HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-01-25 - Newport Harbor Ensign• --l"'le ~T ........ ---EJbl.:.c Li br~.ry l. ~---........... POeT AGE Pill co .... *I ..... c.al . • Thunday. January 25. 1151 CORONA DEL MAIL CALIF. Art<"l ·a l<'mtlh~ dl <.'U'SlOn AI th" nnual m('('lln!! l:t' Thur~da~ C'\<"nin~. thc ,·o:1crt'~llt1nn nt tm' Cor1lna d<'l ;\lnr C o m m u n 1 t ~ I Chllllll \\C'OI Pll l'('('(ll'cl ·•' ;'111}11'11\• m~ thf" p:'t»J>cls·•l '" • nl.u ct •t.f chUI'\411 h:. h111ldm . a d d 1 1 1 c• ll ~ l <.'la"l'IICtnl" anrl .1 n• '' P!l~ ,r1m Hall. Tht• ~~~~" t':tll !<" 1 '""·'lory <''Cic·n~ion o• tl ,. ,-ai· por11on nf th<' church. nnw lh<' 'nt'IUlt h• nn ·thl• north ~idt•. und I'Oil..,llli<.'IJ"n of a out -~lro~ 1'1lcrml Hall <''-ltnd· m .. to\\ard tht• ~ld(·\\Aik. aJ..,, on t h7• north l'ldt• Clf tht' prC' <'Ill .·anr · I lll\1'~. Arch1U'Ct fun mond K<'nt Har· \'e\ describt'd · t~c prt'hminary plan~t_ that h<' had l?rt>parcd. ~ Th<' addition wouJd PI'O\"Id<' about ~.2(1(1 1 Continued on Page 11 l "M,\S 0 1'' Tilt: l K o\R" ROB CALLI~ Ill -.hown ht>rt> ~in~t <"on~o.rratu· l:tt<"d b~· Roltu ltl \\'rl~th t. ont~toln.c prt>,.Jdf•nt or thP :'\""por t lbrbclr ('h:•mbf>r or ('orr.mf'rC'f', Ill thl" UftftO.'ll lllt'f'llllst l:t..,t F rfilil) f'H 'ftiJIIt at the• BaJboa Ba~· Club. ~bown bn f', ... tandin a: lt>h tn rll('ht. Arf' r om ~ortOII. thf' ftt'W Jlrf'tlldPnt of t bt-ha mbt>r; Mr. W r'lr:ht, Mr . ()alll!l, a nd Hay l .anl(t•nht'lm, f'~o'<"uth·f'·!W"("rPhtr~·. ~f'at4'd at tht> rla:ht Is Mrs. Wrl~t . (photo by BHknt>rl Robert Callis 'Man-of~Y ear: 1 Th(' honor award or "~1an of Community Cht>st. w htch topp(>d 'h<" Y<':lr" "as present<'d to Ro-its $17.000 quota b~ 25 per ('("nt bt'rt L Calli of Corona <k>l MAr in th<' Funrl On\<'. ="<'" por1 "a. J. c. !Cliff\ Lionbargcr. o"n<'r at the annual Chamtx?r of Com· th(' first cit)· in th<.' stall• to • 'C· of Ct•own Ha1'dware Co., was t'k-<'t· merct:o dinner at the Balboa Bay <X'NI Its quota. ed as the n('w pre idl'nt of th Club Frida~ C'\"<'ning. Mr. Callis. "ho Ji\·<'s at i l Jas- Corona del Mar Busin ll Assoc1a-H e had bet'n cho en for that niine AH'. in Corona <k'l l\lar and tlon at a m('('ting of th~ Board of honor beceUM-or hi $Ucet'S.ttful is a Crt'ncral P~roleum t!t'aler for Dh'<'ctors ~t> u~rday noon at ("r<'n<'·~ lt:'ad rship of lhC\Newport Harbor this ar<'a. is a memtx?r of thf> R('staurant. • ' board of dir<>Ctors of th<' Chambf>r Other ornc.-rs art' Arvo E. B:.a•id Slpal 1..& past pt't'Si<k'nt Ol the Rotar~ Club ~-apa. publi<>her of th<' Newport ~ ~~ :md a<"hn• in ~ponsorsh1p or Bo:. CUI " d Seou t activit i<' . Harbor Ensi~n. \Ice--president. an Noon tomorrow tFriday) has More than 300 P<'I"SO" attt>ndt'd H. L. Hetrick. cas hier of the New-been set a the ti"!'c for the n _rst the annual mC't'llng. wht'r"t' th port Hubor Bank. S<'CN'tar) • tes\ or 1 ht> local 1ur raid warmn~ 1 ContinU<'d on Pa.g~ 8 1 trca urer. siJ:naJ, 1t 1s announced by Carl 1 _ _ , The Board or Directors inclu<k'ti Hanna . deputv director of civil de-Licenaes Are Granted the following. In addlt.lon to tht' fense. I three officers: Don Kirkpatrick, First to be tiOW\ded will ~ the City Council totranted the fol)D" • radio an4 ttolevlslon eervice ~ Fred Red ~rt. which Is of th~ min -ing liCt>n&t"S Monda) e\-ening : Stoddard. OWMr of Stocldard'a Pa-ut8 duration and consists of flue· To Jack DuJgnan of 220 Garnet tio Shop; Velma O'Brien, C)'NMI" of tuatln~ or ~'8rbling signa.la of A \"e., Balboa Island, to operate a O'Brten'a Spedalty Sbop. and OH-vamna pitch. ThiS wtU be fol-commt:ordal canning k!tcht"n at wr .......,... .. owner of Broom· ~'by the WhJte all clH.r: a 505 29th St .. N"-port. lleecl'a Sewiftlllachlne Centet. lf'l'ls of three ateecl)r onH'ftlftute To D. J . WhMton of 136 S. Bay A IMtllnl ot tile Dlncton wu biMta of the wNatlt, tntaa...,._. Frortt. Balt.oa taland .to OOt'T&tt" c.Ded tor .at Wedlw;I•t¥ J)OOn by llleftt Pd'fc* of two mlnuta thf llutDe C.feteria at 30'7 Ma-to ...._ t1w! 1151 Jlr'CIII'Uil of eedl. nne Aw.. fort'Mr' location of 1M tt. .._...._, CCoatinufod Oft Pap 12) lllaM Patio. Four po iblt> solutlons to tht> I Chtna·Co\t" matclun~ land rontro- ;-.: t>wport Ha rbot he" I'd it' " Ill· iOJ:l'(' ll to h{'lp out in 11n <'m<'r· l.!<'r.C~ \\h('n a Cft{'a<"ll~ :!7(1 pint!\ of blood W<'rt> n'C\ 1\,.d b~ th Rt"d Cro_ Bloodmobll<" lao:t Thul""da) at th Gtrl Scout Hou.<:t' T hl' Bloodmob1l<' 1m1t had ca- pecit) ro.-onl.' th :!iO pmu So lar,;tt \\IS th~ waltln~ Ct'O\\d at tim<'$ , hi\ bo. 8 f('W prop!t> Jt>ft ", th~ out ghin,.: tht'ir donation of blood. A total or 333 Pf'M'OnS offert"d thfolr 'rrc;) "t'rt' pr ·.('ntt'd to Oty I Cf\Un('J} \tonda~ <'' nm~ b) th. 'JK'Ctal <"'lmmJttN a~H'd la t )ta' 22. T l<' C'ounct1 a':<' pro ·to r por t fill'd It lor !u un rrr." ratJOt ,. h•·n 1\ r·•Jbhc h{>anna: .... nc l(t on tlar .., 1 • ', r,'Q(; ._, lor addl\1(;1\."il matdum.: .and !oJ •t,, lll'QWS.IUOD of Ci m:t CO\ m Cu:-~ d I M ar 3" .. ta••• beac-h Tr:• ·Jot'Clal c10m· •tutt•·•• '' "n ''"' • ·n tlh dior d1a1 "C'd · · III II) 0 \C,o•r, 1•1 •I• 't nddllint .1 oc:•an •• • · 1 m:ltdun • l .. r d · r·n, • T" c• Cl',:. -o\\ nf'd t1li>< k..· '" t" • • n l h h and loth "'"' '·' on 'l•• (l('('l'••l fmn·. h't'•' 1\Jr<';.d~ ht"'n d ·~d •• lh<' ~tatt a:. m11 Cni:IJ! IJlnd T h·· .. ,. c• ha' ll"kt'<f lor fom 1tdd1:..JOnal block--. l\H1 on f11' h "H:• n: th t\\o a!~' .. ad) dN'd.rl •• <)('•'fin Lron; p: pt.'rl)•CM• • ~ I.H· nw'Ci 1 ht' On an F• o 1 a tid Bc:>aC'h Pcut('( II\ .\ ... ·•Ot1Bt •n to <Contu;.~ <'n Part> 5! \\'tth some promptmg . from ~Ja,or !.A'S I bt>ll. W T Jt>ff~rson told the Ch) Councd ·llonday evt>- mn~ thai ~ wa rf'&d~ t make an offf>r to purchaect> tht> prl\·ately o•,•nt'd Jot aJon~ the Corona dPl Mar bluff and tum tht>m O\er 10 t ~ city for park pu~ .. thw S<'ttlJnJ: lhC' lon~ "t.tn£lf.' n\Pr th<' bluff '1<'\\ 'Pul' 1111 sta trd .,, lh hP rt'<'ld· ltlJ: ot a h ttPr !rflm :\tr .lc fft .on. "ho,: (I('; <tn 'IP'' ht.•m• a 1 212 (l(."t'an Rh d •o; ~ " brm,.; ot .... o.IJ"\J("k d b) th1 hOU'l h. Jnf. b.~J· fot at h~ F tPV' em th•• oluff )lr JdiC"n:on ,. :.• "' Ct nn.: :o bu.) ttw blufl at't <HiJat n• ., ()c(-an \Ilh d "111, h ha-. Ill• a dt"'d • cal<'d ~ .. a o.:!'t't 1 hu: h.'l• rt• '' • lx-t•n · \ c-h•~xod lor • 1· f'( t 1 •• po.cs. Th1..., 110 lh4• fiOl"lfn of :h1 ,,;~;;Wifing \ letonl ' • •I oc.o YtP ~ ISOHTHE~ ME aw.ts 1b US l&DOfTII&.t... AM AU!CMA !IC LAUIIDBY AT YOUil DOOR Ba~ ~hore ";II lw 1 he n<>w resi- dent'(' of Mr. and M~ Jame C. Elms of Pasadl'na. They ha\'<' leased a hom<> in tht' subdh'ision. I I ' DIREL70RY lltJ., Margaret L. Scharle Taeber ~ Plulo Ortaniat • AeccnpanM ~.!!I !111 GOLDENROD AVE. eon... del Mar ACCORDION and PIANO Instructions ClasslcaJ, Popular Recitals. Fret> Accordion Band Trainins and Instrument to Use. DOR1S V. HALL BEacon 5131-W 217 Cabrillo Costa Mesa PBY810 1AN8-8UilOfX)NS Day or Night Phone HArbor 1138 I Brandt to Talk At Art Center Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Baker J nJNDlAL DIJU!lO'I'OI& from Santa :\lonica ha,·e pur-,..--.;....;;~==;....;:;.;::;=~=;....__,. cha t>d a home at 31 R<>acon Bay. BaJ Rex Brandt, Corona del :\tar t,;p in tht> =-:t>wpor·t Hci~hts·Costa tz Mortuary artl t. will speak nt>xt Wt>dnCida) ~fesa an•a, a homP at 2331 Santa t>vcning at the Calilornia Water Ana A\'e, has just been acquired Chapel by the See Color Soclt>ty meeting at Art Om-by Ht•rman Pause of Santa Ana HARBOR 42 tl'r S<:hool in Lo Angeles. and Mr. and Mr-s. William Weden He will pf'eS{'nt d"'mon trations from Minn('SOta have purchased Corona del Mar, Callfomla of the root con<X'pt of color, from a home at 1620 Orans::c An•. pre·R('nalssan~ through hlsto!1' Th abo\'e transactions were I Ample Off..Street Parldna to pos.t expi'('Ssronlsf!l. a_nd he wtll l handled by th~ John Vogel Com-'-----flll'lltJaAN::::=::-::-c::::<Z=-----· also du;cuss the.> appbcations which pany the artist and color consultant · INSURANCE make and the.> relation or light to -- color. p Al For Every Need Mr. Brandt i a past pre ident of Ofnon4 Umnae the California Water Color Society WiU G• T ISLAND RE·ALTY CO. and the Philadelphia Water Color lt'e e4 11arwy Club. D. Peale Alumnae of Pomona CoUege are HARBOR m-W Con-n··-'-' IDiueDCe~~ • making plans to lncrease their Park at Apte, Balboa ll1and ~ campus fund by means of a liter-WBI le o..a-d ary and mualc&l tee to be brld at Communist Influences ln Orange 2 p. m. Wecloesday at the home County will be the subject or a ef Mrs. Cortez Ho .. dns, 320 W. Al- talk by J. J. Miller at the ~gular berta St., In Anahel.m. monthJy meeting or the Udo bJe The afternoon ~m is be- Women's Club at 2 p. m. Saturday lng aporwored by ~-Women's a t ~ Oubhoule. Mr. Mill« la Campw Club of ~ County connected wfth Aaoelated Farm-and la fmturlng ~ Horn. era of <>ranee County. Guests are Pomona craduate and profaaklnal lnvttecl to the ~ ancJ a tea .,._Y reviewer In Coroaa *1 Mar, Will follow the lecture. Mrs. Hay Wbo wtll ,tve the &ro.clway hJt, La.ngenhelm. praJclent, wlU ~-"A Member of the Wectdlng" by aJde. Canon McCullen. nck.ts may be 8eCW'ed locally rrom M.n. J. U.Ue S~f!Difft, HArbor 71J77-J. who la ~t o( the IJ'OUP. ------- DIIII'ft Oaatfled •• haw beiD a prown means of r.cHng ~ for aD .orta of madiUdla U. them! PfMine a.... Ult. "BE SURE -IN8Uitr wltll Maurie Stanley ~--Oa-IDDif ~RAIUIOR lTN 11511a!bAw ...... ~ ' Jll I . "-· Auembl)'fn&n William lto&t'n- tha! wants to change the name of the auembly to the house oC rep- resentatives. It seems he intro· duced himself to a resjdt>nl or his district pointing out he is an as- semblyman. Tht' voter asked hjm In what atrcrafl factory ht> was working. • • • ~of the ~U.och for IAaedt· ln~t lmPf"aC'Iam~t prncHdlap •«a.IMt a fM14-raJ offtclal Js .,. lM filial{ ol daar~tf'S .y ·a !iUl(. lf'l(l.turf'. That \'f'r)' thlal{ h1Ui bet-a propo4C"d lD a. ~~e~~a t.- rf'twllutloa by ~tor .Jack TN· nf'r ••d It ealb for th4" N"'ftonl of "'•>crf'ton • or St3tf' DNUI Acht"mD. · • Om··· a~.:atn, that man Aru.-~:tnw .. h t lobb~ i .... t lnr tht• Cahfor- nm :-;1a 1e BN'wf'r lnslltulf'l ha. t hm~ n thr '\tate :-;,.n:'\tf' tnto a ronf~M>t'<l H'rb;tl ba lilt• 11 h<'~an "hf'n h£' aJ}ph<•d 101 t't £'<if'nllal"1 tn lohb) la<,t "•'<'k Almu t irrun <'- diately. Scnuwr Jack Tt nnP~ pro- du('('() a m·~ ~ <"hPPIIll! from St. l .cmi., which purpcwt('t11\ dL'M:rif><od a stntP ""n8tor bt·inc' ft1rt('(l ~,o cr.m I on hts hands nnd knN.; a nd apolo~i,l<.' to th<' liquor t~C't>On tnr not obf·~ in~· ordf'rs. ~amish wa a ked a bout lh<' incident and aJso tht' Tt•nnf'.)o att<'nlpt to ha\<' him barred. ":'\o romnwnt." wal' hi' re- p!) Th{' mallt'r ha<~ bc·rn n•fQr- n'd to a rommllt(>(' foi·,<,~ud~ . . . l nlf'rt>l!ltlftt.: h rotht>r ru ·t In thf' J~'_d!!h\tu.r... ~f'utor Jnhn Mc- Carthy .. th.-~·ountrt'St mMniM>r o ft>lth.-r hotlflf'. t8 y4"ar8 of alft', •nd a Rt"pabllcan from MAn• <'ouaty. Olclf>r brotht>r Robf'rt rt>pN-IIE'OhJ an Frllllci!M'o lD lhf' AliiiM'mbly a.ed ltJ 11 ()emC)('ra t. • • Go'-. Warren's message to the Lt>gislatun• certainly was a mas- terpiece of encouragt>ment to the people of the S tate d uring thls critical time. He advocates fol· lowing an economic p r o g r a m which would continue to. show pro- ~ss and at the same tim{' has presented tus plans for ci\·ilian de· ft>nse. What Is also impo1'lant to e\·cry person right now is the ract that he wants no further ri {' in taxt>s. if pos ibl<'. and ht> e\-i· de rrf-ly mMns whal hr has bajd. l IFJ I lAS PRE E~TED A BAL· Ar\CED Bl'DGET' Would ha vt' 1>«-n nice to ha\'(• the same nr w from Washmgton. \\ouldn't 1t ~ .. . . VIJ)K! ~f>ft. Collier 1'3) bf' will lntrodnC't> a bill calll.nt.: for n 2 C't'Dt boo111t In thf' ... tat.-I.,.." ~n:. 'ta ll' Cont roller Thoma" K ucbcl lt'Ptlr1<'d t h<' ~tt~lt' slariC'd 19;;1 ,,jth a balancr nf mor<' than 54 mtlltnn dollnrs m thf' j.':<'n<'ral lund. Thts I'I'Jll't' <'n Is 311 111('1'1'38<' of :; nulhon d(lllal" 11\l'l a yrar a~o. T h( <,l(ll c· I'<' I a II ,.a It'~ t a' hmugh 1 in most ot th<' H''•'DU<' 1n th<' la~t :..i'\ mcmlhs lllinois F ol.ks Stayinq In Corona del Mar Home Planmn~ to spcnd a couplt' or months in South<-rn California, Mr. and 1\trs. llash<'ll [)('nton of P«>t N'SbUr-'t. Ill.. a nd 1 h<'i r son-in- lAw. and d:w ghl<'r. :'11r and Mrs. ln 1 Ow<'n ha''<' rl.'nlf'd a home 'at 9910 Ocean Bh d . Cnrona drl Ma~ ThP D<'nton.... who 0\\ n a nd mana~P t h<' \\'a~on \\'h<'<'l in Old Salt'm, ar<' th<' au n1 and unC'Ir or :'>1r. and Mr!'. Bill !\tcDoOAid. 1!)36 ('")ccan Bl\'d., Balboa. Guests at Wedding Mr . a nd :'11t's . M't'l Lo''<'· ~14 E. Oct'an FrMt. Ralbon. dro,·<' to Las \'('cas to bf' with 1\tr·s. Low<'·~ s is- lt't. Gene Duxbur). w ht'n ~h<' and Ed llradshaw. both o f Los An~eles, wt'rt' marrit>d ga1urdny .• Jan 13 FI.YINO TRIP E1\~T Willia m Kuhn. 2005 Oct'an 8 1\'d., -l3alboa. left by plane Friday morn- ing for Syracust', N <'" York. to t{'nd a mt?<'ting at tht' factory thP 1-"Asy WashinJt Machine Co. Whi!<' back East. Mr. Kuhn Is spending 1wo da~-s in Wilkes- Barre. Pa .• visiting his fri<'nds. the S tanley 1<8sbmarks, before flying back home th1 week. REtTN'ION AfTER J'7 Vl"..AilS An oncle whom she hadn't seen for 17 years dtipped In for a sur- prise visit with Mrs. Victor A~ pel, 137 Topaz Ave .. Balboa Island. The uncle. Robert Barton. is rrom VisaHa. .. Father Kiley Is Priest Here A MO~nl A1' PA.PI.II M'IIDI08 The monrh of January is being S]J4:nt 1n Palm • pr1~ by lllr. and n ,e Lady ~l<'rs. \\'bo really •20 pound test hn I Jaf'P GrOI'n· H W. Mt'ket>l or 604 s. Bay catch fL h and are becorrunll fa· £>nd~kf' Lar$:~t albarott> tl2 F ront Balboa uland. 'I'1H" other mou Cor It, h~ld their annual dm· pound t<'st Ji nr 1, L.I.J~ Call. ~t..