HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-01-11 - Newport Balboa News TimesII SAND c.RAB SAM IOUSIN;.· . Newport Beach . is ~ot expected to gN any of e 150 houses the Federral Authority has a~ eated to the Santa Ana and county area Our strict build- ing ordinance prevents. A survey revt>als few if any rehtals hi the harbor district and f~~r has bt!en exp~ in some quarters that if such residences are permlttro. • they might be of such a na-, Lure. as to be Q( the barracks tY}X'. and, therefore. hiRhly und~imbh.• fot· such a re- creational Ct>nter as this fav- ored spot. It will be f"('ffi('m- bered that the FHA had been impor·tuned m a n y months ago for s uch hous- ing, but when it was dist'O\'- !red that our building re- strictions were too Sf>V('re, and had to be amended to conform to U. S. formula the city council objected to such amendments. lt was finall_y decided at that time to leave the decis- ion or the kind to be bul!t to a c o u n c i 1 committee of three, but sl.nce then, it has not been officially l"l"C'rded that the committee has eover functioned . ll should fur- ther be remembered that the hullaballoo was over con- structing 40 or 50 homes on the Balboa Peninsula, to C05t between $5,000 and $6,000, and the various objections resulted In -nothing. As a matter of fact federal offi- cials in charge of tlx> South- em California area. declared then that no further con- sideration would be given thiS M!ction becaUSP of lM council's action. and that de- cision seems to hold good to- day. Penny WIM! Some of our worthy local citizens are of the opinion that the el"l'C- tion of such houSt'S would hurt th<' recreational advan- tag~ of this d<'lightful har- bor. Santa Ana doe!' not aeem averse to such units. and who is there to gainc;ay th<' fact that th<' <'ounty st>at is noted as one of the pret- ti('st cities of its si7R in the U.S.A. Some say that Costa Mesa would IX' a good place for such homes. and yet- there are some da m lov<'ly 1omes there. hom~ on a par with many of the concoc- tions designed as homes at the beach. In the period since Newport Beach reject- ed P hil Norton's efforts. he has built close to a hair mil- lion dollars worth of fed- eral housing in 0 r a n t:t e county -housing that is adderl to the ta.x rolls of dt- 1~ ot h<'r than Nt'w-port Beach. One ~Om<'tim<>S won- dPrs if '''<' Are not a bit smug in our ('(fort!' to k('E'p our cornmunit~· sn puf"(' and spotless! .. I..Onf'ly Soldi4'r<i. \\'h<'n- ev<'r I get a l 'SO !'hift. <·an't hl•lp hut li!'tl'n tn t hi' wws of thl' boys as they drift in and out of the rooms. Om" lov<'- skk swain, invalid~>d here from En~land. ''a" pn'tt "sore" over thl' "'"Y his J:;ir friend flipped ardund with oth<'r guys. Thro~gh with ferns forev<'r. Wouldn't take a medical flischa~e but would go b:1t k intn service. Women . :u~ all a like. WeU. ·inside of thirty minutes 'he tripped hack In and on his ann was a cute lit1le trick- IK>'d gott<'n his las.~ bacJ< and ---zft m~rld was ~llt and gay. , .. Three sailor.; from n sh1p reedy to sail from ~ i.n the moming. kneW aD about cookfnK. ~ bl~ rut up 8 flock of weiMn and ~ meats and fried 'em Bay Bondi to End War Qairker Old Houses can be put: In condition, under new Ruling of U.S. Agency Weekly Visita to Be Made to Clludln' of Ca.- ·lllefte Of&e and L-• Pnn ille4l, lf'Pian- Will Be Reeled to DefnR W.tlen ~ - Rob Lido Theatre of . Thirtv Inductees 1 C t F II 0 J.~ntr1;in from P. Jc~. ap · Ue er pens •::.~ .. ~~.~~~ ~~::~ .. !City Political Campaign $200 f d '"' ..... ,,,, .. : ..... ,, ... H"IIWI(y--il··l'•'' A c •I c d·d '" ~'''' 1'''' I tl•'n•·h ••n \\'•••ln•'•tb" . un s :IIHflltll,: ·'""""ry lllh, t•ntr"""'" s ouncl an I ate •. 111 llu I •" An.:f"lt•" Attut•,t J.\•t••·,. · · J qdU.\.11•"' S \,.1ltun •'U'I .. th I u~t ~ fJ .. f•dl••-.. "'~' N••Wpt•r t 1 '"' ,.,,. :-/•·~to,• ·r trn• • 'IJt•Y.•f"''' IIHr ltHr t 'h~ttul·• r • f t ·.,uun•·t• •·, HWU Vu ~~~· v ,.,, .. ,. I. ~llo M...... '""'' k~ r .... ,~••y "'''' !..L~III·n~rv Ht'''"· 1 ,._ Ill M•·1011 ll1tlht ... 1'•>111 t)ftlt•.,, .. ;.rl HI nrol•·v l<•·ttll V flftlt'"· 114111/lo" I• '""''· ,.,,,,,.,' I• k Itt 1'1 :-4l trr", N• w , ... ,, ,, .. ..,It Ollv-r I"V•·nl,. ltJ f11llow John 0 Hurfwott wtU •oi'#.Utc lftftnthty wtlh )IIUlrh,.~t,., R••kt)'. rattln ro""''"" '"'' r ""'-' edlt~tr rrt th,. r~ An· IC"'~• I , .. uy N•wa In )larch rilalf' Ill 1,.. AllhfJUII(•fd I, f~ f'oi)'J~nlll••• ftUn,.tl '"'"' Alllf'IN TlmM cnlumn tat anol radio cnmaMnt.atnT-fin A 111 II :lfl a od tuncludillc In Jtla y ltiAif' l•• two Ulft4AIIW'#dl wiUI thl' # II 1r M I ~ -!f ' fJ toet.-lA .'r 1\ I 'o l 'ornr•l••t•· lt'fh,."f'r Jll('t In rrtmp:trt 1117t>, MUit· ll t.lf' (fll' '"'"" IMISIOI'R"' Of' ttw hftfllf' A II k IIIII~ • ol NEWS-nMES 1011 •• CM&nl Newpert ._.. .. 11801 VAISITY WIIS IIIlTH STIIIGRT! DROPS H. B. 47-40 In nnr f'f ,,,. ,., .... , t'ttl'1n ..: r:•-In 'rM'""t ,.,.,.., th~ ''ru ·• 'v cacen of ll>f'\1 I"JII llltrbnr II ~:It 8ebonl wc.n th•• r••l h •~ral.:t.t ra-ot ttw-"''ttll<•ll IDwl Fr loll<) Dleflt Whf'n thf':V tlt:lllf'' tl :t htt,•hl\ underalt'l1 tlnlnlo·t (tum Hunltlt)o: tnn Rf>at·h. 4i • i O. un(• nf I ht• 1t11: h ,.., "''nr1nJ *""" • "' tn~ \N t t '1'lu ~llor Var11llv ""'"' """ '"'" ~~·ant" ahetttl at th•' t h\1 tl 111111 rl• r It II!'" 'l'\ u I ttf \tJ••at f •·ttlttlnlnJ;: 111111w11 an • ,.,,., lu blllll! lht! Ttaf"ll 1 , ut "" h;l' 1 'at ... Uut ft•l,. 1•-.t t he• trw:. I fl\''' Vdlt t! f•~tlfll• aJfHI '"'' JltOI V H U \' tun • h• • n l•ff• r···nr '' h•\ h:\Jl n•1t f'·UI•··t ••n' ~ ,,·v '' O~·· t .. •n th 'lua r I•' ,1\11.1• '•I \'1\r\11•·\\'ul k••r· \\11~ ,. •.•• nut t" )., •. ,.. \At 1\h i) po .n't4 .Jun fft\ t a iiiJ-4 •' 11~ hl)!h O IHH (Hf th• 1 rol••a" "'It to !I nlllrknr• 'ttud Atlrhl~t~ •1:111n 1<'•1 tl1t·,. .. ,. rrt~o· V~tr•t!\' 1111•1 th•· t:""" ,.,,.,., tq p&nM ••1lh Ill !">lnt.o Tom St Alllhml\ , ! 1-.n.: llrnl'll In II Mc:Oorilt'll an• I r.I"'rlo(,. Splrtk f•·l 1 ,, ~trl!• ,. 11:or111o~1t "" t h·· htomr lowfi<J with 12 r ll•'h • ""'t Th••r>"l·•' 11t !l "' I•• k Th• k <*',.. rtan for m~>n \\f'l • Sounll• t ... 1.sl "' " "I" •·~·I ol'nler ta!l-r ttuan th.. l~rol •[1 '"' ~ a.ntl "'htt "'o·IKI•~ 2-10 l"'""'lo ~tn•l Ill •mlv uu. wwrhaplf ·····uunll'f'l f,.r lh•· hiJ,:It I~ ~ ........ ~·'•I Tht• ~runt ~ Ill•·· .cor. piJtod Ul' 1111 lh~ Tara II waa 1>.,10111 rtf ,,.,In!{ I tHIItf'r Ufl In \Ill' u-e..,.,. IJIIInb that a alniCI" ti'Am t'l)nanlrtllll!l ,, ,, ....... uf lht' Suulh bu IICOf'rd alltllln.t tht' T 111 • t hiM t-rtt r 1•unt '"" T 11111 namr.nt ot Hunt-~· 'niiD lltnnckaon. IIUlky jun- 1 inl!'loo B•·n• h lut month. 1 .... led thf' Oiler• with 14 trnlnl• n .... I,., t!f"l ""'" ! llr t hlll .. u un '"--Vanity'• N~~"•~r~t for n1nc 1' \va 'Miry IUIM'tl: Point. 232 1!'111 W~ Thl'y Jl'iri!J IC<"'h' 109 611 ....... 316 233 Frf~ t.hr ,,.... 7:l 41 ...... ruaJa 1~ 1171' Yrn throv.'a ma•l... 24 %1 ftw till"""• .............. 11.:1 M Fr~ thNwll m wo-·•1 411 26 42 19 P'nuht ·~ II& 41 34 1 I..IMuc-..... UU...•I.-d F-a. 47 71 N.H. 147) Vart~ty 1401 H.a. on~781101 J AttrtU&t r l91 Y Clavaklnl" -·· ... I Mct'()rkf'll I 12 t P' I 14 I Henrlckll'rn n•• LOH HllAf'Taf'llAKilf' ~rtnll 1121 c 131 F.dward• Ia t11f ,ret•lnary. u-e Harbor Rolee 11 1 0 131 fk>J1ttanaon ._ lllll to a 11troac Oller outfit II.An,.madl' 121 0 1141 Nulln .... 1M lead chanlt"«i five tlmea N.H. (24\ ... (2tl H.a ..,... ._ oetn. finally ...,,.,.,. .. d MIUf'r fll P' 181 CombN .. ......_ Wllb thle .S.f.at went Van iH Walker P' ftl Ollila ~., taa bupae ffW a cbampklo Bamea f 12 1 C 16 1 Braybrook .. ,__ 'nit OUen wtU luln to Knlt'f t 3t 0 18 1 Bum•• .... ... ...... .... &M-a.a.lklon B&)'lDQDd lll 0 • 21 811~ O.Jeafeel "'eft out of it?" A-WOI7 ~0-.................. -2 9 -• 1 ,.... ..... t.,._~, .... ~_, .. -WAC, ~ ..... ~.~­.... w-~ .. ..---n' ?' aa PArra _... __ ,...... ......... ........ _..,_ ....... ....... _ ..... .. --. ........... ...... 