HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-03-21 - Newport Balboa News Times/ .._-===-======~t....:....._ __ ____:_.:ro::....:.r_-36:....:_y~e:...:.a_rs_th_e_be_s_t_a_d_v_e_rt_is_in__:g_:__m_ed_iu_m_in_th_e_new~_rt_harbor distr~ct_* __ * * the • AID Ill • Buy Bonds to End War Qui(ker : ~· .. :~·· ) . ' ... ~ •• • •, I \ '·· ,_ --· ·-·- newspaper that a..? ~:•Jj .. •.. ... • I Pf8 ----- I Y rar . . . . $2.58 EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA. WEST NEWPORTt-SEA SHORE COLONY . LIDO ISLE. NEWPORT HEIGHTS. BALBOA ISI.ANO. CORONA DEL MApcoSTA MESA NEWPO .. T BEACH, CALIF'O .. NI.A, TU&IDAV, MARCH 2t. 1Mo4 _...,..,, -=======--.-- ...... :::.-~~ Murphy TO Rebu.lld Old Age Pensioners F·1nd Lad's u.r ___. r..-.-buc I Challencrp Watson, · to buzz anJdld. and to ,_, Mrsan Arrested On Three Count.~ J,.,. na,.ta Sara..-a. l it ••f l 't•llt" Mt'aa, WU a~t•ol 11ft • '"""" .trh·tnc r h•r«" a hot 11111 , 111\f ~o· '""' ft>r t•a rrvlnJI ,.,n,·•·• "'' ~j:g.~ Bamboo Room, But ~:~~~~~ ~,:.~~~:~: .. 1 Body after good-natunod chap tht' C"'tlun·,. C'ornmltl••o· f1•r Old L H •lt"••ll" ,..,."1"1'"" r """''lnlf "" •• • • Angrlrs •'ho •·as a T Ill T T I k Ao.;•· l'rn~to•l1~ hll~ 'hullt•n.:r•l A•· t •lrnt '""" wl\lrh hr ...,Crt ... th AI f'.-d's boot.; -0 _ _g_ ,, rnhl\·n•nn 1'1\o lo• \\'1118 •0. A .. rm· ong un . It· I lm .. hlnr hi• o'IH ""''"" .. ,, •• ... &". hh• •hstrh I i4 nn • A!l:.,•mhl\'llllln • -""''''" hy Uobrrt \\'AI'" I HrJII ••n ~~U't~f .-.... • SaturdAy . • l !'niT' CC\11 1110 nr.otrr.t ;~. tr• n ctou -• • 11 ,-;r :'IR:'I A,•,w,.oTo !U ~'·~t.• IJr is in thf' Army. an.1 h'o· ho•n•lo I oll'hl> ,. Ill Slllltll Ana Mr "'u , ,. aN'ht~nt 1>1'0'\lrt'<'<l "" · r..-.. •~ ,.. , . , .. , .: "' , ..... , ,.,.,, ~.cant ~0 ... ; ... ..,. (' d, lr35000 1111•1 Ill Ah:lho•tm o•n tho• ri'IU4<1n. l':trnpl• '\ I' 11 II oht~ tor"l I'Oo•\\t~n·t llc1 , ~ f~t •out h ••I tbr bug is tbrr-p ~ II •' .,aJIIOilS Balboa ~ight Spot, I utte In ~ • • \\ h• \' til<'\' ''I'I••Mo·ol tni'I'C'rult' In I • ll:<k· I ~·. ~ .. nta Ana His MIIIW' t!l ~--C • pod "'"1 ,.~:....-n-t"t I rolf'1..-tltl..,.,l bllft<iJ dl""''"' lh•• ,,.,., """ ~or~a: "" ""• arrralr tw ~•nl n Fi--•o. and · Conflaarata·on - - -R~a,.L a·ta.ns r uce ,,,und " • 1 , • .,. "" " 11'"'1 "' ~~-· nt I ,.. ' '-. n ~ nn.t "' (' h· lt~t .rat 1 h·· la~t r~ ~ular ,, "" rl1 ,, fM 'Iu-p f"ff\t f"r. '" t hr ...... hf'' . .__.........,aJ . • • -..1 8 BJ t •ttl I) \-""'"'o•n •f 11'" l•·~o:•~t'•'""'' •"~'" I'• ''' "' \11111 .. I' 11 "" '''""" ~~~ "'"'" ,.;1 "11•1 ''11 " ."',_.,,__ sut15 !" ~ . ........,..,. an Co. Also Vaslttna y aze, ~• e amage ~un ... , ,. ' ·1, ...... 1, .. ,,., .. ···" lltldiu.. 1~ r Om 1 h• dt'\l .... tt U\ ~1Ul\1' AIU& \\Ill bt• rto..-. ~\II t 111 l*lJ-:II Mil '-\II ,.,.-,.d lullfiU•• Jllh~tkr t'ft,~n. WA8 thl'4•f"\'t"l Newport Boy and Buddy Sink 7,000 ton Enem~ ShiQ off Rabaul " l .it'ut. Tt't'l and l..imt. l..ridt-c-kn. Two ~f•rint' l'ilofM. Tf'a• I ponJap("arp Vnwl Afkr ltunnin~ c;auntlrt of Ack-..\cil NlwO. J1111111)' 11T0ft" a Jrt-1~•1:1 111 tho• l :t o•lll'lultlll.'ll~' tl:.!~~ l•v hlti I , •. , 1 \1• 11111 Mo~ .I I' • .t '" '"' ,.,.rry n11 a lo•n~t k nl f' AI this last W'fric in Plans fo r n"tlltilding thC' rN'I'ntly humNI R;lmhoo r~tum. "n '"II " "'' ,., \\ • ""-•II) nro~l· • ' It''' :-.. '""""' I'"',. l•nuua .. a,. .,, t '••nl I 'I , ... ,..,"" 1\ .. toll ' Jlt't HUt "' '~"ta!l'lrn'1 .... t..nq nf tht" cllutn« _. •. ..._ ._____. f'-.-f,~.-!\Jar• h ~~ 111 ~ I' 111 On t ho• "\'f'· ... ,. .•. ,...,01 I'• 1, I II It •I• I Mn r 1\n<l .l•w rll \Vr'te 1!\ ,.f 11ln et.. u( f\\u rn."'rifll• , ....... ,_. a N..no_, f"--....a.. twJY. '- Dit" •.-u•JIIU~ ,,... .... • Balboa: at a los." of m o rC' tha n S.1:l,OOO. will !)(' ma(!t• as soon as ,. ~ v • "~ .. • '"o ,. •u.: 1 ~ .-_._... .. Ill! cu*ln't co r~hjrn.,. 111111: n: "" 'I'···· oil\' tilt• olo•bat.•l I rant!• •• 0 I" \\ ... '" 1111.: .... o.lo• 1111 ....... ,., ......... ,.. pou•nK""' Ill 4:1'111fl~· ···r lho· ft~ .... hrn-It ... writ ... by Slalf s.r. . pan quol -~ ()wn(>r Rohert Murphy' n o w corfinNI to his h o mt' with a S<'f· \\II ''" 1'•'1'1111'1'11 Ill Annho·llll, ,,, A lh I•·• ''"' ll•notlln r a r. "'""" IIIICf'll 'llll'llh ~··.ttlf llall 1\.na.·~· ... rn.nnr OtflK ntWnl•t C'Or'Tt"!!qWWiidtrftl, AJI .. gol io ~a~~ iotJs attack of t on siJitis cilK' tO C'X[lOSlll't' and o thC'r C:lltSC'S fol-"'"'tan;; on tho• 1-:tt.·ll t'l11hho•U.!It Ynun.· 1 1111 111,1 1,., ,.l,to•o tooth outnur Injun ... fulluwlna tilt• ••• I l•ollu""'· \ hands.. 1 hau• t"~ ·..,_,....,.the fin>. can Llf' up a nd around. Tht• eonflagra tion.l ~h··n·. ~•• 110"'1" ""'~"~"' •trrrt, •• rr !'tf''''"' llll·ll•····n '••lfll"ll .,,. 11 " 0 ' 14,111141,,,1o, ,1.,.1.,,..,., h • t ... r • ..._ ~ -.,.,. • 30 p. m I f 1 •1 1 1 1 .. 1 ., .. ~,_,., -r ... t •lot. •t ...... lftdiiiC a loC of r,....._ st • ..,... _ ... , ..... startt"d at ~ last Friday morning , \\':tS 0 0 (' of tht• . llll'l' """ lto•rtllll•' I· •• I . II•' "'"'" • l 'nllf,.lllla ..... u .................... _ ..... ..... ,.. -'""'" ·--j' n thfo St'"l''' 1"'' "' .. ,,.. ••I l h•· ills ., ._,...,... ~· _. ..._. ~·s pU.irlag .ia my 'wrnrst in thr history o{ the cit~ •eeoroing to Fire Chief Frank • Vtkll\i'' ,., ot ~u1 ,, on ~•turl111)' a t ,•;;:·~:·, ~;~~~~~ ;~ t:::!' ;·;.:;: ..,. ••• 1 .... .._. • ..._.., ~--. . • In a rrpur1 from fi[• a c ~~o-A quantity or ranntct" V"I'Jrt'tllblPI' 0 a--r·l ~If work nii.T P tt•ll fi'rTpo·• 11111 .:nr-• Tit• ,.,. ... .,._, '•"" -............ -......_.._...._ _..........__ ·-~~-=l·r:.:J.'~ 'W. Ct9cker. ' ------tl l: ~anrmcx•n AI . :111 F:hlrlol~>:r lt"P ·.. r upse' '"'-'''"''.I'"' U"'._~ul IJ.!!!.~" ,,.,,._ ..._ .................. _,. ••D--.111'0 •-.lqlr thal .t ts tda y Mr )lurpbv WIBht-d It known wa,· dutroyPd wllh &n n tlmlltrrl :u " 'r'f'~oo• o hw •p• '" 1111· lo••l lftlf't1 b I k f o t "'" .. ,.w-...,....tn• .... ,.__, I ,..,_,. •Y ._. ... _. at Babw Your fiShing tbs~ aU tbr ...;,.n·b&ndi.we on the d11mage of 1800. In l'ed•r,..,, • "'"'I' 'T'h~<l v. "" Uor u .. ,., t"t•••<J u ~ ..-r. M . •• • -•1 ~,... ....._ Bob. .. ~ wait-for I .,bee .... dutmy~d and lbf' rumor Tllf' Buch City l'rMUCr Co nn N . Iaiit lim·· Ill'"''"' ····n \\'lu·n Ill• y ac 0 .... "1 "'"'a'""'• A-. ""'.... .,.. ..... .... .. .,.._. clay. but. 1ft ...... ~an-I that br had •nd an ntf'niiVf' H lghwav 101 In thr Ntwport ew e e father tlll-··1 "'"'·" , ..... ~··r h\' ,.... .;.,,. ""'' .. ,,.. ,,....__. lll-el ttctof ........... '"-""-. u.. )'01.1 IDI)" ha'"e' to flsh l lltock "' liqur r,.and fl)n(j II! with-~aeh r"l ty llmlta. rAIIPd lhl' f(l("at l s rl s ra ll'd ....... ,,~: ""' ""Y With A 111111· Ph s T .... l :'!I !It" c'btl ,..,... ,._ _.._ ...... "--· .... I-.mar .lap& if you dn. out foundan-n. Mr Murphy aliiO F'lrt-Ot-par tmt'nl to ita lnra th•n ![lrl alon,; thr hrllt h ..... r \l· .. t rf'll· 0 nes IM'f1 ... ..... =: ~"'!. !:" -...... .. .r.--"· tft" 11;noa-)"OU wil U!W' , llillbn t o thank nf"r)''ttt' who had Munf1ay morning when 11n rle< triC'· F h B 8011, lilt I!• ~JIIbthly ,,, • •lrt•wntn.: llomnln& a &a\1111.,. 01 t t ~ ••n.... I -••..-rt .... t ........ -IMe .., bait.. Good lurk. • part In t t' f'ffor. t o .,.,. the ally r •ntrol't'ct R'"" pumr 10.'11.11 lf''l 1.5 oats I wu DOl t'Oill tlt'fl'll at ttrat """ aon ••• , ~-·~ ·--Kr ............... ..._.. llry Boy anr1 AI and ~ "';n bumln« lltrurt~ and •pprt'<:ta~• nmnlng anti t>o·ra mf' owrrh•'lltt'd .... n 0 1• t rA•'" ,.r htm • 11utot .,. 1,,,,.. .,.,... • .,.... .. ~·-~ , .. ._-t .._ ......,_ ~ J'OIL aU Ulf' kandly twlp giVen. Oil mage ••u llmllr d to tht hnll(' fuuoct, h .. v. i'V••r t h,. 111t1 "' !"' \1 1 .... 11 •n.l "' ~r thr l-'" '" .. At , .. ,,., ,_.,, ... U. ftntl W l f' c».c.ovf'F'S Bl•~e •n•l I"UITI" 1laelf T 'P bu11lnra!l "' port ~ach t-'11•· 1,11;.1 t'a·,.•lo.rr. It·-a l"f'al f'rnb'""' that ,.,.11 '"" J•fl , .. ,,.,,.,.a .. ......,...,,. • 1 llal4l 1 .,_,.at 1 o....W-•J ~ ''"' wboc h C'Omplf'lt-ly de· I'll' ""'I anol opt'r&tt'd by th!' Oatlf'y Ufepafll JA k Ho•lllcroll'lm ftllll ... fi'Hnto··l "'" '""'"'"•" floor ........ rn· ........ •I •t aft< .. •<ff ... _ ......... ......... .... .... .6 • 'lllroyf'd tb~ w11Wiy knmom R&rrbn• BroUacra. 1 T h .. "Nyn" Ko., ... '""' ur " rlf'W C. SctluJtz. ~ll.ll .:nU81""' and lhf' '''"n"'" '""' P"T111IY n1«11t ... 1th ,. .,.,,.. ,.......,,_ • .,, ,,........,. • ..... 'T1o-. 1 , .. ..,. ...... ,.,. ,..,_. ... lis ~ f'tr--0., ,.;..,.,.."!"._. P ""'"' w•s t'uarO•t'r"d l.iy hill v.lft' Faet Phont-Af'•torat on ~,.,,,.,. "r rouorn••n :ol 'u•hlnl( b-•&111 bay -• <lral:l(t'•l Thr t)(Jy·,. ll<"IY rrnl f'mf't"C"''"J' and a rral l••k "' rran ut 20 ralda-...,.. -.r. ,..... ..... .....,... .. .,__. .,... . .. _ I "'h bou I ll\' tlo•• :-.: .. rlh Amo'l'll'lln H In· w u fount! "" StiiHI<I\' on rnlll.: •h ,.. It I I ~~~ II ~ .. l•&a llonol ¢11 -.... •-wk •iwn Roh "ftrr· at 4 ~ F'nuay m m n~t. ~ r ... u f)urtrirl ManiiJ:I'r !.I t 1 o~ono'tl 'f · •· t .. lrphurt,.., MIU~ hy "" a m ""' • -,......, rs L I I ._ .. • .._ tiHrln!! in thP rf'!!'df'nrf' 11'("•1"•1 I hl.tltlonr, l 'urpurntu n wolf bt' ~lly bt-nl'llllt lh•• IHw<l ht• uld•·r l'"o"" r,... at f'alt>t a w'lrtl ""' •uK ,.,.... a. .,. ...,_... ~-~ -..,,.S 8;unhcx) Ronln Ltll'l1t"d ~ ltw Snut h• m C'l\hfumlfl T;o rphronr• b~• .. er lu••l '"'II ,. •·•kon•· "" lull ll•-J•h••o•• to t..,_r-a ,•,.1 ~.r ••II -~.-.