HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-02-01 - Newport Balboa News Times,. , 11 SAND CRAB . , SAM Buy Bonds . to End War .. Quitk-e~ \'OL~E XXX\'1 NEWPO"T BEACH, BAT .BOA A\ES~~ ..... • ·~ • $210 .. I Year CALIFO .. NIA, TVESOAY. F£8-UAa\' t ·~ \ ...... 1 .,---.,_--, NUM8Efl t ...-oL JIOME. Well, Sam, • you are really having quite a siege of the flu, aren't you? You n~ver do things half way, so we guess that applies to sicknt>SS as well as to anything ~lse. Do<.· Richter tells us that you ate getting along satisfactorily and will have you out this week. Lots of folks have been in, asking for you : guess they can hold out till I you get back to your desk,· how£'ver. Take your time and don't com~ out too soon: anyway, yours truly is get- ting a real kick out' of this e<JHor's assignment. ~New TypeArmyCraft ·Launched atAckerman Y drd as Many Witness 1 Company and Employees Praised by Army Spokesman for Their Contribution to War Effort: Com-mend Construdion Schedule I First ••Fort"-at Az.-es Base Kiwanis Town Hall Date Set FOr Boddy Lecture lri Newport •·amuuM Editor I AtM Antrt-lt'8 Uaily New• and Radio ( 'ommttntator llf'r~' FeiJruuJ 24th; ~'ntnd in UutMfandlntr St-rle. 0Nnl11• Launrhtn,; of thf' T. P. 10'7 Saturdlly aftf'niOOII at Af'k~r-Afkr • ..,..., .......... 1M& ...... (......._J, ..... 1.) e1 man Boat rompaa~· repMYntf'd thfo fht ilf a l'lf'riH of flftHn .. .__. T.,.... •• wtth lnll• B. H....._ ,,._... ..... ... shlpl of thl" typr that will f'natuaUy be built at thl!il yard aad ·~ ,....., ___..tatcw u tlilfo attnrtk•, .. Nf!W,_t ......_ INF ANTJLt; P ARAL \'SIS. Herb Kenny did a fine job as chalnnan for the Infantile Paralysis March ot Dimes as well as his chalnnanship of the Kiwanis club-sponsored President's Birthday Ball. Thanks to Bob Murphy for his usual generoSity in do- nating the use of the Rendez- vous, to Cot Tom Atkin&on for arranging the appear- ance of the Air Base Orch_£S- t.nl with its swell music, and to those Klwanians and oth- ers who helped make the af- fair a success. Over S600 was turned into the worth· whlJe project as a result of the President's BaJI. NEW C. OF C. directors. Looks like a big year ahead for our Chamber of Com- merce, according to the rep- ~ntative list of men who are up for election, as well as the holdovers. Newport should be proud or the ac complishments or the New- port Harbor Chamber of ~rce. No little J)art in the successes attributed to this group has been, and is being played by ita Secre-- tary, Haftoy WeW-1. The News-Times extends Its best wishes to tM ~Board of Directon. .TH WAR BOND DRIVE. Jack Parke is doing a good job as assistant to Wal~r Spicer on the present War Bond drive, as Is Judge Dodge at Costa M~sa. Both have organized capable com mlttees and aU are putting th~ir shoulders to the wheel. Th~y need your help, how- ev~r. and If ypu go out today and buy that extra bond, Newport and Costa Mesa ' \\ill both make their quota. You will. won't you ? TOWN HALL It is a genu- ine tribute to Newport Beach when such busy men as John B. H u g h e s, Manchester Boddy and Dr. Polyzoides take time out to come down here. Hughes arrives this af. t.emoon (Tuesday) and after a ride around the Bay on Doc Stricker's "Beachcomb- er" and an infonnJtJ dinner, wlU speak to a representative audl~nce from not only New- port Beach area, but Santa Ana. Huntington Beach. La- guna, Anaheim, Fullerton. La Habra, Buena Park and other nearby cities, on the ~~subjE-ct. "How Far Art' Wf' Going?" SPEED ON THE BAY. Wondl'r if the hoys on some or the boats goin~ up ;mci down the bav know that whPn th~y go 'tx-yonrl a ct>r· tain speed. it raiS('S havOC' with the floats a nd t he boats anrhol"'('(i at snicJ floots. Thf' Harbor Patrol frowns on this but they can't tx-<'V<'ryplace at the l'<lm~ time. We also know that there is a war go- ing on. but we wonder if it is n(>C(>ssarv for offkinl craft and Jarg~r fighting ves..;els to go lx>yond a rt'a~rrabl£' speed. Most of tht>m, arc \'ery considerate but It takes only a few who don't think. to tear up floats and damage the smaJJer boats by this laek of consideration. None of us are faultfinders but we think vou know whnt ~mean. and will cooperate in this Instance. all you rlo in aD othe~. baptiud Ia the wakrs of Nf'wport Harbor, aad aiM mark.d Nt-:W BASES TO t;UAkD A" 1m CXJN\'O\ ••tt n :-s _....,.........., ._., ,__..._ .,. .......... fannanl &o thf •xt .....,... .. Ulla ..... of the laltlaJ u.w of the new mariDt' railway and turatablf.. """""~" ... •• ,.._ ,,,., .. ,._ ._ IIIIL • ...._,.._,us..._...-..~ F --...,.. • ,.__ _.. ~:,__.._ 1 _ -------b•·•IMR.A.F.'at:Oee~al«._ ..... __,..,.._._ __ 6.~~.,_. ..... 6.._ .. ._ ,._ ThU. tuglikf' ""''Uifl, Whlrh Wll.l! •1-w'-" Ia lead at -..... -._, KIW&ftla I• luMit\ably pn-t ot t ........ llw Tl,_,n lfaJI --Ia LIP.,gntd and built for the Anny. I vftf'd '"'rryonf' prtllf'nl to t n ---••• .,.. • ._pt...,~t WI bnActnc May, will tlf' l hr popuW 01!4•• haa a greater dl1pl&ce.roent 1n tl-rnu~h lht yRrd and IN' nlhPr F• ) 1 v ttw.r ....-... -·• authoontt.a 1., c,uh Maw f'tlnn. ttl • ...,_ ('Omparii!On to Ita length than any lblpa of the aamt l}'lK' undl.'r dlf· Ina p ans for U--L-v., •••• •ttlr .... y """' an lmJ'Oir1Uil ~ utlllt.. crlllt ever buill In lhll harbor. waa ftrtnt ltagu or conltrur Uop I eteran .._..._.. rl ----,... .......... will tlf' llw ........... , ........ f•w the ,_.llllntr t~ent down tht way• after lmprta· A110 oprn ror inaptodlon wu c. of c. Event 1 1 .\a r... I fAir•.r ,_,.nr. ........... ., ... , ... ltoitity "" .,,~ f!\f•nt• nt llw N...,_t ...... alvt ceremonlu prealded ovt r by the turntable. an lnnovaUo n here ~ Sh & .,..,...., """"'"It .. -..twuary 2•01. -Klwanlll nub at IJ.tt ...,_ tu T. W Htn~rwon. le«al reprt'Rnla· • which aavu cooMiknblr lime and, tpJllc1St• F~-0 • .. -alao at N-p~t ....,., 11 oraa.,a r « ..... lk'lll ... ,_. -~· tlvt' cf the company. HenderiiOCI ~!pACt, and wu dealcnt"<< ~·lel:v b~· H('lf'rvallorJO ror tlw Aru.li ~ ._. ....,_., flc''-'1 A...ut. t l.... 'nriiiP4a ..,.. •I nftiC at 11.1e ...._ IIJ)Oiile brtefty, touetltn~ em the TltaJ I mrtMft"' ot the Aekffm&ll Omt·! Otnn"' M""1n1r «tf UK' N_.,... • ~· .__ .. ·~ ... !" .;.,;;, ,.... II •• -. ta-h" .Mr ....., •• ~- put that lhlp1 of thla alae play In pu1y. 'lbla tumlablf' mablu Harbor ('tlamht'r nf ("omlru'r« .,. p ...-= • -In l ur. M ard D • I the war picture and l.han}(ed the ahJpa to be complttf'd on one of I beln~ completed by all Tallie d ••.-. ·-a u•a ....._ .. ~ ... _.. .. _ lttodol)''l .,...._.. u ayn r&Jp men and women of lht yard, rrorn llf'veral aruall ron1trurUon wayw C' airmen Herbert F' KeaDy, Ia romote -~ ,._ ..... IIIC .. tt.. ..,.._.. Wit I• .. ..,_ ....... D..,n;..;ll.m* Bo,, t~Oftt englneera who dulgn the and thrn tranl~f'rT'I'd to lbt e of the Balboa Tallk, .... :-:::a .. m-: .. ~ .. =-.· '~~~~~~ ::"' ~ r~ n..