HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-10-15 - Newport Harbor Ensigntvi.~ .. . -. ... I Friday, October 15, 1948 Fh·e Cents Island Leading In Chest Drive I "'-:-~~~.,;=C1iLWI ·Huge Shopping Cer er .......... The cit y is a li ttle more than one-sixth of the way toward the S20,000 goal in the Community Chest campaign as of this morning, according t o figures announced by \\'. Frank P owers, campaign Is Planned for COM; Zoning Change As ~d man ager. Com plete returns for yesterday (Thursday) Merchant Meeting Called for Monday A ~JIC'1'1ill m<"''lln~· o r lhf' m,.m· lx-1 ship "r lhr Ru~lnt•"s AIISOCia- t tnn nf Co1 nnn d.• I Mur hn~ b< en l'DIINI f•ll' Mont1A) "' Pnln~ 10 act on p1<npnMI~ fo1· ('hrl<ctmfts df'C· 01.11 Inn~ nnd J~hOpJIIn~: how" Tht• mN'IInJ.! will lx'~ln 111 ~ 30 p m \lonrla) and v.111 bP hPid at r.(lnP'II Rf"staurant. i05 CoMt IIIJ,!h\\·a~ P~ldt>nl Rlrha rd Rart'('IO <ca1d th•H pm~IOSills dhlt''US..~ at • mf't'llnJ;t of the> ON:orat1"nc t't>m· mill('(' will bt> prl'q-nl<'d In I he mt'mbrnhlp. bo.•~toii ttw> total f'{>lloo·llon.. diJnlll,; llw r "' ro••r dii)' .,r tho drt\. ,, $.1 IOi :t:l (nr lht• ''" u-. 11. ~ hulo• Th:H '" 17 po r , ~~ ,,r th•· t.:•w•l Curona d1•l ''· r thu~ fltr t ,. t;~' • n S16!l :>~•. "' Ill I" 1 '' nt ul "" 'I •ut c jl,,ltw•l hlarn1 n•ponm1· ,, '"tal 111 ~l li, ;)() ur :;.: r)l·r ,., '111 of It~ 1-:1~11 I~ f II 10 tho It lll n\o•l C•tnJn,l d• I \] ol In I h t• r.lpt;,m, ('(>nh't>l bo•hH" n 1lw 1" n t'(>rnmuu· 11 i•' Both h~t\, 11 quotu uf S.:.' ,:~,., Balh.ou h l.anlt h·.Hb. all <11'111• t. ~ (lf tht momml.' In "'"" n·l port I'd A l.l<'k4r bn.>11kfMt 1\1 , 1 .• AT THF' KICK OF'~ Th•a poet.1r-e w,,. t~k .. n at t h~ Mo•Ht~ .. bl"eall.fut ... c:h a.,"C~·d '" .. Coonmu., t 1 Clint drtvf' for ~ 000 <;e~•·d left t:t r•qllt. ~r~ k' "'-R~~rmond K H~rvC')', t~eaa .. r-er R tv P~ul Moo~ Whee-ler. Commu"•tv Chest pr~utef"t ... 1 ~ .. )' W~lc:h, aecf't'ta,.,. of 111 .. Ct>~n bt• o• C'o,...~·-c• St"""d'"O •~t w ~' .. ""' Powtf"l.. umpa•on m~nllgrr. J Leshe Steffe"'~" men>brr of th~ Boar-d ~ Dlrec:to". ~nd D~ G. Nor-m~n Pease. forst "'oe-pre Of'nt Pho• ... b) Gt'rhard• pine.'\' L" Lldo• hit ~ llh $k'LI r• I Rn .. ~mun> t'i1f•· 1n :-.;, "1K>M \lun .----------------------------: -------------- )' monunr.; lo1 UWht·d ttl< '"'~ It' \11.-eek dnve for funds P~t·r>o r.-Coat Co~• T M t Oile pone.'(( at that tm~ Ulat . 1 it-J ell· $20.000 S2.2S.O II ars ee rs rea<l> had b.."'.'ff cullt'C'tc.'\1 Lt>.uLn~o; ttl< dJ.tnC'ts m ttv' 1 I L o P•O;I~rt· DtK•I b~d n .... ; :n; .. r'; ,~ ju.~ 1.1' : r11 "'-: J_ a · •hr r;o,:-nr • .,, lllc~"il a.ttt.r aurt m.a ling ttl-~...... Cl'lr am.. INK ,.. 1"·1 NOW tf ;o ..... ,..t "'Owr Mold tr IIIOJ" o•~r tt>~rt ID !"t'CCCI~ t •~ Vult '1t.a 0" t ... ~ lttatru<:t oou s.a~11 t o all PCK1 ..,,~ a~ l!'ult ore~ metl , .. c...,lo ~ p-:a••o be-t .. ~ n Oct •!o tNt • udaY •"'cl ..:"" 1S .C· cord,..~ t r:-Post., n·~~ A-K tno of C.orot1• • I Mar "'~tea ,..,. '"<I tat•· C::t"·~· tit ....... ,..,.. of OtJIH',.)' "' t·~ fc.r c~ rlatlftal,. ~ .. d B~c ''-' r• , ... grt.wh,. m~ ll'lg d srtaO>C.. OKO.BJ,.. lO JatN- "o~a a"d ter •••and• 1• '"• Pac•f•c •"ou e ~ PHteCI not tolar !"':t" 1'110• , R~,,..:, c~ ..,t.., t•~ ... of tht a•"'eo fo~ .,... no lei'>~ rt- ov•~CI fo-r tM .~ O""""' ol pael<liOH. Kl111 .,.,flt~d e ll\ ~~ must ~~~ :'0 r>o .. noa o• ttu 1, ... ~19t>t a-ct 100 t"C"-•~ .._ In l~"tgtlt and 11 rttl COMbll"f'd T"~~ ll"'•tat O"" a .. l)' 0111)' \0 1"\aH ~"'I tent U<.-oue" a" APO In ether c:.a..e. t~f "9\'lot<OMI tlf l~ ·~"•0'-' co"'"" ~• ... ! t d~e....,..l" .. t~ lll"'lut ons. -9ac .. ~~ ~t•te,Oe-d fo• c Ylltll"' ovt.-.eas al.o .,._.,td M aflt bt ""•"· tS Po.tmaa•" t< "II u •d. ~o••• .. •"ll ~~ so-awo~st· ,.s ofkroed b y Ktnt P ~·- ..... "ot .oceoted Art>e ea ,.,ould be .-c:"•ted ..c..-ty •n ~, ctl"U ne"'' 'nw ocsdrea '"'e11ld De IC"ll•bly llf'lnle4 _.. Ott t~Wra ... ftl P~P«'" tM f a"d ..at 0" a lit c lrer, ... t~~o, "'•>' co-of'f The ~­ '-"'oulct N udt tile fu I ,.m• .... ,. .. ,...., flllrltM.-~~h til -· .. -c~ •"VV" u t •o" APO a"CI pOet o«" ·-thM APO All Ctt,._ car-ds bel fill wnt _,__ m~ .. r rat d aa. E nd S een fnr Water Fee, P~tr t IMt.allnll In I h(' dl-c-ussion on rl<'rnral10ns hf'ld Mnnda~ al C:••nl''s Rr'iiDIIrllnt v. l'f't' ~-ommtt tf'l' mrm!l(orc R"~ Brandt Mr". ~lallf'l llut<·htn..on and Glt>nn t'out·h nnd al-.o Mr. and Mrs. \\'llham Rl'ad and Prl'1!ldE'nt Bllr· tt1al c.'OUc.,uon report ~·u... l.lllv A eague pener lsll', ~1th $b--L! ;-.t'lH ~ti c..·nr .. n.. :j d~l ~1ar. ~lth $.!8:.:! and BaJbu..l I•· I I'' "~p-,.,,h r•r I ian -If I I t B Display p,.opoaed lund was thtrd. v.1th $~~ l'o~o·t, llt•ho• H th"s "'lrf'•,, ~ g;,l IIarn \ 1.... \'a~'ll'l• ••f mproverlleJl S 0 e It wa.s n.grt'f'd that IIL~t )t"ar's announced that thcst' p~'11nl(.,,u.:n' ~"1'1• <"'>:1<J:.z•' ·" l:t~ "-·x f 'ht> :\unh ){co nuJQo1 v \'n•Unl 1~ N>lo 1ade Christma~ dlsplll) hould be 5"('1 cuii{'('Uons \II.'OUid ~ ac.'l:n.·dJtt,J tu 8 1 Trt-<~'nur.• l• ,,:,.,• ., •ro-;•·' ''·H· a .,, '1"'11' nv.-n.-.r on l:l.a hoa I•· '\( D c-1( Dra.kf' l"f"', .•t"!S :nunlMJiilll watM' ~..,~ n..r.:'t' up a~:aln nt Larkt.;p\tr A1.f' and the n.~~>c.'tl\'l' d1stnct.s. St. t7 4 I ·n•crtil •nnh;ht rr· tl·e II l oU la~•J anlt I' no\11.· rornt '<'llnF tnu.lthi·:.a',_,.:,.k \hal 1hf' ~ "llf'(" 1 ••111 f''dst man' c.ld •'ftOdel wat- Cout tllll:h\\1). but that It should Stewart Nllmed l!'\t'!r I'll£ t' ,1\ f• I ..... :1' Hun• r-nlal Untl• Ctn nroaJ .\\1' (In 'ht' W&tt'r ff'C• Will pro,,!} .. l.n art• I"J' mam •tucll m~ bf' l"'f1)~ lx c>nlarg~ and made more col· Dunna the mtroducuon ot d• • l".fh n £.-··h wh«>n tht') Mt"'1 thl t~Jand quail' "'Wlllus b' next J·•h 1 tn tM ma~w salc1 orful. J«ocornrtK"ndatlons lnclud· tnct captalns at the lock-off brelf.k. Oil~M In "'hat promtSC"'< lo • .e a Patto 1a "''•""eo 1 ~~ watf'r n '"" H,. f'NPitf'CS oln hat t\a1boa boo f-d placing C hrlslmu ~ n~ar f~U.t. It 'A"8.S announa'd that Ro) !ootball thnllt'r Gamf' ume ls Dr HAn~n u.ld that lht> plan" 1::~-em .. nt_, and dut' to bf' land \s ~· ppllfod W1th ~ ... tcr II, wilh shrub. t.nd a.rtlCiclal snow Stewart wiU ~ in chara"e ot the '.30. as no" dra\\--n, t'all for a bu.Udlll& t!llconUnuf'CS u of ~hal datf' tr. a stndf' pl~ a.ftd & In thf' tore,-round. Corotla del Mar IU'N. rel)\adna Dr COM C.oad'l AJ ll"'in's Tan ~ tlll to l'f' ronstru<'tf'd around a larp An' J.mmf'Chatt' removal of ~ In that 11M wou1c C:.l a a't' Anot ht'r proposal to be PI"'" G NorT:lllr' ~. v.1\o remains u '-3A07 ~ ~ the ltndt'rdop as lht'y r o Into petkt Speao for thfo 10 Jtol'ft !nftnthly f~ bad brftl ~-lo 1'be ~~• front lt'nled at Mond-.y nlrht'a MMt· first v~cbtt ol the com. to~ t'a ~· tn spite ol thetr 9."r>ult'l ~ ~ In t.M aow.r t'n'd. thf' muor aleS. txat w tJ'If' wwtt'J' fco. WW ~ dw .. lna 11 co .et up I~ alma on munrcy Olest. 1~"'0 non·Jnrue "1ctonf'S lhf' floor. and thf'r'l" wou1a w 2t1 Ccuncll~n ~ n ~~t.I.IIPT' to ltAD.atkm ot an extra pi~ Coast H tahway. at ~ach ~ of St(.owvt's hf'adqua.rtt'n will tx-Sailors ~ v.ithout thf' w rviCf'l o!fJC'f"S on th# wamd nOOT. Par!(· tlou.Ud up thf' 1Urplus ~mill thf' to 11Uppl\ t..hc> Itla:ncl ~ &ald. town. carl'}1ng th~ mt'SS&~. at the M~m Home, 9ff1 Coout • of trlfod and t~ l~vnnen. and m fllcilltlf"S would bf> pi'0'\1~ Ln lmJ1f'O'f'm4"n c."'U)d ~ ~-Thf' t~ wbtdl II cha~ ''Christmas C~nca. Corona del Hlehw~ thf'y lat'k Wt"lght. !.ocal fAns the rNr Thf' f'l"\'t"f~Uf' l".<tlma•f'd· to t~ monthh In t.lon nt lhto met~ Mar." VoJunt«>r worke n ln Corona «k'l hov."""'r. ri"f' their lavontf't The only ~"f'IOpmf'flt ~ on tal I'T'fll"f' than SlJO. b) Jul) 1 f'd amount ~nt tnto ~ftec1 Jaly It wu furthu deddt'd that In· Mar lncludt> Mn R.obf'rt J . Hl'ff. Cit)' of H.-port audl •~IbM tsla"d af\d Cot'Ofla del tlhr mot"f' dan an outside c-ha.rx"f' to 'Bloc-!. L is a bu lnf"S~ bw.ldlng ~I bf' used -to tns!all ""' l.r<'n 1 1~ dlvidual mert"h&nla ~ ukt'd to llt'T, 535 Haul Dr. Mr a nd Mrs 1v.1n O'f'r Hunttr.,t:!ton bfoca~ of v.tth a~rtmt'nt. M lftl 2 twont'd ma.l.nS tl'lroUI~ t~ The ~-or~ tbfo "''« cooperatt> In the "light up for Stdnf'y Edmonds. 701 M&J'ltUt"rite ''THERM0-..fl£ft" sho-the .Utua of the Nawport HafiMH' Com-1tht' amazing fi~ and drl't' the b~ Lam O'Cara of Corona dt-1 ~ f"m p1&nl Ul • talk wtth ~ Ch ris tmas" procram by puning A'e. Mn Nt>wton C'oll: ~ I _...__ mUIIIl )' Che~"ve. lnelud "I T~ursday's flgul"f's. '"'-e~art lllews ltf'am has dtSPla~ed In llll$ this ~tar J'Ol1~ tol 1n' ~on4.1~ ftl ·a .. __ '""'"" t"'e l"elat ive st:~ndono of the c:•ty as ll whole, Ba lboa Isla nd and CAw-t 11 ~•-_. Sl A th Bo 1 I Th _, ,.. ndJ -•·· ...... _ n....--o1 d1spla.ys In their lhop wtn....-a. spur A,·e ; Mrs Gardnt"r King 433 olla del Mar. a a,........... n on~ n ta ur ... Ja~ " m~•tns: ()f tht' '"ou m ...... ...,.... •...,.. ~, l hopplng Olec:u ... d H<-liot~ A\<-e MN Slanlt'\ am! C~ntf'ri& Plannlnt! C'omml~on •lll t'l' th~ that ni&ht ~Zf'd ~ a , EsllmaiH on tht' cost of tht' Smath. 518 Avocado Av~. M,.;. I :\nt Slt'lC"f' 19-J4 havf' lht' Xt"W· f•n>l!mlna~ h,.arine ~>r. ttl!' l'f" r.~' ~ m1nu'f' ~ C()n- { hrlstmu dC('()ratlon program E A. Wagne-r. 7~ JIWT\IIlf' A\'1' D . u d Jl I R . rlflnt"l"'' hf'M\ su·~~ru! nn tht' l'l"r for "'l:Onln$: .-\ C"O•mmlllf'l' t'f'mf'd rnmsnh .... ..,th rout~ v.lll ~ pl"f'S('nted to lhf' Associ•· and Mn: Karl M.tlltt'r. 6n Pt>pp\ rtve n er 0 )' 0 ill se ~rldlmn \lollh lhl' <•llt'T'C T•>nl~h lor It: I' Comml~<l"n I liml"d tn mati"'T• rt•Uov. "J: IC • JWD· I ton mcmtx-rshlp Monda). A\'t' · 1• rna\ t'f' rhfff'n>nt \\1nll' lht' maKf' " ..,,m~ nf I hi' r mrc• .al ,..uoJ"\ "' ' · l uun('(l m~tlnc W llh rt'Spt"CI to shopping hours. Wor1t~" on Island $50 000 fior c,·,., ,·c 7 'Jiea l f-'r h ·~ frn.., thf' (1(1 I'll\ an• m<IN' Wi ll ~uhrrl! ,,. ~..,:- 11 wns UIU{l'!lled that SlOI't'll On Ralhn-"1 leland \ohmtN'r ' L I, ~ <• "'"'""""' thr\· h:t\1'-'i mPI thf' Hur1ng on l'llo" ' ~ ln\~tigati Made sht'uld N'maln t•pen ont" night wnri<E-1"'1 undt•r Ol<tnct <'npl.un !.;Inti c C c •m':'f'tl•ln:-t t"11' ha· \ """'"<1 "Ntnr . .: ' l'f ht•lr! On Zoninv \1ola'ti a wt>c.•k until thf' final tv.o w('('ks Robf-n Ea!•tman lnrlu<lf•lfuh p,,w. Th(l C'amJ"'31Rn tn r'l.l<i4' $.'\0000 1 ,.,rt·rp.• 1r("l ti-t• R,,•.,,.~ •·" an,oo:h ·l' r,.r, -~> 't>f' t"(I!T r.1l'•l< n :n:tk..,. L'\ ~;r :_.¥111> ~ b«>forl" l''"'·lstma... and then be fnr the 1•ronn'('(1 ='•'" l'flrt liar Ad "'ho makt" oon.'ltton' f't' 1 hrlll "'a~"' I' rn .... ' • -•r ... ~ :..... '" ,-1., l'l'l'u "''TI"' '' fn • "' '11 rr"" r ~""'' '' •• "' In' trpllon~ Wft'l" '"' f,... Mr-t Ralph O.•a\'f'r. Mr-t .John r • ,... " '" ''" .... s_;orw 1j cit d ~ lf'!l'll ~ open t'\'t>r) nl~o:ht I' 1 M \\' ht'r C'11lturnl N'tllf'l nn•' pl1~ hnust' ''lrdl•..._., t•f nmnu'lt v.11l "'""'m•• ,·.,,..n•••r 1 • c• ~:"""~"·'" ~~ ''' r•· Sll-"'' ... , ll"' <.1 -• rna unn&: · 11 r In A ll(.'('iston a~ tu which nl"ht 1:' t·r~on ' ~"'~ llhur l.n)u' '1'' •>ot undt"r \\ll,\ I hi!< \\'('('k Collow· Plllfiblf' to '"'" fo>r a br>tn1 tll 1lfC'Othal'rr-< r,...-.~ ,1 ~ ~ •· \\rr. [1'1,: ~· ,,,, • "''" r )('"<' lh;u • • ~1"-l t< 77 '• Ill I •r\"..._.,lon with pl'('1t'd 'iolation "' H P Yamo>ll MN Alrrt-.1 C';ih· " • r n"' rf"'•"hlll >nil Pol.k'l!-"'111 !l(o d('sl<>natt"ff a ... !ohun"ln" lr~ a Pf'C'IIll m~·llnl: h~l·1 .lnn-"\t'rrm .. anlt thu .. II• ~1'1 ur ' Cr·n••n .. ri nf\ r,, •. ' : •'•'' ·.: T' .... 1;\\ ·h·· i' t-.. .~~···· D ru. ..v I " ,., " <:on. Mr<~ Janf' Hamhrook nn.. 1 ,~hi f "' R }1-.A'"''"'n 1\ ......,-.... nlj.!hl Is l''\t)('('l<'d to be made at •• d,l\' afternNm m ttv:< <'•'~Unul 1 <'rman••nl nr~"'lliZ.ltlon. R.srl•''' 1 ------f'r. ..... ,..,, r.• ""'' Trout <ll!l , \\ , • ., ~ ,,.:an• .~ !nll"-' Ill ~ut •• '' .. ~_....... ·~·~···""" lhl' Monda) m('('tlng. :'ttrs ~ p Rrirknl:'r Af1dlllnnlll t"h:1mlwr!t ,,, the ='t>"'l'ort Cit\ s.Aid. Thl., \\ill t>t" dont' "''m••llnu· COAT RACE APPROVED • .,,'f"l,~~-, 1 t1 ,. J'lnnntni:' ,~..,r.. ••lnrltr.£ '·' rr"_," 1hf' lund•, 1r It t•u, l'uundl < n(l <'hanre uf f)<'rsonnPI wHI lw llddo•fl. !'ll'('(lnl· 11.111. · nCtt>r thf' fund·ralsm~ drs\t' hl'l<. '110 l•lo• y ,,,•t'tt t"uh, rf'llU..<t t•~l"' "1 t"'., t•'flrl"-t !.lll\1' ·'1.-,,,, 'lf'bl.lr'. a-ol 1"-·1 1 • l.l.l!11! \tnb'ICln " ... filM d~ ....._ · M t• sng 10 Ea'tmnn \'ulunlt'f'r wn1 krr• unr't'r lht' ~n oumplt"led. I' h• lrt thr '""r• .il f>'l,·lfh \t '" n: llnh" l m•pt-.' ,nrt "'"'<~'Ill '"' ;llf'<l s:l.."'-''-•"'mJIIln"d n lh(> month I ..-8888 IIICJS lndudt'd in tlw kick-off prn-sUIX'n l<ltln oC thrl"t' t11slrtct C'a,.r I' '"1 Tmph\ t :Jo'l' Sunt1"' 1 ~ .,.., ro~., r 1 hsr .... 1 .,, pl,nnmJ,' S.J<tll~ ~1 a~ Cl' Sf>r• 1 ()thfor l!t"ll\1~ ln thf' 1101~ d,r. A-MWD ,'& Set warn wert' rommunlly ldn~rm~. k·d l;alns ha'(l staJ tNt on A '"'"' W('('k ( laDd. 8 . G I I "l' :n. ~~" I to· ''run.'• I Th,.. "'" t 'llr'• f •r 'hi r!•' "' ",..". l..lc•l"''' am<'nl!! hP r~lptc J'&.ll~t Jut tnOn,h tndudecS .. VII ~... by Tommy Toma.~on. and II ~It tlrhe tor donations Confld('Ml't'l ,. usm~ss .roup I IN ,, ' l''"'n•·tj 1-'\\f'N'd tw>at-f ·•' f.,".. ~···n Itt!' lollc•W\n£ ''"''"' rt'' lt. J(lL.<.h ··~ ar 1<. n Ckt~ in't- Thrt"t' IJ)t'Oal ~lncs will 'lie p~ntt'd by M"' Jo'rTOid F' rln lht" !IU('('(>S'I or this rund-rall'· \\Ill Mt>t>t Thu~a~ r•nl~ \\Jll Ill> hl•'d m lht> :'\nf"h ., u·· ~~ 84-t lrAI Pr park ~· rormnd1'!1 ~0 \ll.'l"'rth nt pnr~rt)' hf'ld M xt W'f't'k In lhf' concluding ~J)ILI'Iglf'r an~ H F Kmn~ ~n thlc lng t'ampaJgn Wll'l e'l:prt'ssed b) Thf' Rablna l~l~tnd HtNr•··· ~-I In Char:.,••l k BOAT SLIPS OK'D fl!l-1 ~.!. ln.Uir fm~ S2.314 !'oil, l"f'f'\l\1'~. auto<~ \-.JUC'd at $1..000 phast" o( the t'dueallonal campal(fl kit. C'alled C<lod 1\f~min'l. M"' I Jtrt\ Barrt"tt. who prl'1!idt'd a.s «<MAti<m Will hold I' .... , ' I I Thl' M'qUt~l nf ,..... "'""'l'"TI husinf'~~ tic-en.-$1_'\.'r.. parkln5! (~\ ~l'f'd n a nut<~~ not lnc:hld· which Ill dl'SI.gnt'd to prodUCt' an iS (lAngl.-r ronvii"'N'd """"~ C'lf thl' ~halrman at Monda,·s m~ting.11lli¥tm~: nf'xt Thul'd,.' J•.,.., -J,.,. C'ONUT a .. R APPROVED R.i\ t".,mJlam •· rtm'"' th:'('f' mt'lf":-tt SI-<;0 pollt'f' jlld~ lng lratft • 4 ... tnl!tic arTI!Stll affinnatJvt> votf' for anMxaUon to ~~t' of contnbuting to the C'ht-<~t I Tht' t'3mf13lgn v.1.i1 Ill> uncrer 1Maun C"f' Stanlt"y annt'l.m,..,'<l th1~ Thl' Councllmrn 11rrro' t'd 1 '1• r lPr' anti 1~ · i"lfthl"'<> llfl•1 {I In jn~ S1004 5C'I unalla<'ht'd ~-1 l.ol lnt'ludtna park!na. Ca1la dw• the MetropoiJtan wacer District at 'e. the sul)f'rvislon o f the following ~"t'i"k Jt wtll !l(o a d rn 1 ·n .. •1r ... 1 t' Ill"'" or ~P~ C PI'C'k to~· jcl:\11 rlNit. otnd Iii\ hoat sliJ"IS at l'tlnal rrol'f'n' r.~.,-;M. Ba.lboa j'"' tht> month totalk'd the Oct 26 t'lectlon. v Pille Award~d trio Cath~ Gilmore of Costll at Norton's Oa!t> C'oa..'1 llu:t -..n~ ''i' a Do-nut Bar al lhr Ali·AmE"r lhf' Ra'hn" RA' Cluh '' .. a!'PI"tl'· parkmll If'' $1.154 f\2 ll'C'Ofnf" '~'heR meetings. a.rTt.Dit'd by the ~~au I MOOI'f' Wh«'lf'r. Who 1).tna. lor Corona de> I Mar and beginning at 6 30 p ,., '""" \1arket on '\la"tnt'n ~Iller ~ h' Cll' Cno.:nc•l '\tM!dl!~ from CD !of ron ons. ~9'i~: f for 'l'iw.k publldty commlt1~ hHded by P1'H t'd at tht' br't'aktast. pn--Costa M~; P atric-Ia Palmt'T of hu1ldin~: J'll"nn:'" ~1 :-;...,--pnn Loeatioll ppro•.,. H arry Ashton. will bf' at the New-~ , a Red F~ther pin to Har· Balboa It!la.nd. tor Bill boa and s h G bl T I hmc:: n('('t ft'"~ J'f'r t'f'nt of I M a pt'I'J.ll'nUI&r'\ ~p 18 t:bP port Gr&mmAT School ~. ~ V.t>lch for h.tS st>":'Cft In P~"~'-Balboa I sland; Jf'an P~ln·Min· opp•rs rum e, A.ccept ax .Auc:: 1"-Sf'p• 1" T'f'('f>lpt D>.'i.l~ plans ( r ttlrto ~ eo.nty NtwpOn Ha.rbor UnJon Htfh ous Chest campaigns p A. Pal· t"tll o f Udo hlf'. l or Newpo,rt. "" 'Olllt out.talJ _.... W lbe ~ School Wf'C!nHday and at the Cor-~r::~ ::!u=ve a pin. Rev INf'WJ'IOrt H f'IChta a nd Udo Isle. r•u· Going Ranting rort aJ"f'a. thto Counc::ll aps:AOW\C ona df'l Mar Grammar School S k Disposition of a SS.OOO homt' • • , Counc:llma" Ln 1.0.11 re-a Jlf'tiUon for t~ drllU.na of lest Thurwd.ay . All mt'f'tfnp start at T ~I t'T'S at lhf' bn-ak:fut Wll.