HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-10-08 - Newport Harbor EnsignFriday, October 8, 1948 (j To One-Day Residellt StriCken in 'Cn:~ign 1201·0 Couc ~y Ooron.a dd Mar, California M VO !.. HAAPA. Editor Publlshe4 b)' Ow So4lll.b a.st PubUahlfta Oompe.QY One Year . Six Months . Three Months Single Copy • $2.00 1.00 . 5e .05 The EMI~n 11 published C'\'U')' fnchy for the communibea of Corona dd Mtr lrld Ra lbr» ldmd W ritten communications to lbc Ena.~n .ht,uJJ am· the name and ~ddrea.s of the wntu. and tf r< t.k. the tcler~ numl-cr The En•t.-n's tdcpho~ n\1.0'1~ u Hubor 7R8 Jocb' Gilbft1. that ~· ~ 'Wtclow Fetiry. who lt.llr- r.d ln Ow Newport ~ t.1Jeao tft' lhoW, ''Suda lD Your ~. ean ~ bMrd on ~ N&tda :.....----ay HO~-----' OYft' KNX ln Ow MW CBS radio ihow, ~ Wlth I..UJ&1". J\ED SCARE: I took a c:ardUl Jocb' p~ the ~e ol !tAlA. u look at that pamphl~t whJd\ wu lta.ll&ft·bom Otlcqo cttt •1th u one of the eau.ea ot 1aJt ~· W~ ciu1e-a tar t:l'7 fnlm her put .. the kindly beft1nc. OUJT)' about IUb\:enh~ lltnat~ ~-band store ~ . on the ~lnz rtwn to .:hool dilldren. hl&h ld\ool su ,.e thla IIWNnft" • rt wu a publJeaUon called "My 11\e "Life with LullS" ~ Weekly R~~. The ChUdrm'a OMtt'n around the expfti~ ot Newspa~r." ~ by Arnftkan an ltalian lbopkC'f'IJft'. Education Press tn Columbua, Anothft' ectMty ot MBa cu. CORONA OI:L MA.. IEVaNTM DAY ADY .... T11T , COMMUHITV CHU .. CH 11w Mrtel ol Bible How Tmt .. Where Shall Happ&ne. Be 4.'Willna IJlelf1.1nC'I at 5th and OUw YOUrtd T" wUl be the Mlbj«t of Sta .. HWIUqtcn Belch,~ Sund.a.)"'a .mnot~ by ~-Perry by the local Sewflth n..t Adval- f'redMelt Sdlrodc at the Corona tbt 01urct1. wm cont.tnu. Dftt ~~ Mar Communlty Church. week accord..ltll to the roUowtna IChedW.: Sunday-'1"be Jf'WI tn PaJ.K. Une," ~fd by a motion NEWPORT CAT'HOLICI CELEa .. ATE. atLV~ft YEA.. plct\lft on Pa.lHtlne. bert tnok her to Boyle llfllhta te-Ohlo • Do t d~ admit tha~ ~ntly to attend a ~ew ot Hu- e net' t'Otuldel"f'd workJn~ for that r")' JY,pkln' film. ''My DM.r ~ firm" I 'J'he pa~r hu ~ rt"t&ry" Along With ottwf' featur- around a lona time, bec&UR the td mftn~ or the plet\lft, Jody line at the bottom ot the front made • peorsonal ~on the L---------------------------' page U)l ''21 )~an ot leadel"5hlp theatf'r r.\11~ followtna this nnt 1n childnon'a new papttrs." Q)o"''IDJ: ot ti'M-Ir latest movie. "The Annlv~nary" wW be the 1\JescSay-a 30 m.I.Oute motion IItle of the sermon Sunday mom· picture entitled '11\e Pnldl~al Ina at Our Lady of Mt. Ca.rmd Son." Leet\lft topic for the ewn- Cathollc Cburd\, FUteenth aDd '"' ~ill be on tM lllftV' IUbject. Central atrt'E'ta In Neowport. A Wf'dnc.otday-·~ Shadow In tbe apt.>dal hi&h mass at 10 L m. wtl4ernt'IS" is the tJlle ot the Itt'· will ro~morate the 25 )'t!U'I tUff, and u an acldN teatUI'l'. Dr. of the churcll.. Oth~r m.-e. Horace Hall ol Nf'WPOI"l ~ wiJI be at 8 and 10 L m. will gave a ~iC'a.J talk on '"J'be The lront page telll the picture Comes Ff"'m TeUI VOU CAN'T LCM~M Allfll tiM lMIIred hie 11....,._ .... .- lnd word slory about "BJa Har· Ar. ml'mben or the nr.w hat mleai.._ Mit on ~uta ~ -"11• tvned In Oft Fred arid tile "' " t'--·t d' all I"CSid~ ~ that Rra...-ltreet. Alleft'a Alley. Left to rig"t. Allen, \t'SU Are on Their v.ra)' to aou, ,...,. tr au Jen<'t", )'01.1· rn&y not Kenny Oeti\Ur Minerva ~loW, Peter Donald and Paf"t{er Fennelly. 'GIVE -~ GIVE ENOUGH' A IO(.'ial ct'lebratlon In honor Doctors' Hoeplte.l and Side' ~ of the silver an.nJverury wUl be plf'." held at the American LeKion f"riday-"Que!'6tlon Box" night; J 1111 at 5 p. m. qustlone will be ~ from &lvl~ the good nf"t\'1 ot bl6 ha\·e known that tM Jndln• la4y • Coming out in support of the Communit y cropc thu )ear. . 1n '"Suds " came from Fort Worth. tM-1"1 Wh.ld\ t.be aeietnted Britl&h ed by Marjone Kenned.)'-Fn.srr. .,....,___. . ial • bein Pare 2. It ~. caWM!d the Texu . and that W has thirty~ soprano. Maak Teyte, wW sin& "THE LADY AT FATIMA" tlw Bible lol'C'ture topic for the t"\'ftl!n& la ·~ Coo!])f'l by Arlth· l'l'lt'tJc." 'The pubUc Is Invited to at- tend '-'ln::DI. is about 8.S ~tl'OVel'S an lSS~e as . g troubJe. Jt oontaltu the Mad· fecttd dialect&. These facta bt-Jona ~ &be 1a cues\ IOlolst of the II OUft ILIP IHOWING II a . 1. CATHOLIC TOPIC in favor of generosity and h o nesty or bemg agamst Une. "'I'h~ People Are M.akL\'\1 tOC'f'ther. because It wu on Ill:'-''hlepbone Hour'' Non~. UniQue or.humorous Items which s J .__ v•·---· ............ •-• Xt'W$,'' and can1ft ttw tub-M:ad. count or h« southfnl ~nt that We would Uke to ~ tribute d&lly appHr i.n the pnoa of tbr t. O JUJ -.JU""T• ._. ..... ..... Sln. ·~'0 More M~.n tor Presldeflt." Joey lM.r"Md the oU'If'r 29 apeoedl to Mtu 'reytt>, who S. u cradoua lancl are beina ustd u lNltftial land Chapttl. wUl ot.Prve rna.. NEWPOftT HAftaOft But this editOrial is in order as a reminder: The ~ory ob\iou.tly 1a a CIOft· \YPf'L B«a.UR ot hfto hHvy lOUth-u she Ia mtl&lcal. We met bet' clur-Cor the new Monday \hroutb Fri· ~~~~~j~ ~0 ;-~ S~nd&f Ourand LUTHEftAN . . tlnuaUon of a .eriH on prftl· em drawl, w couldn't ''crastt" lna tbe war when lhe tnmclk!d day half-hour IM!fiet ~tJu.ct. ''OM •n ° n t e a.r c W"C • ., At a council mHtlnl M~ That M o nday lS the start of the two-week dnve dentlal c:a.ndJdates. The opeUnJ' New Yorlt, wht-re · lh~ wtnt to about Encland helpJnc tn this bus-for the BookM (J<ECA 12:30 p. Lady ot Mt. Cannel. tn an even· ewninc. Ernest Schultz ot New- for .funds. The goal this year is $20,000 for the para.crapb sa)"': "Mr. Truman rnak~ ht>r t2lftr on the ~tap. tM'S!I ot k~c up aoldJen' mor-m.l Ernphasizina the mood ot the Inc eot;lal tn celebratJon ·of Mt. pan ~ad! was named aupm.n- Harbo O f this t tal Coro del Mar and and Mr. Dewey are not the only Tr)· u she would. lhf couldn't ~-~tory. appropriate ~rdlnp a.re Cannel 1 2Sth anntwnary. tendent or the Sunda)' School. r area. O . na men nmninc tor the Pre&IMnt. 1H1n lo l'f1 rid ot t1e>r eouthern 'The out-of-tUM plano and the ustd aa Ulus.t.ratlon or conunent ~rmon for Sunday at St. John alone wltb the foUowinc ck>plrt-Balboa Island each is to giVe $2,250. Two ot.hen are Henry A. Wa1.lt.c. drawl. wtttch wu keeping he1-from handful ol bo)"'ln weath~ ~ten on the programs. Annou.Dcer ~ Vlanner, wtll ~ ''The Lady At nwnt ~: ~ Ml"'. E. • • • M d J. Strom Thurmond.... plaJ.nc standard parts. so w Wftlt flylnc clothes and IJ'ft!IY old 1M-Brown.inc Is narntor an ''Onr tor FaUma · Schultz; Primary, Roben Back- But let the Commuruty Chest 1t.self present Its There are a couple pa.rqraph• to won on dJaltoc:u and rnut.fl'ed ch&n.lcs IU.its Wft't" a rar ay from the Book". wt\lch is the radio strom; tntmnedlat~. Mia Mary appeal to you. Here is the pre-campaign letter on each one. wtth pi~ or a thirty ''arlf'tlfS In short order. To-the tlne ~ halls filled With bralnchJJd ot WTiter--prod~r IALaOA IILANO CHAPEL Lfoe Laurie. and ~or. R4"Y. Roth. which )las been sent out by the Newport Harbor Wallace family rroup and of day IM'a teechlnr them to other~ formally cowned ladles and gentle-Frank Morris. HEAftl LOVAL TV TALK Mffl\ben of the Womt'n'a Mls· • Thurmond worldnc ln his card· durln.r ~r ~ I'I'\OfniMta. mm In t&.lll to Whom &he was u.ed "l..o)'aJtv Or Excuws Which•" alona.ry Sod"y met 1'Ueec11y f".•tn- Commumty Chest, Inc. c:-'\. The story tells of Wallact' Pt•)'H In 1 Mov... to am"nr But abe was mo&t obllc-IOAP IN HE" ~YEll "'1u be. t .. e subJect ~r the ~-Inc in the home of ~ln. M>Ttle "Dear N eighbor: aa.Wng tbo~n&.nda ot chkkens on To dAte 91~ M..~ pla~ 1n ~ ~ In Mr num~rs. and P'~ un-UJOYCE J ORDAN. M.. D." is mon at the Christ ChW"Ch by the Hub~ll ot Newport Hll., for a ''The Board o f Direct o rs o f the N e wport Har- bor C ommunitv Chest are concerned \\;th the a d- ,·ancemcnt of aU social ser.;ce, charitable and w el- fare w o r k in t h e Harbor area. They belie\'e t hat you are con cerned in the same interest. hll farm and about Thunnond's A9 pl<1u~ ;~~ 11 m antcter actn!'Ss. Urtncl> of her \'0~ and ~ belna f'l'JIIace<l on Monda)• b)' 1 Sf>a, Bllboa llhmd Chapel, on "pound party." Pounds o( var. t!arden In South CArolina and but it',; only h+ Ml during the Jut 10 m&kt' It a m<'~ble evening MW 1011p ~ra labeled '11\e Sunday, aC<"Ordlng to Rev. Harry lous a.rtidf'S wt'l"f' rontrlbuted by has '1ctory In a mule race. thi"H' ""''~ thllt •h<-'~ ~ '""'" for thost> combat fK>ldJers Br4;hter 08)· . Loca.l ~ws w. While, pastor. thosto attrndin~t the ~lng, for ~o Red propa~a"da th~~. any pllr1~ th .• r 1,-q1ul't'd lltandard ShE-told us then th.at It was In ~ill now rt lunch or ftn h the Spt"C.'Ial music will ~ vn.n ed the bem>flt of an ln\'alld rrunJo;ter There wtore only thew hints of ~h F'ra~. ~'hen me "'all stud.ylnc cleanlntr to tM troub)('S o the b Mrs. Estelle Brown Mills ~or Gu~ mlru~ttf'r for Sunday's ) Rt'1 tin···' Mr. Wallact' \\U Th r1 f n :'1 I Jod' n \'OI<.'e whH~ $M IICQUIJt>d the l>enn is family. Mr. Dennis ( op-.~ ·i •hi h Ul be I t 10:30 II m. M>rvlr-> will I:M.' R PV. described u being very proud ot " ~'I 0 • r.-.. ", 1 rst nickname of "Magglf'" . . becaUS(' pa) is 11 wldowt>r ond a stt"r e sen Ct'. " c w g n a Th~ort' Hax, f>rind pal of Ole "bl .. r'f'd he " who at the a~f' n~dio ' nlllN> mN' h•r teen...ag..-they tbouaht it fitting for auch a Who ha..t~ b<'eTl trnn~ft· from a 11 a m. Thto J unior Choir w1ll L th Bihl 1 t • --A • a " n. ~ .. rl"'" A• rh··• !tmr "h•· ~J:W'('Ialized . • ~oong. u <>ntn e n_c IIUtt . .......,. n "The Red F eather agen cies in the Harbor Area of 18 months had j(\ children In ~'" tn and had tll'r ~ -lln) g'lri • . largt> Cit)' to a-small t past~-~:c:-1~ IU>\• Hax '10.111 ~ on the . . . And on thf' lollowtng paJ;e WllS A !: J: . "' mu It was Ml'!lrly midnh:ht 'll'hm ~e ate:-'nW' t.IOf'\' C"!'ntt'~ d Uz. h}'man's Jlo,r1 In thf' churTh t h a t g n ·e t h iS Ser\'ICC are d e pendent Upon YOU for t'UIUmn abc>ut thP "athf'ntures of "1;'1 "1\0"'" f•n <;llltrnr~ In Fort bundled tht' llltJe lad) olf In A his 25-yf'nr..oid d<t UJ:hl<>r "hn hU LAMBETH CONFERENCE t h eir e:\iStence. As a taxpaver Or resident, they rmll.\ Opl.o~um.. \\(lr1h and nalla~ .l'"P and it wa~ undouhtedly E>arly ~n tht• homr makf'r for tht> past MESSAGE TO BE READ COSTA MESA COMMUNITY belie v e that \'OU a re \·itaUv cOn cerned in the furth-. You knn"' I ~~ thr pan of " •mlng tx-fort' thf' hlad<ed out ~i'< yt•a,... Ttv-l"f' 3rt' five otht'r A messa~e from the Bishop's A C'andh•·llght tmtallatlon ~er- • . . •. •· . . th<' Italian ~;trl b) llllrt 'lOftin( for '•!\Ide rould rt'BC'h London Wr rhrldrt"n f•lur J:}rl c and 11 bo~ ~·ho Assot>mblv at the L.lmbeth Con-vke wUI be ~ld for ncwl)' f')f'ctf'd e ran ce Of t h e ir COmffiUnlt~ sen 1~. The ) a c knO\\... HA NOI<EACH IEFS· 1 wu an ln'h, pan on .. !he r-.tdlo mow (1 I not env-. ht-r the:-ride ln those r nler into lhP lld\'«'n!UN'<~ of tM f\'ren~ in England wtll be ~ad offteot'"' of the M<-thocllit Youth ledge \'OUf gene roSit \' a nd graCIOUSn e SS Of past mighty gl•d to see Ro~~y ROi · .M> Fru nd 1~11 explai.ntd Jo-d•)'S oC nl~;ht rafdf'l'~ family. Martrcli'E't Drnper M Uz In all Eplsropal Churcht'l on Ft.>llowship!l at 7 :;\0 Sund11y ~· years . . to's Coast Plro~~tn survived dy. ".~o '' Umllt'd With her new \.londay nl.:ht's prognm 1111Jl ~ and Bill Smlh will portra) Poppa Sunday, acconUng to R.t>v. PauJ lng. Pu1or J. H 'I'hompcr;on will in· • · that hall of handkerehleft "?1<' Producl'r C)• Howard couJcS-~lru Te)'U's first fall appearance in tM nt'W da)11m<' serial, <KFI Moore Wh~ler. putor of the St. stall the followinJt youth: ~·eorly .. This y ear it is n ecessary t hat y o ur Commun-o~~nd were able to pull ttt•t :.:._~;,... mf' tn _that dlo'IOo• but IW' lr this country u the Tel~hone 11:45 a m l Jamt"S Eplrofll'l.l Chuf'('h on via lbomPflOI", M.arlme Jacobeon. Jim · , Ch bl' h b d • f $20 ()()() Thi game out of t he fire In the ,-.