HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-11-05 - Newport Harbor Ensign.. , 8liappft'l' apedal&, lncludinc leUOMl Values designed to attract ewry famJly in Corona del Mar are fftt\lftd this week throua'houi tM fl&eS 01 tM EriJlga Acting ~ their Bullbelll Auoc:laUon. local store cwmen have united in PftSentll\l to the people of Corona del Mar a eeria ot buylnJ opportunities which wm ina.b of the local "shop at home'' program an opportunity for qual- Ity aoociJ and rerna.rkahle savinp to the budcet From variety store, markets, women's &hops and depa.rtment ~'tore, to hardware, auto aoces.s&- rtes and speda)ty houses, the list ot ''better buys" ln Corona del Mar thls week has beerr made • attractive as merchants' costs will pennlt. Acoordlng to Business A.ssoda- n .... l~t h • ·' aatt.ea latand-Corona del Mar 5c Vot. 1-No. 13 to· 1 tion President Dick Barcelo, ''Our ONE FOft DRWEY-Mra. George Bosley, 322 Larkapur, unlllngly local merchants have decided to cuta her vote for GOP candld~te Thomaa E. Dewe~ In the election Voters ln Balboa Island and Corona del Mar registered thei r offer bargains which will prove to Tueeday. Like n1ost 'IOtera In Balboa tatand and CoronA del Mar ahe lopsided choice for Dewey fNer Truman at thl' polls \\'l"dn ~ay 1n resident.~ of Corona del Mar that fa'IOred the ftepubllcan nominee. Mra. Florence A. atoddard: 225 a very heavy vote which was pan or the general balloting throughout no oth h i Jaamlne, eerved aa clerk In the Nora Mae Bate• rea,dence in CorOna the nation's big president.iaJ election. the Her.,: opp ng r~unlty h\ del Mar Perclnct No. 13. Mra. Boaley voted In the af.ter..,oon In a Of the 2962 registered vo~rs In both communitif>,. 1591 showC'd ~ r area. et one the heavy local turnout. Photo by Howard Folsom their preferen~ for the Republican Workers in the t.hrN? precmct .. •;; larger csUes where overhead oosts candldate. whil~ only 374 tallied in Balboa bland. Num~·r · 6. 11 are greater. has as much to offer ~~ ~ 1-. c for Truman Henry Wallace gar-and 16, n>ported a day-long pn:~ .. the merchan~s here who are Mteres.w .. OilS&:&..&:..... ;.I ,.Oin,entlr'&in' I nered only s. votes on the Island ces ion of V01C"'"S. Breakdown of dedicated to st"I"Vlce of local fa.ml-IIIUIIUIIGI ~ HIUI • and in Corona del Mar. The pro-chou.'e'S on thf> 1 land show: 717 Ues." D~ hibition candidate received ~ for De\\-ey , 76 for Tn..unan, 11 for u.:lfer lllend Y ()wn YAJt I" a~}.ii~J ~~ ~t.to:! !._ 2022 than votwte~ Wallace, 674 ror Phtllips and 680 n.= IK)UG ··-·~ for Stanley th'rds of the total registration. Corona d 1 Mar prectncts 7, 13 By Lupton Wllklnaon I into the charter . It is de-s''""'ed F 06" Republican Congressman John and 14 votC'd 3 to 1 for De-we~. acts • you should '<now about to safeguard every use or the tax-Phillips proved popular with his T'otaJs '"-'n> as follow = 874 for the ci~ 5 future charte~ for you payer's money and make city co"lStltuenta he-re as he picked up Dewey 298 for Truman 43 for to approve at the polls anclude: 1 gov~mmt-nt more dfident. its 1661 votes. Assemblyman Earl Wallade, 993 ror Phslli 5 ·and 975 Merdulnts ln Corona del Mar 1. It is as pertinent for New-supporters claJm. S~y received 1655 vot f Stanl • p Monda)' nlght laid elaborate plans port Beach a.s the U . S . Constitu-The Board ot Freeholders who es. or f1 · tor Otristma& shopping commu-Uon is for ~e natlon. have done the tentative wrlttng 1 .~;.;~ nlty decorations and Yuietime en-. 2. ~ere ·W!Il be a public hear-of the charter, will revise it after ~~ tertaibment for local youngsters mg this conung Wedn('sday, No-current discussion hearings, and Meet.l.ng in the Crown of th~ vember 10. at which you can ask offer it for the electorate to ap-And Sea restaurant under the leader--questions. freely. pr:ove. On the board are Braden ship ol Buatneu A.aoclatJon Pres--3. Cop1es of th~ tentative char-Finch, chairman; Mrs. Isabelle ldeDt RJcharcl Bareelo. U. ter are available 'at the offi(."(' of Andrews. secretary; Joseph A. , chaftta deddect mer-Ctwies K. Priest, city clerk. Beck. Earl w Stan~ Lewis . .om ot ~ ~. amaumPnt and scattered to JJI'OIVidt twO 4. "'bere'U be a discussion ses-Brtggs Rex B~dt. ~ Dodd. elatJon Wlft fOI"tbeomln& train reildents of these two preponderantly larelilo~ tree. at Jlar&ue--118ft at the 8oent o1 .Fn!eholders J--A"-M-"-... .. , o...... JWpubUcan CDIM"•Mdtift WedluG ¥ ~ foUo-.in& reSul of the rite ~ ~ aM two un.n ua-•. .,.. f w-. • ..,,an o-ma.~ IWI8eP ~1M ~ ·~iiD!ftt In ~· f'l("d.Joa. pny .. ~ ....... • ._ .... ~~ tyou-~ aandt a speda1 Jr .• J . B. Md'fally. mn G.~ A~ wuey ._.In .... NiUt'11el M.v -.Mt BaJboe lf.Mnd ot towa: SOUnd eftec:ta .a tree ~ ut PL~ 1 ) city de-doft. Roland W1'1ght. Jack Raub. broUPt out theee indMdual com-' -movl6 for chll~n will lilthHitrt partment heads Tuesda,y nlcbt. R. L. Patterson and RAlph Mas-IDMU: Jl)ljt aclmfrilstratiOn ~ as we ~ ~ p!'OI'I'&mS de-Nov. 9. . key. • Mn. w . s . vance. 211 Diamond.. haw had 11 unproductive. N. long slpM!ct to make It euy for resi-Facts about the charter .lnclude The Freehol~f"" have used u Bl; "What a IU.l"Prise! rm not un-as the Cor\gJ"ess is Democratic. I dents and visltora to do their tentative endorsement ot at ln a charter con ultant Lewis Burke happy, ~Y'el'. about the out-am glad ~hat Truman ,.,-on too. Olliatma.s shopping ~ after the d.lscusston ITH!'etlng last Thursday of the Los Ani{E'Ies law firm. <.'01"1\e ot the election. 1 hope that Mrs. Michael J Rotunno, house cUnner h St will be between the Board of Freeholders Bunce. Mar.-tutll & Burke. but it 1s for t.lte best and that tM wif~. 417 Nard us A've .• CDM: .. T one nigh~ ~ tartin r and tour members of the ctty havt-l"f"ach(>() thf>ir awn decisions UnJted States wUJ benefit by the am 0\-erJo:red. Being a loyal Dem- lt til Dec ;,ee whs • ..!. ~~j council-all except L L . Isbell. -te ntativ on each provision. cl~ar vlctory of one party ." ocrat r had ~ depressed at the W"' • • en u•~:r who was on vacation. Lupton Wilkinson. Republican pro pect of wha I thought was !i = until t~l ~~ each week There Mll be ~ven councilmen rAM party workeor, 2ll 32nd St.: '1"ht" probable and overwhelming defeat Y n~ un stmas. according to Ow-nf'w plan, and \AI Republicans took the attitude-ror the party of my choice. But Next meeting for association seven newly ouUin<>d districts will ! ••Just tum it over to us and we'll the little people all over our na- members has been set for Dec. 1. comprise your city. which will be Bl in M.a..f ~ take ca.re of everything" instear tion have spoken. We have a unl- So..v.. _..,e ..,e_ Sbo~ ~named Newport Harbor. if ap-UK:) Ullft of convindntr the workingman that <Contin ued on Page 2l ••J'~'"'•~ ~ ~· ~~~~~~~ P,... run of the En•ton tnt Councilmen will be nominated Corona del Mar is lagging be-just a nch man's class. Also, the Love's Labor Lo t week.. flrwt under the changed by citizens' choice from within hind the average for Newport pro-oommunists In the United owne,..,_lp, waa lhort 300 cop1Mt each district; and one from each Reach in the C\.l.rrent Community States wanted no part of an ex- nec••ltatt"9 many reqular read-district, voted on by the citizens Olest campaign. according to W. district attorney who had the wiU .,. to go wftttout the.lr usual at large, will be chosen ln ctty-Frank Powers, secretary and ability to rid the government ~ of tfte paper and mak.lng wide elections. 0\anl{e won't be Tile crown city has achieved 49 of people with interests other than Imp•.,.,• the '*'at numbera all at once: eventually you"ll per C'('nt of it S2250 quota. he those or the United States. These fOt' tooal new.tand u les. choose tour councilmen at one reponed Thu~ay. while all of 1n my opinion aJ"'e the reasons for Thlt week the regular num-two-years election. three at its Newport Beach ha." reached 67 per t.M Democratic victorv." bet" of c:opJee will be dl.trlbut.d alternate. N"nt of the ~20.000 quota given Tommy F oster. store ownt-r. 609 to every t.Ome and bllalnae 'Mayor Drake and other council-thi? whole city. Balboa L~and ls (bast Highway: ''11\ere's a gen- pleoe In •atttoa leland and Co-men have prafaed the 45 hours of considerably ahead of Corona del ~raJ feotoling of aCCE'I)tance in this rou clef Mar. work which 10 ~ions havt' put Mar in its drive, Powers stated, town. V~ Uttle bitterness. Of _......;.. __ ......_ _____________________ with a similar quota of $2250. course the results were amazing to 8~~!~!~~!~~~: ~~~!~t:~ ~!!:~ ~opr::s ~:h~~~=: ~t~co.~~: dty tor residences In Balboa Is-Carl Hart. 120 Opal Ave... Bal-~...,.. land and Corona del Mar from boa Isl&nd, 1~ar garage and ca-Sarah E . Wheatley, publlc ~ Coast Highway. CDM: '"I think !t Oct. 30 show an Increase of bana, tract BalbOa Island, $2.000. nographer, announces the opening ts for the best. 'thougtl I di4n t smaller homes to be bullt in this W . E. Fisher. 