-..7 "" F:.rllt (..,ntral A\'f'OIIf' whlrh ad· h I' l)n. I""" h•tl \\···oln••lf 11Y. ,\tnoo h 2:l, •t rvu• " •. , ., '"' • .. ., l h .. ...,... t to 1hr ~ A :f", .. t'r ('1"). Wl\11 on tho• J " In 1 " .om ' wu not tll~r r 111 lh• l oll"' AIII"U· Ac..•--•. ~.. •• '" • .. "-"'1 ar -,..._, o.., --'-;'l 1"'-)~... }'• rs thP prnprrt\' tt( thr filnl"ll• ~~"''tn flrl' t•u rly with II lC c•n •\\14, II II m Alit. of hy lwr llllltllf•r , thf' rot • '""" l~lllt n (o•r A lim.. "to:'•&: C..,! lhf' t~~i:lt ~~ .. .. r i ll •• rc-ltnt.-. ,.._ l ........ _. Dill "" ..,..,_.. • ~-tr o.n thf' rrar ::l.lr :\lurnh\,' W l\!1 '''" \'"''1' dol •l:tHt:hl••r • I Antlrrw "ntly l r ""I "''''"'l•l hl I•• 8\l'f' , ~~ ...... ~--... ..... thf" ,n ,. • u•: pru'!OJ! :!II m<•n Whf'n I ht' f1r ' lh t I I 11 Th,. tlrlot u n•tN t hr ""I"'" l'"o"n '" k 1 r """"' .,..., ..........., ,...-, • ••" UC••~-~~~ but _. :t~~-.~•· .~~-~ ,., l •tS Arl!"l"s nn hu~onrl!." :ol th,. ,.. ... ,., .... rnl)'('l'l th&t r ut off ll«'niC'f' 'l outnnl• h."'" .. 1 t ,.. ",,,,,. "Ill l rurr ,. luul '" t" '"'"I rm • ., p· f•' ,_,,. rvl-r tt t. t'•'J",...., wn• o "' •1•• •<ff lhf' ~ ~ ., .... ,...,. U....,o II,.. __. ,.,_,., ..,.,., K ti-· lh 1• 1 1 1 1• ~ 1 1 ol1111r.•·n lh•· '"'"' ~•th tho· tradl· p.cl betW<'<'n ~· tn I' ··n 1111\l a ano nrul1u t •. II k II I I 1111··<1 ,, r Hillhnlll l•'•n·l ,.,,, .... , ............ , .... 11 ......... '• -........ _ ... T-··· ..... -.... . ._in loll'11 tholl ni£ht "'1 " ..... ,. r4"~ , r th,. .-11n f;1:.:rat 111n toun.il boll It· or 1 hn111(111J.;flo• 't'lle Hllnl•l" f11m Y rnn •• 1• 1 1 I •" ~-!\11\r . 1 rl AI ·••a lf"l Mar am1 f""""...t wh• ...,.,,,, anot I hell ,,. Uo•llk ....._. ...., I 1.-1 r..--• ..,_,_ W'tll -.-. ......... him at 3"'~ 3.Jn -,-'" 'III'U fou• t !10 :ablv h\,' b"lh Altu••NIII't'. tlll'lf' Will be ~IChl httmt' al l!l~4 \\'l'~lllllln\ 1 \'I', • ,....__ t 1 ......-, .,., --•n '-"' "' 1'v.•" •'llhh 11 wrr!' d:tmll~;rtl, nn•· " > 1.1 t 11 IH•r•1w•n wlwn an Uf'•ln· ...... m nu .. ,. •• •"•"• all "" ••Y • ._... .._. .,., .._ ............ a 111ft and his f'tr5f qurry •·as. I ~'>• ~~opnrt B••a ch F' rr TW>psrtmPnt " fl00·f1Rir lan(' and thr uthrr a uLI tll.,.f,.. follY·""'' f• ul fl• InK IJOala =":· t~;~t ::;.,or:•u~~~~e ~;~ rlarr~eeru·y r onfronlf'd lh• 11rtltff'B .. , elat>l...t ta ..... ,., ,_. """ ... ._,.._ • ._ « , ..,.,_ aboul \\......,'5 and &hk> c:.m~ •• ..... u :a.a tb.c: Hunltn.>:· t :>O-pnrr ~trAn•l Tll(' rr .,wa ~·r~l uo t u1 \llrt ua Cl•be~rmc:u l.n lb&, bOCM The b<>d ol \h~ lad wu \ '111• pnttre "mo <"W-"'-'•It-top..,... -,...----.. ._...., _.,.,....,... 11.-a,.. .. olhfr ~ ~.... ton Bft('b depertmenl 'lllt'hlr h 11\()011 on the 1\Cflllt a t daybreak wt\h 200 SouUum C&lilornla ana. 'l'beJ I . y ad at ow-...... , Uld ...... t'Ufl llf9 f"""' tb. .... • ... _..,.............. ...... a a , ... --tU'I! llll!y OK!"" "!''IIIa ..... bJ at lllatl.ocl No. 2 and tbe o..t , ,,..,1 of ubtc-m•t of tl\t-Lr • An-I•"' l'OMI nK'tM tn 11arry llfty tone -.l • I'UI,_I w•r.-.. nt ,..,_ that ra1 wtdcll' 4 f'e -...._.. -•J' ...,.. 1 'I alt 1 ··• J-"'0..,.. ,. ,_. .. IW'IUwwd ....._.10 finrf not .uard Fl"' Boat. ltJ 8\111 undeler-Jtl'lf'll rmt I'Jtl'nry dt'partmrnt 11-nd of ma••ki·r•·l • r -11roJarw•, llllrty I llll•n ""''t the <"onlrol rnoom at N-· krttw dmft'l• ,._, ltl4t . .,.. ..... a._. • _,. his ...... of ~~ in miDf'd. Tbl' ol'-llnctlvr grUI! mat-lpt"<:IAI Wlrf'll to tt:r military 1\nd tona on "··· hold :'Pat' Palmer in port nnttnfld 'nt• ("'nmftane •~"'"'' .. , , •• , .... 1 ..... '-"'" ..._. ...... ·"-· ,,. .......... Ali-· ...... laJI .. holnto ~ •·l'll. '"f!: "n•l Wt1""''" ~~oll .rh furmed lhc "lh<"r nc·ro•iiMir\' plan'" Wf'r!' IIJlf't'd. "Theil(· h"""' hAv•• llftv hur'"'. • t • I Bl! "_,..rntf' unit an•t ,.,.,.,.,-oJlnt: ,.., ... , '" a.-. .._,. alltl ...... ••t •••I • '"I"•RI.,,. In, 1-.r a.tll. Ws ..... W'OIT)' thrn ~ tbr c~Kof'allon ln tbf' p!art-.' allhllllj;th oh ' tru<lalkol A lOti! I .. : 3:1:• phnn<·ll pnwt•r l'lllo·rpollar •J I'Ht'l ~ntclll<'l, 'BrldO"e on Train j,, M"' Andr .. w•. '" r harl(f'. tllll ......... 1 , ... a .. n.: ,..,. .,..... ., .. II· • • , ••• , ...• ,t(;,, .... , '" r.:t dut hP bad ba t•·o rt.om v·prnnfo •l •·•oul ! n t be flre-·W·I'f,.I\Ui uC nrtlor "'''"!"'' ,.,.111c•rc•olu1·t l•nac:ar.l ~ I """"IIJnh uallrf'prt•dwllh .,n•· IW'I•Itt•IO"" .. t·-~~:••Y -• .. , ..... ,..l,. • ..,.,,,_.,ntr•"-7'1 prot1f •«:tiMI thp rnrcf' o( thf' hl:\7.1' •tcl11t01llc1 ~tl\tft·· th~t !hi' They IIWIOJ: " IWl)'·lWtt hy tturt)'· M4ets Culberta. on ..... """"" Thr lnlldrnt• nn tlw ..... ,,. •• , ..... I""" •lo•ftjC ......... ,.,. ..... .-.:sol ciof~ and :\1-"" 'llll'h oll hAd alrr:uly j!alnrol tmr'l Mr .. r •U " fnu r uhh i'IIJI"ll•ll:lllolha•··n lllt'l '![" ., I~T ontl ..... ,.,. •l•o all """I'I'Y 1111•1 ................................. ,, •.• __ ,. "·-""'' ...... v T--".-.. --..""< fur ('091 A dam .o lln•'ll \\o•n• r11 wnrk11hl<· • r.frr In JlrrP'Jt nnr fur IIH· htuok 11-n· ,. ~• --.-~ · h .. "'""'Y hf''n r.• t( wa:o "'" .,.,.0 rt'u • npau ty "' t.r.uu •·ull .. n8," "'ato·•l ,,1, 1., ot,.nt!an t o 11 11 I ~ •• ,. -' ,.,, ,,. ., • -• ~ ... ,.,,,. Wta ...._,. ~l ....... ~ -· ___. -nd o...... b II llnl•· fur thr 1•·~1 on l 't•·oloan lh'· "' , I' \~•I loy PAul l'lllmPr ,.,... _.., •• ~ .,.. .... .,.. Sly. a ,..,. :"o ''"" .... ~ Ul 'bt' \II 0 lnj! Ill 1111' /1 {\, Hllll bn ····nrrnl mllnA"l'r. I .... '' I •-L-r. •·n• ontl t hnl '"" c•ntu• J h """ .. "' lfl~t tl"u.:htrr. I Alrt.-ln ... ,r rlnrv 'r' "' k...-n tnlrr.-... """" 1 •1• "" ... ,, .. ~ caD 04..: • .._ t op1e and tbf' lal'k nf ~ '"'' ao.fo·tl . ' ' . Thf' North A mo ·rh nn Shlf'lmll•'· ..A. -I~ t&gblt..ra 10 ~unln~Uw~ Uu.:, l1n·lllo"l on Ill hnuno woth all 11~1~s In:.: 1, •<JM•,....I ,..., 01 "" ,,..1 ,,.,.,1 1~ ,'',',,',,:· •t· .. TTrt,.lll:r1111111lnf;,',',',,~t1t1•1• 1~1·1n111",,:.:. ;,:. 0 ·:~·~~~ .. "~~ ~~~,. ~"',';:,:-:;;; -.., Jl.:llr.-For~.'lnd (lamu "I"'" nt mltlna~:ht. 1-"roday " " Mo ri a• .. , -Plan Board Approves 1(amp Gro~nd Lease -~ I h v.rr Ill l"'rall<n IJ)' Art<h• ~ l'rutnlll• '· J \' I lh IMIIn ' In I n ''"'o '" IIIII ~~~JI:th ,.,.,.nrotlntr l •o "" DO cto.h lik.t" rna.m· Qtt.-ro;. .\ t.l t"" "'~lu•h !'l!r :'olurJ>h' '"',,I" ""''l! ,. " ' untl t '.Jraunt• ~ ... u, 1111( .. n ,. I'' ,., tft" ha\P hrorn ionk'q for a ,,_" I lltl•IIDil. I hal rnn "'""!! 'atf> 111 .. n't ... k F r H'IIY afl•·rnnnn h81111• •I jot tUn<' ,, hrl•l~:•· I ... ,., I .... n wh·~ allniiOIIIt ... I hill '"' hrllJqro 10 n"nf. and for "-f'f'k_c; l)nc k ••f hi" Hamllf)lo r:•w•rn nn<l TPh·pht•lll' ""''r!l W••rf' tcrnerally Iii"· StoJollh 1..0. Contro~ct Th•, ,..,.,.,. ao>on 1111rr<nm•l•••l ,,, ...... ""'' •lrlll Will hP hrltt I hill -11 --thr rea:ltc "'"" -rn."\\'lf' 1 ...... , .......... 11.11 ,\n•nup \\.t.• l>rll lolll\'0 Ool lh•· IIII I that lhl' Tl•· a: .. ,,.,,\' St.L.Ih (lllnftllfl\' .•. , •••• k lbiiPf'l'll llnol ,.,, ... , hrr I ..... tay at 7 30 ~ .. m rn; ~- -. e.rt---..__. ,.-""' •I al~·· :\!I wo II 310 !\tr !'llllr· ' "'I \'I• ,. "'·"' n··o .. tllhll~ho•tl '"'' '""' n n•·v. • ""' II<• I f.,r lo·ll 1111111' n I "'""" " onn •· ' Jnk'lna:h I" '' llitlt>na. l .l•lu ,. an rw "' ..-. -·-,,..,. Jth\ 11 r<'• •I••III'P nn lh•• Ot'"CI l"t lflllo lily I 11 kl'l B••ilh lo•o II•• I· :.; :"n\y "" •I 11111 lhr tnlln "'" 1111' ''" h• r I'"'' llro~ehl • OIW notw fro111 fhr Otli'W'f nf Ot::.~r Pl~n Suf.~r • 1111• .. r llw-.· ('ua•l l '>ttrul t>Q8la !Oh• ul lt•r w•11 n•• '''"'''' Ito• "'"'' .. ~ llotN-•-t-"""" in. :uwt ·· Th<o T nl\'f'l'a Bu t.lm~: 1n ~h1 t. 1" ,,.,,,,,o··f a ,,.,.. 11' J"'' '""! 1111111• t"llll•rtiM. •flitb:inciftpnt~0\.•4'h.,lt :t Al•""'·of•·•~hnu,..,r!an.t\\lolthl• II f · lfo•ofotltoo•·•'''""''"•"''" Th•·1r "lthf'la,"rf'lnr1 •·tl l' /1 I'd I'Of'if.,..· 00. hut arr"ff!" th" allt-y tor•m th•• ol•·~l'"' m•l 1•ons or "'"' I••·•' '"l'"'t•tl 111 llo•· t111y t1o· ,,, lr , "I'll 1:" llh••·' nov.,•lf " hP \\•Uf not~ rd bullohn~.had •lsma~•·l•ll:ov.•r· l11o .. t ''·o· ~l.t.ol~ I'"IIIIIUIY and '1'1 • •lrnnJtf'r •tlllo·IIV rr pllNI ,.., ... _.,.,.· ~'itnla;:r ol thf' 111~ An•l •wolth huxt s wath :111 •Ff • ''''"''" ''" "'" lh•• •11 11'1•1ng •·•· "\\•'1 I'm "''rrv """1 "" """''' ,...,.lit'nlft'lli:o ·~,.. Prop-'-'•'t." '''''" h11ppr•n '" lw •'•lllt<'l'l""" • 1Jl"t'31.1!111" ~ .nr ... ·s I --.;,.~ ~~l,.tr:ar!l Apt8 MUll ., f . Navy work ~~.''1::~.p~hh-h 11" ro•tl tlol•·d """'' llliotio'ft:llhlrP ..... ,. nn thr Jl'l-)fr !\lurphy,. hll!rt a,. ~··II~~~ lh•· Earl E~. wa·ng . I •• ha\_. )tdf"ff h~h arvl I Ocf'IU\ Vll'w Annt'" a crttsa ttw nl· ... ' All•l wu my fn• •· 1''" · "' ' but w• .:n "3il -thPrf' I•' t.oth hn•l ,.xtrronr dnma~(' I H Le I· ' lo torr fHik" "nnll """" an-~0 hr'atN."S f()f' rt:'flf. amounhog t o arrrO!lllnat ••lv !..'Ill.) • c . ome on ave ,, I., In ICO nnll Ah• ,,, IIIYI"·H .. !iO..__ .... h:tfl lo t~~n· anolhrr , .. ~ ... ,.n .. .-.llm~ '" "r•• l 'hlf!f In ounty •llr•l frnm ... II \o\'1 11110111"'"' Jt ioe; mforfUnaft' thaf Crocker. f'raf·tlflllfy all pin• ··~ ~:1111 1: \\'111 ~ l'•·ltv (IIIII ,., :It fill ' , 1 t•IIV t "1111' lfllttfl .ol 1 ,., ... '(Yf am hnnor an-(l!ma~rd "'"~''" ('0\'l'fl'<l hv lll!'!lt ''''". rh .. , "'' All 111'!0 now 1!(11· I ' •••• '" ~ron I,,, .•• '''" ....... . a~"f> ·• f,.. tii>IL,rs. but a nc:t' but r .. plaung "CI"'f'"l'''•t '·"'' ''""o·d "" nn Rll•t:o I ,.,,.,.r Ill th· lorrlval ,,, ,. ~"" '" .\lr '"' ~ h fr Jtt:-l flClf' thint! 1"' dofr oru.l ,\d\'1" ~ '"''" \\',,pl\1111:1 1•11 I• S11rt Jllrg••. \'UIIt"ol nt ""' h m•· ,,, :.1• \turphy ~~ ... ,, ,,. '""""'I' \\'hatr'a f'aft' nn thr n••t l h "1'• ,. ~""' t••lro\' th:ol <'••nl!r··-~ '" •'ll· h•ll parl'roll!. l\lr aod !.In• 11 1\ ''" ,\'llllarn.