HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-04-06 - Newport Balboa News Times. ' 188. I . .\..·-.: __ ... , 117 ..... VOLUME V. 2_\ -- -------~================~==~--===~~~ -=-t_ -----~=::=":..--r---~- NUMBER 8 _..,___ 8tid. ~ c·tyo d . ....." -· --IDol')' Ask Coog. lobo Pbllllpa ......... OAINM -IR" ht f w . MP I re gmg ?';.";!l"...:,':',:~=~.: .. ~.C..* .. __ okekteh Pledges Full AJd ~~~~..: =· lg -0 -a.y ., T. !f.I"BRICK") GAINES who wu .. l.ted by Mra. Howar on ... In Bay Proa........t tu I.-am of hl8 .. --.... •• \o lM t B p d 0 f 'R • It , Se ... r u co-ha.te-. entertained ~ ... -·- ao,.·n rtrla. Ulla pM!ce 18 beinc I a 0 Friday at a lunc:beorl party for 10 N~ ~--t n.Mrm•n Concreaman "'Joll~ II II p .. J'UIIt of ctty ~tor of u.. lallt.t 0 e ave ~Ufll from the mantel·plec:e. membera of the 'nu1ft ahop crew. )'......., ... u.-to Cout mt+lmc wlt.h local rap....nl&'· Ana ~,Uter, a poeltlon Mft Ya-nu. cte.,.-rtmf'nt hu bt-en travel-Gueeta, u a wrp~ feature, Oual'lr ~ In WUml..-.· line at Newport Hartlor Y&Qt cant April 1 by th~ ~Uoa ol • - inC. not bet'n apankNl; but lltUnr under W_ ay c&me In old·fubloned c:oMumee ton a ol p«!Uonl uklna t:lul:l, ··n.ay mornJna, lltal~ taat N~~~~~bo ...eclae at o.ta In B a· I b 0 a down II 1t1U a ee.IKted from merdlandl.ae lD tlM that 6llr/ l«aln be per· when U!,• lk'natt' OOMldera t)M little uncom-abop, UIUI addlnc to the mef'rl. mltted to._ .-ar boatl and .. u matter'ot Udtt:tOl'ftl halt»or work Ml'ta. 1\aa for naarl)' II ,_.,. • fm tllbl'!, IO you ment of the oc:culon. t.helr oa._ oc ~ beach ~net. he )VIU appear before u-&t bo4J lD lk't!n a tamJUar ftcure In Oranfw wo.l IUl\'f' to be '"'-nt were Meedam• 11:. &. l'lf N~JIIr. an Pffort to hav• the 1oc:al req\IHC rounty newwpaper c:tr'C'I-. MvinC \\' lh 0. I pat I • n I and Dred&1nc of the R1alto at a c:o.t Boudinot, Chariee aw~. a. A. 'Be II*-.. which ca.n1e4 ""ven ---'ler at•-u-.1 and wiU .. •rv<'d u 1"41Unt)' editor ol liM I lltta .. aw•n~Ut .. .,.r ln· w.o. awhile un-of ~000 18 to cet \ADder way -•• ~ .. , _., -. 8 8,.18 Ana Journal, Hartlor ,.. fVlll&lhiiiA -Mil tue \'"'-" uf ~-llollll~lhtlt'ly, lhe elty dredce hav· Mt"yer, Henry ~rt. Rocer wiUI U... ..... I&IIMlmoua ~-al8o point out the nNd ot th• lm· rortrr ol Ole ·~ Aqel• Tlmea. plf'UOft lb 1M U.lb.Ml ~or and til thls rlepert· lng ..bi.'i'n movt'd to Ute Weat New-Wood, Herman Hilmer, J . R. La--men='-Ull ci\J C'OUftCU, laoN pi'Ovun.•nt .. a feature of \.be wu and In Ol• editorial ctepert.,...tl .-ppro\'&.1 1rant...S by \he~ cit)' r:·ert gt ta baC'k port altr la1t Friday, acc:ord1ftc Put.. RUIMU Reed, C. K. Pn.t.. t.he ot 1'\rtually .,_, PI'UfTUI'· nt ot.hrr pubUcaUona. I'<>Uil<'ll fur pavlna tl\.l!rlorm., h · In thP ~wing or lu Coty Engeneer R. L. Patt.r8011. Lew Wallace and Ule boet.--. bualn~ln \Qwn, u well u Upon bll return to Wuhlnctun l'lflo ll:lKtrtc rllht·ut-way from thongA. S1nce the waterway bu .OtANI bU114Ndit "nl• open-alr lh.-repi'Ut'ntatln abo acreed to \'IMI'I'INO ..... Alvar..tu to Mau1, a..lboa ltneLa Thf' traveling up conalderably due to alurtlnc of AD III:DAL AWAaDID fiah wlllch wu for more .. ain lmmt'dlatf'ly co t.nto U.. Mr and Mrs. JIIC'k Ntclllu .... 11"., pn1111U... "' twena In top• ko ! l .. •s. w a 1 the bankl, It II contemplated t.b&t S Bobb O Th t or !.han 110 ~one of the malD at· llUIIti'r of ltle 81'al BMch Ord-aa lh•lr _._.. M-. -·-• Pual l1ol•·h •<undlthm a,.,rore Ule ma.ln I rt Y eure • aon t-~tto. ·-w .. abolYII· nan~-.. _,..,t location, -1..---n• • •-•• --·· -'• .. ~ ...... Jou.· un a bUI, It wll be neceuaary to ~e M d ~ ·' Tb t 1'"-~ ·-.,....-.. ~~ ...,,._ ............. M'-''-~em and ........... r. -...."' e~RWr ....on 1•--way. -r an _,. naiT)' eure • ... .... -o o&.:.... bv .... c--t ~·hJC'"', ... prop"' ...... •d, ~-··d --''""• --"~ •• • .... ...._,_ dur•R• whlrh thl' ,., .. , he,t<•r or tht! lhl' t>nUre Rialto fl'Om lAke ave-FlowAr --t ...... been awardHI -... ...., ' .._ --n n~ -~ .-..... •• Ac ol ~ ... R-l ~ X~ In orloler to make .... ~-..._ ... ..... ~ .,.,......, -.,.., _ _. .. ,..,. .. ~ --• tv -~ -1 ,.. t f _.." 1\1\, _.,..ell. -· ' fa-"-bl• ''"rl*'• ~-~ WM" ~olm •nbt th,. bwll 11n I 111 mama nut' northeut to t.be cbannel Oil UM AJr Mecl&l tQr merttono. ....-.u-, ." ...._ ... e'---,_re • ~-~0~~ f'm 18 a. me~Dat.r or tile c...., ol ·~· --• .., ~ "" tra\•eled to Or<'J;On and bllr k on the northuat aide of Newport 18-achievement on nve combat m.._ os ·-• o-,.. .,_ the UU Mtaakoc-. t.amponftl.)' '"" •tn•'$f-di'parlm•nt laced nv" a buat..., trip. lind. • • "ana over enemy l:u.rope, accord-........ .-..... ...... 1latloned at N..-,..rt Hartlor. tnc!hee ot ~poeed paaata Oil It'a aJway• been nice to con-Material remond., ta.ld Mr. Pat-In& to aa omeAaJ ,...._. from u.. Euter 'Celebrant&' 84da for re~oc.au..-. Cout ..._.. \a. old npt-of·way Mt..._ AI· t.lp&Ait tiM ldf'a or alttl.nc around tPraon, will be c~Uch&rce4 to tile l:tptll Ann)' Alr rwe. ~ber way and the Pactnc ~ne ra&l· ftAVD. TAUl AT 80'1'AJIY \'arado atlll Waatun.rtun al,...tl at for ..-. but I'm otrn Ulat pro-Conner "IWtmml..-. .-&" at 31th 1tat~ lD DtJI&D4. Nab for Hit-BUD way t.rat'ka at h• .. ·•-ta--Lot:-......,_. ........... bt tiiii vt ...-.t at ~ .~ .. ....,,,_. * ~ .w:p. 11nd C'ou ~~ a .,.. a 81te of Ult' Nny'a new 11&.000.· ttle Naval -Ia Ia tile Hartlor, Kr\tr~JM>o!r H L VaH•,_, --1--!-----~!!!:!!.!!!0ilUI:Ji•IIJUII~tom._.~~ac:bllo;L• llanL':d:"~lf aome--drf'd&inr of tN c.banrMI W1D re-cltaUoa wtt.leb ftad In ..,t: Two 1~4 '-AAplM 000 ammunition and ordnance ell-told RDtartana ~ ...Uq ol Upun "'''"""'"'ndatiOft ot llr oae wouJcl anout "chanre buuea," quire pumping aome of liM m&· '"Ttte COUoJ"aCt!, cooan .. and ~ youU.. .we arreale4 by PoUce rot. were to be o~ned today. kp· hla tra,...l8 and ad,_t~ a.raound Paltei'W)n, th~ <'lty rOWICIII Oft I Mtdw. rd trample aome one be-tt~ria.l Into Ute ocean, which w111 diapla)'ed by Ulla enl18t.ed ~ Otnccelll Oorton ~d Applebury proximately one mile ot the hlp· til" world llefOft en~ lM Mon4ay a pproved Nrfac-1,._ UIU . rare tJMy aot me atoppecl. lnvolve a C008ld«able lenctli of upon u.... oceutona reflect crHt on f....,. hlt-nm eMI'I\'e alter way will be -.ell -tNt north Navy In ltU. A 1a...,. ~ pro--welton wiUI two ~ ol ! ( ' c e ....._. lnetdntall)', bua travel Ia re-pipeline and a booater pump, t.ha credit apon !WnRII and liM ann· Ulelr .. bad .-tedly .tuck or the P"'MIIt loc:&Uoll wtiUe tiM r .. lon and an er·IW•If..-r ,ua.. uphaltlc l~rete. Aaph&l\, U.. marlllaiiiJ llftcteat dHplte the war l'nglnHr •ald. ed rare .. or the Ulll'*i etatM." aad Ill~ Chari• lllchard Oar-PE tracka wUI M ..:...C, 1000 ltatwor. U.. Naval otnoer'a a.DI ... city •nalnN"r .ct.c:laNd. wwlcl ,..,... nllll. And, Uaank (OOdnee~. Uwy PrevtoUI ma.lntenancf! dred&'tJIC a.t Tbeurel. who 18 21 ,_,. of 1.-1 In ~ Suaday eYelllnc. fef't aortiL Work of .,..... "plf'te w1th llwnor, puUeWart)' In vilk-a .. rvtt't'&ble llt'Mt •W rtYe ......sc.m. priority on reaer· in Wut Newport wu doGe lD co-ace and a cr&duate of Hartlor elue W the lltrnUUN of 1M and buildlal a jetty Ia ..,._., OOftn«'Uon wltll 1118 I~ 11M al1•r tJw war wllen ~menl 01111· YaUoM. wldc:ll ea a -eu ldK. operation with O~e county and Hlp acbool, 18 a tall runner on you&U wu llv• IIJ Ole door under wat at a toet ot ~ . .U.· lndoctrtnaliOil Into Uloa arme4 fore• •·rele pavf'nltnt wuuh1 ~.._ ,.. onlJ onea who aeemed not therefore JCnrtnMr Pat..,_,., ,_. a ~ ~. handle ot Ulelr cw which .uucll 000 H He partltuia.rl)' .,.._. tile at. «HWtrut'ted •t 1.. C'C.a tMn to know about pnortUH were ·I ommt'ndcd to the city coundl t.b&t rouac OVI&nd on U\r hlp w1UI . ..., ... taat ...... tile .., ... .-.r at r,....L 0 C t H_...._ ""---•·-IUda torel thal It wu tom fl'olll ,... _. Maeb Ott Japa lD ldaJio. Tbf'y .. t range oun y .'"'..... ................ s· R d C Go I .... C!OU.Id apllt ... u. ...... a v..Ma ..... ........... wtt.lle tired IIHV1eemen ltood. They tlon be reqUHted to .. ilt tn t.be Qutet Campal·gn Is ~t v:-~nebo!hl~.::: lg e ross a amalltoown wtUI rrt...... ....... rtvperty ownen bet--..... . ......... t &mow bow hac' ... thev were payment up to one-bait \.be total ...__ 1.... d M-' ---•· .... ,., _. "Y J him wu a U131 Tt!rrapl.,... ""-· .,..on an .. n ......... _ _,..., • not to ... ~dunked on Ule head c:oet. D . to Cl Aner IV'\Itln~wlR• cara tb--· Oversubscrt·bed By Ouck lllaMI)' ........ ban ciKiared lbft ........ IIMIU• wttll eeee«'•la« lbUcl. Tbue are, The C'OUnell concurred lD Ole rawlng ose• -.. ...._u "'-"~• . --·-• •· fa~or 'f •-t •--" -·· -• , out the effy"": U\e oftlcf'rl locat.ecl c~~a~•-·· ....-y-• " ••• ._.. r-• tllocldeftt.aiJJ, aot.-« our ltttle'-'· recomiMftdatton. I I .. u .. -.. •-,., -~.,. INCh a ... lcle parked In tro8t of na an( na•• ._... -· - Jaw fl1en4a In UIAh and Id.aho. El t• n T da " NewJOrt f't'ftaurant aad fowld Forty f·lve Pet PAPI!a DIIIV8 ......... -to 13 Jl"'r front foot towanl well llome wortdD&' 1ft reetauranll and 'Sew .Street Sweeper ec 10 ues y that tile -door handlt In llletr ,... -0 lt. L. Patte.-, ~ ~-Jnatallatloe. Ttlli ..UmatM .., ot ot.IMn l1cltftC til btata-powered cara I •Na~on aaque~Uonably beiOilfed manlier ot clvtUan ..,_, u-<'oni'Nl• '\. •o centa ,., .....,.. aad lookl.nC ~roua. The war Placed In Service; With the oouncllmanlc earn· to tM ar. Ott to a a1ow at.art ~t c~ MWit'H the ..a-.. fQr aN.._. foot In "''"'fNtli8on or ..tpt oe~~ota MtiM to acne wtUI 'em! . patp rapic!IJ clrawt,._ to a cloee Tile MJII were found Ill liM In a crand tlouJoWb ot ,.nei'OQI aun• and ,....... U. .......... P'W aqua,... ftMA tor ..,a..wc ,. •• • • • \Vork Socce88ful rNideau ot u.e dty.,. aw.wra. ...taurut. One or Utem, Mld ,t.o Jivlnc. NeWport Harbor Jut rrt-M per (•nt .._ tile .. , ,._ tna. A• ,_.at, ... 1-r ,..._.. 110M &800'1' wiUI lnta....t u.e .-Jta ol aut be lM .. ver of Ute car wu book· dey l'UnipletANI her 1Ht R.e4 ere. up ~ _,.. ,....... 111 lM -lnt~d tJw Pf'CII*11.....,. ftAva.DfG City •treet.a. wlalds due to liM Tueaday'a munk:ipal lleeUoft. ~cl far~ d.rtvlnC ~ a-War Fund dr1ve wt\.11 II'IOra tMI! local ,..,.,.., ~t a4dl u.t tllotft lbat 1M 11t)' would pa)' ... ht Ta. dOil't .. an awful lot at ma.npower ahort.ace ba•• laLaly Polla wtU M open from I L m. Jury llld lor leavtnc Lbe .-cene ol 111,000, ovenubKrltMnc IMr unue-le aUll room tor a..pcoc t. C)lllrtl p.r foot nn the ~. Ute CIU'I ..... ,OU pt out In the wide =~~~:::, ... :-:=a: UDUI T p.m., &ale 'YOttiiC pa.c. te an ...,twtt.Mu.l ~aid; U&lJy hiJb quotl of au.oeo by Wuta ......... til .,.at._..... ......... ~of u ~!feU,. fwlrlJ ..-.,..,... wll1cb probUly wW rN:•Ivtnc Uletr ftJ'It ·~· be ao.t.e4., ftiOooft: Pr.r.tl at We tlM ~r fGr .._ .. ••• ... • more than t1 per cnt! ,..1 for conlahMn tor W~ Mei.W be.,._~ t.MmM&YM. be ........ \o ou.r 1oc:al nt1oll 1 RoeJM'a ,..,... liT 10th· No ---••-ot ....._ '""'...:= -...-1.ft maktq Ul1a ~ \o W .....,.. .,..,.. ..._ n.. ,...,_rt, -Mn. M ..W. from Lbe dey"a MW PGWW lltNat ' ' . ' ' ..,.._ ---•· elaUoa \OeleJ, Mra. 0 . L ...._., 'I'M ...... trm w I a M ..,_ wt11 pa• UM 0111\t.rae\on ar.et Mt ~ J'olb .au.. .,.. ptUDc ,._ :-• ...a • be I,......_*' W. ~ -n _. ... -:-y• ....._ ta , nSrwtllllllllw-. __ ,._. -...-·--...... -ae.~-~ ~--u. r• ---"-::1• •I?SI.J _...__ ................. ..... --• -A-ot neatloeolft Ia LoU ~,. • it.,. "' a ai. M .. .....--aaJ4. ..,.,.. ,_ -" -. 4 ~ tw _, 1¢ ' S I a ....._ of ._ ........... ~ -. ..,.. '"""*'-o1. tM ....,._ ft..-U.. · 1 An.; o. • the p.tr _,. .,.,....... IJuDday worill to pra.IM and Olaftll lfrw. ~ _.~ ~ ----d v...., tM ,... eblp aacl IIIII Bmllh·BooUI-Uaber company at a Waltu Karace. 1~ll0 Ocean Bl.._, nlgtlt by U.rtlt'a oftleeN alter VIctor Grace for 1\er work u all ..,... -...-- -m•t. rnedaiDe town, however. COil ol a•&~ waa authorlaed by No. I, ,,.. Btatlon, 323 MariM lhl'y had bi'Oken IntO Bob Burn~' ot U\f' d.rtve From t•nnctiUOM. TIM .,...,. ol ..._ In contpletl"-0.. ...,. 1M. ~ rarmen all lhi"'UUb Ut.ah. Ar· lhr council lut December but due Avf'.; No. 7, RltC'hle'l ofnet', 131~ yai'tlt, Rainbow, and were u.ert· rha!nnan piiN 18 ... .,...ndiq and UIM-no eubk )'U'IM o1 Mad wM ,.._ iSoaa, Idaho and Oreron !U"t' aow-tn warllm• tlllgt'ncl..-delivery wu Cout H lgtlway; No 8. Eut Nrw· !dly altempUnc to ateal cu tram momlnc unUJ niKtlt, e,...ry daJ wlae tJw demand tor r-per wa.te moved and ~»ad for n111n1 In tM tac Utttr crope. Have had a rood nnl poSIIble unUI Jut week. port prqt', !SOl w. Bay Avl'.; No. llll' boat. of the drive. ehe wu blut1 -and from wtlldl eontalnf'N .,.. m.ade publlr beecl1 at N 1ti'Mt .,.. In wtnter and upect a good bar· Tht" machine wu flrat tried out 9, Rudd'a Kara«e, 302 Santa Ana aortalnly mf'rttl • btC hand fM will CCIIIU.ue. nlh•r ,.rocJ.d aNU. Mr httanoll vat. And Ute eo-called Great Salt on Udo. tale where the llftela Avf'.: No. 10, 128 Agatf' A~. \\11.1. MAID: IIOVD:II 111:111: bt>r UIUM'Inllh etrorta "y' rl vll()(alml'ot oubunlr Wwutar .•rtopaperrtl .... ~~ .. al8t Mid. Lake didn't look even half .. rood . Chalnntn of the en • va nua ... al•.._·-robab1 ta.IUer U\~ had not been cleaaed for 10 EVE80D r:• nnWATr:D F'oo the purpoae of tllmlq mov-1 dl•lrlelAI all -nt over Ultolr a.<:· II Ia tl.c! In llundiN ... , to bandJe ... __ P Y • j monlhl. Accordl,._ to ltrHt Bup. ~· 11'1, ttnlveraal Picture. OOrporaUon uona.l quotu to an ul«<t which 11nd put out for .uy eolle<!llafl. Newport Harbor! • ('rtnlt"ndf'nt R. L. Patteraon, five Tbl' old "SC'a Chrat" buildlnl I hu l>l'l'n irnlltANI a permit to op-wu moet cnutylnc. Mra. AD· For lnfonnatlon telepbone 1111 • • rolh!l of guttrr wtre cleaned In at 3200 Weat Central avenue. erate boat.a Oil Newport S.y 1n I <I llald or 12. A VDT Jlfle& • I'"'" hour~. re1ultlng In Ute ool· which In the courw of yeara hu rx~~>lll~ of the lec&l .,.ed limit. No I rewa _· _ ____ ------- D...OA'I10M' • • IPCl lon of 12 cubic 'yardl of m&• becoml' one of lhl' wor11t «'YNOI"H tprrlrlr time wu aet tor t.be ftlnl• bt d A bunds or Newport Harbor! tee tertal. moetly u nd. Three men In thah part of town, wu lhll In~ hut all O'perallona .,.. to be Balboa A pta. Doug Full-time Ufeguar v\alted 1ft Banta Ana Tueaday and woth a truck 1pt>nt five houn re· wrl'k pui'C'hUI'd from thr r lty fa-' un<l<'r t.hf' IUJ)"rvl•on o1 Pollee 8 L. A 1 •--tA. to Be ,Employed \.brew thelr weight about. all to mn\'tng the .. nd after I tAl c:ollec· there by JPII Hlnrlly or Co1t11 Chlrf R. R. ~n and liar· I Y • n lAC I-f very rood eft~t for our wt>ltare. linn 1\l a total labor coet of IU.IIO. Meea for tht' munlfll'rnt •urn of hnn nuatl'r f\ L Patter8011 wt.o Prl~5,000 County Aid A"ked Tbey were aorta beaded by Wal· rr thr 1ame amount of work had 130. In tlle aKTI't'ment w1th Mr., will olealgnata the ''Where and ton Hubbard, Jr. and Harry l>•'•·n done by hand. Mr. Patter· Hlnr~ly the rnunrll llflf'l'lfiNI that wht·n .. Sale of U\e Grey aoc-apvt· r:mploymmt ol a tuii·U-Ul•· Welch. and they told the euprr· -""11 ratlmatl'd, It woul!l have re-thl' building mu.at be demollehed _ mNIIA at •n .w.-ater place, 11uard capla.ln at a aatary ot 1110 vt.ora a r-t.hlnp about a new flnfr"•l thf' sr n·lc:PII of four men 1\Jld the tilt' clu~•l within 10 ; Cli\T.N I AIL IJENftllfOE w .. announcf'd yeeterday, the new p••r month ~ bf!oen autbor1MCI by propo.ecS commercial harbor near fnr ftlur daye at a labor c:oet of I deytl. 1 l'lmton Thomu 1Ae .0 of Ban· nwnere bioi,._ Bo Rooe and aM<>· I thr l'lt)' I"OUJICIJ upon ~otiiJIUiftd­ leal Beach. '!'bey didn't have to $UH. 8. F. Moler. captAin of thl' lo-, 111 Ann w .. aen~ to .. rve clatcJI of a.nrly Hill• who bouc'lt •tlon of JI'INl Ctllef l"n.nk Croek• teU Qeol'(e Gordon. our own •up-1 At lenat a month'• time will be 1'111 84-a Scout 1hlp, had ukecl :!f;n •Ia\'~ in Jail when he and th•• prt'mllee from Mr und Mre u Not for a number of yeuw. a.c• emiOI'. becaUI4! he alrudy know• '"'l'llto••lln prop,.rly covrr the city that the .truc:turr h.. removf'd to Tu,_~,1;v h<'fore Judc'e D . ~Dod«e Rny Bwnmera, the tran~&c:Unn be· ooortll nJ to the chlf'f, hu the c:ny all about It, but they 1ure put over hut ntH'•' lhe str,.,.t3 are cleanf'd lhr bue and repalrl'd f()r Ul!l' u nn l"hllr~f'tl of drunk d.rtvtnc and ln.: handlf'd by lhl' John P:. Sad· ~mplo~ a ·y .. ar-around ,uard and UMt.r Idea to U\e rt'lt or the board ~ 11 wtll bf' 11 ttmpl<r'{Tiatter, wlUI a dreulnJt room and 11hrltrr but ,11 1\'lllJl nn a llc:enae whJdt had l•·tr otnce. v11rlnlt the put wlnt.er cuardl Walton Hubbard proved hlmlf'lf the n•·w sw""J"<'r. to Kf'ep tllt>m It wu declarrd thet 1uC'h a courae h····n Jlt'mlanf'ntly aa.pencW be· I The utabllatlnwnt, which com-hrtvco boot'n available only on S.t· a very ftne apeechmaker. So. did • C'lram•d, Mr Patteraon declared. wu not feuJble. , IIU"'' nf four previoua conviction• prltM.'I 10 d"uble lp&rtm,.nt.a. 18 ur•l11ya anti Runtt1y1. 'Mir propn11· Hany and Louie BrtttCII and • '"' olrunk drtvlnJt. On the eon· I untlrratood to havr brou.:ht 12~. 1 ~··•I rmpi"Y''"· If nne may be found coup&a ot ot!Rr membera. Earl , ON F1 RLOUOR 1 BOMBED Ol'T OF llf7R.MA •lotllln thAI hi' rt'fraln from oper-000 Mr and Mre Summcore, wl"'l• ""uld atart work May I. ltanleJ, my favorltf' real «'8late Arrt11l Gunn"r Edward Bell· "Bombf'd O.ul or Burm11" will .o:lnR :1 motor vehicle, 1110 daya of ha•l oprrated w Orf'y a~ fur 1 ('umlnlt hand-In-hand wiUI t.he mu Oft Balboa Ialand, wu IJIPrl', rln~l'r. who ill lllatloned In Art· hr thf' lmbj,.rt of 11 tRik to be ,.111.h 111,ntenee wu au.pended. I m•lf<' than 20 y•·ar•. ar•• und.,dll· o.fflo ••I aancllun wu th_!!.-J;Id I)()· but didn't •ak. Neither did our mn11, hllll !><'en 1pendlng two ~rh·<'n nrlCt Wrdnei'•IRy evening hy __ Nl concemlna 1J1,.1r ruture plana 1:"' ,,, "th,. •tty pa)'lpj for the maycw. W<'eka furlough wllh hll mother, F.rlr B. Hare at Cnmmunlly Bib!" f'R.Of'O OllANDPAII&NTa Amon« olhn lmporta.nt reel ,. •.• uunly'• rlruu,...," at•t11Un haY· fteJ 80rt.a pve Ule board tht' Mr11 Roy J Hlck1, IU1 W. ttUI , Auditorium, 17~ N,.,,,.port boul•'· Mr and Mra.-Earl Graham, t~tte tranuetiQrwt tallln(l rlarr lhl11 1rol( r~'w•lllr•d that only the barHt .... IMJ'cl better do aomethlnJ 11trel!t. \'&.rd 111r 1tnry of hl11 thrllllnJt rJJ· :lfll:l cout boulevard are thf' • w••"k wu lht Sam KIMfllthf'r 1 .. ro·,.,otaJ•• nf 11urnn."r b .. rtt hah· ... ~ UM Navy' a &mmunltlon de· J <'liP!! from 92 Jaranl'llo' Rlr raldll r • ""'I JtTillldpanonll dr a bah)' I hllml' at 484 Santi Ani ·v~nu•• ''"'. •r" rr•t•ll'nle "' t.h .. C'll)', th .. ,.t at Ana!Mim Landing quick. C it p bJ will bC'I{In promrtly 11t II n-rlnrk h<lv rnhn Earl wbo wu bom whlrh wu puM'hiUI"" by AU«llll t·r~11 t rna)nrtly •·••min« from .,1.,.. ,., CINIItJ wanll to m~ve It to I ommun y ro ems anti tn .,.. llurr or R llf'RI thl' public MR;,.h 20 to th~lr IIOII·In-law and (;)•'II'A'hc:on. Ortmll plumblnl( con· '-''hf'rf' In 01'11111(1' ll.nd J.cJt Ancrll'e aaotber •t•. and It It lent moved 1 to RP Considered Ia urgt'd to bl' there by 7:30, at •ln•)rzhlf'r, Mr and Mn. Robert l rnrtor, who r.!portrtlly paid 111.-... untl"• tJM ~ harbor will IUffer. which tlmr a late ni'WW rf'f'l will Outach~tw of Portland, Ore. Mn. 1 ~10 C'IUih r11r thl' pl•r" Mr Glf'lt'· Alth••UICh ,.,,u nly 11td In hf'lplna ,..., told the board how to put J nl· Plan Expert .,.. lhown. GullchiiW will M.J.emem.beft.d ... dwl w.m be jllln,.d ltOQ_n hy hi•. flflllll"' thl' jl{l•jfll&r!l prOir~m hU _. ,.._ure on Ulf' rt'd-tapera' • I I 1 h~> rurmt'r-Ot'rtrud" Carpent..r i weft'. "'" and two rllu(htf'ra-ln· on th•· p11•t nwt with n11 IUI"I"fOU , ID WufiJn(ton, and Tl Tool<11 rfilit l S•'l"tond in A ltl'rira of local tllka Mf'MICAL ar:ADINO IILATr:D wh~ "''"" employed at Moore'• 1,. .... wh•• tr•· n<JW ll\'ln~e In fl<' ,,,llh,.r ,,.~·•lull••n II In tw draft· now IDle Ule board wlll follow nn rost-wor piRnnlnJt will be C1V• '"Ttte Bavtor Ia Rltf'n." a mUll· ,.,,nf,,.llnnery. · ltrult. llnlf lh• f•rnlly will t~tk•· , •I ~tntl ... ,,, If• th~ NtUnty IIUp· their aucr~Uona. • n tromnrre>w 1'\'l.'nlng at Balboa cal readlnr by Roy J. Hlcka of ltnrn~rlln t .. fl'IN~Mion r vlanra, Milk I Ill( th•l lh~ nrw rt IU""·1ooka good to •ee •1 Ynrht rlub by Ferri• M Wakeley I Coeta Meaa. will be &1ven Euler Thl~--n Men Leava Mr llnrl Mra Klnllf•t..h"r well .. unlv budg .. t In• ludP an appt<>· bunc:tl of local folk pt up and nr thr tJnlverwlty of C&llfomla. I'V,.nlnc at the_ Community 81ble r~ ~ 1,10y,. 111 CJnCI.' to uw fflrm,.r AI l'rl•ll•m for 1urh JIU~ apeak out In meeting! It'• too bad :o .. ur<lln~: to announcement by Auditorium by Mra. Olenn Oolfar. Harbor Area. for Rtolhp:•·r-v hnmf' ~tl•llth •trf'et 11n11 Use ...-t or Oranr county lan't Hnrry Wrlrh. •er.rt"tary of the 1 wlfr of thf' putor. H•y avrniJI!. whll'h th~Py purrha..,.~•l u prol""•lve. lc hnmbt'r or commerce. Armed Forces twn rr\nnlhl •ro • • • • Th,. lll.'lll!llon. wtllctl wtll be un-1 Kl ' S rt £"b RITP:'4 Vf)R WAll vr:nr;aAN ~·un,.ral .,.rvt•·"• wrr" hooltl Tura. ''"V al Rt llador,. ralhr;llr r hurrh o1 Jp• Alamltoa tor A ltrtd A IIEIUI:!f • <l••r IIUJll'rVII!IOn of the City plan• I ng 8 po _, 0p 'I'IDliiK ning commiNion, will be df'VOled I Open for Buslnes.tiJ Tou abould've 14'f'n Doc: L}lcu . r•l<riUIIJnly ~ problema of Ule \.be tooth-enatchrr. JtUip hll din· :"lo'"wport HartMlT area, quNllona I Nrwut addlt Inn to th,. r011ta ner In Helna Kallf'r'a the other , nr tlfll'eM~rtanC"e locally belnr M""" bualnNI dl1trtct 11 King'• nJpt. He had an appolntmrnt .. l•:•bmlltl'll to tht' 1peaker wbo wtll 8portawur ahop whlrh openf'l1 l.ftctdentally, Heinz and )ofartt' art' h" 1\ltkl'd fnr h i• oplnlonl. lntor-TH~IItlay In tl1,f• GrrPn bullrllnl{, llllll tumlnlf out th~ l&mf' t'lf'Jtllnt • m11llon lhu• secured will be re· 1813 NI!WJ')Ort boulrvartl, und,.r food •. , Roland Wrilfht Ia a nlct r ninNI bv (hi' r nmml81lon for liM lhl' mana.rl'mPnt llf Jamea Kin .c. banker. I haven't Jt1ven him 1 In met'tlng the poet-war p1annlnc . Th,. Ito,., which Ia lavlrahlv cbanc:e to roar about an O\'Prdrart "roblrfT\11 or tllr community. llOI'kt'd for lh«' •prlnlf tradr, on ,.t. but he ha.in't e\•t'n trown"d 1 C'ommltteemtn In eha"" of to-lh OJlf'nlnJt day w u lh" rerlplenl Wllflr the balance hu bHn at the 1 morrow'• m~t!nlf wUI be the aa.me of •. ~.....bel!cetl of n owl.'ra lt'nt totterlna' trta«e ... Tbf' vtlllinJt "~ thMor who ha.ndltd the w ccl.'a; bV othf'r bulin'eilmtn of the town lltUe Euler bunnlea don't tf'em ful ""aalnn a month 111'0 whl.'n M. and wtll·wl•llera In IP:"nf'ral Com· to have laid VP.ry many elfP-Ytl . 1 C"lt"l'tll ll•t~n('d to Mr Wakeley'll htn".'' l''lth th,. rnlorful Jlut,.r But rive ·,.m time . . Tert!M 1tlll rr11•1nw of pottl·war plannlnl In rnrrchandllf' and modem decora- 18 the beat waltre .. tn thf' harbor J:l'ntral. Tbf'y Include H P'. Ken· ll\'f' liCheme, thl.' ttfec:t wu par· Thirteen local med ~re Induct· ,.fl inl11 thl.' Army and Navy dur· e n~: lh" month of Mardi, tt wou , . '• nlo•rl today by A J HaymU'I, • ho••f rlerk of Selective Bervloe I:··~ r•l 171. 111n .... enterln« lbt Anny were \\'olhur 0 . Buck, Hetlli"J A. llcbroe· ot~r an•1 Robert L Betbell. all of """'~""''' RaJ 0 Ledford, Balboa; Sorln•·v V Pollack and Rlchdtt B lllmrollll, both of Balboa 11land; Grant T P'eUbeum and Man I l'••rrz r,o.t.a Meea. !11~''Y recnlltl Include: J&me. '7r .. •! ~-port Beach; Roy W . rr('hr"• Soledad Cutro, Truman W Brrwer. all ol Ooet.a M-. and 't n rrv A Hammand, Balboa. lwanlanH to H~ar Renowned CompoK~r rtlarl•·• W•kt'fl,.ld r 11dman. pi· 11nl•t 11nol rtlmpt)ll~"r. 11 til tw~•t .. nt,.r1111nrr at thr ladl,.l' nll(ht rro~rf""' nf NrwJV•rt tl~~rbor Kl· w~tnll ('lith, arl for Apr11 1• Th" ,.,.nrrrl~ "''Ill l11k,. plarf' a t thr ~'tiUTom11r vhnol IIUtllltltlum wh~rf' tllnn•r will bl' -.rvrd by H!'lnl Ka.l~~er · l 1•rrry ~2. a brolh,.r tlf Mr• Rnht M•tq•hy ,nd Mra ,.,.rl H M•-r •m· urll tlf R•lhoa Mr Pt'IT)', wh11 wu " Wnrl•l War v,.leran, tliNI Run· •lny al t'l.rdoon Orov• ~&nltar1um h,.,,. hfo hat! hf',.n a pallrnt f•1r t hr p1111t tw•• m••nlhl, prtnr to that r trn" havln« und•r~tnn• tr,.•tmf'nt "' lhwullf' H• wu a native or !Iilio, Jfawall Bch~rfulf'd u I(W'ak,.r today wu Earl s .. rlf'y Wakeman. Loe Ani"· attnm,.y, who tturtnr 30 y .. .,. a UY" pracuoe tlu nrv"r loet • rn lltll'lltlnn to hll •latera, aur· vtvor• lndude till wMow. Mrw l,nvl.,. Marie Perry, a claupt4r. t .... lanl, "' Anlwrrp, 8f'lfium, and ····n •nne. Conway of Use U I Army and Wallace, New York. wu.r..an: qUITII uca Easter Rites Slatal By All ChurchM of llarbor District .-poorl•l J:aatf'r NrviOI'tl .,.. .. ·h••lul"d by all rhur.-"-In tile lf•rbur al'l'a, auor..Un1 to rapoft ft "'" 1 hr vartuue put ora, AI t.~rt1t rhuro•h hy the a- will bt' lwo rumplrl" Hrvleee at t ::acl and IJ • Ill Will\ .,.ael numho•tt by lh,. C'hnlr and UM hull PI' olouhll' I rlu, ,.,,m~ of MIN A•nn C"r11l•, Mr• I.Aio IL Mrtaav,..n: ,..,. A J ftutw. MI .. Y.111 M•-hrr•. Mr.. Jolln K. 1':1111111 ""'I Mr• l'harl~• ,. Jland. Th,. rar~ .,.rvtrf' will alan lnl'hade aunp fly lh,., hrllnlol'l'tl and pn• '""' y •I•• part rnr•nta 11nol two nurn• hrn by M•11111 Mulll11•, CU]pl Wuwlwnrth, M•r)rorl" Nll'l1••• ~nd l(,.thl!'rn Mlll"r At lh" II :Ill "'•rvh'r th" 1\f!y, ll. I• 0•"•·1,.11 wtll •1 ... •" "" th• aub· )"''' "llllll'n With l 'hrtll,'' ant! to I I h•· II •o'dowlc •••1 "'''"• "l:aat•r I'''""' m•" 111 .. l11l l,.r •••r¥1f'ft will nl.,, h• '""' k••ol loy ..... 1411r ram,.nt •• , '"'""' hllptl~lll ('atJtfoll•· ('hurf'ht'e 11111 l,.oolv .,r Ml 1 '111'111"1 rhur•l\ 'A'III o.l,~•·l ,·,. 1-"lv Hniiii<IIIJ Witt\ -,., ""~ ,., " ,. -,, .... ,, ,.,nr .... r,. ·4 '' ''"' 4 I•• 1\ ftn•l 7 ''' II p m &n•· l•'f l41rtu1Av """"" ~ will 114> 1\f'ltl I 'I Ill 1111•l II, "' •'Iii dill I( I•; Jl'ath •r I• ,1 n •. ,.,, "~"JOI••r Mtu'~W>• ,. I hr h• 1•1 "' 141 ,J.,hn Vlanu v , huH h 0111 H .. tht;n l•lrw•l at 8 I() "'''' Ill • In lr.J'TI•·tol l''l••·h•·r 11nl'l family rtf I 1pll1n•l, wh•o h11•l '"' 111•ny yo 1 1 •rwn~'•l a hNir Ill'''" at In the rot• '"IC" "' 2714 llr•·•on J1'11•nt. hll"" •'•1'1 ''' lh••lt partn,.u, lh~ l:harl•·• ft•ohho"""" ut Rant11 An•. wh•1 plan ''' "''''Uf)V lh•· pr .. rnllrlt a11 a P"'"''l· 11nt~nt h111n11, fii'Jttol Al(rnl 11 W Jlnl tby l ·rt flotniltoy rvf'nlnK fror IAulll~nll Whf'lf' hll 110ft, Da vid. will Ulll month btl romml•""'""" u a llf'C- ••ntl llttul111nant In "'" Army Air Jl'or~ Mr Holtby "•PKla to M 1 ~rona two w .... u . lturtftc wtlletl time Yrt. Holt'W will vlelt relao ttY• In Loe Ant•IN. dl.atrtct ... Elk'llon 111 draw1nJ 1 nv. Dr. Howard BeAKer. Bam Kina-tlrululy •tr1kln« n~ aure and vote. There are fnthl'r, Gregory Gorby, W. H.. An addition recently built on pa.t or eandidatea to cbooef' 1 Hltrhman and RDbert Holltnahead. th" rf'Ar of thf' bUllttinlf nearly tromy ·. . 80 ebOOM wtaely. Dinner wtll be aerved at 1:10. doubled Ill tonner n~ area. A'nuthf'r lara• oonUn,.,.t ·•lr'>ln tomonow tor pn. uon nh)'Wteala In Loa Ancel•. ry tr1al Mr Walcemen hu for many y ... ra own~ pf'OP"riY h•re llnd upon retirement hope• to makt hl8 pennanent hom,. nn Bal· W..'hclell WIIDlte hM wtthdnWft from t..he ra.ce tor UM OOP ,_.. Today, Apr11 t . Ia tile lut daJ t.o r•I'I.Ur ·.tor MaJ pr1111UJ. JaiMd. t.VonUal nom.INLUOil.. ' r , • . ,. J $2.50 .... --- , MESA ----- tM•u' a JeS'. ' ;es; I s ln&lnl( rntof """ u t.· ·~·' lUI t IOftlll '""' be ft ..... .-o-. '-E:: ., .... ~ 'e .. ....... . .,. _,.... ...... at ~ ... t fll at...,. ..... ...... • bltJt.. • way .. ... dt.tl •. cMI .. ~ th• tllfM· ate fll dear , , .. , .., ... ,..I$( ~i; ,. .. •• to ..... J. ...... an· J'tod. 'tun ... ""' . '\. ... •Y .. .. ,.. ,... ..... ., ~ ~ n. ... .. -lr• dl· fll, •r b-.,. D· ,. • II • • . , -e Seen_ Aro~nc As the Prell Slnc:# £&AIIn w"k It tbe prdu!W to aummer. .Nn a: lbe D&lboa • OYer t.be .. •u kend. Lt. pert o1 th<" COftlt Oua ..,,, ll..t to a ,-n>up &!Icard b~ yacht "R~ht pert a. on lnvt trorn "D'' and ~n will rero ln(too In thr rapacity ----nff'IM!lr.. tn.