7 7 an • aa s s •· ..,. .. .... ..f. ...... ~ .... .... ---IJ,. .. Alwl !l!?:f:.:C:~ DRIBBLIN~ AROUND WtTH ROD MAC MILLIAN rtr.c. com" -..11~ 'nit. ¥ear the Vuwlty aad tba 0.. wtU both nald .tron1 t .. ma. 'Mie Var· etty'a toupee! opponent& w1U M "anta Ana ud f'UIIertnn. ,., ~aa.. aJ,_.., tJa&t• ruuertoa -and -11\AU.d.oD Mat Sallla Ana. Ttle BH• wtll be on the block wiMo they play HunUqtoD S.Ch tonlpl. If they __ ,.. Use Ykton th.y wtU tw etroor favortt.M to capture tbe 8uneet IA&,.ue crown. HunUIIctoa 8Heh baa )011( only to eoroea. and t.he ,..me promW. to be a lhrtUer II both tMm.a an at u-elr peek. Tbe Oeee ud Dee• are not npeet.d to put • ., atron« ._... ne tM court tilt. ,..r. Ac:&&aMAS BOAT BOWUJfO IZA011& T_. Total Pin• o.-Aver!l! IUo.- S tltrboerth :.!9.11!'-• 4:! fi!Y.! 11 tr:tt Galll')'l :I(I,Ot1!1 4:.1 715 :19 865 T<'nniiH :,."< 71ito 4:! 7r)H :\II ID6 l.11ftt·r~ '17 !11 rr, 1:.1 1?'11 'Uj ft'lO 1-Ort'CIISt h•S '17 no •\2 ll.'l-1 4 740 1 •lftre Ah"-·nt :."6,7 .!!l 4:! •.Y. 17 787 l'layer (,arlit'' T ut l'1n' \u•r liii•RI. Hl I!Jw. ~111rr1~ 1:.! •• j '\)\ ~~;:..~· IKrt 473 l lt•tl('(t('k '':' ~ ::.·, 1.!.> -. 17 1 460 t "1111 I ' ·, I i)\~f II..' .:~o 1!.)1 508 h.t•llo·y :~H .l,t~7 l I I~• IH .:.,1 4H7 \\ hrtr ~~ :,1-(11 l.k"-I~· 1'~1 .. ~ Hl:onk r: f, r1~U 1:->6 Ill .:J:\ 558 ~tt·v•·ns :\I; :•.11:.! I I :l!l 17 I~ tao Sttlont :u. '• ~.,o 117" l ~ ..... , SJI 'St ru.:ht 4~' :.·r~ 1 II Ill 11(7 475 l.:oiMory '111 :. 17ti IIIJ 11; 11'-1 ·194 N•·ll•nn 1>-.: l r:l'l J:l!; 15 -·06 ~ l.1'8rll :wi ~ .... ,,.;, 1~··, ,:. .!l!l !WR t-ry '1'1 :. 17!l l"rl; .!": .::'Ill 586 Fur~; it' '\:\ 1 I<'JH II>' I I 190 503 l.t,lr :1!1 :.~1 14'\ :. ~~114 531 ,,lnr<'QO' I:! I f,ll 110 II 15:1 381 Hollo•rt" 11 :~r. l.l~ II . I!H 4915. l luffmnn 1~ ., 7 11 I 'll\~.: :!'!I 496 1\usor.-'I 4:..'\l 14:111 JfH 429 l lroylt·s :\!1 ;, lfrl 140 -1 196 523 I h•rrutr :10 '\ 7:11 1:!4.11 trm 417 DrW••nJIOrt :i!l 5 f~l \o152f\ 19'.! 4M u 'OfUl.rd ·I'~ 5.'167 131).7 179 473 Pounr~>v ~~1 :I.IC7~ H920 151 445 T!W'ho>hl :n 4.666 141.13 196 491 PAID AID UIPAID SERVICE POUCIES OF uso CLARIFIED S AN FRANClSCO P••llrlrll of t l':-'0 ~ack bar• ar~ kept u uai· \1!'!0 n l11ttnr to th~ paid and un· 1 fnnn u J>OP'blt'. Retresbment.l pa id .wrvk u nnderrd tn men 11nd 1 J nat<'tl by voluntco>ra art ...... wumen of t he-annt'd forr t'a and f rM n( rhru·g•• In ma.ny U.O "''ar wnrkl'ra In lndulltrlal art'u 1 r lubtl." han ~en clartfted by Ht'nry U. lJSO Ia flnllno'rd by lhe A~· Guttuann, w ... t r~-:t URO ,... o•an people throu~ coalrtbuU.. ~rtonal m~r to local War C'ht'N. ln Olllfor· Maklnc the annaouacem•nt alter nla. nearly 1.000 rommunlty War ncelpt... ol lntormaUon on t heM' C'l••at app .... ta ~ tied tate .,. polldH from UIO aaUoea1 be..S· ltate~ 6rt-by Ule quart~n In N.., York. Outte1'11011 War Ctldt. "It comH down to tll&a." OUIII«· •IHiand : ann t'OIIclu~ "We art _.. to "Our t'luta. fumllll ~ thlnl• fin nff'Y pnMible .,_.. to ~ trft. , .. lDclude ltlowtnl and eolllt~r • .Uor, ma.rta. .... wa t11wele. ~ of .wtmmlnc ponla, work~r. and we are DOt CIIDIJ Will· Juke hoaH. the pnwialoft ot cookie lntt. but anxiOWI. to five uy pnp- lanl and hard candy Jara. tbe uee er llft"Yke wtthl11 out bud&'-' ~h ot the dub ~·· opportualtlee dOH not eatall too ttf'Mt a .....m for dant'lnl'. pool and billiard ta· ot our P~· blea. and many othfT thln,.a. "Many U 80 cluba ban ....,., "W• make • cb&J'se, at at.olute aecommodaUona, 80111e bave ~­ ,.OIIt. for food and bne,.~~:n, to· tar dormitorle•. and aD)' cllllt ean bat'<'O. and for IIIH1"11C ~eommo-In u t'rMr'Jftlf"Y &rna~'~ o•• ~t da'lnna auds aa provlded In our q•rarten1 for a a rvlce maa." USO donDitoriH. Tbe leDt'ral dt.· I r1butlh:1 ol ~. beVeNIU, food and lodctn~ wtthout ehar«e would <'-many mllllona year ly and would tar ncM<I th~ en tln U SO bud~o-.t." Balboa USO Activities A policy of f1YlDf "handouta," Nrw Year'a En weell--.d ~tlv. he ad(~. would be contrary to tht• ltln at ~ Balboa USO dellpt~d puJ"PPO" or U80 and to th~ u -a throne of a rvlce men wt.o cuw preaaed advice ot the mliiUiry au· to UM beacll for entertaua..t. tborlUee. Both N.., Year'• E ve aDd N-.. , , .......... . r r ....._ ... -. -.a.o. ... ....,.! "Our ala.'' be coallnued. "\a to Tear'• "-Y· the c1ub ltafed a,..,., ~ -:. t::.!D tM UD~ malntal• IUid build the eoelf·r•pect and dance ~ by th• Bal· I ~~ I¥ Tbe :, ::ord and the ,...,anr.bWty at the lndl-bOa ~-men. Paper ha ta . ...,. lb&t a aur. to lll11 t. R. Ml'· •ldual u an American ctU.n. The pentlne and all t'he propertlt'a oec- AIW' --~1. ooaMa \nek. fta. ,_,. R&nM wttl bave tbe ITJ§:.V.~~-%"w·w-:,·:.·A•w• ppean • m lUtary autbort!ee dlalUttt a hand· ~Mary to g1ve the Uttlf .. nt"W· ;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.::.:.;:;.:.:;.:.:::..::.;::..::.;:;.:.:;.:..:.... _____________ 1 OUt policy aa be(D .. detrlmt'OIIll \II .,CUmtr'' a c lortOUfl 1il'~kt)ml' Weft BURT R. NORTON n1 tnale and dlrcl~!Jne. a nd t hey «iVen the eervln men and tht' juo- han been Mpeclally lnaltt•nt UJ>nn lor hntrt-.. A lot of fun !lnd 1111 v..& BJctawaJ PIHIIIe 1411 '' l'hllrtc" for aleeplnr accommoda..l t'ntertalnment wert' enjoyr.t by th.- NBWJIORT B&ACR tume The prtcea char~~:••d at ou r gm•11ta with punch. cakl' and cof · f .. .-holt.flng t h~ •P••t·lltc ht fur re· frNihment. .RADIO SERVICE . Wit~Ma-llla ,.,.._. ud c-&oaaers A HAPPY AND VICI'ORIOUS NEW VEAK IILIOI CLEIIEII Now Under New Muapment Pressing-Cleanina-Mendin& -E PUlES a• IEEIEII Newport A ..... MEN&WOMEN CAN HELP SPEED PRODUCI10N of IIIIL IOMIEI & CIICO PLAIIE by working only 4=- at the DOUGLAS aANTA ANA FEEDER SBOP or On a full time job at the DOUGLAS Loq Bfoaeh Plant -A.PPU TODAX ..... A.al'wtefer811op JU&Irt ....... ... AM, (WI. HIA. .... I:IIP.M. l . S. Emplo~~at 94-rviOP lW)l W. 6th Stftet Suta Ana. Calif, 8:SO A.M. to 4:00 P. II. ...., .. Jl I • f 7 IIODday, WedllerdaJ, Frtday _. Write or~ lor Job Information Booklet &-·.., Oelilllaale Beqalrecl • n l'lll'n'l ahol put l?t'nrd nf 49 ft't'l 7 lnr hee. ~m Fofl•man Ia the Tbe Donut Dunker~~ Club d• boy who I• .rolnr to do the recont iliiliiiiiiiiliiiii;;;;;;:::::~.-br.akln.r. and f believe that Ram ... m ltll all the way throu~~th ... the -81 a na"He C.J r flna\a In May. Ttle Vanity ...... '-5 ••Ill not be onf' at th~ tor tf'am.a IS • U C M A II\ the l...,ue. I na ... ball loob u ar at wm brtnll • I G many new .,on. to Harbor: It rrohahlv wut be une of thl' ~- teama ~ Harbor'a hletory. Thare U'fl'.l 'ftll ... will ~ 14 boya retumtnr from lut year'• club tndudlnlf ala ~­ uiANI. ,..,. 110ft epnt on th~ team "''JII ~ tn the pltchtnr dt'~rtt'benl. 'ntf' ttnnla ouUook a ppean duD trom hl'r.. but the rac:-quettean havt av~ral lettf'nDet~ retu"'lftl a nd barrlnlf other f ood tNma wUl ltlow up Wf'1t Nnt year'a football p~ are pver mmr Ttll' fact that 14 boya from thla year'• aquad tnclud- lnlt' 8 lntenrmr; trt thew & .....,. n'(Uian1, wUI MUrn nnt tall mall•• m~ t'ontldt'nt that ~·• wtll neld a wlnntnr accnptlon '"'' all! returnln,. 1ettenot'D art Ol)'lln Botta. D ick Jl'reeman. Joe M\&lllt, JohD Shafer. an4 Jimmy Ooufl .... all llnf'MeD. a11d Ralph P'rtetar. backfltldDian. nw weak apot ta In tbe backflald wtwn1 thne an 'only two boy• COIDIDI bat'k wtlo I pta~ \bert' thll y-.r. Money baa been appropriated to 1 fill the ro<>f ot the l)'m Ct hat hal beofn l .. kin,. for yearel ao that wbf'fl •laltl"-teama pla y on th•l I rourt they can play without the U....t fill ...._ up • their --I . . Tomorrow Lorry IAD,.mad• ..W ncalva b1a award for belnr on the C.I.J'. eecned atrlnr a t Rll·. v•rwood'a Hall of Fam• In Loa A n~t•lu Ht' wlll ~ act'ompanlt'd by t'<~&eh Miller and Rod M11cMII· II an. Au.. 1ft ............ ,. ........... ~ ..... ~ .............. .... ...... ,_--. ....,,. ................ ........ ~-·...