HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-03-09 - Newport Balboa News Timesd .. ., d G b h d ... • .. .. • · . •• I, r, :· d • .. Ill A-H CRAB ., SAM B,.y Bonds to-End War Quicker IEEP POSTEl 1 Year ..•• $2.M -------- Twt•nty-Two "'amilit•s ~t'rv<'tl NotiCf' to Mov~ •·rom Sitt• to lit' l T Hl'd by South Cout Co. for llc•pairinK Uuat~: Tnlk of lnjunrtion Beek .Hits Debaters' PostlWar Planning •tt.. v. .,., ,. t .. -... .. ,... •I .. Ml .. c~Uf"'W'Wt at .I I It ••••• I It lid I.,,,,., h ll(h""'•>' W'U \• ht' Itt tl KUtl lfU ,,.,.,...,,• rt•aJalnl the ·'l'l''"'" '' 1" N,.,..,.,rt l.,a.nol -aal•r. /I ll ""' v , • ..,. •tprtwd .-.uth ot • ''"''"I ,.,,.,, .. ,, ,,..,,.,,.n 14lh a nd ,.,," .,,, ... ," ........ ,, •Ill J)f'Mnit th• ~· h•••l ''"" 1 .. ""'"' lh11 •la,y at tr.tlt alr••t•l "'"' ""''"''' •t Hlb ~""'' tit••• ullltnl!t '"'""' •I 1Mb •lr•·•·t Tlw .,,,...,, .... 1"'"'"'"" h•• llfllrf· •·d II• •nntttol "'"'"• f'ampalp rtf "''""I"""''""''"' I In how lancl •w•r· "'''" "' lty ltll(h llolow, 1111• .. "'"""Y ttoot lh 11( ll.,·h•tr llllaod lln4 n•trlh • r 111 .. 11l11\r hiiJhWay near ,.._""""'.. t 'uhmy 111• -.nly .tt '" h .. , ...... will du 1111 ....... on Ita ,,,... lan•l• Itt !hal erM.. LifeHaving Depl Had Busy Year But No Drownini.J """"Witt I( 111 • h • a.nnual rrpurt 11. p•rt "' I ltr IJfrMvlnlf ~p&r1 • tuo•ttl l•or lhr y•ar 1843, bl Whkb "'' ""~"•• Wrlr rf'~t.1; '1'••1111 •ltt v• wtot k,.•t. 11V4t~. lf'lllrd ''" Y• "" ,,........ fl71t. n.., h elttan- lttv. "'' v• 114 . ftth••r "IIUlpmrnt lfuthll.d u th• • I '.t • 1 r•~ttt ttN r f .. • •• ,,, 1U l"'f"'""' """llll'l~l hn I"'"' 't 1111'1 Itt .... IOir r fill ; flnlt·8ltl LOOSE-LEAF BlldERS A I ). ,._ < ·,,lllplrlr lf'(lger I'W'f lt1 r omr.ott1 hl7.1', KUit • ultlt• f11r ~mull husln~ or the honw. All klnt1~ rtf H•tl•·•l t'orftll, 1'Ch,.•of~ 11ntl ('A"'" NEWS-nMES , • 4 -I \ EDITORIALS Newport Balboa News-Times FE A·T U RES Thursday, March 9, 1944 • I RISE TO REMARK • • • Newpol't Balboa N.~W.S-T LMLS PHON£1 12' & 1l . ~lahMI £0/try Tuuday •nd ThuNCiay Aft~.-Volume XXXIV .... -- llut.cnptlon 1·ayRhlr m ArtV1lncP: I Z :'1(1 p<"r yMlr tn \•rani>" t •nu11ty: t 5l.TII J't'l )'t·ar t·• 4th ztoM ; 53 00 prr y.-,.r t .. "til .~.unr NE-WS of the ·cu U ~CH ES I By~ l ohll Pkllllpe in "hl<'h lht> Prt•sid('nt do•mando1:1 I a nnllunal -.·I'VI<'<' ar t Tllkt•n rr"m th~ Marcb 14, ltlt. La~t Wl'C'k WIU an llllt•rc·,tlnJ: ~ow romro• thl' uu: v<'to m.-.· t'.JJII .. n ut tbt' Ne~o~o·port Newa. Wl'ek in Amen ra.n hlgtol') To )uU. •:t).;t' :'oOe 001, rt'~tlh 1 ~10k.., ""' ~ 1 .\rt L .Hn •d ~ Mn. R. I ~~0 =~ ~j:o~ ra~~.'· that Will !;)(' Pn•suJt•nl ~o~o•rott· II. . Conjoctun•~ M. I.JUI kl'l' llllt'Ddrd the meelilll' lnriUdf' Da\id !'1:111'!". Randolph ot thP Thureday Afternoon Wc lat I On Februal')' 2'.liul l.'R<'h )l'llr, Paul a nct J usti{'(' 0) m•.~ It WI.\,. n c !Lb when tht' memlk'•• were thr ~trred u fl•, .,n;l-(',11» m~tltf'r at thf' I'• ~tnffll<' tn :-.;,.,, l'<ort ll..rto h t-'k.llr rnta, under th" Art ot ~lar. h 'I l>o7!l I ~mr mt>mhf'r rl'ods Washln~wn·., Fa•·••wt•'' AcJctn'!l~ to u !'UrpnNm~l) ~~p~~'::c~t:~a!\o:~c;:f~~'~n~~~~·~·: ~~~~~t~~~ !t:~cf~::.e.K~~~~ ;!: Wt•ll·ntt{'ndt•d hOU!\1', I lim moll'!' inv undnr t.ltttruc• acc·usat;llnS, lhr 'imprl"~"('(l with thl' uddro·s" 11~-> th•· "' , by !\t rw. Ourkrt' anti Mra. Heard yc•u•·~ 1:0 hy and thl• lldVJ(••• ron bo• 0 ('mncratlc nll.'mbr·r~ ~•mllb boilo•ol reepecllvdy t'Onlllllrl'>d to t>xistln..: condithon'. It uVPr as you aiN·ady know. • • • sh01lld hf• rt'lld Jo\•h nmrv :.!:.!nt! 10 11 wa~: tho• fin't timl' 10 tho• t•n· lllr anoJ lol n1. Cordi~ Rodcer a~ •·wn hom1•. t'Vt'l')' sr huoi ann th.ot llri' hlslury 0~ lh<' t'mtl'fi Sl~tt•·> homf from apenuinr a few W«k• Wo•o•k 111 otht•r me.•! inK~ • I hill nny Prt-~ld(•nt t'V!'r Vt>lOt•ll " "olh rt·lllt iVt'll In 1';1 Toro. I 1lu" year. immf'dllltf'ly hfl••t tho.' ro•r.:ular lax bill. aHt•r II hllcl ltt•o•n lol r. a.noJ M n . WUIIam L. ~Uw udciJ•c..;s, Wtlhnlct tnl l'l'\'o•nln..: hu~t· lhr·ou~:h hoth commllll'C~ and both •·ere ttn.Je~d a hoUM-warmlnl' 1.11 "''''· thc· C'll'l'k n•~<d tho• Pn·~ulo·nl '" holU"41l tll~lr n"w home on Bay Avenu~. rtll'''"f.:l', with which hP n•tuiTINI Tht• p,.,.,.tdl'nt Mild "no ny;un· An ~njvyable ~vrn1.D1 wu apent by t.hc.> UtX Vt!lo. 1 lhinJc ~" r<'Mrun lt·rm~" that ttw> amount. Lbe. ma.o)' lriellcla &lid rd&Uvu wlw tho· ufflcial ram1ly 111 Jf,(JO Pt•nn· wns too low Ill' ~INik<' han<hl~ of lathered u the •ll·lDVi~ ,.ueat.. ') l\'arua A\•t•nut• !>hppt'<l. Thl• con·l tht• I'Pnt>gollation .$(oct ions: and ur • "" 11m., WM• •pent Ill dallciAc. Red Cross Month FIRST FOU"IQUA"E C.,.Y"CH OF COSTA MESA l rrns t was too gn"!at. A' ont! m«>m· 1 "mdl'fl•n.,lbiP ~pt'CII.II pnv•h•J.:t"' to lvllun~:·l.,lhnac a nd muale&J num- hN ut t'O!lJ:I"l'$1> !'&ld altt-rwanb , rnvorl.'rl groups." It would tl4' hard .. bt'n. Th.: "grob," u WUI.lam call· 1be month o f Marc·h Is Ht'<f Cross Month .-;1 month ln tChurch of the Hoghw~y, tht• P r .. ,.tdl•nt took morl' of a bt:•at· I am afrncd. to su.~taln th•·"•' ed it. wu tunuabed b)' lbe tnv&d· ~ch to help a J:]'81ld ors;:anizalion devoted lu ltdJJiU~ human· A.,. G. Wlllartl tturn1, P~1tor I .Ill~ f rom Gcor~;c Wuhinl(tM, than word~ . era. It Mae "tuna. Co·P .. tor \\'u,hon~ton t•)(~ from thl' Prl'Si· As many know. J tild not H).;l•·•· • • • y . PhOf\e 1nt·J I o:itont • wuh p.1rts or th('_bill; nor w11h tht• .lthyerbotfer'• aa ~n ol During Murch the Rt'rl Cros.o; "'ill .s.-ek to raisc 20() million •'l1day, 7 30 p m worahtp u n -Th~re "'''"' other jokmg rom· final an~ount. but WI' had rnu~o;h1 tht> a:lr will meet Ul a lal·mlle . dollars whkh is lts1944 minimtun w artilll(' nt~. Thl~ amount ICr . l<rv Mae St.-a m• In • hargr I m•'ntll. of course, onl' bt"ing thl' thl'w thmgs out. and th«' bill w;,, aeruu race at Vellke SuAday. All Runday erbool. •:10 a. IlL 1 fJUt'sllon, on bulh slc:k!l. oi t.he lho• bt• t rt'sult attalnabk•. anrt ~·a: .. ia grater than last ycnr be<'auSt' tht> rM"f'd is mm·h ~n·att'r. lolomma wo.r•u ••· II a m housl', '' by any chance we hnd not bad. ot ~ mal:b•a• c:aa ~ - With thfo full support from both individual and bu.-.iN'S..'I •JN"'IaJ mu•h p,..,, ,., ,.,.,1\ .. n I just hNanl TWO fArowt·ll ad· ~army and navy say thu• tht· av~race ot uo mUu-bow'. I ct I I i · · f c. l.'. uuu.,rf.c.d ut u.n•bo.lt.DI' a whJdl the Red ~'I so richly descrvea, there can lJt' littlt> rt•Mtf'' An «musing incldt•nt wa" N!nt>go at on st"CtiOns arP "~'"" ur· ~rm-belmet to au. fnenc.la ta ..._.~ •'--t •'--aoel will be uchi.""V~. "-t .. a''-""'. both <'hru'n COlT A MCE.HaAU"CCOHMMUNITY Here Ia ... __..,,._. _._ ~ ..._a• •t,ht-Col"-Pe-.. Pref-~-tht> arnval. tdr.:htly htlt·. or II tory and will rt'tum lhrt't' and orw· N .. _ b .. , h •·-~nn .... UM:' ... .. ..-ru ·~ n ..... "' -........ --.. -·-..... ·-promint•nt D!'m~-t. H<• hlld for· hair billions to lhl' I{OYo.'mlllt'nt ~wport """'ac . WIUC: -rec:eaved . tionation and lolvnt Katract~ea ntll, part of vital tolune JH'O-"'"'" t. •• ~ k r b Se and lndepeude•nt, are planning to increa.o.;e Ult>ir donation.-. in C•rl a. Jofln-. Ml,.later dwction plant of Sh~ll Oil c:om,.ny, lncorpotat~d at W ilminlt-. gottr n thut thl.' to~an"!w..tl Adclrt'ss Most JX'Oflll' who arg~11• nbnut rt'· · e• rom .. a.n. reeant keePng with the lncrea.sed need, and they al'IO plan to display 1111 H•rer .,,.,.,, Ph. lH·.I C•lifornoa J ,,.. :ol~nta ernploJiac tht Shell procua cornu over half was to bf• road bt"lore tht• Vl.'IO JWgotiation pertlap~> Including th•· ttoy Uullt'rlleld of Uk 23n1 Enci· Chun:b RC'IWlOI, t .4:') a. m ot the nat,,,,, 1 .u~ne, t-.uic ... rtd1cot of T.N.T., lli1la eaplosin mt<:~saet•, und walkl.'d in just as Prt'llidtont, do not rt'ah:tt• thai wfo ne.:n . poa.er. and do whatev~ el.-is possible to mnkt> Uw drivf' n , Momtna WoMihlp, 11 a. m ued ioa blockb&&J~tcr ~ Congrt'S.~man Andt•l"!\on of New art' actually talking about only • + • •ecce. YooUI voupe. tliJh SchOIII :"\tnico, Wh(l 1"\'ad th•• f'an:owl'll flv~ per crnt of tht:' nlUnt'A 10• J'r&Ak L. Raaebart, a:a.uaqer ot ,. coopetation by t~ retallen~ L'O but~ examl\le of lht• ............... Adult. ··~ p. m L tt T Th N r· Mct:ng~ l'Xn•llenUy, c:ame to the volvl'd. T&Xt'!l would gl'l th·· otht•r lbe U&Jboa Ptctu~ 'l"buter, wW ............. _ Evml.,. aervlc:e, 7 30 P• ID. e ers 0 e ews-Imes words: 95 per cen t anyway. no maltt!f OpeJI b1a amu.ement b-to the ..,....t u•l can be e-xpected the nation OVE'r ln backing tht• Rt'<l Mkl.wHII f•IIO'IIIIIhlll anti pray,., .. 1 should no~ avJHiSI' you of the what we dld. public ton11bl. tJ.e opeoi.DI' b.U IIW en. dftw. • W~y. '7 30 p IT SUGGESTS UN ION DE~OT~ Guolinr abol'\ue will r reaUy l l't'~olution ) hOVe fOrml'<l, to de-Thl' PN'Sident ~ant Pel " 10 h1l· lbe oc:ca.oo bel.na "By K.tpt of I& lllqUiNa no ..U.tion on our part lo iJlak.eeYer)' ODe of __..,...,_. D.-Y ·----IN '·M!AACLE MIL£" lnrn•aw bua tr&ftlc u aoon aa dint' being considton'<l afnon~: the ~~~. t~r bill~-~hlli b~~.:· ~.~~·-·~'' Pun:h_ .• wct.h Norma Talm&dce ~-'-1----'bill •-1~-all.__ ln -' ... ,. ..... '" .. .. ......... "'"''" •11rf rltiu can ~ ubUflled for numbo-t' ftl thoAeo. out of wttom 11"""t """'VS;!...,_-...ctDC.· ..... ~"'-takwc ~ lleUar rLlc. ua ....,._. JUa ·~-ty Ul K YU~ . IR" can !Wpport VI c-r W•lnut ..... Church tta. ••. h •• h 8 .... I h . With the anny just nOiolo IUml • + .. :-; .. ,..,, .. rt .. ·~<1' • "'a.rc • ~. IJUIIollnK bu-a. So the propollt'd !>UC' a ChOlet' I for rt"eltoctlonl ll> .__ k . . .. ng lt. Let 1D not walt unW We are asked-1f-t us givt> sponl.an· c..ta Meu llrAr Editor t 'nlon Station ahould I.e a wnrt" 10 tx• mad!'... • • • 6 , uac 'I1 bil~~ons as more than Tbe Victory Loan 86oCaa ~tat ~y ~turclay mom~Ac, 8 a b ba th •b I I t lha wll be Ills hnn reaction Wll" that hi' th('y needed. how can thl' PT<>SI· hu been utended. The com•IU.ee • !k'hool. t ·30 L m. I bo I""'' .. vny prnJlt'rly owner In "' 1 ~t m~,mvem~nt t 1 Wlb hraring the PrHI~nt rt'ful!f' dtont s uppor1 his bitt«>r comment~ wl.ll pay u tuab u tbrN doUan a Help tJwo Red Cf'OIIil to help~· in N'E'tl. l'rM('biJSI St>rvk •. 11 a m 1 an M rae vr &Me to •Jur commu·! • on lhr si7 a of lh tmv • ""F • 11v t~n•l .. ,.,~·•• ly ~ own· 11 to bt' a candldat•• for 11 fourth ~ e ~ · word l:acb alocan llhuuld c:any I lnJt frunlwjt,. In thto Bay •c~e o1 Ule 1 n y 1term, hr almoet teD ewer. Conva~ ovt'rrode tho• V<'IO b) eom~ I<* ot rt'a.on.t :or a patr1· OU" LADY ef MOUNT CA"M£L ll 18 ~IUOnably n r1a1n that lbe I 1 th ink IIOmo-•n•• at .... , I""" a VOIP of ...'99 IO 95 In thP hou-.(0; t The. Tables Tum I CHU"CH 0.·.-an lit~h~'"Y known u Ule • ~ ' •~v '""' and 1'.l I l4 . th I Th o IC IUpport t t the VlctYry t..brny . J:(ovr m mtnt would rrcognbc the 1 hlund4-rl>d, from 11 poiJUc.l t'tand· o In <' ,...•na t• (' Loan fUl W. Ceatral, New~ .. ach "~Irati" Mtl,. wtll appro¥e of U1e I n~l~Mity rur thUI •tatcno, and JIOint 10 mon:o ways than ll'ltcn~; pe0pltr1apparently appNWP: I ;:t>t _____ _ It Ia not a ("JlR or runaway optimism to fef'l that thE' war pic.'tuft II darkening for both Gt-nnany and Japan. When a.nnot.t.nc:rrnt WIUI madr J"('('t'flffy that tht-f'iJ:hth aaoce-dve ~ had pulled wiUlout the sinking of a s.ingk> AWed merd\ant V81tl In the West Atlantic, ••e paWK'd fo r a nioment to conaldrr thoer tenifytng blll<'kt'rl~•t month~ when our boys sailed tlr'aa tet>mlnJ! with U boots, hunlinJ: in ~ranaect wolf pack&. Sunday m--. at I and 10 a. m.l "ui(Rrtotmn m~tol~ tn y'lur p&per ,_ grant priorlllea at oace for lbe lh" veto mt-lr rollO'III the Ji'ar't · ctoZt•ns or lt>tte~ a nd '-'Wnm~nl~ ---1 tn(hlV that ,. t'n1on Bua Station I ""ceaaary bulldlnc mtoterlab. Tbe Wl'll Andress Sm~ Janual')· ,.1, approVtnJI: thl• votP, to unf' agatnl'l nowa~ys wlll not buy a. much All IT. JOHN YIANN~V CHU"CH · ' k an· ld · 11 It did tn tht-h11:h )t•ar ol 19'.19 ~ f'lft abi!Ah•••l st lhr corner at laD wnr ou M •t•rt•·t.l at oocr . huvo• had an mt•n•aflini:l) '"n"· •II· Hr~·· ~· much 8 dollar's worth 314 MariN Ave., ....._ lalal',. Bc-..rnardlnn Av.o 11no.l the oe.an Sln~rt'l¥, 1 uatton: fu-..t thr rnt':4""R•· on ~h•· •ol coodJ In 19'J9 eost 111 othfor Sunday .._.. at ll·:JO • m. Htghway JO HN H GORDON 'Stall' of the Nation" than tho• What the CG~~AUJDer's SSS ytoara: CH,UIT CHURCH •v THE lEA Surh 8 at"llon '" an at.otul~ I . . . f .. subsld) :O.h•lll\Uftt•"; th,.'n tht· m•·-· Have BouKht F.acll Year 193()-98 cents, 1931-89 <'f'ftts; C:.m-"y Mnlladtllt nt'<'raalty at th~ preMDt Ume . Ji'.dltor'a not~ Th~ 1111gge«lon I ..age tn ~hlch tht> l'n•'llio•nt ;u · 1932-15 cents: 1933 15 C'ftiU; Rev. E. D. C..."· ~aatw Th"r" lA a •· .. nttnual complaint I'" 88 nt•t mftdf' tu lnrluoJf any p&r· l"\IS4'fl I hr• ron~trt'!lll nf "f rnutl I Tht• 1'0"1 ul living flgu~ or ttw I~ 80 t"t'nl:<, 19:T7 84 Clft\U, Early .ondlll' woubap. t :30 rnorr JIII.UPOJ:f't s. talhnr to board 111 ular location, but th., above •pot I t'r'll wism..: ll .ln<'t'r4' Altt•mpt IIJ J.:t•l ll' S Hun•au of Labor Stati~JtCio 1940-82 c:t>nU, 1941 86 CE'fiU, L m.; C!lureb ldMiol daaa. IO:l!> th,. hll~~t',.. :11 th1• r1r,ht time, at ·~ u l "t>d • onr lUI any tlw \oil.' Ill lh(• solciii'J.,.; tho•u nn•• 'how thAI tht> consunll'r's dollAr 194:l -91:> c:t>n ls; 1943-SJ.OJ. a. m.; Mom••l' wonb.lp, It a. m. 1 1 A 11 I ----- - --------------__ _ It ia not alone the~ dt.""tn.k~tlon of German sub- ~ bue1l and death duels on t~ watl'r that has tapt'n"d olf IUb warf~. It lAthe result, too, of a g n-at ,.:;alht•rin~o: of ran. Uld a COil<lftltration or effort in ell w11r Of-Ids a t hl ........... Sunday e"enlnl' •rvk'e. 7:31• I hi' "'1: tl I' IH'" n m-y .,... p. m. •· nj.!l'r,.. 1trr • Rrn.-•J l)coyond wbert' Wid-'Vela prayer • e r" 1 c e. thry lnlf'ndrd til al ll(ht -d wberr j Wec:lrM'els.y; ecwered dlllh dtnner. ro ~o·no'a ,.,.rt. l•r m• t'l them;-be· 6 :30 p. m. caUM of the Jlri'Mnt bu• .:bedule •>•tern. Since~ dark days when our dip J~ were trn c ~ULL GOa~aL c;HUIICH Zltt4 M4 Eldeft, CNC.. ~leu and ODaltanl, a nt"W l~ht has dawnf'd on f'Vt>ry rront. klnda.d Sunday achool. t 45: ltomin~t by tbe ftghten them...-tvt'!l and kt>pt blazing by a ~gHntk war worstup, II. Ev~~ll•tu:-••·rvKe production to put the finest tools in ttw>ir halltls Ull (lint'. 1 30 r 01• !olloi•Wr .. k J•fa\f'r m .... t tnr on Wftlnca11ay, , 4~ p. m. Bftow Rom«> today, thf' C.c>nnl'n ~ion" a n> stunrk'rl and , , '"'t: '""'" lf'41' .