• ablpa down to lht IICH'alled mental l&unl.'hlnr waya In much the aamt lr>h Muk<'v ar Uw Newport • , ----· ----· -..... D---ht H 'jot., ror thf Individual part they I manner that locomoUvn are m oY· b&e, P . A. ·Palmer-ttl ~ 1M . ...._ ._ ~ _. _.., fo·nrar-tl '" a v ,..._..., f11 ,_.. ... VW5 Ollie playf'd In the con !It ruction or lhf', f'<l around ITr Utt' fall road centera. ~it-. Earl St&nlf'y ot ~ ~_._.• U6~ ~ ~ .._ -....ry I' ' ~ ., •no -1 lltllrwrra .... lilY ,.,_..,. ~" ' I tf ...._ d H 'P ' -...,..... 4 a .. • ---..... ~-l Army'• new tus. Preeent on the It looked fllr awhllf' all If thln~rR IAhtrHI. Hl.lhtwt.J.• HOWt' of u.e ~ ..__ ....__ A ... m ... • ...., 124 .,.... • .._. •• In N-ro•t1 will .,...... ·~-en P" c-rm ""'"' "" en· might not ~o ofl a('CordlnJt to plan ona !lf'l Mar Tablr. an<t L. W ... lJtlrVd s~ ._._ ~ • • • ra,_.tc, ""'lwnr• dtrliOn ll/ld M111. C1art'flct Ackrr w. "" lht' nf'w bo&t ltyck mome.n-1 nr•~t~o:• f~>r ;::,.,,, S •wpot1. aJJ ,... 1er a.laru,;;._ · ._ ..,_ ~ . ..,....._ ut "'•11•-tftl Ma,....._.oor .. ..tdy •a~ue lb,._. U..-fill man. wlf<' of tht. compAny·,. vwt· tartly at tht hottrm of thf' >A'avl! port r'fady to daR tbe _.. f!11 ,.. •• f'ln.l c .....,.. • .... L r .-. .._ .._.... ., .........,. trill tw ..,,.~ t .. p ~,...,_ -· ,...!WI!! . .._,.,.. .......... U. prt'tlldl'nt and l!poniKlr of th~ 107 dut In thf' fact that lhl" Wllt<'r '1n ti!'krb ..,. ._ U... "'* •w ._ 4 .-.% • o.-.~ .... ,.., •11"' ~ 'f1Mo• ...., 'f j •llllu Ntttnled In 11M"-.t- wu Captain Charll'l! M<'Callum that particular 11nnt 'III'IUtrl't quilt 1• ff ,1 1_. _., ... Ur4 -..,......., •-._ _ ~...... ....,.. •-. -Ill TW-.. , --. . ..,e •"-and ON.a Boulnanl, lliaJ-"'-lit. I L F f ., • ,--·~"' r••) ·'•·rgl'ln, D<l ...... ~-• --•..,.--1. e... J -.. ..._ 1 and t J . ox o thr t1 "' Annv d~f' enough tu n oat hl"r 1-111.,..·' d th I vtau W ..... lllilp Rors. .. ,._ ... , " - -s -•. -I Nr..--ria alung with Mr . Ar kl'rman ancl M~. ever thl' combined efforte or two •,n auth oro )t'lnnria He~_::...._. IN2 ~ --of I ~ a..-... -;_, 'nw lad will bav. a, • ...,,. •• IUl .. ". a.c reene. • amall yard tuJt• provl<ted the nt"<'-"Th4' Sha pl' of Wlnp to a-.. ~ _...f.-~~---~--.c ...;:-:;;---.-........ Pf'1ncl • ...,. .... bDd7 wtl Mw ID I d u J k G · 'fl'llll f' li:ll '" nlf. .. _,_.. -· ·----....-_ ~-- Capt&ln McC&Ihsm, llflfaklna .or 1'811al')' rMJJI and lb~ T.P. l OT wu ,,, 1111rtk ulllr lnl «"rettl at uat. u.. .. .-dill dW ....... !-u.6s-• .._ - -~ ~ ....-d ._ ,. ..... rrl ,.._ .... a th4' Army Tran11portatlon c rp11 'fiJlally llfloat and on tt1 'lll·ay to in view of thf' ~emwtne ...att..y p.e dlrdr _,.. te er..a. ..._ ,_ wtalda. at .... ,....._ ,..._ I pralllfd the yard l••r meetlns 111 a wtotltn( part In lhla war. n&\'al anrt aJr ••ar ~ ..; ... -• *' ..._. -• ._.. ................ !1'--~ M 111tttt u UW .... Ml .... • production ~~eh«-dulr and rncourar· Jap&n · ---.c • . ~ ,_. ...... lillie ...._ ed the IDell not to Itt duwn at tblt!. Co t G d' G~ at the ..... •Well .. • ft#ma..... ...._ ..... ~ -:, .. -............ 0 a ,..,.... .. .. 2 a 1 .... I vital •ta«e or the war. Allo as oar 8 to br held w~ atpt, ~ ... .. ~---........ ., • -! .... .........,._. '-... A. ,., ol ., * .. ,.. 4. a. ....... broucht out In Captain WrCallum'• n_ I B . NU7 1nd wttb ~ et ·-...... ~ nil* a .... p • .. ... -~-L. .............. ~ ... __, ... 0., .... ... ... ...... .. apeec:h w••the fa<'t that tbe Arl1·,11tJg 8 rainy at the N'•wport Manor YMM _..._, .... ..._.--a ... to a.,......,_ .t-. W. U. 111 I• ..... .. ~erman Oompazay wtU produce ~I. • . ~-----..._ ... 111t1 II a'<l ¥11..._ ...... _.... atllp Identical to Ule T.P ·tOT every 1 One nf the rerula1'11 in the Cotut many or 1 l'lt army and uvy 1ft. .._ ......._ ~ • .... Is two week~< until the r--ntract Ill Guard a t Ralboa ~~ "Mac" a aha«-lt.allatlnlll In Oranl!lf' county Uw .......... 0 ), _.. I completed. gy Calm terTirr who 111 ·.uarhl'll DIIIU1t'1 l':ngfn~MI &n u . udt'd t's kc lillr a p.--t fll *" ..,.. _.. • ~ ..... .....,.., The man•K"rmPnt ami l'mplnyen to the patrol hoat CGR·341. But f;tatu Army In Lne Anlt'lf'tl. au-:;a. thr .._,. _, ._ 4 +'1-'" ...... 55 0 0 a II .. ... alike &Tt proud, and rtshtly ahould don't It t appearance• de<:elve you, pervlaM• and d ly olflrlal11 18 ~~..:-' .... a-.... ~ .....-. a I a 3 I$ i L hWJ "' boo. ot thPir n~ 11r•l of havln~t dt· friem!11. becallllt' Mac bappen11 to be ReauU ttf the rlf'oC11on for --,,..., _.. .,_. .=: ._. W:, ~ .... zA C 14 _... lw .._ lh t·rtt.l 26 "lllpa tn the arm"d a r11nln«' that hu plt'nly ot bralu. be"' o1 lhl' Board of ot~ wtl ~ -....,.,.-ftlr ....__,. ron·e11 10 lht• lAIIt eight monlh11 a An ln111anrr to illu•trlllf' "''hat I IIC' announrrol at l hla mf"f'Hna 'lll'tlb -.. n.at. .........._ ~--- A......_ -muy, .......... ,....lwo1 1ty lf',."'f ....,. twn Wuru fr• m ltw N"''JI"ff' Mt't Mr ,._rt. .. r urr,.• lhal ,...,_ ._ ·~ .............. ., ,.... w ...... ,,. -""" 1 .. ..,. """I "''" Thu..-lla\' al II fl .. h II I ....... ~----....... __ trl'men•!uu8 tntal for a "hlp;var<1 t•f ml'an 1 .. t " fo n.~~n~. b I nf ling r .. nt«-1111' In n«-arly all of th" nllw -wr 14,... ....._tot .,_ ._. D ..&. • • &-t •ltll!t i!!U. lt'a.<>Ding Tit 341 Ia Ulftlllli\' tll~lrlrt,. Into whh'h lhr city 1.11 dl· llllflr(j · ........ ~-. ..... Iii ~llr'W 11owr G ...,., ... .,.. >rl w.pt• ,;a,..,., ll..,_rd '-• -fll -· --__::,~.,_..~ .. ,.. ""''Y ....... Youth IMe8 Honor ---Wins Firht 1 Cut'lllA at thr IRumhln~t w~no ll.f-t••·d Rl l!llh J!lrtet In Nr,.,•pnrt antl vldrd. Up f••r .. lt·!'llon ttua ~ 1._ ..:::: t..-;.. .,. ct.rf fll· ,.111• l•d '• lft« •FftftM f rllf>d R n·al "Pfll'll111nlty In lnok ri'Om ~hf're g~11 down lhf' bay to arf' P.alph p Ma~<krv 1n W..C irll"Pr--........, ...,.. ~ •• ~--·~· II Open to hhlic-ltrllll "panl ... ol" Ia tile ..... nr~ thln1:11 uvrr v.·ht•n Hendt'non tn· the baM on Cagney bland fnr N'I'WJl 11. Huhi)Ar<l """''t and Rob-I n<JW talwo .. -~.-. IL. ~ .,, • lall)' 111 nttt ••m,. ~a.._ rreal~t Quill' ofVn Mar Ill ldl bf'· f'r1 Ho'o•ol pru r•••l off In lht• StY1f~·r1 .waa;:r Ul ty \.-" ,.,,., 1~11,._. on thl• ''""'""'' uf humc~ 111 lf'Ut .nut l'nld ..... h•nd Whl'n thr bnyl! llniRh lhPir Brac'la ohl!tllt 1 p A l'a lm• r 81111 Alit......._ dlr ,..__ • .,.. _. "'" _,., 1 .. 1,. ., ... ,,. ,.1 "'" ra.t IPy'~ 1 Kiwanis Inducts 1New Members al 9th Sl 'l I "' n.. .. _. ·~ -~·-... ..,. me a nd rl'lum ln I ~ · o.ml'-t-• J Park•· 1n lh•• U ••o 11r,;.. LIT -... _ I hal !hr ••l•t•"'""'" I• '""'"' In 't'"'"'ll t-:cllku anl1 tw1• ...... IT I I ·-.... _., ~---~ SA.~· &JIA. ......... .. r-llmea lhlll II ~trcldtntal and mnr,. r. :\1 Gn•o•IY an•l n Jot l 'll.mpbt'll, her r . .._ ,.,.. thr f..,. ,...,. • r ••II .,.., .,..,.. •of tho flru •l l••wllna haol "" allf'n ""''" In '""'I rrl 101 often It lsm't. '<-auoe they want to f ,.r lht' t-:a"t ~I'WJ'<Ir1 lt••trlc•t . 1\uh , ............... a ...,. _, ._ ,.,.., ,,..,.. • ,.. • , .. ~ jiW4' *• ._.., flll rr""'" • .,.,,,.,,,~ '" M•".tltwr" t'ah· :.t41h Jth'rr l whlt'h ,...ulh••l In the giv~ Mnt· .:v"ry n~por1uni1y tn d~· Murphy a n•J A1 Antl"'"'tw•n rnnh·--'"-a ~ ..,._.....,.., • .,......,.-~·.. fTIIIil'w a·t,.,.