-lft .. r llt<ll"'" ,.,,,1 ;r•t··•t••t1tvana•'•·qu;llP flt•·\\Ail J••lt·l tt• u JII•r•l'\• h\ nutiV..••k :1 \\tnl! "' '''' AtthPH ,,,. "',.h,•r1 ,,,,•, ll t~ont ••·v•rul V•tttM ''"'n Imp r1nr t ll Ink ltnf'~ '" t.~ l 't ''' t ':7·: '':4 •ti•I'P'f'' .,_,.,, n:--IJttl lt-A\'• '" • \\ lmrrun~r: •·• ,.,,.,., ,,.,. 'ft I· I ll arbnt' RaMkl"tha II T<•am (;ut•MtH 0( K iwaniM Club At ~• ,, ... ,,,, "~.,.,.,,._.. \J,,..,.,, •t4't•r • ... en '",.,,. '·•HIIu t ... ftn'IJ. tul"t ul tl"' tt1\ jtl•ttntn...• •••t tf• .,,..,...,,, .ef tf• '1/ttthf;n.,-,·Unet I t ,.,, tt1 ,• t ... J1 f• • '""'ur• "" It h• t. t rtt, · ·•f u... n u;n .. tl• ,1 • ''''l' •Jtftf•-'\ '" .,., I. •--• ''""'....... fhr I ~' "111111~ t o, t fM s.,.,,., f •.,._, t c •• •••• '' • .. •• '' • 11ifflftt• rtt·tr.l lt 1"' "' ., .. r•·s:uf~tt n u•rtlut,;" ur th,.. ,,.,, ,,,, .• ., '"" ..... ,. n-., ...... ,, ......... f., ... t) .......... ·•••rtt "' -.: .. .,.I"'" ltoorl••r t<lwanl• ',.,1 lf• '""' ·n .. 1, • .,., 1,. ,. •• ,. ,1 .. 1 • 1 •t.•• hn ~ "0:''-t 1., IN I ~til twn ,, ''' t ·•~·-.v u~ '' tf~~Utru•h,.,•" ••' t h~ •• 1 ''" ,, 1 ... ,.,,,., t ., ~ .,. t •"'' ,t,ltAun• arwt uf h• fill "'"' h•·l,f "' ltntt..-.•t'" t-:t~·· frtt 1 , ,,f ,,., , ..... ,,.,1, • .,., ... ....,.,., t h. ..... a "' th.r lr11..,. ,...,,,,... tfwo .~, ff f''""•""V nt t "l th t • tt•h ft\ th•· •fttt.l .. u1tt,•.: 4...-.,,1_..,., _, •• ,.,""'l '· ''"''''"lit ·•' J, • .,,,..,,.., 1 1 '' f'•·'ft wdl hrln•• .,,,. • hutn , . 11 ~·. k ... ,, h•lfn """ , '"~ •• , •llfi!Vf\ ,,. •~ tt •• ,..,... fWf"r n t.tft tr• M -.k r ' t.rtH Jltlllli1tl ltf ttUI t I \A I ''' 1' 1 l •t tt, •' •t• •h~·· f.,. t t• • t l •f "<. ·•lr;• r -..r r.-t•r) ,.. ,. II•"""' fiU•h ,,_.,,. ,.,,.,,,. •1• t,:, .. Jt •• t '"\ tr·~•• ..... t.-••'•'• •t .... ••-p •' ,._.,,..,. t ... ,..,.l '" .1 ~'"'''' tl ,,,,., tftJn lt Y I • flhUW ttl;f •Jtl)f l\ t• t PH tHI f•..r .. ,.~\ _.._,...., ,._. nt •••l• ulf , .. tf ... f..-f .. •\t••f , 1 ,,,1," "' th,.. t.:••ut w••rk fl,. "'''' n t \\ '' • I• f.,, H w ,,,..,., .. ,.. •.1 ,....,.. • .,,,.~ ".,,,..._,..~ f\,,.,;1 .,.,tllv•-d If, , • 1 .. , ,. ''""" ,,, ,,,. tn k,..,..,,,,., • 1 I' til• •~u ,., ... Hllt l .... ., t• •f•Jor'' • _.. •.. • ... .. h ·'"'' th1lt t f ,, tl ,. 111101 1 ,,, rrn1•n• uth' IUPI ,,. • •I• •t rt.., I"'' u• • ·-~ • ... t.t •· .... ,rl)t '"liJ'tNf"'fl •hrn 1 ,1 ,,,.~,.,., t t \ r ttl t h .. t1th1• ••• ""'I' • ''" f • ••• \ •t ... • '' VII " .,_... 1 In .ut Utf•utuul , , • tt, .. "I ,..._,tr 1 r y 111 '""' J.t•, '' f 1••11ft•""' t• tfi t ....... • ,_...,,,., ...... l •t • 't ,..,. • f l tft_. Ut•, t t 'W"V••f"ttl "1• ~·•uti • m f',t*tf"''"·' .. :.J !'It• fur nnvnt Jih• r•· tfl'"fltllHtann!'l tn-J'n·,~i,.u~~t t•• bran~: RJUUJ!M~'•I ,,. \'.• ~Sot , ... un•1't .11 ••7 ·A:t•• t~o~'''' lnd l h•• T,.,.h·ph••n• .. '· •Oaf•·•"} '·'' 1' , u)\ tnJ.: utl .. tt •'•0141 n 1tlll'•fl41 1 r t ht• • u rrlt·•r hr "'"" 1 hP • nptn.ln ftf \1 , •t J ~. IUHI '"' nurr1• ,J ~1 t• h.•• I , r• 9 \'•r•··l E -IL<t\0 (·o fHtlJm:\lt'"•t t':--'l t)r.ttLf•l *••unt\ •n~tt altat IIIHt R j.!I•HUld t r t \.\ uf :' t)t,,,,,,.r "'. \1utp'y \\ 1t,••n\nn r1 ,,.., tnr f th~" "'"" • \t r tf ••f ''" • t ,,,.l-J,.. ........ •• •• ul ttw •1•fu•ttt that A n " y M , .. A • ,..ntrr ••f ,,,. '' • , ~ ... I •'•• t • t l-•n t:t s ••••• ... t ••tteht t•• ,,~nwwlrtft•'ff '. h ,., .. htt•t ,.,,. t ., ..... ,., •• ,,,. •I ••• \If •P ... \;-f ' ., ' ...••• ,, .. ' ...... ,,.._.,I ... , 'I\' ni"l·..: ~our h-4"N' y ,,., think n(lfh- nf ~1-.: -;·.•.0. nn \•~ttr fop..... ft-. ,I f.O ;1n\ .... , "' .. r thf. .• ,, ~:-tfnrrb\'. • !': t•l•' punt -•,.. , .. , .. -r~·nr--· • ........ ., fr,r ~ .. char·· p :t!>f •. -I t.n,...h ;1nd •n•h \o•h t tn \\~trk. '-:l.~~a\· ·:.-·! ,Ofl.,,. f'\('n· .:t;~ l•r1 ,<h_,,· .. ft:{. if~ ........ .,... '' • llC rr IIO:'ofE- aD tho.J t.llUI:ls.. J.•m:.•...:.• at ,s;-.. uft "'h t.· t h• T•l• I· h •I• .t ,,·\\II ~ I• arn• •t. \)1 ld1 I .,, '···:rra--'",. "'t••"~• !"• "'11 ' 1' J ' .. t.n•HHt ,. rn, fur t h•· ~:u.l.• \rt' t • .. p.na .tPI ~tar ;tntt th•· l"t '1·!\"'' ~lar.n• 4•111 J•!'il A It . l·•lj••O $,u Hf "·~ • ,, ... :r h:.•l "l'f r "'lfrat•" I ;,.,II 1"1 lh• I"''" Al.onlll'•l' ="' ''·" '•·--~·• •!..&:-=s..J!f I.S.•ll. nl p:tn•••"" ••1r ~'"''''t\ ~:!•rtttt'""' tt•r :-:tnta 'A •fk•"t (, \'• r :.!"hlv an I r-<~"• ••• ( • ,, .r, rd ta•·•· · 1 1\r.a '"'':tf Au !'latJon $",ttHHt•t ' t t ,,, •r, ( ,, .. ,, ,, .. 'avutt n 1 u' ~fin ( 'I• flt• ut ,. und $ t '"'" , .. ,u I •• ···•'J• •I ,., •. ,,}, .. ~r•• Juf•att-~ t ,,, ''''' t.-.nnd 1!1qn••\• m• nt "a~ ~"l11~•1 nn ~atunLt\ ''' rtl• ,i~!illl ., . ., rP!<,I•-•• "! T \\' K omlo:\11. -''· r.t ... ,,.t \\h••• tt,, ,11\\n 1 \,ttU •r )•f'•J••t tn•lu•lt·i lf\ • n .. o.l< K a lll•orPr•ll!n'l an•l 'I.• 1"1.ol holt ~ loorll ~all nlf•·• I 11 1 trrtwn fl' tlloll • """t~· 1~ a I"''J' • I · c:d S4.00(),1MIII holtlotu.nal )!I alii '"' .o "' w ~<r:or<oll ·lrltlll nl{ fn•ololy lll •·anq• I •·U•III·,._,--. 11•Hf (Ji•'nr.:.,fl~ J·art , I v. huh r··~•·• \ Kt ,,,,. • ~l· rul~ "'a.•t.rnum tn thf" t:ar.tc•· "' t h 1 t ILhf l ,r, \\ ht•O h t• M1 1~flll•t(•d 1 I f1urn out Uu• "'''"t'f' • nnf"t 'I''" \1• n•t 'It th~" \\a:t&hrt"'ltn 1'•pupm• nt fir-;t l'lass mail will llt' in- rl"f':t~ fmm t w1• c'l•nts t11 tht"t.¥ c.,-.ots a n OUO('(> a I '"' • tt'r <-arrier offices: lh<' d r). mP<:'tir air mail rntl' wlll IW' mi.~ f rom s ix N'nts tn .,il:ht n>nts a n ounce: pa f'N'I post packa~ ~il rt'quirt> at I<'~~ one ("e''lt mnn" ~ta~e. m- !IIUJ'f'd and C .O.D. f~ ";11 ht> doubko(l. 1l\(>!'l(' postal r a t C' ~ berome t"ffl'cti\'r March 25. A fi,·e per C@llt incfta.W ln the tax on lonJ;l· c:listancr trtephone m~ ~ •-hich the toll i.•• m o rt> than 25 <"f'flts: domt>stic tel~ graph. cable and radio rneo;.. sa~_~~? boost.ed from a fif- teoen tp 25 per cent tax ' I IIJI ' lhlll I qiJnt~ Naturf' of \he w .. rk f••r wlw • I h•· pr•IJ'II"''d arttr••r>rtllllllllB w ill I'',,,"'" v.:.JO nnt do"' l>tlk·d in Ill,. oiii'Jtal! h Tlor all•" 11l1nn oC lbt' l k,liOO,OOO to \hf' Santa Ana M ar lnr {' r]J8 A•r Statl .. n 111 undo rwt•M.I tn br l.n ~dation to thr 111.:,1(100011 &Tanl ~de a few montb• A(O. and l••r 'Ahlch fJIOJ:r&m a «round· bl"f'Uinl C:f'reu.uny t~y at lhl' 10lJitao11 l11tn•ll~•l trt.art nt wr.rk. Hudquarter• •tf lh" Eh•v•·nlh S aval lJollnCl at s an OIC•Jl:f). ··ron- tat ted 1 ••r f'llplanall<m on l.ht new 'iproprtatlooa bill, M ill It h~ m. anlormatloo tro otter tllc,.pt tnat 1t UJI<krlltOc;d lbal tbe bW provldee for ~dat.looal 11ant.a lO aucma~t t bc.f' alrta.d~ m~e. • f., •• .._~ -y. t •1 k ftftft k J •• ., • I • 1• • 1,,,,, '•• I t.'· •I .... ·t ••,... •, t t• •' t• frt~--· •ttfut lnr'laf",.._,, a ····t ' . fl •·' ....... '"· ··l •••I • ••·· • •r••l"'""' ""'"'' Mesans Seek to Bar " I I t •• If I• •• ,., .,.,,, t ~ '" ,,., ' ..... , "· ,,.,,."I 1111•1 ph••'••l mor-ali! .,.,, ··' ,. . . ............ ·~ -· .. ,\... ,,. • • .., h J.&Uf .--.. ~n \lttft 1tl1tt i lt t\ flil~'tlt"#l JIIUIUt" •• •• ·fl .• ,,,,~, f ,., ,. " I • h C k I PI •'' l•u '"fl ,._ ,.t,~t•••t 1•• I'"' a not er oc ta1· ace 0 • ·,··:· •• '.~;:".~,:~~.~.: .. ·:~:: ::. 0 :".: r. I ',.,~._.,,"''' '•·n1t ""''"" ''' 1 ... , ' ,, I ... I •I ...... , ,~ ,,... ,. 1 1• f' r•tt t"' •"111' f f•• 11 f•, I ...... 1', 'tlltttl~ ,.,,, tH ,.,,.' l.d t''" ,,. I" uwn "'''' tfl• I• ' ·' ,, fIt) '" ' '' i tft ,, I 1 t' 0 •t f •(, '·' ,,, .t I•• f''' \• Ill ?tru•,fu•t 1 •' ftt J\f' ,_,, lfPrll• •I "'' t t'Ut ~~ ·111 tt .. ,, f HJft; • ttnP••~· 1n tt I' h ·•net lt•• rnil~ "'' ul ., "''' M"" h ~'I T'hr C'nuntry ' 1• 1111 •n• I•• "'•' dirt•t'l• d ''' Ill·· 1.1. ·· •I fttl , Bo:ltd ,,( l.•t'J tl11idH•u "htt·h h:t'-\ ,•ztn..: ft~Jd "'it '-.d•tt" •• h' '1 '-' t ;\Ja r t'h :_J)( il""' fh11 fJ:ttP r,r lht• \4 1 •••1)' '" "-ttlft 1;, HJt' ft1 lu 1 1 h• 'II ltlf.; '" So~nLt Ana ,,. "'ftflf•r, tjnl••to.\ J-'111rt• ,.,, "" It"!"'' •· "'' '" !11•· t>fl•·r·t lltll!' "''·I oti'IS< nvsdl:olol•• /l ~t•l tf .. 1 lh•• El Tnr•1 pl:olt• on th•• '''lltrll~· 1h o• lrnm th•• m r "''"' ,,., •• , ... '' :tt "·nnt-. ''' t1 :,n,f.-r at t.. lwt '''"*' t' · •' lfoo4t0fnf• t)IV'TIII''' fl( ''' 1 Y "" In C't ... l n J\t•·~fl In It lllllltlonc ·~'· "'' ~<·yIn r .. ~tA M• "'II llol, "' It• II<Ytl' fl"tm 11 hollllo.J cl n nd ponl rl• · •r••t1 .,,.,, ••I '""'"''' r<Vom nn 11• "'"'" ~'~'"''' In 11 I' I~ un•lt·r".ltlf>'l toftl• ,,,1, ;If •to· rnmmuno• nll••n lr11m ~· T .l••tlrr • rt ,r i' h""'' w1ll II' t 'I'"' k'' .or I • t «nn. v. "" n" n• P"''f"'" y tn 1 lu• f•·• 1 • •·ly "' 1 h••> hro\ • 111 ,.,, •or: ~mr hlfll'k. h r ~~~y~ ~• ·• • '"' ,;r a lok •• "·' t 011 • . " "' I• "(",..,..llo :'-1··~11 a• thrNol••ni"<J with I t• .til• hAll 11N'11rn '<l I "~ 0 •" • a "Whi~k••\· PJow' nntl :'-1M11 rp a· m , Ill' 11 hll'~~tnl( r1~ 1·,,. 1 , \l• • '~'"" tif)fl'l. hk,. thr f!rO'p<-M II ... _l"r•• t 1 1 k 1 .... ,,. 1\fl , .. , " Ill "' ,, , •• "'"m~ -1hat a r,.,.k 111al 1'"'"1:" 11ntl bar. now an a nt'll:hhonnl! town, II•' l•ro1t"ctlnn , l11r k ••f ""' ,., ' J,,, k • • f ,. v •P "''',I •t "" II II ' ' I ' .. .,,. I ' t , •• , •••• ,, ,., ltl , ••• ,.,.; .. II JtAr-flf tJI"' I1Ut~1nf'"' •H 1•t••f• •"" .,. •• f t . t I d• ',,., f "" '"'k !dllt•Ht " 1,,.., I tll~~_a!u..l .• ,oJ, o ,,, 11lnr• or what hl\vr y•ttl l'r"• ,,,.,., l ~··h Jlf' '""""" th"' ,,,. ''"'" . 