HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-03-01 - Newport Harbor EnsignDr.~ HlD.1~t ol t.M phi.a.o,h ol • ~ and ~-me rich. H ~ bffcri 200 ~and~· at~ ~ Ha.1J la., niatht and ~" I ~ ~....-1 inaidlt into his ex- bau5t.I\P tudi of th~ en~ of a clUe" emen l ~ spee.ker. lntrod~ b~ Com- man<k'r s ... nl')' BeU ti one ('{ the I < ·ov1 tanding llunkl'r& 1n t~ CO\.Il'l· t f) tott..>. told of \M bet;mrung of tus pt'O~ back an 1 . "hen An· dr · C&~ ch05f' him as tht> ~r'Mln to makr a 20-)-ear study of 1tw ~u or men of ~ , His phil060pb.Y mi~ht bt> t - 1 -b l ~ .......... .. POftAGZ Pill c .............. Callf. 5 Cents Th.e e\'en .sanna tion <b t ric of Orange Count) ~ last n•cht on a comprom.U.e plan to lP('ed t..M start or th work .on tht> county sanitation program 1'ha a ment was r4'achf'd at th ~gular m tin~ in Santa Ana. two }'t'lil'!l to t~ da~ · aflpr appro\&] of 1h OOC\ bo:'d 1'-"'J" tn do It'< work. Th(' sarula\101) dJ trirtcc BCTt d to purch&SI' .the •. ~ .. tim: Oranr Count~ Joant Out rail • ~t>r fa<'ll • tJE"S for L~ ~~ .. nd also ar:;rt't'd on the roh u·u<·taon or ufttcl nt a dditional proje(:ts to pro,id" for '-' llmatt'd population in<'r~>nY· fr11 th<" next 4Q )<'aN SUDUTIIl'd ~ ln Ot'K' of his quota- tions: ··whatt'\?r mind can con-, ~' t> and bt>ll H•, mind can achiPH•.. H4' f:'ll\'e e.umples from h' prt$0naJ lJf how hls step- motlwr tntipiN'd his (athM" to bt>- ~ an PXJ)("rt ~wt. how he himwtr was' ablt' to train his ae- rond 501'1 to apea k and to f'l'CO'-"'ft' s:; prr ('ft)t oC his hNrinst aJt~ he,. .. born •·lthout ears and •v I TID GI!':I'C'It -~~~ ~ a ... tlnett \o th,. Citroa.& df'J Mar Commmtit~ ('hnrf'h -tbf' flnl dfop t• ... ~ t\\ o--•tor~ ,_Inc at th+> MJ:ht. Th+> t lbJIIO Ill.., Pf'O\ l(ko fnr thl' vo-lbillt:r nf • ~~· "1q a t th.-lo>fl, P\.tf'ndlatt from th.-IU't"fW'ftt I'U~m Ha ll. Included in th pureha. aJ.:rN · mt'nt IS the martne ec ton of th(• out r a II ) t:t tm, rompm I'd <ll :~ 3.350-foot Oct'an outCall. \\&J.:' treatm nt plant'and boo t+"r plant :-it?:l<t tt-p \\ill bt> nE'J:oliatton for purcha.(' or thp rc>mairunv joant outfall lint"S in tht> noni'K>rn lOUOh' are&!' 'Action Taken on Church Plan It \\-as not dt'tt>MnlJl(-d "ht>thPr to enlarge and impro\ P t~ prt>- c-nt tl"t'atm('nt plant or to aba.n- don it and construct a new on appa.rt'ntb docmx'd to be dnl and mutf'. Ht> said he ha lasted 17 J)r'tnci· pl. of ttM-phiioloph)' of achJt'\:t--I mrnt and the mo&t important is thul ·~nR thto extra miw. c1otn1t 1 IJ'l()n' and bette-r lil'f'~ than one is paid to ""*.r. and doing it in A kkk-off brt-eklut this morn· a p\callD.I man.Dl"f'." launched ~ $16,400 fund drhe or One or the bic ~ with peo-u.. N.wport Hvbor Branch Qf pko. he said. it that ~ lmow all A.11wricaJt Red ere-. with o.alr· about "no can ciD" Ull ou«<-man Carl ,_....in char,ltll!. about "aan do" He dW • 11ft Dt.trlct CIIUiN MCI ~ vol· t"Drnpko \M lut .. ! c'Ontial ~ \Bl~ worict'nl wert' -'"'t'ft lnltruc- Uon. "'hel HarT)' '1"rwn&11 _....•t t.ioos and campaip kits. 'The ath-m a ~ to win fand Df. campaign, which must bring ln HJU hlmwlf wu one of the ..._ 30 per ~t more than Lttst }-ear'• he,·en ', yet 1M PreddPnt • .,., con-quota. wiU rontlntH' th ro u g h , ~ htt could •in. and thfo peo-March. plt' "ho hf'taJ-d ttim beUevt'd hun Prindpal SJ)('aker at the kick-off and \Olecl for hlm. ,, breakfast was Louls F. Hacke- "\'ou fall beeaUR you qutt try-mann. assistant admanistrator of in~t.'' Dr. Hlll Riel pt"rsonnel l('niet> from national Dr. Hlll paad spedal tribute to h('adquarten; of AmE>rlcsn Rt'd Richard Taylor. httad of ~cbard , Continued on Pa).:t> 12 1 Ta)lor and ~ales. ,..,~h o_r-fi~ in the Bartch r Building m Corona ckJ Mar. who had arrans,:ed r nr fX'8 ker 8 t th is Le10on dm- no•r m('(' tnJl. Dr. Hill ("()l'TUY~etlted t h:lt Mr Ta~·lor possesses f'\·e~·­ thing that Ht>nn· Ford had .tow·ard achit'' m~ I!U('('('Sl! multpUf'd at j('ast b) 10. WaJti>r R Schmad. fol"('man of 1 the 1949 county grand jury. said W that Rhea and Jack Fou t at"(' t ht-Real4-0TS ;,fl "gambllnso: bosses or o r a n ~ <' • 1-' " Count\'" m tcstunon) 1\1esday be- doll n; fore tht> Senatt> Crim(' lmt-ti~::at· A quiz with sll\·er a as ing Committee in Lo Anl.!t-les. prt7MI wa thl' feature or thl' Nf'w-Tt'stif.ving for about fht-mln· nnrt Board or Realtors breakfas t h d ,~, this momin,:c at the Bal-utes. )1r. Schmid said t her<' a • =~ Club with Pre~~ident Bar· been a sud<k-n influx o r pinball and F Y cquc' presidin~t slot machines In Oranjle County · n('6ui;;:;.st€'r was LaVerne HE'r-latf' ln. 1949. and a~~d,t,hat the , b k f the n u e I..Murance & I grand JUT)' had rect'l\:ed lattlt' ('n-~t c a lstt'd by Waltf'r Cor-cou.ra~tement" from Shf'rirr Jim b' r t~~· Santa Ana AbltT8C1 Di· Musick or Di$t. Att>. Jim Da,·is \':~~:n or that compeny. in tryin~ to ~uppress tht' devices. I s ~fuJ quit answ~rt"rs were Mr. Schmid saJd that the sher-Rut~ J&..\Tt'd. Carl Hart. Leora i~f had not bet>n under Lm·estiga- Cofrf'Y tanlc>y Smith. Stanrey tlon by th<> p-and .tun• and that H dfl id Claude Hanna. John the juro~ disag:r-et'd on w~th~r ~E'n~~ast. Ted OU\'l'r. M r s. 5\.ICh an mquiry wa necessary. Committf'CS wl're named Satur· Th COJ . ri.')!allon J&Sl " k ap-da~ by the Board or TrusteEil of prm C'd th plan to build a two- th· CoroM del ~ar Commurut~ !'\Or') "1n,:. ancludin~ cla rooms Chut'Ch to carry out t~ pay-as-and a n w ocaal hall. largely you~build plan for ronstn.ICtin~ an "ath donatNi tahor. at a 1otal cost addttlonal wing to the church 1 of about ~.000. Work is t'A'llt'Cted Thi.B action was taken a t a meet· to beJ!in tha prinJ.! Volunteer inc: o r the 'rru5tE>eS and R('\' Paul. ' ork parllf'f. \\Ill bt> or,:anlzed for E Babbitt ''1th Louis S. Gambt onf' ('\f>nt.lJ,: 8 \\t't"k and on Satu.r· and Robt>rt S. Wood or Long d&)s Thf> Omnol'1l Comnuttee w LU Beach. who \\ill coonlinatc build~ pnopert' tr€' m(als on t ho e ,·olun- ang pro~. FolJO"-i ng commit· t~r \\Ork ~A. aon., Ml that the t~ •'t"f"t' named: nwn can ror.w dirt"Ctly from th~lr Th<' Corona dt'l Mar One Fl~: RIJSlK>ll Hampton. c:ha.ir· ~ t~ \h ('hUT'Ch to hf'lp ou on ciation'.s l"f'quest for a l~gal opm · man; Jame. 'T. \'an Dyke, Ran~· tht> b\Jaldln,:. ion on the ef(f'CtJVt'n of ttw P<'a~. Mrs. G. D. Gr\IP(' and Sam local oil drillinlt ordinance wu r•- A .. eyer. BuUdinJ,!: 0 Z. Ro-fei'Tt'd by he City Counol Mon- bertaon, chairman; Rus~ll Hamp-day e\·ening to Caty A t torn e y ton. Walt~r S piCl'r and Vcrftf' Lee Harry Blodtr('tt. Donated Labor: ~ Stefft>llS('n, Ope. -~ Thrt"C JX'Cinc qu uon wl'l'f> chairman. and 0 M. Campbell ~ asked b~ the Cmc A.~iation. in Publicity: Ar\'O Haapa. chairman a l~ltt>r im1ed b~ PrP tdf'nt \'4"mt> Dinnt'n;: Mn;. Wf>ndl'U Hoyt I . \\•arson· chairman: M rs. Stuart Diehl Mn: Qt~ll ('(lnl(·<;f fntr~ blanks \\Ill I }I \\'all th S«"tion of th Mu-Gro11:~ Da\i<'S. Mrs. Grace Sailon; tx> distnhutf'd Satur~y by Corona nlcipaJ Code cpncerrun Jt 01l drilltn~ M rs A. A. Kempt>r and ~tn: 1 d I ~lar M<'r<'hants an preparation prt>\''E'nt any and aU dnlhn& •ith.tn ~lont<' Beaman for t ht' '-'f't·II('Q_UamtC'd open house the CJ~. r t>gardiPSS of s1ze of UT· --------------1 ~t hf'dul<d fM F r1d:t~ nnd ~a turds~ filet> area. common!) n>ferT't'd to &JI toleC.Ued .omce Th" Ott,· Council Monda~ ~'' ..- nln~: a uthnriU"d. ('It~· <"lt>rk C. 1\ l'rie•1d tn call fur bids nn thP prup os t>d •hl~ttl~ nf tht> Chambf-r of Comnworct' Dftt-r ep- pro\ill&' Olty ElattiH'f'r B., r t Wf'bb'tl plu• ••d .pecint'ftuon,.. Th4" pta•s call for thf' formt>r ~rant mlltf'tl1l'f'f1"'' to 1w> put atabort' ft8r t'"' Arehe. ewe~ ••d U.., \\'lllarf. Bids wUl bet caiiH • tit~ llf'paratt-pllaiW!II : nocoe41thMibla' of tltt" ml • e- .,.'"'"' ..... IIMNtt ~-.rd: dl"f'daiq ... pladllc ""' lllltp 011 laad: pttiJIC tiM-elllp I'HCI:y for O<'t'o - put<'Y b)· ~ C'hambf-r of C'om- ntercf'. c•! nc't 1\t t k · rnwn lot drilhnJ:''" An~ or ~oohopp1nc: an Cnrona df>l '2 • Is th<' e · linsr code suffi- :'1-Iar <"an 1 ntE'r the contest. turn in cwnt tn prf'H nt any citrzcn fro::n a romplt"tt>d <'nt r) blank at any or exercisins: Jili: n~ht_ to ao~ 01J thf participatan~ stores and tllus tha ma~ bt-dramed trom bt>m•ath 1 k't •• r-tl8n<' to \\'Jn tht> grand h1 proPf'rt~ b~ lant dnlhn;: m - pn .