HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-03-14 - Newport Balboa News Times1M ler .... ey 10· ·aJ D~ ve o- k. e4 .. II, THE SAND CRAB .,. SAM $50.00 RACKET-Continu- ing the discussion of abuses under tht' OPA sys- tem and ttle inability of in· n()C('nt citizens to gl't relil'f in S('Jiing llS<'d a rtidl':-;, comes Eugene C . Mitch<'"ll in charge of the local OPA board who contriuutes som<' interes ting ideas on tht> sub- ject. lie says that the latt'st rdcket is that of ·m r ketect-s going about persuading pt.'O- ple to sell lx-lor.gings aho · lh<' c:eiJing prit:l'. then rcpor ing t hrm a nd collecting t h<' inforrncr:s...!Dc of S,')().OO. 1'\u mattt>r it the merchandise is less Ulan the amCltmt tlw $50.00 must be paid. the snitcher going from onP plal'e to anotllf'r and doin~ his blac·k ma rl;rt !'I uff. But · here is Capt. Mitcht'll's com- ments tha t are d<'<:iciC'rlly WOt1h I'Cading: ''In vour Mtu·dl 9th issut" 'The Sand \r~tb' l'Omments on some OPA dN·tsions un· der thP caption of "Odd Rul- ings'' and as c·hainnan of Ute pr1ce l);m<'l oftne local board I would like to point out tha t you did not tell all the story. One case cited was tfu:.~ sale of a motor truck hy an in- rtividual to an individual for ~1000, the ct>iling pric~ on that particular truck being $600; tht' seller was l'equirt'd to 'l"f'fund $400 anct could not cven ·get his tntck back,' .correct:..and vou !'hould ha\'c added that in handling the settlement this way t hC' sell- er was saved s~oo. ThP man who bought the tn.Jl'k ("'UTtl have gon(' into any court in the la nd nncl got juctgmC'nt against th<' S<'llt•r for ~ 1200 ·a nd kept thC' tnwk ~irlt•:-.. believe it or nnt-thnt is tht' law, whkh plainly s tate'S '-that the buyPr i~ entitll'rl 10 rlamages in the am ount of •three times the amount of overcharge or $50 whichever lR gre& ler' ". • • • It's the Law-''Tht> same ap- plies to the stove case refcr- J"l'('f to and it is not a rul- ing «>ilhPr 'odd' or other- wise: it is thC' law and in no way sub.)e<.·t to o\'t'might l'hangC'S. Notwithsta nrt i n g the faC'I that vou hnvc heen moot generou~ with spa('(' and WC' havr 1 riM I o liS<' PYC'IJ' avC'nUC' of infonnatio n O{l('n to us in ach·ising thC' ptthlic·: WC' still h;we them C'omr in anrl IPII us l ha I I hry havr ll('('n acl\'i~ _hy a tto r-. n<'vs fhiit prit'r control dOC'S noi a pply to sales by lncti\'ici- llals. we kno"' that somt' of this is hard to belie\'e hut let me tell you it is about time people better he¢n to beli<'\'£' it. -I "ThC're is one mof'(' point that I would like to dear up. rontra<..'l..'i entered into be· tween Individuals or with dealer.; for the sale or ("('rtain C'OSt of living commodities. such as ~tO\'('S. swN:'JX'r!'. wa<;hing machines. f'('friger- ators ahovc reiling prire~ are not enforcable and the seller is liable for damagf"!\ in the amount as nho\'P stntril. !'\n ~-uch law as this, involving as it d()N;, drastiC' C'h:mgt's in the Ji,·ing and ha hit:-of tht' AmcriC'a n JX'OPI•" ('an I)(' (•n- fom'fl without h1111 in!.! ~omC' 0f us ..,om<' of tht' timl'. hut let u~ nnt r nr~<'l tha t ton m:1m· rlc•llaf"' ;md Inn (P\\' nf thrs.~ items, m;,kc''-an iron- dan c'(•n trnl nre·e• ""'·~· if in· natinn i ... to IIC' d wd .:e•tl. ''Et.:r;l·::'\1·~ r ~lT'lTIII.I 1." • • • 1\. 1'. Frt•tlf'rkk-Dt~:tl II of \l r. F rl'(h•ric·k .. r tlw l.nn~ JI(•:H'h l'n"•S Tl'h"'~t·;tm canw ''" :t -;hoi' I< t n hi' 11\.tll~· friend ... hc·t'('. i\h\ a~·.-a frie·nd of !'\!'\\port llarhPr. lw ,, . .,~ !'f"!\pon.;ihl£' for thousan(\~ Clf mdl't"' nf t't'nrlint: m ·11tr•t '" his P:I IIC'I' ahout thi.; 1tn•:1 1 •ne of his C'a rli<"'l piP;t~ h" made to the writrr \\':1" lh:tl I-Ofllc:> pin n !dtoulil he '' nl'l;rrl oilt to hrid~c the gap : • · tween finlbofl and thP :~la ncis and mninland caused t>~· thC' bay. hcxnuse such a jninin!l would unite all t he art>:1S nnrl hring R more rapid grc•" th. that S\JC'h a union would !'Olve lit> problem or our fi\'(' nclghborhood husin£'!"." N'n- ten and four J)Of'toffit'f's. H thls did not come ahout thr community would ~ the time whC'n It would IX' ~· -... Buy Bonds to End War BALBOA----KEEP POSTEl! (~> .J'Ih\ES ------~~ Quicker 1 Y t'ar •••• $2.50 l'talt .. ( "-•k ... ,..... .. s • .,.. nu-. N .. w .. rt a..- ---=======--..... --=-· EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA, WEST NEWPORT, SEA SHORE COLOIIY. LIDO ISLE. NEWPORT HEIGHTS, B.!'LBOA ISLAND, CORONA DEl MAR. COSTA MESA \'OLUME XXX\'1 .. ..,.:;.~. ,1 NUMBE R 2' Post War Plan fixpert 1 Tells what Must Come · To Rea.lize Conditions WanW-ARoom For Island ~('1'088 Theft muet k _.. _.. _. a vKant rOC'm -aa--.. ,..._.. who would lilof' te •eort a ...._ In kn-lnt . I~ ...,et-e •., thf' dl~ut of the Ill~ c.-. t hf'Y we~ mat.l... tC ~ for t e ourgle.lll ••• ..... ..,.._ ed by eaotr latafttl werio."'-.. f II their m·..-of ~-Ally of.f'ra Will be ...... ,. ""*.,... bv thf' wort.,_ heM. M-. Dl•on Smrth. ptl~ tn7 W. Sea ScoUts. See~ New Base Leas~ Ferris \Vakely L>iscusses What Must Happen to More Than 50: Series of Three Meetings Arranged for April, May and June In the meanlinw. rt lo ~­ ed that all taland ~ rttaw c-t•n-their _..c.al drns.ongs at 11\e aa-.a _..,_ 1"00•'1. t 1 1 Palm , JUIII t-.._.. blocl..s fro<n the f~. • .... -~· •·. ,.-....... ( .. tl.f4 " hi ,.,. S.• ~ ••• t,_ , t .-........ 1 •••..::•• ··~ .. ,., -. • 4 ,., , .. ..,.. ortU: U;.. ,,.,. f•"'l l'o •• It I h o,.l1 F<'t'ris \\'akrlv. of thl' Califnmia IX>rartmt'nl of J.:chlt':•- tio n, to lri morr tlian !10 rlin<'t~ b -;1 Friday nig ht at thf' H:tlhu.t Yarht C'ltth "hat th<' pt'Oplc> rnll>'l s1a 11 thinking ahout a nd \\'hut must h appen if out· postwar world i.; to IM• Clt'fl(•rl~· and he lpful to t h<' t-ehtrnN1 solfii<'rs a flr r t hr <'Onrticl. ThP nH't'l · ing-was in dlargc• of l·=<1rl Stanl••y. lll't'Sidt>nt of tlw Cha mht•r of CommerC'c nmt was attt>mh..-i It~' c·it ~ offic-ials. husin<'Ss lt•ad- -8r"1llllf • t • • ~f t~L 1 I ',•ljH' \ ~ \ IM" '••'' to l\lj.'l .....__,. "~ ., : t \ u ..... ' :-:,. ,.,., II •-, •• : l tn • ...-.-r thnt t h• Strt ta .... \ • -t ' t • • ,, t r 1l , ,, ...... l....~ •• ·-... t.." -\f'tlt l '"~" .. G ·-.no: tr ~ ··~ • .,. .. I d .-t• n.,. IHu• Col. R.' • Ayers ..,. • hr : Th.. .,.r .. ,.~ ... C'I'S and ot h<'t~. ~lr St nnlc•y ""'d 1 tluy chol n St'· rll'll of lhlt•e moru Mo•M!I t liS ha\'1' ht'"l\ urtunt:•·tl "''h !llr \\'ak\•ly 11s lht !IJil':tkrr Thr rtrl't \\Ill lw Arnl 7 and well be 10 •·hurx" or lhe Cit y plannlnK comrr IIIII to n which will ·~ J7r0bll'm• on l\ar6"r dt'vt>l· opmf'nt. etc. I Th!' &t'l ••no.l w•ll lk! htld on !\lay firth and will bt in t·hurgf' of In· dustrtra. w' lclt will 1111k how to pn pure I hi• arf'a for lndu1t rial &<'· t" til I'll 11rtr r tfle ·war. Thl' lh1ro.J IIUAIOO Will be ht'ld June 6 And will be In ch..,gr of lhe mf'rchant.o. w ho wtll uk how In mt't't lbelr problem•. • M • -•"'-• ...... '\ t \ lhf' ~r,. lilt' lt lk•rt I~ that ~lOr; or thos.· Praises an..es ...., ~ ,. ,, '·,, .. ,.. ,, cumin;: from lhP ~1811' or Ort!Jtlln '"'-..... .,~ ····•nl \' l 'loun• tl "' ''"'"'t'l In ... ,,,.,. '" ('rPI: n "''ben For Atoll Attan ~ tLt ....... '"·~·n otf II F thrlr v.ar jub!l !l rt' ··ompltlttl. 11-'rY • .!,.""" .o.!l ,.f th .. ~n •t"" Aa t o whf'rt thf' nf'w com l'l'll •·•II . '' •s-•· .., ,._....~n.tn.t b Thl .tl Ia ftA .. I l'I'be ft.!II'M•iAc a...y -----flnJ Ju II I W.,_.OA---)'-. _, S. 111 lf''to blOC• htU In C hr a.newrrt'd in tbt' n-port. It lo .ug· l rn by Tr<·' n1r al ~~~ ~ ,_. H k f --. ••• AaA.O.... --~ am~ .. • • Jlf'IDIC ... ''""" I,, Jll'llltd l 111 jobtt to ll<'r\'ICf' lndua. F. r inec ~>. n .-... -..-..--... _ • ...._ lot rl C bllt ' ·-"" l l .. l>f:an hn 'I tho• trit'll w ill &baorb ll lar~t! pert·tnl· a nf' C'fl• !"om n•··~ 1 ~ flc r1~ '"" f•.rmO'f S.•ll Ill:(' In g t•nrr&l IIN"Vit'l' lntlu81 rlt'l C'll~ I I t't k ~ &•,. ,11 tlwo .-n-W"r _., "" ,)f 11re vPry n:u.-h untll'r ltafff'd at : .n •· 0 Atoll Jolanot•aiJ ~ ~ .,. ~·"-t nar ••ommt"""'"" prn• nl Due In lar~f' lncno&M In I ()l'loy!'dl Ju.t • fe-w -~ 0.. Mn::..o, tt. m brr ,..,. th .. u .. u r "l"''altton lhf'rt wftl bf' a corrt'· a.fttr thf' Amf'riC'&n 1\ac M4 .._ •-... T .. ....._._ ...~ -... ......... ---...o.,, ,., 111 ... ., .... , .nnndtngly large lnt'rt!ILOf' In the n i!W'<f <Wf'r th .. <W ..... ..,.., ·--..... _ _. ~ ~ ......_ -.. ~.. __._ ........... ..1 -·-... _, ............ .. numtM'r of aer.•h-t lndulltrlu re-bf't'n thf' bnuUtul t. _ __. -...... at ,;.......,,.nal qulred and lh_. 1nt1uatrtn ahuuld F.n••·elf•k. Amw ~nlr.d R_. A ~ ""&. ••t.b f.uur • lot llb11nrb an Important number oC r. A~·corw. •21 <"1itr Orn-r. ,...._ ..... ba '-" ... ,..1,.. ..l.r.L lb.c. ~ o·rrpl.,yabtu port IJc-ar'l. ('a.ht waa ..._.,. fl a c= ~l;;-K,..a.n,. 11ut1 Chamber's Reaume Tht• tonat.ructioD -a.nd--buitdttrg-ttlt' untu or-ow 2!!nd kan.r ...._ .... ~-~ n _.,.1 """rv In a l"f'l!ttm~ nt-~ w~ lndui!II'V 11hvuld aloo l't'qUire a m r nt "nd thl' tMtb Armr net-..;.... _ ., C .. • _,.. ...... _, -•#'J;I .ar 1t.• An,,., .. 10 1 l«'mll t hl' Cha mbn of ommtrce ltlrJ:e 81\arf' or tht> labur (of tho!Jf' ml'nt t'•ruld be rallf'd '""'n.no _,;:,:· ...... Haa 18 s-.,..rt tc.-.., h haJO •lrafll'tl qu~alhml\ "" poll! war wh" ,.-111 IH' n•lt•fU<f'd lrum war er th.-bapll!'lm "' f trt! UwJ ~ .. _., t II _, '1 r "''" , .. n tt • "' t'"n'ZA' "" '""""· whll:h " ow v.•ork. Cnn11trur\1nn 8('hNiulf'!1 In-~l'nt. . 