HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-01-20 - Newport Balboa News Times• SAID . CIA I ., SAM ·~ IINSI"ANKED IUDS. That • •-anton burning of autos on thr High St:hool t.:rtltlntts . beliewd to bt> tht• work of .)"'UU1g'SCfts t'OUkl b.' •lt~t· li' thr ,...,. uptwa\·aJ or to c-.tn •- les pll'ft'lts ol lhi." modt~n t ! I age. to:"\ WI "hik• t hP ~ sll1lctiw affair "a." at i 1 !'o beighth. ()pput~· SIM>ritr Tip- ton •-as telling a $:roup at the Lions dub ~about lht> diffi- &Uities ol jan·mllt> dt>bn- ciuency. l&any ,,,-w-..:murs ha\"t" bt't"l'l mt"'r'ti~ In ('(tur1-. t o soh? and nub tilt> ~n:"'. ing rnt"'\a('l> I o ~r !'tlt:ia I s1nact lin.'. " 1 t h li u It> n "'ltl t. SCJmr ol US olds1t"f'S OIIV Of . thr opinion that a ~n ... tht>- rod aod spoil-the-dilld pol- k"'' could •t>ll be t~ out ttWo -~· and thP hea\'Y band ol paR"'ltal authority COI11l" again into \"ogtk'. l"oth· ing is so cOI'ft'C'ti\'P in :my • languagr as a lOde on thr ja•·. but if t.hr rod •-ere ap- ptird brfOft' they reach I hcir tftns. prrha.. thP sock •'U.IId not br I"'Pt'ftBSl')'. IIIJII~. tbrfto ...-ns to br bPtter and difft'ftnt mt'th- . ods to lrftp ..... ol tllrk> w•rc ....-.... til..-. .. Buy Bonds to End War Qui~ker • I BALBOA A\ES~ IEEP POSTD! 1 Year ••.•• $2 50 • I .... ~ ........ .. .. _~,. ....... ..... ......:EM=:B:::R:.::A:::C::..:I:::N:.:::C:.....:B:::A~I~B:::O:.:.A.:_:_P=EN:..:.I:.:.N.:.:S:...=U:...=LA,:..:!.......:...W:..:E=S:..:.T....:.N:..:.:E=-WP:..:...:....O.=..:.:.RT..:.:,:.....:S:....:E=.A...:_::_S_H_O_R£ ___ __:__• _L_IDO __ IS_L_E..:..... _N_EW_PO_R....:..T_..:HE:....:..=-I:..:C:..::.HTS..::...::...:..:........=.B_ALBO __ A ISLAND, CORONA D£1.. MAR. COST A MESA \"OLL,_E XXX\'1 SP:WI"ORT Rt:.\C'H. ('i\I.IFORNIA. 'ltRJIUID \\", .USt'AR\ H . ttW• .......... , .Mesa, Beach Combine ;War Bond Drives ·with · P arkeand D.odge head~ Mother Huston Active nt 96 St II h.ille and hrllrty, Mra. E II a Huaton, mother of 0~. C:. G. Hu$Un of Coata MeN, ce ... brated her 96th birthday .. J.ilnullry 13, W hile a bit un- stt ~d\ on t>tr h•et at tl,_ a~t4 net able to ae. or heaf •• wefl "" ot~r da~··· •"<' Ia IM'\'f'rtM- Ieu ;act hre <tnd •• chipper .. I I • . . . -. 1 Lido Isle Man to Be General Manager of fam-A IHI\h •• """ '""'"''' ··-l.t\' ,., lkt)'H Slot .~irf' l.o · ( ·~ and Uif.whfon, But l.,.,_pt :\ction of ~h1dt'nb l'layin« Uu- kf'tball San• I ~truction of Property, · 1 paign; Under-20 t 'lub After Bomber and &-hool Youngsters Seek Pursuit Ship il colt. t ne 1 .. ·•I 1"11'1'""\ ••t thr 1 'nlt•••llu.t Mctthfr liuaton calmly opt._.. Jlalt• cu • .. t loot 11.,,1,. ""''"'""'" .u~ol ane w tll top the centu~y mart! lht•A .on I I"•' , ''" 11,1 "'''" ""' 111 , <~nd lhtnk& nothing of lt. Hef' l'lrl\lllc ,.,1 '" •• "111-: t ·11, lo· l'tt.tu nor <'>ory '' ~f'"';ark;tble and goa. lind 1uut"'-hu11 th. twn~o• .jr .. ut bad < to the •ruth <tnd Civil war Wtll '""'"'' ,1 11.,,.,.,11;,1,. , 1 o.r oltlw ~t mo\"f'li' ,.,.t madf' In thf' "·ar bond drh·e••qlUt d.lya,.._ l ruo•1 ~ ,.1• •n.t •t··• " t 11.· , """t r·, ~~ ,.._ t-...e ..aaW a..a.~ l._t W. .....,.._. -at ~rwport Harbor ~ultf'd thbl ··f'f'k whf'n ('~ta Mf'KB OYPI~~III' •htl\ luu• lllltolo• tllo' ...... ·--~-~..,.. .................... ~· ,......, .. ' ... N-Brat'h dP<idt-d lo roordiutf' itH '••rt'f""'.and worl. Laund~ Pock•'n' , ....... , 1111111 •\o•r 1" ••'1'1""" th~ ... -tiolptNa I i ................................. ., .... ·-r--· •~" &l 11\<"n"h .. hu\•'J.!IIfh \••111f' ''"r ... ......... for. total or $1iJC),UUO In thf' ··ourth l..oan drh'f' with .lat•k . t roob tl ............ -........ I & ..... , ........ _ ....... ..... l"arV ol ·~ •• u &f'Drral mana~trr and .IUdlltt' UonaJd ~lama Finds Rin~ "nn·· 1oM Ill .. 1rtlr• lo:""'" "ilh"h ·~ .............. , ...... ,----......__ of ..... Mf'Ail hill (•hif'f -and Returns Itt .. ,.kll) '"'""l'""t lt nl. I" \'loh• .. •''t \ ...... , • .4 ; .. , ...... ,,m ... lol) .•••• t•IH\o •• fllatll.-•nd ••• fl· :;~I }«'llr · " 4 ' • • pert mtlitflry l~lllnln~: rNiulrrn,.: ·'·" 1 .. 1 I•• 11 ...,...., "'"' .,,,..., nt '" t\.'1 lh .. "••n 1111 1lw ··u~r-:tO Glub ... a 1(1"4~1' ul l •.•• MT U t\\: IM.IM t!6tly '"'" h 111 M II ........ .k ,:lvo· .. '"Ill A '""'"tan•• ... rh Tuo::Mt.., ~hl n tlM' ... lh.• .... mMte"l IUt.WIII,. lhgh S«'hoo1 bo)S anll !(Iris. topon· H.t•put·t,. tlf tho· fll'"t «lay o( th•• pldP nuhtr.ry ,.fiiiiJlnlo·nt , 114'11tNI FIRST LIEUT. rE"Ta .. A .. TH 1""'"'1 th. "''' '"•' ,of "'"' , tr" ,,.,.__ ,.,,,. "I"""'' '"-~tf'l) JCUl • ·l'd b th 1 ·al Rotary duh "til drt\'l' pr04lut.,•ll ,, tolul u ( S.'l6.15R 11 bf'ln~: Munthty momlnr aU flrll\jt "' II,.: hi ~""""'~'"" unc1 olrllb , • .,a,., •I Ill ft••lt ,of I &.or I•• 1 """' ''"I ""'""" th••lfl •"'-' ...... lftllftl to JIOI'I"''tto ~~.: f'oc:nough fun!ls to ·ha\<' rn bond,. und stamtl~o. whiCh IS wr·ll s:ond penpl~· "''1H1 lhrlr clotbea to ewory t.luntl•)' nl~tht t.trn who• ru;o l':lljtrr an<J ,....,,. l•• nw.1 "" llt~:h ....... ., n.u.-ne '"'",..~· .... 11 1 , .,,.,..,., t'h•nlo t'•>tllfo ol thr '-rat ., ·--.... h r f I 1 t•w lnundr\' m udt iu lhf' C""'--. 111 d~t•n 1 t II I k •·no·my. u..-.ndll •of branoJ "'""' ,..,.,, .. , "' , • • • ,...,.,,. f,-.. a bomber fUl!Yl('(l afto•r I ht•rr dub. a..,.IV~ I I' UVI'rtlj.!t' I) It'll I ay 1"1" -.. -r , "" fl llfl 11 t•an faa '!/ ll ,. -..· . t I I r "'"300 00 I ~UIIt'. n w Nt•wtiOrt l~ach Gram-tton of .that t'l<':ln up nr(aniJI&U-ld\'tullllj.lf' (If lhla wurll-nul ................ rn ..... nf Uw Ar•ry A., ,,.,. ,,,..., ........................ I C"U-\4 "H at:t:b'lll ClAa 'nL'I ~IUirt'$ a o a n .... ' , h I t I ( "'10 F. A 'T'vlrr "' 1401 N 8aJ ... I 1-or;·o·a .,., asn•.,• tlw ,,,.... lu "'111 I .._ ~ t .. t • I II 'I I II I I ....._ t"---" Not f bfohind thf'm will lw th«•, mar liol", oo rC'tlf•rtl'i loll··~ o .. .· •· · urlll art In llh• protN•IInn "r th .. tr .. , .. , ••• ·~ • ,,,.... '"' • ,.. ~ ....... '' l " ... "" ~ .,,.,..,. "lUI •-..v s •• ~ lka<·h Grammar sehoul OOtl. ••tth a srns:lo• nnt• nr $.'"t000. F'rnnt. Bath.,. I !!land. Mnl bla h om ... Milo I tht• llht•rf'a "'I hiM vkln-11"'11 •1l¥t'r ""'lhl(a I hilt,. ... , I.M<Ut •h ...... _ .......... , Uw ........ ""'' .............. n.-.1 .. ,. ···-"R.I ... Rl"f'd which •i ll go altf'r a pursuil ~ohip. Lar~o·51 a~:o•nry total caml' from l~oulN'rll lo 11 Jo~llertnn launclrJ lty. 1'1'1•••· Ar1h Ia ·-•If tlw• luvtntt: • , ....... , .. ~...,. .. ,., , '"~"""""' "' tl•rt.tr lhtrh, •hit WM r.f..,..... _,, .. _ Jj'5()0() Mh of bo d~ l hl' :"ll•wpurt branch of lht• f\Jvlk wh~ trur k Ill ~ln1 op.rated bJ Tb,o 1'ftm~ 111 l"lll'tlllllf'•l ltY j;tllolulllt'd ff"••m tlw t.-brl pU•I It\ •. "'"~ Sutt••• -1 Atft ... t tc.-.-.1 lfiC 11 1"*'11<? ~tball pnw at • ........,~c • · ~ wo . n .·: o1 Amolrlca w1th 11 JII'Oiool> ol $:.12 95S t..\lu Lun lle Ttlcu1tl.. _1iL1 a..-. WGM. lo'\flue, whllf'-llfontt'"~"',.._.• ht"•L •' IMac"hael :ru.a._.....,l).._a.a..._. ... u... _..... ~ -· '""' •-nw ._.. _ _,.- IUD8 TO DO CAMPAIG~IN<• in lxrnds and ~otum~. Ot h••r,: Wf•rf'; linNtll 11huu1.1 1M' comm•ndecl tNt a.,'-now ballallun ••nmma.nll••r tlua mnnlb '"'"'ftC l.._. .. ,.,_u •• thr l'""'t A a.,.1,._, ......._., thr _..... .. Jwo "-d dlil!f_ 'hlllr .... ""Undrr-20- (lub" Ullhertd ao thr liJnp... lfdll~loral (tGtarians. with the ol lficb school offi- At a mt'f'llng ~Mold Th•...duy, Nrwpon P~torrll-o·. $10.11 bond~o hill f•rrgettuln••• to lak• a v&luabla l.rftlt ArUI .. U... -.,. M1• r-_,,,.. &at'"'' thr ..._... .,.,, ,.,.I 11t••flr1t h• r11r '""' o1 tltw .._.. I w1wt1 Mr. Pant> Connally agrt't'd and 5450 11tamp!-; Balboa Pn!'tof· ring from hla pocktl could bave Alh, Ar-tt. til ttu W '"'-•~· .. • •t""" thru nor"'"--''" thr , ... , "''"' ....,_ .. .,. tt!WI ... ....n..ul· to takt' on ttwo JOb, it •·as dl>ci~Wd ftC\', $119:\ bond~ anrl $650 in rnulll!'d hun grlrf p w ~ :-;, "'t••rt lw.da. -d Ia a .,......_,, •-4 tho-""""'"" ,..,.""'"« nw ._ that ttw S«'hool ctrildn'n· of New -stump..; Balboa Rranl'h. Bank of Oue lo lhl' Clrt' an.J hooeaty of ost ar nt l'nmoona C'bllrp '" ttw re-•of ,tnn,o t-4 .-.," ... r-...t pn_,..,.._ ·n-. ,,_ ,tf .,.,..,, .,.,.1 n1 ·~ cials. ht'O Wft"lt5 ol f'ffor1 ....ty 300 pis and boys t.w cuar lftlrr its influ- eDDP. -ildcakd by thr ini-tial dancP .... otbrr night. As Hub ..... ., patly stat- ed: .. AI tbo8P kids •-anted •-as a platop to go. !OilPthlng 10 do •'lwn they goC thrn- aad a bite to rat altrnnrds; ittalrft .,dam tittlr to !liatis-- fy tbrm. that .... !dxluld do ....-. ol iL" Whkh arrt"Sts thr thought: Do "'f' gi,·e too llll.dl mo. to ........ har- bors. t'lrdag ration points. bit:blaow ~tion. insand ol r;lt'ttiic ..,_, oft our hiRh ...... .._ ......... ne;cla:ted lddl.. b•inc for aiiiU\!If'ml!ll ol tt.-ir a-'11. if tllry 1111111.. rathrr than •-ait for our own choosil~g! por1 Bt>adl and C0.5ta Ml'!'ll would Arnt-nca. $1J,218 bonrl." and $160 I """'lrv Packln Luclllf' who found 1~2 wbf"r• be waa a • .._, "' .,.,.....,.. on thr ..._,... ~ ..... ,...._, hy '""" """""-.. put on 1 Uloroulh campaign. Th<' tn ~lamp•<; ="•''"IMtr l llalbo<t f't.'d-lhr ha,;<l all to wrll thai enda well. , ttl.-.-bo .. l of brl • .......... ,. •-..: ......... ""~ 1.,..,...,..,.,., .. -o1 u.. tar ..... IDdl an already on the ,lob. An· o•nrl Sa\"lnJ.l!-:tnd U ll'n. $6500 m l.w·rllo· hr ot.;..lrt thr plt'('f' ol J_.e1· PI llun ,....,. daya altH, two ... n... ,,,.1,..,., t~r .. ~. ,...,, C'••ta "-,..,.,. ,.11,..,.,..,, t>) thr ..a.r•rrtl. odwr fnt~ will ~ the u~ or II honrt•· 1'\:rlhon hiHnd anc1 CoronH ~y bar k tn TyiN hut. bfo1n« unab.. • m•a~ot ..... l -·~r ,.,. ..... ~ '"' tn• ... ..,'"''' •4t '"' .,....,...I''" ..... ''""'"' tllot ..,... .., ..... Uvm-tf"r to be pnnlt'd l'arh d••l \tar; Pt>!<toHtl'l'l' $1()(10 , ..... tim· I . (1r ll httt ... h"'""· ahr tum~ ll anners In HOT•. l ... tnlftc ........................... •tunh -''"' .... hbr>" I .... " "' , ... ~.,..., -'Y ,,. wft'k and ~ing lhr amount of a tmr "'"r tu t.lo 1-ullt-t tun pollet". wbo, •lhty 111 tlw ~rtr.--...trr ,...,..,I •hoi. u.,.,_.,. """"ttno~ "...,.,, t ,...,,._.. 11 r-"'""""h.., that ""-lo nti"<>d. I Charrnwn of thr \'1\rtOU.'\ d1•· ITI""lum . 1 o ntllt'lf"ll thr ltlcal pollee 5 "'""t ut tlw Anrty ,.o~ .. •-n•n• • out .. <6 ,.._ a 1..., "••!ftC tho-,_, _, •• ......... c~ ~ quota.. is 5150.000. II ....... llr•' $U. lnllm•• .. ; l.atlo l~lc, rt~rtnt rrl'nl. • A , ••••• a,;u, f'r(,y ... rt ... J .... f•'i .... "''"'"""''•--•• .,.-n.-"" ...... _. ........ """" .., ... L aDd!IO~Beadl b~.()()(l.:ol·o l' ;\ PulmC'r. nnlboa. Jll:'rtxorl l ncidt•nlally.had )'OIJ if\"l'l no-eSSIOn a•rhl( tra•-.r.and----thr ·~ ...... ~ ....... flrory-~ f'*T'.-.,Itw-u .. r,_......_~ though~ !f0Ur«"N1 rrpc•rl tiHJ' "o'nny 11n1l AI An•ll't"'nn . Raii)OA tr•rd tlw •l•.llt ldl'nl'r 1n lhe 1oc:U '"'"1••1 •'""" W1,.. 1e, aad h1• Iofton• \'tllt'l I~ .-A IIW' _..,.,,...., •rf lhrfl nr ...... nl ttWI is !<Uppo!lf'd In b4.• ht~;hrr hut l~ltmd nnc1 Comnn drl Mar. Earl phont> numh·~• nf lhf'le two ""''"· the f~ ...__. lliohPr1• ''""I"•' ......... .,_,,,.....,., .. n _, ~'"" "'" n-...altlnc fn~M fino. that County Chan-man lhorr) SIRnlrv. c .. ·mld Ritchu•. Nt•Wtlnrl ... dran UJ·· lltiHra lhfl poll<'l (Je.. ... r lt••ll)'"'"ld lad •• .._ ............. lklr<:l . _.........., ........ ~~~ Ratln •lu·• ...... ,_,h thr .....,__ ltan..~ waivt'd lhr hit;:hf'r rro;urt'. Roland Wrl&ht: lndustrlol. 1..1'8 pa rtr ··nt ·" I 11111.1 t'>e laumlry Ia N-por1 ltnrl••r wa~ ···pr••rrnt ·' '·"''" '"'"" ...._ f"njoytnc \WI tnC ..... ~ .. -.. ,_,. ............ .._..... .............. ,... tont ..,._ -t "' ~r Han.<;On hali •PJ•fO\·ro tb<' )uint !";t.•fr4'n"on: \\'f'~t Nf'wpcu·t. Mr.<. 10' · eel 111 a biJ>~ way "' th•• 1110.,,u n.: ,.11 l•·"v•• wltb .,.,.. Allo• Arth Th• ~ ''"' ••~'" thr ,,.,. ,,,.1,..,, '" 0.. ,_.,....._,.., 11tl""t14 hlld '-" dn~··· o1 lht• two t~"TI", General J ack Ehl('n. Ebdl club, Mrs. Vic·, PaM W . 1 will luv" few RaH t.ake t"'"y ...,or1 ., •• ·•~ ••• twtt b) thr ,,, .. ..., _.,. '" .._..,. thr,...., Chairman Spicer a nd hill board of f(lr C.r:ll'l'; llnrhor .J~Innd, l\lt"lo • lr l'l.•ntiiiiJ; hrlt.l nt 1 rty lv wll .. ...-U..u l Artl\ wtll 1•1~..-t lc...-..-...c tturol ......-almo•l ,._, Aft .-...,.n '"""' thr Un~ 12 ;ocrt'C'd ort Mr. Pnrkl' at the IJ(-uluh )o'inlr y . R('lt ntv r 1 u 1 .1 T f llal!, Huntln«tnn Bf'acll We.tnr• f~or furt.b« ~ tho an~on "-' w .. -.........,__ hlld ~~ .e.rlfta afiW -_. ~ '1\wsday. Mr. PAritl' hR~ Wa~·nt lfll'JW'r. Lton.~ rlub . F: I 5 ons 0 ..,.. •ht-n P'f'rrt. Wakeley. rep,.._ T'hoo Art.b f-Uy ...... a ta.l• Ill dt11•n ._.,. ew>-' a_. ._ --.1 a..t t-* ft-...... ,._ ~.,. • rnodmt bt're since 1932 Moor,..; Klwani~. Robert JlolllnR· etltlq Utfl Bt.at• Departmt'Dt o1 ,.1., -tk ....._ ...u ...ty .. \f•+ fUW& Md ..,_ ....,_,_ tn wwnl el tt. ..... uutJrtr and hu tJHon actiw In ul~ ot ""•d; RUAinea and ProteNionall *'''*._, ..... tnlerelttta~Md ~. 1-... ..., ...._ • ...._ ....,. ... •-.... ...._.,........., .......... "-• 1 ._. llftd ot~ hwfo!rt"'"'ts. lW WJ~JMD'I dub. lfn. AI HoVarth. 