HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-01-25 - Newport Balboa News Times11 SAND CRAB SAM Buy Bonds to End War Quieker VOLUME UX\'1 IEEP POSTEl! I Year ." . . • $2.50 ·~·' NUMat:ll 1 I -r:::---=--=--= -=--L.-rn-Da_'i!_t!_~_!N-~-~-~~m-"~.......:~ jCounty C. of (. Chiefs 1Thanghk Y~~ Local town ,' ~~~~aN=ft? first w o n the best dingh y dr· 1 0 L I 1 Brou t J? p II sign awarded by N ewport .: ppose oc"a opt.ni•On Mlw _,..~ ._a ~ apDr u s With a •-• f M e et t•n1rnt Gale 'and Tides Hit NewportHarborHead Harbor Publish ing COm pany k...,.r ....... a•, .......... ~-"'-Mr• ftoeer W W•rd •P~•Ied I at a .... .....,.: to thr N--. T l"'" ted•y to some ten years a go? The 0 PI H b ",_..,.. ........ ~ . . .... d .. b .... ,o pe.y .. , for ....... ~~ W~~f.>S~~~f.'d~e~;~~ n .a easure ar or ~== ::.;:·:.:.: Ia .. servacemen ~~re~:";,w': :-~~wen Frb Ill Mra. -. ..... y 3 9 .. ''l'•r tr~d •n4 t~led ; •nd yo" J;iarbor , w hich ~·a~ l~je(·~ .............. ..-..... ""0'"' .II .. ,, ........ _..ow I. no on, Toss Claft About by the Board of S upt•r\'iSOrs M. k , ...... --·-~ ... ... . ., . I. " ... , ''t"''. llo ,, .. , ·I \IIH~ "'''"out • b•rijo, 110 ple•M- becau.se It was so la st thc;>y George Kellogg Says Intention Was to a e ...... It ........ ... ....... .. ,,,,. .II ........... 0 wtll pie~ four Many Pll'aMUrt• UoatM llrt'ak 1\loorinJ(H and l•ite couldn't figure h ow it \\Ottl<l • Wh'l ('I d s· ,, . I •• lf'..J•I• ; do•· nuC ...... 11 ~"II• for u• ........... IJI .all h old toge the r ! Thtc' you ng 1 This a Commercial Port, I e Y e •m-.. 4~., ...,.. --..._ Pll ~~-~~ ... ,.. ,.. , .... -.. ,.. ""'PPY " I 1 p on llt-U<'ht.•R Whilt.• Othl'rM Art• Sav~ Hy man w h o the n went to Ule mons Favors More Coordinated Effort ' ..,. ,.......... ,.... • .._.. '··•· T .. , .. ~ '""' .. '"·'' ~ •• ,, .,,, •• ",...· ..... •• t"• e>e" a.'ff' . ( II bo I d East Coast to build fnst lmt--,:~:.. ................. ~. H'Y"\Iof ....... 1.f 1.1~ ·•·u'!l\ m o thrr. llwe ., t!l1t Mlr•mar, • l<'lt"nt"y 0 ar r )l'pt., l'out Gu~r tie craft fo r th e B ritis h navy • coT~ .. '••~~~.,_._::__.. • c-•• "'·~· r ''"" "·•"~' .. "'"'" 8"'1bo"· .,.._ • .,._port 10'~·" NI'\''IM111 llnt·hn r as,.,. 1'1111'11-:t'ft (rum lht• ntln followed by aft th U S B H t Th''l"' ." ..... rrus t o t"' n uitc a c1iff<'rt>nt'f' of oruru n n as I n • • • ....--"~---er e · · r a s.<; a s ' • .,._~-~-., n,, rr·~ • • · ,, 1 1 .. 1. :-.• , ht..:h \I IIICf, wllh !111• ..:n •a l,.,.t tltlltlll~· to ta l nr nny 11fc1rm 110 (ftr disdained it, the n la te r mad<' j w ht>the r NPwport Har oor was t o folluw plf'a sui>t• ,,. 1·nrn-1,.. •• .,, • ~ .... 11,. 11• ,1 :-•• 1 D H t tt11 ... wltlt1·r 'l'ml'loi"N ,,., • .,. t 1 u ,cv fhl!\ momln..: M'ntptn,c the D ajr L ong Compan y m t'r cia J lint's, wh C'n presidcmts and SA't-l'l'~illi('S of \ ;,r.ou. Officer Sunt~~~en ,.... ,,; ~ ., ,., .. IC..:.o t~ •. , ·~'""" r. uston 0 d t•tflt'tl a nil \\'/tl(hcoct ~""' r"nn-1t; .. ll( ... ,.n '"'"·, fl' Vl\...1-·~ quit building 'em fo r B ritain C · h M c1 t • , t-n~Y'l ~g.A~~art do ing it for th e l th~\~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~t"~~a~~~~nfi~· ~:7.: th~~i~~· ::~'.7,~~ Acquitted of ~:: ·~:.!A:~ _.'.' ··~~: ~·.~~~ ~~~~~:·. M h :~·.::~.;~ .. ::.'.::',:~ tht• Nt'\\'JIU11 ~"'" , ...... , 1.-nolhiJI of its kind h eld in m a n y ~cars. A 1"1. ... -' '·l•n~= ' • "'" 11" t 96 Mevl• lla,.. ...... The m a n , s till in his late Allt•r llarry \\'pldt hud s.•t oot po,·tmuot•nl. rrest "'IGAifilll:' •: .. -·• ' ;,., "I:. '"'' 1" 0 er .,,,,. '"'""111"1'''11 ''1 " 11 7 l hl~ 1'1r 1"'"'' al"nll hutlfta Y\M,a ta 20's. who came back h ome. lht• purpo:ws and obj<'CII\'•'" u( \\'tlllilrn J-; lllimlt.llh uf Fullo·r· • ,, "' ... ..-I rA.IIftt; I ho '"'r"' """ 1111• hll(h "lnol \\'hh h """''""''I ~: ..... NrWI'<•II Wlla u •• .ere. ~ • because he loved California Nl.'wport lla•·bor, l:dt'l,racm.: ''' tun obJt'i.'lloo,l lu tht· ~m··•"T•m•·nl 1"' II ~ •••"• • "'"' '" ,., ,., I" ,,.,,. "" , I :1!1 "1,,.,. "" .... ,, ,., .. ""II"'"' ···mvrt~llun ot ~ ... tenth year or fedt•ra l clt-Vl•IOJ)IlWnl l likllll: {'tiUnl.)' III'!IJX'I'I).' whwh OfUc.-r Jal'la "~"'--... l;oll'\ "'''"~ .... ·' frooln h nr ""'' o ·u.·te ·Ill ''""""" ... lhf' :1/o•\\fk•rl ll#llo'h , .. ,. , ... ,,. ""'"l'h""y ltc ... rt'll' A ... and wa nted to get aU the lo· Grorgt-Kr•llogg 0 1 Yorba Ltndu. wl•nt orr th<" 111 roll~ untJ lhdl qutttC'd lut ~atu...S.y bJ' • ..... !! 1.,. a Mr ,, lln. .... ,. 11,.1 ,; ...... ,., I""'',,.,,. '""'''' \\""'1 ""'I .,,,,. , 1 ,.,.,.. "Mhtllll"f'' wna 1 ., t he mlit6 cal ya rds to g e t into the war saJd ht> did not bPIIt'''" th<> count~ ~m,• thuu~;ht should boo .:-•w n to a Ana l'OOrl • fan\' roo.f\(N 1 N 1 '-~ .. " u • ..., ,, •lettn• ttrr 1,...,111,, .h ttt 1111 .. thr oi iN'ttt "' oloowllloo••n .,, 11 1 ,, 1 ,. ,~. 1 , lhn tlneta. ~ galne, with no ~t ! The wa.• In at'COI'd with mukin~ this 11 btll tn C\lfl~rl'SII n>qutrmg public Ow allf'l!f'ol noa~hanoJI .... flf ~ CU1 ... .._.,.., .. c • ..... la.-n.t -•"""'' S rv.11"1"1 '"'"' h ••tol '"'""I" IIII'N'I•I lhtlm lh~ IUiue cl!w. ccw-.1 ~ ~ man WhO then went tO Los ha rbor for ya.chtll, but understood 8j,;t•nclt'~ to pay th,•tr ~hat<• 1lf lhl' youth• hf' &rrf'IICfOol M "'--,.,....., .,..J u .. _ ••• -"'""1 1..,,,.,,.. In tl1,. ,.,.,., "'"' w ••ol l"lrtlutta of( t I A I n •n ·t I , ~ r~rw Ange les and organized D. thai In ttw ea rl) days v.•ht-n hi', tax..... N'i.'mts.• s urh luck pu t ~rk ut ,_aha¥ fOP t• ··e~ " .. he\ 11,,. "'"""' lfa"'"" """" h .. t-n '"" 1 ,.,. 1"'' 11, •t'l''"'"•'ta hl,. •latn.,• " • I *' • ,..,, • a ·· Long and A --....:-•....,, w h o • -~ Walal-. A . n . Row~•-l)a a nd gt't•a ll'r huNI•·n~ un the• n·mum1n1: 1'lM-••h•"" th •na ~ -. "'''n-"1 Nf •II who li n•-hrr el lh,. ,,..,111,.,1 l hto Vtn ft\11 '\1111 llll• 210 -,._. have :l.::'muw4 and are build· Ot.h4 -a~pt-' th~ gaot• of bullll' l:l'<8 t• prtJ(J('r1)' Summo·rw a•t. mpe..d to --------a -.a f-• ,.. , ... _ (t''lo-•. o.., 111t" < • a • 11 t't I Ao In J'lt!VIuu• •I HI 11o• l hr lfar ._.....,., , ~ • ..-.. ......~ ~· .-. .-.--~ bl .......... -~ to --""" • ta.r "'11lom8I .. P " " lo IU t ttw hom r h I l h•ll•·•llv h•IJII ... at tiM bat'-t fll ~-• .-,., ··~· "" ' .. 0 --" ,_...,.. •• • ..... • ·-~· .. -J.J• (_' .......... -, ... L•.aat • I • I '' ""' ''"" ..... r.lu"'y ~t•. ing for the Anny A ir F orces It was to be along commPrciaT , ... ,._ ua,..,_ thco ~ for tn~ .,._..-tit-r.. ,_ • .., 1 • ...-n. ••..J ., .. ., . · -........ _.. ..., r '"" .,.1 .. ,.,_.,, ••• 1 .., -~ t an 85-root Pat r o l R""'·"'' (' lint-a. Mr Kt'llnor" also n.nld. lrl· llubbard HIIWI', &f'm•ral nutn· llw n «-nd4"JJ\'OWI t.an,_ . .ld -·-.... ,,b , .. _ .. _~ ···-t~t -'''h ,.,, .... ,, C'•'tlta ..... IMol ...... c:u .. l l 11•111 thrlr tw. ..... "" l'atrrtry l row .. ,..,.,_ u --,.... f I So-I h C I ,_,....., ''" ,_' ..,. '~ ·-1 •1\a 1 ,,,. tl11hlt•w b<wtl 00"-n •• ..,._, 00 Boat, largest o( its kind on butt> to both men for tlwu dlort.~. ao:•·r· 11 1 II' m •)IL~ r;;;;:;:n}. •u~<·•~ 1n a..tt!D.r Uw ,.,_ • ....,...,. .~ tho-, rrw ,4 t!••·, ,,., .. ,.., • ., '" 1nlf •'"'""' I twot ,., I•IIUIII, 111w,. ,.. .. 111•·•1 1, , 1·-,., In ""m _. 1111 ''"''"'' whlrh.,.. tW this """~st a nd fa.s t('r fh:tn Mr. )o;('llogg, to~•ho ha~ hOt)O,(t'fi >tatd thcorC' W('N' appro tdy lht' :umoy• I .. uut•&dot wtM!IIE .,_ M l \\ • ..,.. • ..... v .. , ... ,.11 .... ,,, ,.,,.,.t .... 1 1 .. 1111 .... c. th • "" ~ ....... • fflr thts ha rbor Cor moro• than :ltl lijUjl nwn 1'111P10>•-d lll lht• lJ ~tup· wu jum.IJ('d by !be otlwT ,....1 ... 1 ... _ ~ QW 2 . 1 ~·u. n TaJior II'-'''" nomrmbrra In ollet,... .. 11, thr bll)' A !total .. f Mar " c•attn"ry ... 11'1 any craft on ftte P ·tcifir 1 1 yurt!>, with 400 at A<"kl•rmun, :100 • • -• •Y'Y· ' .. n. .c rtftn ..._ 1 t h ""'' '") "',.,.,. 1 "" thtoo -• out N........ ,.,.... say m o""" .• "'\'"". Y<'l\1'~. dut not bell(•\'(' lh<' J)('Qp l' tn p 900 So It c I I htuoollum :ulol 0 1 .. t11''il ......... ...I .. ~--.. ~ •C> • n:.•n..--r ~~ IU'\' .. «.. "S:''" II ,. """" :ro "' th-t '"" ..,,.,,. """"''"'' hv llllol ,., fl ••n rt Ill 0 tq ...; n:u """" •• ._-... th•• count) W<'rt' ~o much tn f a\'"r Ill c•yton, a t u 1 nilS·<' c • .tt'8 ,., rt'd to f1w ttw-~ a ~~~~~~&-•.._ · nf...bt'£ ~-~tlrr wu twlrn lu ,, ,, 1'"'"' ''"""' .,,.,,,. •• ,.,,,111111 to• "II thoug h SO mU('h m Ot"' C'OUid of 11 pl1"8.l5Url' h;1rbor 8 11 th<')' Wt•rt• lit• bl'lli'\C '<l ~t·\11 l••ll llurbor hull o In ,. )l..r ~ 1 ~ rl\nl ll~.tt I r 1•r "'lnclfjnr. M._,.ri, tn J•nuary uf lu l.w ulo lll'llll 'J',•Ifl .,, "'" ,,.,... ,\ llltnlt be AAid . lncidt>nta llv Dair is fnr ;1 comm••rcml IIIli·. nnd dt<1 "nt ~:ruwn 11~ fl•~• '1' '"1" An~d<',.. hnr· I ~t-Il J•• k -,,~ ,.N In 1111or .._ •r-trd to '"" -.ur Oil Tarawa.. '"CJI and, ., Ill,..... tu U•-.