HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-02-08 - Newport Balboa News Times11 SAil CIA I -SAM IIAJUIOII& George Kellogg, • Yort-Linda. Newport Harbor advoca~ for 25 yean. in a ~ter to Nt>Ws-nmes. outlines his views IIIOft specirK'ally on the is- SUP, thu5: "You may remt>mbcr J.hat 1 stated that penoul)' 1 had a.hnays considl>red ='!ewpo11 destined to become-a com- mercial harbor and from the t'Stimatt> ol futun.• shipping potentialities !or the Pacific Coast I did not see how the Harbor Commission or oth- ers who now favor the Pk>asu~ Harbor idee. eould easily avoid it.•( <.'Oflversion. "You mi~ht al.o;o J"('I'Jl('m- ber that I statt'd that I might br mistaken as I rlirl not knowl· for sure whether a CCJIDIIlt.>rria.J harbor or a ~ harbor would e\'en - tually br for tiM> greatest benrfit to Orange County. and if we thought that a pleasure harbor •·ouJd bt> the grNles1 bmefit in tiM> long nm. that •·e should unite in prot«ting' it as a plftt~ harbor by finding other rom- merrial harbors to met't that Armand. ''I was the ont> to suggeJ>t that thrrP Wft'l" silt'S for twn or DlOft c:onunercial hal"bors brt~ Newport and Suru;ct Bad~. which •· a s c o n- flrmed by later speakers. ... think it •·as ronstruc- tiw. oo finding that the l;la r -CcJmmi-'oft now only had juri8ctiction cwt>r Oran~P County Harbor: dl>fined as ~port • Ba.Jboo h a r b o r areas. to ~est that ~1Ppc; t.> taJuon to havr th«>ir a u - thority enlargf'd to CO\'CJ" dll ot tht> coast lint> or 011tnr .-eo...•>· and i! st'effi.<; to ~ th..t 1 he fi"l Ftep in prate<-•- ing your ple-asure ha rllC 1J' from becom:ng C'OI1'\0'l('fCW 1- iD!o would be to change the caunty OI'CIMIICP. Then the Hnrtlbr OwnmiMkJn would br b a ..-ition to plan .tnrl ~-C'Of.llJW'rciaJ h aa·- honl on any sitf'S in Orn~e COlDl!y. ~That bas-btbaJJ gamr last Friday night O'Ve'r at 1\lstin between rw-'J)Ort and Santa Ana DIUSt have been quite a Ius-*· •'ith our boys showing tbL> Saints a ft>W new tricks a.~ to how to win a ball game . Whicb st.o.-s what deter- mination and a winning spirit will do. 'I1K-se boys of ours from Harbor Hi are really made or the right stuff. and we are rooting for them in a big way In their ~ with A:nahftm ne"Xl Friday night in their own gym herr in Newport. What say a lot ol us tum out for this gamr and show these boys that the borne folks are (or them. 1bey may be figbt:ing (or us in a different way in a frw months so why not gift thtm a swell bou· qurt now while th«>y are home in t~ manner of our i*eM'IClP at this~. "'hich _.. 10 much to tbt>m, ~ OONTEST. That bomber contest that War Bond Campa.lgn D I r ~ c t o r Parke has announced else- .-bere in this paper is a grand idea. Contests are ~~­ •-a)'S interesting and faSCJn· ating e'\·ents-t.e. count the nwnoer of conll>st and qutz progr.uns the~re a n.• at. pres- ent on the air. lll'res one of our a-n -\\hat's your suggestion for a. name_: Ho- tary lc; sponsonng tilts one -then. there is that ~ntest going on among the kids at tht! t;ranunar school to de cide which class se~ t~e III05t War Stamps. Kiw~ts is spomonng this one With a sa-elJil"'phY ma~ by Asst. F~ OUef Jan Bnscoe. NEW CII'Y BALL We bear tell of de('anit.e J!lans ~t to be drawn ror tilewport s ~ City HaD _ marvelous. it's bet\\'ftft Newport ~ C'alta *-· after ~ and ~ ---together ·-"" .J';;' big community Cl'a --'bUllies to become .... ...-unlimited. a Bill Oty are ~ Sudl a bftWtlful new tac.andlfttmowit...W w beeutiful, should ~ seen fiGD ~ ma1n tugtnr.•ay. 10 t11at tourtrts driving through would be attracted to our city. 11wy hardly know Uwft • BALBOA '--~-. .. Buy Bond, to End War Qui(ker MES 1 Year • • . • SUO ...... "'-"* ........... .. N_...,_, ....... .... EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA. WEST NEWPORT, St.A SHUKt. COLONY, LIDO ISLE. NEWPORT HEIGtfTS. IIA'BOA ISLAND, CORON~ ~El MAR. COSTA MESA VOLOIIE XXX\'1 N(WPO .. T BEACH, CALIFO .. NIA, TU&IDAV, FEBRUARY I , \M4 = President Longmo~r's Report to .. C of C "In 1943 your board or dll't'('ftll "I &:11V<'m~ •. ,, In I ho• no'UI 1111111'1', I'Xpt'rtl'n<'o.,t u hu.«y and diffii'Uit 1'1·1111~ '""''' 10 unfc•lc1 &It: pl11n~ for ~ r:ar Th<' honnl wurkNI om man) ufh•r·t h• .. w·or rt'pll&r and l~'pluN" i•rf~lo•rn,. m an pffor1 tn d~\'t•ltop ,nu•.,l pr1.,.;1 nm ~mr mlnaollar.·~ o.o!UII11n• that ~uuld h.• '" tho• Jo,.,, "' '"" ~ork huv•• ulrt•ml~ mu.to' ant!'rr,:ts of prnpo•r ct(•\'l'lflJlmt•nt nf thrlr appt'arnDC't', War rr,..trlrtion;. tht~ ha i'I>Or llu• t'lt~ :tnol (11'1111&:•·! pro•\•'nl u;. Cr•ollll maktnl! l'llhlk In t'tlUnlv lnrmultnn lhat woull1 ~urprtst• \'t14o "( :.annl'l prlll~t' hk> IH&:hl~ ~~~~~~~ "ll11r· OIIIIOO:ll Will' IH'I>ihlt,'l lttll tlirt'('tflr" fHr th+' lim••. ,.flnrl 111111 1"'-.,.e''""' fnl' rHrg .. ltrul f'll~"'""''r t·un$lnu'IJ\t' lhlnk•na: &:"''" ~"I ·hiP'·· •1111111~~··, 1111\!htna: llo.• frt•t·l~ 10 lh• •t' prtll•lt'nl•. Tilt· 11w lrl ha• )''' "'''" ~:\'o·n t!,,~ ttl'll •:IIIII' pral'£' 1:1~'' Ill all llllh'l" \\hil l •hilt' llrt lllt•\'ln~ (1'<1111 l h• \\,1\• ,lltlo'(l You "•ltlnm ltn•l a j.;rnllp ul tnllt !he' \\lf l••r Pill J.;ll\"t''""" nl nJt•n nnrl ~omo·n Whf"l h11V1· 1h•· It •• •noflf',ll••tl I hal lh•• m•·t't 11.1111 pl;a~;'fl .mf•r•• c-ommuntl\ tl1 \'utnm fl•·•·l \\111 '" l"'lDin••tf ami no1 "'llhoul r••~;au1 to I"'~'"''""' mlo•1· •rr:JI•t •·d ,,, ~a-rluno• aflt•r \\'urlol , . ..;,~ thnn ·'''llr pr""''"' b.-l,,rrl nnrl l \\'.1r I \'t•tmli~o· •Oml'lhm,:: .. r tho• I 1•om. maliN'" Tho·~ rll'se&'Vt' ~OUI I i•nurmuu,.. 11mnunl' 11f tl''t'lln ll'llf· I'H··• <.-omphnwnts, rir of nil kand.• lhnt ~·ill 111l4'ral•• ..·n us pa~l )••nr'• o•'l(tx•r1l'nc-· ha> ACro<tS tho• PDrafic-, lht'OOi:h lh•· rnn\'lnN'd u~ !hal "'" would nol Panama C'11nal. tu lht> o·lt~l Nlll~l fiJHIIl our cluty if we• failed to rnu· nnt1 F:•arnr-·. ~tnd 1t1 South Am· linn )OU 10 hr on ~:u:t rd for tht> fu· o•rlra Oltr mnjor hnrbn"' will bt• IUN' w r lfilrl" of your city, your 11111f'd lo CloJllldly. Al;.o. llw rP· httrbor ~tnd your ('OUftt)'. pnlr anti matntMillnf'f' fl"'ltT'llm nr· "WIIhln two )'Pars. many pro.Jt'<'t~ ri"'Mr)' In kl't'fl th•• ml'rv-hant Rnd pm~:rnms of a mililary natun-nf't't in opo•r11tlon will ~upport a hRV•' localt-d an Orangr ('OUnt y. hUltf' Industrial J18llrm for lho• Pn·1 Thf')' n-pl'('..rnt an t'Jqlendtl Ul't' !Jl· d fic 1'01\ill. rludin~t lanrl \'&lul' of ovt>r SlOO.· "You rnA) ~UUM<t thai thr'4"• 000.000. lind rovt>r 1!000 acr~ of pro«r!lml' will not matf'rially 11f· l11nrl Tht'SI' bato('~ havt> 11dd<'d fN'I rhl~ llV'IIl a r,.a V!'ry dt'finilrl~ I many nf'W And dirricull problems lhf'Y will M11ny df>sil"f' to n-tllln in hQU!>&nJ: trnnsportation. Pntf'r-,thl' hsrlwlr 11nltrr it< Jln'lll'M Nll·j •ainmrnl nnrl roonfination hut thr tul('('lf pAIIr•m with a llmflt'lf•, pmhiPm~ httvr hl'l'n Wf'll handll'd amount of inrlu~otry. anrl to ft>Atun•' 'II'MI wilh M lillie friction 11...~ flO!'' Srwpor1 harhor '"' thf' 0\Jtlllllnrl·, ~lblf·. inl( rt'('rl'ntionAI nnrl 5mall honl '~outs Mark Mh Anniversary "ln nont~el ltm("' thnt" projrcts httrbor. 'J'h4'rl' is no ~pot on th•·, w"ul11, hnvl' n>qulrl'd 20 ~ I'Bn< to Cnllfomill ('QilSI thfl l hR~ I hi' ,,., •. , ulan :~nri d•'VPI<)fl tn~lf'Od of twn l'lhllltll'" of yntar llnrhor for •ur•h -------.....------'"""!---------------- \I'll"' TontJ:hl w .. prodkl lhat a nmgrom RPCord" ,;h~· thai 1n y D R · h '110rf' prOJt'<'IS will rome. som•· of 19:\4 lhrr,. Wf'n' 612 plf'll'""'' rrafl t • . t "htrh mny no~ "" Rl your Yl'l') nnll Rl olhf'r rrnfl. 1 ..... thnn 7110 ' e eran r IC er rt.,nr u·-U•aHI rtn ~ S I • "\\'1' wnnl )OU In ..rrulinill' th•• 1•1r1urr ('llro•full~ ~oml' may I'H undt'r lhf' 1mprr<~1nn thai lhl' pat· ,,.m l>l'&nJ: spr,.arl m l,his al'f'a will "'nllap-.f' at 1 h(' •·nn of thE' war or ~hortly after \\'r don't think II New Selective Servi(e Rules will collapst', From the tl'('nd oC I lnformatloa received from Na· many problems we have faet'd thit.1 tloftaJ Heedqti&I'Un fll .. \aett .. P8llt ~nr. we bell~e Wf' an tac-t s.m~ f'OnCff'TiiriJr tl'le new Jl'"t' lnl( an f'llflllnlllon f~r bf'yonrl Ollr <'f'rillrl' rnr phvF.cal ell:amlnatlon IJt P..,..,,.n, romprr~n~<Jnn. rf'l""""'' b\' C"hlrl Oerk Ant1,.w "Tho• prt'k~. rad1o ant11(0\'t•rnm~'nl Jackwm Ha)'TI'an of Local Board offW'ial~ ,..,,. no ltoubl rot~vlnl'f'd No 171 f11r thf' Information nf Practicing At 83 ThAt arnn · n'll man nl the med· l-..1 leAl r rof«'Mic-n. r>r. Olfmld ..._. 