-vaJtt:< It,..,, .,,n·· ahaken by n'{X'att"d rebuffs on t hf' bf'at•hhc•ado;;. 11lt-ir "H'Ii · "t uo •. rtday, 7 .4!> p. m. flce3 m our.t ~nd tht'ir air ron~ i.s llnalllt' .~ pmlt'l't l'ilht•r t lu-----tllllhTI" :o.flf.\t't: ''" tu·nr." Nazi ground t roops in Ita ly or nciN;u atrl:o-· t n ct..rrnc1 thr ir ""n ,...,11 ....... , "'" ,,,. ",. ~>• 1.,1,> cltic.:J ol thE' Hl•k h from Alli('•d bomb th•\·asta tion. t.· "" "· "' "" •" "J• • • ·II hll And ... _ ~~ h 1• 'f' '· 1. 1. . . 1 ... . ~~~· ., •···· "' 1 11 .. "'" "'' I'• ''"h. . on t.,,. ~lUI ae1 IC ha11M' lilt.~. OJO hanl."'«' I aum1ts .11 , 1·1,.1 ,., ,1, 11 tor ('It,•·•. :-;('"" thRl Rabaul. ~rl'at southc~m hutt~"' of J:lp;m·~ outr•r ck •rPn'-4', • • '" •· "'"II .,,,. • ......... , 1'.1111 '-.... ·--bl .. •h''-T k . rf 1 t ·-.... .. •• ,. ""''' ............. ; .. t.t II l••\1 ., un\Clws t' , \\ t~~~.· n1 . onre so (l0\\4' u a" o ..,.. t•un .. lu· 1 • , 1• 111,, 11,1,. 11 ., ..... 1 111111 11.,,,, ercdunapproa<'~nbll',is ln asimilart·ah').!ory. 'I'lK-AIIiN I\,a r ' •. • · • ..... ,,., ~ .. ,, ,., ,. , '> bUd lJ ~today on b.'L'I('S dangCnltJSJ\' Of'arin g thf' hf'<trt (lr '' 1 l!o I Ill! llllll• 1" "1 I) IIOI · · l''"r'' • •" It ,.,.,. lll'l 1•· • \'It IIJ~o Htrohlto's empire. a nd Its wln~s an-pointro tow:lrrl T n kyn. ·· .,, ., '""'"' "'''' ,; ... p •• , •. It ls not unht'allhlly optimistic to feel that lht' tabl~ nrf'l ~· '111"" 1' 1"'11 · '' ' ,. J .• ,. . I llH' u 111•• I HUh t I •I•• Jlt rtU•It ~lnlt our eftelnles. With IOYed ont"!J In the> f~htirnt ~,,,., .. ,.,, 111'11\ n .,, n11n "'''' '""'11 and c:aaaalty lists to !ltop our tw-nrts rnonlCfltarilv ~al'h day. it 1' •1 "·"" , .... ,,.~ "II Il l)' ~"" '"1 . • • • tw I• h nwth k, aud ""P' •\t'\•'tf : II good to Pft\.Uie and think OC<"8SIOI'lally that ttl~ way lS a littlt.• \nol I bl•n11·hl horn 1u ll1y "'" 11•1•·~ clearer than It was a yt'llr ago, two )'t'Brs, Ulree. \\'e cannot •n•l , .. ,, ""'lot '"'' •·ur•· htm _. • \1111 J, . ..,u .. H•huke•tl th•• ''''''' "fld rorxet that Ot1r fighting .an5 &broad and the fighti~ SpJnt 8t II" of•'l'IHI•••l 0111 lit 1\.111 Nll•l tht ~ ~ making It 10. •'hll•l "''' • o·u,...;t fr<tloo 1 h111 '"r) hn111 Th•·n r 1111., lh•• •ll•rl roll'a tn J··~ll• . . 11ntl •"1•1. \\'h> <'nool(l ~tnt Ad t • p •t lA .. l'iU( It I Ill OUt• r\nol J"•ua e~od ven ure In rosperl y onto ltll'lll, ll••o'ltU~P "' )OUr unbe 1 11"1 . llo•,.b••lt tilt• ~lnc1 llrwth '-rhefe ia no netd for a postwar dep~ion .. ~1"\'t'S Ber· "''I nut but b) p1np ·r •n•l r.o•lln, .. ' . . In .. ~,.,.,,11.,. •nil tll'ftllh "''" 1\rJ nard M. Ban.adl In his ~udy and report on the-antlrlp:~tt"d In thr SI'J tl••ur•••" M:"' llll~"r t:.ll1 r eco~onJc t.rpheavaJ dtN' with pt>a<'t'. "Handlf'd \\ ith <'OillJW'-I "'f•. "Malnt"'" lh·· , tr l• nr t'I\JIJO . llan ~ri.,OI'I', lhl\1 St•lnt I• 1:o..t, tence, our adjustnx>nt, after tht> w;Jr IS "on, should II(> an act-Mnd Jhar .. rorf' nnnnt bP •lr~. th•• Yeft&ure in pnll!llperity." "11~1 •• tNnt...:l nuttl,.r unnu1 bfo . ol('t., th•t all r•u••""" I• Mln•l If tJwo pi"'8Jl('nty l'\ sound and h t>althy. tht.' nllanlry Will lll'llna throt111h •tllr11ual Ia•:· l!'lltefully wclcomt> suc h an a dvmtun'-lor it ha~ !l('('n t oo little of the valid variety for too long. Tlw Banl<'h p~·rip ticn ror a painJrs. .. w ar-to-pt'lH't.' lrnnsilinn m ny II(' t!lf' w ry tonk that brings a wn r -ft'\'Ct"'l"d natinn ll.1<'k to tht• hnghh-st road In Its history. Our Lady of Mt. Carmel in Mission March 19th to 26th ltev. Father J ohn Colllnt. 0 . M. f , 111'111 n >nJu,·t a miPacm al Our t.dy of U t. l'armrl chun·h, NtW· • 1, lto·111 h bfo~>:lnntn~ Sunday, March ltlh, and rmJinG l\un.lns March 2eth. ~tu~• drallng with • o' "'·" I''"''" t'll H( th<' Ca tholic Churcb wlll bco gtv~n racb In a plan a." faithful to opern11o tll\l t.lctnil as t o broad prin· dple, Mr. Baruch , rounSt.'llor tn two war p~ick-nts. has handed th~ Ofrire of \\'n r J\tohili.7.n tion thc fir.;t lndusi,.-. "h'J). by-step p~rnm dt.•si~lt'<l to 111 f.!f't thl_;' proph• h:wk lo work ln peecetlmt' t•ntcrpriscs; C ~l plnn nnd t•ngint'('r nn w fnr lalt'r uae. worthwhile puhlil' ,,orks pmjeds · not m :lkf'·\\ ork 8Chemes; (:\) offer cncoura~cnwnt~ to s mall husint"S~ nncf nt'\\' businl's. .. a." wdl ns lfii)!C husint>S.'--\\ hilc di~'OUra~illl! ~n\·· ...... n.n.: ot 7 :w Til"'"' lo·,·noro,a enunent In a ny kinrl nf husinr•o:;.<;; c 11 .ti:O:f"'\.;{' or W:lr su q •ltt.,..-s are open to au Calbollc and nun· ' . l •~ t· .tl ·•'J ''thlll\~ 18 A 011~· ~~ . Legion Votes Two Donations A I 1 h•· ,., • ._.,,tar mntlug oor Am~r­t~"A n 1""1!1<0 1'•••1 :\'oo ~!•I Tur~(IA)'l n•a:ht ru n t hf, ~ \' t.·d ••• 'uutrlttut• sz:, t u f h•• t<•••t ' .. , .,. .. \\"a r .. u nd •n ' •I '•It• '""""' too lh•• AWIIIta ry t ' tit• tt'-• '' '" • '' r' ~n,: ''" 'ht rnnny finr thin~:-I h..... ,.·nm,.n do for \f'l l'rtln:o In <h•· \ orl•~t• ho•~1111111a, I U•t r r·••J,!r••t ,, }P l. f"'pr.-.,.,..,d .,.. I tho• J:rollp .,,,.,. l h·· lou!..-n1 A:l I•\' k111"n wh,• I• "•" I . malo•· hie • ,,m,.. in ,.:,.. ••n•tHt•• 11<' ha.-. !lif"rY• •••I n~ • h11plnln 11 • '"'" "" h••trlji a • hn tl<'r mr111l~., "' !Ill'\ I'""' He Jtn~ !,.'''1) ~'"""'''·····d.'' lth lhr ~oulh·­,.,.,. rount•1·~ 1 ;a~ t'to f•~r m11ny \'f'I\U I Johtt (' n ,.,.,.lllllh nr fllllhoa h•lnuc.J Wl.lll ~trf'rh•d ~~~ 11 nrw mem- bt-r 11.-.,. " vt•t.-rnn rrnm \\'nrld \\'ru II. Anv JH'W \'t'trrnn would flnot it Vl'rv II• II aniRI:PHUJI t11 ll(lll· latt' hlrr11l'lt \\ lth 1 hr II"'"' poet. 1 Jo'rank c·nwkrr 81'1'\'ll't' offh:u. 18 ro•nl1011"\18lV krpl IOf.,r mt•tl U to l talut tlt'\'l"l~pm .. nt ~ In ro•fcoro•nrr to I t11x t'llrmptlnn" nn I"'' 'lOIII\ I prop- f'rty Rn•l rt•RI "'t1•h II>' wrll M ln· -1 nu II n~ for rtpJih'lllj.! rt•r ffiU8tl'r• onjt.ulll ray a no! t• • •'I I lllo! uf Ill my ... ,.. hl\lj:t•• Annoounr.-m•·nt "1110 matJ,. that lht• AIIXIIIBry v.cll I•• hOIII• l<st'• at '' olonnl'r 111 l.hl' 1-:ll',lllo' 1:n1l JlAJ.l '"'" 111 6 :\0 I' m '''' :II An h ~0 to "h1• h all m•·ml~··~ "' lt<'tl ~:ruiiJ'e ""'I th• 11 lnnulto·,. • .,. 1n•·•t"11 Thla 11f f11 1r Is .11 o o I• llr.<t "'" 1•: Uw ZIUb blrtllofa~· nf tho· t ''IOdl nj.! ,,, thr N"ll•'l\111 A nil' t il an '-''Jll••n FULTON LEWIS COMING f-''ltlt•'" Lo'\1 1~. .Jr nnl nnally knnwn "''"" .1· .11'"1 '""' c· m'ltrn- tr~t or. "'. ooOIIl 1: ; .. ~~·~~ Alll:f'lf'~ to makr l\ Jlt•nlli~tnf\1 U J'p\•Rr•u~t ,, '" ~hnntt A th ,,, t'ltln l , u \\1 d:wt'tl ,y rvo·nlnj! ~1.11 It 1111 !or ttl~ A\1-1'1'''·• .,( 1hl' •~,,. An.:elo·~ l'nlt , ( I· r" ;\ 11 ' , • " It. ~\ II , , k•. '-" .-,l,. tnpu · \\ h ,. ' ILII'I'•'hllol! 10 \\'fl,.hlt J:'''". IJ'Ildually to avoid rllo;;lor:llinns : 1~11 rt•m,•rl tlw ~t4t nullinn-.non~&ry 11r ~o~o,o.lr ""Jlt'1 ,.11,~ aod hu• clol1ar current nnnrml w.1 r pn 1\.lUt.'l ion i11tu d nhan lL"''" \\ 11 h a lo:· tuo• ~ "111 bo· qwto· 1ot .. r. totm,:. w-r rk !I m1•~1 .. '1 .• : ., 1. ''" \'ll•·n. I 1..: 1:o1t l_..rt•• r~ h\ 't Ul t l\t1:' minimum o f brf' .. l;.lp~ ,\llol Jt'5.' to h LL,in <':).-., g0\l'l11111\'lll ,!lid I • ·, ~ !"llll•lay, ~l.<to·h :loah. r o ,. t 'l·"'' 11 I ·the public. · lt\r,l •ll•:•n1~ ~ur~ol::~~1 ,\rrol 1 ::c~<l. Fn· turo'!' \\lol ~· . .: It ia henrtcnttlj:! lo ruullha l a ro"'mfl!'t thillki'l' in thl' Jlllh· Uc a:enc, wh0'-4' jwl..:nwnl i" \\ idd} ll~L.::Io•d .mol \\ hn ''-'• 1tL:· nlzl!a all the pit r;.tls, ll('lif'W:-t h:t I l~h\ :u · itd.Jit:-lllll'lll' 11\'t ,j DOt ~tute a dl'hadl'. Mr. Ban.lcl\ ncimu-. t h:tl "II i!' a n t•a-.it'r ta:o;k In l'\lll\t'l·t froln peace to war than h :l•·k a~.ttll .. Yl'l lw lll•lw"" tha r t! we have a 80WlCI pla n anrl ~lat·t :"0\\'. t h<' diffi<1tl11l'~ :lht'arl I , II:< 1\ I, o o•ll\ ,,,•t OOt' t'VC1110J: Rl , . o MODEll MARINE SERVICE SHELL -DOCK BALBOA ISLAND . Calimyma Figs .:::, ~ 21- Prunes·· c:.uo-•~ ~ ••• 10-IOtla• _ .. Prun-(ello-l'ock .._.. ~·--va 60-lOwae - Large Prunes s;::::: ·:: 1 .. Seeded Raisin• ~::-·:: 11- ROUIS & CIIU1S Kitchen Craft Flour ': IZ- ..,....,. ...,. 5-a. ..... 27c; .U .._, SI.IS Pilllbury Flour ': ... s ........ --..Jic ·Harvest Blosaom :=. :: a- zs ........ -."' Com Flakes =:; 2 :; .. 111-IIOCkOfiS,l lw IScl .Thoro-Cooked Wheat!: 1 .. War Food ltdminiatratbr MarVin jones says: " •.. it is important that all of us plan ~lal~~fP~ and act to make full use of the no-point foods, the low-point foods, the seasonally abundant foods." That's the way to help win the food front of the war I Stock up generously this week. PElS Gardc:iufde brand: NOte' point value. SEEDLF.SS BIJSIIS No~ footl. Diebenor Trojan brand. YORICUIOIS N~ footl. Sweet, tcodu. Tops area«. CILIFOIIIl DITa N~ fOOtl. DeaJet Noor variety. 12 ounces. '33• •• ,b.23· lb.23· ..300 •. 35° • u...-. --........ -:.:::: _, • •. 19· .33° ':,'::: BLUE OR GREEN STAJIPS = (3) Sugar Belle Peas ':: It• (~)Highway Peas~ :=c-12- (3) Pictsweet ~=:.: ~-1 .. (6) Com ... g~~wo, 1ronc1, (IOidon u-. .... ccwn voc ........ pocto.ed. -a- (8) Corn ,_.,,., ._ ~ 1._. 1•• k-Wh••• ... ....,.., - • (2) Beets ~n:::;·t!~ •-: It• (0) Green BeansGo·-"--lt• cwt .,,.. - nPIW SAIIWAY VAUJIS Large Grade A Eggs ::..a- e,.auo.r Gems ,,on6---n ~ar'on' Duchess .... 21• ... Signet Apple Juice :!;:-_. Wheat Toast s-....... ~~ •• _,._ .... Barker's Soups "::.!.. ,: .. Karo SYI:}lp ~~~~~ ~ 1 .. ...... ·-l--<101\. j 't ·lb """·· .... · ean· be oontrei.Jed. "'" think so ton. and ""·' haw nnt ~'n a better, more ~rtam plan than ~lr. Ban.arh's. Sith~' tin ll' 1, oertalnJy ~ the elllftl<'e. it i.-. grnti!ying to see thnt pat1s •1f the plan af aea.t are ~:x'ing implcmt•ntcd for o p .•ratinn no". w~ hope that no major elt'flleflts of tht> Baru<'h Pf'OP0!'-11~ ""'I . Jltlelwd In Wublnl'ton or p~oled in tran41it. --------------------.: Eut Side Newport Blvd .• Costa Mesa 610 E. Centra~lboa .. 4.ia" ~ . . • 1 .. iO ltlt. •. R. :l.l.Dc rna.t lht' Tbe '11101\ eard ·UI.na liD U\Ut'. ll by wtw ata. :iDe. IWD· eall· vad· I ol mUe All . - I& a I iD :ave.! ~l :net· ·r ot wW tAe I foe lol Mil"~ onb : onts: onts. '111.$. • NEWPORT-BALBOA -NEWS-TIMES. l\towport Bt-tteh. Callfomla ralifomia. Thun-tlay, March 9, 1N4 Building l,ermits -r AR SPIK~EN . --------------------------~----------- Spaniah A.uembb Bein1 Planned AN.NOUNC£M£NT All boya who~ thetr till· ttrw "' b•~ttralf, or t alllfiCirW ~ ' --SQUELCH HUNT. HARBOR HIGIL lEIS Lions Club Contest Held Next Tueaday Jn rconogn111nn of l'an·Antf'ri~an '""'ke a letter In t rack, IIIIa•· U\tlr llpf'e<'hta. ball, or ttnnoa ahould o.-.r tM Nl WPO RT BEACH 'BEACH SQUAb ~~~!. ~·:~ : '~ ,,; ·, I Thl" IIJW• <'hf'll. whn h •~ to ~ 1 lay u prtogram la btln& planned lttterw from Coach ""' ...W· I'" tw ~"'"" thr nltrht 'f "'"'' l!il 1 Even If the~ Ia 1 •lltht _,_ ' ~~~' I I•• 1''-• 1111: In r••rry 4'\'rllt '""' II\ II• 19311 o,.. •"'' 11'1' ~~~ "" l>ul lf'n nm. In lh4' lh~<~ t .. n mlnuiNI tn h•ngth. vl'lll r.wer I ThA a<'ttaQI dalf' ~~ a..n. •m•rk an ~ -'"' n• " 1 In your mind, you 1,.. aatle4 .. Out' to unfort·.tl('rn t 1rn1mllano'"~' l l h•• '"I'll' ••f .. _Wannms ~h,. Pl'l\1'1' ltih 1~ A rr 1 14. hut II wu d~ld· "' Colch: 19!\: · ... · 'ot""'"l l!l!\' .. ,, . 'I""";'""'"~""' ...... , ......... '''""'' 1111 "I. "'l"''1• h •••1 llw ""I"'" uf lhtnlllllo:lull lM ~Club ~PN'C'h C"'onlf'~l that I '••I Am.-rlr nn ~Inn Powt'r .. Tht ed to poatpone thf' proeti'Ol for 1 :,_ _____________ _ "''U 10 be hdd ti\C' nl,t.:ht oot ~llu.-h rr .. hlt-m ,. t'flf' I hill Itt Wldt'l\' ·"•· 11\l'k of tim~. 1 ho• 1'111' •• ,., r I Itt' pro ~rim will 1!13" I {I~ to l\IA I I • 1 ~\,1, ~ •.~ 1(,.,,. h ,.,.., ~'"''''·~ l nump1"'•' tu 1 --~· ''• II I .. ,,...,, ........... u, """" """' , .. 7 ,. .•• rr.stpon~·· 1111 1\ 11110'1' 1°8't•. 'liS"'''' llnol ~ho•ulol l'~~'«'nl lnl~n·st· ldlu l'an'dt>s' Spantllh rlnll"''" lw Ill t•fo"'t'UI I •. tulk "''"YI and lllan·t: 11. ~lory Allo (' l'ooll:tnl Mol ln,t.: np nl nl' ft••m hnth aluJrnU :0.1 ,.,. lltl'b!lr h'll ehullllt a mi M r <:U11tooma I)( our no·o.:hborl to tbt l!ll ~Shand 1 ""'"stunts on l ht• • 1111 T h o• ,.. ud• nt whoo WHitt t 1" , ••ntN<I Nolan nre collabOraUn..: to1 prral'nt ~ ..... h lo lhr lrl udl'nla of Harbor .'I•'' ,.:;,, 11q·t.•n ltrn " "'"• "'•"k•·•l '" 1h• \ 't"'''' •fht"'h'" ha\H'tr: t•nh ttuf'•· 1""'· han• ll<•l I'XJIN'KSt·d rdh'l In J "til bo• so•nt on tu n•rrrwtt> w llh tho· sho•W lolrl! Edwardll will ~ 1 ,,._h .hoopllli: t•• 'rt·:ole a bett.er that lhlll Sh rl fl SlpOil"DI\nl "'" ~J•·:tko·rs {rnm lolhl'r t!ltttrtc·tll 811ol tn rh1sr~e or (t'arhln~ authentiC Ii iio! r •('lllolll,t.: IIIII•"IJt th4'tn. .flll lllt ll 1· \ ~ l h ,, .......... , """ 'In•• "' "" lh· """"''" 1:'"" IIAI I .. •nt;•, ,.,, ''"·'"' •• lhnl lho•y Will tort.l •II Ill t• '''"" fhh• ,,.,.,_ 10 A11 thn•r, 1ft4!1f'"llt II '" III'IWI,.nl that lhr Tan • "111 J:h'l' murr lorue tn 1tolo.J Jfullsh loo ••lht•r *'hconll' Lutjn-Amf'rlcan d&Dce&. 11w t•1111 ,,111,.11, an l'nlun ,. ... F•••·ll, • "·"' • st~ot ,,,.,.,, 111 rhr \lnlted Ml' •h • ,,. t CHRISTENED! and launched Upon a Still More Notable Career 3hB J:)o/1 lfouse of Laguna Has Changed it's Name to DON MANCHESTER'S BRAZIL And the Same Don that Greeted You for Years at Balboa Will Wel come You to LAGUNA BEACH with BE"'TER FOOD BETIT.fi DniNKS ENTERTATNMF.NT • --h as been open · -· is OJX'n. ard will continue' to tlC' open · · · n>garrlhos...; nr printed ~ossip and nm\01"!;! "PS JatM." and AI nrr J ttll dom&;: bu~oinf'"-" at thc samf' old ~lands • BALBOA • • • • PALM SPRINGS Orange CGunty's Most Complete I ' I Auto Body, Fender and Paint ~hop ' .... til .. •'('('""'00 "''' ,, St11l1'" Ill l'-!111 nllol • .-\lt•l ,. '" "l••hnoh·ol hr•tt• on liSt. 't ••• 1 .... ·: l•· "' r••UA:•',.' In thr t\4•.,. '"' , .. ,,n 1 1 01,,11 ""l"'•·tnllv ""'"r R"m lo'••.:lo•niKII • ''" '•" , \lo•l lo·-··1 11nol A I I h•h· p Panel Preaented Fo r Lion• Cfub Au u•t ~·r•r 1.1 n '••••• ._ :,ao l'ltll I rllt\111111: llfor 'nltt• t<or lhiJ •tll"st ll 1111, 11011 t ho• "tutlt'nl• h&D· 1llo-d nil fill< 11 11o11S 111JI)' Th• toUI ~llln•' Ill! lu.:hlllitht or the • '•·nuu; '' 1111 ll"hr•n vn~: uf uu~. mem· bo·n• tuok•·rl I' ,. """"'"' • If they "l'lo' will In~ I ~~~ oltown to lower l!lnn•ll•r•l of llvinJ: Aa ll «f""UP I ho·y .08'\'f'l o tl tfJ11111lAIII'QUIIy, "\'I'll. WI' WtiUIII 11<• J(llld to aCt't'pl lh•• lo "''' "l anoiAtd rather thaD l tHIVf' ttn11th,.r wRr" Thf'llt' .tudenll Betty Roadman Here March 15 m torA I ' Do~ Patchen To Frolic Today t ~. t1 tu 1•1 •II I \6.tf,(l $Itt :11\!\ , .. 