1 c R I 111'-..tlvr riUUin. orthf ecunomk AI.,. D I a I .... --.../ ~ Meat n.e _, ......., ltW' ....... ...., wfdt lilt' 'k I • -.ltl!d dw late H . ~.Shennan'" Mr.<. GraN> h M ron~tt'ti to · •t • upt'Cll •·hlr h wOOIII cunrrmt Ulto 1M•• tfetlT .. .,...._,....,.....,,.,.,_,_.. 1" _...,."' • ........ 111 ... ~ ~ ,.. ....,._., nr,rani7in.: thP 0VIhan Dt>ff'n!IC opl'n 8 honth In lhr Balboll branch I y al s ltlllon wtlh the cfUIIO• {It the Wll~ ........ t.>ala ·~ .......... .., ....... u.w ...... ... ..... ,.. and h:1d l'harJ;f' of lht> Vlc(ory of the Dank of Aml'rltn. whcrt> shl't T"hr oitoii'Jr&Unn f rnm h..,.... .. ..,.,, .,, Pnui H.,.,w A~ _...,... 1 \\bore ~.At~ tbr-oA flU-S. ~ __ .,.til *' .... ..,.._ dnH• at ~~ Rr ndi'XVOU!' last Will ~pt'nrl part of l'll<'h <Ia~. T s I hr.lltlro) hy !otayur t 'h•t~n "H•II. with .... ,,.,. t Wnt K-11 It "'hlf.Jnaft • I• I \ ... .,..,.....,,,. • lour firM. ._......... f-:l.e A~ aM I COWicllman n II lto•l'tl """ •. llv ... Ill K.-..1...... I,.,..._, .h .. il ....... nl .. rf ...... ClM ................... "' ~: .. ~ H. s h I Ch II 0 a vage Harlolol ltopkln.ll llr lt••""rol So·· . ,,,., .......... " , ...... ltu••fl ..... IL..tv .. .,, !"'" r,.,..., ..... '· fl I I!"~· 1' l...,w1a 1111111 11ntt A M • ·~·• ' ,,..., •• ,..., _,_.. ,.f ,.,.. ,.,....,.,.,,. fnn'INI ~Mar CliiAD .,.I'..&S. Sbr bas beftl in tbr c:u.mty purchas- ing ~ for 22 yean. wn-ing tbrougb tbr admini- strations ol Dr. Slaba~h. Gene Fenelon and Ed.. Oaap- ...,_ In aB thosr years ~d &.ws has harded otnc. routinr. clwc:k.fod im'Oict's.. 111"3tcbed pun:hasrs and san"C:t thr county thousands ol dol- lars. 'Jbto suprni..;ors ha\"(' naJ1Il'd hl'r act~ purcbasing aga~t. noC lx>cal.l."e !liORlr po- litical dPht .a. .. bt-tflri paMf. but bfcaUSil" ol f'fflrimcy. u an honor has bfom paid that taplblr pet sonality. u tJOme ol .. may ~'"· it should be lftlldp doubly 50 by malt~ I. C 00 a enges ~"" n rrl'ml.lt'f,. .. , "". , ... , ,.,llll· Old Age Pen8100 · --~ - --- -- In 1!127 8 lrrt>lll' and rallruatl nlnjl <.'ommlallhlll, 1''""1'1''"' \\" .. F lk M tin I p •f• 14 £:' . o· h 'I .....-::::319 t 8 d T t ·~=~~M~·~~~~~~r"r~.:~~;;.~=~~ ~:~~::; .. t :,':~ .. ;;~~.:· \\~:.,0 ~"'":;; S:..t! A: Sunday I acl IC ~l lng y ~Q una 0 on es: I hlouhn~ 1 r k f<•r th•· o'lol\l(ructlon thr rhaml)oot oo( 4'ummrro •' •rhl t ... th. "'"I .~ .. ",. ·f(nbf"r1 Hnu.............. ,.1., ........... 1: Assn. 2 Years Old I Tn<lay th•• ,.,,,.tin..: lnnl·ll .. , ll olf\ lhf' ...... t ·'•''"~ '""""1111! 4'""''"''1""· n w !lilt Ar ·~ ... , ... .. ~ ~ appointmrnt ~­~~tbe county •iD gam far ft'IIDft in 8rnicJia.rewlrted than any horMw ~a-~ RD'NY IIIUIA'IN. Whilr 011 t.bis IUbjed ol f'ff"lrient !III!T· rices. -* that Skinny Skir- vin has brei haiiOIN .-, wilh .... p, ol acting liKJ'eo- tary ol tbr Santa Ana O&am- bft' ol ('(JIIVI1l'r('f. I ~· Sldnny sbif's a•-a)· rmm its Jlft'ID8DftX')". bu1 ~ UM.r fellow.~ on thr board of diftdors.. m ·a, ... co barit to tbat INn. •i~; ~ay post 70. lilrr a !!iiCared child di~ng to its mothrr's skir1.... If thPy •iD let Skinn,· run th<• Olambl>r and tf'il thc'm to gu to hPD. •"hPn no-.~'''Y im- plores. Santa Ana and Or- ~ rounty "Ill ct•t somt• n.-al C"'OJJl'r.ttion and a prop- t"r ("()C))1tin.-.' i< Ill of IIU'\l nc:'S!'. industn·. a~nnaltun-· a n cl ~~ ·and al-!l'd int,.n-st!' that .-ill m.-.kf' pi"'OJ!n>s." ha~·-Try it ""' h1lc-. nu>n. and we hew.· ~lily the-n"SS o1 thr rounty n-art~ of an organization t ha' .• ,n tM-Ip otbt"rs. and. thlL". ll:<orlf. I An 10nthworutrr ,r"l'flC>I11'1' "' br· ""'"rr•·nl fo•r llw l•rontlll 11houlo1 o,. .,,. O.m~: '''"""'"'' lry lho \\"rtr F H Owrnro :O:••trolnn .. ( Ill•· I ·,.,. t .. lnl:'l "''".,.._._an •.-" ..... , ln;t •hnwn hy th,. =""v.pnrt H:11t,.,~ madr by r hf'('l( prtyohlto In tht· ll•~<lurttt•n 11<'"''' und "''m~ 1:'1 1 ' M.-l 'hrunl""1 .. r «' 111111'"1''" lrq: '"!lor puhtlf' Auf01t8y llf1o-rn••"' t 1 1 11ntl 0f'OrJr Yllll'::t t " • I k 1 th# MW A hall 1 Union Hl~h Sch .. o1 stml:ont hl•u,\· :>;"""1' rl ll:trh•1r tJnl110 H l~th on11 J:u ng tnlu ~u va~;o• Thr lN"II· " • ••,. ur " &hr•r•l llo> \\Ill I~· t a k• n R\\8)" at thr Mill" t-'ollov.•m~o; tl~o atl•h·· .. ''' \to :•ft4•., .. : ... CH> .. ,...... ~nt• """ At ttoo ILoM•.., \ ... Itt • ""' ••• ; to lbto oa·ar 1":ntl 3nd stamp !OalrJO Th~ nri••JO ,.,,. lhr rnnt~llt wrr~ time. Whll'h r:tl'an.q that hf'nrrfor1h, Wllktolto)'. Rr,..,IIJ:••m••tll-",.,,. 111"'11' t .. "'Hl•'lt ILl I m••m.,. '• ,., ... 110tr .. t '"'"I'' tho t • .... ,,., 1 1 11 1 ,.,.11,,. :n... -ly .,lroMI'Cf ollt......-. lu ... ,.,. rtw • "'"""' yrar ..-r t'rrd t ' llr• ,.,,, ~klfttJif"r. llr.., llrtllry. •t~ntf'l't to 1-<· r.,nfiru ., ! _.,lh llw tnrml'tl by thr• IIIIIOI<·nt ~"P'"''"''nla·-<1111' tnttlll tlrmb nvrr rot .. kll t•• tra-lu VIall Nrwttl•rl ftlll hoor """ mHt '" IN· I., ..... ,., "'"I "''"II: • frtrn•t ., .... '''I"'" ,,. ... , II., ...... _, "'"'"',.' ll.:wuns High School. IIVI'It tl( hnth IIOChOOirt lnf'ludlns: \'1'1 .. (' lh(' hr•·nk .. lllt•r \\llh a jtl'llllfl htt•·~· -t••d Ill" 1'"~1 · "'' ,,... 11.-nr-y :or Hunm• '"'· ..... r .. .,,, 11....-t .. f I;,H , _.,..,,,. Tn .stomuat .. 8111('!1 lor thr F'nurlh U trf)' Lang-mftdl', Harollol f;B!Ift . City F.n~o:rn•·•·r 1'11111'~1\un M id to .. w.~ plannlrtl( proo~:rr•m ,,,, tht~ \ , •• , ..... "'''"'· .... ..-......... , \\'ar LoaJl Dnv~ lht B<mrd nf r•.n· S htrly 1 lnnn nnd Pq~~ir• Nirls1•n <lay thnt th1· tr·arkJt w•·~·· 18.111 trtlll'tl llftl . Tht mt·rtln~t will '"' """' 11•·t•l .. nr1 t; A •-..:. •-Anc•lro lml rt the-lo>elll ~~<:hool challenJtcd nf lhr ln..,ol llt·htiOI, and llltall(td by In 1930 to built! ,.,,..k ~truinJt In that WednHdlly. Fr•hrut~r~· 11\th. en<l II W Wuonr r . V.a .. 1-AftC ....... et. r1vala to tbe pelct'Ctrl blllllt• !'ldnry It Oavld s ·n. p~lnrlpnl of \·odlltty. -btrt. runt·r th•·11 thl'y hiVt' will~ I lunr h••••n ~•'lllllun trl ll.'lll•li ttn<l Mh AnNt Wut>' ... r nf Kan Ttwo contest wlllllf!t tle wblch 11Chool N«'wr" rt Harl)('·~ Union H igh ju11t laln lhcrr antJ ru•trd. llnyone lntf"rtlll•••l "' lh•• l'nrd W llr "''""' ,,. " will t .. nn I.IW' ,.,,,.,..,., •niJ have the JtTt'lltnt bond 11alea Rt-honl. lllltl .IOII<'flh Ullmhlrt. vlr t•· Ton11 of l(r·anllt' wo•ro• hault•oi IIYfr t•roblem Ia 1nvltf'll .I It Wa .... ('nata M..-..... , .. swr capital atudent for t he p.rlod prlnrrplll. a.nll Mlllll ('oiiiM . tht lhr t~Nillo· lu f~>nn tlw we•.,( or ----1•1• •••knl w oU tw ..., • har,;r ... II•• rrnm Janusry t8 to F'ebruary 16 fat·•tlly advllw~ or lh•· \'trto~y .. ,. ... an 11td .. ,,, thr breakwat«-r., Blood Donor Jlay , ...... t•n~: ""'' AU••nwy Ja_,. •: tnclu.,,·e l"t~ltrlrll l'f ~na Hl~o:h Rchool "hu 11 ~""' o1 r· ~ 1111 lim•· IIH· m«-n w .• lk•·l ~rta Ana. will ~ -•14 The m•mbeta of th<' H:u bc)r area Til• wlnntnJ: ,..h<Wll l11 l 'l he fH••• lo lh•· •·nl~rt llr•· In N-por1 January 27th ••h• 'l"·•lt"'" 'nlla tW'tnlll "'-"'1·" , ommunttirl!. lnclulllnJ: Colft& '"""''''" 11 small mr1dt'l j«'f'l' do· ltarb .. r ~o:av,. """'II lot>ola many or '""r ""I" on ant mall••• will""''"' :Wf'AI. Balbo a. :-.lf'wp~rt. and C'rw-nal••tl l)y rhr NI'WJI••rt lla~bor wlurh WPro• ..-~ .. , k••tJ hy lhP ~round .> • ~~-ol llu•J ,....,.,,,,1 '"'"'-.,,,.1' oaa del Mar. arr uq;fd to buy th!'lr H IJ:h !'khool l!lut.lrntll and rradl' by •w~ll• 1nd I<Wifl 'urrl'nl At 3 I' m un Thur,..lll\" l~ttt· """ banda tbrougb lh~ student• of thl' lht> \Ho041Rh"l' at thr ~tChool. 'T'ragt'dy wruo \\rtltrn ma.ny tlmta nary 27, lh""'" ''·"" ,.,.. voolttnt•.,.rrt 1 ~e-wrport Ha.rbor High Srh(l(l( nurlng tho· "jC'I'p·· ronteat of ltu!t u cra.ahlnJ: , raft """t rrt\w and to donat~ thrlr Ll••'"' t" th• 1<••1 What fxogan a11 a cont~11t hfo. filii rl '"'" lw rf'mtmhl'r~>ol th11l 1\11 p&lllleflll('r" tn lhelr •lralh In t h~ ern. 8100\.1 llllllk. wrll 1"' l'l•·k•••l tw...-n thf' twn l!l"hoot .. haJI gr .. wn r ur •tall'"'" In thr htKh tlt'h!Mll I'll· tu ~hull'nt '\"Bll'rlt. and 11 WIUI not I up bJ mf'mtw r~ "' th.-M"1'•' 1 ·.,n•• :nl a o ,.mmuntty comJlPtlllnn r i'Nirtl ~:rrAllv lh,.lr !JUI•IRII fnr until the \\"rill Jl'tty wu rnmpll'l· In be lak,.n Ito ~"11'" A 11" ",.,.,,. 1 ~'rra.l orJ:IUllzat"'"" of th,.. o urn. hnnd -.11•''-Th•· frl'•hml'n Wl'ri', f'd I hill thr rntranre w1"' nrrtdr lh«' WobU,. 1 10'1 "'111 lfl••p trunrty a lrra.ty hav .. plr•t~:•·ol l h• 11 lh•• flr•l t .. purrhn..~r r·nuu-.:h httnrl~ ,,,, "'"' .-..,,,...Is Aa lhl'rf" '" " 1111 111 I• 1 1'"" 1" J.:leven (~ities to Send Uelegates to Meetin~ Monday 1 ~••rr••r• by pur ... ha~n.: tw•n•!ll 11nd It I buy 11 JN'fl '"~ thr Army rallty In m•·1·l • .u II •• ""'" rtto\ ••tt•· .C.I!m~ lhrOUJ:h tht-h lJ!h ~tthttt'l The· ltan.ut ~1nllrt: huruty hAVf' th~•lrlnR t h mnk•· .. ,.,. t pnrt •• , rv ~l f\ ., n•-··~ ,.,......,.ft ••• , durong lht.. prrrnt..l Bnnol '"nrmrl· haol :utlh<'ll ~:uo•~tllll••r I hi" hutt. '""'" thrlr Wl\r !ll'rvloo· ''•••'Ad "" "'' ,,,.,. frnn• vark>ote C,ran , ... ,. , ... f'1'. ~ .. rr• .. ··nlonJt a:• ,., •• ,.,. rot •h· Mesa Neighoor ....... ,.. ~~. """' ~~,.. '".''"ant • h••nn•n lmrr•·•llrt l··•v ~, ••.. .,... • (·............... .. •• , ... .: ........... . Harb11r ohstnrl hll\"t' untlr<l '" • n· J H • s .\1•• r• ql \"torl•·y t rly l•·y S.wy,.r, rtl I ~<IW ••r 11"· '""'' ·•• II "r•l "''h.,_ •I l1r.ornhrr ••tl• tlurt nn~ Jntnl wa~ bon.J t9mfll\l$rn. s ero1ne; aves o _ lll'll Cr•i•~t kl lkli'• 'I ' • \1 •'10•htY "' thr !\lrYo j•"'1 lh r It Ut hn~ that to hool!l lh~ Ch.ld • F' ''' • \ • ht 1 "1uh ·n • .-""'"1 "1: .. •· I ren In Ire R B d ·-I, o ''' l'•"•~·t•l W M ''"'I( ro.mmunrt y ,.,ti•S•"f th•• :>;••\\111•11 I I e ·c b' ~· thuho•r a r• ,, all I"'"''' q "'I 1"" atton t ·1 '"'" 1 h h Oar 0 Ur "l t •tuUH"'n'·"'''' .. ~~A tll t•••t· lhrtr IW'ln•ll< :tn•l t<~lllmp!l t rnug l 'mrun~o: h1'~,,..,. rth<KJnol In wnr m• n,l.,.•r!f "! th•• Jrtudrnl hf•ly. Rtll· ''" • ~ Tl11~ !:~ llw ,;t••n • .,r n '"'',. I ~ •• "' ,,,,... A''"''"'"'· '.,.,.,. M• '" 1 I II l t c1 I 'G s F n,l••rt ,u f:,,r,t,.n t ~t•tvr ltuu •• Y =~~·:\:~Jl"G t~r:;.g~ur~~~·::~,,;~n •• ~ n·~;~: ~~·;tr~l;~.~. ::~··~·h•· r••JOI•I"~ nt as up p II· ed Boats . ,.,, I ' •• It .. ·•:"'"' lire•" I ""''I!' 'hr h ~h "~H)4tl f••r a nv p••f'"""'l ,..,. "'tv'r1 1'1rt('t• Hl t·,~·•ta ~t,·!'4h 'Hfl 'I•" ,.,.,,.. tt.nt• An• .. ~~» ,,.,,.k,~•l :u r' "t4 th" Nln••'l th~ • th• r 1~· 11' It au.a Y••'1'" I..Jntt• gt:'nl'rally und('r.:;tood thnl P~-nw rrnn11 tn\\A~•I 11 lll'l,.:llh••r"to """II' fin> holder.:; had to hc>lp fl· "h•·r<' t""'Hmall 1·hllotr,.n llvr wtth nanciallv in f'lf'C'tions . .lim. lilt" or pnro•nl11 !'I hi' """" hm dru•• who us(.rl to nan .. g rOC'f'I'Y Whl'n "'"" n .. t ...... ~llmnkr• ru~lrn~ tw)fon-h<' bc<';lme postmas-fr•on. un1l•·1 llw wlnol••w 11111 !'lh,. ff'r. ('\'jdt>flfly haS SQffif' pl'f'f· knrw 1111' )oollflj! hlt .. y mnthrr W!l~ tv dt>finitt> ideas on th<' ~uh-"' ~n1111 thr "'" "' whtno 1\ klntl _;l.ct. frlf'nd WIUI g•VIng hi'~ lhf' liM' ••f ht-r wuhlng milt hint' PEGLt:K platform. Thnt ~r for Pn:.-sident pl01t· fonn. it ha~ tx>en ~uggt"Sted. could have }Tlany repercu.y sions. If he woulrl deodori7R the N~· Deal. hP is a hit late. as the President has bt'&t him to the punch. but If aD~ profs .. crystal bftll exprrts and Bug House nuts .-erP deloused. it would make quite a few millions or people happy. and they're not aD Republicans eitMr. Th rt ut:h t h•• rl,.a r lhfnklng an•l rprll'k a rtlon ••I M~ll f'"lrr,.~. whn , l>f'at tht namt~t w rl h h~r hlln•t~ anol thrn lloultf'd ll wtth lhto gard~n hr·•~ l hto fir.-ha<t ~"n l'lltlnjtUIIlh· ll'tl hf'fo~f thto fl~# •l,.parlment roulol ~ ntltlfll'd and arr1v,. nn jtht IK'fnf I Thl' thre-e y ... r ••ld hny of the. family hid toJt:phrr,.•l t h,. wnnl'lton! •·f IIU'phur hy ll~thtnK matrhtort ll.nrl l lhrn lbrnv them • n the n oor. A youn~t babe und•~ a yf'ar alept 1 J)f'IC"efully and unafratd In hi• buC· 10' nf'lrby In nn •·11•·~1 '" 8""1111 11,.. 1...-111 '" thr JtAtlnn ll·•:o • 1 "'II !lr• ·••·" \\"a r ,.,., •• rtnol Hul tnnln~ ll•·tt~'l In I Rllp T h•k••! ·~'. "'' '""' ••f •• 11' "·"'1 "lll lll<lt>llllnJ: 8 '"rr•·• 1 ('rnr·,.,lurr In 'f rallnn11 I II• "·"' • .. 1 J•' '' I 1,. handlln~ nnn-hl~:hwuv rail"""· "' rhe<-kl'tl with .,,,. 'aro!• """ ,.,,. · f • lltt!• tftturu•~'l ,,, t1 • ,.,.,.ft, . .,,, ,.rnt rx t,f MA rin'' C;B,. ~tAt ~nnflll tr. Thla r,.(',,,.,1 Jdhn ., •• It, J• .. r ,,,11n ,,..r lhr="""l''rt fllll ll'tr&rl'll &n•lr"l' d rt1llntl ph ·••"'' '''"'" ,11ot till r_.J~~tnt.allvf\11 t)f thr Jo .. t,.hrrrr• n .-,1_.;.,. ,., fnrtu ' 1 'f'"J*"I''"' 11111, '• n~t I ntnn 111111 ''" al 1 ann•·rtt'll m .. l 1.