9 r ot a ..._ wtt _, .,... ter. w1lo. ror Ulf'•lfta qur~rter nt a tl,. pllno.,pt~y, he .. • ,,_ .,...... century hu Mt!n ~rvln,: the •kill pi~ ot .,_,._ old ~ully . Ill UWr cor.m1unJty, wUI rncb h .. Wlt.h a tull practltf' &ec-f'IH-atfJd oU:hty-lhlrfl ,..,..Ht~ on ~. by u.t ~e nl &lct.ora &1\Jllhla ,., bn11ry 11 H• uye II'• Jolac nu aptdftDk', Ot Jtkhtrr finfl• \'OU h) lhl~ lamr lhal tho• nrxl · II 1 1. .11 rf',nTt r'l'1llt !'f'!!lt11n~r •·llhln lhf' to.,. jull1 &r••lh,.,. dav un hila~ that be mu.t o·un••rvr hi• llm'l..and HarryWrkh· I~ Attendin« Chamber (Ainrla\·~ ' '' ·~f •~•tUf•"t •tf t 'tcnn ,.,_-~ ' thHil•',.. lh ~~ L,•rlflhrid ,.....,.._,,. I< 9 IUld 10. •Ill .. t.r..1ed .., J'r•·•ldrnt tlan'y w ..... fill lk.lt.-. Bombrr footnt ,AnnouMecl ....... .,...... ......._r J t-.n .. • •nn..un,..._ do!ta• f• ....... U. I ~t111bf'r ''' lw .......... Ia tMa.,... ..... 1 -====- Civic Center Plans · Discussed By· Council \\' alcor Taxi •·ran~hiM" •:ntina Uay :\rt•a. 90-day •:x lt-nKinn ,\ pplit'CI for; \VattKnn ( 'o. ~1.1\"r t 'I~·'" lfall yo-..h•"la~ a p\111irtkll t 'ltv 1-:n~otiOt't"r l"nt- lt•r').o•• •lll•l ( ·,,.lflnlm:an An•"''" K l'k to o'I•IIK.IIIt with Shf.lhv ~ 'tKlll n·LJOn· to nudur'lo( •lt•f»•il•• , ... ,.,. .. h"'""'"""for th.-ffmw.• Inc ttf'ttla~ '·•r the• '""'' ""~''"""',"'''""or II n.•w \ltv llnll ;tfll I • 1\" I,....,,,., . II 1• '"''"'' -1 ••I lltlll lh• lo• alkon ,.,llro•mrlll rtau f11r ('It)' olftl·tal• r. I lt1• u ,,. h ..,..., .... , t•n•)t-t I will rflti'I"V,..... rl• n.,. ~"' • r-tul hlot..,.r lur lht' ln•l•r•>V,.mrnt oof t•tayt'tU ..,.."'"' • •• l hto l'l•llv Mlll•r """toany "' ~.. Ana•..,., .,._, .,_ MrUded lhr t'otf'llral'l Tllf' u .. n..tal ..... n ....... ~lfllf'IW'l wu rf'n"*"'' bv 1 hf' "•lWWII t.w U.. f'll V aUjtltiV ttf 1!11 .. 1110. aJid ~~- Mt ''"""'"''" ma.w apptkatkJn tu I h,. l 't~tttu•ll I fit th• flU~"-ol .. a.ap..u-a---~ .....__.,_.._. T••.• ~'""'"P lift" atflltr ta -....., n,....,.., anol 11• I• aa a ,.u .. w_, ttt lo-t ........ •tP [)u ..... CNr .Conn. ....... u.. ~ ,._. .trHt. a~· <'•'"'"Wd .......... ICIIII• ... ,., ... , I• a ntH'tleall)' ft. C'\•un~•u •rrro.f'd uw puft'tM.. '"'" t ., .. ,nrll v .. l,..t at ,.........,.. ..... 1111 In Jtllrt'..... IJI.OOI .. I A "''alia "' '"''l..,et ... t • ,., yrar ._•n•l• In lhl• till WU' Loall •lalo ... , .. _,.. 1n llwlr _., .. , ,....... flt'IY• i,..' wrtta tlv • 111 tflw '" ,.,.,.,.. .,,.. (1!1t'f f"'rvcll!lt' .,.._ll!ed ._ Ia _.,.. .,at•ri.te ai'WI Ia..._ -,.,.._, ''" volu11tary ,.,uet,.. TbR ~ ........... .... ........ ''""' lft -r Um.o •-li'tktl f/1 M7 II I' ...,...., fJI :\tfN ,.,nt .. v .,,..al ,,,...n.htlntr ..,..,_.nt IMt -....., ,.._ ......... In ..e wu "''t ~ at ....,_ t.o AMI.t •-II II•• aan.c .. •n .,.,.,., '" mallf' ••"''"""''"• N"tnty l'uau•uatt._ • t•. n ...-• ..., ... ""' "'-._.,.,_ In lim• •tf ......t, tlwt Maror t.o..,. -' .. ,..., '1'1W -lin wu,... U.U. c..,,.anty Votfwtlary "tP•-t. l•n.-.1 t .. Uw •""-•nc 1'._._,,,.1 "nM Mat t"4:.afti'U ......,.. wUI tc..,.. tl """" f'\-11-II R. .-, Oft Mart'tll "" A.,..,_t tc-J -~-"'" WIUI e '"-II ,, ..... ,. .. )' waa 84 & to p .•. OJull· tr-IMo..-11 _.._ .. ..,, a n • .,, .. •tf • llm•n P•••"l wotr. AI.... eUftl, 12WII l) f ........ •<I -.ney Ul tlv t lalwiJ. lt .... t and M8JO'" tfall UD4ar u.. ,..._ _, .. ...._.-Harbor ____ __. ....... ................. _ .. .. ,. ... , .. ,...,..._ ....... ) .... ,.....,... ..... _ 'A S ,_ ...... ,...... ........... :::"r:~'*:.-: ~-=::: na; core 3 3 to 31 '"lit In ....,.... ..... ....., ~""""I """k }' 1 ll'l!•~ whar popt·,rfa ton~_, wthl 11r, a flf IAI"III flntH<I Nn tTl 1 r alf'nll: r h111 then-will be IDAIIJ rnerrv f« hi• l'lllll'nta but lhtotr t a ,, fl :'f('f• tn I (' lll' 1<'. llnu t• I .• , lhr I:Z:O, ~ ... _..... .. 1• f'N'IP•I war rio rlnuhl will llf' hmul!ht 10 :an Vlrtu11l f'llmln1111nn "f l<w· .. 1 tomf'l In '"'" AffA .,. . .,,,. uobrok· llr'f' many brno "'hn •-rmrml..-r th" '"' lh,.. ,.,tftf ....... ._. .,....., ·•• :'>'•" ,..,., .,.,.,, ... • .,...,,.tt•t..,,.1,two., ., ... 1,.1, nut 1rt tlw ..,.. oe .. nrt 111 ltw Pacif•r horcr•l !'· ,...,.nln~ f'llllmtnatlnnl! hv o•n fll•.oih • I•• '" .1\.,., 1tl .,,,,,., ttme. 1 tlay when lw l"oun1kt1 lhr• IC"''"I u ""'"'' by Uw N_,.....,_... '"" h•41 • ... ..,,...,. • tlaP "«ffl way fuula, l"'trl ,..,.r1o, .,b at 811,._ "R••~:r•rrtl•·~' of 111,. wnrlrt pllltPm 'I'· lnfllll!'tlrnll• n FPhru11ry 1 nt '" trlt 1 •••··a• rn11111'tr11tl"n of lhlla 1.wa:yor ot N""''l'"rt ll<•:to·tr AI '"" laty ,,.,.._ h •t t't•·la• ••a•t .,..., lhry ram•, fldfy IIIU,. •bllll)', looll hie -. I hal mn~ l'mt•rC•' fr11m th,. fll'lll'r rt••·lnlttJrollnll ph~'llll'lll t''l<!mlhll· l••vnhlo-•old '"""· will "" ,.,.l,.bnll· •I~ of a bu•y tilly """''· hr n•llrr• Tltr , ,..,,,. .. wtll ,. ... , ... _ _.11 "''"' ltrtu""l '" 111111 t-.. • bampl•tt~· I T•tmmy Mo'f \lr11•U I.Nn bucllet.d 1;,hlo', ro'1!ilrl11o•<~ f"lf whNh••r nr no I 11""" fnr (1''"" 1-A mrn 111 nrmP•II Ito·: w1lh him 111 "l'lrl1 I to h .. homt• wit"'-" uvrr 11 frlr11•llv ~ .. ,.111 ""' y 2IIU. al ,...,.. ..... ,. all "*·11• ,..,,. • •.f .._nl• Aha lll«ff"•lar111tl1.,,, w ... 11arnaU matf'hed -u. .. l h•· 111111'' r.•;•d and r•lnlht> thro !"""'' , Of'('(·~ lndlll tillll ~llllllln~ II• f'lCfl<'ll I ."",.."f ,.... "'' ··r•IIIP,nlr nf I f l;:llr. h• anllly7•·~ """' IIIIJ'hl '" •·lllllf'lt ""' ...... --... al ..... '!'I"''• I :u :II I Willi ......... , "'" uwn, malltnc II 10 plr• of 1 hf' worlrt. Jlw l:fl'll 1•••1 Nln· I o•rl I o prnVI' R lwnn Itt lxtlh f!'jtl~ \\ • •I lo \\!II I "'" Hlt·ht N h nd ,,.,. lion.. llfltl I !11 It~ •I '· ., \ I" •l•t tl "\•·"' I~·• 1 I Ia ..... (~lwf n# f • .._ nw f'are "'• •• , ... ,_,,.., all """ 111• .. ,.nlt'illlnn ,,, ''nrll!'pof1Uialion i~ tranbanltlhl'fWMO(t""~"'"'th,.~t· ''·'"' l .. llu~l'"'''l"l•'l t~o·n••h t "Wn 111.-r,~af llafhna ""~ ••nt11 '"' flnal j ... rl .. •l '"''"" It ""~ rl.r>n lltal lh• •mtdna 10 ("hlmo lnrtill a nd :ulpw••n! <'<•11n· ll'ltlvo• !'l'rVil't' Svlttl'm '" ,,.,,,.., T •• ,.,.;,nlttlllln ••I unrlc:r c de ~ .. lttrm~r .r ,,_. •-ttutl ..... ,,. ,,.., •ura••l a hoto•ll" ,.., .. ,., ... ,VI hal•l ... "''' f'arl Ol,..r1u and LtWT)' lnl'• Tho•,nr\A r ntir y 111111 prfi('C'flllr" a thoouo/lntl r•'"" ,. \\'1!•11•11 1\'lthuul t t '"' '"""'" ... u ... ..,. ......... rMH .... , -· '"" ......... , ..... ,,,., ,, ... , , ... ,."""'" '"'"''"' ..... ball ttltWft "Thr "hlll'lt•'l w:l\ fnrlhl'<t'fll&n· will t 11 In( nn tUI rrgi11lrllnl11 a lloctur llllll II wa" lhrn lhlll h,. a ge s 1, , ttl-~ .-.-'""'-•til t .. t l tw l•.ocafa ,..,, .. llf l'lln•l II It ''' lhr fluur, f'llrl •tnltbl,..f ,,._, fo tJwt tr, In rr:wh nn,..'half of thl' nth,.rwlrw llnhl,. for militar y ""rv·' evn-mindful nf hi• OIIAil ttf Hlp· 1• 11 ,. Jttllar. 1n all m•""'• ,.. .. hall ""'' I h .. , n..,,, "'"'' lit•• ~a·l • .,.,. a ll""' II\ ,,... tnr~~~ Ute balft,.t ";•rl•l, pnpllh•l r .. n i• arrn~• lhr 1 ,,.. A.ll 111 whrthrr <>r not t "ry arr pocratea. rollc>d up hl11 "'"""~'" ar•t D k , .. , , ,,.,, hy u ... ,, ... h!l(--d *"'"r •I "'• ,...,. , • ..,.1 I!• 14 lro • .... thtt·l au• I lrl '" roo with a .. auU/111 he.,. mu•l b.• on 1h1• l'aca(ic c•>a~t 'Wf'f'kft 1n ndv11n« nf t.he dat~ lh~y ' ~"" 1,.,,1 U••"'~ «-,._.""" ,., , ··-11'••1• '""' a ,,,.. ""'"" .,. hi I• h•·M h•·•l• 11n•l "'""lfhl Uarho r lt. ylf'. l'nnfu•, unct tht· '"'rima: polnl nhv"kallv """"Jltahlr at I~AIII 3 wrnt to wo•1• "nd hr'a hf'••n ll"'"IC UC l•ng ""'' .... 1~ ,.,.., ,..,.,_a"" ,.,. , .,.,.,,., ,.,.. Ta1• ..,, .. ""'" fl .. l·l .,,,, thai M.llll .,., u,..lf IIIlo Uut ll ,tn~·Pan(a\' C'l)mmt:rcc will ex· mav hoP r•ll"d fflr tnduc-t1nn. an•l 1 ",,,. \\' It tilt..._.•. ,.,_,.., aaa tilt ~ '" ..... flrkl .... , '"' v 1 ,,, , '..tr ,.,.... •nil • ,..,.. ''"'"'""''" lhl' "·iJo11'o.,l f•Xprc-lltlion!o 12~· will nollrvr tnrsl hnt~rtlll an•'! I llalt.. 11 Jtnf&r)' ,.,.,. wa,.-ttat •llolJ , ... ,,_ ,,_,,,.. IIH•-. lttll "" ., .. mali'Md bJ Mr· t-:n•&l'm mnnufll<'lllrl'r~. rti~lrlhu· par11r ulnrly 1nr11l t-otu•l !'Xamlnlna: 1,.,1 KJ'4tt.n&• Club. J lll!p 0 A Tlw '''"'"'' .,...,,.., •••rt•.,l Wll h f'•trltt'll IOI'l' 11nd v.•nrlrl 1•ommM'Ct' art• nnw phVIIII'Ian11 n r much n.r<hJOUP work P'Hilnji 111 ""' t.r~t r "1 •11 11• J••nr• 1,, lhr 1,.., .. ,,ullc 1;.,._ • .,,,. tfw -""''"'• •lw•d l3 :tl "''' 1111• w ... , bA•Itrlllall rrtt~ , ... "'-' ~urvc-yang lhf' Pnl'lfic r~~l for In-An lrr.p .. rtnnt rPII!I• n fnr th!' 01'\A' • Vvf',...lt o ;r,.v··~ "'l""l~ol lo ,,.. 11 1;,.,,.1 •ntf ~llltw-v , ............ ,..,..., dt-tn·· Ia"' ,,,. .,,.,, '"' lhr 1'"'" tit .. T11111 Will I tt '"' lo the cham· ('llllflfl.!t Ill' a J)llr1 o\f lhrlr wnr or· pllln n( pr!'·ln•htr llon ptlyNII'III ,.,. I '"''"' etatlt•rll'tl "' ltlvll.. .. ... , .... , I IJtlt l ... ,,.. N ..... por1 • ...-.u-.. •nr:• .................. '""""'' ........ , .... " .. ''''· •llhouah they ..... two •'rataonl' or pt•nnllnl'nl _pol't·Wllr amln11ll11n wnlt that hf'I'RIIAI' tJf lh•' Jt 1 "'· ... tl If 0 ---,......,,.,. •~' ,.,.,.,my .,,,.,,..,,.11 an•l VPtV f••rml•lalr "tiJ>'Itlfl,,nt• y.t to I ~-11 1 J(l('RIInn,; nc-nr "" lh• f'4.1bt•a I"''' '"'" 1 '" 1111(1•1 ~~' ,... .... · r-p . ....,. . pan~. .~ .... r I'S r.. . . l<hnrtlljtl' "' olf'('tnr& II WIUI ~ttm · ln• .. ntlt'ttl .., tfw. Nraprn ..... "I ...... c • .!Ct•tflll ..... a ,,_ lttt•>W ttv ,,., ' In t•'ullerlltft .. ., Analu!lm hRrhol'li. ~~' n,.nr IJ()Jlllhltlon rrn· IOI! i"'f""'lrit>le m a ,;:rPat many l'ttf'Hk wat~ra ~"'"'"' noecr.r •I"''' r;rammar "".....,. ..,. It A Mia '" .. ' Attrl•lte• Alln·•• .. wa• th .. n 1 ""' '"""' At~•h•lm Ia what lrr" nnt1 olhl'l'li an rountry Rrl'tl!t. lilt "" to N~llnur-)(lf'al bnaru ly att.r nlnf' •l'rln• It Ttu '' .. v I -·prnn•-_.__.. nt ... _ ~~-a ...... I ''' . ''' "' thr •a-,..., ''"'' r .. ula 1''""'1""• '" "" lh• •1.-.:ldlnc •tuDe "Aft,.r th<' war lhl' navv, or 11 ll ~ .-_.. ..,... • good!•· ponann of il. will ha;., 11~ phy-1r111 r>:umlnaUfln or tn obtain )''JII CUI .-~t motif! 111 rlll k an•l th~n I Orataaar ~ an.J ',!\f>n '"'....., .. ,., a1, .. .,,,. h., I <•f 111 .. ~un ... t l,..ai(Uf' Jl'ndaJ tt!Ctlt ~ hlond l~tll I lhr•• ,,,.,,. ''fl hlfft .......... nt tn f,. In lt~trhttf''a a yrn With 0.. pr.Uai• Clpf'ralinn~ in th<' Pal'ific. If .,..,. · ~·"• a rrach of A '"" n ltot•ktnl( , tu~ b~ 1.,.... f')t .... ,.,,. 11,.,,, 111, knvw lhl' numhrr of V('l'!ll'l!t which Ttw """'' l·rn••l'durf' Will lnlltJrt A F r I M tal . ttary alllrllnr •• '7;00. makr up ntlr 0f'f't now afln~~( nnd 11 Pl'1'·1ntlu• l1nn ph,~ttral f>Xnmlnll· ''11 • • 0 ,_ e thr '•'• 1 '"' '"''' flanta Ana (lllfll.o W . L. nd construction thl' fii;Urt'll tum th •II fP,Il'IIOtr:lnl.t~ Whf'n lh"Y Now thr plrr Ia .. , .. ,.... I"'Jltllar T d M t ....... '"" lhr ...... •1:. In fiiVtff' .,, ........ • f) "*' ..,., 0~. Ll i~ II~ • &rl' rlllllllflf'd U avallablr (101 ""rV· 1 pl11ce 0f1 m oonlight n•~·hlt< ,.., l 'ltdo' 1 ra es ee U .. ..,. al11 t;lyart '""'• I h..,. ~altlll A nil t wnu •t•lnrr r · 1 · 1 lc• The l•..cal board rna,· Md,.r o f '"'' It• ,.,, ,.,.,, "'"•" '"' llr~rh .. r Anahrlm :J tnt ItO 18'7 112 "How 1100111 rl'(llllr Ant mnln <'n· '· · f;rllftl waa not n•llh•~tl nn "''"'· Tho· A ,.. uf I. PI-P'~ II""•' anrl' of l'llrh cr:tfl! Arc· th('rc 1 r•·s•~t•nm tl'l ap,wsr for pre·lntlur· """''· Onr ~ ""' ""'""'" lllt•nt 1 ,.,.,.. , ....... dl ..,ld tt. • ...,..,.,. ., .. , ,,.. Railtt. J•• 11 W•·••l•n••ll J.'ull•rt•tt• • ( 11 h I 11mlnnllnn h••lur,. • .,,,, •-• .,.,, " '·•llv '""''"""'' fo:arrl•lor :~mnll' fncililfc-~ on lhl~ Cnrtl't nr on I' ""'"~ "'It • "I'"" hl11 •lrl frt,..HI '""'"'' ''' thr n .... tlnl! la.C ~)' '" '"-" :1 I I 'J • '' f ' k• h 1 "'f him lnt 'l 1 tiU"I "' •·-•v ''l ,,,, •···•~• fr• .. thr••W flrartlf .. ~twh 11 largl' \'Ohamr n w or · 1 Pv rf'<' a""' Y 1 I ro•ao·u• by ttA..tlh•~ I•· th• "'"'''~"'' '"'" t. • .. u .. n %tft2 ()r .... ., ""'"'' II (I • • "'" 100 I h th II bl for -rvl<.,. and ""~h t'll •,. "• 1 ••1· ,.1 -.,. "" 1 :lynro ,.,,..,. "'"'' ,..,., ... !'hill will"" known on y w "" ('.av& a c ~ . v·l!r,... ,. .. f'llln/1 .. NriV.ol ~I· ...... "'''" .. ""I:" ftUml ... In atlrftJtan•· nminat l"h~ mnv ~ glvPn, tmbjHI •l'rlnted to the ru .. ,., It, ... ,,,,,... l rnm 101! Yllrda In U.ta a , .... !'ont>hf'l"('now. A newdvir nr ,,..,"!',.. '" thr nh!llly nf lhr '"·I "'"'' ha•llen 1,,. ~:••1 .. , •t· "'''' ,,, ...... UJ-t•nc• .,... .,. "''~' ur ~nter nt-ar the Liclo theatC'r """""" •t111inn '" h~n·!l,. ttw IOI!I•I r •r1hf'r ai.W•I th• ''"''' • ,, I''''' 1 •• ,, ...... '" an rran ... •n ... •' \'Ottld IX' itif.'n l. ami \\'Otllci hf> ,....,. 1•-rnl btl'lfd will ff'rf'IVr "I . '"" •luf'ICI•d • , lol ....... ' '" .,,,., ........... "''-In .. ttrnof• .... . \ T'f'al N'ntt-r fo r ;.l('wpor·t . 1 nil 1'""· 1110 !';:tt iP [)In"' l"r fnr • • Balhn11 ,..,, F• I'" • ~·-.· • "" •'\1-'' •I ,,. ••• '"""" r•~rr ~~lho,1 ::~nrt ('osl:l ~~l'~t. tn"n '" '" r. rwar•INI to an """"11 rn lhl' m""""" • 11 r • I •·' ''"' hlo• ,.,. '"'' .-llr ..,,.c,.,,,.,. fntlv a Grt'ah.•r Haroor. r .. r. ,. .. ln<!lltl .. n ., ;.ll••n (,.r ~·n·~r I I ··•·n II! a til .... I '.. I•'' I .... llrUI .. , II ,, t.tre ••• ,.. ......... _,. ' •lurtlron l'hYl'·• al ""'mtnRII''"· 1' ,.,.,,. I• a atflntfl ur Ur. IU4-ilalf'r, Tl1~p th• ''"hi Ho~• 1 ;o 1 '"'''I ~·· '"""" lly lit • melh .. •l • 1 ... • tnJIS R. llt'(ilff-:.~. Those of '""rtiiJ(tAt<l w1llllwn ,.,.m,.. lin or•lrr th•· acrunU uld man of Sl'wport •rlf'k arllc•n .. , ..., '" , . • 11.11•1\' I•, ""'''',.,.,"'"''"r. ........... ,, '""" A •,'011 Wh O ht-arrl thiS notcci to rC'flttfl fo r prl'·lndur'tlon ph)'IOI·I Rfofu•h, \Ohll \OIII t'f'lt•hr"lt' I> • t r.rahiUn ;,..,1\11 IN llll( IIIHthl" fO ~· "' I. l!nfolft rn....,..t~•• ar"'t r n o l('WS ('Ommcnt a tor a t T own 1111 ••xnmmatlnn 1 F'o"" 21!\1 1" " fl.,nt hlr1hd•y on FrtdaJ ot W• ,, ··at~ any "'"''""'"I' . '''"'" ""' I•'''""' 1• ._"'"'' '" r•-.1' awl ,, .. ·I all la~t Tuesrlay night will t'llfflclf'nt. num.,.r of mrn whn w......... h ul brnkl'n " '""''"'" ,,.,,, 11 1111"' '" ""• th.intt fur wh'-h ~rry, ••n 'X' inf<'restcci to kno"· lhat hnvr 1•~'"" r·IA.Jelllfl<·tl "'1'' 11""·" 1 'l"llt-r l•le(<>M ''"" 11 .. • '''"' , •• ,,..,. ·.,,.,.ktnc~n .... .,,"'"« vou can hear him again o n A l ·A·rl r r lV·F: to fill thlll f'AII.t N A k '"'' lhnriiUI(hl\' •••1•1'"1 I'"' ,.·nl ,,,n •rnr•· tr •• "'If:""' .... , •• , "-' h cr . 'Tun e in KF\\'B I Thl~ orll<'r llhnultl tiC. !"IIIIPII ~ ''"~·~ ew (' erman I' "' ,.." .. ' '" IJrll• "'"' "'"~ "n•·lll l ....... ~c.,.. ,,. , .... a..-. alfr9VI ,, • :\.e rR n~0ht at f)·15 hd••rl' lhf'\' Wlt1 rrport I WayM Explained l'fow ID our lltll•· ''"""" h~tp rw .. \Jntt ...-h '"'"~Y .....-nmr: .ery ~ -. . Ml'n nr•ll'rrrl In r"pnrt f,.r pr,..l . . . I•' (lftlf'lf plrnt Ifill '·a•t l'••tmro v "' " ,, 'lllrlt Atl......., • ""''' .,,,. FRIENDSIDP. Do you know In':'" lion phy!flcal uamlnatlon at I \"h• '• 1 • T I' ,,,~ 1., • lnt,.•l ,.,. 'l'•ltrn•nn, Ml' .,.,.,, ~~·· ,,. ,,. "' a • ...,.,,,... .. .,., ... ., • uw unl-"' that this 10-letter word is lin lnohlt 111'" ffl nllton will tl" ~1""11 m• ·olhrlh w't·l•• ""''" o: ''"" n .,,.., !lfr. Clyd~ l•ttll• ,. ""'' ~ •l•h" -...,,1\f""'' wht.il .. ...., .........,. tn ''"' the definition for ":hat m 06t • thf' rom pi I'll' ph;t8l~al n&mln.atl':,: I wuv10 nl • rw •• • ''"' "' k•·l "''' :-<• hulta from tb .. n.Jbt,. ,,.. .MA-•lark ..... folks ca.ll U topia? It can h old lnr iUtllng blood tut. anrl ~Ill lllllnt hlnl( If "'"~ n .. l •lur ••• Ito• tt•rD, low~....tf,. ,,.~;~,. l r .. ttt "'" •hr l·l l.alornu'lft ........... _. tiC'-" , rtd peace ft Can make 011-t rf'lllmM to thf' local boa.rd. ! f&rl lhlll I hi" '"''"' ""-" n••t ,;,.,I l~r -... at thr "'"' ••I tlir 1•1••1 loy ''''"''-~~~-,,..,_ "'.0 vent~res trernendou~ ' A .~-form. "Cutlflralf' of Fit· ( nniiJ:h .... d tllf'l'l JII/Tll•"' Ill lll•·nll'~lv .. ~ .... , h ,,..... Ad ...... t_...d .... r"rlfl d nary It k Of ne. 1.f"onn 2l811 will.,. compll't. Th• rhanrwl In lhl~ partleulllr IW IIM'AM "' • •'•I·" ll1•• "<IIHh fl•l,.n•r ~ • ....... hit~ lh '"'~ successes. can mah C rd by the Induct no ltatlon cum· 8pO( II drcdg\'11 ttl a rl•·p\h •rf lhlr ""' pullrd·ln lllld IJt••ll~ht ttl' AI· ana any oornrnunity a appy ml.ndn and wtll tndteate U\al the tJ'•IIn'm and nn~·half ,,..., whll" "''"'"' no art an,·"' r•·~ttlrfllon tt .. Jl<"'1• r~ ..,...... _,..,. place to live. and It can, In ... ~nl Ia: lh• tuc which ..... launchrd f)CIIy ... ...., "Y ,pqlllflm,.rol "'""'' lty l(riVf' ..,,.,_ .... _..._ •tl short. bring to YOU and 1. Pby•Jeall)' nt.. &Citepl.aWf' for drawa ntnr ff'et of wat,.r. • t•.ct •"" .00.. a o.u l ''"•"' f'atr<•l th• A fl'. rtf L .,. .. ,.. -~ vours anything you derlre. Army for ,.eaeral mOI!Ary •"Ice. which •nl.~hte~u many whn wrf'l' bn&t caaa alrmJII1•1• ll•r .. t• h., tbut a.tr ..... • w.,. ftrlntt.a If FriendshiJ>-8.nd we mean (C.. ..... -..... t) und .. r the lmprC!tlal<tn that th• rrum ~...-n""' aftd .......... ...._ ,.. ..,.-1 1 tn.le. sbt~ friendship&--prnl:f"llll nr thf' 11hlp wn11 lfnpl'd• •I TIM l.ult chaptf't "' • ht~ •lr ama tr• th,.. wu ~ were ~tweftt men. womftl • Reported Miuing by I Ir k , wol .. r ,, tD be •ppll!'