-,y• 1 .,,, 11.,,. ,,, 1111 , ,. """'"L: .., •II ,., 1 C"'ran "I' .. ,......,,. will M _, fer th"' son of J oh n n·, 'LOO<T, '--lt't•\'n that ~,8, th•• tntnntt"on nl bot' llo Witt< ColoiWNI h) Mr Al'k ·t f A I.. ,...,.CIL tho wt •• "•I " "I' ,.. t _.._U ... .._ 1 , 111110 , IIIIo• , 1"'" lntr the '-1 ... ... .. ""' ' ~ ~ • I ... -I l'f1lAIIt lit •n•n ron lhr poaUr.r ,.....,,__ t r ... ...,. ............. I'D ....... thr "··· w•• '"'''""'''' ""'"V "" llu•l g""""'ral m a nagnr· of th(' i"'-11'· t he \'ota-"'h"n thl•\ tnc.lti~O lh(' •• , motn .... hll IOhl (I 'Ill' ,.,.., ''1•1 0 I 0 (--... _, .......... ,.. ...... -•• ". ~ • "··-«· '""' ,,,.,.nl ,. .. ___ ..... _........._~ -·-......... h .... t •lrhrt• f'olftalatln• tJf paB• "''"' , " \,At ~'"' ' • • 111•' til l C II"' ,, -• .._ --J I • " ("' ' -·-.-... ____...., ........ lltllllotula fl llta lntlljl Ull olo1l) 111<'1«' .... _n ... ~rorlhAorlrrln.nl uruit•!lak tn•• .:)l'l"" vi llcvoh lwtnl: prcl(olll'f~ 0 I • I .• I -....... -...... ·····~l-or, .... ,. ........... ,, ... _,. ,.,_ .... _ ...... _ ... Uw ... t "'' \0101\1' I''"''"" •• , "'•"'· ....... ... fomm N~papt-r Publishers uo• "· ' ,. " 1 1:1 11• t"»o v ,., ..... ~ .._. -r ~ raa ...._ -AW • u ........ -· _. ...... _. • "'rrr .,,.,,, btu•v tllllnc .. n.l ha p ,.11 11 , .. 1 ., 1 ,.,., 11 ,.f)rntoa m .... tn liM a s.<;OCia tion . Jarr7£>St in tht> Lo•rmoore W~kotiiH l!'r<' L Pntt•·N•;, .to,tn't f•~u,.;. ''" -111 of • ....._ ...._ ~"-t ' • b f ll• t~-tr cflrloAood tGC"'(1wlr In Wln11 '" ''''"' reo .. lliio 11"1"' ·"' p 11.,.uio•nl \\' M LongmO(ln ' · C'1t~ F:nl!m•• r n . . . . :-;"" ,. •,,. "'",,.,an-,,.,-,,.... cit<> •• •omr " " -.... Ill 72 r.n..n marriNt Juhn 1 "'' l!••t ,. "' ll•ll ..,.rn end ,.ta.am world . A net is J ohnny proud I ~ ·kumt-d th, ... , or moor,. rounl\ ,,111( thRt 11 thto ""'''' nnllnt had I I .. • tar.,...., tn .......... T•1 ,... lark ,,. 0 H • .. ~-I Maro,. l-l4hlftt• ,,,,. r11t11f1111 ,. n•'*d fit llfttF o f th"'t boy"' You k h' 1 ' ' -· 11 h 1 1111 '"'" H IU1""'' "''' •IU .. no.,u,. ~ .... c .)1 1 .. J • -· • aeno.-1'h rt•hh • \1•14\t 00l lltlr MIM," , .. 1 • ..._, " 0 as Jm. I nwn loy ~lllllng "'' h;rd ltlllhon.: ,,, put In mnr•· ~m;o lll'lCII'" on ~ • • • ._ ...., • r an. .... r-~.... .. ......... ,.... ..... Ul• hnlol • ... 0 1:\ "I ..... "'"""· ma ....... ..... • • • I J h h rob· o·c111•1 ...-\t>ral 'f'lln. 31;" It ""ou1<1 •1d f 0' '" an.J .. :~m~ ~. t • ~n ..-JJS \\' l'rnlral ~I•• • t.·ul IM'I wtty '"'"" frutn H•rtla ,., 7 Ill ru r "'" -••• ........ ~~-FLtl Ml~ERV. J ( ,. 0 u ~~.:·lr~·~~ •. ~~;, ~~~~~-.~.l~·r~~.~~~ .~ lho• lw .('"~ INlrt~ • H:· !>41111 '"'' P"' I 0 "''I I'll o•nt •oo:l•,, "''> .. ff~ • ::Sf '"'""*' "' u ... yra r• CJf lh-e <.;tvll \\'•• I MOolll•" Ill \Ill ..... r.l "' Ulf .,, I Ill I fur Ole ....... pe11W .. ,.,, l"o:ll'tl\' 10 '"IV•' , '' ,1 II'\ "1-:nlll'd :1' •I plf'll"llrf' h11r· In;; I ''111" tlto I "' ~ ta•-t. INCC)M( TAJl DATA ~ ..,.,tfrf •&a • Mid at.to lUll I 1m 1tllllllu11 "llh tht> wino I !'h" l•••lt ,, 11 , '"""'llun lll\<1 f()f"(» f11 tiM- have n 't h a d th e ~nilflel' 0 1' Clyflt• Slmmo;n,. "'''"'lo•nl nf tho· hell' nnd wvultl h4· mnr•• '" _,,,., '"y .,f!,r r ,,(,1...-r~. '':t;'"''' '"u.'-aht M\rtr~lll ";'' •·•••101 •1 " 'l""'lllly "' "'"'"' hut ~~11•1 ,...,., nlt1f' nt ttM> '"'"'-fleeot th e nu, Or the a r he S yt>t ,\.-t~IRI+'<f ('~hnrnl~!• 111 ('om· tlw \\;JI' All an ath•n,eltl (;f 0Ho C~. I~ ~rnllt' oofl.-l•t. ''""'I .,..,. t.-. ........ WI l h h,.t """" •• , wnr ... t~or II•• lrll' '"""" lhl• INt)' \o bo'<."UGW ....... this winter . you're j u s t n ot mPI't'l' 11nd pultl,...h••t uf tho· Tustin \\ !' !-'IHC••r. ho·lu l n! till' rounl~ '"'t'''""'"'" f8lh<·r br>oUCflt _. lrulta A-.-1.11 br •' u. .. ,., .-oe Aol..-, lllld •• ., .. .;:u. Jtw <, .... 11'"1' I ban thr n efl Maklna It In '"" up '""' foul tM tWta el ,tr1 ... a n a verage Am<.'rican . And ht.'f'n ('aUJ:hl ll,.,,.,.p by lhP om · Oplntnn ttf mRn) thlll lhl~ ··all h o It tn (' uri 7111" -l'lollll C1dtY" -~h ,_ t--•ia:ra Mart'h 1"""'"• ... r .......... ..,.. t n ..... p 1'30 Wf.nday nuomlntr. her .......... ......,. .. Harbor Yadlt ..... No•w"< d1•t•lnn•tl \lw '"""''~ hn•l hnrlovl •·umrnl;;"''ln. :-atrl 11 -...·11~ lh· thll~,.s 1!1!"'1'·"1 ~\11!1-nr aQII .... ''-' s-r-1 u .. .-..... f'11.ull ... ni ,.,.,,.. anny \.hat fattw9 '"'lthl 1 · ""' I :u1u t1 1"•1"~ linn IJIIr-11" •''I craft anc•h•m od al Uw ......... lusldes tha~ about tile """' .....,.. ..,., pro)oco ., S..ol "" m•·o<oooM '" • r'"'""re ,,.. ""' ••• ,.,.,.,..., -o -..._ - -.,,. ,_ • "' , .._ -ft-....... -• .,.., -••• •••:'::\ _ you start thumping your Beach IJid that th~ only wa) 10 bor und thAt it was not lnt.rnt~ I tlftlccbt out tll•t ...._. 11oy11 ...., .-deda -• tlllay ~y .. lftll"'"'t ta ~tun· ~~ ..... "~":.~ ~--'JIIIM pl!ld ~ f :1!1-.._ .. , .. cbest and boasting how im· aw r1 fulul't' unwAnted f'OI~nm ........ '" tndu>.tr) ~ wbkft Wr. Kf'l•l• m ul·h ll~tr. .... I ~:~Aft u. Clftlcn ... ..------------lty .... , .. ......, tJt n.. ....... -• ._ • "-c~.. . _....,. m~ you IU"e--then bingo 1 wu 1o or••nw-a euunty a.rocla· lou alkrd """' hs acopr nadd DM. •'-u.. raet GIM ~ _. .... -._ .. ._ ,...,..ty _. .... a. * 14 __... ......... 1 ua HI R l'CIU ant lllltpped down by the tlorl I hal wouJd .,. on t-job aiJ ' be "ldrflf'd. olnnklnr. ., t•a ra...-r .... pol ... JI""'Mtl• n lb.. ~nldoa .... .., lilt ..... ,..,.. • .,., • )('~"' JII•IJnornl "' '"" r ....... ,.., ome rom n bug lt's I f f I he timf', inst('llct or t'ltpr<:tlnz • Lrw Wn ll•~ :q~~id that Dol"" Pot! ... p!lld • $2:'5 ,... and il'lrt"'f· ., • ..,. _..... ",.....,."" ..... 1•112 ,.. '~ ...en llttll tlvtna W"#l ""''' .. r '"'" """" ,. no~p-........... In . Coast Guard 11---ThU· • t sf ho ts o unl . f<'Yo puhhc ~plrltl'd .dllz.cns 10 try!&}. ct1mptt!lin!; 1300 III'N'll woold ___ ___ I• J•wr ttvn , ... ,.. J"ltiiiPf'. " 1 '"' , •• ,, '"' th,. '"" thl\l t h"'"l IJIIIIIII:: O&e nm-o ·t e·mill cit • ROd wnl<'h !lut•h proct'<'dlns.ts. Th<' makl' an tdtoal •;:;ntrilll t;"~r 'J h B H gh 0 I J•lfln an<t ~ ......,.,.. ll..t u. ...... _.,.,. lin llttlr "'"'" -r ratt -.. - zens who have th eir selge of ~>'lflbh~hmcont ul I hi' M\'y·~ PrQ a nd \V;IIlam G <'nn,. o t •· 1 I••>• and -•lau~htlr our I tr ,.,.. 1.1,. "''1 11 "''""'"'!:, .. ,.,-, , l"l ,. 11 l':•.cm•n furm•rt, 1 ., •• 11 • running nOSt>. a c hing bon~ .Jt'<"l ""'C'h .-.ndi'Ci dN'ICml: (I( an tn· HunttnJ;:Ion Bc>arh ehamiX'r. tit" 0 n u es n """'""and. "''" In Oalllanol w hn ............ tk-ol '111'1111 v•rh~Wt ... .-tlwltiM ..... . a n d flu ctu a tino tem ""ra· .... u.st r11,1 hntiW'I," a l S<-al l~·uch. h•• <'laH~ tha i 11 ~"•_•mnwrt'illl har hw • "" lr.,lnrc '" Pn)l')' •nd marvrl 11t t t 1 tu .,. .~ " h Ant•HtJ: t lu ... ,.,. 'Af lh •• '"••h• w ...•••• ,.,. ur . "'"""f.,.. Uft "'" tu ...... , "'"" offnr th l',o; soJ:-roon_ ·.~ ! ..... mNinl tha t tho• ll('~l mlrro•;.t< htul '"'' n t'nnMct.•rffi st r .. tc m.; I " • or n oolhf"r'a llfllmotld Yttallty an;l .. n.-.· .. ..... ., " <:-"""' ~" L -d I I II '"'" .... ,. ''"'' "'""' •'"''"' .. ,,..11 '""Jlh fl~oln Into c ..... lll&&r\1 -....-y ou're in good company , nl '"'' (•ounl~ ~ulf••I'Nt :\)> a ''''till fl~lm ~ .. " ro•rt In .... ~ton unlln~:· K. . T H I" ..... , )' Wnlh••r ......... , hila ........ "' '"''' ,. ,., I• ........... oor.llnll '" 1111 Tronolllal .......... .. ... a ~-'f t 0 ood f A (' A. Mllll'r. (lr<"'lrlo•nt or lh•·· ton Ac-IIC'h .... ,.,,~ ,., f"alltornt• fo•t viMh I I I - ('Vt'n I no m g onn. C· • Ll I h II IWaniS own a "I" ol• ..... _ IIIKI ""'""•l loy J ....... •••uln'll '""'"· ........... , .... --· COrdl'no to t h<' ."'ha m P"'n"l'l C'•>~~•l 111'~(1('111IIC1n '111<1 St-u I Bo•ar•h llrin7 nolll<,o·r 1\1:111 I Ill :1 "' I~ .. 0. .. •• , I ............. _ •on IIIIOVf'•l ... " • ,. "' ... k I h h ... ... n I ll•·l'o 'I "'hi• II I• IIIIM)N'II ott hh l 'n• In lilt' IIIIVI••"''" •t.p&rii'IMOC pi'UJIIo· ""<'r•• n<ol too happy n\•'r no-...n a""·yo•r w ~ '~" '''" I . '" lhr w..