HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-02-24 - Newport Balboa News Times.. Nil .. -... •· n'· .... .. • -"· ..... -... TS. ... ... l'r· ~ lhe ..... ... . t ... tal IIIl- I.. p .a .. ol .. m- --- .,, ,.. Ia ln. ..... ' • • .. .. ... • • .. • • • • • ,.. ... • • I - ,., NBWPOBY· OA PBI:SS - VOLUME IV 8 -~ ~ l ~ --~ .c s· d ~~.'::A~~~.... Situation Harbor Legionnaire U:!"!·~~UA.: 4th War loan """' ..u'""' 1 g Deman cb1ft. wb.lch .. acbe4Wed to .-..... ..., ............. ,...., _ ,.. N. !"BBUCX") QA.INa For· Property :.cil~a:::~·-.~.t .:~.:: as Wins Distinction ~ '==-at~ a: all o:,;::.nt ,:or; ...,~::d :~ ~.r:d.~v.~dt~toanrs.· ~·d ~: File For Battle Deeds =~!i:" .. on:-·~ Quota Beat • rot • c t •ld Nn,.port Harbor, "' • • • ~ -· tOt1 Diet --50 p .... UM 1'17'1 wbo ln the put have I R rt d neer R . L Patt.enon. hut -......... r ot N... .. ~ ... By ct ~Mated Uw! pr~ of Banta Mon· s e po e . The Med for conUnuaUoa of H.,_.. A.IDer1c&D ........ ,......_.,, lin. D -.... . : • ._ ... otJMn to the eldea wOD· alvare drlvea Mould be~..,... Poet 2111 not .-17 ~ tMt ....... ~ ....... AMIII· ._ .-at U..tr brarflnp. parent to evuyune, e.ecordUIC to hl_.f In u.. ftnt Waltd W• -• ............ Ow • 1 ._ ~t)'fw ..,. .__ "' • ... __ .. 1 .. Mr. KlMfatber. wU1--• .,..._ -.""-_. ""'~" .,. --You probably Several important trauaeUoba "'Tbouaanda of tona of metal today .. but Ia dUttl"'"'l.tuft& ..._, .. tbt _... .... --... .._. .,...... .. U. ,..,.... ol Jac·-l"arU, ._.. noUe.d that ln\•olv• .. -Hartlor ..,_ ~cilnU&I ol ... _ RtlwMrt u-an neon .,.._t..-6!ocne • ... '-lttde tl _ ....._. • .. ~ ~ II\ • n • • • r .c u. here we ~ -are e&ch day Pn& out ... eandia'-...,. ~t c•oafllc:t, ~ to • ..,.. no. .. ,..;;;.. ~• W.r ~ *i". ll&ve mudt t.o.t properU. wen eoaaummat.ed country In the tor m ot IIUpe. IWDIMUoe ~ pon. ,_..,_. ._,. ~-"'Jilll:a.e ._ 11 a .wy .._ .,... llfiR ~ .,... ,. troullle at aD tbJ.e week by loe&l ra&ltora. eh.-lle •Dei tbe myriad rnater1ela --eut ltJ a 'nata wteru ol twQ .,.... .. L&. a.. ,.... ._ _. 1 Iiiii 1 --.. ttw Pf_,..n 11..._ • wtlen t!le wtndl lale ot tAe Cbl1aUu fdence of war. Wlt!l .aoepUOil ot tiM ea.dr. rraneie C. PaUar4. Ill am .._.,._ llw ~ • ("C..a ~~-..,.. of .... 001 wel"t' btrh a.Dd ehW'eb bWldlnf and aU.e at 101 ehl... IJtUe of tblll ntuma and a&p:lbJre awnue, Ballloe ....... c.pta-ay ~ ....... -.., .... al,.e4y """" ._..... ~ aliiO lhe water. E . .Central avenue wM MIOlJ&t.ed tbe clema.ncil of war plaftt. wW wbo wu .._..1\tl)' awa.NPd U.. lA-...,lu¥4 ._ ..._ 5iit .._ _.,. ee ~t. toe.~.._. and At Santa 11101\t· bY Jack Badlelr, BaJt.o. ....rtor. 9011Umte for a lOili' .. time. fte f1on or Merit and ., .. dW rw _... --..._ .. _... -a.. .. ot ~ ......_ ea ... one Purehuer ot U.. property Ia llllra. w.,. Ia far hom over. the daatr· land ,..,a:a~· aad Al· mer1tonou. ~-• M --'Y n... ,_.. ... &. .. 3 ...., \hat U.. 8MI ot lh-maD· Dorothy K. MWer ot lluta .uaa, maD dec:l.ancS. ber1 J . NUrec1 .....,_ mand!nc otno.r ot u.. u.a. OaMil ...., --w t. .. ht•tl • -.. m ad e FoP0-wbo reportedly l.nt&Ddl to remoc1-Jl'ul1 p&rticulan conc.~ UM m&fl from ... Mar. Ooua· Guard C\at&-r NcwtJalancl -an-~ et aD ...... .ttlon8 ... t.o.ta el UM premtaaa ffW ....W..C pur-dr1w wtU be announced Dat dliMil ,...,..j IDrtl 111M tall• Ttw awanl wu madr In U.. C. art ...,. ~~. •• ...,_,d " Mr. ...... w e r e t.oaae. poeea. Mra. llllllJer wW 11e ,..... week. out .,..,aw _. .. ~ to ftle name ot PrMidl'nt "'--'' " • -. •• ... ._ , ....... -a. • 1 I I clear ..., tM breakwater, ~ bend u U.. wtte ot Jaoll IIWer, mCIIIMIItal'tl7. Aclmt,.. Ill. 1:. ln&ft'llftll, _. J•F 1 •• IE .._. • u., *'"' ol ·-clrage d anchor and a formerl7 011e of U1e leacllat' ........ .,, •• o.f Mr. Staatlf~ weU II_,. mancler In ~~ ot U.. AtJeatk ,., C'F ' • r~ u..-. aU wor1Mft te _... lot -cllatroy~ oa tbe beach. Wlldtftl' eontnetorw ln u.u .,.., ._.,. to .... ~ lntro-neet. f~W a lii.IU..no _, .,., ...,. •· 11r ....,.. ,_,.._. ,..._. w.n. ... ta Barbara. another man· Mr. 8adJelr .-a reponecs t.bat ~ .,...., .... ducboll. J"W ,..... eM!~ ettaek .....au.. ta .._,wrta -..u.c ..... •a 2 ,._.,. a ~ el\.t _,.... 0 . J • .... ..._ tau bad elmllar the Ba7 Vlew apartmeat. lD au. 61J......., J"een maD ol U. SaleeUw ..... ot a N .. ......_,.. .,. UIICO .,...r-~J _. 0.. ...... 0ooo1p • J '4P .. trn1a ._ Iliad b...w. ln the put.. boa bad been pW'Cbued from .. , ICII board. M U..t .-.uoa NortN&nd. Oil "--4 .._. -P 'I '-... .....,,_. ...,_, ... Ore&.a .,_ w.Ada iipe&ka well tor land· Splcklemeyer by Kr. aad lin. H.-port Hu1M>r Ia .UU clt~nc tut moftU. .. llltDifllt U.. dWr-p 1 1 .,._ ._.,.,.. c~ o...t7 ~ • .... ._,_uwty, •• .....,... ....... mill e •• $1.11 ,..,... .. ......... .... lSTA MqA NUIISU t1 ssna PreS.; _..Jdied and HArry ·Treuurer lan r-..tdl ot , ( 'on.t A.-.. thn... rntlJor laclwd N.wport Harbor lhat we Raymond 1. CeJl and that UM out from lhe wtnt.er'e IMavteet m&Ublp of O..t7 llelee-._ .......__. .. ._..._ .,.. ••.n.Nt fw U.V ••• 1 Mft ...-nethlnc ben ~t -William A. "A..ActY' K1rtl NLI6rDoe to wb1ch b ...... t w1n4, Uve a.rvtoe M&N. A. pull Com~ I'VIIanl .,.., .... to ...._... ..._ ......._..,. .... , ... • -urr 11 -----• .._ -s'\1•• ..,.,. tMl-U.. at llll •· eentl"&& ....._ lllld • rm ro-" eclftl....,... ,..,.._ tiFt wttw; &r~JIIIN • .,.. .......... ..... et Ulllle .... ..u1 .._ .... I ~ llilt CICI!IIr)dply·pubUdMd .pot. don't been bouebt by L~ ~ local and ~ alJI lnebee of ral.n· Amerie&ll llle Ia now .,._. 1*-1 rnomi"C. W1UI 1'-1 -....U.. et llw ~ _. ~ ........ • ~ ..... a ... Mft -aatety tor tbe )'acllt. ~at.d OU dl..trttlutor. tall a total fill S.32 I~ bavUif l...,t of e. aGtaty eha; aad ~t _....._" At ' ... U.. -"-7 a I .... ·-=We. 11w -U-.. ._., U1at U. -IIDd UMtr craft. Another ,....deace CIIWMCI lrJ fallen duftnl' tbe 2•·bour period wu ,...tar ~t of ftrllt -.1 • Ule Ntt.er'a __. '• .._. • ,.-.. _. • ,......, .t ..,. ,.,..,.,.. .. ..... -.. .__. • • • Councilman aad llllra. lbrtl. tM • endifte 1 o'clock TuNday •wntn&· Newpart ~bar of ,_,., he ~f'CI. "ttw ..,...... ,......,. • ,.._ P 5 I " • a -I• a ...,_ • ....... lo llbll7 U. .&Jf ~ traeUve dwellJn&' at 1111 a 0.. J'ollowtltC conaAderabl e raiD· ~ ... 9b ,....._t tracked clowll thr _. Idle • '-· _.._ ell ...._ .....,. " • ~ ..,. _.... -... ..,,._ Y..ACA'I'IOJf tral avenue, wu eold U.U ,.,_,. fall on Suacl&y tM .t.onD on lha• at laiJW ot Oa.nty Cout IMMmd hot on Ukt trail, wtlde ..,_ ~ ell • _,. fill ...... ..,.. ..,. ,.t .,_ • .. _. • ..... JIGweftr, the ltorm didn't make to R.hea Fouat of Saata AM, ... daJ took tJM fonn of a bard Jilr . ..,..._ ...... at 118 wwte ....... ~r Mal WlMor41 .. ,;w_-B...... .... -....... ,_ p Jtlr, ~ R-. Cral&' hapPJ. deal betnr bAII4Ied t.J &a.. 111111 ft0Ytheuler1J wt.ncl wiUcb IMIMd Ooldearod a came to lA& evUYe acUoa ttl ...... llw It .,.. .... ...... tll1ll -at II •*. U.. .. .. 3 0.. 011 ll.anciay llu. •t.a~Ud hla va· Stanley omce Oil llalbaa IIILD4. liM bay water Into r..m, .-t ~ .,._ at:r ta 1117 Oout Guard HMfl. mttl-._., .,..... .. -.... ~. ....,., ..._ Ci1UGIL Oil ""-Say lhe •torm sate o( Ute ll\ll&alt ...... ,..,.. lllUIJ ..,. .. ...._,., .,.. .... otll· and .. '* .... fatiMr, .. ..,.,.. ~ luted _., ..., .... ... fill ... • ....... ....,. ~ et o-• ... ....... naiiJ pt ~ and be bad to erty at No. 1 Be&cOD Bay 1I"M taltl.lllaad tM llatal J"\\n&. aa llcNr, ~ UW ~ 41NPr· I• ._. w • .._.. ,_. ... ~ _. w tile ..._- p ll&dr to work and when lut at.o neported by Kr Stanley u. era. tore moortnp loo&e ~ tuft OD. Ia ~. J"aa. f'd OM ftrwt patW& of ... '-H..,...,._ _. _. 1111 ..... a -.,.. '-II ....... -WM t.ourtnc around the baJ new owner 11e1nc Curt B M· ~ ror'::'~~t ..,._ U. ... ....,llco ftN Ia ebarpe ~ ,.... • .._.~....._ A.-"-._ C»-" ................ ~ t1111r. aUlnc 11UR t.o.t. dfdn't ret Into man ot Loll Anf'ale&. Kr . ..:....an l-M ~ a......, Ia IW"· of t.be ..... Qllk:~y ......... , lf-. et R 1 .... ._,. 111M ------troallle. wbo for u.. put tow yean ~ and the Oout Quard baae. -.-t, , .... aad _,_., about Ole ewtter c:ame ~ • ot ..,.. .._. t. Ot rt1 .. 4 , ___ .&t U..t Ume be wu heanl ~ lant fill U. On '!'u8da7 UM wtnd WM COlli• u-....._ the c:ou..-and ~ ....._I_. _... llw ...,.. ,_. _.. ., •• '"nc acomet.hJnr allotlt blank· :;::;"wnbl:-&tam m.an;::utactur-btned W1tb a clrtrin& ral.n and a .& c:llu't.r _.., .C Troop D deadl7 patt.em ~ Gla -~---... zrt, I .. llril* C'I.IJ !IfF.- -Vtq eotnelhlftC about blank· in& eo., ot ~ ~ Mil •·6 Ude wlllch ..,t Ma wat.er aa4l Caftlr7, 0'2 a 3 It a!t I oft al ood attuk. 1M aoua4 ....-• .... fill .....,.,... ell .. .. & r Cl • *-II (eeMOred) vaeaUOM! be«! . I t.cS wtt.b tM ttne debrla lnto U.. eUy. Hlllidncll of ~ M 11M ...... a part.IWialtJ cutler -waa -. .. flldll .... , .... ....... .. ... ...... I II ~ Q . • • • tlone •c:~a ~ rt H~ ~ ea~ we,. atalled hom tM dowD-aetlft ,.rt ·-..... del-UIJ "-"' ot u.. ........... ..... -· ...... a ....... ...._, .. ... .... , 8'11r"• .... A MJJfal or eome Ume an~ an a~thuatutk pour~·~ = were c~ wort! Ia ... --.... R• ... ..,_ ....... air ......... -......... I ., I a ......... -well -.. ., ..., -wa VI8I'I'OIA8 yadltaman b1a erw.r PDI..,.. u eraaJon one fill.._ I 3 n .c tM u..... .,._broke U.. ~to ..._.....,......,.. ~ •.,.... ,_.. _. t ::au-•U U. a• .. h1 ot the 1a ..._ t I ftC m~ at aW,:.a J1aD1oa tJuoouPout U. day U.. polke • tor WCII'M ......._ • a ......_ e1 tMt Uw _. ..... '-.. ... .t _. ...... tr I I • .._...,. fill -. .,. a a. ._ ..... ._. t.e W\r-UUI • Yadlt Buift.. putment waa We)' relaJtDc can. Ute PfataaMI -... lapa. aa4 to .... Mr ,..,... At ..._ ........... IIIL .,_ .. 0... ... - - -of tiM e~ta, did JOU ol .,.,_r u-clow'D IIDd otMr ~ ~ .. .-.. .,.. _,... · 111tice tMt nearly all ot Mew· Mr. 8':-"tl7 aJ.o ....,..ud aaat C1a1Up Mblc wroupt 1r7 .._ aad &et8 81 •f ::;. .. ~ ,,::.::..~--P $ a s? 5 ,-t•e ...,.wa. left town T 'nMy Mr. and lfJw. Cl:pde B. ~ All IM&I ......._ .., "-t ;:;;a,~ _.. . --_ ....... u. Uld --"'---.. _ er ol ..... .,_. J4,1A M . a . ·-• _ --... ..,... -;;;;;:-r--ta.~at a err &c t~~a'W W& tat* efftellda ... ~ ~ ~ ..... -...-'1M 91rtton ... __ tloiMIMI mar *'"· Jt Ia nunond UlM eter ----~ __ _.. 8 ,... ........... ..... A, ----·""-liMy lli'-4 1laiJcllq .. -.. S&ll7 -,_.., Refn·~att'on Plant •U.amln, tn ... --'-• a Pfkoe fill 11' -.... ....--. "-ftlldla. appuenUy __.. eond1Uofta ........ tt. . C'OIIUnuoua telt-IAW tM taw MSt1.ct ... lit.,.. U ...... 0.. ...... ...._ wM.,.. ...... ..... out ot the crouncl. .,.._ ..-·~" W¥11 tbe ltorm wu at· Ita 10 hnu~ we k--·d .rot .,._-..,..... ,.._., ......_ ._, Mn "-""' K,... .. _...... ..-tlliey were awfully bu-r aD Mr. and llllrw. 0 . c. llabcoc!k. wo~t on Tueeclay, wveral ol tM For Fish Storage . . ....... .. ........ _., .. -.. ~ ....._.. ", ..,... ct&7 y.tenlay, and appeared loathe Jr .. of Beverly RUl8 Mft boullat clty'a older Mttle~ took act.Ant· .,,_ ._.... ""., ..,, • ..,_ ....... n .....,. ----~ ..e a ......._. ._.. to ...... lhe tertue nelda for a tl.lh· thco beautiful home of llr. and age of the opportW\Ity to reeaU Commandf'r Pnllard and! u ,,....,, ~~ ,._.. .......... h* .._. ............ f'Ute w-...... ... -t.ertront. :."'·aWllllam H. )(uwd ellu ·.:-~ that one of lhe moat devutatlna Planned By Reed f'ri'W l .. t ,...r '""f'IVf'd a Moral t~rr _, ~ -.................. ~ ..... , .AIId, lnc:ldentally, I'm lnveeU· · ay avenue an w1 .......,. "blowe" In the hlatory of lhe ot . _ " C'anad••n Air t--or« rl~ lD •-.....,. pwu... ._ a -llr ...t lin K--,..... ,.uq a report lhat one of lhe lAin It u a IIUm.mn I"Mh'fttce. the Ha~ area oecun-ed Oft 8p«ial """"""'"' .... In Waalltl\ct-m•-"' to ... ,.... ....._ -..-, ,... :n. 1.. at 0.. M~• bllmpe wu -n tourinc Tht-Mexwella, wbo ba4 ,_.ded Wulllnrton'• birthday, liN, a· PlaN for Immediate enc!Ua. of for U..tr ,_.u.. of Brilltlb aM ,.... t...t ..,.. ,_ .,..._ .....,._ ..,.._ ..,._. roUow-. ....., ...., thoM eame bean fleld.l look· at lhe Harbor for a ftwnbtr of acUy 51 yean before. a IM.OOO retnrrraUon plant few A.m .. r1can n,..~ etrendf'd un k'll 11 .... ,........ 411ft. Marn-e~ 11, Kno;a tn..W 1w a tac for wbmartnn. the water yu.ra, rf'CenUy moved to Loll Aft· Like Tuetlday'e etorm, tb4; ear• rrcah flah, w•·re announcecl Ulta cap of OrMnland after u.er 1 "''•Ut Uw ..,. • .... 11111 a... ~ 14 lth dl .,..... .e...... ' "'eln where Mr. MuweU Ia a 11 ,.,_, Ilk 1 cam-u a m1 b B b a--o --~ 1 • • ,_, ' ' .,._,. • • a -., _...p. .. romlnent tent attorn. . er .... r f!W M ~ mo nf{ y n ·~ v_ .. .,., -plant'l bad cru~Md. HJe C'Wtt.-, ..... ( ._., ... 0 • .,. ......... ,.....,, .... r .. nu-.r ,_ -• • • P Th t pa U Y bandied IIOUth.euterly rale. 8o t.-mnc wu Newport lcf' and Cold 8torap wu lnetrumental ur ,....,... t1 twn ~on...-t-t ~ ..,. -yranr M 11 • ad et tM ,..._ AJ( E!Q:IIOI:'nC by ~ :~~ ~:~u oftlee In lhe onal&ugbt tbat 100 feet ot Co. American and !!',.... Bnutlb air-at N~ ....,._ _. a --!..,..._.._ _.. .. _Ue ~ ....aac:NTA~'I: Balboa 'OVMre tt wu .S.O report· lht' Newport pier wu tom out. Mr. Ref'd, who Ia today eoD-mt'n ~ July, 1f42 ~~ at ._. _ 11111 -"' at Nrbtaella ..... ,_ eal- lntn Oeorre Gordon. our reps d th t M d M Cbar1 dumptnr three frel«ht earw and r,.r1n« wll h L•,. A.ftC!tl8 rdr1pr· On a ,_,.nt rombat petrnl. Cotn· I for ....,..,metl-et U.. OltMII .. , ~.. -~~ to f'allfonata • reaentattve on the board of aup· R,. a r Pr. lann Pallnlad. ...~ a well·lt.oeked wa,.houh Into tbe 1\Uon lnterl'•l• pr1or to epplJllie mandfor f'ullard wu ~~ ..-Jaf~"' •• ....._._.. le ...,. •••• ._. wllll fM 22 ,_ *-· • · 0~""" o ac c a ea ..... off ehor• water 0~ of tbe tre to the WIT' J>rt1111ucUon Board for f ,.......... """ t >1 ..... ..,. -I · .. erYiaorw, kf'pt buey .all Lhe tl~~bou hi ~ ~-propen., .. • . -t.hfii tlui .JU M\101-AUUUL-.£UV ne .,... CL '~ ~· _,.. --............. t rnd>llf' ., ... akll\. f'oal'• ~~ atorm wu. r114flng. 20:\lt 8th t t, N-c-.....-Wii1iea ul\ore fOur-prior1tln, eal·~ '"" Olil, ftl' an l('f'·IOt'tc.ed o ...... nl•"" • rofhRIUns ....... ,c.. ... ·-.... ~,,., " ............... ~ ....... -·· to n-•~·red lhroU"'h the h&r· • ree near ~-...,·· wut and anot.htor c&mf' In off 23rd would pr•'''''"' hom from puatllftC lty by d•·hvtorln• 1,. t.hf'm ltlfo flrel _..... .~.oro..,. ,.,.1 Mar a ""ar ..., -•-..,... " Harbor Yacht club. It waa lndi· t t b t th thl d t h t ·t ,.,_,_.. tlh a · ~ ~ct and COli'• Mua _._ • ree . u ~ r wu no ,._ I e con• rue tnn ~v-" w fuel fnnd and mf'dtt'111 euppa.... ..._ .... ,, ... ,. .. , anti Mrw llftiJII ....., ' ~'R I•·rl lhllt tht' R~ wtll m-e cove d nUl 23 y a~ I ter when 1 1 t d I would be _,.,, ' I ' watdlllig for epou wher.-water h h 1 d h no u. r • · m n mum n "•Y .... thry had rf'l'f'IVf'd '" '""" ... .,.. HF.AI.Tll ......--.waATCOfll ,..., •ontv ""'"• "'""'.,.r ot U.. _ o.-tnr , .. _t IIOmAlhln"' c•ft t 1" I f' r yrar-aroun om!' __ .. eome unknown upbra va.l of the ••mm.-nt f'l'fuaal to rele... Uw! H,. mall('UVf't~ tbr SurtJllanct ·~t-nat ,..,.,.,110.. ....,t., aa .... •••1 rovy .... ~ .. ~·, Harry Aldrich ot Bun~~et ,....... dHp dA,..Iled It on ho-1 r1ala ··•··o!·h .,,,,_.. _.. ......_ •· " .~ ' ~ done ebout It h d lh Bell . ,,...... • ·~· ncct-•ary rna c · Lhmul(h lrf' parke •l fumlida'*' "'""•• _._ ~ --~ _, -._. 1-.arl 1(,.,, ntaltl'r .,..., a ,...., It'a nice to h~ve a euperviiiOr I h~" sf:"~~ rt eth ~~ Blnl'e SaturdAy nl~eht Ole rur· "Sincf' lh" t•lant would be for that lhf' ahlp r"'qulr•·,J l(e ti•Y•_ tn ,.,, .. ,,.,,\< .. .._ ,_ .... ,.,.,., .-.t v• An ... i .. A.e • .,.. wbo pt. out Into lhe fC&lr rathtr · ~ 1 b4' · : dl de by M Ro-rtnt etorm hu brought :'1 71 lnrh· 1 hr rxprl'llll pu,_ ot atorinr travl'l rr.o mu.-a Thura,&a.-~,~0,.,. al U. c-. ·~• '"•tur.. ,,1 'h" , ,.1.,bt'etl0ft, Ului touUnr bla feet In front :w n~e en an e ~. of ea of rainfall to the Harbor an~a, rr .. •h flllh, nn~ of our moet valu· Commendfor """""I ,. • ..,. 11, un• .,,.. t"TV.. arT•nc•<t • ""'• dta-IAnd 'nlompeon of the Jordall • accordln• to lhe "'au•e at Balt.o. Able food prc~lurte J do not eon· 1 tutlt " liot>lr ._.,-., ll'M t ..... t of tM nrepi.Ce! I fl .. .. .. • r apt•ln of I h .. ,... .. , "' N-llrod-:-; ' ............ _. .,. ·~ ..... ~ tr ... ,.....ofl. VUI -w-• • • ~. fire atatlon. The waeon'a total Ia l,.mplatr anv dltfleulty In weur· turd, f•lr f'IKhl ,..,...k• lu t IIJ•f1PI« • • .,,,_. ,.... K .. ,.lrrolatlrr and ,,._ ..,_.. 13 •• ch I lh -• ~ .. --... :-; '""'•"'-'"' II O An... ...... It 1 ·'" In u n comparieon wt lnfC fed,.rlll 11pprov... -r. ,._ Hla ra.mlly tv-ro• ''""'Pri.,.10 hi• wlf• ... ,,tn~ • ,...., nlal fM1a.. Dr .~..... wht<'h wu praUJ •"joJ· _ MQUEA.KY AND OOLA.&. 811J:D 10 U lnch.ee lhla time IMt 7ear. aald. M~ Jo'lurrn1.,. M l'•>llar•l. an<t a ..ot hy ,,. .. n•rtl"l'""'nte ·-Th I d I It ,_...._ I .,.,..1,,_,.., •1•...... U. _.... ,. •·-I rving "Squeaky" Oetae. wbo t' w n ve oc Y ave,....ed 30 210-T,. .._...I y1run• tlau-o.lrr, Elalnf' llanv tll«hiY·•-r•cJat~ ... , ... •-Ch I A. ,_ f II b " "" f " r • •• .,,,.,.., • ._... ,._ •• ,_ ,...... •• ... w ar ey r ..... our ormer • st·,·rral monUul aro N<:etved atat.e· m ea an our dur1nfC the wo~t The ret~thllahml'nt would haft -r• ,,., .. tv .. •1 ... w .. u u .,...,.,. llalt'n tackle man, In .santa Ana ~\'ltlr publicity U rellult Of t.be of Ole blow, allhou,h wdden JU8U a etor·•IC~' n or.-rlty ot 100 ton. Mt,a,W at ,...._ "h••h t._lt..., .. a bftfJ ..... •of ""'"""'ulalmy m"-«" tM other dey 8"Y1 he 1 jUAt loaft·l arnazln• ac~ompllalunenu ot b1a were conalderable above Ulla nr· And woul•l '>" stricU7 tor com· Thl' l·.c•l man • '.,.,,.,r In wer '""' •"'1 a •---• ~ tn a•.,llll•.,.. '" llr anti Mnt .__ d f bll Be " Mro t"'hu,_ t'alt.&. r~ -aroun or aw e · · · slv'pherd. malemute ...._ n..•-.. ure. mt-rrlaJ flah. thiMI _,..R_ a far .. bt•,;an F'f'b il. 11117. who-n lw ~ .... "'"' thrlr ttau ..... t .. re, ram· -...... •-.. 1 •---' h 'II be ...._, ..,.,_ t C ~ ... -•• ~.. ,..,,_ al"'• «"'" a ~Ural .._, "'" .,._., •-• n re.. ..~. e W!UI 01111 wet>k nam~ defendant A oeta -eaa the atonn yield· l't'ady oullrt tor •bol_. buy· h,. 'nii11V-d In lh .. nayy a t tho-_.., tl\' rn• or•hr•• on all•ndan,.• wrrot ....... _ .. ~ h s king of _ ... 3 37 1 ch """''•h•ofl ·of tt>t•tnc .... .,..y. -· ...,...,. er~ · · ·, pea I in a ault ukt ...... 200 .._ ___ . """ · n ee. wilh 10.33 for Lhe ··~ NrW"'lrt rlalttnr lnt.ereau nr l i , u •n •r•rr• nil•,. .... n."' '~•-, .• ,.,, f<n.,• Mr aft•l Mnr ..... R_ Jl D-t nf'W boat. ~ .. ..., -----,.. 111« II ftlti •f•t•·f ,,.. .... ,..• ..... .._.. ·-•· m u.rre 1 1 Complainant In the nit Ia T. eeuon. hnvr !IoniC Mlvorat.ed the loea· lnw""' 1"-lhl~ !'111vy rank I'J.oft l.a~·..-n Krw • ,.,.,, fr~mtly, BAI· Ire rotnr to be abo.ut the moat R. Merkham who cha--d lhat linn or •urh 11 plant he,. and hill '""'·h•rrcr. 84-vt 21 . IIIII, tw I·-• "t••tt• "'' ~InC _,.,.., f,.,. ..... l•h•n·l Mr-""'' M~ Ivan •-.__. lhl •a~ lhr ... to.•.,. .... .,.,.,.., 1ft a ·-IUIIfl e..,pn..... nf{a you v~ f'\'l'r eeen. laat May tO hl1 minor daupt.er, RAJlPER8 CLAIM P&OOIID It Ia bell('vl'd lhat It auc:lt Wf'N h•·ltl th•• rank ••f quart .. rmutrr 11(,.... Whtlll"' llr and M~. accordln, to advance , .. port. . . . 1 ~ .... t b _,11, .... __._... third d ... ul• • '"'" ,.,._ • ..,~ ...-.-.. -,.....,,.. ... wllh Bob Allen and Mar· ~verY Ann -arltham, wu ": While practically everyone In lht nvallablf', nrllt Y "~ _, ----~ thr •lrf•n••• ,. ••t.._. ,.,., .. Kr.,-,~ fanolly Vei~J41. and ;;,·~not over lltlee. but and eerioWily Injured by Oei.Ma ,Harbor dtatrict nur.ed a few W\· llahm,.nt. wnuld ~ loc:aJ17 • Hf! """'"•I t.hmu~r!l lh" war '111 At th• ,_,,..,. ,4 ,..,.1 .,.. .. Mre fttl'ttar•l Knn11 e n(l family ftabln I 0 po Wh •IOIC Markham further uat'rted I pIt •• a" t Lhou~rht.e coneemlnf f'IIUI{hl flah ((I ll!ppl)' lhelr com· th.r I ISH ('tiiiiiMnUHif8 •n·t ··~ .. ·-...... n . t .... ,...... ........ , .. , • nan.... ~ r .. u .. ,·. htaebul<t le OYer Ill " rtgun · · · t'U lhnl the dog wu not properl7 Tueeday'e downpour It remained "llluary n,...,,,. ln•t.ead of patrol\· T"""" A mrmt...r ••f th,. "'"'"11· ,.,._.., -'""It '" lh• •orrn••l '"'"" an-t ~.:k ~krli'1~~ ~aln« yo~n~ Kl•Rrdt•d or confined and t.b&t be for the Wayne H~rperw of 118 lzlniC conf'rrn• In SanDt..., or Ban ran '"''""'" •In•·,. 191'1. hfo h .. :.~ •;:: ';:~ .. ~ •:;: .. ,:.:: .,...,. ,.__ waa flnebl .. ''' att .. ftd b1a ute,t e; a : Y ·H · b H n I nttllrked the girl at Itt Cout I Abalone a venue to claim lhe fee· p,.tfro. u at pr~wnt. hl·,.n atrlll.lll,.d """h th .. s .... l'1•f1 .,... '"' .,.,, 111 1 •t w111wtl tu.w , ...... ulePalp AymR e,ld .ut Ilk 0 -' hiKhway, lnnlctlng a deep I'Uh ord of being "all wet." A a l'vl•lf'nr" "' Ole prime lmpor· Harbor fl<Wl elnr .. f',.bruary l ":t11 h• ..... , • C"'-..,.,.. "-wiU ATTr-'VaAI'If'W: naltWINO ... .-.u mtor wou n r one h ri_..t d .... _ Wh ~ H t f fl h •• ,.....,. Ooo-nator •T ... , ..... ,,.. ., .. ..._ ... _ .. Udo J.ae lady'• r.-port to pollee. O\'l'r t r A" eye an ea,_..c en -rw. al"pp'r recelvf'd anre o • ~ ""'"' .... I ,.,,.,,,t.tr '~ a..-. U.. .. •• ... ~ .... .. ........ .... De wanted to know ., It wun't hPr t n 1uffer ahock. He uked the unhappy newa t.hat her talh· t>f Fta¥rlu HArnld L. Jckea hu NEW M('lfP'.Of'll. h v<1ro,th• '•I·)· e...t -x .... y· ,,...,.1 1 -t·.,,....r TWrnlv f1uh" dan,.... Um t t h h d ri ~5000 for lhe lnjuriea and 1250 er w .. wrioually 111 et Colwn~ •••llrd"Upon thP n~tUon'e tlaJIInlf In· .. ...,,· ·~ .. '"'f'N(--:0 ,.,, ., .. 11~ .,..,11 ._._, .-.y .--.. .,.... m-t•n• wllh 11n .. v..--!r"*· ... _e .. 0 evacBua t 1trh born e u t n! ror medical treatment. Ohio, ahe and her dauctater' ,h .. try to rroourr more than nve "''" ,.., L&J> ..,. '"It potbh• rref""' ... •n•l with only u..< •• onn. rown • BY wa ~'•• ' I t ftlll __ .. ---11....... Du t I &101 • do"nlan!t ,,,.,.. tt _ ... _ rt.lirnt rapldly Bul abe wu Mra. Merle Vert~erw, prepared to bf lion pnunrt11 '' _ ..... ....., ,_, ll o ni"T'P n.. Th 1,..,.n. u. lnvft,.... • •I•Khl -. ... ,,.._ In a ,..._n« -?u: lh:~d p~f::~ly pe~:~: ADAMA FAMILY UNITED :;av~n:~.: ~e~=-~~~m.:dt;: ~ri:n: ;:,:~;\:u.: :::::..:: ~?:,kah~~n::":r..r:-~.:'"~1=!'';~~ ::•;w::, -;:~~ ~~~~:~;:~ ~.:, aate · Prll'tmuttr and M~ W . H. Santa Ana, lhe family oonUnutd nroduced Jut v•·llr. Of Utla amount, land l•ttlay annrnJnrrd • ,.,.... TAll P~ ...,..~ "' tt.r ...... rnln• JWt.,., Chait · · · AIIRm• a.nd dau(bter, Xrw. Ivan on to Loa Anrelee. AM million ~unli• would ba ehan· erhN1ulf' of opl'ratlroM_ RP«tnnilltf lu a l •11•...--u. ~ ,...,,mitt ... B,.lman. of 1120 CUff drive, are 0'\ Mancheatt r b o u 1 eva r d, nrled Into ran• and l ,UI,OOO,OOO Saturday th,. ... labll ... mntt ril I•''"', •tl ...,,P U.. ,..., a. _.. JtntariiUIII hav.. pnowntPd the currenUy enjoytnc a raunton wNt of Buena ,.rk, Mr. Harper pounde woulli be ..,W fi'IILII Mel operatf' the Cf)ff.., f4hnp fmm I "'C ""' '""' f....t.nd ....,_ taa .. 1 .. with a """' •P..•IIMr IIYW(em TX8-44t. nf!Weat motor mine· ~ to be completed by lhe South Cout Co., w1U co down Uw! waya nut Tueeday afternoon at t :IO o'eloclc tnatead of J8n Wrday noon u orig'lnall7 ac:htd· u.W. Jnclftnent wealher ot Ute pMt week wu given u rea.on for u.e polltponement. Mn1. How· ardl Platt wtll be lhe apouor. ·~1th two memberw now borne on reported t.b&t It wu lmpa.lble fi'OMn. a.m until i2 mldnljf?ll .. v .. rt dolly '"'"m • ,..,. ~~~-ol -...a wh>rfl will hP plart'ft In UN et rurloufh. to .-tbe rora4 or an7 lndics · eacept Motu1ay and from t p"' ,......-nur ,.....,,_. _.,.,.... ...,.... th-,...., ""'"""· iomnr,..w nlpl. M~. Belman"• huOaftcl, Ueut.. l ion of land tor mlle upon mtle. HDVICFA Fna DIPANT until miNUfht ••til feetu~ ntcttt ..-nta•l\-..., • ell w at fill. II• rami Wol,..n.,.r•: 1"1\alr· I J r • U..lmu, new down trom '11\etr ear ~ down repeated-P'un~raJ ltt'rvlr .... .,.. IMid ,.... •pedal• and abort ot:dl'~ -~ • ., ~ ...... C'tm ' I -,., 0... •nt•r1•tnm•nt C:tem· Pnrtland. Ore., on a t~y flu· ly, whereupon Mr. Harper and u-rdaJ In Banta ABe for UM aa. "We •~ adopllnr Ulta -~ f..__ .. ,,.. Manti ._ Je _.. Mlltt• • ._ ~lePd eome -~•· loup. A little tater the drele eon. Dtek, would pt out lJi Uw! f11nt dauf{ht,.r nf lhJ. and Jilnl. lllort order elli'Yt~ ....,.._ t.lw 11 tlfnre .._.. ,._ t a,a. le ,_t ettlAPrall\ln#nt 1"M w.-an•· wu joined by aMber .:lft·ln· rain and t.be IIUrT'OUndin~. Jake. Raymond w .lana. t• Crywt&J public .-me l'l """'and It and • p m will liar wtn1d l •-·· .,. ...... ., thf,m .. will .,. tnl· taw, Pvt. lteftnetb Crawford. puah .the vehicle to more .,llct 'Wt'nue, Bt~lht•• lalancS. Jnte,_t .,,. hoflt' lhf' •ffnr1 will .,. ~-,.._ tilttW ...., ..._ e. ,.,..,. In ~eiiOM. liter......,. vho Ia back In Oran~ count)' tO"Ound anct eonUnue on untn -at J'alrllavlltl ......,.. Cf'atul." aald ''Pinll,-acatt.. ,...,.,_ W1J.I ,...,..._ t' • -e. ttl LUI"-1,...,_ and "eokea" 'rom Chanute nerd. Dl., .... ..triklnr anotlltr aott .pot. ,.,... manac-r. . ,,. nrwt ....... , ...... 