•l lty ) .... ".,..,.. It ..... tea n 3 u.t •• Ma l\l1d chUdren .there wouJd ~ &oo.r· ..... ,....not_, Th .. 1a1.nf'hln~: '"" or.mplf'l"'' Our ,_ Ia Ulal th .. t~ \A'fff' n•· r hi!IUe(a Ia "-... ........._. no room for p~judloe. 'hate. ... _., -nks, .... , ....... un 'h" nrw ""' hllttl IYJN nf ••&V-au ~ft<UI etll~ than ... poiN,... and l!DI-1M .,.... ,._ _ .......... , strtfe or anlm08iti4!11J. ~ .,.., I Cahill ......... ,.,.... ··huh lllln~ II Vf'~-~1 tn becumf' our pt'oapae'UY~ ... tator hAlt • r•rrld to N1,--....... w -....... . YOI MIST IECISTEI lOW TO VOTE AT CITY ELECTIONS ON APRIL . 18 Mar~h 2nd b the I )eadline for Thne Reg-iHtrationH ~.,... ........ at Whirh tu K4-~kt~t aua Huppllf-d ., Oty ('lrlJI tu .... hart: . N....,_. ...,.. C-1ty llaJI, wilh Mall(•) ('ummlr)R:II, Marit'.n Thnw-r stllll Fntnk Hlrlf'luu1 "" ,,~l11trnnc; ..._ ,... HeaUae. 70:1 t;."'!lf Bay, wtttT .Jnn Ort.w anti A-rcy t-..t..-..1 ru1 n~h•tran~: S ........ ..,.. J1~ 1'4taUo•. 2"117 Wt'KI CPnlnd, with Rotrrt J..twtn antf Jo.:Vt•wff Unynanl IU' ~IKtnu'll; ..._ ...... f'1nt Mea.._, :l17 M~tr1nc•, with EdYiaJd 1 ... ...,. and R. R. RJt01,.1J u rtogiKtntnc: .....,.. fWntlllt omr.. 2fi17 W. C'.A'ntrnl. Newport' n..dl: 1.-.... •• lfilf1 Pacitif-Drtvr. Con)tlll df-1 MAr: ~ L 111W,_~a~--., 70.1 E. Otntnl. Blllboa. Ito I :Zit 122 l:llf 1110 174 1111 mem~r-"To have ft FI"M!nd. ., ~ ·-... ... ...... VO": ""n"t .... , ..... finally k a•lnr "'hearaJ ,_ "ta.kln,: t•. Ole IIDI'' a"" d ....... -.... -..... In· I ht-a Friend." •. -Try lt. ....... Gill....... thf' 11:1 11•· llflll IC"'"It lin It• '"'n 01 ~," 'YIIW CCI\I,.., IUIIUan ,., 1:.....-----:------------------------...: I I J I , .._.Two KA)' Finch Ceramica Corona ~1 Mar BoaleYard Feed Store ~ Newport Blvd. eo.ta .._ Ph. Npt. Bch. 12h:l ·Cue Cormtruction Co. CaJifotnla R. A. Watt.on General Contractors Loa An&elee Calif omirt South Cout Co. Vaia"'Cam_p'e Sea Food Co. Inc. California Newport Beach Pharmacy, Inc. 2108 W. Ocean Front Newport Bcb., Callf. Ph. Npl Bc'h. 5 Excelsior Creamery Santa Ana California Stag Cafe Newport ~ach ~llfornia A Friend J. S. Barrett Conetruction Co. Raweon'a Cafe 1015 ODut Hilbway, Newport BeRch Pia. Npt. Deb. 208-& .J S..'eSea Food Cafe .01 Cout Hi&)tway a.il Blecb CaUfornla Wlalte'e Coffee Shop • the Main Comers of Balboa and Balboa bland caamo Cafe 202 Mn1n St. ....... Callf., Phone Npt. Bch. TT9-M MeNally'a Boat Llvei'J 705 E. Bay Ave. 'Balboa Ph. Npt. BdL 40& Newport Ice a~d Cold Storage Co. 410 'lblrtleth St.. Nt"Wport &>ach Phone, NpL Bch. 157 Sunset Cafe Costa Mesa Dr. M.D. Crawford , < Optometrist 1'797 Newport Bh•1l C~tn Mesa Phone: f\:pl &h. 2430 Conrad Richter, M. D. Physician & Su~ otnce 107 Z2nll St. Relldenoe 711 W. Central Aw. Pb. Off. 13.1--Re~. 74. Newport Bch. B. W.'MeCiellan & Sona Rocb and Trudd~ J617 W. Central Aw. ~ Npt. BelL 123 .. ·-- • ' Nf.\\'PORT-BALBOA ~F.WS-TJMES. N~wport Beach. r~tlifornia, Tuesday, February 8, 1944 ------------------------------------------ .... ~ .. I' --. Haw Germt_ny~ i~tgruwing _ stronger . ' Yo.~~~oY Tmll& 0 I 3 .... ' __ ... .. ,_ LA.c. ~ • ..._., sr ..... ,,.._, ._ I ....... _. ............................. o ..... -I .... ' ... -fwl '\-,_,._._ ........... ... c .............. -fwl.., •• ....... as ·= P' I_. C.u ·-~.....-. z. T-., C. 1 .._ ~ d .a .... ...._t 4hhlzri • ..... ..._ ... attacbd Pel-tl 4 ,_. .... n.. 4lwW... laet at " ......... ... . ' ~ •• s z' 1 I I, _. c.. a ._ NJsii • :. ~ l •-· Q rZJ j T ..... fl. MW ... n ..... ~· All Jizl4 G. " --.:' I .. .,. - American._,, ret11nt-. from the troat MJ tlaat C...... ........... _.. JYM M --.4~ ..... . ... . . . . J. I. n.ew , ... ..._., •• ,.. C.:. • as tzWwe ... wwW.. ,...,. .....,. -tile 4n.Jo..--t ........ ....... .... •••. 0.. .. the. -... •= pude"......--hual,_tl, .... .. tzllt Itt tell el II... .M mawtala Ia D1 Battle el .._ Atlaatle. Aaothtr, a ........ " ... 1 n ........... ~ ....... willa Q.-· ......... .. ...__ . ., ,_ ............ _ .... • IlsW a ..... .,. ...... ... .................. a.a.-.._. iiiii r'S ?' .... r • .. -, ·-• ................ ...._st ............. . Kalla..,., t'rJl .. tie__.. J'OL We're .... • wlz tbil Ww. BITt tbe togp.t ftchti .. iltd aMzd-aDd War Bonfl •VTi tt4 •IMI .._ ,. .... •lilt Ute tf41ttht41 I. A-.. • • II t ' r .... .._ ..rwtiMit ·" Tw.. ...,.. .. a aDd tile IDDft ..,.,. we car ... .._ -.t hJruiJW ,.._ ol Hlder't ... pow Ia .now', tbe q~ we wia. S.., .. La • .. ... ~ alia Boad -todql KEEP ON BACKING THE ATTACK .... ....... -.... ~-........... _.., .. ' a' 111 .. 1 ····--· ...... , ..... , ............ ,, .. • • .. Western Canners Co. Eugene Elliott Real Estate 501 E. Central. Balbott Ph. Npt . Bch. 38 Est. 1924 Reed's Super Service Gas-Oils-Act-essories--Ice 2920 W. Central\Ave. Newport Hch. Phone: f~pt. Bch. 826 International Fishermen & Allied Workers of America Local No. 9 CannPry Workers T ~1 No. 36 Fi.'>hen~"''- Ne\vport &P"h ralifomla Deal' a Smoked Fish Coast Inghw:1y &. Balt)()a Tsland Road Phone Npt . Bch. 2031 ~ Louis W. Briggs Real Estate 714 E. Central Ball)Q<t, Caur. Phone: Npt . lkh. 80 Gus's Sea Shell Cafe 601 E. Central Balboa Phone: Npt. Bch. 555 Dennie's Cafe 1107 Coal't Blvd .. Corona del Mar Phone: Npt. Bch. 172 Boyd's Gilmore Service Station 1 !100 \\ ·. CPn t t il I An>. Phon(':. Npt. Bch . 9R5 Rportland.Bowling Center Main Street Balboa Phone: Npt. Bch. 944 Bayside Fish Market 28th & Lafayet te Newport Beach Rossi's Cafe 1611 Coast H ighway Corona del Mar. Ph. Npt. Bch. 1961 A. J. Twist Real Eftate Office 607 Coast Highway, Corona del Mar Phone Npt. Bch. 2422 Mesa Liquor Shop 1822~ Newport Bfvd . Costa Mesa Ph.: Npt. Bch. 44 "The Arches" "Just a Uttle Better'' CocktaU Lounge and Caf~ Qn Coast Highway at Newport Blvd. "'lewport Beach, Ph. Npt. Bch. 361 Port of Seven Seu Jlnat Landing ~17 Coast Highway Newport Bead Phone: N pt. Bch. 949 Robert V. Staats Co. Shipbuilders Phone Newport Beach 2541 625 Coast Highway Newport Beach Richard Seeley _ PHOTOCiRAPHER 218 Ma rine Ave. Balboa Island fi'rank Showalter Santa Ana California .S. &. F. Sales Company Santa Ana California Va11ely Boat. Rentals Edgewnter at Palm Aw .. Balboa Phone-Newport 71 Lowman Boat Builden 485 N"'J)Ort Blvd.. eo.ta )faa Phone Newport ~1· - .. .. • NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TIMES, Newport Beach, California, Tu~~ay. February 8, 1944 --------------------------READ THESE LITTLE ADS -YOU Wll L F-110 SOMEJHIIG YOU IEED OR CAl SELL 8awll!e_ ... __ ~ ............... . ... pta.......... .... c-.. .. , ... ...... ...... ,, ......... * * * SOUliiDN CAliFORNIA . •1EI.EPIIOIE co. AfltiJ': -E...,. Aw... .... -. 51.~ ............ ... ~ ................ _........ ,, ... .._ __ ............................ _" .. = • .._.......... .... 5 55 4 ..... ·-·· .. -........ ..... .-..._....a n \' 4 -.-p a .. .,_.. ......... ~~-..L #IZIJE&_. IIF.IJ' \\'ANTED FOR M..a..IJ:.._.,.AlJ'I'OB MAULING MAPLES the . LET'S GO FISHIJI' l't\H ~ \1 ~· l'hto•t• lolj; 1 •••• ''"''"II IIF I.I' \\ AN1,.-:I' .. , ...... I*'' I h t ,.,. •l ro•o•b 111 :-.It'\\ I'•''' I lt•t.:hla llnh· IIIMhl u, .. ,,... "'"' 11 1""' lii'"Tt, ·~ l'r ... t. ........ -... '"'In ·I \', J:f'l'' ,.. llala a., l :.,lt..,. ~t••t ;:tilt M•n.. A.-, 1\e II• • .1 I dan..l I Jr.ltf Lead. Changes In Two Leagues J Suutb Cout'•. lmpert.lncon,t ' lltUI'. Snlpea baJ&ed two nul of lhrt'f' l from tbf' fint placl' F1atllea Ia• TU.--.Jay t'venlng aod now ahar• ' tb• lead with the IAtttr , both ar- r~pllona wlnntnr twt'oty·lf'vtm I "'hlle dropplnr ~lptH.n. CaptaiA Wally Qo,-. with a l'IOT ~rlea. a.Dd C\alrr wlt.b a lilT pm«' 1•<1 the Snlpe attack wbll• Funk ot tbe loara hd~ hill cau.. wtth a •• -~ .. Albau-a an but oo. aum pme behind Ule tude.-.. uaamlq that ~tton u they lrlro~td the lut plate Gulla, 2·1. Martu ot the OUU. ru oU .-lth b1tlb .. rt.._ moaey. cloa.IJ foUow. C'd by -AI bat,_ AJ" Hor .. th. J'ourth place 8DOWblfW bowed lo the Cllppera. but ret&lnad their p~ 1n Ow atandln«• -v.rtlM· a-. ,..,. and away the bead maa • of • hi• lltMit! wru nanzln~rer ot OM Cllppere. wbo roUI'd a t.INI .. ..-. tn•'lu.Hnjt ooe! Jame of :nt In thl' r'f'nlalntn~t rooteet. ftl· t'•'"• ••.ttfl'd th•· Rta.-. twn to ~ hrhtnol "thr •h•llu play ••f &ban· nnn. '' "t :"'\• \\ '•,,, ''"' '''unt v ~••, "''""~ , '"'" n.z JCnh•ll .