-k-<'nd lh Y ntt>rla.infod ttx-i.r Re''· S tephen Kile:t Is the new ner at thf' ~ewport Harbor Yacht Lar~e 1 ~diem tat I, BE-ie Bul· son and his "i f . fr and Mrs. D. Parish Priest at Our Lady or Mt.l Club last ru~ht for ~he dual pur-hPd. H '1<-k 1, and a prt>\'i ~k- Carm<>l Church, Newport, and St PQSf' o f lnstallln!f offrc rs for 1 ')1 Larer<;t \\hl1 ~~~ ba . JWssj; ,.nd t hr~ \\P~ host to tbelr John Vian~y Chapel on Balboa 1 and the presentation of a" arch. for Rulh<"d :-;f'COnd. , Jill ~fcKenzil· c:b.u hl<'r and h<>r fam.L!), Mr. and l sJand. H <' succet>ds Rev. Aloy-the 1950 Tournament Fil"l albamn• ot the uon ~. ~ &>bra and Nancy a nd slus Stapleton. who has been ent Thtr JH~" "Doard of dJrt'<'tor< 10-)1obel :'11>\t>n .. on I.a., albar·or~,.~~=;a=·~~==-==:-•~-., to 8 Los An~:el<' paris h. eludE'S th<' followinr,: offl('('I'S and <>f thf' ~a"r•n. I til\' Call Lan!('q Father Kile} comes to tbe Har-chairmen OJi,e ~1C.'Kt'nzw. prr• •· ll}baron· "" an~ •ackiP, ()Ji\1 \1(· bor Arra from Sun Vallr). Calif.. de-ot: Clara K('(>l('r, 'rc -prN.idPnt KenZJc.> wher•e h<' was minlstPr for even and toumamt'nt chairman, Dt<"k • , \'t>ars. He is a nati\'e of New Greeley. &ocrt>lary, Julia Sawyer. I Su.rpnse Party for Diane York. One of his prime con-treas urt>r and ye~trbook rllaJrman: Thwl.)o-" tx" and grrls ~t h· cnns here "i ll be to flnl h the LA>ta Ske<'n, Irma Lachenmeyer, t>red to E't h .. r ft a !>urprt. e part\ nl.'w Catholic Church. which was pr~gnu;n chauman and parhamt>n-1 for DlanP (;tl"'n on her 14th bJrtti-~rt<"d by R.t-\·. Dennls Fal\·ey and tarran and also ::\tC a t 1ho. dm-da~ a,nnl\er-.an f'rrda\ Ja n 1.2 carried on by Re\'. S tapleton. 1 ner; EJizab<-th Ha ga n, hoste 'at the hom£ ·ur her • grrl-lnt-nd _ ___ charrman: . Stell Marshall. publi-Poll) Jan1s rm L1do I!;le PI--a_ Pre d city; Do~1s Powers. t rophle . Btrthda.)o r" "( and •<:• rr('am ....... Are pare Stella Games . mc>mb('rshtp. and was t·nHI dtmnv th~ proJ,"'ram For 3 OCC Projecta Fran('('s Pulaskt r<'fr('<.hm('nls. dance· Lotan.. thl.' dau•htt-r of Robert E. Alexandt"r of Lo An- Jtf>IP<> has tX' n emplo) f'd as a t chi- teet and Rrchard Pleger· of Co- rona ~ Mar a~ associat<' archi- tect 10 preparin~ pla ns and sped- ft ca ttons for thrN' new pr·ojt'Ct" on the Orange Coast Collc-~,t(' <"am- JIU!. T he <' are th<' frnp arrc; and nuft!' buildm;.:, o,tttdo 111 l't>ntt'r and caf<'lern b•Jtlrht ~ and '" im-mtn~ pool Troph~ w u·!n<'r' and tht"1r H· 1 ~l r . ~all) Gll!-t.n li\(·~ ... c1t 111 spec ll\t.' <"ll~hr<: 1n th( 1Q5(t Tout· CMonado. IJcsltJo namPn t "~ r• ---:-:-----_;.,..-____ _ l..HI'J::E.'!-1 ma1lu1 • li' P<•Und ... Jl' "If' l>olka" '•'('(•nc1 lar~P!.I mat· lin 1135 po1.md~ 1, Ada llall{'fl Lar~"'t :~Jt,aror·t• tJ(t rJOund H'.>t hnE' 1. Oil\ t• \lt'Kt nn(' S•·mnc1 hrc• "'' Rlbat•ttl t' 31 puuntl ,,. lulcJ.... I >1t'k Gt l'< It•\ l..arl!t , 1 al· ll.1.Ull'i· t;!ll vound it!>-! hno I F n s~nd lar .:(·!'ot albarore r ,. I I I ~ ' 4VINGROOM FURNITURE e BEDROOM fURNITURE _ e RATTAN FURNITURE e KITCHEN . SETS e ODDS AND ENDS One Group of AND MATCHING BOX SPRINGS Twin or Full Size BROADLOOM cDPti'INC Fritte broadloom carpeting by one of the •'orld'., ,95 bed ~nown brend """""· Top quelity, 12·ft. width, in beige. Reg. $12.95 velues SQUARE YARD Extre Heavy Top O uelity Cerved Wilton Carpet 9$5 in 1oft gr .. n .... World femou1 manufacturer. R.g. $15.95. SQUARE YARD NOW e OPEN fRIDAY EVENINGS 'TIL NINE e RUIIBERIZED 3 95 4135 6 52 7 "'5 13 95 C0110N Loop cmrr Lonq w earing, decorator colors, lastic backed sq. yd. BACKS 2.95 3.95 • 5.45 6.50 10.95 -· I - (Continued from Page 1 ) mtlB Cor commet'Cia.l buHdin' aN" tK>ing issued il requested. 'Bui}ding lns peclOJ Nelson said. FoUowing is 1 h~ phenomenal re- cord of permits lssUt'jJ during the five days of last wt.>ek , MondaY through Friday o.r-a .... ...., Ed Rogers, add dm to dwelling 1101 Cont H,.y. GENERAL CONTIA<;TOilS , HMor IM6 Bruns & Marsac PLIIIIII Oeatn.a?l-.,. 2 - Ade .. ....,..., e l"'re UaiiUIQ e G.._ e lf~WW~rr Wo,.._ •• Oa•pen•a.a. ete. Courteous Infonnatloa DEPENDABLE SJI.:IlVICE --·--Venetian Blinds Roller Sllades "Matico'' Asphalt Tile f1oorinq for batllroom aod kJt<-hftl \Vll ll!l Traven;e Track aed drnl)f'ry hardwart- DIA ETICS Hubbard trainedf professional auditors Available for gs, individual!' Uons 3-7718 HOME LOANS Low "~UCING" Interest Rates Low Monthly Payments * We offer you the facilities of the Largest Federal Savings Association in Orange Coun_ty You'll li\e our c:ordiel metflocl in ~•rvin9 your need~. u•a FEIEIAL Sl¥1- LAGUNA lEACH P'ttone 194 -2U Oc.M Awe. ~~ Stwd&IIM ta Daei&MCY 86\ice .. lfte O.Ut Ill"-llA Ml-a-Mn. BE ttU-111---e-.. ._. liar AT AIRMAN'S IK1IIOOL "Pete" calJe<S his ~ts. Mr. and Mrs. P. V. Petenon. 415 38th St., Newport Island, Thursday. Jan. 11. to tell them he has been sent tO' Memphis to attend Air- man's Technical school. A gradu- ate of Harbor High l ut .Tune, Pete went Into service last October. 80S FOR TRE DIXON TO SERVE YOU*** PRES<JBIPTIONS ALWAYS DOVIILJIIJ CJmCKED ILUIPIOII'II IIAIUIOR DRUGS FURNITURE AHO ACCESSORIES IIADI .. OW OWM WOICSMOf>S ANO NOM Mr. and Mrs-. Edward . l)txorr, 12.'> Ruby Ave.. Balboa Island. have a son, Bruce Burton Dixon. born Monday. Jan. \5, in St. Jo- eph H~pHal, ~lghing 6 pountk ~==c==••::ar::IIIJO!:::::J:::I:z=~~~~i::JIIii and 9 ounces at birth. • ' , \ I • -------- , ------~" THE REWPOBT IIARIOR ERIIGM Repow ·on Matching Stop CoN Drafts ...... Wl"~ 'l"'l'''!a8TitiP NOW CAR ENGUSH Call BEa<'Oil UM-W ..._.. Pa•, lt0t4'd Pf'lrol~um ~r alt4l o.-"Wr of propc"rty oe ~aa fth'd., •tatH hill olt~­ tiOU to UN-•~ N)ad pr~ for l._f' Coroaa Ml •r bluff. ClllliEIS Fl'T. fTR~Tn..'"B£ MADE IS Ot"B OWS ROP~ FURNITURE REFINISHED c:::J.tut~ s·ALE Startr 9:30 ·A. M. FBmAY \\'f'r4> I SOW 2.29 Boys Flannel Shirts (l to 6) 1.39 2.4 9 Boys' f1annel P.J:s (2 to 6x) , . .1.49 2.98 Girls' P.J.'s & Nighties (2 to 6x } . 1.98 3.98 & 4 98 CoHon School Dresses (3 to 6x) 1.98 6.95 Better Dreues (Cahforma style) {1-6) 2.95 4.59 Boys' Corduroys (? to 6} _1.95 SPECIAL: Adorable Girls· Scufts 1.00 5• . GIFT TABLES v-IXF'AXTS' a nd <'IIII.ORES'~ ITt:MS fOO R...d~: Corduroy Batht•olx' for boys. Cot~on Fla nn<'! Housecoats for· Girls. and many othl'r 11ems. I Stork SkoiJ. 1211 eoa.t lhd. CorODG del Mar IV alentine Buffet At CDM Church Full 215 Sq. ln. R--.. -ngular Screen N ow. Philco'll fwmou,. J'ru•·-Fnc ~ tE'If\ hfolt('f tMn t'H'r ' \',.,_ folll :!)"o <;q In<. than m oth<'r •m•l •r 171:' "-u- hu~hlll of T\' 1 nJu' m.·nt Fam.•us El~·tf'()nic B .. ult In .• •. r ... t J:,qulS&H' \1 """ vt>nt't'r cahmt•t. 'om .. m ne~" .1nrl J')lt1urt> L" hl~ll•·r a nd nf ,;cwm.r ftr't.':l -l lrl!• r p,.., 1 .,.. w ..... ..n .. C1llaa ('~ t', .-n·f'n4 ... ko\t'l, ,.. •• ,. ............... O.~r •1U ~u CMM' ur boUt.. ~DOWS ~,~ i!:&t'h • CORONA bEL MAR T"rm" nt f~ swr month • • • Ncow S-IM-4room honH', ~ blk""- troea ~-Cni'Df•r lot. "' • '-rooom J G'~I', raAwd ftac· ae...e n~. alldlac daM ,._, to natnkmt' ~MtJo, m .. l.a kJl<'ht•n and bath, brf>Jtk· f••' bllr ,.!-('u lrllraKt', ft'ttcMI ard.. Prlc-t-d r1JCht-Tt'rm ... • • • SPECIAL ----"''" Ia r~•· Ont•· Wrm. hom.. on \o<'t•aD !ildt' of UJ.«<twa~. Hood n•'hrboorhond. ph18 !-car l{ltr'll(t' "1tb apart- IIM'tlt oa rt'ar lul. knott)' pinf' U\lat: room 15'\:U', cllala[[ a.r,._ hom.-a-rlly rural~ M'IU. &.ht' ~N-•1 ra ttaa furaJ- tW'f', ... " ('11!1 <&ht,·t>. AU Ual"' ·!:,. $11,750 'h Down -lly.rry • • • SHORE CI.IFFS FJ[Q.UBIVE Ne-w S-<kd· ,..._ ~ ! hU Ulfl INada .. larp U\iq room M'lth OJ""• IIMlMI Ct-ftlap, anubttruc.tt"d \'le•• or C&II,)'OD, h1l1s aDd OCllf"ML {lharmlnlf rt'dwood ll 8~ t'XWrio{. tuakf' roof. t~. lot •'d.U'. Prl~ $23,750 Tr rtn" • • • BALBOA Ultra modf!ro fu.ral8ht-d 4- .-Jt apartrnt'at, oat' of · t~ ~t liM'omfo propf'rtte. ln tbt' arM., ..,.,. OC't"ao aad bay. liiClellie lut yrar S(,I'AM\ • • • polllllllk to mllkf' morf'. Prlc>t'd to MAl Oft aN'uUIIt of hf"111th. * TIIIMI Vepl 0.. 1301 Coa11t Blvd .. COM Phon~ fiA 1141 or IIA U'7'7 En•nlncs: ItA StS·M S-0-L -D '70S .IARMIXt: flOROS,\ DEL M \R BJ ._ * ... Uple U.U.C !-Be* .... Ht~~~~e vtcw 11114 Maln on 40-foot lot ........ . "'t'lfUFF ~- .,~ n -• p IN TRADE for YOUI OLD BEF'RfGERA TOR REGARDLESS of CONDITION on a BRAND NEW BN-800 DeLuxe Freezer Shelf --- ~-~~ Don't 'Wait! Limited Quantity T'"mu If ~r-H Hurry! roRNITURE & APPUANCE COST. MESA PEAL -~T . .; .,..[ I • I I \ \ THII'l ':'. lu.,··n· • '-..:7•• .·' Ir, \\til l•>t'''"' ••tdt un11 h.,, _ ~~t·dr•~o•n•, h" J !•• 'L"' pit nt) •f tile ll..t · t.IJ~ ·• ' .. H m<'~ '" la .. a \4'11. Tilt' IJII 17'""' !'-H I ht' Oil\\ ,J ·lt. \l'Hl-.~ \\':tlkuh~ dc.tanN' tn>m ttw Ill" "talt• hO~»Pif31 on Har hvr Bh"d Ewt•llt•nt for m· l"Onl•' tmit~ A n.\RGAT:'\ at J \1 ·.!"*- !i ACRF~ fk>autlful East ... uSt> locatwn-Saod.y loam, hil!h and I drv. Ril!ht for ~UIJdl\ 1~ron • ~11 !}()(} .j \1 B:1:r.ey f'ran::qu~ RE \1.1\lR Lrllian l.a p,rt.• F r,•il \ro rPr A$!'r •CIATE~ .j~t 1:. 17th ~~ iii Tu tm A"·e. Co ta 1\ll•sa Ph &>a 6818 1 tOUIS F. GATES I C.ort Appnl.Mr -C.L '- Rom~ Loans to buy. bu.Ucl. not Ul&J\~ or for al~raUons GENERAL INSUllA.NCE IIA%hor Mft..• IJOt Cout ~191l., c-4eJ ,._ HOME LOANS For G I Plan . . . . . 4~ For Ufe Ins. Plan ... 4%~ For Building Loans to Owner & Builder .... 5%% CALL BOB SA 1'TLER HA 3163 for free app1'alsal Representing Poirier Mortgage Co. Kimberly 3-5185 Ju s£ Completed SM,A.P. OU"L ~v HO'YIE WITH EVEPY CONVENIPJCF 2 BED ~OOMS DEN ;.,t-10 BEAUTifUL LIVING ROOM OFFERING UN· LIMITED OCEAN AND CANYON VIEW. P,A. TIO W ITH GENUINE PRIVACY. LOT 60X22S. FOR . P~ICE, TERMS AND APPOINT- MENT TO SEE CALL SCHUSTER. HARBOR 2"74. . Earl W. STANLEY Realtor -HOME MAINTENANCE Com plete Repair Service 'h•n\t•r Ouor .. .1 ntl Tuh t.nt ln .. urt•' l n .. t.tllo•d j l,l • \11 II I trw l 11: I I C I IE $10 000 IJ('\'"' t -"tor~· ' buiklia&:' "llh s aJIIIlrtftH>Dt!IO. 3 ~r; nttOmtt In lb .. hP&rt of B A LBOA: A 11a.lat hruq a.ed IJOmt' fublC" "oold tn4"u a cooct lJKiciiM rf'fttal for MDa ll ,.,.f!S..,....t. Soath Coast Realty Sc>ar P tn II toe 'snt Mata st. Balboa IIJ\.rbor :est In ()Uif Han• 011 S.-c Rar- t.c.r K•d aH CNte to.~r prlt'f'4 !-Wrm. hoi.M-l.a ~f'W'­ p6rt ll ... ~t• ., ... tahlf: ..-·. • b~l..,.t ud dN!irebl4> hOftlf'll. pric.-f'd rl~t. Sma.lJ ~ .. pclymf'llt. 0.-.t>r \\1JJ nullelf", •••iag 23882 Snnl{ Rarhor Road Cliff l la\"Ptl BEaooa llelt-1 A.&.trac1h ._. S BEDitOOM HOME .Splrndld location, fireplace, palio and guest house. Mul- llpl<' listin~ $11...950 ll:o. 15!"">5. Price Vw Corona del Mar % IIOt.!S):S OS LARGE LOT Sou th or highway; many ex- Ct'llcnt features. One com- pletely f umi.shed. For sound value see this $1~ 750 today. Only... .. .. IBLAMD REALTY 00. ~ ............. 0 E • •• C'nroe& ch•J Mar -• • -• S..~-di"'>Uftl. brlt'k aa4l •'-""' homr . •·ort'f'd air .,. ... a - t • a('llt":ll:... $1• '900 ('J'f'Mll"") ... CALL E.UlL CHAM.Bt::llL-'1~ Mtc.ut Bh.._ IIAJlBOII ... Oppo&ite tile ...... c.... ....... , * READY FOR THE PAN lll'd t'r~Prs (c.aponlu d ) 69<' lb.: aDd Ratiblt t·r~ f'MI, 6.;(' I h. nt .... H~u· PRI\~ '-<tit• on fmc-Lin n l)()~t>d ud •*k rror.•'D f<~r ~our all sw•.., al-.o '"' l'Ulortn t col· IIX'kf"r. • • • 81-:ac•oa 6177-lt ton l-andlf>\\ll'k 0111 <''lor-; ~4."<'d 153 Cecil PL. Costa Mesa r'OOm for nt•\\ '' {l(l) tn Thf' ::X('('(!lepomtt'l Y rn "hop, 1201 H. H. HOLBROOK Coast Bh d . COM · KI:..='M RE "a h('r for i>ale, $25 Dependable Plumbinq HA 24-\\' A Prompt Repa1r ~rvtce 1-"'0R ~ALE 1947 PQntlaC Strt>am· PIMae ~~UI-W LL~r 8. t' (.'('I. cond , nearly new IMI ...._ Ill"-N____. ~ t1re . <k>IU.Xf" ra1Jlo tln~I at I -w~~~~~:..=_::.;..:::.~:;.r::=.:;~::;::;r; h('lltt>r, fog lights. at 00\'N'S, FOR S AL NN.rly new W~- Nc. By oru:. owrwr 1,195. "Call wood gas range, $110. AL1o 2- HA 212 or BE 5115 dQor Pl)''mOUlh !~('dan, good oond. FOR RENT fo'um. 2-bdrm. apt. 1 , $4:50. Call HA 01l4-J. Clos to bus. chool & markets. MALL r~hed house for t'elt, Util . pet 700 Hclio lm!X'. COM. u tils. pd .• ~mgle or dbl., ~ mo. HArbor 2925-J: 1 434 Begoma, COM. , , FOR RENT mall apt., partly FOR HENT Nlcr ~-bdml. 8P1·• rurn., suit~ble for coul)lc. Ve•·y unfum. Fum s tudio apt., COM. reas 513 Goldenrod COM,.. $50. Phon HArbor 2879-WK. · ' W AN1'ED-E n.aign delivery boys SEE nus ' m aaaoo.. HArbor nt4. ~. of Bh •· Talu-0\'"" .. 0 .l . loa•. ~BDilM. HOlliE. ..,_.._ nrs.. nnop~., ,. .... pr. nn- Moteltl ltt~LT\' 0 ., lteal- torw. 8LS Cea~\ Bh ... , C .O.M. IIArfiMM-! 15! Balboa Peninsula OceanFront 180' •1df', •-aliH ~-ard, \'lt>w •l•dow , ntaplllt't'nt n~ alld lef'. ;.:-at . $40,000 (oood T .. rm~ John Voqe l Go. JOt Mala "L. Balboa, HA U 5 Choice Upper Bay Buildinq Site Onf'.,half acrf', nl"ar Mt-"a Urht• LOT OS H EI<tlfTR .$1,600 $850 John V oqel Co. 106 Mala St., 1\alltoa, ISLDD \I, l·" ~ ·pet <1 y p••ced ""o· ~·:;,-y ho-ne ., •I. eoght bedro., ... ! -• I A!l' ~~d > P"'b So .. •h a~y· •r~.... """ tno,,.e view. Thi5 pr:;>pt"l~ "'''" so r .. t ol fronl· ~~~" s·d sr.d~ bl!lec:l, .~ou d b1 ~~" &' yoJ• f' ,, ~~~~ :-,~ven· Balboa bland F'err)' Balboa bland 3 BedrocMrw. 1% baths. 2 Years old. LGrp patio -14"x21" ma.ter bedroom -Payne lumaee -extra leap lot -25"x26" li.mg room. * * * ,. • by far the beet . buy of the year -UOO aq. ft. plua . double 9CIIC198 ••• 01 s00a1 I Polio rt'CJ't.>4tlon genrolh, t_'(Jucetion and publicity, llt)IE <k>l Mar· Mrs U. N. [)t•-.<'nl><'r~. who an-1\\o IT'C<'ot polio ca wlthm of the Wo-IIOWll'CO a nwmbl'l'Shlp rotr£>(.' hour By P~G t th<> Ha rbor Art'a ha'" ~otuflu.latC'd at their mN.'t· l nr JII'O ~X'Ctlw m mlxor fnjm &J-1 uw int<'r t 10 thfo ~1arC'h ul Dimt'S tlWA\ p~·~~;~ ~ 111 :!