF) """'ll \pnl 2)9 , r ~ -~ ~·7:. '-'~<mt'<l .,0 thl' •·lull conunlttee ... ver 14 11nd undrr 20 y .. arll o( are. .,; !o l a• K•·larv n'prrat'ntatlve• WeN anti mu111 &f'I'I.Y '"' mf'mtwrtthlp In •ol .l:.Q Ho ·l• c "alhs Huh~nl C. Howe. lh4' club Mf'mbt'uhlp appllcatlosu :.'!' ,-.,:, ·!'lor C"a.1klnll MAnun Ondd, H. rr11~ be nhtalnf'll at tile bl~h :. ~,l)fl F: ("hnatlf'r &!ld Wayne Harper M hOCll N~wport·B&Iboa Pn-.1 \Ia;. •J U'W J•J::r Au;ual 11 ·~ 1t %3 9 7'>9 wl•ll .. hiJ:h ~rhool reprt',.rntat1Te• Allcon'11 dntg lit ore and F.ar1 Stan· I" .,ttoi v. 111 1'1" Ma.rtlyn Hill. l't'ltCY Wick· l••\''11 ,fftr o· nn Balbo& laland. and 11 110!\ elwalt. Clair,. Crall{. L.trry lAn&· c 1tam""r •·f CommtM'I' otflc-to, BaJ· 9 ~~. mado.· F~rffi Shand, Dick Fret"~ 1 .. 111 Additional partlculara will I 11 :1911 t:,v W11ro1 anrt C'tm~.....-. Thom. '"' .. nn~tllfi<'W nt>xt wt>•k . ~ra:.,... 21' Sl nrtl.llft s .. ,"'fti~ lO t .:l91'• 1(1,9111 260 9(U The i:TO\IJoll f•ut . dance ha• I 0..."~ %1 b····n t .. ntati\'"IY 10r·t for Jan. 14 Hooked Rug Prlcu T (.t.&J Jan_,.,. t'rl.~ \laN'II Apnl ...... J- JIII'I' Au~ ~.., .. .,. ,Ot1 ..... 1943 I~~ I 9 u :. 1: j :7 '''""' ~:! 31~ 1:\ !HIJ IO.Oit lN••-... ,.....,. 28 N.-pwt hanaa.ry. :z a• w. ~ ,..r Gantoa F\ad· lay lt• ..,.... a -.-. SUO. OK. B ~ R Vtl'ard. •·..-. .__ ~ ~-tu aaak<~' .,._..._ ... ft7elr lu pt-nlbouar a.nd illlltall a ........,._ 3e6 F-Bay In Divoree Action Says F. Bechtold Fired Xmas Tree SA:-:TA ANA In &.II &c:tiOII on ru .. t••!av tn tht• ~uJ)f'rlor Court ~rs !tt•oz .. llt• &rbtold ot N..,ort S.:ar h rharJ:I'II th11l her bu.aband, ..,..r1dt Beebtold. _. "" to thf'tr f'hriJ!trnu tree alter ftnlt trrrl'r•:r:Jn~t 1 hl'lr flvt< children. llh~ •n llbe utln~l•hed \be blaar atirr tt ba•l l'ntlangered tbe bowtf an•l oc-rupanta and ICOf'Ched the , ,.,llnJt n... family the wu fnl"''t'tl In w4'k rf'fU(e ~re. .. h .. &.ldf'd. a'fttl-. $75e 84-r htuld. 8h•· alle~. ia addkt · (\ope 31 Rnlwrt K..C1t<bfor ~w ,.0 tn thl' lUI<' of liquor and wb••n ~ ,..r ~ F'Dilay to . <lrlnktn~t ~~r .. mn violently abu81ve -w all~ and r~pur ln In· ttnd rr1-qurntly htu atruc k her llln<l , ..... _ , f thAkrc 211% 'Miramar knrwk ... l h.-r ;lnwn. ln addition, Or. It• h• vl•tll'ntlv te•rrnrlzea and &bull"' OK 21 ,.._ CUI)t>rd %72 :t~h rh.· r htl•ln:n. ~he added. He ab •l ' .. l"f"f't. ,.... ~. tn butltl flfl~ 111.fiiiiJ>I'lo'" hho t'R f'll'lli!IIO In (ambltnl( .C•.v r.-.-~· S:!OO 11n11 1 .. ,.v.,,. hu. ramUy without fond . I ~~I ~ & W•tt•. La· "h" o·ha rtr:"'' c-......_ P"' OtiW1Wf' tu bull•l 3 Mrl! Bfoo·htnld uk11 cu.atody "' 1 ,_ ........... t !7 l'ot~lt"' thP flv<' rh•lll~en. ~ a mon\b for Pnnw on hooked ru~t• have bee-n put ur~der rcttul c<'llin&• by the OPA. Thl' nm" rulong 11 plannt'd lAJ help •labUitw lht' ln- duatry by Jmtllnl In llt&lldard 1 ••xe:o A ppro\•t'd 1lzu fnr futurr out put will bt> 22 by 36. 24 by 48. ~7 by oo. z1 hy ~-3o by ~•. 30 by 1 60. 36 by 36. 36 by 60. 40 by 40. 4~< bv 48. and 48 by 72 lllcbu. 1 Max.lmum retaU prlc-1'8 weat of th" Milllllllllppl will vary IInce ! rrc1&Jll k a..l.lAwm but thne wjll '"' f n •ll(ht pr1c~• added to rangn ' ,.f 14 6:1 to 120.2~ on oval and I S5 10 to 122.3:1 on round matched I ht•>k rue•: SS.9!1 to 117.2:1 anJ I $4 35 to 119.1:1 on ... lecta and 12 95 to 112.95 and IS.!\0 to I $14.45 'for blt-anll-mlu rura I CLOTHE.& FO" JUNIO" I Junior Amt'rlcana will «&in trnm th" WPB ordl'r aimed to lncreaa<> ttmduct lon In lht low price colt•'" ~:•IOd• of durable quality . Outp11t .of 11uch fabric.• will be lncN&ad '" 18.000.000 yardl , moat of which will go tn manutactu~MI In lhl' ftrld nf Infants' and rhlldr ... n':< 1 .. .-nr. Thill llhouht mean a produc-- tl n of about two mllllom dotPn rnmpt>ra. overallll. pontln anti sllpa .tur ing the 1 ln1t quarl..r of 194• -. twr uwn wppurt rand 112 a month ...._ t. ._.. Cllar1tr• C' •"~PI"' '"' ••• b c.h1ld ~hr a lao uka t1\t ---------------; 11 A..W. .-. prr '""'" to c~urt to natraln lht huabend .._., ~ ...,..., W r .. ar of lrum 111rtkln11: <•r v tllerwi.Af' mo'-at· ..-..-.c. t1lll. • 1 lnlt twr. -~ .1 .u-. t o '11 l.-.1 Aln:Tall. Tbc!y wen married In -.. Yov Brtdl Wortl. Pl..t.ertac ... c-tiM& Can ln the future be ~pertlyly done a1aJn by CLAUDE SWKETIIAN rn ~:rourtll st. Newport fto~~e trFW ,.r .,.., -4 M-, to malll" ,... , Ana. Jun., 8. 193•. and ~··parr1ted pair to IMrnar of 111aiJI bullcllnl:. aft<'r the (,ll.llltm"" t rt't' tnndenll '"IS C"\o...e BIY4. o--tiff liar. nn ("hrllltrnu day. h,.r • umplalnl ~::::;;::~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;i·S251e, Rat•a ~--------------Jaa ~ c ~ .... ~ .. n. P«'' r---------------------------. ~ tuld ~. to "'mol • ON "-"lin-:.., ..... o.l •hm~:""•· 1":!'! BURT R. NORT THEY .KEEP 'EM RILLINit GORDON B. FINDLAY OONTRAC"roR ... BUILD~ ,...,, -.... CtltMI ..... l\ctapwt ._. For Building Information .. Bay District Lumbet' Co. -~ .. ---......... .,. ....... , c .......... ..... ... " '..._. ~· · P3e 1111 Coa."t HI~ way Phon~ 241 i J-:r. Dr W F KIJ11n~trt pt"f Ito-aro-1 Barr•.wll to tH••>f oM .. II· lii'£1\'POaT BEACH mil: .. ,,., t'nnlpt,..lkln 10!t A•IAnuo St Ill!> Jan 4 ..._ Oklnr an pt'r R~ lanol ~"""" 2'1% Lafayrttf'. tn ....... .,......,_.. ,....._, .,., Ahop 170 Jan • G B F\nJlay 36111 (-.-lUff. '"" R~ nnol U nr ...._.. lA r,_pneiUna tf'ffll•f 01h1n• 1: ... ,........_~_ $280 f'U "ltiBISG l'I:RMITS p..r 31 Mn Walt•r Glbtonfl. 1 rrr !'=a.m Klallfallwr. N o t~ Kar· ""-...... t Baer Boy Bitten 8J Stran.:e ~ r.......-u.• -111:. Wn (' f' a-to ~ '"' clown '"" P"',r.,, •. I ...aa -EluiC ('ftltral. r~~rtr.t t tllr loraJ ~ tbat Jw-r llmA'I • tn t>a.f liiiH'n b1Urt1 ...Uy b1 • do •!; tcrt llrtn« a .rall laol an-I a ,.,C'llm , . RADIO SERVICE .>\ IIAPPY AND VICTORIOliS NEW YEAR BALBOA CLEIIERS Now Under New Management " Press in ~-Cieaning-Mendin g R08EilT SCO'IT, Manager ' .~nrm~rly l..a~-Beadl Cleanen ~=~~=====:=================~I f1i fn1r11t 11r --unabl' t n tlrfl-~ ftl'rl.,. ~ t:br ...- For ,.,~. ...... twn ro-1blf' ~..--t. ~ ._,.T t(l 01• namf' ""' "'("apta·n-and ·u, • ...-,lv' arf' t. -nc 11'1!( 1n qD& rant'-f,. nil· __. .... .-EIUIIES- New.-t a Baft1a MEN A WOMEN CAN HELP SPEED PRODUcrJON ol IIIII. .aEII ca• PUlES by ... k:inl: mJy 4~ at tht• IIICLIS 8.-'..'"T·-' .-\~.\ n:t:nt:a SHOP or On a full tim€' ,~h at tht> oot·(;t...\S t...n.;: Brat-It l"bal APPL\ TOP.\\. .... .bahedn' ... !II & W Slntd a-taA-.a.K .... A..ateSMP.a ..., Es.,t -·--~ l . !il t:.;tieY~W~~t ~nit'f' :.81 .-. !tell ~fra'f't s-ta A-. Calif. I':JI "-._ ..... r . ll. .......,. ...... •y. f'lttllay WritP or c.a b _,.. Jllfonnatm BDclkJiot ~ TB ~·tal ~rloorms amt'lllt •.Chrnt ,..,.. ~Ual fun• tlt>n• · It ,..,...,.,.. thor <'~rn«T ·,.f thf' •lt"4'"11f" tt•-,....-n-.-ntln,t tb~ .tn-elopmml "~ rww ~ u 1[1'"• tbf' l'"tlmt bill brill cllaDr" f••r rf'C'ovorn · lhu• rftlton.c lDdrrl&tuab to u.ful lllf' nJ11 L"'M:IlA.~R KZ Hcnrard W. Gerrish ...... ~.-­ ~....-.c.-. ...... .a .\1~.-n.t: • nRt: .:\f'("JPO"T • I .tn: Qualib· J.umi'K'r ... Building ~latrrials ~ .. COST A ~IE.~ A Lr:\IRER CO . &&.~ .._. I Tl-..e Toast of the Coast! ~ME .. the beer with the high l. Q. i ~J Qumches!) SO~ t .. Third sene&. Suta ADa II. K. BIUNKJ:IUI()FP' THE U/UIIA/11 A•E THE IA&KI6ME Ill ·I~E.6E USTIJI tO "TOUI ..-teA" OM YOUI PA'fOIIft llll.l.e . llATIOtl niiiY U.'fi.UY I PM.. NCINC WM ... II.-\H1)\\._\I~E t•hnnt• \ 16 fi V.ct""'·i""~~ c.M.-v ~~oAr The one hope J UJ our bttns for 1944 is th~ will bring peace and the return of out loved ones from the b:attldidds throughout chc world. La us determinedly continue to work toward victory. Let w dedicate every ph ysio.l and financial mcans 10 b:~cking up our men on the 6ghting fronts. IOUTNIIN CALifOINIA IDIION COUANY Lfa. 0 I-;-:------__..__ ... "'" lJ~tr '<'I lt I .. f • .. u'41',.;t•r J,_ H. ESTUS G .. IRALCjtLECTBIC N•wport 8f'acll A• %!D) QwM ' aq Zc4 -----1!..-...-----------------------J ) It f • NEWS-'I'DIF.S. New,...t _. Cdtwala. nnJRSOAY. JANUARY 6. I~ ----------------· many of our tlabenuen to be Our prot .. t on the ns.oo.. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING d.-lied u n•ntlal food p~ ton eut by the O.J•.A. on our,..- ducere and. lhe~by. rtmatn fleb· un alber or.· Jot no •dual ....na Ina u.4 ...ut ,111 tnci"'IAAA.q au.r , nntb.lnf but promi.w1 ot CuD OOD· _ ---- 11'\ah Food Supply a•df'rath>n and favonLble rae~·~ 1 ' 1 We ~~ tbe man&aftlleftt of mendatlnn by the Uw Anpha Ita-PuBLIC NoTICES IF O R SAL£ W A N T £ 0 'LoRT 8c FOUND our thre. Newptlrt lkoarh rannn· C'lnnal Oft\i'C' to Waahan.toa. --,._ -1 ---·----~ laa cucnprellalslve rtp<'rtoult...'I XvaJoa and Cal.allna Harbor, two to lOlled abnn a,.._f' lt' Ule ~ent ~Uoft tl tOfl .-a.•-•--·--W4NTI.D TO JilL,..,_.,_.,,'"' LOIT I b•o"'" llu rd ·~'" ... ,.. tea reeew e -r .,. .• · • -eo t .. n ,.,.,...,nt , 11\~ 1 ••f '"" •-n•l -_. -a "' 1 d Utll at adttrtl-H. A. llciOttricta. bua-harbor• oo Catalina laland, u re· -ou w1tb our o,....nl&atlon tor th;o rannf'n· C'ellln~ prtee of -ut lh hi 1 1 _.._._ •-... _ -,.,...... ' ' " ..... ., •t•• 1"1""' ., ,.,.,,.... ''""111 ...... ,. •" "" .. -~at 011 Loc-al No • ,.._ ~riD& point. for our flah and macllenol r eaa by the o .r A. couJ4 " .. I rna ... , .. ,_ ... .._, .. _ ·-.. _-----•om•n •••• ,.1....... Will """ I 0 " Or ......... I... ........ Jllowaf'111 U . . h f fl h annth«'r y~ar on our pe In We fMI tMl l 1\r\ll'r ,., the-I'll\' ''' N,...t"!'1 ---" ,., w .. 0011 ,.,.,.~,.. '" t &O • ""'"'" ,.,.e., ...... ., •. ' ,,,, J ' .. ::--~~..::u--:; ::e ;~ ~=~~bt ane orar~ or our I . ca~~ .-.led lht cannrry Work-~~~~~~~:·'n~ ';:,,~ anybody .-y I: .. ~:~ ~~:~r~·.~~.~~ ,.',~'~• ~~~ .... ~; c-. "-· c-. -' -I~ wroto • .,. 1." ' o ,.. .... Tin-- jrall&&aUOil chlrtna lt43 Hia re. Openlnjt' a l&r«l' lf'rrttory J)f'f'•. e-ra Lucal No. II to D~(otl&le their mlh'h. and In nn w~y ~ ~I C'I,.,Il "' lh .. ,.,,, tlall s .... , ... .-: I OAY .,,CIAL r>Otfs I H n us£WARI!5 port ... ,._nted at th .. annual mlttlnr our live b-.lt boat. to op-n•·W arrf'l'm~nt and .ucceed~d '" ulllmatf' eo~~AU~~rr • 1:;._ """' h l 'allf,,~1111 .,0 ,.1 ..,,.,..,. • ... _ ... ~ ---· IF URNISHINGS __.... o1 Uw Or(&DWit"'" lut erate and lay their net• durinc havmr lt a1,cn...J on a cloeed lt\op cif'ntly1ntot•nJU.atltotyr<nounrtlnue ·-·· .,.,Jilnuar> l1lh 1 ~44 at 4011 ,.,1,., ... 1 ....... -·~,. L•e •Bo.-·.s & SuPPLIII:B ~.111day and ... Ill pert. u fullo-· dayll•bt houre aa cl~ to abore buta with all three cann~rtN. Th~ w~ ~ u --. ---...... -·· ---------.