1-Ow-fi "' • , •c .. h nt1t What •·•II lhl' nrw rl'l!hll'nta • r ,•lutll' a bll: prngram of homf' , 1'tlt'~' r<' tnpiC"·Jobti'OI. ~- . :5• ul'·ero (.'"lilomla do wMn the bulhhng I•> 1tart JUIIt lUI .a<•on a" rtvrtrd ,.,..,.,...na .. hr ,..,.led wD ·war III OPll anti war work '" n o lhr v•ar t11 .,v,.r There an• allltt a a rr<~ud l•onk •r un•J ot t.M ttcM- '""I't'r A\'lltlablt ~oulh•·m Call· lrt•J.:•' numhl't ,.r puhltr wnrk~ ln~t men .. ho ""''"' ropn•if'.d • fW r .. rn•n oCtlclol11 arc .:w.ng th~o plantttd by rtty, county a n .l ~• ,,, "''h tt•· s&n•l matter the Bf'riOUII !II Uti~· Whk h It~ ~tll'•'l nlllt'OI/0 A.'t WI'Jl &II by ~·hnol, Thrrt' .Jay~ hrf•>rf' ltwy ..... mentA, ar cordtnx t u II'('PIIl rf'· road ,lrTigatlr n •ntl ulllt'r •h~lr 11 c,. 11t"nn~ Mh••r"' undrr bf'ory n... p<>rl:\ rt>ctl\'l'd hy ttw NI'Wport l'rr~<,Ju1 lion of ('OO!fttmrr Jt•IO<'" from l'nl'm~· tluJ:"Uio thet lhwd - Harhor Churrl>l'r • ( Cmnmtrc f' vo'\11 r "ll for a J,:oodly o~~harr M em-r mhankmt nt l"f'lll l "'' .-... C. Recent •urveya m11de 111 Lo• An· ployahlu and tvf'ry avenur w hk'• lhf' wa tt nf t"d~ x••lt>!l and San Oltgv cuuntleo of· upt'ne up f'mploymenl poulbiiiUea -- ---.,.....,.---- . Voters In (ity 2946 ------- ('la~'4ifi{-d ·Ad Too ( ; ood; ll~idt'M Tn Ket-p Wart's ~ \ • ...... ..._ lad) .... ,., 11...-.t that """' h ... "''""' •lht•r '""n' Itt ... 11. U WtU a , .. ,mt•lrt•• ..,.., ',,.,~ fur f"lat.l and h_ad eu•\ ••• ........ u...-.t rri<.... ...'\O.nn fho• • .t. --"""""' ....... "' ,, .... , ..... ). " --""' .... , ........ : llwo ............ •fart.cl '"'Ill .... '"-, ...... '""' .... , ........ t .. h ...... ml•t~hln~;" ""'' fr lt lhlll If t~lht•r , • .,,,.._. lhnucht lhr """'""" • ""' ""rth IMe~lnr~. II """ '""'"' ""' '"" ..,, •h<• ''"' "'"'' nut '" ••·II If \ttU ,_aft\ Itt "UU\\ h'1" '-'""' -..u,wth•n• ''· rut• un aot In 11wo 1'1••• Tin-""'' thut uul .-h•t lh~ uth•·r ,., .. ,, .... 1 II,••• •ho•lll IL Thos. Webster of Ralhoa (~t'ts Naval Lit'utt.'llalllRatilll( 'J Ten File fo'r CoUncil; City Clerk, Treasurer Unopposed 1st Time Thrt.'t' to Run (~an~·ln· :\1t•rr~· ll:u·t• in ( )ffin)( tu Si•nt 1\;t•wpurt Ht.'at·h; Ui1whart nnd t·umht•ntH, linn• ~u OJ)IHtHiticm \\'1th '"""' '"''"' c :uul~t l:tlc' l o~ ''"""' "'"''''' tlw win• nfl "'·''""'··~ "'~111. l111:tl '""" l~>r d••''"': "'''· '''" ""'" nn• *"'k· 11'1' th1• , . .,llnnhn;lfct•' '"" "' ,,""''"1-: tltt• ~.., ... ,,.l'rtUllc'nt nt Nf'W· I"''' lt.•.tt h f•ll' lilt' llt'\1 '"" ~··;""· \\llh lh""' tel c•lc-.·t. Tht• I"'"'"''" I ~'.'" :-. .• 11 '"'1~'1' llh•lllh 11111 tl1o· ttllctl lll•'~"~"llY It~ not tho• Clltllll'\ hilt lh•' t'llthhlt't 11l I If\ ,tflolll' 1111'\' "'"'h ..... Jl,. l11wo tt wltr 1111tJ tw•1 r hll I ... , "'" •' t .. , ut••t th•• , uht•~•t •lt•·n f\nthrUnt-"'h o .-n•tual,.• ,,, ,,. '· \ttlal •• , '""'\\ •t .,, ,111, k ft• ... ,,, .. , ... ,. ll•ah "'at June', and :-; ,,u. ,,. "''"' t '1\•t•\ St~t•r\\n.~l ·rtu· f<··•tt•. " ~tl~ttl••"t (..tn tht' N•wport ... '''" .. , .. , '" ttt•' \\' A 4 A tul\'t ,-.,," h t:rauuuar .. ':\,uol _.Ku 11..,. t.wtw• L-4 1"-, ._. tt-t~n Alltrtr\" r< rtnn -...,1., .,.;-r t \\ htuh ,.,.. , .... ,_..._,lm••n , )I~Atl "'' 14 • \ n 1 Itt t•t ""''"'"'" a net 0\Artoe In 11 ~1,....1,., 11nn1,.1n1·1'mf'nl ,,.,111 l'ltu ol•·\ All••·• I 11. "''" 1 'nt•l -IVIIItr '"'"'"''.,_ "" t 'rntn&l avl'· h •• """ ,.11 11t 411 \\',..at ~~ h •I rr··t t 'ltn~ M 1-)u•ll••l ""'' A I ltoon••th ""'' lor tor :tlltlo """''' lhr firm n•mr 1 ,. \"I''''''"· l!f'llr A<lmlr"l 1 (' 1 N o Oppot ltlon nf Ktouy,lloon " H<•n. hu l"f''ffdtod at l·•hii ~·H P IN'·• t r nf NAVIll llf't• ""I ~-'••t ltlt• ''"'' """'In tho• h.,.loorv N•'*l""'l '"' ''"""' lhr•e y•••ro bttl I' 1 f ,.. L'l tt1 hu t ..... n a rl'llltlrnt ut "--''" tlrt'tllf'll ttf ul' r. f'\'f'll 00( "'" 1••1 1 lt•·n• h t••lltl•·•. Ill t ...... t ...,,_,... -.; lVIII l >l~lr1• I lnoiiOy I""Vrnh•tl lltt\1 Ill Clh· 1/ti'C ~'CI \'t'llrt• lilt t IUttllolalo·lt 1'111111f V fur tll•ttrlv !\0 ,.,.,.,.. fir TltHIII•~ c· w .. hllln ot :\1t l,lnot., , •• , .... hl'rf' '"""' l4•nl• Ana. ""' ............ '" "'''""" '"v c,.,, .. ~~ tc •• ll~•ll hll•l twrn N>mn\l•l"n ~'rtllllt I. Hllwht~r1 "' t 'II v ,-,.,..,. c•h•olo• ~ltt•t " "'"' ~~ "" 4'1rt'lrtri1U\ ,.,, ,.,. lu•utf'n•nt IJII:I In"'" l 'tlll 11101 .I " ,;,.,., "'' lCIIto•ltrort tuuo wllh th" l4toulh c· •lit C'H IU\tl ,..... , ,, •lt .• , ... N•""' n ..... ,...., ""'"• In """""'"'"' at UA 'J'IIullJ· ._n \ lr1 1t fur u.-.1ty , .. y,..,.. anti ~ ....... rqw~tnc tnr "'""'" •'ulv '.UU ttlU!l. un. bJ .. Ullk '"'"" In f·~ "''"'"' lh• hila a wUe a.od ,._, 11 ......,., Ntabttllh'ml"n t, r.t,.•ll '""'"'''"' ,.,,,.,. '" r umina here A I'l l I l'rl•ll In Ill• t•••l "" t h•tlt. \\"l·•'"r .. ,11 .-.omrt..tl'" "''""'"' ol ,. 111,11 11,. 111011 1111,.,1 wtlh "'""""""' f rom('""""" hr Will In Ill~ rMI •!I- III" nl '"''''t'lrlnatlnn a t """' 11( t nf' l•tr Mll•l l•ulltlilllf hu"'n"'•· tie loa fll• tloC I lothl •lll'l•ftl o It lit• '"'ftlt •I tt•o•C ~-"I • "'"''''"' ttftlrf't "''"'"''" .~Ill''''"''''""' ttl tthln ''"''ttly lnl,.r~llh•d In _ _.. -'•lnll t161 '"''n''"" ... nt hill '"n Mr c:ronl t• In Ill• f lfll• '''"" •1•1 ,fllltllna ""'' h"• t-n C'Clfllllll t I ' I t l --ly r •-nml• tu N'I'Wftoul II•• hll fu r "'"")' ,...,.. I' I I II II 1111111 ll M' .-·W ~ ftr•C 111111111( oolllo •' Ill 114110 tllld ~~ ••· lh I 11,, r 1111;1 '"''"'"'' ••Ill t• 111 lit•• "''" "' uHII'Itll In l"'llll otf ~rv· ••II hill Yilt ltttfl lllltf f •hlfiC triJMI m 11ny "'",... n ffll'f'ra """ n.,...C•·•I ''' '" 111 111,. •IIY 111111 llo-""" 1.,.... Other G111W1W.tee • ••tt•n atul mw-n arut •hl('e uf uur ,.,,,,, .. , lrl\f' t•·w••r•h•d •• thr 1-~•rl t4t •u•I•·Y wJtu '•" r•&lteu uu ""'''"'' '~'"'"'lin~; Navy I !;oil••" tol,.n•l "',.. ,...,.,.n\Jy al.,..tetl \\ht h•1u.: .. r ttl•· t t• "~•ry ~tn•l 'Autt .... 1 11 1 "Th~r .. 01ttll 11r,. tnl\ny urt"•rtuo• '''''""" nc .. r lit•· "''WI"'r "' "' t. t itl•· nrtv a,:r .. ul• IW"t'klnt: n"'' •· HI 1 ltr~ J.,r, h lhAn m~'n In 'l""hfv loor C'lt14tt•l"'l "' l'tiiiiiiWf'l'f' IUlf''r , ""·'"'~'~''••n• •• ofllrf'r. 111 thf' 1"11'1~ "11''1 11'" '"'"""1 1""1"'1 1" lltu1 '"'"" "' Clv•• In • lvh' atr•tre fur Navl\l H..-n ... " •"' th ......... I" ~··I "" .,,.,,, hr ...... hrf'll ···~ •···I lllllnv v····· Ill,, , ... , prt·aldfont of 111111 , .. ,.,,., ••·•I "'"" ""'' tim,. "••h• 1 t .. ~ •-• .... ,1 .... 111llv n-.tt~l at lhiJo lhnr ,.,.,. H~tl•rV ...,,.. f••nnrr y oa ,_ "..,.. I• rom t•l•· '"""' "' thr pultll• ·,."I"" 11 1 t a --""'" "'h """ rttUIIItfy "" l.alwtr Itt"· d,.fl boef'fl "n 0 .,...... n .,_ l:otton11 qrn.· .. ra. Y.IHtrk•l •n•l •:n 1' n "' ''1" nhOity •• "u•tllur •n•l rnunt:r bt,ar•l u .. Ia a ,.,....._t. -,,... ...... ,f'r. . --aJ'W1 ,~,etta- tr*trlrl& OfllocH'a 1 CcNM IIrau\ h.a4!d .... ~~~--·-" ...... • ..... ---"""!'"'f LL ....... ..,_chaW '""" J.be I ca.-. Chu. ........ . ..... 3ta ........ ,......,PM M ' Uruvl"f''itJ ot ~~ne~tbem OIJIIMT~I• man Anl'll ""' rnm~t~ Ulelr • c><•l•trlul duutt••lrr •tuuiUI Dallloa .-, d , ... f'Wty ~ .. )1'1 April II. In 11':141 wllb Aft and IJ.II •I•· 1 r·•l 1"' no• 1111'1 ,-, II r,. f'lt,.'IIUit "" fflf' tniUIJ Jf'Ant lllltl hu l.aJI.n & ff'r • partial an-er whtcb obould will be fully eearc ht"d In the llolu-&. :~ Mai.. louve to help Oranl'e Oowlty. It tlt.n of thr labor u.nf'mploymenl :~I~ ,._ Ia d l.covered lhat a 1reat major. bl 'R DFC lty of lhe 11tatt'a nl'\'\' arTivalo lo-pro em Jobo For 70,:. eteJVe8 tt'n•l tn atay In California. Conlltd-~ It· now "PP<'are thl'rt wtll lw trf'o.l u ntw Arrivals &rf' thnae who f'nQugh Jobe In alxht to take up A l I h•• flrrt u.tr r.:m.....,. • have cr mf' tn !"oulhrrn callfomla prnbably 70•; or nil whn w111 IWI \\'lltthlnglun Qn Frida~. Major w ithin tht hut 24 munlhA lind tll\r·' ,.,...,a11r.t 1 ro m war job!l, IUid If lhr Thnmu J An•t,....·l!l. l" SA A..F- ttrularly thf·tu• who l'ame hPrt' to 1 hangl' uvrr rrom wnr ''' JW'nf't' or 42:\ f'.a.ttl 1!14b 81..-t Choala ~o:n Into wRr w ork , • rhht 019 ,,. gro•lunl ll:o· r rnllli'm M• '"' rN •·h·"'t lhl' ~ riQm studlu madr 1t "t!lltnHit·1.., lllktnl! up lht• surplu• lahor Dl&y .. 1y1n1: f"roou • •orff"n"''<' by .._.,. t!rl 75•; 11f lhi'IIC ni'W ('um•·n• tlnn tlO' h8ntllrll al!in ,.11 a j!fRolulll bal'IK l laltfn'l, llrtl l~~~ Am._d, r tn rtmrun M t:lllzens nf I hi' r•,m -\\'ar work"" an• nnt wtlh,.ut Ont' nf 11<'\'t'n o.Jo-, ,,..alM at tbr munlllt• w hen• lh«'Y ar·p nuv. In-run•ta. surv•'Y:< l9h••W thRt tht II\'· t cmr. MaJC•r A ntlrr•·• ...... ~ C"8ll'd. flalf Ul IJH S«' WhO l't'llliU II • I'TI\j;(' m nJr "rorkt'r hM fuoda 111f fur I llVInJ: <-tttnf'lrl.-.1 :.3 fl~ttllrr 'w1~oh t • takt• up ~>o•n1• furm uf wo rk 1 Ch 1,,111 In , :orrv "" for ~""" "'111t•·J< •lurth~o: " l•<t al ••f l!r. _,. .. , tlo ll•·ro·11l fn'nt the jnhll tn whic h mnnthA Wit ,,.11 'takm~; on ant lh"r :tlltonal htrtllto ,.,t h tbr RAt" lltrv nrf' now tmplo yrd jr h WhPn lh<• w .. m.·n wr rr rl!tkt•1t F.agl" Rquat..lr•ofl 1...-fo~ bP trano- 7f>', nf the hOUIPWtvt·~ n .. w 111 11,.. qu··~let•tt "II ow 1uog. can ~·nu frrruJ In the I ' .s A A • lh• I '''' •ttdlt "1 "Ilk ...... Wtl,. 11• .... 11 ltiCt•r••l In lllllll_. tl¥f!..., -._ .. f<t·~ ,,. r,,,. ~ .... R-llut. ""... o r~ .... 'I ..-- .. ,., "'"'' d c .. ""' t ••r·•l Mu t"'rviMII lltll"al t'llnttti\IJIII fttr I hi' JI'IM 11'1 •1to .... ,,..1 Uw ,.,., ''~ lhr 'tl J It,..,,. '••'•II II•· q,,,,,.,,. lro lt<'•'kllll( " .. "r" "" ''"" "'""" •l!'ltnlhl "'""" ('..._.. ................ that JW'•lf\1" ( • ... ,. Watts llc•mt' ··I· I ...... 1'" I • I ll~· 'In .. '" 11'" .... ''""" • II v l(nYr llllll•'llt """"''' op- Gr&.nJIC 1 .. ~-' f·•r -hr '• unrv K 1 Sold f•"" "'",.,,,,.Itt· .. ,.,. t..,.,.,, uu tth .. Juh, ,.,,.,. ""'' f"ku•.cl v .uthl l••'•v that ~ .............. _ • a.tl .......... ,. 