1 t.. urq It'll• •I '"' ttttv~~,, "'"tc ,~ '•",.." w .. ,~n~·" f."''""'n •• • • lt<IOIC f'>r l..a<1t~• N l~thl In lhr r:r~~mm•r ..,_honl Allitllttrllun ,,,, \1 , I '·' h "" n•. Ka1t1rr will .,.""', t t1tt -t.nn,.r Th•• wUI ~ ''"' ••f 'I•· 11 ''"" 111 ....,..,.,. "' thr tiF••••• ft n• !..ilona and t.t..lr 1•<11 ... will '"' I''•"•'" nf Ktw•nlan• ~t.nr! t • ~~~ Ia· •II•·• r , thf' prncn~m pan of thl• m .. ,.unc . ,_ ~ lllar1• a t • P· a Y.'llnt• t o rtp<'n In thr mrun hu~lnMul nl ~;.o~ di•J-..1 Rn•l ''""'' I•" hlork ol C•f"ln M"'a. 11n<l hA~ liP' t w•" ot a Wf'll run r1ty II"''''" pllrr! In th,. ~tat•· Jlo.rd ol •Aiuall· m••o' and lar klnr In c·,,.111 r.t.-,, Thto If•-.,...,.,...,,.. f1ul• •of xatlnn for a IICI'nlll' •• ' thr I''""" ,._ flranr mrt t• .. 111V ''Th~l"f' " no pollt'f' protl'('tlon in In lh" opUrion nf m•ny \11'111 ,....,.,,, In '"" ",_ lltl lltrw l'lorothJ Tall \o-.tA M.--onl)· thr hlgtnuy ...,.., Clfl/rr\a. rnorr tun uff~o~•t• l h•· tn Rllllitlllet• ~ l"of' a pnC· tml wham n'p...-nta law and or-!Jh ~1np ol our Ml.ahbol "'' th1· lu• k lun''""'"' ""•AU' tht' .. ...,. der In that "f'<:tion. ~,.. an.• no lh•ll " 111'0Wt ..a.-Olra. A.Mce M..U.. I . , '"I I " f1 ·• r • •o I I I •••• , j ......... w-, ... 111 .... ··' .,.., .. , l " . ... ,_ ... • a• f • I ,,.,, .tU ,,y,.f It\.• ,,,, ''' • I "01 •4 ... llllitt ••• .U ~SPECIAL SCHEDULE c ..... I""'"' ne fhr cb' '""r f i h Tna'h f '•.Hrf'tJtr l'nl· lt·f't " T..tr ... .-r s-prw1 x-~ f,.r i•lurna:ali•lfl . l•ut ~uur -·...-~,.... :a11fl -c~;vi .. " '"'' thr •Ia.\· hr-fur•· ,.,.. T,.._,. ,.,...,._.ow ... d•ar Tir Utrnt I• •hr•l nw- luulthkli ........._. a•t:M~!U I ..A_. B \I.JifU: •. ,.. .. ;u, st.,... a...,...., . ....._, _. ..,........,. t:NCT ~•:•rctKT ... ~t:•rcNrr: Hr, ......... ,_. •-' a.. -list~ T__..) aM t"rtrtay. "'t:.'fr ,__t:Wf'CNCT: '1'1Mtiirdl -a.-e •~ a.. ~t_...A_ rh .. r ••• ,..., lay ... Hat .. ,.. IIAI.-tA NA~I~ ...... ,. _. n.-.lay. HAK8f .. IKIA~I~ ...... , _. n...wltay. uno IHI..r..-,.._.., .w FrWay. llt'Af)()N UY-._..y _. ........ ,. . Allalfll. FAHI' .. ('II'\' V AfWI' f 'U'B ANf:IIOIIAOI! _....,. f:fHIIONA 01'2. MA&-....._..y _. ,_._..,. NA'f'fMIT IIDr~,.._..J _. ....... ,. .. 'MINDtH WIW"I'K-(Ntapwt. ... a. •• 11 W. .... __...,. ........... ft6o ........ ··~·--· .. , \ • J•tt..-l'wo Harbor Trackmen . capture Relays in Santa Ana Meet • 1944 I I ... I L G F ur• ~:t ·-) 1nts. llunt m~:tnn FM·11rh llununeton Beech..,..~ 10. LWtC! TO .-..r · wa~ "<'<'~net with ~·-, fullm ... "(1 I·~ I ~PY.1JOr1 llarbor-rour al "·· IE• I~ a.-..D et's 0 lsh·•n• t:,r<'l•lor :v;•, Sanl<• Anti :til•, ft\o· oprn ~?lays but~ db.quklr ,.. • .,..-~ ~ ....., e1... a Fulh•rton 17'• nnr1 Aulllll'llll 1<!11 lu"<l 10 orw m a ti'Chfticallly !Ju-_ .l'L-~·~ ··we a..e plfttty of tlalt," .tat.ed 8y CHAIIh ... S H. WALLACE u-uall~ >ohunlt·ol "" Ill .... m.· tlh· nwn nr th•· Tar te-am -n s .or • ...... Pon PalteriiOO ol l!lcott'l Now that thl' t'II.'Ction is nrarinlt •t'Ui t' romo·r ul tho· lot, ht~:h· t'o~:l•·m1an and, AI 8Lo;hof1. hhtt ., ....... ~,.';..IE:_,, • 3 .._ and her hu•band ltisd~datiry1ingtohfif~dhnu t huw5the .>r~"X. . -. ANGLIN 'G Jlllllll<'l"' r11m•· 111111 tho1r """ "''h «•llll•·t ntt 1n our r-.. • ---• puft"-d the Jan~ aac1 1can I tes ovt> t I' •~ t>rml'n. (•v· N.-port IIRrlx•r'• rhamp 1m · 11 ~.,;,.., ur hrtlll:111t o•arly "t'1t•nr1 l .....,... C...,.. I ~.-n ~ ..,.. .,..mnc u.. bait and tacltle eral have stali'IJ in pnicl 11ds unci on lhip-~ tnwk ~~quucl pr .. vutlo•li JX'rfllmmnt'<'s. l::wo•l•111r'.• J•uultt · Mr a.nd ... ,. Mara Sr • laml 1lcd A a.c ,r._ rictlt away They will uae thE'Ir campai~n cord~ that tht') nre AROUND ovrr &he l&mt' fte•lli 11 v.1ll hit\'l' to "" "''""-« r. :!'• S;ortltc An,,·, h~tvt· had u U\4'ir ,...._-eat ~-"'• ~ name aa It Ia _ w•ll •II for Ull. But! h.•t'• look Ill thf' 'I •• •-Nht d ol ~ l •I \J' I"! •f!" ~ ~ ~ rd handlf' In Sun~c-t i.A'll~11•' 1 nmt"'' Franklin :>o;u•ko•) l'lo•lllt•tl fi I 1, ultd ·' IM ... aroc an · k-. Ia thew p&rf8. Their fl1'11l l"t'Ctl : _ tllion wtMon It !IWI'Ilt lht• r.'\;)(('1'''1"1 two nthf•l htl) ~. t:lnll't "111111'\ "' l't•tlO h. K.-nn4'1h Ua.rre<J of tJ.r !•. \ • ~.J' ., ~ • ~w. n~rtH b'at lltarted Sunday 1. Our hoat~> go on tho• tl('ach JWI~I FridA). The· Slulvr"< tnll••tl Sunta Anu und Rolurut t.dwlu'cf• ot '"'avy ~UHI C."adC't Lrroy HaiT•..S '"''"' ,. ·' .._,...,.,.. ~ ,~" ~ l2. and U,.y are retUn~ In every wind that hlows. Tht•y BY BOB 1 and hc and 1 rolile at the crar k ot i~~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~------------------~·····' "~~~~-·«~~~ h ·~~ mnn ~~y ~-~ T~ ~W~Md~ng~~ryM~.und l ~rt~~d linw~ke.~o~ dawn ~dafter a tu~t!d b-·k-1 •1 , .• .,, '"" '...,. -.--hm ....... ~-ar• •.rom Palm Spring• tht> clly has_ doni' nbwlutcly noth· ·~q -•-.. -r: __ ..._ ---1 • _ _._,.... ~ 1 1 1 fll1hennen have been going out laet. drove down to Bal'----•8 n 11_ ''1' ..... , •• • ' ••• "'""~ -•• • l'lot t lila 11 ng to prov11 c a sa ~· and convt·n· """ ,. - ELECT-- Whoever William A. KIRK Incumbent FOR COUfiCILMII • A Business Man who is able to give the rapidly expanding Harbor District a competent,. executive administration of 1ts affairs.. \ A Resident Here Since 1924. A Property Owner Since 1930. ELECTION You Vote APRIL for • -' 11, 1944 be Sure and V<rrE -Political Advertbement- 1 . .,1 ,-:j I• ,1,1-... ~~-6M 1 are am r «'Jn!l bere aa lt>nt lwrthlll:t' for fi~hin~t craft. every ~aturday and Sunday, each vlllon where AI Forgtt and War. •'a'•"TT'""' ·It• ,...,! ~ low:atw• • .; taey --...d ILd r own boat tor a :.!. At 8 r£'C.'Pnt mN.•ting of tht' lime hoping that the flllh wiU bite. ren Fowler were 1lgnlng them UJl 1 ,,,..,, ·no nua.av .. --.. ~-6r -,..~ n.r Kn P:atter.-,n hu her own fishing Industry, called by Fl'dl'rnl All they have bad, moaUy, 11 hope., fast. All excited ttahermen, moat r-:t>• n.~,.~ un~~• ..., ._ -ommerdaJ foahiD« lit:e!Uit!. govt•mmt'nt BRencl(.s. two mem-for with all the rain a.nd wtnd or thl'ID rotnr out tor their tlrat ,.,,,...,. b+•rs of the ctty council were pres· atonna. the water11 have been dlr-trip of the 1.....ao. Frank and 1 11 ,. •t. .,~r ~ .. o6-;-I -• .., co-. lltto N.avy ent to rt'pn>st>nt the City or New-ty and f•ah just won't come to the drew the Owl with my pal Ed 1. , r _ .. :.-~.,.,-=-'I _.. e.ar Lvl.-Cr.a.ham 1nt.l Bob Jolrn• •n, port BE'ach. When called upon b) aurfaee In dirty water. But Sun-Whtte, who alwaya knowa where "It• _,, .. ,.,h c-.• au ..... I aM ......._ an IOlnc Into the Navy thl' ~;ovt>mmC'nt 10 state the posl-day-well. It n!ally looka Uke the to 1'0 tor tbe big onea. Sunday t• orl UY ,,....-=:: ~ e. " )ran-s. 2:5. Bot, boy• atten~ tion or thf' city, tht>st> gl'ntlemen aealiOn Ia opt-n. There we~ Iota wu a grand day on the oeea.n, ~ ... "' • l J'01n0.• I ·~ ct. e-n· !'1-WJ!Id .._. HiCb School. Gra-satd: 1of ftlh, and every variety Al For. watt1'11 calm u a lake, and we i tt' ~ ··~ "'""'"-1t..C r-.._. c .. ol ..._a. 0.-ot Mr. and Kn. H. "We w111 <'00Jl('l'1lte with thl• gov· glt'a boata were all out tht' Owl , finally dropped anchor ,1\ut au I .... lo-" · Ulr) a:f'OF •iai.Jic .. cr:~nt T cns.-., OWJWn of the Graham l'mment to hrlp the flahrrmrn pro 1 Malden, Dina Lee, all brought S.0 OnoC~. below SaD Clemente. _. 1bl -I ._. ..,. .,,. ..,. ...a TackW lhoft at 711 1 du<'t" all thr fi~h ~lbll' bt'nu!!t' home aattafled euatomer11 wJUII After a buay day, we nnlabed with nnnr-a• • .,.,..__ lt6r ~ -.n· ,...._. Jllc!nray. He waa ooe of I'' is ni.'Ct>S!tary to win thr war. 1 aack1 ot llah fcOd for the table. alxty·five barracuda. twelve or flf. n llru<n ~-I ~ .... ....-!lrolaJWt• .._ tnell~ but a~ ~oon 8~> the war is over we 1 King'a Valencia wtJI among teen big halibut, IOCDe pa.nd ••· I·~ ~ at} ~ ............ ~ a1m lo rt"ttore Newport llnrt>or to thoae present, u wu the Zoota-trout. aculplll and Iota or bua. AU t" tho ~ C1 llliW ot AWia • Ptrtt-its fonntr s tatua u a vacation re· Me. were 1atlatled and all cu.atomen ,;_.~ Brllll'!l I ......._. IIIIIP ... It llwry c..t:ltr -tnatrum~nlal sort." I Frank Howell came down from took flab bome. qwabr.,.. I• 1tw-,...ac-.aa. boo-1:a U.. ~ ot ~ "Cnacint" 1 Now. Mr fo"'isht'nnan. whnt do Loe Angelu Saturday alternOOCI, A big 52 pound whJte aea bul ra..,., ,_ Jfr . ..._. Ln~. Tbe .port you aim to do for a livln, after I hi' better brt'ak-ought to be r-un by waa the CTaod prlae o1 tbt dl, 1 I Js~.,. «'WD" ·o :ow-..-. ~b ~ 11111at 1e lbty-four feet by 1 war with th•~ port a vacation men who have thr interest or the amonl' all boat., and It wu caught 1 fet •l(d _. .._. ~ fftt ..._ alld -now be-re..c1rt! There won't be much t•ommon man at heart. Yl'S, hy 1 on the Dina r.... . I I dor<.av •• -.--" ._. .. ••n --~ .,_.Uon ln Loor chance• for n job in indu~t~·. (•s· golly. Wallace la mu•ln' In poll· If the weather holda out u It I .... «~~"-*-'t _,. •11.17 l'loo~ ..... ...._ AprU 1 ott Scott'• cil ~'<'8rf'~ away all thl' Indus tries ttcs, a nd ht> has l'Om<' mighty fim• 1 0'io r~ wee . and m~ ta'll '-' ~ ~ "'aceat" will be(iri prcinlly if a backward Oty Cnun· ha been t t~""• k ~ 1 a; that try to locatP 'hen·. <•xamph-s In Wa.shington. Linroln. the •un warm . Inca up, there ! ., ...... ~ .a r;Wfl/11 ....., .. 1 -¥ 3. r..a.~t !t('ft50n tht' c-ouncil JdfE'r-MID, Tom Paine Ben Frtmkr ~auld be-d Iota to S:~.::! flahlng. oaJ •....t -I ~Qtllt ""' ... eo-tier Heme pa,.s..•d an ordinanct• prohibitinp; lin. and YI'S, Roosevelt. ome on own ° . fellowe. _. <f a •--.,. CitlrtJH, -ot Harry Gart. thE' hauling of fish (mackPrel) out 111 be .eelnr you! ~ ,.._ • ._ 3 !tiP~ -·t """ ~ f>f u.. ~ ot ~ 8eu 00 or this port by truck. This or· ~·"'lf" I .., -_...._. • Jn• ~ ~ .. h~e and 11 dinan([o was pall/Wd at thl' time one f'll51 ..,_.ttun.Q ._.. ~ T r~ '!lr -~ IDt.r~ alfalp fish bU)E'r otrert"d to pay M5 ~r "1111 -~ _... ....