HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-02-10 - Newport Balboa News TimesIll SAND CRAB Bay Bondi to End War Qua« IEEP PIITEII · I Year .••• P il ., EMBRACING BAI..80A PDIIJII5UI..A. WEST NEWPORT. 5EA SHORE __.. .. "''"Y. liDO ISL~~-EWPORT HEIGHTS. BALBO~AND, CORONA DEL MAR. COSTA MESA -------------SAM •EWPOIIT MACH. CALI,.ORNIA, TMUIIaOAv. rtBRU A"' Ill. ,,. •• ·~1 3 4 h A . D __:__ '-'--lov~n Mast Our Roys in Sl'r\'it·(' 1\tesa Voh~s :1 to 1 N · 1 M U !~~~rt?a~~ t nn1versary · ooy ~ n;rerment . Sanitary District 1 at1ona . arine ni9n HeedJ.n& the list is Orange s t M . nt flaims for Fathers p . d n h D ff oounty·· own son. Justull COU oveme ,.,~.~~·.~:.·~···:;~.~:~· :.·~"·;;·.:!.·.:~· .. :·:.":: rest e t ere I. er· S Craemer of Or·ange. If he tr. .. ,,., •• nt ~''""' tOIM'CI 11!1 111 ,,,111) twtll"'" '"~" 11 1,., .:•· "''' 1 / had no other· attributes, J ~: .. · a..t lkAdquartera .u ,.... q, • ., "' "'"' l"''"'""'"'t' .,., ••. , .... ,, which he has. his bjd for fa-Is ·F.~tt.·ngly' Note ...... ,., u .. :t••• , .. ttwn and I tMI' ·~·" lllll•l lllt.: ..... "''" lh~l ll• I ''"" • •th . R . I • I s . d vor here is that {or scimr 20 ~latranl~ •'"' hfot'dofon ~ ..... ,,., 'Ill~ '" II I II 11 I Wf 00 t t years he has been a Warm, '-" cl-.. 11•1 III·A Wf'N a•lv-.t ,,:' ;,, 1.~1\ a.:ll\ ', .;~,~~: ;·:,:.,·~··;','".! seve an active friend of Newport lbat lb.' III·A rt..-tk'au• s'!!"" • Harbor'. From the news-I "''1·&.1 b.. '""·f'l~ and u..t t.-1 11" ''""''''•'1 "1 ,.,,. '"''"'' bl• h' f'mJ'Io>y~ •huuld fll .. ttwlr clal ... , .111•·• "'" '''*'' "' ""'" "" P81X'r pu ts mg field and N ·. ide o--:..:-n.-.:....11 te D-fl a.-.: ,._ ,.,. '""' •. 1 '"·· ""n,,111 , ,.,.,.,.,.1, citrus grower in Ornn~ I ahonw -~ ... -------~ ~ ~·-~ thtJ &4--.JUne .J&of .. ..-l ...... ,. ..... (ll llnt ... r .,, \ .............. . t h h bl. h-... -1'1 nrr: .• ,._ ~.Ylf. w Crt' (' esta u; ~'U ity; Lions Clab Spa•••• Laeally Willi~ •·r I 'JJir ronly --brl\llo'-olttpnc \\hil-t\ '"""' ""'"'"' Ill• ,,, rwrJ.Se as a young mnn :~5 1~ ~~ . f 1~ 10 • ..__ fiW th·· ''""' ''""''''""' "' " .. "'1' • yea rs ago. Justus turn('<i to 1\fee~n~r; Kiwanill gpa--a Sea~ -.A cJ.aoma. bCJwayu. tha dine'-'"'"'"n "' "''' "'"''"" "'"' public service. He served ,,, .... t!~ '" ...... :a'l nwn hr!WMII oft '1\\ n \• II~ ;, '""' " I Ill' .... John C~rc.•c.•n, llt'ad nf Jntt'rnational Union Va. . , the Lctt•al ( '10 and Survt'y" Shipyard War \\'ork \Vith U~p lntereHt California as a governor's ....... ""' '''' •···" 11•·· '"'"'"" 5eert'tary, deputv director or ' Boy &-out \\1ftt>k rnaJi[s tht-:t.tth .nni\'l"n311o,., lho• , ... ~ ' • ••I' • t J,lo and.:. Emplu)'f'fW "'"" tlh '·\\I··· I '" •• ,, .... ""''' Tlw ~··\\ , .. ,., lllll'hor ( 'hnJth•r .,, '1111· luchuctrlnl tlrUon ot •·J' ~ _. "''"!: to• r<'tam -·b e.mp&o~ '" .'I·• '"•···I '""'.,, .. ,I'"" :-,, '' \lunu I Sl I I I ll \" k r 1\ ...t puu IC works. state bulldin,:: I ing or tht> nlO\'eDX'Ot in A..ml"rit-a. ~ Frtwu;tr)' ~. l!+ltl u~ aoh·~·l.l•• •. a.:.un F'<•nn• 4:.'·A , •• ,, llh " • I' IIIII • I I' ltll I 11~: ~()I' t'I')C It IJk'nC"Il ·~ tto.t and loan t·ommissiont'r and more than 11.400,0011 men u.t tJo,. c bon~~ a.-:"..-1)· ~,._ f,.r m,1,..,.1, ,1 '" upt~lional ckfeT· 11 ,, 1,11111,11 , """"'"\''' ,,1 111,. ~ ""'•·•~Ia~· In lhc•tr lnlt•t'lla llmtnl I ''""111t-r11 .• Juhn G"""', who fina lly as a member of the , fiN~ with Scout in~. 1be preetnt da)· artft..-~ t:.< in " .... ,, .. 1 1 "'"' a: 1 •t ,., • u lfural ,.,,,, ,, , ,. til,.,.'"''''"'.,"'"'" ,:111 • '' uwkltt~: 11 to~ur ul ttw \\''"'' t 'cwutl "hlp t'UfUIInk11on planta. state railroad commi~sion of 000 ro,..,.__ _ __. _........ ...... ~ .. , ••l hrl •• up ... : •• ""' ...... rmo•ufs ......... mol l tll•h '"'"'"''"~' ............ ,,, 1111 ,.,,.,11•1\• "'" f'\h•\to 1111 tho• which bodv he is now n l<'xress of 1,575. SC'outs. ~ ...... --·' rrr -.\'1 ,. .. ..,. .• " •nl, n"" ,.....,.,....s """'""""'Ill\"'"'''''"''""",,,,, "'''"' ,.,,. ..... M1 .;,.,.,.,. ,.,1,,,.._,,1 . 1111'', .. 1 th•· hhchllatu.a al Mr. rnernber and of which h~ has Tht-birthday w•ll be ~f'd &n • lll·A •tl• ,.. n two ,_~ to Eve~u Monr~ "'"''' .,,,, 111 "' "'""' luitrr•· •lnl•· .:•··111 ''"'""'"'' "''"' lh•· "'"' "'''rk 1'"~'11 ' IIIJ• tu N""P8'1 8Mc'h been chairman. 1 '•'V<'ry l'ity and lm>'ll l.n Uw ..._ f..-r &~ ~.-. wn-c W1l" I ·A •It l urlf'AJt , t.nrua are flied bJ -.11.,11,.,1 •• the> C'ooot" ,,·u101,1 ,l,.•ul•l ,,.,,.,, "l'l"'w"" h •nol '""' •hwh IJo untl•·'"""' ,,.,,. '" 11 ... "''"' " lrlfl ANttiftd ttw ._, .,.. IUid In bun.tSrecS-of YUI.a&-... ~· .._... .... .-.......... ,_ ta. fnr lhlot NJ~ No'W•"•r'l llarholl iol'1'11 I,,. ~ ••• ••n.:•'(' h) J, ... RnfttniiQft and Dab Thert' art' few Ca ll'for-1 _ _. ~ ---......,_ -uw ... tt.ftllpk>yf'd recM~,..ta. cw * .,._ 1"' • .,. ..... ,.>'· lal•n•l. ":v•-·tt ·-· ·--... ~ • 1 haml~t. u wei · ·--·-r---.... " 1lw C'd~Wn~U•••• wua Wo•ll l•lo•• ..... t •••t,....IMII) pk•11111~l with 1111· .:"'"' "11' ''1"'11 "' I.Aw'"l !\~ In~--nlans who know California Boy !kout.a and <'ube ~ ......._ .._....__.~·lilly ~-.....,..,....., ._ Ma~p~~u.al 4cfw ......... l'cotty OftiC~r 2,r •lid Z3 "tth the I"NUIII •nd numbc•r uf luthand '"''IIIII••, ""'''""I "> '"'' """" '\4ilh I hchhAnl tfllwto f1l U. as intimately 8S he knows ll thto bualeal (lme Of tbeir M-. Ia .......... Ia --...,. .... lnf'aU. th,.n au€'h r'II'Jr\jrtnnt.a will ,.n ol<l, h•A thf' dt•llnolh'fl o•l hullot~ C'AIII liM \\'i..tl II• lh~tnlc 1111 h•rhur fttt holt I htllhllnlf JlllCI IIIII !O.>IIIh I 'o!lt~t f'flmiiiU,)', •£¥tc1Mt!J He knows every comer of it addition lo lakin& part In tk --!"" 3 -0 a ....... ,... ..... : .C'~tcd ritlwr II· A I... -...... thr unly ·•n• '"" ••I lho• I"'"'''"~ whc• have worlct'(l .... thlt rlrw lholt&lllllfo~ ul "" klml.. II "''"' ''"'"' " t-Ift~-hllrau.. llr. and most of Its conr~x mat prngnm• or u.r-~ ~ ._.. fll ......_. ..--, · • -....._, 11r...,.. '" t~ --.-n-Pl"'ft)' to .,_ tiM' wt• tn 1 liM'· wtwn Ilk • Orrorn ,....... ortltt ,...,n,. "'-.rr.eta problems. He knows rur::tl Paclll IUid lknlor Unite. Uwy "-'-1 ....... __ ........ ..... •• -.... t'llji:IIC')' P\'r the-l•l•nd fur l"t'WIJI mncluiiAan .. .... ''" "" ll(lllllllll ,., II •n huur ltlto•r "VO. ....... Calif 1M 3 .. ... -J p IIC . ..__ ..... •he• Ia allll thC'ff' ..... Ia t-'ivt• dlrwton :.net lin n•IINI ... II otbout l't'Y·Ikltnl It· .. ~······ litholl' lr~t• r .... II rWtr ltk ~U" omia because It was partklfl!llf'd In forty..fiw _, ..-c " -~ a.es ae.. .. I " '""'' lomp!IMI, Mr (ino.•n h..,,. 'i nwntto;t .... r ,._ ~ ..., there he began his life's •«"rvk e proj«l• oo ~ '"-j., ._. .,._ •......,..,.......... • • • • a G&or llat·htna.c·• llalr on duty 1''' 111 .. clb.tril"l. llat•-d "" tho• hill 1111~ bill~ n •tll)'IIIIC "AI thta "' ""~"· work. H£' knows urban Cali-CllVf'rruDf'Dt a«ende~~ ~ ... .,. .. ~ .. ~ ......... m AfticJD -a r.-patrol bolell 1''1' wlthcMJI ftt~PMitlun, .... ,... tim•• I htollcovo• II ... IIIIIU'<'C"'ffl&r) Tlolla C10 ...... fomlabecau.seofhlsworkas In tbc>lr tlrat wute pa~ Cllll-!1.-~ _.,.. •-~rru ••tho· •on uf t.t ro I.,. ,,.·1·~1 Th,. clir?d.or •n• llltu f't·rtw.~ two Y•'""' *lie" It wuuld At" llltolftf'llll rno.t.._ laC~ 1ft · ~.. ~ ...,.. will 1t1r _ _. t I' 1 ~ l'loalt1. WIIIU.m F~ l..,.,t. <'ltalro• N•·l· h ~ thfo ~tfh•rno'"" Jnhft 0twon ath ~ilroad d . co1 mmissioner In ::!~:o:c:a-;t •:.o ~~~ .!':. •••<Me~J. _ ~h-aft\tW ,._ rr--rro:~t ~:;=• a~~~ \t~ .. :::~ .... n I'Aul Nonn~~n •net c w To" ,.:.~~11,_;;' !, .. ~;~''\!~:~'IC.,;~ ':~:~ '•lit ,., .. ,...,.;.,._.., llaU \o•:-;:; e an ustna alfajrs of this or nearly Qnt'-fOUJ'UI fill u.r·.,...... 1, 1 -~ ....-. ,_ U.. ~ • ...,. f~pu1emt. II .... ~ IJI6o.A In t•u .. h·na anti •I th .. Wmklo· Martha R Jlc"tf'llo•r ""' utlt .. t teo ntnlt•· ''JUII I ... ,.,,.,.,. ""' 1 ltw nlf•ntlw•no "' ,....,.. 11. Aa .. sta~. 1llert' Is perhaps no "oJI-•.-d ~-uta and ~ eft' .................... ~ t-anw.t , ... 1 P'rt9al.e J~ P . K.l-lila• of r'rat l llartw•r ~·u ltUihUnac tu•••t.,-d ,.,..--of" flft\4 ...... ,,. ,, .. -. ... \o\Uh ··u• ....... " .. uutlln .... ! ... ,. ""'"'lftll I'GW'th at Californian betl"'r i"(o-....a ~ ~....,.. ...... I -· t: !!If R . dW Ia wtioa. ..._, '11trft wrttr-hl c-Andktllh... 1 ,. 1 · c 11 1 ,,,, ... n .. m ..... ~•......o t-...,_ "' " aun:u no"'' buay 1D their ~~ C--' ... _... -..,.--... ~ P · -mutou "' th,. l••'tal C'hr1• ""' 111 liUfl'C" ""'"' '"' h ... l'tlf'l ,.._......... -ow-regarding a wide range Of iJ'l. dr1vt', at Uw "'QU•'St al Dnald 1111J ..... S5 tw.. .. .,.. ... ~ f1l ~. "ie laUI<rr. FA· o.t\ ~lUll Alln 11 at 1•1 •1 Mun· l'f'iwd -......... ,..,. M'n' lnllll. ••tth the• l'',"'l"'C'I ol lln••nt Ill"' rt"JWlnalNIIIIo• ol 1M ........ terests. He is a man or tre-... M~t.oa. OI&L"mllll cl! thr ·----........... ~ ........... B.~ oll6 ...,..ltlland. -In ..... , hr ...... n I tur;o '" 1'0 Or w w ...... ,.._ Oandall Jllll\lnt•ot PwlhiiJ .. P.h lt.ttt .... •vo•h 1811"" It .... ,. to .... c. .._.. mondous energy. y 0 u n g Prod Uon Board •bo ..,.j ..-. ... •=rwt .............. .un.d. llllln, b la , .. r>t',. hrlntt •'-1.-..J [)e.. ,,.,. ..,..... ........ h"~ h la tlllnd .... ''"''1")' I<W'\1 ... '11 """ •'ll11•1"'""'nl for, ..... ~ enough to have the vim or uc • " . I . I ClalleT tUt •>f lhal )'"Ill' "" ttw blltllf'ftnnt ho• h•• lo.t """ ...... rnrn, nnw •nd ....... .. th I lo u!vq-e wute papa--~I A ,...._. « • lilly ~ B , Bo 1,,.., • ., ""tlh It"' huu,.. ,,,111 .. "" • Wtu •~•l•u 1••nnut ...,.....,. dill ~e m~<!..e Judd~~'Cru~ ,tO k,.p mill• runn:">: at full ca-j W .................. ,._ ... 1t1r Bu•ld• j p,.lt) (Ifill n )lunll~ Yo Wl "''" t l(<"lt'(l t.h (;n..,n, ll\ltllnac t'hMt !, l'f"''••ll•llollll\ ""'I .-. 0. bt1ct1 fomla needs the service$ of paclty." • tlw a ...... .,. ~ ...... Tr-.. I ang , ......... fur • ..tlurl ''"'" """' -, ay a s lhll> lllfl4• •u•'h I'IJnt•••nl t .. IIJOif ""''"' lu n11tnll~t'fllt•nt 1"n Ito., wauld the kind 0! .. ~nator Mr. I Ko,~ than 3UOOO ~ ~: .. ~ . ........-4 a I., ~· ., t!IO•I I'"'""""'''"' th.. l l"''lllllf'JII"Ofll'l l'lfll"''" "lltltlrnL•~1. ~Miatk:drapla ~· ha'\'f' qualified U [li.llpatda ....,., ,_ ka118--~-• ~ -'II'U IIIJo"'f•l ••n" "' tl\,. r .. et'Ut' O' Wtll(f'• IIIII In 1,... IVtftl e-..u- Craemer would be. . t n for lhf' Offkt-nt ••ar ....... ~ f"--. ..., ......... A h tc.-. wbkh towrd Int o pur\ lbe t r:!~"' '"' ., .. T•rm ,,,, '"'' 14ntltlhll rnt~n ...... a... olfld.a ...._ ...... ... ~ lhtrtt-n lumtlf'r ar nunn .. r ~~ Ab-pera e M t (,,,.,II "'"~ II lltllo· llt\11<' J••lnlt'<l out BAY OPEN AT NIGHT. The ~~!:~~n ~t;:.u~a~ _, a-.-1 uwr~~ ...,......._.. ssn as ..nka, th" ttrat ahtp '" ·,~,j P"'Y ·~~~~,.~~-wht-·~1 """' .. '," h•· thou~tht nw. ttrMIJWA ., .. ala~..-new order giving permission · -• • llo • aubmann .. utt th .. w .... eoa.e r ... ~, 1 ..,,,., t1 '11" '"' 11 pnu&lm•t .. ly 10 YNI"' ..., ~ to pleasure boat owners to . Davia. ~rector of U. ~ ~~......,.. ·-~-ftatiliC:1tl ... ,...,.l an-T • .,.,.,, ttul"'' "" hu . Aft D k '••urlh '''""· "II'• tonlhlt'fn,.llt'lll, lntot '" (:r.....n, arlit amr. iJwft hM War lnft~nnauon ud ~!Ant K. ~ -"' ..._ _,...._.... Ia ~ h 1 d par ""'"~ hho r-.•ply. "I ,.h,MJid uy th11t ll'OWn lo •udl .,. uW..t CMI It be welcome news. Many an The cuda ~u • •c-c~ lrt1ft·1 --t~ ,_...... ..-...--., ~~ • th•· w•• Rut ""K•n11t ... of wtw>th· tht111,..nct.. nf ~--.. .... Ule their craft at night WUI Frf'twell, Ourl ~1'-t Ell•:lll.h•-~ tl...,.._ ~._ U. ne growt 1=-~~ 1~'.'""'1 t•lllru• ..-u .. ,. er ar It All &-1""* IIV"Ifl th .. •llll(f' ur I• nlltl(lf'IWidr, ............. ..... evening visft tO f r lendS from Pr'akknt ~ .,.. -... _.,.. U. ~ .... , 'l'lwno 1ft two olhe_r brothere ---1o•r ur Mol tho, l'to•,hl1•nl Ill rro•l~l· ltlntt lhto VIne-..... a.... addltioaally lnterestlng I"'IW 1 people ot ,.,_; ~ ,... ._ -ta _.... ._ t .,. CIC the ~ .,..__ tile o,..... a.-a, ~ Qla. aut. I rtiiiiR .. dw ,._ hcc 1 ..._ •* ~ ~ . a.rouncf the boy will be made : t.bat. their laall ... to C8n7 .. IMl ...... -c:.e ... I a a .. .... ---.,. tritb the A~ r~ In Walter • ....r. 0141r.aa ut I td. bia pnllp'am naual ba 4~ ......,_.._ .... ~· H that you can make the trip 1 tormalJoD ~red b)' nr ,__..... o ,.._ f t.-r....,. ..._ ... ~.r' ot ':...