HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-12-23 - Newport Harbor EnsignI -· L""•·v : ... • Complete COv rage • o t Local Ne\v I ·• '· I • ~ _.._ J,. • Chri st mas Greetings • U Local PictUres • For Corona del Mar • For BalbA I land To the host of fr iends of stores en t hese two communit letl, Corona del Mar and Balboa Island. buaeness men, profea•on al people a nd aervice establishmenta extend hearty wishes for a bappyf-ld successful Chriatmas. Throughout the pages of t he EN SIGN this week r.eaders w ill find scores of C"'rlatmu greet· lnga. evidence of the patronage and confidence from t he ENSI GN fam1ly which these firms enjoy. Read them all. They are meant for you. t p The." Corona del Mar post o ffice <'UrTt'ntly I. "rP~IIing with its hc>a\"i(•st .-u~h local postal history. Ros~ King po ... t m ~tE>I'. ~id ac- tual figun·~ an• nn1 mnrtt> up ... al' YPI hut it's at lf"asl t()()': hE>avit'l 1 han ar':'· amounl of mail pr·e- \'ioush . ··out gom~ mail slowed down 1\lonrla\ ." h«" said. "but !\<fonda\ was t hf" hPnviest day of 1 ht> year for incoming mail ... - En:•rythlng has b<·en done to ex(>t'dlte m all dell\ er~. King add· ed. E xtn help hu bf'E>n added to thE> staff. long hour, ha\'e been put ln and work ha~ continued through Satur'da~· anq Sunday. King said more help would han• bf'en IJUI on. but thE' lack of room in. the P<hl orrk'f' pr-ohlhlted any mo•·<' than l\\n ('XIras being hit·l'd. ~A s a special feature each w eek. t he Ensfgn w ill turn the spotlight of community atten· tion on one Individual whose act ivit y In the community is ncwr.worthy and who should be known to t he fa m ily of Ensig n readers.) On Balboa Island Post Ma ter H amilton Smith ha~ arlded extra hE>Ip for the Ch rist mas ru h and his staff has taken o\·er front rooms in the Cox and Kf'eler serv· ice station to handle tht> large bulk of packaged mall. YULE PAGEANTRY waa t he order of the d~v at Corona del Mu grammar ~ehool laat Friday when students marked the b~innlng of Chriatmas recess with st.age presentations and room t reats and par - ties. Here a bunch of kll'ldergartene,... sing a song about a toy. left to r ight : Tom Boy d, Pame la Thompson, Lorren Fletcher (J ack in t he box). J immie Parnell. Pame la Pew and Drew J ohnson . Photo by Howard Fol.om. Stuly Hints Tax C.A&t~M'CIIICI ~IIIIPI!Mr OC 11 com.n~rctal enterprise. A baby girt was the mo t tascinatln« to the la)'· Union gas station . m:ln ls t he bWAMII wttlch Is bullt Hl&hway, TuHday momma a t • -.··.xm d a ~llty. Prime ex-10:15. The mot~r ls Mre. Vio~ ample CorOM dPI .._. Ia Toll\-TM ~ of o,erauon under a Dk-ttl of eo.ta Mesa. my's ~ a .a tollillcro charter ~)'Stem el IOIIal 10\'tm-nt.lftO(~ of tM IW"w&y bona hop that ~pa ~ cream for tbe ~t. u reneetH Ia ftiuftldpal itlDd .. 1M ~ ol the ROtliert k ids. notions. novelties. maga. tax rates. Is apPrOximately 36 Diehl who w as Last a t ~on Dec. z.i nes a nd a ,·arlety of services per cent greater than 1M tax 15. Ofttmas won.hip .and sped&~ dnard\ parties ttn.,..,.,,. that attract even· membtor o f a cost of operating t he City of New-Mrs. S tella S hepard. mother of week highU&f\t plans for Corona del Mar and BaJboa lSillnO famit~. · port Beach under its present gen -Mrs. Dieh L was rushing her goen this year. . eral law system. according to the daughter from the Shepard home . Th(" church~ haw tak("n an unusually a ct1ve part ttus year in Peoplto• In Corona de l Mar -in a nnual tax su rve v compiled b'-' i v· t t th ,r h 't 1 1 g1vlng e ntertainment ro bott •--------------hi · La . -J n IS a o e .,avv ospt a n 1.i1 ~ t s 1nstanct' add guna a nd Hol· the California Taxpayers Ass o· Lon Bt'ach whe n a· flat Ur·e dE'· young a nd otd. . , ..... 11ptoft ~OIIMsf ly\\-ood genct·allv re fer to the ciation and CO\'ering the entire 1 ~ S h t ped H rd Through the Com m u n 1 t y ~oung pm priNor .ot the pipe shop S ta te. Thi information "·as fur· VE'do St. d ie .s toJp. ast tlowai Church plans were draw n for the a "T . ·· f . M F . 1 . a n an e) m on ta on n 1 h ~ . . . h o~m~ i 0 11 r. os:er IS nt~hro ~he Ensig n b~· C ha rles Corona del Mu to eall the ambU· c~ro er; \~· 0 sans ltnM\ ar~~ S~· ~uc h ~ ~m~ n1 ome-nc ature P•·aest. Ne-wport Beach city celrk. lance. Be fm'E' t he ambulanc<' a •·· dt10~s oi hl orl..aona Se a~ . n1es· or t t:' s op s Pt ?pr e tor. In order tha t a comparison may r ived t he babv was born Doctors a) n g t. st un~a~ ~en ng Two hundred local children Tomm~ F oste r s per s onality bf' m ade. the T axpayers Associa· d. t -M ~ Sh · d ·"d l eatUI'E'd \esper sel"IC't's at the will bf> waitmg Thursday after· has m ade his mark. His s inC't'r ilY (Continued on P;age 8) :~~ ~~~ ~ ' ?· e~rh · ft~ . church with thf' junior and sen-1 noon at 2 00 for announct'men! a nd friend liness have earn€'<1 for ~ ~ ~ ~~as g~e h~n ~~ . ) lor cho1rs joining ,·oi<'E>s to sin~ of th P 24 prize winn("rs which h im and his bustne a warm re-C L W • an t at r.. IE' -ron •tson t hret> numbers. T hey ended with will be elt'<'ted Frida' afternoon gard a nd gen uine respect. 0CI{er a tfing was good. thE' "Ha lle luj ah C horus." 'a t Hampton's Drug Store. CoaSi Likes the Cliffs Solos \\ erc sung by both M r. Highwa~ and Marguerite" Voting Lift:• was not altogeth~r kind in to Be X ma s Gift Stores to Close and ~I rs. LE'slie Steffensen of Co in t he contest \\ hich started SIX allowing him to bE'come a victim rona dt>l ~t ar and ~Irs. Hugh ~lc· weeks ago ends Thursda' of tn15 of polio in 192-1, when he was 13. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Stockton CDM stores will cOntinue their Cl~ mont. a lso of Co1-ona del ~ar week. · Tom my was in bed for m any h;ave a 16·month-old blond chedule of staying open 'ttl 9:00 Mrs. Steffen~en is Choir dir~tor I The prize hst boasts 12 for bo~ s months. The aftermath o f the Ill-cocker female pup they w fl l m til Cht•istmas E' e . The major· o f t hP l'hu• ch a nd 12 for girls. Rs,·alr~ for t ht? ne s has given him the opportu-g ive to anyone that can prove it) of stores ·will bE' closed Christ Aftt>r I hf' vespPr sen k<' a ' \'Otes. giv·e n as premiu ms ";th nit y to tE>nch ma ny a person the they w ill g ive it a good home. mas E ve. part~ \\a' helri for thE' choir pur<.'haSE>S at the drug store. ha5 uselcssn<-ss of SE'lf pity. Tom m y The Stocktons own the local Richard Barcelo. president of mE>mbt"'r~ at the home of ~1r and been especially keE'n a('('()rdin~ himst>lf says. "Ther·e is too muct) dog and cat hospital. Not only the BusinE>ss Association . said Mr s. \\'endE'Il Hoyt whet·e re to Russell Hampton. to do 10 worry about it." That do they ta ke care of sick ani· there had been no vote t a ken by fre hmPnls \\E're sern"<:i . At thisl - sJatement is-indicative o f Tommy. mals, but care for st rays as the merch ants and do lng hours tim<' carols ''ere sung. ~1rs. Stef· Crowds ~ If himself. He is SO busy that it is well. Mrs. Stockton says this wet"E' a matter of indi\'idual fen, en reported an unusuall~ I difficult. to fi nd him with "spare little cock e r is a very sw eet choict'. happ' t"\'('nlnS!. . · time." If he isn 't at his Corona 'little pup and would make Most stores on the island a nd . Cherub Choir S ings The n lgh,tly journey of the d~ del Ma r s hop. located near t he • someone a n ice Ch r istmas pres-in COM will be closro ~at urday r\ s~ia l featur E' by t he S t. orated Chnst!l'a~ tre-e al'?und the post office. he is on oustness else-and Sunday. .Jame~ Episropal C hurch will bej bay is d r-awmg i':'creas m g 1'\un wherP, busy writing, or· on a ent . giv<>n this ~unday. t he da y aftE'r 1 d~s of onlookers, according to painting e xpedition. but seldom Christma. T he Na th·ity Scene resldE'nts-0 -' ~an Blvd . in eo. loafing. He dbes enjoy sitting Toot or Knock :._Steffensen w,·ndow w ill h<' d<-picted with the Shep-rona del Mar a nd bayside streets n("ar the QC'ean. however. allow· het'd~. !hi' Three \\'ise -Men. and on Balboa Isla nd . in g himself the luxury of day s R s the l.'hl'ist ·Child. T his will be t>n-The gaJl) lighted tree. towed dr~ams. prl·ngs to life w•lth eal Puppet ho w actt"d h\ lh(' ch ildt'E'n o( the by a laun<'h . IS a project of the He is particularly fond of t he chUt·c-h with he Cherub Choir of Newport Harbor Chamber of t'Ot'ky cliffs o f Lagun a Beach . It James Ste ffen n. the old~st Th('~ will bE' playing Hans<'l that chu r ch furnishing back· Commer<.'t" .................... ---------------------------------w a t here that Tommy landed son of Mr. a nd Mrs. Leslie Stef. and GretE'i this yea r with their ~round must<'. T T A • I three years ago for a tv..-o-weeks fensen . together with his brothe r. fa ncy Dutch puppets. Music w ill Th<' St James E pisco p a 1 ry 1 ry 901 n. \'acat ion from his busy life in Se-Don. will be putting on their pup-acrompany t he show a nd a ll the C hul'<'h w\11 hold a 10:00 o'clock atfle. He never \\-"E'nt back. pet show a gain this year . wiring and electricia n work has Commumon Sen iN? Chr istmas , In Seattle he owned t he Foster T he two boys have a ..-at her befon do ne by t he young~t bo~. mornm ~. Advertising Service w hich in· unique procedure. The~ give the ir Don. St. Andr-ews P resbyter i It n eluded layout work, publlsh lng puppet show in the fron t window Questions ha'-e been a sked con· hurch held its big Christmas maHer periodicals a nd gener.J of their home at 209 Marigold, cerning this yearly show as to par t) last Thursda~ nlght with pt;nting tervice. He continues Corona del Ma r. whether or not the puppet show 100 guests present. The party t his phue o.t activity by editing All anyone has to do a ny nJcht will go on. It \\;ll. Jam es a nd was hE'ld in \.oodell Hall whe re a .-a nd pllbU8hina the Lion's Club of ttUs week is stop outside. ballik Don ext e nd their in\·itation to all large din ner was served. ~~kly, The Sea Lion, a lm\lll ttletr hof'l\ or knock on the daltt. the children of this a.rea. Any Arter din ner slides of 'The paper clrculattnc by e~chan~ and the t)oys will put on their evening ... even Ch ristm as Eve. Nigh t Before Christm as" w~re (CofttfftiiM ~ ~•t• 2) ahow. The show "m ust go on." I (Contfnued on Page 4 ) I·' 'J., ,' I[ ' ' ,. Because of the s hort week occasioned by Ch ristmas. the ENSIGN went to p ress earl)' this week. The early deadlines preh..,itecl completion of all the adverttslno contacts. To those advertlee,.. who wanted ..-ace In t.hit week'a issue, s lnce,.e apolet... for the abbNviat-e411 . but neceaary, change In· .checs1 v ... ~ ! TIU: E.!\.-IVS THUf'SDAV. DEC. 23. 1t41 Christmas MOtif Highlights December Meeting of Crown City Capilla Circle This •s et-the week when decorations. gifts. ahopptng, giving. Ttw C"npill:-t C"it•clt> mt>t Wt'<l· feasteng. homeeomtng. Santa Claus anti children all 01dti up to one n~sct:n aftt'rrwon. Ot>t·. l :i. at tlw du•• to 1 tw f t1 1 hat R e\'et't"n t S t ht ()('l< ''· at ah .. ho r't "'' \\H., hi,. m •\\ I~ IKH'n J."l'a nd!IOn. theng, Chrlstm<~• tf ever people i, th~lti get '" t une wt~ one H Commun1t~ Chut•<·h in l'oHma rld another, it will be in the s p tnt of ttlis sea$0n of the year. '1.11 l\1 1 ..... ruhn S:arllt•ir prt'l'ldt•nt. ·nw £n,i~ll hopt• .. I h •I t'\ , ... ~ l.tmJ I~ 11111J Jle 'I "'4Ul m Jt,d htl;t h luncf \\ <1" 111 c·h a t').:(' 1\ talk wa-. cwc·n u~ Mt'b. o. ~ t,3ml r .Jiun:t clt·l !