HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-01-18 - Newport Balboa News Times11 SA~ND CRAB ., SAM I S POUCV! So right • • and pertinent Is this summary taken rrom am Henry's Washington column, on the position of tne U. S .. as given by an European. that It is ~produCE'd in part: "The trouble with the States," he said, "is that you don't understand Europe; in fact. I'm not sure that you understand yourst'lves. Look. noW! From the behrinning of the war in Europe you insist- ed that your ideals forced you into it. You drew up an Atla ntic C ha rter anct Four Frecctoms anct bt>gan to. help the Allied siciC' becc:tu~ you 8ftld t~ noblt-idettls were endangt'J'('(I. Now. whc>n Rus- sia makC's a uniklt<'ral de- cision to take over thl' 13al- tic states and half of Poland you forget aU about your Charter a nd Freedoms and urge the Poles and others to accept because. you say. you are realists~ How does that make S('nS(>?'' POlAND. "Look at Po- land," ht> said. "You comt> to Poland now and say that she should be pleased fo give up Eastern Poland because Rus- sia is willin~t to give her Dan- zig and SUesia and oth<-r parts of Gennany. Somehow you forget that you thought it a sin when Hltlt>r sug- gested that sht> move the othe r way -lt>t him havt> Western Poland In r?turn.for which ht> would give her part of Russia -all tht> way to tht' Dnit'per Rivt'r." "You are perfectly wiiUng to let whichever neighbor has the bi~ m u s c I e s. push Poland east or west as though she were mountl."d on wheels. That is the totali- tarian geography -not the geography of tht> idealist. You can't expect Hitler to have Ideals-he la the at- tacker in thla war. You can't expect Stalin to haVl" ideals -he is def~~ himself in this waT. But you Amerirnnl'l came into the war claiming to be Idealists, but when it comes time to deft>nd your ideaUsm you forget about it nnd say that you an> real- ists." PRIN(,'IPLE. He ctlcfn't say that Poland would bf- much worse orr by accepting the Russian pla n -mayb«> Pola nd would be better off. he admitted-but he polnt('d out that what Poland wnl' getting wasn't an offer. it wasn't a !rugg~tion. it was an "or else" dt>cision by ~t'body who just hap(l('nro to be biggt>r. The war ~tart­ ed, he said. wht-n Poland re- fused exactly the same sort or a decision "sugg~teci" hy Hitt!'r. "For one thing.'' h(' went on. "you cfon't understand the nature of the people you are dealing with. The G<>r- man i.<; a born belligenmt -- if you don't agree with what he wantc; he will hit you in the nose. You must und('r-~tand him and treat him 'nc· cordine-lv. Thf' Ru!'.c:ian is quite ctiff<'n>nt. H(' is a hom dehnter-if vou don't ngrt'f' to do what he wants h(' will say. ·All right. Jpfs talk it "Oon'f you t>V<'r li~tcn to th(' Communists O\'C'r hC're? ThC'V don't Wl'lnl to fi ght --thl"y w:mt to a r g 11 f' ! Rut if you giw in to th('m and sav. 'Whnf ran I do for vou.' thc>v will move right into vour· house ancl tak•• if away' from ynu .'' AU\'ICE . llr k•uglwd- a lift!<' hittl'rly. "You Sl'f1rl good n('wspapenn<'n tn Mc1s· cow and th('y Ji\·f' as cJOS(> to the Ru!'.c;ians as th<'Y can. hut vou cfon't pay any attention to whnt they say about Rus- sia. Instead. you send Joe Davit'S ovt>r there and ht' lives on his yacht out in the hl'lrbor and you beltevt> what he tells you about t.ht' Rul'l- mans. "The Russians are all right if you und('rstand them. Even the G<>nnans wtJ1 tx>havt-if you under- stand tht'ffl. But if you don't understand tht>m -you just make troUble and th(' situ- ation ls as bad when you'rE' through as when you start.'' Buy Bonds to End War Quitker BALBOA MES ~ r.: •• ' IJ. ..... IEEP POSTEl! 1 Year ...• $160 Makt~ <'-" ..,.a. .. N.-,n-.Na•,_. . .._. EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA. WEST NEWPORT, SEA SHORE COlONY, liDO ISLE. NEWPORT tft:IGHTS. BALBOA ISLAND. CORONA DEL MAR, COSTA MESA VOLUME XXXVI , NlTM.aa • Plans Laid for 4th Loan r.:r;.r:=.s= i Flyt'r ~lissinK ~~~~~!S!~~~s" 8 -d D . I 5 · · . 'Into Sea Off Pier Rlut• Moon Fire Takes Life of Army Man as Crowd Views a Futile Battle on r1ve s tart1ng 1.,!.~a!:. ~a:-.,.·~.:: ... ~.·::: ;~·.:" .~~~~:.~:~~~:.,1"·.~.~7.· :::;: C 1la.rbur ,..,,.,.,......,.._ 411'..-d ,.,_, ., \ II' • \•.., t•• '"' •Ut•• \'~ttl ""'''''I •t 0 t $300 ooo· CWO paioc• •h• n-atllhrd .. ........ •llt•Utl1tt to:. II •tn\f'thtnt: t111tiH\t.d I Y Uo a I =~~~.nh:_I'O~r·:,~~ Wl~lf'n.:dw· tl•l'l"'''' ,,.,,., '"" ''"t •hulk ot .--· ...-...... up ''' ""''' "' n hlu•• "'""•" J F \\ • ._r,.rkff t hh'f ''"~"''"''I ••I ----......::1'"---1-,...._._...,._doc lilhtt.c -tto. "''"1''''1 ll••tto·ll Ylt•• l'-'1'"'' ~nc a tar~l • f-hulllllfwl ""' 1 111.1 "rnlhrr luoro'i\11 "''" Chairman Walter S. Spi<-er Calls Board of 12 to formulate Uetails and Aid in Task of Coordinating Extensive Procram A t·cmmith>c to tx> called a baftnt oC dire<.1ors. will ha\~ charge of ~t·wpot1 Beach's Fourth War Loan Dri\'1'. ~ Tuesday. January 1~. and rnlled into ~ Monday b)' Chainnan \\'altrr Spil'l'r. In hi~ introductory n'f113n.s !\lr. Spi<'<'r intimat<'d that <'\'<'r)'Ofl«' "as draftro to do his or ht-r joiJ in tht' most t'Hici(•nt mannt>r po!'ISibW and that t"\'t"I'Yont> shoulct put hi~ shoulder to ttw whel-1 in making thto na~ fl SUcce5.'\. Mr. Spicer :;tsletl that the-q~to«a )arcl! nlf8<holn' ahrft lhr pdot fll I'• ••• o u h ll;ftoltllj; hi~ 1'"1"'1 \\ 110'11 ,._, nl tlli> ..t\1po .... ld IO br e Qarw-' I ll HO•II 11111 111\ " ol t"l,,•.t 111 31n'. rrlbho'fi tnl•t ltlo' nthrr ..... • \• >lo••'h Ill•• o>llh 1 • '' 111111• loo I• II •hJrlot lti)Jrt',on'fi IO t... a p.al 1\,, •Ito! lilt·"''"'"'""~ l•ll11• II .t Th-· •ho• ho·Ahl tlw na_-.h ...... 1• • 1 1•11 II• "''"''"'~ hul 't' ~"''"'" u.a• '" t•m• t u "'4.,. th.• t ··~•r ..... ., .. tt•Ut'IIH•Iu. ·'"'' U ",,,. t h· u lha!'Ch;anrl uf Muvit• At•trt•MI4 \'idim of Apart- 11.\t•nt Blazt• on ( 'lumnd htland. t.~ut (;unrd, Army l>ndnrM .. ~hrht tn Savt• Lif~ ""'' tnl•• '""' "'''"r a nof '''fllndr • """ 11 "'til hire """ ,.,, ~ 1'111 ' 111 lllldt•lt•IJtllllf'CI cii'IJ-:111 111\llj.;l'tl tlw Upl<l;lit~ 1tlllll1'· •mra: .. -t ArJtl;t"'"'' I) u ... 1•1cle ._ • .. " • • ,.,,,,, "' " ,.,.,. ~"' ''"' n• · 11 ,, 1 11 1 • 1 • 'I 1 1 1 t 1 L ' l •· • 1 • • .' .tl , ·"''"'"' "" , lltlllh' ~ nnt ult• r I' Cut)' 't n Jlfll'd •n f1" 4ur• •hwh ..... '•· ''' '" 11''' l'l<>u•l• ""''"11•1 11"' ""'h i •• ol ''""''"'tho· life• .. r St:l l·:.h,ill.,l V Hnwlln"'' ,;r ttlf. , .. "'-'m f·•r ~tf'flr hnt~~· "--t•·,..,...... ...... u ~ tu• 11 a:•v" tt " t•lth' hh "" • \ .., '·'"t" n.• "' "" .\tt t.,,...,. und hu~h:tnd of I .utili•• Pon,.lh.•. ,..,. ••ltw•t .. fiHf •·•~ Hh&. tr• JUI'tP • H·' I l ttt~tt l•t lw• MUtt' lht lro'o· ,of ~ ''"''"Nl P MJC llntl 1111111 "'" 1, 1 ""'" ,..,.. .. 1 ""''"'~ ,.1•1.,11 1 I IIIII ·1' ll·t''" dtulrtu ... ,ft"')tWI thorwat .. r. Jlia l r iR$T I.T MAX lit JOIItDAN 1 ··~ • "'' l '•••lo•t ,,.fl,••l 1111o I ll, lo l•.• "·" l 1"t >lol•-.·toollo\ •••t•l "" l'11r ll nvt•tu .. •. ho• nullnotl plano•. uno· Ioiii town alf. ful..._.,. I • .,.,, '"''"" "' l hr foro• MKII"" '" llll•loll,.. ""''" o•orl'lo~l tho• lho•hllll•'llllll n•l•llt<'\111 to('\tlv.•r tho• C-tr lftiO lhr •aerr '"'"'' '' 111"1• ltm11 10 1111ollllt l.on '<1\\ 11 I•~•. \)It,. q ol l•• lllt) II '''1'1h lofliolo tro• II• litlitlln~ 11~111' \\lou 111'•ttlto'11 tllf• ftn• dt•flal'lmrnl. Allhoucfl lhr tltf•ul SC<W) ia aftrr • .,,..., l,;r~tlt•nAnl M"" It .J,., ""'~ btt~lf\\1 e 111\n~l llnw en1t 111r11 "'"' I"'""'.: lh•'"' "' tlw tlll•-.·ltooll t llll: TIIF.Oilii':R not )'M .,.~ra_..,od, II ~ M -lf'll 1111 l 'ntlo;l :'l,.tr" lut ll11• II.· lllo "" trluonr<l l11 II" o'l)'rtiMI ••I lito 1111' It " IM•Iu·\l~l llu• l '"'"lllltthh tho• fin• WAa t'AU_. I thoucft ·~ P.JM ploc -........ tur"I"'IUt "'"''"' ••f \4 1\r ho· ""· • ,, .• , •C)Iur llltl ll• lh k·•l thl.~tl.:h lht• .... t II\ II l'lltllll'llo• nlthnttl(h II hit• noc up b)' a fllolunat ~ whktt ..... """'n tofft• ••lh "'l"•rl•·l ""•""''" 111 '""' ,.,.,., ... 11 llu "''"''"''' ,.,.,, 1,..,.11 oll'llltll..tv t••lllhll~oh.'(i -n. wnulll he 1300.000 and that thr four p • Bo pn'l\nfflrrs the t·w n bllnkl ancJ thf' I a1ge y F't'tlf'ral Saving-• a11l1 Ll\an Alla(l('i· nNirb)' cw allhr C'UII!lf c-d .,.,, ..... '"'' ~·,,.,..,. """' l•·~··w 111'11111 •l•·••·ol "''"" ''"'""'" 11 ... I""' '"''" •l•rtnl(" fnwn • •tucMo rbo-r ..... lran.•fe,..,....-t HI 11 1111111 Ll J••rot.an .. 1 "" "''" .. , :\1• • 111'' l•l•"• 11111 ol lito """'' •ut••tt"t "IIIIo• tho• ''"'"'h lt..,.tf wu In Uw ailon •·err the-Hnn a.:~nrln s d wh~rr bond• l'ould be purr h.aard, ' B I whllP a prolfMlm Ia ~ln« •··•\'tiled ave y boeO aJTT\·rd promptl) ............. ~~ War Chest ~, ... '"II' ..... !!"'"~-, .. ~ ............ , ........... " ..... ,, .. m,, 111 lhr kll"""'· 1 ta.l&"" to :t''"' J·-J·h•;,,. 