~ • .....-... to ~\e nw a chance at Hour KUH~. (JO P m ovn KFil. QUESTIONS ARE 'HOT' U do In Newport. ~ahef'. Bt-tty Simmons. Marlme lt ) est es~. IS a U ~et O ' ' S rep~ dosing mlrtutes l•turd•y fuxa whf'n this PI"'f;Tarn ~~ ?" She SJM'Tlt M-r summer In Europe. An unldmtifit'd thief ransacked S tarting Wednesday, Rev. Andc:-non. Keo Fb heor, Bob M<'- sents the mtrumum reqwrements to carry On thiS night. Never uw q11lte ao ~ krur Hf' ;:membered and T m (lvin" COI'lC't'ru and appt'Uing ln tl\e ~/th Av~nue office .of WalteT Wh~ler a1ao annou.nced a new C'l~Uand. Daft F0t>U and 1'hobum needful and worthwhjle community p~grarn. There muctl llrten af"'IInd • grid· ra~io}n m rst Cll.reeT ventu~ ~ Edinburah fcst.ival of music F"rarner. p~r of CBS' "Stri kf' Adult Study C1aa whleh wlll ~ ell at tlw high ac:'hool iB a sense~~ per:s<>nal pride. fe)t by everyo!le w~o ::~; ~~:Yfno:st"~01~;'oep~t?: "t.lf" with LoJ&i" Ill aJrt'd at ., ~~~e a.r1a ''Addlo", which ~~: ~~~·'::~~n~ ~ ~~e': ~-:;'t'~e ~~:tc::. ~YM~~~i!~~~~~:=: has the satJsfac tJOn Of knoWUlg that th ey did the1r tlandkerehlef kind of game. 8 ·30 P m. Thesday owr KNX. ~t sang on a prevtous program Uon5 and answt'rs fOC' this Sun· "lt'w Dr .. Ba.yaho~ E\·eryone 'B<'tt}• S~ and Jatn8 Alex· part. Can you-y ou can if you \\ill GIVE-GIVE "'They a,.e an alert, acrappy and I'W't'ived so many repeat ~ day's ho9.• 'J'htoy'll do hlm no as Invited to att~Cl. IConllnued on pa~ 3) ENOUGH outfit •nd need only .ome SOPRANO RETUftNI qu~ to sin& again, &he will alne good, thou.$t'h. bt-rau.se ~Todd • · polishing to Mlb out the f"'uth A requ<'St number, t.ht-aria Dupa.rc'~ "Phidyle" and a folk Ru~ll WIU ask his contestants "This letter is your opportunity t o show an e xpressio n of your belief in these organizations and your w i llingness t o support them. They have con- fidence i n you . Use the enclosed envelope and make check. payable to the Community Chest. GIVE~IVE ENOUGH! Please accept o ur thanks on behalf of t h e Red F eathe r Agencies f o r y o ur donatiQn." REFLECTION ON TRE "RED SCARES' Our sense of humor still is able to redeem us in circumstances such as these. But it is more than something to laugh at. It is a reflection of a dang- erous tendency-to suppress w hat is believed to be undesirable. That is t h e basis of the totalitarian "thought control," whic h has n o place i n our way ~li~ r Democracy is oot to be defended by suppres- sion, but by the fullest possible publicity on all is- sues. To think o therwise is to cast doubt on the strength and the wry valic:lity of democracy. apots •nd to ta~e ~re of "Addao" from Puccini's opt>ra 1..a IOr'lll ot the Ht>brldH bllndt~, a nt.>W IE't of qu«!''.tlons. that gf'eer'll'lut th1t Ia caua• Bohemt>", will ~ one ol the num· "Land of Ht-art's Dnire," llJT1lntt:1 Wonder If tw-'11 Jrt'l on tht.> show! lno those offalde p~naltlu. They've got th~ mo~~klnea of top-nokher"S. It -uld be quite a futher In ftoao'a up to go through undefeated lrt ttlla fii'Wt u•aon at a brand new achool. Wh•t are the HIGHLIGHTS ON YOUR RADIO DIAL CHURCH DIRECTORY CHftiiT CHUftCH •v THE lEA CHUftCH 011' CHftiiT BaiNe laland Chapel Cllu..-a Walnut I ta. 121 Ag1te lliW. s.e-1 ---l t ... A . M. p.-, a-. ftan7 W. w.n,. at_..IIIC -~~· -11 ... A M. ~..._, 8doool --t ... a. a . Y• .. '"-'-o Ill .... •• -t :.00 P at. ...... ,... ...... 11:9t .... ~ .. ~------t :to ..... IEVENTH DAV AOVENTIIT c.t' ...... AM 0 14 C. ....... . Nt~ HeJtMa ..... pot' ..... J ... ,.... -,, .. p •. CENTftAL 8 18La CHUftCH flf e-ta M ... a.-tiN.._ ... o...._ ,._ a-Dwt.MID-•,-....... 1' 8dwoot _, ....... . M-l"t WM'Olll II •00 a . "'· ""• 1'-a..· .... ,. ..... c ....... ··-!efta! .. ~.....tt..t.lc ~ FULL 40a~aL CHU .. CH ~ty flf OM 22ad a ~t'-" Ita. COtta M_. N.C. 0.....1« • ..._ ~ llattl_,..._ • ..., ldleel ----t :M A. W. 8ot. "'-. .....U. ...... --.,. ~ ........ ,., --__ ,,, .. A ••• .,__--. ,..,....,.. e.r.t ... __ u,.. a.~w,_ Ckrdl ---••• P. •· WM. .....,_,. ....,_ ......... --f ,. T-.. ,._.. • ... l'. ,II • .......,, al .. l. T_,.. .. _._ ... ---.a. ~ ---f tte P. Jlf. •-r,.. 'tM 8IWe llt....,_W... f ,. P. :1\1. ----·--...._ ....,_ ........ . , Safety Tips • ~· • I Boo1u Added to CDM Library ~ __,. of Phll • ..,.. .,. 'nuey-two fict.!Orl boob Uld 14 "Nan.h Facto" b)· ~. "Faar Duralrt. "'Of JI'Ucbt and LM~· a. non-fl('\iOQ boob "'el'e added to Wtnd to Java" by JlD&rk. ·~11'1 ~. "'Our ~ Ot1" b)' .U. Tbe pearl Jn the 0J1Ur Ill pod a doeed taamiDft" 8eUOD pi'OteCb .,._.... &om ~ and Wuh· ~-thf' ~~hf'l ot the" Corona dt-1 from Ytstt-rda)"' b.> Robf>ruoa, len. ~. DichGDIII')t. fit bulth and sfW'ft' Cleleeta.blllty. 8o tbe O)'*lft' lndWIO'y. tn~OJI are lD our mark~ near-4 laree t.aldf'll pet.awa 1ar Ltt.ra.ry w u ooth 1t h.u "The AncJy Wumatf' b,< .Ronald. ~ • and ~lilh ~..up.. U )'OU aft not one ol the 1\Jd(J C..rieM lh~ '" If all )ftr r'OW!d. but are DOt metl_. •vtt•r '*""" IJ\I'IOU.na'd b) Dorothn · ~ &quart'" R.ictJmoocl. .. R..-ac " "Culina.r}' An. ones to fJ.ftd a ilftdoUI lftD lD But ben> It 1a OetobfT and mod6ered liW t~t that IN t pint e)'lllert Sh•-. h N•wport Ubnu"l.an membrance Rook" b,< SandbuJ'c, UK')~ Cookbook" by Ber- tM .Mll. cona1der that wtt.b O)ateft a.l"t' jut com.lJtC Into lhdr O)'Stft'l wlt.b ltw Eulem acct!Jlt H.t m1lll '!11• Corona del Mar LlbMLT\ 11 '"'''bt-B~ Blad.t>" b) ~ uLdlrlult '"· ~sporn, Caldrn l.cf/" ~ o)'lt~r )"OU beve 1ou.nd a own 1or th.b .-.on aftOT'd1na to are. October ls tlw f1rs't bJc S alt aH tMJ»per '? n d.W)'. l~ SUnd11,. 'a.nd 0\~r. "Fronber Soout' b> t&.lllc-)·. b) Dalwt "A Lmw ~ ol l'ftdOUa COOd 1ood. t.tw ~ at ewport wt\ldl O)'SlfT rnooth btocause it Ia ~-• eup buttered brad c:f"llmM .Mon<:ll) rrpm 1 ,,, fi p u, )ln. "KIUUn lA\T&Da.dattPJ"' ~~ Amt"nC:an ~ b) \\-'IlUaaa ~ Ia really no m)'tb about rect'Jw tJW1 eea!ood Wbo1esale. en.IJ) pmty hot to &hlp tM Ne-w •aprlk.t f.:JI, n rnw:r ' h~ lrtmm ar vol~ t b) t'n~ '1'tx Moun-"Wnten a.M Wnun .. too Vu the wR" mon~ bdnc the Ume Our marbU 1n bolh Corona dd Jft'llr)' and S~ Yori!; ,._,.~ SC'n.1b pout~ brustl whh I f"oll~ rtnu:m b\ot)k• v.•·n• wns Ht\e a &"'(T('t" by t:ptj~ld CPIV·r, "Prt.u wn~ ~ 1 • b7 tor oystft'L Ewn ~ It 11 Mu and Balboa lala.nd wtu eoon and appeutes ~·t cen~y rrwllf'd b\llltr. and l:laU Ln hot MI•Jtod dunnx S41,r1·ml• r ~n~~ ··I'he Shuunc Mounwn · b) Van Bnckell. ''Snillf' PI~-b,< :'nlPP.. poalble to Jet dellcloU. 0)-.tft's ta. we.U lloCke4 wtlb this .. \\betted to t.hls delicacy until the '''MI 1 tOO ~lrt'ftl for OM bou.. Mti~&Jd ~ \lUit'.lns' u' Au.t1n, f:\"\"1'), '"ll\P Strantt' \\'oman• b> ~cauronua JubiJP" by· A.laa11'01:tl\. troam. or even ~ any Ume delJcacy. becau.e o.ne carload o1 •-uth« cooi..L u1 untU t~ are doM. Marinatf' '11w ~ .. h) Bu'-'it "H• no. 11 Wlllwna, "IW<l Oark to tht. Rrs-" ~ of Otd !laddlebec*"" bJr o1 the )"Hr. fresb oyarra are O)'R~n was ·~hipped ln tram the KM-. T~ &lz" ~'•'&'f'I"S in French dreain& fos DON'T H ITCH to mo.. on; •t C>ufl•n~" t·~ t 'ar) ''11•• ~punc-f'\le b) Younc. Sto~. '"t'bf! Town wS the IDO'l'e ,PknWul. more Q.avorl'ul eatt coasl last -~ and a.noth· East..-n o)stf'n come ln tout ll' minute.. Dt-aln. hidea of •ny kind. Th ll ,1 ont ll·l'' by Ca tfll 'Pl''" ,,, ~Jrllk' Thl.' followt~· nfln·fiC'tJnn bcJOb f\lnn) N&rl'lf'" by Ullin, ~ and of b•ttet color durlnc the er INI)' t. In the proc:lNI of un.-..,.._ but tbt la.rcut ones arc Cut pot.at~ lftlcth,..._ ln of the most dangtroul bike Sof1l~" b)' nark '\\1M•n11 C'r11-""r" addfod C\rclt-" by Slannll' w1nt.ef' tnd eul)' aprlna month&. 1oed1Dc rtlht now. ~ly ~M ~or tbia ~-haJ\"8 and 8000p out ~-.t&~nta. and tt ukea m an, 1 "'" t~t> · ~> C.C:..t~ ''Th; Jf'>LkM From Kay lhro\.lc.h ~ Ia 1a local rnarkd.a O)"S1e'S may ~. 1"tw lb:es a.-. nanda.rd 1or Mash. add butt« and bot milk. and br1nga countltM lnJur~u , :-o;f'f'd}e b)" Cux• SJJa __ wniDa ___ lleUOD ___ and __ t.bft"dore ___ .:.come ___ from ___ t_wo __ ~...;;;.._. __ IArce_~ the smalls. ··~. ~ and -.,on •1t.h -.It and pepp« You are In dangtf" frvm ~ver1 dl:l ''Roll Bed~ th~ SPa b) Dool· R1ectsH and "counts". •"hlch are &>at until lltht and fluffy. PUe rec:tlon. !From the Nationa l aard "S~n~ Lanat • b) Ennro.o. ~ J..arJat. It Ia well to k:oow mlxt\U"f' Lnto potato ebe-111. m&k· Safety Councll.1 I'"'T"hl" s,.. ~· b) ~ ·~ liW .tza, too, Ln buytna ti'OrlPfl Inc a bolJow In the center of eaeh -lf•ou li> ~~ s.-a· b) C<lddt>n 'A O)"&ten.. 10 that )""'U .-t1J know half. OE:TI OllnUeVTO"U11P \\'()ma.n of Forty b) Hall ·r"' '~you a.-. l'f'lt.ln& 1.5 l&f"Cl"l Arran~ O)'Sl~ In hollowa In Billa Autt. Suppl.> •• 215 Cou1 lhf' Rtm of t~ Art'tJ(' by Hl"n· oynen. or 24 lltU~ OMS. and will potatoes. Tope with butt~~ HJRhway Corona o1~1 Mar hu dl") It '"I marrifod • Dted Man by Jud&!e )"OUT wr.-ke accordinrJy. rrumba. ~pr1nJtle wltb paprtka ~ ustcn~ t~ dl.ltrlbutonhJp Ln-h 'Man ~n· b) Lutz 1201 COAIT 8 LVO. nw blc Eult"nl O)"Slf'f'S, llk-and ~urn to 0\'eG tor 15 rrunu •• Good)•r TII'f'l and Tu~ tor ·"'Trum~t an tht> C'lty" b) MIUfto "count&." are ~y JTOwn 'f>l> o r until cnunbe a.-. brown-the entJn Harbor area. accord-'"A C'loudt'd Star" by Pa.nUb ' CO,.ONA Of:L lttiA" HAR.O,. ftlll ~~~~and-~dand~~l •1 angtoanannw~m~t~ ~~ n ~ r~i~''ii~~~~ini~~-~-~i~iii~~i~~iii~~~i~~~~~~~f th~ lrT'e'J"Ular !S~w J~· rout. '~'be ~ v.'ftt rout O) sten ea.n be ~ntltlt"d b\ th~ dark ruffl> t"d~ and the1r na, or L> 8y MELVA "V£ O\~ for &n)'thinc to ao wtth shghtl) dlffrrt'nt Jn this Harbor ~ we haw chJidl'f'n, 10 she finda h~rsdf nw iU' of the ov5ters \"OU a growing lntf'fftt In music. We dlTtetlnc a choir o f b&bJes. nf'Of'd w111 df'p("fld upon the dish al110 have l.nd.l\ldua.l.a Unnc ln In a.not~r w-eek dw wlll start you aN' 5f'nsr., ,an~ upon th e the , tc.-lnlty who al"f' ~l\'eS on hollda) mus.1c Jt Is a prt>t!) r..cx-a,.l(m l..ar~t> ~.~ 1f \OU ean I r.n1sld~ns. both amateur and pro-picture to !Jnacjne. Just Wrut .. lfvr-d thf"m art• t)('St for brolllng ff.'SSlonaJ. With the&e facta Ln of 60 or 80 lltllt> ('hf'rutM, all ln or f~ anc ~">r to t'l\ f' nt\.\ on the mtnd thla column w'IU attempt to rohes SJnctnc Chrutmas musac.-'"latf .,h 11 .,_~ \OU lnforrN'd of muslc.al -. or an~ mwac for that mat· Best For Ste- n ... ws and mallt>n tnat an of In· ter. Tht-limall O\ st~l'$ ha\f• piPnt) tt>rest to thosr people lnlf'rested QUOTATION ON MU,IC ()f flawr and ron~uentl:. an' In the mu.ical a ctlviUes of Cor· This •ek thh cotumn hu thf' best bu~ s lt>r lf<'"""S. Although ona del M.ar and Balboa blanc:l bet>n l"f'tnlnded of a hltle quota-t>~stt>n rna\ be particularly high HARBO" CHOt,.a lion by Martin LutnE'r He sa.Jd. at the bt>flnrllnc o f the M"ason. Mary SteUf'nsen of Corona del · Nt"xt to Dl\tnlt~ no Art Is com v.hen ~ou rt~l"f' tht"ar cost Mar hu done mU<'h for thE' mus-r arable to music." Music speak~ agsln51 a l>lmllar speo<-ial dish In lcally mJndfod d lln>na of thla a lancua~ that rna) take mAn)· the m~at liM at~e~ don t 5t't'm a;'E'a as a choir IPadt-r. Sh~ ~"' )f'al'S to le-arn and then only '~~~' "'~n,l\e the IItie of din"ctor of music a t parUally. But what we learn is Tht-rc-ar~> W\l'r~l o~stt>r n."ci· the Community C'hurch of • Cor-w~ll "orth th~ effon entailed. pes whiC'h will h"IP ma.kP thf'Sf: ona d~l Mar. tor "1th h w~ find tht-key to R month tlt>llca('l~ go a lonJ! AI prt'1!e'nt ihe 1\u ('haJ'CI" of •-orld.s t hat no v.·ards can dt>-wa~ HI'"' ano '"O "hlrh w tJI th~ ('holn~. Thf' Motner Sine· ICrllx> or expN-U Jn th...,. MUght o~stt>r ln\t-M l"rs. The C'J)urch C1loJr a.nct. in 1 E>alrns we can lind pe~ w hich Baked Oyst~rs and Noodles the t>mbryo l'fAJf'. a n«>w choir In th11 da~ and ag._. 