-.0-0,.-v1~,.-0.:-T -,.T,-_.-,..,. • 1 wtllc:h ban P rn •llt.l "'II ,,.. "I"'""J 111d &oub-1 ..., " ~ Uldoia No. lMI .. actually u w~ find DC'craaary. \'ann•·•·y manarement joined wtth forta to have pr en I'' 1 1 1 .._ • .... -a..h .... a.•• .,.., T••,.... d••~•·•· ... ,~,.,., 11.,1.. -..._.-bl' __ _. b t .. _ O.P . •. --...e ' 1 "'I\• • '''"' 11 ''' ...... ut '"' " ~· a Nt.orD war ._by. For _,nal ~rmltlln• ov~rul•ht anrhor•·~ ... 1n makJn• u ap-al to the War bl'f'f\ Nita _,,.... y -,. -...... • •-• ...... , ._. ...... twart"" •"-'""' •"" ,..... wt• T•-~•--~·-.-., ,. -. --. r-,.. Lalalr to n • I•-k p m "" that clay tn thor • -._...., -,_,... liiST to lNl, w~ were a m·tbr K«'lp at erveral requnted t.ab •r Board tor an adJUitmrnt of wblc:h .,.. -~onalct.dr_,'_ to -IC·•un111 l'liKmbt'r 10 tht> \."'It tlAJI, •uc .,._ ""'"c"••v ._ ... ._, .... IALVAQ& 4ND MP'O .....,. Kttft. bealtby orc&nl&atlon: location., lmprovlnc condillona or the wqt achtdulea 110 u to plarr ua, adju.at.,.,, an ......, ..__.. :O.:rv. JMrr1 ll<'a• h C*llfnn~ia •I'J• w -.. -.. ...... co ftiPI"CaaiiJ durtor Ow wtnt.T our , .. ,tarlna and l~avlo~: lh~ porta lht>m on a par with other cann~ry tbal W"e bf' eona~l&.ed ""'ore ..., • 1"" t1t0 w eo ..... , ",.. mGIUia wlllat lloutbem California' a "' sao DleKO. San p~tro. Sa nta worll~n proct'1111tna macktrel at prll'n arl' an11ounc:ed In tM l\lllll'e. Th., ahotvf' mrnla.tnf'd • t-·11 ,,.. ,... .. ,. • .., ........ Calif ... ~ nus '-OD.. r .. rl 1 .,.,.lca , and S&Dla Barbara. ud san .,_dro, Loor Beach. and Wll· We -~~ Ole .-abUabmeat fll a bo111d ah .. ll 1M' j('ivra u a cwaraat .. W L Hartlor'a llllab ta Uw ~k bit u• the openi.J;Ir ot JUdoodo for day· mln(too, and in due~ ~ved ~ltlln)ia rtllh and O&lllle -~ th.,t lhf' IMct.irr w1U "''--'" U» 1 _ Af\ITED TO EAS£ -....cl aDd 0.. aa....._t naval rc· llpt operaUona. !.be War Labor Board dlrtctlv~ tn N~wport Be&eb and tbe --. ~tnct tt &'t'arded t c> ~-anol , •-••o ..,0 ••-~-.. 1 - . "' EM~OYMIINT "' lltrttct*-....._. our ftabtoc ~<'· We .-ablillbed n ceUeot c:on· , vanuor ao lncreaa averacln& of N-port Harbor a ,...raJ 0..1•·111 1..-•l~'<'huf'd tl'fff'ltf'd '' Uw l ·-...... •• ..... ._ ....... . ......._ *-'\ .,atu ea.Ued many l.ael.a with the Cout Guard and i a.round to•; . Local No. t . Ia t~a,y tom1 Port ol Entry aur··~•ful hld<lt>r rtf~ t4' _.,... -• ., •• ""' -· ... . ol ~ ........._ llbiPJarda aDd Na.al otflcl&la and by their late"i-l tn a very beaiUiy cooclltloo and,.,.. We aJ.ao Intend to worta few ... lnln aald •'nnlnrt ann beUIC r-. ..,,., .. t 1M .. 1M ... __ I ___ ---·---- l ... LP WANY&D-Oa,_, ,. ...... .,,. ..... ..._... -..... -jar bdoriee &Dd •nral other cooperation oo our peUUorw. we ....UI endeavor to lletp ttwm ao. 1lat.anc:. In t\a~ more .... ....._ 1 Quuh••l 110 ''' •Jo b)' nw t'lty t-o--1 --w..-•• -c.·· -. ..._ -c-.1 our rantaa to bad many objectionable rntrtc· our OfJ"anl&aUon conducted two ter ro-erclaJ boalll ~ .-41 , etl ot Newpan Baacb 1 -.__ --.-. .._., M •4f .... te•• Ne• .. •• ••'-h r Ht '-..,.uy ~ &lid a J'"l"'• tioGa aueb u cloaed areu and lut aprlna. namely, barT&CUd& and made available to the ftlll-•, Said n tv <'•>UII4'il ...,.._, It• I t.aN -..eUa1ly ......,... our nab tG • nt!Dc Zonea either re.:loded or alb&cor~. 0o Ule ba.rra.cud& 11tua· at prtc:n .,.. wUI be able tG 1*1· the !'lllllut;a 1•f ttwo "tatr o1 C"ab·l H&L.fO WAATI~rt '" CIMII· _. ..... aDd DMtr ~ r....Uy IDOCSJ.tied. Uon we maaqed to pt Ule deal· tom la hu ........ ,._. aad ..... ". I R E ... ..... ..~ ~ L.a- .... et a low pamt. Our efforta were aJ.ao w ce-rw ~,... lD a confe"oce c&l1ad by !.be PuBLIC NoTICU ,llllnt-d lhllt "'" K"""ral P"W.u..._1 £AL STAR .,., -c ... ,..,., 1 u '"•1"' .... '-01 ~ .-Ita oC our ef· a. pttlq mueb bitter ratlonlnr O.P .A. to qree to pay u. a price "''• t~f pu dkm •ac-• u... a-FOR SALE • I -.-. •·• farta an 1M ~ 011 JtCewpon ~. Senral aaec:Hif\al ap. wblch wu aaltklellt lo penn.lt ua callly In w1\IC'h th .. •.kl wort! """"l-------------- lllltall::la. llliiiMa ~. U a t-n· peal8 were made to Y&riou. Local to r•ume tt.ablq oo a r..,War NOTIC. Off AaaEaaMENT In 11-·rtb.-cl Ia to '-_......._ •011 ~-·--· --WA.,.f&D-Go•• •• --,_ ...__ ..._ ,....... _--~-...... -I --·• -cMio'"• W"lte ty--port. Draft Boarda Ulat have penultt.ad dally bu&a. '"~ M<'h f'ralt or t~ ol w.--1 ,_. ·--· BAY l81..AND CLUB. Local ItO" Of' mHh•nk' ~ to.._ ......... tW ---...._ ....,.._. ... .. ........ T~• '" ,_,,, ~• -N 6 .,_ •~ - --..._. ~.,,. ... -...,.. ... ,. ,.,..,.. nt prlllclr-On lc:e, II. • u.J _.. rnnlt'11C'I af\11 aJ•• tbr __.. f'rP· 1 land, beta• UH! realdeftee o1 H. 8. vallln~t. ,.,., f01r tesal .....,..1 _. 1 .., J ,.,.. -.art .._,. • , .... lOT ICE REAL ESTATE BROKERS YOU WIN! Your Request for Permiaaion TO SELL "OUR" CORONA DEL MAR WTS IN BWCKS A-35 and A-36 HAS BEEN GRANTED Yes-you·~ rtght. Th~ sand Jot,s.....eo doee to the balutltu1 Corona del Mar public ~ch and allio to the advantages offered for swimming and otht-r aquatic sporu in Newport Bay---Mould ~ IOid to the taxpayers of Corona del Mar, who rould buy u an ln~t or as a site for "that little bNch ooUage" or a small income property. Yes-you'~ right again. Being un.reatrtcted, pur- cbuen can buDd what they want. .ubj8et ODb' to 3lDIIIng ........ tb& Y~you·~ right again. The most important feature is that when these 46 lots are ~ld. wlwre on t~ Pacific Coast could the values be duplicated-in a location comparable to Corona del Mar and from many other viewpoint$? Haaelttne, In taa aty of l'ftwpllll't onrtllnf' wortl for eat11 t nt\ (W &ad1, Coullty ot Oranp. 8tat.a fll typ. (t( w~llmaa or _.......,. to ...,. ~•--... -..- cautonaia. • t. u ,,,n.,.. o-----.. -c.- NartC'I: 18 UJUUIY OIVIIN. Heurly .._ o-1 ' .. .._ -~ ....... ·-· c. 'tbat at a meatlnl o1 Ole .,.,.. ol Clalllf~ta... w.... w... - - -•·• Dlrtelarw "-14 •• tM •~ ., o1 C1Lrpt'fttn RA>uch 11 1e 1 a ao T -- Jaoua.ry. 1N4. an a a •t ol <.'"""'' .,nlalwr l ::. •••I ~AnoN MISCI:LLANIIOUa Ninety ud -1100 Dollan (--) Conc-...tr Mlan 1 -....--._. • .._.... -·-.. par ahare wu ln'-d upca ~ Op.rator 1 oo· stOj ~ ... ._, • _... .....,... "lltiiAH«NT WAV., •• De ....... fill tM ........... ~ ~~~ a r,.lllan I.CID I 01 - ---..... T---._, • ....----... CIMMI· atloll. pa)'Ule to A.. W ....... M.,.._!M, 0.. ........, - -a ... e "_. "" ~ ..-.-., ~ fleere\ary ol aUd ~ l:at\fM' .... .... a --..... ..... ......... .,., •• -......... ...... &Uaft, at aajd offtce oe ..W .. J' O,.rat.or, EDI(tn-e.,. -._, ,. •· .._. ..... , laland, ID UH! C1ty ol N..,..t ~&. llrtVf'r 1 )0 12.. ............ .... ._. ....... ., .. ... -.... , .. ~·· p .... " .. , ..................... . .. _.,....._. .......... .. Bea.ch. County ot Or&QCe, l!ltat.a ol Operator. cr... l !iO u• .......... ~., ......... •'-· Ca.Utom.ia. Any abarH l&poD tniell <>p..rator. J..e rtw Pu.LJC Nonc:u -_.,. -· -..... ... t b.W .... eot rem.a1na unpal4 • Dl'tY« l 0& •.. .....,.. If -_._.... J . H. t.bo t.elltb day ot February, 1 ... , Opforatfir PtiC" ,... ......,. c-.._., ~, wW be dellaqueat, and unl._ ...,.. Drtwr t !18 tz • nuunl l. IUJQDIAitT, ... ....._. y.,..,, •• ~ ~Mt~t Ia made m Ule .....U... Retnton.-IDc 8twl aa, n.tt fill U. Oty.. •-. ....._. ....._ •-n-. the aaJd ......_, W eo IIUII7 fill Worker 12M lt.. ,.,.,_. ~ ~ '*' AI!IV RAGI TODAY f aatd ... ,.... N ID&f be Me 7 • 1'nldl Dnv..-1<>-r • ,_. ._ ..... Q. 1Mt WMITU -..._, .--. ..... wW be aold at Ole otnee ot IUCI taN) l .OO •• ,..,., ,..._-........ ... ,..._ ~iataot Beeretary, oe tiM ....U. Trudl Drlnr tU~ • -· ............ _.. ....... day of Much. 1N4, at the llow fll 8 tona1 • T • -.. .., , ---. .. ..._ 10:00 o'doc:k of aald day t.o ,.J' IAbonr, O lllatfll('tlun --• ...._ --· .. ., Mid delinquent .... liD... ~ and c~nC'ral lrTS t• --·-· ---... ------- 1 r•lb~r with nve percent ,....t)', w k bm&ll TO ·-·------··\ F s or be forlf'lted to the e01por1Ue. a , _ _.. ·~ •-,. ...... t ...... ,...,.... O R ALl: Azly other c_,t. "-•-.. ... .._ .._..,..._ wtU -~MAI'iii;i;;ili:::ti;;;,;,;~;= 1 DATED : Juuary 4, aNt c:attnn omitted M .._.. .. .._ • .,......., ...,.,.. 1 .. an. a.J~MWI'Wne •e e 1er I ::.:.:t=~~ ol Mid Mnta. not ._ \JDI ,_ LNo ,._,_. BMtlll -.... _...._._ .. ,.c-. I . tbaa IT:l T •• ~ • J-y 1._ lM4, .i ......_ -_, ....... ,... .. ,lllan4 Cllltl, at .... olftce Proridad u.at -... -...a: , ............ aft--. ,_ ..._.,._ ...... ~-· ..... . -., 1.*114. City ot "..,.,n 1 ...., .._. .,._.. .....,. .,. -...cL O.U.ty., ou...... ll"'tl u.. u.e ,.. ..... nl.a 1 ......... Cll.a.dllltc t........ -... ..................... . 8t.ste ol OIHiorala. IIII&U be paid ....,.. ...._C'tiaftl ••-. ,..~ .U fll Otrnr.ra .... ~ .. ., AM•t•IIENT No. 4t. ,..._ &114 rtdwr not~~ f>,,_._. ............. ~ ,.._ 4 Note· PI-make cheek.a ........... f~ 1111)' w-onlllc ll1t.r I ,._,.. pn...-_.. f•• tM payable to the Ot"Mr nt Bay bJ&M tltOC"'! than f'l~t 1 lilt lonun ctu~'"~ ,_.. ,..., ...._.,. • 1..0 r .. ,..,fl rof Club. l any c.e 11 1 • at..ndar day .,..,,., tlw ._ .. ,.,.·a n--1&1 , •ondt Pub.. Jan 8, 1N4 auC'h work •• '"'l"'"'' In ,.._.. ... •• n t.ra.rw~c -''""""' uf • ,., .. ntraqrdlnary• •·m"rt:•'~"''"' ,..,. ..... ~t It,_ ,,., ttw ,,..r 1-.1 a n..l tho> NOTICE IN VI r lNG a101 by ftre, nonot .• , ·lan.:M' '" ltf•· ... ua--t•on <of -h ............ " .. _ pmJW'r1Y and '"' lin• .. ''" .'tllf•la\'tl 1 •• m•' ,.,.,.. ... ,,, .. _ lwl•..-.. te.. ~PTII't' I ~ HF:IlF.IJY G TVF.:O.: and ~ WVf'n I 71 l .. ~al hvlkl•)' -'Mae that thf' rttv r•ounrll nf lbC' rttv t.n-••11 Nrw Yr ar e llay. 11.-moo fltEWPOilT aALeGA FI.OI.Il 1 ,,, Nrwpntl ··~"rh. r attfomia, will rt11l lte)', F <rurth rof Ju.&y. I.A~or AL aAVIJIIGa AfltO LOAN A·· celo,.e, co¥t•e ... , .. ,. .... leN.,. I••~ T .. _ MciJI.._ ~ ....... ,.,,. Cu.. .... ar~e ., ... ,...,.,, aa"t• An• a.t .. "~VU1L .JII .. LATP'O'M --~· a lilt, Crull ~llalr'l. ..,.,.., al'aiiW. ....... .......... .....~-·· .... ,,... "" ....... " ... " . .-. .. ..... _ .. , ..... 14!.,&.., T-. _ ......... ,..,,.. .. _ e. .. .,._ ..... ·····-·1'· .. ".. ....... • .... ---.--.....\l't--.-.................... '/.,._.... ........................ ~ ... , ............... __ ·-............. .... ..... w. ,.., ... -_. a.A.A.A. .._--~-­v ............ ~.-.~--· .... ~... ... ~0.-IAL&:-&IIItrie ,,.,,., ._ • ..... ",...· ........... ... _ .... c.MI ..... ~ •.• •· •. 1·- AUTo ,. ......__ ..... ,. , ... ...,..._ .............. --.................... ..,. ..... -- -~-... ---A-L_R.,.._-•• -.