~a::-..tlo "f171nc wttb lbe .U.7 ta mi-.... ann"""""' tbat ,,.. Pfu-vl .., ...,,. _,,at..,..ta ._.,.r IM ... N.J .... II t' ·,.. ..._ in your boat. Business mC!nl" IUid U.t '1t .. ........._ ~ .,,. -z •• ...._ . ........ ft'Wab -,..., CIIIIDM.. Lu bMil awU'decl j n.-,.rtm•nl will,_""" .. , ... ,.wn Atlantk' ("hltrtc·r Mr Rul~t·ll j " .,,, le f'.nrr...., tit,,._.,_. meetings, club functions, vilJ-whl<"h our MVUI&IIll IIDUIIl --.. ~ M ~ ....._-" k · ..uf::,J--t ~hia 1~ a...._ .tar IUid lbf" Dtllttncu ...... rtf bnllfJI IIM'ludan. ,_,... l'r"ft hn' pk'fiQt'fl hlnt~l'lr 1" 11•urlnt~• tu,... fft tiiiW't-......... ;an kl its to the theaters will IX' w• tight on to final YiMcwy -~ 111 ttl. ...,._ -. ~ ,.._ ~ ~ riniE 1 1 Ollt~n h IF1yU.C c.-. f'hllip Ia a lleulm· ""'"' aur..,t Aulht•nullnn '"' Jltl• fclf' ••vt'f')'tHtt•, ""'' lhf' ('It' with l11ho1r a...~trono ~ lhrf9. facilitated. However, like ~tnr• thrch 1 J!'4:S uw &o. tn ....._... __. ,......, • o.r a-.;::"., "', -f'llt ~-ant Ia ltw Tank n •rr-II n Kn•llt l ht• .. ,..,., .. ," •• '""""""' In • I•' wlll In·•~• lhAJ '"'' , ... n,fltllllf' II Allf'ntllnte t.hf' •••tla._ wldl yth. ·-~ th' I . . . I ..... r .. ...,. .. nn rn • It' I ,. .• f'l\ .... '"'"' thf' ,..,., v I ,. ' ~lllll•lrh "'""' f'lll rv .... I 1111-Juhn C':l .... n '"'"" Mr 'tnl1arcl. ... an mg e~. IS rt' ax&ng Srnut DltiJ)~tlrh Bf'•t., nt baft 4»-,_,.. .. ~ ~,..,. ,._,., ........ ~. P A P:llmrr. brinlt rf'-Jlfo.,l~o;•• \Vo· will ~o:lvo• 1111 11111, 1; tn.., ho•lul' 111,. S. lin , ......... , Ill.--"' f -·1 be tak d t-'b I d d •--d _,......,. ........__ __._ ----r~Prf~-....__, c'-L.. h f••lllm•nl II ~ ''"'-"' c:"""' I ll•• r -.-,, ----0 1-wes can en a van-'' u .. lUI p,_-.. •o ,-~ _......,. ~~:. ,...,.._ --·_. _,. ........ ~~·. • poaa ..... '"' D s c .. ,,,., Ollltr H'I ... ,_.. .. fell. "''kl·l . .M r ,:,,.,." ''"''"' •·rn · I'••"''"'''" .:,...,., rnl~ allaul tage of. we are SUrt' that this fllllt·.,,. a tota l nf 15.~13.375 C<l\'f'M>-IU... .-,.,.._.. ~ .. ,... al-""'ld '1""" tht· a.'~'Mlfl •t:•M•-d o. oast Jlltllfll'llll> "1""'"l"'' "''' llr•• lnlf•t 1111 r111,11., ... 1 Itt•· Wl'llt rn.tet fOf' ~'vilege wUI be used wifh I m «'nl J'Oirtf'n! a~~d l. ... ooo .... ""'-ft8ltT .....,....,. ..._ ~ .._. ...... a ~ut nl """".,_." ·"'11 11 1""' ''''1''' '" '"" "'''"""'' "' '''"'>'"'" •lllt•f••ulllln~o: ""'' rt.tltn11 lll'tlwtt'"- gment. pirrPB of htrn&tUr'f' La~ ....... " ,_ .... euc+t f r Ptl-trY ,_ lhnuooarwf clollan In hi• •• n· "" ('u..C Ottard ~-""" ..... I"'"'' fllllll!ll 111!1 IIIII} '" I',,. 1'\fll.,._·tf tlftll .... , llrilh lhfo .... th r-co-.-......_• ~ a.al r...-port Mr PaJ""'1 \ Jn tiH· ,.-,.,.lf't uf Vtttlf l••tt,..r '• .1.1 1 1 II 1 •" lhc>y pul IIJl . ,. o:A•-k ..,.....,....,. a.-d ·~r¥--r ~ • . '·' • A T ••• ••I I " " "' 'llto• I'll I '"'' IOIYAIItll lit•· I ~~tv, lltttf ""'odlc·l~ a BOY SCOUTS Do plrf ,hllttUtl\ Jll44 I,..J,.IIn,e, •., th•• ''• f I or• . you rc zatlon J'OIItf'r llllt1 t.hr f trwt <>f lbl' n.t ......... """"" ....... ..,f ...... ssn. 0 I "1 1• .. ''"I ... 1•1 101'110111 ~ ••• ,. .. '\4111 ltl'f"AI fllllllf' rut lh·· Nf'WJWW1 liar· member \\'ht>n you \\'ef'(' a RKIIrily ,f \\'ar lnfnnr.allon paull-~ ·--·~ c~c·:ac trT"'2(H • 111• ............. of'l ••• """' .. I .. ~. • ....... , ... ,.. • ..,. ....... ··~·'" 111'1 'll'l ... I,,,, I \l'l\lfl oh .. tw?r llr1•11 boy, how thrilled you were en. Nn. WC'f"k lhr~· ..-111 f>lal'ol' """'.,....,., ,._ ~---~"" lo.n ~· •· .m "·''~' a l I•" 1 .,1 .... 1n ··' ~tr •"hrl f 11 'II •• "'" l'lrAIIItlt,. t .. 111 •d •• with the opportunity of IX'-· JIN'II'r10 lil'allnl! .. .,th Uw "'·-..., f <.-mr-1 Ar-. ... a a ""'-'• ~ \ ""'uona \ n<o'\4 llllm '""' "''' ··•l•tlllll ,,, ,., 1' .. 11 H b -w B d con'ting a Boy Scout, and MarlnP CnrpA a nd • ....-ond 8ft"ur-,~ V1 ~--tk ...--.4 f"'f'ru ...,... -.om.· 7JUtCOl mo·mh• r~ ""'' hold Meet \ . arr -'•~··f) pr:w t t• tn t.: I hill' :•nol I ... ''"II'" • luuo n .. "'•I•·· '" '1',,", .',.' ar or ar on Wh"'n YOU had yOUr Scout lly nf \\'ar lnformaUon poiiiM' a,-.. ~.-art .-db I --.f ..,f"-" ~ -.waiwc hnrnt~ ,..,.} Jtr"•f•~fth thr• "1 .. "''""'" ttf ftlr tt,.UP' hat and unifonn, hOW proud F.lml'r OaVIII. m ll 1<-tkr' 16 1hl' laDdr .,.,._ ,...., • .., Uw f-at l«pitWIJf 20.000.000 Alnt•!lrarh VI• Nfttt IIOIII!U'l In NrWt•~trl llntlo"l you felt? Then when you I Boy Scouu" fn.· day• ~u. pa"' Sl•.ct lA• --' Svr.oiC • ~ ran, mr,.,-. ... ,...., '"tho· ""'nc· ·'"'' "\\'llh '"" ,. .. «"''' '" "'''""'' 0 .. I w II performed your~ deed tht' foJh,..rln, lni:MJtl' (() llw-JI" II ~...S W' --· ...... _ ,. •• JnAn tr\ltll'fr) o • lllf'ltiiUfn Ill ,.. ........ r1 flllriHtl,, Ill'• uota s e for the day ... you enjoy~..l a •·ork: ,.ellf..... .._..._ ~Jc'<M'•. . Wc>mtW'rll "( ltlf' IJIIIIIjl•• , ..... ,.1,\ .. _ t r11 , YN t.'U "DurtD• ""'MMt" a.~""f"f:•llflfl. ;,.. I"" 1 H! 11.,..,,.. A""'"'"''"" .,.,11 m•·~l 10 "" td•·N.""'" '"'" • rrtt•" ,.,... I grand feeling of userulnea.s. .. lhl' put Yf'ar lhr Bay --I a .............. ~ '""' .. )'''"'"· ... prcvnt.-h• ~nt'fl 1., f'JWI' , .... .,...n ......... Will ... . Y bo t.od ha h Srouta of Amf'r1e& b•vr ""'.., ut ~ lllaDtla ftrno • .._ . llua l ••I•"' ,., ~'~"'"''"v ..... hruar v .n .. w•·d In w•w• lilA)' • • nlaht I . 0 OUT y ay (I t 8 t RlO«l eftlclf'ntly U Offidal Cow· ~ -..... ....... ~ ..t ~ and )'PI II b publicly ' 11nd, AI II ' I ;,.ld"" '"""' I 'llfP same feeling and yOU, nOW --~ -.r>'d ..t ro'l[ltfniMf, :ln ltrT:I~Rf''l ~tuntlnjEIJOn II• If• II ~·t.,o llon nf• uf Wfllt "' lh~ (,tJ dtM'II Ill I he' f'll· • ver that you have grown up, emmrnt t>II!Y)atch &a,...,.. f« UW n...,. _. .,.. ,. ,..._ .. liP-"""''that rrtarn• f•.r 1tw-r· .. m m •m· t•·ntd••n nf , .. , Kl,...., ,,, In watfol~ have yOU (O~tten th~ otnce of War Information. Aa ill ~ ...._ a a I hi 'llir .,._ If.,-all rtw bl'tw•ftt• ttf l•••.tlh· tn· ~rw fur lhr ,,~,..,. t•ll"" will boo IH'IIr lh" harbtw ,.ntrt110'•' ••uth of thf' flnlt "'orld War. tbf' illo7 ~ &..-....., ._.....,. ..._ ,-..., lnanltl""""'"' '"' lh•. ''"'' h'ld tho-•nw '''"""I! f•ll•.wtnr; oi.,.J>ftln N•l I anol '''I·•"'•''' I''"'Y The Top by day, perfonned your cnuntry'e call In lhte ,..... to ltNtp ...... -~ • _. ..... lW-~ (W '""""'"' im<unUII"f' :~1\41 •u· milt• . ._df'•l 11\ ~:In ... J lttlfrhl'tt 'tilt,. ... , •• rm•ll••ll v.lll .... "' Ill Ndport-( :oHta Mesa Rond Saltll Exceed ... 00. Scout n.ales? ve YOU. day Scnut.a han-qain -el'lf'd ~ c-. ..... <...___ fill ..,. ~-« ..... .and ..-additional f;u 1•11' of I" r'll'pur1 "1 ttlr """""""n.: r•m· No : j "good deed&"! Boy Scoutl In bnnrtntr m~ ot •1t.al .... ~ t-.... ~ ~-(1ft,,_, nthrr hantl of ._, lll'vh l .. r,11t t • h•NI """"r.. '" "'" lllo\ ()()() (' J .. ' and Grown-up Scouts. we are pol"tuuce to trw ew-e f~ ...._. • a~ 111111111 -.., • -.. • tci ·,.« "' ,.,.. y.·•r l'lwltnt otlk .. ,. ""'rvlnl( '"' 1 .,... ,uota Jy $43,000; A lmOtlt Week ~ Go: all good Scouts, aren't we?-"AI the Boy Scc>Ut ~ 5t'<-411la ctl t!w ·-c IESiilbww .. I'M:' ... hatl bulf'. ,, ""'· an·ur-,( ...... ruup .,,.,. A ~lllll'r ,.,... L' t $100 000 I - we would like to be. wouldn't ~rve• Ita thirty-fourth -""""-rt ,....,._... ............... a.. ~ ~ llf.k1l for !two ~·f':tr .... ~nt. ln. A Patrtt tlrJif ., .. ,..""'"'·' B d Gord I' l'dJ)('(' . • ncreaMe we? We can and you know eary dunn~t ~ 1knut .-f!rtl ~ ..._.. ~ ....... • ....._ A_._ •• '""' ''""' ,.,. •t•nt: tt tt ..... , ... ~~ .. ~ ..... · .. not v tre · U 00 10me il Help the Boy Scouts ~ Fc>bruary 8 to 14 ,..,. esteDd ID ..,._,...,. ..., G. u.-~ _. ~ '"' _,_. )'81' at •a• •tth ~nt o-r." Whr•t •htnl 0 Fu J h day in every way YOU Can. r very mftll~r our ~ U... tt.r. ~ .,. U. ~· tll<r --~ ~) almoJIII C:llfT!' \l,.pn'.l.nl All h11v" """""'' fm n r roog nlll only for the flDI' l'leC'Ord at ~"""-c... · .... et, IIIIIP'W'f. PVP lncX'al L'f"l'tnt1 t ..,, ynre l h,. rnrrnhn• ""tin.: I•• nBRERMAN'S \\' H A R F. ,_ • Wlf1,• ~:.rwt> of op~n~t<f'l a·'" ,,taln ,,., •n .. th ... ,~, thr •. tr1 tt••n• .. nn tur1<JUC'h l•••m , •• ,,,,. ()ne of the m ost Intriguing I ~ fufur .. rancmc fnvn o•lllf't'fT'~ rrra eiKt ... l '" 194~ 11h · ,., ..... , ... ,,,, ... n• If """'"'' 111"1:""· '"''' War H••rul ( 'nnti~Jtllo{n Oln ... 1or .J1wk Park•• annuune.-'(.'(j ys. l ~·nlny th111 t ht• tuiJd ht~ntl ""'""' .,, rlntP tor Ncowport BNrh and (',...,,,. M•·'lc •••lnlt .. t $111:1,177, whkh 1~ ~:4,177 rwf'r thP I''"' a points or interest in San Ensi .... Sinnot l{)ryj~Je Brown ~ 10 ""'f'l'mf' llflllml'm "",.. tlf'I(&IIIF,'I wu l .. ,m .. •l Ill th~ ·=· ''"'" , , .... "'"''' A rtlll,.rv h"" Francisco is fo~ish£"rman's "'•• 1t.r,sults. ~·~. m"> '-1 •• t..JI vt 11121 w•t•1 "'" 1 ... , . .1 •· • 1 •. .,, "'" 111"' "'"'" "'''" '''" f•HI 1'1''·" '''""1 '' ""' w .ollt·r s,.,. ''1 '"·'111""" "' th•· N•-•"•rt """"~~" Wharf. Thousands or tour-Home on Leave tLraYet ,. .. .._ :::.;n ~-·-;o:,;ht·,;:~"·;· .... · .. &t·y "" P'""'''"nl Sine,. that ··nh .,, IOn•l Mra l f"VIn •:···'lo:" ""1 Jl,,,.,,,,,rnn ttl l·•· .ltlfln l 'lllk•·.···"'l''"'(ll llllo .. ·t urfltrNo'WJNirl lind ists' d . It drawn I n~ . -... lhf" '''""Will" ' ........ 1 ........ , .... , •• ,.,..,.)11 Jill V..' ...... "MI. ,.. ...... , ... n J •ult··· '~"'""' .I '"~·~·· ( 'll•llo M•'llll ,,,,,.,.,.,,, '"' I.MIIflnl( CMJr lhe tlrtw an vts ors art' A• • ._e..-. '-# ...._...._,-rto 1 _..._ : will ftlV" )"'J '"' r. • h ery Year to .anjoy j•-I oVf' •nrr•l In thf' .,ffl<,. ••f l•r""' Rt'a. h Ill ••t<'lt II •fllfl I 'I""''' Ill l1m1• I J1~l Wo.•k t h•• llf'llrlol llllltl Will ••>'>t\,Q, ere ev "' t..a F:nllt'"" MiiN R t Ru"1 ~·nl'"t and ~ ....... ._.. .. a, .... ~-"'. n •••lrl'f numht-n< II -unusual atm~here. and dE"· 9rrtvf'd.hllmf' Vl.'r<!nf'1'da\' tro -·J ,.,.~~~ ......... A et-r-~ ~ "--~ lr<wr 'I; I '"'· T ll 1:•11••• .. , IIKnt lllo,'1Hit llud ....... 1(1•1•1••••·" l l'olll Ill .·•· \1111 '••~· ~"''II "''""'""''""lllrl .. lllll "' wurk hltlo ~~ ... ,. ffflfll'to ttrinc )ictous """a ( dinne-Why . . . -.., .. ........._ L--1-, ..... ~ IIIII I•• ~I llftll •In Ill'/' '• I'• ..ch. \\' I• ~t •ll• I f :--;,. .. 1 11•·111 It hilt Ills.; II I•M .IIIII' "" ' • Ill• t ' I tlo• .II• • I•• 1ft•• 'l•l••lllftll fi!(lll l' u f $41;1,177 ~ • "· h111 lf'll\'" f rnm h tlll na n · dul ... ,. "''"tl 1 -a ~_.. W -• • 1 11 11 1 F. h ' '"h f .....,. r••l ... , I I !tn 1-1 M"l' ''"' •·I SIUI '""" Jt('f• II•• ,..I vi•,.. .,,.," ~"'I " II , ' ,,. l':l'\1 '"'" ""'' I · ... t II Mt"'ll ulwuy~ '"'' I'"''' I ho·lr '1'''11•••, rt"'n~·llo•l'fl not a IS <'rman !" n <lr Itt,"' m<lthnr ... ,,. ..... ,,·. R. .. .__~ 1::-art. r.rari!Uor ~ .... -' ·.-'h-..,_""Darinc...,. ... I""' N'l1 ~ " " ~ • ......... • ""'""'" -~ .. ·~ , • J .. • 1 1 •• ',,. .. "'"' "'""'"'" ~• 1 ''"' 'h"• ' 1 '' w· 1 · · hert' at-N£"wpor1 1-iarbor. We Ill F: C"rnlrnl Rnlhn• 't•u-4 ~ ...... ~. ~_, ·--·· ""' ,... ·~ samo· P' ..... • ra.n•r. " ., I,, ' ·•I:" ,, ~....... • .. ~... "' ~ .. ,. "" ' '" .... 1, •' Ill• ,, " •• y •• ,,., II I• Ill "'"''· lt..•tl ( ""'· ( llltllnllnll \ (llo• .. l ur lUI)' I th 811WSMwf' Inert-a-s rrnm 'I···~· .Pl\Cb , T lo•lloll f .. !'>IIHf•llln• "' ""'''I \to •ol t h"'"''' HI'IIVII)' It ,,"""''''"''''"'""'"'''"'' II'I:M· '""r ,.,.. U."C a mO!'t C'\'('1';.' 0 l'r Hurl II' ~n intr1 ntr tnr tn ttl• ··~I •alt.. , ...... •rrv•u: In ,',I)(IJitll an tn<'l • ,,., .. t ~~·: •• 1,1 O•·u.•·nl• 1 •r ·;. 1; "''"'••II .f.,,.,.,, 1 "''''Ill th• ~""''' "'1111 1111 "' 1,1, •h , d 'I"'''·' ,,f $1ttll.f-WI '\4ill I•· 111 1,,.,,1 "llllf l~tlt '" tlu•~t• !' nlm•"l 11 means to draw attention to :":l\'lll Air ('OI'f'1' at (" rf'l.lll ('hniO· .... ~~ ..... ~~·· •• ·•-Y catirc& •• ,, ~ ··~··r II•······· ¥o h •• r ""'' .... , ....... Mr•• I•HJ• !\tullwrr•rn Shl• '"' lnid•ll••rt ' ..... ,.., ..... ,,,,., • ••• ,. ' ... 111'111' '" 1/.11 N£"1\'port Hnrbor. Y<'t. hC'rc II. TI'XIIJO H" s tgl\M up fnr ..,.,...... ,,.. 1"' ~., 11 '""I< lltnr"T '>f tn... ~~ •r ·'I.''• , -,, mrnt•· ~,111,,, 11111. "''" li•·llf 1 • , .. 1 1 ,,.. wurl•l """'""K with is a natural th:ll hn!-; not as Iff' whd·· .. ttll in Sa.ntll Al• J tm· An!l'\' Tr~r ~rur~ wotb ~~ "'lfJo r.tltnc .. , ... ,. lh .,., ..... n I ... h, .... -110• ~ '"''•Ill • II I Jq:wu• I I ... s ....... to rr··· V<'1 been dcY<'lOfM'rl. Our lor C"nli··~P Th,. day llfter P~>arl f'<Ya'T ~ .. ~ ,.1 '~·· ,, .. , r•·a~-<1 P~"•". 