­...... .....,_ .... ,...,.. ..c. ••rz« • ,... ..... ---Aidi-P• .. p. .............. ..., ...... .... ......... N.raap..M .. alar .............. u ... . . ....., ...... De,.. .. Dr ....... .b&I·I'IAa PIPeT It DCJt wbr naU 1M~ ,..t Dr. lltlft Antl-hla PUla 8& JOUr clnJJ atore Ia tile ,...,.._ ,_.....,. '-.niJ a ,_.., apleae U."' t.ha ._ .. , ....... .._ dleapt'r. WhJ not·tit a ,.ck ... tDdri t Y oar dnaattt u.. tM.. Read rlin-cOO. ancl ua onlr aa di"' tc:-d. Your monq llteck lf ,.. an not aaU.afif'<l. T OPEN FOR BUSIN~ \VEDNESnAY. J ANUUARY 12 • ROSSI'S CAFE 1611 Cout ID&bway Corona del liar l'hOIM" S. B. 1967 , nJISDAY. JANUARY 11. 19M ------~------------------~------------------~ I 4 r:-:--:r ---The M..n.. Take Tarawa ' I Balboa Yacht Club Has New Manager l't>V R·mtlulph of Loe An,.elaa. whv h10a had many yean1 of mana.- IJf'rlal I Ut't't'• .Jo ht. credit, bu tallet~ ••vu the management of the Balbo!~ Tacht Club. For the put three monttt., Mr and Wra. Jack I c ,..ne I be to be tbe new neet Capt.aln and w re·eleclt'd cbalr· .-,n of th~ houa~.• committee) bave betn t.-mporary manal{era without pay and recelvt'd the thllDka of all t}le m .. mbenl. '!'be new bualDe• bead hu done much production and eta,e man- aglJI~t. havlnr been wltb M.O.M. for t O yea"' and alan with Oeor~¥ 1 White or ·'Scandala" fame. He or- l!'a nl71'tl the "20 LIWe.JVorkl"- • Glrla" and haa ataced the atsow. tor the v • All,.elea Jun.lDr·t\~· aDt'e Leape. A frtead of twenty yeara of 1 Mark Healy, the Commodore of lh~ Club. Mr. Randolph doe• not come • aa a complete etranrer. He I• the adopted eon ot Leo Carrillo. \be apleadid movie actor and native of Oran,.• county . Mr. Randolph baa ju.t l?t'ently Ntw'Dad from Jol.ezko wbe" be t. a -bel oflhe A~ Yacht C!ub. Hie tall!tll project bU been the or,anlzatlon of the OMeen' C!ult_ at Use a.rby llarlne Due. ....-a:T.:EYt•l' --.. ............. ___ ~__. .. ._._.__..._._ ...., ...... ....., .... -....... ----.~ -. ................. ..._.. aUtLDI •ox CARl ....... ,-~,..._ .......... ...., ........... _ •• ?,' ................ ...... !Jer& .. nt J1oyd Pet.eraoa of 211-The Di(k Powella, 1 ................. ,. ... •· ..... ,. rran~~ Hardiman -... ...... Newport Beach. '- Bay "L--u-,.,;. I~ ..:.-a._ 3 I. a a Dk?l ~ .. !lied -thelr wee?l__. =~ "'::..~,..,.~:"~ttc': L:JIIUI't:B liiUY K; Tile _.,... ., ca. _. -•--UWtr dlruiPt.er &Dd famllJ, wlllctll bu the ..-ord of ~ 0-. ... idenfa p·-~ IJik w1ll.,.. .._....,.,.-.,..._... 1& • ...s Mra. Jay ~ aDd liO cara a day, aec~nc to u ot· .1\el!t I.e, i!IRI. ,...., • .._. ..... an 7 -,_. -..pan ......... alld --ftclaJ maaa. It .. a part ol Use t ......... -..... -~ !'-....,. ~ AnDy TnMpor1aUoe Corpa. ~ •ua. ea .. o... ~,u..r•._......,......_,._.ll.._.._ _____________ _. ______ -. beadl IMiaM _, UW Dkll ...... -, _.,. • ll«w Ted! _... a 1n ~~ay ShorN will-....,..~~~__...,-. ..... -VAPOR BATHS "--plet.e ,...~. " ,.._ ~ ...,-c ~~orr .... • ..,._ .-Zo Th T '!'::: ~ ~ ~~ .. r.:-: .,.._ ot -· , _.,. ....,.. ne erapy reatment abWdwaa. Swedish and Medical Massages atara, are carried ......,.... IIIIa. ~ ~ .._ ._ .._ -~ a( ......,. ., ........ ..,. 1o .._ ............ ...,. Hydro Therapy t'UJMf of oo!f& boUa -hp _... -a ..-f!6 -... ~ SPECIAL TREATMENTS FOR lolr and Mra. Jolin .._.., ot ...... .......,.. ...... ...,.. OVERWElGin" •'""' UNDERu...,.GHT Lido llle took. c..U for a cnrAa ~ .. *-.. 0. J ,... IWU" "l!ol ::ewport Har1lor-........ =--... .= ... .., -fJ6 .... L --.EIIEM , . Ttle Jualor ...... --•. 1~ ~-_.... ..._. ' ........ c~aarS"e at ltln. "-'7 ~ ..,. ' ....... _. ...._ tw. ..... -. ............. ..... MIL R. A.. ()naieC.oL ,..,_ _. ...._ Gel Your Olllee Supplies Today '\. It~• lnDentory T rme! FIST We.,..~ as OG%1 lc a lnr as pomiblr of aD thP things you need to lwlp you in ,..,ur hrin aifdollwft in townao as to save you lifTW' and tnwl. Br _.. to Mk 18 if w. ha\Y wbat you nHd. Sear fill t11mr ~ell If Ill-..; no dealers; we reserve the riPt .. &.it 4 •lilies; Din tu not in~ludecl Add JtladUnr Rolls. ..ad. sillfS 1S-21k A vallabWty Certificata 8Ulheadta. Rull!cl--illaia or .. ..,.. 8~ a 1 to 14 Binder, 3-rtnc 8% Jl 11 llht!ll!ts $1..25 Onlh Regiltft' Ralk. ....... ~ ~sind~ dear linda .... CUp and Ardl 8oudll. ...... !Ilk .... .. aJp.. a. .... aad .-per ....... .... OolumnaJ' and Ao•wa4Mc ......_ • IIIIa Counter Owwb Credit and Deb~~ Pa.k Daily~ ...... 500 ... e-25 Dally Callll Sbefb. ,.., far c.!l5 Daten. 15c Delk mea. ~etten or lip! lila nr.rtJopa . Columbia CIMp ...... tD 10 Jl 15 Me .................. ~--..... , ... DL m Art C... bJ{I .... M .... M:'I._. ,,.. ...... -. DJih•tllll ..... ,. Folders. 7 • ~ ............ ..................... .. GuMIIn F a8111'l ..... ~IUI .................. , ...... ..... a, 8lp Q 1 rdl._.... INie-...... IDdn c:u.ll. .,.., ..... llldn ....... lnb Wrftinc, bottla or...,._ Stmdl. ......... IDik. • s' a lnW'I'IIOry SlwofU . ~ Bindml. R<tionaJ .... .,,.. ~ Fonm. notal')·. ~c. Lett~. aN>td. ttodts and oo1on printt'd lt~ J'l'T' your in!t1rurtioa18 ~Leaf~ ~Ta$ts MlJneol:nlph Stf'ftlik. talEr ll~ x 14 ~ Mucilagt- Nok Books. memo. etc .. asst sizes. plain or ruled Papn-. bonds. thin papers, colon or white. aD sizn. typewritrr. mimeograph Paprr dipl Payroll Recorda ~ IWdl. ..... coloftd. ch1aa martdnc. MWolr, automatic. stftqraphlc Pad~ a.. ........... ldndl Prb Boak f1llen. 8Y,: X 11 p ,.,. Slalap lloiltmu. china Rad7 liMier carbon fonns Rtuplluu Cardl printed to Ol'der Recelipll ...... ......... typewriters Rc.-llaaoPacJa Ralln SU.Boab s.1s Tu ERmption Carda. Form No. 103 Sltl-. For Rftlt. For SUr. etc Stamp.,.. Slatianft"y ol aD kmda Slatemeab. 8% Jl 5% SUpeonlu Roll Labels 11unbTacb Typewritft' Paper. •illte or canary JeCOndJ Typpwritft' Ribbons. aD makes DESK CALENDAR 19«-5 X 8 Complete with holder· ' . . room for Pach day of the yror. G<-t one today. Only $1.-90 Newport BalbOa News-Times ...... c-lnl. .......... l'llolle U ud lS . . 1 n I Rl H Elmc mate • Backe• l<fr. at Bootll Tbe d&J• of ll&a Drtve . ty dirt" c..uu W..O.'t. lM det acawil Mr. ('ll.qed ~t the Uw we trtude biD aD• cliiOAI. BWy ...-vera! :-·avy' ~nt.a. a n t.hel Calk hl<t fat llurllDI M'- I(UU I II 1' .. ., ( 1 l'f .. J S.L om -.. .. • \ NEWPORT-BAL.IIOA NEWS-1111D. Ntu .... _., Call01"116a. TI'ESDAY, JANUARY 11 , 1944 ------------~------------------------------------------~---- READ THESE LITTLE ADS -YOI WILL FIID SOMETHING YOU IEED OR CAl SELL Bank of Ameri(a Has Healthy Gain During the Year ~ubatantlal lncrt'!lWI In l<'lal rf'· eourrn . MJ'IOIIII• and ln\•ral m .. ntA aa well u enhllnrf'd 1 llpltal flmd• and an ln<'ri'A!M' In wrplua arrount . lfeatUI't'd a ri'C'ord y«'ar nf ~o:m•'1h fno• 0 11nk of Aml'ru·a ThiA I• ~­ flt'CII'<I In t h.-banll'a .tstrm.-nl o•t ro•notltlon 111 thl' dntM' of buam .. u Dtorembl'r 31. HH3 On Derembt-r I :'I, wrplua &<-rount W ANl~H Will ..._. f-.. .S c~fwdaJ~-.. t • '"'f' a f'r'• .lay --ca-Ell· r.IJrol -Jl'"Y-._. _,. ria)' )ard .. YX'UIIIIJ ('\~ ..... tolar F • r fu.rUwY Ulf~ ~all Mrs .J.-....... :wr7 ·~ A• ... s-~ ,_._,.._ a-a. • I waa ln<'u~d from 182.000.000 tn S7!i.OOO,OOO by the t ranmr t'f 113.· 000,000 from uno.tlvi~d profile &<-· 'count. A• a w.ult th# ballk'• &eed .r ling capacity Ia aupentt'd IJI till' With Ita lnCI'f'aaed \'OIWIW of WAf' produr Uon loana Total N'*>UI'C'n. the •at.,_. lahow.·a. Wrtf' lll.tt7.9l3.000, &Jl ln· cte .. of Jt::t.m .ooo """' a )'Mr ---------...;_-----------------~ ar~poelt.a totalled lli .• M .IU.a.. COSTA~ MESA IE-IS . ; .. ::'" of 1912.013.000 durinc u... ·--.... 0. ·-_. .....,, .. O. L CIULLY a 'llfttA~ WhUf' IC'Ian• and lll•ouat.a out- l at.ant.Unc at the yeer end. ~ • I ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a« lftplt'd S8 I 0, 8411.000, ~ ....... OS ...... ..... ._. ..... ....-YA MIA. CM.W. .. Elmer E. Backett, ~··~ t:cr brother. Lawrmce Waite, ot mate aDd tUa mother, Mn. C. V. Puo Roble.. B&cka. were ru..-. re~ntly ot lllu Carol)'ll ScbmJdt wu boa- lofr. and Kra. A. H. and L)'maa one at a b&rthd&y IUDcheon ho.l· Bootll ot Wettt AAabelm. eaed by Mrt. Grace Scbmldt and Tile W .C.T .U. wilt hold a.n all Kn. W. E. Cohn. daJ ..