·• Clf a ba~kPtful of mrr<"han-thods:' dt'-( or the ron..~lauon prize bf S5. 13 1 en<k-r what orcumstanCf'll flrad'mc f<'l "'ubmittmc: thf' E'n-could that f'xisang section of ti'K> ·no. "HI 1'1(' ~ p m Fridtr;-.. March :\lunicipal Codt-be amended or rt>- 0Pt"r. Hom.<' "'ill tx> held that pealed! U so. by what method! F'•·1da~ and Fndn~ c\·rmn).! lind on This matter ca.me up for dic;- ::,llln·da~ \fftrC'h 10. Th<' ~rtlci-cuss1on at a recent Civic A.ssocla - ' IJ:\Im~ m rchants "ill off<'r spt>-taon .mtx'tin~ ~USf' the Shell Oil nal bftrQ8Jn~> durin~; those days. Co. lS now sinkang a well on t.M FiMI plans for tht-quiz and I nane propert) near Corona ll'l.gh- ( fl('n hous(' WE're di cussed at the lands. Pre 1den t \Va tson thf'n a p- wN>kly noon busancss lunch yeater-~ pointed W. 9· Perrow. E. H !A da'. "ith Prc~idt~nt Cliff L.lonbar· Lanne and \\ alt~r: Moseman to an- Jl( i C\f thtt Corona del Ma r Business \·estigatc the IOC81 oil drillinc: ordi- Al>SO<'iatJon p res 1 din g. Tht>st> I nance. lunchron n'K't'tinlo!'S. open to alllo-Ha w lch cal bu.o;lnCE> m n. h&\'(' been held I "" e durin!= thf' paM month at Ragan's J R~taurant Durin$: March. bt>-T Be H d J!]nninJ: nt> 1 \\'f'dnPSday thE'~ \\;11 0 AM~e lx' h<>ld at Dt'nme's C'aftt UfMif Harbor Gets N ationalPUblicity Amigo Har~' Welch him.sell wUJ be the ~est of honor "hen .. Alni- ~ \'Jejos." or th~ Old f'rl(>nds, hold their ne>n mtx'tint: at th :-it'wpon Harbor Yacht C 1 u b, U oyd Loveland and Ullian Mc- Adoo. 'I'M two ~rs. Jim How- ard and Hub Po•ers, competed for the jackpot prize>. and Mr. H0\\'8rd ,. on " 11 h his con'C."Ct answt'r that Cahfom ia \\8!1 31st to ~me a sta tt" ------- Cross-Filing l"e\\-port Harbor (tf'ls 8 big boost I fishing, SAiling. motor boa tms: and 1 n~ .;urf ~",mminJ: nf ~~~ swim· throughout the nation ln a vaca· swimming . I mm~ tn thr ba~. of ''"t<tlinc::-th<' tion article. "~v~n Days You'll Acrompenyin~ th~ article a~ a bac :-R<"ht~ of Errol Flynn. Jimmy Ne\'~r Forge t," in the March 1~-number of ~r photos. includin(t CaJ:n ~ a nd Humphrt":O Bogart" sue of Better Ho~ a nd Gardens one of N~wpch Bay. "i th t ht> cap. and of fll'htnJ! from 8 pi<-r or out ometim€' an April. Thas wa aMoun<."t'd b) Toast· mastt'r ~ .::.:tt' 1\St"n '" the Wastun~ton·~ Barthday In('(' in~: of 1 hf' I'I.'C('ntl~ orgarur:ed ~up. lt was Ham Welch. pt>rt>nmal Har· bor boostt-r and lom~·lame Cham- bf>t 0 1 C'ommE'r('(' P('rt'tary. \\.bo. , \\8S lar~t>l~ instrumrntal in fC'lrm- in~ thts or~anazatlon. fi rst callro This article.'. writtt'n by John tion : ''You don't ha\e to brinJ! I'" thr O<'f'lln Corona d('l Mar is McPartland lwith local informa-your own yncht to go bos un~ in do•<'rahn1 A'-n flllll'lt'r hom<' ba~ lion obtaine-d through the coop-N<-wport Bay. QtJi<'t "atN-,; ofiE'r a tv•' c :•rd "" ll' from h<' ~ration of Chambe-r of Commerce prot<.'Cled swimming. too. ht<'raUy nn,Hf' • tht.• plact• for lat~ Secretary Hay Langen helm\, de· acroa ttl<-strt'{lt from ("'("('an <'\ <'nins:~ wat<'han~ tht' ~ acht~ and scribes a le"''t'n-day slght~8eelng beach." fa~in~ boAtl'" \'aattlon In Southt>m California Balboa bland tg dc-scribt'd as a Caf'(' Cnd Hou~r nn Ralhoa l~· coetln« an estimated $250 for a "rettldt-ntlal community or det>p-111nd. Chn tum'. Hut an Balooa famUy of four. . water yacht~n. port fis ht>rm<'n and Rossm<'r<-'!l in thf' Balboa Pa-or .. rtlcular mtel't'lt to local and motion-picture people .. The \ilion ar(' m('ntlonro a. plaet"S to ""*n b the fact that our dty difference In seasonal rentAls In eat. And th ,., !tors art' ur~ed to Ia RW18tecl u tM "home bue" the a.lboa·Nev.-por t area i <'ited. S1op in nt th<' StaR nc-11r Ne\\port · for the eewn days of llcht.eeng. The elaht-month off~son Pf'riod Pier to Ju:t n to tht-lnther·faet"d, liMe It Ia eo eonvenlet~tl)' located. from October through May I sug-bi~~ht>f;tf'd fL ht-rmt-n tell or their c:.ar-•• Mar Ia WMntioned u gMted as thtt time to get a nne catche$. • IMl t.R of opentiona for lta apartmft'Jt with bay or ocan vlfw Por €'ach of ttw> R"\'t'n ~ .. or =:-~ :="~ 3: = for 130 to $.'K) a Wt'l'k. ~ \'acauon. ~~ articlt> l'naPI out j _. ~ta < , C IMD .._.. 1ft c~Nertblng the attract.ions ol a rou~ for a ~~~in«' tJ'It), · Los Amtl,'Os," tht•n rrna.ml"d " mtl:O. Viejos," ), Snow in Heights! N NtWJi!Si1 .......... At.o 8aJ, U. ...... the artl~ stilt.&: ''Bel· ata~ and MCitnt: N cll da)• at I '-lsr ftl. attfk......,. fit GC.'ftlll b Will ci'~ your famQy the fWl Nf"W11!01'1 Jlartk)r. .,_...,......, ...... ......,iioiioilo......,......, .... .,.,......._ ·. '\ • Pap 2 ftle Y ..,.._ .. ftunidciy; March 1. 1•1 rP.:~~.~~:~a.,i:tY~!~ :~~J ;:ttMJ!rli [~~!~~~:~~~: :~~::~~:J h ~Jf'AL,, ;;t 4.~ . Ut're a a·~ important dates to 1 lltll'l''"'· ... llut~+' th•• <~Omh•~t .tf'fO _ PIC r~ · mnt•k down on ~·our cal<'ndar o r ~, .. ,,., '''Ill ho• ••,t-:~o•• •... ._.,.,.~,. ,_ la.atlfl4-romJn~ l'\'l'nts: Frida:, and Satur-• • • ,\rl\ft'r;1t inl -• • • CORWIN ROOT 'l HE ENSrC N t publr~htod every 'l'ht.Jrs<l;sy mot ntnc lor the No" ..,ort li tl>or Af'\·a. OWCC' hOIII''II: 9 a m. ''' ~ ~ m Mon<I"Y throu!lh Frida)•. I UBICIUPTlON llAT£1 OM· ve .. r U .60 Out of H.lrbor A~a $3 00 ll••••ala One Yt'3r UOO Out O( Hafbor Area 1!.60 EDITOiliAL OI'PICD AJfD P V.UUDJIO Pu.T llMC.... ...... c-... -.~ da~. Mareh 9 and 10. oven hOlli'<' Stol'lt·~>•'rh•·ru,• ... rm c<t•mhl\tan~ prl'S<'n'"'l 1'\y rnrotta <k>l tar bu•a-~J11lm: b • .H·k tu ''"' I ltu hm area n<'' <'; Fn~ and S aturda y, lr•1m tht• l<m •.tn ll'tllll Wlll'l'•' M> !\frwch 16 and 17, m<'lodrama and m:ln) rt-srd••nlt-ul t h•• tll"t'a ur !'Ill- olio Ill th~ High School, prest>nt<'d tlont•d wi th thl• l'ru••··! ~ll lion b) tlu.• Motht'l in~en,; Sunday I foi'<X's. Mttt'llll' CMP" rt•l,•aws. ol morning, March 25. thlt'd annual S!Jl>eifk dt'('d' nf ' .. tut llll'<lal Eastc.>a· Stmrise Set'\ iC<' b:, lhe SC'n, nwat•d..., lol' bnl"'''' umlt•t fir.• und at the Coi'Ona dl'l :\tar Mnln liOnlt' ol th(' t-lot•u:s lh t llli.' writ- beach. sponsored by the Council or '"" to th<' wi\('~ 'IOd fnmiltf'S -at. Cfiul'<'h ', Chamlx'r of Commerc<' honw all indil'tllt• tht' trcrnMdoUS a nd Corona dt'l Mat· Business Asso-job which Is ~In~ dnrw In J{ON'tl elation .... Thut·sdny, May 3. and th<' impvrlont part """ hu~~ suu·t of thl' Ne" port-to-Ensenada at't' pia~ in~. · cludtn~; that l'll..:tll':emenl "nh the ra~ ..•. Sunday, Jut~ 29. annua l Wl' haH• jl!'t t"t'<'~'" c>d a ~~~~~·~ of • 1 P hil HaiTI'\ orchl'stra 1. Fll~ht or th<' Snowbirds In i'o<'"-donn~: don<' b) Jo'lit;ht l..('Rdl•r Capt. For a whill' he was wtth thl' port Bn) .... Frida) a nd Sat12rday. Phillip IX' Lon't or ~07 Orchid \\:u·dr'OI)f' d~'lll.tl tment of t 'nltC'd Oct 5 and 6, T reasure Da)s and A \4', Comna del ;\tar. thnt even Ar·ti~ts, and 1t•om time tn tinw Lobstet· Bakt'. f1\ll on by the Co-lhC' ~·tarinl' C'orps itself took nott' \\'0\tld II') out f(lr hit parts so t•ona d('l Mar Bushwss Asso<:iatiuu. nl ---1.1. C'ul. Ran_om M. Wood thnt \.\hen lw would ~l'l n part ... ·. Also in th(• '' ind Is a mujor ul lll:l E. ()c('an Front, J1alboa. (), (I,; .\~;\IX thf' Sf'"port llnrbttr )lnth r r .. ln~~tt-r!l (With llto,.hitaDN" f«•m hu~) .,... ,......._nolaJ for • pr~Nm to tH-1{1\'t"ft at Itt. Hl(tl ~lHifil fvr tht> P'f .b . lle•rt•',. 'ft !OC'C'ftc• fmm l.t,.t yf'ar'"' l)rnctucHoa: ~t:mdlnl[ lf'lt to riRht at't> !