HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-08-13 - Newport Harbor EnsignCORONA DEl MAR ORANCf{ DAMAGED PAGE ~ule for lehool ttda tall, orranJutJon of the tHcltlna ttatt · Jnd admJntltra. tl~ preparatioN .. -.re announc- ~ ~ b} Sidney D&Vkleon, IP.lJW(nt~nt of N~rt Har. bor Hlah School. ~nJna da~ of 1 he IK'hoo) } rar hu ~n lit"l Septembt't· lll. hf' 1tat~ with &Mu&l ln•trul'lron ~lng t·r~-etl· Nl b\ a ~t't'l\ nf fac Ull) mt'«'linJ~r; a nd l~u t.l11· ... ul rt•Jrl~lrlllllln tor trtudftlla Gradt> ~rhnoJ, "Ill npc•n tlw a.:1mr d..t\ CHINA COVE-Ita fate will be d~lded at 1 State Park CommcMio n mHth\11 Mlct -•k. China Cove Fate Set Next Week I G'/J 1/ I~aw_ver Tf'iii .R eplace 1 'llzo1npson .4s City Attorn{?)' Public To Voice Sales I ax Views ( II ., lh O( ="t'\\ • •I' J•,pa, h V. h ba\'" ,.,. ""'~ 0nllu· 11 ,,, 'or • lhe1r • , ,~,ron~ 1 • ·• • 1 "'liC ,, .. , eih t.A•• 11' "''., JI,P l'co.ncrl ~id... '• ""'l r"~..a! r m-••n~ lit i 31 -1 rn '•I ~ ., ..\u~ 2.1 At U&t' : ctt1 c; ~··''l"n 1 hf , 1--, n ', • ,... . 'o " t.-• thr lit, • ,,.,. • • tl r Ortoln ~ 1\ 'U'<l II 'V I h~ ._., "nd A fln'f'·t 1mp~..,.fnt.n, ~"· for Comn, d"l Mar frf\&nl'l"d b\ ft~t• tu e.., runrl• .,.a~ a.nnoun. ~ \\.••dtH"'•1S\ h1 ~fl\'("or t 11C k I rn~k• Ahoo~Jt. lk .IIi r• ~M ,ll\li I· 11l•l" fJY"' lht)O<f" hnch f<>f' lh• hot• choo. r. II• 'h" 'l"' tww (lf •h fc>Ur '" t,. "'~n'\•-ci ~ld ho ("'((lr.''plf'• ...-! h<" f,,"' ("hn:ctma• tlmt' IIN'nr<lonc •n \\'o•hh •ho qud rha· '"" J.•IJ <hi'(J)d I• tionP ~fnf'l" tho ra.tn~ stan Abo:!ut ~'lO 000 I' """" a\'atlAblr for t~ "niU'f' Ml' ctf !\:--pnr< RNrn fnom «taft-i:-tu fun<is W~hb Qljd rOM\ Pf>r N"nt ot thl• 112 000 v.'\11 tit u~ fnr main tf'f\&nC'f' ot 5l~t~ th~hnu• tlu dt} Thull 60 per N'nt or 11~ 000 wtll ~ a1lnttf'd tCI tho-C<~mna ~~ Mar: proJect for th.il )'ear ' .. Five Cents ving Is Sl . G s xFun • I All-ew '""~~~~~~"~ ~ Cgr '"''··"""...,. n 11t C4JAST HIGHWAY .. A MAGE PAGE I DAMAGED PAGE 1'7uRIDAV, AUCQUIT tL tMa mE ENSIGN ~ -~m -~~ ~ * 0~ ~ .!~~~ ·~ ~·~I .!:~!."! ERS n ~~·gn quito contrOl to a ciellre to pn-and tbe Street 01!pu1.roen'-· ::&: on top or the hill ~}.:tnd Corona In ttte cust.ma~y menner 4 eeJ'e an ~ vtPN bolD lnl a su.rYe)' of \he ~ wt t't'l Mar ~f tha latta,. -~. I with to the blldt at ()eocan Blvd. are DOW ~ toMidu&Uon to be IIWD uy te you, .. ,.1 .... wf'lte end I CaroN &I Mar. Cahfonu~ bdnc atudied bJ lndl'1duala aDd ~o w poalbllrty of ~ SIGN PUN READY; let ma ttnow ..._you are do· by ClOIDIDitue ot tbe CoJ"ODa cte~ a.bCS ~nr the •ll'ft'll wtth LOC •DON .._,...,.ED In g ... Al\\"0 E HAAPA. ~ One Year Slx Months 1bn!e Months Single Copy . $2.00 1.00 .50 .05 1lw Ensu:;n " rubb~ ~v~ry fmuy for the cnmmunt~~ of Con.'fl.~ del M.a.r L'lU ~lt-.o. Wand \Vntttn rommuruatJOru to ~ EJUtl(n •hc.•uiJ • .r.rn th< n~c ~nJ add~5S oi the ~ntcr, a.nd 1f pr:111ro1hk the utcrh...n( nurn~r 1'he Ensu~n·~ tclt:"rhonc nwnba v..,IJ be c-.r.m~-J '"''"'·'· m dus cnJ.sthau u I<JOI'I ~' unngt· tnalU fnr ~ tcl~ph.'!'l< h.l'-C bern oomrJ('ttd Mar Clvk A.-datioll. IU tax funda. ,.. VII Jraldl • I I rtl I r-i .'o 1 a-.. -'-, ... ,__ Co"-It w.•• pointed out that U PlaN haw ~ely bee\ Pf'P-The "'""' tn • pa cu a Y ·• -~ .. '"'...,.. '" -anxlol.le to hear fr.m Ita wtllcb Ma 10Qa beeD the emter meet ~pair ts not caJTled out ~ by th~ sip committee ol r-d•rs antt to publish tha of a c&alpaip tor c:oreetion of a 500ft, the •tl'ftts would deterlor· the Olamber of ~ for letters In "'-pag... &af\d atat~ beach. puna Cov~ bu ate 10 badly that a speda.l ....,... •liN to be placed at entrances to _._ d ltlo-...__n lnduded ln the countv m .. mcnt -•-t be l)ftded. Rklh&rd <'ollOna del Mar Tile plan• call In your COn"me .. ~ an or-......,.. " • ._.. b-he Ism~ af\d WttMtloM--4Mut ur plan ot ~ deYeicpDeDt. ~. 332 Mar,uerlt~. 1a to 1\&1 for .tans almilar to t ooe at the paper, .,. abovt otha,. ta· and ttw dty of Newport Beach mit a fti)Ort to Preslde!lt Hoyle. Marine Av~ and Coast Hl&hwu. pToa. bas pro'l-•ided the matchlnr land --~. cdntlns the W'a)' to BaJhoa X. T"ha ~nsltn lnelat:a only for thl1 proj~ MOSQtJlro 004, .a.DV.a.. land. that you eltn ~'" letters Tht' dedslon u to •tate ap. IS p]I()JlLEM HEBE Waltt-r \.t>rhardt. COM photo· an4 that you kaap them fal,.. proval of tht> projt<"t l• expected TM probl~ of mOIIQUlto con-lfMlpt\er. reported that fW'Ida are ly ehert. Mulmum leneth le at the mt'f'tlna of the State Park trol In the Corona del far vidn· available ror th~ proj«t and about 100 wo,.. (tttat•e atMtut Commission next "'~k. Aua. 20 It)' 11 ~ ~ by Wallace that tht' atgn• can be Heeted u a pat• and a half of tfoullll•· and 21 • Sft the story on pare \'ald~rhead. a local jew~ler. Cahl· Pf'' mission can be obtalne-d tn.rr spaced typing). ~. lett•,. one for further d~) uhead pointed out this ~k th~ tn lneo C'o. 1"M al~tru would will be oaneldeNCI fo,. publl· ~pot h on the-othe-r problema that some of the condJUOilt J1av~ to be plact"d on lrvlnf' own· cation If It does nat have • "'ill ~ prHentt'd at the next which 11ve ria to th~ problem t'd land tun~ th~rt' •~ no room bona fide elgnatu,.• and add· m~tln~r or the l'lnc Assoclauon. art' sta.rnant pools ln can)onL on ctty proPf'rt} on ellht'r edgt> rea. TheM will lie omitted 10metomf' late In Si'ptem~r .alt water manhe.. open water of tm.'n f,.om the published l.tter, L-------------------------' Thf'<oe IQUt·s w~rt' dl~ at hoWever, at the wrlte,.·a,.. the Juh .!!J ·'To"'-n Met-tana" quelL -- AUKWrt 13, 1~. av HO,. And Friday tbe thlrteentb. at that. That's the lucky day for The Ensl.gn--4t.s birth date. And there will be no DOD8ellSe about super- stitions, bealuae tbe editor biiMPif II well season- ed a.ga.l.Dst such talk. His tuth date also was an a thirteent.b--and. what is mo~ in the year 1913. T .......... 0MoCW lllaw ......... t.......,_ "' ,_,. IMtff a .._ twtw lily IIMM rewt"' the ~ .t 1t11 tt..,....Y .. ....., 1t11 c.-a del -.r. Nerman'a F...,. ar &hatJ an4 H.,.....y. 'T1\ar"a Uti e..-H~~· What's in a name? That question bas been discussed more bril- liantly by other, more famous writenL But I am reminded of a story. It was told to me by a mer- chant marine friend just back from i. voyage to Yokohama. The Ensign, Your Community Paper He recalled it when he saw the name of this Tnt Editor newspaper. He told of hearing the chief mate t·allt'd b\ thC' Cl\'ic As:so<'la\1011 YOU" GUID£ TO "ADIO So wt aak again, d,.op ua In tht eudnor1um of tht Corona d~l :'\tar Sl·hot>l ~--is The Ens' h Otne-tOwn COm F!lllm~ tn~ IS a ~umnary o( Mesa Girl I s Married On B ride -Groom S ho w a line. ----aboard his tanker tell a seaman. "Raise the en- N ~R4 cJi sign." ewport t.JPCO ng I 11\\~? ?" asked the bewildered seaman. "Raise up wh o? ~ ~ 1gn. your ' -.~ut''-"• I< h camt> up fur du· muruty newspaper. cunton Its purpose is to serve you. the reader. Its aim is to report fully and fairly the news that con-BLlTF \"JEW PLAI" Mls5 \'IJ"iUUa Friend. d&~.t~htcr l cenlS you and to present the issues and problems I t ·!\-oER STUDY ot Mr and Mn.. ~~ l''ri~od. that face the community. A 1 1"~"""' 1" ..a,., thl' blurt 226 Broadway. becaltX' the bncte Both Corona del Mar and Balboa Island are \ 1('\\ rr .. m lot•sna IIPOIIM b) ron· of Robert Woltz YHterd.ay in the stTU<'tll•n of ho~ JUIIllli oveor gardt'ns of the ('l\apman Park concerned with problems peculiar tO those areas. lht· low. 11! t)('(>an Blvd. was Hotel. Hollywood . Be- In this first issue of The Ensign. there is a sum-vf"P1i(>nlt'Ci b' Dr. Ro~rt c Burt tort> the ~remony they ~ared . hich ha of 233 Poppy Aw Nine of 10 on the radto program "Bride and mary of some of the tOplCS W ve come up hC\ll"'"' .t., n""' being plltnnt'd. Groom." and rollo"''llli thl' .~, for discussion and debate at the meetings of the h • .:o .. u.. ''"'.: the bluff an the run~ Wl:'l"'t' flov.'Tl 11) Hanuon Hot Civic Association of Corona del Mar. These prob-"''·1 t•·''"'''r. th~ FIPI'S h~·ust' spr111&~ Bnu5h c otumbaa. Can· . f a:ll f th r •'111 I'"PI'' AH•. and thl" I'"'' ada. for a W'f't'k s hom·ymoon. }eJnS require the infonned attentiOn 0 0 e J•"<ll• r· ! Ill' alit>~ ht>t"f'ot:'n Mb-8 Ftlend IS a ltght opera citizens Of the COmmunity, because Only a well in-Larkspur and Marcu<'nte 1"~· Slll£t"T and appe-ared Wtlb the formed public can properly handle its affairs. nu~ "Son& of !'orv•a) .. comp&n)' while T da th h been tiS. factorv med HI• I rnt••-.al "" tn buJid a the &T'OUP wu on tour She rntt 0 te ere 8S nO sa • ~ -road I ht• lt"ngth or t h1s art" a Robert Holt f. 10 , t'll""t AI:(' tn ~h ium for presenting such matters to the attention <o('d" 1 I ell tl<'t'&n Bl\'d and sur -.houl. but llw) .. el"'t' M"J)ant!"d Of the residents Of Corona del Mar and Balboa Is-fiCit'nt h 11 \\l'l than {.~an Bl\d I\ thP w·ar whrn ~ Jo(Md tilt> ~ th:a' ! u~ .. ~ built at thf' road land. Some of the issues have been given brief •·H· '\ IU "t I Jut :tlx>\f' thf' top HA F and .pt'OI lllwr ,, an ln scr· ple ........ \ I t' Ill Encl&nd n ~ mtt acam mention; many have been overlooked CODl t~ · ol the bluif n Kans&~ Ot~ ~o whtle he w·u It lS. to fill this -~-the need for COn\·evmg Llr Hut I "•ll:fMit'd that an 1.5 nl" tour llnd t>o~,. Pn~:qed •~ J '<(~"ml nt 11 "trtcot ~ wt up to c:otnplete and impartial inf0nnati0n tO the COm-p&) for •tt• tV'II Of conslrUC'tlng ''"nrq; th(' ~t·ar<~ that he •'U tha """-""'-ei.-. is being published tht> ,.,,.,I ~ .. propo~ dtstrl.c1 n\'f'IV'~ ~h• "'·u dotn& profnalon· munity-t . .I.IR: .I.M""""6~' • .,.ould tn\'IU ~r the ro" of lots al <.mJ:in£" wo,.k m 1..os At\ct>l~ 8 .. 