•:• •• • ...... ,... f'•rnta t•...,·U.Ir rrttl••~&l ut r,r .. I•Y• pant.. \'Pinp hla ht mlng lniOIInrtll tn the lnf( fnr lhr llalhua lf'Kt. F'.Atl :::tan· .....__ tt. -............ ••~"' 4..t r~ 41 --...r .....,..._. ._.., II Tho ,s""'lw '' '" ,., ... ,.., o;,,,.,. All lhla wa. wll.n"•,...•l by Eclllley'• 1 At lhl' l'f'~UIIIr ODI'I' 1\ m<inlh lmt\SI Wtll Mac jlll!t trola lht ,_........ ,..,. ' • •• __...._... r..-,. -. u · If'\' anti Atthur H f'f'IUf' for BaJ· 1-n.ia 1a u..,. ,_,.. ._., ., ... .--.t ,...,.,., .... '"''"" rtw I .. ••IPrtohlr• ,., •1•1 r"""''· .. nractn~r him 11n little hu.llu ' n•$rhl. lhr !lll"¥>'fl''r1 Harhor four ur five blockll from th,.. b&llf boll blan•l 1tnd c ... ral.l Rllrhlfo alld th6a fypr ........... ~ .._ ~· l't _.,. _, J11up ...... ..._ 1., ... ,...,,.1 J ,,11, Martrll 8,,. lu•·atad arul rjnally lt tlnll"• ahcrul a rMI Klwanlll nu, will ln<kld •mund a to l hf' f""'Y l!llldlng. wa ltll for the n ra•lrn P'tnc·h for I hi' \'~lUll')' ., I,._. calif:-• . ·~·---·e.. ...... a.y a., __, .. thr rtr•t • ., w .... t ...... 4Y.. wtw,.. .... , fuhhiiiPd ........ nc matelt In oln7Pn nrw memhen! whn havt' 1 ff'IT)', nnnrhalantly board" It with· Corona del M.ar. Tbt Balbo& I'm· ~ .-t, ~~ :b-.,. • • ~ _.. -... _...,... 11 n~n• lnln IMh .. ,.... '"'* ..,.. 1 wh.,·h III:Yana wu rut up --~ jolnt!f1 u a re•uH of the ~nrua. out paytng any far'f and lr:ttJI a lnr~ula Ill r,.p...,.,..nlf'd hy A. B. I,._ VI =•.-hat • •• •"' ........... H n •r" .... __. . ...., ... mrtrl "' I hi• .,,..... ,.,._. d ub .. wttat 'nl• hntn wu trwated at flliVf' power11 or al! m&ny Klwanl· Crf'f r ide to the mainland. Upon R Otl•-ll• -hft 11 uno · and a 0 , lw· .• .........,. ..........._,. ,... •"--11,.. ..,. ,.. ""'._ ..,. ... 'J I h lal r 1 aM For t hr put thirty day1, 20 rea ching thl1 llide be prortf'dll t'l l"--.. m~,. .-·1•1,.11 t~ w-dth• ,__ ......___ __ t•--· t .a.... _, ,. a nalo••• I•• -"••lr" _,.. mrmboor• lhf' "m"rl""' Y oepl or 111 nor 1 ,,.. pp .. ~ .....--·-~ ..,. ~-· ~! s=-......,., ._ ........ .,.,1 1,. .. lmulalr .. t~ .. 1-.. •·ulAt a1111 a bnUthiNI aBd them •nt chORD Klwanl11 rommando11 havt <'over without delay the two mtl"'l Ht...t. d N rt H 1-.~ 1..,. -.. -a • --.. .....,. ht1 been on their tn..a ~~ttklng In "~ret ' or mono to 19th St. and mf't'~ hl11 8~W"fhl 1 a,n f"Wptlt .. .._.~'W., .. al ~· 'l!' ..._. aa-.,. IIIY!Un• thP ru~tttr tn llfl" .. d t anoa w r 1 11 l"f'l'"'""" ,.., w7 • ,.,_. 1ft ••" 1r.t arqutalnl.,. ,.,.. ,;,.,.,,,"" Y baPP1 now, bow· ~~:r ;;\bf '!:~:tywho.:re:,d:~t I be!;?;;<~r~:·<'lalml! thai hr k nOWll t .. r 8 ~plrrr. chairman nt tJioo v ..... -m. -~~···...:.._ _ _.... o_._ ............. r''ft'f'J w .... lftHtlll)', ,.., ..,,.,, .-.clllt"Y'• h-Ia Yindk:ated, Bob Ho.lllnllhtad In a IIUtt mlnulf' thlll lf'rrllury llkf' a hook ror mlln Olrl\njll' dCount;vh Harbor Cnmlllm .. -I ~ 3 .. ·--.; ~ .-1c.3.... UrdaJ, and ,.,_., an"m'"'fl. be· hY clrl lUll luna lllm , J:yana un· ~ 1 nn an who aa nu ~ on. c _ Srf £In • •1r lrft • trl""'"• ar 1 .,'rl<,...lll qu••l k>nably Ia •oln1 lfl 1m, and m-t• to tho~~t not IUrrf'Mful. a rmtnll and c:-an be ltrt anywherP, ~, lin roml to ....... out· C pw., M -1 1.. I'"" 1 t....... 11 I • ur mH ll fl -""" lUI • --'----Ttl!• ••-Ia muo·h <tlff~.-1 """" ,.., .,,.m ""' ... , "I' n •-~ • llaW lhal a plta . .sant 11urprl,... hut wrll ••·•·n flnrl the boat again, 1 ...._ f .. -.,• I • 1tand n• In a num .... r o ua....... h ••m uw tw-1•• •It-,111 llar-tl· kn .. wn h"''*"l""" awalt1 both the 11urcuaful •nil lh• atthnuth thf'rf' are • total of five ".t 111 k h hi -• olherw who are not. I dlff~rf'nt rlaCI'I! In the bAy whf're way• "n v.· m ar t "t rtJ.an>· P ·~ -,.._ _... • • ,.. .,...,. _, ~ • •--.a. ,....... ., ... 1 alloov• c-flll ttw pnr..-tt•l Tbt llptllkf'r of the eventn~~: will thr bollt mltrht be and all Rre far ,enth )'tar of rdlrttnr,. of a Cbam· twy F't' nne cwrpo..-..1 • • -• ~ • ..... ~ ... v •hrt .... n••• .. 1ft l.tw wrlahl "' M • C p Ba be R. B . !III'W<'Omb of th4' Rania remnvf'd rrom each Otht'r. hf'r of Corrmf'rct In lh" N-rw•rt ................ • _...4 •1 • ._. ~.. ,,_.. -· ........... e ,..._. lPI,. 1"'11• ,.. ~~ •'"""8 '"" IHtll 8). • • er Ana Kiwanla Club whnse IIIJhjt'rt I Mar·~ w·rr~nnal txohavlor "" th .. Harb(rr Olltrtrt •Nrt.klcl tJaat ~ ' .... od'! ......... -.~ ._,, ol'# __._. pf-fh· ........ •oft IV .,.,_ ..... • hair I p t d ill •'Kiwanl" Rncl F'rltntlllhlp" Pr·<·ll· bnal l10 hi':V<tn1l rl'proar h Hr kf'<'P" -----•ta.,.,......, end _,,it<..-• t · "" --' ..... ~ .. , "''"0''" "" '''" 1"''"'1 ""111• lit,. '•1h i fil romo e ldt'nt Jahe Hill llnc1 l ntt'r ('lflh ltr·l hhnu•lf ,., .. lin lind n ealf'llfll Ill 1111 New &y Scout a _..... twct-1\C ....... -·--,•· .. .,. ............. -.. -.y ~· I\ I"" WfOII[hi"IC ''""'" .......... ~. latlon• Cl'alrmlln Earl Phillip,. nf tlml'll hy IRking a flip In lh" hAv ::~ ...,~\-,. "" ,.,. r•~ -:: " ... ...;.........,.,.......,.. ,.........._ U.. rne • ,,,., "'"' •· •tr•~••·l "•I• '""' ,,.,,,,.. A• '""'"'"''""'I hi ArmJ Air RAniA AnA will tlf' 1:\)f'~~ of hnnor Itt leu : 1'\'f ry o~ht'r day Ttl me ExecutJ·~e ._ ... , wi1.b1"' , •• ,. -.......... --.......... ·-~· •• , .. , ......... It•• !;:ft••• ':""•lrrlt t-1vlnl{ Tralnln« A J~npulnr musiral l nl'l. Chnr· It'll & ... -.nd .. r that hi' •1• ... 8n't hiiVI.' ... 1\U ~ , .. '"tor... .•• -~ r ............. ~ _._...,nsr h•i•· r; .. \\lilt ......... '". "'1:' ........ , ...... 11•1 '""'''1"'"1"'" In Hanla m4'nn A ktn, ,.,,prnnf'. KPnn• .. fh pnll-UmhrtiA nr It'" ,.,,~ MJutvAl~nt :1»0 ..,.,......,.,. •·· w ... • •' -~-,__ A""' •n~l '.... ,., ,,,,,,. • '''' ru'''' • u1f ••r rru• A,,. .,,.1,,, f "'"''"'" t• 14.,., tuut 0 t fblhl 11 IIII lCh M \\'llt "X ••f F:tt·,.ntr•• ~I ,.,~·•r •·• "·~• ,..,.,,, ... k .. ,,1 '~''''"'' ;.~~~~. ~~~·~tn~~l' .. ~.7~1 "'~-~ .. ·t;,:::.,~~n~ r~· .. ~;~"'~. hr ~n:;~,~l "" ~ .. ll'l'~n'.,";,~.~ ~,s;:;, ~~;:' ::;!:~~~~~~,:.() ,'~~ :~:.1 :;·~:~ :~,.. ..;."-;..::. ' ... , .. • r ·. ;:· = "' ow ........... , .. , ... ~. lw." ..... "1 "1"1 ..... ' .,,. :::::: •• ~··::~:·.;::;· ·:· .• :.'"~.:~"~ r::' :::~; pro)!"rnm ,.,! tiJZ"ht npPr:l ml'tn•,..-~ tht· h•Hll \\t'h "" hlrtnkttl~ ''r hNI lfn rrt,...n r. \\"hU~ ••n t ••..,•mhrr '•Y ,,,.,~·•r• J· ..... .., ··~ .. ,__...,. •. .. ...... ,V14"'(ftrJ .....,,.IHy ..... ~.·:·,,~· .. ,¥,'.','.':',1,;,,,,:,,·,'' ,,. ,,.,,.. "' r••l•lt· ••' J ~,J~tO lh r"u fU\••1.; Uul Anothrr murtt at •·ff····•n.:: All nf an:v ~··rt "ntl hv mnrnln~: ill laundltn,-"'" .. lUI 1 •• ,,. •• ~,,., .. ,,.... ...,_.. ...... , '" r t~-... 1 1 !' lfl4:l. llJi' , .. ~··•uthf"' ,,, ttr .tn~· •• ,, ,, thPir ~~~·tun•. \\Ill hf\ rn·~nt•tl hv (!rPnrhr•t 'A th lhP 1"'\·rn nR m,.·~t· t· •• , .. ,.\' ,~,.,. St''"' ~·-,unrtl ,,....,~•\•tTttn •• .,,. , __ • ~!. .......... .-__._,., • .,. ..-......... t, f., .. ,,,,u.~·· ., .,. ... ------------.. !'Alii Prc:~ld<nl 1-:tl Gnm lrll nn·l llfP nut ~fn< ···nllulf'rllll hlll•luty Wllb "" :ru···· ,., -..: -·J,-.c -. '"""" .................... I I •• ,. ", .... ,. ......... , .. ,. '""" I I h k hi Thr 11•'" • X"' 1111\'' 111111 h• i.S ~ •rlnh ptnnt,.. fo:flnu \\.nlkPr tu ~tAy t ,,.r., 1\n• 111r ,. wAm-'•.r t~ ·-~..