\lrt10. W. Jt. l.h11•ltt, Mr~. Ed~tJtr IIIII, llu,ch Goehria, R_.cl"'8artow, Mn. Bartow, Mn. laftk'tl 7~11[ .. r, Mr . fton- .... ltJ 'lc•Uon.tld and Mr"' [A'o,IJ,• ~tt>fff'n!Wn. !'lt>att'd :u•• M r~. Gl .. nn \\'hltlftek und M r"' It:~ I ph Ot•;a1 ('r. Ct 11om: all rtg~.tl'd t.ip for a !>oiUj;W ml'l', <tnd het mother put het• In ('l('a lcw.nanc~ is nothmg ne" to Zol.• !'tCimol. Ltltl.'r, whllt> a junior in C!\rlo''· author a nd director ol hh:h 'Chool tBc.>lrnont Highl. Zoey "0 Thf' Pity of It " to IX' pr·t-scntt>d h.ad th<' oppot·twtlty ror pl'ofes- 1\fal'('h 16 and 17 :oronnl sta~t> work. She' joint>d a ' Zoey." who Is Mrs Ron&ld Bar-tran•Uing s toc-k company. which 1{1\\. of 232 Agate A~e., Balboa I.. would PrelWnt a dtffCN'III play each I r.d. "as in the pi'Ofession~~l t ht--"N'k, rt'hCAI in\! 1 hi.' com i n g tr·c for man~ :,· ars. at onl' tlmf' \\t't:'k'~ Atlracllon whalt> pt~ <>ntlnK IH•an.: a "child star" During hh:h th1• l'ut•r<'lll one. ,;chool days shl' had numet'OUS Tlw .. tm•k C'<llllP'IIl) toured Sou- .-.tock parts and did pictut•c> work 1 lr~·rn Ct.lrhwniu including the ht>lon• the talkie at·ri,·ed ln ad-Yv.~t Tlwatn• 111 ~:tnta ,\na amont: ditton. :.he did little theatre work. ·t~> sh•l" l'ht• t·.,mp.'ln~ didn't wa.. nn aquatiC performer and at makl' nHtl'h rM.rl·~. Z<X'~ t~ll .. one tim<> ht>ld .a singing t:'ngage-and ,h,· udd,•J ''nit lkr lnf(.'('tious mC'nt with th(' Phil Harris band.· lau~h that whrn the che-ck started Zoc>'s cartN'r ln. the moYies da ll.'s bow1cin~ too budly sht• deddl"d to back to 1914. S he had donl' a bit r·etul'n tn h<'r schooling In t..<' ... An- part m Chicago, and her mother 1 celc . decided s~e should ha\·e a chance ' Aftl't' hiKh sehool sh<' \\('Ill to for d mov1e ca~r. So tht>) went t'Cl.A. \\ hl'l"t.' she took l'Our:.<'" in to HoUywood, a.nd at the a):e or 3 dramatics. Shl' also dld • me work Zoe). started taking part in the with the Bc''<'rly J-lrlls Little The· tear-Jerker'S of those.> sill'nt movi<' atrl.' and with t h\C' Little 'I'hea tf't' day . Zoe Rae wns her creeD of the Vel'dU1!0S in Cl~ndale. name. She ~II ~l~yin~ with She decided to trv thE' mo\•ies such <'reen personahttes a · AJ-• • lan HaJe a.nd "Leatrice Joy c who a~ain, tha time on the sim..'in~t now is a Harbor Area resident), stde, for it. was tht• unw 01 ta!kinK and wuh the same studio were movies. She really was playin~ such . tars as Lon Chancy and the pal't of "unsun~ ht'roine," for Mllr) Pickford. .he was only a \'Oi('(> In thl.' musi- Sht> was first with the old Am-cals of those da.)s, a Jll('mber of a <•rrNln Biow-aph, then making two-choral t.!J'OUP ~h!t t't'COrded songs ~let . and later "ith Unh·ersal 10 be dubbed an wllh the actions S tudio,., at th time or the com-or the_ ensembles that appeared on ,n~.; ot the fi\"e-reellm; l~e . ftlm. Mo~t or this cboral T · stngtn~ wa wtth Wamer Bros hen can:t> the. "g-awky" age,/ studio. but she :~I o made som(' ~·nd the chrld acttn~ day wl.'re appe:n nn<X'S "ith dam.'<' bands cin- ~2 h(''d ~0 back 10 the wnrdi'Obc !.hOWIOj( or modl'l'll 81'1 in Corona h8' bel'l\ 0\\ardt'd th(' t..('wnn or d\'par·tment to ptepare a coo;tumc dt-1 Mar ;\ll'f't t "'ilh th Combat ''T'' for for herself • 'alot· with th, ... l\tarint> Corps - -- Then t"am<' marria~<'. Rnd the IJnportaat clat.-ab,o c~lftl( up Mal'inc Captain Edward F. llam- t'nd to pt'Ofes.o;lnnal mo,·i"e and In ......, life of th«" S"''PO't Ha.r· nwrbcck of 1612 Seoond Aw . C'o- llt&liC asplt·atlons . And no t~gt•cts bor ~: April I, 1151 • .fu•t· a t•ona dt'l Mar·, rt'<'ein <d Hw nir n ~­o~r it. 8~ says. She wu mar-moaU. away. ftat.'• a "comlq da l for combat missions - --Maj . ricd in 1932 to Ronald Barlow. or.._. ....... .......__. at that mo-William Lundin ol 312 Nal'cissus Education of Los Angeles City. ft ..... tltfo IIMI ...... l'fftlf'at for ttwardc.>d his !>i"th OFC' for Koreao who was tht>n on the Board of .wat Ute ...... will lh&Ve fuJ. 1 A \'e. Corontt d<'l :\1ar, has txocn They started coming down here .. lltJt .. llty to ~ ·~ a lf>l&l missions ---and First Lt Freder- for vacation~, a.nd fi\'e years alt() .......,..,., .•• fer ftw. ... cr or iek Mut•chall of 219 Jasmin<' Ave .. became permanent residents . Sig-· Ma~ll will roUitd out. a lull ye.r Corona d<'l Mat'. was presented a ~est reason foa· mO\'ing down to I of IM!ta~t prla~ ... ~Nhllehed Cold ~tar In li<'u of his second Air the Harbor Area \\8. the health 8 tlrt'fy Wlthla tW C'll7 of N~·-Medal for some hair-raising ev~nts or t10n NMI. \\ho was ufferlnR port IIMdt •••• Tllla ftnt a...· which took pla<X> at the end of from bi'Onchial asthma and hay Ia M~ aho ~·" aa aaal-I September Lt. :\furchall's wife is IC\<'1'. ~he weather.h('':f' ha done ,,_,...ry, ~U.C t.-o,...,... of the formE'r Au~usta Young, daugh- mat'\"tls.ln curln~ th1s atlmcnt. I OJH>ratloe of U.c-Ea .. p b.)' thf' tt>r of Marine Colonel John YounR. .Noel ts now a freshman tH the who was a ~:.idt-nt her~> while sta- Ht!Jh 'chool. 8 mt'mber or the c JC s d • tioned at El Toro. Ell'anor Youn~.: t~m ~f the swim squad, an ardent 1 liM.res Hooker, anoth<'r daURhlc r, 1s also sa a lor. and thl.' 1951 '1ce-rommo· --~ .,. 11\•lng on J asmin<' a nd walling to dorc of the Bnlboa Island Yacht Set lor llmla hear from ht•r husb&nd who was Clu~. t.he )oun~n~tc-rs' salllng or-1 I" reportealy a .prisoner of tlw RNis gamzauon. There ls a little girl I late last summer in the family too, Mona Rae. who I Th Fif 1 • • . 1s in sixth ~·adt at Hora~ En-I' t '·Annual Pactfic Coast ''"" School. an cxc<'Ul'nt wlm -ChampionshiP Salting Races tor DIRECTORY nwr· and ... kiiJ<'d 'no" bi I'd skipper J l!nior (\lll ges. sponsored by the :\1'r Bar·lo" is sales rept:(' <·nta: ~t~a·roli••~C•ate Yacht Racing AS o- 1 MILVD PLATING tive for· tht> Jam(''> Graham (' caatton. \\til be held at the BalbOa Sil p~ manufacturers of W e d It<' wo ood ~acht Club in Newport IW&ch. on ver Jat~rs mn((t's and formerly was with Salut·da). ~larch 17, an~ pr•omts<>. And SUvenmltha th•' Cot·ning Glass Co. H<' "'lll ~o be on~ ~r the outstandu~g C\'l'tHs Repalrlng -Reflnlahirut ha ,·~ a pal't In the m<>lodrama that m tlw Easwr _Week actlvatles. Replatlne i. 10 b4> presentl'<l at the HI h Th Champtonshlp will be con-Gold. SIJveo . Copper . Brua School auditortum on !\larch ~6 duch•d und<'r the lntcrcollegiatl' Near CoinmunJty ~ nnd 17, JUSt a. he had a part in rull'~>. and the 1 19!;0 NAR U rule 1914 Harbor BIYCl., C.O.ta )(- 13 I vear's produ<'tion ut o b . and a:.. op.'n on.:, to ~tudent who Beaeoo 5111 ._, thl' ~totherslm•l'r. n:. ~ ~nl'fi~ ll ~ arc t>httlblc f?r ro:n(X'titiory und<'r' the PTA. , s tandw d Junwr Cnllc~c eh~tibillty 11111110 Zoey herself is co-author of this ~u~~~s lui' ft•es~men ~;tnd varsity year's melodrama, which wa ori· ~ · 'k ' · · Margaret L Sch 1 g4nally written ror a Chul'Ch Fel-e l~rs meeting for thts • at e lowship group In Los An~les H's ra<X> Is schevuled for 9 a . m. on TMcher ol Plano in the real tradition of the melo-March 17 at the Balboa Yacht ()ropnWt • Accxlft\--a... drama, in which you hiss the das-Club. _..... tardly \i llain and applaud the Each school wil ll'ntl'r a team Evening Clueel roura~eous hero. The Mother-of four men or womcm an~ a total for Adults •• sin~t.>rs fonn the nucleus ot the or three ra<X> wlll be satl<;d. 3t11 GOLDENROD AVE. C'ast and offer musical numbers It ts expected t hat pm_'ately Corona del Mar an·anRed by tht-ir di rector. Marv owned 32-root PC. sloops ,,,II be na Hen Steffensen . lJS('d. The boa_ts Will not be trans- In addition to 1\uthorin and di· feM't'd and a dtffere!"t kJppcr wUI l'rcting "0 The P ity of ~t ,. M • be at the helm, dunng each race. Bal'low will take part In 'one ~i ~urr<'s will be announ<.~d just thl' olio skJts that are part or th praor to t>ach race. htlarious pi'Ogram. r.. thi& r~ The Nl•wport Harbor J ~ n i o r licular skit the ~Is ;u, be .~ Chamber of Commerce WJD pre-1 th 1 bath" • "car-~ent its Pcrpc>tual TI'Ophy and PRY8JOIAN8-SUROEON8 Day or Night ~~t~o-l~ cera. ~:,..:.w~ 0!1~~ thr(.'