1 .. f ~""'" """ "''" " '' 11 111 "~ "' t ... ,' lu· .. c '"'"to: ''""" '1111~ IN~dll to t- Sc.nr •'llnnM~ lrO 1._, .....,_, R w.,.IJ I( J ~~~~~ 11C ~ I..Ja11 1 UtloiiT TU J011\\t. l.ll r: """'""' o•lthrr lhltl lhr n,.. hid damwd lhal lhfono wr'n' tlw'tl!r lffonota ,.,., ... , null\\ \r&l• ,.,.,,. F d s II Hotll•~• fir•·""'" ,,,.,,,., .,.,, tho• lh llr'lt:ln In 1"-' attrrntfc nl ffWo..., 1 port ~ach Grammar Khool to •II p • •11• ~ uwoh ·rd m tho-..-ndrtll ,...,ln\1 .... , I h .. Ha\ "'"" Th• t• .ola nn 1111•l l"••tth• tho· t11 ,. t111 ,., "htl•• tl ,..,.,. In lh.• llvlnc ,_ Md I bonita and lhua ha\·~ a bombe-r or I eniC n Arm) and ... _. Guard ..... ,'ll:t.JOII"IJ """' •ll•n·~l lho• I•• Ill un I """' ~~· ""'"'"'' ........ '"Ui"'"' ""' '""1:11''"' '"the kUctW'ft., ¥ 11tmlln r ~nK•n" nf war nam~ an~r I I and pUno""' WrrP .. ,n -~ IIIII' •b .. •h• t~ev•-. 1fn•tual,.•l ft.,m lltt•t~•l ''''' u ..... hna.:• ••·h '" It 11.11\to ltntt• "' f'"llft~~CYt.fl llw n.- out with thl' etudt'nt. ol lheo n ... ·. •atf'Y' fnr aft)' ...,_ nl ltw ~~ Herbo•r Ut•b ~'"'"I In 3" Thoo '"' "''"'111'<'•1 tn tlw· '"'""' ,111., .. ,. '" thrtl h.• hlttl JIUikod llw ,..S Into lhf' IIChtH>l for the-Ir IIUI'I'f' .. fUI f'f· ,. " I k .__ •'-pdoe-plob _,)' otbf'r .. .,, •tf thr f•ntlh 1-\t'r c 11 I 11•·'1""''"'' ""'II '""' ''"'''-.1 1111 1 ,.. ,,, . ., .. n 1" ........ .., • U _. U. lforl.e. I etwt 1..-...tf"ftAnt t-atr11'1t t-: J.,,,,.,,. nkttlntl'l\ hv lttl' ""'""..,' ftnlt ... r" fth' .. ra n ... l ~~..... ... .......... I Thf' bo•ar.!, which \to'lll hev• ~1a.)nanl Pa!t;". IIC"d 12 -ol c. Burna on , .... klll ... l Ill • 1•111110 I IHMI laat Omlng n ~'"""' 111 .... n ....... II\ , ..... ,, '""' _,., .•• ,.,. htlm• upon him. char«eo of lhf' drlvl' Ill <'OIDJ)OM-d of Mr lind Mn.. Urnt)' 1-"aJ«!(' n1 2033 ....... Jl 1 I:IIJIIII,o.tuo•n """ llllm tl••l•ll• t111111 l'lftnu•a.:•· '" lho• a•l"lll" .__. ... Mt•S"nl SplN!'r. \V M Lun~lOr, ,._~·an .loutd•"ard. llalbulill. •hn Ia) BaiiJoa Sb'ftt ~mi-n~ nohrt ,.,.,. l•llo•l llll! 11 lho ~1111111 ;\r111 I~'"'' M•1• to n •~lll rtllthth l1u111 Wlll••r AmclUfttlfiC Ill Paul A l'lllmlc'r. Harry "eolcb, ut tt.>ach·~ do-or. a lllllto 0\"i-r a a.z• Llbforel h 1 t ,__ F••II"'"'"IC t)vo P'Oit"""' n •protl "1 o· ,t,., lh••., rtll'll lur tho·1r vnllnul "1'1"''''"'"'"1)' ll(lOI) ,.,..,.,.. _, I F. I St "' r. ld tt t h U ' ,.,. ••n •~ "~ "'-'"" llw N•''"l••t llarbltr War(. ,...t ,,. :;ar , a "Y· .. •ra I I' It' or-"t~·k a;;:t•. a ,,,·cem u( lhr dn'<llll •• h•l hi# pnnoAr ' tnllnlne at ,. 'tf.,," '" ,.,,,. :O.a.:t lt"'"'"'l:' Ill•• "" ''""" In ""' luwrr part but Mr. I an F.mrljn'l, Wallff Hitchman, I....IPe ... 1tttt'1'fllt>t .,1artttlo .... ,., .nltoMt~.on .., ~nrth• anrr m .. tnhrhl ,_,nda,.l•"'"' •11111, 1,,, 1 , •• lnt: 1 .. 1,.. 1 •ll•·•l t.,cl •.....tl.. tl\Aimwtn 1'. A ,,, '"'"·' ,.,,.., .. ,, '"'"""'''''''"' l'uh•·r hmt ''"n-<1 warnr Bl Uw f\wo-~t .. ff.,n~~t•n. Sam lofeoyo•r, Harrr We-uw n:.~h o1 an en Jill) 10 lib lrft ~~"""'In~. ,,.. .. 1o,...111 ""' ~~~ '••aur .. 1,1 I\ I~ 1,,.,.., •n•l '·""~ I 'aln~e•c 1\11~ annourM•r'd n'<'riltl c•t "'"'foil Ill•' ""'' 11111 o·n111u1 1 "' r11 ,. 11l•l"n•" h•otll tlw• lr<1nl ..._ 1ft Kittrick and AI Ano.JtoriU1u 1 kno>t 10 da)• a«J~ halo t...,.,. pn>-,.,.,..., t'llnNI 1 •. ,....,,ncu•• a ...._ j F\•1.1 l 'ho"'nl)f f,.r ht• •·h'•M~•I ' ttlolo~l '''"'"'"''"-,,.,..,.,,. ft.,no nwn h11nrtll'ft th n" 1:• It follfilf"' • •Mw l:""'t:r "" hr --~ ~., .... :\lr \\'eokh 11\Jgguott'd that Uw rwottnt'l'd <"Un-ci H1111 all~....,.. ••rt"" bT • ._.. ... u .... wtrtnc .. a Hr ,...,. "'"'""-"""1 ,1 ,.. .. .,,.1 1 1 ~" li!Ah"'l.tl.ol U1111n.•1. hot·••~ lo) '""' ~otlwr t'\lulpnwnt \4hlh· ''"'''I th•· """"' IM'IUp u-.lln Uti' N'Cf'nl \\'u ,, ...... CICWn. A. G ~ :w. o_ ul La S.atlr tOUJW par111.ed-~ 16orulrr..anl m ~ .. , ...... l>liol ,.. , ........ ,, ti<lrb) and Nrlllun St .. f I"·"''"""" ''"'"'"JI'""" 1:"''' 11111 Ml • llll~llnl('ll, wlfr "' Uwo vic-- CAmpalgn b.: uiUtzl!d Thai t•lan Co5ta Mftloa. •'ho. lh~ -en· 8Y'ft!Qr Jll'"t ,.._t ,, , ... ,....._ Ill ... t .. t ... , .. ,.. II) ........ 11111\ .. , 43 1'"'" Ill (unto" .. -d.lnc • cht'<'k (vt 'flrllll ····plttttlllll ,...... n ...... tim ·~ kfll-n In '"-' ~ ln1ol thl! t•o.mmuntly uut Into ch.ll· ~,;~ and ".actfUI dfotrnnina· ·~a liP I bra r-nndut'I,..J p4loot In,. rut tit on to\11t S7CI Mr ('~ elatf"JJ ltwl't' •t·t'\ lc••·• \to 111 krol Ato•Molol) l11t ul• "''"tot 11' l.~tdtlo• ~fir. lr1cle. WIU! II captain fnr I'Mlh _.. "''"· \to a• ahlf· to uhlilun thor -'Tllooo-N U ..... 9 ~""~"" to CIGI, foil .... ~ h) u :t6 anot u-:u l raln· '"" .... ool lwr ~llft\!1 f'Un'llllt( '" '"' """' ""'" h ...... IM·(ttrr• ~;lvlna.: llfl.l •1uon and workf'ra v.b11 ma.Jto the"'"""''' drug Jl''fi.,Jhn. to dnln· ,. .... ,_ tn Martn~ Ra.ltloe ,....., .._111 T•'•• I•••·· lho· l•••k.• 1111· rtu ..... l "" ''"' •''"' "''' •ololltl\ I'll•~'"''' It\ n Reptua-narlan 01ee door ·lo-door canv&.~~~~. He-belwvf'd 1•1• r I•• tl-· lad ..aid Ind.") tw ..,.. 31'>11 • r • ..,. ll'llnWI lhr IW'tlftt ...a Mr and Mra ~mu•l "'"'"" ot '""'OUnt la r I:• 1:1~1\Jft "' •!lo'f'ltttor-.. hum 11' Ia lllmllar pt.n ""'""'d bt' f'qually ... oul ol dancer ..... ~ ..., ~ .. ~ .,. Jlw""-El -~ N Helc r~c~trh'l .-aptatna .,..,. '"'"~ '"'''"''' 1111 thr whlll' In ('.o.ta Meta f'llri'Uvr aod juJ't aa productive. n · ... dl"'4'a.~ hall ....... "--to ....,_ " rnua.t .. .,., .... ,. 0 ..... _, ..... uad~7::V n,..~'·· th:mk•·•l hy l••Urr from tho-t•hlalr-.... A\'Dl \\11'1: ASU """" I Thf' announ~.:emlc'nl of ·uae --be fatal widl onb' • ,_ --.~ · '"''" oatld 6rw\W lo ......... thrlr It WAa u lt·nrw· anot\t' "" floud·\ O..ura• ltltwaN Hart ... -. of Uwt ....-.unt cbaJ ..... w ..,. ..._ • ._. ...._ • » ------••.aut -.. Ill ... Js'h= --~ u,.,.. w.-.~ thto ....u • ~', !!...~ -f!.!! 'II at 1111 111111t baeD N'lu_, tram Ute O..btor llu bem-* 'nlfo llf'W ---..:H p II 8a ''""' .:We1.-d. ,_,. .,.... t tAira llfllt{;rfno nl 11nJ ,.rrunJe'fl tl"' •• ................. .,__ A- or C'!IITnlt't <'~ c tlkeo u p to IM U.,. ~ W. Nil ••:illutf'd for riwtl-•t uti• • 116ortrirt No l M ..... Jllrll Hill ''l'l"'f1Hnll) '" V'f' th.· llllltltl•• lui Ill ¥'...,._n. 1M M8e ..... II II of c•r to pr"f'M. II wtll ...,..r,iao fiR-)"d.lllr-.: •IIUICIWW'tll I s 0 on In y I mn P111trirt No. :r Jl. F. K...,· ,.,,. thnt \\1 .. '"'"'..: ....... ,t ... l I In<· y .... &IO .. a .... f'N.., ••. 1 ln th~ Tburwday paper. o1 wnr'to ~. 8ftd .__ ol tis '" l•••trkf )~ct. J M111 J V ''"'"'' ·''"" ·• •· II ''"'" tf ... I·•"-~ .. 11 fl'lm .. ral ~~~ wtft • ..., C("1tr1'11\ :uw1 dllfftrUih In~ c,uthttt', lll•lrit•t Nn 4 Mr-I 11 Ill•· '''""I' ''"" """ clw loftlllo• rrum thr lfanol11 tl.....t ~ I tooth Mi~ion ~:;:~· ~~;~~~~·=.';·,;:: Pensi.On All C·t F lk ~·····;~~::::.~.~· ,•,:::::.;· z:: ~ ,. :·::.:"·; .. .';:~ .. ·:::·:;: ... ::·;,,:· .. ;·:·,~.·.~·:':.~' ~:7!7:::;v .... -:. ~. r,,_rw;. ~ I A."'""' '" ~1"'""1 .tDfll"''""'.,... I y O ' I• oll'l• ""'k•·v lli•trk·l N .. 7 '"' \,,,, 1· .. , ""' .,.,1 .,,.,,.1 lh rloo lrt..: fnt•·rmf'ftl wtll .,.. ,...., Ia Js Completed lnlf"ntlv C•"•·mmc:'fll. t : •• .: .. r\ c;.orlo) "rw1 Nr·l""' Stul "'I""'' \\'••111mtn•t"' Moomnrtalf._,.. __ Tho· for-I ~uppl~ nl 300,000 UN I" 1 •I d I "~' no·t Nn II M " llo11o IC"" I oro~, " '"l'l•l) .. •.:•'IIIII 111 t .. ry A dlaplltl'h from 1 t'nllf'd ~lalt•" fpr ,.,,,.... (l;t)"' .U/IW' n11 "".' \a9.1 "•'i 'nflolrn . flt•trlf'l N(l !l l'notl "'' ,,,, ''"" 1, ,111 , """ 1,, 111~ '"'" ,,,...,..,.,.,,"' .,,rvl~-., hla I Uo be D 1 8 It 1 It t th t lltu,.,...n) mnrnrn~; oil I !> o rlorl l'·ol•ll••t l"h•lrlf1 Nn let t-:vo·n·tt "1(, '"'" 1,.111 1.,,.1111, ,.1., I uti •\ wlf,. fl'l~or 11 "' 1 'tw!ll!l .,.,. a a:lft m r &IW' n r a 11 a ... a Throo .. -tl ·' philliP t-all In Ro!<fOII 11>-m,..I'"Jt tb.11l ·ff·~U ,,.. IJokfl! ""J:'t.W.r ,...,.,.,,,, tlo.ol Ill• ""'It •· .. otolor•••• l lht ri<'t No II .. :11rl ''"" 1o ... 1 ldt .• 1,.,,1 11111, 1• 1,.1,, r.rtwaNI tr . al•• ,.( that 'f!ft1. a Col Qf'Orge L Robtn.t!n nf Corona mllfir I•\ l>r llua:h<... " ..... t •o r<.-.1 r•·l ,. :lui. n '" S • "'r••r1 .... qull• ... "~'"' '"" .... t.oll t. \ I lj, ltli't Not I :l M ••• '"' It•' "'' "' I,. \ l•tl Ill ... .. '"' llillljthll'r, "',.,. c 'hllrlott.t -nw.p- llrl Mnr Iaiii .,..,...11 rnmplf'lo•d b ll lrllm•-.1 thill du" ,,, •'""'" ""f'"''lf.l i'ay. f' r. t:n,.,. .... v "• '""' n· Tht • •Un• II Mrl'r'"'"" " ,,,,., "" "''''' l\tr'(·,."n; l)fllrwt Nn 1:1 l'• t.' *"" "' l\.'•ot,.l4111 thr"" ...... ,.., Nlra. 100\h mu<luon f"r lhr ~trnup. 1'8rr'\'· lht' "'"'' , .. lllttftl""'ftl hall "''' :u· .:·I•,. • " .,,.,,n • ru :lh•on I• lh• Hh·o All" 111 th• 1"1\11141 ••'•'"'" l w \1 1 fl:ol \\'ill Smith, IM~Irtt·l Nu 1\ "I"''' 111,.,1• '" 1 .,, 1 111,.1 ,. K11lo Joollll.,•n "' Allhlanlt, l)ffff<••, in$t IIUllllP All <'<l ho>A\'\' ho•mloald tt\•o'(ill\ :ura,.o'llp'Mrd •tl..-"Un tl )1,...,,, \ ull,..l 'h:ol ltarT"V I 'Antl'loo ll "''" llo• '10110\ II \lo• l .. tlo•lo Jlo•lto;w•k lll•tr wt \\ t 'r••l •• ·•I •I • 1••111 ot•'l'"'' Mto ~ .. 1,..1 llal~mlln aM Mr& mf'nl of lhr• inVIIIrilln t'(~Jt"' "' ~l:a,~an1 """ rt'fnatn en thr ...... l••t·· , .. takr "' f"' '" ...,. ,,..I\ •-""«'._~,. hr,.l "1'1''"' • •I "''"'' ''' I • • ;,·cnhl W ICtl··hto• "" ••• ""'"' , 111•111, • •• , 1 '"' H11lly lo'fotl(ll.,.,, twolh ott Cltlt·acn. 1-"ran<:.. pll:al .for :o ....... 