111 :'ill •1 1 ,, • 1 "llf'h 1 . .,,1 11 "·"•k•, ~ ... ,. '""" flsh<'rmcn aN' (1nil y rloing a Hotr hnr h~ lind a Jorrnup • t h.ll! A' r •l-• ,.,_ ,.;. f'.=::,.,..,.. •'..., I h.. .. ......... ,~,··"' "'". "•\. '" •" ··r·••t I "'' \\ ,., ·'"I I I ,, ' ,. A k tf grnnr1 job in supplyin~ food I frll'ndl! 1•)111 "" tim .. '" twadlnJ: '""I Th• ·-·.--<' , ...... "' # .. II:'"" r..-t~ .. ·~ .... , ....... , tim~ I. ,. ' .• ' I • ........ lo ~: I. ,., ..... , .. 1•1 ·"'"' n (' t•rman ' t for our country and for the I the f"flltlrtmMll nfftl"(' )lany •ll.hot'T 1bl' ..,....,. * .. ~ ........... an.! '•tc Tr. ·~·· lh<> m>~ll••l ""''lh• r .. I l(llna ~ A \l··v··· ="''"'l'"r' l.aunch ~~'(•f•nd wnr effort. Do th<'Y not O<'-l•d!O harl th• aam• ld• • AM tbo> ~ r • !::,; ...... ,.....a. If. •IOWf mtu·h 'm:tlt.·r poo,.,..·ntot~:•· •• 1 ·~~~ IY.al'b, &(ld ,. A ~1,11,., ,, . '"' • lc~ ' serve more ~ilion? A hny" found " tart .. rrowd lll.oniUDC'I f,.. • ,....,.,-. •-... •• w• ~,.,.r. "r ..... ~-ff"•ne I•• ,.,,. n. ·•·•-~ """'~'~ ,,, JfiH I"''' ll•t l Army Tow ,' f: hl' d oorto of l ht-o:flcC'. l'hn· 1"'011· On..U.. • ca· • a..-a.t~ -.r+n '" a lllr ..-..wr ~·~~~" 1, I.'' " · ,., propE'rly regulated mooring l'f'lved lhl' tdf'a • f IK"ndinr: fOtr -&.-. rn ,. ...... " ... "''"r lhfo p:nmo nf ,,, !'-... ,,.,.,... ··' ........ "Jli" 11··-t CPnt('r forth~ boat.~ ~hould army trurk lo lakt' lh~ ln1n thor ! hhoor:11 ttn1~ (' of c to Elect ,,.,.,,,, 1: Ito• ...... , ,, tr• .. M• ... ,. .. ,) not be difncult to aC<'Om-~rrounda. Tbe dr1vn-of tbor 'NI' ... -;.. P..t H..a ..,. ... flay,. ~MI II ... "'''''"1 • • ~ f ', ~··· f~o;l•' ""'' ''""""'"'''I "' ""'' I pljsh. and a Fish("rtniU1'~ ..... ,.. \'f'r)' N:tnJWRliVf' Ufl In . point ~· abt.-ptlrtH'lfl nf nur l tm ... .-;.n•l a I· ()f~Jtlle.c:. M(Jndav --IOJ ·~ '''"" ltV A• lt f'flllflll II""' Wharf. center Cor IO\'('I"S of th•t bl"tnjt .. ·hm bf' f<tUnd out To c-.,. c~ n-r1Nni: .. ,prn<ltlltro '" l•r•o ... II" I ~ .r--r '<m•(""'Y ,,,. ,.... A I r" y will .... , St"8 food. Is an idea. Are lhal it ..... t.be Sa~· they ~ lftZ •t)ooo q,... ..,, "'ar J\nntl• '1"'' • , hrt~l rn"" •' l hr ·~··' • ··lloWfllV" "-t k ., 012 ~ --1 h.~•· pl;orr-oi' :t "l.,..lllnltlll l"•r1t••n 1 H Hld•nr ,.,,d l .1•t1tt f•,.' • ,,,,.,. ~~·~t••t f fi•·ul·h I '•' I I •I , I• • "" ll~.tl J•j, I I tlfH I J!,tltt•tlt 1'-IHutl 1•., t 'tJf~t • f ,,.,,,,a ,,,.,~,,., Hnuk ,,f "'"' 'n .•• N••v.,,.,, t 1:1nl ~tl Arturl•ll 1\HII,....tl I Hh• f ''I'll " •<'1.' :1tt 1 ••I '"" hl'lllrt1;'< 1<!1 '•,.1zt M•·'·" I''"'' (t(fJ<'•• (',..,fll Mo·,.Jo 'J'tlfhl t ·' """ M1 l'nrk•· lkntlto $ :ll :ltiH 7~• 'I 'lH'I ~~~~ 1:/,IM'7 :1fl • IHI :.!!\ 7 1:.! !'rll tl:••atl~ 7•1. 1'11\IICJ . lf.:t tiiiiJ.IJO 11 :t\:1 no 544:1 tnon Mamptt t l:.t l II{) 1.:\NIH_, 1.1"1:\ II() 1 ~oi.I IICI :110.00 ...... oo 'llllttlrt nt•l ltnciWn tnt:"re any a ('f"!\. IO Join' T • ·--1 I !'C<I!w· n( ,.,. r,Wft r•......-r"~" fh "';or rlt•n•l< 'lri1Ul11!;41 I' n t1 '"'I Ifill • ( lh_, '"'" S ... 18 IMPROVING. Our pnrt ...,__ .a-tr.-ilct•ll'l ..... ~ ,. ('DStln•---.. 1 .... "'"'P'>r1 "'"'~I l 'hllfo , ... , J•l l '•om Ark .. nflal'l ""'" ''""~·· ..... "' Jack Ma!'4on Home .Ill• ..... •h't· "'" Yl' cratt ..... I' .. _ __, ~..._ IIIII .... •· ................. , ..... -......... __ ,_ ---~~'·~· h&a ho ~n '"""'' , .. , ~~~·· t~. ft.. I .. ,..,..,,. IWII WO'I'kiO I • • wuultl l•r l ... h .. m .. In -w w---Sam M"'"'e-r. 'll·ho has I ....... ~ mf'n ...,.nrm: '~ ' o-----• _. -·--,_ -·~ -.... .. ~ .. _,_. I F C'~ h p ·r· _, -VWII confi~~ to hls hom~ gTOW too old to ... , "" ~~:;. ~ ,.:::;-·;.,:: --_,..--..-II ... n.-WOIA4a' .. lh• •. ,. .... ,, .. r;nll whrn H•e•>rtlln.: '" pr••IUJ '"'" "'·'"'''""' rom .;:,t)Ut 3CI IC ()oul , ... ,1 ... II •• IIO!l at tM eat- k . I ' rov "'-........ ... T Pfllr.ttirtn_ •• ....,.,...,,ly ···II,.. •fKIIea al •<fl oll'ra ,,,, "'" ' .. ,..... vrrtf'tt Tun. t:ll"'te:iw ·--~ OYer twO WE'C S. IS "1Jl " . reoa0 . joy I a 6 .... .. ,..~ .. t• lt-v "'-' _.,....l,.rotl..., n.... ...., W111 1tr tl,.l•l Annuunr...,rnl haa bMD mad~! ~ mg ln health. we 8rt' ~Jad to Edttor, 'We are.. ~ f'l'l -~ ,.,_d "T ~ --e.r .t rtf ,__,m""ftt fun,to rnmmc ,,, ,1• fl'rf'tllt,..nt VI. M J.;11o~m•tf•l "'''' ft••O• t.""'kln.tnn \ltl):llllll ll1•l H Af'" ""'-vtn~ 14 rn•miiiM with hy thf' Ntf\y trnm Ule n...r.a sav. That nu bug rure doef; ing ,the expe~'l" .• "· d I' p -p!nf•Jf1) tiN"I.Ipl"'d .. • ...... , ""I' .. , .r ....... tl'rTn lf ·~ !'l'f J,t.n H !Cii.allfm ..,.,,_ """ •. "" :-: .. vv In thf' K•lfllh l'tlr lffr, Thl' YJ· m •·IUI• Y•rd Patroi--IDOI&o- t.ake a lot out of you. and~ what 5 more. MD nus it. !< ..... "-,.._.,. ,_ ....,.._ ' ' "l"'rtl'•l '" ""' ..... ,, hlm .... lt"' I• -122A " ... y .,. """· NnAIJt1111 ..... k w M!tll'lll f'tllf'f Bloflt-•ln. I)' In lhe •·lhf"t' ffolttiW'I J'U'111 'J'tltl hope Sam takes plenty of Again ~-e ~y -Sam. •'Ill" j t umty f....-~ f """ ,_... y,.,., ""•~ .. ltho-r wtn v•"'r ,,..., .. ~ud u.. lmm•.,lt•l" r11 ,1 ... ,,,. ''""'"'· Hootvh. h•• "'""'lvNI t hf-r;..,.,., ,.,.,, M•l• t ' H Nit . Ia ""m" .;,, a lblr·: 1Yl"' I• aloo .. kn••wn ""a "'WI ..... . time in tht" recuperation ~ I hAVl" m1s.cll!'d \'OU but bP ~ t P·~ t.a _.. ....._......., u.. "'~ -bu'l' •f W1n *' : y 1""'!11!1f:lll"" tn I ... Dl ... tiUn Kln•f•th .. r, rtpnru •l u,.t Rlbto<a .., hlut r •lfnplf'IN I hi~ I y •}hV lr•VI' wlllt h(• ..,.,.. and I At th .. f'Otlf'h.llllttn of .... ...... , cess. As W£' said ·earll~r in you are good ~ ~ I,...... .. a... ~, all -~ ew11 bon , •. .,., ""IIIPI"'lmilll' ., ... ll!llc:attnc bto may Ill' lht-ID<Ilm· ltll"i:•on•l ..-m...r.rr'• .. ,,."' with h••n"' 'l•ll•f t'Nl w l •• '''" "' lit c~•aa . .lat·lt will return to ..... ta llttrs ()Uf pincb b lf IMfgrunt'nt as ,fOft' you f'lll"tum tO yoiJr-=-.. 8ft .......... an..t ..0 Joe1u1 ~ • • 111. eau.f ll'li«UtiVfo V.cJ'"' I IIAihtiCl laf11f!1l ' Kuulh f'Uiflc. • Kay Finch Ceramka Corona del Mar Boldevard Feed Store 2240 Nt>Wport Blvd. ec.ta Mesa Ph. Npt. Bch. l2l):l Cue Conatrudion Co. 1 CaliCo1nia R. A. W attaon Genrra.l Contracton 1..-AnpiN California South Cout Co. Vaa Camp's Sea Food Co. Inc. CaJUomla Newport Beach Pharmacy, Inc. Jl~ W. {)cftn Front tleapolt Bch., Calif. Ph. Npt. &h. 5 v.., 8hipbuildlna' Corp. Newport Beach Exeelsior Creamery Santa Ana Califomli1 Stag Cafe Newport Beach ~'\lifornla A Friend J. S. Barrett Construction· Co. Raw110n's Cafe 1015 Oout Highway. Newport &nch Pia. Npt. Bch. ~ ·J Sua'• Sea Food Cafe 2501 Cout Highway a.J Beach Califomla White's Coffee Shop • the Main Comers of Balboa and Balboa lslan4 Casino Cafe 200 Mt\ln St. Balboa. CaJif .. PhOI'W' Npt. Bch. 77~M MeNally'a Boat Liwry '705 E. Bay Ave. Balboa Pb. Npt. Bch. 406 Newport Ice and Cold Storage Co. 410 'lblrtieth St. Nt>Wport Beach Phone. Npt. Bch. 157 Suniet Cafe Costn Mt.'S8 Dr. M.D. Crawford Optometris t 119'7 Newporl Blwf. Cn~ta M€'S8 ~: Not. Bch. 24~0 Conrad Rlcht~r, 1\1. D. Ph)'!ddan & Surgron otftoe 107 22nd St. fte8idenCe-717 W . Central Ave. Pb. Off. 133-Res. 74. Newport Bch. a. w. MeCJellan & Sons Rocb ud Truddru~ 'I W . .c.tral Ave. ~ata.l21' , . NEWPORT-BALB<JA NEWS-TIMES, Nt>wport Beach, California, Thursday, February 10, 1944 How much does it cost to bom·o Berlin ? SUPPOSE, ill the duak or an Enctilh eveniftc, 1,000 huce bomben eoar over the Channel and bead row Berlin. By the time thoet ple.Da mum to Encland. their moton will have cooaWDCd '2,400,000 1all001 or IUOUoel The coet •.• ol tJw 1aeotine ALONE • . . will be more thaD $310,000. ;ro ~Y r« the 1uolioe ued on ONE NCb raid, 96,000 ~ricaae wou1cS have to invnt at 1eut 10 perceot ol tlacir aut p.ay check iD War Bondal "You let a blc kick out or readinl about thoee 1,000-plaae raida. You know that web raidl, il repeated oftea enouah. will eolten up the Alba. But • . • What are YOU doi.ac to hetp PII.T tl•• coat o( thoee raid1? (In additioft to the IUOiine they u.e, it coata UDCie Sam TWO HUN· DRED MII.,LION DOLLARS to build 1,000 4-motored bombcn •.. plUil the c~t o( trainin& the 10,000 IDIIl who ma.D: up their aew.t) Modem war ia ezpelllin busine. . . • ita coat rune into fM~taltic ficurea. 30,000,000 American waae umen ..-e aow puttin& an averaae or 10 percent ol eadl.PQ' check into War Bonde every pq ct.)' •.. but 1till it ;an't enou~h/ Our air raida on the Asia an incftainc ill frequency and lntenaitJ'. WbeD laDd opera· tiont really aet aoiJa&. tbe COlt will be •tauerinc. ; More and IDOfe Americane mUit jr · · the Pay-Roll Savinp Plan ••• IDOf'C t.hao thoee already iD the ~-RoU S.vinp Plan mUIIt ~to jac.k up their War Bood purchum ••. mu.t atart to ioveet mor• thaD 10 percent! Remember • . • War Bonda aft the fiDa.t ioveet.mcnt iD the wodd today. You 1et back $4 for every $3 you iovat. Aad • • • the more War Boada you bu7 DOW, the quicker the Aait will be licked . • • aDd tbc 1aa the war will CIOIIt iD tbe lone nm. ThiDk it over. AnJ ·:ery time you're tempted to put a nickel an aomethinc ya.~ don't ab•oh&tcly need-put it iD War Boada iDiteadl "' KEEP ON BACKING THE AnACK _.. •l: ... ~s-. ... ,_,. .. u~•rlt _., • •• . ' Western Cannen Co. Eugene Elliott Real ~.:c;tatc 501 E. Central, Balbo.. Ph. Npt. Bch. 38 • Est. 1924 • Reed's Super Service Gas-Oils-AC't't'ssori<'S--lre 2920 W. Central Ave. Newport Bdl. Phone: r~r>t. Bch. 82fi International Fishermen & Allied Workers of America Local No. 9 Cnnnrrv Workers • ~~ No. :tG Fi.'\hcr0"··- N£'wport Bc;.r h r allfornia Deal's Smoked Fish Coas t llighway &· Ball100 T!'la nd Road Phone Npt. BC'h. 2031 Louis W. Briggs Rt>a I 1-:..;t ate 714 E. Central Bulhoa, Calif. Phone: Npt. Bch. 80 Gus's Sea Shell Cafe 601 E. Central · Balboa Phone: Npt. Bch. 555 Dennie's Cafe 1107 Coast Blvrl., Corona rlt>l l\1a r Phone: Npt. Bch . 172 Boyd,.s Gilmore Sesvice Station 1 :-lllll \\' < · •n1 r;tl A'('. Phon1•: :'\:p1 Bd 1. me, Sportland Bowling Center ~lain ~t re<.•t B<llboa PhonC': Npt. Bch. 944 Bayside Fish Market 28th & Lafayette Newport Beach Rossi's Cafe 1611 Coast Highway Corona del Mar, Ph. Npt. Bch. 1967 A. J. Twist Real Estate Offlce 607 Coast Highway. Corona del Mar Pholl(' Npt. Bch. 2422 Mesa Liquor Shop 18221, ':! Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa Ph.: Npt. Bch. 44 "The Arches" ".Just a Little Better" Cocktnil Lounge and Cale On Coast Highway at Newport Blvd. "'l£'wport Beach, Ph. Npt. Bch. 361 Port of Seven Seu float Landing R17 Coast Hi~hway Newport Beact Phone: Npt. Bch. 949 Robert V. Staats Co. · Shipbuilders PhonE' Newport Beach 2541 625 Coast Highway Nc~·port Beach Richard Seeley PI JOTOGRAPI fER 21~ :\Iarine ;\\'t>. Balboa Island Frank Showalter Santa Ana Califo rnia S. &. F. Sales Company Sant<t An:-t Califnmla Vallely Boat Rentals Ed~ew~t!'r nt Pnlm Ave .. Balboa Phone Newport 71 ... Lowman Boat Builders 485 Neoarport Blvd., CostA..._ Phone' N~ 501 NEWPORT-BALBOA NEW~TIJIE& Ne1rp.1ft IJ«.at"h. (al\fumb. Th~lay. t't-hntary 10, 19_4_4 ________ ----:-______ ._. __ ,.,. __ MURIEL HATCH ro PLAY oN KFI r."!Th...'t;."te I nd w.,, Saldhlf! -----. Classified Ads ~uritl Hatch. JW>ntur •tu<.l~ut •nd w111 play with lht' KF1 orcheatra tal~nted violin ist. ,,1:1 ph~· over <'onuurtl'<l by l.,audt Swutt'n, .-:ho Th.-"fin' bu1 ·· ("barlt'e Jurl11 .tatlon KFI at 010., • 1 1 •• k. Satur· ao·o·,•mpa nlu all tht plunr. aulolata. al1a11 ('barln Canty. v.·bo atartf'd 1-:0. .-rv c o"'>ntl'.lllant r~c: .. h•t•ll a ua.on hno11 '" W\'tn r ara and Ac'V~rat da y night, 1-roruary IW{'ltl h :o;h,· t1rket to thr Phllharmunl<' •·un· bullt.ltnp Ill Hartx'tr H lg'h St·ho.ll. ha8 a <'hanct' tn win u ~r,oo Wltr • n•rta. 1 wa3 arnoat~ a wt't'k a go Th .. r•· bond ami tu tLJ'J~<'Ill wtth 1111' Phtl· Ttw purJ't)llt· , f tlw ··unt.·~l 1~ tu nav Somt> Harbor atudt'nta fur- hAnn•ntt Or••' •·~<I ta .. r ! .. ·~ An· t'tlt't•llrt•~o:•· yuun.: a<rttlflll anti t•ttm· nlaht d valuablt' cluH v.·blch ltd to gt•l 'II undt'r tho· hatun • t Al!tl'•l pt•IM'flf h• l'unttnU(' ph•y,n~: anJ alto• thr arpN'ht'nlhlll of tbt' llfllt•nl•l \\'ttllt'nlltt·ln tu jC'I\'•' l't'm a dtan•· .. tur th{'ll 'th111 nin.-t••••n yt'ar ohl Y••Uih Tht' rump.•llt•un l<'•utt~••r<'•l wurk It• »•• lh•ar•l trum na<tl .. nwu.lo· who att .. nd.-ol Harbor High ror a Jl•mtly by th., ~ .. uth••t a l'uh r. mta lltatlona. um~ about f<•ur y.