(.> individua.l troph~ for first, I auth<'ntic cost m f h 11 second and thsrd. a t the Balboa becau'«' Para:!,o~t 0st~d!o 0 h~~ ~acht Club following the races. ht'lpcd out in meeting the ward- I'Obe need.<~. £ub ~c:oub Phone HArbor 1138 FUNERAL DIRECTOR ROUND-r ABLE D1SCUSS&ON P. l of the fun of being your 1 k -ov 11 u~oorator los that you can P • ~~~~ ram biia,; O'W'rr a b rowa gi,·c free reign to your lndivldu-:::o••tt.l T~e IH-a•Uf•IIT •e-- ahly .. express your own In-Map e fa,.ltare lfl Yft'Y herent good taste In a n umber of ::;.:;~ "' hn RUl In tll18 proYIIIdal ~>mall ways. You can be outland-tabl~ 1· Tllf' mWDa Lu7..._• I hly whimsical If you choose lt!l o~ a f'Oannat ... pteu Ia You can be ~If-assertive splritM "'ft~IH ::f'L Tlae opea .. wtda, a in your cho.ice of color; or u se It tilf'rl"h~ 1 ~~'fl -..t with restramt and dignity. I ~ ... fo 1•" ~.~'"te-d-... Yo•r owa latf'ryu-etat ioa of r e .._......_....._ l'lllaa. llntefl. roar favortl.-~riocl hi wllat. will b~ c h • I r " •re ~r.l ... ... e FO•r hoMe •• Jnterntlng 101 • 'I· · •xpr•Mioa or YOU. , . We cordially InVite you to come You undoubtedly have many 10 a nd have a round-table dlacus- things which you chert h and slon With ua about your decorat-want to have around you-.a col lng Problems. Oo make It eoon lectlon of ftne old glus or pew: we'll be ~ you. ' ter. The background decoration I and furnishings In ~he dining I roo. m sketched above were In-~ ltf'*'*~~ .... !!plrcd by an hetrloomN set or r 1 old Engllsh chtna. 1 rw,.., Pau .. ,. hM bN'• brou~ht Jato .,.., .... tht roo• b'l 1UIIJ~prr " hich h:i.o t-------:..... ____ ,1. BBAOOJif lUI Newport 8eada a sa suss a cas sse THE ENSIGN Job Printing F aailltJea Harbor 1114 WASRLINIJ By RU'I'R NIQOEI I"& Around l25 were present at the Blue and Cold dinnl.'r held by Pack 180 at thl' beginning of F ebruary. Lanny AJ len v.-as J;,'l'adua ted fi'Om Cubs Into Boy Scouts at that time with Committee Membet Robert Calli t;T"CCting him into the more advanced work. Honor ~n was Den 3 It'd by Mrs. Arthur Winter- botham. Individual tables were decorated by the various dens in the pack. • • • Cube of Pack 181 Newport spent Feb. 17 going through the salt plant in Back Bay a nd then the San Joaquin duck club, where they learned how to put lQ> a tent and engage in other outdool' activi-ties. Aooornpanying the Cubs were Cu.brnuter William Roode Louls 1 Cock, Robert J essee ~ymond Days and MelVin Swah.on (atMrt of Cub members. ' 'IRE ENSIGN Now often CCM~nplete Job Prfnttne Fadlltiel Bai tz Mortuary Chapel by the Sea HARBOR 42 Corona. del Mar, C8Ufom iA Ample Off-Street Par khlK INS URANCE INSURANCE For Every Need ISLAND REALTY CO. Harvey D. Peate HARBOR 377-W Park at Agate, Balboa Island '11£ SURE -INSURI:'" wtth Maurie Stanley ~~· RAit80il lTN 225 Jfartne A9e., Ba111oa 181ucJ LAWRENCE K. GUNDRUM, M. D. ANNOUNCES THE OPENING OF HIS 17-41 SUPE«IOR AVENUE, COSTA Formerly Newport Ave. OFFICE A T MESA PRACTICE LIMITED TO . DISEASES OF THE fAit NOSE AND Tt'fltOAT •nd AlLERGY OFFICE HOURS: W EDNESDAY AND SATURDAY ly /l.pflointrMnt Office Phone l&coft 6101 ... From now on. on Monday and Friday, 1x> sure to list<'n to "Disc and ("hAt" on KVOE from 10 to 11 p.m. Ft•cd Harn•y And Jerry E\'ans arc actin!:{ as disc jockeys a nd v.•ould like mort-listt-ners. As soon as I find out more about this program. I 'II let you know !!! Visitinq in Madera Pror. Gror,::c E. MllcGinitie, 1218 Cov<' St . Corona del Mar, is s pend- in~: 8 r.-w WN'k S In Madera \\ith hi" sister-in-law and ni('C('. His nit'CC, Miss Alice Truax, has been a ft'('Qucnt ,·isitor to this community during the years gone b~·. when thC' MacGinities were at tht' hl'ad of tht> Marine Laboratory and lin •d on Heliotrope An•. NAMED CA~ DIRECTOR Re\', Thomas Pendell. pastor of I C'hri"t Church by the Sea, New- port, has bt>en named dii'<'Ctor of the YounJt Prople's Christian Ad- vcnfure Camp to 6e he la a t Camp Cedar Glen nNtr Ju11a.n Aug. 11-18. The camp is ol*n to young prople in the sixth. scv•th and eighth grades. nNE ..,.,....,_ IIADIC IN ova OWllr •OI'll FURNfTUU lllltNISte ROmiiE a GAIIDD ... c...t.....,. .._an .. t , Home from Stanford With Three Guests ThrN' ~'Uests \VC'r<' brou~:ht hon·r from Stanfo&'tl for thi hohda~l' h~ Jt"~tnn<' Brothers. a frt~~hman m.l· jonn.: in histor) P.:-1: Orr of 5<'81· til'. Judy Fr('('man of F tP..no and .Jan<' Short of China Lak st:\~Ni \\llh Jt•annl' and h('r motht•r !\In: GIRd\:: Brotht"r::. at tht'it n<'' hom~ at 122 Pt"a r l A' t Ba the'~ Island at reqular price (S9c to $4.98) YOU PAY ONLY lc lor the 4th Ycl SAlE THROUGH SATURDAY. MARCH 3 TAKE ADV ANTAGE OF TillS S PECIAL OFFET: TO START YOUR SPRING W ARDROBE FROM ORANGE CO NTY'S M ST DISTINCTIVE AS ORTMENT OF QUALITY FABRICS ' T 0 R E H 0 t.4 R. S J 0 a . m. to 5 : S 0 p. m. Itt Mart~ A'~­ BALBOA ISI.A.~D IIA,._ Jn8.-l\' -5 Couples Join In Celebration I TOIU)~,-o •EI!IIDENT VBIB Carol Ann wt.man of Toroftto, canada, lS ll()\\' \iSJting ~r ~·­tiv~. Mr. and ~!rs. E. G. Mlller. 3071, Ah'aAdo. Balboa. Carol Fl\e coupl from Los Angeles Ann v.ho pt.Jls to spt"nd three v.ho v.el"t' aU married the same months here for Mr health may ~<:ar ht>ll)('d Mr. and Mrs. Herb attend Harbor Hi. - Coleman of Balboa ccl~bratt" their I iii. MNINWWI\ft!MNWWWMIIl 20th wedding anruH'J"SAI')' at th Cocoanut Gro' Wt'dn ;day, Feb. 14. A b&t: cakt" v.i th 20 candles and gift v.el"t' per t of the surprises for Mrs. Coh.•man. The "Annl\'er-t sary Waltz" "as played m her honor by the orchestra. ha~ thf' mo~ t sou glat-a./ter. «ircJit"S in the ~·orld l 1( 11,, ""'' f:lrdJ .. tb.JI ""'f'f r<oll, O.l'r ••• 11ftrn• • •'"'' up ..• 1 .. 1. ,-u 1 .. nJ n .•luralh IH-Iov tb~ b . .nd • th .. o"l~ 11:1rdJ,. tlo.ll co..Vor-roM~ •hm• ~C!ur .... u•l <hit trim· ~ourhip5. 1( lbf ortl~ Jirdl .. -.ilb th( U fY• Aln"lt'b ":l i•lb.otlll tlwt o#oco~l If~-. ••6 ... rtf"fi'r lpr~d•. MnrC' «lmf) c~UtOmt'" com e back fo r more Sta-t p-Top• 'irnlC'F thnn for any oth er lrirdle in the "·orld ~ Thr' Inn· the nu~ hug of arner't~• pa t<"ntt'd la~­ ~~ n I• It <"l.t,ti<" "':~i·tLaod. Lo,-e tltc "a~ th~~ Df"' Pr nnlu <' t J.c-boru• that keep it up ... up ... up . Lo, r I ho "'n' it inda<'<~ tlw m in ... n~,·er pin<"h<' them in. L<.,"" till'""' tummi ~ diwappcu and hip~ .kip • I hn nune in ('\<'r) thin!! from ~ft-'knH. like the ,.tip· c•n ~ .. mwtt tt\·· tohowu to tho~e d<''i~nro to di~<'iplinf' ... m I'• n it('~ <•r 'l<'p-in~ .•• in th<' IO\cli<' l color un1h r 1l1 l' •un .••. in"' Jon ,lr not ••• " ith 2-or 3-inch "ni•t· lrHHI•. t ltnol•r 'our~ in ~·our n.•ry 0\\'0 3-~·ar-5ir..-... ... ,·, ''~'''· lup i:,• .md rontrnl. \1\e·"•'t Sle·Up-Top Wa...,erettu fi'Orr~ $S9S io U .SO. O•her Ste·Up-Top qord le.s from SI.SO to $1b.OO W•rn••' btu from $1.50 to $7.50. IMI ] 209 Ccast Bh·d Corona del Mar HArbo:-1293-W .. : Award Winners Go on Outing Stt"ncilinft aprons a Eastc.-r girts a first aJd c.'OW'R to adults •Wk· N"lllt'tt't"n boys and ~Is •'ho had for tMir motht-rs has kc.-pt flf th ing •i th Girl Scouts alter this won apedaJ a•'Vds i.n musk at gradto Girl Scouts and th4-ir new 1 month. Anyone inll"l'e'lted may lhto Hora~ Ensign Scllool •·~ l(.'ader, Mrs. H tlr)' Schroeder, very call the Girl Scout House in :'l:t>W· takc.'n to Running Sprin.;s lut busy. They art' also \\Orking on port. Thursday by tbc.>ir tc.-achn, Gladys plana for the JuliPttt> Low program 1 • • • Pc.>rkfns, for a cia)• ln tbe s no.·. LO celc.-b...-on or the &'Out found-Scout TroollS ll. 12 and 16 Throwinr; sno-'ball.s a nd tobog- <'r' bir thday. Tht") art' workin't rn >d a pot luck suppt>r honorinrc I ,i,.>anlnt: "ert' Pttll1p BrowJ)ell, Tod toward their St'COnd class badge. their part'nt.s l"f'Ct>ntly at the Scout White, Gtry Det-m, Ste\'e Wa tc~r. • • • House. E(ght) Wt"rt' present at I Richard 0\-el"by, P eyton Reed. Abo •orlllalf Oil thf' lullet1e the J)\lrt~. "hich was c.'ntl rt'ly plan-L.