-.-.-.-,-.._.--:-;;-,..._,..._. ....... _ .. c-t.,. .............. ...... .... DteYCL.._..., ...... tJf ... ........ ,.,.... .......... ... ................... ........... -- 'OR IALU,... '"""---........... .,.... .. ., '· ............ _...... M I.CEU..ANI:OUS t~TU .,..., ............. , ... e. '-OU\.\.V & 'uu..-TM .......... ................ ---~--..... ...... ,.,..., 01'6o"· FoR RENT - '0" "eNT-UitfiOrftle ..... M-. t beer-·· t .. ,,.., ... Go •"411 C.. .......... ••h.!J•••'•' tneial .. d,-"' ..... ..... _ ,_ ... ,, .... ,., .. Mr. Rhoden, at the Tract Office. will show you over the property and give you full infonnation. ··-I , ........ VI' 84'11lt•tJ hide rnr fumlatllnlt' Day Armtl<llf ,. llay Tha.nluo«''VIn~ ~·AT ION. I 1111 lahor mat .. rta l lranaportatlun. Oily, and C"ttrt•tma.a ,.. A. ,.,.L.I.R. ,.,,_.. ... and aerviC'~a fur thf' """-'rurllun II ahall b.-mand•lnry upon IIW' 1 a ll Professional Dirt(tory Remember. Real Estate Brokers, you are al~ in· vit.ed to offer our other Corona del Ma r proiJ('rties for sak> too. JOHN SHERROD HARRIS <•f a rrtntnro·f'tl rnncrf'l~ bullrho<all Ooolral'tlor '" V.'hfllll ~ ~trw1 al lh~ •outhwlll!lf'rly v.•lnJ w~tll "' Ia awa.rdC'd. and upnn any -.w·-- 1 thr Ll.to tall' Urhlt~:•· In th~ ('tty .. r trar tor uwt.>r him to pay nclll "'- 1 l\lf'Wp•orl Rc .. ch , In accnrdan...-tban tiM! aald •f"'('lflf'Od ,..,,.. lt> all v.•llh lh«' plan• a nti •Jif'cltlcatl"rur l labonont ,...,r .. ~n .anJ _........, • on fliP tn thr offll'f' of tb~ C'ltv emrlny,.d tly thf'm '" thr ,..,... ut- Engloeer of Mtd city. 011 the contrart. Eacb bid 1hall he mad~ out "" a The City ('ound t ••f .... , 4'11J form tn tM! obtalnf'd at th .. offu •· ..-rvra lh .. riKht lot ,...,...., any .,, nt th~ City EnJ\_n~tr and ..triLII bo' all W. and ur wa.lvf' any tnfor- accompaniN by a certlft.d or mallly In a bid N~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~cuhte~• r hK k ••r ~d ~nd ~r Da~ th~ 3~ day~ J-~· '('.( 1laac.e pro•ea the l•dwahip of the I ~ewa-Tima.) ...... 1. .. a.l .,,..,_,., alt-m a )' ._, ...... '-&.a ....... .... • .... ~,., , ......... _, .. ILl ......... ·-.,Wtrly ,..,, , ... _..._.. ... .,.,_,. -·- lm,_,_, wltb Uor ...... ..,_ ptu- ~ IIIII ~ '1'1wy r.e..t at ot. _..,,.,..,, and ,..,,,.. rd ..._,. llodrnl •• ,. ........ , .. ~, ..... thr .,.. __ • '" ... ,..... "· .... ,_.. ........... t.. caeokl-... ,_ .... .......,,.. ,,. ... .,.Ill r--.-... •. o ..... , .•. D . ...... ........ a.INI A-. .... .,..,, 1 ••• -., ......... T I et n ~y P. ANDEII80N I OONRAD aJOH I ... II.D. ... lata ...... .. ... . ., ... ...... ................ .... .............. ~ .. ~"••• om. ...... ,.., Dr. G. E. Tohlll ...niOIAJf ... evaoao• l Oaala--..... .. . -................... .... 'I· c:-.. ........... ·~·· 1 ... ___ -_ ..... __ -___ ...J ~ •·tl.wr' ....... .................... \ rr MEMS' Couc. ON 1M• l.IVE.R •,-------------------------~ I RAIIOLO a. ORAil'EI. I CHAPEl~ · '' I -we Owwhw thlr ~lhtr s.n• By ~f"''1na ()Own Rftt'" Dr. M. D. Crawford l OPTOII&TalsT p;y• Exsnllned Ga.... ,tt .. 1197 N~-Houlward I DOROTHY (7 out of 10 people read Newa-Tuuee Clauif ... A.cla.) --------------------~~~===-~-~-==-=---~==~r-____ _ iM ~HOCt<Et)· A CI~L PLAYINC, A GOY~ GAMt Aoflj() ON A 4!>U N D~ V Too W OIJLQ Y our.> F'ATHlR H£ KNEW ~111\? I ...._ H-.wt Ml ..... --fWitanM ------------' IIOinUIF.R MaiOOI. 1ft v.raa. ... , .......... l lfl\ So hootol 'f'ul••r lll~ ..... 14M O<HIYA IlDlA BAI.n MORT11ARY Chapel by Uwt flea ... (JaMt ....... l a,.,... rnll ,.,.~ ' Anny A Navy f). A ... rf&,_r, N . A .. Odaf'4 J'rtflt'f,.. ..... - r•••"• d•• ... , "......... e..c." \ ,.._.,..~u . -· BHY NOW City Tn x Sit le J .ol"' A . .f. TWI~ ..., c-t tna•••• ,.,._ hi! n•Rn'IIA nr:r. NAil -··-··· ,_ ·-,. __ ... ·-.. __._ _..._, N.D.C.\80 • • • - -flAY 1-IT.U. .......... ~· ............. ...-·--· WHO'S WHO IN HARBOR DISTRICT nau:rf,Af'P'. A'IIO IUIIIIU.f"'O W000- 11 W Wrlr.:l•l 11JW ~pt lllvrl . ''"''" Mr~a 11~t·t1 t.um~r. f'tl ~J ,,r.,rft"f· ( II"TitAf'TfiK-- t;.,,.,, n Jl l'i,.•lhiV :11 1fl C'ffiUf lllvrl l 'h 402 l'lltrutllnrl f'vMII'\tcUnn. U ''frtf ft f ll'ff'A "ilr.~ t·.,.,ll \i•''" l,i,r 1',, "1.1'1 uol~t•lr•ynu plnn ynur hnmf'" Phon,. 48.. 1\J•v 1 H•lrl•·l I '''"'"'' ('•• ~hwtr 11:'10 C•.u t lll"hw11y at Arct.ea. un,, r. "' 'l'f.'f.rr.l'-:o.;,.wa~·rt Ha rtM>r J>uiJIWdnr ('o ,, Ptlon8: 12 · 13, ~~ Beach .. " .... .,,,,,,_ "''"''IY•rf llttrlrnr Puhll..tltnr Co., ,,._. 12 · U . N...,.n ....._ ar.At . r.Jin'ATF., f'0/!'(11.AN(T. a NOTARY Mllll.l~ ... -- 1-If WallltN' 2'J02 W. c.ntraJ Avenue Phorw J - a.r7J'RF.. liT 411f ,..._ . H.....,.n Harbor PI~ Ca., ,.._, t:l • 11, Nf'WP~i't ..... ~.-TAL WOIUl-YWt ~A.._. *-' ...... o.ta M ... ,...._ ... • ._. ae,1ee,11c ............ llll·W. .. M£WftWT-BALIIOA NEWS-'J'IJIIES. Newpat Beach, Calltomla. THURSDAY, JANUARY 6, 1944 ....... -..-... .. .. ................. a .............. ...... a...et I¢ Ice o.rt ..._, ...._· EDITORIALS. + F·EA'fURES 'ftll .... _.._ .. ___.._.. a a --., .. a..... ................... ........................... 'J = ~ ':, -=--:. ': .=.;:-, r~ -. .......................... ..-. , Newport Balboa NEWS-TIMES ~11 ... 11 !~----------------------~ I NEWS 1111-IEIIO IGITIIG IIDUSTIY IDlY. FOI PUCE PIOHCTIOI of the CHURCHES ,-~~· v•pf ,,,,. lhf' IIDlllll bl-at • rfl2n tn their pearrtimt' pro- ...... u Second..OU. matter at 11w PoaUIIfttw .111 Hcupat....., '----------------------___. •'11••n ~lrll tullv l'fiP«ed in lt. olwllon. Thh• le not 110 with t'1e CaW~ WICkr UM Act ot M&.rdl 3, ~ 'r1 rr .. ntlr u_• •ask ft( wpplyblf Ill· I I•U1I•I"r~ nf t>o.ts, engrnu IUid __ · __ f'tiiST f'OUitSQ&IAitl: '"URC:H n•.~ ~rahl~ t)l"'IO ot boata. .,. nautical r ear. When Ulr '3'·1 I. ~ II.I:YER EDITOR ~'D ~ OIF c;GSTA M€$A Er ... ~n·l m:urnf' r-qulpment t o •I "' M"hfl"• thf' way•. ,•nt;mt'oi Prllldnc Plut. 3011 W. CMtral Awnue, N«owpart a.dl. 01.111-~ ., -,...,.,..7 1 • , arm ... t f,,,. "" and tew-of t.-.tlng b1Mk8 &nd fabricatlnl( OFJPICIAL PA.PD OF THE CIT}' OF Nn'I'Oal' -.ac. ~ c.. ..... ser...,_ ....... . ,.Ill ........ , ... r.llnr: to Ira P..-nd. ,., ,r·hrn .. rv .,, '"" boatlnl( 1'11UI!· Ll-., -~ C..~ _., r~tan: "' th" National A_, •rv w111 merely rewme lh •lr A De. da-Los~ IMUtuUoa ·-~ S5 ..... ...,_ rna..a r!&tl .. r. .. , f:n!nn" and Boat '\fan-r:llrellml' fun<'llou -produclrrJr • 25 Y A Yr unl.l Mr·a, Swalert gave tbtlr ears go 1 t'lllcr dllughter, Adl,"llOD, ll watl·h I party oo Nt-w Ytar'a Eve. H .. r in the illvtted ru~ were Oorotlly Tltu~ 1 H • • Jl.ar~:an t \~.Callae.. IIi' len Rt>leh. , arbor DIStract Harry Spauldmg, t,ari'nC:t' ,., lnl-,__ ____________________ ......;,--l l luw, C eoorgr Km~o: on•l Vuyle Ward I I They pulled candy, played gamu. T.•l t·n fr om lh·~ JWlu&ry 3. 1919.1 had muale and all kinda nf fun 1 ~ultlon d the Newport NPws. '' ut• hlng the olll y .. ,., make hr~ A-btnc:t of "600 ' I!IICki'la ;'\th·t l&llt bot.t and the ni'W }'t'l•r g1\in,:: ercd at U:t' home o! Mr. rul<l Mra hts ~trand aalutt· tu a war.-•r•·• l"rllllk J. K:tl~ht at ilaii.Ala . New workl. H urrah for lhco gi!W :"!·~· Y<'ar·'a En• and aflt'r ket'nlv en-\ <·ar ' I jo} lng an nceUent dinner ~ervt'IJ" by the ganlo.J boat. 1 Ft·llnk c11:1 the' Tnn•y F.vt'rett or l'usllllena nnd Pass Your Paper to Your Neighbor! Newsprint on -"ldt -•· papera are printed 11 atrietly ratlonM today a..c.uM of the labor and enlpplng shorUr1J41&. So the eupply ~nnot equal the demand for papeA -"lch Ia gre.ter than wer due to tl\.e .... ar ne1001. Do y-r jNirt. Whrn you have read the newa, pau y-r News-Tl~• on to your nelthbof'. --:;:;~ii.::;:----------------------------::~;;~-, ~ ; » .. a ,.,..... .. ,lJ! ... ,.... IIIW'Ilt~,.,. HtoW well lh• ln· I 1',. fnr rt•t•rf'Btlnnal !llltp!lllf.'ll, · .,., krt x-g_._ •• nu,:~ '• •'" ,,. dHtnt lh'll Job la ~t· H•·· ••11tlv th.-Ruearch ln•U· NATJ~(OITORIAL · !"~' .. ...,;., • ~ • m ..,. """' tlav In th«-arw•' repun~ •ut• r1r Am••rlf'll nl&red the re<'l"t'a· SSOCIATIO~ ' 'K--...r -~ : t &. • • r .,,, ·'"""'"I "mrhrb1nua wanar. twnal boatloet lndUA~try a t Ule top 1944,. .. D..,.r:~~;a~.:;:..:.::r ""-v.1 ~ ,...C r~ •~"-"' '" "" tl'lr I!'I"IMII frunl•. AJr..., • 'h•· •hrrablt kood• category ln carvl:~gi. the !Mara o( carddom L.,.1 UulbOil T'allsadl'a apt•nt lhl' lanf'r 1 Hnlboa and Pt·nloJIUia. va.:ant dnl&•d ln .a lively contt'llt untU , port ut l&at Wf'ek on Balboa Island building bf'aldr drill(' 111,re &CI"OM twelve bel~· proclaimed the ar~\•al 81 tht> ~Uf'll or JJ A Bt>ek . HP from Balboa llbr&T)': am Houn· of Ulc youogatcr, 1919. • ~an<! Mr • 8ffk sp,•nt FMday fl11h·l gan ·udo and N~ 11bncl iQw:::Mr al----n. r .. r l~tn•lln~e • ran mU....WMp· , •"n'''" or po•t-oa•a r -predicted per· --1nlr from the ocean. Mr. Ev•·rctt Ril'hfleld atation at laJ&nd bead.. The dr«<ger "Silvergate,'' which 1.nld he had li{'Vl'r bt!l'n ••n the U:V€1111TM DAY AD"I:IWTI~TS rr• , .. oort vf'IIIOf'IA 1111b rh~ , rr la.:p• or lnrrf'IU!t'll over 19•0 bl'gnn operations nl'ar the P. E . OCI'811 In A row-boat bf'run• nn.d hllol FAT SAVING GAINS c-w.-.. _,. C,.owcJt Sta. "' hlJ.'hh ruhlir lzrd PT'• •n11 "f ""I'Pntlrluru by groupe of cum---------------------------,. __ --•!• •t~~r" .,f o(hf'r 1\~8 llt'f' th•• !I 'ttfll<'l' Ill 11146 Boalinllt led with aub-atatlon on thl' cbannl'l dr·edg-n••v• r c·uug ht ><n many fa!th rn hill J•rt'llmiDarv rt'por1s revf'al that •·;:.=· : :· ........ -..... .., ........ -...__. -~ a&.......,la .... _w g ¥ .............. ~-<.n c;~ ~:ab t.a tb r•r lllf'U Nf m"f"' lhan-300 )'IIMII 171\ JM'r cent ~ TheUS. Depart- .... Mw ..... ....., .. ...... We .... tMa .... e tr • p S t.t. • : .. .._ ::. I·• lottnJ.' 1)1.,.1 .. untlf'r 200 ff'et ln 1 m"nl o( f'nmmrrr4'. In II reru>rt lng, hae complded a sulflclent l!h• nrsldenta of l:laltl<•B lxland 1 c•oiJI'C!Iona 0; UIM'd houwbold rata r hannrl to enable It to :;-et up 'u a nti Pasadena dinPd on tish Ratur· far oa lhf' Nt'wport Garage. and tlay un.t Sundiiy, by Urt< war (t>r "'""'"l!t' hll\'1' rnc·realled 0\"f'r • hun.tr•·•l J"'r <'l'nl 10 many loc&h· t•t'll ~rnc .. th .. recf'nt OPA ~~ula· 111 11 alluwinl( t'Xtra ration pointJO fur usell fall!, Alnan~r WllliaiNI. OlrK IIlr (If Information ot thf' American rat Satvace Committf't' -<e? el 1 aUG ,._,I 111 -~ l 'u·-~ ~ .. ll .., Ill.. I" •l'th · olll'r·tl "!.larkl'lll Alter th~ War," ---~ --Th•• ''"•I ll"'r\'lrf' In thto A.rwly. Plltlrnt<lf•Jl " :.!:\3 pt>r <'~nl lnrr!!RIIt' the-aupplrmcntary equipment 111 tx-lng put In place to pr(l("l'ed with thr d!annf'l, acf'ordiJlg to lht' ptana f.r111 outllnt'd by Ole t'ngtneer. C&lifomia's Goldtil Era OUII I.