>1~~: ~~:~~~r m~~m~,[~~ Rumor .or tht>. \H~k lJ tha t 4:>U.r l Campa1 •n '«> collect fW'l<h fl)r off uo: t...'hw d 1'\ell..w Shook wtll t:Jt..come tn>a tinL· J)()liu \tC'llro.s, at'('(;rdm~ will submit It 1 llill, :.?tf,J TOJif)7 A\ c. the brld<' o!JJ('\\ PN tHt this wcoek· ttt M rs. rtuby S tt'Hn ., .. n \\hotS Jo. I early this <'ttd ~o·rif'nds nt "I hlntt happi-t it! head ol thP 19:>1 • tu h of was held at U ... re•ng nl'~ t<t ooth ot th e popula r u-~ tnm('S dra' un<Wr the &\hfJiet· of Corona del '~" hu HJ.•r • • • I t's no lau.gtung ttw 8 U5iness nd Pror ...... ~.wnal 0 . Da.\i.s pre-C • ls m~ttlt•t • --In ftst1 tt's a cough-Wumf'n'~ C1ub om.merCl4 ln~t o;hamf• tha t J t-an Buttermore R. ~ ~~100..,,.1 t.al.'1oc tor. :!3585 community 1 Mr 1.)'<'11, that tsl has contract-~ Snug Harbor R.Dad :'\ e " p 0 r t of a tre-P"-' \\1Ut>l'll at the PtJWr-)ohe-t•d ~ hoopin~: t'<>UJth from ~Pr Hei!:hts, tS t ht> lall 1 ,.lt'Um or the growt h ssnce 1IOia ~rtaw.-ar hop In Balboa younl{c;tt>rs and 1:. ronfin<'d to he:• drt>ad dJSNlM' 1 '''" P\t'r hr hb room to ex· wcr<' th e. followln~;: Gladys S el, hous<' thl'$£' day~ · '*en brouqht hum~.-app&J'('nth planning must I Ba lboa l w ho won the tallor-madl' • fJibt t h crisis \twh~teJ Bradford. the fact that suiU ; Ada S bc, Les lsbcU. Mn . F "'uOUlft W al.k.-r. •·ho ~t' rnaU iOn· of .:\11 •nd 1\Ir Dean c:llsU nct areas p Grt•l.llch, Howard Ha ll, Burr ~r•. Bill M<'<.'•IM' tut .-..r. BrA.dtord Xe"liV'' ll u~ht ha ted that Whil<', Dick Melrose, E. W Co· It' mm1a~ to <'ladaMtt, •<e...n also tx-en brou~ht l:omt> tn con· for on de mer Dot•othy E\'ans and \'elma hubh ' '" bt-laiC ~~t'~d by \ale:>t>t> from n 1'"1111 a ttack ' area an • U ( .,,.,..,__ d J · hht ln.ur&Ac.•,. nnn. !i'....,. kaowa ~ Bal'lx>r, 1\ 0 I>CUUUCI, an t'SSH' :\1 t ~ "'lt'\PO'<IIIl 1IIOUunl'<'d that play area _,. 11 f l' · o -h lltllt• a hctul hf'r IM'"' ~ totna ,.__ W""l N"'\\'~ l\1..-"o. r n o ... un.tm.gton oo: .. c th~> Atthur ~tun I) l>dnCP .:.tud.Jo U R: ..... ... • • • t•'I;N'jlt tb•t II •• .......,.., P ark, he said l.ldo '"'"' b~ .. , rral eta~ lhllD I 11 Coast Bh J . ('ot-ona d t-1 !\'I r 'l'ry good, but Dr. r-oll~ \\'\llhlmAOD of lfls A~-tlw lr ft•rnwr r .. ,ltlt•nN' In B4"Kwn. wtll hll'., lb (>('rtlld .a nnual t•har· be fencf>d ~('ll'. Jrr:o;t d<•t'n18tOIOI(I t m ll'lrs II\' dunn~ lor thl' t~n h i of t ht> Plann d 1'('1 un•a now hll olfi~ hours e\C"ry , at~ ''a~ tn "'are \iardl ''' lhmt·' ,,, '' \\•l-dJW"d.i~ \\'Adnnsda~ aft<'~ noon I rom 1 P m • \\ •n~·r.n~: " t" 1 ..... 11 .... t ... ld not int'•l'fCit' ,. OC-" F 1 n• .. ....la"k l••"n 0 , •r hmt• "''n <I run' "1 ..,.. c l I •t-u a.; " on at Dr Phtlllp Bas t>tl' o ft u-.• ram-.· '' •., " .. UH' • que tloned thl' l''!l Ju,mUll' A\C'. Coronn dl'l Mar hm•• ...a11n ,.,,.nm~: go"tt \\htc-h extensive park .. • • • ? W1lma \\'a ltc•s 1111 Cl.);\.1 Fitzpnl· Mar Bay \d(' \\ lth Mn . Patricla WittmAn. rrk's 1 i.., ~>t•ndtnl! to hor dd.u!;!hltl' ai)P('&rs to bt• 1735 Ckt•an Bhd , Balboa, as cap--;>.;ann "=ann tc r tdl n~ wtth SUII:gt>Stl.'d n' tarn, RlllWf'r '!l \'lllftll:t' Markf't 01 ht>r SUI\ I and . un("!e juo,t OUI~Id in a rt'<'tt•a-Balbo.\ rs sponsorin~ a bowling ur lw tlml«ntrt capital and Is Olll' PTA Honors Mrs. &yvey dmu.&lt) to th•· pnn~ \hoc·h tht year. "ill bo' c..pc•n OJ tht r·uulw £ tubtti(IO WH'UI ' f, llf IIC pla&.ll• nf'd b' Judy 1Lnd C'tu I f-IH"I U I munat;t•r;, t~i tl \ tuuw A.nothc.'r annual ~liu I~Nw'1 r-n>-. a \\lut,.....-•h·r•hant p..: r > r() bo (0\ •·II b) \ ~ hrA.;l Gnc1• r tot 13fJ H"hut l'tJpP A \1' , C•mmo 1lt-l Mnr. "1U lit• h~ld •n FPht .La'~ Sl-V<•r~tl .,,.,., 1 P dut, .. r~ • ~~~· a r•11 ar• coot n iJut 1111: t!t m·rolbh 1o 1 h£· cause 1d :\1r' :;.tt>\f'O .. c•• \\)n· du\\ 00'1:1'' lt.' \\ E'll a.. 1 II) l~()l·l d)m c bank" ~tro•bf•an 'di "l.lllt~•'<l for dlmt.>'> t•ollr•f•lluO tl f'UIJI!00\.11 thf' Bib 'n' Tucker Officers Meet II• tlof'M Kt>nrn . llaltx. pc»t.m.u.-._ "'' \\"li elt"\.""tuoi J•retJdent of tbe I " OJ,:t' COWlt~ c~~· ~lalKID at •• l' annUltl m~ t U1Ji! htold Tuf!e.. cia> l'\t'lU.Il£ .. 1. Uot 1 lAgu.oa ID l...lli:W\11 l}{>atll ~1r K t-nny, wbo • a pa • pn "ldf nt ol thE' Assoda - tt<m , ut·~.<·£·<ll-J&d< K~im of San n. rm-ntf'. Uth t H a1h<•r '*"" named " re Ral~o~h ~ta kt ' " second vu:e- f•lt· uknt and H arn. We-lch , n:•-ap.. f"•tntf'd aa. "'<'r J~r) -ti"E''liW't"r . lfot rbnr Arra mPmbeno of the Bc.at «I o( Ulr IN'$ tnclude Mr. K• m·~ \1 ~ta.s)u) J&hn T Boyd Jr . 1::. A Curr) for Ne-v.-por t lk•arh, R•J's Barlm( St>lun F'raok- l.n and Furt<"' (1\\ n for ~ta · ~If·...& J li:U I\ s. , ... ., or Corona.·del :\t•r· " n ,;, tod ' a dti"{'Ctor-a t- lar.,; .. \11 ~Ja-.ki'\ A "'' • tu,c' nt tlw n " b"a d ut lilt 1d• 111 h ;c:L. 1 1 liut"<'' , .. .,. th•• UtiJ n T twk('s tkad, .. ,. ('Omnuttt., 'nth ~tr. tl.tnu• f hll• ''•t' lwld 11 Ill•· hnmr rl.<•rl!h iil'-11 n •pJt' rums;: thf" N~- 111 ,\lr t11d )1:' l 1ou J.,hnl\oll ol ; .. ut Ht ... rh .Hta :\1r Patt~rsoo. l ~:ur\lj c•r• \\ • tln• 'd~~ .11 I~· :\lr-lhH•n nd ll•·rn7 Kae:.rr ·are \\tot·k , ':":•·\\ o ! lc ,.,.. 11 • ;·nt m-.HI\rh.n Ar, 11 m••niiJO•r of lh Har- ' htd·'tl•Pr•·"d~c-n II L\lllt' IIUII:OP!io ho11J> and f.ro"a•u Cumm1tlN' Mr. Clt!<~fllt dt<l :\1ur "'<~, ... ar\ ~1r· Curr~ 1 on t h• l..t-t:l!;latl\'~ and "" t-n' .\II(' I r-f 1-l.,.Wltl T i • d"IJJ • F ma.nct' Comm au•.. ~Jr. Barti.M were giH'Il Cleary. nt'\\ I) the recrea t eon Burt Procter. who told of a to look at the team ( Hhl'r nwmher~ of tlw ut tlw "''' Anwrrcan ~:irl"> lll' itt•d tt•a m, \\ luch plays l'\ l'ry Thursday 111 a Fr••uch '!'" al orf~t.'<'l ,.· !.>all ni~~tht at Costa Mesa. 1nclude Cl'lrol and Edna Rou.,h, E\ eo I~ n Rud a nd ~dit h Hunm,s, ttll ot Ctlsta ~1esa . \l~ 11 u [l."'"' of ~ .. "l"•r' .. 1 (~''·'' \\'u to·• •• .::-atH'l Ana on. tht> \\'!H•1 nd Sa.nitatJOn d 1.a~1 (Jt~sadC'nt ••f tht' ~e',\l)Ort lh~tottttn ~~~~ J u·k B•·u•~·' o! (~ununat h:.. ~1r K<nn~ hea the fi(>l.ll'h Elt•ml•ntar~ Schools P'TA. fhlbo:l !-.laud HIUl\\d) and TPIO ... l iOrtaucm c~m­ \\ 1._ nrn11nt: th•'''' honorc>d "''h a · HPid on·r II 'til h .. r H '\r '"'lrru tt~. '"'h \11 &~d l5o repre-hl«• llknlbtla•-.tu p ul th~ Januar) Olt•mb--r •>I thv bo•arJ r.f till('('· <.1flllflll l ht :";:t\\JII•N Beach area. me-t>tan.: Ill lh;• Fourth o~~~rict lllf' art· ~IUIIIrt l>lo•hl ~J r, P.•mllld \lr "'"'' •• I b 'O&St to Harry Cahfornr 1 (-,10...-rt ,;; 111 P~u ,•nh nd l~rl '" and Uon Jc•ht ""1. • \\ • k~ "ho "It" \;r~.~:~ble to a ttend Tt>achr•r , '\I Bn'.l-Oltnda llll!h P :an.., 1\f>l(' n11d•• tu: 1 Jolt' 1)\• '* ,,., •I tltr, ,.., Mr \.V~tkh has '<'hool (8 ,1 Thur~oda) ~l.n; Bo~. rt,qn,•r dlim··· ••I 1 h•' old ' trui O('\\ II!" n toni• n-d ''' tu~ doctc.u to rest . . . Mrs Ed Mor-Roundup Da,•s woRK I Shown in Co;ral Tlutu: ar. Jlbl beginorn~ to ...,,., ento a routuw at the fle\ P.aul Moore Wheeler residence rn Bay Shot~.•<~ bt'cau."" t ht' past roup!~ nf month hcl\e b.'('n mort" than full til UOUl>Ual e\ E'llh Thf' frrSI \\d.'< .t blt·~'in~; ... · "ht•n .t.Jw \\'lw't'l· •·•~ ''~''''' tJrt•,t•n•l'd "''h 3-rhonth· old Jt•tft) P.tul ,, '('" t h• ~ tn .t 1'\ ,, """ 1 I'(Y>rdrn.· S()('r I 'If\ II[ '"'3rd.~ 1 l.~t• I. '·l I t!·· n'lltlOa i.lt h•l:Tlt' • rh; ....... ,hill'-''"' •:\11" rei_,, l\it\ CIIIIJ lll ''tlll'd)o fodJ !I ...... pht .. I loll , • 1 u l" J,l·• 11111 1.-lht• Jl!t"f>f'· \lr-. Fd :\lr .lH • I .B:l~ "''l•V ,.., , .. a' rd•>d h • ~11,,1 m ok111: I'~> att u•~· "••'Ill.. i . H· Tlw Nllor nf 1 II£· old wrslt'rn .,...,., huprnc r 11 lnr mm•• ~h;ttt 1 llllltlclllp h..t' mo\1-d IntO the tort•-\t'<H l 11 tlw 11 ul•t 111 lllo• t•\t'll' n 111rt uf flr(:har·d 's L1du ~1ark1'' nwrll ut t h•• Ill'" hah\ •nml "•th , ('OIIII'II•t;o \\lth rni1 t•'IH'•'. rn1-rnl Sant.t <'ltU'< "" tu~ \\" Jt,., ~ '\ El ,'n'l\~'l'l·l'"''''' .rl•urH ••ti ·!•.U ·I l,•'!llt'"'lllllo..' q' 0 \\ l'"l f I . •JI' 1:1.' d 1111'•• t t~ I I tl \11 I }-;- 1-:------:-:7' ollld bt tl\dtrh 111111,. \\'IWdt r I ,10 t (i(l\, II \' :th I ' I IJ' P.uh ,,,hihit~ wtll tndud th<' mlt·llh\0 1~1 hi tl••• 11 '' 'rn •ll l..tr .,.,j ht•.u trap ('\t'l madt• tn dau..:hto'l Ft aiWIIH' 1 \!lUll· 't~h altlht•lltl<' C'hut•k was.tnn, n nl 1111'. h.1d t<l(lth t~t•uhlt• awl 11 bnn.ll,:h'lll1 lllolt dnh'' lxH'k to u~·ln \\a ... lll't'f'.,..,..l ' '" h.l'•' ""'' ••\It ,, r. l•n'tl \ ~c'IU"•I• I f.\ I'l l •he 1 'tr' ,.11 l'• rt•\ c•u• n•·•'IU·.,,,s, \ut ... I' I"' P.uru ' 11 I :\1:.,. ·~', ct\'" ~-:m • \ 111 <I I I ,.,,nut :";:u rr·t r. II~.;• ., R h 11.11 • '. II l' \' 11111 II 1: I. ill' I. \!z"' 1 •''0' ' '.\· 11'" d :\lull:-••• \\ \lot· u "' · uuJ t. 1 ............... ,,ne.:, N<' and "hlr h wd' tht-lu"ur~ t ran'>-•-d "'l", ho\\ ~'', 1 ,., , n Fr ... r•("IIH' p .. , !I. ... ... I Tt •. ~. \\lot•l I! utxu ll1~h :-., h 1! PTA wa~ H'PI'I'~ 1 1•-d b~ ~lrl'• " l.d~·a 1 Ill II II 1 1 Htn "''. II G Ro..;~·~ H··nn 1-.a.:~• 11 1tnd ·Parkt r Pence. • ~aeon 6 111. portatto n o{ 1ts day. n ~enuml' tl\ \\l'll <'nnul.!h h• hrlp 'l•••tll•'l Window C l\'8n·: bu<'k board. nnd one ot lhe ft-w takt• cert-of "('<' ,I rift') P.l ul l'XIstln~ tra nsportataon ox carts I E\er) Frida~ at 3:00 p.m. tht-re I 1.'.1 ·--1 Dies ta Mesa "'" ~w lariat tnstructlon ~.'<'n br I'IU Rille Ruf Lopt•r and a contP t for the Funl'ri!l S<'T\'i<'t'S for a Jlromua,·nt kids. 'aturdaY the contes and Hal'l>ur Area \3C'ht man Edward Instruction~ will be a t 11 :00 a . m,.. Soul .... wall be ·h ld at 1 'p m . to· ~:00 and 3 :00 p. m On both da)s morro~ 'Frida} 1 at the 't Jame;; at 3 :4.5 P· m. Rut .,.,u beat ou t ·Epl copal Church in :>;e"-porh \\ ath ~ hoes using • ran. ge £orge I R€'v. Paul ~toore W~ll'r oHkaat-and anvil in true \\o-estem atyle. ing Rur. who I In char~ or the COl'· ~tr, Soull' dil'd Tuesday a hJ ral, i'> from the old school or range home, 515 Fairf x 't., Costa ~IPSa ha.ndli In W yoming and Colorado. HI' wn!. a nat I\ c of l\1ichl~an and Tht> Rixth annual art £>Xhrbrt will bt' hr ld at :-:pwpor t Harbor L'nlon High ~chool :'>1arch 1 to ~ 3t theo Hi.;t School &n mnastum ' tt w·a .. mnounrod th1 \\t't'k. l'<'adJtn(' for t>n trw, "ill 1.k' Ft•b. 1 !l I Ret!. Thompson del Mar ~::=:-::Rn.="-fE.;;:...:;4---NT_s_ Is Elected lh·. room I n,., Jost•ph T hompl>on, p.1 tor ol , kitchen-the:' Co ·ta l\f ('sa Communi!) ~1C'll!· Ta ll' by dav, ctdtbt C'hUI'\.'h. Wll!> t'h't'tf'd prt'SI· • dt•nt tll t ht' Nt•wf)()rt l laroor f'oun-MOTEI~ dl til Church~>s 111 t h<' annual HA 1063 lullt'h('(ln mt'<'t in~ h<'ld Tursda~ t\1 ~~ Andrt~,.,. P r' <' ~ b ) t £' r 1 n n Churl'h in :'l:t>wport llt'ho:h ls \\'Ill> 79 )ears old at the tlmt' ot hro; dea th H<' had just stat t.od ",.,,- tn11: a )adttrnl! rolumn tor th<' '<'''pot t-Balbo.1 Pn""' tatu. FOR Tilt; TORRt:~c t;"' A 6-pow1d 12·0Uil('(• h:th~ ~1rl ''as 1J01 n Sntun.l.t''· Jan ~ltl, lcl \t r 1nd :\ t r-l>rck T;,n nl't' ,.j C.l~la ~Jt•sa T he nl'\\ drtu.!ht••r ha' bt-.•n · ~~~ Tor· A!> ~fort>. ttw bl"t ott md ttw !).-.,, \\'l tt'r<'olnr wtll 1>1 purc-ha..,l'd h~ till' l lr~h Jo>rhonl '" '" olt.ld.od h> th• J~t't m11nt>ht •·ollo·cnnn T ht'-t' pUll' h.''' • n \\ 1\l'lh \\ til llt~ ]till f nr thtc> bt·'t •••I , l'lcl tnr tht• tw-.1 "U· '• n·,•ll•l Tht•t •• ,,,._., "rll h. a ,fudt'nt t"X· hrhrt. u;>t•n 10 all l11..:h "<'hnol and JUIIInt· C:'\llh~g;• <.,~urlt•nt-. In 111<' nlltnl\ The Rt'' Amndt-Phil l>1kc• ~ummc•r ~chool of Art rn Corona dt-1 ~1Ar '' oft enn~ a -.cholarl'hiJl ,n \at'd lot th 1>1~.,1 :-t\Jd n t \\Ork 01 .:ll'l m ·t:~T-. n~O~ t•t.F_\"' . .\~TOS Rc't.'l•nt ~e '' c'1t \tr And ~tN Ja\'k Flort>r 61:i Ins \l' .. Co· r-nna d1•l ~tar. "I' I"(' ~11-... Ern('st Plunn~ and !>ntJ.II <;on Junmie or Pl•·&~ntpn CJ lrt Wading Pool Park Cets AHention F l•'"'''.' n t pl l~.:•uundcttlWin had ro'tnark~ that th•• fn~lthrn~ tnr 1 1111 "' •'II'H'al ut!••ntl(ln t\" nt•<'drd th<'1"1' """ a ll•nl'(', for 1 C!t\ !\1urW1I 1 tllPd fur brds on saft't\ ·, o;ako• ··h;irn link to n•·· 11 lhn •• kk.'.a tton<~ ~rr.. Dn\1:. ..,:11d ·hat -.he and n ttw rit~ oth••r nwmb<>r-; nt tht• \! nmen" fht• th1,., ,u•a.. H•' 1 ht• Cor· Ch il' l.A'RC!\.1(' of Corvn.1 dl'l Mar I pot.rtHm y 1rd Tht• \lunmda ~~ a.nd R<llboa l <:land hnd wun>d tht• ,.,,., •• n 1111 ,1nd tlu• \\';Hhnr; r~l park Rt't'R" an d duJn't ~··t a ~ park 111 \\'t"' '''"I"".' It \\'l .. opm ron or thl• plannam: of thP th<' lttttt•r that hnlu~ht •n •tw dt<:-\\'adrn~: Pool Pa rk, f\31 ttcularl) o'Ul>!-.Hm I~Ceauw ol the-flow<'r ht·dl-:: l\1r!l Paul ") Da"i' (I( Clll'ona M•·. Satlor~ rc-pliC'd that both dt•l M RI a~kt•d rt thc.>rt' '"'''l' addi· •he \.\'('<;! ::-.:c-"110''' Impl"O\I"mC'nt llt1nal hmd (Or lhP \\".1drn~ P nol ASSO<'Iation and the Cll~ ''! planninc •• • .1 rom ultants had prl'part'd tht' plaru; ~~.k <. ~~~ ~l.llla~C'r ,r,,hn Sat • ror th(' Wading f'ool J)o'll k H earts-Flowers Plans Made .\ ~ .. UIIJ~I\ Ul (!()\\~I" '\an~nl; '" • , •111' r .. , ,., rhn:: hui';' ZJidt"d 1•11 d t' •.:•.., <~nd tw rh lull ot fr h I lo\\ • '' on th;• tubl"" "ill earn m11 th• ~'nttmrnt al theml:' aN.bi: H<'ar" nd F lo".,r Ball ~t for Fn da). f't•b 2 at tht' Eblboa Ba~ Club Ttu annual dll'lrit~ f'\~Dl is ·be- m :: 'fl'l'n.sored b~ the X ewport II 1rbM and _anta Ana A ,;t!Jarres M t h,• f'htld.n•n' Hum<' -!Ot>t) PI ua ... a r•~ "''" bt an.: romp •t f'd b~ ~tr· .. \\tllr.t.l Rl•r'' \\t '" and I •'iill'> < h I I Ill trl '''' h •J t> :\{,-.. f. C \lrtrtlll .. md \ft.. \\ • nd• II (."ilk ln., 1\1 fht '' "'J'lll I J 31 bt.tr l:;."' nd " hi r .. t\o n f ~• t url'd on t ht' l" nm> Da~ .. md Carnalton ra- dto ~hm\" and \\l u 1 omtcrly com- llUS£ionl'd b~ tht late Atwater Kent to pla) at num TOUS iOcial and cha n t) !UDctlons. T01" orch tra tndudes John ~St>\0, • taU clrummft' for the :\futual Broadcuun~t S}'lJ.tem, for- nwrly \\llh Tomm) Dorwy; ']'rum- peter Lam ~eill. who a.inp and compos tor CB-Spen«>r Brown. piantst w ith JU' ~~r. and John Ral.llbri{!s.:l' tw... \'tOl fN t~ \\tth l.,.., un t.,.. 