11 lnrtco•r ·•' •hrl to.tuah•.-. •••l lllq,o•r~nt: .,. '" .. hat 'nw rth' ell•·m••· ,., .. ....,,,,,, """ , '"''"I 11 ••.• 11 ,,,.,,.. •h·•• '''"' ''"" Mrl••l"u"hlf'rw. Mr& It-art· R11hin"""" '(rnur '"'' ""'' •·f lh• ~ttm<' hr •·•II ho· 11lkwo·•-d en rNum ~ ... ha· tw .. on m.otlo 1'""'"'' ,....,..,,.,,,. "" ,,., .. ,, ., '''"""''" Nnw {)ffirnpg. I'·'"''""' .. , 1,1 1 1 u,,, ~~""' ,.,., .. """ "· niH'"'• ot r....,__ llaerll. IVnJ!Int•l ( ur •o lhr ~>:hAll .... ,..,. t••h•'""""' ,.,.,.n·ht~>£Talf'lulf"'r· that •-1 C"tl\ t.lll.:lfloo .. 'f 1'.•""'"" •1JII<oont c .. ""''"" I~IHn•l v.hloh '--~~~ '"""'''"' lloo looo "'"" 111 '"'' Mro "'""" ('lullllrtt .. lft n1 lane. an(! l tlf' ~·( 1111 In l''•llll'll'l• 1(111 t'nl• a,.... ··~N In horlp hun owww .. '" whnrn lhr nuttlf·r Will' n·l••tll-<t ·-""''"''" ""~,.~, '" lito I'll\ F··r Newport .. ''"""'· """" , .. Ill ''"""t.: .... r , ""''"' llfllflllfl ~,.. u~rt• Clan nf mtMiona. I cnn\·~· ~ .... ..-.~ ltul huo •'-'f4r1-nl t.•·' It •.•• f••l~<l lh.ol ""!.:"'·"" lit• ,, \l•tl I•· \1 \1 ''""" .. ,, .. "··· •• ...,. ..... , ... ,... l•l•h•l. &Ad ..... boro-n •oritm.: 1m that ~loll11n I••• C'Oftfrtl<'l h~t<lloo~·n Wtlh '"'' o'll) uno! L"" t CJ b 1 •·IIIII ''""'""''''' tho , .. .,,,.,I\ '" a,a. l 'ark .. t ••f 1".-u C:lat,., W'--· C. of C. President Sees Second Harbor .. om .. liftM' ;,.,, had "" ..... , ..... tro ('OUIIt)' anti lollll '"'' •• ""'' """ "" r lrf'men R f u """'" lho 11 11~···11· 1111111•~1, "'"' IIIII ·n ... ll'""lf<'ttll•tr .. n u ..... .. mall .. at PU'"""'' ,lilt~ Ill .. llhr r '"" ... , ........ ,. "' ....... '"'' ···•111•<1111' tho• ltollt'..f "" ........ ~r•• ...... ll•l•lt"'"' ..... , \\'hMhrr thr~¥t~rt) lfWIPmfl~ uplant"' ·'"11"' "'I"''"'" IOI!n·" .\1 "''' r·"ll:'tll\r' mnnlhlv ntl'f'llnl( Ill•· ''"'""'tho '"' A• ho• '"""''' ffert Waltt>r N. Lon«mmOr. prnid(onl ol lht• Ne-wport H.albor Olamhf·r Sam M S-L nf t ·ommerN!'. when a.~kt'd today I e)'el' ~-er what hi' bt>lil'vl'd wnuld bt' lhf' out· At Ed"•-' M t ll'llmt· or thl' entrnnel' of thr Nuvy IMJI'Ia ft in 111'1' &>&I B<-1wh area •·•th ''' ~:.!(1.00().000 ordnance dl'pot projoN·I 1 Sun )ICO)'t'r ... htor •of lhr ~r••· anrt 14hl .. II would do toward en-,__ ba8 blmoed hla dt-t* ov~ t t) aline a c'lnlhl.'r harbor for Onln~<' 1•011111~. ouud Jac ll Walllh l••lay 11n•l 11:000' lu a... .... •·t hrlir·vl' tht• fact th:ol th•• ,,,.,, An,;•lt-1! '' ath-nd llw-""•' ..... utr .. h11~ tnkf·l1 ol\'l'r :\.51''.10 nrro'" nf lltl•· rial ..,.,...,..,.,,.,n m•·• tJn~~: •h~ ho lnnrt ron 1 h,. chtlm thnt 1 ht' .:ovPrn· '-on tbr procram f,.r • la.l• h~ tn••nt I• •'111111~ In I IW Wlllt•N'II)'~. IJIIUJ•• I I • Ill.' l'ronl tnjr U~ "'IU "'" en r..,· lto14 1tttl ••'-ta hlo .. lllnl: an Ito •omran,." h \ )lr~ ,.,.y, r -..h•· lndll•tnnl lw rl"'' lnr Clr:•nl:" <'ulln· •·rll alr•n • ny•y lht at I lVII...,. •·f th• 1\ I 1••1'1 •h• It ~tlo~or n om rnl"''"" '~onw•t~ll"fl '"'tt 111•' "'•11 bo )"'""' ;-;nd Itt•' t.u.nd t 1( "'""l"'f\I'-'U' t,~ hut btt,th .. r ttf • •Jtk•·taJr ,.tht : •lwulol rn11t 111111' thf'tt ... lurlu•' ~of "' tho Oak• Uti,. '"""o.l"r lhnl urrn ""11 hl'lp In •h•· la•k .. r plnnnl11e 11 <~•rn11<1 hnrl"'r lto1 th•• rnunt~ "\\'htlo• !<OtnP Of lhl' land hu bi'Pn flll'l'l on \\ tlh thP H:oll:ont . n 'l'rtfl th,. i;fl\'l'mmrnl Will un· Postmaster Is a New Grandfather dnuhlroly contl.'sl t~ rl11.lm.'l 1n Pr"'tma•lt'r 11nd )1" Hc-rt> t'lltJr1 . on th,. h:l<l" that nil 11<1P Kt'nn) a1 f\;tlhoa art' •tunr hapr1~ htnth :anrt n<WtJ:Ahlto "alf'l"'. or ,.,._ day". ~tiM' thr') .,.... ln.,·lnnct~ that can hr ron\'f'r1Ni, ~o,-ralldpanml!< for tJw fi~l nnw m art' ~::ovrmmtont nwnf'd. While lht'ir hu!c)· tiv-llwoir •tlnJdtt,.r lhl't" AN' nppmxtmlllr•ly I() ftC)O Jolf"> OllrTt"ll S lurtrr rtf J~. ltCN'!< in thai 1'('('1 tfln lhr N:wy ha• lllt\'1' htrth tn a 7 lb. I oz rtnl Mr • All'f'acly inriicalt'd II will lllkP • t<t•nll(')· t.!< "P'"t thr bttrt _.,. •• 1 1Hirl1 or lh r tl'rTitnry for 11 ~ rrwn 1 md in Pa.'3drnll . u~. ' I M~ Sl~ wa.5 fornwrly J'Cclr- J do not ff'f'l th111 w,. ~~lrt 1'1'\11 Kf'ftny •rw1 -....,~ In !lurnondrr any of ltw county 1 In· the local offiors a1 tJw Souttwnt tl'rnt 1n thl' Sun!'l('l Bfo11rh prnjrct. I CountW. Gu Co f« two )Nn hul w t> ~hould do f'Veorythln~ Jn our 11w flllhl-r ill an 1'11«1.-r nawPr to crutr 11n lndu111naJ pori (I( u..-Mtv will ~ll ..... ar ,_. -a. ..... ,.. -· ........ ,. Tt ... I"" I•' 1111' N ..... r1 ........ h Jl'lr· .. mrl1'11 -~ ~ lho-..talf' n-tlr•r .. nt arl lrart ,..11• ot J>flf••V"ol 11111o hrlol lrttlf ......... Ill l'llatl<'" """ trill lw arlt '" :o r-~tiPtantr an• I 1 Approval 1,f tho• four• loa"' , r t:. 2 """' "'"' rr• f•or lt.o• ..,,mho~~: ·~rtm•n'•l ••tnomlll,. •• •r-tf'f'i 1,( a'"' ,.,111,.11n.: ,.,.1111111 \• ,, ""'' ••l•·•lrol l'llftlroln llut ... tl ..,_,.,.. .,.. May"" H•ll Pr"TT•<Uaty l ll-.. n ... r t'lntllll\' ll~rnll• a"ol 1 • '" 111 .,1 •:nr.tnr Nn 2 '"'"" "'"'~ IJtoo f trr IUIJ1 ('fit ...... -tf'!.:lrtlrf'tll .. had I JultJnl lnlro lhf' f01 rtnrr "'""'I ""'~ • lo f•t•••t•h·•tt 1(1 lllll'f'r ... l l '•pl t-.-1 ..., for-h.,.-..... a.d lbt' dlJ 11-?.ool• .. 1 ~:ro~·h~o· N" C l'ftlttllltt had ~ IUJ!Irurif"1 In Wr11# ~-~ tw .. r•l tlo , lnr• •I , 11 11 1 ·' 1,,.,.1 I 't\1 I \\'•••111111"-'' '"'ttl .,.rvr All .....,...,,,. -llw IIIU1.Jf"'l 011 ~ CIYII """"'.. I"""" ••. " '" ., I .... 1'1 ~"'''""' t.1f'l\llrt 1<1•1·11•· Th~ """',.. t.arv uf .,.,,.. d_ty1~ W'tlk'h h&.J t,., .. n ,,,,. ,• t•v t •• ,1 f-, ... , • '~"' vwf" .,,,..,.,,,,.,,\ anti m"" ban<1tmc lbal mallrr AMWl'red Uw (' v .. nn '"' , .... , ... , I• Ill ". I• I .. '"'. '' II \lrl• Jlqlllll•l II• ~ •katkln aftd ••t'lll llw tlrP In& ltXI;I.,.tl •• l•·lul\ tl''""'""' .,,,.,,,.,.,llnJe an,! p.tlit• • ,,.,, .... tn •lf.t.t-rmtn,.. t.n· t '" •• H .,,., •• t rtt • "' w,.,,. In fit r wbal a;::w-1-M lhf'y Wlahf'od to ,, """' ''" ,._., l 'ltlrl JMn llrl~< '"' I Thf'> I'"'" ., , .. IJII\11 ,.. . ll·• I . l!tart. ac:.,..,_.,.. lwolw...-n : ... .., a nti I'"' "'' lltr l~••h•f'M mr•I IIIJe '' eo '-ean f'\r .. ("'t~r ~ .. k('r aur-I M . T I#H• .......... , '" f'"" ,., .... ,. ........ ' -t llut h•· '"'""'"' th• J••h•r f•,.,e-1 ""'' • '' '"'"'' •turin.: "'" ''""''"" .-••• ,)11 ...,.r1 at ..., ;,11d hut tn"'IUJI ., eX 0 a X l fll • ·" lui\ II •lilY•· '"'" hrllll! lit•• :-._' llhtrh ••••· •2'tl1 1h · ,1u.-ry frtt•O '' 'I .. '' hI''"' h.,,...,, t•v '"'" Y'''"l <.:U_y f:nr•nr•t l._tt,.,.,., a• ,,, ,. .. "'h)· ' ., ',,,.,., '•• thr .. • I ·'' ••'-tt•t<~~~ ''' tf a.JJ ·~r.,,t,., ... r11~ ... u l•l ,..-• ~ .. r urr M c , 1 • • t11f l••rl ,,ft ""'''"#' tt • ••• n t,--f'• f&t ' t • ,., (n fi,,.,,.,,_,,,:" .. I Vo o.oth•otlo•,..,. ay u \('•• ''• 1:'"'1 "1 11"'"''1''' 11" '.t'lf')f ' • ., •l ..,. f'"\"l•,. • •At1 I t,. tn • lu•l-•' ' ' I >A"" tt•lt .. u rn• •I "' t ~· "'''' , f NJ f•lt ••· A '''•I ",..' rh•.ml"''r• ~ttd r •• t,.l • '\• H • 1r ,.,.,.,,. t)n•t :tn \'· f t,H.,.. tt • '' •''• • • V• n ••••nU.!h lh<'V ~ .. ,,J<1 ~only 1,. •II~ to>'n ::,.·l l••r , •u-v-Wr ,-.,_.,,., •·t~, ·. t• 1 th"'' ",..,,. .-mp1 "~'' ,nth.-•tr• ,,, ''' p•rt m,..r.· "h" ._.,.,,_ _, .. , '"" '"' '•I AI any ntoo t:tly ,,,.,k lhn--~r· ........ l.nallrurt...t t () _.u,. --tn!<•rm· aUnn onlh ·,.,. hoolr nl lt.• m:>v~>r • ~Itt~. Ld ~ C...ract Cmn 6 Nn·tn... •ely ht<i< .. ra. ..-ere • ..,...., <J.r rr111fn• t ''" 8Up- I'IY'nr: 411 ,.,., nt anatrnal In "''" fr,rr·r I b" ab.Jtm,.nt a untt"r U"" lw bndr;~ al a rroal r,f 120 :l~• pr r li~l for'A An •llf'matr bt•l rtl 128 per llnral forrt frw 1\0 fHt WU fUed • B'"flo Wf'~ .,...,..... f•.r J>AirUift ,_ Macb "" Loala,..,.. • ......t wttJa ..,.._~ ~·'"'"' ..,., .. u . fMorod wttll I liiC._,._ fit ,..one-......, ' • t I,, Ufli Ullht•l• d '-" l h Hilt._. II Can Tuna '~I •''~lotlt•llo • ""''II hll "I "fit• ,.,,,,.. rtl,tm.:,." A f\tUti Jt ,. •tlf• If I •• I'U1 ft\ 'ollt f'• d ttt 1 tilt! II ,,,,...,,.., I f ftt f I f t It f "" afivt• ;u#i!IJIIol I rt f lrtn '•I !',tt f ' I I'IIGUrtlf"lotl loU••'-' '"• ~~ • • ' Wl'tirt1 rh"' I•"-• tl h tl •:, tf • "' s.n 1*•-ttn. tun.• • ., .. 11 ,,. ' •' , •• .,, ~an •a:.••·r "'Ill •I• ,,,,.,,, •• 't•• •• Y.•, t II rt ... 11ng 1 h•·l r l;n•lo·r \I· "' •• n.din;c ma'h .J,,, . tf. ·•' '" 1'1• '' :lflntM•'n·--"(· ;\rtt• ,,,,,,. fl ltltq •J•t:t f" •·til lit· rt111111•·•1 ''' 1~" .. ,,,'I " n'JPlllrr•-<1 l1t'1 ••1'1 ••llf ll 'r•p ,,,., rnak~ lnlu ~, •. ,,f,tn "'·•"""'• ,.,,.,, ,. , .. I I flf tqq,t f'JI IV td t•,J frt•tll • 'I I,,,,. ' •. ' f:t .... \ ~ I, t •• ,,,, 'I p t 1'•"1h .. f, h• "'" u 1 I t,,,,tf tMh''l"" Viltt-.f tu U'-~ ., • I I ····I SltttM ~ "" 1111•1 '"''" l.ol•· "i'f,rv• to non-.111•·• ltw 1'"'1' I• n '' 1t" llnnttnl n,nf••rPrln~ Jrt \\ , I ro,•l•.lt• ... t•h I Tltf')' ""II thlol ' lollll' • '~tlllr•·m••nh 1 ... In• l11•l•"l oro ! •.,,. •tl .. ntu.._ wtlh MrJUt"H ••• n-.~ ''' • 'ttHhltttutn -.f ,.,.,.,,..,f. ,,,,.~ ,,,,d 't..d n ... ....,.rvh-.