HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-08-20 - Newport Harbor Ensign' C?.O I• ~ ,, r. "'H ~C rla.ru for the 5UbchVJ..Sion of the lrvtor &dJOll\lf\g Coror.a ckJ Mar f~ prommendy m a ~J"'UN di~l'\ o( Crovm C1ty problem. at a Owbbu o( lu.ncheon m«ttn& WcJneaday noon 1be ~ll. held tn the Crown of the Sea Rcuu.n.nt m dd Mar, v..ou the fuc tn a eena to be c.illed by the mcmbcnhip comnutttt of the 1-:N.:port Harbor Ownber of Cocnmen::r. Otea View Plan Gaining Slpport C.n.Uerable oppoaltlon to the prepoAd city uln taw Ia expected to cle~relop at t he City C.unell me.tlng Mon· ~ay night, when t he ordln· anee comM up for Ita tee· ond reading and poMible ap· proval. The public hu been Invited to the meetlnt to e•· p re• rte views on the tax propoul. CDM MAN UNHU .. T Aa a CARa COLLID• ltanley H. Bates, 41, of fi07 Martaokl Ave~ nca~ ~ Wbe his Clll' wu lnvol\IM ln a dlrft Clll' eoiUalon In Santa Rex BtUdt was ~t tM round table ~. and Bn&.• den F\ncb JM the dacu.won m ·opo ot ~al lnli.'J'\'Sl Corona d I Mar am ol XP~-na•"' Harbor. COM ~"08LEMS wt~ doecu-d at""'' m~ct1ng held '" Corona dcol and A ~nl anc• Company. 114,.., Leor-a S Coffn-' C'-~ Maa "e• Mar Wtdneeday. At the end of Ole table, left rear IICw• : •.. 'ubD• 8ran•t Braden Fo--ch Harr1 W tleh. Hubbai"CC "oetntt•, COM r-ca Around tilt table to the right. are Edwa~d Mar J'. A. Junkons of tnt COM C,..,.,..n Hai"CCwaroc · c,, tel Motu •.., rn Corona dtl Mar: Merroll ... 8eebt , ~f Culbei'Uon'• :. •oe~trelet In COM Hteottatll at the end of the tAble, left foregr .... n. F 0 Newport (ju.t barely vlaible llloel\ind Coty Admonl~rato.-John tall· But ler .tnd F loyd G~;tborth of Ole COM Coa• &upeo O.arktt to O"l : Glenn Couch of the CD .. Harbor Photo Lal> , ... hond C t)' t he right of Or. Milum). That'• Oorotfly lut?Mrtano noddcn bthond _J_Itd! __ w __ a_r_u_n_n_e_r _o_f _t_h_e_C:_D_M_"....:•:...•..:.~..:..cr_P_:•_•"_:t_:t.._,".,:G_:"_:•:..:'....:'_J:..:._:B:_. _w.:....:.eb:..:b:_' _ _::M::..:r:........:S:ut:.:.:.:h::t:_:r':.•nd at the n ght..--Gerhanlt Photo. Ci~l' Mail Delivery Is Due To Go in Effect on Jan. 1 etnt to t~ editor of Tht> Ensign l' whoA nam~ 1\A!i P\'tor:. blt as many ....... as thP namf.' of that F1nnlab town l, Tra,.latlon Ne•de .. A~ thb '-h<l~ r~ IP'tf'r be' pn ''VI har h"f' <!f.'' u-~Pr~m ro~t at £r¥.Alh P., ~' E:ler allal'llc1 Can-r~~'<'f!ot . Wllk-h. as ~-ou rta•-h· !IC"f: ,. rot F1nnl.ah at all. hut rb\ 0\~~ one .C thaW &-andln.l'1.'-., Ia~ lm&P.'l~~~ , 01" !':~'t"~an Five Cents ~"tJ\Ut" the C:.J<roN dd Mar 8UIInt :-d.\, u ~ ~f\UlllKifll ~ .tread)· , l c • • t-ustoc m~n tor nut month I" -&~zn \l."U ln'ltUrd r~ M "UQ lth lJ'\d H..zm.&h • rrr. . w Pnt \'tJI I (: Couc Hi •h\\"a)' U1 Coraaa Ti ("'.' a r.• flmJ. vuat n • IN'rchanu 111 t~ CCJDUDuruty ., 1cor " mcd tnt The body ot a t7·ya,..1d "'1-pled M )'. wt. ha4 !teen m•••nt for 10 ho""' waa dragged• from the ba7 nur 1 pr4¥ate "-" at ..,_ "'"er Ave.. en Newport Tue.clay nlg ttt. The yJetlm waa Denn11 Le•_.nt. St12 North &Ide Or_ LOS A ntel.._ Outh W1U at· tr•butec! to do~lng A m•••ng person repo~ tumtd on~o tt\e Pollee De pa.-tment at 7 :S5 p m _ Tues day b)' the boy"s mot her utd he jlad not buf\ Men stnee 10 a m. lhe told pollee th8t htr eon had bee" fttohlng tr-om motor boat nu• 4004 ,.,.,e,. Avt Fl,.t Chief Franlt Crocker Lifeguard Capt.aln Jaek Jones af\d O\he,.. f rom the r~ue squad draned the area. af\d at 10:"2 p . m. they found the bod)' neer the end of the poer whe,.. t he boat was cloelled. ~ .,..,. was takm t• ~IU Mort11~r1 In Coi'Onl del Mar. l\'ootaD Hart ia Crull A C'a.r accide-nt at \la..;s:old A' r- al"d CMsl HaCiway :n ~ dPI Mar C'lluwd sllJ?ht &njuri" t~ ~ Edith L.a•~r!Cf' N ATTacW to eo~ heft, and time ralflll': C'OI\lldfl'ablit Unl\flatlf.' t.lrritors But Dr. ~e waa able u tranaform t.how atnnce word. and ·ph~ lnto Encltab. · The lf'tter trom \'au&; which wa •-rutc by F)alar GR"qui tui"N'd out to an ~on r: thanb b' a CARE ~ re- C'9'fwd tron\ OIMa ~ Kavillant and btr ltulllitaftd. lffft Ia ,,.. ~te-, u trana 1a f'd b\t Or. ,._: p·ublic .Is InVited In Wllh lhP n~ Ctt) Hall of ~""" pt•rt Bt-ada b\ail~ spNC:ln~ 11«-,1 us.• tor edlcaUon ·~. 1a~or Ore& Ora.kP > erday ~nM'd Ow foUov.'inc pnlcl.ama- uon tn\1Ulll t.M pllbUc to at· ll·nd l.h~ ~moruea and to we~: :-,.. Ct>\ Earl w~ who "11! fi\'" t~ CSecileauna ~ .. OCLAMATION WHEREAS tht>· ':J of New- p('r1 ~ en has no\\ 111alMCi tta -tlnd ) par linC't' Ita lfK'Ot'POI'&tioo 111 1-"'hrn a am.d1 croup of or.l~ Si ~ df>clded t!at a C'll) and a Harbor ~ be t.lll: and .. - .. I rtUDAY, AUCUIT 20, , ... CnJign tlOI·D Ccut HiJb•-ay Corolu del Mu. Cahfomia ARVO E HAAPA. EJrtor one Year llX Months Tbree Months Slnlrle Copy . $2.00 1.00 ~ .tsO ~ .05 The f!naij(n ia purhshN ntry Fn<U) fur the cummurutiea of Corona dd M.u-&nJ 8,]1:-oa I liUIJ \\'ntttn commuruc:aoona CO ~ EM,n NlCIWd CUT)' W rwn.! and ltJdfe56 01-the wntu, and ~f po t , the t~krh.ont numbtt The Ensicn', ~l"pn~ num~r '" H;ut" •r .. " Let Council Know Vi~ws . on Tax There's likely to be fireworks 'at the City ~ for Monday night's m eeting of the City Council. The occasion is the second reading, and pos- sibly final passage, of the proposed saJes tax or- dinance. which \\Ould impose a one per cent le\') on retall sales m the citv. If th<.> o r-dinance is passed Moneta~ night, it v;oulri go int11 C'ffrct o n Oct. 1. . \\"hat do ~ ou. the public, think about this propos('fl ta:\: T " d.ttl' thcrt' !Ja~ ll{>('n \C y httlt• publi<.' ('\.jii,_,!'\,.JUn n t nrhnion on t ht> Sl " I ·ct );m~ you ha\ .-• ~ ·it (' l tf'l'•"' tn sr·,·a:~ ~ )llf' fil('{~.,·. 11w l (('S"'rli ''II~ a\lmini ·t :-!inn i~ anxi•lll~ to h~'" :-· tl r In IJr \\Hh t's p l;c~ < f n- \lting p I &tllt l ll 1'1 'Ill ( n 1 I • f is"th~ t' m r:.:: t • 1 ,•fn t"C t he < • n•·tl, a: J· 1 c..~.· .tsJdf• a l . I i~J ; · jn';! • • t f• • a put hl' h t!\ . \ JIC'1 ;11J I ~ ) ·1 I 1.\' J. ' .• '' • t ,, (.'. l I I Th. I Sl Tt>"l• T '~ t T I r. 11 nu:,. HOlt .... ~ntaU\e c!edldona l'ft.clu!d .tart o1 a new llllcal )ear. Tb1a Mood.a.Y nJ&ht by the Board of .__ ., the .,._. ~~-.r u.. .wOril ., .._ ~ requ.l.r8 t!w dty to op~ate bl J"rtt'holden ~apeS In prep&~· .t ,.,...llal••rs u all etta-f1f thle _,.,llftlt~. n. ....... WarTULt.l. Wl\ldl lt an experal\e lnl a clty c:ha.rtft' look forward will ,._t a eumMAry aMI ••UM on .r the ac:t'-e taken method. to livlq the publle pmtft' op-'Y tM ...... at ... meetl... SHOP TAI.JC: ThPre can't ~ .. 11 won't lut." f'Ortunil~ lu have 11.1 wlahn rt" ..... ,-eao hurtfttll Will N held M ct.arter ,.,..vw-., Board f Ed ti rnAU'I) un<k'rta.klnca that l"ffqu.lre "We need a rood local Pll~. n~t~ ln drawtnr up the cll) aftd awmwally Ulo ojty will YMe on the cha.rter. T~ 0 aea OD mo~ e~rt and auentJon to de-and I am tun' £Mien wUI ~ bu4&'et. att1ctea 1ft TN llMIIf' ars -. .... .ur to h~lp the voters IN:ttM' Two lmPQI'U.nl <'h&n&H are t.a1ll lha.n sta.rtJna a n~~pt>r. the ~." The.e ~l&lona alto lndJcat~ to wn4eNlan~ t,.._ lmpottaM lauo. cont~la.t~ wu h rHpt'ct to th~ I ~ conv~ of the "Pleate •nd UJ 6Qwn IOOlf a poulbl~ I ning uf pro~rt~ TentaU\'e &Jtftmt'Dt was rea· about $4.000.000, on the bu1a of !\t>WpOr1 S..:sch Doard of Edu-while ~tUnat Vol. 1. f'Jo. 1 ol copjet ot llw o.-w PloPft': '""re tu8 ln proportion to total tax ched em a ded&lon lO e.mpo~ a tutal ~ valuation ol catJon. IncreAR In the number The En&.ln ready tor ~blk:a· Una a Jot o1 tequM.a." ITt\l.a ""renue eoUerted in the dt)'. t.h~ city coundl to 1sa\ae 'll\ater .(ICICI,OOO. of board memoon&. from lhrH. tJoo. But I Jmow al.lo that the.re w~ a l.elephone ca1.1 from a The tentaUvtoJy adOpted cha.rt· departrn.a.nt revtn~» bondL SlK'h Capital Ou.tlav FaDd u It now 11ta.ndJ. to ll,·e, wu can be nolhlnc qulte .o aat.l.&ty· newata.nd.) er RC'tlon on fitteal admlnUtra· a bobd lala~», would not ra.l.ee tax· ., c11K'US1ied E l<'ctlon W bolu'd Inc to a newa~an u IC'e-"That lea.Of't ... " 11on _.,_ tor ~u'--•--•0,., of bud· es. becau.e 1M 1~1lrement pay· n w policy or let'kin( ·~rv· members may 1n the future be Inc the fint luue OOmf' off the "We'll cert&tnly support our ......., ,.. uu..-. •• h t'\" tn <'II)' llnan~ l"t''C>Urt't!S was h I"" 1 t.h tim th pt-• 1--• ""' " art eat.lmata to tbe city counc0. menta and ln~rest on t toR rt'V· e u a. t' ume I' u e ..._. ......,.. -per .. •·y 1h ... cll v m•Ra,nr, •t 1··-... ., enue bonds ~'OUld ha\e to be furthl'r ('l:.preaed 1n ~ tent.a· reguhar dty ~lt>el lons rather You t"a n be ~ that J have "lt b at1.nctJve In ma.1c~-up, u " , ... "' u ~· -th ~ appr~l\·al of a '<.'apltal out-t... • th 1 t ..... h *'-1: ..... ...... t .. " ~ bdon u,. end o1 ·the !llcaJ mfl out o1 water departnwnt 11~ fund.. ...n a mon a cor. ,.,..., 1 e very UJa• copy. t b .,.. -.-)' o n>3u. )ear cJune 30l. l"t'\"t'nut'. That mea.na that the . CuttJnr down C"l:.J..enrw. wu now ca.rt'fully alored away u my "I "'U aurprlaed to 1ft what water price tD d tv eomumera 1 hls ''ould prot~ tund.t, dh'<l u a.n adv&ntAJt' of holdlnr most prtzt.d poues.lon.. You too an ex~llf'nt peper It b." PubUt· hearings then ~"'Uld be would ha\'e to ft~ water wtw h h. d r t~n earmaJ"k~ ~ th,. J~18r'\l of Edumtlon dlld the-ha\e a hlnork document 1n )•our 'I n•ad II' from p&J!~ one to the ldtt"<Jult-d. and t~ hrarinp .. PI-·r JC J'UTPC)Ie from ~ ... k \\Uuld h.a\e 10 be a<h~n!Rd ln suprty and M-IJ,er) c•vsts. In· "' '-• r"t'gU.Iar dty Pl~lona at thf" hanct. ln that Aug. 13, 194M. Juue .,.<' ~ ... lh<' n~ ~IJ('n. cludlng w-ater bondB ln( tt'anaf~rred tor another pur· ~mt> tlmf'. Thla Y.ould alr;o U · of The Enalrn. Huld on to it. There were many more I I J•·•l wtthout the appro,aJ o f tM surf' a t"f~atf'r turnout for the At vou can aee by tM pa· comment.. but theae wilt ConauJta.nt Louis Burke point· A Ptt'1ous tent.at \e d~ll on '" •, • tht>mM•hf"S. , had ......,,1........ a•··--t ,.... "n· ,. hou 1.... .._,_ in ,.__ <'hoiN' t•f hoartl mf'm\x'rw per, that awe110me dale of t lve you the ••u ... All ~1 out 1hat tht>~ 1 nflw no pro-,... -~ -~·~ ,,... " ''' t '"" prov.,...,., ....... Tn1-. of ......... 