1 <hi Ac-ad my I" rn l \\'tnntn orc:h• tl'a,. I.'Tnup and 'l" ~~~.. H ut l·H t , BP'll Cl b H \\1\~., 1nd mt•an t•h;tnll\U' and V\ It ears \lr Ro~ Pnt'• r .. md ~tr .. < ·1 i ('0<'t' . :o'pl<l~!ll' •·I lht• .... anta Antt l( up I Poet Philo opher ln chllt'll:t' nt dl"tonr;Hinn' ar;:> \fr<: \\'o~lt<'r Cl'llt• oll Ball)cx t h ' tnd p,,. t-phalu .. f'Jih•' Don Bla.ndmg md ~l r' Frt'd Hansen ot 'ahta Ana )fr, )1as tha nu. .... hnl'll tUl· ""' ·~t I• ,tiUTi-d <.pcaker Of tht- !>l r'll<'tur 111 tlo\\ 1 r arran ·' ="t'" port Hat bctr Bu-.rnt'S and J>ro.. will pt't"parc the displavs ft•-.sinnnl \\'omt n·., Club at t he 'llblC'S C.ron:t' Janu~a and re\tUlar mN'l_Ul~ tt'l Thursda' at \·an I lorn wtndn \\ c.J.>eora '''" thP R:llbo:\ \ '"<'ht Club \'ardC'nmt-.ts Santa Ana "111 Aftll "" tntt'\-..iucnon b) past· ll<t tt• a du~ to ,t..,~ot•mbltn • 1nd prt•sidt•nt R•'tt~ ll mdy 'Cr Bland· ling up d,'('(lra tton' en~: n•ud ht' Jll'lo "'" 'lnd t>xplained ~rr... f~rederick C lea n nf the:' ntcum'' n,., ~ undt>r whic-h roona cit I ~Jar \OII'rt unn.:·lll , each ·wac: \\Tilt n man H\nounC~'Ci that di\Ot'•• lJnntl "' •rc\, I• r ht' wrnnt'~"> \\ttl .,.. Jli'O\·h1t•d hy th•· Ht'nr~ 3t thr Chn,tm.,, Pro vu~w d tSpl.a;,.s \t annt•t <. lli'Ch<' tra tp., n~t.>l \\t're pto·,l·n tt:d dunng tht-bw:i· und Hollywood ~t)Cit"l~ f t'·PIC'CI' n~ mt'f'trnt.: You Can Better at R~>\ PauJ BabiJttt. Corona d<'l l\lat· Community f'hurcll, wa nam<'d vlcl' pr('sidrnt. ~fr-s T . J !!lrd St'<'l<'Y of 'hr lst Church by t ht> Sell is the new ~retar), a nd Miss ('lara Kohlst~t or the sam e chut'ch will bl' tr easurcr. 0 1" 'aid therl' \\Ol> n o mol'<' at th is 1 In an~ ca'!P 1t look a 1f thC' tim~ thou~h fun~ \\T~ n~dC'd,~rie~nij~~s~w~i~U~~~·~~~s~t~a~U~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ citin't as an e '<am ple tht• nl'ed for bu~ sng €.'l'd for the riO\H'r bedl • "Flowers in A playln'ound?" Mrs. Nominations were pr('sent~ by Re\. Thomas PcndeU. head of the nonunating commlttt'l'. The lunch- con was servl'd by Mrs. Edgar Hill and Mrs. Clara Axtatcr of S t. Ah· drewa. Din-is asked. "Is it supposed to bt' a playground or a park?" Councrlman Dick Drak<' said he thought it should be a playl{round, and Mrs. Davis thought so \00. Francis Hot·vath, chairman of the City Parks and Recreation Com· mitt('(', said that hi romm.ittC<' thought it would ser"e lx>tter as a combination park and plal•ground, since theN' were a number of elderly persons In the M ighbor- hood who wantro to usc tht> park bench facUlties. And h" addNI that it ahouldn't look Ilk<'' a con· centration camp. Norman Miller. allo a m cml>f'r of the Park$ and R«rcaUon Com· MMt at "lto'"-le for Lod[f~.... Hoete St. I Nex t to tN! l C(' P lant I .. mit t ~. said h~ had tou~ t h<';~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ llrt'8. with Arvid Paul), State Rl'· , ~' creation plnnn<'r, and Mr. PAuly ~=--------:: ' Thunclay. Jcmuary 15. 1151 Br SUE ~ enough for bay racin't. Don Y odeUer Is Winner In Talent Show VI IT8 IN Aoa.uiE!fto Mrs Earl Stank>y, 9 Rudder Rd., Beacon Bay. may be abl~ to gi\-e an lnl>ight Into what's happt>nln.: In the S tate Legislatu.rt' when iht' com£' back from Sacramento, wh<'l'\' hl• has 1~.-n vislling h<'r husband. n t>mblyman from this district. '~'he-market for nt'W boats ls' thought, but large C'nough for a ha\ing lu spnng purt 30 d.lys cabin and cruising to Catalina h c-arlv this year1 acoordin~ to Ken I &houJd have-a large sail area to \\'irSon, Chris Craft dealer. Within pick up the light airs ot this har- theo last two w~ks $90,000 worth bor but still be sea\\orthy. of ~~. including slx new I He sketchtod h l.s Ideas and su.b- 1 Ctlrls Crafts, ranging in si"Z<' from mittro the akctch to a prornisiJlg 31 to 50 footers, haH• bet>n !>Old )OUn~ na\1ll architect, Da.ir Long, b the Happy Wtnior. and other and rrom Dair Long's drawing Yodelling and dancing in the wcst~m St)lc won t~ 'IV talt'nt <.'Ontest at the Port Theatre ih Cp- rona dl'l Mat• Tuesday e\'enlng for 9-)oear-old Sharon ·Ann Keesling of Tu tin. ~ \\ill appear on KFI· -.._,._....;i~---~iiilil--iiiiiiiii~~ TV Saturday between 8 and 9. "' I agenci~ have noticed a hkl' re-~ board emerged tht> .Viklng-20' urgenoe. UsualJy, the lm~tus overall with 5'8'' be-am. 3' draft. that the approach-or spring gtves 206 square feet of Nil area, and I to boat buying begins soon after 1750 pounds of lead In the keel Feb. 15. which Don has built and old ever Reasons for the ~nt purchase since-. of boats are \aried but h&\'e the Among tht> special attributes or I sanw underlying cause -uneer-Vikings are the large salts we . talnty of the futw·e. One new mentioned that ~lve them speed C\.M"fit tar was Marlva Hamblin of TahJti and Hollywood, \\ ho has aJ)(X'arcd in movies as a Tahitian dancer. Also ma.Jdng a guest ap- pearan('(' w re five boys from Dor- otby Jo's School of Danct" in Costa Mesa .wade Deal, Donald S wan· son, Tommy Eberts, Kent H8f'VeY and Roy Yamell. Frank Sekeris presented comedy pantomime. And incluck'cr In the program wert> these s tudents from the Judy Newman School of Dance in Santa Ana: J ohn Barksdale. Mary Flort>tl, Cathy MIUer, Ba_r- bara Weakly, Rosalee. Florence and Lois Ridge, Phyllis Knights, Mary Cotta, Bonnie Jean Alden. Gwen do) In Williams. owner aaid. "I v."&nt my boy to and ~ting ablhty. But when it's h&\-e a boat so he can havt> aU the rough ouuide the main can be rc- fW'I possible before he goe In the placed with a storm mainsail, st.>rvi~." Another aaid, "I figure making them extremtoly seaworthy 1 can't lea\'~ my family much or a Don Pederaen can teslif)' who an inheritance and might ~~. well I has sail~ his Pr<'IUd(' in a gale. ~l\'e thE'm a good tim e "0 "· And Vikings slcc>p two and make another ~id, "Thought I'd _better I good o,·emlghters. The Harold buy a boat bef~~e thcre 11' .. an~ ParkE'rs with tht>ir two small I stint 111 the quality or. parts: children saiJro their VlkinJ: to Ca-Delta Gamm. as tr. Wilson says h<'~ can f1U or-taliha and J){'nt {'\'t>ral nights d<'rs up unlit -June. After that eboard. M t J fa d no one knows whether th<' boat-Tht>y can tx-~ailed without .a ee On S n I in~ lndu t-ry wilJ tak<' a n<>w turn. cN'w tx>cau.<> the j1b is on n club. Dr William Titcomb. round€'r rome to a d{'ad end 01 m!'ander Jim \\'h~ te of Corona d~ Mar, or the [I{' Ita Gamma Nurser~ nlnnJ: as usual a dar!'Ctor of thf' Balboa Yacht I School for 'isually handicappt>d Ha''<' you aoticed that the new Club and Viking enthusiast. often childrt>n, wa" HH' f{\U'St s!)('akcr Chris Crafts haw a cUpper bow nt<.'f'S singlehn.ndro and app<II'C'ntly a t the Oranl:t.' County Delta Gam- mstead of the famahar plumb "ith su<.'Ct" , for he has tx-<>n flt.'<'t ma A1umnot' m('('tm~ h<'ld a t tht' I st(.'ITI? Adds jauntiness as wpiJ a11 <'hampion and u."ually fini!lhPs m home or Mr'S . F..diVtf\ 0: Williams., foota~<re. Th Y retain tlll'ir bull t roph~ formation. 325 Collins A w .. Balbo.'\ Island. on o ... of Brrutd"'ay' .. tM"'t ~nu..J-nose~ Ontl(> 'Mr. Wh~ 1<' ~a\'e a pl<'n· · TuesdtK. of la"t \\N'k. (':l_J ... "KI~ Mt• Kat ... " "it .. mu-• • dad if unJnt('ntibnal d monstr·ation Mt's. ~ohn Geig{'r of Balbo:\ 1~- ..Jc-~~ Cot.-Pnrtf'r, "ill I'Pf"'"' \"IKISG FLEET on t hi' sJX'{'<I of Vikin~. He> got land' 5C'l'\ l'd us ro-hoste s. An· nt IA)na: Bf>tt<'h ~luJ'IJ<il•l Attdl· · ha on 11w wron..: cours<'. sailed hi other gttt•st was Mrs. Daniel Hay, to rlmn, f'rldm~· a.a.d ~turda~·. A littll' mor<' 1 n 10 ~ t•ar' ago \.obltn throu~h two flPt'tS of rae· Delta \.amma alumnae chairman t'.-b. t a.ad s. Bfott~ (...,..ll")rf' Don Pt.>d rsc:>n or \'lkiOJ.!'" Port inJ.: Albatros~ and Ludl'rs and won fo1· thi:. are~. (abo\f') will 8tar l.n tlw arll tt.-r-tnou~ht l'riously about 8 saalboat thl'ir rae<'. W<' f<'t'l h!' hould ha\'e ' Arrnngt•mt•nts W<'l'<' made Cor lllc lftU .. I<'.a l broQt'bt b~· \\'arf' that would be indi~l'nous to ~e\\-l't.''<'CJ\t.'d !'onw M»"t of a\\al·d for comnutt(.'<' nl('('tin~ to plan the t~aultoa dlrt'C',t from 1'1\..'iff'MI ll0r1 llarbor 11 should be' small tim; ft>at . but he didn't. !annual s pnnJ! benefit J'Qrty. The clti~ Anoslwr rm11'k'.'t charartt•ristic mcmbt'nl also ''otrd to t>C'<'ome a H d 0 Robert Calll•S of 1 h1' \'rkin~.; riN.'t is t h<' "<'II kt.>pt cheph•1· •.•. chanl(inJ.: from their rondi11on of 1'1\Ch boat. Also mo t prt>s('nt desiJn1rtlion as an nssocia· \'1k1111! E-kipJX>rs art• <'a!<on<'d and tion. 0n0re n 'M f y , tht> t.xm,,)(>tatlon is tol}~-:h. I an.Jll ear !'ndrl'\\ Gram Of ~~•n Marino i. LOC I~ 80\' E.'"LI· TS 79th B • thda -v ,. 19:)0 f.lc'f't <>hampaon Don PE'd-1 Colhns Christie. 19-year~old son lT 1\1 <'I'SPn as f!E't'.t <'Ommodor·r Acth£' vf :'llr. and Mrs Clem C hri He. J <Continued from Pas:e 1 1 . meml>l'r~>hrp rncludt>s · 1 11 E"<'· Jim 236111 .snug Harbor Rd .. Newport F'rien<b and relatl\<' from far nl'\\ Olll{'('l"!l of the Chamber \\ert> R.amst•~. Lo Am:el<'s. t2t Bucca-Heaghts. enlisted in the army las t and ·near (Said honot to ~1rs Mar· tntrodu<:'\"d and merat award.! prt·-~ llf't'l'. l..a rT~ \\'h~-'C'IC'r. !3alboa Is-Wf'Ck an.d was sent to Ford Ord ~at'Ct R. IA•ru·bom, 3()1 Am<'th~. t Sl'nlt>d. land: t3t All~. Wtlbur Sar-on Monday. Collin attended both A H· .. BaJboa lsJand. last Saturday ut~oing P r <' s i d <' n t Roland ~.:ea.nt .. Glenda!<' I \let' commodon> Harbor Hil!h and Orange Coast on tht:> ·~ <.~on ot h<'r i9th birth· Wric;ht presented two H <'I m s and "mne~ of Chnstma Regat· CoUeJte. He also spent two yea.l'l da~ annhersar). Foundation tropt_Ues one to Joe tal; 14 1 P1c.aroon, ~ha:l<'s Price, at Brown Military Academy ln Jler daughter, Mr CoO\ers(> &.aek ta.nd ~"·ro in hw ab-Alhambra; 15) Goblin, J1m Whyte, San Dlt>go and had receh~ two '\'urdemann. 209 Rub~ Ave., Bal· cc> by son Allan B«>kl for the Corona del Mar; 16) Marlt', An· years or ROTC training. boa hland, ga\'e a birthday tea in test rontribut.ion to junior drew Gram. San Marino: 111 Dun-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii h€'r honor at the Santa Ana CoWl· ya ti.ng. and one to Robert Allan cu.ttin. Dr. F. D. F acey, San Fer- Cl b .. T....., H nd jr. for the moet o\1\standing con-nando; 1101 Seaklng, RJchard try u · ••Irs. '1:'\1 auser a t uon to senior vachting. Koes. San Marino: r 11 I Sea Pi I· Mrs. Charles Boardman poured ~ 1 J for the occasion and Grace Pohier /FoUowlnJX awards of merit wert> ow, ame F. Hint> . Newport; sang several c.o1ectlon , accom-g ,·en: Carl Hanna, deputy direc-l121 .Mercury, Henry Kea rn . San panJed by Estelle Brown Mtlls . tbr of ch·il defense: Corona dt-1 Gabn~l; 113J Prelud~. Don P~r­ On<' of the son~:> wa~ "W h<'n You ~tar Bu. iness A sociatlon for the sen, N('wport; t l51 Dr. Chanmng ~tnrl I Wer£> Youn~. Mn~~<'." high-llnnual Treasure Days; Dick Ricll· J'laleh Pom~ma; 1161 Jackson. Jack lichtinsz 8 nickname or thP hon-~rd for the McCall Magazine na· ~u~g~e~. ~Uido~~~~·~le~.iiiiiiiiiii.iiii~~ii~~~iii:;;iiri~=i ~I.·b. p F Bamt>l'o ol :'\ wport f?r . adVI.'rtisit,t&:. Newport Ocean nn ~tional award to Richard's Mar ket 1 ll<'h:tw,' pl'esentcd ~tn •. J.)earborn Sail1~g ASMX'Ja\ton for the Enscn-t,&... \\lth a life membeL hip pin 111 the ada ra('('; Junior Chamtx-r . of -, \\'nm<'n'" Circl<' of the Bal Commel'Ce for.the floaUng Chn t -,. Ic:l11nd ;\ft•lhodi"t Church. • ""'lS tree_i .. Assa tan('(' ~agu<' and , ~~. tht>~rt Harbor Elks for wei-hi'. n~ to orr('T' I)('~> I "l!'h fare and charity work; Harold &.. (\I I ( 11.1 (.'"Ut•,.ts Out • of tO\\ I Johnson. designer or the propellor I 6.,. 51 l.'\Jt ~h anrluded Mrs. Jil. \ Wut -Cor the world's ras tt>st speedboat: ~ Costa Mesa COMMUNITY CAPERS m~ a~d dauLthter !"ft>I.Pn of I s }'"'rank Linn('ll, Community Fund I An <'les . the hO[lor('(' ... :-.1strr. M ., eampai~tn chairman; Hoa~ F oun-l Ro~ ,Moon. and HIIUJ.rhtr>.r ~~ar~:a .. t dation for sponsoring of tbe Hoag of :'l:orth. lloll,\\~~d. a sr.tl'r an-Memorial Hospital; ,Jim Wd>.'itt>r Ia." ~1r .... Chat!!::: [)(>arbom of fnr faithful S<>n ice-to yachting: \\ l.altl!'l', ''lin a nw«'• \In-om J)rl'k Ste\.\art and Porter Sinclair 1-''.~h<'r.:•l.l o~ ~1usk<'~o<nn ,. :\1 ch.: for enter ing th<' Flyin~ Scotchman !\!1. Do~u Dick on,and dau ter 111 the &>rmuda race; Heinz Ka.i er n~m Pa ad na . Ia Cia nee for his continu('d errort on behalf \\r,~h~ u.!ld "'''<·rttl ulhPrs rrom of youth organizations; BPW for i th• W1lshu·p Prc•sb~ 1<'11811 C turch the• Christmas P re\'i<'W' and to ,. lv·r<' \ln. Dt•nrborn \\a!' for-rl'hrln~ directors Bob' ~er m• rl~ a n ••m bt•a 1 ht.• \1 as."" elen John Bidwell Ma rion Dodd and 16 NEW ACTS EACH NIGHT ;md l.nurn PtHIII' of Fu ('rton . · a no Ma"s l\'('lht• To\\ PI" an Miss Kennet h Wilson: HC't<'n TapJl(>r of Los An~rl After Mr . Wn~tht had presented • the "Man of t~ YE>ar" award to Rob Callis:'~faster or Ceremonies U.s Steffensen introdu«'d the new office-n and directors, then turned the m{'('ting O\'£'r to Tom Norton, Better Parking for New Balboa P. _ the new pre ident. Mr. Norton Postma ter . H<>rb Ken!l~ of Sal-prt'sented a certificate of me rit to boa asked CitY. Counol Monday Pa t President Wright, citing par-e\.('n~~ to provtde t.J:!e aximum tucularly his work in a suring that p::u kang accommodation , for pa-the Chamber would get its ship ~ron<; of th<: new post or~1ce bmld-orritt'. Presiden..t Norton aJso in-lll~ now tx-an~ construct'ed at 204 J troduced the "work horse" or the Marn ~·· Hl' su~g<-,s thaI th!> Chamber, Ext'Cutive Secretary east stde of Malri St. 1 front of 1 Ia~ Langenheim th tl('\\ post OffiCI' an Thl' awards wer!