• ~·v•· lh 1•1 .. ,,,,, ''""' •··J•r~tttt•v•'""' full ltlf '"P' ,. , '" ,.,., un (t-.htnt.: ntJttl••r .., II o I ' • II I I,( 11,1 •""""rll'nf'Y· Ollal)' Anwrwaro • r;ofl '"'" I•••'* Sl2.06 a ,..1(1,(,.1,.,1 1.,11 M~ I"' ''"~lf'l O'f""'"n.tl Jr. wh•• r or Ontllltt' rounl y ... What -do uprJFI -«nat IIW' arra .,. .,........,., In chr ,..II. Booc-~tu-.· ,,, llll• ...,,.,,II" .• ,.1 ,,,, · I• •'"''''""'' AI lhf' Air t~. haa.,. tlitmal ...... ,, .. , ...... , '') thr ''"' ..... I' .... ., .. mot~ .,..,., rethrr MnN'1\n .r""'·mrrH·11r h.ut •·I Ito• MIIJ<Ir 14n•l Mr'll OlmiO't C'"t'f"rfrm#tl ~ P.-rln• '""'' ~~~~ 1 I•Jot• ,.,If 1 • ._, •tf Han Anttrtln T~u• ., • .,, Uftllhlto trr rn~~k• lur11•• 1 •ni•" I•• '""" ''"v• till• ...... Mrw 'nlnomllll IOU1fwrn wltlt't" 1 1: K.-nro•tl\4 rrt IAJtUfta IIIPAI'II. Anll Wra. p; H. Day of ~22 W. Oc-.n I P'rnnt. Balboa. hu had aa her houM r:ue•t. a ton~.ume lr1«!cf I fmcn ~.A«Una Hearl\, M ra Eva C"ran<1~ F'anlum. n<T • ...,. .m ~' d.opt'nd .... ~ ..t If 1!1 1'11prMrd tl) 'JPP'I nat we aJ~ .,. ... aDd ...... , .... btdoL thor fi"t ,_,me 1n F~bruat)' ar-will tw th4' ..-all rtf ~ A 1-,_r ~__, of U... dty·• ~ nt ...,41rlpUIM H p I~ a.tnn wttll Roy " N«l· L•dlkwl --. ..,. '".., aft~ u... city Statr ·~'fnblymlln V' n •'" n I " '"'"'"' frt""" <rf l hr Tr•tUt ,.,.,.., adviltlor f<11 tit" lt~h· 1 o f1• ~.nn~l•. will v...-.t In Nrw1.or1 """"'' a<c'o(lorlll ti .. n ··••m·····" ''•·•' n .. llllt City Claims to Tide Land Oil Is Upheld ,t,,, ttl ,,,, l•tl•tt ••I II •• l 'ttlft"'l ~~ •'-' "'-"'''' 'u' .,,,,1! ftnd ttu ·•' H f ,lf \ 11l tlu IIIII tl''' had rtltlflltllr: I" .,., \\ If h ... , I• ,, ' 0 .... ,.,,.,h·q:•·tl ftdt ,,.,,..... ,,_ c· .• ,.,........ fu .. k trt. ,,. '''"'' f • .,. ul ttlt 111• '' ,, ''" • t th h h h , I • I ,,., • "' ,., ttlfl ••• "'' ' •I II ,, I,, ., ... , I I I •·· • tlj f tit• lutuh ,,,.,,,,~,··1 1 .. I 'lthlurniN urul I•• 1•" I"'' rot oil lrtlo•cl11r h1ul fif o ttft l'fih lltth · J\tt ·•i'l"'''' v.u"" ',., , ...... to s .... '' '·''' \ I• k• • uul tu Y.1fl'l ",.,,,,, •I I•\ \\ tl ,,,. ••' 'tflfufut'y "'"''t hnt" ,, t lft•tlt tltHU ~lk V••Uf"" ,,,, ,, Itt'•"'"'''' ,,,,\'f •.•• II ' .. -------------· I I , I ff o ttl 1 f fo•''"f"' I ' f!, " " v..tt.,, .,,, •. .,, ,,,.j, il ,,,,.,,,,, "otlo \\',oil• o I II'"" ••• ~l1•11t dodl t• I ··d •. , ,, tpf. I jptd '-'Iff+' ,· d~ \1 ' '" .... tit I I t I . • I " '• \1 ',, ,,., •,,,.,, I ftlt ltS'IHrttf tlf ql) lttt •• ,,,,,,.d ll11d '' o \\tu '' Iff• ttdl IHn•l u n-1 ", .. II•• tt•r.... . nf •t lt·d 1 ,, ,."' "" ,,, .. ,. , '" I• 1 ""' ·r ,,, ,. t 1•1t ••I 'lh ''I'' • "•' •" u t "'' .nt 'h ,, j•l•l• ,,. "' h I·,,, I· ~ '"' Itt\ • ,,,, I fl . .,.. I.. I,.,. I I"" I t .,. ,, f Ill ', I \,qt ... , ' f h, t tll1fu ' • j ,,., t ""·'' .. ·n,. St~ru• ,,, ,, .. ,,, ,,., .. ~,,..• '" ,. , ••• u, •• d··· ,. ···t• "',.,. ~. ,., . ,,, .. , ,., I '""''·' \.;,,,,.,,,\ ,,, .,,, r,,,,.rr.,,l f• k'" '" ,., I o f ,,,,, t "'• uppl11 ~• I n,n'"-f•·t ••II 1111tl l'''"' h•'•'''' tttl ,..,,, rn•·r1:1·ol lt~ro•l• "'"'"' til•· 1111•·• rnil•· '"'"' ,,, fht \At.',.,.:.,',,, t·l·'"''' nlft llol11·1 I I· I~ • .l•oltlllfl, Whir 111•-tf ""' ••l•t•lllllto .. n• '" ,, ... t;.,., ... tl IJ•n•l ••"I"' "' II•' Anl(•·lo"' in 1'1:\7. w n, ''I'""''"' t1 l••fHr•· llw Stt foro•fllo• I •oorrt lo\' .IIIII"'• ~: Wll .. lln I r,mu·r ••·n"'''' lr••m ln<lounu u n•l lh•· n. ''"""''"" ~· .... , .. '"""'' '" ""' ll·~rv•·r lltlmtnh tmtlrlfl "Wnt"'m """ thr· f'"·nr•ntl l.~t~ttf ,,,.,.,. h11<1 tr•jl-.·t•"l !Itt• llftfolirnll<~n• LOOSE-LEAF BINDERS I I ' K I : -!) • fl !>4tw.C. A I · •• ( 'nm "'""' ltoo(J~'t'r ~·I 111 t·romprwt ~17.1', KUit- Hblt• fnr '"mil IIIL"I"""' or lhc• homr• i\11 k1rtrl~ ,,, ltua ... r """""· ~~~ .... ,~ ""'' 1 'rtrrl_. NEWS-TIMES 10 II W. C'A"tttnl . Nt!WpOrt IIMdl lift~~~~ llfiMIIItf llt/11 llu• to\lbml•fJ:I'<f o .. _____________ • I . ., ,J • "-~ NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TIMES, Newport leech. Calilam6a, nJESDAY. JANUARY 18. 19M ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -' , .. ~ . • . . .. lllii.DDTD Werlls s.fest IIIW11£2111t -"·-··I&VIMel~ --............ : 2.t % • ,..,, co•poUDded_ eemi·aaD~aur. il .... to ... turity. o.na.inaUm.: •. tiO, 1100, t600. 11,000. Price: '7ato ol...-itr .u.. --,.._ ........ .,. ~ _ .... w.. :f::ble- '-kcolle,...._Nd_r atpar ... ecc:nlld ...... b tbl pur- ., llillilft~Fedlnl ..tate D.w Pe ~N4: ... 1&. 1910. ___ ina. .-..: 11100. 11 .~00\ ea.ooo. l1o •• ooo. t100,000 a"IICI t l,OOO,OOO. Noe: .. Ulld acc::nrd ......... ._ ou. llriM .. C" ••· ... IWtM; HIJit C..e!G • ._ el ........... ;•t"~ ~ ._.,.,1~1-:UDitledS&aa.. ~ .... lilrtla'T'·United .......... llaDd. Sari. "G". ' ; "ou KNOW that this year may bring great vieroriee-if I every American, civilian aa well as soldier, stands loyally at his or her post. And, whatever ei.e your duties may caD for, there is one job that concema every citizen-that COht&M you: That is to help make 194-f one of the decisive yean of, human history. So make whatever aacrifice may be DeC 1 1'7 - to help make the 4th War Loan Drive the .acce. it m..t be if we are to realize our great objectivea tAU year. • Ask :rouraelf honestly-how much of a MCrilce ia it to liw up aome luxury ju.t temporarily in order to ~ tbe l.t iD- veetmenta in the world? Whe11 yoa'ft aD8W8Ncl tbd qa e.r-., buy at ktJ.I ODe ufrG $100 BoJUI DOW-at~ alice or plant. if pouible. And if you've air.dy bouiht. ba:y apia tiD. month-andbep 'eml ... ....... , •• en _,.. ... ......... .._ r b4 Alt BACK THE ABACI I -SOUT-H COAST COMPANY • - • I -)i ol Mn ban Whl Cil! c lM• prll Rlr t9tr IDOl I! on we1 not we1 WI! • hor dau m 'k blr1 er , KIT J ac• plb Sal E ... J&e par -' ear ,_ da] wa. -diM a I • ... . \ NEWPORT·BA.LBOA ~'IUftll. t .. wpurt a.dl. CalUomAa. 'nJt::SDAY. JANUARY 18. 1944 REID THESE 11TT.LE ADS -YOU WILL FIID SOMETHIIG YOU IEED OR CAl SELL COSTA MESA IEWS Mr. and Mrs. Sidn~y A. YO\V'I& ol Virginia Plat'e "'l'n' hosts to M~ Young·~ sistt•r onrt ho•r hUJit· band. Mr. and ~Irs r.u, Smith, \\hO makt• lho•ir holmo• ~~ To·mplo• City Cumin~: fn•nl hl'r humr In f'••t·t · by Private F lrwt Ctau Ro~rt Nt'l· ' ~~<•n. 9o'l• Ole Incentive for a lam· ily ~atht"rlng at UtC' home or bla pArC'Dla . )4r. and Mr11 Albt'rt Nt"l, j .,.,n or Wil110n atrN't Bob '" In Ua.-1 !':l~tnlll <"011111 ano.l 1~ IOtallo>nt'd at PlnPdllll' )f\1\ot, On', ·tm. !Ill'~ R11n1111'1 PUm· !lin<, 0 1.'1 Sll'on or Or11ngr ftVt'nuc pt>llv 18 a ~ll'fl or ~I r nnol ~lr!!. waft tu•IIII:'M to tht> Bay Vll'W Rlrhnd Pk k cnJ'I\II)!h n ! r,:l:? \V Urh.IKt' C'lut> A dclt'o'tabll' IUilo'hNII1 19th strt"C'I Mn Pumt~ly 1.11 t hO' 1 woa IIPrv,.•J by tbt' hoett>llll l 'rlzl':t 1notht"r or thl' •tnll1o•rs w • •· •Arturl'd by Mrs J..co..A1C' Paru1 En ln. ·lnl{ a wt~:"'"l rrv.111• n•r t•ntl\' 'I 1 :\ln1 J C Bal'h nn the Mntl~ nf C"(ll'nnA 111'1 lot·•• 'l1 And MrM F.mll Grt>tnl'r hll\'1' w.-re M r :tn'l !>lr.11 C f ' l'lit'kh•r notumt'd from a fortnl~tht eprnt In anti chlldrl'n, Pal and Pout.-Tt\1'\' 1 th" _th•el'rt ,at Twe(IIY:nln!! palfll:t were jolnt•d bv Mr·. lind Ml"!, r.li!n whPrP Mr r.r.-enn I!Oue''ht tn <'Om· Wllllsma or 1\JNtln pletrly l'l'<'oW I'r f rom a llt"rloull at- Mrs. Fronk F.astmnn wa11 tht-I tll'k nr pnrumnnla. honol't'e rt'<'entl\' when ht•r aon anJ llolr 11no1 Mrs. Curran of Ingle· dau~bll'r·ln.law. 1ft anti :\lr11 Ray· wood were the hoult' ll'IJelte of Mr. m•~nd K. ~tfl'an. orrana:ed a and !41'11. Antoll Wacek of Ma&· birthday dlnnn In 81nta Ana Oth· nolla avenut'. er A'\lt'llta wrre Mr and Mrs. Harry The propt"rly at 137 Eut 18Ua Kin« and )4,... Tari'SII ~chwal;rer. l!lrO't•t hu bC'en purc hallt"d by Mr. Mra. Walter ,Comf!lnn Ia hom.-ond Mrs. R. L . Olitlend<'n of Bnoa. ... aJn after IIJ'H'Ddlng a long boa· Tht" Friday A(lfmOOn club pttallu{.loo pt'rl1•d of five we..k1 In hold a rummage ale at the club- Santa An• Communily hoapltal. houae on January 27. S~dlng a "'"t'nt lt ll\'t' f ro m hla Mr. and Ml'll. Ed Edtrk were en· ""tee with the Navy In San Oie1o tt"rtaJned r~cenUy at the otflcerw' Juk hereon hu bet'n with bla C1ub of the Santa Ana Army Air parenla. Mr. •nd Mn Harry lver-~ u guull of C.pt. and Mra. 110t1 of Hamilton •reet Fred Slater. Wlten falbl'r and aon llav.-the Havlna bun away •lnce l...t AU· MDII natal day. It 1urely I• catlal' ru•t on an extended aay In WI- t• 1 apedaJ celebration when that nola. tha ~~~ 4'da aDd Edith day rolla around eacb yrar Such Conant of C1lfr Drive &l't' ellpected wu the occ:ulon at Ole 0 . K . Mu· hom.-lbort.ly. -u bome. UO Weal Victoria, wben daddy aDd -William w•re fivat a ,_.,.. wtttet. -eK--.4 w.._ a ...,utulJy llthted ull• wu ~t to the tAble. A llfwlrt IUJ1oup apent at hom~ A aon wu welcomed J8to tbe WlWaa Nak tamUy, 1001 &ul Central. Balboa. 011 Saturday. 1be baby wu born at St. Joeepb be.. plt'al. DOUGLAS MKitbS WORKERS IMMEDIATELY! All of us must help to win Victory. Douglas needs men and women to help keep production levels hi«h. No spe- ctal skill or training is necessary. Ir you <.