--.unt~tlf I and Wra. I C 0 l111u1 r.Jand, loS lsa GfiH'r \(' Ralt•tl .. l "l1n ly" t SttWI Marko Andl<'h On Hi ~ Past Rec' ROBERT AI Solicits Y ou1 R Elec Lr nf Newport 8t ~tcandld tOft. rwpom.lble I( ~ u a whol•. and lndlvidual. or crou vkluaiJI. AI his ft'('()rd In .,_., ~ hu no "YES MAN", nor ln ltw luUU. II the MW tWr connclrt •a.cttnc him. Vote f( II IE ILL I C PotUicaJ Advert! •a•a EWPOJ. t .. ::~:.: I (Cal Read H NEWPO&T-B.&t.8f>A PRESS Thureday, April e. IMl :P.,.e 2 Bat..aO& •at:ll New Officers Named "IF A NAN DIE" llaw•o•'l·----,. By VFW Aorlllary ay w. KEE MAXWELL ,..,._.Nf LOCAL IIP'UAnll Del To IDi1Uoaa the world over Eaater brinp an atfirma. Ir• & Dice, ple&Mnt walk .. ach C alifornia J,ln. Mtilun ~r. u~ f Pdl'*' .,_., ~!-t~~~ ~e;rv~:leph'one 1818 Mar .. tree!. wall •Itt<:~ p~t Uve auwer to the query \'Oi~ out ot the deptha o per-alonq the OCMD fr"ont- Otftoe ........... ..--• -"' CouUlNt A u.xlllary Vet.araM plexity by Job: ~ d d Wh t.encl u an••H'.-matter JWie 18, liNO, at tile ~ ~~~r at u.Ll'u.u~.P wau at t.» auuaJ ••ttaiiDaD die, ahallhe live again?" (jlr&D lpri,liq aya. y Dl Nw,..-t ....... OIItfwllia. WtCter--tJM_?d -ef-M..-dl . cl;,t:llfJn niMllni held ~oeoUy at The Cb.riatian fatlh, based on the physical reaurrec::-don't you try it, and come-a.,...,_. ......... a. Newport HartMir...,. c~~e!.,.:;m~:~~~ attlda1 tion of Jeeua CJuUt, says yes. to the Ocean Front Mu· 'P~ 'Paswr of !he 'P~pte.-l><lru-..t are 1v11. ~oe. Mnklr nee The doubter, the puuletl. the uncertain one does not ket for aome of our -------~d-W--R Hitchman Own.en and Publl•h•·,.. l•r..-.ldrnt. H aul OtU. Jun.lor nee reply. Inrer.ol tbe agnostic, bowed with lriet a.t .. ,_hia~:.....:!bro-~+1---------4 Wm. A. JJI.a.aWell an . .AX WELL .E<lltor . pn ~ltknl; LoiJ Tboml*'n, con· -fine, choice B ~ M CII'Cu1a~ • ,.., p..,,~. ~: lhert. PumuC,tffiriSe a yeamJDW at m ust come· even - -~-~~ Newe E...tltur Haul Chittenden, H cretar)'; Mable to the ~"bope hears the fluttering of a 1ring." --(.;1n4rru tteuurer; Ann Wa.emut.. D-u... bell th th'-t f imm rtallt •-·in ,.. p,... lllu ..,._ 114J~ a naW.papar of 1rnt·rsl ctrculauon b rd ~d Mu Woo4, m~ ~ver or ·un 1,'\'er, e u• or o y .. dee,.. of u.. a.penor 09w1 o1 Oranp County and 11 tully quahn .... I(~~ new ofttc1 n W1ll eMWM Ul all. WeD labor their three-score yea.ra. ... and teo to leave to ~ aU kiAdll ol Meal not1oee e.nd ad\'erttRnu'r:_~__ Oiel.r duu• at a public lU\alla· tbenwelw. IDOauments of stone or fame or vut eetatea. ~ON RATJ:B: uon meet~ ~~ott for April 1• at The bumbleet headatono iM a testimorry of mazi•a anxiety to Ill 0raq-e CouDtJ, ll.CII ,_ ,_,. O.Ulde ot Orangl' l"nunty 11 ~·' the LI!J1on hall. IIUJ'Vive in the mJ.nda or others after he baa goDe. Egyptian 11 a doughboy can rtve hia time, his en€'rgy and possi· bly hla lite In the aervlce of hia country, aurt'ly we stay-at· homee can buy boDda, obey raUoDlng rulee and boost pro· duction for deteue. ----·--- Impartial obeervera fear the end of the war in Europe "'ill bring a new meN of trouble that m&y contain the seeds of •till another war. It ia a pu.ule to ntillion11 of honest Am· ericana who would like to get out of it and stay out. ----·--- lOINS 'I'll& W.\VItl • , • monarcba of the musty tombs and obecure toilera of the Mn. Dl\111 w ultama, d.a~t.er peaaant are abared a common dread-the dark oblivion of ,1r Mr. and Mn. E . P . Oeorre. fDT d th ShOrt 1~t. bu. enl18ted Ln t.M ea · WAVES and v.1U take ~r t~Uic For the believer. fai th suppUee certainty of another tntJntnc at Hunter cou.,., New life to come. For tboec who only hope, Nature triea to York. M,.. Wllllame, who a. UM brint &UUr&Dee of aurviml beyond the tomb. former Oall tit:or(t', wu manlad '"'"'·ral month• .,.;o In C&na4ll to Rellrtoua belief uide, Euster still would carry to hum&D s4ulldr•m ~ .. ~~~r David WlWaD.)a heart. a fiMIWNge of life's persistence put .. the barriera ot ot tho· Royal Clllladlan AJr J"Qree, mortality. it JQ&rb the rebirth of Nature, reaurrence of whu '' now rlylni Moaqutto bomb- ,.,. In India the Inanimate, revival or seemingly Vaniahed vitality OVer MEATS • GEO. TAYLOR, Owner 2110 Ocean Fwnt -~J.pt.u.. & 3 3 - u all the bunk were taken out of politlca there ·would.n 't be much left. The pl&Uorm ot 99 candidates in 100. 'it can· didly hone.t, would he "I want office." Occa.slonaUy a guy comea along who hu a ~uine urge to do HOmelhing con· atructive for the community, the atate or the nation. PKO~OTED TO lin' L.IJ:trr. 1 'har l('l F' A u.lln, who form· ··rl)' tlt'rV<'d th•· local ctt!Z#nry u 1.n o·napluyr,. or N~v.'JIOrt Beadl Hllnk ut ~nu-r1ca, bu been pro- rlllllt·d from IM"Onll lieutenant. to nr•t ll•·lll•·u•nl. accordlnJ to word the face of the earth. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It ia not by accident that Easter egga have a place in ;; thia •Pt1Dctlme f.Uval-a festiv&l dear to pagans even ----• n •• .. 1\••d tod11y Lt Auetln, wbo lll Critlca of the national adminiatration charge that the •UUtl~'"' 11 to thl· Civilian Payroll government ia be'"•• run by men who ~ve nevt•r been A·lmanrlltrataun ot the Army n --. . . rnmrr or-ranmrnt" 1n C'!tc:qo:-la elected~ or eppointed to any public office--unoff1C'1al · ad· " luyal 1uprorter ot lbe ..,.._, v&.era cboee-n by the Prdident to administer the vast pow-"lllr'h he wr1t.:e, "arrtvea ~~- . 1 1 Mnd 11 alwe'-'• welcome. era wbic:b Concn-aervUely tumed over to the executive 1" Y -· ' before the dawn of Chnt~tianity. The ea ia the concrete repreaentation of life. The same ·my.terioua power that hides in the common egg hidee in the hWDaD body, in the tree and the plant, in the inBect and the mammoth beast. It is the germ of life-which_.Q_u labor-Gi eeieeee b..-yt'r cv--oh ·cd and whfch all the wiadom of acleftce and philoeophy have failed to analyze. We J'eCOID.il:e thiJs symbolism of the Easter egg; but..w.e fail ~ remember one homely truth. That ia, that before BADIO SERVICE HOME • AUTO • MARINE RADIOS REPAIRED M.ARJJa BUBT B. NORTON PhoDe 2417 1111 Cout Hl9hway ~t. woam TIDS&JNO AIIOtJ'l' ---• J·h ·re'e • little eonvthlnc for Maybe the metropoUtan newapapers know what their reade.ra want. At any rate, they have printed hundreda of plcturee ud par-of atone. about the lateat sex ~~eandnl involvinr a motJon picture atar. There are thouNU~da ot aimUar cuea all over the country-but the "hero" ta derued "tune" becaue be ia not wealthy. you to r""d If you <lrtve an auto- mobil!!. tn a WH~m city a youth wru arno•tt•d artt"r hl1 autornoblle hell lcJill'd an &J~d woman. lbe •h•ppe<l In front of blll CaT wbeft h.. "''U travl'llnJ a lltUa beltn than 3!1 mllu an hour, and be wu Wlllble to etop. Au.d lt M Md ~vtr drtven that rut In crowded city a\UaU before, 1M ~ tMt life can evolve from th£" llmooth white shell, a procea ot ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;:~~~~~ decay, di.leolution and death goea on inaide the egg. The ; con latta becdiDe a muddled ma.u ot corruption; opened before the moment willet! by nature, the egg givee ott only foulne. and 8teoch. But out of this procesa of decay and diaeolutioD and deathr... ... out of thia .tench and foulneu, emerge. the nutty, chirping chick. Life cornea out ot NEWPORT BEACH MORTICIAN Death. ___ ., ___ _ Tiu. ia the ~age of Eaater, perenn1&1 Md u.nfalliDr. Tbe Ru.ian &r'1Diee cootinue their ateady march to· he hed. and adckd: UU. out of the muck; chicks out of the rotting egg. "Wt Ourttlve. tM B'tter Snow btl Strt'i11g OtJten But." -~ D--1•-S all N "Lota of people do. But U..y wa.ru ._.-un. weept.Qc &aide u:i oppo.ition, they are woutd quit If theJ -kM'W wt.at 1 poUDd1Dc OD the catea ot Rumanian and Bulgarian cities. know now. I thouP I .... pod ODe nideat objective w to cut off the Nui aupply of oil driver and could t&ke can of lrom the Rumul&D 8eJct..-a blow that would almoet par-llnylhlnc that came up. But J"'U ('an't trtop a car qutcklf p&q aJy-. the German war machine. Unleu Britain and Amen-that fut." ca hWTY the1r loac delayed bf\l'aaion from the west they 'nlat'• wortb th1llk1nc aiMiut. ara apt to f1Dd the RuNI&nl dictating tenn. of peace to Thlrty-rtva milH u hour S.'t .... _ ...... ...,... --,. terTibiJ rut: yfl JOG ....... ~ou. ---;. know when ---. Ia ~ to ~ • 'et~ ~--l or ,.. a~ ...,..., Stnllp u lt may 8eelll, no candidate for city office ~:;~_t .. etop • car quickly rome U..t baa ever apeed to make an open pubUc report of city ex-. " pemer aot an &DDual report of lump aum expendituree, Watson 18 Candidate but a moathly .tatement of all warranb iaaued, to whom f Re-Election to and for what purpoee. ID every state except California the or lew requtr. ~ offleer di8buraing public funds to pub-. State Assembly liah a detaUed report at .tat.ed i.Dtervala; but it it iA deslr· Clyde wateon. your state ,.. ed to avoid co.t of publicatiOil the report could be po8ted '""'blyman. le • candidate for !"'" ball L...n.-..•-bo--.a ,.. 1 · ld be t•IM"tlon to •ueceed. h1mMlf . . on the city UU~.J~~:uu an~. -any c taune wou AI a member-of Ute Lef'alatuN amued if l\lcb lntormaUon were available to them. tor ~~~ht yeare he hu e~bt ,...,.. ----·---- The people of EDcJaod are ahowing a deep intereat in the torth-cominc preUiential election in the United .. ~tatee. While the ~riean people appreciate the intt'rest of their frienda and &Wee it ahould be remembered that "outaide meddllnr" in our lntemal affa.in would be bitterly reeent- ed by mo.t ot our people. It hu not been long since one of the aure~t methoda of rabble roUIIi.Dg by American politi- ci&nl wu to t.n.t the tall of the Britiah lion. It ia easy to undenrtand why mo.t of the Britiah want Mr. Rooeevelt in the preaidency ~or another term. alnce they are looking out tor the lnt.ereeta of the Britiab Empire first, last and alwaya. One ot the leadinc London newapapera in a recent •orial adviainc Americana to re-elect Mr. Rooae\'elt cited the womatlc -m-rument \l8ed ln President Lincoln's eec· oDd campaign-"Don't BWap hol"'le& in the middle ot thP. atream." It the Britiah themaelvea h.ad followed this ad· " , ... __ vice they would not have aubetituted the &ggre88ive Win- aton ChurchiU for the appeasing Mr. Chamberlain. ----·--- ot valuable expt'r1en~ and ""'t y~an of prutl~re. B«nlorllJ auto- matically ad~ to a memNn In· n urnce and u.e.tu'--. When yl'an or ~mce are backed by II\ Wluwal I'JOOt'd of eound adll~vement and ~ won the reapt'<'t and confidence of Ute f'ntlre Ll!g111ature, .. ta trve or Mr. Wataon. good Ju~J~mtnt would uem to •une•t that we retain HON. CLYDII WATSON In otttee a man Wboee quaW!- eaUou llave been proven rather tban put In hle place an m.per- lenced man wboae abWtJ a. u With ten candidate& for the three councilmanic aeata 'moat anything can happen in the municipal election next Tueeday. Three mem};era workln& to~ther can control all of the official acta of the five-member council. Granting that aome of the ten c'lndidatee may receive few vote.. yet . wliatenr they pt will be taken from aome other candi- date. If the votee are fairly evenly divided Newport will have a "minority" council, since it ia pouible for 3:5 per cent of the vote. eut to dictate the reeult. There ia goealp of many cSeela &Dd tndea among the candl~atea and their epouora. ~the Ollly outatanding groupingw are bued on the cSeelre of the prMeDt admlnlatration to wiD an endo,_. meat by retW'D ot their candidate. to office, and the organ· latloo of the Ull1oa labor forcee to back three new candi· ~ ll&DJ cltlRu retuae to be bound to any alate or I"*P aDd there wW be much lndependent voUng-thua the thN&t of a minority council becauae of a preponder- unlmowtt quanUtJ. .U.mblyman Wataan proftd h1mMlt to be a ca~ &D4 C!Oft· edenUoue repreeentaUve ot Or. anp county. He bu a~wa,. foupt for f'<'OIIOmJ In Sta~ Ocrf_., emment ln orcin that tu• mlcbt be towered and at thU Ume wlaen th~ war effort requtr. eo IDudl In FNtral tuee It a. more nec:M- aary than ever that State tu• be at U.. loweet poe.lbJe len!. In ww~r peace eomtnc ,_,. wtJl call • npea1ene- ed and dt i4 men In C&lltomla 'e Stele OoY•mment. men wtao wtll place tha pubUc welfare ~~!»on partJea.nahlp and eelt-lnter.t. ,.. Centura have been wasted in argument over the Ut- eral reeW'I'eCtioD of the b(ldy. What doea it matte.r to the newbom chkk that a broken shell .ia behind him? What I doea it matter to tbe waxen Uly that lllime and dung once COVtred it. yeuuinc bulb? Is thia human frame Which ~HDN~ N~W~Dtt'T 561 • 110 BAOAO WA'I', COSTA ""E&A takee 10 much of our care and worry more than a ahell,l l.::=::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::=::::::::::::==~==~ after all! Ia the real man a mere chemical compo.ttioD of 1 ..:..., _____________ -::.-::::-_____ -t iron and aalt. aDd water? w. ~Y IMftl' aowVC»m.actual. demonatrable pr.of Carpets, Rugs and Upholstering the anawer to Job'a age-old query, .0 Jar u it appUell to C L B • R • D lhe mortality or immortality of the human body. Faith and .. a doubt may debate the iuue until the end of time. But we never can eacape the Uteral and symboUc tnatb of what Jesua aaid: "Verily, veriJy, I aay unto you, Except a com of wheat fall lnto the ground and die, lt abideth alone; but if it die, 1t briDgeth forth much fruit." I True in the realm of acience; true in the realm of the soul. But maybe there hu been too Uttle heed paid to the context: "He that lovcth hia life ahall loee it: and he that bat· eth his life in this world ahall keep it unto life eternal." The Run·ival of the body was not the primary con· cern of this Teacht>r of the multitude&. The talent buried In the ground or hiddeo away in the napkin wu another hyrobol of the hoarded life. The Teacher's conception of life was eom<'thing to be spent freely, to be given for the common ~ood. not to be clutched with miaerly paralmony. A COMPLKTI LIHI Or FLDDR ·caVERINBB FOR YOUR REOUlREWINTS LUDLUII C ... ET WOBBI Pbo .. 2808 SANTA ANA 1622 S. MaiD St. CONRAD SHOOK CONTRACTOR AN D B UILDER CO ... ~L.ET£ B U ILOINO S ERVICE 21• -.. •• ,.,., A VI.-P . 0 . llo • 201 ··~·OA la L.ANO. CAt.tr-. Ea.tster rebukt>s sterility and stinginess. Her mood is almoat wanton in its prodigality ot· color and vigor and beauty. l. =~~~~~~~~~::::::::::::::-~~~::::~~ Today's spring will pa.u and ita splendora fade to .#.; ----~ drabness. But there will be another Easter-and another -and another ! "He that lovt'th his life shall loee it; but he that bateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal/' Literalism or gymbolism, it is immutable law. The hoarded life ia only another manifestation of death. LaHabra Star haQ._ a acientific d~~uion on_ whether a lobster swims backwards. That'• nothlD . A aold1er writea from the South Pacific about flab that climb treee. TELEPHONE OPERA TORS NEEDED-y Servicemen and War Worken are all depending upon our giru at tbe •witcbboarcls. Good pay while Jeaml.ng and regular increase• SOUTHERN CAUfa TELEPHONE CO. .... , 100 E. Bay Ave., ~boa OR For Boiling and Repairing Information ----Bag Dl•ictllumbar CU. WALTERS. SPICER,' O...er .EWPOBT BEACB Jll ..... Mltllw., .. n. Ar&J.e. , ...... 1150 --~--------------------------~------------- Elegant Gifts Diamonds e Jewelry Pearls • Watches e Clocks Silverware e Dresser Sets 'I At H. Ra Trott's Sycamore at Fifth Street SANTA ANA . uce ol ICattM"ed ballota. It may be too late for clarifying the llta.tka by meana of a mua meetinc ot cltlzena who .apt ...... upoD three rood men for council, or by the wttll*awal ol ... of the candidate. who have developed UttJe lib ••-...., the votera; but it ia not too late for .wtr1 ,.trlatll woe. to JO to the poU. and cut hia or ber ballot tor tM ~ ~ who (ln hia or her opinion) are bl.t CI""Jtfted tD .,..,. the aff&in of the city. Cltilenahlp cam. oll'lptf-M1Nil u pri~ and evvy ellrible eemblyman f1auon'a I'1COI'd eu~-..- tlrf'ly rr.. of putJanaiUp. 514~ N. Main St., Santa Ana Phone 5618 ............. . . Availability Certificate R«pJired BUY U.S. WAR BONDS! We lbould play ate bJ k..,Cq a tried and pi'Oftll .....at 111 ~ (~u~·A~t> L-----------------------------------------.J ~--------------~-------.------------~----., - .. J .. ) .. ,J . , Tbureday, .April 6, 1944 Ill RURSERIJ • OPEN APRIL l '7 PSOII I A. M. I P. M. Chlld~a up to 6 \'eiU'I • •---- Call tor erirollm.·nta at lU • U tll Mt .• Nf'wport a...-h LICENSED REAL ESTATE BROKER All PonD• ol INSURANC!. Safe Oepo11t Bo•••· Notary Public. llalla E. Sadl1lr 302 Naoo, Balboa "Let lack Do It " ROSSI CAFE ' o..-Dill ..., Flae F .ood Cocldallt Problems of Fish lndustr . . . Laid Before Legislators By-Harbor Interests~ AppaoxJmately l!Wl f\abermen. 1 llalmoa FWdaa II~ <II) uCCaraala. and other lnte~t· Af&lrat W. a llepd attractlu C!l l'<'t80nl mt't Friday eve~ he wtllhed the Importance of lhe ·' &th n·pr.•aentali\'U of tht' State h lhlng tndwltry. whtt·h. he declar· J, l:l,.lutun anterim commitlft' and ed. wu the fourth lar1e1t tndu.· I h•· loNh 1111tl gamP rummlu lon for try in California. S••al•. h; Mid. th•· flUI'J'03•' of dlecuulni PNI'fOI· a.rt-not only menacin1 ~an flab •·•I f111hon~: lt'jlialallon and prob-but are hkewlk proving a die· t.·a us ur amportu ce to lbe flahln& unct haurd to fresh water Ml· 111 llll<try. mon flehlng u they lie at the Jlo·fltllng the oCflcaal deJrp Uon muulhl of rh •t'n and p~vent lbe \\'1.8 Clydt-Wataon . ._-mblyman •almon from l "'"i upelr!'am to 11 om tho• 7Hh Oietrlcl and for alx epawn. · ,.,.,., s •·h11arman of the flab and Corwdt'rablt diKWIIIIon w u alto 1-=·lflh• t'lllllmittH; Nat Milnor, gwt-n to thr' moet efft'Ctl\'e -Y• • h''"'""n <•f tht' ala te flab and of kllllnl aeabl In whoiMale quan· ~<=••no•· o'ntllmlulon: Tom Irwin, titlce, abould the prf'aent protec· ·1.11•· ru~:.,•mblyman from 1:1 Mon· t1ve rf'atrictlora M lined a t 1M l•· "'"' ~<·<·r,•ta.ry of the l.nterlm ntxt ae&a~on of the le(talature. • •lloll &llt•••·. 11nt1 A 0 Mack lin, chief "I I h·· S .. ulht'rn Dlvlalon of tbe Kllartl La.-· CMI~ •; ''"'' WRnlom Patrol. Another lnter81111& probt .. m 1-'u &l IIJWilker on the evenJnl'• brought before thl' ••nnrlavr wu r•n•.:rum wu H. A. McKittrick, the preeent &bark law which pro- '"'~"" u a.:•·nt of the local flab· vldea Uuu lharb mwat be broU&'hl ••r nwn·• union. who pointed out to San Pedro With bt'a d a.nd tail tho• n••t·d of ronu rvatlon and de· Intact . Due to blood v...-1& tn •lu••·•l th11t the commercl&l flah· the ahark'e body, euch p~dure .. root 111 WR8 aa greatly lntereated n·aulll In the meat becomlnc aoft •·•·n~··• \'&lion u anyone et.e. and unfit for u.e u food. It wu o't\ Ill!' I ht• oni portance of Newport do•clart-d by flabermen prt'aent who :aiWPORT·!Wal.\ PRIES Fish 8torqf Plant J\ walta \' erdiet of U8 J'\U'UMr prucr-nn th .. .,_.... tnah tllel 11 nr14:t' wllldl Robt'rt ftft'<l Jln•pnAI'tl erect ad.jaC<'III to h•~ J•rt'lt'l)l ,._... ¥ !Nin~ lft1J'<'nonh· ed pendinl '"lion ''' tw;, b1" ·~ of the f···h·~ 1. ~-·-11111\l'nt 1 111 report• I h'CI&~ ~ It A M·· 'Cittrick, tt•.•oncw •.:•·oot ,,, tlw ,Ul'al n.I\C'IIII<'n'1 Ill lolfl Before tlo.• nl'(',. •. , ,. Jllh•nt"'" will M JTfl( II'J.. ••• I ~~~ M• K tl trtdr, tht' \\'11t Poo••hh't Iolii ll<•llrol hu apecltl• t that I h.• A till\' 'l'"'r termaater '' l'&tllll• •11 nm-t '"'ti ll\ that INch 11 •tnrA~• l''"nt 1~ ru••••l ed loc&Jiy ~~~ A Wlll •t•'('t'I\JII I V Indlcatlun lhtlt 1 h.· IJUIIrt~raniiJI trr ck'pap n;r nl 11 rll nt•l h.· "'' \'C'rk to p rlru; ~~~. h •'r rt lfll'&lll'll 11 -n In lh•• flu t that thr Nt•W · port Beat h fl•h•·rtotttn'a union hu un file a ''''111~>1 fur httla nn fun•· lahln• to t h·· •I" I''" t mrnt nlllre than 100,001 P·•ur••llo nf rt•••h bar· racuda, '"' "' 1. 1 '' hh'h ,·&nnut J>OUibly ho• f&l!;,f II tlh11(tt !hi' II'· Ill If (aclllll• ~ II llll'h I h,• III'W ptant w~tu_ld pr111 ttl~ ('Dlftn c \Tt: lit' Rt'MINP:KK, t'1<"11ftUl ~ IIIUI SAME The 1111•1• l:oo,:t .• •.t ..to. a ho·reby n•rllfy tlo.•l ~1" '" •'•tndtll'long 11 l•lilel tt'tld~ loo "• ill lllii!IIIII'U Itt :ll9 M&ttlo• ,\1• lt.oll~oto bllllhl, t.:tl)' Of ;'\, ll!•ut l llo Ill h, ('IIUII\y or Oran.e. ~ .. ,,, "' l'alo lrttlllll, uruh•r UU!'\1 ,~11 1 th.11 •uiJ (,riH ta f'11ltfnmla fl•htng port for amall to ptormlt hea«S. and lalla lo be l'uliiJM»''•I o•l lit·· looll"" m.: l>''r8Un hoott, he urged tha t the commt.· n>movf'd at -· whuet' nto u .. · '""' .1dclt'<'"" •• ,...., "•••n tukr 11tepe to divorce N-·1 The "ahark• law", It wu U · fullowa: J•<lrt Harbor fiahlng recorda and plalned wu drafted when &hark& IRMA ~~ \IU'L~.:-1 3111 Huby I 1111 ftom that of Lo1 Anceln flret btcamr of tmport.ance for Uolbo& l~i 111•1 I ••loloof'lllll hllrbor. At preknl he aald, rec·1 thc<lr liver. and bfofore any par. Wltn•'"" 11·~ houool lhoa ttr•l d•Y "'"~' ..r rn•t h porta a~ maintained ttcular t.Mulht had been «1ven lo of Apnt. IUH ,,,. • llinRk unit I ua1ng them aa food which now IRMA MARPLES An •ntrni!,I'IY lnttrnllnl relftlme ooratltu~• an Important aourct' 8T.A.Tit OJ.' CALJI''URNl.A. u or th~ aeal menace u tt &ffecta of rev.-nue .to ahark fl&hermen. It County of Orafllt · R•natho•m California flablng Lnter·l wu alao u ked that preknt ,.., •• On tho8 t~t dlo\' ut Apnl AU 1. •I• wiU! offered by Art Hill. jr .. ulallona M relaxed to permit teH . bo'l"" ""'· tlw untlt-rel(ntd. o h u t be h d a notuo ~ I'""'" II• .11101 fur l&ld ="~"'l"lrt fllhPnnan, who apptoar·l ' a r o c f'Cke In a t New· L'ounty IIO•I Still~. ,, •tolm.: t hc•r.· , •I to ho· t•x r rpt lon&lly wdllnform.'l port ln•t·t'a d of San Pedro. m. duly , ,,11,,.,,..,.,.11,..,1 &ll•l •worn, • I "" hiM l!llbJ•'Ct and preaented llaltM»r o ..... otlt OIM p.•reonall\ •'1'1"'"'' ,, 1111111 Marplt!l , 1 1 h•• <'II-"<' 1n a cll•ar and conclee Harbonn~ ft L Patterwon ,... n '" '"" t.. ,,.. llw f"'niOn n "' n n ,, r I allt'd th 1 da tb H -.· h.Oic n lUll.. 1a IUtwlt' .a:1bQd 1 f'uontan~: out that k &la had ln· c . e e&r Y Y'l ot e ar· within 111at1 um•·ut llllll a•·knowl· rr•·a•~'d to Rl&mllnf proport1ona bor who•n about l!W)() tons ('On· l'ci«tJ I•• Ill•• th!ll J<ht• l'llt'l'Ut c<d J<lnc·•• preol..-tl\1" nwo•UIIU'Ie had ltlt Utf'd a lar&e annual c ... ll of thC' em<-t• l>M'n ln\'Oked le\'tral ytare aco. flab. Only llnCI' 193~. hf' aaJd, hu lN \\'IT:-.I F".SS \\'HERJo:OJo' 1 11 •11 rtl•·•l the cak of a urM fl•hlng ~n a auc<leUtul entt'r· have h··•· ""'" ,,., my tu.nd and tl tl 1 ';,. prlk locally for bolh flabermrn Affix~ ""' offh ani ••·al thl' dA)' ~''111' r r~>rrn Y flp<'ra ng n ex· an•l caf!nf'rlra Lut year'e c-atch and Y•'lll · '•n th11 ('o•rtlflcate flret u·;&n ~·nto•ra . which t ra pped IWl w · labovt' wrttt•·n _._.""'''"'""'"M··~···J"'"'"''•"•"•"•" '"'rtl" In Ill Mt. the reeult being rda.o~;ound ll,OOO tons, he point· C8F.AL • •:ARL W STANLEY that the aeala tore the lll!t to · Not.tr\' Puhllc In and for the PROFESSIONAL CARDS J ~hrt~ In I'K&plng and the flali'· Another epe&lcer on lbe pro-, County 'or (JMng••. 8tatt' of Ca.ll· • c•rm!'n loat not only their atmoat· gr am wu W&lter Longmoor who fornl&. r--~-----:::---:----~-.l arr•'f)lacnble net but a1ao tbelr ~clared that Newport'• rommet·l My commlu lon eaplrM l "!Y 3 Dr. G . E. TahilJ lrc< and their Mexican tlahln1 pel'-d &l ~m•n '""wwtda& "band 1945. . PHYSICIAN and SURGEON I mit fnr that trip. In hand wltll aport tlahe.rmen .. N~wport.~ P.--. ..,U I , 1 • aald tllat lbe annual maclcerel to 21. Htt Cout Boulevard DMtro)'erw of l'e»M catch here wu approximtely 53 Te~: ~··als. h,. lll'cland. kill tor aport ptor cent of the atate'a total . Of'flcle: 116-\\' RH: tM-& uroJ not ror food alone and will Ctlarl"• Wallace cltf'd t he hand· u ..... -r. ea1J Newport a I toftl·n lakt• • aln~le bite out ot j trap or the. prek nt law whlrh Dr. Obe(l Lu ca~ DENTIST • tmy, W. C'f'fltral f'hnn,. I tl40 NEWPORT BEM'II DR. C. J. CARTER DeaUat Rooneu Platea a ~1'""1a1ty Pht•nf' 1!'>11' 111M S(lowpurt Bh ·rt .. ('<"'lJl \I•••" Dr. M. D. Cr a wfdrd OPTOMETai MT ~ Examined Ola.saea F lttl'd Phone 2430 1Tt7 Newport A<>ulf'vard OOitr.A. IIUA Zone Therapy Clinic • .11 h s-·a han on a lme, thua de· ~rmlll pu~ ~lnlnlf ror barr"· • ,..1 • • •\ on.: thuuaand.l of pound.l of I ('Udll In Mt-.xlran watf'ra but prn- : "' • 1 'It ally two•dt'd fur war pur. I h1bil11 aurh prartlrl' nurth nf th,. -~ I' •s ~ l n M•·xlco. hi' 1tated flu ·, bot df'r Aakln~r It aomrth1n1: th 1 1wals chum t\'ery ~nd rould nnt bt' done t<1 prohibit IU' h l•tll •ll urla o•uuJthl 11nd alao run pnll'lirl' In M,.xlco, hf' wu lnforlll·l "'''""'"s ror huura at a Ume.l I'd thllt 1uch an a~tr.·tml'nt roult1 ~··n• ltlillll all m.:ht b<' nt·l!otaat,.d nnly by t rf'aty I.A· At th•• c·onl'lu11111n of Hlll'a talk. tt-r tht-llllltlft'ltlon wu madr thAt ~It Mllnur 1nrornH'rt the autmbly C'&ltfornla •dopt a law maklnlf It lll'ol h·· wns w .. ll aware' of the lll<'~tal to land h<'r" any barraruda ~ .ol "'"''"'''' oncl alated tha t any tak•·n by pUrllf' ar tne, which would fo Mh• r1111•n wlshang to kill aeala 11ervr to correct the 11tuat1nn h;otl ronly to Rpply for a ptormlt to Supt-rvl1or Irvin GeotJtl' Oor· ''" '" oon apoke bn .. ny, u did C:"<>rlt" "\\'e'll gladly gn nt you per· !'la ylor of Ba:v Side Fl11h mark~t tll lllsinll to ahnot 'em, club 'em or and other fh1hln~r r.-preat"nlaltiYrl ••th•·nns•• llttd the flab and game , who offer~ w~rgratlona and prt•· • .. l.otoooNRI::n wall bt' behJntl you 100 I aent~d problem• of varyln~: tm- 1'' • ,., ••t. h·• drrlrtred. porlanrl' Crer ory Q(lrby ac•h·d a.a ,\~~. onblyn~nn Wallon pointed I mut.-r of cere.monlu. ooltl lh01l r .. ur yenre ago he In· '""' meetlnr wu held at C01ta I, odo u ··tl a holl tu do away with Ml'aa Amnlcan Lelflon hall fol· ~ .o!R hut that It wu bt'aten by j lowlnR a dinner at Newport Jfar· :l•~··noblym"n who cll!'d the acen·1 bor Yacht Club wht-r~> canMry or. •• ·Itt rnrttnn nfh•red by Seal , flclaJ• C"ntertalned the v111tlnR Rrwkl! at SBn Francleco. I delegation. ~--~-------------------------.. 8AYS i 11 I VNCU UM A .. l YOU tO ~Mew lOti Utili PUNtiiUl •0001 .. lledkal M&IIMC"" 8Wf'dlllh l'la..~ttl(l', Hydro Tbf'rattY New Spring Styles Now Arriving Daily t ,.. ...... ,.,. '•'··· ,.. ,. ..... ,...,, et ttrr.e HM ef •• _., eh.H IIII Vapor Bath" . . { ._. mart•ghlm · ~ -Cole of-Califernia r.one .:::•P: s.::~.llt I ~ Sarong Swim Suits '========-·---:--::' l and ! Notary Public -l i For Your Co nvenience We have two NoSariea m o ut o ffice . ~ Veterinarian ...... a-,...., .... ,.,. ..................... O.W 10 ,_,.. upertence 1n U.tlnc t.arce and tan&1l .A.N1liUUI .OAJIDDIO-BATIIINO ~0 -CLIPPING Dr. S. H. WALKIEAOINE New Play Clothes ,. l { I 1001 Oo&tt Rtrhwa)' Corona Del Mar PboM Newpor1 2462 , Keep on Buying U.S. War Bonds ~ - "''· ,,..,.,. ~ ,.,,, ... , '"4' .. ... , ..... CIAA Ill '0001 .. -.w--•·• ,,._.,, l flltlc.._.-WMI.e W .... c.-·· at'~ Wi ~ ......... , ..... . ·-G.llt ...... ... llte•h• ett4 ued.~• -·-'·--·--... .,...AM , o ...... , .. ... ,_ .. ........ YIOITAIUI AltO PIIIITI Ooleol ., ... o., ..... ,, •••• C..-o.-.,.4 Woo ...... Cen-eia, t.f.-•r" ,,._. .. f,.u, •"4 ·•••••~'" ...... '0001 Or....., e-.4 C,., ... f,.a , ...... , -'•"' •"4 w-. .•• ''"" ffwlte eM.._.. • ._._, t•t ... u.~lal ""'' , •• PIOOUC1t .... \ MYIIAOU c.~ ... , .. I Pare 3 I COUNCILMAN --·- EIIECTIDI TUEIDII, IPRIII II, 1144 BE TO VOTE._ How you can help add to The Natlan'a food lupply In Amn-ln alone, 3C).(KK),000 f11miUre m11at ·be lu·pl In ftahllna lrlnt -o ur o vrr-lnr,_l food aupltly luu lo he r onN"n,...l l )',., """ luolp fly buyill• "No PoUal, 1.~· l'uinl" f 'tHHia. The aho pplna you do fur ell,_. "ftlf'n llftel fund•" hf'lpa to rf'llf'Ul lhr tlraln on ~mr lln•h,..l aup• 1•ly of "IW'arrlly" food•. Anti II •1•rrade your own famllf a "looc.l tturr ha•lna powf'r:•· lflft, IJ•Ird lwftJw are ~me ofthr nuuriehln• .. f¥o r•ulnl, '·'"" l"ulnl" FOCHia lhal your I(I'Uf'f'r h•• lo r your Rrlettlon. Ancl by u•ln1 •4-r, 1111111 walf'r anti low trmpnalurM In Jlrf'ltarlna llu•m -( .onlruii .. J G aa Cook"'7 ... ,.. I he rtlra mlnf'rala and •llamlna lh•t ('OIInl ~ murh fur lwollltl Nourl1hln1 wartime lftellll with your apMCiy®O~ IANOI S.. much of t~ health and body-buildi ng nouriJhmc.nt you r• 1 In fill fuod dct >~:nds on how )'UU prepare 11! Your O·uif~d I'• tf•11 m.HJ(e Gas R .tnJ<c is ide<~ I fo r the lrtW·tt'napc:rarurc wok. tt•:· rl •.ll Jlfl·sc.