> made after the front of the Ca ino al' ,., tO-minute pa buffl'J suppet· T.hen foUowcd the ll"lrlt' s much a entertainmE-nt program, headlined US(' and com·en1enC'e 01 b) P<'pito and Joan Perez of Co- patrons. rona d"l Mar. HIs lett ('r poi n tl'd lfiiiiiilillliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii "'11 tntents and Ma.m l::.t. north ()( a one~way 'ill'('('\, is one-way Wl'stwa also i ont>-wa~. to r<'fer thf' r<'qu~o•st committee. Anite loo$ Gey Com.4y Wtltt.n for. HElEN HAYES 300 IN CAST ! ...... Halttlr IIIII IIIP sChell Alii. Friday and Saturday, Jan. 26-27 ~ ~ ADULTS 60c CHfLDREN 25c ~ tl ~ Curtain 7:45 P. M. 4, ~ COSTUMES .. • ~· ~ ... IIIPidal eartOOM tMIItM rer .a kNit rr-em t to • Doen epta •t l :U p.m • ......_.._,~ pa.rty ud ~)' the MUft art.niOOL P REMIERE SHOWING : : : FiYe Big Days JOEL Ml'CREA S JIELLY WINTER..~ -4ll80- ''SUBMARINE PATROL .. -·-Rudyard Kipling's Ia Tt-c.-luJk'olor ERROl. FL~N OEA~ STOCKWELL * ~pt'da I l'rf<'<"' for thl" f'DI:31fMYH'h t : Adult : 614' plu!il 13<' b.x Tot. I Chlldr••n: 1 ~f' l>lu" 2co ta..-c Total ·!'iita.rtll ~uncia~· -for 7 da'"' (C'ont.t.uou111 ~1\ow litu'1d11y) FIRST RUN ALAN LADD MONA FREEMAN CHARLES BICKFORD Ia tiM! •~r out41oor IJtor)' ..OD" ..~, • .. ' . _)r .. . ' Man-made hHring has been re- volutlonlzrd ln t~ . newest and smallest-' Sonotone hearing aid. Mana~r Chark!ta R . ~r of Sonotone or Santa Ana announ~ today from his om~ at 106 W. 4th St. By MOLLY MOitGE~VItOTH Save the date F b. 1-and plan to J)l>nd that enm1n~t at the New- port Beach Elementary Scbool a u- dJtorium. wht're a pro!fram will lX' Prt'.!>t'nted by the tru trumental music groups or our ('l('mt'ntary school district. The new Sonotone inttrurnmt "is so unall it fits easllf ln a man's watch pocket or a "roman's If you are ont" of th.,. many hat," Mr. '~"urn« l&id. ''Wom with adults who \\ish you had had a ~ unique 'M.ovable Ear,' it pro-chance to ll:'am to play a musical Videa a new kind or effortless, In trument when you "<'rt' )'<>uns: strain-free .hearing." but didn't. you'll g('t a n-al thrill After 17 easlck days, Pa.ulln(' Codling arrivt'd at Guam and met h r husband. Lt H. G Codlm~t. from \\hom h had been· sepa- rated for 11 months. Uunng that time l.t. Codlinc had been l l'· portPd mt jnc and lh n found Mrs. Codling took "ith her thf'lr childrt>n, Diana May &lid Junm~. grandchlldrt>n of .Mrs. L. E. Mor- rill. 224 Ruby. Balboa Island. Ri~ht owt~.id(' or the Goldc.>n Gate th lr ship ran mto a storm and aU becam sea ick And to add to thear discomfort the chHd-An exchaiw de,·elopment or as you hC'ar the childrt>n or our Sonotone's pioneer electronic la-community J)t"l'form, and realize boratories at Elmsford. N. Y., the that fol" 'fhem theS(> dr~>ams have I .. Movable Ear" t.s a midget auxll-b<>rome a r('ality I Bl.rthda"-' Part lary out.Aide microphone With "no &hind this realit) is a care fully J Y e xte rn at, telltaJe connecting dt>v loped pro~m~m at the Horace F Ch • Cle cords," according to th Sonotone Ensi~. NC'wport and Corona dE'l or lP ary Manager. Mar schoolA C"uri('d forward by I . . A man wears It on his shlrt, coat :\ti Norma Pt>rkins a Whitt4er A belated blrthda} dmn('r wa lapel or tie. Masked by a "Sono-Jmtdttat('. She •~ bOth an out-'t'n•n Saturda~ ('\emm· b) ~lr Charm," 1t become a mart piece ~;tandme in!ltrwnt>ntal music in-~ rt•<h·~!ck Cl(•ar,> fo! hl"r hus~rtd. ol costume jt'owelry on a woman's structor and an accomplisht•d mu· Ch~l~· 1.1 '· ~ ~e r!lm1ly home, 1602 coat, blouse or dre-ss. "Sono-sldan. Ht'r fa\·orlte irultrumE'nts · actllc Otl\ f., Corona d I ~tar Charms" -attntctin~. lnexpen.sl\'e 31"(' th(' 1-'N>nch horn and the piano GUl' , ... \\(·r~ r•r I lid )1rs A ,. brooches that s lide O\'t'r the micro-but he al"'o has playl'd drum pro~ Andn•\\~. 1\1 r'> and ~1mC>s. Carl • phon •re oft red by Sonotont" in fE'S ionally, and ''"r) oft en tak~> Jlonna ltnm Curona dt>l )1ar. Wt?n- \aried styles for varied ensembles. o'·•r th~> drums in the swin~t banc:1 dt•ll Calkll\~. W1lfred f.k•rls. Lo~:an "Becauae the 'Mo\'ablt> Ear' l.s l ShC' has had prof ional I'XJ>f'M· Ht'ndric~n from Balboa Island. ,"! Jl eo~ directly to sound waves,'' ence In conduclin't and has workl'd Charle L'llman. Balbo.'\ l't·nmsula. Mr. Turner explained. "your hear-on thC> radio and teJ!!rls.lon. Sht> C. Roland PiE>rct• and Jam('!> R lng l.s unrnutned by clothing, t here can play ('\'E'ry lnstrumt>nt in 30,. W t.· ten:aa·d ft'Om Los Am.ele· are no clothes-rubbing noises and I or ht>r bands 1 Sh<' playt'd Frt>nch - able hearing.'' 1~-wood Rowl F..ast('r Sunrise St>n'-lSl or YrltJeS less volume 1.s ~uired for enjoy-, hom in an nrch('Stl"ft at tht> Hoi-V • •t A • TI\e new Sonotone hearing aid i.s ic s.) F Z7 per a!nt lighter and 4.2 per ~nt In our !IChools in trurT'K'ntal mu-rom Mirh,·gan smaUer than any pre\-ious Sono·. Ji;IC ~tart" In the fourth grade. "'- tone all~in-one hearing aid. accord-wherf' 11.11 studt-nts Ar<> l'rt,•cn an Gll'n H Chamberlain or Grand ing to Mr. Turner. IX'!;ignatt'd ao; <'PP<lrtunllr to pln~ the ~>one Out(' Rapids \11 ch .. arrln>d 1n Southt•rn the "940'' ina~t. it weoi~hs l\ll"s Perkins now has A sC'ng C'altfurnut b) pl&nt' Saturd&} to only 4.,.. ounces with blltteries, is Out(' orch(' tr& or lAA fourth s:-rad-\a H rf'laii\P !i(' \\Ill \ISit hi-. lt>ss th11.n 4" inches long and le s l'TS from tht> Coronn d<'l ;\far and hrotht'l and \\If<'. Mr. and Mrs. than 11~ inches wide. Nf"wport ~chools Sh£> 11l<~C' hnc: ~ormtan S. Chamb<>rlnin. 717 Jas-~ew midget battt'rit's, smallt>r a b<>l.!'innln~.; orC"hf'Strn thrtt \-om-mrnf> A\t> h1 nt'phn' .md \\II•'. than a thimble, last lonscer in thl hinl'.; st.udrnt" in thr two o;chooJ!: ~~~ and .\ln. f:O.ll CIMn•tk•rhun. Instrument than in any othrr who• pla~ tin~ orC'hf•,lt·al '""tru-720 ~1un~o:old A \l'. Corona d(•J h<-aring aid availabl<' today. Mr. m('nl • \l ar. and ht' "'''Cr. \I" Harn Turner sajd, bP(oaUS(' of low-drain Tnt min~: t h:~t '' bo-I.!'Uil m thf' Hnbinloonn tn lit·• mc>-..1 Ht•al'h . \acuum tubes. ~ tubes. an-ICI\\t'r gl'Acit'' i'~ t•:uriNt nn m ,I \nolh••1 ''''"' \lt, :\h11a \fto. ot tu-r exrlusivl' Sonotonl' product. <'ll rrfully nrcn'ni7NI has1 1n t hi' Alt<t' p:""''d 11\\ R~ 111 ·11,.1 m11~a AJ"t> thl' smallc>st in romnwt•C'inl u~l'.~ ilith. "'E'''E'nth nnd Plchth L..'T1d!'"' ki·adt dunn_ thl' hulicl:"" n~··u today Enc-h o;t udrnt m n ~ a d ' q n c I' 1 I ,. •.n, 1 !l<i 1 fo ar! -.uttrri-fJ inJua· ~1r Tumer noted· that lx>cause thro~h a Pri<>s of :\2 c-las tfica· 1t' 11 ;u1 uutomobth• :tt't'td••nt ~notone' tubes N'qujre I<'S pow-lions ba'Wd tln muc;iC'al abllit\· and tn ·l'itp nt 1h1• m1..,fn11unr ll)-'th .. <'T than those used in an)• other prnfictt>nC) Ac <~t udrnt;; prOE:T('<:c; l . .tmt'~ . \J~ l.arl Chrtmbt>li.JIIl Instrument. thc>y ext('nd "A" bat-th('y I>E'<'Omt' pli~biP fnr mnrt> wd-"t'r\t-d Chlt,lnta' dmn•·l '• t. nUI- tery Ufe up to 50 per cent. As· "'"~ grc)ups-_,. • to-lm\ n L..'Ut',,loo sembled by skiiJed craftsm<'n .In The . chool ow''" PnoUI;h ih.stnt· 1 Sonotonc·s own tu~ plant. these 1 mt-nljt so thflt students can ha,·c s· m lc)s{et powerhouses measure less an OJ'll>()rtunity to try out <;(>\'('Tal ees MotJie Set than one-third of an Inch ln dl-t~-pes and fiod thl' in trum('nt the>\' ameter and lea than an inch In 18rt" best fittl'd to play. For an I s D. length. 11\eir nearly invisible· inJtial J)t'riod s tud<-nts ma\' borrow n an r.ego Jl!&rts lnclude filarnfont wire oqe-an In trument; latt'r the~; can r'(>nt "E \ en lookro throu~h hft~th the QtlclPless of a hu-and till later apply •his rt>nt on <~COPE''.. said M rs. H('rb Co~~ man halr.-Ad'V. 1 the~purchaw of an Instrument. after a weekend Jan. H trip to , A 1 the Horace Ensl.gn School • Dl "Entlcn Cassifled ada have been t hl'rt' are fi"" re'!Uiarlv schedule-d n <''tO. "ht'rc her husband Is a proven meens of reech.lng buyft'l instrumental groups. -Mt>Jt f'le-assistant W 'ector !01 "The ub- for aU aorts of mercbanclbe--Uee mental')' is th(' Junior Ort'ht''llra of mari1w $tory," mont' no,\· bein~ them! P~ne Harbor 1114.. 75 playt'rs. :-.;P'tt ~~ fht> Ad· fllml'd wilh WiJliam Holden and , nnC't'd Orc-ht>st 111 or 50 mt'mbE>rs \\'ilUam l~ndi' lor Paramount Thl:'n tht>rt' &l'f' tht> P ('p Band or Th,• C'olman ,\\enl d:~ncin.( a1 ~,, 50 and the AdHin('1'() Rand of :)(I t~tt" n. \<JI ~ltic,,~,; cJ.ulJ. Admu I For tft(' 15 studpnt with the hi~h-J,td Rac;l', ~aturda~ t~ll."'llt. ~undl'\)' Th~ <' t )('\'('! or proficiency. thl' Swins: morn I n .t: \It~. < olmnn \\ <>nt Sip .. B:lnd off('rs an opportunlt\ ror rhroo..:h a ~ubmarrnt> 11 ttnl'r and n \J m e r 0 u " publi(' 8PJX'3 rnn(."(>~ ! hen 'hi'~ \H'I•' I!Ut''' .. Ill 'ht• hom£' HA.rbor 87 \11'mhl'rs this )'f'l\1' at'(> Gr<>tfory 1 of C'om~andPr B••b TJppan lor Adams, Sharon Cr·m, 1. Robf'rt [)(-. dtnnt't ~\tnda~ ul 11 .!'11!'1(11'! Thf' 427 N•rcimn. COM Lon~:. Carol Do.'ln<'. Dt-nniq Ht'n-C:olm:tnl'. \\ ho hH• al •ltl \\ lll'l:'an ~ ~·.-: ~, COMPLETE TRAVEL SERVICE llataaiTbeatre Deket qeney Avthorited repreien+otive lor leading theolrei o"d ottrec1ioni 3461 Vi• Udo, N•wporl ~A 1246 "On the Mezzenore Rancho Mesa Nursery School State Licensed and Approved From ! to 8 Vearw ..,...nt.lf!d (la~ &Dd c...tnletlft PlaJ- REASONABLE BATES Open 5 days pel' "'~k-8 to 5 Transportation Furnlsbed 110 E. 15th St. OOSTA III:SA .._a-c-.., ' 8SSI'S nNE ftAIJAN DINNERS Allo SteaD -Prime m. Cocktails 811 CoM& 111ft. Rarhi' 1180 ()orGD .. liar I I . II I I I d~>rson. Pt't<'r Hc>ndt'rc;nn , Ronald f mnt Hal_lloa. \\N t•, '!!'o ~._. I :"'\('\\Jon. Richnrd 0\'l'rb\. Ri('hard ,..i.£J~k lall-. nt l\d~tr<~l fl,\ kt'r \VaJ'd. Da,·id Vauchn nnd Slt'phf'n and rnmlly :11 tht• t ~ Gr•tnt WAIChl'r. I fotc•l TCI furt ht'r C'ncourR t!t' iru h·um<'n· tal <:tudPnt<> in t!tl'ir woa·k. :\ris." TOOLS ADOPT BOY ~crkln. hns J"t'n-;onnll~ pm' idl'd pms for <'3Ch studrnt who qu:'lli- fit'l' on NIC'h of I h!' IA<;t t>il.!'ht Stt>p, of th(' pro)...'Tam . Sh!' hns nlcm sup- pliNI 1\ !:()('<'illl t I'Oph~ I hn I will b<' prp,,•n I I'd a 1 t hi' ' nd or t he• 'ear to tlw 'tlllit 111 whtt In' JWU"I'P'I•Pd I hrnu~:h llw hi~lws 1 nrrmlwr uf c;tf'ps durin~: th(' ~!':tr rfUST Glt \ '\"llCIOI.Il ROR'\" 'l'hi'I'P ha.; h!'t•n n t.:I'Prl l dNII nf rt•jtHC'inc ul thr Tiara' Grt'('n houw. 311 Sapphm A\t'. Ralhoa lsi Ind. !l«'8U!!t~ I ht• fll''-1 ~o:rand­ r htld was born at 11 ;:! l p m Fr i· da\. Jan. 19 ,-...t' bab~. a ltirl namt-d Sand~ Lois 1 after ht:>r pa- tl:'t n I ~andmoth<-r 1, wei~hed an a1 Cn.lifl"1rnia Jlospual in Lo An· A :-.;, \\ Yrar·loo Da' b'lb\ ha' puwd lhl' Wilbur Toi)l hou~o·hold at 'llt3 Poppy • \'e. Corona drl \lar Thr lit t11• lad. lld(lpll•d h~ thr T,l(lt-. has bt·1·n nnm1'd K('\ tn afto·r ~lr' Toni' tnlhl'l \tr and \1 ,., To ·ul h:l\ t• a nntlwr ad,,ptl•d -.nn. 4 '. -~ t'·ll'-t>ltt Pnll'll' "\.JOI: \ '\"ll 1".\ \IJI.l' Flf:RF. lll'll' llll">!ltn.l\ tlw tol!c1 \\NIIht't' 111 t ·h..-~, nne. \\'.' "·· at,. \laj<l1 and I \lr~. \\'lllt.llll H Cal pl'nlc•r and "nns R1ll\ R 'llld Fr1 ' '"' "l ThP CarJX•nlt ·,, h:\\ r· htHJ · t11 ., hnnw ;.r Ill ll,,,,,l 1'1 • lhrou~h tlw \'t•\!E'I C'u. • .tnd .11 ,, p! .nmn~ un h' tn£: hC't'l' r' <'n ,11 h •J 1 he mnJOr l!'n<''-10 KorPa "1th tlw 'lrm,\. \!t'lt"' at 5 pound-;; ~ oun(."(>s. Her !'•Xo~o CHJI.n AIHtl\ E:'i parPnt ar1• Mr. and 1\trs. Frroer-~1r and 'fr-. Chat It'~ Denms. ick Grant Gr('('n, ~oung JX"'Pit' ~1 2 E OcC'an Rhd . Balboa. ~'·"' well known 10 tht> Harbor Area. 1 a lttth' ~rl in thf' tamih now. Tht" new fath<'r is associated with JNtl' C'lmshnt' horn Tuesday. Harry GN.'('n ilt th£' automobile Jan. 16. in 't JCl:.<>ph Ho pital. bu.c;iness. I \\ei""hn-u:: 7 poundo;, 9 ounces wht'n born. Jt'ttt' nns a brotht'r, Denis, Ot'T-OF-TOWN OlTESTS 21 months ola Recent guests or Mrs. Charlel\ I __ ... - Hod(t<'S and Mrs. Ja ne Denny 421 BlllTC IIE.RS IS TOW~ Heliotrope Ave~ Corona del Mar. , Currently bt'ing wclrom~ to wer(l Mrs. DeWitt WriRht and ~r the Harbor ar~ are the C. J. son Ted, from Denver, Colorado., Blrtche r family, who are takinf.t former re$idents or Laguna Beach up 1'esldt>nce on Orchid Ave. 10 and Mrs. Ethel Brown of Beverly Corona del Mar. Mr. Birtcher is Hills. at whOS<' home the Wrights a brother to F. E. Birtcher. of 226 hav<' been \'!siting. Poitl.S(>ttia Aw~ .• in Coronadell\lar. UNDEROOE SURGERY t rs. Arvin A. Voorhet>s Is ex- J)l>Cting to l'('tum to her heme. 515 35th St .. N('wport, this week. after 1 a P<.'riod or convai('Sccnoe follow- ing sur~ery last '''(."(>k in Santa An~ Community H~pital. She wlll be ronfined to ht'l' home for s t' ' <' r 1\ I da~~ to re~ain her !lfl't'tl~th. CORR MOOE-N •nd FUitNITU~E e DlltA,ES e WALL- ,A,ERS e lAM'S e FLOOR COVE~INGS. 1HW~E ~ GARDE'S' 61 I Ct~"'' Hwy .. Newport, 8E 1277 ren broke out \\lth th and "en-OQI on I) ark th n but QuarantmPd rot thr "<'f'ks .tft('r they rt'actlt'd Guam "Bud m<'t w. and \\(' Y.t>rc oU 1 I' Clll!'d," "TOte !\1~ C'odlmg · H~ had a treoe deroa·atl"d for Ui and \\f' ftADACOll nlu Yt ' Ia, had a tabuJow. Chmtma Guam • .._.. ... .,_ .... Met Is beautiful and 1 krnm Y.t' wUI c.:......_ '-' ... hkf' It twn>. ..,._ • The Codllngs art• nuv. lh rns: in a quon. t hut but ar~· prorrn..:.M bettN' quartt>J soun · Julll atn't ~ t used to thE' "md blowm~t throu~h tht-house " thr) tated m a letter home. 'as there are no cro.-ns on t hi" \\1ndow<~ •• Mrs Morrill rf'«'tH-d word that the childn-n "ere d lwhtPd to re- ef' I\ t• 1 he lO} h(' r nt to th~m • · • and her son enjo> ('d h11. ra'. orite lig jam and marmalad ~ht' mad for him Th, · ~ e" J)nt t &> H'h \\'omt'tl ol lhC' ~too (> Ch11p1l·1 1 J-"1U I'll' ho te chapt<'r for the rrud-wmter ronference to be hel6 Sunda) Al.- t~>rnoon at tht' )loose Homt>. 2008 c )(< •a.n Front in ~ewport, bt>gin- mn~ .. t l 30 p m Other chapter:. parttcipatlm: "111 be santa Ana. Gardt>n Grove. Ful- ~rton. Oceansule a.hd S..O Diego Then• \\ill tx-a ma,. irutlatJon and rPfreshments "til b€' er\'ed. ~('naor Re~ent Alit!' Andc>!"Mln of Xt>\\ port will bP thP • nt•ra I t'ftniNencc chairman; Senior ~. \:t( nt Ft>r·n Tlpton ot Santa. Ana, c:Hnl ('I t•nce IC'adt-r W imfred Ran· d; I ot ~f•\\ port. cu.id . and Edna Pht-5:-lr.