-on on Friday at the bome Mr. and Mn. c . G. Bbaw ot Bu· ol lllae 8ara.b Conallt, lW)I our \a A.Da ban p~ tbe rancb Drtve. II._ Conant. wbo Ia t'OUD· bome of Capt&lJI Walter A. Bauer ty dl~or Of lbe department of tn-on lrYtD at.....t. c.uUODaJ nlatJou o1 the , Vlaltlft• U.etr p-aDdpereat.a .-.. w .c. 't.u .. .w -uL. u.. ••" o1 ~. o.nw _, Bett1 w..u. •• the deputmer~t. A potluck hanch· were ,ueet. of the Geora• llortJ· -wW be .-ned. mert of On.nc• avenue. llr. and Kr•. li'1oyd Glbaun &r· l"ormer day• tn Kan8u were ,.._ r-.qed a d~ll.httul dinner event called when Mr. and Wf!. P. M. ~t Ule Santa AAa Cafe to mark 'nlompeoo oo Avncado rCrett •- tbe weddin• unlverarlea of their tertalned Mra. Ed.llb WeUer. triad~. Mr. aDd w~ Edward Sa· biD ucl Mr. and Mra. VlrJ11 hlr-r-.... BWy HlnNly baa been bome f•,r .wnral daya on leave from lbe :-;avy which ht! apeot with hie l"''" And. Mine Your Friends .. nt.a, Mr. and Wra. W. J . Hloelly An o~n boUM In Anaheim wa• n their 18th 81rffl hom~. lbe dNtlnaUon ~~ntly for Mr. cal~d nortb by ttl« IIIJ•t• ot I and lin. ~ r..aGD wtsm hi" father. Sam rt-awfl'l'd l~fl fur they wert rueet.a of Mr. ud Mhl. lluriiDJ'lOil. Wawhangton. c. A. Be~eldt. The ~ re- ,.._ Ttna Hu~ bad u ll<r tumed bome by way of Santa A.na oeueale recently, Mra. Ira Folt ond , wht!re th~y w .. r~ tbe dlnnel' rue ... of Mr. and Mra Lee Ecklea. l:rt.80t,OOO, IJIYM-ta Ia .ari- Uu, amoun~ to I2.015,UUOO. 10 ..... tnc,_..., J82t ..... ooo 0\'ft' tlw ......,_,. pnvloua year end. Larp ,.,.._. --.-~--,-WD--:n»=-:-..,-==-==w=-oa=-=-aa=-:•:-:•= chAM• ot U. 8 . Gonmmat eeeun-J l 11 ._~ ,.. • ,_ Ua &et'ounted for ap~ ...._ -~ ,._. _.. 97 per ceot ot lbla tae..-...S ,..t -.dt ..... .. .. broul'b\ the bank'• total ......_.. men\ Lll U... RCW'itlft to Sl..N4.· WAJna)-A .... -87 .._. IWW,OOO. -.... '-... F ..... Earllllp for U.. ~ .,.._ ..-llrr ' 2 1 ...., lit ..,.. .... erattq ••.--. ~ ~ ,_ nw. Mt-.J. .. .. taaee were PG,ll7.001. "'-..._ • ...,... TO -..n----. ..,.. total, ~.101.000 wu ,_.., w ......,. .._.1 .., .,.._ depnclaUGD ot ..... f!f ... ... -.._ t -... amort.la&Uan ot ...... ,._.._ ,.. ~. • • _,. a.n~P.Ml.OOO wu-.. Ia ,._ .,.... ... ...-&J• --no... • .,.. IIDd appUed to tile ......_ ..,. tina of ~ &ad tile rn 1 hM'._. of...U. After paymnt ot JtO,UJ ... Ill dJvideeda al Ule _... ...... ot $2 40 ~r ehare OD Ow --•ock and 12 per -.,. ca tile ,..... fei'Tf'd tlock. and after a prant ahartnr bonua Of ,t,S28,000 to ~­ ployeea. caplt&l fuode wen Ia· c~ued from earn!QCJ~ for UN' ,..... bJ M,TI6.000. .. ........... --···---· -c:a.o--"-'i IUL .,., .. ·---... ----........... -...._..., __ .. .......... F.,------· -.-........ _ ...... ,_ ... -..... ~-. ...... ____ ., -..._.. --"· ~ .... F-.~ ............... 1>1'1 r-n ~~I:' Ma plo• "''k "''' r,u1 "'••~~ ... ,n, l.rht ·u ••l1e'!' t.lr t4 t Hi•'fl• "' I\ II ... ,., "' "thl :--..1 1 ''" F ,,,., \l \lA I ... ..,,ft ~~~~·· \ S ffll I \•l&t llt i iH"' :u.t au-1 :1 II. "''It S ALt : ~•h.J 01ak ,.,l,.IUII"" taW«-• "" :•••t fU\ln,l r-..-a&t•ntt,tl\ ,no ~·I t r quu II -lr l'hunr l'kWl"'f1 %.31~ \\' ~ ~·I' W~-n:.t• ~mall flat l up •"•'""' • .,. ... Am • wurtllntc tclrl • • ~ t•all aftlr l 3() 1• "' I"-~ l'C-por1 ,.::8 w 3·11 t• POll l'IAI .. : ~hmm .. na ...... an•l -.11,.._ lfU .. IWf' dlftf'tlf' .. t .....,.,,It ut four t'hatr• &lkl ta· ._ ...,... .. eh&lr. allll draJW•.I prttarn. tapntry wall pWo<·• nre ..._ '"' .-ood rrr •·nat. &RoJ • fr•• ~ ••"'" a111clft ... at ~~ Afaria A.,..., (.'-ctf'l Mar M ......... •••M. 3·2\p POll ~ALZ If ,_ -s a aoo.J •--*" ._...._.. and .._, want nm ·st:nm.n l 'lo' .,,, 1111 · fh• •r loko Ill'\\ • \ nt r~•' \,. tt"''"''' rh'"'" ;-.; •• " '"''' :1 .": 1'111\ 1""1 111:1 t•: t\ 1 I -'"' ·'.'1 ft I" \I I 'I Ul """' f I Ill\ ,.., l•1f t fo\~ 1 l'f t1 \4 ,,, t'u • f~tu. ''' ,,, •• luw 1 "1th • ~td•lt••\ t 'ull t ~\d lw \\\t'l'll H *"' '"'' '"; I~ I p Ill :• :!1p I-t II "\IY II \\ to,l, II• 1o· ~ " 11111•• .t .. nolv l~·rlt~hlo• "''" 101= mot • hPh' '" l"•'tf•'• t "''ltk\n~ , ... trr I' •t..• tt ft , '",. "Uh ynu r,., ) )l! ••• ''":'\ t'tnnt:•· A \t' '·~""'K M t':O.It ' I pth•llf7 S··" , •.•• ' t ~I t \\ :1 ~·I' ,., II(' '""" 'h a n tht•••• tH•''''h" ,,J~.,t •r\4t •h•• lul.-1)' hkt• ""'" lhr"llflhoollt 1'~11'• •••I 111 t !\.'1 1111 ~e .... At 1\0 11: 1111 h ~~ tn ,.,. •• ,. Ill•·-"' phoon•· New I"''' 4:!:1 • :1 2tp ~·, •II ~A I.t: 1(,., II ll I)' • loah\ "'"h tho• ~lllo!litly III'C'tl hll•otorll. \\ hll,. '"'' 1i fool.lorll( at1111 I 11k•• All.>etl t•t.a .. ,. 111 l'u•ta lat'M ur ,,,. .... :-: .... 1 ... ,, 1:'>:111 M :1 :up \\' ANTr.l • \\'hal • oo>ok lll • N"l m <..-h, unl""" 't no a hlr lo• hll)' a la\t' Rh,.JPI lat>lf' \••p JU IAIII(f' r~uy •-on t'tl,,n• Mr'a ll••••k• •t s ... , ... rt t1'83 J 3 2t1• W A !liT~': I • I n....-d a l"'lr uf IM'al•• l<l ,. t'l"h •·U~ f" H'k-...• blat>y Wtll ,_t ur buy ..,....,,. N•wa••rl :t:n~ w .. ,. '""•• ~-:np · Ut:.<\ I. t :.'4T A Tt: . --"'''" ~\1.1-: 'l'loo ••••tu l••l ~ lao'lllll l l 'llll :4AI.l•: II•·•··~ '""' ,,, 1h•18e ttu,•u h •t•· 1 1 tu !'\•'\P•''' 1 l~:t~d t, • .,_.t •ut,,lr.,., t:o•.MJ utflt lt•••·ttt• It,. • ~·lltlh\\'"""', ''"h"' h, ,..,, 1.,, .. ,,,,, ut •.. " ol:•·ttt run· '\ld 4 ·~,, ''' \ t,,, "I ''"'' 1\,•IIILt AVt' A I .... ,' "'ll J t ';\,l s:·•"' dt•\\ n t~-dt~ltt I t'U "'\ t'ltotllt• ~-" ...... ~(t,, .1 ltv \\ ·~·tlo ~· ,, ~ :I IIII I \' J HI,. I 1\\ II• \ I ;:tff\ J ,.,,. t\ut:•·t··• ••ht'"'' .. ,..,U ~A l .tl· ~.·t ••t unttttr•l tlrHpM. :1 •• ,,.1 1 \1\t~ultl lw-itl•nl tn r ""''ru.,11 \I· •i• •ttw nu,tul ""'t:••t,,l,lr tun ~'I ol( :-<~ J,l•' I'\\" 11111'1 )' II udJotoll No•Wt"'" 711:\ \\' !'·2tr Ill•' ..... Ill ..... .-r•'"''llll I\''""" I \\.'AN .... :1• ~··w 'wlu•l ...... I of'4!d •h'l M ru 11:,, t'llt•ul l11i ull•Ul ••U •n ,.1~, t t t.· .,.~,••l: bl a•·htt ... I'Nf· ,,,'"" lh·tth ,,, ''"""' Uh\''' ~tn l ••••••ty • !'<Ctrl£••r ~· r all aue at I'' 1• ···I "' Pill\ •• ,:.,, ,,_, ' •• h I S4'" I' • I ~H'-l \\' .. ,. '~·~ :-;,."1' 11 11•;1 ,I I .'1•• noan :1 Jtp I 'loll ~A 1.1-' II•'" III I lui h••nor In \\'A N 1'to:p If \'•'II ha\·e a I <JOII t '.• .. ta M· ••• "'"" '"'~·halt acl'\' lllk'•l elt•••lrll' tt'ftla•ratvr that j;l•"l11ol Ill< Joutllllol !'11\o'ltO'II )'"n t, )•1\1 ~"\ltoJ hkl' IO II,MI 11\~11 •l"ulolo• 11•• •a:... • loh lu•n "'I"IJo quh'k o·a•h 11hutw ~rl Wt•Jntf'e ottrnl t:l• 1 tnlv lhl'~r a mi '"'"' at Nr '"'l\tlrl Hliii•W 3-21p hall y•·An o•lot ""'' wtll .. 11 fllr· -----nl~lu ·I r .. r lt141l0 "' unf11r111ah••l I W ANTIIO lt'e lmpoa&bl• to rt f•, Sfl "''-' :lllfl to~ '"'h '" t.a11 '"""''ry olune anymnr..,. l'd lllte ''""' Ph~'"" 1:'1117 \V I t.o huy • \1-1 ,.....,Ina m&e!!laf'. Nul rartlrutar a• tn ma\e ·or ... till I'IAI.t~ U11lld ~our fulu~ 1\ontlr l 1'..C "'1 It'll run PtlnM """'• • n I hi• • huh,. oonco a .. ·r .. t•ol N•wport 100 ud .,... for Mra. "' c ·,...,a ..,,... ~:lf'<'lrlrll y, a••· c 'onprr . 1-1\.p "11t rr alrrllol;v tlltlf'<l t700 00 full 1111, ,. t..-~o·alo•ll "' 'lOtH 'Mutrln tel t 't..Ca ....... "'"r tlrtalle I'"' >nl' N••1••rt 4 2~7 I·Jtp 111 '1111\' ,, ,. .... """' lh .. ._I'll 1""1'• r1 \ ll•••no HaiM, tut~h•n ''''' loat h~"''"' aii"WI't , n•wly ''" "~'"" "'*''-and uut. mod· ,.,., 1 .. 1 ;~n, Jill tlnr vlt'W, nn •-•IIRII'llh I'Tll'e t'llOO Wan. tlrry. 411 ttahll• Rt , 1'\}1una del M•• 3-~p P'Oit &A.l.a-H--1 ... -· o. ............ ,, •• .-.. c~ W ANTill(). Yep. me tool I IMH a """'' wUihlnc .-clltne lf ,..., aa.ve -or •ft•ow tbe ..,.,.._ aa.out.e. ,a-Mt .... .,.,. Mre. Kapper. •n atwwt at . OlleU .,,... l'hon" Newpon 2U.. .... run ""1..1: • rea~ ...... .. ,oo.~n.., ttoYe &o '** wtU.I A l'rlmmer ha.b-ovea. wUte ~ ....... "" ............... ., .... t'tlltdltiOft. Oan be ... at ,. •lvw.r IM .. Ollla .,._ a. .. , a ~at~ I~ tt. call_ .......... at rcrwpon 1201 ~Al¥. -' ~ -wan.lrutw I ti'U.IUI In bf'el ('( ...,_. Tu tlo' eo&.J at • fn.