1 ~>'>mt>thang t pint oysters of I flgh ~hool ajfE' singers. This I C. find. lndN!d 4 tablespoons butter c holr hnd Its tire! ~tnr \V~· D~t" set> ~ou nP1tt v.\"t'k.. • tuspoon ult n•'fld:~~ t>Vt'nlnt: ~-~ \\'t"dnc. Oasn of peppH da\' f rom now on voung \OIC't'S NO ACftON LIJ(ELY teaspoon paprika v.ill 1M> ht"ard at the Community ON B•~ P~1tO"'• evpa O)'lttr liquor and del'! Chul"f'h wheN' the praC11Cf• \\ill '-' .:..a.a ,.,:~ milk · bP ht>ld. Mrs StrffPnst'n wt>l· A total n( tv.• l\1 l"t,n>na d. I 2 tabl"poona f :)ur comt'S all thow p.~ung pt>Ople in· :0.1 &r ~~&onu h.a\·e SJI:'f1("d a paJl' r 2 eup• brolo.~,., noodles. un· tf't"f1il4"d In slnJ:tnJr. at Tomm) ·., Shop tnd11·sun.: thu• cooked Tht> Motht>r SlnJCt'nl. who num-tho•\ nf't'd addJuon.ll tr.tll!>fJCIM,I· 1 tabluooon bvtte,. lx>r about 25, are now working t1on betv.C'\'n Corona. dt•l :O.lar and ': eup buttered brud e,.umtt. on hnllday musl('. Mrs. SteHen-Santa Ana spt'Ctfli"&JI) anotht>.r Sault> o' stf'r... II' four tablt' .en v.-ould v.·elcome mol"f' mem-bu~ tn ttw monung and ~·bl> spoons butter \rf\ ~l'ntly until ben. It Ia nol • cl~ tfr"OUp. ont> In late aftt'm(l()n or earl) f"dges bf>gtn to rorl add S4.'uon- This mJght act 11..1 a &'ftltlt-re-t'Vt>ning lngs. DraJn N'st>r"ing liquor . min<IH to thow lndJvidwdllroowho Tht-hst has not )"f't been sub-add rich milk to maJ<e 1 \.w rops have bet>n thtnklnc of Jolnlnc mtttt"d to w Laguna ~&ch-San-Add &Tadually to t1ou.r Ln &a~· I lhh activity. ta Ana St~ ~ ~ wtiJ pan. IJtlrrinc Wt"ll, tMn roolt It is .-ntJfyln& and lnt~y probably be no actJon tak~ wtw-n unUJ thJd(f'nf'd. stirring con- lnterftUn& to hHr of plana that It 1s submitted. aooonllnc to c P. atanU>'· Cook noodles In tare,. are bef.nc made tor•tftt" musical 1 Rhtnard. p aeral mana&'"' cA w amount of bolllnc salted water pleuun of thla Utlle dty of cuJ. bus bnP. ~l"nt'le hu tauc:J'It u.nW tt>ndt'r; drain and add 1 ~. Corona ct.l Mar~w ch hu 10 Pf'r eeont at petitioners for Rr-tabJt'11poon buttt-r. Within lt ama:z:lnc ma nations \1Ct> u.w t.M wf'Vi.ee da.lly. Arran,e onf'-h~f ot noodln In lind braJn ~n. \,: Inasmud'l as thftoe-fourths ot l:lutter c~rolt-; arrangf' oysters ELECTRONIC O,_QAN l.M &i~t~Wn for more ~ in on noodlfol and ("()\'t'r wi th 1"1'- Speakl.nr o1 lmagtnatJon ,...,. Col-ona &-1 atar are looklnr for ma.tnlnc noodles. Pour &&\K."e would Uke to nwntJon tne ~ tran5pOrtatJon to parochl~ sdloots. oWT" contftll.l of dish and top ot Louis Salt%. owner of the and are tht>l"f'forP hall-fare patrons w1th buttf'l't'd crumbs. Bakt> ln B~tt Mortuary. H~. ~ll. is Cchll~·a ratf'l. the -.~~ 1 a hoi ovt"n 1450 d~l 15 min· quJt~ th~ mu.aldan. AJ a )'OU.nl !'n'Uf' In f.ll.n"' to ~ rount~ utfol. man he pla)'M In dan~ bands. v.-ould only bP about thl'fto..fourt.ha Stuffed 8aked Potatoes He wu called In thoee days a of a fuJI fllrf' per dly Stu!f4"d ba.kM potatoes make "reed man". Playf"d thlnp llk~ ~ n.1mor 111 ncx tru!', assun'd ronvenlf'nl nt'11t for mar1nate<2 clarinf'ts and aaxophonea. Rhlnard, that ttw> bus company Is o tf'rs and al"f' handv for In- He ~ Just purch&BC!d an or· roNidt>nnc ('liminatmg the La-diV1dual Sf'rvinp to boOt. Large. gan. II a electronic. Soml'lhlng guna-Corona dt-1 Mar-Sants AM f"t'nl) sl7t"d potat()('f; "ill best dlffE'l"f'nl. IIOmethlni new In or-lint>, f"'t-n Olou~th this line is fn--.. t>rvt> th~ rurpost' In this dlsh. gans. (JU('nll)• not In hl"avy UM' The lnJtl't'dlf'nts IISlf'd will wr.._,. "I do not conlldf'r that this organ Is ours." h~ aaya. ..It bt"- lonp to the music lovers of Cor- ona del Mar and to the t'amUJes that we .erve." HP wticomes WITH THE CHURCHES &n)-one to atop by and play at. IContlnUf'd from PB&'~' 21 la•"S c:ommittf'f' p~tl"d a pl't'- Th~ &plPndJd orcantsta re-and«'r of the ant~nl'W"dl&lf" OH1-llmlnal') draft of tlw b y-law• for at~ In Corona del Mar. nol"f'n~ oc.>rs of th~ Sunergow Fellowship St. Andnow's whJCh they hope to An~non, Mrs. W~n~U Hoyt, are Wilma CllristE'nson and Mar· have n-ady for ~aUon~ ap- and M&J'P.fft Ch&rle. All of pi't't Nebon prov~ In tlw ntar fUtUN' Abo ~ theae wom~n haw played tor ~Youth F'eliO!fo'Shlp lnf'f't· sentM to the Sftslon •-as ~pro­ wrvlt"ft at tlw Chapel by the Sea. 1np wUJ ~e the ewrunc •"Or· powd budget for 19t9. lncludJ,.. MI• Charle Ju.t ~Uy return-ship. bfoclnnlnc at 6:30 In thl"fr a bene'Volen~ buclget to allow for ed 1rom the Hawallan Ia1anda ~w meetlnc rooms. partidpaUon in lhto •-orld•w1de and mtm.a.IMd the dlurdl choir. Rev. ntom.,.on wiJJ ~n a wr--.'"Orlc ot the church Nebon Stat- at her home wtth a cornplet~ of lt'm\ONI on "'ur F'alth" at ford wu named Be>nevol~ Tr't'a· Hawaiian evmlnc · · · evm to Sunday momlnc'a wonhfp ter'VIce. aureT. the muak. She ha8 rswnecl hf'l" Sennon title of the fll"'t In the N•xt recular Ses&ion ~tin& role u orcantat at the Commun-wries Is "God ln the World To-will ta. held at lhto C!liff Hawn lty Cburch. &ly... ~ ol Vln lo~ on the C HE "U 8 C HOI " . fourth Monday cA 0c:totwr Somethlnr new hu ~ tonn- fd fn t.hJa Harbor area-"'The CH .. IIT CHU .. CH 8Y THE lEA COlT M •ou•-,__ b ,__lr'' y;t Ia _a.._ ftn. hftdt'U wi)J prf"Wnt the A lElA r n-UAJ'£ '-''"""' ¥ltv • • • • ~ ........, "'OuUt Ia ~ Answu" wW be up of UW. toe. between the .,a af!CIDft4 8lftDCtD ol • IHtfa on tt. the aub)Pct ot lle'V Steams' Sun- of three and Dine ,._,. of .,e. ~ tntltled -nw HOUle ol .., IDOI'ftlftc wonhlp sennon at 1'bll choir II ......_ lormfd at the Oocl. at ~ momlftC'a arr-10•45 In the __ ,_ he wrn St. lama ~ Ctlurdl on 'lb, 11 a. m. PTM<:h'"c ~-· a.~n; ".~ .. Udo 1e1e and IDMtll tMn at t :ao • hM been buOt IJ"'Und the apeak on 'How .. Great Tt\la Com-~ ~ ll II the idea t.heme o1 c:hurdl )oral()' month lftOft S&l¥atktft. Ewnlnc wrvt~ ot Rev. ,..ul .._.... Wheeler or ftt1I'C ~-~~~·=t~T~:JO~p.~m..=~=====::. dnftl.\ aftd 11 '""'.ana wtcts ~ n •a hJth ...s Pro-ar-t mtleesderr\. on. dlotr II ...-." WID ._,..... ._..,. .,.._ .W epm 1w _.. lttt» .......... ~ T:JG. h ....... ot a .ta ~ hrahalft. wM II a oe Pt ;tu1Lidua whlctt WOJ cui· ""'nllfant el CeroM cltl Mar, llilllltte 1ft .,.,_tto. DQ, Oet . .. me ~-11.. .....,_ a r.,.eaatattw il ct. De 11 a 111t111t .,. a.le (a ~ CJModl .. ...._ ...... * ....... , w • ... -n. ... ee.., ~ .. 1M ,..-----------tl .. -....... "' ......... OOX a KBk'.JatS wa1t 4 a._.....,.. chler, ............ Ql 'at .. CM&n--•• , t ....... ,... ................... --~.,. ft n .... ~· lw ~ Offlelft ....... tile lillie. t.l7 a.lr ............ ,... ................ ~ _.. ~ Cftll. " llluae: eo. Ia leMa. _,..,... • .... .,..... ......... .... 1lln. -~wm ..... . ''dloer 11M1ther.:" ""• AND._.. ..._..~ltiAH The ,...., ...... -·-..... .... ct. .......... , lean OalbNith • ~ 411ne- ReA• W.Vte• , ..... ~m ""---.;.....-------'l tor ol tM ~ edleol The • ,._ _________ ..J Folger'~ Cohe ..,..,.. 01 .... Edwards CoffH 11-111 con Slcl llo<:lc Teo Blade: Teo in lags <:'a.fthf''-r• Green Tea in Bogs '-'~ CANNtOF~ Red Salmon Spinach r.......,.. ~oy lit-er '"" 1 Jc Spinach LIC>CPI =-·· He:re'a an.~ezceptional value event to ac; quaint you with t he many aavinga at Se.fe.- way.ln every ~lron of th.e store you II find low- price fc:eture~ that offer you a real chance ~9 cut down food costa. Some are Ita-ted below Check them -~d then vt•it your nearby Safcway where you U find many more Come. &hare in thete outatandini value ... and save I Look for the Red Arrow ahdf markers at SaJe.- w ay The> 'II lead you to money-$1tvana valua. UBB\.BRA~"D l~ evenly 12-ounce can 41c I~ BLt BOX ~ 23-oz. pkg. .. :\LTED SOD.-\ 1-Th Super Suds Snow Flalces iracle Whip R\CKE.Rf box . ALAD DR L~G pint jar Cet entry blanlu and full eoote.t detail• at di«play in your Deerb:r S.le-wa:r Store. ROUI MillS Pancake Flour Sl.t-·~ .. •404& ....... 21tl Flapjack Flour Poncoke Flow Pie Crvtt Mix Cookie Mix ComtMOI .......... Dt~ 1-lb carton Cid« ............_ Tomoto Juice l;;;;: ·-"'" ,. Jiffv lou Pudding ...._ I• ·~~ . ..,~ ... ·~··ri'l CoHoge Cheese •ey; ~ rte ,,,_.,_, Nob H1ll (2-lb. bac. l~c) SARWA T SAVIIGS Syrvp LotC- Syrvp sa-. ...-.. Mayonnoise ..... ....- Cookies ·--) Vonilta Wofen . .. .. .. ~· I ., ~ .. .. --- SAFE'\VAV ·T·i A~'l.':::.• -... --. - 17c -II 3 3Sc -~~cheon Bridge Parties dight Social Scene .Nolu /roM C.,.,.. ihl .Mar ev IQt 5·~~aott Stat ...,._, ,_ ~~ bri4ce pj.ttje wu a bower ct ro~e~a of all CIOI· ..,....cl the ..:iaJ ..me tor on aDd kl!ada, tubtroua ~ ~ 4el Mar tbie week. 'lbt ud tall bro"'D can41ea. JOHN e~tUNINO, AfltE 11 MOVE TO COM ...... ,. .............. ,, C£LEeRATU ellltTHDAV Dk* and Al,yUla ~ r-1111-.. ~ r'1 .U.Ut« JohD llr'un1q. &OlD ct "ho until m:oently U\•"fd on BaJ. 1be Harbor Star Oub met 1\aes.. Mn. Mupret BNftl.nL 1J07 Coast bOA l&land. are now ~ the d8)' evenine ln Pl.~ Jlall. Cor-J~•""&Y. Cf'lriln.lt'd 1\ai 11th barth· Graham hornt', 510 Ac.da Aw .• ona del Mar, wrth ta praidmt., da..Y an.nl\'ft'!IU)' Sunday. ~ ~'hkh t.ht'y ba\-e 1eued for a )'8r. Mn. Ida Naylor, presld1fll. 11M. ~ on ~. GCICWTf!d Alter lundlece .t.bt 1\*U ~­ M ........., but the taa.t-. and .tt bri.. Mtmbml ot thfo clu.b -ql tNt C\MSU Weft lotal ..,.. pl"-.-nt ~ lileldamtN 8. w .... ~ Jo. Stamp Sr .. Ar-- was t~en·M to John and 1\Ia ,uesta Routine bullnesa matters were ln the Brun 01 patJo. wtueb was VlltT1NQ TME POWEfltl d1truucd and announcement was decoratt'd WJth all'pJ&I\ft and other Mr. and ~ Earl You.nc ot made "'fUdlna the <Jeutort can1 decoratlonl dNr to the he&tt c1 Lone ~ and Mr. and Mft. ~ to be held on 1\tesd~. at >'OUQI bo>'-Walter Nocle from Huntlaaton the home ot Mra. Ht'lnz K.ailt'f'~ 147 C. bld!llb few t.hla btaut.JI\al. thur Gant. Harry Wdlll, K. V ~ .....,tH bridce-luncheoa Wft'e Dllta. with Mrs. Arthur ~ JoM ll.eador, 413 Colcktu'od and Mrs. Jobn Meador aubtdu.u- Aw., Mrs. ~rald RJtdll~. ltl5 l"-Cor absent memboa. Prtzft Aw. and Mn. John E. Sad• ~won by Mn. Meador, Mra.. TM lutld\eoon was ttnlJMd oil Beech ~t Sunday wtth the VIrclnJa Platte, eo.ta Mesa.. 'nck· with t.ht' .. rvlna of ~ cream and Frank ~"" family at 601 Mar-tta &l't! one doUar Mel\. and t.ht'~ 21.1 Nlrcl.w Avt. Sad.JL~r .a:nd Mrs. Blackbe&rd. birthday ~. The aft~moon was l\k'l'lte Ave. wtU be card ~ames ot all klnds- 'J)erlt at the Udo 'J'hNteT" follow· to suit each ruest. 8ettl.ne wu the CUnJaa- IOOID at ttt. H~l 1..quna. wbkh. 10 From Harbor Area ed by t.nothe>r llf'SSion with birth· IN NAVAL TRAINING Proceeds froin the party &l't! to day cake. CUt"Cta w~n.> Mary W~la. "Cibby" ~ o1 !510 Acacia co Into th<' s.rt<n~ral fWld of the Tera 'IhOrntoa. John Vale and A.'-e. ls~· At the Crat .I..akea OUb. ~mben of the Harbor Star = == ;'J,h >'~ ~ Atimd .Youth Nb OD \M table. cu.t11, .u trom the Ten young people from the 11.atttor area and Otw.n,e County Harbor area wUl nopre~t the ~: Mt't'dames NrU~ s~ St. James Eplsropal Church at a Gof'doa Findley, liAn'>' Welah. K. Youth Lead~rs Plannlni Conft't'- Tom CIJd~ralt't'\-e. Naval Tralnlng Aadt'my for a Club l.l't! \\'Orklnl toward the day •I :....-__ thrt"t'·month 00\li'U. \Vh<'n h~ !In· wh<'n thry will have their own MOTOA TflttP ~NOt lc;he« t~ COUJ'5e ~ will bt' loca\-cttaptt r room ,and It wtll bt' nec- Mr. and M~. B)•ron C LUd· ed In Memphis. Tt>nn. r~t)' to hn~ te\'l'ral hundre-d V. Dlla. 0 z ~1"taon. s w. f'nce th1a w~k~nd. BleclcbN.rd, C Lewis Baltz, B Bishop Bloy \\1JJ s~ak to the Z. Ncl<lnnt'y, Henry E&rrt. u.. )'oung peopl~ at the conl~rt"n~ r.t.A f'ayt'tte Blrtt'tuc•r, O Un '<· bt' h~ld at Fore:st Hom~ near .Jonll. Norma AI~. C. B Rudd. R<'dlands on this C'Vm.Lnl IFrl· lum. 513 Cold~nrod Av('. arrivl'd rlollal' ~wr. a dulrtPr wiU be home recenU} f rom a IA't'dt'a mo-MRS. GfltAHAM ILL &1'&nled tor m p witlch took them to Or-M~ Fran()('S Graham. 