-an't devote run time to War Production work the l)ougles Santa Ana Feeder Shop offers you interesting work on convt-nlt-nt 4 hour victory shirts. TaJk to the Douglas interviewers at: Douglas Feeder Shop %11 fAult Srd St. S...ta ADa Dally I'X('I'Ill ~unday, 9:00 IJ m. to 5 :00 p. m · · U. S. Employment Service 301 W.t 5th 8trMt S..ta Au Monday, Wo•dne'l'd&) & 1-'tida). 11.30 a m. to 5:00 p m. Call or Writ• ror F~ Job lnronnatton Bookh•l U·Bo.t Prlsonen Ration Coupon Dates and Data A dat&~bl•r wa~ llonl • __, to Mr, and Vra. Jnltft Butaw, n• Eut !Ot.h. en-a ........ at •· 1-. f'rh hnapltal Giannini -Outlines Post War Plans To Rank Grnup llr i"••Hnc '" ...... lchn1.1r r • "' lla"k ••f \mo n 1 11 l h " 1\111111'•1 """"•,r .. •n ~~"' t ' "" '"' •' ,.,.,..,, 1\rrt I. M 1~1.•11111' t ,.. ol I hat " rn.~t t~•'''"'''"' tn. ,,,.,,.,.,,.",."1 .,• tt41 ""' lh • ,.,, .. ,. , ......... " ..... Ar • 'h ··n ,..,......,,,, .• hu 1U ,._, t h••tt 11\ tlh•l•1111ll 1.,., klo>t:,. t •wlnr• "I'• ,..,.. .. t• 1~ tn p u , ,, '''" ~~...,,. Jt•t~•··• tfY• Jl hf''f , h lhnn ~'''ll"'f9' '•' tht• r fbtftn• '"I ,, .. , .. ,., .. t hr'"'.:h a,1dt tt n 4 , •• q\ '"~" ""'' pun hAJW•• • f ••r •-'" Jnr• htt'"hh h,. •••t "Cilu h 8Ubtoiii11\IIOI ... VIII(• \\Ill o l o•hl" '-'no•Q lln,t jo•l"' tl\' ('r ·VI•IIIII: J'UI""hiUIIIIJt ,......,,,... wh"l'l' • llf\10\111\•'t ~Oo·l• • "" n~:nln nn... ,, ....... .. nr th .. fullo ..... "" ...... , .. , .... , """" ~·c IM•v• ""'' ~IYI• mual no•t ,,., I lin! If• a h••mr ""l'"'f'fl""l II' ~~,. t-.n all I twv hav .. (o'ltftrtlt f,~ l nol -n ... ",. thlJI mabtt ~· ... Dflln~ OIUI J' .... llf'nt r.......-tlll ..,., 'ftl. 1-1 of 811f'll I laftntftJ hr -.14. mUll~ 1\allltll"plo•~t. wllll , a ftlt""-a.l IDN>fT'f' ~ tn lhf' .,,._,., ..,,.. H,. atatf"d tMl ,..... Mlallllllllinf'flt nt amall toua•-r n tf'rl"'-fiiN .... rn-IMfttl'l' 1ft thr _.., plannlnJ and ntt...-d t.,.. ""' tMt prPntllftC ........ "' ••. ..... ~modt"" •ad _rrt. ..... .... IIDUIIl '-maMtatlwod .. . . .,.._."' .,.,_ f« .. ...,.. enol ....... Whlt.. bll' ........ t-par· ......... ~fill ... dnnat ...... t ..... wtw>MI. prwipllat~ •F' .. "" ... t ., .,._.,. .. t ........... lttf.--. ........ HP'..LP W ANTIIP j FORSAL~~ •·•·ttM AN•:s r w "\'"!-:. :.Po·' 11u tn:a .t~" A N1'•:p ""' ttlrl• wll·•: '""" II'At.P: ':\fl f\l'd•• rou--,.-.-pocl-- '""' ••WII l'f'f1111Uarnl "'"" ......... II "'"'"'''"'"'" I'"'IIIHh•n.l "' .. ""' ,..,.,l'f'll Ill lll'll mow. 1 ·t1,,1 111 to\ uri Kit 1 '"""'""' ,.,111,1, r •thr• o•atw olt·th ,.,, ,,, '"""'"''''·I t'l'nlrAI AVf' No•wrc•rt n..rh. "'''"' tnr hhllnl! 40 r urlrrw an• I ,.,, "''· 1n ,.,.,...nll"l IIH.Iual rv l ·tfCI ol\,.1111'"' ... ,.,., to• ,,,, t~l•l'••llllf' "ht•tr " 1M lilt\ "Ill •'•'nlllf'nMit' J'' htao ml'• l 'tAilw•l tw thuu "'''II 111•·11 t~l•lltl\ 1·11,,.,. wtw olt• f\lf'''l'l.lr.~ ~o>lol, N'fllt'd "' ::: """''• '"' lu.tlna: •'rl\ M· K""''" ~llr '" ""' k "" ,. ~tll l'r•••·• •·rv ; f'fll,..,..l Vt'll:l'l'•. ~ Main • ~;:1"'"' ""'" ""'"'' "'"' t.loonC'\' 1111( lho• '''''' ~hu•al o'IIO'IIIelr In """"'" 1\nol :!fill Ma""" Avf'n\M>, '"'""''"'' 1r "''' """"fit··• .I II ttu• ""'" • ,.,, . ., Jo:llh•·• lull ••r 1'"11"'" llllllnd 1~·tfa e:.nl n ,.,.,,_1 llo\\10\ t'hiHIII"•'V pnri iiiiH' ""'k llll rtiJonn'lll'ln ""'' S··•'l"''' \'•1'1~1)' ~1114 '"'' llo•u••· I ~~~. '""'lit 111111•· ~le ll't '1tN1TI'ttF. ,\,~·1u, ,..,,1nt N•·"l"'r' """'h ,.,l,.t tt M''"" 4 21p FClR RAI.It--. ~~~· -r1ollll I' ... nK SAI.t~ Kt:.". t~TATP: t>'\ lit ~f\1 .F t 'llhll'lll<ho"l ohoplo''· <'4 II ' 411 II '"' 1,,. ffO It lt t .'7 ft )'·• ""w "'urk Ul'. l'tlh,. ''" r ''' "'"' rc•·~• ""l't•lv "' 111" tt•t U41 IHt lutUII~ tthhnt:. '"'"'ttn.:: ""'' llnm.: H1ll prlo·.:O t.•t :~• ;:'\;: •:.01 hi'T ~t Ill I \•alii Mt'all ••r r hoot)r ="'""I"''' ·~u J • ~lp • • .'\Ill S Al •• ~ to•,,' •••t tom ••n ,..,..1 r• l.rlr anol ,, .. .,llll('O' ..... Jnhll ... ~aolltlr lh rn,....l t?al •~"''" bn •krr at 302 M11ln •lr.•l, 1'-l b oa "l..rl J11<'11' Do It " •·21r IIL~F.IJANI'Xll"' l'«:o-~ TAll o. v-......, ... ,., ... 0 l. CVl\ V 6 A..OCIATII ~ .... -~~~ ..... ................ Mf!IYA Af!IA. OALI~ • ... ~IIOI'f~·~ RAURITRT fttretch \\'ANT io:P t:,.,,.,.,,.., I'IW1h' 111'1 "'" 11111•1~~··· !1211 1.111·· :>l•t •l l .a.t ...... , •. !':t·\'l'·••r Hr••·h ·1 •f· 111-'1.1• \\ A 1'\T )o:ll ..... t v I" ,,., ,hn.t .,,, "'" ,,Itt \\ "••'-.... \.. "·· ''" 1' :111o :-.;,Vol'"' I llo·11o II t ''UK SAI.r,_ olulllll( I ) 1\olll t\ :lh )o'tllt ~At.to: 3 a•lf'O'• l»oln ~om ,..., I 101111 r•" kllll o'hiOh . 'J •"kl o'I!Ooll ll•oa A'"'' lr•on t .... t llJ.ol •l'rlnll• l'hoon•: N"wl'•"t 7t~.w 41\1) (\lot ' 1 +-unt v I<''"'' ,., .. ,. ~~-1 41•· lo't Ill ~A IJo: IAI<I v·• lolo yl'l•. ,.,,.., ·"lth OtJ.I t M•. J!\~ J•twu~ Nr,.- l"'rt 1"'"' II Hill I .I II :lt. .. 'Ott t' A I .. : A t"'h tlf fhiVf'l f1"111 fu l .. J11~1 """ nO''fll l'h~ Nf'W !"•ft ~I W ~ Amrthy .. llalt••'\ l11l11ntt 11·21 •· Hot "'EROI.P I'" •• \ INT.~ fl ,lftNt'MiRta I'M"M~ 1 '1j"lll •'f ''""""I" 1111 ............... " ""''~'" ,,, "'"'""· • ........ \\ .,,,,,..,,.... lcll .. hf'ft 'h • '• •1• .. •'• lr.•nlnot tw.nk ~"''' ''" F."•"' Trr>r• Mr '1411hll 1 "'"'"W" , • ., ln•l ault flr-11· """ !(,..,,, Anll ' 1\·ltC' Rahy r r•t. bll'h rhlllrl III MIIf'tl vmtlh ,,.. ... hllll .. nrllra o•rth m•ll,...•• "" "'"" """" ""'' filii'& "*' ..,.., •. tna•n-. ~ m1 ..,,._ ,._ • llitr M.\t-an f'ltrnlharr ("1'1 . "'d "'"' ltn~altwa~. !'ant• Ana "•"" a r•""' "l'"•ht tol•t~n at a ,.,.. h,.,_.,n • f\foaullf'tll Clllatl.....,y nn••h. .,.,...l..,t a-,..._. ,.,. Mrt ,.na" at f'fC!Wtw'll't ·~~~ .... ----------P"'K ltAU: Attrartl" ...... \Win twdll tr•lnlt "'",.. Met ANY UAtllt TODAY• malt,--, lfO ~ tfCIW• w AN,..n Nk' .. , riMf\. tottnn pnn a.ach 1111·'111 •~to niC'•. mtaua buttCWWt aM n.tnM No.,.., rtotki"CIM ... ,..,.... """ "AI.Jt lllaallnett. dla Will pay T ~:tela te. at ~ lll&ftolard. lUI ... ,..... N-•·Ttmu ntnr. ti·W •"·· OMIA .... ..... 0.. IIM'el htklll ~ .. " .... CANununer ~·--Inc a wHtaly rabbft' dtNI« 8111 8• tr.om ~~·· Ill f'Mia M.-,.. BOA'I'll. MTPPUD I ~ -•• L& ....... ..... - "N .... ·"· ......... ..,_.. On Rayon R-a wtwr o'lriU\JIIwo• JWeValll. l'hOl''lf' ·--.. ... • •• 1 ........ _-~ fn'll' tlf'd« 1.1> ... -JI0'1 •• hf' ron II'AI.IIl Vai'IIIIB\ _... ..... A·l Wltll all -~ ,.....,. ....., two> *t" to :liO It tttll ,., ,.tf(' MA,.INI llALVAU AND M,O Mlldltkla, I.M about • .,. rww....,... ~ t~ ...-. ----co mn~~lha Itt ,..__ __ ...._ -. --• pnc'ft -,.,_ ~ ....t lllto -~ -W c...•••• Aw ~., -W "~· ..... ,_... N""f0'1 ~• ,.. a. u.e ....--.. ........ ~ .... .tt~ tnct.Y tllr ottll'• .,. PYY• _ _ -.. rt .._.,, c.ur tto. a.u.e R.ataon eaWI\nar ror pt'nod hi·· C8 ,..bruary 2'1 .. IIAJ •· .._...,.u.. an-"C'...:t Upnt~ Br:P: Rn BAR01:1l. •f'dtum. hlr I •·•ee pnft ,.ALit u ... da....,.ott ... (innlnc JanUIIry 16, 1944: 0. ~~~~~nary l'f .. llaJ •· U..-,....._ ~~ wUI W Uar-Pf'h·at• ~adln1• tal W •til --------------1'1\alr . ..,nnp llflld tn t.e ,... War Hatleft .... I ' F'" ~ry :n to llay • ..U ,., C'..tiU.. ~-with a.,.,.. 8t . !Jallt.A, Afta '""""'• 4t01 '"I I..Ofn AND POWJND ---..-.utMI .,., ~ Ill *' !ll&mp 1'11'1 1~ It pair ~~I 1'14 Apnl 1 to JUI'k' ~ Uon lff....W.C tlw 1 ·--,.· pu~ __ liP appo lntiM~ S·ltp LOftT I.Ady'e Watll ud biiM llal rnncl tllftdltklft. lltr&IIM. tli now to 'datA' not llf't I I C.A April 1 tn Junf' 20 "' 1 rantr• nl •PI""'"1mat.eJ I!\ "" l._rtl A.... ..1\lna IIIM<1. Yl'ftnta PL o.ta M.-... ~ War "11t*' 8eoll Ill 1 lilt April 1 to JUN> lO r twt. P"' ,.,, Co;runadu .,,., ttw> 1""11nllllon "1 Jan 11 Keward """"" N-· IU~R •·Itt Brown aampt IP'or maat JR Aunl I lo• Jurw :aD. • 'OulUt ... , .... owhlo h 1"''1H thr Warnant Otflt'f'r all'l Mrw !ttuari 1 roM "'*'h tUt . 1\•ltr cannt'd flah. m~ edible ona: 1 t-\R Apnl 1 In Junr <!10 liN'• nahntr ar .. any ,.._ •rruo wh..-11 Mr Kay •.•twn Ul•y •lallr.l ,....r• f'ant I __ :-=----------WAN'I'D 'ft) a&N'I' chHaea end <'an~ mUk: 1 G .... IM .._.,.. _. ttloul tw .. '"'1111 atcw .. arwl Mn Rttol ,.,.tnrll W ANTD w ANTII:D '1"0 -,...,. -eii..i1• hi~ R. S , T ond ll. now In J"nu-C No . ._(A·Baak, .... and M ft .. t ... pull •okt at .,........ WAN'TT.II ._,. _A.,.., ....... n~ a-rt ..... t -_...... sry :l9. oupon ol ....,._, .. ,.n. ..... will ..a~~ aad ~...I· E t• '" '" ''"' • ....-"7 V-..January 23 to February 26. ~or 3 ~.... -....... rwto.<l.__..!l_al. n .... •IIIH-"AJI80n Xf(U IVe tl411f'. In r:orwt r nnotiUuft, ...... ....... .............. WD1 ..... W-..January 30 to February 21. a~uary N 10 tA-bonll IOIId ..... .,.. .. ,. 1'Pet,_ Man.. c f c ·n·· b4rv•·•· '""'-"~ ..... .._.... "" sao • _..._ X-February 6 to P'•bruary 21. ror ~';:.~on .. o of I(I!OOIInrl j-.. 22 OPA ,......._.:;::.7 "':'Ia~' 11eads LA. ,. 0 • ~)~ -----8-ttp Wl'lll ... ..,. 1'/0 "----r::: Y-February 13 to Mardi 20. to March 21. ~Aaa' ~ _._o.n ~ll .:" -~· WAN'nD 'ft) aiiJft Z -February 20 to March :lO. All eoupona mUll -., .... _. ,_.. ~ I Ill 00 RIM'OIW fw ..., ..... ._ StAmp Boftut -Butc:ht-1'11 wUI fee wtt.h car 1ft-~I ,...v. :udll ... ,_ ~ ~I 1.0.. A NOI!~ w c Mult.n w AH'niD TO IUiliCT Q&rsp ~ to ....... .. ... 