-pt rt~~td nn~t tt "-'' A\t' t'•h•' lt it~k• t'h "•~ !':•'"P•••t ::tt: "' t( s ··~I '•'" II ,,.., t' /. I'" Ill' I II tic- l y CHAAL£5 H. WALLACE. All M lhr ~\IIIII 111,.. u--.1 In tho• • 1 '7'• \\ .:>tit :-It 1•"' A lii:• lo•• tYltC "41.t; lllo .. lll 'tl ..... l'h "" .'111•:1 II .'11·1111 '1,1' \\'A:-\11 '' ,,.,..,.,,r .. -• '"n'u" a .... -·--• .u ...-. p n·n lla taHth' \\ • to• h..tn11 l•ttlll I•\ II I 1 ll.a ~........ ' ----• 111 oor l"" olll• \ ,,... tr~•l , .. ,.., , ... .,, ..,.._ .. _ ln\lh t.JU,a1~ f••r thl-.lt OW(\ U4f' ( ,., I I" h 1...... t ,.,.,..._r-• P N I 'll •'. ·"'"I"'' w',ll '"''"'I Ur .. •J. IN ....... Null ,.,.,. """II c·om~thh•r tlio• ''"'" UBLIC OTICES I 1 1\!~o ll u. that ar~ '''''"to: hutlt hv th~ .,,.,,,._ ----·----- IIAh,.,l h.101 "'m"• r .. r -1·· t•• tho· NOTICE OF Puauc H£AI'IltNG llt:l.t' \\'ASM-'1• •• , ... .,-;;.:sc;:;;-11AIHT AND rotJJifD fiAhrrmMI . :-\ .. 1 "' 111 h••1t'll\' ltlvrn thai lhr , llltl h,. .. .,.. '"'"" l'nvaCP ~ I.A ~T lWito.lol ~-,-...tai--,...---N-..,- 1 had hoeort.l rttn"'r. I hal l-l••lllh Nrwl"''' "''"l'h ,C"IIv l'itulnltt.: I "'"I ,l .. th l..kl•• lat.. ''"11 11\1 ,..:_"""'Nat') •MC ... ~ C1,..1 had '"'•• fl~hlrtJ boftta•un .... r I'IIIJHU),.I1m will hoot. I " J'llhllo'l hrnth· 1'••1' "'•c .. • t ~I Nf'• 1 1.,.._ N~ ~~~ ITS OOI\II~Inn anti uked <rl'olrll• ho•11r 11\IC "l'"n lltf' rnlllll't ,•f thr "I' l"'rt l .... •tl tlo4 I I 4tc I U ·l .. ~t11ndlnp lo,:\1 llu S:~l~• Albalrnea Snuv.·blrda CUppe.-. Faln m• stan Woa 2T tT ""'•In If h.-wnulol •h••w thrno '" ph•·•llon nf .lo•hn A """'''"~' anol ~ l'lJ'I'A'I'E ~ .... Nnw Gcoorr;•· le a bl*y auy, F:ohl h 1; """'''"" lrl(11l ""'""'" ,.r l..u.T 11 &not while I """" wa ttlnJ r..r tho '"''" 17 atul 11t: ltliW'k 1. s,., """ nlR 8AI..E--ct..- ........ ,...... ........ '""'-"~ ... ....... " 14 11 l.col~phmw 1thi lD Soulb (",_, I••: 4. ll.alhu• lelan.l hof'al('\1 lfl lh' l t'tltt HALE l ....C nn f"tttf '"""~· 11 ~ lltm, aJner came Martin I'll\· "' N•wa .. ~t "-rh, Ol'ana .. 1 """t .. cru.·t~l •l(f'.,. • ...-. ..,. jiji aa• B... 21 It 11 ll-&rt, th•n John 'naylllf' ... aflol l"<lllllly I '•lllo>mla l'hllnf' N•••port M1 11·21c -------- : tb4ll Bert Mille. By U'lf' ""'" ~aid af•Vlkall"ll N"QIU'IIIa lh11l ---"* SA ... U_. ........ .,.... Gulla .... ltl 0...,.. cam• OUI. ,... had quill' "I I'Uilatd•rattvn 1M' ah• .. n tn a ·hlllllf' t"OH MAt~: J.~.. ---~ ............. ..... • trou,. of t\llhf'mlrn, IUIIliCIU. fo _.., in 01., cl-...&lh'a tl•'n .,f .. l.t l;etla """' nouo\oorn "'-'"' U~. _. ........................ -- 10 th~ new South ~t ~ .. tl 11 anol til ftnm the p,.._nt dratr ·' t "toet• M•• ~·rtl• ... "H". ... ~ ...... -• Termite Oaptaln lilarvlft t.'-7 pve bla boya Int.. of moral ~ port u they lllanlled the Fat..,... Ilea tnur lllralfbt f&ID" and ... onr flrllt plat• tD the AdlenDAII Boat I.Aa~t by ao doloi. · F C\rl(la. Fry, Luch and Nel*-t aU rolled eoaat.t~nl ,.._.. fott tM wlnn•.-.. wbo ed(ed Into nrwt ..- wh•n ltte Starbo&rda ware .... rl!Yl'.-...d at the handa ot to..lrtb "nne a.,...r Clf the lwo South nlllt'\1 tt-2 t'lu.ttk'at1o11. to ltte -: N ....... na,.._ u.a. ~ ~ ... .. Clout t~. lxlltt tot whic-h a... ''"•rn•t .. \1 C'lllNinr allnn 111 C·l -- li"UeeOD Item boata. Ill of a very Sai<l h•arina "'Ill be hfld tD lbe t'llt MAlJC 2 . ._....._ ..._ • ftaNDIIU l.'··~ .s.J Mar. ~ .... NQ'Id coMtructlon II Ia ~· .. COUMU Cbaal~.-.. (,ty Hall, Jlfew., •n loot ,._ F. L A........ ... ID ft o u ·, 4rawa ." n ' will !(>. 10 Inn. I rort f)foaC'h, at thf' ~ru.tar ~·~· ,.,., MUW\H'r1t• .... <:-.... ... _ t?l5 b-. ,_ tanke for M0 pllona. hu In• bt the l"'anntnr ~mlMioa. I .. ...... ~ : ... • '"'""" ct.-1 Mar . .....,. eft8t. ...... ................ _... Olryller <>o...n wllh 3•., rf'Jur· Thuraday, t ' .. bruar\• IT. tau. •I ll-4ttr -- - Uua .rear 7 311 p. m. 11'""'• ... wt. ... ,.. • p 'nit. ~ may bf' ~t for f'tlh,.r Uv urol" •II the 1'1\atnD&n nlK 8&NT .... .... .... ... ----~~ ltw batt ftahloa ,,. lrnllln.. AI· c. HAROU> ttOI'KINll. --• ~ .. ~ l rr.. ,.._ thouch II wu dr•llrJlf'l1 u a l11n1t H OWAKil W MY.Amo:tt. tnlt RJCNT Offtc-9 at 21¥-. N_,_. ....... , 11·- 1 plat•e Loftera, •.o. _ Lotter u.ce wu tne ewbclu'tl nemu ta u 1M ftn'd a t&S ....- whkh prond th\> maln faetor lD lht lalttr'a det•at d l•ancf' tr1>llcor, th,.~ Ia plrnly nf ~n .. tary t"f'alral A"'. ,...,._. .,_. .. ~PA 1 fiT.ri) ~JT'URa I"OOCD nn d~k fo r a lara .. b&ll tank Pub Fo•b 11 IIHt ~~~ply II aot.l,... .. ._ c.U l~ G : ~ ~"~~~::: .~. ";, ~~ t;: ---, ae•a?-J.u--11-tfr =:~ .. ~ 1 ... Strom ot the Oallt'ya knoc:k..S off a 1mootb 20.'1 pml' f M Uia fti.. nln~• hiJ'b mark In tbat ,.......ad an<l aleu qutt.. a booat towarda the 4·0 JP:OOM·rgg hanthod tb• lowly office forre . 8tandlllca: Tr rmltu Star.1 Call•ya Lofl~ra F'onocaatiN Office ~.-.bly hl~th .. , tMn th.-ron· President lJOnJ(l'noor's --_ ... -....-...,..,. ....._ ~ v.nUODal fan l\lll y•t nnt '"" hiiCh Report to c f c 00 iuo .. 'I"'OAT• ....... --""'-. tor pullln,. nf'll A vrry tmpor. ·• O ' WANTII!O Nn. r-.. .,......_ ~ -n:. 111111 ... Lartt nbjectlun In Lhla bollt for """ .... mlllua butc.-aAd ..,.,.,_ _,, .__._ •-cc·-eta .... ,,_ .... ,, ·-----batt tlablnJ I• tlu.t llh• h .. aiMp· Nn ao•. rtorlltna• nr _. ....,._ In« quarl•n '"' • nly '"'"" mrn hunt• In ttll b<•n • In Nt-WJlOrt Har· Will p.y 7 ('Mia Itt. at ...,._ JUYI:IfU.a nJIUif1TUila ...,. Allbou-" lho·r,. h.,. brPn n .. "" ~.)cor. Now lht•ro· 1u •r :.?210 pll"IUI' N•••·,_.. fttr'kle ••-et ....,.., ....................... ,..... ut prtr f' ..,, "" thla n,,.,, ll"""rtt" UN' ~)oat• lind '/7'!17 r raft In all In ., .. ......;w..-w..,. --a-...._ --.cl• . ...-_..,_ •n tlult•~~r t hink• •h,. ... , ..... 11 Nt-""J)Clrt llAf't)<•r You r h11tbor fa· ,." •r-•u •-... ,., ,..._.,.._..,...a.. to,. about 11.000 rilltiH tudle)' •tt• uvrrrn.rw•lrd WANT Tf, 11tAitlt 2ft arn-e.,..;. ..,._._ .... -~y T.,.. 1'11" othtor Routt) ('•JUt boa1 111 1'ruttro'11!1lna 11t ttw ,..mt• ratr )'ou _.._ • ......_ ._..... n., _. 7 P"""...t. t ........ ~ .~. .,_ tbe ,.,..n rc,.-knlt watn tasl fyn.o 1'1\11 t'XIM'C"I 000 IIMh wllhllo tO ...,. IJr.......,., ..... --.-•· ,,. r •t•• , for ,. ... , ~ ...._, .._will~ se· 11 11' an1t will flaul )'"""" • ll'r lhr w ar \\'lth tho• ....., I .. 1 lltyerol. •T•• tllll .. t\oo fth,. ...... about lb ll'ln bulk ft1h "r 32 ,,.. •tor. .. ·utJ '"'""""" nc JWIWPI" that t~lf ll·ll• ---- a Oryeler Royal and h•r dNIIJn· nt thl• IN'Il'""'" ~houht ••'t'\lr' lr• _,",. Bh• "'Ill br f"\W"~ hv I will llf' IIY811nhl4•. 11 lllll(r porllnn I -Aft. .,.... _. l'lalme llhl' will •In lA lon<o! ltw tl,-,.t flvf' yo•11r• Yeur •..tell w--._ Phd ,.... IIOATII ............ ~ LOCAL IHI'IINI:I'Il HONOR&D Ao unu.ual fnlur• In lh: 11,.. '"nnf' Cnlllum111 fll.:hw•> tonm I aN c.-.-. J-. ...,.. ........ _. ,..._ RMppolnlf'<i today .. poteaa&.e'a 81Jll ot lttla hull Ill l hr o·nmhlnll ml~•l4m, In s•m)"'lllllo! thf'll' $100, C'alt Ia ~ ~ .. MAJ\1,_ aALW.U. AIID ambaM&dor to Dalbo& le Robart Uoa of C'hln•• with tw-nt ""k rthoo ooo 000 '""'l ·wnr hl~th"'"> lll'llt(rlln• ... .,..nay jjj-...... "1 MPO.. 00 :aa E.INI._..._...._OIDI. Daily ~ s.-l;ay 9:00 A. X. to S.GO P. Jl. ................... c.w. ,. • ......_.., and fldary JI:JO A. X. to 5'()0 P. II. Allen J r , Shrlno•r llnd city ~-Tbe chbl.f' Ia Ullually buill tnln lhr 1 tuahw•y• Ill n~·r·o•lllhlfllol •~·nto•r .. CLAUDE SW&&TIIA... ~ ~· (Wtrat An ..._ ~- l'lnnno•n. nf lh•· I""'' w11r l•"tt~r•m t22 ,._..,.,._. IL N....,_t a-d~. Olllf rUman. V bottnm boal wtth ••w••rt f~m"• lnr Sttutho·m f"nhfut'tllll '""'' "-* N••~ .._., ~ 4lt-W --AIIon~~; with th• appollltmeot and a. for the Jmrpo .... of •lrf'nKtb· '" lht. harbur lnt ltwlr ,.1111111 1-.oAI AVAJLABiun C'Eil'T1FICA1'1: XECESSARY from f'otoent.alf' Fnnda A. mlnr the hull In U1l• hull, It larlhtiH An· ~·r t•n·t>AL<'<I 111 (,h 1-lol 1'-...--a- s t..arn., newly elected c:hleft.aln of appea~~~ t.be aa.m11 purpo., "'"'t lht~ OfJPt•rtunlty ~ W•· •rr It , riiKIM ~~­ AJ t.lalallrab Temple, came a-· u a . ....,. ltrtnrer only lt'a nut· Wt' oonllnu.· lu w~~rk and '" plan Will Take fAaye mont~ to atuDd a dinner oa 8&tur· a6da u-. hull. ~~ day • .......-.. ,....,_,. 11, at O*w~ tala 1M that th .. ~~ "A. pettem for thl• at?a I• a..a._ Of AlllfiW."e fMt,.._ TAX 0. y-,._. .... T .. 8brtne Audllol1um, U. ADrelee. 1 c:&ll be .old for about 14.~ r ut anff '"~hlt~ncod It will t. • -----------------------~~-----------------------~ ~ ~~ nu Wr~? ··~r~l'' 1•·•m11n~l ~ltrm ~~ ~tllo•ffl• ~ ~~~~ r~r~•-• ~ l'lrden tin lhho IYI"' fo"'f·ll nlo rhll ''"'" '"'" I~· I"''"'"' 1111•·,. \\'tork · 111" """ 11•• • ""'"'' ""lit...,... •• Hr-, J t'an Hat•h "'"' lf'trv ll•lrh 111.; nn ,rt11, 1.,,,,.,11 ,11, '""''' .111,1 11l•lv '"' 11· ,,.., 1•11 yr•,.. 