202 Abalone, 1· of hPr nE-w offiN:"S in Suite 4. vote for Truman. The good aspect area. Total for the tWO' areas story. 4-room, '1-famlly dwelling Blrtcher Building, 1415 Coast is_!..~.!_ ~of~~ a ~ and lndefatlg11ble Aepu.b II can publicity writer, Lupton Wllk- ln.on, Wedneaday morning was ta~hlng at hlm~lf and two Newport Beaeh editor"&. "For two and one half hours Tueaday, at the behm of Ben Reddic", I wrote hard fashlon- I"Q an editorial for the New- port·IJalboll Prea to the effect that the Dewey-Warren vic- tory would prove good for CaltfOf'ftla and our area," he ufd. ·~at's one Ben can put on the wall for posterity," he joked. •Luke Smfth of the News- Times d id the •~me thing. He waa all eet to congratulate hit readers on the Dewey-Warren victory.'• and had the message prepared, Wilkinson aald. was $76.'700. at 612 Narc:lssus Ave., $6.000. Hi5::hway. pn:aJ\K"IIt ul'l;" S8l'lle party. A A $20,000 retldence permit Henry E. Miller, 114 Crystal For the pa<tt two and one-half ------------------------- given to LuJs KemmU:zer, 722 Ave .• 2-story. 2-famny d~lllng ~-ears ML~ Wheatley has been a C Poppy Ave., Balbos Island. fea-and garage at 217 Crystal Ave .. legal sect'('tary in Santa Ana and . $8.500. has had ~neral experience. inchld· ",&1 11 ";;;;;.;;.~· G ··/,.:J I'Uor';.;~S Seven other pennit. were II-in~ m~ical. industrial and con-Ill .... &.:avleS Ul g n IU sued tor reaJdents of Corona del structlon work She-offers mail- Mar and Cout HJgh•ay. in«. tE'lephone. addressing and Vote results on the more con-mission to ~late train crews • laroar fuesdoy Leo F. Root. ~ Carnation, 2· m1meo..,..:\phing service. tr'tMniaJ of the st:a~·s 19 ballot The proposition which would story, 2-tamlly, 6-room dwelling, propnuls in 'J\aelde.y's ~neral hl'l'-·e bann<'d pu~ ~eanl'rs and TUet~cJay ts the day set for the 2-car garage, $12.000. C .. ~ENDAR electlon reveal that citi~ ot eo-round han n hing tn ~uthtand AJinia) Baaar and . Food Sale James 0 . Ray, 1615 Coast Hlgh-Today, Saturday. Monday-rona del Mar and Balboa Wand coastal watt'rs wa.c; n:t.rmwh· fa- lha by the Ladies Guild ot the wav, ad<1ftlonal room on dwelllna. "Shop at Home" apectal.. ell reject~ both ~ the liquor pro-vol;'f'd. while th<' pro~ttL to <'T'E'- CclrCiha del Mar Community at 720 N~ $1.200. ator-a, Corona del Mar. ... posals wtdctl would haw given to ate a st&te hoo in~ authority and Qnll'd\. Captain and Mrs. Van Landong Inside ~agea for ad .-ctats. local areas Mlfon:ement and con-nate reapportionm~t \\~\"(' thor- The bazaar. princiPftl means of MaM.. 1· tory, 1-famlly, 5 room· S11 n ,.,_"hui"Ch ervloes. tee trot oughly disnppi"'\-·f"d. ralalftC money by the gu,Lid for ctwelltng, carport attached at 720 Church New!l, raQe o. On the ra.Uroed featherbedding Proposal~ &nd final vott" <'OUnts chtifth activities. is slated to open Pofnsettla. $10,50o. Tue-.tw-f'anar and Food h<'l"(' are as foll()WS ; tn Ptl~m Halt at 10 L m . and LuJs Kernmlmer. 722 Poppy S a le. P ll"r'm Hall, Commun1ty meu~. voten here voted OW'f'oo No 2. 451 for nnd 15()q a.Ralnlit: wtU featu.re ~ arti&s. Ave.. 1-.story. 5-room. l ·ll\mtly t"h ureh. 10 3. m . through the whelml.naly to change the law to No. 12. 533 for and 1406 a~: lndQdlng coo1«'4 toodl Uid baby <ConttnUed 011 Pace 2) dw. ~nnlt the Public Utilitiee Com-No~ 3.. 1427 tn fa,•or tmd 501 ~ e~oe~a. Alto ttature4 Will be'. mh· I s . I 8a . v I ~; No. 14. 216 favortn aDd •willie e)lpbaftt" tab!'· ftlh poneS. IS ssue·· peCI8 s, rgalnS :A 18 ~;No. lS. for Del •• ••••..,. 1•11ata. t.AIMil-1 U en....-: No.1!. 403 favadlll ........ u. (_,..... and 1-~. .. P•• t Friday, Balldlil NftDitil (Continued from Pile 1) dwelllnc, 2-ear aarap a~ --226 Mornlnc Canyon Dr., po,ooo. Bine-t topic of the week, of ceurwe, on the 1aland and In Corona Ester Madt. 161 E. 7th Bt.. del Mar w .. the election. There Is little doubt where the majority of Angeles, fabricated ateel .... ovt .... ,. votera In our two communities wtand ( ... .tory page 1.) station, 820 Oout Highway, Tract To many, the election's pasain& Is cause for relief llgba. To a 323, CDM. $10,000. newspaper lt Is almost cause for rejoicing. The malls brin& such a H . w. Falconer, ru Gold~ flood of propaganda from all sides that Its bulk become~ oppreuive. 2.car garage and ~room apart· tt appeart the ENIION wae the only paper In the nation that 713 carried no political advertlalng. Not beeaUM of Ita polltloe, mind you ment over present garage. ---tt haa nQne-but beeauea the paper 11 new and Itt name hatn't and 711 Goldenrod. $6,500. found Ita way to the mailing ll.ta. a.oclatlon f"041tera and -.,olltlclana' dnks. we hope to change all that by the time Truman might try again. Election Outcome Aa long aa we have to cull the mana to eliminate the handouts, we might juat at well pick up the ade at that epeclal political rate! ed <ConllbeUnalueddmltrom p._e ~) .. Apology dept: Last week's paper put an .. e .. In Chet Farrar's t • r a nlltratlon. · name where none beJo~ed. Here's t.aldn« it out, Olet. and leaving EarJ Stanley, State Aaembb'· it the way you inherited tt ... And Jack Hanson Is his business part-tnan. 225 Marine Ave., BI: "I am ner-not a teacher! surprised. of course, but esped&ll)' &ORRY, WRONG NUMBER so at the results In Callfomla. I ~e shop which prints fiour paper got what for last week for thought there waa no queeqtlon ~:ovt~~~nrJe!ht~ ~~rbe~H ~e ~slGW~s n~~~s~~d~"t; ~o~d aboutht whlhch lwayt ourlnst~~-wouJdGOP read "Balboa Island-Corona del Mar." No more: no Jess. The paper go-oug was ulll;' is about and for the people in these two communities . . . . column. Regardleu ot what hap- It's so seldom that one can find a mistake ln the telephone dir-pened In the election. the worid ectory, that most of us feel an evil sort ot elation lf we do find an will oontlnue to go around u ua· error. Thus the chuckle this week when Architect Dick Pleger's num-ual." ber listed on page 10 of the classified section as HArbor 1524 turned Verne Watson CDM ~ out to tw wrong number by admission of SA operator. Actually, It's worker: "There ~ere a lot ot lon& HArbor 278 ... Speaklmz of phone numbers, The ENSIGN is unaltered faces in here to get mall wect. with ~~~d~h;n:~~~r =~rs~l~. m!~h~~~ '!f~~-r:sdel Mar getting nesday momlng. CDM is heavtly together to ptan Chrlstmaa feltlvltlea for all who vlalt the atorea Repub~can, of course. Just u &I)- downtown. Treats for the klddles, convenient ehopplng houra for the parent as their sadness was the family and Christmas decoration• for all aouthern California to eee sleepy look. Guess everyone tn wer-e on the agenda. The detail a ar-e Interesting (page 1) and the town stayed up with their radl01 cooperation and aplrit behind tllem are In the beat Yule tradition. most of the night." DOWN HIS WHISKERS Mrs. VIncent Healy housewlfe A Kansas City Persian cat. accompanied by friends Mr. a nd Mrs. 208 Apolena. BI· "W~ were pari Dewey Peck. 609 Carnation. and daughter Barbara Ann. has moved of hocked d rlsed into Corona d<'l Mar and established pennanent residence. Pal Boy. of a s 1 'ant Ns~ RJI'OUP out of Thi«1 ledown Peanuts by J iggs of the Snows, both pedigreed. Is a peop e a e .... .,.,... arbor black tabbv Pe~ian who carries on conversation with hls friends-Yacht Club TUesday nllht. 'nlere not c"ltc;. Human. Pal Boy Jived with the Pecks for seven years twfore we atched results over television their dau~htC'r was born and was treated as the child of the family. and heard late radio reports. rm O>nscquC'ntly he rathM" scorns approaches of OTdlnary cats who can not up much on pollti~ but I do only meeow. think that lt ls fortunte that we Pal Boy'• conversation Ia atmllar to that of a parrot'•· He Imitate. now had a united adrnlnlstratlon the Inflection, tone and modulation of the human v9lce, even to a and Con~ Had "--' """' word preceded by "R", ••s", or •.,-.•. He enjoya converting a deux, 6 ..... ._. ~-~~ won •.,:: o.