-rr-,.... .a tliit fWi. Be u. -been attend-ton. trrr t1Tn't' Nt'WJ)Ort nnnt'rtt'!l ft"J~-~ ~ 4 • !boo IIIII • RJ ... Btsll ~-would have bHn forced to ralae to a:rw<a __ ~S. Now. folks. If you produced I ........._. 1tn1t ~ •act~ v fri .. --...1 • a hundrl'd ton ~r season, thl~ .--~a....__._ p? .. :1 ._.~!!I-iiiiiUI DUDe would haVt' mt"ant $50000 ex· e..-p:rr s.cr fi6ia-a a ,.ll,-11'8 monf'y in your pockl't". But ~ W.. ,.,. ......-_. *"' ~ ~ Jr., Pfc: .. 8Da of no, tht' city coun<'il pa.'I.Wd a law ...,_~ ,...... .,.. _.-~nit lb ....... Rany c-,vn, 402 that ~natchl'd thl'lt SSOO from you. a-til ..,_ ~ ., &:zz • = RP A-. baa juat re-Uo you thmk tht• coundl . should ..-~ ~ c-. .-11 4 .., __. to .,. ..._ In Florida with givl' us mor? deal" hkl' thl~! c-aJAwT K _...... • .._. ~ • .._ ..,...er• ia tbe ·AmP'AbAourl 4. Aftt>r thf' above mmtionro 11tto; IJirl · ., De A.ray alta-• WHk mackt'rrl ordinanet' wa., ck<:lart'd ' I ......._. Gut' .a ~ ~ .. ,... ...-pert 8Ndl ~-Un(."())Utltutlonlll by the courts. lhe ...., Plr ~ ..,.,. -4 ~ ~ • ~ ol tbe N--council ~tal tNt for week.~ to try ~4"1'.,.. ~to......._...._ ,.t ~r ~~ Aide Q)rpe, a nd prrvt·n t Van Camp from buUd· I -"'-IIIIIP.... ..., llr -atL -....til Boar wba~ tbe lng an unl011ding dock olon~tsidfo ~"-_, Jlr ...... ..,._ P'1111P .-t at tbe ~ Ot lira. Bob Calli•' Martne mtlon. Van I t"""'~_._.,-CIIMIItt--...n IIIDw nently. Jln. Rob-Camp<~ hltvl' bet-n want in~ to1 OJ')('r-·-a._. ....... _,...., ..t -• •21: ..... c~ MC:rt'· atr a yl'ar·'rount1 cannrry hl'rr . •~ haw-.-1J ...,_ ...... _,.. e:.r, lira ltnlry LaDet!. vice-cap-but th(•y know that It Is lmpossiblt• lmdl ............,. _. "'&pal ~ ... ; ... Jlra. VHDOn llatbew .. a~ lonp; !HI thi'Y hnw 1<1 d1•11l with • m.d I ._,. ...... ill ~ pucaw ~-tht' prC!Irnl council. ,...,. ~ II ~ ... I -n a ;. llartb %3. at 8:30 II 5 -A tishr rmnn Prlt' Pt•ll'l''l'Oil, ~me ..... .,_ -b • 6r ~ • -. Ill UW ~ <)' !\Ira J ' 19eph hal' llvt-d on B11llxm 1-htnrl for 30 tta1 <'11) ..-. ........ •• .., .._....._ lU CkWtDo Aweoue, a )•'II~"'~ l·lc moon~ ht• h11at in (nmt .rmd all~ PT..A. -..,. roune will be in-nf h110 own home. Ill' w:•' tnlrl by ~ SIEJlW ... Wilted ......._ Ham~l and Mra. thr harbo~ ma~~rr thutf he coufldhn't· ~·....... C -o'-.pp wall t)r lb..-leadeno Ito• U Cll-ohtn~ 1><1;11 Ill 111111 II I• nwn hOII!Ir, and wouhl tw· arrcslt'fl r----------------------.. if hi' did !10. CLIFF'S TACKLE STORE ~-~ CUt'F VON KENNELL -· Fishing Tackle Specialist Adjact>nt to Pavilion -Fn!s~ and Salt Wat~r Tackle ~'~MIMI !1. BALBO-' CALIF. ... llbbt lk BAY n8HING IS GOOD AT THE PAVILION AT BA~A Boats for Rent at RE'uonablt> Prices -Uve-'Balt ftppUed NEWPORT BAY INVESTMENT CO. a-Greeley -Geller&! Maucer NEWPORT & BALBOA PIERS GEOR(}E WNER Good Fishing at All Times LIVE BAIT ALWAYS AVAILABLE - OCEAN f1SHI.NG . BALBOA, CALIF. The "Owl", "Maiden" and "Dina Lee" t"or lafonaatloa ucP l!k'PM!duS... c an !'f~wport Sll or - - ~=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=~~~~~~~~~~~~i~; 6 A~h" f~nn~ a~~ 0 U J')l'mliS~IOn 10 Unt:hor in fmnt Of hi' hr>U!Ir tWo'r n11:ht lit• wa~ rl'· ftt••.,.l :on<l will that tw "nultl b<' ;J rr•·•l,.l 11 he' th•l "ll :"'Oil' Tho· I BALBOA SPORTFISHING .FLEET Lo. Aq-es--<:e11tury !.1'7• NEWPORT TACKLE STORE I •. Orange County's Most Complete Aut() Body, Fender and Paint ~hop Qperated By the Finest Craftsmen in the Business and ' Located in Our New Annex IE * :1:• a e e e •:M + + + e • e AUTO REFINISHING e Frame & Front End Atip...t e Duco and Synthetic Enamele Body and Fender Straightftlia« • • • • a 1 e + C :• a 8 8 • • 8 • • Let Us Put Your Car (Regardless of Make or Model) in F ir \ \-lJss ~11apc Drive in at ONCE for a FREE ESTIMATE EMF CULBERTSON ClEVROLET CO. ' CHEVROLET -OLDSMOBILE SALES A sn SERVICE Huntingto:t <Beach Ocean Avenue at Third Sl • • • harl)oll m•l'•l o•r 1.1k••' n1 olo•!' lit· rt'<"t I~ •1r tn•hr•~·r I) f11•m 1 h·· ,,.,un- ctl liE AI'' "It ''"''-' ltl..o· lhlo. 'l,oi··C;n· ED SLOCl"M -MANAGER Bait-Tackle-F ishing Information ~f:\\'I'ORT Rt:.\("SS • • • • l-'1,hcnc" ~I) \\'all.ol'•' I• tn••••tn' in politic•." ~ ou ,.ny U:\ \' KI~IBAU. Y~ !-'IJU~., ~.........., prr.son to the ,,·ar ~r­fort Y~,-~ ....._your finw. a.._, urt::erfly Dt<f'oCirod ••• brlp I!Oild -. ant mon> hnmbers anrl ~ ~~ n::tll -.r bomr at Douglas s,,nta AJu Fftdror ~""a,_.. lirrw' job or full t im£' fi t ..... lloudas L#la= 8lrsldl ...... · ..._.... ....,_-~liEN and WOML~ workers · ...c br ....., ... · ... SPiy. If you are not ......_ .._'1 lrt •..,. ,__ At Douglas you'll ~am ~S3pS •IIIJrltu · z · Ya."'l ,_ ,..-~ t..dJiating-working rondi-..,_ ._ ....,.~ ,.... IIIP lhP folks you work willa.. \-lliP ._.. Clftirp .-.,. lo CJPt full information -~,..a.~ W. 1'W I I Wlliwt .a: lllUIW ftA'I'E8 ~sr.&VJCE naa.. .. ._ ..... ...__.-..L DalitJ' Unrtct ,..., '~ ~ 11 ,.~.p. -............ .-...Celli. ........ , and FidAry 8 ·30 A. at. to 5:00 P. M . 111.1 co. ~.._-~.- c.._ .... \ .. a ••ik _. Marine R~pairi~g. )1 ... Eln:la~ AYailable Fftlllno IWy Wn ·R~finishing RADIO SERVICE H"''\IE ... -AUTO ... MARINE RADIOS REPAIRED- liARINE ELECilUCIAN BrRT ll NORTON 1111 c-e lid 1 ,.._ un ~ ....... ~ -· ",\nil \\h. II ' \\ r"nl: "tth lh,1t ~-- 1 •:1)' 1 lik•• tl11• It:.) lw•tlo 1 llt,tft .tn) plnro• I\ r-,., • 1 It\ t•il .• 11111 I • 'i"'c'l Ito''·') hr-to• 1111' .oomo• llnlo• !1\nl· Urally J I h1nk II nUJ.:hl lu t-;1'1 ll SPORT FISHING BOATS START SEASOS S,\Tl'ROA\' APRIL 1ST 191'11 STUt:t~T BA\' I ... ANOJNO Elect an Aggressive Citizen as COUNCILMAN (Capt.) Chas. M. Foeller • Balboa's Vigorous Exponent of the Truth Read His Platform for a Bigger and Better Civic Growth "\ Capt. F ueller Say,:· -- Tht> City Council rs \'our Corpora~ , . Board of Dirertors. I. It mu~t enrour:-tgc tht:' dc\'clopmcnt of JX'f'· mant•nt. indu~t rial nncl rommercifll f'ntcr- pri~f' for Orang<' County nnd' ~ewfX>r1 Ikn('h. '!. It mtt"l initiatt• llw drrdgir.g of a com- m!•rd:tl :'\e\\ f)(Wf llarii(H' to the west. S. It muo,;t incrr:t~ lhr dt~· r r \'t:'nli<'S '"'add· in~ fhr l)(•.wh "-:trtcl!-oo to the f:tx mil'.- -&. It mu.;f :J!'~ttml' "'-ponsihilif\' fnr thl' mn n:-t~rmrnt of the t'lt~· now clcl•·~a tNi to one man. ELECTION, APRIL 11, 1944 .. - !Political Advt>rti~<'mrnt) ) ack of break- ,., Pil- l War. em up 1 moat .r tlfllt and J lal Ed where Junl.lay lUI, ow nd we aatott mente. •d with or fl!- ld ••• .... AU toa~en & bua :w day caqbt : u It k. IUld thtre "Iabine eUowa. !6 - • . , 1- 1- (' 0 Physi(ian's c8r Found at Mesa OPERATORS &erv~ee .................... ·, •s..-. oar II"-~ Ute .............. .._. ,.Y .... ._. ...... _ 'rllaa __ .,. * * * SOUTHHERN £AIIfOIINIA ~co. .&ffiJ: -&. ~ ......... .sat~ Ne. .... .,_,..._A.. AVAJJ.AaiLI'n C&aiDKAft ...... - • NEWPORT-BA~OA NEWS-TIMES. N~wvort Beach. Cnlifomia, Tut>sday, March 21. 1944 Balboa Captain • s Life Full of Many Travels lEAD CLASSIFIED ADS FOR BARGIIIS! •··,rt EWnnlllll:.f u.ar~t•a It f'•l Statu t.hr Lffa maJe t.,_lr w uld alm<'et bf' 4 hun-Komlnl for bomf' at 1~:. F.&llt ON-an Ooule- C.ptal.D Jobn c 1a.-ot 8&1~ to .-ant. Dal~. ('allfornta .. •me 00 bP -• to N-f umea ~,.._. Brit-m llu 110uth of Loe AnJ• lf'a w'ere &Ill .,, l'.4JUCain 111 .. la'an.J ur lo tht' t'apt&ln'a ll'Mhf'f. Yr. Myra lttr 'YC'L.F"~ Rohl ,..nt.., or ,... rt~lr.•.l \'q;rl"a 30. Yam St. Hall•·" ""'' ?OS Marlnt' Awn\H' ''"11"'" h l:\nd 1~-U• "3111~11~:\"~: I'Ot'l 't-; ,;, '"' rubtwr I uo~ 1 "'~ J:•>o>rl ""'''" hu hf'at l'r flh·l ""''I' ~·,,r qukk •lr 17:">11 l'too .... 111111 .1 :.tS·•t.· atm<..t any ,.n ot SouUt -'-rica. C LH. ltvn at 1~ lnpab&a. l.'apCIWl a.-. DOW attendtnl an Dwinl' 1838 and "39 hf' flr•·"~,.,...;l 8{)~1!'· 8l1PPIJE8 ad'Yaac .. t l"OUnk' iD tbfo 2'nd (',,.,. arrtrta tor C"'B!r' '"rtm NIP..,. p.ay, ••• Student Train Inc ~1'1-l'rngram anrt •·rot!: diAiocue for ~ o! tlw lafan~ry ~h. ol. ~~ W&nM'r Brothrr. warty a de<'adr lr8nlllnc In Saath When lA'O' N'Jlltrrtotl In thl' lint A~·a and the Soul~ Padftc, d.-an and d..-r 1M' uf thr lo'III•Ht &J>d f"'-.. _.. aa m u.-b at homf' numbfo,.. in all Oalbo,. hr t!Kid~ out ot U.. Ulllt.d State• aa In •t. to jcMD "lhf' National Gl{&rd He liCIAT:O: til I, R"lll and Tradrrt M~trtnr to~n~lnl'a and l'1u·ta WAKI!';P: RALVA\.:1'~ A.JIIIl · MFO. f'O. 31~ \\' C'rntral Avf' Ph 231111-W ~'""1'0r1 Ot1tch, calif " 26 t((" Hr ~ ....,_ U.. ..-tar rnhalf'd In •'rbruary. IIHI. A , -a rrft'-~ wntrr IIDd u .-o.-mOI'IIh tatrr hla n-clmf'nt waa caft· ()()l>t:F 4 Mn TOR •ultablr fnr Ultr «H l<t..,ot.Cf'nt for l 'nilrd F'Teu rd up aad· wnt to Camp ~ Lu.. r c n\ nt ln.: to mart Ill' en~r:lnl' .._ • a waadn-.r tr.lm 'Way ObWpo ''"' tralnlftJ ,. ... , '""' e14'("tn c Hot f'olnt I REAI4 F..STATE II'OR MAJ.J"- t:"I'W\.MENT \\'A NTED • Au f,, ntrt·lu•nk • T•'l' "'••••. • lor •' ••I "••r·klttl( rl>n•lollr•rwo. Ul ,...I ,.,.,., '"' \\'"' tn.tu•lry lr.mJ'h>y· • ""'"' ""hi'!' hf'rr ••r 11 llunU"'(It>tl~ ,.,..,." lloif'f' \\ h r}\ ,.,,II T11tnk ~>f H.-.al tr .. tat• Ttllnk nt T tn:nppftJo: lltllliNH ,..,,,.,, 14•1•'41 A Hn vl"" :.'~n.t A ,...,nlral NI'\II'J'('r1 llf'arh JOliN I'IAJII.Jo-;tH \'ntrrl 111111( IIA l,I"IA I\ Ilk A h ul l lur ~"fl'l" "''1" ... ' e. ..... l'h•>~lr :111 :l:t 1tr FOR Rt:NT • \\'A N'I'ICP ~a mal rr .. tn uf"'rat• Jl\ lit Ill': NT C lffkf 411 ~l lfl \\' l'flil'l'r mar hln• tor 111aklr1• 1&118. f'lonl rill A vr Nrwt•nrt "'"l'h P luM r•11ll NtoWJMrrt 1714. 