1" t.'f~nt y ........ I''"' .. " "'1'111'" '"'" ··ffl .. , •• , ... ' ..... , ........ c .. "'"'" me. Ap~.J lUlL • I• ttl Cl l• 1"1 IUIII~III.C In hlro thl )""' IIH I lit \1 ''"'' Co••l MAV"r flail ~ cfty .,...._,.., .. "' b -h.rhll\1 n •• rU tiiV ,,.-.,.r •• ,,. ,.f Mt hUd '.,.It ... ,.,'"'" ,., ... l vll•ul ''""ltlt•MH ..... , , .... ,u•th llnf1 latwn :· ••J,""" ,.._.riff ..... , .• ,, attef\ \Ah ... n ''•· ,. f ''""" whu h"\'• u\4rh I u u••ol th tl '"'" ltu .. u.:h "''''''''"~' Alhrtt ft.•"'l'"fl uf •\vr,..,-1,. c1flt ,..,., a ... ,.,._,,.... than i •.,..• ,~,._.,,,,. ,11,,, ,.,...._uJ,J~t.c••.J thr th-UI••• ,.r t:l•tt• \\" ttn•t t.turttl\' "l'l•·•k,.. ltw ru••nf Ill lh,. 1,." r••ttt .. •t ttu••n•'•" r ••••u l tve whu ,.,.~.....,. ltnla r~ • .,d'lf\' ,.,.,k ·tft_·tl tt 1\ 1\\t "'" Nrv.p 11 1\r"' h "~It •.•• ,, .... .,,, ... ~,.,,. ftt• t """'II t .. •llt•\t•M , .. I "'' ltrlu.: tu t"Uy ._,. ~= •Ito ..,.......,. '"-' r~r oofr '''"n • IH •·•IIY '" ''""' thai lhrv """' Tlorr .. lAirat to f'lle '""~ ,..,1111 ,..,,,,.,, !•l lrttiJtlrll 11n Ill • • ...,.. ,...,. ret•r .. ,.,,unt\• ''IIJ t h••H h~uer Tll~y tue.v.-lltlt t lf ,,,, '''''''' v.l\ .. rti••.J ~:HIIt,•llt\ llllttiU•,.,.IIfl•t 'I'W h •ltV "hHUI•t hr J.,...... • ...,.,,,,,if~ •fth,.•••ur ehnf!W•d ttnil """ nc.w '"''"P'"''' t •··•·••*h ,,,, '""' kr•••wu '"' J,!t•k .t•tndtnlrtl. ., ., ... ..._,,.. r nmar.. •·~• n.t.,.t ,.,,., hottnr tn t ~• Anllrlrro """' Ito . ''"•'h•rt v ''" ltn;, l•·•·n " ltull ~•ll AI tlorr •·nCit """ '"'"" rmJIIotyr•t rr--.err..,..._ AP"'I «11\ ,:,•\\•••tl .. •lf tt •rt ,,., h ill• ,,.,.,,. ,J,u tu.:wt hh ut tt·• : .... ,,, f\.""' ,.,, f,.r "'an•• M:ar "'JJrk plan to-rrturn In thtlr l 11,.,. "" vnur ,.rwtnj:ll." th•· replltll h••n <'S But many of lht' wnmt'n 81 ,.ra~:rd ah<•ut J<IX m nnlhll plan to suppl .. mcnl lhr1r lnrnmo' What will thl' membc!ro of tht' V. tl h l!tlmt' f11rm nf llt'tl•••l '"' 111'1\· Ann I'd (nrc I'll olu when I hr war II< ,,, \\ ,,u,. wtut fotlth'rlv 111' '-", 111 "",. tt";r OlftiU'K"' .. , Uu• un ,~, •1tttl tua.; tn thf' l••lnth'• d•· II" SETS IEIII-. TO " .. n•.:n "1 lhf' ,..,,. .. 1'"'"1 11''"' It l lnlltt•ll 11111111 It "' lltt· llunk "' I'""""'"' ttlt•l lht•fl 110111111 lrlln lhf' __ ·-f t ,r•t•· ,,, th•• ltAn k uf /\Uit'l l•H \H •t•• • It• 1,.,.,,..,.,~•1 "'"\f"t 1 tlffh •• 11,. f•,.I•Nit(ll Itt lhf'" l,ltMl" l•~t\'tf•J: h••• •·· h ttltt fhr •nu~ p•• "'' nftlf't hr•• ,,, '"k• "fl •••••• "''"'k ....... ""'' , .......... y an•rr h••d • l.lftllr 311 Fll IEPiiJ ' "" "' Ill" Lakrw•t<.>d VIII•«" '"' "" 1:• •I ' ,,,,.,. lout "''""' "'" • luont~• "" N•·wfooorl 111111(111• Mr• lftVWI;, ""''""' "" Ia n•-hotltltlljt 1'"' '"''""'" Itt;" "I" 11•'•1 n to ttl • •IIl io• ll"rvtlllo ,."" footlllrrly HtUilt! Ollila • I miU\ajCf'rlalllhlp •I thr .. ,,,,.,n,' .,fll• ~ 111 th r \111~1·1 ltulltlllll( til llttl· nit• I lho·y hro Vt• '""' ~ n t 1un. prob11hly a parl·llme job over Thf' L04I Angtl<'ll ("hamhN From F ive States I ' r ( 'olmmrrc I' 8HUJ(hl QD IUIIIWC'r tn ,It' San [llt>j:n C t "mber of Cnm-UtUI qutl't o n and lhP lllliiW(J'II rt'-SEAL 1\J.:ACJI \'trltm of ''- m err e AUI'VI'Y tndlrall!l! thnl fll't t•rlvt>•l ~how th11t !14'; t•lan '" ~·";...~AI'. un r•nltr•• •·•ll:ot.'<' of ,.,..,_.., natca contributed 50'", of thf' nl'w tum to thtlr tom .. l!ln Loe Ani{!' I'll rottn~:•·~ t< '"''"I: "'""'...t 01,..,., frnm rE'l!ltlenta In lhnt srl'a. Thr larKclll 1 County. th"l 72": dl'lrirl' to rf'tur{l thr An;1h<·em l.an-tmc: dr•t~ ,,, group lnclude11 th•~te coming from ! IA't formf'r rmphty('rll and employ· muk•• "''"~ for a ~150fiHPt """""'l otber poinlll In California , Texu m enl , whllf' 47<; rt'port tbry havl' n rllnan"'' •l•·pol. rounfy hw~ nut, lht'n Oklahoma. Jllllftriw and 1 acqUlrf'cl nl'w l!killo durlnJt thrlr tirJIIIIrtm••nt l"'rmlt' dtvir...-:1 MtMourl. On!' lntere!lllng Item In v.·ar t raining. hrl'f' turlay Save Bundle of Waste I Paper Weekly, is Plea l'l'rmll< havr I'W'O'ft to..."UUrd f•• mov1 ns: fl:.t h~ fNlm t hoo Alta· hrtm Lantim,:; IUY•a •·•thtn thoo a-t (rw 1111~"· Count~ nutltimt.: I~ tor Mnhl ~llld Mnn• th;m :v10 h,..,_ ~ <'llh•'r" l>t· m•w~ n .. ·ay •A ~­ l•h•"' 11~ rlnt• nf 1 to.• Jll"•lnr,.ruary ~lrp• 1n r •l;ohft•htnJ: lh--hu~ -~ vttl In-tOt II;,, ••·n 1\oul•ltnt: oofflr•,;ol \ -.atd that Rt ll\ol<lll~ ~~~· 1\'lnJ! thnt '"" 11\'<'r l'mllll. hxht plf'r<·~ ran hr 1"1"' "" "'''"' .. r Ill•' holtm. • •h••h ar,.. """' All nnlltoll!lf tnvl'ntnry n( wa~tr pn· Wit h rani', ric but ••th•·r ,,,.,.,.,..r ~~·e·t~pt• .. l '" "' I• , ... "''' k•·l• ·•'• I"'' >tl 1111• nllllll<ltll-~ltlllll'~ nlv 11 ·11•1 '~'" '"n t><• lak••n I•• thr "1'"''"1 '"'tnl; "''''''11 t•• tho· \\••lrrrn·l•• 1, • ., "', "" '""'''"are hai •·n•1111:h ,J. P"'~' :• r "' rnp me·llll .Th<•!Of• d• · rl••trw• , :o•l ••f lh•tt I"' • r • t. 1:ut ·tw f ••l I!' lh:1t tht'-lfl\rut••r\' l '•'" ~tr•~ at f~;.tt • .-a P, 1-: fli:ht .. nl r.ttton ff'•"• \~ t •·1h• , .. ·1" I• Ill n(ll ~··pnly tllvtrll'ol ""'' hn.• •11'110· way l'nln """ ('••nlrn l In fr.,lll 'f lrl;: lotk••n '" \''''"I' •t••'· "' ·• nl lilt ,, ··I l l'lJ 'V t •t ,,.,,.Ill!-t 'a '• :"'•'\)lttrt l ' E.r iJ!h1 ···ti!Jfl.\ \\lvr• '''·' ,,, .... ,,,1. dc,\\U un.t 111•'"' nttwiH ~., '+~\'•t t•ly ' 'if\ It .,,,..,"' , .... t fr nru IIH).:il l"'f'Tn•l ,.,1 ,,1 .,1,,,11,,n!-F~tw;· !"rr\'11" !"tnll••n :"<·WI•"'' A d•·h•ll•n•· "'' .,llo\ ,,, 1 \jd 1 , ... ••f p n u t ho:u•l •·•nlatu (I \' \n d · ''n l .:tl.t\'fll\i• ~trt f"\ t1PJ~tftf')l•rl1 f•1l ,..,. \\ d•,. ,1 ,,,11,.tL: 1 •• ,t. ru•d,•al ~up J:.,u~~~~a J..,l,nd A•r··~:-~"·tr.-,1 ,,.,.1, ,,,,,, ·,IJ t'''"'' "' •t ., , I I ,.,, ·1 ~'"~'•u''"'.l tUltl f'4pupn1• nt p .... '·tflf • f'n r••na fS•·I ~1 at J,, ttttt\•·d n HJ t '" \ 11 ,,, t lilt' htllit! !"" qqu-<1 •tVI'r1h :t!~ ,,, At tJJ~~~Irt·•·t ~r tn Ull\ pq,_.;f orJI••'I ,\I! • I,,·"' .tnol i\lf '•I f•oltl'lt onol l:ul If '"""' :til""~· I•··"' ..,, I 'I' 4th ~ l...aunched t L• ,. •• "'', trlr•·\'t•f' f,,..,, ns n fH•Ur f·•• m•tlrtl nt th•' c 'It\' \ hrt!!4 tt.l ~S~nd t nr I• l·h·nt~hu.• ttl "' ,. ~~~··· pnr•·r nml I..Af~tVI'lll' 1\tro·!'l. ~(\\I"''' At Ackerman Sat. "I II h ,, oonr .. : 'lit• I'III•:C rUW..,lfiH-I t:•·a· h iliUI Will lll' " hljt h• lp 1,1 111t~ fr"m '"""It t·nnl~t.nr~ t\r•· -.;.,,,. l •f•·a~~ lhnl '"""'"" ntlll!:t I 1 1 1 1 • A• • ;,,,, 1 •• t ... • r t U .~ ' .. t • • I'•'" ,. 7.1111 }' \on ' an~, •·l• . lit IIIII ~CJT llo• nut rrrrm,~·" t h,. 4 'It •if II r '" nat1"11a l IIL"II. 1n thr• Ca•,.. • I t<•fl al ot• P'•lll ~ow 1r )'"U hu••· ' ~.r 1", tr•·1c111 a11l t l"~'.w·u-n•·· r ,.., •• •'ll'tllll'l'hll ~ !<UJ'ply ill 101 lftl f'O•I\I!t• t•'(\1":\ hHJ,:t' plf'f't•~ fll fll'll\'~' rTII!Ii llitd r!toWn tho ,.H\"''" ~lot •r ' '•' hy nnr·'lllr : frl•fll I) flltll IIIlO I•• 1o • ph•·n•• \1,•· ~l'wpor• tlarl>ttr f '!tam· 11 t !• 111 1 hr A• k•·n n rtn I~ oAt 1 • • Cllttt HI WI t• n., nnnunlh I hi' "Rill<' b<•r ,,, c · .. m m••r('l', t 1o1 ~ """ at· • -1 pany t.lf'JOI '""" I•• d ro ,...,.. . .,,. foof t l l'"l'''r 'lollf'•''"" lhr•llll(h rr J:"ular r311J.:t m•·nlll will ..... "'""" tu pu k I Arm\' I I h~tnnela. I UJI with a 1per.taJ trur k . 11'1 nnt T h•·,... 1 r ... 1 ..,,. hrt bu•ll , If err I! a hl!l nr w ut .. oorr8p In call for a truck unte. the ll&lvlll(l' 1 h .. ~ llll''e and wht re drpote r·an bf' I itrm •~ tno large for yctu to hanlllo· lhl' ""rii"JI "' "'1"\'l '11'~.~0': 1' r l ,. nrw •·•·m,.n t urnta._.. ·••'lltl-"" round· .,. lhP tmr k will br buay covf'nn~: td and ,., ntrtrurt,.,1 t Artl•'fn •• f ,_,) ..,,,..,...,,_ h ''' ·' 1'1" 1 oHo•l Vrnnnn1 fUr .... t• hrnu r h "' '"" .......... •A """'"''~ lo• "1'""' '"'" /l tol.'''"" lllltl II wa1 n•·• ··~""' \ .,, lll1lilrrtt thr hoouso-'••llfl 1" tH ll\'r of'ar hUI offtrf" ""'"....S.. .... ,_.....," ..... '"'''" 11"'1 1 Mr• \V•U• h"" twt>n "''"~ "' "'"N.c C!DIIId ..,. tto.no """ 11111' , lu btl••m In the Harhnr ar•·• anot tJiat ~" nf 1~ h•om.o·• m•1•t ,. ... ~,,.. P"'rf"'r" httltl "' • .., _... ....... _ 1•..-:tll"" "' . ...... -.....,. A8 .-ffeet ---tr ,,, m v• mall) ol U. ~ 1nt" S••:al Br.-t! !but butlottln.lt ro~•r ... ,, .. ,, JI""'W"Rif'ld ,,_.. t_,:.rauov-.-"'"' ,. ,, •• \ of t~ r :az:d; uw '"' ar .. •4 o,. ••u' mrr .....,.._ ""'-,,,.... f"not-ry .... " ..... ·"" "··· ~~~~t1art.-.d •• thr •.r•tn..,,.. ,t. I"'' wtucta wtiJ tw .., •.P •·•''"" ,,, 1 .. 1 I ........ fA FQ\ ( ·oa~t AfoCHOC·iatinn tn lnrdall Tu,·Hday 1 '""11••• ,.,.""'v • ·.'""' """'"'/"' ,,. t1 n t.A II m~t nr•t ·ru•'" I • \ "' r nrr1 ~, :-l•· t ,. .. ,r .. l • .,.,,. t .,,,,~, I tt~ f, \11\ ;1\ ~·,.nt r:..-..... h ... uuetttll .,, •• ,., ... f, r th• t n ••·nt \~'"Hr ~· '.# Jtrl IUdr nt If' I. 1\ I •'• I ,. • ~·II '"'' ....... t·"'~"' t•f,.nt ~It liN oof Rr10l It• "' lo .,I-···' ~ f l Ui • ,., .... ., ... ~rap metal A~ 11taiC'd "wovt', lilt grneral c1ty are•• 'rf l'ng'lnr .. ,.,. lllod "mplrr)·~ ~ •• A ~J'f'(:lal Ralvaj;'t r·mnmltlrl!' tn br laun• hed "'~ ,.,..,, •. ,. "' ha:a b!'rn apprtln ll'd and wtll 1H" art'ordlnr: to the <'llms-D)'·o • .... that' this was not done. Also thAt C~ta Mesa and New- port St-ach should be nne dty and thnt thORt' plans w~more important than all other projeel bf>forc New . Harbor. I gl1ul In <'OOJWr"lt tn Any way P'"'' trart with t r,. Army lllble l.n addition to A. B. Row!· _ ~ l11t:ll~. r amp•lgn d lrf'ct· r, lht nlher ahey no nalhorMl J•I!Lftd aDd .._ .. I mcQI~ro o f the commttlee art fl•ltz •t ror•.na del Mar Hugh F'.alua al .Newport Dead\, P'or ru tur" rdf'f'enU aa-1 tnt• ,. OUI Tampllll at B&lboa. Tl)n)' Her· mat.lnn pftnflt 1.318 Beek Hits Pro-Axis Propaganda In Talk l1 •th 11 l ttt H,;tl I tlk yp,; fl f,. I ft ,,,, • :, ,. , .. t t ' •• , \ "'• "'' '., •• ,.