01 .. m ...... ~ a.r'"' croach.ment on wat4"l dC'p&J I· 11 , lc•r 1 ded .. ,....., '"""""' "' ....-. • "' Fr•day the 13th broutht no oomment-. ar-e welcome, u.. 'l.lwn for public no• IC't' o1 a bud-• n ft'Onomy m n n<"l" 1 hH-e-'('aN 01\t' !Jfolnt l'lt'<'t· ell Ire COfl~u.noea; "ut In· bad •• w~ll u th~ !JOOcll ••• l:t'l ht•artn~::. l ndt·r th.-JliVVill· mftll ~enue by an) oth¥r dt) '""'l'>t'll mlcht be-at~ to P<l Pllth '~ar 'r our·)t"l.r ternu n~ad good ne-: There 11 The but one wa• 110mcthlng ION Of tht' pi"'ppe('d chaM.t'r, ln· dt'partment ana had f furthl'r 1 r 11 .,f,·r <'a.rm&rk('(f fund! llltO the 3J t' ltf'tnlo! l'Onlemplatt'd. that atory abo11t the pavlnt like thla: "A toocll job for ll'lt'~lt>oJ Clti.%t•n~~o "OUod ha\'t' a ~~~dr~nC'fol;_,•, ~-~\.\a~~ry,raC'Otenr t'l t•rtl fund tn a drhe to r~ o·d ('"*'-• p • t project IC:heduted for thou the tlr t ltuM, from now on lhanC't' to a ....... 11.r at ·~w hf'arm<> u ...... ... <O '""" I l•t' Ill~"" thu~ d1 lllo'llin..: an I K \' • .. •. 1' ro)H I . ,..,.. • h 1 .__,.. --·'d h rough numbered atruta on t • up to the paper to prove and •ul•mtt tht'tr 5uo··•· lion~ and !'WTI('r .. t us I ,...as '"''"' ~VUJ (It. 1•m• nt I''"J'ram .anti a1· • \ l''"l'et"'ll r,, '111''" lltr dl\ It••! f.'' ,.... c •-h '-··-• the landward aide of the -makt• rr-qur ... t for to••'l.'fk tm· nut bt' tnancmg any 01 f'r P•...-.:: 1 ' ng onh fa(<;(• N,•nom\ 0 .. It llllkt l·uhh<" ""'"A 1,10 ,... t it 1 1 nl Cout Highway In Corona pvH•mtn• to be lndud•~J rn 'ht'" t ~ j!o\err.mf'n or ;umt I••'' \\1111 tis "":1 lab•••· r:llht·r I 1-'·rth o-a ~ .. 1"\. ' del Mal'. Alao the approvlll nl'xt \P&r' bUc1i;t't lratJun. u t'rm ''• '"'"" " (•"'• Sh Ba '1• Fund •h.ol\ lhi"US't: <'l"n'lnu 11f •hht • 1 J .... 1 11 ro ~uJ I' •• "' .. • of city mall d~llvery a.ervlc.e. Tl I ll ld ._ h ""'u' ·~· Nt up '"" , 1 1·.-1 .•(•It 'It• I tt~I'U 111n. • T " I'll ' t• wou ....-~I\ ••n t .. 1 , 1 ""' ht·r ('I"" l"n h•r pulltnl! " " ~ h<·• e Will> n Jut t>f romnwr 1 Vr•JtC•rlllrlt'' ••f k...:(>Jne tnfor~ ,,t;atn.,l ''•''' r· '1•1 lnn<'ii'-<'S n I' ''•" 1 ll•l• •·I lt11t tlw dt• 'I'"T" ,., .. -, h• ,\t:rU.I! 1111 :1 ~·ttndt?t h:t, " on the li;rat ttc!>Ue of Thf> EnMgn •'d IJ:o-tlw furtla•r PIV\'h,lo" tl .• tt t'n\t•q.!t'nt'l<''· ,,. wa• <·•lithlt,hnll'nl nf a • ... 11•! •!:• ulol hi• ;JIIf• It• "t•'< 1 lw1~ ''"'' ll•ol II• " r~ ''"" ~>I 1 Tht'>*' full • ot 1.-.. .,r ttu• JlrliJlOM'<1 ,.,,~ l'•urrnr thr• •11-.·u"l"., ur \'<~"'' 1 1, fun•l" ·n11~ '"" 1 ,.. qUit ' '• • •. 1!·1· • I rl •If 11 It·" , ,,.tf,plo < "•n•nin-,.11 "I' \\ U t 1-.• ,1\Qt(,lhl\• :.t' thk ho1nti t•<ttt", 11 "II<; pnlntf'd tl, rJI~ to k('I'Jl enOUJh reset'\'e I ' ot ll,•tl u ftl ,ftt•1lt'l lh,tl II jlt"ltl<l~ ,.,11.,, i•l•'l"lllro•t o f '" ~"H' lht• hi II Ill ''' '' _:-'a ft '~". " ' '' do-1~1 I' ' "I lt •l " II ·' 11 " ' I 'I ' I I• '' ,, .. It I I 1'1' du IJ•I• twotllftll'f~ .uul htll'klo,,,, l.rtut c t l.t ,,. r n·n • f tht rit) "I ' ~ • ,1,, ,,,. ..: q, ht'L"Jr ~1..__ T 1 • • "'" t tt • •t 11;PU 11 •n IU"I "' •'l 1., ,..,ll-' ,1 ,• 1 n'• .. '"'•-.J tHJ J•'• ,, ,,• ' '·~I ' •, fu :,"a tT ~···nt ll' 'h 14'\1' lh J( J 1' T 'if' 'u 1t • ·'I •-. I ' ''' ' ft'f ''t PI•' {'Ill I It•· I •• 'I 1!' t I !, I ' 1 I• "'J1u, , . .,,. 1\lflllll,\' no ulc 1., , • 1 hrnlt '' ·1 11, ,111• , f f"'., -, •1 1 • , ., •' • l'• 1t1 I'• rt~'~«'nt 5<'1up the crt> ' • What eould be fair-er? P11ttlng eut a oood paper Ia not a matter of h igh bl•wn phra&el or ll arnglng of on~• pra11u It 11 atrlctly ll mat ler of perlonnance. 'Jntt• a~· a in J '' uuld Ilk~> to t1t1toul \IIU S••ut1 '" ~uuJ t'flm lr:•"J'' ,lfl•l • I 'I h 1•111:. • 1"11! IUjY , •• •'I" • ti•IUI !Ill• I ,,.,... '11111 ul•••ll uthor luflll' 1111' En"l~'ll'l ' • t • I ' II '' ' •• • Ill 1 ' •II "· PI '• • : I II • , , ( , , , • , I ,, f In leu s( ·(v (lri ppiue, ·f~atlie .. \· . ,. J•r tp d ,· 1 .!' Lcnul J)j r u ... -..•t) h~ Coord ' \\ r. z . . I 11 I~ eli rcn1eur' lloltl . 1udience r , \ f 1 ,, o: ... ·~c towJe' nc\\Spa r. That~ ot r· gr t:ti m f'lN.'- senting The Em:jgn to you. J' \\'c arc a..Jso lwpp_!.• to ha\'(~ i)('en ahle tn cct~trt ,., out The Er1~ •. '1 a. n 11t 1 :d el f ~ '"" l tiC"\ ~;_, c; 1 ntlljot1f~ though m ,· thr> Frid t\ th<.> l::lth initial I put l!t". q J \ a PUI I . I l ; • .. !' t • Itt' ablC' t 1 " f 1 s t w ·n unc~..n .(· .. t t• 1hc> 1<o- pl<' ()f ( I r'c>l ;\ia!' H1ilt a ~tr'('(·t pa,·jng pro- ~t1trn ' 1 I n 1 l11 · J ' 1\\ <: . '(!Pd that a lit~ <lC'livcry mail SCI'\ ice h as lX'Cn appro\·rd. The> En$i~-,rn ,., ;n c.,n•mw 1 IK rtml.! the t:ood news-at~d tlw b;1 l-fulh· and fair!\. Jfl nrdN t o fulfa ll .its l't'SJ)I>nsrhilit ~ ·as a horne to., n news- paper . , CHURCH DIRECTORY CORONA OEL MAR COMMUN ITY CHURCH CONOREOATI O~AL -~·20· W . 19th St. Costa M ... ''I ft•lllrot> Av••••• r<>r· na d•l ....... 1 J, •r·~ It T'.om.-,, Wlolltl>r f'•T'T'7 J'!',.,.tr1r\. ~~k ... Ml•'•l«r ... r t trrt> ",.. o I. " 45 a m t fi A M l:'b • .-b l'rloo.l. v~rn ••• '1.-nol"~ tn ~~ a "' II ,tt<l )i,..nl n• WoNI\Ip, S.rmoe D7 Kr. \ •. ,..,, ••• t •~'"'" .,..II 01,.. fer ,..... &-t.rotk. ,..tuit1· .. ~, hr1n« rh •rrh ST. ANOAEWS PAESIIYTERIAN CHURC H of ""ewport Harbor 8ot..Sar _,..,,., ... rr'"' I 410 A M \', .. ,., r.,to .... tllr ,.,"" 1, ""' Eut tl'l' ~,.,.,., • JO P M. r t,. r ,,,.._f"t,,.• Wl'lllftl41:Jiida.T 7 " t f ~'!I \ t \ '-t I \' t t Tl n '' nn "JUf-tu•n ''"'" thro r .,... ,.,n, n' '" .. ' k .... h:t\'(• hr " \\ur .. ' . ,. ' Tills •II!!< I <'Jio1nt·~ I •' (,f•!·IJnj.' a nf •JI" .. oJ:prf"lJMJIIItlf ,.,,, h 1UdPn u/ 1'--t\ 'hn\\' •· nn p1 or,.•rl, 111 \,1 ,, I'"', lw.11 h 0\ <'rrmpha• ' on 1hr Iars::•• prl7· "1" El fllt'lftl In I h(• pr!'ow•nl cit) ,.,• hAs .,_;l-'11n tn f\UI 1hr l'nl•·ni\Jn· adminlto.•r-a'lun· .. '"'"'' ta~ pn> mMit vain<' of rurh rros:rnm!l> in posal ""llh \\OUJd r1 nd ,,. l'a .. <' thr <>hodP and II •~ f••lt That <.urh the lal:. ~urdt>n on flro(X'I'1). Library Board Seen As Ad\'isory Body ThP 1-: f'f'h••l11cr-. dPbatl'd for "''m•• limP tllf' 1unt>unt n! aulhor· "' thai would hl' lm.'PIIIf'd In the Lth1ar• Ao:url oC TtU"I''f'' AI I hl' J•lf'l'l'nl rl(llnl In lhP· <'h&M.er GIVEAWAYS DISCUSSED Ia lb. llbno,.,, ,.., th• S•wr• •1'\ Unloa lflrh '1<-h·"'l ~......... I O'rledt a-,.,._, M C:lhoan "'"'"'•• UJ~ c;,..... Canal, y,, 1•.1 ..._ lalaJMI, Calif CHURCH OF C~RIIT Chui'Gh ll Wal"ut lbl. ; t-1• !'<h.,.~ 1r >0 A 'lor"l•rr \ll'fV"I\hlt• II 001 A Y•""• ,.._,,.. ,.._..,tr ' ,. ,. ~""'• s..m... --10 ,. p,..,.., M-lfttr Thuro • r P Ill. dacuuton, the IJbrartan would 111 lw· ro4mf'O h) theo t'lt~ manager. : "ur 1 hi' Ltbran Bodm would ., ha\-e the powt>r to approw or Radio givuway pr09f'ame. the aubjeet of current &tudy by the Fedef'al Communlca tlo"' Comml•lo", will be ella· OCIIied pro a"d co" Satui"CCay on '10plniO"·AI.--" l'OU"dable snalon The quec:tlon, "Should Giveaways Be Prohibited on RadiO 1" will be Jl~bated at 2 p. m. over KHJ. e-r. JAMEI EPIICOPAL CHUACH Yla Lido 0 1 , ..... Stn1too A :10 A If, ~Moo!-.... A. IL CENTRAL BIBLE CHUACH of Costa Mesa Coni« Urd St.-afl<i C• ..-_.. A•· a..., , ......... , Kl"-" -· SQn~ ~ -t -45 • • -....~ .. ~ .... s..-'' \10 "· ... •1'"'"•,.• •1~M,.... 11 tw a ,. .. "-~ ,._._. aed Jualor C': L I .. I' • E-nh•1r &.......UotJr ~ t Ill A ll. Ill·•• A M 7CIO P,_. 1 ~ P. )f. 1 ·10 P , ll. C"IUIT CHUIItCt1 ev THt l E A ,_. w. kfrt,..l Ne~ hKh r....,. a.. ... -" o ('.-ttlt ........,....... t :M A. II. ,.,_......, ~at ...... M ........ ,_.... 11" A. If T'tfa ~ ""'".0" , t.:UTMattAN CHUIItCH _,-eM.,...... N~ ...._... I'Vlmt\ 'f fl .. ,. ., &II ...... ............... , ___ M t .. A II, ~ ......... , ... .._ ~-o..r:.ll -10 "'· .. ............... ' "·" OUA LAOV OF MT. CAAMEL CATHOLIC CHUACH Pitt-nth and r~.,.._, It•• ,.., •• s,..,.,., Pri- W ""l>l"t "'--I IEV5NTH OAY ADVIlNTIIT Col'. 8olu a"d Old Co. Aoaull • Newport Helghta Oil art... M artJ ......r.-~ ....... ..,....... .S.Ioool --.... k \. '-""' Pnadllu s.r.tMo 11 ,oo WM lltlt&. p,..,... ,._,.,.. --·-_ 1 :M Jt~otM, 1\lpl, Yo1111« """""'" N-tl.._ --T·IO Olri.tian Scieaee ~llltiT CHUIItCH OP' CHIUIT aCtENTIIT .. \'Je ... ,,. at VIa M ..... .\ ~ ol ,.,_ lladw 0.0..... 'n. """ (l'ln..,. , O.!iot ~ ........ ... _._ ..... ' ., ~ ____ ,, A. II ,.,..., '"""-·---·lt 1M A. II ...... .....,..,eo..~ .. ......... --:---:-::-~ ••• 11!1 tli'-'\'IJ't <l\ I' till' I holt'f• -------------- Tht> Llhr11n Hoartl would be a distl>rtion may hurt radio as a arh i<10~ rat iwr than man&R'f'T' whole twofore the Qlli.Z M'8.rJt' 1>llmll lal 11. "a<. Jl(llntl'<'l CIUI b) Con· itY'If out liS IM fltvOrll~ 1\'Pf' of aullttnt Burkr 1hal 11 the Ubr radio prop-am · 81") RoaM wrn> .,., up 1.1.ith man AIMoet Give" Away •Kf'r1&1 ofun<'tlons then other Little wondt>r that the nt"twnrkJ boards would ask for th~ same havt> bet>n troubled by lhc j:~rk· set up. I pot mows. NBC. luett, wa.11 almO"t Thl' \.\nuld gradually chip off lorlven away on sa.m.rm Kaye's functions of the <'ity 1nd g1vf' "Supper Club" prorram. , thl'~ functions to board~. And T'imP ran out on a rt"Cent hroad· 1 hus 110mE' ol tht> e!LJcll'n<'y or ML!It of lht> "Supper Club". and the rounrll-managt>r form of city the nt>twork bro)fe Into 1he pro-governm~nt would be dt>SlJ'Oyed. gram tor chain lilJentlfiratlon j The city rnanag~r would be the u TCtm Reddy was announf'lng ~: the bOa wllh r~pect to the additional llstrnr r I I • ~ r, ~nccs .-nd \.\ •rtl w 1 Cl., o., KECA't • What's My N01me" qu1z show may bt' look no ror the answ• rs whl'n F CC ato1t't1 l"vut•glltlng g•ve a""ay r•d•o progra,.,, l)la~·h ouSf' Here they are thown wrth Brooklyn~s Qu z q.-~en So1d e Htrtr, who '. • • .It • I Ut•ad Afh•ndh Pin\' ( ,, .. , 11 ., , , ~ , • ..,-,,.,~," 1 \\IJ•' :•hh ~uppnrll>cl hr \••· nd.nr.: 11tr ,,, '"' J~<'Tf .. nn· fot'lt via1ted thle o1udle"c.e participat ion progra., t tn yut'l o11g0 1 : '' I~• ,.,, • :wl \It !'I • \I'll I • 1 , 1 1 ., 1 1 111, 1 l ond r• l:l.l•t,•rom• .. ('ri"s Kr .tft. "'" ,,, :O:u•h In )our L)t At •''' r. '' '" ''' "" "~' " t'lutt'l'<l' h,r,.·l••l' • "Tt•o;, II• 11 t' .:'\o \.