-t H .. boy~. two-thirds o f thC' popu. lhf' mAII••r, that upprAi~IIIS of ron(o•ro·nro• Til \\ 11,htn~Jon. I fold t••· 1 1 ""' 1 "' •~•"'"' "' thr lllh 11a v•l olll\r1c'l Ia('(' hav~ h ad either nu or R hnm··~ Ill ·~· mm·o·d Wf'N' In I)(' un·l him llllol lntli('lHion• r•linlo'l1111 Or· ... , .. , II II· 1..-.. .. .... I I,., '"'""'"'*' .. '· •• ~. ... •IonS! ., .. ; ....... I I , .• I• It •t· "'~ "hoo ~~ ' .............. '"'"" llvo• ''" I.Aolfl l.t .. rold. Mlsery lovf'scom pany . tlo•r W;l\ nnd wnuld nffC'C·t 250 Anj:r o·uunl~ ho•tnJ:: ullh7ffi fnr tn· ••tno.•nout"l ·1\u "''' "l•••._ ~1 l"tdJtaJ..C, '" T••"• llul""" u• A fl _.1tto lluiiJ.11o•t ot H·ulh l'o Kotl '""'''' r·,•,,, ,. .... ,.: 1111 .. "''TVIo1 • • • ramllt(•s: anot that tnfnmltlll!ln wn-1 <1tJ<,Irto·~ ..... , ... ;,ut .. pl.1 nl~ o'l('_,nnot I->1\\/II'L•Itnll ''''" .n .. -.-,"" ... " .... .,. lf'k--....... ~ .. '""1"' ,... uto ame hi• """'' ... utw .. l Whlolr ,,,. '"'·"· ..... 'III It h "'" ICootllh ·~-t On ROMF. ROOST B mi'OII:('r lhu~ ror. I I h ut Soutlwr II C'uhfumm \\'ll:> ,., uh•· '"'II ""''"" "" ll \', ,, .. , .... ~ .... ""0 ... 1 .. 1 lhl•otlll·· '"' lh•-looollh ""'~" .. , l.llloo '"'"·• looool hrr, HI'""''""• .,._.man, . • T() . e s t Mr Wrlrh hrlif'\'l'd l hnl thl' 0111· P''<"lo'fl 10 cru~ 111 thf' rntl' n( fl ll'< t uro•r s .... 00 I .. ~ .• ""'llb ... ,.-..... ., •"" .. '" ..... _ L•• ',.. looeot 111'11• '" "" ,,, ........ OoVrr al '""''hiiMihjl .... nl , .. , ..... nrm. yam ou t o f the ragin g winds look fnr lln rntlul'l rial harbor wnc mllllnn • ~··ill fur (l \'t' )'f'an: aftrr r•rollr \to Pt•llrl Ha l,oflr tH h..oo C..• --· -w hrn u .... t on..-........ 111' Th . . . t-..c_l A .. a n d tides of the last few d ays •dim ,, lh t• (lfY(nn.ll'l' l'to·pc•l llC'C'IIml' th•· war's t•nd !fllnflj.!l\' ,.,, . .,, "·~· "'''" L o 0 .a l•pr ... • \all •t r•k4' "'"'""' •• " ro~ers In Sh f w was what h ap(X'ned t o Ev. -D --D s ff :·~t~~.i~:~7.,'~~.:::; :::: •• :.n;. ~::: l 'w. n....:, ·-:.:: -~·~ ·:~:·~· 'YY II ape 0 ings to f~7~kE"~i:=~~! Balboa og oes tu ~:;;;:~:~:;:·~:~~·?~2 2 .:=.::~::·2:::::~::.~.:.~1 Repeat C , C f C F t · a nd it was two days befo re A M H · 1 1 J 0 f'l•• "' th .. """"""' ... talr::o .............. ,_ .......... lh .. '" orne 0 ea ure Ev. fo und w here h is boat S. ara·nes •. t aps ... ~::·~:: ~~~;;~·n'·~:-dv~·~·t:-:.::. ~~=-!:et.~~.~m::.~:·~~~~~ ~·,· T'w" m .... -.-.;;: ... ~1 ...... • • had drifted. you can., 1......... ... '"""' .•.•• ;. "..... .... • ........... , -"~ • " m • "" • m .. o ••• ••• • ........ ""'"' ••• "' 11•· ,., .. ,. "' "\\ ...... '" '· .. ·~· • .. • ~-.. ,,.. .. ..;;-;;;u; ;;;;; .,., ........ ? Ye p , it went s traight ,..... \\' :,. ' .. ur: oo1 to t,'t.bor .. Uk-•• ,.,. •Ill ., .... , ..... '"-\'• lhr lootl ......... ty ....... n .. , lhr ... Ill .... tit•· ....... fllr ""' llllttUHI chalmiMI whu will h•nchr .... dill· bas ___ a h om a'ng pa'g"""n to thn lfiJIIIlnl• .... 0 •• t " I .. ! ""~ ... tw (Ia•.• ,,.: ,..... ... ..... • fi ,IJ•. lltolloln~ r vrnm•nhv w l_ ..... •linn··· """'IIIII( 4ol ''."' NIOW,IItrl I trlf'l t~l•l··· .. _.,, .... _ .......... .. "'" "' I Th~ following ~t on>. """~ writ· G)t>nnd~• llrlvr AIIIU1tll, Gf'nrgoa. ,.._ ~ 1 1 1 • 1 1 f ( 1 • .... •• .._...,. South oCast landl'ng . Why". J but lwlpf••l ••~t lo·~r•ond<·rt.-aJI ,...,.., t-._.,..,,. n•ll•lfl• .,.,,. 1.,. ~~~ o ..-... t II•· ow ,. ""«'"It " ·'" JJ,ool•·• 1111w1 1''1 " . ttflllnl•n.··· " 1111111.~1 1 ... .,,,111ac1"11, ar··' -rv•· tftn h\' Tt>rhnlral $C'r0 t>Bnt H11mld would 11~111 MtkP In !ill.ar k " ap · 1 .. , 1 " 1 1 t 1 r ., "' n v ..._,., "" • .._ ' "' lh1· \\llllol I'• kf''J• l"l ,, ....... ••r. tl ... ttul '"" at •' 'J•I•otu•l ~ r ool•rr.an ,.-,,.rmen , u iH .•IOJ•I"•Jl lj" llol<l "'""''"H), o•otllfl )' ~. l''oll" lllllAt IM' lnatJ.• In advW.. n~u.c;e Mortis ha ndles their A:r:lnl'·. or nulttth. Mlnnr10t1la . a ~a -nnlv In 1 ""''of •·xtrern" rmo·r~e"""Y 11 t • 11 1 y 1 1 1 h " ~ ~ . . t .. u ••• 'A lilt ljr\ ··•· rom•'nlr tw-fl.~ llllf'1ew ... ~~~ •. ~·.. ,, • 1\llro ..... J '.f .._.,., .,, N .... , ... ,., "'If II a II II "''"' ·~··· Ill'.... • .,. I I' II ........ r With lht• dlr~wn ., c ........ publ'ct'ty and the a.......t knew rtn~ room• ('t•m'"·t ~orrNI""nd<'nt I b<'CBUIII' llllrh a bndy.alt."ll'k "''OUid 1 1 1 .,, k II I I If V f' lv'.,"' ·-a I UVtl 0 < \ ···ft "'" • ,. . lht> lt<'f'nl' ... olllt'tlllll iOfuU aU aJn. ........ •tf ·~ o<l)l .............. "··. /\• ., ,,. "'. nr f>f "'.. " .... .. II F..... :0.1•" • I ... , "' ..... I•· 0 I If' Ill thco olfll'r ,., thfo ('Jaa.rnbrr nl if 't anted a n y ,....,.....,..ition BAu"atnvtllr , ..... ,.~·cfl , Mlkl'. " r ndan11rr "''' fl<•'{'" llfl' H" '" ''""' t •. 1 11 t , 1 , 1 , 1 1 , 1 ,.. • 1 ,..,.k, 1 11 I W ·~-""b·· • " ,.. ..,.-u, u v.·c•ll &Jo \'.al ii thf" da•lv -.,... -w -• t ht' .. na o.tllllll' .. o • on'• "'""on lhr Jlflf>rt,.llniO ,. y,.· n Y" "I•''"' '"" 111-:' " C.JfniJ rt' it h a d bette r go to some Ooht'Mllllll PloAChl.'r cl nllt!'d for llldl'retl t., .. \'AIUIIbli' lUI 11 J :lr> 8f"1l· porta ,~ thr ,,_ ..... ,,. ,,..._ A<ll"l ...... I. y ., .. ,..,,.y nl1['trf"tl tiUlttJtlrr wh• n ...... • ..... 1111 ,,( ,,,.. I ... 11(111• Alft'f'nft 0 Alltc~l" e~IIIO)' llllll•r• llt'lte(l a t berth Where ilc; Own<!r W a5 WILr ~rrvfcor to lhf' !.lar\nl' ("orpll 11"1' to MIOk hill llfP In IOIH h " fight Ill Jll.nlllll )' J!ffl JUII( ~ ....... _..,tl, IOIJ J:"J! n ht'""" "' (•• '" rn~ t'~lk'lrot Wl"rr oll'tlf ruyr ol '' HIIIIUIII\ Ill• tlr'IIVI'I \' I' fltu•nl t he• IIVO•llko•r '.to IUiol•• wlfl t•• JK'Uflli .._ ban' h ed 'nto '"y '"I• o··~l'r, Ml'll. F'lnyd .Jnhn,...n, Mlkr ',; :tr~ jub 111 to "nlr rt' llllcl 1 , , _ .. 1 1 1•1 1 , ,1,1 1.,,. •loll "'"' "'" , ... ..,.,,,,,,"' nl Ia fa miliar. or ~ IS I " "~ ~.. Ill' nih~ 1 ... , •• ,.. !'IO'arl H ••b ·r I tk&J "''~· , .......... ' \ ....... 0 •:. 'I IN•r1 ............ ,.-,,..,,,., 10 0 •• 0 • ll•'lll Alllly ""'' NllV)' t)ffld .ll • tho• ex ile. 1\23 Wl'l!lt ('control flalboll. Willi lnolirotlo• till' wtwrt•Bb<olii!O ,.f thr ltu~h"'" l'l'f'Cht l"tl I !\at , ..... ........,, .-,r-• ·~ lfoll• r -.~I r ·~· t• •• "'''' ·, tu...-. lit :\:1ft Am,.llur "''" lloo I'•'' I l hrtl u~t.olooolo pill) • Ill lh• I oolr'lOillllllllll( vlfl('t'l' rol f'lll 'h uf lilt• \··•t"-lhr !1.1 •rtnr•. who IHt lhf' hearh en!'l!l\' 'n lh<' ~~" ''""' Tho'\' ,,,. .. , I h'-"'" • lln ol I• I: I IIJolll• olllll 4n .. JIIr I '' .n -••n " t11• hi ""'" '"'llh JaJ>llll 1,...,,,.,. tbf" a&of •-H.• r • , ·, f ''' o I • •· •' '•' • o• ·''' oil II .111 an.. "'IIW ,. rar , . 1\o "'> uml r.II V) ''''"'' l~hlllt'nlll In on F:mpr<'!'8 Augu~I B Blly whrn lht llht' r\•l!t ''"'' nl l h•• ~···ar If" .. ,.,.,___ ~~ a r• ,., •• ,,., • '' ' ' 'h• I, ""'t: Ill f hr tt:• .. K" ••II"'""''' "''' h•l Od lll\ ,·''I'' 1111• ,w""• "''' ''' IIIII ) huVIIII( llf••·n IIIVI\l<d Ill • • POLLliTION. One thing the fe llo ws from th e co unty forgot to take up a t that m eeting here Monda y . and that was pollutio n in t he bay. Wh('th<'r a fe:l('ral. statl' o r c·o•nty ot·d irlftn((' can be drafted tu fon·c sam- ta t io n. is n ot knm' n . but l'Qm(' comprch l•n:-ive plan sh oulrt he w ork rc1 l o J.:l\'1: \IS a dcan1'1' hody nf w;1tc r . I he filt h and garbage t h a t floals by a hay front h om <.' a t all hour~. wo uld mnk<' F ath rr NPptune a sick olc1 m an . O f ('OUr.;t' thC' s tuf f com es fro m the thnu sands of ~,~~ a n· ch on>rl in thE' bay a n d som t> plan should be preS<>nted to provide fo r a n adequa te gar- bage d is posal. • • • 00001: IN CIIARGE. lna d· verten t ly said Ja~t w eek that Judge Don Dodge was assist· ant ch alnna n o f the W~r Bond drive. Error. Dory as head of the r.Jesa campaign, which is cooperating with the beach drive to raise a combined quota or $450.000. Understand the first week or 10 d~tvs produl"f'd {')()(!(> tn SIOO.OOO. ll!'an•l 11f Bnii"'BJnvlllt• •• , .. ,. on,·•·l~l lh tl'ol :a l'rl\'11(1' lo~trst l'lr\10". , 1 ....._ 1 tlv \\ "" 111 ,,,.,,.,..,, 101• 1 •··• 11111 11. 1 ~ ,.. ..-u 0-",. . ..,_ \\l fY.h?JIIIt .. ,.tn , .. ~.,d•ut .... t,-..... , rrr~ .. t· -;t ,• ,,,, .... , ............... •n • .... prttffi Jt h tlt•ftt llllll N"Vf'm .... r I, llnfl hM ~~~In )Ilk" l'lll "''"n b(o l•r11molt•.t "' ~'•·•· ·"' ... 1,1,,11,,1 '""l l•·o·t>llo·o "'ltll••lho· "' ·~ Enf"m)' nfs;tf"\A •·· ",It 1h-l tll'diC• H........ ... r .,...,. '' ,.,. • • ·' '' • • I,,. t.t HtP'rr t • n t rnl wtth f1"""'1:• f ,.,, ~~tt•l••ut J,.,,.t(IJHifU wdl be• '" Cont (nuou. ll~ttnn 11°11ln•l. lhto Jl\n "'r;.l ,. ...., ~ lu•• '1 •••lllomo '"'"'"' l•l• '"1"''' k 1 ( I ... "' a ,. ,.. '" il•·~<lrooy .,,.,,,. r••) ,.,, n ftt•OU«h aa •!H ,.,,, .. ,.