~ f l•tl I•... A "'I k ltlt •• ,. 1\ 'I"" 1' 'I 1, ,,.,, .,., l h• n .tt•·• l••uu "'' •t ~ • fl I ft ••• f ffllllitf f .... , t.-1f ..... ,,, 1 I , ~ t ,,, ld~ t, • • It•" .1 •f•·•m f • ' II •• , .... ,, ... I,, I v fit h ,, y, .u ... ,, '"',, •• I ~t l !ltH I IHI I lfiJ• I I' • ., .. I' '•I f• ttt tL• '' I, tlo I'" f• f • ,,,, t ,I• •• " d tilt .. ... ~ t ' \ ,• I , .. I ~. I ~· t1 I I ' I ' '"Ill I• ,, I t tl ,, •''· til I • f Uif ... t, I • .,, r · n f••t1d .. •I y • ., ~~ t. • .. II I , I ,. I,, f' ''I ',, "'I I I I I f tl • • ' '' II ' . ' '. r I .. , ,, llo 1 f I ttl t • d I tl I I·' :'I tl• llt•IJI"•'• I . • • !~ ''·I I J : I" pH ~ 0 •t Jft f" IU fllf f I j f, I I • ! ,, ,, t ,,,. \' , If I,,. ••' I II• .. _.. "' 1 , • .,,,.. , t Arn•·t!• ufl• 1 lfu .1 h i I f\H'I V t1 It tft• ,. loft• II I• I,, lit \· t,f '•' f")hliV tlfttl IHithlt \' 't ~tH \'•'• litn t1••t "''~ \ tl • I"' .... , '', f "''' V.ltl" IIlii •" '" I"' l•lt ,,,.. P t\'ttlf• • t I \" t tlr ,_1ttt1t•ull' ,, ht' ,,, t ht III;V ''""' "'""' ,.. 11 ,, q ., " t ~~~' 1, .. ,.., tthtr1y In tt,r•••· H -.t ,,, t, 11 11 •t lrt \rtf r ,,.J t• lt•J' 0 tl• fll t11 '"'jtJ "11lt ~4 ff'lf'/tl lift• ~II ~ tllilll Wit" WUIIf•l 1\llt ft~lly t lou"l('' t•fll•'ra wlllt hltt ltoltll~r 110n~ I'• 'I '·I ,. .,. • "''"''''' furt~IYfl t.hfl t••ttt•lt••r !tor I Itt a It.. Ill • Yl'ry )f•tttu: UIIUI, f•t W, •HII JW'rhhiJIII lflt• -~~~~~'"' t "'"" t lor '''"""InK•. "'"' ttw II~"IH t ''' II•'" t 1f pu f I'OtthwMJ Arf' Uttkltt •WO "','.'1•• n tft•• RIIHit•r•'., tu"f ''')"' ft.,, .. , tlu h f"' ;ou '''••thtn, t.u•tnbr-r" •A • r •· l•l'k• •I 1f I h• \ lilttl nny flU'"· t ,.,1 ••• ,ph t I , v• II'IJ' , ... ,,,.t,~ H•·v • ' l "'' 111tu I" II· I 'l'ftt' ~•t l••fl t h••ttt ''"'"'' I'• I• r I \'''' t I I •t+l• ' '' '' ,..q, .. tluM t •1 f•••tft l ftotr ut 1 t o It q t t • 1••1 1 ,, •• ' "'"' '"' 'ftlf fl ··I I ' f l •. , •• , .... ·•·· 'fi' • , I I ,., ,,,.. \Yftt•h ,.,. ·. '" I I ,,1 ., 'I ,, . ,. ., .. .. ,, .. J''l . t I tic' 1 ,11 1 I ..,,, v ttl•l "''' \II ' 'I• ., 'I ' ,,,, , • h .... r .,,..,, • ' •••• ,, ,, •• , '" t h~· ,,,,,.1',,_ It 1 ' •,t I ""'Uif ... ,,, , '' ,. t·•·n•. In '" II lltllt tltf' '• • •• ,, · · ··~ • 1·••\•• ""v ,. •. , .,,., 1 ,, -" I• t • tr ,., l.cl,t .• or 4. Th•• '''"'"''"" '" ,., ... k ... ,, .... ltfl tl11 bt· ,,,,. ,,f fflf' , .... d , .. f ,l( ..... h " ... ,,._ f fhll tf 'tJ•\ • '"'"''' .,, •·•·nonmtt" ,,,. I "''IM V ,,111•1 fr td t•• ••KK"'I"'IV" tl.,t , .. ,.,.. ':-,11.,, ... ,,,. '. ,, u k • r ..... , lr It Ill" .q··~, .... lvr , .,rrtla~ury ._ •·••ft·r "'"' rtf11 ''" ttu"' kO\' ''' V'1'' 1.,,,. '' ,, .. , 11rt•l ''"•v ••n•l e·n u•l • hu u .tk• f '-''•.._,h r l••·•·pl•' 1, 1u', n u·t . v.·h,, ,,.,. k• ... t h•· .,,,.H ... , ~"' 'I ., h• t ,.,.,I. f I ''"'"''•ntrcl un th'" ,,.., 1 It•• "''''"' r ""''"' ~~v~• "'" ltf" ,1 11 ,,. ,,,11 ,,, , 1.~ ••ffro·t tltal wr ·~ f••r ,,, .. t ,,,,,.,,...., ••t u.,. n•uth•··r wh•· Arn•·rt• u il r• ht '''' t''"'"'' n to ull ••-• ll••r """ ·• I lld111! "'" llrlllw•·l 11 II• 1 ttl• I ·t ,.., ltllrt thl\t I• wtlh 111 Jtltotrl 'l'loo •••l•llr o •lit a 'nrl' T t "• ,0111 .,,11 ""'"'11: l''tll t ruot Uti' llntt m•olhrr 'dl•·ll ••vr,ry •lilY f"'rhi\Jifl lll•rlll' • 1 ,...,.Ill 111111 unJuollltlfld O'V• I y lo•tiH. '"' I"' ,,.It "' 110'1 I llf,. WhAI f11 Chl'l I~ tltf'rf', Mr . -r t I I I I \' ~ ... • , NEWPORT-RALROA NEWS-TIMES. Newport Beach, \ l:tlifornia, Tuesday, March 14, 1944 lee Beek Tells Lions of Pm-Axis Propapnda .. ,,.., h«• I t I tbat •~ wW ~ .. , .utt u t o fin ~m a n.quuated pdll:e ao that U '} • an fot•• .....:! tu rt'anD ami Jl:f't rc-a•t.r '" at.Jrt .. h lirt;"t &1\4J wttrr war \..hrn 't ""''• th•'tt puq .. ,,..,. ~~ m.l>)' t "~'I a (1 • .,t 11( jltOjJ· .arar•t:. fflom "''" n '" tht' "''""' ......... __ that ·r~··r •t• lU ':.•rrnitn\ Mntl •• ._. tlpcle our • '""~'" .. ......... a .J cHd tk UnUt!IJ Stat~ "~ maa.. ·r .. ~ ... •l•lH J.-lqft ... rr In -h U -pro90kf'd attarll Uf""' a •Jo:<l~"'" •tr-.. 11""' '"""''' IIIIV t' "t ~I ~l«'lbor JIUI"b u ,~-at-tt ... ) '"~! ""'" tn l'tart t1hl• • "mlv••l \a(-b ~ tA• Ct-rmanv Uf"WW Url-• f • "'""""' '" h\'r \o\'~ hlo•l " &1um, 'Hollarl4 ~ an.J·S •A· ~-tnt•!. .. t tl'l ,. a• th .. l.l .. n" f1uh _, ,01' bJ Japua u:'('e pratrful lr A• s pr•o..,afl.'"n•l••t~ """ Cblna and Uf"G ua! , .~,. '"' \"•oUillt ~~~ f Arr.•·r\('a "Wben dieS · .. old~en c.t t i--e armY t•l • .. I! •I n.1u .. n~ alv. •v• ;ont,.r ot ~ U..a..d ma.a-rtt~r t0f1u,.;.. ,."''• '"' ~mwml.-r•·U ni\JI lln<1 pr'-n rJt _,. lw-at lbre W"tt.b ,!1\aJ fhr • .nh 1 ff"1•·no .. l'lo·twr"n clu ... ....,... ~~ and u.utllA~ U>• l!';:tr-..-n&tonnll "'"' t hl' them. u tJw> Japa ,.._ d ..., to 1.,..,.. r t•.l nat OfU 13 a nu•ll••r "' pr..._ IJMof ba~ tak•• • .._. p--"ona an•l t hen fl.olltow that thla ~ ~ tJw -nnt · .a&lr-bp tl\ • nY ln('lnjt lhl'tn thAI I hi' •a Y I " fUIUrf' ~arr Is t .. ,..,. that u..;.. f"bbt••t• • av,. plt'nty .. r raw matrrtlab anol t .. n ltttn· tu rxpand .. ,....,. rt1 un Clont' a Inn~ "'"Y I I•A~arrt ~n.t~t th,.tr ··nd I Glvt! I t~ Wllllar r n r yttnn1 M wantft an;t "' •<on't burll:'lt' any mur,. • I I aM!Dt. ol Amf'ni'&D ufrv «n aM --... e«af'O"d ,,._ lM .Jap p;e. c...-• lbr r'talli1~ • ~ lad .. .... Ulloa e..AIAI.rJ baa -.at --. cubt:r '" --=~~ aDd baa ~~~-<~ aa. •c,_t. aad U.,.. up to them ~atrtDM~t. to tk CliiiU.rary an AJw ..,..-_,..- ...-~ ,_,. art' ~ lo w • ,....._, ,..,_,nc nr ..-.r ._,.... ....... Ow --.. .... tllet . ..., .......... to. k ..,.., ......... ~-- "-~ '""'-P' a ,... ... c..... ... ~ ............ ... ~--..... ... ~AUINI &WEn • ._ tUT,.,...._,_. IlL ... ................... . -nu~r ~ ~nfla hu alrtady cGt a cood at.arl In ttl Lll < .,.....,.,. Tllol-rt t.a a well flnancf'<l 'Slop lbl! War N-' aaOYemcnt un· .,__, aM Wt' ..-d of flttHn miD· ..&rn ....-. a prot.ll -.aJnat uw tK-mNnc ,., Gtrmaa d tiM 11t • ..,. ot raoru Ua.at u.ry prouat . M ~alllaC UW bocnblQC of Lon ._, Ko douM • lot ol ttua propa-c:-da il ._,by UldlwkJuala w llo ... ~,. tiiA u &a ...... llle '-tk __. LukliGua klnll of ....... U ~ JOUftC c--ht'r WU t' .. ~~ fll. aa..a 01 Japa: IOIGLIS ---'- N ... YOIJ'IO ~•aa M claaa Etllf'l r. C•~V~in~rhaa. wile .. ., tile atladt • Per HariNJr an4 wu latu ~'acuat~d from Uawail. aNti &ia• ......... lM ~W.\R lltlarracb, MJ,aml. t)l,. whtrc ahe 11 aui~ &a~ 1.l ·~ • dUefavhi•••t'a •att, ia on Ma du17 iJIIIM Na')'. I Air Base Surgeon Kiwanis Speaker c;u.,llt •pcakn 11 t t hi' n~>on lunch· , . .,n U111t Wt'tk wUI be Col. Gal· !logher nf thr Air Raae. an out- !landmg plonetr In 111rgkal tech- n•que, wbo tbla year rerelvt'd lhe ""nual gold mf'dal award of the ,\o "rlean Ac·af.!t'my nf Ortfl6~dlc -;uri!•'""" for his ntw method. ut h><rolllnl'( huma. 110d 14'0unda .. Col Gallagher. a rf'~tular army (ht •·r and f<•rm<·r rhg t aurgeon, '" nnw co,mrrRntlet or the: hoapltal 111 thr l';11nt.a Ana Oa11e. H" Ia con· • d•·n ·ol 1\n autllorlty on caJt't h.-alth problt"ma Thurlklay be wUI tdl 1111 • f I he new l~'• h111quea and Ill"' ho ,.J,. di'VI'Inpe.J In war tlme. The da te fo r the Cantanc!o C1ub c 'uno·~rt whlt•h Will ht• the conclud· • POLICE NOTES ,\n Olli'rnpH-rl hoat rohhPry "''" ro•purlt'd lo thl' l()("al PllliN· h\ ;Tom M1llf'r who w~~os !<l('('run~: nlvl(u'd tht• "Lorraml' F .. mO<In'<l 1 nrilr thl' Shell Mannt• dock. A )'nlllh dt'M'ribed as bt'IWt•t•n tho• I n.:··~ or IR a nd 20 yeurs. about ll ft..-t tall with blond hair, Inn.; 10 th1• hnck, hoardtod lht• bont ac,-om· pan~<>d by two or t hrvc othl'r :>·ouths Whl'n M1ller 11woke. the• I)Oulhs flt·d. 1 AI m1clmght Friday night. Of· t.il't!r Waterlue fota,d Rt>fod'a New· port l ei' pl11ont o~pen. Bot1 ~ w as notiht'<l and upon inv('s· tigal10n. could d iscover nothln.: missmg. The Olid had entered b) ·tr~r front dOor, eone tllrouiJl lh•• buildina and out the back. lnv· . ; 1ng all doors opt-n 'T1mr. · alopp•n~t at Knott•• BJiny A Los Angeles boy wu caught COSTA MESA .. ~IUQI eoruutt hllnlt for diDMr. 'ste-aling two pints of beer from I A re11t1vr ~v .. nlnK waa enjoyed lhe Balboa Safeway slorc on Sat ·! The promotion ur OuruahJ W rectnlly by frl~nda ot Yla caroa.e urday. As the ~y wall only 16 1 Payn~ from OK> rank of rnrp .. ral Bunllrk wh~D aht t ntertalned tdl'b ond a mJnor. h1s part'nts wen· to that ol wr1eut h.u IW'C'n an-••·hntllmatr, at an danrln~ party nollfitd to pic-k him UJ'I , 1 nounrt'd by Ow headquart~rt or at t.tlt homr .,, h~r pare~~t., Yr Pro~rty ~age only N'Sulttd the Ninth Air For« lfi'N P to anti l.frll Harry Burdick , 232 lilaC· f~ a colh~1on IM'twt..-n cal' IIlLI 1111 PLIIES O.."t let •~expetiefuo .. op you.. 1brft ia a job you CID lam -and ~ pot paid •hilr tra~. ........... 'ate. "'-1 .. I.OIIG 8&MW ra..urr - Grt FuD lnfonnatioo Today a t Doacla Feeder Shop U. S. Employmrnt ~ ..,.. a se a a ....._ -'-»t w. 5a 1M.. e-ta .ua •La..·•~-. -.. • .._a Fli.. ...,, ~ ..... ·=-L a. . ·-p. a. A. V AILA.BILI'TT CER I lFIC ATE N'EC"&"'SARY ••hlch h~ Ia att.cbM In F_:nrland. nolta. dnven by W. L. Duw~un of 1713 1 I &.rJea.bt Payne I• lbe ~m uf John 1 . W. Central. Ne-wport twactl, anrt W. rQ'ne at :a._ Bm&dW&)'. On I"""" fr•lrn thr Mr.rchaDl M.a. t-lt'nry-S. NrWlon or ~·al ~ach nn" Hob<>rt Long hU bean Uae lD• which ocxurT't'd 11ot 17th and C('n· Barrowa (kpartmC"nt Stor«' 1a tO'ntlvt' for many ~tala ewnta. tral. Nrwpnrt &-ach dlaplaylnc In their wtndow. aou· ComphmPnllll2 lJonald 8mtt.tl, 1 I Vt'nlrt f rom Attu, Nt'W Guinea and Mac·hlotal'a lfate Firat a.. ot y f . d a . tt•e <.;IIbert Jalanlta Thty were thl' Nll\'V .,.. hu hu r<'tumed att.er 0Uf rJen 8 an mJne """' by fo'\nt Lt A Y. Rt'1nrrt. ~><-•nl: Mlattun<'J fur ellbtee 1 Yr. and Mre. 1... c H illiard of SK 3 " Rocn Barruv.