\(ocrt 1'1 \\h1111"'' S·uurd•• tar ;.. I • .: , t "'tJ~t·l t.u 1· ~., "' rth. J;u.,.,, Sdllnhll ara1 tlw' 11'1 hi "'' r;llmnr r.ro\\n found•>r hoi h ''" ,, .. ,,. r •• f'tl'llllar· r ' 111, 1, 11 1, ·\\I m,u • ,.,,., 1., l,u k "' .. t.l~{' \O(<(' of Rt'natr> :'otvn olnll n~otn,1Jortm• clu 1r11r of h•• PW!- .w • :ul• nn Pill} "'"J ... L Arl1m• 26-) •1r -1.•ld 1••1• Ph""'' 11 rs a rf'('Ord o r spiritual suf· Tht ... splic-t>r from Hunrlngtun. \\'I'SI \'tr· ' rm~rut I ton "•~ Of p.arth'\1· ftlt':lllnn lnrlul't'd b'' a ntml''a Jar mlf·ro·~t ttl l'm"·n .. _ 1 s;:mra "''" "'a .. Stl pla"uo ~1 '" -.;\1,•!1· ~ ~ .. · ..,. ... -au~ t .. ,.,.,mm~>slicm and lis lnf'\ltable af· "a~ dll"f'(1·-' h C'-·J s lfH·n 1tnd 'l~nt' v.hl"n ht• won 1"' >' ... .sow ll"t'C'fl~. trrmalh, th~ un1.1.oindlng of wh~> fr-r &<'hi-'''"" a lal J $7.300 over 'ThrN' for th~ Mon· •, •· '"' ('(" mat on lUI rvPnts and pr-essures wh.lch an actor at t'--P·--.. p•-"·"" tha t h•• nt'arl> n•fu"t'CI to takr '"' ........ l"fla ..,y. make of life a 'ht>ll on earth." hoiJliC> --A 1 · Jo ..... hr' fll"lll' . nnd It took his fa· curu 8 ~r f'll )'n~ IUCC\'U • Rl'li('f comes onJv in the trl· on B-·dway •nd In t'----.. ~-lh• r, lhr rodlo .Alation man .gt"r, $ ·-" '"" uru .. ~. umph of the hard prlnct"als of Steve .. • pta.., .... a m l 1 1 h and the mayor to rom1nce him 1o r '"" ,n.~ nor ro ~ n t ,. take lt. ronfeulon and a yielding to tht' produttlon of "Sud.t ln Your E)re." -~· ~ r 1 ' , i , ' I' ·~u· an•! 8N)D.d< loth Blouses & Dickeys "1ulo Y. llh I'd• ·t P"n cnllar- Swea t<-rs < ~n1 ,.. •n' &. "''''"" r-\'ariH~ of •·ulnl" <I a;, up Pl"'" ·~•on Ta '"" od Gabardine Skirts Si95 up Scarfs Sp.trkhnc arroy of no>Yoffi ~nd youthful pattPms t Prime "' U healed pi~ Into a bot dish ~ ket-p .'llm\. :-ow 6"t1T ~ ~ )"'ila l.l'lto ftillk t ently for Oftt o r two min· lt'a a.,. \0-. that liJ:na buns ~ at the ptWe tJI 1hrir crow-~ WUOft ~ you \ t tbe ~ ~ ~ Food plant ln Santa Aoa. A.hhoudl lbia 4Wt'k-f~ oom- pM)' bu bee~ -~ V.11h bnns {or a <"OUpl.. ol • ka. prod\.lc' 100 l& slf'PP\!d \ip n tu an all hml' hlcb ~ tlw fi'PSh llmas lune pour- Inc in ul not boill and edd an) na-dt>d •It Pour this~ I&Uftl Rev and Mr'r s L k l 0\:~~l(>nf~l~d top with 8 • ..,. cnroc _,e ave ! Fl"f'<.h, frozPn, t.:a.ni'V'd or drk>d 0 C' U / It r /' t . 'T" • lv-'1~ nua~ t)f' rvmbao.d In l h 11 rour-" ee ,., aca ton , I rtp " ~-lh makl' a ta~y dmnt'r dUih 1t fl.mk 'lo•l\.k wllh hmas: It'• IH1f,do•rful t'l hoOVo' that 1114"'-" ~•"" 10.111 ho• t'lltWht m tho t"'alc t.f ttw t fro h f' ' n•~• 1111.1 '" ld fur ''' Jnlll \\ • p' 11 d\ 'to• "n •' ·h -., !'' •. ur "" '1 fnm ·)· Ill· L1t·' , ' F ,t St~:> to f"~•dn~ \\ I h ·u: tt... J•l <.; • • Ill ' t f ,.-n " IJO• ~ I• J• •• •r 'I lo • '1. 1"1Jf'' ''"•k•-d limu I fl,tl I< •' • tk 11 .2 I l h •J~M•f • foil tul•lo '"' •n '*lt"JII'· t1 un1un ~I· I" II' h . "II . ll, . ,. h ,( I \ I• I tt( \ ••I l lk• " \'&rlatlon In seasonlncl I 1 I• ' . ,,, ;., ,. 1\t '!11111 (' n.at ·.;~---l..:l·h odd I I :n I • \I . I . ' ,, I :• ·1: • .. . • I ur "' ... ',\ . ...,.,, . ., 1~ •n• ,, h • • ,. • ,,,.n,n .. f~· • If"'{\ • t I '· • '"', '=" ·, 1 1 tt><· 1 10• ,, 11, I• 11 ,. p 1n IP d ·k in ila• .. ., '•• ' t"f· • 1 ' ' r• 'lH"!'I ,1 .•!.~• ,.. ,, ,. , I I ll I I F 'I.,, II " • 'I• ... .. • ' !, .. , ,. ... t I I \\ -• u.. "' r~·. "t o a ,. ...... l m:ts H ~r"t n • I n 1 • 1 1 r ... ,, 1 r a, r ' '· : , ; .. r I I r ' J ...... , ' I I l''''''"·' m1 •n ur•'l1••'1! u• 1.,,.,. • t· l'''""l J••a. ,..,,,, tlf'' rtur k .. l o,; •' •'u• <tl'\•unrl '"'"' '' 1-"or·l!,,.,,, Th,, \<t 1 G \1-'Dtt;T r>iu~C H e v THE SEA "lll"l' "'"""tho\' arl' r• ,,hI r thr ·' ftn· ....... \'l •I\ llltlt Don t ll'll>t Hop•s , -,,, ..... : 1 '1 ,,. ... mh •·oookm.: h•·' ,.,., ••1\• n tllf'tr I t.nti• r'l onol II 1 rh. fn•t• n f••od ~ ~ • • · \i •r. ,1 •' r"hr •' CEI'II TFIA L £!18 E (j.ci.J RCH fJ \\a .. •l \1ar•J• '' ll'lr"'flill'lll loa ll' fr't" '1 ! ••I~ •mt1 Jll'f•l'l• h'l\ I" II 1!1-'"1101• n 11 1 rn ''' :'-r' """ "'f' ,, ,. ,, , ~. wk hl-111' ltln~: ~l11c·h •• t.:.-II111R ,, ' (;trnH r-'" •·h rnt:r ... Up o n Wat•r B•ll .. I., •• ,..,·lnr •ct.nr "'I ~H'tr'•nfi·~'""" hu• "''ll)ff~ th,, ,,,,. r ...... , ~ I ... ,-.... , "' ........ ,..- lt :u ;-1 r nr v. \~ oH hf It I .... • "'' ' a· · t"i· • '. n ... h4 , •• ,\ • • ~ at : lo r 1 \ftr·r tl hllln•lirnc tl ·' c<l Frt·•h lim"• •H :>I••• pr"ll'tn•·n• 1 thl""'l.:h , .... ~.,~ llm,710l.' m11rh11,. "11 t h•• Jl!'•.ri•l•' Jill• r• ,f olor l 'nh3ppl \ lhl' \&C.Ittt\ 1-a~ 1111: I ,. " t't•r t,u, "'I .11 I,., 'hr rrno ' 1• ,,.. ...... ""~ hJ\'-II foworl ''01" I ( ... •l I :\J oranr! •.,J.,r ~·n<,. ., ... j kklc· .,.,, lhn<" Rllll~<•1 l·h•· I \ • rbn 't•ll th, Jy-.,""~ whu h ,r,. whn .~ 3< nri•N'fi "'' rr .... h .r ". ptorl. :lrt• "''an rh • ... n••· ''" I••' 1n~ 'hi... ,... ,,:111~~ t ~~ ,-. ... ••I !-; f \t'1 II, ~·•fn~ ;a• r{ ,,., '" •tw rr•l'fl ,., ., Thr pl11n• mnn· d.,rk·.:n -.. n 111 rt I r ( rt'1 ttnol "'!I lli:Pr r~pl;ullfti lh ;t <"U-•' 1m , lnr· ftl',~l T' • •I dlo--1 lw t' chnul1 C'"h' rP<f>(m<thl• fnr tho• .-!•miNI· I~· to•ntl• r ". • 'l .:r• • 1 lo!p'•'nr·h· , ... • ·••·Uhh• • .,, " or:t.t ,, •••• , r (,,, ~, ... . ~· \\ '' JU'-'l ,,.,....,•', "' ,_ ..,~ ,, ilr p ' l! ~· ~· 1 ST JOACHIM'$ CATHOLIC " ... • '· ,.., ·~ pr•·:J.rit n" -:-• 1': ,c l't•r;-!r:oll ~ ·to.;~ t ,...\.tJr ~ ~p. lP1.'\~ • \! .,,,, "'' ••• ,,., •• ,Jr •• h.rr 1n•1 "' ,, • hi' Co~:a 'Jc=r~ ·pi't•• "' • ............... i f.: ~' ,., 1 ~u· •·r~-·,.., r. 'htt r~"t11'1,~~ ST ANDREWS ""' I r"Cf>n! J-1! PRESBVTEI'IIAN II n or th;> " ... ,. ho ·:~n< r,., m ..... whitt• 'kin I '""''"'" \rtuJIII' "I'" ho•,n• h1\•' ThP ll!ll"'-'" f•f t. In' ~"U hq,., .-h, r• ·1, •: 'hil' Jul\ •., \HI'"'J,('o n ,,n, \lfllmtn« tnn l'lnrl 1\r• 1:nod lo·fl tl1• r •holltn;,: c1q nth '\ t r• Ill \\ 1 o•l '" • lot I f H Ul'\t,. 1t:< b•J•Ir" '' ~ ~If-I ~ ...,,. '-td• n• r \\' • hf' for rooJ h·J• for ~,,.. "",,, r. pro-••r" n I'" '•"' ,.f ,._,. t>.•:u" h .• lht' end of Auguct or ftr'' c•l nil' 0011 h• r<> lrlcP th• l:f"·· n on~ I:Pnt•nll~ '" 1 ll"''"''' • r m•h· II• rl ~· •• 1 ,. ,., a brand n~ bill h.• t ho ·•n• "' II "'I' ol on• ptnt of 1 1o! ~.I•: ,·, 11 lhl' \\alt'l (l, Sol"tlng and Checking ah4 •1lo><f ltm3c ant1 "'~"'" fn·~r Jo:<'n·l r 'rrol'n' • H tll' Stnt-.• lhl' rna• Th,..., •• 1n unll<'h,., nhl1• 'lmn•Jnt ,.,.,,u,. 1\ c •n•• 11 1 h •r 1\ ""' 1 1!:11 l'htnt> ha.> JUSI arrl\ ro 1 hit. '"'I o( • .,,,.. tnit ,,n<"! £'M't1inl! In th•~ prn-thn·" l"lllnoh In ,...~, "til m .. !<·j• , ,. <' t"" t:Ht• to tw pn··~ .. l •·f>-.s of frN"7tnl': ~rn: rommtorrull-:! ~ tn 3 •"UP' (VIO\tl'd ln·o tht> Sf'l"''i~ of ma.kln&: out h· ~id~ tht' mar hinl'!' wh1rh 1 • 20 to SO ~I n ut« I• he t ~ whwh ••rtltnap h 11 f' h:tvp 111n•11dv dMC'ribf<d. thP lima~ r,,..,.,.n ltma' cuok In 20 to 3() mallf'<! the end of Ju.ly or f1rst t.,.. .... An.._-. ''I~ !"'n;.t"' \\ ••• cl" 1;..,-'#r' •t"':. s ,"1"· ·~ ... a• • • • .. \J.r ,, n• co c;; jrf!'l, ,., ~ntn\.. ...... r, h , -:"\ 1 I ' !Clf'l "' 11 hiP <-.an th• 't•h ~"' T'14'l h R··llt: H'' .. T!·· • lh ;>('1 ,,, Rt•\ rPnd··t1' COST A ME._A COI!o4Mu "' I r 'A !rt> 1 .I I I• ·~,. 1 ,, N'' a , r •r ~ J' n .. ~., " : r • • v.!. ~~ f." I~ I pN>ar~tor !l r • hi' . , ( p • (oM. " "t. & 'o\l11n r a;: ,,. r. nl l •IJ&I f, r r I \\'t'llr th• J."""•·t J1t'i1111 l~h· or nr ... ,th ,. ..... ~-U•tb" ~lolt•rd."• •k.in lu•<t tm ·• •' .. Ar '1•"' Jp"'~ bl•>U'"" \\,'a'\- C'\t'r' )'flW' fPOI"\ combmauun &t Jackt-t Skirt Slacks lor fa.l' 14.95 .95 to 11.95 13.95 Pedal Pushe-rs . . 9.95 Jerse~ Blouse .. 5.95 -6 95 fun fflslliDns • ("!''\ '\ ~T l\l \'{) C"0K('~~.o\ OLL M:\R fJWrien's P"--"• down lnnr: Nm,·,.vor tw-It<~ mlnut•·~ d('f)f'nt1•nll: nn th••ir AI!•' of Au~-:usl. M"n' ctl'ls do mon> l'('rhng and <;moll and <'Obk tht·'T! In s&ltl?d wa- C'h<'cklnr; h<>rr tf'r labout '-\-t•·:.~noon of qlt •o Count\' Job ~kers In:• l"on1ennt'\' or lh•' hJr h G.-t F~tory Ope~ r·,..rnlnto '-('f\ lr,. 111 ",/) 0 rlrx-k ~'~at~w~.l~l m~a~~~~~w;~~~.·=~~~~~~-~A~~~~~~r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~ Nt-xt month property ownt-rs of lh<' f'a.llfomla State Emplo>·· Iii w•ll l"f'('f'IH• notic-e. to pay up for mt'nt St'n let' In Santa Ana, said both July and Aucvst. These t.b.1.l week that alrcralt manu· h11lo; w111 I'E' lum-.M to~ther. &<' ta<'lurln.g arli,·ltles In tM Indus- ' ot'u.ln~ '" v. ~lt'r department of. trial an-a bordertnr Oran~ Co- flcta.ls. but tht>:· are tlrured fi4'P' unty ha ' e bfot>n wteppt'd up ~ ara!t>ly 1l anyone wl1hes to ~'t' N>nlly to hJgher production fli thf' mdlV1dual ft~f"''CC tor e1thl'r urH than ha,·e bMln expt>rit>nCf'<l month they ma) uk for thl'm n1 an' ume ttlnN> ti-t> lermlna SPEOALTY SHOP Attn-'~ tJOninll: and bla.!'rh-a quart ol watf"r' Wht n tht>)' 8.f'l' lrllt Jnd washlnc t~nd credinr. tM t~. clrain otr wau-.r Muon UmM art' l""<'k-d ~"'to "Yhl <'On-~ thfo ~nc ~t~.ith cnlt l"'r>l" r ,,r, tllinen ltbout tW\('op • two ~lilt of but· er a.nd servE' ln a hfetf'd dlsh Oflf'-!'W'nnal fi"'7f'fl ''~etablP bo'C ~ C"N'a.med timu an> a rHl Abn<Jt t .. n of t~ ronta.ITW"I"'I fit trrat th1~ t1nw or ) .. 81' For one Into a ~ ed In the CPntf'f' nf wnv prt'pat't' th"'"' u~· 141 ~ COAST BL \'() Btrt.Nr RldiZ C:0RCIN,4, DEL MAR f>'lf'h ('(11'\tl\IMr Is plal"t"d a ri'W'' a.l 1 pl.nt '\hellf'<! t.lf'ans ct rip wh1C"h vrvpc '"' a ..,,_n<'IJ .. for. : 1 thll"'poo""~ but 11 r fttt> t.lf'"nc "hPn t"'f>" lll'f' l'f'mo\'Mi I ~·lint ll"n.<Jlf)nn 'Ufo:Ar I ~• thl' w ;r 'l'r Of'n.'lr•ml'nl 110n o't the y,•a.r \fathf'wcon JX••n'M out HARR0R ~ fmm thl'ir ("'nlll'nPr< I prls: mt~ pa,....,h. 131 D" bl~..l ,., k lkans Quick F'ror•" I 1"11Jl h• I y, ht1l1 m lk ls:l t"\1 n Or '('rs L-------------1 1 tMn't ar<'<mlP="rr~ th•· "''"n• .! "• ll·h< ·• n ~"1~:-C.-t't S2750 in July intn thfo (rN'l'in~; rompal'1m<'n• hill J>:lpr I<.\ r I [' tnr. 'r:. '1 \ ·r~' r~ l!l I!-:============================~ (~"-'" t~ .!1, n 1lt"l 1 tll"tM 0 (' C"' ~-f\C~ ;}{~"\ \\\ i,) \\t'wt• t • t .. ll~n.: ",,, r •f '"" hk• h< rb!< 1 '' I t • l ~( n' I , .... .,. u: IUJ ,. \ •II 1"1'\ d< 'I l I fll •li\ \n I a if!