~ • I II• ..,,.., "' 4 '' • llol,.,-,,., Mlllrnal,.., •I ..-r• lrl '"' orot .. ••IIIII lh lh•· ( •ultf_,,, flllt lf•w· • ,,,,,,. ,,, flu· •1'''11 t•t ·,._ ftt • •• •nt 1 ttrtt· •rf t h,. nr. fn tr k• *•• ,,,, t,ftu•t" ''' ••huHtt• 1111' n• f(J,Itf\NJl . an<'~<' !litH ,. I ~>~n ~lltri'l•' 1-'11 ~t 1.1• wt· n :lflt ("\'tl~' 11 II• no lo-r ,.., in 'o :11 ·:•· ••I '\ o·tom. t-,n1-"" oat 'n;.: unit "ltn• !lt'·l ,,... t he ~t:l l .• ,,. H;t•tl~ 1" •• , .. •rl••d t h1tl ••thf" nh•:t·~,..,.~ 1 !.· 1•d t•v :•1 lk• .1nd uCh1 l 1f1 •1!~ lul:-4, 1 H "'11f t t !H•n '•0""' •1•'• 't~~nn. ~n\• t1 •l\lr p u\r 1~ fr n·n f·\Jiir r.: >nl•o ol>:111i'. "l't•ll \ lr.o· • ~tnrl ... rr"hu.,t--'"'' I• h oP1••rv. "• r.u;::ut not hn,·,, ~·N•n ''' t•~, ,,.,1 '" 1 h•• •t•·nP•· jun.:t• · !"pt o:~lly ll lll'lc·d I" Wl•lk rl•o~«•· )\' Wllh {tor\\llr I • ••n'lllll II npl' ~~ 1kt "' ('tHt\f•!Ull• •l t ,..,.. I! thh ·f"l' 1111 mnny mil>.,., nil '"''' 1'111'11 r lrn l 1 tory. l'l'fi(IMnlng IH N ~··••ulln~; thl· tl('ll unllrr f1re. At no timl' """~ bt' dllll l"!lricd by nrllrl y t:r~>un•l• t•xp!HIIIon11. rofle ftrc, 11r Jnu ~<nt{J"r bullt>liO ma11y nf whirh wHr alm- rtt at him . l..akr 11 rl'lll 1.brin<• ~l 'ke en· dt.ru lh~ ltrlll'd8!tlpft n( hvlng In un· ccvrred fnxholr~ under tmpk l\1 do~rnpount. hl\vl,.,g ltlllr ~ll'l'p, ,..,., lng n!duced raUr nJO. IUld roln~t nn ~ruelllng IJlllrl'hMI 1 1 Tbe dog ball hrrn lll~ht nol to atta('k an ~rwmy by hi~AMif unlf'U apec:.nully ordr n!d to do 1110 bJ ' on11 or· hill htUidle~. Mike' a two hl\ndl~n. Prlntt' ft&lph Lawant~ Route 1, TTmton. Ceorp. and f'rlv!l~ F'lrwt C lAM Jofln T. Webb, March of Dimes .Jan. 29 to BP A Gala Affair I 'h:or• nt.orl ll•·rlo fo\, nn\ "" ll'"lfll'••d 1•~111} th :11 tol:on' h:ul 1 .. •·11 n1n1pl•·'•·d f••r lh• rtan•• t•• '' '' hrhl•· tho :'\1aro h ul l hn11-. ,J;on .'!! ·n 11 •>11t.:h tit•· ll•ti.d c:••orl ~:r .ll'o•• nl lltolt ;\IIII'J•h~ lh•· Honol••l\••11' ''>II I~· lh• '' • n•· ••I lh•· I'• lo h r;,l loon tn hnl1nr ••I t•r o•••tl••nl H•~"''' •·II • h11 t h nnn,,,., ..... ;,'r~\· U\l•t) tt• Htn d:q, '" ;wl ml:onlll• ,.,n,l.'"'' \'WIIm' I . 1 I 1 1 ''""' u ,, 1111• llooV• lo·•l whll·h l ,,,. "'"v hK•·II '" 1111 ~tlrall•"' "'"'" • I I l lo, ""'" "' 11 11· l,,lu ~to• lnlol" 'L· •• t ~• ,,., .,.,. .,.,.n '"'''"l'f.: ::•.'1 ':::.·.•,;.'::1Ph1,,·.,:'!,•,:•," •;•,;.,·,~:~·~~· ;\ ,.,,,.,,, htuJ tt•·•u~. J(ah• • r t,l , k• "'A"\' tr••tt• t h•· f~L•tt• . ,,. d<Ht~~ dt•d :en Jd•llttdnn•~• •,' '"' till :,, ""I"'" f H.•rt••h t~thlt·. I 1..-f II f II I~ '•1111 It t111h M1o•koo)' lolld I ' Jo; A1 .. k<•1 f ~, I\ I f ••rt ,.,, I I I • lll tJIIII ,f1 "'''It"• IOo.olo I••• l lo•• I IIIII_..,,. loololo•, It L' . *' ,,.,. v.ht I· ,,, .. , ••• 'AU"t )0 tl "' T 1 '" ,11, " 1, .,,1 1,.. l.ltull ..... IIIII( I "f,..lh 1\o 1111\ uud ,loollll Suollo•OI , Ill I I>.II W j , • ttr "''"' .,~ _., tf "v 1;,•,·· n~ . .,, 1 1' 11' ''" ''" 1 ,.,. "'I'''' 1"''' """" "' ''" Hu JJ,,,Jt l~fluttl ''''''''• J·J•f I . , '•" hi tt •ft • .,,, l 1n '\f rutl •, ,,nrl ('fuu f•, l 't )dttu . C,t• t. rw .. ,1 .. 11 ,,,.,, ,.,.,1, """I •I• I \l~or ll1lol•, lhalolwu•l I • , , ,,1,1, ,1,1• Y, ,, "I!" II' "'" """ • "'" I. II N''""""· 11nd IJII' I I • •1"1 Ill llo• tuv.••l l'>oll " I o ' '·• \\f~•ll lllhlo· I. \V IJrii(IC'< 1 11 ,11 ,, t~•l"'a IIIII I ..,."'''Ill "'"I I" I. ~I I ;,111•1) I,,, .,,, t•Jv t., ,, f ,, " .,,_,. f 1u Nrtln,.,ftlin wUh It • •ltlt41 1•-.,~rnt ,. •t tt11a •"'t tt•tfl •u •• ' 1 '"" k "',." t "r" .,.,.,,.,. ,. t 1o1 "'''"""""' ,,.,..,.1111to otll.t '"II 1 I lo • al If' A"" lro k I h~111 ..., II h I 0 "''"''"""'" ur All lhof' ,,,..,. ,... 'tRo '·""" ~n tlt&.l"t#fl by 1111 to. I tlllll 11 11Nr .... ...._ lhruwn lnl<1 1 ''I·"''''''' ~lt··hn,._t hutv.•'''' flh• t IJI• t ffllfUIIt til l••ttlltr't'i', JUfWn• I •·• II nlllltloo I 11f inlo•lo•~lllll( ~Ill ,,, -H'' 'Ito,. ,, •It•• :r1111 ""'"'"' t "t'""''"'r ••I • ·,,,"......._r,.,,lh•·rtul( In thl" ,,,,, llw ,,,., ~ luu n h•lr #,( t•unt· lfll'll'•• v.:" ••ll(lolllr•·•t llwoty beck '"' lollllo lo I •, 1!1117, ~~~ 11\to Nrw· (~oi l lh•11•1t 11onml•rL nf O om · PrtX'N'll• J:O tn lhr funrl Rc·~u· l:~r llrlntl"ton i~ R!l t•o•nt •. h111 "'r\ · tr•· mron "fl' rtdmollt·tl f•lr flfl ,...n l'\ Thr Atr B·'~""' Qrt'hf'<.,tra 11( 15 m.-•n wtll fumi~h ~wc•••l muMr Mr Kf'nn) 1taiC'CI a bo lhat coin rf'Cf'p· • t11clet wrrt' hf-1"1 pia~ a bout ttw clly • lttlrr lbr "'.,' or ru.r -1.11 "' . l·h .. , ~~ whUr lh~ t hat ...,,.,,., i l•"lf"'''" l•c ll .. •l w,.rP unrn,.I....C,.•I '"''"'«• S 11u·•· l ltnl lim .. tl11•,-., hNI ulv. ")" ,,..,.,. 1111 "''IIVf' Cl1Amho•r ,.., t.'ltrlllllf'l ,.,, hi I:" nb.u lit on In exJat • ,.n,,.. lout '"" n11m1• httl\ U..,JrUN> IWV"f11J f'hlltti:O'II ,., ,...,l Of'- Mr """ lt1NI Harntd F"lntt nf ~ Olrun,.,nd •v,.nu,. Jlalbtla leland, ar,. hnplnjl' lhllt Ul,. rnmlntr Sun· 1 o1ay will be u Jlf'rff'<'t d lmatk ally 1 Ill I hf' hut OM a11 t.h•y a"' h -pl'l't -~ lnr: Mr IUid Mnt UndquUrt and 110n and ~ Dick Lnl"k"" and two chlldt"Vl, all from WbttU•r. tro ~d lh~ day . 0 .. ..... .. .· "MIKE"' D ... 11 ..... lilt .............. ...._ f -JOo h' ·"'~' t a ... -a ..... , ....................... tr,.. ...... ..... ( .................. ~ ............... ~-·- .... (llftt ..................... C.. .... T. w--. el .,._.._ .......... _.....,. ___ • -· a>•• ~ .... , I,IM1,............ __ ...,.. • \'trw ~nt r.....t,_ .tin 1o w iUI 1 hf' tJnl._. atat. Ma.y lll.at.6ooM ,. r• LUI, 1a ""-,. a. .. ~~ wtth "'" •l'r entl -'1 • .., lro N"WJ~orllt 11"1111:1•'-ffU. --~. Mra Ha t•y lt.. ',•,.•In•,... Walhom of Hall l..aJtr .. i'lty t 't•h. ,_~to._ a curt~~ flr..cwn&l' ,., 1110-..IAN, .... , " "'" 1 ;,,..._ "-• IIIWI 111\ar• wUt ltlfl ......,.,... ....,...r al .,. ll,..r -·a ....._ ._, ('. rr1 (', .._..,.., j iCAI\IIIIIilln ""~ l~VI•lnpo.,.J rmm tho tilt I I mm~o:•· ( 'tocml f Hnrl10r <..11Nn· l,..t uf f),thiiH'ro ,. In April, lin!. ll'nlltiWina • ,....l•pw rr~a • I ~pln•J allml'flt K•1y Kin• ol VIc. '''''" •I rr,.t lA '"P"I1riJ ml_!('h tift. I fir ,. ·' I ----- Kay FWh Ceruaics • Corona drl Mar a-leYant Feed Stoft 22tO Newport Blvd. aa.ta lieu. Ph. Npt. Bch. 1 :.'tl:l CaliforniA Vu <Dip'a Sea Food Co. lac. 1'ti p p. brand CallfomiM New part Beach PhaniiKJ, Jar. 2108 w. ()can Front II& ;!Mt BdL. Calif. Ph. Npt. &h. 5 -VIdl J ~· C'Mp. -llwaat Be8tta CaliforniA Stac Caf~ Newpor1 Beech eatlrornia A Friend 1. 8. Barrett Conatrudion ' Co. RaW110D'a Caf~ 1015 OJut mgtn.'By, NPNport Bench • Ph. Npt. BdL :DJ.I-J Sua'• Sea Food Cafe Z501Coat~ .... Beech -California Wldte'a Coffee Shop -h Main Comen ol Balboa aDd Balboa bland Caelno Cafe 2Q211Nn St. Bl .... Calif .• Phonr Npt. Bch. 779-11 lieN aliT• Boat Livery 105 E. &y Ave. ...... Ph. Npt. Bch. 406 New .,Grt Ice and Cold Storap Co. 410 111lrtirth St.. NE"W',ort Bftlch Alonr. Npt. Bch. 157 SUII8et Cafe Colta )Ina Dr. M. D. Cnwford ()ptomt't rist 1797 Newport Blvrl. O)';tn Mt'Sa PboM: Npt. Bch. 24.10 Conrad Rkhter, 1'1. D. Physidan & ~ otftcto 1 cr. 22nd St 0 ~ 717 W. Central A~. P1L Ott. 133---Rt's. 74. Newport Bch. a. w. McClellan a Sona Rcdts and Tnddnc 3617 W. OfDtnl Aw. ..... Npt.M.121 •• 'I NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS.TIMES. Newport Beach, Callfomla, ruESDAY, JANUARY 25, 1944 ,-.oDAY, the lith ol Jana.ry, America •s Fourth .1. War Loen atarts. It ia the laraat of all war -.. iD terms ol indwidual ,.rticiiMtion-iD tile wat you --die dowD for. ANI-it u, ,_,..,_, tiN__, IM~t-1 .I .B War Lt.ut.. Fw lf ..,.. af • tim• ...... ,,.. ~., .. ,,.. ...w.,.. .poll •; ,,.. qa . ., .., ,.,..., ,,.. ~ ol ... ....,.;., ,,.. ~ ., ....... ,..,.,. ......... We beve juat entered tbe aucial Jmr ot the W8r, a year ol datiay, a ~ tbat piG••iMS to decide bow .,ad «bad a world we'll beve to lift in aD the rat ol our linL ADd the wodd ia WQiMiac bow deeply we meen it wbeD we prom- lie our mm we11 back their attack. mel wbm we paOiiMkour ADia wc'llldck tritJa tbaD DOt only tlwoucb the winniDc ol the ... but throacb the winninc of the peace .. weD. The Fourth War Loan Ia the home front'• fint bi• teat ol thla new and Yital ,...,.. It will take unlt)" and determina- tion ol will ol •II the people to make the Loan aucceed. Tbe need for thia and other War Loana should be dear to "t:SY American. Thil war ia the ec»t· licst etfort ever undertakrD by any country. It c:mb 250 