< autf'. dona led by Dick C rutchf'T The C'it) s a.alt'l! ta'l: "'hlch b ~f'w ynu l"f' pa;:lnJ: '"n N>nts QH' a r""' t'f'nt .. although lht"~ questd P~""''alon to 1~..,., ho18 •ithan tbf' d~y 10 ~. 8 p. m. ~ ~ teflf'nst'n. who sti'I"SM'd of Corona df'l Ma r. w ill provide ht."' v."et'ks old Coda~ hu mt>t lu'l: on pul't'~ or 38 to 62 t'f'nt5 prohabl~ \ll.'f'IUid nf't ~:ro f'ut nr t he autt fo~ two -.t.s to do lnf' ~t.oll and croundwat~ eo& Thf' procnun to ~ pftlellted ctt'r build In~ fetlt~ of ll ht" t\lnds tor tht' project. w hlt'h 1"''11 h 'lOme jr!"Umhlin~ 11ml com and th i'H' rt'nt!l lu on &~ tl' Fr. thf'lr v.. .. y tn makf' a sJlf'('lal .ome .,untin g. and -~ f~l· dlrtan ...til lncludt' tht' showil\g of two lht' Comm~nJty Qen H~ &lllt'rll'd \\111 ~ known u "Newport Har· plamlrg hut ~t"nt>ra.ll~ II I~ being C't'nt total&. It UM'd to bf' tv.'O I shopping trtp tow counc:•lmen l"ememt.e~d Thto requnt bad bt'ell ~ ntms ''Thf'y Saw TomotTow .. that contnbutJn,g to tht' ~t 'bor Clvit' Theater." :nve hun-ACC't'nlf'd hv I hi' shoppt>rs In tht" ('{'nts on purch~LW'S or fi6 to !19 1 MMI or thf' t~hl'pf"'N •f'Mn to ""''"' mt1Qivtnos t.hllt t"'cy h\ VInton W Baron. ._.~ 1ft aboUt MWD. and ''California W~y camDA.Ism is ll ~ lnv~tmmt ld N!d Uckel.a at $100 f'ach a!"f' be-local &tol'ft. C'C.'nta A St ..25 purchUE' COst!! be laklni lhP tu In tht'lr Jtndf'' had pr~"iousty plven s lm etar rhar~ of ~I" tor t.be ()ran or Life " about Newport Harbor. ~Mt jU\Iellle 4~11nquf'ncy. Inc off~red. and othf'r dona.Uon&1 .,:1. "f'f'r:u lo lx' the t~plc&l ~'OU a nlckf'l f'Xlra, It U!t'd to said Conrad Hid' of HJd)'s Pt"t pe rm t•to" to 0 . K. Blue •" Count' lllt"Wf'r~ a 'Sten. Tbe Ashton ' a.nnou~ tl\at Judgf' D. bu ::amNll~m matmaJ wu d ft!tJ1. "from S1 to 15.000." arlO ~lng attltllde of ahoppf'rs. a('('(lnhnlt ~ three ~ts.. A S2 ltt'm t'alls Supplk>s In Corona df'l M11.r "But •ndltle" that they t~t •me dritnna 11 ~ tor ~ J . Dodge ot Oolta M~ an auth· •n~a'llnto t~ volun~r WOI'bn.l a to a IUJ"\'t') madf' among locaJ for ~\~ ~nt1 tAX ; It uRd to quJtf' a numbf'r hav~ N td thf') we.n l.on, a"o hao racerved In nR trunk ~ loc:la.UOn. .,.. orlty on the water aftuallon 1n tbt'm by~ ~ liven to GOP ne~Mlqaarten . merehants. ,tx n,. c.nta. And ., on u p tht' ~'Ould ha'-e felt bfone r about 11 ,.."._ avt the y a ppre-v.d rn. CONtnactlon a.nd a.~. this al'M. w1JJ apNk at the~-Ope.ed Ia ~ewport I Tht' major l't'UOn for tht"lk'alt'. , It the) had had a chan~ to vote l.ete.ll'e r~unt Juwt the .. me. -- cta,y and WI!Cineld-.y meetlnp. . I TalldQ~t pol•tlcs plu~a.ntlv Ill grumbU~ a.p~nt\y Ia the H~:re • Wha t aome of the mer· on lhf' tax." --.......... ••• ,.. nte 'nlurld~ ewnlnl pracram YC:-Hold tn ordft' at the new ~bik:an amount of the M 18 ta.x belnc t'h~ ~~r'l"port. -r"he ('Uitomers wouJd not haw ... CAl.l.l t N MONTH .a.a-,,811 ~ C s' at the Corona *' Mar SC:hool -.,.; HadQuutf'n which oflf'M'd Wf'd· collected by thf' d ty. The mf'r-1 --~· term to bf ac-mln4t'd a oM-half per cent tu lla.rbot' Muter ~D C'Rtt J....,.. •z AudltOttuM II ~. Jll'"ffttM if I pltf ~ at ~~ w .O!Mftl Aw .. chants aid tha t many cuatoi"Mrl ~ lhf' ~ alt~ ~ 110 miK'h." aa.td Charla Su.thero ~ed to OoundJ 14~ that On • motion a.y Oc 2 0. jobltty wtth the rfl\l• fftiiiiiN) Newport. ~ Qwet ~ b1t4 cledared t.My would not to eome Cripina." land oJ SUtherland'• ~1~1S t'ftl caJla had ~ l'l*k b)' tbe ~ ~ t'-t ~ 0.... meediiC ot tM ODrona dfl liar Two buDdrM NMt fl8tl6na haw eture ~ Hten.ture 11nd a m1nd a d ty tu of .~all of ~ = =peon of Hamp-a1o~ 1.n Corona 4leJ War. "'BBil Hart.r ~~ lMt monUI . .,.. .... tM ••' 2 5 11 til a CMe ~ ,. ..,.. fil l--.... ,.. -~ ~ oe it tea ~ an ... ...oawe In one per C'ftlt. which would ha~ t.on . del ...,. -~n tn Col'-the tall 11 ac«ptfd., and ,.,.... tftd.udttd otm-. -91 ....... --...... a a ~ Db'6ttlan f1l tM ~ wm t'*-'., ......... ~a.· ... ~ ~Wft etttw,........,. Ute total an ~n lhtft ONI . .._..... MW' aaJd theft .... not ~ mudl t'Om• bida. D\«t ecddeb JO com-, .... ~ .... .., ..... tneft Ttl I Jl ....._Ill tM ..._ Wbldt Will .. lwN ~ ldlht ....-n ~ wm be .,.... rram per (lblt-""t the UV"a on~ tM7 .....W DOC M \«t mlftltlod a plaiat .tne. It ~t lnto dl~rt.'" ~ ot vtol&t...._ S1 I ,,.. '!"'! el ftilt fll ..._ pr ?'at.,...._,....,._, at 1M a.M aa . 110 to S • ......_,. eent ,... too much. ~haw _, ~'hAlf VTWt.a. • ~ ~ Ll I I ---- IJOt·D Oout ~y OoroDa dd Uu, O.Ufarnia M VO E. RAAPA. editor P\daJIItbed b)' the South Oaut P\lblltblna O.,.qy One Year Six Months . ftree Months Slng)e Copy • $2.00 1.00 .50 .05 'The En n tS .X.Nathed C'\.U"f Friday for w CXXI'lmunitlel ol Corona dd Mu and B.Ubo& biU)d. W ntttn communicat:iona to 11w ~ thoukl CUI"' the ~ a.nJ addrcsa of t.M writer. and tf ~1--k. the tel('rhon~ n t~Cr The En~ign"1 td~rnom numhT " 'H1.af.c,r 78.8. Vote For Wof~r on Oct. 26 Pupils Studying About Indians e-.na ..... ,. £db~ .. the cer.n. ••• Mar ~ Hew. fer tiM tirwt ""'"'" .,.. ..... .. ... ~ and Gl•rla ~f\ of the Ma;o., ..1 MM~M Nolel • "'~ I .. M h Fifth G,...._ 6M F,....rlctl 1 .-.._.,.c.. """ ey a1 .-~ct .. llat'd 8 ., M £•v• •uE MurMMy al\4 Cha~ atar-... "' " M Robyn ltateh't Third qe af t,t. F"l'th Gf'Ma. Eaoth rootn ln ~ Corona ckl The Onlncf' Count)' S),._phony ..sdaftt capable ol prodw:lnJ flne CIVE ENOUGH· 1..ut ~k't CraM puplll ~ studylnt about Othe" contrtt..-t.r~ a re Mary MaJ School IJ tl")'lna to If'\' the hu hAd Itt om "'lntft' ~ ol"dleetral mu.de. K~'et". IW ~:~..... t.alnecl • polcftant P\Mblo lndl&n&. 'T't\l') have aatter and Waunall Pille of r pan>nt-. 'ralld~tl ancl a1 E\~ '1\lNday nl~ht from It hJthly opehnistlc about th1t ~ COD t a do ,._ bou.aht tomah&\\ 1cs and pottery the Fouf"th Grade. tricnda to Join the PTA. n.e · w l't!'Marula· •·UJ • lM'ld .. ·tntf'r ~MJ~GJ\. He. prouclly to all o you to your and Indian doU. to clut. t'raftk· room with thf' 'mOlt polnt. w01 :t~ the hours of l :l!i and rt.atN that he hat mulldana com· d~are 11n ~Community ChNt lin Sc:hulQ b:rou.cbt a rrtn<11n1 ""t ,h,. dollara. ~ parf'nt ~ 9 p. m.. ln the muaJc hall of the I~C rrom u far awa.y u Cantt-n t ve or he t t h--.. •--~o.tone. and Grant Burna brouiht Oar N .... r Mexico u~ point. t\\11 l•te-nts ~ tJ\J'ft Harbor Hlah School. Cl~ a.nd C'apl.st:rano.. T'hrre t 'J""U l et t'r, <;40.0 ... ~ ......... lndlan arrowheads. Is Foartla Gr.de 'l'oplc 11111nts.. and onf' ~ndparent · It This S)mphonlc o~anlz.atlon are two comlna from Lol'\1 ~~ta ~mrlld~· and .~~~ ;;:a MJM Veronka SchleMr's Third • Ch ,.. th hrN potnu_ ~ 011 1ts lttJ'ro IIN.JIOll ,nd 'lhAt u ~ lood ~lot-~J• " ten !Y &., ~e Th _m Cradt' room lJ alt10 &tud)~ 'I a ·n• atareea TM kJnekrprtt'n have "PTA l~aa develo~ Into an orclwltra the comparatively n~w ayrnphon a hotpltal In Ar na.. e \'e't· about Indians. '11'K-) •~ l'e.IU1ln~ In ~m 9 ln. M&rauf:rluo I &\'ft. •• 'Illat lt. they hu-e • bl.g or 60 ~mbt'n. At tlM' time It ll' or~ra.nlz.atJon. f'r8n ~nt a check for ll5 and thlt stories ahuut P\lrhlo Indiana. A"!t.~n 1 .~u~h 1 ~~ xl at'! lrt't' Y.ith dilf~.rent colored kslv ortclnated only 15 mt'mben Thf' tlrst concert of the R~n ~~t' to aupport the local Thf') hll\1' M't'n ~~t~mf' plcturt'S '<lu.._,tnc r ., E r ~ ro. f'C plnnt'd on IL The \-eUo~· tunwc! out ,._ Man r C<'O~ has bfooton sN tentatlvt>ly l or ~. fir w . or l natant Robe-rt \'lllagrana In our J'OOm W'f' ha\-e • di5J>I.a~ l('a\"f'S stand for one parent th~ Cibbs no~; U\.._ "It -r.k~ tlmt' ~. Tht> fln>ll"&m wUl lnt'ludt< tht' "N~rt IJ my hom4!. I don't bmUJ!hl " n•und \\ att'r Jug to t~f lhl~ lxiUJtbt ln Mt'Xko. w. oran..-stAnd for nA'O p;ln"nt5 .• ~ build an on-bfttra·· Acadt>mJc Ft'cth aJ o1 Brah.mt. ~'(pt"('1 f'W'r to 1'0 back there rill hlt\dl' f man)t rolnlc.frt\ll .~k•Outo and thf' red leaH·s atand fot a Carl Sawin Is l'Ondunor H~ ~lk to • Para11Ue Cardt>n. •pi lnl Buttll w~nt to do my lhal"t' tTII mm or ormauvn r p and~,~&rE"nt h S Pl hi ....,.uu.· Ada.glo for Sui.np by I" a ast m.-. ~m hi dJ,1tled Into rommlttt'eS On~ al<k> ~r thf> trft ls for tht. u imon .u as 1h ~n~rt Samut>·l Barbfor; Watt'r Music by That 1hould m~ll thf' hardC'It ·DWARF RECORD' &l<"h ('tmmullt'f' has a tuple to mornlnl ®n 'nw> ~r rJdE> ~l~~t'l" and to~th~r .. ~·u A'Ok r£f' handel· and the Mt>ndt'laQhn ht"art Thf' Thm:l 1~1ad(ors of Mn N'pu~t on to the class 1• tor 1 ... aft·m·oon --•-n Th• •1uh,,.. as man•• r 1'"'> m.a " an (,'()n<'f"rto for \>Jotln and o~h~ Corona <k-1 Mar and BaJboa ls-I I , _ h .... • ""' " ~ · "' t-nt udat>U<-tt>•m 1 _,. .. -·~• f ..., """ h .c.nn e ... ng A\t" a rt'CO•~ momlnlf , ion or tbe klnder-h a. w1th Max DonnC'r u .soloist. a,.., nA\!' a """" o ~ Cal' A 'Week from next Tuesday. the \'Oters o f New-1100\11 d\\lltb The'\ ha\t' acted VISITS BAK~R&FIEL.O ~rtf'n hlld t'\.?r) tamtly l"ePI't!'· Outlet fOf' Taler'lt COM "n ldent Than ltlOUt a dollar .,t'r ~non port n --L .:u ha •L -rt •t t mak tt out, •nc1 lht' c:hlldl'f'n ria~ that Car~ Por1~ of Cllrr Ha\'f'n (l(•nt•'<l b\ Ia~ f'ri(b.,. Mr Clbbl Is an old 1\and In ~tax ""' h That I• not muc-h to gl\"f' ~Ul WUJ ve UR:' oppo uru y 0 e a tht'~· AI? dwarfs ~ hll tht> tt"<'-!'J'If'nt lht' w~k..-nd ln Bak~ . . . th~ ~\ t>lopmt'nl ol what Ia t~-I ounllf'r .. only l"t'Ct'ntl) ded.sion Which can mean the Very life Or death Of uru II t'tt'1nc pla~f'O fif'ld Ht' \1al14!'d a cotton f~ld -f'd a "Communlt) Orchf'f;tra"'. f'Tl()\"f'd to Corona d~ Mar. lit' M E~T THE P.-£1&: Wei· ·~ • ""'-t ded · • --th t t the 11M-child~n in hi Sftond Grad<> 14. 8 '0 DAY 'J'M> tt-rm U~lf ~fen to tM hal bt'hJnd hlm many )-e&n or come to our new fellow LOt:' aty. J. na s.ton IS "'I tt:' er 0 annex 0 ('! ~ thriUed to we the Frklay was a pl't!'tty ~ day non·rroflt Or<'hNtl'IU "hl<"h brin, d\'t'\lmulatf'd IIU<X.-euH. Hill ('8· member~ of the Fouf'th £ •. Metropolitan Water District s o that we can have NEW PUPIL& t'OitOn Mill that ht> btouaht lO for IIOtne of IN boyw and ctriJ iveat musk to thousandl of lilt lf'e'r began ln N~w York and Ute. the jouMallatl of th-e access to Colorado Ri\."el' water. ay Gloria Chapman f>hat"t' Y.1th \Nom. ~"'t'Tal child In tht' ntJh Grade cluarooms of ~.nen and act u an outlet to took him on to Bt'rtln and D~ Corona del Mar Grammar H .,.._ is an iss•u.. against Which there seenlS tO \tlu V~lma Witt. Ont' of tht' l't!'n had M\."t'r ~ on~ bt'tol"t'. U. \'t>lma Witt and Pat t>otb amatf'UI and pro~onal M"IL whf'r? t.. romplt'tf'd ron School. You'll find their o;;a"" .._, f'ltth CradC' lt'ac~ bu a new --LI.N"r. A ff!'W boya and «tru who t~t. n ·atol") COUI"W'S "newspaper" '" t ht1 ••ue of be DO reasonable, valid argument. Voting "yes·· is boy In ht'r dau namf'd James COMM UNITY SINGI NG had joined 1M band cot tMir i!r Gibbs has ~n suet\ an Ot· fit' hu t..-.n • ~ and con The Ensign. a m ust for our city, or there will surely come the Ander10n Ht' Is from Chlcaco. Every Wtd~ Mlat Ludl)~ 1twnch horns. dru.rrul ana a f~ ea~r for mor? than Ul v~a,.. ductor In Euro~. l'Ot'W York at r· _ of will A.... d IlL fiabt'ock'a Slocund Cta~ t'l._ Ol~r ln.strumf'nls.. ... flnt In Santa Mana. HP at., St"attl~. From ~ttle ht' CMnf' LETS TA.L.K POUTICS: . day when our source wa~r run UJ.,l, an we Mrs EIN.nor Embrft' h.u • ltu l'Ommunhy dn.«lnt with I 1ltt> llt"hool II le-nding tMw for organillf'd ,.,. Soul Cabntl S)•m to South~rn <AUfomla llftd found· Then' a~ amazlna !IKUN!S In tht> can say good-by to this part of the sunny South -nf'\\ atrl in ht-r F'll'lll Gradt' Ml Robyn Hatch"• Thir<S Crad· ~~ tint ~~f'r. Alter that :"I~Q)" Tht' latlff WlU tht> Lon!): ('(j th~ Hollyw'IK'd 3~-mphony and l't!'port on \"OIInl l'f'glstratlon for land. . ~tau. H~;hna~e 1: K•n'lg;:; An· "" th~ 1~M~~ta ~';: ~0 provtdt' the ~ne to. aurvh? thto '\ll1lr )?an and ~~~ ~!;q:!~-.=~~:.r,"hfrs. the NoW'mt..-r e-lertlon. Then Wh'". the fuss about the ()ct. 26 VOte, if f'r!!On e 1 rotn etl.iO --mwr oa ns n s. of that ht' Is proud. • nil You rMd th(' 1tory ln Ialit J 100 IN MEJ(ICO CIT\' --f>l nutt". Amona lhnn Art' a IOn· . the lSSU• e lS' so clear cut?. The reason l.s that the..... . -t4ntlh Ll b hlu u ... HA.L.I..OW~EN WINDOW Jlt' lh,-s at p~nt In Corona nta and thnoe vJohn C'On~rtos "'~k I En•lan. And you ~all •"" ~ «' s tont' to '"'t'AJCV dt>l Mar. With 1 · that the «hit ot th~ 'to·ry waa that d OCS exist the chance Of defeat. The proposal COWd STUDYING SEA LIF'E C'lly tor th~ wtnt~r. Ht' wrote The IIChool has a AM window It 18 lnlf'rf'tltlne to nolt that he lncllldJn t':"ter ronOPrt lt'UOn lht Dt-mocrah arE" pretty well be defeated b'-' complacency, plus the d e termined One of our fln1 lrf"ad~ teach· ll lt>ttl'r to hJs ~nd Gradf> for Hallnw~n. \\'he-n and If you rtaMtd out In tht> mu~J<-al "-orlu &!en ur con~rt• ln New-snow!'<~ undt>r b> tht" RPpublkans .r era. \tl &>llnabrl SmJth ha.s c:lan. rom.-In the PTA mt'flJI'\jt )OU'II to be-a b3. ' vlollnlllt In fact he ror:.thf'r ¥.'1t~nd one In IA(Nna. In Ne-wport &-ach. effOrts Of a Sh Ort -Sighted mino rity WhO C8n see lOC"Pn tl"at'hlna h~r pupils about -~ II It I~ In front Of lht' build· hu an ln~tn.tmt"nl tbat 1$ C'l tl: I th~ SUmtnf'T' OUt· Hf'n" In" ~mt> addlllona.l IJdE>-only t h e immediate COSt, n ot the life-sa\ing m erits a life Tht'\ tum• a lar,.rt' flllh TAIF" TO MEXICO lnt h\ lhf' offiC't' · lc• .tOO \1'3.1~ 11ld With ~n"al or ron('("rt'" n t Irvin~ Bowl •t.:hh he"' I \\ ith Qmf' goldfish In II • 8 >' W•unell PUte Tht• wlnrio'' \\111 n-ot t'f' chan.:· t r lclt> h.-·,., • thl" 11 'u" th«' flnt a~ln~'~t~a. ,;musk lcwen. can In f'oronn tff'l Mar. ~publl in the futUI'C. '"'' 1 hf'\ ha\? bruutht ~hl"lls to JewS\ I 11••• 'lac l!'Ont' to Me IC'CIIM un tl '"' •·mhf'r TIW' S«""nd r nt' tn t'Of' piA\ I'd tn thf' mij!'lnal I~ our ~vm Pho: .. and, AA~ "'Mil, f'An' t'nmprl._. ~; ~ pt"r t'll'nt nf thf' The "'\\'ater f or :'\ewport Beach" COmmHtE't' hut• lul•"l\ "'I ltn I'Jw>nc1 1 ' \\lnll'l ~hf' \\Ill (,JIItlt• "'"II \\tth lht' hf'IJ' of L lS ..\nt<I•""S\mf'ht•n ' \\'\\ bnt'l. ._ fl · p ·. TOI¥0\I"r II I"'C'li"IC'N'd \Oif'r• and lhf' Ofomr. t>t· In \J,' \'' l I!'\ and othfor lhl'll '• wl ''1' In 1~ · 1 a nr opportunit~ for thl' o rat' l'l9 Thl~o 1~ almmt lflf"n has ~n lSSUin g information t O th£> public in a ron -~~olat-." .1 od' ~it.f ahfo ••t•uld ··Ro h Ttm f I ~ J~Nt' who romf' to thlo; 1\r?A lii'AI \\'lth thf' pktUN' tn lhl' <'lh· certro Campaign t O <'mphasize the nE."CeSSit\ Of a CAA.WS PICTUAt! \\"lilt• nn<t t;ll ~mf' lntM"Httnl'TAU< ON '"'0114.NS IJ ~~~ I\ 0 t \;Jih 11 musl<'lll l:tlf>nt to tal(t' an 11• 11 \\hQif' \\hf'lf' tM rorn-S fa vomhlc Yn t c in the romin~ wa tcr elect ion. Let ','.r;. ~~~:: /~~~~\~~~h::!0'~:: ;~"1t''1 '~" II tJf' ~rr.d toudhf-1ar h ~~~· 111'11" or \II~" Lu..r·s clru" <'0\.1;1~ ·~ .• :,~1\:.n~ .t t>u~ h;,nc:~~n~~~ ;:..~~\~ ~~~:.~ ,~c ~;~;d,~n:.1 l'onctlnR ttt•rrc•nl~t,_.~ arC' ~-fl · th · t l h t t · t h ) t ' ., " lC'I L''"'' ~1.· .,.... Ill n1 a.. ' ' I!'C'\1 '·"" on lndl:tn!l on • • · ft 1 1 1 • 1 tf t T lind ~ i' us TC\']('\\ (' major porn s lrt'.>Ug ou In (' (' -, ,/11,... .. lnm:alo hmn\\tlrtn In ht>r .. t-o,,,' \It·~('(), 1u .... ,., .r 1.,, \\f't'k Thf' ·...,.., • I umf'n '" ·~ "" \ I I ~f'a~ ... I,. I t• \J~ll\ l"f'hC'ar""'l'( for nui \\hill • c11ff I"(' Ra.l ters. }Jere are a few quotes: I"'" t 11' .. '1 f.mbN't' Ort''W ., ·'"" cub h;.•u..:ht lndtan doli~ .. oli 'JU<.I :t jlllftl lit• IO\('' IO ''"'"" hcoa '"'I nt1 ' Th •• ; ~('f' o; C'f'n; •· . , . \\'ells ll !"