1&. .... '-FIDVP4. he Ia an IMt.nxtOr In ..... t m houni .,.. required to m.-tbe C11AJ1aD '1'0 MDI' wt.ktll a-aw.. .... a ..... 11 tow·• pa1'17 wlh ba bald llodMr'a Day Ia Ule aacOI\4 Slm· vork. Pvt. Crawtord't wtta ,.. t.rtp from lluta Aaa • Loa Aa-t eo.ta M-awa-.. fill 0... J'aUMr'a Day ta lhe Ualrd ._. ..-• at ... -I 1 .,._ al e-ta 11.-Wonaa~'a a.dl -• II&J. llcile IIi luta ..... ...... • ' ......,. &1D JM11t ..a .._., da:r 111 JUM. ,._ t a,a. • 6 .-, '-, ......... at 1:11 _......, ... ...... ,... ...... ~ ~YaM • pullllt'ltJ '-"'-,.,. ~· • m leues ront •....,. tMI ., lht• hal· tflnlliey, .. Onn ... -r?,nt, ..... thrt w._.,. .• ... r1 .... ....... t .. ea,.taa. ,. of ... II Wat 1:\, wh .. -· "" ""''"r w lllv,.,. •lrcnlu"''' . ._a ,,...,,., .. , .. Nw p ijl ... hu iWIIY ffl ....... lwlr· a.-"' .. 1 { ' • ' - ---~. -~ ~~~· .. -----·--... ----- -::o.--_.A... --- .... l'aur EbeiiHearsl Success By N; "'fttl IAad Ill Brt ~ ud OeGI wta.6cb bu bad INC-' • tbe N-Tork I •'-Jed lor a del'l If-bJ MrL Al"tbll ta A.Da at lbe ~· au~ 00 'nlure Mra. M~ took tb1 o1 u.e cbaracten wtucb a. a cbara.cle memben ot tb~ 1 an AmeriC&Il lamll up, to tbe prt~t dl pant povaUoll. A hiiiClbeoo wltb J ~ u dullrmAI aH.tee ot Meedamet '-rd. tfarry Wea.tt Hie_,.... ....... ~Y4 Ult ~ metUna II'J u.e president, De&ldu. prt'cedt<l t Tbe re&d!Dc ol u a.d II'J Mn. E. D. · ..... Ruthnfoni. lc ~oe Rea4. a AIUIUal Roll 01111 II Santa A One Niu EbeliD -.. ftW: IHI COl ..... ~ ~'I'll NOW: I -· ........... ............... MAN( Cll. Hear Man and Publh ., News, and Affairs, Te KIWA 8:30 * fltt4. .. ,,.. ...,. BEFORE YOt ·-- a.a .. 11 ,., ..... fiiGDifl LINCOLN'S JUSTICE .,__ M•••t .,w.-~ Ml I ..... ~ ... ~ 'l'oda7'l p8pW II No. U ol v-. · o..._ ol tM _._ .. _ ...... _ ......... a -• lila t. tM CaUton1Aa IW141 !V 1111 JOW' Mewpon..a.aGa ---· -.,. ,...__ ••-PI no ' .,., ft&ftd&J ....-. at Jf~ Beeda. -.,,..,. . . our J'OW'\.b ~ variety ot ...,._ frorrs wbkb it appt&la to ftl"iou8 IDdlftd. n OfftDe _. .,.-,_t a& •u OciMt •~ TelepbaM 1111 -.._ -~~.~a.uvenary ~ oo Marc* I. u ..... Go IDto &a.)' pubHc lUIJary of ayeqp eqw11 w' aac1 .,tend u 1 *• ..a&w , .. 11. lMO. at UM pclft orftce at wn.,.. -lteC'8 v•-v. oount tbe ~ ~g with the Ufe of P-'-.,__ Ncw,.t ...... ~ _.r u. Aet fll lilardll _!· 11Tt 1.onc bdUft u.r lauoch'nc o1 _ ... co-. _,_1 Ulc .,,_ we bad be<loiDe _. Phut. of bile JWD.Ubble ea.reer would ._.. to be co~..S. ...,.... .... • ' *• • Jf..,.n _._ .,. quwnted wltb u.e pn• ol New· One wouJd &NWDe that the mille of IJacolni•na had hem -______ ?<.:..~~---""-~..:._tr_o..;_/_rlt.r_'J',_~ __ ---:-pull Hart»or-iw beauUl\&.1 •tunc l'xhau.ated. Yet every year ........ _ aew baolla. _.,____ ..... __ Publlahe IJ<·lw~n bay ud oc...a, Jw -. . -.... • ..., __ ~ wa. .L ....,..u ;:., ~ ~ ::n and n Ll~·•llul climate an4 ste &DduRrW 18 UU. mao of bumble birth and uapret..Uou. Uvtac. Me W B. Jll1'aiiLUf Clr'NlaUOII uwl Ad .. rtJM~ vrv.~nty. A carcf\.11 NIWJ ol cannot CiiiUt WTftiD' aad ~ about h1m. lmmlpouat . ~ ~--Local Hew• EdJt.or lh· ..U..tuct more u.u verUW chi.ldrwa fraaa overweu kaow the 8to f Un ._ -._. __ Lh•• earlier •um&'-alld we -. h ry O COw --.wa-,.. ..._ U. ._ ~ a ......,., ot a-eraJ clrcula:rltl~ 1•1Jcd hcre wu U.. p&aee lew UM t Ul the .torte. of their OWD natloaal heroee. There Ia a ....._ ol U. ... 1n. 01un f/1 .Qrup Oou.!f =e~~~ puWicaUon ol a cJMa. 1!!!"1• &D-uniwraJit7 about him that bu appeared ill ao otber ,. __ &o ,..WI* all adaltl fll a.-DOCa-u•·1.en<1«nt ,....,.._,_ ,.,_ ure of biltory aiDce Jeeua. .. ~ON RATa: ____ IL cu:1Jiiel~nU)' dnot.ed to ~ ~ ,.,__ ......_.. ,_, •. tit 0rup OeuatJ, tJ.• ,_ ,..,.. <>ulllllldl o1 uranp County, 51.10 •naurul8 ol tbe CDINaUIUlJ all4l • ...,_ "-'meoW~ trait of Uacol.a'a cr-me. wu 1&18 --n11t hampered by a poUey lt&IIJCW-mgralaed ..._ of juatice. It 18 erroaeoWI to th.IDJr of true The Roanoke World-New• ...tvee thla cood ad\•ice: "To "'" tor tananclal prolil alaDe. Juatice u rellatJe.s and inflexible· it i8 Ubel . "·~-to •• 'J'bt' atory of tbe ~· ~ • a OD ,........., eat.imate a man'• IDcome, add hil bell1&ehinf to his wife's ~0~1J PI'OC',_ ._ wdl ~ to rqud lt.u .IDcompatible with MDtlmeat and mercy. IDdeed braclbaC anct··dhide by Ewo." uur rea4kn, wboM volutarJ the ~ fault of justice .U it Deeda muat be adi.a.UIII-.!dl ---• •upport hM made tlW powUl oo u &bitnet buiB aad in atrict accord wtth 1ep1 forma fte r«**tta War Lou it abouto•• Bat TIIK WAR IS NOTI Go buy Pother War Bond mel remember it' a Geo. Taylor at the OcMu Front Nubt -telephone 6 3 3. bqood MEATS 1Atioa C..paae V W X T ud ·z ue 9ood ao~bv.t V W ud X 'apln S.huday ~ht. HW1'J'I • Better pt buy oo that Victory Garden, even if you ::;·•b;r::'n~~ ~= ia Ita YWJ latlaibillty-it.s iDeap.clty to adapt lt8elf to the plaDt only a few row-. of oa.iolw-for the food authoritiM Llw pa~r wu cruUd a~ c .. of tbe IDdlvidual. Uncoin's ju8tiee wu not mawkiah nport a trwDedowl tbortale of tiUJ delectable v•t.s~. r~... mal line frandl.IM bJ tile DOr ~ __. cheap ~talttJ; but lt had that ele-..,_., .... _. ~ .. -t brio •-• .,. Pv•tuftlce Departm~nt GD t of b ' "110 ,..... ___ .. Front J.. ODe collliDiatator ub, "UUNU t u.a g oc-&1"8 ....., u . tiHO. It wu by dec:rM ot UM IDeD ...._.. aympathy and underwtaDdiag whieh en-• vcw- your e,e.? su~nor Court aciJudpd a lepJ &bled hba to--both aidetl of a queation ~t t.ue aad to -Hire'--• • 3 pvbll~tloft u -u tt -coald put blmeelf ID the place of the weak and errial. r fill Take your cho6ce. A Roceeveh partiaan aays the :,owtheco:'~~~rycom..a:::-~u. A tnle balan~ in justice requinw certain bule ehar-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~; G.O.P. has no nr.t crade pre.ideftti&l timber and that Steadily and conUnuouaiJ u.. ac~f'Wtb. It Ia incompatible wjth the erotJam which plac- F .D.R. will win in a walk. Wendell WWkie, who wanu to ,.~:culatlon and lnnuenee ot the l'B aell-iDt.en.t or pride of opinion in the forepound. It be the RepublicaA MIDiaet, M)'a t.be Democratic party 18 ~:-t,::.av~ar~~W ,:r-;,.;~ rc·1Wa-. 8elf detuhment-the ability to ataDd lMack aad faJ.Uaa aput. ('ll't'\llatlon ot any ne1Rp&per .. look at eftD ooe·· cue from the viewpoint of dWDt.nllt.ed-• th•· Nt'wport Hart»or ~-nC!JI. It nquiree mental intecrity that IICOI'Da 110pb.l.try th ..r than Ulat ~njoyed by any otb· and eelf~~....:. It ,_.,u.iree abo • all '"-,_ ..... _" 'Mte wnr bu opeaed thee~ of the world to e great ,.,. new•paper or-..nodlcaJ at &nJ --rwuu . .., . v... , uaw po..., WIIU'OII r ouibWUea of AJuka aDd it ill sale to predict that the um~ In the h._.t.ry of the ._ come. from the domiaation of the material nature by the t _,U jo be iDeM boo d recedeJlted in lnC't AdberenCt' to t.be poUq ol spiritual. """ " ell Y a•• m an unp • ru tnttnc all the new• tlW Ia nt Tboee h , fi d _ 1. &n populatioD wbeD peace come&. Prob&bly ~ to print ft'arleuty and lmpartJal· penon.a w o proaeaa to m parallela betweea : j)(.'(iOil\e tbc ...... pete eddhJ& &..Dft' llar to tbil flac.. .hu. ~ U.. ~ the.Jite. of.-I 'moo'• -aAd liM Iii~ of Jena may-note that"Uie ---• 1hl1 popuJanty. recorded lutaDces or eruptive wrath in both live. are a- •i1•and boppinc" method il workiq pretty w~U ... ~e::v: ~e~~~~ lremely ~. They may note ~r that neither the whlle Allif.-d ...Wtary leadera are ptting ready for the bag 1nuc~m Krvlee at lair rate& HIP Great Teacher por the Great Emancipator Ia recorded u '1 m tt· Pacific. Tbe late.t hope are putting American P,..•uno melhodc of Mlli~ cpa.ce havtnc .ladulced in outbursts merely u a reaeDtmalt . J The or lorclnl' It upon reluctant p&· .. _, .. _. __ , t ..... ___ but that '"--n1 Au:'ltr aUan to~ uneomfortably doee to apan. . tmNI hu not ~n towrat.ecl. and ..,....._ ..--ou rage or a~. ~ out- best "hop" of all wW be wbeD they land Oil the Nipponese th,. manaaemVIt bu aYOtckd u. bwwt.s wen ealled forth in both Uve. by outrapa ud arcbJpelaco. r~uee of KlliQC ".pedal ~ abaea of beJpleu humanity or vital priadplea. • to mulct the already over11urdcn-In a time w~n blatant ext.remi.at.s are eeeklng to a-rd buaine• man; nor 11M It .,.._... Muy poople. aotiDc the record·brea.ldrur nat.iooal in· ,.d advt'rtlatnc by u.e diareputabk proprtate tbe aame of Uncoln u a abelter for ace•e• ccae ud the aU·diDe h.lcb ot emp&oymenl\-broqbt about "tin-cup" method. Ttlat Wa poli· aptn.t law aad ,ovemment, it 18 wort.b while to remem- by war productloa. are W'ODCieriq why _the same condi-~e h:.~:::. ~!. 0:, ~ ber LiDcoln'o ~p~ exp.reaaion of an kSeaJ of aodal ju8Uce: tJou lltoald DOt CODtlaue under peace p~uction. '!be ana· 11 ~'1ctent from u.e lnc:NUlftC "Let not him . who &a ho.UMieoo ~ down the hou.ae of .,... Ia ... pie: War production· invoked ror the preaerva· volume of lecfUmate advertillna another; but let him work diligently aad build oae for him- tJoa of the naUoo'a fti"Y mat~. makee ao pmenae of ~;;";:1c:Y ~~pu=n •.,..--:= eel!, thuo bJ aample UOUI'ia& that bia own lhali be aafe ~~ feet. repr.enu a total Ia. from a f'tnanclaJ cerely ,.,.tetul. NaUonal A4wP: from YloleDce when built." poaat ot yjew; wbDe peace producUoo mu.st ~mala 80ivent u.en. too, alwa,. alert to wMt Compare it to the doctrinee of ellyY and c:la.M hatred --aau.t .... tta own wa• or quit bc•ota-1~ ~, ln .. ~ on tn ~A ~ and maUc;iouo destructiveneae that prof-s apollllee of .,-, # \II or d, naYe reeot'ft,_.. ...., .-.--u ___...,. h&... toda Co ft to tin.--t• J~adenblp until we now numtter P·"''i·-are preac .... y. mpare WR~ .all" 'nat~ • ciM.ennJDed to main'-'-bia _...,..... f :amonc our ~ patrGM lleekinf of tbe groupe and bloco aad factioaa who are _.... ..,......_., 0 auch weU ~ ~ u tM at 'rinl to --~-the t ol -'' '"-........t... PQtiDc food wbd .. ,... •• NJ to boacJ clown tbe eo.t of Sant r aoutJMnt Paetnc. uu.. " --.-IO"ei"DDDeel --w.. ,_.,.._a meuo ~ uc1 to bait ..dl.ti~JD, 1bota~IL.batla ~~ of COD· r"cl~ ::nd Pactnc l:lectrte rail· or enriching tiMe' partkuJar e~t at the apen• of the ,._ -.ed .--pnt.._.., ap""t peymeat of b-wayc : liMO Oil eo.. 0~ whole. Compare It wtth the 00,-m·the-man,er poUey of ..... u.e pr..W.tW ftto 111 TICI 8C&J'ed enoup .:.0. ·~~ =~ C:: the petty oaeo wbo reprd .uccaa u • crime and b~ ban ol tbe &o.t IDto r••.., thetr poeitJoD eo the' 1ep1 Gu eo .. 8anll ot Amt'r1ca. SoaU.· gain ~.Jr" attn:-t to oocletJ. .... HOME • .AUIO • MAIUNI R.ADIOI UPAIRID NAIUJa D.ZC'l711CIAN • 1111 Cout Hi9hway N'IWJIOIT HACH Elegant Gifts Diamonda • Jewelry Pearls • Watches • Clocks Silverware • Dresser. Sets .. ~ At H. R. Trott's Sycamore at Fifth Street SANTA ANA JllaoM 5618 two-third~ Yote to ~ride the veto wu DOt obtaiDed "m Calllom.la T~lepbone Co .• et a1 B~.UncoJD 1 admooitioG applieo to other Cteldo t.baa 'nUl .... the --rtcbt where it wu montbo ago. ~ \'1'~ .. ~; m:= o:,.:lt~ ~ aoclol . It 18 .. Ideal of .... juatice that oucht to fit -... wbole &rJU~Datt for food aubmdlee Ia bated on fraud and f'"ld dlv1ckrwt. to the t.upa~n it.lf to the et.llJsl aad moral ph&.llell of Ufe u weU. It it ;==:::;;;;:::;;;;=.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;;======::; BUY U. 8. WAR BONDS! cteo.ptioa. p.,mc put ot people'• croouy billa r th 1 of NC'WJIOrt ~ach.. Before thtc no greater crime in morals, alter all, to tear down anotbei'a ' . ......._, .__,_ .a~ --• ___.,._ ..... _ -t t llvirom buet ra~r t'ntered t.be fteld t.be eltJ ho1111e than to tear down aaother'a character. It ia no more ~ --.1 -..n. ..-..u.__ u.., ...,..., o ng, pn ltl anywb~re from 10 cent.c tol . . Ill be ...-.ly truulfen a put of the eo.t and lddo the additional more than one dollar per column ~~~er a form of ell~ that oovet.a a e ow . ing's ~ expiMI of ·a horde of admiaiotratora. Payinr aubaidiea anch for Mpl publlca Uona. but l'eSBlona than that which begrudps a fellow bei.ng'a happ-r(lm~uuon baa broucttt t.be prt« I ness adcla to the rapldJJ mouatJnc natlooal debt and thua aida, •lnwn to 20 ce~~ta. · ratber t.baa retard&, laflaUoo. Tbe peyment or cub doles " F-w .... ...._. ow IMalf Respect for the rights of others 18 the keynote in thia to dU.U would, however be a qhty fine lmplemeat for E\•t'n a brtel cwnmary of tM I Pimple but powetful apre.aion of oocial Juat.ice. The ri&'ht u.e tn the praid~Dt'o C:.U:pa~p for a fourth term. Pr~•· rowth would be tncom-to poeaeu one'• boU8e iD peace i.mpliee the aame n.ht to ----··----plt'tt' without m~ntlon of u..1 pouea one's 0~ aad beUefo in peace. Aad the ad· ntl'mben of our 1taff wt.o have I __ ;,; __ •-...a.... __ ... ......__ •"-"'"•ht -• "'"-other gw .. n thew Umt' anct talent~ 'to m........._. '"'~-.. remem~ uc ... A¥...W... MC.-TICIAN ~arol~ ~· <6rnuc l <!I ~ n pel • J "IV' Our Mlru tM Btttn' Serve b, ~ftg Otherc Bf.t." Speaking of "block buot.ei'a," if 80mething ill not don~ to dluipate the "bloc" idea in poUtica and government the American people wW 110011 be divided into conflicting groups aDd c:lu8ee rtpt at a t.ime wbea aatlonal unity ill moet -.tJal ror ,_,.. Concre-bu been brow-beaten by various orwant.d poupa like the farm bloc, the labor bloc. the oilver bloc, aad othen. Oa many occuiona when two or more of t.beee bloco were drawn together by their aelfiah cte.lreo they have been able to dominate the ~vemment. ~ preuure tactico of the bloc system have also been ued 1n .tate aad county poUtica, ud in aome cues t.he evil hu crept into city and acbool affairs. When a propoaal f'lr ~latlve eaactment or admlniatratlve action comee m&U It a readablto paper. Nell 1 man u 888uraaoe that one'a own right.a shall be "aafe Murbargrr. local t'dttor and writ-from violence'' appUeo with the same force to matter. of :;~'";~. t:;.U:~~k~M;:'~!:!: l politics and reup. aDd morality. ~HIIN& N•w~••n aa1 • 110 •"oADwAv, cosTA MUA huc.lt.l 1n tht' Harbor dl•tr1ct and ' J ustice, like charity, begina at home--its IIOW'Ce it t.be "::===============:-:~~===~ rore "" official body the queetion ahould not be "How -do the proponents rrpreaent !" but rather. kno\U t.ht-people, thrlr back-individual himaelf. ~. - ~>und and upiratlona. She bu 'd th f 11 b t build " rull-tlmt' Job. but rlnda 'Part' I Let us not tear own the o er e ow, u up hour~~ to ••ritt' abort •toi1H and uurselvee. lf'<'Cial artlclu for IUCh wt'U -----------------------lmown publlcatiOIUI u the Satur-•"EDERAL AID-WI'I'IIOVT 8TIUNG8 rt11 y li:venlnc P011t, ctuiltlan Sci· ,.._ CalttomJa f'•tw. llentee t•nrl' Monitor and w ... twa~. ber latrat acct'ptanc~ •Hp 1w 1 t h At the end of the war, all of the nation'• coac:entrat.ed rhf't'k I hll\'lng comt' from Nature production centera, ouddenJy ungeared, will require federal ~hguln,., Waahtncton. D. C. · tan · ..__ Calif --f th _ __. Sut' Hitchman·• regular ft'ature. assts ce m eome ....... """'. onua, aceae o e a.uu." ' "Along Ult' Watulront." 11 popu·j tntcnsified war effort, certainly will need it, for the prob- 111' with rt"lld<'n at homt' and 1 lem here involvee the reemployment and rediatributlon of &bmad Pacltac Motor Boat lt'ad· . . -L '"--"-in tun ang publlratlon In ll8 flrld ~ the I nearly a rrullioa more wo .... en UlAU were ucre lii"''IV. w ... t ("(I!Uit. rt'Ct'ntly ravt' her Mainly they are oewcomen from other .tate.. Carpet., Ruqs and Upholstering CL8A .• BD A COWI'I.&TI Ulfl or ~LDDR CDVERING8 JOA YOUR JliQUIUMBNTS LUDLUII c•••n-WORBI lAilTA ANA 1622 S. Wain St. t·,, · . x..:led action in bar. ony vt'ith the fundamental l.tW o( th • land &Dd for the best interest.. or all the peo- ple r· Likewt.e, candida tea for public office should be juclpd on their ability ud integrity and not on their loy· at~ to oertaia .atl8h poupo. rolumn In the Prea • compll· Hustling to meet their wartime acbeduleo by day, bua-;::==~r================:=-.:=:;; ml'ntnrv boollt. . ____ ., ___ _ T N. !"Brick") Gains. wtth anessm~n are IJIDI awake nqht.a planning the practical hi• down-t~a.rUI "Brick Duct" ~rogram which wW enable the .tate to confroat the peat· t'olutpn, 11 a ,.t'leran reporUr of eat tuk in tta blltorJ, md Uck it. For CaUfornla, wtth a lht' Loe An,.ele~~ 'nme~~ and tiM . Waahl.nctoa'• birthday reminded WI or the wholeeome Sllllta Ana ~rtcter, and hu been h~atory of inde~ behind it. wanta to 110m ita own advice lfveD by the Father of H18 Country in hla aecond wi th u.. Prt'M trom the •tart. problems, make tt.o own deciaiona, control its own deotinJ blaqural aud farewell ~. Tba. wbo aay that w. KH MAxwell'• weekly tdl· inaofa.r u poeaible. J'ederal aid will aurely be needed here- ha ~"-"~ ... ,_.__ d toriall on Ullll'.ly I'Ubj«U an en-. uUed f W••'-1 .. _...,.., aaodlnt illftlltioGo ve a~ ..,_t.aUce &D put all JoYt'd by many noaden . but federal &ld without .trinp p rom -.w... humaDitJ In "one world". ahould read theee enlightening The work of Mn. B. N. Loun•· Commenting oa the broadeaing daapr of tn.ar.ucn.tlc: .tate papera to pt a revived latere.t in pauine American· t:. .. rry on C'lrt'ulatlon a.nd adVer· control growing out ot federal invutoa of .Ute aDd loeaJ -._ ~ of W ........ _....... ,__ f d tistnc hu bt't'n ont' of th~ ~-. . •~ Co CONRAD SHOOK CONT.-ACTOR AND BUILDER COM~L.I[TK •un,OINIJ 8£RVIC:E ~HDI'Oa HIIWII'O•T 10:14.1 ••• ......... ...... ... 0 . 8 010 2 01 •• L.DA I.I..ANO, CALi r . fiiiD. &-... ., .. ote __.._. .. I P-wu or WI to avoi J'f'r'• moet \'aluable a.rt.c. f1elda, the Califonaia Chamber'• Pa.t-war ~omJca m- •-eat&D«~JDI amaa~ with European potrei'B aad to re-In Uw ml'cllaniC'al department-mittee hu thia to ay: "It Ia eeeential that rovemment re-~==~~==~==~~;~~~~~~~~~~ tra1D from becom'nl embroiled ln the hatreda and qUUTela which. after all, put. tht' pa~r !rain from uy":'acdYltJ Ia bt•liaeoa or induatry wbea ·it : _ .. ,.,_. W , ... Y--'-f the •-•---' •u.-A-in I I toplb.er and pnnt.c It In approv. · Tbe of tbe VIY or--. &II ,_ o au\.Cnuu COD&IIIC'-.. ta Y ,.d modrrn .t,...._.rt~ Ovtrton K . can be aucceaatullJ conducted by private eoterprt.e. aDd tJae Balha countn.; the Ruaao-Polioh border diapute, Muwt'll. operator of the type-very eaence of oar et.Watioa it that there be placed OD the._... of BrttaiD to repo e Boqkonr: the plight of '"tu~ muhlne. and H. c. t.oun. the individual oa17 that decree of reltralat which ahaU --•--..a ·~ __ ......., • ,.--,~, _ _._, __ __..,__ in bt'rrv. boel prtnter. 8tnotot1Pft' '"-"•h of • ..._ th •-; .._ _._ "or ~aa.una~ ._ • .........._.........,ut and p~an. The abOlty and loJ· prevent hit enCI"'OII'hment Oil UM: •• t.a o-.--. WIre- ~ ud tbe world llltuatloll la ~ral. we are fearfully alty of our abop pereonne1 ba,. lca.sin& the utma.t IDdJvldual initiative in every proper dl· ........... a.o. far tlae ptermnent ol the United Statea f'nabled the paper to ~ to pre. rectiOil." ~~~~ to p ID tl7lll to clid.at. the Mttlemeat of U... ;.,:me .... ,. wMk tor four ·That, we belitft. repi"Meelta the ceMral optaioo of old flllat8. ad tiM wllollt 'r ~tie world jola banda to So ""~ tru~t our trwnda and Americana: that QDCbeeked govenuDeat iDt.na.ioD mu.t re- w.k tiM ltnft~Wtold fll Jllct!« Hitler oa a pro.trate pam-wtll not bl.am. u. for I'Ult in eventual ~t cotrol Tboee are the .trlap t:O.·r~me nn'Y to -. ..... ...._lion over to Dictator bJ"aa'C1~ on our lourtll btrt.llday, suit in eventual ~t cootrol Tlla. are ~ .trlap . -.. ; bda "·b ! for the e,..tt an belonp to tbem ·-·--StaMa f ...,.. O••• .... -1..-... . • t au.r.. AJC'D lln'CR. that crew into .,.. to bmd the una111t. .. • ' _--~ - Far Buldilll IIIII _.g lnfannation Ill I llu11llerDa. WAL'III L utell, O...r ••••oaY •••c• ........ ....._ ...... ~ '"••• 1110 ... we -.-w , . • r UCIMIID 101. man 111m A11r ...... .. UUJICL .. o.,-..--... 11-.qhWic. ••'mLII~IIr 302 ....... Balboe 11 Let Jack Do It " ROSSI CAFE o.-... _ ra •• rood c.r .. ·•h PASSPORT PHOTOS 1 Hour Service • 0,. t:• A. II.· 1:1 t P. II. I, I'D lUI MACK 'S PENNY ARCADE -· JleMADf.,...... ~ ....... , BAI.BOA .• •• ..__ ........ t.::.; ':lt ..... l ... Ill -tea.~) Ill ... u.. u.....,. ~ forlltwd by a O'eCIOI'II ot M 1:1111 ec, In ~ elecUaa ......... forec-ut u.. elecUoe ot All II. Lancion.. n wu .,...._, la enw. Publk ~ la the ~ e\·aporatect, Uld UtM ~ ..... &.in. folded up. eun-u,, u.. Rea6tn' nep.&. "'llh ~ ot ,...,.. .. ~ a blued re&cUoa ot ~tam,... &r)' ClpUUoa and ot poUUc:al Ut.- "rature. 'l'b18 poc:k!t ........., ~ader Ia lt. n.&d fat OYW 10 Y'-'&ra, au.. held ltalt out .. u OOJ«Uve COftdaPNIUoe ot U1Jc:Jee llltd booU of Cacnl laca.t. 11&11 no ot.ber •nnowaced ecli't.onal poucy. However, lA U.. &Mt four or 11\e ~ at a ~t taat It haa ... ed&t.onal poUq oa bolla Ia· tenwaUCIDal Uld ~ poUU· cal t..uea, and Uaat ita policy bM been and 18 preJUdicad ~ 1M ~tiOD.. No otljeeUoe caa. M ftl6ced acamat any joumal WIUcll at~ l_,pla to uanc.ac. paiiUe op6Aioa by ~U)' Uld OfeAlJ daclartQc lla edlt.onal ~ Uld ...... But .,., cr-t crt~ --...... . elJH qainat a aaacua.-wileD lt mu. re.,_t.ataa. ot a.par.. U&Ut}' to Ulae pulaUc. W1 lt. NU poiJcy 18 ltJ4da la artt\11 prop- q-anda.. A rKent e11"7 lato a pollucal matter bJ 1M ~ Dlceet coruuatt'd of an utJde la U.. 0. c•·mbt-r. 1H3 '-ue by Beljator l:JuUt'r tR. Nebr.) attad&illc tiM go,·ernment'a coeduc:t o1. atta.tr. I •t•D ••• ,....., alfJae ...... lhorll&Uve IIClW'Ce8 abow knator l:JutJn·• ftcure-to be falae 4114 m lllf'adinc. Contr&1'7 to polky on Otht'f IIUbjecta, lJw R.eaderw' Dt· &"•·at baa print.tod no &rt.lde p- t>nlJn&' the adminlatraUcle'l paai· I wn. Tbe Readrnf Dtcat follow· e-.J 1t up with another article by St•natur BulJtor la the J"~. 1944 .__ ThJ& 11 oot the ~ nr.t ume tiM Readera' Die-t bu attempt.cl to tak.-atdes poUUcally. 1D lHO, tiM I 'T'Mrident wu oonholltH by a fa lw 1-.l' ~•11 ~ bJ many who oeteMiibiJ oppc-.cs a Wrd tt'nn.. "i'' AMERICAN. HEROES U..aiat ilo •ld .. lr frOtt• • ~ hit be .. t-Ia Italy, Lt J.,.,.l•lt R. ~ iAft.., Nno Yeri., llruUIPd •• kltti die -~I lnow aftH lu IM4'11ui-hod jelltmf'd. t nabla 1e k.t doe will4 IW• .. •rf' ..., th• •k.J. ~ •• *-"" t.Mit holo aloe pi•• .. lladp .. "•und.-d 111le1 ... a ........ lod1y IAadiaa ..tel,_ 0..'1 - , • ., '-~ -..... r ..... -8., Morw 1rar S.ndo. . no: noii'I'INo <110tJOHAN8 I"'.,.--;;: &EOI1BHTA110N Two 80118 and OM IOft·ln·la~· RIUN08 In the eervloe Ia Ule rKord of I Thr more ~ovcmlttt•nt r•·C'ula- Mr. and Mra. J-Cro~~&b&Jl. llton tht'rt• Ia Ute mon· ll&t'll1!1ca IOe W. Central avenue, Balboa. liw ~o\·crnment m uat llt't up to Tbe Croupan'a elder 80n,j Claire, recently rectolved h~ oom -• I& I ry out Ute re¥'UIIIUl'r~. n ua miMion u eMign In Ute Navy •:uultJ JH;em ~o bt • prOJXlllllUln and Ia now &<•rvine with Ule ord-•iu•lc aintllar to Ul ... ,. tru~ nanoe dlvlalon, Fort Schuyler, N. 1. h o.:h lht~ a!illt',. ol Ulll l>cdara· \'. Hla you~tr b"llher. Jack. re.· •tovn uf Jndepe1ule .. 11 t"""""* .. ..,., ... cenUy returned to lh•· State• 1 1-1Jcnt." H It Ia ll4lt M·lt -cvhkllt, from lbe HawaUan Jalandl whcrc li .,hlnn• at what h•u happ..n"t.l he had put In a year with Ule 111 uua country In the Jut 10 neet and had r~n to Ule raUnc l . .:a u~hl to bt prove .. nuugh tof quart .. rmaater aecond claM, lk'· 1 .ac 11101., ,., htlluM lhcr.- cauae or hia appar<>nt ablliUc~ ~c 1,, , ltii..S the 0:.. r. ~ulallnJI hu been eeiKted for V-12 Na1y ••!-( llf't<•s , lbe mor.-llk•quallllu tra.lnlne at Ric.-lMlltute. Houa· Jil l n ... ~ lnJuaUcca ••·•ull Thaa ton. Tex., and upon auccc·uful l""~uun ula y not l>t• 80 a<!IC· complellon of lh.-courae will be 't..acnt. but we bth•·'·" It to bt' t'llgib~ Cor a romnalulon Elvin Brown, the eon-an-law, la! trul!. aervlnJ wllh the Navy aboard a .tua II Uae ~~~~ why wc t•rul~~er aomewh.-re ov~treeu Ht> Jre~&d a.ny furtbu drvdopmcnl ut holda Ult' rate of aeaman aecond r,·l llll('nl&Uun. We lu1uw at ~ llu· ca... J>UNiblt' lo ~~et \&II 1011d m&lntatn Uw 2,200 aJpbabeUcaJ &et!nCit!a we 1'1lt. ~ "DO U11rc1 term" PIIOMOT'ED '1'0 M.UO& t.\Ho, Wide.IJ 1-.d by ~ Jack C. Htllla, J US Diamond av.-. • pohllctana durinc the camp&Jcu. nue, Balboa bland, hu ~n pio- lol -----............. _______ .. ,.. .. ,.F raptu~ the trnacs-UGe ot the moled Crom lh.e rank of captain now bave without havlq lnJua- llet', tn...qualUy &Dd cuntualon. We have bad U\('m and bave Mel! na,·ang Ulem Cor 10 )'C&l'll, and "Ill continue to hal'e lh~m 80 fun~ u Wl' c.:onUnur t.o center .u IIIILil)' controla In Wubln,.t.on. I'BOrUSIONAL CARDS edato,. of the Reeden' Dtc-t. to Ulat or major, act"nrdlng to an Dr. G. E. Tohill PBY8ICIAH an4 8UROD>N -<W • .. o!WII ~~~~ ,, I !1: and 10 cia,.. bef~ tM eleeUoll &llllounct'mtnt from tht' Army Air in tbe NOYember lNO a-, on F'orcea Wl'at Cout Training Com· Pll«P 18 and on pll&'lt lOS. under mand. Major Hlllla. who Ia a the Ullcc-''Democracy at tiM cr-~raduat.