>nn U ttJeton. Gay Peaker. Jody Low Pf"'Cl'UD a rt-~IN-lk'COtld 1 nro by the ,girls ---inclUdinlt Web. Shirley Heaston, S us an cradt~ B~'laJH or Troop 8 upper. dt>eorutions, entertainmf'nt Brown. Gloria Otapman, Judy CoJ- b,..adNIIty Mrs. KC)4114'tnar~· ~mlth. I aJ1d ciNUlup. Aftet· s uppe-r a play man. Ed"'in Mason. J ohn Hc.'nrotln, Thf'lile l(lrl• han\ pluul.ct a n~ld was Prt'<c.-ntt.'d by Mrs. C. W . Wa rd Pletch<'t·. Ptr-ter· and Dennis trip for Ute C'OIIt"Ctloa of l'lllllt>r-~ Crowl's Troop 11 : a baUoon race Ht'nck>rson. and Bob R.(>id. AJ. tal for ..,.u.-r prlatll. Other ~-was prov1d('d by Troop 12, le<i by thou,:h lht'y Wl'rt' unablt" to ~o. C't-at a~U\'10.. haH• bH-a to Miss Wilma Doman, und M rs. Crt'~ Adant$, Gjb Ward. Beverly ' nl&l&e ct•ft't'rt.ftad t>up ea.kf'S at Waltt'r N oll r··s Troop 16 did Lund and Jeff Ca\'t' had won in-~ Scout HCH~~~e u d M>wlDIC' a t-'cha.-ade . • 'itatlons. traeU\e f~lt JIMli"WS to ~ a t-• • Cha(X'rones and dri\~t'rs for lh'-' tac-llt'd to t.h~ Bro•'Bie anlform Flrst_ Cid oout Associa tion Cl ap \\t'rC' Cla~nce Mason. Hunt- bt-lt-.11 part or lt"&&1llac a.ow to board tnl"etin~ unch>r the new com-lnc:ton B•ach: Herb Coleman, Bal-~k aMI ww. C'oaalf' Colucdf' mission<'r. M rs. En•rctt Nunan. boa: A. K Uttle ton. N~-pon, wu rdi'Hilm.-nt hMtf'Sit at the ''as held l'eC{>nUy a t t ht> Scout and Mrs. C. E. Chapman, Corona lut ~tlll~t. House. Mrs. P . V. Pt"lerson. troop del :\tar. • • • o~anizatlon chairman. announced ------ Easter Bunnie made of outing that all waiting lists oC tht> Gir l Tll.IF TO CAKL8BAD rtannel for aUt to Countv Hospi-Scout Troops han• now been taken Mrs. M)Ttle HIJ.)·cke. 1922 W . .. ,., cat-e of. 'Ocean Fl"Oilt. Newport, k>ft here !!!tChrlldrcnclha,·edebeeof ':~J;te Mrs. Pett'r Hill, camp chaJrman: MOI'Idly Cor a trip to the Carlsbad ~"--,.. o seoon gra rs o . . Mrs. E;sther Chapman, council ad-j Ca\~ms. Troop l 3 under t~e supen'lSson or \iser, and Mrs. Ted Hambrook. ·iiiiiiiiii Mrs !--· B. Br"'('nng. A \isi.t . ~0 ~tanner Troop leader. diseuslecl , Knott s Berry FaT, !lfld a pacmc j the Mariner's Camp at Catalina 1 lunch we;e ~.n~ hJJrh pots of tllis summer and the pos lbillt)• oi l the troop act I\ lti<"S. • obtaining an established site for • • • 1• the Newport Girl Scouts. (Entire f .lotalftl' In "1th u... 101tr; p~ of th~ cookic.-sate "iU go , learaJBir ror thf' .luJh'ttt> Low j to help establish a camp for local Pro It r a m aN> roarth l"1'"t' +.rids.) Mrs. C. W. Cro,\rl an -• RrownJ"" of Troop M. INI by nounced plans to ask for adult j' Mn . B. So Dt>,...nbt'f"'t'. ThHt' help a t summer camp t his )'t'ar. f:iriA ar ... ,..., tak l.nr "fl,y-up" ln- litrurt on"'. T IW;\ Jlrf'Sf>Dlf'd 1 ht> t'Oior and INl lttf' On~ Mlut~> a t 1t rt-<'f'nt llhth "t•houl I•T m~><•t· OJ:' and u h lat'h 'JIOt In lhl.'lr nc-11- \IU"" hu bt'4>ft tbt" 'l!llt ht Ka~· Flat-h Cf'ramJt' S tudios In ('o- r'll\:1 df'l Ma r. lt ma\' hnw been cold btu it wa-.. C<'rtiun l) fWl. say lht• ~rls or lht• Mnrin<>r's ~hlp ~aiad aboua th ar mountain outint: w(.'('k·end heron• hu.t. Thc.-g~r!J and their lt'ad r Mrs. Ted Ha mbrook. were f{U st of ·hip H ind of Pasad na. Tht>y pack€'<1 hc.-ar IC<'ping baw; and pro\ I ionl\ and stay€'<1 a t Camp Smgml( Pin<':. on th A n ~c.-J us ~ Cre t Hl~hWa)·. Camp riff'S, hikes and th tud} or Ia hi ng mana~ te k eep them busy. Included in the camp-out Wt'N? y ,·onne Taylor. Conn1e Mangold. Nancy T!i tt. Jan Dulworth and LuBelJe Bolet>. • • • P la n$ for the Julliette Low Program for Girl Scouts Anniver- sary wen? ma de Feb. 16 when the Leaders Club met at the Scout House in the morning. It was de- ctded to have a Brownic.-program in th<' afternoon of Friday, March 9, and an IntermNliate Scout and Mariner program in thc.-e\·ening. THURSDAY-FRIDAY SATURDAY Ike. 11.115 Wool Chrome Top '......,... ._. Dri ....... ~ ...... ·""' ;\ut-.tk _.., ..... Uptllla For Easy c;.a... ... For faly a. ... Immediate Deli.e..Y MARCH 1st -2nd -3rd LADIES Leadet's were Kh·>en a lesson in First Aid by Mrs. C. W. Crowl and instruction on n gllJTt('S and , ongs for use in Troop meetings. Mrs Robert Keppen will present IJ.IIIEtS The Fl'd~raJ Communica lions Commj ion in Wasington last W<'ek ordt'l'<'d the defunct radio station KTEO or Laguna Beach to s urrt'nd«'r its IIC<'nsc.-for cancella- tion FCC was aC'tlng on the plea of Tom Danson for more time to C'arr} on with hts t'ffo rts to ~et the ~o.tAtion back on the air. KTEO, whaC'h began operatin~ Dec. 23. l 919, has lx><-n silt'nt sin <X' Sept '1:1 ol ln-.1 \1'1\1, wh<'n tht' sta tion per- sonnr•l t·•·lusr-d to sign in on tbeJ fu r h(••·ausP or fallur'f' to r~?Ceive Mlttr} P't) m<>nts Garden Club Plans Flower Show EYhibit N<'l.'. office-rs oC the Corona del Mar Cardf'p Club had charge of the meetin~ held Friday ar'-"moon at Pilgrim HaJJ. Mrs. Frank Po-·- ers pr<'sidro as the group made plans ror a beach c.-xhibit or the International Flower Show in In· glewood. Local members have is- . ued an appeal for succulents tha t a rc needed in the planne-<J display. On March 28 the club is planning a m('('t an~t in connt>Ciion with ''Mi- ra.ndy" rad1o program to be held at ' the Corona de l M.ar Grammar School. OUT-OF-TOWNERS \'l IT Fri~ndl of the California Flne Arts Society were t'ntertained on Saturday by Mrs. I..ootta SpeJce, 424. Dahlia Ave .. Corona del Mar. A dr ive around the Corona del Mar bluffs followed the luncheon. Out-of-towners 't'ntcrtained were Mmc . Ma ry I~ Warfield, Cather· ine L.awy('r, Catherine 08h1Atom, Maxine Hunt, Philomt"nn Tia rglari, Dorothy Layn~ a nd Mac Wtllilln\!!. iiCDii u .ta Mea •.,_AJUptor B•incoats .._ •• -ftew. tt.9G -sao a ~ow Ollly ._,. --. n .ao SLICD o.., Oaly I" ,. ~. l.lt l'anl I II DACE· ....,..._,, ..... to ~4.95 D Only Ladi~'-\.._. m 18.95 8" DRDSES OnJy ole,..,.)'~. 7-N I" BLOUSES Oaly .... ! ' .. M M. Warrlf'ld nnd Mrs. Lawyer HA-L-z~~~ rC>maint'd ~ hoU'lCJ;U('• ts of Mrs. TUVI" "'1"'1" n~ ..... ..:.::J ·~·~r Spc,cc, ~llllllllll~llllllllliiililllllllllliliiiillli.lllil .. .lliiiililiiiiillllllllillllll~ilii~iiillaeliiilllW1ii·i .... .JI 611 Coast Blvd. .. to your · home~ Custom made drapes ---shpcovers * Ready made Balboan, Mrs. H. Paynt> Tha)t-r. I wa <'lt>Cted to lht> pr('Si&ncy by [)('Ita Gamma Alums , .. ·twn tht>) mt>t at the home of MN Walt<'r pi('('r , Harbor hla'bd. Ia!> I "<-,~k on Tut"sda) O t her nt'\\ orfl r an• l\tn; John Gt>it:<'r. 'tet' pr('!>idt>nt . ~h-... Wtl· liam Blun)Ck . s('('rt'l&Q . ~1n. Jul>- ,...u rtalnS ---spreCGS " tin Kc>nn<'<h . tr<'asurt"r. :\l n. Jam£'s R.a~. · .. AnchOt a" IT\tiJ:BZJnt' com pondc:>nt. and ~lr' llarold Gmwno. pan·h<'l rc-prt'·entaltH' RICH ARDSON'S C · & Dr Sb Plan.... for thc>tr annual part) urtatn ape 0p \\t'l't' llil'O d tS('UJ ,.('d at lht> mt'i.'lin~ 1203 Co•s+ Bl .. d. Coron• del M•r ••• l<'lll .til\ t•l;; a brtdt.:t•·hrc-al..fa:-1 The 11-om I I a. m to 3 p m. on =-'< pt ) Rt'ni'IJ t pr'O('c·t•d, frcllll t l.r part~ "ill lx t'nt to tlw D.-ltl Gam ma·,.. :'<'hool lor 't'llnll) han· dkapjl('d <'htldrc>n Hi~ prtz<'~ 'nch as a ~ 100 mt rchanlil'•t' ordt't and u \\t't'k-rnd at Cm·onatlo. "ill lx> off r•rrd. :"ext mc>E'tt n~ \\til bt• lwld ~1 urch 427 N•rciuuJ, COM :.'0 81 t he:> Santa Ana honw <'I l\trs K t•nnt'd). pri'C't•dC'd h) clum,•t n Buffum's. Sip .... HArbor 87 DON XIRKP ATitiCK t-V .VICE·. 400 Co.•+ loulev.,.cf CO-ONA DEl MA--HA 2206-J Lee Shiple_~ OIUOINAL8 Custom and RHd)' Made PlasUo Ae<:eAOrie. Infant. Clowt. KJtclwon, Bath .... <>-et 81\• ... COli Public Schools W eek Will Be April 23-27 Calilorma's thirt~ · H>t'nnd an-I n ual Pubhc School W t'l'k \\ 111 b<.