>. ~ewport, a.sslStant l;Uide. O!llc-f'r" and mt'mbo•r, ot t h R . rual Tt•anl .... a!>k~>d lr• "' "' th 1 loorn~tl~ unrJ '" <II 'h• \fn.,., lfom; ''~ 1.! 3u '"'''<"'I' • • • · •n' Second Semester Classes Start Feb. 5 PH•-.ptoc:'tl' •• q.udt lll ~ ,up ad' ,f'tl to l~•mplc•l .. pn•-r• 11'11a11un f'>.· amtnillllil'' ,, !.4 " m !:-.alltrch\ .Jan Zi. c•• . atua¢t~ Frb 3 m th•· ~CJt'ncc BUJid ins: &t Ulittlll:c· Cna'1 Cull .:+> lu bf. r .. _.rl• tnt" t hr "'l.t of ~·ond t•n .,., ,. "'' \ton-dd~. F<'b. ~, Application a t rali!'.cnpt 111 11c r~rd mus1 be filed ~·ith the r~rder Fal'}a I rt'~l are Feb. 5 and 6. Lee Shipley ORIGIXAL8 ustom and Ra.cly Madf Plasti" Acceuor1es I• f~nt. C1 t, Kltchen, Bath t I M f'o.•t B1 \'d.. CDII ?e:sor.al 3.:·- JU~'~ G1~~ Shop These Reductions are Off Last Year's Prices.. Our OlcJ..CQII&omers Inow That Our Infre- quent Sales Offer Genuine Barqains on f"'LrS t Q uality Merehcmdise. SEE OUR B~AlN TABLE Reductions 'A to •/aOif WOMEN'S a group of 'c=:----==- 1 ~IHit''OI, .~\\;•a l•·r ... J utl.;•l .. , 1'•-cl:ll Pu-.h••" f(otw~. "ARO\t.t.. Cll f'mn.tn ' 11 <lfl.l ~I --lEN'S a group of ====-====;t I 1\l••n· ... llf't.:. ~i.9~ \\uri.. -.hht'' A (h;f,lrd .. { ""l••t•l a rd1 "'UPJlOrt I -~h'"'"· T -Shl,r t,., Botndana~. ~h .. l"t.., ..,.,, :tDd Or' t'r"' Cnr,haro~ Tl'ou ... ·r~. \\'ulklnrr ~hort ... 1 Ot•ntm t. \\ "''- c;t"""'· Hut .... l'll'ot, Or...,~ 'hlr\ P.tjant!l .... liDS' a group of ============- I lt't'Jll'l'.,., r njam c, tlon n,, On-... . lt<lbo'"'· ( ordo· rn,\ Trou''''"· '-\\ "·''''N, 'Iiiii,..'' Oo•nim 'wtm •'"'-\\hilt' Shirl ... L • one sale 1 tern of • of 1tems on • , ...... Sally Geldert ls Engaged. Announcer:nen t of the rogage--1 'Ibe5e lut couple of weeks "-~ ment of Sally Lynn Geldert, tt"dious for tht> hard·\\orking Taffy daughtt'l' or the late Mr. and Mrs. t.nrls, \\ ho collectt"d bJood donora Walt r Geldc>rt or Corona del Mar, fo•· tht> Bloodmobile. \\hlch was at to Conrad Ray Shefft>r, 1000 of Mr. the G1rl Scout Hut last Thw~day. and Mrs R W. She((«"r of Long I The last meefirv: for the Taffy BE-ach, was made at a r('(('flt din· club "·as a \\~k ago '1'\lc cia} at ner part} m L4ke\IPW, Oregon. Dl} house, and thE> blood donor Sally is a student of Southern j cards wt>re collected at that time. Oregon Colle,.;e and a graduate of Also the girls ~ the> cake Santa Ana Coll~e. Conrad at-sale whlch wy ga' e at the Jolly tends Unlvenlit:r or Ort>gon and lsI Rog<>rs last Saturday. They plan a Sigma Nu to ha\'e-a t'ake sal<' o.nc.-a mootb ~ Walter ~lck>rts Wt're l't'Si·l at ~ saJll(' pla~ until Euter Va-ck>nts of Corona del l far at the . cauon. I wlU. let you know befono- tim<' of thelr tragic deaths wt han~ next turw liO tJ:Ia.t } ou too y~. Anot.Mr dau5thter, Marcia. mil,) buy oM of t~e dt'lioo';'S h~ formerly worked in tht> Kay Finch ma~ cakes. ~~ tht> \\'Ill · It ~-u Q-ramic studios and also in the of· a bJst SUCCl'U... The J:iriB \\bo {iN' of Earl Chamberlain ho workt'd at the cake All' \\~en­ with Mn Chamberlain ha\·~ ~n • 1\1.~· Me1:.~nger. Lo1s. S1 ra~. (rlend!; of rh•• fazml) for man\ DLX1e Tilad n. Donna Pnet>. Jaruce . rs · AIJtm. and m} eli. le& · . Th~ ~iris also mad~ plans for The ~ owu::er Gt>ld rt~. Marcut. the danet> \\ h.ich the Taih Club Sa II) and Wal tt·r. mo\ ed to Lake· .... to spon ur at t h(' Tar ·Pit on Vil'". Ort't::un \\ ht>l'<' rfil'Y manatt<' 1-'nda \. F l'b 9 a 1 t•sort kOO\\ n a ... J lunlt>r' Lodt!r · • • • On ll<'1 :...KI \I:'HCII\ was man it'd At~ la1>t '"'''k t ht" MJL\c ,.,.., 10 Jlart• d ~JniUo'IS('Il. and thf'\ OC· \\.Mlltt"'odll~ nl&:ht Itt )( lt>Dt' CUJl) :In apJ.IIIlll'fl1 at tht J..A:KJ•<: .\.ndN1!iOO'' bunw lD ( ,.., ... IM03 and tontinut '' .. ,,_I~! \\llh It~ '" lnttlat .. Olan l' l.._r-.on~ IUld manact•rn, nt 'lon.t .llt'Tit~&:t>rt "" -'~ n-- BRID GE {'U 1l Ol"~t:JC 1\1 r aud Mr... Dan F:hbf>1 u.. 200 F t>mlt-af An l' •rona dC'l Mar atllndcd a r~ n• dimwr part\ m Lo~ Ant;l•les •'1\ f'll b' ml'mbt>r.. of a bnd;.:t• t'1>J!.I "• wti ch the\ art> m('m~·r.... · bf•r .\11 lht> old m••mbt-1" rt-- JHirt.-cJ tha t t bt• c-.•rt>moo~· "as lo\t•l~. ~•!i It """' l.t .. ld b~ C'l~Ddlt'- 11.:-ht. Andrra ('rlbbo·n took ph'· tur..... of tllf' C"'ttb tnt•.mlw_rt~ fur t ht> I li~h "'l'lwnl L1 DDU!t I. t ht• "\•UIIt"'l,i." t • f ~>II I ~~~ • I II• l'HI'lo Ill h ~~~~~ ctarc·· • tf,,~ TtJ.· JlH ,,,:ttn:rt''' IU!!ht ,It \\Ill lw',pon,..,.t••rlll\ tht• t •. 11 ""-' I• • 1\ hu 11 lt•nd II' •'11 up 11ft• J'.trl,l \\ llh Htt'\ .\II \oil\ 11<•\\ tuo.~n ll lu· h· ' I h.on 1 '"~"~ ,.,, • \II k1dd111 · 'l"ldt• t J\5 tbl,. \H'f•k Jl:i .. _, "'•' do~'<~ 1bt• t'Od tof lht• fl,...t l!i(•mo•"tl'r !'1 Ha r bor. H t•\t·r~ullt' Jm l in l ht·ir &>t'll l'lldll .: , .• lma urt and ntl rt•-.ulu llnn.. til tw .....,art•'r t h•· dur1n1: lht pa-.1 1Wtl \\('('kc;" 'Tt'll I '~·ond ..,..0\l.~lt•r, It'-. 111b00t tlmt• mual to f'tlnlt' tn < rBRIE:'\'S most tht-~· .. t . .u-lt•d to amt llwm lot u an,\ llmt and not lind h('r 1 ht•l c. ··rr~t. It ....... rn.. a loDit tlnw from thP tlmt> n t> \\t'rf' fr'O!Ob to but you ~ 'ht•'t-bt·t'n ~ohoppmg non . but b\·IIP\ t• nw, If I ('Oold for ~·ou l..'l.rt.. Yep. I hrN• or f•lUr to ta rt 1111 u\ ••r tt~aJn "ltb "bat timf'. a ~ t'a r • hr 'a kl's vrt r 01 a 1 k:Do" non . 1 "ould bt' tht-ftnlt conCto>nttatoo bu}Uil! ~pr('(' Of to RBIJ!it .... u rr .. ~hmlln n .. ~t course. l'hl' do<' n't .co jus.t an~ l'ot•Jt lt'Dlt>.•r: time.> Sht-onl~ tak<>g t1mt' off for • • • thJ job wht.•n th<'rl.' t> thE' mo!.t On ~aturday, Jan. 13. a group 01 concentratPd ~roup of reprE'SCn· -.tudents and alumni \\fflt to c1in· ta ti\'E'S from bnth coasts· and from nt. r and to the Spike Jones con· all the plae€'1! 10 b<>t\\t>eu. ~howlng l ct•rt in Lon~ Beach at til{' Mllnjci-' their wares 10 L. A .... Wh n pal Auditonum. They were Nor· she Is ~ that she will see the! ma Marshnll, Kt'n Johnson. Ro)d . ' I '! I, Sally McMillen a.nd Bob Lar-besl lincw of new merchandJ e Bf'Andn-a crlbben and Bob v a.n that anyone has to offer. .. lm. Jant't Kilday and Wally . · I Kl' r. Ann Morri and John Yat<' . It 5 lk~·• fun to ~ a ll the• ~11a-Zutx-and John Yatl's' ro\bin, ltuedrt'(b or ec\\ doth~ '>~h a~ 1 John Lan!;£'nheim and Ann Gnl>tY. lWrt' oa d.il'plny a1 th,• 11t~ If' Rbnny Com('r and Day t ? l. ... on \\hieb o~cd "llt.IU'tlf"t 1 • llf't'k " t.bb Wt'<'k. and tbrtlllaac~ ' a..:ves from Sweden to lf'4lrn aU t hf' 1H''' t r••nch of fa.&&& fM,hlon tb:&t :trl' dl-.<-tL"(lH'Cl and Just art I\ N1 from ~\\ t>dc n 1s shm'l-.. Ill t.ttll f 3'1hlon forum. ~h'b. R:l)."118l' Lind<'t'. 0 itol('r or Mrs Sam Kauffman. iOl Goldt>n- But \.t>lma f('(')s 1t 1s such a ~~-'~ A\l• .. COJ'(>na d~l ~.lar. )lrs spons1b1Utv whl'n sht-knows how l..md!'r has bt.•l'n hvm~ 10 Swedl'n · for ftvt> )cars because ht>r husband man) or ~ou <~It' dt•pt'ndJnK upo is the executi\C officer of a Swed· ht?r to bnn~ ~ ou not only thl' lttt ish ~ll'am ... hip \\ llich made• its ettt. hut the t'tlrnln~e St)IE's and l headquartl'rs in the Scandina,·ian fin,,.t nl r l'ti'IIJ, tl lhl mn l'fiW1trlt!'. :"0\\, h0"('\f.'1.1IW'-hlp mod<'rat<' prtc<' possihlt'. 1 has chanl{('d Its trade rnui<'N Hnd \\.ill put in JXlrt more frequently Of ootH"R she' bnppy to I in Aml'rlcan wa tt•ts. M r:.. Lmd<'l' •u<"h bellutJfol lin t• of I will s ta) wJI h hl'r slo;tl'r unlll her d.i..,. u Sloat klrt" to husband atTI\C'S .1.n San Frdn<'t"CO Oat> of t b f' r t>ason a ---- O'BRIEN' h1m • "u<·b a Balboa Resident ,-.rlf'ty 1.11 tlklrl" IM that bu betwt'lf'a 95 a.nd 10l · t'bOOtM" fr6m In ttu• !i'loat aJ«*'. You"' bco dt> tll(tltf'd the> Ollll8 ~he hat~ cboiM.'D sprla~ • • • t>~quJtollc> 8UC'h u thf' &ht't"r mlron \\'o•t~ect· l.n tht> eham1mr.tn~> •ha.df". ~lorious bJ~ color"', llilK'h Dt'W knotty spun t w N"ctM b \'f' lbt" 100"1(', hA1•kf•~l1\'lt' wrM ~"· . . • and plald111 aa d <'bei'ks n>d. wtlltt' and 1'\3\ ~· t You'll rC&lJZc "hen you lo\(•1) bu> that Velma these particular skrlts they rit thl' occasion" of in this area, lx'cau!w dinate with jacket fabulous fash10n ) ou a t O'BRIEN'S, and are lndividuaiJ) tx>au nitel) ne". ~ee O'BRIEN'S this week. Attending her first PTA m~t· in~ in th1s area Monday, Jan. 15. was Mrs. Quenlin Snavely, \\.hose daug hter Chaf'lene is in t h<' third ~rade at the Newport school. Mr. and l\11'!'. Snavel}' and the1r two children (Terry is the other) came here from Wt> twood and ha,·e just tAken n lt>aSf' on tht>ir house at 2100 Miramar. Balboa. Mr. Snave-ly Is the manager for tht> Owl- Mayfair s tore in Santa Ana. 1~;\RTl' AT Til£ WHITE" Good wPa t her and hambun::f'rs comblnt'd ht>lped Mr. and Mrs. Bill White. 21:13 Miramar Dri\'e, Bal· boa, entertain their gue ts Sund&.Y. Jan 14. Pre<>l'nt \\'t're 'Mr. White's parents. Mr. and Mrs. William White of Santa Ana. Mr. a nd Mt·s. Bud HPrd and theh· thrl't> ('hildren from Long Beach; and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jacobs of EJma. Wash. Wl HITA \'181TORS Whll<' attendin~ a conft>ren<'t> In Santa Monica. Dr. and Mrs. ~tf'w­ ard Cole of Wichita. KaMas. l)('nt I ' th<.> \\1-ekt>nd with tht>lr cousin. Mrs. 1arjorlt> Romersi. dietician I fm· the NP\vpor·t Bt'ach <'l<'mcntary ' school . Mrs. Romersl li\'es at 431 1 E . Costa Mesa St., Costa Mesa. 8PE.''D \\'EEK-ESD llt:RE The Charles C. HamJIJ of Pas&· denl pt'nt the w~kend or ttl(> 14th at their summer home at 1717 Mrs. Bates Is Bected Mra. Frank a. tes wu elected ~t of ~ Corooa de.l Xar Starllpt lub at lM met"ling Fri- day at the home of Mrs. Amold Kohls. 608 ~ari.,Jd A\'t". Other new officers are Mrs. FIOJ"('f)Ol' An· dei"SSn. \iet!'-presidc11t, and Mrs. Harty Ju~r. &ettel&rY·tn!ti~. Rummage Sales PlannedbyCircks a.Jboe bland Circle of \VSCS. Chri t O nm:h by the Sea. r'\e\\'- port. ~t ~esd.a}: or last week at the home of Mrs. Walter M. Blh"ftl. ll14 Ocean 81\'d., Co('008. del K ar. for IWlcbeon. Fourtet>n membera and guests were pn?.S~Pnt.. .The rnernbe-rs ~~ ~ to rf'Q~ ~ ltrict mforcement of lbe by-la•-s p("l1;alnlng to mem- bers who .ru. three ~Unp in sucx.-cssion •it.bout appal"fttt 1'8· son or excuse. lnumuch u mem- bership is limit~ to 20 and ~ is a wa.itlnt: list. it wu c~K:idrd that uch members Ahou.Ld be droppt"d or put on lht> inacti\'t" list. In the future Jt \\iU not be ~ cess&r)• for the 5e<:J"etary to notify members of rtl("f'tint:S. ~ in cue of change of dat t>. M~tlngs will be held on the third Friday of each month. and unless active members notify their hostt'M, it wiU be assumed that tht>y wiU be pres<'n t. NeA1 rnt"eUn~t will be at t,ht> home of Mrs.· Ray Nlehien, 1720 Waterfront Dr_ on Friday, F~. 16. WILLPIM AU New 1951 Patterua ·Mrs. UoycJ Folsom l~ the-de- \'Otionaa. MiA Els.ie Newland then completed I'K-r f't'\'iew or the study book.. "Panorama of tht> Far East." Members workt'd on ar-ticl~ for lht> summer bazaar. Tht>l't' i to 1x> a rumnuu:e salt> 1· startjnt,: in Ft>brua1~. to be ron- duct<'d b) all fl\'e ·c1rl'll'S. Tht> sal<> I \\ill be h ld I\\O dtt\1' a \\N'k (or fht• \\('(lks, t•ach t:1n·lr ''' takt' ~~~~~~;~~~~~~~ c-ha l'l.:e ol om• \\ t"E'k 1 .t MATTRESSES Roy Edwards Named He ad of Fair Board B4MI ta -ROIIHI -'l'r'allere Irregular Shapes Hn~ Edward nt \ lranl!l' \\3:-Beacon 5061 t'l~·lt~ c-hairman ol Fait· R o)."\rd COSTA MESA MAmESS CO. 11 1ht• annual mt'<'11n• ot tlw 3:!nd 2150 ~ ........ 11 1"1 riC'! A~rtl'UI1 Ul 1 A''"l<'l811011 ~===~~~~==~==~ IAq v.l'('k. A 1•\l"•d mll ... hl plan ) \\ .... A.PP"tl\ t'<i b) 1 ht• h.1 1 t d. pill I'· lit . 1 tnpl.ot,il> .. n ac1llt'wnal n l'l' I· '!''11111 fa<·• lith•" n·qutt t•c.l h,\ 1 ht> I •n\ 1'1 tllllt'llt Wldi'J I ht I II 11\.... Of t\t•· c1ot d Tho• J)o ;•:u·11111 111 uf l· marK• 1w .. o~t•'~~'<ll..ti 1h 1 :n hud ., t ••I , Ill,,-.,~~~ 11 "l'' tn· noun 'f-d OON !DRP&TRICK T-V SERVICE At Cout lllld. •"d 'oinletiie CORONA DEl MAR HA 2020.W • proud present to l • • • The Latest Addition to its Commercial Printing Facilities STOP! YOU11E LOSING MONEY! "'JMoil '" W. ,.... .-,. at ·~ )'otl're ....._ u.e wortaa- ·~ dh 1dee6t ,.. ..... lie ~ If , ... ,_ It lato a s. ,.Ia~• rr..,.._ laeft. ... , .......... ,. to -today. ('urrmt hlp dh1...._ an" at ~~ ••• aed for u tra -.f«"t y ... fla\Ua~ AN" .. _.... .., {.c) SJft.OOO! l<'ctr "xtra 10011\'M · lt'D('f' , , . M.\ I' by ...0! SUPPORT THE MARCH OF DIMES! Hewporl lolboa Fefltffll SOYings ond Loon Association P. A. P.J.er,..Praidewc .... -..... .1'.~···· .... MlrW~DitT 8&ADN. r-U•OIUUA T8E ENSlGN Job Printing Faci.lltles • • • • • The outstanding press m the printing trades The Ensign Publishing Co. is now equipped to meet all of your printing needs --_ e xpertly, promptly, and with superior quality. • • • • LETURHEADS . . . ENVELO,ES . . . BUSINESS CAitOS ANNOUNCEMENTS • . . MENUS . . . STATEMENTS PAM PHLETS . • .• TICKETS PltOGitAMS . • . BULLETINS For the lEST in Printing, CaD fill -. ....... 1104 Coat Bml.. CoroDa del Mar Ocan Blv!J., Balboa. L::::===================================~~ • I .. A m uskal comedy 1n re\~ "'ill be presented to ttw> Etx-11 Club of Newport Beach ne.xt Thu.rsday at the reeutar monthJy meeting at the nt'w Am •ncan Lt'gion Hall, l~th and Say. Paints, tools and supplies which •NE\"1& BEYOND HOPE' • I MEN• CLUB ro JIJ!ZI' , I mi_ghl be used In the arts and 11le ~non the~ at thf' NeY{· Cheese and Cracller Club, men s crafts acti\1Ues are nef'ded by the port Harbor Lutheran Chu.K'h in group of t. ~ws Prt>sbyteT· Girl Scouts Ir former Scout lead- Newport Heigh ts for tbt-11 o'tlock I ian Church, Nl'wport Hl'ights, will era ha\'l' a~y such matf'raals left S Wlday morning service will bf' meet at 7 :30 p.m. next Thursday O\er fr-om former troop handi· "Never Beyond Hope," Re,·. Her-at the church crafts, or other lnterl'$teod persons ~rt Roth announces. The· text • • • "ish to donate;' supptie th('t)' may I from John 11. 