\l.u· l .t:-, •• u•h rhl' ktlld II Cht :-..(II J.I' th.ll ,.,,dl 1 . t \\':\~ a h ig g r oup o f ft i••rul... Ttw :lftt •I'JH)(Jll '' <l!-ft•!'t i\ P '' 11 h c1H ·:tlth ~I ~·u\· ( ':tnlf11N·ll :t nu·mb<•r· of l hl· Cu p ill:t ('nth·. \\hu h:u. Jt><'t•nll) It'· IUtrW•I ttflrn tht> (;tand C :tn\'()11 ~he d ht't iiK h••1 fdp in rt;•t.•i .11111 l .tl~l•tf SJ utt tht• ="<1\:qo f r tlr:111... llt•r· !.Ilk \\ ,.., -.upJ,h•nw nt- c 1 \\llh II IU,..II.IH'tl buok\f•l ... ,l h.HI :t•Tit•'tlll.tlt•d d lltiiH' fll•t I ll 81ts : M rs C. F . Sutherland 106 Grand Ca nal, Ba lboa Island. \\hkh dr'OJl}'f'(J in a t lht> rtf'\\ c\mdlt• .... :md a dt<tur ,Ht•d an an •t'd has a hand.ome C reat Da ne p u p a !Itt le ov.!r thr~e months old. h otn<' o t :\ll · a nd l\lr!.. Pl•ll.t •<i h t• on \\ h it•h \\'PI f' :tl'Sflf I m • ·nl .. WeiQhed fou r pounds \'he n st,c got hiM . h~'s up to 39 pounds now hl 0\\ ll IJw f'\ (•nin,..' "' P t't' 11. 'l t•oul<it•' l '<Jiw ... and n u l hn• ul. and still growtng' .. Not orly can JtY.I n B -andt patrt a M adonn;~ T lw !H t':t!-illJt """' :1 hn u~'''' 1101-l h 1·c•nlc 1 t•t••t••· \\:1 ... ga ~ \\Jill JUSt like tt\., on _ o., th£ Ch n st mas ~h nne t n C 0 M . but a h e can inu : I 'lw Ill '\, '""idt>nu • a 1 .l:!!l : 111 i:-1 !1 ltl!-~tt•~"llt'l ·' illll •·•u H\11 ..... patnt more e<l• th) Hlbjects as well-such a l , hors e's or shee p's < ln·hicl I >1:111 .~ 1 I t~• ;tfll't JlllfJII n,., I he3d She pa tnted the twc h~c>Js shown :-t t h• rn rtv last W edncs · l li::l li~hl u t thr· 1,,1,111111-: ''"' I' St·ln n(;... "··'"' pl t '"'l'nt<'rf \\it h ;t It I 1 I• :I I I . II tl Ci I : .• d.1 y 11 9ht in the Cor~rnu~1 ) C ~urct-g t •n:·, ... in:: in ~ 111 tnll!'lt' flit ni ... IH i I" o~l 1 l•· 11 P ll a 11d ;1 u• hldlt• t'fJfl)ltt• l "ndf•r the Hantnl~r )1', ,\ttl: II l ',llllllln n ! t)r :m~·· \\ltfl llocllllll It wa .... p t t-.('llll'd II\ \lt .. \l lt~il' ftt l tht a 1h•t JifiHII \\ . ,, .. rt• t·· I• I<, .• ~ I ; ,, ... " Fl·tt;n \. t•:t .... ,I h··l t>'-h··l hl<fl l!!.h: :t pot l.thlf• '"~all \\.1 l',ol nll!l F J;duu (•l f''•ilclc ·nl Ill tiH' ~1\1 '11 II\ l h!• \luttu J Slllj'l 'l •. ll uu" t h• ''(11111\ltrlll ~ ''"I''• .... ,, hH· l•c•m h l'itkc•d ,• !t•t horth', ('r•-hi'tn. t .tt tld :tnd \1" J oh 11 ~~:uflt•JI '. I I'''"" h~ '\1:11 .' ~tpJfton""" 'rlw "tm:c d· 1 ;\!. 1 1 '1 •~1111i!l. !tun 111. V·1 ... 1 '1•·-J', .n.• ho~, c1 hat k-• 1•1 1 ... uh•n l ut 1111' t ':q111' .. 1'111 II' .. ;,,,~tit,. "'.tm<· o.dt•t•tlfJII"' .1 .. t hcJ .. • ~rnllld .r t':t\.1 ........ ch l tl.ll"l~\1 ·.~h "· ! ,,•~. :to!. \1\ I., (.1 t '•m H\e 1-th '~l·d .... \\~(1\llllll ~ ~~~~·}!;:"~'I ·''''·I' F Sc iiJ(o('•, l llf' , ........ 1,·,. ''"'II r ... t lw JWIIIol lli.,IH I' a t II 'L4 1'tollt ···'·I ~ ,.,,.,, ,.,,I'''" l t "·"''' Jc , .. , •• tt l.: '·•Ill 1 1 1.111 11 \\{'II' .•• a n• ,... . • , •. -\\II I I I I fl I I l)t•1,1 t 'lul. 1\\11 \\t •f•l, .. Jl l l'\ll •ll· r " • I I '\1 I \1 1 I ,. t I I . 'l('('t'l• l 'f 11' ;.:I .HI\\!'\ •'I . ,1\C' "tfh h ·t ,,; i't ('II• \\o .'!'nt'lt'll:• ,., .;,r '\' h• l'l.!iJllll! II II -I. 3 1ll 1 ~. 11 \11 ·''''llc ---- 10 f1l ''"t~• put,• 11 ·~ ' T, d (~,,a: lltl Ill ... C. 'H" I'• .. , Hh:.thm {)o~ .... \11 .11111 .\11 · ... Jrolt•t Jo. ~:tdllf• .. 20 R I t• A St ff • G t ~Ill r'I'HI ... It' \\, .... t•n• elf 11 ' I·:,,,., n! 1111· "w 'I• I •h: ... II 'ntl~ ~tX•n-,,, ,.,,d ,,, ... l{o•w t! ·~ ,, !:ill ..... ,,, e a tves re e ensen ues s SOI't't'l '.' C;1p F.. k''" 11 fl,, lt;md .... tl!t. I• ···ut ,llf • 11 I • • lf n~h\\'et \ ;illtl \)1~. li.!J'I~ \\ l 'l"h '\!1 a nd The auct1on of the N .!o~~~S ·-· n es last F rida y aft~rnoon was a \:1 .. ll.t• t ' \\'olrl••nlw•t g. \I t ;J il·l distre!SinQ affa rr. O n ly h a lf a dozen lndivtdual! "~r~ b 1dd1ng. and \I t~ .. \tl IIi. <. ';tn:mn o f 1 11',111 1.:1' they ..-·ere alo"' d~n ltory .1 nd 1u1te sp ritfes~ in tile ''av tt,ey went ~J t . and \t t~ Gf'Ot'f!f' L ="llnll o f a bout tt Most t rte •es~·,g tl'-1ng was the s in of the c r o"'d and t he Bl'\ l'tly H llb :\II. illltl \l r~. ,l nl' nature of •t A bC'ut 60 people were p resent in the front office of L StamJ1. the 40-year·old ne\\Spap~'· <1 bCl t e•g!_t of thefm wo7~". It was 8eaathy .\bo ~1 1 ~. I r f'nf' f lillt>l to dtstinguest' tho! ttc rde of ne wspa,., .. rcren r om t '~ awyers. o ,1 ,11.~ Ft ('OI? r)f F ullc••lun. occupc:t •ons account~d fo r th~ b u lk of the c rowd. . . .. . . .. . T h1 nt ""'fl.tl~ ,,. , 1 \,, 1, ":. ,,n a l1£l llU il:!l ~ .. , ~It tl\• ... p.•:1 t• on1·· ~nd '\II '· V\ tlham L_,~ngJ .tlll ~I 'I c' :c I 11;1111 ·~ I'• , ;, ,\ '"act .... thin 1.1 I'• <I···\' '"'''' to ld .c :tJHI . ;\!n .. r\. j \ IC<'llln . \lr .and :\It :. LP~Iil' ~t r ·ffc•nst •n t At ... o pt t...,f'lll \\Ill tx• hi!-moth . ,,1 21):1 \la t rg o ld \\t tl h 1\1' '"''''•" ,,, • .., 1-.~lll"'l ~H·t!<•n-..•n a ncl t.l- ll'lal.l\c'"' ''"'\ltHI tlwm cl ul'i n ~ tlu <HJ nl ltom \lw1 r·o\ia. M r .... ~11 <..'h t J'tllll ,... '' ('t'k<'aul. ,C hi •~I rna·· ( •I ah,un 11w' " all lw jom t>d Sur da:. ~II '. I H kt•NI \\ill lx· IH•J(' d el\ h~ t h t ll man~ Jf>la ll\f'" 11\i 1- l r"lll \lllliH'-..t)l,l. S ht· \\ill I)(' tncth '" ~~urht ·rn < • • .t tfot·ma Tht" 1 11~ h t•t hunll' in ~nut lw rn L'alifo1 · \\:t il 0.