> he ld Aprtl 23 to 2i. "hen Of)l'n hou e pro~ram. "ill bt' ht•ld tn t tw ~chools. "The Pubhc ~chool An Am rt· can HerttaJ::(' L t h s logan for t hb )U~ • F rat<'rnal and C'l\1<.' organtza· tion~. blL<:int' and profC' ... :.ionnl .roups Pa1 t'nt Tt' ch<'t Ac:.Mx·m- tions a nd \C'I<'rans wtll parttC'tfll'l•• in th<> "l <'k' ob ('r\"nn•'<' Community Playt'n Hold Monthly Meetjnq Th(' monthly ml'eting of thl' "Kewport Harbor Communl t~ Pia~· t-rs was hE'Id Monday ('\('lllll~ at the home of Mrs. Carl <Palil Witte of Corona del Mar. S<'\'Cral plays wel't' ~a. but no decision has \'t>t been ma~ u to 1 he O<'Xt plav' to b<' p~nted-about the end of March or In Nrly April. :.·;-... S ,..._AV O::: ·-• J , .r .......... c co.c;· . ;:. two new floral p atterns added tl"l our selection :;;--·-,....,1 • c . Jll lf'•· ..,.ttin~o. ;, ,,.._,1 1 '!.~-, .. tllr '••r .. ~1 t ur I11Ur 49.4111 ,......,.,,c:o ·gor... ~:--·--..... •"-• ' .......... 0_!:. ""'..!~e-:-._ ·.• ..;:r.: ••• Jll.tN> .... tt in~: t5 pc-.l l' &.311 .. t.trt• r ..,..., 'or foor • IIUitl The Islanders 214 M •• ;,.. /lwe . BAlJOA IS..AND H.l(•bOt tS47 Spring Seren-ade A mcdl e\ of Easter lash1on~ to be I lor beneh: c. !he Harbor At..x.l!cry oi the . Ch.:dren s i-:.:r:1e-~ .. •• "Y 2:30 p m Tuesday at Rage:-~ f: At riglu: Mr~. J ohn Stoughton of tl,~ Au•i•i •ry, • model (Q1 the fuhion P• rtde, poses in-the J o Collin& origi"• f .. tured in M•r~h GLAMOUR m•q• zine. Spring ched-.,at~s incl,..de • cl.,l,;,.9 cflecl~red duster to be wom •• coat or codl·dren with m•lching ves• • .,d •ri, r4yor g•b•rd·,~ ,..,, J'9 """Y .,.•I, .. hi+., - YOU RE INVITEO to thii flnt spring f•th.o"' &howing •nd te-2 30 P·'"· TueMI•'I'· R•g•n'l, Coror~e del Mer 1411 e-n li--d. hown D\ 0 BRIE:'\J 'S S:'cCiah Shop .. , !''. .. ) r'OOJll :-.. \"t'l I IY.'tl--t.lll' lfll .. IIJW All C' >d $13~50 <>.-.•.u 1 , '''" ,tup!t>:\., I bloc-k frPm bcarh. 2 IJdrms .. "' dl. Firepl:let . lldwd. noon.. ~· 1 Al ... u mn h.• ·•ur ·h,...,i-<1 lUll.' fumlshcd -All Ol''' I) leased ....... ul) :»,000 ~'" n ~-~ ... -nley Hadfield 1 t~'\'T.\1.S • CA TER "l'M.MEJC ---\'EAil '&OIJN'D Balboa 1.sUilld CORO DEL VOGEL VALuES C.•allill• 411 Coast RARBOll • • e ne M• YIPI Cl. 43-& !!ad 'U .• S t-wport Bfoacll IIA ~4'71 COUNTRY EST ATE Seclusion ---with park-likt;> grounds: lo"'· rambling ranch nome "ith 1800 sq fl. of floor l pa<.'l'; r:nusln~ ttreplace; 6 epacious 1"0011\11, See thl$ home; you'll Jove it. Yes, you can have horses too. 3 acres aurroundectbJ'. tl'ffS. Cloee to $hopping center and - =for ..... SZJ, • • • CLOSE IN 1 NEAR NEWPORT BLVD. Good 2-bedroom home; ma.s- ive rock fireplace; tUe kitch- en; l bedroom extra large; many extra built-ins; luge ~uest room O\'t;>r raragtt~l! of tr('eS and $7 DU shrubs; ONLY I • • • NEWPORT HEI CJITS 1-Bcdroom ocean-View home; asphall Ule rloon; tiled taU shower: located among fine homes· H7SO Only ~ terms 1666 Newport Blvd. BEACO~ 6564 COSTA MESA Ensign OassUied ads have been THE ENSJGN a proven means ot reaching buyers Now oflers complete for all o;orts or merchandise--USE' I Job Printing Fa-'"U-lht-m ~ Phone Hubor 1114. ___________ :-::"""::'-::""""::-:::-:"::-:: .. -:-= •••••••••••;•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••···~ I ~ · int Tilne OHered lor Sale S ~ ~ : Tlfl"' ('OR()N UJt:;J. MAR S·BEDROOM DOME built Ia liH!\ \ : otrC'rH ff'atures ~lor.-; l&r'ft4' mas~" bNtroom, wealth or ciOIJ-,; : f"IH, Of'\\ waH-to-wall e&TJM'tlftK, <'beery flaptoat-0~·, • 41 tn dlrf'<'t II.ChUnJC, ~>unny, workablf' klt.cht-D; shelter~;>d patio, ~ ~ ft-o(~d yard, double (:'ara~e. bobby shop area, ftlle locaUoa ete. ~ : Prlood for $14 750 Tenns. ~ 41 lmrnedlat~ salt' I A rt DOW ~ ~ ~ ~ Islaad . Bealty Co. I \ MuJUplt-Ustt~ Bealwrs J ~ II \rt»r 37'7-" · Pa rk at Af[alf', Ban.o. 1 ..... l ,.. .............................. 9& ................................ . ~ lot South Ollligllway 1WO INDIVIDUAL 2-Bdrm. unita in front wtth flreplaoee ; two larp rear Wlita over ~r garage. Rar units full,y tur- ni$hed wtth rattan runut~. Garbage dlspouh Ill ~ Five water heatera, larae patio. Shows very ~1 ~ tneome and CUI be lncreued. Allldng price .. P. II • .,_, ...._, ...._ _,.. .. -. . .... 0,. .. ~ Haft a good BUY Oil a LOT $2.;150 'EE iEAL DOCGAS on this lllle as the locatlon \\ill sur- prise )OU. • tel OOA T BL\'D. OoroM *-1 lla.r ~e~ring completion. New 3- b<'droom. 2-bath home. Cor- ner loca Uon on Lido Nord. Dining-den. bar type kitch· en, com er fireplace. unit heat. A dt'hLxe home thrqugh- out. Still time to choose your colors Pric-e• --.,..,,...._84"altor nY IIEEII.EIF ~r. and A.ociates :n I! ~··" tHH't Bh·._, ~--ptwt • H.~r !5.1'! En• .. p: JIAiiM)r !914-M C'Ause.c; this 't-ry desirable !'lcwpor t Height home to be ~ld at AUCTlON. this Sun- day, March 4th. 2 BDRMS. &. den, work· shop; neat and clean. Can be bought fum. or un- furn. We have a key. SE't' us for particulars. • • •• Avallablt', on attractive corner, a nicely s tyled home with a modem kitchen, thr('e bedrooms and den, two baths, plen· ty or tile, fireplace, good heat a.nd oak flool"S. There is a lo\'ely Alpine styled living room with open beam cciling and lovely unpainted mahog- a.ny waimcoting, and din- ing alcow. The exteriot fintsb is of large shakes wtlh splubecl brick decor. Retlecoratim to !Nit buy- er can make this one ot the mo1rt colorful and at· tractive bland ...... Bring IOid and moa priced at .............. .. • 2 Separate rentals. on~;> 2-bed· room house.>. abo garage apt. Cloee in. Only 2 yNn~ old, excellent condition. Present income S140 per month. $8.750 •• 150 Dlneea Forces Selle of 1'b~W--8Hrooaa Corona del Mar Home ln ~ lecaUoa, ~:"f\ $1.750 Exclushe with BL " ~. WHITMAN &: AMoc. 1018 6: 100 coast Bh' ... COM $1; 7 so •• 750 For the h<~st BUY ln 2 units with r•nt> untt ron1pl~ely rumisht>d. N' 1 he . -• F.·C. R .. ltot 1523 C~tt IJ,cf., CMOne del Mer HArt-2766 Cl<'a nsl'd by t ht> rlow of tide • • • suppll<'d by th" ~ace or nature • • • fed by t he rays or the sun • • • a beau- tiful 42-foot BAY FRONT lot ; 1::1 Bayo u·act I comer) l£'s than $400 P<•r front foot. Sunday 1 to 5 p. m. S.e thi~ lovelr home e't 2l5't Snu9 Herbor, Cliff H.,.,. 3 a.droomt.......drepn end ryta included. ,,i,ed to ••II -4"1. loen with monthly peymenh of 566.20, including tuet end ;,.. sure nee. C.n ,.. thit J.ome btfote Sundey • • • by u lli119 Mr Kempton •! HArbot I SOO P. A. Palmer . • .cOPF"'RA T ;.o 33ll Vie Lido Newport leech, C.lif. F« Any Type IISIIIICE See your local office 607 Coest ll11d., Cotont del Mer HArbor 2422 St"lf'Cot.-d by M'rL TIPLE Ll TIN OS "BHt Buy of \\'~k .. This 2-bt>droom home Is to- cat~ only 1 block from New- port Clty lfaU. built in 1.9-10. Th1s is not a bfoach shack but ~ good construction, with wood floor & pia t£'r mterior. Price is tt.&., . .._ really right ~ 7VU Consider tradt' for 3-bedroom house. Mulllplt> List. No. 1681 ~ ebolli thi• et eny MULTiftlE LISTING l~LTOl Balboa -3 apartment~ & 4 sleeping t'OOms Older build- Ing but in rxc.'t'llf'nl condi- tion, on corner lot. heart of rental area FuJI $10 000 5.400 Pri('(' 1 Down .South Coast Realty Nea" PavUion SOt Mala St. Balboe RAIW-IOM 3-Bedroom home with private guest room and bath, pll.ll beautifUl 2-bedroom income apartment with lUll Partly •• F'UmiAhed. ...•... This won't Jut Jane. 10 lee t t today. s.eo.-..,......_......,. lml;ci F. L1111J lEALTOI Jll MeriM A.,.., ..... ...._. H~lta a\dling newly ccw- ~ohalr and COlk'h ·nacte into bed. $40. \\' Bay AH• .• Bat- P.E.vr APARTMENTS . Ia~ Uv. room bdrm.. ki tcben· ~r rate by day, 'nM! nquest of the Cen tal !'i~· Thr p ·tauon s tah:d fur lh+·r that ~nd v.ouJd not be l'f'm£1\ed unlllla l'Ort &-.ch Communaty La.-''!ihould modt·rn v. rf tt r• at'h t.hlJ .., ord•·n-d b\' nlllltilrY aul.hontie.. tl()fl for ht>lp from tht-Cit) In ~-\lm\ll\1 thr a.~tall&ta n \\ttl add \1r Ht.1lh said that ~tandard rrK)VU11C the Stand&J d Oat Co t u tlw di~U·ut•trun yl tlll' • nurt< UIJ d1d nut' ;mJ\S\\ •r Wltil Oct. 2. 