-,, •u . , • 4.,. • ·' ..., ,.....,. ..... ., ,,.... T, ...... , •.• u • ., ,,, •• v. ~•f •t ,,,.,. •• ,., ... ,.t v . Prl':ei<ll'nl . fl<lh Hollln~hPII<I will lng!f "' ttprrunl'hiD~ ht•ntiO "' "llrthll I"·"'""'" '" "" hr,,,.,,,s ..... v,· •I ••. • •• r ..... ....,, ••••••• ,, I·' ,, ....... ,. ••• Yurnu nr 1\U , "'"'' 11 "'"' •' "'1 nl h•• nt lh<' hrlm. All u~unl. with p,., .. ~tran~·~~ whn m'llhl v••ntun• "''"r . •two Na~·~ "" "·J••· ' _....,, .. C Uor .....,-..., ,., ,,..., I hi I II th h l!i:li F r"m 11•~:1 ''' 1!1:17 ~I t '' ol J:Titm ('halrml\n l:tlarlr" l'rlt'llt In· on.t mnlniR nro " vI! '"''!( ''"' """ S• '•Ill 1-:Y••rul l\•• "' ·""' i•r"Q<'u• tJ•·•· ..... .,.. • •-·, ·~ ,_. • ,, ,,. ""' •"" !{.,, .... " trnducin l h<' ~fl"llker nt I hi' "''"· tnn<1 wrRihrr Rnol had . . ·~r1 . ..,m~ -,..,.", "' "~-_., .--r r:..a.,t.r. U.. n -JAnY '"'" I JC Mar '" II. rt'll.l mA n " fi,.,g, hill l.ul~ Ohlllp.. and W IUI A~••''"'. •tw ..,, .. "r .... ,,_. • • ,.. 0" , _,. ......... f. "' ....... « '" •• n ng mRIII<'r, AA\' lind maintain~ an Air ~ •nit f:llf'l utlve II' ~""'" lloul>llr·• ~ f'r<-uJu·· ''• • • ",,4 • •, ~-., • ,._,...,. al rTlOM,...,...n l~un,·hing at t\mer.J,. & ( :. ( :o. .• o· I of lrv Rlnnfnrll~ tllWRrt'ro lhr fr·-from 1931'1 '" 1V3~. -~, •. r~ ... ··~ • .... • ... ·~-.. "' ....... buUtflftlt 10 P-38 p, ot Jes I male. nf thr ~~ .. ,. h•oth ranmr Mr W ilt . X Jtrii<IUilll'•l fr .... H• p....-~ ••r" "' ,. "!» ... , ... .r. of .... r-.11 ... c.....ot r;...r ; anol huma.n Thill llttl~ r h&MII'tl'r-""""" Unl~tn Hl~th ~h'"'t 1tnoJ lh• -, __, ••••• '"'"111 .1• n>. .. , • , ,..,..,, -..a. <'ftC\·"'"' 'llw :"-•·"'l"•rt l..,•am J'l1cn t "' lit•· . m Crash i llrtlr dnrln't "f'rve to fur1h .. r h i!! Rll••nded thr Un1Vf'MI11V .,, l'al! ).tttt' addlt\ .. D .,. -r·""'-•1 ........ ""'-,~ ... _.,,..... "-..... t.lathly Arnr n r oon ,.,, ... '"''' t 'r""'nl ..... ___ popularity with th" l11dlf'11. hut I'VI· furnla Hf' 111 a me.ml,,.r •1f Inc· nutldo-r• lltt'l m-•t.r,.... P c..~ ;ol ,.._,... ., ..,...wtal _,....., Th•rrvl.o} J,.,,,.,.,)' ;t71h. '"""'·lt• .. t PI . hi d th Frid 1 denlly Mar 111 a~~tlllfll'fl with thlnJ:I J.l<'!hr>'JIIOI. C~urrh 11ntl hill nallw '-""" t ho .._.,.._ 1,, ! . ~ .• _ .. • .._. ~-ttwc _. '" .,prr .,..,..,.., ,,f ol• ••II ~•·~·I :-<11v~ ungmg 10 8 ea l nhyl 11 1 · 1 .. they Rr\' and ...-ho am I l<1 ar~rw• llltJtt,. 110 J'ennwylvanla p-. 0 ..._. ,_. _, aa.r • .,.. bit riC•"' 1Pmoon. S~ond Ll JAr_k L" t' n. wtth·tnm Aflr r all I 1llt1 1!1\Y hf' Th,.. •·•·mm1tt"e a nr,.oln'"'l t• .. a-.. .... _.,_ .. "'" '•er • f h 'h I •• lr..-, 23 p 38 I t r rallhl:'d sn an oprn ,.,. ,_, ttl tho-~· ''"' Dl •• ••4 •• ,. •C,.., ·...,... ""'aa.-A 'WI~ .._.. '"h "'""''" ·•· •· "" r.:• 1 •1d ·be !.' 0 · 11 hor Blvd ttnd I wa" " tJn~r "''lth a mlnol of .hill nwn 1 1~1 th,. ellf'C1fHv,. fHI that th• ·~ lbta t.m .. lt. ",oa.: . , -• IL.,. ,.._t_ Wlthllo ltw f,...t r.n 11-n~eth ""''"' :• 1.'">' f•••l r e t t'f'An rillr r . didn't .l,? ()ran~t" ~flunty Crrunrll •• Vf'ry fur .-•• #' -·· ~ _...._ -..... ~· h•·:.m ~not tJ~ 'hoonn•·l 1 ............ lhr Santa nil VC . I ----I,UnRI• tH 'h'•fn tlf' ~rvi<'P" <tf ·~ a •·uiJlrat' .. U.. urJ --• ..., -----,. I ''J(I f • ..a.. -. I ht fl ft th ' .... ~ ~ tw tftl ~ T ~ h.rt• _..., •~ •" , ..... ,.., -• • -.r _ •• ,. , •· mat,., • ,.,.., w ...... 11'"' ".,.,,..,.,.. ~~:.u';, ll:~t~~:~ ~~t!trf: c1P~ 1 KEIE~ YOU" ITAMPI Mr. Wllc•>ll and that t.hr Boy Sr<o~.~• .._..t~ '"-a otcU<tA: • • ;...~·• _.,. a y-;;;;;_"' "-Mh, :;:!.~IW.:!'~';n:.~rl~~"';::,,,•"""'"' •~ I moiiAhed. It WI~ noportPd hy army I Thf'f'e &Tf' a few ,... taiiPriO, at· pr~am will pro•per ID f'Yt:r)' _._.. 'a'IUI ,. 1 u ! .,_ • -Ulref7lt offldala. . cordtnr to report• romln~ to O PA. I'Ommunu y '" llw Olullrll ~~--l11t " .-., • .e-...a •• ..,. H All lA It"""''" tn tlw tn•lu••r) • Ll~tenanl U r hlein llvt"d In 1 who a,.. requtrtnllf that ratlt10 --AIW,-... Na¥')' __.. .... -• .., "•-.....__ po 1 ZH -• husltt!> UJt • t.:"'"1"r ''rr"" 111 LOOSE-LEAF BINDERS 1\ I ~ '' ( ·,,mJIIf'ft• lr'fll(f'r IW'l In C'fJmf•••·f Idl-e, rult- ;rhk-(nr smnll huxiJN'!IUI or ttw> hom('. All lclndA ,,f ltulr•1l f'mma, NapiN. lbe lblrd l&rJetll city or Italy. 11 thf' mr111 dtn.ely populat· ed city In EuroJW. It II" on t he nortll 1hor'f ol thf' Bay ar Naplr1, Uld cSI~utu with Jet.anbul the claim of ()('cupylnt the ma.t brau- Utul Mtt In F.u~. Nt'W York Oty He wa~ on ll rou·1 potnt.a be flreeeDlf'd for r llrwr mar-ptettod ancl 18..,.,. t..o~ _ .,_,.., ...... ~ ..... ,..... 1hr U""' •'II lloorrwillnc ''"'" nr •ny tJne trainlnr nhrht at lhr llmt' ol rraladN Jult thr !lllml' ""for nnn· '-I IIIH Rl ~ tbfo ''"" ,_, .......... <( .. ~ --Urnr tlunnac ... M.nnltl llf•· In •or-• "r --,a,r...-c • •p--·· ttP; to pr..,•ftl any ....... ,.. rtlrf'U thl! crash. r'tru• roannalade11. , 11nl .... 110mt~ -.. u... •·-·--1~ "-~ _,.. -·-• 11r -., ---."" ··~ ,. .-~ ___.... ••p• nr .,,,.'" tlunn..: launrhlnfC tho• other tn.alt. 1ucb u •-lu. pea rr• llaJ.. ·~a t·"'''-~--.. ·--#._.,... -.., .___.__ ,..,.. .. ..,....., ""-· •· _. -• NJtnpeny'• """',.....""I llr-ywlrlmt'nt Tht ont lt'~neralloo of youn~t· 1 or pe4rhea. bu bftn addf'd to I._.. fw t1w -,_..,.. -: • ...... .,.. ~ ...,. _,_,.. ""lcwwd a •p.tiAI mt"tl..,...lyP" _.,.,. NEWS-nMES 1011 w. C.tnl N.,.,... ....... lt~rw Ia bnund In be an lmprov.,. ~~e. lemoa or «J'&pefrult juJrf! f,611_. 1 ..._ ~ w-A'tl w. rtvW'~,..... .A Fa' ""'t;c.,. • ...._, 1111e. ..._.. ... .,_. ~ ftrr ,....,. ,.,..r1 Thl• ment bf'cau.e they'll bt from f'f'J· II( m.Uiln« the marmalade. no .... OWIJa:t. -.., ..,. -_.. -tr• • mrk~ IIIIJd Ia _. .. 1,.. ,...,. akkl tr~lf'~ fathna. 1 polnlAt Med be wrretlder.d. ~ .._ _,......,._ ~ t O '_IASI...,t aNt ._ ..,..,_, hlcflly llUI'f"f'MfUI I .. ___________ _. • ' •• • .. , ' I r .. \ I .., I Pap ·rwo NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TIMES. Newport Beach, California, Tuesday, February 1, 1944 -------r--------~~-------------------------------------------------------------~ ... --~----------------------------------------------------------. • -/ • -· . - ·. • • • ....., f*rlodc ....... Aaerica .w .... 10 display thia emblem. Pasat it oo yow &om dOOf' or oo a wiodow to ahow &.baa • JCIU baYe doot JOW f"''' ia die 4da W at Lou. Every patriotic home in America will want to put up this emblem I I /1 " I • I • THIS EM BUM is t ~Jmbol ol your pttdod-. It teUs the world that you hav~ don~ your fuU share in the o4da War lDa.o. Enry tnae Am~rie&ll wi.J! ~ proud to d.isp~_it_u bome. Our valiant fighting men ••• soldieri, ..non aad marines ••. oa n~ry far.ftung baulcfroot are oo the aaack ••• forging ahead stadily, relendessly. Nothing oo ea.nb Call scop cbaa ••• IP WI BACK 1lUM UPI , ~s the purpose of this 4th War LoaD Dri.e. To earn the right to display the .Cth War LoeA Emblem you m.ua inftll in at least ooe EXTRA buodred doUat Bood OYer aad aboM your regt•f:.r War Bond subscripdoo. Ba& doa't 1110p wicb -.IID- •ett io all the extra bonds you chink you aa a6rd ••• tbeo ioniC iA JOIDe more! Enq dollar yoa put into War Bonds beJp1 to wiD dae war •• ·• aocl Uuures your ioaocial secu.riry. Here. too, lJ a cbaoce to h~lp your compeay ..eec ics quoca i.o cbil 4cb War LoaA. Maybe this will mean sacriDce oo your put. Maybe it will m.eu doiD8 without sometbiog you wane. Bu& doe"t forpc ••• while yoci ue oaly kNilrf a~ tpue dollan ...... ada ol oar p11lar igbriog men ue p.;, their li•cs ,,,. JOIII .,., 111M rou're bukiaa dMm up 100~ lo•ac in utr• War Booca-to che Umk olfO'U abllicr· _ AAd dQplay tbe 4th War Lou Emblem a& .._.., ·auiLD YOUR FUTURE WITH THE WORirD'S SAFEST INVESTMENT All OYer the COIIDirJ mea ucl .,.n look 10 dae r. ~~an wic.b coaicleace. 