-eferrlng an Intimate converaation with a person where he can be would have been up against a the center of attention. He will answer queetlona lnteUiglhly, but a1ao stone wall with a Democratk Con- will volunteer opinion• en racfto program• that keep him from aleep· gress. I wanted the RepubUc&nl lng and bruaque volcn. to win, but I am not dlttre.Rd Pal Boy's male friend, Dewey\ a mechanical engineer , came to because they didn't Corona del Mar in August to bui d a garage project in this area. · He did n9t feel that this community was ready for such. an under· t akinq at that time, and bought the doughnut concession in the All- American market. Apparently that was alright with Pal Boy. No word has been neard from tUm as yet. REAL PULL .. • Good omen: Mrs. Mary Steffensen ot O>rona del Mar has been appointed area contact for those lnteT"eSted In fonnatlon of a local chapter of the Choral Conducton Guild of Southern Callfomla. Flrst meeting of the music Ioven was beJd at the First Presbyterian Church In Santa Ana. The OJ'1tanization plans programs which allow Its mem-beTS to hear new music and discuss problems, hiRt\Ught and develop- ment of music. Ultimate plans will bring music festivals to the area. Becawe Pacific Electric Co., operatora of the rail line to Newport and other communltiee around L. A. .. has a "warm epot" In Ita COI"I>· orate heart for the Harbor area. tts president, 0. A.. amtth uya the company has no plan• to abandon Ita line to thla area. "You can tell the folkl not to worry," he told Ralph P. Maakey and Harry Welch, both of the Newport H arbor Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Smith Ia a aummer ruldent of CorOna de1 Mar. ao If Newport Ia grateful for keeping the rail nne, It ought to thank COM for the hear-t pull It has on Mr. Smith. Balboa Circle Tui &erving Entire Haf't)or A.rea 24-HOUR SERVICE TOl'S I TEEMS SHOE SHOP 310 409 COAST mGHWAY CORONA DEL MAR HARBOR 2141-J- Heart -Stealers! Yes, everyone will look approv- ingly at yOW' feet when you wear Ballerinas by Prima! And you'll be wearing these comfy little shoes everywhere -dating, dancing, on the street and around the howte. In fact. these style-leaders will make themselves at home en)'· where. Comes in all sizes.:Many colon. Tap dancing shoes and Ballet slippers too in a1J sizes. Mrs. Evelyrr Weat Is a new- comer to Balboa Island. She Ia recently from Glendale. She has moved to 215 Grand Canal (Bal- boa Island), anct•ts tile new u- sistant to oms Ouistler of the Islander's Gift Shop. Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Omnlne- ham. formerly of Balboa IaJand but now residents of Los Amcela. visited their daughter, Vtf'lln1a, and husband, Mr. and Mn. Nor- man Miller of 121 Ma.rlne Ave., Balboa Island. TUesday and weft joined there by thetr other daughter. "Dickie.'' and her hus-- band. Mr. a.nd Mrs. E. L Kee.e, also fonner Island residents now livlng ln Santa Ana. Clem Christie. genial Balboa Is· lander. will serve as the tout- master for the Five Dollar Ban· quet of Ouist Oturch by the See.. This annual affair Is to be held Friday, Nov. 12. 1n Goodell Halt O>ngregatlonal Oturdl Scbool Guild meeting will be held Mon· day at 8 p . m . at the home o1 Bemadine Newlin. 514 Aeada Ave., Corona del Mar. Memben are reminded to bring all articles for the baby booth. Miss Pat Ritchie, dauabtet' o1 Mr. and Mrs. Gerald W . R.ltc!llle, 1416 1st. Ave., Q)rona del Mar. &nd Miss Gall Frahm , Wft"e e».o: hqstesses. for a Ho~JG~Jve'en , partY at the RltclUe home Satu~ ntte. The house wu decorated In Hal- lowe'en colors and a prt~~e wu given for the best eoetume. AceoftJ- ing to Pat~ guest~ were: LJnn Bosley, Ruth Emily Dudley, Don- na Poppy. Sandra Sdlmtdt. Pat· ty Clemens, Diana Boullft. ~ Pfister, Ann Stewart, Mu1a Pla- rrer, Judv Sleeper, Ann Gtt.on. Eileen Worley and Ann Allen. --······--··--~ FOR .. ~ ........... -·~····--······- NO. 2 CAN ···-··········-······-·······-······-··· 3 FOR Uc 1 _. CAN ···············································-······· BIG 2V2 CAN .................... ....... . ............ lit ~-~~-~N -ROSEDALE NO.2 CAN ...................................•................ 21c W"ol&-l.lbby-e No. 2 Can ···············-·---1k Chicken Of The &ea ........................ GratM &olld GOLDEN ROO ........................................ W.1·-~ All Flavora .... J Pkg. 1.k ,._,....,_ Heart:. Dellgttt No. 2 can fC t ......................................... . ....................................... v. -Brteqult or Rotted ,.,. Mr. and Mrs. James M. Zeller. 616 Begonia Ave., Corona c1e1 Mar. are plannlnc to ~ t.M Ore- gon-UCLA football pme In LM Angeles next week-end. Mr. Zet-ONilliiliw ger is an Oregon alumnul . Mrs. Blanche Quine hU turned from a vt.att with daughter tn Colonldo. iUid 0..... tlil Mr. aDil lin.. Z. H. V• Dia ~ a LA-d.l¥s at the Del M.ra Ollit W, D W A-.. OIINM W Mar 'llllf Md SW1 Hot.eJ at Del · EJltabeth HolmaD left for TH• DIIQN an .Jobil Coos--, llaiJb *· are pla..,.ftl a tnp to s.D Mar are Mr. and MJ-a. John A. ~~= ol to bet celebrate the NebM111:rr ., l....,lllltait. ~ DlxaD. Diet~ Dill(p) to Visit lliel* and 11ee .,... •iWick.. fl11 Poppy~ Ulron.t d J Mrs. S~ton p W lah daQihW'. BOb Dlc:keY. nAVIUI aar.. 181 p.mes at T&ajU&na thls week-Mar. N•ow-v H~•-A-':..~ Bale ..:_ and Jim Brooka. H.aMid 0u1 end --~ Ul.l.lld.U ... -A.N411111L' Conn& clel Kar ll t.Udac a Mr. aDd Mn. J.o'rank Varnum !,family dinnes" wu held at ~~~~~~~-ir~!INJIIillle;y at S )8>. and lln. Wlllam Jieytl!l', 31» 1)iamnnd Ave .. Ba!boa !SWla: Ho-dal~ ~~a~ L' 8Dd S. 101 TGPU Ave.. fll'b" lllead. ftft vWdae Mr. and Mn. !'or-York where' abe joined the Co''-Saftta PlaD to b&Ve tblli' ....,, Olen Al· ftU ol. ~ l.J6e&o on Sunday. 'Jbey k:ya Jn ~ dauChter Joan ·~ M!:n. Ouiftened Ill 8u Dleao • jpeat an active weekend ieein£ to Europe SWIIIla¥. The chrilteftlnl wW be Jal Alai pmes and races at na-· Mn. Grvoe Sevier. principal ot foUowect by a famlly dinner in juaDa. the Corona del Mar arammar San Dleco. • Lawrence K. .Anderson. w~ echool. attended the monthly din-. Mr. and Mn. JameJ J . Muat.ard. wife Ava and two ~ns reside at ner and meetinc of the C>ra.nce Mr. and Mrs. Georce Wat.IOI\, 121 Heliotrope ave., are In <.;orona 409 Femleaf ave., wUl arrive home County Elementary ~pe.ls 527 Huel Drive. Corona del Mar, de! Mar atur a 10 day trip to Dec. 17 to spe~ the OuUt.mu held at the IChool last Wednesday arrived home S~ from a ftiDe Stoner, O>lorado, bnni:ng with hoUdays with his famlly. Lany nJa:ht. day trip on Which they viSited fri-them a deer, the vicum ot Jim'& h.as been. on the Iila.Dd of Guam ends ln Sacnmento and then expert marklmanahlp SJnoe April, 1947, engaged in hand· Spedal cuest ot Velma O'B}ien. drove Oft to Orecon to apend a few on SUDda)' Oct Jl the M ling govemmmt SUJl)lus auppUes. owner ot tbe Specialty Shop Co-..... M:n w • · • us-It will be necessary for h1m tore- rona del Mar at the W~ ~·· . atson reporta that tardl pve their annual veruson tum to Guam after h.b brief vaca-~ ol ~ BU&lnesa and ~ they had a lovely time. put.y 101' members of the family. tion to finiih the management of feee'mal Womm .. Oub warMary ~ ~ll J Wll1anU. '103 Present were Mr. and Mrs. Hayes the work. At present he hopes to Tumer. Wub.tJJcton, D. C., resi-· daughtn Na.n<.:y return o this country pennanenl- deDt and retired covemment ly 1n 1949. won.. wbo ll now clevotiDC full J time to wrttiDc poetry. Mia a ~ ~ t Mrs Edgar Hill and Mrs. Lome T\&mel' baa 1)9bll&bed many poems, .,e---• ~~, e Huycke were hostesses at the an- end wiabel to make thia ber voca-~ ~ Q. nual meeting of the room mothers tlon u well u establfsh penna-of the Newport .grammar schools oent restcSenoe tn th1a area. at the home of l!.1rs. Hill on Li4o --· otrope, Corona ~1 Mar, wu boat-from Costa Mesa. Mrs. Jessie scoo-Island. Mnr. H. P . Yarnell, v&oe- Mr. and Mrs. Hlnkley, Balboa eu for 1}\e U o( Tamers' meetfnc Jer, COM. Miss Louise Scooler and president of PTA. p~ded at the Ialand. are ll)eDdin& a few days on Oct. ~ were 20 mem-Mila Sarah Wheatley of Santa meeting, at which they discussed at tbelf vacatloa home in ne.ert ben present. ADa. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Bullock the aims and activities of the room Hot SpriDp. from Newport Heights, and the mothers for the year. Marie Hef- . Mr. and Mrs. 0 . L. Van Nock-: bosta. Mr. Mustard is so success-fern suggested that they oontinue -Second Bi' Hat - Margaret O'Brien Rebert ~storu Butch Jenkins in ''BIG CITY,, IUN. MON. TUES. NOV. 7-8-t Cary Grant Myrna Loy Melvyn Douglas in "MIL BLANDINGS . BUILDS HIS DREAM RO SE" Joan Hink.ley, dau&bter ol Ill'. er and daugh~r from Detrolt are ful in his hunting trlps that the the usuaJ activities on Oui5t.ma.s. and Mrs. Hlnkley, Balbo& IalaD4. apendlng the winter at the Judce veni8on parties have become an Valentines' Day, Easter and at the 8TART8 WED. l&iled for Europe two weeks aco Weatover residence, 1616 Pad.fic annual event. E'nd of the school year. Oft the Holland-American ltner, the Drive, O>rona del Mar. Mn. Van Vean Dan. She wu ac:compuied Nocker reporta that her niece. Dr. Mrs. l'eal Garey of Los Ange- by Carol AM GUbert of Wub-Lea Kelsey, 1016 W. 4th. St.. San-Mr .. and Mrs. Robert 0 · Rea. les is spending the week with Mrs. lncton. Nancy B. Smith and Pa-ta Ana. is responsible for the Van ::.U ~~:~~· ha~ as ~~-Louis C enar of 206 Opal Ave., trida Walah ol Balbo'l Ial.and. 'lbe Nocker's choice location here. a --·a -'--r Mrse pNas wEee n • · Balboa Island. girla, cl&umates at Pomona Col· ._ Nau: • · an · n.owe --------~-~-- lep, wtll take an extensive tour Mr. and Mn. FranK James of from Gl~e, and Mr. and Mrs. throuCh Dlrope. 