· and .. ~ I ll· m•onlh•. In , Haw~~oll. Mr. and Yn Balboa Wt'rl' dlnnf'r ~r~u•ru of Mr Hut h Vt llmt'r. John ~ \\ l'bAit•r of Orance AYe· and Yra. John F . W~betrr In Costa A -~ Grant Phil tina Ia rnjuym.: " nu•· 2'"'" ll oll'!ll(hlfully appotntad u h ... h d Do ld ··-1 •• eu w en .... e-y ono~ na 10-olfty rurhm«h. tit' hu bt"('n .Ca. ' lllnrr Smith, machlnlat'a mate 1/c of tbe 1 1 -, tloned •t 1..U v .. , .. but will r<'port lllr M ol Mrs f11\miP Otto r~-Navy. lu Vln1t vllle for tralnlnlf aa a bum· .-.-nt1y l'ntrrtalnl'tl lhl'lr bndc-e club Rf'newlng fonnrr tr lendablpt I bardl.-r 1n thrlr hurr.r Mra. A . E. Barnt'tt and her daugh- Or and Mra. W. W . Slatf"r of Pvt. a nd Afr11 M"ffurd Wa~ ter, Mr1 Charlt'S Gill ~f)f'nt TUu- l lllth ftlrMt announce lbe birth or a ttr•• thr prqurl pRr .. nlll nr a •laurll· d.::;· ·n CJa.nmcnt wbnre they fur· aon at • Loa Anrel• ba.pltal. I ter bom on Mal"<'h e at St. J~ a-erly mada lht'lr hom-. Wra. Gill I A croup t.f ..... folk altrmlt'd hOtJpltal Thl' <" uplr live at 4JI uad ber two aona, Robblt' and lbt' fM'rlorm&nC'f" of "RIOIIaom , Vlo•tnrl~~o St.. C:HJ1l1t Mt'lla Clla · 11 s. ~~orr •lura 10n .lfuP.sts •n t hl'l Barr ·tt ~nm~ Lt. C"olnnel Gill Is n,.,... ".:enr • ... lwhlrh I knnw Ill' 111 n1111 hi' rnultl ntit rc•n•lrr muro· d - f• o'llv .. ""rvtrr to Hltll'r 1\ntl thP Mlkaolu thnn to ~nrnurRI:t' thl' dr· •.teC!a M~kman 1 doing ovrnu·a" <~"'" In thl' lltrcttrn1 :H ., c Corpa ot the Army. Too Goo f'1o))octor Mrll. F'rnnk .. ; rln!'lrr. :!HI \. ~ AniOdf' H~~oll)na, hB.II rl'turnt'd from I hl~h n nn lhr J'Rrt nf nut ymmg Tn~ld'~t Dlllr.· a~k••.t 1\\u , .. m . l'f'HJlll' I hi\ t I ho·l r ,. unl rv "' "" ll('t. 1'1.• 1111" r .. r 1 ho• 11 rlf•JII .. t !If 11 I mel trr :ttlol nu nw r .. ri~o:hlo•o•ll" than ·''···ph llo o~···· "' l',.•l:t :01··~· tlw har hnr onn" wl'o hn\'1' bnlh>'d 1! tlnlln~ I hn· h•• did l••1 11"••1 a I h• "urlrl 1n hl< .. ~l. 1\nd I hnt Ult' • • l 1 • II••• 111 1.! ''" 11 ,. n 1lk ruule. ...... ,. I . futurr I"''"" II<'~ In ran ·I II I t" ....... lh·· ·ht lr.' ··nmpany , ... nni:'IUHfrhlntln~tth••8f>IIUIInn~ AJ'I":""I In ~nrlln AnJ Jwlllce "hh h ftrl' h3llltunlly "'"' lrnoll· t'o•out to• n~k f .. r n po•ll\· th••fl ••lm· l 11•11111lv predat<•ry nnd t r•'IH h<'r p' 11111 < h·lrJ;Inc lltn,.~..r wtth be· flv~ Wl'rks' t rip to t hr E111'1 wht·r.· ahe vii!Hc•.J hrr lll•n T•·•l. whoo 1~ llll •n tn t·ompll'tl' Jlfl('riul engineer· lng trnlnln~o: fur the' Army ot C'ar· llf'ji(IP Trr h '---------------------------.! '"'"' ·• l ln): 11h"rt Sti9 In hl!t < .. u,, lt11n~ A l bt'lii'VP n knn" l••flt:•• c•f lh•• Rlbll' without a ,..,lll•t.;t' n>Uf'l' I' mor•· valunhlt• than a ,•.,llq:o' (•ouro;l' wiihout a Rihl('. -WWill!'l Lyo~ Ph('l[!~ .• · ELECT-- I ht.l .. l.•t··• thP """'" ·m~n Mime It" k '' 1111 R • ""'"'"'"t t hut nr ... 1'1 hll•l nllo·J1rdl\' k"l'' $:147 211 of lhr r11mpany's mnnry, 110 n grt.nd I tlh'ft < ""'Phllnl Willi lltl<IIPtl AJ!IIIIIIIt him. l••o. 'l(OM M u4i dl~ Vitamins A and 0 William A. KIRK YCMI enaat "-•• Vr~in /4 TUBERCULOSIS MEETINC 1 .. .1ft aid ill protection acaint· Thl' annual dlnnrr mP('Ifnl ot l nfectloaa wb l cb are m oP 1 hr' OranJ!«' r nunty Tut,.,n-uiOitla II L. 1 occur In the no'' 111111 Hl'ftlth A!ll,.riRIInn w1t1 be ••• 1 to d . hr'<l w ... tn .. ,..lny """nln~r. March tbl'oet. .,-. ear• ... an( . """""' ::!!n!l 11 :tn n'rl!'t'k. '" 1 ho> ba.!rm,.nt l•he• t!aer• w • ue acaenc y v nf lhr ~ftnta Ann Y :\f r A. 205 tWa <ri-.mal\. '· lneumbent FOI COUICILMIJI (~ A Basinnl Man who is able the rapidly expanding to give Harbor District a competent, executive administration of its affairs. . A Raideat. Her~-Sin .. e 1924. A Property Owner Siner 1930. ELEcnGN APRIL 11, 1944 • Whoever Yoa Vote for -be Sure and VOTE I Churo·h ~t . !'t1ntn Ann ~OC'Inre Yoa n-.cl Vlt....,la D to he I Mary C Blnck. rnrml'rly nr rneta 'J the bod, make proper use I• !\Ina. 1 111! J l.uthrr :.tar.•oll, ~an-tM calcl\118 &ad p~phOfUI II In Anft phy!01r111na. wilt 81'<'1\k 10Yf 411et. I 1 If 1•• ere oot cett•n • l II l11n t &•1\'I~Ahlt• In \l'o'nr the ••uti of th_. two /mpon•" Mme fi"rmnt day after tlay Thta l <ri~ina, uke a ONE·A ·DA \ I~ ''"•"''llllly f,:U •I (111\'l(f' In thel bnaCI Vlt.anU• A and D T;a ... ""~" , f "'"11 w hlrh 111 """" · elu-1~ _.,., c~a, and lnaur• J O\o• th ,. fahr1r. n .... tm~ and hAnctn~ ~ requirwt•••~ l'"'f'l't 1\· \\ 11! rn.ohlo· \\ nnkltt to ~ l"haor out." culling tlown on your ··t.•amn~o: bills! i'll'\l'r ···t II cur· D N E A DAY 11 t•nt j(rl rt"RIIy tllrty Accumulat- ed \llrt lnjurt•a thr fabric ~ 1 .:==·:~·=~~======­makPII II h&r<l<'r tu 'l<'an RADIO SERVICE l lmtE ... AUTO ... MARINE RADIOS REPAIRED MARINE ELECI"RICIAN' • BURT R. NORTON ·· 1111 ('tul-"t llijthway Phoat~2417 St:WPQRT BEACB BALBOA MOTOR CO • -:oo t:. Bay Ave., Balboa (;eneral .luf~mobile and Marine Repairing. 1\lal'fffe 'E le<-tricians Available Fender Rody Work Rtfinishing Ti:U:rno~t: Nf!WIJORt BEACH tt5 ------ tnc-event ot the KJwanla Town I Tw 17 y ni..L. F..lisa • N Hall proiT&nl, haa been w t tor I 0 -ear-uJUB~ • MJ :May 22od, OBE D an.nouncea And don't forget that Polyaoldel, newa AmOIII t.be llidy~ «Jr-.r -» t. ~ ..._-F4' ...,. analyllt and radlo commentator. County men 17 ,._,.. ol .._. __.,. • ~ ... ,.,..._ W'l.da 1 •tnlt'a un Apnl 2~th. Every mem-.. nll•t.ed in ttl~ U . S. Na\')' ...-..c •.,. ~~ fl/1 ....... ....,. ,.. ber ahould do ht. be1t to help fUll the month of F'rbrua.ry a'eft" ll~Jl-..., -., .., ~ ~ -.,.. t1> lh(' J(ramrnar ac:hw l auditorium llam Jobll HiU ot Nea-pld a.-. t.ak tilt "'£4ty -n.:-tw ..._ tor t beae worthwhile events. ami Lou a Lot-I.' Auu-r-ot Calla trc:Jlmc- Pre,.l\lrnt Hob Holltrahcoa.J will J.feaa. arcurdinr to F A. Ood:lraa be at the h .. lm u usual w1lh Pro-re<·r-4tt'r tn cb&.r&~ ol t.br ~ gram Chair man Charlu Prlt'8t m-Cuunt y Na''Y Jt«rwunc llatJra . truduem~r th~ speaker. Jud.Je The·~ 1a an ~ ~ J 1111ctt wtl} J• nate the duor pNze nt't'd in tbe Na\')'. aottrdillc ~ anti HUS11tfl Bartlne II the "stunt" I r1-cbran, for ratbo tec*m- »no Jblld T'-tr fl/l Aaat J'l8ot • ~ a-~ .sod ~ ... lira • .-d a-.-.. aDd ~-~-.......... V"&r-p;&n.r,-......... ill. ... Har- ma.n ut tht' day. Young rn .. n l7 yean etC ap ... ... &fta._..._ ...... c Elect an Aggnassive Cilia:• • COUICILIAI · (Capt.) ChaS. M. FDeUer Balboa's Vigorow~ Expo.:.t.t6eTu6 Read His Platform for a Bias' ... ...,. Orir Glee • I am a candidate for the City Council because I bdine: l. ·orange County will become a great manufadllring a:a-· ter and Newport Harbor will be its hub. -2. The commercial j Newport) Harbor will-be dralgcd 10 the west. J . Title to the beach sands will be settled with justic:le to the adjoining landowners and to the citizens at large. 4. The council, by the exercise~fitspowcrsofappoint­ ment, will hasten .or delay the illn'itablc. ELECTION. APRIL II. IMt cPolltlc.-aJ Ad\"Prt._....-~..,... 11 .,.., Orange County's Most Ca ride I . ' I Auto Body, Fender and Paint ~hop ... ·.. .. .... Operated By the Finest CraftsiDea ia the a.· Located in Our Nrw Alliin • • • • • • • • • • • • e e e a e • • • e ** * • e * *' e e w • FEE e AUTO REFINISHING e Duco and Synthetic Enamele Body aad Fcmrlrr Sb11i.ilc:ll' 'lnlillc + + E E E E & E 8 8 E I I 8 E E E E E • 8 ••• MEM FE ME Let Us Put Your Car (Regardless of Abk.c or Model) in First Oass Shape. Drive in at ONCE for a FREE ESTJ)IATE CULBERTSON CHEVROLET CO. CHEVROLET OLilS~IORILE S.\L~ ..\~'D SER\-.CE HuntinJrton Bndl Ocean A ,-enue at 'Phird St. • r eAWNG COAST IDGHW A Y'S WATERFRONT tbe llttf'r and Ia proud ot the blac.k I Co t G rd w··· and JTa)' family One of Ule kit-I as ua I lena Ia to be (tven to tM r~w of G t 168 v ) the Navy Tug 311 for a 'mucot. e esse 8 lEAD CLASSifi ,ED liS .FOR IIRGIIIS! .. II• Ute "a•rtlla" In 1944, Report 4 V 6ct0t-y K ltt.e"- A Ille-s ev .. nt hu come to UM VktOI')' Shtpbuildmg C~y. VktDria, Ow CV•p&A)' -~. P" bUUa to lour ldtuna • a bos ol pule .. "'L A. C. K c- o...&d vf Uae ....,., I'OOID fOUIId Tony llalerkl bu Alld the "ller· lba" to Paul Hlrachlt'r. Thla lhlr- ty·••x foot flllbln&' OO.t Ia capable v f lua<llng alltteen tooa of aardlnu. A t otal or 188 n•w v•-1• w achl'duiNJ tor 1P44 l'lthl'r to be <'ofl•mllllllt'nrd directl\• tntn the t loltf'd Stftln ('out Guard or t o .. . 3 N•w Contract& be D'anntd and npt"ralf'd by the Tb. Channel Boat Clloalpany at C'oast GuArd for the Navv It 111 &11"~'\r.-d In the rurrent tuue of the C'nnlrt ~uarol Bullrlln. Of lhne, 77 will b<'rtome units ot thl' ranld· WANTED IMMEDIATELY! FOR 100 MEN REPAIR WORK --------- Defca.e Plaat e Electricians e Mechanics e Shipfitters e Welders e Painters e Dockmen e All Crafts e Helpers lv KroWtnJ: C'o&lll Guard n eet whtlt PI will tw mannt'd by Cout Guartlsmen lUI naval v•-1• AI tht' ll&me tlmf' It wu d'acl~­ c-d thlll I hf' (' ut Guard'•· n~t of OCI'Iln-~oln~ cult•r• and IIIIIJllln craft above 611 fl'f't In trngth wu cnnllldrrably more than doublf'd , during the flrlll. two fta~ of war. When Pearl Harbor wa• attacked the ~rvlce wu operating; 282 ve .. aele In lbue rateg;orll'tl, a number I t hat by Dertm,Mr. 1943. had b«n lnr~aaed to 83~ v-1• In addl. 1 ttora to lt. own n eet thl' Cout Guard alao mana and operatea 184 I VUiff'lt-for the N_avy. _ LOIT .. ATION aOOKI I Ration book• rn and IV a.ued to Audra L. Wbltthorn and Doro- thy Alma Whllehom have bHa I turntd In at our otnee 'nleN are no addre-• on the• boola.