·rvt·s the nourishm}( Vll.ttlllm ami miuuJis. Its lllot•lu;~lltd ht·at <o rttrul m;ah-s mt·xpcmtvc ro.l\ts Jllll 1rr, rnore tender. Broi lt·d m t:liA atl' fn·c· from rxcrutve grease. Vq(uo~hks ll1at arc ''wa te rless· c<x,kcd" on thr ••mmer burner havr more appetite appeal and nouriJhmenr . .J ( you miss.cJ gt·tri ns a • .lftO<k!n CP Gas Range ..:. it's worth wajrfnSfon- aouunaM couMflll ••• co••~MY ... T H I M A 0 I C. P L A M I T H A I \'/ILL IIIOHTIN YOUI fUTUII .. -MESA __ _.__ es" es, ' , otdng ·ntof lnd .. • I'C!Xf "'' ktnll ..... '" ldllt~ .... ,. ~ ... ca.tta. , eMil lflldtlle ll!llpt· .... fit I ... , ..,, ... t 'to" --et .,t:- ~san · J 1'118· l'•u Lo 'lnmMol• c \ ....... It littrmll· .. ,.f'd.. •~tnn JlrtiDt. , l>ftpnt • ~~~ • &nJ .. ..... fit .... pqra. ·rt:; ..., ., .. 'N-a-.. w n. lnwuct ..... UnP,• .. (, (Jar. .,;. "'"· Tt.mre, . .... ,. • Hub- t Nrw- ('t)ll\· .. .. ..,. 'Nrw , I .. , .... ,., .... , A nu ol livo•ol • .. ~., .. ,~" d , .. ,,.. All " ... .... , nolo'! II .. , .. Ill I)PI on ty \DuU Com· H b)' 3t R ... I Cart ..... rr-r • • ll : e Seen Aroun• As the Preh Paae• • u:~:~u~r.:::~. H •. lliDS ~110 ft.Y. eHn •~ the Balbo& _ . ~ a\1 _ over ore ... celiend. U 1he ..aaM ~ 10 pert ot thf' Coa.t ow .. J...M .. lltilll IIIUt\N wu hMt to a rroiiJI W1 JGII 1he A aboard b11 yacht "Reb or itS ~ ·,n :t\tiJ\V pert Ia on leave-frmr '1 "0" a nd 111•nn will repc ---------~-~~~oo~m~· ~trh~e~r"A~l•~t'"H•y--___________ ._ ____ -wc=~•~._w --~-~"~•-• Offlhl. It II ~·lit li.. ,_.. .,. and Mrs. 1 G: 0 11110 ..... ef ..... all et end- Jlland. Mlllil l:rar• " • ,......., ..... ~ ....... , Ralph I"Do IY"I ~a.-te .. .. .... Dlfttl_. ~~~ at euch • IIC&rko Andlch. y.-...-'--1 •lcller er aailot .... ...,w .,.._ ....... _.._net ttov• ........... _., --· On Hi ~ Past Rec ROBER'F A Solicits You - for Rc-E lc COUNCIL: City of Newport Ill l.nclepftlden t carnJ In for-.. I.Mivldual. vlduab . AI hll l't'COrd In shows, he hu n< "YES MAN". nor ln Ov future. lithe MW their confldeJ •~«tine him. Vote fe I OlE ILL I Gre.tlftt C.n "WE INVI 1?17-M llt&ea EWPOJ (Cal Read H Capt.~ . ...W . ltll•""',_. .... oll _..... ....,_~._.,,,..7" Wll,.. ...... Ice .... , 10 P.M. fer .. _., t '" ...... .tf-4uty Itt ..,..., ... ,.,.... J ~ ....... .,..;... ............... .......... --' IUPIIII et•PAI ... 11111 IALlflllll T Ba.lbna-T"'.: ll~ Falin ~t .. ._ 7• 10 " ,. sama ... m 4 "Pardon the inrenupcion, mister ::. but if you're thinking about that new bouse you want to build some day, maybe the Edison Company can be of service. Of course, you can:t uaruo .bW!d-y«,-but .,.au ean t'#ft;'" 'ftt3ft "~ Edison comes in! We'<.l'lih to help you with your plans, to make s~ the electric .,..iring is ad<'<juare. 'lf'iJho~l tlM.fUII cvirifeg, "o horru C4m IJI complttely 11p-to-dlill1 -that' a bow ilqporunt the wiring is! '\our nearest Edisoo office will gladly ain you mor~ information about ldequaoe .. " 'WihJll. lliDoY Kn.owAn, Yow Bu(,m.J s,._, SOUTHIIN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY lTD. NEWPORl'-BALBoA PRESS 'lfOM. -J 'lftU14' Ne~,~.Wu Ml"' Clyd<' Altj.-r u! i.oe Able· Lt and IICN Jh1a J:nrlund. 212 It" ll~&~~ !wen \'l••lu•t~ h"r muU1111, .\I urine avenue, .,.. \be parent. ol "'"' l:.Cit" Hllrtt•""· U& lHlb •t. ·' Oat>y boy bom llfarch 28 at SL ·*'"'''J•h liwtpalll I l'vt a.nd Kn June. Muor.,, 502 M • l<niJ Mr11 l ' M lla1Lmaua, U :S 1 Ju11mlne avenue .,.. the parenu r;w.t JJay ;\'ciiUt:. h¥Vl' movo:tiJ to I"' a JWn bom March ~ at St ~ ulh at•m wh•·•" tho·y are lucalc..S 1 1.-ph ~pi tal . ,,L 'i 1 :t l\ullh .Splltllll Cllpt. B&naueh ot UM U. S Na\'}' M u J~""" uua kc and wn, Ju an..S M,... Ban&uc:b were Sunll&Y 11., •l•cnL ::;unllay a l Ualbua 'i'&ehl ;;-ue•U at the home of Mr. and , ·tub anll hall u Ulelr ll&llul& .\11"1 . Warnn a '-a4, 20i lrU -1p.t••l M• .. Huc:had Morran. 3Vt'nue. t.tr att..S M1• ~hiVUI It:. ~w&ll· Mr and Mn II( A White, 118 .un, 611 Han ·1•1..Sc avenue, are t.ln· :lith •truet , have had u tht'lr 1 .. u•·•tt• ul a Juuchto:r bom Mar. .,"'l<·•t• lbe p&8t two wrf'kil Mr ~~~ .. t Cummuauty ho•pll.al. White'• Mlllter, IICn 0 D Bell, and Mr. an J Al•a Wallt&Jn Smith, lau(hler, Mn eo, Barker of Eu· • .• :to Ht•JianU. avenue, are Ule ~l'ni'. Ore. The vt.lt markt'd the 1,1 uuJ pan:nu uf a dau&hl"r born lr11l Ume that t.be brother and .\1-<rc:h ~~~ at St. Jolk'ph h01p1t&l. uster had -n e&cb other In 18 M• um.l Mr• Ly111an Farw~:ll ant.l v.·ar~~. Other 1\Mata at lbe White luloh • 11 uf :>tulia Ana 10r~ lpdi..S· home were J one Bell, Ruth Ann 111.: ~::.u1tcr \'IH'Iillull at th .. tr b;:&i:h .tlld Ronnie Baa1ler. I • IIIII .... 11:.!4 .1-:..al L'.-ntral IAV~nuc. Pvt William a. HoJ.tetn. liOn or Thured.ay. Aprii e. 1~ C~B~m . ~ You will be delighted with our Royal Hq.eger und Haeger Pottery. Many beautiful designs and colors. Madonnas--many designs. Lockets, Rings, Costume Jewelry. Easter Bunnies-soft and cuddly. Hallmark and Buzza Cardozo Easter Cards. £0.UCil·S ·leweby aalf Bfafloaery Blon ''~•'~ ,..rno•~ ao. co8'l'A -.u ~1,11~ l)vna U•·lhl<>lt.l, 31~ <?or&l Mr. and Mr~~. Oeorte M Hollt-.ln. , <II U<', u1 ~>oo h.l tu be ro:eovenn& 212 Vaa Udo Norcl, Ia now eta· ~"''·''".:tunly tulluw•~ a.n •ppen· ~~:~~le:.t A~~~~r~~~ 111n~ '!!lh-i5mm::m;;1m:::::m:;m;;.m::m:mmr:rumiffimmmmmmm:mmm;:m:mm!lm:::::mmm:::Jmmmmn~m::I!.:T:m:m::mmm::::m::l::mm:illm!ill' illlill-m-IlE -Ill! ,J,.t ... uy I" ''"""'J Munday al l ·If ., 1 ta•·h~>d to the Army Air Force 1! s\1~~~~~1.'':. ~~~p~t~ E D Goodell. weather bureau. Pvt Holltt1n li\ .;VtKI \\', ,.1 1,., 4111 F ront, wrr .. rt-· had prt'vloua experience In thl1 Hi , , 11tly , 1,1• 1t.lllll·ll ul Lo• Angc-1\' .. rk. having talcen a year'• \i! I J .• Qft·• , ourst' In bulc proe-mett"orolugy ::. (, s Jilhlh J,u.l lUll by Uu~l! ~•U :;; .\I• ll H ull y L' \\'catuvcr. at f'umona collere In Claremont. m •M 111 t 'h••••· ~ t:II>~•·X, Canton, Ill.. 1 !,!.!, SF.\\' .11'80&8 NAilED "' , 1111t111b ll··r 1 uusua, Mre Waa I ffi lii<M•Illlll'l<l. <!111:.1 Wc.ll Ocean Luc'al ptriiOI\8 wbo were drawn m I• 1 ont IJI'f )IUHbniiJ, l 'fc EaacX,• tn ..erve on the April IUpulor 1m 1s ,.t.1tlonnl w•lh the Martnu at I'OUrt Jury panel lnclucle M r. Ma· I !!I REAQY FOR BUSINESS 1 ·,,111p J'endlcton. h•·l B Stanley of Newport Bt Ach I'!! Till)' Juluutun. 1211 2ith alreet. und._W~II~U~am~E~N~I;eke~l,~C.~~t&~M~P~&a~.+iffi~------------~~ n' • ::: 1 t~~~·;;'~~~~~::~~r~~~·!.~00~; h·osnsoENT& LEAVIMo • • "·""" lllt.•rll•"'"· Mr• JbhniiOn &lid J . Newport Harbor po.t of Ameorl· ;;: I h· II' r .. ur ollotJghtcrs rhuvel.l to a 1'1\n l.Ag1on wtU be In c:ha,..e of m ,,. w Jl)l .. u .... ill 1-.:t<ll .s .. wport. I do•parture ceremonlea for two con-I m I'll' llllol ~~~~ L•'' Juhnson wl!re un~:enlll of M!leetee. who arr 1 g\ I• •• Iii 1."~~' •IK ~tl lhf' h<)llll! o r Mrt l!l'ht•dull'd to leave Newport Beach I !!• I· 1 .. 1 ;.""<' " Tur1 • I WI·, I 14 27th •l··ruJt within the next 10 day•. i~l .,1, ··I ,., t J••hiiBt•n. "ho wu Sc•ll'cleH •lated for Army M!rv· U I"IIIIO'Il.)' o'lllph•yt•\1 by Lht• !:lOUth I~'•' will m&ke their ckparture ": L' ... u<t , 11 Ill'"' nlallull<'•l nt &!I·, A prll 14 and thoee entering the ~' ""'"l. Navy on April 18. The attendAnce> ·ii ~· r. ltiiJ M I I Mllrk ll••aly. 1304 cor all Legtonnalrea Ia Uf'l'enlly r~ I ;H s ll.ly Frutll, h11d 11.• 11 Sundoy quo••tt'd by Adjutant A J Hayman. in ~w·•t M1 11 .l'iiul .Ml'l{lbbl'n Th( ji! II• nlys rt'Co'llll)' 1 o'l urtll'd rrom Ar· MAIUUAOE ANNOUNCED :i: , •zona wh•·n-th<'Y Vllllt>d their liOn Mr. and Mr~~. ThOI'IIU C. Bln'k-'ji 1 a.nJ d .. ught .. r-ln-law, Lt and Mr~~ lt•y of• Corona del IIC&r have &n• ~~ Vllll'\·nt Healy. nnunoed the marrtace of U,.elr ne-1 !l! 1 •I' lor•·• L Shl•ldon, 4, ·of 411 phl'W, Corp Elwyn E Plke, U. 8. jH , Eotsl Comtrnl I.IV~nul', auffered Marine Corpe., and Klal Laura g~ ltolnur lnjurlt•• lut Wt'dnellday L Stone of Glendale. 'l1le ce~· H] wht·n •ho wu atruck by a taxa mnrw took place In the Church or if: <•fi'•ratc:od by C E McNrU of 1~ I thl' .Mt A1ah. th~ Rev. Weeley A 11! \\'·••t C•·nt rill a\'l'nut'. Tht' accl· 1 t-llwerm&le rea ding the marrta«~ ffi J• nt oc<'urn·.J Ill Balboa. ,•owa And Mr and Mn Btnkley ·:; 1 "M I"'. Noa..h'• Ark," the Velma Rnll •1aur;hler. Mlal Patricia Jean Ba1 tHor h nme at Me) W . Ocean Rlnltley, .,rv1ng u attend&llta. ~H l'Mnt, hu belen a mualeal place The brl<k~oom 1\u jltlt return· t m I for u.a put •venl day., Uane Nt from 18 monlba -.._~ tn ~· 1 llll'mblora or the E . c. Anm-··· ~outh Pacln c. nn'hf·at"' nf P uadt'na having ae-;:=:::::==::;::::;=====. I o lilt'.! f.:a.ttrr \\'t'i'k a C'C'Ommoda • ·~~~-llenlforwaW' tllll\l In tht> Barb<-r Jt•l·age. Dr ~tnll M, HC"L Llndaay of P E R Ill A N ~ N T S P!Uiadt'nll and Balboa bl&lld epent BaAnD\~8 tht' WHk t'ftd at lbelr Harbor a..a.-and Beauty ShMII hnrnt'. Dr U ndaay rttum ed to ht• ... 11"1' 'r,nl'llce on Monday, 'Mr.. Und .. y 181A N_,..n Bl.._ ~o•m~tlnlnc throur;hout the week 1 ro.ta M-r.nw ..,. ""'' ha\•lnr; u her houaeruHU ----------Mrt. Louas Bl,:gar And daupter ,,, Btwrl\' H llll. Mr•. Blg(&r'• ~---· E A a.----hullhAn<l ,,.· A nn1jor In the Royal C'llnll•lll\n 1\ rill)'. Lt ).'rank Ru~rt of U1e Cout 1 Gullrtl Ro•s••n·•• W ill at the Harbor thl• wl'r k (tn a 11hor t furlough and hAd 1\.1 hi~ g\Jeell at Balhoa \'Achl Club Mr. and Mr~~ I 0 PHILIP BANCROFT Caadldale U. 8. BElATE I Ohl11110n. MIN Orace Wooten, Ralph Stewart &lid Marco A.nlc:h. MONDAY NITES. On Sunday. Lt Rupert took hlll I f.rUe•ll crul•lng on the Rebel. the 9 : 45 N'<'Uion marklnlt the flr~~t Ume I thr \'acht hAd ~n out of Ita •liP K H J In rive montl\1. l'-----------...1 PACIFIC ELEORIC- Needs YOUR Help 1/Gry attreJoetM fobs, at RECENTlY INCREASED RATES OF PAY, are now available with Pacific Electric Railway. n...,... _., mcrny otlters are.Of»tt nowt ' IMllOI ..... • UAUMIN • CONDUCtOU AUIO MACHINISTS • AUTO IIPAIIMIN ~ I y AID Q.DU • CAl CLIANEIS • JANITOIS fiiiOHT CAl IIPAIIMIN flaOHT CAa CAaPINTDS fUIOHT CAa CAIP~NTU HILPDS ut•m • UNIMIN HILPIIS • IONDIU W1LD1R KILPDS • CAUINTIIS CAIPINID HllPIIS • YIACIC LAIOIW &perle~ ond Inexperienced men and women are nMded now In this vitally essential industry • • YAilAII&.ITT CIITIPICAU IIQUIIID mAlliE iUiiRHS AID D. I •. IIIRIRE REPAIRS MOTORS • WELDING Marine Ways ... -------------------------------~~--~ Aaou tile Cll-ael &o• Bead ol C.ab'al Av•••• NBAB TBE OVERPASS for COUNCILMAN OVER 20 YEARS of BANKING and FINANCIAL EXPERIENCE PLEOOEf>-TO an UNBIASED REP- RESENTATION OF EVERY SEC- TION OF NEWPORT HARBOR and ITS GREAT FUTURE! BRIDGE I !I J. B. BlftJI PLtJIIBINO S.. H. L fe~~g, ·S:~pt. of E•,lo,..., ROOM 217, r. E. BUILDING lbctlt anti Main ~ . -. : s • loa Angel• &Ura.l 'e au.IODATOU a WA811Eaa DU8WA..SJUIIII • aAD108 a-ut ............ • for COUNCILMAN I APRIL 11 ~. 1944 (PoUtseal A~t) ' ----- .... • \ Tb ~~und~~ay~,~A~pn~·1~6~, ~1~:1~4------------~~~~~~r-::~~;,:~~:-~ -lotr a nd lolr• Mur~y lilt· h••l 'F.W aaiD£~ Bt"\' HOME ~~ ~l~ M (~ ~ ] (w ~ ~rrH~ ~17 Sparka atrfft, are thl' l>·ll•'"t• .\<•W Oolta ~~~-~dt'nta (U':! 8\·c F.utt-r Re.catta to lnclud~ \'aehts of a daqhtt-r. born Sunday ll~ ~.tr and MIW. F. J. Vl'ltb who havt- &&nta Ana Community h011pltal. ., pua <'haMHi pro~rty on W. 1801 Mutrr SKt ilntl Mn Wllllam litrt•<'t near A n~tm IIVI'nue, 'Mie . ~--l Han1a. 2674 Elden 'av .. nue, an , Vel Ow art furmer rt'I IMnll of the proud pan:nll of a daU&"hte~ Newport. Wr Vetth havlnr nP· born March 28 at St. JQMpb hoe-c<'nUy 110ld hl1 bornt at 107 34th of Many Clas8e8 • l'lfllll fur Ualbtlll \' echt L'lub'l F.IUitl'r lleptta are lhaplnc up ,..J,Ic1IJ under the luper\'\alon of L'ta11 Dvyl«'. ar unc I'IC• ~halr­ , .. an. whn hu bHn at thl' club thruurhuut th.-put wHk. A -wu bom March 2t at I ~n. L W Woody and aou. lfll· ....... t MaternJty bo1pllal to Mr ford and Delbert or 2&2 Uod .t. ... 11n C Lion of Weal Coeta ure vtaltlnf relatl\'el In Tu.lM. ~ Oklll.homa. LoWe Killey .. making prep-Mn. Olenn Ooftar, til Cl1tt IU'a1loD to erect a new ruldl'nce tlrl\'<', will be h011teu nellt TbUIW· 011 tbe · 80Ut.b lldl of Old County dny at a meettnc ot Colla 11 .. rM4 _.t of Bolaa a\'l'nue. The \\' C T.U. The llflMion wU1 open cc,t wW be about SliOO. . at 10 a. m. Now you have finiihed your week of play; f) op in and let ua outfit You for Eaa:er Day. DRESSES COATS SKIRTS BLOUSES WHITE PURSES • r 1ns DEPARTMENT ·sTORE COSTA MESA pita), 1treet to his 110ft; William H. Mr. and Mn. ~rge O~t. Veith of Palm 8pnn.:• He had 1600 Newport boulevard, ant t.be ownl'd the paoputy fur .. '2 yun parenta ot an etcht-pound boy 11nd hu bee!' COrning to St'wpol1 born March 28 at Bt. Joeepb bOll· If n catlon• IInce l~ll pltal. I --- John suct.n~l'l' of 1:1 Mot.: \·~· IN8T.-\l.UftnN 81:'1' hae bfofon laaut'd a <'ounty bulldu~ lnatallatlon ctr.monln will bt' permit to el"t'<'t a dwt'lllnc on tht' held April 14 for nt•wly elt'cled north aid«' of Santa Ana a\~nue otneen .ofC"uu~ne poet Vetera.na eut or 18th 1treeL 'MI• 1truetu.,. of Foretcn Wan. A R Otnrru 11 tq c01t Ut20. ha\•lnl re<'•·ntly '"'"" electt'd to Ml'l. Wlltrt'd Fr!Uik<'. 11129 Har· h•'lld thr "r~ruttzntlnn for lhl' bor 'boult>vard, exp4'cll to lean comlnl y('8r aoon for GN'nada, Mtu ., whe.,. Othen nam~d ''' thl' official liht' will jOin her hUiband. Lt board are Ralph Wo,.o•man. ac!nlor Frankl'. who wu recf'ntly trana-vice eommandrr. D. L Chlttrn- fl'rrt•d to Camp McCain. dt'n. junior v(('~ romonandt>r: F'lnyll Al'l't,rdlnJ to pre.,.nt acheduJ• two rarf'• 14'111 boo allll'll, t11e tint hf'!rlnnlnff at 1 p m , sunday. 'Mirrc rnlnf'a '"'Ill cunatllute a , a,.,. o'IUIM'I whlt•h all"f'ady IM't'm 1\UUr ... t of partll'lpallnr 11\rJu,JinJ \'tkln(a. Albatrou.·e. Faletlne, Pa· •·lf1c H ·fuot dlfllhlcoa, Snipe& Sntl"' hlrdl. Hl\lbna •llnl(hh•a and ,,,.,., •llnwhl"• '"'" fl~t th,.... ot th•·~~t• , l•u r• Will fnllow a aJ>4'('1al , ... ,, ~·· u•t•• thl' Uf'J't'r b·ay and no- t'urn, It wu lnt.lit•a tN. Mlu LaNoma Grauel an1ved Hotrard, •dJUt~tnt and quar1er- homt> Tunday from Mount Bt mutn; P. \\' 11Ar1l l\ ... J'UIIt all-hi tht' R•·•l C'ruu Mary'a collrgt'. whne ehe ll a ,·oca~; J Thumpaon. rhaplatn : K ------- A II ••nt rlrl muat b4" In by 1l a. '" . ~''lllhiy 'Mit' «-ntry fHa ot Sl r&~'h ... 111 bf' donated by the rlub studt•nt, and II lpt'ndtng F.utu (' Brown .. I \\~ UovJ arut OM ~oilan<is Bntertain \'&cation with ht'r parl'ntJ, Mr. and w .-twr. tr·ustt·~~ Clttt> t.1 f)odll. ."t N. H. Ya,.ht Club M .... Jlarold Orau!l· llO Broad-uffll'f'r ot th~ dlt\', K {' Brown. ~\ ~ way hi•l<•rlan, n I. i-hlllo·noh•n k f\'• Mr. and Mn Oall Arbogut, I~'•' offlr•·t 111ul c:lenn Travla, 1~"19 Orange a\'enue. have taken t;HI\rd. nv1·r lh" prl.'duct> drparlml'nt al 'Mir 1n111 •ll lla.•fl will t•kl' f'IR<'f' th,. Alrha B··ta market. 'l"hey nt C'<Mita MrM Ll'g1t•n hall. rornw rly o~·ralt•ll a rrult 1tand "n No•\~f>Orl boulrvard. SF.W Ot'l'H't:ll"' SAMI:D • Mt11 Lilli•• fkoaucldt .. and grtUitl· rn· MY'-"'·\ RF.n ('RHfl!'t •hu<>htrr. Sonia Matht>wa of W "' d Judjr<' lr .1 lk~ol.:•· wu o•~rtf'd l!lth at~t. IJ)f'nt the Wt"<'k t'n chr1lrmllll uf c·n~ta M··~l' Hl'd Cro&a "t (kellll Park where they we~ at tJk aruHJ>~I m...-tlnt at thr K\ll'llt of Wra. lkau4elte'a liOn in-law lllld dau~thltr, Mr. and o'hapter. \\' ~ Mrllutt ha\'ln.r re- r•·nlly l••fl•l•·rf'tl ht• ro•altcnatlon Mr1 Olt'n Van Ak<'n. fm m that offtt·o• doll' to Ill h••alth F'lo~yd. T all, 110n of Mr and Mn bo II• Olht"r off11 • ra aroo Mr1 Sltln,.y Magnu1 Tall of 2225 Hnbor l l'llf'l Albt'tl 81)1fanol. U . 8. :-:tn•nl R••••''"' Mrohr lll C'<l rpe., ""' lltr" &•alan.t. wrr,. h<tata lut Thun~ola\• .t Nr...,.port Harbor Y nrht t'lub, t h•'tr lfUI'II\1 lnclud· "'10: Mra •::uubrth llo•lrn nt Win· tl<'o\Jlllha and hO't brul1\l'r·ln-1aw, C'•r t Rr huylo•r ltl'lno. 118N. rom- mlln•lllnt Naval Of'C'ratlntr Oaae "' S11n l't·dro, and Mr• Hl'lm and nr ,11nnton M Urundy and Mn Grunolv. Nf'wport Rt'11r h C'•rt R<•lllllld 11 Ullltant ln- "ll•'rtnr M Mr •ll•·al Of'pal1m~:"nt ur ll\'llll'l fllr thf' f'll'lflc c~t ,.\·ard. Ia now ltaUoned at thf' U flal'ldlton, far~ I ''"" flr•·AI•h•nt . • I ...... ltD N w Mnt H R .,\1 d•lul1r\', llf•t•on•l ~·1r" ftOAT lltJ .. O • ..._... 8 Naval Submarine bue at e pro•sldt<nt Mra C t;nnlng Bullt>t, Arllrl••• valued In aC('rN of London. Conn., where he holda 1 1 f tb• boat te !k'Crt'tary -ta•••u•ut•·r lllrl'rton In· S201) """N! • o f'n rom ~ the rank of motor maehlntat ma dudfod M··~•ltolllr'll J~olfn Wl'blter. J •·•n H m<IIH'ed at Udo Channel third claM. • 0 , F' \\', .atho•rwru•. C'lllla Vlelf', 11nrhora.:f', acrurdln,; to the ,own-~r. lllld Mn. H. B. M cMu117. J C. PA\"rw, W B. Mt·llntt; Mlu •·r. lol r J••rk••y E tKry wu ra.lned !228 20th atre<'t. art-the pan Tina lluol,onn. Jull..:•· J)ndtef.. Jt. ll\' bn•al"n« a dt'<-k allyllfht. the 'parl'nta of a baby girl, Carol Ann W Uartlff• J.,hn \\'•·hallr, ~p-•tolcon l!t>ma lnclu<llnr • pa.lr of Luckha ...... t, who wa. born Mat't'h 1 I I I II"" I "" nd ••·lk·nlll•lo: Ill•· '"II• rt•·lln l'gton : ~··1111 hont .. ·u 11r1 \'II""' • ""• 27 In Miami. Fla.. to Mr. a Mr•. (' (; lluH IIIII. t.'rl•llt)' Att .. r· two Swath H<'flll 2~·)'1\rd n't'la u ·r1 Ro .. -rt Luckhardt. Mra. •· lit b boo "' ""' u nnon Cluh Mrs H aith• Tall, Am· \'llllH'•I ut .,10, t wn •r am Lllckhl\rdt will b.-rcoml'm~rf'd •-ot ,_._ .. " ho •·rlcan J .. .:wn Amohary. Mn faah ,.,,... twu l'lllla ,__., th,. former Onrl1 McMurtry w f rtaldl'd hl're until hr r mllrr1fl«e .\l••x C:tn..:a""· Vf•lo•tanl of For-anll lwo cane o JN•ara. .,.h r1gn WJir~ auxtllrory, IUld &... C Aftt"r apendlng 11 -da.ya furlou,.,.. Hutton, 1,,,,,8 rt'pro·ao•ntattv.. l>t•KTtii'MOl'K A WAaD with hla parf'nll. Mr and M , J _ _ At tmp,_lve Cf'tl'monlee non· DaVId Dyl'r or 211 Broadway, i p bJ <hll'ted Sunday at Ranta Ana ---Staff Sgt J)avld B Dyer ll'rt Common ty ro eiD8 Army Air Due. Lewla D AyiN, ______________ ... __ ... _______ ... _-:------_.. ~ -Thursday mornlnr for hll ltatlnny Aired at Meeting form u realdent of 2700 WMt Why· Pay Exorbitant Prices 1 We have good used Gas Ranges at a Fair Price cu•• JBWEL, high ov•a. foaw-•ai'Der, btple laaalatloa. Sped~ t25.00 aUPJiZJIB. High oven, 4-•arner, all aew ....... walatecl ovea. lpecl~ t20.00 POat'ABLE BARBECUE, complete. lpecl~ t15.C)O ..... er Type Daby Cha"'* p QAI cap.) t1.29 -Laadl Box with Thei'Dioa Bottle, tL49 • KNOX HARDWARE at Au1t1n. Tex. On W~eeda 1 lk',.an Front. IU'rf',tlf'd lhP PM'· ~venin( hla parenta entertained DiacWilUun or l'arbqe dwnp hurnnua award !lf "'ln Air Mf'dal at dinner tn hie honor , olht'r I "'tc.e, )u' ,•nile lld anquei\CY and .,,,j Oak Lord Clultf'r conf•f'T1'd ru~ beln« Mra Blllllch~ Swett I Jlllfk ""''clopment tutured u.. In rM'O~tnltaon of Ole achlev~ta and Mr and Mn R&y L Men11l regular rnc.nthJy ffil't'Uni of eo.ta of hla 100n Lt William R Ayl~ 'Mie occu1on alao markf'd Mr-,lleaa Cha•mbt·r ·ot Comme~ held who waa klll~>d t,n i.<-uon In lhfl fobn111'e birthday anntvenary ut the flre'-11. -\· • European t.heatr•. 'Mie award wu Mr. and Mn. Victor Johnaton.l secretary Y. B. Owen l'"epCII'tM ona or •la1tt P"W'IlH at U. -331 Walnut placf', w ere boeta 1 tiT pa.ld mm~ben and thrfll n-by Capt R111H-11 0 Kf'11uton Tuuday evf'nlng at a far•wf'll m~mbo:ra -~ voted In by the dJ. • t _ pal1y honortnr Glenn J ohnaton r•·•·tora aft.er they had bt'i'n pro-N AMF.D \'U 'F. J>llr.AIDF.NT and Don Wltz,.rmllll whn have f>Q8'-'d u eandtdatee. They ant w M Lnn.rmnnr , twn-tf'rm jnlnf'tt the Amly Tranaport St·rv-IJavld B Bradberry, owner of Ole prral•l,.nl M Nrwpol1 flarb<•r lei' and ar~ lf'avlng 1100n for ovPr· 1 nt•w Wt'ltem Auto Supply 1tore r'h:trnbtor ,,, romm,.rrr, hu b<'rn 11,.1111 duty Th011e J'rl'll'nt were Mr which ta t<> op...n here In the near rl•·•·t"t1 1·1r" rrr•hl•nt nt th,. AI· ~tnd Mra. Oll'nn Jnhn•ton and futurt•: Mre. Hazel 0111. p011tmu-••• lnl•"•l r h•mbtora of ('omm,.rc,. daughtl'r. Glt nda; the former'• ll'r, and Jnlm Wlnterbourne, paint ,., n;an..:•· rnunl" '""•lln~t " fl,.ltt mnlhrr ; Mn E V Jnhnatoo; Mr t•nd ht~rdware dealer. Secretary rof ftnrr r •nlll•lfltr• Jrun• All rut• \\1 turman, 1\nd lhe hoell ani! l"fNI alao hl(hly compllm~ntf'd nf lh•• 1·uuntv <'Ill\' K••ll"ICIC of thPir children. Jack ie, VlckJe •nd I F'llrnwr St>Cretary A. B Olbbon n .. rol· n Gr<l\'4" II I hi' nf'W rrrll• Ronnie. on lhf' &ndltlon of hie booka anll l•l••nt N'""''lK•rl l·fl'ljthl a "''lUI nPJl· Sjtt Oacar Leroy Johna<ln. aon ntht>r material. n·•• "''''I at thr rlf'ctlun '"""'tlnlf or M r !Uid Mra L W Johnlton, Two letter. were r·ead from W. hv Mr IAn~emoor an•l II F K,.nnv, 2313 Nrwport bnult>vard, II at T "Mirllclo• Mile" Jetferaon Ufl'• Tlr r r~ IIOalnn rrrrrllf'ntlng COlli pr,.1ent ti'C~Ivtng th4" Sf'rond Army In~ that CCMita Mr Ra take ll11 ac-Mr11 Air Fore,. tnllnlnr at Harvard. ''"" p&l1 In rncourfl.rlnlt' develop- NI'br .. whlr·h will pr"Jl"re him for I mrnt or thr Upper Bay area. RF:f'"l'MF. Kf'A'MT.RF.U overeeu duty u tall J'Unner on a Olrl'rto'r C M. Nel110n ukf'd t'I)Rr~nlt that h.-r~<'rmltt,.•l J'#'f· four-motored UMrator B-24 bomb· th~l A bnul,.\·ard •top l lfll ~ ••~·· 1,. "'"'""" froom hill tnwk •n•l er. Sgt John.ton. who l1 a J:TIItl· 1 •·rrrt .. d on NPWport road at th~ 1,.11 .. ,. 11 dt~trrrntbl,. llnf' on thl' uate of Harbor High achool, en· I lfllh ~lrt>1·t ('rOIIfllng, which he ell-hlghw•y from lh<' Artl~'rlr•n f>lp<' l<'n•d the ll'rvlr,. Jan. 28. 1943· J "" 1111 11 pArticularly ha.z.ardoUI Allfl r·oon~ttrurllnn rmolflany v•r•l Phone 505-M 17H •ewpol'l Blvd. and hal 1lnrl' gr~tdufltf'd from th~ , otrn••r Th,. matt~r wu rt'fl'rred 1,. 11,,. l\:o>Wf"lrl rlty tlump. Ron- Army Air Foree• ArmAmen lu thr IIPI'rf'IBry who wu u ked nl J \\' Mrf'll'lllln hnJI h••rn rlf,.•l Fl ld 0 1'n\'l'r ""-n ' • lll'hool at Lowry r • · '" ronlllrt SuJ)f'rvlaor lnrtn ~. 1,. npp•·llr In Jurl~er Jt J n wlr,. • Co.la Jleaa ond the KlJnnery achool at Laredo. 1 c;nr•lnn In lhl1 connection . , ,,,111 tnmr 1 rrow T'ill-r h•r«,. w•• ___ Texu r \.\' TeWinkle reported that fll• ,1 hv t'JIJ • uffh ,.rl mu1,.r 1'\1-r ------------------·-·~--~--·-·---~---~--the lflnltary dlltrtct II aUII eon-''"" ~11(1 ,,, thr I'RIIfun•l• V•·hl• ,,. . , ICSUCX:·a~xsnc~::{:·::~:::~:.::.::~:<::~ rlul'tlng a eearch for a aaUafac-1.,,,1,, "'"" h pr•ol'l•l•·• l h•l ""thl!!l( ••lltiCIC*IXauc;ciCtCinnc~xxx:;~::·:x:~suc~:~:~::<:·::<:<:·::.::~:.:ICI¢XXIUUUC!·!K:.CICICIC"" • ' . ~: tory dump lite. hut ..t•·~<r ....,,.,,.r mAy 1,.. Jl"rrultl,..l , ~ 1,, I••Rk fr11rn 11 l'f'hlrlr <mt•• lh" • FOR I*:TTER WORKING CONDITIONS FOR and THE :: POUCI: BEI'OaT ht~:hwAy ~l Dur1ng u.e month of March -- !': l1h~ Newport Beach pollu ~ J.()('AI. \fAS MAiliUED ' .......... .AJtuu; U.. WATERFRONT By sum KI'I'CIUU.N Aaraln there Ia lhark taUI a.nll mNI! w••ui.J bt• mor. <'IIIL'hath' a •h••m tlf It II'"'• a ""'' way • ft•hllnmul are pntparl"-to I'> aft· I'ICT~ IU'RTtiS ASU r r th-.. acol.,. Vltanlln factor-nut SF.\\' F.Ut~· .... for In anothtr monUI or two Utelr liven ahould ,.eh ll!'a.k po· tt•m·y You can catch llOUpt\J\ aharkl or 1n)'1lab all y.ar round l!ut In thll \'ldnlty t.h1lr 11\•en • ,... found to be m011t valuable In May llllll Junt' l am told that thf' f•rth<'r north thf' more potent tht- ll\'c>re but havt" not u yet nt<'Uil• ,·11•••1 t.hl• wllh th• fact t.bal abark• c tahlna Ia a n ourlalllfll lnttu.try In Wl'll.ICO ant! that her porU IVIO 111 far ~uth u WanMnllk\ ..,... Jamrnt•t.l with ahark boall unload· llllt tht>lr r arro \' uu may ha\•e a rt .. no.t on vuur mantel which you ...,.rd u n <'lllleetor·e Item bKa~ you bl· "''''" It unce held up a Jap flab. o·nn .. n'e net, broke loc.e and all hv IIIM'It travt-rwd the Partnc r .~ \'uur t.ll)()r. But now American •h .. ~kflalwrnun at.o ~ i\&N fluall lnl tf'ad of cork on Ult'lr .:•11 nl'ta Cork, 1 cu-. Mntf'll from Po11u.ral at leut It wu un•l••r a cork t ree that rerlllnlllld '"' and anlfted the f1ow1n, but .an)..,.•a y It Ia ~at't'e he,... eo )'9\lr a.:IIUUI float may juat hav;~ bobbt'..t "' from Catalina ~uuptln Mhark Ita)' on the bot· '""' 8om l'tln-they aN c&UI'tlt by h•>elk and llnr but t.ha m011t ef· f,.cth•e eommf'tt'lal met.bnd .. 1111 n«-t fllblnr 'MI• neta aN laid In 10 to 711 fathorna lllld '"" l or two ur lh,.. da)'l, thf'lr location mark-···1 with a buoy Cau,rtlt In t.he net 1 "" ahark• drown whh'h -m• ll11 '"Ill thlnl tor a flab to do. rttty f11h aN' oon-1tt1rod a I'OOd haul but eomellmH only t.b"" and IOntf'tlmee none ant U.. Mt N • aulll • No acavt-n.r-•n arf' 110upnn •hark• u you mllbt think or ,.. thu u I did think.. Vny partic- ular about lhrlr rood the)' ..... lt·mpto•tl unly b)' lh,. cholrHt 1ar · •llnra 'MII'y dnn't have tHt.h tn hit" yuu with. only nn . .,,...n .. d "'"Uma. Thf'y are tour to nve r.-t In lrn~eth lllld anrqe 10 Or 70 -J'elt• Htlfl•lt• "' \'•101la M••11a h' • •-11 ft•hlnl( •h•uka fut lft. lh" • mark•·• ,.,.,., •1,,.,, th .. IIIJII'IY ••t ''("' 111·era wu ahul ,,rr "'HI lharlc 11\'t'f .. l'llfll<' Ill •h•llt.lhl Whldl Will 11bt•ut fh·t• ""'" • "~~'' If,. 1-.J • '' akiJ'I"'' F.arl Tlhhlt'• faflul\aa M· fo'IU' ••1•1 h11llhlol •• hn••twr l.A I' A· i-A 1M A 1111111 •114' 1>\lntt•ol oluwn ort ll11n" J'ulnl l~t•l July Nnw h,. rl ahO'• Mhllrk UJI MIJOI II<IWn Ull' ,.,, .... t u akll'l"'r ut ltRrl'1 NEW ~:l.Mttlt whlr h ""'' 111111' have no- lll'rd l'ralllf'll ""'" the Coul 1-f llfh"'·a~· at IC!Jll • 1.-n.lln• wh•re •h~> I• , •••• Ufl rut reJ'&In. '"'" N J:W l:l.M ttft Ia nnt ~ew hevtnr bo•,.n built In Tacoma. Wuhln«1on In 11111. 8ha .. a .tonlfu,.ntrd , .. ..,., wllh a fl"'M h1nlllllf1' nf 2:1 fo'lrt)'·llll f .. t OV· ·r•ll •h• I• t~<•W••r,.d 1 with 1 M1 hJ• AliRe •11,. .. •1 "''hli'h aiM'> <1rtv .. e lhf' wln•·h whll'h h~tula thf' 11111 n•t Tlw N tr.W tet.M 1e1t II In JII'OC- ••f lo(r t 111111 II lli'W '''"'k 1\!l\Uie Whkh ,,·ttl , 11111hln" plluthntl8f', atatei'OOm fllltl ~t•ll;ov Nhr o·\rriN a C'NW nf (1\'r a•·••rllllnukllllln• four In lhe f.,·, ~I•• tlu•l Jflllhnn.,. 11nd Jerry \\'l'utar ll """ IM•Ih f"'l'lr\llar m.m· ....,,. uf hf'r f'r..w \Vh111\ lbe .. n·••ly fur 11'11, l'r l l! will 1'0 alter ahark• q-al11 prnb•bly ott Iaiita Cma llf' ... u. hi• llv•n In lhe '"'"r"•t 1"'11 !4~tl! FrllnC'IIoNI, lan· ta Barbara t)r "''h••r,.ver, bul the mllJnrHv ht' hrlnp Into N-port tn bl handl~ by w .. t.rn Can· ,..1,.. In tha tut few yt~an many ht•,.t• have hooen f'laborataly out- fltt"d to r o aharlltt1111n1. u..tr OWOf'rl -1n1 a'· qWC'Ic and M81 turllanl' In th., wntur.. 8nme met with IUI'('I'M but mo.,. had lied lur l!. en lh•l lharktlablfll IMI o•nn1f' to boo ..,.Jfard4N1 wiUl eome .,,..,..r•llt lt'ln Arrnr.unr tn ""'t" lturtnn, It 1111 nn mnrr ltlfnrutt t h~tn ••I h•·r-1 Yrt'• of nahll\1 , but th .. n h!! I• " ''f't,.ran llllft undflr· •I and!t hla bialll Of'•• • • • poun•ll Al.IIA('I(liLE IIJ;AaD niOM Abnard ahlp the IIVIf'l ~ cut N•vy rn.-11 rrt umln& r"'m mill• nut, pacokrd In nYe lalkln C:&lll lllry IIN'reta. "'JlOrl that they 1\ntt lce<1 alon1 wlt.b U.. de-llnr-hne -n and al110 hooked .tbe- ,.d llharke Oreat eana .. ~ ln ''""' ,....,.11u y but. ot eourw, .,. ha.ndllnr 1-he ltven tor lt Ule oU nnt at llhPrty tn aay _,..,... Any• •• rr .. ,.d or liven .,... ••,....ct to ,. nv rt I• •tlrl' lol knuw albaanrfo the 1un, tiM vitamin contf'nt II llr•· a"•lln•l. u nahrrmen never h11t • 1 ..,,.m to be ulllnr for In· knfiW whf'n I hi')' will tii•JIP"•' formation rathn Ul&n ltvtna' It, ,.nltrl'ly ,.. thf')' dJol betw ... n 1nt hut wtly .. It It boUI thtt IWI'I llhol lti3ll, ra)'l and aharka' llv•n contain _ vitamin A. U.. IWI claaUo,_ tbe MflCltUl'fO llt'OYK I..OCATD ~ .... ...,. ..... , NewpOrt .. one of U.. point. "l"nl Ole cout w!lera Uvel'l are unloaded and 1toNd until a t..t- ,., tor eom,. rompMy or llvf'r hrobr comH down rrom th~ rMy 11ntt .. atncta a aampl• rortt. 