-or Santa Ana High RDadl !", wen ,....... * 111art ecbool, att-..cs lbe Unlvenlty of •f'I'IIMD'-....a-t tat. tJdrtl term. So\lu.tm California and wu tor ~ot a llinc'e .c.atement appeared many yeara uenrlatl'd with th•• · on lhat ..._ M any otller, wbJdl Diamond W 11lnut Co. "'" IU<IIh<tauH 1 ad•·anel"d the ~ment that a advf'rtlalng manAgrr and com· th1rd tl'nn waa pros-r und4'r ex-1 mer<'lal pilot A ft••r ~-trR.-tuatln~t ;:========------1 tnnr.hnary condJtJona. A few 1 Crom thr Air CorJMI ExtRm•lnn Obed Lucas :,•Jan later Uae Amerlcua people tcbool at Lone Beach. be enter- om.. ----: .... U • -· ..a N..,..n I Dr. " 111•••1 thf' qunllon at the polla. ,.d thf' Army-Air For<'r In Janu- DENTIST In thf' field of ll\lbveniYe prop-ary. 1942 He Ia now IUial•tRnl • ,.~ w. V..&ral '""'- ~-.oaT llf: \C'JI 1 'lR""nda. Ow edlt.ortal polk}' ol the OJX•rattonl! and f'n~lnro•r ntricer ..... 'I ~Nit Ia ~ ~ COGPP"'h dNa at Or~c County Army Air· '1 In Ita Mardl, lto --. u.an drome. wu publllllecl • etW' NUCla ol a bnt._u.r, OOO.t ot U.. Hlpt" WINS PIIOMOTION DR. C. J. CARTER I bJ Jan ValUD. 'nll8 wu u •· ftec:ejvJnr Ulf' eongratulallnna ~ of eonun-a.t acth1ty. At of fr1enda on hla promotion to that Ume 147,000 oop6N ol tiM capta.ln I• H.e nry C . DoWton nf 162 book bad beeB -'4. ....... More regulation mcallJI "II' licit'• and more l'l'glmentaUon. lt meana more untaa.r-. It 11~11na more op~llt7 for po- 1111• a l by-play. It me&llJI mon! 1 ... a k•·• aut! murc hard feellnra. 1 •n tup of thiH •• Ute potnt Ulat •n1 •' t'lllabJiah".J R federal &&•ncy " "·•• d tu g••t 111.1 of. MIJ'hty few 1( tht•rn A;O 11111 uf bualne. Of 1 h• I' hWil IU'•'41r<1. In 8llllle ID· ·Uil.l'•'" tw &);t n• y hu been dta- ... t. 1•tl unly t•1 n appear In an· villi r form. It LAkM a llr'olll· !lrl'l l•·-1 ron.cr• u to wtlblltand :h., puundlntt l•f lhouaancJ. of •N.t ·ral .. rflce-hnldo-,. 'nlere t.a a 1fm1t "h11 h If Mltl\tned wall mean lhl' hnllln• •• r•r l"'"'t'r bu lhlflf'd to th.· .. rcu·•··h"l•l•·ra, and wr will hR\ •· th••m nn ultr bal'ka fmm nllW "Under . o.-r" -Jolul •-VIa Undine, Lido tal~. r apt. Ood· v1 --~ ..on, who Ia connectf'd wllh t.M orr. Pbo;w 1529 Cut.nn. a current bat lleDa-wttll aupply aectlon of Ute WP!It Cout 1 \\'hal the.' l'uunlry need!!, Wt' be- ~ Plat.-. a Sf'l'dalty •-Jlllllea•-•,..•rtl"' M\'4~ c-ta ,...,.. II rf'OOI'd ol. aalft .-rly t.brM Tra.lnlnft CommRnd at R~tnlR Ana. lilt>\'•' . .,, "" IIIII< r~f1menlatlnn u ltnll'll lhat of ''Out of the N'tpt"l .,nltrrd lhe Army llhcorlly atlrr 1 .. ,~Hhl•·. wol h thf ~termination "nd An expoee of faact.t ·~~-h•a vlng l<'hool In 11!:13 nnd wnrkl'll '" •'•1 ""'"'' "'olh~IW'h Item of It Dr. M. D. Cr·a \\·f urd lh17.••1'11 an u s. public life, h~t ' up lhrouch lhP rnlllll<-ri rank• tiJ '"' toiiH'klv "" fh• rra.l fle('d for It "· ••n rnn•ll'nlf'd by Ole DIJMt. e 1 lhP ~radf' of WArrant officer, &It· hru; puMd. OPTOM&Tai8T ••htnn1 hA\'e not announced that I o•r whlrh hi' a ttendNI Officer C an· ,., o(' nnwh r•'l!lllll'nlatlon meana lhA bt>ok 1• unava.llable for oon-dldatr lll'h~V•l and wnlt rnmrnh!· '" 1 d <m•hlr ''"'' · party control, •l•m•~tllnn. lllnnf'd In .lunr tP42 H .. w1111 a '"'' ulllnonlo· ~lot ~'HY La Habra t,_ l:umlllf'CI Oaa-Fltt.HI H tho• Ruden' Dl,eet becomeal former rr11ldent nf Colton StRr ~ nl,.rt t<• publir erlllclam now, and · p,_,. 2t30 nl>Pnoluns Ill! blu . or elae openly r===::..-----:---:;;l!illl~l!~ 1m N.,..port P.ouleYIU'd <'.~ ... •,u r s ita "'al editorial poHcy 1 CXN!ITA IIUA ,., rnn(Nt\'l'nlhtl IIUbjecta. It J)rob- nbh· ran hold Ita place In the .,... JlfKW UK'ATIOS .... ..-...... • ._ ~7. Mf'4lc:al ~ ......... ~. _...,. 'l'llerafJJ 8peda1 Trf'atm,.nls '"' ~t and Und('f"'l'lghl •••• •art-ahem <1111.DIIF.S BrT IIY 0008 A I' IliOn Paud. 13. 481 Santa nn A\'f'nllr. "'U On P'r1daJ f'e• f""rl•·•llv btl by a malemute-i~Mp­ h .. r<l ~ ownl"d bJ Jrvtq Or1eee . fit!\ CnMt hta'IW&J. 'n.e attadl 11M'Urred nf'ar the ~ .tor. at ~00 Cout hlpway. pollee wen lnCormf'd The doc wu placed Ull• tt.•r quaMlnlln~ for 10 eta,-and a l rum11tl notice wu terYed on Orteee I tn lta .. r .. a tlf'r reatra.ln Uw anlrn&l. • ).frs. K.. M. W~pl. lOll W.' ~=============~ flrf'lln Front. reported to poHce , ZoDI fterapUt Spectalt.at : thnt hf'r d~tnght~r. Cyllt.hla. bad I !Fz•zt y..-u...n-.,. ... n btl by an aJredale or ah~ I,A-MIII llilR--1 ,In~ lllUif'rtl'dly owned bj A. L. Raahop. 813 W. 0antn1 &YWI\11, Ual' attack occu~ at Ill W.j ()('ran Front The doc wu qual'• I anttnf'd. .....,. c-ut .. ..., -...,.ot .... A.....aBt ,.,.. ~ 10 ,_,. llltperience •n cr.uac larJ'e and Gn&Jl I A.NDIAL8 .80•8DOfO-BAT11J1'110 u :c.A.L NOI'ICE ... WIEPDIO -J CUPPI.'IIO Rnnt EDrnt LOU . cuatom rer· Dr. S. M. WALKEROINE ,,.1rr :"<> 21 A~. wu pure~ , ... OMIUt ILitlwaJ , ., f'.,brulllry e. tt44, by JNn L. Ool'ofta Del Kar ~11tn., •·aln, Jr., of Ut LAVI'me ....._ )'f.-.rpcwf 24M :w,.nue. Lone Baadl. c.llf., froee ~=~~~~~~====~· nn.-1 c.lfllr of all ~ u of : lh:tt dat.e Harold L .Johnson a.oc-wnw s.,. ...... for Auto, Ho•"· Boat• ~-... ·-tMBaJ A '1 1111111 q;atn.t t.hla boat pr1o~ •n r .. bruary •. , .... lbould be 1 ,.. .. , ntl"d to and ooDfl!tt'd from Rr·~ ·rt M. ~ of 41 I Maple 1 tr ... t. ~-Calif., and Orvtn \'r~.~!lrMI Of 221 .........,atJ'Mt. ~==":-:•:'PO'=rt===Pti:DOM:::::ao=== Dr~'a, Callf. = 1 81~"'<1: p,.. Jf:A!"f L. 8AIN8PAJlf.Jil. a-t ,..u.. al tM ............. _ .... I Pu~ ..... IT, M, 11M ' C/.1 l•__,"..,_ -, ·•'i~Ah~rmt'n'" ('o\'t-' Offlrialll' O}wnt'd \lith Gala Party l~ltkla \'a.:hl 1-:lubbna on S&t· uruay •'•·1.-brated Ul• .. -·· '1'-'nlrl,l uf Ft.bPrm an'a Cow , u.a l(~tla party aleu naarktn« the rt ... t dub ruu,•taon at .)'·.tu.:h the n- mrmaa•·r, R11y Randolph, baa of· , ........ d. t.t,1ro· th•u• 100 JH'.-.ona ~~~o•ere In 111rn.ta111·i· ami Cn•m all reporta lht' aftuu ""' hl.hly ll\ll'l'.-1\il. """'"IC_th~~· 111,1•'•1 In ua .. lfl'OU~ fllllkln.: nu•t ry W<'n· C<~mm .. dore 1\thl Mra Mark Heal;v, J\<'ar Corn· tlh>olurt• and Mra Bob lloyd. .~)Ht \ 'IIJ'Iatn .. n·d M.... Jack 0...-ne, Sltlff C'1unnin,1nrf' an•l M,. F......S lhanlt·. llr and Mra. Jo'N'd llatbtr. Mr and Mra Earl Young and l~tr ~···•t•. Dr an!l w... ctlu . V. Vouahty: Mr and M,. Don f't!d .. ,..n and th•lr au--ta. ~r. and Mra Jeannt' Wllllana. Com-a... .lnhn Dllhndar. tl8N, ~h·nnan Dill· lndPr. M,. MlldN-d C'hapman. Man an B o u r b • a u. and o.n. Bauab. Mayor and Ml"ll C"')'&Jl Hall and jt'lto•ala. Mr U 1l w... John !11\"Whall of Aurora. UL. CoL ~d Mr~ 'narunu f' Atlllnaon and Lt I'Vnald Hall. M,. .J. F Boalo and jt\Jrala. Lt and w... S tanley f'hn •tophl'r, USN: MIN Barbara Mrlr•lt. Mr &n•l w... JamN 1:1· llaon and a-ue•ta. Mr. an11 M,., r H..rht•rl• and Mr antt w... Bob lfo'nlry. nr and Mra H <'L Lind· ~"Y and ~turata, C'11pt R M Pat· lri'Wln anti C'nrJl J!'...t Jnhn110n. hnth nf lhf' U 8 Marine C"nfl'!l, ltrllt Mnt fllhbll; Mr an.t Mr~ F M Bank• ami ala jt'\Jf'ata: Mr aratt Mra. A R Rlch•l"daou ""'' lf'\Jf'ltl, Mr and Mr11. Whit~; Mr~ Ju11nlta Fll'tt"hn and H R Rl\rcua ami tho•lr jt'l.ll'ala, Mr and lniNia. Mr ~tnd Mra Rl<'hard M~trk••ll ""'' Mr anol Ml"' HIU"'O4,J l~ttmpbf-11 Vl'lma Barbfor: w ... I ~~n•tl Hop.· and lf\ll'llla, Mr. and .. ,. Art Glbbe; Mr and Mra lnhra WJ1 .. 1n And daua'ltPr, M ... ~·lith WIIMon ("ubforly and 100n llmmv tr , Or11tjra c-arlton and .. n•• ~u.#O•t . A Ill" M ,.,..,. and M .-ad.amN L. f\ '1-\'ho'rlrr. l rs C'hllndlf'r Tf'll Kw hrl If r \\'t,...mann, W R Mrtr alf, I! T Row, Dick Pt\11· t1p1 and JOf' C"nmmnna OHIO GOVERNOR ASKS NOMINATION J l 1UN W DRH'KER C lhtu'" lhr<·""'t"nn l>t"''~'mor. whu hu mRolo· a aplo•nol~tl ro•cord Cor bu•nu·•~ •ulmlnlalrtil 11111 ~tnd turn- '"" th•l11 11 11 lltfll llll'll iU..-., II a "' rllllli: I'Ont••rl!ll'r ff11 llw R.:jlJJUh· 111'1111 n"nolnatlun fnr pro•aldPnl H1• II lln Olllltf>ok•'ll 111n11 nn11 iull l'lllllljtRIInn o r llw No·w l h•KI wlnlo lho• ltJIJIInUI"• of RtMtllt•\'t•lt'a UJ>JH>· I. RFA 'fiKU t 'AT C 'fii,I.F.C TIIIN Wo•ll m•t•r " lull ur llltiVIlll'f' Cat wu '''•lh••·t•·•t Kr!d lurT~Ht In ttur- lng lh•• month u( ,lttiiiiRr:V hy I hllfi~•·WI\'•'11 tot 01' .!'J""'I'"rl lf•r · hur (',,,.,., M•·•• atrl•n, If """" ,. •• V••ltl••ll lhla WN•k hy Wf'JI OJfrl , lit lit r If I h•· t .. tlll nm••unt r·,.,.t 1t M• ", turn•••l 111 lhf\4 l"•un•lll Hal hun IMhuut IU~•!• , ... un•ltt ~ ......... J>Ort, 296. lln•l Jlalho11, 247 llaell ... odacb at Reed's lapel' Service 2920 We11 Central Newpo rt Mtnlae And BalLo a B11lboa hland TAKE HER TO • Pap I We Need l~oo USBDCABS ~cz ~B--A'I' OKCEI ('I ILBERTSON CHEVROI .. ET CO. I 802 Ocean Phom• 818 II untln~ton Beaeb Ym~ .............. ...... ........... "MEET YOUB •••••• OVIR It I C A IVERY FRIDAY AT 9 P N Tbla PfOQfiiD ll put OD by Hall Bro. ... ;la:.en ot lh ..... - AU.WA •• ..... r Canla •••-...... Y TOUft DULIR NEWPORT SOUYENJr AND GIFT - * At thi' ll.:111k, reolton and other~ find on effic i~nt, prompt, depeftdoW. eacrow aerviu. Jh~ neoreat bronct. wekomea the oppot1Uftlty of.,._,... 5000 cars junked taday !...._. U&ltl JO FUU ..... s•u 80JOI ttl ... YOII SARIUAII AIAIIIf MANY rrurlt think thatttla .,.,..,..,, ,, ...... t •• ..,Oflf'r 1~,. 1-drlvln• ••I w.,,,_,-.... t'l rf' le n. .. .te.t fur u .. tr c·an. Aw4 1he r-ult Ia lh<' H•Kk per ..... junla rerde til ,,. .. ,..,, .. , 8000 ~-6 ........ tilly Ptar ••f• whh ,.._. rar. c;.c lltltl.l ''"RIC A liON -nke, ...... Md In c·umt..t !-.top .... Go wear hJ prn lf'C'tlnK •••I'Y •llal ao•ln• pert ,.,.,11 l'-•len aa4 JIMII 'MnlrP'I•tlun•nff ...... tW. _.,lr., UN •tu•llt J1 luhrirante. A.w4 •'"" ,.,u 1 d lawnnt·ff'('f'IP' .tllow· .......... ,.,. .. -hat'• ....... ··-to IMlp r uur nr uutiMt the •• ,..,..._, MAkE A DATE FOR $HELLUIRICATJON TODAY SHILL OIL COMrANY, ,_,,.,.,, ONCE A WEEK I ·-·· .... ' 'IIIDI • • • $ZII , ......... ............ OSTA~ IIIIUMN" •• -=. .ssn. Pres.; .udied and Harry ·lim l._lc:t. ot I ('tiiUIC A.D. thn ... ~ A ... ,_.. ... ... u. ... ....... ..... lliodt .... .. ,.._,·.~ ........... ........... a... .... ... .._ ... ......... ~ ............ .. r ,U• .......... :::;-: -.eo s:u& ..-. ...... .... _,..e.; ---., .......... .......... C· • ,......_ __ ·-J ...... ' ... _,C.. A. ........ "" ...... ..... o.. .aa..cu.. .......... • nsn,er1 ........... ....., ... . .........", .. -......... -....... • In leuea ront ......... ..-rhr ..,. . ... ....,. •no-r -n-t . ..... ... ._.. l •an-..... .. ~ .. ., tat II .... , . ., .... ""'" • tu ... , etpon.,.,t ....... & trndooatr ..... ,. ...... ,_ ,.,.,,, trl t, wid- 1'1(,.... .. ~ ~· :' ... ... , .. ~ r ~,... ---__...,..-. -~ -~-=----~--• -------~ - EbeliHearsJ Suc:ceSs By N '11M LaD4 11 Sri .....-r and o- wtllcb bal bad aucb • tbe N-York • 111bject tor a delll pea bJ lira. Artbu t& ADa at the Ebell Oubt.ou.e on Ttlul'lt Kn. M&J took ~ ot tba cbaracten Whk:h l.l a cbaracte mem be 1'1 of lh rei' . an American famll up to tbe prtaent dl pant Ct!IMIIWUon. A luacbe<Jd w ltb l Klmwy u c:balrmar 'IDSU. ol Ueadamr• beard, Harry W rlah Niemeyer. wa1 ~«''"' the bu&Dua meet 1n1 '-7 the p,_j.cknt, Da&klu, prtcedtd t TIM rea.diDc of u led by Ura. E D. luaD Rutherford lc Praducp011 Head, " aDDual Roll cau h Santa A One Niu EbeiiD _.. EtJ.t: 'YHI COl _,.. ..... IKATII NOW: f ., ..... ,. .......... ..,. MAN(, Cll Hear Man and PubHt News, and Affairs, Tt KIWA 8:30 AI I ,_ .L 1717'" BEFORE YOl Pace • .. N&wmr~uMA ,... MCt.art&n, non . Pnhllcal. tl'llly Darbara Jean Curry I Local Boeteas Trio ·TWO r•-... 110ft democraUc: &n<l humamtarl&n or· ,6_~--11 1 ~ IIi'. ud lila. 0. D. ~ wM pNaAUon so·your cso11ar ...,u and Darby~ r.atertatD PJieada ._,. .._,....._ atluO "· o.u make 70U a mrm~r And tM \ Vetl at El Monte I at R.U-Party rn.c. oa' ......_, _.... to tMir IN THI HA.UOB OIA ., MM. 0 . L. ~· March will be R.ad ~month. tn r,· .. ry community lJI tba Unit· •·11 Hl~ttea dOnatiON! wtll M made tn lhe func»--wttllout wbk:h til~ R••tl Crnu would be unable to •·•rry on Ita trenwnctou. war-tame rr .. gram. llrre tn the Newport H&rttor 1h•trH'l our quota wlll M .13.000. S,.n·to•o• mrn and their fan\11 ... woll all. 'j;ivf' tbelr CODtrllNUOI\8 thrnudl their -m ... tary .,.,.~. T h'"''' tunc»--and tbeJ' wt11 M ,,.. ,;" (tor no l'f'OUP appreciate• tl. a~r"'if'ra of the Red Crolill mn,..., will «O towant tile national '111"111 Our local quota will have t" •-nr·~ o>ntlrrly from dvtll&IIL ·I,·•IIPv•n tnr tb .. ~rt Har· t-o ·r !\II' a ,·:Ill be Ml'l. Victor Graee •·• • , .. ,tl tw• ~~&~lated bJ Ml• R uth ., --... , M~ Hal WW "' 11th ltobf'rt Powell. Ola~ • W T White. Loull •· 1~1:.,. P. M Jadwtn, L. L. Ia· • " .., Ao VOUftl'. W.-LoD l&J, B . M Mr RrJde, Dean Oolftr. O.O.rwe • """"" Vlneent. J. B. r.uthrt~ W A. Klr1l. ()eo. WhMl ,ft r Mill~r. K&JiOn ConctYer. "w.l Mr Jack Putre. ft-. eom- ' 1 ,.,. m••mbrl'l wtll tn tum have ,,_ • n f Ulllataftta and all will "·~ rssom h0U811 to ho\18t'. "'"""~' It the Red ere-way. tt '" '""~' that .,.ry man. wo- • 1'1'1•1 be «fwn an oppor- • " lonat,. and tbertfore to • • ~ n~'mbt'rlhlp lD UU. non· $.fJ.8. RJ;. a.J~&. New Guraateecl Stock of Radio Batteries DOW la Harold l. Hamm more dOUan. lh•· more .. xtencSed ---&'~~' -17-nr:tl ~ pr'OpUtJ at NT C&n ~ the rnany ar l"\'1(''''· rtarhl \t h••ll"' to th··lt fnenda at J01 'ftle -• ._.._ ._-o1 Ba~ Saata, Ail aYeaue. 'l'lle latt. here tn Newr><Jrt u .. acb end ···•ul ll\•·nu11. Balboa blUr!d. an :-.a.or. c.-. ._ -)IDDcia7 .._ ,...... ca laad ~~ 'bMD oc- ltl'etdu ... aU aruuml lM wurld. Mr IUIJ Mra. W. R. "W .._ ~a t "Jt 'N ....,. ~ ~ ~,. lb. alld 11n. WU... On Frtday of thll wc<'k. thr .t•·t•·lllt. who figured m ~ l-.._ 1 119 IIJa ..._ &86-llwwJcatt. alld f&mlly wbo ,... local RN CI"'OIII b<Jar<.l Will lllo·..t lt'H un Feb 10, thr bridle ...... :;a-. 11n. &. L a-..C l1n. c.aU,. aa.d tiM prerniMe at J0J0 llt lhe Ebf-11 l'iubhuWif' u.ml lunch h•• 1 "utl'r Rarbarll Jean CUny. !"-~..... I)HIIr&~ Ill-Rartlor ~ Cceta 11-. wUI tM-... rVl'tl by lhl• Wlllltf•n of ,,u~:hl••r ur Ur antl Mrs. Bar'toD-tuwed U.. y..__ .-tit. taldJtc prwtnha ~y at-da:pa the Cantc.-t•n t."u(J>I . Ft•w pevplc .. 1111 l'tlll '' uf San Gab.n.l. t ~ _,. • ....... ---ap. ltr. llaeirJCIItt ill ..,..m- rt'ahu that wh••n lhcec wonocn, Th•• r~>t •mony t ook plact! at 1:1 t y lin. ........,..._ ""Y.--. __. teadeet ol lnDitport&Uoa at N-· und<>r the chatnnanatllp uf Ml'l. '.lunl!' Cnthollc chu rch whto~ ,.., J•rtlre ...._ a. lin. B c:. Dlvwll port a..da Ol'amm&r IICbool ud Mihlrl'tl Stanley uru1 Mr1. R. R. h•·• C<1ff1eld otttt·1att;jl. Attend-<.ad low .. lila ()1ft D. 'l'ltcL tile two )'CIUIIIIIfr HoaeJCQtt clail- Ran•J<-1. ll'r"''' th•·•r hom•·• aud sr> IIA' the younK couple we~ tile ~ln. F'red 0111111..,.. rarwt...,.. dna, DanaJd and R1mard, wtJI .,ut tu pl11n, buy. pr•·par.•, anll .,.,,,, s bruther-ln-law · and ai*r. •n ,...._ a .-;a~ ~ ...._ .._ate to ~t wUtuUon WI' !ll'r\'t m••flla for vtho·r \'oluntl'er 1lr ami M ra Ed~·ard ~. wlllo 1, 1 a.. te 11n. a..cna ~-til dc.e of U.. C1111W1l 8ChooJ "rMIUIIZ.Ull•>n" tht•y hr.VI' ll n ·a· u·t<•tl 101 b<'lf m&n and matl'on ol QCMr ....... wt'ft II t-tena. 'I'IK1r elder brotlwl', BWJ, """ ~hlntJ all that M r d work. 1nnur . I ~. B. r x..r.t, f' J . ......, Ia a -...t at Hanor BleiL Th••y an• training Lh••rn~eln•l to Mr MAtealt who Ia a -ol 11\al\. P. Y . ..,...,. ll S. ........ ,.._ IDap will be Nmembend In ('lUll'.'''" wo1 k. If t n•·u •uary, ·.11~ Ln•a Tolman Mtolcalf of t>-.l 1). 11. c-al L Ra1p1a P . ._. u f--.er IIIIIWmta ot 11:. tltll ltll~·r ollllllllh·r • """' llt118, &llu .... II a, hMII long bo.• ... n • yadlt r.o-''f'J', L L ...... ._ w.-.o... nr..t aDd ...., ot 2072 Newport 'h• 1r rn~tny lunl( hoHII'li ul tra1n· 'II: •·nthUAill.lt and fonnmJ bdd ~ "'fr 'Ill, a.. 11.,.,-. Ida boaknt.nl, ~ M-. n~ a.nd •••I"''IC" ~t•ael"'·e the-com· h•· 1ntl'maUonal champknuiiUp oi l ~aytor. lllarpftt ,..,_,...,, 3.& uun1ty'11 thankl h•· Snip<' clau H ia father. tile Wlwa.knft, C. B lbltlll B ~ Tille .. ,. It 1oo1w froiD be Th~'rt' 111 .. n S (IS lhls wr<•k 1t,. L G. M"t calf. wu a ..,_s-~~~. o..p WlloNt. 8nGta tile J"'aaMMl IV"ftUIIeDl-lD-«KiM r:; r .. r ''lolunlt'f'rl wh11 ran type and 1rnt nwmbt'r or Balboa Tadlt '1'Wot-., a-,. ~rt. Dw'GUI:f ~ for a ~ lilel .,._ ·.hu will bt• "llltng t11 Kl\'1' liOilh' ~'lph .until h~a d••alh and a .-.. Jow a• a.. 'Walta llantllla ,_It nell~ out wtte~ lt'l umr aJ lhe local Rl'd Cr~ ho•&d· '•·r. M1n Barbara ~lcalt ..... 'fu.cr&....._ C.. a:-M. ~. A. ~ 1o pt a tint one tuar!L'ra If VftU Wljt tll·lp. will '>•·•·n affthall'd ~ilh ~ d ub fer r"""t. c. W. ~ ........ · .... ! ;uu plrue call lhl' Olt h:co. 1 num~r of yeara. Wol~. ~ lbdLUd. ~ :--;11,.,.,.11 Al<l•••. to'l:'llll'rt·d wilh R•·•!••ntly ll('r&nte>d ·a rnedk:a) 'i~ DW H.-,,, .....,.. "To clldDd or DOt to deGact" •. ,. Make your Mlectiona early • Ca.rd1 for overMUIUiliDQ 1hould be aelected now • LOUCKS Jewelry and Stationery Store 1797 Newport 81Yd. COSTA NUA ' Paa11 Cl•ulflecl Acll aago QUICK BBIVL'nl 'h" lncrd R·-d rrN~" ue tnnnln~t h11chan::c: ftflm the v. 8 . CGUJt S..C. .... ~ f'"..,.._ Dtl-.a -tile aiJsllllportaa!, cau-- 1 I rorre. to.rcolh.r with thoel' f rom •:u(trd, Mr Me~ralf ll now eftl· ·.-til." • naa. ~ +--------------------------~ ~~~~ M~a and Huntln~~ ~·ry~~A~e~an~t~. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~11rh anti will ""on rmbark on •• ~·~ A.-.wl\~ . !'rn~ram or IUilll/11 an•··· to thl' ·~:~ ~':~~r~'·':~~: ~\;:,~:;~ :.~;: m~~.:: ::.o:r:·~~ .. Hall '"~··a,.:..~.!:-~= Artist E~ Gleaa Glffar's a~ Tlrinl Week at the ~n11 11n<l ""'""''"" rno·n'M fiUlullt·ll •f Bltlho•:t !"land h~d u v.·Mk •on· ~ aJ a .urpn. ,..t7 ~~~l Rl """ rto••••ive nuralng r11rr• and In· •••I ~"'MI .. l h•·ir ohl rrl••ndll, Judjt'~> l~*'C tile •u. b;rt.lad&J' ~ c • B • b I A ~~:~on~~~l'~~~~Tn~;:;~:~~~ ·:~~:.~~~~~~~~~~~:"~:~,:::i~:~ ~~.5:~~ ommUDit_y I e Udl.tOrl·um 'tolrombl', hu juat l·nmpl..t•••l ht•r \'llh tht· irlo•11 of tnrallnjt on ~ ., • ..,...... .. ._. ....,. .,. __ .....,..__I 2000 houra of \'Oiunlt·••r nuralng ••r."l Thf' Halla did lhrlr best to ,.t'~ aanW -.t Ia t11tt ....... rvlCt' 'llo•ll" lh"'n rm Nt>~·port H~ ~1llt~ moUf. I'ISO •aapalt ..... c .... --~.u ~~tm~l~~2~n~ onolln thls rnd~kt~m to Bal· c~-~~~~,-~~=~~=~~~=~~~~-~~==~-------------------~ nf blood Jiave bTt-n tlOMtM fnlm '>o•tl 1 ar1i! Nub SlltUI'da)' f'\"'PPltft&' n.1111~. f!llldt1ll ~ ~ PBOGBAM nuDAY IOOBT, rza- thll al't'a, lhrou~~:h lht' Rt'd C,..,._~ ontl r .. r a 111111 on U1" bay aboard Howarcl. Jlarily1t ,._.._ ~ "Did Cave Men Roam 1'b1.l World blood don« wrvl04', ot which Mre 'h•· HAll rrui.er. Cly·Mar on Sun· Pe,.,__ Jeaa K-. ~:FiliCE BOUND IIOTION PJCI'U1UI:8 T·IO P.K. 1.000.000 B. C." Sally Sawyer ll chalnnln. •Ill\' ,..,..,,_ Law. -.n Denlfll'lt _.l aoMQ BERVJ,_ -· · c::tLalk Artilt DraWl 'Mlle year eo \'Oiunt,.,.r .,-wlnJI f.,,mr•l~'lin~ lhP H all party at Doria CIIJeGtt. all c' •• ~ L2IC'I'UR& '-• .... _ · ................. 'T:U P.M. women bavt' marlf' 2t(l(\ I:Armrnh 'h" r luh WM U\Pir eon. U~t Don· tJw ...____ ··· .......... 1 :00 P.M. &ATVIIDAY NIOBT, rD. - lncludln,; 4110 hoeplls.l hi-d ahirt11 11•1 lfnll who haa rt><'f'ntly '-"' strarm8E 8PECIAL8 EVEaY JnOBT "flOC) 81CM Walklnc the St.ree~ ol eo.ta 111M&" and .. av• m11tlr s nd fiJI,.•I. 11t R,.,, •tnll"""'' a l rhlnn. and Col llnd ~ ·-wgw;a "trr'Ain' ON '11111: ••. oUT AT _,_ BeauutW Bible ctven lo oltt.t peraon JIIWMDt .. ~ ..._,_,_ ......,. ............ Sound picture: "A Dey at tbe Zoo'' tor daJlclrrall c~ exp<'niN', !tOll tllll\" hR~" fur ,,,. Thhn.a.s J• Atklruon of Bal· llr ........ Sua ..... """· owrwu I f' I"\' I"" m .. n ~ •. ,.,.nt v-hon ._. s-ta ~ 8.-_ ......,._ knittera havr tum••tl uut 400 kn1t-HI ""'*" ......-c .a a -..rtJt RTJIDAY !QQift, J'Za. n- tf'd lt•~rnt", an•l "'•• hll\1' "''"' 1~-ll'RF.O IS C"aA88I dlftnn-Uldl lllrtofJip ,.uty !IU I I ju.t flnla.hr d 3001-ooo •ur.:l~ltl Ml • r·arl Bmwn. :15. o1 Coro-bv 14 ~ tltnldL All .._. WaaY& •ous Allin' IIIY&a~o• PDD .. o ru-tnp '111oln ~tr,...t. BAlboa. aulfft'ed IIU-~(~DIP y......._-T-...t ~ laaUywW beaHaGt.d. A• .. i•9 pn.p~~. s-.d ....,_, ''11-•l .. at. olli43" Qalkdaa~ M•nufaclltrlnlt ""'" fu•·l rr,,m I'Oill hu fl"'v .. n l!ll' • ,.~ll(ul 1 ho •lllo:h f'11pt'M IY" In thlll <•IUIIIIY \Vuhln~eton'• mnmll•l• ·I •1111 atPd no•ar the Whlto· !lou~·. Ill ~ li fl'~t high ~ .. r 1n lllrl"" lllld bl'lll~ ln a tlaftoe Uf H .. ..-e WM -119 ». •r, "lll•t••n ~·hf('h Ol"(."'ITTM e.t-am lin. R. 8. IW<tna _. .... "Y WED~AY !OGIIT, KAIICII I-n 8 •-.. ,_ Mr ...S lin.. Dktl ~ ~ Die "~ and A,_er .. Nlpt II\'. ul I :l ~· m. 00 ta ..... --· "r' ..,..._ -. ..,_.. ..C ..,.. Put your q~~allona In the box. J:v&ncellll '.•\ n Rll\· Brown. 31, 124 f!: Collar UWWel'l tbl'm ln ht. IUual clear-cut WaJ l:w "'''niH'. Balboa. wu tile clr1Ys ...,_ 1!. L .....-;;~ .......... I 8ooulld pktu~: "City of Waatuncton • r .. ( fh•• I"Ar in whirh Mre. ~ ~ 0 · M. el B.~ 'I'IRJ'MDAY NJOBT 11AJ1C11 1-- WI\JI Mdlng. the otbt'r can In,.,.-Rladl._,. _.Dr ..C Jlrw.. ~~ a-a LiDda By~tberapy trutm.ent. demon- ··ol ht•ln~ 1•peretl'd by IUcMnl &..--. atrat.ed by p-aduate nul'lea. Doctor Don&ldlon WAitlmn, 18, of Lon« Beadl, _.... will~ potiom,.UUI treatment and auwer PWIDAY HJORT, IIA&CSI. ~ "When Are tb~ Dead!" A moat COD1torttftc m-ace for U.. b'f1111' Polltlve Bible ... No I'\IM8 work We-wW welpt a "Soul" on tba •tac"e t.oftJCbt Cbalk artiat drawl 8ATUIIDAY NIGHT, IIIAJI.OB 6- '"'be Futu~ Unrolled 1000 y...,..• American church rrport• •how 318 Mutaa, IALIOA ISLAMD a rnem~rahlp of ~.ooo.ooO. F:olward Hoffman, 43. ot tile 4IWlJ' Oll6o .. -t n • ~I qucosUona Air Rue. 707 .._ •J ....,.. ....._ a.-d pkbaw: ''Caaada" WlU RU&IIIa. Oe~&ny, Jape.n and U,e VDJt.ad Ita tell be at peaee T '- ' BALBOA IILAIID .. Acceding to popular demand, White's Park Avenue Cafe will be open daily except Mondays from 8 a. m. until ~2 midnight, featuring from· 9 tilll2 our KIGBT SPECIALS " • BALBOA ISLAND •••••• • . ...._ 1/1 'llwnday, i'ebnaary 24, 1944 lin. Tannle A.nn, 1150 1:. 11q, au..t, celebraud ber Blat blrt.b· day annlverauy.on Sunday. lin. I . A. Youna, 1•2 VlrJtAla pleoa, bu been eonflnH to ber bed UU. ... k by an attack of tlu. .... BNhreaDW ~-.Pia -n.r..ey a-- rc: ~ ~= ~,G.').Foot Sportfl8ber ~1ftl ...u-th .. rolnt pork. ra-Moving to Newport Uoln a'OOCI IUlUI 8'\IUrday, f'f'b .. for tile pwU.aa.. ul freell pork, From San Diego l:ty SUE HM'CHNAH M1ft, Mron, t'&llnf'ol pork "'"a\ Uur 1111 "hat U.. weaU..r rnu 4 • ,! ...., ,..,_ fill 1M ... d .,_ of INit 8 , Sd1•<1ulo<.J t~> V'l'l\'e at Ne,wport '••llt·heert...Uy termed "IDt.er- 0.... "-...__ ~ to-lU'H &D rallu:-:;'~ ~:: llarbnt "" Min:h 1& Ia 014' Star tulltent aboiwera" UU. week 1 la· C:tluna ot o.ta .,._ _. •Y ....,.._ ~ n. ...,. au ~_. ... ,_ for th~ bo : Ar\f~r. •tile of the lai"JMt and l••rv~e•w•·\1 chief bo'•une mate Jaoll Jo tile f.rt lMI un "'-day -Ia -·-nUll polnl8 tlla-.t lll'"rlflabtna boel8 on Ole n•·xt \\'edn.Nda)• --.wac opiD tile Muou l'SNR hum• un f'\uloul'a nnnual R~d ero. War FUDd ... ...._ UIC R. S 1'Wp'' &..-~ 18 CAFE CIL'JfOb tUSDI!I ~Juuthl'nl l'a~lf•>l;llla \'UUI, wtuch Ktlt·r It ruuulh• ... a lluty In Uw Lbe ~· quota ,_ .W. ~ IV 18 w-CII'tl at .._ _....y ~ , , . hru1 b...-n f'lll"\'h._ll b)' J1w Mar-S••ulh l'acllk IUI..S uk~ If IW bad ha\in&' beftl p&ac!ed at P'7M. -.r-at a a. ._ Ida BrtnkmAD 11 '"''' at &1 1 Ill. 1111 ••t :-.li'wport and bf'alnnl"-•·'<jlt'llt•ll•'"'l lUI)' weat.ber u nloe ly Ulree t.tme. tile ._ ..._. "''~ tile Wlna.r"a wont lwr· C''rntral a'·~nue hn~ b.•,•n le&M'd AJ•rll I "'•II "l14'ralt' 1\Ut nf Kh~&'l , .. tlua. "'I"ll lake ..... ....._ weaUier (or IUIY pre~ )lllar. V~ ,_ IIIIILY•--c f~ ~ eouth· >\' Mr. anMd Nn I l'ly\1,. Jo!\Ra(>n l.athll"-""~' IIIII<'' hi' M hl. Nlll, -PQp-wu *"' lliC aU th r (-u.\a -. 1 wu I'Yport~ Tho· • • ~tfl. "hh•h w•• buill b" 11ft. IIIYa Rhoden of Santa Ana work,·ra aJY UJWN tD ca.t8d a. --....... _.,... by biC~Ill to.lay. Mr. J~••n Wll.ll for 114'\'· Sill\ p,,., . ., Mnrlnt• fu-;-Star "'':', .l t~t'k, l•••·mer llklppt!r <If 8yl'(lfl Wu • Sunday dl t t W BarUnte driw ~ r--'-.--1 ... ~ " .l.•hlla<~u'• ··rulaer "BYJAC," lett -nner cue. a · • t.lw fnlftU of taw a«.ore buUdln.,.. ,•raJ Y..,.. eftCI'K,., In u•C' cafr <'rf'lllff•nl , • ., ,,, K•n Clll'a~ •I • • .,_ .._te • • b 11',. ·...-• -~ " ft ft !~t·r.· II\ ll<'l't1nlber ··1 IUI..S WU U • ... .-.. r ... wrence orne, wa A\'iatlon Cadet ~au-. ,10 l.lw ~ _. 011 x-boul· t>tl8t-•n ....., Alll:'l!lr• and hu ,.,.,1 ,.f s:te.t~l(l hu au ov .. r ·llll __ .. oru.t1n a f .. _ ·-r-· tn h ~'~''"''I t.r a IU·fO\>l convert~ .. _ venue. eon o -.. aDd lin. ~ ,'TU\J In ...-u\1 -J•1ru. • · peanu· ''\>N<nU)' ~ l •· rmrlo:v of INIJ:Ih uf 81\ fl',.t ~o~~t•llh 11·fi>C>t Ba 2M% N ..._.__. A A s..w ~•111 lltreru tuna clll'l"'r, 1'aliN a ......