1407 North Bay FTOnt were the H. D. Harris from South Pasa- gueata of Mr. and Mn. Georee ~ 'Ibey w~re ~o happy to Mr. and Mn. Hinkley and Mrs. Montgomery at tnetr ranch lo-noelve a week s VlSJt from their E. Holman returned from New cated near Palm Springs last son. Col. Robert Rea, who retum- York by motor and passed throu&h week. ed from a trip ~t. and who has Wuhlncton. D 0 and Palm now left for h1s headquarters at Doors Ope.n Nightly l :45 Beach, Fla. Mr: and• Mn. HinkleY John Rowe of Engtewood, New Lette":"'an General Hospital. San took a tdcle trtp to Havana. Wb1le Jersey, b vlsltlng Mra. Warren Franc:LICO. Continuous Sunday from 3 Mrs. Holman atayed tn New Or-Crane. 204 Onyx Ave., Balboa Ia· leans wtth the DlXon Smiths, for-land. A brother·ln-law of Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. James Rabnett merly of Balboa Ialand. Crane's, Mr. Rowe had r:tot seen have returned to Corona del Mar her for 20 yean. A.rter a two· after an extended trip to Vancou- Joan Dodd. daucbter of Marion week period vfsltlng plAces ·of ver. BC, Seattle. Santa Rosa. and c. DOcJd. Balboa Jalan4. 1s coo-interest in CalltornJa. Mr. Rowe other points south. Tiley are now tlhutnc her 1Wfmm1Dc pndb will return to New York. Lut enten.ainfng ~ from Seattl~. ewry ~ at the Loa An· Sunday he and MrL Crane vis-Wa.shlncton. for a f~w weeks. pta Athletic Qub. lted Tlajuana &Del San Juan Ca-plJtrano niliiSon. Mrs. Marg~t Brunil')g, owner MR. Nellie Shook. tlrlt viCe and proprietor of Kart>n-Margreta pre.ldent ot the Ebell Club, is Photoct'aPben from a national Shoppe, 1307 Coast Hi-wav COM attendln~r an F.bell convention at az:lne were ln Newport Helghts left Wednt>sday, Oct. Z1. f~r Chi~ ,Q)rona Iince Wednettelay and wtll lut. week to cap~ the new look cago wh~re he will be for a f<'w be beck tonlcht. Mn. Shook Ia on the grounds of Walter Mellott's weeks. combining busin~c: with a resident ot Balboa Wand. home. 'I'he landscaping was de-pleasure. signed by Michael Rotunno, 417 The 1 .. M . Arnolds of Balboa Narduus Ave. Harry Whitman. own<'r anrl Jaland have been enterta.lnlnc manag~r of the Rio Granrle S<'r-~ Blllle Cooley of San Mateo. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hampton, vice Station. 1010 Coa~t Hi-W n' She will leave lOOn to reJoin her 420 Marguerite Ave., arrived home CDM. returned to his Costa M('~a hUiband ln Texas. 'on ~tunta~, Oct. 30th, from. a home Monday from a Santa Ana I week a vaeat.on trip, during wh1<:h hospital after having unrl<'rr<'nf FRIDAY Ray Milland Barbara StanWYck ''CA.LIFOBNIA'' in Technicolor -Second Big Hit - Bob Hope Dorothy T Amour '~ FAVOPITE BR 'ETI'E" SATUROAY Gary Cooper Jean Arthur 'THE PLAINSMA~ ~• Companion F eature> - Barbara Stan~-yck Henry Fonda "THE LADY EVE" W:trren Crane. 204 Onyx Ave .• time they toured 2000 miles. 1betr a major operation !'t>V<'t al day Balhoa Island, has, been choeen itinerary included Tuscon, Ph~-ago. He is mak;ng !'aticf:•f'1or~ to pla:y Tommy, the grlpln.,. oock-Cannlx. Zlo~ ... _NGrandationalCanPark. DeBry~ recov('ry, and should b<' hack or SUN. MON. T UES. In • yon, ~ yon, Au• ru feet • NOV. 7-8·9 ~l' the...:!~rt ~~HI&~ Valley, Las Vegas. Their trip was s aga.n soon. T ohn T 1l 'nd . • u.~.-•-. P~\1\.-uun made ln their new car. 1be Hamp-. E~ "1'1\e Hasty Heart. Warren tons are now back in harness at Mrs. H arry Stauch. ~lfl , 1an uward G. Robinson played Ktmo, the Ealdmo valet, the Rexall Drug Store, 609 Mar-gold Ave .. entertaJned e1ght m''m· (!ail Russell in tn the Harbor Community Play-guertte bers of thr Dorcas sod<'t y of St'' "NIGHT liAS A en pre.entatlon of ~coat · enth Day Adventist Chtt"<'h ; Feftr." Ben Whitman. member of the port Hts .. on Thursday. 0<'1 :·,. mOl SAND EYES'' Balboa Bay lJona Oub last week The day v.·as spe~t in "<'" i., • r 1r Mr. and Mn. Marsball Tate. 2CM moved lnto hls new real estate of-a bazaar to be gJ\'€'n by thE' w()- STARTS WED. Gary Cooper Colllns Ave., Balbo& 'll1.alld. have noes ln the Wilmot Building. cor-men of the church Ann Sheridan "GOOD SAM" Se-cond ll.g Feature - retumt"d from Honolulu to apend ner of Orch..ld Ave. and Coast the wtnwr 1ft Balboa. Jnghway 1n Corona del Mar. Orrin Brooks. Balboa Ishnd r~ Mr. Cltarlel ,.,..,.., 1.1.8 0an1t -ident and student at N<'"'pon • 1Kr. 0... ·'ftl1b', 118 o.nt Lions ClUb 6 ... -.. who wUl Harbor Union High School. hru., Ave., Balboa bland. left for De-be pi'OI'I'Uil heiadl ~ decided be>en cr I en for the male lead in ti'Oit,. • 'nlunday where be plaDI u"' at the ~ L'«w meeting "'Ibe Hasty Heart." the school'.; to .ttay.untll June. lut W~ '!'ttey •: Joe yH.rly dramatic production. Onin Pouliot. Nov. 1~. 01ar1te Sct*f-~layed the Rev. Arthur Shapham I ~enry Fonda Delores Del Rio "TilE FUGITIVE" Ferntne entbulluta de baDet stall. Nov. 17, Cliff QuiBel, Nov. m the O>mmunity Players' pro-<crammar IChool ap) from Bal-24. duction of "Petticoat Fever." ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Mu -------------------------==================== are '8al1)ara Byrnes, 'ntelma Har-At the Nov. 3 mH'tinc of the lo- land. Ba.rtMara Ann Pede. Doran eat Uons Club chapter, Harvey and Joanne Suea and Mary FaJ-.. Boardman of 2053 SeYille, Balboa. vey: All are practldnc entre chat& wu lnductec! tnto the orpnization. at~ Fanv'a studio tn Corona He ls In the tales and ~cedi- clel Mar. vtslon of ~levtslon. .,;;..._--E. Glll~ERT----- D-{'rl!lliOR fl 1rJCf!JUOR • • SPRAYING AND Wu.cPAPBNNG OOU>R. IIAJUIONY ,. ......... Calling A ll TEEN W ant to Bt a Ltadtrl Among your friends, In your class, on the dane~ floor 25 week course -One Hour Each Saturday e POPULAR BALLROOM DANCING • POISE a net PERSONALITY D~LOPMENT e HOW TO ELI.Mn1ATE SELF (X)NSCIOUSNESS e YOUR DlcriON AND VOCABULARY e PUBLIC SPEAKING and SALESMANSHIP e CHOOSING A CAREER Beuona~ Tuition FOR INFOIL" TtO ('ALL iJihe J~C K L:OW School of Radio tift Ne w;t:aft .,... Oleea M • ... w AMI IIWuu:d,_ r. fAI, IAu.tT, AC.OIATIC, lei Qllfl,... SWINGING OUT--Chet Farqr and hla partner, 8aMI Wrl .. _. Ill aiM an ln.tructOr, aN .,_.wn giving a demonttratlon of the New Vorkw :laa ap at tM ,.,...._, ..-n1n1 of tfte Arthur Murray Studio, Oct. 29. During the evening 1!0 gue.ta partlofpat.d In lf"'UP danci'!S-Photo by Howard Folsotn Large Throng Gathers to Herald T#teater Devotees Opening ol New CDM Dancing Studio Meet November 16 1 Spotli&ht.s, sightseers and sam· to dance to the latest records pro-Cathy GJJ.more appointed pu~ bas hallmarked the opening of vided by the atudlo. Uclty cha1nnan c~ the new com· OENE~AL CONTRACTOR NEW RDIDENT'lAL CONSTRUCTION «<ur Work !peek• For ltMlt .. ..ozeke•· c ....... del Mar • Specialty Shop 1415 Coaat Hlg'hwa~. HA .... 811tTCHER 8LDQ. IJloul'e~-•• "SHOP AT ROME" 8PEC1ALS All Sizes All Colors All Styles WERE SPECIAL 4.95 ...................................... 3.00 7 .5() ...................................... 5.95 Olet Fa rrar's 'Arthur MUJTaY AJnon& thote aJ&ninc the cuest munlty theater drive by J. S. Bar- Dance St udio in Corona del Mar book In the foyer Wft'e Uta Wekb, rett chaJ.nnan has announced 8 Oct . 29 from 8 p. m. to 12 Dtld· Jadde and Martlyn Hill, lAiTy p. ,;._ 'nlesday,' Nov. 16, City Hall n~t .~~and~~and~~-~~~-u~~~~~~~~~==============================================~ rooms. furnished in modem alm-Roberta Walker, W1Wam A. RH4. next meetJnc. Beulah Bondi, plicity. were. enhanced by ~n Mr. add Mn. Bob Incnm. Jean sc:nen and ltage actress, and Ken· wi-;hers enjoYJng exhibition daDe-Taylor, EmJe Murn,y, Beauphon neth MacGoWan. UCLA drama es gi\'Pn by Mr. Fan-ar and hll Hammond. Mn. Robert. Jones. bead and wnter, producer and di- instroctors. Later, all were aakecl Mn. F . P . C\mniftlhom. Bob and rector, will be guest speakers. Maaie Meeuthy, Mr. and Mrs. ~r toplcs wUl be community Robert Holllngahead. Mary Mfts.. tbe•ter ahd the benefits to be de- lnger, LonJta V~t. Carl. Axta· rtved from It by the people 1n Harbor Ladies Plan Yule Gala lor ICitls ter and Mrs. Axtater. th1a an!a. Oder and pretzels ~ served. The date to dett-rmlne recipi· enta at the 15,000 lor or $5,000 in The membe~ of the Newport CMh. donated by R. L. cn.ttcher. Harbor AuxJhary of the Chll-Roclltounds Meet Oorona del Mar will be let at this dren's Home Societ y are com· rneetlnc 8u~ fTom 15 to pleting plana for thelr "Chrlat-d If! J C · _.,1 ...._.__ hf by com- mas Gala ." The "Gala .. Is to be fuel CJy Gf r • • • ~are..;;;~ .. All funds ~ held at the U do Theater on 1"\Jes.;. oe1ved w01 10 towards the httUd· day, Dec. 21. from 2 to 3:30p.m. The Nowmber IDeetAaC at tile ln of the Community 1bef.;. There will be a puppet ahow, a <>ranee Coast )!(IMraJ aftd Ltlpi· g new \"triety a ct of trained dop In dary Sodety wm be held at 7!30 ter. . cc stu me, and five coJor cartoons. p. m. Tuellday at f\tllHton ~or Volunteer worl(er-8 fo~ the d-:vc:> Tickets may be obtained from Collece. Room 317. '~'be cuest and press members vrll l"eC"f' v€' 1 th<' mem bers of the awdllary or speaker of the evm~n& will be Dr. lnvttatlons to the meetintt. Any· at the L•lo Theater. Richard Jahns, ueociate profeaor one lntetatC'd in community thea· .. Irs. E. C. Martin has charge of Geology at Califomla Inatltute ter ts \1rgM to atte nd. of t he "Gala" and she 1\aa ap-of Technology. roi::~~ ~~~e~~~~p~~ ~ Tentative plans of the Orange 8ook Club Hold, sctt. rece;Jtlon; Mrs. Allen Hutt, Coac;t Society . Include a joint • • • popcol·n; Mrs. Wilfred Berla, meeting of the two sections to be PromiSing Meeflnq 1 0 <'t 'i held in Janu.ary at Corona del Mar .. Pr~ ... ~eds from the "Gala" will with Dr. H. H. Nlnlnger, CUrator Profram for the Rn.,~+or r oor>,.. be (!I\ en to the Children's Home of the American Meteorite Mus. ty Book and Author Serl,.., til bt» Soc.'