· II l<'•f'l\t't :II t\o'l..t>:l-''f "~· "o< -free Delivery - - n. <.nit .. t ..... '"' n .. nnun tho 1 \\•." t, '••t th•' •• ,~ ... ~ ..... .. ...,.,n~ '1"' n •1-r·' Rnrl of tht' Sla\1' di<: 1h1 "' 1: '·: • • P' ' tt"• "'''" ",~ • 1 t • prtlJ:I dm 1 f~,~ •rl ~ \ I li•'~:••i •' GOVEftN~ENT • INSPECTED HO"SE ~EAT 1}1>11\l'l't'd ~ to An> Home l.n Harbor Are& '-1 ,.,,. ,,.. "'·' 1•"' t •• [j ·,: 1..-· t I 't'' ' ··r '" f t • f I J '~ I 't I HIDY'S PET SUPPLIES POR'I1NG GOODS & th•"'l ;HitJ '-U.,!.tl I j Young People at ~(J~ AT 11IE STORE 1 Can Flee Powder F R EE Summer Camps WITH Pl'RCHASE OF 2 rBS OR MORE HORSEMEAT I '' ~:·· .. w• o f )C>II,R pc>Oplt> from FIIHINQ TACKL~ -GUNS -LICENSES Ce>'ltll \lt'<:a ('ommunll\ Chursh KINDELL'S PA'MO CORONA DEL MAR j"'" h'll\c' lhlf' W<'l•kf';d-tn -Ill 1217 COAIT HIGHWAY HAABO" _1293-J lt>nd thc Youth I nstitute which :__:.:..:.;:....::=:.:.....:..:.:.::.:...:.:.:..:..:...:-------------;.....--- 1 1s to!)(' rond.uf'Uu 111 C'amn R·v• 1 ford next ~k. Attcndln& the 1 lnstltutt• will bf' S:.rh.'l~a Ha'1r1 I , Thohurn Thonr~n Kro F'lsht>r Jimmy Flaher, Marlene Ander· ! :~~.·~~~~hl~:~~:~:.rl~ ~:~ 1 ThompttOn. • Bob McCit>lland a.nd 1Jack W ood I .... ,\ t . ' H "· ' ' 'l . I • ~ • t • h, ..... t' •f'" • ., ' wurl-.t•r, ht·t •' rt'H'I\t>tl ,, ., •• ,,, .•11pr• ,im.111'h ct,!i'lll tr • I•! 11.• .1~'111 1 \ In~ ll'o\111 t' l><'nt'l ' I 1 1•11 llolh · offs•'l lht'tr \\ ,&J::r "~' 11l11 in~ 'the mnnlh. la:->phcanls "l'h qual.tyln~ l>t'rii'"''N' 5hou d ,..~.,, ar• 'he IOC''l I fflt't' olt ~1 y. <'<' F f•h ~·~f't>' S.lnta ,\r., \·,··a-l' df'f' r• · q,l'<:lt>1 •• ttnc -.ll•an rl.~ h.1r,:•~ i•tr"t~!" 1 • it' t• 'i•'<" · ,.., ,,T,.-h.,t' ~ u,· ~ ,. •'il...'" t' \("~r ... (lr tt:t' il ·t .. r, • .. 1 ; .. , • 1 'l'" 1.. .... , 0 ( 1\"' t s K,' 1,1 FOR YOUR BEAUTY CARE CAI..l \'l's BEAl "T\" HOP 1103 Cout Hogtl""a" !1 Harbor OS33 Corona d~l Mar SALE O PLASTI C NEEDS WOMEN I\('('OniJ•3n:rtnc 1 ht> group as r:lrh.' roull!li.'IOI "'111 be Miss Jt>an '<..-,rtstcnson. and Rt'V . JOif'Ph H Thompeon wtli wn·e on the fac- ulty. B ~AC R T0 \'8 ALL lALLI -CH ILOI'IEN'S BELTI -FLOATS PRICE [ntennf'dlatt'S who attended a Chr1atlan Ad\'t'nl\11'\' Camp last wf't.'k at Wrightwood were Hel~n Sanda. Norma Jacoba. M ary Warne. Floris Jonea. Ann Traut· weln. Ma.ry May Mobley. Michael Du.t\)ap and Tommy Lance-Mn. J. H. Thompeoh accompanlec. the rroup a.nd acted u head cou.n!M'Ior for the camp. EA T CO V ER • U you're qualifted. we can train you No Cha.~ f« Pteft.lllmal A~ and lnaunt P..UlOrdint of Your Vat« -AUDITIONING PllOM SEPT. ta COAONA DEL MAA Cl.&ANEBS -AND - JAtJNDBY QUALtT't' WOAK .! We ~ _,. •" ,.tlwr Uft4w ....,., .. " ... ' GENUINE F'IREI'T'ONa FllftE·CLOTH F O" ANV MAKE OA MODEL CA" F'ftOM w t your flrt 1 Zl5 CoaSt R I 1FT SAV for FRIDAY a~d SATU OPEN FR IDAY EVENING UNTIL 9 O 'CLOCK OFSIGI\;" -1 r c .. (':\.~:\ ISTt:R . ETS REGULAI'I S1 •q S~FC I A L META L OVAL \\':\STl': R.\SKt:Ts REGULAR "9c SPECIAL 4tc'. PATIO DESIGN. ROLL TOP OV AL METAL BREAD BOXES SPECIAL 2.19 MATCHING DESIGN Dl"' ll TR.·\I~ER W ITH SEPA"ATE CUTLERY 8ASI<ET RUST·P"OOF CA O MIU~ FINIIH WtA£ REGULAR 1 1 00 SP£CIAL J9e ~BLU E ECrG o.:tt>(H)n G.\RB:\(.E C "EGUL AR 1.2 98 SPECIAL 2 · Colol"ed Handles All Metal .39 , REGULA" St tS I PECIAL ------------------POLISHED ALUMINUM "OOR·FILE" .. PICE R.\CI\, Fatten• on ~upboal"d door, holdt 6 r'e9 air~ sp1ce cans SP £CIAL LOW CUT WHITE m ·~1 RO ta lftECIAL 2.79 Sin• I ', to 11 •~, REGULA" U .M • MATCHING OEIICN l.ft. 4 h .. C. it TER fii£GULAA U 1t liii"IECIAL ·. CO\~ERED CAKE PLATE Turned Wooden Cover Knott REGULAI'I 11 1t liii"ECIAL SIMULAT£D MOTHER-OF-PEARL ron..ET EA Will lett a llf_.l~. Oho'o. flf ft-., Ivory, Wtll'tta en4 G,._. ~ REGUL~" t 1LM lftiECIAL ''I ~~~ill" LACE TtV T OL .. WOliN CLOTH~I Ll ll JlttOWI • ·- 1201·0 eo... Htp -ay CoraD.a del Mar. Ca.hfomi.a M YO E HAAPA. EJI.tor One Year ax Months Ttaree Months SlftCie Copy $2.00 LOO .50 .05 1'he Etwgn u purh.shed every Fndav fOT the commurutiea of Corona dd Mu and B.Uboa Islutu Wntf%1\ communta.tiona to 1be Emil" t.boulJ cury tht rwne and address of t:bc ~Tltcr, and if ~Nc, the rct..-rhc..,c number ~ En.si~'s tdrphonc n~ ~~ H.ui-oor ~, ' 111\ ··~ "ld) l f. I 'Ot: T. ·. \\ ·:Lt 0. IL fl Our 1 C\ o ti • of o Th .. I· 1 ~lgn. . 1 \''"l - r fiPt.. lL"<i i . . ot 1 , J l I J I l. 1'• I: .g : ·~e town" ne\\~Jm~r. That 15 m.r ~ooi m pr(·· 'l . 1tira T}Jc Eru igr. to you. I·. \\ '' arr~ aJs 1 h:-tpp) to h~,·e l'Ce!l a hl 'tn ~t;n1 ,1 mnjur , 11nc! 11 out The En :. 1 a5; laem I nf gond t C'~ ~- thou~h in · the FiidnY th(' 13th irritial puhllc:Ltl ':r' nur g · 'i! r .C' t' i't: able t (• u ·1··11 ·t ~ :'nlllnt:• :J.< •. t t• tlit. i<'- piC! nf Cr 1 11 :1 rlel ;\lru that a str('(>t pa,·ing pro- gr-am \ 111 I • •'d'' ·. and th<tl n dt' dcli\'er-y mail ~en ice has been appro\'€"<:i. • The Ens1 ~r '' , 1 cnn ~ mt r: rqxn·t i ng the s;:ood news--..1.r.cl t} ,. lm !-full~ and fairl~. a, nrder to fulfill its respon~ihilit~ as a home tn., n news- paper. I CHURCH DIRECTORY CORONA DEL MAR CONGREGATIONAL Ill H~llli'OI> A••nu• Cr>r• na il•l Mar r • ...,.,. f . ....,.., r~ ~""'"''· Nlnlot•r t U A. '-II Cllurdo ~ho.l. II Ill) M.,...d n• Worohlp rmon ~f k r lkllr«ll. ST. AND"EWS PAES8YTEAIAN CHURCH of Newport Harbor lk.lldaF owor111n• OHTlt• I' eo A 1M COMMUNITY CHURCH i ~20 W . 19th St. Co.ta Meu J -r·h H Tnon-.-n )!lal-..r rt ,,.,.,. ~"'.,. 1. t •• a m '\f '"''1nr """I~ lft·$n a , \ rom.,,. ant • .-r~n w II (Sf'll!' tw JOUI ,..hlftJ••"' dtarJnsr eohur .. J\ Yro•oth l•llo ... hll' I , 1 p ,., f: \•r .,,., ~,....,....,. ':' )f l' \( '"h~. t ()rtvtl,-.. \lt ~~· 1 a• I o • 1r \ • \ •h• \' 1 1 Th1-. •l:,;r'I"JI:tnt·~ r••f •><·'m£ it nf I,. ... '"'Tl<'lhms:·fnr-n ,. hang JIE-1Jll'1:lJ•II I [ronRit• hUI rlf'n r1f ld' •hnv." •·· on pr<Jt'(·Jt, tn '•'''' 1,.,1, 1-i(•:ir-h Ovl'!'f'mphll< • r>n lhf' l11n;:f Jlrll· \\:J.l> a fllC'Ior an th(' Jlrt>'W'nl cit} "~ h:tc hf'C'\tn 1o put lhl' ('nlr·nllln· admtni~otr:.t•hm'~ ,3 !(., 1,., pro· Mf'nl \'llhiP of ~urh rrOi:l! m~ In posal. whlth \\Ould tf'nd to PaM' !hf' ~hlld4" ani'! il 1• f•·lr tint <urh the taA bu rdt>n on proJlf'rt ~ . Lib Bo d See GIVEAWAYS DISCUSSED rary ar D Aadlo giveaway programs, • S Advisory Body the eubject of cur~nt study T~" F:l'l'holtlf'l' dt>hatP<l for by the Federal Communlc.a lo'"on,t• ltmP Ill(' omoun1 nf author· t iona CommiMion, will be dis· "' that wnukt tw> lnvMied In the c\INed pro and con &llturday l.1htan Board ••f T ru\IM':!l. AI on "Oplnlon·Aire" rouncfUble Ia dM tn. .. ,,. t'l( U.. N•"""'•rt Unloa ffllll> ~'-'I CHURCH OF CHAIIT Chui'Cih & Walnut Sta. I 1·1• !1.-lloo~ 10 110 A ~'"" •ar WM11hl\lp II flo! A tt·l' 1'1, •f'nt f'IO.Jinl In the charter .eulon. The question. "Should k d.bcusaton, the Ubrarlan would Glvuwaye Be Prohibited on N IX no~mcd b) thl" rlt\ manag~r Radio?" will be debated at 2 Q.............. I O'<leek .... ,__ llf r.l-ft ......... ~ UJ" Cra.84 Ceul, Bolt I \3 ...,._ Itt....,, Ca.hr rr. IAM£1 EPIICO~AL CHU!ItCH ~a Lido ·o •• ,...,. ~ _ a ... A. w. .....,...,..,.,.. ___ ...... .. : ......... ........_ •...t ..,_.. 10,00 A.M. 4:08TA MEI A FOURIQUA!It£ CHURCH ere..-lit Cabrllfo ..... a...t Mn 0 Willard tk ... nto ~INIAILOft .... , ~I ---t M A. !If. Mor!ot109 Worolllp ----sn " A. M. T~ a.ni~ _ ·-· -7 •IMI J' 1111 -..,.. ... ,....,.,.. --7:1!0 P.M. ltnfllll• ...,.,.,..n.t.lr ....,.11'0.-7•$0 P. M. .,......., . ...., ........ p--.I,_ - -• 1 ,,_ p M. ~7 TeuUI St~ --1111fl P.• M, lAIII" p,..,.... Meel.ln• ,..,.,.,. -Ill ttt A.. IL CM,UIT CHU!ItCH av THt lEA ,..,. W. leM.ral N•,._."' lhacftt ,._ ...... -" 0 ~~~ ......,..... • ...... 111( • .... If.,..,..., ...., ......... "' ....... ,_... l1 .. A. W l'Pwr• P-!.'o M-ttnar f M P Knnl~c SH-ot... - -• ao p P...,u llfeotln• TborC _ • I" J' : t>u1 'hP Llbrar\ Board would p. m . over KHJ. N ha\'t' the power to approve or CENTAAL a tBLE C~UACH of Co.ta M eu eorr..r rant Su-t anool eo,,..,,. ,. ... .... Owtllrbt Jt.I ...... D -Bel ...s..,. Sebool _. ., • • MOI'OII ... W.,..llle>-1 I M a N Tt>~~,.. p....,..,.. ll1ilf J uD.I"r C Z f .. p • ~ ....... lt.........U.Ut ...........,.. OUfll LAOY OF NT. CAfiiMEL CATt40LIC CHUfiiCH ,,1M111.b and C..nt•l n..,. '1'\omao Nooftan P"- N...-port lleudt IEVENTH OAY ADV~NTI8T Cor. aolea and Old Co. Ro•411 ' Na~ Ht~ Oha~ lfartl&-Pilflto< &t. Morn tleU..MI Sehool .. ·-t oM S.C. llfnm . P........,ln• ~en-~ .. --11 •00 Wild. allli>t. P .. rv ....,.,. ---t '" ,.,......,. oolri:t. Y0t1111r Poop .... N....tln• --_ _ _ T•M IT. JOACHIM. CAT"HOLIC CHURCH o ...... Bet-ltu. ..... tOUt c-a ..... Calff . ...,..., w-. e ..... tt ,.,..., N0'¥1a. Putor Clu·i.tie Scienee F'l tltiT CHVftCH Off CH,U8T 'IC1~NTIIT ,_ V .. Ll411o at VIa M.l.,. A .. ....,... f11 -nt.. llfoOiow 0.. .... , ,..,. t·r-wt Chrdl .t Clu111t ..... MI .. , "-..... llt•-ll 1 ...,_ ---·-t A. Ill( II•I'WIIuy ........ II ... A. IL tn-.a :>JII• '.-1 h1• r hn!('(' The Uhran Board would be a dlstonlon rna~ hurt radio as a ad'~~~ rathf'r 1h11n manag-~r· whole bf.fore the QUIZ rraze burm tal Jl "" polnled out by Con· itst'lf out 11s the fii\'OrltP l~llf' of sultanl Burke that if the Llhr· radio prognm ar) Board "PrP I up with man· Almoet Given Away agt>rtal tunrtlons. tht>n other Li~ wonck>r that tht-nt>tworkt boarda would uk for the same have ~n troubled by the Jack- Bel up. I po1 shoWJi. NBC, ltr!elf. wa~ al~t Tht. would gradually chip off. r.;ven away on Sammy Ka)e's functJons ot the> city and glvP "Supper Club" program. thl'St' functions to boards. And Time ran out on a J't'C'mt broad· thus 10me oJ the etnclenry of oast of ~ "Supper Club" and the councll-ma.nagc>r form of city tbe nt'tWO!'k bro"e Into the' pm- go,·ernment would be dPStroyed. gram for chain 1&-ntiflcatton j !rt The city manager would be the as T om Reddy was announ<'lnr.t ~ the boa wtth rf'lpecl to the additional management of the library. The jackpot board. howewr, woultl haw a ........... , ....... , .. -'"11 -...,---~--, • p, .. ...... , ._ ...... "' til .... f"r.JnC('' ;tnd \\' •rd V.. 1&0., 0" KECA'' •·What's My N::.me" quoz show may bf! loolung for the answers when FCC atllrts lnvutog.ltlng g•ve away r01dto programs. Here they a~ shown with Broolc•yn'l QLo z quec:n. Sad e Hc:rtr. who forst v11ited thie audtence part•cle~ation progrll'" tt'n )'ellra ago. \\ h • , n•" rl.