'fbe7 are the oon wbo .... ,.. . pen ol &bar esua wanime earai ... i1110 .... worilf1 Mitat ia.e....t-U. S. Go.a-a.eM Wu 8oadL Ya, daey are belpiaa their CCMIAUJ ia Ia piaaMic IU'UIJI•. Buc daey are belpi•a t.bemNI•a. cool '1M, Dft be!pl .. co ..aan their ,..,.., 10 ........ .., troubled dayt diM .. , Jje ahe.d. Wbac about~ Aft ro-leniDJ the dollan .Up ~h JOW U,.n clollen that eboaW be Jllll alely ... , ia ,., Bood.d 11Mn are Wu 8oocla to it you .....U .•. Boocl~ tbat are backed •P by the IUOGJUt "co-pea(" ia die world. Build chac homo you ba•t alwafl cl ...... abo.&. Seod 1~ child tc-collep. Buy the woDCiaf.l daioJI tbat are CoaUDJ alter tbe war. YOU cAN DO n' Yl11l ~OUR 1J A& IOND SAVINGS. I -· SOUTH COAST COMPANY - Tlfilll • ..aU. I.~ ed••tlwowat pr.,...s UDIW 1M r?l(l• tl '1\ a a; Dei*' t .ad W• All•••ll 1 eo.J. • I • t -I a yet Oil -.. -... Fo , ..... rit , -j ' NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TIMES, Newport Beach, California, Tuellday. February t . 19« , REI I THESE LIJJLE IDS -YOU WILL Fill SOMETHIIG YOIIEEI 81 CAl SE-LL ,...,. -•• ,_ ---------------__ ......,r--...... .--"""1'"--~ ~~~==~~~~~~~~~----~---- ANGLING By BOll LErs CO FISIIN': ly CHAftLI:I H. WA\.\.AC~ Oh. brw' tt dofo" mv brart .,,>OJ to 8H tb-nn ; flablna-boata un. 1 <lo•r rnnatnar tlon F:vf'n thoucb thf' harbf't baa ~omt' tht' C'l'Dtf'r for MAULING MAPLES the • • j •••'Odl'n boat ronatructton for the Thl' Wt'O'k'a rt'.ulla of Boutb botlrol8' ... ,.,, •'"" n I•• ""'~' thn-~ Army and Nll\'y_ It 18 not thl' •~mf' 1'oo«81'11 torrid lt'lllfll" found the p mK ~11111 <Hh'•• "'''''' 11111k,. " , h.,.~ 1 u n~uaa~ u .It Ia to buUd Snljh•a km'oCkf'ol right nut of flrllt ,...,. "' thh11111 lht'l'lf' V<'MI'II. th .. v a rt' prlrrarllv , J•lat'l' u a n-ault ot loatnr tbrN l'turhoard" ''''"''' .1 .. "'' ht'ltrr (11r t"r PU I'flOilf' of df'atnartlon and alrRII(hl ~tAm«'ll to thr Snuwblrdll. thAn w1n ""'' ""'' •lr ·t• tw" lo• It &1-Y• maku mt' hurt tna•<le to T l toy wt'nl •k•wn ''-htlng tboU&:)l thlr,J plar•• r.ali•'' • h·•lh tr am11 rf'· t hink nt 80 much ttne matertai an4 thr.flrwt gamt' belna a tie, quite t&Jutnw thrlr ,,,,, ••r l"'llllh•n' In ~ -an ... -~R, the w uon human labor and •kill cotna lnro: IU\ unllau.at ocrurfflt('C' In tee.m 014' •andlnll• SITI'A'I10N ··A~'TD'-, .... •a.n. j .... ll.U" AIJ'IOa ~~1~t ·ATI,lN \\.A S1V-..1' L.a4\· ~ -~ ~ ... ......_ ----- """'" II"'""'"' .. n ..... '"'"" rllll j ,..._..., ..... _. n cPS w • ...,...~"" •• """' r-t~ ~ ::· ''"''" ":,.Jl(!n'"'"~ """'"... s.r ........._ .. _.w, ,_., --....... ~~ra lWM Vam -.. 11 ~ .... ,. ''""'" ~ .... 1 .. )11 ,_ --__. ... ,.. ,.m ~...., ... ,.., ,.. Marinr A.-.., ... u. ,,, to 11 ~ -• ....._ ~ ~....... .........._ '"'""" lS·tf• A~Y ItA<;~ TOllAT • \\'A!'I:T~:tl Nt<' ... t'of'Ul. c.a- '"j:~ """"" hutltllla an,l 1"\ttflooe ~'>~•• ~""· rt.., kl!llo!""~ ..,,.11 r- \\'111 llll,-i '""'" lh al haltkoa ~''" ~-Timr,. ••ffh r •• U ...._ .-. r~ .. , ... Wi'llilt H1':J_ ... A "n"'• "-• u.--• , .... ,_, ..... .... -. .... ·~-· c-at.. ...,_,_.,, ..._. ...._ .... _ ~_,.11' T"AI J:lll •ftd Ia~, 11.:" ... I .......... ,,.._,.., .... ~a·•"~ "'"' ••· l;tiQ... • .&Yn1'J• ..__ ~I -. ,,.,..., '•"'"' ""~•~nl\af t•· l.-.. A ''"-'-IU r-. ..,_ ._. .. ,._ ~·· --• ....._ •a-1 ,,........._ A w ............. ,""' .. ..,.., afttl fttlt..._. ........... " ""'"'"""" n. ~ .... ""-' ..:&.~-• AXTU• ---_. ........ y., ... .,... ....... ~ n..r. ............. ..., ..,... llliallt• Ana. • • •·tfr ,._._.. \\'e.t AJ\allng Club mflDben o1 ~t.. that •·Ill. l.n tum . dc-atroy J)IMy. ant.! whf'n rollt'd off. wu w on Lottc-... ramr ""' •~•• t••P m th• 11 a utUe lltt, '-t u.-ol I» wbo Loe An&t'lee· AJ and J an lootllnc mor• matf'rlal and human labor by thf' lllrdiu by t be «ant ma.r• «utn .. with ..-..... , ·~• ... 1.111,. '""' yeans fOC' Uw -u ol Uw -&Dd f<~""'&r\1 to thl. flrat trip wllb Some o( vou may think thl.a an ' r;ln of one lit tiC' pin. Baau" dotn~o: "'""' ur 1 t•c-!lf'urlnll Puauc Nonc£S '·· NOTICE OF INTENTIOII TO ENCAC£ IN111E SALE OF ALCOHOliC BEVEitAC£5 · ~· •• Of"'INH ftnnlf "fW'fift"M"'. --1 n-...,..,. .,..,._ "' I'M rootri4J1f ...... a1 • " ... _ for lht' ••lnnrr•. ,_ ,... , a boat 8WilJ I.nr; I&Ddf'r racn anticipation. Al tella me w t unpatrloUC' attitude Not ao. not 10, HaroW P'Urt.c:b •·aa """ Snow· ~~~~~~ , ........... ~, ·~·-..... , ........ : : --------.... rlletrw rtMtr ...... "''~N. • an ~ty &allkMM to ca.~ out. arr pnr; out 14 mllftl for 80f'lle br~ It mual be dooe In order to 1 bird•' malutay lll'llh a aiulln• .at &Dd rftl Ia wtlb a bi& OM ill I.(M' rock C<\(J flab•n« Ott Boy' that bav, a world wbere conatnactJn lf'r!M -·~ -Board Stresses· owe ~~-So, nnt Sunday, AJ 18 rf'al aport_ ' · Ollnaa. llkt lb" building of flllhlntr Th!' whit•wutt l>f Rnowblrd8 len Jutuano !fl , .... ...-&L.-.......... _.., ..... ~ ,. ........ ~ .......... . .._ .... ....... = ... -~ -EaR 't"tw-ool• ....... ...... .-............................. nt ....... ..._.... ~t·a Owl &Del Malden s--· I ()n(' or AI'• boy•. Kenny Hud· * ... may be dono. The mOIII the Ylattlu In undiiJ!Uied _._ .. Value in Keepina ,. .. Wh .. m It "•"' ("'""""' ..-.· le F b 7tll f bopdul at&n ltl11t I ~an M t for lht' 16on of tint piau. altbou«b Oley Pt NuU~:•· II h~n'h)' al\'f"fl tt\a\ tw;• r~~ac ........ take o(f f!'OIIl lbe Pa· =· pa~v: -:a on ~e;::: Belt :~ rnlllf'C'aa of thc-human 1'11'1' t,o.. t ht'mWIVH Wf're,t la.in• two 0 Ceiling Prices up . '""" ftan an .. ,· th .... .,..,... ...... .. ..... ....... ,.._ -...,.... l~W ... ._ ••ta A-.. tfr -I .......... ~ ........... ;;-.. mod rilloa at Balboa wltb Uw Soulb lud l. Kl.-nny If you bat; the «M· ward a bettn IIOC"It'ty In which to thrt'f' a-mu to the third plact' AI· J IJOllt'~IJa,.•l ''"""-t.o _. .._. ..,. •M S my u you do Uw bi& flab. you llvt', 11 thl' cl•art.q« uf nt'W land. bAI,.._I, Th" l'rwco l'an.·l !If lh<' IO('al War 1 hulk """""'!:' .. II lh,... •--ft41 AatM lA -'Ciiii ,_....... ... ""' ,...,._, ... "Md. ~ n.ata M-,.._ N~ v-arid! wen.. PtMkr'"- ~ Cemewt.,... Can .. tbe futurr be upmly doDe apia by CLAUDE SW~£TMAN 122 t.-t,.,.