-ara aen. wa" I&(' • Symphnn,y A~Rot•auta.on. tho· Paily ~lurtcl llltlo•h hils t•lu~•t•d tht• \'I·~ J'I'C'hl'llllt>d at san l,l'ml'nlt· Wht'tt' !'ll'\111, anti ~tataun r:Ft, o'IH'h W•·•'k .,ltn nine years. Sht• I)IUI takl'n ht' waa workln~ undt·r Ow rtarn.-t•f pn·>tenl.tl tHilstltttthn~ ynutt~o: 1nlltn1· ~t·\'PII yc-0 1.,. unJPr Jnl!d l'uutro H nahl Ta)·h•t l ,,arlee l'a nty. &I! rr.-ntaliBI~ tlo·•'lt'll hy t <•niiJt'\lltvP rtompottf'r. cunductur, tr&l'ht'r anti hl' waa knuwn ht•rt>. •• aaltl tu 1 ., ... aud•t 1' na , ... , ... ,,, t \•lnhntet Tllrt'f' y•••ra a,_,, hat! 11 prt'vaoull ju\'f'nale cvurt ra·· ~urlel wu euo·•·•·>tsl\,1 111 lh•• (1f t'-!l.lurh I playt'J Bll gu<•!OI ~·lvuot wtlh o>nl In Loa Angt·ln llmlnary a ud1tton ~tnd l1Joordu1t> tho• Paln1 Ver<ka Symphony Or· '"'""" niJ:hla ttftrr tht' tlr~tt BURT R. NORTON lilt Coallt HllhW&)' Phoee 241'7 NEWP()RT BEACH RADIO SERVICE f ut•s. ht at~trlrJ fh ca In two murt• l'&ra In thi11 vtdmty. Ht J.:A\'1' u hll! re-..on that ht' tl'ad In lhl' J'A• p••n about Lht' fire bup twine to"ll<' ant! he wlltlttd to "ahow ~ ... .lur1a told thl' t"<'Urt hi' had no I I IDOIW)' to employ coW\et'l; how· I e vu , t c.• court wu llllorme4 caat , I J uria had at lt&4Jl SUO In war bonds Afriran Hero to Address Grammar Sthool Students 1 ••'*· , ~1 t tu· ,, .. , '' nrllhn.: hc~nM'' .11 t ,.,. 1\lt to·nn •'1\1111'~"1:"· l .t .. \11 ,!:onto'• ~. hullm.:o•r. "ttl lllltln·'~ 1"•1 I• ••I lho• N<'"'lhltl 1..-udl .:• ·'"I"'·" "''''"'' "" '""""''~"~ I ttt•'lltttt~o. l·o•hntul')' lllth. ul Itt .q 1.-. h l.h·Utt·u.ettt St~hullu\.:••1-"t'-Uf' It I 't•l ttt~ltt•lto"l }o'h tn.: t 't '"'· 1111•1 tho• 1\tr.~lo•;tai \\tlh ftotll' l'nlm' lit• h,,, h •. ,,,, ••n :::.• -.truhn..: 11"'""'"' ,,,. •111 •1 tho• "lll·~•·t l ..... , ... l!ootiiiiH'I uml ''"'" n ,,.,.., '"''"''"''"' pnrt 1n t to. lo•t t 11 h' ''"'lnu.:ht 1\1 K n• '·"""' l '.o" l h• \\Ill Ill• IH'f't>lll· v.onlt·ol "~ C'n)ll l lnyton Jonl"!!. h""'"'~ o•flw••r '""" tlw Snntn Atta ,\t'Tll\' 1\lr hu"' l.to·ttlt·n'unt S<'hullttll:•'l' will j;l\t• • .., '"lk whu•h lh,. """"'"I" will l<>~~t~ n ·nu•n\tw·t ILLINOIS PICNIC ., ----·------------------ .. EI.P \\'ANTEll I FOR 8AI r: AVT08 __ _ IW I.I' \\'t\NT .. :I• l·,tll ur Jt•u t IUI'YC"'I.JtR Anltt. ,..nted fW ,.. llttto• 11\tthl ""''"0' \\Ol io , l"ull· l)ft"""' Vt\jt4'1'11. 3(M ...... ~ •I•' ~""I'' • ''"k'"~ ~""'" •1•\ tlallll'" 11n1t ~M llartne A ..au., l'h ,.,. :"""'"'' ~47J-W" llaUit•J\ l11land ll·th It If•• 111'1."\\ \-.;n·t• l"""""r.-•r•, lull "' prlll l ttll•' l"tY ~ho\1'11 I '111 =-:,•\\ 1'••1 I llo•tl('h l'hotJH' I I~·~~ II lfo• 11~'1.1 ' \\'A:" n :l' \ ...... IUhl t:••u • t nl ""''"'" \\ ••• k t•r,,.,.,,. nMttn t\11•1 l•lllh l.tolt• look I••UI Ill foo~ttt!o~· T'l•p ""1:''1' \'all N .. w I' 1 t 11,.,., II fltl. I I lito• Kt:AI. F.~TATF. FOK MAI.t".- UUtltiAtiU• lt"'t '*' t•M.r\ l'h .. ll•·· N,.,, ,.,., t !\1' l>tiVC', t PI\0 I I 211' l'"tlK RAl.l: Uuldc '41 4-door t •mtury l .. •w mllf'& ... all ~ "'"1. ,·cory c·lcoan. Phone NeWJIICI"l Utoao·h 11lft. lo-4 .. ----------.t'OR MAl.&---------.'fill ~ALJo: \IH d portable t.ype- wrttf'r. la.ll' ntod4'1. food 8bape 1111<1 prh'r~t f11r qull'k •le at onl7 s:1ro ntt l'tltlfll' l&o ,,, "" at 11111 tr. t "n\ral. ll·ltP V1 1RNITITRE FOR S~LP-. J'OI\ I" A UC Two fiiCltory '*lit hunk I~P~I• and matt~ din· '"" Nt, and brand n-111 11 IC'AM rq, A&llu --uiDDII ••hair In fl"rl.cl l'ondltloiL r.... Nrwron 2()4t·W ll-ltp --KltO!ClU..JtR t•LATroflltl ROCK· A HAPPY AND VICI'OBIOUS NEW YEAR Mr an~ lilra. D. T . Hetwrt o• 1\31\ W.t,lllmlrutn, Newport He&cbta Jaaye left few PboeDta wbere they w .t. tw aor tbe nul two moothe . A PllASAIWY ...-.All.-............ ._ ..... rl...__. ..... l''lllt HA I,I-: 'i IH•olt•num IH>II''" Ill t 'nrnn11 rtf't Mar ~·l'&r' pnap. fl()-ft lo•t Rrr lo' I . Art•h rwa, t 'oor ltllltl(ltf'l ltf' a nol C .,,..t lllv•l . '·.,, ''"" If<' I ltloH Httntlay afltl· tto ••m• 11 -ttc EllA, (,Ub cbaJI'II, ...,.., CBI ..... .__,.I Yoa let we're llaylag War loads OD flae Troopcraim ... hoepital tniDa ... tn1ot Joadecl With UDb, plaoa, JUDI, ud loocl. lriD1 u JIRU1 dON 10 the war. We • loa of 1haa oa the Saota Fe. A.tr.cir OY• 9,000 of oar •ploya ... ill cJae ...... loraa. nw· .... , '"rai1toei tolb k- ..,_ ~ ic it to bar War Booda ... bep oa ba1io1 thaa. Appodaac&!r ,.000 ol oar 1*'1* ~ ~ Sa nta Fe ~ IJJ; are barioJ War Booda lhrouJia tbe pe,. roll deduction pJ.o 10 beck op our arme4 focca, u well u to UYe fiX peace •ftd tbe fucun. 1'bc Santa Fe Jlailwa1 h&J pa.rdwed larse UDOWila of Govnn111a1r aecuriU. -111d rbu policy will be coolioucd. Urou wcn"Workia' oa cbc Jtailroad" tbae !Urt, we btlicn roo, too, would bar u 11tt1• War 8oad dt~~iDJ rhia 4cla Wu !lend Dri"c. hl DO IDallet Wlltn 10tl 4o WIXk, ,., All Nrl ,,. .,.J! SANTA FE SYSTEM LINES ,.,.... c ..... .-,~,..,....... -.. AAMI&A .. IAUe.YI-&16 .. ,_ ... YlftMY • "'ou MVf.H'f' ~SE.c..~. 'fOA. "f"l I..M"f" l>A'4 otl-fwo ~ NOW I WAN~ ~ou 1b Go 1"o ~ToQ ?lt..TZ. AND t\~~~ ~IM GN;> 'iOAJ ,.., ~scQI9TtON ANO YOIJ <i~Y' 'ft\4~t> AT ~STZ>Pf . . • - (iS;gECUl-. I I~~: GooD ~fC.vt 1. ~w 5At~tT'( Ct.Av.S My MOTHER WA1'4TS ME "T"o ~1" MEDICINE ! 'BAH·H! ................. _ ....................... _ ... , __ 'M10• llltn"la !'<H"trl \' will hultl I thl'tr ~Jiilh 11nnulll J.tn;·nln Pay Hr · o.mlo•n and l'krolo-In IIIJthV J'ark ~« ,.._,·h. ~atu11l11y. l'"'hruary 11th llaakrt •ltnnrr at nnttfl f'.a.lllrm !'tar latltra .,.rv,. hnmr ;:nnkr•l fund In th• N' whn wl11h 1\ ft ,,. J """l'h Ro•nlt. nallnnally knuwn urator, will ~ thr I(Unt •l'f'al&rr al 1 11 m Munlrlrat ban•l am.:art aL .1-p ~ Tb. Ullcola c ,ub ot l.~>n& twarh JIIIM In thla ptrnl(' anot ratrlntk r"'«ram All llltnnlll .-•t•lf' and fnrnrte lnVItt'tJ ...... ~ u... Allia .. ..__ ·=-----.. .. lnt ............ iw._ ....... ..._ .................. ........ $ a ..... • • '"*"' ~,....... • ,.,... Ab lull --c... 11-. ........._ 1111 cnde ................. ... ot lf'll c:b ...... C8IIPI " ... ~ Tbe 8UDl' c...,._ _... ........ eadl daJ, ..... ,_. ---. who re'1111'11ed Pn61.)'. ..... .. the na-. at tlitlr ..... ..... ... bert. t..or-e 8~ T«ftftt .,..._ rv. T.__,. _...,.,._ lbl&la-. lly OudWy. Kftlt ..._ ._.. Keppn-. ~ Sdtlwl~ _. ...._ arcS ~ra. Ttwrlrat~ ..... ....-. bu ._ ftalarpd; llr. • •• , ..... froa1 t.be Nt'WpOft BINd er- Scbool put a wtft ..... tk -- walk. .._.a.MI Cha.rt-v.-....-.. .... fi"OIII our 8Chool at Ba11Ma IJtllllllll 'T1w a«oold ..... .. ,...,.. many l.au«be aacl t..aa...,.... _. lhla ... _. &bout JIIIICir _.. • Af- rica froa1 \Jar .Cawy .._ ft8- read to tlwm by the-Ir~ -,.. ~~tory Ia a tnw-~rt ~ ..._. tuft& ~ • ~ ....... ...,.._ "' 0.. JGM~toa. ~ ...... 'fte .............. 4 .., ...... HawaiJ. Don 8oSac:pl .. ---lived tn t.be ...._. t• -' )'C'AI'I. Hie 8ICit.bft' C88r to ...... Friday to t.aUa t.o ._ d a• ~ lbow many Ha......_ ......_ •• lnvitedi \Jar fourto padr aa. lltJr Jlla)'O'd Hawal'-11 ,..... rdatJ ... cbot tJM, hula for ua lira.. Srtu~ b -• 1~-tuN'd f« m&.D1 PJUfW ..... • teacher of U.... bwa <lalac«" Fowtt! _,... • ., ..... , ...... PAUL NOR.MAM YACHT SAIL .AKERS ...... A_ ...... e-tc-.. 214!i 2ut St. s_,_, ........ ~207 MORTIMER SCHOOL JOI c.r.t ............ Day SdhK. · '1\d•...-... Grade~~. O:liJ ...,...., . .Anly . s.,.,. c. A. lien ......... ._ 0~ ~·I,,,... ~ 81 s... fotocl~-· i.eada 440: Ne.n Reconl! ~ __. ,... apln ,Joo,th·atr Dla ArtW"llr t• ·Kala ,-,.,.Motn&n fur a. ........... trac-ll•afWifrtp 111 • ,.-u1) ..,.._lllaloe rYrnta ~am -~ W1UII 1 vrry fa.C ~ ~ t 01 attrnol. """ar auuvf'nlr ba•l«•· f• ,..,. ... llitlr ....,.II'• """"1 ~m l"f'lfiiiC~ and mHI (Jhl lrlenlta at ..,_.... ~ ,....., .. In tb .. """'·I ynur c·nomty bradquartl'ra Th.r• ~ lUll t tal ... ••nlv ,_ p•lnt I wm ~ a tahll' for l.lrlf'oln <,uh ... ,. t,. __ Aa..-ra no.·o>fd •)( 4l inrmtM'r• l>a\ ld H Uvlnalltone, ft • ~ tltlal l'lr w1n roetln-rtuurman ... a....e •-"' tllrUU«<\out tl'w 1 1 .,.,. -.. • .. u .. "' ttw o..r..u.a.. rwwb t"'o-tM'hlnd 1 8aa "" tlitlr ... .-,..,. Taylur antl l .U._a. .-It WlUI ~ rlat A vel!r1nary IIUtlfN"' wU In· Brtac-c ,. t"N p~~w .. llf'OC wlt b I Anll'tlnt; a fa,-me, u to a IIUitable ~ .... F.d S.W.U. mrthnd I'll ... tmtnl.tertnr medld.oe ' ~,._ 34 :-.owrtl 54~ 0taa11o to a~. a • .....__,. "BIIIIply ptac• thta powd•r In a ..... • ~• _,_, 1'-4 lfUI plpr wr ll bark tn the hone'• ~ .,. J,~,~ •1 muuUI and blow lhto ptow•l•r down lllatla ~-'"" • fourth __. • .Catylbc ...... _,,. dti)'W • QJII·-_. .... .,... w .. an .,.,... ..,. -....... -_, _..... _.. • ._ attat• Towa.. -.o-r--.~~--,_ ,_. ....... ·-........ lila thmat" Rhnrt.ly t hi'M'&tll'r t h• farmu r amco runnln11 Into lhf' Yt't'e otfk e Ul a tll.atl"f'-.1 co1ndltlun '"Wllat'a tl'w matt•r !" aakf'd thf' vt'trrtnary ., ''I'm ctytnr ~.. cr1ed the farmer • .,_ bof'M b~w tint, .. TELEPHOIE OPEIATORS IEEDED lliw•w .,.. ..... ,. •cwlwn .,.. an dfopradln~~t upoa _.ph at .... ..,.......... Good .. ). whl ...... .am- IIIK ... ,...,. ... ,NAIS * ~ * SOUTHHERN CALIFORNIA TD.EPHONE CO. A.,.,.: 1• E. Bay An-.. Balboa •51t•~ Ne. llalll 8&.. S..la Au AY AIIA81LITT • 'Eil'TIFlf' ATr. llEQI 'lar:p .,. .. , Nf IC T "f tMl "(OI.J Kl~P Td 11.~ .vtO t t..L. T"l(i T"e DtTt~ Bv ('~ If ururprf or,t ----··-----·-·----, ~.N .\'~ l \..1. ~ fi:t.• • t"'E.AN ~. L CAl, ( J MA~'<€ H€ Aru OR' ,.,. • l Au "i OF IT _' II'OK RENT w1n1 cohalra, oecukleal e~halra. Hur eelecUon of co.era. coklre •111l tti':NT Offic-e at 2110 W and atylra. ~'old un l:uJ ,.._, l...,ntnl Av•. l'lr•port Rfoal'h llr llahan riimlture Ca.. lnd ... At>toly at a•I•IN'N ••r l'all 1MO Jtr~a)', 8aata AM. lJ..UW __ . ~l ·U~ RICO D AYmHPOftT 8STII ..... MIMCEI.LANmll8 dtvana. Kroebler u,.,._ ,_ ANT RAOit:r'OOATT W ~NTI:O Nk e, r.Hn, C'Citt~ r .... mlnue buttorw and nam ... No -•. •·torlllntt• er --'1 plecM Will pay T renta lb. at BalbM N•••·Tlm•• ntnee. ll·U You Name It ltradtna '"'m ,....,. to fmnl be- t•a u.. II ta the ,..., yoOJ -tint u It hratle fur t l'r OC'IU .,.,.,_ lhr .and 1\ ,....,.mbl•• a miniature Ml•tMippt at~m-wiiHler. Tbe r ha•l• Ia a _.""'' ruualn tu l'tanta n aua' lllf'd and th• band!. Ia faab· h.n.d ann nur m tt•lrrn Taylor· Tot •U. Trwm--.. ..a.eu-ef eolora, cOY•n and .,._, .... • Eaq Ta~ .......... ._.... lure 0>.. lftd altd 81~, 8&nta Ana. 11-tfw BOA ft Bot, llo&d ud ,....... Marine ~ aM,.,._ III.AftiNII: 8ALV.AU& AHD wro. oo. 1010 W Olfllra.l A ••· .... -.w N•wport &.eb, 011111. ~ ---------:-:~---INOOitlll: TAX Do Tou Need....,,· .... 0 . L. CUU.T 6 AlleOCIATU ACCOUIIUftC 422·21 llpurt-.... 201 WMt hurt.lll lltr.t llrl Ha....,.rt o•f 30il 1tut Burl, cfMIJMf and rr11n1man for tllla In· J"DIUiut m•an• uf I ranapurtatiOfl fur hi• y ... rllna II&Uifhl•r Jn ..,an lhf' lnnlf lrrk 11rr~ lh• .ami .,_ tw•m \b. houer and O"Pan at n.tl· tloll. waa h•anl tu •y all la.at •umm<'r, aa hi' l ntoiJr•l thruuJh I"" •and pulllfiJ h•r In a ,,.ran1bu· latnr; "1'1\ fllfUr• out 11011\etbtnr rl• I hie wlnt•r" And ao h• did . IIANTA ANA. CAJ.U'. Ill • 'nlla eand·al•trtt roUe oe a c:yl· lht' ••· It hl'lnJ ron•tru«''f'll •• ma &AUt- II'OR IIAL& 'nlrae lila laC• ,.. ... t.brM lltneU ID Newfott ........ traet, lo. W. a.. Old 0..., .... .................. .. 1&00 dowfto -.a. .. .. ow.. l&f• W . ...._ a . a-A .. Ia Ml, Aa. IIJN. U • .. ID4er lltiDUar t.u tbe Ofl" lla.d tbl ~"Y a holll rrnrn a trallflr ttt lhllt lllr fn •nl f'llol I• ht•lol uff th• r-------------- ltffllll\11 hv 11.,. hlllllll•· wlttlt• In mo· 11•111 hut rr10h "" • •tanolllr•l whll~ thl' ~· .. 11n• 1'"-"""' 11 belnJ lu••l· 1 .... \\'r tr1rd lu II''' t.f,.l I•• 1'111••rt1 hilt "l.r111n • hllol · .ut•l •·uoumt•n ·t•l· 1,1' II. hut hr •rrrna In think thl• I WJII hi' lhr u11ly """ In '"'llltenrl' ,_ Your 8rlok W_,.., 1'1 .......... 81'1d C•metlt ... l 'an ln tile t\lture be PIIJif'rtly done ... lD 1t1J CLAUDa IWaaTMAN tn Twlf'lty-l'eurtfl IL Nawport ••Hfl, ~--4H·W Professional Directory . Gordon M.Grundy, M.D . J" Phytlcla" •"If lu,..._ Nint h a11d Ce"tr•l Ave. Office Hra.: 10.!.2a.m.;_l ·l,.m. Telepho"• J7 LEROY P. ~DERSON ATTO,.NIV •AT LAW CMta Meu llal'lk aut.,lnt ~hlf'le 4H Collf•mla HAROLD K. GRAUEL CHAPEL "W r I IUtaMVN th• Detter fiM"I lty R•rvtna OUt•ra llellt." PhOI'Ie Na10Wpoi1 Mt Coetll M11o C•llfemla BUY NOW City Tax Sale Lota A. J. TWIST 107 Coaet Hlgbwey ,.hone 2422 CORONA DEL MA" Cowad Richter, M.D. ~llyalolan ·"' au,..... Dffloe 107 12M ltrwt Hewpert .. ..,. "-"": tO. tl •. "'· • , .