million doUarl ach d...,. Thia ia jUit the co.t of the war, in addition to the rqular, INac~ COlt ol nmnina • pat and hqe CIDIIDtr7· Tua can't take c:ue fA all thia outao. Neither am aovern.mmt tuaowinc from inlur· aDCe ~. -~ banb, c:lOilJOiationa, ancl atiiK larp invaton. )t il DeC II J' to tum to >f HAll YIU II .. TYIIR ~·•••s.._.. the people. thrirweat,,waaes. their •nt~t .e-- counts. the money tucked away in pantry supr bowla, in socb, under mattre~~ea. Thia ia ult ahoulciiM. In a demoeraq, war 1a the hu.ma.ol ell the people. Some mot fi,ht, ...._-.at W'OJ'k, and put up the mon.,. It's the only way to nile the mooey. lt'1 aJao the ri,ht way to nile the moocy. It civea you a &ood place to inveet the estra 1D0DC7 you have today. lt't a curb 011 infte&n, 011 that danproua balk of pocket snoaey tbat le.da to black marketl and disutroua ~ It's a mattreaa for ~ morTow. a tort or iudlvldually planned Social Security that will brine iD welcome money in the years ahead when income milht not be the Mia- tillippi Rood it is today. These last are not the reaoaa for the Loua. They are mra rea1001, however, over and above the $1 interest you cet 011 every S3 you invest. The fundamental reucm for the Fourth War Loan is that your beloved Amaic:e, at war and in dancer, needs ycur help I Every one who has a job or •vinp, should invest at /east $100-if .,a.ible, $200, $300, or $500 extra. Some 5,000,000 Americant, volun- teers, will be workinc to tell these Bonda. One of these volunteers will uk you to buy, where you work, at your home, « eome other place. If by IOID! chance, you're rnfwe.d, find out where to buy and buy on your own. The place where you work will haft a ' quota. That'• when 70'1 ahould make J'Our major lnnat .... t. That'• where Jour penon&l quota nally counta. . - .. t ••• The place you nve alto bM • qaatL '1'17 .. ·invat there, too. Other people willMk ,au. .._. people, in mail ttora, have whmtecmd tD lllfiP aDd have an individual quota. If ~ .. ,_ to buy, try to buy frcm them, too. .... ..... ten, rm.\uantl, tchoola, benb, ~ ..... ... many other placa alto will be aeiHac Bcwctw The Fourth Loan Ia a te1t ol• • a ....... .. a people. The eyes ol our ficbtinc men are apaD • • eee if we are baclr:lnc them. .•. The eyea fA our Alliea are upoa ua to - if we are with them. ... The eyea of our eaemiea are upoa • to- tlwe are 10ft ena-•&b to fall for a DOD..ftrt••+ ... bere-today-aooe-tomorrow peace •.• Are we? Tit.• .......,. ;. In ,._, ,. rf " l ets A II 8 3 c k The A·· 3 ~~ KEEP ON BACKING THE AnACK • ( ... ~ 2 l .. u ..... -... ., .... , ............... ~ .. •• .. Pcea: =It ... F..ilbiP SOl E. 0ea1ra1. ....._ PIL Npt. BdL 31 Dt.. 1!D1 ·Reell'• 8os S&wite C.. 08a At• wlrs b 2!120 W. Calral Aw. Rt apwt Bda. ......_: r...._ Bdl. 821& lata •tir ·• ,. f •-A ~ w.m.., A.lriea 1..ora1 No. 9 c , .:w won.n I.-.INo.36FWwtawu Nea,..t BNrb Cd!OI'IIili Deara Suiur•al,.. CaMtl~yA-IWbau ......... ~ Npt_ BdL. 2031 Lr ·,w.BrUa RaJ ElbtiP 714 E Cftltnl Balho.. Call. Phaar: Npt_ Bch.. 80 Dmrlie'a ~e UGlo.u.t ...... Ccrona ....... PlloaP: Npl.. Bdl. 112 1500 \\'. OatraJ Aw . l'bont·· Xpt.. BdL 985 S:JOI'tlaad O...ti~w Ca1ter Jbia Sl.nft BaltJoa Phonr: Npl. Bdl. 944 ,BQ-aWe.-....... , 2Mtb a. Laf•~ I Nt:w,..t 'iie.d, Rrirft Cafe l6l1 CGUit Billawq Ccrona .. ....... Pia. NiiL 8da.. 1967 llaalii'IUJS... 18:22•~ Ne .......... c.o.a. llesa PIL: Npt. Bdl. 44 MIJ1IeArdls" ........ Lii1IP 8tttft"' Codttail ......... c.te On eo.. Hidw•7 at Ne ..... Bh'll New...-r Bmda.. Pia. Npt. Bdl. 361 P.-t of SeYa. Saa Be.al....ti. Ml7 C.0.. Hif:bw"a7 Ne-;;1 Bad PboaP: Npt_ Bdl. Ridwd Sftlry PH01UGRAPm:R :.!1 ~ lt.arine-A\?. Balboa Island Santa Ana California S. &. F. Sales C.apany Santa Ana Cartfomia v allrly Beat Rftttall ~ ~tt"'' at Palm A~ .. a.Jboa f'hnr. Nt. port 71 Lew.u u.tB.ilden 4115 S.Wpcwt Bh-d.. Calla ... ,..._.Ntapat_501 II Al l Ma. On t 'r!t! 1-(Wird b..> in t :.hort.l: thr " whk:h by aU ~ States IWcim a .ubj to 01 ln . swilnn harbol ltr'Udl maUl .aaUat Union Se¥t haft I raUac ....., AJ, tJ: ~ ., Ne al Ha ttwF IIIVDfC J a c ' I I .! -------- -YOU Wilt Fill SO~~THIII YOIIEED_ OR CAl SElL -------------NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS.TIMES. NewpOrt a.da. Callfom&a. TUESDA\', JANUAI\\" Z.. 1914 READ 'fHESE liTTLE ADS AI Irwin Writes Magazine Article 911 Swim Learning 1 Explosive Injures Death Calls ·toa Rt:NT IINULL~n•~ I Robert Greeley Harry Griffith I LET'S ao FISIII' ~\.~ :~~~~~T. n'~·~.\"·A:·:· ,::·~~;',',, :~: ::,'-:~ ·~ .. At th C•t D ll)' CHAJLLE8 II. WALIAC'S Allm .. rr ... , ''"' "'' ,.,,,,.,. .. e I y ump llnrry Gnffllh dlt'd IAl hi• honw.l "•')••11.11\.: hhll\ ,;,,l llj:•' .,. ••• Jtuberl Cr<'t'lry, 16-year old SliD ,\(1(1 \\'1l~1)n •I 1'"'1. Cll>-llt !\1\•-..t, Ill\ • <II:UIIIhl<• 1{1 ,,., 1 tl I' I" t 11:ttl tll ~: ti l;r .. .-t,•y of (' IJin MrMll Sht \lt\la~ .. 1t tht• ~~~·· 11f 7'2 •tr put~ l'"•·•h' "' '' t•·ll t7tt<. Frwnd-. of AI l t Wtn, 111rtH• 1 ltf1.. f T " lo~l~h··rnllln !Ufll•t'l'U nunwt .. UH lllht 11'!lttlful A 111111\'1' •• amu t'vunt). loma. \\'llul .Jc• ,.,.u kn<~w abctUI ce>-op· ; .:t. ..:uard head hen• at ttl!' lwudt, will shrapnel wnunda on 11111 l'heet, ab-t h•· tii•C't'll~t'Cl cnm•· tu l tran,.;•· •-· 1·n1o~t ..a to k 0 t' 1 corattv ... ~ lotaybr that t. not a po-'"ml ._... n-=~ t!u 11 "' '1•1 vt•ry oh>men aml tevs ye~t•rday when an I'Otllll) :r 1 yo·ar< a,.;11 ruul "'""'' ht• v .DRt;N'M C'A.Kt: ,.oortJv ht' is to havl:' an arttcle in " d . ,-.. •. 1 ~~ h 1 lttco qurlltllln Lrl'a J>Ut It tht. ., exploelve llf unkni)Wn quantll ,, rt•sl t•nc·•· m "''" 1\ .-t'SII. a~ lt'o'll f 1M ...... azine. "Athletic Coach,'' J way Y"" ~~ two rl:'ntll or your ··-blew up u hr wu l'll&mlnlng lt. IH'I IV<' in th•• T~twns .. nd duh !'>t• :!, .. ~ whk:tl is thr official organ used S · II mackerel, don't you.! Even tnw •~ all thleti de . hi""' The t'ldt>r Gn:elt>y runs t t. .. 'lty . ur-..·rvurs at't' a sun. arrr: " Ct>llmu wbo fl.., for the rrub mar- w;, a c partments tn .,, dump and Hubert au~wlll ham In dau~htt·r·Jn·hiW, Mrs. Oli\•• 1\tn· I ,, d f'-· n•-lloChOOk and c:olle<>es'in the United 1 r • . •t 1 ... th 1 kl'l gl't QO Y ..._tf\11' an nre ee .. • IIOrllng varioua t.,.,.a of ml't&l aRd ,., o ...,, " ,.,., : '"'" ,..~ n t'<.'t's tf d Statea. ll is entitled, ''T~ach~ ....... -· M·n:. M••lllt• ulnl( Rnd Mrs ROM• rlrart'<l. Ycot, IM'nd your w e o-Becinnen to Swim in War Time," F'!:lva~:mg valuabll''pll'Cel. 1t wu C . . d M to the mllrkl't to buy macllenol: a subjed on which AI is wetr ablt• whllt• doing thl.l that h~ c&ml' In ~~~~t :!rntf~~ t.!,t'':"!~ 1"!1. two>nty to thirty centll, depe~ to expound. ,., lll3rt with a brau piece with : · Funt>ral St"I'Vi<'t'1i will 1M' htold un lht' p&rtiCUI!U' marut. Hen WIU,t'AtU : lo'l-ll i IIAIIII-:~ '" th~ Mue ,,., J'lh'l'l' h t.: ru.•H\r~ : .. • c~nt11 IW'f hr a.t ta A Y Nela«. Ph tnt' :'\11''"1'"' I l :::!11 \\ 7 ·I II FOR SALK Au ,.,., .. u~nt , ... t,tlf' board Uuat mUMt bt' d~ ~ ltDnu-.llalrly ~ at 1~ IC Central, UJlllllllnt all.rr ~ 0U p W .'J~p In llddltlolt to many yt'al"!! ot aevenl fttt.iDp In It .and elthet 'I from . Harold Grautol chapt'l on we have a •Preed ~art.. be.- swimminc exprrience bert' in th•· Japaneu or Chlnt'R writl.ng on w.-dnl'sda'y at 11 a. m.l with in· twl't'n 140 per ton to per 1on 1\art.or art'&, AI has lit'rved ~~ m· the outer caamc. Wben att.npt· tf'rmo·nt in W•·~~mln,tl'r Mnnorial on our ~heap .. t variety. aw JOU p N 11 ••• ~ ~·· ~ ... ·~ .... ,~,. :-·• ltiof .., ,., ..... ~ .. 4 • .t 't~ .,,, • ........ ....,...-.. ··~ " lh ~-·~ ....... ~ .... __ ~ t~··, 1!1l0' • ~ !1p H.t -,.,._ ......... tr...r- ,,... ion•l ,...,_ • ..., '-'"~ C'-' \II •> and ,_.._ ... ...,._ ..... hill>\ ... ..., .. _....., ~~ ,,..... s-'-,... "-..,.._ elm .. A...-~ ., ,.,..,._. , :tp l"'f! !'AI.£ ""._....,. ~ ,....,.,. ,_ "'~ ~ ........ 111 nfMc ... ,.. ...... '"' ·--'S<r•..... I» ..,.._ :\»aDd":- tlt:l.l' W \~Tt~ll TWt• "'''lllf'ft. ,.,._~ .. r m th .. r <Ln•l alauathlf'r, 'U U4T \\'•• 11• ltl"llflllllfl t' •• It-o f '"' .,,,._lnJl llt•U..,W ttf'lfl, pl\rt ' a l'•~ll"h lllll kill)' jllh•vra mnN t w1.-niJr-rr a tot )trl'a r1u,. a.••m•, "''· ·rtw Ill tlo· l vkt• ""'" 11 brln- _, ... Ill• t'tl•>~l• ~•"''l~•tt •II•• \\ hit•• "I"'' • Wltlto• IOI'~•w t n ,...,.. 11 *' 7.u,• l!tt• k ,,, .,,., t. .thu•l'l,._,, ... ,, tut 'Q'l .J'' "'A '1 11>'1• T"" .. tOIII¥ .. r P f .. IJ "' I"''' t '".. Uay ~ho•r,. t ·.t.. "'"" 1"'1 I ... BO'h 1'1\ftll" I I t'llo 8 · I ft• 111111. l'lt•IO"t' 1'1'111fll It tHhl lfll)l "''" oH•t 11111t uuok•• "" luoppy A I ' ''""'"'" !hill IC<lll•'""trr, Ual· ... ,. 