-.ctora el•· with thr r.tu•olim· l'art"l nn lo''rltlay, All h~lt1"~" vi "''" 1111!h"'"' r~· Janus ry 14th llt>n "It" lt't'rk~ 11rr "•k"'l •, prr . Aa a ,.,.....,It ••r lbUI m...,llng, ~.., • """t lhf'lr "It ,,. .. k• 1 .. """ H• nrol • 1\ma ,...,. ll"lng p~lntf'll lll111 lltonlnc llnnrtt r1,1 \II '""''''" At will be laJrul'd ••llh """h n•m ·htl:h that tlmf' 110 "'"' nt••n "' '"••k" WilY r&lltlD book. On th~ar • lrdl and "OUJIOIHI w ill I• l~tk• n ""'1. tt Ma ~lnr Rtallon altrndanlll will fur· I'N'or•l rarll ,.,111 '"' """' hr•l Thl" nlah compt.Lfo lnlormatl•ln fl'f:ll~<l· VUBT »P: PONt-: IIV n·:l!l:l' A I!Y lng toach purch~M of ~tawrlln,. f"r IIIUI. In th,. tutu ~ .. n" "''" hlllh· nrm-hlchway uw Th~N cardll will .,.1 rallrma "''Ill .,.. n n•·v. ..... wll h prr.v•l'to an accurate r hf'<'k on all out tbla ch"' ll·up "" """''n• It ~line purdiiMI, Inventory of Ia hoped by thl11 mrllu~l th,_,,.,l•• k· coupona on hind Ud mtlhod rlf DIU'IIet ~MIU'-uro •;JS ' ratl'lt"IIO puN'hltM.. ('ardll will 1M' aubmlttrdw111 bt lltoi'Pf'd l'ilut (:rc~Mhing In Sea llere IM Nut Identified .... • ,.,, &: •""' • ._,.. , .... •4 • .,,.,. r'l .. ,,..,..'".""• • tc,•, UrMftltt, ht..tonan•' • • '. u ........ lh• ....... ) ........ , , ..... I .. ''> ,., .. , 1'...-11 ltAnctall, ltffl· Sk. •••• t , ..... ,v .. ··~ \\ t."f'Wit IL ..... IDI~ ...... ,, I ".elk on~ 1• ,,.. f·,.-~, .. t It~ ·•· r't•1 ,.,.,,.,. o•n.ll Ia '*""& hrt't• ....... ~.... n. ..... ,.,,. ......... ., .• ., ... 111 "" )""' ............ lht• """'"' ,..,_ .oil' I Ut•t"' ,.,,.., 11 "'"' ~;.otnnl ht .. h ••kifl~ I'''"'~ ••vo•ry 4 ....... ,. In• 1•1•tL.rtt\ ,.,. '"'I) •oft ''" 1•,,.,,,. • l11•t\•' ., ..... ,.. •• , ,..,... •Ill tw , ........ '"'' ,....._...,._,. • t • '"""'>' tl .,ff U..-1\Aitw. YIN'ht 1111~ •lt,..,.fti "' .,..,,.,. •• tho·~r·hoft •tor 1 ... 1,~ .... •• ....... '' lhr ............. t """'""'''" all••nollntc thr """'' • .,, "" '-'Ill) .......... ...... • ......... ,, .. 1( ... ,,. l loti'IMtlll ,.,.,, , .. ,)' ...... •ttuaftt~n ,. .. IMW,. ,.,-... • nt ...... ....., .... ., r ... n.,.., •n•r..,. riH"r,.., Mf"M.n •• • tn I H1<>•"1 1 'alkr,... llf'~tlf'y, Oyrr, •' IMIIOof"'l •• .,. .. ,..,.,,..., "' t. 1011( 1 u ... ,..tr ltttn~I.,IJ. t't,.lp hu)lt•, l•.tn••l ,.,,,. Mr flt-•o ,.1 ''" ....,, lut• t ..... ,. 11.,,. •lllttrnutn f"r ,....,.., ~ .... , ......... """' ~··· ,,., I,,.. , ......... ~· .• ,~ ttt-u.,... • ''"' "'"'f)ff'-fw•• .,..,, ''" ...--• ront&.-, • .,,.,,.,., t•hrlhpa. t:.d Mr· I" .lh•4\• ·•ntl t.t.on• '"' '"' .. ..., lloturt \1•1 ... l!.•1x. '"'" Chllr-.tll, ,.,,. .. ,,.., •4 '"' f •.., ,,.. II 11 , .. ,.., f•\ I""" 1.1 J u lltlako Nftf1 •ln.._ .. ,, Y o I"-• r '"'' ,. ......,..,, I '"' k t • nt•ofl ~II rn-•ml).-rw nf lhfo .... 1 tr•1 l •'t Uf• f,,. •hw h '~ ... •' """"" tuftt"' •t'A n •••· 11 •.wn hr•l and fl, • I ' n~t J-ftlll' I ... ,,. ., \o••lt· 1101 tt .. • tw.ll .. t Twa" a Swt-ll .. l Jnder 20 flub" t, ·~ofu• r 11-~ It ·~• i'"•"• ••• '. •••• I t • f•·~•f••t •ft ~ttt•h-ft~t ,,.,_,~ ... ~ .. ·:··•',.·•···· ... ~.' ., . . ....... t ,, t. . .... ·' ....... •lfl"' ._ .. , ...... .. · .. "'" . J .u...... , .... t l" \ • ,, •• . .. . ··-• .. ''· ...... \t .• ' ttl • ' I• at • ,, .• , ......... , ,,, .. , •h-~·;•. ·'or-• ••· •t .. •• • ,,,J n• •tttl ,, r I ,, ... to. f W , ... , •• '''"" 0 \·1'"' I• ,, ••• ' ,, >4 ,,.,.., • ·• •It•• •r·l 'lA t ,. h ,#. ,. , "',. t fljlt "-·~ •ltr •• t ., ... ., .. "" ............ , ............... ,. •' I J~t• • • ttf' h• t I U If ftfll 4'''' ''''. ;-\u """''' ,.,., u • •n ""h•• tl·t•f t•f t\ •I tfl '4 r ._ ·•'•', ,,, •• h. '"' '""' I• •I lo\ lito• ..... :-tlllill& ... ~., ............ , Ill ..... I"'"' • •• ,,.,~... 111111 l••·mlrrt Sl(t. \JI ••f tPu Jlt• ,,,..,., of fh•• ,,.,.,,. •t d • • It • "' ttu •"'• 'U') c 1uh Wt•r•• I•' • • ••' •l•·•rn· 'h• u .,,,, .,,d '"''ltJd· r I 11.11• I• I I ~.~.. M• mho·rt~hlf': IL•"•· • •,,.,1 ,,, , f •uttlu•u v . J'"' I ... ,,., • ~ I• ••I t "hlttlllutn . C 'Ill~ •, •• f•••·• ''"''" f 's.'"' ,.,n"JltHna It·,,,.,.,.,..,., '"''''V ,.,.,.,.,,~ ..... .: • / \ , NEWJlolrr..a,aiJW).A f'E\\'S-'JD~Di. Newpwt Beach. California. THURSDAY. JANUARY 20, 1944 EDITORIALS, FEA'fU·RES na.,.,.,....._a.~S 't ..... , ... o .... r .. ,.., .,...,..., .. ... a I(Wdtna roree Ia tM U~~e'• ,.rt.., ...... , IIM!nt; ... d le •Ia~ aleof from aU....._...._ aUJep& tJuat of flcleUty to 1M &*Wie • ......._ Newport Balboa 1\i EWS-TIM.ES NEWS of the COIITY GFFICIILS SEEK UiU ri tD PLII Will lilY t=OR HAP.~~~ 25 \'ears Ago in the H:~rbor Distrirt ,,, tlviu .... • • Sulllll o olnll t'o•q o:rt•u to 1•11\' v. at t \ "( ••n fll>t H\ r•·~.lU Ul tIt .t•S. t':t\Uh d ~uvf"t n u l• nl n.111t~ t~· 1 l•••hh't" :: : .,, .. uUtl • •n,•·t .~n J'l• , ~ .. tn ?zU' • Ill E-f'J T~a) and Tllunday Aflf'm<OoOall \ oha-X~:\.\ I tw.crlptlon Payable In Advanct--~ 50 per )i'ar 1n uran.:~ Counl): 12.15 per yt-ar to olth rone. $3W po:-r >•·ar to tlth zont' CH U RCII ES -\ ·.-;-\ ~A t:ndrr u.tnlc· n • •lt •le·····l l•'t ,,,,, ··: J•tHJ•'i t l' I"-u ,,., ••rJ uul l tlt tu ,· t•ht'" to :~,....._• f, tt,. t•.,tr•t it( WUptrY'-orw. ~lith f'fll .. ftt•l• ; , ,, ·'·' lUI f"'.an t .., • rt \h•• J lOttUIY Jj r• f•ott hV lht• ltlrl'\\01 ol tlat• I:D&M'ed .. !M!cond-CIL"l! matter at the POiitOifiC. in Ne~purt lkach. .:I • h ol l><•r C<om• .... oo I•• (!II j,. -' '.•h•d ,llll\1, .. .tall •n Ill tlol' =--··wputt N~WII Mint. CaHfonua, under lht! Act of Mlii'Ch 3~11!9:.. 1 OUR LADY -' ~OU ... T 'ARM~\. , • I• ttr.• v>1 111i ta Navy 1:. o • • • • ,,, t '· 11\l' ,.,.111• 1 · II "' a ti.••IIN>tnol bo.•w• l•f \\' 11. Clune. kouwn llli ""''" tlw a. A, MEYER . . • . EDITOR AND MANAGEJl CHUIIC.H • !r ........ t• ... rr•tat,. th• orc-..c .. m uol'll•m I ol olt·•t•Jt>•J prmr to lbe 'to I'll age, will b~ fnr<-lltd in farm Wel!l u~r "Big" mll.ll n: lht' ........ Plant, 3011 W. Qoontral Avtmue, Newport O.adl, CahlomUI 1421 W. c:...&IM. hc:upc:o't ..._.. • r , r . mrn' pM.)t'ct at Aaa· toni•· Ill• =" o\ • • ••u, on too th .. Jl!l labor r·a r. I'" m C'llhfMnllt \lunng theat l'r 'tiu.e.IIB COOit'8 fut til Willi 0-~-.a .a • p ........ R OF Til.., Cll'Y OF N .. •wt..n.RT 8 .,. •CH Sunday -aJ 6 ... Ill a m r.••::r. H.\ ... tn th .. harbor-41;...,.. t ure ant.! l!t't7.• ol t11t· It·. n t .. · y r •: .• th .. •·oomln~; s utrmcr. if plan11 now an announcement wblcb, in all rr•'-'~~A&o ~• ..,.. ..,.. ..-v 11M' _... F"'P-'-urukr .CudJ.,. u,., olr1 ,.. ••• .I ol v.oo.~l.a l'l·~umnwnt.l beln~ tur·mt'd lly W D. MrRea, proba bility, lOn ell next iu unpot · A ........ We Loa.J lutJtuUoa for 0\'c-r M \'ea.n tT. JOMN VIANIIII~\' (;HUIICH • tAU~ty r •• , • m .. m""ta. ,.., 1t acqui..lltlon (II tlw prurwrt y hv the t'uunty Work Dlrector or the Y M. tllllce to the declaration t•f pl'KCl'. ---=-.,. lt4 .._... A-., ..... .__.. _ • ·::VI• ""'' tn.tay l'OUnty ;•• tlollt a d"IIP·Wal,.r h~AI'· <.' A arl' carrie\! out. ""J Jhat is that Clune'• Autlito· IMTII:t:ITORIAt_~· 1944 SSOCIATI~ __ ::11£. .. ~ Invest . in Victory A fevt weeks a~l) Lil'UI«'nant Communck-r "Hutch" o 'lla n.•. the n~r who tumiJINt fi\<' Jar planes. •Jilt of the sky in orw day, vahlMOO in thr Pad fie'' hilt' lryin~ to send mQr'l' Cightrr.; ot the Son of Henn ·n 'down to earth" More recently. Major Cr,-gor)' I :11.' 111gton, (Jfll.' or Amt•l1· Sw>~&aJ'..,..., •~ a •· ~·Wall'r :4 8p6eer 01 ~r ·•••tlol IJt' r ttn'rtl f•ut or Ana· 1 .'.'""!~' l••llhttl th:· ".!.'J•·,unl~•.nuw 1.• I•• Ul' thl' b!Jtgeal "~J bes~ ----------:-. • •• ttarr-r , · .. r.m·~·"'IO IIU'-!l.UJ bdm Bay llnd -llnlP lant.111 IUr· 'l'l"ll•••l•'ll .Joollnj( t l'c summt·r nf vaudeville theater In the'\\ • 111 CHIUAT c.HUIICaol •Y TN~ UA to u,... b..&N 11 l•ttn •umiiiiU'tatn,; · roundlng. II< III .,. :11 boo revlve.J ant.! that new ~1r and Yra W lll Erwtn mH:or· • c. ., .... 7 a 'tbr t ()lll.miulon'• wurll to date on ' T I 0 .. r I ll'H•····l lfllit I..... • lll \\Ill h·· a•ll.lt•ll t o the hal t'll down rrom lht'l! tnnt•h Ill Uw ...... L D. ......._ P.,.._ , ·~ matror .,, pr n t!lfiC a ... en! Jlhln.nHia.: IHt I ll•• hatthul an<l 1nllu• 11 ~~ l'llwwn that tbe campa RH-u J•laqum valley anu llpf'nt '"'V· l:uiJ' -• --.. •:.lie .... nch •ntlluo<nal-fumm«rc'-1 lllar· tn•l a rea vu~ht tv runt1nue until v .• r·oo·J 111 t>nrullment fro m 2~ ~~ 7~ enal day• in Nt'wport Ut>ach ,. :oil· a. 111.; ~ _.... ct... .._U twtr at rr:r .-. .. takr:n IJ09eT ~ Uw th•• ="" y " plan~ "'' lhl' rulure C){ bo.•y• and g-ave the leadf ,. an op· ing \:1th ht•r p!lrenl..ll Mt a:. I '· .. a aa.; M....,...--a J II .. a ,:~;.,..,.. '"" 1r_. 1:!0,000.000 .... th•· I" •Jo' t It to' more clearly de-._,,, tumty tv injeet 110methlac of a Mo Mllla.n 8UIIda_J' ..,_.. -· l-» 1 H; , uthn• •I t1v~ potnbl: u,.. fin~'' charact.,r·bulldlo& nature \o the Wra. laac 11. Beebe had 1111 lwr P· m . .u ra ~ ,..,..11 wuot .. d to a .,.,._ *-M.....,. praJU •~r'f'IC~. ,.....~..,., P'P,...nt.o 00 -.a-.-- \\'"~ ~-...,. 41* ....,r a=: 'rftt• 1 ,.,. .. on•l ha.• topocTapln• ti .3o P Gl • • 1 >'lllool 1•• ·•n ,.. nnmk'aJ dr'e4i· TH£ F'1 .. 5t aAPTI5J CHU.C.H • • r ''.:r am rh..-uwnf'nt of land OF HUNTINGTON .EACtf • '" ••• f._n .. rn!Jiy •nl'llned to th~ l r r· ••' t r"li'IOJ,> a hUIIP ..... bor c-. a;.u. ~ ~~ •: ·: r•.•l •llr th .. re 18 ed. 1 .,. ll'« Gft)' H,ajl 1 1·~ It 11 •I"' li\t lf•n f~Kilit .... both ca'a thr'fo(> all-tir.lt' "Al't' of A n~" ''till :!1; .lap skrwag(Jn.' Th~ a •:u.tn . "'" u.u ... r ·" , .1 .... , 1 , .... , th• r .. •• a ladl 0 1 notdle<J on his J,.'lln . roli0\\'1'11 U'llar• inlo lh1• l:1nrl of ~ih·rwt'. 1 11"" .. ,1~ .. 1fJ"'aJI •' t•~, " ~ ·.: J 11-·r"'' ,,. • tr•lo1.10tnal aDd bar· , . toour. 10 .,., a_ m _ ~n.J.Io~ -~~. • t.. ,,. , ll'l '''"" 1-WoiU'b &lid • _ \\'he-n W<' n:'ncl of th(''"€' nwn wp J,••·I ··s 1f •;r•rn••lhinl: "itlun -ubrt .t .. ~ t4"•'•• t or , • , 1 .. d .... .. .... ,. • . r .. .-• tf ;r an u ... re ., us dis with the m. \\'e thtnk -II tlwn· ''"'"' onlv ~ornl'thing I h '"',.,, 1 .. od ma~< ..... -..~, ,,cr • ·' ·r.,_,,...,, ·rr .,,., fur locaUon., -d<..-.m t .. ,,..n ('._,,.., UJ:1-.r · · could have dont' tu SCI\ I' tlwtn. louly• .., .. b ,..,.. •-·1 P""r .. ar : and ban·· t """-'• .. ( '"" .-omm'-kla au.. Wllllln6: doesn't h('lcl. But wt• c·an clo muc·h to proh '<'l ALl P"'f'1" ut u. • ~ ·AnL.'Y 1 , ... n ·~ ,,1 11,..,r~ w1u w .._.te· .... _ ....... _ ill , I"' i I I .rlln ~ :M'I noaft"ff ...._ -~ -· u~ wrtu are st t.:nrry tng nn. -~111 ng c•\·ery liSt t-.·nt w~ , ''ltt"d to .-.. ....eup ••UI ua ... r 1r• , .. ,,... n lnJU8lrial dftoel·- can spare into War &mel.; is Ont' way of doing 11. Only hy do-_ -----_ orc:.~t.· 1.11 th.-SINllllaDd attrr ;,..,. our full shaJ'l'--anrl mon~·an we lx' worth.' or sueh rrwn. 1 FULL GOPEL 'HUfiC04 lbr •ar -• s, ......... 11 .. 1 the tx>ard for tn W~ mu~t buy Bonds not only to supply ammunition am1t"QIIip· 1 Z2tt4 --E .... ~ Mc'W •'"" ,,. ru ID 111 .. ,..,mmiukla'• f'\lr· l'unt1ay • fl<oul. 9 U lolonsllft,:; mcnt for the O'llnrrs anrl lloyingtons still fi g hting "oul ,\ nr-11lOIJ•. II ' .. :'\~··... .. n..... ·t, r ...... IIJ. ..splamiftc u.t It there" lJut tO f}I'('Vent innliti()n S(l fhal fh('S(' mt'll will no f 7 :kl J1 r... !ohd·tl•ra tnu·t IV"'« '•" r.d 111" 'l/01".-~t'• 'lriUII Navy . ' "........_..' u <ltfanah bul ,...mmdlDI: Uw boenJ have to <XJn'M" hack to a COUnl ry laid low hv ("(''numic-c•h,u"' lilt; oe ,_. •• 'I·-• •. l b-lt ,~.. , oounty'l c».~ol which inflation would Cn'll te. '" 011 f'T..S..J. 7 .&!. p. a ,.Ur~ rrr~hlv a ay W llt,..u.d by · ''"'nt: r .... 1·~ n-a•c • ...... ~ I ----I Now with tlw Fourth War Lonn 11ri\'l' urulc•r ""."· 1t ---taw r:•,...·"'--"t projlfct. , . .• , tt .. a u! tb<;al the f'•~loa bo'· should~ our prlvll~ to tvt<."k it to thf' lirmt. As In thf' pust . C lll.I,TU\ '' 11 \, 1 • •· 111 :u:" 1.,y .. 'h.•t ,,., ru•·a.l pt&l\8 CoQUJd busi-and lnd~try will c~iw th(•ir ull-uut s urvvlrt. Jn (ad. 11'" ':" ,.... , 1 ... ,,_.-:.~-~. ·w ...,. ... .,.J t tr1~ flrttn'e''-ot tlw ·~-wft fool rt-h I ' tft ••• Itt .... ,. _ _.. t" buslnMrt and lndu.~try have n<'\'t•r slopJll'ff haekin~o: ttl€> S.'lk' of ., . · llw • ... ' ~·· tr ..: • 'In~ 111 !l ... trl..ll-<umiDrt"C'ial h.artlor ldu W D-A.. ' .... _ r· II (' t·r i . 0 •• ~ •• ,, I I .. ll .. I .. II ~ , ..... ILat lhr naval ufflc:1&1e --kl ar DUll ..... s ~ uft.")' were 1rst so 1. a 1om as statrwu .. • 11 "'" .. n _ ,; . j.• ,, 1 •• ,,_ t.. a.t...~,, th .. ,.nunry'• plan•. branch banking institution alone hns solei uppruximatt•ly 1 ~·· ""'"' .. , • ' , .... •· ,.,. " ::,... ... , .-... nr "" to 1101 Uuat tb~ $800,000,000 ln smaU \Var Bonds to the public sinn' P(•arl 1 " u,,., ,,,., ,;...., 11• ' 1 • •=-• llarta ... c·oauzu.uton 111 Jlftll&r1n~ u-~ · l••''"""'~a~•· .. ,,., li t ·~'' r•• a fuU r~pttl" ua It• llu<ll#tl ~. II '' J ldl't-· 1 ,a ·~o-..1 ooC '' lo ..... 'ttu f V and of f~OCII~tl oDM This ia Olle or the mOSt OUlstandin<> ('('('OJ'Cl.s O( An)' sinr ll' '"'!.'""1 loi.,UIIJ. JOb' r L I I :'I b II ba..t c•..U"W~ e ,.. ll'•· arpnllation ln the United State-s. But !'ales f'('(.'On:lo; l'l.K'h ll!oo o\ ,,....,, ,., ,....... ,,. ~-.. ,,... tk ••-J:ty rKommmckod thai. -aDd ~ .,..,..at~r records that must lJC made cannot hi• ' J • "rulah ,.., • .~ .. •·1'-"'' cold 1 _.. lbJ' ~ .. a .. tlw lCht ot the .rovem· ...._. ... -' Nlllll' ... tela u .. a.-..&. u. t I •• IOIMM ...... IOiely on the ertorts or the organl.zaUono; seUin~ llllllo.f! a -C'O'o110 111 'I .... D f 1919 IJoDdL 'I1Je pubiJc must rwpond wUh it.' dolla~Jiy t -"' ..._... ..,. • nta ·~ .._ .