('t; at San Diego for psychl-eum of Winslow, Arizona. u guest held at Balboa Yacht r tub v p ct- tl.r!c services. speaker. ,.~ .. ,.. rt'"''rP<:,..,~M ., cross· section of American literature. Floyd Cut berth of the Coast NEIGHBORS HAVE PLAY 'Mlere w~., "'N'"" ... ,. • .., "" "-' Supermarket in Corona del Mar "The Rich, Full Ufe," dJrected a Los Aneeles hi~orh"t .a ... ci "" was a dmitted to Good Samaritan by J ack Harri.s, opens Wednesday American juvenlle wrtter·JJlu· t ra- hospital in Los Angeles Thursday Pvening. Nov. 17, at the J..aiuna tor. where he wa., scht>duled to un· Playhouse. for five evening per-Herbert W. Childs. author of dergo minor surgery. Mrs. Cut· I fonnances at 8:30 and a Saturday The Wflt':' of a r..~''"''" "'~ct '· I br-rih a~ompanied him to Los Matinee at 2:30. The show cla.H lhla Sout h AmE>t1r~.., "f>""'' 1 Ant:d es. Nov. 21. praised for its colorful d(tatl and j ------------------------. forceful w riting. PAT'A t $ J P.c·...,'f"NRdPatl. w: . nn" nf " li"'" \...# en or so m en whc-from 18rl8 fll 1 1217 Cf1AST BLVD. Corona del Mar SAND'• IICHES 187fl 1'\ld the fou .. 1at1on of the M . , ....., City of Los Angeles. Nadeau•s I.J.l., I hrwl'<. ,.,,. r-:• • ·~ the account of these men and the TAY ONE - ladwrsiUes they faced ln an at· ·------------------------_..tempt to M"f'~te the ct •·· ot 1M I_M_P_O_R_T_E_D __ T_o_v_s _________ ~_o_~.:;_±_ft_!!'_O_R-~---tfttlt--.-. 'AnnlP~ out Df a flea-lnf{ -tt>4 -dAs- PATIO SPECIAL STEAK M HOBBY & TOY CENTaR • ert pueblo. HoUtna C. HoUtnc, whose books tor C'hlldre n lnclurte f.•orv of the In~.aan, ttory of the Cowboy, and The Trt'e In the 'I"·an. has ~ntlv published The Seabird. a dramatic account of the hia- 1415 Coast Blvd. ~ del Mar tory of the whallnc sn~UJtry ot ------------------------"""' New England a.J')d the ~volutlon ----------~~----~-----~--~~~e~d~tlng~l~~d~ prooeu of bulldlntt them. UNION DEALEBS COAST 8LVD. at NARCIIIUI CORONA DEL MAfl firestOne Disfribu#ors "PICK-UP AND DELIVERY SERVICE'' I Mr. Holllnl apoke prlnclpally on illuatrat!N books for chll· ltt ren. Hls tall<~ wu supplemented by hta own canvasses. Vln DOG ~NDY .. B1 ..... S1 J!TOIL iiDY G ....... H c:t..un JL IVORY SOAP ...... J( 10c It' a · ·~-c- SWAN SOAP .... R 1. \'ftDDf at:ICIEH 10c .. Sl 7ll-.c- IIIAIIDIID A s.Yid)QC ION AMI D 1--.C:. 10c c. H ........ "'• a£AJfiiDl H VAN CA.MrS 10c t-oa.c-..... ~ 0 ADM1IAl. 10c c .... ~c-p; lllfGIFOIID 10c c. 1-111.. ftw. MIU.O a. c. 10c .... a.... c-. mYA&UT ,. ... l tl C. IAIINC POWDEJl 10c ~ IO....C.. CAl. u.-s I -lb. 10c ••c. loa UJeaiO ··~-c- ·~· DAFT u.-.c-....... c- IIEIMZ WKrTE ftatC'- "···~ StOre Roars 9 A. M. to & P. Jl.-8tuldays, 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Editorials Publltbed ""~k.ly for 1'8ickllb of Corona del Mar and Balboa lsla.n<t OOI~s at 1201·0. Cout High· way, Corona del Mar. F . F . leffers W ritten communlcatloaf to the Enalan should bear nazne and address of tM writer. 8ubecdptlon ratu One y~ar . ............ ............... $2.00 Allen, publl her. Virginia Mow• FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1t48 Six months ··-·---················ 1.00 Three months ·-······· .. . .. ...... .50 ry, soclo.l editor. Assets Count More Than Mere Ballots With final election results in, it is quite apparent that most cit- izens of Corona del Mar and Bal- ~ Island didn't see eye to eye on the candidates with everybody in the nation. However, the ver- dict was arrived at in the best democratic tradition, and there are none \\·ho would have the ~al outcome represent anything but the \ie\v of the majority of America's voters. This isn't the first time that people here have had to accept a politic~l verdict with which t hey were r.ot in accord. In fact, it has gotten to be an old habit in the le.st fe'v years! Fortunately, the welfare of Balboa Island and Corona del Mar is not subject to the vicissi- tudes of changing national poli- tics. It is within the power of our communities to, build and maintain our own prosperity, for our unique relation to climate, sea, and the rest of California in- sures an attractiveness and de- sirability that people want. If \ve keep building for them and each other the community ·we all want for ourselves, we insure a well being that is quite independ- ent of vote tallies in Maine or Texas. Fact3 of national well being are admittedly important, much more so than personalities in- volved in a national election. Those facts all are on the bright side: Fann income is at an all time high. So is corporate in- come. Personal income in the United States is at the rate of 215 billions-tremendously big. More people are at work than ever be- fore. And the election is over. The opportunity for good busi- ness and abundant living is open to all of us, and what we make of it is strictly up to us. As Americans we'll accept the political decision and continue to advance. As residents of two blessed communities we are more fortunate than most. CHRIST CHURCH BY THE SEA dent, presided, and guest speaker ·•Opening the \Vlndows of Heav-or the day was Mrs. J . Stehly of en" will be the subject of Rev. Anaheim. whose talk was oentel"ed T. R. Pendell's Sunday momlng around the topic, "Portrait of a sennon. Rev. Pendell announced Family." that a new streamlined Sunday evenlna service will be lnttlated IT. ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN Sunday to serve all age groups, Members of the Womcft's Fel- but with the accent on youth. The lowship met Wednesday In the church wlll open at 6 p. m. for Udo Isle home of Mrs. Robert th~ young people, with a youth Campbell for the installation of meeting at 6:30. This will be fol-offlceMI. Speaker of the afternoon lowed by worship at 7:30 for was Mrs. Charles McDowell. who adults and young people. At 8 was pre cnt at the World Council p. m ., adults will remain ln the of Churches tn Amsterdam, Hot- sanctuary for Bible study and the land, this summer. She accom- young people will adjourn to the panled her husband, representa- social hall for informal · fellow-tive of the Los Angeles Presb:r- s hip. tery, to the international meet. CORONA DEL MAR COSTA MESA. COMMUNITY COMMUNITY Rev. and Mrs. T . R. Pende11 Tt<>v. P erry Frederick Schrock were special guests of the Youth will spE'ak Sunday morning at 11 F cllowsh :p at a meeting in the a. m. on ''How Five Modern Men parsonage Sunday evening. Tried to Follow Jesus." P ilgrim Fellowship is !'Chedul<'d for 7:30 p.m . COSTA MESA FOURSQUARE Rev. G. Willard Stearns' sennon topic for Sunday's morning wor- ship st'rvice will be "Thf' Table b Spread." to be fo11owt'd by holy communion. In the e\·ening he ";n s~k on "The Voice of God :1s a Trumpet." · New Church Hour Has Youth Accent Thc new streamlin~d Sunday evening ~t>rvice. w ith accent on youth. will be initiated Sunday night at Christ Church by the Sea. At 6:00 the church wiU be Ol)('n CHURCH OF CHRIST, for young people desh·ing to play SCIENTIST equipment games. Bu~iness ann A ltcture on the subi('('t. "Chris-dic:russion of youth problems w ill tian Science: The Authority of Its 1 begin at 6:30. This wil~ be ~ol­ HcaH ng M 'ssion." will be radio-lowed at 7:30 by a won:;h1p penod cast over Station KFWB Monday conducted hy the younr-mem'X'~. -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~-e~ni~. Nov.& at 8 p.m .. ~m ~thabricfmn~~fromthe ~s­ Ninth Church of Christ Scientist. tor. This ses!ijon is open to adults AVON COSMNriCS Corona del Mar Repreeentatfve I .. . MRS. BERNADINE NEWL~N 514 Acacia Ave. Harbor 35-W DONALD LEBO with Ben J. Whitman Company REALTORS New of"ee at 400 Coast Highway, Corona del Mar <Formerly with the Tavern Company) YACHT SAILS $aMm•ker 15 Y ee.rs Experience FRED LORENZ 20U HarbOr Btvd. Beacon 6077 LOUISE W. SMITH New York Teacher of Voice • Piano atoM. Reading lmprovlalng '" Corona del Mar, Ph. Har. 2898-J 1 I8IAND BEAUTY IIOX 21tV2 MARINE AVE. Balboa Island HARBOft 1852--J s,edaltnna In Pennanetrt Waves VIRGINIA LOCKER. propr. 00 YOU C"OCHETf Make yCM.tr own C.tuutma g1fta. Materiala, .,... .. •"41 tM 4trio· lnal 4h.atiofta ..,..._ 1n a CrooM\ Kit. .,. FNMf' • • • • P. O. 411, ....... , .. and. B A.LT Z MORTUARY SERVING THE HARBOR AREA Chapel ~Y The Sea Harbor 42 410 COA$T BLVD. Corona del Mar Oftstreet Pa.rklnl Oftioe: HARBOR 2158-W HOME: HARBOR 1387-RK FITZMORRIS REALTY OOMPANY Real Estate and Business Opportunl'y Brok>ers 813 COAST HIGHWAY Corona del Mar, CsUf. ARTHUR • E . 