7 1tl ( "t•nt n • I. p••r , 1\\ n••' M .. r 3 llniiiJOY.r\ln~ l •t~k•·• \.V1•lt•·r 1!11 "'I'IID tlot:l ~t .. l• II• way ,t., H r ·1 ~ I. 1111 q • ,.,. '1.'111 l \1 II I c•ua A vr . pc .. r I lutnt El•·• I 1 h I Thr 11nnu111 ~"'"" llll\\k1n" I••IY 1111" '''" loo l~t•l•l ltll~ nftcrn<••n 1n PLUMBING PERMIT S lh(' · l'llf•'lrttf\ Tho• l lll•lllh • ol F olo ~), ~II !' I. llooqo •• I" f •· ,..,,. ~fu··~ uud l .t I ft.hn••r\.1 ''II !"rt m l-\t,l/\f,ll1 • r ~·en• \1,,,, 11 .. "" lhrrr-nl"nt: Y.lth ••lhl'r 11<~1: .. ~f'IJ .!~• \'oo~o:•l 1111•1 ll,..h•k •ll' 11 l'r~,, t) t h:tr;tt ••·r" 1\~ ,,,r t ,, ,,.,, .. ,•t'l S.t:. Ktt tt • • 1 t l'1\ "'""""" ttwv "ro• ""'' will !><• a _Jo"cb. ...!!) t'J10 rlw-c :ul ""'' I"'' '!'JG ,,.r urtt f thr fl;w,rf. f,~ th•' !lund' !'arn t<tru~tfnttu·r I''·' :--:" Bn\ l•'t I"'" "f'"n•••l nt 2 :\') lht11 aflrm "" ltaltlou 1,.11\rool ...., Aclmii<IUI n will h<> fnrl y f'f'lll~ r"'r Fo h :l:l !'l••>o I··· I , ••. "." c :o ""' •·nuolr "n'l lw<'nlv·flv• rrntJo lllitl mar l'o"lll)fll, rwr S11tn K1to~'athrt I Th• rflrM&f'fl llrl' hrln~ llfllol 111111 214 r.rllnol !'110111 1\uii••A 1•11111•1 vnu IT"IIflt 111~ llf for lhf!m In lh• Jo'••b :l:o M ~ ll:•ll•·v I" • ~"111 JrVm Tho' f'rlrl' f••t thrm wtll hf' .on.falher, 30tl (lnhltl. \'• nJII• olo l r ftrPn r,.n,,. "PIN ·· Mar. Thr rlrturall"n c·o•m mltt<'• ht1" Ff!h 2~ llt•h Atl•'n 1•'1 ~11m I ,nnnttnl'fol I hill lt:ry W<•lllol Appr"· Klnlrathrr. 211 t 1 Moll otoo• llt•ll••" rl,.to• It If l'lur'rnh Wlllll.ol lrtavo• Kll laland. dl'ro rnlltoniO 11 nd p<•AI•rll thAI ,.~,. Ff'b 2!• J••hn F \',t:•l , .. , ~'"" on thf' wal111 up Klni(Rthrr 310 I 'VI'"'"" ThP ltlllr pn(W'r·f'l~ hlrl" '"'' J,.. Jo t'b. 2!'1 Jhf' N1r ll• r11 I" • !'""' K!Vf'O Ottt t~nmrll mP l'l(IRV T•l•'\" Klnaflllht•r. :11" ~toJot•lill•• llnll•f)" wrrP m11llr hv M11rv Allo·: I'""'" I ~and \f",U \h~f-'.,-ttt•y• I av•• tW"'••H IIU\1\lU~ \ ·" "'''' ·rth rurr t ,. "" ,.. h···htl•·•l tit I' H • • ••I lht• Au~tht•tut ;\:tt\'h ,. ""'' h " ,,. fiUI•r•...,.'•' h• ttt• h· l.t ••II 11.•~\ll\ .. ,.).:, .... ,,, .. "' .. "'.,h , ••.•. .... tt•t t •• tt,,• l, .. nl ''''"" \\Hh t h l•.- '' 1 1 1 '~ ' .. au~s .._, h•* ._.1a,.., u. '"·~ t•·l." h •l n t ••tlll ••f It· 1' 111111 \\ l•tt I .._ _,, • ''"'' hltu h•llt h'tl~t !'-~th\, " • .,,. \ tt l lit .' .. ,. , ... ,. ,,, ..... thhl ... ,, • ... , .... 1 Vnt ,.al\• •h· t a•u1 ,,., "' l " • f II u hf'ft vo• u f 4ft II 7 In IION'T .. 'UIU11CT. l -.onw .:. t b• 1'1•111• Jlaw llo,. ~ l.Hn!Pt Uw- 11tentlty cof tM J~ fa..da .. '" -rn led. I Quality Lumber and 8uildin1 Matet"iala e COSTA MESA LUMBER CO. Jl £ HOlT£ T LE"' Ph-.. ON a pra,..pt ond af11c!M ewrow wrwlce. a-1 ;.tote I IIIII IIIVICI -and efheta flft4 .. -'ehborhaod ~· eape<ially ce"oeNeM. 1\ank of .lmtrint ....... "._...,. .. ..... ······· ............... . ........... ·-··· ............. , ..... . ... u ,.. ........ , la --·· ,.. ...... ............ l~M&N. Yw oan help the Mrrioe aen Jry ... ..Jdfte any cuual Long Di...,._ ..U. Wawn 7 and I 0 at night. That' • when aoet of thea oall an• liMN'• a Wg naah on aany clnndta. tOUYMUN CALifOaNIA tlliPMONI COMPANY ''" r••• .. ....,.... , ............. . IllS I, AST ltt;CORU Operated By the Finest Craftsmen in th~ B~siness and Located in Our New Annex I The hlcf1 JlOint M th,. rtfl• ro '"'" F ell :11, Jlrarrv \\ ''"'' 1~' '"' '' wtll ~ tl'rtt•lol'fl who•n lh•• ul• ·:lol\' l'r, 111:1 \\'Rt•·rfrootol ·'' or lhf' "Jun&lr lll•onolr'' ... ,n· . nnuncc:-d Mar f\ r.urctuu !"11'1' o•r , 400-4(11 h 111 r••••l 1• t ft\tr. ,, ROBERT ALLEN t e M M M M 8 8 i 8 8 + M M + M I + F I M!ee 8 + + + M 8 I I *:M E i M H 8 M M E M M 8 M 8 M M e AtrTO REFINISHI~(; e Frame & Front End Alignment e l>uco and Synthetic: Enamele Body and Fender Straightening 6 M E M i M M M & H M I I + + M I M I I I M I I I I I I M M I I + M M F I 8 M:e:+ I M E M M M M I M I Let Us P ut Your Car ( Rc ~a rdless of Ma ke or Model) in Fi rst Class Shape. Drive in at ONCE for a FREE ESTIMATE CULBERTSON CHEVROLET CO. CHEVROLET -OLDSMOBILE SALES AND SERVICE J Huntington Beach (kean A venue at Third Sl CONGRATULATIONI lif;T'T"Y 1,1'1-: IIOY II hl\~t 111 nnunr(ttl h"r .~nJu•~··mr,ul ,,, 1 • f, Hnrnt,tt~' ft~r·rnrtr lfHrt,.,r "'" '• "' nn\\ tn t ht• ,.,., • ., ,. I.Jo:A fll'l ' l.:1~ 111111"1111' o·•l ,,,., f'nj;IIJ:• I. t•!lt Ito I 'd fltiii.!•J I • I< r mnn" l'lt!';t;ltATI'I.A1'l• .-.. Your 8 rllk Wor~. Ptut~rono and Cement Job• f·n n tn tt , ••• ,,,, I·•· l'llJlf'rl ly dcm•• ar:a ln by Cl .&UOE SWEETMAN 122 T wenly·F"ourt ll St Newpnr1 B•;or n. P nnnr 4 I I W •••·•····••••·••··········•••••·········•······ BOR BUILDI NG INFORMA liON See - Bay District Lumbe.r Co. WALTER SPICER, Owner Newport Beach ~18 Stat~ Highwo~y At T he Arche. nso . ··········--··································· GO.DOI B. FlfllLAY COSTRA('Tttll _. 8U11.0P:K MAINTENA~CE AND REPAIH Ol"R SPECIALTY Cabinet Shop Service Offlee Calllnet Hhop MIO <Aiut Blvd. 48'7 30th ~l Pb. tot Ph. ZSAA.t.l NEWPO&T BEA<.W, CAUJ'. . .. • SOLJ(~JTS YUt ! U \'( )'r~: F()U ltt;-ELE< 71'10N COUNCILMAN fit)' of T\ t•W ~)urf. H('CI('h l rllJcpcndcnt CalldtLI:ttt:. ·'" Bc f,rc l<c"IH'""'hle to th e People a .... a \X 'hnlt-.. lltd N1 1t tct /\11 y l ndtv~tlual . Of (;roup nf llldiVIdllal .... As ll1s HccorLI 111 the J'a..,t ~IJ.,w,, I k Ita\ _Not Bee n a "YtS MAN ". Nttr ~'til l It: lk 111 th e hatu rc.-if th e Pc!,plc lh ·11cw ·1 h<:1r Co11 hdc nl'C m H c-l ·kc t11 1~ I lim . Vote For IOIEIT ILLEI 1 ,.;,11111 :11 Atlv•·NrM'ffW'hll • • I . I NEWPORT·B~A NEWS-~~ Beach . Callf~mla. ~~lifornia, Thursday, March 9, 1944 ____ _ ------------------- HarQor High V-12 T•ta Gi•en March 15 jn Library Your Frienda and Mine • POLICE NOTES :\In .. 'rAnk Durk!ldmer a.mJ "''" Tu•·-lr•' r-:"rnlnJ:, Mn1 eonJiw . School 'News Allt>niiVtl 10·ll ownlnr bnyl' If Jill rny ,,r ~>UI IJ ... I(O un· lhr• l:'"'><la ,,. 11:.1 ~: Ct>n\rttl, r~pnrted a lb't'l ''"U an> 111'1~ •·v .. ntt' .. n yell no " t ho. "'•·•·k "· hf'r ''"'''IIIli ~lr uu•l ',.,, 1 ·k•·n (rum her front ~ ,,,.,. .. , v.-r 1111•1 .. r•• lnt~n·•l•··· It ,\lrr :-ihnr llukt· ,,, (' IIIIIU .... , .\l.ol I rill' II·•· nu:ht Th&t .... ~ :r.ktng thv Ar my·~;II \'Y V·l'J IJ"'&I' ~ 10 ltulof'ol Allo-n 3 14 An,.l•' ,, ... :>lr• lltl rt"'t~ on V1Uele Bond Sal• Up To $1181.25 Wedneaday \'lnj!l •~<l )''" ... u• 114!' tnt,.r~:~~•-.-d ru ,,,, Bulhoo ... h"-relUrlh'•l lr••n•,...l · • • I• 11 ,.,.. lo~r blt·ycJe lA a.-r Ill•• '" l .. wtn.: fu• llf. 111 ;'l:urlh 10•h~re llhe •I"'"' Ito• 11 rrt ,.,,,.J lln<l repl•rled It to 111e Thl' trill Y.lll ,,..1:"''" tnt" ••m 11tt1 "' Fdllullry ~llb 1w1 h11s, '"'"I t"l'" .ltJt\\'•·•lf•'"'hiV Mllrlh lnth,lnuur .. ,,, 1.1 IJJ;I Hotbc-rt Aolo•n v.l... "''111111\11 or malleloul Rarbor Hi .. h h101 " "••Ill nf "'': \ n l>hrror ,. Ill hint a m • 1 1 1 ., " "'• · .:.ot .. .r••ol ltllh~·:'ol~tva SUf•l'\'" mii'OI'hld ~rn· tumf'd tnto poUce lng a P ·Cll 1.111"'""1! tl,;hto·• pltt'l•· All "'""'' w ~h ln~; t ... takl' 1' •~ I .. 111 oahllill•l. , I• 1, 1 hiloll(•n ~ntered tbe I i•l' ,,...,.,,.ttusi)•IIHilllJllloalrufl 1 , , throu(h lhl' IIIli ~ nf "n' "'""· ····tllJ IIIIIJ.:' '" lll"f rlllllf' Ill ·" .... I••· k I"'" h uf ol hmiAf' at lW)6 No. 1, t til• ot ""' ntul lrr•n•l•·•l In lu I J 1 and l~p& Thl' IH'<'IH'nl tot"l I• '"'" l "'ly, )lr•. to·na •·· ,., ~.' t •\ l'l •ll l'nlllmt l11land. durtnc f'll h• t ~•lr lllllllll ur .!ot iM!t IJilOII'II t · M F F I 11 I 'I 1 , roll!hl I•·H\'Inl: 11. lMlll ol lard Jbl409.110 IU111 ill t'r rill•• uf '"I'''" hof<,n· \o\'o•llrtt'81llly. 't• I ",' ·I'" I .u ... ~f',ne ,•·IH "II '· "·'''~nro·'' •J\'o•r th• walla -d ... _ nnw, about 1400 " m •m th lltHI•tl I Ttw 1,.,., \(1 IJ~ glv<·n thrll foo1 1 " • ...,; '"' "''"' ·•Y ·• '1 1 u • .- 1 h ..._ "'JI ~0 1 11 s•·· •·h "'•'•~k• v•a.t ut '''"' l•• r t 1 • t.qt • II•C Tht· c -.•ner, 1!. 0 . wll ... a ort ,. .... ut • .'·'•' a w \\'~··lno·•lay 111 tltl' qulllallca ll n t ... l '' II .,,. • ·f l.t~:o Anl:••lt·ll. wu D~ end of the yta.r. Th&l Wl'f'klv lot'al uon<<·rntng ""' Atmy "I•N ta ltzt"d •""' ·' 1 1 ,.1 mult be tncrea~~<'tl an;f It woll t11k'. 1 1 1,111111~: 1,1111(111111 "' (u l l'o>II\'Y cui· A """"''" •~·rn tu ~~I •uol .\Ia • outa'de bond• In ''" II " lrgn . l'lllltp llufty. 110 t•.,&rl Av•·. Hal· 111111 2:1 WIUI f'Urt•hfl!ltd In bnnol... ~;\'o'fl ll•nUI:h you m•y !If' ~\'I'll I• 11 a .. lanol a\ :;t J 11\.VU liol<jJIW.I \ " "11'1 Hou• Wf'f'k "''lla report. and lt&mpa lhl• W.M'k ""'' I ll)() ''"" 'r rrYt'l . yuu have to bol a "" "'"" '' "t" , I '\ ~lrll L Ll-P on ll~tb ltreet ... ...._ --·--· k I'• m with ~ 1 t • "hto • """"'I an " V<'IU" old n..a-o. • ..,., I""~··--er · ''' ' • · """'"r txfurr ~ "" l an qua I y. . ·;:l 111111 M r11 I if'OI I',t' I rl!fl HI• -••• out a "V'' arr· F"Otoda 1:!1. F:ntt· tho· l''"uol pu10·nl.oo .,f a 11011 hurn al t, .. r 111'1 •·n\l'rf'd ht'r garac-~ 1'-h -. and art 2"11 T .. •II· R . d T k Sch d J 1 1 ... 1 0 •t h ~ I•··'' • aor•ll "' ,..,. akat••· u ..... n .. -...... .. ~ :0.1 ""''I• I 111111 .... " ·' "" ., ...... . Yer "V'' tor the bl.bf'lt Inial wu eVIVe rae e • I ho ,.,,upl.-ft'I<IOI' Ill 711 :-,;., Bay queatiOIIInf, t.be lad admitted tak- _...,. t ..,.. llb t taJ p t-~ SA N l 11 1.: I • ~kr•l•·ll l)ul sattl hr returned ot .10l.Ja. Room 208 al110 Ia l.D lhttn In IM'If·Oele.DJit', be lmplleat- aw,., . ...., n ~m 6"" w a o 1 oa eu ; • • ex ~ a,11, •. llull••" taland. P' -~-on ol the lfold "V" fo r the A n •·t ru:..nv • hlln(u. thr 1944 Thl' A S. 't'humr->n homo• '"' "' •a••t •ur11ll ynungllter1 In tbe 8MIIt l&lle per pupil (1:1.&2 ,, track ac·hedull' hu tmally l>t••·n ~11nt:o Ana Avenuo•, ~"""'lw•rl tl•"l'hh••rht•MI 11\lllll:hl<'nNJ out with a ffif'ft a t II•·IJ,:hllf W<•h'nOlt'ol l ' f'lr <lau~,:hl<"r Paul Palmer reporta the t.beft ot 1 Santa Ana nul Tuc-eday taking Frun'lw· llfltl ht·r hu•tmnol, C.:hu•l " ~11 tt r •l nit' anlt 100 ft. ot " Room 102 ICn,tum II 59~: lhl' r urre.ot oiiJ"Illlftbl. The mHI I'N rv nrru "' r:uy IAV.tllf'\', "'h" 1111 h r••l"' taken from the beaeb at 10.-8panWI M 46; 106 lJ ~ will I~ a triangular affa ir w:th lA >~IRII••nrd 8t !"un •'rawo ,,...., 11. Th\'l•.r lo••U~I' juat wHt ol U.. Hl8tr ry 13().M ; 108 t ,tlat'rulhlp 1 llaUJ:t' and Sant.a AnL Harho•r .\1• a not Mno .,~,,,.~, 1 ; • ., .. 11 ,. Lrolu tll'lt!J:•• Thf'fle were ·~· ..S.M : no RelatM Rt:lt'nr• ... ttl ··nft'r lhl' mf't'l .. lht' tavt•t.t•· I...... lOll• ··I l'<>lo•ltrlllf'd lh• rr 21llh ' '" I d .. II ,,, wal.-r. The H&rtlor Rooaul and UMir tntaa ano· 12.30; lU Alcebra 58110: ~~ l>f'CAUM or lla all-around .l,...nl(1 h "''''''"'It 1111111\'t'tl!>try .. ,.,., tho· I ' I •IIIJI••Ill """ ll•!llfled. c-totry f:\.t6: 202 lAim Th., Ana 't'lm NOVIC'e Meet Ia dl'ft· ,,,.,.k •·n•l 'I,'"Y ""'' IOJ•••t.o nf •2•.110: JOt E nlfllah IV 16 90; utt .. ty ott Next t•'nday lhe liM "' lr ~o·n•l" 111 1. ,. Anc•·h·" A t: .... f•nn<·l I rut k rt>gUrtert'd to 121--BIGiotY ... 00; 22S Radro tlntltr fiRth IIQUaol 10'111 Vl'nlurf' tu .\I IUf El~ ,, !'<• ""latn\.1 \ UUI••1I :'olf I 1 • 'II" ~,;:.f•~od C'u. parked at MS.OO: m C'bemllltry ·~ 7~. I':XC'I'Ialor tn lake part In the llll· anol ll!no. I' ·-ll rj;~IIIA In .... ~ An· l lj:lll an~l··:o I•• lhr Paladino plant lltucly 111.1~; Orclbettlra 524 40: nual ExcelJIIor Helaya. They will ~e•·lt·,. lt'l 1'1111)' llll, 1111(1:'"" IS 3 •• , :Ioiii\ .,.,,.,., V.'all struck by • ~00; BoJw' Gym 11 00. I ''"'"' \!.e meet aa def«"ndlng ,. .oto·r "' th•· Nr"''!X'fl 114-a• h rt'~t · l •••<la:•· 1••• k·up truck drtvc by It IDAJ be dr&WD to lbe altt'nUon Cb&mJW becauw r·t their win lui oh•nl 1\'hllr tlr••t f' lho y ,.,,.,,., 11 liM\~\' A lit• W11ltt' of 2321 New· ol tiM llblctlata U..t oDly twmty· year. It 11 doubllul u to llo.w ohly '" \\'hllltrr wh•·•·· n llnoall ,.,.,.. llh'ol '('.,8la Mf'IL Minor tw:o ~ etl U.. eatlre llebool many .,>'• will be taken ov._r, hut ranll'y rrun10n """'"'"' ••-•'"•~,..,,:,. "'ft" •l,..nt' to the Doclp dlCf not blq etU.. IDooda or lt.&mpe all tbe boyl that can r et lbere wiU tht' turlnurh a1ay "' 1l•,. ll•~:~:•ruo' "''"•I!. wa JJ,ke.o to & ... , ... for a..t .... a 7 · bt' nH>ded. ... •• 1 ....... 1 ll'plltr -----· --.' Let--- "Food for Victory" lJE YOlJR SLOGAN and- ·--... }~ f~NQ~UCIJON"*". let our fine array o f Garden Tools. Seeds and other needs hrin~ yo u the ex tra help that will make yo ur VICTORY GAROEN a complete success. But. you had better .g~t .an early start.-. s.upplies areR'·t nearly crS' plen-tiful as th ey ini ght be---Come to TeWINKLE'S today for your garden needs and information. ............... ~ y.,. Rake • GoodS~IHoe .. • PRE-SEASON SALE GARDEN $2.59 $3.89 HOSE Full fi~lghths-inch siu-compl~t(' \\i th couplings. One hl'avy woven cotton braid Mbbed rubber. outs idl' CO\'('rin~: Stock won't last Jon~; at t~ pri('('s! . 79c 51.10 Village Blacksm ith GRASS HOOK 79c 2 Sbn Pwtk sor 75c IIOSE S07..ZLE 3-Pc. GARDEN SET 29c W E ll A V E I'\ E A H L Y t:: \' E H Y T II I :'\ t~ A \' 1\ 1 I. A H L Jo: T 0 Jl A Y y OUR VI CTO IC\' OH FLl)\\'Jo:H C.ARni::" A ('0:\ll'Ll-:Tl·: T () \1 .. \ 1\ 1-. s l ' l . (' ! . :-; :-; . ~ . ~ ~ ~ ·.~ ". _.._ ~ r,. c ' [Dao't Soak New ~~e Sticken J Wet the wiodahleld, not the ttldrerl That'~ tiM ..... ~ frota tile Sta te lJepa rtmmt of ltlotor Vebicln to C1hfonua -toraa~l wltto au con fuud by conftictin1 dorcctrOIIt foF-applyaar their I~ hceDM ' t tickera. Envelop« i.o 111\'hicb the ttickert M come M)l' to "~mmerM transparency in water for teveral moment~, but ~ere Felen1 Sc.bala. pr~!ly Gilmore Oil Co. employee, follow• anstructtoot on the atoclrer 1tutr and correctly wet• the 1laat, not !Jic tticker. Departm .. t offiCI3h , eaplainin1 that tht' cnv~lopea were p ri.ntcd wh.en the uae ,of cS.calcoma~~ia lic.mHS wu planned, said the ahtft to atocktrt reQDU'• i.ol n_o aoa.kiA&>ame tGO &au -. --.. .._ .. "~- COSTA MESA 1944 TIDE TABLES MARCH Philatelists Told Of New Stamp I Tax Help Av,Uable 1 Now at C. of C. According to mtormauon recetv. ed from the Third ~~ Post· mast('r Ct•no•rul on W llllhlll6:lUJl. tile pr .. ,,nt 6c Air mall rate will bt' obaol<>tt as 1f Mar<'h 26. 1944 The new rat" w1ll be "•' artd. ac·n1rdtng· ly, U IWW All' Mall stamp Will be t~<.'l;s,·d. Thl' III'W !!lamp Will be u n ule Ill the P~llutellc Agency ln Wuhlngtoo, 0 . C .. "" M~trch il8l I• r tho• I l'lh 11 ul tu" 11111.,, turll 1'111' lh'.'l 1:11 wall II(• JlfUL'I ll'&lly lh<' 1ame u the prt'sent 6C stamp, ex· cepl that the color will be a reen and red tnslt•ad I of lht• pn 11ent blue and red. Cla!o!llrlt.od Ads Get R·E·S·U·L·T·S l 'rt.Jay 11ntl SRt urday from 8 :lit to :, a tax t'XJ!ert wW be on b-e at t hL• ="'• wpurl Harbor Cham be: of C'oo•rr t'fl't 'to anawl'r quc-atlon: ~·~·tative to ini'Omt' lax reports. T ho· andiV•<'IIal must m a ke our h iR uwn t t1nn ln~t may r~>celve hell 801f 110!