510 Ac.-a· Alwr th~ adjournment of bu.~- \-11lt.", Sa<:rammto, Mat)'IVtll<', Lake cia Av<'., h!U r.uffel'f'd a 1\"CUrrt'l\{'t! in•-s.. ~tlng. lht> b.'ll~ of th~ Tahoe.-. Reno, th~ HIJh SIC'lTU, or he-r ret'lmt Ill~ o.nd Is con· l'\'eninll; \\'M spcnt In playing throuf:h F'Nlth<'r Rl\t'r Canyon and llnl'd to her home. •·ard.' llntl p~rtllkln~: of ref!'Kh· flnall) hornt•. 'f'tl('~ Wl 1'1? ·('('Om· panjed b) .Mr and Mrs R \' Ludlum of Santa Ana SAN DIEGO TRIP mcnt' It wu decldt-d I J hold the NO\'· rmbt'r mf'ctln~ on th~ M'C'Ond Spmen-Boyd, Donald Hall. w da} • and tomorrow. ~~(nee Kathleen Sadl.lrr), !Wv. Paul \toort" \Vbeeltt, pu.- ~ Stoddard. Robt'rt Klllefer, tor at St. James. wm accompany ~ Ff'IV1on. OUlto Campbell. th~ lfOlng to th~ conlert"nce Att.bur A. Kemper. Jo. Stamp Sr., !rom hla church. PUfltCHAIE A fltAN CH 'tr and Mrs. Edwin Holmherl: 411 F.-mlt'af~ llr't' ~ndlnll th<' NTTl'nt w-eek ln San Ole-go Thl'Sday of th<' m.mth Artbur G&rrt and W. H. Hltd\man. MUitCtANI AT TEA I em. of the ~aM who parttciJated at tM mualcal t .. -.w at tfte Over· Mr and Mrs. W1U1am WIJ'I"('ft. Kra. ICJUdt'r capt~ nrst llarbcw Pboto Lab holt ,...Ide--on Haritor laland .,.. Mre. &talle .,..""" Milia of .. .._ lalar~d {at the ,.. ... ,, Mre. who with th<'tr .an John ea"an-tl AtteDd M~ GOP HoiCis f.l- ...._ Mi'a. OUts lif'COt\C1. Mrs. Hall ~-D~ ...... .-...a...led Craoe Poirier, Corona ckl Mar .... lit (lif ... l"W) IW'd eart Van der lctlllllftg (eut,M), • ,.....,,,..". nauah Mllde at 418 OahUa Aw., Of u WODlell'8 OUb ~ 11*-4. Whlle Mrs Bill ~ ~ wwuue baritone r"Ktntly amved from Holland. Tt\e mt.alical ... part of • llllv.r tu for Ute heneflt of tfle ha\~ pu.n:ihued a ranch In VIctor · • In l....lsfralfon ... y IICC.'eplH t.b~ CONIOlatJon Pbo~ Howard Fobom ealboa leland Mettlodt.t Chapel bullf lng fuftd alven laa1 laturclay. (Photo by Beek:ner) \'Ul~. wbt're they wUJ S()t'nd the ,:~r;:;:nc a.':::cSrdand .'::e~~~ ~ s-ta. · ls now opentJnr the~ Photo Y.inttt months IContln~ from Page 1) ._:s ~~of~~~"::!::· d~7~ar~t ~h~ Islanders Plan New Church Dilta CW. HOlds cou To .. o .. T oflto ~J=t~:ia~~!:t~ ;~~!:!."·~·nc:~(':de·~~u:~;:: -1\laday This pu1y wu II~ this week. Glenn Coudl will be H ,;,a.; • s-Muttor ~I Janws A Bren-Cl b h lncl aJ (W II ) p hlbltl nllta for tnmda ·Who are ~mberl of the ~r ot the phot.o&ftphlc A brand new church wblch v.•iU tor the bencltt of a buUcUnc tunct &i&tiMirq per nan. S05 HeUotropt Av~ .. 1~1 1\tes-~~t; kit u<te. •1! of Orange Jn~e:~nde~t!.«'Thwn:ndlt:, Soc: tile "-"lar bridp club which ~mt of Vlnaont'a Udo DNa. house Ole \\'Ora.hlp and actlvttler which aims to replll('e the prewnt M bt' of the w.-..r Alft da,y for Fort Ord, CalJf., In com· M MI. C c. Wal ..... -". 7""" n...t'n· laJista. All·Amerkan and tha.e ...... IDOIIthl '"" Sadlier home which wUl open lOOn. of t~ Balboa uland 0\~ of quarters of the Balbo& Island em ra ·V"'-~ V I rv y. The Harbor Photo Lab Is U.n· thto Oui.st O.urch By lht' Sea Is 0\apel now housed In a t't'novatfd ZOnta Club wt're entertained at pe.ny wtth 110m(' ot his mt'n whom lt"ttla Avto . Corona d~l Mar. wu who ~lined to state. --C.omp.1mon F•·.stur,- John Emery Hillary Brooke "LET LI\'E A GAl!\'"'' Stan. Wednndlly Red Skelton Brian Donlevy "A SOU'DIEBN YANKEE" WATCH FOIIt THt MEeA OPENING w... Ttlru .. t. Oet. f.t Dennis Morgan Jack Carson urwo ouvs FROM TEXAS" -Second Bl& Hit - Frank Sinatra Fred MacMurray Valli in .. """''I..; .. _.. .. JIIRACLE OF DIE BEIJ..S" ..... Mon. Tue.. o.t. 10·t 1·12 Clarke Gable Lana Turner -&OIIEOOMING" --CompMlOft F~at\lft - Lois Collier Richard Crane •AB'HIUB dttgolng a compl~ remodell.lni the drNm of the church member~ store on Agat~ Ave. an outdoor party by Mr. and he WU translef'rlnc to t~ new lo-one of th<' guests ft'tfd at the per-Precinct Total flttp. A rum n.>ntal library hal ~n "ho pi"Ht"nted a mualcal sU,'t'r Both land and w.ter transpor. Mrs. D. M. Hummel at Th~ cation. He toxpected to bt' bad< l.n ty. which wu held at th~ Ebt'll l . .. 344 168 added. F\lll ll"ngth feetuns and tea Satu rday afternoon. tatlon ~l't" provided to the tea. Arch Bay on Thursday of last Corona dC?I Mar by the eod of this Ctubhou~ ln Santa ANI. 2. 385 149 a.l&o &hart subjecta, lnclud.lna 8 The tea wu h~ld at the whlcb was held trom 3 to 6 p. m. ~k. ~k. Unl\•f-rslty Oub mmtbt-rs rrom 3. 429 182 mm and 16 mm j:OUnd or sllt>nt home of Mr and Mrs. U<'wt>llyn &slnnhlC at 3:30 p. m . th~ H usbands of th~ members ~l't" C~rona dtol Mar who attmdeod Y.'l'f't' 4 380 lftS 1Tl0\1es R!Y' 3\"&llable accordl~ to 0.1'rholt. No. 1 Harbor Island "Round th~ Island ~rry" lett aJ.Jo lm1tfd to th~ hamburl('r DEMErA anHdU~tTrsi.N~nk a~tA . 32~ Mrs Roben c. Hom . l4M ~--5 324 190 .,. 1 f .,_ [ •--d ...., d th •• .. ,. u ~ .. \"i('w and Mrs. Harold \VIbon. s: l93 299 r o som. 'Hawaiian Eveaill-' rom '""' ,....,, pter ~·ery JUpper ~r.·~ un er e tn!ea. Orchid Ave. h&\"<' ~n on " two-320 lrU Av~. M rs B' V R.orrlt>nl i 41l6 2 .. " FRIDAY li nd SATUfltDAY \\ 'lLUA~I ELUO'IT '111E GALLANT LEGION'' al'-0 uoo Co~' and &wen Bo'' 6 hall hol-Jr_u.nttl rlvt> P m. Two C'U'I Auisllng host~ \\'t'f'e ~trs Y.'et'k \'lc.'at 1nn In t~ Mt Shasta ol N Y,h f I I """ I pent by Choir transported 1:\Jf> t..s to ~ Mdd rt'd Stanlt>y. Mrs. Margart"t -on. d-r hunti'na and ft··. h'ftft ~ t•wpodrtl ... .' 0 \\'lll!d~ lonner Y 0 R ~H 311 h .. 1 .. t dun ..... '-If h I B I d "I • -t h D I t. '~.... ~-.. ~ "'6 "oron!l f' '''8 r an mllnagt>r 9.. •"" 231 \n aut t ntl(' awa.uan t\'('nln" t:>a ng ('&•" .,a our ellvlni run "I an " rs. .....-a ro e IU-latl\'<'5 from E..ccondldo BC'COf1l· of h d h I 3.1 Ill ....., " ,. Pf·nt b~ thr mt•mbt'rs or tht> from tht• RaJboa l!'land Po5t Of. Entmalnmmt afu.•r the sup-panted tht'm · t e gra ~' sc 00 c C?teria, ro 10 36q 250 C't·mrnunll\ Chun·h d101r la. .. r fat"'l" pt'r mdudt'd an amusing whitt' -:---------------a_t_t<'_r_d_ed. __________ 11. 252 200 \\ll•k "" \\t-dnt•"<<!\~ when thf> :'II~ Cratt Po.nr>t .. r i tO A\"0-t'lt'phant salt' auctioned by J . As4t·~ce Seen For New Hospital 12 323 222 n \UI"C"h Ol'l!ani<t, Mn: )I&Jhan~ ··•uJo A 'I. I' L'<•rona ck>l \1 r. was Le Jle Stt'ffenst>n, and abo shut· ... _.. t :l 4!).1 299 duu '"· • nkrtalnPd thf' "'"l:"ts e>nP of the ff'atured llilloiJtl llt tie board and <'I'OQ\K't games. A "Uran('(' that th.-Pn-sb)1<'rio.n 75-ll('d ~pitaJ w~ warrant<'Ci A l t 1!>C' ~r; and thor hu•h.lnd~ and \\1\"~ thfl' tea Four nth<'r H><'allstl who Pr~nt at the paT1' Wt'l'l' Mrs. Hosp1tal \\111 ,.,. hUJit at thf' ~('I· ''•1 that ntrrkd Wf'\~ht with th,. 15 ~-..~ 1 ~ \1a<-' ~ trio• • hom< "~~ adom· ·~mt' from out of town !l&O S&J'IC T l , lma Hope.>. 1\lr. and )ira. Don· t"i.1t>d -.1tr nrllr thr AI"C'hr' wac; \'i<>atnrs WI\.~ w ,;tat<>m<'nt thl't thl' 16. .l!ll 264 t'<i v.11h mom<'ntn whl<'h ""<' :1 PI"OI;T3J1l ol dasslc.."31 numbl>r.. In· .ll<l llummt-1. Mrs. Earl S tanle). ,.lrnm:h ,ndwat•'d ut 11 ronf rrnC'(' Jl•••pita.l C'ommtlt('(' now hll<~ S14..'l.· li. Jll( li7 hrnuc:ht M<'k \\1th lwr fn•m Jill· dudm~ many b3Jiach. .-nd llaht ,11 and Mr~<. F'n.>d StOddard. !-lr. hl'ld ai !'an1,1 Ana :\tond.'l:\ ( ll"l 1"1 th<' bank and artiJth\'r $150.· I~ tnt 170 \\811 tl 'J.Umm•·r II• wdl a-m•u1\ ··l•L·~..... a.wJ M rs. J . Leslie SteUensen. A pronll'•l' to obtltln F\'d!'ral onn In <.C>'Jnd r ll"dgM 19 ~ 11\1 Dem. 140 196 201 173 118 72 200 162 184 95 3!l R1 162 li.l 1M 104 "JIXX l'IOl'TEi"' . Cartoon Sat :\tat SeriAl Ha"aat.tn art ptN·•' \\hu•h -.ht• •VOl· :\IN. Pnin<·r has IT("('ntl~· mo'ed Mr and Mrs Harold Klng of fund!> fl)[ tht• pn•)('t·t ·1f w~ C"an" 11 .'"..-:t .. hrous:ht out at th(' h('ftT· lt'<t<'d who n ~hf' ll\•'<i tht.N' ho•re from Los A"i"f?les "h<'re Jhe l',t...a6f!'na . Mrs. Jamt>S S tader of \\at; mac1t> b) Or \\'Jiton 1. Jlnl· ing that th!'l"'' Is lt'SS than onr· c1ld rndto and C'On('('rt wortc Otht'f' u .fl, Mrs. Myrtle Brooking , Dr. v('n:on. ~tat<' din'< tor of hl'alth, half b<'d pPr 1.000 J)t'r'l!On!l avail· PRE-BAZAAR SEWtNC artists pr('S('nted lncludf.'d Bart an1l Mrs. W. R. Coleman. Mr. v.'ho a]M) 5tatl'd that thr d<'<'l<:lon able In the area affectM a.long Jt I• tn 1'14' not<'d that In onlv thrN' JlrN'Inrl$, 2. 3 nnd 18. rlo the Dt'mocrfttll outnumbt'r the Republkans. SUNDAY and MONDAY COR."'iEL Wl l.DE LI:\'DA PAR!'IELL C:&pllla C'irt"le of th!' Corona dtol \'an <k>r &blUing. a bantoM \\ho and Mrs. J . ;\f. Drolet. Mr. and on fundtt will romP thJs yc:>ar, the ro&.'lt. from Huntlnt:ton ~c:.h Mar Community Church wtll ha\'t' ha.~ l't'CentJy &n1\'t'd !rom Holland Mrs. Joseph Hamblet. and Mr. "pt>r'haps in Nowmb<>r." to San Clement<'. ,--------------. lt.s l& . .'lt Jll'('·ba.taar 1<!'\\ini J"n('t'ting and has sung ln Europe; nose Ed· and Mn . Kenneth Dell. The conferen~ wu held at the In discussinr the need tor the 'THE WAlLS OF IERICHO" a.lro PAT O'BRIE." JOH~ GARFIELD CIFL()\\fiXG GOLD" cartoon New~ TUES. WED. THUflt&. REO SKELTO~ JANET BLAIR "THE FULLER 111 10 n m TlJP'Id&} 1\1 t h~> home wards. lync soprano, who haa a1>-Prtsbyterl.o.n Church at Santa Ana. h~plt.al. speakers mentioned the ot MM. CirorgC? LP~1s. 304 Marl· pea1'l'd with Dt>trolt Symphony; ,. At1endtna the m<'ctlng Y.'ith 'or population growth, Increase 'In gold Avf' A"-!.i,.ting hostess<'~ "ill Marie de Schudl. FN-nch radio and :rFrom CDM CJhareh Hal\"<'rson wen> Dr T 11 R084' tnttnc alon~ tM (OUt hlrttweya. be ME>sdnm~>'> C'hnrl~ 1\uru~r. C. concert artist; Frank Q>~. bas· Attend L A. Meeting of thC? l ' S. Puhllr H('(tlth St'~ th~ llddrd r~1raln on health and A Laru.dalr and M!Ul;U<'rit<' FuJ. so cantante who 1'1 soloi'>t wJth tJw ,.1l't' and Dr. n J. )fan ftrld. hJs <'rfid mcy ot nwdiC'al men who ltor ("Jrrll' m .. mhrl"'' lin> ~ked to T<'mpleo Baptist C'hurc-h in Los An· Thr"" n•pno'lentat 1\ f.'S fn-•m •!or.~ 181A . art caJW upon to st"t\'t> In ~m- tum 10 tht>1r ~ummrr Sf'w1nr and gPk>s; and. Mary Ann Morri10011 ,.. r••rlll 11<'1 Mar Communlt'\' ...-~ ~ l•mhrotdt>ry at •hie m{'('tlng young sopTBno from F\Jlltr1~''1 ,, h•~ • 'hur r·h n • 'f'nded t hto Congreg;. Polltlelana PreMnt M'gf'ncies.. Dine With 'Queen' l'l'Ct'ntl)' did solo v.'orl< '"' 1•11 rh,.. • '<" .11 FrUowshlp m{'('llng for Thry ht>ard J"t't)Orts on the ur-Dr. Halw-rson inVIted the HOIII-Orang~ C'.ounty !'v...,, hom r h h· u!flet'rs of th~ women's chW"t'h gt-nt n('("d for tht-hoq)ltaJ pf't";erlt· pi tal C.ommitt{'(' to~ a sum· P~tnl organlu tlon , whtch was n wec.-k f'd b~ Dr. F .. dward L. Ru.c:sell, mary of the mater1al pres.ented at h h(' 1 h nff Dr L. F tht' hea.rlnr and ~ a d~l~tlon Tht> PJ'Oit"'., , •. 11 .. •rran~<'d b\' a.:o at t ~ F1rst Con~gatlonaJ C'OW1IY 11 I t~r. . . to the ~ .. .,. of ~ State AdVI· Estt'Uto Bmwn Mtllll of Balboa t~-Chun"h of Los Angel~. Whlttak<'r Huntington Beech. and !101')' Commit~. Which will JrH!ot't land and Loc ~l~ MM Mlllll 'I'h<>5t" attt>ndlng wer't' Mrs. 0 Or. G Norman P<'a...~ of Corona in S8n Frandsro soon to consld· WEDDING CA.K:ES BIRTHDAY CAKES FO .. IOM£THINC I ETTEIIt t£E GENEtg 705 Cout H loflw..- Hal't>or 1102 Corona d6l M., BRtt B MAN'' also •-nm CRIME DOCTOR'S GAMBLE" l'otr and 1\trs Mtchael Rotunno 417 l'o.a!Y'I"IJ Avf". Corona del Mar d.Jnf'd 1\a~day \\,th th~ ·~ for 8 Oa~ who won the rovt>ted tltl~ on Jack Bail«'>"s ra- dto proerazn was at tht' p1a no ror Jlllrt of Z. Rotx-ruon. thank offerlng del Mar ~r thfo allocation of funds. tht> af1emnon. Th~> ~ n( thf' rhalrm~tn. Mrs. John r:. Sadlelr. ('halrman Marion Youel of thfo -------------------------party :0.1r. Ov('rholt rrndered t apllla Cii'C'I<' pN'Sident, and Mrs Board of Dtl'l"C1on of w Pre-sby· romf' diJ<'tS with )in Po1ner ~rry F'f't"derlck 5<-hroc:k. pas. tNu n HoSpital, opened the ~t· Th<' ''Qut(on" llnd hf'r hu~band -Mr and M.r~. Cabn el Schiada- ftoted at Torttlht F"lau In Laguna illlill~~~~~i u Wf'll u th<' Rotunnoc. \Wre 'I'M Sc:hladu had hf'fon awarded a wt't'k'11 tioni')TnC>On tn Laguna. wtlll'h tht'y hMI not tx>rn able to ~v~ wtlen tht>y were married 15 )'QJ'W ago Baiholl b land <'h&P<'I bulldin~t lor's wtfe who Is an offict'r of lng. Rev Ray Braham<~ of Lquna campal~;n Is undl'r thfo l'hlllnna.n-the group. Mn. Sadl~lr aleo at· Beech outlined the 5tt'pS takt'n by ship of Mrs P F" Bam~. 