'Mie fllhr mtllll 11 r,.n..rally paid ac- • nrolln~r to thr amount of vitamin A tn • unit or oil Hlrh pot('nt·y llvrr11 may hrlnlf a rounlt 17 a l•t~UIItl Low pnlrnry llvf'n "'"Y "'" trl'm 711 renta lo U • pound •vllh ff'mlll,. llvrn whlr h ar,.n'l mowh .rood llllyway av•~l1nr '' M a pound 11lovr you evl'r t uted ah1rk llv· ••r nil ~ PrrlhRbly n•1l It ynu 1111,.11· • •I It flr111• A ti'Upofln "' II •f r~tll(hl, t un•l~r•t•nd, anti yc11t'll hll t hi' , ... lltn~e . ., ny out th,. win• !•oW fll'l"hllJWI ni'VPr IO hfl hl'llr<l A~n. l u N11llc. .. to Man..ft No. Jt, ...,,.,.,f by Ill• DevenUl Nav111 Dl•hlrl, l'naat Ouard In• •l""rllnn h~trtr•• munnnc bunyw at N .. w J><•rt tf,.t~or h•v• .,_.n ralcJ· rllll'tf u full~twa· llmv Ill'"'""" l>uuv, • w hit• _.. oH11l ,.,,... 1"10n, h11111 ho>f'n f"'l'lnt'at .. d :IIIII \'IU<Ie 1311-2 ll~j[Tr ... from No•wl"''' ll•v <'h•nnrl l.ll(llt I, In "'"'"' 20 r .... t Nt,.m tuuurlnl{ huoy. a wllll• .,,,., 1111 huvu. hllll t-n rt~h)('atf'd 2111t v .. r•l• 1 :Ill 1 2 dr~ttr""' from N•·wp•oll llnv l'hllnn .. t lltht 1, In Mbr>UI 21) '""' BALBOA CANVAS SHOP .r lllfllln Sr•m,. Jlf'rlftn1 have bfof'l\, Raila • '""'' l 'nv,.,.. • A..-nlnlf• 1\rwwn In fr~t 1{1•1dy aft,.r takllllf "''"'"" 11J1h"l•t,.r1nlf """ oiii•P ur II riiiiPd •In a pi~«' of f>tw•n• 207 224 ~ 21at IU l•r•·A•I A roywAy 11'1 lrra•llat,.d dy· 1 '"""II•• Or po•rhap• und,.ntatt"· -Shell Marine Products AT THE S H E·L L DOCK I X CA..~NERY LIVING FISHJ<:RMEN and SHIPYARD WORKERS and ::: ~~a~m1'Tlt-llnf1Wered 343 (a) .. lllld '"" rtl frio n•l10 h3\'~ ....,,,n IOoh•l•· g mad<> 22 tratrlc arrelt.a lllld 34 •·-I ,,f th" """' hJI:~ "' ~~""'11'• .l••luo ;·: ,.,,,.,.,, tor othf'r otren-On" I R '·''"''· · 21111 Wn•hllll:l''" '' '"''' ;.; nut<!, valued at 1300. wu rtcov-P.alh••R """ Ml"" ; .. ,., •· T ""'''"" :: '''"''· 1!11 WPII .. Othl'r prop4'rty to I ,.f r r• Vlll I A rl7. I h•• nurt '"'•I :: I) valul' nf 140, according to N'· hi\<'Hfl; lllk•·fl r ll\r•· I!\ lh•· , ...... , L---..:.· ______________________ _ ;;. rmrt by Chil'f R. R. HodtrklniOn. rllv 1111 Mllr•h 17 !"-==~~!!!"!'!!!!"!'!------------,....--=....;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;==;- MAIN CHANNEL ~: -----• f:n .. u'n I.H•''' 'A h•• i• "-•• ,, ''' ~ ~: IIF.AUf4 f4TATE SHF.&IYt'R Mn n n ... ....-f;nJ.""'T of ftlrltJrnr-~~tt-o-mf I -. . • -F{)R TIONAL A B ET-'.t ER RECREA- HARBOR .. - VOTE ·roB Y. Rh••n fr .J1·a~ Elliott of (lrnng,. , 1 Jt111t.••r 111.:11 ''""''I Anol Full- ;.; ,.,,untv Willi unl\nlmmuii V roll'rt••r1 ,.,,,.,, lit•ol 1.•·••1' 11•·1•' h ·'""1'" ~"''•1 :·: pr"•lti,.nt nf thf'. Rtt~tr Sh,.nff'll I•·.:•·" V••"""""'" lh• lr no AI rift I(•• ::I Allll(lo('ll\llon at th<> 50th a nnual fhoo >'"""1: 1"''•1•1• •·nJ• '"I " ''"" .. I I . f U ! ,,..,., •• j. :: ll\l•l'tlnlf Of ttt. c roup held reCPnt • hronrV!liOOIIII ""' HI' n 1" :.; ly at P're1n0. 11t (IIAih••. )(""" '""""' lh,. yuun~: !.: S11vlll nrflr~r I• '" ao>rYI' with ~ ~--~m~rt•·IUI Alrlln .. a IC ~ ~ Mack's Photo ------~-! ~ 10. Meta st., aaJboa For Your SlgnH AL BOBVATB ~ ~~::;:;~:7:~·~:; O[(j[if Pl •••• DIIbl. prlc... U L n L U ~ roa I I I COUNCILMAN APRIL 11 TH,i1 1944 ~{ :.: ~ Baby Pbotoe, !olarqemenll THE MJOJ'If •AN aod PbotoetaUc Copl•• ~1 1 IIOAT IZITI:IUJ'IfO • w1 rwvm Tou to Vllrt 1 Mack & Black j I c.t If Fri•~s-· 81FT IHOP " . _ _. __ ~----.--.---1 ___ ... I 11AJt0LD L IOmfiiOJf ~==I MARINE Just received for your inspe·ction: A new ship- ment of Marine Hard- ware for summer outfitting. 911Coe11Biglaway Plloa•l84 l J (PoUtJeaJ AdvertJMment) !! -.11u....aiCICM~••~---~ ... IC•••••• .... aiC ..... ICIC ... ICKaMi aDa-PICon• " DtteGtl~ Aer-tate ltreet -----------------------~ ~ .. Uld ,. 011 u.. .. , I NPwport P?l<lne 120 L-------•------------------• . . . ~ • • ED! $2.50 .... ...... I MESA IM.E" a Jes. tes, IS ~011ln.r •~nt of , anti u :Itt•' next muttlonll u '1114' lie ---~· ... = .~:.;. ----=~ .. ., .. • .... ---... ..,. ..,. ..... ~ .. = --~., ......... ....... . ,... ~lilt•- .... •ay ""' ... . ~~---eMl .... u,. I dtlliM• t~~te., -. dear ~t .. t ld lo .. ·-' 41( .. , :::::-....... .. , .. J_ .. f"Offt,.lol• k ' ll•a•·ll aJhmlt- dle ""'· lblnrrtun Wmlnl• t 11)1!pu.t • ~It tw an, ~~ "of tiM r pqr.. . ' -·· ~ U+-H.n ftl B. 1'U- ~ " n. Hmfud lla'IMitM 1llnp..wt \r Uar- ,.r:•MI· ~TUn<' I , ... Jl~r- '' Jlul> ,, , __ • ('flln· ", ... ,. tl Nf'W 0 ;) ' '"'''' ••• 1 ..... A ttl• .,, 11\1••1 •• t;:,,,,, .. td ... ,,. .. . , ... " ..... oof 111•1• I 1l iLI'r tu pel .on ty UDuU Com- ff!l b, tet 8u-- • OaTI .... .. ,,_, . .. -.. .. ; I " ..... e Seen Around As the Preluc 8taca EuUr WMk La t.be prelUdt,tO IIUmmer, c Mn at the Balboa TJ 0\'er "• wtekeacl. Lt. I pert fiJI the Cout ouan wu bCIIt to a I""'UP •board tlla yacht "Reber pert .. on leave from I "D" a~d eroa wtU "port ~In the cap&clly o i>fflcw . Hla 1u .. t la.t lJII and lira. I G. o: !MOD I.aU\d, II Lae Grace W oc Ralph ("Do ly") Stewar alarko Alldlctl. ~a . ~.! . . ~ .. . . .on His Past Recor ROBERT ALJ Solicits Your · for Re-Elect COUNCILM. OtJof N..,.,... a.c li*prndant Cllldtdatc ton.~ to tJ ~ u a whole, and not lncflvidual. or l'f'OUP • vtduala. A.t hla record ln tt ~ tw hM not "YES NAN", nor wll In tilt ........ u u.e pe --u.~r~ ~IIIIa. Vote for -~tlE~ • TMID MDODIATI. 1 ~Y •• • • Outl, U ...... ADDDUN~· 't •a• au•• VEWPOR1 ~ Ba Read His , l Capt. F~- ..... Special Boaor Given to 18 Members of • Nftkl&f.&+'.B()A PRESS FOJi7-ho llhdenta ~B-ored been b~ w cover .uoo-t HALTR TAL& ~ ~ery ttem 110ld today, Kr sa41er roa 11181..& A~ advs.d that all peraona aboWd "How to Cbe&t liM U~ contAct their loeal price panel be-and Live a RundNd 1'..,..," w1ll Ratlonlng.Board tor. .. tun« their ~lonrlnp. aubJact of -&alk-&o -Jl'ort:r·two ......... of Harbor ..._.,.,,.. GOO 1 l(r.'"1ewe1rrtlronnea Ole fTOUP given nut nu.r8day .u.tat.. AprU HIP ...._ .,. lllcluded on t.IM 8tlver lnaplM -• that Ole Emerrency Price and 13 at Community 8Sb&e A&adltol'-J rd ~ -... roll, PrtAclpal hoUra or th more~ YOiwa~ .. .:d nt Control Act bu been UP: .~ 1750 Newport ~Yard, It I . R. o...._ '"-led today. toe on • wu p U beld by a recent rullnr of the waa' announced today. 'l1wlee 110 .._.,.. .,. : ratJclniq prcpam .,... neeD 'I u s Supreme Court and advl.a-Senion: .... 411dtraon. Na· p..-nted t.o 11 panel meu~bera ed C~pt Eugene C Mitchell, chair-Speaker of U.e evenlfta wUl be btna Antoa,...Nnd& Batltr Nell by R P. ,......,., ration bou'4 c:hlef. man of the--IDeal price panel that Clarenoe Nelaon, MD. FA.Ca, wbo Fu&ow, 'llllltel Hatch, shlrlt'Y r · ThW"8day, April e. 1M6 , O.U Slgaed Pl .. ge:·· To BaUd lfewpoat •••iJoi-lo .. 'BOlli Commerce·aad Becrealioa PL&RO .. Or ftWD IIO ... .U roa CIYI COUIICD. lien 110 bonored are C W T .. the power ot the panel wu Jo ~ wu rof tour yeata medlc:a.l ciSJolc. Loa&moor, ......,. llum.wy Fred Winkle, J:rwtD 8p&c.r, RowanS II extended by a new delegation ot tor and chief eurteoa of 8taD-Shand, KarJvet 8tutl· · 'flooctrocap. Earl a . Monow, J aut.borlty. The treble • dam.,. boroup aao.pltal In Londoft; bu JIIJUorw: ~ .... ley, Rlch- IAelte at.etreMea. J R lllWa. JJ 1 rlauae wu explained In conalder-for NVt'ral yeara been IMdle&l an,t BMIDDu. Wlllda Fuller Jean 1.-Coooperatlon. betwHD-tbe 5.-'nle cooperaton betweeD city, except upon requut of tbe clt:r A Wrtpt. Joba F VOI'el. Dr. C l •ble detail. thla provl.alon bavln« director and chief M1J'I'eOII at Oe.U&c.tMr, a....... Holbrook. t'lty and Federal Qo\-errunent t o Federal Oovemmant, a.nd the nab· with 1\lffldent proof that IUCh 0'-Huaton. ,.~ B owea. Oeo bee.n requeettd by convua In Para~ Valley eantt.artwn a.nd ........_ ,...... It-a Reed. Vlr· lnaure wtnmnr the war, lnatea4 lnr l.t.ry for the purpoee of work 1.a necaMry). A Wat.rman, Louie ltuerdtac, W I the bope of obtalnlnlf the active hoepltal, and Ia now ~ on gtnla amau., Jellla ~ June M hampering Nat)onal DefeDM conatrucUon and operation of a 8.-Tbe clti.Mna of our com· 0 Haldy, 81d lloentler, Jlui'ene cooperation of the fH!Ople In main· new duUea u proteMor of IIW'· WlptmaD; ' project.. Flabermu'a Wb&rf for Newport munlty lbould be kept Informed C MltcbelJ. E~ Docutadar, Oeo tainlnlf proptor price celllnp. Kr. ~ry at While Ml!morlal boapttal ~: It$ A.ldrldp 2.-l!!xpanaton and eonaolldaUOD Harb o r, In order t.o p r ~ of tJ'e tuncUonl.ft« of tha Cttj_._ .• ,..~ W WooUe'J and ~ FeftelaiL Jewell laid. • -on Loa Anrelea. Alan AnclrMn, a.. Dou«hty ~ ot peace time lnduatry In the Ba.y-..tde aate and adequate moo~ Council In all mattera relatlft&' to '"'4! pNMntaUon took place at • Tl)e law linda that action ln II· The public Ia Invited to a lUnd Ioree lllder, .......,.. Rowe 'Her-!lJatrlct to guarantee ateady em· taclllUea for aJI tLablnC craft, and the welfare of the people. ' a lundleon 11'\t!.Uq a~ \be Dee• nor an« of price rl'gulatlon• ta thl! lecture. for which no a4mla-berta Jotm.a, 4l'dllle K~nneU. ptoyme.nt tor all wottyng people. at the aame Ume provide an Wl· t .-Encourage pro.pertty for lrlc OrtU ln Balboa with J: J juat u lnOatlim ary In t ffect u ~ion will be c:hara-ed. accordlftr Carolyn u.toa, 11n1oe Mc:a.vren. 110 that our permane~t_.[~_denta ua.ual and plcturMque attracUon our local lndu.trlea and mer-.... - Sadler, dlatrlct price Uuon oftl· Intentional violation• a11iJ auch ac-In Evanlfellat Glenn Ooftar. Be-ICnuna ,....._, Jam. Rubel ot the Newport Harbor Area wru for tourlata. Sueb Uld•tanoe .bu:;::._:ch:;aHn~ta:;·~"""1ft'mLrl'MI'""'!ItY'"'iJft-----· ~r, a.nd ltanley Jewell, hl&d en· tton 11 iubject to the a&me pen· ••auae ol the lntenae lnterellt Cameroe 'ftlola, 0aaa14 Worden; not be forced to leave the com· ~n offered to the dlftereBt II fore.ment attorney In the food alUea. It wu pointed out shown, be laid. ~ PrWeUc. ~: K.atJw,a Cunnlnr· munlt y that they bave .. tected for. lf16 bartlora aloq the Pa.clltc ployeee, wtth tulJ reUraiMflt 1Mm· prtoe dl~ u ~t apeakera. FN'<I c Mac.Pheraon, tle]d rep-U>rturea will continue every nllbt bam. Norma NJar Beverly their homea. to aeek employment C!Oaat, and bu ~n a1:e4pted by ettta ... Kr aa4ler ouUined the tnenu-reaentatlve for Oranlfe county. ·XCI'ptlng Monday mit ~y. Once, carol ~ Freder-t'!Hwhere, lnatead of flrhtlnc the certain communltlea. Tbeae fa.cW-11.-We dJ.aeourace aeetlonal- Jnc lmportanee of ma1ntalnln« the comJIIImentt'd Capt. Mitchell and ldt Kuoa, Marpnt Helaon. Lo-g'l'OWth of lndualrlea lilt!le-Bay Ut-a are available for Newport t.m ln civic &tfalra. 11M promo- c.lllft&' prteee for both r'etall aalea tit• patt'I-P.: c IXJCl(lfal! an -u Nortla. ftolq Quicle'/, ~ Are~ Harbor. tlon ot ttle welfare of tbe wbole iA4 aaJea by lndl'riduala, 011e of 0eo A Wooley-tor their excel· PAATY P'Oa PRTLLI8 lana IUaC uw1 ..,... Stov~ll. 3.-Conforfnlnr;,to U~ted St.atea ~ •-----community ahould be eDOCNNCe4. the PKl•t vtolatlona ot pr\ce lent work and aldt d that. the MIN Phyllla WatiUna celebrat· bulldlnc requtreme~~ to allow ~--lnatead ot the .pec:la1 Ill~ of ~rulattona, be laid. M¥111&' come merchanll In the Newport Town· cd her 12th birthday anna..,_,. the eonatruetlon 01 new UVSV.. 8.-Malntaln and protect &de-the favored few, a.nd the ~ .WUt ~ lncllvtdual lal.-of atllp aru are rh•lnr cood cooper· hut Saturday at a party rtvea by Navy Enlistment quartera In order to relieve tf(efquate ancborace and landlftaa for ment of the cfty atlould be for tbe \IMd tumlture, etc. BtaUq that atlon her •mother, Mre Roy WaUUu. preaent crttlcaJ atlortace of aa_. all type~~ of pleuure craft, 110 benefit of every l.ntareat aDd clolll· prtce control ",W.UONI bave · The ,ue•ta uaembled at the Wat· Rules rtJan'(ied tnr. tnatead of hlAderlnr the that Newport H.arbor wtU CODUA-'mated by DGM. kina' yacht, Coronet m . wbldl .. ~1 buJidln« of new bonwa In th1l ue to be the ''Piayrround of tbe moored off Aruethyn .U.t. aacl ~lth Nav:r recnaiU.C atatlona IDeality. ~ Pacific." We, the undeniped. qt'H t.o from the"e continued on to 0.. belnC .J&mmtcl de,llJ wtUI 1.A •.-Tbtt encouncement o~ new 7.-Malntaln a minimum depth put Into effect the above rec:om· Ina ~I Mar where a weiner rout draft n,wtraDt. w1llo aaek to lnctuatrtal conatrucUon In order to In our vutoua clla.nnela In aH-,n;ndationa of the Cltlun'l Com· wu held on the beach. eurt ...tm· .. lncrea.e employment for our cit· part. ot our Harbor, t.o lnaure mlttee when mlnr concluded the a.tterDOOD'I Join liM HaYJ" pr1or to Indue· l:aena, lnatead of dlKouractnc puaa.p of "imall cratt t.o the elected to the New- reetlvtty. Uon, Ueut. Comdr. I. D. Blancb-euch enterprl-from locattnc In home• Joea~ on th-clla.nnela. port Beach Clly l!Ouncrr.Apnl Gueata were t.t1e honoree'• bro-~~ = ~:.!: th1l cl". ('!'IWI drqtnc wtll DOt be dolle 11, liU. Uter. Roy, jr.. Beftrty Bee!ltolct. In np.l'd to poliiQIIe uftl Catherine Rabbitt,. Anita IAWla. Ice. Oavld Joy. Karl "Cuey" ltallel ''VohUilarJ ... _t In -NO~ICBI ... •• lrUlh t:loMHI,., 0•• .... Jr, Mpfl.dl ,. JJ,..U ..... . .....,.. .,._ r'l'l'll PROHJ: U'f and J lmJliY Hltclunan. Mn,.Wat-Navy for a.-. ~ 18 and &Ina wu uelaled by Mra R J: 38 cloeed more uaaa a 7Mr aro." Bechtold and J(ra Genevieve Nub· Comdr. Bl&nclllar4 ~.")(en bum. '} wtlo u. placed Ia 1-A by their ;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiili-iiiii;;.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilliiiiliiiliiili;_iiiijiii;;jjliiii;;iii;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiililiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiili-~iiiiii~ loeal bo&rda mu.t await the day of t.betr pn-lnduc:Uoa ph,.&eal ex· OR Bl8 PAll' QCOBD BO .. City ol KeWporl Beacll An Independent Candidate, as Before. Responsible to the People as a Whole, and NOT to· Anv Indi- vidual .or Group of Individuals All his record in the past shows he has not been a "YES MAN," nor will he be in the future, if the people renew their confidence by Re-Elect- ing him on April 11th ... VOTE FOB ROBERT ALLER amlnaUoll ...,.... they ClaD be ... limed to aD'/ bnnc.b ol Ule ann- ed foreet~, an4 w. w1ll be done only at the AriDed FoRee In· dlleUoa C.t.r." JCJu:tpUoa to UUa nde a. ln the cue of meD wbo un aome ape- • dal ekm-.ue~a ai isdlo ~ra. clleMl ~ ~ dlvera and otlMr' aelac:tad occupa· tiona n41ulnd bJ tbe llalp ~r Ulllta of tbe HaYJ. 8llds men. ewn UKMiltl of draft'...-. may apply at Nav:r ncn&IU.. at.atsona for pre-lncluatkle JII'CII ' &, ~ Navy recndtlft&' atatiofta DOW an·~~ -u ol 11-~; -Oft' """'~~w,.. ......... 10 1-2; ........ betw.ea 10 and .. for the WA va Plana Ale Dllleussed for IDCI118trlal Port PLEA a ·E ··VOTE CITY EL5CT10t4 TUESDAY, APRIL II FDA ALL THREE • VOUA VOTE IS A VOTE FOA l'ROGAESS PoiJu..l A<IY~l ~ ol ~ f~ u. ---------------------------------------------------- county'• P~ IM'W lnd\wtr1al paa-.c:lhCIIt.IIHIIHOitKijtX:~:MIItiUitiUI:KIItiHitM~:K*Uhla.tUctUcti~UaCXJthi:ICK:~KIIC)l :·:""~H~KKKKK~H ..... H harbor l.n the 8uuat·Seal Beadl ~ area, featuncl a meeU.C of COUD-I ty offlclala and clevelopera called .. ., ~ll'lf' tocether lut week by Walter ........... s. 'Spicer, chairman of the oraace county harbor commiMiOft. 'l1le conclave took place at Newport Harbor Yac:bt Club. A ·JeqUly r.port. compUe4 bJ the 110-eailed "fact flndlnr" oom· mlttee, wu read at the meetift&' and nted on Tueaclay with the county board ef •upervlaora. - NEW HlJUUY OPEH'INQ Mra Mildred Pr1« hu annOWIC- ed ber Intention of opentnr a da)' nuraery In the brick bulldinc at 23rd and <>c:.an Front wlddl formerly houaed Newport Emer- gency hoepltal. The atructure, abe laid. tlu already ~n approncl by lire. Carlaon, bead of the State Cblld Care Lloenae bureau and .. now being put In condition. ()pall houae wiU be held Saturday aDCI Sunda'J. Apnl 15-te. ao lllat JDOo thera may lnapect tht light a1I'J room11 and the facllltlu that u. belnc provided. Flft«n cbllclrea are al"ady enrolled. Mre. ~ William A. Kirk .. ca .. Jan' FOB COUNCILMAN ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~lal~d~·--------------------A B.usiness Man who is able to give the rapidly expanding Harbor District a competent, executive administration of its affairs. A Resident here since 1924 • A Property Owner 'since 1980 ... 1 IIBALI'OB - -FOB COUKCILIIAN City Election April 11, ·1944 I I .. , WHOEVER YOU VOTE FOB-BE SURE and VOTE .. , (PolJUC&l ~t) .. .. Thunday, April 6, 1944 .oo••ww for LUCIOW .......... OWDIYDrru' .... uaa-1 113!1 HIQIIWIJ 101 Jut lut oi Tile A rclaea Onrpu1 -WORK BASKET Belen H. a.Jia,per ftc fill Gooda ud Y&n~~~ • • , P •..tr I......Uou Oratll _... ......,._ of Ha&ertaJe -.....~a~ W Jf, ........., 8aata AM ~--~~-----------------.1 .. ud wull allo&rd liM tlilmp, take &DCI _..., plet""" baadk ma- ~ne I\IM &Del bpt cumoa. ud ., H.U. MU ... A._.... cSrop depUl ~ It you would be bevd at .U. '1A7 n.. 1aupn, owr eut ot tM lad old _., taetory, .,. u ~ u Keep a laueb In you.r IMut M4 a lT...tory buildLaC. 1000 f..t throat· ~on& and abDaet 100 r.t wtcle .t For ~ wtao are dMI to .o-liM bue, t.llu JDaJdq u.-tM Ct'nta Ad larr-t c:Jeu-.epu woodeD lluiJd. Are alert to Ute ~ DOU. lnp ln t.be WOI14. ,...,. oa.t WM Keep hold on Ute oord ol lullb· appi'Oidmat.ay tl-000.000 _. • tcr'a beU • • • Ke-top &loot from t.be IDOe.M talat 111&1')' bad a Utt.le luQ mar 01 ... 1tJ a ,....... to ltMJ; The eound ot a 111111 dCID't caft'1 n tollrJw.s IMr around •tO well n died lr'om ... ot ...., • But the Wt ot a Jauata rta,. tv. • • • Jo....at.ncklud ~ You doubtS.. rem.aber t.ll&t • • • H&rtlor JDall IICbool and ~ . ,~ -...... ~ ................ ... .......... , .•••. OVD IIC A IVUT FIUDAY AT 8 P. N. TWa pi'OVI'•IIl II put oD by Hall lroe., aakera of lbe laaoue •• ............. ea&mMec.aos ..... c...a. ... -...... 7 .. Yova DIALD IIWPORT SOOYENIR AND GIFT - o.car. LenDt 8Hcll RiP lul4 a OOftt.t to... 2102 Oce. .. F .... t, H~ ......- • n d w....a which IAit.ltuUoD could IIIII tM ';:;:;::::;::::;::;::;.;:::::::::::=::;:::::;::;:~:;:::::::~=~~ WIWde .... to mo.t War llonda ~ tM ;jj I mow mo.t ot P'ourUI War ~ Drt"' w.u. • i the &IWW'eJW ca UMre wa.•t "ry mueb pulllleltJ (aD "Infonnatjoa rtwn to Ute taet ... but we lo.t. • • ) ~" ••.• Tile oont.t wu on a per capttaaL• b u t I otta buU and while R ..... HJP eold w oll de r bow i 163.000 worth ot w.oncll In oom· Joq t.lle:fd Jut pu1llon wWl l..N'uu'l 101.000, Ute It t h e 1 at-loeal ••u·ollm•t u OOMicleralllJ tempted to u-; ,...t.r, Ulul eutUDa down the _., Ute ...-. per c:apfta .sa. -and- Vacua• Clee•en SERVICED AND REPAIRED 2119 Coast Blvd., Newport Beach u-Ua&t .,.. Jt'• .udl • ~ apel1eace propound~ to a ~ oa1oe for Harbor to ....., loee out on In a aingle day . . . anythlna> It tadiiM that tll1l lc· 1t IH'NT\8 to be tlM a-er.J nomlnou. downtaD Nem~' ratller Boward W. Gerrish 1nnd o!tlmea mt.l&Jten) tmp,._ .trance to-e of ua ... unUJ •-:::::::::::=---~::::::"=::~-:~~:::--:-----~ sion that If one want. to know U. eat lllpped out of tJM M« ------ llnythlng, all be needl c1o Ia .... tJM otber claJ . , • Lacuna Beach th•· n<'wllpaper." AI ~t. ~ Grammar ec:1wJo1. tt eeenw, routed the World'• Serle~ ~euon we .,.. aU of IU PourUt War Loan pur- b.-sl<·~•'d with queriee: "Wbat'e chaMa ~ U.. h.llll aebool . . ... , w. o..tNI ~ .... ,. .............. o.IU. ......... New Regulations for Many Poaltlona Open War Prisoner Mall · In Railway IDduatry ·~BII...E • J"'RE th(' •rnre!" At all tlmea of t.be wlllle our local rrammar ecbooll German aut.Mr1Uu, quite j!Pder· At)Co)ENT • LIFS _wnr w(•'rl' bealeged ·with querie~: worked IJ\clepeacknUJ and 801c! etandabiJ, objed to American Factn• an ever·l~rl'ulJIC YOI· ume of tl"'lfftc, a Jarw• p10p9rUca nt whlrh Ia direeUy oonnecticl .. :_ ·Pap 7 ( IIJCCI 183~ ) Balboa Balboa Island "Oo Y'lU know whl're t ean ftncl mor. than •100.000 '11!1111t1a of po.t.markl whl<'h carry auch elo- " hnuMe to rent " bonda • • . ran.~ u "V for Victory," "Buy Boecll Wrtn. P1•nple phone ln, en Juat a Uttle technJcalJtJ . · · War Savtnp Bonda and Btampa," wtth the military dfort. of tiM.., _________________________ .......,. nallon, Paelflc Electrie'e W'pftt· ____ 11nd u k ua to ~etUe family "Win the War," etc. A• rHult, 11rnrnt11, to ~ndel' an "unpartlal" III'IIAN IICIENCS 'I'OPI() prteoner of war lrtt('rl eanyt"- -----------------------:-"Jllnlon on dome.Ue diNereneee . . "A,.. atn, Dlaea.ee, and Death 1ucb po.tal markinr• are not • LD U C K S Th.-y uk ••. for lnfonnaUon on l f«al T" wtU be Ule IIUbject of tiM uve~d to Ult'lr lntt'nd4-d redpll'nta ~y e STATIOl'>'EilY l!pt'lllng and-,-ammar, how to Jo. 1 Sunday Leleon-8ennon tn all It wu teporlt'd today by OM local rR te Ackerman Bo&t oompanJ, 1 branebM of '1'1\e Mother Cburdl. Red cro-. ly In need of aurmentecl m-pow· 1 In order to malnt&ln tll1l vttal• ly nece.ary war lnduatry 1ft eftl• clent operaUon. INn4recll ol addl· ttonal men and women are _... 'I I J ' ' I I I . ( ' Watch A Jewelry Replllring ONellnc Carda For All Oeeulota WatA:hel and Enra,rement JUncw on our Euy Budret Plan how many mil• It t. to Corona Ttle P'tret Church ot Cb.r1lt. ld· Therefore, dfecttve Immediate· dPI Mar, when t. tJM Ode low, l'nlt.t, In Bollton. '1'1\e Golden ly, all ktter1 and poetal ea.rdil who'• the belt denu.t Ill town, Tut 18 from Paa.ID'Iol: "BJ-tiM .~ to American prlaoMre oo we have addJn&' maehlne 1'0111, Lord, 0 my 10\ll, and f•et not of war llbould be placed In an out- whBt'• the proeedure In l.tU.. a all hi1 beneftta: wbo fo~..U. aD er, UMHJed l'nvelope addr.-d tm• cPrtllieate, when cloel Reel thine tnlquJUea; wbo bea.letlil all "PolrtmUtn, Prtaoner of War Stamp A·8 expire, wbat da,J cloel u-y daN-: wtao Ndeemetla tlly JC-atL~ 'fte Inner envelope or card the city· council meet an4 wbere llfl' from cleetrueUOn." ahoUJd be addft.Med to OM lncll- la the do~ pound . . . I ln a t.e.lon_.rmon .,._.. vtclual prteoner aa uauat. 'The \at- ..r, II wu ataled tod&J by UM 1.-l ""-elM oWe. of the eompanJ. t'4 to nu both newly ere&tecl po--------------------------4 •ltlona and to replace men ealW ::_------------------------- Into the miUtary ae~ \UWieT r.eenlly reva.d •lec:Uve een1ce Ia WI, 1TtT Newport Blvd. Ph. 163tR i It wu pobiUd out"!r)" CIGI!Ils-ar.~~£1,....-,~ COSTA MESA ) Machine \\·ork IIO.&r Jmi'AIIU:NO Vlrg's Garage -o.e..1 ..._ II";W O.IOOIEmakes lett• Ice Cream .... s c.tectionery 2100 OCIAN fRONT Usually we can ,..,. .,110me IDrt from I KJnc-lt II related Ut&t ter m&J be dropped In U.. mall nr an anawer; eomet1me~ we qne the 80ft of the Widow of Zanp&U.1 box In the uwat way, Without lo find out and call back; otber "fell !dell; and lUll ldellMM wu .,, poet.ap. · lim('l we refer the quNUoDu to ~ Ut&t t.llere wu no breath a.tt l A~ collection the out.u enve- thl• proper authority . . . J•n him. And 11M eaid unto J:IISU,, lope wtD be removed by t.IM ,.t- One query J11 never forpt ... What bave I to clo wtt.ll tMe, 0 offtee aad the encloM&re ~ta­ ll camt' on one of the f-a.tptl Ulou man of God 1 art thou COIM ~-tr!Uiout po.tmarklnc-to N- that wl''\--e ever had to won ~t.e unto me to eall my 11tn to remem-York tor cen.oreh.lp. nn the Preaa. It wu p,... daJ -.ranee, and to alay my 1011' And If more eonvement. tJM \attar Hnd due to gremllnl or otMr a. he Aid unto h«r, Otve me ~ may be handed cllrectly to a ,_. l<'rlt!,.nce, everythlnc M4_ ,_. 1011. Aftd be tooll ll1m out ot ber tal clerk wbo W$11 ... ta.at It u wron.~ E.YIQ'ODI'I MI"¥JJI __ bolom. ~ curW ltJal up. 1ato ·~ wtt1110.t CUT'JtiiC _. about frauled an4 everyone wu a loft. wtMre .._ abode ... And of ..._ -.mnc.at ........ tired and weary &llcl t-. ... tbe '-'d t.evd tJM -.otee ot Bl· It wu very late, blcleecl • • . I Jab; and liM IOUJ of Ule ebllcl The telephone r&JIC. A n!Pl came Into ll1m -.aJn, and he re- watrhman at one of tile boat vlved." yart.la uk~ would we p1eue 8ft· Mary Baker l:ddy wrttee Ill "lid· t h• an arwument betWMil him enee and Health With Key to tJM on I the JanJtor. "What." ba quu.. 8cripturee:" ''It God heall not f<'<l, " II the n&ml' of tile Nip• Ule liCit, Uwy are not healed, for on~ oouae of Norway!" I no 1-r powu equall OM lnlt· From the predlcament we were nlte All-Power; but Oocl, Tr\lth. 8PIUXOIK~--­ Liaten. mea! The Ume Ia .._. Wh~n tJM wtt. Start. aettnc queer. 84-tolerant With nerytlaiq, She'll ro '*-tl offtd ala that reetnUy lfteft..cl ntH of pay, toptlMr WIUI hM tr&n.~part.atlon to and t~ wort& on t.IM Red lin•, ~tal care, rouP 1naunne. beMftta. et.e., at· ford attrwUve -plo,met 1ft thll vttaUJ ..... ual ~- DIPLOY'ED 'N&&DUII &'r LOa A.LAJII'I'Oa ftAftOJf etvU aentee ,~aiM. .a tta. Naval AWIIliary A.lr ICaUall, LG. A.lanll&oe, It ..... n •lid ..... , .., lA. ~-.................. lrtil o,onu.tu. ,_ -·· ,..., nlat tM eMrieal worbrw, ,.... era, e~nem&ft wtu-emaD INider experience, ma'ionl. drt....,.. ot tn.ct.ore and trvcu , tebonnl &ad trecle apprenucee. etorekeepere and nperi"n~ nre npt.era. Pboa• 73 1 on tn the retrnlnr ~ ot Nor· Ute, Love, cloee baal Ule !dell ---------------..-...-I "''8Y proved to be an ln.turmount.-thmup the prayer of the 11C'bt- For It II~- Thoae lnterftlted may OODtaet the Clvtltan Penonnel office at the U. 8. Naval AWIIUary Air etallon. l.a. Alamltoe, teMpbone Lonr Beach 32111, n tenailoll ... -nble gap ... but at Jeut we aD eoua." _____________ __._..... gnt to laUJ'htnK ovu Ute eplaocle I 11nd beforC" lone the~ &Del A RAPP'I' Lin FOR MEN and BOYS trn!Wnl'• h&d aort of .Upped awaJ I A happy Ute oonldiiU In a ml11c! and the flrat thl"-we Jmew Ute whleh 11 free, upript. undaunted. Jlapera werC" all folded aad tbe and .teaclfut beyond the tnnuenee hghla IW1tched ott . . . of fear or dellrl', which tbinkl • • • nothtnr rood except honor, and I Since ma.ld"-Ule acquaiDtance nolhlnr btld u eept ahame.-8en· of :1 blimp pilot I've been leam-eeL ' In~ ~nme lnteri'IU"-thl.np about l•hlliJl!t •.. Ullnp that t.be Jape NI:VE& OLD..rN IIIHD f'l Pll.l hly knew Jon~ aco ... For I For, .. I like a younr man ln lonst:ono•t•, the bl~ ru bep that whom thl't'lll II aomeUIInr of Ule rn•l~·· rlally over the H&rtlor area old, 110 I Ilk~ an old man In whom an· 2110 f~et In length, Tt teet I ttlt'rl' 11 aomt'Uitnr of the younr: hlj::h, rnntnln 400.000 euble teet and he who tollowa thla max!m, nf hr>lium Bnd crulae around 40 • In body will ~lbly be an old r11l ··~ nn hrlllr. but can do 80. '1'1\e I man. but he will never be an old ~~~ufll crew of eight men caD ooolc man In mlnd.-Ctcero. No ~ ot ID.Iad For you, lllJ friend, 8h1'1l turn Ute ...,._ Jl;nd Oftr end. Houae-c:IMntn,r ttm.- You beet help out, Ttlf' tumltu,.. Mm•t Jllmp about. But the fUCII. CleM tile lbelftl, Enjoy a npt A monr youl"'elwe. Llf e bfocomee A 1avare thine. But don't rtY& up Fnr It II -.mnc. No more JUU3J love ""'" •ln~"l' blrd-Y f'tl, It le eprtnl'. That hon1cl word. V r. B. In lloutll 0out CBAP.BL byllle lEA • +-·-------------------r Pral~ Stanley I ~-------------------~ LYLE POPE Official 0~ P~ A.- Tire Inspector • The Government now 1&)'1 you may recap your tlrl'l with!' out certificate tmm Ule Ration Board U• your ration eertltteate for pre-war Jr&de Urea. I Al80 Uee4 anct Grade m Ttrea. • i lrelll•l Clnla R•• •ala•• ....... •• lllaal'lllil · Iaiii a a ............ .,. IIIUCiated liD VICE ....... c..tnl ......... I BALBOA GIFT SHOP ,_ P,... II onlJ I I 00 a )?AT M••ilild 1tJ maU anywhere lll , Olup OMmt7. (fl.IO a ,_, ... ..... ,. Allbe Feny L-••••• Tn· Mr ancl lire. Newport ae.ch: f)to •u N "I a1l bore: Thmugh new. ehannela, we baw IMm"d nt Ole candidacy for JOUT r lty r nunMI of &ar1 W. 8tanley. Jn thf!< ,..,~. U•• wrft.-r W"1tlo1 llln• tn I'Ofttrrlltnlat" th" ,..,,~,.,.. "' N~ Rfolll'b for ttl,.tr "hll''" or hJdr t11 ..-tttn.r a ..,,." nt "'" llN'Of9!D1Jibm~b of Mr ~hnh•v tn ~ a eanc!lclate fnr "''"" " rhanlll-()f'nco-d t'1t,. rn•tnt'llm~tn R~. tJM 1oYalu " "" rnr lffil «llWWImUIItt)' II Jlmb-llhlv th" IIIIWWW, r h,.,.,. ••t In ..,.....,. .. of tJMo ""'""'"'" ~ ..... wttll llar1 ~tllnltv trw U.ree ,_,.., &ftd th""" ~tlmnet dafko 0011taeta haft! 4 10 Coeal Blvd. CORO NA DEL MAR ~.