2!\·•t.-A r ply at a1t.lr,.., a•r rt1ll 1 MO t t-tf(' IIF:I,I' W ANT1Cil \\'11man f41f' lfrnrral llnUMWilrk F'UII tllftO. UAJ.f'OA 1MI~ANt~ ftOOt.UMO u,,., In '"' nut C:1'lOCI •lary l HOt181t 2 va.·Jod•.. clt'l.lbM 1'Wu l'hlld,...n In f•rally 1'104 Vta 1 ~· <'ll•ll't wlvf'tl pref•l'ftd. l,lrto Nor d. I.Jdo lalt', N .. pl)r1 1 Phl'ftf' 2S~ W 11-4~ IIM.-11 1f-~ 1 ('ON<'Itii!:T1C Y!XItlt TO JtltNT - I FtfRNmfU FOil SAL&-. •-nrt HAIJr. lmn couc:b, ...... ct.'ulll-tw>tl. ri"'U'tlra'1<r -· .... train ''n \M mh 8t . M...,.ort Pr••h • D-ltc Wlltltt"ittRuf all klnda. clra.-rtM. altp,I'<>Ver. ;lraperJ and u,...._ atl'rlna rnat-rtala l"rtc. an r111ht at l.apna O..Ch h,..._ tur" t'umrany, * ran.t _,. __ llllf' ···""• ,...,." ,. __ Hll>IMONH matt..-.UI4 .......... NHI•y taatt,_.. Ul4 ... arnnp. ... .. ~~e... ._..,, •• bed J•IUowa, -fert.,r• 11oW .. I'Aay -r.rma Yf'M&Mn P\lrM• ture ~, :Znd and ~,.. 8anla Aaa. ~­ I 1INICT'T1I: t'J!TII Yaple, Mk ..... liM. ~--"' ....... fta ....... ...,.. ,.,...,.. ...... ... illwk. H i• llliiUq-cinHr fa!Jwr Toward thf' rDd nt t h• y•ar. tbetr I rana" R .. IIUnabll' f>tlonr 219 y _.. •CIW'Id • lllUdl that J'OUBI' ~y r'<ftlt.-JWI1od ..... ~I 22·4tr ~AI.fo~~t.h-:N \\' ANTr.ll .JoM. w• o waa lllorD ID Loe AD-LDiet'I'VJit" ... en J.Aof''• rom.,_.,~----_ RAW· I'C•w Jl'.aetrll Wtw.r by day '"' .,.-. Met -..., ........ lltltlall .. P\lfttt ... , ...... pka. Wftlt to dnMetary aboolll 'trU Cll'df't"fd to ~tall IJt" and balttiJ I"(''R ~A IF. 311 tt f11ntall t'<>m"l lla ._11 • ~ dcftf'rftlt C'alilor-lfi"'IIUpM tDto m rlltlr p.trnla It wu1 n.htn~r: t>o.t. ""tteppy", 4~1'1 1 •~ ~~ 7. IMI. 'nwy _,.. ..._, t'wmm n~ Ortwl 11 t on c·ap · ala•> ,_....,..._ I ., IIJ\C caJl..t on to cuard t rf' Calttor·, M ft Ul\nltorey nat~ b;at, 1 H Hw ,..,....U .rtually .uyed aU nta rout. I P A tlaa ITOO :10611 0«1\ce 8t I ol r.ur,.... In ~lui. Cal . klal A• --cnnt In cb&rce of • rUle Oro•an u;. .. h l'a.lif l"ll<lftl' u ... ·: I ~~~ for llbn 1'1 c.-.t r .,,~ ptatroe. Lft u told to •t up U v~~t,.· 11:\37 • 21-itr t rllloot. tt. ......... ~ ..... ~ oa I'C t p rr, only al --~- 1,.... Uatftntty at Pa o A"o '"<1 m!W -•1 1r Ida home In BaJ-j P'Oit ~AU.: 2 r·anl.lf'l , OM Town I.F:tc~H R ll\ITIC a vall•bll' at • ,,,.,.,. t;nnol nr•r• •nuotty Wrlle at ••nrl' flawlf'll h'J, l)f'pt ('At' 1'1(111· tU6. Clakland. ('alii 13-ltp wHit '" ""r rlav ("'!anne! 1"-..t _. • ......_,_..,... ~--l-4tlt f'\'t. 12t8 ~~ tll..,._y_ N.._ , purl n .-ao·h l'h•-tftat ,., .• t.-,cttAlt\IJ or .At:a: KINO.. ...... -----·--porta. nap. ort-....,_. taMill. l.oRT AND FOUND , blod~ 1\amtture. ._., ... , ~ •• .. lttmmoaa man,..... 11M ._ IIF:..., ••ANTio;ll tlc'"•"HJWr. • ,_ Diu'" .... llfoltl. lnlllala I 'll h I .... It Will uo • .,. ' " "' eJ>r1np A Ia,_. lltOt'k to I'.._ w lit' or l"oluN'\. 2 -11 • H In vir ~ani a Ana " Tuatln pay ll&n•larrl watrM N o h•vy I '"""· I..AcuM ~~~ ...._... laundry U'n' ln. ,.,, 1 H~ Avl' ("onlalnln~r: tlrtvr r'alll'tln1141, r.n., ..0 ......._ ,..,... ... ,a.,.._. 1...,.. l 'htww' 11117 :rl·2tr t P •·lin t pa .Camp. and dra", ft..,_ 11-- plldlllaiHI wtlll tlliP ct.. ol Ita. boa and 1D p ytf'w of It ! llol-&n!l p .. .,~l"a Apply l~lh<>a I'•·' I .,... .-.t ,._,. Lft •Ued for daerma ttiat ct-to bOmf' IUUd v1llon "llil't' NPWJ>(lrt Ray t n. ~ Saw niN'! The ;d Ia pmbeblr ._... A•""'-and durtac th'"' for •--v•atmrnt <'l• :13-:ltr In thr Nf'W11-nmat • ,_... n.tt rd .._., ~try -u.at It rl"ldf'd l'n he wu IJt'Dl" u rl••ttl"llnn r ard 16., VIa I MIG KNBx HAJlDWA•• ,_ ... _. twu.l l.ldo ••• l'hnn• N-pot't "'-' 11\1~ W ltr war•l 23-ltp ..... Nwtlftuf9. ....--a , ...... .... of .............. .. ~t ftn1't UnacuaJ. cadft, til OJWD. new PuBLIC NoTtci!S a ,.a. leU. .,_, ,, tMI 17., Mewpnn •..t.Jf. a ..... LOf4T l.ady"• amall Lo~ I -, •u.t ba,.. tntrrvtf'wHI hun-at camp Haba. '--------------------------~ ..... at. SaaD •mcrM=A.IW: ..... HA..&Iul:& w. wrllll wal•'h In NI'WJ"lrt bot•ln•• dllitrtr t ... r on way lwme to !U& fl:l Mfljlfll'la. N~ _Jt .. ri~t• Huhtlt11nllal r.wsnt l'tlntlll New- rw•rt :ro:. y,._ am ce..rt ....... mR 8ALII-Upript ...... .._..: ltont e....-dllloft, 1100. lll'f 11: ..,. Aw., BalM&. ..._. lftf-.1. IMMEDIA'Ik'·Y! 100 .EN FOR REPAIR WORK ........ Uw •'«ffty. ~rtiDIDaJa,• -c:&IDP M ..UHI capcaln Le<t. "'"""~ Ole dull wu ramoc 111e wu Uout ~1 ol ~ t~f' aubjr<'t uf -1 to tbrvw ba. barnck bap to Ole llat.....WW for llw nnt tlaM'. IT' Wid wt.n a cn&ff voMie billow-'-mu~ ln Uw t1nlled ed for • ...,,_ t..." .. ._ 11a tal But ia 11» k "Stay -tllat Uucll," It co.- -ott ~-tN. u-••Ul IUa m&Dded "You'ft jwlt bfttl ordft"- ~ ~ fnr Uw Soutll 8eu f'd to rt'port to Otftcn O.ndldas. 1 ,... ~ '--IWd at llw rtjl. Sdlool" LM aa.rt.ecS hl8 1-1' .)our- ._. .. ..,, ~ .... Y.,..-M7 ~ tllle .coeta..nt to ron 1 ......._ 8ff'lll.nc and flndla« -BeaJI&nl' Uld tLo 1 Ia co-I&UOI'I M Nlorful -.,.' J¢,... C'f _...,.. life a ..cc.d 'lWulen&Dt uf Infantry. for tk .,_ tlliat ~ ll.ad ~~,__ .-nnw ..-p~rtH .,....,.. war ,"I"'L---e" and ta8ICM ~·-liP n.y tarTW '-'llaln::: : =~1~ Uw n-dt·rui·I"Bambi" Win I ~ ~ Ta)dU ... tncr..tlbly Dinghy Ra(es a.ne ..... ..w oaptaJa .._ I _,.... -- ...-.. mulct fPC ~ food. .... a t'Ciefort•'* '-'· a 1Jt'T't'D81 _, Y (" Br'l'Wf'r of thr nvlnr; rom- for oaty P2 • lllontll • mitt"' of the h4-lflt u -n otn~hy NOMINF.F.M I"Oil Ptllll.l(" UI"FU'F. NOTICF: IS 111-:Rfo:ny I.IVJ-~N· Thill t ~· filllf~ln~r rw•roflnll h1vr bfof'n notniDIIhod fnr thr nUl!'~ h••l'f'lftllt\rr ml'ntlun•'ft to hfo flllrd 111 thl' 2ll-4tc lf'Mral m unk 1pal f'lfocth•n to llt' htollt In thf' City o1 NI'WJ!i">rt '"'••·h nn ' ·~'11 1\waday, thr• lllh day ut ~prll. 1944 _ _ _ NAMF-C\ OFTHT. NP:W "IIOP roJl ICA8TI:R? RORF:RT ALU:N WM A KIRK o Tl RF:F:n ALRJ-:RT J III IWF:N ""<"AM"' C"l iARLF-C\ M FUELLF:R ANTII(INY AI. JIORVATII • C AS III.F.Y KNOWLTON JOliN F: SAPLF:IR C'1.YnF. F: SJIF:RWOOD EARL W STANJ.F.Y nlANK L tli NF:IIAR'l" J A. CANT • Wf' r &rT)' • cnM,a.t.e ltne of Ia-( lTV ('0\ INMI.MAN din ' 1'1,... 1fMMe tMucltftt wtltte· • \JTY m \INMJ.MAN ' C'1TY m\INM1 MAN rt•Y .n.,._ IILICb rauo.d aDd e rn C'O\JNni:MAN ullrall~f'd ; .... a r.ll line ~ M TY ('0\INMJ.MAN •·hlldren • footwMr. Re.rrow e -rtTY ('OtTNnLMAJII l,.pt lltore, oo.ta 11-I0-4et M TY CO\INC'1l.MAN .._ _ CITY C'OUNnJ.MAN Wllen You Think of RN.I ~t• Thtnll of n ·n ro\INCJl.MAN JOliN "Artl.J!!IR C'1TY ('OUNCJI.MAJII v ..... l Uldc. UAI~t<>A CITY n ,F.RK MTY TR•:-"'ttRF:R Dati'<! atn<l ~'1:"'"' thl~ lfith 1t11y of Mllrt'h. 1944 F'RANK L. RINfo:IIART. A. A ho Ill Our ""'•' )' I Ot'JWWit l'kiB~a C'lly <1•·rk uf th•• f'lty nf Nc•wtiOrt J..,arh 11-Uc JI'()Jt lALII Bad, ....... _. lll&ttn.. PMne M_,..,rt HI. ... ma~ ------y-RMuty llhop .......... IIWftl. 4 ltupae ..,...., I J'l& aN: .... ,..,. .... .... eMir, ....... t.... platf-...... Mione N•WJMM1 ITM ..... ron I'IAL& .....,_. rM4IA ....._ ... bw~. ,.. ... ,. ........... Com,.... fM 11a01 .. W. ltlh. Colla Y-,.._. •-J .... P'Oit ~ALit f'ortable ........ D. C. Defcn• Plail _,... ~My ~ Uwft. LePi n...t. ran nff anothl'r rvf'nt 8un- lmnPd Uw aatt...e PoiJ'IIHlaft ctay fnr the Foul\l1fr"a. T'r~>JlhV put Pub. Mu 16 21 , 19<14 ....._. &ad pined tlw d"at.IM11-nr hy him and to bfo •warded aft -t fill •-tarr -ol U... relau.ely 1 n Uw DeJtt rae" whlrh .w l'l t'lo.l f"-------------------------.. ftltKIN ' .. l•lr.I'T KTOitP: lllltlntr llnu 't nrw t-..lhln• IUIII •n•l r•t•y c h•thr• jual aniY.ct. l 'at,.llna •ull• anol fothrtll. on. an<l twn plrC'tt 1Tt3 N.,..port ttlvd .. <'nllla M•INL hett .. rll'l OOIJ, -...... .. JOe Anlelbpt, Bel'-....... LlheM N•WJICift 1041-W. .. ... --------------------•ew A~ wt.o ~ IIJWU~-the wlnt~r ... n... 011 AprU 11. ......._ ~ TaiUU tJw . P~!!_.e ot th~ .!!.c!..... whll.'h took .... -.. ,._ a.or,.ta. Mew pl&A':t' ott the lblbca Tac1t Club ca· J:.h.·p-Needs lrelalld. lllld tbr 8olotllo-. per .• ,.. u runowa: tat racf'· fire\., II e Electricians e Mechanics e Shipfitters e Welders e Painters I e Dockmen e All Crafts. e Helpers SOUTI COAST CO., __._._ Apply 2108 W. Cftltral ··e:.r11 left 111S8 Jar--re abnut Ramhl ... th Oarby Mf'tralf u alllp- ararft 111 l~ 18tanct. u tlw ,_.: ...-wt. Jan~ with Skip Cal-:.,.....,.. "i.aktn~ UlftD today.'' t-1-~ ,.., .. "' '""'~t'r ul thl' craft lliP nplaiaed '11w l'fllv Nor-,..1.' third. Buttnr UJl •·llh Uarharh .aw ram .. an (rat! nlr ,.,.-nnt'lf'MI l •o )l"t' &If fnur1h t ,801 I' \II ith O.•t• buv r• rna _... anrlla. antJ pearls Htonlr;v an•l flflh. J olt<'rll wit h •:1 from thr natavra Ttw Jape aevu """ J1()(flo ....yrd '-.r Thf' 1'!t'Cnnol rt,. ,. fmtllh< d au fnl "But hun•Jrf'\IJI of ~lnew lrlf'T· lowro. t not. 11>1111"'· ,..,.,.,,1 ·'""'' , 1\ant.tl ... r., a fuctuno .,f p~-war r.-!.akanal '' ( ,,_ ,..ta!),., ran lhr "j!•·n,..rl\1 atnr,.· an l'\"aJ :It al- ly rvrrv , oauauruly Nallvrtr and .._,'-JUcblr ruprrtrd lh,.,, 11 n- '"'"> . t htrrt. R:ur h• ft•ualh J ttl,.ra. llnd filth . Bullf'IT\Ip. Tllf' Foundtor'a Tr· phy ••til br· ·• .·r • o1 • u t • pu•nt _!11'\.,.,,..m-,.", h ·~ at ranu•hin,:: ftrl'l ""'. 1\ ··~ 0 ""'"' an•l rar h ho.at ftntJOhtnr; lh,. ra•·•· ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"~-he;n~·~h;··~,-,...,unwd to the u att- ,...,f't\t•,.np•tUit 'tlhJJ Jit •t•• Skip C&:ll.lo. lea•.. wltb 43 potnb. IJU'tMl .... ff'lrftlf With 41. l t:ti"'OV t.lto~c alf an '"( ,urr"" •·lib 211. •:1- U... Bo.kl w1lb 27, H untl'r a n.t Brnrer w1tb ~. Bob HmkJ wllb 17 &n.l Rrll Urandl "lth IU JOHI E. (JICI) SADLEIR Yr and Mn J 8 llaub m tff t&inrd Mr. and Yra A. R. RoM from San I"Nfo ln their Newport Hf'i«bt.