_ ___ of .... Wo'rld Day rna. -.art --w:y .lw ~ -~ aDd ai· ;,,nta AJ\& nny tr It Ia bc'•m an\1 I• ""'"'rn·oJ -wiUI two I< f "-· _._ •.• ~· ·-~.. UF h ftiA .... ...... .............. --· .... ·~· ... _t ... B k p ·-•••• ··r ..... ·.uae .... earn .... l'\'fl1a · ot ~I' will be made tomorrow .,u com.--t~ ---~ .lw ~ .. ..-""' nam"e . .,,.....,,......,.. ,_ -11 1111 man l~l hur .. •pnwf'r C'ummlnp DIM· at eo.t.a K eaa Community church •.:•unlnc at .Jiftaed ~ . AJi6 ... ~ wlwe w p&a. • ..J lllaa lt.anJ ''•II he.--tter .,.,,,,. fUll um .. t•l •·I-. thua a lvlna hn plt'nty of ;,:,•:.~\1 ;~~;:n 111 A~traJ~~! from t :SO to 11 L m. f H'l\1 IUid "'111 -~ cw4 -tlw s'-oC l)w fr.;ot door b.-h··r ranclt.1na' lnkr.·slll 101\('l'tl anti Jl<'Wf'r :f~noJ lUll! N__. Brll&AD ..... , ,IP an a<l.\"anced •Q)'Uic ,.._. f-.1 11 •llllat • --~ t:.wrrtllt~~o•nt lniiPf't'trd 'to' i"arTy •hulllt•ol t•arrrtlll' w ppliM to our Ill'. and Nra. Alton W . Nalm wh<!re he -.111 l'eelft¥e -W. · a..l ~ ....,_ .... .u-t to U.. THEA 'I'll& .lTJIOLAJUZI:D Ill:! puaton.:rra, Mr Marlin ~lu· 1 1 tM-f llwooi-""'''· tr .. "•Pt•rllna ~'"1'4'-and or Co.la 1( ... are lht' parent. Of IIUn ng 01'1! -~ -DOClfW'd tile ftre .... For tJw th1rcl tlmr In tJw put t'<l I hill hr lkw-11 not anticipate ('<'I f,.tlllllljl ,;lhf'r Joba ln u._ mill• a -bona Tburaday at Sanu t'd. ~t . .....,. ... ...,. dtul .., .. • W\'l'ral weelta. Ll<li' Ul,.atre wu r iUTV. lnJr r11oro. than &O or eo "'"'r • t~ ltU )' ao•t"rf'( ~atepry W...., thll ABa Community boepltal. Mra. GI.IJ\J\iftc a.tJa' ._ .._ --(Jill. oartay u ,... arrl '"•rJrlariaecl Kon.tu \' nlp t, a.e-lrtp, Ulu• ~rwtna 014' anct.n a tw ... 11 h,,11,1 at Ouadalcanal wu ··l•'<'lf'd tD bNd ea.ta .._ Par-tlw -I~ ~ ~ -.ell .....S •'flrdAbC tD tftlonn11trnn m.d _.. .. bf'tlf'r "brf'ak .. Amana nUif'r at'· Prt. Clifford LJonabaf'c4'r, eon ot KJ', and Nn. J . C. Uonbar.rer of 240 Broadway, bu been trana- f.-red from Denwr. Colo., to Klllpsua. Aria. A. L. Kon1a, 2021 Anaht'lm a...,oe, Ia cnUcally 111 at hi• hom(' ~ to rePort. U nder t.ht' con.atant ean ot a pbyalclan, ht' Ia &lao belnc Jjven OllYit'n u lM DMd an-. Mra. C. W . F'emandu, 2389 El- den avenue, wu brought homt' Saturday from a Santa Ana bo.- pital wbere llhe recently under· went a major operation. Sh~ Ill raported to be abowtn, u Uafac- tory propeM. ~ -..ry ~n Gellrrc. UlDIC, daucllt.r of Nr. and Nra. Chulea R. Oelu1c of 24ft Elltl!n annUl'. ,... liMn a.-tpl'd tD Camp Pt'n· cleltae at OCeanalck where abe Ill employed u a preeam1 machine Clpft'&t.or. 8be enU.-ted In Ole Mar· lne Corpe Women'• RHI!rve 1u1 JuiJ. rttl·T~ A_...,.,_ tar tale al tale~ ....... •kt -• tale '"" ........... .._.....,,.nt -. .. , __ .-nmm(>tlatlnn• Ia a "•llry ·the t ... l.aiiliab..•.t • .a.. ~hl .u,.,u .. -.,.....,_ -..--_.. ~a " Ito lhot Ulllrlllf'e an\1 .. Melt WC• r ornlnc )"<'ar. ~ ' nt a1 fino ~....., ,._... -..llfr -l.n)l In lu or IMJrl1anl .....,rtfodiJ rained will wat 18 pl'nona at a tlnw , ...... ,,... ""'II wu WI"Mted fl'onl the of!J<'Ial bcJuod will lw ~ a ,_. '• • &up ,..tioD a1 .•ntry by ~ 014' <'aM trom Wr M11 rt1n 111 Wf'll kntllll'll In lh•• J•pe. l.lw lltU• yp followed c'l)·d.~ Otto. dot F I' '; ~ tile ....,... .....,.... ...... .toell .. nr nt uw ~ ct.on Entennr 100"•1 ft•hlnJr rlrrl••. ha,·lna c•p· wrlb food. ~·. A. Oomptaa. -etwJ, lila .__ 5 iUJUd -.t GriP wt1a1tr til-011' otnet!, a ftlln~t !'ablnrt wu t•ratl'll th.-8porttlahl'r M-·nt II I..~<J~t •J"rlna a brand MW tuna [Jon a Id Mee..u.... II a : l8'iar .__ ~ ~ ~ ,,nf'd, t.k boll otfk~ bTOal~n Into fur I h.-pu t fiVt' yura. &nil, In , llppo•r r hti•l•ned 0141 YP-610 wu !lfra. Camera~~ I.~'*' .-...: .-.., Mill walft. r.u ntlftt at '\Il l Ole UcMt box opeiWd Ap-Ad\lltlon, hu .-nJr .. t"d In rom-1 h 1 f ... L .. _, '""" ,., n•m ute ynr.. ya ... r MArtin Brauti. ....._ ... lira. lk ~ ._ .-• J'Pt ltiMD J>al't'nUy noWna wu takf'n. un-mrrd al tlllhtna oJunnr lht' off· nt Httn lll•·~ru The hull had been Robe-rt Powd?. ~ ~ lvu It wal' tkUta. and a check "'IUIOII monlhll · J'llrt'h~<~~t·•l by ihf' Navy and f\llly MtL Ben Cape. 117 n ,... .,._ ....,tJI llloft edJa· .. brine made to df't,.rmlnr If any •'<JIIIIll't'\1 u • yp A r-monUur alr~t. Ill enJ07Utc a 1PIIIt ,._ ,._. .__ elllo fUPH _..,. _.. ""' mlllall\f. MftiPftt'II.PINO C'IA""Q Itt!•·• ah.-&rnved In Ole 8ou01 ht>J' aon, Viet« Jaaha, dtkf...,... ... It Ita ............. U..t had lk n•LANNF.U ft\' c·uu.r.or: l'•••ltu·, a fine n~w r ai'J'O v-.,1 ott1n. who Ill ~tome an. --. nr.r lllllt ..._ ~red bdono LH('Al. All'ftlft'8 IEXlii'BIT If prt~llr111n.ry l>ll•n• b.•lntt 1lud, 147 f•••t In lr nrtll. and the.....rter s.•nl'l.' of llix ,..,... lib". ~ It ..... ~ .. ,.. l.lw f'tllln' AT IAOt'NA OALLD\' '"'1 by lho• Ranl11 Ana boerd of I;H•t't\IIW Jar k·a ahlp. h ..... ..... .._.. -~ ..._ dntro)'ed. "' o ta a<'nrlftc -11111 Jller will! 1111"11 HeS.n 11. 8mrlh 108 On"" •·•lureth•n ro.<"f'h•r final approval. 1111 rurlnuch hfl n-to tlawall oL ...._ ,... ....... ~ to laaft J - Uit' :-.Ia\')'. Ill a -••-fill -.....,. ,_ • ~ ctft'Wt Ia tk -.v .. niW. Bal.,_ !alan d. and Mn " "''""" lll'th'll or I'IIUIIW'II for dt"· 111 a bl·motor patrul bomber lkatn1yt'r ~ltJ ~ .,.. -" l(sothuirw Jtao1r of Corona d~l '''".,. ""'"tltkl'r• will tw· f'IIUled In whlt'h drv.,loped troubh• In 01111 In Italian watera aDd ....... --~ar. are t.Jat. inont.h beln« ft'a· Hpt•raltc>n at Santa Ana Junlnr ""1:1111' tf•• nntlc..ct onf propelltlr pt·rll'~ a_._ .a.r ct.. tut'11d In • .t-man llhC~~o~~t• of watf'r t·olll'Jr'e 8urh acUon. &('CordinJ to h•lllht·rlnl, ••111 nnthiQ&. n.. Dt· MK"'I~ duJ1JII' 11t11 ~ fill .,._ RA"'ef GBI AppoiiiW .-olon at J.AcWia O..a.eh art pi-ro•porl, hu be.fon requ...t•d by boUI lut who had bHn U.. N_.,.r i~. ._.__._ .. &.. lny where tiW entlrf' lown 1al· lt..P fUat. Board ol ll:ducallnn and 1\o•o f'llot nt U.. Pan-Amertean !of" Ancellae A.Dt.. M.2T ~ to a __,._.r l•ry hu been ,tftn ll'""' lo work thf' W&r Manpow•r Comm'-lon. luw, madf' a perfact ~ Clft angt' a\·~niW, ,.,.. taat. .. --• ~___.,_ Me. hy tJw two ~ arti•l8 1\o•o typ ... uf rl.-e unde-r ron-WAllar!' l•land dtMplte U.. -.d Oran&t' hoelpital ,._.., m I s .a ~ Mn. 8mltlt. wlao I• 01<' moUier •tdforaUon lndudf' • wf'ldlna rlue "'"t''' •··•rtunat .. ty W.U.C. S. o.a rHUJt of a ~ ...... J1n. a-t GUS.. =-I! IIlii ,, Hal Will 8mlth. Ralboa t.land fM •·om .. n and a ahlrbutlillnJr 11111•1 hlltJ tw.n a Pan·Amet1ce.n liUftl'rt'd ta a faU at ~ a.-. .c:no.rt. -M...._y nft't,..N otfi· ~altor. na. bHn palnlln« tor Ole l'lAM for m .. n Armr•lln« to Frank I>IUO,. and t.tw bomb.r wu ...,.ar- A llttt. m·er a -,ear ..,. lin. n.& ~ f,_ ~&Jit•r "'"at~r portJOII of hl'r ltfl' and Hrnt1rl"llnn. •uJWOrtnt•ndrnl o f •••I In fh'" .tay• A forced landlna Alle'll fraeturtP4 ~ ...,_ ...... ~ .,.._. C Wal?leT at llwT nrarly every ~ hu a ahowlna ll<'hoola. At•kemtan Boat ('o of •·l,.,.whrT'f' mlpt have -..t Clft• rn a fall and atter ~ ...._. ., 1 ' boe111l • ,_._maatn at a t l.a«UnL llafty or hf'r bMt Pf· St•WJ'I•rt Jl4oarh wuuloJ rum lah ~ ••rnua otrlay and no t\lrkMajrtl .,.nt eo.ta ~~-Friday Altfomoon for many -u.. 11M ~ ..,. Ollila ...,__ .,_ _._ wu tall· rorta drplct toca1 IM'rnt"• lnrlud· nu•n for u,.-. latt.t'r rou!"H and "" lhl' l .. ltllf' laiiUid tn BaJtlo&. dub w1D conduct a nunmqe aale garnf'd ow ocwn,.... -fill ~ "' a1 * ......,. o1 .._ Blwr· rn~ waterfront 1tf~ 11nd artlviUH wtouht d<oubtl•• a l • o provldf' t'omtn~r by plane Jack bad to Pap5 w•rw •worn In u warraat ottleen or 11w•n pelt)' rat .. a<."C.''rdtna to tbt'lt ._... anJ .. xp.rlenoJ. 1'fl1 dayw lat,.r Ulr newly l'OftWrted Y... Wert' ht'adll\1 for the War ann.. en,t """' alnrr have been tiUtl\flrlly J•ai i\•III•IJC. ronvo)'tna &llol <'IU"r\'llliC f .. , .. t, &lllniUniiiOII 111111 •I'•"" Jlllrla,f'\'rntually fl&m· Ina lhl' \lllr "ltrran,l Boy• of Ule f'ac·ltll' " l'••rha1•• ~··•u hll\'t' noUr..d Uw N ,f,lt•l ~t\ll l't•oln• JIUI'afl ... ner l'ltlltll: I W At.l tr.f\\{'A un Ulf' South ( uut \\'aya la•t WHit. f'tah· ln11 h-•11111 nr hrr typo• have alan bo.,.n n•nv,.rtl'd lntn Y,.. and b" ltlatln•utal\t'd lhrm••·l-In _.. al arr,·h'•• •t>.:two· .. n lh" Panama t'•nal 111111 rh,. ll••llulr ~L Man- nf'd 'by ftabf'nn.-n alld Navy ,.._ llf'r\'lata thf'y l•>t•k l"''rt In U.. A lr utt•n """'l'"llrn rarTyll\f men IUid auppl~e-a '" ,,... bound out- J'(Wta, na\1JralhlJr wat•n and par- ft•rmlnl( Juhe thf' d~~n,. .. ra ot whl~ nnly a •rlllliiUI r iiuld appno&at. 'Mir lr ,.,.,.w• lramtl4 to ee,.,.,. """'"' part.-anol maktt nor-Jra Mel ltf'nrrAIIy •lan .l on thPir own '"' wh..,..,. nf-t .... •lly a 1 abrt~rtl)' plant-L I'd tMm \\'ll•,....,••r our "Yipr-a" oper- 1111', "'••"'' le the wnrd ftor UMrn. l''nm1.-r l"f'ahl ,.nl• ut W)'Oftllna will holt1 tht•lr "nnual all·ck)' pkl• ulr ""n·IA~. M••r h n, at "re~ OrHvfl Park. l.na ABJrPI>oll. 8eille ... tO.....•A ....... Manne tl~ Ptlone lOT 1M~ l1.ll lk. H...pon.....- Kardl I and • ln t.be form('r hmi'MI Site 111 WU.C •" w ~ ..._ o.....y, wM, 1a tum. fol· llTl•und tJHo c&naer11'll Sinor war-l••at·htn« f'14'1"110nnl'l, hf' llllld lr~tw• moat nt hla IOIIWnJra ..._ OtQ&tlam cafe at 1824 N~·pon Or w. 1. eo....at, ..,..... * '*' Pftde~ of lk time I"Mtrk.Uool wf'rt plarl'd on htnlt but bll II!& baa dl4 ClOiltaAa ____________ ....__. __ ~ the ~latw tlavtn~t ~ o-ty ~Uc Cm · •krtclllJ\f In tJ1e harbor •nvtronl , NI:W ftYC' Jllt.MIU'.M II<IRIP l'hnny C-,._ llalait.a "-provtclecl throup tht' oour· H08 PITAL PAinT roa • tre1 ~~~-,. flh,. bu made aomt> l'xtraor<tlnar-111n•r t"r" ut n .. lboa Y&rht dub 11nol nallvr ahell ..... for UN t_,. ~ Mr. and Mra. J . B. Or.en. Mf:IK'IU...E !OCaiii.L ....._ Cill _,_ ..._ lone l&Mn nv 1ooc1 w at.r ~n from photo r•••· .. ntly ''"l"d In t""'''' nrw nu•rr•· M-l n r hll•l,....n He lhh1ka U.. fin· Mrw. C. 0 . Ruaton 1.• chalrm•ft •·• •t n•t l' •'--proud __ .. ~· Tht~ rx~ at ~~-~ ,., • OrtwiOCnUc ~ ••riJlnala. bt•r11, JAIIII'a Elltaon and _._.ar •· " '"• are ..... -or tbe ..... ht•r 1201 blrtbday ...,.__,.,. • Utical &ll&lra .. Utia ,_,,., .... Ulll IU11allr Jo'tjl l•landf'ra, alu.ou,rtl Four clrciH of COIIla w~ .. W.-lht• hotif'll.al wu not -~ ~ 1'8JIO'JY"d ~ ...... !Iouth Cnut 8ob c b to PI Mr F.llllllln,.who l'l'llldra on Ull' lht• blllnd NI'W ZealiUidera and 8 .C.8. are b.lnc ent(.'rlAinl'd to-··r Ullpi.<·UIIIIt ·-for ..... Jlrr-Ott ·-tile ,... ?~ ~ ..... saw ros y ay Wc•ll lillY lo'[>"fll, Ia • Wf'll known IIJ.•· Malan .. alll,ll• ot Maun a N alan day tn vanOUI homt•JI. Clrrlio 2 II ..._... ,.._.. .... ..._..,. ~ -r ~-at Balboa Ballroom HfiiiY""''IlOd rtlni •tar and p~or to IIIIJ'I'rlor In Jihywlqllf' and lnteJII. meet.tnc wtUI Mra. Clara Rolllna, ~::::. ~~t'~!...t u. ~ t.-~ ... tt • upenH that thf' w11r 1\o!ovntrd hla tull tlmr to """''" 1831 Harbor boulev&rd; Circle 3 part or lbe pul twv ,_...a.~ illlllr wiiP -~ -clutis Bob Croeby and hi• Dtx.leland hhl ur~f'r Whl'n thl! manpower O..aptte lhf' nervowr atraln of with Mra. Amy Coleman. 2020 tuWI boepltalll u .....r1 fill .....,. a.-. ....,.._ L orr hdtrL n!COfDISI'd u one of 11hortaJr" Jr'"'W acutf', hf' aecured South PacifiC. -duty-tllte Yr. Oren,e avenue; Circle • 'With burna auffeftd ~ • ., 1,., ~ P 2 ihr J-a.u.-tbf' oullltandiq dane. banda In a ,)clto at Ac:kerman Boat Co, and muat be under tire ,..,.. .... ,, Knt. 0 . 0 . Bland, lMO RaJ11or poruon ot .._ -.., -..._ 1• --_ .... ,_. ..._ • dlerp fill tJ1e worlcl today, will be fMtllf'M wu 1111baeq111t11U)' ma411 aapertn· JIU"kl 1\ealth wu liallllpalrM DW boulenrd, and Circle 1 wttll Kra. entned u. ArWIY #.. -..,. -..._ .., -,_. ,_, ,.. ..st Bebardltip .... al tM ._. h!ndftlt of ~rt 1ft~. did two ~mit to .._,_ '-""' ~" Bma1l, UOl Newport pltal for ...... ol ........... I a a 41 ............ ol eerept-df:zvoua ballroonl tn ll&lbo&. ac-Inc . at COIIla MHa. a •ubeldiarY or malana wtlldt~ttaeb., __ , For Your 8118 Mlf)NK 11 .... IIOJf...,. ..... ,. .., ... ....,...,.0 ---___ ......... _________ . lloulnvd. opn1ltJoNI wtl6c* wdl ....... -IIRtlr • ...... a. ca-da. A~ N>rd.l.q to Robtort M\U1)1ly, own· nt tll,. Ar kl'rman roncem or our m .. n He lald Ul" 8oloMofY I J ..... CoT a 1w .__ -ol ftft ~ ._... rr Mr IIIII, who n'lltd.. at Ill\ Ia Whf'ro. Ul" Wt'aU..r Ia ma.da fw "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!! -.. ll•aw P.RKAKIIINTI ............... U ~ ww ..;".,.,., ~ ....;, ~ • ..._ ., ..... u. 6w tile ,__ F'our yNR acn ~ .._.Ul tht' VIa Udn Rnud. 111 trPu uro.r ot th•· l"nuUiw .. •t P-:'n~ A.t_.Um: ': Red ero. GraJ ...._.....,...a ............. a.:sa ~ . .lw wtt.ll-f'r••by bend r.plaeed Jknny th~ Ar kt'rman C'o th•• mr>llll h,..l 0 l n,. .. u plano to tlle cioor oi!Mr ._ _. .._. W." -. ry ...,_. a _ .. G.Kodman on lh~ IIJp:Jy-eovetl'd lntnl .. r~thll' RwlmmlnJr' otf"ra no ........ othl"r patiftlta at lk ......., ..-. a& w1llkll u.r tile ......_ !':.turday •wnrng radio ~·m l nMitF.IlMF.N "'A&NF.D •"'""''" "" lhf' wdflr II altn wiUI ~tl'd \JMo little clrt ,... ,_._ jW ;a -4 l2lat Mra. Gm would •r"•nsn,...d by r .. ,.t. ctcanttra Th•· .-.,0101110,11101 nt thr f:t,.v. 1 run.:ll an•l •• full nf bect.rta ·-Jlf ....... IY•4. tton of "Happy~ .. T-.-wt. ~ 41 1 b&&et. Th·• f1rat nl~ht the .,_ IUt an <'nth Sll\111 fllllt tirt, tn lhf' l11t"t k•·1•t vlruh•nt In tepid wat.r Ulat ~·h1_._ -·u .. _.._.. -·-------11 1 hi_.. .cro.Jey ratrnt; N 1 u h d llo foo• ''"" u•u•llv fnllnw• a -tm Olalla.... ~ ... _ n• _ •~ _, -" rm• • "" I ••II• •' 11 ,..ann~'TII., u warn,. \\'lt•·r,.,.,., thr KPa 0... land mo-olh~r mllllieal ~ Ollllbllc IDfOJl ~AlEE f'fltiiPA.Q ''"' h h!UI bt·•·n cnnallltantly malo· fr~th•·J lll•·n nnl I•• 11.-t nt'le. l•1h --.... _.. • dl t ra Jtn """ pldur .. "IJulpmt"nt Ill aet up and _....,...., of a •• I ~ -.-----.AGmr1• t::un• •I lUlU "' I'Or "-o ' •l•·r Jll•ltl ur oth,.r flllf'tl "QUip· -· · --_.__ ..... nntl I hi' 1111r11t mo\'tN are lftown tate cake ~ lllr .....,_ "-~ Co.... 17M Nrw-• h ·rk:< lhl' CrOiby .......,. ·-a m•·nl In lhr '''"''"''"~ •ll'•rr l.,..l uon. ,_, a .S •AI'Il .._ -k w~nt lull•·n•nt.: autJ!o•nce t wlct' u JrTt'al llr''" t.o~~tllw1,. frum :14 1'1.-Jrrf'f'll, Meralk'• motMr, lin. W. &. ...,... _... ~t u Prank u th:~l nr nn" otho:r rlt;al'f'tte 21 n11nul 1·~. 30 aN•ontla norUI. to EARL W. STANLEY Phone 1771 ·Ntckdl. ia act1llc • .,a.1 ...,. J. a,_ anfft4 ,_ r..dma 111\ .. w nft••rln~ ltlnot mwrlr .--L-!14 •k'ltr•·t·•. 24 mlnutr•. i\0 liM:· nurae to, tile Ut.t.le ct1t -' II-Co .. --IH Wltlll Mr. K-. o·l""""•lv (onlhl nnrth . lnnfellud•· rrnm liP duty at tJ1e ........ ,._ 7 p. a. Kr . .,_ ._ Mel 8Pfl'ral ynn In a•i•llftl•n lhl' CJ'OMty o..-K•n· tll'jtrN•a. :r~ mlnut .. ,., :10 III'I'Onda Balhoa J.sland to 7 a. IL **"".._. a. l.lw lllardware boal· ao:nt10n "' rul•··l .. one ot lht' ace wt•llt to 119 <ti'Jr'rN·a. 40 mlnutr11, ·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~liiiiiiiiiliiiliiiliiiliiiliiiliiiil -... ,.._to ('(Wtltnc to eo.-,uractrun~ 1>1· llKca recorda and :10 11rrnn•la wt•l J ta _----IIH1ol'd w1UI u. l'llUI urn•·<l IH1 tnV1abll' r.-puta· A• r,.a.,..m fl•r lhr nfllrr Ulr c et I J1er41 CQ. at .... ~ ttnn In lh•· ft••ld Of motion JII C· l'tlrnmllntlllnl r•xflllltnf'd Ulal l hlll $50 MORE CASH FOR CLEAN USm CARS CULBERTSON CHEVROLET 00. liP _. lira. a,._ ..... to ~ tu..... IIJW'I'Ifll• '"'"" 1~ pPrlodkally aub-a... .at wwiL '111~ R.fonoi••7.I'Oid ballroom bu j.-t'trlt 1•1 rnln-rr r>tnjl' o~r•· -n. ..-.. w1llkll lltodlll 1M1tJa ~rained wi!W •tt,ntlon by 1\11 poll-Ilona. -... _... .......,., ta~t,e cy ot t'nii'Aitin~t the outetan41na ,_u.rwn.r ptn* a. .......... to namt' banda nf Olt country. a tea-ALLF.OF.O f'ODWI:DUol f'At'OIIT .,.._ ~ ..,_ .t or.-.utly ture wblch Is s~ldom encounterl'd .-a " -lk ..rt11et today. In a community of Ut1a .... _ ___.: ____ _ ~;;;;~C~aii~~H~~~-~-in~:::-::EEgto=-Ocea=~D=~UI=·~=eaela~~~iES~l8~~~~~~ I OPBN Ill* New Management Wllll11m A J'nwt>ll, 44. anti F.r- nf'lt M Rrown. 39. """' .. 11rrr11t· "d MunriAy nl~thl In e Sant. Ana I'OC'ktAII bAr ron r·harl{"•' fl~ u rl'ault or •I• """i:"'IIY forct'd <'hf'<'kll, flv• ot whlr'h IA"rr• ('U h· I'll In 811ntll An• aJ>d nnl' at a f'neiA Ml'lla hllrt1'4•ar,. •lnrr tn- ,.,..IIJt'al Inn ut lhf' tw•t mrn ~JriUI whf'n Ra nlll Ana ~"'"'"" r...-.elv,.d 11 rnnrJ"IIIInt frnm \\'tlllllm run- n lnlth"m of th11t r·tt v th11l hi' h11>1 I'IUih l'ol II o•l\1'1 k 11111•1•• 11111 Itt Y,'ll· 11111!1 l'uw,.1J lln•l llllfllNI hy T•m> l ''""''n 1lr11wn nn lhP N..v.·rw•rt Hl'll''h H11nk nf Arn,.ti•·•· lhr rhl'l k, rlu• thrt't' lolhl'n, Cll.ITII' h11rk tr11m th,. hAnk with 1hr nn· l~tllon UIAI thl' altnu•tltl"f'fl IIIII nnl rnrrl'llprrn•t with lh~tl ,,, raram• AN INTUISTING COR.NIR or THK HAJmOa UU'S Most Complete Appa~el Shop A Good Stock of New and Used G Hardware .. Furniture on We Rrnwn wu "" .lanuuy Ill , ... 1,...,.,, from thr •·•tunty Jail """r llf'rvln« a 111a mrrnlhll lf'ml '"' JM'ItY lh:rtt aPIONM AM n ,t 'ft MOW. •. ,.,It nl~o:ht trr an nutdocw a tDII u ... ,.,, ... Th•• hiJr ~•• aleo car- ' :V pt.,Jr•r·lur. anti whrn Ul•)' put '"'" pt•rt th<' l"'""'"n•l on •mall r·r•ft ar" lnvtiNI ''' rome abn&Jod 1 ""'' a"'' " •huw In th" mA.,. of tiOittntlll wlv•rr Ill"" an~ f'Ofl.tal~Uy hf•tnl( •htrtrrt Ahfllll, mall ~ l10 fii"I"V• '"110 11 11•1 Jfll\1111"11 are Nl• '"''" l•1•t 11wk one» re<:tl•ed a l•·tt••r frro111 H•ltw .. l•land In •lftlt ''"". 1'1 '""'' ~rfl Pf>r r.nt nf YP CrPWII nr•· 111111!r "I' rot t"' tlelw!rmen who nrl.:lnniJV t1r"r11trlt lh,.nr 11nd Ulf' l'>n vv ,,.,.,.,-vlal11 •urh ea Jark . with " 11k lpprr •nrl "lii'<'UIIv• nf. t11·· r tn "'•mn>llnd 'Mif' otflr"n w•·ll r kh11k l anti lh# .. nlllllf'd mf'n •lltnj.;Ar•·•·• ""'' whit" ca pe All hu1 •· " lo:'""' r•·•r"('t fur Ulf'lr r a r- IC'• 1 llrrw-ra "I hnv•· a••••n 11tnrm•" ••ltJ '"' k ... ,. hlr h 1 thou~rht nu •mall "''"'' • '"'"' w .. ath•r But our TP '-''•~nt tuHt•·r th .. w av ... anf'l f)V,., II•·· w,., ... ,. """"'"'"""' and alw•y• • tutt•~ u ul "" tup .. \\'tw11 lh,. ,. ''' 110 uvr r And lh# 1,,,., • ''"""r '" '"" k "" th• rlly •I• •k w• r,. I'"''"'"' •I th,. full 11t1rry .. r " • hr .. r ~><• ""~ mllll' •m a Yl' • urr "'"IC I'"' •••• tti'•"K lh" road 111 • ur.auu· "YII•t•r.F.M" Twu v••~tr• "IC" In il'ebn1ary ""'"'h••r• "' ttwo AtMn can Sl'tah· • '"'""'"' Tun• AIHit Aaaoctatlon ""I Ill lh•• NAval ~rve Ann· ··• v 111 R•n Dl"Jr" and were In· f••ranr•l !ha t thf' Navy rweded th"'" 1111•1 th,.lr l•tn• rana ... •hal· '""' •lrllfl,.tl. dlr..,l powerf'd boalll ~I• hrrnrlr,.t1 tt•h,.rmrn, all nptorta rof lh,. •""· many of Portqeae •l""'""t. 111Jrntr1 up that nlf71t and I Peyton's Balboa Maril Hardware CO. announces the arrival of a new shipment of---- Marine Hardware Ill Ca11t 11 .. 1111 p s. BUY THAT EXTRA WAR BONO ''E%clu.ive But Not Ezpa.u~n• YOU WILL L IKE OUR PERSONAL SERVICE You will find here many items not available th8 market today. invite you to come in and look around ..... . Elmtr H•tdl, tnr many Y"""' ~reneral manarer of Ulf' 8anta Ana office ot l~ Automobtt .. Club ot 8ou01rrn CallrornJa. flu announced hi• rUI&'Tiatlon from Ulat p011lllon to lake tfftct I•· mediately. He will 1>1' I'Uc:eeetted bJ ltanlty Morpn, fonnerly con· n«\114 wtUI thll Santa Ana om ce and la tely .. a tant manacer of 'Ute Pomona branch of Ole autll club. Shell Marine Products See our Infants' Department POLLY ... awg+. IUXT DOOR 1'0 POnOri"'C8 aau•••»•ll...._ Cuta• 1 DOl HARDWARE .......... ··7ee••=•·· ...... eo.ta ... Mr. Hl'idt. who rftltdf'a at lOt Vla Udo Soud, Udo I•le, flu. Ti!'" atcta4 In Oranre county tar 22 yeara. dunn.-20 of wtudl h" hu t-tl mnRHtr d wiUI Ole auto rlub It wu lnttlrAtf'd that ~ would ent.u bualnfl• ror hl~lt 1'tM U .8 Capitol f'OVI'n Ulr~ Md -~r &oei"M and • 111'7 tNI hi ttL ATTHI SHELL DOCK MAIN CHANNEL ~ ., ............. - POllOI ... ... SZII ............. ............ :OSTA M£¥ • NUM•a .... , \SSn. Pres.; udied .and Hany r·Treuarw D11n Patcis ot y ( '•lAIIt ,\8). fhrt ... ~ t.• ••l"'rv._ ... lith two ....._. lla ln •a..t u..1 .............. .. .,...jf<da, .... -~ ...... .......... · o-.. a ,. "to ...... ~ ... ........... II ""-da. .... .. ......... , .. r lt- .,,lwtue6l =~ ........ : .. , ....... .., .... .......... .. ,,. .......... ......... .. ......... __ e. I ....... llnft at L. A .,., .. ,..._ ol I' t!¢ :. c::, ... ........... ....... o. • atlrMtlw ' r . ,.,._. ........... f'Wpai't ....... ~~ ... be pubtlrtt, U.. N-pnrt .,.,_,... .,/"'> lin ~leues 'ront a,. u.. .... lhr ..,. . ....... ..,. ,.. ,_ .. ... ~t. Leota ..... . ·--·· ... "'"""" .,_.,... t. ,~ .... ., u.. 11 .... ' l :t. "'"'" . ..... ,,,,., •w '"""' ••IIC"'"""' .. I_ • If"""""'" t' ..... ,... XII•• hilA ...-.. lty of ............ lrKr"" 1ft '· .. ' .. aeu Hears 1 Sacxesa By. ...._. ~ ... ..... ud 0.0 ....... llwd .. • 0. N-TOI'Ia t .-,.ct ,_ • ~ P,. Jt7 lin.. A.U. .. Aaa .. Ow -=--Ott-oa ,. .. lin. MJ!7 tool! U!o ot tM c.Mracte"' ~ .. a cbaract.e --.u. ot three • A.:ericaa famU .. to tk pr-t .. ... t paenUca .. ·~•lth l .....,. .. dtalrm&l ..._of Mftclam• '-"·Harry We._ ~.-·uHrll• • ._.._. IDHtlnf .. tile p~nt. ,..., ... pruedtd t ..,.. ..-:Unr ot u ! ... " Mra. E. D .._ ftatkrlonJ. t. ~"-d.. _. Roll <:all b Santa A One Nitc EbeiiD _., ftla.t· 1111 COl _,.WUAM -.an NOW: I ., _________ ...__ -=. . . .............. MAN( Cll Hear Man and Publlt News. and Affa~J'I. Te KIWA 8:38 5 I I •• ..... ...... .... -., ~ I t • . ' -\. ·~· .1/w;/u» UYI I if'S .. Buy U. S. 4th War Loan Bonds - NEEDED S.rvicemen and War Woden ore all depending upon our girl• at the •witcbboards. Good pay while learning and regular increases 100 E. Bay Ave., Balboa OR 514~ N. Main St, Santa Ana A !Ollabllltr C.rtilioale ~red -~ ~~ ea,t. ~tarry Blw_., _.., _ __ ~ • m.aDit:af.a. a r r' .a 014 t'.UIG 0114 • ~ .._. .. 5 'I t.o au. ......,. .. '-~ - Mra. Della Rc*eiUoll ol .,..._ Mill a.... la&U. 8tCftW'J ta ~ ot a ..._ MMt ....._, t>Jo.k 1pent Sunday at he.r beach 1M lAw W..,_ oltlce, hU bela A~ t.o report. tl WOI ... al l 1 •·ut~e. 111 27th 1ll'Mt. · COfta..d te a.. 11ome by om-leut two -u.. ..,_.. ... wtll I for u.. paa Week be IIUf'ftdeDUy .._ .... to .... Mr. &Ad 11111. H. J . 'hew~, tlt · tam to au. cllat'-_... u.. a- 1 <!JJt •treet. are U.. pueot. ot a A rnantaee 1:1oeaa1 .,... .....S AftpiM pa&e ~ ~ 11011, bom Monday at 8uata Aaa In Santa ~ to 11Wt1 W. Dtlt&- t;ommunJty ~l&l. man, c.mp Jldwardl, Mua., ad P. J . Johanaen. llt Urd 1U...t, Hel• llary We1411acer, B&lboa la- L!ft Monday moml~ for DMert 1 .... llot Sprlnp where be pluul to Kr. and Mra. Fred AIMta ot ~pend the next month. 3uta A.na .... JUMtl at U.. Mra. J. H. Z.tu , 2206 Cout home of U.. la&&er'1 puenla, Kr. houl~vard, left Monday for o.-an4 Mra. &. 0. W.U..r of 111 ITUI •'rt Hot Sprlnp where lbe plau •t.n.t. to •pend the coiJlinC mOiltA. Kn. NlchoJ.on Haurne-, m ru mlne avenue, will be tw.U. Lornouow at a meeJ.Inc ot the ~ pllla Circle of Corona del Mar . Set. and Mra. Jull!l Seder, SM Buena VIlla boulevard, are UM parentl of a daucbter bom Jut Ttluraday at Bt J a.epb bolpltal Mr. and Mra. W. 0 . Z.t• 4rove !lown from Colton on Sunday ancl ttre 1pendlnJ a week at tMtr beacll hom, ·on.:!'· ~ntral a~ nue. Mr. and MJ1. M. L. Rabbitt, :no Buena Vl•ta boulevard, bad U a Wf'ek end (Uftt tbe iormer'a 101ater. Mr1. G. V Welk.ert of X.O. Anfele•. Wl'f'ktondlnl' at the Croeb)' horne. 318 Apolena avenue, wen Mr. and Mna. Stephen ere-by, u . Steve Croaby, Jr, and Mlrtam C'rosby, all of Loe Ance)ea, Mr. and Mna. Harold R. Holt&. :Jot Apotena avenue. drove to \¥tl1tuer Sundey w-... UM7 •'d an order tor avocAdo u-for tha•lr ranch on Lemon Helpb. Loaie Oln hmp . .,bo t. IJta.. tloned ~ In OM loutll Pactne, bu ..._ promoted to t.be rank of .....,DieaJ •rpant, ae- cor~~tnr tA1 WWI' reeefved bt au. moUMr, lira. a.. O&eaenkamp ot 500 IIMta AM avenue. LMt "*Y• -u~ of tile f>tw. ca... ftlc:b Wal to Uft .,._ w.--* -* borne ol llr . aD4 lira. a. IL Eutman. 1711 I NMrJ!Ort Muanud, Wal poetpon- ed uw to1nonow ennlnc due tcs- IU... of Mr. a..tman. The meet-! I~ plaee wtJ1 ..main unctlanced. Mr. ADd lira. C. F. Wat tl and I f:unlly, wbo laa4 for Ole _jiUt eev- e raJ YMI"' Nl64ld at t2t'llr\v. B&y a•enue, UU. week moved tO ID- rlewood ...,.. they are loeat.ct at 2101 W. IOU! .trMt. Mr. Watt.e wu fouuwrty ~apr of the Newport......_ Bank of Amerka, r~ UU. po.ltlon aeYeral "-'Utw &CO· to accept a poet at Lallewood ~. Ueut. Art IAShtolle, owner of ChriiUaD'a ~ wu In tbe Har- bor .na ~iii week lnlpectlftC b11 1 bualn .. lntel"'!!lta bere and fTI!I!t-1 Inc olcl frtendl at the Hut and on 1 Capt. Howard Baker, a-com-the penlDIUl&. After aatlatytnc modore of Balboa Yacht Club, hlm.Mit tbat everythl~ wu In I'Ame down from the Nortll la.wt lhlpahape condition, he left wttb 1 fo"ThJay for a brief v1alt wttll Jo-lUI uaaal "c:!Merto" and II now re- 1 1 I l'AI frlendl and to lrallMct buill· port.ecl to be In J:nr;land with the ne• here. u. a._~ AJr eo,.. 