-u. at. ....... ...... IP"-4t1·W enll aurf' IM>Ip to brinr; tbl.a war t o planniD• new factortu . and lhr Ollt rrllablt' AI Horvath qaln Pril'~ and lb tlo nln.: n ·aNI baa dfollf·rtb<">l .,. ,,,,,.,.. -.. .._..._. --- • alf'f'4 fl.nl.lb We'U all mla JOU. bulldlna' of Df'W flahlnjt boat..,.tarrf'd tor bla wiMinjt ~·· ~n noqurlllrolln """" th .. ltnJ>or· Val .. nC"Ia 3 ttff N"•J'ood .....,.. '""'-.......... • K•~ny Y hurry baciL ,, wbU~ thc-1lorm •'If deatrurtlon II t"rowln~t lbT'I'e jtaJIIU of \110 OC' ~t' .,, malnl ~tlnlnj( all 1.,.1110 1C ""d Of 31111 ~t ~-l· rt ......._ I aWl ~'~cUll· bC'ttf'r and win1lln« up with a M4l pri<'u ~.1 .. nf ,.11 ltf'ma 11.._,1 C.llf•Jmla a..c.r ._ 1-- TbC're'a atwaya aomt'thlnr; to be No•• -hnr Walhlr f'_ )'•Ill llf't11'8. 1 .. "runanrn•·~ •h•"'ht,. 11,,.,. ..... -...~h I P\11'11Uant I•• 11ur h l.nlf"ftl ... ~ Uw --- -,. a.Jtp ... rtrllft "All. ,.._., -IC'hf'ft A•· .......... ,... ...... -... •11 wenl; .. 11 ,.._. N_,-t ,.,.ft 1-ltp ..,.. ... ..,. ... ., f'arriaftl, .... tbaakful fqr_ 'nllnk · ol all Ole didn't mnn lu pr~Mfh a •mlOn.j Fifth plal'f' ~lppt"rl C'Ut tbc-u fum llu,..., r"frlt:f'r~tlnn. 111.,,.,.,. lln•l,.,...'lt1"'"'' 11 ...... Vm« ._.. a-liflfiT T-. ..-r 0..._ ..,_.._ nam• bl.atory .tudeDI8 ot u.e tu.leo r:et 011 with tht' nf'w hnallr . I w lnl(a of nt'llll··to-llurt hklorw to .tc . Ia ll"""rnl'\l hv lhr prh"' '"" Klatt.' n a n t "' fAfll&llut .. ., f .. .._ .-. • .,... -" ........ - ture wiU bave to oaatftl4 ~. Well. alnl'e J uhnny Norl'k h~l lh<' tunr nf two lo on~. ~adlnl W.lluna whrlhl'r 11,1,1 hv 11 ,...1.,1,., auan•'" .,f An al• n l •tl.,. •• ........ -9 -.,.. _.._. ..._ ,.---------------------------, already hall • bl&' front paJt' lbr CllpJM'rl In lhc-lr foray wu 1 OC' by "" lndlvl•htlll lit en"" "'' h•'f'nWel f•• ~ ..._ .._. 0; .. lipread ''" h l1 new boat, wf'11 ltart Ralph F.mt'I'IIOn. who a-me~ lbe l An n pc-rt f mm thr 1,..,. Ana;olrll preml-aa '""'""'• __. ""-r • t • 21Mf..a ,.....~ ........... ,. ...... tn:a-• ..... IEW-LGCiml A. F. of L. Newpcwt Metal Trac:les Council 11M •• GeNa ,.,... .. Ne•,....t IW..dt (t ........ .,N ..... ,.._ ......... lfew,.t lleadt !14 ~ !lift to attend the weekly ~ m ,........,._ 8:00 p. m. . L A..,.P ARKER. S«:'y EWAR IEI--1 -CliEI YOU ~· 3 ':!11NIIIeWart.y B n• 'g • .,...._ Puta OeiJ t • O.J llllld N"eer Ya.r ..ae er II ' nr .au. IOICLIS SANTA ANA FIZDEK SHOP • • I • I .. I , Alraaft .... ,... u.e Start • -.. ~ Ia l'_. ON iillwltJ to Help Yov Coalltry" AfiiiJ T.-J: DoaPa Feeder Shop U. S. Employment Serrice T I • ott with him l ouJtht to aend him r v•nlnlt'll top wriH nf Wand al• offlct m N>IIf 111,1111 thl' l 'ril'lll J'anf'l On aalf' bfol'r. .._ • • • •• a bill for all the advertUID.Jl. Ttlt. hlld aec"nn<l hiSit «am•. hla ItT ..,.warlv au.! 111w boo llta.l to c.lG· Anyon.. dMlrtna to l"'ot .... a- lta juat to recap the ltory of lut r l.._lv followlnlf On-t..a' f'Y'en 200. -ith. any tall -lMuurc-,,, _,.h lit-• ...., m. • · · 1 ... .... ""' "" r r ''r <"Hna&.mer WHk He 18 bulldln~t a 60 Ill 11 'nle 1tlll 8tniOllll« lllan C tm-In li lttl II I' I II a n rlfk-d J'f'Olf'el With t~ .... JIUI"'M" wlner_ She will carry 70 t'd to al.xth plar f' whc-n t.twy cut •-y"'no' 0~1h"" '""111 r ,.,. 1~111.,. "n,• U"ar•l "' ~t.aaUaa at ..,__ I .,,_,. -t' WI • • ,. n~ pr 1'1' pru ... torua of bulk ntth lndudlna oll'ck down the Gulla. two too~. bt'nuMI .._ Ia uraf'<l 1., onntac•t lh,. lnral -to. Oalltu_., IIIAtrna .....-.. load. Johnny "'•anta hf'r b l,. th• att'llar play of Ed G,..t£ la pan~ I f'llbrr "'' mall or 111 1,..,..,0 fOC' ~~B=~!':"'. HlltNI .• ~ .. ~~ W 1 A W enoulth for aardln• yet trmall Oul8tandlnl perlo..-ance All cellln Mr• Jnfnnn•t"•n .,.,u .. _ n v .,.... .., •--.. --- •noutrb and economical ennu~th for Acknman'a Boet IA&«Uf' thl8 '-Y lied f P • Nn. •te. -W TaS l lbark and -ocdflab_ But you rmd -k wu t urned In by tb~ ~~eeond ma upon r.-qu• f'Ub. Feb t . tNt ,.. Y-.... .._. UM atory Jut week ao we'll Cet oo place TermltH when they rubbed LOC~ ;-~"KE'f;-COMPLY ~ -lo Cap'n Joe Smith and Tom Rnd· out the otnce force three t.o DGUl· Ttl .. W'IMII t.be7 .,.. ...-c "" ..,.. 0 L C.'--..&..9 a A-=:IAYD Dey. IDe. Tnmlte Netlaoo wu Ule A nocent aurvt>y of retail meat fnr m~ tr...:kl • ,..,. ...._ ••--.. • Cap'n JOt' ano Tom art aiiiO leadlnlf npre ln thl.a roup. W"' ~rket.a, reqUMtt-d hy tbc-Oftl<'f' -. ...... -...... CD4I -.s 0 ._ 01 I • ta tth m --al Price Alimlnlntratlon and com-• ....... --~ ._. ..,_. ._. u.r ... ..&. ..... ... ..__ ~ ............ _ .......... .,... ...... ,._ ,._.. ... JIO •• .;:~~ .................... ._rt. tiAftma ,.&I,YA011! AMD ti.U .co ... W C. .... A-"'-IIM-W ... .,.., ....,. o.ttt --·~ ftJII aAII. OR 1'1U 011 ft ft. ...... .... (leell ~-,_ .... ...,. • rw. ftll ... .... DP .. Mia ........... we, buUdtn. a eo fOO(er. 8hf' wUI haY'e .. ('Yftl "It. I r w a ·-I tw ...... f'4 -DlliiiL ... ....... ---.. -----·--beam lbul Nor~ll'a boat aAd and ~12 •rtea. Termltea, u a ,. pletf'd by thf' Jural 1-.,lce l"'anfl . r~ • _, -· _ .__, • ...... --.t 1ft& drV\. It wW be a •mJ·V wit ot lbelr •lct ory, C'\lt ~. atar-fouDd the m•rehanu In lhla ar,.. In Ml• H~,....,. .• a... .,....~--------------·f =::.--"!~!!!:"!----."'!"!t~~-----to be In complet .. \.'Ompllanre TM room• l._.. le • ..._,. ._.... ._ ~ • ...,_ 'I'O•iliiillii eM ~ bottom~ with 3 Chryaler Roy· Price Panf'l uprt'8Hd 111 a,.._ta-tte,. 11 a llllt Wit a ..._ _. a.l ----N...,. -...wD OR at& E vldenUy r wam~"t the ftnt ~y Uon for tht' flnc-•ph1t of ~;ra. tblaa• th.t aJ'9'-• ..... _. ... ----~ , a t ~~ .-_ •• ...._. fill I &aya Cap'n J OC', "We k now t hat tu ('orne In and ta.kc-up 801'• UIDL Uoo finn thl' r•rlce Coatrol Ad· tapa elottl, ......... '" 5 .., __.. ea ...._ ..... ....., ,.,. ""' ~ .., l.al • thOOC' a lbacort are tw o and thrl't' 1 H• ba..l a 111p tacked up on U. mi.DIItratlon by t'Vt'T)'nn. ~ontact· vm._.. <'flC<-UIII aM ,, as, • .,..,. __. .-r ................... a~ hundred mllu orf lborr u d we ltf'm poet tbat wu d•l6gnf'd to aa. 14 ,... c~ _. .-.w .... --...._ .. ....._ • ,_; Aim to gtt 'eru. a.od we want plen· IWf'r all que.UOD8. llr'l.a aDd put ,..._ ..,. ....,._ • ... ............... ..,_. t & ..,... P. ty of ~~ ''' J tt then and back." "l..t'.ngtb 38'. Beam to· a·. drat\ 'nw noblest mind the bfott con· ~ ~ ~ .,... • ..,.., ~ --. ""' ..._.. .. - At tN1 point, Tt~m Rodney put 3 tt Powu -JI'ord V·8. Comp,. t.ltnwnt bu.-S~ t.betr ......, Wit ta. Hac 22 ~--· ....._. ...., a-. ................ . ln. "1 don't want my name meD· ml• •lem . 3 1-'. ton nab bold. ..._. -... -....-.. ~ Uoned u a partnt'r In tbla dt"al, Price Wt' don't know." .,...,. .,... I -a-..... -..... .. WAll?. '1'0 ......._..,.. ...... I'm bulldln• thl.a boat for my boy, Now you can't kid mf!, BlU. Tou Balboa Island JWportM .., ..... , ...... ... ...... a.. ..... a OWfWJJ • a I == fll : Dt Wain RodDey wbo Ia a corporal know that won't lee no 3~ toD. 0-L I N ,.. ~ poa6t .... -.. I .._ p .... .... ..... ,. I a • ..,_ -an t.be army e~~P,eera. Wy boy, Alld wtaat a.re you •ot~ to do ocn00 eWI ~ -n. a... a.a--. ,._ _.. .. 8 ...... ""' 1 1 ft .. ....._""' te\A Of' Wain. Ia crazy about flab In' I wltb that new DieHl that you J'O( .,1,.. Or.. mtmb.-n are A.lly ,..,._, ,._,1 .._ .. W. a ,_. a ~ llaA; .... ~~~----''""!~! and whet! tbl.a war'a over. I aim t.o boarded up ! 