• ;1h u11 1 _'tl tn all lltii SltP ,.. :\l 1. S t<'fft•n!-t'n'l' ~11 s St1•f ft•n-..·n will ~t·t 't ;.!I ;rj'j(ll!l!ol hPI hUtft'l rllllfll 'l fH J lilt' ,1!11111[1 Jot a ''"' t hn .... r>' 1• T il• 1:1'\~•J , \\l'l t· plun.o. -1··~1< :t l\d llHh ll mor• !:\••lilt• Sl:•)()k. :\I t· ~mel :\1 1':- T)f'Oi'J• I C'U ... J(~cl.tn~ .. tf,,, 11•1 ~ 11111'-It ..,.., \\ h t• h ,..r" •p 1 h•·tt•'l' n i l S:t,]Jnp S 1 . l\11 :1111\ ~l n ... or \\Cl"k -tl, h :1 d• 1 . -\1:-tm t .Jt Hu1rJim: I• t lit• I'· I". ,, •'1.·d ·tt CO::!() OO•· ftn:tl h \\ ,, l.:.•d up 111 :\It·'· ;\II ;\ rl \1 t. .J L .J. L.lj Balboa Ciri'le Taxi ! TAXI Harbor 320 .'M :!.(I"I n •. n •ll•' "' :II• \\I'. ,., ... !! ... tla···· tlt••ll'~h· '"·'' tht .... \\:1 .. T F t ~01'1 ''''ill :1 I;"'" Ill !JI put··!ta'• C• ll \\til •m·til ' I lol\t ']h•· ommy OS er ••. hiddt• -.. \Jt ....,J h I•" l I ol I 11\\ 11 The Ens gr; has a ne ...-ad'.ert •stng man onlv 1t's a woman. cContiiHI•·d ll Hilt J>;tt:• 1 , Marnio re t F arnhilm l oke!. t-er neVI. JOb cmmensel) ~nd fe n ds meet tn q ~ • I ht OU )!hll\11 I Ill' t n ill•d ~~ .tl•'' the v~"aous me rctl;:~.,h tn thts loclltt) a pleasure t'\ 1'!1 g n••, ltJi o• \!t '''~' f 'n, ~ ''·'' • 1'1111 'TI\ )l:e.. ht•t''' :'\ f l t 't' ):t '1• • I\\ Jill''. fili i;~ II t'll ,.,, 111 tlh• PI •''' ( 'luh 1 hn·u~h .tl.1· ~ l'.tt ... l•1 '"' n c h' •',Illite!' l111'! chi il' ,\I'' Last wee'< '!h t' dt'C de d -;.,~ would attem pt t ? f all t h•· shoes of "cont;ao;t m an" for tnoa E ns1gn ·j ust for the fun of 1t .. To her amaz-:mt"nt s ·~ dt l>~.,v•rtd t l; 1 t ct ... as t:omple t~>l y e1JOV<ibl,. Ma r- gar~t li ~es peopl~ u a ""hole 3 nt1 ts p a o-t,cul a rt ~ e nt" ,c . st c about thas c,mpara ~~~.~:y n • ·' p a p t:''. ·Peop l£ are c e rt 3 cn l v r11c~ •n Corona ltlt I d11 • del ~1 r.'' sa •!. Marg~ .t •-fact. sht' 1d•es t !! p lac ~o W"ll tha t l"•Jl•·r •. t1•n !I'll' •. ,,11, ... she bouqh t ;, horne on -lJ• F er .. ;._:1~ t h os p a!t su m~ e· i , • 1, \: • '"''" 11 1 '"• 1.,. ,, 'I ,,,, • I " I II ,.. . l I , ........ , ... I ;:-... , .. J. 'h . I' . \\ '· : ' I I I ... 'I I lf1f'li'1C I' '"'I '''''I 'l'h· .1' I.~ ....... J:, '1" c ,, 'It• !.t. I • ..... ,, ... )till"' • 'I!• ...... • "'' . u ..: .... • · .1 "' 1. 1 h·· ' l , • ,,. • ,,... l( "" •"'" • t • • .nlnt.: l•1 1 I ! • t ,1 'l •• · ........ nll.•11'\ I , •. t t 1 .t t t'J.i 1'' · 11''11 lo '1,.. \\ali t :_ ~ • ' • I'·, !1 .. 1\ • 'If\ ': \ 11ll" I l'oiJ, llo. do'" I~> .. tht-... t:, ·n -t .. ot., •c1··d '"' \'•'l 11' 111\• '" '"n th1111.: COM C li nche r rlj fft l ' '11 II 1 I'\ 1 \ '. \~1 1' ,of 11 •'11 ~111 )II' 11 ' ;11 q!l.tll !••rl \\ tlh th1• f ""'-'" '··" •1 .. on 1\ 1 '"l · "' n,,.,, . nd 1111 111''1 dt.tllt ... ol ('(110 ,;, "' I \l.tl' ,p\d n.d hu. ( .. 1:11\tf c <Ill ~ 'lll'l'l '" ... h. 1 l l lln1 nn\\ on m t' '-'h1 "til lwh ".til I '"'ul <tnd i<lo':l ... 111.11 "til l wlp in a nv bu"lll'''~ · . '" · Down-)!<J-i ·o!-1 ... ti•'PI L :.:-1 ",,.•k'!' En:O:i~n hac! llw l·n ... , fut· Camp RcrK~-U w mt• I' <'tll'ljl t •• Tt•oo t l l i tad~ at ~1 )tl l'~U h T h1-: wn ... $2 too m 'lc·h .• nd ,,,.·, !l•~1 '" p:h:-t ht• ~:win:.! on t.• tht• llO, ... \\IW maltc.> thl' t p -------------------------··---- IRV \ GE RGE GORDON & SON (; E~ER.\ L CO~TR.-\CTOR CHRISTMAS DA Y Fru•t C uo C to •c ken M ush r~on-Sz _: C to~'·s Mcxed Green Sa J : Choic e of D ress r; ~.,1st Young Tom T u ,. !:• Rl)ast p .. ~~ Rebs of Be ef-A-.: J u ! C\"1• ·!"h i' B--ot led Fre5h Lobster-le-I)" Bt.tte r .. ' . Brotled Top Sirloin S~!3, Buttered Mush roo.-5 Comb1natton Seafo<>~ G - S callops o, ·•·u lf Soythern Fr•'!d Ctl : !"' Fr~h Lima Bean s Whipped Pot.31toes Cho ee of Oe-nerh COM~L.£T£ CHILDREN'S DINN£.-&, $1 .00 Corona tkl Mar llt •IJ,'L! 1lw ''-•• ,,.,,. T11'!'~ Fo "-1' 1 lwl •f'.l h t-. t•mlwtt h•d l'••1 •··~. Jh· \'.'t•l'l\l'tl tot t lu· A11n~ a CJVili;:tll. !<>•'I'Ving a~ J>4.'I'~On !H'I l'l1 pt>tYil'or f01 1 )w S''atllt• Pon .,( E mharka llon . H "a~ after· \hn''' years of this th:H he decided h~;> needed a ,·acation and camt> w the unshin<' ot ~ut lwrn Califot ni<•. 1lE' llle..all~ t.~u in IO\<' \\lt}· it at fit 1 sight. Tomm~ !'ta ~ Nl tn L aguna fo a a 'ear. \\riling fo r tht• South l'ua,·j X C'W~ a ml noi n ~ udtl job... 11 " 1 - •I,Pn !hill lw m.td•· UlJ hi ... ;,,in I 1 11 .• •·:• up h1-: 1•l;r1 l' in t '<li nn:• <'• · \! 11 T ht:" j, ,, '" 1 !t:1 t 'Totwn: • "1• •/ l ~t•• II' l ' .1 lit ;tl 111'1 til 'I • .lltHI,II ' I \\I I h·· h i .... "' •.. utr' \1'1" '' ~ h hwd· ,,...._ I !'t 'I· lJ•1:o l· fllJH' ltt•.t•iq:t 1111'1' 1'.! I•' .. tt •P ~<'1 1 ... ln t" '''"~'h J•.l !"' ld·u ·.·ll('" and j, .1 ~i"'i ,. •,, l ~ottnt.: and old !-I!'J I•• "~"'' T1 \ •111 11~ llfl\ :-; o f J '~tl'llllJ c :t•l \I,, 1. ,. :1 sc•l l ·:.q)1~"ln:.-,l pul11·1• tiPJ1.1 1 nw 111 l o t Tomm~. T lluu )!h 1 1l1•, :-:w.11·m in a nd oul. nu ltt!<>S Ut'I'Ut .. Tornm' i~ p:·ourl ot 1 hr" anrl ~:J ~ .. 'l ln\l' to h:\\'t' t lw loti~ ill'ulliHl. Writing il' hb final am hit ion I\ I prE>senf. however. ht' is dPrh ng intE>nS<' pleasu t·<.' fr om hi ... paintin~. E\·er~ Sunday lw join .... a ~roup of yo\jng a t·Ji~t s \\hn g, on E'itht"l s kE'tching or pa int in~ f'XJ)E'ditions . '1'hE' oth('r'S, Ol t rour.('. can r<.'all ~ paint." Tomm~ I 1:1lleh~ "but 1 do enjo~ t 1·~·in g.. I Permanent Plans Tomm~ FostPr·~ p<'rsonn lit ~ i:- 1 o nf' that <'\'E'ryo ne li kes. H<' t'"-· ud('l-happin('ss. kindn<'ss. a nd h('lpfulnE's". In t'('l\lt•n h<' is ~('t­ ting th<' happin<'S~· ht• it.. lonldng for. ··r do not cat<t.' for a fort um• but I want happiness anrt hav<' found it ~t her<· in Coron:l del \l ·tr ... Tomrn.,·~ f:H't' is ah\liYl- Hjl'\ sPriOUl' whe n h f' talk~ nf 1 hi~. "Tomm~ ·~ Shop" is <'Xpn·~­ ~h (' of l his ha ppi lll'l"S. :t nd tx ·· ,.a uge of t hil' . l'Ores of t){'O!