1 I Loul women attencii.DC U.. Mn.. J!1orDc:e K. TorT~~ne:e, 114 ••flunty W.S.C S. meetlJI&' belcl 27tb etrMt wu hoete. S unday I Tu,.lday at Oranre w.re x.-at a btrUlclay clianer party bon- ' <t&ml'l E. D. OoocleU, Stno W-.. ortq tM natal an.nlverart• of ttwrford. Henry Harrll and Ks. her two clauabten and daucbt.er- 1 Elllto Newland. In-law, lin. Joe Swnmera, 11n. Tbunday, February M, 1Mf WHATI ONLY ONE KEY? • _. te ._ en-ctNwii,J I.Dcunvenlenced by U.. u - .._ ot -ay -Jl.,. wtwn you have n..-d tDr t-• ......_ ll ~ taa.. a J1tfY to make a duplfiCat.e • _. .. do It IteM IMn wtille you wait . ILUrOI.D L IOIINION, Loekamltll ........................ ....._ Mr. and Mra. F rank OrtnwiU Paul r..,_ &ad lin. D6cll Tor- lf'ft thll week for their bome at renee, all ot r-~ A..llo Harllnc.-r. Texu. after llptJidiJC PNMnt for Utw f..UvSU. ..,.. 10 day• with their .on-In-law aDd Tedl. Itt-I'Uil Farmer ot 8aa daurhter, MaJ. and Mn. IC. D. Dtero, Oof'p. DIe k Tonace, Giffen of Balboa. Camp ......_ and Mn. W. W. BracDay, Loaa Beach. Kn. Brad- ley, wbo urtftd at t.be TeN ••-' home oe .._._,, 11 "'"'•"''ea ~U..weekua.._. rueet. Councilman W. A. Kirk, J.JOI E. Central avenue, apent UM week en4 ln Ban~ wiMq lila THEY .IEEII'EM RILLING' 71111/A/IJIB.I ME ,., Bei.IIME 111/IIIEI/11 .__,_ ____ a&&. ___ ,, .... -...... l vlltted au. ~. Naval Cadet BW Kirk, who II In tra1n.1ne at 8L ~':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':::::::::::::::::::~ Mary'• conere. He retum~ -rue. • 20· DAYI LEI I ...... laco•• Tax Belanls See • ._ C. BO,.JU# a1a ...,,.,., ... ,., ·~~--~--· day on the Owl. Mna. R. 8. BriJp of Loe An- g••ln the former Carol Battelle, WliS a Fnday rue•t at t.be home uf Mrs. Florence K. Torrmce. 114 ::7t.b 1treet. Mra. Bn &e• wiU ~ nmumbered aa a former aoctety nlttor of the Pnaa. Mra. C. C. Gill ani! IOIUI, Chu . ·u111 Robt.. from Little Rock, Ark. 1 h11vc arrived to make their home ; "'llh thco former'l parcntl, Mr. 1 and Mra. E A, Barnett, 210 E . -------------------------~,Surf. Balboa. Mra. 0 111'1 hUiband. _ a heutenant colonel In the Army .. · ••• lib 1o .0 llo.e 'oalsht ... z., ,N,.., Mill .... Ill,--.M,. jtlll. . ' ~ r~M,..J.+ ._,, ,....., ,.,,,, _, ,.,;_, r,.. /)i-fl-1, 10 ..... ' n-~----.., .,., Mftd t4t "'" ,;., _, '*""*' .ull ---Uw , t.JL ..... 1111 CAli .. INIA TILI,HONI COM,ANT ~~ .. ~~ ~ .. ~~b~~. l.U I t•Xpcoctl to leave for oveneu duty •n the near future. I Mnt. J ... ~. Bolio or Balboa Ia· lltnd .-ntcrlalned over the week 1.•n•l for Lt. and Mra. Stanley Christopher, r or me r re•ldentl h"re, who moved to San Dlqo 8nmo• ttme ar;o. Lt. Chrtatopher <~nly ~ently retumf'd from N-~ ( :utnea where he u w plenty ol 1 At'llon wtt.b lhP flghtlnr; force•. Mr. and Mrs Vtrgll PhebUI, jr .• J t l'l!l 28t h slrt'l't. are making p~p-I arat11m1 to mon• to IM9 Tu.ltln J\1'1'11111'. Co1t11 l\fr11a. where they I 1 wall r .. shJc with Mr f>bebUI' par- rnt.Jo. Mr and Mr1. L V Ph~ul, j untll thl'lr new dwelllnr on 16th! atn•l't rca chea complt'llon. It wtll be ready for occupancy In about a l IIIOnth. I DAn Patch. 10n of Mr. and Mra. 1 L L Patch, 427 !:1 Modena ave-I nue. ~f'ntly completed th.ree I I month• rombat duty aroWtd tbe . Xf'w Hebrldea. Oll~rt and Mar-. 11h:> II Ill Iandi, where be bu been 1 ,...·rvlnlt wlt.b the Navy u a wa- ' n1an tk'l'and clUI aboard an alr- 1 •'rAft rarrier. He wu a member I "' thr tll4~ ~aduatlng clue at llnrbor High. I ~ftdway bland t. no Soutb Sea I f'l\rlldiM-. at'rordlng to WNley R. fo'owlrr. Balboa boatman who formerly rr1lltfod at 317 Alvando I placr. Ira a recent k tl.er to Mn. Fowler, an employee ot the Bal- boa po~tofnl'.e, Mr. Fowler u ld tht' wlntf'r there had been 10 cold tl\&t It wu ·JI~ary tor the men to lll'~p In all their clothn He 11 rmployf'd on MidWay In a ch111an I Apal'lty. Mna Paul A. Palmtr of ,Jlalboa bland ....Wted In ho.t-dutlea Sunday when WAVIIlf of the San· Ia Ana Naval Air etatlorw4 .n- tf'rtalned 80 young women lntn· M!f.ed In jolnlnr tbll Important hrancll of th.-armf'd forcH . Dur- In« the day the rveat. were t&Jc. Aft on a tpf'Cially MC'Orted tour "'' thf' 1tat1on wblcb tncludf.d a of ~ banpr ancl landl.nc mall UMd by the bUmpe. , - 7 NY Ia ... .• ' c fll W.. r''lt .,.w ....... c;...,· ... ,.._ .. -..... 1 .... ill .....Cff .. -il ............... ..... a sf ; ......... .._ .. .....,,. I ' a 4~,...., .,_....,.._,..,_.. ....... ,. .. _......... fll-.... ...... ~ THI MAGIC FLAME II II W&. I ....... .-.. f1 & ... dlea ....... ............. I -·~---·· --or .... __....., . ....., .... .,_......,_.. .. ~ do-...-, ...... ODe f1l ... ---- The ......... iadulay .. ia ,..... • .,;-Jwt ....., ol alOCJO.poiDI bard~ fliiiiiDIIm ... -k "'i oW""' I 't- Evea d!e .,.._ ftriatioG ia ., .. .,.ue cw "' r aa .... '-,.eo 400 au flibioonWa,. • 700 Nnr .. ....._ .,. Bur l!ille .... • b.., pea haioe f1l • kiadl. .. it •r'l * _..._a; r will •• Yoa'4 be _......... • dlr...., 4iaow:llia IIIII ,.. ...._id 1ft ........ ..., -f1l ..., Dlic .. ~ ·A.Id .. ., is c.-.; ...._ cWad-Wui .._ wiiW, ...-r-paatimr homr ..w !DOcie,_... 80ft dwillilw ..._nos W.. ... , •••• c ... ,. ..... ce.. .. y IHAI fHI MAGIC PLAMI WILL 8RieHriN YOUR FUIURI ••• -........... _..... .. -:~==:::.:,==,:.:· .. --o-.. .... ....................... -. ........ . . ' . ' ... ,.._.,... CONIIIYI eAI .... _ ..... W'IJea you M'ft pa b .... iaJ-JOU CODitne fatl llft<kd 10 •Pft'd 'riaory. .. don'c •uce heu; Nm • iht PI bdi:we leni .. IDr iht d•J. A•oid -~ .. Sbat iht doon ol uiii!IN ,_a-_..4oaa ' I Tbunday, February 24, 1944 Ni!WFOM' •YMA PR.-....,... .... lor • 1135 Hlqhwa)' 101· J ... IMI of 1'11.; Archae O•erpau . WORK BASKF:r Belen N. O&.llaper M-fd OooM MCI y.,... • ·Rwl' a_. ._trweUOM GraM~ wt•P'art!IIMeor......,... ..... 1111 6ll ............. , &una .u. Boward W~ Gerrish .. -LOUCKS ~y e IIT~ONEaY Walda A J-elry Repairlnc CJre1tiac Carda For All OccuJona Wet.cJM. and ~acement ~on our I:Uy Bwllet Plaa am M.-,-t 81•4. Ph. t53tR 008'1' A. IO:aA. - Machine \\' ork ~ IID'AIIUJIO Vlrg's Garage -o..tn.l n-a llU-W -~IOOREdes Better Ice Cream ftiY ftl .... s Clllfectioi8J 2100 OCIAN fRONT PhoDe 73 .. - I ;g~, I I ,GpMJS/u,p I e IFOR MEN ·and BOYS • LYU POPE I Official 0. P. A. Tire Inspector • fte Qovei'IIIMnt \ow aay. you m&J recap your tire. with· out eertitlcate tram the Ration Board 'U• your ration eertttleate for pre-war rrade tlr<M. 4l8o Uaed and Grade m "nfte. • l111alat1d liD VICE ...... OIMnl ~~ .-:: := :!1 Cxpa...W Coamdttee Poet Service Offbr • .. ot c» ma.t -~for~ .Affairs Offen AMIBtaaee a.UJ·•~ numben at a t.. You may be ol4 and~. cat OCIDcert .. ,.. bJ 01c1a1aa ~rpntadM ol 0.. Newpon Or )'OU may be YOUial' &M ...,.., Sl~ra. Tbe ..._. wu ortPM!ll H.utlw 8oout _,u,.. to ill· And folk.l may praue J'OW fll· wr1tt• aa a voc.J tor x... ..,. elude ...,.. 1 r ..aw. ~ tbe l....ocal Jlf'~ wbo .,.. depend- ,.nt Upclft P ...-.1c:wl'll&n tor 1Np- port a,.. urpcl to COfttacot r W l'~ller. wn1N otncer of N-- port Hartlor AmenC*I lAttoft.. 111 u.r •""t that ttwoy ,..., fadnc an t'll\e,....IK"y w I t tl o U t IUMclenl run de forta or revtle; teuen·e t&Jellt.ed ..,....._. ._. Ya11oUa •"* ... &a U..- But you ql&lekly 1..,. tbe a-D bud, J. IAehe ·~ ~ 6Dd U.. Q:enbr ot ea.--o.. AI you wtn yvur w., ..-_ ll&lnber lJ'OOOII • . • Me ..._ "",....... lly Dr Ow· That your work wtU be maN '"1-Mrw. 8 ., wbo baa ..._ dlno-11oft M. Onutd1. ,.awrea dl.elr- come If you emile. tor ot Oec:iltan .....,. for u man. -~ ll. ...,... ye&re. baa e "''ODdert\&1 1D1111ka1 At loJ\ •rl1 -Unc.--to M C'onlttlt'ntlnJ on the eld that ll ll\'aHabt. lhi"'\.,.tl Army Enwr-~:•n•'v R•ll .. f Mr C'h'l'kn ..Sd to-I • • • beckc"roun4. 8be fttUdled uncter r . •·al~ by tJM cMirman. otncen N cl b t MeHue Ctuiet.enwn, 41Aetor of . 111 be elected w take UW pa.u • moeto f~ ~ the f&niOUI St. OW cbou and et1 · '.' 0 . Wroobl. lft~r. and recard reel bm& roncl'bei011 of bu courer waa eo1o-Harry Wek*. wile au •rwcS aa beaM u e 11M-t.t for the ,.,.duate c:laal . . . M!CJ'e&uy lOll 1M ,.., 10 ,_,., Doma 1D 'beMa 1 • • • ~~ u.. awn• ot tM :_ c...! 8pe&JUn• ol "1'004" Wood Uw 12'C~CJUMrce are Or. Gordon M . wtdl plDk .... other clay, eomeone made the com· Orurul)', Walter 8 . Bp&eer end pbuta &IWl bl mencl&ble remark that In hill optn-W..-.ton Jay: Rotai:Y dub. Hub- moone but': lon the "tiNt" blood wu that bard C. How. Uld Cbar1H R. a. o. N.wmu wblc:b lll'&a donelecl to tb,e Reel P~yt011; 1-'-chill. J. ~ ltd- '&a!.w,. ha\'f• th<' tl.wet fla'lUql fore. In lhl' •-orld bfoc-euee our ... lltu•rw kn~· that Ule follll at h•1"'" ar. protected They know 1 that Am1y f!mntrf'ncy llellef ll A frtrndly ht'IJ>In« hand In emer- .:•·nrl ... afff'C'IIO« U... w•IIPI'I' end l>n•ll belq of their femiU.. of Zlal TU.It1A CraM . . . ft'l\l!l'n and ,..._ ~. KJwen- • • • ra c-lub, Judli-o. A.. J-elMS "It your family elk)Wanc. te l u\•~ an.S ... n.ed mO.Wy tn a hUIT)', If ~ &1'1 ... al prob- lt•n\11, If a 110ldler'a wiffl l'llpiCta a b"by. tf u... ... 11 elc'll-and no mnn .. y In th• homt', or If you n.ed r ub Of' e loan for food, ~nt.. or ml'dki~'t .. t UM 80ldtar •OM')': epply at o~ tor Army p;_,.,.nc-y R.Uet .•• e venue, 1ft any eort of e ~ )Jhl't, -·re r otnc t.o be&r • lot 1\bvut red llmu In the nut f- yrare ... Seven yeare ,.o UM ,..,. llu- reau gave Mr. Newm&D •vea lima be&IUI wbJch were reddillll '" color with bl&ck apota and •ln pea. He planted UaeaL 1'\n 1·1nee grew to maturity u4 bore a con.aldereblt nwnbar of beule. Culling out all of tboee that llhowed dark epotl, Mr. N.wmen planted Lhl• clear redc~Wb OIIM ucl the nt'lll year barveet.ed a I'OOd yield. Thie contJnuecl UDtll 1M2 when he and h.l.l n.elpbore bar- vtaled 17 ton. of red l1m&l fr-om lbe orlg1nal etock of enea beaM. On the ~an F'ront. ju.t ott Jack lteub. &ad iW U.. A.aaer1- 28rcl etreet.. tht're ll a paM. A.t ··an 1AI'ioll. OU. TaalpUe. the baM of thl' poet there ll a A apeelal ...-·e c:ommtttee bench and over the bencb there to take care ot aut lcouta &8d ill e elp. It aaye: "W.P.A.. Rec· 1clatecl ecUvtU.. wUI eJeo be ep- rMtton Project." pointed at the .-& ~· For What I would ltke to mow ll the pMt two ,_,.. tide poup what oorwtltutee tbe '"proJect!" hu been ~ of lira. lld II It the bench! b It the mr-l:ha('man, lin. &. r. De.._.t, roundlq beech wbare 011e may Mn HubMrcl Howe, lira. ICv«r- coUec:t a eunbum on the upoeed rtt Noooan. ~ ae.tre BU.... portlone Mel tar on the teet.. or and Mre. LoNUe \'1DeaaL /;._ ~l •nnce om~r. Mr. C'rodll'r etenda re&dy end wtlllftJ to _ .. , df>p.ndcontl In mallt~ applk'aUone for &MilltenN. He haa lbf' f&('tl pertatnlna to Army doee thll allepd project take In the blue and boundl-Peclllr Ocean, the bene~nt eunebtne and UN tnlll -breeMe T THIE COIN or OOlJaAOE F.mt'ra't'nl')' ftt'Ud and the appll- nUon blanka that b• will pl"t'- Some of tbe -' tlwptrtq ~"' and fono'arcl to hfoaclquar- •loJ&NI of ....._, ban Ileal trn If any caM wUT&ntl emer· totiM'd lft UU. war. 'nwy're DOC If"~'~~'>' twlp, bl' wtU .... to tt that J..-t boutlul quApe Of' ~; U... A~tPU~ent ll prompUy et'('Oin· I'm etrald our Reeeudt ~ pertinent wtU b.&Ye to put In aome overttm.e on that ... quee- Uoa ... Uky're tradem.eltl8 ol •&lor. moclaa.cl. Take U..t eiMik of bftvtty, f'tw)M the Am•rtl'en IAI"'OI The 17 ton. would JI&YI =-clad about 800 acre. but Mr. N-· m&n drclded It wu time to let OOVII:aJifiiENT IMU& "81,-hlecl INb; eeall --... It ('OIIt e.rvlce offtt'er at 11 Of' come had the ,.. ol true coin. u..,._ to Leeton Poet 211 loeated el Ult' Lord and ... 1M PIIUIUifti• l~th and Bay Front on the ftret UGil" ~ L ..,.... at liiiP lind "Udrlf ,....}'r Of Hell other folkl In on e I'OOd t.ILiq eo 81ttlq on my 0 .1. bed, 80id the bl&lk of the crop to a a.o. My O.J. bat upon m1 bea4, Anf'elH eeea concern. l.Mt ,..r y 0 .1. paate., my O.J. eboM. thr C01ta Meea yteld waa eca1n I I wteb l.My'd .-v. ue O.J. boc!M, rourap Uld taiUL n1onUl. A cbokle llltt to ~-Uw In the vlctruty of 11 toM. G.J. reaore and 0 .1. rom.._ Brltllll akUJ few _.retal.t'lllftlt JIAJifY CIVII.IA.N -~ wu Uw cllec:I1,U. -, Uw We· 1 AccorGJnr to Mr. N.wmu tu. GJ. 'Willi I waa bome. hoo •ll1pper ot ~ Ide 111b aanll :"'EII:DED nMl NAVY 10M rt>d llmu yield about on.e-t!llrd hravlf'r than the common varie- ty. nf'ver require fwnlpUOII an4 1\1'(' untroubled by weevtl. A.bout 60 poun\1& qf -d wtll plut u Acre, whtrt'u 100 to 110 pound~ 111 rt'qulred of ordtnary umu. ,.. to thtlr l'OOkln• menta. tile Oro- r t'ry PacklnJ Co. orterM to .qD a contract for 15000 eedla thle Y•'ar but Ule eHcl euppiJ le lltW not quilt adequate to en&ar Into C'omrnercial trade on .ue.b a ecale. Mr Newman beUevee that Meee rurml're would benefit met.ertally hy d<>vollng their ettorta .._I!Pd hmns, pomllng out that they ere lt•u troubleaomt' than DIOft otber "roJMI; reqlllre '-waw, en bothered by no bup; lbelr M.r· Vf'l!tlng preMntl no labor prob- h·me. there'e a watUq market ror them end tM)' br1J\C c:&llb mont'y In 30 day. . . . Which .. wily I •Y w.'ll ,..._ tlbly bto heann. mone ello\at Nd llmu In the IJY\~Mdtate ,...,.. to rome ... • • • The Mertln H.,_. of SOl E . 18th •trt"et , are fortunate In bev- lng " dutiful and thOUiflttul eon Corp. Emeat Heneon, who ill with ,the Cout Artillery eome- whPrf' In Italy. He not only wrtt.M hta parenll thret tlmee ••Illy but hu been ~endlnr Utem eome 1 :·llpt'r-dupt>r aouventrw . . . 1111ch M two lmmenee ellk becllrpreade. raml'o end coral jewelry, fOft'lp mnnl'v, a nd an old-taabJo..-c! box IOCkl't.· l'p<'n Inquiring about the liM of thl' locket. the Harwona were tnf.,rrw·d t hAt In olden daya faah· i"TT'Ihln rolkl wono UMm &I'OWid th•·ir nPr klll and carrlecl tn them orthrr 11nuft or pllt.--wblch eYer wn11 m ore e-nUel to the __,.. f'r'll well beln« ... • • • • Mr11. Mary Batton 8tel'f.eNt'n nf C'nmna del Mar ill ltlll re- retvlng congratulatlona on her ar· They l8lue ewrythiq you neect. Paper to write on, bookl to read. Your belt, your eoeka. your 0 .1. u--u·. all for f'rw, nothlq to buy, 'nl.ey leiNe food . that mallee ue CTOW- G.I. went a kine fUrioultl. t:l. en~my '*lpe: "'t wu ju.t A.,...mt'nt haa been •nterecl alght. tnclc • .._, and elnll." 1 Into by Ul• Navy Recrullln• and No pm of .....,.tJ, bown.r. Induction Senior end the U. 1. wilt ewr ~ Uw IMTok. C'l\'11 IJC'n·tce. Comm'-llon to mall• ''Tail• her clowa!" ot iiUbaaar1JM Oranp County NaY)' ftftruiU~ Commander ~ Walter OU-1atal101r In !!l&nta Ana loc:aJ t.Hd· mOft'. wbo P" a. ~ durtJic quanen for ~nt ot e:tv- an at t.edl &n nail ~le4ire Ulat than wortren for ne.aJ dry doeka, It mt'aftt ._ ......., .....W ~ ao.t It WM m.r~ toclay -, r . A your food trom 0.1. u he laJ wouncled • tiec:k. I t'«hran. recrult•r In char-a•· Amme&na to d e 7 rem.nnber In a re-c,.nt mHUq at a.o. A.ll· You eat platea. Buy all you went at 0 .1. retee, ll'e 0.1. lhll end O.I. that, ll'l G.I. w ork that brealut your becll. Everythl~ here lew-- r t•arl HutMw ....... ot u.e ........ pl&NI -re clreflf'd tJal'oucll l Maine. 11:vm tMl eluek, '"'nlel which alllllf'd and uneltllled men j Mar1,_ have lancleil aacl lien 1 r an aervt' lbr Navy enn ltlouJb tl\to 11tuaU011 In Ma4." -Y ~tn unquallfll'd pb)'&lca.lly fOf' comt.l l ta cowmment ... ·ay before ow l"t!eeftl cltdaraUon I duty Men aet.<tl'd wtll &aiMt In G.I. 'Willi that I ttl R.ear AclmtreJ o.moDy tlael Ow bulldlnJ. ...rvlriOJ. renttlq t oould Idee you. 1 "\~re ow 111a.r1.-Mft IUMiecL end "'JIIIllnq of Uw N•YJ'• npt. -A.nonymoue. lhne u.e A.-~ wtU .tay." IOJ ehlpe. Prftelllnr wac-wtll 'nlf'W ere not llbldM>d ,.._ be pajd tn all dMit.ftcat.Jone of AIAAII ~ BLU.. Tbey are .w.pecl lfOII~ lJM wfll'tl. In blte.tul ll&e-ot Ule dawn In lJM .U.t ot --.. IIlia OvUlen wot"ken for wtdell ua. eudl rhallr,e throup llw ,_,.. 111M Navy·a ne.d ta &C\1~. fi(IW Include 1 a&eep; cleep eleep, b.eppJ brougbt forlll Ita new ..... 'l'lw It ""-tmf'lal worllen. r~trtdena, 1 ~..,lbere beeide me Satan fac• of the cotll may M dlftwr-paiNolme" l,u.arcll t. lebort'rw, end .taacle: ~nt. the ln8Cr'tpUoll _., a.t hf'lp..n In many r atf',0111N 81liii- Peretatent yt... do. he kMp. 1'1\Ch ll lllamPf!d wtU. tlile ,.... f'd worllerw MM'h u mKh&Alca. He boldlr h.ll bande before 11'-mark of a daunU... ..,ertt.~ r•ttpprramiU!a. plprfltterw, rllfl'l!rw . feae t '"" Srience Monitor. tr.olmallerw. blar klmlth.l, rhlrperw Ln ebeme, for what lae plaM to I --aM~ raulk•rw allltl .,,. f'f'CJUlrecl. I do, ~EXT OF UN CAJII'T ~Jif 1 n•lf'r th" n•w mr lhod of pro- •·unom,.nl. m•n may lfO dlre<'tly He locthM 'llt!t!p l there en· ftC'('t'lpt of e rulln& froiD ...... ,to thr Na1·y Rt"f'rultlnJiC •fallon j Joy, tngton wu announ«d b7 Oollec· 1 f••r t'Ompl,.t.r lntnrm•Uon about Yd ebame lm ll no~,_, tor of lntt'mat Rnftlllf: Hany C rh·lhan Jot. 0 n. w h•IUra He check.l e mlnu.._ ,. tbey I Wffi<'lvf'r which ('rolllllltl Uw wtle: ~·ork.na c-ondlJ:'ne .. ::"· ' paae; or h u•band or tlw nnt ol lltn of 1 ' Outllcle the happy moc:leer llnp. 0 nwmber or Uw> •rmrd forca to I - lnelcle I !liMp u cenUe child, "lKn an lncomr tu ,.tum I« Uw f'uiJ,.r'• rarth Ia ~d to f'rtr&ct Then terror Nl.,.._l&nn clock twrvlr,.man or w 1)m&n uta'-eucJa 1 ~·oloriOJ matt"r from -p fell, I r1np. lnt1h•ldual e.clullll)' IIC'U aa ac-t ~'•Ilion lleed ull and krroeent'. 0, how I hate that rhlaUy eound. \4'llh ruu powf·r of etlonle)'. A.U I ' And hate the men who meltee the tax rPtuma ft l,.•l f•'r ~mcenwn F11nt that provtdl'd arr<JWI for 1 thln•; by 111:tntl mu•t be a.r.companlf'd ln•llane wrv•d Am•rlran plon~rw 1 1 cry when eleep te dtued away. t>y poowt'r of allornry j fur «rlndln• lrf'eln I But •tan aaya that cl«k mu.t ~ ~· -.---------- ....:v.c.B. In So. Coaat N-..1 PLEDGE ro THE wAR WOUNDED l ' The Dletrfct of Columbia wu Hy MALVTNA LIJIIDeA.T rul and hnPf'ful arl'epl&nl'r of I eetabllehed July 11. 17110, from In Wuhln«{on r..t whalf'vrr hu bdellf'n him traetl ceded bJ Maryl&nd Md I will bt'11n now faltlatulJy If any m,.mbo-r of my family Vl,..tnl&. And prayerfully trellllnl' m,..U rrtuma partly wht)lr from thl• for the tat of t.tUe l era _. war, I will mak,. II my mAJor un-1 tn mHt-that of -~~ lied! ()lortlllllna In "'" that h• Ia tnat- lhe war wou.ndt'd aad ~ N1 aa far u pc.Mibl,. u a rom· • them f~l that It 11 llcae M ....U. Jll"l•ly ••bol,. and nf•rmat poorwon I .) ' ...... --.. ~~~~~··· ........... ....... a .......... ,. If 1 -e melmf'd IU'Yicelllan For the eah of all tholll! men I on the •trettl. I will f\lmiJ .ut1e In my nrbll of llfr who mey rr· any urge to atare rurioiiPIJ, Oil to tum homt alck or wnundl'd In I tum away with lht' ~te.t .-body or mind. I will rulllvelt In I tun• of ahrlnklnc.· e, to let n.. mywolf lhr habit nf rh,...rfulni'M,I a ahadow of romm._.rwUO. era. I will r hrrfah about "'" Jtty. lau~rh· my fee..-1 will •urnmon all Uw t-or anrt ~ray .. l y. bt)th now and IM'nl llivlly of m ind ucl U'IM.oc:-lattr. knnwln« th•t thet~e thln«W '"~'>' nf .out 1 ~ end .... nttf'n hav,. m.,,,. curative vlllur!' him UW> cuual, mat&ar~·Act than nt,.dlrtnl'. glanr .. I would gh·e an>; atrutpr. I will drll'rmlnf'dly mot out of I 1 will never, und.-r anJ ~· my """" naturf' any n,.urotlr . 1lanrea, be 1t0 boortah a.nd UIIIMI· •hrlnkln« attlludr tt-ard thOill' Inc ,. to aak any Mrf'lcaDan who bear the prrmaMnt about Ida wounde or t.o .ell W of battle. I wtU tleln rriyeelf drew 111m out on btl b&tt.le •· f't'«ard UlNa ICiln wtth renr-1 penenca. f'ftCe u tf'tltlmonlala of human I w11l nenr. In a pdlk ,a.oe, ooure,re and dlarect•r 1 comment to e c::ompulkla. -I wiD corwtantly l"t'mlnlt myMif In e whliper. about a ~ ''f tilt m•ntal arhJevrmenta of man wh~ t.ttle lnjur1ft .,.. &p-lrf'l'at m,.n end womf'n who h•v,. p&rt'nt. I wtll realise Ul&t -bfof'n phyatr.elly hanltlrap~d. I thou«'! be may not Ill or -...r wiU Nmf'mboor 8l Paul thf' A rw-- me. 111& &C\IW wnaiUYtty, wdl II~. thf' lam,. Qu••n of 8h•ba. ~I mak .. him unhapp41,. IWUII U..t blind Homl'r end thr blind Mlltton, h,. ta a IIUbJect of att.rntloa. lbe deaf &4-thov""· thr r rlppll'd I wil& ~ let ....,. &.-. ......_ A~r ~. tht Invalid ~­ f,.llow!" ~ my ltpe-« · ~ ""**'~ 'luld I wtll elen r-Pmrmbf>t for a moment In my ~ thet -of lbe fo,..moet tllfUrH l'onnectlon with e battle.....,.. r1pt now In wnrld l"adenhlp, Hrvleeman. wbo ll U.O th,. Prl'll~nt of th,. ·BALBOA GIFT SHOP It anyone I llnow or '"-Uee United 8tat .... attain~ hte dll· wounded "In a tar-awa,. ....,...., Unct.JoM undl!r pbyetceJ bend!· I •·Ill not write blm ~ cepe aa -~ u moat wounded lnJ IY. or wo curtoi»>Y _.,. --ftt.nalla Will "''""' with ....... I I'=~~~~ •••• r • ....., ....... lolllll)'. but wtD rat.Mr tl7 to I wtll try tn mMl thll t.Mt of make him ft'f'l that I ern IMit --t.Uie bo-bind Uw llnee with u ctuly wori'Md « elennf'd ... -mueh eourece and •tesM=-- nnt attadll~ too mudl e.pa.t. aa tiM bran mm who lnc:urnd &nl'i' to the phyaleal etnk:UoM M three woundl dt.playf'd at the 'ftll p,.. 1e onlJ Sl.OO e year. I ......... bJ aail MJWbere In Orup oawat)'. (SUIO a ,_,. .-, ·-------..---,.·----------~ ..... 1\u Nf'lerM. I w111 try to --batuO!' Iron to lfU&rent.ee to muntcste to ILim my eA1m. .,.._ UM W&J ol hi• 1 now enJoJ . ( SINCI 1 ll3~ I Balboa Balboa Island AT T H K R K N D K Z V aU 81 • .. 0 P I l S ( I T I )l A 1 ~1 I I I ti«IISTRA Modem· Dixieland Music AT THE BALLROOM IN BALBOA .. Saturday ighl FEI .. n IM, 1144 • BUY U.l. WAB BOND81 ---1111&&1. POSTDI .... - COSTA MES,A \ssna 1 Pres.; tudied t. an~ Harry ry-Treuurer I hu1 PJII<'h o1 It)' < 'cllut ~ fl th, .. ~ major ., 1•1 ""l"'rvlee .._ wtth lwn ... ,_. ......... o.- .. etlrac:Uve tt I , 1"11"'-. ... " ..... ~~-port, ..... ~ly UI4J the publll'lty 'lJMNewpon :.a.m..,., ·I in eleues Pront y lflftll&ey. ..... Onn "· ceu fl'rnnt. • t.aoer t ... .., Wotn•n'a 8. M•rfrw IIOUDCedto- "~ qe of U.. n1 w..a 11 U , whu I ,,,. I .,.~,,., r,.w ltlv"' ... 1"""'""1 ,,.1..._ a ICMitfu~&l~ ,., ,., ... ,.. .. Mh•· ltaa , ....... )' , ••. worlr· •lt·acr"e tn .. , r , f , I • ' Ebell Hears Success By . -n.. LAn4 Ia I ,......,., and Oe ~baa bad 1\M ca Ule N-Y~ .. bjeet for a cia l'l•n by M ra. Artl ta Ana at tbe £be Clubt.ou.e 0t1 Tln11 .. ,.., May t~Wt t ol Ule ' eha{KIU wbic:h ._ a ebaracr ~mtwn of Ul!'f'e an American tam up to tbe prreent Hilt poeraUOD. A luncheoa wiUI Kinney u chalrm aaiU• ot M8dalll .....-ct. Harry W~la Nlemf'yer. v.·a• 114'1' 'tJwi ~ mHlll ~ bJ tbe preaident DeaklDa. pneedtd on. retwUoc of led bJ Mn. E D lluaD Rutberfortl, ProducJioo tteatl, · &DDual Roll cau Santa J One Ni1 Ebell I -f~ YHI CC -nl wuu MANt Cll Hear·Ma and Publ News, an Affairs,~ KIWJ 8:3 A 0 I h•. * w ··~ .. -, ~!. ~' ~YC PapS LIDO ...._ 1114 r ... Putllaa •• I .... , ...... f lU llaU..........., M 1:41 c 'ntota.-a... V... I =• Adult.: .OC -.. nkle Men 30c ~ Uc, Ta:& .I.Dc:. THUJl .. JIU . .aAt'. IUcla&rd Dia-Jaae Wyatt lA TIEWISAII and • 8ecoNI .... twe Cll LUCI, •• YAHS DIUX7l'ORY oF KA&BOB oi81'Blor oROAMZADONB Mr.. Helen Sexton lNote: The tolluw!nr directory ta pubu.laed tor tbe llillolftt ot Choeen to Head ,_cten ot the r .. n•u. Thwr\' 11 no cha.r1• 1M U.t.1na-Ln th1l ~t. u erTOn are noted. vr ad<lttlon~ l.k3lred. pleue phone Newport 1111). I>elta Gammas -s-port llarbor l.h~&.~nbl·r • f Oommeree: W. M. Lo.,.moor, pru- ldent: Harry Wrl< h, ••·•·ret~<ry Meelll\il twice munthly. --~ M...: l.~ber .of t ·-rce: 131 E. lith ~t R. W. s.rtJM. pn~dtnt: A . W Otbb.~n, _-ecnLary. ~nd Tueeday. Newpo,:;-flalbor tto.alt) Uuard: lAw Wallaco:. praldeot; L.. W. Bncr•. kerct .. ry. r.t_..t. m•mtllty Newpor1 ll.arbclr ShiJibu!ldrr•' .u.n.: Hubbard C. Howe, prtlllldenl Jaok Colo•, ••·n~llu y U!t M •l ~~ I Tlhan1dayt. · NeWport·llalboa Ku &Ar)• ('lub: Earl Stllflley, prealdent; C. Lewll ~ ~MCretary. 1~n·,.•h•y. il .w p m a.:_:v~tte'l Park Avenue cafL P4IN'I'INQ AlfD DaX>U 'I'INO Mrs. Relerl Cartrr 8eldoOII, 1Ja -Winlt o1u1 WWk. 8J1Ds-DD • Jade aftii\M, Balboa lal&Dd, WM Noller, 011 Uth IlL. Newport. elect.ecl ~~ of the ·~ PboDe lJlT. 61tf Cowlty Delta ()anUna Alii.IDAM I1'0UP &l a meetinC bald fttclaJ' LAliNDRli*J-~t W'llft al'tenlooe at Ule home ot llrL dona tD 10W' bom.a tor coupa.. P AJMTINO aDd JQrtes.,., ............ I ~ rte4. A. J. 11111t-. tN Mca,.rt ....... OaMa II-. .... u.w ' Hal WIU tlmJUI. 101 Ola7Jl a"-A~ Boll X. PraM, Newport Mn. ... ,~ ..... Weted ~ a..da. Up M t L t.reuww ot Ule poup and llrL WOMAN WANTa JOB u .U.. Oney 0 ~D Leo llerDu, Ill Opal aYeD\M, AD· lady,. typwt or .-uaas.t. U-beye IMPilOWD UAL chora 8eel'etary, ·~r , __ Tlae I'I'OUP made pi&DII to ...S. I tate M1&r7 end boura . ._ &. 1ST A Tl ud ..-aGIWY ... tunda for tbt 1upport o£ the Newport·B&Jboa ~ R. C. p ARKEJi 8chool for Vtaually ~dlce.ppad MAN, tl; ·bandy, wtl!inc encl J Chllclren, ba Lol A~l-. llpOII· adaptable. eon.tdar -bca81-1108 Newport BIYd.. OaMa .,._ eored by lloutbern Calitomle Del· propo.IUou or whet b&ft J'GU ta Oammu. P.O. Bent !21, Newport Btacb. A new membfr preeant at tbe Up Notary Public VII:W tor Ia ~ ......... gn tWrtnlrW rilw el - OCIIUl ........... Prtle .... PlaaDe N.