~~Y lit IIIOUiifT cA--.:L t :-:"'"" t 'nw•t r;lt!tr>tJ, M.rtU.••. r .. r 1 h•· r.·r'rt•ulronal lxlatlnlt ln 1'-.a· Paper Drive He,.ds Have Stations c;HUIICH f ' mm1""'"" 11nol alll...-1 couatril'" trv n I!Hii. whPn <'omparrd w·th 'CZJ w. ~ .. '*' .._,. .. oil t.o m•unl&lll"'l durlnl' lt44 1•1411 lohiW'•I ull 1942 pnrt'll GIWifornla will be t.hto horne of many mort" ~Aft« thf-~, .._. aa, &alll I&~ IlL r' rn ..... '" ',..,lrnun War con Art L. Heard. Frank Rlochar1. Harbor'11 paper clrlvt> 111 t•r' 1:· war than It wu before the fight began. 1be thou..;ands •bu --I'"" I~ """ ""'"'JOt t.n -u onr Mr. Allen Leads J . c. McC&!n. H B. ~t'lhman and t rf'Sillllg emO<·thlv II Ill horr<l !hAl ha . .. .. 1i()6ci tbt n . ....,. .. VIAIIIILY c:NUIIC.H " "'""'" ''""""' &n nU-to· A. A. WOO(! or Santa Ana lt>ft many more Harbor at udenl8 w111 ft C01De here m the ~-gold rush are on ' ~ ...,.. ~~--..... ._.... . , .,~, 1L ;• nt.t .. v~a att.emP,t to ln· ( T .S.O. Singing Thurac:tay In a motor tnp tri SM ruoperate in thl• collection or State almost to t.ht> man, and tntcnd lo stay. I ~ _., -.c , :;.-a m ,,,,,·~ th" ~n~Zinf' and acc-n 1 Diego. ~~aall' p•~r Area <'Bptalns havr LOOSE-LEAF BIIDEIS When restrictions on hornP ~'lion ...,... Wtf'd ·~ l!r-onrh..,. N( lhr lnduatry. BboWd I •'Hit•·r 'tor Uti' t>ommunitv alng hf'rn cho&Pn and l'ltC'h hu lr~ a l··•l llkelu to of ~ hoi..-a,.,.aA.I-boolns 4"\'f'r to bit c.ttlltST CHU~ .., TN€ K.A 1'~14 n u k thr r~>llar-ot thr 1 at thr Santa Ana U.S.O on Rat ur· a pla<'a to atore the roUecll'd pa· aft ~ ~tee one ...._,.,,,.. ._......... c 1 81 •= · A•r· !). • ..-.. v .. r thtl inctu.t.ry will •l~v "'••hl8 Ia •brhor'll band dlrl'c-"' wurtl Thuraton. whc• 18 In 8 per In hi• district, tbe eo..t. Many~ have already liPI«t.rd a bolnr A~ and ..,. L 0.. ~ Palliao r.n.r rt.olf In a Ind y eJrriable pr>-tor. Tbomu Allen. Thel"'' bf'lng field artHlf'ry regiment atatroned Thrl"' raptalnll and the I I'll tum bave had pl.uw drawn. Othel"'l prefer to wait and pun:::tJ.a.r a ~ ---. - • ~ "''""" po-rhal'f! not ~cupied by I about six of thf'llf' lt'ader•. Pa,.ch ~1 Ft. Sill. Oklnltoma. hu been ot thr stali()fiJI are u rollowa: ~alter It 1a built. In eJt.ht>r caM'.~. thr •w pro5-a. &... ~ .-.. ~ --~ IUIV otbrr produnr of UM ..alf'-hu his tum •bout on~ ei~ OrDt' on a furlough Ct'(lr gr Yardll'y, Balbo& lll!and ~~home owner la £1vioK ~ attftltioa to tbr f'lllaD-a. • »o--. u• , 'I U a. a. na~ fur war l"rniD Uw tint w,...k.. Our !oral lt>adt waa ln F.. A. Spauldlng'a famaly and folllna ;nd Park Avtnuu: Bard .--• ...... ---.,. J;JI day nf pra<'e. ""' 1Dduatry will , cbargl' of thl' ebort twf'ntv-flve lwo ecraoCkohlkl,.. ff'Oift &..n.-.An· lowe. orona del Mar, 61)4 Avo. :"•·w Strlt'k Ju•t ~ivf'd for II x Kl ~-~ x 6 Sheeta ~ dal .... CIOI'M:!e~ ln his plana. ·~ ... tiM n ... lf yjrtually wtthout • •·. IT'I0 \111' rro~trAm nn !llrw Yt'&r'a Nn!o MTftt~ Dkk RumH')". o.ta· ~baa _ _...n,. ~matH the aJDOUDt o1 ~ dota1J ~" -. 0 ...,..-•• rw lea. mAu! probl .. m uf con•ent-cw "" P.vr 11nd thr 10lnginllt provl'd to bf' :t':e• and~ ~rge King tOCJII a joy Mt>m, 120 VIrginia Place: F'lorf'n<'.-,_.r•~ W'i • p ~ ... ~ ''"'"'"_. Today b~ Oil -vrnr rnjo)"&blr tor au· ot thow tn r ve to Jiorul o(. Arden l.ut Sat.. D.anlea. Coela. Mea: 13~ E. 17th lllll'lt and 1a saving I1\0IWY for that ltpf'Cilic ~ 1'bnJudt-~_.,.. ~-' ut•• tur'Hll rn 'llher ftelda, a rt atl~ndancf'. 1 urday. wbc'rt' thry revelrc1 in rhe Strret: Roberta Taylor, Nev.'JIOI't A I s ~ompletE' led~f>r !'Ol't i" rompat•l size, suit- able for small busint-s.c; or th£> hom<'. out ~ Jeorwth and breadth ol Ca.Llfonlia tJw. ~-500 fttmrntr nut ••r -poM totally At lhf'N' rt11nr Nc thrrt> Ar" ortll-rr.any heautlu of naturf' 3 13 31•t St.rHt; Ruth Alclridgt', bnnctMs olour statewide branch banking l)'5lftn a~ brlpiac THE F.-sT ~IP CHU.H ·---nurh· from M'IIJ tu 1.000 fltt'twnt.f =: A to make this savtng eaier. And future horrW' a.nrn ....._ 06 IIUIWTIIIGTO. K.ACM Dop BottJoa _GJ.Ve :~11!1 th .. numtwr 111 «olog up rapid· ~ :-~---:---~-~--:-:---~-~-~- c-. .._...,. Or-.. J'• (1;;0 h· Th<' 81'rvlc" mt'n thrrou~:hlv 1 F I.. D •1 that whft't ~ time corMS to buy or build. thr l'f'tiOUI'l'tl!., ., -'*" .... laps Good~ f'n)")' lhla rnmmunlty lllng whlcb re&n ar .l' All kind~< ••t Rulc•d re>nnJ;. Sht't·L~ unri C'urd.c. tbil tJank will t.. available tO Wnd ttwm ~ addttJonaJ ~ 11lw .......-n. --~ A.r· r< nsillttt Of C'f'rlAio plllnnf'd 110ft~ DtlidGul .. ~ needed. .,_, -a .,..,.. .. U. -nc A lo-tlPr !l'nm a lltd lnWltn~ In 1 I•• "ta rt w1th Md f'fldinj[ with thr Or, ~ equlpnwnt high ini:'OIIIl" ..._, .... ..-a.._ ~. -tt.. r~hft>rnaa Ann\· Air rleld wblch ~w~ ... ~ erh•rtlnl( lhf'ir uwn llilnl(ll. ' wliiD you want to catch ...S Uvtftg oo.ta, th1a Ml a "~ f'ra"--·agr.s a~ ~ ..,_ -c-t _.. .....,. -_..._, luao• ... lr<J. .. ., Out these futUPe tlyrn d<>ang lbla and ronlll<ler11 It " pr(v.l l )IGUI' """"· Ulan ~)' are ap1n llkt'ly to ... in ye. ars--and. tllrr't'fOft'. ~, ..... .._...,. ~ ,,, .. ·"'IY ,, •• l"lll!rr tn nnl.., Ulrlr ill'fo!P l? bf' rhtoi!Pn for tlrrs r ,,., HORM ,_ • ...._ • ..__to In ""-',_ • .._, __ ..._ bodl ~ ln.mlnJC aarl bC' on their way In Uon. 'My pan nt Ole Pvrnln..:" EN FISH MA "'KET '~ .... -UK: UIHI:' AYe. .0 -"f'· ..... ~7 an-... ...._, ·--U ~ .,. U.:. ~spuut ._. U.. _,. J pr<•Jrt&m doerm't 11t&rt until twch·<' ~ 4 ' NEWS-TIMES lMtll w. (4olltnl tbelr bmdlan4-thdr t\lture. -~ ~ ~~ ~ MP D · 11 -.~ tw .. btlye ~Jdn't r~· .,·clock, and I ret qutlt-l!llt'<'py I Ollf CI!:NTaA.L AVK:H1JE,. 1\'E\\_PO_ K-T"' "_ •_~ '_' _'1_ .. ~ -,. ...., ._ ._......., • •ll!C Ulf' tf'mrtat'ro "' lbe prollun waltlnc that loo«;· •Y• Mr AI·' ~ ~ ~ = __ ~ • __ ~ _ . W··---' D.n...J.-FULL ~L c:NU..:M It\" tr' " Jap IDtt'mmrnt c:lmp to a . :;,..?QO!~~!'i"~·!:= Woodrow IJBUD 8 & •UJR~1 ..... _.~c....~ ttt•·lr """' 110 thry IOII.Ck<d tllt'lr Sf'M'JwWf Rrat·h --.n.y ....C. • U : --..c fl..mf' wtth Jl"lfl bo•ltlu and went to ,_ W!lllk marks~ 87th birthdlly., WOO!IIruw \\..._ w, 11 r . 4 •tar ..n .... .tl'ft ~tuc •u h them Bf'llll --DvJW ,._ a, 1856. And a)reedy 20 )'eU'S Mw OJIIIP titntlrJl" l:::alp-Q, ... •ctlll .-yW'I' -" ~~ <Jd aLnta, t.lwy made a C!lllp:r of --.~... .,.__ t _......__ C' ~... ....,,._,.. on UK" htUe mf'n Of .. s--et away. Y~t. hla ...... t. liar IOmr ~UN ,.._ IJft'S' .. -I ~-'-, -· cr...,., ....... feet tll.'\t It V.'38 :ll:'alnal . aa II felt at ~ International C'OUDCil tablr .twno _. :::: ::::::;:, ~ ..no-"'1fUlat.t.oo. and tt-l'y •·ash"'' nut pdw' In the Interest of a la.ltln& wortd peiiOI". h.,wa·t d:t.mfl"IM'd their <>llthllai· Woodrow wu.on·s CfU58Cie for • world orpllliz:atian to C05TA •£SA co••u•UT'f -In lbe lar1t lllld '~ l:'lr--•Y I C*ltiCM tb .. lr NO.ltn' acllf•n In a lJ•b well -t funu. Will'S failed ln the lut ~tion. but iC may ·~~·an)' twvf' r .. m, .. ·~t-~tl"\.l ll>•mf" .--·-· c;.t a. • I -----..11 ln this.-. U ~had &...ro..-tN I---ol Na.--•hAl f•1r th .. N nlW"'jU 'DHS ~ -.... ...-~ ~~ .. , .............. "'"' we do not know how successlul it would ba\oe beftL \\'f' out)· n..r. • ....,. • o a • know that It could not hAve been mon-~ul t..._. f'JUr -..... .---. n a. • ol •Ln... I ---,...... ....... flllcl\ !k ... ol t lllll,ll\\ 'I , '': I Oil let Hf£M lullh .. ~;H-t•• !I ,• I I i t; •ld attempt to &VOid War by Stayin~ OUt UK' -----· 7 , -• 7 • W, A» p m Wf> kno-· now that "'"'" mUIIt tdri"~ to ~ alonf,: •ltll ~ .nw •. ; • ,. -.. • " t· ,, ,, • . ,,,. , 1 •'t ""••r ' 'If,.. J I ,,. , ..... ..,...__ countrlftl ln somr sort ol intf'fnadonal a,<Q!:IV.;atVtn.. \\'~ ~~ ~ -.s ,...,..., UUIIC"' .. t , ) ; .» • cr I • • I I I ' flrlf .r. "' • u 't.M know now that then-iA no easy way to "run out' on ow-~· t t I • I • ,1 ! ••I ' ~ hiC"II ptlonl u a great world power . Woodrow \\~al~ ,.. .. t'-'. ,.,..,. CHUIICH cw '""'5T. ",. "1 1 ...... , • •• I" But. far Ill America wu conc.enM!d. hr._.,.. it too l>'ltOI'\. sc.IE:IlfTIST llo• . '. "' .• I I !'"• '11100 I • " . ·t, .. ,. t • ,, n and Wn--4'--' lt'K> ....-.nt coniUcL llr !IOII.id. in 19 19. IU L ~ -"•~ llllllk-=•..,ertrt ._ .. •t· 1 ,. '''11 "' •I ' ' •· lll"'' u.JIII ... ~~ ,..., __ •• "'....r.-..r!t r tk X •JCbo-1 <'bunh .• "1111'•·! •II'••· •.•• l• .. wl<f .. J can ~ with abeolute a!'rtalnty that 11dthin aDOIItw.-~ ,_.. -~• IJII t'bru~~ :-.. -· • " 1 • ''" r , "' hom -tion tMre wuf be anot.htor Worid "1U' lf thr ...... CJI 1:-a a &--I ,tr •• \ t I I • II I "'I \rll l"e •"··--......,. SrM-~ af !'-~ ,. ,.. ...... •u•· t l , t1•J tht 1 -'f \• n• ,~. who the world do not CQila!'rt the method by •1Ucfl tO Jll'r''ftlll ~ ~ .. alt 1l ' m h "' k•!•l hi• I>• •t • 7 I )'olt~. 1\nd It ... Jt Will come While this --t.ion ls living. and ..... _.,...;.,..T y...,_,.. d n ......... "•• ~" k uf II•· ,.,; \ll•l l'••lflr .. -·-,-.. • .... 1 ur 1<) hr111 \•·u~ r·• J• ••~< ('hriat dlJidn!n Y.-10 t.. sacrifioeod upon the altar ol that...,-,-.. • p -~-: .,.,, ';It DH•k"lll lhl'l' '<l hCilo• ,IM<P, U141 1be march o1 tM u.ars hu pr'OYf'd hif;. ~ion .,... F...,. c-,.._, A u u dally 1 mak .. rhy bo·.t Anti hr arnH Ia· J-r lk t. lo • • • ..--.. S.-ta:rs m.-tllar,.ly. '"'' .• 11 •h"t tl•,.l! at cannUy acaua~. But h1a vokr did not fll"e'-ail. .. -~ ...... ..,. --..alty ..... rTf'\! L ytloia and :.: •r"'l •1\W brm .... drowned ln ftle protests ol t.hclR who Of4JCMed his IJI-• n. ,.,_.. • r• r.ttaDy mT1tr.J tUMJf'tl In thr l;lt•l .. S. ......,.. Utr ~ _, -th• llary fl.1k"r ~:tl•l•• ,.,7~ In' :'r~~ cau.r of their pei"'IIO'UlJ hatred toward him. ~ p-an•l Jt, .:lah ,..,.,, 1\I'J to '"" Sfr1P ~ M lAid, "J would rather fall in a cauw that.,.... 111,... ... "Th .. rn•m'""' w)lt be fill· tha 1 U.O.. ~ •'-•• tliltP f11tan< .,... tlll-.t Tlr,. Hnr•• l••r Ill" r"Oifll"'triDC day will triumph than to triumph in a catMt" t · _... ... .._ 111 111 CJtZ !-~ _.. ef rh" dt .. tn•· 1. "n~: I• thmudlout day wUJ faU." • Utr,... lll1tP .._ -••• ot all lrmf'. •o•l •I·"""' •~r ltyf'Ui Ilia ~ .. r1hly all on II•" '" •r of dl~llte Invasion Soqn? "P"''' ._ ~ u..r ..... r.a ""'"'·. ~ .. , .. n ..... •lrrn~· th nr l'llr'•l't c:wp •Y tllor ....W ~ ~ ~ n"""· :lD•I " ~'!lllol••l •llh ,.,,. trlr1t ....,., an•l "''" ,.r "' <'l1ro ll.on h••.thnc" A~ goftmment official has prt'dict~ that .AmrriraD 1'llr salrs ,-o~unw-~ off "i th tht• fir.