10~-M,..._ JloMrt Woltz. on P•lhf"T '-l•l( I'Jf ()coco-an Blvd. and Hollyv.ood wtla lllefar-e .._,. wedding )'tl· , a.lonr th~ lmrth of the pro~ At t~ wl'ddlns ~rt>mOOY thf" terday wae Vlrtlnla Fritlnd, SO 'IBAT TIJE PEOPLE MAY JL'lOl\ road. wtth the ocuruld~ lots bnd~ -.-o~ • &ard4!11 f~:t llgt,t ope,.a alnger and ctaugh· • • • pa\ lOll 1WO thards or th~ cent. Pmbroldf'rt>d powder blue 0 . ter of Mr. and M,... Geo,.ge 'lbe.pnma.ry purpose of The Ensign 1S to keep Allan Sttlla of 212 Oe.hl1.a ..,.. dy with a rm~rtlp veil fast Fr-Iend. Ut aroactway. you informed. To fulfW that mission satisfactorily namt'd b\ l 1\ I(' Auoctauon Prf"'· to a helln shaped crown of White mf'rdala \1a ''carloads ot C'Udd· it needs your......._,.,. and cooperation. ldent RAlph H?ylt to rt>port on 13~ Her brl~ wu M~ IW' tnntad of "'Lotlons of lo~. ·~ tnt fu&lbJUt' of rbe road pro Gwenn La Klnd of New York The berlnnlni of this twO-year Eacb-f as a , ~~so a report-1ftt. · . ' v liM• Yf!Jft1 • Ill e....s ..ark wtnc:hen·a • Of ft!<L--. ~. l '· Ali • ncAJ headd h .-.r u ... •-erlcan Broad help aene you by . in fhe. ;:;.~ CD ORO TUDIES =~~~ Howard Jonkf'TS ol ~~~Co ~tator. • . Shows Increase Expt'nd1turf'' b) thr C"Jty of Newpnrt 114-arh ln<:T'I'aM"d al~l 29 P< r ~· c~ ......... , ..... 1 Q.n fl"<'l\l yt>a.r to a total of $6!)3.760. nc- rordiru; to a tAx dJ~t l ~f'd thl~ wt't'k by tilt' California 1'a.xpe)t"1"5 Association Thas total " $146 144 ~tTHtM" thlln thf' $507.616 ftrun" for thfo 1946 fL"<'&I ~ rar Fo110"'1ng •~ a compariiOn of paymt'nt' !or thf> dlfft]"MMt func- tion!. for IG-47 and 1946• GM'IM"al .:0' .. nunM\t s.e 252 In 1947 and S34 fl97 In 1 ~ Prntt'('> t1on to Pf'~ and pi"'PP"rty· $193 O!'l'\ and S\.29 477 Stl'fttll $125m and $10'7 2511 Rtn"f'atlon 122.29'7 and Sttt 777 Hl'a.lth and aanlt&tlon· m .T22 and $162.961 Dl>bt M-M<'f'' $100 7lt1 and 196 • ra7 M iJI(op ll&nf'(IUI payrM'nU. S70.622 and $58 '76A Data tor munlnpal utlllti~ "'"'~ not lncludfod In the tax dl· ~~ roport • Sl,o~ Cliffs Home I Viewed by Public aa-.wa social items wbich are the clcbone of CITY GOVERNMENT Followtn~r tht h•·n,..~moon t.M ouuT oF nv£ ae .. IES newspaper. A ~rt on City govet nmenl. 1'0\.!piP v.11l n\llk~ thrtr ll'mJXI~ A nf'W dramllllc !>t'rlt>5 madt> A fumlaht'd model homt' at wtth 5pf'Cial nnpha Is on · v. hat hoi'Tlf" at 3526 Arlc'lnq~ Ave lu debut a w~k ago W~ hopt> Short' Cliff• thf' nf'w ck>\f'lop-endless variety or big and httle Cnrona del .. Mar Is ~~tUng rot IU Wictlit&. Kansas it coat• h~ on and burna ""'t>ll Into Mf'nt whlrh Is pArt or ("orona df'l , Th b' rths d hs lit\ dollar. .,. Ul jprt''<('nlt'd to Mr Holl1 1!1 an cll'l't Ttnlr t ('\f·non"" <. mf"mnry be-C'Au~ It Mar I!< now Opt"n dalh rrnm 1 10 ne'\\S. e~ are _1 • e~t . thE' nt>xt mt"t'ttn~: I tht• c".w enii:II"IPrr tnr ~In~ A\' I .. n I ~rl n~:~ Ul' a P"tnl WE'll takt-n Tht' f; p.m ro~ IO<iJl''('IIOn h\ !hi' pu &Qj"-'1;"·~• annJVersanes, meetings, ''-'•~lll~tun Ttw ln\1''1\ij;aUon \Vartuta c~tt·-'' "F••If·<,l Aflamt>" ta· hhr accidents thefts losses ill d 1•'1'~111 "Ill ho "liP h~ J>,rs· ..... OTHER CO .. 'VENTIO .. · ke~ from thf' artual 1'\t>nl!!' in t he • • ' ' 11•nt l [o• I' a , 1 t \ Thr ,... "' "' .. s-•9' 111 ••f tl, l S }-orest Ran ThP hoU..;(' r. ncr n1rlrtl h\ th,.. lS endless. but these fcv.; p• ,\ f l't'h I •rnlt'ar \\ht• RIJ?;!f'O.:I rarho ballvhoo I r the fll'r~ ,\nO!hf'f of thl~ drama na~ri\>1111 \ t'loan ("rJ, rlrvf"lnpt"rll the tOpiCS v;hjch fill the • • •lu 1'1 "1"' • I' It•• lu\\n "' 'f-,•, !-ar<lun~ lht> f 'h "'' <;htllf"' \\IIIII(' hratl tOnlgh4 of tht> tr1 I.'-'"' ofhriAII\ np«>n ••'ant: l"''' ,.,...,,,.,lann wh1C'h .. , •• ,. 1r1111 Ill<; 10 pm "''r KFl. HI for in<t>N'III\III;"J<I "unt1:n. ltll .. 1 h ... url tha '''''"ll' •hould '"'1<! I"'" bh dnSt"" toda' 1 'rl lor:.tion ic lntc•ncit"l tn •hnw thC' or Ca11 1 hclltr J.,'T'(lt.Jn 8.' to kn<•"l· tt<t ', ·~· '"'",f'~1 lat1rlph1o.1 Ohl" BING COMING BACK athantAJ?t'" of n c;t0\f1n ~llf'. 1 t 6:DH mm•·nt and " ' 1 • ' 1 ' ··~rill toa-1 mash•r In n1 ,,., that \'UU ma\ •mtmut' which al the ~mr• lime• pro\ ldr< on. c flna•!<'l-"11 rt>pmt nf KF<~A < • BIY'akfa.<>t CltJb" ..... , Pnjm )OUr \ 3C'llllon. II -;houJd HI IW'f':ln \ 1('\\ :wo"'<ll rltnr: In R:w ona It \lat tlf"' 'I P !.1\ 1 ·'• randlr1atf' Ohio'~ t>o 1nn,un('('d that Ring Crn.;by is monel ~·rn · \o.,S<H.'I.1 r,.,.,. I n'•r Throma~ J H('J tlf"'ll hal< ,,, • 'lllf h sl$:n!'<l up to rt'tum to Ahoul ~· r>('t N'nl nf lltr• hnm4' pr,.mr~+><:l tn hP on hanrt and thf' II ll tr wa'l-f>S on Wt'dnt"Sday, sit~ on Short> Cliff, ha\ •• ~n •rakr "hn "a' M3\ .. ! or :'o:r\.\ Phtladf'lptua hu Sf. ~·· This ill the third se.uon sold. nnm ~Jd ~~(~ ha\'(' to- • •>t 1111,.: l-•intrd tor• .. ·l;umNI t.D11a' as l'lon Mco roa ' I'll: and t ht> "Ph1lro Radio 1<•11'<1 ,.,,..:trl} $7:.0.000 Th(' homi"K " ,, no "'"' to :'\('Ill da) Tim• H~ will l"njoy thf' ron· :llN'a<h hullt anu thoo;r unrlt>r ,.11 hu•I~Pl · :~f I Tt>rla' 's hrna<tt·ast. ht'~rlnmn~o: ~~ tinu•·. u(lp()rt o f John .scott ,m,~r 1 u rtion total morr than 1.11 ...,., a on (J! 1 h•• .... a m "111 ff'at un• a ~~~' !'10 s Trotln on.-h£'Stra and the 'Rh>'· ~~;-,{'! nnr1 1n \'lllur •, ,1 4,,. thl' bnok •. ·• 't' kn<"' n a ... tht' F lvr Tf'n· thrn'llr•·• .. "' k•••·pln~ su< h oro; in 1\t"r~trllwa" <"<>Unty, Ohio . f!whthlliH'. .t.fr'-'rill .says he rho!lr Frida~ th~ YOUR RADIO HIGHLIGHTS 13th fnr thr con,t>nJ ion d.,,,.. to hP c·an win .aj,!aln<;t all J fr is hra~J?In~ abnut a ot congratulation!! ''""• T'homllS DPwf·~ to he can be. Friday. AugUit 13 :\ 00 p m. KHJ-KVOE. Lto \'e It To Tht' Gtrl\. with mo'l{; hero K1rk DoUJ?LU the rmon or Afnf>rlt'~ a ..... ~-"",8'_.,, 6:~,, m NrC Univt>~· dramalc7f>5 Jobn Dol with orch~tra. and c-hor- the di.J'f'<'tJon or Ru•~ " group of ll~:ht dll.!<~rt' ,..,...,. our ~hy ... man w .. thinking of a nav.tl ontt-.trlpe,. ou,. En.lgn. ho_..,.,., t•kn Ita namt from th.e following 41ctl-ary lleflftltlan: "En· tlg~ 41.tlft11ulefllftg flag er banner: lllalld.tnl." Our £ne1gn aim• to be dl.tlngultttllft11, and to help lead the way b~ ttlllflg the ne-and pM~blema of the community fal,.ly and jmpar'tlally. Elsewhere in these pages is a story of three years ago, of V-J Day. ThAt was Aug. 14. 1945-- Victory in Japan. and the end of the war. Let me add my bit to those stories told by some of the boys who were over there. It is not nearly as dramatic as the one told by Jack KendalL who was on his way to Japan as an infantryman to stonn the beaches when the good news came. I was merely tumbled out of bed at three in the morning to help celebrate. The only item worthy of note was the location of that celebration. It was in the Hotel Berchtesgadener Hof, in HltJer's home town of Berchtesgaden. A couple of weeu ago I traded accounts of overseas war experiences with Donald V. Conklin, owner of the Tavern Realty Company in Corona del Mar. Monday afternoon I called at his ........ _ so that I mi&ht add his stoP)' to the-tales or hh'l..,. some of the men in the armed forces be8.rd of the end of the war. I was then told by his associate Donald Lebo, that Conklin had died the day before. That was a sudden and unexpected end to an active life. Don Conklin was a veteran of both wars. In his overseas assignment during the last war he had been on t he move constantly. Among the places that his missions took him were Africa, Palestine, Greece and Austria. His last a.ssign- ment over there was \\-ith the 11th Annored Divis- ion in Gmunden, Austtia. He can be considered one of those who vol- unteered his senices during the national emergen- cy and sen·ed beyond the caU of duty. WITI-I THE CHURCHES CH .. IST CHU .. CH BY THE tEA COfl..'IU<tf'd nf rlal'o;c-c. diiCWIIION. and tn'l:lnJC'llon for thl' training o( le&dt>l"!l Mr Bnmn 1~ lhe lay lrad· l!r of th,.. COitll M('~t~ cohurch Followmg last Sundll) rventng's 'lt'rval"'f">. lllf'mbfon; of 1 he youth ff'llowship!l hf'ld 11'\C'Ir ~Vf' social hours Tht> hlch ~W:hool MYF nm at t~ home of C. M Nt>liOn. Bernard St . for p.mt"S and M~t.a.. Su~ f tl· lowahlp JMt at thf' panonap for ~ pJ'I'M!S and l'?ff'elhmt'ntJI ol punch noau. Mr. CUlvn-H. Nelson. A.Dociate &EV~NTH DAY ADV£NTIIT ol the Sou1:h«n Cali- ] ' • • ' , . ., 1 -- GOYIE-.NII~NT IN&KCTEO HO"M MEAT Ddi\'eftd ,.._ to Any Honw lD ~ Area HIDY·s PET SlFPLIES GOODS f 'ORO!IIA DEL MAR'S MOST L''Vl'FlNG NEW TORE OFFICE SUPPLIES Accounting Fonns Framed Pictures· Sta onery Reeords Subscribe Now To G For a limited time, The Ensign \,;u be dis- tributed to all residences in Corona del Mar and Balboa Island. A subscription drive ~;u be un- der way shortly, and Tile Ensign will then be- come a 100 per cent paid-up subscription news- paper. Fill ln the subscription blank below and mail it in with your remittance to become a perman- ent member. of Ensign. the family of readers of The ~a•IMar Pleue enter my subecription to The Ensign. I am eDCloalng ~ ,.. ti:'lliilitlls. NaJDe ....................................... -.......... _ .............. _. • CPI.EA.U~ StJ'IfJit ................... _ ................. u ............ -................ . Qt;y ... -...................................... ~. State ............... . . . DIE ZNIIO F'UOAY. AUOU.'T 11, I LEASE JO(PIRES) ME.~' & WOMI!N'S 880 CIIILDR~.-, O~Bbs lernf/1/eltl;s ~ MA .. IN£ AVE. aAL80A ltLAND Brookings Variety Store Corona del Mar Phone Harbor 850 ,.... .. ----CHILDREN'S BOOKS--.--.. ~-..., _,.. Greeti11g Cards · Stationer)' Supplies ·Gift terns ·Personalized. ovelties ;....__---RENTAL LIBRARY-----' Wh~re WercYou:on V--J~ WEDDNG C'.\KES BIRTRDA Y CAKES FO .. SO METHING BETTER SEE 70S Cout H ighway H•rbor 1102 Coro•HI d~l Mar , .. , r r 1~ rli't: "t ... ,.. ' ,-. i I"'·..