-., we I b.avo no way of contartlnt: theM Pf'Ople. Nottry War Prtce and R.alloDII\fl' -Board In BaJOO. Inn buOilln•· Ba.J. boa. 1216 Cou t Htrhway bU UlNa n- conlTacta. Htlp Ia needed l.lllmedl· ately to fill the r ont.ract. for Ula wide bt'am, fltty-one foot flahlnl boat.. Th• s•nollldf'nb aud M'('retarlee bii'I..O\'ME!tlo'T of n otary. Ktwanla and t' e Uon• \\' .,,rvlc• rlulw ml't tn th;olr ft~t ~:et• A:-1'11o 1• 1'1lu'lto nl rwr• f,,, togeth•r~for unllf'd effort In romv ~11'1 1 1'"' •·•I•• 1t11h I' •1•· munlty bf'ttf'nnent, and clc.er Ia• •" 1'•'1 1:, " '1 I t: •. t 1:1 1 t ter-•lub ~1atloru on March S. H2l.t• w A :-\T~-1 , \\ ""'"n ,,.,. Thla mHtlnl wu 80 •uc<'~ JN" • 1 1. .... ,...11 , k Full lin•• that It ••u df'<'ldf'd to b. t..l ateb I u1, 111 .. , ,.11t 1 :.~•·I .. 111,..., m.ela at N'I'Uiar two week perlode. 1\o .. , hlld" 11 111 """''" ,,114 ,.,,. I.Awla BaJla wu appolpted .ecN· · Ll•lol :-;.,,..~ 1_..1•• 1,.1,, ·,.._." -M ta.ry of the group, cumprlud of , 11.·,.1 h li·lf; Pre•ldent F.arl Slanley an\1 S.Cre· - t arv IAwla Ha lt& of Hotary: ~al· IIILt• WA:'\ 1'1 '11 t-:"l"'tlf'no..-.1 dalt Robert Holllnabt ad and Sec. 1 (!11 l•11111111111 1•~11 111an an.t r..ta rv G<oorl(t' Stricker of Klwula P.lnt• r llttH••II M .. l.•r• 711ol •· &D4 Pfteklent 0~10ry Gorby &ad a., A\r H11ll••tt l 'lo "" :'~!\ S•'<'~tary Howard ~rrlab ol' 20-2t!' Uooa 'nl• aacond met'tln1 will be a lltl.l' \\'A;'I;T~~Il \'•••k fo~r ......... breakf..C bdd at \Vblle'a Balboa 111•1 l•tttllu• 111 l-h t ,.,.._ IMI IIIli· Cott .. Sbop on Friday mornln.. ..,., lrlton•l l'lt•n•·· • ~<11 Mrs Mart·h l.,tb. at 1:30. 1n addiUon roo.t.·, St•wpo>l t 1\o•:" h !117-J to Rotary. Klwanl• and Uona oU1· 20-2t!' clala, IA•Ion Comm&Ddar Stuart ~.~a K~ CMmMr~ COIDDierca ..,_.nt R~U Bar· tiDe, Newport Harbor Cbam.,_ el ('ommerc• Dlredor Hft'but ._.. D)' aod ol!Mr or1anlut1011 ..._. "'''II meet wllb the orl•tnal .,.,up. Edison Co. Gets Special Citation For War Servi(es DlaU,np'-hed wa.rttme •I'YII:!e of. u. lloathent eutfontia~ Company, aad otbar eleetneal utU· tty compenl~• throupout the -- Uon. hu been hooored la a ..... c:ltaUoa r~ Ule Cbulee A. 011· t iD l"oun~ .... U..UbiUoa ... tablllibed twenty-two )'e&l'l aco ~ Ul~ a.nH'Al Electrte Oom~y to WA~TLD Alllo m•• h:tnto" r.r "'"It"• It# .. oA "'•lf'klnJC t•.,n•ltll""• An .-a till war ln<ltL•t t' fo~mrtnvftlftll rltlwr hn.. ur 101 lluntmf(ton llMch aiort TUF.(lflOitt: IU1111N!' 1''1 N Salra and !Yrv ,,., 2:tnd and Cent~ A•• l'(,,..l"•rt Ul'l\> h l'h•mr 211 11·11<' HILl' WANTF.II W < man to u .. tn boo. work Uvo • "'rmaaent. T'tw!> In famiiJ Phon' Ne"''JX'rl 2tl0. 21·7tr • • • •ncounce and ~ward unUIIUal alii COAST CO., SIIPIUILDIIC aac:k From Mul.. achleVI'ment In Uw electr1ca.l ID· Tht Reliable, oWDed by rro.t.er c!Witry. • Bryant. hu ~turned from Meal-AMounremont of the awa.rct wu l llt '\'1'1.1-'!'l ~·"' .~ ........ ,. f'llll••l , .• , .. 1. llii\t ~ ... l!ll 1\:oth •• '"" :-oo-u~ "',_ l'an ... , '"'"-"" 1S u. 1111 '1':1 t \\.. ~"n':J • tmnal m-In ~ , .. H .... £1•''11• t •• 1 ... • A,,...-t._. Lre•tr .... lt ... ; t !> a ,.. 1~"'-,,_. t• 11 :e:u ~ l'lor .A .. T£0 1. 1• ... t'"·~• ,&.r u:t ..,..,._.,. •r• ~ .n , .. , '-<r .,.. .. .,. ne.-.. , .. .,, •. "' "''s" ...... ,., N lro 6 ~,.,, :• ."n.t a c •• n1ra1 ,. .. ., N"'"l~·f1 t~r .. ~ t~ :a :.a aa.: 114\AT~ U t ~4d ... 'h..w thTTrw-.._,.,. •~ ra.I1Ao " )IAI:ISF' f:AL\' Ao:t· A....-1• Wf'C; n 1 ~ ~ t"ra'ral A•., Sr<apuoi f~ll Havll\er 1'1lar1n .. ! •J ......_ ._.. ••on s .. :'4'-..._ Manta .Jir·• •• .......... ~..-.... , . ~ ·- I ra• t..,j ,.._.....,..n I' R ....,..... • bore l ~,.. Ttl on II .-. ft• a.l •-:.tal• Tllt"ll f'f J•'tt!IC ~AI'ITIR \ •'C•I Ill· I~ II ~&.Ito • \ ........... , ... ,, ""'~ ... , ... ,.. ... tt.., ... I n 'KNmTKE 1 JnR RAI.&-. · -----11 S 1• 4 I N T K I t nrnNITt·R· nT.YR <'11,..1 1\f olrlllo\HI eU fllaH ot.aa, a variety of aty~ ... rhlltl'• wardrnbHI. lrttthe o•tuo•rw. _atNJia. lrnntn~ ti.J&N• tt.ol.l "'' F:uy Tl'mta t.tr Mal'la' "-nail at" c.,., . tftd alhl n.......t- "'":·. !'ant• An• t ·tlt' ·-----------AEDDiy-;ZJ!81t1W;1~111tJ11t-------rcarr-ww~n. Bile comple~ a ..._.~"",.,_._by-Ct"nrrd ltW~.~t week trip for eomm•rclal flabl.n& of the ~neral Elertrlc CompuaJ, putpOeea and wu UM4 by a su and rhalrme.n or the ~I'd o1 tna.- Oiego compeny. teea of lbe foundation. ln a naUOo· • -I l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i ~dl'b~u~ 8unda~K~b 1~ "raced wllb unprocedeoted de- j Cr;)J 'kJ. Sta Realtor .. FOI COUIICILMAI CITY 0 F 11.£ W P 0 I T B E A C H • Pohll<'al o\11VI'rti)of'ml·nl SNOOJ)I .F~~ manda, lbe electric ltpt &ad porw. W li.F: N Funrtional N""oaa I.Ja~turhnnru auch u Slu po lnMnt·,.~. t'r:anl.i111'10a, Y.srita biliiJ, Rt'llllf'~'Of•C or:'\ C'rt'OUa lff'adm~he lntrrr •• ,., wtth )'l.lllr work or apoU your ~ooJ tim,.•, take Dr. Miles leni11 (Liquici or EU' rrH·,.~rnt Tahlrl~) f\:en uUI!I Tt.•nsion c:nn mall• ruu Wal.t·ful, Jrttrr )'. lrritahl~. 1'\o•r· vuua Tt•nsion c11n r:~u~e NC'nnua Uudach• a nd lli•n uue lndi~t,..· bor. fn tlmr• ltlre thl'ae, ·~·art. more likely th11n uaual to be<'nml OYt'rWTOuJht and nl'rVOUI and ·~ •i•h for a •ood Ht.lati1•e. 1/r. IIIIN 'Nenl.11e 1.1 a Cood HciJIIJYe -mild but etredtve. U JOQ do not UN Dr. llfilf11 Nervine you can't llnow wloal it will do for yo11. It comH ln Liquid and Elre"ncent 'rabl•t form, both e-qually aoothinc to tenRe and ov•r·Wl'outrht rwrvn. WHY DON'T YOU TRY IT 7 Get It at Jour dna• ·~· F.tferi'4'SC<'OL tablrta l$f a!NI 16f, I.i~uid 2.\f and l l.ot. Reatl dirK· tiona •Dd -oniJ • cllrect.l. t'n!'nurap;f'mt'nl llntl an •NOJ•Iratlon to all In the l.'OOi fl&I'Y to I'C'C'f'1w th.la ~otrn!Uun frum the C'4lffln FuuntJatton " N€W HOUSE ADOIII:M I It .It¥, " ·~ ...d ,,._ _, ,..._.. ~rnlf'n• ,.d In .lul'l!'" Krnn .. tto f: ..... ,,. 1 • 11 ,...... t.• .,..,.., at a·.:a )Jorrlann'a rourt t n trnn. •)( from )lu "' "' ttoott•• ,,.,..,-.... ,.._ l fll ,. \'~'\n• • lith h i ~"" (Jit .. n t <I•Jtifutfh -=· , .. , .. _,; ...... an ... lin, William II l'ttw,.ll. 42. "' 1 • H u ,.,.,, l'l ll• l'n10h ll'''"" uno! F• w·~t !\1 llr•twn .,. .. Tll)f -r ARI.ES .I I. t :l ...... ; .. .-... Ill~:" I ........ . .... 1 0 1 n l Ullr'l' _..._. ... tw ... " AI'('.;_ a,_. ltwaa.. Ywllt AMbor .... t•au a_.. a..e• 1-IU. eeUect. tc.w.nl Jl·Jtt' ...... -· "" A4 .. ._ ~~ "-.trf '"'" Aw , ............. , N.D. CASH 0 V IIIII •• 1)8 2.1 2.7 :'19, nf Rant;, A ru• ~ •,. "•' t.··l "' lhl'lr f'4'nnl!v ,.,,. '""" r•..: 11 , ,,.., k f,.r 142 n,::aln•· I h• ,, • .. unl nf T•om t•ar,80n N• "1~"rt 1'•·1•• h '"'"lnr• rr an ll f\11 1"'~•1111' tl '" " !-\i~t~l" """ 'lilnf•n T'lf" tlllufRI -~· b f.-.,.t_,.-t ,...,._ "1' 14, 11 •r•··r .,. • w.-u..-.~ ..... .t~ •t t' • 1• .... ·~tH '"'IIC t ho-•T • t • ' . 9 ... .... ,., ,., I .. ... )~ .... 7 4 T..,.... "''"" , ....... , .......... , "' .... 'Ufltll:t ... . EAr h • nnf• "'" •I I lor • rtme I ,. ,. ' • <JI I I ..... ., ' .. .... .... ·~ • ~ ........ "•··•r--e • "' .•••• , . ., ........ , '" UmYt'll, Yth•J hn.J '"'"'1 •••n\hlr-.. l ••f 1'• en~•~·· .,. t tu.t a a•J· lourg;lary pr'"Y'""~I\' """ n 1 ••11~;1 · ""''''' 1 ·~•1 "f I:O.)It ,,., • ..-, .. , t•ror essittnal I'll' for rr~•llllllon and thr rourt d"-1< tilt II ,.., f•1 U~ ~ ,.,.,.,..s a-·,----=---=--=--=---'------. .r.;1 lt f<ir (• .. w.:tl • • · · --y,..,. · · NEWPORT-BALBOA N E W 5 --T I M E 5 t•uu~t:!C: l'r..'J"fJIIT n a •• C....._ ll.c.-.1,, M.D. ...,._ ... ......,. ........ c.-. .. .:,. ... 0"-H •a. •tt~-.: 1 tp- ,........ 17 ............... r:""'>' T_...a,. a"• ,...,..,.., Ann .. ..,.rr,.._ .. , ...... ~-· '-------------.J Subtlcripllnn J>ayalolo• 10 i\1ll'llnN' $:! ~.u 1,...,. ,,...r en I"",..... f ,....,, $2.75 Jll'r }""" lu •llh ''"'''· ~ll•l l•'f )• .. r ''' lillh ,.., Entt'l"t'd a5 SN:-ontt-.·111" n t:tll••r "' lh•· ,.,,.,,.,,., .. • ;:-.... .. ,.,., ISr .. flt Calllum1n un•lo·r th•· A• 1 .. , Marm 'I 1W7"0 ~ A. MF:Yf:R •1•rTYof' ""'' t'P.f"'li .... T OFFICIAL I•AI•t:K nt• THt: nn· ut· ~t:.l"UUrT D:M-. UltOY r . AND£RSON ATTo.ttta Y AT lAW c.-.a.. ..... ~· l~ir~c~~J"Y.. . COftrad Richter, M.D. '"hreklaft •net luf"QeiHI ow .. t07 12N .. ,.., Ha..,.ert haoh "-'a: ~'" t0-t7 a. m . & l ·S Ill· m , Olfic.a tll; .. aa. 74·.1 DR. C. £. TOHILL PHYIICIAN IHICII IU .. GaON -c.-., .... -.. " ...... _,....__ Offlu ,.... .. ........ .. If ""' "'-· Call ....... " • ----~ ... -- ('7 oat of 10 people t....s N ... n... a...11W Adl'-) MotV41t! lPI~ ~ 'fH' I,.I(:,MT ! I~~ SA~ M"t t>RA"((V ~ i)v£R AN lltiOT """tr' NOTttiN ' -::;· II HAROLD K. GRAUEL OIA.P£1.. "'· ··~-· .. ~ ... , ~ .. •.• ""'fYtle (l.,O. .... J!lo ... ... _ ... ••rt ~· c...... --(Mtfent&a BUY NOW City T •• 5ele t.b A. J. TWIST. ., <.-.. ........ .., ..... 2'121 ~A IKL .. .. Dr. M. D. Crawford 0'"TOMIT .. IIT f':yre ':•amiiW'ft t:l._• ,..ttf'd 1m N_,.,rt ll<tttlevard P"-2410 COtTA MI:IA BALTZ MORTUARY CHAPEL av THI IIA 4 10 c ...... ~. C.or•"• M l M•r ~&1'1 llileclt Phorta ,._,..,. 42 Ull. OREU 1.1 J('AS U(•ntiMt • llOROTNV OARNIT (A ~lance pro\'f'!' the leadeMlhlp of the Se~·._..nmes) ~·, "' t ..... rat. n . 1ue 'r:" t'fltiT "r: U 'tl t ()o .... T 1('-'0W wtt("TMfl:l e AT TQ"\CTE 0 M'V MUSSANO Wlni MV FI\CE OA ....,.., ...,ONEY! A R f YoU . Vi.A'Y RICH? t£T ME T~~E ~ LOOI< ""T Your? f:",.,C£' liJ . ~ /• ... (.: -I I I (j {') '.' • -. __:_; ,, I'Ll ">"''-~ ·T' ""A"» ¥'Jvrl .,,o ... t ~ \ n._Ept ,.., .• l """ l(t"fOtt,..,..· w nno U ·.·; ~'' r<~ l~t ··;·· r•: •f ·····"', \'•~n T'•.-.1 l.ll tlll"'r l'h '".:\ J. t'.( ... ~lt·l ri)01Tit-t;Tn flt 4,.' r f f .