• I •·' n \\,II bo ' 1 1 1 P•' ._., IJ •' ,:In hill 11 ,, 1 .. 1,, \• <I th.ol ••r.l"t · ·H I 1•" 1l••l h<. 111• •hnrb •tl th•• l ra ~ • •1)! , ! ... tpt t h .. d" 1', I II h n I Jll 1/1 ( tr p!'('IJitflr• ''""' Itt I ,...,_., ·\\ mn n • 1 o>('-. Ito 1,11 k L Adams 26-~ Prt r-old tl'!f'rihonr splicer from Huntington, WPSt \'lr- c•n,n, who wa~o M'> pln~o'ft h~ Ml•~· Ill! n II nti 1\J;f n I' W ht'n IW Wtln $7.300 o,·er '"n\n'>e for the Mon- P~" that h<' n<'arly t't'fu.q,'d tn takt> hos pratl' and It took his fa· tho'r, Ill{> radio station manager, and thl' mayor to convince him to take lt. -· HO~ I< "'' J~r r•f ' ,, .. f I Ill ., ... " ., ! ' . . ' I I ( If'• ' I d I t II I ,1 1))111 .) I n • " I ., ( I :1 11 ' \ • I If lo• \ I l I I ' I .II ' • I I • I I '".!It I I. I I ••• :u d I 'II' I II I \\tll ._,. • \ .. mr. r. I l.ot .... l'\ Pa~d('ua Pla:rbou'(' • Jr • 1 lft>:ul Aftt'nds Play 1" "•"''', .m I \11 ~''"''" 1 • 1 \\lf<• nhly l'UN.Ort<'fl hy \!•, nrl n1; lh•• dn•1t1~ pcrfnnn- l I t no If• r~i:ubton<' l'11~ Kr.1ft.,o•t v ttl ~uti• on \ ''"r E)•" at ,-, ''' ,., T<" '" n·• Te" ll-• l1<• Xo \\1•utt l'l.1~huu"'' S'\IUrda) '' 1 rth l:.ll'l••r Srhm1t11 a nd llw n ~o:hl 11 ,, Cilm«>r Oro\\TI f«>under t f! "':t~<' \Oit'E' of Renato :\Jon· i.lnd man.,~:m·· d1rN tor of th<' PN~· .It' • ad• na PI/\\ holtl~•· It 1s a rN."'rd of spiritual sul· 1'h..> pn~ut·tion WM or partlru- fO<'allcm Induced by a <'t-ime's lar mtrr,..,t to Urown. lx>cRw e It <'flmm~•alon and Its inevitable af. "'"' dH'f'<'h'<l tw Onslow Stewn~. ICT'mll lh, the unwinding of who fiN>t achl<'vf'd arelalmation as ('Vt>nt and pressures whlch an ll<'tor at the Pasadpna Play- makl' of lite a 'hell. on earth." house and l11'1>r mjoyf'd !iliCC't'Sil Rehel comes only In the trl· on Broadway and In the movies. umph of the hard prlnclp31s of Stevens playf'd a minor role In the confession and a yielding to the production of "Suds In Your Eye." f J .. .. Li ns ....... ~re Now A.t Prirrie , Wt>IJ heated plle Into a bot dWl and ~p warm. DIEEMJIO FRIDAV, AUOU.T .. It's easy to ~ that Uma Jn. are at the prime of thl."lr crow· Inc aeuon when you visit the Sl· t>rra Frozen Food plant In Santa Ana.. Alt.hou&h this qulck-f:rt>eU rom· pany has ~ worklnc whh bean~ for a couple of wt>elu. produc'lon Is stt>pped up now to an oil tlmt> h"'h as the tl't'Sh IJmas rome pour- ~ow stu t.tv ta yolks lftto mllk oookini gently for OM or t1IPO nun· u.tes ldo not boD I and &dd a.n) nt>eded salt. 'Pour this en-am sauc. over the Mans and top with 1 '<prmkle of p&n-1.'1)'. Fre!J\. frozm. cannt>d or dried l1rr as ma\ IX' <'t'lmbanf'd tn th ' "ay tn mikl" o lll t)' dmnt'r dlSh it'~ fltmk .,le:tk ,.,,th luna.~ Rev. and Mrs. Schrock Leavel On Four-Week Vacatimt Trip i \\no lh I \I• I 111 • o•r·(, 1111\' 1 ~• "'".'' "'" f 111 .,r n ». \Il l II III' \ ,, 1•• t!.< ••• 0<1\ trti\Tt), 111 1:1: I I :"\ ~ l'ti'J'"' and Rroadcloth Blouses & Dickeys Ing in. 1 lt's wondt>rful tn know that thE"'!' l.wan' WIJI iw' I'IIUO.:hl in thl p¥ak of their f t'< •h J;'l<'>dnc·•~ anrl hdd ftir uc; unttl w .. :~r,. rPiotl} hi ""r.l• 'h•·m 111 nur """ fam ') tlh !.It•-. F 1.-st St~:;~ to F retzln~ \\''ltl'htnl: thr Ill'~ •' In • nf fn,_ t•'n han' ... I lIt 1\' .J tl '•tt .. t•v l I , , •l;p• \1 h " olror • I • lnrll: " fit ''''' t ,.,.~ • I ('!\IIIII• I Thlc I• t 1•1 lh,11"' nl'in' 'f tl'o II I l'lrl· ~• 1 r11 tn 1•• ·""M , ' W.nhtd and Graded I "• ·•. t t h•·1 c:n · 1 rn11cl, It ri r 1'1- •tnl "'"'t-. no., -.nrl ,. p1J' ,.,,., n I ,., llnrlrir:tl m;wh·nr fnr cnrtn.: h11 lt' ''""" 111i· flu n ···ol ":1 t1 tht• .,,, ... ,, :>:nw t!v \ nt•' n ·vh f •r thf' I nnl 1 c-oolon~ · h• \' ro·•···h r '" tlw>l r [lr<'Jnrat 10n "' frll.< 11 f1w "'' rtnd I tl•lll i'< 1 'l'"' k blandHnl: "huh jc I• •l •nr "t'h •r.-m• ot1'"''h ~"'' ":ttr r \(lo>r lho> hl:\no·hlnt: U • ~ co 1throm:h thr moct am.umc m:.<-hlr P I • ••'1111 ' • • t • I I "'· f I I • r d I' I '1 <" • 1 p<t 1.:nokt"d li 11'\t\.!> 1 (l:~nl< ,.1•·1\k '.! I ,I f, ·T'"'"' f·tt . 1 t:tltl !'It'" d1opp-11 ••nton \' 1 1"11' h ·f\~"•~>·r . \ , 1 1>1 r f "" 1· '\f I ,f \'•>II Hk• " variallon In seasoning) 1 • "'' • I I ~1• ~ 1 ~ .tr3..•J')t oon o;alt 1' ' ' • • 1.1 .r • n • I 1 • 1• '1' \ 0 n tf • ' .. .. r (I' \!r-.... \L ... I 'i'-:1 • ~ r.rr. ... ··~-~.t • F :'1 '"tl'lnln~ ","' 1>f Cll'Ue.l ~ •r J for flill \\"r•IH tht .)..,l'k• I " •rl :t lllr.~n.: 'kl~ J""Chl ru~ll­ tl'lo uf ·llo k• nr \lith It '' 11· na•lln,.. a:ah. rd1n• f.ktn and liTH' "' '"" n•'l' .l• ""''Y blllW'l's '\\nat- f'\M' )nuT ~pon combmauon u•-. \ t n.&llot CnrdUI'lt~ (('IT fall' '' "'"' "1th P•l••r Pan ,-ollar. . $195 n . hr rrtV'• " ,. "'"""'h"'" h:\, " M lnr ~ n« ,.,., kirk< 1 •t t thn"'' ho·~n!l \\ titt h 'IN' \\ hat•• :1" orro I'd In lhP cro·rn rn•·• Thr (lhnl m~~n­ •H:rr l'xplamf'fl th11 ("U.<'•'m ,c l'lr· r.,.Jy n>,tpon<ih'" f"r It'•' l'l•mina- tl"n of lhf> "hi•r• hol\n• from 'hi' '!rw•n ArtUl! lh whl••· ho•1Jic hiW" m:-any viti\JTltn« too nn<l 'lr•' l'ond for you. hut for com•• ~"~'""'" ~ f'llr out h<'rP ltk" th•• I:T"''n onf"<l hi'< I '•,.., :'Po ' -'~o ~-c i1·• ST A NO~EW5 P • rn "n~ prt"ott''"l' 11'"'1 P"ESBVTE .. IAN Jacket Skirt Slacks 14.95 .95 to 11.95 13.95 Pedal Push~rs . . . 9.95 Jersey Blouse .. 5.95 -6 95 Sw<'a tC'rs •, I I"•• ~ .•l~f'--" -.t"4<l('t" ~ " 1 r r ~· \.lrdt -,n, li. ~I.JM"I'rc Var1•·t~ of 1-olo" ~I 9> ur Prt'('1~10n Tatlor.'<l Gabardine Skirts $7 iY.> up Scarfs Sparklinlt array of nt>wrst and youthful Jl'ltlt'ms. OWrien's SPECJIALTY ·SHOP 1 4 1~ C0A T Bl\'0 81rt..:.hcr Bid~: 00R0N.A. DEL MAR f-1,\RROR ~ --free Delivery -.: GOVERNMENT INSPECTED HORSE MEAT 1)('11\l.'red ~ to An) Home ln Harbor Area nr, ... •J• nt '! FOR YOU~ BEAUTY CARE r~ .. n~ tt t .... u:(_J; ·'' 1•1 •• r ' ' , •• '".. tt· ,, .• t' "''" • t ·' C A.Ll. HIDY'S PET SUPPLIES --------------worl-irr,. h•·• •' n'<'4't\ p.J 1 r,,. ' 'l"J'I'l''"lll•ll<'h ~..!7:..1 tr , q t, .t.• Yl's BE:\l"T\' SHOP PORTING GOODS You ng P~opl~ at t C&n Flee Powder F R E E Summer c .mps \\'lTH PURCHASE OF 2 TBS OR MORE HORSEMEA T I A J:'"f>\1'' nt ) ou,~ r<'OPIE' from AT 11IE STORE FIIHING TACKLE -GUNS -LICENSES C\,sta '\lt>o;a Communi!\ Chursh KINt>ELL'S PATIO CORONA DEL MAR 1"111 lNI\t> thl!< WE"('k ('~d to at- 1217 COAST HIGHWAY HARBOR 1293-J tt>nd the Youth ln..~jtUtt> whlch I :....__:.::.:.:_::.::.:.:.:..:....:..:..:.=.:..:..:.:..::_:_ ________________ I ls to N-ronductro at Camp R'.tfl 1 WOMEN • U you're qualined, we can train you ·-· No ~ for Ptofmioftal Audition and lNUnt Recordina of Your Voitel. AUDmONINO PROM SEPT. lat ford next "~k. Attendlnc the Inst1tuiP will b(> Bar"Mra Ha•v'l I Thohum Thomr~n. Kro Fish't-r Jlmmy Flaher, Marlene An~r­ !ton. Karl Slhllling. Marll'nt> Ja l cobson. Belt' Stmmons. St>\l'rly ThomptOn. Bob McClt>Liand and Jack Wood. Accompanytn~ the group as girts· rourH.elor "Ill be Mtss Jean Christt>NOn, and Rt>v. J~ H Thomp.on will wrve on the fac- ulty. lntt>rmf'dlates ~·ho attenMd a Christian Ad\"t."nfU.re Camp last ~.-eek at W rightwood were Ht>len Sands, Norma Jacobs. Mal') Warne. Floris Jones. Ann Traut- wt>ln. Mary May Moblt>y, Michael Dunlap ancS TommY I.Anle-Mrs. J. H. Thom(*)n acrompanle.. the group and acted aa head counat>lor tor tht> camp. CORONA DEL MAR Cl&\NEBS AND- IDRY QUALITY WORK We ptctt "' ettd a nwr U..._ ... .., .. "ager .&htlit) 1n~wann• l>rnf'! •, 1 • p'u , 1101 Cou1 Higt-.... oav tiall~ offst't thr1r ".tj.!f' "'" fit;: ) H~rbor OS33 Corona d~l Mar lng the month '--------------- SALE ON PLASTIC BEACH TO\"S BEACH LIFE ALL BALLI -CHILDREN S aELTI-FLOATS PRICE EAT COVERS GENUINE FIR EITONE FlaRE-CLOTH F OR ANV MA'KE OR M00£l. CAR FROM 'fl5 wt . llilttor 1455-1 ~ h t I fun fQs1/ions : C"t"~_\c:T Bl\'1"' O.IR'-'~ .\ PEL M,\R 1FT SAV for FRIDAY ancl SA1U OPEN FRIDAY EVENING UNTIL 9 O 'CLOCK 'AMERIC A"' 8EA\.;T\ O£SIGN" -l P('. C.-\~~ ISTER ETS ~EGULAR \1 t9 SPECI AL 'METAL OVAL \\':\STE R.\, KETS REGULA~, ~9< SPECIAL 49<' PATIO DESIGN. ROLL TOP OVAL METAL BRE.\D BOXF$ 2 19 REGULA" $.2 69 SPECIAL o MATCHING DESIG 'II ... tE"(Hln GARB.\GE (':\.~ 2 ~ RE GULA~ $.2 98 SJ>ECIAL .~7 "OOR-F ILE" ... PICE RACIC! Fasttns on eupboard door t-oldt 6 ~ S1H IPtOI cane SPECIAL Goodrtdl T lp·Off. Skid Proof S oft 4 GYM RO , iu-s 71: to 10 ~ FAMOUS ••P. F.h Poatu,.. Foundation 4 19 REGULAR S4.95 SPECIAl. e LOW CUT WHITE TE..'WS HO l lrte t 1 ~ tO 11 I I REGULAR t.z.tl SPECIAL 2.79 ALL MET"L Pi~t-up WALL U GRT ~'TU 's oelo"-adjwtable etlact. 1 REGULAR l2 11 SPECIAL • MATCMING DEIICN-- I 4 Pt-. C TER 1.n. SP£CIAL DJ .. R TRAI~""ER WITI-4 SEPAI'IATE CUTLER" BAS~E T RUST PROOF CADMIUM FINISH WUl£ ~ ~E'CIAL 7fc "8 LUE WHII'IL "-8all Btar1111 EGG REATE Colo~d Handlu All Mrtal 1.59 ~EGULAR St 95 SPECIAL POLISHED ALUMINUM <'0\~ED <'AKE PLATE Tumtcl Wooden Cover K"ob REGULAR Sl 11 SPECIAL SPRING TYP£ CW1HES PIN s-dlsl'l ~ REGULAR 1So doL SPECIAL. I da. fw ~y SI MUL~TEO MOTHER-OF-PEARL TOILET EA W ill lltst a tlfd.lme, otlolce of Roa, Ivory, Whlft aM GNe!l\ R.EGULAR St2..1S REPL.ACI; Tl4fT OL- WORN CL.0Tl4fl .. LIN~ &PECIAL - BaiTy H. Noonan ~AIMTINQ CONTftACTO .. SPECIA.LmNC IN StuOco Homes Waterproofing Roofs Sprayed Ancl .dd to your FHtariJI& leeted l • . Go\-el'tiiDiflld lupected BAB\• BEEF. u~ to be teader. Yoar Complete Satisfaction Gaaraatftd. CK ROASTS Top Quallt,. •••v 8££F 1-BONE 80 T8 T .. qu.llty 8A8Y 8£EF , I .._ ROl~"D IIONE RO Top Quality llA8V 8E£F RUMP RO TS T .. Qu.llty 8AIIV 8E£F (8oned & Rolled) Eeoacay Oats from TOP Quality Grass Fed Qattle. • ........................ -~ 4k 1-BOlU: .OASTS .. .................... . .... ~ 52e IIOtJND B01U IIOASTS .............. ~ 52e Eastern Com Fed ............................ 