-~ ... ,IJ ,, ·t "···!.. 1\\ r•• :f, .... , ,.,. .. ,..,. . .,. 1 ..... \ ,,~' 1 ""' r' • d n • ......... t r· , , ' ' ' hr 1'!1 he'> --.f rt •• '•'r\ ... •' .r o- 1 "' .. r I On W•y To J•p•ll l~nd.•1•h'• tl~ l'n• . ..; to hear th•• nt•\\' \\ '' .l,H·k 'h. r j ct:~H. lllRI\.tl!<f uf •h• l".'t•lnll i• '--------------..:11\tar C1eanN"' r~nct 1-·H.ndr;. T l :--.·-.r ..._ \..,\ , .. , ..... ,~, ... fi,rr ''• "~tr · F'•u 'I"' li• "~<1 1-. ~ • J"0,11"'1· I \Jt r' ,.,~·•"'f \\ f\. w"f• •~lr<' ""'~'\' 'lrr~o•Crn•.p,.,i~:l'•""'1 ., \frt . ~ '' --. ~ T•'\:' 'w' -. "' . • ,t: r"a'<"11,'11t'd .,. .\ T\ o\n'"""' \J,--.! 1 """ ",.,_ o\~ "'nn, ~ 11:\t·""' c:.~, ~ '""" C ·r···r •,.1 '\1nr ""1"'1'•><1 ., •" '\"", ,,..; ', r 11 r ""' h-.,; h."'r ,...., '"• t-.,. l"' :q-I• All ~ I; • • ... .. .. . . " !,..,.hlp :-:f'\\ Ynrl.. ,,., " '"'' -..ju f''t, r THE BEST IX ROME AND Ar'fO l'PPLIES n•·-tn '"" \ • ,.,, , R• t .,,. I I t\bo•rd a Ca H •t • 1'lln .-_..cl ~"T -eek __ .,. lltltMI. Afl,... .. k.Mrtt..._, ... •"'t'lf'bnltl"d \'.,T f'lll\ '" '\"I'>MI'o l<· ";,o" ,. ., HuJ:hf" nf ••1\ lcm·~ -n-0 ... ~ .... ,..11--che -· coom· ..., ..4 f'• 0 ...,; I htnli ~"" f'll·· ·r "h I" ~ \\''1< p,... • ~h<>rl"' In \ 'or·nr.a d.rl p~.-ct, •tom•t>c ..... c t-d, h' ...... ,,. h C .... -e ... t~n "" dt •, ",h "'• <""'''' :\1,.. \\&• abnan i II" urcrl l " ~ • •fti&A lllit w16 ..._..,,es -· ...._ ,-... _, .... .._ F1RESro~"'E At'TO Sl'PPLIES Ol'TBO.&\RD MOTORS- PORTING GOODS - BICYCLES- St-""td W oth M H inta r l'f'r lfV• ::"'L)I"C r~-:l T OI\\'0 f.!.. \' J ~t~t •~ ti>c -tn f.-~ -·· d~ ~ ............ ... ~., R'"'clh n1 ..,,._ <l•·n· C'\{ t~ f'la• ~-." annou:-<"f'd Thf' C'llll rlf't !ta .,. ..... ,.. cleo-" ,_It _;::::::.,; the It ~'t ...... ._. r• • F..OiltTt>" ,-..,.,,...,..,, ~,__. \\811 prt>pan nR to arproad'; Jfl· *-a tl -of oc-· t~tre4 aa.r tt .. lall..., " ••r~••a•• •11h thf' :\larm'"' HP pa.n au~l~ m suppoM of 'hr t •d '-" tnlltil'>""" ~· M•d .. ·;w '"'aston of the mainland. Sllipan •nd r.u~,.... ~r1 rrtU-nt"d l<> Also slatftl for c!ul\ In thfo Pa tt>f' "'•tl'C ln \t·" c>r 1~'> Hr c1ftC' ""'1l!t Jim \\'lllaam.< c-f S.l· I" U at El Tnrn """" two '1-tl'lll"d bela lsl•nd. who " •rk~ tU Har ,~ •• anr~twn,..,mf'~• nf •br """ C'lf bor l}ru~ In Corona df'1 '\far Hf' t~ war In t~ PacifiC' lhad ~n 11 bomherdlf'r "'" a Fll A Md•o l'-m~~l1f'll.Cl fT'I"-n l"im~'< lng F'ortrfts buM In Ttah and Squ&r'!' bmkf' thfo rwo.,..,. '" Gfoorgt' !"'as wo undld on hts ~nd T'fonl"\l~n <'N'I''Inll df'' Mu rt"'<t· mtalon Latf'r he altPrnat4!'d ""' df'nt and MWiy appofntt'd ''-"~lsi· bomba.rdifl' and M\161tor and 11nt f'ltv attr>ml"''"'-of ~P,."N>M j&~ a.ll but tV.'O rnlsslonlt Beach T-tt-WIL~ then thf' milit1.ry w~ tht" war ln Ettrol-'f' f'n·1f'd JlO\-.rnm«-ftt otfk'f'r <>! tht' G<-r-nan !He ...,.. tn tbt A.zo~ hf'adlntr t'Jty ol Nabbur,t aht\ut 60 mil~ lbeck. to thco States. and tht"n to north ot Rt'C'f!Nbut"l th• PaMtlc hfo thourht. '" ht"n Kt" ~ a ~f'r I?TTUU'k VlctoT) tn J'pa:~ ._..., announC"ftt ,.._ ·~ hiU"l" It,, ~ walt W1lh Brenda Joyce Robert Shayne IUN. "'"' WED. You'll ... • F tll\1'1)' Affair w-.. v--. a .. ''AI'OBDGN An' AlB" St.amna Jean Arthur Marl~ Dietrich and John Lund ITA.ftTa THUft. AUG. Errol Flynn Oliva De Ha\iland umE ADVE."ft~ &UN. MON. TUEI. AUG. 1S·1f· Bing Crosby Joan Fontaine 'THE LVEROR ALTZ" In 'l't'(hN<'oJor WED. ONLV AUG. 810 Hq .. ttOft IHOW !It BOris Karlotf Bela Lugosi Basil Rathbone '"DDE BRIDE OF FR~ ~"KEN TEIN'' H"nttngton F"AIOAY a"d SATU,.OAY Car'tOO'I SUNDAY and MONDAY FNdi'IC Maf'Ch, Ann Blyth '.-\.1 OTHER PART OF 11IE FOR T· -Also - Prte.ton Foster ae.llt.a 'THE Hr~7EO~ Cartopn Ne.- TUES.·WED.·THURS. Grandson of The Hookways Is Wed to Pasadena Girl Orchl<b &domed t MarY• ~ SM la a cractu.a~ at ~Jklopal OUJ'C:.'h ln LqUna the UNvt'l"&l\Y f1 South~m Call~ Jkoad\ last ni~ a!trmoon tCif' fornla. a lllllrlnber ot Kappa-Alpha t~ W\'ddlnl of OCirina Stafford, 'J'he:t,a Md ~ the Junior ~ dauctun of Mra. Alvm RJce Stat~ of ~ and 1M forfelta rOI'd ut Wasl:unrtm, 0 . C.. to mt'mbenlllp 111 1lK' Splnstt>r.. Harold U""'Oln Godihlll. who ill Mr. Godsbal1. who ts . the thto ~ or ~tr. and Mrs. AI-ot Mra. na.rold Cod-ball of u. frt'd W. Hook"'&Y· 244 Jfc!J~ A~les and o1 ~late Mr. Cod· A\mU., Corona del Mar. shall. att~ and now at· Th bndt> ., -on• a ~own ol t~ SC S(bool ot ~ntlltry whitt' C'lwltltly 1 Cf' and Cll.l'rit-d He ill a Slpna Chi 1>uJin1 1M • ~ bouq~·• of catala)-. or-war ht' wu t. V-,2 In tM Na mLda with plka.ks stn·a.rnt>ra Tht" 'Ibe )"'UnC eouplt' are now on a MuqUt I had bN'n 00'A'TI from month•s motor: trip throul(h Oall• Hmolulu ""he-"" t~ O<>W• rw had fornla. ~ .,11J makf" t~lr bi-en rat l'd by tJI.t" bruw'" unt'lt', homt' In Pa.sa~. Dr ~cenf' W Mltrht>11 Mrs. Utclu'll and n. Ed~nrd fA15:PM 'tlt ~,: ... ~ ~~ o~~~n· C~O Circle Sews 'llwo bridr "-'11!t en rn In mar- ria by 8N'tht-r un<'IP Ja.mf"J f F II 8 ~orthl'()tt" Stafford or I ezaar :'ot.tron of ho,.,r at tht> "~d- lnsr wa.<o Mrs ~ Mellon C.pDla Clrt'lc nf lht' ('orona F.\&ns "f ~v.lrkl~y Pa Ja~ c:'~l Mar ('ommu••l ' <hurt"h mrt Slalfnrd of \Va,.~m_ D. C. T\lf'Sda.y at th• hum~ of Mrs. \\U mad of& twnor Thf') •"On" John E. SadJriT 11 Nam u.s VUtt'l marquJ,.-tte d~ wfth Avr. Th~ month!v mf'f'tlns: w11:. of'f'hrf'l I I• and had .,Tt'aths of ~vot~ to IWW!ng and t-mbrold· f oTY'hhl rn tht-tr hlllr • er'\ work for tht' bazaar to t~ \' c·tnna OdnT'lMOia and Julia held thll fall. W n.srfr~ld """l"f' Ocw.'t'T 11rls JUdi-Host~ for )"'atn'liay's _,. '\ni ROI!l'" "''ll• rintr l»al't'r Mr. slon. v. hrC'h ht>~tan at 10, a. m . (;od ... han·, I• ,, ma11 .,,_. hl" v. l't' Mr• 0 M. Campbt>ll and brothf'r AI Cnd«halt ~ard Mn. W. A. McBrfdt'. ThP~ M'l"' WEDDING IN LAOUNA-Mr. and MI'L Hareld Ll~ln GM.hall are -"OWft cuttlfllt ~r weddlfllt calce aftet' ttlelr I'Mm a .. In Laeuna a..:" !Mit ..-~c. Mr. God•att t. the p-a,.... of Mr. Mel Mrs. Alf~tl W. HeNWIIF .. ew.na tiel Mar. At h rfwht It HarT)' Oedet\all, wM w• u.tler. .. .... er rlt ht I• -. -' u-e ,.._.,. ....... VIctoria Odoriuot.L Photo by Ct'rha.rdt ~tst.-twll and Harry C<ld.shall ""'""" f'd tomato aala4. rlf'd rakt> u•h!'" and lt"Pd '" to a\&gt11t'nt thf' /1..·~ R 1.:.:!.. 1 1 · Home tn ..... dena =;~;twt> ~'htn ~~~nfa':: ~OIIJl,ll ites JWiu Suds Makes a Dtl;ghtful Thf> briM btl~ mad~ tw-r homt> "~'"' , "th a" \lnl It• and aunt .l\1r and ~11"~amt>s A. ~ K<'mP<'r G T. U -Sapren 'n... •al..-:r ~~ •• h f_r 1""\:;;..~-:..oi..ar I Mrs Edw·ard ~t'r Pbtcn of Asht>ndN'> Oaphne Smith Ou11· er ant .• n~ '~ ~ fO "'PCJ1~ le\ But" I \largurrrtt' Fullrr M • S K }] Harr~ \\ f'•tn\ rr F S. lladfiC'Id. Jl'l"WpCIIrt ~ made a hap-ll"y junk·yard and the th.rfof" of } S enne (;pnr~r lr\\' \'~"mf' ~. S A :'ott.~ \tar. LuuiSt> Shaft>r ~ r" rh\•1~ In "Suds In Your l:;)r" thPm k~ busy drfnkln.1 t~r. I '.teH~r IJ•Ui''' ;\tt>rtz. E R r.tll l'~mt> ttu hrfde of C\)t Haney tor tlwlr ,..tu.rn to the Pll\ how.e \\'Orklna out Unan~ and act- 1 H d ium F' S.•rc•·nt 1. n C:ruJ"t' SuJ•rvn.rn· 1 r th(' l'~1C at a sla~"' Monn;,~ nlrht. aftl"t 'an ~I> ina u l'Uplds for nephew Dan· s 0 n 0 re ,,~.1"11' J ~ And~""" , ••• , 'li.J ..... t~lf'bratf"d In Uur Rn('(• ut t hrer w~tu lor pUf'lj()I!('S 0} F'M'It'y tiiOUSt'le~· Stt"\'('naon. · Ht"lf'n ll,.nrhllfl n z RnhPrt· 1 •d' .. r . 1,.•Jnt C'~l t)ltbo-or ~nlzatlon.. Efteda of the Jt.t and «lmoltracht'r Katt' Lo- ArdPIIt-K"'Ttndl. daU$thtt>r son f>lt•:tr "taftnrd l'harh•t~ 1, Church Newport ~at'.ft. Mon-c:h&naes wrouabt Mre f~t by ~an. nlar.!'hl' Ghr'stonP. as Kate. Md :'otr-. R.a''TnOI'Id Jl. Kl•n· F'rr~nJ~'l luhn Sailors . f. F • " ,1 11 :--•, 15 ~~ d&ugh j'' f" oroenlnc nlJbt aud.lt'nt.'lt -ClOP$ 11 tamahout In <'haractf'r nrll 200 r.arw•l A\P ~ honnr· C'oop. P1•rr. F SthrtX'k Ja•l-.j • , ,1, ,, Ro\ Shllf· dra1Jinc oft of pa.rtJI or the au· portrayal •• tho.-\\1lo liiJI.W htt d "-llh s .. urpn~ hrldal ~ho••"r Ro. lon I "' :tt Da' t< and A f:. 1 1 ~li \\, tnurutrr. Newpor1 ditorlum dl4 a-.y wtlh aa ......,. u lhr f'rTatl<' dl\'0~ In "Chick· Aug q t;l'm In tht' hom~' ol h,.r Ha.apa. . l tlt•l~tht.. Th .. hrhh·~rrr•e~m ltt tht' 1et>ltnJr that hau pre\aJJf'(J "'-!· t'n" wUI ~mbf'r .. u, n ''" M'U') PNf"f'!IOn, 20Z nu.nn.: 'hf" mM'tlnc \!rc: rl'l • • • '"' hi I S.Jpl't'n fore. and .... UI\N In a COZ)' and n.-al ~PI' ~l(":f lrro; nr th(' play ""'arl ~,·~ 'tl·· K*nnAII'• fo-h-gu~n g"' • '" tnfornn.J II\ k and I ~. r~ncflf"h1, Ma~. Intimate auno.phtre toppt"d QU 0 I ~ d Cll 1 " " •· ' ~ .-' • • rt':t<'l <On•· l•)t'tr) with a po&t·lhow collft part~ on Wi'rt' rL' ov. •~·('n;. "-" 1'6rnint ~rn~ to Robl'n. Mau· ·r •., ,.. tl'• ..... , wa give-n lii n~ for aucltt'n<-e and C'Ul. Hf'r·mon. who pi :a) M the IOfl· 1"1~ Lo~t•· ~on of Mr and Mn ~ G Combi lllolll•"l!" h\ her ftalht'r \\'OTt' an Mal\ L.:ls\\ell's hlla.riv\b book h('artf'd rops l«nf'd to take~ J;"rank J I "il" of Rtodlan 'Nfll 1ft a II' roups Ot' llni(11' h•nl!lh "hilt' pique ~in WL\ ~Uet1'UfUU}' adapl.N for the thlt't' old ladlt'S to ja~ Tht> en •llkr plat:! r St Ja.mt"' Epl8oopa) For Beach Exearalou p it' ''" r a \OIUINDOU.S rufflf'd naare by Jade IClttand, and Ul"f' cast I!DH' their bHt; t1or- h•m h. Au~ot Z7 A moolll\lht boatrfde around "rJr~tnf'l\ undt'rsidr1 and carrl~ ~r two lovable and mem· en<"t' lUt"t''hnno u the aun~ht'W· r~r~~tl..,n• for th<' <hov.t>r thf" harbnr follOWN! hy a ~l'rnl'r a "'hilt> JH&\t'r book Cenlt'red tJr:thle l'ha.rat'tt>rs. !~Irs. Feefry tn~t ~,~, Ft>t'--u~n. Crlu K~ """ uniQV~" A C'rrPf" ~r um-roa.~ at C'omNI de-l Mar v.-u t'n· nn tht> pr;Hf'r book wu a spra\ M I :\ltSl> Tlllkham. Wt'l:t" brought ti the Ot>a hue ('onchlta. Nor· ..... n hun![ from t~ <"t'lltnJ raft· jo)'t"d b)' mt>mlx>" of CO'<ta M~ of whUP ~llrdenlu and cam a \i\'ldl~ to lltf" h)l thoaoe IW:O wun ~I ..