< \ltAI "' Ita ur\llnal ..... m r. um• 11t "' <"-ta • ..... Of Jlh• .. ~ .. , •:lbb•na at L.Ar._ ~ .._ttM._Qtln,-'et. .., ... , Iller I"-I'OJl~- ,_ eAU~-..._,. Mtt~. •"''• ro~-p.wt nn w a-. ,.._,.t. l'C_.. ncow· --3'2t11 MllHJ(:AJ. INMTJl\!•&N'iJI- 1 --- ,,)1\ .,. .... • .. IMiny ,_ title """' ·• 1 atuctelilaal., elo "" .. . ~. ~~~......, wlltl .......... . .n.c w ~,..._ 111 1a tlnr BDI WANTED _.w.... .... .,,... ItO ver-I WAN"n:ll Walt,..... ., Mll\80'1 ··\Itt MAl¥. MellhiBI ara1111 P'a· uu H )'"II'Y• ..... n lottoklna fm • ..... Ollila ._ or .... "-· c 'alf' 2MO N-..:>rt Yl\'d . nnrtJ1 ,_. •~K. 1-Jqt (',..a ...... ar~ ,,..,.. Army plan" "''"'' , .... lhl• ,,.,. up t•n Mr. t."a•lala. ttlf l"owler Rt l-o.«a Mt>M ~ phuni Nrw --.... ~ ....... ~. -._w_..,._ .. r..,.. ,.._. __. 1e-W .. ON . .... ,._ .................... ,. .. , ... , .. -- r1011 13112 a.np A 1~ &.... I 1•-.J Sat· att.r · n••-aad :\II dM ;.t IJu.Dda ye Mn Cllu~UI f'hoM NrtWpcort A22 ·W I.,;Ut !CAl¥. l'lall<', I'IUOI t'tmdl 1·2tt' Ut~n 1'1""'• ll••l~·rt IG1• 3·\lp HI~" WANlt:D-Goi•M,., _.,..,.. .. ,lit 14Al.Jo: Ulbotoon bca.njo, a ,..;; til, 1!111 H"Mt•••. -Lib Itt I)' fur 1•11 00, 31 .. IU\41 2• pttrb "'•••· •••• '•'•· .,. • ..,..,,, ... ,,. w ... u ... boat propellnr Jll 00. 1·"' Allin rut Iron oil heatu IUid two .. r. 0\'t'Nrhe &ad uUwr ectne. t lwaed ..,. l"lvate Nrt*. '~'ate· phon• Ut·W 1-IIft rntt "AL& •tao ~ ta-Ilor IIOciM .... p&Jat. ..&_.,. ~ 00 rull pne.. ... ._,.*"" at 1100 11: o.totraJ. Dalboa. P'OfUlALa-·Ji ~ .....;: -- ,,._ ,.,,_ •• ·"· - w. Central""··~-...... . .... .-••"' ... .., -·• ...... ...... Ht:L" WAN'TID-Oori '" c•••" I ---.-, ... --. "'l"·•rllom•. une \t'n and ~ ttl· ")ft ""ur, lt31 ti'•N ~'· ................... ,..,.._. ,_.... h't • ._.. H•rM t -..vtl.-e '--•"" -.......... fer e .. lc.. ••r .,.. Cl••no•o. 111 P•om 1M , ,, .. " tcallun capacity l"t\utM Wr. ''""' N~ndltlutt. tl1tl 21M •· x .. wall at N.-wJ'tort 1103·W 3·2tp ('rnh al """', R&lboa 1-J\AI Thf' Charlea Swan.c:)ll• of Santa Ana were w~ll-end J{UHta In tbt F . J . Callln home on Lido Iale. Kr•. Swanaon Ia tbe daupter of Mrt. CaUin. that elM .. l"f'CUpa'&l.l.. 8icd)' from the emercer~cy appendertoa)' ·or '"'hlcb •tw wu naabed to tile boepltal two weeke qo. !1M Ill home now and 1ble to eee a.rr frtendll. .-. I•' _,.. ·-ef I 14 A..A ...... 101 I'C I · I ~~ lit SAl.l: Hawaiian 8IMI!rllltar -.-•a•o .. _ .... -~ c , • .__ .. ., lh t Jl te at--• t , .... 00 ----· -..........__ T ec1 .._ ...... I FOR sa• .. bn.\JLTRV a rea y a ... a .... . ,., ~,. ......,.. ,_,. ..._. ._ ' · · ,.__..u _ Call O.nraf' (.,..af'll at N_,ot1 ~ ... .... --.... .... ~.a. ..... I !'HOI'F.'fl rtAU81T1tY Rt,-.\J'h 1T111·J K 3·2tp nm I'AI.II! ,..,, f'wd ~ .... I IIOd Mlftdlllon..c: ... &. O.traJ A.... a.• The many 1rieDde ot Mrs. H. E. Beclltold of Coral Avenue oo Bal· ~------------bO& lllaDd will .. l1&d to luloow Reve~nd Cbaria Hand .... .......,. U.. CIDIJ outa6de repte-tattw rl the enUre famUJ f(W -• ~~ u t t;.-y ba ve all bHft CCilftel'd t o t8rir t-.... - -0 & .,../ -..-.. IIIJPPLID I u.n. m...t ratlt>n rotnla by M ¥· -~LR "'""--.... ~ ~ ~ ....... ~ ..... ;:;:-a= 1"0 _.,.-_-.... U-1-,-a-... -_-_,11 tnr • ,..M'IIIv onhloll ollnnM' IIUI .... -. "•" "'''"• 111 Dl-..4, •tCYCl.a....._.., ,...... _. ,., ......... -...... .......... ..,.... ... -.. rl.. A" • •-.,. -----· -• Wa.T _,, .., .,. -frum Sh•••• • on c•,_.to ,.,.,..., ·-...... ---· "-~·t ....... frr ......... • ................. . •• --1'--""·• ',..,. Wt\1'1• •l""llltii•'IUI Jtri'YaiiiO l'ht)ol" l:nme W1t": 4 u tn a ~e · or,....... AAIW'I'B (x.E fti._AY ... _ ........ , ..... NEWPORT TACKI..E ITOU "Pop" Glbbl, Manaaer (F-riJ a.-, Am) BAIT ... TACKLE ... flSHING INFORMATION NEWPORT BEACH "decree. Mr• J ohn Thret, 10,..11U. ......,_ If ) .... "'lo•olai.nc ffl' rorel .._...... Ia In thr Ranta Ana Cc>Dlm-•h· _.. ... Utrille ~ • ._, .,.__ htM1p1tal rN.·uperallnr; r~ a ~-~ t fw. ~•*""""'I p,_. ..-,n sn... Jor o~rallon perlurmed 1aaJ •·•• •tay J~a~u&•,-ll l"nr • ..., •• ~ Hr r family rt'port that ak Ia ._ f •'•" that u.r .,.~ .. k • ..., ZSJ lng n lc•ly ..,..._ fA 1.-. ..,._. ...,.... N .-BaiL--la nd v.·a. ra~ to Loa A.nceka ..,.._ Tar·• """OW'Y .......-.-...re -1 Mr•. A. J . Ruttcor ut Ba.lbola ll-,ltart.nr • a11 ..tfn1 to .. ,. ....,. 111ae1. wt:.a. .. ,..,..'"' .. r-k '" DIP .J.,.,. v .. ur .. ,.,,., tu Nt·V.'J••tt 4:l3 ,., illlll IJ-' hull ~-,,.1 olt·,..•rlpllon •hi\'• '" _.,,, ~· ltllh so ~-II• ... ~ to ft Jol s '"" tlltl'i lrll Bt., ~n '''''1:" 3·2h' ......._ .... k •• ... d ,, ..... ., _,_... ~,..,, .. , And P~f U ......... ~LVAGL AND loi r e; co -W c->1ral A-,. .. ZJal w ,. "' --'\" ., '"''' ... I D AY .. P LC IAL .... ... fltoud •••t•d .... " .. , . ._,,., 14( Hw•' ~. tfw; .. _,,..., l.ttt IO"'U .L UI: RI I!I!ON tfATL HI"¥ •n• w ~'" .,, ..... I ltc eWpvii-UVII cauw of the lllnf'M of hf'r IDOUwr ilnportA8t ~ Uf' ·--· ., N £ W S -T I M £ S Flodin~ a welc'>me boaptt&lit)' ~ tn .., .... rea ._.. nf P'HONEII 11 a II at tht! t.tarl• N"''IIUid hoaMo mrer ._.._ tJw. .._ .. • ..... H B -~~----·--=---------- ......... J:Yery ~y UMI Tluu .. day Aftera_. Volwae XXXVI the week-end, M ... Marie N-·tand 1 tounwy Tllory &leo ..._. ot a a aol18EROI.D and Petty Ofllur Kt'flDdh Han-ctd I fn<,t ... ~ lMI ..... 7 .. , Sebic:rtpUon Payable ln Advance:--12.!50 per~ 18 0rutp Oluntr. ~ma.lned until Sunday aftrr at-J•~ 8Dd Ill _,,. I$ ,._. <:o~<t 12.'7'5 s»r ~81' eo tth zone; SJ.OO per yev to lth zone. lendln& • Jarce btrtlwlaJ cddln· So ,.,. lt!ftotl. ,_ ...... ......u.D l:lntered u s.conct-a... mattft' at tM ~ a Newpeit ....... t10o on Friday at that bo.e. I f-...,."_.,... · ,,. ~ 1 CaUromla.. Ulllkr U.. .v.t ol lluda I. U?l. ----,...-t ,.._ a-.. I ---------EXCHANGE AH'Y RAGa TOOA Y 1 ~·D ---· ••-· ~­...... --.,..,_., .... --.--· ... --.-... ...,7_1 ......... y,.., l(llt'~~ l r lhu• t ·.,.,lot ,,., All "' '"" kn•·'" wloa,t "'" r·hanl(r ola \' I• Ill' II II( .,.,.,1 fur 11 l mrm•-n•l t•l•• qur tur uur -·r vh ,. m,.n ,..11 ltllnttn~et•'" lh'a. h lltltlo So h·~•l .. ._ .. ,, ""•'"• " plarqu~ f(W Ita •rvtr,.mrn rull ul hollor All ---'T-.,._ .t .. s. L MEYER mrn>A ~ IIANAGD They parted at·~~--.nl7 ........... -~ .. ~-.., .... " ----mrn '""" .. at•• lb .. AITVIt'r lttll Ol'ftCJAL PAPER OF 'l'IIB CITY 01' NitWI'OBT III!ACM She whlept'n'd wllh a eictl. ,...-. ot • KAUTY HINT muatha •'••r lrn1na , ... •h•.oul 'TTl be homt tomon-ow ~ H ... ~ c-..... fl# d twert To '""ent lipelck from comlnl wtll h•v• thrlr n•mH ,.nrr•vf'<t '"' A Dep~•d•ble Loeal ......_ J'• 0.. My.,. He a.naweM, "So ..ut L" ... l'lldipoa.. ._. u!f eet ont~ alter applylnc lt. ------~~~~~=---------------------------~----SNOODLES (1 oe., 11 JINIIe ... -.~a n 1 A&) ~ ... · --~~~------~~====~ u u .... -. .... , • • ~"' M~ltT ·~ Of" ••tt£ nA LCW~- By Charles McManus -coo IIIP 01 · · · · · • · . . : ... ,,_,~.f~/: · WITN WAI IDIDI • . . . . . . . '• . . . . . W A NTY.O f'rtv"t" patty wtU Pf111 •aw.C ,.,..,. (nr •n rl•••l rl•• w ... 1111( ••..,·htro.. l'hom11 N"wport 117.1 ...... u ..... ,,. W A N'l' .. :l> Want In '"'Y tlf\fl &•ond •t,..lrlt• hHI~'r 1'1.....,. t aU ltn llrl•t(fll at NPWpoF"t l &Tll a-ltp Professional Directory __ _ ----------------~l r---------------------Oord011 II. Orultdy, II. D. ..,... ....... ...... N .............. A .. Offtee .......... ~· ...... y I B, H 17 LI:IIOY P. ANDI:IIIION .a~.awuw 0.0. .......... . ..... o..-.... OtVrntDI JLUOUJ a. ouva. aura.·-- '""8ro.a=:L~~" .............. o.o. ..._ om • BUY NOW Oty Tax Sale LoCI A. I . IWWI MOMII ... Of...,_._ ~ ..... ..... OON&AD 810ifTBIII. •• D. ft» 'd -... II 0..11'1 .... ...... ,..,... --.a .............. H._ a " II t'W I 1•1 ... ,.., .Jli;Ji;, !.l&hJ11 ••• -.................. _..__ ...-~-~.,.. Dr •. M.D. Cnwf_. ....•..... , ... e ,-;rc.._,..... ..=r.::~=-.1 a&Jft ..-t'VOI' m.,.l., .... Ul Ortllt .._ I e.r-...... r .~ ... } ..... .......... ·-a.:W::: ~~, N.D.0.