<\\'l'IS lei hll (Wfplexln( qul'>~linns L..\RO RATIOS t'Kt:t: LH1d. ~rnr·11n~ Fmluy. ~·ill b. ~olfl rutum·J•t.unt·frl·~· w Suuth•·n C;o lifor-naa hou~w"''''· t ht• 01' A an nllllfl('t'd todlly. Thl)( WIIS 1111 nouiH'I,'d toduy b~ RJII~t•rl R. U'C'k 'U PA ratio) 111':\oot'UIIvl' for thas "" 1 rict ·············~411~--····ii/N~ mwwvwrr•~~ r• -~rr-.r• rw • • F~~!~ s'!~!};Y · ~ (lr. t"ml''"'~' «-qulpnlO.•nl ~ wh(•n yo u want tu call " ' vour uy,.-n, HORMEN FISH MARKET ON CENTRAL AVENUE, NEWPORT BEACH ~It 1< I' II Hu\.l, •II Santa A oa AYt'IIUI' 111 In the Eut vlarllnK Wtlh r , n<111 tn ~hchlg-and Ill Inola ll•>rtlllltl~ th•· blrthtlay uf .lotlu n .. ,,.,.n Glbaoo. daur;hter of the 1-lrl;'h Lo.•w Ha~h LI•W ll 12 4 1:! 10:2!1 1 Jolnyd Clbaconll, a f11.mlly dinne-r waa ~ ""•'')t•t.l reo ently In a Santa An& I t'aft• alter "bach lh< l:f up ultenl.l· ' •••I I h•· show II :. 0 I 0 10 43 4 45 4.7 0.11 11 '1'1 :, 'JO 4. O.IS II ~;, ~ ~7 39 0 8 4.!1 I 1 :1!1 4.!1 11:39 4.6 12.07 4 :, Ru. 1:! l'lannlng to locate here perm&-:-1 1 n• ut ~·. M. W . Putter of Dillin&•. llont.ana, Ia now a runt In the ·n, •• 12:42 6 14 1:? :\9 hvu ... d hl.tl parenla, •tr. and Mra. 3.4 0 9 1.~. t:'\rW 1111) lt.:h\ !Ui\tlit( tlrn,.l 4 :~1 0.0 !I ;().4 0.3 !1 :27 0.7 !1 :30 1.1 6:14 I E . n 1 'o.lt>r, J37 Eut 17th ltrffl 1 urrhnat n~ Ute-rc•tol<"nce uwn~d 1 by Mr. a.nd Mr1. Percy Smllb, 11145 1 ,, .olll:c An·. A1r. and ~rs. Pett'r Buerhner, formnly of ~~ l'aul. •f'l•tr-,, .. , ...... f"\J lll Ill dflr u f -..u I UII .. IU .. 1.1-'ht (q,;ur•~lll.K m tSt.rk fi4Ur•· .. t• ru I ...... 1 o•suta. an• ll ro•al addatton to tho· 1 otm munaly. 1''~ un•• 1htnl.: to lw• "·"" l ttu ,, ... •t•···l und unotlwr r" h.t\'t' a' ~uud tt•mJX'r: Men · · · · Skilled cr Unskilled A WIN-THE-WAR JOB ••• WITH fiNE WORKING CONDITIONS EXCELLENT PAY ••• JVEN WHILE LEARNING ON-THE-JOB REAL HELP ••• ON HOUSING AND TRANSPOilTA· TION PROBLEMS Calaltlp urgently need a ••• Welden Welder • Tra1Deea Welder StliMnb lla.I'IDe MachJnlstll aad Hel~n JlartiM' tlfoctriclau and Helpers ShHt Mt'tal Helpen Shipwrights and Helpen BoUt'rmaker Hf'lpt>nt Pipe Weklf'r Helpen Plpentuor llelpen Labo~n Apply today ••. important ... brin~ntt Soc-tal SM-urlt~· Card, Proof of Citlun- Ahip and A\·a llabillty Ct-rmi<'alc> to . . . CALIFORNIA SHIPBUILDING CORPORATION 110 Wett AnatMlm laulevard (at Lagoon) WILMINGTON • • • """""t111 II ., tl thn h i!M Sims l1~1t7 .. tl Smlu IIAtlt .• , lltO $0UT'H HOWl~ ST~ LOS .&NG£lU 416 I'INt .&V(NUE. LOr.Q l t.&CH I l WAJS TO SAVE H.EAT-Atm-rnm saver. When roasting pork, make your applesauce at the s ame time. Put ap- ples, susar and s pices in a separate covered cass~~le. The bakins improves the flavor, too. - 8:30 hand unber !tlont ta. • out ? help .t>xlng t: ill bt• llht'lll 'A an- an- 1-N-k. is .,,,_. ·. z-~ ...... •·-,;.lhi• a L ~ .... , .. n.rn,.,· S~·l&l TrNt"""''~ tor ( W••rW•·•I:'ht It l 'ndr no t tl:flt Gene ~lorleche• Z0tw ·nwrlll'l't S!•'('tah~t RADIO SERVICE HO:t.IE ... AL'TO ... MARINE RADIOS RD>AIRED !tlARD\"E EUri'RJCJAN BURT R. NORTON IIIIC....~J ,._lt11 JliEWPOIU RAa1 • l',vellllo d••ft·nec t:t~rJ>II. whil'h ) 11:1 ... , \w•·n ln;h ltvC' t1urln& Uu• m oont h. hfia lX'•·n 1 allrd Into JUt"el · log by l •••puty t'tln'PlUIIUf'r J"'atter ~·· "ho• annoum"o'l< lw ·• <lnllt U Collowa· Ntt 1' "'" b4' ho'lol 1-'nJay, March 17. Ill i :IU I' m ((>I' HatU.•a llllanrt, Corona ckl t.tar. ~aeon Bay and Harbor bland. No :! Will tx· ht'ld c WN"k lain. FTiday, •tarch 24. 7 30 p. m . for Nrwport .. &lbcla , Lldn Jaltl' and :"l:f'wrort u .-aghtll Dntle wt'rt' rurtalled dunng thl' 14 lntt'r OWIIIIC to WC'ather C'Ondl· t1oii. and th• danger u f att .. 'k be- Ing lt'-·ntd and lhe prPII('nt drill Ia tht' f\rat to be ht'hl, "'lth other drtlla enry n loe ty daya. I N-dvWan cu muk• havt' bf't ri rc-<'t lvt'tl. Tbt-M will be tx- chanl{l'll for lhf' trAm!ng muk typ~-and lh• 120 peraona havln.: D~VELOPMEIT OF IPPEI IIY AS POSTWAR PROJECT. SEEI In •\ • •• , ""' ,..,, \ ,., ''" N•"-'t'<•rt llootl\o•t lho• ''""'~" t'.•tllll\' IIA'I'h"t ~ •t\fl1f)\''-'"''"" ftl t'JIU'Oft•tf t hr f l ftt\\' lth • 1kd •t t•t\ lt\t• \~1'1\f"t hKV ., .... l ~,,,... "'~ " • ,, ••r.Unftt.•tf ,,,.,,..,,"1' ......_ n 1•\IH H'-' It I'''"' \\ 1\t f't"~'trt•f l 'tt\ltnlUHH\' •~•,...:•'"'"''"' for 414- '•'li I'HH't\t .. rt• 4\tl t if' ,t, •• tft..C ---, 11tlt• tit~~tt wh•p "'1''' lht-z Uu• ,,p .. p.-.J lbu · \\ n.-t ""'''' nutnv v••"f-111 .1nt1'•'" It vht•• ttrrnn~.-··t ••• •t•''"r rn '"' Ill•• '"''"" luL"h l l•t•' ltn•• In 1t•P l~ft'lt -tiul \'('\'a \L ClC U'-ll...t.\-a.A•t hv Sup•·• •••r t ·••nr t ,ftt, t ··~ f t~t• 1tn,. f tn••ttu ht••h '''''' """ ,~,at.th1u•h•••t ,..,,, nutpt.,.••t l 11 1111!1 I'<' 1'1~\rhl F III!IIVI'f f,.lJo>WIIlJr lll•l nl• ll••n~ Ill• hhl ... l Ill tHt A• t "' ,.,,t1~t~•• nu\•h· " eur· '1')1 ••f lhf' ar.• f ••f lhr f"t'rt~rola f'f I I hi' 1\1~1 rto I l'nl! ll""r·,. ,.rfh r \\'hr•n II>•• ll,.rtw•t l'o>mlt l•l•lft 14'"" •rrotnt,.•l In 11'42 11 , ••n•l•',.r- ···1 t hr lldYinh4\lt Y • t lnii\AI\1\f: "''"'" I'' o~o~rl'm wh•••h nlllhl ,,.,.,j, loo lh• aolflf'\11111 nf a f'llln fur til' ""'''l'mPnl In thr """" 1 \wnr,.h\J) • f In ntlll In I hf' IIJ'I'"r 1111\' ""'r Jll r .. , """ ,.., all 1 r .. ..t Ia •·ttntln ... l In lh•• I rvlnr )h lnl'h I 't•m11anv a n1t l •l '"•tt•~• nu 1 "111 11''•-t"''·,~ t tnk" 1,. •'• \ti••Ji I•\' thft ••ua.: •~• r',. bt•f,•t~ fut I h••f • ••111'1•1"''"'"'" • a n \of' ttl\>"" b\' lht• •••tttiU, .. I, II II '" ""'"'•I l h•l "".nrlltlnc •tf • I "''I( \h\r tnth1rl' ...,..,. f1>t at,l'mYal to liH' Jaawt~ l n._ l 'r"niCr I' unl v .. •hlrh b)• a•· I nf ....... lht• ~I IIIo• J..,lf\a l:ttur.. hoo<·anlf• ""''" 11 \'1rl1'f")' C.-.1•. Ill llaJoa rr oof lhr lhlrllllltiiO In lhr Ar•a •lr•"'1 l'alt>oa, hu • notl\rt' .. n ...... ............. , .. 4.....,. . ...,.. ...... nw ._......, . ....._- r•<>JH1 • .,._.._. ...._ -~ LIDO T•IE&Ta• ...._,. .. _.__...._ A6lllaa-...: ........ -... ar' • • .. .,. ..... .. ...-.. ...... .. f'l a ..._..._t.a .......... ..._. .................. ? ~ .... .,...._...____. .............. •• ...... th«' old maak• ahould «'XChang«' Uwm promptly. Tbey C'&n be u · I c~gl'd at lht <'llY hall. Jnqull't' ot .t.tra Kay Nteblll In thf' IUU'!: nrt'nng dr11ft room In thr ban- meat. TIOCADIIO CILIIIITY HAVEN ~-.. ,,,., . ._ wll'l Jam.-. trvtn• 1' "" 1"' "1'1"1111n« f"'ft"Y .t.ee•._ fte -rt4-famou TJ-oco .. ro ttl tloll)''""''d h•• IN-<'n liM elartlnl afl \\'f•n • lliRirtla\nr ol a r.tl II ..... IIIII ::,·:,:,;,',',7,"h\,,l ... rvl<-. -·· .......... '1Wi&li& .... plaN! of man7 famoua •lan of 1'-.,.,....n ,,,,,,.,, amonr thrm ~ltd7 Oar· '"''''" "1:~''"•1 I•J ""'"" " ll"n"r•l laJII aad Mary Merlin. . . It le •• lh" """''J' ef thl' Trn<"ed•r• to "'"''Y II """ rf'IIII71Pol auo h a Tt•·~l··• 1• • .-,&..U..-~Woi-&M ~.u..-... ., M•ncta,.ntl(ttl., 1'1 ll•l\' -.·.,ulfl t•'<l'llrt• ""Ill• tlmr 1,1 14iffi'\\Mit•l lnllhlr coaiW .. Dt-"rr) Nllhl" whrn -f-.,... l'"'""nlf'd In lhf! lop el_. ,,,., rlooJ• IIIJ l l•jhl I• • I JUII!l Mesan Booied for 1 Drunk Uriving tba laJS.e&bwUGIL •• ~T•· =·-Ia ..._ ~ ttw ......._. • • ...._.7 AP••r 011111\' "'"''"''II• All•l '"" ''" '"' 11\r """c"' with 114•n • • • aad pat"'na. Ahe\• le ·-"lldnr,..• M..tudJ Olrla frnm 'llll•hliU In 14'hh h errer•t'ntllltvra •·'!Itt! t"'nnlr• I • dn•t• ttw ...,.. Rio" epawarlnr nlrhU7 In .a-.. -tMn•l "'"'' •lu•w fNlurtnr tltfo oof IJintl ''"'ll"l• '"'IIIIV oo'fl• lt~ta of -t hr.1uah a ... ,, In ttw l.d nf 1-,., llaullna Mlatrr"• ot l bP Maae .. .,.,...lh Unnnrc<u•~ and tiM IUnlhml~ "" 1111,1 11 ,.111 '•"'-' In '"' _. JUigmha Mnak' nf C'htlf'l It#, ... aM lhr M..-1•· of vlrhten NoW. f\1'\lll• tt( lhr llr-AIIIC" (' uotv l 'llln 1 11 1 1 ~ , ....... On-IMostra dJN'f'l , ..... the Wal~ " .... ,,.. n Ill{ , ... h\1\'IIOI'I"n ""'' •lth•ra llllt'F• II ..... ,...,. na .... I ·~ ""'' ...... - and be glad that you can, for THE lED ClOSS IS AT HIS SIDE AND THE liD ClOSS JS YOUr ~ME · beer with the I. Q. (II Q-.-.'JI H. R.-BRINKERHOFF Jo an arc:-ltlt'nl Involving ttve ca,. wltb d&maltf' to all. no oot 1 ... lnJurrd but F.mf'•t ~ Mown. Look Ahead to Spring 1''' '"111" 30 106 CC'CII P I . Ca.ta WI'N , wu . I An) then.: ) '"' •··•" l1•111 n '""" h tloollf'd at t.be Santa Ana pullce Wtth a Home-Sewn '"'lllnw ko• '""'1.! "'"''' "''"'·"'' Illation oo a dnmk dr1vtng rount Wardrobe ·•"'1.'~'""''""'"1• '""1 ~"'"'•:11 "'""' A•·c-o>r<.'lllll: to oftll'er•. the Mow· ltllr,u 1''' I' "''"""htl•· ~~~ "llll•• oil I J d tth d ft\11 u" ,,,,.~"' •. , ut~' ., ... lhHII •• r l ~'r C'ar c '~ w a ca r rtvtn , All homt• 1\t'Wrf"' OWl' n ci..t11 of home• "''"'"!: ""' 1111a.;ht l1h•lt m\u by Booltll'la Ant nla Jlmron. 39. . d L ""' h 1 _.. h on F.aat ........ , lltrf'r\ 'b.tw~n Bu.'l ~rRIIIU •• Ill -..... I Il l Un ....... I ,. oo\1)••1 111~··11· Itt h ···:till htt\4 • an.l !Jain alro•rtft. Santa Ana Jl· Stllll'" ~O\'o•mm1•nt e·ulm.: that or-tu ''''" ho 1 l•looll"''• httl• 1m1l t1t·n·tl ull ctn·'.sl'' '" ht.• 'lim 11n<1 anmllllll l:' loo1 \•llu-.•11 :"l1no)' n mtnf'Z •·as trylnji: lu pae11 anotht'r stmpil' tn o n14•r '" l<JtV•· (HhMr and 1 •lull ''' ''" '"'' '"~'" t•'\ "'"'"·11 "ith · •·ar dr'""" by k u th Talmadge, 27. fahrk-mnkln~o: lnhnr Slim. lllmplt• ~ hll "' ,,,.,to hl•n•l·•·ru••lwh~l Tbe Jent•·Uo:'l. \olr !ilt.lt>""' lpt•d t he-dn."'-"''~' nr" rn~J••r to mnkt'. You ni'<'k"l'lll Knill Ill!: nllt•t, \t>ll 11 Ta tmadgr t·nr In atttmpllng lo nrr<l lr·,~ tuhnr ,,.,. th••••• "'"'~~''"• •·hlllll'•' ''' '''l'l'l••lltl'lll \nlf r . >1111 ... a\•utd • h4'ttd-oon colllslo n with the nnrl ttw~ :u·~· "" mllt'h "'"~''' h•'<'nm· 'lUll• "''" "•••k•l · "tilt loo•:t~lll l lll Mrwt'r rar M•twtr'll Vt'hh'lt &II· in~: lr• your n1•w. lltlltln·JI It"f'am· hand knll '14 ""''''' I I I ~<rrtrdly rolhol('(t welh two ntbtr l llnt•d f•a.;un•. ~I'll I kll'd up with • It ,, m untlo"h lltl•llltt: '" lnnk parkt't.l care In the mblup. ~ay, he·ia.;hl hnnli'''I'Wn nr hnnrl· 'v11111 '"''' '"'' '"" 1, 11,. tim• '" --------,~ <'rocht•ll'd IH I'I'IIIItll'lt'l , lhf'y ara far 1)1> l'\lll l\'lll:lllll 11\HOIII 11 \\'h l•ll \'loll PAUL NORMAN mor<' attrllrtlw thnn lht• riRhor-nJo.k \11111"'1'11 • """ "''" l lol<ok Ill) all', compll<'altod stylf'li you u!Wd In lifo• I 1111,1 ""\'•· '"""''~ ''"' ... "'' PUI IOS:t•thl'r. nwmll(•r lhl' IIIIVin~~ "' 11 Wllnlrulw• YACHT SAIL MAKERS ~,.. Awnlnp, Boat Cove" Z'.!f< Zlet St. Nt'"'JlOrl Beach Phone 207 S<'wtns: Ia IS putinl4' tha\ JloltY• 11110rl" at hnnwo Anl1 don't for&t"l divirll'nd~ d iVIdl'ndl w.llh jwl th .. to put the~~<•· ~o~~vm"-~ in to W10r n~h~Jr und rnhrlr m 11dr up IJonm nn<1 St11mp' .... A-. Calif.... t mln lh•· 1111''' hN-nmint.: ~lyll' v ... ~~~~~~~~-~~--~-~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=--------------~~~·m~.~r a 11pnns wK~rob t' aff -.-:=:... p m lmh l.• tluorm~ thnlll~h ~ttl.ll I "''"''· -..1 m:ek•• \'Our rhu ll'i' ol All · h·· t.:l•"' me "P~•nt.: ''""'" hlu•h tunk ..... ,,,, L:t•·•'"' \tnlt't ltn•f 1n· Rrother of Mesan Vice President TAKE HER TO ELEC1-- • • ONCE A WEEK William A. KIRK IMam bent fGI -ICILMAI • A BasineM Man who is able to give the rapidly expanding Harbor District a competent. executive administration of its affairs. A llesi*nt Her~ Sint"e 1924. A Citizen Since 1930. ELECTION APRIL 11, 1944 • Whoever You Vote for -be Sure and VOTE 1•'11"' IIIII plo••. l.t\1 n~ ~~~JoJ ttnd I All a:•·n o" It ~''" Lt\or lh•• n••t,lrlll ... , ....... '"" "''" , ... rtdll(hlf•tl \\llh I•IH\\II·.md·\\llllo 11011 ).:l.ol tntl \'""'• P""'' , .. ;q \ ·•n•l '''•k' t.:f>l\ ..... ttl l'"lt ,Ufl~ Urt•f ftlltk f•· \:• ,. "''' ~~~~~do ~~~~.~ A I J·m·r. ... ~·,, ~, •• .,, '""~'"'"' ""~ bt ,.n ··I••• t• ~~ h \'II •' pr• ~o~l '•·nt ut t h t• \'tHt•t1 l'tt"" a "ntd \1tK tn llllf•lt 111\\lllo•. 1'1' !''""'""'" S,.,,,,.,Ult: :l J-:t11t•ln I' !I'-rfOU'h t 11n "~ •·hno•m~.; 11 1 ,, .. 111 .11,, 111 " W hiPiy known 111 I h 1 "1 • ,, "h• • · ..,11n1 lin•''· t h,. "4Jrnpl•· nttflt·tl .•nd ',. "a~ u t • ··nt ' ... ,. '" IH l t••· t,nrn,. d r,1JM'II d.-\:o•.J~ •rf _111.1 kltn1 ..... onrl llf h i" '''""'''' M1 l 'lltkl•·v '"" k l liJmkt•fl to u "'u111; t ... ; • f 'i,,,:,. nud 8 lr\.'<, ""' I hi· """~'' h 81)'1111\.: of lhl' ni'W '<tilts ond ,.,,.,, 1111 lhl'"' nth••r llf j/IUII7.111i .. n A In llrttlllot" lll'llrP tlw homo• ~""'''~" 11 ~111.1.,,"'"1 County. Tlw llnn .. unr~'mt•nt uf ltll• wardrollt> whhout nny )ot'WIOI! chi· "'"•·luon '" " ,.,,.,. '''''"l'l•·n• Y '" fe('ul\u·'· y011 mfl} J:N ~~~m•• rn11k1 .. h~t 1•••1 wllh ~···ut lnl•·r··~l I~> h ill uW·I' 1,J,.1,., ton, whet•· l•••klnl: m11ny rr·u•n•IM torn• ttll•l 1.1" wit,. through lhl.' Jlllllt•m r•al:ot11~:111., and dtllll(ltt1·r "'"" "'""'" In lA An ultl ''"''' oflt•n r111 nl,h•·~ I'\UI& U..a1·h l'll<m.:h ~:tnnrl mntrodnl for 1, n"" A~tl'r hl10 v\ltll h••rr, Mr f'tnki"Y ""''· Snm1•taml'~ two out·nl·rta\1• w.-nj t" ~"""' ""'It "'"'"' t ... '""' dr!'~~''lo will ('romh•n•• In rn:ok• """ rnnft'r rt••l wetlt "''" r t 'ull•·d l'ro•u n••w-lnok ing dn'"~ !llvlrofl "'""1: l'liCN'UIIVrA will• ''I:"''' I • piHn• mudr-m llnl'~ Or 11 hllll )IIIII or for CO\II'rlll(t' "' lho -..•·lfl ~lll ll"on\ SO ttf I11'W (llhrll' Wl\1 JM'JI Ill' 1 jdo &nd lhl' lnt'r4'1llling NIT u ftr lllftVI' -116(1111U11 (;~, maoy For Santa Ana Jury Duty T hrl.'f' Day a rr a rraldt'nl.o ...,,.,,. on \hr ll«'ond Hat nr !-lus,..nor 'CJUrt Jurnrt who w ill .,.1'\'o' fnr vn,. mr.nt h u ntl~r a nt'w plan CJt f1llh ID· log lhf' namu "' 1111ch jurnra from tbe voterlf' re(Utrat1on llatJt Wra, Anoa L. Shrete 20~ !"kf" phlrf' Avt'. BAlboa leland Cllff•>rlt W . Hunt. 127 26th lltrHt. • N•wl"•rt B('l\< h and Mra . Ida 'Naylor. fl<tr 446. Balboa llllanr1. w~re \llt»l' drllwo from t hla diltr lf'l Th,. Jur• r11 will t"' 11ummn11"'' to ltflJlt'llr befu rl' l'rf'llldlnK RlltJ••rl"r Judgf' Jo'rllnkl.n 0 Wut •l 11 3 a. m. nPxt Monday, Eddie'• BARBECUED SANDWICHES Are Delicioua! Moore'a Confectionery 2100 O<.can Front F'OR IN!.URA NC£ StE Howard W. Gerri•h 2~t lll W. C•ntr;~\ Ave Autonr.bile • Fire Acc-ident • · Life 1.1"~"~" "n't r,.,ntnct B••nd• Wr1ltt'n • The Obed t.ucu ' Ul•' '"'"' \jvlol( In lbtlr 1\1'14' •. h••m•· '""''to "'"Y ,,.. l'ently pur< IJUINI ll' .111 l 'tolttl ,.,., .. nuP. Balbo•& 11111\n•l HEADACHE •• 8 ucM A I BIG Ll1'1U ntlM. AU SET f9f a cuod full rl•y'a worll: •hrri a h•l(titlllC h•· .. •l· "h• anealul up on >'''"· '1'11u aulfu ar.J ao duel y uur .,.,,rk. Rt'a<11 for an •vrninll' ,,r ,..,.,.,,. a \ltlft a nd t fl)'•)'fTII'I l -a J"'•af h"Arlat'he inlrrf1·r•·• • 1'h }"•'" fun. r•t. enjoyno•·nl or r1 ln xullun. mt. Mn.f.