{' taking \\·a ter OUt faster than Jt ; ~:~:•• .c~' 11 ,. ::~I I hi< f'll''UI \' wa ·~"" OV I [ ': S~OW~Il !;:~' t'w•llh .tnd nN:klat"t"< ,·11 ~h~~ ~~·: ~~·~~~: ~~~~l"'l'll~f~ f~~c1m~l~ R ~~el"yti of M.ualc ut lhf' rl'r_l l('l'f'd \ Of('l 'ir:n' Rr • be ) h J \\" di f th , ary er < " In ' .,... "l'<"ht•'t l 1" 1 h \ 1n '""' hod him Uflt'r u~ ..,.. \\t'IJ known Po~bht"ltn' :l1 rlt'r rc•nt Of'mOf·rnt .. 1S mg rep crus ('(' . e cannot p m ore rom e I \\'f' hA\(' ~n <~hown a mo\1~ '" "''' k I'""" 0 1 ll . i Ill I mu"IC" <T ill(' a ntf tltllmatl!>l 'Ill lit. Tht• Jln'lUI' I dlffN't'n\'(' ot All 'rain barre}' than COmes intO it ~ Sooner Or later, fOUND or "Xall\t' Art<; nr Old Mt"xi<"'O"" STUOYIPIIC .,.I"E S•ldmo fm ' li t• l'n·~~nl It llr~,n;C' "'Tht• ont> my511'r) of music l$ Ito on Udo h i(' 7~ 1 f)E'r <'f'rtl Rf'· un)ess re5trtCtlOnS an' imposed OUr "ra.Jn barre)' \ j'UIV' In c·,,,.,,.ll d.-1 \br on In \In; <"AJ•)I Ot'nto-n't Fourth Tiw ktnfi ... C.trl••n C'l31<~ art· f"ucAfll) ~\mJ•hon\ • 111" tmr m~~lf'r~ Of aU art and J•Uhllran!!. :19 JW"r ~nl J)c>moc:nts. , , • . • . . 'iOid••nrnr ''" \\ •-dl"t't.dll) :rflf'r r.rad.-rl11c, . \\ e uw rna.nv riU(hlnr .oho"'' h n• The t10, 11 1 "nntturlt•l S ·•'-' tn 1, nnt ha~h· "!1 t•lhrr h~!l'an lnlt'rt"OurS(' . . . Oh\ lou~ I) thl'rt> IS a dt>rlnltr will be empt). and It IS n O\\ SO lOW that lt IS becom-t•t•nn 11'1 '1\t "" 0\>.-nt"r C'11n wa~~ thl\l lhl' Jlt"'p~ of ~ft'x.ICO ttnc1 J:lr!J h:no• hro\Jght toy fif... lui In ndmltln~ thnt tn th t . I o•r>w•M itt\ Thrtt> Is fOOd tot rt'lntiOh bc•t\\l'f'n thf" amount ot ing i.J1Crea510~J\ t'Xp<'nSi\"C tO pump from it." c·hlm II b~ o11''<Miblng P~ and :"'18kf' lht'll II\ ln.:. \\'t' al.o 1\aVt' C'lljlln , fttr hPi mf'tS and bookto tlnnlrtjo! thio; nrc hf·~tra hntf /\f.~ lhOll£hl lr lh~ Wotd8 Wht>ll y,.~ JO(>r eapltll WI'Aith or a rommUn· .. If the fresh water in the basin is pumped C'Cintf'nt" Call Haroor JR94-M. 'N'n :t mo\le of ".Medco City·· at>out rll"f' tn rJ~o;. "r~>Ullh tlm(• 0 1 11.. 11 hn~ tal«'n I hint.. It~ tt>rrns or M orohl'f>tra ... !ty and II• JX>rct'ntaJ:t" or R~pub . . . • . . . 1 h~ Otllng«' County Symphony. IteR nil. below sea le\·cl, as It IS n ow. salt water Wtll e \·en-T xtbo k An orc-ht>stra ls. aftt"r ttll, "QTOup }1£'1"(' Is lhf' breakdown ot C'or- tually percolate through the gravel and fill the ··s Century Old nr dititlnct ,Pl'TSOna.llttf'l. controU ona del Mar rt!'glstrallon by p~ 1..-.~-• • --11--~ sal · · d -0 f'(l tu " de~ by the ronductor C'lnc-ta: L.III.3UL This lS l,;d....K." t ·water mt rusiOn, an many ._ \\"(> find a det'pt'r appl't'('latJo~ p I "-"ells along the coast already have been abandoned tor su<'h an organluuon and 7"'<' oct ~rG· ~m, ~h. ~~ because the Water has become tOO saltY for dom-A tra~f'd and ra.~rllf'd book, Th.-h~l ot principal plat"H lr ltt•gln to Pf'l'n'h"t' the human 13 299 162 3'2 493 esti use .. ~ whl~h I'll th~ C'hf'rlshro memt>nto tht' worltf lnrludt"~> about 25(), l'lf'mf'nt that 111 such a pa.rt of 14 2Sl.'5 ti:. 40 ~ C • nt l Orona dt>l Mar·a. piotlet'r l"t'll· {rom M·r-.. '"<t ~l~ratf'd ~-musk. Totals R.'JO 5-'t'i 122 1 48'7 "The allocated water (of the Colorado Rh·cr ) ltfc·nt. II r.. Ctt.on gi\e a hint pon tn Syria. to 7..cmhla. ··a ll)l". ~ ~ou next w,.,.k. The total N>f{l. lratlo-I . bas been COntraCted for almost tO the limit and of r'ht>nl da~ U th~ 1.\'t'n" about l&rg\' IS.land ol th•• n<>Mhfom ---phMtOmf'nal fi«U 'II h n . S a ' a N'ntun And a quart«'r bac-k. ,.....,.n:· Of l'alltomta It .. ,~,. ••a S '"" "' ('n ;)OU rt" this is, without much doubt. the last community n"' n-f'n·f>nto I$ th~ ·-rnited nt'nm ula of :--onh Amt>rlca: tuc/enf Comes <'all 1 ~' tbf' ~rtlciAI Ma;) C'f>nsu which \\ill be permitted to join the District." StAtt' .. ~· .. ·lltnll' Book:· "hiC"h wa11 and th111 i' about tht-onh ~ 'f ~t· po;~a~~on .-J i':r a~· "Barring fantastic and almost cost prohibi-~~~ ~~,w~~-.~nn~ t~f' I'Chool :~:n t~~~'!r :.~~~(' l'OLfOI an.. ot I rom Scotlancl Mot Rt>publlt'~ns :;:utrlt' th~ tiVe sch~mes f o r t h e importation Of water, Or the Thf' f''>ar l .. r:;P-of ~ht>a oo:k l'An· Lot of Memorl~lng A stUdent JUSt &rn\.'f'd from f.o'!"ncls I I ~OOP 13 d which is purifying of ocean water on a huge scale. there is not tJf' df'I~I'Mlned bfocaUS(' man~ .....,f' lilt' of the .;tud~nt was nr =~~Who has relauves In .~m:;;AI~n This la~h onl) ~·" th f t · So th Calif · " ~M In thf' bt'~rlnntn~r of tht> map judgJnlt from the tm;ti'\K' a dt'l Mar and Balboa s ~ J)l'f'(' nct n o 0 er ource 0 wa er m u e m o nua. book lnt'ludlnt~ the tltlt' page-s IIOfL<. to the l('A~r roncemJna I land lS one of thf' statf mem-l<'aWIIrd of Bayside J)r and " ... If We are tO prepare for and keep Up \\;th ar? rnWintr . thlf> long list of pla<'C> n~ bf'n of the school publlcatlon at C(IUt Hlghwlly. our population grov.."th w e must acquire an interest L.u1 Date II 1115 ··w .. rouJd WISh that lhf' tutor C>rantrt Coast CoU~. h"f'hf' FX-mocrat• mak(' th~ bt>st in th "ll..n'l;ro .. ' But tht-, ·• I' lnd1catf'C1 ap-vould J.>Prmit h1.,. puptl . alii IIOC'I"" Hf' Is Stanley A. I for Al't'ht'r> " owtnar In th~ llf'Vt'nth p~lnct. e 1"1 n · proxJmalt-1 h\ til' Cart that tht' t5 the\ are ablf' to rommlt tht' Srruth. or Dundee. Scotland (not which II 40 Pf'r C'f'llt Df>mocratlc- ., •.• Since this letter was written. two com-last ltf'm In II II~'IJll' nf Import· \\holt' of I hi!< tablt' to mt'mol"). by to bt' confWE'<t with St&nley A. rnd 49 J)t'r C't'nl Rt>publka~. This munities haYe been denied admittance to MVVD." ant dl'IIM l~o ffll H<J'i \\hl'n "the ~t'ltlnJ! lt'n or !lrt~n line. .. ".....; Smlth. the Corona del Mar re-al· 8 dandwu"d of C'out Htf'hway . Brltb;h WC'rf' ,•l'fP<tlt'fi 111 :'llf'w day. or a page for f'\t'l") Monday tori an on lht" Laguna &Jde ot Ins \Ve cannot forge t that alread.} two o pportun-Orl,.ans b~ Ct'n('rl\1 J11rkMln.'" rr.ornlnsfs exa.m1natlon .. He arrh't'd only last mot1th in A"?. iUes to ga1n access t o Metropolitan w ater have Mt f~l~>tmn·~ faltWI \\ho was lnsln.tctlons on drtlllng thf' New York. and attf'r a t\\10-\\"ct'k Now lt't 'll tal«' A loott at Balboa been turned d own by Newport Beach. W e cannot born tn lAIR ullt'd lht' lt•>..ttlook. JlUPU!I on Ul~ namE'S 'Neo Art!' Vildt thet"e. hf> came to Los ~1-Jsland. • . .someflmP In thf' 1820's and 1830's given: VHtT'E.D 8TA~a SP£\.L.ING aooK l'li. He enrolled at Oranae Coa.tt l'ret'"lnct R~p r>em. Oth. Tot. ri&k that again .. It ~as been pretty well ~blished Th,. book 111 dAtf'd furtht>r by t~ ·•Jt would 1M> w~ll that th~> tea. •ao 1a ttte ,1111 1o" of H. o. Qfbeoft : :m ~~'::at~.:':.,:~'!~~ CoUere to take u.p Journal.lsm. and r. 299 72 22 393 that another reJect tOn WOuld mean three times and !at't that on th~ bllck palft'$ are c-he-r t>Xtrt"l~ hh; pupil In thr Ofla del Mar. T"e book It opened to PAl" N and ft t lYI.,_ bbltt ht> Is Uv1ng now on ~campus. 10 .. 250 95 23 3e8 out ThiS js OUr last c hance. l;('rlhhlf'd ooomt diary-like notes abowo table thu~ of Pf"'fiUnt:latlon tfld .pelting. (~t Photo.) He II thf' n~w o1 Stanley 1.2 . 222 B3 lS 32.1 • which gtv«' the y~rs t836 and ··Ma..<~tE"r· \Vhat ill the mt"tropo-uon and rneanlnr. such u "mln·r Ttte Unltt'd Stat S lU Smith of 51.8 Avocado Aw-~ Cor-16 254 104 23 391 l!G< Its of F'ranct' ute:· OOCh part or an hour d Boo e pe ng ona del Mar. and of Mn.. Wilbur Totals 1.03S 354 86 1.475 T,. I N r· c. s· lc • Thll> s~lllng book orlglnally "Pupil: Paris. and It II ll&ld tc "m.lnut~" \>?r)' small • an try k ~n~des ~ ol poe-Lake. -Onyx Aw-.. Balboa IJ. The total l't!'Jlstrat:lon of .BaJ. IS $ 0 tme ror IC ertng rontalnf'd 144 pagt"S. with tom~ rontain 800000 .oula. Table. XXX whtch' ls plct\IJ"ed an f wbdoll0m4! ected ~t· land boa bland II almoct I~Ucal The questio n whether Corona del M ar mer-:g~~e ~~~. ~ 0~: ly .. aWl~ -r: :I:t':::d!:~ at t~ top of ·the lett h~ pafe =p~es of t~· .. ~:;;.~ eome ra~"~ct:-'"..,:: ~.! ~ ~~~ o~ Co~n\~~· Mar-the dlants want to have their own business associ&-now wtth a s~ltlng list on pege not. "'"' thlnltt. fall of h~t~n~ !:.r,~ .. ~'!~~~ea~ronun~~ yo'"nme la 1 ~~ ~uable to Royal Air li'Ol"C:."e, ~ Ill the The mo.t ~bll~ pl"'ed.nct tion was answered in the reactivation meeting last 63: li~na ~~ words as .. "paJ·a· on tM pupil to a tblnt !or tlon cll!fe-a l't!'m.arbbly from era~l peop t' n 10 any oth· Sua Canal ~and In Indla. Bur-. on the hland It the alxth. wtth maDth. Almost n o one doubts the need f o r the o_r-: b~.,:'~ ~~~:/!:·aldcll;! knowted:Or~n<U:!f~,!~~· ~lUna:· .. ~ ~~ such ex-. "He who IOWM'l• hJa pu&~ona ~~;:;! J!t"i: >:: :!nrr ~~ •caJ~ 1s; = ganization. Now the question arises: What will aundatJon. The prlndpaJ places 1n the -ue .. a.ndaa ~ e~ :!:da mort!'.:~ he who com· after flYt' Yt'*l'l ohervlct'. Then ht' &1ft M.atward ~f Marine Aw. the merc:bants make of their associatio n ? ""emarkabte £vantt" United Stat~ comprilt' a 1oQa ko~" "phthlt'ic,. ~.. '" ... ch•' "Ma ~ ... _ n1 -t.. worit:ed for the MlnJm,< ol Food plua Harbor Ialand and ~ · . b l This Is tnol"'t' than Jwn • tpell· list, from A1abarna, "a nf'W atate .. 3 • ' n u""' 0 Y ~.. en-bt"fOII"t' comtnc to the U'l\lted Stat· Bay. Already there has been some hint of trou e lng book. bt'CaWit' on that same of thf-Amt>netn ~bUc .. to Y'Ot· cto~ with the power of 1&-utf'l-n , Leut ~publlea: ~ .un ahead. Signs of dissension we~ evident at the sec-~ t~orrlns • N"adfna exe~. Zanesvlllf. ··a thrMnc tow"n on ~~-= :;n,'::!~!:"~n the~~ !.':,~ :e~ ~ ':. ~ 0~~ -tar from a barral~·ror tnt' ~m-G'ld meeting of the membership held last week. In Th~ RJch Man and L.aza.na. the Musldngum 1'1Yt>r and capl· ~t cta.y ha~'t cbanpd at·· ~ Bere'a .__for w--.. ocratt. la t~ 16th prect.nct~.s . • ' , d . IAI~t •~ •lvt'n llsta of propu tal or MusJd.nrum County, Ohio:· btt., a · .... ~~A~aWJ per Ot'Jit R~b~n and 265 r any orgamzation such a d evelo pment ts e tnmen-uma or prlnctpaJ plat'ell tn tht> Table X'XVll on paee fl6 gtvea Tabl XXXI h An Otd cupplnt For School Olllldral ~nt ~tJc Th.IJ lt ~e tal; in a newly formed group it may well be fatal. Unllt'd StatH. proper n•mes. of examples of wonts whll'h art' the le~ hand .~~: ~~ ~o~,u~~ A poignant aou~nlr II ke-pt Ht>re la the menu for the hot ~ bt'tWt't'n c or"a.t A\>?. and Ma- Bickering and petty argument have no place ~rsons J.nd plat'f'$ In th~ New nt>arly allkt' ln 80Und but dt!fer tratlon oflet'l V."Or(IJ whl h folded ln fhf' pa~ ot thla book :unchf't Offf'red next Wftk at tlle rtnt' A\-~. in the agenda of the Business Association of Cor-!o~~~.e~~·,";~7';ra~:;_~nan~n~ ~~t.~:!;~~~b.'~f~_.~-' ;:~~~ ~ ~ ~ro~ounc;r ve1ry cerro~ ~h~ ·~~~ ~~~~·clipping: ~=.:e~~f. and N~rt ar!u~;!~~":~=~~· ~•re ona del M a r . Tius is n o time t o be debating. m~thods "~~ronolo~l:~1 table of remark· ll~s words ~hicn •"' 1peU~ adrnonltl:n :r,hC: e~f:';'h0~f .~~ "Cibeon-Died. Au.R. ·14, 1864. Monday: Sheph~ ple. ~~ port eeach In w~lc~ ::; of restricting participation ln the AsSOCI8tlOn by 8 f' f'V'I'nta. alakt>. but differ In J')f'Onuncla· Ia PI"'flt'l' to guard aga.ln,st so from WOUI'IdB rece1wd In battle, lx'ans, JettUCt> ll-1lad, whJte breaa Otimocratt out nvmeer the Placm. g limitations o n membership. The cooperation all m e rchants. That traffic MUST be s lowed d own corNpt a pronunciation." ~me Jo~J.11h Clblon. ~ndwlch .. mnk. .--..ubllcana. The .. a,.. t , a · · • • • ot the examplt'l g1ven an· kt'tch Dro. Cl~n t>nllsted In the 'I\tellda)' Ham loaf. onloM •nd 11. of everyone engaged in busmess m t h e commuruty And the only effective way to do it is to h ave an ro-r catch. yourn for you~ h~m anny tn 1861. ln th& 4001 Ret. cl"t'G.med. ooery aUcb. 100 ~r· We hav• t. 1o w.-1 back to is a bsolutely es ntial to carry out a successful o rganized, unified group present the case to ~ tor M.ra.. hlRn tor hla. d~ded rn-. l ntt·y Vola.. and aen·ed hi• Ct'nt wh~t aan(!wlch. milk. the regtttratt.f\ for the tt31 Proper authOrities for drowned, wtndf>r for wlndow. country (l.lth!ull) tor lhN,.'t' )'tlll'l Wedne.c!ay: Roaat beef. pol& November electiOn to fll\4 program. . . h • Nc!Jcat.Jon for t'ducatlo-n and then ~lltted for thrM toea. cole alaw. 100 J)t'r t't'flt the Oemocratt In the mfljo,.. Consider some of the unmed1ate problems t at Another p roblem of immediate concern to mel'-Taf* XXXII. on r.t.. rti ht hand yean ~or~cer. ANI althcMct\ 'he v..heat aandwtch, rn.Uk. tty: the eoore than ••• '.atl face us. chants is the fire hazard. How long will it take to pq! ., the llluslratlon, ctves was ln ec-veral .. ttJe., ho aiWl.)'• Th~: Chop Ney, rt~. to-O~r ... to 1,1 .............. "'--of these is the Chris~ecoration pro-aet our fire station? That depends on coo-'~'--•.....a words "In Which 1t~.e t'f!rrn!M. came out unhurt. unw du.rin1 mAt ~ ~b bread. m.tlk. ca" VJ.A: • • • ' • • ~ lUUNl~.oet.~ tiona ar, er. or. and ,.., haw t'X· one of thOle! hard, bloo4y battl~ Friday . Ba..kt'd tl,h, pot.tc, For the 1946 ~ ela-uon gram. That requires unmediate a o n . Part.tc.tpa· local efforts to see that the project is undertaken ac!tly the ea.n:w touncl. vh. that n-ear Atlanta. htt ~ved a moT· tosted salad. 100 JM'1' Clt"nt wt\Ht ~~ ~l'dt hOW 2.830 or 53.2 tic:il by all metcbants is essential in order to pro-by th city, as has been promised. or ur." E:Dmples: ~pr. C'OII· tal wound. from wh.lch he died." "-lndwtdt. milk. ~r t"t'nt. ror the ~PublQm : (tuCe something which the community can take These are only very few of the local problCfDB Ar, dOllar. Uquor, ac:holar, mayor, Thl • fa thf' obltua.ry 01 Mr. . 2.072. or per OMit. for the • • · · · h f . Mlthbor. Clbton t bmtMr, Ja.lah. who a A.-aE.-ON V ~att. pride m, whtcll Wlll attract \"l.Sltors ann. t e n? ore, th at affect the m e rchants. They cannot~ tgno~ Po.t"Y tnc• ... • • kltk>d In tht> Clvn war. w , ACATlON 1n that l''Mr C'oron• 4t'l M~tr shoppers. tlnd th y must be acted upon soon. ~ tootnotf' •t the bottom of -(· w.~;n·F·~~~':' ~::Oho ~puat-h~ .an ~«'l"t'd RtpubUean. tn conjunction with t h is e\·ening shopping An <'nerg~tic Business Association unhamper-th . rt.wht hand ~ M)r~: "AI· ouA.-D N£ oe M£N l;mld Av~ and Coast Ht:1!_.11 ~-~~~ per ~o and 327 ~ ... hoUrs m t l C"'ONlinaterl a~ong all of the mer-N1 by int~rnal squabbles can )('(ld the way in v-:~~: ~h!n.~~~ nu~.!~~h ';, fn:.-n a~~nal ~~~~~· Ia" n~ c·nrona d«'l ~or. ta I!U(! to bt t!'.c~ ~~~:U:r ~~.•net a totat t"t'lr- t ' at I .. st forth Christmas shopping ~~on. ing f hr~l" pmhl<-ms. The local merchants cannot llrt" J')f'rh pll IIUICldt'nt to f'Xdt~ ' ldy drJII,fll'-at thf" N~lona~ :~~hf> v:;~llo~ond~lll~·~·r Ia t;m &lbot Ja)anct bad ~-ef'. Tbcn there is thC' question of th(.) t raffic on ".r-ror d to n ii<'W petty bickering t o d f t the pur-tt e h 11W'T'11 nlf('nUon both to the r.uN"tt AnMry, too.J WMt E!Jthth Vl('ha tw-hJnd ·the-bal"be'r "c~~ ~at ~blrena ,.nd ~ ~ Coa~t Highway, rlP.finitcJ~ ~ prohlt"m that conC('II "' f \ I irh I he A.C\S'lCiatlon WAS formed. 1~'~: ~;-r~~~ ~~~"::.~ pmnunda ~;;;t~ 111" ~'lnta An. mmmuruty ~' bt-i'An John W. FC»'11)1b oJ ('("fft' R:pubi~n ;::;t •,;§ :=: • 01nra ""· et>nt moc:-raUe. !Pioneer Residents , ...... Move From COM '-1 Twv of eoron. Ml Mar'a pion· 'l.1m ENSION F .. IOAV, OCTOatft I """ hav~ mo\'ed a~)' Mr and Nf'WVC)f' ~ach h&l ~ • W . E.. n ~r. 202 Ab&l<mt> A\~ Mrs Thomall ).1Jl't>r N 701 Car· ed out of thfo lNlil tn t.M eount)' A'~. Balbo& ~land four-I'OQm I Leslit-E . Smlth. cl~ tn t9.'0 natiOn Av~, lrft 1'\1~) w bulldJmr penrut ~ aft~ lead· onf'-Clory. o~urut dv.~llinC at ncses of p~nt . porth of dv.·ell· tM' With toor da\.l&hter m Fulll"f'· lnl the pack for mo~ than tv.'O ii'OJ Larlapur A\e, Sfi.fiOO. lnf at 109 Park AH• "!0 ton at 1247 Luanne Av~ ~nn a<'t'OrdtnC to fif\lrt'S rt'-F'. E. Proud and B E Rogt-n I L. H Aulx'rt. fk>\ffl~ HUIJ unt-to C J ~-San l)lmaa fur • dweiUng at 115 \'u CN C:o\a, "'1th an PitlJTUltt'd '•Ju ul $15.000 Th~ MUIE'nl fl~ cam~ to Cor· leased by th~ BuJidllll Dcpart·,liM U'ltf'rlor f II\·~ r~>lm '"" 1h addiiK• ttf apar•mf'flt abov~ and PftOTECT YOUftSELf" d 1 M at summer ~drnts m~nt In Santa Ana thla v....:k. ~v.ood rt>"la("t' ••nk and v.a~ r-ar r• ~lov. •• 323 Apolt>na A"~. \\n•":l 11 rootw dnH•r da~t~ h) r:al~ a~ haH" madt' lheJr Sltnte Arua ll~l(,.took O\ r tM t.stn 1.