&.A i\nd.l't'\lo" u Chinatown. !'M Y.lth ~l'f'am< ,-,. l~r~ In all Community Church youth gTOU~ I'""' I ll'd \\ tth whitt' aatln Jl~A· ckorlul rtrla. Jucb' CObert u.d <:a-.'irudt Mt'Cavrrn U UUt<Ollfd· di-"'Ctl11n• throur;rh tM room Ea('h last Wt't'k IOC'al )'OUth f~l· mf'l"'' llf'r tlnR1'rtJp veil "·a~ th\ •;slmore or Mr Fit.qft'ald. Den IJnnanJ ll'f"'.m-r -.-ltacbed tO a hid· lowf.hlp jornt'd two Mc.-lhodi't l'fiJ:t'd all around with taCt' it 'WU Ju4)'' C\rst U \f• Wt1 ;on, llrnt R4-nato Mro'ta den (tfl Th hono~ rotlcJor.t'd tht-youth ~ fT'Om Santa Ana with tht' N~rt P'l~IC'O, Wanda Fox. Van Chambers. Cl~ to bt-r hidden ~L .. and maklna • total ol About 90 young • Chooee. N..,y ··--and ... m..s. a hJt wttb.. Eric Maeou'1 ana~ P'ftftlr. iP areou ~pprove of Ions 'Wearins { Rttl Goort Shtts, l juvenile leadttt for ~0 years. Yoang· srers go for their popular styles and ' ,carefree comfort. •They're Hoff the fun of Home feet• s 1795 NEWPORT BLVD. COSTA MESA BEAOON 5639-W 1"1\a&> a h fOf' the ~r wf\h peopit' ln 1M 1*'1:) A ttf'ndin1 thi> br~ &'! ht'r fim nod. She play..S t.l\1' b:1 O.T. ~w~-~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~b~~. Jun~a~~~·~i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~~~~=~=~=~~=~~~~~~~~ a1 ~mmtJ of whitt> «ladioll ~t fWl lhl" eXCUl'llion ~\VIlma wore. a whJt~ pique A-ot'k and \ot!t'r euzrl••r. and would·bt> match ~tt"d tMnr room ~-Md JeeD OuiateN~on.. Mary Arl· C"arrll'tl an old·fat.hlon«'d nOSf'lo(ay rbakf"r 'Aith nollsh. Mrs. F~lt>y t on.s. I f'l~roon. Sorma Nf btU • Marleoneo or pink actf'rs 111"11 with llur It a J)llraoo:\IC'al cha~t.·tc-r she Pr-tstont at tht> sho"'""'r v.rl't' .~ Toby and 'nlora Jo strC'aml'rs lfer headdrt"Sl \\U ''dri\E'S a hard bug-.aln" but praf'. \tmPC Frank Lol(l'. full\m"NI H . TilnmJ)5C'n. Rnllrr C"oopt"r Lrnn of paiP bi-Jf' At>l fa<ol f'n<'<1 wrth tk-.11\ ghf'S thr Junk a"-.>· &ht>'s K nno II l.~'<t1·r B l1·· r Jam<" 11'1•'hM. l\1"0 and Jrmmy n~hf'r l•lnt.. a;.lt 1' • J)fOl-A.Ie and rt>nhslk Jl('niOn hut K•-nrw•ll Joh" f'nlf"!TIIIfl 11 R Ah-D-•nna antt ~"1'2'11"'1 :'l:d'llnfl Karl Thl' to11.-.. · .. •nt~thl't \tflt~" an abunc.hntl) rmprat'11c:'al Sht-Is I d Srhllhn~ Oull'llf' 1\< ~ Tht>lmn k f h -1 1 k "''" An 111'1• n l'nn·rl:' m .. th•·r Allf'n 'Rt>t" SnTIITlllfl<> Marlml' ·'"'' h •ur •'l"f"-' with ,1 , ... ,~~t' 8 !iUC f"r ur a a," uc !ilory, of llw hcl-.tr> < ,\I ... 11r• vont "' ro ·'"' ...... _0 .. :~nn,· ..... allow•' J-of pink _ r· 11 nat hms \IJ, 10~ and hl'l unlllnt'hinl! J!f'of'ro 1\) "fl .. -~ L'r tnt.. I~~ JA "'-huJtA .... , ,...,, .. n .-. r hi . is almm.r lhP ra .. ~ nf ht r 0\t n •-, • ' #•~.:•· ·" . ..,.· ,. !\ft.l'k and Dnnn\ f'('lll • .r• nr Suprf"n.lnt thr hrrl1t• ..__ ~rn1l~ r.r·~ Mut•·ll,. A. .. ht;rnnkr, ~:rw·rr .. .,,01 hrr ""' allir••d In 1 uinati1on. IIPr •lf':lltng!' \lollh lhl' '\11nry ~•r~'<' nn<'l H• rtv-rta John· , 11, ~ •iu.-,, llh a <"'H .,..,11,, Cl r t.u mllet tnr thr Ill\\ ant1 "Of'a St>wport Fil"f'men Fight rtnk , 11na'i""' bl.p" make for hieh momenta tn 1iiiiiii~iiiiii.:-· T\ Fi Loss U-'-_;o a Plln lull uf hlJ:h momf nt~. • :\'0 res: ' p;nt ~· rr..on ... ,, l~hc'rt "' ,, .. r F'i~t ·nl('t.lt•r• nf't"<'Nf no inlm ~•''"'11"' 1 ~nth Flrf' I"'c-ro.'lr'l · h th f th h I"' J ..... ~ f ro f'J o I" r uC'. &c ... ,;,.n c1ucllon to ('ath' Gilmon> NO \\1'11 rr,Pnl wa' 1''\olt-<1 c•ul !'un•I:J\ At .. Rl h " rr an.. C' an1 WI If'\ h rol ht•r· 1 emt>mbPrt'd for hf't rv•rl rll'\.·aJ of •• ·, p. m '" ''' llnMII"h II fill' II" 1 r h b .. ,.... 111 a'' n r f' n•IPJtT'OOm '' N·~ ~U~ S:~ll~ in "l."'hiC'krn J-~·t-n· ,,.,. hnm•· nf '11' \1 Pl·· .• :l. 112!1 u'h"'' antt Philip Shafl'r ''as "un<la~... Sht> lot&\f' Ml"~ T1nk Pnlt'l A\P l'l.'llhoa ThP an altar bo\ ham all the whim~. abs1ractlon ',, "h1rh ,,.,, ,,~rlt•t t>• "I .. -~ ""'''''"' bum lntr out In Mn. Go to Suttle and thwartt."d mmanll<'i~m "Til T'!v :tit'~ elt'(trfc ra~. ca\Uied \lu,1r "a' 1,m,;dt."d h~ \I ten Into tht> part and then liOmf'. ttl '• tlama~l' lmt•lrlll Anwn .t t the oragn, ''ho H~r fadal expi"C'$sions and shad- ' hl'lrr '' h f'h "''arff'<i undf'1 pill\l'rl horh \\C'<lcilng ma11 l•r, cd Jitt'Stun>s &J'f' a plt'asurt" to IM>- . urt.. hNI of a \.l'hkll• own A\f' Mana anc1 On Th" ll.w hold The-Vf"~ fact that !!oht' , • .1 \\'mtrrot nf cn .. ta \lr<. l..nu•~ r.orma.n sang A;.-e ~ms to unf1t'rpla). rarhrr th'ln ov.orpla\' hl"r rolt'. lt>n<h an t>m· . l~t,'t Ml'lrrtn. Rnhfon Lrrnf'T'V \f-a brought !l~men out aga1n ~!11rr:t. 'lh.ul!l 10 the ~trtcltJcs of thf' Frankie Oarro · "' 1~ 15 p m \fonda~ to 2124 -AND \\' f'""''t rat A,., 11 1 lx>llr\ f'd Frtt>nt1s and rl'lnt h rs .or 1 hC' :harat'1t>r Mu1s Tinnham Is li.i HKJNG OF 11IE that a broken exhaust pipe w11 \.Oun~ rou,.tlf alll'nd<'<l a "'""t·;• kt"n in by good hf'ar1t'd M rs. Ff!f'· lhP <'AlUM" of the fil't'. F'irf'm(>n lion ht•lt1 In lh!' Shaft'r hnmf' ley. who ~~ her mtnemenl \VILD RO ... .,..&:IO" , · in~hl"d 1 ht> btu~ with lltt lc-fnJio" In~ l!lf' "Mdln~~t l'f'f'f"mon with unmlst&kabte a'Wt', and ht>r Prr>J..ton F~M'. Gall Pntrirk J1rfirultv and reporteQ no ron· Alloti$1ln,:r ~1rs. Shaftor wJth ho t ablllh· to taint In 'a ms.ls if' Bill Sbd:flcld s de1ablt' dama~ .-.. duUes we-re Mrs. Suprenant her the prove~ stamp ot "a lady". and \1rot Rtchan1 Wile' sl!~>lf'r Third metnllt'r of the fantu a uN.-MON. AIJG. , .. ,. Coochi p I H of thf' hril'lc-tzroom. . tk tno Is Mrs. RasmUSRn. abl)' -------.----'ta ar Or ead played bv EIIMr Schmidt. Sht> .,A WALK IN THE UN" Names Committee Tht-ne" Mn Suprt'nant too. Is gl'\.rn a home at thf' ~ Omuruttee chalnnen for tM rhl)ll(' R !rN"~ gahardJne auit "llh llal'f'lnt Daflla Andrews wit h ftlchal'd Conte -AND romlng ~ar were namt'd by M'WiviRrt") and pink a~rf~ l••r FOft YOUft aEAUTY CAftE at a ~lng or Conchita Parlor • ronage of gardt"nlaa !rom hl'r -CALL- ,.,,.,.,I'd ~Sktf'nt Alma Tho~ ht>r tra\t'llnR rostl.t.-:'\P and 'M'>re I U S [)oc:umentary Pl~ "THE FIGII'ftNG LADY" No 294. Natiw Dauatlt<'T'll of tM> hndal hoUQUC'I They le-ft for II vr-BV a~ OP Goldrn Wt'st.. 'l"llesd8y. Aug 3 thort honf'ymoon tt1p and will " ~"'a a Th<Xe nanwd to ht>ad thf' '\'ar-home In Sf>attle where C1>1. Su· ... • . l"f'tum here betore making their' 11M eo ... HI-WII" r011<: eommlttees were T~nnie Pn-prt>nant 111 statJon~. HariMM' OSU Cofoofta Ml Mar d!lllt homelt'u dllldrt'n: Emily NEWS Ru~tt-nbadl. ~tin~t rommitll't' ------------Hl'lf'n MJrkoY!ch. hllltOTy and land ( f'llmed in CoiOT l CDLOft CAftTOON TUEI.-WED.·THUftl. IMrk~ Lronot"f" Singt'r. mt'tll~- AUQ. 17, 11, tt ·•-,...;;.. __________ _.:.,_ c:hlp; Audrey Cotut'. veteran!!' ~1- hwal'd C. ftettl.-n 8uf't unce.~~ar "ALL MY 80 wl~ May ChNttlaM ANP - T MAN WINS" w ith E.._.r ..,...."a" A-Lee -......... .._,_ COLOft CAftT()ON Nawa f&J't'; &-~ Late, pubUctty; F..6t.ht-r JohMOn, AIM'rOlllsm: M11ry Mt'- ponaJd. WllYS and mC'an'l: 131-tty tlitdt>n. ec:rap book; Paulint' Mf'tlll· fo&, gond o( the order; t..mlan Gllnt. side and clliablf.'d. and BlllJt> Kilkofer, parUa.mentarlan. Plans ~re made ror a lunchf'<ln and card party to be If~ tM lut of the month. at a Ume and tobe~laM. For Your D i n i ng Pleasure e SEA F OOD e CHICKEN • STEAKS Crown of the Sea J DfNINO ROOM • • MANY OTHER OiuGJNAL AND UNUSUAL GLPTS <:.'lJSTOK MADE AND PERSONA.LJZED WHEN DESm.ED Ac1Just.Jlble apit and top plate wtth oae solid and one opm gnd Brig-ht patio rol"""" of ~-d. Yc-1-2'11,...~ 10\0. nnd Gl"('('n rompl ·t,. ",'h mo. tor fllr tumrnto: !qlit FRIDAY AND SPECIAL ' , I .~ ~. I' Galton lin Rq 3.25 R.F.D. M.UI BoxH R.quJatlon Sl~ -Appro~ GaJVllnitl"d rTK't1lJ ------------"'T"'----------, wllh Palntl'd • LlTNCH KITS WITH aOTTLIE. fteg. 2.1t J ust The Thing For "Baclc To School Oaye" 2.~ Frrday & Saturday Only & 7 NO STOOP CL0111ES B EACH WHEEL tO Gardeta CUL11VAro fteeutar 7.t5 I~ECIAL•. FRIDAY An.IRDAY AT .. ED FLAG ••Htl OWN" "'"" 1.95 BARBECUE APRON Clips on Nothlnc to ttt> Agortt'd Dt>signs . On H t-avy Servlreablt> Ma.t~rlal .. .., .... 2M 1. F r'f." and lat. lpeolat TALL CIIJSra. CAP TO tleATCH APftOM HANDt..a.D DECK Good Gra• Cbtlon Head. I OL lin ..... 7tc Heavy Cal van I.Jlt'd For Lone Service .. Cal. su.e Rea. 2.19 1. - COLD WAVE S~ecitJ wmt PF..RSONAUZED 1 HAIR roNTOUR 1 Week Only Coiffures lOt COAST HICHWAY Coi"'"& lhl Mar PH HARBOR 1526 OPEN EVENINGS By Appointmmt •• A~VE--ttev. aM Mf"L ~ ~hlfnlltntl ~·,. ... " Norwdl, England. aEL OW-"ol.ti._ an4 frlenda of te.. PI~ pthu fer dia-. mond weddl"t celo•ratlon. Left lo fieht. MI'L Gonion Appl~yaf'd. Mr. Corcfoft Appleyanl, flev F. C. Ellla. Mre. ~-C. Elll .. MI'L P lum.ttad, flew. PhH'IWtud, Mr. C.41f'We F. ~~~. MI'L Marit Loud, Mr. Hobert Loud, Mre. Whft Helms a"cl Mr. W hit Helma. AQ A-ADAGIO TEAM ET FOR n.rN ZO~~ An aqua-adqio team has bft-n addt'd to thto ltst ot r ntuu.u"rs who will ~ pl"ft\('nt at l p m a t tlw &Jboa Fun Zon~ Sundu) Rus."' S&undt>rot. ('illnacban prclft.· IJonal champion. and JO)~ a-own, mt~.>matJona~ fe-n<'lils t'hampion will J)f'rlorm t.bk ~ water OUI'I'\hC'r u '1\-'t'll u IOI1'W ~ ac- robaUcs. ~ IK't p.lus a ctMna ~tit­ lion. inducfinc ·~U~knotm acqua- uc stars. ~ p&n of thfo procram ift C'OIUI«tJJn ~'ith thfo third an- I•· P\('lUI'ft by Photocn.!t ~~ ~~;~. ~!,~ri~c h:~· ~ ~\t'd from ~Ullf't. Wmi'M'I"!i an •ht> beaut)' rontt'A "'111 f'\'C."Pt\l' troph;e-s spotiiOIIM by Fun 7A'Ille-M an r Al Andrnon and ol twr ctft' liPOfi.COI"t'd by local !Tl('I"C'h...nl GUESTS FflOM-DAteLAND ~nt ~ tn thfo hnnle of Mr and .,~ E V Rapn. 222 Apte A"~ ... Jb ... J[s)and ~ t.Mir 100-lft-la .... and dauchtrr. Mr and 1\trs. R E Sal)cerot of Oak· land ALWAYS THE BEST BUYS IN TOWN // NE\\1 LOW PRICES ON BEEF -EFFE<Tn~ SO\l'! \\'E Gn 'E YOt; \·orR OIOICE ~lect {. . Gov•t Grad.