\ Anti-Pain Pills u• uolly rrl"'v" 1 ·•t ,,, jv II• arl· I ac h •• \1\.lt ~tn•l'tf' 'f"'\lfKI~tlt . \tUII• l'ttlar t'•11l• and I utt<l I'•"•' )lrtnlhlt l'a •n• lJo )"" u ,. llr. \1,1•" ,\ntl.J'ain f'il! ~ lt n• t v.' ')' r 1 " ' k • ••n •: t l tr :'>!111 • A • •, I'. " I . • •t )'Ou r t! ': ''*'l'' IU 1~·•· rq• ,,nf prukell'" • r "' ly a 1 • · · y ar •"' tl • '' "d •n t t1t! ... ;''" ... y ''"' r r.,,,. w .. ·••n ch~wJlf•r. l''hy · •l ar•·t n 1 n • n;re f ·~•~'., y,\u~ ,, .. ,. •• t '1'lt ••wm. n "'I d'•··~t'"'' ~ .... , u ~ ••lr •• •lor•·--l••tf. \ nur r· · ·ocy !Jack II )'IIU are not M tlaflrd. T ,., 111\'atlal•lv lh• ........ W111 .._ •·•lr.t l•••k l':tr l II "~~~ Al(frrtl tha t "'"m•· fll rllmlnllr\' '"''"'''• lliiRht hP Ill'• I l hr '"'n twfllt'P II '"".,...,. Uw ,., n•l•lr rrrt ""'' a1' ••r.llniClV \hr r n -K1""" l(lnrrr f11r lhr ll•rhur '''mmiMiun ·n, .. I'"'''""'"'" •>f ltw-\'k't•wy ,. .... ln .. trurlr•l t11 1 ul(h nut .--.. '"'" •tf'aar• Jarr•'W !"mit'• ,.._ ,.;rnrr•l 1•1""" fttr ltrvr i"J'rnl'nt H•mr• ""'' ••••n tn .. ltwrn hae II ,..,.,. "'"" rrAI\?rtl that tu "'"',. tl\r uprntar, • ( l lw •al• • r•·• ''"I ,,,. l''"f"'r'l v llnr• anll t tdr-• ""I '" .. f ""'"'h• •an t~ -I""" with ~\·rntua\ OVon•r..,tr uf Itt Utr ll•l"'-ti.WI .,_ ...... t •ll,.•l "' """ ~uhto< 'lll"nt I•• I hi' r ar-t ••l'tnlr• .. t.ta\n..l lhro...... tMe n •m.: "Ill of • rr••acram wnul«t bt' "',."""' f•lf' th<' dl•t..., ~ II lf'll~lttY. o\JrtH ttl\ 11nrl I'OfiiJ'Iti'AI· 111"11'" rla•rrtt .. fund lln•l f'•oiiiiiV 1'1111\lliiiK (',.mmiMIIIII ,.,... llarmt\ flno>al-....... ... I I"'"' """"""r lo ~-AA4-a ..._ f'onrad ~hook Ill In S. A. HoRpital uniH't huetraa •I otllr I 114( I "-"" lntc. I• l•n•llna lwr II-and ....,... lu lu•lt••n~t f'l11rr'latn Uw -n .-4 "'urti,.U tl( fhP ... ,\'-tf'"• WH" ....... •k"'' 1 ... ,. ''""" bfor •ntry to .... l 'nlttllll ~honk l''"''"n•nt t>uthl 1,.111,11"11 •h• 111 \"'11\f'dlat~l• ..._ In~ ''""' rAI'I ut whn llv,.. nn llal· •lr .:r(t ..,11h r.-q11,_• 'W ••'t ,_ 1.)1 II llllt\IHJ Willi r1111hrf\ fu lh• ~all • t•l••ll•' o\rll"'' II V l l\t hii'P " ....... '" Antt Vull1•v ltu•pltal "" Mnn•lay llh•• llnra \u thr ctfOIIKttt 1;t U... .,. w•th " l~mf"'ralurt' ur 104 d~~~r-•1 r tpl,. 1ta r l•llliC from Hn unknuwu ..,.., .. ,. ~ .. _.,..,..,,.m,.n, Hc1 (' c· ...-. Kf' 111 1'91'ftrlec1 1"'tw-1 .. t.oda~·IMAI\Vrll "'"' f)1l Ja-f'nt•ra- lhl' hitch lt'Vrr h•vill)l hrrn h~1•krn ""'' th•·lr wav .. • wttn • ..,. 1~ httl "·Ill t••tf'Kin lfl "'" h•t•pllal for ,.,, 1 ,,. ,.1 1,,., 1\alh•• ''''" .,. ,...,,,.,,., t\lt\'tt wht\r• \1JUhnut tr.Ca p , •A t 1r. N o Tte £• tl•" tl••'' l•tttu•t ft'ttf'luf• •tf , .. ..._ """~ n 1rv "' rh•f"d Ju-' t• .~lJ' •n•l "I' "'" fltNf ...... "' ...... •tf ..,.., ,,, .. ,,, NOTICE 0 ,-r UIILIC HE AAINO l'lr l''tulllo ''"'"""· foorwwortv t•l -..:,h .,. -.. t , ,,,1,, t'"'"fl th ftt "'" _.,. ,., "lth Ua• Atfh~ ,.. •w ,.nd At '•"'I'"" t<•·••ti I 'll \ t •luttnU•t' I•••Jt dnJ• •• , , .. ,,, ... ~,..,. r••.-.lf , • "'" •~·1 .. , "fll 11 .. 1,1 n r•tthh• \ '~""' "' ,.,,.. t 'XI t •n•t ,,., ''"' '''''*'" t~:~ l•t t h• t~Prvt• cruvn ••'MI I• ,,_,, .. Ufut" fh•· rt h ttt f ••f ftJ, lip 1•lt• "'"" .. , t h.-· ~·•ll'h •• ,.,,,_. l'••n 1 '"' f r n J•·nqu•r '" ,. ru~, '"" f·• '' ~ •lu• I rt J'••u f It• putt tHt•l 1\ rtrtV t '• ,,,_,,,,,_,,"" ''n''' "1"'" tha t tr"'' I , IJIUt l ~lfllltfr.f hrl\'/f f'" ftlt+ f1 r'h t h•u "'v•" ,..,. ... '"'""'' "'t'h tete ft ,,..,, r 111 I''"' ttt.: ,.,,., _.tnruec ul • '"""'~'.,I IIW"tH t • ~•••h "' •"'' t ..... 6.'1• ......... -:;; --- BALBOA y ••• y •• T s ... , ... ... ...... _ ... ~ ..... .... ~----·· ..... ~_ ..... ___ .......... ............ ~ ... ...., ...... ._....,._...,. --....... PR ..... ··-............ ..... --. ..... ....... -. ............. .. ..._. ........ ..._.,._ . ....... -·-~ ... ·--·· ... ... 11\r .............. ........ __. .............. -... ~...-.'t'n-.. .... ....-_. -#--..... -·~ ...... ,..,... _ _,. ................... .....,._..._ ........... -.......... -. .. ., ... .... ........ -..... .. ...... ; r 1\· ·r·rult~nr-ufl•~n ••f "''' t•nf'lt l"t lin•· ••' 1~•1 1:1 llltu It I 1 ~. Ten• I ;>:H ''"" \\,.. "''Mit·o\y lin,. 11( 1 ~•1 IN lllltl n••11h ••f ffu• norftu•rlv ltnf"' ••f th,. '"'"'' unr'h •f l'••nl rnl A \'"1111" an•l 1\w Y .. lll••r Jo'roottt \Ill' ~IHtlr t ... \111 . {_..,.,. ....... N.-. ............... Ttn; f/lfiUSTIAN S(.IEN("E JIONJ'IOR 'Uv ''"'""'' P•'•JWt•v kn••'A'U H• thr I 'll \' l'11mp I :ro,uno\~ t•~·Jtlrol In t 1 ,. ''"" .. , N~wJ•"rt """' 11 ,·,.u r .. ,,.,. Tht• hrRrlrlft 14 II\ llf' hf•lo\ In 1\1,. I 'll\' I 'q Uill tl I 'hKIIIIM·r• I 'II y Jlal\. :'-0•" lll•rl llo-111 h l 'llllfntnlll, •• "" "'''""m"'' m•·•·ttna MArt h 201 h. l!lH 7 :10 1• rn II\ tolllrt ttf thr 1 11ftlrtttAII I' II A IIIII ,II IIOI•K I !'1M IHJ\\'Aitll W s .. :Af:l':rt. "" ,,,, ..... ,, ... ..J ,. ,, ~ ...... l"'t'r 111Jtlo•lt~.f J., T ill' < 'l fl(f...,TI~ ~ :lfNCf f'1 'Hrl U'o'f ; '-4 • II'Tl I trw NnnlfiiY s, .. ,.., "'""..,.. ,. .... .._.......,., ... I• Tr11tht•l-4'_.,_,..__, . ., • ..._ .._ :-::===~= P'.4Mnrtala ",. n-.4, ............... _. ...... 1'i1 1 "._.. « .. , ... , ................ , • ....._ ............... ---u-t N•......,. fw...,. ee-. P~ II! • t'-'9,-... • ~ ... ...... , ·-· .......... a ........... ·-· ···~~-·-a ... ..._. .. .... C*al..we al: OlrWiaa ....... • ·=-- Ill IE..e f~ ·- l'11lo MHtoll II K~r,.ta ry ~~----------------------~-------(_'_*_"' ___ ... ________________________ _, : '· i'r 1f RALBOA·s PHESENTS M~ll~ M~l~(~l )1 . * A nd lfi, Orchestra SA TU H DAY N I GilT MAHCH II . i -. .. ..... ·. Pap Six TA RA W A lfh SI :T C,lfll\I•""R l hr.r. M P. C"'.o. Ht;s rh 1.._ MAC) . . W «' 'lartl'd for tht'll h tJif'fUI bt-a<'h 'dunn~: nof' <tf thf' llf'v11'' bl11r k n1s:ht!' But. our NllVIII fin • nnd tllf' ¥1111H'r" 1ro• IUI'Tll'd It IIllO 1;1141'' ctnyllj:hl Our way wrt~ l'lrnr .,..,. 111111 "" f···u H11' r•~·r '"'' ";"II) """. Hadn't th~ bite r.:un~ r,:1vrn l ht·m h••ll fo r houn> • '"'rn som f'thins: h;'lppt•ntod un!lf'rh:onrl th<"t' .lflllS h:ul m<IVt·d that h..t1d1 of Hlnl1 \ Into the O<'O'hn n thnu•:ontl yard-hantl·l•~ ·h.oncl • Now t'\'f'l") m:m :u'\·urtltnr.: tu Jllt•nrt 11111:<'0 p )(n o. Dro{lrw'd ovf'r lht"<' pr'fiiN'I rng ~1t1o•' And bl'.:an fi~:htinJ.: lhl' tm(li<' t lltl'~ Sonlot'UIIofl: ~""' htll..l l:OfW {!mill.~ nhuut tour hf'lltl' l'ncm~ l•·lltl tw·~:nn lo h t,..• -l, '""' MARl Nt:.<; hRvi-fiiUJ.:hl in •·vo•l y 1'11111• • Bul, lhl'n•',;; ru•t vn,. euuld 1111.! '""""'''' 111 '""~ t.1111o' A twcnt)')'lird ho•af'hhclld "a>-m.otlo . fu1 o•vo•ty lfll'h . .,..,. t1o•hl l) I"IIU Thrn hkr thl' "Spttll uf itl 'and IIHol mron~ h<•otr- Tht'Y tnr d l•J IU'l it !Jack 1.\'l.Lll all Lhcu' ~~ ~l t........._ Out ol dl.'<'P, w!'ll flrol<oc-l<'fi h1tlo•• "'' luul In burn 1ho•111 U k«'·bloody Ill t I•' molo·~ TbOIM' IIOn't uf hrtwf'n cl" •rly p.uol nnol tho•rr )••llu" ll<•lh·' 1111 Whc-~ their ctcad arc laid. For that Iiiii(• '"''ll'h uf ..und "'' g,o\•• ••Oio ho nrh And many 11 dnmn goo;)(! ~ 11o•'"' 111 ""If, o I•·'""' '"' And llwn·. too .oor MAHI ~.M ; l""udly fit•" 'llilHok ~"" 150,000 CQS JUNKE EVERY MONTH •rn•e Slap and Iii · • IIIII yur car II tile ap hnpl Wartirnt Stop and Go ie t••1ft on your automobll«'. If JUU'w thoupt rationed clriwinr rntanl /111 ca~. you're rilkina your car'a lik . Nt~l«t brinp troubk -to bur- i.np. pistons, t.tttria and othtr hard·tc.-replacr peru. So 1ft Shtllubriation. It'• dalantd to combat Stop and Go ~ar. ShtU will il'llll'«t your car, t~ll you what'• IW't'deod, and ,ift ,ou a diacram-ruript t~llinc exactly what'• been ..,. to help JOUr car out1Mt tht duration. OM p to fnela GoWea SheD Motor Oil ... yCM&r _,....,.. aplalt Wartime Stop end Go wear. IHIU OIL COMPANY, ,_.,.,.w MAKI A DATI fOR SHELLUIRICATION TODAY -·- NEWPORT·BA LHOA ~E\\'~.TJMES. ~ewpurt Beach. Califomia. Thursday. llart"h 9 , 1944 / 11 . SPAR -Cuts· Weddl"'¥ W..-:-=:! • LETS TAJJL f WMGIJ..NJTUD-SAYS SEIA1'E ·~~----,~-----~------~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ I I lo·n by \\'rl~hl A P all••r,on. \'o•l· s·n•, s lhRI S•'nol lll•'m In \\'1\!lhinl(· U rnav be ttwore aru t mort' o•r;on l'dltur (or ) l.'al ~ of tlw l'ulr ton. -a d lildren than uaou•l. llut Bl ll•ht•r-. Au"l1111~ and nuto•d col· Th·11 \'o'nr ('ahfurnoa 1\'111 t•hoosl' h~e•• ot ...... m• that lht'rf' art> All umnt~l nr "<..;r.-.,., Hovt'' '·'·" ,, .1 •. n t'nHo•\1 ~tal•s so•natnr. F'or that fl)f' bab• .. ll .tat stir• pro\e th &l in ": IIIII"' • J"h \\(• wAnt a man who w1ll havt rart.lm# 111.-y a,. a bt~t cr p and 110 ·1: rtny oot:tas ,ns I have sal m 11 plare amnn~ thf' lea<lon• A m&n ttl # .-ar .. no n ceptaon. In view I'••· 1-t,.,.,. l(aller)~ u: lhl! Un1tet1 wiH ~ nh1ltl~,. t ra n111g. knuwltdge n( U1111 f !U't an•l ••lt h marh pr"b-I ~ l .to·s l-i\'nall' ,. a mlrrr anoJ Wlilo.h tlllll pt'rs nultty wr'l as!!ur•• him a ..... u ma•tequatl! bOUSllllt. Lack •··! uuol hslen•·d lu I he m en lht' plrH ,. nmunl!" thusr wh1> !!arert leg· -.t do-l!st~< b,.lp. an\1 , "''"'c!t>d IX'"PI•• <Jf I he state11 bad a·11t lbl'n 1~ All\'<' I'"'" u s ... t.ll0 18 rua U\1! un<kr.urr~nt 'f '" rt-prl'l'l'llt lllo•m In lhat augull\ In .lu•IU• F Crilo'l!ll'r. Cnhf•ll'nl:t trn n IW ·o •·ar th., ynunr.: k r l:llall\'1' t)<~<l)'. h;,, tho • ulo•:ol rnan fnr th:lt )Olr r-•>'"~ ball a r<'al jOb r n h tr (In th•·*' vo c:asums I have w n -.111•111' t '•:o••nwr h.-., nil thr rt" • MDd8 oJ•·t o•ol "hy s..n ,, uf lhl'm were IJUI,ilo'' .ol~thl \ tr;untnJ:, knuwl· Tbe b bnlry, trlllhrn~ to lll.'.rve the. rh• !ilo•n Th{'Y Wl'l'<· m•! !ltjl:flllllen. <'<.11:•'. J)l.'r-onaut~ th111 nm and ,..,.,mUDJty 10 ~<try way poasiblt. Tho ~· ,,,,.rlayo •I nu t>\'ll.lcnn: ol Will. "'''"'" hill! ,onrt Cahforn·a n nff'"t"s ~,a oa p,..n,.tal r ar .. I'Are !o·:ukn•lup Th,•y ,.x,•rh•J nu mf.U· Jll:o .,. :orlluno.; lhP lo•rtdt•r • that eli · ~ L':,.. t-31)~ antS thf' f1tnabout o•no<·. In SUI • a IA1uy they ""rt' Oo~·t ll.tl hln;ol lt'j.:I,):O ium dllil ,.n.1 ,,.rr't'Jt r n woth ho..-.ks n Hlf'ntlldl Tho·y \\<'r c rui.Jb<·r II•• h.l' h· • n '' Iolii~ tim•• l'l'•rdr nt t'l;>t ,,.a.J With 1114' llflni"Y O'nl r hllol l!I~IIUJIS llf C'nlr~ll'tll:o 'llu• 111 opl<• lhl'flll).;h· ..~.· .. f ..,.._ ho ka 114\'t' Rl.,...avs ~'"II m t•n olu nut n fll'\'l l'rt'tht '"" :rll lho· •t:ot•· knull him 1ho·y ~•••hd 11'dl. .t.b«~ lll&Y ~ ~v ,,,. th•· sl<~lcs that scm.l lbcm to k nuw I ho· "'I\,,.,, ht• has n ndc.rl.'!.l · \\ .;.tlln••t 11 T ht 1 uu no. ,, Vt' ltl llu·oou:h II f••n••l ul ~~ ;JI'. tho• last r-'1..."•r .. •n lh,. our rrun1tv whn olol ~ ~ 1 1 S I'· 1 J (' -.a« ~ about lhrm. and ..... h•l lll<•lr !1\lllo·~. lh(' J ll·Hl lj;i.' tllll.l mnu-"'' 1111 I .... l;llo• vii I'UiOl ltlllnliS· •ncdd appn'f"taJ .. t h .. 'Tl F.lllp~rt3 lv o•:lo ,. 8U<" a. pu~.llllll shuu •• l uno! ''""· "' IIIII• h ho• I' 1 ho• "'1111>1 boal<~---.::c_.._._ Lw.t tuJOUj.ID<l. 1~ u;lly ~rL ~ lilt nll,.•r • '1111'\ kt\11\\' h•• !'1!U' _..l:l:_...,.lJIL_at<L • .JU~ t•I!Ji;. t ho .'~ huol 111 lur ruuhHru" na· "'01' 11" '1;:;:;711 t•la'' 1'1' lnlt·r· •-Ollt rof B.'lh\'h ,..,.,.. bv ~·t•ll('r ~ •··I' u•loo•l' lh,orl :oil tlh' I" uJIIo• ul •lld ~~annt: y r the Runabout L11nal h•J.:IhllllluO ...... ,. !hut of Ul<' C ,1,10 nl:l ~ llr by Rai'ml!t!"ft>r. Th'"k. an•l vut " t h<·y tn.'l: us anstrullt'<l Itt' h:ts a n:ollun\\l!.lo• oii'IJII:Itnl· "'h.~. an ll~'pful duron~: pr... Th• n "n tht• fl ' r l•f lh•· So·n:~t•• ·'I" ""' ht-;tlurll \ o' "t·u~:nit!'cl •......, y-n wt-.. n •·har&rt rr train· )'uu ffhd '1' tr ml'n. thus•· we 11•'~<r by thCJUMrHJ!I 10 rv1•ry scct1on. At ·~ .. .., !mpt)rtant. "'"•Ill ih(• r:rlt'n wlws .. wurols aH· '' 11 ,11111~1, n 11,. \\oollhl 11111 lot• num-n-auaJa~r a t bd d 1'1 f'njov rr11<hng 'JIIul<\1 In tht' nt•w!!pap('rs un<.t on 1•·•·~1 ,unun.: th•· thl O<'IIIIIII'' but • t... m... ••m a lar~f'r world Thc th,. a ir Thl'y arc lht' leader• h1• onllw•1w1• and pt•'"ll);<' "ould ,._a ~u.oG w Cf!rtunate. '" iltt·y ale Lhe men who lormulatf' rt'fl c•ct crf'dll on CahfurnH'I. u.at •urll careful attention • I• un•l \llrc<'t nnt1unaJ lt g alatinn. 'I ho· Ho•truhhean' ,huuhl, a ncl I ~ to •lllldrnl'• bf'(lklJ and f'\'· T h•·)· are rren or cltaracler an\1 lx•licve wtll. nom1nrH r t11m ns lh ·ro .-ry ~L from plt'tu~-b-nk ~ at.allty Thf'y arP nateamen. They 1·hwco· ;11 the Muy primaries anol -~ctl htr;h «hnnl, hu th• knvw lht' pro.hltm and nt eda of the mt•ml~<•rs or all parties will ~uoa•y t el •njoy line hllnka. lhl' naUoo and provide the I OIU· joio In aa.;ring bill eltct.oo In N o· We a"' ..JirOGd '1J 01r ctU.ldral'a , ,_ ..t cr UIC br1all cirrulatlon '~ -rhildftn'a bnokt I IEBElLIOfl IUIIS-T IODSEIElT Ratioa fA; •• l H~ f 'l.t:'l \\HJT.\KF.Il Dates .... J)afa Ia Mdrr tn rPar h u many r hil . I ' • ~raa • ,._ bk aDd to tewb them to -._ UW.ry. Wf' han l~f' f<ala.q .~, ...... ~~ liP aatll. ...,. ... tb an.! tt•dlth ~· I 'II•• I• I• ,, •l lll..uo.: t•<O:oll•·l J,. .. 1 1\ , · !:• "'' •··r , *' 11 "it I "'hu·h hn~ now f1111~'<'1 rrt ln th•' "I"'" In , \\'<t,lunr.:tnn "" h l'rc··rolo·nr R••"''' \t•ll :tl \ u>lc•nl l~go•rho .orl' Wllh t'•lnl:""'· rontl th•• lr••U'c· f••UII "'hll'h 11 .,.,. rn (',tlrfumlll rlui iiiJ.: I ho• f ••r· and thnt Ell·\,.,\o•mor ( 11.., n .• n l lhl' ~IIIII' lo·g1~latun· ..,., .• ,. '"' h•t,tl•~l 1n ('lftf\,lot hl olflfl t t,..tl~ '-'·11 fnrf' 1 h.-l,o.th·. t..t~tt·J•Ih '""' thf· '·'" • ·nu• < • , "'"",.·' I a.:1 '·• r Ill• '" r one I ho• c ll'f<n " t:ln'o'. " h llo'fl agaln~<l otiC~JIIt'CI cttt·tal l"" b)' ltw l"''' r n~<r'~ n lll•" t\nrl t'14' r· n· J:n'S.'. a ftf'r )t'lll'!i of k nuckling lin· tl••r 1' nu" tn nnt:l') 1'\ IJ IIHifl ""atn~l rnur.:h·,ho){l <llf'1t<lltlll I'"'" lhf' \\'hrt•• llt~u-.• \\llh o ,,., •h• I••:Htf'l" •n 1 th· I •,-. ..... ,,tf'nt .... ..,, u pnr1 y In full t'l') a~:alll'l tum In thl' fm al ~huw•drM'Tl tn Call· fom ia, Govt>m OI" Ols<lt'l ~f·nl <1..--n to """'ttl~ dcoff'lll bf'ftlm an theo •,.,.l••••turr' on th•• Jlnlt:l'1lm lw dt>- mand«'d, and bl>atm at tlw f!Oib "h•·n ho• •ollll(hl ,.. .. ,.,,'l'llnn an<l 1 rnrtw:rtron i\nrl rl.l• 11•11~ "•'II ho 111 • pho I u· ••I "h,11 ho ' rcho .ool lur l'ro·•ulo•nl IV ot"-•'\o•lt. r .. r Ill<' I•Ml(' '"'' 1 t\Pt B··puhl w.tn .. tll,!run~t O.