-1 nf lh(' year, war cuuaJties may t.. tripled v..ithln 90 days. hall ,..,... 5 stiB not ~ manfJO"·e r· or "" 1imanpm\ pf"' to Does this mean that a full-~ invaAoll ol thr <'OIIItiD-adop•lrf)· ...... f"WD thr norm~tl hus1nM.c;. A furtht'r t~ht· lr\t, or major thrusts in t.ht> Pacific are sctwduled for ... ~-~ G lbr bhJr II'S3n.-t ~--likf'ly tn fnll1•"· \\ht'n tM 194?4 Americnn lOSSt"S for tht> entin-"·ar thb!o far loUI cnp ~ bntila. slightly over 130.000. including tho8e kUJtod. •-oundrd. ~ \\'CJIIWI'I nPA ~-in the' n 'f:-til inc1u.;lry .rfl' rloing a tng tn action, and tho:.e taken pri.-.onrr. Action thilt •'OUM ...,..... job. but tfwno ~ill arr not t>nouch alf ttwm In food trtplc ~ Jos.c;es would certainly have t o bl" ol a SC'CJI'r and stClft'5.. ~ han• tlt"t'Tt !'urpn~'<i tn ~'<' h nw I'JUi• kly tM intensity not yl't t'\'l'tl ;;~pproached. ~cbrnot1~-ha\~ lranwd to ·~n·p !'lt>ak~ nnc1 c:tll mos-. HO\\'f>Vcr1 military lea<ifors haw-freqlll"f''tl~· w-anwd ~ In -•tine .-nilian ~-the'-'C' "nm.·n ha\ ,. a\ .tiiM them· that thc> hna'l1e!'t fl~htin~-and the fn()!oj--1 rostly~il tits ~..-c CJI ~"""' prnnanrnt joht if th··~ \\ t:-h lo kt't'p them. ahead. It SCt.'m::. lo~t'al that as we ~ in on tht-Gt-nnan •hllr-at that• -.amr timr fll'ltrn:: tht·1r part in th•• \\;t r dfort. and J apanes(' "innf'r rings" of fortifacation,c;.. tht-I='"~ •ill O ur •a.r ·~ m~'1 h.' .-Jc •lh<'tl a nd fr'll :mel 11 t!i tht> become incn..'Asin~dy I'('Ver<'. Whatt'W'r the NN m.•~ hr .• -... n"biirrs ;+ tn • it. Rut tW' mtL"I h;-a,.,, h.-lp. Anci hf' mus1 1 must pay for it. and we cannot indu1~ in ~ •ishful think· look to thr ••.nrn f•v th:lf he"~lp "'"n' lht•y t"\'JII't"-'"' 1 h.• only: 1ng that thr war will he won through thr rollaJW" of (1lJr ftll"-~,.. f'f a\ailablt-L'lbnr ~~~ rn1es from wiUlin. ~ f1f """' nnr h pt.,'lt.!t''~" •lttf m.•n and ''llr AI· I In American ho~pecially tho~M.> •ith 11m~ stan ~ tnakr in thf> Soutll Padfk'. in Ita ly. in Hu:;;.;ia. nr in the I in the windows-many prnycrs •i ll lx-uttered that our mra air 0'-.-r EUrclpr. llll•n'l!i a n::"l jOh tn t'f' riont• ht'l"\" ill home. 1 aDd method!'i will provr adeqL~O ami('V(' t ht-11('('t"t~S3,-~ Ladies.. it's .., to~~~ i:!: your ct.,~·. I jectiYes without the np()Alling ~~~ pl"t"di<1l'd. I Its Ladies' Day --.... "Jbe UdaJ W8VE' of Christ..mas shopping has ~ Cl''ft' aur reQil .--~piO$: clean rountrn and tilwhw-Weu}' derb and prajrtetors &I"C.' ~ romlng up for air. l 1be t.d ... retalk-~th chain and indt:ptt'ldPnl were able to bandli tbe rwth as -.-en as they did. .-a1' dill" not DGt «<ly to tile atra e«ort on the part ~ thf"ir ~ ftD- ..,_.. but aJ8o to the cooperation o1 a:bool ~ Which permitted atl.ldenb to .. 'Ortc durinc ~ hofida~· ,..,. IIIIIIE SEIVICE SHELL DOCK BALBOA ISLAND ~. ._ ____________________________ ~ l.INYEST MORE in WAR BONDS &AVE TODAY: a..,. ,.our fooda It S.fnn,. Get more and 6Dw crocerin. meata, fNita and •tcetabae. foe' your money at our •an _,.. ,.our bome.. IAVlt POR.THE PUTURB: Bu1 U.S. Wn Bonds. Mone1 that you lly away la thia ealnt form of innstment will help to brine peace eooaer and will enabll JOU to enjoy more full1 the dl,.lbat ..W foUow our Vict017l TYPIW wrWAY YAUIS ':' BROD STAMP ITEIIS = Duchess . ..;::=:;::_ ';: M• (5) Luncheon Meat '!: JPt . ...., -_.., -Puritas Mustard .. ;"' 1,. (1) Deviled Ham l=: -.I .. So ..... :_ _,...., .. .. -up , ... UAes -· ,... (1) Cherub Milk '•....,. T• • ----Airway Coffee ~ .. zoa (1) IJbby Milk · z::1• . PEIIUf IUIIU ............. ,..., ....... 1 ..... 1. lllfiSf ·-.................... J4~k.l7c. Nob Hill Coffee·:::::· •. » (6)Dalewood~"'==-:a-.. ...... -· -----· ..... :' GREEI STAMP ITDIS = fAaM~Fiflflof,.r-~~ !!!! .. ~. "'" ~r.r , (18) Peaches"':::"' '!::'g. _ .... _ ,,._ ....... -~ ·-(27) Pea:chs ..__ _,,. •• :H ... pick~ ..r;'iiiJ ftla~ eo dtlt JM ~ llw7 dla c..,._ -' -~cr!-c. '"..-(16) PrMerYes .=::,. a: ... ' 1 fRaH (BIRl • (6)Dinnen ~~ _u• ~~-n ·-·-... a u . • •. ·~""-·...:!'",,,,_,_ fUU' "tvuwu .. w .:: ,;c;? -~..,.. "'"'·.,.. ... -.. (1) Baby rooct..= 2_ ·g. .,..,....:-........... - -swm POTATOES 12'n· U8)Catsup ·= =g. "''" APPlES a-.... J....,_...,_s-t4;........ •. ' (18) Catsup '="" =II' ..... _... ..... ....-. .. ~ _ __..: ~ • • • • · -~ (6) Tomato Juice :=, ~ 1• IIIA.AIITrfD MIA11... . (6)TomatoJuice C::: e::-u• a.r...t -c. 1011 XNOW wiU pluM •• "'Y 13) Prune Juice s.,_ U-. ... 1~. ... ••••k. chop end ro11t that •• Mb II IUIIUc..l \; .._ .._ _. a-to lift Mdala~ 1!DC10e7 beck. ... (10) Beans :.!! ::;: '': IP Shreddies --•·-c ..... ~ 1• (7) IHf ROAST c;,.., 27• ro..4e 25• (20) Limas = = -: IP ::I' t:,~ ~~ 111 '•A.. ,: .. (10) Nibleta v.::,:•• '!:g. Wbeatsworth Kellogg'• Pep Cream of Rice :::., ·Cream of Wheat ·:: 21• (9) .• mus (13) Com ._ __ KaoNI -= , .. •;: II-ewe. r1 ,.,.. , ":" 48. 'i" a• (15) Gmdenaide Pea.':: II• o-~ ........... 11-.. IlL , ..... Cil6 ..... ,. .. ..-.... ""-(12) Lenon Veq·All ••!.-.II' Din Mi't c ..... a-e ~~w..-,... ';:II' (t) BACCI SQUAREs. Or .................... ....... w.. ........... ...... c:.....~_._ ....... ..... • •-. .... ..._., ... OPA. GREEN BEANS ~o w ~)e x;;,:: NOUSBICUI1aS Old Enqllah eJecmer :::,. Jle -...--.41L White Magic Bleach :::,. I' -.. --.lk GoodwiD'tAmmonia "'II• .... ....... IZC "'---........ ....,.. 4 ,._ ..... .., ...... ,c-. ICltcba 10~ '!: • SAFE WAY ..... ,_... ............ _ t="--~-.. . East Sid~ Newport BIY«<., Costa Mesa 608 East Central, Balboa - I NEWPOR't·BALBOA NEWS.'J'IKES. Newport Beach, California, TIIURSDAY, JANUA.aY 6, 1964 I Dec. 29 Sales Total $228.75 I ---Bocld .MlH In Uw wNk t.ectn- j mnl OKt'mbf'r :.'9 tolalf'd 1228 T~. I that didn't buy IOOC'f . Ttw t...tln f'\lODI. 202: th• ralatf'd aclenc .. I"'OOD. 120: the-tooda rooa1. 121. th• cbemlatry ~. 22'7 : and thf' alptln ~ 133.uw a"-- bf'r 12 att•r lht-lr V Thla mean~t t hat tht'y baH bouJbl at.ampa HIO•, .. v .. ry wt'O!II aonc• tha ('()f)lNl •••rtt'd. HARBOR HIGH SCHOOL NEWS HARBOR CAGERS MEET . !Junior Rt"d fl-oa ·Work Room C tpnua I I A ... NC&. I It "-.,_., .,__f'd that .. ......._,_ ... .,...,. .......... ~ '" til-.... , .. .,....ed .. ~ .lh "••Nrt a Ailltwe Ia ~ . ....... ~ .... -.. ._._,. ~ ..... ~ OONIILI'IO~t' IMIO... ..... ..,_,. .......... "nw room •ith tht-mo.t puplla buylftC 100": wu room 108. '11\f' room buylnt: tht-moat lllAmJMI •·u r> .-202 Tht. room pur<'h&IM'd J36 'l'!> •·ortb of .tamp• The rot>m buytnc tb" moat trtampa pl'r pupil wu also• room 202. and tht-rtoforto t bi. ruom rf'Celvt-J tht' ~~:old and aslvn \' Room 206 wu tht' room 1'111' blolott)' ruo•m . thl' l'ltlun· otl 'I' n•om. and lb• boya' em h .ow l1 a.ftn thrlr V. Tbe F.nc· 11811 runm . tht' o'IVto'e room: and the .. rue .. have boulht at a mpa toe 10 cona«uUve wetiU. HUNnNGTON 'TONIGHT Bee Prellm.laary to Start at 1:00 led l•v l 11tlr II>< fill',. 111 , rnlo•o Banl•·• ~~ ta ll '"' " II•·•· "'"' l'ho•ul•l pi'O"f' ~ tw qltllo· " IHto.IIIUh •' lo> Huallntton ~ •'II• ot11 I·· ,.,,.,., tho• In what promlaf'e to be a whale ball off ••t tho• ""' kbo••r•l ..., -. ' '"'"' ............. f{...,.j .... _ .._..~ ••t"-,,.,..., l '"tuu !klill!\ J~"''•'' ; tB ,.._. '"' ully ,,,,,,. ~ .~,.-.. '''"'"" t .• all etu • ..-na,_ •t\..• .,,._ te nflo•flol ""''I • ••••t lo "" ttw .,...,,....... '"'""" 1'11 .. , .. """ •• tt ............. tutrt,..t hat •• • ••• ,-..,,.crt ..,.,., .,al L tt» 0 -· waa&Yaa .._ .... _ .... ........ ... .. TAKE HER TO • • ONCE A WEEK A JetM!11 to the C~ of New-.~tCta:t jle~h WAR CHEST, IIC. Affiliated with National War Fund NEWPORT HARBOR DISTRICT COMMITTEE c,. I lp N~r • nea.tber, UNI: ...ac••rW fl5,800.14 C .. rW.,. .... Ida.: Jlllelotd• I •••• ... I * .. A san.. ---··-··--··--.. • I •••• .& 8lnet to Alnndo Stnet . ~-• S--Pat ·Nt •rw'=-Aiw• t• t. Utll Mnsela 1'72.91 1,186.1. l.M(t.et 1,115.80 .. - ----- .. .. ~..... .... ... ..... 8treeta ·- ~--l'Cew,.... .... .._.to s..ta .ba .... nee,& ...... ...... ~New ... ...... 1 I I trial 8ediee ............ ~Nc:wpwt •IK'tla ........ . ......_...._ ...... II I! IS ·~ .,. ••• ...... : C... Ave. Weat •• ~: C... Ave. to Caaal II •a a 1*1111: a.a..t Wud ·~--.... ••• •• •'~c ... ._ • 163.00 114..50 t,mus 400.31 I,M9Jl2 115.00 230.00 63.~.13 l ,l-10.40 S14.75 R'76.9.'1 9 .90 21.14 $15.800.14 T.eal .... • 11!11: ,..., I IW•r.w.l • llca,.t ......... .,... ................... 8aha&wAnay -~· . .-...... ....... -c "' a.-dt ...... ...,. ~.....,..t ......_. ~ ~"ac-y Fu8CI c ........ c.-Htft .. C> I lp EqJPaw. ~ ~r ("_...,_a r TdrpiMwr Co. S.IMnipCioa ~~ ..... __.NSf' • c......r-e...-...a.,'' ~forclrpofiit x · ..... ... _$ .. 7,%00.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 MOO.OO 600.00 600.00 3,.500.00 200.00 ZM.;,o 21.7.J UUlU 30.00 $15.7::Ai.2.J BOAICD OF DIKIOCTORS P . A.. Pa.lmrr J~ 0 . A-Jones Clydr Aslwn A.B. RouMellr Hubbanl C. JkM·t> Harry W<>kh H. F . Kenny Earl W. Stanl<>y Irvin ~rge Gordon Charles R. Peyton W. M. Longmoor 'Ibis Report is~ as of Decmlbt'r 28th. 1943. Subsequent ('Ontrihutions •ill be allocated in accorda.nce with Ow National War Fund proc'edurt'. ;~ ot • cun• the Varaity and ~ Ia lhf' ,,.,.(111·1 ···•nl··~· ··f lho• d·•H cagua tan(lt> ~1th th• HuntiD(tOft ble 11•·•··• .,, lhf' l'h""'l'"l"""'l' ~a<'h Ollera promptly at T o'clock rounol '"" \'r" ~~" wtll mo.. '"111 toniJi:hl. IU\ Utlol~l olo•~: l•ul •lt•to•onllno .. l t •olo•o In tht C\lrta ln r lw r tbe '*• quJIItf't ll11ol AlttloiJl•' t: ... •r.:o• will r luh with tht-highly toted 8fllnlc ""~" • o·rllo·r "'"' ro•m M, Ollt-r tt-am. Both tt'ama havf' •uf· Oortltll woll foil ""' tho· '""'"''' ... an: L.•ll'' l ... n.:mJtolo· ""'' 1 ll''"'' 8ot8f' "'II '""'I'",..J lht' 1tll 11111"'1 tut JCUII.td I' .,,u,.n,. .Jiunl u•~:t •w cblet lluo•nt '" 111 ltuiiUiol .. :.t ... urol" Ulett bt llloll nl o' .. nto·f' -. I•· •'I"'" olur1n& thr .ta,· _ _, "" 1'lllll ... lll\' llM••III•••II ahff ......... I '•'f' th,,,... A1Ut\tontfl ,.,.,u •tah to at •'"'"' I 1')\4' I''"~ at.. mall.._ •hr• , , ... , •. lonllllna .,, "" h ,.._,_ 1., I Affll"'"" mak 1111C fnu turr p~u.-• 1''""-"''' J111771.. ~.... ... .. "''"'J'I~~·••-ano1 m1u h fft<'fT Mu ••.. ,,,, """""'""" '"'l" 4"'· ........ ft•rt>ol nnt• Mlbark thla yt-ar. Hunt· lnrton ln11t to Corona 31·30. whll• tht' Tan lu11t tn f)(lWnl'y 21'·21. Both· I~ wel"l' ~lned In t.he Anaht-lm toumamt'flt. Tbe WIMer "' th111 game I• mort" than likely lt-aJtU• crown. Ttlt• Tt~ra ~lll be tn 10 all tb• way and eaptu,. tile H. H I I•• 1'""' .. nut fotr J ufllo,. RN ,....