7-ltp struetor in that field at the mam· 1 tnc to takl' It apart, It 1uddl'nly park Ct'ml'tf'ry. don't bave to know mucb to "P" UBLIC OTIC~S moth Great Lakes Naval Trainiftl b!l'w up, lnntctlnl( exten•lv"' n ... h nut that .oml'body t. ,.etlan. rook· ttatioD -mort' rect•ntly at the wounda. N . . Cl [' t'd and It &ln't the 1\JY that .,. NOTICE .... ........ -n raNmJU Union~ In Schnt'Ctady, N . Y.• Luckily, alllhe piecu were amall 8VJgation ass and aella our fLila. TO WHQW JT WAT OtlMCERM AlnrE'II RAB"""T ttt~h roR 8AL&-, Sfovera) weU u~ promotions and lacked thl' penl'traUnc power S rts H S ~·a takl' another uample. IAIIl 'nil OWl en of tlwt flllldne .._._ .,....., llAJ.I: ~ ;' 1 ..... ._ __. ,...._ ,..ta "" ,_.,., _ baft been &iwn him, such as the to co deep Into tbe neat~. ADDther ta at •ummer the prlce of ~ •!lance, No. lMil. ""10 Mit -.,.. &<_. .~ -........... ._ a ._.., ...._ .._ Bill t7 S 1• A IN T II: 0 nJRNM'\JRm ratmc ot OU.f Sprciallst. a much peculiar thine waa tbe fact tbat • • i waa beatetl down aa low u etpt ..,_.lble for ..._, df'llte ccatnrt..t bit 1~ ~ .._. -.. ' ,._ .._.. • o.ta 111..,, rntltla at• 011 m-w.n, aU _..t aft~ rank in our-Na,vy. ·Robert had not a alnrle acratch oo A JWcinnen Navlgatton C1allll l cent.a. Pr.ciMiy the ame Ume 1 • Uty ,..,_ hc'l"f'tofcxe ~..t •ar • ...,.. ,., •• ,.. '""aiS.. ......,., •-· ciMtllul. a nriety or .,..._ AI. t~w·-ol Mrs. Sadit' Irwin hl.l face allbouch the n.t of bill J~tarted work on Monday ••vrning, made a perwonal lnvNtlpllbD ~ Wltlllta Clplff"!iUon. wtthllpKtai "1~ · ,_ . ..,... .. 1hwpor1 tJS Or t'IUN'e ..........., -~-~ ol NE"JJIO'1 Jkoach. ill a &raduate body .u literally aprayed wtlb January 24. at Nrwpon llar'bor dlltcovered b&n"&cu~ ID the. Nt&l •"*'• to L H ~w!U"l&. Ita ,_. WAJII'D W alii' '*'-._.,,. II: Iaiii 1M I ·Ur rMtra, .ceola, lrot~lft( boanla. ot HaltMir hi8h and the Colleet' of cull!. Union Hl&h School. I marketll aelltnc fl'om M centa to --..tH. ------I ..act ... 11:aq -r.rma. ltld&aba·' tJw Plldf'ac. mt~rine tM lit'rYiet' Mf'mbers of lhc fAll clau, just 170 cent•. a verace price for all__. H U BAKJCil .~A11fTD• 'IU ld'.3n' a. IL&AJII[ AJirT llAGII TOOATT runattur. <'o lnd IUNI Broed-iJonnlfdiat~ly foUowtnc eraduation. Second m· Sen·es complt'tinl[ the ('()UI"!W, have ~n ketll lnvet~tlr;ated tn four Soutbena ,. .. BR~ ON IIAlMVA .......... s.-& .AJITIEI) Nk•. ~ ..... «<ltton I way, Iaiit. AM. .. ue worklnl sun. moon . and Ktar dUe•: 82 centll per 'J)OUDd. Here Dalfld Jan. ~-IN4 ...__ ,_. .,. ..., .., • I .._.. --.._.,_and nafftM. - llldudld in tM l\lf'Sl Ust for a Of 20 CJ b D all[bta; all of .,.•hll'h enabll' a navl· we have a jump of from IUIO per lt24 Mt'KI~y Aw . .._. .., ~ ....... • ....._ • -.~.....-... -a,..._ KRO!IIHL&R rt-\TJ'OIUI ROCK· ~ weft Sit· and Ml"'. • U ances ptor to flnd his pot~ition at ,...8 ton to IHOO per ton at the eatreme t. .. An~tf'ld. 1 t~tf -._., "-....... ,.. ..... •• .. , 1 n<M• ,._ al Bal~ 11:1\a, Club e~ ..... ....,.,, cM&n, Louia Bock ol Balboa wheD ~ w •.•• Be Friday when out of ,i&ht of land. for from U40 p« too ~ 112.0 per f'uh Ju 2S. and r.. tNt ~.--1w , , • .-r . ,.....'"-"' _,.. •t-U wtn• cbalra. occ~ cflaln. attftldld ttw ffttlvitles at the The nf'w beginnlne clB.fl..'~ will ton uerace. o a.. _. • ..,._. .... 1 iio.i'lll. ~ HIIP •t.<'tlnn or Cct'ren, coa.. hoiiW fll Set-and Mn. Ci.eorlte Tbe aecond In the aeril'a of Wl· start with pUotlne. navi~eatlon How mucb have lbeae pntlt'· TUNA Ft.HERMEN NOT'EST .._,. •-...... ......,. t-• aad lltyt.e l'nld"" 1CuJ 'hnM, IUdltDdaon fll Santa Ana. tier 20-club ducea. ~red by within ~ight of land. Th«' roui'St' mrn. politely called mktd1emen, ln-Tbf' Am.-ncan lo"ta""-'• Til-, •AJIITitl:• ._,.., tl In IT rt.j Mrltlahan J\amltur. Co., IIMI aM ~ tb Rota ,.. b Ul ..... b ld thta Include!! chan work, u~ o1 para!· Cl"''~ the ~aJ val~ ol our filh' ~~ Anoclatlm• •<l Sail OW." f 'IIIIQ....... __ ___. . . . ...__ . J ""-''"--. Br11adway. Bantll Ana. T·~ e ry ...,.u · w · ""' e •-t -·l·-and divl~. and ~-Practlcsll" non4'. yet th~y mak~ up .._ -·-"" ,_._ Frlday ev,.ntnc, Jan. 28, ID the ""' •w .... """"'" .v... " today pml'alf!'d 1" Ow ~'"*'-"* LUI. ...._ a--. .._ we r..t a . ......,. 1llllalld. I J\1Vl!:NII..J: n.JJ\NIT\Jall: ~ ; .. w~•R'• -'·ub'"-.. ~-. ,..__._ U'.-_ pus study; all practical help~~ for t4l 11.000 per ton 00 tl. plftl<k'nl, Avila t'nmUK"IIto......... ·---•• _....... .. 1 1 1 --"'-....,.._ vuoo.---_,_,.,. anct ...._,t~ of -11-n. flabei"'DD'n went to t.be Fed· ..,. -----· -· te rrtlla. "'-"'chalra.lllml1era _.. .... So IN~~--tul --... _ ft--' ---·-v-o~OD ........ -V P .... ~ • """'--s.r Wtudl ~ ---.. _ ....... o ,_ ~-~.-.. _ "'"" "" ....... ..._t•. Lat•r lnat-~tlon lnclu..o-e-• Gov~mm-t a-ncte• for re-·-r-balta:.,._ tt• -•11ttth'a-______ .., b .__ Ul..., ...-. .. ,..._ ,....,. ~.. • "' •-n.htna b"ab a rt' noqui,....S to .. , ' ---"* SALI'! ua TRAOC H ft. ·-, '<TTU .. ,_ t at t. ... d&nCee w .,. ct••n net'7 c.le~~tlal navl~t•tlon by thto H. 0 . dn•. Old we c ct It'! No. ,. llt.s:J a ~ .. ""-' t .... --.rtll Dl -1 ,...,_ ..., ,..,.. ..-tltlnft. for .., play ,_.Mill padll,,-r ...U. two weelul and more tbaA 300 are 211 ml'thod with an opportunity to hl'ad of the. O.P .A. for UW 8oUU.. trip to th.-flllhinc banb ia ...,.._ 1 ..,_ trw~ .,. .,., TSII .... traltWft. lkiW • l:a'Y T-nna. expec:tl'd at the Frt~y -'on· take actual II(>ICtant lights from em Callfo, nla dl11trlct .. ld. quote: can ,...1.,,.., Pn"'''"'"' n..o.. A. WI A -l .,... r,. M..,.-.n ._.,111, ._.,, Weill• han FUrniture Cn . 11\d T h.,re will be 1o00 mule and re· the beach In addltJon t o el.-room "lt t. the policy of the O.P.A. to ~ndt'r8 an..a.cl , arMI tlruadway. l'an\a AM. treahmenta. practice. m.ak~ no chani[I.'B In the u.UIU"( '"'&~ -~ -a l l ... B&U. :n ft. fe.tnry tlutM •* .--------------------------""'"': Tbla Ia a free lltatl' adult evmlng mP.thod• of dolnJ" buelne•. Our ,.__. -_.-• ..ay _. t t 111. .,.,. HI trttlll t ·wt.el "' DOUGLAS NEEDS WORKERS IMMEDIATELY! AU of us must hl'lp to \,·in Victory. Oouglas needS men and women to help k('('p production lewis high.' No spe- cial skill or training is nN'<'Ssa t')'. If you can't devote full timt> to War Production work the Douglcs Santa Ana FC'Cdt'r Shop off<'rs you int<'resting work on convenil:'nt 4 hour vktory shifts. Talk to the Douglas interviewers at : Douglas Feeder Shop: %1l t:ut 3rtl St. Santa Ana Uatl) •·x•·••pl Suml.oy H 110 :t m, 10 5:00 p m U.S. Employment Service 501 WNt 5th Str~t Saitta Ana Monday. Wo·dm•srla~ & Fnday. ~:30 11 m. 10 5:00 1). m. Call or Write ro.-Fr~'i' J ub tnrormnlion IroOkl«'l A\'AILARlLlTY CERTinCATE I'ECESSARY: c1 ... OPftl to both ml'n and women. puf"PPM' ht tu ~ the price ol ltlra Wary etanlf'y 18 ccaf..,.. ~~ a.=-. ID .,_ ._.,_ ~-...._ ._...,. l't'nlt'll n>k IIAL& lti&JI&e .,..,. lied. ta· Monday and Wednnday evtmin~e~< fieh. not to !Den.-It" UDquate. ._IMT ._ wilb •• aUack uf tbr t •·-• ... ..._...,... 1·-.r 1 2 a. ... ,.n 'f·ltp ner aprtnc matt,..., lood CIOft· from 7:30 to 9:30 in Room \3.';. lnridt-nlttlly, &n lnter~1Unc lllde ftu. • \ a.-TAll dlU.; .... 1 t .... &Dd .. lr tNt, ____ . _ llpt on our barracuda deal wu nlue of your f\Jih. you __..'t .. ,_ .,.. ~ .OAT .._ IIIAIL IOat l-"t•-r· •••• ai.JI, PtMIIM Newport 214&- thal thr day followlnjt the blul fll be lntereak'd In 1--o~ -.._. S-t.-. 1"-,..,.. In bald. R. ..., Grim Reaper Calls Mother of Mrs. C. B. Rudd Mr11. Augu•tll Funk, mother ~ Mo·11. C. B. Rudel. tiled thll mom· In« ITul'llday 1 at her dAughter' II homl'. 320 Sant11 Ana a venut'. New- port Rl'lghtA. A natlvl' ot Cbarln City. Iowa. the dl'Ceallt'd came to lbe Harbor ana 5 yl'ara aro from Topeka, K&n .... Mn. Ji'\Jnk I• -eurvllll'tl by an- nthl'r daughtl'r, Mre. F ordycr F Boyd of TO(lf'ka . F\.tO('rlll srrviCPII will I'M' •·•mdurl· · •·d frvm the Ul\ro111 Gmucl ('haf>l·l ••n Friolav at 11 11 m. with thr Rl'\'l'r .. nd. F.. n. Gfl()dr 11 t)fflrmtm!l h ltl'nnl'nl will be In Tttpl•ka. Kan· !laM I publicity that Wl' cot ln tbe 1. A. Howi'Yn, lhe m('fl In_..,.,_ I ... _.1 o L QA.L, a __ :a .. •W. ....._,. ..,., ...._, It ll.-a. 2 rott BAU: Hooptlal bed. liN. papers. lbe price dropped to an tallaed tlfl thUI IM.Ib)f'<'t .,.. ..