-d ''A' ~&--Economy Cut!' Top Qnality GRASS FED C A 1TLE CORN FED BEEF CHUCK ROASTS ........... 1b 55c .-OO'uCK RO TS 1b 44e '7-BONE BOASTS ........... 1b 59e -ROUND BONE ROASTS 1b 59c T-BONE TEAKS 1b 8'7c ROUND STEAK ............... 1b 85c OPS We Have Five HUndrt'd Pou:n '7-BONE RO TS 1b 52c ROUND BONE RO TS 1b 52c T-BONE TEAKS .. 1b 69c ROUND TEAK . 1b '75c Whlle It la.,.ts UCED MOON~ 8110ee lb 39c sse We Han• Five Hundrt'd Pounds-White It la~ lb w t Coast hie Pork !MUla.,~ 'DIE VERY BJ!ST ....................... . 59c t 'Whltl tt ,......ally tMftk ttM c.M People of te.. Ha~ A,.. fer tM WOftderful f"eeOt'lloft e1Wft ua ,_.. CRAZ'V DAYI. To tM ~ MW f ..... w. ....... a"d I I WJsolcMk M~4C1 Cftd P~ C. 0 . ''Pat .. !'LANAGAN 1.847 NeWpOrt !A ft.. .. \ •oYIEI ( LIOO -~rt .. a.t.J ~"' Girt. ~y. &.ft_;.WM.\ A F~ Aflalr. Ttwre.: A._ VOntltfW ., ......... H .... . Purely Personal aA&JOA -f'rl --.: H..-r-ne. a...tA .. Tahht. kn·To-.: Ttle £11'1~ Walta. We4.: arW. of Frankeftate•n. ...,_ ef Fraf\k· 41:1'Wblft. I lllfl~. ~rl .... Ttlu~. J._. ~ Mat· ... 6n a.dety. ~~: AIIMMr ~art fill * ......... Ttle H uf\tM. T T'hwa.: On Our Me:-r1. Way, TN a I ~-. MOVIE aAAN, LAOUIIIlA. ..-rtAuft.: ~aJr Olf IJtlr Mac.ll- tnp. fwotttt c.-.,_ ~ Mit. ~ 0'1 1'0U del liar '\roo \s o f Cor ... dt'J JAr au• Mr and >1n Ham \"tifU1f)n ~ho mo\M 1<>!t:ia\ h Sar.t.a Ar.a !o ct-.c-tr n~ hom~ 11t '1n 1ru A\~u•. .1r. al"d ' f'L 1' ftin11or a..-. 1 hi OWDft'l ar-4 operators o1 tM> y~ lnrton ~ at 5l3 Cow HJ~h . ... -.y. Corona dfol Mar IP£ND DAV AT flACEI Nr and Jll"' C B Dmnlilon pi"'prV1ors ol I:>fnn "s cafe 1n CDrOaa ditl Mar. IP"'fl' Uw ct.y at ~ 1-a"f"! &\ DPl Mar tnd< ~- OftAfltCE OaiVE .. N - Frl.·&d..: Hnft ef Vlrw ,..._ .Cint of tM wu. H.,...._ lun.·M.,_.~ A WaUl if\ 1tle a-.n, The ~ ..... ._. L.My. T--.-Thui'L: AU My ...... cia) A txlDITif,lllt.n""{ !hom _.,.... 'VISITINC ON ISLAh O trs Elht-1 Fr llh&UII r l'l"r ~-:\!~ c-~ Jtiti''l'" n ctner ~ .. 'lf"\"'f'. Ruth Sfonpdlf'11• • ~--~ a( Q lna t.A"k· ( and Bfwrl> S)kt"O l'!flPl<•\N>C ot •fll'ndms: thr .., ... k ,. •t th-rf'Staurolllt P..l<'h.,..in~•'s mnr"-:\, ... '8 est Man W na.. "E~£& VACATIONING. n.:.r'hvonsu 1-o:\ r-.-.•e \ "' .. llland P.L AVI NEW~flT ~LAVHOUIIL F ri-4at.: lu4s In v-r E,.. Mon·IJIL: t...41ies In fleur ... mont. tr and M" J~ f'•Llaman ud lr and ~h~ and Ml"!i John \\' S tomo ot ~ ~ ar CI-.CL£ PL.ANS VISIT HOliOAV STAG£. Tutllfn ~rl.-&at.: I fl~r Maffta Mon..a.tt.: Ttle ....,._ -.. _ 6Jc a,: .. _ 191 ':::!:' ._ , .... ;;lJ ;: ~ 10 ... 7~~'• ~. ~ AIM Jell-~~-a'ftd mit Pedins. •n••• #' ~·~ Cheet~os , ...... tsc Corn Kix "'..,. ., :..-.. ,_.i.e 15c Wheoties ~:--· · ~ It• ••. ,.,.,,$ ,.,,, Sliced Bread ~ 1 .. ""-~ .. ,..._._. ,..,....._ ... Butter & Egg Brea d ~ 17• .RIM1 11,_1 Fruit Cocktail c ~ • •::..-13• Co rnotion Milk 2 -... 21' f V'CIIPO'V'.O VftOtt c~ • ~ ~ t Crisco -......,"0 ••-1.21 I -lb ._ 4 )<1 Edwards Coffee 1-•-1.12 O.oo• ,....too .,,.. ""'' 51<• Red l able Wine •-SS• ..._, ....... ......- \N ............... tO t' ... ~ If\ s.•~ &.c.,..... '• .... tf COM' 10'' .,.. tvot ., _.,. -10' To•., ... -··-Gloss Wox "'~"'" ,.__ J.-· Antrol.Ant Spray.= ~ » .,,..,. Reef Heart 2 ~ rt- Thoro-Fed I "~-21• Strongheort 2 '".':: 11- Here at ia foUta. Safeway 1 &DDual Peach aal~ featurina plump Juicy pea o:.. ~• . just the kind you t.w ~ waitlnt for Out of the orchanl. aDd iDto J'OW s.feway ao qwckly that they .till haw the t.nJe-ripened bluah that •Ys ••muvetoua flaYOr.'' Enjoy their aoodne-now. elicecl cw ba.l~ed &e.h Wlth cereals or ice cream. CApture· joocloe. by c:annina or fn:ezina to ~ Yide a eummer P,.. for nest winter a meat... 1n.e of the peec.h leUOfl il here and abundant .appliea await J'OW .Jecuon at Safeway Buy them b7. the lua aod ave. · fRKnW n.l DAYS WfDNISDA~ ~A~.~AY AUGUST If, U , rJ IUJ lOW fOI I Yellow On Head POll A D IIAMS \lon C:o"'pt .. th ~ tauce mn. fU .. 2 n;.:..--27c J~.-. 23c 101 111.1 COFFEl O~~alrty CofJ~ a1 low p<oce ~· Uc l;! l5c I lOOMS Cecil an,,.., S-t;. Rvby S-tie ~LIS -"Lit ,., • tlUIIII large Ivory Soop • 1,. Fl k .... u,, ...... . Ivory o es •·-·~ ... • I S ..... " 11'·-••• vory now • .._.. .. ... Dreft ,.,. "-" ...... 2'7c Fob C"'oo'•, ..__ 5..odo "--Jt• Super Suds •8..,.._ u ....... H• White King Soap -... .,. P Soo 11-... ·-· ... or p -••--.. - Spicond Spon oo ... ~-'~ D- Scotd\ Cleanser 2 ':= 21• loroxo c-.. o.-o,.-.. ._ ..,. 1 .. ... La1a..., .. ~ .... ..., ........ _.,,..., 16. • AU. Meal IANWIY STeiU Wh•• comra.rhtl tl'eet prl«a eompeN trim. too. Note in antch hoer S.Ce- way T-bone .tak .. au. med ~w .. te-&ee·bdore it ie o«er.t '-ale. ~­f I'Oil.G Sclod Drauing Solod Dressing ea-. •o.-t,.,- ...... .... w Oli~ Oil :.:::. ... ::.."":· ..,. ..,_.,. •= ., -•!'<. •---.. n~J .,,..,. s ._.,nybcnk Allsweet -"' s-" Blue Bonnet ~-Quo\. Oelrid\ , ; c-.._, Durtcee's Portcoy c-._. •• 'GI rei .... t ro0H up two -----=--------~ -.... Gill ... -.etc. and • 7 M4 a. wtrm.tq &tr-.k to .u ' c Jd'l.'e \-ictorl~ ln the u.. ....... ~ IAdon rno\'td lDto & ~ Paint ... 1IIIW tJe fDr eec:ond pl~ l.D Ammcan IAI'Ion 6 0 4 1 ......... It edpd the POW· .-ft11 Mea Malt team. 3 a. lut loJesa Mail 4 1 -.......v f'll'ft\.l.na. West Cout Meat 2 3 1D die ·tan'* that th~ ~-N~WJ)ort M~nta ·2 3 ., A. L. _.lr.kle)' ..... --. ._ c' ,., WM down· Omaha \Y~n 2 4 The ~arne qld baseball • bt • lN .eoftt ~Y n~bt Cornmunlt) Chu.rrll . 1 4 .200 wu Written Sunday at IIIICl tM OonunUI\lt)' Church nine • ~ld. ... IIWMut. 104. Auodated .. ·-... 1 5 .lf6 1'o _... m ucn Cocta MeA ~\lo"ft' &t OliiAM WoodlllltD titwiled vlc:--------------lbat and too much l...t'f1y H.&m11· tlfll'toul w tUI leCOD.d p.me 1n ton. • a row M ~)'took t.be Chureh· ~-.... ~-No 151 Thf' Merchant. ecored at wtll -0\'W ~ hurdles bv wm· .JDUWIJIIU apjnst the weak. undei"I"JWlMd ma,; l o-2. '11111 moved the ,WOOd· • vt&Jtora, tht> Loa Argt>les Ov~ BIIMl lnte tM .txth ~flU' after allL ., bad ocruplfod the c-ellar dur--I Disqa J!e..i..J Scoring onf' run ln the tlnt. ... the tirSt rounct of pia\ s a.n 2 In the eK"Ond. 2 In the third ~ l.as1 nlfht'a l"llln"· the~ and 7 runa In thf' fourth It wu mna1Ds but h \"O n.lghts o f I Ia) ~ qatus of ront"ro~Milal ~trlctly "no contest • ~ the lii"&SOn corrt'!' to a SDM''bu'd No l5l wa~ finall~ Jf't· Fan• Pay Tribute clc:IR. ~~ Paint "11\ piA\ tkd \\'edn.-..d.n whf'n Mayor Dick Hamilton worke-d fl\f' lnnlne-a tht-eeCond plat'!! Wt team ln Ora.kf' n lrlL .... t>d tht> n:~u; of of-allo\\ l.nA onh on• hit no runl! tl!"el.r nd mft'tlnc of the ~ear fadal mNl!IUJ'\"m(>nt \'f'rdlct. 015_ and ltrikJnc out .. ven ban~ on 'ntunday ~ht and In tht' qwili!kauon Blll Foote finished ~he last two ~DI tllt .• \D.>ctatf'd mf't'tl! the lnnJnp. ylf'ldln~t no h1ts and W oodmen. Thr n-port n.l€':t..~'C! b) tht.> may· atrll..lng out four would be b.lt On Tuelld-_, eq•n.l.na:. thf' ="''" or W"'\." from the Snowbird Yacht len. port ~ferchanta pla> Cnmmunlt~ Racing Class As2.o<:Uitaon Which T h11 "a" l .a~lt''~"" lut game Cflu.tdl. Jn ttlr c;p;_.,..n•l ro:'\tt'll d~l that "ho.•t :"n 151 dot's bP!ort" hf' .. ho\ t'd off for thf' Po- W est COMt Meat w-ill challf'n~ not comply wtth tht• spet'i!icatlons lo Crountl" In !\f'W York \\h~ ~ Amet1can Ueton "" . . neltht'r undt•r th!' f''m tin.g tol· hf' reprt",t'nll' th<' Wf'lt l11tcr In :::;;;;;:;:;::;;;:;;:;~;:;~:;;:;;;;;~;:::;1eran<'t' nor an) pN'VlOils tolr~ thf' month 111 thf' Hurtt Cham- ,. ILON HUTCHINION'I established b\' tht> as.•.ocaatton " plonllhlp bi\Jtt'ball games.. Ham· · llton lt.>f1 has Balboa homt' !or VOJIONA CRAFT Snowbird No l!il. Olo\'ftPd by the «'lUll l.,n \V~netlday. The ll'lot\H'e F,..m.e Wa.lttor LPwis. commodol"t' of Nl'W· fana ~\"f' him an enthus1astlc GOV£ .. NO .. WA .. A£N a ught OM, but Acto( Leo Carrillo appar· ofttl)o wu along only for the ride whe"" t.he y went fllhlng out of port Orange Monday. c:....m ~ to w it your" talte port Harbor Ya.cht Club, had ~ nd of applau~e after ht' fin· A._ flM caltlnetll. cl.llltom t'h&llen'it<'d b~ Commodort> d A lshf"d his h •Ur un the mound la.o;t IJ ' tumltuN and ............. ~k o{ thf' Snowbird Auocilltlon Sunday. Gov Jl/ar!Vbn ,("lets A I aco ... e 1JCUIIa C.ut Hlthway Just N-fot't' tht' stllrt ot thf' Auc HELP BOY'I CLU8 • J'f' j f (;;. Ui 1 ' H.....,_ ,. Corona del Mar 1 F11ght of thf' Snowbards l"o &tung honol""' lo\'f>rf' f'V!'n for ~ "'"'lnc cun at 1.2:.110 to- day CFrldayl atam Newpo.rt Harbor Yadlt O ub'a "ltat'!t w~" whkh la fti:Pid.ed to ctnw more than JOO boat&. nw n~ ot eetrtf!e la &\AI· mentf!'d by a.klppen Who are ~ wer ,_. t.hla nd.Dc ev- et toiiOwtlw ... Pllea6e Oout Champlorwblp Reptta lor the I.DUmatloDal 14 ~ ~ r.eJd at the 8&lbOia Tt.drt 0\lb ~and~. Race Weett wOJ lndude both .oeeu and '-Y radnc ~ "!'be rae:. wW C'Oiltirlue thro\ach today, tomorTow an*~ Sunda~ AD ra.oN wiD be nm under the 1!M8 rules or the North Amen· can Yacht ltldnc UnJon. PrbiN w iU be announcet Sunday att.er the day'a race. ~ ftnl.lhl!'d.. Ovm a pptnc the ftnal day ol Race Wetic wtll be the 'Tlattle" Jnt~mational c:h&mploft hlp from Aug. 15 thrO\IP 21. Mth Balboa Yadtt Club u t.M hoct club. Runn1mr co~Uy wtth ~ "F'1att1f'" R.f-ptta will he the recuiar Au,eust aeries 11t Ne'\\• port flatt)or'• flw yacht club'! The IUI'tlm('r SP:I c:on \\111 Cl<l'W' with Balboa Yacht Club's lAbor Dll~ Reeatta. SE-pt. 4-5-fi. Old City HaD May n~ As Clinic or Restaurant ~ old ('It~ hllll or N...,..lJOrt lk-ad\. now 0\o\ nNJ joint!) by 6 Col'OI\a ck-1 Mar l'ftldcnt and a Lns An~lf'no. m11y bt-ronvt>rtf'd for ~ u a mf'd.ical clinic or a ~>rafood r'ftl&urnnt. accordinc to C. C. 