1' II ZMORRIS MABEL 1' rt'ZMORRIS Real to• N"otary Public LOANS $50.00 ~ $1,000 • SALARY • AUTO • FURNITURE or · other personal property "QUICK SERVICE" OOAST CI1.'IOm LOAN OOMPANY 2305 COAIT 8LVO. Newport aeact., C.tlfomla (NextDoortD Western Union Otfk.'e) TeL Harbor~ HAULING .. • • Los Ang~les. Lecturer H arry B . as well as young (>('opt~. MacRae, CSB. of Da llas. Texas. At 8:00 the adults wiJJ remain ls a member of the Christian Sci-in the !'an ctuary. a nd the youngE-r ~nee Board of Lectureship. members will adjourn for a social Long Distance Local LARSE' OR SMALL JOBS GIVEN SAME CARE "*We Move With The World" 1962 HARBOR BLVD. period. The pro~am will close- ST. JOACHIM'S CATHOLIC at 9:00. An estimated 40 members of the Miss Patsy Smith. Coast College Oran~ County Council of Catho-student, will be in charge of war- lie W omt'n met Mondav at 10:30 ship periods. Connie Shook, an- a. m. ln the parish hall for t~elr otht'r studf"nt and Balboa lsland J'C{llllar mo'l'lthly meetin~. Mrs. ~ident. will have charge of the Arthur Taylor of Lido Isle, presl-discussion perfod. Corona del Mar SdloGI Mews Richard Ballard 1 circus was a huge success. and the Reporter for Miss Luer'a Fifth orchestra with electric guitars Grade helped to make it so. Last Saturday the Coror.a del , Mar school fifth grade team beat PREFER MODERN TEXTS the fifth grade team of the New-Frederick Murphey ~...--~-~-~~~~-~ port grammar school. 13-0. How-Reporter for Mrs. Denton's ard Mitchel intercepted two pass-Fourth Grade Be.acon &&S&.J CtJdiiiiiC Own en es and made two touchdowns. 1 was looking at a primer that Gary Cook was captain. All the was used in school many years parents rooted for the teams. ago. Greg Hughes blocked a couple of It is a much sm aller book than passes from the left end of the the one we use now and none of Newport team. Tauno Kowista of the pictures were colored. the Newport High School was the The stories sound very monoto- referee, and Mr. Burdick, the P . nous to us now because our books E. teacher, rooted for both New-today have such inte~tfng sto- For Speciallnd Service port and Corona. He was a very ries. Our class decided that we Factory Part. -Call busy man. Three cheers for Mr. would rather go to school today &I D'S GARAGE Burdick! and learn to read from these HARBOR 2714 On Sunday all the girl scouts bright new boob. C D ln Troops 11 and ~ttended 920 Coaat Blvd. . .M. "" Co .._.,_ H Pickup & Deliver cuurch at the rona ~s atch's room is making Bay Area Church. It was the birthday of Indian pueblos. Franklln Schultz L-~------~~~--' Juliet Low, the founder of Girl has made one already. Scouts. 'lbe Glrl Soout:s oelebnt· .--~~~~~~-~~---ed the real way. Miss Schleder's room has had In the kfndergarten for the 8Cf. two weeks ' of perfect attendance. ence oomer, Judy Parker brought 'nley now have a new boy whose two ,grasshoppers. Carol White name is Bobby StA!tson. IIARBOB PAINT a APPUANCE 00. DUTCH BOY PAINTI Wall,...... P•Jmrst ....,,._ hrwl Ou Ref ..... ratora . Home AppllaMM ca." ..... Harbor 2020-W ttl 'COA&T HlWAY Cerena dal ••,. brought a bee. and Ronnie Noble brouR'ht a catetpillar. The kin-Ch•meth St.arege dergarten needed toys for their Reporter for Mra. Auwttn'a new sandbox. so Joanne Nelton Fourth Grade b~t a toy tank to play with. NEWS NOT£ ~ was 11 Hallowe'en paJ1y Mrs. Trine's second grade had fCiwl'l bv the Newport-Balboa Ro-an unusual vtsltor Tuesdav. Roy tary Oub last Saturday. They Yar"Mll brought a desert turtle ~ve prlas to the one who wore to 8Chool. Roy found the bic tel· the most o~al and striking cos-low while he was on a camping t\.lmes. Dlffer-ent colored tickets trtp lately near Twenty-Nine were ctven to all who attended Palms. RoYs father, moth« and the party. These tk:kets were hla lister Sharon went campinc U!led In the concession booths. A with him. fine tJme was had by all. On Saturday there was a Cub FI"ST G"AD£"a OI'C\ls In Costa Mesa. Many Olb Mrs. Be.ehman•s first ll"llden ScoutA an4 their peftl\ts attflMJ. have been come placet. Leslie ed. ntey had many clever ads St.eftna vtslted M>r crandmother and the down was especially fUn--Monday and had lunch With her. --------------ny wtth hls nlcldng red noee. The ContJnued on pe~ '7 Loss I..ru.t Fnc:lay rught the 1-I...Llenon Imbans settJped the tocal h&t"h school griddd'S with a thr.ll.ng ItA) Rouo'• Orange Coast Pi-tally. HoneU's kick was good fourch quarter rnlly in whJch the .,.... c1n:»pped a hard-fought 25-27 and Coast led 13-7. invaders pushed across two touch- dldllloft to ~ntra.l JC Saturday Central took the ne>.'t kick-off downs and converted twice The ftllttt ln a came played at El Cen-and moved from their 38-ya1·d lin£> lone Hurbor tally came after a tro. Ji\unbles defeated the rap-to the Pirate 20. Jim Shctwood sus tained drive of 90 yar.!s, the l4lJ lmprovtng Pirates as they then intercepted a paR.'i intended scoring play being a 20-yard pass bottbled ~ ball •lx ttmes in ~ for Central's McPhauer. but Coast fro m Ward to Tho111pson. lhr- ftnt halt. O>ast drew first blood fumbled on the next play. Cen-bor moved inside the Indian 10.. Wtien Bu4 SmJth bucked over trat took over on the 5-yard l ine yard line twice after their first fr-om the Arab 6-yard line, but and Harvey pulled a quarc~rbat'k TD. but lost the ball on downs ~ntral Immediately bounced back sneak to go over for Central. and fumbles. M Harvey passed to Babe Henry, Riddle's k1ck was good and C(.'n-·r he dl'fcncling champ'ons start- who leampered 45 Yards into the tral led 14.-13. rt tn mp· ·e in the fourth quarter ~e ~Y ~~~anced the Pirate 1 ·The Pirates fumblul afh. r ta k-<a!> Hob F t•rguson run and passed cau.e by raclng 38 yards to the n.g the next kick, and C~:>ntral ~ 22 1Wo pa.sses moved the (Continued on Page 8 1 bell to the 8-yard line, and Smith Statistics eldrtect lett end for his second First downs runnjng StartJnc line-ups: First downs passing OCC Central First downs penaltit'"S Brown r el McPhatter Total first downs S~ nl ~11 Yards running Goufct rgl Crabtree Yards passing HOI'I"eU c Nickel Total yards . Jotm.pn IRT Murphy Yards lost . . . Balch ltr Carleton Net yards . Cen OCC 5 7 .. 4 5 1 0 10 1:! 1::?8 203 154 75 28:! 27R 9 5 :.?73 273 Pirm-~ Face Four More in Grad Card Coach Ra~y Rosso's Or-a"Qe Coast football Pl,.ates have • b,.eather this F,.iday night. Next game on· thel,. .chedule It a nirtht t ilt in San Be,.nardino w it h San Bernardino Junto,. College. ft.ohrir ler WiJUams Passes attempted Sherwood q Harvey Passes completed Dowty rhl E . Henry Passes incomplct<' ~ ~I Foll~wi ng ftle San Berdoo c'ash, t~e Pl ratu meet Mt. San 1\ntonlo on Satu,.day, Nov. 20, at Newport Harbor H igh field. Hanzal lhr B. Henry Passes had lnter('('ptPd Huhn f Riddle Fumbles ... Seore by quarte rs: Own fumbles reroverl"•d OC.X: ............ . ...... 0 13 6 6-25 Oppts. fumbles f't"ro\'<'r<'d Centr:tl ........... 0. 20 7 0-27 Yards lost on penaltiC' 1 ., 1 1 3 6 (l 1 5 ~ 5 45 ...,._ _____ Personalized -------; PHOTOGRAPHIC XMAS C ... RD S YOUR FAVORITE NEGATIVE CAN TAKE A CHRISTMAS MESSAGE STRAIGHT TO THE HEART OF YOUR FRIENDS Order Now! 817"' OOAST IDGHWAY he's . Where ever a ~P or mrn gntJw r you can pick out the wel! ~ron! H'~ look of a F itzpatrick's suit above r '' ,_.,,........ ~r."':lrt''· tnilon'<i Worc:tcds, Flannel~ nnd Twet'ds in <'ithrr sinr!lr or double b~ted Moc1els offer you the fio;est seleoc- t vn ('VCr. Cone In today ... Enjoy the f~l­ b g of lmowtng that ·your suit is rit ~t for you. Choose from such nat1onally famous brand names as: Louis Roth 20th Century Worsted-Tex . ~ HARBOR 1918-\V a The next week the 1~1• tackle M a,.in Junlo,. College at H untlngton Bead'! High f ield, and the last Friday of their g,.ld season. Dec. 3. finds them pit- ted against Santa Ana JC In the Munic'pal B owl In Santa Ana. E astern Conference Sta"dinga 1 \V. L. T Pts. Op. Fulk rto n 3 0 0 73 6 s~tnta .\na 3 0 0 (il 1:' C ha!fe \' 1 1 0 43 19 c ran~~ C'o>tl-t 1 2 0 26 75 R iv£>No;id <' 1 2 0 18 34 Mt. San Antonio 0 2 1 13 4<i San B<>m ardino .. 0 2 1 18 63 \.ames this we-ek : Friday -Chaftey at Rivers.lde: Sa"'tl\ Monica nt F\tllen on I Saturday-Bakersfie ld at Santa Ana. I I I I I I -- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Jl ---------· 611 OOA.ST HIGHWAY CORONA DEL MAR ' HARBOR 2441 THE ENSIGN Page 1 Friday, November S., 1148 Fullerton Drops the b:&L to the Harbor one-foot Bee Cee T eoms line from where 1-'\J.lJback Luu 1 1 Plunkett cruh.ed over. G\.te.lle-Fullerton and Its tr.be of junior mana C2,nvened. Fullerton's Bob Indians trounced the Harbor Bees Fef'IUSOn then broke loose and by a resound..ng score of 20-0 on ~nt 25 yards to the end zone Cor t h 1 . r ld lust WE"Ck Har-FulJerton's teeond touchdown. e o el"b Je . · GucU~·a conversion ended the bor's spirit was h.J~,;h. whJch helped scorln&. the score frum bein g high~r. Ha,.bo,. D raws Bye I 'l'he t...c-es Jwt all '-hanc«: at tht' Thb we-ek Harbor Will nurse its champto~hip la."t \hck when thlY wound.J with a bye befo~ meeting wue downt d by a fighting Ful- the powerlul Saints from Santa lerton U.