106 E m· tended lh~ Congr'l'g"&Uonal Con-the Hospital Boe.rd alnct" Its lnl· <'raid Ave.. &!boa b land lt'renct' recently. tiatloo at t..acuN Beach more than two yt'an ago. Otht>r mtombt'rs of the ooast &-l- egation at thto IME'tlng Included PLAS'ftC SHOWER CURTAINS '2.98 8 ,., . by ' F'T. PLASTIC CURTAINS '.1.98 21 IN by ·~ IN. peaker of tht' AUt'mbly Sam Col-Blue • Maize _ CN't'n • PNc:.h TI£XANI ENTERTAINED Wednt'Sday mark"<! the open· of the board last w~k establlsh-Senator Clyde Watson, Sen· Classes Begin in Churches Blu~ • Maize • Crwn • PNdl BEFO,.E TfltlP HOME lng of classes ln religious educa· ed a number or funt'tlonal com· at~ ta.ry J . A. Seek. Braden -,U__.N_D_A_V __ -.,-0-N_D_A_Y _____ I Guests from Wichita Falla. tlon for puplls of the N~rt mJtteea Finch ot Corona del Mar, Secrt-- OCTOeEflt 10-11 T~xas. were <'n tertalned by Mrs. Harbor Grammar School. Spon-In ~ddltlon. copentlon was ta.r,o Harry Welch of the Newport ------------John E Sadlelr a Wft'lt ago be· sored by an lnt~r-faJth commit-pledged to th~ oommunJty re-Harbor Ownbt'r of Commerct', JUSTICE! . ton.> returning to th~l{ home t~ representJ.n& Protestant. Cath· IN.Ied tJme proera.rn throucb the Or. J. Scott MacFarland and T. DH!t From A Deck Of Carda .. state l.ut Saturday. They were ollc and Otrlstlan Sd~ appointment of Mrs. George B. Talba't. Mrs. J . I. Staley, who ls Mrs. <'hUI'C'hes, lh~ d aan are belnl Rftvft 8114 Mn. p F Ba1nes u etMt eact Awraoe Sad.lelr'a au.nt, anc Mrs. EJofle attended by {l!th. sixth. III!'Venth otndaJ reprnentatrvft on the Aceordlnc to the vWdnc ol!l· Ann SHER.JDAN Zimmerman. The tadles IJ)mt and eighth grad~ra who.e par· eommJttee on Chrlsuan t!'C!lle:at1on ciala. It ~ from the facta "SSLVER RIVER" th~ summer In th~ Hawaiian ~ ent.s hav~ given wrfttf'n perr.n~~. ol tM Newport Harbor Oound1 submltted that tM bOI.lciJftc ot a w!th Thomas Nitc:hell ~nda and 1topped at Lquna slon. of Ch~ Bruce Bennett . Tom D'Anclrea BHch for two ~Ia on tM1r Teachln~ ~nnel tor U... The ro~ were named U ..------------ Barton Macl..ane way beck to ~xu. A luncheon claDes were announced thle eha.lnnen of tJ)e IW'MDnC com-~VRNIIHED A~ARTMENT _ And _ wu Mid In th~lr honor on Wed· ~k. The tea.chlnr .taU of the mlttees: c:urrlc:uham, Vrt. Bllhwa· Two bedrooms ph• be4 on A S tor To Stir 1be Heerts ne.day befort" th~y ~-CathoUc Churdl lncl~ lfl"'L ChrUU.an family ancs home ure: ~ Senti relrlc'ft'- of KJda of All Aces! Paul Auche. Mn.. DeWitt a..r, Mn.. Rftws; audio-~ a1c11. ator. 0uts1c1e en~. $C5. "MY DOG BUSTI" KA~Aa wn ... L MUT Mrs.. Eth~l Brown and Mn. Jame. ~. ~u; leaMnhJp ~ "AReoR aa....~ TM Donaldllon • Jobft U I ICifl* Kappa Gemma club ct Cooper. The Protestant Churc:t\ rnent, WUUam Kaw.on; Utera· 7'00 Hett.t,..,.. Ann Doran -M Barr1 te IOUthtm <>ranee Oouncy will ho)cJ Coundl haa employed Mn. lulJUI t:ure, Nt.. Elale-Newtand. spec. Corona del Mar • ona t' the tint meetJnc of the 8MIOII Christenson. Cla..es for the tal da)'l. Mn. Ed 8ama. ' :.------------Cole.-Cartoon -Latest News Th\U'Idlay tn the form o1 an Open· Chrtatlan Sdeoce ~up w01 be TURI .• WED .• Tl4UIItl. tne T~a at the home ol Mn. J . tauaht by M.ra. Edith RJce, M.n. ~-----------------------, OCTOBEIIt 12·11·14 Thomu Swanson, Emerald 8&)1. Ed'Ward Cha_prna.n and Mra. -----------J...a&'UnL All Kappa eJulT\1\U from LouiR Callq,twr. Love! ... lAu.ght~rl toulhem Orang~ County are In· Th~ Boar4 ot tducatkm o1 the "RRMANCE ON vitfd to attend. Monthly lu.nc:heon Community Mfthod._ Church THE m.nww lnll a a" meetlnp wtU be held thJoouttt hu . launched ..... plan to make the un. Dmtnl.D June. rt"llglous educaUon proeram color by TedmlcoJor mort" effectlve. Thls ITOUP _,.. -And -CALLED TO CL£NDOfltA ei"ViM.>s the two Sunllay Sc:hoola Swindl~ and Bribery • • • That Mrs. ~ Crlt'Uer Sr., o1 214 of Balboa bland 01Qe1 and ~ads To Oou.bJe • c:ro. Olmat.lofl Aw , Corona del Milar, Cbriat Church by tTie Sea. and Bla.clcmtilt wu caliM to Glendora last ~ Meeting at th~ home ot ~ "SHED NO TEARS" on account of the death ln tM T. R. P~ndeU, 1.565 Oceu Bl~ l't~ Carnl)y ol tome life-lone friends In Balboa. unMf' the ~ Wa.lla.ct' F ord -JUJW V1ncmt C ~ndora. of William llcDonUl ...-. Color Cartoon -lAtest NfM FRIDAY • IATVIItDAV OCTOnllt , ..... 11 Cary GRANT • 1Hn A Jlnrt1R "'NLY ANGELS RAVEWING" Thoma MJtmeU • fUta H&)"ttll'')f'th R.chant ~lmt -And -"00 T GUARD" wfth Rfth&)!~ sm r ... Frand11 nr" Co~Cartoon -t...Ata1 NC"'-'1 Your Future in Radio? ProfleesJonal Training in · Aettac-~-New-"*'"1 Script WrlttiaK I AU Phues of Radio LO OOL OF RADIO • (No cha,.. for profuslonal audition) 11101 Newport Blvd. Co.ta M... ..11001'1 Q01 Spencer H. Boyd, M.D. announces the opening of hls offtoes for the OCTOBER llTII Uoura b)' Appolntrrwnt HARBOR 2900 CLO PAY WASHABLE WINDOW SHADES 36 bteb-89e t2 IDeh -$1.19 f8 blela -$l.t9 BUFF -IVORY -WHITE -CREEN Open Friclay Eve Until 9 P. M. CLOPAY BOIL'YWOOD cmrrA.IN8 4Sc RII'D. U. 8. MAIL BOX -18~ IN. HPV'V GALVANIRD M&'TAL INC. ''WJane IJ"J.c Dola-l' Od. More" 1~1 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa Training Course is Offered for Leaders of Girl Scouts Another opportunity tor Har-att~r are ukec! to brin• a bOr ~a IN.~n and proapectlw "'nollebaK'' lunch With tbmL lea~rs of Clrl Saout troope to SU~nt mfttlnp ot tM ~ the INden tralntnr eounae course wUJ be ar~ced today. 1~ offered, beatnntnr toda), at Aleo at Santa Ana. on:N~Dld.Jiw the Santa Ana Girl Scout Uttle r~mlor etad~ may attend a Houllf!. lor Leaders Round Table on Ckt. The course, which Ia a .. muat" ~. from 10 to 2. lor future Scout leadere of On '1\Je.Say there will be a brownie and ln~nnf'dlate troop. badge workshop tram 9:30 a. m. l~ ft'Om 10 a. m. unUl 2:30. Tha.e t<. 2 p. m.. whJJe aJJ leaden are Invited to partJclpate 1n a work· New 8allday School shop on Oct. 2n and 77 whJch .,.... ___ •-gun 1-COM will take up work with puppeta '-'IIIWNI ~ 10 and shadow eroupa. •• A Junior hJrh IK'hool chaa In Director konol"ecJ Sunday School was ~ Jut At t.M Girl Scout eouncu ~t· Sunday at the Corona del Mar Ina whJch pre<:eeded the tea rtv. ( 'ommunlty Church. Teacher t>n T\Jetday In 1\onor ot Mlu for the cl&q Ia Mttrecllth Har-Jt>&n Taylor, the new director, wood, a member of the church the council ratified appointments choir, who has h.ad pf'e\•loua n · made by Mrs. RAJpn Oea\-.r, 117 perlence u Sunday School tea· Apolena Way, Balboa lsland. who cht>r and superintendent In Ctn· ls the commissioner. 1beR ap- clnnatl and Indianapolis. polnlmeni!S are Mrs. \VUhur Tht" junior hJgh ~ehool clus ls Lake. 308 Onyx A\-.~ Balboa !a- for M.>vent h ami f'lght h Vad~ land, and Mr" Rolx'rt Allen. BaJ. only. Pu•vlously they had at· hoa for staff and office chair· tend~ clas .. with the hlch school man and puhllcattons chairman. group under Wflllam F. J<Jmes Plans were also made for of Orang~> Coast Collere st'ndlng leaders and workers to Breakfast will bt" sen·~ at the the regional conference of the chu.n.-h by the C'apllla Circle tor Western States, Hawaii, Guam the Junlor hJ1h tiChool c:laaa at 9 and the Phllllplntos. The confer· &. m. SundAy. RewrvaUona ence wfU be held at A»Joma~ should be made with Mn. Ray· nNr Carmel, on Nov. 9, 10 and mond K. Harvey, 'Harbor 1652-W 11. Jt Is hoped that eiJht dele- or with Mr. Harwood. Harbor rates from here wW attend. 078l·W. Sunday School la at 22 Act1ve woru., 9 :45 ewry Sunday mornlnr. More volunteen were enllated to a.ld In the Community Fund ~ ENTER CJI11RCR drive, making a total ot 22 ac- tive worken. AT OORONA DEL MAR Mrs. AI Glbion, ot Corona del ~nty·flve ~nona were re-Mar, who la chairman of the or· celved Into the membership of ganlzlng committee, lntrod~ the Community Church at Cor· her committee memben to the ona ~I Mar at World Commun-council. They are Mrs. William lon serviCE's Sunday. Tritt. N~rt ~ach, Mn. R.. Receiving the right hand of F . <..~nnJngham, Corona del Mar. ft'llowshJp from Rev. Perry F. Mrs. Charles Starege, Balboe X. &hrock were Mr. and Mn. Har· land and Mrs Edward Doosce. ry A. Brownfield, 233 Jasmine :'\'cwport. Ave.; Mr and Mrs. A E. Fttz· ------ morris. 222 ;>o;ardqus A .. -e; Mr. tTRPRISE PABn• and Mrs A. I-: llasp.'l, 711 Lark· HONORS ISLANDER spur AH• .. Mr. and MJ s. David HanMn, 315 Larkspur Avt>. Mrs. F. John.on, 1100 Oct-an Hl\'d .. Mr and '\frs Elmer H. La Lllnnt>. ;10 JleltolroJl4' Avt' ; ~tr. and ~ln.. l::r nt':.t J.. Hld<'nour, 701 Pe>J'Il~ A\1•: '\lr nnd '\!r<~. 1\rthur I . Sali~obur). ,(IJ l'npp} 1\ vr.; .MI.ss Ann Char IN'n Stapleton, 1 1!1 his A\<'. Mr and Mrlll. F . }J(oyd Stillings, lh<'rr dauschler Lorrnlnl' and son FrN'l. 216 Dahlia Ave.; Mr. and Mra. \'Prn<-II. Wat110n, 311 Cold· <'nrod Av<'.; nlt10 II. F. HadCleld. 1145 S. Sh<'lton. Santa Ana, and Mr . and M,.... M<'rt'dlth Harwood. 270 \'lctorla Costa Mesa. 26 Members Attend Movie Club Meeting A full·l~'ngl h ft>alure film and n numb<'r of movie shorts pro- 'ldt'd thE' t'nll'rtl\lnmttnt at tht mct>trnJ: ot thtt ~cwport HArbOr !\:o, le Club last Frida) night at the homt' of W illiam Alford, {-602 W. ()(-(>an Front. Nt'Wport. Among thP 2ii scue<>ls were th"' !fJIIowlng from Corona d<'l ~tar Oottl &nd C';lrnn Couch, Chr1• and Dick Stanhope, Betty Stan· ~t'r, Dick Staftord, Howard Fol· i<>m , H. M. Bushby and Carolyn and MIJt Nix. WOMEN'& FEllOWSHIP MEETS AT COM HOME Proof that men can k~ a 'I'CrN was found in the surpr1~ htMMay party (iven at thl' homt' nf ~tr 11nd Mrs \\11bur l...ak(' 308 On)'< Aw• Balboa hland Monda' ''' Pning of last W('('k. · The l'«'l't't about thP dinner par. 1~ hononng 'Mr. Lake was kept Cnr ~<"veral days by the men who ridt> to and (rom work with him It took Mr Lake-completely by ~urprisc when all of his lihl.rt'-the-- ridl' fr1t>nds came hom!' to dinner w1th him. W1ve-s ot the commut{'rs w<'re alao invited. ThO&t' present wen! Mr. and Ml'l. Harold Raurht ot Nl"'J)OM Ht"lght.s: M'r. and Mn.. Hugh Me· <1ymont. 477 Marigold Aw• .. Cor· "'"'' dl"l Mar; Mr. and Mn Paul J Whilt>hou.~. 700 M&r~tUer1tt> A''l'. Corona del Mar; Mr. IUid ~1 1"!1 Ralph Dt-aver. 117 Apolena Aw• Balboa Island: Mr. and Mra. i'onnan Frnhrn. 412 Ffomleal Ave . Corona dt>I Mar. Miss P?lyllls &nd MillS N&n<V ONver al110 attPndro lh(' party.- ~ufllrice gifts for each of 1M 1:\rl'«tc ncl<i<'d to the list of unt>X· pt'ctt'd happenings. Benefit Lanebf'OII Reid For Bl Circle 'hetMlay AnC'ther ~netlt luncheon for the BalbOa Island Clrcle, H. S. C. S. was held T\Jesday at the homr of Mrs. MamJe Foote. 