'Barnhouse. Newport noaltor ON APPUANCES (A~Q.. 117.00) 1 1! JIT. liWBDCR BOX ( .. EQ.. 111.00) l DIXIE RANGE . '111 00 ( .. £0. 145-) 12 ~ Fr. FREF.:Zd . '13000 ( .. EQ, 11Uo0) T/ws. •re Just • F1w I SEVERAL TA8.LE MOD""L & PORTABLE R AD I 0 AT VERY LOW P .. ICES CffJwn Nflrdwfl re -------------151 had bi-en swampf'd b) B<>t>k'' tht-home-lt'Jm. Dick Long. Bar· lrtl\'f'n nr Earl Warren "•~ ~n Allan. nt'' Lona ~\In and Flann~n LPstlng hJI' tuck out this way Ktnl:'• La.ndtng M!'ported aood aibaCQre catches and aao a lot of haaaacuda ba! a.nd ballbut. Port Udo had "quite a few'' ai· ba<.VM! durin( th~ wf'ek~nd, but lbf'tl' was a slacking ofl Monday and l'ufosda ~ T1it-O\\"llt.>rs 8.1'1' Wllllllm Klndt'll of tht> Cro""ll Ot\' llnd L C' Pt>m· lwrton of Lc»; A'ngt.lt.>t:, who pur· cha..~ thf' <~1ruMul"t' from !tarry 1'\-1 ret Mlln of l.ft< AnJ:f'le'l 'J'ruq. mlln had takf'n ~on ~ Ux• bulldin't "''hl'fl thf' C'lt~ o((l<'f'• wrrt" mo\'t'd to the new Mty hall In JuM. 121 COAST HIGHWAY CO .. ONA DEL MAR Ofl aoMVftt .t M lftil a boot( ........ '-4 ftatUMIIIJ have the .,.. aetle,., •"'-I ~ want ,_ '* know that -a l• have a ... -..Miler.-.... )'OV -llft'MIIed. tt•t piM ..ant• M lltatl-ry ttlat IM~ MaU• tlfUI -net amelia! Yeu an _.. It for wrjtlnt or you ..Uict .... , wt'ttl lt under your !MIIow and make lfk.e you're vacat.!Of,ift9 In the •IM wooda. G .. EETI NQ CA .. D 8A .. C1AINI .. ~,.... .... a V'8fY fOOd _._.. lfl peetlftt ..,. ,.... .... 'fMN aN tw. ...... ......................... , ............ wfttl11 _.. .. ..,.,. fw ....,_ IHMI--. ,.... ltltal nlue .. the ca,.. .. eedl MJI le 12.&, but the ._. .. 11· for Mtly 11 each. o...a eha-to 1ft a nice a&.~P· pt)' .t theae famout gr-eeting oa.l'dl at lea than half price. 8 )' the way, -have a very timely '""" bl"hda)' a NI. It "'..,.. no polltlal favor-It" but pictures both the Democratic donkey and the "epubllcan eleohant. 11 o ~v' alot'Q with tl'te Progrni•"U alao At lc .. t. ot 11 a PI'"09f'eiii'Ve Idea Gu-aranteed to evoke a land1llde t1f appreeletlon. A c:ut-out g~" tu"le that -,..~ on a hinge and pla~ld· ty lleb a pink foe ~ream ~one 1e a favo rite greeting ~•rei with the younglters. .. EADERS, READ THIS T here are three bookl that 1 t hink you'd enjoy r.adlng t hll -k. Tho)' are Evelyn Waugh'a hl,larloua •tire • ..,.he Loved One," C. a. F~lter'a new book, ..-:T"tla ll(y and the Forelt," and Atloe Tladale Hobal"t'a n-oM, "'The Clift ~lt.ft 1 will M tlad oltttef' to tell Of' to Nfrt you any or all of tt.m. And If, like fM. you pmor l o 6o your ,...,.._. ,. oppttl "' In b~d. t tMartlt)' reoommeftd -flf OUr' ~~-~t)' ,.,ular ~ lam,._ It ol.,. rteM Ofl tt.e ~lt. dr.tUf'tle ,...., wtlo 11 o.,.r olx lftefMe ~ f.....,_ y.u. at\d lltMI ,_... 'WilY ~lraltfy. tt II tM • ......,... -.a*'tfottMM~W ........ ... . . each rollf'<'t tr c two h1ta. Monday-wllh fish. that Is. not Snowl\11"1 Flre-ht Wlnne;: mHn· .:1',1 Surt•!a' prornJJ;es a n!al wllh \'Olt'l> R•·!>Ult \\U a fine whJ~ """"' honol"t.>d Wf'dnMday ball gamf' Pla\ed as a benefit cia) out a.t sl'a. and ont' alba· at a ~mony at NHYC Wtnnl'r for tht> fk•~ Club. aU proct!f't11 l'Ort! a 23-poundt'r. Cll Krae-mf'r of PlaC"f'ntla r'f'N'I\·· "111 1M' tum t"d 0,e·r to actlvfUes Thn; call'h \\3. ma11' by thf' Pd tht' spt'dal slh'f'r cup or t~ of that or~anlulion Crane F~r· ~' t.•m or hlrnself, and it wu Cit~ 'lf Newport Beach and al ,... from 1..ns An,l'lt"S will ghe the ,..,!' onh hook up that da) on ,\ \\'Orld"l> rf'<'Ord was beaten thf' Albert Solla.nd ~uaJ tm-,·lf'n·hants all thf' trouble thf'~ the boat. Port <>am~·· Stream-la"t \\t"t.>k by Kl'lth ~ of Costa phy ~ _,..,... llwarded to St"y· can handlf' In a game play~ ll11t"t Along for tht> rldf' w~rt Mesa. who C&\.llhl a 21-pound al- mour ~ of Ba.lboa Tolland wha month age•. thf' M.f'rchanll took Actor Leo Carrillo, and Bobby becore on a t.hJ'M.tbfttld line cal'nfo in ~d and Bob Hf'ldt.>r-a lv to 1 druhhlnf.! Warrt'n a.nd Earl Jr.. sona of 1 that de-nott'* line with a brf'ak· man of South Pa..~dfna who wa~ Mana£t?l Rud LonJt \\o'Ould Ukl' thf' go\"f'rnor. Tht>y \\'f!~ ru~u lng strf'ngth of nlne poundsl. third A.rnooi the otht'r winnf'rs nothln~ bf'ttf'r t'han to pin a lOS!' o f Mr. and Mrs. Jamf"S Ba1Tt't1 . Th~ record now on the books ls .. -as Jlnf't MC'Ciun-of~~~ M~ on t~ parurolv \'lstton Hf' owners of Port Oranp. a 20-pound catch made In 1946 ~'ho ~vf'd thf'~Harry Wrlch tm-and tht" pla,rn arf' anxious for Although It w11s not a luc.ky by Don Lcx-ke of Lone Beach. phy for the youngffi girl to f lnhh a hilt tumout tor a good ge.me day for the J:O"emor'a party, the ~·~~ 21-pounder wu weigh~ R~rt H I ngram of Balboa b · ,.·uh a pl'nt'rous "hat" for lhf' albacort> have bet'n running fair· In )at the Balboa Angling Club l11nd wa.~ 11wardf'd a trophy ~ 8o)'"l' Club. ly good lor a we..k. A~. 6 nat~ h~· ~k tor n'ntt'd rra!t. &e.uon'a Batting Average• r--------------------------. a Vallf!ly boat. Bud Long . 460 Shop $pecieliza in Custom'G1ts A nP\\' gllt shop. Ha.ndcrafts "' Ha.I'Yo"'Od. npenf'd Its doors TuM ~.,. at 1201·B Coast Hr~h"' 1\ 11n C'omn}, dt>l ~1ar eamey Lon~t 453 Kl'nny 433 TIJtlf'J'OW 416 F lannaean 368 ~~n ~2 Brown 34 "1 Crnwfu~ ~~ Dick Lema ~" Robf-rt" 2i5 Bllkt>r 200 .Mar~>hall 1M I Lions Host Coff~ l"t\\'T'f'r• lll"rl ~f'Pratnrc or thl• ·hr n a· r.olr11"'nrn<1 ,\\POUf' ar"l Part\• After u ud ,. lna~t Jli;;:-h"ll~ aN' ~lr and \fr~ A s:.'~IUP of R~ Lt<m .. a nrt t~!'l f'¥" 'r'l H:~rwO()(! T~'~"· a11 ., 111'• ~llt•ndl' I ··~<.1 I• In Y1111 ''""'iRII7Jr.r, a~ pPr:nn::t' 71'1 !!If'• E\f' curTl'nt b1ll R' :"r wp,,r1 'l":,H •·~ "''"'r. Th~""-" ~'~•"' •n PiR\ hr•u"t-TU(''-"''' na.,;!Jt .Hlrl c ,._ \\ • .., ... •.,rt.-, .. l'}tl r ru ... am.:• rm ··mht• .. of th{'tr j'!lrl ~ actffi linn ~"'Urn hl,.,.k pnntinll flllll ,...., II" hn-r• of th< 1'\"1 n n): nl t'">• nrt I! a~" ruttin-'t anti "'•·hmJ< I< 1ft•'t' part ~ on ,,,,s:.'P fnilowans:.- Th" •h"t will bt' npr:'l fr'<"•':"l tn thf' tthnw m •n 1 :lO p.m tlaal~ ,., f'{lt ""''"'tnt.! m fff'f' tn hoth nurh -: lrJrlln ""'"' nnrl llr tnr" "~"''" Mr nntl Tlol' \OU11l:" muplP <'amr hrrP lr •r"l lndianaPQlis.. Jnrt !\lr Jlnr wood ~rved with thf' Army Air !'nrps rturln£ lhr war ani ""'· Tlllrwood wa• wflh ,\M<'! '<'"1 '1 Red crou. TOP BRASS PRESENT \.lr'< l.f'rll\ A•l<lf'r•·•r> ll.la ;on ' '.fr. JN' · C'ar\'!'r nnd Mr a.nd Mr • T>n\ltl Rlnl! CORONA DEL MAR CLEANERS --AND -- LAl~"DRY QUALITY WORK Wa plelc up and deliver Under New Manager JACK KENDALL ... 1301 Co~ H lghway Harbor 1347-.1 The rommandant of · thf' Mar ine Cof'J)l'. Gt'nl'Mil C D. Call"', )'l'slerday morning arrh·ed at El Toro to view the Pfr!orm~~ ol 1872 fiylng marine ~r\ .. oWoen afi~'~Den fl'O.Ol l'ftei'VP units ~ o! the MlJ&laslppl who ~ ctactng extensl.ve maneuvers at ~ loea.l bue.. ~ Gat~ ent~~ invited guests at a ~pUon yerteroay. 1!----------------------~ T . ~- JACK LOW, F'OR.MERia IIEABD OVER . I KFWB, KFVD, WI'R\V, KSL. KOl'L, KUTA, ete cAnnounces the Opening of The JACK LOW School of Radio Orange County's onl~· School of Broadcasting LOCATED IX THE HEART OF COSTA MESA To supply the demand for profe sionally trained men and women as .. ANNOUNCERS NEWSCASTERS COMMENT A TOJCS SCRIPT WRITERS SPECIAL EVENTS liEN 8POB'DKJASH:It8 DI80 IOOKEfS Aaditiolllag fi'OJII ~Iter 1, 1M8 (No Aadltioa Jl'eee) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Phone Harbor 232 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • ~ ••• NDw Open D11i/y ltD6P.M. -... ,- e A NEW NO'IC OF Di$TfNCTION IN MODEL HOMES ... A cha.mung home o(_co,ltm~poruy sty~ . .. captu(iQg_ all the .c!va.ntiBfS-o«~ by the OCftn· ~C... at S~i6 ... furnisht-d by~ ol ~ South- land's kldins'"6ans.-nd desisned by~ L Pkacb • at'Chftect.. ' SEE rr SUNOA Y ... here me taJma ol desip aftd fu~ hne combi.o.ed to era~ the ideal bomr . . in "11te C.O.sr's Most Disrincriv~ Ocao-froor Community." • • • • il . . . ' - I •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~-• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••••••••••• .c ' r t l .... • ctiOn Friday ud Saturday Speeial AGAIN-BY POPtJLAB DEMAND T-BONE STEAKS 19c 11) WEST OOAST MEAT 00. , 1847 Newport Ave. Costa Mesa Friday and Saturday pecial OOTTON AND BETTER DRESSES Crepe , Unens, Gabardines, Etc. Sizes 9-15 $6 95 10-20 • 14 ~ to 24~ Reg. 10.95 to 24.95. GA\'LA'S Newport Ave.-Opposite Broadway COSTA MESA Friday Uld SatuJ'day Special Gingham Cheeked SPORT SHIRTS ByOal-&m in Red, Blue or BJ'Own $3.95 Reg. 4.95. Special at ........ . 'DIE MAN .I I I ' ; I . GREETINGS AND GOOD WISHES TO n1'ZMORBI8 ~TY 00. WE SELL 8V 8E"VINO IU COA8T HIGHWAY CO"ONA DEL MA" HA"80" 2151-W • Island DAY and SATUR AY SPECIALS · IN COST In appreciation for the patronage of the people of the Harbor Area over last week-end during the Crazy Days ~e, the merchants of Costa Mesa are offering weekly specials of outstanding yaJue. The crowds af persons who shopped \\ith us last week is an indication to us that they appreciate our efforts t o help them beat ffiGH PRICES. In keeping "ith our policy of ghing our custom<'rs what they want ,,.e v.ill offer these amazing specials e\·ery week-end. The special prices listed in these boxes are good only on Friday and Saturday of each week. To tfie peol>le of the Harbor area. for making our Crazy Days Sale such an outstanding s uccess, we say THANKS We shall try to continue to merit your patronage. Friday :"~nd Sntul"day pecial Friday aDd Sablftay SpeW' NAVY DBJal\8 OXFORDS PECIAL ............................. $6.79 W AB SURPL STORE The Store \Vith The Yellow Front In the bnrt of the C~ M slloppillc tldltK Friday and pecial COTTO S Lawson: Kore~ A.lice, iD GiapUD Cb.ambl'av. and I"!Aleker. -.. . Reg. 8.95 to 14.95 $6 95 PECIAL AT • u, SU.95 POLL\~ APPAREL Costa Mesa Friday and Saturday peci.al Ladies. ~'Marto•' RAYON PANTIES Friday ~f:Dd Saturday S~ial CA.IJ.JNG ALL TEEN AG~ 5 IN . mBA NICE T-BONE TEAK White or Tea ~ 69c Pair .......................... . DINNER Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa •---=---Frida-y_and_s._ta_rda_y_Speclal ___ -t UKELELES COSTA MESA Salad Bowl, Shoestring Potatoes Hot Rolls MILTO~ 5--10-2-.'ie roBE, lae. "\Vhere The Dollar Gets More'' AU Leather WALLETS •••s aad WOIPf.ll'a Vahles ap to "·95 $1 50 SPIOCIAL AT . ................. .. • Oolltaale lew*y 8peelal at ~ Price VAN DBIIIII,JtN JEWD.ER 1786 Newport Blvd. Costa D~OII;;i:l-t Bea!oon_ 5716 8..