1\u 0 L rvL&.T ............ At ...... t:n·DitfWI"• .._ ,.. "'-.... _. .... ., ... , ................ J.d ........ . ~ n.. .. • a Jlf sn..,..,....., wfM,.. .. ..,. ,._,Jed ... , ..... ...... ~...,----., ...... ,. ...... ~·,.hilt ....... ....... 1 .......... . nr. il ,. ..., .. ..., fw Ject efhr *'• wlcte'L t .. t ••• w•• •r th ................. ., ...... 4 ...... d ........ . Me 1M2 PA8 101 n WITH THI YIIJ SANf IONDS HFD 10~ ,. THf ,1ST ,I.ACf! I Lowm•" p .dtt•trt f1t1tke•t , "'''" •••• unkfltt\\H , • ., .... •rtnufnol H ... , tnutdh ...... , .. I'AHTA ANA f'"'AUP' The Lu"·nuu. f( .,, \\ .. rk-. , .. In \hit .,,,, .,,, n··· ~"u" ~··-~··I ·, ul•l"'•·rur ....... ,,,.., ...... ,.. hultdtna fuu, '"'"'~' u 1 ''" 111 .,,., '''"\\Hill "~~ Hu .. ''''""'"tulf\ '"''' Mil•• t .. •r••lhfl'la \\'tt•-n twr u 1he nrat. 1\ ~)~ ' J• fKIIIItl\ '"' ""Hilt .. lttll•'' lht'\ t in fltll t '(tlt: \\t• litiJ'Itlt.ttl t••t f••Uf \ .. 11H• •tit tw ... \V. 8 . Hum• ,,, s ,.,.,, )t••••lf,. ~h,.. '"""'' •II"'• u ,f •ttll • ••lttpl.u·••n• \ u ul "'•· hltl "' ••u •lur •rtK ttu• ""'"' ,.... • '''If.,.._.. • t~flfr••l •••••f ttu· rthiltlu•..: "'111 t... .,. .... ,,..., t.v Mre IU.tw"<tw •1JI be UIM'tl f••• '""""' I ··1"1 llflh lf •• ~ICTrlt 111Nt; ,.._. .-,oftl_ ...... 7· .,.., ... • ,..,.. :1M ll14by A • • ttalt> a .... _. ....._ N_......, 7U ..... --- lrtl and f'llltlil'llf!• r• .~t ... will '' ,. ool tl11• l•llllt•rro tho• J••ll ••m '" V.'10krflt'l<l awl Mr• Vhl(lnla .... "-·nnw. w ..... will .. I•• ton anti "tll lu I'""' ..... ""'"' II • ..... _you ........... ! I •·ctterplllf't ,., •. ,..., Tbe ot hrr 1111 ,., '" ~ kRnW"n (.,IN tlt.IU •It .._rl,!r1 lftem boal11 ,,,., ll•fl " opto0 COCkpit W il l• I tiiKI 11ene F . Rllr1 h•l t \\hlr•h Y'"" tUilHtuuut \ ""I l!'''" , .• ,,., "'"* •t•·•··l"l' In ""' ""'"lh' ro ro•l • h•· ",... ; ;:;,·~.' ~ ','11 ·;· .. ~";;~ • .'~w :~;"~~:.~ :~;~~~~~ :::~ •. ttutu•nrtt •h•· "'''l k•'f' Ufltl planrt••l., \n1U 4:!' -~~ 'tlfiputt tr,~;•· tht·rn I•• luk•• "''~'I"' ,,,r t:u ,,. ,,rur•·•l)' mold lht· , ..... ,. r-.:tt Professianal DirMtory Gordon M.GrundJ, M.D. l••m fur lhl11 liN-n ~"r**•" alt4 ._...,... Nlntfl ..... ~~A..._ The oltt""" a r •· 40 x 1\! and •!)' ll J%' Wll~'r tmu• f!JI J S Oar relt. Both til r II""' ··n ··l hy l tlrt~l"l "W•• •·•on~:r rrlulloll• tho• lf'nll4•nohlp tn thr rnllny 1lr1Yo·~ for Wnr J14mrt,, tlw-W ur ,,.,.d, tho-lJKO t""'IC'""'"· thr tnfllnlllfl Parnly•l~ rtrlv,., ~ , Office H.-..: 10.11 a ,..._,; 1·1 •.1111.. cat.. \ Mr. Luwm•n ""Y• lluol 1\~ •·an'l c "rO'UI Th...,. rnrntllliCfl• ct.Tnon· quot.a a eOIIt tJrltf' ooll llfiY •tf Ill- boat.. Thry arr .. u •-·ln..: hullt Oil a C'OIIt·plu• balo111 K.ttal'l bart~ on.. K.ett•nbl!riC yar•l 111 l'o htl Loaaa br bulltllnc 14 :1" • U 'll• tut&Q bait buall tbat wUI k:e * loll, u~ pow•rf'd -..·tth C'ltryaler C'ro1nur and • •n hf' d•llvwtd fOf' M.IIO. Ttw7 "'" bf'tn« ftaan-.1 Jl'rindpai.IJ by ttw Ban Otero CUI· n....... 1<-ttrnt.ra hu 16 ,.....,... an~f pPrmJta I•• tnllld only It 1-u. JVa lla.,. hHn tnM t h.at ~ Yu C"amp and Fn!Df'lll a&rdbM ba•a l•t ront rar la r•>r ••~ IM'W '-U.. 11M .. ory UIOuJII, that --1M mn• pr<..,_bl,. .. lttle· Van Ot.mp hu ord.r•d C'niUilrur· t1011 on uoo oon wflrth 11f •e· and to' nat bnal• 11nrt rr.-n .. h Rardin• IJ U.e ball boat• I hav,.n't rh~k- ''"''~" thf' unity """' etWlp'ratlon whld\ l11 ~ldrnt nn o·vrry ~~"" J,.t ~~~ Wilt thf' AArnf' unity In pl•nntnr lor ttw'• tutu,.,. "Wr• Wltnl HI C'fHT\jjhl'nf'rtl lhf' '-' hui&df-1"11 ••ho hevf' dunlo an nutool andlnte J ,b In m.,..·tlnJ w11r nM'fh In lh•· •··~~l rut·ll<'" "' ~mallrr rrafl •nd ~ not .. , ~mall Th•·v '"'" runtenuln~: llll'lr work ltflll ,..,. WIAh tho•m all ••rr l'...ut "W1• alto ~ani Ill o•Jipr<•"'l toUI AIJIIN'Ct.IUWI In lloc• many w~lc··"' ant.! c•tmmlltf"f'lo which .,... nury- lna nn \'C"I')' nroceuary hl'lflw fnonl ""' lvtllr" on rallonlnr botU 118, 11rnfl boarria and In nthl'r way' ·~~~ for your dtumlwr anl1 11a m<·mhl•n.. w1• 11ro• hiiJOJt) ''' nto nounr•• mnny no-w ~,.,. wtuo ranw Ill 11orrm..: 194~. but -,.,.,,,, mo,... nwmh<•roo to hrlp "'"" tlu· f'd on thbr y~t hut I'm W•>lfll up 1<1 problo·ma nhf'nl1 Wf' of ttw bflet ol I I I I I I I I I I I T ... .,.._ 17 LEROY P. ANDt:R.SON ATTO"N•v AT LAW c..e .................... ~ .. C.Ca M ... ~·· HAROLD IC. GRAUEL CHAPEL ··w .. o.t-4., ... the BHt« &..ne fly ,..,.,... ou.e ......... - "'-N._....Mf c... ...... C.ltf-la BUY NOW Citr Ta• Sale Lola A. J . TWIST c-.4 Rid.t•, M.D. "''*-'-....... OfftM ,.,~ ...... .............. .._.. ... u .. -.... ~- " o ..... til; .. ,.., DR. G. £. TOHIU. PMV .. CUUI .......... -~ .... --.... ...... _...__ om. ... ........ " ... --c.M ......... Dr. M. D. C..wf-.1 OPTOJI&Tat•T IE.r-lt:aaa~ ..._ ..... •m H-.-t 5 .. ,..,.. "'-ae• CGeTA !laM BALTZ IIORnJARY CttAN&. ft nt& ... ••c...-... I r.drn 811011 ""'' w111 raJI on lloUI of r11rM"Innt plf'f1p fiUr •ttftllth "' ceumens anol Jrl lh• lltralpl thr ;1111 ~tlwru1 W r will cooppr"''' 11\ory. lftr1 COUfl"'' Wtlh IIJI (f'OUprt r•·· I I 101C41MtM ...... y ~Mil c--...................... All In all, II looka jlood •• t!)lm•lhl,. fnr rmy p!lr1 In ~lt1111ln..: Kout.h Coa.et lo•lwrmrn Th,.M Ill<• futur•· '"'"'""' (M !'4•·WJ•••• new boat. will hr' tlf &Tnt valiH! l111rbor nn•l flrllnllt" l'lounly to aU tlahermrn an11 will all be In , IJ11n,.,.r lltorl Or~~nl(l' e•uomty" wrvlca In tim•· 1 .. m~ok•· ••I•Jalll•• • rontr1buU•m• tu utor ''''"' rorudu <' Hr.nl. ll11y ~PII ••r Tal!•· "llh I tloe p~ram a Want Ad ,I NEWPORT TACKLE STORE ''l 'np" f:lht. M"naf( .. r t F"Orml!rly Chae Arttt Bait ... Tadd<: ... Fishin~: Information Newport &ach BUUT R. NOUTON II II (''ort.,f lll~hwa~· l 'h11nt· 24 17 St:Wlt(li(T BF.M:II RADIO .SERVICE Wl'lhf!lt liM F.Wnfh and C011~" A HAPPY AN() VU:TORIOt.ltl HF.W vrAa CORONA DI:L MAtt ................. I I WWIR~8 -~ ..... ...._ '" ............ A-. ......_.~ c..~--... N.D. CASH • /.t:&'.f/1, • D y • .. DOQ -<.AT MO"~IY'AL BAC~'"'""IIQ( ...... "'-1MI ..... .._ ~-.-.. -.C.. I If :WHO'S WIO II IIBOI IISTIICT r1A£f'LAC( ANO l<tNOUNC W OOD- II W \Vr•~eflt 1711t :-;,,, flh·l r,4J• y,..,. ,._ 1 f ,.o.mbrr ,-, ,.,..., J ~lNFAAI CONT"ACTO" ';,,,.,,,,II-Fht•ll11y, 1 H it f 'retrt Hlvrl I'll ''.IJ: f•w-• -.n ' i ' ~'ftn•<llun l UMnr A CO~PANIES ~ ·~.,'' \11• t Jil f t 'f,f ue t,, I:• yr.,-1 f ., '''" '~"·' • , • .,,..,.,_. '" 11,,. l •l"'r l•• """'l"r ••• 11><..,... tt•o~o f ~ , .. """""' •' r•h•, OJ I 1(.[ ,UPPLIE.ll 1 :-.1•-..r•••rl ""'1 ~ r l'•llillllhln~e (..,, l'lo•11•• 17 11 ~; ..,....rt rt-.rll PRINTING -.;,"I"''' ""''"'' , . .,,,n.,loln~ ''· l't~·" ... 11 11 :'l:••t•.., &wll · A£At (ITAT(, INIU .. ANC~ & fltOTAttV PU.liC- ; I~ w II W•ll101,. 22frt W ,,.,...~1 AY""IIP d't1•-J AUIIIIEI'Il I TAMP&- !'Irwtooort tl•rl111r 1'\.tbla.tllll!r ('• I..._ 11 • I.S S P•Jr"-' ..... 1IHE£T METAL WOttK- e . Y ... Ir l'lumbln« 6 A~ Malal W.tla an.&. 11-. ...._ ,.._ ....... VAI'Ili~TV STO .. &-• Halboa a.IUid Yut.tp .... -k. ltlt. 1k ... .. ~ 111l·W. ' .. -· ~ L • . ..,- capilla Circle to Meet for Luncheon Mra. Ftulcl.l Cn~t ... ·tll ll4' hOIIt Gotham .Girl and Marine Marry in Chapel By the Sea NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-Till£8. NeajiGit BeMII, Califania. T11Nday, February 8, 1944 ----~~------r-------------~--------------------!Harbor F •. .. • A t • •t • 1 Mrs. Bessie Murphey Everett Morris -to Lhl! llll!mbfore of 1~0' r~tplllll I Of k...-n lnterf'l<l In Marini' liaar f Clrele a t bn Curona ll•l War I r1n It;• ..... ,. the r~t-nl canollf'll(thl a.c-e, 1M~ Pvlflc Orivf' Friday, weddlnlf or MI.-f~lalf' WIJIItred V.bnJary 11. where .,,. will wrve 1 n.. t:.onnaru • 1 :-.il'w York Clly a 1 o'clock 1uncbt'Oo anti l''lrHI Uf'ollf'nant ~ · !lrln Ar· nold lllat.-iell ,,r tit•· ... 1 T••rv Ma· eminine c lVI Ies ~~~~~e~1~~eMc:ri~~g~ing Expected Home From Hospital Catht>rine· Easton, Soc'it>ty Repoi'Vr • • "Under 20 Club" Valentine Party To Be Guest Nite • 1Mrs. Jeanette Reisbord G1~·~ ~bell Linda Ann Taylor "Report on Realistic Russ1a Christened During ~tanding bt'fore the rl~plaee ln I Attn almOil~ wHk' bolt- their own pretty fUture bome. ate I pitaJiutlon at lht Good Sa.mari· Burna VIlla Blvd .. Balboa, Mnt tu ln Loa Anlelea wheft he went Hl·sale Murphey and Clarence 0 . for o~rvatlon &lid a-raye, Ever· K1ng r•peaUd tbelr marriqe vo.n ell Morria 1, u~cttd to return In an lmpreulve candlellgbl aerv· to-bia bome, 700 VIa Lido Nord 11'1' which was read by tbe Rever. Udo lale, 801DtUm~ lbla week. n.o.. dealrtnr t o attend are 1 nor Ru e-whlf h wv "'Mmnoud uked lo phone-tht lr noaervath•n• with the dnuble rln~ • ''""""'">' at to Mn. Q . ~ Lewla, 464 R, by lhf' C'hiiJWI ·IlY·Ih,. Sl'll t 'nrnnR del Tlaurwda' DOOil. M11r, lti'V W ., Hattro .. rru•tultnl: T h.