• ,. "" ~tt""--ff... 1 II: .-... .,._, DR. G. E. TOHIU ~HVIICIAN an' IURQ80N -c. ... DIW., ,......., ..... _ ........ _ Offloe 2M·W .......... II Ne Ant-r Cell ,.._..., I Dr. M. D. Crawf•cl O~TOMKTRIIT Eyea lll:aamll\ed m .... ,u.. l'fiT Newport Boulevard ~""'• NJO COITA M.IA BALTZ MORTUARY CHA~aL •v TH& laA 410 c ........ d. Cotono fel M1r . ,._,.., ... ell Phene Newport 42 j fteo Actdr .. e t16 No~lt•u• Aw. Corr.n• d•t Mar ...... ~ ...... N•w,., f4lJ N. D. CASH D Y M DDO u •d C.AT HD!IPtTAL !WHO'S WHO IN HARBOR DISTRICT riAf r>L ACE AND t<INDLING WOOD- II W W P t•hl 17114 Npt l!lv•l , 1''•"'11 Ml'llll lf•,.ol l.uml,..r, 1,1. 8 111\·J . ~r N £AAI CON,AACTOA- ' ;.,, """ It Fl~t•lluy, :14111 I ·.,1111 llfv•l J>h :)II!! 1'111111! "'"' ()11\lllrucllun. I UMRE~ COMPANIE8- ,.,.,.,ro ~·r~u l.l•r I' "1.-·t "" h••ll' V'tll pl•tn V"!lt lrlllnf'." Phnnf' 48. '~'"' l1hol r l• I t.mrolwr c.. l'hnul> 1 1 ~.0 C'murt llll(hway 11t Areh- Of'f'IC.E 8UPPL IE8- l"• Wf"'' t lln rt .. or l 'ut.lh•hln~t t•., l'h•inr• 12 13, N .. wport Ileac b. r>AINTING N•""f"•'' tlnrlot •r J•o,tolt,.hlniC n , l'ltonra. 11 • l:l, Newport a-eta. RE AL ESTATE. INSURANCE & NOTARY PUBLIC- I,.\\ II W All"'"· n fl:l W. Cl'ntrlll Avenu<' f'honll 3. •WIIIIER ITAMP&- N•..,...ll<•M lllltl .. or l'uhll•hlnl{ f'>o Pbnnu · 11 • 13, Ne~ a.cll. IHEET METAL WORK- VI•tr l'lumhln~e 6 RhMt Met&! Woru, O Mit& ItaiM&. ~-bone 110. VA ... ETY ITORE- Ia.lboa Jlllland VIU1ety 8\.or.-Oc, 10e, 30c and up. Pb011e IUl·W • - • ......... NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TIMES, Newport Beach, California, Thursday, February-W, •1941.&------- ........... ..., ... a., .. _ ........... -........... _ ...... o.-e.r • 5 ... c.-. ~ ... . ................. .au. ..... --. !EDITORIALS FE-A'fURES· --------------------------~--- Newpwt ••••• NEWS -TIMES PttONE.a u & 1J Pt*i.._, EWt)' TUC811a1 .... ~•1 A .... ••• V ....... JUUliV ... bKripUc. Pay atM w AdYaocr -t.:UiO peT ,._, 1:1 Ones~ VJUnt y. $%.76 ~r year to •~ -; P .. ,._ ,_, to eta -- NEWS of the CHURCHES JCIUFORIII'S MIIPOWEIIIDIET I lly H . & IIAaSIIIIH ~uul twm C~thfornia Mnnt~'"r Diri'Ctor Ent.eftd u S«t.oneS.O.. .. u~r a1 uw .,._, .. <llf~~t.-ca X~ &-..-h. I'--------------' Cal.ltt ruia. -.lrr tM An ot »anll l 1.'!7• 1 ov" L AOV of tt.10UNT CARMEL I . A. METER • • • . t:l>rrott ASlJ JIIAS A t;t!k I CIIURC H Pr1Dtlq Plaat. 3011 \\'. OIDtral ._.._.... ~ .. -~ ~I> L"lo..! orrt.a '421 W. Central, Newport auch Official Paper ol 1M City of ft.:wpwt Bcec. A Depn ..... ~ ....... _ Fw o--M 'f'ur. Soldier Vote? Get On With War! ~ ol tN highest honors and ~lt'St obr~alions in th•• Amtrk:an system of gcM"nniiVftt ~ implic-it in ~ our fav- The Need Disrioline y - In ~c:asioaal ba8s.. •iwft it·s saranTf,· cltocmt to <'X praa m opiNon in-..... th.n r" ... thou.qnd ~ont.< ••'h f"<· planatory f~ thr rottutll'ftt.c of 0111' inl"'f'irl Californian on the subject ol tN ~ ,~,. •-ould ~ (O'it i\'«'ly nakNI With aD t.he clarity in tbt> .mrtd and nn •indtnt~ wh.1l· evoer. Mr. H . N. Wood ol O:lkland .-ri1·~ h ts k---:-~1 "'""' "'flOflt'r t.he Wt"!'f if not thr brst '"' ......... """" hrard· ··~ltfiM-\'Of('' States a~ 50klirr to ~· \'OC«' t.,_ f'M""'•n.11 k'ttrr ,,, nnt ot kin.. No aJJIII'OPriation IW'C."f'SS3r) "">'"hrn' l~·t nn with tN war! .. Brief, too. atmo.t to thr point ot·noeti~ k thr m m- ment ot OWI'!IeQS !'len'ft IDl'ft thrnN>f\"\."5 in thPom;lltr r. Pclt!'- .tbly, to the ~ ~ their ..-ay throe~ Jn~" J. Inc )8lgles Uld ......._ thP ftlf'IIIY badt from thP broodeni~ Italian bNdlhNck politics at hmlt-~ not ~ quilt' f.<l Q1'11!11t a • )II» at 11&1111. ,... aftloela. too. ...,. •Clilllrt -..,... muc:ll tinw <."'lllrt ..tely be dlftrted from thr t.ttlt-to politxaJ stmy and dio;. Far Wrell•• volinniK imooms !!lull)~ tbP ~ ...s •, , c to bodllllilds bfiOft -kine • ciPci*aL I "ffie pa8tkm wbo ....,.,.., ,.,.... it ftiiC'6mt to Pf"''"t" tblll ........ frlaldl f/lldw ...... by ._._ 10 million' ...... _.._ t1.r .......... ,,, C'ritimJ...,.,.... to die Saudi Plldftc ... ~ ..... -ta:l ....... fCJn"eS. and -.. -...... • .,... • -)' not ftnd thftr ....... ,, ... ...... War..,. ... , Sl' •--111111 tD &tw t.he baik1ts an:,· ~ • .nctay rua.wot• .at ll a nd 10 a. 111. COaTA MIES"' CO MMUNIT Y CHUIItCH C•rt a. Jofln.-.,. M•nlater 11tl H•ror Blvd., Ph. 311-J ('hun·h !'tr h•><•l 9 4;\ a. 111 !lof<'m tn .: Wo•r •hlp. H a m SE VEI'IoT H C I\V A O VE NT ISTS Corn~r W.1lnut •"<f G]'turc'-Sh Cosl.a Mts.a !-=~~~~,rt1a ' fll•'rr11n,: •l t ~'',.,I '~ 11 " ,, ',. J.; ... ,, ·' I I t : ~ ar " ---.,;tml that lht> \nlinL: paraplw m 1l1.1 "ttttld h. I\ 1• '" 1.1 ~· If \'011 h:-t\'t' Ra~ \ru" :I( I ,,· flit'~ )nu w .an t '''"'"'"''" \\Ill \flU "''nfl :a noll' ltl lh•· ,,,.·;at R•·•1 Cl'f'" .. rric-<'. 1'111r, ~ Hltl.:. n:-tth.,a~ pn,"('(f.•n,'\' on•r ma il frllm hom•'. 1 If ~ n11 w:ant ''' h•·lp ".1: ·' • '" wrill' nr c,,p Ill•' nrrw1•. y.,., Ancl lh,•n•~ lh,• n1h: F or lh1• how -l•·1•1 ... l rnn•·l\ th 1• It•! h'rs fn~ :\lorn a nd l hr ~irl rrif'nd .11~• Prt•'l'l'' 1-n~t.llllllll, 11., H lht:>y t':m ·t han • holh h:tlh•t" a nd htll,•t do ll!~. l llt·~·d •. 1thr r 1-.mtmt llwm..;C'Ivl~ with lhC' vntlllL: .illlll:nll'nt of llwit' ( •:t1.(,,, aN• thr Rt•d ('H•" ;anti '' I• "" nu lilnr" ..._. .••.• ~, •h:1t ''•' h.,,, a jnh h i ,"tn '' hu; t•>h, n k 111d J"h )A•I'" lll:lkt• it :t l'f)('lff ~111 :11 ho~J!I-"' a~ they CXJll":INIIII dP I•t'f•w•• tlw polilit-t.t ll'-It'· C ))• All L:an \\ hoopinc it up in Wa!'htnL:II•tl. l ' .. h llt'all~-!'p<':tklllL:. "'('I a Jng votin~: ~~t." ~~'lhly would bC' :thnot the-~· "SSn n" ·:u·-PhiJateJists• f\.·u1y rah o •~ sJmtlar n mong thC' 111111~ ami .-i\·iha n!'. I .DEll MA~INE SERVICE SHELL DOCK BALBOA ISLAND ~verRI wrll kno~ n ph1la t ch•t~ known ordinArily Ill' <l:>mp •'•llll'c- tors. hRVt' M kl'd tht• wrll••r· 10 put I out a call through thr~.-!'olumn~ to rind out how m:lny cnll<'('tor' I thPn-""' in thill a n-a. , Th~ p<'OPif' think II Wflllld l'f• niC\' to Ol"ftanlze 11 "!<ta mp rluh" for tht' purp<>."t' nf discu~!lin~ th1s 1 I popular hobb)·. tr11dlng anrl r njoy· iJ\1 H!Ch otht•r '!l COmJ'8n~. •Ry. onct" a month --1 prtuili;r .,. ... a _. "'ttssu.,• _.. * ~ ol ttw-1-.------------------.! Tht'f'f'fono. wil Jail tho"'r who rf'lld thl!l 11.-m. nnd who lln' mtr r · 4"Strd In stllmp coiiKtins::. plr~~ IPftd your horTlt' Rddn'Sll 11nd trlr- phont' numbfor to f:Wbt'M Holhn~· hfofld. In caf'f' ol ttl<-Nt'WS·TirTIC'a t ;--25-Y-e_ars_A_g_o_' Island Boy Wins 1 Award in Srienu in the I ooln tbal ::1 ma:lf ~ • U. ........ ~* ...... I u. .._ "hhNNI a..nta .... .._ u... pnoct.xal ............ ., o o oll~r 6o b4 tarr"...q>a. ...... S . Harbor District Search for Talent '1lw JICI"..CW ..... ~ .....,._ n- 1•1• o:~ ·an bt-rw-u. ~ IW!t. <.4 tDP ftnl ~ ~........,.. • u. _..., IN%. a.,.. ... 0 11 J J <~nella. quarter mu:er I 61 til,• ~nnl.n Ana Air &.e. wu arraaf(nrd lllld rt'lo•ruwtl oo $2500 btlnd "" a J-',.d•'t.ll c-nmplaml 1 whk h ;orc:-uB<'d hun ol ··~ ~ ' ~·pltlll( und r<'• ''" ang" m no('Y '-''llh I llu-rurro!'l' or lnnut'nnng hill <af· riclal duti..'a. Tht' t·o mplaant wa s author::ud by ~-Ally Olar ll's <:arr an!1 wu preceded by extenaave tnveatl· I galnm by Army o:ficia'-all<! lbr F .B.I. Canella and otbe,.. wue •·hargf'd wit 1 acC' .. pting gratulllu I rrnm lntllvHluala and conc-f'rnJI. sell-~ inJ: th rlr servace11 and mate rutl tn 1 thr ~n nl a A na ).ar P.aH> AtrRt.:nrrrnt '-'1\3 11.-r,,,. \'not••tl ~tat•·~ 1 o~mnlll'"'""' o Arlhur Brad- t.,. 111 :-.>nla t\r.a l'>h•· ~-·· JWt•hml· If\'' • trill): fo•r :ll••t do,\ AI lhat l tua f' , :,,,. !!• s \\ ••1 ttt • • , d .I tprt.a~~-'­ t..bftl Mft ~ a l.al ftll ln.· ~1:: m •D<>lar5 ~ .......,. u- b)· ~ .ad ~-'l)t •wncr ~ ~~ u. , n n·a to t'adl t#: U... I U ~ ,_,.-. ··tt. 0 """'"'1\'«!d u..rm .a. fir.:! 5000 ars juaW IIIIJ dar ., .... sllp-!a!• w~ s.op.-.<A ... ,._._._ __ ~ cww • .,.,.,. _, ... vw-u.. .. -... .,.._. l)oe•a .... ct.-... ~ CWI 8 ----.... ..._ .. IM ......... .........._ .... _.,. 9 & 2 M ........... -.-.................. __._..,._c. -ot---....... . ..,, Sen-b s....-.. ... s.eiP ....... a ... , t a n ~ CM6oe ._.._ ._. ...._. .-cw_...._ ,_ _.. il __. toW. tt _.._. .._ ._ · A.-._....-y. en ,,.. ,_ .......................... __. .......... .__ c...,,. /fwll ~ Sl.llll-. Oil.-" ... SHELL OIL COMPA~ lac~ THEY ·50P 'EM lliu lr 1111 UI,..A.I All IIIIIA&n_,., MIWW ............. -.-.... ._ ...... ___ ,. ___ _ I .. .. NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TIMES. Newport Beech. CaUfomia. California. Th~r~lay. F€'hmary 10, 1~44 Harbor Hardwooders Clash With Anaheim for League Championship Building Permits BALBOA uso !South African ~rks N rwport Fi~hing Ad,·i<'t' , Blood Bank Day :--Gu".Supply llp to Ha~ Je,inr Rt-sponse 1\lnlorwt. Saya Maakey NEWPO"T BEACH Tht' Thln1 Anntvrr••ry l't'lrbra· """ ··f t ·~() h .. It, Itt lhf' ""lht .. t''nh o"' F'rh111v. Ralurdav anol !olun· oltt ,. ••r \AI't Wf'l'k '~~'"" ""' nom•lv Altho.J~A&h they art· a il •· tolv aureo ------------=--- f•f a \II' for '"" r hllllll'hllllllHp olf Haroor Casabas tbt> Sun .. •t Ul\1(11!' thr hliSkl'lbull· • .,,.. . , s .. wJl'•rt lia r!).,, "'"h "'I" Sink FuUerton 1!1!\~ j,:O •tUI ,,u tht' llo"r h)nlj:hl Ill llO l<l3!1 1934 19:t!\ 19311 t!l37 rrtort In l>r<'ume t hr llnolu•l•ut,.•l .,.1nnl'rs .,( lht> : .. a)!u" T hl'y "'" ="•'Wp••lt Hurb.•r'~ """"""' 1!140 nux Wtl h th .. "t'''"l: Anah .. tm lhgh l•IH!'I" t1•nk a btg stn llv t .. ward~ :~:~ qUinht Ill 1oo OO it 1!11' Tao :~ Win tht• \'lmntpo llllhlp nl lht' SIIIIS"t thtll grulll' thry Wilt '"' I , . .,,,., L""lnJ'' TIH'toolR~· 1\'lo•t "'"'n when . tunnen rof tht' II'UI(U<' 1'1'""' 11. b ut thl'y tuppiO'll tlw 1-\lll•••·lu'n 298 40~ ln•lllwH :l!l·31 It Wl\ll Uutl All· 1 January t1 they IOM thry wtll han I•• llhart• tht' wmnl'r'• h nun; v.·llh Santa rtllg•• Y'ho• 1\jtatn eparked lhl' lu.·aiJI Ft•\Jruary Ana and Anahf'lm ·Anaheim hu un I•• viC'ttof')', I!Curln): mor .. t •·an !'ofiLrch 1t11lf of tht> TRu polnt• Dud aank April ~ll"d df'feat only ~t;\1 e In ll')lglll' :w l"'lrtt\' a ... ldn•playlnj[ a tcood I Mfl)' .:umpetition. lh&t tu Santa Ana m nflenlll\'1' gamt', Bud play4'd a brll-Junt their ftntl lhowlnt; flf th" ltrnllon. liant dt Crneln · one, hawking the July 11w O>lonlata havr comt• a lo ng ~rher« many a ttme to makr • Aurul't JU!t&nce alncr that Umr 'and hJ\'1' ba.skd Tommv McCorkl'li w .. S.ptrmber abown up well agalnlll all k inda uf Beeond In tbr .Coring parade. tal-October 1943 23.'1,074 407.440 766.0."9 ,,., 11 0q,-."1tr,1 hv M1ll "rmNt fo n"fltll ·1 t • •~•llh' ,.r '''\\ f•'"' tt -r ~ •. , ~~ ""•' .·tvt't'"•n" '"'' ••Hft,,. .t t • t •• ,.,. t . 1 s t "'" 11•11·" ,. I 'hll 11111111 uf "Mo,. ("fltlfl P•rl\' ant\ 11anl'f' hf'lot Ill H l"''o'l l o'"'"•'d I•\ l<t II lo l•)tU.!'~.! !='"tu r1hlv f'\'f'ntntt "''"'a r"'" af C t••kt·t '"'"'''''' •I t\, I' .. , I .' Th· ,,,, ''1 ha ut1 .. t r .t t•\ fh1 •• , \ht ll•·• •h,, "'" •••nHnur 1.::.!!1 .tl, fftlr "'•th " """ rflnrt" ... n..tat '(\" nf AI ~···· .... 'IHI '· • .• I ' n . ,,.,. ,, • r .• • \\. "''". ,....... ...1.·11 l ~ .. l lh \\ tth•llt thtfh ult• !.01-tlll\1 Ill 1.637 "f 1,74!\ :!b0t93~t lnt t I ... I ,. • "' •••II '" ,,,.,L ,,. ~~-,,,.,nl\ .f t "'' r . .:•••' up I•• th .. ur .It lin~< I,.,.,... llnllf'r Htf' ""l'f'rvt-o•n·~ ,,, ' II IVo·n • I ,,. ·" ·I '' ,. ·-,. h • • ,.~ •• u pf "'NI' ,,,.nrv r,porrt An(! ~••uth ;\ftt• 1 "·'"'"' t l-•1 111 11 • "1 t--'• l•tH ,, • .'lth OW' ,...._ ~·~~ Pftv f'rt""'"'"" to ctanr.-wtth a th h , "'''" I h. '' ''"'L • ~~''' :•· H' '· P . •1• '" ··••ton •·· .._. rhr•'"' t :l :.!3~ t th ~ur.tu1,: th• ~· t. 1 ,,, , 1 "' ~1, "' 1 '·' L \ • t I' n~ ••1 t..a. ... -..t '"'"'••n t tl•" •n;: "••t\• • .,33 •n•l hrlp o•ntt>rtaln .h,. mf'n " " 1 ......... ,, tl·-•--,~ .. 1 ~, 11n~ ltr -..~h · tuf••lll u\lt•U n ·.,::u n ~ h"'ht , ~~. 'Att •· ~ --• ..... .,. "" 7,677 ltr.-.•lrp fillhiTIJ: \\ I h " ,, • •1 I I I al a, lUll lUI lt. '"''" "-• 9 H~ ttrrhf'rt l<f'nnv maiOiu of C'f'l"'t· Ttl - r • l htU\ ''" tlttttfK ••f • .:;,,.,, \ta du'\ .. , .. t "Tiu~ n • ...... " p •• ,........ ..., '""' 1'.'.7".7 -nnl-w•• 1111 t.,• C'lldf'tll IAY,I lnhU.If'tl•·l t .. lhri\Ht:hnl(l'lttl• ,,,.,.,.1 ''''•",.'''" n oon.on •of • ,.-•.,. 