\811 •••••• ..... ., ... ~ ... ~ .... ... ...... __ .._..._._ .... WHO'S WHO II HARBOR DISTRICT nttr:rr .. u ·r: A~n tUNOUHo wonn- lf W Wr1~tht. ITM ~pt.-IIIYd., Co1U MI!NI UN'd l.umt~r. f"h 6:1&-1 HF.~P:RAt. f ft~TkAf"TOR- C".<•r"''" n f'tnl1111y, 3410 Coalt Bl..,, l'h. to2 Pla'ft. ""'' C"nn•tnH'tJan. t.r~ftp;ft C'OMPANfr:"- C",,.t,. M.-11 l .hr f 'tr "IAt Uti hf'lp )'IIIJ pl11n y'Jtrr hn~ "tl'hnnr 41. Ju.y Ol•l rlr t f.•1mhf'r Co. P'honf' II~. (M~t lllr.:hw•y et Arr"-. UYt"IL'J!: fll.:I'I'I.IF."'- N"wl"'rt ll"rhor Puhllllh.lna Co., ~"hone.:~ 1J • 1:\, Newpo11 o..m. f'RI"Tillltt- •Nt-wa,.,rt "'"tww PublleNnr Co., PhoN.: 12 II . ...,,...._.., -...riL IIF.AI. P:NTAT1t, INNfJilANCK a NOTARY rTJBUo- 1-If W•llaf'f' 2201 W. Olntral A"'*-~ ~ ln"'ftr.R IITA,.,.._ Nt'Wpt)rt HJ!rt.or ~Ott.,,.._.: 12 13, Nrwport ..... llllr.ICT MET 41. WOAA- V'IIN "'"'"''*'• a a-t MMI ...... OMia Mf!M.. ....._ :n& y Aau:TY ...-o.a- ....... ..._.. Y~ IMt .. 1lc, Jk ud up ...... 2JU·W • NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS.~ Newport Beach, Oautomll, 'JUESDAY, JANUARY 11, 1944 ----~----------------- Harbor Business and Professional Members Learn About Women in Aircraft Production Harbor Feminine A t • • t • 1 Ebell Opens New Year With Empbqis C } VI IeS,on Good Neighbor Undentanding 0p1!ai.n, t..w ---wtUs a Dnu~\u pbJitll 1'1v.at •11:1:~..Uone .-.a-wn-..d at Helllz K.--. l a C)(fft'IP<t th•• way •hk n ar~ f•aal· Catheonnc Ea~1on, Sodt•t y Repurtf'r • )•hones 12 and 13 • ,...,...._,. Ul" Hartlor B &114 t> bW .,,. put min elf~ Woe:• ~• toW 111 a m«1111 tnt.f'r-..._.,.. .... ~t at thl" m~I'Unr; e~~tt.nc m&DMT abnu1 aD ttw t)l,.-11 ....-re r.:JIM bt'lb Ban catt Sora fill ,__..,._ .-tudl •~ _......I ..... ~ w .. bb. Malolrw-.1 ...,,. k· IIFie M ~t .....tmlt: pel1 that bart earo~n .. K .-nn ... ty C'•th .. rrn Mother Needs Extra Help From Family Now More Than Ever •Pullht> South in four .\iouah' With SauMage! tbe-.. aircraft ~tlom -priw f'arol't"la!Uipn wh ' .. e to ~ croup ... Ulr l fth' W'OIII.. .-f'lllhf'r r<l til .. Aln:T'&ft 111-Jlne' ~u nf 1M l~ouglal' GrWaD1DlWOII. Sbe -_. llltf':.fll<'f'OI ., the pncraa c~ L,.ua 8lralll. A ~" ot till' unt-rr,....t' llt.e Ptaaapn bokb ~~~ In .....,... l&lld d,_a an•t ....., a tadlou aDd ,.. artroN. bt-f"ft .-aaWyinc t.,.-bfor .,...-t po.-ttnn ~ er? ~ tr--m ·~t• tu ~ ot ;o ,.~ •btl .,. ....... ~'f'fllc ...,.1r adJWolm'niA to mak• to nt Uwm fM" _. .. e> .. ar pt.aDt.e. t1w llf"'U~ lbll'd n-mllC tt- .. of ~-a. Ow 6 to IS ~· ~ baft Uw ~t-altlll bi!GW ~ ... ~eel. for. UIIJne tb•y n.,.,. -e '" ~..,_. tbru h!tl. lam· Gy at ,_., tbo-)' t&I\Qoo.C 1w 1~ ,..._.. •tf'ic1rftt at ........ .._ ~ aid Tbf'p "' a ..rrif'r ID tar....,.,--~ 1.-•·•.na t!rr -~ ~ aDtt olfrr MC· _.,...,. for Ulf'tr ••w-e ,_ ..-r Jllart1all· bile pw1t ..-.ctll -• -t,.,.. • f ..t( aft' C: I ' Drd to _..,. .. e.n.f .-~ for Uwtr ~ ~ .... Flan.a,p.D •ll· ........ ftle ..,..a.« ..... f/1 .... -- "" ... 4 $)= ..... -...... Frequent Foursome --Meets With Mrs. Bend r ran,LIIJI w n~ K~•...-r W1na H,., ...,..,. lr'e SaY"-r At'n<'• HI om· qw.t ~-llt1rvath lll lr lito·tw h P orth,... " ·.,.... l.'\flla ~•rain Ioiii· ,......., .:O:rAnl•, t-'"vfl" )t•••r..-t;r•·Ut7\ Tu.,.,_ Al·la r,,f'\••n JJir,nr "'"'' k 1111•! V•rc•nla ~turl•v b, n .. at m""''" E ••II tw ••n Jan uary ;!I a t U"1n7 KllllW'" "11h 1':,·~ _w,., r .. u ( h~ r man Church Choir Members Feted f"llnwtblt •t•r' v..-.. k h J•r.u tlt-·• ••' tlw f'nrrtrunlh t'hllr• h l~lf•lr. thr _.,ben rr•th• , .... J "' I hi' humf' nf Mr and Wre ttratf],.·.· tlu~:h.-~ •" .otb Jltr•'t In S•'A I••rt I~IJt h w'b•r• • ,., ...-• ' ~··: •. •• I r• "f?'tlh· fft.#[,, .... \ t~ ~·-1 · ""11 rtu'Kr ,...,_m~ rr ... «Hlt "'• ,, Mr an•l ,..,, I 1. ft,.\'n•·ltl~ ~lr an•l Wn f't1 H<-r If•• II ~I· "'"ttl•·~ AI bM1 """"" \'.-.t• Thoomptooon. JH - -f'lolr<f IU'•I t;..o nll1r F.dlt k If._ .J .. anrw F' • .Jh 11 an.l ,.......,T,. If IL ......_ FU\d tt K llr lllurtr)' Dan Pakh HOlM For 72 Hoar l..ftv~ .. Mh•·• •~ ".,,,k1na.: In 11 .. ·ar pllttll ~~o hlo h "·'" ~l lt•llrnllnt•(l :\nt1 ,,., 'd•·•l 111• t•r•,.hu·t ,i,n nauKh···· '" ''"""•line •• II•·.:•· th1ol na.i fl r '~" .. t•u Jrn• ,. t•rua,:nurl. Hu: thr Atr ha8 I'I,."•··J du"\'n lll••:r-'a J•·h ' an•l th•.o "' .. m··lhlnc •·h••·h ""•·r.· m"mh<>r "' lhl' fnmllv ~h•ual I 1111!•• tnt" r ur~tud ... r atu.n "'1"h,•r•• •• nn ,.lrnnanl{ "''•man •u tulp t;('' l.U1\' rn•#~,.~. fur H ..... ,,.,. \4 tHifl httiUW·lutliJ \A fH k••rJ4 ,f I • 1'1 c 11~ "I" ll hilnl.rl t'han ... ,., '"'' lltl•• •!••8 m•••1 ur all ' ( tht· h tUl ly l~tun•'r\' Thr l"ft.-t}; 'I'" l n,,, ,b Jth•• ''" ·ol lu "'hlp 11p IHt· I h II~' <tf \'II' ,...... ~ht• hkll It• llll.lot·· h 'I ( ....... • • mo·ol lw•" hn•ll >n"t•·>~ I ,,f t:oklnJ: 1' r•-.tth· tu h ... at ••ut ••' • · . ., '" '"nlnK h.-r rn .. :l! .. •~ • orup!i ..,..,,..f , ... 1t1" f1111 th.ot •' • 1•.:oy • .,, 1 ... :.hi" 111 fanot th• •• "''l l1l11 • •• ,..-h •h•• h~tlt lm IIIII• <I Ill h• r l•lttl" Uhff fT\U~t d f t ,., o. +JI ntl w ••. !,•I II UIIn~ ~IHI(II•IIll: I •t•l, t;o~• ~ '" h,. •tr thrirf+' lh.-I em•• •' ~~~~· •• •' I Hh•• hllJI t,. tlln \' I.• r ""., F klo:SII 1.0rla u ueaae eak ... ertap 101 r •, .. ,. ant1 l'l6n'l o!• ....... ,, • n ,.,,. anti l1ruwn and •PICJ, IU,.Dd t1 m11\ • :u 111 ol11 It ""h •llo •I thla ewl rl of muhed •••t .tot•· !-' · rrullt rlam :.1. 1 ntrl•tl tat·• wll b plum-IWrd nlalu In rlr·trll' "''" nnrf' "'''"H t-n~··· ,.:,Jit ••"r' forkful, and round• of water· • ult!... anol •h,. mRy 1u1v • J<ol••·n 111~lo11 plrkle nna•b • tllat ...,tt At\rr ttw ..,.. .. J llhur1 ""'"• ur• 1:• mr •lrraamakrnl(. I•" on ,,. porll-•eat lla•or. ~ ...,. ...t.am '"-IIPf'lD« ar• d ··r : .. ,. mblll lh~ lnl'r"·••••l "'"'1 Get Out the Skillet. U.. • Uw 8oliUI Panf•r . Dan t>l tlnU1n lnlll .. ~ .,: •lurrr•n,: lt'a .. ., .. ,. Tl"'e htftl. -o1 lifr _, Mn. t. L I :I•· •• "" 10 tht ~earha :,. • .n ,n•· r.lda flit tZf 1:1 IIJodtfte &Yfli~.•IT't -.t ~tr ~~ ttlf'm "•'T ~ ~ --41uu~ N-........ 1offt 8UIIday f•~rl -lvaJf'. and ,..v~ anll at rAin tat ll&u..,eaeta people to table ••lcbr -r-~ tbao V-meal! Lila• aU ••t. ,orll ,_ f'lnll _._ ., • ,_._ ~ ~ •lwTI" ..,. la lbii•Jned , tnllt,..•l .. r thr .. wln~t II ew•y •uuc• •uppiiM tbe •ttaJIJ a.por· ... p 1 .,.. ..._ -,rot. .........,. • If "''m" .. r h~>r rlf'O'trit· .-quip· tut eompl~ta ,.-otela ,_ w 1 _.. a I By 1e ..,... f• A ........... of HaJ1)of Hlc1t In m"''t h&A ,..,rn out. t·hancf'tl arf' .-rowtla aDd re~lr ... ..-ual ' t ... -.a--.t ·u: Dee • -a ~ %nd : ahr may nttl br eble to replace II. em lao aclcla •'k ' aN Mot t. be ....... ........... .. Ule .._. fll a.-• tJw JlfeY)' -~ to L"l but mual 1:" hat· II tu tln tnr thniW' I fo .. cl Ia "••t ntaettt•lell"'. n--. .... -....r • ••pt41 ..,..._ ~r He )lu &H-n • ,...,. lhf' hard '!'&y In a ••orltl I•IIOrllnt &•lta•lu ... -llal ...._ J ~ -c.u ~bel wrv\t .. tha t hu '-n llpH'<Jf'd up. the }ob •lurall are t'ere ..... ., Ia ••· _...... ........_ 1 ~ h .. 1 .. o.-~ 1 dl MCt>. u well u la .otller....,. 10 llbs. • ._ -~.... 1M .,._.. tlw .,_ Hf'brl •. -. Ol brrt 1'" atiW""'I' n~~: nu ,..,..., 8 OWP let tllla food frleH fiA for.w ....... . ..... _.. ,_ .._ ....,._ ,.,.., .... ManlleiJ ....._,.. wlwrr bU. df~ I lui daJI •ah ..... oC ..... ... lun•·h anti supper too! Reclpee te f!Uide )'OU aiOD~ lbe PIUMCI ~ IO bllancf'd Dll'l&.ll (OIIOW; So11lhtrn lauuee Ptetter I po•uu•l t>llrll Milk .,.,;: .... ~ weal !'alt an4 ....,._ ' ··~·· 1>1•1&1•-)'k.lll ..... ...,....e .. <"'lP r~llhl& rta• Pa...&e7 P'orm aauu1e aeat Into I ,.tea J'laef' ID cold llliUeL Cook U..-tJ, turniD& lo eooll eftDIJ, •tUI W!R brnwnt'd lhrou&laoat, •raratq .. lat all It accum•lata llull pota.- toee: add ralalna. Add .. ._ .. aUIE In ruall• J)OIAt-luW)', lleatlq la well. Seuon wltl aalt ucl ,..,,.r. H~at. On platter, arranp moll .. of awMt J)OIAt-I• etDtlr; e•rroua• with &IDN&t pattln •eb top,_. wllb piece of watermeloa rlll4.. Oarnlab wllll panaltJ. It •Mired, m1ke 1raY)' wllJI •uaa• •rtppl .... S."u '-.._ c: I' t.M a.. 1111w .,..1..., .... ......a Jap _._ -~~ t o P:vl'n th11111:h the m•mbtn uf I . ........ -•ra. tL ... Ollllle..l .. cndL tbl-houllt'h~d a re all IM .. tf'r than I N T s Ed w· d ... ..... ...... ... lila' 0.. .. rwtun Lo c-bet duly UIIUIII th~y 1'&11 N'llt'\'1' thl' llrllln Former ews-ime ociety itor e Residence Phone 69().. W New Appointments Made for the BYC ; A ... rtGtk !IOU.-.. ~lr •,...,.._...!...,. .lira IL ,._ DMta . .,._ 7bur .. tav ••he-n F:brll brld Uw (ant tar •dl ~ lin. Joll.l T-~lt · or Ul -· ~·tar m ttw-1 -· ~ ot Uw fiiCUJty ~ uw d•bbouw WIUl )Ira_ Vtrtuc s..t& ._ ,_.. ~o. sfto ~ • Grac~ pr~. UW «TTUP --c ......,. "'-..._ • 8GIIta ~ "Mv ("nomlry -rt.. ot ,._ •. follrow'· lira. _,......_ ill llolfot, .. .., Nl ·by )ln.· ~e """-'-cbair ...._ PaDoa aDd -nw. -'--- man uf ratnoUam f..,.~ uiCrr"t.. t, ~: allo '"Cn.Ddma 'Ira'· As a rt"ault uf the monthl)' mert· ••ho lf'd 1n Ulf' aJute to UW na. ·1• ~..,ttl-toy .......,. lng eor the boanl of d•rector11 of t.bf' and thf'n P'~ a -'""" 4o ltno-:11· A -~~on .. , ~ :VH f/t Balboa Yatcht Oub held ann the lion nt a pal.rloUc pwm. ~-aa1 ~ In "'~·e \\' .. regular Saturday n1cht dinner at The lpeUft" CJI t.ftl.attf'n!~-"'!0 ,~ l ~l•o Am .. nra. tlw ~Jr•r -. which Bpproxlmately 40 were pre1-1 W'dl ~ to ,...,_ lwr lk'Oial ent, the following. otrlcm were COMING EVENTS rtb td ~ electt'd: •·· eo.-mc u... pnCJ"&II!. :ra -C F.. Halnu. J>trt C&ptaln to WEDNESDAY, JAN. 12-.,. •• ~ ty 1!n. \\' D .)fendrel IIUC<'t't'<l Mr Wayne B. HarJWr. Mr.' C'epiUa C11'de •Ill mHt at thrl .,._, boT com.ua~ Jack Grf'ent'. F1eet Captain to .uc-1 hom~ of Mrs. F'ranns C a. l fiS.". __ _ ceed Mr. f '. C. Brewer ; •tra. Grace , Pac1f1c Drive. C'uroaa drl liar at I ... -:-&.bor ~­ (Jack) GN!ene re-elected chairman :! p m. I'~• '-'~ ot the Houw Committee; Dr. ~"red Newport Clrck> ~ al tlw ~ of ~-- Hiber; re-elected chairman of tbe . U W Holtby,~ 1Mfo ~· Oft-an ~ '-'•-5111;:111 entertaanmt'Dl cbmmlttee; Mr. Rob-1 p m ~ luN'Iwoe I · · --- ert R Ht'nlt'y, librarian; l.tr. J . ~ ern-•·Mtr .....__ 111 )In Lf..anw \-IIIA.rnt wbo ... a Whale, In charge of flnam•e and PaJm. Balboa. opet1 10 a .._ til 4 1 .,._ Lo tllr ,..,. bit,. rKe1n'd ..,. auditing Aa ~ar-Commander. p. m . w rgicaJ d~np. . Uw ltttlt Ban boy 1a.t W'eek dowa l.tr. Rf.bert Boyd will act u t•bair-Rc>d C'ru• wor11 ro<>mJ! • I'"' •..; t'J prJUit ha-• ~011!~ to the~ m11n ul the mPmberahlp corrmfttee. from 9 :30 a. m. Lo t p m .. :011 I Uw IIHI:ry f>alge JOI' .-bkb bu e. mmantlcr Hf'aly announcf'd Grand Canal. BaJb-a u 'a.od -.~~-tw.-e m qu&rantiiM' ptru!mg inY- that ht' will put up trophies for cal drt'Um~•-, 'IJ:tt>·~ .so:nrr thr .. uark the l'ulllc 14 fl. Dinghy &nd F'a.l· Wllllag Workf'n Rf'd <""-... rl\ 'I An ~tll"w.t br.--tt aDd .-h•tl con chti 8CI who race 1 hmugh thf' f'O<llla. open from 1 p. • to t r m.. ·lot~ J# the • uJrnt .,.,.ord•nr to t wmter sea110n. • Pall.u.l!ea Tavf'nll, Corona cld ll.ar (lira ,~lllltftlt. thf' ~t of wbadl I aur~1caJ dre81JICII. ... tao ft'I'Y 11appy pupe wbo an- Mrs George Wheat THU .. SDAV, JAN. 13-,_ u. ~ ---ol '"Captain" • EbeU Book 8oPcUMI ~u :r~ at _. .,.,.~-'-wk to tllrir ...__ Scores Again l lbe hurnt' uf Mn. ADdy Ku1L. ll!JOO' E. Central. BaJbo&. • .._ a 1 p .., With the intriguing topic. 11-rt . n.e-nat~ IIIIIDWd_ .,. "Hoardf'd L8ughter," Mra Gf'o~e I made' waUl llr•. Kirk. If..._ \ ..,._ Wh!"Bt captlv3tcd an enthuaiutlc Graef' or lin. F Jack Partlt. I audlc.ncf' of Anaheim'a Junior Ebell A N~;r;:ort ae.ril IP'\~ ~t , rt>ef'ntly an<l scored anolht'r w e-u& ry ~Inc at tlw Ilk-411 i ceaa In her t·are.er u author aad 1 Wra Jan BrWrof'. 4!10 Sua ~ .peakf'r '"Humor 11 OM of t.be dlno. Nf'W)IOrt HeicfiU ' greatC'III uaell of all time," de-l eo.t. M-pt,_·a _..._ clarca Mre. Wbeat. "'nH! only m•~Ou,t a t Uw ~ fll lira. Bat-I r. ~ rat .8aiJ.Ua.. I ........... I tm utile e that It f• tloar~. Ne•'J)Ort HaJ1Iar 1101ru11111 Clllll. Mre. Wheat will apeak before tbe F.lf'ctric: GrOJ ....._ 12. Bualnua ancJ Pra.fcSIIIonal Women ftAod ere-'wort~ ,.,.,.;: ~ of the Bay area at their nnt -t-lroa~ 10 L ._tot .._ 111 .-.-1 mg on January 20. her topic bf'lne ~ ~ p. our m·l~bora to the South. "Mell-.. _~ ,___ -~ . .. .......... ""._ --· ,_ .,.. aco. from f1 ·30 a. m to t p . ._ 2111 Grand c.:.nat. BaJboa ......._ ~ Philharmonic Offers I cal d~np. Three Prog rams d -A. Ga_n_t_H_o.._m_e_ SELL Tlaaae ODD .. ·ENDS Mtt'19~1'r l. F.. fWhyml't i~ ff'a-~ S f R . turlnJ: l.lrc:•· lntf'rl'l'tlnr: aiiT'IlC'IiflC\11 cene 0 eunaon • thla m onth at thP LoJI An,::f'IP5 --- • ...... --Upc'lfl llw homl'll'lakf'l by kl' .. (>in)C I lh~>lr nwn thlnr;• In 11rdf'r And In Park Cngregational Church ,_ • •-=a... ......... ~ .......... ~ "Wa DfttiE 10V "10 ~ AIIOUND" . C. E. LOU<KS ............ ~-· .. ,.,, ,._,,., ............... .......... --.o...,-. ... votunlrl"rinK In hf'l(l nut with thf' t'ndll"aa lull• whlrh th,. ftmlnlnl' tw .. l or thf' hou .. hultl hu 1(1 •I•• Phllhnrmon io• nllditorlum. A \'lal! lo lhl• arra .,f l:r .... 'nll1 evening j Tul'llday 1, Janu· Mra Oto J . C.oucb. f01"1Dt'T lnNIL W1.rd hiUI hef'n rf'celvf'd nt th~ 1•!11•·•· In lh<' Park ·Congft>gaOooal ar,v ll. Argrntinitlt and hf'r group deftll o1 N-'J)Orl Bfoac-b and - n ·• enl marr1agl' tJf Mia MJ'klrl'•l rhurrh or LA11 Angl"lt'" ThP brlolro .,, Snllni.Mh L>anrt'rll inrlu•Ung the rf'II.Jillc ill &Jlf'rlltJopld., .-.. lW A h•,. Uaron, \\'A VF: hollpltal 1\1'• "· II' lnl<hllonal whit I' sulln with ,. 1 R C t 11 t <11ston~tullhetl Pilnr Lt'~7. appt"ar an-.ura 1oa for a «•~ ollacal eV. an We 0 1utant at the! Naval bo.pltal 1n n llhnrt veil nf tulle Sho· r arrwd 10 8 llf'ril'll of """'' and old favor-fi'WndJI Ia t1w Ba~· ay_. ~ , f I Add S . . nuklant1, tn T1•111 Archer, pharmR· • h""'l""' M whitl' cnmi\IIOml l'en-lto·r. Mr. aDd lira. J A.. C..L I reSS CletleS till~ malt'. lf'COnd clUII .. wbo Ia II· l••r·• d with an ••n ·hh1. Mr11 Am· ,.. __ ,. ,.._ Long Jxofor<> "gftod nelghbor11" -r. -...._ Da'rid ~-~~ii-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.iiiiiiji;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,~ Ttl. Mnat fU'V J f'hn J Cant,ull, larhf'd to a destroyer. hrn~ Wlckr ff M San•.~ Ana Ill· Ur &Del )Ira u.u-JiDIIar _. 0 0 . •-.. bla.._. ~ •-•n-lea.l The br1df' Ia the dau•hter or Wr tt'nded llf't u brldl'tmlaid wt·&rlng ltr•·nm,. 11 nntannlll ~·llry Argm-· -, """ . ..,. "' .....,. " .~ I "' tinrl a WIUI hanging tlown lntf'mA· Mr. and lira. J....,. ~ ~ W\U add,_ the annual mft'IIDC ot and Mr1 Rodnl"y Bacoo ot SUI& blu~ Jtrwy and carrying a t10uquet tro. a..a.c ae.c:. to-~ GDE MfOUB" -. WAIBIR: I POR11WI , ~· RICH BRONZE ~ FINISH ~ c I I ........ , .... -. • .....,. Slllewa n. V:r' • ...-3T:;ea.ud "r JOU' lo•td ..--a pll IMJ w · CMUac« always-~r ~----.....,.,.Jifl' ~....,•w •iac 11ais Ad ~...... ..... .• unA ANA ...,..~as::; • .. • .. • P.- aT ••sse I 1-11-44-N -T Holy Nam. Sodetlftt, at the BUt-Ana, formerly ot Ud.o talf' 11M of Cardent.l and fmgr t-me-nllfllth ~·~~·al !;"~~~ .. =~~tto:ld.~ .... wb U. ...._. ~ ~ Hotl'l. on Sunday mo rolntr. t.. a cnadualf' ot Newport Ha,rbor Ed•asd Watt•. ahlpmatl' o tl A r1 f'l'~•~•llli 111 lhrou(tr tbf'lr Ju-rv 23, II wu &.DAOUnCAid to-lillb School llnd wa• latrr the .rroom. was tx'1'1 IJlQO. , me c~ft I claw b)' J Howard Zlemun "hair Vl'f}' eucct'Qful t!OI'Iety !'l'lll ~>r o(l The coup!~ 11pent a hu nl'ymoon rtanrea. 1 . 1 1 • • I , 1 t ' Born In Buenoll A rf"'l. Alltf'TI· man of ttlf' a'I"Df'rlll l'hlftmlttH on thr New1-Ttmea. . It\ \1, lamer Hol Spr nge or which tlnlta. llv lhf' lime shr wu thl"f'(', ""'"l"m~Dta. Thl" wf'd dlnr;. wharh wu an thr brldf' donned a prf'lly gr1y .ull ·w,..,. !llln~in~t If' 111~ art'nmpanla:ent I I '"'" addrf'IUI ,., lh•· archblllhop , f'Vfnt nf latf' lu\ mPnlh, took ... tth which 11hr Wllr<· acceuorlt'll uf h.-r Calltlhan pap"'" 1:'\l.ilar for .,11 bl" drllv,.,.