>ll• a n• r'f'cJd y to "givt• Tommy a hand." H<' is th(' onl' son in a famih ot rwr· childr<>n·. His thre<• slstea:~ a•~ matTi('d. Ont' li\'<'S in Pan- ama. the 01 ht>r two ·liv(' in Seat- tle as do his pal'ents. Mr. and M1 .. Sha~ Foster. who at pr>e~l are \'lsiling their son h("t't'. They in · tE'rld to rt>main twt'e for montt\.1'. Bob 1-~t·ankUn . g~nlal maitre d'hot~ I of the Hw·Ley Bell Inn. u up and around again after betng P confined to quarters with an at· tack ol f'l u. 1 S er"ing Entire H.Jrbor A-~a -1-iiL'l'P. SER\"( ~ See • • • • • • • S FOR Cigarettes CiCJGrS Ronson· Lighters Smokers Ash Trays Evans LiCJhten Du Pipe Tobacco I We~r ~awr for thP Harbor F eaturing U NUSUA L STYLES. I \1PORTEO FRENCH B~tARS ANO DUTCH C'LAY • t Office Block Corona del Mar I Pmvthy Kind(•IJ h(•Jcl h(•r an plO)"'f't't; of hC'I u •t amtt· , .... l a hll .. tl nual Chr·1~o.tma,. pa11~ trw the m-rnPnt la~l Ft irt:.~ ns~h t . Rain , Wind Prove Madonna's Power Pt~\iOU~ hJ thP ~<111_\ Jl,IJllf,. \\'<'t'e dnl\\ n !m an PM:hanJ,!c• ,,f giftft and a m.n.imum "'a,. l ·t. The <.'E>t ami<· ~!'hop wa.• ... a ttnu· th ely c1(.'(-oralf'C't "ith the Cht i 1 mas motif ~nd a ~a) part) w~ hdd in p~{'\' of thP u!"ual wot k The h igh w ind •nd rain la&.t ~hop pro<'edut f ' 1 hat at'" · Thuf'Sd•y n 1ght 31most ~orked lht>' baS<'menl f! · on lfl havoc on the Chrcstmas Shrine 1' ut k<> r · 1 in Coron• del Mar : . ~ c tnn.-r "11 1 all 1 lw · tn miiiJ.r~ ''a" M'J'\('(1 fot a ll "m T he M3donn3, pa1nted by plot-'(>('S tinct "ll('~'"'· numtll"11 11,. Jo•n B randt. toget her w1th the ahout ;:; ).l('f>plt•, ,\ ( 'htlto.t rna~'-11 1; t""o t ree5 a t etther end. stood "nd m t·~tJ 1 ---' .. ~ P t_. ~··;~•-r~• unf' t'fU n••• up 1n d irect opposltton to the ()/ t h1• , fJ<Ir.l :\ft .1nu "'"· • : .. \ \!111 1 i n~t •. , : jCrown of fhe Sea Guests Celebrate ,-,,.,,n 11f ttw St•n _j{f'""taUttill \\ .... -.Jit• of a ht$! t 'ht ktmn~' I"*' 1 .:\1• nda~ night "11 h mu Jco and tf,l llt"Hlf! etllc1 d ftlll I'VUI'-1 lUI k1·~ ,I!IIJW I . ~.,,_, m c•mhe .... nt th(> THE ~N&CCN ~~&e 3 THU"IDAY. DEC ;3 1948 ~ph's Soda! Clut> and "£>1" thet'<' twldinf! 1 h(•JJ ~11 ·. and 'h 10. J. l f. P.s .:,.:--. :!11 E . Ha\ F11Jtll B: l hna J .. fM1d . <ttHl ddu~htr•t·, l ~·tl~ lt·f• Tut••.dct~ night ftu <t 'c!l'at tun 111 :'un \'.t l IP\', J <.l~n•J <tnc1 Clllt .. trr.a. sn ttw .. nm\. Ttu• l !tl-~' "ill '"' Jn J,l.dt" fttt .thuut 111 f1,,, ... Lnt~. \\hu ;.t- tt•nd.., tlw t 'nt\tt'-ti;. Hf H•'f'll,cn•l-. j .. lt.-ktnJ: t"'" at d tv I!Jt ... o f .. .._,. ~ut-... 1 . \1 I' I n~ I !' .1~~ .. I 1 j•Ol tl'(l d lliiU<tl Chd!-tmas pa11 ~. :\Jargar·et Fat nham sanR Jtt~h 1'-'Hl ~s. a nd t>\'<'1'~ one joined ld iPt \\II h I 'Ill ,..,1m,, ... IAhJ.•..._ \\•J • rl• danN"d. Best \\'ishes for t he a son • f I ,, .... \\ I I 11 -J I Have o Treof Tt;V LUNCHFON AT GA 'S i :)(> Ll ... ('HEOS ~PECI AL '• I I "II •· Jf t : • i I· • J· • • ''· ~ Wild wtnd•~ Morntng found the p•per •t the base torn •way. howe ver. and •·Merry Chrtst· .., .... lay face downward. Before noon •II w•s wen a g••n and the Shrine sparkled brtght •nd -new looktng tn the .Jfternoon sunsh1ne. Balboa J..,la 11<1 .u t' h~.·' tllJ.! h"u'• ,. guet-lf' O\c>t tlw <'hll .. tm."" ""''' ~nd. ~11 . c. net \!1 :-< ·t .. nwn1 \J,, I of M elht>u• n1 Au~ll'<i Ita. · Our F rienrls in Corona • 1d r c.nd Ba lboa Island I I , . RAGA 'S For Your Curl Vi's the G irl • 1103 Coast Htway Phone H A nr;lJ Corona rtel Mar Season's Santo Has Troub le A big t ime was h•d W ednes- d•y night 1n Corona del Mar. A party was g e..,en for the l1ttle c stizens of the Communtty a t the church. Santa Clau5 was there 1n a b rand new su1t and added mernment to the eve · ning of fun. The grown ups had 3S much fun as the ch1ld ren. only 1n a dtff erent way. M 1rth was occ.a 5ioned O\fer the dtfftculty of f 1'nding 3 su1t to f•t Santa. Somehow or other the two d•d· n 't seem to go together . E•t her S a nta w•s too b ig. or the •uit to o small. As Sant• usually does, he m3de the su1t ftt. O nly a skeptic w ould uy that it w•s 3 d ifferent m an who cl1mbed into the new su1t-the s uet grew. that 's all! G reetings From LA YGRACE \ \Vi shing a \·cry ~lerry Christn:a~ tv All un Balboa I lat~d and in Corm~a <.~c) :\Iar DE N A. KEPH T (iE_ "ER.-\L co~·TR . CT R 410 32nd St. Karter :.;sc-J :."!: -.r ort B~ac.h to Our Friends on the Island ar.d in Corona del :\Iar COX & KEE~E 'S UNION SE VICE Sf Park lind M arine A \.t., Ba 't:ea !~land • ION Harbor 1391 ·I I' Sount COAST MATERIALS CO • SPECIFICATION READY MI XED COP.,.Cr;E-E Bucon 5346 ' • ' l It, r,t: • ~ I f • 1 • .. " I Between N ewport ~nd H arbor Blvd . on Wtl•on A .~. Co ~oa \h!~ ... \ I I L \J \ P. F ancy Roast•ng Hens 62c Lb. Long lEland Ducks L • J O E 17t h St 6 uc.on 62JP-W COSTA MESA'S f\EWEST LU MEE C\ ',.,c;:> \"E.\R t:~D CLE .\R .\~CE ROOFJS(; OF REDWOOD S I D I NG R EG SF F\EG. S PECIA L ... t-.;go, S5.85 )( ~ Novelty . i i 20.00 s 90.00 T ... c "'-Butt \7 45 $65 ~ )( 6 Novelty ~120.00 $90 00 1 )( 8 Chane'f ~.00 $1 ~5 00 -5 "'b \2 30 $1 .6 ... 1 )( 12 Chane I 1220.00 Sl 7!> 00 5~ "'b $2.60 s1.sc. 1 X 6 v Jo1nt $17'5.00 i l45 00 ·c. "b S2 89 1 8 v Josnt Sl75.00 $1~5.00 t -X " 12 v J o1nt S220.00 !175 .00 ~ "b !3.