1b 88e ()OIA)8D) PllYIZS Local -Fresh I>remed .................... ~ 69c • OP • Window Shades -Yenetian Blinds Linoleum Floors and Drain Boards to Tht-En ign niD ~ distributed for a limitf'd time to aU rt"Sidenct' in Corona df-1 Mar and Balboa Island in order to a<'q118int l'f'&ders llith the new co,·erage and f'Xclu.,ive features offel"'t'd b~· this Of'\\ paper. A subs<-ription dri\·e u;u be undf'r way shortly, and The En ign \\ill thf'n bf'come a 100 per ('eDt paid-up circulation Fill in the sub8eription blank below and mail it in with your n-mittanre in order to become a permanf'nt tnf'mber of tilt-famil~· of rt'aders of The Ensign. For PLA ·ow For Early Blooms w t p FRESH STOCt< OF IEEOI: CUTHIU,TIONI and FLOWEtUNQ S,.liNCEttll :\:o~.< lJ 'T'h~ ,..nne 'To Sc.sn ~hnrn­ \ tgcc.sbk cj!T~ WE WILL aE CLOIIlO ALL 0/14V MONOAYa . Open tile aalance .t W-.lc from t A. M q 1 ,. •· TUE8 & F .. IDAV ONLV-o,ten t A M. to 1:10 ... M. For Bahnoe of l§ammer olalr ... .... A sati f'aed reader .... Be ~ta complett> CO\'el'ap of his eommaaity'1 Of'\\ by reading 1bf' Ensign. aad M enjo~ feat"uftos fOUDd iD ao ot11er new paper .... Perhaps he bu just read the exelu~i\,·e a.DDOUJlCe'ment of the important De\\ that Col'OII& del Mar tret-ts \\ill be paved ... or that city mail df'li,'ery hu been approved . . . • 'The stories were in The Ell- sip last Friday, and lD Enlp eo-....... Please enter my subeoiptioo to !rbe Ensign. I am eocJosi.D1 . ,_ ... Name ....... _ .. _ ... ·~·PitOO";·-··-··-.. -.. -....... .. Street ........................................... _ .. ______ .............. -.................. . Oty ....... _ .......... _,_ .. _ .. _______ ... State ··-- ~n tieton and Wei! Oilllll Meal had t.M PoJ'M oJ tl* Softball StaDdinp t Pilill I BIB BHIIOR L:uther~n GO~ ~ Pli•o•v. AueueT ..... Active WI Wteic ~ ~.!-.::::: permlta l~ for Alvah T and Gra~ D. MlUt"r, Ave., portola tor carden ln ~k ....., va ~v ..... o-.- Mar ro.e to a · total 321 E. Roeeco St.. Ontario, on~ yard, 150. A ~t .,.,V, dirna ot a of $123.500 fot tht> flnt half ol atory. !our-room. one-family aalltoa latan• Permtb tMmbenhlp drift beJd by the Wo-01 lo~tftt to IO(al pbllatdkts t.IUa :~;~nth, with $28.550 lalu· dwelllnr at 501 Polnlettla Ave., Franees C .PuJuk.l, 327 M&rine men's MliUooa.ry Sodct.y ot 51 -«arQp eollecton, that .._ are ed dur ing the second w~k of 16,500. Ave., bulld1nc for .torap, Sl,S)O. Joho'a Lutbenln 0\UJ'Ch. WUJ be the fOf"thc:oomlna -.... ot ~ Auaust llt'rnard McNalr, of Tarzana, Amonr the other permits for held tOftlaht. Friday In the home f« Aucuat and ~ember. ~ -TUndaY •wnlnl .. the <AMJ'&l Paint 6 o 14loft equeftl'd one run bome • 1ft lhe R\o~n\h to take tM ron· AmeriCan ~on --6 1 Only one 1 ~rmn. for $1.500 on~story, four·room, one-family Newport. BReh wu one for of Mrs. Mary WUUa~ ~ E. 20th place ot l ue and date ot nnt was Issued tor construction on dwf'lllng at 620 Orchid Ave., $14.000 lasued to J ohn Horman, St., Costa J.leu. 1'he Sodety clJ. _,of eale ol Mm llft cfYe:~ • Balboa l!!lond during tht llf'<'Ond $7,500. 2~ W. ~tral. tor a bualne. \ided Into two team~ In tlw dri'vt' Au •. 25: Harlan nske Storw, week of August. brln~t1ng the Allan A. Chape, of Venice, b'fldlna at 430 32nd St. to cet new members with the los· Ctwsterfleld, N Jr . • tnt 1.0. Allbouth l•tl~ dunna Mcu Malt · · 5 1 frae&a. en~ lo~tv Omaha Omaha Woodmen ·· · 2 4 Woodm~ :'It lnto a two wa' N('wport Merehants 2 .a • tM-for fourth pl C't' \lo1th the Wt> t Co_Mt Mt>at 2 5 l't"\\'llOrt \fel'\'h'\n\S Conunuruty Church 1 1 'Mie fl~t .ran e of T\n''l>lll' Associated 1 5 nli ht's auuble "t'a lrr w3, ct\11 a" nc>l'ht>r IC;\m rou .l • 1 lU"It'r ct•ou~h i Ia , n c• fl1"1 f" 111 pia~ ms: t im,. 1.11 1 T~l'lr I t~ M~ ~1alt I.'""'>' •1U4'akrd b~ v.· t Cl'.'l,.l !\:1 : 1'1 :l c IITI" I ~· Sunday T ri~.1m _ Reveng Pop Ludl T C" ball fan.• 1 \1 \l r:-.:hl'lr' .. 1.:~ t.·· ·h· n~<tll\ I h • h.••;t f'n,•t'(! 1:l-10 for thP Mnltmf'n. Tlw u •rltm 1took tht> M('o <"hant"' fur I 1 'Y' lc nr rfric-h l(<>fll_;: UU{ (Ill 't;. l••"10: r•n(! "' a l.lll ~olt' II '~ • ~ I I i J.: .tn('• A I hO\.o1., •"me ,,,~~''"'" t'>~ b.lcert Jlh .. ttv. C C Oll'ty. 1G6 1:, 18th St .. Costa Mua find• they give ple nty of .act•on ll"'d t"'o !tnt t r npf'l • I 're h e h'lld• up two. 18 .Jnd :!~ lbs. u c!'l, just pfter· he l~ndl'd f re'" !he A~ket on August 6 £.1rl C'lleman w.u s~ pprr ISII'OS'-phntn\ Flllnai:;On wu th~ ouf"'andln~t pla)·er on thP !Pam with ll~k~ -------------------------- outa to hi• N't-dlt. as w~U u Ft· tJn& tht' f1n t hit In tht ~~. bal· tin~ In t 1\f' firc1 nan. taylns; dOWTl ~ Pft'{K"' bunt fo r a S3Cnlf~ hit In fact hf' wa11 alwa)'s In the p.m4". Out sldf" of tv•o innings. he ~ld tht" N-avy hlltlntt cnne tNm run- Fishing I s Reported Spot!)'; N ew A lba core R uns Are Due Jess tor ceven IMinp With spvrtrishlng going Into Its final Wet>ks ot \'at"atlon-tlmE> Roht"ru llkt"W''w caukht one of a cti\:lly. n.-ports from the local t~ bf'ct ~tameJ H'f'fl on the local landnga lnd1cated generfllly ,.IX t· diamond thl 'Tf'U. t~ fishing durinc the last wf't'k C'O"ta M~ hal one.' ot t~ ~ E'ld or the vara1ton !IE'<l<.On. tf'oams ln aJI the IC!ml·pro ~ball "·hk h wUJ be around Labor L>a,· lf'&I:Ue It Is now entt'l'l'd in the will mark a faJ~ otl of spnrt .Jh~lf"'l'o'OOd Taura.n'""'"t at In~~ f~ShJne. although the ~uon wall wood on AUI\&St 50. 'JlMo IJtamt' will continue Into October. be played at nJcbt at the Q>n-Thl~ St'ason 1tt expt'Ctf'd to ttlct tralla Park cfiamond, .-tth ttl<-lo-a Jlttle longer than the u'tull cals facln~ the RceHieUP Juniors dosing tune or rrud..Qctober. slnet- tn the flrc1 ga~ on Monday n1~t the starting tlmt> was somt'\vhtlt S hould they~U ron· taler than last vear. tlnue In tht-pi&Yoff unill bf"'lt~'n Most of the land1nJrs rl'portf'\1 Many ran( will make t~ trip to albacore flshmg slow, but pick· ln~tlewood for thls camf' lng up. Next Sunday a Jl&mf' will bf. At Earl's Landing. the fbher· pb.yt'd ~re &JrLinst ~orthrop Air-men wen.-bri nging In baS3. some cnJt. On Aur. 29 thf' merchants barracudA. a tew bonJta and hall· dash with the JUifC)!lav Ame11eanJ but. Albacon! had · been slow, winM'I' tA an evUf'r tilt by a btr but ""~'re t'XP«~ "to break loose 1& to t 8CClft. again." A rornmerdaJ llsher· ~ man. Kermy How-ard ot Pomona BOX DV'~BE brougflt in fW'O broadbJIJ Monday. Cranei-FMTY •b r h po a ~ Atter t~ slow ~ Port tnoye, 3b 4 2 1 2 2 0 Udo reporte-d good catches ~-~. rl 2 0 0 2. 0 0 day. The Ch.alleneer had 20 aJ· It~ r1 2 0 0 0 0 0 bacore that day and had lost Crtuman. If 5 1 1 2 0 1 atout the &arne number Bass. Anrwtmng. 2h 4 0 0 1 1 0 halJbut and barracuda wen! run OHr ~ 5 0 0 2 2 3 rt lnR but not ~ good u a wt't'k R t'ITW'r rf ~ 1 1 1 1 0 ago. fUatham 1h 4 0 1 10 n n KJng·~ Landlng u ld that bar· W nniPn rf :? n n ~ :? n ran.tda and bass fishing wa.~ Rai:t r 1 1 • n o n f!OOti. The high bnat fr r alba· Jont'C p 2 o n n 2 n ~ 5 ~ 2~ 10 41 'lh r t-lVI 'I " ~ 1 ~ 0 (\ ~ 1 1 1 :> ~ n r t'f r ,. ,r,t:e ! 30. f'<JIIo r"11:t''-I 11 •11nr n •por1NI 11 o \•o~l •!'I r ,.. !:llof•ll''<'<'l'l f••r ;,JI, 1 • r 1 \\1 1 Qllltl' " lot e>l h.1«~ IH II ·h• 10 \ I 1< l"''"' I " <~lin ":t" wl'.ch l'ri b S l n•l•l\ h\ ""'I h l..P<' Btl· boa 1~1.1n•l h:liiM" a1 lhP Ralhoa Anr.hn~ Cluh I 'i• wlfP rnn t hE' ho ,. for htm. Bl WOMAN ADMITS ZO~"lNG VIOLA110N A Blllboa leland woman wu f1ned 5100 Monday In city court by J udge Harsy Blodgett on thl' charge of Ylolatlng city building ordln· 1ncu. Seventy .flve dollars of the fine w .. euepended. The defendant. Mrs. Gwen- dolyn Horton, 222 Amethyst at., pleaded guilty On fOUr' count-. charglna that lltte built • two•famlly and a th~e·famlly dwelling on • lot dulgnated for 1 one·fam· fly unit. a nd alto cha rg ing eht ha dmade alterltlona not In conformity to the permit Issued to her The judge u ld he was IUIPtndong oar-t of the fine becauu M r1. Horton had corrected VIOlation•. C~t, \1M II Dirk tAn~ 1h •ruttermw '~ Kennv rl Bu<1 t .nn" 1 h Bllr'y t A\n\! Th ~wfnn1 rf &l\1n Jr 'Robl"rt~ r FIAnRI:An I' " o o ' n o .. ,14 0(\ 57 2 1 1 0 ~ n n o o o ~1 2 100 2 z 1 1~ o o 3 2 0 , 0 ,,, ,,,,.,, yf:' -----:.~~t Tntlllot :w 9 11 71 7 , ~,.... hv lnnlnr CrllnP. 'F'""TTY 00"\ ~ nno 5 Costs MI'A 010 701 OOx ~Pail'balm Dao let f or (laemp Play \Va1t4'r LoHcher of Santa A ne and Mrs. Ranald FAirbairn or Or· an~ t.-amed up for a victl)ry at Wlllowi('k Sunday ft.( tht-courw held a wvrrf-UP for the Publ'c Unb A.seodaUon's ml.xeod-lle'l'ch hurlomP championship to be ~ld 1ft Santa Ana Sept. 5th Thl'ft at tht> top WUJ~Ick ...,. and llt"Vf'ral othen will be • hand to ckfmd County honor ~ CM!r 100 t~ comblnatx.u from all avf'f' Southern CalJfOl'TIIa IIIIMt a• ~ Santa Ana COW'Ie for ~ rnt:.d fnunorne champlonahlp ~t'ftlber 5th. Dtftct pe.ymen~ for rtild to t1111 IM!elt)' tn Ornwe C"OUnty tOt .., .. t.etaJJed 12.807 .21.5. • ptrr -' IIIOft than t.M at.m.aoo ,-s out ln the cwnt y fl:n' reJJd ~ 11646. the um po.twar ,_.., omla Tluq)ayen' .-o- ..a.tlnlP ~n.d today. fteiJd Jldd out In the c.'ID\mt)' dUr11\1 JM-47 llmOUnteod to 12.229.418. InclUded ln the ~)let pak! out tn thfo CI)Unt)' tor l!H1..S was. II. 7!18 tor aJd to thf' needy 1110.8'73 tor aJd to ~ bltnd. 1115.213 tf)r aJd to 111 :idftlt ~· and 173.300 111r 1'11Mf'11l covnt1 relief 7 9 1'1 lor PfOPle not ell.l'fblf' .... tiCMr lcJU'Idl ot relkL Clopay "Lintonro" DRAPES 98c 2:\ '-Yds. Long Cannon Large ize DISH CLOTHS 2 for 25c "'ASH CLOTHS 3 for 29c CJalmoll PILLOW CASES 42'1 X 36" 7Sc ... P A !'\'"EL CrRT AINS $1.39 up Full Lengths WINDOW CURTAINS INC. SJ 59 pr. , • up CANNON DISH TOWELS Oolorecl Stripes 39c ea. CANNON 8IIEI!TS 81" X 1~" • '3.59 -ea. "W1tn~ 'Tltc Doll.r ~u More .. um Newport Blvd. Colita Mesa hal!·month total to S37.2ro. twostory, four·room, one-family In& team to host ~ party at the Auc. 30: Palomar Mountain Ob- The uv£'r·all fiRUrea tor New· dwt>lllng at 701 Marl~:old Avl' .. ALL-STATES PIONJC end ol the t'a~T\palgn. R!'