1 \' .: 1 "' , " •" .. • ,, 1-. .. ,e,a,. ''"" r1\ ,. ' n.tn, ... , "'•11 • l•OIInu.- H .060 "l'ln ttt• llf'a.,..." and kf'"l ttw I It :-;,11~11 All "'" "'''' • I ~~~~ t h,.tll I" •• ,.,~ tn ""' n.a•on,..'W1'h ••I •Ill It"' llu rf'alOIIIKh• ,...,, ... 7,;10!1 ,,...._ ht•11v d"nr ln(l' and llln«tn(l'l tal.. in,_: 11"' llho·l 1' o•l "1 11 '"" 1''-lh• , .. ,, ... "' •d ,,..,. .. """""''• -a.. Ull•-t .. wlh•nt ""''• t•r·l\ 1!,760 j"t•rln• ~~-•va.nlnt' A a!W'('Ial 111r• you "" I ""' \'o't' nll\1••11• '" , "" ,...._ " .. "~ ~ '' -. Th"w •"-• ,....,._...,, ...... -•" ha\'0• twl'.tt lt rtUtl..,l • ,,,..,, lhr 22.3iS f\rl--··'C'·Omf' wu .~A _ _._ .. )11'1.,-• l '"'"'o' (uohlt~a.; uto' to 111 "" 111 ~ -·J •~''"'"' ""'" 14•11" I!Olan.l » .. • ,,_ t>tadk r ••I Ill\ lilt ••'•V "r 110•tlln,r. 13.940 l n v"" A .... rn ... ,_nm" to th• boW Am~rlc'a "'" ~''" :tol .. ,.. ,.,.,, ... "til..._ ,,..,,, .. ,, .. 11•-4 """•'r•l tty tlwno }0.014 ••ton had flllft "'tumf't\ from Baln~ "()n l lln•fUII) Althl\'lttjl lho• l' .. lln ... n II• 1>·11 ~I•• .. lnl[ ~-t\ar ''ff .,.,.,,l,j '"' fo~>lhao,IV lu I lallll ............. _ ....... 16.1601 ttrllipp, (",.<'rtr1a. •hel'lt lhe _. RN•I •'IIIII It ltll .. I n••lh'" In .. or ••I "' .... 1 N~ !'~ "-'-Y J-"'"' (IrA "' 1111\' nlhf'r l(tllltJl 1~.327 , yl .. tttn• hf'r acm W/0 Harry~ lht•lllu~tt atltln" Ml lh~ 1..-... H! IIH• \•n····'""' »•• u.-limY •• u .. l .,.. ... molnr I•• lhf' ..... , cal oppomUon. lying 13 dl«"fla Thr ,..,. trallrd Novrmber Bud Attridae ••ill lead thr locals at lhl' •nd M the t!rat period 8-~. ~mber tato' the fray u lhr favon tn . al· but went to town In th~ aecond. Tptal ..... h .. w1fe and "-'· arrvf'd cat .. t •• ,. .... th .. lltonlr uf \tlllf rltlh ... ·'"''' an.t .... "''" ~··· """'-............. h .. -nllal , .. .,., tboucb by a allm margin $COrin« 13 polnla whllr holding ID the pnllmlnary thC' ~I wl" the Indiana to a m .. aly J. Tbey. 1944, ftc.bt It out to IIH who I• to occu. led at the half 18·11. In the third Janwuy py .cood pW:t>. becaWIC' Hunttnr-quartrr the Ioeila racked up t l t.hv ctanl"tlb>r. Th• cllma11 rrt ttle and I am tho·o ••(uro· "r '"~ ''"" tn ·••"f .., ... q ~ 1....t-..110 -.1 ahoouM ha•• n .. h-. unfo•rlu· I16,M6 f'VPnlntr ,..,... the ~uttlnll' of ttWt 1111 th• hop-a (1f ~111111C • .., .. Int • ..,... -.... tr:.... ,.,,_., • W. .,_._ • _.,..,. r?M~tt .. 1 '" ttw .. .._ ...,.,. lf!IO blrttlday ealre, ttoeated -, Ut n (rum ''"ll , .... ,..,, Nno "-lth ttw M-.. .... ,._-rn1 thf' RAII'Ioa buJI4,_ men bY Ma-•·t aJ!I'r"''"'" tho• •·arr a11.1 '"'" ..... t'TaoJ Ann•lvlw MIUra Mary ·4 -A•on.t •''" ••••• a frl<'nol toa ae.tb lltWt'd up tbr champion-more whitt thf'lr opponrnu were ablp when tht'y defeated Anabt>lm • mall Ina ~ IMt 'I'Ueaday. Tbe Tarbabiea wm l Tbr aecond .trine took ovrr late be led to th. poat by Dun Miller In the tlnal at&Da.. and tha Fuller- and Hatdd VanDf'Walker at tor· tun1tra acorrd ' polnta <1n lbrm warda; Da1f' 8amf'll at Cf'Dter ; an(i I befOff' lhf' flnal run. Thl' final Bobby Raymood and l<etth Sevler ecore waa 311·31 at Ul• ~1ertf!' Rt11tl•tlr11 Wra William l<rumer, 634 *William J . Clubot. Pocrt Chap-blf' that )"" AmPrll·an• IC" •·• '" va Wurrfl\ t ::.n w.~. Ita• -....--th,_ 1allun i"toupoo may Grande avenur. 8outb P..adena.. taln at '"" l'aftta Ana ArmY Air thf' ··hcllr• ""'I llf'lf'i'tl"n •of tar lllfo. hal'll a...u .. ,"" -..not,. ...... f•rl tllal tw a. , ,;fftfrl1tun1 no ... per OW1Ier, 22·a• 11 SO' dwrlllnr and Rallf' rr C"'IUib .;~panW anti I am AnlCinO• tu IC•'t 11nmr an· J ..... hll u .. u .. h T·om Ala... t.._ry r'"""' ,.,._ Bul ttw tart ,. ... Ina can«;r. lJStO Ch&nnrl Ptau, '1000· ttv P'r Mttldoony ."':':a rhaplaln at f omlallun I'<IIH'f'rlllnjt hRhl llll'klfo \•at .. hn l'Ctrt•""" ...... -· 111111 , ... _ '"'-··"""·· ~ fnr Feb. 3 "!'anlc Scott per le-. th• A'lr o--. "-•ft•-•n ""ubY flab in" What l •m l\&1 ll•'ularlv ltrmr Ka~~~ro . "·-...,..._ _... Do I• 2 •2 1 .. ~ •-· .._ ... v,.. ' • ,. ... ,...._,.., oWIYIIIIt. will o1fte ola)' n atteniOD. "., OCaf'r room . -ad• • llhort but --tm----altrt I• '" knttw tho· ,.,.,.,I ""''"I~ ""adam•• t:1-hr111 w ••• lla.l" L_ t ·• 0 C ut HI 1500 " ~ •s• • vo~•~ ·.,. -• """'u 1" 11 1111111 •hu ,.....uiN'd I I I 0 way, . .,...., .,. tlllk to thr J!'UPPtll mllltnt' In a bU m•nt Utlll .)'1111 .,.. 11ltl n'< ummf'no.l ttutb "-'a-and tlw M-. T•· llw ,,.. "' llle ~•hk'lfo In Ytlal war Th11v lll the hut •·han,.. tu ...., tht'a•· tt>IUJUI in acllun llfl yt•u better piau lo go: th• l:k1:. l•rr llmtoary ltar1a at 7:00 and the Varlllty ~ cJ&ab 1n tbt' feature aU.r&£:· F'irld goala N.H. 17 F. C\ · 'd of humor now and U..n to th~ n ubtatn thr 'l'rv 1 ... "' aoo.l n '"I -... • ••n Ff'b 4 Bob Murphv ,..., .. r . It ,_ rar..ctN --.o Rut .. ,_. .... , 13 C'rntr~ av~~~· ~r a~ e ~w.-et -1 llmtiJif'rrf'nt of thr l'ad•t• Hf' c:lt-mum oil'"""''" ··~tm.: '"""'lu. lhr '"'''" ,......,..,.. '"'1 Ya, ,..,. \'tr· lllr m.tlul'tiiC "'"-• f'lltlmat•• hll tltln at 8 :00. LI~·Upt: Fret' throws attemptrtJ Fr~ throw• made F'r•e thrc1we m iued Fuule 11 r, 6 r, 7 m an o conr r(' e • or~t(e I'd thr ln't'llt work bf'ln~ done bY 111" """ "'''l£hl o•f '"'I lhr 1'"111· I''" • 1(,,...., t.t a aol N-.1 I......._ .-.t. at 1141 &aJI•>nA an.l ~~-410 6 rOC,:~~b $!·00:~ e H llartlell 82fl ' lhf' t iRO for lhf' men anlt wom•n l linn .. r l h•· fl•rl .. n lh•· •··I oln·l l hr Ha~J ttr: ... ••trt l.)n~ .. ,,..,..,. ..... ,., "•"" If at thf' ~ ot 2 ........... Pt y .....___ • u.--Of thf' llf'rvlcr In thf'lr 2801 ~luba bf'llt typt• "' ,.., I 1•• l>t· ll-.1 '" ''" ~ .tll•l 4 ,,,.. ~ .... lr In-4 c:-. """' II .. rat .. nine po>ll••l hf' rf'tllnla ttw I Ba t t dW Ill and otbf'r lff"YIC'(' unit. with a a """ I n Ul If t•"C'f'lh,., m '"' -..._,._ ....... """" "'"-"f an, rrow•. o rrroo e nr th .. ,.,.,·tot .. , '"'""''' , .. , 1~'''""' Itt .... -..-.... ~ y...,.._ . . doln• a d'-rvlu, nut only to U.. war •Hurt. but tn tba tamll)<__,. "t .. r•lt~ra ami •••·Callrd non-prefer- ,.,.,, 11\talnrM m.n wliu are &&MOlD• • plalnlnaty terttllll by oa a ..,.. mlnltuunt •· t.lt M~tllkt~y 1111ld lhat appUc.a- 11""" '"' ""l'l'h'ntt•ntlll alluwancN "''"'I h••••'""''' '"' ootlh)f'l't to ~t­ ,., ,, 'ull"Y ""' 1 ""' th .. "100111' cou- 1"'" .. 1•rtol'l • •• I' 11 l''""l•m to bl uto·l It) tho• •, .. n•··lem·\' and ee~- ' 1 '"'' v "' 1 """'' .:a~~tlltne u.ere """ lutvo• '"'''" ttlv•n •xtra prlvl· 1".:•·• ••f ~''"'""'" ttf •-nllallty. Howard W. Genlab 2611 w. Central Ave. Newport .. ""· Catlf. Automobile Accident • • Fire Ufe u c-ADd Contncl llunda Writ'- and Buildin1 Mat-'ala • COSTA MESA LUMBER CO. a. L MO.T&T&.&a ~ .. H . H . Atll ldge llcC'orkrll :fplnk Bolu ~JnD•d• v.,. .,. ,., , .. , 9 ~em aM". ~. par ._, ., l t ·tn ttl , n ........ llul.•>f t:~ \lrttTn •lllo• ,,_.. Bee. Edge Out Narr-VIctory with compo, 112:1 w. Ct'T1lral monthlv llttrndanc-. of over 30 atll-1: ~··,,.1.,.1h 11,_ 4 , .. J .. ..,. ... -._. tt•• -lltlaJ •ln\'u who An. Sparkelt by lh<' all around play-F rb. 2 E. A Ram rtt. prr Oor-lion, Hr alllo paid tribute to tiM 'I'•O IIJI\ 11"1" n•a) 1" """''" ltot.hnlAn J-ha Urdo1r •"" •lllf'c~:a:::ll~y~._.:r:rt:•~.w:·-:~··~·:":1f>t::'":•:.;l:•~=============== A m elt lrt< .,r BQbby Raymocv! lhf' New-tlun B. Ji'1ndlay. to build nne room "n• w ork that thf' lnral UAO Ll bunltlo·a •lr10llllR .. 1\h till~ noallf'T I ~bnlry Ra•y~ 1 Urnwn ~··•rt H arbor Beea o utrl.-d thr adtlltion to rear ur tlwf'lllng. 210 ltnln1: a nil Ita pnou1arttv with the an,l I "' .. ulol '" """'I .,:r-!1l••f111 '" Uav11 Fullertrm mlddlrwelgl.tA 29-22 In F. Surf. 11.000. men at the Air na~~e. undf'r the dl-you If y .. u o·<tul.l loW\\'"'' ""• 111 1 A • I • ~i<·ngn Ulr prellm ln:u y. Bobb.)' tlrd witb F•b 4 Lym1111 Jl'rllx Flln-1'11 n'C'tlon of Mvl1• Aahet~, .-1.u.dj fonnalt•m "' 1••-lhh " l•••lth·t '"I ~ 410ft Vllk..a.n \I!' II l H prold VanD<'Walkl'r for 11cor1ng \pH G4\rdon B ~ndlay. tu build hv • c&Nlblf' atatr cona!Minl' fill me, "'hh h ' " • ·•U1•1 "''"•1 1' 11 '' I To Ct~lrbralt~ T•·o Beu An hiiOIJrll with polnl• lJut it wu 24 " 24 lltur .. g~ butltllnt: l)r lf&rlll:f'. r.tAd\'10 ThnmJ'IIOO. ~ff'llrv and I "U""' '" """ • <till 1\ ~'~'' ... I~ of w-" Mlll.•·r F. a.taz.z.a n• t thue 8 ptolnu thllt made him 11:!0 W ~ntral. $1.000 Houroin~ Of'J'IIIrtm!'nt, IJorett. Allb-~ antle,.. .,,. •1111 UJOUIII lhfo ·olol VIUlO.Walker .... 0\:hoa look 80 J:•><J\1. 11 \t>M hle. atrllar F<·b. 4-F'rank Clautl111Jt, :!1~· rn. rlub Muthf'r and Ann Michal-fuhtmwo l 'YI'" uf ""'"""''"'" r•ntH 1 '-~ -ra&Jo• "" ,_...., Barnes C 1 Utnier b 11 9 "' • y• aflt "' •"""' m t h•• •I ooervt ~IC!r c ' . bat'kboartl playtng, Bob touk the 2,!·'-"tl<lr1~8~;,.' pehruiiiJoWIInn:' ~(Jt 21113~'-'llll. Ilk I. atart allllhltant. I pln ,..,,, .. hwh .... r ... ,.,,.,. 'I"'"' I =---1···· ......... ..... s "'' Hryln« peUet oft thr backboartJ more v " .. .. ft rounr ll Lf'•ll• l•twll and Wra. 11ut "' .Jut•· 11~ • ""'I"" ••ol ,. 11 It ""' 1 tl Raymond G. Gomwe. than tht' ,,.~t nf the team t'Om· llll'ffl Jab<-11 who l11 ln l'hllrJU' of thr Nrw•l modl'l'll 1\ l"' ''' r••••l "'"' tm~ K""'l·l 1'"'1 '"1 "'1 n ... Au•olo••) • 1 "'"'' . (:)eo • •lf1 l• •Y •hnnr• a.-.• ,..-....__ttn« "' binf'd, which la rt>markable coa.ld· F'f'h !') Drt'w A m ard, P"r port tl80 wu lnlrodut'fll •·lth 11 ua.ll) I• • n '""'tuna: tho• • .. unit \ 11,. Uhw lt••otll 1 tt.atto.•. t ::Jwoo "" <'I tng h•" ,.h rt he II'. Dull l!Hir r ow ner tu make IU.h11tton•l valur l•• Wllrm 'II'Pi<'•'m" belntr ntf'ftded b)' I boJt hiUI ""''" """'l•·h l"·••n '' r '·''" .,., Tu. ..,,," ... tw-1\ t!olh wu t unn•·r "I' with 7 lalllu (ul-dwellln~t Jltartf'd in March. 1~3 Mr. Ia twit tn thf' mrn and wo!Df'lll ("''I olu• '" ""' • "'"' "'"• 1 n 1 ~ ~ f c G H . H . G(lRDON B. FINDLAY "Hullclrr of Hnm.-a of Dilltlnctlon" CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Telt>phon.-402 NttwpoFt Beach Pa(. 14-ft Dinghy Race Results $ . ...,.. • I M • ' "" t ... .. ...... ft --· .... I••W"-1 by OAntr" WtUt ~ .,.,.. nt !hf' l!rrvll'l' In lhf' NtWf'Ort Hu· "I lltn~e•~ol\ ""I"' I hAl ) ''" oan 1 ... 1 I til 1 I ., I Th -. II F b C (" t1. 701 · 1 • oM I' ru., •n• v. • ........... ~'-.. u t•rtOII mtddlt!a lt•d th,. t' 5 harlt!l pp11. oor area. J1v•· mr 1'·1~ "''"' "'"''"" "' If , ... ,, 1 11 , ,.... .. , -tl fh to .... 1 .••••• ••• • • •• • •• •• • • •• • a • • • • • • • • • • • a • • • • a • • • • • •• a 1 eulir·r f1rel halt. but Ahow...U re· AC'ac:lll a\'t'nu~. Coruna del Mar. H.-frt•~thmo•rtlll for the f'Vttnlna arr 11111 Itt " I'"'"''"" I•• ,1., "'' , .. , " • .. ' ' • "'«''""' I a1t.l ltM f t,...1 ._ ........ ,. f·epeatn Enthwoiaarn and 11\'alr\ rt·aCh<d no'Wt'd a punk In lhf' a...:ond and ,,..,. ownl'r lo bulltl 4 room onf' Wf'r" IIJWlOIIt•ro'<l by the BalbOa bap11 yuu o uul.t fl•r"' to ttl nov to-Hrr l 'u.:• "' \\'•lt.., ...., W 4 , • .___. Cnt'r pltc.J !:luntlas wl!o',, 1ft " ;..o·n h!W'ol U.r lt'aol anll wt rl.' never atury d"''f'lllnl': • nly, 611 La.rkap ur. hualnuJO m r n an•l ., ,.,,. aprvl"Cf by on to ,.'"'" ""'"'"' fl•l11n.: ""'""" '""""'' ,. •• ,, , ,,... 1, '"'"""''', 80R BUILDING INFORMATION .outheut. rrratt brrt'V' .• .,, Pat•l-liUI (lltS.~tJ. limiting fhl' Tndlana to $1,000 hualll, ~'" Gror~~:r W l\tl'rll, ""-' tlf'11 ........ '""''"' ... ,,., moo Tlu. ,,. ...... r ...... -'""• ow -See - lie U -ll. Oanghy n ..... l h··l t . ··•l k·: !t Jl'>lllt .. In lhl' IK'OOnd halL A Frb 7 (..,llrt'lllt• OrP 406 F. Rlchllrol Ga~ntnn radf't WIIU&m -All t ...... •n·l "''·"'~· ........ rae.-ott thl' I:J.aJbtm YB\•It d'¥> mato f " '"' 111 th• Indiana' 1oaa Crntral avl'rtU•'. I"'" ov.·net;;. Clltf Mar~~:ll•t>. C'J'I Tom Mirhal.lkl and PL.UMBINC.. .. E.-MITS .............. ••·•·• , ••m .,. •lo-•., pier In tb.. Wtnl~r "''rlt" (ur I IH· pmtmbly \\'08 th~ fll<'l tha t tbetr I<Hpn. ... t•vnverl a portion or I Rf'rbert Kf'nny. HOIIte-11 _,.. t t l f h t ..... 111 ln t" l Jo~eb. 2 l"otl•'•in 1': lJ<ototoon ,,.., I ',, '"""•r"''"' l"'f ...__.,. Founder'a Truphy ""'''l'.l up by " nr co>nte1 ~YS.l! nu ou o l . e preKn uwt' ng to ann .. er llJl .• Mra. Dnu~tlae, Mra. l<rnny. Ura Bay District Lumber Co. F. c. Brewrr. I ~am .. "" fou ll In :h .. lhlrtl rrame, $600. I WichaiJ!k-1 and .... JMJI Olrnut. 8 F: f'.alc'l\, 1211 43111 •tr.-el l N-.-t "-'* "'"Clllaf .. w. In Ow! urat ,...~., "Jl!