~.p-,. 11.2 DAY AND NIGHT 8. ~. S. RaJJo t1vl!11 . "'" an lntllft.te ......,_t ot _ .. ~ tlt11 rtl~tr,.,.t,.r. A• "* lmnw, Be-~ 1",.''"" ~ .. I"Ytee 111M a.. nte tte. ttnl"" nf ttl~ 01 1IMft In Ita c~eo. k~ntnr <'lurinl' U.. war. AI C!luatr- IM n r-t th,. Board. ..,. at&ftJey wu """l,.ularty ·~ ror Ra. d. Serv1· ce hi• natr1r>tlilm to 11M eoam,.,. u 10 RADIO AHD. FLASH_LIGHT Batteries w,.ll IJI tol,.,..... Uld '*'"'-to s-IRt,.... fO tJie AfwMd rea-e. ft wrmlcl bf' bani. ....... II ftnd 111nvnn,. In a tae.tal ~ 80 rompl,.~lv ..._ .. ••pctent. We bl'lteve a. -.-Jtt7 -cLOSID ON MONDAYS wnuld bot lm~ te ,._ Clt7 Council tt be ... ......._ '"'" lllbn\•f) ........ 8IJity ~ fl/n .,... .. ~~.,. of • ...., tMt ....,. H . ld L H m"n ~ti"''JM be ......... ... .... aro amm p1lffiiinfM m t1111r ....... . VC"ry tndJ ,-., A. 0. ,......,, Pablt.ller ._ OliMl .... bdio SoaDd TeolaaiciaD ~lS Wa.rtae, BALBOA ISLAHD ---- AND AT THE BALLROOM a ightS .,... 1111, 1111 1111 .... ....... 7111 ····- STEI! .• $2.50 ~-.......... TA MESA NUM.KfJ. rues. at¢s~ . ' . ol ~ns ~ unentol -and· YbC.e nut PblnatJcn DJJI CIIIP II ''~~-~· . .. -~ ... I lit -·· .. ., • I ( I I ..... .. '-'&~ .. ..... ...-. .. ..... ,o.,.,. ... I II' .. , ...... Gf tile . e· ..... ' .-. ~ f ... ..... ..... "&: y flcll •• ..... Her-... ~ ·--~-p.,. ~-- 'm• ~m- 1 ot 1111· In .. .. .. •• .. .. • ---~·--.....-- .:- ~ e Seen Aro As the P 8tDce Euler .. ... prWUde tO .~ -at t.be ....- cmtr. tM weekee4. pert 01 t.bt ~ wu bOat' to a • aboant lili yaellt .. pert .. on PM•• 1 WD" &ad 80011 wtD .............. ., ............ ,. NIIWiGt'Nttf.MA PUS& 110011 AND IIOAIID .&~ ....... -FlVII ACIUI:a -....... .... --------~-__.;;-;....__ ..... _..... w. 1IUL 1'1111 ....... .. ROOM u4 II()AJU) tor Cllllll 01' 1-caatiii» two-4uGI'. 1111· I &CN. a. c. ....... Ia X.. FOR SALE Fine Beach Home an-.._ 7• _. ,.., .... ._ two. 1MI Oranp AYe>., o.ta oea.t f tls:L tfll. 1101·2 part Bml., ~·.r-•tt ..a• ·-K.-. lp P.ft. .... -..., r OM BAY noM'I' , •.•.•• B........... BltAHD ' BUY A JoiOim on~. Jf.w, 81ll ........... tuM llatM; ~ Ia .-... ...._ .... to·~ L08T AND roUND .._. -.mu . MOD. two • Wroona a.o.., ..,.... fMI4. 0om'P"M7 ao -.,. blm, Robert A.Jl!D pledpd -.a-11 ;.... ..w lmoW tll&t you are elect· traUer. 0,... ......... towa 1'1111 p11oe 811110. a. c. Pubr, Prloe IDd~ two Iota, ,... to work for tM ~ ot a t,.. an honeat. unhtued n~prea-LOST -Coin 'PIU8e Oaeta&JiiDC wtU •D ._ '-"Cub. a. C. 1101 Newport ~. 0a1ta .float. 1arpr ~ ftMr eomJDUAitJ~ lA .. ntallve tor your about f16 and key. No ac.tUil· ~~~ Jltwport BIY4.1tt, X...-':X · · ' loU Newport llaliMIL Ha ....... a.,... VI'I'Y OOUNOILIIAllf oallon. Leave key on atepa at =....._==;:;-;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;===2:: rival ot UN old-f,.fcwed ........_ Wbo 18 not contro&Jed by any 320 Apolena avenue, or ma&l to -$1000 CA8H bu1a two -.... • .,.rtt aa a-. ...t OIIIJ ot orwant.ecl or poiJllcal pup; 001 Box m. Balboa Ialancl. ec ~EAL DrAft (r. a.le) ~ 1a:;:;t.lot ;~~ buUda.c a lalpr ud ':"::, apouond bJ any neu...,rpar. J'URNUHm --two bed-prtee PTM. lDcoa1e 180 maUL but &1110 aa a -y wtll know tll&t you have BOATS PO& 8AU ---. A OOOD BUY • $22,500 W. L. Jordan Tbunday, .. 11M . FOR SAIJD on the Bay ~'nat A ~ruus L\RLY A.KaiCAJI ... built ... tlau tMea ,..,. ... ftrM beclroolu. naa&cre ...,t.n ~ atn.. Prtoe ......_ .... aDd noat. A ........ ... madla&e ........... . $35,000 W. L. Jordan TOO a o.lnl. ...._ IPtcte ID the cas- ottle .... H,. ru••t ; Ud Mn. 1: G. Ot llll&nd, ,.._ Grao Ba!pb. ( ".O..ly") • KariLo Andleh. pea!& .. 1 1 ~~ ... ~ ~~:_.~t --~ )'OUt ~'1\ p~Uc aervant .I'OOIIl aa ._,_ -..cb. DMl Wrtt.a J ...,....,, IOif 8autb _,... .... --· .J FOR S.u.J:.-Slar Boat. .PiaoDa ocau. ~ ,.._ .-,o. lt. C. ~ VenDC~Dt A .... Pbaaa JIL.l.at1. -· BUY T1Q8 JNOOJIII PJtOPI:Ifnl Will WIJd Newport·Ballloa wbo Ma a kHD ln\4.-.at lA our l38i-R. Tp ~. a.ta ....._ 10 , ltae . :\ .. -~.a~e eti would Uke It Lo M," ~ clly ud ata t\lhue JTOWUl. TWO LaiW 11 MONTHLY RENTAL $115.00 ..., ~e You W11l know lhat your vote FOR &A.LoE 'ao Orar lilartftl I'OOd loee"-~':':' H-::\8. Coat& Mesa Bargains ., .. Ratall ..... 2 btC k»te OD corur. CION Ill Ooed ,..._ PatiiU.. OU\ Uaat lila .. Dot aa-aa appr-Hta\ecl by an Independent Motor and atnaie moorlJIC. 'U • D. C. Meow..... · Jlul at We DOW 111111.,. ....... .....wul ot t.ba fa.c:t Ulat ~ cao4adau who hu made no prom· Eart Bay AYe. 1p Newport ....._ Olllltaotftoe, 1101 0000 llt1l"8 Df ROIIIma daDU&l cliArtet .. · POOO..,.'hna& ptal'',. to lettle, .A.u.a Jll , •• -t.o any penon or any JTOUp. co~D....... BOAT 10-toot M.-. Would like to lla" ,._ u.u.p. R C PARKER •-...._ :.._ ....,_ •-_.,_ __.._ Tban.k you for your aupport on ___.... IN N&W--· -· ......... _ r • B"-• •. ' ---·-----Mont.a.,.v. o.ra.r at 1t10 Mew· ~•• -· 2·--. ·-.,_ ·-·· -·m • ..:.._ April 11. 1H4.-Pol Adv. , boule· -•-__._tel 17----.... ,___ ,.._ ~-~a .-.. port Blvd., Pbofte UlO.B. 1t.t • -.__..... 1 .., ""·-...-• -·-. .._-..... ..._ 1 aa.o .. a &a ......._ ni.lbecl. rua ,..... PTIO. a. c. Ra&l a.tat. • .,. x..ru.. 1101 Newport Blvd. Ia a cenatD teerffs. fl6 IX IIIIOOIE 18.L.A.II{D BOAT 1 TlL I BLUI, AlftiiW c-.. Pullar, ~ -pwt aa-.d., . enca," lila ..a4. "''taa h1'lll ...,. LL ~rt Gardner; former city aallboat. N-palAt, lelia, ,.._ 0o11ta w... -·~f\V~·~ -~~~~· :"'~,., .-: • ~~ •. ·~~~~ eeoaap~U~Mc~ ~· ~I' 7 ~ of Newport Beach, Ia now ctnc. 1321 Wc -........ Maw· liODIIIUf L • ....._. ...___ ' lot. ~~) /. ~-" . . ~..,~ ·:.-' ~ ~! .,. . , ~ ~ ~~·-~ ~ . ,...,. INtlt a bMW dty. _... at&tJoned an Rhode 1al&nd where port Beach. 1p WeU .__~ -and ,....., ...... ev . ~-. . ~C·~. · • •• •• , ••. •. •. ~ • pertq ....,..... ...;.. ~-be 11 t.o take advanced tratnl.nc -.... Terma. eel..,.... to c1o ......_ UllaP tiDr tor three mont.ha and wUI then SPORT naHiliUIAM, 6-ROOM IIOUQ ~ lot, $2600, FaJa --~· be ~ to an aircraft aqua4· 193t +ckermaa Mldt, reb 1'1117 .. la.-r. a ..... lTto New· _____ '..l]_!"'"'"ll!fti!HJII-IMLit...ft...llll OCHP-raa.. Acoor41nc to word received planka, copper rt"tt.L all ac-port Bl,., Oolla II~ ---.0....-n--wf-erate Lo WIJd M....,.t-llallloa by local trienda he llM appUed ceeaortea. M b.p. ClaN CNtt. BUT A BOIDI Olf .aD.u>WAY. Past R(-tnto tiM ftJMIIIt dty ID t.M eoantr7, for duty ln the South Padfl~. All Juat onrhauled. ... ,_,. 2 Mdr 1 ...... -.rl7 DtW • wtt?l .,-.w Opportualtila tOr aD broker or 203 MariDt A"·· llal· coraer lot. ,._. Jltcl ..000. ROBERT . It Ull, ... wtU lldl \Mea Jlll*7 IIOVE ro M&W BOll& boa lal&ncl.• Itt ,..._,a. c. ........ 11M New· '""_. M wa P .a..." Mr. and M.rl. C. J'. Dennlaon, part Bll'4.. 0o11a x-.. •nt ,9 .,.. Solicits y 0 -Pal .... w?ao bave been llvlq at 20t • P'OR lALII f R E atnet, are th.1a week movt,.. to 4·CYLINDJ:R STAR 23 H. P. VACAJrr or e-I ~A'I'IOJf '1'11101·-their D-ly purchued tlome, the MARINI: EMOIN& Well .................. nice 800, COUNCD Aupllt B. C1art1. cl\7 .a.eb1-former Baldwin reatdence, at t28 PARAGON ~ wit?l lUll buGdillw OD cement · dan, baa ~ IUa raefp'•~ W . Central avenue. Since buylq JUST OV&IUIAUI..I:D fOWidatklll. ... Ill'. liUider at D. KING'S SPORTWEAR -'*7 c.. Ia u.at ~tJ alf..:U" Aprl7 pl&c:e they have had It c:om-·~ C. ~. om.., .1101 :UW· n....... H . lAkl Won t.M city ODUIICd1 plet.ly painted and redecorated. Johnny Ca1laJwl. ••o Clu'*"-, port BlvcL, a.ta x-. --· :: ·== ~ ":~ ~~ _..... to • ·;, "'"..,."" • • ..,."'"...,_,..,_ Newport OWNIII\ OCCliPJJaD. ~ --a-.=.;:. ~ • Wide, .; CLASSI FlED bou8e on Ooe&D J'ftlllt tn N.w· lndlvtdual, or '" WAI.L&'I' i.o.r FOR 8A.LE port Baacb. 17maU apartment vtc1uaJa. H.,... Piper, Ml lti piMa, FURNITURE FOR BAL&-bq. In n~ar. Quap. R C Parker, Aa bJ8 .reeont I Oollta II-, report.ed to lfnrport JD11 WAN'fp at !WI WNt VIctoria, e-ta 1808 Newport BlvcL, eo.ta JINa -polSce ~willie .. tlda -..... ____ ___;:....._ ___ _ ·--lw bM I urda• .. loll a ........ wM-WAHTIIID -r..-.., to work In Mea. "'YD MAN'',-I "'""" I« CGII~ ~ ... ~ Plllop. Ul Palm 8t., ..;HICKEN FRYERS-RMdy for :. -~!..S pen aDd -01' .. Ia -·~· 8aDioL . De tht pan. lMI Ne~ BlvcL, ~ 111i1t. WANTED-Woman to clean OD eo.ta Mea. . ttl t - v..._ Thundaya. Phone. Mra. Hub-LADlES 8H01:8, I. M!Uu and Y VIC bard. eu. tu A mold brandll, T ~ and I A.A. a...Ul& pQ~ , •• o a • , .. _. a:u lilllllaM. ....... .. l :tl 01 ............ ,. ..................... ...... -............. .. nseUI ............. lJe MJM t ..... De ftM • ~-.... - DaM •a' ••• -~ OODt.a ---Tbe~Beart CSitlaU-~ ..... -. ........... ........ at.unrte7l mdwvcl 0 . ._._ ~..,.. ---FIMb aacl Faa•r .................... ...... a.... .... a... ftiiMIII' ....... WANTED ' • Auto mec:banlca. Top wacu, beat ot worktnc conillUnna, an -nuaJ ·w.,. lndu.atry. E mploy- ment either hen~ or at HunUnl'- toa u.dl lltorl. 'nlEODOU ROBJNS •J'ord Bal• It le.rvfce HhCl It Central N~rt Beach Pbone 21 nov·s PRJt·WAR brown wool ault. 2 pr panu, sur.e 12. sa. Pb. l24~·W. 142 Vlr(tnla ~. CO.ta Meaa. lc ........... Aid u-u i. WANTED .,_.,.. Trac7 • rr.a Daaae ------• - Y AM8 and SWJCI:T POTATO plant.a. Puerto lUcan. Yellow Jeraey, Yellow Naneemond., and While. 18150 Newport Blvd., Coat& M... or 221 1801 lt., Nf'wport Beach. Itt A. Gay Named Joe WANTJCD-Otlld'a trtcyd(! for 6- year-old. Phone 791-W. lp o..aa..a ...... -.....; n :'I Ill .......... .,.._w_, 0Na7 .._r LWaa 1st; ,._ _.. ............... ,.....,~ fte ·~$-. -WANTED-8 or 10 hp outboard • ''-'rt-·1.1 .. \SF.C•t'A motor. Call at Preae office, 2211 • \\1-fo HAS A HOMII for a utue ~t Blvd. lp German Sbephe:rd puppJT A WANTED TO BUY -8et or rood ~nd playmat.a for a UtUe table atlver--Box M, Newport-child. Phone 2068-W. 1c Balboa PrHa. lp BICYCLES -8o14. Nnted 01' ,.. WANTilD--Tablt radio or rmall !'Aired, Vo&el'a, 30t JlaiD 8t.. radio-phonograph. Phone N.w-Ba lboa. and 20t MartM A"~ port 2360-M. Dtf Cu:ooa x.: .. nJ. 2tl '(Ca Balboa ....an. ...... WANTilD -CUb paid tor amall UMd radloa. S.O.S. Radio and l!lectrle Shop, 215 Marine Ave., Balboa tal and. &2tt L AWN M"lWERS BHAPmOID and krpl sharp one year, .1. Jarnu M. Ga!lqber. 20011 Har- bor Blvd., eo.ta Mea. lJp Evenln,. at T:OO It 1 :11 _..I.Ml~ ....... taeWN Pf'CIITUD lltarta at I :10 .Mial:tl .,.... ,......... -...,.._ ................. .. OtfMPpel ............... lle n.., . ...,.._ .... llrrol WlJDD In Northern Punult W-AN-T E-D!! LIIIUnp of Newport Beach and O.ta .Mea properUN. We baw lnqulrle8 for property In th.1a MCtlon. R~ C. PARKER 1ioe Newport Blvd., Coleta M .. 2A.1111TtNG a a-4 pepedM..,DI Fri!e Ntlmatee. lrwunaoe ear- ned. A.. J . Burton. U. Newport Blvd .. Coal& Me•. Phone 1..-w Money to Loan A RLU. BAMA.Df. Almort an acn~ (132d00 ,_t). Lay. per· fec:Uy leqi, Nloe andy roll. $~ clotm. B C Parker, 1808 Newport BIY11., Coata If-. Itt 'nfll&ll APTa. locat.d In one at t.be ~ dl8tnct. aJ.onc t.be <>c.n J'ftlllt Ia llalllo&. IJicome 1121 ,... -tiL ..... 11100. R.· C. Putter, 1101 Mewpart BlYcl., ec.ta X... 2tt LAND J'OR 8.u.&--J~ .....-... cated near Uae comer ot ttua and Whittier In Ooeta ....._ Full price IMO. Tenna. a. c. Parker, 1808 Newport ....._ vard, eo.ta M-. Itt LAJtGI: CORNJ:R LOT • .... boullrVarcl. ll'1l1IDc •taU.. .. pumJlll. 7 ·room boUIIe. DolaMe carace: Full prtoa MIOO. ~ R. C. Parker, 11M N...,.t Blvd., eo.ta JINL lie OWNER OOCUPII:D 3-beclnlom hou.ae on nice come.r on Orull'a avenue. Nice and clean. a-n,.. S..utltul lawn. Pou••• at cloae of eacrow. Full pdot $3600. R. C. Parker, 1101 New· port Blvd., Colta Mea Itt THE SPOT YOU HA VII beaD loo~lng Cor ! 3 acres ot J,enl cround on 1501 atreet near..._. school. Some lmpf09'elllat.a Can bto made Into lovely M&ate. Full price $3000. R. C. Par'Ur, 1801 Newport Blvd., coata IINa ttl . OWNER OCCUPmD Nfct! •-room hou~t and ..,.... on half acre, tumlahed, IDducJ.. In« rleelrtc atove, ~frl«er&tOI' ud oil heater. Garden and fun.UJ fruit. 8~ Mr. MUlder at D. C. MacKtnzlt otflce, 1808 .Newport Blvd., Cotta Mea. If you hne IMPROVID UAL ESTATE and need money, ••• w:.-.::-.. ~• WANTED & .. -~.PARKER VACANTNOW! LAGUNA BEACH SLIPS $2.98 - Fine Quality Ra)'on S.tin Lace Trimmed Slipa and Ra)'on Chalk Crepe T ailorecl SU.-. Full Cut. · Tea Rote Only. - ,....._ ......, 8 ,. _ M... • 1110e Newport BlYd., o.ta M ... Two ~m, ...... ~~~IDraipoclrtir.f,...----......:....-------t---t: ~---~---~~~--~~------------~------~t=~-~ ~' el~ WM41-aua~-------------------~rn~~n~ vnl .... --. • '~'tara. Will pay top price. WE sriDClALID IN lmately one ac~. Elec:trlo ...,...._ ~ ... -~K£ JCaU~~ya ~ THEODORE ROBINs Blacksmithing uator. hardwood noon. ...a ar. 0.. K.IIJ • llar7 .Aator J'o~ Sal• It Servtee place, chicken eqUipment. ..,.... Jalul aoa. .... IIIAil7 ~ 1n 22nc1 • o.ntra1 Newport Beach Electric and ruu. Aa Tbo1111a11da Cheer. Pbona 11 Acetylene Welding · Price S4500' -OlltMa..... WANTED TO RENT "' J . V. BAXTICR l'l'mu) ••• a r-- Parla After Dark ... .... _ .......... 1. Ba&tle of Bu81a 1811 JI'\&Uarton, ea.w· M.. R. C. PARKIIR aJO 1\mWA.R.D for l.ntormatton ===========;;::;:;··· 1801 Newport 111\od, oo.ta 11M& leacllq to IPUeeeNtul rental of tumiaheel bome by army chap· Rt:AL ~ATf; (For 8Ue) ~-w~ ~~Y ta. Ph~; ~no-..an-rw lele WANT to RI:NT-T"rom. rt~aldent BUSINESS CORND ln Newpol't Beach. TWo h~ both fW.. Income Property For Sale would leue nice bome bttween niQecl. Front houM rented, liD· ____ __.... Balboa and Lone Beach. Want-..._ Excellent loeaUon on ~ ID &lboa ntar NtwpOrt ......., Yacht Clu Spring Skirt News . $4.98 Colorhript Spriq -elrirtt to wear with all ON DUTY •ra to ''so WORK AND PLAY IN SLACKS! Slick elacla -top. for work and plaJ! Oun . are well tailored for fipre.flattay. eel to buy: Wuhlng machine. medlat.·~lon ot N&r -· (=.:-~;...,..~~r.a;:IIIIIIII.==•;::;;~~Pbort;;e~t;,JelhJ~~·~;~;;~~ Full prioe 16500. Tanna. lt. c. Parlttr, 1801 Newport BFY11., C a II• ~ AtQ 0 1 11 MIDDL& _,. couple want unall Coata Meaa. loU ll'our untta ea two leU Denima, Coyerta, ..,_. tneome your blouaee -t\D'D -................ .... -• W.... '1'-~ ..... , ~. tumlahf'd; permanent. ft t o.1e1 D a a ~ atutl,.. about May 1. Addreae -....... ... -.. .... ., Jolul &. Coleman. 121 J:aat Va- ,., ---_, ...... 8la1laaJL ltp ._.~ ........ A-~--------- $132.00 month Strvtt. BARBER a BmAUTT IHOP tor REASONABLY PRICIID AT jacket. into euital Taa SWEATERS aale. One ot the beat paJblc $97()() propoetuona tn Newport aanor · Cre•, lrideeceat DbJe. $411 to $515 area. 2 dWra tn b&ne.r lbop. t Down Pa)rnMat $3000. JIRiaaee 1 ~ dryen ln beauty .a.op. M.t-DI· S711 ntonlh. \VW taka Ia 11108 ,..a. --..r' ' COSTA MESA GMMQUR R-AYONS MOJUD HOSIERY Lee ,lamour! s~, · eheer rayon hoae you will pri~e fpr dreu-up I Anld•hu11in1, fine- eeamecl. From a auper collection. WE SPECIALIZE ON HOSIERY BLOUSES SLACK SUITS BEACH TOGS ~ liil llii[il11iiA HOJO: WANTED -Would like r p • •• • • to place In private home an .. F W• 1oec1e .-1 ...... at f'lderlv, •mt-lnvalld lady r.qulr-ea. ft1ee1re. In&' UtU. c:&re. Harbor &rM pre- twncl. ..... 1-.w. Itt comelut,..,-oYeertiBOO.J'alr-dance ln Ooata Jl-an&. r-1..~~·~ ,.'!t• •.~-..:.:._~~,•·' ·~.)~~~'w;•· ·~·;:"··~-;~~;~ ly priced at.PTOO. R. c. Parks R c PARKER ............ r 1"~-....~.~...;:-~ ... ~~~)_;.....::7:::;:: ·~f'"~·· ~~ -/--;;--./ a , ... ~er, 1801 N""PPrt BITd., eo.la1 • • ~~~~'\~.;-~ • ~~~~.:Jf=i~~ ... ·• / J ·~·~· ~~ ... 'X... •tt jlltOI Nt!WpOrt .._, Ollila ll.a P'•~ • • ~-~ -... __ • a r, ~ tl n g d h 0 ¥ p 0 • D J. b: ., rr a Dl p Ld ti tt Ill tJ: tt Ill w 01 d. w m .c • tJI fa it w bl tu tr WI Wl da H• ~ w fri Dll H~ th die tho hiJ a thJ is n1r Uw aD ter he bou . .. wi1 YOI ~ ul pri wh ~ bol roe as on Wt ~ ers cid· I the grc WOO wis a r bin ten bin Mr live finE ton wir nea le8J! u ::: and Til SAND CRAB . , J ·SAM ..,_ CAIIPAION. Who I Kid the race for eotlncil would not get lively! As the contest closes for the elec- tion next Tuesday, a review ot the ten m en running· for omce would not be amiss. 'n\ey all are good qtl~ . Imbued with the desire to be helptul to the city of their Choice. Perhaps the most colorful of the bunch is Capt. j'ueller. an aggressive ch ap. ~who used to live on a boat but who moved to East Newport and who is not averse to "tell off" anybody from the presiqent down. You m ay not agree with a U the things he says, but you must admit he has SOnl(> good points and pointers. ~ -· ~ ... ,},• . for 36 yean the bept advertising medium in the •!POrt harbor diatriet -tt -tt 'If die: newapaper that ~ home Buy JrcfuCis to End War Quieker . -• BALBOA . h\ES ... IEEP POSTED! 1 Year • • • • $2;50 ..... ~ ......... N.-.r.,._ Mew,..a ..... ~ t:; .... ~ .. ~ ............ EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA, WEST NEWPORT. SEA SHORE Lu•~ , LIDO ISLE. NEWPORT HEIGHTS. BALBOA ISLANQ, CORQICA DEL MAR, COSTA MES~ . VOLUME XXXVI-'UW~ .. T .EACH. CALif'O .. NIA, TNUMti~Y. Alil'"lL I, 1144 -~.1 Easter SerVices Sunday / ~=~~~T~~· '*Boys in Service ~~eRJ'C~:S ; Counci_l Election Tues. In All Churches Will ~~~~.~=.. S:.~~~:~~n.~r~~:With Ten Cdndldates, . A .. ttest Chri.Stl·an· Spl.rl·t :~:;:;. :~k:Atvoa\b:-::,ln a: ~~~~·=~::~~ ~:.:~~:1 ~i 'Full. of. Cambl·nati•O .. n.''s' •' nn 'l'ltl'lllllly· <"w•nlnl of h'a tray... l'allM•I•• T'A vf'm lt>C"atlnn ,lurtna 11nd a.tvtnltu r• •r und tha worW, tht rnl'nth •tf Mercll. the tnlrtl u( ' Ch. • Ch h 8 · h S C h J' G d. l¥fnr,: ''"'' rln~t the Navy la tNt. !13.1110 IIAD<Iell,. foa.d d11rlna the ------fiSt urc y t e ea, at 0 IC roup an It \\'11 ~ RIWil\'11 jtllll .. oae mor. trip. :II olav•. a ..... onttnc tn , .... lliUr llon eampaip IJ~m~ a ~t Heated In Clolln• • • • G · L' t'halnna.n 8uaaA ltuthH1'oro, •• a H Other Con~egations in District ave 18t a '!'1 lhl'll I'll M'llle doWf\." aad w. ro•t t•rtl uf Whkh to bnaat for N•w· oun With Clulnps and R .. -11-ment ol • urJ:•' lrol lotm lnln many far ~ ...... of Fine Pr,_..ams·for Pubhc nrr .. u' "·'' ~lt·boo po r1 llarh .. r R~d C'n•• Tll~ total Variou.a Groun. ·~ th• »---....... '1tl lh•· pl"t'YI~I'I month WhM aU ..... ._ ~~ I I l'l'l•'rl' I" " lllWVf'r .,. pro-)""nflci'IM.utf Wt'N' runnln« nil ll full · • rrulon. an n -nrwapaper publh1' rr erht>du1~. wu 34.000 It'" ~n 1\n lntr-re.tihj SJolJUcal <'ftm&•lxn foiQ. aDd M Christendom wUI celebrat e next Sunday. tht' m ost f'tln rlo us nnot 1'111 h• hh'" In r hntolfrarhy HI• T'hh• 'nlal w .. ••'f'ompllltwlt with th«" ('()Un<ilmAnlt~ t>h.'t11on tfmwu to 11 rlflt~~·-you Ybto neat festival in the realm of religion. the a nniversury of the t•esur-talk \\' .. rrr.k l<' with humor. par-Ult• h~lll or 123 per•~NI. 2• ()I I ~Y--ftn ft. ~ln ... numt»r ol dl'l'""' ~--w--H-lfr ularl\' In ronnt<'l lon w th hie ID-1 .. h .. ... "' "-"'--~ rection of Jesus. Easter will be featured by SCr.4it'es in all . "UI u.-w wor .... n . w 0 wur-.... hllW COf11(" about, Jt.avinu ........ t ...1 IUl In " • ·-·· -.... •'uctl n an•t lntiO<'Irlnallun Into liM for a loCal o1 111& bo re. " ,,.._ VI "'"-'t" .._ ., churches in the Harbor area, as a culmination of servil'f'S lnk-naval ..-rvlcu . Onr lhou~tht wu u pu7..Zitd u t o who ta who fU¥1 lng place through Holy Week. The hope that sprtngs aMw nt AIUIO\IIh wwtn1 bad '-..... whir .. wa..a-a.. · · htltof·y ttw orr~.,·~ ... lllreeaed. tbe tlope t hat when the I pebdad tw • eort Ulne .... to I&Clk :n JUU1, Eastertide wiU, this year. tx-fervt'nt in the pra.verthat the w~r w .. over be t>ou ld qaln •fltla 1 ut ,.,... .... UN Bal-.o. unit wm LAt .. t t k ket. ..,.. •• , twe ....., !;..-::'".r "-tW ~[!Q world con01ct will ~ brought to a speedy and victorious dowlila a _.,, town 'wltb tlla bOW ....... tlw .... --" ..,OIIpa, ,.. MMJalled ..... Int... ...... . , flnidl · I frteoda &Dd nitpbora. ~ • •-aY· UO.. alate. wblcla .. ,._, wu tAt Uld ,.._.,... .. a..&.' Chrl~t Churtft by the "Sea at ('-Ml Mar -C ll~ Blakely ... -tllhlNA yura ., 1q ,....n.a _.,......t ._. J&da· vul• It lltratctt. ...., pllleee o: a. ~ the _,..._,.. N~rt O.ach wtll have a ft!iU· The 01nunum ty O.urt>h of (.\J· chairman. propaa .... . P'orll')'lbe, AvleUon Ita. ~ poe--. . ...S pne\lmo-Reed. W. A.. Ktrta .,_. llut -· Both -uNit U\e --~ Jar fuJI ~ervia! at 9 ·30 a m I rona del Mnr will offer o V•·~(l('r C • Mu •nd an al'rlal cun..l nl• Ja.lla&a. l•y In a lrto, with OounclhD•·A.I-U..y _,. ron,..C .. ~'er, featuring th~ fa~ou~ tervlcf' at thf' Mf'f'lma Oou"' ttl ~ W ':,."•"~· weare • thnter· -len on the nutalde lookh\tl Ia. • .., ..... .,.. .ore ... . . "' ' PerhapS the nominee most diacussed is Bob Allen. wh o has been a thorn in the side of the administration for a .YNJ' or so. He's an ~ ~t and in most of the ccmblnationa and wlU give a goOd account of himself next Tuesday. 1llen there is Jack Sadlelr, for years branch manager of the bank at Balboa. a weU liked young man, who is making a suc- cess in his reel estate busi- nea. Jack is also an inde- pendent and says he is not identified with any combina- !edit'S' Double Trio alnlin& "1, 4 p. m. with Rev. M C. Crvlll•l' In A II ..., wll • ... vn•l thnu-.nd c 0 _.on(l one le O.pl. Cbart..y he&-p1oed by la1b wtUI ·-., ... !Walked Today Where J esus charre and Mrs. Steuch conduct· en says ~'to"",....,., Jomeel ar oor ler, J..-1& 8adller and Bob Aile. otbfor nnctkhlt•. ., . •., I Walked" by Geoffrey o·Aara. The ling the music. I ... llrvll'e '" tht' Aleutlena I R•pe~. -the ,.,.. ........ ,..,.... I -.----.. I choir will offer the anthem e-ta •-I -~ 3 lrlpa acru. I be al&tN aama wben Mr 8taaJey ..w I "Awalc~ Thou That Sl.f't'pe~~t" by I The Communtty Chun:h will of· K k• -I h dl I • d hfl bad DO lulowladp tMt ... WOIIIcl In tact the e ............. but-cannot object If they do lnclude him in their lineups. Really nothing de- trimental to such a plan, for · tt takes three to fill tht> seats and it's a lead-pipe cinch when41 you get in office one's ideas of how to run a dty change over n i g h t whether one lik<.:S it or not. . . .. Fred c. Maker. Reverend E. o. ter lpl!dal cholr music under thr I -or Mra. c . w BeldiiiJ ot be tMiudad Ia tllle IUrtl, RMII t•>m• an torrid Ia Ule IUl taw_. ~. U hu chOIIt'n for his IK'nnon .dirt'Ctlon. or Mrs. Mary &-nnm at noc 1ng tl.l er, Relboa. JamM ta an e ea a roup &Dd Mr 8adiiH ........ thai NmM'II of.._... ... I d for the first service "Risen With the 11 o clock f('rvlces Rev C'nrl ..., ~ at Llnrmol ... CaU-I that he wu not etnllat.d wtth ~ eftd nnr t&lltwuffa ~ I ..... l etuiAJ.." At tM cl~ ot this eerv· 'B. Johnlon'a mHS&If. ·~ Dawll" b ld ~, .. be ill INlN•Una c I ulher cneblnatlon bul that be wM about. 'Tie ...... ., ... Ulet .. Ice. the be&Jnners and primvy I wUJ. be fOII~M•I'd hy tllf' li8ptl!lm nf t • • • Reiil ... -. In Mnal 1\&nnl'ry t •t n~nntnJ ,,. an b..p.odaftt plat. ~ niJht. .,., ~ nt fll children of the Sunday school un· babies .. In lh<' t'Vt>nlnc at 7:30. no Ul lng ........ r.( .. tly bMn ,..,~ 0 u prl I form ... ot our-"* tl'*( ....... <Wr thf> dirt'Ction of Mrs. D W. lhl'rt' wtll be 8 Vl'•pr•r s.>rviN' fo•n·l ,.._ .. NaY&l llioapltal In Ala· 1__, aaa41ckt• ... ..._ _, .... Holtby. 'l'i ll romr in 10 sing an '"turin& choir and m~trumrnl:o~ __ 1--...,. M hu t..n for two __ I Ynu know. In th• bt'lrlnntnc. &11 •rtu p~ I• a IMII,.. .,.._ -• lmtJ!IK' ".' thfo dO!W' of the ""'"' ---n..: , r • ~ ...... t 1 the ~ .... htild up UMtr bADcllt B1 pow ~ r.<~stcr 110ng ,_· · ,e followln~r atatrmmt wul --reen.t-rlna rutn an atlark ,_n you.._ who-rel•bra • Ia Mn'IW 0.. .. .,. ,...... I · ~ n'Ciodl 8f>n1cee ...,.,, nt'W nwmbfonJ * the chUI'l'h ot ¢tJ rtk fn,.r. In« th~ 811vent o1 ..,...,., Ya('alloe ..,., !"' f"'Mft, Wurde -UcltUJ ....._. ...-.. Th<' 11 o'clock Sl'fViet> will ff'a· Will prt•S('fll lhf'ml'f'lllf'§ Rf•v m~de . tf'dey b,-CounMiman Robert> • J._ b. I 1 t..'ynnd Ole ltllltt. ttl ctt.Krt'tloa .,.. -...., ~('lftl lhr.. randldat" •r llllll )'• n, Ia t.Mt ..,.._ . ..,. . I Johnson "'ill !Wo conduct ~ bap-1 Alrn ••• •• n " "'11101\ a no ror Uw Job M-. &o.ll. ~. ti'H-•lltkalty *"_. -.., . turt> IM Doubl~ .Trio aboo and .!ht> liMn ol adult" I "ln lllklnc thr ~ople to re~ed I al~ U..., "• el •• ln••l• ll'f'(••re """' In J•~ Hall a-llllll' "-' aad ....,OOd &Ad tiM tllrther t ... '-'~rtt• ... -~ i Citho~_in an,•ddiDallona.! anb~· 1451 ,..,. Full ~pd thurt·h Ill 2'l nd me. I pl,.djtl' my ... lf lo wrrk for t • f..Oy muv.-.1 t L•lll AO£f'lea rl#al l~-• ft>lollly c.Jt.arp erUI~ rattMr e\U11rlal"-tiWII' lbat U.., .. ,lalw(t an:~ ~~ ~ I ..,-gan o wn y ... nar "~ . _. t l> h l'fll ' I d t\D .....,. .. continued hie l'durellan uul ot a IUt &ad ""' a«kkeftt In ... •-•• •---.. -Vinr,.nt wlth an irtcldental ~· And 1-.l.,.•n slrl'f'IJC '1'111 hold ll Htn"l ' 'I n~ o a ar~,.r ttn er "'-. hi h U.., -.adwk'lled OUII tu. .. a p._.onn, •If*.!. -IH &lid _.di One lA)' rwtart ,......, De prano ~lo by the choir <tin•c;or J rl&~' »4'1'\11"'' ltl ·fi.JU t:..~•••l mom· rnm..-unll~· lr Nf'wpnrt Balbo&. 1M ~n t·ly ·t7. Ill' Lfll 111•·•1 ln ~lc·~ant Oar1aact bi!CWNft ~~:.: de"\lft'ed b)' &II Ulrw, ftk'h tb .. y ulhf't lind ttt. ~.., .. ...... 8aDd Crab Sttab. Permit me to digress a moment. One 1-Mlvler:tiaeu:aent~v.~ the Sand . Crab Stinks. I can well qree willa blm. '1'he writer felt tbat wu the cue lana be- fore a guy wanted to print it for me, and I sure would llke to improve my stance, but, gosh, at my age it's hard to teach a n old dog new tricks. Imagine what !he writer waxed wroth over was the reference in Tues- day's paper to C. Harold Hopkins' endorsement of Reed. Kirk and Stanley. W ell. H arold h as been a good friend o f mine for lo. th('!;C many years. You know Harold at o ne time ran for the council and. of course didn't make It ,and I believe, the News -Tlmt>S opposed him, but we're still friends. I Rutter. ReverPnd ~U wtll U.•••'l Cronic. Undt'r llw> dl~tlon of "" bnollt. .., llrolrlt aa a m~•n•. not I K1ah& _, ~ervl>d at I carl tlal "vr. I r :. polk: pa~ to I ""· ,..,_ tlw!N a.,. tl ,.... IIC'Itf'ta th•--lltna to •"-.... ...,. and director of music. Mrs. A. J . 'lnl. et>ndUMI.'d b) Rf'\' M. (" j I ur~tl' " ,...,.,\'1,1 nf ,the old·rubton-. ._.., &Dd baa ";,n ao t lun In Tn ra luur aDd a Porcl C!OU -~ t.My w~N&d upbold. tul and hwplrt... •til ... flit !for hb ~nnon subject, .. Ea .. t!!r Mn . Cronk who I~ Alpt•rint,.nct<·nl only ff'r building a lar~fttr and licit· --;----• thr~ennw ec:_.:;:.:':.,..,..' lo UM lkkl, ... th• bore ot work· peoepui.~UJ~tW ___ ...,. • rammt ol Baptl~~m of Infanta wUI or the' chun:h wtll pretlt'nt a pa..y '"''""''"I P"'k" !"r·hl'!l'1e In dYie Jlt ~ ~ ~;"""' ~~ ': .. ds rroup ta Uletr •UrwtJ. Of •*teet 'wu tAt OONI'J ..... IC C'Oiiflmw"":' J\n~SIIc-~SuftM,y ~ UM c:h.IJdr.n l .. r 09-n,Jm• •I•~ • m•a.na of ~e~==D8 I --..1 1 . 'ian._~ -u. people wm·...u ~~~~~ oel riiaan 1M ~ .. '- Now Harold just sent out a four-page Jetter about hls three nominees, and while he ia chairman of the city plan- ning commission, he did send the letter over his own name, and the letter wu weU wrlt· ten and tul1 of thought, and he has ·81 much rlght to booSt for the three he feels will help the dty most. So · you see Mr. Poet o f the SUnk .\d. I wu just trying to be nice to Mi. Hoplc1hs, even aide from the fact that we printed the four-page letter, which was a neat job of printing at that and says ~r that .. Newport Har- bor stands today a t the cross roads." 1 befteve that is tt~e 81 a peri.asal of the editorial on this page will show. Whe the r the Hopkins thrre can quality. O'l"thc ~en ottr- ers. is for the voters t o de-- cide. + • + Labor -f1"h.-rmrn. Th<:'n there is the labor-fis hennen group. Mes.c;r~. Rowen. S:;her- wood a nrl Knowlto n. A ll th<' wise politicians said it was a mistake for them to com- bine like thllt or.have ·a wrlt- tt-n pfAtform. but as for <'Om- blnatior.s. lh<:'re are others. Mr. Bowen is retired a nd lives at Corona del Mnr. A fine gentleman. Mr. Knowl- ton is our nei~hbor and a \\11'8!1. wise individual. dam near as busy as ye ed.. at least he flilc; nround a s much 81 he ~. Sherwood is a quiet, intelligent gentleman. who came here a year ago aftd II e ~t ctrurch •oaker. One disgruntled fis h- tnnan hu been circulating reports that th.