-oelll 0 ~~ ()()() of J udala: •.• AM U..O, e!oll ,.,_. St•n Rinp In tbla-dri\le wlwre tbe quota for incljvictunl~; il' """''•!'iOO, .• oo m~ • .,......,. --... _, _.-..u.., 1 000. •nd ""''l' .... bb llroort... . ...ayi-. ' t\now ,,. I....S I«,._. t ltaft a_lt A Loud LJJ 'n1ou..a~ ot O'Ha n-!1 a nd BoyinJrtons-Am('rka·~ fil'l4"'1 1o.now nw. ,,_ a~ ,..."1 .,. u.r. ~ .-._ unto th.. ,,,.,_ el ,_.,. _... --· -young mcn-l\.1\'(' inVt"Sttod their }i\ (•~ in \'if·tory . ~·rtainl~ llo(• Lo•d -Tli .. M' a o:.J• 1,...,. 1 In Utwllbbltt lhrouch tbe fila wecaninvestourdoUars. 1· •. otrou ._,.., al .. tnc•~·-4 ·• •Ill .. , u· .. s ..,.r--rt s ..... , r r tbb Nazism After the War &•fool~ I h ..... (tl..tord .• 0 I ••ll • -~ rr ..... ·~ !~· )"'llt8 a~l) t he' ti('I'Om · worn , ...... anMltlr ct ... '"'...., --,,, J"'l'' .,~ anunn· ""ll !Ill)' falrly thy i<n •nrlo.l~~--a.a..1 1' T '~ ;utt-~·I rroom th,. p.'l"!'C' l"'lh"l'l' be-~JI11 -U11 ~11' r t•;&........,, ~ ' .lUIP .., "'let"-~~ w-a~ lhfl' belt Wa_ry lblo...r lAd). tl· llctt!lto. .. ~ral H~nry H. Arnold. chil•f or th~· UnitC'd S ta h'!' Amtt> "S<1.,0,... and u .. :all• ••!!a t.~ •• t··r.-.1 • t lh• r-"''·!•·r at th, mnmf'nt. t . ' -t -~ It • a oltll\ f oo f'hanl Ill Ol~hl When Air F,.......... ~timat<>S that 75 rv>r ct'nt uf Ek>rlin has ht~'n (~<'· 111 .. :-<rnt"u'..,. •• .-. • ...... ·u a -~.., ,~ l'l It'll• • lonna te IIebi T oe lo • .,. " " a r ... tr. 1111" !1' tlr••r ••If I "1Mp lltl"oyed by bombing. 111 •uw .. maf'). •"".-r<-"1 t:a~J twtwr.-n anu lfl.,._ E..Vtontually thnt dty. like Hamburg. may virtunlly t'l':ll'll' ~.:~::;;:.-:,!::!_cr-t. _. 1 .......,r:tt 1 '""_7., 1 .,nrt 1 .. hE>u r , ~ to t'XiaL But th<' d<"SI ruction of l:krlln will not <k'!il roy l"aZI· I"• m a ....-r1"' t r,..nry. tam. Nor wi.ll It bt' extt>nninnted f'V«'n if <'Vt>ry C'ity in ttx> FIRST CHURCH OIF CHRIST. \ly ~ I' ftoou~;h. m~ no-.• won'l I ReJch II laid In Nina. ICIENTIST r:,., r'" arnt t~ tnfluet~Vt Th1a ls 80111ething for us to b«-ar in mind in <'Oflllf'ction with 112 L c-tn~ A•-fiiMa.,..t 8eadt pcJit war Gennany. CnJShlng the Gt>nnan annles. destroy-,\ ..nnctl ot llw Moe .... (~ft'll I ''" mv alllll With nerythln« the FlnC ~ of 4'b.rwll Sc-· ""-JW*y •l«ftbonr .,.M m._ I inK the prellPI'It gOYemJll(>nt. and putting occupation (on-es in tillt lD Row-. ..._ oUd .-..aly lao~ wtth th, ~y t.bal OOYitl')', wil not wipe out Hitler's lnfluen<X». His party S&mday ....,.. a~ • ,.. .. T 1 ...,_ will--to exlrlt legalJy, but the doctrine he ha.'l Pl'f'a Sunda)r ~ ... " • .... To l'tlrr lk W1'u4!1aU W.c~Deec~a~· Tall~ -~'"4 will not be easily eradicated from the minds or the pt'OPI('. at "' p .. tte.du"' ; • .-..... ill Mr an.l ..... Loul.ll .... yer of I More than likely the Nazi organization-minus its present F..aat c-tn.l Au· ·-o ........ 1 (loaWalf' c-aur. •••ttrd bill brotMI' ...... and ln • alu~leton fonn--will ao underground to a~·ait p Ill l() ~ • -L,.._.., ~,.. aaol lllrs ~ Mey .. -owr tht• waek I the. dl.y when It can again seek power. Man:v of the youns: and J~~~o~Wa,.. ruteo-uy ~• -' Tllr OUdale -18 pe~ 1bo: ... llll1c II ~,. ~ ltiii!#T ,.f a n-•paprr cham lil t .._ ati~WJI d in Hitler's vile and viokwlt t~ •·Ur dream to att-.s uw .......,... &ad ..-Ow rwrUwrn Oallf••m la an. I ra.aw of Che diJ when th€-y can ari.c;e, as he-did, to nt~ for ttw lti'AdJnc ~ ...ut._b to att""t thr a nnual t>'tlln.- -t ..._4o_.1<X!'S" a17111inst the fatherland. ~~ 'f tb., C'alllom la :-.~--. --.. 'f'A"'... .,-FIRST FCKIRIQUAIIE. CHUIICH raper f'uhlull'W,. A_,.llhl'lft Ia Here ln the Unitt'd States, tt.oo German prlsonPrs or war M COSTA •Ea. ~Ale Alit;~ •• TU ... otay. Tb~ N-· recBitlf mmmlttf'd suicide. ~ had been condemnt'd to ~~ til -.. ...,_,., • ~ Brw-tt rubi!Joh~ 111 down - dealh by a "kangaroo court•• of t.belr fe Dow pri..~rs for not Rno. C.. • ...,.. ...__ ......, tlw prncram for an addm,. oa '*'w arcllnt Nazi&. Thus~ ruthless German ~lement would -~_._. 5rntcnrt:. dMtJoy th08r of ~lr countrymen who hnve not bc><m hypno-Fnday. 1·•.,.. • ---.P ~· Y..ua ,.,.,.. Ht~" S<-llool. J:U•. '" ..... : th.-\\rt'k ·('lld, W. Tay. loot a .• ol "o.t' ol Lu.. Ant:d~. loti,., Tayiut· 11-., Ch1o.:ul(o woma n and wu.• t ,., ... ,.II) mar11uu. l:Vmlng tv 11 u k•· llo·t loU1Ul' 111 t.;:\l&lor nia. Shl" a.-to•ry 11 u, 1, uofu_luat...J "1tb lhia climate and l!t inueed a happy u d '"' lto,IUio tu ldf' roa IH8UIIANCE IE& Howard W. Gerrish ltll w. Olatnl """ Newpwt ......., Celli. ........ AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT • • . nu LI.FE tbed by Hitler and his henchmen. k'e. Rn-•-._,_ • dllrp ~ ..... Adult. &·:lO P m. f'ODday ........_ • » a -.. ~ ~·· 1 31) p m. When th~ war is over, the nt"W German government will !.lom iDc -~-11 & • ... ......, t.l:o..·waup a.nd prayer. have to ~un\tc tht> G<>nnan JX'(>ple in order to rountt>ract ~ •"*· ,...._-. ~ wa&aadlliJ. i .:tO 11 a ~--'-poured lnto them ...... , ... ., the past decade. """ft t I ------------..,.._. ..... u"6 ••ta CO.T E CO. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIITI 1 BUY govemment wUl also have to dla ~P into th<' uncl('rJ:rouncl A •CHs•u-•u•rrw .. _.... c-Wa"'ut Met Churcll 5\8. and crush st"CI"t't Nazi or;Etni7_.ations. Only as th<-se things ;ln' Caf1 a . ,. • ........ c..u Mn.a daDe CUI Germany again become R nation W011hy Of n'SflP'·t.l tiU H-~ PIL JU...I ~tarday IDOMIUIC. S B b ba t. (~UM h ~ 9 1$ .. -S<'f"f'd. •·30 a m. I Wonunc •·on~~~p. 11 a. a JT..scbln,r: ~rvlc.-. II a m Post-War Housekeeping I t jfl'l(' and lnOIW"J. Does the ruck rinPn~ 01 the Rlann dock j;_ar yuU out or S1X' kl'lt'l"'!' that ntbPr pn<JFSL<it'l' idMs \.N"rl in thf' f!t•\e)· your good humor. as well a~ YNir slN..•p? Jf it d(l('o;;, lJC patient. 1npmmt of labor'-sning a~ •·ill funht-r s:imphr~ her Better days Hn' ahl'<HI. Post·war nlaml dock~ \\Ofl't "alam1" 1 l"hn~ anc1 Nl.'\1~ tk"r lo bf'oadlon tx-r intf."~S anrl al'li\'lties you-rather they will "!'('l'l"n;'ld<-'' you <'<H'h m~1ming with 'in othM' dil"t"ctions. pleasant musical tones. If ~ll"'l'. America~ hl-r W4ly-and s tk> u.-.u:tlly cl~t~ -This type' nf dt'l'k i~ onl' of thl' m:mr n{'\\' ~.ldgE'1s Mrs. f)lolf'J'&>\\ • ... ho·u~·kt"Pj~.: ma--t~ •til t'Of' :l<; f:tr frf'm tlml'e or I Ame rica wants when mnntlfnctlln"'rs. l':tn mal;r thcm. Shl' lnal:ty ,, .. ttw ~orth l '"le i5 trom th•• ~uth r\rll''--.1nol I hat Is I has also cxpl'e.sscct herself. t h m ugh su1·w~·s. ns "~tntin~ appli-<til tlw diH<'n·n.:,-. in t~ •"'n.t. j 8JlCe!\ that \\'iII t a k<' much or t h(• .. ,, o rk .. nut uf hou~'wMk. Among th~ :tn" :ltltom.ltk wnshing m:Jchilll'" thnl dn thl' who le jo~wn:-11 . nn~· ;mrl clry: ('lf"l'1rit-r:~m:c:; in~te:1rl of guf and automat k g:arb:~~e cli f;pos.11 unit<;. SIH' wcmlcl l'Wn Uke to h;l\'l' a n ;111tc•mntic rlishwashcr-and we mi~ht arlil- who wouldn't MODEll MARI'!E SERVICE SHELL DOCK BALBOA ISLAND It all indicate~ that Mrs. Ameri1":t wants to shnr'l' mon.- tuUy in the benefits mnd!' A\'ailahll' hy mooem lnwntilm. \\1' ca.n't blame her. Sh«' has a lrendy S('('n how impro\'ro m('th· odl haw greatly east>d her shopping probl<'ms. E\'t>r sinn- the adwnt of multi-unit retail sto~ whk h hrin~ N>r a \'ast variety of hlgh.grade products lnexpen~lvely, she has ~ 1 able to do aD of her marketing ln one place, thus sa\ing both --.-.-----------------~ ~· * MORE * BONDS 4tb War Loan Drive .,.,..,.~ Je to f'e.rua~ IS ' :- ,.. --= Ft L&l ~~ lnlpe I a I .... -.: .... eaa. .... ..... ~. W1l ..0 •t • ~ en. ._ IIDcw e:: •• -I "· ... ... ..... --.. ... ... taw ..... ..... .... .... 'aka -' ..... Ad ~ ... a...c ~ ... , Aa ... ... ... ,.. ,.. I .... ~ ... ,... ~tart. --c--.. "~ .... =-... •• ... :w.l .... .__ •etJ :tt6ol _, • • ept. ~ • ... f"ttt : lnd := .. 0. r .. Ia I = e ·-.. = .. = t il lay .... ... t.. tu .... ,.u " ... '"' ,. ~ g .. ·~ )t )t ( ar t y .... tlf' r. f'o (I • ,, . F .,, (' f; ' , I .... r I MAULING die MAPLES.· •• • .. aD Uw 1'\ary of tiNt d~ ~ U. pow.m&l 8t AnUMifty ca.dM of ....... Seed~ lllvaciH llarbw'• 17'111 aut 'naunday and ,_,.. ~ wiUI a t•·lt decl· '-===-------------------_,; ....._ Not Gnly ._. It Uw BalnU' TUI ywtory Ia • ct&rU: but " wu fFzLt 1 Dr nne u-that a t-bad U5o'l ...,.. .... ,.... tall aupplac Var· City u.--. L&at ,..,. •• ---................................. a..w, ,.. Bailon"'~. nor• polnt k ec.tla Oout .._.. --.~ ....._ ._. ...-tMI Iced 111 Ow nnt q.art..-. But the lrllpec walk dll .... a.. ...... , .......... a i llw '-t. Se1ata. led by Jeny "Small P'ry" I a "-"-tale IMl ~ C... t f, 4 7 .... ~--l'CUC'tlAIII aarrowf'd ttic liMd down ... u.a-. .-cr ..., .. -• ......... _....-to-,_., at UJt u-and cure· ....... wb tale n.tica. .._ .__ ,.,.... .._. ~ ..._ .alllo .._. .. ...,.. to capture tM wtnMr"a .. -~ .. ,.. ....... .._,....,_, 2 d C ~-2 "'·~· ........ tlw~ ll.a!f, -. ea...-·~ a.. • ..... ...,.. .._ '-._ .. -1 1a u.. prdlaia&rJ. u.. a.. ~ect .... fMd ....t _, ta. ........ 1.-a-. .._... -...a.c 1 1110J Dille ...,_ wtUI 18 polnbt. anlillc&Drw..-,r ........ , .................. -ant,.._., U ~IJD&q trtWDpb ~ & hlctl .... _, DL .... ..S --...... ,_ Clftt' u UCOIIw..ci St. Anthony W~~Beu.. ...,._ ,., WIIIW4fm ·.,......._,.........,1._.· ~.....,...,.,...,... =t~ =~ ..,____,.~ ....._ eP :a-.,... cw,1., .... e6ta.ftnt..-t•.~ --·----., ---............. -tMy At I cJI Ollerll R.-d tlilrww ... llac -.. taw ........... OiiP>--........ -.. , ......... 1. ....... -"'* ...., tTie ..... en. Ia.._ _ _..._. _. ... ._. __ ..... •-c r w4 • u,. ,.. IMle .......,_ • ,..... b1.J a. ..__ • ..._.. .... ~ ... ,._.-,....._,._ Hare&d Vu ~b' .... ._.__... _....._ .......... .,.,. ....... Doll ......... ~tMW,..._. _____ ..... -9 ......... .., _,........-_..r.u..:. ..... -........ _ .... ___ -........... -.elL • ..,. ....... .,. '"II_. a 7 a -._,. ._... ....... ~ c•• ••· e;,.A.. ~......_ • .__.~...._..... a a~ •• r •••"...._ ... ~7 ,,..... • •PJ&! . e ~~ -.. ._...,..,, .... ..,._---ea.&--• If g ..... , .._. • ,_.,.._ .. .,....-r......._ ....,. ... a • • .._. ... ... 11:. ...... .... ...... .......... --. DE~···: m=.~ ~,._-~lk 'U-" ___ • II.,.._ I g ,.:•.:=: _ ................. '81rF 7 ... elllrW ........ ,., 0 IClleCIIH •rz n •• .,... ....... ~ _a.l ____ •• ....... . • 11 =• »l£..-. a-__.. Ev1l1i• C.. ...t 0... ··---· D_. _ _,_...,.., ... ku ......... . ,. ............. _...., . • n me~.._ .. ,._ n • wm --· ·-· ·····--. . ~-.... -·....... ..... ~......... .... ....,_ -· ·-IS II ._. ...,_ Seal ..... IIIIa .a--- -----·· .. 21 .. ~-......... -....... ....,....uta .............. ...._ _ .... -. . u • .-.... , s 7.._ .... ..._ ..-.y nc=aw ,._ SC.C•~.t• HIP ~ ...... _.. ...... -..... ~ ....... ,.... ................... .urta&l ....... ..... -· ........ -... ..._ ........... .,. ....... tD .... tllrtUW. ~,,.: =-.: _-: ::y=;-... ,_ -_--: ::.r ':f.~-as·rrs. , .... e.~ p 0 -~ ........ _.. ~(ft:J... ,.._· ......__ ..S T7 sz 7 7 -~-G 1T J:.~ cl); 'N .-...;;~:~: .................... ---• D-~·••· .. st 7 a .._ ....._ OAJce --• • ..=; ;.::.;._ ~ ~ :!;; .. .... • --~ • • Die ..,.._, ..,; ~~ ···= .,._ ., id ., ar _. Gll?lr j• a _ --• ., -•?' ~-:Jr: .-.._.. .... 'I ,_,.,_.,al......_._ ___ -· .... .:1;,~~-il)~ ..... _ .. _...,.. ........... ............ ~=t· .... De ... ,. 9 ~ ..... _... ..,_. tallilllslll .............. .., ~ ............................ ~..,._ ........... . .,.., .. .._ ...... ..-. ..... . •i ........ -.......... -, rtu.,...,...,_ .. _ ..... ,_,_ ............ ~· .... a. ........ 0 • co d _, ......... -. ............. ....... .......... ...................... 1 ......................... :we._ t. tale...,.., : a .,_._: ...-t t.OIIt ............ _ ·---~ _...., ...,. _ _._._.~, :it"-,_ tap ..... a---· -,._ ~ ......... ,__,.i • MOllie far • p7 .. ...._, 1 :pu,.---.--.,..w a-r -... ~ to ........ A..--y Suuulr -1 • sa : •-...,. ... oii'IR a II .... Beet._. Zl IS lnctloriae • • f....,. ..... u • DMrOI*n a • tllcll~ u • o--.,. ...... -tale .... ~ W. L,._..._ -2 •• ~. 7 ••• • • • •• I I • •• : ~ : =· --. • ....,._.._. • 2 • •I· ........... ._._.,....._ =..., ....... u ....... a , ................ ... .......... .....-.-....... ,.... ..... ~ .... --.. ...... ~-,.._L , ... ........,. ......... .. ,. ... ,........_.._...c a ...... ~.c. a.JU.C. ... ..a1 ............... ~ ........ ~ ,... ................ -,.,. ~ -... ,_.. --,..._,.._..._ .... ; ............ ---9· 7 ...... t~ ....... ~ ... .,. 11 ..sa a e • ""·~ ,. .... -...-----,__ 'fte,... ..... -...-· ~a-l_.._ .. a ...... c-. (1Mt ~ .::., n1l.tt ~ ~ ,, ... ~~· c ,~ ... ~· an.-.. G )ecztlnla•l ... ._ )ff; Foch • ....._ ~ ... tM ...,. :,-~ an~lowaDd~,....._ .... t v Taylor and ~ ., ..,. --.•. , ... -. •~.._,.,.......,n ...... ,.. -. 'M #,__,_a..w_-.,._.. ......... ..., ............... ...... ................................. ,.....,_...,_,__ ..... _.....,au •• • ....,..,_...-s ., ...• .._....,...,.. -,,.,....,...-................ ... sur ...... ....,r .......... ..... I J ., ••• k ....... ,....., ..... .w~ ... • .._. ii. ... *,...of* clealiciry you utc· • .,-th flM't·footf'd .