~ oc,~n nh~ S5QI'I '6rlftO >OU on 111 .. Y.TUI'l~ OOE' of tlw I"'OI•I ftEV. WH££L£ft't tEftMOH del"\\~ to obta.ln a nf'W lighted 1 hn e h~rf> Wl<'f' 1935 ln1 a .. rtf '~'"' f"nd of thto nr.t J \\ rarnt'P>r •1r1l'lun lQ \\ II <::matt! ra•aJ!' and Hwn attf'mpts to C'J"O"'"d 10 OH CHftiSTtAH MAftftiAOE ~tJcn to ldenlif} Chn.t Church brma~t>~ht" ~"!.1 hnuses in thfo run.-. m<mllu "' 194 Santa Ana bUUdlnJ: at l~l I Olll1>l lltirl•'-' ~~~ ',•...,-,t1 l..'anal Sl Ollfl fiY•nl c.r ) JU don't speed up and '"''M Christian Ma11iace" Is by lM Sea. ln a dri\e lo raJSt> • n~ 0 c • ' bull b the and "uhurh!l ho\ f" • total of 1'7.· Sl :100 !In~ ard &kPr f'n!ar vtq.• t1""·tl flr'l"\l!'l'll hts pulhn.; m. ad',,.,._ Htf' va" De K•m•'• e.u,.,. Coot! I• thfo topic of tht' arrmo11 IO ~ M funds for lht> pro)~. Church Cmwn 11" wa · 1 ~ 1.'51lo:S In s.~nd l"laef' Nev.•-:\flt1•m I~ ..,t Kl.,l! 4'\'i Hc·lt"' r ~ at 3'."«1 S..ppt-.ln• ,\\t• S'i Oi :'l:llti<OIUII Au nmoblll" (1ub Th<·rP' U\~ bv Rev. Paul Moore ntt>m~rs ha\"e undt>rtaken the Mlll«>n Ill ffl C¥rnalhwf}/ rort ~"' ll ar.d ,ubUfbs ha'e a trope A,,. , . .,,.,,, • .., ;r_.rart-to h•~ J S E 1 1 ln t hoef' da\ 11 )'OU , tu C'Om~ 1 f $1' 721 1 Tl . 1 1 1 11 111 ..\ t".t• I lui.-rt f. at " bu1lt1 tut rllllf' no f'n<.f' m n~Jonl! your own nP("k ~:::r~~~::C~h:n ~~~*:;8 P • :!.~ch~~lc,::S· m:~:!J a~h b~~= JCI"'S' the Bav on a onHIIT fer· ~;.~, ~nut:!; ,.;;1thlrd u;la~ f~r· ~~ n \\uq•~' '~01 ;; r 1 •.srh' r•-•m •t 2'••• r: Sa\ Fnmt $1:00 <;hnuhi onm~ung traffiC D<'f:lr:t t~ Pbont' Harbor 1000 200 MAftiHE AV£. Other actl\ltleta of this church slogan. "U&ht the Sign.' nw rv from Balboa 10 J:C"I to thf" ure ,, $.337024-t tor Laguna Rd San \!arlr•<• •·hrhtriOm • .... r •• f'\1"' 1 ""1 \lf'lll~lh' s•nt , •• ,,,,,or fflr 11 ' 1\n\Pr tn lh• \\f'IJn~ lncludf' ~ morning rehearuo of n<·w sign will be chsngPabl~ .-.o Cro"''" point. Frrr.) serviN" wu B<>arh an•l o,uhurl'>s ''Or) '"<>·unit •1\\f'llJng 111 ~ ltl ''"1 hll• k foli\'N u~a 11 ~~ 1 'tolil _"'_'_"_' -------------------------- the Ch~rub Choir at 11 111. m. to· that weekly lt"nlct'« call .tx-Ill· un~rtaln and If you didn't gf•t Leading th(' unJncol'fJOrated Avocatlf• A'" ~H •nl 1 '" $-~'" ...----------------------------. BA LeOA ltLAHO morrow. r.ouncc-d. 111c! wUI be framed II' started from Pasa&>na by 6 a e<ommuntlif'5 1• Gardc>n Grove. Mf'l. r. [) r:ru,,... four'"""· \1r• I \"t>lallrh ,,.,.,.,, d~l'll· RI'V \Vheelt>r 11115 thi"Cf' ot.hl'r colored Art glass. F1uo~nt m .. lher't" wun 1 much Wit' In with $2.~.512. a.nd In Sf'CC>nd one-story on~ untl tiwttllln, :tr r If "'' ltrn Amf"tlt~ ' AH• l;!r,(J. i MPOJlTE.O ~Y• oUidaJ rep~nta\Jvt"S or ~ -wttt-ma.kt"--tt-~ '-1lmlD.I. t~K-au!lt'~f.' trip took w Ia~ Is <"o<~ta Mea with 12. i'Ol Marigold~ ~ !'mf•h build ,..._ f on COLLECTOA't ITEMa church ·~ atle-ndln( a DIOC'ft· night. lt'ng. Alter 8 w f" 1lli! ed 10 . CtJ Thnmtw>n urn f•1r \,\"a·h I patin •• .".!-& \mo•thv ' \\•· ~.!~il f'lln Con~ntJon of th~ Eplscopal ldf'nta or lhll a~ab manag bll Bullrtlnl[ f'('l"mlt actlvltv eo~ f'J'Pite at ~lr.! I ·oa~t High\\ :1\ I Ear I \\' !'11ri';an Ln~ Anrt'l~ .,EV N 0 .. N rome all thf' wa' y automo e ff 1 Oct. ....... $1.50 • · Churt'h In ~ AnJrf'l". They .. E TH ,..y AOV£ TilT the tedious ono oum " bat'k fl to a modf'St start or o.....-r • ·~ .. ,room 1\\<:r~•ur~ 1141.1rc •nt1 Mac kraft's Inc. l~ft yesterday and expt'ct to rt'-The following ~ht"dule hu : d P. ir. !\:t'WP'lrt Sf"ach aJtt>r lut I ealboa laland Pvm•ta pia\ rntrm ar 31~ (,1 and Canal tum aomeUme today. Bu!dnt>aS ~n announced for the BJble f.,~al'>illlers buill lhfo Clrst l month'<~ total of $393.776. Followlrr; rl('rmll~ '"''~" r~uf-13 S'i ')(l(r or the ~ln~t w111 be to elect a Hour Tent e\'enlng m~lnga. home In I he nPw subdh lslon Corona del Mar ll'ermlb tor cons•ructlrm c.on Balhoa I• I c·~"r!M r;,,· on!' l"(>>'•m ''"'' I HOlleY &. TOY CENTEft nev.• Sulfraaen Blahop. 1111 an as-held at 5th and Olive Sta Hunt· which Is now known a~ lh~ wt"'rt I l nduclf'd amonJI: pt>nnlta l.siUf'd lMd. <lr>n Raraae and guht roorr at slstanl to th~ pi'HE'nl Bishop for tn~on ~rh. each w"'k. jrl r 1 . 11t1s monlh a~ the followlnr for Hen~ £.. \11111r •::-o s Ba\ Fr,.nt S1 sm I 1415 Cout Blvd Corona ckl l&a' the Los Ans:-e-1~ DIO<"f"'''f' which Sunday '"Hea,·pn's Monument ~'~ ·«' 0 n~n I corona rM-1 \1ar two unn ,. ....... Jit:-c at n•.,Pr r,..rnuts 1 q,f'd tndudeo !---------------------------....J Include-s tht> St Jam~ Church to Crf'allon." lf'C1ure topic M '-------------------------------.....:-------------------------------------- Rep"'qonta\1\'t"'' rrom the New-11 qJf'Cial attraC11nn Bah ManJ.'TU PILORtM f"EL LOWSHIP I -------·----------------------- port a~a a~ f'.4'0rgf' Holst~ln Ia C'flO\t>rtf'd Hlnotu ~rll bfo thl" TO ftEtUME MEETINGS ~r R [)(maid Hall anc! f'o4'0r~ f"Jf'<>' spel\kPr of the "'enlng A PIIJtTlm Fell,wshlfl th• Sun I \"udll'\ Jr muodcal prngrnm wtll l:'o(> pH'-da~ P\1/'ntne rrnup fror hll:h l""•nu>d In \II"" 1-c:thN \lnrJ:.ln ,..hool ant1 ju•ll<•r t'falii'J:P ~"'".: r: 'll.l'tl lln\\:\Nl Rl!!rkhllrn , .... ~, r~ .. 'i'"' ,,.,1 rr~umr H'VUIIU "N'k "T. JOHN VIANNE'V ~Cnlolc:ll< of ~anta '"" I' 1'\1-lnC m••·•lnl'"' (hi tht• r all "4AS GUEST SPEAKEq , 31 'i :Ill 1 n Sun•l.o' at th•• A I!"'''' ,;l>l'<~krr "Ill p~nt :u~11' ~~ onn c ,I\"~ Aw~\ 1 "'"'" rill \I 1 rummunll' •llr m~'l.'lCI' al lh•' Runt1A\ mc.m-1 "'' :\ TPxt In lhP lllhlf' 'mnm I c h h II I Jo 11"1 Yll II I• I ._i f ~ I h VIa f'. C 'hl·i~ll:m~ • kno\\ .. , IN-tUn' lnt• lllf'" r 10/1 rnt 111 ""''" I• " . I ·" n nn ~ · ,,,un•a•llnr !111 thl~ l.'tnup ''"' Callanlll' Chaf'l'l on Ralhon ~ lr Rf>P('Ial fl':tiiJtP will tx• I hi" <•ffkl'l· "111 tlf' <'lr't'tl'd "' J<lm•·· lr~ nt\ Thr vl•dtln" ~~~t(lr w1n c;hfl\\ tnJt of a ~tountl mlltlun pte· ,.. ff h f rl 1 .. ·~· I "nt> .. "'"' t•n .... " I • ·•mwr rn·• ... l • I ho Falht·r Amold or ~l<'rrn \1art IUN' mons n f thr Jlt-4'1'· 1 ... :.11rn,11nR Pnmunll C ralll'l.'t' ,,.. It W:l• nnnnun• M I hili \\f'l'l< V.'l.'drr.,.IA\ "1< Cnn"~'l••no-f' II T lw \\ ••r<l nf thr F•Prn'l! T, h\ tlw rtf•\, Thnmn~ :'~:•¥•nan Snff' 1:uu1P"" A m~tl!"lll rl<'m ''·" · ,. lh• 111 1o .,f th• rn•"~".:'' mlnlt~l••r nf th~ !'II<'\\("''' llnrhor 1r>n<;lralh'n will 1..,. ll"''" nn lwl1• \\h.,.h Ht•\ J'o•rn f'rP(}f•rH'i C1lhnliC' C"hurrhr~t ful hint~ nn hnmt' nur"tnl! ~chn•c k. ml'"~l"'',.l "111 f!l'll\l'r '" F'rlt111) ''ThP Jutlcmrnl llnur' tlw r·un~·~r·l.'rttl••n nl tho' Cnmmur BALBOA ISLANO CHAPEL lt'<"IUM' tnplr. The Qu~llon Oo\111\ c•hurrh 111 ll :\ m S•m•ll\' Sunrlll\ · .. wrmnn al th<' llAit-nn 1"tll l'w' npt•nf'd ant1 a ll qur<;llnll'l' """ h ~,.,,.,,, \\Ill hl-l!'m "' can h lan•l c·h.lfl«'l nl C"hrl'll Churt'h nn .. wt>rt'd "' :-1 I•\ I hf' Sf':l will hP rntlllt'tl ·'Ttlr 1 !'• ,, "'~"".. In Chrl<~tl n r ro rlf·C, "'"'lullnn \'{'J"<Up; Rf'\'OIU· ltr•n In lhP f)t•\f'lorm<'nl uf l'l' CH(JRCH DIRECTORY lilT~ I tun" \1\.<;lt' fn1 lhr· ~lint\'' ~rdt'f' ---------------------------- \\111 tw• hnnl<thNI h\ t1·1• .lvnhrl t'HRIST CHURCH BY THE SEA C HURCH OF' CHRIST 1 hoo ll tl!lr11 r I hi" d111't·lh>ll nf \!r... Balboa l~land Ck.apel J1 H J',u-knt~l 12!1 Agate C.OSTA MESA COMMUNITY TbP t•hrt•l C• r T"'lll' I• I lw ..,., rnoo>!l tnplr ,·hn<a•n 11\ llo'\ J u, ,., h 11 n" m""''" f,' """ :11, ·, "'"'Ill II!: "or~hlp "''I' I• •' 1 10 ""'' n m Tlw 1 alk "sll lw• t hr• ,,.,. un.1 111 ,1 "'r ac, 111 t•h:ht '"I moll' 1111 "I ltll Fn11h .. C.HUftCH Of" CHRIST. Scientist· 1'\\t) lf'CIUI"("' on the AlhjPC1. r .,., r R-H'll\-, \\~ t\"la,._ c ,,..,,.,. "c-h .:4 .. " • "' v .... , t c \\ ,.., l J I ,.,., a at CORONA OEL MAft CONCREOATI ONAL ., ,,. ,,~""-"· (' ~ ra d I "'" .:,..~ ., 94 1 \ \t n ..-1t c t;, I 11M '1,...-.-tl"'tf \\.,f'•ttlf• e;..r'T"~ ~' ._., Vt .... , SEVIiNTH DAY AOVENTIST Cor. 8 olaa and Old Co. ftoad NewPOrt Heights n.ariM Manla-f'a"'"' !!at "'""' Sahhad• lrllonl t Ill .t. M,..,. P......etlh•c ""'"'',.. _ II 00 W.,a .... hl. Pra,..-M-.lftc 1 Ill T"r141'., ••• ht. v ....... P ...... l .. "-~ ... S"'". JAM£1 EPISCOPAL CHUftCH &Itt VIe LWe ,.,. Chure,. I. Walnut ~.-. , " I ..... ' , •• !-# •• , .. , T ' ' I '' • • I ~ ' ~ ,. CENTRAL BIBLE CHURCH of Coa1.a M ~aa , .. ,~ " I' •• \\ • • I ' " .,. . I ft FULL COSPEL CH URCH A..embl)' of Ood 22nd a Elden Sta. Coau Mesa ~ (' f'n••·~ ~~u...... l'lrl>··'' Mo'""'"• 'Yt ~hh1 ("lllld...... ("11 ........ y.,.,... p..,..,. r;.,..,....,u .. ~. ~ ... ... 1\11·1• "'·"'~ ... ... PtidQ p...,_ - r. "• • ·• A ~ '" u \ ~· rr '~ r " • ..... \1 7 ·~ ,. " ' ,. I" Ooot '. 1' ... CHUftCH Of" THE NAZAftEHf MISSIO ... "J>rovl nJ;t th~ Tnalh of Christian Sd<'n<'P In numl\n Affalr5." wPrt> S<'h<>dult:'d for hroac1cut 1 his ~("("I< ove:>r Station KFWB. Th~ flnt wu pi"H('nted from Fiflh ('hurrh or C'hrlllt. Sclf'nllsl. Lo Angf'les. 1'\IMday at ~ p. m . The ti('('Ond lt'ctu~ will ~ al~ Sun· clay. CX1 17. at 3 p. m. from 71\lrt\ &>rond Church of C'hrlst. Srle:>ntlsl, Loll An~t>IM. RAlph C'.utle of San Franci!O('O Is the ~ P•ul Mooro .,.....\« a-... 71' Wetlo Drive ("""""""""' l'lo>rrift -• Ill A J1 It-J t.. ,_,,....,.,, MI•!Jo!•r lf"C1UN'T ~ .. 104u s.1oaol --• .. ,., .. tl ....... , ~-to •• ST. JOACHIM'S C ATHOLIC COSTA M£SA f"OUfttQUAft£ CHUftCH Oraflge at Cabrfllo r~~~ .... , '!" ~. \, ..... ,.,, ~ .... ,., .. :"l:f'\1 rt"5:'llar monlhh rnf'f'tln~t nf thf' 1 Ratlrr'~ lnl'tltulf' of the flul('('<.olln Count'il o f Catholk \\ nmf'n (lran.:r Ct111n1 ~ Ofoaner~ '"" I'M> hrllt !'o:m 2 tn lh(' parish h111! of Sl .h•3rhl01'<. at'('(ln11nR tn Prt"'ldrnl '1\.tr'< Arl hur Til' lnr or Licln l'<lf' """ ~rt'lan \11 C Kt•nnt•th Strwarl nf ~~ Hrn!lcl- ll•n·lfo~ S.h<>f\1 ,. tn " '~ t u \ .. ' ,.._., • 1" )t .r•t tt Vvyt~ fit. rt..f'ol : •"" r , .. .. r H " I' .ASSEMBLY OF COO lh'' M C C'rCinl•· nnn~>unt-NI thl" wf't•l.. thai a mll<~h'n! prn- j:!rnm 1'111" bN>n nrrnnf,!l"-1 for t hr ; :Wl p. m ~r,·lre tonight ( Frl· rtn \ • ff':ttutlnR 11 musicAl group t•f ,ounJt lndlt'l' trnm Rlvrrsld{' Th~ ,roup. ~ hlr h h u ronN'rtl7J.'<1 thrnughoul thl" stale will prt" M'nt both vO<'nl and lnstrumenta' r ,......,,. ~ .... , .... • ·• "'"'"'"' .. } ,.. t _,. ~ r ... '•n r .-.v. ~ ·"·· ,....... '" • "''·''"' Yn •~' 4. """' •·• I "'' ,.... , \h•• ..,.~ ,., ~t • ., . , r '~ I' " : t •• ,, ST. ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN C HURCH of Newoort H 'lrbor SuMa, mo"'t"c Hnl~ It' '"' " ,, In th .. Hbr"rv .~f th.. "-'r•r-•,., l'ftiOf\ lft.•f\ ~t '-f A,,." Th,._.....,.. \t ~~~· '"' '' r· • .-r II''-'·"· .. "'"' r •.. ,.1 , "' , .. ~ Ral-\•l•n<l. C"al•f r~ll'<'llnn!! I COMMUNITY CHUftCH ANDREWS PfiiESBYT£RIAN ~~ W. ttth St. Costa Me.~ Or Robfort E Filch. Dean of I ..... !;h ~· ~: I -r: •• ·: ...... , r .. ' the Faculty of Qccldf'ntal Colleg.· ,, ·•nonr s-.~-tft ft'' a .,. occuplf'd the pulpit Sunday and A ,tj~,;:;~·u~:: ... ~ :;~ ,..,. ,,.. ... spoke to the con~allon on y ... 0 , .-_1"'...,.,1., 1 ,. " ,.. ''\.od'a Will for Man." Dr. Fitch. &..... ... Stor'riff ' ,.. r 'I (oUI<~lllndln« for his lectu~ work l"lwolr .,..,.r1,,.. w-.~~-•~· • '" durin~ the war. hu wrlttl!'l'l thrH \MWlks. u ~ mrmber o f the AmeT· lean PhllotiOphlcal A~on; TM Paclnc Cout Theological DIIIC\I!IIIIon Croup 111d the Com · ml.sJon on the-Relation of the Chu rch to the Wllr. He ~J"'Vf'd as a Chaplain In the U. S . NaV)' rrom t!M" until 1946. THE H£WPOftT H.Aft80" -~~H CHUftCH 1027 Cliff Orfve, Newport Helgt.b JIII'Nl'A Y lllfltVIr r '< o,.,....., ~: Ctln-1,...,. nf oil ---",,_. "" Mow"! .. 11'.,......1.,: lllaf' A, 'ol Nnn..17 !l&oul fM 8116-.. lhti,. a,,..., Ill ... A 'I ........ ......... -----,~ ... ". .. ""b•" ~~ to • • t""' .. .,,..u .. t c-~n\,.. ' 3'l It "' J "td•• S lrt\t r raJ""'r '-1..-t.taa. t fJ•t .._, Wl'C'M "''"' 1 10 I' "' ST. JOACH IM& CATHOLIC CHURCH ... 111 ,. .. .. , !I 6ntt., ,.,. •• • • *"'' 1• ,~.,,._ •I' ' ,. ·~ t CHRIST CHURCH BY THE SEA 1•20 W. Ct-t'\tr/11 Nl'woor't 8"11Ch ""' • ,, ft ,.. T._ ,.,... •• R " r "" tl .t.v ;-.. t ,.,t t ,Ill A N \\ n '~ , ... .,.... < ....... r· .. "·t•n• ' ... ""~"" " ' .. ' '1th f",.t1n• •Mp F:v•·nt.,w ~'"'-,... • llf\ I> ... ' \~ I' m C\U R C'AD\ OF MT CARMEL CATHOLIC CH URCH I '• ~ r R .. , ,.,. ...... ~· ' .. ,, .• " r,. ... , .._. • .,..._,'", u. ~ lot ~~r·hn "" .. .,,..., 1 •,., ST. JOH N VI ANNEY Marine Avenue tholboa Island ~nda7 "•--a ...t I L m Christian Science f"lftST CHUftCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST ISO, VIa l ido at Via M.taga ' h ... .,,.. I, T ~ ),~,"""'""' '*"'""""""' TJo. ,,... ~.,,.. .. ,..f t"'hr••1 ~~•nt1•• "' f\r. .• ,.. lllll••.tttt I_...,. "'.IIIII\ """'.... • .. " A , '~' ~t,..... \\ M 4 Y ...... ..-..~ .-oo11~.. " " -,_,..,.,.."''" ~ .... '~~·-· ., lt• ,. •.• ~ r-.t Aa""-I• '"""""' A••t• ,,.,....., t " m t.~ I ft M _.,....,..... ~,,..,,t<~~•• .rwt ~ ... IIIII,.. -1 ""•16, -~ ,......., ""..,. • .,. • ,.,.,.,.,,.u., '"'""-' to "' ......... '""' (h''"'" .......,..,._ •"" ..... ,._. n ~ ""'. •·"'- COtTA M£1A FOUfttQU~ "Holy Cho.t Power" will be the JUbJe-ct of Rev. C. Wll\a.rd Steams' Sunday m omma WOl'· ahJp •nnon at 10:45. At the ~tnc •rvk:e. 7:30. he wlll eneak on "Wh~ WlU the Church be dW'tnc t.M Ba.ttte of Annqeddon !" . WE~ NOW OFFERING ONE OF THE nNIST PAIN'I1NG SERVICES CHftttT CHU"CH 8Y THt ItA eue.t ~ for the SUftCkY ~1n1 ~ at 1:30 WOl M Ceorl'8 ~ P1-'derlt ol Cl\ltpmaft OoUete-... will ..... on '-n.e Qu1IU.M\ Chardl: n. Faith aftCI PToittLA-" At the u ~ ~--='!:.~ tent hte ..,... ~ ...,.. Tuk of tM ONrdL .. IN ftiE IIARIIOR AREA OUR CR.EWS ARE COMJ"'SED OF THF FINEST JOURNEYMAN PAINTERS • Excellent Workmanship • Fair Prloea ALL WOftK UNCONOITlOHAl.L Y GUA"AHT'£~0 ·-Plti/ Slinner LICtN.tD CONT"-ACTOft We SpeclaU2Je in Color Harmony A "Pf'OJt!et. -*" U. ........ of ~. P. F. ad~ ~ now un~~--------------------------------------------- ,. . ~CDMI Blade Tea ,__ ~ 11- c:--...v Bla& Tea in Bogs ~:r· C7• c~ ..... , .... ·, Gr .. n Tea in Bogs '-:~rf 11• ~ Folger's Coffee •·• .u IC• ..... -...... Edwards Coffee z.• .-1.01 11-lb..dln S2cl Nob Hill Coffee z-• .... II• -~boo .. lc • NOWf w .. ,,,.If ,,. ---IIDMl FIIRIIIJN/1/GS I 01 other priae KITCHEN CRAFT R.OURCONTm utry blaDb and detain at ~tore. IIT081 CIAR ROUI ~,. ::;:-I. I TO LIMIT QUNolffn~ l NO ~6 TO CEX.EitS Continuing our big value event with more savinp for you! In every secoon of the store you'll find low pnce features offering you a real chance to cut down food costs. Some outstandin& values are listed below. Cht""Ck them .. and then come share lt1 the savings your nearby Safeway offers. Look for the ~ Arrow shelf markers at Saleway. T he) ·u gutde you to real values. 1-lb. can ~TI IUtlllAWI WIDll.L-OVUftiS FtiST QUAun A EGGS~r:s~ ccn1oned do sen PIIElPPU: C&UnllllA -I'IJC Cll""' II llft&IDftnnP lkz. tall can At Saf~·ay you can b~ JUT~ of real valu~ in meat ~v~ry tim~ you buy. n~ pnc~ are low, the quahly ia hl.ih WttOlf 01 IWf ~ . n.. lit. .. .. WtU CIT tall .. c SlftWl Y Sl V1MGS Pancake Flour s.. • .-o ~, ~ ... Flapjack Flour At-'• Poncake Flour G-"·' Syrup ~._....,._ Tomato Juice 1:::: ., ..... ...., 10.1 ·~ ..... J'J.-: 31- ~-­'t:-" .. -.:a- Gt-ohom ~~ken oa:-~ II• Maxolo Oil _... .... .. Weuon Oil .... a- Pie CNst Mix ~ •.:;:-1.,. C~ie Mi~~t ~ •:: .. Voniftca .:::..':. ._..._ .. ~ed Sugar UM ~ II• PIE lUI (nmtlot .. P~tmpl.l" PIE CRUST st.7s va~-rtutX Canne'Dt a.. for 50c and one Par box top. Se~ dr~play 1n your nea;by Safe-waJ for order blanb. TMI NIW J-4.1 -. 2C " COfl The GranWa.lcrd ltOlq) with "HEUO" 1~:, 32• 2c .ua, CGCliiiS Sliced Bread w~·· -c..• 1 .. ......... -....,._. .~ ........... t,lkt Cookies ~'r..: :0: .. ,,..... ... Vanilla Wofen w .. -'!i:' .. ,. es .uTIO!w -an "-~~-............ ._ .. ..,....., __ ..._. ....... ~ Aooetinr Wine ... . T...._c.-.,..._..,. hdTobleWeM ~-~......,..... . WN ........................... ...,_ ...... ww • .,._-._,....._... ... , ........... ...as lJSTB) .... 1M$ "AD tp.. RC'TM ~ SA~Y, OCTOIB 16. 1M. IN LOCAl Your N~•~st s.hway ------ - I I t I o,.., N•ghtly at a:•s ., "'· aUftday Conttnuou. from J,Q) M atinee Satur'd.ay at 1:45 Wed. Tllru Sat Oct 13·11 Linda DarneJJ Cornel \\.ilde Anne Baxter in ~\VALLS OF JERICHO .. Second BJJ H1t Jack Carson Janis Paige Don De Fore in "BO "CE ON 'IHE IPGB ~&:.U'l~ In Tt"Cttrurolor SIM. Mon. Tues. Oct 11·11·1t W ALT DlS~"EY'S ~ F taturf' ''MELODY nME'' ka~ Wedne.daJ' Oct. 20 F\nt Harbor Sho'o1.1nlt'' • Victor M ature Colleen Gray 'TURY T FtJBNACE CREEK'' SK-ond B-. F~aturt' Rex Harrison Peggy Cummins "ES APE'' FAIDAV and SATURDAY DONALD O'CO!Il:-.-ER MARJORIE MAIN TEUDIN' IN' AND A-F1Gifl1N" Abo TTM HOLT "GUN OF RATE'' Otnoon-Snt Mat S!"rlnaJ aUNDAY and MONDAY WILLJAl.f POWEU. ANN BLY'Mi ''MR. PEABOD & MERMAID" AIJ!o LOI RA YWARD DIANA LYNN , . ...,....... " -NC!"'' " COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN NAMED fOR HARBOR YULE PREVIEW Buctnt'&S lU\d Prol~JonaJ Wo- mt>n of ;:>.;l wpon Harbor 8.1'{>8 tht' WN>k l"Pit'ased Ow naJTl('~ of rom- mitt('(' chairmen who "1JJ CO()SM'r- ate on thp plan« Cor tJok. Chn~u ~IE'W to lx> Mid Dt>C 4 and 5. ~ "ho h.n~ IM¥n appotntt'd to head thi> second annual pi"E'n- of merchandise and r ash10n ol 1 ht' NPwpon Harbor al't'a an-Ruth Willm~. In chargE' t>f MPl"ChMu. Booths; Emma Hught-5. d~or of th• F~htOn Show, .\far11yn \.\llt¥- kr chainnan of casluN''\, Stw Hor- vath 1n ch.argt> of roncoess~ons, AJ. da Cordon. head ol ticlwt uJes, and :-.oata.J ... M1chaud tn C'haJl:P of ~ conunuity ThE'SP chlul'mf'1'l appotnt<"d by BPW PJ'f'Sidt'nt Agnes Blomqui L o.,.,. Nightly at •:•s Contlnuou. Sunday fro"' 2:30 K id. M atinee Sat. at 1:45 Ends Satur'day Red Skelton Brian DonJevy SOCTIIERN · YANKEE" PI us F ea tul"t'ttf' ''Letter To A Re-bel" lun. Mon. Tvea. Oet. 17-ta.1t Jeanne Crain William Holden "AP~~nr FOR PEGGr' AI~ Pa.'l&i~ Para.dto Cartoon N-"S St.uts WedneN~~y Oct. 10 Barbara Stam.vyck Burt Lancaster ''SORRY WRONG NUMBER'' Gala Mesa OrJetdJas l NOVEMB£R4 "emernber TM D-. I J I an ,,,,..."<1' fnrmm.: lh1•tr romnut- ll'\'' tn J•n•p;.t 1 .Ilion fur 1 I,.,. har· bvr-\0 ldt rw rt h~tndt"" di~JJia) wtu.h u• f!,·,•a:n• d '" ('OCoura~ horPmg In lt\t> llarbvr an>a Balboa h lnruj. r Huth \\'tllmt'!>. I' ho I~ In t'hi.U".:=t• 1•l lhf' Ml'I"C'hlU\t& 8<1(1111!\ h"' h 1d a cn·at dfoal of "'PI n••n<-t• m ~~~m .. of tht" typt> bt.-cau~· <> • ""-' l'f't'fl a ~mtt-d ~11h lh O:::tur1.n llt\ Olamb< r ol Cvmm.n·· "h•·n ... ht-istNi In " ldmllar nnnulll 'ho" Full r .. ,rtj- Niar of lh< 1 hn~t~ Pr•'\t .. w Will ~ ma.t IPd to rTlf"I'Chanb tn 1M Harbor an"a ln order tu •llow m,~ room for mf'J"('handlc(• dl~>pla) 11 hu bef>n cft'('td<"d •u hold thts yt>ar's Ulow tn thl J(,·rKJ, 7YOU.~ Ballroom. Balboa FtH"1 •·r 111furma11tm about tht> dl pi B) t. "''h• r. " t ... ohuun- 1'<1 fn1m ~11 ' \\ tllm··, 1J1 Harbor 1776 Professional T raining in At>ting -Announcing -Newscasting . rfpt Writing Commentatlns All Phases of Radio THE J CK UnV S('ROOL OF RADIO (No chai'Oe for prof ... l~nal •ul'fltlonl 1807 Newport ltl"'tt Cosh Mrt.a •eaeon !1.24l.w TRY ON£- PATIO .. CU. DEN ELECTI TOUCH FOOTaALL GrPg Hugh('tl WM e-lec-tf'd as ~ 8fwnth Gf'84en <m N_,. c'lenner for lhf' romln~t month &nd pon School t.an&led In touch foot· Pt1e And~.>rson WM named as his ball thfs Wftfc, wfth the 7-L team 1\Sl!ll!tnnt at Tuc>lday's ITIC('tJn& ot rnpa!Md by Bobby Dk'hl, losing Cub ~n 2 at tbi' An4Pf"'''n N'SI· 12.() Wed~y to the 7-c squad dt"ncf' at 521 Ft>rnll"al Ave .. Cor- lf'd by 1-..ob Krnct&ll, alter wfn-ona d el Mar Trt>ats wt'n> furnish· nlng 13-0 ~1 <M'r the 7-B f.'d by Walter Howard and Jimmy am. CllpCAIIMd by Bob fbbotM-n. Eubanks. ·~& For Your GENE'S £n,!Qyml'nt II TELEVISION 705 Coa.t Hlgflwey SANnWJOiES Hal"bcw 1 102 MALTS Colena ft.l Mar 811'tTHDAY PARTY Ml"''l. Clad.r~ Sykl'!l and Ml !!: Bl>\"f'r'h S\·kes. 501 Cold<'nrod A\f'. t>nt~alnf'd at dinner for thl'lr 40n and brotht>r n:n111 In ,,..J,•hr'!llhin of hts 22nd blrthl'i.l\, Ntunt:n f'\f'nln2. P~ n• \\I', I" 1),,, id'a finanl"ft' l'.tl Thnl11 Ru~ or Santa Monl<-a. anrl noh- "' 1 Ulmhan'l and Pavh1 rlovd l ···•vna rlf'l Mar AN TID f-. ... otrts a t. as. want te make a --.kly •t•ry of 140 t. m anlll ·-~nee ttulckly to much higher earft n .. ? Arthur Murray ~actllflt dancl"t · Delight· ful dltnlfi4HI -rtf Witt\ nl~ people. Previous Teaching e11.perlenoe not neoe.sary. Ple .. e apply In pe!'Mn be· t-en 1 hou,..) 1 • 5 p. m. 411 <.'VAST lrl\.HWAY <-.. ,~ma d• I :'ofnr R A t r LING .. Long Distance Local LAI'tC'" D .. SMALL JOBI GIVEN l AM£ CA"E '"We Move Wlttl Ttle WMid" 1962 HARBOR DLVD. 8ucon ~S!I..J NO'JiHI G SPECIAL Jt'.ST A "1: OnDI:"ARY \"11\ '''-< 'Cll'PLF \\ ll<l \\'lll'LD UKF" n ) F1-..:1• ,\ ~rnrWRATELY f'RJCF"Ll BOt SE mn RF~'T 1 WE C'A:"'T AFFORD TI IF Ltl\\' ~I 00 MO "SPEC'! A L" 1 WE OfTER ~(I BO~'t'S, NO REFERENC'E.<;. WE S MOKE, BREA Tin: AIR AND H A \'E A 6 YR OLD DAL'GHTER WHO BAS SUR\'l\T.D mE "!1:0 C'HlLDREN" SIGNS SJ I F.'S Jt ·~ A~ ORDINARY KIO TOO NO MORE. NO LESS "lOOTS" TOO! 0h Y<'S. We Ha\'t" A LJttlr Doc · SM Eats Dog Food U any landJord would like to rent to tbe four of u , BEACON PLEA ECALL: 5226-BOX L Of.Ftred at Fair BY T Ril BY Can you ~ the bnt p~. put up lM ~ prest>rves, tum out th~ U1hlf'lt ca.kt'. or thto mott Ol'vorfl.ll JeUy of anyone In Or ance County • 'nw Oran,e Co\ln· t) F air, Oct. 28 th.rou1h 31 at AnahtJm. ct\-es the ·wom~ of Oran~ County a chanee to show just how much they k now abnut home economics and win a pr1~ to pro\ e lt. AnyoN> can entt'r and tlwl"f' art' no ~ntry char~. With 173 fl('parate lt'ct.lona for compeUUon C'\er)·ont' tntm nr sta.nds a iood chan('(' o f romlne homt> with ont> of lhe cash priZces. (Pe rhaps lbt-Balboa hda~n who won prius ror cake ba.ldn1 at the an- nual Onyx Block pany wt>re jus1 taking a 5tepplnr stone In lhe rlt:ht dlrc.>ctlo n.l Community Players N ame Officers, Board Members l"t"W offl~rs and members of tlons chah·man will ab o Include the P)O('('UII\t' board for ta.e Com-r ht-dul!t•.. of ror1 Mpondlng M'<'· m unll) PlnH•rs o f lhl' Ha rbor rf'll!l ~ !\In K£"JIJ"Il'r t'"-l>laJn<."d. nr•c>a ''"rt> nnm<'<l Tue day night Tho t• '' ho attl'ndM th£" rrN't nt n mt•t•tln~: at thf' Cotuna dt'l Ins.! ,,,. f' l.JIIian J-'o,. \'ernlt't' '\ia1 f:r.\mmar Sl·huol. 1 Jhurn•• F rt•<lah Batt••. tlrr<'n Mllll:ln Kl'prw•r. 312 FerniPnf 'I:ruoks. \\'nrren t "!"a n!'. Brll t-'u- ;\\4• t 'omnn rlel \lar. was t"l('('t nk \'l1 L'lnll :'\lri\H) Alu't' Ar· t~l ~n ~UI• nt for tht• l:'n&UinK )t"ar "'' nt n•ul ,J, ·Ill• Lln~l'nh.tn.l llolr ( ltht•r uttkt•rs llf'1> lllc>k Malon!' ulrl filu num. <..: h.1rloltl' Buruum. l..a..:-una , 1\'(' prl',ldl'nt: J unco J ... nt• B:..I-H .uul l .tth) (;limon •. 1 nrrar Cn:.ta !\1('58. S('('retan. Tilt' "~"'' ,·.,mmunJI~ Pl.t)l'l " Ell\ thP B:u ·nl:'s. Lido. trc.>a~;urt''r. ll'ol'i>llng will be ht'ld !'\ov. 1, anrl N ainllt-M1rhaud L tdo, pubhc n •-all "'l:!Uiar m•,.,rrn~· Will bP he•. I l ... tlcJn'i t:hnlrman, and Fra.nN>l. 1 hP first \hmda) uf thl" l:tuntl Jlni\Aih ="•'''l""lrl, hustnt'ss m a n In the futul'('. ag~r. The <'Xt'CUth·e board Is com J)Ofied of the officers. plus Jack l lertwlc k. Corona del :.1ar: Ginny r.ates. Balboa lliland; and Bob Went.%. Garden Gro\'e, wj'lo 11 dramatic roach at tht' hJah school An t"'\f'l'UII\'E' board meeting ~ u lmmedlately aet for Monday night at '\12 Fem lt>af A\'e., Cor- ona d<'l ~1ar. b} the nt'w prt"SI· dent. The office of public rela· CALL SOON f'or Your Persona..U.tt'd Chn stmas C&rds Pnet'' Rt-a.<;OI'Ulble Al,;o M8$;ru'lnt' ~ou~rlptwns for (.lln:-lmns KARL AXTATER 61:~ l'opp) A' • nu•• . !Tnrhor ~~·-M Corona d••l :'liar Card Party Held By Star Club Morr than 50 gue~a wl.'rc pre~>· e>nt at the Harbor Star Club dt s- sen <'IU'd pany 1\.r~Jo at thtt hon:w of t.lrs Mant' Kaa~r I 47 V1rgin18 Phi~. Co!!ta Mt>«a A \'&JiPh uf rard i;Amt'S Wf'rt> pla)o <."d durtnl! thP par1y. wh1~·h wa.~ h••ld sn r h,. rumpu' room of tht> Kau;('r homt• and tnd l\'ldU&l table pn11-. ,;, 1 n• a warrl•-d l.'n kP!( ""' (' w•ln as door Jlr i7('S by Mn Pnri" Ra~an. Balh<-a I<· land and '\trc :'l:••lht> s, 1\,·,•rr San1 11 Ana llth.•r pn,; ... \\r·r """ h' :'\trc r.r ,,....... PI· 1-. h \lr-. r·h1'11 Smut :'llro l:~t \\ r ... !\lr-. I \' 1'"11 k• llo It'll 1'111•11. nnol l·:,rtwr .1••1 n•••n .Ill ••f tlu• Tlnrhnr IHI<i •Un'fl•llld na,: ollf",L<i II H~fr• 'hnu•nro, fur thl• JHrt\ "''" cltoll t oJ h\ \lr~ .rr:m ('nlllc' and AJ / ,,, \!1n• K'l''''' \1ro, """' r Jro.tJI. • .,,,., •l•m.11<'11 lhl' 111hlo pr17t"' C'rh- •r l'llft·' \\t'r~· J:'l\•·n hv \frc l1h LouiSt' Thomas, homt" demon- litrator for lh!! Southern Coun- ties Gu Comp3ny wo rklne out uf Santa Ana. La c:ooperaun1 w 1th the-fair c.-ommntt"t' In ar- ranging a nd manaeina thl' homt' ('('()nomlcs eJch1biU l or tht' Agrl rultura.J and Edunttunal Tt>nt at this yeat"'l county tarr. E ntry blaniU and prc.>mlum books may bto o btalnM by wnt lf'IC the AnahPim • Chamber of cam m<'N'f' 136 N l...r·~ Anj!'eles St.. Anahe1m !\1r ThomlU> sa)" that aU t'ntriH mus:t be in ctn or twfore> t )(or, 1:1. and all <'X· hlhlts In pJa,'t' b) 5 p m Thun· cia\, 0.-t ~ \\"1' 111\\f" .... m#• onl)!hl~ j!'or-J ,,onkt~ In C ·nnmn •h• !\l,lr and lo.tlhun I .uul ~•• h•t u~ kno\\ of uu \\·tn .a pt t1•·· G uild W om en Sew For Church Bozaor ~~·v.ma.: for ''" l~ct.~ l~•uth of rt.t "''"''"'' c .. ,.,,,, d· I \l•r < "•om- munll\ !'hun h h.u.11r v..~~ lh•• main "b•t.•tn•·'' of rht• ,.,,.,,.,,..: at th•· monthb \. hiJ" h ~··hnnl Cu1ld m•·t"1101: ~fe>nd11~ 1\1 1 l~t• h~>m~> nf ~ln. S tuart ft11'11l. 5<lf< (~1ld••nrnd A\t• Thf' mc..,llnj; \\11~ npt"'f!•-d v.1•h CALIF"ORNIA CENTENN IAL GIRL. Tor1y Doy l~. mod"'' tnt c~, ten"tal Bo"nd of Gold and Ant1que Red w n en "'H a, ~ "-''~CI b) a Corona del Mar-deaogner- Staff Exhibits CDM Origin al BROWNIEI ' T "'00P 21 HOLDS BEACH ~ARTY Tructp :.!1 uf th" Bl'l'•\1. nit.., lu ld bo· , t1 p.•n) Tul'~rt) at tt.. n'141n t~o•c h r.f Cnt'DM ltd \I 1r n, .. , r>t•'-' no-It 8'1<1 rll!o<•u•-. I rtl'•ntc Thl~ Trot()f' Indo..,,' ThJrd fin./5 J"l;>'l' from nall.oOII hl11nd 11nd H.ll) '-'h n:... L£'11•1•"' tn \11"!! Rwt-.11.rt1 "''' "'•r1 \!r-C'h•,.,.,..;-R.tJcrr ttn4 r· """ r a II r .( Bal toe111 MOVES TO ISLAND ..... ' ' n •• , •• t . ,,, ' • ~ .. r·l I • ... J RECENT B~I DE HONOftED A lun-·t o'Un •h•"'• r ~a,, 1wld la"l ~,... k an h•>n~Jr o( Mrs Jack flr111Pf'l' ""'"'""' t..nlif' at tho> honlf' •·f h•·r aunt Ml"!> I ~<•nt """'''l'!t 1t :/1:! lin\' ,\\o l~o.._ .. ,r.tt t<H\11 m~lu1f'd ~ httf" t.... ;;••rr.a"' dahlta.• a.rtd l"l!ndlf" All• n. dJn;• t tv• •h<o\\ !'r v.·t'n• !\1 r-. ld11 'I: II\ Jnr nt Rall•>a l .. J..nd Mn. }-rAnk Bu~ man of ganlb A !'Ill and \11' R11lpfl l no In '\1r« )I 11 Pllh'h \1,.., '&.•I •• '"'In and :'ltn. \\" lhnn I "I II" " .... ,. ... , ..... .., fWo8 I GO ON VACATION \1 f 1 "r I I <II \\• loft \\"o•r1n•"ll\ "' • \\ \ bt f Hr. t 1\ ••" r •rfl•l'f'l Bl RTHDA V CELEBRA TED n ' \,. •r•·r'"r'"U t•r h •h•t•lf'\· t.ov. '"'' t•'"~ l~• 1 •• n•r "' 'lin f~n-I hr•·l a-• ..... ~<-· • r1 11 .. tJ ·•I rln' dt>HHI<>nalo.. offP,.,od h) M n. John P lac'l'fi In Call(or nta•s ("pntt>n nr>w """kin.; .. n ....... I~· .. , out~ ~·k~ Plan~ CLI,.F" HAVE"" VISIT Miller Mrs (1 z R"bf-1"1~ ""' l'lnl "'<lof"lli,n ts an ··orll(lnal"' the 5\\• ~-, r• ,, 1' ,.1,. A• ~., '" F n... • bt Tri \I \\ T L.t .. •ta1n ot :llO plllii'K'd the thank Mf••nng _v,'CI'll, frum I nrona d<'l Mar Out of tht' fod Sht' ..... lwr I •II! ,or II c'~r or v~·enug p 11"1~ A\ I' ant \lr" H!lmll1 and It was dt'<"ldl'd 10 "tv~' rcor thP tr at1111on and ~:olden ht•tlla~ of t<'nnlal ~'~•·:tiPr I• t• rrr·m I A tiNn·UI> dtrcul ~~u • '''""''' C';lh1v.Pl .,, 1./W J1.alto \,,. "'""' "mlttt" lx•XM 1 hf' ... rat~> which v.·u admlttM t(J flttin~o: J•·rk r · , ... , 1 .,.. .. , ,, 1 1n rt"' ~ .. • 1rd;~~ '•• It '"' d •f. Pl"lf'rta rlf--1 rt'(• ~• v "i't-11 nurr. ln attt'nrtanN"Wf'fl' \t~ "'nrman thP uniun 100 \ean aro. Mrs v.t"tilf' ~·''"~ \ •:• ,q•): hi"Orl700· R.anrh m•.or ~~l"ln"r·· '" m...k• l'&f hfr ... , fr••nrtL •• •h;> Iliff Hll\l'r Frah?n. Ml" C'1lln ·nl't' Tlodd MI"S I If a I Mann1ng of .o!H Carnat ion Iii I h11nrl• ,,, ,. .. , t .\ ,. .,.llfaf¥1 rant.:PIT)('nt<; for llw ' • • ~-:I hnmP r \h' H J~h C:.•or n~r•r \Vallll<'t' Otldl'rhl'ad Ml" R K ''P ha~ fo1mt'd an ori~inal ~n-hu liP '' op~r IJ·r hal"k of the •H'ml~tht •amp.n~ •r.r• •r• t>o r t'., • r -~ .. J )ar" Hill"\ I'\ \fr-. r..-.rdun Kr>l'f'> ~h~ ••·nn1al honnt>l cruchetPd ot gold "'''"at• r a-""11 aL •hr-Mt·k ,( m•d' b~ a.,} 5<•uut TJ"(''(~• 17 I !'o1lllt•r: l.\11"1 H F Rl'no-dll"1 !'otn. .ond anllf1Ut' rf'd m Ho>n als r•·c-nr><ip' '"'1 lhP C'altfurr111 1 l'un• r"r th•· np ~,,.,. d t'-1'11•· GOE S TO WVO MINO Edward R•'fhl<' \!!"'< Alllf'n \f-.r. \lis-. T·m~ l)(l\lt> C•llfornla's ("pn'f'"lltll •\\o•;\lr>r I, I \\M' .. .,j Ill \\'l.'dnf"\tfa~ ..-HrJnl{. mt¥1-\llln r orch ... '"IU• nf 1:!3 c.- 'V\1' \If' hmM \to...... ,, ..... \'t ... l"t'ntt>nnla' girl mode led Mn r .. •kf'rl ~-·; ' .... , :'" ,. .. • f thl' T'no("'l• Ill ....... C"rt'>l .. ~~' AH d• " . ,.., t r l..ar,c· n .. \\'ahoon ,, ..... A t o ll•t\\ tid \'11 rll" .... tro·,urnn a! tht' rt' A<"IHf!o!":l: • \lr' , ••• ··n~ \111" ~rhronl I''Kn• !o)r a v."' miP \\'\1• tn j\~1' II '•'!Tlf""l~r· !'o1r-. lfut.:h :\1.-c•hmunl Mr• fl.>h-1••111 ~1111' Fatr In 'acramenlo Ill~ 1~ ti t• f1··· ~II'' ,, 1,( '•·r l'llll"lr "' J:<>-KI·I.J •n tt ~ • 11•"'11 ot1 at •tr• ~nn ,11..,. , •hn ~r><•l<·r !\Jro, F: It '' •' "" 1>1• ,., I>C'rman~t db· 1.,,,, n .-.~n r • 1 , -.. , 1 •Jr I~ --nam nn ~ .~.;~•' "' 1 .. n• .-• \\'> I ~~ • r ,~-t I d ....... r rur.., t t ~ "'l r Utt ...... ht"tla! '"' .. 'I ~· r, fi ... •l:l·~1 r; I\<" •no ,, '"' " c:. n I" r\~ ·rl h I ) .. I~ ' .. f' lln a ,.... • 0 I . " '" .. , " . "" llh•• • • tl'•·nn1 tl cY>I.rr""''· lfe>r h1• ,., • \!•-. ,.,~.he "'''"''! II' • "\ntl \!ro I .I "lqnn• ,., I .::r1 • ,,,.., "I·""'"" I• "I 1.... llo ,. >111113 11'1 ''" nriJ;:JnaiCI It ' I ,, 'I _,.,' • I.. • ~ p .. hl v.t•h r-•ft•·•hn·rnt. '• l•"•r fn.•m th4-,_o,ornor~ -·· MAR"'IED COUP LES GROUP ''' 11o• '' • llt• •' tt tr.klnt.: twr (nr her part ,., I 1 • WILL DISCUSS POLIT ICS 'lal nacle' Wins to 1 In Election ' "I 1'-II 'llo'flllll P\hiOit llo.rl''•-.1 ' r \1 ,..,....f¥1 (' f •\-' WO R~S AT SOOK SHOP H\ :\ =: to 1 lt•:trl n\ I'"' t'l ••tlt••t I \!, \1c•:ll•tt: \\hu1· rh..-v.lfe .!1 n, "'~'"1"'1"' "' If I \l.tnnlnl>! ur I h<' Balboa l•l1onol 'i••rttn• G<xll'!" Sh<•p "" fntrif•• tht' n:tml ··n.\R .... At'l f' I R.-d ('ros .. :\ids :\'amoo· w ~~ d!o><o'n I tel Tur, h\ In a 1 •• , , ., , n '" r.e oL• I I • ' \\ 'i. I I r ' . ~ ' I • tl• 1 r l 11·• 3' •he THE ENSIGN P'RIDAY, OCTOH .. E BELL OftOUP TO MEET The nc-wly l'f'-f011N.'d J',IU"dttn ~ tlun tlf thf' Ebt'U Club will fl1l'lft a1 12:30 p m.. WednHd.ay t the horne of Ml'll v~m s~ ~95 ~ Sharf' Dr Bay Sborts. !\fl"'TT~ Will bnntf a llldt lllld. ~ to MJ'tl Byron E. Wf'lltt.. uf Ba.ltx.a who l'l cha.II"'D&&l AN IDEAL SHOE I FO"' AGTIVf' 8 0YI H .. ,... 1• lh+o poorlf'('l tw. lor ""0.1C"'I \l.f'Ar Ru1h 10 ~Itt' nd ru~~:g .. d treat ml'nt '''"' lon~f'T" ~"C'arlnrt M ~'I ln dark .... ,..,. .,. 3'-. '" q $5.95 TOT & TEE NS . ROE STORE l ~· \ <:T I' H":l f\\' A Y 'f"L !\1AR 'I; "' I \tr~ F\ n !\l~lnn> !'olr-. I ''''""' M u ... rc>lt. Mrs J<'nn C'ot· t I·· \I r-. !-\~·l\'11\ P lll<'f' and Mr.. I I ho r .lc•hn"<<n '<tlltlf'nt hntl' 1'1,. ·ti"n •n tW" rt>,. ... I • I 'l'"'''"r L"vmmttl•~ J"'m1<Vlrnr nnml' .. r rlw 011nJ"I' m••mt, r "' ,,. announr·t-d thl ,. 11 C::oa~t I "nll~>)!t' '"'"''lo;:~pl'r. R•to· "., k 1 ' "tr d\ :\t:wKa> rhlll.