-abo\'e three are not spon90red by the ftlhennen. which is a lot of hooey.' Lut, but not 1eut ll A1 .-nth. who hu been take pla.ee . al .u.. ~ at t :• Ia the I Uta. l't'-Uil·tv ~ rc.s .. ....--...,. UIM .. tale .. ,_ .._ I Meed -.~.., • I Ml'm~ of lM double trio·~~ nw r.JIU]ar Sunda)l .,, bello'"• 1'·1•1-oMtf'f' l!plrtt Will '-41 ~ .... .,.,...., ...... a.rtee ou-~ ,.._ _ ... #" , .. ,.... ..... -... -' 'Miu Agnes Craig and Mrs. l.A'O ISdlool will~ held •t 9:30 Eaat•rl build N-pnrt Blllboa Into the cltJ I -Jaecl ... ,. ldN ... 4lf ...... = -~~~-=-=..: ~=-~ .. ; == r MeGaVt'l n, first IIOJII'anos; Mrs. A-morning fnllowl'd hy t:hurch ~~erv· ...... "'ould like It to be. o.p.t, Oxmty ('I cork P:lmrr wllllfWbl made .... fUll.. for-a th-at ~0 do All .. _v -~ _ ....., ......... ~ ~ .... ....-•-- J R d M. Em M it'lW ul II o'clock · "I t 1 d"'·l ... f . • r•r-ndwtr h, tiW omen ol whk'h. -·•--·1-~-··•· ..... ·---UH<'r an Is..<: rna 011'. · · &m nn unm n •u nf ... e act 1 S.·hanllll, In t>harae "' voe .. ra' rt'J(· nf'od ,..._ Ula -llleld Ia hi• vln..tna alal .. m"nla lo melle. u wtll ltalaM """"' ~.,,._., aa7 -. .. tx-rg, !<('('()nd sopranos, and Mn~. .ThE' Foor SQuurr \.O!'Jll'l churt'h thAI thrr .... ,... problt-ma to wiUe. latrallOCI•. haa annmtnl t •l thai. Ull· hant.l Ow haDdle r~ lhe door ,, a111,..., f'lwwh•rw In I hi• ,_,., 1 do boolt•r thlfllll fnr h .. ......,.,. J. K. Elltott unc1 M111, Olarlt'S F. Will hl!rn~d lhf' EA~tl:'r mom wllh l and prnmflt(• tn do my utm!Wt to It• the [H>m()(".fltlll rutln•l up mono .,.,, th .. flret tim• la liM! r lly'a nlty .. , lland. conlrall(l(O;. a lloly Fir<' -unrb,-...-rvlrl' nt tht• hf'IO .,olvt-lh~m lhnn 1000 addlllonlll rltl(lbln by o.n .. ol the n-lnl( cant I · ----- 1 (Jur Lady or Mt. Carmel c11•h-churrn 111 5::!0, fotlnwl'd by 11 "But 1 •l•n llm 11 finn bf'lln,.r lontaht ITh•u·&Ntavt 11.,, .,.,11011 ma 1 Offtr.,,.. Gorton eDd Applf'hury ollc church at Nc>wporl Beach will CMJ..qdl'r'll hl'f'akfri);l for llu• YO\tnlot1 Ia rf'r1aln lt'erhlnR of f'liJlf'rlmrr Jbrlly wtll bf' In thf' h1U1•I11 nr tho· ffound lhf' T~ wllh t~H' ~~~ s • s •11 T lk I hold maSS('!; 81 R 10 and 11 o'cluck JX>OPII' (I{ fhl' (•hurrh in ,.,,. ~un·' •fr.,,trktnP f'f'Yf'r llf'COmJIIIa .. rd env. ftt'pullllc&M. tilt mlaatn~r. Ia ,.._, of Allro ., u perVISOrs tl a Eas tl'r mon~ing St. John Vlan· room uf lh,. \o-.111 Mo•'n \\'on111n • Ullna; Crltlct~m~ nntr built a 11,1. <'&f• J•lbn Terrtll &uptMn, 17, nf'y Cathohr rhurt'h on B11 lh11a 1~1· cl~b. Tht• Ett~lf'r "'fVkt• 111 10 45 ,.,,. c.lty Whllp<'rlng Campat.:na Rel*lll...,.a. a•·r•:nJina In ~ hll· flrhtor uf tiM' , . .., rej(wt#f'f'<'l 1,, -· nnd which ~~ n mt~<sinn chur-ch uf Will fC'Aiurf' ~pt't"lnl •·hoor mu!'lr I """"~' .. n,.••u;a~r•1 anyoor tn dn IM't. ntrl. now nunollf'r 27.7M aa rom. C1era 0 ~t~ of r ... A.oa"'"•· 0 H b p • th<' :'-lf'WJlOrl Bf•nt•h t·hutch, w111 undl"r th,. dtrr<'llon of tht• r·n·rNJ'· t .. r th•n.e~ (or hi!O rnmmunll p~~rrd to 2e.714 ()emcw·r•IJI '"'"!"' rnm,.., wtUa 1-a1e Wlllllf"l . t Cf'IPhrlllf' ma~<;t'~ al R·30 :tnd 10 tor. MN Ma•• SII:'Rm" Rt•\ (; I .. 1 tx'tlrvr I hat I( II )' Cttunty .. lhua l"f'tumtd In I h .. f{ ... ('amp. 1Aa Aacea. Wt'rf' I'IUin•lnf'•l l n ar or rOJeC o'clock. F.ustr.r mormn>;·. wn h RC'\· Willard Stl'nm~ hn~ •·ho<t•n for hi• ,.t, til hulhl N .. wrn7t :_,~n~urn·;~ put.llc<aa majonty whne 11 .C•IOt.l hy ,,, a·-lll~n wu pru· • p J fk'lll'}' and Rev J R Mul· !<f•rmon, ''Th<' lmp<•rlll nr,. nf lhf' th fl t It In th 1 1 h fur •lmoa: hatr II rtntury unlit a nuunt>"Ct modf'raWy tntoalrall'•l l . . E T b'' 7 "" I ... r nf'• c )' r «'OUn r ,. w I ( t ... 1 cahy officiating"' hoth church<':'<. I mpl) om . AI . ..., n "'" f'VP·I rn•ter ()pportunlllea fllr ""or Ull ...... ~ a«n "' f'fl ., ... llrourt .. 1fl~l an4 Camp alt,-uy. &QUI areo In .,. .. II,IWinll 1114' mHIInll wllh thr I,. lllt'fl hnr !han..t-.......... • The Christian SciC'ncf' churl'h ning. a Jllll(C'&nt ''Thr Night JW· w wtll 11 k tb ak bl ant alMa4 ot th,. G 0 l' IJ• th .. Juv,.nll• Jtall In Rania Ana ewell· h 111 <If' 01 -t--._ .,.... ... ~II meet at the Udo theater, 11 1~0~ East••r", wnltf'n hy Jk v la•f' -·-0 c-•on nee... ~ Y t•ro ema matur of rt'l'flllrallona 1n .. a h-.. ••. 1"•artl "' Mtttlf'ryt .. •r• , ... Tu•eday wlf " 1 • • r--• , 1 ~--~I ., C " ~-f N t.d Ito all ct.pu1m•ta fill Cllle ,..._ Ia. m .. with the lt"SI'Ofl·~nnon ... Ar·<' :Sil'arns and l'nar t<'d hy th,. youn~: hy a aruup n~m, 1!Wpclf1 a...-h Sln. Di~~ease and IX-ttth Real:'" peoplf' will lx>_~t~v"~-~~ ~urch • LEI'S E.LECT THE RIGHT MEN'· al\11 nthl'r-pulnt• In the rouaty. ;:: :.~~t'.:"~1:,.:-:= E Re I M h I f . "vrr tall Ina anmfl "'tlon nn t"-traUon. the A ray ....., 1 Dt,a • 0 d• . aster gatta • ot er 0 lf':C1iluruc1J Nayy IIIWIItlona dump nf'ar Run.,.l fOraulaatlm, In fact a.,~· r Ina n C e E h • H • h . A.at·h. Ute tx~&rd haa not ,..t ~· wtllcb ml"'t ha" -lo1t .., nt USI88m Jg Ou ··••led on anythtna. bUI .:hf'dulf'd I fM'ID of bartlot-........ .... 8 N r home> town stttncl.; stjUI\rely at tht-rrOMnMdK In • IN'tlldnn rnr lat. 'Miurlldey an11r . Att•nctla• the ..... ,.;.r ..... d P I Ursery next 1\INday's t'lection. noon were (!lay Kel ... pr df•l fit tile'. a.l s 0 ·Ice With ent rlea comlnJ( In fut for ~ thl"{'(' men na m f'd to th.-d(y council at that time AI lh• Tuellday ••lhflrlll« rnur A-.ci&Ud Ch .. .,.,. of E t tht Balboa Yecht Club J:uter In-wUI play an tmpor1Hnt pnrt in dC"riding whnt I"'ftd the mem""rw ttl lbe board ~ lheyl maru, t.. A.. IDIUII Pdda._ vttatlonal Regatta to be ruo off on s h I rorrunun!ty t;tkt'S durin..: thl' nt'XI four years -thP w•r111 In aymJMthy W1th Rftdtqnnej d4!ftt a1 uw arup ~t; I A S11nday, April 9. Cralr Doyle. race C O • chat:ltk po.twa r period""ntiout whkh m much hu beft1 nr two m111n tu WaahlnJrl.oft In ef-A.-claUon, KaJCIO' a,..t .... fll • n rre .. sts canha!dTIIIF.•nc fo8r~~-rpu. ~h~r:.y:e~ 0 priX sald. • ftorO to chan•" t.tM loreu~ el UM 1 Newport a..eh, Mayor T . a ..... ·~ ~ It~ vof('"" pick thl' rl~.:ht thrt'(' nwon , Nt"Wp0r1 Hu-m"aalin•IUid to promota t ... ~,;~:1 ~ nf HunUnt'm a..c:,, ~ , eerv1ng trmporarlly until appoint· bor caa conUnue to nwn·h on ltw h~y nt P*'-t~rr1ty etnfdkHt el u ~l'lal ~Kttlletnr nf Ynrtla u.t1. W.' & I .meD.t ot a ebalrmao ud --=alt· Mo\MN al ttw Nwwport l!lftdl and~ t ownrd ill~ Jn..:ln tiiHtcl lon«tJmp drstlnaUon of In lhe ,..al U..Ch aru, lt,ll Uliiiii •'H•IIll "' th" lrY1ne 1\uM!It., ...... An e~trpacy ordln!Uiee s--ed tee for lhla yur. wu ma4e by area who ~ worlltnc for the war bftac the ftnf'St and lx-st rtc•\·c•lnped a ll-)'f!&r, all.purpo!IIC>. far Ulay ap.,-r t.n t.1 martlinJ j l"'!ln. P'UII•rtun. WUU...QGMI Monday by ~ city coWicll wUI be Cllmmodclre Mark Htal)', ~ effort and can do UMir jot) -11 ...__._ har tim•. .j al\4 8,.b J-"N'M>IIIIt e1 ~ of much beneltt to U:e pollee de-thet t Dlhulllaem Ia hlrh for IJM I only when lhey lalow that lhflr ~~ bor on the> l 'udflr c~ Ol,.....lON <If thfl Newpow1 Har· ... ~b. 0 .. K IUIMAr, ........ &r- part.menl In tbr haDCIIIJir of ~pular annual r&Ct' evnt. I little chlldnn are b&Ylna lhe beet u the wroriK men ltl'f' Jlllf In u(firr, our nty wtU ~ btlr (~mber Of C'..omm•n:• at Ulf>lr, den Oruve ........ A . ..;wywc. where realaUnr an ornc:er Ia ma . Mr. fluyle who arrived Jut flun-or rarr. will be dtllfhlrd to hear dably Jlnd lt~lf mnrklnJ.: tinw in t~ dcad..-nd •IWy of ,.,1uler mMtln« Mnnday drrided en.-Newport:Balllea ,. ... ,..., Htrelofore office,. on duty were ay, l• rt'malnlr.r lhrourh the , tiJat Mr1. Mlldrrd Prtcr. who hu lvk contwUon ft nrl inl'flffifJ('tt•nc'(", whllto other ooaJIIlAJ '" urr the 111.1pem.,. to fotlow Jl't.rTPIIt 8. Ow•n. C'A..t.a 111-. Her-~andlc:apped whtn vlolatotw re-v.·,.rk tQ wiJrlc nn lut mlnut~ Jll&na rrad~ rhlld payc:holor;y • 1tudy oonununJt~es undc>r m n n> r·aJJ:thlt" leaMnlhlp carry off up Ul~ , .. port of the ,..,., ,ndlllt """ Prtf'tt, OIIH, Walton M•~ fulf'd to ..,II h lhf' lice follow· Hllv1Ttlf thru Ytl'rll f'l!Jlf'rll'nc~ u durtng the r~UMnr or ber own 8 tM rich pri7A!11 of u poe; I W:t r fff-Vt'lllpnlf"nl ('1-oinmll tt>e 1111d Ulfo Herbor Com· baNI. r.art lit ani_,., '' -~ .,_ I '"It. dlat~rbanc:e. po ra t I' f'IUtlrmen to hill rrt<lll, It ..... Childrt'n. will oprn ll rtnr n-nur. Let ua look ror II m om .. n l fit Nl"wport lfarhor'• poHJ-ml ... flft In urr1nc th• p,._pt ~ pmt Kertlor Ctlember ., eo .. The ordlnanrt. which wu upe-he>ped t,. mla;ht IM!rve aJtllln hut ,.,.rv ..-h• 111 tr r r htltlrl'n up to 8 Uon today. . .., polntm•nl of a ,...p,...•ot•llv• tu m•rT•. t.. W. Hrtar-, (~ ~ I cl II dulgn('c1 to r urb rllwdy ladll lht d~tlt-f,.r hie entt'rlng t.b~ eerv-yn n or •&~4 ~ ffilVt' a gn.•af nr•m o.; arf oY.·aril [fMO ~ 0\at has faJI., up aT 'Ill"" o; .. millt..,. ,, '"n and arry -wefc' • ilf at Jr-. .;rt y Ut!JI cfOl'lll EU!t r Wrt~-ut hla N)lllltfy biln~t mmlnent Tho· l'llnl,. lnllr.,...tor hu vtllllf'd ~ lln objN'tiVI' !llnl't' IX><IJ wh~'n JMOI)e(_"n wtth VilliOn r hllOI'"" In ltl('alhm. por1 lfartwlr I ''"" ~tll teeth lngald to the offl· hut n•H llrflnllf', hu delayed ap-thr n•·w lr.r11t1oo and hu put hf'r hroed lookNI at lht''-4' .,;tit ruar)>h~ and drrlnn•-d ,,r 11 ,., """ •t th,. ml'f'llna w~Uo rnJ. '~,.r,. ':.hen re"'"ta.ncr lA offered. potnlrntnt~ ~lnrrp of "f!rrnval upnn It and lhel ha rbor and n •Stu1 I h,. likt• of v. hll'h thl" Wt"St Coll.-1 hnd '"w"'' hy "PINIInllnl( • ~rr,. .. ral ))oa(h 1'1nma8 •~ . -ThC' al'l lmpn!lt•cJ A tlnf' n( $300 00 fa• lllllu thAt Mrll Pril-l• will ,.,_ never knuwn. N•mmlllf'l' hf'lltlf'tl loY w.u .. n ttuh ~ ',., l[; AJ- an one who eeeke tl) prevent en uso • F t 1\•rtl h~r yoomjt (llltrllnll Th .. re I ,,.,,, •••• 1111 ••I"'" llof' IIIIJN'tYIAflrl c( a(a Mesan or~rrr fnom f'Hinrrr ln~r hill dul v. 1-0 e e Will hf' r .... m for :10 • ' lhlrl'n llnd I This h t>sHt s tsu1 IS dt t.· '" ) l'lll'< of plnnnln~. to lling 1111•1 I ,.,, ..... 1 '" llttll lor ,., ...... d &hl . ·~ .: phl!l n Jltl) term of lhrre month· •. SoldJ·ers on M r~ l'ru ~ ""' rf.'JI(">rll'd lhRI Jlllr•ll ;\nd IIJ)('nrlin~ hu~·· "IIIII" ,,, pnlilw llflft prlvnh• runrl~. .. ..... ,,., ,,,. ,., lllltll ll•••· ,,,.,, l'llllr•l, ..... , .. ltf'ltrl•llll RlrYf'llll Ill dlf'd b t\ t•nl• 'r l!o <hlhlrrn hRVI' AlrrRt1y The joh hrtS llf'('ll p:1t1 iqp;lf,•d Ill hy a rfmintJ,., !.1stfi'MfT11'n u11 rt•prt•~t·IIINIIv"" ttf 111~ A•••w 1111 1 · • o~,.;:,. '~, ..... to"· rwvt~ .. that the rtty Easter Sunday ,..~n ,t;.t•l "'"ir Intention ,,, IMlndlnc j engin('{'J"!i, anrl world t r;f\·•·ll•·r... hut ml'lflitly hy Mr. nnrl ,.,, 111""''''''• ,,, ''""l"'''r"· "n•ltt.~ "' h a.. t ... , ... lfli•·Zl"" .t,... .. t, O.Nila of Newport Beach. Ill a clly wht~ 111~ y•ouhng"1 11M 1·11 .. _ Mra. J ohn J. Cit iW'II "111'11 ;~,..; •1111~·lwos wlto ljvc• ht>rt• 1trt1l 111 II flit'' ,.,,u.,t y '''"'"' A•"'"'hltl••ll M•·~" Thut~duy rhnrlllnl(. A 1 na. rr.~tnv younjt" mtn and wCimen go '"" Ar 0 11 w '·"' "lll'n ~lx "'"Y11 like it. ''• ""1'11••11 IIIITIIIer "'II"" • ttvl' "1 fl•v r·uy. '""'"· h" hl\lll v.if 1 Cor iun amu•ement and pleuurt· I In krl'plnK wit~ lhl'lr •·luttnm "' " 1' •·•·It rr.,n1 8 11 10 1•• 11 Jl m, Newpor1 Jlal'l" II' . 1\ 11 1t 11.-. h11y s urrounfll'(l t,y lluhllltlll ur~:•·oJ llu· "Jrl)lolut rn •·nl In 111" 11"' ho•r llr<'ll lfl year•. th t . II I I during EMle;' m ~k'n~r a h•omr rnr lhr •rrvlrl'ml'n and will be lllaffrd with a tmln .. rl heautJrul s hnt't'lin•• l'llrtlllll llllf l•·-. likt' A royul l'n,wn with ,,, un "lll(ln,.,.r "' ""«ln rrr• til pr,.. Ru rvJvi!llC llr•· Ill• wife, lemma 8 par ru ar Y whtrtvtr thl'y srr. th,. R&lboll nur• fnur hnunt nf ..,llf'h •lay All 1,111 ,. " 11"'''' r 1,1..,1 110 ,1 IIIVf•u' 1,,, HI•'""""' "'"'"· ltl••hard T. and Uttn• I Wftk mMy boya and glrla ".~ I '~() lA plaonlnrt An ""t"""'V" Jttt•·~·""'"'" """'•llnl:' Mra Prlrt!. pre0ou!l gMns . . 1.; :t c~ornr.: ltl .. ltllltiiJn. eltl ,. .. ''""' 'r l'••tll Meaa; • l llrhool ARI" l!penl their vacatlo~ Elutttr program. arrorfllnrr tro who ha~ t'arrd for l'hll•lrf'n tnr Let UK kf'f'p il J.:•lln~ .tlll'lld lhf"'M• nt"Xt fnur Yf'ltn.. nrnlrl (~ h• AJ) •laul(hlr r Mrll Vlrrtlnl• lt&Melt ot htre; thal often c:rowcJa congrtga (' ('Jv<'l' Allhf'n. ,, rprlor. with tran•-many Y""~'~· will M f'lt&m lnr•l an•l l ~~turmoil of mllnwipa l 1\Uc.l rmandal pl"'')bWmA that 8f'l' irOm le en '"'"II '"'"' h Mn•l two aruoll!hll· 1 tn&ether and rauR ~·t~rbancn p."rtallnn to tht rhurch of their Jlrnvrn II• ~ In cov d hr11lth u ' OPrtaln t o OOVC'IIIfl ;p, till' fl:.tllln l'h.'lnl:l't' fnltll 8 w n r11mf' 8( • k t H •trrn IUid that oWcttrl! of f' aw llf(' rholc:e for Sunday aerviCf'll follOW· Wl'll llA thr rhJldrf'n who Wlll l avtl economy to a fll'lll'l'linll' lm.-.b . ' riC en a orne 1'\tnrrlll IOIIIIItlo(l'mtlllU ..... In ulteo prevf'Dlfd from performiD« I I -h nd ........ I til r •• II I ' I --·-· thl'lr r.tflclal o.Jut• .... : that thr local q J by "" "11ft hunt. rldr around lhe phy111ral ch,.,.k-upa to rruardl ~t ll'l Sf'(' to il I hat 1n1r Clffii'S 11 IIUIOII'lPM nM tl· ""'" ••. 11'" • •"'"" ..,.,..,.... I I l ... , tl b • bay IUid vanOUII tntntalnm<!Dt. •.:•lnlll <'nntajt1nn tlorta and lnt('n>s t.: an d .)ltl.r<: nt'f' not tii!'1Urbtod bc!caWif> or It lfarl.l'or , ... ,.lf'l'llll will ... Mfl· --po lf'l" rourt up 11 u • a mf .. DO ' · 1 Re {1 J J hn I Jur1edicllnn OVI'r auctw ottenaea." • All l'qlllpm,.nl for lhf prnjt'rl I• I Jacko( judi(TnPn! "' "" h"Jl J-'1 "-' -ocf our'"""'"'· •leoe•l '" hm '" lh• •<~••~ II~:] v ar 0 Mil n,, ord!nanrr becamt etfecUvt. Former News Wnter ntw, rf'frlceratnr, pa ato""· ,.,,be, <Sou. flllhlng anrl plf·asim · IIOIJiing hU...tn~ wtt~ ItA kin· (if <~•""bl" All•n. """'"1Y known • 1 • lut Moad&y. the day of lu pu.l s ed f n· ""'"" hot<\kll anfl loy•. Tlll' c:blldrep di-s aliplll and ho.'lt-buildlrut yal"rll\. Lft Ull •ff'KUBrd nur r•onnrr Otllano MW111 .. ,..,. pub-To Continue Duty u or JVorce •111 t.. llf'rvefl • hot no··n mt.t aup-I!I'Wnt lndUitrial. r~rt and ~·urnJlM!'I'C'iaJ ente,-iJK"H Ullh .. r and world lrant•r. whll wldl , N(t· .,.___ ~= ..-_Ray Jt. DwlaD. _tormer oewapa-p&ot-n&.e.'t by mid-momtnr and ..at harmful <'ha nJ,.trs. WUifl'.f'll" 0\ ,..11 ll~ 111 tMJ 1 --- f ~nnan and LonJ Bfoech J>r~. mlol·ftft"TnnOD lunc:bd. h ._._.1,,_ I lliWt wu Npor(Awl ln a cril.lc:-' cw-It wu d··• l~d at UM .__. aAroul 1mf hereoodor many yehardars. Teltr;nm N'prNenl..tlvr tl)r the! 'nle IlCht and apedou.e I'OCIIIIa .... ~~~all, let WI ch~ mhm w ~~= ~"'"mt·11n-•11flun In the s.n A.at.oNo boaplt&l.,mHUnc ot lh~ Coata M-OlD· s a g man, a Ntwport Harbor dletrlct, bl'an:e will 6r "f"'n for· laapec:tkm eatur-~ •nd falr-minrlrd. •it nut cr .... ~-.--or a a -Mr. A..llati, -"o Mr-ben a fre. euntty Churcll prettlclect """ -, worker and is, civic-mindc4. tlt-ff'ndant In a Suprnur court ault day and 8Widay. Aprtl t~tb and don. which m~ht tmd to inni..M'nOI." their a~ In pu~ qu .. nt vlllltor In tiW H~ a,_, Dr. , .... L. ~one, Dllltrtet ... Hope we have n .t milled any-f11r dlvorr" t~,-hta wUe. Nancy· 0 . 18th. Mra. Prk:e wUJ wet~ all lk: attain In favor or some particular~. wu tound uaoo~ In hie bf>d. perlnt-.fkont. U.t R..,.,..., out l body, 'cause we'd lUre be Duncan or Huntlnfton Beacb. wbo are lllt.rutecl. Tlloee clealriDI 'J1w t.Jiot Jt.f ~y contaiM thto na.mN of IOCJd &lid, et IMl ...potU. lllld f&lla<l tt. D. Jollunn will contllaue Ia IIIII ... accused or 'more favoritism. 'r Duncan w now • Mrfi'Ut CID UM &eoc*IDOtlaUoM lor lbelr daiN. _, wbo ar. capebk! ot ..-rvlng ,,_. dty ... lt needa to rally He bu .,_ KliY• In Rn-I liM .. palltor ,.., liMI cllun~L I which la accordinl to whOR atatt at lbe Army .. .,.,.r, 1 llboul.d ec.ntact "• at tU-2IItlt a. .. ~ clurtnK U.. t~nc day. a.t..d. ·· larJ lal•,..._.., ,..,_tlnJ • eo.mut.e.. ,,. UM ....._ ,.., OX ia bftniiOI"fd. I Tuk. and llt&Uolled ln Nf'W Ton. • N.-,ort BMcll. _ ....., ,..... 1111J1kt aaaJW bill.-' :'1-wlda .,_t Clift. Oalttoml6 at ... , C'GftftUOftl. I _,. eJecU.c1 al tM --. • •• _ .. --- NIIW'JIIOR1"-·~A NEWS-TIMES .. 0 .... : H&WI'Oa II a II lliltory's Biggeat Battle la"h" Outdated! ,_,Ufe-8avin1 Plasma ) Eddie'• BARBECUED SANDWICHES Are Delidoua! MODERN MARINE ~ERVICE SHEL ·L DOCK . BALBOA ·ISLAND • .FEATURES rhunday, April I , 1844 ~ter Purpo~~e ~ Re-Elect - City of NeWport Beach Election ,. ('; BE. SURE · TO VO.TE r • • I Ole ~:"~ llitll, Mat ,... u.. ... .-t nillti.q; ..._ ot 14 JoJ te perba .. a? Now .111.. • ~ "'t , I waW4 W, U Dot In apia, ........ ~ beauU. cantull7 .tart. II I'DWd UN ....... .... but ke u.. ~7be . ..,_ ., .,. ·- ur To Bldld NeWport Harbor for Both • tion ·•Commerce . . '"'(, . -MR. BOW£N e Mr. Albert j .. Bowen is a true ex.ample of the Ameri- can Story. In 1900 Mr. Bow- en founded the Bowen Metal Co. in SaR Francisco. When-'1lis business was destroyed by the great hre in 1906 he set out to re-build his entire b~ career. This time as a broker of municipal and Government bonds. His new ca· ree.,r inevitably led him to become an investment counselor, and eventually a Government relations counselor. which position he still maintains with- out pay, his time and knowledge be- ing donated to his country as a public service. HI" i~ a membt"r of tht" National Munld· pal Lt"agut'. Althou~h Mr. Bowm wa.~ onl" of the foundt'f'~ ot the Union for World Peace. he ~alius the nee-d for l~ cooper- ation of all of the people toward winnlna the war. • ((!pJ~~ ~ .-~t.. MR. KNOWLTON e Mr. Knowlton is peculiar- ly well qualified to serve a harbor community. He was assistant civil engineer in building Aransas Harbor Terminal Railroad, from Aransas Pass, Texas, to Port Aransas, Texas .. He also charted the Intercoastal Canal from Corpus Chril'ti to Galves- ton, Texac;, a distance of 160 miles. He is a liceJ:)sro tow boot engln~r and has held operator's papers of 26 years on both inlforn::tl combustion and steam vessels. lie uncicrstAnds resea~h work relative to improving a harbor, which includes soundings and charting or waters involved. tf4-_E.eJt-t. MR-. -SHERWOOD -e A most unusual candidate is M.r. Clyde Sherwood. We have no knowle~ge of any candidate for public office who ran for office on an out- right .Christian platform. Ac- cording to Mr. Sherwood a pledge is meaningless unle• the candidates possess the moral strength necessary to carry it out. Mr. Sherwood has 'pent most of his life in Christian Social Work. 'u ... for CITY CODICIL TMir ~latform I CoopereUnn wtw-tbe .._ and t~ Fode.ral O<lvUIIIDml'ta -.. -~ ,_ aoeaunc a uata etly. &. 'nle ~raUon betw-atty. ftdeNI' OOvemtaent. and Ole ftilb. 1ure wtnnlnc the wer, ........ fill .... lnctu.try tor the purp~e~ of hamrwr1nJ National o.t-pnj-t-.t.Ncttoa and opereUOII of a ec~ , .,..,.,_ ... , W1lar1 for N....,art 2 Ellranl1on and ~I .... U. HaltMir. .. order to ~ _,. ot pe&ef' tlmf' tndu.trJ .. tbe .. 7 .., ..... te IM'Oft .. te.clltu. lw dl.t.r1ct to JUUUII• .._., .... aU f'llllllal cren. and at UM ...,. ploynu•nt tnr all _.., ,.._, tJme proYide Ul a--.1 and pie· ~ that our ~nn~UMDC ,....IIIWU fill tu,....... atlnlctlola tor ._,..., tb~ Newport Harbor A,_ wG ..t 11ue11 ...._anoe baa ~ ~ • be forced to leave tbe co..-.1t7 ~ rlila.a, butaon Uaat tbe(oba" -~~ = .... -u.c U...f"KIIk OeMt. ......... bOilii. eeek fiD...,..... .._. .._ ~ "J e.tala ~~~- wwe, ~ dl "PU.. Dlf., ....._ ,_. bdtuee .,. a..U· f1'0WUl ol llldlultrtee Ia ... ... ..... .. •••.-t ...... . AftL A ....... A11 .. 1 .... -,. .... a. Conformlnc to Ublt4d -.e. 1. llaaatatft anct pmt«t .d.- butldtDI requtnmenta, to allow lM ,...t.e ~ and lud.lnp tor eoubudloe II -n.tn1 ... --. 1111 typ1e ot pe.uure rratl. 10 tbat . til ont.r to ,.. .... tb1 sn-1 crtl.. Jlf_,ort 'Hartlcw w111 contbtue ttl leal lho.rUp ., bOIMlD& ........ -tbe "PiaJiround nt liM ,.._ at billckrtJII 1M "".... of --dftc." . homH In a.tl teeaJit7. f . Malllt.&ln 1 mtni81ua depUI t . "nse --.,-...t fill _. • GUr •artoua chuuNJialll all part. tDduac r1al eeaatrvctlort In ......_ to of CIIUI' Hartlor, lo IAiurP ..te .,.. Lncruae 1Blplof111ent f01r -dU. _,. of 11111&11 cran to the hom•• ut~a. llllt.ead of c~Wcourart• _.. loeat.ad on UNlN rhMDila. (ftt• CI""'PPI trdl Mt Ill *"" .....,. upoo ,..... ot l.bl dt.J wD •· nea.it ,_, u.t .... ...,. • .-IW)f.J --;;--- 1. Tbe ciUaenl of wr --. all7 IMuld ............... the ~ fit UN 01tJ 0... cd 11t au ..uan ........ 1o • • ..,.,.. ot tM ,...... . t . IDDclo\treae ,.,.,.,.t7 '• ._ ............................ 10. CI.U ...._ ,_ &I&)' a. .,ao,.... wtUI ftiU ....or..--.. ma 11 w • .-.....,.~ .. ............ ,..,. ....... ............ ~--= .. ~,.......... ..... -- .. ,of thl.,..., ....... ., ....... Yond few, M4J UM m•••••• fit liM city IIMNid be lew UM .....,.. of ..... ry lnt~Mt ·aJMI ~ ... ., -· Wt. tho~. qne a. put Into eftflcl the abaft ,_... mendaUana of Ullo CIU..'a 0.. mitt.. When tloete4 to UN JlfiW· port U..Cb City Olunctl, April 11, , .... Parta of this Platform have been copied by all of the other eeven candidates. This ia sufficient proof that they aKree that our JJrogram Ia not only what· the people need and want, but what they should have. ••• If you approve of this prorram, wlay not elect to the council the men who had enou1h enei'IJ, initiatiYe, and ailleel'iiJ of PIII"JM* to conceive the prGI'rUft. ritese men are tlte only eandidates who are willing to write and J)rlnt_ what tftey WOI cto for the eoaananity. • • • They are on remrd for the lint time in the city's history with a sworn affidavit of their intention to builtl Newport BeKh on sane, eervieeable lirtes fflr everyone. ' These men did not_CIJOOSE to run for office for the purpose of personal pin or personal ambitioiL They were CHOSEN by the CGIIUIOII Peeple of Newport Death through the Citizen's CGmmittee for Civi~ Proltesa and several other Orpnizations with over 1200 memben.·111e, • .. "draftees" who have agreed to sacrifice much of their. time from their own affairs to help make our eomniunity a better plate for ALL the peopli . .. Their campaign was not finanted by themselves or big business interests but by popular donation by many titizenL The complete expenee account of our campaign showing the num~Jq, of donations a~d amounts will be published next week. Please Vote ·l'or AU and A l'ree Harbor for You -- -· ELECTION NEXT TUESDAY . POLLS OPIN · 8 A.M. TO , 7 P. a ) -· ~- ... .· ' -. .. -. .... r.. NEWPORT-BAL801t" NEWS-TIMES, N!!yort Beac:b, r.Sllifomia, Tbunday, April 6, 1944 .... Ritea ,_ 8urvtYiDI are bJa wU!t, Mra.ls I I II Mn1f~ Pilot. Down 209..., .,.__ Father of Tenor ~:e~~~:er~~!:l e ecteeS . . I and twt• ~eranllchlldreo, Katherine 1 , • • MEGWA-BING ( "-erteu llut•) fBy S_.t. Conrad R. Ball. M.P . Co., H ciS Bn., lat Mu. Amph. Corp F .P .O., San FranclJICOI .lervicee wne h~ld Mn,lhty aft. <lorduo ft nd H~rt 8 . Gordon. I . 5 -ln Lne Anseltoe fnT Robrrt j ---00 n sr O:Ordon. father of P vl Robert Your friends and mine eave . B. <J9rd_Qll Jr.. ,.,_.ntul lllliJ tadJo I ,---, tenor. who, whlll' at.attvnNJ el l hf' Corp .. ntl Uon l!:nai!Cil hu b«en f 5 • Santa An& Arno}' Air Hal<l', baa lfl><;_noh~ • tll'teen day rurhou~h or ·erVICe madf' lll&IIY tru>nds throul(h hla wllh h ie parent.. Mr. and l>lre II miMIIeal apj.ot'&r&AI'H In the Hat bur 0 . t-:NI6cn "" Ut.ln IItle 111• Army .,__ man lA •tal iUned .U Camp Pnlk. 'nle deceaeL'tl whn tlled at tw1 l.uulslann. h-. 2740 Ctub Drtve. t..o .. An· lolra. Sara Dowmu of Balboa ~ bad bet-n IU ror e<Jmo: time I leland haa been a vie tor tn the In ~lneM hfe. l.f' baa been tbe home of rdaUvu In Loa An~telt•. ~ ol the Leroy Oortloo Dn uty Mre J C. B•lllnce and tw .. c hll· S&IOIW whkh have branchee •tren. lJurla a nd Neal. bave been ~~ tllf' etale. vl111lore In LAng Bt-ach th•• week. MR. COLIN F. BROWN Formerly or Los Angeles. Aan~ca the ()pea.lq of aa orne. ~· Mr. Brown is now~permanent resident of Balboa Island, and, telephone facUlties not being avaUable at the pres-eat. MD welcome lnquhWi by maU or-penona.l. calla at . the above ..tdre. on Wednetday through Saturday of -.ell ""*· Mr. Brown Ia An e~rienced accountant and 11 equipped to render Kood .ervn _III.BdLiOJOR CO. ___:._a..ELEPHOIE_ . __ I OPERATORS IEEDED llftb ..... ...,. ................... .... ........................... Good .. y .... ..... ................ 11'. * * * SOUTHHERN CAUFORNIA' TELEPHONE CO. Apply: 108 E. Bay Ave.. llalboe or 514 ~ No. Mala 8t.. 8uta Au AVAILABIUTV CEaTIFICATI: UQUI&I!D ELECT-- •on th1• rnnrn1111:~ nf Apn l I ~ a11d JR. HI 11•45, ~I IIIIJIS of vooiUnll•o'l' und '''"''''' ,., "'II ll'a\o· lh•· P E William A. KIRK . Incumbent ~ FOR COUICILMII • A Busineu Man who is able to giye the rapidly expanding Harbor ____ D_fstrict a competent, execut_iv_e~-.! 11dmlnlstratton of Its affairs. A Resident Here Since 1924. A Property Owner Since 1930. ELECTION APRIL 11, 1944 • Whoever You Vote for -.be Sure and VOTE . ~ From the great wall to Hatamen St~Wt In old Pltijlng And thOM' crummy Bollr's n<'Sts of old Cht'n Mt-in I W~t ~ knowR· to m ftny as 11imptr UMegwa·Bin1 .. But, by many more a s "Uncle Sam's MarinPs." We stood our watches In mow, lct>, sun upon old Tartar Watt In ~r uniform of splt'ndor dld many a slant·eyed gal enthroU Visited Emperor's Pala~ and of course, old Pal HAl: Hart to INw It all t•v('nlually Ah. a long dr-awn sigh! Stro!led thru Central Park. marvelf'd at Its wondt'l"l! Whert> on nightly occasion, another "Mt'gwa·Bin&" blundt'rs! Traveled numt-rous Hutungs In glt>amlng natlvt> rick~has Races to pla~s-manaat:'d to win. with promlsin& "Cum.'lhas," ~"' Mrstt•rioUJI Monks in thP For-bidden City ro slot>-t')'ed "goonya.~" In two or DUI)'lbf>r twenty- lave learned from aU a lltt14! ;for thil Ma rine a plt>nty! "'ho oevf'r by far. •• If In ~~eardl of a 1ta,. •ouJd )IOU f'Vf'r encount.r t'Vt'f)' table or counter \t the "~min& Thif'Ves' Marbt" or the ChJnese Duaar. ~ old a.~-::...1.. of the Beaar ol M.,-o Chin, Mayo Chow lakes you-~r now__,r"Mayo-a-ya, dina--boo-bow ... iou wer. there for a ~. Mt'pe·Binc You atood for frw-dom, richt and ,_Uce; hatf'd every t'Vil thin&. 1bt' ~llnc invitation o1 that ~-"Madam Sh~" Waa to many, perftape. a clua1Uw Orimta.l 1\&ft'-• nw. prta ol ben, the ~"T "Prwi&M'' e1 wNet1 ,_ beer Wt'rP pMraUy opium-~ o -to 1Wp ask~. Uld fear. 1 I nw fta~t-. odor of ..,.UC, ........ Wilt" pHf\anot , , , I A permntinc ~ o£"--' CuU ud Ub Vellot)' Ill biGom ... 1 no. T-boni ateelu; .....WIn .-tl dloafa -.n aU divine I Wble tbP Pvt'a. Club wu ,aun ud .,.. Uld tht best ~ to cti.ne. W1wa ,.,...... )'ou'd ataytod too klftc, waud allchtly .ut.tic &.cuw to the "ad Man·• • tt"tn. problematic; .,._. too ~ boeu. 1a.-c1 into old Soab; Shot~.~ poo~&n, bfpn cuttmcbucl6os' throata ... • •. ,,,. t· , .• •I oll'rp!~. all t ruth• are ,,, U.:.Aut .rut I ·ut tht>v ravl8b ua bt>VCont.l nur•elvo•JI. an;l the flrat npt ure of ilte ~ to pom, them out '" othe.-.. Nor 1!04!1 the rapture dt~. but crow• ln lbe uelng. Stop· NEWPORT HARBOR'S NEW, COMPLETE Overbaulla& -PalaU.. -·~ IIOTOB SDVJCE ~ord A. Brooke. _ _ _ I I Orange CGunty's Mfst Complete KENDALL BOAT SERVICE In Former Callfornla lndU8trieA Bldg. S452 VIa ~rto Ne"-port Deat-h BEFORE YOU BUILD OR REMODEL .Yiaot our interutlng Nmple itnd d!IPiiiy rooma. Cclor guldh planning aida, com- prehenalve atock of ruga. e.i!rpeta. linoleum and Vena· t l•n bllnde.. Auge attd Car-pets Cle•ned Repaired Aulo,Jkxfy, Fender aiid 'P.aint ·~hop ,..,. 1122 leuttl Main at. LUDLUM Carpet Works. aANTA ANA Operated By the }1nest Craft8men -in the Business and tocated in Our New Annex : : : v-o-u ••• e AUTO REFINISHING e Frame & Front End Allgnmeni' ••• ARE IMPORiAIT! Yes, you are a very important penon to the war ef- • nw-co and ~m.tk.t£~amt~Le-HiMI7.