--n. ~ h.-tc~ •ilh 14 • bl tllr ~-... hvlor ,_ Uw llif:.'l's wD w.1 ~leplUI --~ ~ wtiJa ...., /lll-.-Lip -~·~ M £UCD.IUTY WILL . EP 1IJL'If ntl •.u!--I ~7. .. ............................................................................................... -. L0Wt4U~ -. T ft\l.-r 14• 1i•n_..1 l 'iC ~ '' •• r. h""'"" 1r-' R j.·,.o:-wntMI\ 14 • PI~ llo' Ill ....... ,, ~ Tlt '"'""'"' 1!\f> I" liO'IIo 1~: J o•t-M ft .~- ~~~ "'~ .. u~~ ~ Ta)IM' J~% ~ 1J \ ,._... 117 f'• .,)M'>Afl tn 7 .,..., '" • T1r "';. ~~;11., 11 I T•·-1l • ,_ t 1 !"toaf~r 1.2 I ..... a~m J. I. ESliS PLl'MBING ILL~ e ~TOII8 e \\'.AMID:~ ....... \~&.~ • a.\oros ...... ~ .... a..r.t. . i __ _ ..J • ,/ ~·JANUARY 20. 1944 -. - ------------ \ I TAXPAYERS • • NO -li$CfiONI -NO'I'IBN8 t'IIAT 18 UN, r.Aa ••• .,, Oil IJNs OOit&itotiJiiPiiON.u.. • • ot Newport Beach I AM VER\' SORRY . that Mr. Rhoden and I could not tak~ care of all of you who cam~ to CORONA o·EL MAR last SUNDAY to inquir~ .abOut Iota in Blocb A-35 and A-36 now offered ln tlw . LIQUID A TIOI SALE ~~~Ute~~·~~-=-.. TRY COMING OVER • • A8 I IIAVK 8a. ._ fOU:. I IIAft & _.. Nlft bUill ....... ._,.. I &II'SICI' W POU.OW 11 ........... . LAftP ...... OPGI1a a.GJif& ... IIAa ,_. .• , .. .... • • To Be Sold Unremidea Except AI To Z.. ... RMI1' .. I ... Lsi ......... ... J ..... I • I • , I u 11 11 •• II .. 11 11 11 N.we, • .-. .. , ,, ........ ... La& ......... '-·•· • --1-.00. II ....... •••• • ----·· D ..... •••• II ..... ........ . ) UJUI , •... 1'7) ...... . , ..... II} I,... ...... . ) ..... .... I .. , .... --· I ...... ...... • s.-• --· • ...... --· I ...... --· • ...... -. • • I • ....... ,.,.~ .. ' ~ ,.,_, .~~~~ Ar~~·• ...,,_ . . Jlew-llsllal • .. II .......... ... ... ,, J ~lx! ....... II) ---.... &I) .... --· ..... .., --· .... d ....... •••• -·· lt ... . ... , .... .. ··-· .... --· .. ..... --· .. ... ., , .... II) ..,..., t ..... , .... ...... ... ., t ........ ., .,.... t .... ~··· •• == ..... . ., --· ., •••• ... ...... 16) ... • ..... .... 1 ....,.. ...... .._. .,...,.. _.. ..-w. -~a bcswMrul,lsrJe',... -.eta l,tz1 be .. uc ._ ... • ... WHit tWa..,, ........... UN ,...,.n,, w )'OU .. ~ ......... .,,, •• •• ••• at ---... _,.. ........ ... 0... llaw te OOMUit wtth him to uaer1abt whk:lt Iota M~ .._ ..W.. • NOTE: It will .... bat a Uttle of 7!J18' ...... a..,.rt .... Iota. lav.ucate ,..._ ...arHI at ..._. a.,da dUM-... ,.,...., how cloiMI thf'IW" Iota .,.. to Ute OCEAN BEACH ud Newpon BaJ ...... In Btbld too theN II ..., otN' NEWPORT RAY (whJch the other cltM-11 do DOt ha\'f') ldtal for boallnc. mmmln~t ud other aquatle ...,.,.,.. • Remember•. dm~'t uk pu~huen to buy • C'JOIItn.tt. Thf' Iota .,.. ~ to purehuen -I R be . l'hr TAXPAYY.RH ol Ntr.WPOtn' emem r • RY.A('h havr U.. F.Xf:l.nUVF. rtch~ uatll February 15, 1944, to buy uy uunld l..ota 18 lllodlll A-S5 and A-36. R be . Whrn thMif' lnt.A arr Mild, WMN' roukl emem r. llnf' htl~' • 'lmllar lot -jrn• u.. -~­ point ol \alur, loc•atlon anti t.rrm", ,.., rl•-to die brauUr.l ~an 1..-ac·h and !l'f'M l"'r1 II&~, nrn at muc-h hlchf'r prtc. whrrr t.rrm" &N' nut nf'arl~ 1111 IUh•anfa,r:f''HJ" to purr..._,.! S£>c ~lit T. F. IUIOUE~ Trart Sai£'H Manager Tlti\f'T un·wt:-UN Tilt: Rl.l ···r.4 at • T&xr&..-....... .............. 'nJNJI'I' .. • a I ! r.a....._ ....... _ ......... ft---~ ......... v..-... ........... -.... .. ~ ............ .... ,_ • lillie. ... ~ .. ;::: .: iz::t: t 1 • ·: '~ ,. • CORONA DEL MAR .ffHI~ sur:tucnu IIAftKIS N•1tc•: 1 •·:wnut 'Of-11 Jtn,\ m•trf' "' IUCH·&t "If' until i\U~Jtll, I!H.f. Thf' C~&matlon AveaUf' bluff prn1w·rtlf·, lmw-all IN·c·n "'''''· llncl tlu· (h·t·~&n Jloulf'\'&rd lnt at thfo let.-,_..._ .. (.'al t ' A••ue and ()c'f'~&D f"mlf'urd, whldc '""" thruu~h l11 lhr "'•'"'" ••f n ... Ray, hiUI ......_ ..W. ...._ I • PlreeFour NF.WPORT-BAI.BOA SF.WS.TIMES. N~ ~. CallfOI"'IIa. 11RJRSDAY, JANUARY 20, 1944 LITTLE ADS -YOU WILL FliP SOIET.HIIG YOU NEED OR CAN SELL 1!43; 19-'\t< 1C)39 t!HO lfl4l 1942 '" l• Jt •"•ul tl\,,l,u.a,: .!.!".: 1 t ·,,, tl $1•10 I' '' SUPERVISORS TO CALL 0!~ PORT PLANS, IF NAVY E~TERS PP.OJECT V lt' ,., •-·ltt\1110 , 1 ,.. ·•' ttrwt ...... , r , • ,, J'f\,,,. •• rn •t • p .. t ••• , '' ... ,. •• t • .. qnt ,. '" ·ll ,, "'dt rr• ffl 'tt• !\'.t\ \ k •!••\t•l• I'" I ,,~ . I ''t·''" :P fi ~ .,. , l··nn~ A rh.tt• •u t!.,' "'" au "' .s~ lfHtt tl' 1111 •JH ~ II .,, tl •I I ••• ,,, • I·' lric: t~ H ,, ' 1 I• r '!. " n~t to Bav I! •d·, ,.,, ' • 'l '· rPIOt"ot ion ~ 1·:, ,. n, .. ,., . · 1 .. •I thl' traclul 100 f,• r 1t1v ••I 1 .• II •• I t\'• \ ,,, ,, :.'1 II•IUIW'a .,.. t n r 11· I IINI ho~ W111 .... P u BLIC Nonco I Puauc NoTICES HELP WANTED -----------------------t --------\\'ANTEll Garltt>llt·r. Phnne 613 l!nrnla Bids thllll !)(' l!t-al••d and :.~; 11 llu\lflanl. 928 l.lc111 'N 1r d t'IJfod wttb th.-City O t'rk at the L1<lu I all', :\t-IA port I!Nh ·h 2-tf< 'Miele el ..... el .... ....._ 1."•· ~~ ty Hall. s ,.wpurt 134-rll'h ral'fnr----- *r t."w: _._ ..... • , ..... n rl' .. on nr hf'trr·t' Fchrunrv 7th, 111-:LP \\' .\XTt:o l.lll~;;,,,'u •tr<'rll',,r:: ('-' _. ... nc,., '-~ 19-44. nt t ·oo n'r lf)t'k P !\!, nn.t will fur 1 htld :l•., ~··~ u .. C4Moftt• ., L-. A--'---u Of "··•·k tla~·,. Writ~ I' 0 Bnx • _, .. ' ...__ -~ "f"'nMl 11n<1 purllrlv n·n<1 11lnud · . .,._...en6&, ~ '8\ ttr abnut 4 00 .,·t ltiC'k p !>J nn :!911. l'e wpot t lk a <'h ~-2tc 1 · 11· (~!_.,., dul.nl.: l "' ;u that day ln th,. r.~uncll Mu•mllf'r 111:1.!' \\'A:\TJ.:ft Twu watlress.~. ChMUr)' C&aun\_ ~n"'Cl·. PlaJnhlf 10 th,. rity 111111, Xe\\'f'nrt Rra1•h IIIII ur p!lrt l 1nl<.' Hlly Shnl''' ( .-.;. I . -~ abu tmo.n a.s l r8llfornla . ... !"af · :-: ... ,. pnt 1 B.•;•~·!• Phmw C J \\•,...,h"UII. fornwrly ~n • Thf" aht.vr m entinnl'ol ch.-t'k ur 112'>. 6-ttc : FOR SALF-AUT08 f 'OR l'ALE '36 Dt •lgt' C(>Uf'l', good ntbb<-r Prll'l'tl If< .,..u. 292J W. l'rnt r:t I Avt· ;\;t>wport Dear h. 2·11(' LHt"\'I'LF:S ~old, r<'n1t•d or re- p(lln•d Vr;;t•l's. 304 Alain St . Oulbo•• :•nd :!Oil Martne Avenul'. Ballx>a Inland 13-tll Ft 'RNITtTRE FOR S.~. Janu11ry Fl'b ruAr)' litiiU'th April 2" 29 3Z 2ft l i 1Q 22 ••i'•, .l .. n 1 i \\'1i11•1m ll 1'• '" ,~; .!7' 1 •• ' '' .... ,. t;ntd•·n ,;, •. ,, 111 ' , q tl\" I•·•Hrd ••• ~up•·f\l"tf•l ~ \\'til a; I · I k t''\ I olf • 1 11Ht t ' ( ,,, '·' 1111 I.Aadlat; '. 1 · 1 !"urf .. de 0>1 •' 11 ·r I" :unJ~ula -uJr. ill> Luc:-tlk·· Juanna Barkt'r. lA·-br•n•l shall ~ I{IHn Htl n guarani,.,. !lll 'SICAL INSTRt TMENTS fo>ncbnr t t-al thl' bi•'ti"r Wl!l C'ntrr into lht-I':-: r' tl" T F: n n·t::-<I Tt itF: ITI-::\1~ ('h•'llt ,,, ,Jrn""'" ~ttl 1017t'll, •h·~·ke a \'Brl~i\' of !'IVIt'll, t'hlht'll ~ "'•,anlrobt's klt~ho•n t lt.t 1 !I si•.O'~ lr n10 { \l.oar,i'f Solei 110 Ea~y T•'rms .\lr~1ahtt 1 f."'ltmllllr<' <:11 . ::ntt Utili llro·od· w a::. ~antJ. Anu · 6·tft' ••:l.J(iU ~ll,lh.\ .,,, .1 r •·• t~UH•I ufl•' "'''''·~I" If t f \\ttr-rl•·r-\\ ttn•r :" ,orun •••t t,l t1W••Ihn)l tU1 J'PIJPY Avt• $l :,uo 111\''HH' th•· .t ,.•'••rlltr• ,,( .,, t.~u·• •I' l,;nd.·r and l•) '\ll1t.w ot an u .-COII!ra.ct If a-a·ard4'fl If' him lln<l NIIOfl 1.~ VUI CJ1 Uw Murucapal I.' 1l llO' d«hrt'd r•rr'l'ilcd i! lhl' Court ul Uw Cit)' til 1...os Ant.;d•-s. sunt•,.,ful hltldt-r rt'ftrl"l'~ tu enl<·r Count) ol Los Angt·k-5 S talr o1 ml<• ~flirt ,.nnlrnt·t aftl>r b.-in~ n·· Cahfonu.a "'twf'f'rn F )I Ot.aJ'ft·y qu.-~tf'll ~~>• tn do by thr C'lty \ un· ~ ~ b (~fey Chum I'll of Ne1fport O..at'h. Fl•lt SAL I': \' .. ur t !IIlii< I' tu Rl'l :1 1:'""1 UJ•I t)CI.t pi:tnu at a rar<' Ifni~ 1111' H•·autirul OHIIH ~any :.: ..... d••\''''"prn•ttt pi au-. ,,., th• '"'' )1ay JU'l .. It ;w. PLUMBING PERMITS "1• tl"' h ll'h IU'l t f •II• '""I' II • ('all fur W A<S Is 1' rJ!t-nt. Says f1n18h. I'Xt:t·IJ,·nl t;rn1• Phum' Ju~y Au<..,IAII ~rkrntwr O.ln~r Nn•emboor Dt-.'rmbo r 14 .::' 2A 31 :\U 1 '-... ~ ... ,J t' a , '')1 Uteo::Ul \\ t ll-"' JWt t\\ I ~ J 1 t h ot \ t• pt • tit r'~"tf H I II;! I II !\lr~ !'>t• Clellan al l"t•wpurt ~·:.~~: ··r .. ~~ p,' f\' 't la A'• ('qr••nn d· t '' ""•' ., l\'H '')'•·J•·t' 41 ttln}.' t , • n 1· •"'' ''''' d '",. ~JVIC'o.' IS P1aanuff. and Cdk' 'J . S~tit1 \J!y Cuunr ll. rursuant to 1332 ~-2t r roit "SAA:i·:----Atlr,ct·tl\'l' mapl e t Wilt hi lis s.."'"' spring!! and mnrtr!'ssr!l $40, Phunl' !'\lew - pori Bl':l<'h :ll23·M :'1·2tc \ri ,,~fatlni 1\t 'lh•t,:rt 1\. h h• Wt'Sic."'OI, c:tc.., "' O e·h-ndanl. upun th~ !'ltatutea v' tl\e !'llut•• of r 111 ' I· I lit SA I.E l'urtalill' phun•·~ntp!l . 17 ~''U 4.:ll•f'· 1 1 It! ,;I 2f\0,\13:l ELECTA1CAL PERMITS , .. ,,., . ., h ·: f'••unt ,, hut h,,; tt ,.,. f••l· ,,,,,,.,.._ .. A run'••rfl'n~·· ,,t:uiH'''' ,, •. tt. .Jolin. A. Walker a ,IUd.,'llWnt ..-~ the 3Uth day fl)mta. hu ftll<'cort:unl'd Bn•l •'P1rr· 1:• oct ''"'ltl llt•n. llllffit' n·< f'r<lll of Apnl. 19.1:!. lor thf' sum'"' (11'14.· m111,.d that tht' ,:Pnl'rnl prl'\'nlhn~ $:!0 l 'lumf' !lolt•WJ>'lrt Ut'al h 706 lluniJI\ I t:•t>nl)'·:wo and 16, HJO , rat!' uf ptr dll'm wa,;uln tht•lrll'lll· 6-:.!lp T'Jt&l Jar uary f 'rhrtu.ry Mauch Apnl M&\' 1943 .,., ':\:, Jr111 1:1 .J Hl'r! ~:,.,1, 1;,,,,,.11"nntol P' r Ilia• kl"'"'" Jnn 1 ~ Tf'ltlllltll l.ull•'u .. , ... i ,t\,1:1 •:1 :. I l 'tlt.ll, I" I 1~! .. kl!'l<td 7 H77 : .lrltl 1 I r!V~Hi 'l'•ll :th•. ;~'"· • u u ;. ~~mnll ""'"''· , .. • 111.1• kllf'ul ol 1: ~:-'7 -'""~ • • tlm .... ·ll 'It d. ~"" 1 'hfr Jun.-I I 1~,u l •r 1·•·1 Hl11• lilt• ·•••I J uly 7 '''"I J>111 li I' I ' H11 11th"u~·· ~ ,., Au._"'J,. ~7110 2flth 10l1•f'l I"' lllll•k lt,ud 8oopt .. m bfor ~~ JiS JAn 17 1-: II ,.;.tron.: 11117 Ortrrbfor ; 1:1.1140 ('hn .. n••l l'h"l 1~·• lllu• k ht•f~t ll N ovemtwr H) 014 ~~ 1!~:~0 Local Chaplain Jan. 12-0J&D Hall, 305 E na.v.jls Promoted per G4lrdon B. ~y. to mut Ill· p-------------~ 1 Among the II"'"''' "'' n "' lh• ~tutti\ Ana Army IIA*' Itt Ill' ~·I Quality Lumber ... Building Materials * COSTA MESA LUMBER CO. v .. n. Nl n·•·•·nt ly rrum flrlfl. ltf"Utt•n 11nt to caa)tllan wu t ,u,rlaln 1""" 0 C71'111WT'. wt.n wtl h kl• fauu ly- rr"ltlt'll AI 3-tiCI OU'an l'"r••lll ~··w p<>rl lwllt'h Captain l;oMrr ··~tlll•lish•"l hi~ home In lhf' nay d h,trt•·t la.•l !ltAv h11vln1> • •rn•· frlltn M 11 hll(lill l!.'ll"r" Itt• t llltJ t11•• Jlulpl! 111 lht M1•U1U· dill chWTh. Tht' Gnns••n• 11rr a< 11v1· tn I h i" CbUN'h·lry·tiii'·S~m Wtk'lf' ~~· Gooll" I• fh~l'adn ttf 1.1 ~llltl)' , J!r .. up lu 1 h.-4-irwJ"•rt W!'lt '!4 'For Building In formatio n 8eft Bay District lumber Co. WAL'I'D 8. SPICE& OwMw NEWPORT BEACH ...... JUO , .. ,,.,, ttwrn :~thl ~,,,,. ••f''' 1 1·~ \fl ''' ~· '""''II tlV jotDin1: • .., 1 h an t h•· n•'"<l f•·\\' 'n'"' \\ ;11' ••• -'' • ,, ... 'ttt ' t •nrre now. can .,. , f •• ... , ,, .. • u lt(trtant way t·• fo 'H n il fJV tn••nt' ~ i h•\1 :\uH •' r • ' ,,. r •'•l'~r t\ufllb:aJIC!·• antf ,.".,I .... tH•·n •1•·,···1 r'tl~ I• t tl ~\\•f'tt\•n tt,~;t~~.,~t~sn••n•·r''LLJGbn lool r...... .. .•. ,. "·""' 11'"'" I '" I \1, .lit .. ,,, \\':11' ''" ruiUDc ol· ,., a" 1•' n~ In tl•• '" f\lt ""'" t tk• r 1 · , · tt• S:•:1t , Ana &~"ea. ••Vt'r' f,v tfl,.. Nnvv fl~"-rmrtmM"t '•·tl .... t ·r,u:P·. ltn(t ,, '" h··h• v•·d , ,., • ''" ,,,, -.rd n" .,. '.··, '•·•r ~•ttarldac ., .. '"'' ftt \\' Pfl• I th •t th1·~•· pl•t' "t J " •t I , t• •111 1th• eti('IOeT tbt• .,. II It<' 11h• h····l l•rolt;ol<l\ tnol• 'I •I · 1 , t '' .ln•l th .. ..--r ,.., ,., t •1\' H ,,.. un.J· ,.,., .... 1 l hnt •h· n:', .,, J• ttatr ,,, .,ur nof"'D&J. _., :-:11,v·~ '"'~"Will'"' 11 f')<nu.•l•'"' I t• 1 \\'allll'r exp...._1 lnliiAIItlll,.ll th11~ h:lt r Ill: q,. 11r•· 1 • FV••t \' "'·1111111 who ~ t11• 111 ... rnm•·r<ml u••· f"ll'•"'ln~: 1111' \ \', • ''" l<lro>n~ to o..r war .1 ltu•.. '' "'•r•·h · u &nJ ......, r Tlw :"It\'\''• plnn,. f'nll t 1 •• 17· 1-'••r Ill ruk ~~~ ""l'r an A1'1117 jo•l In~ '""11 uf "'" ~lA fiii' I'\ lnn•l~ '" ... It• 1 lo·illl\'. ll')ldiera ~ th• u ti "' "h1 rh • • ttlol lw •lro•·tl'•··l f••1 ,,,.,J t u vr<'fury Tbe t'alJ Ia ~" 11n immrn~~ tiN'! ·~at• 1 lnthtor IP u1 ,:1'nl !\lany thoaaancl. ot W'O''I r-~"''" 4:."1 ht•11~•1v fr""' Annh••uu • ••·· r1• td•·tl right DOW Ia tb• 1.11n•lln.c hr•·ll !;tuf:<1•1•• ('.,Inn\' lll·l \\'A(' l•o r 110·r\'lr e witb the A.nn1· •.tiler adUcuJ• nil>, I" •lh···rt • "·•Inn All 1-'••r• ··~ a11 Aar WAC.. ,.. IJ vrhlllllnr 1 t'lffl.-"'' I 'n;,•1 I ll.:h ,. 1 t>alkn~:•· whacb America~~ wom wnv tn ~ •. ,,.lll•·•'lllh •tr""' rw ·t ,.0 ~h·•ulol (!'t·l P")Ud to ...-rr prohlthh·lo •l•~·· 1-"'t ~l l'lr<"1 '"' l~•fan Air\\'AC": ~'" knr>wn "I"" n• l\ltiAn H~trHI \'. , , , \nny Cor,a. lift'\• W p T tPilkt'll nf t hr "·al ''"'"'" .,. 'I 11 •• "'"•Y Air Force&~ 1.h\'IAI11n nf the :-lnvv fh·pnr1mrnr ------ Ill \\'a.~hln,::t .. n 11 (' 11:11t1 lhnl 8aJ?d to Present Show Th~ l"n~:-1•• k•·•l-r .. , ni!Jio'n lhly "' UIC Nt'I!.J>t•ll llarhor llt~h """d 1~ Warning Issued On Monoxide in Motor Vehieles t" h•· h•-ld .. n \\'N'In•'ll•ll\' Jamtnl\' ""'""''' r .... th II• C'Oid or ~z. ~1; Tl,.~·· lA IIt lw !