20-27. C'OMKt:~ION IIEDI1'ATIOS bring them to the Git·l Scout • • • n·ioe for Sunday at Chrlst Ho~. Newport, Monday through MO\ U:S T() e£ HO\\'N Church by the sea In Newport will Frada~ between 9 am and s p m be Communion Meditation With • • • Two sound mouon plctw-es will H.e,·, Thomu ·Roy Pendell's sub-T>lng In ~1th the school pro- R(·que.t ror a 11('('1~{ to OJX'r&l'-' a oommunH) canmnc. kat<•h(>n at :j(l5 2tlth ~t • ~t'" pnr t \\ ap- JWO\• f..l b' C'1t\ C'ounra l ~•ond") t:\(nan~ Ttw l"<'ttul" t \\ <~!> mdti• tJ) Jii.ek \1 IJWL;r:an 22f1 C;arni t \ot• ll&l· boll l'la1 o "hu 1i• ... crlbl'd t ... pro- P() l'd h~Vttn ', a" c~ll•m cwtnanl( of 11 1111~ •• • t 101 and other food prodJt'h (r,, •• o.:tdl'nt-. of th area and 1< t • u•!1 1nt>rc·1 1 t•.mnin~ bU.\Ino·~~- Mrs. Erma Hoffman M.ay, weU- kno\\n for her extra\·ap.nt pre- R Otations ol current Bt'Oadway hHs. will p.resE'f\t the reading and IOflP. She i.& rt>turnin_g by re- quest; last year sht> presented "South Pacific" · to some or the EbeU sections and their friends. tx-shown S Wlday evening at t~ ject <'ntitled "This h the Church:' ~am of studying Cahforrua 1'-lls· Corona del Mar Church. The first, Howard Folsom ~;u slm: a bart· ions, Fourth Grade Brownaes of En um Cla-: lfat'd ad! ha\e ~n "WinJtl' 0\•er Alaska.'' lB an educa-tont-solo. Troop 30 are planning a field trip a pro\t~n m~>an nf N>l\('htnt: bU)'('n Resen·ations for the regular pre- meeting Junehf'On m ust be made by 1\tesda.y noon with Ml's. D. W. ClArk, HArbor 2170. and Mw Marcia Coombl;, HArbor 2346-M. t lonal travelogue in color, at.artint; to San Juan Caplstranb Mission • for a ll sortot of mt>rch:ttH!io;e t•se at 7:30 p. n1 The second pict ure this ~pring. Th1.s group led b> , Lht>m • Phonto Horbor 1114 ~•u be of .. lephen. The First .Church Plans Mrs. Daniel Hunsaker and ~Irs .• ---Christian Ma~ty~" • l::ugE>ne Elliot, ha rt-cently fin-' lshed session in coppt•rcraCt Nea.rly 50 n'fc·mbers and guests \wre present at th month I y bridge party last Thursda~ at the Clubhouse m Balboa. After des· :st~rt the social afternoon was pent Jn bridge and can~ lndivi· dual ~-rumdrop tr('('S doubll.'d as tablt• d<><.'Or&tiOI\5 and pri:tcl. 110 · tesscs for the da~ ~ere 1\tmes. L. L. 1 beU. Bru~ McBritk>. B. Z McKannt>y, Jf:'<;Sjt" l...O\\ I.' II and Ralph Maske} \'Ol'XG FOLK PAKTIC'IPATI: A s d . d Youth Sunday wiU be .obscn·ed re tu J.e WAt'GH~ RA\'E DAl 'f,t.(TER t.Aed• ln our own Wo,.. 169S Sooda~ In the Community (;hurch ~1r. and Mrs. Cartr>r II Wau~:h rooms. A1 low ., p•ir or Corona df.ll Mar. by the ParliCa· 125 r: Bay Front Ralboa Island RAn AN Olt;V ES e lkAVE-SE pation of the ~"OWllt prople an both •Cofntinur<"dn trom ~age 11 an> the parents or a dauehtE"r. RODS • CORNICE BOXES n a<'C , at 9:45 and 11 o'clock. squaa·f.l ('(.'I 0 oor spa('(' at an e~>-bot n ~onday, Jnn 1~. In Santa HOl 'SE 1.1 OACO~'> n h timatt'd ('())It or sso.oon. Th(' se-Ana Communit' lfO'-PII"I w~a·trh-Rhea oobbit I will (!1\'f.l the lnvoca-d t f th · ld ~ .... ' ,.. •• I C..1+ H-.. N.~.. IE U 77 lion. Virginia Jont' \\ill lead th ha\ e ~.\ cla.-.s1•oom!C. dl\ adt>d b~ , • con :s or~ o {' r xlt-nl-aon \\OU ~n~t:~6~~u~n~d!~"~·~l~1~o~un~N:·J.:__=~~~~~~~~-,~~-~,._~,~~~ • • HOt' f.3IOLD ~EC'TIOS re pon he r<>ading an~ G e ~ e foldln~ partauons. \\ hich eould b\• Benedict a!ld . Clan Dandson wtll Op('nrd to makt• two lar,:e as~ot'm­ read the S<."npture ! on Don 1 bly f'\)()Jru Tht> nr" Pilcaun Hall Ste~fl'nS<'~. the. P~H:,ent of t~ would acrommodatt' 2311 JX•rsom. ~ruor High P1lgr1m Fellowship., as an assemb.ly room and lHO as a wtll tt>ll about Youth ~eek . The dining I'OOm. Robert MarUn, interior d~rtl· ermon for both sen'ICX'b waU h<' tor from Long Beach. spoke last ·'()n Beintt Temptro" b~ Rev. After t:en •raJl) appro,ang th<• Tuesday at t~ Household S«tion Paul Ed\\'ard Babbitt. plan . tht.> congn>jlat1on \Otl'd to or the Ebell Club. &>ction mem· • • • l'<'f<'r them to the Board of Tru'!· bfors met for a sack lWtchron at 'U \'I !'\G WATER' I" THEME tee" roa further stud~. and lt>port. 12:30 at the ClubhouSt'. · s • , Rt.>\. Paul E. Babbttt t•all~ " • • • I Pastor Don Ulmbe1-son will met>t ing to hear the 1'ru tr<>s' 1'(.'· BOOK BCftON peak on "A Well o tl\'fng Wa· port fm· ~unday. F'E>b. 18. imm<>· The E~U first book section will tt>r" ~t the-monun ~ orship St'~ · diatel~ f~Uo"ing the moman~ wor- k f t Th • .a. ICC ~unda~ at Tht> F II ~'t Baptist hap l-('1"\ I('(' t th ho of M K v Dill urc 0 • E'\\ port eac at t More than 100 PN'-Ons t·rm\ dt•d meet a wt!e rom ne.x ur..._y I Ch h f ~ . B h 19 h Zw Ltrk~p~ A,.;s· C~ro~a ctei ~nd C'o~·t St . The e\e~lng sen-mto Pihmm Hall for lh\· dann<'t Mar. The Januar);· meetinst was 1~ at 1 ~\11l ha\:~ as I\!. lh{'mt' Thursda~ ('\t'mnc and to hNt.r the h ld t tht' hom ot Mrs w 1.-.Such As ~ Have A ,:>.1 id-wC't'~ rt'J)Ot'tS ol <~ffic<'r~ and w t'Jt•ct I KJif a Lido ! I Oorotbt.>a s n it't' wall tx> hPld at 7 ·1.>· n<>w ortic.-<'rs A budc<'• ot 10. she!.~;. Newport '&.ach librarian \\'\edn\' (' ~) ••• • r 110 lor 1~:>1 \\aS Wlammnu.l~~ aP. ~ d ,..· 0 z R .._ C ~ Om4'n~ .•n 1onar~ SO<'It'l) o Jli'O\ •-d. 1 an mrs. · o~rtson.. 0 t h{' Church will nw•'' :n 1 30 p m a'Ona d~>l . Mar. PI'CM'ntt'd J'e\'lew-s Tu<'sday 81 1 h•' chw'<'h f:h'<·t t>d. a. ofh<'t'r' "l'rt· ~1 rs 1\Jt· . A. D. Sturtt'\"ant of Balboa :-.tWtrt Dt<'hl church <'!t•rk Mrs and ltrs. Geo~t' Penney of Corona Clh\t•r 110\\t>ll, finanr1al l'N'r<'lary. dt.>l Mar wert> co-ho ·tcsses. ·TR('TR' If'! TO PI<' Hat'' t'~ Pral't>. t l'f'a. urc•r. John • • • Th<' healin~: flO\\ t'l' of T ru1 h ~ 111 ~adlt•ar. auda tor "Spring Fa hions" \\-ill be the . ubj('Ct of a talk by Mrs. J ohn Stolz before EbcU Club J uniors, who a~ meeUng today fThurs~ .tayL A 12:00 Luncheon ~'aS served ~tt the clubhouse. Final Lecture -ls~ge tx> con idercd m tht' Sunday Les· E F C'oop and J l.A''ilit> Stt•f. son-Sermon an the :-.lew-port Har-lt>n~o.f'n. d(•ac:ons: ;\I rs. o z. Ro· bor Br!'-"ch of 'J'!l<' Firs t C,hw"<'h tx·a·t~on. dt>acooes.s; 0 . l\t. Camp- of Ch.ru~. Scienllst. tM-11 and 0 z. Robt.>rto;on. trus- Tha cttatton Crom the Psalms tt>eS. Mrs. ='Wonmm Frahm and Is th Colden Text : ''I wlll prai!K' I Mrs. Burt . Procter. Board of Re- thee. 0 Lord. amo~g th(' people: li'tious Education. ~rs 0 . M ... Cor thy mercy 1 great abo\·e Campbell. Board of Bene\olencc . the heaven :. and thy t r u l h Mrs. Florence Vought and Mrs. rt>acheth unto the c I o u d a .·· Wallace Calderh('ad. mu'lc rom- • • • mittee; Henry Freeman. Vern~ IU."ILDI..~G PltOOAES E . •. · 1 Le-e, :Yra. Newton Cox. Lo~ell Rev. Harry White, pastor ot the Newlon and Norman Frahm. nomi- The final lecture of the P arents' BalbOa Island Community Meth-nating committ(.'("; Boyd Stillmstt~ Forum ~;n be pf't'S(>nted at 730 odi!;t Olurch, wut ~ach on "Ra· and Stuan Diehl, Board of L"sh· p. m. Monday at th<' Hig h School. bonJ." the exclamation or Mat), ers; Mr . Newton Cox and J . featuring Or. Flo.)'d R. Ea twood. at the unday mornlni sen;cc~. Emor·y Sat·gent. del gatrs to the dean or men at the Lo Angeles Worshippers at the IsiMd Cha-="<'"port C'OWlCII of C'hltr<'he : State Coll<'~l'. Dr. Ea twood's J)('l art> hoping to s:ain occupanC) Wt.>nd II Ho) t and Ht-rlx'rt Ktnc: . ubject will be "Marriage and Re·l or their remodeled church build· dell'gates to cont:r<'l·~ational ron- creation," a discussion of play, re-lng b~ Feb. 21 wh n District Supt. i'el't nC't' . \\ith ~I n~. Frartct"" Cox. creation and l<'isure • Ha~dn St-ars \\i ll be J)1"C'Sent for ~tl"!! flo~t and <hatlcs Ca\l' a Tht> taJk will be sponsor«~ by the a mN:'ting altet·nnt<'s r\>a's thrc•e PaN>nl TC'acht•rs Or· 1 • • ~onamtlon and L preSt'nted Cree \'Ot'TH Sl 'SDA\' Organize Junior Dorcas Societ)' of chan:(' to parent", M d inter-Young JX'Ople will t8kl' part In t'<:tl'd ad~tl-. the St.'l'\'iet's at St. Andrews Prt'S· ''Enjoying the t.rainmg!" That's what David Pattrrson told his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Elm<'r Patterson. 400 38th St., '11.'\\l>Ort lsJand. Dave. who ust-d to work in 1 ht' Ensi~.m back hop. 1" 110\\ at th(' ll~" Trainin~ C'rn· ter in ~~~n -Dat').tO Il l CLOSE-OUT I CRYSTAL From Sweden. Famous Make Hand-blown Stem ware bytl'rian Church. :-.:f.lwport Heights. on Sunda.) in obS4.'1'\ 8n<:e of "Youth Sw1day." Barbara Linstle A Junior Dorea Soci('t) "'as or- of th<' W<>stmlnster F«'llowship ganizNi Ia. r "c.>C'k a 1 a nwetinl( or will ~:nc th<" call to worship at 21 ~oun~ married wom~·n at the tht> beg inninc: of tht.> 10 a.m. sen·-hom<' o l ~~~-C. L. math. 22!'i5 icE>. Millard M.ier. also or Wes t· C'la~ ~\ .. ="C'\\port Hc.>i~hts. :.11' min t<>r Fellowship. will lt'ad tht' Smith \\as <'IN"ted leadC'r. ~tr . respon in• N>adam:. and 1\tar<'in Ja m•t Rob~t assistant a1'<1 :\tr ... , .Johnston<'. '' ho tx>longs to t h<' Col-Wmifrcd Jlall. S<'CI'f'fll.r). le~to A'!r Group, will i-.1\'e \ht> Thc>y will mt><'t on th<> rar~l a nd mornin't prayC'r. \'elma Pridham thard ~londa)s of ,ach month. Tht' will .anJt tht' .olo, "NC'art>r ~h next mN•tin~ \\all be on Fr b :1pt God to Thf't'" · tht' homt' nl ~Irs C C. ;.:mml'rson. Rt"v. Thomas Gib.;on·.. M>rmon 312 FlO\H'I ~~ . C'o-.ta ~1l'!>a. Th('ir \\ill b<> "Thou~hts of Youth" and pro.)('<'t for th(' ~l'ar '"" h<' mak· he will takt' as his h'" l Tim· inc la~<>ttr!> lor th\' babll'l> ot the oth~ 4:12. "LN no man c1eSJ)is<-~Ll\ajo Indaans of AriLOn!l th~ )OUth." Mrs. Dan Cot:on jr. is tht.> nl'~ lead{'!' of the We tmansl<'l' r<'IIO\\ • shJp of high school • tud<>nts. ThC' Colle~(' At:e Group is n"-lorman~ and other college lilludent:. are in· ,·itl.'d to join the group. The board of Deacons of the church. "ho were e lected at the Annual dinner on Wednesday or Injured in Playqround Goblf!h-21.00 do1 Ia t w«:>ek are. Mme . Lois Mason, Waltt.>r llowa ld. EnSilo.rtl m•\\'S· oo~ \\hO li\C'!< at 2f ·~ Ff.lrniNlf A\ t' . C'Cirona dt>l 'lu . "a!< tnJUN'd in a . playgt'Ound acC'idcnl at Hot·acc En ign School last Fl'iday and wa tak('n to St. Joseph Hospitt1l that ni~ht for ob enation for pos- sible head injury. His parents. Mr. and Mrs. Grt1nt Howald.' re- port that he is home and 1s fl't.'ling much better. now .•. 14.00 0 . W. Ca.rl!on. Millard Mier, H. T . Richardson. Merle D. MiiJer. Billie Sherbeh-21.00 dot. Fowler and Kenneth McDivitt. now ..• 14.00 EJected to the Board of Tr-ustees were William F. Kimes, Kenneth w .ne.-!8.00 dot W. Fowler, Millard Mier and Ed· IIOW •• , 12.00 gar R. Hill. CodiGil.-15.00 doz. ,._ ••. 10.10 ShetTys-1 3.50 doz. -··· 10.00 Cordiol.-12.00 doz. ftOW ••• 9.00 DBEK MAROIErA Imports -Nordic Gifts IJ07 Cotm lf...d. '- Coi'Ofle del Mer Herb« IJ7l ()peft 10 •· "'· .. I :JO ,. m. ............ ========·:::=:===;;=::::= MST CHUICH Of CHaiST SCIENTIST J)OJ VIe LWe, .....,_. IMctl A blench of The Mother Church, The Fi"l Church of Christ, Scienti,t, in los· +011, Meuechu .. tt.. Sundey School ---~·-·-9:10 e.m. Sundey Service -·-···--····-··-·' I ~ e.m. Wednetdey Evenint; mMti"9-I~ p.m. Reedi119 Room loceted et I ll Plelm St .• lelboe, is open deily from l2 noon to 5 p.m. "cept Sundeys end holideys netiOMity obeefWd. • The public is cordielty invited ,to et- tefld tfle church .. rvic" end .,.. the leedi~ Room. ' HERE 'I'IIEV .,RE They W('re a yf:'ar in the pl8n· ning, but th~ C. E Buchanan fam- ily ha,·e finally arrived from Omaha.. Neb., and are li\ing at 711 Iris A\'e., Corona del Mar. It was just about 8 y('ar ago when Mrs. Buchanan was visiting ~r part>nts in San Ot>mE'Ilte t hat they stopped at a motel in t he Harbor Area and decided that here is ~re they would lifce to live. Be- sJcles Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan tht're are \~ childre': · Billy, a,ge 6: Mary Sue. age 3; a nd Bobby. 10 months. NORTIIDIND \1181T8 A ~nt houst' ~t at the tlome of Mr. Md Mrs. Nonnan Grorud. Balboa l land. was Mr. Grorud's brother, Or. Palmt-r Gro- rud ot pringfleld. ON>. SUZANNE HUBBARD ts one o: the ne·,·.-p upds ·o be er.ro!led for th~" spnng ) semes~er o! ptano .~struction a t the C oro r.a del Mar $tud10 o: Ruth-Stewart Barcume, CORONA DEl \~A · 20 Pieces Reg 6 95 Now Ope~ Stock A .... lotg Medium tlud CO!I>Ocity b,._ ~ .. with ,_., • ..,_,. plaQlc _.. -'eland~ 'd.contef ~. Makf' Tb~ POTS & PANS s,ulde ( E IIOSO ~~ Oaly HAliOl 2J2 B. A. HArbor 1411-R J 1 <Con tinued Crom Pap 1) bluff' that Is th~ sitt> or the pro-~ lower act't'u road. which is ~ to allow construction or h«M8H lOW t'nOUgh on the bluff 'Iota to lst'eP all building below 0cee.n Blvd. le"~l. : Jllr. J efferson's letter was 1n a iVWt'r to Cha rll'S Fippe, who la1t Wftk offered 10 help defeat the a~ road plan If in turn the d ty would gi\'e.assurance that the area would never bt> usro for st~t or 1"0tad purposes. Xa)'Or rs~u said the city ha.l no right to seU a road (Iince the city does not own the property, rMrt>ly holds a.n lo'asement for road pu~l. "Why not make &n of, fer to buy the bluff property so there wouldn't IX' an y buJidiog?" he a.sk<'d . llr. J<'frt•r'M'In rose up and said. "I think \\1' ''ould b<o wc.>ll pn-- IJQrt'd 10 dll thot to top 11\b nui- Mnt'C." • 1 hOl)l' ~ nu c:an back up ) nur r <'mark,..:· f'oum·rlmun f\ r • d t'Jl F inch l'ornmcntt•d The t..e.aue-leadin& Newport Harbor Sailon are favored to win MUN8E'I' LEA01111i 8T.utDING8 'OlC Oran&t" Cout ColleA:t' Pi- tomorrow (Friday) night &aalnlt W L ...._ 0.. rate-s got back ln the wtn column rourth·pla~ Huntington Beech at NMIVPOI't Harbor .... 4 0 """ llS w t night with a hlgh-r;coring 7~ the oppont'nts' court after adding Santa Ana ......... 3 1 306 UM 64 victory over Eut Los Angeles two more to their string of victor-Anaheim . ·-·· ..... 2 2 202 liM JC at the Huskies' court. I<'S during the pest wN'k. HunUhgton lkh ... 