-.r •I ....._ ...,.,, II... (' H Wal· T ll BNballer, Doll SOl, Oanu averagl' retatl price of 29 cl'ntll per coau about ll. -• ...,.paz .,... =.__,..-N-paart .....-.,_-~ <WI anar T·ltP th wtth lh" tutal supply of llu"ra-We are bavln« a.n edu<....,_. *-F-e--... ruda lua J:Mot:au1111 moet of UW,boatll _.tn1 "nluu.S.ay JU«bl. If ,.aj .,_ya ..._ u..•-• Wl'l'1' t ie..S up what cloea that mean are tntl'rnll'<t, ''"''••'~ •It~ •-_ ~ -- 111 vou ~ llD 8trwart •w rny,.,lf and r" Uw I ,..._...'!-.. ......... _. Wt' shalltak•• one mort' eto.ample : detalla. A a• e« ,.. ~ .... . BURT R. NORTON 1111 c..st ._, ., -...sen NW..-w"HW RADIO SERVICE ............ a .. c .. ·---· ·' •-'"""' ... ~. , .. ,._ .. ~1TAII shark IIVI'"' 'n\1' ruatomary a•er- agr prh' .. for more tban a year ball bf't>n I I 65 P"r pound at tbl.l port. t l'&mf' down fr<,m lh~ nortb Cwhere fiahenntm an brtter or- ltl'nlret.l 1 a nd thl'n wr were pt· tlng from J3.fl0 to 19 per pound. I lnqutrell the reaJKm for thl• cr-1 dif""l"f'm'l' Thl' ~er waa: ''Tbc vlt&mln l'••ntf'nl or Suulhem 1hark llv•·r11 11'1 that murh towf'r than that uf N•lrlh<'t·n llv .. rt~," Not kno ... tnl( un\' h..tt••• ul tho• t1me . I rl'llll'taDI· tv '"''' •.•pt•·ol tho· t•xpl~tnallun. Sin('•' t'tw n ,.,.,., t\111 N~wporl fll!hf'nnen llll\'•' p11l l hl'lr Khark 1tvrr11 In rohl 111 • ,, ,.~,. until tlll'y h1111 ennu~th I n makr• 11 on "I I h whllr· ami thr·n 11w y louk tlll'ln direct ln tlw Ia bora tor)' NeW~~ fit -•• If for tt·~t Th•• ••·suit wn11 vl'rV en·~ N E W 5 T I M £ S ll.:;htl:'nln~o: Thl' !'Southern ibarlt -.._,,._ IJ a .. llvo·rll hh oul(lll Crum $3 ~.0 tu S6 I" r ---------I --.. ...._-~ .. .. --~, ......... , .. co --c-...... -----~ ...... C.tlf. -----a--- BII:Jt llAVENI'UI\T Mlri'B Bbl-'- . dlwana. Kroell&.r IIYlna no• •t.. -rt.a>-1oul .. ~aoua. ol C!o&•-. ,., ... ,.. aDd llty.... ltokl - l:uy 1'9-.-Ml' Mahan f'laml· hJ~. 2nd and lltroa4WaJ. 8anta A"-T•tk • AJnD) TU IIUl' ~-PlJwa· .... .._,.. r--.. 1ea-w. tiT ,.OR .. AU: Mahy crtb arMI .. ~ ,,..... no: Vlctcwy aawa ~ rnvlDI, 11.110 Mila '-.... ._ fnrw reb IM. IO'f a. a., A"·· Retboa, In n•ar. T·lk l a.t "' 11-.plt't .... C'.. 'J-Itp NEWPOIIT TACilLE IITORIC "Pnp" Clbba, Manapr (F-.t, (.'liM. Arta) BArr ... TACKI.F: ... flSIUNG IN .. "''RMATION . NEWPOIIT BFACH Prore~sional Directory ___ _ ------------~!r---------------- pountl at lllll'tllln. tt ~emil that 'r '?! t • r;,.....,. Twtllar ... ftaa..... .... . ........ sssn First Lieut. William H Mar-140nt"b•IIIY hllM I)('P.n ~-t•·l linK f"l nrt . . ~ S231t -• ~ ~.I .., ........ ...._ shall wal'l rl'l'<•nlly pr11mnted to ••f nur Ifill •ranr•• an•l lar k "' unity S.~~ Payabwr '::, ~th -· sa•::: ::= • .. _._ .., •••• aM ....... \Marshall Madt A C~ptain -~ * • ....... II. G ..... y. II. D. OONRAD RICIITER. II.D. l'llplaln at Vidnrvllll' t('Allf.l Ar· Of •·mtrar . It •·nul!! 1)1• woi'SI' · · P"' ~ ---~ ,..... .., .,...._. A-Offtae 117..., ._. mv Air Fh•ld HI' 111 1mr of aeven Thv Mi•xll'an shark fllllwmwn •u·.-. Elltered u ~-a-anenn _. ...,. ,_, ...... Jlaeput ~ N..,.n .... nrCICPr!tltl aol\'stnl'l' tn ~ra..Se. ('apt. nl'lt lll'l lllt llnJ:l'I"OliiOID\IaiJy U Wf' ';C.Ufonda..,UIICIPr tlliP ~ 4 ,._.1., '< _._.t .. tt .... , •• .__ ............. a. ....... a Marshall I• II dental otflcer at lhl' arc in Newport. and lhry g .. t s. A.. 1IE'fD-. _---a lwatca_ .,., ···_ac:A_l;.. ____ ~ __ ._._. __ ., ____ ...: , ..... _om. .. , ... ,..., alation hoapltal. thirty cenh 1 '1 per poun•l. l · ' ('apt Manhall rnakr11 hill hnm~ Now. Mr. Fl11hnman. If yo,u pn-0PftC1AL PAPa Of' 'w.E (lilT ... MEW,_.. _.,. at R22 Central Ave .. W., Balboa. re.r to share your weallh with Ull' & Dt•l kHe ....... a ....... ,._ .....,.-P. ANDD80N Dr. G. E. Toh111 Calif., whl'rr hi~ wlff' ro•!lltlee. peopll' wh•1 adtl nnlhlng tu Ull' ----------------------------------------------(~ee J!!OVM the leadenblp of the Ne..,.'l'lmes) Oalllla .,_ ..._ A FA I ....... I'IIYua&Jr ... ...,.... -................ .... w"'w ~ , lTf A ~t401NO I HOW 010 Ycv ~ f T UNO[ R ') T~T T~IN~ ----~--------~-------r--------------------- l(tlP '(OVR ~~~,..OS Off T~f. WOOD ....,0 R~. 00 "(CU 1 ~~a.&T To ')C RA rc .. IT .,.,...._ • Oalllla ... Or»,.. IU...., IL OUIJI:L aLVa. -..c~.., .. wa.rw ., ...... a... .... ........ ,.._ .. .,...._ BUY NOW OtyTu SQLob A. I. Jwa't __ ......,_ .,a.arenzs , ...... .......... liAR _..._._ ._ ........... . If ___ ...._. Dr. M. D. Crawfw.l 1 orTo~•••• V" -..w:a ..... a....nt ... I'm N......,.-t Bou .... nt I ...._... oon'AIIDA IIALft IIOntJARY a..,.a., ..... •at a-.e ....._ ·I I c--e 4el Mer • ..,._,., aa... \ ..... ,...,.,. .. I -·-··· "'---.... ,_ ...... .......... , ........... N.D.C.UO I .. "· .. IMO -ClAY S~A&. ... _ ...... . •••• • • ...... ~ ._ Clollf. I --· W.S WIO II HARBOR DISTRICT ~.Af"'C A~n RJ~ni.J~O WOOD-JI W Wrtl(ftt. 17'M Npt ntvtl., O •t• M,... U!Uod Lum~. Ph.-~J •I..'Wr.aAI. f'f)~TllM"'TUK.-r-"".n R Fln•n11y ).ItO I·, ... , Olw1 Ph. t fY.l. Plana an1l etlrl•t rurtJOil. u ·,.u" c·o"""~•r:-r ..... M-I ..II~ Cn "1.1'1· u• hPII' Y'~~' t•lnn your h••m" '' f'h•onr fA. ftay f)t .. !d f'l l ... mt ... r f"tt. PhtlflP 11~10 (~Htllt lfiKhWIIY II Archa •arTWT. "''rrt.rr.~ ~ tr.ri'Jor Puhllllhlnt Co., l'tlonea: U · 13, N~ Bleth ~B- IIW•jliWt tr.rt~t~r Puhllllhlnc c. .. Phonfoa: 12 . t~. NI'WPM1 a... ~L ~ATr-I11UU11lANC'W: •. NOTARY P1111Uo-.,_ R w.n ..... 2'Jf'fl w Cftttrat Altlflue. f"honf' 3. -· .... ....._ .... ,_, Rartww PubfWIIRc 0.., • ..._.: 12 · 13, N..,.,..n a.a -.:7 ..., .... woaa- ftlltt PI S I 4 a .._. ..... w--. O.ta ..._ ....... a, "' 11 '-"a• ........... -...., -· .. -............ au.-w . - I I " Engagement of Miss Elmore Hayden to Hugh McMillan Revealed at Celebration Gathered atlh" bOZM of Mr. IUid )In_ Oet-ar Moe. Ult1 F.. Cftltra.J aftnue, Balboa, on Sunday to lrlf'· brat• th~ natal olAV of lh,.,, d&U«b· ter, MIM Elmo.=e Hayden. OM 1'\lMU had,& aurpNe tn llt.Ore ,..~ 1 the ell'i::aeomcat ot Mlu HaydeD 1 tn Hu,:h a.tcWtllan .... u made known clur1Jig the r .. attv•tlca iJt'UI tile brid• anl.l gn'<ln:t r>-~ "'""" I{Tildua •• d tro.an H ... t~·r 1111;'1 lldlool.. Mlu Havtlf'n 1~ ror,,,., l• • "'·w thr A Ul•>n•.••hllf' 1 ,uh ,, ~· litho· n Cal.ltomla, lnut.d at U.. a.ata Ana "''""" Huj;;h Ia th.-llo'I'IK·O ••f Mr. u •1 Mn; !of"11Jlk Qut~::•·· .. : ="•"l"'n Reat·h ~<nd I" 1111 l!rl11•1s n nl Johnnie l.ft MIIlan, Sr . ph•r~< .. 'r rl'• ll.lf'nl. oa hu flr:.t wl f•.ul "·' lbl'lw nndl! an I Mill liP ,, " 'I. •mtno. f•ftb j:;rnol•· tn 11;1" l 'nll•·ol : 1\t ... Anlly• ADd la nnl' >fAi t or·l a C&mv SIUlla Ant "· .\ nl i•l•"'· I 'loll· forniL Tent.&llve <ialf' tor lflf' '''~dillfll lau ~en llt't fnt ~··m• l.n.•· '" I-'• t ruary. TtoC' IC'""•'' ..... '·'"'*''"ant· In~ In S!lnt a Ana ,...·hrrr ,t h'"Y pi &II t.o make Lbclr br.me. HUGH "''"'ILI,..AN, 9·.a~ .,, t'"-r ~· .... __., Mt-D...,.,., Ha•·• • _...... '" , . ........,. aue.t. at lhf' anooun• 4'anj'fl( ••~ Mr anll lotrs Ja. k l'tlkUJ· ton &l>d t'lelr '"'" Jtlhn rtf r.t.-u ,,.,,. ~l · ant1 ;\l"' c "•rl• • •·llltie- t•.n • t l'<"n·:t ,,.. .,., lqJ.Iy ..,._ rf l r l(ll''l'' • f Mr a:>d W a :~JtA,.. ~'"' tt .• ,,, ... , •. , t• •• ,:•-.1 ···ttoi• ------------------------ Muriage Licenaes COJ\11 NC. EVENTS Let-Alt n Jonn ~3. J"-tqut'lya WED!IIEIIDAV. JAN 16-- Will l lEW CUEEI? Before You Ruild or ReJDCMkl •.. ,,.._~ ... ....... ... ....., _,, .. ... .......... , ..... ._. p' .......... ...... ,..,..... ... ' ... ·-........... LUDLUM Carpet Worb .............. _ "DON'T MISS THE BOA Tr M W.P.I. MAS ISSUB) CJIIHIS ... RELEASING H-.cl Operated Mad1l ADDING MACHINES We haw M . IlL --as to how .... thia •••• .,. order wil be In effect •• when it wil lie Gill c•l••· " ................ VWt ~ tN.r. .... ..... MeJI ... ~ ..., ............ _ ..................... ,~ ........ ................................ l-.... h .... ,... ............ .... 70 • • ;l N!WHAtf-BAIJIOA NEWS-1'11111:1. Plewpart Beach, Calttomia, 'Jl,JES>AY, JANUARY~· 1944 --------~--------------------------Harbor .Feminine·-Activities ,... f'honl'S 1;2 and 13 • Residence Phone 690-W utbrnnr Euacm Society Reporter fMrs. George-Wheat Enchants B. and P. With .. \l.elfare Along Our Borders'' Simple But Impressive Ceremony Unites I • ..,_ ...... ~ and Profr~~~· J •f"T or '0"'(":tllt'tl J4.:.1f•ly tn-. Patricia Croughan and Sgt. Merle Coe _, ··---· ., H.-IIU .v...,. nw ...__ ol ,,_. ........ ,..,. Bdure a n replace 11o'brw maatei band. 8 be cboae a brown tallort'd <'n 1~1"-t brmnllt.h!\ I!Jnn<>r ~.