\ r.trnrt mlll'!ll'tll 1n~; '•·rtof"~rnturrll. r nmbbmll W1UI lr1l11ilo• '" lhr ml'n l'••rvln,.; In tho• tlw \1 "'" , . .,n•tltlnn , f many m('I(D: armf'd 1<11• ,.,. •lurln~ \\'urlol \\'11 ' ~ 1 '"' k , nJ::In•"l bfocau.-of -nam< I ttll•l II "'a••l lll~o:•·s ••t n •plat <'11:ftU p:t.tt• Forth,. rrt·n "f \\'url•l Wnr I lh• 111111 In< r~BII••.J 1ht' t'lao~:er ot c-arh r ' hftml w oll 'pr!'IOI'III "0\'t•r Tlwn•," m"""''''e l'lf\tiOOnlnt: frocn 81.,nt 11n•l "Johnny Grt Yn!Jr C:un " Till'\' runw!! (>llr1 11-u&rly In frYft'~,_, wtll a!Ao J'l"rft•nn two of F'rfo(l "I" rnta. na lht• Q l(,.,• of IHfe:.o• Wortng'11 fnmnua plt'<'l't!, "Mnn t" Trl\nllportallon _m ... t thH:It lin\· \tan" and "Mo•o of Ulf' Wl'rChl\nt erw today. He,. ar.-a few sua;•,... ltl~trln,.," ""'I ftogrr ami ltar1'11 t\nna: 1SIS:.!.161 DoU&f"<, LawtuJ )ftlfii'Y •ty In •'hich thl' said W•lrk lwrdn MISCt:LLANEOt'S ol ttw-t:nitt'd Stau .... ho .... .do-s "--'"' •II'S! rlbfil Ia lo·bt' fl"'rfnnneu. (M ... aat..·rest r aad I:UI1I CJI UDe llun· eatb cr.all Lr type of workm:tn fir I dRd t:a&;ht) ....,... and T.l 100 mf'r'hank nl'l'<lo.J to t'XP('IIt~ I 1\(' • JIM 72 r I.Jollar~r. tulh IDtn• st 1 O!nlrt anti ni!!<J tht' ~:•·n••rnl pr~'· from the-3Cith de) CJI Aprll 1~. 15 Yalhn~ ,..,,. fnr II'J:III holiday rtn•l l oo-· 'ill lht-d;lt(' of th.o •nt ' ac-IJI\'I'rtlml' 'lll'nrk for t•nl'h croft or 1 haaJiy dUi' un saJd JudtitJne'nt. t ''P"' l)f ""nrkman nr ml'rhllnk to ' I hnvco on thr 11th day of Janu· lit' '"' fullnw• &1'). l!H4_ M"\ttt"Ct Upoft all tbfo rtt.;ht. Pl'r l'oiCOMf: TAX Do You Nt-ed H f"fp ,. s .. 0 L CULl.V A ... SSOCIATE$ Atcount,ng m :r1 SPu·9~o" "'"O· l06 w .. t F'o .. fll Street sANTA ANA. CALIF • If( titJ(>. daun and utt"~t ol Slid n.~- frndanl 111 and IO thr fof~tw,: dr· naN~Ifil'ntlr n srnlx"Ct rt'31 t -1 :itt «'. I O"'Wtl · Hnurly \\'8,1!• DiPm 1-'0H !'AI.!-: Wag~ A pa.r "' ~~~~ ,., ~·..,, f111 11 Jll»t ilk•• n..-w l'bont' !';cw. Situatrd 111 the> Co)Uflty of or-1 All))h•lt mkl'r anol &IICf'. St.alco til Calif~ and mm•·r morr particu.lart)' ~as fol· At~phnJt pbnt miX· I""''•· tfll"'·tt· Lot IWYI'II •7t. rr ntwr,'• 1 $1 1:! I Hlorll 1lu'foto 13,. ~ Tract '" .\llrol>"ll plant •lry- rf'f'OnW in 0.:.:. ~~ 11. R.-"rrrnn r r ttr .. ma.n I :\';!'I cordi ot Ur'arlp' CaMty, Cabfur-AJJr>b~tlt -vrf'adln~ n1i&. Toet>ttwr •'itb all and 'ln:,:u· r-a, h OfJ"rrltnr lar tho-tf'1M"'J.lt-niJ! brn-di~nta F'1anY~•n port :'l)<ti·W :!U!l Am.-tllvl!t. Ralbl,•l lnllfll" ~-:!lr $liM ------------10 00 FOR SALE-POFI .TRV 11 on ~IIOI'I:·s 11 \RRlTH Y !';trl'telt fh""'' mt'al rntinn polnt11 by hnv. tn~: 11 wcrk IV rabl.rlt tllnnC'r Oul from Shor• ·s 1n ('o111 n Jl.lc!r .. whr r• deawll:rt•ss prcvallll. Phone F"OH ~ALE Ra~:~inrth• Wtlh "tandtllrl $1 U 2tl4P O ranj!'t' A'l't' \'Mill Ml'eaJ ~-2tp Baby c r hi< hl):h • halrF !ll rnlh't 11. y nuth b<:J:.. t.u:>"ll'••llr~. 1 1 Ill mall,..,.,.. I'll, phl'fwn~t 'and pat'll, IIH lllt.ls. 'rriiii<'I S SuhJ ••O t-:a~\· T 'I • ol !\I• :It, hau 1-'urrut uri' r.,. lind :.uJ ~ruaclwuy. Santa Ana. 6·tfc 80.<\ TS, Sl '1-'PUES Bo•lo-Bot, 50td a "d Troded Matt,e [ngln~• .-tnd P.1rt1 M ... RINE SALVAGE ... NO MFO co. 30tO W . CAntr~l Aw. Ph. 23111-W Ne .... port Buc~. Calol .:and A&41Ul b.~ &llercwltQ b..-r atwwft' lonl:tni!' or en an) .. ._ app:~a1n· P nl'"' n""r·~tlnr tng TnM"It: drvrr 1 J>fl\' 1 :17ft 0 117~ O IIT~ , 3m 11 00 700 700 1100 yuur orde.r lo Nc1o,:p0rt 4:!3 o r 1 --------=----==,------- dllvl' to :!lo F. 16th st 3·tfl' FOr. ~ALF. on 'TRJ\Dr. n tt. s.tw .. ........,. en-. th.'lr , n k,.,., ,, twtwC't'o Fndt~. ttw• -lth da) d t"e-lwuary, II I'Od 1~ toM I I'~ 1 :.1 to-n coc-loctl A. II .. ol ...,,d 1"rvrk drtYt'r I pay 100 WANTED 8.00 Man'J<1 t·ut>tn l11•fll Gu.KI condlt inn. tor l;1;1• IIU' k M ('llJ', 7311 Sea· "ht>rf' lJ• :-lc·WJV•rt ~3rh. 6-4tp d..'l}' I •"II pt~ to sriJ in front Ira<! nf 1.-.. than bikt-, 1n ;o•)fVI • ~ont11t1 •n, tor w orn-f1SIIISG SLTPLIES .,f tho• t""•n hou.~ door. South F:n· 8 ttll'!lll lrttl •rt 111 t •,,. f'tt·; •·I Santa ,,n.a. An\' rla•lfl,.,..llnn 7.60 nn's hit·:,·• It• !'hunt• Nrwpl)rt :103 !')-21p 1-'C'H !-'AU: Two 25 Bru<>p llv~ hi\ I lllllk>< All rnt'l&l. A·1 l'UM· .• 1 JJOb!IC' aUC1-. to rtw hJg;hf'St omiltrd twnln t,tdf&.·r f~ M1-tl in La•ful )lone·) n<'t I"• th"'" 0117!\ T.()(l 11:-IY ItA/';~ TOOAY'? •II 11\P t 'nalt-d Stat-. all lbr n~th:. f'fY'villl'll thnt nnr Anti nnr·hlllf \\' A:\TF:ll ~1'" ':o•:.n ••nttun , dtl 11 •n l'ht.ne :\<•wpo rt ll;oacb 33 1 6-Jtc ltllo• rta1.m and tntM'l1<l vt said fft-, 1, , ttm•'• thP pr••,•a•ltnr rnt~ r:"~"· mm••~ l111t1"nq :tnol ntfflf'll ~ nd:lnJ.. ol. 111 and to ,,._. abo\.,. !ltt.,IJ bO' f''llol "'~'"fl' wRic-hmt'n. :-: .. "·"' 1'' •··~~·"' "1 ··•·•a ll 11''' , ... WANTt;D TO RENT •lt"-01bo't.l Jl«tp'M~ ~ "" mt~~:h nas:-m,.n an.t" nlhl'r non-mnnu1t \\'tJI pa•· 7 t·a·~ II . tll P.a.lboa Ul"rt""' :io: mil\ t ... ""'"'"'•<•') '" v.<•r lr"'"' '"' """ IA nrklnl!' lim#' :\t•\l.a.Tw .•. ulfac Gl·tt ~:!:; nn rn:wn nn r .. r lnf rmatlon f(l:v'lnl! tn rl'ntnl "~ fumlllh"d Hf'llll ""'nt "' h"'•·'~'' SJ,:t. IUlhln. f'hor,.. S.J\ A A U . !11'10. E xt 479. nu ... cufiU"l•"n; It• ...atf'f)' -.auf m~trr-thl\11 l'l~ht '" 1 hnurlt •'urlnK ti¥1,"TTW'f''l •tth onl•·t·-1 and cn-1< anv """ 11, < alrn•IJtr <lay whl'rr '·h-. •tnrit·r m~ h:ontt lht.S 11th lltl<'h \\•\rk 1• ,...,.l'•ir•••l •n f''\llo•!f r f rt:l\ n( J .1nuan. I~ •. .,,,..,,.nhn,rv f'merl!<"llt-11'~ r nii!W'tl .IF:SSF: I. 'n...t.lfl'IT ~If "'' fir" fl"'~'l r r l'l"nl!'l'r In llf" 1\r Ry S;un Jt-n~;pn 01-p.tty (;.~1 )(. \\ Ide•' JriO (" c 0\ap- mo~n Rk\:_ 1..,_ An£1'1."' Cahf At· 'fW'IW')' r"" Plaint iff. Pub J;,.n. n . :n n 19t4 Jtr"r"'' \', nn•l (r;r llmt' fln Sun•IA \'11 ,tDtl I••J?111 h~t!ulay• "fOTICE. INVITING BIOS I 0 \"l lnj! h1 I r ',!J, I :\lo'""'·n~ I' tu • .urv tn ;ul fr · u 1 d4 p t tu '\:•·''. I ~-2tp Pl•rl ll••:u h I'"Sl lirflll' \'• ""'' WHAT COULD IT 8£? Cl•llltar t :\111:<1 h.> IG ,\'l'ltl~r•f ltJ.:•' It •ht'S.•~ Ill' thl' h••l It 11tO Or U\'1'1 l ntllllr• 1\1 J'• ~~ t>f lfC' f11r II put~ r('tl flllllll Up11n ItS pan lnfurrnltl u~ and fill II'" '" ~ f1ll••l It K 1-:ltl"" and prcvn r1r ut t's. out ' It R• ts rntx<•d llfl ~tt>out its dalt'l! . 1 "Jll>mhadlrr Snng·• fn m World '"' n t "I" rail' t rurll muff-. an ~:::::::;::::;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:::;::;:;:;:;:;:;:;::;;:::;:;'War 11. • l.,affi ~ar"R''" I 1'" JOtttllir,,· I h.-rorulnr •lrmnn•l lljf<'rat" mot "r" n.s IIII I• '" poe· f.,r mllrrh••" John Phillip ~""""'~" albiC' lD ~anlftt'l' «'''"n ,.1th doora fnmtouJO "IIIJ:h ~··h•" I c',.ol<'h" nn.t I' pcon NOTlCE INYlTI .. G BIDS It 11hall lw mAntlatnr v upon rh.· CnnlrartnT In \\h m lht rnnlllll'l ia ""''"r'l"d :tnt! upon any 8lll'o.l'on- 'flt'rnr un.!t r h:m. rn pay nnt lr~ lh:'lfl th•• ""'" .,.-·rtfll'll nlt~ tn Hll l:•hurt·r~. \\'orkmt'n M il ml'rlianir ~ ,.mfllnvf>(l h\' lhf'm Ill t h<' PXrrull''ll • ( ,.,.,, I nl r po f 6·1tp W H Adam~ 1 Wba t 111 It a girl! • P• l!lmn.trter -Oran~e l nlon High ~cbool NEWPORT TACKLE STORE "Pop" Gtbb,., Manager GORDON B. FINDLAY "F:I ('Kplll•n" will tit' ftrNw·nt,.•l K~p tn..cll ,.ab \Oo lndnv." open 'Mil' lt•IIIUICIII t>f lht• pr(ll;rllm Will ~t'\'t•rul Ill• hl'~ at nil tiffiN\ •,. P""· ht• lr\'lnJ: l'••rllrr'JO "l:lu, ~!:·• :-" nr10l 11111 l"''l"'r v•·nt.lallnn. Xo:JlCF. IS HEI'J .UY Gl\'l-:X l!ut liM! Oty r ... ,no·tl .. ! '""' f"'f\· •of :or~_,._, Rr:~fh C'aJtf rnl11 ,.,u "Builder of Homes or Dl!4tinMion" "l'll\' lt \\'Hh M""'' .. nn•l l 'ut. U llkt' p<•r anJ u ul tn~f\t'rt i"IU of p ,.,t•·r·,. "N tJCh\ nnll Pn\'" Hil •·xho..tUt-.1 !111\•tt·:rt ,tn•l th• ··...r· A l:r<'lll' • ( Ml'lo·• I'''"" wrll I•• 1•·1 \\ ·~ 11 II.•• It d)' .. 1 llw • 11r IUid plll\'•'ol hv llnh ll••hhlu• n n I hi' ~~· l lw "lll:ln•' 1" 1l..t••• 1 lra1u• CONTRACTOU and BUILBER N ..,..f'l\'0' :r>"lr<t ~ f•·t '""""'"n~ "" labor. :aalO'ruol t r"lUUf"'rtAitr..r .o~nd IW'rnt . • t r t.,_ . ·~•rf:v n · "tl:t IIY dl:\11 c plAnt ~ '' m:llt rnl ••f l.aJa)'f1t,. Aw·nuo t'"~· ,.,. ::"th !-'Iff'("( ""'' 3(11 1\ !'liT• ..-: I 'I I ' • • 11\ "• ~f"'W"Tn•1 i}f-lf b L., A I i•r tt.lt • • st 10 eo..t lllvcl. ~~-:-:-:-:--:-:---=------- BALBOA'S '• r•ltnn J h,.c>p ~n);tn•· "arrn "'n . t"f\l'lnr I tn lh•• lh;lt\1'1 ",;, "I I II<' J'fl • , 1:. It·'<~ hk,.J\ I•• f'l fotiUo • lllf p<>~· Cff til tlo•' tt~t~1d y.••ll p f.lV 'lrflpft'!i · iiU~ Ult\llt)'Ctd•• fUf11t ,_ ... :tl rl.'lnc :\r•l """,,, .... . J•1' m tt.~ •·:h •• •·t t~. t" ... • ' •. ~'""" t•f lo'lfth f"<'r lt•l n'\n•l "' \\'h\' f!oo n••1 h'll\'o II I l"r nt'lnlr::: e\'t!ll • • r ul .Ia!• I f tty ~I u-ti• T• '' h• r,. ,;., '\:uttt ,1,. un Ahort ,..1n JM•\t'r!i pro•,.;IHn Will llf" I )1"0• ! V :th 1\ "I"'· 'In I numlll • ':1111'11 "Tiw :\Inn It • f 1 h i' !4tt•••l M nn" 1'>1· ll••lltl o•riiiiJ: M r Alll'n lt-ntl•·r .. 1 • h•· l•nnd 101 ·11 ••.o th11t fhl' l~'1 n1l n•·"•l!~ llllol:- '1"'1111 n1rn l'!'rl< Anv I'' ""n 1111• r ··~t.-.1 "'""'"'.,. .. h im PAl 1.. ~Oit\IAN VAnn "All. MAKF.RS !'all-. Awnlnp. Rn•l Co,..." 22•1 '-' ::!hi St . Nr"lll'rl llt'11r h l"hofMl !0'7 Anaheim City Probes Meat Plant Status I·::.C.h b ·•l .J\.. 11 • r • •. a fona tn t. l)t)t' tn,.,: -c rtv ·•I (.t u~ nt, .. ::r.r•r.·., .. -..1 '·' .n 1 ... -• -mp;•ntrd I \ 1 • • r1sh• I •tf" • .,L'"''· I"~• •hnlt ·~ '"'' t .. -·1 '"' t••n ,~~t 4 Jfl~ r I ,,·t th.-:.:-••••.nt ft( t!\t' bM.I, r.s,,.J, I'·'~'H' •• th.-••r '· r 'ollh<-r'll)' ' :-..-..-. r••r ' I'• • h I ~\! .. {\ ~, lft:l\1 , ,, .. , r..:ul ... A- 1 . ---- l',,r .. nn ...:1·•1 l '·:tl lh,. l 'lv.('•~ a if'd a l"'"nnt1 by •h •. qr,ty t" h1111 111rnn•· nt-tl 1-r•·•l•''l• \\'l'llaa:a. ...C..bll.llll .,. 111ll• ""·•· • .• r .n .: an• I ~•'Ct•• 'I" I tl r ,.f I 11"1'11 ~ 11fiab-aw&J m&lluf3• t ol'!nt rtant tn , : ,;.t '·• •' t~~ n; Jli ;u a• ctty C"'UJ1tv tr n ttrtn .,t • .at • .. t..-~nt t hAll .III!IIIIH \ :1 tl 1 )' r.J liD •!Ala ~ ..... , r..rl'lt :"• ;•1'1 lt.,,,h i Itt lllf t•• '. f· I , I I u: •.pet'"-1"'hhF C"'Un1:;··~ ,.r·u r.~n • umn .,..., .• nl lth~ ut,•h l ,., ,, ... o, b ll tt-lbad • ..,.,.. •. .,. !h· t~$U.l.n•• •f t tl•, """~" r .. rmll but I b .. fl:i r 1 t ~UJ,..n P \\ ~1, 1f1 ' f 'h'! an-••n "'!~J tJI.llJ&.a'• .--·t· ... ,,,, .n 'r 1 ' \\!l• ,. '81btJCb-- MORE REF'RIGERATOAS ,, '1-II I t • r • .., ..... f • ... 1 II· I · Opo·r.le R ENDEZV ·OUS h• •• ;n•l•" •• • • ; 1\ •r• ·111J (..,..· tt J""'U ha,.., t.o~ nunttn~ " rt-- nnnt•r paJO~· d "' 11.. ,. • · C'nttadl fril<""''"" lw~" h•'f"" f•~r n .. ,.. • ' L .. Mlftli'IW'r Tht ,,. t-•R h.:L.• ·'! pf' \'~•j I'• ,, .... , •. r.,~e81la t.bfo ~lu· .,,_~ • .f/\••'tfl m• ,, n•'\\ •a • ru• "l'' ,_,,,.,n ... lf'ttto f'lant acr tcft•~· • · • ., un 1....1: f• • ''' ,., ... t 1.:11 • ),. · ll I tl, I \\II II !j and qu.artrr "r 1' I I milk rc 1 ! :.'!.. ,.f '•• " • n 101• ••· • \\ u-, '-M!'.ltnt An<t tlw \\'111 .l<1:trt~""''' ,,. I,, .... n.tlt L• ,J Ito ,,,,,I .•. ,,.. 0 · CC"I!'ln t~m ...... ~ hant .. •t a ,H, •·t . h• BALLROOM Prt'sents .-: ANSELL HILL AND HIS ORCHESTRA With BETTY JEAN ROSELLE SATURDAY NIGHT JIIUIIY 22 11 • ' ltH • l •·r:ttl• '• I('O'eot"" n..'l1 !I'Umlllf'T •Ill bf' "M'"· ~·' ltot I; llj: \\ 11! t::,• 'KU de-l&dW.." \~It \\II\ ~1101 U>ST Tilt.."\· at: l"l.t:.\st.lt~ Th • ·r·· uu .. ·tin&: ''"'" ,,.,.,..._. te t..,.r' It) ... farn lh '" l..•·•·1••nc: l>ll•lllt''-"'"" ..._ ~ ...... ,r .,, aarli""' tilt lh Hllh·• I ho·~ 'rt• Uootna: '1,.,-,..__, • .,,"1-nta1 ~ at f~ • .._ .. , '"nt.o \111e t ,.,.,1,.r :o-h"l' He' .., .. _ ..,..._. ... ~ •ettl 11110 I& & hnur \It tun l'ohirt. u:r~ \I.L fiET ~ 1'111: FIGHT \\ ITII 1108E ftA..''m l "NJI"t:D tiT"'~»' IKll 'til •. ~ S.o\..~T A ."'~ • .,.,. Din.ol~'T sanct: fT.EPF.R SIIOP '!I I F.. Srd ~~~ ~Ia "-~. l'tlrl} ~:,.-.pi ~·•r•l,l\ !l t•' ,\ ;\I ,,, 5 tl,;t I' )t M ..... M-,_.... "-.. C .. f. Wf'dnt'5da) "nd F\daf'\ ":JI(l A. )I If\ S 00 P )t Th• '"'" """"''tl 1 r ~AI'I , ity r.-. !-• "•,.. tlw ':·.ht t ~t r • 1••• n\ ll tH•t.., :tntf Iff \\ Ul\'t' U"' \ ,n·"· '111tf • '' 1n t h •I 1•\'!'El • '"··;::I'll I)' "I Jl!l ' • r-. 1"11 1'111 ,.,. .,.,,,,k 1. r:., .... ,,, c·rTY 1 ·r.~:HI( ~'" ,.. I _•; t•· t I \ nur Rrt4-k \\ urk. Pl .. ,wrlniJt aad f"f'fliO'nl .In~ ( t'ormerly CbaA. Arb) BAIT ... TACKLE ... FISIIIJ\1G INFORMATION NEWJ•ORT BEACH Prof essionaJ i)irectory- Gorclon ~1. Grund)·. )1. U. l'h)'M4•1•• IUNI kr.-e Xlatb and c .. alral A\"e. ornce u,.,: 10·12 a.m.; S·5 p.m. Telf'phone S'7 C'O~RAO niCifTt::R. )I.H Phy.a ...... eM 8urt:f"'fl • Oftl~ 10'7 !!nd f'trHt !"!'"'•port Bfach Jlnu"': 10·12 a. m. li S·6 p. m, J>hon-ornce US; Rea. , • .., Can 1n th" f ulurr hi• ""l"''rll} ly t1nnt-111;ntn by Cl -\l'DF. 1'\\\'F.t:T~I.\.S I'!'! Twf'nly ·F'ourlh Mt. Sf'WJIOrt 8C"ac-h, Pitoftf' -111 ·\\ '':------------....., Watch Your --.KidnJ ·. ~ ll~lp Tbnn u ....... ''· Ia ..... & ..t llannful lloch 11':r ,., y._ ki4N)'e •r• cone;,.ntl7 tu ,.. .•• , ... ---••attMfHunthe~t •• •d••r•••· ' • d .. , • ..,.,.,.,.,..,. l•w Ia fh11lr .... • Wttt e.4"t M S et•,. ,.., • .,.., ... NI h •l • ..... ,. •·~c •· •--. •b••. •I ,, ....... ' ~;·•.•.e.~ -r..,•;m aed ur w1 U•• • !'