2 a ~ jpve 2 broWn points fM t'ftfY ~ ...:.~ o1 ~ ...W .............. wU?-......-. ·do-. ~-Yk.-~l uf MU eUt .t., 'D IJaliMI&. ,-._ ....,._, M ...... 11ft. ....... pound o1 u lvacl'd klt<'hl'n rata n-T1N 1, 411,._ ,_...., " •• & -a. prr fiUr a.-,tlw aout'l"ft ~ttnmta ~"'I N-p1111 tS3, ul& rrw lilt . ......,. ,...... I .A.A A 11 .. 1.0. 11:111. ·~ ct>1vt'd. C·book hoktrn.-_.., 3 mtlfttlaf. • ro. -~ ....,... ,..... ~ f..._J!IUlY waa .. wtf'd M.t ,,..1. -•·tt.e ... Stamp Nn. tOP "atrplaDe" ~beet ~ttl I.Mprc'11on tMofnn-F'f'4Jnlel') 29 ........ ..,_.. .,......_ .-ff«"tl!" drnl r1f the l..oa Anr:rlf'll t.'·ounty ~--------------~------------• ( 1 piUr shot-4l now to data• 1\01 5<'1, n-boott hoktfor'll f"Yt'l')'. mtJfttt.. •t o.:•. attbcM~Jrla ,.,,_.,,. wbn f'twlmbrr orl ('t.mnwn-f' ff4 _.. -.oaT. J'AOQ• ftOU War R•tl'ln 8ook IV 4th ln~(ll~tlon tw•r .. ro• ... ,...,.,111ry 29 _, lla•r .,,,. .. ,,., hanoi at w• rH><Ioo l"'t'anll I' Putu••1 v attnm~v Stamp No. :lO 15 lhs. !CUKarl i\·bonk hl'lltt·" •·v•'t") fi m<onth., than t.hr -t'9'111nr: I~ a.llo-f'd '" and I'!VIl' lfoa•lrt Mullflnolo•,... aa.t•l ''Pop" 01*-ltlanei1H' nO"' Ill !\11\l'l'h 31 • :lrd lft.'~Jif"'ltl'ln ht•fnrt• Man'fl 21 .tl ""' aUC'h •t••ll at lhr 11lol IIP'If'., "T1llll '"" lhlr•l lll'ar Y""'· Will , (F_.J ~ Artal G..-n Plllmpll f•>r ranne.J, frot;o,<•n T o('OIJit"n huloh'" ~"'"I'Y fi ra.tllrr !han mark tl ''I''" lt.... 1.,.:•1 ' boo tt.... mnal •hrth ull ur Uu• wa1•1 BAIT TACKLE ltDrl ('t•rtain dt·h)drahod foud.,, m~nlh .. lll' ~'Ifill m ...... "' th1\tn.: lt'wl" v-n.thu• ,., AllhnUjlh ... •I . . .. nSHING INP'OftMA110N 0 , t~. ~&ntt F nnw to Jemuary :!0 __ _ _ -----.r maktna .CN•I)' pru11r .... ttowarol N&Whlln' BUOII G. II and J -January 1 lo Frb· Newpelt -...... ('f'rialft vlo'toory attvanr f'a will b<' niDI')' 20 N E W S _ T 1 M E S co,..ly .,,.J 11 I• ,.,_ rvldrnl thai Rf'd llttamJ)II 110 point• f'll l for I --II a u thr ..... •of ····mrlrtf' VI• toory """' meat. canned , .. h. m<IM f'<.llblt 1'11111 __________ .. ....,.. all •oUr •n•miN 111 IIIIa war I• .C III ch~llf'll lind f'llnnt'd milk. .._. ....... E.-y ,..,...,. ... ,.,... ... , """"' v.--. mww a .... way otf .. All -F.-bruary 27. to May 2il _ _ _ ---- 88-Febnlary 2'7 t.o May 20 141trhloar.rl ... l,.. Ptlwhlfo 1ft A........,:-G.!III ..... )'Nr .. ~Ow~ ~ P'f'bn.rary 27 to May 20 It 15 Ill"' YWr tft tth .-: .. ,.., ,_,. to __. 08. £:A l'lnd F8 Merch 12 to ~,_..., a!l ~~ll!lll 1NI""' et a. ,...allkw t. ...,...,. ._. May 20 1 o.memta ._....,. tw Al't fll lllllrda S. U'7'l mue ltamptt 1 10 point. ea .1 fOf' __ ------:--~:..;;;;;;.-J. cannel!, froun and certain dfiiY·I ~ 4 ~ •8Diitla AND MAtf.AlZWI --------·--:----~-=--------Professienal Dir~tory O.W.II.~ ••• D. ..,..... .......... ~ ... OeMNI .... OfiiM IIN.t 1•11 ...-.,H..-. ,. 1 en It OONaAD RIOHI&a. • .D. ftl" ...... 11 --z.:..·.:... ...... -. ......... " .... ft II .... 1•1 ... Mol I drated fOI>dl· ,.... -.-~ .. ---,. -· • ·• ..... "'~ "P.ACR AA F".-bn.rary 'l1 tO Vay 20. ' ~~ _ 'lllr 0.. • y_. ===::;~;;:;:;==========------~' B8 F'f'ht'uary ·z1 tn llh.y :!C) AD; lr"n I.-IILzl _____ _ AVAJLABIUTY CERTinCATE NECESSARY! LZIIOY P. AND&IUION Aft'OaliriiY Q LAW SNOODf .R.q ..... t C,.,. ~vT .,.. ~ ~r ~lQ\~ ~(:lA I ..____.......,. ... ..,~_ .S~~iS , I .,.,,T'.;-WHAT 1 T O LO Hlcll ~K t. "ll\lt> .-H"-l wA'; wORSl. t)¥1 ~C. IT ~ '• • -- Ollila .... ~ .... ...... &M .... BUY NOW CU)' Tu 8aJe LoU A. I . IWift •o..arasa• ..._._ ~ ........ Dr. G. B. Tohln ................. _ _ .............. _. -~-----....... ___ .. ...,..-.- Dr. M. D. Crawfwtl 1 OPYO~DIT9 ......... ,,., ...... "' ... 1117 ... .;;;;-.........., ,._._ COftA..._. ----;.......~· BALft IIOitftJQT a.,.~., .... ....... ~ Cetttooe M4 M•r •· ~ ..... \ .... ........ ... ~v-:: ~' Jltf.D.OAJIII I •••••• ... -•••....wu ........... , ...... ·-a. ..... .._ .... WHO'S WHO lfl HARBOR DISTRICT nttr:rt.MT. ANn fU"'IOI.t"~~n woon- H W W"ght. I7R4 Nrol Jllvlt , Cllllta Mf'u. UIN'd t.um~. Ph ~J OP: ... P:Ro\1. f'O'IITllAf'Tflfl-- r.or<f.,n f' f1nrll11v :lotiO C'<wut ntvlt J"h . .a'l. PI•Nt and ron-tructloa. r.f''fnr:lt .,",." """',._ r ... , .. M"'" l.hr ,.. ...,, ........ , Vl'lll plnn Y'"" hl'lf'nf' •• Ml""" 41, n nv P l•l rlrl I ,,,..,,,.., ('n l'"'ht-11!'10 C"oul IIIKhWIIJ It Ardlea on1r·r. ,..,.,.,., tr.-- ~'~"Wfl'l'' 1111rhor Puhll-"lnr Co., ~: t:Z • 13, N-fl0'1 BMm. rttt.,Tl'llfi- N..wrort ll~trhnr .Pl•hll~ht,r C"o .. ,.,.m~,... 12 • 13, N~ ~· ltP:.\1. P:II'TAn. r.oi"I'RA~f'F. a l'fOTo\ltY MlftU~ r-Jf "'""",... 2202 W. O!ntral Aft!llu.. J"horwo B. ltf!ft,_F.,_ f'T A 'If,.._ N_,_-t Jf•"-.-.u .......... 01., ~; 12 · 13, N""*" a.dL Anr.r.T llfr.TAI. WORK-~ ~ ~ .... ...,. ............ ODI!la MeM. "'--21.1. VAitrr.fY ...,.,...._ a.n.a ....,. Variety Marl lie. 101:, 1lk and up. Plter!• 2111·W . • . . . .: Pip Four Cafeteria Celebrates Eighth Birthday ~ ~· atth~ N-'Pf•rl n.-.artl Grammar S<'hool ~I'Ct"r1a are al· Ebell Luncheon to Be Followed by Program Of Unusual Interest • wa.y • a "'lt•or k ()f art undtr th .. uull-Wb.,n u ... F:bftl m~~..,. and tul hanJ uf Wra Ra.r t..ucn a.ndl lhl'lr (U,.,.t• '"'"'"'nr on Thur,.j..,,. ht>r C'Ofll" of hl'IJWI' hut l;u.t Thul"'· I fnr ttrP rf'trular mf"f'fln~ tl .. 111 hr day wu a llf"'Ct&l day tn thr 1 .. ~-I a'tl h lh,. t•rv•••·r.-r ,>f hrArlnlo: a pn ... book nf that urganiU.IlttO It ,. . ._. •ram • hlcla Coatf'e hl~;hlJ ~· the elchth annlvrr•ry ••f th" hr•t mr ml• ·I ' • I"" ,r•ot~p ,., na A ll"n day bark In 11'38 "'h~n Mn! 1..1111:0. <'11Hm> "'·II '11' ·•k ~<n .. \lnr,, th• ~naored by 'hr I' T A Aro.-.. ••· l'r•~ "''' ''' '7'..-a,·" Unn or that • hont. f~t•l • I"'""''' Th ... , ... ,.k:-r hiO~ 11\r•lln "" JHtr'~ t hr• doN tu tht• l'altlt'lth "Jiou-11 ut tboo Bnloeb t:mpu" "'" n1: baa wtln IIO•IIliUI)I lli llurl• h a!lWllrer• 1• nl tw,.tc·,. )l•:r~ tn Snuth Afrira IUT0nj.: th" hun11ry ftlldt-ntil a.nd "h"r!' »hP u,..,, •r,. nn"'"" a,. m"! tht'lt p&1'1"1oUo And r .. r I Ill •'" .... ,.,. fnr h~r llr1 r•t ' .lpt ur• ~"" treat. &11 the· ynun;.!,..,.,,. (•,un.J •" a ,tr-.'~•~at,. ut ,., •. , .. ".'' r t •t v ;,f chiC.k~n and ham J•h Alhl I lolllh· I •ll!hn lot .1n•l I" Lh• ""K" otl"r "' day call~ Ctft thr n r nu <•f ih<' ,J,,) ., '"' Wtnuf.. S·~m \'1• • n ... ,. Oo that day • t~tht ,.,.ar, .. £ ""' c Mn1 Lull:" l't"t'f>art'il lhr n•"m 11.• .. 1 -TQFYOUI- .FIIEIDS AWAY? I" -· ., ,. .... , lrt.-.. """ a.w.,-_ __.. ,..,. -n" .- ..,.._ war,. .... _., \Ul 1...,.1 t.n k ..... -nvu~ ~ ""'l' -• pl Ia tlw rultt~t u l ~w.,! JO~ llw \\ \(: "" rea --• ,., .. ..,...., tn&kr ... f~ara lf\l.f'r..-.!lllc &Hsp ...... )CIU lln' ...... \1• tal wort.. te ·~ ,-art .. r). ,._ 1\mt) ........ \'Ul'M ltorlp .,.......,,., T.a. I• \ Ul K .. -.-..-: ...... , ... ~ ......... , ... .... ........ V. K. AnQ a-nit ... .....,. (,...r .._. ..... ..mr. .. p '" lk' ..,,_), Or Witte: n. Mjlla-t o.-r-1. --............. dl# •• W~D.C. New Famlly Has Come To Ralhoa "' .. • t\ • • ..__, .. , t ...,t • I 1 •' • t '"·•'. t .. , ••• I' til ,, n •t, '• ,.: t; ,, l••f I ~* ... ,. •'• • ... ~• f hUh-A ~rt f ' I lt1 A : • 1 ,., tl ,, ,, y • .,J: .............. , ......... -~ ··-.. ... ~' V r • J C"• l •S :,· tJ ~. t 1\ .1 ~ t r J • r • r,.. • ·! 't · tt• I· • ' "t tt ... fh r1nt \t~•',.;! ,, • .,. •• t ~f\rn t h••r n • •• r 1H 11 ··~· t 1 ... tfl~ •n fht~ t {t(t•f t f I n, ._ ~ottt •• ,, ~lar bJ•· " ... ,. \t r• •: .• ,,,., • Jttof"" y,.. J,.~ ptut.• f''·' ,, I • "'"' ... ,. Y•oltn;:~ .. , f'll'rl• .... QUilt , .. ~ ~'lephany J•· oot> ...... n,. I':. II• r "'"" f"atncla F:lhr•lt S 1trlf'\ ,.:u, drr, R•lt>btr 1~·'\t ~" ;a""•'• i 'nl lina. A lh.a"n l'•u•l. J..-rt \' I'" uti Nunnan W\·rn. ttarhoont l!ru~~oono• Warcan't Ktolln aDd l.any ~lllb­ a.w IlLIG( CLEAIEIS NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-'riMD, N~rt Beach, Callfomla, '11JESDAY. JANUARY 18. 1944 ,. .... El:>ell Book Section Lauds Early Meetin2 Hour; Three Books Bought Each Month for Hospital 1-Iarbor Feminine Activities \a 1 hf'nne L1ston. Sot·ll't y Rt'JX>I1<'r _, • l 'hon«>s 12 and 13 • Residence Phone 690· W Meelln~t at the home of Mn. !'or Uw boyL ·• · ADd)' Kirk. 1408 lt. Oeftlral. SAl-'naere -.-• 22 ...-. .-o ..a b~M. t he E bell Book S«tlun gavt-dOYo-n to tiM-deltrt.:dw dHwrt _... their final 0 . K . to the toarly 1 1 ed by ~ booM"-Mn Kin.. Firemen' Auxiliary Installs Off1 cers loin• lorn•·• Fr• "' ""'·1:•11n.: t·r• -.~~•, f, • •t 1 '• ,. t h•• ,,,,, ,.,,. (,,r ·h,. n. v. v• ,,, ~ u· h n~·· ~· ~ ~·rt 1<-,,,, ..-......... ~ A •l~ll l,,n· m•·l at t · ~ t1 rr • :-:i•l"' Jtr n'·'''i.'\'' h\r·t.u• II•, ·~ ,, \\ I.WII ' '•' •f, ,. ,., • ''''II ' 1 I ' ,, 1 \ tft•"' 11( tht• \1 '' \\' tltnn• Mt - l r , ~ r , .. \1 ,. 1 '• •td• nr I "' ', .... ' ,. I ,, 'IW-t ,,, 1 \It • f'r"')l t f ,, ~ I of I 0 :0: ~ til"-ofl .... l'f i • 'I•\ ,, , ,. r \1t -. ;\1• htn h.ht•'H' " r, ... '1',. ,.,. '"' t\f ,..,., .... n't···t ,, ,. • ··, , •.... •••• . """~-! ,., :tf .... .. /.ut.. ..n•t ~trs 1•!· f f1n• lJ hh\U..: f hr1rc•• ''.t I I r ••n•tnttt•t ,\trill k:••l I \ t .,., ft~l'fllf tfU I U l.f • H t .. tn 1•1• ahl•· tl •f•l~ ' ···'"'" • f .. " .. ....