·nl•lll't'ht ' ltut th•• .~oncn·~ ... n~:rin'l 1 h•· l'n·•hh•n t 1 IJO 111•' ;\m • t rlcan pt'()plt . p~trtlcularly durin« 1 , n•n lft• n•••d I••'· unlf ~ '' '''''1"'1 alf•h 111'1~11 ••nl "•II nnt 1• I• • ''" ,, huu.."· dn'ldold ~ f4 ., If ·1'1\ mntT· rh '" l ':olof•>tnM W!ut· •••• '' ooorld filii up \t llh ot Eitlw-f th•· •111;1• .. "' Ill• l'n.-. .. lt•nt •'111 lw ,, 1'"'''·'''<1 ,;1 lh·· f(tr1hoolnillc o•lc•• """' fm 11 '' n<,_ Cl)'1rtAI , I· ·•• '""' "'' '"'• n •nnt•t ......,. to-- •• ,.. ,, ... nl n •• _.,,.lf' ,..,.,..., n1 ........ :u:•· tn \••tutn.: H .... ta-c bi'l.. en 10 hwh h•• loll foort.\ a .... -..J ill'd C"'"1t- .:••"' 1'\o•Jl Ill lho• p oml nl ~· r on:nt: 1 h·• tnt.-..:rn ' .. t •'... now...,. 1 •.• ,. 14 111 t•roohably gu dowD In .,._ e-m,; )b1dl So. J9U ut ~ ~rt BHcb C:rii.IDIIiar 1 W• ...._ ._. 1 ~....,. Y18IC ue ~ a m•nlh At c:,_. , : •• ', : ~ ..__. dllal .....,. ~• r:»nd ray eelert -1,, Apnl .lt• l..._ ...,._ ln tallt' boml! 011 hla .,_ ~ .,_. 111 ........,. hW." rard F nr J:n~t"'• bl• ... 'll III.&.L..f• •· r _.,. ..,..,_ rhr aat.'l. lf'&Cb~ and IJbnl... ~· J "'* .-~ '*-r-. ..trKt ..,.,.. tn two t Pk f'n tn che.~ aa.! ~ aa I r •lllo el _. f'l"'ubllf'd ltw-re Y .md Z P.n.-n •tMr.lpoo •1.11 bo Sllw:e ,,_. hhrarv hf-lnntr:, In lh<' &QOd unttJ lbrtt ::J'• ~~ tb.o; ,. .;) f'W'Ir-Ky. it llhnullt tw f'nj(Jyetl 2 .:r..-H 1 ,,._.,.. ~ t'*-or • ,_.,. -,.._h'• an.l ''' ""' ~n 1-pnmt ~ •dl ..,. ~·· ~PI: u.r rtul<tnon t ro ul!r II '-~ •-tht111 ·~ JbR1a .... ho~ .... ,..rtl aJmoat .very '•u"\ ;, .... th•· ., •• ..,, c·u ... tl) :nul t rn• V" J1. nt: ... ta k•• Hf hi ... r:.,.-• .,.,.-a m~*"' ~ "loH h ., 1 1'111Hn tn hu>do·r thr war StllfllJ.o o.-&.II~ •Ill ~ a l'liKJw( a hundrt'd nf'w . &n'P :: ..,...., fat ...,_., a-''"""> ~--ad<W thla month. t.h .. ~ Ia •lfoo•l duo• l(t nN-dlt"'' Jll"'lfJqli _ __. <"" ~ ...._.........._-._- II _. h h --·• '---• _..._._ ..__... ~ ·~ • -ua.rc few f'Yery ar;f' a nd ta11tt "'" "1 nn•• ,.. II' may .. .,....t -................... o. -·"" .__ 11 · ~ ~ f'·r -a ebaldrnl. a tkrta and ool• ,...,.,...aatann at lnr po • m "f>" ~~taD,. X "-1 -~-lllloiPd ......__ --......&-. .........., •• \o•mhol ~,_.,....-alway~ a fl IIIU" ~~ -to .. t--'· ti"INl . .-tlloeir -~lllcMY Hun· ,,.. l•'m rorr of Mr Rlw.....-wft'll 1a t111aw ..._. ..... •..-..w ......-trdl ._ tlloroa«<lly l!nJrovf'd fo·ll..,_. OMnocratt. wa.<; lhaf111~ f'ri-114 illloerl Jby 1 ....... Cilia .. llkr ~ Sooe. 'T o- d«'nct'd "'"'"' mort' ~t~ --~ ~-.._ tJMo ....__ G'•"'-vntcd a£111M I thl' ~"'' thaa ....,._ ._. ; _,. --~· -~· """"' fnr him In rhl' hou-.c-mil~ War IV .,.......,.,, ~for tbr boy11 the~ on 11 mntaon to O\'f'r-ndc• his wtoe S.... Na. lD •S ._, .......-• .. Uw ~ftllunt of Slhu C11ief"' by 11f ttl(• lA'( hill Th•• \'01" to m'f't'--......... ...._ 0'""- IHio hi .. w•to ~"~ too -.;, ,.,.. OIM' Sf ... So tB •5 !Ito& .--irllc 'I1R -.t ol l'lf' adult flrtl n In· ool 1h•· m"'' "'"r•• r••touk•·• ... ,..,. ..uc-rl -·In ,..., .... ...,.~ -"' l'lSt rl»:tt. "'("Oflr •'t ~awnre" hy ~Ill<" .t•tnHnt,ft•n "ft h~ t·nnJ.!f""'' to a •~a,.. I tnh' IIN"'IIIt•nt Th.t1 \tl1•· euupl'"'t "tlh ,h. tr• 1'••U f•l fht • "t•n,tf• IU •''"" U\t r nd• "'L: 1 h• '• It h~ ,1 ..,n1:1 .. h1nt.: m:•r~n 10 f IH n • * f•••••tn~ ~ •t,thtr J\lhrn \\ H.trklt' •·I h • ntuo 1,, •· o•-rn.'l 1 ·• If\ t• ·"'' • .olt •. •r \11 R •rklc ') h oil hl <oko·n "olh lh• l '••·•r•l•·n• ,.ruj I I'· t I\ ····n·l··rnn•l;ff tun r''*"''t f at.•d fh•• \4•tF'' f•'L:I'""l.tl,\• -.•tf'-J("" ''• n ...... , ,.,, ",. "•"· •. ~1 1n 11 Cf'f't'll <C ~~,. t' a.~ .,,.__ Uoall. -A Bf'll For Adano" h \' an-t cnt.am drfl;.•ll.,t~ ,,....,._ .Joo4'aa f "'rwv. ""'' "Libt'rtv :'lrf'f'l K. L -t K ,.,._ '" )t.uT1o -') "" Jl••nu ll<'n "'•II ltkt' "LI"'k Grlo'fta ~ K L .-t )I •tit Away ~At* A•:ty" hv W'hllf' An•l tv• ~_,II 'M.arril :J) ~' •t--v • ·~ln)r 11f buh<t>8. ,,n .. Of lhf' J""'P· ' 2. _. 1 walurt... ~ ,,.,._ "r 111ar -lllywtl!n "• ~ '"nit> Bat>y r~ 1..,.._.. ~ ~., ~ m u... ~ran · by ~bnn• n ~~'··· -'• P..eotl -.aa.-ra , Jft J·-~• ,, , .. , I Mil, .-.aJiol"d • aiO • -t ... t. # .U. ._.,. ... ~ Wil.lll· .luo.llr~ anol lt,.. I IOnah.l .I P• •1::•• '"'~~ t,,, :. l•> ll r and )tr~ JIU'k ··~~" an.l O'hllttrf'n from w ag ._.. WANTED IMMEDIATELY! FOR 100 MEN REPAIR WORK Defente Plant e Electrici ans e Mechanics e Ship fitters e Welders e Painte rs e Dockme n e All Cra fts e H elpers SOUTH COAST CO., SHIPBUILDING Apply 2108 W. Central 1 l.<r.. m ... t flct:. ~\pd th,JI a .. ., hall "''"'' p.cr:oll..t 10 C'.a ftf,.moll h."W'I. 10 th•• 111-on d.-.~-. •ho·n t h•· l .to'TTl(,. , ~.,,., .. ,.nnrrooiiM :l•!<l'ml•h ..... ._, A& .._ C"1i ~·-... u .-, ... ~ m. El _. ..... )1.-dr 12 to l6yZL ~ .............................. ~ .............................. -w Gl. Mil _. ,_ ,..,.... r. ,., ""' ~1 r < ''"''"' SJW•nk••r nt 1hr I 1<•11"' .oru l tn•lllllo·l1 ....,. "' "' r•~'Tl -.J•IN't 11111 A FISH STOflV 1f •••h •. ,._,.... nt~n antt n1•~n w..ttr• f•10h a J lh· t 1rr,. lhf"rr·,j bf' A boy and J1r1 l'omld t&kr a •nlk t ... n .. nth thf' rollin~ w a A !1<1 " h•·n " I rro·<l hoHIIn"""""an huo ('AI I• no 4' all JP:I\'f" rout Jlo 'ol I Rill ... ,. Jon,. Uf"•n lhO' ""!VI and rftl < h hlmiM'If a ln>ul Ar•l 1f •ho• !'hark• anol •• rut•• •I I "',,It " f JOh n 1111 II 1.· h·r \\' .... ~''"' I I! l••v Iloilo r Thumhl' '''"'n "'t!h y"u W c-'ve 1\a,l r noultb CJt ,\n I 11 lt>:ll ·holn I .;. .. , I , • lh1o•\\ 1 11~n' nil In 1 , I 1 r tiC' tlh 1r tnol.ol t • .!"'It " .... ft t , ..... t \ • ' \\. I'' \\I' I t. r •' •. I' ,. \\1 •• .... . t 1 .,~ an .tt1 •• '' \\ ,. t • • ,,,,, • \11 ,• a P' '''' pt '• \ :\·, \\ :: .. . . . , ... '"' rt~ tht• \\ , •. r • .. -J• \I I lo • rn ... t I I ., ooll •• I k•• I'll ~,..,J f •11•,. -HAROLD t A SS I~::!D Olaof' .. .-,. ••• ~ ...... • ·-,.,....., ,.._ .... ~ ~·· lntled ........ M.•a.ot D s.o-•• , \1..,r .. PS.GI.JaA-'D-.Aprill .•. .._.a. I Ll .. "" .. _.~.,. 1 , .. ,. .. c ("~ Xo 10 • A-&.* •-..,.... ,_ .. 1brda 11 I A. ~ -=-c ._. ... -...... '"" :ac~ _..... c-ar ~ ~ and lltatk fl/1 ~rat.-. r-••u: •-c...-~~a~c~rB ,.,...,. J --"' :'rth k 0 ~.-.. twf<CY" F~ ~ &-.. ~ ~~·-,,... llh ~-Wf<Wrr F~ ~ ,..._. ........._ ""' 6 ~!t-o. :1 I ~ II br #-, ~ lt 1"~ ,.,.. ... ,..-.cc _... ' on•l8 or !J0(10 r-. ""-• ( d:-~ • • Ill 'Ill! 'f' 1b«' th~ a!' a !r- ~~ Jlr aD<t ,., w·cr...a~ \\ I .. ~ -~· "'=""' I t~· .,_ • .a Ul ""''-..l<) ONE~D.Ki ._. •o..-A-Dity-:.ran .,.._... A _. D T a!n a .......... ;. y,,..;. A MWI : ,.,....F ,. .., .-1 .--lu · .. a; ,_,._.,_ Cetl ~~ 0 ....... ····-·-... ·"~' ltat .... I .lAM 5 Y-.... A_..,._ --..IF ef rl::t ...... I ~: .. r ,._,_.daa :..l .. c''' =- rOll "" 1•sv•c z..!~ ..... ...a.,_,__. Y=" Elett an Aggrtssive Citizen as COUNCILMAN (Capt.) Chas. M. Foeller Balboa's Vigorous Exponent of the Truth Rnd His Platform for a Bigger and Better Civic Growth ····-······························································· CAPT. FUELLER'S PLATFORM For a Grtattr Sewport Balboa wi t!l the beli e f tha t New- port Harhor wi ll lead th e count y sca t in population in the next tO yea rs: in .:w years a popul a tion o f 100.000! fo-Ordinated Harbor Auth«)rit y, wit!t co unty ta king the larger end o f its ma in tenan ce. as th e harbor belongs to the county. thus assur in ~ its ~rowth to the west toward the San- ta Ana r ive r . )lak~ tlw largeo stretc.-h of bear h from ~ewport Pier to. the break- watft' a sourc.-e of re\·enue. (More a bout this late r). Rndjastawnt of opeoration of dty departments with definite chan~es in a ppointee.s by t he council. THEY .KEEP ··EM RILLINII 11 ~-..-c .. il t~:s· .;.~' a , ..... a -o.r-.A-IM., 1' ..... ~..,. 1 .... • at re; r•r: ··~············-···········································-·····-- • r ••h llr:•l ,\,1\t ;' "'< nl• II Elo'< laon Ap11l 11, 1~4 1 1111 UIM•A•I Ul Till U&K-'IIMIIII ... · .i61 --.. --_. ... -,. ................... .,.,..., .............. ... /"""'..~ NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TIMES. Newport Beaeh. ' ~~~lifc,rnia. Tut>scln\', Mftrrh 7, 1944 RED CROSS 11 war. You a~ orw of thoef Unktl.l tlw IWd <-r.. il ~ ln. llhall , '"--H Bee • w~ can't all build plan.s or Wf' s.ay, --pidlln& up tlw .,_..... •• I Itt:' oney • A 'tt..ltte ~ OF ~eft .,.., ~"'lr" ~. ~ mun br mtWW')"'""' Anlt~~ C ii S ·but th(•rc Is dt>fmlt•ly sonw thiD£ •'him 10 •oril and thfoft tlv,. !'f&~U!~u.;a ~READ CLASSlElED AD.S F-O-R B _ARGA-11 ~~ ~=--:a=~lli3;;=== ---~orm~ tonh I' thotdoh'. i Andh it don' must be-prop&r IO do ...... woril • Rotary Topi(S havt> hfoard thr old '""'"& t't' ll.S OUJ: IS s t ~ nunu c hal I . . ~to do It di'M'Kn't It. P'T'om your ,... IU'Inual ~ ... for that __,. T HF.LI' ,, A :->Tt•P \\ oll'lltlll hi .... II II., c 'I ... ~ ~ •• ,. I ....... o1 "' ~ a c n 8 only 11~ ><tmng ~~l rad1o "~ ~admr and U!<tmin~ t:< n cM· a •·f"t''E c:>ld and"'~ r.-~., F.flrra ,., tM ~" lr1n1n,: 111 hotp•· ""'' ,,~,·11 "'''"'' 1''"1''" "'II'''" ~1'1 """' ~1. weak"t link. And you know 1 ~ou nnw surtly know what a U5t'· alun.: f:url~ •·«'II If tho• houv-t~ tt••nrv en f(a•·• th• N•.P,rt Bal·1 \\'Ill f'''' ilc• , . .,11110 "'' l r Zit llt•ll•"• ""'' ·.•Hoi \lnoln,. A•wnu• (ul nnd far n>actung plt'<'f' ol •ork h••u..,,..,,rkC'r-.hawn't _. )'OU )"Yt ...... Rotan' C"'ub a rt>,..P"'hC'nel.,. 28th~. :--;, . .,.,1,..,1 Jlnch . call l 'nlh•"• 1-'llllfl I~ Itt ----------------------------..... t ' .. ,. "' II • r al W1Uc •-all try If hlk "" th• hf# •DC! hahlta nf tlw flflf'r •, 1 1 ~ 41p .. ~ 11• .... I."' H E tho·~ rruliS )"U ••on t ~·OU ..., od to~ .. ._ at thf' rf'«'lt'ar Tlt•ada1 • ~ ,. I L. P ,·,-ur t'\W'IInhutl<ln tn tho· klcal R ... l ,.,.~n•n~t mHtlnjt \\'arne Harpel' \\'A!IITt'l• ,.,,.,.,.,,, 1111r..,. '" Cro» •>lfl<"o'. tn U.albo..a-J u .. l .-u p~m C'halrman rl<1••rh f\111111\'1 ,, ln.ll' '"'•'"'' Kt1ttn .... , lh•· X••l'l"f1 tl.mrt .. -., R..,l Pr"' f'_.rl l'ltanl•v annnua~ N•"!'··• 1'··~ •, ~~·•• 1 ·1 'I ("'1-o..,., Stt...,·~ Rt.J.: R.oll•.a ttw rHUII• of thf' """"'' •1...-tiOft Xo••· a,, to ttl(-pq"-· to~ dn ttl(-, f _. r ffk'f'rw and dtr?<"tortl to HELP \\ \~IFI • \\o• "1 '"r •1n h ••'lll't' Hlt!t\tHft.l• '''1' rt•,tl•• :.'II 11Citl ""'''" 1"1111 I~· _.,,,. Ill ,\I' I ~ I I• '"11111\fl I \•urb tilt\ :I Nt'\\l~tJ.LOh,l ,.,, .. ," M•·..-tt n 1 ••r .~I' n~ -.n.l ,,,, Stnt 1~\ 11' ~·tl' -SHORTEN THE WAR All your dwt•r.;; (rom lht• ~1drhnt>s will not hPip brin~ "h1m .. tlpme_ $000•''·. Rut :,)11.11' w·~·k on th£' p~'Odw:titlll liN· WILL. Hu'Wfrt'<l~ or men and wonwn likP ~olll~(·lf art• uq;t•nlly nt'tod•'Ct to bUild lht• Dougla." A1111lum•s loll ''"'JIC'nttcl) no-.odtod un our righting front:.. Draft Yourself Today ~o E11p.-ri4-Me SHilled. \'ou Will Be Tralllf"d and Paid Retrulu Wacee \\1aiiC' Leamiq. •·nrk It •ould hr thnlhna: It) t .. · 1 .. ~ 0 ,..,.,. J ulv t t!tU t.tarloft jrt'lltlil h· ""'" • I. V•tll tlrnf' :1 fu•loJ "nrkt•ron 11 fort'll."n lt."'ltl• ~I •·a" thf' out atand'nc and Llw ill ur 1•ul o:o•••l M liH \' lliP F it \\'A!I/1' .. :1• I 1.. .... · II .a. ""· 1 1 thtn"t '""" '" stu~•·· th' ~t d t•"' It' II an·a . ""' .... C'an I • • .•• ur:•n•mnu~ r hnt.·· for ,.,........ 'n fO t II '"'" lit Lwlll\' f'\o14 \'lit lh .,._ ft .... ' Lll , I I •·• uul' ''' 1.~'" An ..... ,.,." ~,,..,,,,. 31 .~, a ,., ••. "'" ........ un~. anol hi!O ''"' .. lln<l faltllf'ul , .. ~o·d I 0 ·"I I .... •• ~~.. ro; .. w .. r l .. · 1~-...--..... _ A . .... ,.. D L. Halt'4.st 7 1 ~ n tu t 'IH'"' "t'\\ 'IIJ'IIClf l to ,,..,.... • ,,.. '"'"''"'' t. .. '\1 ..,. •• II• .. _. •tn• variO\J' dub o!'ftc• , •• , . ., UHf•· I . .._ •-...... ~..... • ....... .. -n I I :.Ot :lt ;:o ~t·· 1'1 "• tum our ""nt"' to ,,. •• ,.,., ••II _. __ d him In ·--"' atnd to . ,, h • ....,., ""'"1 l:lii'U'Y~n::-.;T \\' A!IIT if.ll \\'tah ··~~<If\' su~ ... AO(Io-.. an-,.,.......'(, J'UioiC' t'tw-hrlm ,,., ~he comt... nffkl' JOio 'ft>r 4 hill II thl\' .:,. no.\'r.', ~··········:.~ n.:ht no-· Th•N' t., ;a 'lW" t.-.r y~ar 1 poortcn, c-ol In t' 1''"1( 11n.t •·•m• I and I J l nula llalta ..,. ... ,_l..c:lf'd Nt'N· ahc•tll.nnt ~It • c'"thr ronr f'.•8 11111\'1 ~ II I ::•1•1 "'"' l'lllolr•l N'& 1'01'"'""' rno·oan R'a ..v-·-~ aad 0 R Rf'f'd ""' ... , .• fOCI Mill lllr t-:nl~ll\t'R .......... ,1 .. ceo• Yuu k.NJO'· ~ '"C'Arno nu"""' ,-" t.b• ~:ro1o· .'•II \\ ··•tnlllt81o·t ro;,.w. an• A trn1n.'Ct ~ll~1 Aid r.ar. rmtouN>r 'nw "'malndn' of I I purt 11•'11;111-AJ•I :1 111·:.!1•' MAHI:'I: .. ~ ~.\1 \'1\,,J.' A!IIJI go far 1..,_·ant n-piM'ln.: ttw nul'4' -boent of ctl,....tnnr. tn a ell' It t~n __ _ 1\11-'1; c., l 111110 has IJt()nf' to thr front It b.n't to ttt• • .,.,.,... otnrnw; t. tocns-d HELJI \\'A:-< T,:;.,, •:, 1"'""';;; .. ~ :'!Ollll \\-r-ro\1 rill I>' •• r h ~·:1<;1! W a job for a SU~J)' It b hant l'1 Jarlt rolf'. Wa)'nC' llarl"f'r.' r n lllulltnn huol) "'"" an.t ~''"IHII t lto-:wh l 'nlll •·ortl and lt>rnbt) unpon.vtt It Ptnllly ScnU. Erwin ~plc:er a.d pa.tnln 111111••1\ M "lur~ 11111 •: til tr• f'OR ~.-\I.F.­ RitAI. ~TATE i F11RNmfRE I FOR MAJ.r-.. ---I'AI .l~AflJr.~ TAVlr.RN. <'omna lllll '~lo~ t-'Pit ~A I.I\: T"'" ~~ ........... Itt··· ~l\lh ~~. N .. Wptlf'l l1t•o1t h c In I\' ••nr hluo II fl ••m I ,,. """ l'h••nl' 11:1:1 .I :lll·llr ''"I 111u. 1• u11'1"'"""• •urph• pr1' Wilt fltntlAhln~:• o•f bf'cla, 11111 It rra,...R, .. •r1n~•. table•, \\ lu·n \ ''" Think ,,( ICr"l Jo'•llll". 1'hlnk ••f ,IIIII :'1: )'C A 111.1•:111 \'oo~:o•l I II .It; II \ I I IIlA 1\h ul ''"'"" ~nrr• \' I '•'P' ,.,, "•'-c:•'" t4 0U8E8 ~ 0 " tMMEOtAT£ P OSSESSION fOR &ALIE :\ t .. ,.,tn"•ut 1!•11 J .. :.cl(l uu !\ '""It H4•111 I,,, II. '"'''""I"""'' 1\\llllt• , ....... $114101111\1 .. ' ht•th .-.1111 uuhu nt•h•'•t. lt.,ttl f lfl ~>lhll\11 ,.,.,., l.tollll'! W I~Hhhll4, ... ,, lttlllh•· Afri:t•ut i It t-' l 'rulo"l Avrnur l'o•lol'h lu• Nr"l""' 110 •'hlllta, c-It AI••• larf(f' • fl~- 1'1•1"' 1111r.r;. ''''"' tablr and t'Oat· t•1t'll· • '" k ll\ll bar wiUI 2 metaJ •Ink• 1111"'' Utl•t• •n•l f'ntla at J'TI• r• I.. 1111'\'tf • Ctlllf'll nnw '"'"'" "'"' 1 .... k I hla ••vcor C'n,...r S•CI\ II'W "I Ill t'arn&I.ICII'I l'tlnnl N··•• 1'••1'1 14:>1\ lA-Ue: t>lt'lr ..,h ur '"''' t•I-N •ucb U •h .,_rll, •·tl,.•l "· ""•'•· a'-"t alllttola. boon• lu'tl, t-tn11.1m chain, aprlnJt• mttll r_, .tl\mlt .,.._ tolt' l..ar•" •lorll• col ~tya.. anol tlnlahf'l llf'lrhwood, raa.pla, w1lnut trulnNWi'0.1, mahCJI'UIJ, C._lttomtan tea.,. ,...,.,., Me- Watolln "'lrnllur. C'n . 