• homf' un Sunotay. T hr Rl.-' an tonnf'r Nrwport llarb .. r ..-MSenu. Mr. It•-Ul crtnnf!<'IM wtQ the GoYel'lUIIent Enl"nern In 9&11~ . COUICILIII • • • Over Twenty Yean of Ba•k- ing and Finandal Esperimce. • • • Pledged to an Unbiurd Rep- r~ntation of Every Sedion of Newport Harbor ••• and its Great Future! • • • JOHI E. CJICI) SIDLEIR COUICILMAI APRIL l l, 1944 \ Giw Doll&n to Unc~ Sam whJif JOU caa! au, Wer Bondi! W H EN FunC'tional Nen<r\11 IJr~turhanrea •urn •• Nl••l'" ........ ~. <.r•ftkonc-••· •·•• ilalultl '• ~tnJI .. ••nra.~t or Sf'notla llrBd•rl•~ interfr re ••th )'our work or tpuo.l J our r;••.-t ttmeB, t.tke Dr. lila lenl•• (Liqu..; 11r i.Ut r\,~f\"U' -r .. :_,:,t•) N~rv· •J• T• n• iun • lltl mnk" ,. u ""•'" f•l. J'""''· lrrolahl.-. ;--:, r· Y fhJa T• '~·· n f"Dn f"AUP4! ~ .. ,,, ,, llr•d;; ·!le a r.d S er. .. u• l n-!tr• ·- Uua. In t im• 1 Ia"~ \t • ..,,., ~·f' ',, ln(lrf> 1•'-.,..,,.., t t.:Jh u" uaJ t" ,,,.. I ov"'" • •6:•·t an· I r• "''"" al')ol '' •••h f .r a c·•',.J '' !=--• .... '''· M ol,. .-.;,.,""" " a tr'•"l u oJa·, • -rr;dtl Lut e r!• ~• ·' •. It you d ... nilt u'fl l'>r. •11,1'•• Nf'n"tre }"uU ca n't l.•,l•w w loal ~ Y lll <'o 1•·r r••J. It ,.,,... Ill l.iquill .,. 1 J.rr .. ,.... .. ~, .. ,,t T~ • f ••rm. t.. •It •·•10•llr .... • h "" to tr nae a nd u', r·•r,.u«ht n .. r . ' Wlt'i IJOS 'T Y(}U TRY 1"1 ~ Cet it nt your dru c •t .r~. f:"f,.r.t-•r• "~ t .. l l•l• s-.• antf ~ ·'· Lt'l'Jid !~•• af'd IIJM. lteatl •lirrr• u._ and "" only u d troc"•"'- MEN AND WOMEN ••• alcllled and unslciRed WE PAY HIGH WAGES Help "' IJuJid tlte tltlpa tltat wiU GET IT OVERI Most urJ{cntly needed are .•. I'JedridaDA fl Jlelpertl llaclt In lllf.jll .. II rl pr rA Plperltl#rA ll HrlprrA PIPf! Wrldf'"' .t Rf'fpeNI Plambf."' ll Urlpr"' WarehOUJM'mf'n Sheet MrtaJ MN'haniNI a u .. tpen Weldrn '-W.-klrr-Htudf'ata Urafllilmf'n ~trnocraphr"' Typl"llil TabulaUn~t Trai~MJM Calship offerM you ... t:XCt:U .t;NT PAV-f'vrn ••hllr lramlnllt on-thf'-jnb. J ' Kt:AI. IIY.I.,, on tran11portatlon problf'1ru1 and houNinK lnfurmatlnn \\'IS -TJrt;-WAU WUUK-undr r tlnrNt wctrklna; c•ondltlun<~. Ap11ly Tnday ... lm11nrt ant ... ht-lna.:ina.: S•wiltl St·c·urit~· ('ar•i. I'""'' uf ('ltlu·n· -.hiJI and i\\"ltilat•ilit,· ('r rflflc•ttff• ''' ... CAUFORNIA SHIPBIHLDMG CORPORATibN r.w \H;.~T ~\~,\llt:ut um ·u :\"AW• \\ILm~c ;Tn~ Or l4oof' f)ur ICrt•r~·nl,.l hr •t An) ut Th"w I nlltod .Mial,... f:IIIJlftl)'lllrnl ~rvfrf' flftlt"' . IIIYI .S FI.tl\\'~.H S'I1<U~I' IJIS A!\'t; .. :u :.'\ I Hi 1'1:->t: AVI.Nl'l. IJ t~t; Jslo.M'II ' -----IU'I11AftON WAJin'lm------I':MI'Un'Wtr.N'r WANTP:Il l'lerv· ll'rrro"'''• wlf,. """"''"• IHMIItlnn full ,,,. l'"rt tiro .. a• '"ctpllunl•t v.rll "•r"'rlrnl ... t In m-ttn• t hr t•llloll• I'IH•IIr Nrwt•"rl 2.1111 t.t t ... t " ,.,., .N " m '" I ~ nr.->n 22·41•· I nm •.~our. 1t11nll car ....-. •· pnrtHI. 4& *'-· wool t.dl. ,_. t..... U4 VIA Udo ...... U. ..... M-fW~tt Deed~. ..1 .. "" .... _ lit ""UCI ....... .. c.,,., ....... , N.D. CASH D V M DOll end CAT H~P'ITAL , ..... ""• 1)411 li t • '<> "'"'" "' • '""'" I.Aa. c;..ltf Prof esMinnal Directory Gordon M.Grundy, M.D. I Conrad Richt•, M.D. , Phyalclan and &urgellf'l Phvelclan aft4 lu~ • Ninth and Centra· Ave. Office H ra. 10. t~ a .m .; l·~ p.m. Telephlll'le J1 LEROY P . ANDERSON ATTO .. N~V AT lAW Coeta MaN ••nk •ulldlnt ~421 ·Coat a Me .. HAROLD K. GRAUEL CHAPEL '"Wr nurwlvMtlle .. tterRene .,. ........ au. ......... ,.,..,.. N..,.,. M 1 Coata M-CaHforftla BUY NOW CitJ Tall Sale Lob A. J . TWIST 607 Coaat Highway Phone 2422 CO .. ONA Oll MAlt Offloe tOJ DN ....... New.,e... ...... Heura: tO-II a. "'· a 1·1 ~-M. Phllf'I-Offloe tU; ""· 14-.J DR. G. E. TOHILL ~HVIICIAN aM IU~tQ•~ -c. ... al\'4 . .._~._. -~-Offloe ... w .......... tr ""• Ane-• Call ~ t Dr. M. D: Crawfonl O~TOM.TRttT Jl:yra Y.aamln.ct fll,._. ~ 1Tt1 Newpw1 ltoua....anl BALTZ r.,ORTUARY CHAPRl aV TH. t•A 410 c ......... . ft,ruu• d PI Mat • New~ ...... Phllf'le Newpeft Q ' I Ut. 01n;n LUCAS J)entlst • Ufi"Z'i W. ("~11tral .... 1 .. NY." I'CtKT llF.-'1'11 WHO'S WHO IN HARBOR DISTRICT f'IREPL A (;£ ti'Nn '<fNnt INC. W OOO II \\' \\'r 1•1 I I i" i ~ t•' HI •I. ,.,,,., o M• "~ 1 "~t·•l l.!tnolrrr l 'h 11!\!\-J . C£NEJIAI CON TJIA CTOJI t ;.,.,lo.n I ' I ' '"·•, 1t l'• • .. ,.., lllvol I :111:! l 'l''"~ """ (., n•lrwtl•tiL LUMAER Cf)MJ> ... NIFt, (•tWill•• ~,,~I J t I t • • f~t lt41 h• Jf \'HII fl'"''l V01t1r f•••OI,.. •• f'hnn,. t fL 1 l 'n v l •t,..rl" l.•o11 l" r C'u l"ll,uto II'~• l'••lo<1 lflf:h\IIH\ 11t Arrhe1 OF'F'I CI: 'ltiP P I IF'\ N'\'1'' •' llrorl·••• l 'ulrllllhln~r: c· .. l'h••ll''~ I? 1:1, N"•Jl"•rt ne.ctt. PRINTIN(', !"• v. 1~ ol If'" 1,,,, I •tol•llllh lnl[ t•,. I ..... , .. 11 I ~ 11 :'I:I'WJ"•rt Ileac b . REAL f:ST ATE IN\UAANCE a NOTAAV PUfJLIC- J.rw If W'>lla• "· 2~1)1 W . ('l!lnlral Avrnur l 'hun,. 3 .. UBIIER STAMP&- N•·v. 1"''1. lfhrt ... r J•uhllahlnr <:t• J'tlonr• 11 13, Nt>wput't ~. SHEET M E TAL WOAK- V I"I" l 'l ur11lrcnr; A Hheet Metal W oflur, O ,.la .Mua.. ,.._ llO. VAitiiET'V ITO~t•- Dalhr.,. latand Variety l lore ... JOe. 2ac and u,. '""-e lttl•W, • NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TTME~. Newport Rea~h. r~Jifomia. Tuesday, M~h 21, 1944 "· Lt. G. 1:1. Sattler jr. and Gladys Grimm Exchange Vows in Berkeley Chapel IJ-Iarbor ·Fe1ninine A t • • t • I Hall-Brooks Nuptials Solemni.zed c I vI I es ·: D~~~~~.:~~~: ::s ~:~:~ion ~an~ gradual~ from Before a natural prden ... nine .. OM UttW ctaurcb of tb~ ~·­ en a. s.rtlelry Ufoulto~anl G H. 8attler Jr. waa marriflt to M'- du•tv mfM' jKI"k~t lll'r h1tl waH nC ehlny •lrllW t l'lmnw.t In lin\' n nwrno Ht'r cunoagr w ll.8 " purpl~ (lTCblt.l. Cath€'rine Easton. Society R~>Orh'r • Phonrs 12 and 13 • 'rt'ivtd by Mr. and M111. J . D . Harbor High school. Wood~. 217 20th ~n."C•t. Nr wpon SgL Jla ll has two broth€'MI in 0,.111't1, of the marriaee of lhf'ir th<> ann<'d Cn n't.-s; Pvt. Arthur ------c•,_-------. ~. f1nt ~11:rant R~n S Hall. Hall. U.S.A.. 15 "'ith the AI. P. Aftrr th• rl'rtm• nv. plln('h wnJ< loan Nun a.n Has ·Eighth Birth day ~ Grimm ol Stln F'ran!"la:o .,.rvrd tnllltWI'd hv a .t.ll'0i l~>u" t•••· 'l"'llle 11NddtDc tcok place Karcb I kry •ttnnrr tl'l about t h trtv rll"ll'-" ...._ttt at aba o'docll ID lhr evt'-. 1 I __ _. t _..._ .. b • •-·t at thf' home of th<' ltrlr1r ft ll\lh1•r ltnnortno hl'r .. 1., th hlrthdnv a IIC ..... wu a lf'•ouo=v Y ......., 'II 0 kl d Th I l h' ' . " "' • e.tu.r' ll w and •Ira. 0 " " an " nng " ,. """" Juun ="'"''"" "''118 llrtrHort>ol hv hf'r B. a.U:c~Balboaria•and and b; NoiUJI fullv lllld with a Ma•lo•lr~o lf'nth,.r. !'tit• J-:vo•ro•'l !"oman.' wolh nlatlvee and a ttow fritooda tn1m 1 b&nqut t ctnth, 11' IN tap#rll al i a psriy at lll'r humt' 1on 36th •lrrt'l ... l"ran t.c -.· raf'h "nr1 and t'f'Otf'~d with a lJf'IIJrAI Io 11 v.o·re 111 th• 1-:&Hil'r C 0 . fhrl'f'·l•,.rrol WMdiOJ( l'llkf' /1pt'tlrlll thc•ln<•, t'l\t h t lllld rf'l •'l\'tnJ( II hag ~ doubl11 n ne Cl!rtmODJ wu fi1 1 n tup with a !'<llval offlcn _nnd , f Jlrl'll"u" , ""'lv 1,.1111t'tl with .an -.d du.rtaa ••bleb .aft orcan mu· I hla b ridt -1-:uot .. r t.11n 11y .1• r'" 8 {'&k .. wa.B -.=or::-~'!:-o wu gtv,n In mar-'Ml!' .-nupl~ 111ft fnr " hrtt'C h~on-h o·d wtth whitt• anol t lo:v• rly de<-~ ...__ -~ fat'er Wr WaJtrr ,.vm, nn In Carmel artf'r which ratf'<J wtth rnarshmi•II•Jw bunn .-a ~-'"-" r • 1· · lht'V wt'l ~t um 111 lhl'lr aprulmrn v.tth 1111\' Jllnk ru•Jl• r "Bra .__.., won a powdl!r b ue C~Pf! 1 *-. tniDIIW'd In l'f1Arla and com-In San F'ranrtiM'n Aflt·r Rn ~tflrriii)IIO uf tun anti ~ by a amall blue, flower Thl! nl!w Mn ~1\ltlrr atlrntll'<l trnllr u nd t'lrlwtuua ro:frl'llhmf'niA, Mt aad abl! carried a l&r&r ·bou-arhOttl In ~stile-und ~ .. n P'r:~nri11· 1 I ,. ColhJWII1.: yvunl(lllt'r• t.uJ a r .. - .... ct wiPLr bocwardl.a aDd wbttf! co a nd r<~lll'l(r til Ranta R11rhnra lolt l&nl htro•v.t•ll llnriJilra 1 ruaty ercJuc1a. Stl. wu atiPn<'ed by her Rht 11 O(tW f'mrlnwl1 ~~~ "" unolrr· I ~·r" A lin>' c ·a t•' H, 1-:h.l~tra Uuvta. .ua.r. Jaaet Gdmm. wbo choee a wr~tl'r for ao lnllttrl\oo,. n•mrnnv lllanno· llartwrt. ·r lntuthy Tunnl'! Ll Rattler mtl h111 hrtill' whtlt• 'n : l•o l•·r M••tt lll, EltllltiJo·l h F:aa•un and a'Oid crrp. d..-a.od Uny hat of ' ~ Ylokt ah&de. Her tlowerw hla fiNII y .. nr 111 th,. 111 !111f'IY'V no•Rr· J.,no'" 111111c-r. J&nt•. war. a .e-&JdeT bouquet ·or aalnl&· ly four Y""''" n~t" ~~~ .. '"" vtliJtl •I ture lavender orcblda. I h ta pvc-nta h., .. tn till' l llty uro·a Heights Circle To -n.e ~ maA Lt. Jack WcCar· ''" IM'v~rhl ouaalona. M W . h M L b II ty, wu a foras.e~ d aaamate rt lhf1 U ~tt'"r 211•1 AU II ant E nj:l· ec t Jt rS. 0 C sr-. bav1n• attended Call~omia ~r In lhto Mc-r rhs nl MIH no· "' 1 Mantlme A~;:_.,1 wllb lim. t o·ndMI a-h., In In tkvo•rly 1111'11 Mr-. Mtn r111nl Lt•l~<•ll v. til It• &.Dd Fullulnn J, \a t~:r w hl•h ho• h'"'''" Itt ·,h•· llt·•~htJo ('tlo'IC' HI T1le W de' a IDOl er, ~ra f1or-ent .. red th~ ('nllfnrnl .. !'ofltrlt•m•· lho• Wnml'n·-. Soi'Jt'l) uf ( 'hn,to:w .-c. G~m. wore a blacll c~pe AC'ademv and ~ra•lun:rol tn 194:.! ~·rvJo'o> Ill ( l lrl<l C 'hurd• h~ I ho .,._ ~ b)' -4W~bact ao4 &. ' ~ ... 111 tw•r h,mw, :nu M••~nuluo. ~k and wbtte aprlnc bat. 'Mia Slnre then hl' hu br .. n In th ... Mrr ,, . .,,,11 ,M,.,11 ~ Ol UM ar-won a coe-1 chant Marml', tnm·ttylnK In f•·"·l~tn 11 w11l Ito• a n nil •In)' m••••l111~ tn- t... ..U ot Da'l')' bl~ae altllrt ud watc-ra .