-port ... - 1-BEOR.()())I sou• aa as la&ntwaod aoan, 0.. ...... tourUl ~ ..,...... -. ,._, R. c.~.~ ..... port ........ Oallta --. .., BUY A. BOIS ON~AY. 2~--.-v-.­~~ ..... ..---Tenna. R. C. Partlar. UOI Jllw.. port Bl•c1. oo.ta II-. t'IV OOUCDIA.'n: p s.-.. rooaa --. Mrdtrood a....& PneUcally -· Clantp. ._. price fUIO. 'hr-. IL C. .._. wtUa CW.e Tr-or OtortiMa Jf ... o.Ja M-·S"'"'"' ll•rl•ur Uoaoo Club: Orecory Oorby, pre ... :Sent. Jfuw .. rJ l:.te ,.,. '" 1d on T uo•a<la&y, Heinz Ka~aer'1 c:&te. mee~ wu Mr.. John llarlba1l ========;..___;==;;,a OenUJ\f, 111 Coral aY'flllua, ~· WANTED . For Your Convenience u. 1101 Hewport ~ Ollila liMa. .., 'UN.-MO\:.tuU. · V Red SJteltoD ID nsn.. I IIOOKLYN IUw&Ala c 'lub uf :\•·Ill """ Ut·at:h, Bub H•elhnahea<J, prealclent: Dr a .... ,ll'~ Strwk• I, "t I• l iol I boa ~ O~en at~ ~~==~----~---------­were Maeclamu Eqena Oouar, WANTED -Baby crib ud Clem Chrt.Ue, E Nontwal( R. atrouae.l Phone NeWport lJI&. M. Wallln&ford. Mel T11ck17, C. J. 61U We hA•• two Notar'-ia ou oWe.. R. C. PARKER -ud a eompaASon f.eatw-- c·urona drl \Lu c hll• \"n : l111rry Westover, pr,eJudent; Mn. D. .-. I_.,J,,vd :c•·•t et•t'• ~, . .,,,.,,,. i ,l ..,l'''l'lfH.'d ft 'tu f•, ------~ •·C."-fa..~ C'IIILt'nh C'ht.-1. ~&&111': Tho1. Crnodall, chf!l.; C~lotte l'lllllltr. JiC\'fN"r) 111 111 o1 lrol \', .-<lno•4!di1Yl!, 7::10 p. m., TOWI\8f'nd halt W. Dutton and ~r n-ly•ltetacl otttc..... J'oUow1ng the buama. meetu.. tea WU IHVed. WANTED _ Cub p&id tor aza.a11 R-1 Lta.te ud la•areace ··-~" d1 ·-}(...... ....... o.la-- ·~R 8A.I..E-.....,._,_ ..._ &Dd ~. OD c-lll Jlhod.. -., tw-37~ ud ~ ..._; JllrD POGO. Apply at ~ E. 01Dtn1,. Bwtplow COUrt.. ...... ll,IIELAND 'TIM II&J"Cb mt!etlnc wtll be bel4 at the l:ut Bay F'ront home ot Mn. l>uttoa. -ra oa. S.O.S. Radio &Del "::=========== Eleetrtc: Bhop, ~lD M.artM -L.UlOJ: ClOJlHDl LOT • _. bouln-arcl. Fillinc a(auc.., two pwnpa. 7-rooaa .__. o.llle Udo •• ( umnutnll) -"'""· Jnck WeJI. prnlcknt; R. L. Pat~ t.:r:tt•n. ,, o·rt•l·•r~ M· • t • . l l.ult ~ dulihuuae on call. -------=- 've., Balboa hlancl. 02tt WANTED ' ' W&DNUDAT ONLY :-.·, •qoori ll.•rhtH ..... n 1,~. t 'lotb: IJr 0. M Grundy, pruld~nl: Er-ENG.\OEIIE.l'IIT ASNOUNCED ..,111.,. ~11 , . .,, "''' r• 1 or'. M•. 111 \\ • trwsi.lley noon at Whlte'a c:&t•. Balboa. U.tlnp ot Newport Buda and Caata Mea propert1-. We b&ve Lnqutrt• tor Pf'OPeJ't7 In UU. aec:Uon. TIE lA TTL£ OF RUSSIA Am f' r 1 o-a 11 t..·~o:lun l'u't '!81 , S~port llut»or: 8 . T . Dunlap, · comm&1111t·r ,A ·.I lloll ' H•ll a U•·'""' 1st 1111J Jrd' Tuu., lA&'lon HuL ..., Al*icllllls Glamour Amrric'aa l.rJCiul'l Atl\ll!frt ttf :\rWIJoOrt Harbor: Mary Cbam· bt-rltn fl"'". "''" H tt 1t1uool• 1.~··• ty 2nd and 4th Monday, Le- gion huL ; ~ric-en ,,..,11m I'""' .,, c .... ta ~: Otto D<:HJd, Commancler: Snelby L Kll»III:Y, ll<IJUI,tlll . \. Arnr..V.n l.o-ckm Au\lllar) uf (..,.ta M...a: Emma Hall, ~I· dent: Ann" t ''""'' r, "''J"l.olll I <I & :lr!l Muntlaya, lAglon hall. R. C. PARKER 1801 Newport Blvcl., oo.ta ~ Announcement hu been macle of th.e encaP'mrnt of Ml..u Jaa. belle Parker, tlaughtf'r of Mr. an4 Mn. 0 . D . Pa.rk~r. !US W. 8urt, wbo Ia to ~ Ulr bride of Oeo. D. Hiner, Jr., aon of Mr. and Mn. Oeo. Hiner, 123 27th 1treet. New· port Beadl. Ml•s Parker, wbo Ia FO~ K~- a lrfa.duat. ot Harbor Hlch achool, FOR RENT-~-room hOUM, UD· Santa Ana Junior coUecw. and fumlall.ecl. No am&U c:b1JdreD. JoNiaton bualnu• collece. Ia now $4~ per monUI. 216 1:. 18th st.. employed at Kay F'tnch'a abop tn Coat& Meaa. Up Co.l .. -~ hraull, Wed••• \'eC4'1'1Y111 uf t'"N'iltn \\1u-.: l<t·nneth Brown, comJ.I&rlcler, )(yrt Jn.. c.n., OW ~taace, 0.Mr1 min. lldJulant l•t··lrd Fnol ''" t ·.,!\Ill Mt·sa Am lA!;IOn haU. CgJ'QD& clll ..Kat-.... _ w-, • entered tbe ~a''Y followtnc bta cradu&Uon from Harbor Hiett. Land For Rent loe9. T,.. 10 lode, o..tl .. uoo Tok1o \'et.-raaa of t'ul'f'IC~t W1•n ,\uslllar)': Mr1. P•rl Brown, prtllldlat; Mn. Lurlll4' I.»J<kt. ••·•·ty. IN! and :lrd Friday•. Coata Mua Amarlc:an lAI(lun hllll now bolcla the ratlnc ot boat. fiye acre• of l&Dd, located OD walrut mate 14'cond clua. A 1ur· ley War Staape ud BoDda etnu.n-u. Balboa ftl&&fta ...... EveDillt"a at 7.00 6 8:10 Lout Complete 8ho¥.•1na of • Doub~ P'eatur. Profra.m Slort.a at 1:30. • AduJta: 3k, tncludtna Tu. 8en1cl X. Ito, ~Tu 'han. ........... Jou Crewlonl· Fred MacWIUiaJ -----_ .... , la Tec:Juuoolor oan.. ..... ._.- Bed Skeltoa lD I .. IT Cut.oa • nu b Aaedea . "-· ..... .... Speaoer T1aey • Hedy lAmarr Job Gariield la T111W FlAT Canoo. ud Pete Smith Startia9 T1aan., War. l Aaa SotJ.ena lA Swill Slift llisil .... rnt CIIIS C..ap t1""'-'• t 'luh, Sri\ purl O.'tw'h I 'I"' Ofopartme.nt: C&pt. J:d Zube, prtald.,ul: \\'ullt•r llum) t'lill II•·• • •·tnry :tnd M11nday. -------- f11'f'mftt'o Am:lllar~, :\r"l"'rt IJeKb:: Mrt. Zenobla J'roat, p,_.; Mra, f:.er':;nn Alhnt•hl .,., ro·l.t0 ' 2ml Thunulny. · -------- .,._ •• AMnelsatlna, e-ta M-Fire Ofop&rtmeDI: Wm. lbl• biU)', preaiMnt. t.:J ~~·ll•·k .. ,.,~ rc•lllry I<'Mday ev .. nlng. at tlrehall. N--purt ll.&lboor , ... bl ( 'luh: 72tl Wt•al Bay llV\'nUe, Balboa. C. F. B&xlt'r. t'wuneuJ.,·· 11•·111 ,. II Gr~ndm, &t•cretary. Ba.ltto. \'ac•ht C'lull: M :t1 k Hr1ly, commodore ; Henry C. Wl- mu, MC:ret.ary .._..,.,. Wud \ a<·ht c lub; ... nan Bt-ek. commodore: Judy Ad&Ju, W<"rt'lll.rY. Balht1D l11iftlul Vlkblc ,._Ulna c luh: Jl•,h l'r<~lby, commodore: Clay Campbell, MC· rt-t.ary. ltCHta 11r111 s u:11l •r nt V•ktng'• Port clubhoUH. I'll_,." lluiMtr S<"' <'elmo: Ben Younatove, jr. Mnior Ueut.; Doa Toun1, aecretary. ="•'WJlt~tl ll;trbor Yacht Club. ..,_ A1111I•J ('lull: 1';, H Allen, pruldr nt: Frank Cr.>ek.er, Me· relary. M"'t.a un l',ell • N4'nl•"rl Tlrntt C 'luh: ,~,... M. lfolltetn. president Mary Dav1•• lM'<'I"t'bry MN·t ... ''' :-;,."'fl•·•• llnrbor Yacht Club on call. Sf'WI"'"' llarboor l.1"'n '"'1411na C1ub: Harry W. Hammond.,.....; Wm V J onr11, 8•·• t ~ t;r. • II-" ul l:>th ond Bay FTonl. ----------------------r--t~T-··ht•r ,\~""''lttll<>n uf s-·purt Harbor llaloa Jllp Sebool: Mn. Huah r 1\hrJh Ill l''''""'''nt. Mrs Clydt Otto, aecretary. l""'t-T....-h"r \ .... ,,.l,rt.,n uf s~·port 8Nda 0 ..-mar 8c:ltool: Mra. Eu~tene C'<m~· r pro •111' 111. Mr• J. S. Raub, aec'ty. 3rd Monday. vlvor of the Hornet dlauter, be N. W. corDer of S..ta A.. A••· later ae~ In N~ Caledonia un· uad 16th Place, lA Coata w .... tJI ntum!nc to the Stat~ on tur .... Joup thta mon~. No date lu.e been ~et tor tbe $12 per acre per year. R. C. PARKER Wedcllnc. l&ocs Newport Blvd. eoata x- Nona: OF I STE!Ioi"nON TO WANTED TO BENT lllfOAOIJ IN THr. M.U.E OP' ------ A.L(X)BOLJC BF.\'EJLA01:8 WANTED TO RJ:NT -Geller· February 21 . J9H al Motora repraent.aUva wuu TO WHOM rr MAY CONCI:IlN: hoWioe or apt. avallabla Karda NoUce Ia ber .. by artven that nf. lat. Up to• $1~. Call ~ teen dayt~ alter Ule above date, Beacb 48338. Up the undtntped propoaH to aeU WANTED TO RENT _ TlarM alcobolle ba't'eragf'l at tbe.e prem-bedrooma, 2 batha, tor 3 adulta. taee. ~ u followa: lt088I CA~. 1811 COAST Fumlabed Or unfuTnlabed. WW alp Jonc·tenn non • aervte. ~~~~~R~~CH~EL lease. Write Boa K. Newport ' Pulwuant to IUch tntmtlon. 0.. Balboa ..,_, lp undei'Diped · ta applytnr to UM I State Bo.n~.r JDquallatlon tor ._, FOB SALE IU&Jiae ot ~c be'Y•r-.. ll·ro --WELL---.. -OTO--R-80001'1CR.-----Pia....., cenMt~ tor U... pr.mlaetr u foJ. 2438-J. llU low-a: • ON SALII III:I:R and WINJ: LJFE PRESERVERS -$1.00 to ON SALE DlaTILLJ:D SPIRJTB $2.60. 908 Cout Hi~taway, 11a RE-I' AIL PA.CK.AOE OP'P' SALJ: DlS1JLLED 8PDUT8 An~e dellrlnc to protnt tbe luuance ot IUda lleeNMoa may file a vertnact prot.e.t W1tb tbe State Board ol llquallaaUon at Sacramt'nto, C&lltomta. ataunc ground& for clcia1 u proYtckcl by lAW. CHJCK.EN&-Red Fry.,.., aliYe 01' rudy for the pu. lMI N-· port Blvcl., eo.ta 11M&. Mtl SIX RABBITS and butcbel. 8all· Inc out. Call mornLnp. 000 8&D· l& Aft& a¥tnue. Up PRE · WAR BICYCLIII, llaD'a P'IU..NK X. BURNS I Balloon Ura, rood condlUOD ,_,._I·Tf'IM' ... r A .... M!utlun nf C'•'tlta M-: Mn. Hnr ry Burdlek, M 287 $35. 1007E. Central Ava. BaJ. p.-Jdent . Mrs l<••n1.•'\ll i;t• '' ort, "' rrl't.ary. Firat Tue1day. ;:o=. ==&==========. boa. Pbon.a 2HO-M. Uc ,., .. ta ......_ unan.,~. Ill!: llut;o r.. Belau, muter: Mra. Roberta Ja -Pupps-.--oennan boxen. Pedl· RaJMrr, WC~tary 2nd tlrlol 4th ThuriiJI\y, Legion hall. co•• & .. creed. mala and femaJ-. borD Ho,w Ec-onond .... l)l'rt. nf c·,,. .. Mpa Orup, Ill: Mr1. Oer· lru(k Hughre, rhm . MtM I h i 1.1 Ht·nn .. tt. lt'<'ty 2nd nn.t 4Ul Tuee. N-110~ llarboor; ll•'<l ( "'"'~' I ' IA'"~Baltz. prrs ; A. J. Twtet,l .ecratary. Laat FridA) In ltloulh. ('outo·•·n h<>all tn; .. Balbn'l Island, -c:-.. .,. !\«-~ C'ru...,: \\'. H Jo~rllott. r haenn:m; MM! M. J . Hoe· I lttl~r lf'<'rt'lary M<'• !1< nn •'.Ill . EbfoU t'lub nf S""l'"" n .. a..•h: M"' C. M. f1t•aklns. JlfUldrnl; Mn.l Htnry VR u.:hn. M'J'to•tary 1~1 11 1111 ;tnl Thuradny1 l..-vlce Jan .. 11. TeL Newport 2011-J~P Francis I. Horvath . ...... ft..a 1111 NEWI'O&T II&Aal. c.u...D'. LAROE GAS RANGJ:, heat eon· tr1>lled. Exchance for amallu or $30 cub .. See et BaJboe Poln\ HoUM, 1115 1:. C&nlral. 6lc BOATS FOR 8AI..E ------------:.!6-FOOT CABIN CRUiai:R, )(a. Coal .. · l:>r.Gill .. piMCrla le•l C... a.d Yo••• ld .... Tt.e Palcoo a the Coed ••d Coae Li•• Wett. Me, Beot s-J>-•ri lt•rt•••r :h .. t .. t•~-. .... Ll•I{U": Mn. Ma.ry Addta Abbotl foot f orward ••d D•avero"• Blood eo PI<'Dollt'nt, Jotra l' F. \\ 1tl 111. l ro·r<'l l\r)'. rine Ace Motor. Inq. St.ac Bar, Newport. Up. Buy War BoDda aDd Stampe at thia n.-tre. CHAPEL byllle SBA e . .tewU 8rJI;j · •o.ncu• 410 Cout BlYd. COIO.~A OIL WAR -t.~&e.w.f-2 DATAD IIIGRT -----------For llualn-and l'not...,.lunal \\'nm.•·• Club of Nt!wport Harber: M1ldred Stanle-y, prr11 . AliA (;cordttll, s .. cty. lsi lr Jnl Thursdaya SERVlCE M'EN F riday All .. rUt .. >n C luh ul t'u..la Mf'tta: Mrtl P. V. Parke~, prC!a.: ONLY Mlu l<'rrUJcrs Unrdua ~,.,.,.. t.or~· h t ond 3rd F'rldayll. I . ('-Ia MNallnllJt•maJu•n. club: Mrll Wm Hlrll,.r chm : Mra. Luella Rubber Swim OliiQn, """ ro•l~tn•. T h n l \\'•·•111•'!1<1.1)'" 111 \\'f>mlln'e clubhnullf!. 1 Fins Nf'"pori llarhor "••lulU!'" \fn~r ('n1'JMI: Mr11 Ada Jlldwln, capt.: Mlu M11r~11tt•l •:•111• "'' rt•tnry, l-'1r11t 11nd :lrd Tueadaya. 8rn~ \\'(mlf'n "' ( uruna tlrl ~l•r: ~~1'11~ Al~rl 0 . Slmpeon, prea . Mn li:Arl B Ul•uu so•rrrlnry ,.~h .. •lllljo:8 at 209 Ftmleef avcmue. Womt'n'tt S.vlf'ty uf C'hr1atlan !ien'l«'f', Nf'wpOrt BeiW'h: Mn. J01· eph 1\ndman. I'"'Slolt 11. Mrr~ .. h•nry H11rrt.. wcrf'tllry. Second Tuea. \\'0111N'• C 'hri•ti.Ul Tf'llll"'narw'f! l 'Alon of C'011ta M,_: Mra MtnnJe v. Rf'ld. prnuh'nt. Mt.•:o !".ll'loll'-c\>nnnl. lf'CI'f'lary. Sl't'Ond F'rlday. \\'.,_. •• a..Jief c·orJ"' nr ('u,.la M-: Mrs. Blanchl' Kujawa, pre .. lclaat: llln. Pearl Uru"~n. l!l'r rrtnry. ---------------------~ ..._. aodlllJ, 8L \'laaMY OrooUiloUcl Olur'l'lu Mr11. John HartJttn ,...... (ph. 211M·W: Mrs. Jlnl W~ll, MC'y . Th1rd Wedn..S.y. A.llllr Sede&y. Our I...My of )l_.t Oanael Oat-.otic Olu~.h: Mna "· J . Jloln1lla. preatdcnt : Mr11 H J Coom..-. M<:t'y Firat Tuud.'l)' ~ A::.-:. tf.:•ry IS OUI QUOTA fw VKlOIY wfttl . U.1WAIIONDS I --~-:----=---:-----. IWIIq Kookrwaft PER IIIA~Jr:N TS II&ADOT'8 Barber and Beauty Shop 1111 Jfewpen .,...._ Gunderson's Drugs Balboa Phone 515 ........ ~. CLASSIFIED I..OST AND fOUND LOST ·Maroon. cbaJn clrt•en tr1· \'YI'It from l!'J Onyx Aw., Bal· ooa I~IM4. ~ Pia. 1crr..R. 11e H F.LP \V .urn:D \\'A :'\'TF..D--.PnoatkSI nw. ttw f'l tkr ly penl,UC led,y. Plllona 14~:1 llc FA LOON and TRAILER. st Bay Sh'ore Drive (Aero. from Reina Kataer'a c:&te). PboDa 787-W. IIOtt FO~R::--S-ALJ:.--:-::--='J'hree:----&lld--uar...- quarter ton JIC and rnAdlue.l boat. •troncly bUilt. ucellaDt condition, $1800. At D12 • liiUI St., NewporL 11U AUT08 FOR SALE PICK YOUR BARGAIN FOR TinS WEEK! '41 FORD SUPER DJ: Lt.JXZ Station Wacon . . Excellat. · '37 FORD V 8 TUDOR. CltaD • Cood Urea. '31 FORD STANDARD COUPII. Runa cooc1 '30 CHEV. TRUNK SEDAN ... (ood tranaportaUon. '33 CHJ:V. 'nJDOft-...-Cileap. ll..t buy on lot. '3S PLYKOtrnf Dll LUXII g.. DAN. lMw motor, DeW pa.11n, exeel. t1rw. Ullf'd C!W'pr • H•YJ Duty .. $31.00. • CORONA DilL IIA&-For lela. carap. Full price 1'300. or.-. two bedroom eottap. Nice t. R c. Partler, .._ H...-t cation, par t 1 all y ~ I Bh·cS.. eo.ta x-, 11a $3600. Oenlcl w. RildUe. uu· ------------- eout Hlway, Corona del ·II&F. 14·ROOM HOUSE ADd _........ Phone 13. 61e duplex t Roof"'C, 8idlJtC ud U. fMMEDIATI: POIJSaaiOJif. Jf- 2·bedroom boue. Stucco. ~ ace t&x20. Land a~dOO teet. Full price s.aoo. $JOOO cull, $40 per montb. R. C. Parker, ltOI Newport Blvcl., ea.ta K-. HOUSES FOR ~SALE 3 bedroom uDfurDiahed ~­ low. $8500. Cub. S·bedroom funaitthed, $9000. Terma. 2-bedroom uDfurDiahed. b a y hoDt, $10,500. Cub. LOUIS W. BRIGGS l.ac:lui•• Aqeal 714 I . CeDtral A .... Balboa TelephoDe Newport 80 "'~ fllnllOiwd '. 2 Iota, -.u7 f<'f'l f'Uh. Full price fU!\') ....... R C. Park.,r. 1801 Heapon Bh·d.. CoaUl Meea. 1Ja FOR SALE J au. lD ea.1a Mt·U v.·ath t~·o ~ Larp 2 bedluml bauer hai.JJ ~ ~ open for lnunediate ,_. .son. $:2000 down. a---· 2814 W. ~ntzal. N~ FtL 1ft. .., QUICK P0So:;ES810N. a-• .Chff Drt"·~. on~ o- and Bay. 2 btodroc-. ---..... er. ~ prq-e. P'llll J11rD $7500. $2000 callla.. .. per - -R. C. Parker, 1891 Hewpon Bh·cl., ea.ta .._, tnt BEAUTrF1JL ec.ta x-..... 0Vf'r1ookine bl\y 5 lltn!l8., 1 ~ r.-n a.o-e, aD fa.t '$ 4. AID llinck ol ~ er ... ti'IIIIJPI'IIIWL Tr'f'N &Dd ~ ....... .... $4500. Tuma. R. C. ........ . J 801 Newport BIYd.. CD1ta Meea. 1k t'BADBWA.t'BD • ., '41 .. .,....... Del'• ............ c. ... 25,000 Mil•-like uew; will trade for Claeft'Oiel. Cadillac Packanl '41 - Muat be good. Will pay cash difference. Printl Party, It 113 Pat-11111111111 Phone 2442 after 6 P. M. .. r T alre Adftlllace of Thia {)ppommity ONE RACK OF DRESSES Rayoaa, Spaa Ray--. Cottoaa and Jerae,a. One-Third OFF MakeYoar Selectioaa ... -=.. ~,. • • 1ns DEPARTMENT STOR~ llo...... .... ... WAXTED -Girt 01' womu to 111\y by .Mar wt~ dallcllwl. :-; avy doctorl tamllJ, • ..... dttn PboM JOQI. Ill LYLE POPE Newport Auto Sales 2600 W. Central Phone 1~ COSTA MESA ~----------~~--~.--J ~ / 1' tho! tho in( seve hav ing ~ for own ort men lr c:tw.! ·righ Har area haVE year a bit are hom ~ atel3 t= the the! peop not I Ofo choo homo now their doint elf or clone us ownE with can't abet twO the v hou,<;t who ation men UO.<;('I at nc: glory pn>p;l gene~ (.'()fTlC ~ weU-E ComJ; ty's 4 nia st don Regin • SAND CRAB .,. -- ONE of the bigges~ prob- iems now cont ronung ltle West in general, and the Pa· cilic Cow;t in particular, is that of ret.ain\ng a substan- tial part of ow· war-creatro industries after victory has been won. The ret:ent mt'E'linJt of Weste rn states' reprt.'Sl'nta- tives at Carson City. Nevada. where the fight was launched to sa\·e the hug<' $1HO.UOU.· ooo steel mill at Gcnen1. Utah.-indi~'ftte~ that th<' \\'c.c;t will vigorously resist at· tempts J,o sc·rap its indus trial gains. One of our chief handi· caps is that too many rleds- ioos vitally aff<'ctmg th<' W£'St are made IJy Washing· ton officials of the Adminis- tration-too many of whom fail to 'think any fa11he1· west than Chicago." In fulfilling its destiny as a peat trade and industrial r ernter, t~ Wert deserves. the full cooperation of national leadt>rs. , , BALBOA Buy Bonds to End War Quicker 4(~ 1\\ESc~ IEEP POSTDI I Year •••• $2.61 EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA. WEST NeWPORT, SEA SHORE COLONY, LIDO ISLE. NEWPORT HEIGHTS. BALBOA ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR, COSTA M~ -------· ------- VOLUME X.XXVI NEWPORT BEACH. CAliP'OANIA, TMU .. I04Y, FEIIAUAAV 24. , • ._. Storm Damage Along. South C<:>ast Mounts After 24 Hours Respite from Wind and Rain, Ule South Coast Is Visited by Return. of Storm Wednesday Night -=-------- Local Red Cross Drh·e Op~ns Next W~k llional 'l'"''" tht• )'"lr brtna S:.'OO.· I WI) M() nne I "'hlko thr IIIDOUftl t. a olo .. ·ul.od Inc.,.....,... y,., thl'> ltlrr ftri'C1 f• r ~ ... ,..,,,., to aid our bo')"'l nn lhr war front. Ia "'" lf'"ll lh.al ..,rr) • · ·~~.l,l .... ntnrtr '"Millin ttw- tlo-.h r<l Nn•ounl " TRI8 I"ROTO Uf' HARa\' WJ:IA H .......... .,..... .... •-•-t •f , .. w...ta a t ,_,_. ...,._, ._ _. • ,_ oevw,.... et u.e ~a.... a., .a.. .. ta.., _...._ flf , ......... flf c· w......,. ...__.-....~at Ita.,.,...,.,.., ................ ,,_,.,..,., ,.._u,. Nr ......... -.. p , I_. ... w.t~ a. --a.. .t•• tll&t _... ....... ,.. ••c~oilrd .. ,. w. .-.... .. -7 7 • a •• • ., -•• sf ·- Cou~ty Coast Assn. Elects Dan Patch Pres.; _Water Supply Studied l u, F. Kt-nny, Third Vit•t•-PrtMidcnt. and Harry \\'~lt·h Ht'mainM aM :-\t'('rt•tary-Treuurer fur :-\t•vt•ntt•t•nth l' t•nr Slut1 1111! lht• tH'W .,,,,.:anl/llfltlfl r •'lll' with Pan ,,tlC'h of Sun ... ·t 1\.•:wh u-i I 'n•,ltlo·ut. lhP '''''"'~'' ( 'tl41111y ( 'cwuct ~ t'IIIIIUII 11\.,l l'lldt"CJ it ~ ,,,lllllliflt'l'' IH flu ·klt• lhrt'l' major r h• A ... • ttH••tl fa ,'urr•l 1 hr l•• '''''"" "' 1h•• M a..:!tttth• f.'h•l•l Ml lito· .,,.,. Nuvv tlr.l"'"'',. 1"'1"'' ... fAI lnl11nd 118 JW-Ibff' IUlol a1•1JNIY ... 1 1 hr l•lana t•rntoo•.,..d bv tiM 1 '\en· }11111,... o,f 'f l N'll4 hr11oltl.l hy c..:bah """' Hf tho• R.,.rtl t•f Mllt,..rvt .. .,• Willi• t1 Wamf'r It waa .,.,, •• ,_,, lh•t 1'401nmtt ,,..,. o'• nttnu .. rfforta to IIO'('Uroo lht tnl•f"HHC ool th .. .Cat• (n IW'qulrtua lan•l fur • Mfalr ,..,., h l'llrlil lwo '"'"'n tflmtln1t()ll O.!W'h IUid IM "I'Anla Ana RJvw '11\'llllam ()aj- llrnr ... ••f tft.an\lnrt.an 8f'~h tuld fll hi• vtall In "-rramrnlo tn "'"' wtth ,,._ Mtat• t•arla ('fomml••"' hut mf'nllun,..l I,_, I•• Ill ul lnl4!..-t nf ,h., '''"""'',.."" Ill any plan .,.,,., ot•d nne "'"'~ u.. .O•C'all••l "malt hln··· t'la._. ltv"" lhuu•h U>f' looa:t .. •tu,... !lad vflt..d fllnola fur 11 Ill"'• lflc J,,,,...., and had nut In· • r lu.t.-<1 "matt bllla" In Use ao•t ' Aa to Ha,..... I tn th• m .. tH of 1\arbora II Wa• acr•Ht th J•l•"" fl.lf' ultlm"'' olr· ""'"I'""'"' nr a rrlftl-rrlal·lnlhlll I r1.al 1\arbt•t 1,.. au pp1rt.d and 11 ''·"" •UIJ' .. l#d ltw Orabc• Clouat) ttar.,,.. ea.~ -..uw • ara~~t.ct a..u.onty to ct.aJ wllh U.. I ............... ,._~ ...... ,-111'1'81 sct 1 ,._ U..re _, "' ........................ ~ "•lt ft t ttUIIHIN'IuU IH •HJlrrYI .. clft.. '"'I• , .• ,.,nn lrol With twn hartlar ,,,),... ... It I• •tl h lhr ""'-In mhwt tbtll (lr·an... n•ulll)' will ft•ntuaiiJ haw• .... lllll111t111nl r~J!N;t.l. lbt .. 11 .. •I N""' t••tf't llarbo•r &Dd a .., •lt•vri"J'II'f'lll at Plun•t. that U.. ''"""11111,... "' lhr t't...t •A_ ... thon wu •ut hor1-l to atudy U.. ,_, artup ant1 .. ..-c ....... I•• ruvrr lhr n •unlv n-t.. OrMee • ...,.... l':t o,..un at lt!UIIfll't I~ --' Ill., t'tlf\llklfo...,l and lhtt rwolut .. "' lh• f'IIArd nf IIUP""'IeoN .. , 1111 U.. Navy lo ...,._.. ........ mat•'t111l tmm A~ --.. lh• ~at•h al ·~ ....... , ... 'nlr ati'Vl'IJlUun up,._. Me llt- t•N'•I tn Itt. ltn•~t 'tlf eddl• IIHIIIII Wlllf'r IIUppl)' _.,.... fw ltM I'OUnly. JNU~If'uJut)' ltt ,.....,_ In arf'IIMIII .... ..... ...... lnlt'D ,,,. Pnwlo De.m. tt .. pror1 ot l h• ~lnalllttr -· mttt .... huoiNI hy l:leer J ........ ""'"'""'' In lh" 01l~tlnn at L. A. I'•',." .. , ""n .. t n-.ct. .. ,...... ........ Oeora• W"-t fll ~ ''"' t"'utl u nrwt "a• .. r s r. H. H. H....._w f!l ~ ...... . _.... .................... ... ................ p ?' 2 J .. ..., • ...,_...,.,k ·4~ -· - Harbor Receives National Publi<iity New Doctor Moves Here In t ; N ,,,,.,,.., furrn,.rly a frA· 1drt•l ~.t •. ,,,.,r.,,,, ''''"•t'" '" n"w PPfa.thJI'hr•l .Mt f "••f •HlA tf• I M .. r I t"' llll' ,,.., " '1"'11 •• ''"" In ,.,.,,,. ""•rll 111 t llf• f 'r"IC'"' ··f(, ,.,... I'll y Newport Girl in Reserves, Relea&e8 .. Marine for Front tl <tl•l "''' '"k~ "'" •l•orl•or '''"It l•• 1 ,,..,. ,.,.,,,.. .,,,,.., ... ", .. ,. an J•ut.th w••t lil11 "' N~ r•'" t u .. ,l,,r u.. w•• a '"~""t Yllllh l , l.b4~-PIA Uu• ...,,, rtlan ,,.., ,., ('••nwt'f .... utt,...l ""'""' th .. ,.arly day• rif lh• t'llf 1111d W U 1Alf'r8t.ad 1ft a-railw .., .. rytblnlt a br1ul U. _,.,, dayw ol ' ~ f'nmmunlty and UN! OUUI)f)lt f<o#' I. • -• ........... Dr.,_~ wtt~~j MA.tON ~AY HUfiCLn, .,._ .... I"H ..... ._. ....... ... ,.... MM4M c..-._.. ~ ~. I .. ..,.,.., ,I ! .... ~ NEWPORT-BALBOA NEW S-TIM ES, Newport Beach, Califomta;Tilursday, February 241, 1944 Don't Be Charged With Non-Support ,-~eadq~~-;PARS-P~ade Rest r !Islander . Receives :~­ OuR ·Bovs· I Bank of Ameriei Bondnrive w-ms ' . I ~ .. ./t II S I .,,.,.,.., o,,.,,.,., LEGAL FORMS FOR EVERY -I\ .. TRAISACTIOI We haw IMdt It canwnlent tor you to ~ compUance wtth aU requl.reawlta fill Ute law by ~ a cunpleW atodc fill ... lonnl and Japrra needed feW the CJUIDplwtlan ol ftWY tram.ctloiL Rl I .......... ,. .......... .. .............. --.... .,,.. .,.....,., .......... , .... ..... ............. ',........,......... .. ... ,. I I ... ,. an eo I ... ... ..... T1IMe flf ,.... .... IIIII Is ...... ........ ............... ,.... ,..... .... hi ~-.. ,, .... IEWS-TIMES meritaward I Llcuttonant Commander Franc\1 1 t:u1tello Pc.llard, U. 8. Cout J Cwuu uf 16:1-Main atreet, Fair t-lavrn. Mus , ha• been pre.ented the Legaon of Ml'rit medal. Com- rrodolre W N. Ol'rby, dlatrlct <'oar. Guard ufficer. at Co&lt I Guud h"adquartt'rll In Boat on, an- 1 nnunre11 today. '1 h4-awatd' wu 11DIIde.' ~y Ad. I mJral R. E. l ngeraoU. commander- lllt·chlrt or the Atl~~.ntac F1eet, for o hitherto unpubllclzetl attack. re· A wa r bolld drive Initiated by tht' statewide Iliff al the Bank ol America, which opeMCS AUI'\IIl 2 lut &Jid cloaed February 1~. yield· ed a total of 1616,.297.7:>6 Ia war bond aalt>a 111 the public, accordina tu announcement by A. P. GlaD· nanl, chairman <>I the board. Quota for the c&mpalcn wu $300.000.000. It wu rt'vealed at the aame lime that 1lnce the aale of U. 8 . war bonda wu ·inaugurated Ia 1941 the total of purcha.ea made by C&IJ· tornlan1 through the Bank of America 111 In exceu of Sl,UO,· 000.000. Ice Company Builds New 1Freezers J IIUillng an probable dntrucllon of " Nazi aubmarlne, by the Cout I Guard cutter Northla~nd-1 Lt. w. Phelpe Merlc~al ,.,J by Cumma.nder Pollard. j -Bob ft.etod of the Newport let' Th,. Falrh~&ven man, a reeident Lt. w. Phelpa Merickel .pent' and Cola Storare company aa· uf Lbt'" town .tnce. 1939, when be the aummert of !!_Ia youn&er y~ara , nou~ t his mom!~ t~ addition · wu I'Xt't'Otlve blflcer ot the Cou t here Ia Balboa "·here he aatled No. ot a new building for tht' e x· Gua&rd cutlrr Tahoe, then blued 12 In the Snowbard fitt't. Never dustve use of commt'rclal fi.sht'r- l ln New ~.JfonJ, rectlved tbla cl-mt'n. Thl' t~er.~ will havt' a tatlon : loal.ng hla keen, love for the •ea. 200-ton capacity and the buJidln& "io~or mf'ratoraou. a cbtevement u he enll•ed Ia the U.S.N.R. In 1942. will C06t about $35,000. Construe· commllndlng officer of the U. s. 1 Ta.kla( blll naval Indoctrination tion will s tart in two Wet>ks. Coftat <iuiU'd CUtter Norlhi&Dd In tratnlnc at Tucaon, Arizona. be This will be a (I'E'at ~rvlct' to attacking and probably dnlroy·ltater wu atatloned at Treuure commercial fishermt'n who at lng an rnemy 1ubm&r1ne Ia the IJaland and then at Ute Miami, times bring in more rillh than the North Atlantic on 18 June, 1t42. I F1orlda Nava l Bue. canners can absorb, and will make- v nltt'd Statea AUanUc F1eet. The Cbr l.tmu of ,42 be wu It poulble-for them to hold over Flacahlp ot t he Commander In tht'ir catch until needed. Chief. Award. 30 November, 1_.3. made captain of tbe 1hlp on whJch Tht' Commander ID Cblet, Unit· he bad u':"ed u executive officer ....... Elao Ollila and lmall 100. ftd Statea Alla..allc n eet, tn tbe for lOme monUuJ. He I~ now on Howard, arrl•ed bome trom a 'li8lt "CUM ot ~ Pratdalr of tile Ul\lt-.p&.lrol dW.JI-u;-Ul6. Carib'-.a -·wmr ~ OlttlrWliO ll IU.lJOftea z,J Statea. award. the Lelflon or Lt. Pbelpe Mer1clcel 11 tbe 100 In Nebrulu.. Tbey wtU be with ~tent to ueutenant Commaader of Mrt. W. D. Merickel wbo re-her parent., Ur. and w .... TryJVa FrancUI c Pollard., U8CO. aldu at No. 18 Bay llland. He Heu. Mn. Ollila'• brother, Douc· CltatiOfl attended hllfb ~~ebonl In Whittier lu Bray, lll home oa lbort IMn l'"c.r merltorlu.a achievement aa ::'onamandlnl Officer of the USCCS .'Jurthland In attaclliq aod prob· 1bly de.troytn~r an enemy 1ubma· :ln.. In the North A.UanUc oa 18 lune, 1t42. When a faint echo waa dtt.ecled on the l&nderwater 1 ~ho·ran~nc equtpmeat. U eutea. N f C b '8 d D !Oc • Wh 'nt Commander Pollard lmmedl· ews 0 u . • ca81008 en ltely devtloped the contact a..ad Scouts Den 6 and 71 1 On riVe •Wacs ~af Doff ::::.u"~U::.