-. tn••• ·en1: 1h• : • U• , • nul~ " , ... ,.,-•. nt • I I I • &ttlthlt f' tm• uf 'J~t \1 r• I l 1'1\ 10 r h rrrtnr• hrs:,•• \1f t •t ~ulw -.. •. ,, .. , .u:•J '' r.. \\ , H.' t:. •\.\ •• l••\'\ , •• '.,, ... ~, ,,. .... ,.t \\t ft "j f1 • ., ... th·· \1• ... lltn ,. .. • -,.," J•>ltn-1 .. 11, t t l•·• t ··~nth II c ;.•rH' !-'v. an "''" Fol /.ul• t::.lph Hau·'l'i \\'IH • , ,. 1 '' \tUtlft \\ u•tlnn6,!.t•r •~,.1,. )1~•••11 M• 1\·111 l<ttl•ll.-t:t.·n 1 t•.•• 1 ,.,.,,rl•., ~·""''· \\'1ll111rn )I• I "'n"l I llriol llulo r1 ,IA•I'A'In Thr n••'l rn••,.'lnt.: "'It hr"••n F•·h· 1 ulll") 111 "' 1 h• ll••m" 11t lloln1 Krn- r~'th John "''"' Honored on Her Eighth Birthday ------- Protect Prized Furniture With Handsome Filet Crochet CapiJla Circle Holds Meeting 1 o'clock ~rt hour lut 'nlund.a)' Mn. C". L 'nlom aDd Mn a.n.. MN!t Hnhl'rt R King-gavf' an l1Df' 0ou«laa. I unu.ually comp~htftlllvt N'VIew c-r 'nl• ~bruary m~ .-111 w at tht news of the day. drawln« upon tbe home ot Un P. A. Pa!I!Wf'. IJD her former yee,.. of realdfonct' In Abalcme, BaJ~ blaDd. At thl' hr mt> ur l'tl ra. F'ranrht Sofia, Bulgaria, to 1t1ve the mtrr· pflla Cln:lt convtned fur the rtrl't fef't of Atlltd bomblngll on tht pl'f•· B. and P . W . Women Cox In Corona · del Mar, tht Ca·1 !>fora lln Intimate ll(limpM of the .,,. meeting of the year. pie or that t•ountr y The group opened with commu· • Mr11 Ht>rhert Buu r .. ,.lt>wed twn T 0 Hear Mrs. Wheat nlty aln&lng followed by a prayer l ••harm.ng brook&, "Journey Into At lht u r.-~rUlar bl·mnnthl)· mrt•t•n~t t h(' tbrhor Rua-.... Prnf('lllliAnal w c,mtn w tU ha\'f' tbr (tven by the pre .. dtnt. Ml"8. Cox, Amrrlca" by Don Culroe P~atty foUQWed by a readlnc In k~t'JIIng I.Antl "Also the Hill'' by Keyu . Th•· with the ftret m onth of the ytar I rormt•t wus e!!!p«IBIIy t imely u 1t wrllltn by ).Jra. Mary Raymund portraya the Amtr ira for whkh we Sellerk and read by Mra. R. 0 . arP fighting Tht> lattt'r btlf'k ,.,.u t•h·.tsurt• ,.f h!'ann~ Mra t':•'•Jr~ ReL 110 thoroughly onJOVtd that it. wu Wh .. at 'r S<•WJ" ~ :::::11 .. .,... The newa or tbt> Kohler-Chue : vol<'d tu pur~haM it fur th .. "R• II· tlwy ~oavt>_n.o 011 u v r\Mitn.:: I •hi .... '-·· h 1 mv Library" ¥. hl<-h lh•' a roup pre>-t at 1!.-mz ""'"""' Baya.bof'tw C:al~ p a no ~ rh ,_. u.-tn pure a~d • ,.. • . . " •tr.o Wh . h ,· · ....... n-1 tor th M Un H t · vltiPII rnr lht pat1rnta in U1e Sant3 " · · ~'•11 a" "on m ... .,., ,.. e ee g OUIN" waa lfrt'e . . 1 flahlp ,.,., t ur.: .,.. a r.'(':\'• r .,.. I td with enlhu!ria~~m &.II lht Sunday Ana Army Atr Ha.•••· h08ptta ltt\'Wrt ht twr "Hna;•.i<'<l Laud~· achool met•tlng there hu 110 flU Threr huuks a re ht'm~ pun·haJ«•tl f' . I! 1 ll'r' havln" ~ rn ~twmln n,·u ·; ..... ~t11p8ss~d any hopea of aucreu anrt rn .m the conlrlbut•on~~ <'llt h m onth " r l'rf't't'tl l\'1' altdtf'nt ... ltlt •t;!ho•Vt I will be enbanced by the plano 23 ' 4 T bl f B 'd --Snulho·m C"alt f,.m ta a• •~II u ~ I ttgmner11 wert' pruent at the a eS 0 rt ge '"''~rant w:u pla,y '"T!:•v Abo cJaa.e Jut Sunday. ao many thlit H d b W St-rvf'" 18 dlvlaion uf groupe h81 btocoml' OSte Y allaceS n w J!lt1Ufl un Thurl'dol•• •'lll bP I necuaary. I •llrir h.-! •n lh• n t.at an-A"'M'nr-~ "Jlepe.[. • .,drtve wu anno~tnc~u ~ JTOUP nr fli~>D•I" gatlw.r......S on (",...-d s .. ,~bor un~ ....._, With Mra. George llwla aa chalr·t tht Lew Walla l'r homf', :lor. Ana•lt· l!~ Whf!at ,.,,..ale .. oa "\\'.-lfazo 'CI mall. P.:tlb~tll, 'n ~8lu!'fll1\' 'r>T nn ......... Our BonJer · I 'nlt afternoon waa apent in Rt~l r11n1-: "' bn.Jge, · ero. awing at lbe cloee or which High IK'Ort was won by L 1.. Llr. Fran k Cra11e'a lovtly pray,.r l~ht·tt. I.N'IIn,1 by Mr11. F: I. ~''"'n' lor men and womtn In krvke •1nd thiNI by Mra. (" F Walt~t. ctoaed lhe m._.eltng. Mra. Camcr(ln Al lh!' corwtu:olun nr brldgt· lifo· and M l'll. Lewla wert In 1:hargf' uf ll'cl.nhle rtrrPshmcntJ! Wt'rf' IM'rY•·•I the refreabmtnta. the I:'U"'SI&. Thm•c bidd!'n tu tht' po.rty were Mr. and Mn. L L b -Kay Finch Am ong Art ~>toll . .Mr and Mnl. It t , Moore. Mr and Mr·& C'. F. Walta, Mr. and I Connoisseurs Feted :.Irs J F:. Whutcrofl. Mr. and . SELL Tho8e I I Mr"-Ralph Mukty. Mr. and Un. 1 At Laguna Beach ' J A Ganl and Mr and M nl Ht'D· t ry Y...rgert. Jl'1aiP .... wl6 ............. clnw, etcncti9e .. ,. .. proeed --l - -I a .. ,_.. ,....... .. II .. Tille dtarw-piea chair Mt Ia 6Jet Or Rn<. All',. Ch trl•·• H w~bo·, Jtm Harbt-IIOn who ill enrolled in ........... A r'-• ~ ......... '---......~ ..... motif lad calli f« • r • • ..,. h 1 I • --.... -" .... II('Una ..x:ac lp<mltQrf'd an n· th!' V·l2 Nav~· P""""'"'m at Oecl· -:ODDS Now Under N~w Manacnn~nt Pressing-Cleaning-Mending ..., a ...... el ... ,. ..-ariiM crodNt cottoiL Dinctiou f« I t •.. ri I J • -... -I J•atnrt. Atklrutoon wu hunon-<1 rx' :· W *' dlalr-~ .. ..,.. ... "' ...uq a_. Jill. aa)f. 1trri'JOt ng cau•t ng of art conno •·1 <ltntAI rnltf'ge, apenl the v.·ttk-end t.,. h• r :n•·l hf'r .. n th,. llttlr ~r1'11 liMY£ 11 ...._ ..... II.IWwk ~ oliWI ,.,_,IIPICifJ'· wura and deelgnera In their bome wttb hi& mutber, lira. Ann Harbe- 1 .. 11:hlh blrltr•tftv tu r "'N-k 'llt'h"n hn '--...... 4t711l rect-ntl) where Kay Finch wu liOn nr 208 F: Surf. B&Jbo&. • ltuwom:.t .. ,. ,n """· Tr1n .. · .. f'l)(lm in I amoog the bonnnd rueat.. ! __ _ "'' IJilanol ~rhonl .. rr .. tnvlted In 00 IEWS The hOIIttSll .. huWC'd llflmt' or ht'r I .... ENDS ROBERTSCOTT,M~ Fenwrty ..._. IIMd a.-w thl' <rl,.hntnt'a hucrf' 2111 rJuunr.n•l BALBOA ISLIID SCH L c.l)lle<"llon or p~trrtlaln d• 11:11. whlrh R~nt. Buy, Sell or Trade with ' ea-. In abundanrt-"'t rto l•l•v-l ab,. had acqut~ed from 1111 par t• of a W-oJ. Ad. I., ... ,, .. ,.,.,. .. t•w·•t rt't Ph•trt~ . a I •h•···' r .... , 1111\t ~·lmdh. bl -mall [)ltJII'r bo~tkll'l• or nil th•· tht' world ln rnrmrr clay. ·······-~--:-= priztr at t h .. rlf-nr _.hicb lrt' , ,.;r.ul• tqw•t 't'l l!o•nnu t'rt<•e, 2nd '""'k' H•atl by ,.at:h ch1IIJ. l:k•lh --e '· r-··m "'""''rt•··l rllkt'l! An•l rookii'Jt·I:Ta•l·· Oltl. ~llln•lll'ld ln1. Paii}"Omlnnrt writt<'n rt'portll """ ~··r Beverly Bechtold HEalo··,.H5 '"'"' llf'TVI'd .,.,,. r-rty rl081"d nn , """•·l'n-'k 4th vade. Loulk "" <'ll<'h book bt.•f•or .. a>'dlt !.. !:'"'~ R ~ '-------------------------' • r-tn • tlr nrtl r "'hl'n l hP youn.:-ll··nn l)fl llll' chart. I Celebrates Birthday •• sucM A .. t ... l{alht-r,..l abnut thr rtann Itt . t-'IK-:"T I:K \Ut: t'UI'KTH CiK .\Ilt: G Qa .. 0111'61 .... a.-a v~ ell'-'... •'nt' 'lltlth Jofra Alklnii'•D playlna \It• ~··\wr-. ru I t.:rntlt• bftd " ltw tuurth 1-:1'11111· '":'Il lS~ Mf'IT)• Bl ''WI: INV1TE YOU TO llltOWBE .AJtOVJflr ,.,,. arrnm1,.01m,.nt '•11·11 '""" •''"' n llln) doll" visit•'(! " ,, tu•r', rtN'tm hu" bc'~un to ,.tud) ~t"VC'nteen vnun~ frl,.nd~ nf UI'V· • c. E. LOurwrs ,,_ mRi t'r bH.Jtl•·n Wrrt F:ltrnl '"' l'">rll LA•I ~ (lr lhP ~rll aot (',tflfitlnllt \\'t•llll' I(Otng to m3kt• ~rtv Rt-l htolti Wtre bitldtn tn htlp 1 L ...... ,.,N. ~ (Nrn t.l~on:. )fufllnJO R4ovtriV HPn· 1fttl1• lur (111 1•1nt.l' 1 •f .IJI houk ur pu~t CIU'd~ and pu•· ('<'1Pbrtll<' lhl' f'll'vl'nlh llnnfvpr~Ar\' II • ._ IKWD.aY.., ftAYtOI'DY kk Mhr l .. l l"•lvn . !"ut Smail Pat-·n,.. •·hilcl~o·n "''''' \t·r> ~;lad '" 1un , nhout Califor-nia with thc· or her birthdAy on Saturday Thl'l ty Hnfauu!D. U.ttln• Sch.,f"'lk, t.:"' huc•k u tcr 11 nt<.'' \'UC8 on. , , ntlllfl 1'1\'CI'~ and hays. ya an ,...r " Alllt'm 1 e .. a r tt 1 • _....._ • .._ • ' ' lie r tl bo d ,.. t 1 1 .. t h6 r I IWI .. Jl.!l= :::ZUJ.:"-. ~ Rf-lty Ann Nortclfl. Ju•lv Rarlltad, ~f:('O'D f;R \OF. (b our !<po•llln~: chart, th<'rl' an• home on Coral AvPnuf R11lhM ~;=~~=======================;! Darinw Slfmnna, C«;lla O a.hotn :\ln. nint''.!< I'«<f''fl gradr had u rnur proph• whn got tt>n stare for l aland, when thty (•njoytd rrfrf'ah·l • aDd Stl&rnn Yam~ll. rM"W pupil Monda)'. Jlf'r n~~me '' ftfty JOO'a. Th~ people are: Don· menta approprial~ to the OC<'Nion - _ ----_ Sharon Ynnlf'll. This u the ntth na Price. Dick Mansfie ld. Tobi· lndudtnr a decorated cekf'. -VAPOR BATHS Zone Therapy Treatment Swedish and Medical Massages Hydro Therapy SPECIAL TREATMENTS FOR OVERWEIGtrr AND UNDERWEIGHT IEIE L III!EIIEI ..._ual ............. BURT R. NORTON 1111 v..t ....... ,. ....... %417 NEWI'OilT IIFACB RADIO SERVICE ..... M R B school st\f> ha~ att rnd<od thl11 yen . annt' SeiJndh and Spe~r AJbriaht. Tht young&ten then 11ron to I rS. oger arrOW Shl' cam(' h••rr rrnm l~lt•ndnl• ThP)' got a silver "tar In rronr of the Hlppodromt Rollfr SkAtln~t H D D F 'T'tfP ~nnt! ,-nttco hn~t hn/1 al· ttll'lr naf'IW'I. AI soon as an}On<' R 'nk nt r..on~t R4>a<'h where thty l 0Ste5S tO · • • mo.• I (lt'rkct 3tll'ndrmce thi~ "c~·k. f t'll twenty IIIIVf'r stan. they g<'f had a rreal Ume gtvlng vent lo --THIKD U llADI: 1• ~;old star. tbrlr 1\bum!IUlce. of ent-r~t)'. Tht'Y! Ar hrr hot•m,. "" \\'•at mrnllltrr I ThP third gntir tn Mis• 111-nd('r--• -----"'''' lll l'na lp!onu•d L\' tho• :Oit•ll· "'t'1\llr In S •·•l"•r1 Url~th:a, Uno !