<t AI " f.'&thf'rin' of --In a dl'rper tone of the• arne ahadl' nf'i~hhttrJI and frlf'nd" l..aler llht- 1Uuly N•ml' motmbo·n . an oraanlvt· S 'th St ---. r rt'ah•ol a bllllet C'ompanv made up Il ion .. , f'H thulic laym•n. Hie mM· mt -evens Birthday CelebratiOn of ~YPII•P• and IOIIrrtl Ail (JVPr th .. ··~cr.. hmA .. v•r. "'''." .... "' lntrrPJII Engagement Learned l A N 1 d H "'nrl~l to lhf ~>ntltr hllmlln rllt'f', Wlthnut t ew an orne I f'ilar l..n~7. WI\JI 001 n 1n San ~· I •lt•tlnlll<'n "' rrf't•fl ••r r .. l .. r. And With Interest . ---, ha!ltlan 'nli!l ynunj! lya>irRIIy wall tw-brm••I•Mt uv(r K"'\\'fl Thr NrwJ"•r1 Ht·l~htJI tu·HII' •·f <::panu•h bl·nutv rrt o·l\·c·d h•·r mutm· from 10 ~a m ln I I "· m '1 'tho• t>nlu•• 1~" l•·nln~ with ~l r and !\lrll Mllns ="""'1""'1 "11~ ~.nr1 •IRnl'•• rdut·ntwn In !\latlrrt.l I T1w l\tnttt Hn Art•hblltu,p .•. n I . t f th thl' ~•·lllnl: ftll l'l<'h2hllul hlrlhtln~ ~he Ill lhr >il!'lt<'r 'r Argt'oUnita 2 Ill t•ldremr ntt•rt'll n .. "fll!ac•-PI hratlon nr Mr• \\'&\'no> llttfl'l • . I thl' m .. rnlnR "' J anuarv :1 w mrnt "' Mas• ''''')"""'' l'rn•t h lln•l c " · anrl mn•lc> hl'r f1l'lll Al'JlC'IHanrf' f'ontlflr~tll' at Bllll'mn hlal'. '""'"'' M~tnr ~I I'"''"" "hlo h hnll hef'n (If Or&nge f'nrk AtleS I with h i.'r rrllltiV"" rn r.riUisdn In ~~ \'lb••"" e C'alh-.lllu. S•••·•lf'ld I k . "' h Mi smith'" pat· In keeping Wlth tht• ~nap nn• wh,•n ~tlw wor l'f'\'Pn ThC' 1:'\lltarilct I .., 1 t • --A •I t mM f' "0 " Y "" ' tan.,. In thr winter a1r a t1t•lh.:lo1UI' 1 anol .. am • ,_ '· ...,..,. "II' ra. " ~·nh .. I •ond Mrl' r· II Huhr~r of I " . th ia C':rrlull Mnntfl\'1\ who '" wt•ll • · 1 k •t thl th hi <>• ' • ,.. • 10naohrttl tllnner "all ~l'rvt•d I' · ,. or oc .. • rna~~~ r .... 20 F. . II flay l.lll!"'lhll uuch •· " kn••wn to all roncf'rt-J!nPrs I edlfac• wtth a ~~eaUn.: l'llpRt'IIY "' C'l~r:r;..r:~·~~ ... """ or ~!r """ Mr~ ruelrll aflf'r wh_lcb lhf' ~:vrnlnji: 'nlf' l<l'f'Ond atlrar twn on !'un•lll\' ~.000 .-tu be rf'llf'rvffi for mr n llnrr\' \\' ~"'''''"' uf '1,1~ \'l~llele wall llpt'nl In plays~g 1!:,"11m~:hl , "' ,.(l,•rnnnn. Jomnnry 16. willlw Om 1 flCIIV wit h U\e f'lrt'f'ptlnn of wonwn. f'IA• I' Jl'ewnoorl DtAo h nn/1 ll111 bP TbOM 'harlng t e h fl ~h "'"" !\t3\'nur. ~"nll8tinnal !\li"Jt""' I th If f lh 1 . unlr" • ,.. · the. ho•l an•l hnRII'81! unol I ,.., · f h n f' un urm o e r '" . r<·mrmhPrt·tl "~ hrln~<: """ .. r the M I ~t \Viii At1pr:anl•. wh" po!OIW!UU'., ••nl' o \ "I flrJII 11arht1r I IItl e t .. ••nll11t an the }'0\1!\lt 8011 welrl' r. IUIC' 1 '1 re •1 utllll\flohn~: ""'''f'!l of the drty Th110 Mclntf'P lint 111>n a V n " r10 · I t II I . --' Jl'avv llftrr Pt•nrl Huhnr havln« ,., 1 h 11 M ro•mnrkRbiP l!ln~l'r II II I nt reu· unwiiiCH IS OIOU~. bc!f',; "" f'll"•'r I·• rrRrh th•· ~nllll-Shf'rman nJI"'Ith ani (' I •,I··~ ... uloul lbout ht'~ IIUCcru ()n thf' IIU 'tft; • RJlvmond o nlton n volln~l' 1 h rt. I .,._ •-• ~A'__. mrnt nrtll~> an :<nntl\ Ann "" Dt· pUk Acres. Mr•. Carl Mcl nte•· ronC'ert platfl)rm &II n t'r p \a~.(' .. ~,..Ill -._ _, Cl'mbf'r 11 11141 I hat t.r n\'frqt~red M U 1 life, lhrrf' Ia an lmme<llatt' rrtrnd.l· ;..... ......,._.., ..... -..... t ht• aprl'd ll!n lt hnt h·· p~ld hie and dau~~:htC'r Sha~on. ·,~" r ~~I ntllll Abtlut her. Thl' IRnJ:l' uf htr ,_. _. ,_ ,_., pi • --' rim• •·IIHII\ II• it m••nnt all the Johnaton and 80n lrnnNe lo d "' r I voire II «ning_ from brilliant lllld ........_,__ " · Me... Mill Mar " f'llo' lln ° b tht-'-1 hi h t t U e ~ ., -r ~ 8011nrr h•• WI'"'" •·•· In th" IIPrvil'l" . K lh H. od 1 urea -n~ J! nn l'l! o J .., ...... nf l lnclt' ~am IAnl lkach and enne abrr ,_c:-ctan. ll~p unP~> charnr lerilrtlc af . ~, orncer 2nd aa.. w 0 .. hn race. The brldf'-•l.ct Ia 11 nalift ot It t' ed 11 San Dler o ONE A D A" ('f'nlervillf' lrowA btiff •be Ill"• • ann • Tv.'n appearances af thf' Of't«maJ . ft I t•tl w1th hl'r fRmlly I•• ~ll•~uuri Uld Don eo-ek Cbon111 and diUIC•·N -e f•w Vt>Ara "~·· ram(' t .. Callfor-Island Couple Guests ond~: the direction of St'rgf' Jaroff nla wher.-all., wu empluved lD B } B . I T uP8clny "''<'ning. Jam 2:>. and IIJlt'· ... -o-• ~ .._. ~ .. , ... 11 An11··1··~ !'h•• Ill"""' In uw At i tmore OW c11•l rrwtln•·" on l'crn•IRy. JIU1. so. • _. D,........ 111 .....,.,......, "'.,,,., rwr ... m nl'l tll'pnrlmo•nt .. r ~Ul cnmpl"t" i\lun11~•·1 !Yhymo•r'a ac- _.. A~ D __..... •-... -O I 1· nl't l'u tl\'ith•l:f thl~ m••nlh Ill lhr Phllh&r· ,_. 1 , .. e1 c;.., u.., , .. Mr. 11nol Mrl! Rny Walkan~ ··~ m•'nl~ .... , •• ~ ••••••• Uelt•• Ita a.. t 1nlrl' "h" IQ 1\ ~n.l f'la•~ l'ttty Cnnl •vrn111 Balhnrt lilian. I I'll"!«' I ..._ e 1 • 1 ' ., f1rfl"'~ an tho·=""'" U< "''" •'II d&-th~ Blltmnrt• Bowl v lhf' 111/lllnf( BIRTHS c.. .,_ ., _ _.. _,, -t•••·lwd ~··n·•· ,. with \I • \Iarin• fr r thr hlrthtll\y rf'lt'brRtlon "' .... a.,.. HI6Jt • Vif-c-H111•l•·r~ r\nd 1111~ tlt'E'n lr!llllllll fori Mrs. Walklnll on Jo'tidAy n l~h l ...,_ .......... __...SOOOUnlu tho· IA~I \W•' ll1"111h~ nl l'•'inl ~111\l. The couple' wt>rr jolno•d h~ ~~~ T o Mr anti Mra. Hnrnl!l ,\lp<'rl. .. ""-A ... : ua;: ~v":. I ('nllf .. mla l'n'\'1111UI t,• that be Watklnll' 81Jitl'r. ML<~.• ·'';Ill \\'nt-I 322 l.lnlln l'Alh R. Rl !'\1 J f'\1!t'pt111 -!..~ .... ~. 1 l w.110 tl••lna.: '"'"'"'' ohll\ '"lin oll1ktn11 and Frank MilA!< bnth "' t. .... ~ htt!Opll;ol J11 11 :> Jfi H 11 10on ~ tank. r aiHI "~'"' •l'n 111• 1t Iraq Angelu. _,., rtntl Iran. Hr 111 m ttkln,; a rollec-!'>lr "'Rlk ln~t I~ '"'"" In '"' 1n-M • f • I IIHII ,.J , • .,.,,, 11111 p '1' I mo n('y du~lf'~ lntn lhf' Tt•mpnrl\1 ~ ltt·!io•n·,, arrtage .o~ICenses f111111 hi• lfll\'l'l<. of the lfniiPot ~ta\f'~ <'•'1\."1 f;lllllol .,.. lnped. d •• ., ......... end ...... ~ ,.,,.,, .. r •' !hoc w··•l.!>nt: "I the :In Long Bcal'll 1\ntl Will ~1'1\'t' 1:.! l;dlot•ll l 'llrll•on """""' ;>,;, ~Hnl lt ,..,. a.y u.. -r-• .... "' All••-s.lt-'""P"' aro· llt•l fnr 1mm• 111\tely hotrrl!l 8 wef'k In Its :•~t'l'\'~11' Anll . f"'on•th~· F: Alo·xAIIdt·r. ·n ;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:~~~~~~r~t~h~··~··•:"~l~r~·f.l~h:·~·~":·A~r....... BalboL Sothu·~ t'UJl h r r. .. "' P' tt •• but yocra~lf. notbl11g can brtnr Til• 1~.,, .. •r•nr:;· .. n 1 1m1'· '" Y''ll r•':tfr h t•t :•,,, lfltiOtJ'll I P••n :,:';'lh ..,, ..... , hn,~ •. Ill hl\•t 'a •... h,, t Before You Build or Remodel ... .............. VW& MJr "''"""'nne '"1urlr and dt10play to>nm,, C olar ~ plannlatl •rt•. """'' .,..........., .eMir of fllltl. ~ ... lt'"'leaftl and .. ,.. ............. -· LliDLUM Carpet Works ......... ~- r:pll"!. Emerwaa. Wllh the nu. 1M Worfd'e Newt Seat Through TilE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR At1 l•lrr-lioful IMip H""'~~ ,.,.., ., ftS ="AM lt'llr.KI ~LU .. INe IOC'IftY 0... _ ............ _._ .. It T...,_.-c 1 _... U.W-.t-r... 1-s-deea&o --M• WI Aft T-.., .... a.-•liN .... I• Deily P--.T ..... -'tii .. W-'IyH. I ....... ...... ......... -~...a ........... fiinliii ....... Priee 111.00 v.rt,, •~ •u•. ,.._..._ ........ 1-. 1ncloufine~l"•~ SKa-. U 60 a v-. • ..._.._., ~ t Sac11niap ...._ U Gta ta I +•- ("hrhf.taa Sdfoacr •••1 Roe. ua .... a....~ • ._ ....... Cll.lll...a. 11n cun Ill lUll 1111111 In IIIII ,., ........... •raw ~c,.~ .... -.. v 4K ~--· ............ $' ...... _.. ...... Y..IIlP ..... ,_ .... ............... } ................. .._, fll ........ CIIIII 1' .. , ..... _ ... __ ........ .., ....... .. ...... ... awcR •• ,_, , daoloclal _ .. 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' ' I di• Ur ot leJ T. hi! tb er n in La ch ~ ler pe an br od • <·al nie tb go .Ho l gut (01 mE in wh Ma haJ mo a a INI paJ lUI ... Jy\1 anc On Ge- mo ft( In bit thE t:cl wh re-v , Ad 1: ()(! ::: Qllr lUI Re aJ du wh in pa; tio Oll in)O ha str tio low sts cei ... tho ar: vo $2 m tiU ...,, th: ,;; fDr lh. be-..., err fo1 pa 801 00 ba N< tir. Sl'l pr th Cr R\ su du lnt ~ tr! hi: n.l Y8 ..., no th ClJ -10 to = Q! le ha 01