-hrtd,. -.u at h •ntlo·d lry l)o r Book Section of Ebell to Meet with Mrs. P. A. Palmer tt.UII I M llllt F:dlllt llruwn "' lkY· 1r•r·l;v Holla. I'IIJ•lutn r;,..,,~:•· Knl'rr ,.-t otl8•• ,,r th .. •:1 T ,, hall!', ~··•v~ol llft • IJrrot man I Th .. Maranr r trtrrr lUIII ,III~ ........ '"'' mllklltl( lllf'lr humr ul thJl Lu flouk jC'UOit ll11lo•l In l.lti(II08 UNII'h S.Cllon will Ctln\f'nf' at th .. hnm" o1 Mr-. J> A l'alml'r. 1:!6 Allalono• I• no! ur• u, ko·u I" urnv•• I''""'IIIIY Balboa hl&nd . .,n T htll,..l&y, fo'f'IJ· Sh,•l lrl!: h• Ill • 10~ htolltlrll w1th ruary l Oth 04'N4'r1 ,., 111 b<-w rvl'd 1 Jol r~ l'almPr -. 111 1)0' M r 11 (' L at J o't'loell a~KI a ll r-lanniJitc to at,-Thr m a~111 M "" l~<>n ll<oujel8,. )I fJI1 /1111 tllrllilll 1U,1 II I l1Jl/1 111111nD IIIII • a..·.-aJJ.,..,-roaod •1*-· .. .... ,._ .. 6a,.., .... -611 Joel boclt& J• .._.. .,._11£10M181 for 11, SS. I IG--or for uy _,.. ..... ,..~..,...,..,.,, ....... .-..... ~. ....... ,. '1\elll,._. ... old. pia lldail: Yoa Mdcle .. .. .... -. ,..,uc:.w ................ ,.. ..asonplar .,....,..,.. UIOUIIL Ia ~way you ftit'Sj; '• eccoa& w,. 'f" 1o deftlop MriDp di.d- .... ...1 .. lt.aWt of IDikiat ..,.._.tie Mpoail.l--llw ..a la'll of ....-..J •riat· If..,_.....,, ho...w, • fta'%' ~ caa be doaed .a •1 diM. To ...U 1M& • ,...,. .. ,.., for JOtlo ope JOV n..,._ .__. ___ ,..., ... •amtt of Auttriria NAnoNAI. nmtn .usocunoN ...... ~--....,_ ~ .....,....,.._....,_ O,...tlrte Ca,e --a Ortat Variety of Unu~Wal Gltt. "WE INVITI': YOU TO RROWSE AftOllNO" C. E. LOUCKS JEWELAY &N ITATIONIEAY Dlam_,.. • Watchn . F'IM Aepalrlne ~ Newpert MID 1Tt7·M N-pert 8tv-., e-ta ..... , Calif. BEFORE YOU BUILD OR REMODEL ... Vlelt our tnt~rntlng .. mple •nd di_.•r rooms, Colo.. eulche planning •let•. c:om· ~~~~· etock Of ,,., c:•rpeta, linoleum and Vene- tian llllna ~­~ Auge •n- Carpeh Cleane4 Aepalroect LUDLUM Carpet Works SANTA ANA Pr ..... ·ntrn~o: ,,, ElwU -• • •..,.... • .... ~ ... .-....~ Father's Leave · an•l .:u•"''' nn Thu..,.,. .. ar •. ..,._ ....,. -· ~-rnw . . J,t .. r Ul'\: 11nn"h"ll thrtt '"''r"AMI clubho ouN• ,,.,. flf thto ,.... .... ··~., ..__ iors • !tlaitedl Your ~:ener;ti;;; w~r .. pr~~~tnl tn lflu aa It 111 r•rllr•l. 1111 ••nthua•· 1:11<m~ rn )Pars. lin. I • <o:ii:~ ... ~ llk ....._ 'nw, for tae cbn.tcln( of wee Unda 1111m '"' lh~ llt•,'lvtlo"" ••f lh~> "trn-R<·l.l>.bord ~ thto .._. ... • P.......-._.r •odl.ftl '-~;I Ann Taylor. 3 weeki old. In Bald· oh•r 20 C"luh .. llp<lnanr"'' by the gllmrlM· not u~uall) alf~ ._.. •Dr't 4Ift' .. .-...c for~ •ay of life! win Puk, but certainly the m011t llrtrhllr Hill rtrv (,IIIJ run II hljehH t•rl('ltrll' of RuSSia ~ mL i -__...., :Mid ~ to r.-.t I dated wu the ftf!W father, Lt. '"' o·nrh o·vt>nt ,.,,m~• at· n,: I F.~labll-.tung t~ Ia ar tt~.._"-. IJcl J81Dea Taylor wbo <'&me from l"rltl"v nl~o:ht , Fl'hn.t8r~ 11 . at~ rountry a'< r,.stdt•nh ~ Mr . 1 "'.___ -:::: ~ ~ Quonatt Polnt, Rhode Jalnnd. ,,,,. l 'flMfl Ml'llll W~>mr·n It nub-n .. u.bont W IU• an IU'dlittl!d ... "'ood-4 .... ~ 'ifCitlictrtled.JI Little UDda AnD'• motbtr ... l -d h. tt\4-~oifot --... '" ·~ .__. .. -~ ~ twu~n tho•s•· >"lUOIC~l••r•. • !J RI'r fo r I P fl)t · .. ~ • • --:a . ......_ W ~ ,.V ..... fil l ~ny 8booll, ·daugtlrr -of Mr and "h•ll""'''nl' ''"t~rtn1nm,.nt, will Y''11"' f~'IJ\g t.hP rc • .... ,.., · ' . lira. Cnnrad Sh~oll or Balboa rol llk•· lhJ·Ir lhlnl JUtrl\' ThiA unf' tho""'' Amenntru<-tJw lllrr ,...~·~,..... ........ to-· ... , bland. before hn marTiag~ "'II f•·lltttro• th•• \'nhnlln•• lhf'mf', llllln put mtn act.lon.:-~~·--~to .au .. wt '• ~ 11loee repr .... ntln~t the four g•n· ... 11 1 I tnj;! ~otanrt.ards for ~fill ._._-,...-ntrr r nr.: II•• filii ur f"•l'• ... lllf'~ ''I ..... ... • .I!'JIIJIL eratlolla ··ho Wt'rt prt'ltnl fnr tho• I I It ,.1;,ns tmprov.-v. J I .__, 1 1 hr· tn~rni••trr { "''"'"' "~~" r mm ., llw. •po>alH•r point ....... .._ y: ..._ ._ a ~ o1 lin. -r~-·Yf' occu oo werf' tht' jt"reat ,.,... "Arh m"a11Jcr •• u.r~:etl LIJ ('\f•n p~:·a~tirTM' indliiby ... _. 1 ~a.'f ~ hH-~·-· • ~.Mr. and Mra ~rge t.t ll c ro CUo "' Ru.ell ol Balboa l~d and Mr11 Tho .. tr.otr "olt I"' h•·l•l t .. ·t wr.•n &llamy of Baldwtri Park; tbe I .... h• Ill• .. r " 111 rln<l II :Ill r m . Ca pt. E u ~ene Wallace and wac Officer equally .. proud grandp3rPnta. ..... 1 \\Ill In· plnJlf•rly rbapf'Thn•'•l VT. •Nt Mnt C'onntd Shook 1md hy ,u. "''"'r" .. ( lhf' l'o:I'-.Jltlr1 ·Bill· Speak to B.. and P . YOIIICil for A•r-Wae5 Mn Lena Taylor. the w er 1&1!1111''8 h•·' H ' !'loti• """ l lt•·tr "lv•·• Hoi! 1,1 .. a ror ttw-._lln!CI ~ 1..., -~ ._ uw-y a....J -"'""' l tat~r and mnth~r and the h11non-11 II • • ''I tho• 'h1h • Kltnnl 1'-qi'Uffi<' ,, thUI 4th \\"ar LoaD onw •*'rJ a&A ~ _. _..,._.~ atft CUHt ht'rllf'lt •·hn tonk lht' RUI'J'll'l· r• IIJ)(Inlflbtllly f••r tho• vu11n1: I"' • 11,.11 ,.,. -.tlh l hr noq_.. 1w .-....1 !t a tlilr alr1:1Y... T1w la:~r WTre, c-. ll('Cuiom tn a.n unCIIDC'o·mroJ plo• uu:pt -.loll,. h i , .. ,. '1~'~"1 ''· n, nta on thr A•r·Waca ~Clip-f•U'f .. « ~ ..aac:ll& -~inc maorwr. Tll .. rd ••r• 11 111 "''1!1:•·~1···1 pllr••nta 1 ,10 Y.u~r~·r..-\\'~. ~ .._ u .. a~ • ..., •-~ 11ry ---- - "~'" t hlll th••\ lo:ov•· pr"l'''' tra nll· F d b ........ a-•-""'.,.. IWor1l ,_a..! .., 'Layett Sh h ''".. an 1• atiM 5 ..... ---• . • ., e ower ' l•urlr.llun 1 .. 81111 rrnm t ••IW J'llr· \'.;u• Lt .. ulo•nant ~ ... ir.t: ~ ... ~ ...,.,., .. -_,. H M M'11 tiN< l i~&ri:J(•r HJan(h ut ~ _.pn)"&. 000rs rs. I er H!Jt,tt .. it~ "'" "''"' l'r"tlll to~ 1., ,,,,.,.,.1.,nal \\'OI'Do"O .. ...._ lin. J ark Me Alary WL~,h••"'•"'" "l"•!lllor tllut d tth f11r tho· ynung KIWiera 011 YburedaJ ..-~ -no • w_..n II.._ _.,.. ::at "-tlom .. 1:\31 Orangt avt'nut> ... n 1 It I ·~-,,.,_ IWY ... --......_ lla-~-.. . ~I·Jlll' t•f thr tt•r•w•r 11tr •' anl rworv Jf'\l "'' ... H .. n •aJia -.... _ ......,_ -..aa. to a jfmup nt frll'ndl! tn11<t thnt. In ndolrt10n to whnlf'· • · ,_ ~ ._ -~ a.,ula wbn honored Mrrt Walter MIUer I I r thl' Yo n., ~ram duurman f• r U... • C ~ err.-.._..., o...tny _._ ..._ ...... 1 ;~ ..., A!llno' o•nl rtlllrtrrr•n ur .U"' r--<---1 • --A ...,&Uuay uoJonlf' 1howe r. folk• 11 will hrll' to <'t>m ml thf' '" ... (laton~ hta n:.-.•;::::---P. " • a a. • ~-Daintl-markeiJ lhr UQI'al . ' r n· .... anft ............... ., -......... .. .. a,GIIf ....... .. frll'nolllhln •m•l r uorrrl'ltlo" o a ht m•·n .,.,. -._.. -" ~ • cW<~trallnna wb~re thf' hOIItua Uaf'\l ; thr Yllrto~ua t•ummuniUr•a p&rtlci-t'ljt IIUn.• ...._ ""._... ~ .._..y, pUlll aad wbit~ -eel ~u maldm I pall nil[ :u-t!:'· ordeal~ ... = ~ . ..._ .._ •--. Ida 1 .,_.,. fem and Ylcl~u for the table Y .. ne-mv, l x.,tlllr. &nr~ ....... llaryl .... U.. llldtvidual coraa~t~• glvtn New Sel~tive t1on 1n th .. s uutb oa.dftc ..,._. .._ ._.,.,. _. &Ma c.t.n. .-ell ..-.t. , l-l--..1 Q-1-aa-ot tbe afternoon all Jl!t'r· t'nd E. 0 . Goodell oo Sunday after· Mr. Mor n a I• Public RelatlOJY nronn Olre<'tor fur Hubbllrll'a South Mr11. Ksng le we.ll kn-'Tl In the Cout <.:omp&ny . Harbor area where ahe hu b~n , cllrt'ctnr of nauak In thr Nt'wJ•ort ~ ,-. Beach Grammar School fur the I Shoplifting Case lust "~'"''" Yt"llra. Mr. Klng baa Dl·s-=---...11 ~tn a ru ldenl of Lone &ach . 11118BCU Jo"ht•rf• h~ own• and manage• a blrJJ The (l('IIY tht•ft c.a."'' or Pl'Opll! anti 11ctd llttlre, I vs. Rudd was dlsmallk'd Tuesda~ mommg in Jud(;l' 0 . A. Jonl'~ Mrs. j oe Stamp Hostess to Dessert Bridge l'ourt. lll'('()rding to r<.'ports. City Atlnrnt>y Rola nd Thompson 'WJih tht• do•fl'ndunt'K alloml'y a.'ked for· dt~>ml,~ul ' ---' In lim I' 1 h£'r£' i~ no prN><•nt, ln t•Jt>m tly no rutur£'. In l'tem ily no IJII't Tt•nny~>fln Opt·nrnji! hf'r hnml' •lfl BaJbue. lslonrt to lhl' ml'mbers "' btr I mnnt hly hrtolge club, M r11 Stamp ]iiiiiiiillliiiiii;;~~~=~~ Wl'h • •rn•'•l ho r rnPnoht rnr tlt'U l'rt I HE anoJ ra t.lll. HE•'o•c Tl'll!ll' \\ ho• Rat olown tr1 lht' prl'l· A R lily AJlp !Oit·tl t able \\f'rf' M~a. •• eucM A tla nw!l llar .. ld \\'oltlo·nberg J . A. 1 G Cant. \\'a)'Dt· lla q wr. Hal \\'1!1 • l'im1lh, ~1ol Blackbe3ro-l. )"riP Oiltll. Harry Wl'lsh. Fr..U E ftPmhold LITIU 'ftiiMG II llol I ht• hlll!lt'811. I lrl:h lff'(>rt' for the alit• moon wa• w11n hy Mrs \\'uhh'nbt>r.: ~eC'· onll hy M 111 lfarpt'r and run80la· tlnn wrnt to Mr11. Gant. e I e " e e e e e e e e • e e • It • ' I J t • . ... ' ................. . CAl YOU DIIVE I CAl? 