-aAfod llull llus chaJMH' will ,a:-oa•aa banked with white lac• dalalu 1Ntt for the wt'ddtn~. --me a...~ ""~> ,,..._> •~o tiC'"IP'"f' '" lhr Fourth W• IAan Patricia Crouch&n and S.r,..ea.nt Sgt. Coe 11 the .en or ldr. •ftd ~ f•.r .a , .... , '"'·'' ln-rm ("'onJUrrt..-on •rth 1~ C'aiMCiftltll j "' ~ In~ .... 111r pt • .,•ro~m rhdu · t• (tf'nnr.n r" ib&IM'U and~-. )lr rlr roe were unll"ll In marriage ldr·a. Huy CoeHof Eaat 1801 ltret't. _, .. .._...,. Cuata !oll'aa. e Ia a ... ad t r \J:~ .,.. lolf.-.lf• .)fl" ~~o .r ... r \\'Ofl'l('ft •hll an!'·~ ""Ill" U~tnday at the hume of Mr. and Harbor HI h School.;; b ua e 0 •;.•.cr• \\flo .u "' :O.. .. •po~t l lll>ar·h , ... I bon•ta In a IUlhrlent ..-sty .Wrw <.:h ... nayf' Porkf'r of t~ltS Mlr· 1 Ill 1 1 h 11 been _ -..-...~~-• · · n t• army or t rt'e y .. ara. He .,.. 1\.4•1 .,...":" """".,~~1"1 ~ 10 ~,-a •110·~-~·,runar. Balbo:t, wit h Rrv. Charlt'l l hiUI lwt'n atalloned aoutb of San n,_ ~ &A• r <o.uu·no m • a 1 onu..o u• " ur '":ICU3llnl ''"" ~ Ft 1 .. ,,;, ho-r f&r..u~ Lau~:hr· ,-and fpm rh•· batt It• u,...,. direct to lhl• Hand offlclaUng. Twenty-five al a~~~·~o and now has been a. ,. r ,..,..;J;oo.nl •.r pt..) "'Tb•) AL-.., l'nat..d S talf'llo for ......._.ta.Uza•<--I!UHlll <'omprlllt'<l of membf>r• nt f r ~h 0 th~ Air Corpe. awaltln~ . ·~.-....... . .. _ ·---~-t r Ill Un cr ordt't!l. ~ "' ..,.,.1o~1 .lh...,.._, •Ur tn hoor _I • AI ti~'1U'1h was • .,....._. to ...-........,uua e am ea. wrre prts· 'ruoar, •.t w-worn w1or-n ;;hoo 'P>kt· th·· lllfdl bond dnw C'0011J'Une. ent. Yr a nd !lira Parker attend· Immediately followtnl the CI'N!· ro "" A.~·,_.,,,. .. ... tt-no • utl r;,_, .. '" addiuon to Mn. ...,., •·ll thi' rouplr. I rromv " rt"Ception waa held .with ""\\ .. u...,.. Ak.ft;: liW flo~n · w..-1tlaJ"&'&r4't Ec• ~.. Thf" bnlk Ia th~ t'aughtt'r of Mr lira. Parker beln~ aulated by Mra. r-1 ·~ bo r r••• nr trr" lhr•~ Rr•,.n :.nd ~jd s..-n and }.Irs" 0 . F' C'rough&n ut New. I A<la Gil~rt. aunt or lhP brio~. and ,. ... ...,.. 1 M•-:mbr·~ at t••ndm.: 'Af'f"f', Nclrll port Beach. formerly •>f Brt'~<'r-, Gla(lya Brnwn. • ,. \\ ,,,. rho' ~.,... ~ ot 1\ "ldo•. :\t.an•'' 1-bi•b!.ch, Elabt<· toa, Wallhin,ton: Rhf' rrtrlvea l"l'r Honeymuon plano~~ have been n • r>~ • ._, • ., •Jl lhr l"l'lurat......U I\\ hlo ..... ,., StrnnMmS. Evt>l)'ll ~r· edU<'&tloo In the Wuhlngton Ctly !'lllltpt>nl•tl for the duraUon ae Sgt. • •· n. 1 •<~Ur ~ to 1tw ,,, • lfdda Bn~. Mina Jiftwlwo) I and It •·as whllr vii ttng her aunt f Coe rt>pcrtrd baf"k for duty whllr tiCA£Ul.. Join \\,_..~, tuuntt ~lftl1 1 L}•f&.r S1 rntn. Mary Lt>a II~. and ur.cll'. ~Jr nnd Mr11. Jt'll& !\Int. Coe hu rt'l!IJml'd hPr dull"• '" "4""t b<.c11: m:any f'~ h on)th) rw,.,....lft Em M t &&. C'rouchao uf 606 W. ~tral, BaJ. nl tl•r Newport Beach branch or ,_.,..,.. .,,_. p:o ... ~ rn ,._h,:ftf L..L.el• •It 11-u~taiJ. Ed)'tbe Hor. boa. that ahe met her tutu.re bua· Ule Bank or America.. "-r ; 1. ~ fm~~JII&e ... ~ ,.. • [:lo,,, 11h.t•;. Wilson. E\reo ~. •r ,1, <II lhr ~ ,,,. Ml)' --)' ~<It • •I St.tnl••). Aida Gorta, Ida • • • 41.-.m '""' liD) .._, br-t•"""' ' 'l· 1 Var~:mca Slurley and llarW .,.., lat. n..l.,~ •tu.tt ... ,.... '')"' .... K.a~·r ~ manr t~ by thr ~ Th• l't<''-' ITif'f'IIJ1U ..,..jl be al ~,..., 1:11 -rnuntf') cau-J I • •n,r to:.,.,.,-•. f'f'bruary 3, wtth '~"CJJ ....., -a( thr 1,'2n~:· ~,. l l•"·"'h ,,,. dwunnan. ,. ~• =--&..t wtn t .. a ,.aJ. . :~: ....... r-ar) ... tJar h<"<U> ~ )I"' f' ..d z..r • • r·...,... lall.ar:» BIRTHS Friday Afternoon Oub Offers Rummage ·Sale on Thurc;day Mrs. Vincent Healy Visiting on Co~st < I Mrs. Cyra Allen Cathr6 Enlightens Ebell Members on Dark Continent With "Africa, Crossroads of the World" SJ)f'aktnl to an apprt>efatl\e a nd mlttee. Mre HC'rcran RUmer It'd l.rlt•U .. eot awliaac.e at ~ £bell LU pled.&"• ...t a.lh.ogi&llCf! followed J;<·neraJ mt'~tmg al the l'lubhC.UIIt' by the rolle<>t rC'ad by Mra. Harriet on Thuraday, Cyria Allen C.tb.ro Sit>gtned llnll•·rwi)(Xl "' lvr<J lntn Lhe l'Xplanation nt thC' In the courllt' of tht' buatne•. a ~eoctapblcal aad political aa welt pita rrom the Rt•<J <.:roN waa made aa lbe eocla.l aztd economic back· for yam and bt'al.la wblcb are u.ed ground and .. t.up ot AtrlcL l''nl·110 lhnapt"utlcal "ork tn tbe hoe· tng tbat II 11 juat beginnane to pllala ror t he-"'ar wo undt'd. .·um_. lnru •La own, the apeaker out· Tb "Buv a Uombt>r" campalp llnt'd eocne of lla poat "''ar "'•uibal-• -.... \' hh•h lli •punsurn l by tbt' CaUror. tllil wb•n ll takca lla plact' In lhe nla Federation of Womea·a Club& sr hemt' or wurhl peace. It Ia thr • • chlet CODllDent lbat virtually hu UJ toa:petltlun \\•th ... mllar &roupe no ~~~:It guvernm.,nt but 11 almuat I all over the C(•Untr·y, lMe broucbt ent lrely colonial. to t.ht' attl'ntlun of the group The wpeaktr haa lived in all ltra. Jt·an R"wt .. y, a nl'w noa· parts or thl' Urit~M! EmptN!, bav·, rt'sld<'nt &lt'mtwr, waa lntroducecl ln( lpt'nt tw~lve yeau In South I :- Afru:a. Slw wu gra<l uutel.l frum Mrs \'t~·tnr Gort•nno relumed Lbe Untver.lty ot Califurma. I homt' Tburl'day frum. a two weelu.' The met"tl.nac wu prefaco•d lly a bospltahz .. taon an lhe Santa Ana luncbeoa at 1 o:clock Y'l\II:Jo.tre .. J . <.:urumunity hoapital &&. ttle r...alt A, Gant hl.'a\.llng lhe huetesa com-t•( a fall In her horne. , l 'NDER NEW MANAGt:Mt:NT of Mr. aad Mrs. Orvtll~ W. N~al 106 Mala Sl, Balboa · Harry's Hamburger & Chili Cafe Open u.Jiy from 1:00 A.M. Ull I :00 P. M. "DROP IN FltR ;\ L ATE S~ACK" U.S. MAIIHI COIPI WOMIN'S IISIIVI NUDS I'VE iREEb A MAliNE • A U. !IT.T~a ~ f11n day'e •·• t .~.. r.&«•llC t-:o.J. . . ·-~ 1:~.. -r-e:JJ!.r ... J ,.. ... ., J*'2r .-a. P • .u !r f-T -...--tr:c .i .. tas- s • -a....t -r ,.-nt-• Jl"llt7 ~ . },, ·~tnf"'" •it• ,....rr-. r> ·:. n.)'-,._.c -m. ... -... ,.. ..... , •. R,.f.,mm~ frum " I•An •·Nil .. ~~•! ,•tr r I tl a • ~• ,.. I.•·• r~de. l-1" l.h r. '~' ... "'"" .... ;;un at , .,... :···~!.. 'tr• r ' n.• HOW MUCH IS ENOUGH! ..,.,__, ., ,......._ • v.~.,.....,,.. A wwe D. E o'Wn f l (;fl • rnn•• th•~ e .. tt. __...... ... ..,..j,. ,... ... .. ~ .... , ..... . -_, ,..,... ,.....,,, t .......... ., _.., .. --ry ····-117 ...... DNE~DAY -FEW HEM -., ~A-O.y" ....... V'-"' A_. 0 T..._ • _..,_ '" "·•• _ _._.o-.--..--.. ~ ..ww ... _., ..... ... --c.. ,__ Ool ......... ~ ,.-~----: -···· ••••••• u ••••• --..... ...._ ... Fe!MtM..a • ftw 0 e1 t , a ......, ....... , C •-Y-.._ ...,_ ... ftAIMII a.RATOn MnALMinMI M1C1tAMC1 • MUSICIAN~ PAAACMUft ..... . IAIMO OfiU'foet lftM)eU ..... tiUeiMtt OfiUTOit ---ea~.--.-clellttll T(J f/(JNTf You can clolt,tool As a Marine, the most imponant and inspirina job of your life lies ahead. The achievements of your organization an written, and an being written, on hi.st~'unosr glorious paga. Your Coontry and the Marines n~ you, and this is a challenge to your highest ideals of womanhood. Pay is good, even compared with high civiljan wages. Lodging, food, travel ex~oses and hand- some uniform.s ( $200 to $2 SO wonh) are included. If you're not already working on a wa.r job, call. 'phone or write the nearest Marine Recruiting Office. · l:o4tm 3 I I. C'hM~tt"r Williams UulldinJ:. 21;; W~t Firth Sti'N't, 1A!'i Angrff'!l, 13, California JHI MARINI$, TOO, DIPIND ON GRIYHOUND Like men and womera in all branches of che armed force,, chc: Manne Corps Women's Reserve depends o n Greyhound for trans· ponaiio n. Greyhound buJc:s sen•e Camp Elliou, S.to Diego. ancf odwr Marine uainins ~ntcrs, as well a s Marine bases from cour co coast. Other a~cial servicn are also performed by Greyho und, o(ceo on a mo ment's oorice. for uample, buJc:s are often requisi· doCMCI from replat ICh«duJn to transkr wounded between bospi· tab. Ia epite of lbon•r• of buJH and nperienced penonnel, the whole ~d organization is concentrating its el'oru and retOalaS to pnmcle adequete cr&alpOrutioo for all who IDIIIt tnnl PACIFIC G.REYHOU N D LINU .,.,... .... -.. ........ , ....... -.. • ._. "-c- ' ... , ......... ! ,.,.. ___ ...., ...... _,...._ ... Dr .... ~--.... f6 ............... u.... ... _ ,._.._..._. • ...,...,...._ .-.o ..,. .. ...,._,.....,_ , =~~-=·.:=.:::::c.-=. -e------~· I ....... r. ~ 811& lll't a ,.,. .... o ., _ .... !T-~._....._. --._. -.. ~"""'~ .. -...,-I 6r·dA.T~~._..,_ D n; .. .__, ... ..., ..... ... .. Md~ 7 ---.. .. ~ ~ ~ ' ....... ~ ........................ ~ ........................................................................ ~ JlaWIN8 All Jill Wllf WffH DI,.INDAill JIANS,.OIJAJION