200% Women's Ff'Uowshlp of St. ~apphh·e A~.. &Jboa laland.. And~'s Prt>5b)'terlan Church Co·hoste~~s were Mn. Louise was entttrtalnN'l Wednt>aday at ~mllh, Mrs. Erma Rutter. and the home of Mra. E . A. K. H&ck· 1\tn. Marv Colotts. ('lt, 72n Marigold A\~ .. c-orona R<-centl v Mrs. Foote aald del Mar. The met>Ung was open· goodbye ·to seven hO\af!l\lftts ed by Mrs. Edrar HUI of Udo who spent the ~k on the IJ. late. land at her home. The guest~. all Talks were J1ven by Mrs. from PuadenA, ww. Mn. Stel· Agnes CampbelJ of Santa Ana Ia Greenstreet, Mrs. Adele JACb, and MrL FrankJtn Warner of Mn. Nellle Watkins. MrL AUoe Udo late and Claremont. Tea Mott, Mn. Mary Nichol~ Mrr. wu served to the 18 ruesta rot· Gt>rtru~ Meldrtn and Mrs. 011\'e lowtnc the meetlnr. Mn.. Hac-Worrell. More company ~ kett'a tea table wu laden wtt11 rived Sunda.y from Puadena, ID· rwa cludlnr Mn. Re4)' Monfort and ,-------------~1 ;\frs. Elsa Wallace. Personalized XMAS CARDS A ~t ot novel and exdtlnc better Unes to ~ from. S.lec:tJon of •tandard. enc:rawd or emboaed prtntlnr. Come tn now . . . You'~ tuft to flnd Juat the rtaht card r. rou. BROO~IH GS VARIETY" 'roBE' 103 CO~&T HtOHWAY CORONA DEL tAR PhoM Harbor 850 Mn. Perry, Soil Move 1 To Dahlia Ave. Oo~ Kn. Anna ~rry and Mr. )(on· ta Perry haw moved Into the cottap at 508 Dahlla Ave., Cor· ona del Mar. They Aft the moth· er and brother ot the late lila VIola Perry. who wu a tonn~r ~gUsh teacher at Newport Har- bor Union High School. The eotta~ on DahliA wu buUt by Mba Perry abOut 10 yean ago. Mra. PeT)' and aon had been llvlnr ln Sherman Oaks"' d\.U'lnc the put 2n yeara. Prior to th~lr arrlval tn Corona del Mar. they spent two montha visiting reJa. tJvee lnt Norott. DaMita. Enroute they vtalted the Grand Canyon ol the Colorado RJver, tbe Black KO.Ia ol South Dakota and Zion NatJoD&l Park In t1taJ.1. Slher~ fte ~~~~ ~ oi Our LadY ot Mt. Olnnel Catholk- a.rd\ wUt M ctlt>bnltM w1th an f."\.~ aoclal at 5 ~. a Sund-.y At the A~Mrialn LeciOI'\ lbll. Carnt-5 wtll be plAyEod and pri%C'!I aWill'd.ed. ~. and cotCt>e •>UJ tw- wn·ed. w'lth tnal"lbers of the con- gregation bringing a hot d.!Jh tun<'h. E\~ryoM b lnvltf'd. A IAl 10 a. m. hllrh mua. ~llnday ~It «1510 (Om!N'mOf'lltf' tht" IT TAKES TWO-The new Ml'. and M,.. James Foster ftnd It taka two hands to cut the wedefl"9 cake at tfle reception at •t. James Epl-pal Church following tttelr marriage la.t week on ~*•Y evening. Watching the bride and groom Ia Ml• Mary Ellubetfl Foater, 1 ~er of ttle groom. Looklnt over the IInde of the .QUclta it Gerald Whltehud, cousin of the bride from Altadena, wtto wu one of t~ uslleA. When last hurd from the -ddlng ~plo _,.. at Carmel on their -ddlng t rip, wlllc:h Is expected to take them north and eallt. ~ newlywed• will make their flome at 250 ~oppy Ave .• Corona del Mar. The bride, ttle fo,..,.,er leatf'lce Wonn, Is the dauth· ter of Mr. and MA. l . W. Won,., 117 VIa Jucar, L.ldo lele. The tt'OOm It the ~ of Mr. and Ml'l. aolon fl. F..UI', 113 Topu An .. Balboa l1tand. Ha will be •-lated wfth lilt father at dletn butoA for Tru-tt Crultert Of'l Miracle Mlle. tPhoto by ~n• COMMUNITY Pl AYERS House Remodeled POSTPONE MEETING ~tar monthl} m~une of thl' Remodeling the lnalde of their Community Play1 "· ~hiCh w as 10 1-o\Ut' Is kt"t'plnr the famlty busy bf-held ht t Monda> \>.&i ~tpon-ar the home of Wendell HO)"t t'f1 dut> to dn>s" rrhearsal fQI' thf" 312 Ht>llotro~ Ave Corona del pia) 'P<'tltcnot f'pn•r" 10 ho '-'j,·, n '\tar ThP Hoyts ~ntl) said b.> the pia) 1'1"!1 tc>nrs:t.t md '""' •r· S:rOI"I<In\" to houst",Ut'StS ~r:'l rc.w nl&'ht ' •·· •· '" Th~ w,...,. '\1r and Th<" nf'Xt htJ lrn"$' m Ptrnr "1 111 '!" ;~'<•rll" H ".,'PI-"'1 parentf .,.. at 7 30 p m 'J\r•.,dJl) :Jt 1 ht> of \I r' J lm 1 Corona dfol Mar Cramm:tr ~cnnol Ell'C11on of offt<'CI" will 1M> hl'ld 1-0UNDI NO OBSE RVED ---• ~~.... I.<•'J <(' JlaUilJlM.. ~.:-: Ja.•· HONOlULU GUESTS mrnr A"• Corona del ~lar t>n· In bf'l~t't"n n>ht•al"lll, f<>r the ,,.,,,. n•~l '"" ~fan· and Martlla I Community Plll)t>'""' prod•Jrlu>n ~·:r·, \\oman's or5:&Jllultlon ot Mr llnd ~ff"'l Lynn F. . K~>prM'r • n·l 'ht> ~~ Paul's Lui hE"! an Church ler1alncd un1 XJ)('<'1•>d ~t>t.L~ from n: L:tl!\lr ·• on ~\'E'dnCidav. Honolulu Mrs K"PJl<'r ha!t 'h" · rolt' of Clara tn · Pt>lliroar FE'\'t r" romcdy-dn\mll pn"t"niNI luc&lly I lnnlaht and tomorrow night A \'0~ COSMETIC liONS HEAR ROSSO Corona del Mal' Repraentatlve Ra:-Rosso. roach at Oran~ Coast Colt<'ltl'. was the featw-ed 5J'('ilkf'r at thl' WN'ln<'sdlly mt't't· lng of th«> 811lhoa Bay U ons Club at Roumore Cafl', !\'t'\\pbrt. Next Wt"dnH<lny·~ !TI('('tln~ of the Uons Club will IX' In <'hllrrr of Georg{' Klckham. MRS. 8ERN~DtNE NEWlON $14 Acacia Ave. PAno MALT SHOP 1217 COAST BL\'D TAV ONE- Harbor 35-W For Your Enjoyment TELEYIS10=' $A).'DW1CHES MALTS • We will give you Ss .oo ••• if will ,., , •• ,. specify A matched team of dependable perform eN foe ~rior painting. Puft P~pa.red Paint Synthetic Trim Colon 1HIS IS tHE MESS~GE IT WU. PAY YOU TO IE~D • We wiD lfve yoa $5.00 credit on $50.00 parellUe of ()U) (X)L()NY JJalnt made wttbla 011e yeK from 4a of .fint puT- . ! You sa\--e ~ perceat! Come in tAMiay and get started \\itb tht worth- \\!fdle u vbags! 1eW1NkLE ·•~ .. ----2Sth )'t'8r o fthe churt'h ------------------------- ' I V TfliLIY ACTIVITIES OF llltOWNIES AUXIliARY TO MEET DIICVIaED AT MEETING y,1lf'tl Au.t.lhary ot t~ St. Brownlrs' lt"tl\ 1'1~ for Jam•.,. EriJ.t.cJpal Church wtll C'Dmlnr \f'llr ~~re 11•'~ as meet Thuraday at tt1e home of t hl" mot l'lf,. of I hf" nPW Bro~-nle Mn a B Br..,.·tT. !104 s Ba\ Scout1 mCI laat Fr1dav at the Fronl Baltna 161ant1. at :! p m homf" <>f \fr Rlf"haM Stpwart. A ~lftllng '\1rs Bn-v. Pr u <"')- 100 Ahalon• A\1" Balhoa bla.nd. h• II"<< will lx• Sul' J111c·hman of SHO,.BS MOVE TO Bl !':ttw r~ rd~nts on B.lJboa Is· land a~ Staff Strt John w ~horb and famll~ at 119 Cn·su! Ave . Balboa Iaano SR1 Shorb '"' In cha.rg~ ot the L' S. Army a.nd Air Fort'e rec.ruHing out~ on tht pltr at Newport. RETURNING TO L A. \fr'<. Sheldon Hartw~ll ot 809 :'\'nrth Ba} Front, Balboa laland. "hl)~t husband recently passea &\\IV wtl, JOOn return to her I~ AnrPies home for th~ 'A-tntPr PLANS DENVER VISIT ~~~"' C F. Wil!rams 11(\ S f " f'ror.' Ba boa lsla'lt1 lea\'f"> !"' r Jar f r Oen,-er wtlrre qhf' "1 'h.t t l'r chlh1re~. l.in'll after < hrt•' :1".-ll hollda~li &-aron Ba' CAlL SOON For Your PeMJOn&.larPd Christmas C.ard.< Pn~ Reasnnablt> Abo ~1a>;azlnt> "'"' rn~rns f('r Oln•tma• KAIItl AXTATEIIt Iii' h'f'P) A\' nuP . H11rbor :.?<1'75-M r •rr•r.• d,.l ~lar • liHERE'S NO ~ 8x -(Reg\ilar $5.00 Value) PLUS SOO:S! 411 COA...."f HlGHW A Y HAABO" 1247-W • ' l IT 1i XMAS • CARDS WITH YOUR PICTURE (Regular $1.75 Value) f r y (Good Only Until October 30, 1948) nta ADDmONAL BEAU1D'l'L PRoro XJIAS • 1806 • «'W()Ort Blvd. \Va~'Tle E. Ott C taM .; • -.. - COMBED PLYWOOD a ETCHED PLYWOOD Pion~r Fuel & Building M.A TERlALS CO . DOC 615 COAST BLVD Corona d~l Mar. Calif. Pholll' Harbor 2910 Harber Drafting Service ~ our aketcht'll 6uitabl~ for 30 ft Ito:. eoo to 1200 sq teet. 1. 2 • 3 bedrooms 161.5 COAST Hl<!JHW A Y Corona ck-1 Mar. Ca.Uf P. 0 . llox Ul PhoM H&t'bor lt47 -lntf'Mon - e W i ndow kreena e W indow and Deor Fr•~• e P ICture F l"amlng PhonP Haritor llOR 1 101 ''1 CC\11.51 Ht&hwa~ C" rona d"l Mar Caltf fo41LON HUTCH INSON 2'11)1. llf"1N8 AVE. Jla1We. li&&M H.t.J\.801\ 1JD..J ~ la .JI'enDanent w .... DONALD LEBO with T b e TA\'EitN COMPANY ~ RA&l Et;ta~ Brokt>rs PhoiW Harbor 1741 1101 COAIT H IGHWAY Coroaa 4el Mar, Calif BALTZ IIOBTCARY Th1c J.'l <lfV>'<a l ""''U•d authoriuo t I t' JcqJ&r.~ of SHIP l)(l(l \h ) ln l-.•• <!!; for I hf' conJtructJun of h ·u~tnl: faC'tltll(>i;.. l'hf' proposal • ~· ',.. a·• annual P'<p4tndnurf' UOXTAME HOLD &IO~THL Y ~LE.En.~G r;::::=::E. GtLB8RT=======:;-J_ mofn .,..._. ~ .... OIIf. 011 li:ln: _.,... .., I -.: ~(X)N Ji!J~= l)(f'"a~OA w !XTdlolt' DI(X)IV.1'1:NO • • IPIUTil'fO A1fD W~ CX>t.Dil ....,..,. a••"''f£a.& ~ Btgest barpJn ln town today Is ldilll ~ ...,.. tiM MKI I8CUrity ~ • MPPJ hGtlial a ·m thillt -.. ,.. .._ tblre'a -. di'f'Oraa foe ....-y fow ...,...._1 .. ww,.. tlliakk'• ................ c k7 a-twlua ... c.llt ., v r' .., u.e.,.,.,.. .., .............. ... 1!8 for tile o.t.ndor ..... •a.e Owaer DmENIII8N ..... .... fi'RIDAY. OCTOa~ .. I, , .. .... ., WEDCEW OOO CAS RANCE. ===========122 tbedJ;;;d;;;oot;;m;ttl.lmllbld;;;i;i;;;tiboc~;;;~;:-. -21eiY ldt ha.nd o~~n and broDft'; t. fltatloM Waatel Conl St., 8aJboa Ialand to J une A ~ .,_ .-.ale and In· at 1M ~ .............,. to tit.lra Mlr"amar, M 1 8•39 f~ -.. ...... ....,_, ... c:b.lJdftll to the Coron.a 6el Mar Cmtral. J St 40 $3'7 SO H&rbor 2887.-J. ,_U-e ------------lSt.h. Phcrw 41.55 A.D&belm. "Al\"TE:D-R~labl~ Y.'Oma.n •111 do hoUIIf'work or lronlnr. by hou,r or day Rd~nct'l l1 ~ q ulrt'd. Phon~ r\'~n1ng~. Har bor 3039-R or call at ~11 Ju- aM 1M1i1 fMII~a.. wert ._., -"It ttdloot 'nle tipres at the J11bt ~lr&l, B S1 tl 41 AMERICAN ORl£:-.'TAL R VC. Wftk for the OM-oM del Mar denote pldt.q;p l11'M lor ehlldretl tnorth lldt!l 6xl0. re-d fi&llr~. tin~ ~nd1· aod Newport Grammar Schoo 101t\c to tM N4!'WJ)Ort Sc:boot N EW~ORT HEICHTS Uon Al.o pla.no, mahoeany Becauw bua tadlJU.. are not Leav• fer Luv• fer CLIFF HAVEN magazJn~ rack 309 ~1anrold ... t• to ~ transporta-CDM Wtoot N...,.n acMol 8·00 Cia) Santa Ana ~ 23 r.orona del ~!ar Harbor Uon {or all ~ the {ol)ow. tHO"E C::LtFF (If ~) 8 00 Cia) Full~rttn I' 4!1 1023-J s 11-c ------------ IDa plan hu been adopted: 8:~ ~c canyon Drive 8 01 Cia> R.J\t>nddt ,:. 22 &. f'Ol' Rent Corona~ Mar: ne~ are~~~ and DriftWOOd ---·-· .8:13 8 01 Clay Snuc Harbor R·20 CHRU\lE r 1IXFTTE SET. 2· ---------&.----- ltopl for dill~ of all poa.dec C::O,.ONA OEL MAR 8 02 Clut Or Snuc Fiar Fl 19 v. ·~ ht'alrr, n(>V. un~m:f'd liAL~OA JSL.A:'-."0 So room hotJ.S(' mln~ Cl•rona d~l Mar ,_U < ~lt.p ftOOM trlc:tly private mtr"aDOe N~wport Blvd. A Bua 11M. -~ntJeman preferred. -212 VIctoria. C M. ' St-2t-e R M for ~nl Girl shan hCJ~S». U\ltq a mU~ or moft from 8·13 Coast Hlchway, Poppy SECOND IESSION, COM scrPf't'o door lhubfJr !!P!or. ' and J.room apt both ntw a.nd khool. lnorth side) ·-····---8:13 11:40 Coas1 Highway, Popp~ S·lt·c r-mt~rl~ turmshNt Wlntf'r FURNISHED 4 room hou,ao No N~ School: 1b4! f oJtow-8·14 Coast Rl&h~ Poppy f10uth JJd~· ~ -------------rf'n•at 224 I'llamond Harbor duld~n Phon~ Beecon 5o56C).K. Ciow to town bus. and Qrance Coast Cl:IUt"'C". 171 E 19th St.. \osu M~ M-U-p tnc do not ride b\lues: 'Iblnt. t.outh side I .. --··~-8 :14 11:41 Ev~ntnc Can)"n Dr . HL~GA.L.OW PIA' 1 F•mc"J' •• w 91,~ 35-U-e Fourth. FUlh. SlJrth, ~-enth and t1·16 ~v~. Mari~d :16 Or1ttwood If n~e-1• K1rnbel 'Yd w• ~ "'tf"ll•ml-------r-------------------Ela:ht..h crad4!n lk-1nc v.~ of 8 8 17 58 view, Jassmlne _8:17 11 42 Coast High"' :n Poppy ""'" Ju , Th < a , ...... Jl > " II S t. ln Balboa a.nd ~ut of 30th IJ 18 S..vl~w. hml~al ... ..8·18 rnorth sld(•• "•I rh~"P Al'" v •l"r h4 l•"''" St. In N~ Klndergart~ COM School ..... --·-· 8:15 11 43 Coast J1 l!hwa\ "''""~1 w."<i n''"'' t•nh S.T."• ::.c and First C'f'&dft'a lh:lnc ~ut of .AL.OA IILAND Mart51old mo.-•~c 1CI I"'' Jtq, ... ...-...,.~ ~1nth St. and v.-.st of 20th St. 7 S~ Balboa. Diamond 8·15 11 44 5€-an!'w Ja.smlrf' !"'.AI•1" Tllr> ... ~\" S.'i• '" • ' walk to thfo l"f'RUiar 1"10ps ~ 8 :00 C::olltna. TopaE, ~ark, 11 45 Sf'a\'11''11. FPrnh·af n d• ! r .... -! ,.._~ P ~ .. '" ~ .,..,l o nd fMlMTs ll\·ln~ '~of II Collmt. 8 ·1G SECOND SESSION ~·r. ~1.\.C,r.~''• T•M• •r w , W hral) and eut of 2-llh St 8'tUI R 03 Park Onp, 8:17 NEWPORT I•A .... z . ..;t1{\1J[fT" J'IA '•1 ALE OS LINOLEt"M REMNANTS Asphalt Tile qgoner ~Alii ha\t• to walk. BAYS IDE 0 ,_1VE Cf'ntra' A 1.1~ ' ·~ •, f •• p ""'"' • • Bounda ries De«:r lbed 7 55 \•Ilia Manna !t·20 Ct"ntra, 0 ~· Aouruta.r1P~ for klnt1Prgartt'n 7 \.'l Balboa Yarht Basin R·20 Ct"ntra F" ~· PA IN T 8 I' 0 BE 11 nd the first five ~radt"'!> art" u 7 .~!\ Rt!'aron Bay .. 8 :20 Centro; I J ~~ 1-IIEV'ENTE.&NTH, COaTA MEtA folio~: 7.55 Harbor llla.nd --· 8:21 Mlra.ma I "' i_,. J -:.r Jl•p nf 8£A.OON 5l.Cl·W \omn. ck"l 'fAr !'rhool· Cor· COAST HICHWAY ~tlra.rr.;.r \t s• \J ~-:=======================~ ona d~l Mar Balbo. I land. Bf'a-Ill' llav Short" 8 ·25 C~nt.ra1. B c;;. ""'" ·•'• !: l' F"q! '•t·"'JI" r• ,. ron Bay Da~ S~ Bay Short' g o.& Bay Sho~ Camp 8·25 Cf'ntral ~tacn :: Ji 1 lt \amp. East of Ba> Sho~ and Port Ora.nce ..... ... 