~:.;:bm:; Cub Scout. rrrenU~· t•r··~nh'tl ~d number or depth charcea. the where the Merlckela wt re llvinr at trom hlll South Sea dutle. wtth UM that time and thea flnlllbed at Na Y)'. Montuuma Preparatory Sctlool near Sa..ata Cruz. Ca llfomla . He atudled two yeart at Pomona Col· lege and waa gndualed from Stan· ford Unlvertlty. He waa Ia Uw employ or the s outhern Calif ornia Telephone <;ompany In the t'n~­ nteriDJt" department at lbe time ot b\1 enlllltment. FO" INIU .. ANCE l llll Howard W. Cerrieb 2111 W . Central Ava. Newport BUell, Calif. -N c I I Khaki Stipulated nadequate equlpm~Dt and a limit- two playa. df'na lOili llntl IM'Vf'n par-, ear ose ' --S orthland made two deptb-char'J't tl~tnat lnJ ThM n-•---l.tan-'-d~n. w AC'll, like I heir brotbua In the k h ' r -• '"'""...,. <r lltat' a whlc rNUlted In larre air 1 Mr& Mericktl. blll wlle. a..ad their 16th month old 1100 have re- mained In their home In tbe San Jo'lrnando '!alley. Automobile • Fire Accident • Life No. 1. un!kr the ltadertblp ot 1 1 Army, mult •t•y In uniform u . &nd oil bubble. Ia the area of tbe 'the American Legton alnct 1918; 1 laot l'8 Heat•ock will &lve a Lone r~91 on JljJ4'cltled ocr·u lona. the 'ttack. No furthf'r contact could pre~~tnlly a member uf New110rt Ran~r play ' J Ov.-r Lhr 1 up IJI II bil WilY Ia I \\'., ~pn rtmtnt hRs a nnounced. ~ made bv tb• Nort.bland follnw. ••arbor Puat No. ""I ;_ ____________ .J • · · thr t'f'I'Qrt t)( Jat'lc Parke, Cam· WAC1. the Army M.ld, may ~ ' '' ' .... U cenae and Contract Bondi W ritten pa1p Managu for the Fourth War 1 wear aporu clfllblng wht>n engag· 'ng the HC:ond attack althou~h t he Farm Advi8()r I uan , .. ,, Ira "'11.,.. .. ~ ..... , "'vllh~., , ... ~1'.~ entire vicinity waa VI(Of'nual:v • Accordlna to flcurea takas 1" , 1 • c!lr lniC 11 humt wit h not lft'll~hftl by both IUT'fact' and atr· Has Some Tips Monday lut hv Walter s. Sptcar t h 1 _ ........ _ craft for about fltlHn houl'8 ba- • mOlt' an wu .. ---· (to,.. thr -~h wa• ahandoaed 1 On S be • ~r1ct War Bond Chairman. UM '7!1~ , 10 ,. rtj.."l&l:lti(JOIJ that ap-• T h traw rnes ,aubacriptlon• 8f't'IIN'd from the I t ly ' I I' I' ... 'RI&ng uf A nny unl·l t' ~('( UrAt'y nf th~ atUCka I1UWk llhlll ract Which lncludH both New-furr.. .i h •.t lur the w AI • uniWnD '\Y t <' Nort.bland rt'aulted In It· P• It llarho•r OJ\d c .·ata Mt!A. t. at lll a Ytnlatlun of tbe National \ ''rt' damage an.J probablt dutrue-lf the public-Ia to l'av .. th~ uw!ll l 11 fl h tl d Ul uaand 1111•n ,,, thr c•nl'my u .t'trifaf'd by IOUnplv of 11trawlll'rnr11 th1a •IUII•n "1'~'11 ovrr 1 1'h'~Ar uln ~:n ... ~ w~k 0 ' f~ ta· .. ~" t f,ortlarayWpeArCaont except t hr J')f'r!llatrnt nil sllt'k and aJr , •' flr~t Mn• .~ ,. • ---~·~· -• r •tm•n-r u ,.. o w ear much or the pro.lu••llun must • ••ll "I,., 1 t .. ~:u 1lh· 1 '""~" An l'liCI' thm 11 m ade, bubbh,. that c·nntlnuf'd tu nat from r1nm hoonlf• r.urolt-n~. Ot'l'""'hnj: to I I I I h...a ,_ 1 p th<• llt'l'nt' (I( tho• all>lrk &II late u , t . • 1 'un t n j' now rt'ILC au .. hn \ ··Vt•r, fo r \\'Ufllcn wur cnrrf' .. 1 Fa.rm Advt•ur II. F: W~& hbc'r.:. 1• 1._ •l~<!•7;, T h•• lncludee b~tb , ,•, 11 1 nt't'l t l h WAC trn hnur11 nllt·r th .. lnJtlal depth ''( ·••mmi'tt In I I'~''"'"' II "'I hlo!' fk · I rl . 1\ Cit d Co t sri' n '"'" lllr 1: o e l'hllrl;'ing. crt'IUittl llteaollly Ill nee thf' r'l'mlo\·a l ' ~ewpo I' ~I afrth t tyb anflnaJ tostala Tho ,. miAy lwt'a r lht' untfl•rm with· I I !";J:rl I ft. ~: 1!'/GF:RSOLL_ b h ·····~:o ·•· tr a e out an11 gn a of .lni'nn .. ,... I:~'""'""'· 111 1 I' h• mt• wo~t~lol ho• R8 ht,.:h AI $~50 000 wht•n . 1(3nlt'nf'r mrw 81111 l'njoy thte lu•· 1'11\U. , rAt rrult .. , lfllrlnl(," IOIYK .. u ··r•••htll "'.'' l'l't'e\Vt'd WBJI I'll· thr ~·arm Aolvlaor. • prf'!IIIPo\ "" f J Parke whtt haa Thr atra .. ·b<>rr\' r nn 11111111\ly he-•I• no• ""' h fin•· work on t hll' ram- j:rt>\'1 n auo't••Mfulh• In musot .arr i\JO 1'"1~n II k 1 1 t ur£1nJ.t " \A nr .-~ •• c~nn •nue. .,, l'nllfurnla If Jt&Vt'n prupt•r t'llrt' 1 k lth \\' 11 g and trratmf'nt. A nf'w l<'allf'l '~ r ,.,., •· J"'"• "' a •·r · World Day of Prayer Services Announced F'r·f\no·tll Co soto•llo l'nlla rd tnllal· I ed In U S Na"y February 9, 11117 us Rll apprt•ntiC<' ll<'llman land rK f'IVtd hill tarat <li8rhsrge on St'pl 21. 11119. w1t h " ratln~t of I Quartrrmut~r Jrd ciUI!I, ~~erving Men and Wo11en ••• Skilled or Unskilled CALSHIP ~-------------------~·---~-~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Splt'r~ O~t M•t ~alnnan In Mon- durlf~K world war I on t he USS 1 Cha tta..aooca and USS Texu . Rel- ldtnt of Balboa lllland, member of I OFFERS YOU ----"""~.....-----_._ --- HAVE ·youR BOlT .EPAIRED BY MASTER CRAF ·TSM EN We are now in a position to do all types of general repair work for small boats up to 55 feet. Our workmen have bad from six to 48 years' experience. We use the hig h- est quality materials available and guarantee ou r work- manship. WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING SERVICES: • • • • • • Raai-Oat oa Boa& l lacler M FMt. 15.00. Onr 3M Ff'f"t. $6.00 WE 'ALSO DO YACHT BROKERING --- B 'IBS P&B8ENT '.I'IJIE WE HAVE FOR SALE:- • • Olle J'7-foot crultler . a 0nf' 40-foot plf'a.t~U,... «'MJI!W"r 0.. 11-foot Navy huU • On~ 24-foot Sf'a Dory • ODe !8·foot b•aaJW)m stern JIK boat Na\'POaT BlltACH, CALIF. gntulatln« ~~~o•nrkere in th .. a~a fur thrlr rffo>MA an!! lnvltln~r a •·•-ntlnuntlon nf this hPip unt I the <'II >lit' of t hr r ampalf.!n un Jo'l'llna. 1\l'y 29th. I in tbt mt'antlmr th~ rommlttee 11n cbar«e n f the rnntu t to find a name for a bomber ht holdlnl!' all rntrlu and urJtlnJt thoee who haft nul yrt dnnf' 110, to ~~~rnd In name Jrui(Jtratlnns pmmrtly m11lhar tbrm t o the Nf'wport Hotrbor A.l 2 p. m. Friday. F ebruary 21'1, there will be aervicea to rommem- nrltf' the World Day of Prayer both at C'hrlat Church by the Sea atfd the Balboa llland ExteMion at 128 Arate llreet. In charp of the wrvtcn are Mt>Bdamea E. 0 . Goodell, Stepha I Weatherlorll. Everett Funkbouaer, J nhn Elliott. H. 0 . Enalgn, Leonard Gravta aad Mlaa Elale Newland. Chamber of Commerce. addre.td Tbe Ben Aliena oo 2'7tb alftet Quality L1111tber and Buildin1 Material• • COSTA MESA LUMBER CO. ... E:. HOITETLE .. I I to "Bomber COntut Committee." have u tbelr I'\INt. Mr. A.Uen'1 The awaro for the naml' MIPCtf'd father. Joel A.llea or Ka.a-.. City . hy th committee will bf' a S25 K o. Phone 41 II ._ ___ .._ __ _ bond donated by Ull' N«"'ll.'pori·Bal· • • • • • • • • • • • • a • • • • • • • • • • • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 11011 Rotary Club. F.arl W. Stanley, • ._ • rrHtdrnt On thl• comm itte .... • BOR BUILDING INFORMATION :, Wa ynt Ha~r. Judgt' 0 A .l<>nel , : :I Gret ory Gorby, W . H. Hitchman. a _ See _ • S. D. Oavtda>n, H 0 F.nsti{TI and I= • ~~: :r:"·bf'rry '" thr Home ~ Bay District Lumber Co. ~~ Gardl'n.'' h .. bf'f'n prf'pllrf'd by • WALTE" I . IPICil,., Owner :.1 Harold E. Thomu. College or Ar· : rkulturr, fl'r thnl'4' tntrrestPd ID • Newport Beach : putting nut a ft w planta for a : • S11 l tata Highway Phone • h••ml' ~rdl'n ""'trrr Thuma~. dll-~ At The Archea 1150 •I <'lllllltll t hf' \'llrll.'~ tn plant. time 1 • 1 n( plantln~t. how tn plant. ktnd ot I r ................................................ -~I anti. dralnal{r, lrri~tallon, cui!IY .. I tlon and ra n•. frnlliuttnn. dl.e- I'R8t'"· numbf>r of plRnh '" ~··l for GORDON B FJNDLA Y j family """ anll ho>w tu ha.n·u t 1 • thrm I ,~, ... \(., "' lhl" lrnO••I 111:1\' h .. nb-"Builder of Homes of Distinction'' t alne~l. wit h11ut l'(ltl\, fr••m t.tae.; Farm A.h IIIOr " o>fftr f' ::!21) Ra-I mona huolcllnJ: l'.on'a AM c ";;Itt I I Mu Sl11ldun l'mlth n' 2~th CON~CTOR and BUILDER I "lrl't'l Jll rrt'IIJ"'rnlln.-fr ,.,., :.n 11t• I l R!'k nf tht• flU. I :0.1 r:t. c ;, ... r.:<' J;tMlnet of 30'r Telephone 402 3410 Coa~t Blvd. New·port Beach 1 1 Alllldt'. IIRIIw•11. hn11 rrtul'lo'd frum • __________________________ .. J , :"•• H•lliV\\'N>d ""' rt> ahr hM f'ptnt : ' If II I 1\lf' lR&t l'IX \\l'l'k!< ntll'lnlon~: to' ~-~·····-~ hUstnPI!I! In th•1t lnrnllly, I • ~rvm A I FMI:II ,,, t hi' R'\ltllol\ !'port. Fresh Dai{'y f1-111m: Fll'(•l hn• 1'4'('n hnme tcw !I<'' c•·nl .tl\y~ f&J:htrn~: Rn M lll•'k al Dt'llrlfllll S~ll Fooda the nu. Or. t'ompl~te tqulpmt•nt ~ ht'n ~··•u want to catch I Your Brick Worlt, Pln1erlnt I HORMEN fiSH. MARKET '! and Cement Joba I C'lln In thr ruhJI'f' !)(' . I u~rlly dont' apia bJ CLAUDE SWEETMA,_. ~ • ON CENTRAL AVENUE, NEWPORT BEACH ~ 122 TWenty.Fourth St. k •• --,. , ••• -------•••••. :. •• .!~ Newport Beach, Phone 411-W ---~ , A WIN-TMI-WAR JOB ••• WITH fiNE WORKJNG CONDITIONS IXCELLINT PAY ••• 1V1N WHILE LIA.RNING ON· THE-JOB . REAL HILP ••• ON HOUSING AND TRA.NSPOR.TA· T ION PR.OBLJMS ,_ Calahfp Ul'flentfy 11eeda ••• Welders . . . Boilermaker Helpers Welder-Students • • • Pipe Welder Helpers ... Pipefitters and Helpers. Laborers . . . . Marine Machinists and Helpers ... Sheet Metal Helpers. Shipwrights and Helpers. Important ... briagiog Social Securiry Cud, Proof of Cit· izensbip aod Availability ~ni6cate to .,. .. CALIFORNIA SHIPBUILDING CORPORATION 11~ WMt Anaheim loulevertl (at L .. oon) WILMINGTON . lr • • 1¥ e It., If ........ Slllw r....,_. 11nt1e .,._, , • U OO IOUTM F'LOwtJII IT~ LOS ANOUES 416 ~IN[ AVUU[, LONO lEACH 806 ~ACIF'IC ILVO~ HUNTINGTOII ~ARK lll E. MAGNOLIA. I URIANK 15$1 F'IFTH ST., SANTA MO:'IIICA J1J U rT HILI.CRU T, IIIIOUWOOO ' IF YOU CAN 'T GET I~ tT CA LS HI HELP WIN I.T ... AT . .. -. I. • __ F_"e_hnmry !?-1, l P._4_4 ________ _ !oalt Guard ~mmandant ..8uds Auxiliary rhl'tr •lWDI"FI but t:h• achltvement• .. c th•· 50 000 ml'mbc!ra or tht' boat· tn~t lratrmtty who ga ve t htl• pu· " •11111 St'r\'IC.eJI U ~ell t"l' tuk O\·n tw(> thouand ve .. l • w l• """~ turnl'<l o\'l'r by lhc-tr 1 wn<'F'8 \<) th .. C'~l Guard HI'· a.:rv• u .... t. 111nd ne111rly tl'n thnu· san;l m tlfl' '"'''H' 1•nr' llt,.J In the l'•>n•t Gu .. rJ Auxlhury Classified, Ads "In 1941. 'A'tleJI tne attac k nn """' 1 H11rbor prl'<'lpitatetl thl.tl Adnural Hu,.,111.11 n_ • ""nl rv tntu .,..ar, on~ ol tbe moat VIc·· lmport.tnt 1111d lmmedlah• jobs lu ~'llN!o h.-, l'OIIIlllllll)d:tnl 011 llh' I•· ol llf' Willi l<\ lll't'IJrl' <oUf <'lllllflll Jntt fil Stat I:'& ( 'ua~t r:uan l t••lay and ullr pnrt11 from any tnftltrallun emlt>r ~:d utflt•tal trtl1111 1• 1" t Ill' "I t h•• ''"'my,.. A<lmtral \\'at>llk'ht• C'f'tt'llt lmtal I>< at nwno·t ~ tlll•l ")'l'r-sa t .I at ra t•f AmfrH a for !lh'u "tr.-. · ll \loU 041C4'eUai'Y for thr l'oalrt rldvua" ard m kt•• pin~: th•• na-t:Uiu .t 11111,11 whom a 111rge ahan• l!lif" In l tnw uf wru •·f th~.~< n•ap(lnlllb\111)' rtated. to "Thr 1\\'lUirthtlltv ut lhu.-e ma il t'r11fl tJC'rmll t;•tl t h•· 1 •, •111ft 1 ;u,.nl t o I'MllNIAh " 'pll'kt'l ft'lh'l'' oC ra· trnl11 u.Jun,: th•· ••nllrl' llt'MI>C>An t, ~tn.t th.-t.h'J'<'II<ht.blhty ut lh•· h<~tb anol thrrr o·n.:tn .. ~. "''"" w ht'n ('~til RUA 'I'S, ~· 'I•J•IJFJt' ;;-m-~AI.;: IIIII• k t.l tl•t··· tl, ""' 1\nr ,.,.,, •• , .. ""' ~llh r'kta•~''" 11\Ut llh ft'\t '"' ~\'Ill Hh•UU\t•\1 • I\ .. ut• ft •""' a-;n\Ut" UIH\ '••It\ l'h't•;.l, ••-luaHt ~ ;_., .... nt ,.,.,., ~···· .1 11 \.tllililiLl~ \'w jlUliu. ~,.,,, •• ,,, ''''" h ... , •H ~" 1.1-: '.! rt • ""'" • 1 11w-1 ''''" 1~111 1nnll I r"'"'' •I.••• I'" ''"" ~'4!1:\ Hf\\' l .neu• !"ott•nl ,:.J • i ('HILDitt:N'M CARE __ _ 1 ·,,.,,, ... 1 No I A ri'I''NTit •N MOTtlltiiH ll clldtt \\'A N 't'l·:l I IWI.I' lH,IIhht-.. 1' '" '"' \\•tf " Ill h••IUr fo•l , o0\11'1•• \\'fllo• lto111 I ·• !':""".,.''"•'" N•'"l"''' ICN\th I ' 1:1 Ito tlj.l.l' \\ AN'l'l-:t. t ..... t· ............ I •. , "' '""l'h' ''til k l'rh· .. t•• t , •• "' ,,n.l l"'th l .ut•• '""' ''''" 111 fn1u11\ •r,1p "ttt:•·• ''nit ~·" 1 .. 11 n •. ,., ... tltt4 II tllo " , •.• , ''"'" • ntat•trred nu,_, "''" , ,.,,. f••l o·htl•lri'n In our """ll' .... ," ... f'\'N>Intr• .• «k' .,.... hr t'nl I<' ~ur·f A VI'. l"'lboll. Ill'• ••lltl!ll'll•l• ol hv flalboa U K.O. tTUNmlJlE •·me RAI.F,-. Uf·4to llt .. t.t thrnu~:h th..-:"atl .. n· ""~"·•·nt ~rt'atly Ita wat&h alnng aJ A.s8ociatlon •>f F:nj:ul .. 1\11•1 llnat ,11r <'UlUI\I It has bfo.ton a ... urct' Manuf&!'t ur·ers. lhl' atatenwnt of , r p1 "'" an.t sat1stact1un lt.l u• tn e.! upon to.Ao...,._,.k.-~ wll~•"" ~­ wo·rt' n•·\'<'r '"'lllgl\1'<1, 1•nnbh'd tt t11 ho-nuHnla1n1·ol umh•r aU\'t'r .. • t't>nditu•na unl 11 ht.r):l'r. l~<'l!lii:V· dt'I'IJo!IW<I t·rnft I'IUI ~ Into rr•"lllc·· llolll Tht' rh 811U ft' rrnft of ll<'lh't'· Umr thll'll u\'t'r a lo!llll whtch ,. ••• 1 II. II• II l 'lh>llo' l ••ll!: II• ,., lo \\' A~'l't-:1• t'r~tl'lh'"l n11r"" IPI I''< lit ~A 1 ... : ~ u ... .J filii t 1 .. mat• :l~'l h7 l!l ''" tl.tr'tiV '"'"''\'II<" ""'~' I ' • II• I .......... t: .. II "J'IIIIIIIun. 22~ ~ · lhe Coa.at Guard ('o mmunotaut II<'· t h•· M'r\'1\'\'. that. whl'n thla need ~owlt'dged nut only lhl' l!reat Ill'<•~• Amt•rllllrt8 all ovt>r the coun· ll8Pfulness In tit£• war eme~~e!l~Y ~I I'Y )''ht> t\Wn.-d vr o~led email of the tbouaanca uf ~mall bout:o "•··•h •tfh•red nnt only their craft •Urned over to t ht' ~;owmment by but lllao th.-lr ~ervtcet to help In WAR ·WORKERS .WAITED ·at DOUGLAS SANTA ANA FEEDER SHOP ud DOUGLAS Long Beach Plant r nll.""'l! ""''"\UI 1 t>nn•m "~h>reovrr .. 116rrlrll'ln~: 0ll'lr 11'1, surf' ltml', 50,000 boat •·wnrra ami;' .. p.-raturs jt•lnt•d t h• Auxiliary t")l dt'vo l<· acvrrtll houra a w~k t o thr t job ut patrollln~t our wall'rfronla. And now, the Voluntrrr Port Sf'· curity F• rei. or,l(anluo..l In I.,..J•nc 1 puru on botll our cOil.IU and t he I Crt'at LAkn, havt t'llMIII'd 10.000 mem~rr1 many or/) Ultm ~ople "'bu h&ve buD a.Oclat ed all lftfl 1 llvu with plra8Urt' boa'tlnjit "Tbl' job that thru Jl<'OJ>Ie h~Vf' I doni'. and contlnul' to d J, votun- ta rlly and without rt'lfard tor Ff'·l I ward of any 1nrt. 11 trrmenaoua. Tttetr ac hll'vement Ia reflectf'd In the hlatc>ry of tl't' put h1•o yra r1. the btatory of a concenlratf'd aztd l.ucce..tul effort to kl't'P our l'<le.llll ancl our porta aate. Ttll'lr a!d to thr ri'C'lJI&r Coa1t Guard u - Arlll'/ •-.. ,.. •• ".. weuh wtlet 1e left •• fllltt,. after ....... ._, ~!!!..'"" _, .... , ...... 14 ...... •" ... ,_.. --- llabllahml'nt. thl'lr gi'DI'n>U.II rf'· 1pooae to an urxeot need and thC'I r latndtut devotion lo tbe tuu u · •lcnf'd tbem u.nk ~ u.. 111'-111- ut trt.dltlorut of America and the pound or AaiVAKf'd kllcht-n rats ~I AR, I !A ( 11 m. EX t';•hruar.)' 27 et•lvl'd. t o M 1\l :.'0 S tamp N n. I on "aiTpluw" ~beet Fl'. GR. liM JR. aztd KR AprU 1 11 pair llb~a) now to datt' not wt. to Junr :..'0. Wer ft.ttflil' ... IV Cn('ltne S tamp No. 30 (5 1bL •ucarl Coupon No. 10 I A·I~•nkl. t.:•~tad H d d f M d W A N d d -·" now to Marrll 31. now 111 Mnrrh :ll UO re S 0 en an Omen re ee e ----Stamp No. 40--45 lbll. ~annlnr C'O\IJllln Nl\, 10 (A·OOok. f.:!M-.d Now to Fill Part Time and Full Time Jobs . Ration Coupon· aucarl now, to Ff'bruary 28, 19&5. for !\ J:IIIIOnJi nf ICIIAOIInf'l J ltn n Green .11\Amp.~ for c&l\1\ed. frozen to tltarf'h 21 IIIC'\'t 'IYR H"l•l. rt'nt~•l ••r rtt JIAirt·•l \'o .:"t'a, !\1'14 Wain 14t 111\11~•11 ttnol <!till Marlnr A Vf'llll~ llall"'" lrtll\nd 1:\·tf• t-\llt ~AU: 1933 t tl•~•r l 'lynwuth '""'"n ltHtlllrr :.'Ill \\ •'"'"'""'l••r A\'<'. N••WI'"''1 ll•·twht• Apt 'J ':< 2tl• t'Oil~Al.V. 111!\11 ,,,P\'11\It•t M Mtt- 1 •'t l ¥111.,' ...-.1"11 Ha•lh•. hrMt • ••r. nrw hatt.-ry, tlrr• "· k . llt"lt.l •·un•lll 1r•n, Jc\:'141 1'1 ~!!"\ n A NkhniiC', :llfl Ap lt·na .A \'1'. Hal hoa l•l•ml lfl-21p FOR RAl.Y.-1\13 1 F11rd roadtll'r eaN>Ill'nt tlrH, Juat nverh&ul•ll. 1221'> l "tton .. NtWJl<trt 1188·W ' Ill 2tc FOR SALE- REAL ESTATE MOVIal ,.Oft tMMaOtAT. ~o11a1110N. "o" IALa 1 3-bf.droom unturnlllhed bun p - low, t 8!'o00 00 Caah • 1\-bfldnoom fumlah...J. StoOO 00 l T•rm•. 2-bedrnnm unrumlahtld. front . t iO.~OO. ea.h. LoOtru• w muoo". rc"" , .. ,tt 1\ ... ,:" u~;, 1:1 1 ,, • ~• '"''"'._ ~~'"'''' 1a-;2tp t:MI'IAt\'Mt;NT 111-'1.1' \\'ANTt-:11 ,,,ll'l'"r •rlol •·1 • 1"'11"''"" ami •1'"''"'"'1 ""' "•·hi•• I 1 Availability c rrUIIt!&le> ,...,1.,,,.,,,, ,;1•t•ty Am .. rlt·•n I'll'•' ••tht '"unatnu ttun t ._u . Nr"''u•rt llt•tto h Ill 2tl' REAl. F..RTATE t"''it AAI.F,..- \\'h<•ll \' IIU ,>Ink t>f ltNI ,._.t•t• Think t<f ,lt lltN 14A ill.JCIH ""1"1 Utdl IIAIIIOA "'* A bi ul Our Safely ,., .... u H<t•f'• l"<llt RAI..IC uw .. lllnl Oc•ubl• praaf' wltb run•a•u• nK)IJ'I IArc• lot. Ct.- In Tarma 2 bfo<lnonm houN , mudem 1110· n tot& Halt cull. 1 ura, 1 h~ m odtrn. c~ aav.--t. 2 ~. Nnrport BeKb tn- vftlm•nL ,...,__ DAN C MAC K.ICNZ._ 11 ~I' A I N T 10: 1l 11'111lNITUI\. I 11'1-'M :-1 I '?!riOt n f ''"'"' .. '" eU elt•'" .tr•k' " v"rl"l v 1>f IIC~­ r hll·l'• ,...,.,.,,.,.,..., kite"- ' l\1111 • ...... 1.. 11 ""'~'~ot boante. :-l•1l•l 1111 ~v T•• n~ Mt'M&M" to\u'TIIIIII" f'11 , :'nol anct ni'OIWI• WA~·. ~"ul,t. Allll 1-U\1 n rvr.N 11 .r.111 tnl'(l'Mm 111 1111111 r rtt. hl1 h r halno 'trullf'ra, )'C*\111 l>e\la blllllllnrtlf'e t'rlh mattJWeo ,.., t•lav JM'"' an•l 1"'11•. "•' ... ta. tralnf're l"o•hl <~n •:,.,y T .. rma. Wt•t.!.ohan P\Jillllllrf' c·r.. .... a nd lln,.•I••Y· ,._nta Aft&. ...... IIOATll. 8VPPUD. -----f'OR RA I.& Wal-lldl Out..,_. motor, 2~ h•or•. .... 111'10 R. Nttwpcw-t 8Nc'lL -ioATa-llot......, a~­ .M.ariDa lllaliMI ......... MARINI! liAt.VAO. A.ND MP'O. 00. 10a0 W. OllftiNI Aft. Pia ....... Hw-.rport "-'· OIW. M-Ull lMOA Newport Blvd., t.wt& M .. 1&-lk roR IIAI..IC • cyl. tn,tne, r.,.... bay \ lr.Jictualv• Alf'n\ -------------- to Help Keep War Planes Rolling from D . l :~nd Ct"I'Uin. ~hydratf'd foodl: All C(IUI""n• mu• bf' •nd(\r ... d Our Produ ction Lines to the Fighting atei and Data c. Hand J-.January 1 to Fwb-CMI , ..... ~·lth r ar llct'nlt number ruary 20. Uld llalt' or rartlltratton. Fronts AH Over the World. K. L. and M. Frbruary 1 to I O.p&et., •••. Ave., NfWJCI't R&tloo calendar ror period be. March 20. Tlrt '"•PKUOft Apply 'l'~ay &lnninr Ff'b. 13, l9t4. Crt!t'D ,111mpl' K. 1. anc1 M will C·bnnk holdf'n; f'V<'ry :\ m nntha, ~ 1 War "atl.,. ... k t bfo ~tood until March 20 at tMlr 1, 5th lruiJlf'('tion ht·rorf' Fl'hrual") 29. 714 F. ('entraJ Avenul' I ma a&NT -r.tepti•IM N-port ItO 1111-llr l"t1R ttJ:NT l.,lvate roum . .._. roR ••uc le ... n ... .,. ..a- boat. I nqulrt Hv.,...,..'e 'fac.ll LMdt ... OJut H'I'I•&J IlL To Learn How You Can Help Stamp No. 1 11 pair U.O.I 5, 2. and 1 val~. 81\W tokf'nS B·book ht)ldf'n< 4'Vt•ry4 monlh~. I tab.IAManon IU(ar n to tda'· ot • .-., ill .... -1 1 ....__R_ 1 t .. _ Cth l~~~>p!'C'Iion hf'fltn' Ff'bn.1ary 29. -y-... -.. ow ..... n ~ . w ..,.,. .,ven n ~-.... or .-.n fl tabll'lll>O'•NI lartl Douglas Feeder Shop ~ J ·t • War "dioft 8eok Ill on and arter Fe-bruary 27. A·bnnk holdP,.. f'V«'f')' 6 mnntha, 1 cup aatDI \J. S. Employment Brown lltampa -Jl'or m.at, Rtd llamp• c 10 poUlt.-...) for lrd lnat'\'rtton twtore Warc b ll1. Tart aprl .. Servi-. t'&Aned n.h. moM edlbl• oOa. meal CAnned n.h. ma.t edible at». T~pott holdt'l"'l t'Vt"f')' e ~ 'ct~eNa aod C&II.J\f'd mUk: rh~w• and cannl'd mdk: month~ or 5000 milo·~ of drivln.: ~ t•upoon rtnnamun 'ftlrf ...... -. S..ta..... 5tJ "·Mia lit.. ..... .u. • .. --. : a p. .... • 11--. w .... • PYt.. o.uy. Euept ~ a:• .. a · a:tt p. a AV AJLABIUTY CERTIF'ICA TE NECESSARY TELEPHOIE OPERATORS IEEDED Senice nwn and war \\'orken a~ all dependln& upon our dJ'Is at thf' s"'lt~hboards. Good pay whl~ lean- InK and reK1Jiar lDcreue!ll * * * SOUTHHERN CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE CO. Apply: 100 E. Bay Ave., Balboa or 514~ No. MaiD St., Saata Ana AVAJUB}LJTV CERnncAtt ar;qVtRr.:o DOR{lTHV QARNlT 2 tabiHpuuna •utrar V-.January 23 to February 26. AB. Bti, C8 Fci.J~ry J1 to, WH_.__AT'S-COO--K-1-N'? R.rt ... , .. ther n nur, haklna pow- W-.January 30 to February 26.1 Mar 20. 1 · c.lLr Mil and .~U~~ar ('ul tn lan a, X-Ff'bruary 6 to February 26. 08, E8 and· f"'S. Mardl 12 to add milk to f<)tm ••ft ttoutrh Y-Frbruary 13 to MaN:h 20. 1 May 20. Lard lOillUI a uy at Twe .. ol~ta Spl'f'lolt In a ahalluw, ~rreiUI4'd a•an Z--F ebruary 20 to Mal"('h 20. Blur stamr a 110 potnC• I'L I fOir Art' vnu vuur l[fiUHimrtthrr'll •IK~•t " lnr h"• aqua..... cut pared Stamp Bonus -Bulcht'F'8 will <'aztnl'd, f roun and cei'Ulll d~)'· rtrl• Nnl th; kln•l who dlnlfll \II aJ)plu In unlfnrm allr•• and prn• &ive 2 brown points for evtry dratl'd fnndll: co,..t c·uvw• but th .. •harp· .. )'•· ,111 u , ,111 ald., .t .. wn, In ~,.u.t AN ESSENTIAL INDUSTRY WITH MANY ADVANTAGES TO OFFER piUllll POt<r War •\llu••· I~ vitally in n1'NI uf Pt'NCH PRESS OPERATOR.'-' SHEAR OPERA TORS .llRILL PRF..SS OPERA TOR.~ STEEL WORKERS ASSEMBLERS It .MECIIA.NICS IJNSKILED HI!:I3ERS l-ll.'lp 1n lht' war l'ffQrt hy Inquiring immrodiat('l)' nt Towner Manufacturing Company 211 W. St'vl.'ntt>mlh St. S11nta Ana. California or United State! ~ployment Service 501 W. 5th S t., Santa Ana Slatc•mf.'nt or avallahilily n-qull"l'd (A cJance provm the leadenhlp of th~ Ne1n-nrnf'l') for·a·bar~ aurt 1 It -. ynu're rowe uo top of clnu1h. Hprlnkla a "rood b\ly" fflrl at yvur ~trnru·• with mllll!d w1ar and ctnn&mon. u u ;you'll ~t't wllh fl\a•l mn Du e In hut o.en 1400 ~-P'.l U.. low ration p<~lnt vahJI' nt lard 26-liCI mlnutl"t, or unUl appiN a~ only two pnlnt• :. rnun•l anl1 '""" Ro·rv" wtUI lemoq I&UCf thtr..'• plf'nly ctf It nvllthltlto 111 r--------------, I'ONIUm .. rll IS.•rciU.... hH•I I" IIIII 1 to<"rrt'n\ fat yuu'll n•·•·ol •llttv "'""I' thrt ,..foorth" ~~~ n "' h n• ••·•pttr•~t lty lh .. AVt'I"IOI!I' lo•oiJ"' Dutch Applr C.alt.f' 2 •·upe llntrr 3 tru11oun,. tmk1111o: I'"'"''' 1 I l l'upo<>n """ PAUL NORMAN VACHT SAIL MAKl"l 8all1, Awnlngl, a oal...COvln :t:.'4 10 21 ~I Ht NrWJI<•tl llf'llt h Phone 207 1. USED . CARS -NEEDED AT ONCE Quick Cash for Your Car qr Yp!fr .FAJuity CULBERTSON CHEVROLET CO. 102 On-an Ave., Phnne !IK, llunUa~oa RMch NOW C._.llOQ(N VOV ~'vt Gooo srAT~~£)~~ 1 WilL NOW ~HOw ~OW • 0 L GrA ""~ E l~t'£'1 011\ .. C£~ W H.._ T ""I'H. MV f tH( V-'!1£" O O INC. o,... T1-4 f r LOO~.., " • ~- er and ,.,...,, trw tmplo)'• man, 121\ Jlf'' mo. ~ a.n.r • p m t:11 No Bay ,....,_,, IJal. bcoa 1••~. 1•l1f •1m IUCNT Oftll'f' at 2110 W . C'f'nlral AYf'. Ne-.rpoft lle~IL Apply al add"'• or call 1MO. ll..tfe 108CJ!:LLANilOVII ANY RAOII TOOAYT W ANTI:O -Ntc•, t'.-.a. fCIUan "-«•· rnlnu buU,_ and rum. No ana, rtotktna-er ...U ...-.. wm ,., T r•t• 111. at BaJbaa New .. nmu otn~ 81-ll FOR 8AI.r- Whf'll Yuu Think c•f J!.foal ltlltate ,,In k "' JIIII N I'IAIII.Y.IIt \'1•1(•·1 lllol& II A I,IIO A :-: Alllk Abo ul (tur Kaf•'Y I ''"11<,.11 JlnaP• N-port IIMdl ....... • ---w Alf'I"&D IIDow Bird ....... boat wllb U.U.r. P'-.,... .. 1\. 11. Bladl, lMT lo. a.- A••·· lAe Aqe._, 16. 1&-.. ------ron eA Lll ~twt•rect twa -.a, 14' • r . J:kn ~NieH Madleftl .quipped. ... at Balboa .._ •lllon, Balboa , .... IIIJIICa..lAllf -=-~---JNOOM11 TAX Do You N,.. IWJT ... 0 . &. CUU.Y A Aa.oau ..... Ac-cowatlnl U2·21 l purw-.W.• 208 WNI P'courUt Mr.t liAHTA ANA. CAUF. tfe FOil MA~ tre lH "" l..F. Wan·• ltroo·war tlk)'- cl• lr.ll<'f'll.-nt ,,.mdlllon. IJ&I. houn II,...., Ill!\ 1()01 J: C' .. n lral An .. llaiiMIIl l'hon• 2HO·M. 11.11.a Professional Dire(tory Gordon M.Grundy, M.D. ,.hytklan and lureaen Ninth and C.lftr•l Ave. Office Hra.: 10.12a.m .; I -I p .m. Telepheft•. 37 LEROY P. ANDERSON ATTO,.N£Y AT LAW C•et• Mau aank autldlne ""one 421 Cellforftla HAROLD K. GRAUEL CHAPEL "Y.'•· 1 1ur1~lvf'l lhf' lt.-IIPr twrYe ltv I'IPrvlntr fllhr r• ll••lll" {"hone Newport M I C oeta Meu CallfoNIIa BUY NOW City Tax Sale Lott A. J. TWIST t07 Coni Highway ~hone 2422 CO"ONA OEl MA" WHO'S WHO I Conrad Richter. M.D. ,.hyeiiiM and lv,...._ Offloe 101 t2nd ltrwet Ntw~ .. ..., ~'"'": 10·11 a. m. & 1·1 p. m. ......... "'flot 111; ""· .... , DR. G. E. TOHILL "HYIICIAN a"d IU"O&ON _. Ceut .,..,. , ........ ~ ...... -~--Offloe 21t·W "'L 2M·" U "'• A-r Gall _...., t Dr. M. D. Crawford O~TOMIT"IIT il':ye• 1Caamlne<1 fll.-a ,ttf!d 17117 N1wport Roulevard .. h..,• 24JO COITA M£1A BALTZ MORTU CHA .. £l •v THI I£A 410 Coaet atvd. r..nron• del M•r Ne'Wpor1 .. ech ~hOfle N1wport 42 \. ... , Atftt, ••• ... , Ph.,~e ,,._ N-•thtue Ave N•""'"''" 2411 C.or fJnot d•• a.llar N. D. CASH n " M 000 """ C:AT Hl)'\f'lfAl HARBOR DISTRICT F"IREPl AC F ,U-4 0 I<INOLINO W OOD- II \\' \\'t Will 17'14 11/JI' Jll,•t , '••lfln M•·•" II ~• d l.•unh"l I'll 11!111-J f;fN(RAI CONTRACTOR - •:•·1·11•1• II ~·lrHIInv, :14 10 ('nA .. Ill ~h. :Jrt:! l'll•n• ••n'l !'••n/ll rul'ltnn. LU MOF"A COMPANIES- ('<"'''' M• .,, l,t,r ,.,, "1...