-m:tn t ... , • Harbor Film S ervice Presents • Personalized XMAS CARD. A h~t or novE-l nnd t'Xt:'ltirl$: bett.-r lin<'S to <'h(l('l<;(' from St'lectlon of standArd ent:m''t'd or t'mbus!;ffi pr1ntm~. Com«-in now ... You're BUT(' to find just the n i ht card for YOt: BROOKINGS VARIETY STORE tiO! COA&T HIGHWAY CORONA DEL MAR P hone Harbc>r 850 LOAN S $50.00 to $1 ,000 SALARY • AUTO • FURNITURE or nln~: a JoOOr -onnrt Vo:\< "Fort" .. 1 rtc 1 ",,.,:r <'ommlltt'1' of thr \lr-. \' n' Afr ·· v.Hh "~ruttkhutt nnd ,,.,,l~·r H11rhnr hnnrh or the ldud,• lfn, ,. th hnm.• f \lr ~r-<1 Haht·r At :.:__ • •r .. u rogrom of plat"(' "(~17mO r.n71'11{' brnu~o:ht Th(><.t nam. •• tn• LP\\i<o Ralt7_ BPftoll t'ttrni'1J: •ro (" • •n I ''" c:.,n•A \nil Ad If P ",lolly Rn•~l'r" in thll'11 and fnunh I \mt·n~ 1n Rf'd C"l"{>'t< ~~NUJ NHHS C up rhe n•ar with o nl' \'Oif'. 1~ p 1 , J \\" 11 L ' \1 \1 \I • . ... Omme,ce .. .. . 1 _. 1 1_ "' ..ttnll r . a ace n napp. · 31 1' '1r""' ~ ":1' 1 1'rl• •STH ANNIVERSARY 'I S Rarntt<'l<' "11" «' N't...-u nr g Pnrtrr t::1nda1r and Samuel J Col-lnator .. r l.rll''l'<l •hm.:• .. -~,. . • , "l'hfo nl d It 1 nallv b\ thv jnurnall"'m rraft It \•'r Ll•·nfl v. 1~ nartl('(! \'1<'\'-<'ha.ar· East \I .• "!~1 It r \tr •n<! \ff"'< "'"' ~n < '' • I t>\'(' n~: a u p~ a ~"\C thf.n H'Tot'l'1 br thto Student • IPd h ; ·; ' r I "Rhu• H:wrn" 'U\1 Lnrk•pllr "''· '\rw1'10r1 Harbor L"nton HJ~th _. _._.. ITU\n nf tht> t'(lfl'UllJttee r ''' 1 • "11~ ~~''' 1•1 • • 1 'Of n " <1 ... v,•nl dll,., 10 B-, .• "' ht~t.•l ~~ ~ht'dul<'d lo start ne>X'I <""ouncil v.hll'h In rum u('('luo-u 1° Franor Or1 •rn.tl~ \lr~ \tar r1n1t ,,. 'l""n '" • 1'1'"'"·"· nlr:!ht. Oct~r 19 Tht' Jfot tht' ~tu<il'nt tw>d~ \"C>It> r>n the Bt RTH OAY CELEBftATEO dt.SCio..• rl "~'~" ill"' "T" n• '"" • •·rl\ I hll• ~"' ,~, .. •-. ">f •t-• r n,,...,, t'h"' ... ·will t>t" from sevt>n to ninP mnllf'r t•me In l..1: ana h<>fnrc• •• 111tr' 1 nd n· pb" \!r "lnd !'of.-.. Haf'l lo1 un<lo•r tho• f'\'f'nln.. Hl .. h School C'r<'dlt goes to the Pl'troleum A tn p to Los Al\g('lt"S. d.i.nner, In C'nr· .. na <1• \l:tr Knh::ht \\rllr ·h.' """ ' """ •h·' .. .. Tech olo""" clan for ta king tlmt> nnd the evening at K~ !'ofurTil~ 'c "II <'"'lt>lor '• thr'lr 4::i•tl w•'<idln~ •\tltJl! pl'O(;ram n "'" 1 1 'Biacl<.oots of l!W8'' was the <11· Jla!lciJI\ t•r c·'\r• ' r•• ••1rpr1-•nnh l'l"<.al"\ T h• v.nm•·n's c('W!ng class ~111 out from class ~-ork Pdo ht' p ,, .. ,...,on M thf' evenlns:: for Mr and t'i' to lr!lt n rh.<t ,, . ., v. •r"-' en ho•t:lll nf'OCI Tuc'Sdlfy night undc-r com pile alll~t ~~ SUji!r~~ t n~C'S !'ofr<ll F G l""loftne. 41~ HllZ'I'I {)r lin>)) "'thnc r Jtt''• ''TI I I no'"'r· SOF"T8 ALl T EAM& P LA'V th• m•tnsrtum of Mrs. James Mil-f~om ~hi e Ca el 5 u n y \orona riel :O.t11r a "'"f'l"k ll$tO '"" r~ ........ c 1 .. c ,., •• ~ •'' qt; i-f·!"l~ lt-r Thtol"'' ,qiJ be lnstnK't.lon In r ow t f' r '\"Or tt> nt'("\Sinn .,. 3!' 1n N>IPhmtron of ~lr< t r~'>! "11 h rh. \ ·u n n.•v. rlrnhm~ and the n.>modt'lrng nNln<'·~ hrrthdny which wu ~pt nf rlnthtnl! plus many oth('r es-Newlywt"d Couple Makt> "i Tht• n.:..'lnt'·~ a.Lc:o t(l(lk a qru.·k , .. ntl tl< In lht> C'OUI'<4' HoD'M" on Balboa Island tnp throm:'h Fnrmpr·~ Markrt F.\Pry Mr>nd.av and Wt"dnt'llday Another n('wi)Wt:'d roupll' nrt' v.hile In Los Ang('lt>'l CRE ATIVE WRIT ING CLASS Nina '"" >-lrl .. '' •t 7-n ,... .... '• "pr•n S.·hrv~l v. • reo 'I• '' ro. •h.1• ,.., k l~ thf' lhN'P s,,.,.n•t-Gr':\d• ., ... ~~ "' pnMI<"lp~ttt>d 1n a .... r,. hall lt'IJmarnt nt I John \\'ayne Marlene Dietrich "Th~ • poilf'n-.. • Franchot Tone ~u.zanna Foster ·•That ~ght with Yoa" CA"'TOONS -SP ORTS SCEN ICS -COM EOIES .-\ \'nila bl.-F or HoltM' Part if' 1bi Week "' , '"' 1 1 ( ...... r~ ' '•T'FRA'I' 1R.S n :RXJSHED Harbor Photo Lab "17 • ' ,-•1. \~7 101-:Jf\\ \ y ·, \ I FL \1-\H Phonf' Harbor 1918-aW TODAY! ni~ht~ from l'l'V<.'n ro n lllC'. thttre Makmg their h(\mt' on Balboa v.111 hi' typint' And bN\k~pln~ lsla nd. The\' art' tilt> nev. ~lr rl"""~'< tnu~:ht by Ed Black. a nd Mrs. John Blat·k man and 1 C"ln'~'"' AN' ~till OJ>Pn to those th('y art' rf'Sidlng at 2191, Pt>ul whn v. fo;h to join ThPy are frt>f'. A'e Thl' brldt' 1.s rhe formttr J m ce Wallin of Balboa bland, th~ daughter o r Mrs. C'. H. Will· Oran~:.-Coa."t C'nllf't:P \\1 II nl· t 11\t£' a C'OUI"E' In Cl"t'!llt\'t' wrt r.~ nt'X1 Monday evt'nin~t Th1<: ·h • \1.1 ft mPCt lit thf' F.ht'IJ C'luhho!l<> In 'BalboA from i till <1 p. m says: I DOO RED WOO SCHOOL SYMPOSIU M l ET A <ympo"lum on .-hoot prob- lrm' \\ilh partll'ipatlon of p.u I""'" wrll fo•fttllrf' th<' Monday ('\'('· nin.: m•-c-ling or 1 ht' Pan-nt-TMtch- ~>r A'"C><"IMion AI tht" NE'WJ)M't Ro'llrh r.Mmm11r Srhe"'I ThP mf'f'tln~: Will ~tart at 7:30 p m H088Y/STSl WOULD YOU LIKE AN OUTLET FOR THE ITE MS YOU MAKE ? lin of Rockford m. ~lr. S tarkman Is tht> son of Mr. and Mrs J B. Bl.lr kman of 10021 Dal<ota Ave Garden Gm\t'. Thev wf're mar r l<'<l In a formal \\t'ddm~ on Sept 25 at the ChaJ> e l Caplllo dt' San Antnnlo. Route 101. Anahf'lm. Th•' nf'wh w<'d~t wPnl on a brief hont>\ moon "tn the mou ntAins bt'- fon-'coming to their Balboa Is land home. Mr. Blackman works 111 Laji!'Una lnstruC1ing tht' dnn "" II VPmC>n Patte>f"''';(''n of RAI"ho'll lllncl w~ 1n lldditton to h" <truC"tinnRI llhllltif'C h.lld h"~<i Yt"&J"S t-x~nen<'f' ~ !In tnd•'J"'r.· dPnt wrltt'r fnr mas:a7ineo< :o~nd n- d lo HP hll"' puhli!thood I\\ n "'''" •I nnf' of Whic-h "All r.l:\:'11'-\\"o•:~r Yt"llnw Rr'Pt"C'hM.. 1"'1'('('1\'•'<1 trr ~rheor rTW'dal av.·11N1ood 11nn 11111~ "' the Commonwt>alth <luh S11n j FranC'lcco. ro M outo;tRnrtln~: r:~lt 1 fomia author 1 ----------------------------------1 Haa bot EM~~iftCJ Classes Available 1 Sht> '' prnud t•> fl""'t·nt !o11SS Lou I "It> II (',,llsn' I,, ht'f other personal property HQUICK SERVICE" We will be glad to 1how a nd sell hllndmade gift Item• for- you. See us without delay aa our d i•play apace Ia eomewhat limited. TeiPphOO<' HARBOR 078-W ()pt'n 10·00 to 5.~ Excpt't Sunday Th1s year, as Ln p~vtous school Cftdit toward a hi~;h lld!onl I'll~ Y"l'So a program of adult eduea-loma if arrang<'d fnr v. nh '·hrol authorities.. tlon Is bt'1ng offered al Nt"'\o-pon Additional t'I'Uf"'S('C; to tho• fnl· Harbor High School. Cl~ ~ lowing may ht' nhtrurwd UP<'II [V'· frt"t' or charge, may be rc.>gistered tluo n of 25 t•r mm'f' ""o " -.h '" for when ftm attt'nd<'d and cany ~t"U~· a pantt'llhtr suh.J<'C't ht>aut~ ~h"ln nt<!r>~r,... ~~~~ Colhns ('('mr~ dm'l't ly from Hav. thorn<'" Ill.' nut~ Snlr>n 1n Santa Ana t<l tnkf' "" r rh•• manAJ:"f'"hlp ·Ill :'1:1n:t ~ n.,t. boa !J<Iand Appotntmrnt~ m11y bt" made h~ callinJ: OOAST Cl~ LOAN COMPANY 2305 COAST BLVD. Newport Bu c h, Callfom la CNt-xt Door to W t'St<'m Union Office) Tel. Harbor 26J8..J 1201-A Coa.t Highw ay 1 Ne lCI Door T'o The Ubrary l CORONA DEL MAR Balboa Circle Taxi TAXI H rbor 320 a.tvlna E"ntlre Harobor Aru U.HOUll SERVICE TOWIN G H I -W AY GARAGE So. Cal. Auto Club R.c~taUw et!ACON 5)01 1740 NIEWPO .. T Bl VD. COITA MEIA COURSES OFFEREO IN ADULT E DUCATION Subjeet Time Plo1~ I Ba.o.kt•tbn.ll Tu 6 .30-9.30 '~' n Badmmton t\1 ~~ \\' 6 30-9 .:v'l Gi. m Bookk('('ping :\1 & \\' j.q l'•>mmo·r., Rm Mother Stngl:'n; Th <1 13 a m Plh;nm l!all 1 T•\1 I Navtgatlon M & \\ 7 :lH 'I ;\(1 Rm I t1 P11rent Educ-ation Th ; 30-9 :\0 Aud.r••r•unt ParhRmf'ntary Law \\' 9-11 a m Rn 1:>. Orchestra 1u 7-9 \1.ol r .• r.uml Sewing Tu. 7-9 St>wtn Rn1 Spanish T n. .\ n .:· ,I SQuare Dancing Th. 7 30-9 ·30 :-. R <:., .,,,..,1 l'yplng !\1 & \\ i-!l Comrnor" P." Vwoolllle)'ball Th 6 ;\C\-9 ~ c;, TO OOCbtlop \t & Til 6 30-9 :\() t::h<"l1 ;;;;~~~~~;;;;;;;;~;;;;::=~-I, Arthur Murray Is Coming .To CORONA DEL MAR 001\! H:\rhnr ~I HOt 'R.S 9 A !\t • 6 P 1\1 Priet> List : !'11\;\lN~- \\ .\\'F. ':! F ACJ.\1. 3 MANl\l'RE 4 T'ER~L\~T.:-o'T I Rtllsnst C"''l•-r \Va\·C't 5 P E'RM\Xt :T 1 l'eh-l ··Curl for ~o:lrl' undf'r 20 6 OTHER PER.\1 A"\ F'o'TS from i R ESTYl.JX(; HATR TRJ:\! .. ~~ ~~ 1~ 1(11)(} C\t'RPR ISF' .\ "\"\t ll""\t T · \tF''T ' r , ' \ 1"\ It ' l'd to ,, 1 ' th. ho.• h1• tw-.•n nt•l•• •, 1 ''"'~11"1' '"' (j\I'I<''L., Rlum"< t tnoh,... fnm1 ''' Fra• <'I"""' ,,,.... ... ,,. .. ,t :-r \ u•c 11m t t lin1 •1:-r• \ •m.-.... \! t T\ p,,., ... nnrf Tf'•'"" II~ ;~II '"' \ Urd i'nh ~ ,, Low PTiN'd. Comrortablfo En mble for Living Room, .. un Room or Dfon -Mm bE-~mn·t>rtNJ to outdoor u~ also. ~ th~ Low PriN"S 3-p<'. ~tion.al 3 Cushion ~fa l..<l\~t Loun~ Chair Rd. Cofft'(' Tablt . Com f'r Tablf> t p.End Tablt' \\'Nlg~ Tabk' ... .!10 S'T8.50 59.75 $84.75 ........... 17.50 16.50 18.9:) 9.50 STODDA Thlt '" prcnt oove,... mal(ea an tnf~al I~ 1~ room. lt'a all grade •A• ,... .,.,.ood (eo t o u 0 h it will IMil for many yeu 'lo.\ S.at'"o pi«Jei ~ metal baee. and bactul wtctl ,... vero.ible, k.a.pok fllle.d c.-~eM. .., tom ~ In your ._._ f/1 . .. ft ·s PATIO SHQP 1!105 COAST H IGHV. AV • COftONA D l. MAR • JlliMiii... BNI!!IION you Gtdde to .. clio ••• nfLY, OCTO .. ft 11. 1 ... 1 ' ... =·~ Hollywood Bowl Audition huneft\ men t!till.lteoct In the dUrn to Air Safety Tips Cor. del Mar Man H.ads Roclltounds A ~ ol ..,e" IIWC1t:la. ob-Howard lllt.r'na of CoroDa del leJ"VV.nc IU 2lA annlm.ry, wt11 Mar wU1 be ~~~ of tbe be held 1\lesday at Ora.nct' Coat Ora.np Clout iaMral aM J...a.~ Ar-my aDd Air Force l.n the Har-FRIOAV, OCT. 1S boc' Am dun.n. ~ptftnbrr, It 2·00 a. m.. KFWB. BILL AN- _. .. announct'd thb week by ~ SON has a new c1bc jockey &how cnaJllna ~r'I"Jll John W. Shorb. '"1lh lntt'rvtt'ws-st"\~n nlahla a SoutMrn CaJUomta u a wholt' 1.\f'ek broadca.5t from t~ R<'C! reaebfOd 1 ~ ~~ or Ill St'p. F'Htht'r R.Htaurant. Los Ail lftnbrr quola. 1.413 t'nllstments. iit'les. ..x:ordina to Col. ~t' W. Jt'f. ~·00 a. m. KFl. FRED WAR Lt'r.on, comm&ndlng oUI~r of lNG and hts Pt'nl\!1) lvnnlan"' ~ill tht' RecruJ~ Area. honor tht:> ~irthday of thf' latt' F'l'l"dc.>rick Kntght Logan with a round-robm arrangt:>mt>nt of hls DOeald Lebo lobls "Mtuouri Waltz". WhJtmaa __ ..._ fu 7:00 p. m. KFL EDDIE CAN -"3 TOR and hls questionably clair Donald H. llbo o& 209 Carna-vovant aulstanta try to look Into tJoA. Avt'., Corona dt>l Mar. haa th~ future of tht' world. jo(nt'd tM &on. J. Whitman Real-• ty Co .. and wUI lOOn o~n a new i~30 p. m. KNX. JACK CAR· oUJoe at tOO Coast Hlthw~. SON SHOW Frank Dt'vol, who arrangH and conducts for thla chow. abo acta as atoo~t' for Carson and memorizes all hla lines for the progrllm. Lt'bo wu a.aeoclatt'd with tht' Tawrn Company at 1301 Cout Hl&hway until the deeth ot the owner. Donald V. Conklin. on Aq . 8. SATURDAY, OCT. 1t roMBEO PLYWOOD A E'TCHED PLYWOOD Pioneer Fuel & Building MATERIALS CO, INC. 6lS roAST BLVD (\oronll d~t Mar. C.'lllf. 't>hone Har bor 2910 2· 15 p. m KVOE F'OOTBAU... l 'C'LA. \t'rsus Stanford 4 'WI Jl m. KFl NBC SYM· PHO:\'Y closn Its ummt'r St'a KEEPING TAB'S ON U. N~ John son v.,th Milton Katlms conduct· MacVane, NtC • united Nations 1 \1 t' S h !'/ 36 c:orreapondent. 11 tn Pada eover-~fl . :~7-ar s • ~ mp on~. • O lng u. N. General AIMmbly Ml· 1 'l.mz 1: AN-nSk\ ' \ arttnions alona. Hla reports on the world for S111ngs baw-d on a tht•mt> o'lllanlutlon w ill be part of the h~ Tch~tlkO\Sk\ .. and "EscaiP~ Network'• ob1ervance of Un1ted ~t!~~<: o! Call 1 b~ Jacqu<"-Nation«: week. Oct. 17 to 24. :; 10 n. m KFl ARCIIIF A':'oi flREWS finds out he 1~ no mol. \'J..HSTTY TIIF.\TF:H fl'aiUN'<~ "hE'n hf' auempts tu prepnre 11 a "''" artaptlon (lf "Tht> lll~to'? roat.t·bl.>t't and York!!hirt• puddinR of !llr Poll~ b~ ltiE' latt> II f~ dmn<'r .. The program h• ht>ar-d \\'4'11~<. '---------------J at a ne\\ Jlme ;, (lOp M KFr JA<'h: HF.~:-o:y hoJl(' .. to ha\ r B11rh.1ra Stanwyrk SUNDAY, OCT. 11 a<: hh fl\J<'"I st.1r dt>srutt> lhr fa<'l 12 30 p. m. KFT 1'\RC L·.:..;r th;ll IMI Wl't'k's stars. tht> Ronald Harbor Drafting Service SH our -.ketches suJtablt> for 30ft. lo s 600 to 1200 1Q ft't't 1.. 2 A 3 bedrooms. HIGHLIGHTS ON YOUR RADIO DIAL 1615 COAST HIOHW A Y Corona dPI Mnr. Calif P 0 ao)( 111 Phone Harbor 1447 "Holl~v.ood Bowl .\udlllon~·. Corona Craft F1ne C:thlne·a -C'u~tom Furniture -lntrno~ e W indow kt"Hnl e Window and Door Framu e Picture Framing P h mf' H,rhc>r llOf\ Soutru•m Cahfom•ll" '""'"l<""l qu•-st fnr out Iandini! 'IW'al lllld in~1rurr.Pnta1 ar1L"'~ rrtum tel th,• aJr \\ •'<lnl'..;da.' for 11, ~1\.lh "E'& • .<•on ~~ '< p m n\•·r KFI A• an rho p.a•• q.,, n tonl1,, . . trt!< v. II n:-. .... 1'• :.wal"fl' ft~•m lh• ~·l""tC'Tll'r-' T" •h•· t""'' mnJp nr t• Mal•· '"' nh .. • 'lnd '" tht '""' m tl•• or ft•m:J.• ln••n.rn.·n!llll'! "Ill t~· 1:101 12 C •l\.'i Ht!;hY.1l~ •, .r .. !t-tl , Ill'•!• ,,tnnal 1 n.: ·~· ., Cn!'rt d l \ltr C'alt! I"..,, "nh tl1• llolh·H•n•t f~"'l .... , t'lphun\ t1unn~ ''' 1 ~14 ",,. MILON HUTCHINSON ,, n T q • .., rl'n•,tn nr;: ("\lr wt'l- r ,...., 'l ... t1 ,, fl •• ·~u't J•r •m• ... nL• !•HH• 1r '"'"'I' ' tnt 1 •mt1t·t l"• 'r " 'f ao:1 "til c• mu 11 .. h .. ht'llll" F II TI!lf Lt. OPTICIA N PrM<:riJll 1on~ F' llf'd CIII'W"' Rl'p311"1"d PRESTO -CHANGE-0 1415 Coast R lvd Ph Rar 152SI Coron11 dl"l Mar It "' tdt ntly "'ork~> Llkr a jUht machuw wtthoot the ruckl•"' SWEET IUSAN Miller doubl~ In the Blrtoht'r Bid&. ISlAND BEAUTY BOX 211~ MARINI: AVE. ~bland HARBOR Uli2..J SpedaJI%ina ln Pffmanent Waves \'lRGDrlA LOCKE'R.. propr. DONALD LEBO with Ben J. Whitman Company RF..ALTORS New off1ee opening .oon at 400 Coast Highway. Corona del Mar I FnM"nC'rb wtth I hi" T tvr m Compnn~ 1 I :~d anm~~ ~,!~ :n';!..a~~~~ •• voc.all•t and oomettlane' toll on Prt'!lby, annou.nct"f' on the Srnllln' the "Abbott and Costello" ahow, Ed McConnt>U program. has In· Thu~ay• at 7 :30 p. m. over vt>ntt'd a program 5C.'It'ctor ~ KECA. the'• aa tuneful •• she machine attacht's to any radio and le ~hotogenlc. wtJI SWttC"h programs on and olf a f utomatically for a t-lw--hour period that has ~ 5C.'It'ctf.'d by thf" openltor Don't npect OM for C'hn.stma..s. ~er, 'C'a\154' It's still belna vit"Wt'd by t.ht' manu· actu I"Pf'; T HE TRUTH OR ELSE 0 Ralph Edwards latf'"'t "'l'ruth r C on5f'<l IM'ncf'S.. <'On 1 ~t 1 c; a real llli-h·Hush alfa1r At l('bt thri"P re a rouplt> of hw.hi>$ Jn\'Oh f'd • a both ~tr and !Iff' Hu<oh m thP ~· <'Ont~l "hwh •~ benrf1tUn~: m•·ntaJ ht>alth n ems Monday, IS bring pomtf.'d up 1n any number ol !I.'BC broadcasts next wt't'k. Umtt'd Nations W~ tin In with Prt'sJdtont l'Nman'a proclamation of Unltf.'d Nations Day on Ot-t 24 the thu-d anm- \..,f')"Sar) or th.-t; :-.; 1\ Somt• of tht' broadcasts v.-hlch ~i~oill emphuJZt' t~ "plus stdt' of l ' N ' mdu<Je "Eternal Light" 10 a m Sunda} llnrt ·:o.;auonal R.adlo Pulpt't" 9 L m of the' sarnt' da) wtth R<'\ Ralph Soc:kman prr·arhm.: Also on tht lhPmt' Sun- dn) I' th•' (lH<'ftl::fl l'ntvf'T"tl\ Two Oll:aruzation..~ the l\atronal Rt>und Tabl• c1l'o('U. ... ,Hln at 11 ;l(l a 1t>ntaJ Health Foundation and m I t · r hP -..:anunal C<>mmttll't' on Mrn· Sph•tal d.ill~ nroadca!<t~ from al Jlyr.;H'nP wtll share In th•• fun<t~ ROI"kl'ff'll••r l'l:lnt ronrrm nr.: th1 lll"t"<! \\'llh tht> CO~If' t TIIP Am· Vllnnu\ nspc'f·t, of the t' N lll"f' r--------------,lt•nmn Hran A~~~at1on rf'('f'tw•d not )t'l "<'ht-dtJII'd on KF,. hul you 1 $1612,000 ror hf>mg the bc•nl'flt'l· mil} hE' ahl•· to nlrk th • BALTZ MORTUARY SERVING TifF. HARBOR AREA Chapel By 1be Sea Harl»or U 410 COAIT aLVO. Corona del Mar ou.treet ~ th "W lk M " ,. ' m on Br) m P a mg lin ron-KFSD S11n D11~0. whft•h tc; 600 nn tl'"l your Olal ThPy OrijtlnRIP Ill 12 15 "Mr and M,.... Hu.,h" ..,.,11 bf> p m llndmllftt'd In mum thl' ~ml' 9.11} I Tt"''n·llJ:I' Ht•nry Aldnrh hiL~ hi' as pre\tOUS mrstPr)' pt'MOOn!l U l't· say about the Unltt>d NAtion.~ Or- 1 t'M~ are mvltt'd to fmi!O.h. 1~ 25 gan17.alton. when thP "Aidn<'h 'A-ordc; or II'SS, the senten~ '\Ve Fanul}" b. hrllrd 111 9 30 I should 1111 suppor1 tht' ~f'Tltal Thunda) O\'rr KFJ Anti ~ht'~ Ht"alth ~'"e bec-auS<' Mall ...