'Servtc.-e Rules The Obed Lucas· ~IU • •~~~t: tamec~ to .,.... and lh&..::•. cconttnuHt from r..., 1' Purchase New Horne Hears Eastern lira ~~an~~ lleOutft ..,~ UIIIJ:N You _,.. • IIW • .w 2 Phy•lt'ally tit. ""~'~"Ptable for Visitor C:.-k Harold m.-r weft the mn~t pro. n~ alwaye JM'IIW to .... Army for limited military 8fPVIce IJr •n<l )h• OWeS a.--_. ~ lldell. rapt~ blp 81:01'11 Wblle .._..,-ewry rt41e' "-' -. 3 f'hy•trllllv fit. arreptAlble by t hf'lr 1.,.0 oomaJI •ona. ._ _. Mra Walt«r Mcl<ftban and Mn. .. y-.ret a IIUclt -t of ..... Navy r.Jnrludlnl' Marini' CMJN1 and n..v11t ,.,II m,,..,. ~.,011 ~ .._ .,_ .....__ al -.... _ ,..,.. 1~" llari• N-larkl wert low. 111111c tale. wllleet like. a -.r t"nnaM O•ra"t1 l ... •h k'h tbry haver~ pu e ..___...,.-. ,._......,. ('fr-Aa aftractJve eal8cJ counw w llh 4 R,.j .. r lf'\1, phyoirally unfit t'(J, 311 C.rnJ a-• ...._ " .. "" W SCS.. lnrll 0.. '' • ~ cottlee and candy .-eft wrv-"'-• wtUI _......._. ..... D& .a. :\ Rr jt'r tt'\1, phyalcally fit, but II!I&Dd ... --...; ... £<.........,.. a...rtr .-ct al tlw cloee of tb~ I'AIDea. tty aft! _... 111 lk \\'.-\(' a t Anti-Pain , .. unarC'"I'Iabl<• (f'r olht>r rta.aona Thf' Lut u 1"'"''" balN -...-.. "' '-.. • ~lila ell&-Th .. pfttUiy wrapped ahower ~. Other llklll• are llft'ded 1 h roc:tdu · -f-_.. .,.. ..,_ n:~ Kiflll 1 ,; I'd a-. Aat ualr&Uied •o-• caa uaually ftliev. ~ only B .... /u a rriiU I uf t 1.1 p n .f ltlf' a.dJA"""' -',....... to .._, -I • -· .. .,.... W"tll lllw ~ Wf'rP r eve y arran.r trana llklll• lhal •111 be U!Ot'fuJ 8C'be, but Sl•pt. Ne•r•llla. ~~-thr rt'KIIIIr•nl ••Ill rt>Cf'lVf' a "Ct>f"· • ,.,..,d.-nr•r 1.,r Ul~ J'&JF dine,_.. ar un<.l a larJ~' llfe-lllle baby doll. nlar Pelu •1111 F••ctlaaal-tl(lc-al~ of F1tnl'lle'' whlr b l~lt. him . 11nd .,... ,.., hal'f'\' 10 ,...,... ~ r ....,. .._.. -.. tnW ~ eat~ .. -a piiChlrt In ilA dalnly clothn all lhrir lh'"-!S9 tya-of 1 lloatlllr Palu.. <lt>flntlrly wtw lhl'r or not he Ill lh• -.Jh nr tl: .t:o .. rtl •d • ..._..,. ~ ~....-~ 111 til' •-ll orttll '""-wbo Wf're biddtn In hooor Anny Jolloo IM'f'd w ..... lo nil Do J OU ~Dr. Mil" Aati·Pala pbyek ally rtt Cnr tM"rvlre. 1f bl' h•',. mllll\' l nrndlo ,_ Pta. • .,., ~ fr,rr-r ol :Wr• Mlll•r we~ Mn. Hubf'rt Ulem. PlllaT If not whr not f Ypg CDD hu bt'rn "',..,. ... 11. hf' .... Ill be lm· Their n~ htomr .... ......... ,. a •• ....... tdlre tk tntt '""' Mre. Rt•bt'r1 Dam n , A (WI filii dt'talla at tlw IM'IU'· c et Dr. Miln Anti-Pain Pilt. at mf!dtalt>l;v dru.~lll•·•l lnln IV·F by! .,,..rwd hv Ur• 1~'"1:" .,..._ .. ~,.... .. -e~ap ""rbdr 11ooU1t ol Banta Arul: Mnt. Ltroy ...,., v. 8 . Anny RN-ruiUnc ~ta· 1 r our dn~c eto re in the ~ hi1 I All' Ill l'l<>:.rd u.. AnjrJf'e ~~ Br•yol nf Ji))Jiprtnn , •tnrl&mf'a Bill tlma (yoar JocaJ po~~t offiNo wtll pacltace for onl1 a penny ap~ Htll:lllranlll tnJt3"1'd In lll'&llnnal a.-.-.,..M«'U .,..-:ll -•-Wn(ht. Waltrr McKuha.n. Marah !(tv. you the MdreM). Or •·rtte: and In the f'Conomr pa~ltap eYn occuruotlnn• t fiahlnll[. agrirulture, N M "" _.... an-_, ,,. !...........,. .:WcCu1rl". Harold Elmu and Jack Tile A•Jutant Geaeral, Room cheaper. Whr not cet • pac~ ,... •w L-toda:yT Your drani•t h•• theta. etc 1 ut expt"cled to lind emptoy-" e-IR:~"B -,... 12'ra. lraa tt.!tn Laatrna. an Clf Ct111ta Mi!INl : Ralph UIIJ, MuaiUoaa au u d Ia If, Read dirKtlona and. UH onl~ u mcnl aJdlnJ l~ war effol't durtn& u__:_ ~-_. -a-... oake. ~ and M•n. Newland of Nf!W-............. D. c. dinctecl. Your IDOII8J t.c~t If,_ rdattl ...on.. ~Part Harbaor ~UI JI1IIK2I .....,._, ._. • .._. ._ .c-port ~. and M,... Cathertoe an DOt aatlded.. ,. rath~n enpaed In fllbtac aDd ac· As 11'!-.. • 'illr~;-;;;;;;;-;;~-~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;' ;K.orw;;;;·;IDOC;;;be;;r;ot;;~tae~;bonore;;;;;e.;;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ rkultun wbo an now belnl oon· ft.11J3DIIM 1 ald~rf'd ft•r r~clu.lfkaUorr m•Y I \ h.avt their •mplnyf'nt. whfft tbey 1 '"'-• f,.lowlnc ~ l?lolir _. ai"C' e~nJ(aced In t•mporary eap1oy· 1m K1wann •t thf-~ ....._ mt>nt. requuc tl!'cup.tlonal tkff'f'· t'llf'l R.a) Mantuall ~ v....,. mrnt ,turing Jur h trmpnrnry «'m·, bad Workman. Trod ~-W. ploymeol. (' Pn-w.'ltt. Bott .........._ A. W . ~ A.-<'ordlnlf tl' • !lllll lonaJ He•d-I hon. f~t•·<XId A ~ quartl'nl mC'morr.n,Jum ~g111tranta F.nm lltod. lout noc •• .... ..._.. dt fl'rrf'd by rn~n n( bfolnl( n~e•· I tHin, Ill"· G R n-u.,p. P A. sary m"ll irr IW'U .. n•l ll<'r upaUona L.rndrr tn ,var prndu('lll n or 1n 111.1pport Pa ul Schl<'lnJ;t'f'. o1 thr c.Mn rot lht' wsr rrtnrt m11y be cnnttnurd <'nrpnratwn •~11 bnnc • ......,. In 11 olt•ff'ITI'ol r lllllltlfto·•tlun duo tnl( ,.,.._JWltnt lin tho· aJcoohll ..-.a- ttw nfl e~•a,.on If u.,.,. Culfrll lht> tu lht' lurw·htoon ThUI"Iilb)' Sir •• f11l111Win~ ('nnditlronll · dl<rU.'~ lht· .onaJ lind f'IClOiiCW fa I That thf'\' "rt'l'O&lll rnl(ajtt'd "'"lilt• <•f l"l"JW'al nl ~-... In thrlr llt'all(lfl~l OC't'Uf'llli""" ft>r <MIIIrn•• lht• p.liM tv~ trrrduloru) • th 11 ,...IUk n IIIA)'rn£ 1n rht• •ar .:'fron. ~ br;' ;~at 'th;v. ~·"m" ~'n~ealfl'l.l Thul'da~ nnor1. K.rw.~ '-* I" lht' nf( llf'AJM\n In IIOml' Othf'r nc -'n'~,·~nl II!.._~~ lip -.1M·-~~Inc •nr~~ .. ~~n• o·upnllon In wa r prod uri I on nr In wall r('('r'J\'(' a f'O)·al ...,. 1 .a •UJ'Jl<•rt 11f thr war rff11rt : and tht>ir hr-t n,:ular IIW'of't..IIC ._ a,..' t r 1 l lpt.lf'l thr rt>npmtn~r of the ,.,unran!' Pro·~drtrt ~· .......... ~ttiUk•" In which t hey may punul' hl'art pr'(lml-fu~ ...,.._._ their n• m1al III'IUOI:•n81 OC'ruJI•U•on~ &niOn~(whidl 1,. thfo 6oor .......,. • thry rl'lum It• lh<' IOC'a.Jnal occu· nato'd h~· P&JCt Pn'Sidtwt £AI. ~.:C.. patlo111 that l"on~lll uiNt tbf' hula 1·!1. and Jut h) no '""'-....... fnr tbelr orll(lnal drff'rm~nt aDd 11 •prrial 1mJ10r14'd at~ rt •umt'!l lhl'lr atatu11 All IM'<'-ry kn;,.., far and •'ldto ., ~ e. men thrreln. Stunt Man." I~ ow-• ... ,. It 11 advlablf' fnr eucb rea-l•· (Cif'IZf'l his look tranta au urgPd to rontact lht'lr Thu~)· noon. • • • May Be AU Ricbt on tbe Beacb . BUT Ill NEWSPAPER • , • IT COSTS Y U MONEY trantl! to Inform thl'lr employen \\l\f>t,htor or not tt wil ~ • .... that 1111ch rmployment Ia ar~p(ed on 1~ 314 .. JIIP". cr • Wt ~ during l hl' alar k Wa.ln nnly For fancy luUI ~ .,.. ._ turthf'r lnf•,rmaUon conct m lnr; tht' "~nakP", •'II not .,... ~ W..] Sel«tl\'" Rl'rvlct rt,.ulaUOD8 t oT ttw lnf'f'tnq:. but S.., "' _., .. 1 M&.aonal occupalll'n. lhf' ~ru· h3w llOn'W'tJUnc up '* ~ 11r ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~;;~~r;r~;;~tl:v:~~~~:al~Boarda::::;;~ .. .., ~ ~ti~ ~ans ~~ • J ----1::0 l!l at RaJboe'~ Do'f'1nr c.r;w ll u,m J.l r}•hUan nf lt't' U.dlrd 1 !'tAl• ~ Arm~· hu two.-n tra.ru«~t I frnm Ounr l'a.nta Amt.a t.n ~ ' \\'hit •' n<•a r Mr,1f n:l. • tT-,.1: ., lit• No newspaper can be of value to the community in which It is published unless it is a GOCD newspaper . . . and covers Its field thoroughly. ANY MAKE Painted, Overhauled, Wheels Aligned, Frame Straightened 111 -' PEICEIT CIEDIT-12 MOITHS TO PAY We Still Have Hom~ and Car Radioe HIIIISOI POITIAC CO. -. 'I'I'.LEPIIONE 8011 tND ud 8\'CAIIORE SANTA ANA • ''""~··mrnt 1o• ~~ .... t:lmolf'f' 1~­ ,f, 11 \' ~ ftf\OuUnt . •.J &t A -,b~"\ I "'' ,,~ •'nt lv j • ONE~DAY Kedt ·o..-·-~-bra.al Vlwaia A ... D Tablet il • ... .,.,_, Ia Vitaaia A .al z; 1 ,...., ..... ~.~ ,._,...,. el C84 l.ifrn Oil I . •••tlac •l•l•aa U aite4 .,.," nu c I .-.. Sc..-........ A_,flrlr t~eftt.e.r ... hf11 I ..... r \ •• M •u ,._,...itiaw ........ FOil CAll ,.,U ..._ fll!lllle ....... ,.. .. ,.. .._ ........ il tUt e.dt ~ ........ ~o.,-1'1M.t~ .. . I taD ....... .. a : s t ~ =::t:':t'J!'IIa ... . -. -· . . .. PIIOIES 11-11 ,.- ... -- • f The News -Times offers real values to iL" advertiS('f"S anct readers which (·annot be w«:'i~hro. counted or mt>asured in definite terms. . It ~rforms a !';Crvicc to the community as a market place, u a ~tal nnct cultural institution. It has the confidence and respect of th(' community. ThP :'11ews-Times enjoys the largest paid circulation of any news· paper in the Ha rbor Area. This compl('te coverage provides the most valuable advertising medium for Newport Ha rbor merchants. ;''l;"; MONEY Newport Balboa NEWS· TIME ·S 3011 W. Central A •e. NEWPORT BEACH