\5 $2.5 ' T hue pn«• gocd only at ttme of w c \II> •th T h s Ad . From De-c. 22nd to 2'9 t._ OPEN A LL FRO M 0 -11 30 1Freslt Vecjetclbles I Staple and Fancy and Fruit Groceries C:.!c " cv's C:.t'<untr1 Cranberry Sauce 16c Celery 10c Lb. Lettuce F ancy Grade "A" Nortt'1~rn 19c Turkeys Swift Pr~meum S l•ced Bacon 72c Lb. One-Half Lh. Pac~aoe OtanCJeS 10 Lbs. 2Cic Yams, 2 Lbs. 17c · Camttbell's Tomato Soup 2 cans 19c C:. f~~, c:.,ow " F roz~n Baby Lima BeCIIts 29c Specials for Thursday, Friday. Closed Christmas Da y and Sunday I an It's an ideal time to wish for you all th e good things in life. PETIT VILLE 521 Co:aat H tghway HIDY' PET SUPPLIES i 217 Coast Highway Harbor 2332-W Harbor 1293-J We're delig~ted to extend this holiday {Jj greeting to all our friends . HARBOR PAINT and APPLIAN E CO. 21 9 Coast Highway H.rbor 2020· W • -"~ the Spirit of Christmas unfolds itself over the oountrygide, we add our greetings and best \\ ishes of the season. LES and eERN,£-L VNN 3tnd J£&&1£ ROW ,. OF THE SEA RESTAURANT 1017 Cout Highway Harbor 1536 SERVI NG CHRISTMAS DINNER KUACY'S FLOWER SHOP 405 Coaet Highway Harbor 1621 .~ .. ~· • • • VAN HOUTEN'S CLEANERS 21 7 Coast Highway Harbor 2020-J ROBERT L. BOYD INSURANCE 1211 Coaat Highway Harbor 2242 Dennie' Re taurant 1107 Coast H ighway H arbor 172 MARY and DENNIE , Once again. a• the glow of the holiday .-son eo~..dofa the~~·..-a 0. 64end1lel& ....... ............. wtlhel tor • Jo,- Yuletide_.._ Benedict tbe Sign Man 427 Narcisaus Ave. Harbor 87 lAMES D. RAY GENtlftAL CONT"ACTOft A H.....-Mt.:W 11tl CMIIil .._..,._., H!"'Mr 1441 SCHOFFSTALL PAINT STORE 4&07 Coast Highway Harbor 2141-W 1211 c BKOOKlNGS VARIETY to3 Coast Highway TOMMY'S SHOP Post Office Block Harbor 2380 14 15 C , GAYLON'S BEAUTY SALON 609 Coast Highway Hubor 1526 1415 CANNON'S FOOD CENTER 1103 COIIIIt "~ ......... 1,. ····-- • As the wonderfu~ star-erowned story I of Christmas moves once more through our lives, there is no one of us who is not conscious or the inexpressible divinity of the season., It is a time to be gen- . ~rons, a time for deep happiness, a time for neighborliness and good will towards all PATIO MALT SHOP Hart)or 475-J YERINGTON'S STA'l10NERS Harbor 19~-" O'BRIEN'S PECIALTY SHOP Highway-Birtdler Bldg. Harbor 2868 liN~«~ f.utu., ,;t/, tl~ttbtf tltiJ , .. , .... .J IH' tt 41y 1/~tf to ~ « \m oJ lt «IL Ulr ~ \ tfru C?ltrl~tm«J jot fD" \~ urHlt h«ppidt IWt. ' ~ ~. . RICHARD PLEGER ARCHITECT Highway-Birtcher Bldg. Ha rbor 278 • * -J.t All fhe fragile ~uty of a snowfla.ke symbolize. this shimmering season of joy and happiness. May ... OuWtmas ~ the 1n01t joyous o( them aiL VI' BEA'CT'l. BOP 1108 Coast H •hgwa y H arbor0533 BILL'S • :\l.TO l..,PLY 215 Coast H tg hw a y H arbor 2296 Handicraft by HARWOOD Cout H thgwav at Goldenrod Ha rbor 0781-W ...... wtll·wile ....... If 111. If t ts • llijliFS. IIABBOR PROTO lAB.. 817 112 Co-.t H lehway Hartlor 111a.W • .. DOROTIIY KISDELL'. ~Coast H tgh~~~>a)' C ERAMIC S and GIF'TS "'1 Ccast H ighway ( ARDOZ.\ G.-\RDE .• MRS H CARDOZA SLOAN 503 Coast H•ghC!vay P:\CWIC HE.\ Tl! .G CO .• I . ·c· . 1709 Coast H tgh~~~>a~ ~-o~.arbor 1732 130t Coast H•ghway . , .. . j 'j··, /r:l~~ --~. 1948 -. ·-'I ' ....... .,_-~ ... . 1 '\..l .i_,l~~:ll t l i.· '"'TODD.\RD' PATIO ~HOP 1505 Coast H tghway ~~·~~ JuSt b 1 ini.te. we • aA flejors aNI r•esat chill- hood as we behold the brijiJ ..... .., ..... ci 1hetaes*led~- P£'fE, 808. HAfUilY and A"T 1020 Coat Hitf\way .. l .... .... Letters Published w~sl)• !or ~mts of Coronn del Mar and ~a leo land 01 fit'(' at 1101-0 st ~h- I ENS IG N \\•nttm coanmurucati to 1~ Ensl&n should ~ar name dd"'.CSS of tM wri \ f' r. Subecrlption rates Dn<' Y<'3r " a' Cot'Ona d 1 1ar. ca.ut. Phone I Jsrhor F . F . Allen. JJUbll twr: .: l<'h":t RUf', social t.'d.1t or. Current Comment On Christmas Time By a Democrat "Oh God, what blessings my ' t., count11 men do enjoy . From Thomas Jefferson o~ the occasion of Christn1as in 1783. By a Pastor "No Christmas should be ob- ser,·ed without ~ing dedicated bv your con1ing to the House of God. This day and this season which has become time of spread- ing cheer and "the Christmas spirit" is of no significance a part fJ ·om t he Christian religion. It is trulv Christ's day. Let us wor- ship ~together and pray for ··Peace on earth. good \\·ill among men:· that it n1ay become a re- alit v.'' -From the Ne\\-pol1. Harbor Six month. Thrt"C? month~ By a fireman .. The candle for Christmas is still taking its yearly toll of lh·es and property. It is found on Christmas trees more rarely eY- ery year, but it is still used un .. \Visely in many places during the Christmas season. Open flame lighting is entirely out of place unless you set up your candles and lamps ,,·ell a\vay from Christ- mas trees. ,-..·indow curtains and burnable decorations, ha\·e a fire extinguisher handy and then keep constant ,,.a tch o\·er them. Such . precautions are not needed for the equally attracth·e electric lights made especially for dero- r a1 ion. "It is important that your Christmas lights be in good con- rlition. A short circuit in \\·orn \\'iring might be sufficient to start the tree burning. Sets bearing the label of U nder\\Titers Labo- ratories ha ,-e been tested for fire hazard and are safe ·· c Continu 'CI fa-om Page 1' ·t'll) .1nd hS,:h ma a t 10:00 an hllt h d ltln.·ht"S ChrJ~t mas mm-n- t'ho\\ n and accompanil"d by a t'f'· In,: . ~'OrdE'd ~~lauat ~on-A play '~.-a~t Chl"i!>l '-'hur('h "' 1 hP ~N\ .md {'nactl"d bl thP ~.oun~ gr~~~ "11 ~ lht• 1!