-.ancln~~~·--len:tnw- : : • : 8 Let Us Put Your Car (Regardless of Make or ''""' Model) in First Class Shape. Drive in at ONCE for a FREE ESTIMATE CULBERTSON CHEVROLET CO . CHEVROLET • OLDSMOBD,E SALES AND SERVICE Huntington Beath Oeean A venue at Third St. Phone ,, -your_akilla-_.your time ~ly to help buUd more a nd more bombers and cargo airplanes right near home at Douglas Santa Ana Feeder Shop on a part time job or full time at the Douglas Long Beach Plant. Hundreds more willing MEN and WOMEN workers must be employed Immediately. If yciu a"re not skilled, -dorrt let it stop you. At Douglas you'U earn ~lar ~ages while learnin~. . You 11 fmd your job fascma ting-working condl- ti<?ns th~ ~t-an~ you 'll like the folks you work w1th. V1s1t our office today to get full infonnatlon on how you can help~ Get Full tnfonnation T oday at Douglas U. S. Employment · Feeder Shop Se"ice 'ftlnl a 8puf'1l'leCMI. !Wita "-511 W . IIlii St.. lluta AM . I a. ,..~ • ·s p. m. M..i.. "' ... , a rrt .. s..IIJ, El!Of1»t_ ~J I :M a. m. • l:et p. IlL AVAJLAIHT.ITY CERTIFICATE NECESSARY . ', .... ''· IM. amc·. &riM) ~ letter .. .., ... lnteor-vuioD y .. ,. I been • that o frr It San , .. ck :Utt.o n-"PiJ· lt'~i· licned r .... e_Co .. Fran· h ,I. 01' n-, .. ·- NA '.-. at .... - ·j I Let's Go flshlac As a Fisherman, ~s Guy, Wallace, n. •aa ~ ....,. ay CHA .. LU H. WALLACE Is a Good Barn Budder ..,._ Alter two..._ ..-t ta ,...._ with te..tr eoa. Mr. uct liN.. wa l-am ll:llla. toot W . Oe-.. ~. han ... tum...t boaM "a«Ca,..... hy their aranddauahter, MI.-WU. ""' HI~ uf Idaho wbo wW remata , Kidneys Must Work Well- TAKE HER TO • • ONCE A WEEK ON HIS PAST RECORD ROBERT ·ALlEN: SOLICITS YOUR VOTE FOR RE-ELECriON . C ·0 U N c·_ll M 1_1 __ / City of.N ewport Heath Independent Candidate, as Before, Responsible to the People as a Whole, and Not to Any Individual. or Group of Individuals 1 As His Record in the Past Shows, He has Not Been y -· "YES MAN", Nor Wil,l He,Be in the Future, if the People Renew Their Confidence in Re-Electing Him. Vote For . .. R 0 B E R T A L Lf I '. lh nfo~~~• """" the hnrlron. "T hnt·,. ~~~~~ Bam Oulldl'r WaJ· In• •·" !04111 " n11tlv(• fllllllrtln~: 11 ~t!rf'am nt tob!\c·•··• at the qull'l .w._ater . "You meus a f.U.r'• out there at s • a em 11 burn.••· nak,..J 11 ,..,~,;om! tourl11t In runaument. "That atn't nothln'," •ld & third touriJ!t. atljuatlng hla c•.whoy hat. "I 8ef'n a feller going down l)u• .M IUII!IIIppl river o'n a bam once ani.' hf' wu making darn good Ume too." "I tblnk lt'a .tmply marnloua, I really do," aald 11 cute little hlondf' trtc)c anugctlng up to ber • 1 hi.Wb&nd. "Wh~tt'a marvl'loua "''"'·honey!" uked the unlnformrd but not' amlluc.J huaba.nd. 1 "I t.bf.Dk lt'• lllmply m&.rniOUII tbe atrance tblnp ooe -.u travel~! ·-" I' "1 , ... ., don't at-e In the mov·1 .. ad tM aaquiaw, really T llv. I NOt.. -Other l.Dtervlewa wtth C:harl!'y "Bam BuUder" Wallace may bto expected when ne-ce-ry. HElDACHI •• eucM A .BIG Lln&.a 'ftltM• 1 ALL sn ,.,. • .-1 r.n .. ,. work whn a ucrlnc tae.d-ache e11eaka ap on roa.. YK .... an•l ao doea JOill' work. R'ladr 1m' aa nealnc of. reta.- ation and enjoJIIIent -a pealrp beaJache int.erfena with )'ourf ... • reat. enjoyment or nla.utioG. , DL MILD Anti-Paiii..Pms tnuall)' rrliev• no\ only lie ... ac-h•, but Sinople Nearal1la. Maa- rul•r J'•ina allll ••uactloaal alonl hly l'ain11. Do r ou UJfl Or. Mlln Aati-Pala t·m~ ~ If M t why not! Ynu ca11 ~&••t l>r. Mtles Antt-raln l'tlla •' l •,ur cJru.r al•·r~ in the rea-ular J·••·lcace fur oniJ a ~nn;: apltee a nd in lbe ~unom)' p-.tk.a~te nen tht aper. Wh)' n•lt ~t't a p..-k..,. I o-Ja1 ~ '\'our drug~iat haa tMm. J:~nlf •lirr l'll••na and uae onl1 M dirert.-J. Your mone1 t..ek lf , .. ""' nol •:.li•:l.-d. • 1' "ADIU TAX TALt<a Ja.cll A. 8mlth. dt'puty ront-.-tor t•f the Santa AnA lnt.-mal Rt'v,.nue n•ttc:•, '111'111 uptllln rlrtall• tif thl' new lnl'omr lnx rf'tllrnll ~h mu.t be fUt"tl by April t !) on twu r!UHo pm.rnurlll ol\'er fltatlnn KVOE, Slon lll An" n .. puly Rmnh 1 wUJ apeak 111 11 4rt p m , n n run · 1 •lay, April 6. """ n~11ln At the ~&me lime oo April 13 lilre, Juhn ,f Rh•w "''"' ha.a bf'ton ,.,. Una bf'r •IK UI(htl'r , Mno w ... ley t t'owler antJ Ja.mlly. on F:ul ()1',.1u1 J"roat left Wellnellday for ha.e 1ft Ohio. LfDO Tlllr.ATI'!R l'tln-! 114 ......... • ......... . r.,· .. nlniP at 1:IMI It Wi ll\' Mall-Mlth1rde' at I :t" C 'nl\tlnunu• lilnnday frncn t :10 .o\dn't• 4,c-, Ia\ lln-Tnial 1\ftr Mf'n-k-f' !Jir, '"' tr-T1tlal .,... l 'hllcl,.n lOr. Ia:\ tr-Tot.l ltr MaUn..... 'lAC' It nco Tim,..., · t'rt · Met. llalla ,, ............ ""''""' c-.... .. 111 "1'11J: l't'MPI..It IIF.AI&T'" ('ar1CMtll · C'o ..... y · N•wa Mnn .. MIJtl .. -r..... llarhara 8taa_,.,. f'Aiward U . ...__ ('tulrtfla .. ,.., ..... y ,... ... "tt'I.F.tllH AND FANTAI'r' ............... ......, MINTO Ttn: CLOUINI" "oiUflll'r tt~ .......... a N-• .... "··-·· ~ ..._ .. , •ul ..... •· ....... r:, ..... ..... ................... ~ ....... . "ftte ........... -I- BALBOA'S ,,,~~~ ...... - TH.ICATICR f:\'t~ ..... II& , ..... ,,. La•t Mlllewl .. el a DMibl• ••· tu,. l•rcttr,_ IKuta at lhM. Adul .. ,11c-. w 1-T•tal ""'"'"' '""' ... .._..,. ... l llll14"'" lOr, taa 1-Tolal I'Se T1111n. • Frt. • lal· F.rroll ,6.. .. "NOilnii:I&N l't1'll.ltJIT'" · .. w ........... w ..... . M_._. .,...._,_ "" .......................... .. ---... -N-.- ...... . ·--. .,..._ kat~ o,.,... ,..,.. .... ~ ... ., ..... ............... ...., ....... Ia •A.-THOVU~ aac&~~• Vert .... )1 ... REND .EZVOUS BALLROOM Preleata- AND HIS ORCIDM'RA FRIDAY, APRIL 7TH SATUIDAY, APRIL -TI AISELL IILL -.-C/ed.-- KIOWS HIS CITY .(!). B. ReeJ _____ -_e~----~ He has held many responsible positions, all of whith have aided . . .. in--his task of administering intelligently the affain of Newport Beach. He knows· its problems~:because he has studied th~m and at all times has made constructive, if at times, trying, deds- ions, on behalf ·of the-city he loves. WHEN YOU VOTE NEXT TUESDAY VOTE FOR REED AID PRO~ESS • 1.:../ Adv-1 Pold for .., F"-do o1 Coao<l._.. 0 . a; .....,, ~ . . . .. .. • · mrt ' · ~~ ft • ._ I tiNa ---~-IIAIM04 -=-,31...!• NeicPA~-Cdf~ Thunday, IALLEpril u~' 1L944 ........ remu .. J· ...... -• 306 BuriiDaame Ave , Banta Won · I I -~00:::·:::::= ·00:::~·::::::. •:::: ~~=~ioloJ.::~.~·':: IEIT ... *IIIIEI · UIICIED ·· N•WPQA'T ••AOH Marcia 00 oooo• .. oo ....... -·oo· .. 1,111 dwel.lq, 206 AbaJoae, 11100. , I riiJI · • .. \ .. 7,000 Ja_p Tons I To His Credit. Clothe& for Fun Tempt Islanders 1 .. --• oo ... ~:oo 0000 000000 -..r• April · .. · ·oo ........ •00 ~·1~6 March 30 K. J . Scudder, Bal· I • • . • r 1--.. ··--· .. 00 ......... .., ... o May l:l.7~1 boa Uland per owt~er per .....,. Mrs. Q .• L. AM,... I A eoopenU.e CUI~ Ilia ..:-reeacte•'-er M~ "-~ Ntn.-HGuon and X&WetD ~· lNI -6.23 ........ -.... *·-Juee 14.080 i>Wt_.lt ~~ cu a P T&ee uno -OW-a..d en. dalu~ .k:tl 1tnate tllefQ r.t(«<-c21 Wbere t.be ...._.., or the Pilot Lt. man wbo are the wtv• of two 11U -Ill ......... -. ......... -MI.-.. JuJy · ... 't.f-'8 3.room dwe)lln7.e~18 RubJ An., .Urhd a little aJowly, ~ at aome tancllorda,~llllla.. 11CIIUiq ~Uou or otber R. ~· Teel at 8laff Serreant8 at the SAAAB 1--Ml ···•oo•·· .. 00 •• oo•· 111.111 Auru.t ,!·~8 J300. . tht end~t Marcb. In a,..-8fur. en &Dd ,... .......... acent ot tbe landlord demandl or Newport ~b and live oo Balboa r.t&Dd. wanted 1• ·-&42 · · ·· ••oo• oo· .... Ml,1U s.,temMr i;·;0 Warrb 31 Oor1-t.hy w. Waller. llltl ot 1enerou1 rtvlnr ~~ launched lodaJ bJ rt w. Ken. recetve. from tbe tmant.. eltaa. and ht. bucldyr to do 8DIIlelbiDJ bMidee IUD bath· 1 .. 0 -142 00 oooooo• .... oo ... oo1,0.U,!l2 Octo~ 10.0H 120 .JS&chman Ur., Santa Ana, per lhf' U3.000 quota for a .... iOta! ay, Attorne, Oaeral, HaNft a. dlNitly or throup a bfok• or Lt. Edward B. ID; wbUe their bWib&D~' wen 1 .. 1 -•ae. oo•:· .... 00 0000 00 .l,22fMh Novembrr 16J. 60 John M. MlUer, lo conve_rt Cbra-nr 119.000. Scudder, Real .:.tate ec-a•..._. ar•t. a bonu8, f•. c~}IIIIIIJMon or Le ldecker of ee"tq Unca. SUD. • tbl7 baft lM2 -320 -.:' ·~ ... · ... MO,Nll ~mber •oo_ ......... oooo•-.. ·-oooo. , ••--a -leoce cburcb 1ato 5 :.!·room It 11 hearlwarm'nJ ,.,.... and rr, Stanley How.U, CIUet Reat At. ~U"CCI Ia eddiUoa tb tJ1e II"-. &oulb GateJtf'am· opened a clever l!pOr•-e&r aoop "' "'-•-• t•" "'"'I uaD .,._ •-· .......... ......... ed up to 8<'ol-eda-on ~arine Avenue, Balboa 1-•--... •v .... 00 -00-~00 ...... oo .. ···-00·-· oou,.u• apa't'lmenta, 114 E. Central, 11~. u tt·r worcJ or the JrMt -... tf)mey, ...... them ....... omla '[)W.. mum lepl not c:oiNeted by t.be net blt8 00 the -L::=:, Quality LaJaher --I .t.uir~h 31 Henry .w. tiaook•. :.!71 of the drlvf' reachee tbe -1o trlct, Office or Price A~tna.tra· l.aDdlord and the l.aDdlord kD-• a me 7·.000 ton Tbere you wW nnd ever,o......_ J.M4 · · uroy Ave .• Arca.dia. (:laht., per 1 eervlce It will undoubtedl7 .. e tlon. and Oortett W-.ner, eecre-of and perm.lt8'wcb a prac:Uee~ Jap cara> ahlp In you need to make )'OUr 1111111._. at &ad t 11116 owner, to build 1-etuy &·room ,rut morale boOiler. 'h bow tary at the Loe Aqel• RMhJ llh WbeN tbt bro.er lnducu or Rabaul Harbor, the be&cb a comfortable and IID&ft January ' 1 1· dwelllq, 316-34lb lllreet, 13000. thAI the hurll ot tile ...... at ~rd. ~ eDODUraca an, IUCb violation of u told 111 a de-ooe. Tte rtrla have named t!Mb' February 1 .no I wa.rco 31 E. c. Quinn. &3-~tb bome join tlle buey bancll te '-dl· Numef'OU8 vlolat.lau o1 .... tM the law ..,. ottertnr to .,elt b layed lllory writ-ebop. "Ntna and K.at.bleea, Clot.bM • W~ll · 18·115 atrut, per owner to build 1-lllory tnr up the boya. Cool(l'at CrSS • •tate and federal~..._ .pi tUna with the landJord ': b~ LL R. 1. T•l t.n by Staff Slfl. For Fun." --10111 ~· POO . Nf"l"port Harbor. for a bla-....,,, be-en broupt to t.be atlenUoa fill apDt uy COIIIma.iOil, 1 bo Dan BaUey and wu prtbted ,_ ------"'--- COSTA MESA LUMBER CO. 1, ' March :$-WWlam I . Bmltb, UO · Aprtl 3-Uiee .. ·. Vertnea, per dnne. · • utfir la.._ acc:ordlDC to ataale7 or reward wb.Jc:h lbe ~er = lbe flrll time In thia paper lut Who pays for edwrtialn&! No-~ Ave., pel' OWDer, to build OWDer, 10x24 addition to rev or And there, JUIIl aren't ....... te Howell, altMup lie lltat.d t.bat Ieete ll"om the t.laat., u Ill 111: week. bocly. It ~ tor &..Ul a l·llory a-room dwelliq, UOOO. preMI'It dwrlllnc .or bedroom and wurda to 2ra~ an4 'If•• 1ln mCMit broken Md r..a ~ caper-ducemeat to tM landlord or b&a · Runnin a aunllet of 4.1 tndl ~---------..., ltardl at-A. O. lller\41Ua, 801 eervlc.:t porcb, t20 G<llcJeorod Ave.:"-v!d or Crace tor her ... ·U atora bave been care.ul to .Uy .. ent llat. the nntal property antl-atrcr~ !t,elle, the Man-FO,. INIURANCII IIIII • • "· L HotTaTLaR "'-'. 1:. Bay Av,.. per General N1011 l200 cb.Urman ot t.he drive. uta.lly within tbe law. lth the b k de 181.-n Oo .. to ~ a MOa "P·1 Ap.rll ._E a Hillm&n 316 Oold-from mornlor and Into the _._,· "Landlorda. ft&l ..c&te broken, w (•) Wb ro .~; b k in.... ma !_badarlouJ !_~d · •reulng · · · _. · I'Ml ....... -.... .,-. ere ... e ro er uu~ or acroee ~ •vwu and over lbe .. ------~~---IUIO. eorod. per owner, to demul '-ft )Zll ~very day, ot t.he drive, .. .,.. I.Dd --enc:ouracu an.t aw:.Jr violation ot beach to blt the Jap freighter Ill· .. -----------------------.Ja• aar111e and nbu.ltl to w~port bwry. and c:rrtalnly merit. • lllc 1 lt•u .c\S.ra& renL .qwa..-bJ the law by payinr or ·ofterln&' to chore'd only a abort dlatanc:a oft GOIDOI B. FIIDLAY ~ ... BVILDD MAINTJNANCE AND REPAIR ova BP~JC~ALTY a ~eeond n oor wttb 2 bt<1rooma, t :or1d tor her dh1tlllab e1farta demandl~ or recelvlllr . bonuaa, p&..)' a fee or boDua lo the landlord, abon . 1 ~. Mra Grare ukt'd me to tell J'OU c:o-•toaa or ~arcSII fnMD tan-or hla acent, tor a lt.tln& of bou.a· Hla mother, Mn. A. V. Teel and 1 April 4-ltn. Kalhtrlnc ~ebb, about th~ people wbo ~ lllllll 10r w. om thaJ ~ .. obt&JIM4 l~aa ecco-ocleUona and tn tuJ'II bla wtfe, Mre. Jean Teel, rutde on M as.. Ocean •'rnut. IH'r Ollo ~ There ~ t room here, • J'IU houatDr accommodaUona, Howell collect. a bonu.1 or reward rrom Cliff Drive lJodd. to repa.lr llwe111n& dam~ed know. tu tell ot all ·tbem '-tllle 1tated. Howell amphaaized tha lbe tenant lp addl!lon to the mu· ----·------- by fire poo m~'ntlnnl'tl eapec:lally tbat lira. tollowtnr eltuaUona, eac:b of wblcb 1 1 al f Apni 4 &,uth Coaat Co .. per Brilct McBride manned bet' tal* i• a vlola tl.on ot the f~ral rent a~U:UU:!s.u':: :.'m:~'!c,b~~ ~0~~~:01.:! ~0 ae:~u~~,!~tl~~ O..uJun U. •mulay. tu lnet.all lo&.lel In thl' Balboa Bank of America for regulatlona. celved by lbe lallc11ord or b1a aaan\. brcker or the a ent~u wall u the room in lllorace rarace at Iller No. 10.'1 houri durlnr: lbe mootll .-d Il l Wbere t.be laDcllord demanda "'In t.be nr.t two attuat.Jona " laAc11 rd. Ia Ill ~olatl ot th fed Howard W ~ Gerrilh 211f w. Central Ave . Newport .. ach, Calif. Pltorte 453 Automobile • Fire Accident • Life U cenae and Con&.ract Bood.a w rlt.c.cn ~. 1~. took ID a r:ooctty eum. OT' reeetv" from the tenuat, either HoweU eatd, "tte lallc11ord 1e i.a era! ~_:... v 011 .I • A~._~~W.B~~~-1 A~·~~~nl~ la~d~t~~th~~a~~or-~------~---------------~--------~ boa. per Gordon B. Flndlay, to made ot the work ot Wra. "-la •zesat. a boDue, fee, coeat'-'on, ol · Cabinet Shop Service OM. ~~ lilt o-e .... .., .. k ,art.tLon portion of at.ore nOta •t Brlrp wbo did a ~arp ,._. ot or a rewud o.er &Del above the ft. -Ma P1L ......., ·1 1~ to;. ceutral, 1300. w,ork 111 pmertna ... Moat PliO •· ulmum leral reDt for t.be bou. NW,... C.. OAUIP'. _ _ I --!tNMII lbe abeentee pf'OIMft' ..... 1 UIICTfUCAL PUMlTI en of Balboa. Cua sn.P .,._1 WHAT'S COOK IN'? I -t • •••• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • e • • • • • • ~ • • • • a 4 a.• • • • • •" • • • • •1 Karch 31-Wac.: Sbort, 226 Alia-·quietly but alW'a)'l mr.lt tfhft1\rto · : vng 8'1Tn hJNQ ~R 1• lone, pu Blacklward. ly. Trad!t.IGD. of~ -•Aa • .. v~ Wl"\1 MADON »erett J-1-& B. HU....... ~~ Ottlt't t"flatrmen or tlie clllilii'C'b for dellcloua bot-croee buN. Bel-l ------• GoMerod. peor Blacllbearl. (Ill went over their eecuonaa .. ~·· lilted a l'ftfpe for t'"-de&toua • _ J. _ • Aprfl 4-Ll Joou. 122 £¥1 I tal to an eateot which wu -.t hot breed: I T,HE HOME FROIT POUTICAL BAJTEE OHEWPORT BEACH ••• 1 Bay, per Home E!erlrk. , r:ratlfytnr. 1 Hgt ero.. BuM: 2 et~pl .me. ·: Bay District Lumber Co. o!!rt~:;-.r:-;:: ~O:~~c~~ 1 uk:·~: :~~v~ua1 :::t ~~ :~·~ed~u: ~:f~~~ ,"C:: c: Newport Beach, your moth eaten groups, Ask for re-election on another coup. • WALT•• a. ~•c•-. ~ · , ---lapleDdid but the «~•era WCNW _. p~ yeut: 1 c:uoa nour: : PLUM81NO PE"MtTI want them ~enUone4. 1 (&hout); .S ena, eeparated: "' eup Your stooge newspaper and Sand Crab column stinks, Y C?Ur political prophits a waste of. paper and inks. ; Newpert a-cJ. J Jl~b lt-CICU Cfopp. per Roy T!lt. Rtl\ \.."I'Ou bu.IUMel le-eeeded ralalne: ,.. cup currut.: 14 • -: tJhd.. 2000 e ourt Ave. 1 •tt.ely an altair or lbe 'heart ud I cup lhre<4ded cltroe: "' cup co&rw- • ftt ...... ........., ..._. • Mal't'b to ~ H. Kora, per perple who Jive and wbo ...-tl ly chopped BT'U1J auta: ~cap con· ~ ,., ,.. ,........ . l 110 • L. ft. ~ .. .,. \408 ~ Ave .. nfltber upect nor want U7 ,._ fectlonera' 1u~ar. Your spineless city meetings, your one-man boss, Your gestapo methods should be tossed for a loss. 11 ••• a • 1 • a 11 1 ., 1 111 • 6111 1 il iii • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 • • • .' Cor<M'a d.l lolar. I wal'd but the Joy of dolnr tbe Jc*. To hl't milk. &&t aalt. lupr. and W&fth 10-Wac Short, per L H. J . H. J..moent.&en, our loc:aJ Red .tlortfnlnJt. Wbe lukewanD, a4Jd Our city is rotting, our tax dollar ~pent, Over ruri with mosquitos heH bent. r--:--=~~~Niw~~MMiiiwvv~~:t:r;;:~--, cramer. :n~ Abalone. Croee cbalrmlll, pwbably woulda't crumbled yeut; .Ur UDUI cn.ol•· March 30 Braden Ftnch, per L. '''~"1 mr t11 te11 you thl• but I .. _tel Add..3, cupe Oour~ .eet. covered Delldoul lea P'oode Or. ccaplat. equiP-!nl -.., jou wuat to c.a.c:b HORMi:N Fisii MAR~ET MIN AND WOMEN- Earn a hlih pay rate while you learn a· Post-War Trade at UALAID ON~fOaTAnON ftOIUMI AMD IIOWINO INIOUIATIOM ......................... •.· .. ....... .,. ......... In •Ft••rr T,._ T.W ..... T ....... ....... >_.H..,_ APPLY TODAY JMPO aT ANT ••• lriaa Social Secv.ricy Cud. ....., olQII I , • ., .... A.....WUcy Cefti6ca-. CALIPOINIA IHIPIUILDING COIPOIATION ··=-........... , [. __ ... ····-............ _ ....... _ ---...-"·~-­.............. . .. .~ . . r. ~ I ~ H I P .. .. H:-cramer. Ut COelll Htway. J'Obll tb, b~Uu.ae It le a -j)e wilb cloth tn warm place until March so-Warburat. per L. H. o tur way t.hc.e pt pie work. Tbe dfmhll' In bulk cabout -2 to 3 c1 aml'r, 210 Marine. other nl&ht be lrtt ht. cltlulter houre. 1 . Warr b 30-Wl'll. J uanita f1etrh-rue .. lit 10:30. when he bad a I Bf'l\1 2 er:~·: all Wltb raletM. er, per L. K. Q-amer. &00 Beaonl&. kt'd Cr•,.. r nll. and went out to cun'anta. rltron and Brazil nuta to Your substitute candidate may change our city name, And bring tears to our founders and to the rest of us shame. Endorsed by Costa Mesa C!nd L.aguna Beach, Our own dear neighbors to the north and east. 1 II.I'C'I 30-Balboe Yacbt Oub, aptond houn helplnc 3 •llor wboM ·,_at mlatun. Beat until ~II ,... t... H. c:ra-r. Bay1lde Drlvt'. father bad wddenly died. Mt. mlaed; add nour elowly, adding ' March at-Den cuaen. per OWD· Lorentzen helped the boy ret .... onlv enough to make aott dough. I er, -lArtlaiJGT', Corooa del Mar. leave eateaded and ar~ge-'.a , J(,.ead ll~hllv 11 to 11 minute. 011 Apl11 •-lml.lh B,_, per owner, mad.-to go apeedlnJ home to ..a. l1(11Uy ftouNd board, unUl dourb I 4J.6.21tb .trMt. I famUy. Ia amooth and elutlc. Sbape Ia Oil promoters and MASTER minds a few, Handshakers and grand promisers before electio~ too. Look well over the record you voter. Else you may be taken fora floater, Arrested and summoned to'judg.:S court, And .there become a topic of common report. Tbe packlllg Jll or radret ~ 2-•ncb ~Dd btku.lt8; plaee Ill C!--nd Talk on I Edwin Holmbrrr made fer \.be .:!i· ~ pan l IDc:b apart. CbYt'r; ~ Jtc:al draeetn& won:, and "'t rl• tn warm place uaUI double I P ._. J bs ' wbldJ -told JOU 111 rewuary, • .Wk. Ollr war 0 llu beef~ p&t.ellt protected --Dd I Jlalle cltep c,.,. on each: BTU•'t ~ • • N" h bM beeD formally pratnted t.o t.be wilb 1 "~I yolk braten v.•lth 1 tbl'p. 1 018 Fnday 12' t Red Crou. T~e loc:al chapter baa water. Bake In moderately hot I Becoad In a .nee ot tallu on accepted tM dra•lna• and lbe pal· I o.en (37:\"F.I about 20 mlllutu. I · Poet War PlanniD will be Jlven mt arranrtmeote and thla .,...,. --- --- Frld est Aprfll Tth by Fef'J'U nae coatrlbutlon will now br pre· era. work. Have you eome tat· I a.t. :;.:.,le; of the U~lvtraUy of •n'ed to the National Red Cree• IDt.l to contribute! I C.l'fomla at Ulil! Balboa Yacht thruu.&b lbe Paclllc Area bead-Ray Alford. Otauter ft.tllef C1ub at an tn•orrdal dinner at 6 ·30. quarter11 and the Jllf will bt uaed chPirman. halO tmnnunced that Ttlll anl!lnn will be devnt.ed to example 1 t bow people can uae MINI Rulb Rlmp~oo wtll br hla co- prnh'«""'" r f the Nrwrort Harbor uclualvely for Rttl Crou work ID cllaarman. ~at t. (OOd neww for Ana u IIHn by the City Plannlnlot all part. of lbe .r ounlry. . M1a S rr peon • dedica tion of ber C()ft'lrrlulon. Qu,.1:tona of apeclal Mr. BolmbrrJC ft pruentlllion ot time and many ablllttu to Red tott'rell and applied to lora! ron· thia handiwork of bla 11 a ~t:ood a-a. wor1l are weD kDOWD &Del d!Uone _.1,1 br eubmlttfd to tbe lbelr epeclal talenta to further Red WlrJOIIe te pleurd. IJX'Dkt'r ancl I t' will bt' invited to tnaw•r all or them. Voters beware of the political machines, Vote for the independents and keep money in our ·Jeans. · NEWPORT HARBOR TAXPAYERS' LEAGUI( ,.... R. j. SPICKELMIER, r · Secretary 420 E. Bay Ave. · Quelllona will br pnpared by mf'mbHI of the Planning Commll- elon In an dfrrt to have the vir- of Mr. Wakeley btCore lh•m whee tbe com.mlaelon mu.t Mt a. the JI"Gblem• on bet\alf of the c:oma•· nlty. lAd1ea an particularly Ill to attend In t.he hope tbat they l .., later IUbmlt a Mrlea of quu· Elect (Capt.) Chas. M. foeller and Pill Useful Men In our City Government Ua. o' loc:al latef'Mt at eome tu· \un ..... an. -A.te.-QTPd ttr' -~ are-tbT ~remben of the Bpeclal Poft.War one Panel appolllted by the CbaiDber ot eo-erce. the Ro- J&ey. JDwaala &Dd. .UGN Cuba to lbadJ tllle poel·wet' troblem. w~mbtft cr thla •peeial <*D!Dit· t.e ... R.llpb Maalley, Go~ B. lo \nd.ay, Robert Honlnahesd, Earl W. Stanley, H. E. Chrleller. L.. W. 1 Brill•· P. A. Palmer. Roland 1 Wrl(bt, 0\arlee TeWinklr and Dr. I ,a.s a.ue-. ---.I Tbe doctrlnea of (T'8c:e humble I man "'llhnut drgnldlng, and nalt · r wnnout mnatlii(t D m, Cllar fl I Hodce . I I HOW MUCH IS ENOUGH! I w-. .......... VIUM-A-o.. a/IIOCJOH • -.,_ _ .. , 1 ...... _ .. , ........ -. --""' -... ,.... ,_,, .... --· ...... , ...... _., .. .., .. ,._ -... ..... i:INEmDAJ' ._. ~O.t"' w... v;.. ... t .. A_. D T .... "' ..-;.e~.-1ft •'••• -A~D,.,_,•-~­... -... ., cw U.e~ Ool .............. u .......... .. ~-U I •• a ... ... _.,_ .... -'P-... ~ ............ ~ ___ ....... _... ... u.... ........ " ......... ... ... ~ ........ _ ... ..._._ ----"' .. Itt-· I .... &: = ............. .. \ .. Capt. F ueUer_: Sa.ys: ' Remember! Election NexfTuesqay, Aprilll I.-We know the advantages th;tt Orange County and Newport Beach offer to commercial and industrial enterprise. We live here. The stranger, seek- ing to establish new industry, must be contacted and convinced. What be- comes of the Tax Dollars giv~n to the Chamber of Commerce? -. 2.-What is meant by a Pleasure Harbor? A·Commercial Harbor? Surely nut that the harbor is dedicated to play alone? The income of the aver- age citizen is derived from wages or rent. Commercialized pleasure pays wages and rent three months out of the year. Permanent manufacturing en- terprise, served by an industrial harbor, would pay wages and rent the year 'round. 3.-The ocean front sands exceed by fifteen per 4.-Let there be no misunderstanding! The munici- cent the area of the improved portion of the pen- insula.·· W'hy . is this vast expanse not taxed? It could be if: rfJ) Adjoining land owners assumed responsibility of ownership ; or (2) The City ac- quired legal title and encouraged devclop.Ql..ent. A tbtrd alternative is the estblishment of a State Park. Dollan attr~~ted by such a playground would off- set tax revenues. IU1 for the Citiae~ to deci'!e what ie to be done, but the City Coundl mUst initiate a program. pal employes of Newport Beach for the most part are efficient, competent, and hardworking. The ex- ceptions? In my opinion : (I) The City Attorney and Police Judge; also, (2) No one man is In- dispeneible and the arrogance of being City Engi-- neer, Saperintendent lJf Stree18 -and Sewerage, MAP,acer of the Water Department, and (formerly)' Harbor M•ter, while eernnr 11 a private ronsult- ant in m.nne enaineering, hu destroyS. the uee- fulneee to the City of the man now performing these duties. · .. , (Politkal Adftrtt.mfnU LJ- two LAB nted ath- '"" ... Nlop and. b.1DC C'&t oart :heir t.ta. ~WPORT·IJAf.BOA m;WS.TDIES, Newport S.C~, talifomla, Th~ay. AprH -6, 1944 ,.. . .... .... - Frauk:_J)-, Lo-w-rey-:U;!!~-·:;,--~~-~-~~~\: _POI..r.:.=..;IT~V.::.:-:AL::.;;t:BEI~I~.~-.;.=:::TO~Z~EIO~I-=--E AD C LA HI fIE D-A D S f 0 R B A R Q All S! . Sta~s:.:eor :: ::::.:: .:!"' ~ ":::'" ... "'=: .. fiGZEI niiTS, VElDA~ ;;:.,; ;.,.;;-.11!11 "I!MPLOYNBHT -IIUL r.ln'Aft -I",.,.,... --. - ·R-mft!U « our publtc: ldJoat ~ -, . POa SAL&-ma. IA'W ' and Ia a worker for clric: ~ood tn Polat •alue• oe all ,..._. tNlt.l You"-bemH •. blueberri«e. buckle-M>A1"8 8 • t. !l<lld and n.ca.ct • WANT•D f'rank D. Lowrey M UM .aly the t"omioUDity where be reeldn. and v .. .uw... wblda a.ccowat for berrtea, mt.ecl rndu, eut ~ Mutn• P:nKtnu ·and P.rw Luu ot ••'Od ('INn ~d r al"' Whlon You Thlnk 11f RMI ~:Mate ~~WI I& .,._ .. ~.-• ...a.. o-aocraUc candidate fiW Ule 8tate Frank 0 . J..owfty •rvecS Ita Ule about •t . ,...r cent ot ell rat.lollecl ,llm& beuu Ud peu. -Tbe:~ MAftl Nir. IIIAl.VA\JE AND WIIIJ~&Y lop pric-e. Thlnll ~ eut. .Uopii)'-Upt ~ lleaa\4, aatll clYtrkt. wblcb ........ U . 8. Navy In Wortd War I , be proctued fooda, wu.1 t» ..t at .,,. value applt .. to both cONWDet..ad .,."'"'' MFO. C'O. Ttn:obbRI: ROBIN I JOHN "AOL.IaiJt Mrta ,.,..... .. ..... ... -t.l OI'WI .. Oouaty tn tbe lt.ate hu two eon• ID tbe pNMnt Worlcl pointe for the period or Apz11 1 llldu.trlal packqM ot all ,.._ 10M W c-.-ntnl A\'t' Pia. JIU-W Ford 8alN It Bervlt'e Votrel Ill... .,.... leld 011 .., .,.,_, ~un. for U.. primary elec:-War conllk l. one ot wbic:b b&i to 29, the OPA anDOURed lbday. rommodlltea. Nt .. ·port Rt"&t'h, Call( 22nd It <'e ntral AYe. BALBOA lldfaluua f'U~ , ~· ... Uell to t» ~eld Oil Kay lt. 1H4. returoed lrom two yean Oftr· ,._tr" N,.._.f>Ort S.acb. Pilon. II U4 ~. -..ta AM. fotll J'raAJI D. Lowrey. Ul1a ca.dldau, aeu •rvic:e and wu wlt.b J:vau Tbl• action wu taken at the re,d· Appl-:._~c:lol••, uR~:~~~~ _ H -ltc Allk A..,ut Our aat.tJ carteoa'a Mart.oe R.alderl, IUid Ule que.t of the WFA to Nl•ue co ~par&I'\W • .,.~ • ·-...... ~ •• _, IAL.E Oet -.n.. ,._tall. ~~·..._.. WAHTKD TO BUl -~ DMr , otter Ia tn the u . s . Army. .t.o'}C" apKe for -ta. dairy and uUtlo-r. mbed •ecwt&blee. .... D -ft. ,.,..l\lllt lltei"Q; oM zt-n HICLP W ANT1CD wo;...an tor eltdrlo .... ,,._..._ aad e6eotrtl poultry proctuct. from tH• pro-•· aplollat'b, beet., C&ITOU. -1 lruall etnna, _._ 10. U ud pn .. ral h-w·,rk P'\all time. LOT HARd AlNI OcMD rTuet water he&tNi Call lira.~ Tbta'c:andldate'a reeonl tor ~eN-ducUOil, leafy ,.,..... pumpkin, -auull. D-1\-. ralh bo&t.l Barptu ud U v• In or out, 0noc1 Mlary. 'ot, ._., Balboa .._..,._ ... ..,..,_ I!IO a~. aqcs t :M ,. k:e to bla COWitrJit bU laloWiecll'a Ot.ller laponanl poiDt value ad-o prepared dry beana and all rro.a A· I coodttloo All l"'&dJ &e n.h. 1 Two r t\lldren In family. ICM Vl& • Trart, tiOIO. c.-. or \lfiU. _. Ne~ Mil ,..... and b&ck(Tou.nd, practical nput-JuaUIMint.l lncl\Mie tbe reduc:Uoa ot' INlt Jwc:ee were already reduced Dlquar. Greyhound etaUoa at IJdo NoN. L.ldo 1 .... Newpcwt At ... twe~ .,....... or ,...,_Ual ----...;;:::==--- ence. make blm t.be lo(ic:&l man to canDed ,... and fll and ph&m l to •ro. ~ n -ac BMcb. 11-th Iota on 11\ltl lt .. tiCIII. oua., YOW\ •• U.8 Oaod la.d~ l"'preaent Oran1e County lD t.be Jam• to •ro. It ._ eapected Ulat OP A Nvealed that on ....,_, r.a~~ne l!!tllou , 60t C. C.atral No ~tueee. ....._ M..,.. :~~ v~a~, ~d :~::~~0: c:uat4 .., wUl be a aero polDt ,1, Ule toU1 _..,.,11\4 Jn!Mn tnlltl mH 1&1.1; J~rena t ire •l&a.-, "~!'! -;:';'~';0 bu:::'; ·=~ .U.., ~ ~· ;::: .;;~ W . 11aJ I."··:; M H4 value t.eolponrily only. SIDAll eon-and ve1etab&• lD ...,... ... ~ Qu&l1 ...... ...,...an-Am~rt"an lbl tllbulkilq o.r, roR a.u.a Ocean n.t '""'*· ----.. -------..:. OD &)' lt, 1 . ta1Mn of tomato,..... Cl~CM j aiJPUy over l'fl •twc. .--. -...: Allo IUe ,......,.,..., * ., '"~ ... _ _.--... ..._ v ... I'MMC)HI ..._,_ ... -.. 19« TIDE TABLES ot th•-1"'• _ ...... ---.lael w·•-·~-n. Y. C. --.· TIT <~t IIIJtlway. N-,.t "-·--·v---. ..__ aa4 .uaderl. ror wlilk* UD II • ... over --.... -........ ......, n"~p Rearh l&-4te bl.a... -ric..UJ ..,.JIItMM ... ley .. ttn 1 1 _.,_.. aon.• avallable • ...,.. reduc:ecl to I hu btm aubjee:t to a ~ -.._ at.lt.al In ,_, 1....,., DOW, p-IPftnp. ~-, •• ,. .. 1 po&at •dl. wbU. mlftor adjuM.-c<'ntrol elnce Juua,yl, INt. !'6 WANT•D ,.. •. lala ..._ 6 ,.u., 10 A. '-1,...._....,.,..,.. ... • menu were made trw 80aDe ..,._1 ta '-&Mat per ceat ot tbe taQi •ott IAUC lltl·ll, Mon&«eJ -.t. Auto m~'<'hanlr•. Top_... ... llcJtlt fi"'OItaa•. ff'lloiM. Ollwer 1111 ..., ,..,_, MeV.