8:a Ct>11tral. Adam~ :1 :r. ------------Mek'1 Jllldr-'tlalac & 1ftiJer Service G&NE.IItAL n'E.£L trAI ... RUAUUNG r-.;pwport Hr-lchts. Cou t Hll'hway a.nd Crntral r .... and :: .z..., n "EL (t:l H· a· .. , • Y•-~;•• df".J"'"-~~wpori 84-ach Scl\ool· Udo San ~mardlno 8 •l 5 Klnder(lartf., ltk .. """' J7..:. Inn~ S• H-·11· 1~1~ Balboa ran of p4"n1nsula to F1nl~y St. ·---.. .8 :30 Cf'ntnl J()lh 11 ~ l., SlfY).R , .. 1·-I rh't"f' I, Nt>WpOrt Ek'at'h WM of CO •t T H IOHW .. .,. Coast Bl\'d . :lOth 11 3!) O r!\-r,, PLA . n , , Bav Sbol'f"C. "" ""• • Coast Blvd 241 h 11 40 \\~-R"""' • .u.. :-; • IA. 1 •s TRAILE." HITCH£1 & OVEftLOADI aN.C::IA.LTY 1111 J"'U'LLEftTTN AVZ.. <DSTA 11ESA BEACON 5821 Rubber Tile Linoleum Broad!elt Im":'\t"f' ..... l r •.tllnt.on :'II 4t H• '\.-n.atoh• Pn~ ft,.. Ph""" BEA 11305 W P .-\GE • y, .. ~ .l.""Tif'n <"n<'P 13~ E 17TH ST . Costa Mesa Blue Print Co. All Sixth. St>\~th and £lgtlth W. NEWPOftT . Tht' n•gular 51011\~ ··m~ c;ched u lo"' 111 poor m<•ntt Alo r• .,. d d th :-; rt Coast Hl1hway, Orance .. -8.19 1 1 th c 0 a"~" \tar S·honl all~<'d at Pnd or t,.rm on pur Corner Bol.sa & !'eo.J.rport A\·e. -=;;j;;ijiijii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~·~~~~~;;;;; «Ta t'll a"Pn ~ . rowpo Coast Hl1hway. Slcnal Sta. 8:20 '-«' a P •r n . ~ p~ I'tA:'\7,SOiMlDT fl School.. 1 1 h d 1 Coast HJ•h,_,-a)" Ora.n-_ .8:21 Is as folln"'~ Pl.A:-;o CD !>:'0 :-;o M&~n San !'-========================~ Beacon 5588 n ev Md e e u • .. • .~ K1nd~rgart 1.''1 · 1l 30 a m. and ,... .... _ Coast Highway, Helen'• Ita. 1:22 3 p m ta Ana Follow1ng Is tht" ~M"d .,... It a·n ------------ I ... IMoor~lulto for th~ Corona del Mar Cout Hleh::tv~·:~· •. . F1rst ~nt1 a.nd Th~:·d grad~ I £UXIR.IC Ha•-ahan ~.Liar and R . w . McClellan & Sons :'l:ewport Grammar Schools. h St .8.24 U 15 an-1 3 3CJ P m I ampliftt>T Almn 1 n•·• braut1!ul The fifUI"t"' at th~ l~ft ahow gout ::~ · :!h St. 8:40 Fourth Grad~ 2 30 p. m. tont' 17:7 In lnt> ~~ &aror . o.-era1 a.Nmc co.tr.etcw the time WMn th~ b\lues a.rrh·~ cout Blvdv .. -.h St. 8:25 F1fth Grartf" 3 p n 5100-R 35-lt-< o.ut .. ~ · · Th• gomc hom~ Khf'dul~ at Cout Blvd .. 24th St. 8 41 tht' Corona drl Mar School on PORTABLE rorrrr~r outfl· L IOO IILAND PTA daH I~ th~ saml' a~ •h~ ~~-lilt~ M'W. 11~ Spr-.y-Way l U do Brld~ '"'"' sldel 8:35 ular schrd Jll' !or km !l'rl!artt'n Shop. 24~4 &, !"rowport Blvd I Udo Nord \"Ia Orvieto 8:36 and the u~t thr"" ~radf·s. but 11j ~aron 6Hl.J 39-U-<" Udo Koro Vla Wazl~rs 8:37 Is 1 Y1 r· m hr bo1•h trr tour'h R~ei D£HTIAL -COMMERCIAL -INDUSTRIAL Dealers in PAP!'& JIANQING 1~ Newport Blvd., Costa Mea. THE TRADE R.ck -Sand -Fm Material ~mpo8t"d GI'Ul.it~ -Dirt and Peat Soil OFFICE PHONE: BEACON fkm RES.. PHO:sE: BEACON 5715 Udo Sr·ut1 nub House 8 .38 a.nd fl!'h ('r t-1"'-BAMBOO COR~'ER Guaran~ -W UI not a~ Udo Soud \"Ia M~ntoM 8 :39 Th•• r•':"U H f.!OU"t: In~··· ~,.!'IN1· !'.~l:'RSERY Udo Soud \"Ia Oljon 8 ·40 ule at · h· ~., wror· ~ !10t11 I"' a• I :<• a c-ompil':t ~lt•'k or 'all II 2611 WEST CENTRAL P HONE HARBOR 121 your mon~y It not a tlatled. 8AL.OA _ !ollnw~ ,~n..b:<. rn·•~ t>u•t,. t>t-dd.r.-: NEWPORT BEACH Central. Adams 8:35 .._trtd"r~ 11 ,.~ 1~ -oo:1 and ' 11 AI,', '"''' •p. , , r "'····· ~ nu1h !'l!1t' I q 'Y; ~-m. '"' nr r, '• ;•1 n'• h """ •""-d II L-----------------------------~ Paal R. Scheerz ("rn•nl R S1. S .3i f"1r,· ~·'('< ·•l a.nrl T~11rt1 ~n.l~>s t r u ,, r" Crnlral f" S1. ·Jall2 _.0 ,1• • i• i'· ~ l!liU~,.,.-;:; 'i .:.•' • ''' ~ •• ., yp ____________ __;_ ___ ,_u_r_am_A_r._r_s'_· ___ s_. 1 Fou··!J 1 ,. , ~·' 3 I' m ~-·111"1 \ • ~ .• 7:':-: .-1-'1 r ... ... , ._, ~" ... h 3:ld 1 -• YP'""t.'' • • "1:-r. EIJtt\1 '1 i:1 '•' 3·1~ 1 m : •. '-:• C::EMEHT 8LOCKI FOft HOM£1 , The en.··· hnm• ~ hl'dU.:» ron l1H'I:f:Sf" F.L\l!': ' " •" C::OMME .. C::IAL .. IHDUaTRIA.L 8UILOINGI ~ CENf:RAL CONTRACTOR\ PTA Ml\, .t •hf' :'\l"wpnrl ~hool '1h r~ '11 • 1.ea.~ro ,...~WPOBT BLVD., TtJSUN Is lh<' ,,,mt '' 1he rPS:U .tr "rh•'<l I 2295 HArbor 8 •vd ~-"' ,,..:. \\'c H.nc Somcthu•g :'\E\\' T o Offc~ t 1~ fo 'h ' «t ·rrM' f,!rl'irs. bu• Tel a u 8163 w L. C. \VA.RD. Prop-. 1~ It L "'" and ~ "'llo ~· m. lor Parktn(l on Wllao" St Kfmberfy S-4.126 1'07 W. WILSON COIT~EIA au. M11·W kind r •• tr'•'" 11nd :! Jlt p m for At'Ound Corner A B U ILDER CR:\ ... ,~ BRO . ROOFING ro. ROOF ING OF Fn-e E.• tirr'.a· io ALL TYPES All 'WOrk CuarantHd B EACOS 560-t CHAR~ .-\... OGD&'i .t SOX C ment Con~ton '-=========================: the Fr wrth • hrough l::t~hth grad r ~--------------------------~~ KROFHLER Sc•fll ~1 h.! r $-11 '1i'l R ESIDENTIAL -COMM EftCIAL -INDUI'"'IAL Br11ron ~W 336 C~ta 20C8 Oranp A'" 133 West W it.on. Colna Kesa C::ONTR.AC::TOR BEACON 5703 CLABENCE cCULLOCII CONTRACTOR MILL a CAIIINET 8IIOP All Types of ftesldentlal and Commercial CabiMt Wortt. t107 VILLA WAY • HARIOR 4MM LUM8Eft -8 UILDINQ MAT~RIA.U auc::oH 1011 G F. R.GREENLEA~, ·~ 9rmrluf & W oldm~ OENEftAL. CONT RAtTOftt GEHSAAL otrFIC• -W, Cll.NTilAL. AV'K. ftL~HONa. HAR80R .,. .... ~T..a.ALIOA. CALI,..ORNIA c. a. Ol!&&ta .... Oo. I U COH ton 11M ...W~T .LVe ,. C OITA M•IA ORAIM80ARO., M THitOOMI. ·~- TU COHntACTOR u~ "™ .. NEWPORT AVE.. COITA MEtA NOW tN 0\ltll • -- •••••• ~~~ A\'AILABLE IN 5 -10-%.5 .. 50 & 100 Poaad Sacks 21761 NEWPORT .LVO. Op~lte 22nd St. Telephone Beacon 6113-W e RUITIC:: IPLIT REDWOOO ~ALINO e ftANCH TY~E I~LIT .. AIL e SHAKES & 8 A"K ~ftODUCTt e REDWOOO ~ATIO FURNITURE PHONE BEACON S&91 FOR F1tEE ES'J"DDJ. TES CALIF. RmWOOD JIATERJ&IJ; 00. 1112 COAIT HIGHWAY H~OAT 8EACH .. Covering The _South Coast" P AlNTING and RESIDEN11AL and DECORATING COMMEROAL 141' COAl HIGHWAY CORONA DEL MAR HARIOR 8t1·JK ~LUM81HQ CONTRACTOR d REP. 114 L '"" at,..t P. 0 .h x ta Phone 8eaoon l t 76-W COITA M&IA ~---------------.1 'DLE CONTRACTOR Mf"<..l St.. C M ~lt-<" B!:AOON 61T."-\\ BEACON 56'74-J ,L---~~~~~~--------------------------------~ ~reFloats Batu STEJ1\\.\'A 'i GRAND PlA:'oi0 AI a --------------------------• • • Drain boards RAKBOR 1044-W George E. Turner I 417 21th at -Newport a-ch YOUR DREAM-KIT CHEN! ~·s no acM.mder bwwtment ln ~lmpro<Ntu~ut u-a MOOERNI&ed kttc:hm YOti ean have the kJtchen you ba"~ ~ in your day-dre&nw-tn t"Nlity-ln YOUR bornf-! 1At us show you. W1th ~ and ~tea. Have a talk with ,. • 80JlDON a. FINDLAY e-treoe.r .. h114er CAJIINET SIIOP SERVIC£ "·~­CA8 1HETI & 'M ILLWORK T. C. .TOHNSON. SUpt. 4tl1 lOtti M.. Newport ~h ~=Tt'a1 bar,;a.in Also HardmM Klmhall McPha1l &aotJ!ul mtllll fo:T"&lld on·l~ ~ Go~< 1CI!lf' f1nf' ~n~ ca.Y i'f>rm~ I'tA:00.'7.·!'~f'TT'T F'I.A:-o'() C'O 5~ :-;o ~tam SMile Ana f'OR.J')SOX TrllC1or and ·oo·~ : J.fakl' 11n offf'r 21n~ Mln~>r on!' I hl()('k wMI of Harbor o rr \'1C' torb :.'6 tf< S:'olAlJ.. C"lfman n 1 hPat~r ..,. •h ~"'"t' rlf"' ~md ~ 1!'111 611 ~. 397 llamuton 1."H!-c Buutlfy Your Home With 0"" CE li E NT 'I1LE S~GLES • Beauty • Economy • Durability MA..'I..'FAcrt.J1UI!O BY Pacific Tile Shingle Co . FACTORY -271 E. 17TH C'OSTA MESA OF F ICE.......lt01 Lafa)'flte Aw . ~'"£'\'PORT Bl:A.Ol a uoon 1051 HartMtr 21SS Our A~ tar. Cov~r So. c.l1l ETAL WORK e REIIDENTIAL & COMMtftCIAL e WEt..OINC-BOAT WORK e CUITOM FABRICATION lblnleaa lteel -Copt:~er -Alul'nlnum -Ga~tnd II"'ft. etc. Air Condltlonlnt -HMtlng Unlta -Vt"ntl~llng DJUrlbutor for 0~. ElectriC Heatlno. Cr-aM P lul'nblng Suppll• SMI TH BRO • 'C O. NEWPORT AVE. -11-"'EAR 16'nf COSTA llESA FONtANA Plumbing DAN ITONE. ft !dent Mat~.~~OW Licensed and Bonded SERVING SOt.miERN CALIFORNIA 0\ "ER 20 YEARS LICENSED AND INIUAED GE..,"ER.U 00!\TRACI'OBS \l. ·,u "'-'•ld .mychm~")'\t'""~ m tlu H~ J\~ca PROMPT SERVICE FREE EITIMATE CALL BEACON 831'1-J 4SS .ROADWAY COSTA MEaA PACIAC HEATING CO. Inc. HEA TrnG -VENTILATING AIR CONDITIONING Sales -nice .Jaaitrol -Royal -let-Flow -Qmen.l Electric GAS FUR..~ACES CORONA DEL MAR HARRY w: TAYLOR PLUMBING ud IIEADNG Costa Mesa & Harbor Area OOMPLErE PLUMBING EBVICE LOUIS "-"'EST. PROP PRONE BEAOON 6117 MATERIAL COMPANY SPECIFICATION READY MIXED CONCRETE 2Zt West Wllaon (MtwMft H~ a1141 Ha,_r 8 1.,._) c.u ·--~ hi!Oeft A Lesson From Yoai Wateh! Ewn tbe best watches IOillf'- tirnH ~~ out ot onkr -When your watch Ia not aocurat-. brlnc 1t In for a =, lt may prt"Wnt more ve ~later .. . ~avl CU. Watdvn&ker .. . WALLACE CALDER HEAD Jeweler 817 CX>AST HIGHWAY Corona ~ Mar Tors figlt# Way To Victory Over BoniHJ: 'Play Corpeltferio TottigJ.# A~ W'l11-~ted at 8 p. m. 'Jb~. Oct. 21. at the liar'bal' Hl&h'a IUI'pl"iillnc rricl IIWDPinc pound at Cll"n D&v1L Coi'On& ~ Mar Grammar Scbool tHm. pk:kt'CS u tal'"*n befOft Standout on dtf~ wu _,., tn a Joint Ctvk A.oda~ and ~ ~ opened. ~clay n1&ht Jim JOeiD. ta~. Who was tn be- ''Watt'f' ro.r N~ Beach'' pull~ an upeet and downed I Bon-hln4 the Bonita forwards to t!u'ow ftudy Culltu T . D Saenz's attempt for the u· meetlna. Ita Hilh .c:hoo1 ~u.ad 13 to 6 in oppodnc becb for twquent la.- Oran&e Cout Collte~ was still tra point •-.s ~ul r i'Ogn.m ~u1 ~ announc· • came p~"ed at LAVem.. .._ 1n the .. Uodefntcd Orcle' this P lratea TMI)' Aealn t'd by f{any Ashton. ·ehalrrnan Instead ol the eox:pect~ b)-e this f\illbadt Bob Berry picked up week att~ comlna rrocn behind In Theo Prrat~ started their march or tt\t' pubiJclty committee Wbl~h ~kmd, the Tan wUJ ~t an in· a eharlt')'·hone In the flnt qua.-. the lAst quarter to down Vasta's for the "'1nruna touchdown With t. conducting the campalrn for v dina tNrn from Ca.rpmteria, ter and uw little t1C1Ion from then Palomar J unior Col\~ b) th<-four and one-half mlnutcs to go ann('x.atlon to the Metropolllan conqut-rors Jut weektnd of Ne-w-on. Stan Youn~r. lt'ft end, wu on score of 12-7 la.~ S&turday nliht In the &:&me-They started on the W ater District. 1lH! dty wtll hall 50 to 0. 1lH! game Is tonight crutchft In l<'hool Mrly this 'W«'k. at Davidson Field. ~t>r 48 and tool< It to their own \'Ole on that luue on TUeeday, at 7·30. Pralllt' wu ~ on Thomplon The Pirates started the ICOrin& four Bob Huhn poW<'rh~ Oct. 26. Accot"ding to Ralph Reed, the for his play at the other wtng. tn the -tint quartS". 'FoJlowlnc an !rom that point Lor a ~· of Th~ program et ttle Cor<¥\& del C&I"J)fntM"•a squad bean a fonni· ------ Interception by Ray V1dal on tht> 1 that was called back bee& of Mar School wtll Include the dab1e reputation. having copped l I M-B "L Coast 24 which he carried to the an otf~ by 1 Pirate lineman. sho·v.-lng of twu fllma. "Tht'y championship lauft'ls In the Trl· OCI eft rieKI Palomar 39. Ed Dowty canied th" Don NobUt made four yard&. dim· Saw Tomori'Ow," which telll of rounty le&g\M' lt$t Y~ and In· ball to the 8 after two runs or lnutlw Bobby McK~ ,..._.ched pay-MWT>. and ·•calUomJa Way of vadlng Harbor's home fleld with Wo_]d Cast .. :je_j. 10 and 21 yards. Smith then co.r· I dirt on the next play. Boggis Hor-UI~:· the film about Newport 10 ltttt"mlM holdovers from that n IV1 11( ried the ball to the 1 yard mark· ft'll's llf't'Ond attempt for COf\\.'6'-Harbor. ... d\amplonshtp ~uad. Cutlna In the 40th Annual er buckinl OVft on hll Mxt at-sk)n v.-u qaln unsu~ul ~ Mayor Dick l>r'an Ia IC!'hedul-Playmg bf>f~ a ~ contln· Tournarnt'nt o f the NAACC <Na· t~pt. ~~re belnl 12'7 t'd to make a brlel address. And gent of local fans, the Sailors tall· tlonal Auoclatlon of Anflen and Palomar mo""ed &heed In \h<' With two wtns under their belts. theore wUJ be a talk on MWD. It'd on an off tackle slant by Don Cute-I-s Clubl) a t Fort Worth. third period. ~Wnlth snac(f'd a ~ ~ eout lrridden wtu be Ashton'• commJtlH tocS.a.y ltlu· Knipp. who \Wont over fi'Om 20 Tex., In St'ptt'mber Earl o.ten.. Coa.'lt atrial on the Pirate 3:5 and ~klnc tht>lr third <."'nJ('oC\Jtlve win ed Its IIK'Ond 'Wat'ft" for New-yards out and Bob Thon\p80n vi~ pl"t'Sidt'nt o f Cocla t.tesa's rat"f'd to the ngu 30 on the re-when ~Y meet the N.lerton port Bea~h" lett~ to the pubUc. Jrt'n-d on a 30 yard pus from Don Narmco, IM. brol<t t~ world'a tum Saenz then spot1f'd Kf'tter-Homeots at Huntrnrton Beach 'This ls without much doUbt.. WIU'd Knipp alJppt'd throuCh ta<'k· TK'Ord In the official 5-8 ounce rnc ~1lh a beauutul pus on th<' Hlth School's Stadium oext Sat-tht' Jut community which wtll le wuh ~~ to ~. rut ~ Olstan~ Ba.lt Event. 