-II OtJBJK&al · Your Fb 11ttane DllltftbutOr $4.95 DAVIS a GAY Costa liMa At The Television Tower 50 hot Lt::ctlw> AND SA 'IE Pleaty of Free Parking Oil fte $1.00 Not On Menu -A.sk For It Good All Week Beginning Friday Chicken ~ To Take Home· 2Sc G~GH.'-'1 R TA'CRANT 1766 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa Friday aDd Saturday ~ial HJJ~.S BROS. ' GARDEN HOSE COFFEE • 21a 49c u.tt tlb 'fo A Onlton.er .... TRAVELER RADIO Table Model Friday ... ()()U) PA CANNERS ' . ... N P . NlafiVIIIiJ8 ew rectncts ~~v:-.... lr, A T\;o,. .bed Other ~ tallaea t.y Oty re ut:SCn Courcit lnclu..~ the tolb'W'Iftc: .,. ....... ,.. ha~'fl'oVOil. tbll ,,_.. Woald · •n· to ..,..,.. a vklt. 1\Jt("Jr tum t1w trtdL Bill~ w~J.·enoucb tor ncpw a.nc1 ru lf )'IU't8 not tlw ~ 'lew ..e ~ M'Xt ~ 1 .ee what .. I tilt ~ filft6ai, ~ .,. --~ ..... .ad cbpH'I or _., .,..... .t1at. the tbop Ia jut~ dldeJ"fttt ~ kft# Nji, drOp and ..U dw ('Oelkln' en Balboa Ia1and. • TIU ------------~--~--~------------~~~ ~ ~~ UM7 .~ ~ of the ¥OtJ.na pre-aALeOA ~ARKINQ tTVDIRD Utore -. CO to ~ ~lb the ..,.. ~ ·from tbt . .:.., _______ _.__'"""'!1 tlnctll In N.wport &ed'l ~ Clty Eft,S,...,. 1. B. W... ... bnt laUl" of the nr.v EMp -Stork Pt'n~ l 'd bet my bot· ~ th1l Wftlt by the ofike l.nslruc.'l~ to lnvestJp.~ u. ~ cooct ludc to &lJ CO!I)Oft ued tom dollar. 1be bad lbe cut eat or the eounty cl~ tn Santa Ana park.lnc problem oe u. \":.~ hope It mel"U wtt.b the • <'am birW..:doth llltta IUC' tod· "'bkh Jut \\H.k annow'tCed the bead\frcmt and report to dw PtOVal o! ita fUture ree4era. dJera In the wtociDw, a 1:IIWn IODird.nld frOID p._. l \ 11m• Dal'acb)t ft.l.nl. Home ~ allocat.ioD ~1 aix MW precincta eoundl OD the esUmattod a.t el ~ lmoWt wUb the am&&• and )-elloW print ,wttb the typic- & ~ lilleMNca AJU ~-~ RoJu. Spaab.b· ~or the dty. The total number ~ the pa.rtdrw Jot. ftla ... 1f0Wtb of Balboe r.JMd and ally Calllomla lPOf'l lb1rt and • • 110w Ia 19, mo\"e wu aia4e after a letter Corona dd Mar. •-e can Cft'la1n. aiJU\lJ\c boxer tJ'\IDb.-&nd t.be ...._ L lmllr'. Ma~: Lee C. Sawin. Kuak: Rulb Sc:.'h-Corona del ~tar'• votlnr ~ alcned by etJht Balbo& rt!Skienta. ly do wltb a paper o! our own. •-hole tb.lnt no .....,. than a • ._. -.... SOdll ~ Bo)'l' mi~. Home Ec:oaclmle~: ~ do.ct.a now are u followt. ~ cSf~ o! a ~batt ol so bt>re 108-mtnutl". 1 ha\"e one ol the INlta ~ ~: Albby M. Tbompeoft. Cornmerdal: Quitfttill No. 13 remai~W the ume. It parldnc fees tor aau.a )m.; l..o!\1 may the Ensicn wave. for ft\Y YfiU' older &ad e-ueve mP • ......., lleta1 a.p: R. K. ~ Wan.. Sodal Studlft; Robert 1J the am on tbt> ~~taward lldl" proVftnt'nl pu.rpoees. had been Whlll" •ruintln.t down the l)ll"y are tOPL SO euy to Wub ..,., ~eal ,...._lkln: Mary Wmtr. Etlcllsl'l Drama: ~ nt Pat'J!le Driw. Bay&Jde Drive read beloit! the coandl. W.. ~ t'other day c:oUectlnr ln· an~ lron. they alwayw ''l'lay PAl" 1M ".·-wwwd,. llilllllsb. Joum&J.. Wbl~ So~. Matlwmatlc.: and that portion ot Co4t Blvd. m:lmated th&t to widen· the Sal· tlfftltlnl data tor th.la lOWly on thl" actlw lit~ CU>.., &fld ~-----r-__; _____ ArVn.tr Wordet\, Kechanlcll Arts. toUlheutrrly or Ma.t'fU6'ite A~. boa parklnr lot !50 fet't would ~e o! mine, whom abouJd I IN)' ~ look Mat. What Rl' Ctl~" = ~ AI,. No. 7, Wbld\ orlclnaUy wa1 the c:oct 15.000 to 16.000. nan Into but norence Dunlap of more ClO\&ld anyone uk! ~ b; .. of ,.__. """-·_.. .......... IJ't>a landward o f Prednct l3. . --lk>Uotrope Aw.. t.'Oft\lilnt ~ trom w price, and that la l'llCMt etm v vvu '""''""'" ~·ou at wu d1vlded at-Ina A""e. 'n\e new Clown for ju.t the rtftlt pa1r ol reuonable. Ddeft. announced thla, Wftk that Prednc1 7 la that portion aouth· PERMIT 1& GRANTilO ' yachUnr ~bot"~ for Hrr )'OW\1 U )"'U are like me and are a • • • ... r r.ct~t:ntions for COsta. 'Mea l'uttorly of Irla Avf!. The Pastry Bar in Corona Ml .an, Who la plaint bJs vaeatlon '-Nttlnr mth.uslut. lhco ''Nt"W~' OUVt.lan School wUl bfoc1n Mon-. No 14• tht> l"em&lnlnc portJon Mar was la&u~ a ~ per-worktnr on one of the ~ liN l':M!dlepolntn 11 t.be 5hop for • day, A\11 16· Houra for ~-of the orl~lnaJ PI"N'lnct 1 or that m it to operatl" aa a rwtawant n.hlnl bo&ta. Saw her duck you. 1 aay ''N~" tor It hu 1411 ~"WT LVD. CDRONA DEL lltlAR Uon are from 1 p. m until 4. P are. northwestt'rlv of ·trla A\.-e. and a bakfl1•. A ~by WW· tnto the lt)()rtln.r roods lhop on Ju ' rt'<'t'ntJv ....o~nt>d undl"r Phone Harbor 1786 will m.. dally until t'ldlool starts ~ A ~uHt for an ad4lUonal \.'0-lam M. Irwin to MabJI&h an a\llo the BoulfY&rd and by psh t.bt'l"t' t.be capable ~mt'nt of prl\-.tt' tun~:;o.u:r" In-s 1 Rrv O'onk al8o stat~ ~t eo· ttn~r precinct for C'orona dl"l Mar paint mop at ll06, Coast Kllh· lht> rou.nd 't'm. t.lrs. Wt'lsh and hl"r daufh~r mil atternoon fFrid&\ • for non ro~nt cannot t'~ 60 and had bem pl"f'Rntf'd to Oty Cow!· "'ay In Corona del Mar V.'U ~ Cot to ookJng around the and thl" plal.'f' h.u takf!'n a n~ a1d V Co )'JIA eoro· d 1 M that thfy e.x:pt'ct to l'l.'ach that cll JW1e 28 b) thP CDM Ci\.lc ft'rnod to,.tl\t' Planning CommJ.s. ltOrt' and J must u y thry havl" leut' on lil t'. It ~ms like rm ~tor -~·ch.d c.ud~l~· s:: number at an Kl'ly datf' For ADodatlon. Tht' Cal\ Cuundl 5Jon Juit about l"\'t'lj1J\lna -in. the alwaY'I st.n.~ggllh« throu«h somt' "-7 l"\~ q . at h1a ho!Tit' tn thf' furtht'l' lnfonnaUon. ~ Rr' at that Umf' l"eff"rred the rt'QUHt rpons linto. I know lM) had ont' thing or t)(her and ..., was dt> LDulilt Auartmt'nlc. Cama f~""''" ,.t ~3<'0n f>4 l:?-V. or ~-''' the Cowny Bolan1 of Sup(X'r· PARKING M'YTEA& ASKED of thf' b«>st bNch b&lll! J'\·t' spot· Ughrt'd to know that thf' WPI Uon. ~·lC'I!S w11J ~ t'OndLICtt.od ron 61:\9 \150rs. The ell\ v.ill ask the Sta tt' Dl· tf'd to datt' and now m) CTO\HI Ult'S v.,ll ~ on hHnd to lf'nd a at the C'ha)wl ~-thl' St-11 b.' lht' AU th.I'C't' or Balboa Island's \'aslon ofHighv.'&~--fbr approval or small f~ al"e ha,1nr lhP h.and With kna'tJI\g ln..qnK"honr.l . R.a\monli I. Orah&;n.c lJA" PI T Q hal'f' PI"' '"''' 1 to anti 1:: to lru;tall 163 parking rnaton la!TM' or tht'lr 11\l'S pla~lng wilh as \\t>ll as supph thf' lum nc>" WI' Of t) f" Fl1"t l'r•·<~ 1••: Ill' 8ft 0 rgenize V.'f'l"\" f"eduN'\. In ''Z~ IO m&.kt' v. \ along the Miracle t.UJe. The tht-thlnjZ. So lf VO\(n~· rn tht> yarns. 1'hf' m.•l.;h'il Of l..nal ctu.arch ot La~ur a for anottw-r Ruh} and Am('lh~.., standards for lhese mt-ters ha\.l" mnod for an) thlng from doR thlngs t r;om Bah!~ ~·tlt'l;. w •·ur era) anua .. , mt•:u• md "' a\t'n~ u.,pd '~" be.-tht' dhid· all t'ad~ bt-t>n anstallt'd. C"tllllu' on up til llsh.lng tacklt> Gt11ndma"' Afrt•an c il1l l)t' to.rr.bctr,nt o1 ".'•Jr.,~· \lltl('~. L J Odd' -11 In& llnt"S 11w pn'<'lnc-tot nou 1111 .. "hup 111 the Pat1o can l't>r found heat' t~ A'l' t, ur ht'lfllt t .• lt.-n t'lllt' oca . l"e 0WJ l.ff all fnll "~' llllnl) jill the biJI Whtlr I \\a~ tn lhP vlclnlll. OJ b l\lt.Jt• '.f0:1U 1\ C'omna • ·n ]0 tho r•·n "''"''\lln1 of CONTRACT IS AWAROED Sl\ H>U tral~ "ho art' l:x•"an· drop~,.,,, l"'f' nf'\\ llarv.'fiOCI *.1 MAJ •. \n u• '""'' 1 Hh• T'ur•,. Or .. 1 .. lz~lirm or awOdt1!ellow-. Cnltln,. "''' fin a bid of Sli,ifll.7?\, lhl" J 111,;11,·~w clor:.~ romclow. !or H!1'1r11'rart sh"" nf'•l <l()<)r nnc1 eta)· '"'" lt~J tl 11 \II t'nnk .. n'~ anti Rtoht-kah Lcwi,:-r r 1r rhe Har !-.. l1arrt'll ru ""' awardt'd a 'all hR\f' ,0u rau~rht a gllmp~ was lntrlguf'\J wllh thl? (COt"' c-. th_ wa .. dl•(• tu , . ..,1.,11;'"l•bor area w-11! be.-lht' main busl :-Jo 1:.! htt\\Ctn Cnllm .. A\C! t'f• t1·al·t to Jr,tall a water pipe 111 ,·hi' nl'\\.fAII "hov.ingfl ln Peth Jookrn han<1-11•rru• thln.:s thf' thrombl !lo . nt"U t•rllolt' .al a mN"_:InJt to be n 1t1 ,.,,, I ·''" ltn• IIC'tWf'r•rl llth A\l' and l\4.'\\ \'!ill'' 1 .ulh I hi"\ IU't' attraC'Iht> Jia1·wood's h,l\,.. tn o Ht>r. f_'\pa·y· · 1'tlt> c.l~"·a-.f'ti \\&~ a !o<X'IIIardii.C'Id "1'\Jeosdft~. Aug. 1<. tn r.OO<I· ~o 11> I• h\l•'fl rontl A\'l• nnd JNl• Dhd .utd prii"P<I ~o .that vou don•t 1thi"C: In lhl" l,lth• 10hop has b•'(''1 •ith r~o.nnld 1 u ·htl nt lhf Ta' 1:·ll Hall. ~ p m P..l'$ldent' of No 6 tlw &l'l"a "·••twllrd ur h .• , .• ,. ~tr.r•tth thnl do•h.Ps bud ldesignt'd and mod(' by the-m 1111•1 t'nl P.nlh l'nmt ... n\, \\hlr! \\l< hi~ .11rea art' urr~ to ilttPnrl to ~lnrlnf' A\1' plus Harbor island J'll ,,, 11,. ~th ~r'f"e t>ltl.('r, the) make a t'h!lrmln.: praetl(."f' fou:ndro In 1~.,, "n' 11,.1 ,,," .,, 1aat1 rn lhf' formatron of ihf' I•• a.,d Rf'A•"'I H,,, Nell' Pa..111try Bar Offers Tiwat• w.u. one number that 1 ot gh lng Parh , tsator a bfl(lk or Januan 1!'4.. II(' rrtm•• ·1, :r11• 1 at ~:roup . 