-ltulln~; 11 ,11\t·r to•n . ON HIS PAST RECORD ROBERT ALLEN SOLICITS YOUR , VOTE FOR RE-EL~CTION COUICILMAI City of Newport Beach Independent Candidate, as Before, Responsible to the P~ople as a Whole, and Not to Any Individual, or Group of Individuals Correction in F.A.C. BridQe Section Time "U nder 20 Club" Meet For St. Pat's Dance Tile apadoue roon.a 11! lb11 Cr• ta ~l ua W om l'n'a Clubboua we~ ~::~y with thl' green an,l ..:•hill' ot Tn rloMN't tho· ••rmr on thl'l ~~ l'lltrick'a Day en Fnday n•p t p o.,;o· 111'1 ·rnur-.dll~. tho• n ridgf' h,.., l e "Under 20 Oub .. beld a ~··•·tum 11f the Frirlny Aft,.rnoon ~!&Itt rtance. ( 'lo1h w1l) Itt• a tlo••sPrt brid,tt-f ••h•rful,llhamroclla w tre In 11¥1· ho•lrt m tltt· !';unrnom 11f thP cluh •ltr. •· ~vl!rywher~ and lb11 Patron """'" ~lil11tn.,; 111 1:! :lOp. m on "!'air I of Erin 11\eu had bl.a buad \\'l'!lnt•Mia ) Marl'h n. instead I •n VII! deocoratlona of lhl! hug11 ·•~ '.!. :10 '" '"''''"''I'll nn nl<'d. 1 t·llkPI d•nalf'rt by Sou~h C"oa.t Co Th,. "r11k11 bar" run by the ,young r•nr ll' wu. aa alwaya. a popular 'lip" I Youngsters to Give Red Cross Benefit 1 Tl ,. r 111h whi~h Ia _..,..,nod bv 1 ~,. llnrhor Rolarv nub Ia plan-In,.,."''''~'" hw,. ho·o·n rtrcul&ted ... .. .. th nno an·o run ,,,. e youn~t pl!'lpif! by on ~ntf'rprll'lng .:r .. up of younc-·~~" 8,,,"""· Rnhrv , "N>• from 1 t••111 w b•o II\'•' '"' nnol n11ar Bay 1 • 1 tt t '-bl t -~· . . , · '1m•' n rre. ,., ,,..,. a "" ..., .,. ttr I~ :~n•l frtr "',', ''111 ~•ta.nm~nt l"ri· llr·li"WOOti tiiiPnt ( r a noor ahc]tw. •I" !'tturr h -·•. pru f' 31'. at lbe Tho·. m l'n bl'r-Miip ,,. not rl··•...,.1 h .. mr or Mnr v liav !llttrrta on Bay •NI ._ ~tilt 01~n to an:. one ~tWftlt l11h.nol, l hf' w <'u •llll hf which wUI tttr a;::r-. nf 14 anrt 19 and need not 1:•• ''' the· '111 1"111 H••tl C'r aa drtve. h• " Altlllt>nl 111 t'lt' hlt;t a-h~<ol If t hr til l•· ro( tllf' play Written ~,.1'\ OJ! till lh.. ro-.,mfttl'f! from by Mnry linv nntl tn ~ given bv R lt~ry tHf' Roh C"al'•• Hubbard "''' ~,.,..,,., •~ rwv tncJicall~n. It "'"'', ·"Sk ip.. C"alkin1. Marion :ol•••ll •I Itt• ll h\ll!t• llllrl'<'U , 'Wra. n, I II F.. \hrlstl11r aDd Wayue llllrllf''t'ut ,.,,. r,,,.,,. Itt I he Ball!" lie• po·r The-vnun~ peoplf! jtuld- C.ladys ~'right \X1clcomed Back At Ne ws-Times tng t hf· funrtloo" or the gmup are !ll~rt 'yn II II. P t'J!I:Y Wil'kelwa.lt. . ,,1&,.,. \rail!'. Lnrry Lanpaade, 'F't•••l f'lrk 1-'n'P!Tan . Roy Want and C'arruon 'nlom, Waste Paper U.S. Ann)'. to Miss Mary Gt'nP group at F'C'rt Mason. ~an Fran· Urooks of Kentucky. ci!:<'n n.nd Pvt. Edwurd Hall i~ with For Blood Plasma Tht-ct"remon) took plare in Dul· Ia,:, Tt>x.a.x.'l on !lt:~rch lOth Th • 'l1le ~~ _... ,_r <"oupl(' ml't in Oklahoma Cit) .....-e pafll'r ... -,..._ WhN't' Sgt. Hall i~ statiuno>d \\llh ... ......-. .. _.., .,...,., thl' F'lt>ld Arllllt'ry at Fon Sill, nlrt-....................... (Jklahoma. • ,._, .._ -lrriek ... ..-· 1l w bndf• 'll'as born in 1 ho' ,,..._. ..,.,... le -flctiCIIIc Philippine Island'!. latt'r coming II• ..,.._ IC .. _.,. ....,._ the Statl'S .• Slw is e mployl"d In d.·- ._ ,........,._ ,__., wtt1t ff'f\SC work In t ht> Ok lahoma City. ,..,. .. ,... ,._, Ot,-IMh....--Sl:t llall I!< Wl'll knu"'n in th· reiiN-b at ,._ a.-. ~ llarhor an•a whert> he n'<'t'lv<'d his tho· •Anny Air COlliS. Marriage Licenses Waldl'n Norman Cooper, 2•. C eta !.Sua. Jean l..anll H yalop, 23, Vancouver, B. C. Mr. and Mra Mark Healy baVl' ret umt>d !rum Arizona where they t a ve b«D vialtillg Lbelr eon, Lt. Vmcent Healy. Arm)" Air i'6f'Ct' . ....,.._ et .W ...,..." ..t Uw\ .... ..,.,... ....e:-e ... *"· San ,..----------~---------------, ~ ..... ._ ............... . -~ ........... Oelta Gamma Alumni Vote New Members M f'< C' \\' Ot)(lflfl 11 nrl ~I r-I , '0 ~t"nn'r 'lll'rt' <•n-h., ... ,,..,~C!' tn lh,. Oran~ C'.-oont,· O.•lr.-. C.amm" Alumm 2 NlUfl 1~ tho• l 'l\11 tl')fl hn nw 209 F: B.-.~· •·ront. H:tl~·t l•lant1 ~''"" \'ir'l?il W S.1m"' of Br:INlfl ""'" .. rwt ~,,.. lin ..... ~l"l"llh r "' Ba.lbra lalaod. w~ wrlcomtd aa no-· ""'"'tv'"' (lthfor R:w nro·n not•T"I,.., :1"1' M'"'"" H~tl WtJI Smllh. I~H-n S..x· ton. Clintoa. Sll!elf>. C. l. 'Jbom. F-Nont-·1111. Jarlc I hllm.,n Cl.-m Ch~tl<'. C'h:u1c" F~'Jton """' •·nrno•n \''>h'fJ to work on IILBOI CLEAIERS Now Under New Management Pressing-Cleaning-Mending ROBERT SCOTT, Manager . Formerly Lapaa Beaeh Cleanen MESA LIQUOR· SHOP lllU1z ~~~~ 81ft. e ft. Sewport ... e C011ta Me.. Calif. • COMING EVENTS at~ for thfo Rl'Ct C"mcs and will • krdt tnr ~ at thfo subsfoq\.141llt Art<'r " prulnn.:,.<l attack of nu. WF.DSIESDAV. !IIAIU"H r-~tinl'!l". .. INC&EASED LIQUOR TAX SCALE POSTED BV 0 P A .~ GOI'..SINTO EnT£'1' APRIL I, 1944 .u'AP AB'-E.!W.W..JN..CAS£~ Mn;~n~ Wn~t w~ beet't An!( :llltf t'"mf'tor~ot ttwo-,._nP'It ~-wtfl br-Fndlty; at ho· h" ~<I "' th,. b~ok-bladlnc llrnm.:•· CI)Unty Gnty Ladit-5 will Apnl 2bt. •I<'J urlmo·nt 111 the Nf'wa-Tim .. for ml'f'l 111 .thl' .homl' o1 Mn . Onn t -- Mlmo• t tml' Ill bl'ln~t wpleoml!d back I Mr<"nllum. 415 San ~ntino Grare Ctocller. c'aucbtu o1 Flre 4r$ ~ aVM t /5 QUa.rta. VODKA a 'S ~ GIS 4/5 Quuta B&ANDV t tS ~ TEQVILA -4.'5 Q-.rta IIABANEaO SAVE BY P URCHASING IN CASE LOTS BEFORE APRIL I at th~ offtrl' w t HI' 8hto bu beeD Avf' 1\:P"''J'I(Irl Jf('i"ht~ Pol"'. Jarlc Ollet Crocll~r . ._ cooi1M<I to twr JrTf'lttly m lllll('tl 111lllman will bfo ro-ho8tess. bcJnw wtlh an attack of meaaiN MN Wr1~11t s~~ a g~ ~rt ~~~~ C'i~~ m~·IQ wilh ~,... ~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ nf h,.r • Olrl\'1\ll'liC"I'nr t' In the dry alr .I~\ Ltu1 tl'r 1n h···r htln'V' on Or-I nt I ht• ciPJM>rt vl8lllng hu atllter ta rhtd .\VI', C'nrona rtl'l M;~r til' mi-l lln tlt:•' ~l'r! 1on of I hi' Friftay Af· lo'm <otlrt duh t1l C'l>"11l M,...,.1 will tK' 1~ fll:t~ in thr ~11nn-nm t>f t lw-ciUb- hou.<~'. 'J :lO p. m . M rs Jofln Wt'b-Piano lnMtru('tlon ,t•·r ntl ~11''. Sam Cra..,1on:l ••ill Gustave Linsenbard ~:~r ", ... ,.,.,.,.,_ t:nutwoto· Lr•P'IC C•m .... rvator)· l 1tlfiiiS AC'I'I'Jlll'd O••t.;IOn•·t ~ a Spl'f'I:Jity Phonr Nrwport 190S.."' :t•·•l ('rcl!\11 wnrk n .. •nt. I U Pain: :• •• •·· lt:·l~~t .• ,..-n ttl a . m I•• 4 r m l'IIT~t'l\l •fr• ••"n;:!! T!ll ltl'll•\\'. M.\IU'H !~ II l~hl<; C"1n ·lo• of tho· \\Sf'S 'll tll hu)ol 11n All·ltsH >11\·•·r to•.1 :11 lh·· hunll' nf J\lr.; !ltuynard l.ol~t>ll. :!i(o !\1A~;nolin CO!<Ia Mo·..a 0 N E A D A" lllcKK1 Donur-S· Da) All th<.,_.· ftl d '-1 '10~ tn J:u 10 tho• hln•od h;tnk -km•lly cnll IRG.'i. Tran't••r1;~1Hir1 &.ch •one-A-Day" ~,._110 will bfo provide-d ~y ttw n~od Cl"<h.., VI ' A D T Motor Corps lcavtne 7 JO a. m 1 1 tam • en~ ablet la HarlJor Kiwania club ~ it< .,..Wal.etla Vu••l• A •tt4 D I~IJ:Jy mt'Min' at The ~nr l ,., •• , to on• and on~·h•ll Grill. Balboa. at 12:30 .nOOn. I r ... ,.o•lul• of Cod Litr~t Oil Red Ctoaa workt'Oom. 111 PaJm •••tinl aa l nimum Unit«4 jAY.aue. Balboa. open 10 a. 10. to ltaUI PbarmacopeiaJ Stan-1• p. aa. &wine. ._4~ I A eufflclent eupply of thne Zoar llwrap~·. ~raJ two important vitamir .... u lla..'iM~f'. S•·f'dkh Ma.ll- aech .. ry (or you aa it is for ~. ll)·dro 11wrapy ,.. IIIOiliCIIC MY CIIDIDICY FOI IE-ELECTIOI Durin~ the past four years I have considered it a distinct opportunity to serve our city, each community fairly and impartially. This I have honestly l'fld sincerely tried to do. ••• Should the voters so elect, I wilt continue to serve -to the best "of my ability. 0. B. REED. As His Record in the Past Shows. He has Not Bee n a .. YES MAN", Nor Will He Be in the Future, if the People Renew Th eir Confidence in Re-Electing Him . 11M ~~:!~ren. S J)N'Ia l Tr,.atmt•nt!< for I YOU CAN INSUKi aci('·. I ()v('N c'll;hl & l 'nclo•N f'i,::ht 'fUate intake for you and your (ami!, bJ •••Ina to it that uc-)o : Gena. l :forJaghem tt.nbfr talrea a "Oile-A-Day.. ~ '" ~ . tablet every day. ' Vote For IOIERT ALLEI (Pol II kill Aclvl'rti!W'rnt'nl l I Realtor FOI COUICILMII CITY OF IEWPOIT BEACH ---PoUUcal Adve...u.nwnt- • . l TABLET l DAY IS All YOU TAll c-..-,, a-.ic.10l, ..Pirtuart- ...,,,.. M..te by the •'CmatOfo en.J ....... ,. ..... s.a .... GREATEST DEBATE SINCE LINCOLN AND DOUGLAS SA~TA ANA Wed., l\larrh 22, 2 ll. m., Ebell Clubhou~ 8'!.\ 1-r~•ru·h !'1..-t-t'Rt:t: .\I\ .\II ElM \Vl'd .• ~larrh 22. i ::w 1,. m., Ebell Clubhou~ '!U ~urth tt~lt'nlt 8t,_t-t"RF.F. . (~EOJU;E II. Mci~AJN, ('11.\\ll'ltl\ m· TilE AGt:D C 'llallf'nc"' Ora n co• C 'nunt \ ·, \.-.•IIIW)'ftWn to .... p~a~. •hy t..,.y '"'"''' l\j!ttlt1•1 tho• ••• ancl A&:N. RRISfi HH'It l'lltt. \ "' TO Ht: .. \R Tilt: TRI'TH: Greetong C.Hc s .wd •' r.·~~t Variety o t l.Jnusu,ll C•fte '\\~; l:-:\1 11 \1 •' r 1 OH(l\\'1"1-: ,\I{P\';\:11 C. E. LOUCKS JEWE L R\ .1nr1 STATIONERY 0 1.11110ntls \'\ .11, l·~s • F one Rep~orong Phone Ill e.-port 2-llO 1797 99 Ne ... port 13 1;rl .. Cort.J Meu. C.11lf, BEFORE YOU BUILD OR ~EMODEL .•. ( Vteit our onterutlftg umplc • .-d••PI.ly rooma. Cclw gu141ea pl.1""'"11 alch. com- ,...._,.lve lltOcll Of ~a. carplta. 11-'e~~m &ftlll V-- tlllfl btlftft. ~ ftu .. .-a c.,.,_u c-. ... ..._.1,,... LUDLUM Carpet Works CORONA. DEL MAR DISTRICT NEEUS REPRESENTATION IIEWPORT BEACH Needs the Type of Businl'ss 1\lan Now Available in ·AL.BERT BOWEN for COUNCILMAN llr. 8owftl ._a R..tJnod BuMDeM Man Who Never Before Held Public Ofn~ and ..._, ~o An .. Grilld tdn-pt u lm.-rtial aDd .IWit Handllag of Civic A.ffa.inl. For Better Government And Lower Taxes Vote FOr Albert Bowen --Polit.lcal Advnt~nt- • ... •