__ ' I H a ~ I•• "' a!? ''"""""' f•V I lor ---I t.-..l.. an<l If "''""""'-•1wt .... _ .... _.._. 1 M..Corll•l' ~tttall LA...,. •• ,,,. ,. ,. ,. II ll Wbll• HEA.EAT L JOHN I ON J • I to ., .• ••-· lbry .._.. ...._ ~:.lwatd• I lw lt """ .,.,_,... ~..-.-.... '"'"'••",.,. •• , 1 ttt-rh t J~Ehn t ttt.· ch• 1 h••1 ''' U\•• • ru•t ,_, ~,k,. err .., ~ ~ S·•ht1 .J,,hfUhU\ lht• lotUIIt I \\ ht•,.•1 l'h t :U•l ,J ,tkr a c--ut fre«J AllY ................. .. ,. H 8 .-r&••·"r" ahcn• ha,. ,. ...... ,.-,,,0 1.,.,..,.., ln • •ond .. _..,.. .. .,.~-..: EscitiDC t1nl.t}u marked the Mll,._r •· , ...... 1 .... with th" Na'') "" •••th Allu ·""' ... ""''' br crorau,. ~ hiJh .pot of thto wcond round o! Va~\\ ~~~~. • •· 11 ""' • ' "'~11" 11 I• ··"'"!''""'.,. thn~r«'!l I'···-'"'' , ... ,.~ ... ........,..l H . H thf' Bullh lt-&gUf' laM Wednt-.tay. Ha.-, 1• ..,., li••··~· that ll••rl.,.lt 110 """' 111 tt ...... ,.u a l !toln a: llllll ""'""_.. '" ... ....., ... 1 Pl'riu•l ~ loat a tltanlr battlf' to thf' Rar-o•n<t 1: 0;1111• 11"'11a:h '"'" •l•t rmrnt Ia tal"l('rn·l '" ""' c....,_..,,.,, , .. ,ut.. ,._. ,..,. C'o>N 33 tn 8 Pt-r1od a atymled IW¥1el I; ........... ftrmf"l ll••rl• 110 11 ..... man. _.NidI"' "'" ., ... , ... "' ..... r-•• ta ........ - lht' on8lau~~:ht. of a atron&' u u.l rl•u. ano1 rrtum•'<l laat m onlb fo ••••lo ""'"' ...,, .. ,._.., .-"' wlllln• P eriod 2 fin. Z2 to 8. ~-ti "'"~11 "I='"" "11'' ~· '''"~ "' 1 " 1 ~"'" rnlrn ',.,.., • .._... • ,. ,._ D •\-In Fall!. r10<1 1 hardly tumlahed an)' com-.. -\\ htl•• "' ""''"'' ""''' I''" 1. ,, I"' nw n•• •· ""'' ma~ ............ Pf'tltlon u tht' ~ T11rtoea romped t J ... r Tar'" Rlnw• '"'' '""'"" "' '"'' .. ,, h··~tra ,.. "'" •h " "' ~a,ttnc mei..-1_..., off wttb a 61 Itt 1!\ tlec-lalon. In 8park•·d tw T "mmv ~kl'oorko•ll I "''It .. ,. "1 Mo All•"" 1••11 ''" ll•r I" , ... ., ""' . ., "n1 ,-..., ,.,...ir'l"'a ('lt. the finale. Pl'riod 3 dl11po&f'd Of lht' hiJtl IM'holnJ: !"KIIoor ,,.,.,. otrol, tho• I IH•I ~ ... t II•·• I•·• I "'"""' h•' r l!,..,.,. l hr """'"' ""'' r,,_ ,........,. CH-S kin• In abort nrdeT, 9 to &. <'&l"!ftl 1•f :>li'v. I'"'' H~trhnr 1\l:l\lll .:nuhl~tl•··• "11 h "I" ~''""''" """ 1 "1'1'''" 1"1" ttwm !'tt~ndln101 l'r t hod Sh I I~ Th,....s r-~ l'~rTo~d Tf ··~·'·"' Ill Pf'rl.od P'hl' i p.,tod o.. .. C'H Sllon Neat wf!f'k·• ,.,. .. "'"" h r.,.rt s 1~ nod 1. w L twat Tutt1111 ltiJ,!h lhC' 1011111,. TII/IIIII I .l11no• hotol ""' ohol\' • Mll"l Ill hi~ I . 2 0 Hlp th~t lh•'\' hHro•lv •·krol ""' 1, 111111"1 1'o·111 .,,.,,. O&l IIHol.••l \aNI' ....... I 11 victory '"'''r to w•n th,. ~utlwrn o; .... l Ill• k lto·rl•' I(' .... '• .,.... ~- c----2...--0 Coullll••11 C1'111111Jlltllltlhlp Thla lhtll' ,1,,., """"I ' IIIIM '''""·'''.a '"'" I'" --- -ttlrtfftrhnr 1ft.,." T"ftttiUy Jlf'1IT'fllr1 tt 1 I'''' I.Nl't ,.nil\\'• •' 1 .. ~t.:.t "'"'' fur ~~ ... u ... ttw r.rt t&ar tsr:y &nt• II 0 0 l on tilt' 1\uollnlt••a, thrv lo•ol 1\ll thr lho•r I 1 rt 1 .a. tw 2 wav anol ...,,.,,. nrvo•r tn dan ,.,. ,,, . ~ " .., ,. 1 va .... ly ...,. ..,_ ~~ ll Wold~n.,.,rg • n1•naoon ho·l·l • 1 a.crr~ r n1rr1"'f ttw wW«•"• .. a 2 --"1 i'llll~l "nnt t\ftal lri'M~ 1VIUI ' 1 • • r .. w.l d oovrr· 1111'1'\' lfoorh .. 11t.·• l'lat'llor _.,, IOUII .,..,._..,. _.. J 3T·l . :-; ,. ... I' 1 . ,.,, •·at,. ,,... "UJ' ,~,. lnf tU•I· C"'a&••••••n•• H t•b !4c1Nw• I .. ,, .. , ..... tmtnar" lhr Ita~ whelm"'! tlu· Tu•tln m hlollrwf'll(hlll llru ••t.l o"H•••I"' "'"" '"" lllur ........ ·• rn,• "1' ''"' l< ....... S4 nw s .. uth Cnurt !'kin~ s ·~ ..... oct 2 ... In t ho• IIO't\lnot ~:tuow u( tho• •I 11-~l~t l'llrool \\'lll•lrnllf•lt: onhl•hf't iVI f l h 1 b f' nft<k•r lhl' llarbur Hf't'lt uYt'l · anti l llo'll HarJ"'' l1ahf' l'tall( '""' lw ·lf..t I .. l a • .r e • uua ... t • '• 7 ...... 4 u tn t1 fto••· ••·o~rlrlt: t'lllll•••t "" • "'''' • ,.,.,. .. "" "'" \'.""l:lon ""''l' 1 1 1L-1 .. _ • • • ..... " ._ .. l .. r1r1' • ·-_...... ~·oth '<" ..... c .. urt I'••Mh t \tUM ~I•IIJ !\ Tnmm1 M..C "'"··II t.l ''" .,,,.,,..,11 •sua rtrr ltw ""''"• led~~ -.-,. 1 Lela of Harboro~e· ""'' alu~llll ""'' Juumor l•••lljtiHII A I ~lfiiJ' .. '" "" .................. a ,....... thr ...., w•,... •w•·n "' ltw 1.• ncf ••7vuu" ~ •• ,, ttn•l Shlrle•\ l.uuantu,... •ut~l .. ,,, .. , ._ .. -1 • Year' ... rno .... t •, • ttw Ta• • • a,. .-...- • ;\'t' L•111"" nuw•••l fr,...ly ' know v.lu1t ll•n•l<· "I' t h o· '''''lllllK "l thrro• ,,., ""' " •u....,.. aM tllrl arountJ lht Ill\\' II IJll"r ll"taAl l, but l•of' m umlnl(l' I l'lll"ri Alnftlf'llt ' 1 ,. •• ""'' JIICrtr•~ '••• ,-...., tn ,.._ I'"'"'" ., .... r1~ "•"'"" \· ... ~ .... \\'tllloro .... , ttw .,_..,. -~-11 ,........ ... .. .. , ........ J ..... .... ll#lllw~ •tlh a "'""'""' ..... ·-.. till• I .. lfh 7 tflfr'\ I"'"'' .... ,_ BALiOA'S RENDEZVOUS c., ... ,~'"""' ••• ..,.., .. N ........ • ..t.t ~ .. ,_ ....... h f.............. ,,... ·~ FllltriiMt "' "" h ll W I-,.,._ \ '"'" '"'""'''• m•lf' all boA • •til c ·.,,,,.,,.,..,. l e I'" ••• I '""' va ••• ,. lltu-........ --- BALLROOM (> Presents IISELL HILL AND HIS ORCHESTRA SATURDAY liGHT JAIIIIY 8, 1944 .... a·-... rl_. .......... . ' w•~ n•>f "' '"'" .,...,nr: a• ._.. ,..,. ltr•· •kll """" ~ \'•rwtr l ratW f.,,. t hr ft~ ,..,, ................ ......,. dtw ••• th ..... en ... t.aJtt v ........ ... ......... , ......... th'"'«" ,.,..,. .... . fiUU t\• t ftfrtfh _,... t•• atftt& tbr t•ll ,.... • • • ., • .:, •• • •• , ... thr .,._. .. ,., ..... " •• ,., ... , ~·' fttt ..... ,. t: """" ,,, .. 1••• ·-..-,._ fhrw • It t /'f .. IJtl' rt• fU ., f fw. ~· • f half 1Un• tl """" • •tlfhe•ft' llf•.ry I h• \ I• t "" '" •~t•k ,....,. 1.,n ,._., rt_n\ '' Ju I• ,.,, tt .. , .,.,., an.tt ,._.,.., ., 1_.., .. ...... ''-"· ·-·~ ..... ~I I t" ft f• I tl ''I ff ... tift ,, • ..,, .., ... ~ l lh t' pw I tt• •l••f4A ,,.,,. .. al'•••••t lvf' t h """"~ ~--« • ...,.. T h• v ,.. :f. ·• •II a••tt•' .. • ••. J-4 4 ..-.. luttJ' ,..h ... • •• a ,. "'It ltutt Aft· 1 rt•Ja ....... ttw hl&h n,.., •ttb 1:1. t~oent• A•l•ll • •• lliCI• J>-"«>1 -I, .. , ,., ............. ""'""tall ... ....... ,,, ... .. H "''''''•· ., ... ....... , .... u ,,, ,_.l•ln~ ••• IMuattu••-" 111 ,, ... _ ,.... .... ~ II ,. \1< .. M llt"r ..,,, " "-·-.................... .......... r • <I .; -· .. .. . ....... ~ ........ , ...... ..... __. .... ' \' ..... '" ·'~· t • II' • ~ I t I ......... ...... , .... . ., ., .. . ,... . ,,., , .. .. Pomona Ofrt•fM I N-holar~hiJJM I t • .: • ••. f iJ . .......... . . .. _,. ... ,,. -..... -... ·• ,............ ··~ ..... ,.,.,.. , • . t• ......... " ... . t' , lh• t.J,: '· , ... ,• •1 •'• •n • ..,, J t t !q,o • o tf d IJOto• t ••f.rtj tt\ t: I o I ,·~"' Ill l111:h .. ,,, ... a.twf fttl f • I• • I •' I 1 • .,, I • I f.\ •••• ,, It ' f I I •• ,, f ... ,.,,., •• , ·I !• ,. I ....... , ........... ··- •l •v 1 • , • • ,, ,. .. , • t •••••• ..! r- , ' .... • ... f t '. ,~, I I t • I • f 1 , I 6 • t 1 1 • f '-.Jt ,,• ' '.' fill ' I .... ·~ I •• , •• .,._, .... J I I fO ....... , ...... _ .. ; DE'-lie .,... I t 0 •• ..._ ZIIL .. ,,. Cl A .... .._ ... ....... ._.. •tllar• ·•••• c1arn.11 ... -yw. ~ ...... ..,.,,-~ c:: .. ..._..._ --,....,,. • , ..... *"'r ....... ·,~ .. •P'ft Ill 0'.._..-c:-t------ ....... T"-~J-II l~ ,_. · Harry Jamee Ill -.... F ... ~_.,. C..,...· -.... ~ .......... ~ -• ttnu_,... A~ Tu-a ,,......~ "It•...., lllw fLeulc Awn' .. ,_ C"- 11 -· -r ...... BALBOA Y.8&Y8a • 55.,, ..... .... a..tiiK ............. .. --· 0 ~-1:11 ..... 8tt_...._ .. ~--· ""-· Frl. . ..._ r-'n.r.r, """' A_.._. ,.._ ...._.·Mar.,....W ... • -... -.c_ w...-c.•••: ..... .__ ...... T_ ._ .... __ ... Ito..._ .. ,.._. • ._..._.,In .......... , ........ .,.., . ···-~"' ..._,_ • ._. ..... F....e...- .,..,,._ K.,.._.rol 1 ... c-.--- ........ , OMy ~ Taylr,."' -··· ..... ..... _,. -n.,.a.y F,_ ....... we- c.art-..... _..,...,....,... .. _,..... .__... p,,, ...... . ..., . .........,.,. c-e. 11w ~·,.·a Ow ........ ..,.. ............. now''. -l'f•-1 ft,..)' • YHr...,... "Hnly , .. ,. ....... , .. , ......... -•'b,:ftl f '•on•m-"' "A l..a'IJ T••,.. • ,.,. • .,.... "W'IIttt-r· ·-· W tiKM F-'1••1 .._._ .......... __ ... ...... ... ___ en.'l ........... , •. Rnst' ••N_....., .. ....., ........ ,_ ........ ,_ .... a--. .... • ... llitkl c._... .. u-.-.-T.W.U) .._.._ T-"'-,_ ..JI• ,.. W....,-&. Jll...,,, lrrMaW., N~ _T......_...a~Nrr•­...._ ..... Nrr..,_ la41r- ..... I• ,.._. bt. tt>.v, •• .,., _.. ....,,, ...... --1 ,,. ·-···· eeoc wu ........... ....-:wvua aad 'a wt.le fw 1 ...... -s.tile. llr • • .. ~ .......... a lf•ooot 1.-ial.lft -auW kot .. ..-t•••· rr ,._ d-. aot ... Dr. ...n .. N~1r.e you 'a""l kn••• •loat It wiU .. f<W ,.... 1l .. urnu In I~ ato4 P'.Jr-... •nt Talof,.l for.., ...._., ... ,, .. n,. •. ,.,u, Ill( to t...,._. arvf trvwr wrt,fJI't•! r t ..... WHT W•~'T Yut! I 1:\ IT T l"..t It at '1'>0f •It II' •l•tfl'o J:fr .. --, ... ,,..rl tAJ,f .. l• :1 • ""'f 1Gf, l_...tuwf :t~·• .,. .. II -.. I • ,,,, .. , •• ,.,..., .... , , ... f)f ti •• '·'''' , •••. NAGGING BACKACHE \' • \1. . .... ' " .. --~-·__.__,,.. tl ...... ~---..... .....-.. .__ -· .. ----...----u ...• -:/ • ..,_.~~ ............ ~ .....,~,....u.e_......., ..... ,. ... -.----· ...,.__... ·~--.... ,., ............ ,....... . ..... ., ~--.. ....., •-· .,.. ...... ...,. • .... u--~ --~ . ._ . ..., ·-... ~ .... .~ ... .,_ ··-· ··----....... .._ ...... f!l ..... ~-_.................. .._... ... .___, ............. * ..... r .. -... , .......... ........ ........, ........., ..a ......... ••• ... ,.,.~ ... ,.. ... ..... ... .........-.......... _.._ ............ ..... _.... ....,.._.,_ -··---... -----··--·"' ..... --~ .......... ~-.............. --... ...... _ ...... ~ ...... :-.:: ., ':".:. =-.:.: --.......-' --:---::-:::..::. ... ::::.r u -.._,. ~-... -u. ___ ..... ___ ,---.~~ .. ---..-...... ______ "" __ ,__._ .... ,_._ ----~---__ ..... ___ . .,.._ -oARCE TOMITJ:•• and ~very Nite, Monday thru Saturday, 10 to . 12 P. DOAN'S PIUS "' (' / NEWPORT-BALBOA Nf."WS.t-.;s. Mew peat Beeda. Ca.lllomia, niDRSDA Y. JANUARY 6, 1944 Harbor Branch of Red Cross Proud of Accomplishments; Seeks New Workers 1944 T'be U.rM eeterp of tlla Harbor 1 ralbl'r lha~n <lull thtom. If lotat. !J-Jarbor F • • A t •. • t • john Hopkins Home From Virginia for eminine c IVI Ies 48 1-tours From Camp Pickett, Virginia Red era.. locatf'd at Ba.lbc,., Bat· a rl' ~tny Indication. Th~ nt(ht C..therint: Easton. Soc.wt~ P..t'p011e-r • Phorws 12 and J:l • o-:..a...