'lhnnr• ''' Hot Lunches. Di.n.nf'rs pnrtwularh took a 111hrne so matC'ht"S '"tl hi' nwrt lnlllltl c>n ~aft& from 1-'ur.tana, wht-N' hP Ht>fl'f'•'lr.r:'lr, wall ~ f'r\f'll 11u> numt>fr nf polllnt r•la<'f1's BPcannrnc toda} •1-'rrda~t hot r•l tht> 'lfD('3r3n('(' of a two'll. Thnl' \\' t' I r·i•ll 'nn•1 had opE"ratfl'fl a wnl'f'hoov· v-t.od 311 "' 1_t>t• m""llnt an '"" hall In l':<'WJ••JI lult1 HO\Ihc•l ., '' an lun,.h~ and dmn"' "'II J,. '\4.'1'· tJ•'<•t It 1\C'hMih 11 wasnl ad'"''''"~ cnmpa.n) and t~lhl'r bu~Jn"' ~ "~·•<'~~ 1~ ~IN 81 l-t:!-1 v,• CPn ca·f'&M'<I !r '" <I\ In nln• Thr t'd at the nt>'-' Pa.••tl') Bar 819 'Tu,,, lll:tl a l'lmpl\ tat.loN'd one> Tlw ''""I' t .. ,,, .. .,.,,11,,-d with A \~tt'ran of,two W<ltl<i "a'' 1'~! A~• ,.; ~'~'["~'' Rtat·h u•ht>r .<11W"r •al prf?<.·lr.,.t I~ in Coal>t HlJ;hwa> tnror•Jna dfi.Mar pif'C't' ~abal'tilne in the m ost h:~nrl hll'll'l<t><' '"'':~" 11nt1 th· J,(J. Conklin tt"n fOol ;_, llh 11 IIAJ· " • ·rr r r r ''1 marwn ron !"I'W'It,l t II ··~ ~~ ~ "hH·h op·n•-d at~ d()(l!"' \o bakNy wonrlr•rftal .. h.Jdt'" nf f'lre<t ~n'<'n front partion•'<i from thto beck ~Jn arm, intelhf:t'I!C't' unll '"th 'a•·• flm•·1r TSrnttht 1131~,!' 1F1ur c-u~tnmPrs a w('C·~· aJ:u. Aus: 6. blur• 11"'1•1 want> v.hkh inddtonta \\'1'1'' .tlf'" alo; 'hop I• 11\ a• •• k t t d \\ 'd nJt !..rt' an ran< p· """"' ar-I THE I f '--f II f .... to ran 0 rna r wan, VI• I HId a M.ssild M-.a-Ll<l'fl~ fur '•'1"\lll$: hot rOOtt ). til' t'OOrs or Inc a ti11C'tl\1' olrln~; "c:n""' Mr War 11. His tour or dut.' '"ctk ~·r ' or &tf>TlN' 1 ane. vucm ("J)M Clnden.-Ua "a.s ~te-d to theo PLctry Bar by IK'•"''" The drt'!l$ had tht' Jon~ J'1rw<>ol<1 " ••·•>f•·r .. n-,lf· rnr thr• blm to Afri<."l (;rt"'f'<.'(' l:al.' '1. ',ldJnt', ~lumbanl! ""d Heatu~. Gets Gold('n Uppers '',. ='""'1"''1 Ot\ C.•unrtl ~1onda> t una• rrrl'(·t. long siN•vf.'ll and a h ~ · '•'•..-km~· ,.,. "J r "' '"1: 0\IH' German~ anti \u•trta Aflf'l 1 h<' Rt -Box :;lf\B Cu-t a )ff"C.& \1tv1f'm , r I• rt'llfl of C'nron, n:~ht H C'41m• til<' owrw,... AJd lon~111h bul slim sJUn 1 Yep. tht> f'OI't""r IOt•linl! '' htlf' \tr.. 11111 • r ~ 'IC'nf'd a' • rt's.t>t'\f' o f d .. l Mar ,, \11' J G Bo\d Jr '""' rtxo apphC'ntlon wa~ rna~ at 1 t'" hruk has been rnodlfied ..-.nod d01"< th1 ~·m;.:. and I fb•l Bl GIRL ESCAPES 3.'\1 Popp' ,,, """ Bo~ti ~~~lkPd tho• I"'<}.Ue-.t of patronc: who want· Wlll a tngJ~ pleat bt'low ttw J<Ut.'SS tht'~ both •·hlp In with lhl' Su,innr him aN' a daughl~>r DEA 111; 2 DRO\\"N n~ht 101, 1, •oti rhrrv-fnr'f' "alkrt1 •-d lundws L'> wt•ll a'> malts and knN In front. ~ lhrft IK'lf ~ofht'r work~t tt 11 lhf'\ turn nut Shirl<'" Phlllm of Larun.o A BalhcA hi and girl r-" apE-d ri~ht out "1'.. the hand marl· !•· .--.,...,. C0\1 '•'<1 hullons at tht' !\('('kline Thl't >! "a• "' ,JI Mr ~ Jfarv.•~<l<i ANNO£NCEJIENT .John E. Sadleir i plea!ed to latrocluee Rkbard L . ompton to you, a~ an additioa to tbf' starr of the Sadl lr lnsura.a~ A~ncy, iD Corona del Mar. RICHARD L. COMPTON Frle.ncte and buslnna a.woclat" of Rld\ard L. Compton will be 1 haptty to le.am that he ha• ;o•n· ect the staff of the ladlelr Ina. Agency. thla addition ia made concurrently with our eltpanalon program and th~ .r.emodellng of our office. A gnduatt> of N""11tlr1 H10f"')(•r Union Jllctt School Mr Comp- H>n ~udrl'd ill )'"ullf'rton J ·C. afh·r n·tumln~t from fht• Navy. Mon· l'f'<'f'nll) With 1-'l,...t Na· ttnnal Rank 1n 5-tlnla Ana and Co--111 M~ Bank • TI-M> II' •ocaauon of ~tr Comp- ton "111 allov. 1 l:f"alt'r ~rvlef' to our C'U''tomrrs •w'hlct\ has ~~n mad!' nt'CMS&r)' b) tht' rapad JroY•th or th<' Sadlt"ar ln<Urtlll('(> AJ:MIC) You art' rordaally '"' ttl'd to top and ''"It U' 1n our ll('Yo'l)' rt•m(.do•lt'd offr~ and a eon Dean IJlmm) 1 Conk death Ia.~ Saturday in a boehn~t ~oldm ~lopf"'" \o\hlrh Anthon) thr Th1 h·lk· n wh1rh handlt'S "O.n· Wt 11• lt'l-<'ltl'd belo\\ tht' waU;t C'l'l'lt'd a ur hi\ tn~: that I lin of Corona dt>l Mar and La dJq~t<'r w•l\irh di'OWTlf'd h••r two ~ ~·r m11n of 3.12 Marf~nld i.'h Maid· bake-d ltf'l(ld" Is mana-on tht' tuniC' and aJI In all thf' thought rt>&ll) unusukl an adt>al IW1A· mmpamon'! on a Jake nrar Den· offpf'('d to "hnm*'"t"r tht-11hoe'<; f11 c•-d b\' M,... Mnrt::art't Gra.nt. who 4r'f' was ~ally a knock-out. R'!h for almost any agt' gal as v~r. Colo bt'<;t ~ .:,()('r&tf's the bakPry COflCC"!t· Aut <km't l&kt' m~ word for II. It l'OUid ha,·t> a hundred ~. ~ ..,BEN IS Dn"Jr!l~ ..,..,.G 11\t' lfll'l is 16-yPa.r-old Sall) Me· ~~~ton} In tht' All Amt'rican suP.r Into the Pt>tlt VIlle at 521 MAde of denim t n the nauUcaJ • " h •n Millen •ot 516 S Bay Front. w~ Anthon) "ho has bf>t'n makai\J! mariC('t on Miracl<' Milt' Highway. and ~ for moll f. II WAS actually two '1 ~R ONE F~l'l farhf>r wast~ late Capt. Edward 'hOI'-~ h•· """ ntnl" Yt'~ old. r &>eln· 111 h«'llevin' thP) one ovf'rlapplng the other. In: When a. a dwelllna a Onl"-1. Mc~nllen. kille-d Ia.~ faJI In a ~·~~ ht-I~ ~oin~: to makP a.nothPr t'CI with a w·ate-rproof matrlaJ. 1505 COAST HIGHWAV ~HONil HAReOR 741 tamJ.Jy dv..'l'lling! That qudUon transport plane crash. pair in &bout 11 month In tht> 8aa Benlarclino A~ae a gUm~ of Dottle each aectlon 5NIP1)C!'d doled and ... tackled by City Attomet Sally and her mother. Mrs. Mmf' wny hi' Will off~r"l'h~t:" .... lO WID Be (Jilp1'0ved Soon the whole thlna drawn tight ._ •-···JIIIM-.d~.'~ In an ~ EdJth McMillen. had nown to Dt'n· the flrst lady who ~u th• lhOt't': C&llJnr of biO. f01' an Htlmat· L.::i::~::.~:_:a~pet=·:fol'd=~ly~wl:t.h~~a~n:;:w~ltri=:ncs.~_::::::~·~~~;;;;i;i~;iii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;::;;:;i~ CORONA DEL MAR. CAUF. ,... to Councll Monday wr Jut Wft)c to Visit tht' Donald t'd $18.000 proJect tor the tm· ~ lllf!l.an attenpt to la.rlf the W . Parker family Donald Parkc>r Htl APPEAL FAILI provemenl of San &-ml\rdln<J probltem o! l"l'port~ oolJ4inr Jr and Jay Brooks of Den\·f'r Ha appt'al th&t JustJC't" of the ,\,-e. has bt'en authorlzl'd, ac· &tid zonln• code vtolatlon.s he wtol"\' ln IN boat with Sally P~acoe D J Dodgf' acte-d m an ron1Jng 10 Cit,' Clt'rk Charlf!S K. ·-Youna P&rtte-was washed ovt"r. "unconstitutional" ";w In fining l'l'les1 a.J\SW'l"red ln part as follows board When a ~ wind hit thf' h1m ~ZSO plu.~ pi'ON'I.orl' oJ the Mlt' ~ proit'Ct v.l-IC'h ·tr h "A <>ne-f!Jftll~ dWt'lllnf Is a boat. and Brooks do,.,. after him of h h. amounllru.! to $1181 05. "'a!' tlnanced b~ Slatt> J!:ts t, 1 -I• bulldtnr cont&inJna on I) onto kit· Both "''~""' dro•'lled dt'1tll'd Mark CaJ'IIh& nf San Pf"dro. "ill CP'I ror lr,:• ~Jh f' 1 .rb-n clw-n.. desttnl"d !or or URd to _ ___ •kapper of thf' f111htn~: bnat. '"''"t\ree f!lJttl"rs 2.,r1 pa\lnll thQ. thorouah houw not more than ont' family. Frank P O\\'f'r8 of CDM BrothPI"\". an thr ~uptnor court (are which lt'ads from tht' Cout lnd udlng all nf't:'t'SS&T) emplo} · of Jud~,. Robf'n Gard('f1('r tut Hlghway to Newport Jil"lghts t't'a nf 'luch famJI) and that a To Go to l"s Men Mef't S11tun111y Caplnl~ h11ti bf'<-n con~ Th1s 111 a t~Pparat" proJf'<'t from two-Tamll~ """lhng I" a bullt1· A Corona ,f'l Mar rr~den• h3.« n<'ll'd or hav.ng too lal'l!t' a per-the $234,000 ~..-l pa\1ng pro ln~t: C'Onta.nar.~: not muM' than be-Pn named •~ d,.lr£1lt,. from thf' ···rntlll:f' of tlndl',...t71'd H'h In a gram which alrt'ad~ has bN>n tv."fl kl'rhPn<. _.rsagr.P l fnr or H~trhnr aJY·a tn •t-Jnt• mannn11l r'lltt'h hf' m11dP la.~t January 17. appro\-ed. ~ to ho\L~f' not mon• than two A•~r.ralltan., nf "" y, '\1,_.,·, rtuh lamlll«'' "' 1 n~ in.1rpen1<'ntl) of mPrtln.;:. whwh '14 all tv I •lfl m N Ch ollwr .. l..r·~ ~llf'h nc'\' WYI'k rr '"' Aus: ·Ill" "'lllliro~l lhnl tht•l'f' an> 1~ tn 20 thN't' CIII'HJ:-' tu h.> Nm-.ldt>t t'<l r..,nk Po\\ ~ ,:;o1 '\tr.~ • l"r't" none of v. "tach llltJnf' mt~:ht '"' '\n• hAll: h<-f>., rl•'f'1•·t1 ro t tl'nrf conrJU.,I\ P 1'\'lr~•·o<"''· Th.numl" . • "• •·nr•v<'n! tnn f• ·I• ..:.tl•·' fr•J...:i 2f\ of kltr'H'l"' !h•• '""'""tnwtm1 • • rrrr• 1·n rountrt"" ,.,.,.. ""T"~'1•·t1 to thfo d\\.,..tliltjl, · .. ctual u•w ' I trf•' 1t11·nt1 thr ,,., :\lf'n'< "' ~ fr r• nf"f' C\\ <'lim~ N'nrdinJ; to P n>A "!"'!' NE\VPORT WILL GET NEW POST On1CE Pia .,'I for a nrow po~ offtCf' foa Nt'Vopon Beach. on 32nd St np- J)OSllt' fht> elty hall Wf'ft' [('\f'll· ed I h.ll Wet!k. .A lea-.e haa hf-f'n n<'gotiatf' J wttb John Hormt"n. act'On1ln.: to and annOIJn<'f'TtlPftt h~ Pnctma'l "' W . H. Adam&. The C'Onlra<'t bU been awarded to I" In Ceorte GoNion The nf'W butld· InC. wath &fl..arN of 2.000 aquare Jcc:-\"'1 t-•• ~ about 700 IQII<He fee( m "' .fioor sraet' than the r.reant no<rt otnct> on McFad· dftt Plac,. LICENSE FEE REFUN D nrn.,._. .. r"''"'' I'N"'iw<1 ~.a:;. t29 4~ and ctttM llf thf> C'Ount\ cut 1 '1 91.958 in llf'IPC11'1 innmf'nt or mo- ,,~ ,.....,,,.t,. II!'Pn<:t> fl"" rrv,.nur for th<• pPnod from Apnl 1 tn Jun~> 10 1948. it wa.c announf'f'd IR<.t S11turday bv Stat~ Contl"'ilf'r Thomas H Kucht'l FOR &ALE Pl.YMOUTIJ '36 Sedan A<'lua.J mi~ 59 000 N-batt""n tlrea: ~Dent condittnn c.a':t ~ron. Harbor 1936-J 1101 Coat H f9hwa )' ~a lhl Mar Competent Care for DELICATE FABlaCS Van Hooten'• dl')' clt>aning Ia con· lidft'at~ to fin!! fa.bt1cs. Color and tatuJ"t" are ch-en ,_, ure. Aftf't the ver')' fnt trial. you wtU know that we CARE for your clothts. •• Corona del Mar ,J Ladif'S' "Marlo .. RAYON PANTIES white or tea rose 69c pr. IN(rERSAU ALARM CLOCKS Antrol ANT PBAY 39c pint Kills Ants in House or Garden <Jauon SiiEJtD 81 in. X 108 ln. Geld SeaJ GLASS-WAX 59c pint Gelleral Electrie ELECI'RIC CLOCKS 4.95 •P WE GRIND IT ...... '!". SOLID PACK • BIG 2 ~ CAN TO Sauce SACRAMENTO rTAH 1 Ca B CANE S lb. CAS .109 GERBERS STRAINED . .. 'TANDA.RD .............. . .............. lb 3tc SEAfOOD c ••