•• ,..... A~"IL coatalDere of lDIII&£0 jiA&ce ucS I of all fooda oceupytq cald ..._. CM!a, 2 ~anka, fOOd .... •-er•· o1 wortatq t'ondiUoaa. A• _. ~ ~"rca&. Newpor1 ....... tur. Qt., ._, .., ......,.,, • _ lOUpe. ap&c:e on ,..bn&arJ 1, 1Mt. o.t.. 8ler motor. CMip ...,.. llal war tactu.try ll:mplo,...-t .___ lll,. 17_....._ ...., AM. .... HlJb Low Htcb ..,.... rro ~. OD e-wMel trailer ..... e either hel"' fl4' at Hunt~ .~--.-T 1 :2& S:lt t :44 J:JI Wtlb tbe uoeptiOD ot 8111 ~lal GM "w ea....._ ..._ 1 oa.re, .ariaere _,. •. a.vb Nl"' WA.N'I'D '10...,.,.. «Mt MM'II CAa •' · o.e •·• u fnltt. UMI • .,._ ... ucl ~ ,......, ..,,.--... ._,..._,I nuc<1omu : ROBIMI ,__ .. • 8 t :M 3:1Ml 10:01 4:00 peu. b~ Will ,.. .mo.t. ~ ,.uoUiw ;:.:1.....,... .,.. Roe.~.-..... , . P'ord Sal .. and~ WANTI:O TO IUIN'I'--~ WILL o.u roa am .... t 10:« •:11 10!20 4:ft roodl unc~ed. Ca~ed .~1 orUoe wbe b&Ye -··•-.... t•., ._a,.... ~ H-,.t\. ma. · Mw-. ltll W. a.ena A-. 4.5 0.1 u 0.1 polnt nluee ror ratlonecl proc:tiiM4 otQllle4 lty Cl ........ ,. ..... • ....... ,.,... •. oaw. .,...,p Hncl t.Dd C.D&ral ""· .... ~ ..... ..---. .. ~ .,. ..... al .,.. ....... ... .. ... 01 11 O.t wUI nUn·-at --.,.._ •---•a•• Nl'wport BMch. ~ •· M-.-• ..o--._..... ~ .N~...... If---. ..... . • co -r·-~ prl.aar)t eleeUGa, I& WU UP01 •nf .,._ --Ou~ ..... ..lt .,. • ..... _.. -...,... ._ "l'llftk D. L~y 1l ~~! &:~ ~~ 4:~ :!~:~o c~ ~·::.• =~ ~~ JrA ':::t~' lr., _,. r::::IJ .... "" .... ~ HICLI' WANTED-Wa&t,.. • ...: roft IAL.a __ U_....,. ; TU. u 11:111 &:t& 11:u 1:11 ~alAI. -..n -.w w ...... m ! be Jt. -'""-cat•. ~ t--.c~roo. ~ .... ......., iiiii'i:i6ii-iFiii iiili;'"',.... .. a ranc.b..--tarm•r. and a del-a.. 0.0 1.0 1.1 ....... truitl aDd ...-. .... ..,. .... • .. ..... ....... 11-Uc I Be&cb Pborw .,. n ... 1 .. JM416l. , a ..... .,... ow. ...... • ........... .-.. .. ,...._ at lU Hill-Wd. 12 11:.11 1 :11 11;11 1:• 1q to uro on Aprtl 2 an ~Pfic:ota. Pt..~IIUC Nonc:a ... Dli~ · ----O,.W. Ut.. ..._ 1-.& cl'lll o.-tw, NJerUG, OIIUonaia. U U ... 1.1 b&Aellberrlea. boJ•IlberriM. c:blr-RPXlf8'1'ERED NUMK waaC. trt· rt.M llltpway 1-. 110-ft. ,._\. PIMM ......... IIMoll. ... " 1 r c•-... ...C ~ Ule QNdl (New tlaruP& • ..., -.N nee. aanant.l. --~ ~ -~~ · .. __ • --..u.o Ut~-t.-nL• nunta1 by cs., 01 N\&r. ac•. pad , • ....,. • ._ .._., --:._:'!'""---------- of tbe c:ttn. ~. 18 a dairy· ,.. .,.. p&aoM 1a _...,., ---lopnbenl-. Ol7mpkberrlee. rup-..... UW .. -........ ..._ -... ... QJ-Oood l"'llerenn f'bolw "..-port pteo. ... -. ..... apoa tbe ,...,. Lldtt& ,.._,... L •. : ..,_ a,..,,. .. t.n1ea ~ _,.,.,.., -.. ... .• II ..... ~·-~· .. """""'--""---1110-=;;;;;""==~---===~ I _, .......... ~ ...... ~;;~~--~ ........ ~ .... --.. ~~ ....................... ,-=~~~--. tpal ~ ~ • !-.., ........ 0 a... · w.unwo-w .... t.n deM • ...... M ......_, '-· b . ,_._., • c nu..say. , Pllene N~ IU. NEXT TUESDAY when you cast your vote for JOHI £. SADtEIR you will know that you are electing an honest, cuiTY CiriitaCVIe tMirN who is not controlled by any organized or politi- cal group; not sponsored by any newspaper. · You will know that you have selected your own public servant who has a keen interest in our great city and ita future growth. You will know that your vote · is appreciated by an inde- pendent candidate who hu made no promise to any penon or any group. Thank you for your support on April 11th. ., C PoUUcal Advertilftnent) , IIJCT1()ff t : E\lft7 .-n-...... IAI• A,~ Ml"' Walton H~. Jr. -.cr. attaJIIIlb, b)o,...... eiMJ~ ....._,_ --------- 1 or Y1ale1A, t o ....,. fr ...,. ~ ......... • --IITU.ATION WAJIITSD -...... aqr ...,_ oil,_,. 1111 U.. Qty fill ...,..... Ye,...a, * ~~eta a.. .-.d ~~ .., e..,... N~ ._. 1,... ............ ..... a.M ~ .,.,_. A..-.. wanu put·U.. ..n ...., ..._ ·~ ... ty ..., • U,.. IUIICa of. ..... .....,_ Ji-4ft boa leland. PboM N~ .. ... ltul .... ~, ..... ................... , ........ ...-rt ......... ..,...,,u.-. ficff by law, or who knowtqty rr A REAL DlJY tHII rot' Model A 1110-W .. Ita ......... c.r..r lot, -.ft. ......... .. ailt.l by lM uw ot fan» or .,._. JI'Orcl ledan. t"(ompletely oYer· W11111 Tou 'nllnll of RMJ &l&at. .._._ ...._, 1411t. lmft. •uc:h otr~. In 0.. Pft'fonn-Milled. nl'W pe.tnt, new-top ud 'l'blnk ot I &net' ol hill duty, Ia ~ -ratttatttr Prlvat~ owaer call J Oifl'C 8.\DUCIR a "fine not eacef'dlna Ttl~ Hun· llt•r 1 p Dl Hewpon STOt-W. Votet llldf. dred Doll&nl 1$.100.00) and........ 1f-4t<" BALBOA o~t in the Chy J.U DOC •· I'Hdinc Ul'"' tJ) mont.ha. 01 - tiM and lmprtw:w•-•· ....,._=---·•oTIC lEa S EC'110 N 2: Th.ls ~ill ---- 1 hereby ded&ftd to ~ an Urpftey twiiW thr IWYl•· to br puhl~ rneuure ~ry for thr llnnw-ODel 1n tb' Nfwport-Balboa New• I daate prwervatlon ot the public A Inn•. w1lb the -are.. tnfor- H. C.UOO&A ILO.\It aoec..t ••• .. o..-a611aur ,.._.N...-rt ...... tf .... l.oeT "'"-kl...utt.aU. ....,. latt ......... Wll. H. IUI:D&1.4 ud _... •• Oeneft ......,ll, .. OW. ana del liar, IIWI., Mar. II ~ _,... JL f'. Nla. Rt. I• Bul 100, A......_ ..._ .. m . •·•tc pt'llce health and sar~ty and Uw •'nlllea. 1 nl'W'IJIIIJV'r prlntf'd and malton that tltel"' au.-Min a ...a Coll~ina Ia a drclaratl~ ot and ~od In thr O ty of Nf'WJl01'1 C'<!lt-4lf·IIY1n• lterne ~liM tfl4' u.a. the fact• constitutlne lu W'K~nC)': ;Bftdl. and upon th,. r18....al" ol a,.., c-om .. a ,_..... tltrt ., u.. That 1 hi' Oty of N~rt 84-ach Ia 'thll ontina!M'f' tht' ,.,..,. ~1111 1"'' Item• on whld 1 --.. fwe ot • caty whel"t' many YOWl& mm and coaw lmmmlat~ly Ofll'nllvf' and prtl'e c:ODtrol u~ today. ftMI U IIIT llla.ck billfold, .. L at .._.. wunwn ao tor fun. amWk'I1VI!t and talltP tuU etff'('t lnl'lude. dry l(fOI'tr1~ ('looklnc U1C11 denoue. Cont. NaYY I, D. f!&rd, plt"llllul"t'; that particularly durinl I HEREBY CERTIFY· that th~ a1ad oU.. baby fonl1a, oleoalarpr-11u w...-; ~ papen i::uter Wftk man)' boya and prla above and fonocolnc ordJn&nct' lne, bread, peo&nul bttlllf, .......... Ulf ... ,. Retu... to " ... of IChool q e r.pmd Uwlr vac:atJon Will lnt~ •t • f'1'CUiar rrl<'t't . tut ~r-.18 rice eoff.M ~I TIDIM offl"" 1\-bl• reward. lla~Jt-lal-... •• NEWS·n•u 1111 •• c ..... I or a portion ot their vacation at · :J''NC:.~ 0~~~ ~t~ ~:~ ..-nat.d and ott..r' abrott. ..... ~ ~ ..-. • ...... ft·ltJ said beach; that often crowda ul tlay of Mal"f'h. 1944, tand wu fl· · coe, anct. and 1""-cl'llol!ll..,, DOGS. CAT8 a PlmJ a.-........ ______ _. y.oune mf'n and women con~at•· na117 paaiiC'd anol 111111,11-d nn tho• ""•nn•d .. a;J •t,.ll;v11,...,,.,, "'"'J>II· to-____ _ IO(;~tht'r anrl cu~ d1sturbanco"' or 3rd day o1 AJtrtl. 1944. hy .wottl t 'It) mato and "'"<•taN .. .,,0.,_ ,_. •• l'tJl'I'IICR IJacbe!nad, aon. ba!r· .... •••-"-.....,.. vnraoul! IJ(>M'rlpllun.'<. whach ron\la· Council 111 11 n·~o:ul~tr mo .. ·Un& ... 1 flat> t imer ""'I """' mt11 ... e&A· "" , ... ,Ut.r-1 :1 malo~... tit ,...,..,_ ..... .......,.. ,.. ............ lion consttlult'!l a .~lice pnoltlo•m tMnoof, and thut 111,. 'IUt~llrtn uf n~d rrulla and h·ultc·cw hlal ... f,_h Mt • tolao A'LI'vy, MIO .... t\ur• ~ _. Me.r '" lhf' .Ctty or Nl'\o\port flt•ndt, Uw Ufl:l'lll') "' I hi' fiiii'I;Uinlo: llrdl· ,.,,,. ... t nJIU , •• ,. ••. l )'nJp, ,....... llrtVf', Newport lleal'b. J>hnnt N. D. CASH thllt ofraC'I'rs of the law an• """" 1\&nCt' ,., ... ,. J>f'"""' nntl 111,. folf•ll"'l 1Wal'h4'1! and f"'are. t•a, cenne<l 2:.tA2·rt ~-•tc, D. Y. 11. rtt•lt•rrC'd nr J1ri'Vl'nh-d front ll"r-Inc ordlnnnco· "'" lllff>JII•'II hy 11 Vf'JrfllableA, pln,.appl~ fe•a.pt Qa.f -----DOG 11M CAT Ho.ttiTAI. I Connan~: th!!lr otrlclal dut•t'll by vote of flw 1;;1 mo·mh•·" ,,, fhl• ban llhlpment111, bfth,.d beana, ,......n S.w 'nnwl 1be -.1 11 pi'Cibahl1 ...... ..._ - rl'nson of thl' f act that Htt• pnt• Cfty Counrll uf t ho• C'tl) nf No•w · ""cJ Wftllf'\1 ,.,. .. ,,.. drl•d fruit.. tn tbe N..a-nm.J ,., .... Mel""·· ...,. • ..._, C.llt. ulty provadt"<l by tht' stat<' low rnr port &nrh 01 Sllltl to•.;uhu ""~·•· Uma beana, t-t.Ji. rarrot., p&rk-1-------------:::---------------- f'Miist lng a n orrtclal I! Vf'IY IW'VI'~f> Inc by thr '""""'lnlt '"'''· to·"ll I"""'' rallllna &nil prun .... frult t Pro•--·a·enal oa·re~~~tory nnd many ca-do nut nu·rit ~U( h AY!:S. Ct ll'NC 'JLMF.N Julr,.1, freab carrot.. &alalia aad I IC3u '-~ve~ _punl!dtnwnt ; that t ho• It;· Alll'n. Kh k h tw-11. I puddln• ma .... ('om, peu. tlotley. ~I poll~ court halt no jun-.dtc·l u.-. .. 1 llnll mararunl. cannl'd mllll. r,...h ,_., Cord M Cruad M D Ilion .111 this lime OVl't oltc•n."''' HOD, COUNC'Il.Mtr.N: Non~ lard, dry •dlbl• t»al\ll and peu 1 OD • J, • ' ~uch u I n! ~ribt>d hel"t'ln; that ABSENT. c·nuNCJl.MICN Nona l •u•rkraut. Vf!Jelablr julcea, llptn:l ltti,....IH aM..,,...... I r rea10n ° lhl' racts hl'n'lfl H -ATTEsT; arh, frt'lh tumatOM, butter, cbeeee, Nlntll &ft41 C.tttre: A~ ~lll'd, public peact', hf'n~th unrl FRANK I. RINEIIART. r>OUitry . frrah flail, nuld mUk and I safety Bl"l' Involved, an d an nrdo•r , Oty Ort k '-·~~a. Offloe H~: 10.tl a.M.: 1-t '-"'- to properly U (l'fl.lard JX'I'1'0nll andl ('l.YAN fl H AI.I. T ... ,._.. 11 Coarad Rlcht•, M.D. "', ........... ......... .,...,., .... ........ .... ,.,. ...... Hewat , .. u a. .... & ••• ,. ..... "'"'• Offtea ,u, ..... 74-1 Propt'rty It ll nrees.sary lhllt l hl~l Mllyor or lhc• I Human thlnp mu.et be "-" ordlnanc. ~ pulf'd immN.Iutlcly Cit> •>! NI'WJlnrt flt>Arh tn be l.on d. but ctlvlDe thin«• llllllt r---C.'"'-ll::.~--.------. ,.....-----------, :r':r.:ar a:, ~:.~lfect beforr t:.U-1 Pub. Apr. ,;, JIH4 I bt lovt'd to be Jlnown. ....... LEROY P. ANDERSON SECTION 3: The City Clt'rk '''I r-----R--A-J)_J_O __ S_E_R_V_J_C_E ___ ___, the City ol Nrwport 8f'ach shall l wrtJf)' to tM tepar11tr vot .. on ttw Horrwo, Auto, Marin,. RArll011 ft.topall'l'd. Mari~ Eleclrk!an urgency or this ordinant"<· and Ill\ Hurt R. Norton pe.Mqe by the vote uf five 1~1 c-. •-••"k •vl141tftt ........ .. I c-...... ....,.,.. .. DR. G. E. TOHILL -a.... ...... .....,..._ _,......._ ~......._ ol ttw CltJ Council or l 1111 VoMt IIIP•17 NEWPO&T II&AlJM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~hr~n~ty~oi~·N,.~rt ~·Brh 11n~ ------------------------------------~----------J r-----------------------, r----------------------~ RNOOJ)I .JlJi\ (1 oat ollt ...... ,_. New.U..,.,. 'fted A&.) -------------------HAROLD K:. QllAUIL "--ttl, Offtel -.w Ra .._,. ., ... .....,01 ............ r-r.===~~~-r----~--~====~~~~r--, CH~ \ \rr1T ISH'1'" 'llj ·w~ ~==::.n-["PAIHUCG-• 1 t(HoW ! ,._. ,.. .. ..,. lit -'JuT ~·s Cella .... .....,... .. SK&neo ..,.. .. ""' ~v ~-·'-'­wu.~ Dr. M. D. Crawfonl Of'TJifi.TIIIIT .,.. w:: ...... m... ..... 1mN....-rt.......,.. f'MM... COITA MilA IAL TZ MORTUARY CHAf'U IY TH. MA .J , IUY NOW City Taa Sale Lob +J.-1WIST ... .,...,_......, __ ,-~, __ ...:;;;;; I ·-.. . • -· 101 c-.. Hltllway .....,.. Mil CO .. ONA D•L MA" ~-NIMer . ......,. ...... 1 ~.,... ... _..,. 41 DR. OBED LUCAS Dentlat • nny, w. O.tral, ~ •• .' ? HJtwPOaT BACH WHO'S ·WHO IN HARBO-DISTRICT l'l"f~LACl AND l<tNOLI NO WOOD- h W . Wrl«hl, 17114 Npt. ntvl1., Cnllt& MeN. lJIMtd LuDiber, Pll. 181-J. ~~ft"""L e OH-TftACTOft._ Onrf1nt1 II. Jl'lnt11NV, :1411) C:nut ntv•l. Ph. 102. Plan. and Conatruc:Uoe. LUM.Eft COMPANIES-, rne~a M"•• Lt" ('•• "fAt u• ht~lfl you plan )'nl.lr IICMDe." Phoee d . I nay Olllrtrt Lumtoe~ ~0. r•hone 1160. OJUt Hlpway at Arc:be1. OF' .. ICl IUPPL1li- N,.,..J10rt llarbor r'UNiahln• Ol. ~: tt • 11, N..,.,. lleM~. ~"I NT INa-:... N-port H•rhor Publl•hln• 0:1. Phan11: ll -11, H..,... ......_ "IAL UTATI, INIUftANC. & NOTAftY ~U.Lio- IAW H. WafiMe, 2202 W. Olllt.NI A._-. f'IIIIM I. "uaa•ll ITAMf'a- N....,. Hartler PultU3Ila ... 0.. ,._: U • II. ....... ...... IH •• T M.TAL WOIIK-~~- V..." ···-----o.a.....-. ._ .. VAAfd'Y .,...._ .... ~ ....... _ ........ . I ,. -..... . .,...._ - NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS;TJM~. N~wport Beach, .California, Thuraday, April 6, 1944 Clarke-Hooker Rites in Santa Ana Sunday Are ot Interest Here I-I arbor Feminine A t • •t• Newport wcru c 1 vI I es Holds _M~etjng Sub-Deb Twosome Bids Friends for Birthday Dance I At the bome of Mra. Emma On Sunday alrbl at the nrwt to Santa ADa wben Art ~lglahed ~ Phone 69()..W Prubytertan cburcb ta ll&nta Ana. hlrh Khocl, later fraduattnr from , Catherine Easton, Society Reporter· • Ph ones 12 and 13 • MI. Rerlne W. Clark, dal,lfht,ar Junior Colleae and attended USC.' -.------· ---------------I Wea.t.buford. S08 A.lvara.do aiNet, PetrO N~l.oa and 8blrley HatUI ol Mr. and Mra. C. W. Clark.~ ol wbere be wu atfll~ted wltb Beta u,., "-· W S 'I :: I f 11 O -8&A.DJqc., bec&mdhc . .brlde ol L.t~. GAIIllll& Siam&. H&.wu MDt IA..&.ufy_Qr ~ QmeQ -e.rve ~IT A ..nNI Na I'M ,. EAS1tl 88111J arewc inner ,,., A.rtJaur R. Hooker Jr.,-of Harvard Unlvenity by the Navy As Mothers 'Pro-Tem.! CliUWi.• -·-WI' run ~ For Departing Jo.r. and .l.ra. A. R. Hooker of San. where be received bla commlulon f PEO L h 1 • t.a All& who. lor many yeara. were!•• an en•rn. Lt. Hooker bu ju.st or unc eon I . ervice Man -Balboa, the Newport U..Ch ~ were boet.e-a to m tyflve ot tbtlr I W.C.T.U held lte monthly all day young Harbor "'* aehool tnea<t. • • -L~ ., ... ~-•t ttte mrrtlnr Balboa Tacbt Club on '1\aeed&y. MI .. F.leie Nrwland brou&ht the 'nle artalr wu & ....at.aet.la I'Nidenta of Newport Beacb and ~crntly returned from Iceland __ Balboa. The rltee were read by ~·here be wu etatloned wllb the )Jra. Stepht'n Walker of Balbo& the putor, Rev. 0 . Scott McFar·, Navy for a year. -&nd Mr1. Maude P&llman of Coeta , I&Dd. / Meaa were honored at a luncheon I 'nle rturch, archltecturaliJ •1 High School PTA l gh-en by membera of Cbapur GJ pm, wu nqutaltrly decoraud • PEO at the bome of Mra. Hiram with rna,rant Whlle &lock, rtadlc.ll l To Hear Fme Talk Curry In Santa Ana when mothers Uld call& w ... acceated by llt&t.ely ----· I or membera and mother• PjlG"Um wtlne tapera. Selection. ol oraan A J»«<l:"fam of outetandlng merit were the "'ua. Aalatlnr Mra. mWilc were played by the church I• in etore tor member• and guute Curry In h08tue dutlt e for the I otganlet, Uanlya Sedy, who al.o "' the Harbor Hl~th echool PTA j lunc. ec;n and lhrourbout the mwt· played the trad•Uonal wedcl~ when It meeta In the echool cafe-I lnp, Wf'r!' MI., Mary eaney and marchn trrla nn IJ'hur8o1ay, April 13. at Mrn. P H. Marahall. • ,...,. ... ,,_. rr•ven In manlatre bv -; :31.1 p m .. · arrnrd'ng l'l report!~ I 1 he pr.ocram was prt'llented by lilar tatber, die.. a belre ault with • trom the -club'e prealdent, Mre. ~lo-. Curry who intru<=uced ldre. ecarlt>t trim with which llhe wor" Hugh C. Marllhall. l lhon Leyt..len of D bt-ny Park. The bmwn ar•·t-a80rlea a'!~ a cor .. ~• of t.fnjor A In Blumeteln or MJnne-Juller t:ll,'t' an 111t.ruttng ta.lk on ora.ngle b'O&Irtme and gardt'nlu , llf'OIIII ~hu 111 111 the pwyrbulngy dP-art and·lanl.lat·apmg ThP epeaker ~'~"" · ... ~,,,.~,,.,, by h•r a'atl'r,' rortrncont Ctf the Santa Ana Army 11bowed eeyrr&l t~f hu own lovrly Mt.. Harriet Clarke, maid of hon· Air ~. w111 apt>ak on "PIIyt·latry p.;.ntlng~ In Oil. or. whn wo••• II ltult Oft nv brnwn In I he Army." Thr SJ)f'akrr Ia well and whit,. cht"Cka accented by a qualified to ~lk on lhla IIUbjl'<'t · M~s. M; C. Mullins . ('Orllagr or Tllll~man rO!tl'll w kh play .. Jlul'h tl vital J>nrt in H d s· hd !'trrvln.J: 81! hlll man walt Jfoml'r ( n<llllj: Ult> right 1111."* tor men In 0n0re On 1rt ay r . Pur• h wlt~·Ll Rruce Raran tht Air Forrf', alii be wa• prof~••r r and Walter C. Kern Jr. u uebera. ••t ocouro·pey<'hlatry a( the Uolver. A ~epl lon at "The Palma." Ana·. 11t:y of Mlnneaot.a before jolnlnf helm home of the brldt'e unde and thco Army A'tr Force. AU memben 4unt. Mr. and Wra. H H. Brune. 11re urged to take advutagt' of fQJiowed the ceremooy. this fine pro,-ram. L:nllt'r t ht' pr.,frhM' 1 hat llhe ~·us needoo to work on 11<'rarbo10k1. Mra. l.l l' Mulhna wu eurprlllt'd by a group ot fnt'Dda who had gat • ered at the W. H. Truety home, 330 Santa Ana Ave . New- port Height.., at tht" requelt of MrtJ. T1-u11ty and AJra. Wuley JOn- naman who IM'rYe<.l the guuta a de· llcloua luncheon 111 honor tf Mra.l MuU~na· birthday 'nle younr couple left for their honeymoon In t.aruna Beacb. tbe ~cte choo.tnc tor her outft. a black and wblte cbedted &beer wool ,ult topped by a red coat. Tbey w\11 eetabllab their home \1\ Bremerton. Walltlfllcton. where Lt.. lleeHt' wtH .,..ort ,., ,....._....., wtth the Navy. Tbe bride 1.1 a f"duate of Santa Ana hl~th IIC!bool and Junior col· lege. later «r-aduallnc from UCL.A wbere. at the tlrre. ehe wu one of four women In the United State. to c--mplete a courae ln meteorol· OlD' and when Hrvlnc u weatber foreculrr at Lockheed Air Ter· minal. e'"e wu the only wom&D weather f1 recaaer In the country. Hostess Duo Gives Bridge Luncheon Mra Jo'r&nJc Hardiman and Wra. P, V Parku .m.&red boet.ua bon· ora at a dellfhllul Euler luncheon and l.lrldft-at the home of the for· mer. 111 VIa Uacllne, Lido Iele. The F.aater theme wae canled out In decorattone and talllu at th~ amall table• at wblcb the Thl' glorloua Euler colora were fea.l.ured 1A t.be O.O.wua ot y.allow and blue dalliee and tall ye:tow taper~ aa well u In the luncheoo ltaelt. Hearte were play<'d In lhl' after· noon w1th .Mr1. R. c. Ow~n chum· lng hl(b &Dd ~ boncred runt. guuta were •ated. lo~Ao Ehe wu &lao t-e recipient of Thoee capt urlnr ecore• werr I an adc:lltlonal piece for ht>r yellow Mra. 1.. L. labeU, hlrb: Mra. Har· F'ranc1ac:an pottery ert. t•ld Woldenberr. C'onaolall11n. and Pieces were la.ld for Mmea. Aeh- M,... Lo"' Lake, tra.velln&' prae. lcoy Knowlton. W4lllam U cOonalt..l. Bride and Groom Honored at Yacht Club Dinner I ~uter me-re ~~. btr devotional&. birthday C'eleW.tloa trr botb i"tr1a F.alllrr 'nlourhte . !'the then re&ll 1 0 1 h ld the -u••ht tor Ute Dtrtha f'&lmer'a broadcut me• anr nr e • ..., .. Mr. a!ld Mra. Robert Foote of 1 aa ,.. "What to know and what 10 t'Venlntr. rKordlftp ahannr boa· Newport Height. were hoea at ,.d g ·bo t 1 h 1 .. f 11 -·• b ora wtth muak by tbNe memben K tt' Be o a u a r n n . o ow~ y a b d.lno • rry Farm to a family rouml table diecu .. lon. of 1!:. C Andrrwa flve·pl~e~rc •• ... nner u a farewell courtea)' to 1 t ra fmm Paeadena J unfor .... one,.. their eon. Ray Job.neo,n of l211-27th The IJu .. nna of the •u•on re· Thl' youn~ muelclana who arr v&· e.reet who hu lett tor duty wttb nalt>d that thr rroup voted to <'athlnlnr at Ralboa, were Andrew• , the Army Tran.port Service. ~~~~~ lllltne to the lllate hlllllt' at '.l ho rlave the plano and Ia leader, H&y tormerly waa .with tbe Kay. Eaglf' n , r k u \I: ell u a rift of LH Kroltor1an on thr drume and ~A.• ant_ Lumber Company In Nl'w·l Trttnt'y to apply nn a.n annlveraary Wally Turner who makea the balta- 'port and more reccontly bulldlnr gif t f, r I hr 1 ounty prelident, Mra. ftddle talk. , ahi111 a' }'~ytoa Co. Mr1. Jobnaon l':ftt'llr Hnrper n! Oar<ll'n CTrove. 1 uncb. C<Ylklf'l and cakea were and th11 coup!e'a four cblldren wUI N 111 1-lora O.Oatty wbo tude the ~rved durlnr the eventnr. Mr. &ad rt'Sido> at 209 7t 1 1tre.:ot wb1le her u •y11l To•mperam-e Lt~fon. an or· Mra. Robert Boyd were J'H'Itt& of huabaad Ia away ganlzatl .. n of gramrrar echool cbll· honor. Thoae attt'ndmg thr affair were1 •lro·n \<h ll'lt m~eta bl·m nU1Iy. rt'-Claire and Joyce Stdnbaurb. lht hnnort'd guu1 and hlol wile, portf'd a ~rnwth 10 numbere and former Harbor hl1th ~lt·a of Mre. Nancy Harrtl n, Mra. Ua.ry lnt•·r rlrt. Thr ,-ruup te llpOIIII• rtd t.be boet.e-• nll'IV llvlntr ln Loe Anderaon and U.r be 1t and boateM. ant..! ·flna.n• ed by the Temprrancu ·~. ••rrr wl'lromed beck b)' --- -~Union. tttefr many h'lenda. N d V. . Mrs F.llaGol<lnrr.217·33roJ•n't'l, eva a lSI tor I will be hOIItN!I f\Jr tht' .May 3rJ all Enjoys Reunion •luay .!IUIIOn at ,. kh the 1(\Jt'Bt ep•·ak .. r Wlll br Ure. Hl!(llY flll&at:r.- • --lky nt Santa /,na, who le th«' Attn an atbeencr of four Ye&r•, 1 ec;untv Dlrrrtor or Health. Mra. Lula E. Cullin• of Bout~ __ _ __ 'rty, Nevada, .returned to renrw J , ncqualntancea and vl1lt the many · member~ of her lamlly wbo rulde In .tht' Harbor area. After ..ver&l -moatlill ..,eDt wtU. her mothn. -''"· ldary Anderaon <\1 ~ ltreft, Mra. Nancy Han1· eon bu returnt'd to her hOJ'l~ In (' rpu• Chrtatl. Tuu. AI. a boWie f'.IUl of ber 1l.Ur, Mr1. Cora Von KeiiJll'l. 2~2·1tth etrtet, eo.ta Meaa. ee baa been tbt> lncent,l\e for many atfalra by ber re:auvu, lacludl.nr her tt.ree I brotbera, Jake SOuder, Evera.tt Souder and Dewey Souder. a . • daU&hter, Mra. CUI Milner, .act · I et.ne, Cbariea~. Smith aDd BtU P. Smith and Mra. WIU Focht of ' Coeta w-. '· --I e COMING EVENTS Miss Mary ~mbs -~ 1 Hostess to F rtends FRIDAY, APRIL 7--- Red Cr.--workroom, t t t Palm, Compllmenttnc a lf'OUP The brldetrroClm, who Ia a aeph· ew or M,.., A. B Rouaelle and a cou11in of Mia Allee. Plummer. at· tf11df'd the Nl"wpllrt BtaC'b cram· m11r IIC!hrnl aod ernr ~ year& at r -·" ,. ... r~t. ecflool &fore tlie l!.ooller faady monel their home r'lllol'U were lalt..l tor Mmea. E. 1. Herman Barnu, L. H. Jo'ergu(ll)rr. Moore, Heinz Kalaer. L. L. Jebell. Ul" hooteuee and honorrd guut Charlu McAiary. Verner Britton, I Mre. O.car Mt e wu bidden but t: B. nudd, Eurene Fenelon. Hen· unable to attend. Bal~. open 10 a. m. to 4 pJ m., fr!end.t w r om ebC' bad mC't while 1 ·a !l•'•l ,;:rlldlnJ: an event of Su•· aewlng. viRillng her 11111trr elnC'e NovMJiber, day night 1n Santa Ana. Lt. (j&l MONOAV. APRIL lG-•u• .Marcia Coomba. owner ol ' Pluo lnAtruc-tloa Gustave Linsenbard Cnldwltt' LriJl!IIC Con!W.'rvator)' Pupils A('('t'ptl'd ~nnt'nl a Spt'C."ialty Phoee Newport 190S-W ZaM Tberapy, Medical -....re, Swedish Mu· sap. 'llydro Therapy Spt"Cial TrC'atmentl lor Owrweld\1 & Undcrwt'ight · Gene Morleghem Zont' 'Mwora ptst Spt'Ciallst ry Eg&ert, Darrell Kin&. M&rJ'&rf't --------- Niemryer. Harry wdab. c.-F Mar CasaSceneL.. Hand, J . A. Cant, c. L. Andrewa, Of Island c · I l#a La.k.e. Harold Wollknbunc. lrC e I Jnl:n Murphy. Luter n oblnann all/Sewing Session I thr hn11t-a. • · Olt..ldt'n but unablt to attend were The bualneu of lbe day for the Mmee. C. Harrt.on, B . .Z, McKJn· meettnr of lbe IAI&nd Circle whkb ocoy, 8td Btackbeard and 8&m Kin.! 1ut luuday at War CaM, Balboa father leland, wu Rf'd Crc.e -Inc. --I Membera wboee aat&J d&yw OC· Les Steffensens curred In february, Marcb and Aprtl were remembered 'niOH Solo in Cantata I honored were Mmu . Loul~e Smith. lfelena Hargrave. PhOfbe Bennetl, Lura Smith, V . Mllrtln, lone Spragur and Mary Cummln&a. Thco Circle will tum1eb caku and money for the N•wport USO three da}e next wer k. Tt.,. nl'ltl mt'rtlng will be vn Apr.l lb.h at Mar Casa.. .1ot.1 :., , ,. A 1t :IUr Hooker were fted Crru work r nm tJ t Palm Tortilla F'lall In Balboa. Mta ·~u··~t11 \\ ••olo .. Aday rvenlns of Mr. Balboo. OJ>('n 10 a m 'to • p. m.~ i.f:'l ry F.. C ombe gave a prettily ,.:ro.l ~·rll f\ Q. Rouarl~ ~ au!'l1cal dnulnt:• appo1ntt-d lunchron at thr OoUa they rave a dinner In hoaor ot the nffi C'i011.,-"'"rllruo--;n--IJoo-·HmlAc-,erorr her couple at tht Newport , H.arbi•r 0<-t>.ln L:lvd . L:vron11 <l••l Mar. open Wruwlngton. D. C .. where ehe IJJ a Yltdtl L'luh. Thl.' groom 1a a ne.pb. 1 In • p. m .. llllrKl<'lll dret~~~inga. trained nura~. e\\ nt .Mr~ RmU~Belle. Membera TUESDAY. APRtt-.11--Tbn~~e bidden were Mmee. VIctor of tht family were blddeu to tbe 'Ill .. h~·aker8' Furum will l!ofd Cr·au. <.1ara McKittrick. GeOI'Ct affair. a lunchC"on meeting ar-t:>anl~ Callhan. Nancy Lennard, Harriet p ,.,.,.,,.rnnt In !'lll"'ta Ana. trndcrwnod and rrillt<'r ot tbe ha.t· 1 The Earl Grahams Proud Grandparents He<t ('r • workroom. 111 Palm, ea. Mla Marcia COomba. I I I "UboL opftl 10 L m. to • p. a.. Mlu Olomba lef by plaAa. t« t rf':l('al ~In~:• 1 the Eaal.enl c1ty oa 8&turday. i Harbor LIODII Club wiU bold a Word hu been received by wr. \'o'eekly me(Unr at Ht'in:c Kalaer'a and Mr11. Earl Graham. 3813 OJUt Cayehnrr Cafe. 6 :30 p. m. Blvd .. that a 110n waa born to their w:!:~r Rotal')' w11l meet at daurhter anrl 110n-ln·law, Mr. and, • Park Avenue at 6 :30 p. rn. .M ra P.olM'rt Gutecbaw of Portland, N C. orrcon 1 ewport 1rcle to . Tht' 11181 child In the family, t.be Hold Dessert Meet httl• lad hu been named Jobn F'.arl. Mre. Cutechaw wUI M re·r A I tt>t' hom~ rot !'olr11 Ivan Con. membered u Gertrude Carpenter Hr. 34t0 W. OC'ean Front, the before her marrtare when ee wu Newport Circle nf the Womt'n's s11 .. TAX SKRVICE Federal Eattmate State lncoi!H' Tax Both Due April 15th "Thl' ~even Lut Word& or t'hrlat ;• thC' aacred cantata by Tllt'od rt Dubnl:~. fC'atured Yr. and Mr~ Les Stdft'nM'n of Cornna del Mar u 110ll11ll! wben It ..... given In Ita annual p~•ntatlon by the eomblned cbolra of the Flrat·Bap- llal church. Santa Ana, lut Sun· tiny n•ght. Mr8. Stetfenaen conducted the pre·Eaeter vn~r ceremony. s~e • a eoprano and her buaband a baritone. Affair Compliments Mrs. V. E. Britton ery. · mrrt Wedneaday, _,4prll 121ll. at 1 _ _ _ p. m. for deaeert foil Wl'd by the 1 1 emplnyet..l nt Moorr'a Confection. Cll'ty of Chrl8lllln Stn ke will C F D . reJ(lllar monthly meeU11c Compllmenllng Mra. Verner E. • • en n I SOnS . Francis Horvath S%1 ADeo St. PhoiMl 11Jt S~wport a--b Greeting Card1 and a Great Variety of Unuaual Glfta "WF: INVlTE YOU TO BROWliE AROUND" C. E. LOUCKS JEWELRY and ITATIONilRY Dlamo"da • Watohn • Flrte Repalrl"l PhON N-~Mrt 2430 1117·" N&wPprt •tv ... , C..U Mua, Catlt. Brlltc.n who. with bl'r bueband. Occupy Newly bu rt>tumed for a abort time to thn Udo lelr home trom Huron. Purchased Home South Dakota, Mra. Cbarlea Me· ; AJary 0, Coela we .. wu ~­w a group of frlen<la lor deeeert and brJd(e on Tueaday. Welcoming their friend were Mmea. P'rank H&rdim&n, DarnU ~---------------------------: 1 K!Dr. P . V. Parkea, Eurene Fene· loo. Henry Errert. Marp.ret Nte. After llvlns tempcrartly at 207· 3oth .treet wl'lle their aewly pur· chaaed home wu be'nc rfdecorAt-J ed and altered, Mr. and Mn. C. II' Denntaon are happy to be at their permanent location. 928 w. C..n· 1 tral, HAIIDS BEGII·TO flY when 1he fled moYeS in d P'Prf in 1he Army m~yer and the t.oete.. ~----~~~~=T====--~~~~~~t­ Now Under New Management Pressing-Cleaning-Mending ROBERT SCOIT, Manager Formerly Lapaa IIMeh Cle&nera With Mrs. Goodell I The moothly meettnr ol the MrL G. M. 8w1Jrert _ wtll be Womea·a Society of ChrietiA:: bcateu to membera of the capUia Service wiU meet '1\aud&y, Aprol Clrde, Wf'dneaday, April 11. at 11, 1:30 p. m .• with Mn. E. o ber bomr. 208 F'ernleaf, Corona del Goodell, at ber home, 3000 Wut Mar. I Ocean Front. 1 • 1 The Study (Toup under the lut1. Clve Dollera to Uncle Sam whUe erahtp of Mra. Ivan GoDaer, w1U '-...;:.--------------------------J. you can! Buy War Bond&! convene at 10:30 a. m. Mtomoraadum f•of'l Earl W. Stanley • Realtor • Ne•'J)Ort Harbor, California .. )~,ur tl,e Ofi,'ce -<.,{ (~·,)' 'C,lum·tlm.,n ;n tf1c llt?clio.m Wlt1 1}>4-f, IS rrspcrtj u!l'f <io.,firitecl. \,.(,,t' for ol' April )'our ... for a (;n·6t Newp,,rf _Hc1rb0r ., .... ...,. .......... lel•••••e-• :. ...... ~ ............... -....................... y.-.....aLMttDI .............. . ___ ....... ..... ..... ..wa.r-•ller ...... _.... ...._. weultl hne .. .-It-., ..-yt.e Mt .......... hi• ... th....,.h ., •'1· Will yev ,. .... help -lty IMvlq 7 .. fO P.M. fer the ""Ice tMn? It's especlaUy l•porteRt In theM ofl-cl~ ....,,.., "*' .,..._.-... C-'1--' .__, .. .-.r ...... • lllllll cauJIIIII TttfPHil ce•rlll . . . .. .. 7 .. 1011•----................. -·· • &MMK-.shNii tor lttelwool to sc&ur your pots ~b be had by uslo1 daapeae4 sandpaper. .. ry a u\easll will be scratched. Snip your scissors thru a piece ot sandpaper. Presto. your sew1aa tool will .be-.her"' ... " ., -