-111 bt" more u N bro&dt'lL"ts ttw your Cintshed M'nt('n<"'' to "Mr and next ~k. Mr<~ Hush .. Hollywood. Cahf to- $tt'ther With a contribution to tht' dnve. DOCUMENTARY Don't forget to write your na.rne. F'ocus1n~ aiiPnlion on lhP Ea_o;t. L--------------' address and telt'phor\1" number on Wm crisis In ~Un land who -------------'t~ Uppt'r nght-hand comtor of the wft!) the ~can BroadcastJn~: ~per on Which thf' entry b "'lit· Company Is makl.ng a """ dCX'\1-tm ~Mntary about tht' background ln-omo.· HARBOR ~w HOME: HARBOR lJif-Jat F'ITZMOB..S RIIALTY OOIIPANY R..l &tate and • ..._ ()ppoi ttad"y Blralwa 111 COAaT HIGHWAY OoroDa .. Mar, ~. .ut'I'HUI\ a ~ IILUI&. l"t1"ZKOIUUS "-~tan Maar, PuWic ....... , .. and SUrcNe OltU$1 ttl ODrana del ...... ~t OFnell: RAJtBOR 2tG JU:S.: BEACON ...., '----------- 1 The first trio or pn.~ announ-vol""<! In t~ <Arman PE'A~ llE't· Ct'd opening night. lncludNI 11 tlt'lnt'nt Robt>rt Saudf'k. vicf'..~si­ S2,000 all-t>lt'ctl'ic kite~ lnclud-dent of public affaJrs. is In Qer. lint raJti't', refri~erator. stnk. dish-many now compUing ttw lnforrNt- 1 washer, prba~ dl~ unit and tlon for thP p~ whJch wiU matcht'd cablnt'ts and countl"~' a ~ fll~ In late fall. tt'levislon-phonograph-radJo ~bl-Whllt" thl'l''t', Saud{>k will confl"r nation. and a S2.000 mink coat or with lM IJ)t'Cial t~>levtsion motion equivalent cash. Additional prtze11 pl<:tuft crew whkh la DOW lhoot- A.n!' announced ~ach wt.'U. lng film for use In the forth- comlnjt A Br-televlsfon documen- tary '"ntp Ma.n.hall PIAn . . . A UNITED NATIONI WEEK First Jtt>oort" _ th,. finot docu- Unltd Nations W~k. Which be--mentary In t~lt>vl31on history. r;:=::=::E. GILBERT======:-, (}.('ri!IUOit fi I!X"rfltiOR DBCOR.A'T'CN.C i • SP'IUYINC AND W,u.t..PAPEJUNC COLOR HARltlONY JtEA.SONABLE 410 HelkX:ropt Aw . HARBOR 3Ml-W !Colmana. dJcfn't cet to the ~ CONCERT. Amoq t.be n!C:Ol'd· Co~t' b)' the 0ra.nce CountY lclary Sodeey for the t'!CimlQI gram. MDI St.anwyclt wUJ do a lngs prest"nlM la one of J~h Cout A.uodatloa.. year, It wu aJ'lftOUJ'lft!d lhb W1'e1L uti,.. on twr motSon picture Sz.tteU playme Co~o ln D It wiJI be a cllnnt'r ~oc OtMr new o~ are Roy "Sorry. Wrona Numbrr." 1 Rf'-Major for VIolin and Orche.t:ra lt&rtlnc at 7 p . m. Rewrvallons Mat~r or q,rona dt'l Mar. vtc& broadcut 10:30 p. m.) by Brahms. Ph1JAdelphla Or-are requil't"d. acrol'dln& to P'rftl-pl"ftldt'nt and PfOIT&JD C'h&lr· 6:30 p. m. KNX. THE AD-chf'Stra with EU,_,e Ormandy d~nt C. G. Kimble. man; Mn. Kay H...-n oJ La· VENTURES OF PHJLL.IP MAR· 1\('('0mpanltc hlm. Brief reports on the. foll~M1ne ,una. ~; ~ HuebN LOW. a new myatn-y dett'Ctlv~ • --topics wiiJ be PJ""ented: Prt'sb>·-of C'oata MNL tn~; Bunny serlt"'. atars Ge-rald Mohr. who WEDNESDAY, OCT. 20 tt>rian bospJt.al, by B~n Fln<'h; Net'C'I" of Lacuna. hocpltaill)' li o!len called the lt'COnd William tO 15 a.. m. KFL LADIES state hoq)lt&.l plan. by R w. Bar-C'halrman; RlC'hard Hu~ o1 Po"~ll. DAY. The four "B't", BHI Stulla. tine, ~~r problem. by II F. Ken· Ne"t,,rt Ht>llhl&. pubUdty dWr- 9:30 p. m. KFL STANDARD Bob Mitchell, Buddy Jobr and ny man, EuJ(t'ne Koch of Corona HOUR pt"Ht'nta a eondt'net'd vt>r r aul ''Buzz" Owt>n1 wru leav~ Dr. Bull Pt>tenon, pnokidf'nt ot del Mar. eoclt-ty h.latorlan; Steve don of ''C&rrm'n" ttarrlna Re· right aftf'r the program to make UIE AftM IIGNALI to .warn Orangt' Coast Collece. wUI &peak, Rodt~gt'l of Santa Ana, aales gll\a Reznik, eoprano of the Met· a pei'!IOnal appearan~ at Ute an· thon behind that you Intend to itnd a mw;lcal pt"'.W88TT will ~ chalnnan. ropolltan and San Frend«o op-nual Magazine Luncheon ·of the alow down, .top or turn. 81• preli(>Jltf'd by 5tudmts. 1b.e next mt'el1nJ( of the Rock- l!ra companies. Antelope Vallt'y PTA Counctl lr. cyellru must follow ruin of road Tht> first meet:ina of the pre-hounds will ~ 11 7=30 p. m. Mon· l.ancastt'r. J 1 1 1 n.... day ln tM auditorium of the MONOAV, OCT. 11 9.45 p. m. KVOE. ARMY 111t Ike motor Ita If the 1147 st>nt orgllnl.zallon was he d In v..·· Corona deJ )lar Cramma:r School. 6 :15p.m. KNX BOB CARRED PLATTERS. A new program to bike death toll of 550 Ia to be totx>r, 1927. at tM ;>oolhem St'u An announc:em~t wUI be rn.aM celebrates hla lOth ~ar of nt'WI· pl't'('t'dt> Fulton Lt'wta Jr. and euL (From the National lafety Club. now Chrl.nl&.n s lfut, ln BaJ-rt'Cardlnr an early joint meetln~ cutlng this month ... t'ltlmetes the newa. Council) boa Theft was a South Coast Im· with tht' Wt'Sl Cout Mlnt'raJ ht''a rt>ad" eleht mllUon worda of -provE>ment Asaoclation orpnlzt'd Soclt'l\' Th~rt' will a.blo t» a new&copy on his &day a week THURSDAY, ocT. 21 Leaves for Eadaad u ~~as 1~· ~~ orl~ n.oport. ~n th<> progrftl In eeftlng broadt'utL 2 30 p. m KFVD. VETERAN'S Mrs. Loulaa S. liarril. mother wo , rom "'' .. 06e 1• up a d a ln gem &lOnt' CUft1ne 0 9·30 p.m . KFL CAVALCADE WORKSHOP. a publlc llot'rvtce of U ont>l T. Harrts or the Cor ~~~~~lie ~-~boa~ and poll&hlng at Orance Coast F AMERICA. Burt Lancaster program. ona dt>l Ma r Stables. ll'ft last · 8 un u.,..on Collegt> t"t>nln1 IC'hool stan In ''Tile Darktst Hour" ad-6 30 p. :n. KNX. FBI IN v.·f't't< for Nrw Orlt'anJ. w~ art' activt' In Coast attain toda~ Schedulf'd to IJ)t'l.k llrond.ay VPntu~ story. PEACE A: \\'AR changes from lh~ me wUJ board thfl s .. s. And\k -----"'lht Is Ja~k St~~r p~t 6°.00 p m. KFJ. TELEPHO!\"E rt'JlUlar 9 30 p. m. time to thll o: the Holland·Amt'rican llnes rommy Foster Named of tht' CalJlomla State f't'dft-8. H l R. Glnd\S Swarthout Is t"arl) spot. for a trip 0\\'1-wu I WP<>tc.>m L'nlon TPI~ph Com· ,lion of Mlntoral Sodt'tlft. who gut'S! She smgs 8 HAndel aria. i 00 p m. ~"-:X. SUSPENSE. Mrt Jlarrl& will \1~11 her dau· pa.ny hu named Tomm' f'Mif'r h.u marli' a ft"('t'nl rollect&ng trip two F'l"f·n<·h l'nnl:~ an.t 8 hymn \\'iiUnm Powt'IJ stan; In "GI\·p Mf' g htt>r In f)(o\·on!!hll 1'. England. of Tommy's ahop, 609 Coast to Bran I Ltbt'rl~ ·· land thrn ronllnut' to Snutht>1n lllt'h\loa\ ih Corona df'l Mar TUESDAY, OCT. lt ... 00 p ~· l<l\"X HALLMARK !-'ran('(•. whrn-~oht I rnns to SIR) IPJII'(><;(>ntatiH' Although no' ar M"S BU .. T HONORED 10 lVI a m. K~fPC. TilE f'LAYHOl SE. Jamf'S Hilton I• f01 thn'f' munth~ l·tnlo!('ml'nt for dt>li\(•n of inrom-Mr ~ RtJhE'r1 c. Bur1. whOSf' WESTER~ERS. Carolina Colton •1 uthor-ho~t to thu; program. 1r~ tf'IPI'!rarr..: h.J!! liN>~ mO'cif' '~'~ C'oron:1 dt•l \inr home.> 111 at 233 15 fl:'aturt'd 'ocallst along with fl I~ Jl. m. 1(\'0E. RED SCHOOL SONGS ,t('(-onfh~ot to Tomm~ outgolnR l'opp~ An• hn< bf>4>n honored the Plaln11men Quar1C't and And\ CRt >S..". A nPw pn>Ji:ram at a ne" Word-s and musk for all the ltf'lr~ram~ will be> ~nl by dlr~t ~h~ 1'li"C11on to the.> Pasadf'na PnrkPr's \>\'t>slt:>rn Bann. · llmr dt•votf'fi to actlvitlf'S of this O<'C ,:onJ::-. wpn• \I.Tittt•n br Mr wilt> nnd ate l't'<"E'I\in~ pt"'ntpt \\'omf'n' Chk I.A>..t..rUt' for tht> q 00 p. m. KFAC E\'F.l\"1:-o:G <..l'r.IC't' nrganlzatlon. Kt>nnl'th BoNII·her. !Wn lt'f' 1941t 19 <'lub \f'ar -,...,. ± It ....... ·~ -• •• aeest ba rgain in to wn. tad y! ~1111 ,_. eW. AM~ A .. t.D ., tt.e 6*-... ....., .... ...,........ AM TIIAft ,_a. ti..W.J ktMt ..._,wlwn' _.._!! ........... o. ... .-~ ..... !! .................. ,II oa • _....-oN nrro TIIOtJBt&. ~ 6lerNt ~~~ ,,. '*"' .,., •. tAt h4ppinaa, 1ttoUJa Gltd {u.l:un II( our yofl.l&l/'*rl tJwu yow '*"-*' ., ~a.. ... / ~ eu haw the IOiid IICUI1tt ~a ~ ..._ a Ia .._ • daya w~MD tt....'• oae cli+CI'Ce tor ..,., to. mrz1 0 r Show n.t .)II* thiak i&'a ........... 0 It Cbelt w~ .... c.IW ,. IJsale ....,.. -._TOe WWow fllwJeil -Veaetiaallilnda ... -.. ....... IUJn'IN HANSON OlU.tN 0VE1U1AH COaTA MUA 1012 23rd St. Beacon 5()()hJ e RUI-TIC attLIT MOWOOO ~ALINQ e RANetf TV~.: I~LIT RAIL e IHAKU & .ARK ~RODUCTI • ctn e REDWOOD PATIO frURNITURE PHONE BEACON 5491 FeR FREE ESnlUTES CALIF. REDWOOD JIATERIAI.S 00. 1112 COAIT HIGHWAY NEWPO"T .EACH NJek•a ill,dcsmlthin& & Trailer Service GENERAL HEEL frA •• & REPAIRING TRAILER HITCHEI & OVERLOAD& IPECIALTY 1817 FULLERTON AVE . COSTA MESA BEACON 5821 Oeaenl Ba.lJclia« Contnd.or REIIDENTIAL -COMMERCIAL -INDUITRIAL 1668 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa OF'FtCE PRONE: BEACON 8035 RES. PRONE· BEACON 5786 CEMENT ILOCKI FOR HOMEI, COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS 14:552 ~rt:WPORT BLVD._ TUSTIN L C. WARD. Prop!-. Kimberly S-U26 L 1'111! , t..d .A BEI)..DAVEXO S30 Cb&1r nw total ("Uft of afflliatiun •ttll ,~htiUI •at .. r rv.ta 11.8 prr ...,.. 1·ARD and lawn woJ'k war.ted HOU~.~R. 3toot.._ .. _ _.: tdl 115 OO Good ~__. .,_ to t1ll" Mt tropvhtan W•trr CJ stn<1 toot cS! lJ\...,-.'11 at tl,. dt) , Mar· ,.------:---------., 11.00 ~hour. Beacon 5714. ory ...... t ; ~~~ four, _...,... .,. .............. n wtll lA• abwl SJ~ a )rv P'"r bc.u "-1ILE 00..,.._,.._,.. f'RIDAV, OCTOa&R 11, .._ eq~ptM.nl. Aim '31 Packard Beecon 5211-W 35-St~ capela vr ~ <""nt• 1 rr~Vnth for rl'1 '' I") .n~au TRACTOR WORK. cood ,...._ Sfx, c:onvertJbJe ooupe. A..t.o PIA:-.:os ...m Lndt\1dual It "'11.1 aunl~ out "J1 u lllk•l> !hat •·• W\IJ pw. • 11:11mt. 13.!10 u hour Call Bee· black saddle. Anzofta made, Btfore you by~ "OU~ pi Ln a I• tt• r w:u-11 wday II) u ... t<t.aa< me.,... l111m :..'() pt"r C'f•nt cA eoa ~J U..U< beau.tffl.tlly band ~or: -. We ~11 tl)t fan!..t ma~t-:'· ~ "Watu· for ~ .. "'~ HI ch • put.-our ""4ul~u a• tht' ttart • tt .. • • MOTliER'S helper wanted lor ttnru. or u-ws.. lfi ... •» for 1a1 t""Cauw It CO&U u• Lla•) romnuttt... l~ttH' a.~t)'t ~ ~. l"•t'('J~ t .. r e after echool and Saturdays. only. 513 Na.rda&WI A\~.. Ow-'-to 11'11 s-ua and aav• Tt..-lt-t• .. r f"AplaJnl":t tka• thf-t'-' C4A'ON 0. 1 M&T n· ... ~"'Mf "' .. ' ~coo 5&S3-R. aG9 E. 19th ona del Mar. 10-t1~ ~ Wualc Stu4Jo 833 !': BrMd· •mv•naJ cno.t of M"Wl.J "'lU IJ:.."J . ....., ,.:!:....-.......,~-& .-...-.. St. 36-2t-c POWELL MOTOR SCOOTER. _..,, ...,.. "'' ,,,.. ....... ~ :"P~~~o-pon 0.~ h ,.,.,. •v.r ""'--_ .. ___ • '"' '"t' tiUI pumr ~~~oatt·• tron, (JOJf ___,__ ._ CARPENTER WORK WANTED: 1947 modd. ~t'C't oondltlon. ,. .11 ha\.,. t<~ lA~ '' atx>u f'J'.tl.Jt"' "'' lh t•.Jt" tN-A't-'t ol w c:••> tor 432 ~mleaL Corona del Mar. DlNND\ Rf'~urant Good loca-Th11 nrJu4> ttM rn) t pen •Jf •t.o t•.u• flO pt'J' w;,.... fvvt Reopalr, ~I w new ~ 8tNdion. ?bone BM«m S20U Harbor 102-R. 10-lt-p Uon. 101 HW)· ~r IUid wiM ftl'l lOO..t 1nd ml..,.....l "' 1 "'r· _..t.a 46. ld .. al for coup!~ ran lMlt p&)'lbh' mo·r '\0 )''" vq •h· 1-U-e CHROME DINETrE lift, 2--way ==~--~------wall heater. new u.npa.lnted GENERAL handy man want.a wor'k IC'rt"en door. Harbor 198T-W. around t~""· Can pa~nt also. lO.lt~ 21732 ~tla. C M~ Phone Sea. 5175--.J. ~tf~ TRAILER FOR IAL& be ~ to <'llff" ~a.sonabl~ lHJI fw1h..,. .nt~t cround luu Plt'nty ot parklnc tIll Cent. P er I tOO ~ StU('('() bldg ~tock and l"hl' annuo\1 J \ m• n• "' II ~ .. ~uJpm~nL Ownrr 2575 CO!kci abcl'lt ~" j(,, ro"]IJIT t 1: • ' 1\ rot• J(Wy .• Nl"wpor1 ~arh 35-tf· of 9 h.ll I" r t l(f) 1•' ........ _,, '"' 1946 Prabie Schoone-, .22 tt . .-------------. Good OOndJtJon 11095. 1300 dn. Re&J buy. Phone Beacon 5220 or 6115. 36--2t~ Ullll\•tl (\Hpnt ta'< r111., •' \f\\1 • 1• r. ,. r u , .. r c1••• r., ·~1 ,,, ~· fl ,.,..) I'X:f""'"' anti !o r• 'In 1"'"~"­ Th 1• •h •-o:omtunt'd ,..,, "' II I• 1-; .-.._ •.• r•· \ hoiJ•• 11r <1 I • •a 6. OFFICE: rf'<.'f'ptlonlst. tf'lephonP JPI"'I~ avallablt'. ~uit~ Four. Blrtchtor BuiJdlng, Corona <kl Mar. Harbor 1210 or Kimber· ly 2 7i21. JO.tl-c or "·nte l ox '" 8 alboa leland C A \1P TRAILER fully PquJp- pt'd ,..,, t'('nt h> dot) or werk. Phonf• llfoa 6201 J 28-tl~ R ~PISET BLO:'\L> Rt>~ t-•t I' 1 room and kiiC'h~n. Apt ~ aT•' al~t rmpos!ubl~ to $4fl 00 r~·r mt> Adults only fand Don't W!Ut If you want U7 42nd 81. !"~1>0rt Bt>ach • blond DA~'Z-SOIM!DT PIANO TRACTOR WORK Plow inc SOt"TH CO T CO. GE"F:R.\L ELECTRICAL MClTt n RF:PAJRI~G • R E\\1'\Tif:"C t'!(' twi •• t n .. '' al'll1 , ....... •..t c it• " I'"'' 'tl • 1n nn .~ ' Tho-<'I'\ II'· '" ftlw r~a\ Harbor Furniture NEW and USED FURN ITURE Speccal Bargalna Oatly Phon~ Bu~n S~l8·J NEED MO"fEY" Sl'f' u-for q .tck h lr c... ~r· ur Asphalt Tile Rubber Tile Georp E. Tvser 1 4\7 ~ et.. -NeWfJ!Oft ..,._ I Unoleum Broadfelt ::n.~~ ;&lf' l" ' .,.,. "'' :\; H• " I leo Pn~ PAGE ·-\ ,...,. E1n ,.....,._... tl5 E 11TH ST. Costa Mes:1 Blue Print Co. Comer Bolsa & New)t<>rt Ave. Beacon 5588 R. W . McClellan & Sons TRl.C'KI:SG-GRAD "G-EXCAVATING Dealers in Rock-and -Fill Mat.rial l>focomposed Granite -Dirt and Peat SoD ROO F NC OF Fl'ft E!.!.L-.a'h ROO~G CO. ALL TVP£1 All Work Cuarar~tN'd BEACOS 5604 Paillting 36-2t-p ('0 520 No Ma.m. Santa Ana 1 WlLL---.ha-~--m-y_ho_me __ wi_th_em_· Sub.)P<1 to prior sale SorT)'. • SPEClALIZJ:'\~ I:-.: TirE 1 ~: CAR on OTHER c:;En·R· Cement C-ontractors Loanfi on Ft R:o-:nT I"..E. SA!, I 4 ,,·tc-e on ~our flnanr11.1 tt"f'<l~ h CHARI ES A. OGDE...~ ~ SON & Paperllaapa' 143 EAST 1ml STREET CONTRACTOR BEACON 5703 CLARENCE McCULLOCH CONTRACTOR MILL & CABINET SHOP COST A MESA LUMBER CO. LUMBER -BUILDING MATERIAL& BEACON 501S H. F . WOLDEN.MG F . R. GREENLEAF, I~ gr«nleaf & Woldenbag QENERAL CONTRACTORS GENERAL OFFICE l82C W. CENTRAL AVL TELEPHONE HARBOR 1111 NEWPORT·IAL.OA. CALifrORNIA GENERAL CONTRACTOR 0. .. lhOOUJ(I( Ccl & ta actloa ()o. 11M NI[WftOftT .LVO,. COITA ._.. ORAINaOARDI, IATMAOOMI, ETC. TILE CONTRACTOR CJ !JI)~ NOW tN OUR Bay Dlatrlet VaN~ 611 Coaat High-)' • ............. _~ At Tile AI'C"IPI .... ployed couple or ~<ln~tl~ lady-SALE! SALE' SALE! Spl~ 2482'-' N~n Blvd. 26-tt-c pianos ~nted durinc ~ 1 7. Wan~ to Rent are now back In stock. 8q re- duction&. Almof!t new Easy terms. DANZ-SCHMIIYI' Piano .eo. Pral'"li~ ptanos 169, S87 $~. 520 No. Main. Santa AnA REP A lR El..Frl'RICA L l!AND TOOLS • 23rd & Central NEW~ORT BEACH Harbor :HOC) Houn 10 A M to ~ p ~{ REIIDENTIAL COMM£ .. CIAL -INDUITfliAL I ~ <>ranee Ave 133 West \'fll.son. Ccma Mea I Clo!!('(f SAturdays BEACON 6ln-w B£A 5674-.1 C'LOSE IN. 11\1ng quartt>rs "1th J:ArllSrt> or building attached suHable lor business. Box L. Clobt'·H~rald. 36·3t·p Bungalow plano sell for~. ~------------: PAPER RANGING TH£ TRADE and All It"• a,.an<:hea r.uarante-!!'d --\\'iU not ·~ ) our money 11 not SAtisfied. Paul R. Scbeerz HACON 51~·J ~------------------------~ 9. Wanted To Buy I \V ANTED-S~na Maehlnes. an~ MakE> Any A~oteo Hlaht'St C'a•"t Pli~ paid Call Bearo11 6?% ' 18-tf-r '-------•to. Miscella.neons ~~FAfRBANKS·MORSE ,uolln~ E>ngine. 1 ~ h. p. Beac-nn 5438-R. 34-t:-c lrESA BUILDERS GENEAAL CONTftACTORI Wt Haw Scrmtthmg Nl!W 'To O((t., 7'07 W . WILSON COSTA MEIA lEA. &118-W 11$6 ••• 9~'!~!..~ AVAILABLE IN 5 • 10 -!5 -'l5Q_ a 100 Poaad Seeb 2'1711 NEWPORT IL VD. Oppoelte 22nd St. Telephone Beacon 6113-\V Oomp t.e ouse Cleaning Cl,.pets & Rug1 CleaMd At Home or Plant kitchen & Wall Waehlng -Floor Waxing Machine Polt.hlng -Painting -E.t.. In So. Calif. In 1922 AL. HO E & WINDOW CLEANING 27'2 BAY, COSTA MESA PHONE BEA('('I:-; 6111 "Covering 'The South Coast'' PArvrTNG and DECORATING RESIDE:'\'TIAL 1nd C'OM!\tr.R\1.\L fu :.. l ·c~d tmd r ......... r.f 1e15 COAST HIGHWAY CO"ONA D!L MAIIt HARBOR ·1·JK STANTON 110r E MOVERS fret fsttm4us ~h·ane 8 uena Park 383 ot 36!1 YOUR DREAM-KITCHEN! The~·s no 110und6 tnvest.rTM~nt In home--lmprowment than a MODER.'ltzf'd kltchen YOl' can ha\'t' tht' kltchcn you hav~ \1slon~ In your 11-.y~a.ms-ln rt'ahty in YOUR homt'! U1 us ~w you With 1\lftt"Slions and t>sumates Have a talk with WI' GORDON a . FINDLAY Coofltl"'ltdW & au114e,. CABINET SHOP SERVICE Ha,..._l20 CA81N£n & MILLWO"K T C. JOHNSON, Supt. 407 aoth lt. Newpot't .. .cft Dc>n I Huddlt>stO'l ~klr~ 1'·1 ~ ', ~f'W)X'rt Blvd Costa '1f"U ~:tC"C•n !