--11ft r·~ t~•• l ~h 11 ~tt:-1"11\-,,. l.n (• tnJt rHI"fthft. I UUII(It r.n WP ... t[,_ ,. ,,._. •• •• , f .. • .r •t "' t 11 .... ,.. 1 "n V''" t,,, • .,. .. l'hon,. 411. t ·.. .,, • 1 -,,, • •• l'h '•" 11·,., ,., , fl lltl(hv.11v ro t An hr:a. :. "'aJ-• ,. ,. ••• .,., , ... ~ teh ,...,~ r,. f1,,,, • .,. IZ t1 s .. wpt.rt H,..ac.b. llt£•l l.'TAT£ '"''Uit,tlro.C£ & NOTARV PUBLIC- I.<"? U ~·. -.. • ~.'#Y! W r ,.ntlaJ A vl'ntt" J'tlr.n,. 3 ~tu•aa• ~.,,...P1. ~: ..... ,_.rt tl.al~~~ f'\tt.la.ntac C'\, P"hoft,..· Tt • IS !lr.,,.,....t ......._ '"RT .(.,AL *Ottll-V~:.O f1ilu:rl~-c & ,..._. ..._., WorM, Ollila )tl-PboM Ill. l vA-~TV ~ .......... .......,_ • ... ~ .. _. • ..._. II.U-W. p , J . . \ '"\., -. , .... Feu" NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TIM&<;, NeWl)Ort Reach. C~tlifomia, Tuesday, March 14, 1944 ·· Ebell Book Section Hears Review Of Poi nant Leland Stowe Book ' Mrs. W. D. M~nck~l was h()'.h•s.• Mc•rk ko·l as hMtl'o;~. Mr> M11r· tD the book IC'<'IIon ol thl' ~II prrt l'it'mryer and Ml"l'. llt-rh • .-n clllb et heT honw. 18 illlT'Jsland, BaPn. at tJwV monthly ,_.Inc Oft · ~ Arlf'il -•in~ Will llt· un th•• 'nNndAy. 13th at thr hflml' 11f Ml' I. I. ,,_ "Sicnax-t" by Rotwortl'()fl ~o~.u tll'll. J:\115 F: C··ntnrl "llh :O.Ir' 1twn by Mn.. F. D Goodl'll sn•l Eu~:o•m• f'c •no•lt>n .uot1 :0.1"' l)o·an the poil:flant. ror<"t'ful 'Th"Y Shall Sha w a.-.sl•lln.; Not Sltoep" by Uland Srn~l'. w~or CIDI'Tf'Spon&:tnl anrt now'll-1, '""u St. Patrick's Dance lfvl'n by M,. ~rKinn. In wh(rh thr eutl\or tttn·~~~ thl·r·· can ,.,. n" For "Under 20 Club" .ae.p for lh01!4' Who £aVo• lho·Jr 111~1 . ~neaaure •ot devouon unlo·"~ ""'-' ur home llvt up to our rr~riOn,rbrhr to·~ now ond in the> post-wll r world At t~ Cl()ll(' of the! rc>vio•w ... t,.a wu aeryc-d by th<llll' Bl>~l,llltl( Mt~ '11w l•llll11n ~u1r11 uf ~·nu "111 111• hflnnrt'd t· r UJ:hnut tth· ••nt1r•• • I lntlr-r 20 (1ult" lo•llltYtl•f'" Wh"ll t h1·y llultl lhtlr hl·nlllnl hly dlltl•"•' un F'r ll'ky, ~luro h 17. h i 1111· f'ulfla !o!rl!ll Wt~mC!n'R C'lubhm1.,. II arbor Nursery ~hool Receives Funds nw :--;. "'ltitrt Jl .• rt •• r .su ...... ,.. ~·ju_.,l h · .... Jt'f""t 1\. d ~...! _.,_, ,,, ,, .. "'" f,.of,o.ol .oll••lffi•'fll o,f -~-~~ I ~~;. t .. 1 ht Lu t tfl H • h• ... rtv.~l f,,,, ,,,., n tun \ ,.,.,. • •..,•n•onurttll) IW'-•• f11n•l• v.tlt ,til•"" 11 '" rvototrnu•' ''I• •• ,.:.ll•lfl "-,,,. •tu~ pn·._. .. ,,. •• ,. ... , .. unul ~pt,.mh•·r 1 1~•11 S r•ln"' If I t'"""'"' f••·llh 1 :-;uJ•·nnt•·nd.·nl ,,, lh•· ;-.. ...... ,.,,., llarho.r llr::lt 'oi lf.,oj I• j 10/IJ\4'1.11 ;)II\ l!o4'1f" 0\hd :tfl-Thrift Shop Workers At Silverado Cabin I "Jo:xtrn 8Jtf'' tal~ rn •·v• ryl hln~; '" m tnt•lr·n .. r .. 1 rh• n•lr"4·1'\ -rh·"·' th" liiiiii.HJIII'<'mo•nl uf lhf' pttblh lly ,10,.1 th• hr~tl v •h••·l 1• II• ,1,.n d lDin nun. ·nw yuun~ fnllul' or· ...,., 1 'n•l• r lht' 11t:on It\. .-,· ,, Mrs. Fn·d J C'utltn "' l.ul•• 1·1•• J.:·•lll''•''"'" lr. •t"•NII•r'·•l by lhr ll:orl>o•r •lt·1•1•·' ,.,,.,,,,..," I· .. • entttrtaln!'d Thrlrt Sh" I "''' k·,... :0.:<'"-I• rt llatlo~or llul rlly Club bill M·"·' ('""'"·' •1.•1 \J,,, ,, "I··· I ' .... _ b I s I 1, c· ~~ sdf '""''" IIIIIJ.: anol Jolllnno•ol t.y '""' ILoilo(,;, • on ·~ "''"'" '""' • • ... r (•a In n I \o'l ... " hl)\1111 ...t... U> ~ on lifond3y. ,(ltftnol~ll 1T1o• r till ~ ..... )'f>Ufllt IM""l~ * -11"f1~"r.tl 1:'1'\-..rnm'"TTf '<T1f'T'1,_.. 1.'1 ltDnn folln~o~.·f'd tho•rn ttJr lh• r•. thr· .,f 1111' l 11n•l• f••r ,,,,..ra•r•on •t-• '"' lush, ~n sprtn.: fnlta~;t• :.n.t tho· Ittarriage Licen&eb l•llln•l· r ,, fllmt-h••l h\ I•.' I' ,. Wild riOWl'MI "'"'' .oil lho· nlot•• tho• p3IIYJfl' \11\lfll by ('frnlrll"l "Hit tlto· $:111}• \1 ....-f.,,-'t" l~fV"'M-..-,,, aides. F'rank Rtdtllo• fill :"••~o~.r•"' •·r r.f rh•· notr .... " ... '•••·I . "· 1llosc rn)O) rng th,. rt11y wo•r(• t"Warh , l..:'(ono•t/1 C' ll.ol'fl• 11. •t!l ~-E ~-. 1\nuohnr t..·" \\ .tl· C\"111 J\1,.,., lace, llt'nn~n llllm<•r, .1. R. Peril', Jo«c•ph Mrd•:,•l To·lo•lfom.ontc• . .'X. RHd. Jl. \\ Srn~:<•r, \\'clOd, S. A SAAAI\. llul11rt'' Poll to ta M1 •)'l'r and thco hosti'S~. Crackt·n. :'6. n nlhoo hlrrnll UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT LA VERNE'S II•IIU H t \11 tl tit• fl.tt II "' f ,. • ,r.·ll•·n• •• 11 \\ ant··• •n C' ,,. • • •""•1•1 ..... ntt tt"n•... t '1'1tl• n .,.,,, ' ' h·•ul•h pr-..J.I, "' '" • • ,,, .... , tu rtw• pr••·• "' •~•··· A '''') '""''I• ~. r.t ~o• ,fr • ,. ... t1 ,.,., ha ... t ..... n -· ';I• •J ''' ........ • ~t r-1'1• •t•on Th• • ,,,. Jotr• l .tlhan flu• I• r )tr ~ \ rrj(lnUI In · \'UfY 'ft, \Jr.., -..:.,fll11f t• '"'" \fr ... ttl"•' 1 ~r.thl. \1 r, fl, _;n.o PJ .-. ~'" l-1•m•n•·• IJ.,f• h \f• t_..,. .. • Ph •Jill'S 12 and 13 IE All AJIIl • MERCY IN 1IIS WY·11·11W COVWU ~ 4-• • t• 1 Lenora C. Bardett and Frank Riddle-:fte b} 'V-f les Exchange Vows in Christ.C~ur~ • Residence Phone 690-W Leah Opp Betrothal To Edwin Dinger T old By Parents I Of ~rreal 1nlf'rellt to their many I friencb In the Harbor area Ia the annnunr l'mPnt by Mr. and Mra. Fred Opp, 244B Ornngl' Avtnue. Collta Meaa. of thl' enga~rement or It Ptelr d11ughtrr. Leah, to Edwin 111nger, ""n 11t Mr . 11nct Mr11. Clarence Dln~er of 18th 1treet. The prpul11r young rouplc nt- tl'ndPd Newport Harbor High In a quit>t ceremony on Satur-(~ a ba nk of stately calla hllft.. day 11.00n Unol:a c. .Banie.U. aru1 Sprin~ flower-:. had bt'<'n arranged . for 01~ Sunday church servK'H and f'rank Riddle w~re married In ronnt'd 01 pn·tly ba('kground for Christ Church b)• lhl' Sl'a. Rlovl'r-the wl'ddmg. t>nd £. D. <;oodl:-11 oHicratan~;. .Mr The nl'w Mn: Rtddlr I• a nat iw and Mn:. Robt>rt Thck and Dull~ or J.:Hn,as City a nd ha' bN>n in the Millt>r, relativ!'S or tho• groom. harbor an•a for «I'V<•ral months WI.'N' thl' only OnP~ who wrtnl';;.«o-cl prior to ht'r marriage. thl' C't'N'mony which took p!act· b< • Mr Ritldlr IQ Wl'll knnwn in thls -district whtrc hi' has ownro aod Th G M 1npt>ratro thr• Rrddlt> Cabin" nt 6600 e eor ge OOreS 'Coru;t highway, N11,wpo.r1 Bl>ach, Purchase Watts Home fo{" lht' last t-ight yt'ars, com--__ _ i ang ht're from Alhamhn1. N l•W rt'sldents in tht-Bay nr••a I 11w cuupk• hHvt• ~:one to !'~ nrr· Mr. und Mn:. Gf'orge Moore I Spn_n~;s for 11~ und1sclosl'd h n~:th nntl young !'On Geon::e jr .. "11, or lin I{' a!'d wrll muk•• therr ho":le, hnvr purchM:c·d the c. F . Wntl$ UJJC!n tht>rr l'etum, ncar Mr. Rld- hnnw, 1:.!09 w. Bay, Newport dll' s busrnt·" nt'ach. ------------.. r ~khool. No llatt' t-aa been ~~et for tht>• wedding. 'fllf' hNtlltic·~ and nrlvanllli:I'S of th•• rli ,lril't diet not havt• to bl' •·~<· • COMING EVENTS tollro to the MoorC's who h ;l\•' ~tH•nl wwral summC'~ in cln••·l DOYOUWilf JOB LIKE THIS? ''W£DN£StTAY:-M.<R'tH t~ -pr-tJJ(Im•~ ~o th~...--~ nw-:viA Hrol emu workroom 111 Palm nrr fonnt'r resrdE'nls of Hopland, ' Cahforntn a•·enue. Bulbo11, q~n 10 a. m. to 4 p .m. Surgical dnuonga URSOAV, MARCH 16- F:I t>ll hmr heoo and meeting, 1 o'd ock In the rtubhouBe. Mrl!. , r<a'p , llulrtl'n. hnl411'8ll c hnlrman. Unrlw>r Ko" anllo nub mtl'lillJ: ar Da lboa'11 F:l•·• lric Grill. 12.1!\ noon I Harbor B. and P. Womc>n .tln- nt'r mPI'lrn~t at Hf'lnz Kalat>r'• Bayabore calt. 6:4!'1 p. m. Aloia 1 G rt n. l'bnlnnan for the evening. .~Jr. ~lnott· is aw;riltnl,i ""'J "'j his naval ~ ¥01.~ \.o'Of);l' Jr hn" c•nrnll•·d in th<' first .:r:ldl' flf the> grammar l>ChOOI. Forme r Resident V isits in Harbor Area F'tft'nol11 of J.t. Comrtr. an.t :\Irs Ward Cll'Bvea who rormerlv reald· ed ln Newport ~ach. will tw hnr· II\' I knnw lllat Mrs. l'l('aves and ' I'On J>r lt>r are :tgaln rn tht nay area. 1 • WAST a Job whf'~ r\'f"r) ~' you \Onrk 1-a n hour that bc-IP" win thf' "·ar! Want a Juh t h.t rt,·..,. you a chllDCe to lnf're&IW' your 'loklll, or lrarn a nr w tint''!' A job that &1\'~ YOU Df'W e 'periHIC'f'll, IN'W friPnd~ ~ Tbfon )Jin thf' \\'unwn·~ Armr ('orp!l •nd takl' O\'U a \'ltal Joll In thf' Army. t ·or full drt&lllt ahnut thr WAC', apply at 11ny ti. Iii. Arm) RN-ruUinc ~laUon. Or "''ritr: ~---~------~~~-~1l 8.AMlN BJERKEN llnmhlf'l rn•l :\If' Erh-I l t.olo•) "'hO f"n("h ... , "'' rhn .. · •1.\'\~ ,; -. ... ~k *}.1 n.. llrnlt• c "' 1 ,)flii.•r ':"an •·'-t-.-1· lml Nll•k. h11~ rlt.:il'l:• r.4 th•· I The 0«-lla Garrma Alumnae All· aol'fation or Orangt' County will 1 D;lPet at the horne of Mr•. C. W. J Dutton. 209 F:. Bay Front. Balboa I<Jiftand. at 2:30 p. m. Comrng frr m Arllngt.on. Vir· r:lnrrl. whc>rr ht>r hu11band la 8la- tf0lled; JCr•. Cleaves and her aon will be gueall In the home of bt r mother. Mra. Mabel TUwle or Al- bert Plaoe In Coel& Meaa.. Tbey wilt remain about lhrre montba. The Adjutanl Grneral. UU Mu· nJUoa" Bldlh Watdalajttoft %5. o .r . (Womf!n• til ....... nat war tndntrv m1111t Jaave reaea-from thelr employer or tile u. 8. f:nl· piOynMDt !Jenice.) ~ ( • MILDRED Plloee 18%7 Evelllllp By AppcUt-.e~~l ~·ESA LIQUOR-$HOP 1811~ Newport Blvd. eo.c. II.._ C&ll. PHONE Nn'F'Oin' 44 INCREASED LIQUOR TAX SCALE POSTED BY 0 P A GOES INTO EFFECf APRIL I, 19« Available Now in Cue Lots- ••• &VII ~ BRANDY IIABANF.IIO TIEY'IE LOVELY TIEY'IE SEIVICEIILE SHOES For Eaater Wear 'Thn 'rc Rationed LADIES', MEN'S SlOES BARROW'S DEPIITMEIT 008'1'.& III8A S~ORT SHOES STOlE krtdwn 1lw """'''"> ~ •. t '41uar...t un thco t'Onlrr ul Anaho'lm ano1 l\;all•"• ,,,.. ... ,,. rn c·r,.ta ~~·-·· "' "''""' llllnHI r .. r mlkln'fl """'-rntl1hl'f" aff' f'mJW•) t'(j '" .... -ttrn~: •-m'*')- rtlo'fl l Th<-· r-flrkln-n ltl:'"' 'l '" 5 )l'llf". an-,...,,.. .. , f•>r '""" f> ._," "' WAifT,. ._ u .... f/1 _, , .. , ... ,.... boapttalneeda JOU u • ..._._ Mlper • r•r ~ time An eUII)'·Iaunde,.,t eb•• " trar -ena "-& ._. .... •P Ute baek Ia Ule ~rrect coetume ror ..u-. _. .... ,. ud a......SI•• 1111111htne Plrt ctlon abee&. "Suneatlon• lw Se•lq Qult kiJ,-_, M obt•lrt 4 <1 l.t)' aendlnJ a atam~ ... .,. ... ,_..,. ... ~loJHt le 1M NM4Ie'-Oik u .. ;·u tmeol or Ull• paper, .,.a~,... "--8 2565. untrt 5 :tn ,, "'. "• .t.