<hot'li> rc'M'Im ~tarll'd nc•w ho•;!llh CO MING EVENTS l.rnm•,. tll'lhl·lt MOW!\', nor Will· Ri>ll:l"r Rarruw ,. .• .., h,.~tMt• lo tl!P n •;ult•r-. rhi• "····k 1 ___ kina, \\' A Hitr hrr"n ll11rnhl f\ I':--n ut-. '"' •n•tav rar•l.l! :-.;,." C'hn•tm:IS tl()(,k• nn hrin~t WEDS~DA\', .1.-\S(',-\K\' 1~ I Holz anrl W. H Myers The moth ororr rla\· ... 1 •turin~: th.-,.,.,•ntn~: fnr • t1rc,.1~;hr .• rut di<.<'U"~I'II 1n t'l.t~~. Red Cra-s wurkroum. 111 J•,,tr11 "'' nf lhl' Yllllnj: hOBit·l'S, Mrs. II. a'hh h I> th loll hunoor ""'' hl~th Th•·tr ~·n• 11111 ·•f) h.•• np•·n•~t lt•r Balboa, 10 a. m. to -1 p m . ,yr· 'I E . B«htcld, WAll unabl .. to tnjoy IIC'f''" w,.nt h .-Wnt llarry Rl\kf't 'Ilk n." , , ,, ""h "''"' ;lnfl l~~trrl••r gtc-a l drM~sin~!l. lhr fun In Long RI'IH h all llht 1.~ nf' t"'-111:•' 1 "'"'k' , .. t•·•d ·~·-r·· ,. n l.trt.:c> Red Cro!l.'i w•>rkroom. :tOI t;,;.nd 1atUI In bf'rl rl'f'ur Nat•ns lrom nn At thP ,.,,.,. of I hi' tzam"" thf' c·hart th.,l k· ''I'' tht• !'l'('l•l'l l ~on Canal. HaltlOII bland 10 a rn. '" t'mt'r~tl'n• y up..,.-ndrt tomy "' ,.,, .... "'f\ • d " •h-lh '""'" "'-'fll~r _ .a p. m .. M""'V.'In;;:. I Fru~nd:--•Jf f\•'''"'~t~ \\hn "·r r(• 1n <'""""' ''' aat••1 .. ,ndw .. "' • ""'' WAC Bond H ome \VIIIIn~~; Wurkt•r' ''"rkr'OOm, P;.t-ttr,. l:tf'lilll ..... ,,. Pionr Tro11k ~~~··· ,.,,. . .,. I (,.nft;•s Ta\'l'l'n, 1 'clrl'ln» 1'1!'1 :\tar 1 Ft~wll'r. 1"111 lluda,n. I ..nil< Hoh;. ,.,.,_. p~nt ln adt'lltt•on ... lhr Oil F l1 rJ ou o. h opc•n t p m to '' p m . ~urs.:•ra1 1 M11rv Ann :.sown·. r hvlhtt WatkiM ........ ,, .. ""'' rrt:r:P·Winn.-r. "··rr I h• 1"'1 dr!'"-~'"1!' ~!'In· l':tlht•rin!' l"ru 1: ;-.lanry Rn\. WNdamra Rul)tort II WilliAm" El· THVIl!4UA\', .I.-\Sl1.-\K\' '!~ I drr nnll linrbRrn J••nn Myt•rlt 11tt m tor r.tt,.~n. Rf'rt Oq111~t ~h•·l· lu:tn 1.• Th• ll r••l n .. ntl , !\lr~ t;, Litdic·~· Au~ of Chrl~l l."hurch hy 'i i.H•yll "rrr Jtmmif and John Jlllrh· •fo•n l'lmtth, AI Hnrvath Anti Alm11 1; 1 WAt" Pfr . IPft hrr 111"11, nat the Sc>u mt•••l!! nl 'l Jl. m. nt th•• mM. lloh Lo\'ln~. IJavld J,,~·. Hnw- Rath Fl l.H-8 Mulnl'• thr• lntt~r part It( homE' of MN , Floyd H o rrard or I artl Cltrren, r.torg·· 'T'an~ePy, Alvin 'ntr nt"St "' .. lin!! "'''II '"' at tbt· 11,111 WN•k nncl 1,. f'llpt'Ctf'<l hnmf ca.ta Mesa. ~hann••n nntl Tn~y Hntr. h•lflll' rd, .s.tn F . .S F:.twk ••f ('"""' t ... Pilot CJ;,,.~ wtll fTII't·l ;H th•• ------ t.trlla l!ft P'~bru~ry II :;;~;::rl:: ~=~~:~.p~;:n~~ .. -::.: hnmP or 1\lr~. Lillilln l'nrmt•t••r, 817 1 1 Mli!il' fl••rothl'll Wilson ()f 302 AI· C•.,.tn ~h'l'll W . Ct>ntn~l. Newport ~11ch. at R vara.do, Bllll)()ll, hlkl ber brolht'r. Wr anJ Mnt F: A Ram••tt ,., \\' A•. ,. ... , •• hn• rltllr~r .. , I hi' p. m. . . I Dt&ter Wlllon or IAI AnR'f'lt'R. 81t lt:UC ~ur1 wf'rr rail,., I t•• u,. An· 1 1 k d 1 1 of Bullinf's:< and Prof('s,.runol \\om· ht>r lnJt'l!t nn Sunday. The\' I rook • ' •'n<IR wort lln 11 J!'Tl1 na lhromo-t>n will hold a dlnnl'r m~ting at advanlaore of tht 111.1mm,.r ,.;I'AthPr1 . .. A U. SET fo~ a .-a fall clan work whe11 a ~inc Mad- ache 8ftl8ka op 011 JOG. Yoo .... and 10 doee JOUI' work, ReadJ for an ne.UJ!C of nJas.. at ion and et~}o)"'M11t-a peaQ hu<lachelnterl-witla TOQI'f.., ,_t. er~joyment • nlnat-. DLIIILD Anti-Pall PHis oauAIIy rtlin~ not only B..,_ aellle, but 8iaple Neenlaia, 11- tular Paine aall Feactioaal Monthly PaiAa. Do you oae Dr. MIJ.A Aad-Pala Pilla? It not wh)' not! ~ ma I cet DT. Milta Anti-Pain Pilla at J OUr dnaC •tort ill tilt ftCUiu pack~ for oniJ a pennJ ·~ and ill tM OCOOOiaJ packac'o ftWil ehuper. Why not ~t • rarb::-o I toda ! Your druW.t hu them. Ru~ dir<'Ctiiinl and uae only M dlred('tl. Your moMy back if ,_ a~ not aatlafitd.. T ~trl.-lt ............ ,., til .. rllnf'IIR .,, Mr ~''""' t•nt I' n I I """'' I " \\I llf'n o,. r 6 -45 ( II ed • p 1 Uamrtl'• m• lho-r Mrw B.'lmett tng \\' Ar~ 1,. ,.,.,.r~Pu <11lty Helaz KaiMr'11 ca 1', : • o ow and apent the day at tht oint 1 L----.... ----------------------~ 1 "lltmphfl"'j thr 1;()0(1 Samaritan Th" Thrllrf't r11mih· hnvl' fnur I by hUlCinc>!CS aml talk by !'dn:. ----_-----------'t hat tw-r nrl•bbnra I&~ hrr by~ bo J il ·' h. b ... _.,, Geol1te \\'hC'nl on "\\'t'lfarc• on (lur ,. ·~~ ,~ )'II, uan a. ILDu tor Ul!l.-.ou. Borde " .. --------------------------; malntn~; In thf •"Y to t'Ut' f(lr lhf' who .,.,. t'DIItlt•l to lltRrJO In thf'lr l n _ .. r.c . k Ill Palm 1 )'elrt"Dt RMrlC.t nq ru--u n>l'lC "or mom, . rft ... ~ s.....rr I&DS 1 .---------~ ~~: opt"n 10 a m. h t 4 Jl. m .• EU~~ RnU II am I UU' ' IWfor~ Vou Build or R~model . ~::~~~!~~8:~~~::;~ ~ Of 10MftRRCJW VWl _, la~,....tlnc ..,,,,,,. dno~~sln~ 111\1 altcf cll.play ronm!'. Cnlnr Jlnrbnr k:twnnl~ C'1\Jh wtlt mc~'l I rvw .. &>la.nnhtlf ud•. rnm at Ralhoa·~ Ell'(·tric Grtll. 1:! 1~ y ................. c.teiJt••·----~- Yo.. kftOW oil obovt th-. You ore ridin9 in th- todoy-will rido in th-IOMOrtOW ond "!Ony fltOfO tOftlorroww until lh• wor is won ond "-""'" oro OYoiloblo. Post-war transit equipm.,.tf n.t"a o ..... ,. ltefy. Our bu••• c11d etr"t c:ors of tomonow or• ""''h us hdcry-nd we ore do;n9 ..., .. ythi"9 c:onststflttl'f pot· sibto to keep th•m in efticia;tt ope.oti"9 COttdition to handle todoy's ond to mOrTOW'a heovy WCiftiate loads. Porta and lllot.,.ials for Moint.,.oncw aro dift;cvlt to> MCUre and ••P*'ienc.d medtonin hard to ~­ Pacific flectric is pl.d9.d to ... ..., ·-roUi"9" until widory is won. Thot plod9e Must Oftd will be fuffillod. Thot it why we welcome the coope.otiofl of the Off>c. of Dof.,.•• Troneportotion Ofld in ..,.,.._ COA .... . tioft Pf09r-. Thot is]Wfly ~CM~to PQSMft9ef ...... stope .... -.. oliwlinated-~ Kf\edvles •-•• t•d .. _..,.,_ with --titq ipMd NtfridiaM. TNt ia wily PwcMc Et.dric appt eciaha .... apirit of ..... ... li •• Cl •• I at'-whidl )'M ~- ---11 pnolwft.an atnrtt nf ntr. ,..,."'-llnnl•"m """ u ... hllndll ,,...n,. K11~~ 111111 (""""''~ C 'lt•nnrcl Hrtt.•l r•·•l Lrntt''1 f:trp~t \\'ork~ l 'nuiW ~nta ;\na '!IMWI 8.-\ST ,\ A~,\ The World'e Newa Sea Through I'D OIRISTIAN SciENCE MONITOR A.a lei~_. n.IJ Nrwr,.~ ,.,..,. .. ,._ CIIU1J::..IC1r.Q PVIUIIWIO IOCD'n a-.._ ........ .._. • 1'1 .....,=(' caiuo-u.w-.-"-,_ s.-n...a. .. -,, .. lvo T-.., _. '-wli"* .-4 I• OeiJ? .__T...._ .... .._,_..,......._ ..... .._ ................ u ...... .._ .._ 111.• Y..t,, w 11.00 • Mo"rfL ....... ..... .... ~~~ ......... -~ .. ';fit. y-.. 1 =•~·~1-nc--. • I th- CIYtiMut .. !.11! ..... Roe• Ul .... Olob..a "-................ nucm. THUAIDAV,JAN.~ F.bell ,::.·nrral ml'f'llnll will t...- htld at th~ C"1ubhnlll'tl', lur• h .. on 1 p. m , f••tinwl'd b~-"A(ru a . rrf\!111 rootll' tif T•·•IAy ... lt"'"n hy Cyr11: Allen CaUl ru. 'lfDM Mud o~~~ I Vitamins A and 0 I You maa.t ha" Vttamin A 11 1ft a.6d lD ('t"'to<tiOft acainat .nlectiODI wiHcll are mort o~keiJ •• occur l11 tb~ nose. rhroet. .,-. eara and ainuses. wh .. ttt.r• ta a cleficitM)' ol , ....... ~."" I { Yao Jteed Vlumtn D to hel;1 ~ ~1 ft\8ke proper uae o l tile e:alclu. .-41 pbMphorua il'l ,__ ..... If , ••• ,. ••• cetti.r, .... ,.of tiMee two im~HJ~•n .dt..,lM. •ta• a ONit·A·DA' I..__. Vit_,. A •d 0 Tal• w-~ ......, My ...S ina11r• you• I ....... '*at~~renoeo-. • O!EmOAY "Let's all bar.k the tt ckl" a a . ·. During the Fourth War Loaa Drive for founcco billion dollan (between January 18 and F~ ruary IS) buy at lnst one extra S I 00 bond. Make cv~ ucri6ae possible, spend only what J'OII must fo r the esscoaals of lims- tbcn iavcst the r~ll ia WuBoodt.. Bank of America Ius a apcOal folder ('C)Gtaiaiaa I d.tt wbidl Jives compi«U i.olonDadoa mo. cbc varioal types ol Wu Boock aod TrnN~J Sa.U.p Noca Aa for a copy a any bnada. 11amlt o{ .lmtrica NAnONAL l:Wt~'n ASJOCIAtlON ~ ............... lo..-;tt ....... ~ .............. ._..s,.. ,_ CASH Throupa NEWS-~ Clusifled Ad Many aJtides DO iaaeer URd by their oanas can ~ turned into cam. quiddy and at a trtflial cmt .. Look around you aad make • I'MJ4e ol uu.s you no longer u.e. wea. someone t"be can uar thoae wry things and NOW is thP time to _. them. Readers ol thP Se-n- Thnes proridr • ~ market for ~ry type al 1.-d aJ'ticW in cood a. cBtion. You may haw a.,.... u.g ln8drlne. ironer, a box. carpet SWU'p& • ful\. . nitlaft, baby bugy, .... boat. tools or any «mr al a dazlen other ita. which can ~ U.S pro& •• ably and quiddy NOW. Tile cost of a Clasttlifted Ad in thP rww. Tims is as low as 40c Telephone NEWPORT 12 OR 13 And Let a NEWS-TIMES aassified Ad Start Selling for YOU Our Ad-Vi~n will help you to prepare your ad! I 011 be yo tb lei t ! stJ bP to ti d;'U qu ha to q sir So ....... 1'01 k"\' ... baJ cor ing • lan jnl plil 1ft •-o I ~ odl ..... dli Clu liKI the dal .. ..., ftiC tial As ed: wa: to .. itt< fy mo thr .... ... big ol t ... .. am tllr for g 11ft mg tier sir. Gel .. Bot I'Oll ..... thr Jar. naJ agt tit~ but an C'3J of br ing lll!l far tbl f on via "'in wil tal bel Ski prl tiM .. th; tiki its •il Oa to pk an ~"("; ft' inl: \"0 tho ha an of Of'! otl rn «'f1 Ill re -m ID .. -.. H ID ea .. ..