14, the nger ft\d aolnc the TT'I't urdAy nl&ftt after their bye this be pennlttf'd to join the Dlltrict" ly bit<'k to his rlcht and 'M'nt 111 05teon. who llv" In Coi'Ona del of th• way on tht ~·und for a ~end. th4> WA\' ThtXn._.... wa.a In his l"nd aJ " ... --The HonM"u starte-d the aeuon the INteor sa~ s. "Barrtnc tantu· · , ;-: Mar. malnt ned an awra~ ~------------------------~ b• trou.nC'I n"' J ohn Murr Juruor tic a nd nlmo t cost pi'Ohlbltlve Zone' for Ward 8 Oip. The convl.'r-<3 lon~ c-asts out of five) of J "' sch<-mM for thE' lmP9rtatJon of ~ion ~tllrmpts -~ wide and low 409 2-3 f~t . with a lona cut of REXALL DRlTG PRES C RlPTI O !' S ERVI CE Itt Cout 8 1vd. Cor'one del Mar H. W. Falconer GENERAL BUU.DD:G CONTRACTOR C\'lR0"A DEl. MAR AREA Coll<'1!e b) th<' sron• of :n-0. Last w tf'r or the purll~ tflc of oct'an For tht> mMt pan tht> ~ 120 lt'<'t . Pli?' lous a verage rec:- Saturday night they had to come v.~t<'r on a h ul:f' 5C'I tt thf'rf' I<~ .... .._~ r lay<'d bt>t v.'e'M\ the tWCI 20 ord wu 407 1-3 f~t. ~et by E. from bf'hlnd to tiE' Long Beach 'no other IOUrt't" or water In ' yard lint'"-and had Bonita's pas· Uotta of Cle\ eland In 1~. Th.: C'll' Colll'1t" The <;('Ort' of this Southern Callfnrntn .... If we ~er ~'('n n bit ~haJ'T)f'r with hi~ former lona cut ~rd oC 417 l'<)ntMt wa~ 1:::'·1~ ,. an> to prt>pM'f' for .tnd kN'(l up t0'<<.4'C. tho· Tan would hll\'1.' had f<'<'t was SE-t In 1939 at San Fran- T ri Sig Choos~ OfFicers for Year Monnll Wl'ldr'lngel" Pn-'id• nt Fl:urw Fr1:'t.·man C\r llarbtlr l lt~oth .. Trt St~ dub an- nounCE-d the m wl) elmt"d club ,,fltl'\'1" 11ht r en f')f'(l~n was h(.>Jd 11\.•t '\lol'<'k Ko·u F t-.h< r l!i \1<"1.'-P t('- \\ilh our popul3tru n growth WI" '""' t o root ahout. CISCO. mu<.t nrqlllrt' 1111 lntert'~t In tht-lmpl"f">""'" to tlwir C'OII<'hlng In add'lllon, Ost<'n won the :0.1\\Tl ,tnrr 1~ tto" T ltr S<"rnp whiC'h h3J f')Jsl;~nl"f' B.'lltll Chnmplunshlp and The nf'xl l<'ttt'r will t>xpla ln tnkf'n thNn w1thln a whtSkc>r of abo 1'1 a nl"w worh1'11 n'Cot·d In lht• C1.•lol t•f JumlnJ: l\1\\'0 A•hton l tlt•ln~: tCll.lt:h ~1. Anthony and 0\lt'r llh' .t\11 f)l"ll\nl't' rhnm)'lnn~oht(' !<llltl I lhf' huml•• or Bonita. foml('r mlll<'hl"!l For !hi' fourth tlmt' Declicat:ion Held for Coast Collec)e dudng I h<' Jlll'lt !!:IX ) ~"·' rs. h<' wun a I"'~ •Jon on t ht• ,\II Amt•r kllrr CMtln,:: Tf'llm junior l'Ollt~t · i~ 1\ higher lnsll· t>d lh~ pnm tpal points of the> lrl· READY FOR ADOPTION EmphMiTing the fact that a I pn-~1& nl. ht\IU'd of trustees. brief· 711 Gotdeni'Od Ave Harbor 12!11 -W "tdPnl I'lr•r .. rh~ F O'i\lt>r, St'("rt.'lat) anc1 Lura )lat' l..a.ndrrt'ld 1• tn-a- 'un·r. Jt :ln Pt.., '<I oldl""t m.-mbf'r '' Kt't'("'r of t I,. h."Y' tuuon that ,, nNtr til<' peopiP," l't ptlon and NOtahlu•lunt'nt C\f thl' AI It -t'l "''' dtt,:' .• r, n "td ) fnr Dr )fl"rton F. lltll of Unlveonill)•I<'Ol't !'f'l~lt-~1' lllld then ded.lcated adorllon t~t tlw 1->t't llosprtal tor-; of Cflllh mr:~. Jk'rk\'h•). explalm>d tht burldrnj;!!' nnd t•ampus to beo Co.•"' ll•.:h"' •> Cttrona !WI Mar to thl' llll"!l!t' ~·~•UJ"I allm drng d<'dl· u't-d "'-" a t<'honl I II" ,\ 1-~, ... kr on ·''"" linnnun C'li1Kin ('('rt"fllt,nlu of Orangto Coac;t lW\<'n'nd Rnh<'rt A Blwnf', p:lll· r.-11 that rtw <.4 '' n hoxr·r PIIPI•IM, Coll~l' Sundl\) aft<>moon thf' l"t''l· tor Mrthcldtf't Olurt'h. Huntlnlit'\(>n "'ho lin n •,l11tn.: an th•• "'"'''~ !iOnS f<"r nl('rd ~I'OY.th (I{ t~ two. lka<'h dl"h\t'l"t'd th+> in\'ocatlon, If• at trn-\nlnv.l HMpttol haw jU'I )'l""lr iMtilutlon~ CWt'r ~ stateo and h ·r v.hlc-h nwmbPI'!< of Amt-rlntn INNI<'d to h;lrk nil Rl nll('r• E. \'. 0 \' E R B Y GE NE .. A L CO NTRA CTO R :"fE\\ RESIDO.TlAL CQ:o;STRt:CIIO:-. "Our Work Speaks F or lt-.c•lr ·-zt.l<e' 43 Goldenrod Ave. Balboa Circle T axi Th• Tn St!m'8 IS a 5C"h••'l ~>pon· <OJ"''d club .. r ~-rl' "ho a~ out- 'tand nst In " rvu-e. !'<'h<"•lllnohlp 'nd ~mrtcmaru.hlp Thtty hold ror- nJOtl 1111111\llon .. thi"N' lJrll(' a ye-ar and \lontt••n applr<"aUcms a.re n-- cawn>d for a ll r~Pf'll\'t' mt"mb<o~ who an> f'b~ottblt' und••r t'ilillnb n"- au n>mc>nt~ . Tht' 'T'ri St~a 4ipc.>n..o;o,... ont' as- ~mbh a '"3r handlt'~ co~­~Jon~ 'at ruotb.<tll glUT\~. d("('()rat t'!l goal po t<>. .-vf"' a >Pari~· dance and coUaboratH with the Girls' thl" nation Lt'i:lon p~"'' :--;n 455, C'.ost.B M~ Pr•nr to nr Htll'~ addrMS. Hub-pMtl'<l th<' rolo~ Trl$1 Doe to T~t bard c HO"Nt <~f Corona dt>l Mar. Zonlnf11' b--triction Platfonn gut'<t~ for the CE'f'('-,.. n.c:-a mom~ lnd ud<-d prom1nt"nt men A jun trllll R't for Nov 3 In Camp Trip to be Made and w onl('TI or the state and or L'lt~ C'our! I~> " J)('('tt'd to pi'Ovtd<' th<-Onln~f' Co11~1 district Amon.: n t~t of ;'1:1"\\"fllrl 1\t'nch buJld· By Boy Scout Troop 17 t~ lntmdu~ 10 the • audl~ lng rodeo rt'Sfrl<'tlona Th<' dt' A t'amplng trip tor Boy Scout by P'r'Midt'nt Rft!'ll H Pt'tt'rson r,.mla nt will l,.-Mr: f;wf'ndohr Troop li wu nnnounced a t the ~~ Sldnt"y 11 Davidson Ntw· Horton. 222 A meth)"t Aveo .. sBI Troop ~tina Wednesday. The rt H81'bor t:nion Hi h ·School boll ldand who plt'adt>d not trip will be made on tht' wt>t'k· :d Judgf' D J Dodge g ~:llty Tu"'sd"Y to chug-.•" ot end or Oct. 23 and 24 to Harold · · hulldlng rod<' 'lolatll)n<~. Sht>ldon'l R.an<'h nt'ar Elllnort". Immediately following the dt>d-, Sht> ~-u r hii'J(f'd v.1th oper- Scoutmastt'r Jonn Gillespie lcaUon Cf'rt'moniet mt>mbel'$ or atlng two and thtft-famiJy ."' ........... _ .......... ..,. ........ . ~ ......... ..,. ...... •• , .... • ... outrww. $15.95::.-: HEAVY DUTY G0o&JYi4• IUTYL TUIE s200 Friday & Saturday Only aom USEO TIRES PERFECT CONDITION 600xlG DELUXE TIRE 600x16 Bt:'rYL Tl"BE 301\10.- HFAVY DUTY 15 MO. -1895 ..-7 £uh. TOOL SETS SOCKET SET Wl'l1l BA TCHE'I' l" to J" complete $289 Auto Supply • Bill's your Goodyear 215 Coast IDgbway Dealer Harbor 1 (55...1 TAXI Harbor 320 ;~~~·~~~:.annual ~ .. Elttlre Ha,...,. Aru ..... ~ 2&-HOUR SERVICE aaJd that a gTOUp of boys would the faculty boarded sctlool bulft dw.-lllngs In a o~-famJiy r.oneo. ao up one week befort" the trip lOAded with vWton and carrled She had ~n found guilty and to clean up the l'f'OUJ\cb and out perlodk 1\dded tours of the ' fined $25 on llmllar c:narres ear-~~~~~rt"~~~~~~~~~~,~~~~~~~~~~~~ar~.~~~------~~---••••••••••••••••••~1 oamp to the student unJon buOdinc. Uwy 1 • 'IWft wn'ed "'~ts by nwm- 14 -HOUR TOWING HI-WAY GARAGE So. Cal Auto Oub RepraematJva a£ACON 5301 1740 N£WPO"T .LVD. A brief talk on conduct toUoW· ben ot a JIOdal committee eoa:n. OCC ~n IMt tn the audJtor-ed the announcenent of the powd ot ltUde11ta and wtws at lum a1ld tht' coU~ women aath-t'arnplnc trip. Pln!nt.t o f Ole t culty memben ered In lht' chapel last Friday to Boy Scouta \Wft Invited to at· 1 · d«ldt' a bout the orpntzadon of tend the troup rneetlnp. Twft\ty· AaodalN Mt'n StucSf31ta and ttw boys attended WNne.day's R£D CROll ME£TING Aaoc:latN Wo~ Students. 0.. meetlnc. which wu ~ld at Col"· 'The ~onal confertn~ of t~ d.slona ot both CTOUPI favored ona del Mar Grammar School Junlor RN CroA wiU be ~ld to- formJnc the orrantzadona. .... Alyce Klutoan\an Jn the rneednl ot men stu-TOO LAT£ TO CLASSIFY moTTOw tSaturday l from Jv:l 5 L-------------------------~ 1 .____. a. m . to 3 p. m. a r tr~e• WIIIIU'd I"' ____________ _:.. ___________ ~ d~nta. • committee vo un~~ WANTED-Rellablt woman will J 1 Hl h School 1 San' An to draw up a purpose and genfl" un or g n a a ISLAND SREJ.I. STATION BUD MILLER. DN.ler ltlell LubN~tlon -Tl,... -aatter'l• 2:27 MARINE AVE. 8ALBOA ISLAND HARBOR 2:219-W al policy of orpnl.zatlon for the do hoU3t'v..'Ork or li'Onlnr by with the Junlor IUd Croq of club. Memben ll"l": Bll1 Elertch, hour or day. Phont Harbol' Southt'm Oran~ County Chap-~rge Hllnyah. Fred Hope, Rod 3039"R 9-lt~ ter as hoct. Gould. Jack Afar, Bill Turn~. nick Balch. Stan Ben, Jae'k A~ tin, 8 111 Boyd. Don MCCallum, Howard Batt'S. Dick Bei"'Ch, R. HIDY'S PET SUPPLIES & IPOftTINQ GOODI !.--------------------------' C Jack. Cal Groves, Dalt' Hlb-r---------------------------, ler, Ray McTa.gu~. Don BI'Own, FRESH GOV'T INSPECTED Horse Meat Dally Free ~Uwry STOWERS SERVICE TIRES 317 COAST HIWAY MOTOR RE8UILDING IJA"'TTER I El CORONA DEL MAR Ray \'ldal. FrN Cufi, John Coop-1217 COAST HIWAY er and Don Dicke)'. AlthouJth no dt'flnlte plan tor p-------------------------....l Corona del Mar HARBOR 1293-J organlutlon was dlscullsed at tht' r-------------------------. v..'Omen'a meeting, Mrs. Howes suggf'l'tN ~raJ activities which IMPORTED TOYS could ~ sponaored by an A WS COLLECTOR'S IT£'MI HARBOR 723 L-------------------------~ oraantzadon. Mac kraft • s Inc. WHITMAN'S SERVICE ReboM"9 ltlaf't Gr4ncUnta Oefte,.•l "epal,.lrtG 24-HCN,. Towtnta PE:J'E. BOB. HARRY AND ART Vudali m h Linked To Strike Tl'oables Newport pol~ this ~k In· vestlgated the poglbllity ol wgoon HO •• Y & TOY C£NTER Maate,. M.ct\anlce 1020 COAST KIGHWAY Corona del Mar 141.5 Oout Blvd. ~uad" activity aft~r the Balboa Corona ~ Mar HARBOR Cll·R Island ~dt'nct ot an enpl~ ol --------------------------1 L-------------------------~·~ ~~~ u~ ~~ CQm-r--------------------------. pany In Wll.mlncton was dama.gt'd S. W. BLACKB~ARD arty Monck)t momlnc. £LEC~ICAL CONTRACTOR RESlDENTIAL COMMERCIAL WlRING -REPAIRS M.t. PNcilla Qm:nnlftCharn ol 1000 S Bay f'ronL a l'ftaJ"Ch c:heml.t for the oU eompa!\)', told pollc. that .tie bt'lleowd ~ van- 4al1Jm wu dOM ln an attftnpt to ~ non.utkers. She has L-21-•_o_R_c_H_t_D _____ Corona ___ ~_I_M_ar _____ "_A_R_•_o_R_t:l~ been ~ the llkbt lina to ro to wortc. -------------------------r A rode and a pint of blue paint c.· .,. Mwt' & AW.. HA .. 80R ... w L ~ HUFFMAN ~IIIA'TIIB -PIAN 8DVICZ 708 Juadne Ave., Corona del Mar II.&JIIIO. ml-8 had been thrown through the front wtnclow of the s. IIQ' Front .-. ~-the ~ floor of whJdl Ia oeeu]Md by Mayor Didr Dnb. IIAitiiOa PAINT a APPI.IANCE 00. OU'TCH 80Y ~AIN'ft ....... [. Palota wl lq;._ ..................... ...... ,. ...... 1ft COA.-T HIWAY c..... ...... Western Union AGENCY ror eoro.a del liar ALL M£atAG£1 GIV£N "'0Mn & P£EOY I ANNOUNCiN• • • • • ~KATU .. INe- IIIANY nHE ru:Ma1 AND DtTI'OI DIPOJCI U> PIPD n.te 8enht' I -COA.-T HtOMWAV • • • <X*liiA ca. IIAJt IIAGADND I • I ' ........ _ ... Wise 'Cent • "Cents Malee Dollars" Here Is Where YOU set tile price 011 your meat -~~~~ ... all that fits your budget. Abtlolutel~ TOP QUALITY in grus fed (Jattle for EOONOMY-Conl Fed U.S. Gov't Graded 'C.~" for the very best-Uld aD at prices that yoa wiD Uke. ~L~n~~ALtTY ............ S«Jc II1JTION CIIOP8 Jtc (Ria CUT) ------~--·-----------111 BEBP IDOA.STS tn-fed ·r~ 1-IIONt er lltOUNO .ONE ----" a&- CRUVK 80A8T 44c ORAaa ,-ED ----......... _ ..... ---·-·-···111 oMaa ,..o 'NONE STMD 6fC C:,LU. w ~ftftRHOVU ______ ........ 111 ~ ._ S ._ AV. POIIK IDOASTS 4ft WHCH...t ptCfoOC aHOULDCRI --·-·-" LEG o· 1111.& IA.IIB 6fe U. a . ORADKD .. A.. ..... .. .............. ttl P\JD PORK SAUSAGE R WK&T COAaT ___ ...... -................ 111 • ,.R •• H GROUND CHUCK (Net ...... ,,..... trf"""lftlll) .. _____ .. soc U. L QOV"T -A• ~=~=.ON~ .................. Stc (Wiwy ,._y .. " ,.. ........... ) • .... ftlla () .... c. 0 ....... R..:AMAOAN