~•'tl>. • Llt•·rt 1 h•• aeort>d 10 or thcolr 17 polnla ln1 F•b 8 Ro. bt'rt Al~n. 315 .Sap· -.. Sunday mom.._• d-·.. ~h 4 Htrbf'rt .,.,.,('8HI .,....I'""•U. ...._ ,....,.... • ~ .. U ( ~ h If (I • 0~ "'"' -·u• Sam Klnlfflll hro 't:/(1 Jt,..Jia,.,.,• lhft r...c '"'-•• ~ .\l· WAL Til" I . I~IC&R, Owller &"11 o'a beat wall flr.;t 8Jtt'b!.rll 1 .. 1 '" • I phlrt' ... _Ba1 lhboa lillian · per uwn•rt dunkl'n r r•n•um,.<l ~~:. aUona of cof· avftluf' ltltoul(h ~~~ \uaohan lit ,.,. .,. '"'' .Mt>tcalf In "Bultl'r<'Ut"l • I'A:tl~ In .ortf'\,1•11 flt'l' ,..... p 0 mmltt t u convPr N 14., 33 V.1"tty F 31 "lorA£(' '" m 1nl11 ll 3 room apt . ff'f' and ~ oloun t~. c:r1ap do-FriJ. " ~111,,,, 1•••-hl I" 1 on I""'' •of ,.-;u o I •· • ...,. ••· ..,co.nol. Skip t '~tlklne '"lh hill ti " n111~ """'" hv lht·rluh'll d nnut m11-.. w11,.1. :''" ,; .. l•lo <ll •"l •vrnu•· ,.,,. lllf•t•••tn.: '·'" '· ... ~.. .. ,, t • ,...,.., ~~· .... ~ " ....... , At Til" A I'Th•• ~ 1110' "Janie Wl\11 l htrtl uno! H1111l••• ·'I I Alll tdjo;o' 'tO F . ...IIZI(eraltl :l l t J Ma n no• ll\'l'OUI' $:,(1() o•hi~f' tor I :\, J h F M 1 na \lf'l .\1 ,, ''" t• • ·• I \ Jkatt< I ''' llto .... .n Hri'WC'I ll "l!umbl'' 111, ··.t 11,. 1,.,11 :\l• I·,., kooll, 13 ... 1•1 • :o••l\l ln. J F'f'IJ k !'o·lr~<. !'; 1-Ulrrl(c·n. ph llf'O": 1~'; ·1~" ~ h~ : 1 ---- . .......•..••. HI'nh·y anll l':tll) H ur t.·r Wall Sptnk :t C' ~~ SJor~:•·anl l:""" I l-11ll••rt••l1 I"'' nwnt•r l"'r l'lt~1••• oif N" "'' t ~:r::.,r ,';;"~."~ 1. ... ," :\ G ·• 1-'olr o•ner c .... ,~·· 1<"'"1 '" htttl•l I• I •lwt'lltn~ '' I"" ~ n ,,.,,, tlJ. l~•lt!'lltath• G. ·• !'olo Kinh:y f,.r 1\ hl.ol hlc.Hm nnol opc.-11 I'"'' lo 111 111 :1 m "11''"1nt.: lhr ,.,.,,, 1 • '1 w l'""n•l '·''' ·' ··d p.,: :-;uh:o :\ II !';ltanol . ltu •tram, :l:lOt ~llltll•' $~·'"' •ll:llts •f lnll't•·l'l •lutlnt.: lh•• r n.ll'• l<TLUf'" flllll 'J il ·'•e ~· '"· l{ .. hiO.'I•Il ...... ,1 .. 1-"rt•ti!IJ: F F rio ,, 11tlliol' n \:uthrh•. 13:.! l ltllt WR!O ,zro•llll\' ''"'""''" """ "' "l~ll'l h1. ·In ~I"'' "' <;"''• t~h •••• •;•·•~IV.III I( ..! Sn Bny lo'ron\. l'"r ''"''no'r po·r Fin ,,,,., m lttl bv '"""' Quil r "num .ll o'vi Pna tlt·l !\1:tr '""''' " l ull d. f-<••ro• hy 'lllltrtcrs · • n•' 1111.1 I limn Ill l lt!III•I IHhlllt"ll l•·r ••f Wtlco• ,,.,.,.,,1~ "''I•' m:ool•• I .lOU "Janie'' f••Ufl .l :-: H ~. l:l If ):.! 311 ~~ ""'''" ""'''""'!.: lllltl j;IIT'Il~l' r .. r I lot• 0 ""''l.tl -1111 "'" 111• "'''""". !" thllt"qUt'nl tau .•. !! t• .. ~ t o rto:" F :~ 1,-, •31 1 1,11111,,,.,111 l.i;O! ~·· ""' F to•nl ~·r .. m 12 "'"'" llrtttl:! :llllh• ~:••••.t•l Will bt' held F•bl'•'' .• luto·h N.H. Be •t An. S IIIO. "•·ro· hrlol "I""'H•ttnol 1,,. lit• 0111'1 l\1 and April 16llt. !\'•ll•·r 7 F ~ •. living lf'rful pl&nu pl11~lnl! •·f l'f• Frill k \'·mJI, \', k• ' .. I 1-:ra•·rnl'r ELECTRICAL PERMITS nnrkr r who 1'111)'1''1 • t,,..,,. .ol •··•• 1 TOWSSESO C Lt'H \U~t:·r~ 1' "n••s, f, C Ill, llulwrt11 1-o•h :1 J••hll Tnt<·lolo•••l. ~>I I· 'ln""l•'nl lint I 1'1011£1•··\L ""I:"' "'"' • • Til,· Newport lkach Town~~end C'l ult wtll mt'et Tuud:~y, f'lobruary 1:1. 7·30 p. m . at lhe homr of A. S. l"h"mpsnn. 312 Santa Ana nvenu~. ~ewport Heights. :-;t•VtCI G. I)'Lt•VtiUI :t'ltlt "'""'t I'•·; ll!ao kho·nrd. "'"' ~tun..: """JZI (or ll,o·ir rnt••r l~nymnntl ot (;, 3. lJn\"lll Jo'••h 14 ..: 1\ HtH '"'"· ~~~~ lo~ lalnment. Mr Hur k• r nu" ~0 • SuU. .. :-.; II Hugbu. Jumer, Sutl I"'' Hlnr k h•••u•l tloned at thf' 1\lr Hll~<•· '''""''"' o,·:o>n~ I ... HOoJrtj;UI'Z; BTtJwn; pllt\'Pol Wllh Arlh ~hAw lln•l "I t:lnlr . DumtnjiZC'Z G 0 ge u.·n r llo•mohue llrt'hf'lll ru I e r e I C.a«Nt Valllntlne Polrtl' ...... -.-... -.-.... -•• -•••••• -... -•.• -.... I Home on ' .... ave I !'lllluriiAy, fo•hruur~ 1:!. \\Ill I•• tr.va~ .v.FewY.vr•h•ifaDurr:1• .. • ·~ ·~ no•tum lnl( hom~tr 22 mnnth" !;"~;~•I ~::c;·~~~·;~h' ·;::;~:1:11• 1~:~1:: res ar y . "' A; IIVt• "~'Y with. th~ N&vy In f umi•hr•l hy m .. ml••lll of "'" f:u I Df'II~IOull Sea Food• lhf' HtiUth F ariflc C~l'· rg l' Hl'rhf'r1 dlo Produrtl(ln l'nll Or rh··~t '" "' ()r, romp!l'll' <'quipm~nl Hinn, Btl&lllwain. Ill hAppy to hav .. thf' Air Coi'JIII. •lurlnl!' thf' lnt•r whrn Y''" w11nt to r Atr h •" 30 day 1"•~• to "Jll'n•l w ith hho mlulon lh«" (l'\IC'III.Jo will bo· ""'' 1 Your own. fllmlly llnol rr·terttill Ill' I~< the lllln llllneol b Pfo• fo"noltk H~r kN II' Ill Mr nnd Mr• Ocorl[o' C' llino•r Y f)•ftnu plRVf"r """ "4tfl £•·t "Xt fM•Hdt 1123-'l7lh l!tlo•t•t . ;o./I'WJIIII'I B••a(h. ""~'Y ()nly :n. h,. hlllt pAr11t'lpa llnn in flvt> trAJ"r buttlf'll 1~> hl11 l'rP•lil I .. > :iORMEN FISH MARKET "•''' 50 QUICKER I Buy WAR BOND,S as you've never bought them beforel 4 .. WAR LO.AN A •11••V i• ,., l•bfic "'''"J' ft•• ~ME_ BEER ................ AC.Mf ....... co f t h ... lh 1 1 hi h r oltt11" •~t t111· ... 1 .,, ,.,,l,lllotr•L I one " em "''lflk a n w c lht' H• rnt>l wall llllnk lie wu a money from Ulr rl•·h and votu m cmlw r "( 11!0 valu•nt r rew Hf' from the II "II '"' I h•· pro•to•xt ,,f I lhrn wu 11o•n1 t o Nl'w Caledontll. P1 <llt•rlinc ra•·h fn>m lhf' ''' h••t " r.eo"fl~" ult••ndr•l IIC'hool h,., ... having complf'tf'd two yean at Harbor Hlab -BALBOA TBEATE& Evealnr at 'J:et UNI 8:15 I.J\~1 ShoW'"!( nr II ()nl.hlo• FNI· tUrl' Pro~:ram Stllrl~> 111 R :10 Adult• Sic: Mrn·~ Men Hc- (lne. tax I Thul'l. • t 'ri. · 14at. "RF.HISD THt: RIMIS«; ~US" and'• !Vfoond Yr.aturP "Rt:DifT.,\D •·nu·.t MASHATT\S" \61th LaPf' Vl'le& ('11rtnon .:-.;,.._, Mun. · Mnt1. • Tu ..... t•r.-.. tnn •. ,.,,,., • t.ln)d Nolan \\1111am Rf'ndh In "(,f',\11\U'\"At, 01.\R\'" CllrlfiCIII -~''"'' \\'rdnf''ldn i· flnly "Tilt: J.J:flt' \tiU \f-\ "" anl1 11 ('nmt ... ""'" J'"~"~'""' "Tilt: \0\·t:•, 1 I t:r ·"" OJ' ' l,.tllf\ Jl'" ('nr (nnn · '""''o·lh Stutlntr Th••"·· i'rf!. 17 "·'"'"J4-;"\tl;'lo.T '"' RRiTT \ "·' •• and "ll\"C'I''ti \I \"TP:R"" C 11111111::: ""·•'•II•· t" ,..,. "•r · I~" "\tlfly.• Mtt~fl4•ion," "' Onrid It... "T11rtllltt tlat., ~ "~\61111: "hlft ,, ..... 1 ... ". TREATER ..... lilt -,.,_ Pa*Jq M1llta .. , ..,.,_ ... IOc; CIIIWre11 11 C! <Tax Included) llaU.. llat. at 1 :U v..tla••• ..... F.-1: .. Thul'll., t 'rt., Mat . M•tro'11 Ria AIH4tar Mu,.lral "THOf'MASnM ('lfF.t:R" 111 Tf'of'h~.lnr Man'tl nr Tlmr ":\'"at l.oa nr \'lrtnr') " Oltt-)' <.:arlncon·Sr"• Mun. • Mnn. IJnnrl Rarrvm•tr•· In "OR. fiii.U:~I'It:')ol ('RIM IS AI. (' \!olt:" and a ('nmrdv t ' ... turP "\'(u·:-.:c. iut: '"" ~tlth l4u ... n p..,t,.,, ... ,.,..,.r1 \ta ,...h•ll ('art'"'"· S ""' Tt-.·WMI. R<lht>rt UnttMI Itt "Tilt. "')\'t:' Tf'tU:l'l · · m · 'r \RTf"' ('ltrt'lfln t.• ( nnw•h · I'Hartlnt.r Tltur,,, tr·lo 17 Hnmtoft,..., HnERrt In "~A llAH-\" ('nmf"tr; "t1r!'l c·.,,,...., C ~>nr f 'MI'-Cf'," "Thf' !'filii fr01111 OnWII •·~." ..,.,.,., Kan••n," ""lllatlln{ .. IIM<AII)'lt," '"MJ Kla~ fw a (,_..'. · ... t•l I_,LOIU Ill U.S._..,._,_...."-· cwa ._.,..,.... ... __,-... _...., •., ,....t, ta.i ............... -. buolt -.._ ~ ,._.,_ ..... .I _,_ ...... .. SoucheraCe! f .. ..,._~dot f'Jft<-~., .. ...,. ......... .... .. ,.,..__.,...., IHI .. .._ ..... ,.. ., .. ·--· --........... . ...... .................................... . ..,.._._ ..... t•••r y~ ... DINDI ..... till,-~ dlcx d.JI- ln yow home, ps it ., ~ ete:dcd -u ~ Aaf ir'a a "mute" f'ud ia Southern Cal1m11·, rusht-d..., pbotl bcauw ol &br ptc'CUIOG CDfluol, fhr C'WilllGIJOJ. qud bal. ... <f{M'i- a.ad flntbdJfJ dut ps aJoar aa wrply. · tl ... -- But-the Govcrnmrnl hal asbd J911 10 cor.~ aD ~-aad dnt indudn r~ gu you anr 11 heAT~'! Y., "'' do-•;~7 IITipt'lrnnt dw you u~ pa wudy in bcauns fO'U' j)(JQX dm •tc.ru Doo'r •.aa iL ()( this you m.Ay br 1We : thr J,.. ..r-n • ' •rr t ... i-.z le-t~ c( 1M lll4pab•l1ry ol F tD wu ..n .• no V•~l-.. ,iJ nu~< f!u' a.o.n. morr mr.d4'rn, C\ffl mof'C' "'""" o ••-m<•rr••- MA.GIC 'FLAME ·THAT ·wiLLIIIGHTIN YOU I FUTUII ••• ... .... lo ..-..... .. ----c.-.--· ~ .. ca....~ ..................... -4 ....... __ _.... .. -·································· .... ,.._...., CONIIIYI eAI ...... _...,. .... "* ..... "'"-'· 1•1-JOa ceaeu.,. fall ....... co ....... Yktory ... 4ae'l ... a-.; Nla 4 .. ,.. btfon .... i .. fw ttw41y. A90td _,.'-'J-., sa.. 1M doon Ill an.-.! r-. Ooea oualciJ doota ... , .... CHMtUAM .... AllY . ' I . ~· ...... Cub Scouts Give Tea for Mothers Change in Time "Under 20 Club'' Valentine Dance NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TIMES. Newport Beach, California,_ Thursday, February 10, 194-t Harbor Feminine Activities Valentine Dinner-Dance Will Open "Fisherman's Cov~at Balboa Yacht Club F<>brullry 19th has ben St'l a.' Guard R.est>rvt'. t.h<> WCIO\en pn-~ the evea.1D1 for th~ Informal open· U'ntfd a mUltary pictu~ on t~ ODalbUllnc lb• adv~ot of Boy Catherine Easton, Society ~«-porter • Ph ones 12 and 13 • Residence Phone 690-W l ,n~ uf th·· Bai:>OS Yacht dub's cruifr"or the bay wt•arlne the tnm ac:out WHI& and the Valentine ~ tbal l'v•·rv~ ..... n '"' ,.bl., t•J ----"F&£h<•rman's Cove .. wtlt'n a din· blacl( unaronns .~>'ith trendl hat. tbaaM CUb & t D s If I'D •ttrnd t.h~ c ht.mplt•nshlr> Harbor ----1 G nt'r dane!' \lo'ill ht• offt'red rnf'mi'H>rs ~lang· hag and ~h()('S 10 match. • 'IU f'n. 0 • ., Judy Dt'anc Emerson The Walter Coles . Eastern uests Tri-Birthday Fete The romplemt'nt or the Coast, •--•--.a .... elr mnthers with thr lia&h-Anahrom t.allkrtbloll cam" and gut'lits. ... 1 who \l,'(.'fW" =· ~f the n.·n Mothera, thf' "\'ndt'r 20 C'lut." vaJenUne Entertain Guests ITo Witness TP In Rosson Home Precroing th1• dinn.t>r. tht>r(• w111 ?.,~~~ .. :;~~~:r~~~t&c.> niUIM.'!I o1 ...... h ld t.t .... _ eo.ta Celebrates Her L h · be a '"''<'ial cockta •J hcHJr from • k w· h "'-a ....... Kn. P'n.nk Wui"'IUr and Mra. J . c1alll f' lo ..... e ..-. • I aunc lOg ----5 ·30 to'6:30 Whl'n thl' "COV('" will Adjul!<nl Fran lS Ollll, ~ ··-· L!Mlle 8t.dfel'lafn. at whow allrac· M-Woman'• C'luhh••u• t'rulay Third Birthday . The \\Mit~r 1 eoh Mme ''n Allao ~lr and Mra. Wllllam R.lce of Orner Moret-ouae who Ia lltlth · t'<l F\nt ClaD Rou A. Welsh, Georae ttn Corona del •tar homl' thr In Dllbt, Feb. 11 . will tw bt-tw ..... n lh" 11 ''""" Sev.·r• rt llt·l~hl~t. waa the111,Aton MaHIIIlchuaetta aunt and I Ule Cout ArtUiery In the Aleu-be 0 P<'" · 1 d Cole, Ot>an Vannirt• and . AlviD .,.. ~. hour" nf 9 and 12 p. Ill. .,. • ltft1ph P.n ••rYoo gav~ a "' .. nt' uf " .:al Jllt rlv saturdav I unt I<• ~ well u hoU.: gu•ta of Uana. waa the ab.enl honorM at a I th~:~~bS~~~~!~\~~~t'~ ~~~It·~~<'~~ I>anlrll': Yt"'lmurf 1-'iNl Cla~s Pt>rTY Jt had bHon planntd thai the !'\c" '"''"• lr••lll tb .. •P ""''""« naght h<moriog PaLl Grl...., ..el l ~l r un•l •1r11 Edgar R. Hill, 61~ blrUlday celebration lo tbe Arthur lO . 111 , Volunlll Port s,'<'UI'll\ Dulll. lllotbera llbould arriVI' befor~ lhe I Nf'll')'llrt-lllilbc•lt H•·lar y (,ub "'111 I_.,,\ ,, •I hf'l "'na il dau,btrr. cart Cbapm&ll who have jomed the \'II !.Ioiii Sou d. Udo I ale, will wlt-1 Rl>uoo home OD Oc:ean Drive ~;rc/ of lht• c:iast Guar~l ma(l;. Mcmbl>r" or thr• womt'n'!il &I"'UP boye for tbty bad Jlrana to m&llt rre~l. lbe younglltl'ra. Juol\ t ra .. n.-~<' ln•lr 0r4'&11 Front :.:HI· an.t a re l•tt"'"" a<10n lor I n•·~~ th~ launching of Ackerman'• when tbe natal daya or Karl An· lhrir itull dl'bUI in lht."ir splrfy. hParl•'fl hy Lic>uh•nlllll Jono·~ WI'~ for tuture activit!~• for lhe •·ut. Ho""""'r, thr l'luh '"" nv' -· tt••n .. an ="""'l".r-llo-2rh """""11Y a• t .. ,. l54'n.i<" ... .-on•l In a aenea of 1~ tretcht der110n and .a.tra. Mary D. Grltfen I nl'w u:f1~orms 11s s.:ue .. ts o,f thl• d 11h lr't'na J. Jut1cl. Loul.se Lyal), .At four, Ule bol)'a arrh I'd ar .. J h••ld aume reapo~bUoty for t"•· Y'!\.IDg Ju<Jv "nn ,. a. tnr,... yearw old 'fhe au11·ca l IT't'IT'br1'11 of tbe !., d plll'l!eng .. r boata to be buUt for I were commemoratC'd .U.O. Th~~nmt•n will rt'lit>Vc.> mc>n tor Cnl't1t-rint• CurrAn Lucilll' Brunn, a.lr rerular mrl'tln~t wtlh Ita rll·l f'tUJlh' n c•·vt a·hllr a t tbt .l&N'e ""'' hpr hltl·· ::uo •• ,. "f"''lt th .. party prOYided UlUrt&loment ..c1 t.h~ Army when abe coea down l The affair waa a chicken dinner otht•r dutil's in this volun tary ~~~~~· Ahr.·~."· Gt•rwv~~r h;ta~, ual, at Uw close t>f w 'lch lhf' boya1 Tll .. rrfnrt', II It l!Ui,;S.:•·strl llltd l'&r· 1~:·f1nnun • •..t nn« l''"tun-a and lbt balance of th•· rvrnang wu lh·· waya 1•11 Saturday. Mr. Hill and party wh ich Included many 1 branl'h oC tht• tWr.