2 2 185. 119 Forward Bob Yardley led the. Last Friday It w a n o t h e r Fullerton ........... 1 3 1&0 201 way wtth ~ points. Oth<'r Pirate t hriller with Anaheim, which the Orange . .. ......... 0 4 141 208 ICOren were Johncox with 14, [)a- Sailors won in the lut minute 47-Fr*y ~t·• 0..... vit 1!5, R.1ch.ardlon 4, Roehm 6, 45. And Tuesday It \\'U an .say f'lUerton at Santa Ana: Ana-M.~lquut 5 and Mean 3. 60-33 \'lclory over Oran~. Both helm a t Orangto; Newport Harbor Tornorf'OW n.lght t he Piratet will ~an'ICS were on the home floor. at HW\tlngton Beach. ~Y the El Toro MariMS and on Forward Armand Nelllcs sank 1011 21 points against Orange to take will resume lt"ague play th(' lead 1n Leagu«> individual and frt't' throw by Guard Dick apinst Mt. San Antonio on the scoring with ~ polnts. Other Lane to pull the game out of the home floor. WhentoApplfllr CiwDefea.eWodt ortlee •f Ch 11 Dd.-e John Sailors, Dir-ector C. H. Hanna, ~ty Cit)< BaD. N..,.t ~1111 9 tO, 5, Monday-Friday scoring Tara in that game were fu-e in t he final minute. Lut Frict.y night the Pirates PetcTIOil with 8. GrlrCitb 11. Lane! Tht> ra"ored Colonists led 27-26 lost a cl~ly contested game in 6. Sanders 2, Norman 9, Mashburn at half-Ume . MJdway in the third thE' final m inute at San Bernar-O ty Manarcer John Salkin re- 1, McGrew 1, &nd Rrld 1. quarter the Sailors captUJ"ed the dino 74-69. The half-time 100re .... ,_. ""---'l Jtlr-A-~ eve-Harbor was a ble to pile up only l<'ad 33..32, extended It to 40-37 was 40-38 ln favor or San Berdoo, quest'-"' ""'ty '-'UW,,... """"-~ a 12-9 1E'8d at tht• quar.ter, t hen by the end of the quart t>r and made and with four mlnutn to go It wu nin g to call for bJds on the ~ starte-d puttln~ on lhc.> hcltt to It 44-37 ~fore Anahclm made Its · 67-67. Forward Johnny J ohncox for the Corona del Mar !Min f · d IJ Th C 1 I k he I d foul....., out. and ~-n n -rdoo .. -t bt'aeh eonCHS.Ions. Councll~et MXl mak(' it 30-14 by lull ttme. an ra y. e 9 on sts too t t>a '-"' ~ axo ""'" Wednesda J 31 aa the day 49-26 at the c.>nd or tht> thlra 45-44, and t~n came Lane's _game on to win. Bob Yardlc.>y \YU high for !'t'Ct'IJ:\g s:!• blck, 80 that the l'tUill'ter. winning points . Tal' SC'Or<'TS W('rt' SCOr<'f with 29 points. Johncox accepted bid can be s ubmitted lO In das.'l B play Tu<' da~ ?'oi<'W· I Grirfith. hiRh point with 17. Nt>t-had 15. Davis 15, Smith 4, ShafPr th<' S tate Park Commission at Its port d<'CPGIC'd Oranl!t -t7-34. tlf'S 10. Pe ter'SOn 9, Lane 5. San· 4. Richardson 1. Thl<'mt> I. F('b. 16 nl('('lirt.Jt. Th<> Sailors had a louj;!h<'r trml' dN·s fl. -- ol ll Fl'ido\. tratlinc Anaht•lm In thl• preliminary th<' ti tNtm City ' Sell This <'till for bids followc:-d the mu'l nl thl' '~a~ It wuk a IXISk"t ln;.t 10 nah<'im M·23 oles to offC't' of Uar,vin Tat(' of tl,rllboa to ---..---·--------ll<'t\ <' th<' beach ronoesslon • con· • I • -.: ..... ....1.. ,.;oJrdatc.> and impro\t> them and tl') occ Baseball Play Starts Feb. 20 ater or acun;n I ~t~~('. 8 parklm: a~:t for b<'Bl'h C"st\ C"ouncil \C'!h'<l Monda\' <'H'-I • -- "M • rl'lt'l t'n<'l' is on m~ It r h r Ill<' \1('t·('hant~ und Furm(·t~ :'\rt· UOMI Bank of Lm, An~·<'ll'S '' !\lr J(•(fers01) n.•plu'{]. "Wt• C'an lt:tl'k Till' ()r ;en~·· ro.,~l ( 'ullt •.•. h .. ,l. It up." h.lll ~~''""II \\111 ~·t t lntn .u rnn .I" T••l mmal 1~. llwr1 :\la1. :.~ T• r min.• I ll' hi'N>. Mill :.:. Lnng "'"' 'to WlJ \\(llt•r fc) llunt in~IOO ae·...a a.-Bt•:tt•h tn m1 ,., tht rN.tut•;;t of J~l Tu• -~1·,, f d • :.'t 1 1'1111 .. n '" · Lt \\llUirt he• t:lt'dt 1f )flU wrmlcl 1, 11, .~ .. 1rn:-t JI,IIIIH: .ru1 , • ('• • put II 111 '' 111 env ," !\1 r. Fmt·h l'>lllrl (o • I "Yet. at tht> C'II Y will nlso put '1'1•• st•u ... on', so•h• •lulo '"'·lluk• it m ~nutt.: th11t It \\Ill not t.:l'<' !I •arun .. plw .. tl• I'Jtlll' ·r, :- th• pi<O[" rt~ ;:.t\\.i:\ to r~ fntnd'-1.:11w 11 ,,, ·'"''" •m \\;11 d 1.•. ·'• lor""""";,· \11 . J<'ff<•r.,tm lt'plh11 ;.nil li f"trq ul tlw l:.' I,,,,,, 1 Coum·tlmHn Flll<'h lht•n mt\\t•d t'n11l t•'t'lll"t' v:11m " '"'! ho .. , tu llh· tho• 1••111'1 lor lultllt• t·ou· \i;,~t·h ;tu 11 :11n'-l t'lmll• 1 !Udc'l'fiiJnll \\ 11'11 1111' m lilt I 1 '~JOW!oo ( ·.,,1dt \\1 tul• I) I'JI),c 1.• I IIIII• 1111 ft•1 Jillhht• l.l''lnm:. na• 1t•,1m ~hill n nl man "' t II• 'n u• nltllt• r "' m<'llhlwatlnt• ,,, ,.tar~ \\hn hruua..llt lh• 1'11.e1• • '" th(' d••hr •···pur r vn tlu propu-.t•d 1 h• t·onft•n m•t dum JII!HI'llll• 111 :tCc.'f. rot~l 111 t•hmlll Ill 3 pa11·c•l rlutt llr"t \l'tU "' pin\ . r,d ''' 11 n t om• t•ntl nl thr pnljl'<'l thc•n a "111nd plru•t• 16'-l H 111 lin\\· Willi brt•ut.;h• up by Cit) EnJ,:mt<•r c" I' II,,. lt•lll'l m(>n 11rt· • \I•' '•·d lk•rt \\, hh I to n·rurn pltt·h• r s < ''' TI•H .tel· He rc h 1 ·c. 1 h··• ro :'>t as :to Chnf · h '. lt •I'. A111 II :~ l-1 T111 (I h;n• ,\p•1l 1; 1!111 r:.tdP. the'' AJIIII 111 ,:,1\IH .\n<t lll'l • Aprrl l:l . nn 1\.r/tltrtllllu, lll'lt• Aprtl li '\H •· \t · •111 •, Apt II :.011 ~·ull(•trntr . ""'' .• \p11l ..!l !'h:1lt• thrr• \t ttl To 1:1 Tttt t•. tlw1r \Ia~ I H" l'f'-tcir· l11•1't•. \],1~ 1 ~&nt n \1 1 1 lwn \Itt\ "i !".tn lt•·t ll•lr· •in • •lu .. \lit\ 11 .:\11 ::;AI' l•rt \1.,~ 1\ Fullo•Jhlll h•••. Job Exams for Firemen, Police Counr1lm 11. !twk l•r.ekf' :-nrrt crll ftltd Ilf•lt Bwlt>lt lrl ~''" t '"I' thll t ..,tnt ,. till" matt ~·t· "a-. I)( -..ut It '"' Jl1 Rrdt.:\\ il~ :md null 11 lcio •.. F ~rt·u t lmpor·t llh't• rt ~ltould 1w 1 II<• F llarns and .:\lik Kuhn. Abo 'l1te :'\• '' ~wt Cl\ il ~ ,. r' it',. dt"'<'ldr·d ,1 •hu mf"t•lmL' and he' bat'k from IRl'ol ~··a!>on :tl•' 1•111'11· Bcntd •tl11l•IUOt't''-t'"llnllnUII<H t:-for mu\<'d th ,, •h<' d<'Ci!>ron tx• hPld t'f' lltll Ronwro nnd Pt·h "tllwm.., p:11rulnwn and frrt•mt•n with df'::Jd· ov(>r to tht• "'"'" mC't'ttnR , 1"ut'~-A coupl<' ol infirldt•r.. hom . ·, "· hn•· ltn llhng, nJlllhca'"""' .. '<'' for dal. r l'b. 13• Councrlffilln Finrh pn11 Hnr•bor Hi~h. Phtl Shll.lf·t ·nnd i''titla· l-'dJ 9. urgPd tlutt th" Pf'J'SOI1!-affl't'tt'd G!>\)fC<' Jam" . arc· f•:\rx>t•trct to n · l Applkatton ror·ms Cltn be-ob- tum out in ftJII fot("(' at that mc'(•f· purl. taint>d nt City Hall and Pollet" ing.. Her'(' IS lh(' <'3S0/l'.~o SChC'dulf' Jlf'adquartN'S for lh t'Xamtnatlon Mayor Istxoll ask<'d City At I'· F c.>b. 20 Harbor JC' heN'; r t'b. ror J)atrolme n. and at City Hllll .,. HarTy 8Jod~('tt If th('re 1 Z1 El Camino, h<'r<': F<'b. Z7 and any of the four fire statlons any v.-ay to k(>(>p th(;' n .......... 1n Compton, tht'l'('; Mar. 2-Whltti<>r for ex&mlrutlton. for firemen. Ex-~·nN'S from bulldmg on the I Coll<'g<>. her'(': Mar. Compton, aminatlons \\~II be at City Hall st lot.". Mr. Blod~l'tt answered h<'r<': Mar. 9 Harbor JC. t h<-re: 9:30 a m . Ft1da~. Fe b. 16. 11lose Rnnl'ht·r· Po•lf'r 1-\nr•nlt·~ lmt nnl\ ' aftt·· , ''"""'"' db<'th~inn ,,,tit To ...... end "-I nwo 1 "'" It II h~ <'olll)('llman l>lck ~I .,. )I rrho ~. "ptwt hrtd .,.,lei ,, n 1,,1• <J1n c•t h I Plrumim: Commi. ion ·md City lr "u.tlc • ltdnn•. hut l:t'-1 \l'fli Cn.und~ .pnlic): on <'~h'fl!\l~\r~~ llle·cl HI dt,c'f'lntinut• thP flr<u tic'{' hll ·tn.<'"" zonuw Ill f'o':.n'\ de ~~~'""'Ill If' Jlunlw~ ton flt>:trh h.Js }' tl<:tnf: <' tahll..,h~. ~ ,lth the<':; nnr·1 ,,.d thr• n""' \\hu·h uwlud•'" nud ot 0111' tt'QUl"~t o mer th• ''"'.tic·-. 1 1nc·h ltut 1, mmhl•· tlw <h•pth ot \-1 znnlnt:. . 111 1,c,, 111e th•· \\lltl't {'II\' C'ounerl Mond.'ll t>vcm n ;; C'ou•,i·rlmun t>r:e kf' JIOintl'rl out 1 upht·ld th<' P lnnninJ( Cnmml.S!II~on:.,J~J~~ thnt 11 \\it" the polk~ 111 thf' cit~ \OI • ~o. d ny th<' I'<'QU l ( nor 1,1 M•ll ,11111~1. out ut Cit) limit ~1on •s ~m1th for ft ~h.ant""t' o . ,111ct l'tl~d uw dang<'r o{ sail ,1nt<'r I two lot<> at Jas m illf' A\'t'. and~:~ ,.nC're»el'hm<'n t on <'II\' w<>lls. From A n• .• bt hind th(' All ArnE' thl" .utdl<'llCP. !\fr!'. Carl R('hnbor~ Mll rk<'t, frorn R-2 to C-1. of Cor on.1 df'l :'\far s upJ)I}rtt'd hi~ 1 "Thi . p rcy Is US<'lt' In R-2 an·um nL sa\ln~ it \HI mOT'<' im-~ntnJr," ~U Smith s atro tJt. his (lortant for tl;,. d ty to 11re t-1"\'<' 11s r_ctition. ·:r em makln(: a i)Pll('a- watr>r t han to ._upply a ranrhl"r. tton foJ' thJ~> rr-zonfng <'hanP" : Cocnetlman Rrad n Finch ld thP prt'pt>TIY C3n bt' .. uSed and It ''as lmpOJ tant to k(.'('p as:ricul· of SQme \1llue to me. . tural land m production In thl!t The Jou form a two-Jot, Ulland time or food hortaJtc. Mayor U'S of R-2 acijolning r-esidential aonlng Isb<-11 oomm nted that If It \\'erm't n~~t to ~J al't'lt. ~ for tht> farm<'rs ·we city folks a.re l'o\'0 other slmlla~ ~ would haw a he.;k or a time eat· Corona dt'l M4....,~ tot. in~tr'' 'Iris an'CI Thlra .<W .. 'I'M \'Ote was four to one--to seU Cat and Doc Halpltal. and U. two the Wit ter lou at Carnation and Fourth Ave .• . behind the Blrtchet' BuiJdln«. a bwJdln~ permit rould not !\far . 13 El Camino. lh<'rt>: Mar. rl'Ct'hin~ passinJ: grad<'5 will be nicd. 1 15 • li C'Hrus Toumamt'nt: Mar. plact'd on th<' t'lis.tibl<> hst, and a p-PTA Benefit PICilllled Th<' mnyor th('n askf'd Cit pnmtmrnl., 1dll be made from that 'GARDENING MIST ADS' TOPIC AT MEETING Jtin('l'r Wt,hh if It wa!'o f!'al>i IBII.LI Sigul•est li t. • A mid-March fw'n<'flt pro~ram bwld on tlw hlttll lots. M r ~ . 11 j :'\1inimum starting salary is $247 for thl' Nt>wport E I c m c n tar y n>plicd tlml rt \\!IS t·nt 11 month. Minimum quahfications j ~hools PI'A will be a n old-fash-"Mistakes t~.nd Fau1t• lo Gar- o;rbiE' to b•uld 1wacllcalh on •Contin\tC'd from Pa~e l t Rlt Aml'ncan cltizens hltl. 21 to loned m<'lodrama and olio put on ck-ning'' \\ill be the top6c of t he Jot. "Th<' 8Jr ratd warning si~nal to I ~ ~f'ar'l' or 8~(' for patrofm«>n. 21 b~ th<' Motht'rsingers. Plans for Corona del Mar Garden Club~ CoL A11dr'"'' Smith. tat~ b<' t('s t<'d Is II whlstll' 1~1<'<1 at tn 31 ~l'an.. of a~e for fircm<'n . the C\'£'111 schroul<.'\1 1ror 1\t.arch 15 It meets nt 2 p .m. tomorrow (,Ftf. of th~ C'l<-.':tn \'rt·\\ Prtot« A!>· th<' Arches Mr. llltnna_ sa•d that h1 '-'h srhool c:-docallon or f'QUivn· and 16 weorr dl"t'WS<'d r('('('ntly at dayl at the home of Clyde.' Mt1Y· M>clation. ,:ti<1 thnt thf' \. h\tl oth<'r smoll<'r \\ht~tl<'-: wtll ll"nt . bonn fJ d<' l"<'.td<>nc and (•!('('tor lht' Jnnuar~ PTA Ro.'lrd mN'tln$: nard, 311 ~avi('w A w·. 'nle clut> own"r" "" th<' llllrth sidf' ;, tx· tnstaJl,'fl. Onl' m Corona <1<'1 In th•' n ty for onC' ~t>ar p!ior unrlt'r th<> vrn rral ll"ad<'rshtp of tmites prn;on lnt<'restcd in gnl'· Bl\.d ut•• \\'llllm: tu t thl' !\tar in th£' Yacnnt lot nrxt tn the tilinl! f•w l'xamina tlon. . ound Mr1.. Ronald RRrtow or Ra.Jboa d<'ntn~ and d vk b<>autification to rhnnc(• 1111 hltJII lot but . AII·Am<'rk~n M.arkl'l. tl'it> olho•r Ill l•h\o;lra l qmciition Islrmd. a ttt nd th<' m(X'tln~ . .., l hl) nn· ,~,, "1Jt1n~ 1 th ~~sld<' lb and ~lnnnr A'''· J1Pnr ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 10-lncll ""'l).ti-k 1ft hf' ,..Ji thf' Mamw 1\\P. hrrdJ..'<' Tht..;r ~ Pnul f':llllf•. ,, hu 0" n... "til lw t••~ott•d on ~llb)..t•tJilt'nt Fri- on (k'(:~n Rhrt . rhalf( da~.... A l11\t1lh s.iJ!nhl nl<t\ 111 rr· 'ltalt•mtnt "• 1, '""' 1 qurr•-d Jnr tht' \\'c.o;l :-.;,."J"nt ••n a.· WII h the <~rC'o•'" 11"11111 lit• ht l'airt. 1 If th1 · ro:uf t~ tnult ''"' RullPiin l'icJ 2 juJ-t i!o'-itl(•d h~ th<' on lh(' ,,,,, n( ll\f' ltlll nfht'(' of till' rtin-<:tor or <'i\ il d<'· srx•rlf'rl bt',·,HJ-.c' m1,..., that arf'a ((·n,t• d,~,crtht•' llrt• I'Oior ~"'I( ms wnuld !)(• I'''' a\\ I {I tw U:<t•d m nrr ratd "anltnK~. rounC'1lman Dr-a then .aid t Y<>llo\\. atta<'k _li kd}. Thts is 1 thnt thl' \.,1 ,, \\OUid all J?;Onl' 1( not 111 be• trnnsnllll('d to tht• ).(t n· hou.w:. \\OUid lH> burl Jthout thr lral public. but onl~ to dt\l'>ion arcf'S~ road :-.rr. replied. chwf:. and wardens b.> phon<'. ad· I "J think you rf' f'V<'n with \'iSrn$t them to assemble th('lr k<'Y hoUS('s thC'N' all 1 he would (X'rsonn£'1. 1 not be ~:on~:· H<' h<' had RC'd. attack imminent. This is made sketches to this point. trans!f~itt~ to th~ public through Ma yor Isbell we should do t h•• 8rr raJd wal'tltn~ sy!lt('m wtw-n f'Vt'ryth.ing possi to save the hostile a ircraft have been lden tl· view. or el~ we \\'O~'Itt tx-derelic t fle-d in an air division commander's in our duty." H<' ddc>d that h(' area or responsibtllty. wouJd !)(-prcpart'd It th<' F<'b. 13 .White, all clear. 'fhj s is trans- rn<'<'ting 1to makc.> his mlnd. HI' mtt too to t h<> public aftt>r t>i ther a a.c;ked Cit) . John Sailors yellow or ~ wa"'!lng to indlcatc.> to have a ready for that n~ furth<'r tmmed14te dang('r of fll('{'ting. n~ spokE'n &Jr attack. will be on record The Blue alert u.<:ed in the last · war has been eliminated. The bulletlng also gave lnstru<:- tions ronccming ulili ties d uring an al<'ra . f l r Don't shut off the gas. You rna} nf"cd th<' heat d~~ ('mergcncy al<>rt. Da.ngerous w cum ula Uons or gas may be re· leased If sei"Vi~ Is restored by un- tralnro J)('rsons. f21 Don't shut off tM ele<::· tricity. You may need your hot plate. electric clock, ligh t In the 8ht'lter , a nd your rad io may be your onJy me.ns of receiving offi- cial Instruction. f3 ) Dm't ahut off the water. You may need your Mnitary fa- cUI tit'IJ and water rn..y be needl!d to put out amaJJ nra. (4 J ~·t .. "' .... tl"" ol -.~. 11M Oftly ~ pee••~ In ....... and eawN ~_,. ...-ot w.ter. .4nnounc:ing • • • Dorothy Jo Dance Studio ~"B4'r·TM"'"'r 1 .. M,.., ~rot•y .to s ....... ...n-~ t.foMIMor ... A,_ ... ....., ..... ,.._... .. Ute ... , .... , ,..,.... • Fdt. I 1415 Coast BltJd. CORONA DEL MAR I . I7PM ..... _ ......... . ~ ...... ¢ .......... ~ .. ...,....._ .. ,,,_ ........ ....... (5) Do liNt otf lrca. ~. ~ 8Dd ~ ~· WAS. , ............ -. ........ ,. .... .,~ .......... .--.. ~~~~ .............................. .