<\lhcl,t 1 ~lf4ntl Cha~·l ''ill join J"arrat ion hy \\ altc.'t Bl~lr · Th( fot't~ dudn.: 1 h(• Clwl"t m14~ • t:>a· pia~ was I)()IU!IOJ"f'd h) ~hss Mar) m bot h twm , r•f ~1t•t hu<ti!'t tie-Brown. and phmo a('('()m t'<lnimt>ont sc · -1. t.: ''as pla) ed b) ~1arga.J-et H ack t't t. nomrn:t mn. Sp~i~l Cof'fesston~ls Choose Topts • .:\ '1\{'t:t.ll ('IHt.-.1 a' h '<d Ut,• ~ant a hims~lf ~~~a.s-cd. ~ all wa.!~ J!i\ <-n \\·ror.£ .. da) ,., .-nm~ ·'' t•hilrlr't'n "<'t'(' l•tff(t•ntt"d w tth .. 1 .1e1 •11 c;of)d \'11 H til undt•t· t h~ fllnf':' h~~ uf ('.tnd) Carol!~ \\C't-.a dil'\'t•tion elf l\1 t .. L·ttl Sh•twhack .;;unl! 10\\aarl lht• t•nd of thr t'\t' a.n \11!--Erl J; ,.. A "l'ttf?s of ntnR. l<lhll'.n" "~ ,. ..' '" n d<•ph tin~ Tht• t".tthnlh: <'hun·ht• un B.1l tht• Ch1 i~tma ... ~ • !~nth t'hoit· lx•a <ind Hath~~., bland..,,,. hil\tnl! .1o11wd m lh<· 1· •11".11 •'"}l('t·t~ r){ $JX't"tal t•u n f•''''"nals .u1d nw.s!':<'" 1 h•· c•n lt•a taanrnPJ' l • •hll•'. lhUi \\t>t'lo.t•n~..t Tl t'IC' \\ltl tw • • "hn-:m~a~ ria) Th<'J c• "ill ht• a ~l)('('lal t'Onh>40 >-t•a·rr.n1, hut a·,. "I 1 1 tw 1 c-;:ulaa·. • '"na.l fo•· he duldt't'n .tnd th<' ~·h<'\iull'd Sumh• ,•·rmon h~ R<''. a).!t'd Fttda~ rnnt nlng In:•m 10 00 Pf'nc1dl H i-. .. t· ·71"11 .. R,.tua·n In II no. Tht· Balhoa l"(')!Ul.u \'Oil· frtllll U\•1 h lt•h<·. dt•pi<-1... tht• k--.'-lonal Im .Jil ''til IM• fa"'m :l.:lO \\"i"• \kn cl(•p;.l · ·• rrom Ht'lhl•"· In t\()0 anti ta•om 100 IO ~.(1(1 ht•IT' IOOIIWI"\\1 J-,lfl,n .. \1St .. lnhn \"aannt'). Bal fh1•1,. \\Ill hf· •"1\lt"l' 1·1 ri,\· h ... , l:-l.•nd. 1-e~ul.u· t·on fl'~ston tot· ma ... ci.n .ct tlw t • t ... tt .. n :-:;1 t~·JH.'I' t'\('J~one fttlm ~no lu ;, 30 and l'lll ",,· hut .• I ~·Ill Sundd~ !tt•m 13fltn9·0U hal-t\(•t•n ... d1c••t 'l\l'clll'\'.! ..... ,,,, .. h•· da~ ;tflf'l ull>t\. : \\1 I .... he•lrl ·r hl· I"''"" \\I I '"' Tlh'!t' \\II \'f" a lu" m., ...... tl .. ,., llt.•l :-:;,11'111' · # B~· Frank Junkin. 11~ ~~ 1 ht' h tJ.! '' ~·k o f thr \\ t" .. tart J:('tltng our rtl<ttl 1l'· Presbyterian, by ReY. Thomas M . Gibson. From the Nev.rport Beach Fire Department. _ \t ..tt for had~ anrl adult!' alik<'. l1\1 11'<1 Januaa·) 1. so ('\"C'r) hPU:"\' 1anrl \\(' h(-)'(' at t h~ n ·oWI\ Hard th .. t \\<\nt~ th(' n<'\' mail dl'l:\t'l) \\<41"' h,l\t' ht'<'ll IC'.tlh hu~'· ttlll"l h;l\\· a ma11 ~n, DONALD LEBO with Ben J. Whitman Company REALTORS N ew office at 400 Coast H ighway, Coi"'na del Mar <Formt'rly \\ith the Tavrm Company) H .-\ (; L I X G . . . . Lon Di tance Local LARGE OR SMALL JOBS GIVEN SAME CARE "'We Move W it h The World., 1962 HARBOR BLVD. Beacon 5538-J LO .~ .. S $5().00 to $1,000 :~ SALARY AUTO • FURNITURE or ot her personal property "QUICK SERVICE" 0 T CITIE LO ... T COMP 2305 CO.AST B LVD. Newport Beach, California c Next Door to Tel. Harbor 2638 .. J B .~LTZ MORT .-\RY SERVING TilE HARBOR AREA Chapel By The Sea Harbor 42 410 COAST BLVD. CN··m~ del :\tar ( )ff '~~'< ....t Park ing SUBSCRIBE TO THE Yt .. )Ur nPw aftcrn n<>w-.papt•r Fnr Homf' I")(• It\ t·l •. Phorw DICK KANOLD. D ist ributor Harbor 425-W IMPORTED TOYS M NOTARY ~U8UC MIMEOGRAPHING ADDRESSING TELEPHONE SERVICE E. Harbor 1210. Corona LOUISE W . SMITH New York T eacher of \r oice • Piano Sight Read•ng I mprovia•ng in Corona del Mar. Ph. H ar. 2898-J COLLECTOR'S rrEMS c. HOBBY &. TOY CENTER Corona del Mar I 1 ~13 Coa-.t Bl\d. \VHITMA.N'S SERVICE Re boring Shaft G rinding I Gene ral Repairing 24-Hour Towing PETE, BOB, HARRY AND ART Master Mechanics I 10~0 COAST I IIGHWAY C'ol'ona rlel ~1ar HARBOR 441-R HAMPTON'S REXALL DRl.G P R E S \ R I P T I () ~ S E R \. I C E HARBOR 2535 619 Coalt Blvd. Corona del Mar \ R. J. fit U F F M ~ N G EN&RAL BUILDING CONTRACTOR RESIDEXTIAL €0MMERCIAL RE. IODELl~G TIM T -PL"" ER\ 708 Jasmine A\·c., Corona dell\lar HARBOR 1971-R E · · \\"f' h:nt• t>f,,, .... th<tl ;ot• .tp· ThE't't' cUE' qutlt> cl f<'w appli· lJtmf"d h) thf" p , ... tl ~parlmt'IH anl't'S lt"ft. ho\\"t"\'<'1". ;wd stilt at a nrl ;~lsr• h;t, E' ,,,u. e numhf'r~ the hig disrount li~UI'('. ahhough "hkh a a•t• Yis ihle· 11 'lnl 1 h_,. ~II'N't. \\"t' han' ~ld pll'n\ ~ n f them th \\'~ han• a gon 1 "fl•''Y rm· ho:\ lat't l\\O ".l'<.'k~. 1'Nfttil~'mcnt s and ~"t>\ slot~ and J u:-.1 think ~ A full ~lze -ft. t'('· a m<ttl who will c c..·nr out l'o ~om· fl iget·ator b) one o f the hig na · hou~,. to '""tall • twm .• Just ... ·all llonal manufa<'tUJ"'f't·s, \dfh a !uU J :arhor 1:tl :Hl(l ·.u· '·'ill l:tkt> t"al t' ~<'ar·~ :!UatantN.• fot· S235. or a 6 · ol tht• u•-.t . ft. l)('aul~ fot· onh ~1~.:;. .\ ,,.1, \lf'l l~ C ht!,1m.•~ 10 \O I \\"h:ll Chttslrna~·t-',("'f'llh tht'"" ..... \\ IIJ lllolkt': Mall Box T 1mc ~ \wlr!•t'll' .u .· ... till" II'\\ 1.uli•h \IRV H~RDW~RE 11 m.11111ll).! 11 h.~t ,.:a Ill p1 h , ..... Th1... €25 Coast H lghwtty ... ,,)t • ol •Ill I'· \\ II h I )H' (!)..., '0\llll' Harbor 232 , ... Inn t•·rnpl !ll:.! In l)!lllll r•. GE~ERAL HCILDI::'\"' t. ~-:-R.\C'TOR , 711 Gohtenrod Ave. Harbor 1251-W s. Linoleum · Til~ o. ALL TYPES OF FLOOR COVERl~GS tnla1d Linoleum, ~tandard anti Heavy G~uges--Asphalt Tile-Rubber T i le- Cor" T ile. All labor and material guaranteed. Free est:imate-12 yea~ experience. 13.5 E. 17th t., Costa Me ·a. Beaeon 621()..\ Ch~istmos Greetings to All Our , Friends on the Island and in Corona del Mar co~ ROOFI T OF . LL TE • 1825 Orangt Ave., Cotta Meu Beacon 5604 - L ast T ime5 c;;~t . Dec JOH 1.1 '\.11 n -\RRY Fli/.LFH,\LP '1Pi'\TY \\ (I( 11.1.1 '\ II' ".lis-.. TatiO<'Ii·~ MiUion ~" Mon. Tuea. Dec. Starts Saturd<~y. Xmas Day HlfA li\)\\I IHfll Cl }'"\ Ft •I! I • "Th(• I...o,·~~ o f Carnutn •• t o All .. \lt . ;mr• \Jt ... T I:. f~t ... «•h.l t! "'" ·~ll ('f•IJi n, .