~ t\.·am. 20-7. on the Y..'ln- Ana n~ week._ I ners· f1eld. The C~ u d the Statlsttca game, 7-7. m the fn"St quan~r N.H. F. when Rex B. II scon-d on a pass Firat downs .. 10 14 from tll.l:back Shnf t•r 7he little Ya,.. gained ,.unnlng .. _ .. 122 209 Tars kicked off but w c·nt to pieces Ya,. -gained puelng .......... 132 11 as Fullerton \\\.'nt for t •. o r.l<>re Yarde loet run. and pa-. 21 2t touchdowns. Yal'de IMt penaltl• .. . . 63 0 The B~ and <.. t ·s both drew Net ~rete gained ...... . . .23S 241 byes thts wet>k Steven Oeary was a "skeleton.. out ~ tx> c-ats nnd som<.> w er<> vn Hallo~·en. Christie Carver wlt<.·hes wore • Ollnaman mask. Phyllis I ~li Harv<"~ 's fi rst grndt•r. Johnson visited her grandmother. made papet t·at ma~ks last week. She ~Jo>ri'd watching a l ('letorislon picture. In Mrs. Embree's first SPOOK PARTY erade, a boy is leaving for Red-On Ckt. 30 thflr<' was a HalJow - wood Oty, Calif H is nam<.> 1~ l'.l' 1 p.trt) .tt thl· f{,•ndt "' O..!S It CoU~n Brown. staned a t 7 00 and endPd at 9:00 Miss SrnJth's room is working P m Pr.,( s Wl'rt> Ri\·en to lhfl wi people wnh the l:wc;t costumes. th cla.y one day a week. They Childt"('n at \orona del M ar school made H~owe'en figures this £Ot fin• ticket~ l.'1Ch t o use for we-ek. Some of the figures turned admission. Mty .. Wb poittla yow floon ..... $1.00 PER DAY for your car ~Cl' If To1 ,.. vi HA LJ ,f f!R. r ·'TERS TEIAEVISION Te 'evi::•on tuhnitlone tell us that the Ha,.bor area is one of the best television recep· t •\l , :~reas on the coast. P lan now to aee the w onderful tele- vi-sion programs that are -:c' •ciuled from n<'w on, in - cluding ttw! Rose B owl Game. ~-• w h·n ,....vet! r~·nk of tef,.. v lalon, think of Hallic,.afters. Baaed on many years of re- ~3r"Ch and experience, Halll- crafte·rs now offer you THE BEST ... at prices you can afford. PLEASE CALL FOR APPOINTMENT for your home USE OUR LAY • AWAY PLAN FOR CONVENIENT XMAS BUYING BICYCLES -TRICYQ.XS -OOLL BUGGIES -TOYS OOIIPLETE AUTOMOTIVE SlJPPLY G. E. SMAIL A.PPUAN IIALLICRAFTERS TEI~V11 ION l's Auto your -D;ri~ 115 (}out llilllway upplr Dealer • 1 =-~~ = CltOral DiiK#On a.& .-aiel DOt be ~attid. He-A . h---1 ltcippiid jlimoOtb-ua riel I bi1llll .. 1 da w toOk at a )l"tDCh ,._.. • ._.. • I don't think tftere 18 .... tewn HaVii.Md dinner let wu.b the da.ili· ~ eucut.lw oominlttee ol tbe , betweetl L. A. and hn Oteeo 81m-u.t a( ~ pwp1e v&Uie "'Didl on.nce OJUDb' br•N:h flf tbe One of the 1D0*t ColOtful Hal· I bead. Evidence of rehearsal was in llar In 11~• to Corona ctel Mar te.at =~ u !-'....._ t.bey had been SOuthern cautonlla a.on1 OliN towe•en piJ'tles &iWD ill the Bar-the way M.n. Frazer danoed and hU eo many unueual and fMOI· em u.-: plaw.. An e.pe-ton' Guild JMt Oit. 11 to eiiiCt bor area 1ut wulend wu the lhook hands backwards all even· natlng ahope. In an amutne walk :::!!. ~~i<Jia or d.amt,y . woma.n otficen •. ~ for tbi fttivl• All Hallows' EYe c=-tume dlanCe q . _ of three blocks or eo OM tt.• ~yq tbiJ ~ WJth ita year~~ W~ ~ ~ at the Balboa Ylldlt Qub. QueiU Other costumed guests Wete antlq~ .. goldflah and a wfl411--c:baniaiDC. delk:ate aunplldty. !. nold ~ Dr. Hirold ~ were greeted by the stralM Of Darby Metcalf, as a girl cheer-exhibit offering a wide varlet, ef CADDDt beliD to enumerate the ecke, Winifred Sleep. I.reDe Shee- "stralned" music f!IMMt'• from Jeeder; Laura de Los Rios ln bra lntereata to reatdenta In thla ..,.... ~ .=..r beauUM pieces ol left-fie, Ruth Armstronc, Emery the followtna 1Ditr\IIDl!llta and and ahortl .ewn wlth poker chips Of couNe, 1 can't ctetaU every-_.... . &Jus. dl1.na and cop-Owens. members. Robert Boyd. baQjo, Ted and cardll; Isabel Unsey in an el-thing I aaw, but In thle *Mkly per I~ bearing about from Other members ot the execu- JohnSOn, piano and Ed Muncey. abol"ate embroidered lawn dress column wHI try to concentrate on GlymL But I do suaest th~t you Uve commltt~ who wU1 b@ eom- accordion. accordin& to Mn. Jan that was wom by a relative pre-two or three ahopa that offer :: Vialt ~Antique Shop, U oc\ly mlttee chalmlen iDclude Earl liar- Henderson. . 8ented at court. and Photographer something unuaual that 1 U.lnk eee a t;y set ot Genna.n sea-rimore and GIMD Lewis of na.t- Among the outstandlnc eoatum-Nell Beckner u a laundry bag. would appul to everyone aa well :::~ ~pal.nted with a quaint lerton. John Ferguson and Mary es was the yMemll• a~ ot Other guests present were Grace u to my own fancy. ol twisted a very clever effect Steffensen of Corona *1 Mar and Mrs. E. H. Fruer..-Sbe.-.wvre bel" and Jack Green, Mr. and Mrs. My first stop was Mrs. 8~,8 weed. ~=~ gray ~-Harel Girton of Orange. husband's suit. with "" Inln S. :::r'J~ Mr. and Mrs. R<>bert "Silhouette Shop," 121i' Cout-. _.-i•lbo ~~~.fand The n<'xt program ell..-meet· Cobb mask oo the back of her ard andr.L.aur=a ~: f::Sru~ Cow-Hlhgway, I noticed flrst a at1ny dlnh'l room with nautacal r:!J: ina will be on ~ov. 30. 11\e Jo-...,__lblel"-.,_ __ 1 ._ Refreshments "-ith Hall . • carved pif'("(' of \Vood In th~ shape ••• u well aa trea.sured antiques. dcation will be dl'S1.gnated at a later Jl' u.au wa ~ uua fla a 0 " e en of a pe1·fume bottle resting on a . ate. (Continued from Pace 7) vor were served. pale blue jersey halt slip. MrL Ne~ too unimportant for tho. grabbed the ball Oft Oout'a 25-Bruce displa}-ed the hollow lnalde wM Ilk• brightly colored filh Mr. and Mrs. s. A. Sdl~itar yard line. H.an'ey iJDmed,lately whel'e a small bottle of ginger twtetine back and forth In a clear 107 Topaz Ave., Balboa Island ~ passed to McPhatter far uother p { per!un•e rested. The exotic scent Mwl would 1M a vertical gl.. companied by Mrs Scbwei~a Central TD. JUdcUe ln1Med the . e r·~o n A o! s-thdalwood Jlnd ginger lm-::::rler repreduction of a aet In a brother-in-law ~~ Bellman conversion attempt. and the ba1f .J' U pn.:>ssed as a very nJce lingerie evtl caeth that can be lighted from Wash~on 0 c sa ~ ended with Central leediDa 20-13. saohet for a 1<irl who wants to be fNM un-. Thlo is for tho "Black Outs" in Los. Anpl.;" Sat- Coast elected to receive to open Mrs. Blanche Swett of Costa "different." Other stTJklng plecei deftcne tropical fiah that are lne \11'\ky nlte. the second half, and Bud Smith Mesa la spending t.hree days with of lingerie for a woman who de-hardy tNn their peuant brot.e.er.. .------------ and Ed Dowty took tuma amuh· Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Holmberg, sires to be !emlntne as well aa n... OM be found at the Hldy'a lng the Arab Une. Smltb culml· 411 Femleaf ave. indh·idualistic is a three-pleee Pet &upplles and &porting Goods, nated the 72·yard drive by divine . bra set ol r-ed and blac k plaid . . . 1217 Coaat Highway. lnto the Arab eftd 1101\e for his Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Noonan very coquettish. The last item I third score ot the eovm~.Da. ~ and thelr two -small children, have noticed before I bore my.elt awa.y Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hatch have ... 20 ~1!.~ Are. CORONA DEL MAR HAR80R 17 reU's kick wu blocked and Coast been visiting friends in Corona from baby soft flower sprigged retu.med to Balboa Island to make ~till trailed 19-20. del Mar for a few days. Melvin cotton pajamas and .lacy . pastel their bome here .a.&ain alter spend- Central's Babe HeiU")' then put spent h1s childhood in this com-briefs and slip was a pale blue ina several years in Connetticut. on a one-man cUsplay ~ broken muntty with h1s parents and broth-and rose jersey houseooat with ======-------__:_-------====== field I'\.U\J\lnl, colnc 61 yards in en and sister. During the war he neck and slee\·es a cascade of rut- three pla.ys to ctve Clefttral an-served his country In the Navy. fles that looked Uke the petals of other tally. Riddle kicked the la~er re-enlisted and l'i tS just been a hug~ double (X"tunla. I wouldn't extra point and the Araba pulled dlScha.r&ed. He now resides with ca.re tf. my husban~ did read the ahead 27-19. tUs familY in San Francisco. but paper m the morrung if I could 24-HOUR TOWING HI-WAY GAitA .GE So. Cal. Auto Oub Representative BEACON 5301 on an exchange ot punta. Fow· wUl leave Dec. 13 for Italy, the see . m~elf in that gown. Looked ler's kick hit a Central man wlth homeland of Mrs. Noonan. as if 1t w!'re grown ln a garden! Coast recovering on tbe Arab 20 Steins Prove Love COITA MEIA hw~ ~a~~~ ~&~~.m~~~ The~lla~nt~~n~-------------~---------~~ 1740 NEWPORT 8LVD. Rohrig, who drove into the end attended a lu~heon in S~ Diego wn left In the aky •• 1 opened zone for the pme'a flrial tally last week. CJven by friends of the pine dutch door of Jeane W BIT M HonoeU llliaOd the ldck. ODI ~ ~r slater, Mn. C. H. Hagenbuck. Glynn'• Antiquo Shop ahono on 0 A N ' 8 8 E B V I C II ran out with the Pirates 011 the who was preparing tD leave San Teutonic ateln that lmpre~Md with Reborlng &haft Qrtftdl,. short end of a z-21 acore . Dlep. Mn. Hqenbuck is moving ita atrong beauty done In -..of\ General Repairing 14-H T.wt r----------·--to Corona del Mar and will live detail-a baa relief of bllttllng PETE. BOB. HA.R.RY AND MtT eur 111 next door to Mr. and Mrs. Coop. Huns on one aide and co'"'uering Mllllter M.