2ac1 aftd ll~way, "-nla Ana.. lO.Ur J oin tht' thou!<and~< of plltriolu' South!'m C'ahfornianlo alrf'ad)· JlQii)LK)(JlCihlru:..R.EAl.._ to ~ .their loved OW!S back sooner_ n w war won't wa1t. Nl'ithl:'r should you. lll bt-inr; ~ ~....,. a'f'f'lt b) ....,.. Rnland Wn&ht I Uay A•· """~· · 1'1• ,.,. ·::.!:• ,..,...,... Wh<r twnr ~ m kl'f'p. ~ abatet!Wftt _. ..__ 20 2tr lh 'AT .. \lit SAt.Jo.: l llo lh·r l'h~l' ~~~~ Ynrhl An•;IJ.~'~r••• t~tfc• 11"\IRNITutUC liHR AAI.K-H.- chlldrt>h to , .. ,.off to ..ctoo.tl. anti d·•·u...t and the' mattn of ~­ hu!lbands conunc homo· to daruwr ..... tnf..-11on from larvae that HJo:LI' \\' A~1't-:l I I ···•k ·'"' .. ""'' But 11 CAn br don.-. for It IS bf-II'IIJtht bf' bt-nupt In from the Pa· l'nd pari I• • 111 ~l fOI I 'IUII uti IIIII tni: ~and mono pt"'ppr _, do~ dftc l\zlttiD& -CUD« ln for , boa hl~tnol l'lrun , "" Ml'll Hit 1\ouol,..~n ~'i lit l'lA 1.10: Thrrr hilt lui• In :-;,.,.,.,,, t ll•·ll(hla fao·h11 thrrr "' t ••••t.. )'C,, \\rei 'nrnrr Ill• I • · .. unh lloo••l ""'' lt.•l•a Av,.. ,. ~111 t.tr,.. $1~1 1~10 ,tuwn. hnt.l furnllhllltra: rlf't trlr ,..,~. •r11tnr, 10 twod•. •prlntr• and -t· ,,.._.. (1~-r•. ollnlnJ roc: ... t\Jrnllurt~ and rutra V•ry ~ Apply TODAY for work at 1-'Pit ~AI.V. :.!IC fl • I'll ""' hu ll. DOUGLAS LONG BEACH PLANT It 11 ..,. . ., .,.. tb ~ OD ....... al r...a..trralllf' N)llllllftlL 11 ... Foot~. N tWjiOtl ll«-:u·h Jlt·J home' br uctlt nut that dft\cUC' fe.er. 2()..2tc un bll' '''' rt•ultrf' ••r f111hln1t 1>1 a t A """"lo: tr""'"" """ liM' I. mllh .. llllll\' piKnlllnl Nu m••t nr f'C'<ndltlllft 1&00 It: 0cMA. BaJ. boa. t•tte or If )'W •'111 ftU'OII M • :Su~ whlrb haa attarllf'd ma.ny of -r At~ waU )'OU ~.or c:aiJ •• , ..... -d'"'-. {'OUid br IIPrf'ad from tiltH rna RENT l~.t o>ffl'r thll Wf'l'll 11111.,. Al111• ~ 114 1'111 II:IIIVIInllttll 1111r IA(Ikl, II" I ·~ 7. l)wl!l'r I !17!1 W 4:\1 h ~I lA,. AlljCrln 1111 AI :11111:\ MIHilOit" ''' all talncta fnr JOUI' ... t,..·tton Wodtorq mttTOre WIG .... 11 aqua,_ and ·with m...,.. bnrdlra. var•nua •-u -~~ M r,.rr.., mlrront Wan)'......_ A ...,..._ uwl .,.,_, ,vL It :lll' Santa Ana Feeder Shop Rt'Ct Cn~ off~ .and ~ .JI thr anrt _.,.trtllnl, aDd u tb .. ,..,.... t.,-ts! •• wn-and hard lo nan. _. F'OR Rt'!l/1' P HI r 111 1110 w • 7ft lh. arw hor anti tr1"-.t llnl' 'J Otntn~l Aw• ro; .. wJlOrt Ul'ar h llllnll• with Jllllnflll on• Ill lnC'h ----. A ·~TTII" HOMa Gt't f'\111 Information at: AlliO. thf' olfw _. S1alf .... 'tJMJucllt abould ._ 11nn to • ustants richt -too. 1'llloR ~ ~· t bat mtpt pro¥• dan~Wr· •'o·rrln.: "''hf'••l H•·nrf' 4 30 •Iaiiy 11ft W Bay Annue Appl) 111 a•lolrru "' .-1111 IMO 1 l -tt~ at n ... t ~hop. !\&h ancl lo"'1ni•Y 'J·•I••• y, 'J·b.-<lruuma. ~-J161t•l)' DOUOIA8 SANTA ANA FEEDER SHOP UNITED STATES EMPLOYJIEN'I' SERVICE ttl(-··~ ·--......-~ • half da) -I c•n 1 'llnal N••·pnrt llfoar h lt·lt(' turnllllf'd l:lac-1"" I'IDire, "''"W· l.......tt...-. .. ~ ......... a -at 111 tlw ol'--*"IIIC thr --------------W .un' TO tt•~NT Onf'·hf'droum 1 rat or rl .. ..trh· Tt••rm•od11r• hMt , .. ,.. (.."o., 2nd ... 1'81tm Al'l ~~~ andk.rfpnc tJwo ~ 501 w. ali' at., -.... AMI. =-:=-1•· opm ror ~-No ..,.aaJ W~Hday and Fldary 8:30 A. M. to 5:00 P. M. qWthflcattc.. are nqwnd. t-·- )'OU ht'lp hrft! Sp8kifta: o1 tJw otraor -.,.,. about to ..,., •'lth • r-ctr..ll """lch has brnl louord to &a lor I 0\'~r two )'an b,-llr. ...t lin. . AVAJLABILITY CERTinCATE R~UlRED WUU&m Tnld.)' ol N ~ w port 1150 NEWPORT BLVD., VOSTA limA Sound Motion Pictures and Song Servke 7:30 p. m. Lecture, 8:00 Saturday Night, March 11 - "THE MOTHER Of 111M" AND HER BIRntDA \' CELEBRATION ~ SPECIAL: A<X'Oniion r~nd vlbraha rp concert t)y John H:tn('()('k ;mrl Mrs. Harokt Pftldlam or Sacntmento. 7::\0 . R:OO. -Chalk 01·awin~. Sunday Night, March 12- '11000 FOR A TEXT" Thou~and~ of I June:-~ I Pt·p;u·hcrs and Christ i:tns "Know" Is in ttw Riltlc•_ Find it and Collt~rt. Sountl Pkturt.•: "IN-land" Ctlfllt' and Wednesday Night, 1\tarch 15 Third Big "Qul'fltlon and Ani'WPr" night. Put in your que-st ions! Thursday Night, March I~ Arthur Donald!iiOn, M. D., Spnkl' on "INDIGESTION. ELIMINATION, AND GROl'CHJNESS." Sound Picturt': "London". Friday Sight. Mart"h 17- "Mvsn:R\. OF TIIRt:t; A~fot:J..K PRF.ACHI~Cj I~ IIIU AIR 0\·t:R ('.OSTA MF.SA A~D N'D\l'ORT." Chalk Drawing. Saturday Night. Mafth 18-- "BiWe EWifiM!P ·"'-' 1M .._ •• N'ailrd to ..... c ........ But watc·h out -:-Don't t.. roolf>d: Come Along Folks • • . The Crowds Are Enjoying It wt GOT A DL ""'tR-Pt-.NO. QIJT "'OU . A I N I r COMf. TO M¥ HOUS£. lL.L ~HOW "(OV ... lktchta 1'hoe 'neal L4-Cuaa la Apt furnr~nr<r. by ""'l'lnyfod t MIMCP.I:.I.ANfJOtlfJ · unit•. tlr .. jlfar• Archl\ic(unllJ a '"f"f')' cntrfuJ Now llw TnDI)'S CGIIplt in vklnlty or Newport INI"Ou"': TAX lll:tlVlCI: tr•m lhtlll undoor rHA tlnUioe ....... lhf' ~k a.nd •r nt'f'd an· ., r• I I t1 T t 1 1·'- othrr onr. iltr trw-imponanl 1 r " II 111"""' I dlal Buch M r" llfll .. on J'hnnf'l L',vo•l , oiiiV a nol •vrnln• Wall ,... ant nap..<' nn •• a rvna ..... ra· ...._, ~ __._ 10 UN' HJ!v~ -N"''J"'rl 1:.111 ttuurt• 11·4 :10 ll"""lJI prumt•tly 111111,11,.,1 1•1,.,.,,. on ·""" mm• I .,.._ •• .......-.-zo. It~ alon ,._ onr )OU raft loan Ull! I N .. wpnrt 23lt·W ArcnuntaDt, ""L~H a MAIK&Y Allo ttw <."amp and 1-bpital llfrt H:ur11 l 'cotll~., uf ~nla IS~'() to: t'•nlral Avt . B&lboL I A ' t _ ___. 'Jo-11" J•n c:amnttlft pi'CJPW ~ " a ton--Ana AVffiUf' wu the ~nt hoat· "1 S41 0 1 ,_t lllv.t . N•wport Jt.acb ,_ and work room. •udt u • 1 • th .,... d --tNio thr mrm>f'n c .. e ..... an t"~A~Tf':lt YAHnAca~ Ao·etal•i l'hltn• 402 lll·tfc· ~ or a.n unocn~pird r.ton or Hy~ C1uh 111 11 •h•lll( trully """"'"' · n r J't' j•l'll~y rayun• •hantun1 ott-..-. Mn. Shfoldon Coopf'r 1 h y -.. , Ita 1 L'-'-td lunrh~·ln In lf'f Onll' lnvrly n ura l nriul• C"um• tn Whrn tiU I tlln. " • ........ •• as t'hauman This commlttH u · I' I ..... -·-• 1 .,... lh•m 111 Clrlltna f)e..t Ttllnll tol ~ funa&.~IDQ and all IIOI"IS ~ r•~a,.ar.. ,.. "' "lvrt'. 17ll:t Nt'W""Irt IJht..l . ('OILI , .IOUN l'I AIII..Y.IIt ot •• Si ata 101' ttw vaiWd rw· ~ 8"• • "' ~~ t'rf'ateon and N'hablhtatlon BC'tlvi· rva "--.,...-MrH 10·4tc Vu1•l nidi ,...,. al· llw arm)' und nil¥)' holl· JN('{It.!E l'Jli)P":HTY ~A<.tll· 1 F(lll 1-(AI.Jr. ~llvrt plttt••. 1·umpl,.lf' plt<lb J'1rii!IC' Wl U.'< know If )'OU net-: ('nmJ'll'lr fllm .l .. flrll !\·1 "C'rVh f' oof t'll(hl nrvf'r tMof'll kncJw wht'no lhNr work and 110~ flor\' rr .. rnr Ili on·• •• l'all•a•l"tl 11..,.,1 IIW l'h N,.,..·1wort IM41\ room can 1~1. and ,...life down Tavr tn .,, I !I rm11 . lllrl(r •r>•rt· 111 41•· fOI' • triulr mrn t luhhv wll h huJtf' I lrl'plar,., I didn't mak•· that hnk·m·tht-cltnlnl( mom, It II• h•n an• I 'ol"k · \\' ANTF.Il Ntt•.. , ·"'""· rotlot1 rhaan hllk--nnon Ju.ct to ~ tPII ""' 11'\t) rt truntal(l' "" pri· I r•l•· mlnu• bl1tf"ll" a 11ol ruttl•• 1 IIAJ,JIIIA Allk Ah 111 Our "aft~Y l ltoll'lllt Uollf'• IIC II IHJ: .. 'l ilt MALJo: :\ t-:lrn"m ..... I" "' 118P, 11111111'111 II ,,,, llf'~tllllful I'""" 224 Wacnolla. --------------VAl""UUM P'OI\ RAUD Naart)' IWW AlrwaJ, wltll attac'-..t.. Alao t•htk'o ta~ta. ID06I& ...., 9t'n\e Bo• ·w·. f1. N_ .. ,._, N-pnrt Bltac'b. --~~ 1"01\ I!IAI..IC lt42 Woetc-.y Ward moldf<n trU cooll._ "-"• 4-bumor wtU1 trndctle. , ... 306'-l'alm 1ft , Balbne .... B&Airn' 81101' WANIIA'I BEAUTY AHOr 211\ Warllle Tnnl ltlan1111n prPaeh.inc. Mo~ !'Ufltlt>lll dl"f''l· ftlf' drlv• with ,,. ,.11n an1t h"Y r-;11 "''"·, l•,.·klt•t:• tor "'""" piK'•• AltC" pt'OpW arr baclly nM'df_'Ct_,:,.-_..,.._Uhll(-U. _o]t..l but In t•k < ,.,_ \\'111 I'"Y 7 • ••Ill" Ito "I N""''• ( '""'·· ....... , .... .,.. :1711 lt·41r - mono blofld donon< too Ana ll'nt 1111111111, n and rrpalr LAnd T im ... nlflr •. 3011 w l'rnt ,.,., ,_, Lrll )OU II bout orw' ot our alnnr Ill wiOrl 'I prr•·nl ,.,.,·rlrtrr 1(J I I &:ood. stnont; ltnlco hf'~ Ml"5. An· )w ;w JiGD Smilb. ol Bafuoa. ..:ow twr prlt'l' of qn.,!y $ H .fiO() t no•r rr· S to:W ~Hi\l:H .,., lit I·: A .. ~ 11•:tt • f n~~~th pmt ·of bloott on F•bnaary ttrln,; U.OOO cuh ur """ • lo·u ,..,.hanJtl', halan··~ uf 141 OOIJ let I f'ant. Shfo hb bK'n &IVtn~ lhi'OII~h • ..lf'rllrot 1~ wllh low nwnlhly . lwor ~ Anl{f'k-s hc.lrtw group, t,•tl ••' ~n two 1,roud o1 htor, can't ,.,. P"Vm l'llt• ('nurt••Y to bn•k•r• a noJ of ho·r cL-.ughh'r. Dorothy, ,.h., l naf"'l't prnpcony • • ,.,.,... ~t•ttvlr" h.'\' 1:1\'o'fl fiVI' Jllnf' .. tncl •hn hll' anol ('11r1111tlnn, C'"r "" •I• I Muo, "''" ··nto•n 't.l tho· Sluftt·nt Nu• ..n or l'h Nrwpurt 14:\t\ ·:o trr Tt:tmtn,: ,.,.,.,.. 11:11' nrt '" 11~· ~m11h"' II•M' Ar•· )I'll cJ01n1: IIJ a An' I'm ht" 1oo1lty l.nk :tntl pl.•;•'"' d· •n't lut .:• T th•' · ,.h,"• t I••',. ftll ~!'1\ I •I l1kr• ff'!-'"'1 f •1 ,,,. \\'r t 111 r y " t IIIJIII'Ir lhu u( Ill '""" thf'M .. , .... 1nf'ludln1 whll•i pin); ~"·"'• h11th rallnnr•l an.t tthtl,tloUf'•t. u ~• J\ lull Htu• uf t ttll•1t • tt,. t nutY.f'IH fhu -rn" • .... ,. !"(t , , ... ( ..... t it ~,,.,.., NEW HOUSE ADDRESS h.•v•~ 11 t~\'' tf f,.u t11 tuy I'' ••"t·ul fi••H"tf l11 " lh \.\ h-4 HI IHII 111 l,t'.'l .. , .. l,lrtiU l tii ,IHIU l'tUIHNitln l h •U141t I · I• l•f•""' f I u t '"' 1• nnt t.r' HI I "t ott AA t.t~ 'l hf'•lr•MJrn aluo·cn hoou.. n•w. n.••l•n•. laun~ry luha. :IMI ltr •~"'"Y c •,,.ta ,.,..._ l'oh r $:1ll~,tl 1114urr .,,,. Jlu•· t un ll•~tn. , .. J••11 Av•, Dal· bna IJOlanol l 'hnll• Nrwt"''' .!Ill ~\\' tl1·41t• UUW4, ('A TH ~ 1•Y.f!ool l• .. :ltlo;UI>:fo~l• t:rrntllll lluarr• f tnh 1 ht. ,, h'fl ... , . .,,,.,,.,. hunt J MII II I''''''" Ill $7~>1111 '"'" ........ ~ :lll~:t J 11~·41• UAI.JIOA INN IIICAIITY .. ttOr anti W A81CAUit 8ALON lr.lll,.rl Ollf'relon IC.Ibha ln11 Aro·a•l• fit•• Addt•ee 11~ ~,.,,, ..... Av. C·•• e-n• 4el Mer 1-trorlft ItT lt·Jte .... p ...... "'•• .. tt'HU N. D. CASH 0 \1 ... 000 o10d (.AT H~PITAL t..•n•• ~n• ,.._ 1tU '~ IM•Irt '' ,,.,,. Ane. CaUf. MR. X • I"!Ot wllh ,. "''"''' :lll :tt. a :'1:•·"""1= m••ro• ''''""''''' h IHI I llo•lll . 1111), S••ll ur 'l'lltolo• wllh Wnnt Ad' I •• m• t a II:"'' I lhmk Ia atn rtly ol<~amy .\ • "' ll.at" "'mply on th• "''lkl akk I'" ., t.oll anti .la rk &n,l •·ut 8 r111( • J uat •atrh him • :-"f' l<'""l:'"lt .. n tht' ~:ate, J...-11 Ut....., ~! ~ih. wtM-n I'm w1th h im a ll my JOUlla are Jumpln' lf4''a d wn tbe aii•Y whtm ht'a ptl£btn' woo H.. lltJI• mC'. ltC'Dde mf man hr'• all hut rfady So I t hin k my n• 11"n1 t• ""' "'" lrgll \\'h\· r ,.·~ I h•· 1:11\ I llol!tk .. r "h•·11 mv light'" ""' \Vhrn · ( 11trll lln w o •·I II •··I h•• l 1••k "It" Anti Wllllll ,., I " lh••· "l" Ill• \' r• .... uy A·t· A patrHotll ho•p·• nl In th .. ~·· .:n·,.n~ What h.-',. th d n' lor h'~ 1 .. unt ''' rf'Aih' , .•• , k l't rru· I'm t alii In 1 11r "'"~·· "Ill t h•· rroi<IYI'" MnrtOt'l' -VIRGINIA MOWAV Professional Direct.ory "',. t<f1 t> \\tltl t111 rull 11f II k Hfld thll•lloii V lloun "111111;hl l••o \\Uiol l r--------------~ ,., .. 1 141tnph• •n1t·~rlt v u. ,,,.,,t h•·r Gordon M.Grundy, M.D. Conrad Richter, M.D. • ···""" Phyeld •n and lure•.., Phyelcl&n and lurt•ett OfHca 107 22fut ltrMt ... ~ ......... MORTIMER SCHOOL Jo:o> ~ 8.1ibo.1 i'•land' l lny ~· h • I ( :, Htlt'Jif, C '4,}11 )'I t'JI Arruy 6 Navy G A. Mor11mfr, M. A .. O.tord Principal Ptoonf! 6'2 Nlnlll and Centra: Avl . OHic:~H••· 10.t2•m~. lSpm, T•l•phon• l7 LEROY P. ANDERSON AT'TORNEV AT LAW CMfl .. aaa ••nk •utldlnt Phon• 426 Coeta Ma.. Callfornl• HAROLD K . GRAUEL CHAPEL "W,. (1\lf•rlv•• lhr llfotter Pll'rVI' lly Arrvlnlt 'Jt hl'ra Hrat · PIIOnl Nlwport ~I Coela M .. a Callfor,.re BUY NOW City Tax Sale lot• A. J. TWIST 601 Co••• Hlvhw•r Phon• 2422 COR ONA DEL MAR 1- IJ!dlt ... _ .. _ll'fl•.~ .~:··~ Heu,...: tO· 12 a. m. & J·l p. m. ~hone-Oiflc• 1l3; ""' , •. J DR. G. E. TOHILL PltVIICIAN •"' IU"OaON 1101 c .................. ,., ~ .. -~hena Office 2M w ""· IM·It II "'• ~,._, C•ll New-1 t Dr. M. D. Crawford OPTOMCT"IIT V.yn l':umlni!CS 01 ..... rttt.S 17~7 Newport Rnut..,ard Phon• 2430 C.OIT A MCIA BALTZ MORTUARY C~AP£L ltV T~E. I~A 410 C.out ltlvd . C.u•o"• d•f M•• N•.,oet1 .....,.. Phone H1wperi 41 Ult. OBEU LUCAS lh•ntist • Ucrl11 \\'. ('f'nlral. l'h 14AO s r:w1•nnT nr:M'II WHO'S WHO IN HARBOR DISTRICT t~rrc IHI ~Nn ~1 1140111141". w n no II \'. '.',t 1"•' 1;q 'I•' 1:1 ,•1 •··10'1 1, ~''"" !'"•·•! 1.•"""'' I'll I\~1!'1 J '.I N I ll A I I I 1 ~I I II ~ I l I) IJ •.· ••' • 1· I • ,, 'ilt_A ·,··II•' l•lv•l 1•1 ' • '• I I ' If t IPt .,. IJ "'•'I 1 n. I ., ' I • t •' 1 ·~ t·t••·t••· ...... , . . . I I I I "" I I I I'IIIN1 tr~l, I 1;1 1 •I 1 a· 1' t 'l ,,,,,I '1'' • I J "',. 1_. 1 • •• ,,,t 1111;1 v •V flt ,\ r• h~.• I I, ~;, Wf••u l : I • : , t If,,' t I , J ., ••.• ,., f ,. t •,' I I , ' " ,... , ' ~.I "" llf Al I <olATI IN,IJ RANC.I A N l lfAR Y J'IJI\LIC- 1, v. If \\1 l:t• •• .' tt:t \V ( • r ltn A\,.,''' I'''''''' :t RURAL A O.,l AMP!> •, "I"''' 11111,.,, l:ut.ll~lllnl( ('., l'lu ..... 12 'iH(£T M (TAL WORK- I V trlr l'hlfl lo,llj' ~ 1'\llt'vl a.tlllal Wudu. l 't;•la a.irM. I VARIETY &lO R£ - : llalbfT l•la o<l Varlaty l tor• 6c, tOo, 26e and "' .. . ... ~· ,, ;.;t· -. .. - • I Newport Circle Hears .Life of Sir Grenfell 8dlool. oa the dLillniUiabed man'a tcKh blrtbday ann•veraary. Report wu made ot lh~ wu .. ,., rvh .. I hal the Ctrcle le (la r rylna I II (\~lklf'!J are prOYidf'<l Clllf' oil\\' a week to be UMd for a party tn 'r.. ._. ol lin. W. a. Hill\-oar of lbe clowd warda at SAAAU. .-ur ca 2Ith ltnet wel(oa:ed A"'--lttnc-hron -maurut"' rof e --.llllliliinOl tbr f-pot't C\rde for N .... ·port ~a• h US 0 . will h,. pro- .,., r._,lar lllonlhly meetln« on v dt>d fur thrt'r .Jay• th•• """''kl'nd W......,ay few wbkb 1t -ben April meetlnr will be on tba ..n ~t. The ~ nl IRK-12th at the home of Mr•. Ivan -wu P"ftdtd by a dellcloua GoniM"r, 3410 w ()('PIIn Fr · "' ~ IUIK!Mon at 1 o'doc:k. -------- Aa lnliplrtJJ&.. <lcvotloaal. "Endur-A double pleaaurt' wu l'n '""'"'I .. Far ()tlwn ," wu ~veo by by lira Amoe Clark (P'raacee Ill'& f:YtNtl f'unkhou.er Hob<•rt"'.n 1 I A bo I I l'lll, r who II lin. I!. D. Goodell ...-vi-ed lbe 11hl' wu In !'IIUl I lll'f:O. She wl.tt We ol .. ,.ce ot Sor Wll!rN Gren· atlr tu v 111 h .. r huabaml. r·urp ral ldl altfor wbl• b Mtu E1111e Con kilo Clark, wl o Ia atatl<•n,.,J 1n l">t:l toDW ot ftiUrt.alnlnc l>r and Yra lJI•'R" woU1 111" Martn~ l'orr• and Olwft:dl al Clllt~. lllld6&. when alao to -her a111t.