\'atory, Palomar Mountain. cal· port B<.'a{'h showro a stmlla• ~.000 Jllahllght or the party h that lfom h• slump In tht> lssunnrt> of pt>r l:nrl and Lv<>lllt' Chamberlain, SET FOR AUG. 28 all atttndlna &n! n!qulrro to come Sept. T: Carla Barton. Oxford, mils. Thf' Inial Cor 1 h<' cit) tor 71)1 l~•h16Pttla A\'e., one-story, drt'~ In {'hlldn!n's clothing Mau. 1 tiH• fi rst half nt this month l~o fttur ·A •m. onl' family dwelling The lon~,.t pldnc tAble In th£' Members of the Bbll Md Chain Sc>pt. 14:. Poultry Industry, New S:!il.007, tllll• S•···.2ti!l morf' thnn nl :-ro Poln!ol'llia A\·e. $(\,000. "orld two n\lle11 In h•n& h \1.111 Havt"n C'onn the •"";),71~·tolal .11 the> rncl of 1 II Whil!•houst>. 517 Marigold be a fl•atun! of the ftr~t po<.t\\ar ("Jub mt't Jut Sundsy ln. the homl' St.> t 21· C.old Star M~~-.,., of Mr. and )irs J . C1a rk. Panor· ~ fl · • ..., tht> Clr-;1 \\I'Pk , All·Stut~ ~knk, Ht I~ helt.l Sot· nmll ll<'l'-'hls. for thtlr rea~•lar Wuhtngton, D C. I , 1 1 1 1 1 1 PLAN SMOAGAS BORO Ut'llay .\ug :.JH nt c 1nt1111n, C.tllf .. ..-<>-nt 22· ""ort KAarnAy MlndAn ~'"' '>IM rtf' ..• llf ~I I lfl ( " I 11 l'oond lltol l"'urlor of ·~ N&tl\:t' In 1M1 the r•lrnlc attntc:~ d tl'l(' bu.'lln!'!l'l ITM'1'tln~:. Pr<>sldC'nt Emlf" N~"W'br1• • • r . ... " • " • ... lrr .. ' h ~: ik ,(•f!uU .~ ; ; 4 f · :'i> t:!t-.h It 1~ .• A -.;--• l>uu!o!hiC'r• of thf" OOtdPn \\'c·~t liP-111 ;.-; ()IJO ""'•J•I•• ~-u z fln>'l •"1 , w I lal,lurnlh '' wt •" it tlul ·-· T'l f 1 t 1 1 "·"' I ,,, tlwtr l.u$1 hoard nlt"•-'''"''· Thl' fiiCntr ''Ill \,., IH•IiT In p, n... ~n~ or " P ay, t>nt•ll """ Y --------------, f.,l· II t• tu I v • ··~ uf Au~ •1•1 .. ,.-.__ .. I If "" ""-• MILON HUTC INIO .. 'I ht H In 1!11• h"TT'l' (I( 1\t~. :o Tr• ,. 1 ~•nc> nn 1 11 t.d A vf' In foK'1wnu t't or f!r"""ntnt ,nn In "".,,.,. H "' Co ro,,, del Mar Perm•ts ... .a· ..a .. d coun111.r \ llnftAFT \J, I '"" .!II tn O:IVf' , ~mo~n,hord ( llll tr... r: td> ... II • \\til prl'st'nl .... r w. CP ul-.("11~ ... ,, an .. \'0'" liP-nu~'J '- I a ,, 1-l'nn r•ntl 1 •rd ll&rtr Atlt:: :.'fl 1, n•••r1 111"1;:111 "fl mo\· thl•• ,,, ,.:1 .. on It Wl\5 il~n '"'N'I tn t> ,),1 '""· The party will J>.. hf'ld in 1-• Jndurl.-d 111 rd r< ,hm••nl .. ,qll 1;. C'•l-'lrr ' 'n rt•ltciou' topiC"' 11 1 h \ l'f•" on l II t I ,, l-• I' or •n-:•• j.tin• lln<l lo•rnon.trlt• r.·:ulo-hta•.r lt•~ "~'1on Plct urs Fr'amu Cu•tom Made to eult your taate Also f1ne c.lbtneta. custom fu,.nlture and lntenon.. 1S01 1 z Co.a1t Highway .. '" I ,.,, .tl ~1 ·.o f>t'l' t··-. fr<>f'l ~· l<>n• •• r r""'h ri'ru~ fnJII '··" mo-.·! me rrf tt ... \\'n•c• n·~ I ' , !-r 1• ... ~ 11111:1 r, it ;\!r• Ill•" If flnl'l t"'t'lnnot of f'••ff•'<' Th<' \I • lo •\'111 "" l'ly •~ ••I f .r '''' Harbor 1 t08 Coron.a del Mar ;:\' '"m:tld rtr I' l'\ Chari• picnickers wtll brlng lunchM. ltf'l Tllo•dol~ in S.•t to·n ~r ,,_l••·wlllllllll ~~/~tis .,,r, time wltli &Y VEGOIBLE S Ql!i -F UIT ~ New JOU c.a alwaya make lute t.hrilJMiad • that ate lovel,. to look at and •.. d e!iciout tt> ul. The srcn•: eelectinc tM "aakinca" •t Safeway'• produce atu:da. He« JOU'U find only fvll Ravored and a'rdcn f.~ ·, ~ ltft4l fnitL Up.rt Mlection, epeedy tnuup<N1atioe aad tender care ll'lt &IM estra goodne~. • HElD LmUCE lb. TOMATOES Firm ripe. Jutt tilt ript &iu to sli~ for sal a .H. cue lb. Cr-Up, s-mn, firm. Serve a cucumMr ulad for dJnnf'r. IRL PEPPERS Price• llatecl Cri•p, lrteft, full llnored. Ute in salad•. ore effective ........ ....... ~ A-.uat U , 1941, In I~~ Sot..,.., St... tiiiUI .. Nnl \mericon ChHM ._...._ 1.a o..tdl Ml" ......._ I~ ........ , t5cl Cheese Food •-a4 ..._ ... Monterey Jock o-. ,.. .. A• ~ong Spaghetti a4,... n • Gold ~......., ll·lb """· l'kl ::gg Noodles ~ ~ .. ~ 2fJc IIH,II 11,1 Dari-Drink h::,e ...,. 17• Hawaiian Punch c.!:::~.,... ... Flavor-Aid t;: ... ":, 2 ......_ .. ,,.,,,Gr-. l-·l ...,e. Or-.... --o~rry, SfrOW'berrv. .. .... • Yellow Corn Meal ..o ..... ". 21• Mommy Lou bo""" •10 or bo• l)cl White Corn Meal Mt:."; tL 21c White Corn Meal , ...... tl• Yellow Corn Meal , ...... to- Horseradish eo,.,._,., ...... " .. 13-t, •• , •• ,,, Pork Sousogtt h•~>'• •--31- Wieners L--. •o .... •• ta- Beef & Gt-avy l~ , ........ ltc Vienna Sousoge --• ~ I,. •••• SII IIAf tJ .... ........ amE 1 -~. Or..-•il4 doeddu. {!l!p.~br!NJS J?;:~-23c SHORTENING Royol Sotin. Eosy to mix. '···36c ~·· J-··1 03 c-et~~t • a•11 Nl.lll$ MONSTEI GUM DROPS Ultro fiM brdnd, tender, flM ftov· ored gum drops. Fr.ahty poa~. Fun pound in Cellophane bog. 23c MARSHMAllOWS Corned Beef Hashllbttof• '!=• 31• ~i:S~;; ,. , ,., Fluff-l·est, fresh. Po~lred fow ~-lb. 11'1 eo. 1·1b. pile. Pound package. 23c ......... -.... effoer<M ,_ .... ....,."' Sol ......... lllc..-4 ..... -T--.... •ttoooo~ w .... "' ""' -.... -~ -_...... .... ,~. Blue Ribbon Beer 2 :!=. rl-..,....,, ................... ...... Blue Ribbon Beer 2 '!: rl-..... .., ....... ~ ... -.... ..,....._. ADDetizerWine ,.. ... .............. "-¥. GRAPES ·APPLES G!!AV£USHI'C VU ltlY 1~. ~f'W crop Appl~ f'ltt'tllenl fu • •uotm'"r [•: ...... ORANGES s,.~J, juicy. l'M ill Fa lad. Gr ~Utelt fc.r_jui~. CELERY Crisp, frah. Servt ttelu •t\ltled with dl~. FMILY ROUR 't:· Khd~• Cru1. tS lb~ 47cJ TOBACCO ,.~. Ctlll Pri11ce Alben, \',.h.fl, Crancn. l&e TOBACCO Sir Weh~r Re!"i&l>. ....• ,. c•11 ., .. - f!Y..P.!.I~ 2 ... 15• I' . • I :~. ,..,,,., Mayon~;se Nw ... ...,. "'"' te• tt- '"o" ""''·He. ---'• tJcl Mayo nna ise ,~, ,...,. ,., 4Sc Soled Dressing ow'-' ,...,, ,., 31• Salad Dressing c.o.code ,..,,,.. M • Quolofy dAU•"' otlo• 1)0'1~ fQuort. 60ct Salad Dressing ~.. ~ .. French Dressing MotOCte .:;;:; II• French Dressing ~i'~· ~ .. Cheese Ritz ~ ..... ,..... ... .· ,) \ .. " JMIIJ-.ila~ ill,lllllr!Ma•-• For I!We '10. '"••"',aeou ·~~~~~ 10. LADY to do howlework for one 7 CUBIC toot Norp ~lft'a· VACU\1)( a.E1UiERS -OOed ,...------------: ptn0n ln •xdla.na'e for room tor. Cotnplete blonde maple c::lea.rwd and A4Jusied at our and boud.. Beecon 5295-K. d1n1ne room auite. lnchJdee 4 abc~~» IS~ Pidt·up It Dd. 29-lt-c cha1rs. t.able and bullet. 1m HARBOR APPLIANCE SERVICE ------------Fu.U~rt.on. Closta Mesa. ~lt.p 411 N•wport. Blvd.. BNcon 1296 WOMAN for lt'nt'ra1 hot~! clean· tna. Nomlnp. Apt. 1, Plaza Hot~l. W. 18th and Newport Blvd. Phone ~Bacon 5355-W. 29-ll-c INSURANCE Salesman. tu11 or part l~. •uto, truck. are It oompenaUon Unes.. Experience not neceeury. N~w inaenUve oom,mlaion plan. Can earn over ~.00 monthly. Phone Beacon 53M.J tor appoln~uL PIANOS.- Before you buy your plano, lt">t" • We sell the tln~ makes, and we wU for JH. because It COSl.l u" lea to wll Set' us and •ve. MOMS Music StudJo. 833 N. Broad-...,. ~ IJtAB1AN Palamino c:olta, 15 mon ths old. 2028 Santa Ana Ave .. Call Saturdays. 29--lt·p CONN Trumpet. -------------1 c:ondlUon. 532 2, SltaatiODS Waated ~aeon 5827-W. sll~r. good Wf"St 19th St. 29-ltp WlLL takt' o.re . of chJldren. boulek~p(na or oooklne. Ex- periefK'f'd. JUferen~ Write P. 0 . Box 126·:'11. Co ta ~t"Sa. 2911-p Cl'STOM dn!'$ .. maklng and al· PORTABLE romJJI't'UOr out fit like ~· $175 Sprll)'·Wa> Shop. 2-174 1'1 New·port Blvd. Bt'aron 6141 J. 29-t!-c WHITE ponx-laln. good condltlon Genf'ral E>I<'Ctrl<-350 l:!rnadwa,o. 1.8-tf-c SURVEYING -Lota,. ~ SubdJvt.lont, t.porraphy mape by !Wclateftd Enctneer. ftu. IIOna bJe ra~. Ph. S.A. m6-J« QWck Mrvk&. 8-U-c SOT.1TB OOAST 00. GF.NERAL ELECTRICAL MOTOJit REP ADUNG • REWINDING •tc. • SPF.CIAUZJNG r,.; TllE REP A rR El.EC7RJCAL I IA."'ID TOOLS • 23rd & Central NEW~O"T .EACH H a r-bo~ 2600 29-11<· ------------~------------------tt"ntlont AH kinds. 10'12 E. BARY GRAN,..... t --4 ....... :\ ahogan.1-• ra:,. WU.On. osta MOA. 2r 1"1' RPpos<.t>d $178 b.'ll Fln'" ton<' PLUMBING SUPPLIES TRACI'UR WORK. i:'(lOd eqw~ 24 months to pay. Aho KnabP ()pt'n S11t1 rda)s and Sundllys ~t. S3 50 u hour. CaU Be-e· Grand Ste!nway. u!K'd. 1-3 off ~ to !I ( 1.~,...d Tue5d;j) ~ con !W484' • _ 13-tl-c I UAN7-.~fM101' PlANO ('() • 520 N. M&J.n, Santa Ana. Bald· T01leta, compiNe tncludlna !Wi'at 8t CARPENTER \\'OR.K WAl'TED. Win mAke. I nu~h V&)\c(' J:.!3.50 Rt-patr, remodt-1 or new ron-, . • Wall hu.n~: & rlose l'OUplf'd tcult't.s nruc:tion. ,>hont> ~aron 6201J f' •• ci'\Pl m:tpl{• 'vlll' ' ' at t'Omp.sr;~l •l•• prl~• 6;tl-c Jntl ~SP!f';.lfl , douhlr· J>llll~·-l..a\"1111 I l Kuhlrr s t:; (1() ~ ur ___________ ....;__ ~· 1 I .na t I :1 ., 1.''"1• r II 1-"l:i Chmme [,..1nf! IIJOUla, $.5.75 CE:'11ER..\L hllnlh Ill .r ..... nt~ v.urk I dl '• ,,. r:.·. I f''1··· .. r•r '";(11\'llnlrNl Jl)fll" 8110 blilck pipe aroun<l In\\ n t "" J·Otnt nl•n ~· • · .!'1 I' 1 '<ltdt!'n f/lnkli, s:, 75 & up :.!173:.! l'hr' 1.1.1\ t M . Phun~ •~ 1 u ~~ \f f ' S 'Lf "' ~\I 1 ;-. , UIUntuJ tr•)~. <'0\.'t ron _ BNi ~li;, ~ ----~ :1,.. ' r••rltH! 1111r1r 1: IIi" "•'1111• I l oiJ, 1 \l.l "'' I )I IT n~· \\I ., ~~· ~ ·, 8. J~a.l Estate For Sale tr' w h .• k 10 ,,,. k J, • I"·!. I \I r "' •• I ,r.u .... ~: -;-·, ·'" ,. ;\. .: \ . · .. 1t, , \. ,._, 1 , • , , hll I ·• -: ~ ·.i'·' • ,, .. , , , :-: .. 11 r """ .(. 1 ttrr,,.• r t d"" •• • t -1 f f t" \,-~ rl t PI .r f1 I " ( .... , :-... ' .. .. ' I ~ f ot \• 1 I r ! • t' t'"r• r;:, \\ :' L:';ll I' .. t • :t• I II ' '' .,. r t,. ' ,J loJ • t ~ 1 I • r i !• •:"\. ' r n J J l • ~ -t • ... :\tltTOr pi;mn n·po~<.~·""•'ti. ''"" r, "'''--lr t•r T•rn It\'\ '.,...;("!1\Hf'IT r'[A':II (",, ii~ N o ~l.un ~'Ult'l .\nn. • f~:mf ,\ Plw·hi11 rr ~!.l;lp li• .... I'; M " 1\ "" b l I• I " 0 l R .. ~J.i HQR:,E MEAT f 'I ~ 11.1' PETS BOULEVARD FEED STORE ~:!1 I ;\1 \\}lll"t D!\'d. BEAtn'IFUL Llvtq ao.m Set. New ,.._ ltove 81\4 .-M .,,._. .. ,,... '1 ft.; .... M .. lcl CIMf a,t. ellll ran .. ; """"-• Mu~le ...... ,. dlva~t, ,._: MCMI•MII otwlra: 110M el,..ltltlftt .-hener lhtrmMt.atloall1 ~t,..IIM, Ho~ -'d, atl tlliCiePtiOMII1 ...... ........ HA .. ao .. 1011 ..- I'ULLE .. TON 117a-" RABBOB TRAN FER LOCAL and LONG DISTANCE 1HZ Ha~,. a lvd. c-.. .... .Neeft MU-J 11. \\'anted 1 ;01 H> hon-e for C'tK'kf·r IJUI·II~ .!..!r 1 anti S.lnta Ar.a A\e u•n,! 1:11'''" ''. '"'' ··v~t" \lr..a ~+.11 p 13. Lost t r,JX pt.::~ wu'l 11.1:natt' r l•c 11 ."lrtJ l'l• nf'.) H..n;: I• .a J., •• ' ~ • •·; ,v.• I r·a.._• rt 1 .1 ~ I' ~;.,I cno • t .' li' II<' n -··1 t _ .. Ito,. J.t.-Bldg. &>ni~~ CLSTOM CA8 'IIET BUILDING \ l"' • •, ' t --:••r \o\·nrk ~ 1 ~,. ~bin~t Co.' A\ -, LE~ 1 "4 ". "'" •t " ..,, "~• ~ S~t\1 \'1. 0 '. \ T II I' \I! •• 1-; I DRAIN B O AROI 19.