--~>&....,. ....... 6.,.,, ... With a ~·t'lroml' and fa,_«'ij. In t•ommunlcatlona work at Sua boa lltand and(torrma del Yar, 1 ml'rUn,: t.hls week brouaht out ala ' •~"'-..:' ~ """~ =>V-... 11wu.J almOf't In tbe .anll' breath Lula Oblapo wht'fl h~ enllllled In caD looll becll Upon. t.helr ftrat C"OD\· ltach~ra from lht> &ra.mmar Khool ------thto Haroht tf,tpklns fam1Jy uf 1707 N Ovf'mber Of that yrar. pleu year of lll'rYk~ with pardon-.. Of'W rer rulll. • Local S ingers J oi n WHAT"S ax>KJN''; Costa Mesa p T A I Ebell Bo k s . I F..allt Bav Front bad a forty-t'lghl -------..,.~ prtde but t hey alway• Wf'l--__,__ --. . I 0 ectJOn hour vt.lt with th~ir .an, John, Island Circle Meets come new worllt'ra who .. dfort.t. Communl'ty Church 'In Cantando Club's ~·-raJ •-b...,--.. 9"U Hear WAC Lieut. Announces Change I wbo came fFOm Ca.mp Ptck~tt. VIr· A M eombill ..... -1th lbetuyat,r .. up ~·ho -t ~r·n·,. "'h"'~' hr hiUI t~t-en tnuntn .. , t ar Casa Tuesd ... h A •tl-'ltii'P ..... ~ .. ,._ .. .,. I I T ' . .. !Y. bave been W~•lnc thdr time el.ru'"!Of Corona del Mar 117t nniversarv f.-.. •1'1' ,..._ .... ._ At lk Jan .... rv -lin« of ... _ n arne In t.he Air Ualaon School at Nor----- tta Inception In til._ area, c&n tum • 1 1 ~-;~ ':: ,._'-;.:. fill-~~ 1"-t.a ~~~-~ ec.oo& ";. 1 r .. tk f,,, ~tmphlblan warfare In the 1 Each with bt'r aandwicbe. un .. _; out ••m more lncredthly lar"'t' To Present Vesper .. .... . "" .. ~ .. 0-I ~l ... nal Co f th A A ...... " ·-.,, .,.. ,.. """''" ,... • ... ...__ T A •• Tue.tav, .,.,...bera alld t' """"" ~uon or Ebt'll w111 • ., r pl 0 f' rmv " ht 8 d h ._ .. 1 hlch ... -2•• 208 ... al "''"'" lhf' I 'ault•n•l'l I 'hill mrl uo ~ • -.-~ .7 F . r rm an t (' promiH o! hot ..,... • w ·~ ""· llur •. c f11 tHt fldtdlotona f11or<t .. ...c~ .. r r;IM"Wta 1rf'r«' delt,rbt~ with ~ in-mrt't at th• humt' Df llolrs Andy orce ~~re .. 1n1• and 2.•10 prmente for On thl8 Sunday afl.-rnr•)n at Artnla Ana r .. r 1\1 r"h•·•.no.l Lbr• r .. 11• tl'..a• t• a .,......Ur.._ ~ fon.al talk aJid ~of tbdr K irk, 1208 E . Central A venu~ Bal· nurtng I hill ~thnl't rurlou~h .... ,.. <:Offt't' And tea lk'r\'f'd by the hoat- Lbe ,_r, accordln• to local w ork-4 00 o'• l~>rk lh~ Sunday VupN \lo'o•r k lllt'r.· "u lln unu,.uall)' • --raJh co-""' ., .... ~ ,., "~~r. Lwut~nant Ro.aJlDd .YIJ-1 boa. on Thunday, January' 13 mlnated eoonrr than wa8 ,.111-,..,.,, .. 1 ''~"''"· lh~ m t'otbt•r·• or the ..leland room beadquart.nw, l'•:rv•o·t' nt the rtommunltv ('hur•·h dl't'J't'r al«ntlll llnc,. '" lh,. pUin-· tiM',....,...-.-..... I --=·t, "r wbn ,. athletk ctirec:tor for the startmg Wllh a drMt"rt brt<.lg~ ai .,,.,.UIIlO t' ut nn nrol rr tu rt'lum to I ~'!t"'''' met at Mar ca-. on Balboa '!'be quota for t.h~ Harbpr bnanr h Or"ill• will bl' prraentf'll for tho• ln.. ,.,_ 1., ur 1--~·--~ ... --· WAr ~Pat Ole a.aa. Ana Alr 1 1 1:00 p. m. IIUit~M of tbe uauaJ th~ F RIJt whlrh almnst "''~•·tl'd him sand on Tucllda y noon, for their I .,. lh•· •·tub .,. "~ • "'"'"•lin.: tt. · • • ~ ·~--... ... .. monthly c 0 l bu bMon 111.000 dr't'aalna• a m ont h flral tlmf' In thr "Mflt'tlng lfoultf''' "\.l r. c· ,. 1_._ ._. .,.._ •• a.-.,.JUr RNtf'noallone m ould be oa bt. arrival bert', the enUre 0 c ave. . but tb-eacer worllent have bl'f'n l•f lhr Kf'OIIJ' on Jumlnr lllr,...t 1n 17th blrUlllay and f ,,. Ra\• A,.. hr1'" -~~~ ......... r .., .. ~ bo~ &Htlnc prt'Yk.ua ' ma•!r 11.-llh any of th«' h«Mrtf·-• Hnpktn:o tamrlv wPro· llhll' to bl' l •urrns: the busln"Pi:l't'tfn&. turn~ out u hll11 u 33 000 In C'•·rnntt •lt'l Mar men ~·ho are a pan uf th&a ~m~· ., :.tH •ah~ ,..._ ._ ....,_,. t 1.., tJwo p~ .... ~ded own '"' lht• IIC'c-aaton. I tuRt'lht'r for .tlnn~r .. n Chr1atma10 I he m~mbt'rw voted to g; ve $3 to NoveapbH aDd .:M.OOO lD ~embt'r Th!' r~trol&r prugra.m writ 1>4' In& en .up, we...-pr,...nl ~y 1., ,... ,. ~., f' bad .. --t.u tw th. .. prO'Sl.J,nt. Mnt HaiT)I Bur-J.n addlt ron to Lht' r~gular rt'Vi«'w Sunday lhr USO f flr rPfr<'shm ta. The 01 lull year. ~tu,:mrnlt•t1 by liJ>"'Cial mualr """'·I wrr·,. "1••Y•I ":PI"'' I' """ 1..-on l'r1d· 11 ,.,...,.,.,. • t•r1 rtf 111wr ~r dl~ll a t wturb tlau-0.. ~pal ol curreet bookl from't hl' publlah-Job.n ..,..duated frum . Harbor 1 Ll'gg r-ff'm(lrial F\rnd which ie . no-In cha~e ,., • thr wnrk I'd h\• ~r . lln•l Mre 'Sh&rp anttl ham Of N~wpnrt HPlJ:hU ~~"Wan •. , .• 'tlt'.-r ~ ~· ,_.. a:'" ol ~ llt'tlcltDf. ~ft'dl"Rta. made .... : Ptideo and ~n ·by ltrs r. f: Hlch Jn ··~and tbt'n Willi llv4ylng ,..mafnt,ln~d jlt'rpt>tualfy, wu opc.o. -wefC'Oftle work•r• for evl'n lhl'lr .IAU2hlo·r~ known '"' lhr Pricl' .,, u -.a ....... ""j (lr 0~1 v • ' I• r .. ~·~ ra, .... lo ... Hot>-a rlar ft'<r ..,.. boolra for.., ttw Rf'tnhHloi. }.I re. F..d Go. dell will rt'· ' .... lllld fuunol lu l'untam $7.00 . .. llbort a .rtNtch .. Oft(' hour'a "JO" .. ur Shllrpa ., ltfWI'rf'nol C"ronk l.UI'IUI uf Ralbna l•hwol 14•hoo •• ILl-• r> t .. rn r .w n<.ua.. tt ... tin.• ... t.n .. l library I Ylew U\e f-.t-mbYinc l'Urrmt Speaker's Forum Will ' Tllb8t' prt•tlt'nl Whu h.IIJ c~lt·brat- wartr tor It ie U\t' combined ef· f'lf R11nta Ana will pro•nlrll' A o'Or-,.., un lh•· ~~"'"I ,,, .u,:., ,,. .. , tn.r -f,.,, •• n ran ~ __. .. .,, F'nr 8 ll~;ht &Dtl bwnoroua louc'b 1 t'VC'Dla or ttw day foiiOWt'd by two I •'•I th~ir birthday during Octobt'r, tort. ol thf' amaller unlla uf work dial Wl'lrome 18 I'JIIf'n•trrt lro All Wlilo rlub. Ill .. .n.t r• ..... lr.f , .... -~· S.Otty Rryant ~"" two ~actin.-.: m<llt . rntt'ro•attng ~·· "Aiao the Hear Prog ram on Art !llovrmbf.r tor Decrm~r wert' hon- Wblc:b makt' the atlatyln" to tala I"'"" 1" t'(lmr. On Jllnmu·y 3 l!!:li. ~111 m• n .,. 11,, &•llltlloa t-> ala na••r• wtlllla '"1, , hr ten t 1,..,r1na\•t'd th• bi.r •l!Jtf'r HU&.' by Keyt'a and rf'Yft'wed by , ___ , on••l lly a girt blulket, The r«l~ Tuelid.ay nl&'ht al tile Ralbnll -hkr 1,, "'nrt flor lht' ~n)h\'m.-nt ,,1 t u~ • tnkor~ I h .. inqui•U•e younc broth-Mra. H~rbrrt .~tz IUid wJourney ' Ml'mhtorl! nf1hP ~pP.'I'llPr!l' l'"nrum 'it>11l11 w.-r.«' Ml'lllhlmf"ll .Rutla Rf'lcl • w ork room at 111 f'alm . womt•rt c of(' Big Annual It ,, .. , "'" ha~·lll••nl h.oll "' c. .. OC.OLATE ""'DOt... •r '" thr m·~· ... and tht' -ond lnw Amt'rtca rt-vi~Wed by M'ra ,IA'ho r1'8ldt• In th<' B ay ArPa wm :Milyrnt• Ji(Htll'. B. Frietag, Ed who are HDployt'd durlnlf lh,. day lh•· !"•\ , Ana f:pr:oo ,,1,.,1 , hull It : ·-f ,•ou• 3 1 ......,. ...,..... &, pU'" a ,1,.111 pt.-:ure ol Uw moyie. Margart-t Nt>lmt'yer nlten.t lh<' .l~tnuary m!•f'ting "' thr Cnool•ll, M. Slll'r, E . Doll, NeU Ume, met't to do t hrlr t um In th•· Oinner "As Ever" 1111,. , •.:·•017,.,1 111,. ,,..1 1 on•un•to• , ..urar •. t ..aft ! ..ep. 1 , malt mne~w>t-who talln twr t'T'Jit. ~boetNI!In fot' th~ ~rt wltb group on TuMd~ty, January 11. at ' Oonker. Hach(•l Wiley and lnbf'l war ttfort and reporte hll\11' It Club -• 0 . 11 ! ., ~.n-~ t ._. 1l:ll ..-!Ill.-~""'"'1"'&1 rirUft.1t&T to .u.tt .Yna. Krrk wtll bto Mr& Victory th• h'lme of )Ire. Jor kaon Scott tn :\lo'Callum tllat lb~lr dayllrtrt work llf'rvl'a '" t •l...,.,,. ""' unolr o .,.,., In' rtrtV ••n T'lu. ,., 'k • ~to• II\ li )•-an .. -... n1 .-bo<nl4lr 'hr rmnra dinorlor. Gracr anol Mra. F. Jack Parke. I F\lllertoa I Th~ n txt m~'t'tlng will be F eb-~ their alrUI and l'nthualu m lhf' ..:1 .. w o'lltnor"'""'" l<•rrn •-t olin 111to•r. "''I ~" ''"' tollll \ nwn n,rt l:. .. r • r r • a-111 m:dlr ... •!¥1; Lwulrnan! Mll~r tnld ot tbe --~ Tht' clull wh11·h Is lll rtl'llv ll l ruary 18 at 12 :30 at !dar Caa Poatponed BYC Board Meetin~ Seheduled nrr mr~li:JIIII h •lot fur th•• p~t•' •n thnl ..,"" 11,.11 f ••r 10 ,..,.rul•or 11o•M ~·f'l-: In-~......._ L.• .. m,nv •&MIVr!wa wtucll ttwo \\'A~ TM ('l)llla. Mra War C'b~ aludy l(r<•IIJI, will hear a program With Mra. Klrka and Mra. Rutb ..-\'I' tal y .. arrr hy ""' N1 wp<11 1 Hrlr "'•·•·lo h• o••h•·•11 ... 1 .n l'l ,.,,.., ... ,.., • • • • • ' •r • hwll t.a. "'"-&'It "-""" . tallrn oweT tbWJ f't'leaaiQC I driYf' Wf'ftl uver Uw t<)p wbftl It un . art With Wre C..orge Palg~ of I Mareh all holl'leaaea. t.no ('tuunbt-r u ( l'otmmo·rt·•· ronof I '' r lho w, ""'' , ••O• o•rt "' 'h" •lit• .. •• tt. tQtto>T """" for rro«~~tNat <luty. Wltll a ~b~ Ill coat of 12 . .00 tht. Anaheim wbo Ia chairmAn "' that Pn-altl.,,\t Loongmuur ,.( thr ("hiUD· N'nt •• """'n tn two l''""'"'llt"d .. ._." •· -,.., :! ,.... "' ,........ .,_, !lf.Jrr1 fit lh,.... wthnt ... ~ WHIL llf'CtWlll, In t·harre. I twor haa a ppolnl"ol 11 l>tnrwr rOm· I ~• ,., thl' SIU'IIIl Antt hi~ 101 huul ••• • • ;-!:air • a,_ fill .,.IJ. I,'\' 'hi' WIMYI~. tJwo \\'AO ------· ------- ~ monthly buame• m .. t.lnlf ot tbe Board at Dtredont or lhl' a.Jboa Yadlt Club which wu fiOKpOIMd ft"Om 1ut llaturday. .... c.nne anu the -kly dJn- -._.. lleturday, J&Duaty I . mltiC'C' I<• wnrk out 1111 dt'L&Ila IUitlltllrHim I bot ...-.Jn Bak .. • • Jllle do1r .,,::v.. rn 135 M"t.iYitlre. Uw Air-1 Tllf'}' arl' Or n M <1nrndy, I' A ()f I hi' llrilt'Jnal j:T'OliJl whrc-h In· ''-"01l , •• I ....,, an-... W\l b w ACa twin« Itt... .... llraDdl for I l'olrnt•r. Waltrr Spt•'l'r llm•h·n r lud,.•l l....,•n F'..rkl•·" aro •'lr...,tror I rw "' ~,.._ ~ •• ,.U.. tll#m '" eater. T'lwy asay ..-1 l''tnr h anll W ... Longmnor ''"" oolho•r~t h"''" lw'l'n •·ith th .. .-tub UUC€ ,.. !II m .any anlvrty 11ut c-._batift Thn piAn JlHWI<I~II a .... rr ... of I hi' rnllr•· 17 y ... ,. u .. rn..n B w-k ol .,. • Nt~·~ I ( .............. r duty. I dlatnrt tablr• u In Ull' put with I• •ti ,....·tur ur t he rurrl'flt ,.,-uup '"I' r ''1' lllJOt I 'U. I L _.. At'~ a IIIICitdnt JM',_ bft.u R&Jt h Mukt'y anti (' Y.. Al'kf'r· 10 \'okra, th" laf'lt•••t In tlwo rlub 11.1 I '\at • hltiH" -car ... --dS Lif'Ul. Xilt.T aid tJwo onJ~ ~eo­ man rn rl'lerr;r n f th• Nr••r nrf htatory -Ill"' t'toritttl-tc-•1 u... r...p ~ ~ ~ ...-..r Wl!!l ltrat .tw part rA Jwor C'Ut't'r ia tM -,o~c~- BN.ch tabl~. H y Kl'nny and rtano arrrompanL-:t '"'" a.. t raid'. ..._ .... 1141 f --'1 ~~-hfr U\at Uwy lllled. c•= .. •• ..... 'I'm a I .. ... John Jl: 8adlrlr In rhar~t" nt tbco I In honor 0'( tJwo on·-· on tbt• 1rdl ~ .............. anti At llw C' .. _ cl Uw ~ ._ fill 0 M *) Bel~ table, p A J>alm•·r a.not •'t'«'ll, thf. m.-n •Jiat.-adr<l ... 11,-'" ..._. ..tJI u.idr' .. ~ Paw .-a. WYTt'd ..,. • ClflalaliUft ~- ftAOID CW I'IAJifO o.w rt• · •• a 's ..... , ., Qat4 ... A.