\2~ 8uutlfy You,. Ho"'e With 0\K CEMJ;XT 11LE IIIXG~ • Beauty • Economy • Durability MANV F AcrtTREO BY Pacific Tile Shingle Co. F'ACTO .. Y -2'" E. H'TH ro..c:;u MESA OFF'IC~1 L..rayette Aw. l'o"E\\'PORT BEAOf I ·-IOS1 Hal'bor t1SS Our Appbcat~ Co\•n So. Oll1f SHEEJ MEJAL WORK e WELOI -BOAT WORK e CUITOM FABRICATION e REIIDE~TlA\. & COMMERCIAL Shllnleaa lteel -~r-Alu...,lnum -Galvanlmd Iron. eto. Air Condltfonlng -H eating Units -Ventll1tlng Dlttrlbutor for Gen. Electnc Heating, CraM P lumb ing luppll" SMITH BROS. co. ~F\\i'ORT AVE. -NEAR 16TH COSTA MESA DAN ITONE, Rnldeftt ,..anqef' Licensed and Bqndcd SERVING SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 0 \'ER 20 YEARS \\·,•: bt..1ld ,.,~~:'"'&-471)unt'!'r no: thr Ho.-b....,.. ,-..,.. PROMPT IERVICE CALL BEACON 6378·.1 coaTA ME&A PACIFIC HEA HEATIXG -VENTILATING AIR co:-mmo!\'1NG SUes-moe ..r,anitrol -Royal -Jet-Flow -GeMral Eleetrie G FlTR~ ~A Harbor 1712 HARRY W. TAYLOR PLUIIBING ud IlEA 'DNG CO.TA MI:&A ~ Costa Mesa a Harbor Area COMPLETE P ·o EBVJCE LOUIS WEST. PROP PHONE BEAOO ~ 6U7 l?eB NEWPORT BLVD~ rosTA MATERIAL OMPANY- PECIFICATION READY MIXE.D co, CRETE 121 Wftllt W ll _,. t I ..... He ...... ..,_,, CO&TA MEaA ~ ~ «M1 IL--------c-~ ___ M_ .. ----~----~---~------~--~~ OUTCH aOY ~AINTa Wai!Ju!l*' ~afmar.' ·~­ .._, C. Refr1..,.a\o,.. H..,... A.-llaMee 211 COAI'T H IWAY Corona del Mar •Olnunui'd froCTl J)llcr 1, Thomppnn'a ltkk ~~ w!M te'( bat-k b' the l•lt"llla on na' Jd tht> uprlr;ht • D Fie-ld n uta) rua:ht "! n • n <"40'1 nh·ria cll~pla)C'I! lnh't('l1''f"'ill4 It~ {l'!Jill\1( \\11t1 "' "hAl ll.l'k II to 1 •1 ~ llfu\tod f t 1 hJ th<' l.l1\ltili'r • • hampwn~.hiJ• t'\r·n II~ he>> \\ 1•1 r mh!rd tu 1 ' dut to-am .,,, lh~ baiL lkl'lo\~ fl<lln .!fr n•11nl~ llUI. 11• hl~ ball 1:; \'ard IU lflt'a IM \1sttnf5 \\ "' rhr•f ar• hru ,. thr i ru i dt d · hot ~ ITIQ\tod •nth ·~~ hK'~ Jt h•pfl("ftt'li 1n rf'lto midd.lt and danr .. mu• MJ tn mldll• ld uf lllf' 1 ul llU'tr••·r llat "ht>n tht• t'hiPII ,. t•re dv~n Jlart• r IJ rlf'd ut tht> half, i thr I,.., !'rids it11Tt'1 f'l1 1u fl !t•tl""' 1n1: u -u• "~ul hnt Hrr:hUchta ~f tht" p.rww lndud ~rl"d drt\ P b\ tht' Ou 1 ~·nu•rl:. •'ft • llinC PftJS from Mr.ra to W;,rnora. ~nlf*)n, who tnH•lf'd 15 ~"lint • t..Pft•~ ht' ""U hau t'd down frnrt Follo~ina th•• half-llrnt> J"t"C'("" behind by a Pf't"d men:hant (nUl\ rhe Tats .ustalned a 40 )ard ca~terta. ll\llrt'h to a tOIJChduwn. Bob Ber-\\'ard to Thomr-on pro''t"d an ry knlflnJt bPI wet n IUs tacklt> Mher Jll"'-tJ\1: rombsnall<'n that lUld JU&rd (rom the )-arda out ~kt'd tlw \Wtors' but for \1l' for lttl' !.idly, Mnn pU:II."C1 It> tnn·. 71\o"'pson r....nn • take kick for In lht' llrwo ntc Jlm Klint' rnation to ch&JI( tht> ell:tra point. ,..,. If' and Tar of tilt' Wf'f'k ofl On thesr II'C:'Ond touc·hoown, tht> hu J•l&) ac&Jnst Oonlla thfo \H~k S.llots lath"l tu Nn\M'1 \\hf'n ll(>{c rt> shwJd uu• alnnt; \\lth AI 1n a pn'IP at llnrbnr, th4 • Bt· luok Ow bM\)) Art 1 ta b) a 16 to 0 cuunt Uuu KfiO'-1.hotw u hi:' anaA"<I INl. .. ,....., and I tua:h+" al"d ~.ihJIU··~ tOI;I"'Iu r "'h.onun•"'i 11 b<'· b.ind-ttw.gt>o'\.1-lhw tarkl" thnt clln- cltt'd ·~•· tf• I\ ( ll k J.o11n1• •lf'A\'1 lo•l X) \I 1U'\J v."h a '"l''' '" -.~vrr :'1;(>1 a m '" louduod tum th.:o'lk" 1 • thr p< rll'l I bit• k laid nn h~ Dr II <:;rhmldt Tf\PTt"< <l"'''tti'lt\J]r 11tl•>tnTi ln tht" s:amr at Lnc:una Sha!• r PnC'k· ham and Ri-U ,,,,.., tht• tnut-h· do\\m Bluff Road C-ost Citt"d ,-----------------------------, Munu ldt ~ "'""' tunw<l 1.n A ll.nlAIIC'r ~mt-nt dr,.lrirt would \nC'rt"asP lht> rosl of 1hr bluff lmpro,t'mf'nt ro:ttl In Cor ona del Mar ahout Sl.iO n front fMt for I'IOIJ('rly ''" nt-r" non. of ~an Bhd. and '" '"' thai for 1 hf' proJ.c•rh llWnf'r • •n I h• t-lurr "'•If• It "''~~" rnt1tt·~tti'O 1>1 Ray C. Into nor f>e<'Onthn: ~1l'llA L "c ftK • 11•et'"miiWteMy ... er .. r ar .. s,llln~n.: ..;c r-"lC \\'ALI$ CO .. ONA DEL MAR A 5'••1lar J<f'rfonT".am-4" In thr up Iron• 1•111 \' OnLD ftECOftD HOLDEft for broadbo I c.aught Oft medtum tack lr • M M Culv~r of 127 F B.tv ~roftt, BalbOa Island, who 11 .~e>Mt •• ,.,~ roght .,_Ide hi$ _,rlu 302-pOund CJ>teh At the left '' li c-t• r L 8 Cul~r. also an Islander', W't\o was ak•PPt'r' of prehmu\l\T) f"<ltmatrc mad" h~ lh•· dl\ •·m·rn.., r"• n f t r • ' ThP r't"a•nn fc•r thr <hfh•n!nN" I• ti.P .,-t>nt(r llmount ur tlon H'QUII t..-1 t••r fn<~l uf r••.HI I ,,,. hr.'l!l I <11~1 .. ' ,, ·Ill trl llr• I''" c··r IIIII' ' '' e b .. t " ~ '"~ bi'Oadbttl 'Wlll brought tn kpt .2 The -rd \" ht ( h rt c:o -).I I "' • ,., ... o~f c•.tl la!l •H't'lc wt>en "'~ lnterftat•onal Game F tsh :l(' 8 tors ~' " 4-----------------------------•~~o•o· •~ :1" r.ul\ .a c~rtoftcate to Culv~r •11•1• h~ H ll• h.,•·k t S.tlo• ••I '''" "'""'"''' ll•rh< r ~---------------------------'"' ---lttlt'J~I'-oo! !Itt \lt•l>\.1 \"~ohl 610 Narc aus Awe. HAR80 .. z:z2%.W IUD\'\ l~PLIES 6. S POftTINQ GOODS nu:.su Ct ,, .. T t.:-.spa-n:v Hol"-4' !'>t""' llaJI~ FrM ~llvt'TY C'uruna llrl :\&ar BUD MILLE."'R r~l·'f" Shell Lubricat ion -Tir'U -a arterlu 227 .. A .. INE AVE 8ALBOA HAft80A 2219-W STOWE_RS SERVICE TI .. ES 317 C'OAST HI'\\ A Y MOTOR REBU ILDING BATTERIES C'ORU!'4A nEL MAR WHITMAN ' EBV I CE R~borlnt ltt.ft Gthtdlrttl Gw!U.I Rtpalrlft9 24-H-.,,. T-1"9 P'£7E. BOB. IU.MT AND ~ M altel' M.c.han Ice 1020 COAST lUGHWAY Corona c»> •tar HARBOR Ul-R S.W. BLACKBEARD RESIDC'TIAL 216 OftCHID ELECTftiCAL CONTRACTOR REPAIRS HARaOR 22 Ho .. R ETS TO TANGLE l'hartPr ... ""~ ••. "'· 1 .... , lh,, ,, •. ,.k "'l'•''~rt •"" fnr rt•• "'"'k•• 1~ .. , T'E 1 · N '''" """"'' ·ttt• !Iolii\ ,·,.tfn:an "'•'r ;~n•f'tlu•n• ~1111 arr ft"h •ro ••' lfol '"'""1 hra<1 • I tht t nr ,,.. •'ltu ht Jlllo1, 1llrh t "ud) Callllllt I' An•! h••l<ln -.tr.,n~; LunJ,! 81•.1 h lt,lrtlull"l frrn ="•''h \\"11.-hn•• h:ht:' 1-ndtnll! "'" •· n'lnu• ,., ' • ··' ''"' , .•• '''" t'f' .. ut Ct:' 111llt·)!• t·lf•,rn to n 121:!1 l"nmpan~: lJo"Ard F.ur~. 'heart IW'ntlr••.: nut ll dl\ hooat ('tlhtr ,, -·m· Jt:t\ no~·,. llr'ln~· q, ,.., Ptrlll·o.t•nmt•fromN'-•flh• ,\lh ... t \ho·n•·m~Ar•·nr\ ! •• \'all"nr ta "r rhP g,,..n Ka • l'll:t•' l'rrRI"' "h••n th~t' 1\\u htnd '"" \\f"<>k aJ!u lo '"'at 1111' I''" ,\nvd•·'· ·•n•l Juhn P Hu:wh•· tluou~hcml th•• \\tn••·r IJ \f' J'~,,.,,,. • • nf•n>m'f> tf'l'lmc d a "h T'•lnmru Tt~f't 12; """''r <of,, t ... , An.!•'""' pnntln'- 1••11 ,, (',, .. ~···~· ... l>o• d\"a11lllhlf' ,. ll.r• J4~ ltnJo?tnn Bt>u h Jli~~th J·ullf'ttnt. Coarh FA ro(lddDnl lUll ... •' I •r a m"r th -• Tt t' !~h··• ·, h•• C:t tiUM S-1rurdll\ ~IJ:hl "Ill br ine a lf'ilm r hat Ia IH•a vlh rn•n "II ... •ftor .,.,.1-. ,.,..,1 "''' tmf't mP si\OO P M. f&\l'nod lu hand lhf' P trato·.,tht'it MATHEA $ GO EAST II•, IM!t • '"""' '"' n•• .. ,., Jl(,th 11.-anrt> Coast and Fullt'r-fu ~~ •I• ft>,&l r•f thl" M'aM>n \lr n I \lr< R••' F \tnttu r ,,. \tt" .,.,, ,,n•rnut""> lc. '"" ~>mt'n:Nt \ic'torlou"' In thNr F ullt"rton Loaded "ll, Dm' A'• Hull~.a t~tancl. art· I..... t1ath frtom Pon OranJ!f', fit"' It' I ~·-1111 ... _ Homa•-QUI I .. "h r:ll RuSl>', h_,. \'lrtUP or 1 h c.wr '"" ~~ nn lho ftr,l lap u( a mor1lh't. bu' >Ut > f' \\ill hP r1(1('kf'd for two ~ ,,1111,. S•n o-rn-...alno. t• (i,,l.t'\ \\"l't'k<'ntl fi b,\ e', has hJUI h ._ .. _ ,. ~ '"" .. In• --~ nnd piPa"'ll"' trip to N• hra-.- niOnt " ut·j;l! nlnJ all<•ul ))(~( 1 •nd II•• f'lr•t-outpolntln• lhA ''"'"'" llmt' hi nn1t11h hJs Otff'n'-t' k h " .... ,. ~ r~ .. , I lhrn 11nc.l T•·nn•..._._.,,, Th• ' \\111 , nr•··r tv .. ,, \II III ronlinUI' 1'.,\•r•t•l·· ,-•• ·-rc .. , th-r•mA A·· "'11\art'\'0 ur• thf' Plratt"t<' d ~ 1 ~r •· oc -• ho I"'' k •n mrd· "'"'·mt .... r !'>tr • Jn•u.r ~>UI tl ,, "'nl"r month ~ .. •r•• · ff'n•l\t' gamP Tht' lntc-rlm ho' :\t111h"r '' 11 "''''"·11 n.·"'"'fli'J'f'nnAn 'l nrt ~~ '.Ill• an '"llf'<Uih ~>ool I '•. ,..,, fo•I"C'n•"'fl' till<: tht" ... Y\f•ral l'lratM wllh mlnnr fnmw rh rof tlw l.r" Ant:t•Jp, l'lrnt·• '111 ' n l f'tlrt 1 •ranl'f' l'rlll" t'fllt h lim ro•'l' tr .. unct>d John MuJr 'r:•' •·nJu~ 1\ .-ur.r t'IP mf'nd C.lnt"tnlllh h• \ll"r>rktd fnr th•• Oor "'' a JJ(~>t••un"' I> "1 .... 1\a,~ Junwr l"nlh•J:•' tu lh~> tunt> of 31 ' 1 thr· \\hoiP "Q'•IId Is an t'M"I <'ll.:" Tr hlln•• h\ \1••1 J,Jr'{!ll"'•' o t \tlinc\ tilt> ., . .,, pll\ •rt·al o;hapt• (' ht-o b~s,. and '" thl' I< <"'•18<otl fln>l \e<lr uf ,,.,,. hfoo.n •11•a:t.1 ~lfy Profile ~'"'IIJ<t'1Hrun. mu .. t of thP ·,.ta\f't• AI p,,, I u·J•o thP C\ I"'' l< ., p ~~> h'< to USe' III'E' f~hmPn nmnsn~~: un ~.arurda'' and Sun· '-1r• !\t u·tt· \ Ho"'~· f\ean o f lt•ul fan11 qoo(' tht>m u a ht~thl) dan. ron ttlr"'·h·, Ek'a•'<>n \\ nmrn al nrc rates dramA Jllt'('tslront>d ~·up of trrlddl't .• 1-'tndln$! !opfll'd _.ndlng out rl"a.l.ng and tupJWr work u htar "ho \\111 C'ha.n~ lht• romrlt>xlnn I''" 1 fl~ltan.: h ., • ., :hrt'f' "'~ks most t'nJn\ nh!~ hobbia Ho"' of tht" t"ntir~ confP~ct>. A harrl .. ~o And la<il ~unda) wu tlos f''l.f'r ,h,. ·has an lntf'l't"St ln runnlnr al1o<·k n>uple<l "'lth 11·~ Ita' for Pallf'rson'a Landing )ourna iiAm Her falhf'r owtlf'<l St'•n"P cmooth t.>US!nlf by quart.rr J>attf'r-.on s rt')x>rtt'd that ~~ a nt>WSJl3Jlf'r and 1111-'0 of ht>~ I a< l(s f"o\1. lf'r and ~BArd hll\ r S~rtsm&n caJie"d th{' faste-st broth<',.. ._,. ln nt>\1. paptor work. ._n r;s~n11lblf' for th~ Coast dnl> spon flsh.lnr OO.t aOoat Ourtn~t ~ h.l«h achool )"Ura Cotwa~ a tm~ ahownlng tn datf' "UJ 'tart thf' 1~9 .-.on at that Mrs. f{nwes ~atht>red fl('WI and 1'\.tll~rton ls ioaM<S With pow- landrng wrotf' tor ht>r tatlwor'a paptor, and t>rt\.LI, II"&J!Oned talent Tht" Hor- Student Spealcers Build PTA Roster lt>amt"d how to run a pl"f'U. Jn Mta \\t"~ p~n favorites to rotlf'."' ahe was K hool rf'f'Orlt>r cop In,~ honont. Tomorrow and frfthman ed.ltor of th~ col-nlrht's battlt> wUI a1w t"Yt'I")'Ont> Jp~ paper. a ~Pr Unt> on both t~ams aJ. Drama f'han~ from I ~~nd t~y alldt" Into lht> h~avy goln~t ary mtt'~ 10 hh:h M'hool to a pans of thf'lr football .chedulH A IPf'akM"S bun>au consl.stinc of major In Wf'Stern R~e Prtv-P rohllblt> startln~t U~ps· 'tudt"nta of l'IOt>WpOn Harbor H14;h l tf' C'ollegt> In C'lf'\.Pia.nd wht>l"t' OCC Full~rtorr and hf'aclt>d b) Btll Klussman. stu-M r&. llowt"S rt"<'f'hf'd hf'r M. A. Padrutt l<'r Bf'thrum dMt body pl"t'Stdt>nt. has ~n or-Shf' ~ht'd htor n . A dt'~ S tan'"' llr Wll110n ear.lzt'd undt'f" the dtrPrtlon of rrom II" 1 nh , • .....,," nr Juwa.. Jolm10n lgr Mast EN"OL~MENT ,.ECO"D F.nrnllm• nt wa<~ nrnrly 1ri11lf' rh:rt nf 11 \C·IIr n..:n IL~ ~-kdl'l\ ..... ••~rnu• ~urattt.n riM-<4'"' OJl('nf'd ht<l WN•k fnr puprtc: or the> Nf'\1\·- JlOrl F.lt+ml'n t &.1') Sc · hool On I~ fifth to rt~hth 1m1dt'n •'ho~ par- •'nlc; <iPnd wnll,., pl'nni!l rnn &I"C' J't'I4-Uf'd for thf'q> 45-minutP da"- St"t' and h• r ALL the-tf•rilllr~~~ T•!l't ,.,....,..h n hi Jn > .ur hc•mo :.:. " pu~h­ hutt•m """'"" f,.r thO> rn I< 1 .. , ... ratlun I:M .Jhl'l" tlu•J'-'Ojj 1n utllul ,,.,n,.d n~luoo 1 ~'"'' JlALL-l<"lL\fiT.HS \\ I II h .£hhcht tlw room A•k f{ll" a d• """'. lrtnliiM today Onlv -~ c...,._,letely lft.UIIed v .. ,. krvlce Warrant y NEWEST ..... MAGNIFIER WILL HOT $2915 DISTOftT BMC Tractor Jr. & Trailer T.,e BMC Trac:tor Jr •• J!iP«:Ially ltnigned to wothlt.llftd t he w• ar anlf t~;a,. anv rtt4'r'Oet•c voung1te,. woll g•vt It Comfo"rtablr aut Ia adjuauble for thlldre" 2 to I yrs old. Tractor ••• 22 45 Tmirer .•. 11 95 MONARK I :CYCLES Glrll Or' .. ,.. models 11~ to 2t" .•. Co<nplcte wlt.h accunri~ -Hom. Light, ,.,a,. 8um~,.. a"d Chal" Guard. your <...~O 215 Coast Ripway to 6495 es ••• ]99=> Supply ~ Dealer ll.arbor ~~ P.eohl'rt \\'• nt.z fa<"\llt) ITI( m~r A!. llf•·t"' nf r.rrl In II ~ tHt"nry c EvanJI Stud,.nt~ &N' lt"''"lt shon talk" land hiJ:"h IIC'hol ,, 500, sht> did ~~!:n rx.l Cravt>n · ' du~ rn C'•.-;18 Mt"ia and :-;...,. .. J: · ·rlar H' an-1 ("<1\l."f'hn.: work. Ro rtl nlndl!r HAMPTON' REXALL AND WATCH PRESCRIP1'1 0!'4 SF.R\'JCE 611 Coa.t Blvd Corona del Mar' Ellis BrDs. Nursery THII WEEK'S IPECIAL! FucbJ ias -Camellia 1201 COAIT a L VD. COftONA DEL MAR HA .. 80" 1031 H. W. F lc er GENERAL Bun.DING CONTRACTOR OORONA DEL MAR AREA 711 Colcknf"CHHI Ave. ... ,..,. 1261-W· E. V. OV EBB Y o•H-~AL CONT RA CTOR NEW REStDEN"1"tAL CONSTft\JCnON "'ur won lfMb ror x..u-· "7AAI.t" ......... A.., "c... ..... ,. .. '· I"'"· u"na &."i tht>rr toplr '"Bu' a F"tolln" In~ hPr hu•hand'a d4-ath f1 ~rs n-1 Clbeon \l•·mtlf'ro<htp In !':r'WJlOM Hnrh.•r t-lrP c:tm•• lu t ·atrfnrnls. a nd Jwt. ow f'r q Ot!bomc> lhl!h f-'-T A '\:&r~q Sn~d#'r 'P'•k' '''<tl< :trro ,. 'I~ III•J'I"Iinted Ass!~-rhl NP\1110n ;J I th•· Ka"' "n" <'lui>. K•·n Crum-'"'' llo·an uf w r. nrn a t rCt.A. lhr Hodr,.. I•,; at R,,,,. .... Ph) IJL<: \\.lltJdn• al ':r I'•·""' 1~ nrw IIV1n In f ~1C'Knl~ht lh•• El" "· c·tub. JoyC't' F"'r"ll at l"n .. ra ,., .. " " • h•·• mother& arn.t Cfassifia.d I~<> f"rlday Afwm~ nuh Par saHo ·•t llkr It h•·r~ ,,..ry mucn -~ c ,....,"' ar fblhoa Uon.• go"'"lan•l I'm lhrtl«l "'"" •hP t;C.'hool' CARRTFR R()yg WA!\"T'F.O John' •1 1 ht Linn" and Ph\ I ,~ Watkin• at thf' RuSlnf'or< and i•N)- fpc"'•llllRI \\'llnl('!l'~ Cluh 14 FO .. REVEILLE F'nr dt>llvf'r.) nf L. A. MIRROR. J \"('ninJ,' df'IJ\ ('r\ dllih f'XCf'Jll MPmhPn;htp ff'P for P-T A ~~ 50r pl'r pl'ro<on lntr~ ot1 p roon.,c may J')m '~'two goal th•~ >car ts f100 JTI('mhf"" Ul"t y~r'• roc>t>rtl · SJ."t John \\' Sh<,rb, Munlctpel gunda~· Blkt> N-qu1rt.d Are l't• r """"Purt B~'arh !ltated that rr;tnlmum. 12 Yrtl Call Dick 14 mt-n hJ\d ,.,r,!itPd th~h tus J<anold. tiarhor 425 W bfotwE't"n orriN' In thl' Armr and Alr ForN" __ 3_-_~ __ oo __ P_._M_. ------ durin& S<>ptPmbff Evening College C/osses Include New Art, Dog Training Courses Du:l1ne the Wft'k of Octobt>r lrondU&Ion of w ~~ dua 11-15, Onln at> Coast Evminat Col-For th~ who~~ t.rainlna In t~e .n.art.e<l t~ MW COUI"'E"' I art two coun;es wiU be a vallabl to Ita patrona OIW entitled painUne for pleuu~ CARAGE FOR RENT ctlld, Corona ckol Mar. WANTED -Hou~ work by the hour. Sl per hr. Beacon 6162-J . 10.2\-c FOR ~ALF. Metal bt>d walnut flnlah. spiral 5l)rin~ ~alv matt.rfts. Uke N"', 130 com· plet~. Harbor 23'76-W. lO·lt~ For t.M dot OWI'If'R 1 12 wt'ek commenci ng Tuesday at 7 P . M. c:ounte lo Doc Obfdlenoe 1'ra1nlnJt Thl~ t-1 .. will be drnocted by Mrs. was preHnted commt'Tldn~~: on Tht>lma Paddoclc H• and will 1'\Jesday. ~ 12, at 7 P M &.tre. t,.lnlnc' In pmdl llketd•fn&o ~~---=~--------. This t'lau Includes tnstructJon <'haftoo&l skt>tchlna. watu colon desl"'ed to PftPVe 1 .SOC too: ~put~l ch&Jkl, and oOa. ~al on INSh. s.tand for ~na-Mrs. Martha Buahnrll, pro(t>t- on. heel r~. ~. lona &Jt. aSonal lfoctlftr and authority on lone down. A COUJ"'Ie In a4V&ne."ed nora~ art. often a courw 111 ~ ~ be ott~ at the jF1oww ~t. T'hlt d .. ltaJ'Uod on w~. Oetokr "OR IAL.& 13, and 'WfU be ~ to Tw. le¥et tMI eft La~ Ave. 24 perwont ~lied Oft e ftnlt ~fw--~JI come. tim ·~....._ Court"Y to ~ lndiYktualJ Wbo wtld:l to ,...U· ewN~R AT ~te In~ C!ODeet .._. ?It LARK....UR AVL IIIQ reort-t« at t.M ... I I u.-. eORONA OU •AR ~ 0rence ear..t Colllp LOST-in Oorone del Mar-~ amaJJ diamond ~ atone ..,.. looee oo 1M mountlnc and l didn't take ft.\¥ ~1ft"~ au~tlon to have tt J"t"PPllr- fld A wry an&JJ ~ would haw •Wd ~ dla· moftd. Ut Ulle M a,..,..,,..,. .. YOUI lilly .. \'OL' Choose the Grad of Meat that Fib Vour Budgc:-t. \'our COMPLETE ti faction Guarantftd on t>\'ery ptUChaw nift's Oriole Grade .. SLICED BACON lb. SSe ~RGE EGGS clz. 61 c In C.rtona -Hole LOW P"ICE Accompano~d wtth thla ad Fresh and Good GIOU D CHUCK lb. 49c T-Rone or Portf'rhouSt> S11AKS •·69c Gua,.anteed ~ed Cattl' AD Shoalder C. -Cor11 FfJcl ROASTS V. I . ~ GraM4 •A .. aoHED & ROLLED WHOLE or aHANK HALF '111tere l.fU8T BE a GOOa RM1101a wlay we 11e11 i1o llnlela BlfJat. .bk yoar Nef&llltor -BE hya lwJr awst he,.,_ • One of our cuatomera pta a FREE HAM every tky. It'• a wortlnrhlle gift and YOU may be the lUcky one. M ... w ... w "'''*''"" c. o, ...,.. .. fi.ANAQNf 1847 Newport Ave. 0oi1ta