-WeJdiDc WELDING GAS -ARC -.u.L METALS Poruble Eqw]llnnlt STEEL FABRICATION SH£f..l liF:TAL WOP.X Anel~ iron . ChanMI Iron. Fla. t.s A: P.ounds S1 el Oo· h :.11(' Poles 0. R. Smi,fh & Son 1976 C•""&e A"e ~~ lrlea BEACC. N 56(6 20.-, n--w •t P. n :p_-.:rn..·Rr. Lt Nvt Rt:1'f •:\JI'oG lbrr: You ~h ...,d Bf I ' J!IIL-.:G To J• •"\ f-" ( J t:~! lv,.n-:-o Rl'.,.~ l.n,.. P... u.cLn.; 1965 llart .. r n..... ( £4'4 ~~ BfA 6_ 23.-Florist r r f . ~I,' ' ·, 'IlL tt.~ '· r acre UP"'&&tj(. n park in Pomona when a millioe ', • .,,.. Iro-n all pa "1e of •~•~" c:ow. rn ·• ~•r~ ·~d to (l'athr~· for d.~ ftrl't poet-W&J ah ot •h~ l:ur: .. I .\-cr'~' Cm.an~ lc • ~--·-ml ~r I i t!-nou-h Oc:toLt-r 3. Some <tO 000 tnd.~ 1c!ual rah.' ,., •• :. bf' ~ n .. •p BY ( • ~r ! -1 ( •0 h • bt"t"n •r:rnt on the lfTOUnda iD j: r•pa•••· ~ fu r th.-r \ t-nl. L m .... , I ~ I..• I n•: ol "A c~tU r) <>I Pro~;rn .. the fa.iJ will be • r a rt r t '·-c· c·~n.-.-.: c~lt-l•a.t \ r . !....,,, 'U .~ .,, t h t •t~: .... B roat h\ a:-Flo\\ C'r Shop _· _,\_··\:A id Home-Buyersr Sought I ' For C O'T-\ 'tt>·~ r:ti'! I 0 \ \ , n f~\RTII 0""'-.. 2 g-,.-~,-.. \ . . ~ . J•:-... .. .... -.. NEW 3 B ORM HOUS E \~n: ~ ... .. '" .... m:or Faib to Altt>r ..t ·n f ir'f' .;;t!Jh: .... ' • ll I •• Storage Space B A T H r. 0 0 M s. E T c. t I n • t) ~0 nr•• 0 . \. ~farl\1 ·n1 iP .Jc,hn :\lnld~r FOR ANY NEED Pltone H~rbor 2389 or wriiC' aox SH B•tboa lsl~nd OWN-REJI.'TAL PLAN. PIANOS as low ns $.'i p.•r month All rt'nt aUowt'd at C'nd or tl'rm on purchase pnr<' 0 A N Z • SCHMIDT PIANO CO . 520 No MaJn. Santa Ann ' O..:f '1 II f\t·t rl' & \!('rrllf t:Jh!f' tup l':t~ r.tncr f \N'Jio·r 1 cv • I flilion $75.00. 4~ Ahh1t> w,, :?'1·1' r ~ -.:nLF BElt c;prin.:-. and mat t~s. da-.enror1. chair<~ and rugs. -1151 ~ F1owt'r St. ::!9 lt·p ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Home To- Eiectrlctal\ Home -.nd Commercial Wirin1 H. M. VINING Phone Beacon 6035 WILL ahare my home with em· ploy«! couple or 1'\lnJ;tle ·lltdy- 2482'4 NcwpoM Bh·d. 26--tf-c DELl'XE Kit Companion. 20 ft. 11 alll'r. all aluminum. !'1<-e~ 4. ModPratt'ly pri('('d. Hardl..,, '--------------..: usro. Laurel Place and fr· '1. Wanted to Beat Want to f'l'nt MT\l\11 unfumls~ hou.e or a pa.rt.tnt'nt r or t' ldt'rly lady. Prefer a ,;ltuatJon Where the land1ord Is a nelihbor and wtll ,Sw a rH.SOn&ble amount ol attt'f!Uon for a prlvatt'ly a.r-ranced e"'<tT'L _renumenatlon. P 0 Box No. 337. Costa M,.... . a.2t vine. 29-11-p TRACTOR WORK Plowin1 Diacin1 Le~lin1 Phone Beacon 5721 -W 1528 Newport Blvd. Sl'BJEC'T to stnck and with· dJ'awalJ et any tfml', We haVe the f•llowfng: w.-11 surfat'M lalrly dry aheetlng quantJtv buys $65.00 & up. :'llo 1 Oak noortng $2'ro.OO M. D. F. !toor· lng $9500 & up kJin dried. RedWOOd siding, clear tinlsh lum~r. Plne PlywOOd all thicknesses. good price. lath. Firtex. aheetroclt. windoW$. doors. tile board, ~., Inch Flr· tex for only $65.00 apeclal price. Bo)'S('n's 100~ Purt' Palnta the best; oth~ good .. ----------llllt l buys. See us about our t'&sy SPJNET. Mahop.ny. R.rpoaeaed.. payment plan. Copeland Lbr. Yards. 1804 W. 5th St.. Santa Ana. 29-lt-<" BH.uUful cue and t~. Just P')' out belance. Bftld\ frt'e. AI· eo ~ maple Splnet, •ve $210. Loob •baolutely like new. 8. Wud.ed To Buy h)~ out balance. DANZ------------ 8CHMIDT. 520 No. M.tn. Santa WANTED: 50 USED PIANOS tor Ana. our l'ftltal dept. Hlgmt prlee REI"JUGERATION Sal~ and allowed In exch&nee ·for your Sen/lee. Commercial. Domes> old plano as first pe,yment. BaJ. Uc, Industrial C'alt'l, Coolen on easy terma. D A N Z • A Air Conditioning. H. Bont~ aDUDT, 520 N. Ma1n. Santa You WiD F1nd A Better C.r for Less Mo~~ey at ~ntral Motor Sales 11U NEWPO .. T AVE. TM H•me., Dependable UMd cara .._, 16th It: Newport Ave. Ana. ~~~~~~~~~ Tile Contractor 15th & Ne..,.port Ave. Cotta Maaa. Calif. Bei11001\ 5107 R"-Phol\e: 8 uco11 8700·W3 PAINTING & PAPERHANGING W. R. \\'llliams 26 Years m CO!It8 !\1f't'\a 1114 Laguna Ave P. 0 . •ox 1017 HARRY HALL P A I ;\'""IL'lG ('() =--"1"'RA CTOR 12 Years St'rvlct' ln 1be Harbor ~~ ?74 E 19th SL BEA 5413 15.-Auto Serviees THIS WEEK'I SPECIAL Motor Tune-Up for lum,..,•r Orlvtl\g Timmings Auto Repair 1987 Harbor Bl~ C<Mta N5a BMc:oa 6167 Now It Can Be Told! We Can GraLn The Intmor Of Your Automobile To Give It tt'a ORIGINAL APPEARA:'I1CE .. .. Let Fred Do It" FRED LAMBERT ODita Mae. Phone~ "8011). WAN't'I:D-Sewtna MJChtnes. any NEED MONEVt W. ~t-c.. Mak~. Any Ace. R~ Cah See ua for qu\ck helpful ser-Auto lntC!'rlor Detalllnc .._. DODGE pickup. EniJ1ne "Pl1ces peld Call BH~ 8296 "'~ on Y'Our nnand&l nHdJ -2419 Eldft Ave. eo.ta M,... .)lit ~Wed, 1300.00. -18-tf-c Loana on FlTR.NtTURE. SAL-24 B1oc:ka East ol Ctontn ot T~ "rJ10 W. 17th St. 29-lt·P ARY, CAR OR CTniER SECU'& ----------- Dllittllir ......... Jtnolle IAIItd\ --~---. .., ...... .... . r 10. --e·n~ ITY. • ,. ~ ••• 1enJU011 Roura 10 to 1 and ~ to ~ -,._ ........ ~•-_.__ .. _ .. _ ~ Sah•-'··-~ .. ~ ~"""' .~------~~J~----------~ ~~ ·--v-~ ~ .WIWVTMIM IN etONa ta Yr.. .. 0,...... ~ _,.....,.. LUM8.R VA"O '* .... jii!Wt ...... -----· Hi-Wa.y Garace 17«0 NC'WpOl"t »..t IlEA. 5301 <XlSTA MESA 2 BORM S~l.C CO .nrl llo \\ \ ,-... . f •• r- '! J-.......... ~ $7950 ONE BEDROOM NICE ONE BEDROOM liMN' f: 15th ~~ S5500 NEW 3 BEDROOM HOME \\"·th 11 T'lup). ~ on r• 'IP h1'1"1£'n' '" Sl~ prr mo ,~"'llt' ,., ard le• 11.~ ~hn,..· thl.!t • "lr G. N. WELLS GEO. F"C>X JOE McKEE 17'90 ~~ Bh-d OffJoe P\~ •e-5111 ..... ...,_ .. _, 6191-W REAL VALUES Hom•-lneome Buein-Opportunitlee . INiuru~ ONLY 4500 Nice One Br Honw l'M'&r H•~h Sdlool-L.ea than • Yf'IJ". old NIEW I .... HOME .. auttf\1~ C.r Ga,...._ ONLY 7950 •1100 ON. 1 sn.::: . ·, \\ 1Y'T1 Bh·!i. ('n~•o:t M~:'\ Beaco,., 603) EZ- Tr of""p ,-. ! I • •· ,~ ,,.,.., l' ... • .... ..... ' f \. .. ,_., f J " h P\11 •h"'' 'I;~· Hol"lt' NOW. NEW TWO BEDROOM Fr M•' H ~rd" • ! f"' T' F er- ria~ P nr• ,,..., Hr 1' T l1 nntin & n.·~ Lllrcr K tt"h<-n & 5(-l"\'lCt' p ·!"' 1-flw--•rl,. l...r C' ~ • I...M !O\:f' .:"' l "'1 C: i $7950 ONE BEDROO ~ STUCCO I. F" .. A~E H0"4 E "•nS:l" 1::1..-:\i:~ ~-.1 IZ~ I~ d OIIC! 1 ~ •• < ri• I S6950 ~:"Y\"1 T '\ I I FRA~'X 1Lrc with Cu' Boldman 1140''1 N~ .lvd. Coeta Mesa. Calif. P h. •uoon ~.w "Near t"e hf-•r ltof"e* R. \\1• BARTINE I REAL EITATE ... OKE .. AND A.ISOCIATEI 11M Ne~or-t a lw . eo.ta M Ha, Calif. P~ k aco" SS20 ,P .. EIENT FO" YOU" CONIIOE .. ATtON N~ hornf'l on la"'l:f' Jot. l&rr "t'(>m! hlto. 'tlnt Joratk'on -,, )f $6500 ON TU.,_.1N AVE. CWNor lot ftnp katkln. ~ $1500 GOOO a LDC. ~0" LEASE Cln ·~Blvd $\.50 mo . Kr EYmton f« "'--~· ~ttt. !lomf cMd ~ ,. ... o ,,..u""fllea ue : J·· ~ I" MPtJ f HI' n ( "" 1ft~' <c'-"..-t• ~as ~,.."St .. ..,~e,...tal '" roru.o'•d t '"'Q ""' • .., rt thf Lo~ A-gt r• ~on o" c .. "eJ•I)' ~ .core o' ot., .... o•• ce-s "''thin the c1tv I "'\ r,u·,.,..,,T, r•' ,._, Hoard o( • • 1 • • , \• ho " II -n. p out the Ha,.,.,ood suted that there tuCI b~" no survey of the Post•' s•tuation In Orange c;ou.,tv~~~s:sary p reltm•n ~·" to a c onsol1dat•o" move -and tl'lat ~s far as h~ WJS concerned ther~ w•• no n~ed ,.,or re~son for a con.ollda· ~ pr"'Op"&m. tnclud~ Earl W. l...,t'an•l'\ \\ : l'nr<,mb Tom W . tkr o1f'r<fln \\' \\', Sanford. Lin- \\on<! \'Irk J ::'\1 \tlll('t', ~· hPt ~ Fk'< ~ itnd \11 £,·a r. A.- ptr loon \l'EDD~G CAKES BIRTBDA\' ('~ QUtCk TAklS FOR SOMIETHING 8E SEE 70S C... Hfshwsy Ha,_,. 1102 ConN\& ctel Mar NEWPORT BEA • An opportunity to enjoy life in a delightful 2 bdnn. home. All gtUa. beautiful fireplace. entirely encloeed patio fumisbed with everyt.hlna you could wish for in the very beSt t.aste. . Owners work forces him to leave and this is your ebance. $16,SOO.OO. Pbone Mr. Mc.Kinsey HarbOr 1013. I , EARL W. STANLEY RULTOit co v&RtNo oaEAT&a Nf:WPOtlT RAtlaOa l y law ••• . . r •• GENE' Fread~ • Balian Dllulen 7015 OOAST HWT ._ Corona Del Mar • Pt.A:"'TS A~"D GARDEN Sl-pPLIES • l..A.l':DSCAP!: DESIGN & CONSTRUCMON •• • • A <.'OMPL.ETE FL.O\VER SHOP SER\'IrE • 1313 Coast Highway Corona del Ma r WeU llttt~reeented FA-tore F'onytht> could Ct'1 "''t'll Into his .rat~nt M was 1n tt>rrupt('d from ~ Ooor by Dr. P A. C~Un f~llow ~ ~r of Uw dtlrPnJ c:oundl. who toltt t h~ pl.annlnJC board that l-----------------'---------~,}o'ors)1ht-'• mt~nl had not ~n appi'O"-.d by tM who!~ ,-----------------------, coundl. Tovf'f'la~nt ~lay !•r tM Com Mea Mtrdlama ••- ball tum Will btfln Alfe. JO in Centlndla ~•l'tc.. 1"1fl• woocl, eooordlnt to Manapr •ud Lone. MIDSUMMER BEDUC'DONS -1\JBEROOS BEGONIAS 9 IN <II POTS ... ....... ...... SS.SO . 'aA8KI:r8 ........................ $5.00 (Have been $7.50 to $10.00) NO FINER 'nJBEROUS ~~~~LU GltOWN. 'nfESE ARE STRONG. BLOOM 2 Oft I MON'niS LOI'f<ZIL w~ ap.d&Jtze m ~hade pa.n·• ttK '*'*"" patio -Home. OUr prdeD AI ~.Y at ~ _.... "I w a.nt th~ comm.lssfon to havt> on M!'(Ord thto fact that this lla~t .,... drawn ~P ~~~ tM ~ met \ul." he doecla.r- ftl. Othft' eo.ta Msanl prntnt at-ttw hearinl '4ftn! Fred 0\atUey. Helen ~ F. B. ow..n. Fred Opp, Oave MUDJ"O and Ed Chap- roan. I Fir~~~ ·~~ma af tM loul tum w1U '• tM lit-boll JuntO"" • tam with a lo"9 record of vktorlee In tfte .,,_,... P'-1· L"'l Nld W_.,tMa)' t.f\at t lven toed av~rt -., tM local fant tM local ..,., ~d .. a lon• way . ...... ·tlfM ... ..., .. fw. 103 OOA6f IIICHWAY (X)R()NA DEL MAR Haw VNUeUAL PHON£ RAftBOit 850 • STA liiONBRY ~ CAIUtY A COJIPlZ'I"£ LINE OF liTATIONEitJ INa.vDING nu: NEW "8CZNN"ED"' SI'An~ GllEET't'NG CA1U>S CKILDil~'S BOOKS G 1FT rT'I'.WS CHASE & SANBORNS lib 4tc COt 'NTR Y C'Ll'B Tn:.o G.th.ln.l tnl.', hnn.::.nnt.d ,,anJc producr 2 r•··-.c d k-.t. ~ .r · :•rpcr h:1ck cl~ing ln lhr,·,· qunmnc ~h.td,·· l'\cv. har.• Dlut:, and Wine I C & B CANE 10 lbe . 7ft: H NTS No.2 Oan 21c , Big 2~ Oan 1SC ---B1JTLER BROS. CHOICE MEATS • lltltmMr of the Nation•IA-.cl•tlon f1f ,._..11 lltlut O.alere anti p,..._. to ttve ,._, .-•tlty ._.til ... fair --fay f1f ~ ... k. ,..._ ~ A COMPLETE SELECTION OP ALL FRESH BEEP, PORK. LAMB. DEUCATESSEN AND flt.OZ!N !APOOD 8UGAJt CURED PIECE --- ---BY DIE PIBCE .U cur ...