-r lotra Lt11lu II._ Coa&.IID wu h~ad of a ,., ... Fruquu. whn rulde.a In Vlet.a. BEFORE YOU BUILD OR REMODEL -. . Vla•t our onttrtatlng a~mplt ~nd doapl~y rooms. Ct lor guodet pl~nnlng ~•d•. com- prehenalve at ock of ruga, c;arpeb, lonoteum ;and vene- to;an bllnda. ~·-Ruga ~nd C;arpets Cluned Rtp;~lred LUDLUM Carpet ·Works _ ............. IANTA ANA , TEIIEIIZED • -IllS 1-n -BACON As Usual Every Day of the Week We Have An Unusually Lar«e Supply of HAMS BACONS BEEF -LAMB PORK .,or Your Complete Needs ILPII !1IUIIIET NF.WPORT-BAT -ROA NF.WC::-TTMF.~. N•wnort ~'u!h, r,_Hfnrnia. Thursdav. March 9. 1944 I-I arbor Fe1niriine Activities E. I. Moore Home Scene of Dinner I l.l anancy S. jackson Appoi nted to Staff 1 Of U. of Hawaii Costa M~sa PTA Installs Officers • In a pretty 1prmlt ga rden lk·t'nl' "ub-Deb Twosome Entertains In Thompson Home Capilla Circle Appoints Church A'!_viso_!Y_Boar.d _ jerry Shook Taylor joins Husband at Eastern Statlon .,_ mea -" ~ fi'OIII the -.-- m~mbcnblp o1 lb~ c:turcb ITOUP Mr._ Jame11 Taylor (Geraldine In c._.,_ del Mar to •rv• u ad-Sbookl and ber amaJI daucbter Y._.. Ia lbe p&an. now PI'D(rHa· Unda Ann hav.. lett for Narra· I lac ., w~ ffW a dwrcb tn that pnMtt, Rhod~ l.rilaad, whtre lbey commun~ty. Cbowe to •rv~ an •·•II Join Lt. Jam ... Taylor, atal lon- Hany Stauch. Ia BaJa. J. R. ed at t he Eutt'ro but' u a Na val AI< \\'urthy l'atrvn ut !ht Ordrr 1 f f::Uilf'm !':hr. Jo: 1 ~~ ,,,..shan •I Al•jlvlllltJ a tlu.JI mer••ber ~~ ttw h""t 'hnnur8 with th .. \\'urt ,. ~lit· 1-: :.:11~~ •ll'partment a t t.ba Uaber- tr••n ~~ 11r1•l Jr1tm11un nt sant11 Ani• I"'' • ,.f Hnwltll rn Honolulu. Ja.nan "h••n th• y ~:av,. 11 d"lll:hlfullv RP· • 1 :'I" kl•• J11• k"''"· a lora:~ New· P••ln'•·•l 1!tnn•·r fnr t<ll 1,ff l• o·r~ tltltl r• t llo•11 h ~o:lr l hu taken ov~ ber th.-~r hu&bano!~ nt th" !';anln Ann dullu lhl're. •'• sll!lled tor the 1tage by MTe. c-:vde Otto, new otflcua for tht 1'-sta Yeaa P'1' A were lnaWied. EArh new head came throu~h a urtlen gate and d cwn r.epa to '"k•-her p'll('e for t he ceremony wllh Jofra Claude Andn110n. the no•w prealtJcont. t)Ccupvlng the p1ac-r ·•I honnr at t 't gate. lnlltaltc-d "11 t1 h,.r wert' Jofmu Ken Str.a.·art, , ... ,. rrn•dtot : Edwin Edick . .ec· "'"' vlt e pru ldent; Ed•·ard Hand. ·~· rf'lnry: H. L. f'urlach. trl'uur· , · F1t•vd G lbaon. publlclty·h'ato- """ and Harry Rurt'irk. parlla· rrv~t arhtn and au(Jitor. I Knona. R. 0 fU Yr Kytr torpedo-man. J~ 'nlrms-and OolorH F'l.lrttk>r • f the Circle Thr proud fatt·;or of the younc ~lng •·e~ hoat.-. to a croup otj •·hteb tr~t W ee! Y at tbl' hom•· 1 m l• wu ablt to be bome on !rave 'll~h achool fl'Wnda oa Saturday lD 1 ol Mrw. Martha 00 Orcllld ~ently when ehrlattDln( ceremo- t 'r home ot JaM 'a paN'nta. Mr A\·~nut>. lnduck-d a nurlrua of thr nlu were held In Baldwin Park. And Mra. Rtl&nd Tbolllpeon. 6201 plalla for IEalrUr auvk'H. Mra. 1 born~ of Lt. Taylor. W. Surf H•rry Sta ucb. lira. f'olllom and !.11"11 Taylor waD accompanied ol r;pt<'r 111 ''"' h• nor ••( ~l r nr I '1'11 accept lhla boaor, Mn. Jack· Oanclnc and cames were "joy-I II• a Jay Duttu •~r. appointed to , un the r rlrM-country trip by Mra. I'd in the apacloua no~r.-b?a:«' 1 draw •P tM c:OMUtutlon and bf· Lrna Taylor of Baldwin Park, t.f r~ Mt• n· 1221 \\' ('••nt ml Av~ ' " ~ • 11 twr JIO•t ae o . "'"' S rw p• rt B""' h ~ n·• '"' • f puhllc>lly and dr&lllath " by the forty boy. and rtrt. btddrn Ia•·• for~ Crete. rno!hr r or Lt Taylor . '" the partv A ~v~r~ndln& lllp-Mra. R. 0 . IUa u.ed u t er d~· Rt I'Rfr•k'" 1•1•1 ''''"r~ ,...,.,, I ply of punch and ~"'-•"'"' Yottoo.l aub~t • lll'rmon ot Dr .. U!lfttf 1n llt•t ttr't\UI~ 1h• ll'IIUII) ,.lto'••• f nl "h" h lh•' C ·H ·tA ut• 4 ••qt t •rn ed dur ng liM! ~veotnc. 1 e_Joluucon'a . or radio fam~. \\ h t"" \AttN pitt\''' • ,•,,rlnc ' i' r \ • Ill! t: "llh ""'. I ""l'l ...... A I mu Anol•·r•••n Wlllllolll! h11:h :oll•l .ltr.llilt.l c • .,,.,,, ~ l.tt fill II&.: Jq\\ (~""""''" hhJil"' \\• r*• :-.:-,r,a 11·r·l o' I p .. ,hthv K H ... r , ••••. , " l ft• I t ,., .. I 1 t•t I )t,.... f f If, .. , .. ,.,. :• ,. n1 • ,. '' HI' ''n"' • All'l ,. I I ' 1 •• I \" ,. 'f 1•• I ~ '., .. \'II\' I' I ' ~· f I 11 •• ,, t 1'!11 11 • • •t ,Ita 14 I• t •• .. , 1 t • t' \' 1 ~r 11 ••• 1'•·11 '" II ••· J•ol"l :llr u·ol ~·r ·• ~ 'r1•,1t f ''t p ut \tr'lf f.OIII't \''lr\h •.-~·~~ ... ,ltd 4 '111 .. , HI \'tr t.''fll:l f'h'r" ~hti Fl""'' .. ~···Mtl l"n i '•"''''' '""" Pun ~·~~ F.,.., .. 1•• Md·"~trr•·n 1.• """' \to F "'''" '' ,....,. A"''~'""" I· ol"' 1n nnd A lrn11 Main E mmA Hu"l\ 1111'7 ~~~ Rn 1· !I!Aoh-1 n•• l'rllo·hHrrf 11ncl lh•• tw• hooot r n11rl•• Mr a n•l :II r" !II•• n· ontl Mr nn•l :llr• ~:onto· Jnhn~•n Legion Au,..iliarv Food Sale Sl~t~d Tllf' "h"""'"l: JH nlol•·m .. r r .. , ••. r t"•·· "'••••lc·•·r~l •hould h(• "t•I"N' for lltor h"r r•·Ft•'r nl" with '"" an~ nnunr l'm tnt by Mrw P A. Cham· hf'r'ln thllt th~ Anwr" ·•n I ·'"'"" Auxii•Arv ... ·HI 'flit:•· n rr••l<<'rt fn ~1 M lf' nn ~l\!ur't111 V I•• 11 lo•.J,. 11t t•w r't\' t·un f\llot~'n-.-. n•t•• ,. ••n ~1r Fntl· ''"" 1'1 N•'"'l' r• fl•·ll··h h<-clnnllll! At 10 :111 11 m Th" r lulrint: hnur b nul roiii!Ptl lout lll•ll:l"lL! (r .... tllr l'lllni Kr\' I • I'll! 11•rn uf lfiA'IV uf l I' ,...,: .. .,._,.,, uf thAI • n:nno?~l"'"· th,. l!elirarll'• ,... II 111·11 quk kly ,., • , •• '-c • "~,., 'h , ... n,t~, \'ftl wtll hf' u~ .. d tn .... ·er•l thr loK'BI All'l• IIIIIT\''" t•l•·•'~;•· f r.u nv th•"r JJ'\rl In ::.,. !-:t•t · Aoi'OIInrv·~ 'flllrrl':!\,,. of a Rrd ("r""" l 'luhm~ohll'" Th•'''' rn'ltnt.: 11rt111 r" "'' lu lhl' huv!l In lht' frnnt lin••• With ,., r•rl', tlnnutA r lt"N'Itr~ nnol t'\'o·n J:llnll'l< In glvl' thl'm 11 tln d n ·•l,.ll' frnm thl' crlmneu or war. ~ 1 The nest mt>rllng •·Ill ~ held a t H onored at Festive ... ~ bnm., of :Wra. Jay Dutter. Cor· una df-1 M•r. on !.larch 22. , .. '1 Mr\ J S. J ;acluon fit(' hi~th &rhm I l!Cx1 t tt e und1 r Birthday Dinner 1• •. ollrn tlon of Marie lllebll('h, Mrl'. F:arl tl. Grsham wu hon- 1.1,1 ,. f ur meln<IIC' ltl'lt't t •on11 ((II· I••~<• •I hv th<' o·rownrng or the-king I ';:~' at :.a fnrtlv~ ffrn:" at Kn tt"• n•l qu•·l'n from l'lll'h JOrhool, they I rry . nn w ro r daur:ht~r. tl lit' b 11 .1 Mra. \\alt. r Appl,.hury ra·~rtam· ' '' n~· 1'·"'1 1P e Y en 8 ng i'tl lrt rell'brat on nf twr IIIOtber'a • , I! l':oto•Ml IIIIIT'Iwr nf new mem· hlrthl.la 1.1s C11r lhc I'TA. \VInnlnl( l'la l Th y '• n• r from Malo school ,.a·ere ""'' wrehm~: ttw ffletw.Dt I••• lo •· \Alilds Rnd 0 11r""" Gibson "many mor('" w~r .. )lr and }Ira. i · • l h·· ""' •lrolu c•tv and Countl on•l t1 m L rn<tlkrgh. J oleeo Gay App'l'bury and tlautbtt'r Cbarknf-. t:• '• nl n ,.,,, tllllll~lnn. In thi•· , . .,, .Ia• k !o;hafrr. Mr Graham ani! another daucbt~r. · ,.,,, '' "'" h "' glvt>n weekly Mrw. F'reda Wer11lnp;, IIChool Mlu Vwla Cllrpt'nh r. 1 • •I ,, t• ''" • lvlr affalra OYer nurse. ~tavt· a 1pl~ndJd talk oo I' • l•o 11 "'a''"" ··c·omrnun•cable Dlseuea." WHAT'S COOK IN'? ,.,, ·'"' ''""" a.orl her bu.tland. ------ .J., ..,." ~'""'" Jar ka·n. plan to Ehelt Announces Juat the Ttu .. Fw "'"' !"·"•'h"l" Call•omla Ia Juae. Luncheon March 16 .. rvice-·a ... untl woll I •· thP gur11te of the tor-'"'~"' ar-hund~ o1 ~llftl o1 m•·r'~ "r.Ut•:r ·Mr•. ZeUa BUckle food that io out •·HillY tTom tlw ltt-n•'"r I Ill· 28t h etreet_ Newport Th~ rl'~lllf third Thuraday 1 Harbor area carrylac a bit 0 • ~ Ho>ao h n \'t'ltlllt nt Eb<ll Club wJII be a to ttk> boya tn Ow &niiJ. DaY)'_ DDd 1-'ru•nots who rray want to 'llnite lunrh4'0I)~ IlL 1 J)~cls.!!:.IL.....J..Lb.e c.lub.. rr.rfne ampi aDd that Wt o1 t~ J,...k_e. ~'~ •~ ~-.t h«>lllll' with loin. Ralpb Holden home 1a th~ lad'a faYOrttA> -Mt- thelr hnmr. 1!\81' Beretanla Rreet, a •rving u ho1te• chalnnan. mea t, tlw tbmc that 11-.._,_ llo>nlllulu llswall. , Th•· prOgTllm promlau to be ooe made bdlef' than an,_ e'•· Luncheons Honor Harbor Guests 1 nf .:r.·A I lntt>rut wh1•n Captain New . the ~:nwl put of It .. tbal Bt rm1 rol fle'l c t t he Santa Ana mntrt or Jrlom'• d~ -'t 'Anny Air Bue will apeak on "Re-ehlp and ao w~ bawe to .,a.t.ltut~ lntlnJ: tn the nom bing ol Europe" Till' TH'IDe RK-Iow baa al-n bHa Our tr• rattonlog. It le ur&rntly a favorite o1 -o and It .......... ('hmpltm• nllng Mr11 ~aa Jet. ,,.,,, .. ~l•••l that rt"servatlona be did ke~pin~ qualitw-. u well u be- ,,.., .. , ="•'II Vurk ('rty who 11u nllld" rn ;ulvAn• e l'll t•r with Mra. lng •·packable"". '"'•'II "" t::ll••qt .. r twr alater ... ,... A ~: Hamf'lt. Jr.l\4W or loH111 Jrlar-D.tt•• ~ Nut a.n 1:u1'• '" I • 1 ... 1 .. 11 n \\'eat Ocean , '• t't>f>m hll, 2346M 1 cup~ Fo .. •t I· r lhl' ~toUt aevM -tar • 2 e;&•· umJ ~,,_. .J1w k""n l"8ndcr1101l, a~.: u ·d d Bye CluL 1 rup datn. In -In-law uf :II Til ('hRrlu lofc· 1'1 I an I' I ! u p OUIII Alary nun~ .. , II~,, ... J:h trul partie. l\lc~t nn Island a. ··ur n nur. havr ~en &lvrn lwfurl' Mra. Je~-'• t bakln~ powd.n. rr .. v " "''l''"tur•· 111tlldlly ·for l~t :\'•~ Dorte Pv"<r!l op•·ned her , I''"' h l•f Aalt. ~':""" · ' '· ' BAI";O!t li!IAn c1 hnmP to th.-mt'm· • I t vantlla. A m<on,. tit·· hP:< ··~~· ~ for theae twr~ .. , lhl' nld and Bye Club wltb Re-al "It I: I' allghll)', add aucar 11 '·"~'" "'''" :>.tr~ :11arR~Jret Nit. ''1• Lyd ta c. .. orge .ervmg aa li nd m1x "'''I. A<ld olatf'e and null 11 ,., • 1 !Ito ~ Frank llru rllman. Wra. h,;•f· ~• .-ftnpp•:d mt>•'•um fan.-. lhf'n a<t.l dry Ft>nt-hm and Mrs llal~<'ll Kl"' lll•b .ctono wa.a cla~mrd by Mra .• ngr lll•~nltt miltN ant! 111ftrd lrlts- "'"" • hi rta,rto·•l "'llh hn•ll:t lu~b· Jran ('f':tloo lii'C."nnd by Mrlt P ow-turl' w oll bl' \'l'ry alllf an.J ahuuld , .... ,~ t or Mr! ,Jc frey 11nol Mn. t'l'll and 80 honora bv Mn. Luclllr ~ ApN'ad In an 8 or t Ulch .....,.~ !"an•Jtr!IQn. Weathe'nr&X. lira. Dorothy PaJI"t pun whwh hu bHn Crea.eed ...S l J woo the trnvf'l nr:-prlu and llr& dwrtl'd •i1h nnur. Bak~ to aiGw Geor(e, OOilllOiatlon. · tJVen 132!) df'J: 1 lor about •!) Qtt era preacnt wnt Mmn Edna mlnut ... or u.nltl IOJl 11 bnno·n and Jooea. Hu11e ~"'·•·••lmlln and Orl crullty. Holle. L'ut •n flll~t·rs llnd r,.ll rn p~- Elmore McMillan Is Home from Oregon Mra. Hu~:h :It• :\lr'l '" f E lmon- Havdenl has n•tum .. •l fr.,m ('amr Wbllt, Ortgnn. wh• n • hr>r m nrrln.:·• to ('pl. Hu~h R Mc-MillAn In nne <>f tht chap<' Ia at I hi' o•f\nt p was an event of lut Wf'f'k . tltN'd 11u~:ar. I'll• k on a lw>Jt lrn.-.1 ••• "·'' 1'"1, r antJ marl to )'OUf favmll~ l'l'rvw,.mttn D. K. Blues Celebrate 27th Anni~ersary h •m f)'·W\'f!n,· yt>11r1 nf hllppv marnf'd lift' •·er~ rt>lt'brall'•l over IRK-~k~nd bv )fr and Mrl! 0 K Blue f S t>Wpi\rt Ht•i&:hts Bob Skllf-ll of orchf'tltra rami!' added bU. bit to thl' ft~lvltiPM whm t~ t.ked a hu.re c-ake fnr thr BIU#a an<J pt"!'atnlet.l it to tht-m at "'" Old nm~ lm nrt' ... bleb the n1W111 aftf'Ddr.d In Placentia Satur· day ni&hl. , -Ont' of tht-~ta nt tht' ~m-ol· 21-wlnt~ra In b .. br~ wu • bou· .,.-! o1 a doftll beaotl'ul, r~ rc.. a cttt UMat wtu aJwa111 ~­ mala rac-e to a wOIDIUI'a IMart. --. -----I VWtiDc wtt11 ~. In Coroaa. Mra ~ Carvu .,_t -.eraJ day• l't'Cftltly. A Uttle Foresight ~·10 Prnent Poor Eyesight You~ little K'!tl "'Ill 11«' h~r way clt•ar through all ~tudy and volunteer war work if her vision Is c:lear. W I' art> fully prrpared to sclentirical· ly •11amiM, prescribe and fit childrrn's JitlaSSC'S accordlna to their eyt> rPQuiremt'nt.s. DB. II. D. CRAWFORD OM'OMETRIST 11ft N...-,-t ........,.. ..QMa_ ... _ ..... _uae ~t Terms Brobn LrNft Duplicllted c.wt ... C.rtla --a Great Y;ariety of Unuaual Glfta .. WE INVITE YOU TO BHOWSJo: AROUND" C. E. LOUCKS J£WIELRY and ITATIONE RY .,.__. · Wat.ettn · F•-fhpalrln"g ~ N-port 2430 1117-• Newport Blvd., C..t.a .. eaa. ~lif. TELEPHOIE OPERATORS IEEDED 8enire -ud war wOI'kn are all dependlag upon ..,. prllat tfiNo switc-hboards. Good pay "'hUe leara- .. ud~bacreues * * * SOUTHHERN CALI.FORNIA TELEPHONE CO. Appl,·: 100 E. Bay 1\\'e •• Balboa or 5U ~~ No. Main St •• Santa Ana A\'.\IL-'BILIT\' o :annc ATE KJI:Ql'lRF.D IY IINDING thif·k atHI platet~ inalra•l u f wrt.lin' thf'm, m"'hanlud J • J T e .brl(e w•ll mrtkt> hh' hnml' wltb hrr part>nt~. Mr nnJ Mr11. Oa· car M~ n! l!alhnll until &hr can join hrr hueb11nol and hlllt n'l'uml'd ber dUUet ln lhr Ranta Ana office o1 the Southrr:t). ~"JI(ornla Auto- :11 r 11nd ~II 11 E .\ Spau'<l•nll: n( :,411 \\'o•l't Hlth !ltrf'<•t ar~ antic.'I- J'1111111: thl' arn "'' .,f ""'" .-on. l.t' .. rJ:'P F'. ~f'l\lllollnR n• ('!uc>Aj!: . I ho' 1-:a.!llo•m f'r uc lh~ \'11'1' J'ln'Sidntt "f tho· l"••rUw m 1'ru.st Coa:lpaQy o( f'hiC'BjtO a..a••1 enft _... t•ntt'd oot Iuter and murlt ~In--with pa .•• War .........W. f""!ae.tly naa Into dlftiruh prohl~ma -that only ~·~~ aa lldl. C. .._ tiM ~ lourh -lh~ pr«lelon rontrol eo nf'('n· _ ..,y ........... ..a.p~able heM ....... ~-hard jot.. ... irr to do. · Are lite ••-tapa of n•ural 1• eomdhln~ n«-W .. diec-o' f'f'M" by •• ~?Hardly! Tltanka to thr aamf' ma(llf' touf'h. ftU l11 tht> ••...-·PM ltoanll•ld aenant In mo"' than 9 out of "'·ery 10 ....._ ...... Ia S..thern t;.Ufornla. .. . ' , ---· C" I I I ''I -o/ ...,_;., OUI m«N n1tfd in,.u oon Cllll ie • ... ;.1. ..I a 4;6aalt -! NMUral ps !lid rnoluuooary Is:; a .-..ill ....... _. •mor·pl• bul~ Jlfoof; _. '-.. IIDN ;all of._,.j., ic-ft uiba ._ ud C'UJ roe· .. fll ..... ---Otalr ... will 4tltt -~IK RAIII IIIli WilL 6 IBI I& YOII ,..., •••• I ·~ 1 How you con help CONSERVE GAS for ·the war effort -• .,.htft you 1nt pt lot htaun1 -you C'OCIIflW futl ~td to •llftd ••noll· So don't ·-htst; turn off ft ru bcfo19 ..,.,.,,.for the day. A•o•d o.ra- t.Ncina Shut doon o( •11U11111 --. OOit oua.ck dootL #- m oblle Club. I Mr1. J. A Mllhlaug~ of Nrwport Blvd. Ia able t o IX' out ag~lo alter an attack of pn"um• nla. ~ ·"G~OABOUT"-I 1 I COROIA DEL MAR DISTRICI' NEEDS REPRESENTATION IEWPOIT lEACH Needs the Type of Business Man Now Available in ALBERT BOWEN for COUNCILMAN ~r. Bo"·f'n ~a ~Uftd ~ )laa l\"ho N.-nr &fore Hrld Public Office and Hu No An to Gri8d t:snopf aa lm.-rtial a8d .I~Mt llandlln~ of Ci\'it' Affairs. For Bett~r Government And Lower Taxes A pear:iJ·•triped ..• pencil· .lim two-piecer ... "•titched ud ttyl.d" by Lady Alice bt tl.• California manner. It'• c-ut from a fine, c:nuh· le•• BriQhtC:n fabric: in .u.ty • .oft colon by Jeri. I . Vote Fo' Albert Bowen POLLY APPAREL 008TA MESA Polltk'a1 Advft1iwmmt- ( • \ I It II ro tr h I I n· ).( 01 t \1 flf Of \\' hr th !'() fl(' t(! th co tir