1 !Wportf'd by Gall Tanlley WaUIIn8, Pa1tl ft ' ..._ r--------------------------... have a tint' fllllln' boat all ready Earl nbbeU I• now drawlnc up 11K! B&lboa lalan..t IK'huol Ia ~· OUDCan. T-y ....., . .....,.. M:Wftal TMSJM 51 ... tcw blm." plan• for a :'10 tun brtnf' boat f« lf\C v..ry ..,.,11 In lh•· b<lfl'l drln Alll'n, Ooana a.-~. 11 le 'nJia l.an't Cap'n J oe'1 flrllt bQat llllbaCOrf' and Olhf't tuna £&rl The flnl (TacJC' WU Ahead Ttlu,... 0uDcan. uJU.IIIr ,._.,., f'--._,.. ~ M COl I Ht' baa boUt llt'Vt'ral lnclud!n« the hun't atartrd •·urk yet but IKlOII. day. We bo t o do t-nn bfollf'r Prkt', Kay f.,..6dttoa81 ..ct .-.a,. ,__., C... ,..._,. bl(re.t o1 tbe Owl boat&, w hich 1t look" like ...... 11 han w co• next week. pe Loft~ ,._ diU~ .,.. .._ Bail TatlJp . . . .... Information bu bHn Ktvln« a r;ond a crount nf lima• thl" etury In nut IMUe. We 1 a-d Greek Inc rl.ant.a . ..eda aDIII ~ ...,.. hnHif tor 26 yeare now So I 111111 haYt' I<• trll ahuut tbt' Routh Re rt~ b UlUIW )I tlf'n tu ,...h,..,l nw,. .,... ....... IW ftaa; I • • t hink Wl' can u .pt'<'t to aee a flnt' C<lll.llt boat• 12 unllt'r conatruclJoa. -.po ndy ·' ..., <II ry ~aDd •"••t.a &o ._------------------------------ 1 aue eeco grauc-f!nrye ram· r-• --.-~ ----Yf'-1 rt'a.dy about April. t urdrr"'-"· rnur Lowman• and 4 In about ualmal lrar lla In lb•lr ... tw.,.,l ya nl llDII bu~ 1~--r --· NfM' fnr our nld frlt'nd Bill ("olr· Kf'lt('ntwr.:ll t>ellldu tht' bll COD• W~lll Read~-Tbert! were pic· Paeleu Ji IF sl ~- man. 1 Wl'nt In to AUI'\IIl Han· tract. by Van Oamp 011 French turel!, do•• cata.' ulrrele rab· '"l'her. 8,... l..._ ...... _., r-------------... :-_.,.. __ ~ __ IU'I __ 3 _____ -: : .wn'e piau to Re Bill'• new boat. aardlnr blta and cblp~unk ~l'ka Tbere thuu~rb tn••JUlt In ~ u. ... W«'T'I' a1.ao rl~turN of bini tn~"k• •aah In ltw wound Cw I I ~.MD.. C•=wl R6dll.w, M.D. • BURT R. NORTON 1111 Cout Rtpway Pllaee %41 '7 NEWPORT BEACB RADIO SERVICE Newport-IWMa NEWS-TIMES f'IIOIQI8 U a II ..,,s_ ..... e .... ... c..... .... - a...~ •va-;-..~ ~ 117 rrtM' I~,.._..,. ... ~~!! V.._.1DED'I -------------- ..... 1 ... ...... ..... ~d*tl .. ... -,. ....... ~ ..... _.,.,,. .... lila OMw \Ia;• ..... 1W M •• ,_.... a. ~:--.!10,... ,_. • Olnlleet a...r-1,.-=----;;.;....-.;..;. ___ -:. r-----·--------, ~ ..... ,.... to•UIIGI_!!: suo~~ ..... --1..-oYP,~ Dll. G.~ TOHil.L Dlt-h-....... F ..... D ... ___ ... CUIItoiDfl"' ElnWred u Second~ matt•r st dw Paetatnc:. .. .._ ... , .._. Arr.a-w "' u.e · ... ~.,.. ~ •v•oae»e ""' ..,.,. 018 r~~~: wo -calltomla. unclfr ttw A.r.t of N•,.. 3_ lm. nw ~ !:' .::~ :-:.ta "-set-~;-.. .. a~~ .ua A HAPPY AND VIOI'ORI0118 _5._A.._II_J:YER ________ ----mm.--.;c, •••HaW ~ ._ .... 0 P 1 -u...~ .......-....., .....,.. ~ a-a.,. I:Jt a. -. • a:tt ,_ a NEW YEAR OJI'FICIAL PAPER OF nil: CITY. 0P NEWtCJel -~ c.-. -.._ ~ c. n ....-' ...._ -... 1... .... AVAlLABll.J1T C'ER'MfiCATE NECESSARY ,. ....... C.tt........, I ~ L---------------------· l---------------------_.;1 AD 1 diNe Local._......_ J'w 0.. .. Y-• Bv r,· Hu11....t_.. --('7 eMit of 10 people ,...S Newa-..,__ CluriiW Ada.) --~--~------~~ ...-..... _ .. _ ...... ..._ ..,...__...._ ..... ..._ ••.. _, ....... c.-.._ c ·a .... ~ .. --~-;.=-1 Dr. M. D. Cnwfonf •~Tcnta?·lltiT 1 .:,.. &uat~~H oa-ntw J'JW "-•P*t .......... .,.. ~ ,...._ 2«a • ~TA MlaA MI.'JZ ...-ruARY '~~~'UA V ... c... ...... c...-... -· • -..... ........ -r--"--.... ,.. .. .. c...r. 0 ...... a-.1 ~Aba.L...., I ~--------------------~ I ~--(, ~I .... ---.... ........ ·~ ......... _ .. _ ........... ... , ... _.-...... N.D. CASH 0 v "" DOn •"" C"T HO'I,.IT ... L tiMil•m.t:Q( W.S -II Ii-I DISTRICT ~ ........ <.E ...... ··~·~ •ooo-.. '& lf.• ..... ~· "'~" ~~ I 1'..-a ¥.._ I • ... .j f,omrtw·r l'h IL'\. ... J (..t:~••t. r~••c.-.oa • ... "'"''" • --,.,.,!Jp,.. -•1•1 ' "'"" ~1...-•1 1-tl 'lll:l l'htn• ~t/111 l '·on•truriiHII t..<IJ111-· ~·-~~~~·~-• _,. • ,.,,. • t ~ -f '' ,._. fi't•lp .,....,., r;tJ.H) Vul\r h•1mr " f'huntt ..... t~""T 1•·-..-. • IJ 1\~r ,.,, f'~ .. n .. 11!\ll •'•,11.-t lflf;hw~tv 11t Ardlf'll, "\: ..... ,. --...... , " ... ,.ll..n•n.r ,. . r'h• . -~ ... 1:\, s •. ,. ....... fl<r-~h. ~.., ... t •u*rr •·•flltoot• "'II n 1 '"'' "~~ IJ l l ="""'!"'"' l~<r-arh. ltEAI. ~AY£. ~-""1: A NOTA"Y ~Uei..IC- t-" ........ 'LWJ .. "-nt:r..l "''"'"'... '"'""" ~ IIUI !.CT .......... . ~ ---~. ,. ..... o... 12 13 :-.r .. wpof1 BMclll. ~ II€TAL •• .. a-L-~ ............. A._.. ..... W.wiU f~ .. ta ibu f'tlone-210. -~----.... .._. ~ --~-*· ~ ANI ~~~ J"'hoot 211l·W, ' • • ' \ NEWPORT-BALBOA ~..:W~TDIES. Newport S.Ch, California, Tuesday, February 1, 1944 Elmore Hayden Hostess to Lightkeepers Class t USO Celebrates Third Birthday I 1-Iarbor Feminine ·Activities IL.Croeh_e_t ._u.n_·~·4-r:r_s,_r~as-:-:Chl:=e~-l \\'tt'o .. tnbutl' tn lht' mllltnto volunlt't'rtl anti lh" 1tnnora nr 1100 · ElecoliOI'I of ornreno "''U lhr 1100 ti(}O wurklng tunl1 '"' thr \JM main buatnua o t th,. partv h .. lot C'!l.ter L Barnard fl'""''lent • 1 at the hnml' nf Elm~ Hayd .. n lbt-lfmt•·fl Rforvtn • Or~aniZAtl'>ns 11117 F. Central. Wt\f'n llhf' ~nter· I hall" thr 2,8/lO rluhs now In rx••t- Ulned the Uethlkrt>pr• rlai!A "' , 11, t' 11n thf'lr thirtl blrthdav. 1-ro· ChriM Ctturc-h by lh•· Sf'a tllv F,-.hnu•n· 4th ~ated Ill r retlltltnt, II .;tlnlt ' · Walk•r; llf'r r•·tii,.Y. P:lmnrr HaY· '\\o· ,.,. •l•oroo• ""' h••tll thr·~· dt'n, a nl1 tr,.uurrr. lAm" Mill" tl·r. ,. \t•!H'I' ,n.•,.,. cion•· •Julio• II Jollae fl:lllll' N,.-·h•n•l I• l ht· t~'!\<'h••r I t l: .• rr•ll•.:l r.'mlll k~ .. i.)ut n••t nt lhf' r ia•. to1 '"'' parhoon wllh th•· ~ .. I•IINI' \\'nrk w•~ cnnllnttr•l ''" "''" -~01•,.r< n nrinl'll llnd rOIUil «UilrW prnjf'rlll: t·~mpllln~ th,. :'•·rvlr•· "'' "" j.CI~•IIy :•·"''' II f/111 n··" r rOIIIf'r tr r Lht> r h ur. 11 und "''1'111• ll•lt(o ll l h• ••1 It '''"'''!:". tho• lll'lflll' br'o• kt~ nt r~trtnnn~ IP VI jooko•& '"' ., ' c d· '"" " '" "'''''· 1\lo ILmpiy hu!lf)l\al Jlt&tlt·nh ttl tlw !':A A ,\ B •I• 111••11''' afo•ol t•\ • ry o!uy loy I ll,. A t nlt\1 (lf '~" 411 Wl\lt 'urtorol '" 'A !II• r .... , ...... vlo o•noo·r1 .. ftom lht• 111'11' 1'1( !HI I alf'nllllrtl ~~ . 'I \ ,,,,,. olot!,, r hi ··~·) Ellen J ones and Gene Worlev Repon For SPAR Train in~ ~,,,.., n.: ).1 '"'·' f•·r ·u, l'&lu: H""' 11 Trlllnll•t' r. ut•·r Ill tlond:a. ~ ~~~ ... IJ···· .J ,,,, .. Hlid ).!!$' ,....~ Y.' ,,,..,, hot h j.!ra. ·urot• ~ ••f -.._.. 1,,1, ,·,,·,,l •• r ll t•ll ~lll<o(Ji ,.JJ -· .1• r J,." a '*' \A ,. kt~~ Ho•t 1 \1 fHt{W4D fl·unlt\$.! f••t Itt• :-::"'•·· f .JJt••'•"J tn 4 '" 1.: "'''k -: "f••·alu.-.J,.r.rk ~t't-.., .I• n• .. \\H• ~~ • Ph ones 12 and 13 • ~ Phone 690-W Second Event of ··under 20 Oub" Adds to Williams-Cottle Successful Tradition; Rotary Sponsored I Nuptial Plans ----- -Are Announced -' .,._, ~'"'P ol JVUI'C ..... ~ Mana f<W Uw ·ww•t affair whh-b I t.•··~ ., ~r:-"' ..... 211 -r:-a ._, ,_1 !<.c tbot ~ ....a nt wiU .,., a Valentine party on Jl'eb-Commanding mor~ lhan lhe ua· •h· t 'e.Or-r !0 ~b" at Uw Clillt-• ro.a~· 11 · ar.e under way for the ual lntcn •et a're the wedding plana Jl• ~ ""•e:.a~: • ("'-~ • J'\' IM t~f'O·&Ce1'11 wbo an ~~red 1 of Mlu Ellet'n llotarec Wllli&ml .U.