-anlola She recetved many gifts at her aoldleN on the other. Thla wa,... 1020 COAST IUGHWAY Corona del Mar ~~~~.wW~was~~rio~~lnhada~~~blw~-~==------~~--------~-~~~m=~~~~j en~~h~e~~~lg~nd.~~~~~~~r----------~--------------= Sharman. men-painted In rich brown and Mr: and Mrs. Glen Dennison, proprietors of Dennie's Cafe. 1107 Coast Hl-Wa.y, returned last week --------------..1 from a three-day trip to Las Veg-as where they visited relati\'es. .-- Mr. and Mrs. E. F . Coop. 215 Femleaf. spent Wednesday and Thunda.y at Belmont Shores. rest- ing up a little from their strenu- ous labors connected with the buildlnl of their new home. A new twist on the custom of giving out'smokes Oft the Clad OC· caslon. Dad Will eftjoy ctvt.nc Mr. and Mrs. E . L . Remelin, 221 these books ~ matehel to hla Sapphire Ave.. Balboa Island, friends. Gold impdn.S with 1t'a watched the motor boat raCPc:; Sun- a boy" or "It's a gtrl." We have day from the Balboa Bay Club in a large size on whldl Mom might their boat. Little Nina. like to write a ~- $1.00 ... $UiO blue gray. Miu Glynn told me that thia stein and a Ger'Y"Mln workingman'• at~ln painted umber and a pale wheat ~lor, were bought by an American eofdler who was engaged to a Germaft girl. He ~uld not rat.e the money to bring her back to Ame,... lea, 10 ahe collected tMee ateina and sold them. They are very valuable, and Mlq Glynn Ia eepe- clally fond of the worker"a stein with the clasped handa. Maeonlc emblem and even a factory--aU painted on Its side. Tw1atlng Flah Being a lover of the lush and ornate, I noticed a brilliantly ba- roque French perfume bottle. hex· ag?n shaped, jade green wfth gold chma tas..c;els on each sJde. Miss Get a a..,ly of 8oth and Be Prepared I Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Rideway and ..-ughters Carrol, Petie. Bar- bara and Pat came to their resi-1------------~ce at 107 Abalone Ave .. Bal- boa Island. from Pasadena for the We'll take bide tbe boxes you doo't uae. "CREATIVE GIFT& .. Coaat Highway at Goldenrod Next Door to tM Lfltrary week end. Miss Jeanette Shook is taking her last ~ar of a t,hree-year nunmc course in San Francisco. Jeanette is tbe daughter of Mrs. Nellie Shook. Miss Pat Palmel returned to Balboa Island Monday from a week-end ln Los Angeles visiting friends. While there she attended -------------the opera, "La Boheme." , WHILE THEY LAST / FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ••• $1. OORONA DEL MAR · \V!> have made a s,ecla) ?ffort to stock the variety of chlld- ren'c; picture books that will give your chtld ma.ny joy-fUled FUN FOR "Little foils" .. COAaT HIGH1¥AY OORONA DEL liAR PhoDe .J:{Ut)ar 850 , . BlwaN W.llllmn On the paeee of the Ensign thb week the thOpper in Cor- ona deJ Mar will find un&ia- ual values in many lines of merchandl~ PriceS on thae advertised Items have been carefully a nd p urposely m arked down to atboaat and hOld buyer Inter. e8l In th5. community. ~cting throutth their Bus· ln eamen'e Association, Cor· ona de1 Mar store owners h ave decided to Institute a whole series of money savin g ...apedala th.a~ .unp.ar~JJeJ. ed In other shopping center s In t he Harbor a rea . The.-e barp hw cannot be duplicated l hell L..,._tleft -n,.. - 227 MARINE AVE. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Mrs. George P. Griffith. 424 \Vestminist"', Ne-wport Hdgtrt.s, and Mrs. Art WhJte of Balboa Ia· land. wue co-ehaii"''Mft for a suc- cessful Hall~'en party rfvm at the Balboa Bay Oub last Sat:ul'- day evenin~. Mrs. Griffith ftP011- ed that 80 children weft ~ but that 150 attended the pany. The children enjoyed dt~r. mov- ing pictures. bobblng for apples In the larger c ities---overhead costs of stores In b tgger t owns prohibit such b udget economies. RESID E:l\!IAL COMME!tCIAL WIIUNG -REPAIRS Ill GoJ&mrod AYmue. . Corona 4lel Mar, Calif. OFF.IC&. HARBOR 29U RES.! BEACON 60!5-4 '---------------' a nd ghost stories. Nle:neyer Interior Decorating -~anging MURAL \VORK -SCENIC WALLS CORONA DEL MAR ILUIPIU~ REXAU DRUG - PRESCRIPTION S E RVICE HARBOR 2~35 .,. Cout 81wd. eo ... u ct.l Mar I MOTOR REBUI LDING .. TIREa 8ATn:RtEa !17 COAST HIW AY CORONA DEL MAR HARBOR 723 PIUlt pYracUltluuJ Por Cb.ri8tma.s Bertlw 1201 COAST BL VD. CORONA DEL MAR HARaOR 1031 GEN'F'RAL BUU..DING CONTRACOOR CORONA DEL MAR AREA More than values are of. fered when you ehop In Cor- ona del Mar, however--you get ease of shopping un · matched elsewhere and not complicated by parking me· ters. T here is a mple parktng apace near the Southland's smarte~ most modern shops. Make Corona del Mar you r shopping center. It will please you and pay you. Mrs. Edward C. Runs. 510 Nar- cissus Ave .. Corona del .:\1 tr h.t~' been entertaining relati\ e... from Sioux City, Iowa. durin~ thf" month of October. They W'E'n• ~Ire:. Runs' mother. Mrs. A . J H• nm•-.. sey, and her St~er. Joan H nn••,. R)'. HOVSE TRAILER. 16-foot fact- ory built ; sleeps four, butane equipment. Also '37 P ackard SJx. convertible COUJX>. AI . black saddle. Artzona made. beautifully hand ca.n.-e<:l. Cash. tenn:a,-'!.-or trade. r.Iornln gs only, 513 Na.rclssus A ve., Co r· ona del l.Iar. lO.tt-c FOR SALE-R.A TT AN FUR..'\'1· 'lURE. living and dining room: maple twln beds. complete : mlsce11aneous furnishings. Har- bor 688-\\. 11-U-c FOR SALE-BOY'S BICYCLE. excellent condition . r idden \-erv little. Call HARBOR 1350-R .. 11-2t·p ~·A!\ !ED~ Someone who ,,;11 lX" kind to a cute little gra~ a nd '' hite kit· ten "•ith blue en•s. Phone Har- bor 7Gl ·R. a fter 6 o't lock. FURNISHED modern home b) the year. $100 JX>r month plus utilities at 123 Pearl A\·e .. Bal- boa Island. A . \V. Lane. owner . 111 E. Broad\\'3\. Glendale Calif. . 11-5-2tp FOR "SALE BED davenport. 50 lb i('(' box, miscellaneous. 611 Lark~ur. H arbor 3029-M. · 13-ltp 711 Goldenrod Ave. · Hartaor 12$1-W 2 BOYS' bicydes. ba11non tiN's. ·------------------------____. coaster brakPS. good rondition • .t. HUFFMA GENERAL BUILDING CONTRACTOR RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL REMODELING FREE ESTDIATEii ~·PLAN SERVICE HA 555-N. 13-ltc MIDDLE AGED ~";dow ";11 stny evenings wit!'\ childJ"('n. Ha r bor 2909--W . 13-lt -c FURN. room for two women or teacher in Pttracth·e new apt. of Widow. HA 2909-\\'. 13-lt-c DAY WORK-Hou~<'wor k 5051!! De.hlia. Call my homt.'. 13-lt-p FOR SALE-Elec. apt. !'i7e range. 216 ORCHID ''Sitop (If 11fJIH 11 R AD NatiOiWiy Adverti8ed Braads A • CO fSOLES D • OOMBINA'DONS I • TABLE ODELS 0 • PORTABLES s VlCUUM CLE Three Big Names AL!L P RI CES START AT 39.50 LIST HOME "'MPLETE PLt ~mmc SERVICE 2 F I RST COME FIRST SERV ED • • • • • • • HARBOR 22 I • R A De I -o s RADIO TELEVISION REPAIR 708 Jasmine Ave., Corona del Mar IIARBOR 1971.-B · Dbt cotton mnttr <'!'.." and sprinp: 2 twin lxd ~prin~. t'\\1n sl1k floss mattN-ss. HA:ibor 1054-W. 1J:.1t-r> 821 coast Highway ! Corona del ~far Harbor~W IDEAL FOR TMEaE CHILLY NOV. MORNINGS. JUST T~ THIN G 7 0 HEAT A SINGLE ROOM Ott EVEN A aMAL;L MOU.. -ENJOY CIRCUL A T ING MEAT T ODAY. Safe • -Uses Little . Spoce • .... •. Page 10 THE ENaiGN · Friday, Nov~mber 5, 1MI . I I ' I . I 1 ' . G OCERY rR:C£S EFRCTM 11111111 SIMOAT, I ~VEt41ER 13. 1941. (MEAT AMO PIOOUf.E PIICE~ HIIWUGH NOV£MBER 6. ONlY) .LOUl WtWAY Sf ORES. fAMIIED FllUITI '\ppfesauce V a Brand a:: .,. ineapple Ctushed '!: .. ZS. Cohfomio Morning bf'onO. .'/hole Apricots "--· .. 21-o.• Mont• brond, ~~nC»•Ied. -·ui t For Salad n ...... II- JUf#r$ "'rune Juice ~: ..-. 1 .. ;>rune Juice ~ '!: .. T o.-ncto Juice Libby ~ If- Tomato Juice Sunn)'Dowft •.:-II-WI•• ~ed Table Wine Mot\'• Cristo, Burgundy. Wine Is off•red f« sole onty II'\ So,._. tlcemed to .. n "· TO){• ore oddltlenal. Wine In COM Jota, one type w Wi0i1.S, -10% dl1ecNnt. I I • ' ~ ,. I ' 4f - ;v ... ~ I I-·-ft.. L .. ,.. . ''\.. ~. •' ' ~-... -'. '. "----. '· .. <· , . ~ I Whole chicken, without ciblet~t ia rich broth. lleady .. eene. For waya te •er.,e thit delicious ohitba .ee label. .... cela ·-... , ... .a .lUllS ... •. t-.m ..U.M ··- ••• c PUCIIIS Caade Crest. 24 Slice. or 29·••· G halves. -c•• (6 cana,1.41: 12cau,2.7$) 20 ..... cotta CS-o• • coni 28-0K, COft 15~ COft 7'11--. C.M "'"" .• ,..., .. ,., L• 8ea ao ........ IMQ nS Pmton Medium G'"" ond white. Tomatoes o.J=te ........ 11- Tomatoes t~PC:~ .... 1 .. II" Del Monte Peas ~~ '!: 1 .. Green Giant Peas n ....... 1 .. Mexicorn u ...... I Nlbleta brand, YOCUUm pocbd. Butter Kernel Corn '!: 1 .. Wtlo\e Kernel, Golden. Del Mohte Corn 'I ~ I I i • •• ... 1111 llnM. ..