-t 1111 h~l p vo11 pion vour ''""'"·~ l'h••n" 411. I !n v · "'"'' lol !.11m 1, .. , !"'II f"hnn11 II M r '~•IIIII lfltltWIIV "t A N'he.1 QFF"ICE 8UPPLIES- Ntwp••rl ll11rl~•r l 'uhllllllntr ('., l'hnn .. : 12 • 1~. Nt'WJVOf'l rtrach P AINTING- Nt-Wpurl lh rhnr J"uhll1htn .. ('f1 rhllr>~•: 12 I~ N•.,..pt.r1 lleaoli. REAL liTATIE, IHIURANC~ & •NOTA"V ~Wat:IC-­ IIw II Wllllat·P, 2202 W. C..,1lral Anntt" l'ltt~ll RUaBEA &TAM~~ -- N<'WJl'lrl ll.,tl()r P11hllahln1 0'• l'lwn~•; 12 • l N••W))o..rt ..__ 8H££T M£TAL WO"K-VI~l• l'lurnhlnl 6 Rheet Mlltal Woru , c. .. t.a w-. l'tt<JUf' 110. VAftllTV ITO"a-ltalboa 111u4t VartftJ ..... ... lOe, lie ,ucl ... ,._. ll11•W. t NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TIMES, Newport Beach, California, Thursday, February 24, 1944 ftll ....... ...,... .. ... ....,. ...................... ......__ ...... .,._.,I 0 1 .... ....._ .. -. ................ .u. ........... EDITORIAL.S On February 15, 1942, Singapore. t.tw-symbol or Brttlsh milbt In 1M Far Eut. Ceil to 1M hordes ol Hirohlto. From theN 1M enemy avala.nche poured down a<-n.s the Dutdl Eut India to the very ptes of Australia. 11le com- timid ~ ol the BrltWl. the Dutch and Olll'8elves was wball,y ~w to Item the tidal wave as It rolled over one ..... .,.. ........ Our American Freedom ' FEA'fURES ftiAII,.... ......... LIIIF .. p 'M .. __ ., ... 0.......,....,.......: .. -r . ............................. . _,, ..... ataT • ..., ..... all , ..... _ ...... ........................ ..... When Your Back Hurts- The World's Newa 8eea Tbf'Oalh THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR t\n lnrcrnallondl Da1ly N.cwspaf't• Pubhsl1cd by 'THE CHRIS'Tl~ SCIENCE PUBLISHING SOCIETY One, Norwa)' Stre<'l. Bolston. Mauachu.wu~> Ia TruWIII--Coaat~U-Unblaeed-Free from Se-uo.ata- F.dttort.ala Ani 1111M'ty aed lastnK'th·~ &ltd Ita Dally t'~aturea, To· «elhfor .. 1th tbe M'f'f'ldy Mqu.l'"' !JftoUoa, Malee t.1w Moaltor -1._. Sewsp.per for thfo Home. Pric-e fi'!.OO Ve.rty, or fi.OO a MontlL Saturday 1Mue, lndudln~r Mapdoe !Jftotlon, f'!.IO a Veu. Introductory Offer, I Saturday IMuea U ('rnt. Obtalllable at: Christian Science Readlag Room Ill Eut Ceal.ral Avenue Balboa, Callfomla 5000 cars junked-today-!· OWIR YO fftll 101111 11111 •oYOI Ill ..• JOR UIIHAII IIAIIIJ wanuu sror a 10 ••• MANY I'&OPL& thtak thet the alower apeeda, ahorter trlpa, •-drlvlna of wartime, -a .._ care Ia needed for their can. Aacl tbe r"ult Ia the tf'IICic ~·to junk yarda ar '"' rare ot 5000 -$ ft..,.,~- Play •fe wttb J10tw ur. G.t SHELLUBRICATION MI"Yift, •-•Mel to c-bet Slop aad Go wear by procecJina •••'7 •ltal -·••• part. Shell O.alen ancl Sllell Senlf:e Stattoaa oHeriea til• aervlce -quality lvbricanta. Aa4 at•e ro. • cll..-r-·fftelpc ahow- ... eaactly what'e bMe ~ co IMtp ,_ rw CMIJI•t tbe cl•rattoe. MAKE A DATI FOR SHELLUIRICATION TODA'f ~ ------------ SHILL OIL COMPANY. 0 5 •rd ~e­ >ul :.he iee llle ll'r l\'f> on ia - •m· Par nta at 1ey ID· on- Loe by nt. •rly u~ 'll'l' Jon to for llty ' of be >Cal .F .. jl.('{', he rrie and Jal-.,. --!eDt vho liD( .. eed the !0~ are le• ler- ser- >ve. be- .ace lion the mit utd, tUid • , • . -----------~NEWPORT..:.:....-=....::=..:·Jl.j=•='=BOA ~'l'llla. Newport BeMia, CaUfomla. Housekeeping Hints Worth Remembering SIJO:ONUS FOR CLEAN, USED CARS Phone Huntington Beach 318 CULBERTSON CHEVROLET CO. SO! Oeeaa Ave. H1111tlqtoa Beach RADIO SERVICE IIOME ... AtrrO . .": MARINE RADIOs-REPAIRED MARINE ELECfRICIAN BURT R. NORTON ' 1111 Cout IIJKhWa)' Pbooe 2417 NEWPORT BEACH In His Shoes .. .'for the 'tDuration''! HEADACHE 18 eUCII A BIG uTft.ITHI ... PLUMai""G PE. .. MITI fl:veryhody nro·tlll fa t In lhrlr f'Ph 10 Jack U ppe. per ownrr, 1 '""t. that Important ~nPrgy·pn•- :'100 F:. Oily Ave. I •luda• unit IIU uaen\lltl thr'"'· war- Feb. 18-81m )oft Do, per Rny lime day• wh,.n the v.•h"''" ft~mlly Shaler. 2808 w. ~ntral lA working hanfrr than ,.vn . l..ard f'rb 21 MI .. Marqut'rltr Mil•'· I• 100 prrr rnl f11t •n•l whrn <·om- C'ulloch. per L. H. (."ramer. 132 hlned. .,..1111 uthl'r '"'od• elrpe up c-0,-t Blvd , Corona del Mar. ttletr enrrg-y vatu,. qull"kly. hb 21 Mre. Sadie Irwin, prr jiiiiiiiiiiii~ .; L H. Cramer, 123-23rd ~t. 1 --.w ............. .. 6CMIWWIHGC'O TAKE HER TO A LL 1ft fw a ..... fd .. ,... ...tl• ... •Matc ...... ache ...a •• • ,.-;y.-.... aDCI ... ,_~ a..dr fw • ~ fill~ •Uon ... •jo:r-t -· ~ Medache lllterf-wtQ J'I!Vf-. ,.....,.,.... ........... ..... Anti·Pa .. P .. .. ua~a, nl'-"' ..-ea~, ..... M .... bat 81•• .. N•ral•&a. .. _ nl., PaiM aall P•ac&loaal lloat•1J Paiae.. Do you u" Dr. IIIJ.e Awti-Pala rut..~ If nnt whr not' Y..ou caa cret Dr. Milea Anti-Pain ,ill• •' your drul( etore in the ,..alar pachtre ·for only a pennr apleeo and in lhl' ~onomy packare evn chu pu. Why not •et a pecka,. t • ...Je :! Your drugr11t hu them., r.r3•1 d irr rtinn1 end uae onlJ u lllrC'•'ttJ. Your mnnef baek ilJOG ar\' not ~~atiAI'ied. T • --'kJ/uteJ. • ·oNCE A WEEK • E.LECT .. ICAL PE. .. MITI F'~b. 16 H. M. Petereon. 17221 E. Ocean F'ront. per ID:\Ckbeerd Feb. 18 -Robert Allen. 211 '11 , Marin' per Blackbeard. Feb. 21 N. B. Grammar Srhnol, 214 Grand Canal, Balb"a lllla nrt per Blackbea.rd. 1 TBEATEa ~at 'J:eo _. t :l& l.ut ShOWinK of a o.-~•hl" f"ra· ture Proscrnm ~lana"' R :10 Mlllta ltr; ""nif'e "'"' "" (liN'. ta\ I Thu". · f"t1.·M.t. Joan c·rawfor4 P'rH M..-Murra)' lw "AIIO\'F. MI'Mf>U'ION" Al~~n Walt l)loiMJ'• "VIf'TUIU' TJIROIJOH -AIR r o WF.R" In Trt·hnlr••lnr ('arlflfln · :'!Orw .. Mun.·MCJn. , KMt Mkrllun In • "I DCHIU IT" C'arioott-''Thl" IM A~t:RI('A'' ' ·""'"'" T ....... ·\\'Mt. "'~r Tr••·~ -llrdy LaMarr Jnhn Clarrl,.ld In "THKTII.I. \ YI .. \T" (:artonn a p,.t, Mmltfi llta.r11na Thu"·· Marf"h ~ Ann Mothrm In .. ,..'ISn Mlfii-'T "'\IMI!'l" aiMI wnPT c O "ft:!ol c HI'K \Cot." C'OIIIMc: "Ur. Cilll~ptr·,. ('rim 1 ... ('-", and "Yn•n• l..,....w, • .,.._ FaiNm 111141 thr n('4'1d" -' "f'-IJ¥r \\llh M r ." w,...,., F..t P'o"'anl" ... wDaltprtHU .......... 8t7Y WAJl BONM AND IIOIIfDCI /. T TRill TilE A ftE I I LJ ·DO TB&AT&a .,.._ .... -.... ,....... ........................ ~··· .,......_.. . .._ .... b .. c. ..... -..,._ ... ................... ............ "WIIUTUNO IJif IUIOOilLYW" ... a ('a:;rn'n ......_. -oovoanao IN III&IAJfD" ................ c.n... 6 N._ v..llllt• ........... ..__.. ... 1 <Wee". "'M ... ~.:::::. .;:;:::' ... .,.. IM7I' wu ..... Aim ..... AYt-.,_. .. HAMS and BACON Morrell's Tencterized Momtre Whole or Half Whole or Hal I SLICED .liM r• SLII IICOI CUDAHY'S PURITAN SLICED BACON An Unusually Lar~e Supply Beef "' Veal "' Lamb ..__ Pork Cuts To Meet Your Month-End Point Requiremenb ALPHA BETA MARKI:T -V08TA lii'..8A - r I E S ( I T S ~ .. Balboa - SATURDAY IIIGHT ,·FEBRUARY 26TH ' . r ' . • ' ' , II • .. . I, NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TIMES, Newport Beach. California, Thuraday, February 24, 1944 Hostess Trio Give Pretty Valen~t·ne Luncheon and Brid~e at Heir.1. asers M.n. Helna Kalller. Mn. 8am tlarry Wei , Ua11 Ornwn. Feminine Activities Klufatber and Mr.. Jr. 1. Moore Lucaa, J A. Qant. _,.. baM-• at a tlt•llr;hllul The Kllt'lll llat 1111•• trH IUdf'tl Valetltlne lurw-heon and card par-Weadamea C. W. llarrl~n. Wlnnl'- ty oa U onday aflem unn 11t Hf'lnr. fred Wtlldenbt'rjt, P t••k Hlcharo.lll, Ka.laen Bayahore Qlfe. F J Catltll Jf,•l llJ><Il llllm<·r. It Catherin<' F.al'ton, Socit'ty Reporter • Ph ones 12 and 13 • Residence Phone 690-W TtM Abalone Room of tbe cafe W ~l'&ger !'am ~1•·yen. J . E. waa cnlorful with lbe \'alenllnO' Whutt'r<Jfl, l' ll Hu•'tl. B ·7. ~I• red and v.·hlte u•ed ln all the df"('n· Klnr,..y, Gf'••fi:P \\ ht•<tt R,.rtha Til· Cub Scouts Have Bean Feed Followed By Minstrel Shuw ration.. '"'" HVf'n llnl&ll table" lflt.-un. 1-f,.nry 1'~111:•·1'1 F1 unk lim• AI lh·· 1,.1 "''' 1,., k 01,, 11m: ,,r at •·blrh thl' 1:"\11'818 wrre "Mied man. l ' ... \VRtt~. Mlu P'ttUJco•" 1,,11 Ill!\ th·• '"'' ,.,11 ~l .. th•·l ~. batl Valtnllnt• plar1• rartl~ and In· na.mttnt &Jill Mrl! :'\••l'vld lfotltt11'" ,11 • lt••h''' \\ ,111 111,tl h••r _,,_,,.,. dlvldual (avon at f'&elt pltVf' ln 11f S~tnta Ana ""', ~1 r~ ,~.,11,. 1. :\I•'), 1.., 1: ,,,, Ilk tnrm <•f Un~ •tulia 'A'hkh Mra. til•· It••), ,1 I·• ,11 I•, o1 ft,,., "111 11111 Mo.•re had 'hlll<l~ of ntt, the aklru WCTU of Newport •l••n I• lf.:o•l tl ,,, \lo )• ,, l.·~u·· ot ••hlcb b .. ld candy tor ell.lh per· II•N• 1 (',11 1, • • [ SPOm G~VE "smES"IN coTTON eDT I COMING EVENTS PtUDAY, FEB. zs_ World Day ol Prayr r wtll be ob· eerved at three eoervtcea, Chrl.at Church by the Sea. Coeta ~eaa Community Chu rch and the Bal· bwt Island Extension at 128 AgatA> ~t 2 p. m. C"apilla Clrole meeLII at the ht me of ldra. Nicholaon Hauxn~1111. 227 J nsmlne. Corona del Mar PTA Founders' Day Program Draws Enthusiastic Attendance of Members . - .. a~ Mr.. I.. E. Sutherlahd wbo l.a tbe tton eyetem mu.t a eeompltllh a State Chalrmu of C!lancter ICdu-two-fold purpoae: to teach the '111 10"1, braved the element. t.o come v owing genrratlon !10 that they ·~,.~ t-.-~ t,r ~·,. •-c--Pn •'1 t'llrll may be ublt-to earn a llvt-lllh>od ~ WMil to rt•e UM memben and but a tao thrre mu~t be rharsdf'r ,<.«!I<UI "' the-Grammar Scbool education fO that they may take , T A one of t ht' flnelll pro&T&IJl,l Uwtr phH ,. all an uJing!.t clltzt'n nt ot the year on Founders· Oav the future. r., a ccordance with UM -a Speaklq fu rther. Mrs. Sulher- c:u.et.om of hooorlng plllll P• ,,,. l&n<l sr••k•• (t( I Jt,. pn·p•Hhll': uuct <~enb at th•11 rr E't'tong t'lll'h YNir uf mothllfll n w working a.-. the thoee pre.ent were .lrfr11. !low...... modt>rn "gnlll nu1h" the r11~1 for .,., t'&rlh.•st ooe. H~ wbo wu money and that only wh•·n the prteent. rave a llhort_ talk ,on early ,r hlldrer;o nrc.> s rown or ha\'t• ade- av~ '" I T 1\ tn this dil!lt"lt t Ollt· f)tlltlt• run's" lr•'ll tar.-ut h .. mr, l'r~ hvnored wt•n · ~!.,~>dames Bt'lt~· sh~tul.t ,, •mull II' I h.~ wnrkln~o; -· Beach Hold 11 "'" ,, 1 ,,, ,, • '" .~ •I llu· T1oe luncheon rll•lr, IIIII·W!K, I~•\• 'ooltl•l !o til\ ' •' oil ,,,, "' II •u ~ay In ('')lor .. t'&Ch one W&Jl P ostponed Meet 1111'} ('1'\llrl hill• '!Iii "''''''' I• ;:u- Hed ~-workroom, Ill BR.Iboa, opt'n 10 a. m. to 4 acwlng . Trior• l' It Hupklns. Alho·rt A pti'IIV It'll huur d srd thr Palm :-'pn: kr•11 art! Hubert l'0\\'1'11 .h-afternoon w lh r<-frt•Yhrrt>nl~< IJO'tnll' P· rn., Du':lnr; thr busint's~ rnt'Ning. tt pn·part•tl 1111u scr\'ed by 4th anti \\'Us 'enrnt>d with regret that the /Hh gr'ftt.!e mul hl'rs Th, se 011 tht• pn•,mlt•ttl, l\1 r~ Jo:ugl'n~> C ,nStr. IW'rvtng commit tee were Mt•stlamell M n .. J with 11 rrol jellu hrart aa '"'""''' 1 '"'"' '' , ·• "'d. 1 ott.: MONDAV, FEB. 21-111·ell u• dtiii'I(•Ua aultul 1U11I &lUling :-,'o•y, I'"'' l-1• '"It W T <'II hr ld lot.: l1 ~I'U tl.t\ \ l,tdtto'l I• : " - hot popovt<rll The rlo·l!tiH'r1 l(tUrttl' "" 1 .,,.,1~.n"l m••••llnt.: 111 th•· humr• .rtl lti • I••"' I '" 'Il l• I• '" f''·'~ revea.IC'd lodlvldu&l cakea lew ,,( ~I•• ~,,,111 H•·lllt\' P•·vntlt,r\Ah• ,,.,." ""' 1 ''· • ''"' ''•' • • ·t•' •llh while and tupp<~l by a gila· wr•rr trot h\' M•~• ~:'"''' :-.'f''A lantl t.:to • 11 I'•" 1 "' lit•, "'' ol "• ~~ .. It tenlng rf'd r h<'rry lllld Mrvrd on whto 11,...,1 u11 lu·r l<tthJ••• t "t'Biurnl •'I to , I 1'''1'''' •I I ul IIJIJ•I•" Hl'd Cru~J~~ workroom. 111 Palm d • B "a JJ!• l<l'!ll1•d •1<-r rt·l!ig11at <•n. Tho· Prilibam 13rown Ward untl L.-tt· :vellu<'. Ill~, O(K'n 10 a. tr.. '() Cun!M'r fan11ly ~<re mr.,•lng tu l"nn ----· ---·-------. p. m .. sur~ital !lreB!ItnJ:S. I • •ann.. The> ,. .. 81gnat!on wu ac· • «I'd Crus~ w•1rkr~r .. m. :.!10 (!rontl , , ··tl o1 n•l !ltr11 J w Pt•ytnn Jr... Eddie' a red dolll"' I'IIJ;e.l w1tn wb1tf' laer. Way of U le." """''" '" :''"'" l11• "' '"" th• IUgb .corc-lor brJ•I~e wu won l'lllJll w,.r., 111111 t11r thr MArl It mrnl rnofan,: "llh :on' 1.111'• r.,, "~ by Mra. Harry \\'el.ti Wtlh Wra 1111 Dl .... lin.:' wtm h \\~II "" 110 ntt ''' ""'"'"""'~ ( •UIBI. Ralbun l!llanrl. nper. 10 a . nvw v1rr·prc>siclrnt nt thl' gmun. rn tn 4 p m • !I!'WinJ:. • • I hr• I" (IO"-nl'l'8tdent Unlll April Wtll ng \\' rk<•rlf, l"aliAAili'R 'l'av· wbc new oftlce,. are elected.. ' BARBECUED SANDWICHES OIUI flruwn dAimtng KC<AIII IUid day aeslllnn nn1l p.tl·hH k )1uwlt Jtl , .... 11 .. " "'l; '''" ""'"' • 111•· '"'" ldn1. Carl 11rlrk rt'(;C'Ivmg ron110-tho b1,111,. ,,r r.r 1 ~ v1, 1,1 :-,-..r..,,111 ''''' ''" ' tl• ,,., ttt!ll "'I h•l\\ lorr E'rn, Cnrona dt•l Mar, Opt'n 1 lu -1 • 1" •• 1,11,..1 ...... 111 1 ~,1 lnlk, , p.m., surglral dt'l'll!llngs .IJOlnlo•J uut 1 "nl lht• publte .-11111'1\.. Are Delicious! lallnn. Mra. Y J CAtlin won hltth r.l)() WNt1ntltt~lr.r. !'o;c•14 pl.rt III'IJ( 1, tht-lr part·nt~ of lht r;1ilr!Hlfltl' .Coreo for fiummy anti t.1 ra llt•nl\ At thla time Mnt Jo:Lh«-1 Jllllt'" untl "I'll• Mil otlltlll<rllttlll 'I h• It• I\\· 11 JMfN'), th•• ~d pnLI' ~Jr~ Ana.:e•t ua t · .. Hrtll•'\ t,., I• ''I '• tt ''\ "'' I·" J, Ill•' fuu• I T~ESDAY. FEB. U - Hil rh<"tr l:••tnrv wtll m•••·l at ll ·3u Bobby ThomplWln.,. n u ( l\f t· """ p. m . at White'" Park Av.:nue, ~1r" A s Tn••rnps••n <•f Sunta Ana Hal boa Island. :•\••·r ll<' :-,-"'~ r•nrt HI''J!hl~. 111 con· llarbor L1 ns Club met'ts at \'aleMing at h111 hc•m•• 'rr•m a Inn· ll :JO r-m. at Ht-tnz Ka iser's Bay-sll~·tomy pt'rloPaled Friday morn- 'l'boet bidden to the affair were , 11unt) otr11 ,.,.,., "111 •t• .. ttk ~ ·orbon, wu.' "lllh'n tJIId ·"'''"' b~ Me..:amee Sid BJ.ackbl!ara F'ranic lht• IJO)' th• "'" 1\.' '"''' .\l1 Moore's Confectionery 2100 Ocun F ront llhore Care. 1"'1: ut 11w Santa Ana Community Phone 7J -Nev.port s uch llt>d Cros11 wurkronm. 111 Pa lm hoapital. · Hard•man. P. V. Parlcf'a, Carl F T b PI \I• ,,., • .:""'I.: lit• "''" • 1'11111111 1 Tr1r lc, Ralph Holden. 0 .... camp-ive a les I ll ay ·llltl ~I·· \\otliiJ UI1111~ I '"""''" t~tu, tuJph Maalct y, r... t... ~e~>eu. At Brid ge Section '''" 1" ,_,,,,,.tit 11·"'1 • 1 t•1··~·" 1"' Lew Wallue. Gent Fl'nelon. war· Of FAC Clu b tlw •· h• . .,.,.d ;u11l :\l1 • 1~··1••· ~t .. r· ..,... Nleme1er , Frank Naylnr, ft·n,••n. """ nulflwr ,,r ,on1•tho 1 ('Uit Reo& Jeftf"f'y , Han1.on MuaK""v" · ~ ~rrnup, pill) I'd th•· ntL:hl "' Ill• 111tn Allo·l' l .. ·•n~; C'llnrtnr~l Itt lho•IJ •lt"l 4 p, m .. Aur~o;ical d reulnga. averwe. Balboa. or~+•n 10 a. rr., t•• , • fled Cr01111 wurkroom 210 Grand (:anal. Balhoa l8lnnd, 'upc>n 10 a l ···hunwlj ~111\'t' Sulun.l.t) \4h•n till' l•n•· .. r lh•• h•t.:hltt:hl· ••I th• 1 m. to 4 p. m .. wwing. CapUia Circle Hears Dr. Nelson Dreier 111orm bruk•• rn•·mt ... ,.,. ul 1 h•• ,lllrW " " "111 " It• ~··• \\' .tnl jr.·~ Rrili.:r IN'IIOn nf tlw Fnrla) after t.hwk ••• k• • •t• ""'I Stnnt·t · nnnn r~ Wl'n• hlt(lJIY to mt-.•1 on "hn h;ul ,, 1.!;111 In 1h1· •hoi\\ rol•u ~~~•••··.J I Lo~~idents l •ttl.• SUnn•om o( lht' ('luhhou""'' '" hruu..:ht •I••"" thr· h"w.•· whr•n h•• WMa Lbe ClapUia Circle ml't at I C'OJCIII Mrl<ll Wr"dn•'l'dli> (c>r A t.l•·•· put htll'k l11• tw.ul ltnd htlwll'l liko .. boaae of Mra. Nlrbot.na Haur· ~r1 lun<'ht>e.lfl nnrl J~ft•·mll(oO ul " ''"\"''' '" h1• lllll•t••r plll}•'fl 11 ~ Ia OoroDa del Mar on Wt'd·; <'ltrd.rl rom rt solo. .....,, u.y had the prh•Uer• of ' M,..., F. L. llaock anrl Mn: l1n All tht> ~y~hllli ~nml'piU'tinthc> ....... Dr. Nelaon Dreier. MC.re· Lowe> """"'" hn•lr'1oll(ls for thl' 11Hat r show. riiC'h un<' blnr kN1 to tht· f11r•· 1a17"' tbe loutbweat Co"-"ra-I IUid had cir<'orHtl'd ttl<> thr ~mnll 811111 .....-in& a hucf' rt'd bov.' ttr UaaaJ ONDcU wbo •poll• on "Our •abies a ttraCIIVf'ly. c."ntr nn.: t'arh ,. •. 11 :o.uln•·r " hnlt~tro on<' Pllpta rn.ti.r .. 1 v.'lth a bowl ot ll"e!!h, ~pnnJ vto-. Followin~t til .. ~how, Rt•vf'rend Tile .._,_ c~eir blA!d the em·! Jt>U. ArranaMnrnt• of othN E D. G<nlcll guw th•· 1>4t~"' Otn '".: 1lerl t b , ~ .am": ot lpl'iftr rlowtr. wrrr PI a r "11 'PirtOJ: talk on, "Du Ynor Tlest, pnoeea J I throurhout fhl' room. 1 wh1rh t!( n C'ub ~m11 mo ttn Mr ... potllll. l Thta~<.• pr••w nl I~Nonl•· lht• hn•· Mo•mht•rs nf thl' l.k'n llrf' K. C' CHOCII £T tbeee cotton lien-• "abortlea" In your pel aporu oolor. Make them tor acthre daya durlnr tboae lonr winter ennlnra at homr. You'll find tllel8 eolortllf with 11port clothu , J et trim enourlt for drf'uln oceulona. Alae 111 the leaflet are dlrectlo01 ror ma.lllnc a pair of h illed rlovee. Tle eoet of maltlnr tbe pair Ia ibout elll1 ee6ta. l ll reNion• ma, be oblalnecl by eendln« a atamped, aelt-addreuecl eovelopf' to tbe Na.dlewortl llepartme11t oC tbl1 p~r. apeclf11., dutcn 11 1720. them a.a well ae Jtllrntng w "I•~"" Attend Di strict Meeting in Orange Taking adv&Dtage of the tine , :tpt>akera at the dletrict meeUng of the W .S.C.S. which met ln the Methodltrt. Epl.-:opal Cbun:b of Oranr;e on Tuuday, four Beach rta1deo1a attended tbe aU.day .ea- ~~ • l Ne.t IDMtln&' w111 be Man:b I lf'QNI wrre Mn~. C11arlt~,. McAIM) Kaleel, Bobhy Loving, who pla)'td at Uae llome ot Mra. MartJia Nar·1 and her ai•ter•ln·law, vtsltlna from lrad mcon in tho' ,how : AHnmo mut oa Ordl&d llll'llflt.. Can11da : Mnc. Jat:k•on Santl<-rlltm Portillo. Dick R Ralph Cur· .-------------_..,. Abo tht:' M~lnmr~ C. r. Hu.~t .. n ran, ~,. Plumm<'r. Jac k E. J. Wn¥ht, J• V J>arkt-s. \\'. t~. rtr ro. (111trlt·~ t::lltott. ~"r WanJ NleMIJ. ~ F'. Hand Dni'T't'll Ktn~. jr . Bob Altl~t·. Jtmmy ('l(tck~·r. Eupnf' t-ne&on and her hou'-e F.ll~l'n_, ('rair: Dnvitl .Joy 11nd Jlr r· gut"St, Mnl. Reno JI.'Hrry or Nrw mna \'nn Ell~bur~:. w tlh J im Cor· York City; F. 1 .. Knaut>r. P. •A hin 11~ l ll •n lt•adl•r. Balboa Island School News Ttu.• highlight or the condave wu the talk by Ml1111 Mary Twl· nem, a fmlulonary In China, who llp4'nt 5 rrooths In a Japaneee pl ll'l•n camp. She wu recently re- P.c wurdJO. turned 1'1 thl1 t•ountry on the ex- Firat Grade rha.nge ship Grlapaholm. 100a DD AD Tim UOBT 01' AJRRI()A .•• the tint to eJIIt Ia ... U.. el dut7 to win Ow war. 'nwnfon your f'Yft at work dl.rw IPidal tllnlider.Oon ... theJ dewrw to be (ivrn tM nptrt namtnaUon anG ftttinl u tftMSed to aU our patruna. Da. II. D. CRAW.Oao OPTOIIETR.IST .,.,,.~.......,.. Rt>porlt··l by Patsy KattrJciL Tho~~e making tl':e trip from T t:e ftrlft grade had thelr valen· hne 'WPre Mrs ~o; D. ~II. !-Us$ I tine party Monday. Alter all the F.lelf'-. Newland. MMI. Sltphl'n Min Hende,...hot's Th rei Grade valenllnee werf' dlatributed, Lo- Cham bt'rUn and the Ml"~ F.mn111 . , Ho pnrtrd by (lonna Lee Zube. \Vt>at hf'rlord and Mra. Henry Har-I II rene Bjcrken'a mother anoo~ar·8d"' rill, 1 R&luor and Allc:t> Plumm,.r. ,I It •~ with rc>to:n-1 thut M,.,., Y.ard C.pturtnc hlih ~ was Mila M nouncc•s thr ~<·llhtnation or Mn~. Tr•IIIM ,..,re gi1•en ab,,ut Hawa wttb an Ice cream bar for eacb 1 lndav F.11ch r hlld wiU .,...blf'1 Bait« wtth low lOins to Mlllli Mryt-1"1 Ill' u.<~ist&llt ~ Mother. PIU~~~Wner and Mn. ONunberlln but ahl.' Is rortunnll• to h.> ablr to taktnc hornf' t.tw travrllnc priu. I hrw.-M,.,.. E Jl Wall% to talco• hfor -----Jll:lt•t• The Sam Meyers Return From Northern Visit Bridge Foursome at Mrs. Henry Ni eme yers . Oftl. hla bonk wbleh he haa bHtl mak· ftea P'rid&y wu Kent Sklb· in« abvut Hawau. Eacb book * lin'• blrtbdtay ud h1a motber ~Jfot'Aeen 30 a nd 40 pagee Of writ· broQibt eecll chlld a rail decora1· tc·n work and tlluatnltiooa. Y Miea Merry-ather'• Fourth Rl'p<~l't( d by Patty Lone. Pf't'fl'l'l ~Jtt•lllug pnpt"rs tor two wl'f'k~ Wt'rt' w ritten by Olt'k Mana. fll'ltl 11•10na l'nce. Tohulnne Se· ---(i,rfllt'nn~.: lttj:;c>lh:•r fr11•nd~ fmm hnol '· :'!tllv Parkl'r, l'atricla Aftn a Wf'~lc'a 110joutn Ill n~orth·j 111'' 1\:t) '11.''1' :ln(l Sunt:o Ana, ~Jr ,. t':lmpt..·ll ,;n.t Sp.-ntrr Albright. "-lit 1 •• 1 ~ • Hf'nrv Nlrmry .. r t-ntertaint>d a . f'm "... orn " .., r An• ,..,I'll, SAm 1 • · 1 ho I II"" 10); • tultlrt•n hat..l ex\:el· Me,_r have ""umed tu thrlr 8111-'"'11'' '"' "1 t-rJ~I:.:•· In 11''1 hnmt• ''" 1tt>nt . r1t to a Callft~rma e .. ra· bna h~ I Llfl" l•l• "n \\ •"lnr•-..lrl~ A tlc>ll·l h ' r;,'~ l"att n Harg ~. If''"'".. 1 •·• ·h··~ • ., \\,t, '''r\t•fl thr P } Y Lo g, ry Ttf' N .. wpnrt Af-Ar h l'<lilor ,..,,1 __ foiJotwed b an aftl'mnon nt l'OI n, t ".U<S Sliver. Rp<'nl• r Albrogu~. 11111 wife were tbe runt• of ~lr ~u";d~-Y L""""' lll'llry and Oh•k Mtw.•ru·lri and Mre Lonla Meytr or Oak•lfllr• 1 11 1·1 1 1 1 h 11 1 1 1 Th" t• 81" wt•n · About ''llrly c all· "-•1r 1 h ... 1 u ••.nf•~o.•n'''H'r o~p u t\ . ......., nm a. w ere ,..,e aner 11 \1 11 1 1 s ·1 ,,,,.,,.,, Ita· ,·xplvrt"rs &nd mra~wns ownrr llOd f'dltor of 1 h Oakrl j,. ",.,,. ~'' 1' "'1 1 ' · potrj:N'ID :1nr · · Lt. d ...... _ t' " " .. , 1\•" 1'ntan ••f ~I tnt a Ana &eeond Grada rJ J:lngerbreatl man Judith Pariler wu alx year. ole! Thuraday and ahe celebrated the event with a ~rty a l ber bome. o.aa ............... a-.dlt Trrma ...... '-"-s Duplk-atf'd a er • '"" twn men are bn>tb· -.4 Mra FAlla Beodtr or N""'· lc...-1"'' tr•,J hy T .. mmy O•trger 1 f'r&. t~·rt 1\o-,u'h 'l'ht• 104't'Und gratle boy• lllltl g1r~ CHRISTIAN'S HUT " Wffkend gunt.Jt of Mr lllld .Mr11 ~ tftlm New York C\ly, ~MOR~....._..,.. ..... M..,..~ER-.;.:.... ______ 1 Art Wlndr1ncer and daurhter. Mr.. thna Jeffrey hu ,., .. 0 a Wf'rt very happy Friday arttrnuot. whrn ••1r h • f \lu•m l'l'< <'IVl'tl a nev. eprlhng Workbuok. Three buolll art! VC'ry tnlerratlng. T ht•y Include rudmg, ~~~~oylng, and ft,;lltng tbt nt>w wurols. and having tun witt Balboa. CaJlfornla DELICIOUS FOOD ... COCKTAIL BAR DINNERS ... BANQUETS n SCHOOL 'Monna wert' Wr and Mre. E. J jtllriOI of Mr IIO d Mrs Ji:tl!l'f'tlll · • c.r-1, BalM& lalano I Rrlbt"r. Gertrude Retber, Lorraine I Fr·nd "" • r \\'r•lfl tH·•·Itll Fr .. nt /itr Da7 llcllool • T\tt.ortftc • Andl'riiOn and Mr. IUid ltfra. "M. H. 1 1ht• 1•11111 !lvco Wf'l"kl Oradae. Oolt. Prep., Qfoler and email dauchter, all trom , __ _ Leonard Marshall. Manager .A.nDJ A NaYJ Temple City. They were joLMd on ~------------:-------..:....:-=====-===:============================ .. A.II~IfMf',II.A,.~ a-cii,J by Mr. Wmtam Geier 1U1d 1 ~tNI ,..._. .. lllr uad w ra. Jaaee &. rra.t e.DCI 110n Wartln nt Nn•r-rt 8f'at"h. Income ·Tax Service FRANCIS J. HORVATH 329 Aliao Street Phone 1712 Newport Beach Greeting Carta eno a Great Vulety of unutWal Gifts ''WE INVITE YOU TO BHOWSJo; AROt'N[l" C. E. LOUCKS JEWELRY anti ITATtON&RY Diamond• • Watch&a • F ine R•pairlng Phene Newport 24JO 17'17-H Newport Blvd., Coeta Meu, Calif. BEFORE YOU BUILD OR REMODEL ... \, .............. Vlalt our lntereatlng umple and dlaplay rooma. Color gutdea planning aida, com· preltenelve atoc:lc of ruga, ear.,eta, llnofeum and Vene· tlan IIUtta ••• Repaired LUDLUM· Carpet Works """" ...... Ana 2IOe IANTA ANA J'ALU[) AM1f3()J'! For many years I have devoted my energies and t i me to all t hree Doll Houses, Pa lm Springs , Balboa and Laguna Beach, but as of now I have severed connect i ons wi th Palm Springs and Balboa, and henceforth, I will g ive Laguna Beach all of my efforts. In accordance with t h is , I 8111 changing the name from the Doll House, wh ich is not cha r nct eristic of t he present establ ish- ment , to A more a ppropriat e nnme, Don Manchester's •BRAZIL •. • a m revising the menur., thu s improving your sel ection and choice , and •i ll fea t ure many So uth American dishes, comb ining the delicacy, tas t e nnd charm of the old wo~ld with the rugged indi- vidual i sm of th~ new. \ My chef . Juan , wi l l concoct in his inimitable way, either .your choice f rom the rpenu, or nny special dish you may desire, and the ba r ns usual, wi ~l offer the best. Wat ch for . and don • t forget DON MANCHESTER'S ''BRAZIL'. Yours for better· living. DON MANCHESTER. --------------------------= ------- fhouah CUteS may ftry .. to how co mMe I tO&Ref Jf~ aaJad, try .ddjq • raty lOU<.h by pourinJ one ~ lpOOft ol oli•e oil over me gr~ru. T«* once ot rwice lhco add yow fa~i~ freac.h draaiAJ. ldd one rabletpoon minud onion to 1->ak.ina powder douah when ir i• ro ~ ~ .. a CNR for rntar pies. Wacdl cbt Rqllaa fot JOW "MCm" ncipe. \ l ' ,;--. ·- ftrliiiiiF.aWI'IIFUtiiiU. TIIIICI ~ FriH Side• Peppen • I can (I lb.) •lmon, drained '~'• cup ri<'t', cooked In••·• lvocada I eg, barm tli8hdJ 4 peppen. teeded Plake ..amon iMo a bowf,ldd tOObd rb -r be.ttl ea. PW 1M papper Npl i r-.lr wida lalmon minure, rhea chilluncil 6rto. SUclt- llalf iedt dli«. Pry .. ,, in hoc fat iD a t...y alii« antil die ,.,., ll't conked rh~ which ralret abouc .. mi-. Sene IIOC widl &af wepuble. Serwa Iii&. * * * * IE SUB£ TIE BiElD IS ~16a1 'Welwr'a Enriched White Bread has the flavor that har-moa~. with the other good foods you terve. Alto, it adds aourashaa1 nlud' natural to whole-grain cereals. Keep plenty. iA the bead box-aod oa the table. It'a at your . .... .f~uJJ.,. U.80MU...,. l!Gk'/oMia