-) "'"'"'' ..... m•t t,. oary nit ••ct"~to ... ......,...., ••"t h,.affad u·.•tta ••~~f d •1 ,.. ••ll•ftl tip "'Chte, ... I f • • r· u~tl"'• t'• •.••-• 1,... : ,.. ,,..\ '"t "i ••J ~«<IWt nl P"P •n t ••·•,.r 1 '''"'•' •i.a.n• (lor ~"'""\ or •~ ... J,r •I •ee ,,.,..,..~ ---· • ""''""· •~•n') ,, .. ,~"' ., ..... , .. r•, .... • I ~ ; ' • ., "t t I I •I f• f ,, I ~~ 0\l « I f • j " :• •• ' I' ' • flo • .... r •'·• .... tl• f\H' n-~~t' I.EROY P. ANDt;RSOS ATTORNEY AT LAW ~ M-Blink Oulldln~ P~t%8 llr. (;. E. Tohill 1'11\'SI<:IAS and 8GKGEOS ,.,.. c-• ....... "··-~ .._ -Pboae-II 11 eo.ea M- Ofnt-e 2116·\\' Re.. 2116-R ., ..-., ........ u ,,..""' •• IIAROI.D K. GR,\n·:l. CIIA.Pt:t. "W~ ~Jve. the Beltt-r Servt> Ry ~fvtng U thl'n: 1{,.~1' PIMHie St~,.-port ~IH Dr. M. D. Crawford 0 P T 0 M p; T,R I 8 T • O..la M-f~••ttnml" 1 Eyt>s E:"'nmJn;dGiaS~es l-'1fll!d 1797 Nt-'>'~llt-\'Rrtl J Monn,. 2•11ft C'OST A M E!'4A _______________________ ! ---- OUY l'OW II;-. ----- RAI:rz MOICTl'ARl' 1 Chn(W'I bJ th~ ~a City Tnx S;tlc Lnr.!' A. J . T\\lST lOT Coa•t trl~:hwn Phn;;e·i··~r COROSA DEL "IAR ! ••o C:out Blvd. (1r f 'v'ot ,.,... -\ ......... Ill\ ~!llrr1•••• -'•~. f urena tfrt \4-., N. U . .CASU rr ' • 1111'1 ..... L \T NOflrtT-L . .. ~ .. 'Cf 'eftte 4na Jill.'••• 1111• .-.. ·~~~· -.. --"-I.,.. I WHO'S WHO IN HARBOR DISTRICT Fllli:PLAO: ASD KISDL~O WOOD- H. W. Wrl~:ht, 1784 NpL Ulvd., Costa M~a. Ult'd Lum~ Ph 65S·J OF.SERAL ('OSTRACTOR-' ' Gordon B t"indlay, 3410 Coaat Blvd. Ph. 402. Plana and Con 1 ctJ U JMBF.R C8MPASR'.&--s ru on. Co.ta ~eu Lbr. Co.-"t..t ua h~lp you plan your ho~." Phon~ 48 Bay D1strlct Lumber Co. Phon~ 11~. Cout HJghway a.t A h OP'FlCE SUPPLIES-. . N' f't.. Newport Harbor PubUat!Jnr Co.. Phone: 12 PRISTISC-!'It>w~)Ort Harbor Publlshln& Co., Phon~: 12 • 13, Ne~rt S.d\. R.EAL I':STATE. ~~L"kANCE A NOTARY Ptl8U0- 1Aw H. Walla~. 2202 W. ~tral Avm~. Phorw 3. RABER 8T.•UIPS- Nf'l&'port H11rbor Puhllahlnc Co .. P'honft: 12 • 13. Newpen O.cn ~ MI!TAI. WOU- \ ~<'I~' Plwnahur~: it. Sht"-'1 Metal Warka, e-ta Meta. Phone 210 1-----------------------------------------------===~~~~~~======~~--IVARIF.TV 8TO~ · Bcllbolt Wulf Var1Ptv St~, lOe, ~ and up. l'hotlw 21U·W • Co Lo Te v N \f s 8 E 1 - NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS.~ Newport s.da. CaWonaia. ~AY. JANUARY 20, 1944 ' ( • ... Kay Finch Ceramics Corona ct<'l Mar Boulevard Feed Store 2240 NC'wport Blvd. Costa Mesa Ph. Npt. Bch. 12ti:l Case Construction· Co. San Pedro California R. A. W attson ('~ncntl Coni 1 :HI drs Los Angeles Califo..nia South Coast Co. Van Camp's Sea Food Co. Inc. Tennina l bland Cn lifornla Newport Beach Pharmacy, Inc. :HO~ W . ()('('an Front !'ll'\\'JY'rl Fk h .. Calif. l'h. i'\pt. Bd1. :) Victory Shipbuilding Corp. Nl"wport Betlch Excelsior Creamery ,. Santa Ann Ca l ifnrni:l Stag Cafe Nt'wport Bca<'h 2·tl irr tma A Friend J. S. Barrett Construction Co. Rawson's Cafe 10 15 Coost Highway. N(>wpo1·t Beach Ph. Npt. Bch. 208-t·J Sam's Sea Food Cafe 2501 Coast Hig h,vay Seal Beach '-Califnml:l \\'hite's Coffee Shop on the Main C'omt>rs of Balboa anct Balboa Island Casino Cafe 202 Main St. Balboa. Calir .. Phone Npt. Bch. 179-M McNally's Boat Livery 705 E. Bay Ave. Balboa Ph. Npt. Bch. 401\ Newport Ice and Cold Storage Co. 110 ThirtiPth St !'~'\\ rnrl &•ac-h Phone'. Npt. L3rh. 1 !17 Sunset Cafe Costa Mesa Dr. 1\1. f). Crawford Optl"lmrtri"-1 , 17fl'i 1'\rwpnrt HI\.!. f'~;f a :'\ff'.;a Phnnf': 1'\pl Tkh. 2-1 ,() • Conrad Richter. ~1. n .. Ph,·c;irian f.· S~tr.!C'On ()ffil'f' 1 07 '~:!ncl :=t . Rt'siciPnc-r•--7 17 \\·. C'f'ntr:tl /1-.t•. Ph. Off. 1:n-r.r'. 71. :"'<'"ror\ R<-h R. W. l\lrCie11an & ~nR Rocl<s anil Tnwl<im! 2617 W. Cf'nlral Avf!. Phone Npt. Bch. 123 I I· Do you know what . General Arnold said? ~ ..... a.. ............ .J. .tole.-.... + I ... He ..... -o-.., ........... f-,._ ........ '1-! ...... u....... S.C..ss ., .. __ ...._. Of--. tMt-,..-,.tk,' ..,., ... • ... ... ... ... Gilt ..... pad. .. r.t. tMt'• ..... # ~a-. Anald ... -= .......... N.,,.W... .. ... ltAP IAftd oar-at.._. • ._. .A.t ... . Ia cloiac it. we ... to ...... dill......._ of tile t.rreL &a. we ... tiD .. ftW7 ,._ · Ia Nol'tll Atica--. we ... to pdla- .._. ... ft'a7 tr .. & cater, ..... 8Ddi ...... c.br tiD .. tile trick. ·Be ....... , ................. .... been euic1 ,.ith m.•r• I·~DC:a aDd could .ot have beaa doac with leea." He talbd about the America~~ nld. 08 ~. OD ooe, 24 bil P01t1 uu didD't -a.o.e. 0. .aot~Mr. IS. OD .uot!Mr, 27. Oa a80tMr. 21. AM ~ be ta1bcS. ••a••-••_.. ......_ aea lfCDt ............... ·---·ttaapt to ....... ---loll ......... -tile .. to ... ~ .. "'-b-. ..... ., .... t.criUI ...... ·b)" W.. to f*f7 • dM wu. But P'-COlt ..... tiD Ill"•••• rillicee of ....... n.. ................... ob¥toul t.et 6at tbe I taU. lclat '1. A -sJ CDP&emeDt compand tiD tiM pPiade apeditioa which ODe da7, .-d .. bope 80t too ....,y JDOnth8 beDcle, will be Ill apiDit DIll •'tal Jturope ... I Ia lhort. ll • t.ct ..... made erywta~. dMt, QeD. Arao1d made thie one: Wh•t ••'re doitt4 AO• i• 100«1-BUT ITl.LI.. NOT N&ARL Y ltNOUQHI ADd that co-for ow buDdlnc. for oar llhtiftc-e.Dd lor the War BoDd buyi.nc tbat ~the buUdiDC ud l&htiac J*llble. Comi.Dc eooa ia a day ....._ witla _. aill!ty cffoft, we're PC to .....a. lnto Hitler'• lturope aDd bury Ocr1DAA7 uder u crverwbchnin1 IDMI of llllftl, equipmeat~ ud all the materiala that money cua buy. And to do it ...... lot fo bocNt ow W'.v Bond buyinl. ~e'ft lOt to ba7 IDOft Booda and more BoDda ud _.. Booda ri&ht up to the 6nal mmute wbeD the Nui and Jap flap ao dowa iAto the ~ for 1oodl . . KEEP ON BACKING THE ATTACK ..,. .. r '& s• .. ...., ... s' ,., .. ~&&~= . . - W t'Htern ('an nen ( 'o. l(p;d 1·: ....... . ~>til 1-: ( 't•tlt r:d. Ualhun l'h Npt 1\4 II :ox t·~o;t 1!1~'1 lh•t•d'M SuaK·r ~ervlre C :us C Hl~oo "''~'~'"'~ ll'io•o; In• " ~!1:.,1() \\' ( ···ntral Aw Nt•"port lkil. ''"""" r;pt. lkh M"Jt; International Jo'ishermen & Allied W orkera of Amerka I AN'nl No 'I c·:.mtl'rv \\'orkcrw I.IN'al No. :lf, 1-'lslwrmc•n No•\\ 1~<1rt I~"'IH'h <'ltllrnmla Ut~I'H Smoked ··w. t 'nm;t Ill~ 1m ay f(, llnlhna lslnoo ltn~•d l'huno• Npt lkh. :.,)(1:11 Lou itt W. UriJnra Ht•nl l•:. .. t uto• i 1'1 t·: Co•nt r11l Bulhu~t, Cullf. l'hutt~• Npl 1\c h. ~I (;uH'a .Sea Shell ('afe Iiili 1·:. C'c•utrul Uallxia l'horw Npt. lk h . ~l~!\ Uennie'a ('afe 1107 Coa.••t llJvd <'tmllllt 111'1 Mnr l'hurw NJ~i . 114-h 172 Boyd'H ( ;ilmort• Servif'e · Stnticm l ollll \\ t 't•rtlr a l t\\4' , I'll""'' 'i "' Hdt ! tx;, SJHtrtland BowlinJt" ( 't'nt« Mnln Stn~t II n il" 111 l'horto• Npl. l kh. !~<I BayMidc ,..iHh Market :lXt,h & l.uluycttr Nt'WJ11ll1 IJfo•c.'h ltOMHi'tf ('ale ~ If; I I t'uu!fl IIIKhway Coronn rid Mnr. l'h. Npt. Jkh. 1001 A. J . Twittt Hc•al f-jctult• OHlt'C' rm C'nno;l I JI~hwn y. <'11mn11 tS.'l Mar l 'h11rlC• N111 . lkh. ~122 M l'Ha I ,iq uor Shop I H:!~ 1 ;• No•WJN ••1 lilt vet. ('ostu M••"'a l'h . NJII lkh. 44 "The Archett" ".111"1 11 1.11 tit• I \1•11 l'r" Cnf•ktell l.ouna(e nnd C'.af~ < m Comet IJhchwH)' at Newport Rlvd. No•wport 1\c•udt, Ph. Npl l kh. :~1 Port of Seven Seu Boat Landing H 17 C'nll'•t lli~o:hwny Nt•WJNirt llcnr.h r 'h11ru · Npt lkh. !•1!1 Ito bert V. StaatM Co. Sfllftllllild••r-. l'lt""'' r--;,.,,.11111'1 J~·ad1 :!;,,II It:.!~• (·,,;.,I llw ll" 1\ '"'" 1•••1 ltl•;wh ------------- Hi~·hard St·t•lt•y 1'1111'1'1 II ;1 • \ 1'111·.1: :•1>-t !\1:11·1111' i\\'1' 1\:tlt ... ;, , ... t;llld Frank Shuwaltt•r s . ., .... i\11 . S. ~· F. s·alc~ Com1mny !'trtl.l ·'"' Valid~· Bnat llt•ntaiH J.;d,·•·\\':tl .. r "' l':•ln• ",.,. n,.u,.,. l'll••rt•· :..;,.,, 1" •I I ";'I I ..ow man Roat Builders 1!i!') NPwport Blvd . r.n<~t:l Mea Phone Nc·wport 501 ...... f NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-'J'DIIll, Ne\tlJOit a.cb. Callfomla. 'I'HURSDAY. JANUAJtY a BY --------~----------------~-------------'-., Newport W .S.C.S. Hold Monthly All Day Meeting at Home of Mrs. E. D. Goodell ~ .. fMtH.Ifta wiU. tM EJako N.wland. I-I arbor -I 1 .tud)-lf'OUP at 10 o'clol:k. Jnatallauon ol ollf~n wa . cnn· --11111 kcodulldp f11111rs. Ivan duc1ed by Mn. Goodtt>ll who tJr, .. Catherine Easton. Society Reporter • PbOMS 12 aod 13 a...r. -. rftl\l)ar mfttlna of th1• fat'f'd the ceremony with a hnl'f Jlllwpurt Bftadl W.S.C S. t'Oftve'Md but lmprt'«..~lvf' talk. Tht' nl'W of- 81 _.. .._,. ol lin. E. D. Goodt•ll flct>n look their plaCH and Wl'r•· JDIID W. ac..n Front. Sfownt~ Mn. s WL-atherford as pr«'~id('nl . _ _., ... ,,.., wt'n' ~t. Mn~. lvlln Go~r. viet• pr>'1'1114•nt . --------------------------------------...... ~ ~-~ ,... tlllw at ~ r..,. a-~ 011 ~~a~ ... Seen Around Balboa Yacht Club Over Newport Circle Adopts P.T.A. Hea~ Talks Phoebe Lind And ....., De • < ·-. ~.-.-~- Time and Gas On Delinquency Shan Heidt EnroU t-.. ,.u-......_ ...n De ..u.- ,...~«,....~for The Week End ~.aving Program ~ t~ 1tudy of "W" Mrs. Henry Harris. cnrr>·~pundmar WM A ... AIMrica" by K~nneth !l('('l'1'1&ry; Mrs. J~n Elliott, rl'- llllkr. Y&riowl Oflel ol th~ eroup ronhng lle("N!tary; MM>I. ('yrul' Mil-Th,. unu11ually WIHm Wl'nthH 10 wriN q 111t tht• membel'tl .. y c11oc1a. CIIClPf'l)t!l from othc•r bookll lf'r, lr,.usur~•r: Mary Stanl"}. ehu1r· OVfll' the wrt·k -rnd tu nltKhl " ~,.,. t,. thmu~:.1 'IIHI frf'f' to '** up • tur1Mr Wustnte th~ romposltf' mau local work; MM>~. D \\' llulf· r·rowd fo thl' Ralho~l Y11r ht Club 11 ,. , h!l<lr•·n 11t Ml'hn'll whea It 110 a,.-. ol us whO makf' up Amf'r· b\' <'hHirman missinnu,.Y ••dura· f•<r hnth Hstur.-ay 1111(111 •u •d ~Un· ,11, 11 ~~~···I !h,• 1\:o·wpnrt C\rcle lllavt' ..._ lin. Earl Stttam.s a nd Ml~~ fl·,,·n. •tlsJ< L:lsl" Nt•wlnnrl. ,.,,antulol 1 ..... t •I 11 -I " .. 'llY '"" m~tny lt.'11•·~ ~ " ' ,gn ,. I'' ,. ""' '''" ·•d"J'Io··l I he 1 p. m ~ N~land n:v1cwed p~trl,. of lilt·, ~~r~. J A 1\i.clmon. wt·n •ttH) ,.rf'd thrrr wc·rr 11lr~o a ftn•· trllout• ,1 ~· rl .,,,. .. ,11 "''"' h to meet. ..,..,.,. Many Lands" by lAlii III Ad-ttf "'"''1\. nnll Mr~ J•'ll0 !'1lt• f{tod· snd Wf'knm·· '" 111•' l'lu lf !! II•·W 141'1!. 0 . w. Holt by or una w ~ wt\Oe MMI s Y.'f'llthf'rford f!llnlt• !.1:.-r.·lllf)' or htl'raiU!t' "''"'''!!''' lttt\' Htondnl:•h. wtlll 1.~ ~(I • an fo'rOnl 1\'f•Wf\<11'1 Beacb, WM~ Qluwtrated from "P.!f'f't rh~t N4'~tm" making mnny "'"""''" lru•nols on h ,.,.,.,. 1,, t h•• J:l'~llf' thla mODth by Karl E. DownJ< Or. Do"'·n~ '' F 1 1 d '"" "''"' ''"I'H' lly lto·v .. u .. nnl~ wrrf' It'd by II.._ F. tbP fomwr <ilaplain of a Nf•t.:rn Ormer S an Cr 11 1 Among I hll~•' IVI•••ul 1 ,., w• '1' 1, 1; , ,J,·II ,18tn,•! t hi' lnterMUna cllunil W. Puadrna and 11 nn~ fhl' . -. -!.A..-t ot sam Houston rol· Red Cross Trainee f'nmm••l~oro· ""'1 ~1 '" ~l .. rv ll~>ah s••l•l''' 1. "G•kl'~ Ovl'r·plu." .tier .,.....-." I II '"'" tlw lr ~~~1'~1 , ~'' ""'' ~t nt," l th "'""'' rr•~~en.l workad • 8 llfltr In 'l'Pll&l Mr. Oo~·ruc ll "''' I I 1• .11 JK.awn bt thl• an•a hadn~ ~ornk•·n . . l lltJrtl,.tl' tf,•n• rrtvln lr•.r· ummn ·,".,1 ""tft nn.t handkerclli•a for -.1 tinwL. 1 f:w•, HPn•hoo·lul n whu llv.A'•I Ill d"r• an•l M rll Hnh II v•l 1'"11 th•• bowa at thl' Spanlah A~an DuriJic the noon ht'IIJr. th" fon~m I 2H Aml'th\RI llllllliH• l~lun•l. 111 f'llpt (' F. HAif\.C:II. ~1•·•·t l 'a pl Rn•' 11 >tlhitr at Garo..h•na _n ... rs ·~ !ht>lr lunchf'll ~up-"'""' In Wruohlngltm. ,, l Wl\t'rl' ltfrll J llo k c:r .. o•nt• ~··· r••tarv Hrtl ~lr:o w S~ llunllh ker ....,,_l'd _.__ted bw C.llfo"' "'rvr<l Ill th•• ~hf' II llltt·ndlnl( A m••r~tnn Unl.vt'r-M !lf ll•·nrv \\'tl'ffmllnn f'rf'd-1 •· •t,. l:t.'<f'tna tlnJ: bOok. ''WLDp Ov!' ____.. " t lh It I ( r•uu• !'lt hrnl k lf(•l\mrtn f c \\ h•· 1 .. hum•· l'ltllliJ I lho· • ,,,, I Cui life of aervl ,. ._,_, and ran .. n~•)llhk •t'l('till ~t~ty, ra.'"""l!. tn ,, «'t ,.. W k nn 1~.,,.,. t rnrr lhr !'Jn\'V .lurk lvrw! , 1 11,. 1 ;, 1,. 1 th~o~ln••· and t.fadam·· dlilfP folloowed. o r "r:o (OIIf~r I I Ll••ulf•na nl Loo..:un llt'Otll" k""" wh •• In \'-12 tr111nmg IIOtl hi~ Otooli~ ~ r ar ll'r mN-t n;: ' II I ·• J I I I' h ...,. ot 1:30 for thf' l't'g\Jiar huaband ,,, til~ t rnlnt•r, 11 111 tht 1:'\.14'.wiJII, "wanua "'nJII ''"· '" ..__ 1 ... TriUUIJH•n lll\•isllln ,,, the A rmy HN'rl,.r. hnmf' nn ll'IIVf' tr .. m th,. w.s.~ ....... mt'C'I ng 111'3.• Opf'D•-u . I . ''hi Pl"fCkkt Mh: J lh llfttl· anti nm.;· aervm~ 118 mwlplfnn of· r .... at c.u11r•l Rn•l ,. rl"v ll~tnn 1 oan:.-t->:·1-!'h,.k T! ,. ,., . .._, uoc••t.n~ 'f lhe C\n'h· "•11 h• ••n F'rltru.-:ry 9 w llb llra. J A n .• !· ah • n l:llh lttn!t't. .,1'1~ atlfondlnR t.tw lllflQtbJy For Right Training lk b 0 'al .... Uwy -takcl meettnr of the NewJ!nrt BN<il 11-. ...._.... t...t. a .,. .. o1 • ........_, at 11 ~ a and -kf'd r.ra ll'mllr R<'!lool P.T.A oe lloa-llr. and Jln. c-p ....., fll 2 -ail J p. a ... ~ 1,000 flav had the opportunttv to beer Ba~ ......_ ....._..,. .._._ ~WI'~ n.u.tMd. a patlfy-1 ollr,.•·tlv trom men, who by ... _ Hridt.. ~ d llr . ..,. lin. 11f their line of dutv. are qu.ti'Mod DIIMr Heidi. -~ ...._ ..,... ~ t...a llf licW of ~ fact that ''' gt<:i' a romrrehl"nlllve ~ o1 1*. ~ fGr ..... ~ ..._, _.. ..,. at tM ~u.