\ ~-"J'LL •r .. mbo-r• nt the club. and Frank Cottle which ~II take A!'t..~. bot tt.uta.w ~ Jlltl't• nn Sunday. February 13, at f ............ ~~ a.ao~r.-.! ou..S ........ I Welcome to uso I {"hallf'l·by·the·tell. Corona del Mar. •• OL v-u.~ ,..,-nup uw ~ ,.. 1 The bnde·to-be Ia the daughter ,-Uwwtns 11ft r~ 11e • Open House 1 nt !.J r . and ldra A. J. Wlillam• of 1 -.JW: t. c·.-,.,.c .... c I '• • • I 2602 W. Central. Newpol't Oeacb, ~ P.d-a~ &&~I tbftr -... ..,. l a11d the proap.-r tlve lj'room I• tbt- •f ~lr .o:.d \It \\ h1· •!. .. ,z:l-t..., .. : ; . ., .. ~ f.!J.Jtr.._t Y .J At lhf' t 1••,_, .• ,r ltJf •·vtonhl t: ,,.,. 1 "I• 11, Jt d•t , .. ,,.,! ... ht •J\'•~r 3U uuf)-1:-IJ, 1 ·•""' • •·U\~ C"h•·•·M,.tf i"J•A hftil ' tktP.\\t·rt ,11'\'r'\' ..... , ,u,~t ,.,· ''~f ' •tlrnp "hfl'w\'ff :• truu l•t ,.,,,,.kl ,., l.La..' ,,,_,. '''" F"bruary 4. 5 and 8 tFri· t •t d.. v s Cotu· f ..,......., t.bo: ~ral c za.. • 1 110n u ... r. a.n ... re. . . e o --. olav thmugh ~tandAyt. th. 2.800 • -t , _ ,_. tJ...-....-Lan~ n t El !otonte. ~ ·-' I ·sn. llff bolohni Open Hou.w. •· • ..,. .: ; ~ yntmplan • Tbe date choeen by the younr \\ ,.~-...-1~ ,,._ ~-Vnur huabenJ. aon or -flf!l· couple 11iao marka lh•• 2lllt anni· -n-.r-,.-r\08 ..-.td •u ~1, h,.:.rt 1\a.' prt;bebly mmUooe<! H'rAary of tht> g-ronm'lt parr ntl!. 4'11 hy ltll' 1\o Ofl•ltlt IHolll to~l .. :" rY •lay \•o iUitlo·o r~ I• \' •loUL:Iol• r •o )lr .._, ).!111 1: t•·tr "Thank ,_.u· ft u ru ,,..,·~ Ul ''.1 \\ rlt\ ••t Itt.! N-~as,. .,~~- Moth er Enroute to Visit Air Corps Son ,ru , 1 t1 tt• .• Jr:ltt•l l u f iUol t"tt.. '-' I ttt•n••l\ lu \\'lilt! br;nll· ··~ .. r•·h•' I •• tU ·,. •J• t p 'h nlr "' u~t··Mtrtt.: t !!I .a t . It• I .. \t 1D4D .• ., t·n~y .....,. u.r IOh:tl t ·~ m"an• to men In The bride'a aiatu. Mr•. H. L. umr .. rm So. c· me ln. look c .. 1 11 ._ t '- News for YOU about the WAC WA.Jft TO ILNOW ..._ .._ .., WAC, .......... .._ ..,_ .. I'OOf ................. ,_... pnaMIItwa ..... .... ., ,..., ,..._ ....... ............ /*. .............. ,...__ ..... ,_ .......... .... ..... ,_,..,_ ....t~r71I1Witllll,.--.&f tODAY~ Ml ...... M ----o ... A.r8y ... ............ ,..~ ............... ,.._ ........ Or ....... , n. ...-ro .......... , .. • X' ..... ....... -. .. c. u .•tl'lih t;,·t"t"t:"O l riJ>I'I F.A.C. Rummage Sale Again Later ~-Y• ,C• Now luy ••• New ADDING MACHINES! IUT YOU MUST SIGN W WI1H US TO GET IT ............ .......... ••••••• ..... •• to II .,.. _._ .. __ .. , . .,....._ ............ ...... _ .. .. ,.. ... Q'"tlng Cardt: and .t G~at Voarlety of Unu1ual Gift• ''"'F. IN\"ITP: Y0 l ' TO IIHOW~F. ARI )\'Nn'· C. E. LOUCKS JEWELRY and STATIONERY Diamond' Watc:hu · Fine Repalrll'g Phone Newport ~30 1797-119 Newpol't &lvd., Co1t.t Me1a,. Calif. BEFORE YOU BUILD OR REMODEL 1at a-ttl Main lt. Vieit our lnterHtlng .. mp!e and dieplay rvoma. CoiM guiclea plannlnt aida, c:om· p,..ftenalve atock of rvta. ~·pet a. II!Mieum and Vene· tian blin._ ~ • LUDLUM CarpetWorb ..,r.:: •fr 1 ..t ,.,.._... ~.. '"' «> Jr-wt """ m•tron n nonor I U• •t..te.-•ttb tulC!fl ~· 8 ''14100 .:et • firwt·hand UD· whtlr L>t>an rotlle. brother , f the .. : .... -; '-:It o1 lMIP .,. pr.-181<on ~room. wtll n.rt ~ be ttl man ?(044 Mud ~tUM Vitamins A and 0 v-.,_ ..._ v.~ •• ,. .. -..... ~-«·-ac••n•· nfec••••• waec~ era mo r~ l •k•l1 • eccw .. dw -tv-t. ..,_ ......... r.,._~ .,.._.._. •• .,K-r '-= I .••• .,......_ v_ .... v.__o._~,. , .. ~ .... ~-('i ! tlw .. ,. _ _. ............ ,. I ,._~ If 1•• ••• .. , aatter f ! ...................... . ........... a 011&-A-DA \' .,_. Yl-'-A _, D Tai-l ~ ...ry .., ........ J"O~ .......... _ . ONEijDAY I ~I Au n:t f«. rood flail ·br- •-wtL ·~ • -ccinc ~~ .-t~ _.. wp -~oa.. y-ICI.If• a::.J .. ._, ,_ -~ L:.oiF ,_-~ • ., m.. en.._. ~t-a JO~ ~ im«fnw wid! ~our f~ ..-..~-n~.-.= Haibf•a t:SO C'lub. 115L., Wain .,,_t, U&lli(J&. ~-p rt e-.-b l1SO Club. 113 Z2ll4 ~tired. N e•'JIOrt lk-al-b ._. Balboan Enters WAC Training Get Your Olliee Supplies Today FIST SERVICE! REASOIABLE PRICES! ... We are maintaining as complete a line as possible of aU the things you need to belp you in your business-right here ln town so as to save you time and travel. Be sure to ask us if we have what you need. Some of the&e are closeout items; no dealers; we reserve the right to limit quantities; sales tax not included. Add lbdliM RoDs, asstd. sizes 15-20c Availability Certificates BiJibeada. Ruled-plain or print~ 8'/:: x 7 to 14 lllulder, ~ring 8~ X 11 sheets $1.25 Cash ~r Rolls, all makes Celudrx ~s-lnch clear index tabs Clip and Ardl Boards, all sbJes 90c and up c::up.. U..alldog and paper, asstd sizes r Columnar and ACCOlDlting Pads, all sizes Ccult.rr Checks Cftclt and Debit Pads Dally Analysis Sbens. 500 for $5.25 DUly Cash~. 500 for $2.95 O.ten. 75c Oak fDn ldtea. or legal siu Dsuelopts Cobnbia Clasp, aJI sizes to 10 X 15 Manila. •·hite, all sizes, plain or printed Era.wn-Art Gum, typewriter. Klenzo Pencil-type typewriter erasers Estimating Shft>ts f'iJe\.yokkrs. manila. all cuts. letter a nrt legal m.es. ~·too to S4.00 pt>r 100 File Guides. prestboard. letter si7.e, ~2.25 f"lDprs. notehook. punched. rulL'<i or plain Glassine Bags Gummed LabPls Index~. all sizes lndn Card<~. ruled. all si7~ lndrx Signals Inks Writing. bottles or quarts Stmdl. indelible. India. stamping. (nwntory Sheets Lfodger Bindl>rs. sectional post t)'IX' Lep1 Forms. notary. etc. ~. a.c;std. stocks and colors . printed as per your lnstruC'tions (AaeLeaf~ ~Tags llllaieCJCnPh Stmdls. tab 8~ x 14 ~beet ~ Note Books, memo, etc., ~t sizes, plain or ruled Paper. bonds. thin papers, colors or white, all sizes. typewriter. mimeograph Paper clips Payroll Records Paste Pencils, lead, colered, china marking. 1ndellble, automatic, stenographic Pencil leads Pen points, all kinds Price Book Fillers, 81h x 11 Postage Stamp Moistener. china Ready Master carbon forms Reception Cards printed to order Receipts Ribbons, all makes t)'IX'writers Roll Memo Pacts Rulers Sales Books Sales Tax Ext>mption Cards, F orm No. Signs, For Rent, For Sale. etc. Stamp Pads St<lt ionery of all kinds Statements, 8 •,~ x 5 1f.! Superdex Roll Labels Thumb Tacks 103 Typewriter Paper, white or canary seconds Typewriter Ribbons, all makes DESK CALENDAR 1944 -5 X 8 Complete wlt.h holder : room for each day of the year. Get one today. Only $1.90 Newport Balboa News-Times PllOIIe u ... 1J . "\. s c c .. c .. the ent Hal WeJ tari cou as 1 nm due bJe ant wer Mr.! Anc Pau offi• at I brig u.s. Cap Ana Mrs Tho Coo OOUI R.C lishl lster u. : othE uu tuni ~ allc HOWl Spet Dou laid fact the wbi• war pass distJ tivel and how OlU onl)l oC how you twc> can Part de)" the didr! key der g()()( dud trigl tion t iS( aye Ball has for urdl 4th, day \'('('!! Amt chat and of t pre! all! Bot ho· star into sun ure . Jan< is F ger plet lect cru ner Edi and gt>T1 Gee thi! old th~ (11; -S sdl coE al!'f tPJi on. jo~ for toc Ch r h: in~; wa Co flO W• tio Cc s lft4 01 CD n to A• A: di th fa •