\\r• J:.d lu,, J,l.ll!r' :\oo ... \• "I I h I: II '" I I \ :?o\ s ... 1phu ,. .tllr•nde·d •h•· .\nnu.,l .\I 11 11 111 • 1• ( 'lllt~lnl.t• I ),IIJo·f', 'IU•Il'-411 t•d h \ I· :.orl•' "' t 'lut ... l I Ill' S·trll ,1 \ 'l:t ,IIOllltl ( 'ullt'!!l' ,,, 1d .tl l ito• II 11111111, fiJI ;\le " .•1 1!.1 " 1\1'1· 17 L t I • \J.ttl t ,~ .... ( hCIJ •I "I . ',,., ·: I l: · I. I>" I J.unt• ... ~-.,,, I• "'''" ''ll 111 1 :.•td\lt• ]. ...... :--:, .. ,,,.,, .... •ol .,.'' l • I -I"''. I• 0\,ji""Jd • \u::r• ltrtf•, 1 '11'''"1\1 -. . . '" I. l~!r. , ••• ,. II 'II• t,,, Ill t\ ,..,. , .. •11 I i I. 1 .. ,. , • I • ,, I . 1' I • '. ! I I I • tit, II' I • \ o t'IIIIJ •• f\n1 oth·. K r:1dc·1 \\Ill h,l\t' hc•t \I t·'! \!r -. 1;1 l'• l'o•tll·• '711• It l.t' ;tnd h t.•t "'II 1n Ita, .\\c· .,,,. h.n :•'!.: i t 'l:t: .. rt· •.• ht•'t••' !1 ,,,, ~"l't'flla "\ \J . ~t lht•l"lll~' 'I•-~~·•t "' lht •IJ l ~•n•c 1 1'111 th• t 'l'tl•'rn.t ... ht~tl<l,l '' T'•··~'l'h,-. •" '"•· r q-.r l:r~lt· '''•" t,,, S<tlo·ll'·l,l\\ )1,&\ rol .\llph•g,tlt · lla .. •I. ,.,.,. I • • -.;r 1 t 'II ; I \1 , l.t'\' •llr•rul:n:: Jl, ~~·~H•I cd ,tlw\ • •• 1 I '! c •I ;• • 1 ,, :\fin<' .. tiH't •'. l"'' I • ..... :I I I. "l'rl il' \ ,, \ I \lr!-. (.,u .. l''"'• 11 _'Ill, l'i' ,r· '· , ... \ • I' lt11!,, '\ 1 .-\\P }; '"'" ) .. ot11d '"" •'.ru.:• I \t \ · .. I ...... :. -I ·•.:t I • I II.· \'c •' h t ' ~ I; dt !t \, I I I ' ,.·, ,, ... • , •• , \ 1-.ll " • tl h \.I • It . ' . ,, \ .. I I \.I I , I \I I . .... \ ' .. ,.,,·;1'1 d.ct:.:ltl ! ..• I, t:.c. \I .\ · .... I" ·, I• ll' ·,., 1•11 .. I ,., .. ..:• I I Tl· I· \ I • '· .-.' ' \,, \ y I' ' \'. I '' t'l I I dl I ' I I 1 I o llo '\ \. \. , ... ,. \\ ' I" . : 11 • I I I' \11 I' I \. l' I'' ,-.. ' . '~ ' \ • t :, ',: •• •11 i, ,, 'l t • r •• • ~~ • • , \\ , •,.. 1 'II ' •• ,. ·.t \\.1 '•I ,. , .. ; I!'• I' I I • ' • ~ • ! 1 ~. tt \\·a t ... ' 1• 1 H , 11 • n 1 1 ', ... • • z , • ._ • • \ J • • , \ i ... I tho• fa··r!i!tl'' •ol II.•· .l1•· ell 1 \'1 :.:. J: • • 1 It .t'l 1 \1:-. J!.,b-j Club in 1."'1!.: J:,•:t\'1• n11 "''"\'II I:":" \It :•11rl :.l t· '''"'"'' I-' \I• l.1't •11.11 t1 \It .mrl :\!1.. I 1\ l•• I·,, I :\It o~nol .\i.... '"'lit t. "'lllll F \" H.t)...:tll~ 2'1.! .\J.!.II•• l ~ttllwo • h.land a 1 t• ''lllt'l· 1, l'!!~' \\"t!-riom Ba' ~IH11 , ... ..., l<tinang \1 •... R.tgan·~ p:te.•nt.... ._ . . :\1r "net \t I 1 "'t r . ' \\ ho ·~ homt> from l ni\C'I~ll\ 0 1 • n I ' -· -· ,.._ I .l \\ ll I nr , S I h ~ 1. f Al'<'<H"Ii<l .. , ( 'ht i~l m.l ... n ,l\ Th·· ~ou (') n t. a I Ol'lllci (>111<'1 taanl'd R I I h I) 1 l'llllll'' ~II It H•nd-. 11\'('J I h(' \\"(•t•J.; .t;_!Clll .1'1'1,\ \\I !!fl If• I t' '"' I I ... '"' 1 ·'' '' 11 : .• '1'1' ,.... · '''' -\mon • "I liH\ !1 lo·-.lclt'lh'l' I 1 \1 t' ltiJ:t I he• 1 • ' ,... I lh1"'' 1'(''''111 \\I'll ... .\• ,,bt•JI,. Ln ( ·'' ( .; 11\\ d ( ·;,1 1 ..... ,_, ... · 11 I •:l•'' ~ l" •,-.. '· •· o! Ptilnc- I! I 'I 1•'· I " ... l' .. ·tfll•·' • \\ I ~Ill .1 11 I \\I ho• llt:.:l• !'111 •I col tf t• ~~"'·' \ • \I "" aic \\I -.Uo't l l'd l'nt'· d I E. '\fl .. \\ootllt\ ~~~·~ !' t 1opf !II' I ~a l h, • 1-.l.r 'l I Fo r· FONT A A PLU lNG D \\. STO~E . ";r 1731 Newport Ave .. C :1: 1 1\1 ~s:1 Beaco" ~1 .. Season's Greetings t o Our 1\lany Customers on the Island and in Corona del Mar NEWPORT AUTO W A LTO REPAI R and SERVICE , 2~ JOt h 1\ ... p.:: I t s -: .. Merry Christmas t • .\!1 Ou! Custom ers o n t hC' I~.2.1d ?. !:d in Corona riel ~Ia 1 HI.,W A Y GARAGE ()ffkial G a t age 11[ ~·•u tl w ru ( :1 Jitnr ni:1 .\nt onluhi'•· ( luh C i:ri ~inl a .... Grl·C'ttngs t n .-\!: AL'S HOOSE and AI Powers. Est. S1nce 1922 Cap~ts. Rug~ II H ou lean in 372 Bay CIJri sf 111 as CH '*' ., . .--- ; ....... ' . \ o· -· i ' .. \ ·r ,. ~~-· • * . , ... . \. "')' l . .... ;l'erCl Greetings A ll Your Fovorif e Bra nds t o All 0 ~·. "ron ~ ctel l\1ar ar.-Li 's rs B~ -., '. I -.I:tnct Ft iencts Delivery Service ES C. 100 Suvtew Ave. H011 rbo,. 1 157·W ' .. • Charter, Taxes chartered cities in the ltl.000-20.· •)Ot) population group (Q)ntinued from P g~ tl Comparable rates of the char· ti 11 annually pre -e n t.: what it tered dtie-ln Newport Beach's \~rms n "adjusteii" ta ~ chedule populatton classH1cat ton follO\\ iu whlch (\llowance ~ made for Alban) 2.01 25 ttae wtlh high assessed valu3· Chtco 2.09 \~ and low tax rates. and tho·e Eurelll.3 2.08 with tow valua tions and M a,.ys~•lle 2.076 )ligh tax r.., t~. On this basis the Modesto 1.9575 ¥ate UOC41tN to Newporf Beach Monte ret 2.13 $1.37. which ts 50 cents lowe r N ap~ 1.725 t._lln t he average ta rate of the . Piedmont ~ .75 Redondo Beach Redwood C lft Salinas ... Ventura . San Leandro San Luis Obispo San RafaeJ Santa Clara .. Santa Cr.,._.,. . Santa Rosa .: Tula~ .. Visalia ..... Waltonville 1 .~7 2.264 1.50 2.575 1.10 1.SH5 1.4125 2.031 2.525 1.7. 2.03 1.971 1.75 • Roy Mantz. son of Paul Mant-z. THE .,_.SIGN Page I Balboa Island. ls home for a 15 THURSDAY, DEC. 23, 1M3 day leave from Pensacola. Fla.. wher-e he is tralnJng to be a naval • flyer. Roy will return to Pensa· MOTHERS HELPER o r other cola on th~ 2nd of January and helper. 27, experienced. good remain unttl next Septembet· at which time he hopes tp gel hls wing . Qulhc~ Cass. Cqt•ona del Ma r . Is home for the holidays ft'Om the University of Ca lifornia. hand aewer, typlst. wishes any klnd of work. part or full time, anywhere: sleep ln or out; $1 hour; New York refet-ence. Please call Hbr. 2871 -W aU week. .. ... . ••