__ o..... ... .., PIIOQr N&WW 1 ... .,., ....... , ...... ... o.e..... ..... .... Owdlt Term~ Bralrn l.A'nler DupUca~ '1(044 JH,d .II~ Vitamins A and D Yft ... _. llaw Vl .... ln A - -a.lct .. protuction acainet eRfectl••• wttlc .. ere more lllll.eJ .. ..cw le the nOM. ttv.&t, .,... .,.. Mel elnu1 ... ..._ ..,.. .. a •nclencJ ol .............. \' ...... Vl...aa D to help ..._ ~ .. h proper ... ol tM calc,_ ... ,._.,.._.._ in ,..~ If r•• au ••t l•ttinc _.., •• ef dMM two ,.,.,.,anr .t...U-.talleaON&-A·DAV __, VI._.. A aa4 D Tab- ~ ......, .. , ..cl lneun JOW ....... ,.....,.., ...... D!'EillDAY HI'In& Kalen fnr U 1lu llllf', Earl l ''nj<•y rtofr4'1ftmenh lar '"" ... ..-•W • •·..... pr....t rA Uw 111.-.da-.r CUi John. W Stanlry n nd J W Peytrm, Jr , I .. .., o.t.at' aat D . Gollaoe. for Ralboe JII&&Ni, HubbArol c I LAW .. ·IEIS II w·~ """""and L. If Nror•"'a" for Oor· Will .......... Ia':__ 1'--ftftll ona tlt-1 Jdar. Jlnd L. W . Brll{«a anol ' ...,.. '-AJII!r-- Or O. W. Grundy h•r ICa.at Nt~W· ., VON~ ...X ,._,.,... . J)atea ..... Data ro:~llltnr will I.# llmlll'1l to two • On,. hunlil"f'd VPa111 f,.om aw-ootat•u rt:t.a I ... ,.. ....... ,_ u WIWI\ hlflf ury ~·ill haVI' ~ ,..,..,. 1 W• ............ I hundrt'd fi.IHI • lht' loclo.Jt'nl• "I l.hr fwnod l b.roucb "flul r.oa;a om1 -..-CI88CJ'ni ~amp !'fO. ~ II pair *-1 wtlk'h WI' ..... ti'!'W ,.-1:, UoM Will tn ~liD! Y8r -.......... h •o.t~ to •dal" ailt aft), South <A»ast Five I Making Name for Themselves un•l"uloiNIIV lw o'alll'.l "tiM' tlvTnt· ,,..., OPA'.f ._., .. 1 •I _.,_, Ww ............ ltl I bit' .,.~ IIIIo•" '" -'•tnrlhtnc hllr ..... lbr ~ •c•wy ~ .tiJcil rn7Wn lrtampr F\'lr lnt'at.. that n .. r .. ""' • ,,..... Cf'J"'••-.. .. """ ar_. .,...~ .., , 'aJlD4'U !:.h. m.-~bAr oOa.. 1 I do nul "toni "\'•rh••kMI A• bla m&Dy.-· ....,._An.! raJUWd rr:tJk· tory'• ttUJI' h"lp.,r I "'•II """"~ j I z--!1 __. ~ te ._n: •b' 1: :~>cd II !l:o·. · tJl !:>nu&r; 2t j lhftl'l no.•. ..awt "~ ._., T J~ry 9 to J~ 29. 1 The f'rll'to Contr••l Art aaya that 1m nw -.! 'Miea _; ,._ Jlr" ,. "-ry 1C to January 2't. Hubban1'a 8ouUr C"oaat blul'kl'l· ""''"''ry "'""'"'lttrr• a~ h • br .... __.__ · .....__!'!! ....._ __ l·· a 1 \' J-ry 23 to y~ 26. ball lf'atn drleat~ Cocrta ,.,... · .............. -.. ,_. -·-w w ~ 30 F*-211 Merchant. •s-4& In a ,..., and fu-formf'd h'om tbe ITOUJIIt whk'b will 1..-A~dn .. ,~. • trintd rot ' -ry to I')' . be alfeet.d by C'_t,ol naUD,ta .._ _.. ..,.. .....,1 .,. ... 1 X-F..,_,. • to F..,_,. 26. f1oue pme TuNday nW~IJif, JIUI· COfttFHI! wrol~ thla II'C'Uon Ia . ..._ ut--. .._. tJw --!.:., 1_. Y F..,_,. 1.3 !o lllardt,. 20. lie~ l)'ftl wnm n rA th~ tna.<!e ~ f w l f l Jair ...,_. ""''~ 1 to ... ,., •• at tba Newport Rlll'tt lkvtna th, n~r1.--cl --... n 2 a ... I ~ ..... ,.,._ ' -a...,.._ ~beet I 'nM Mt>rchallta jump.d lntll an wo\ll~ be' Mlpt\ll In t'tlla"''*'ftc f..-Grr ~ rt . 1 .... • ... l . early JM<f but 8CIU1h O'tUf ~11 .qult.ablfl &nd -·or'kabl .. f"(etrollt -~-:e.~ .. :;::-~-.;1 •-.....,_ a..A& IV l"f'C"OVf'red to m&.kf' .It a thr11ln 'T'ht' OPA nf'\'t'r thoupt euc111 or ---a n,y WliJ,... sr-. Jllo. 8 5 II• ....,u. :"~ 'nw _.o,. wu tl~ lT tlm•e wltlt thle prnvlloluo onC'II It ~~ ~~ :..:~ ~ ~ Grr lfft:lllliw 1 to Januar·y 1~ ltH• ~ Ole lt'ad C'onat.antly cb&nJ1nJ It . !'(>QlrtlmC'• 11 ,..11.,d ttww ,_ naa .. .,.. ....._ ~ ~ dairl'--Gl'"foftl -tAmr-f·~ 1 .,, ..... t 1r~r..orn 1 banda. m lttt'f•e Lntn •·unlrn-OI P •Jwoft ,., ... s ~ clbydnat...J f•onde ....._ H t I ·-·• f a ·• .....,.,,... .. 0 ~ ~ ~ 0 ,.. _ __. F J .,.. I ....... IIVI'n, car a n -·u orw rv 11\lo'n olfflllt .. nro h•·• al~)' ~ r---• n ..... to lliiiiJir'V .;v ,,f tht' South C•>Ut tnm, A!'Offft :!:'1 m-·•-. \'ndt'r Y r Jl4>oa·J,.. """"' o.y ~ ._yop .....-. trrf•~ ..... C. R ... J ,J1Nfuar}' 1 to f'f'b-, ..... ..,, .... ,....-polnla lo lnd hl1 tf'am •·hill' All· lltlt'nlloon 111,. tw•o·n pa!d '" ttu: ruary 20. df'rwtn tNantl'd 1!\ pnlnlro th rous:;h part ,.f tht• 1.,.. 1 now qunt# rrorr I ....n~ !UitOfT 1'' ...... ~ .... ftf'd •UilJW c 1& poinl• ,.~ 1 for the boop to lt'AI1 1 ·.,,.,,. M··•o.~ I tile <'. urnot h•IUf' ftf • •'l"ll ltD<,..., no<. I u..-.. .......,. -"UUC ..., • meal. r&D.!M'd fllth. moat ...Srbll' <Mt.. O locknf'F and Mllrht•ll f, r Routh nc-w~~< n a~ea:unco . ba'~'<" .all ~ OS'P-,,_,. ~ ~-and raruwd r.11lll .. (~ pl.ayt'd an out•tAndln.: ,1\mf' . II\' 11,. Ia ,..t , .. unt u ... 1 •t'A -.. rr .........,. ,...,.._. .... A~ IF'Pbruary 2'7. '" ian · _o •·htJ,. llama 11nc'l Jrl llll'r •I~ nut j lm• :120 "'"l'l•M ~; 1,.1~,r ,11~1 1 'h., ~ _...,., .. -.,: -ID ._., 88 ~ 2'7 I•• May :o for tht' ~rrchanta. '• Lut " I'D"Uttr.t: •,a ~ .. N f'rbrua.-To' t lol3y :.'1'1 1 ,.. t'('n•um••r A•h'IJIIO"' rnmm1U••... br .,.., aad .._,. ._, Unkrr 11ntl Albl'r• '"" ~tAiwnr1r< y ,,11 "111 ,1,...,.... t hat. •OUt Nl .,urk..,. ID • r--,. • 08. El and Ffll March 12 to f'lf l ht' R<l\lth <'nalll ll'llm hul, •Ill" 41 7 ,,.l\·t.,1rv ,·,\11\mtllr.-1 1n l ti'A f..... liCa)' 20 to eolcbr. f'l'>uhl not plav Tu4!10da\' not onr l"f'rre~~Mtla liM' fa1'11W1" 8IQe etaml\fl • 1ft potnte ra.1 for 1 Th• Navsl Training !'ltath•n 1\t,. 1 h·· 1,.,,, quul"'"'" '' fn om • War ~fm canar-1 trnoun and c-..rtaln df'f:ly· lhe M"Jll rhallrn,rra whrn th"Y lettrr 1 hav" Jtlld ,.....,.lw•d ,,...., .._t'd fonct. play Soutll ('rut tonl«ht r1'hur•· lh•' •'llil"r II{ " ........ ID ..... n ,._, In u~ of AA f',tw.ary %'7 to Kay 20. dayl at 81lotA Ana lll~h !lc-honl lettrr Thla 0,._ .• t..ttrr "'1"'a{.. 1'tl,_..;r Ba t"Pbruary 27 to May 20~ 'T'he eeuon of South C"OII.IIC tl\'r 1 11 .. I ---Sh ~ f'elllrual')' 2'7 tn May 20. Oflt' "' 1 '<' 11tall'm rnt". '"' '' IJU..-a..t~J lei bUill %'7 y 20 h .. bet-n. 110 far, Vf'ry I!III'N"""'"' atdy ar,;um .. nt, hf'ln..-: rnuf'f"d ""'I ~ .., ttl H.erllrw Df' ~~,..,. tot~ ... :! . I and they ho~ to t'ontlnuf' Tlrr ro· f'room Ule Wuhlnl[t•m r,.,~ A .......:tt -1':8-roro·nl&ry %1 ,. ; 20 day. Jan. 11. lbt'y will mrl't a mao htnr Tho· '''"" •. .,. lhaf. If ....,., 0 f'ftDalll ~ ~'- tt'&m from lh~ SAAAU. conaumtr IIUbtrtdlt'a .... l"t' not H -1,..,1 , .,,'f'r'l"d "' ttw R ... , o-r-..,.. c....-No. 9-IA·Book. coadl 8tattatln for till' pmr TIJI'IIII r<:V tnnaucon •·ould br th .. dtrorc-t ,-.. ~ ia lb._ r--111} t. ~ fer l pa.-ol ....,U.Wl -to -r't': IIUII a~• lhal fn<...S •••nlr<>l 1.11 lb\# IIO In tbr War F"'oot "' ~ ~ 71. 1M4. F' F c. C - G. o. South Coad ,.. war Ia a brHI'r y •b lha.n 10 '"' ttl If I.... ~n!21' """"!J drir Aa NIUJI'f'DI aswrt bf' t'ftdorwtPd , rn " lu i "'•r II Ult\l .. ''"'U ""'... J ftdo'F • ,. .n .. s • uh ta.c .... -:ac~ wttll car ""-·-'-! ~Haven MltC'hf'll Gloclm~ Sht""ha.n Frlnberjt Marh 12 1 Wn>lr and aallr.S thl' ~hhw tA tJw Mr ~-• ,., 1"'~.,.,4' "--I a.d alate nt ~tlon. • nt'W• lt'Her for t he aour« of u..-1 tA) ._.. ~ 1111 u. .. Art'& ..._ TIN 1 4 ct... I fljtU~· OR -.'bW'h b. mack Jk U J" .-clwor ~ 4lor ,,. -~ C·..,.. :itlt ~ bPfnroP 1 . I uwti'J • C'1Wtr albJtoll .... ,...... F.--ry 2't, I M4. -- J r1PI ~ -acy ....--... ..,. tUtr ~--brforr • r, Alll!'n I t..t-and lbr ...... "':T .t-Q ..... fttlruary a . L'H. I ,f..-..1 r.-~hioo •aea.. A-Eoall~ ~kin ..ro~' Tntal• 'l'l 'l U I W$ hae ... alttid•A» ~al : Coat• Me .. Mt!"Chante 45 f'rnnk An•lri'Wl' ltRrri~ ~ftllt't 11yrc-hn .. "G , .. .,. • 7 t=w~ Santa Ana Buildint & Loa Aasoriation CONUENSED FIX . .\Sel.\1. ~TATEMENT DIX'£JIIIt.:8 J I. I !t U O..cta1 C. ... e ... a OrHt Vartetr of tlnUl\41&1 OUt. "WE INVITE YOU TO BROWSE AROUND" I c·a .. ., Rt:s«lt 'IU.'D\ . ~·-••::~ I" IleAl C. E. LOUti\S JEW'ELR\' and STATIOSER\' Dtamood!l · \\'ah•lw: • t1nl' ~J1111r1nJ I l'hone ~ .. w~•rl t•30 I tm-" Nt'14JM~rt 1\h·d .. , t:ooota !\tru, <'allr ~~----------------------------------------' Before You Build or Remodel ••. \'Wt OGr liiU!rl'liiUftl •mpho and dl•trlay room•. C'nlor .-... planntnc .Wa. Nm' P"'IM'nl\t"" •tO('k of nap. ~'1Jt'1a. Uno-.n ""'' --tlan bU.... · LUDLUM Carpet Works .......... A.a- \\'ar 1\nnd.. c._.,... ..... ,al "-·-.... !4terll l.na'" nn IW&I r:ata&.. CnntrllC'f~l4-... F..-ta .... ~-· t: .. , ..... o.-.... or~ RutW~ac . t 'urnllul"f' " .. tl\.1•"" Ml~n .. -,...,.. .. T ntal A!Mif"lli auaea• ,,....,_,. t.~!N I! , .. ,. t~.$~AI .s.e.~ ~~-. G£0 1-lf,( Ol. '-0 '1. P·~· ~-c l. P RITC1'04 RO £•« \o <• P " ••drn• C ""A41R00 .... Vh ..... _. ~~~1tc~owo c~~~~ .~·~: ""AR1 H4 WHITS.OIIo . 4.,0 ""', & T..,.•t ll -.o (R00"''Hl\""" •nr -, • ,.._ ~! .. tO' ·~·---c--.......... ,,,, ....... -... ............ ._ •.,"'" u n ·r-~r,_._ .,....... ... ...... r..ftt• Cooun.atlaP .... T .. c.al I h' R''" ... Stl ot-a 110\'" 110~ F:•.!.'t'r' I)-~,~ 'i. ~· · -~ • ._ • • ~.. ..--"'11ii:.,r :• 8UI' IIOSDflt 41-wcic.~ '. . . ~ --· --• -• ~ --. .::>... .- -.! .. • ;-:... ;. •. :... ~ .: .. I I .Ill! ..JS.l A I es.uA..!: M,.\!t!.AI • .-. • .r. ISI.!1 •. el 1!.1.-- Cret~~ atampt A, 8 end C in Book " npirt' January 15. Take en io¥mf91Y ~. Doa't harry rhe JfOCCf tM lMt day. l.emrm~r. wmato IOUPI aD4 -taU fnrcr poina than aAMd cmt'Oel, aod you c.a do • -.ell wirh --~I ! ff frrial IMialty uocil brown md ....,;e..-~ «''Il-Aad if you .... ,.Uy .W anti tO your cliDMr. .............. chickca ... •... .. ,.,I ~a~~., .. , .... ia&RIDD8 • • aaeao • RECIPE So t imple, roo ... rhr be ken of Weber'• Enriched White Brnd My: ''We uw the finest inJredie'n~ money an buy, then edd our bat belting skill'' .•. Resuh~ownright aood eatin~t and f~ toast aod sandwich failures! Ger Weber's Bcond ar your JrOCft '._ ..&~··' ..JJ.t -s~.u..tA &kfv'Ai4 • SELL Those ODDS and ENDS for CASH Through a NEWS-TIMES Classified Ad Many articles no lonaer used by their ownen can be turned into caah. quickly and at a trlfU.na cost. Look around you and make a note ot thlnp you no longer US£'. WeU. somconc else can ~ those very things and NOW is the time to •U them. Readers or the N~ Times provide a ready market for every t.ype ot used article in good con- dition. You may have a wash- ing mach!Qe, ironer, IO! box, carpet sweeper, fur. nlture, baby bu.ggy, h<*, boat, tools or any one ol a dozen other item. which can be 110ld profit· ably and quickly NOW. The cost or a Classified Ad In the News-Times Is as low as 40c Telephone NEWPORT 12 OR 13 And Let a NE.WS-TIMES Classified Ad Start Selling fe r Our Ad-V isors will help rou to prepare your ad! f • I at F• ea co in su re ar: in re "th tu ty ur • cr or be be m in1 !l'l st ar co th su th io. a th nc th ftJ tb h\ st tt: bE ar rE m ci e• tt si u ex ci dl "" tl ti h u bo !If 8 I} i!' ti u ~ ft tt , " ti tJ s: t!' h li ~ c 8 h E d s 0 s e t ( s f f ( f E \ , i