-.. th.-murh 11111ruued and .ttaJJy tm.. lhw week at a,~ Ia ...,.._ ll rt ot tii!IPw ~r'aJuiH Jiven tbPtr port a nt IIUbject ot juve~ drlln-niX A"-. 'n.6a 111M 1a a _....a. De Gray ).A4J ftdd. qu~nrv. dritiaa ~ ~ t.Wy.,. ta1w Ia ~~ ,..,.,_ f'f ~ atlmt b&ui- ln lor&)IUea auc:b •• ourw wbe~ a-. a •eeU" --a1 t-.r c---. -,...._()fl ~port ... made tbat tlu!' '" proximity. motben u .-4.'0 a·qa ot ..W. Uwy will • ~ ,._ c....._ llan bMtl compk«<J u falhf'ra are lured lato del-witb ~~..._,._.a..,... • fill u.lua ca~ ot in Ow dental cliJUr_ po~~IUnn.a. 'here are lmponut ad· u.-no.. 8lllk. ~ t-.r aooa ~. the fuatnwntll that mullt be made to l"'rl'aa t.bt ...,_ tr---c-._ enrt....,. .S.JC!Ut~ to tM "-~ lruriiTI' lhP bHt ,nterut~t or t11e c.rf'a bclllfl Cop -.. Bwwt•~-lfra Dlxoe S.itb. 1IVIIIrft they m -rhll.tr~n In tbe ~ wt.o may T~ ~ ~ .. ~ t-.r joJ'M lllrir ....twidw:a 11rauc1rt <'Orr o· from ~~ehool -raJ bou,.l !ive IDODlb W AJ!IP t w-·a Air-fr c: llt.>~rr •n.J Uw c<.Nft' an.l ck.- bo•fur•· thf' parent. return trnm (on-4.' ~ l"'labt ~ ~ ~ by tbP b<we..-.. l.lr& thf'lr w11r jobs. 'n1ia ..-...a. fill ......._ ~ to ~~~ Htlbnan aDd Mrs. Weston M•~ Ju:~nlt. F.lllott. keetlly m---. ila still a~ f!llllt•'-l Jay _ 1•·•.-~<1•·•1 In lhl' wort!rwblle u..ol lDdadra d W'Ciiiiiii. wt. ~ .--c ~ wt. Wf'ft ~ to thf' rhtld'alrlaur4.' Ume. ID~t pilot .nicr f-t-.r .....--...... ~~ Uw __. •tTJce pt"'- I'TA '11 1n1~ m coopetwHnc Ia JW4 n ~ -·~. Db.oll IIml'tlt. Ed~ nny· w11v ~W~IIlllble to remedy &nJ mly fGr ltiaJIIc ..-..or 11a0 -. II. A. Allbott. C. L Tbom. w.--Jay. w. L IC!lu-. J..,a Hlllm&D and Wltberwpoon. A.JtlM>u&b Uw DI'Jlt IDOIItblJ ~ 1q w115 aot be twld IU\tU ~tlnaiJ u at Uw la1aDd workr-. U.. nrwt Tunday ol ea.cb IDOIIth U. brof'tl ddtc-1.-d .. .. ......... &...-&&"" day a.Dd many wiD aather t)wre OD tlw lat ol the IDODlb .. ··ett. ::..o..widl ~:ionals ~~~"f,} Mt" IIIH , n htlftHI ll llhiJt AI,.., lrnm th o• V-12 W&ll Phil Gr..,•nf' anl1 hl11 r.uA/111! J • hn and Katb~rlnf' Harrill, all "' l';&n ~IIi· THE Nt;WPOICT HARBOR KIWANIS CU IB rfnl'l rar.8ENT8 r thr no prt•llent Wf•rl' Mr lliHI Friday Afternoon Club to Honor Nurses Of the Armed Forces '"' '""''~ Md pm--~An. --•fo .. .,._ -... , __ P . V . IHik11 wHh an eaplanatJon' cf ~.,.De'--......._ • .._ H......_-d. Wll.lte, h.C nl •ll'llni1UI'.,cy probkm. liJ , -.pamc._ ... _..,. .. I c-p Yardley. E1:Drr H .. ad' 1 J udgr 0 A. Jones. City Judlfe ~ d ~ ~ ._ c.. SiaaA R&lt.bnfont. Eucnw ~­ f•lr tht• t•tty, told or a C'llrf-ordJ-armed {anlN • _. •lln7 ~-ll. IL -~. Ridlard ~. !.------------....; IIWIIIS TOWI HILL Featuring JOHN B. HUGHES Famous Radio-News Commentator ............... _ .. _,._ .... ···---·-- MANCHESTER BODDY Editor U. ~les Dally News ~--"'-~ DR. THEO. POLYZOIDES Wftl ~r-News of Today W&W--... .... ___ ._ CANTANDO CLUB ._.Chona of60 Votce5-Wittt Guest Artl!t Newport Beach Grammar School --'l'lebta SS.85 lac. Tu h 'htdul 'l'ldleta Sl.IO' lae. Tax ON 8A..I..E NOW .lofn J 111n••11 Lt•wlll, Mr11 A !'l Hlrh· llrll"''"· Lh•ut Fra nk Kll'ln nf F.l Toru BlUM' and Mlsa JI'M Murray 1 or Laguna llf-ar h, Jofr an•l Mr" I Ralph 1 •. ROlli! nnd I('UI'IIII, nr anti MrJO. Hu ry Lln1tany. Or. anti Mra JI'Ted Hlbu. Mr ami Mr11 RuK!t Hardc .. trr. Mr anol Mn. Earl YOU8jC. Also enJOylnl the sea and aun· ahln~ wtre StNfman Hoar, Ml• 1 Bobbll" CUrry of South Pua~na, Mr. and Mra Arch Blah, Cpl and ltfn. Bob Pol m er I ahe wu Jran Hunter bf'furc her marrta~;4.' 1 . .a.rn.. Oraon Hunt~r and Patty Hunter and Mra Vel.na Bar~. One aflbe popuw membera whn •• m'-d at lh<' club 1e Wllfrf"! Bforla. formrr nag ofncer and chairman or lh~ race commllh••·. who le ln T•aaa on " al• mnnthot ~nvrmment cootrsf't tor hta Lrno I Anplee firm. Rites Held fr COita Mesa Matron nanre n11w undt'r pftparatlon de-11'-&.-. ..,. ..... lllfte erY algnt>d tn ke.!D dw mlaor off tJ1e beida p7 a '= f/1 ....... ...... "',..Pte at nl~bt. tbe f~ ill ·a ... ..,....._ twwland R. HodckU..., 01iel ~ ,_.. ~ .._ 11111r ...... In o·nmph rrt•nt to the ftUI'M eerv·l of J'ol•re for thr city, apdre fa.-. ....._ ~ Ia W 1 11 I' In tlw Arnwol P'orcea. the 0'-11-ablv or the alluaUon In thla a.re&. wtM!re lllllr a..Gl .-r .,._. tn Mnn Fritllly Afternoon Club C&r'l Warner !rom lM PnlbaUoa .._,. ......_ 11lr hD prt. ..... "111 inrl11rh• n ~troup of aonp and O'tl<"r or Santa Ana. \'k-wed the to a.u..r 1M trailllalalw .......-v 1 apokt'tl tribute .. part of tbelr probl~lll.,fmm a eouoly aaale. He 'l1llr fttlla.'e ..,.... ........... program on Friday when Use or· brokf' down the atat'-Uc:a into •-U1rir .._ ~ Ia De A.-l &anlzatlon mr eta at 12:30 p._m. In fPrent r l"'!lf!f'atlaa.. He aaJd t.1w dty wO liOr. _. lira. ,..._ th,. rJubhetullf'. numbf'r uf cuee handled ~ st.._ ....t ... _.fill .._ 1.-1. Thf' platfnnn ros tr r wtU lDc:Judf' the lut two yean 1n retatioa to llr_ ._. ila a. dlup fll ..._ •·~·al woml'n who_wlll rep.....-t the tne lnrrrallf' tn pt>pulatl"tt, dJd DOt f'leW.. '"ur l'lffllrtns "' nuralnf, apciD80n-d ,;lve l'lf' altpatlon an alarmmc &na ------------- l•v th• R~>d <Traa. These IDclude ~:Je. )tfany 11f the Juveaile caaN ..._ r...-rultinJ,: llo'rvlce. Red era. bomf' •h• not have t'l co lbroup court n..r-.. ct.rwr -" ..,. ... '-- •laltlng nurw wrvlce. the training proc~durt'. h•· alated turtber. at t.lw ~ fll t-.r _._ ~ of nurael' aJdea and home nurwlnlt An open lun~m followed tM ~ d __. ..,. ...,. .,.... ''"'!'<'ll talka. with many mtei"Hlln« .--~ lin.. K, H. CllwriL ... An lntf'r!'llllng talk wW be rtven tlone atlmulatln,;-further d.lal:1a. Ewr«t ,._-" 1ba -..._ • by loflu Mary Walling of the Nnr·: -f.-De --' ... lila .._. co Navar hoepllal. VI• All«, COMING EVENTS ~ynard _. xa ~ o.r- Piuml"r hill! rhargl' of the lun<'h~•ln '--..,. ....._ rt~IM't'\'allon&. FfUDAY, JAN. 2t-La._ ~ A.II- Red O'OI!It workroom. lll Palm. ..:' ~ .-D Capt. jim Sussdorf Married in juneau llalbotl. OJ)f'n 10 a. m. to f p. m .. .~twin g . MONDAY, JAN. ~ •-n -,..,..,._ . ., N..,.n a-all. ........ -.... ~MeN. O.ta .._ Roaary will bt r••sd 1hlt r venlng ~ylng to Juneau. AJaaka. 111118 rTurlday1 Ill 7 30 HIHOid Craur l VIvian Le Vaseeur kept a careful· Cha~l. ~·lth MUll Wffinellday at ly plsnnrd renduvoua for ber mar- t a . m, at Our Lady of ML Carmel r'ace to Captain Jimmie Bu..lof1 Church fllr Mra. Anna C.the.rlne wh, 11 atalloned In the A.luka.n C\nley. 82, of 242·22nd SL, who bue. Rf'<l CrOM workroom. 111 Palm. fl&IIY·o, open 10 a . n:. to 4 p .ilL, ~urgk1ll dno•lnr;a . FOR SALE ...... ~ ....._ -., na-...... ..tina. .,... -dit'-; .._. c.lllit ... dlair ..... ... .._ ..._ J( fAll DO- a. &-21p ... ......, ...... , ........ ........ ar a fiiiO• ... ....... ... ALL_..,. uw.ufll VLVB Now Under New Management Pressing-Cleaning-Mending ROBERT SCOTT, Manager hJ 1rt, IApM a...eh Cieuten l clled at St. Joeepb h011pltaJ SUDCiay Tbe groom la lbe aon ot Mrs. momtn~. The d~-.aed Ia a na-I Beatrice B. Suudorf at 1~9 Udo tlve c•f Kanau Cit~, Kan ... and Sou<l. Udo lale, and 11.u many had rulded In ~ lleaa city for trl~nda In the Harbor dlatnct 1~ yean . whton! hf' wu active In all-boat Mra Curt~y Ill aurvlvl'd by her clrclra. He attended SaD Olep hutbllnd, C1'rrl11lnpher. ()( O.ta 1 Army and Navy AraMmy and ltf_eaa, tbr~ dau~thtf'ra, ltfre. Cror-Jnto>r the Unh•er11ty or Wuhlf'll'. Jia Clark of Vall,.jo. Mn. F'raDcea ton. Nnls n nnll Mr11 F:IIM'n J .. ·mn<'n. Th~ nt'w Mrs. Sn111100rf wu a thf' Ja.11t two nf Cnat11 Mf'aa, and fnrmf'r r<'~illo•nt of Honululu wheN II RriiOdl'hiMrf'n 11h1' mf'l hf'r hueb"nll "" wu aent The df'reu o J ... u " mrm Mr nt teo thE' Hawaiia n l11l11nd~ bt''nrt the I thl" ~tn Mr11a Am••rkan Leg1(ln war and tnllo-.·lng bein~ crmmt. AUllll1aTy, and of Our lAdy nf loft. w!nned Shf' 111 the d11ugbter ol Carmel Calhc>llc <'hun ·h. Inter-Mra. rathf'rlnP v Vlllll!t ur of San mf'nt will bt In Hnlv ~rpulchn-1-'ranrii!Cn A Meeap to AU Citizen8 of the Harbor District: First Grandchild For R. R. Randels THE CALIFORIIA STATE GUARD lEEDS YOU! DON'T LET YOVB NEIGHBOR CARRY TJ(I; l\'HOLE LOAD. ··~ A ~·11ung 110n who ha10 heen nua- f'oJ ltAiph Mlltnr\1, ~ born to Prt. I ""'J Mrll. ('rd l F:na nn the 14th of I J11nuary. ThE' m"lhcr. before her ma.rrllljtl'. W IUO F.tll.'t'n R&lldel, i daughter vr Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Rsndel of 210 ~llpphlrr. Balboa Ill and. R~d Cro1111 worl:roorn. 201 G..-1 Canal. Balboa laland, 10 ~ a . to 4 p ,m .. -Ia~. WUilnr Worllen, Pal..._ -r..· em, Corons del Mar, I to 4 p. a . au~eal druamp. • TUEIDAV, JAN. a- Harbor Uooa Club. •:30 p.m.. at H~lnz Kaleer"a cafe. Harbor Rotary wiJI ~ at \\1\lte'a Park Avenue, at •:ao p. a c~metery. MOR'I'IKEI& SCHOOL II!Oenl, ........... O.y School ' Tutoring Cnctr.. Coil Prep.. Anny A Navy 0 . A. MWU.., II. A-~ ........... ...__ Eddie'1 BARBECUEO SANDWICH~ Are Deli~iou8! MOORE'S OONfUI'IONDT ••• o-. ...... ....... "-!II_,... ...... ' Th<' fath~r of thr v~ry younr la4 18 V.'llh lht' Armurf'o..l Olvt.1011 ol ____________ .. I thf' Army Md hill! nnt tllen to Uae -------------, If Y• Are Not Needed to Fight Overaeu We Need Yoo to Fia'ht Here -An Enemy Threatens Our Home . - Your Loal State Guard CGmpan1. Gives You At Least 5 Opportuntties I. Aa ..,...tu~~~ty to .UWf' Ultde Sem-1.11 UDde s.m•s oWD uniform- • .,.., eoaunalty. I. EKpert ..Wtary traiDID~~t-l"ftqulriD~~t ualy two hount of ,·our tim.-JM'r week. Uld Ia your hoiDf' to•'D; S. eo.,-.e. miUtary equipnM'at! t. Atial flrtlla of all miUtary light wNponll! 6. Alld the -.cnoct prt~ to protec-t your home and thf' hom"' ancl fami- IM of your·~ fi~~thtln~~t oveneu-WE CAN Nt;\'ER BE TOO BlJSY roR THAT! ... YOUR LOCAL OOMPANY OF THE STATE Ol'ARD, CO. B .,... ~-Moa. Nlte, '7:30 -9:30, Ia ~ Ballroora OOIIE--SU \'0\lR ORGANIZATION IN AC110N! See the men who have made your local company the moat efli- dent in the county ... See the Men whO, thouah they are defenae workers .can 1tiU find two t..n per week.te 41o their part in -the defense of our -.ea. eommunltr, Mid perhaps our shores. coaat for manv months. Wbat a .. ·ondfrful Wf'l~nme wtll awalt htllll wh~n hi" Ia obi~ to cbtatn a fur· tough Th,. "big hlrd" wu arromnaodat- '"~ to rhool!~ the 14th nl th,. IDOOth f1•r hll! vl!!lt Ill! It nf'arl\' rnintlded -.•lth the nat&! lllllP • f 'ttll moth• <•n the lflth th~y can lllwaya cea.z bratt> on lht' 15th. Read and ~ lbe W&nt Ada. (M t"&4C"D OP I'IAJfO OfsMIII • A '1 ...... t 117 OJ'' .. A.- ea.-... - PIIONIC: N&Wi'Oii'f .... Oreettnr Carl~ aM a Q..a Vuttty ef U-' Olfta "WE INVITE YOU TO BROW~E AJtOUND" C. E. LOUcr<S li;WJ:LilY ... 8TA1'CO~EIIY Diamond• • Wa ..... • PtM ......... 1"-e N ...... tUI 1197-911 ~f'wport ...... Ceeta ...... (.'ant Refore You Build or Remodel ... IIH 8oetlt Mal" St. Ylalt .... a.w .............. ... ...,.., -c.e.r ................. __ FIt rtw IlleS fill .,..._ ~ .. ,.!_ ... _ ........ • • a n .. LUDLUM Carpet Works ""-!-..... Ma -a&Jft'A AJIA LIDO .._IIN-.._P a ..... a.:_..._---= as· tk ...... " ,., -.-.-.L .... c a ~.-.-~~ n.r. -Frt.. -~ ~-'--~~­ ~A Js a -• ..,..,... Carl--)ol_.-a] • ~ -------T-J•-an Art!lur -...._ .,...,._ .a -A ~ TMea a rQ-..· _,.... Car1 c.• a o.:-ty ' ~ w.-r a-. OIIF IU<ilard Arlorn 7 ~ Partlrr • •A~aa~~U H ... =<J .. ~~ 8UY WA. ---AIID n.-.. AT T1tiS TM€A~ BALBOA 'I'•EA'I'K• 1:. sa .. 7 .... •.u I.Mil ~ fll • DaiiMr ..... "'N! p, .. _--.. ~ ..... -.r:......__ar (tiE, ... , n.r, 7 Fri. : .... l.la...:,._ O'&ra..J.uea ·~wW '" "'1'1or Fa:te. s.a-._,. <'ar1~ 'o--~ a ~ Stun.---.-T-. Bc:tt:r ~ra~ 1:1 ----"CIIJ 0'~ an-I a <" u;ra-c F'n~Wn' ~.._.. .. -~ Oar',...., _,._, -~OooiF "-·~ 'A-iD--• a t .. s.u- aDda~F~ -s.II*F-~ ("artnw ,~ --~~~=== ~: "'Cl&u.tta" ~ ~ -AI.AdyT-.. -~-....-~- 11ebind ~ ~ --auv WA. STA•PS A•D _,,. ... AT THIS TM£ATa£ L ... ,..... .. ;.,. .•. ........ -wall k«p- ...... ,__ lwnpDfC. • .. ' P..-. ........ will br • a oct. if ,_ ar iat _.buda iedl tlica aacl .... ,__'nil_.,..~ 10 -..-r ,_ f 1 eicGI! TtY cook- .. iMef .. iat -IIOCk foe added .,a , •• JlllliR .. -)e-. ~­.,-r .. _.---par-will ...... &p&siow..tt ..... ,.. ..---------- PUYOGIIPII .. WIMY£RIIEALII ,... a._. of anae &.. * v-..., Gudea. ct.ro.r ..., ,_. ....._ ........ CDCJtk up a d._ ... U ..... I ! r ... c... .. .. * * * ..... •••c•• •••••-••.r ••• 11r ~ .._ llil ,...,... .. pr-d~ io brad. Tea co oae .... .., ~·sllrad il a fa~w in Sou1brrn California. No .. • ...... yoa wily. Pid up a Ginsham-wrwpped ._, • tldic:iaM Webrr'tllrad aad Ire it srak for iaelf. c.-p..r 1k emNft. Lww. fralmaa. You'll lib n! .&.,.,t • .u.. -&.v.. .. Br';Js .. ;= .- s c s r firs sigr Ha~ sorr you pat.J lfat by . bee <.'0\.L hole mar Eas tie• afte disd the quit and u.s. T 20's bea and cal gru;r mar Ang Lon baVt ing an Boa this any Nee thoe be~ tht> ~eno fOJT a~ wor oft FU hav the this an besi = mUI ,..... nu- Thc zen run an tun you ('V(> COl' bo} lan role HO yar nnr W3! Mo hnc fr() anc Ev hac gtM as Sol Beo pul ifi it bet far exi p th• fot mt th. ba st. ca ta ~ sh a m b:, he N l'C th ct pi PI ~ D vc Jt ar B h \\ tJ Cl t s