·n· • .. ~ Del G BIRTHS ,.,.......~ ..... •"'·-r-•..t ..... ~ ta amma In mkt-mommc. a ...... rM.tlnllt-Alumnae to Meet Tn ('tlpl anol )tr• I ra ~fc Alllll- ltrnrtl "' """"· and ""~ .. "' On Island I trr 2•:H OranJ.tl' A\'1' Cnl!ta Mc>.o.tl. ~ cnte1lCOD and mitlt art. r i at St Jn~~t•ph ho•prl nl ~IIHlh 111. lhto .. llt•f'n(<nn n; p A ••·II JH4. a 80n. Red crou workroom, 111 Palm Avenue'. Ba1hoa, oJWn lG a. m. to 4 p. m Sewt"4r. fWd rnll!ll wnrkronm. 210 Grand c·anal. Balboa lllland. open 10 ~ m. to 4 p m. Surgical dreulng1. Sewing Club Honors Three Birthdays Mu W I' Mrn nnnlt1 t>ntcrtaln· I t1 thl' s .. " n!: rtuh wrt h M,.. Thnm:t~t Jt'Hk•· tL''I:A I' •: ia·r u t.1t)~ n10ndi'd ho•alth anti r-.luntUoft.'\1 )lr • 1 • \\ I 'Uil•rn wtlb llrL 1 'ro )tr Jll't'l:r:tm ,, m.,rnl'll,.... Ctuldr• n v u IYnl«-r ., •" h•..tt~•. w1U en-,..,..nz. D2:! Ar!' r:crdull) 'VI• '' ,...,., "' .. 11 trrUtn lh~ t lrnn;::r r .. unty Delta Bt. Jowph tllllf'fl alkl NJI>Y manv telrf"""•nt: r;a1r.rrw. Alumn1" J:ruut• lA btr UH4 a 11 n An•l ~!rll F. t'••n1 r111 hoeprtal hostl'l'S, , I ''"n~ronJ ·•··~r~.,l:~~e~ ... ~b~~t:h,f;~·~~~;~ Htt ltlou. nt ~IHo\'tl 11 rylnr: uul th•• ~l I'Alrwk'l motlt. lu Ul lbe t·ustom of l hr rltth. acthltk•,, r r :·· ·• 1: t ' ,. ~·rnnl, Ralboa' ' ' Fl'<l'\ rrrr . hlltf ,.,.,. ,,,., ... !itl , .. r '•lar •J • n .. -n<lay, )larch 11. I To Mr nnJ Mrs M··~l'n~ O l<'l!t'n. • 'i"C na,, An\ont tnfrf'1l"'l1•'tl '" ....... II "" 11__.... 122·lltb St., Cni1R ,.,P83, at St -• , t n t' m...,llDit ,._., r·n ,..... to~-J pb h I 1 •t h 10 t"•• lhtS U'l'\'ll'r m.l~ ~rf' tnlc>nn.a· '•.rt al :: t· m \' .th II ,,.. hour fol-rae 08pt a • " 1\n' . ..,. .. , a lion by c-alhn~: S r•Jll)f1 231~J ,,..,.. '"J: 11 ,. tH1810.,AJt ,....,on. 1-. ""'""' ar• a d-rten nr mor• lllte· Set. and 1\fr<-Jnrk n un cn , DDF Club Seats New Officers ...,_ Of Ulta ar~ranoutlnn who ll•e 223~ Grnnff Crmul RHII:""' l~lanff. In ~ Hulllor a"a. at St. JOtWphll ho-.vlrnl. March ~- f 111M4. • deuat~t~r. • r _ _. M F · • Mr. and Mn:. Dnlton Brown, I Itt._. homr Ill C'nata ,....,.. ,.D ~·a esa aremen .:) 31CM w. ~an Front. Nrwpor1 I I Brrt ()qui,, .... hc»ti'M fo mrm-Wives Honor Memller Betlch, at St. J()'.c•ph~ h•J!'pital. bt-n< a( tht' OOF rlub M f"'icb) March '7, 19-14. a duu~hr.·r· Nrw otr••.,-n. torJII ,,...,.,.. the>~~-In ~'>omplrm"nrrnl! M,..... llnrnld Coxswain n nd Mr-H:f\ \\':o~- ' "'~"-,..,... l htfT)' 1\akt-r ., ~-F'.d<l) •tv• ""'" ,,,,,,. ~n ror Mr. J09 £'Ray Avl·nue .. Ralboa. lo•r11t•lll\' ···fl . "''n• rrc•arnlcd to ~Irs. LJI\\'rt•rh t• :-.;,,,,. .. n anol Mr11 . .lllmo•l'O F'rur.t nn.t a J:•rt Mill to ~~ ,.,. H,.,,,,. ~to t•• ·nrLIJ "'"" was unabll' '" ntrPnd ~frs Wall• 1 Coil• wato wco lo oml'd :111 n new member Ot"en pre11ent were Almn . F.d Mlrkovltr h, John McMtllan, ~wla Atrrnll. Ltt.wrenrl' Nellon. J amea FTotlt, Ed Zube and thl' hoete-• Last Chance for Ebell Reservation l'i•·nl, Mn. \'lnro-nt ....... ~no-•• Tr~ ITI"fTl"''"' "' lh•• ..... , •• ~~·~· et St. J l)llc>ph!l hO>oj•ll "· :\la ll'h ~ \'K'f' Jlrl'•lft.'flf an<t "''' (011\11•1 a· tin ,., 11•• \\ "''' m.-r :ot th,• frrr 1944. 8 rtnughtc•r llo·n·r ''"lo!''' '" mak" vuur '"~o·r· .,..,..,....,,.,., h.'\11 ""'"\J r-. E t \\ 1t•.·r "' ht~l P\1. ani! ~l r • J~r~m .. n.t Chrcon· ''"n ;\(1\\' I •r l h•• .. :1>4•11 lirno·h- CaNJ, "'II' '" '"'~ ,,,,. n·~ t ho• ,,, n,. "'l'•trllnt.: rno•nrt r"#'' Ink .. 302 E Surf, B:rll .. o;r. ;,, ~:tnl:r ... n IUlol fonP rt····•k··r un Thur~t~lay, lt-.•c-nrnc r .. r •hllil "" ..... t:.JIIk ... .;~.~1 "•Ill) ....... """' S::llt~ Ana Conlmunily h0"1'''·'' :O.I.Hdl 1 p m at lbl' l'ltrhhrtll!l' when •• '" : .. .:.· "'"' fltnr.; .... ,. rh. c.•m• "' rh,· ,.,, _ 10. 1944. a JilOn t ":!pram ll• rnnrd 11•·11 will ~JWBk M•-m"''"' :.rn·Jl(rn~: "" t"1'11'''• none ·•' lh" ,., ntl11•1nn ,,( "horh Cndt'l and ~In-\\'tlll.\m Ht• h· nn "ltl'lrtt 11;: lol Ill•· '"lllomhlng uf I hc"tMfAhl) a f'n• )tm< ... "'"'..,. H;u · \tr--W:rh.-r ~·M.· 1'1 r..CrMh-IIT'd..<•on, 126 !\.'ird l<trN'I :'<•'\\ ~~·•• Europe." 1 IYM. llrh•n Sm1th t 711 t:A:tlrll t.l· n• nl• llt'ach. 81 St . Jc,..o'f'lh• ht>!-JJII al. Th ""n~tml)t'r!l tCI 1':\11 for 11 rl's- Greeting Cud• and a Great variety of Unutual Qlfta "WE INVITE YOU TO DROWSE AROUND" C. E. LOUCKS JEWELRY and ITATIONE .. Y Ol:~mende -Watchea . Fine ,.epalrlng ~tforte Ntwport 2430 t7t7·H Newport Blvd., Co•ta Meta, Calif. TELEPHONE OPERATORS NEEDED Service men and \\-ar worken are aU depeacllq apoa OW' &triA at the swit.chboardiJ. Good .-y wblle ..,.._ lag aad replar lacreuee * * * SOUTHHERN CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE CO. Apply: 100 E. Bay Ave., Balboa or 5 14 ~ No. Malo St.1 ~11ta Au A\'A ILABIUTY CEMit'I<.'ATI'! llf:Qt'lllT.D m.•r 1'111"'""' Aim.• R.,-,th .•n<l u, a-h 9. 1"14. ~. rl.'llt••hlo·r crvatrnn a.rr l .'>OH\', :O.Int llomt'lt. .. I l:••klmt: r.on·v., II '" \II' F<lfh ••• • ~ ~ " ,. 11 •1~ 1L k·• '~ lh .on~· ~""a · · Pvt nnd .•t-Rnl~·rl Sl<•llo•r 1~ ;~r·2~3~4~6~l~t.~~~lt~~~~~~~~~~~r~~~~a~C'~~~m~h:•~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ •"'"'' )fm., F: Flih'k IIIII Lur·d " '' ~ ''" l••r Sullar """~" ,_ rnMII•T ••+ f'llul r;n,·n• r Jt.•rll•·n :-;rnolh. F' ltn'f'l, Bnlboa. at St .lu:::c•trh~ I'Of'n<-d '"'" tho· s::ruup ,&nd )lr, l:lt...l C:~. A~ .c.r,.:;t,.n Lt-onll hollpillll, .March 9 1~. a •nn na.-.. ··~n· 71 ••• l ht' i!t).l .. l ,., \\'.tlk. I "·•II'\ ,\nolo t•o~n tnol lh•· Mr. a mt ""'""· Antonio :.tartono. tt'"'"' ""'' 10 onnff ol t~ toO ...--t ·~r..... 17 Plac-o•ntin ~<trc>t't. n-..ra ~1f'~a. 1•t 1"17' Santa Ana C'ommunit~ hO!'JJttnl, I """ J,,.. Jrnluna •D,..,. Hub)' :Mil· ll'rt of ltti7 ~Ia Ana A-. bM ldt lor (11.-.:•on w \"lSol ..-tall'«'• lff'r hUIIband Ill II"" IDjt 1ft Enc\an..l WIUI Lh" C.'•>rpll ut t::p,,~ ..................... Gustave Linaenbard Graduatf' LrtP'1<' C.-..-rvatuf) Putllb ~ .... flrt:tnl'lf'f'll a Sppnalt) ,._,. N~ • .,_ •. Spox,al Tff'lltrTvnl· tor I h •o f'lol. o'IJ:hl It l 'n.l. I~ o•t:;:ht Ralhna I•• RWa: Former Mesan \t'ill Make Duration Stay March 10. 1944, 11 d~tuchtl'r St>amon 2 r unci :\In:. Jtll' Rowl~. PO Box No. 573. \~Ia MH&, nl St. JO'l<'Ph~ hosprtal. March 10, 1944, a daughlt>r :\t,... I ' F Ritthlllln•· •l!ltlh \\'at!.· • h:" ro•c •rnwrl from l~rll.-\'~tlll',\_ Caltf ,.h,.ro• ho•r hlt•h.llrcl. WHAT'S COQKJN'? Lt r •-R.ll "'"'"'' Ill "·'' •~·•·n ''"'oonrd fe>r rh•' p~~•l ''' month•. ~IIJUMP MAKF.8 Mf:AL lit-Wlll 1:" ,..., l ntlt(l lllr r .. n ........ k~ EV&!CT roa LEST "l)"nal t rnrn1n1: h..Cnr·· '"'" rn~ l••r Th~re·11 no mumbn-jumbo to I ""' ~-olur~ ~rtmp gumho when you makP it 1 )t,.. tt:srhhrw,. •rll m.tk•· ht•r with c:anned shrimp that com<'s: tv-om.> rn c ,..._,,. "'''" ft•l th·· 1l11ra· llhfollro d <'an<'d and all read\' lol '"'" Lr R.1thl:>tw,.·, J"lr>'n'-ltv!" uw ! \Vh<'n Nt'w Orl,.nns -f1rsl In Santa Ana. ~lrrd tt-rl' gumbo. II took hours or I tllantetlon cookrry to pl'rfi'C t il: I rnotkm mt'lhodc anrl product~ 1 ma.kt' It I'II!'Y and quirk for you., with t~ rrdrr that follow~: Police Chief and Bride Due Home f 'f• • '• d h "l • ft'tl,t\ I ''"l P , H' ""-.n·h., t-.. .... • ~· .... n •r '. \ .. · ,. h"' C'h,. t t: I! II ' i-)\' 1111 h:· I • t. • • t ,.,, r \I ot 1 , 11 ul f!.lfl ,, ~~ 4 "II I f \' I I Tho• .. ,,., .. tl '' ).~ .. If It I •l:o P'• '·• ~ I I \ r ...-,,,.-,,I • ~· ft• '• •t 1\ 0 0 I 0 e''o In s \ ,. l -., . ·"' " I' I• ' In I ho' ;\ • \l • 1 -• •' Sllrtll'lp Gumbo, Sf'w Orlf'an• 2 tb:<'p!t. !<:llnrl ntl I !A r;:c> onion 1 <'I0\'1' .t:Jrlic 1: rup c·h••l'l"'" l:r•·•·n 1"'1'1" r t: rup rhClPPI'il r<'IPry 'l bouillon rulu·' 'l C'UJ'l~ hulltnl! \\:rl•'r 1 o'IIJ) rnnno•tl lnmnt ••·~ '.! ,."fl"" c'~lt 1k••d "' , .. ,nrh'lf nk• ;, •., trn~poton rh~·n~o• t hu.' 1, ·1f I l•':t·p \\" 1 • f , "'""' •:llo!'• :t lh•p· """' 1 S•'' •'n ·P/ c'.tfl ~hr 1ntp t '• cup~ I BEFORE YOU BUILD OR REMODEL V•s•t o ur ,,,,.,,:•ng A.P'nOir .and d ot ;;IIA• •~n-·• Cr lo· 4J<.tdf'' ri.J•In"'ll oi•Cit . c.'"' P~"•"•" • ·~tcoc.. Of rtJII' c.arjM't•. lonolt•m• .J'ILl \ltn• lt.an blo"ds.. C'un~d RtOlll~d LUDLU~I Carpet Works S.111 :rnol I'• PP•·t· C'ookrd rkr Hcnt ~nlnd Ptl ••ho•p npron. ma~h ·:ulir nre>wn """'n, ~:arlr.·. cr····n , .cppt'r nne I n •l••• ~ rn ~:dad •••1. lit-· ·lh·r bnttdlt>n cut"'' rn wnlo•r. ndd "'ith tornnt•"''· okrn. th~mr. ""·' l·•ar and \\'urcf'rtrr<hlro• ...,Ill'<' 1 \tlx nour In ~moMh J"l:l•tl' \\ ll h I hrtmp hquor nrtrl Cm P r srm· :ncr 1 hotrr Add ~hrtmp; tlt'111 'I ..;,.~ 111'ilh «nh nncl fli'Pt)C'r S••n. 11 lara<' indi\'tdunl howl• w11 h I •INimt'd rtrr 'JkM>nrd' rniC\ t-.•nh'r 1 St-rvMI 4 to 6 W!w-n you have n-ad thco Biblt'. ~ 11t1 111'111 know It 1~ 1 he wn• c1 nl i'ood, bt'cau!'t" you ~o~.·ill hn\'1' rounrl ALBERT CORONA DEL MAR DISTRICT NEEDS REPRESENTATION IEWPORT BEACH Needs the Type of Business Man Now Available in BOWEN ror cou-NCILMAN ~r. &w.-n i."' a IWtlffil Busint's.'l Man \\:ho Ne\·er &-fore Hrld Publlf Otrlef' and Ua.'l No An to Grind t:xN-pt an Impartial and .lu~t Handling or Cl\.-1(' Mfaln. ~ For ·Better Government And Lower Taxes Vote For Albert Bowen -Political Advert.isemt'nt-II tM ke)· to )OUr ~TI ht•Rt1 )'CIUI t~wn happent>M and ynul' ~, duty. Woodro~o~. \\'tlson. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• .. .... ) •