•icc. Juhn Furtl(l'jl Emmd' llbe ~ De,,!: ..corted .aheir motbtrl' lu the tea enla Me tbal l n" Y"UillfJOt• ra hiH't' 1 h\'•nt C1UDC'11. ,1 .. nt ,l,.nr inc Th•oM attendtllc • lll'll.lllll 1·r uf Uae Ackerman com -t lever gau:ea In the ~venin g. The •1 llnad-' by Uft"l (J'g ) llelt'n L tK'rta York. .!'~tyl .Y -•d ~ ·L .. AII'-t tauon t ,.,,, fr,uru "' mone• ... ,_,_ , tab! ed b •· ~ ""' '¥ • · tht'a -Moort", IX't Y t.A'U ) •• .... "" · · • ..;,ed. lh,..•· t>artlt' .,, l h -f• •f \,. a·taar f,.r tbe httt ... Yr and lolra. Arlie Toulou.e, Mr. I (lllwr huuM> gueaiA ln the HUI meot ot early ~~t>rlng nowera. Wl'l'\.' l!lkt•n on a cruiSE' oC th<'. l~a~ IPr. 1-:ula Danh·ls. fk•atric~> Prrdut"_ table -~ nfft.tlbmen~ W•·~ pru11<·r ran.arw•r • . _ .. '"'""" t·.•ll '' t ar,,~:a " me · v.•re ~r and Mr.• t:onlen s ... .,..... [MIOV -- 1 e wu center Y an arrance-Jonr'l' USCG cWTI .. tht> memb<•rs I Rodman. F:C•il' ·Ro!'(', Al:llt'S 5ro· a:•d t• • ~~~• "" u ,..,..· \\'aiiiJUII an• I l.tra ('arl 1 • a ,,naan Mr. and ,l'l .. mt· "all be [Jr. a nd Mra. H<No·· Thoee bidden were Pal WUIIama. v.•llh 11 Coast Guard I'SCOrt . t:"tn,g '-~••ll Str\'<'n' unct Martha SI('Vf'n&. t 'runl .. rwl ··-k mall\ rertur,.. "' loire 1''1111 ,;,.,,,., r ~!r and :lin. arJ Hall and Mra. Bordm&D Can-~ Miu Olive Bull~r of. Santa A na Gror~c.> Wall• and Jack llt>lm s I _ u ... ~r••ut• ftl•bf'rt rannu h ul !\lr and MM! I ftdol .oil ••f u os Aneelu. and the Meara. and Me.damu sailboats, ''Tro•ndaway" nne! "S • BEFORE YOU BUILD-OR REMODEL 1111 Set~t11 ... , .. at. v .•.• our ontcf'f'S!Ing ...... ,.~c .11od doapl.11y roorna. C<lor gu.dea plannong aida, com- prehr na•ve atoca. Of f'UIII.. cupeU.. llnolturn ""' V~· """ Dllnda, Ruga afl4 C~rpeta ClufloH J~,fro·• tr• • '• ,.,., .. Hnf'ol '"' a r.a•ln r.rovu a nol lhr hoat ""'~" 1 Cbt1a AaJ>y and eon, Ho.rry Wrl(hl. bony" and th•• poW<' I' 1'1111>-PI' \\'1th 1'01<'~ rt't.umlng yf'ar, high· 11,., v .: .. ...,..,.., •I U.tllr fealuno~t ' h•.slru . Plcyd Hoffard and 110n. 0 . G. Bar-"Sanknty" nnd "Dorfra" ht•h•nJ:;ing 1 "" !(.'\~. Jtnh .. a· :uml>, 1t pur<'r fli'&Cl' I '·• \'al· nlln~> "''"' t :3o·h llmAII ()n Sunda\' ~lr and Mr• Oll.! I Su rprt se Party nard, E. P. George and .Jo n to T . R Rurr .. r and Arljulanl and rlivlnt'l' ··no•rt::). ~hoold Cr't·~hl'n ru· •. , ... ,.,I .. \';tl• n! "" ttn•l <an-ly I • I 88 Ut ... ·r gljt'!lla, MrL CoM'• Honors I slander Stoneman .. , Blackfoot, Idaho. The .. 'rllnk \\'i,.hong or thl' Coa!'t lh<' Crn~rllnl'!' of bdnj:. t ,,,,, • •I II .. • t•l • ' I • • r~am fatl•~r. ltr I'.. c ltuwll'y and lwr I latter couplt' are cnualna of th~ 4.1...! ~u rn.a\J•Jual r"'il"• ..ai'h . br-lthrr an•l ~rfP ~tr anrt ~. J ~f'tl and until lhl• evenlnr;. •-nnr:: a lin\' --' """'"" v.f're T Jt, • .,.1,.,. """ th•·lr .tnuchter Pe~-Mr• l.•·on F'f'I'JC'IIIIOfl a._nd Mra. had n~t\'er ~n each othrr althougb .. ,.... ·• ' !Jno ~11 from Paaadena.. Alter \\' II ~J• II ~nhl w~re co-. oelMIM!II they had kept m dose !Ouch by T tl ._.. ,.,,.,,, ,, '" n• IJ• Jwf\ • f'IP· ~,. ... t lh ,1 At lho· lnll~>r ~ home. lZ7 Cryatal. means ••r a f~maly Round Robin 1 ann .. r •n"" l!p<'n " -c ,•rnvun ''"''" \1\ .. , .. Mr ;:ran•lmllt h,.r ~Ina · · lh b !''l'lo A ll'!!lni!. where a aurprl:~e letter. I: ,,. ('Urn• n( 11&> .. n •lll )Jno nn a buat lour or e ay. lunrhf'~on m11rk lng the natal day , ... .,, •:•tllllr•:<' "' A.mthram »r" ror ~In• IL t ' owen. waa given. Ohioan Will Spend "'''""'' l'mbtand. ...... Wallt•r Helen .I efferson llh' J:rtliiJl n ( friend• blddeo at- G~etlng Ca,.c1 and a Great Varletv of Unueual Gltt1 "WE I!':VITE YOU TO BROW!'\E AltOt 'ND" C. E. LOUCKS JEWELRY and STATIONERY Olamonda . Watchu -F ine Repairing Phone Newport 2430 1797-19 Newport Blvd., Co•ta Meaa, Calif. Ap(>lf'lot>ry •n•l da.U«hlf'r C'tlarl .. n ... Wins Door Prize l'''mpt to •e~ each oUier occulon-Spring in Balboa LUDLUM Mno Jnbn Sharp and -J~f'a allv In ~tplle or the preuurt of Mn•. J ohn J. Shaw of L&ncaatt>r, fo:dwm. Mra Ouc'k.tll .an•l .-on The happy lady I• Mr.,, Hlt'!e'l I v.ar 11m.,11 10nd chose lhta opportu-Ohio. hiUI arrived to atay lndefl. . Carpet WorlaJ J11rmy. HnnNf' Jacot. &Ad Jimmy. Jrtf~riJOft ot &!boa Ia• and, w!lo n1ty to gather. j Dltely with her d&ucbter, Mra. brc:Jtbrr ell uw '"llr a..-. c~ lbt' donr r rtze at Klwanll A r· Jc.r Rrheme or yellow and Wealey Fowlu, 214 Eul. Surf. SANTA ANA • lAdla' nlpt Jut Thunldlly, lm-pink r arrlrd out In the nowen.l Balboa, wblle Mr. Fowler Ia In tbe f---~~~:::==~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ J ~ lbP founct _ or-all ttm~Ctt~ t.wna ot Ua bu.WJlul anca1a =~;;;;;;:;::::;~;;;;;;;;~= Is Seriously I I t•·n boxr• (•f KlHou ... J'ot birthday cake. baked by Mre. R.. :---• 1 Miss Scharle's Mother •«lne hf'r •urpn~~e ,.nd del•.-..t wu "'"'"' """ '" '"' ••':'.:;1 &<uth ....,""· I K fo~utman and 11baped IIJie a ~ ~~ .• J J/ • t - ....... QUI .,...,. .. ••.•. ., Ycna eaa do It by 110t ••'-1 Loaf Dltl• nee lwsaweea 7 _. 10 P ... eseepl ••a ai..O.. n.. ... dle .. )ewlwe laoanwlwa _, w .... --.... dilly ....... ......... + ., .......... !' • ._, .• . ·-··--·-_,. .. ........ ... 'ft I ,. ' MrL A-u& M Sctlarlf'. ac~ 81 tr: mention a larte ran nf plneap-bf'tlr1 with t ht lnllla.l. of lbe cele-014 /YII4t44 -"'~ I &lad tllor ~ of Mr• Mara;am P e. a largr buoch of banaftU. brant outlined In 11lvt>r and aur-1 • • 0 IMLrk '"'"lwT I• .... I rb(I('Olatf' nut«tU. a box of lAD v ta s A and ~~ ld · .. ~ .. ___ . -...... d-and atltJr nf other hartl•tQ..COID~by rounded by yellow and pink r~-I min ·-Y _.. --..,, .._ Kl buda an,l tJ1per11. nr d ·-· <""-ckl mar. J.'OI.d thln~ta An courte1y of • _ _ __ 1 YOCI IDIMt ..... V~&.-min ,.. .ADCIUII!r dau'!btt-r Mra A R •·an~an Fay BID't'·er,., th ... B&lboa Another Gt'rl for .. • aJ• a. P'otectioa •caina• ........... ..._ ~ fr•• ~ ~f...-ay 8t<'~ NHdlea. to ay, I ....,._ · M J ff 111 lb -• eo1c1 anfectio•• wttich art mon ...... att.end IlK .. .cawr at tllr I ..... e er~ ori'U,. .• v The Thomas Allene; l ltllaiJ \e occur ie the ftOIC ~. 1 . on Klwanla. tbtM~ Nn and alnu:~s Balboa S d lions Club Ho~t--Did y(•u wnntler why Tomnw, ,..h•• tber• '' • cSeficiency vt! n pen s A'l .. n ltll~ that jtlt'Bm lo hla ey~ I thll "'-'"· I !Social Week in To Scout Troop lhua •'<'l'k ~ He really bad a \'ery \'ou need Vltcnin 0 to hell Pasadena Environs . -.:•wxl rrnl<t•n tor gcang around In a j the bod, ln&llt proptr u .. 0 , • Tr""fl 5 wit h T. L Allen. Scout-1.1•u:e. lie Ia lbe prvud rather vf a 1 ttt. calcnu• ancl pboephorus i1 1 D'l'llf'r •·ere entntalned Tut•y !k'N•nd t!nugl tt-r • bom Tuutlay l your chaL I ...... Velma n.~. ~10 F.ut n•chtrat1tt.-k:y mN'tlnc-otth .. night al ~t.JoMph' hol!pltal, If yo.a .,. not cettin r nr-n ~"root. arTIIn«f'd lll .,.......,, H11rlv•r Lton11 111 Hrlnz Kat.er'a Thf' no·w llaua hter, whn haa ~<'11 t'ttourlt of th ... two /mporta11 l tJwo -nv lm'lt.altt-acc-ordPd her ftny~ .. ~ ("lltt. u fl"rl nf the com-ncure<l llfoverley Jean. llnd ber t •ttwnlna. Uilte a ONE-A -DA \ by b« fnrnde and rdt.Une In and m•moratir n of thr 3•th 11nnlvC!T· 01olher ar• teport...t Jolng nlct-ly 1 brand Vito&miD A and 0 T ;;'- III'CAmd I~ from wllw-re .~ .. 1 aa.rv nf R~>y 8(-out. of America. They a" ~"I e~gerly awaitt'd by I I•: nuy daJ and inture you. ball ,_. rf'furwod ..,_ Othf'r honorrd Jr!Jtllb who """' flllher IUld an older &later, Joyce nona.a.l , ... uiren•en\L Mullllf "" ~rtrra with lnt~tVf'd w~" Capt. \V K.. Htil-Elalne. ace 2 ye.ara. at lbelr New. ~ ~ a.n-ccu.ina. Mn. s.dHy de G,....._: yard. prntdent of the ~It port H•lcbta bome. 642 f'Uilerton l *of AJtackt1a ... Mn. Aar-t iOJuutv Boy ~out ~linen: Ddm aYeoue. QNE A DAY 1.--fill ... Marteo u ..n u Kaau. ~t cocnttllator for the Mr • .AlleD Ia 4&Nctor of mU8ic- ala..._ fit Ww' ...C. •n. W.l OJuDril antf C&IYin MrC'r'u. l>foo In t.be Nt'Wpl>ft Buch arhool aye~·~~::~-~~~~·~·~~~~~~=~ c. ~ • Pn-1 -. ~ wu at)' Rf'J10n&l Scout n.cutJn for tem. Uw ..._.... ,_.. a1 _,. h8c·l l"f1t\ttn 1% of ~v &oul.ll of Amer ----------- U... tDchlcltnc altft'd'rt« WIDialn I lea. w11o l!pOb on Lord Backn- "-"'ran·a lalftll •n..c-ml RlrUI and I ...,_ .. n 1<'1th '"111e J.ate Olltf lilc"ut a Jtappy ~-~ .,...._-ntrd of lh~> \\'nrl<t and Hla M~e at ,.., Pz r 1 C ,., Play-I fer • Today." .__ Aft ilrpt"f' ... vf' r'(>Ur1 of hnnl'r 01w-of hn mCIIIt 181~ v-.-t '-.1 U1.-,.,~nln~~: t.t w1tk'h Ume Ita -Uw ow-......... .-t at all tbt -arc»_,.. ID&Ak. tiW ~ AJt ....._ at UW ---- P...._ Art rn.c.~t•11 1111cw1n, Altar Society uw .-.-" ~ ., lA•• To Entertai·n ~ N~ W'llwb 1wt ~ CftiUJ .._ .mn teo ..., CKy ot Parish ladies ..._...__ Eddie' a aARkcum SANDWICHES An Oil~! Till' Alhr ~<l('lel v • f );I. J •hn \'•artn••y \ "alh•''"' l'l!urr"o on BRJ- 1 boa l11lantf v.111 cxtrnd roun~~y tn all bdi~ o1 lbe pariah at tJwo ._of 011e of the membera. Mra. R.. N Cunnlngh&ll', 121 Marinr anutlf', Ba 1 hoa. t.:a II f. '"'-lf\U'Sia are blddt'n fnr 2 o'clo&·ta rn Tl1t aday. february IMh Mesa Optometrist THE LIGHTS ARE ON AGAIN • • • NO MORE DIM-OUTS ••• (,~.,.••• caLifOaNIA IILI•NONI co••••• 1 a.aa ... -...... ... ., .... Moon'• Coaf•tioaiii'J %MeO....F ... .,._ n -.... ,.,. ...... Holds Offite in I Ceunty Assodation .. ..._ -Dew _. better laatp ......, Our atodl of ....._ .,. ......._..,..-.,rated Ia a -rtety of colon to cMoM froaa. 8ee oar table dbplay. REN BALBOA'S DEZVOUS BALLROOM Prnenta His· Guitar and 180rthestra Ameria's Most·Entertainin~ DANCE BAND ~ Oran~ Cowlty O;>ton:etrit I A~latlon beld Ita moatiiJy IIIIHt- lac aa Sanu Ana on Mon<ie;t. F'•t,. nary 7th. ,..hen Dr Martean ·t ~ crawfnr•l v.·u eiC'<'Ied w~;-,!lary. h·e,..,,,.... '"' lh~ rnaulnc: )'rar Dll .. t. to u. atat.e coo... IH'fl tv br he,J In Saata IJ.arbilrs Fl'bn•ary 2•1 ZJ ""d 22 ••••rt! allo<> el«trd Whl<'h aocludl'd ••r• a•tJclll Or If l' h.tufman. Pr :'lt'le.,n, 11r ~m:th fllo.l Po r'nll••r,. •II 1'1 \'la"f••rol \l!U! t>lo< 1~>•1 n~ •. ro .Ill or. n:ll~ (lf'I<'C.I!• IN DEFENSE OF TID! DE FIIONT Opn up ·your qn to the fwt tMt deer Ytsion lA one el Amaira'a fertmo~t w.-p-on'~ He~ your ~te ~Mod ...,..ffoly for IX*Jblf' . . . and hanntul . . . ct.ffCU! OIL II. D. CRAWFORD OP'I'OMEI'IUsT .,., ,...,.... ...... wl o.e.... ...... ... o-..t Tftorne Brallal 1.-.. ~tfld * BED LAMPS C'.omplfotr wtt.ll PAJICIDit:ST MHADES $3.95 !:,~~~==~~,;'!ades ~495 !:~~~:=~·~"~~hades $395 WIESSEMAI'S Malo at Ftlth -Phonf' 902 -Santa Ana Tlw World'" News Sftn Through , THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR AJt lnurnaiHl1141 Da1l)· "'IL'Sf!4{'cr Puhluhtd h' THE. CHRIS'TIN\ SCIENCE PVBLISHI]\G SOCIETY Otw, Norwa) St rt't'l. So!! ton Massachusetts ' Ia ~tl\-l'nbl&M'CI-t'I"M "'-8eM&"oeallam .......... Aft ,_.,. &84 ln•tructh·t-...,. 1111 Dally Feetllftoa. To· -wtta t111e WeeklJ Maputw fW.rUoa. Make Ute Mo&lt.r aa .._. Jlfew ; .-t• Ute a-. Pitre tJt.N \'Nrl~. ctr fl.OO a MontiL ........., 1-. liiC'Iudlntt Mac-lltf' 8focotl-. n• a \'Mil'. ......... tory on..-.• Ratarday ·-u C..tll OM-t·th at: ()hrlattaa Stle~ RHdhiJ: Room 111 ...... , Cefttn.l ,, ... _ ...,.,_, Ot.llfonaAa .. '~ . \ . ~ .. - lnstnd of dipping fish intO btoat· m ~ggs. brush fish with salad oil and thm roll in Weber's bte.d crumbs and fry. Crumbs sra, dote to me fish nicely and allows d1C saving o( eggs foe cxher &aiel. ! o lc~ your hands from smdl- .ins "fishy" after handling raw fish, chill them thoroughly in cold water before you couch the 6r.b. TWO DELICIOUS ''FIGIIfdG" DIS•a .. ., .... ...... .. , 2c.Na...,a.M H lt..•llpork.el~ , ... .,_, . ............ '- ....... 1 ap.ti:::;: ~atp • • * * I \1 lk Veal roua4 2 t~. to.( I ~1 ap. dry mustard I '1 "~>· alt 1 medium siud onioe . \1 up. a•naer" .: 2 tblp. •oncein' • 1 cvp •• ,.,. Mnr !lour, a lt. muRard a~ J,in.,r ·108ft~. ()jp nal •w inm rhos mouure, r~ btowe quKklr in mrlrfd shnn~nons. Add sliciNI Oftioa and , • .,tr, covrr ,.nJ 1lm~r urutl r~nd~r rfot~ ~,.., lo'll' 6re. Add wat~r when nt«u.ary ro ~~ bwnio.. · PL 0 8 WH 0 L i:-Q II A 1• • 0 ~ R)8 MME .'I' Add to lhe deliciousness or other rooJs b)' ~rving piMty or ~eber's Enriched \l!hi.le Bread . h has ~t,~ flavor ewtry- otw lakes, plus the nourr~h~ng values r;>/..,holt·gt'ain «rhl .. Your &"9«r haa it-in iu~l!·koo ... n blue'ginsham 'Vrap. L~4.U... U.80MIJ..M l!Gii~. • 4 '·