800\l'·~und tor. ~e tank. IX'-cu~.lm ludm._ th,. tla\ ar• •" \\ht>n t r<'t•llt'd that th• tanka F\>ntlt."r 1"\.~d<'nt or tht' U~rl)t)r tiJ.<'t•n 18th and 19th trt't.l.: was f;dwnrd llt .. l>. J.II't· .. ident nf tht• v.~r.-'"It h. r ha7ardous nor tm- an• ~Mr. and Mrs W) lit" Cochran t't'l M'i.od b) City Coundl !o1onda.) .. h~r"'tlitiUJ\. ~•d that lt·tlt'r'ii had ML' ''" Mr· ll£"aly call '<I the ot R ic.lalt.>, Ill . h ,,. mfurmt>d ''''·mn to Cll\' Mana~t·r John lM•c•n c nt o Jlv :!11 tC• tht• Stand· tan h• :'\o 1 h&t rd tn all ol lraends h rE' of tht" on~tt•mt.•nt ol ~·tlots • nrd Oll C.e1 and· tt' th" ~outh••tn Ch'ttr •c· Cc•Ull')· M~. C'ochran'a dttudltt>l . l't•gl() Mr ~allo~ ,, s 1nstriJ4.tt>d tu C"uuntl£'~ Ga C'n Tht Gb Cu an· l.rrw;. \'!lt•lh c,tt-d ttw I hi'\ at to L<-e Abbott, to :\1<'rrlll L L>ubat'h 1'h11•k "1th ('()lllJll'lf-nt authof'ttlt . loo\\•·n<l \\Jtlun 3h da) tattnc <If' n•-.arb~ \\btt'z' maw :.('f'\tnC aD nt Hanmb81. Mo P~J:Y) \\lll~trndu-pc>~,1uly tht' .,.t3 t1• fir'f• mar..,hal. to that 11-. tank' ""'" mit n hl\mrd ul B illt<oii 1'1 rlln•ula II th •r.• v..-ere atP from Stephc.>ns C'IJllt•~.;f' inJun,., dNt•tO\Jn«' \\hf'lhl'r llu· ttu1k· con-that th1•1..1· n• H·t• hofJ IJt••·n •• n &C'C'I-"" t>xplo''""· land ht'r 1~tc-ndc(l 1s a junior In th~ ,lltUI<' a (11"'1'11 to ttw rtmtmur11t~ ri!-n t. thnt til(') "''If' ""t Wl,t'.•htl:-~la\r.r J..,' l"l)4•JI rommt•ntad Mt~n~l'in~ SChool or till' Unhc.>r-Th(' A ,.,OCJaUon 1111idt;hs ll'ijUl' I that <tw~ h·ld lwr·n working for • i"rF..\IU'Zft at tlw> C'aroaa ~· Mar llf'tl'" t'luh ~tlac a\ lht- ('...nmaalt~ C'hnr..-t. -~• ,..,,.... .. v. Marrll ~-"Ill bl' Capt.ala u ..;ltOft IU_...~ of X....U. lloUy-•ov4. 1•\t etur o)f IU.AU84>. a '"'"k-la aiM t...-up utll. H t< I§ -• tht' ('allfo,..... N"pr...,..la- Uu of thf' ~k-r ('orp •• dbbi- IMiton Of lti.Soaf'. Hill topic w-ltJ bt' "Ttalap ) OU Df'\'rr Of'\\' I alltout )4HII' auLouaoW~ ... PAINTING Earl Sheftin .. it.Y or Ma souri. Ht> •~ awaiting to C"ounc1l m tpe lflrm m a Jlf·1l·, lone: tanw tot th1• l'f"ll()\111 or not caU to Alr Cot·ps Cud\•1 'chool In ll(ln ~.:art')l.t\J: 111) i "llalUl•'' 'l'ht> Gt·rz Born to unl) tht· ~H.IO~l'd 0 11 tanks. but h ~..c h h k · JiL<.o lhl G&Jo < o 1~1\b a nd Paclftc 5\ n A.ntonJo. Tcoxa They ur't" l pt•lrtlon t• ar~ ..... t at t t' tan E!•· ttk tru•k., u of lhHe plnnntnl( to tx> marrl<'d v..hl'n l\1•·1·-art• "an Pver·) da~ l;~>t{'nllal fil't' l d JA 1'111 (hushes l'ad t hooJ. IWd dlSb !lt.>r h,.tnrd and ''have p; ot's w,· ow 'J.o~Jhl ht• <'l••anr•d OUt .' ht' u . Mrs Cochran Wl'Ote Ulat 11' an urulv.htl~ apJ,H•;~t·nnt'<' ·•nd defi-" cold in lllmob and thl') mu;· the 1 nllr-l~ han> t•etardtod thi• .,rov..Ut ~~---~ ............ r"ewport 81'41'3 ---and hope to re-' and d precaatt'>d Pt'OPt.'l't) \8IU~ ·' '"'" .t fl'l\ II In '\ ,. "J'O r I amv..... ~-~ turn to thdr 1\0m(' on Little Sal-'" th(' lmmediat(' 'JI('JOil~ . llt•lthl~ I llt It• Lind Jt .. n :'trick-A net boa Wand. !\1rs Cochran W1b a land , th•• b1 nd n£·\\ d.t~l\ll'r of 111a r('(.'(>nt pr<'Sident or thl' llarbor A "I dl8 ~1 n. John .;trwklDnd Jl ll ~oun;: -- istance lA>aJtUP ...... ,~ j \\ ar '' ldi•" \\ ho•t• hlbband wa: • • • Ullti-.J~ k aiiN lrl Korl·a la-...t [lt: <'l·n.t,.·r l..i>un<-tlltt:=t.r lJJt'k Drak .. : \OtM ' AcNialt !Naur to C'llk'rlala-Llnda J •an \\a .. born on Thurs-nv ,, ,,.11 tlN Cll) (.'oWlet! ca\ e a IIIM_t. U•t'l rtrh of Ut~ llPW an-t 'TrLIZISG CHill~ da). F IJ K at ~~ Jo., ·ph H pi-.; ,0 1 app>-r,,-.1 1n ttl<> a"ard of a ......_.., oa ........ r; '''l'h(o !11oM Th u tilization of Chnst a a.n tal. "'t u•hml! II ul J pnunrl:. 1'~ •'Ontnct fpr 1-c ll!PCe of automo-, nf thf' VC'IIr" at ttw> .... 1 f'H'r-a,·aHablt" means of sahation ounc-(· b.'('llw;<' 'h•• '' t, tin~ '"<'' Pt:tUltJment at the nPt coat ft 0 , S E • ~'IGHT ff' th1dH, from l'\ il. disea e and death lS w k late in arrl\ an.: 10 tht> dt' of S1-t H2 60. The uo- •1lldl •11l 1M> Aprtl 6. Ma,-urged m tpe Sunda) Le on-Ser· Helpm~ cart-lor ht>r a• tht> ,,..11 ·tul blddt-J •a. Tht>Q ~b1n to-• n.., cal• aiM ~t .. a.dllde mon on "Christ Jesus" a t the Har· Stnckland hol'llf' at 2:.?~.:! 't Jamh c-al Ford d~lil~'r priaiH for ··tt.e ~t ~.. bat Branch of the First Church of Rd 1 ht•r matem I l{l'andmothcr Councilrilan DrskP ex~ hi& Uw "fatt.Ht" ....... ~ • Ua-Christ. '<•rt>ntist. at the entranct" ~1rs Chn tine Barz. "hp ha, eoml' ob)e(:tlon to the mformal t~ ot ~..,., .. ....._ t1w1 .._ wtdl th to Udo lsle 'tation K.'\X will her~ rr:om Ptulad lphta ~ln. bJddm't. m which only local ctea.l-~ two.t. d.e l"W'IIMt balr carry a Columbla Church of the Barz wtli tay h<-re with Unda , ers "ere> a kt>d to bid. '1 would aad all ...._ .u.er ldloa!-.rra-Air addl"'t> . ''The ~·ecret Place." .k>an and her Uttl(• brothC'a: John llkt• to M'E' e\en acqwsihon made dft tlaat ......._ • love 'Mn 10. under the auspices of the Chns~ Ill. who was roul' )P&r'i old Ia f rom Ideal mt'rchants," he aticl '!.,3 p ,,lnaer !'4t. -Cotila MHA (Aacl •-e 416. toe.) tiun Science Committ(~ o.1t 7 ·30 S unda). "'hen ~h"S trtckland ·But "ht·n \1. pend ~~· ftE&t"Oa MU-ll • • a. m S unday. 1{00 to Penn ) l\'ania 10 about 10 mont•\ ''" h'IH' a respon.sibJUty to LE.I us EX HA.."lGE ijuying a K IUman automobile is • • • da)s to arran~<' lor thf' burtal or the tt\XPIJ)er tn pend I t tn the What )Ou ha'e for v.·hat you want 'not just a tra.n portation purchase • C'OM ·~ros ~l':\'D.I\V • hf."t husband most e<.•onomaca1 manner po5aib.&., ___ \\'l• haH• It ol' w'ill find it. it appear'S to be a n Lnv<"stment t\ mmunlon ser\i~· will bt> Capt J ohn trick land jr Will be 3 nd tht-rt.>to1.., ttus e-q u , p men t s~ our ,,idt" twlectlon or pro-in a social activity as wt-11. The h<'ld Sw1day at the Ft.rst Baptist but 11'<1 1n his hom tO\'ll of West· , ,hould bt purchut>d on an open. f)(:'r tlt>S toda} [s land Rt'alty co. reason? n\f'N> i a n w Hillman ( h urch of :'l:~wport Bt>ach and ttw C"lw tt>r Pa : n nr Phtlad{'lphia ud\ert •-d bJd basis .. Park at Agntl', Balboa lsland. club 1n town made up of n{'w own-t'OOllTlUJlion meditation. to bt> de-1 Esl'Orilnll! tht• bod~ to \\'t·~H.h ter succt•« 1ul blddt-rs on t!QUlPf'IM!ftt HArbor 377-W et'S of thes<' .. mall but might)" h\erro b) Pastor Don Lambe[tOn. \\Ill lx> Capt Ro~ Gra~ VI l'pper not il\"81lablr JocaU~ ~ the FOR RENT 2-bdrm hous<'. un-\t>hicles. Approximat<'l} 25 or the1 '"II be "Smilt.cn of God." Re\,1 Ba~ lft>1qht" \\ho usro to en·e-::;heph"rd T ra•·tor Eqwrmemt H11lman.' and thP1r ma 'lt" ~ath-Ralph Mun on, director of musu.· m the .. ante.!\1anne quadron when Co of ~ta Ana for a bulldor6' tut n · lan~t> 11' ml \dth snack t't-Ni 1 t v.:t'('k for a Hillman out-11nd Chn tian t'ducanon at ·the buth \\l.'rt.' on dut) a t F.l Toro and tht> McCo\ Co of Santa ADa bar. fln>pl..aL'f' F ••n<'t'Cl·tn patio tn!.t. They t>ndt>d up b) goln .. t.o HOO\l'r S treet &pta t Churt'h '" Capt Gra~ c. tht> nit r \\hO" I ~-!tJr a Fe~on tractor Pu.rchulela a.od ~ara~t-. 106 H~hotrope. Palm Springs by "'BY o La~una. Lo:r An~t>le . will Sl)t."ak at the \E'N-1~ bum"-d In ~fa) of la t )t'ar iU't' bt>mc madf. nov.. by the Ol}' be- Corona <k>l ~tar. Elslnor a nd H mt-t dth a box e\enln~t M!'n·ice Sunday \\h n h1~ Corsatr bun.t mto flames C"3U.'e nl urhtPntn~ or tht-upply. lunch on the wa) 0 1 fi('('rs Ql thE' • • • O\ t•r hlsmore Rather than It> I Tht> Cit' Councll also • oa te.tlea • wertt o ..... -. MOODY L¥1'm101l <laD BArtlor !SM 2 ads get 1 FRE Gt ve us a classified ad for two msertions for selling renting, buying. etc . and if you don't get results, we'll run it the thlrd time FBEE! (Bow eaa Wf) ~! • • • r .. -.. ..._. .. ~t ~ ............ ..,.!) CLASStFlED ADS co.t only 3c a word, mtnlmum of 70c per l.,.rtlon. Drop by with your ad to .... ~ ..... eoro.. *I Mar, or phone 'I'IIE EN- ON 110W -·-BArt. Ult ('J'beR l• no billing charwe for adl paid within a we8 of the day tht'y ll"f prtrl~) "HJUman Minx Rall) .. are Ray 1 REt•ORTS OS COSFI:RE.XCE the plant> era h rnto the town h• 1, Contnbutt>d $1 tor the Fox, Lalt\lnan. or the Deskfinder ~ t<'ady growth or Sev-enth-08} taH-d \\1 lh the plant" until 1 wa art exblbtt now bein& mown at Co. in Costa Mesa: and M.rs. 0 'id Ad\'entist church<'' was reportt>d O\<'r rtw lak . lht>n baall'd out at :\e\\port Harbor H~2h School Firth ot.Costa Mesa. Bu.d Oickin-by Pastor Kenn th B. Perry to I \t'r) lo" aJtitud<' Capt 'tnck-•2' Appro\·ed a ~Jutlon in· son. Yellow Cab man. threaten to membt"rs ot the :'l:c>wport Ht>1~hts land sav.. that dE'<'d of herotsm dorsrntt the Shoreline Planninc ta~ alon~t on the neAt crui&e. Church at Sabbath "t'f\iet.>' Satur-from tus Corsa..tr. Co~o·.s bill$ promotlng tbe talk about B •s MA."l' holida) day. Capt Strickland, ''ho v.·as a pi-beach acquisuion program. Which • • • The pastor ga,·e a summary of Jut with a jet ~tarme squadron. indud<>s ch&ngmq ~ matchin« Altfto ~ c~.-ty c..tJert thE' biennial m t>t>linJ: of the South-wa klllt>d '" an atrplane acddent pro,lSion from 50-50 to 75 pf1' tent FrMay ~~. ~ eati.rtl Trapp & a a t l' r n Califorrua Conference. in KoN>a on P Ntrl Harbor Day 1 for the statt>. 25 ~r Ct"nt for ta.lty ~ aiMMit 16 otlllf'r ma-which he attended at La ierra Ot>c 11. H~ had lt>ft tJ'le l'nlted CJtJes. * lo'~ ... ~ ~ at ollege in Arlington Feb 11 Other ~tat('S on :'\o\ 13. t3 t Authonud Qty En~ aa lafot;aal ~r party at tile d«>lt>~atcs from the local . church The Stricklands had conw to the 1 Bert \\'E'bb to apply to w War Ba.._ Ba!' Cha~ Mama Trapp \\'t>rt> Mn.. ~1. Wilkinson, Mary Hal'bor llrP8 two )Pars a~ They Departmen• Cor autooriaoon to (a f~ Mroaeat~) p\1" a UttJ4' Butcht>r. ~fl'. and l\trS. S Rutledge l IIH-d on Poppy A\e '1n Corona dt>l f't'\a mp the 38th St. bridge to talk lB llt>t ~ 4NNiy and Mr·. and Mrs. 'L. \'aucht. ~1al' lx>for•t> monnc to tht> ~f'wport ~£'\\-port Island. ~ Enlflllll\. m,h .pot lD Acti\'ilies In thl' t'Onferfi'n<'i' in Hi'll.!ht hnm<' t4 t Appointed !ltaurit-Stanl~y. ta.e ~''ftlilll' O«urrtld "'hM tht' t ht' past t\\ o years includl.' · dt>dt· B.tlboa Island in urn~ agent, to claiK'le O.Or wa el.-al'('(t for a cation of nin<' churches. orgamaa-Ci le S • fill !ht• vacanc~ on th<' ctty's ln- rea.l \'I~>W •·&Ita by M~tma 11on of fi\e new churchc;>s. a rfX'Ord TC S tartlng suram.-e associat ~p. and ~ f'ldt-r on. ~2.730.339 an offt'!'insn;. 18 new Sat>--3 Grantt>d a n<'" lease to the bath school . four new :.choob 24 R age Sales Arm ncan L£o~ion for 25 :rears for Coming back 1o Balboa "llh a Pathfind<'r clubs for jwt1ors ttmm Sl a ~<'ar. m return for wtuch t.he ni~ tan ar't' 11('\\ I) w(•cb ~tr. and • • • cu~ re.."et\' the bill oi .&11.1 ioi the 1\ln.. Robert Modl•wt lc Jr .. who at''t• ELDER. T(') BE HOXOKED <. 'lrl'lf'--llf 1 ht' Commuruty ~te-new lR~non buildml! • makrng their hnml.' at 2026 Ck'<'an Rl•\. Tom Gibson's St.'rmon at tllnd1'1 C'hur't'h C'hr1-t Church b) .,.__ .,.,.__ h 1 tl\"' St. Andt'"'\\S · ""--~b.• tena.n tht• :-;('a al"\" ,lartmg a "t'rl( of ... vnt. ..,"' ont") mooni'N ~pen ,--.. rn:~ -' rwnnla~t> 'alt•-. some tlrne at tht• Racquet Club '" Chur<'h tn :-.;ewpol"t Heil:hts ~un-\\'t'Clnt'~da'. thP :-.; wpot• and Palm Sprln~otS artl•r tht>1r l'l.'C't'nl dn~ "Ill bt" "111S('(>rnmg the \\'ill 1 h , 1 t"d marriage in the Littli' Church or ot God·· Tht> lext a from t ,;..,'"port ll?l~.; 1' l.lr<' t· 11Pt'n h \v Las \• Th "' l.ukt -"'-'·.•? . ,' "'\ .. rth"lt"~Q not m.' "hnp at :!ll).t \\' n .. "an Front t e est at t.>t:a!l '') ar.--....., ,,,. ~ " "" :'\•·"llOI't and \\ 1ll ronduct 1 ::.ale both rorme-r Pasadenan~>. althou~h ''Ill. hut th1nt> b<> done:· lor _C'''<'ral dn\ trom 11, 1 :n 10 of rourse M rs • -• th,• IMm«'r Thc•n · \\ill be a sPSSaon pan) ::tt S P m Pach cil\~ Vinnma Holland \\'111'0" -· · "ha ... 7 30 I' m tomorrow • Fnda~ 1 at been a &lboan fn1· t;unw tlnlt tht• homt-of ~fr and ~trs Wilham • • • F~ K1nlt'S, 23. -.... nu~ J larbor Rd .. A .. neak pl't'\1('\\" \\il' (>n·-l'hlf lla,en honoring retirin~ <.cnt<'d at lh Por·t TtwaHt•. l'Oillll8 t•ld1r P.ob<>rt C:unpb€'11 and tv..ol del Mar: Wedn<-. da) ,., ••mm:. "ht'n nt•\\ I~ nr-dame1 eldt>l'lo. Ed •,u R the unl't"lt>tt! f'd Hm illlll l'ntdllctlon T!tll untl K Pll••l Johnston,.. '\\'h<'n I Grow l'p, .. \\a~ ,Jtnwn H' • a SUI'PI'iSt> feRIUr't'. P rodUl'\'r ~om •c,J.(H:\ OF TilE ORDI" \ll\' Spieg(•l wns on hRnJ '" '"'" ha... 'Tht• GIOI') of thC' llrdm~u~ .. \\Ill m .. 1.Sfl'f'Pi<'<"-' stnrrin~ Jt,llli'l t Prt>"· 111• t ht• title ot nl'x-t Sundil~ · s :;rr·- lon a nd Mar tha SC'I.It l, as \\liS !\1 i· mon In thc -·Cotn rnuruty Church uf eha<'l Kanin, who WTOIP tht• sl"rlpt 1 Co1ona dC>l Mar a t bolh lhf' !l I~ and dJI"'t>ctN:l tht• nlO\ it' AJ,o Jll'~"'· Inti tlw 11 o'elo<'k ~"n tl'••., R o•\ t•nt were FayC' Kunin. authmt''!> Paul Edward Rabbill '"II pn•ach of the sta~:e pin). ·coodh~c. ~Iy 1 1ht• '<'tmon. u in~ tht-tt>'\1 "I' Fancy," and a numbt•r .,( lt'Ch.ni· this not the Carp.•nll'r·~ ,·on"" Tht• P,\l~t~ DRn t: (, \1:\~ Tht> '-lt>n'~ Club of tht ' '" rt I I tl\otr l.tUhPI "tO Ch11rch f<'J"'f~ .11•rtt ''"'<'•'"' 10 1·~ drt\f' t•'r old "''" '~'·'r''l.. \\'h1 tt·~' F r"drtl·k-""u Bl-At" 11 ,; lo ll-lA C"h.'\l~o:<' nd ••'l•l'l• •h•· J¥1J14 r. C'\if\ ~nt Uldo<\ P ro•'• I• \ . I '' 1 IJ •hr· • 1t , to rr .. 1· 1 .... "" '"l'"P , plot •'t ,;ld lilt l'hlldi'C'II 1111 thC' 0 llt'l f'l't :)\" , 'I Jt:r(•ll 1 I h !'111 t ·11 .. ('h('('l • •• ' •\i'1(' thl'"~ llh Kt 'l' olncl fllfllt ._ !11 Pllrt'htl<;(' .l 11"••d "tux•! ou ... 1111 • '" ;o;unwn '-chnol · dan and ball~hoo ut.:<'llh n1 tht• ChaJM'l C"tloir wtll sin~ 111 lhf' ~ tl t:t.Jo:< Tlo ' " ro"miT film. '('1"\ ICl', "Th(' Lord Is :'ot~ ~ht'p---ht>rd" b' Koschat Tht• Chanl'l'l lJt,tt·tcl. ~UIIlllntt•ndull Haydn I " "•' tr. \\ill mN't "11 h nl\"mtw-rs of Elects New Officers ~"'hoir "i.~1 sinl! i'n tltC' 11 <?'t•l·~·~ thf' R..tlbott 1 land Cnrru•1un1t~ Mt'- The Cit\ EmpfO\'('('S N 181h.ln ~ ':'1~· J t'SU, Jo~ t"r_ '1 JO !i r t· lh •dl'l Church (nr tht> QU.'\rll'rly Monday e\'t.>mn~. t'le<'ti:'d J R Sln~R b)' B.~ctl. A . I ·30 p ) m a l'<'llll'll'l\et• IOnH:ht I Thur-cb~ ' at Br<'W<'~ of thl' Wat<',r Dt•partmC'nt ~~~<'~~~r:.!~~~iJ.\./:1~~~,111 \~ :~~ tht• t hurch OfftC'C't ''ill tx-<'ll'Cti:'d as l)t'esadent. Ue<'t'<'dins.r J1m Orown sanctuan Mr Babbitt ,,111 ~i\'1.' 1 folll•'"in~ a fl(lt·IU<'J... suppt·r lt1 of the BuildinR Dt"partmmt. Othl.'r ~ l('Cture on· th~ Bible. H i-, t~pic I r~'ll'r<'n<'t' to th<' nC\' bUildan~. ('o! loffict"rs are H~o ~ndry ~f the will b<' "Tht> :-\llture and'Oh.' Ori-I F Bamt' of th<' fmane'>• eom- 1 Strwt Dl>partm{'nt •. Vl~·preStdt'nt: s.rm of thf' :'l:ew Testament llllttl'(' snad tht• rt•nlOd<'llln~ has Flora Le\l.i . cl r1cal emplo) {'(', .t • • bc'<'n t>f~('('ti:'d '' 11 hout llny outside Ehslgn Oassffied ads bav~ ~ a pro\'en IDNJ\5 or reacl\.ing bu)lft'S for all sorts of merchandiaeo-Ute them! Phon~ HIU'bor 1114.. Best Quality ' . '. . ., l iy) . • ....... l. 1 ,_. s1 yl.-"s 5 .:'OiO:-s S.:es frotT! -6.!so- Tab!t-Ckd-:s ~ pia ar.a :.gt.red secretary ·.treasurer; 0 oro ! h <'a "''tU: BREAD OF LIFE' cam-a 1n~ for fund! and that rom· Sheely, csty bbrllria.n. aamtant Rev. Hl.'rbt>rt Roth has chosen null~ m<'mlx>rs ho(l{'d to lc(>(>fJ im-IIAI1MH' 8.'10 secretary-treasurer. ''The Rread of Ufc" as his sennon j pro'm JO: the church a n dt"Qwpment • Ceut .,..._ ~ ... 11ar FllST CHURCH OF CHRIST SC1ENTIST JJOJ VI. llde, ....,._. ... ch A brench of The Mother Churcll, Hte ,first C+lurch of Ghrist. Scientist, in 8os- toll, Mntechusetts. Sufldey School --···-.. -·--··-'1:30 e.m. Sundey Sefvice -·----·-·-·-'' :()() e.m. WedMtdey ~inca meetl!tCJ-8:00 p..m leedi!tCJ ROOtn loceted et II I Pelm St., lelboe, '' 0~11 deity ffoom 12 !'100ft to 5 p.m. ~ Sufldeyt e!ld holidey. netiOfl•lly atln~ • 1lle p.lblic is cOfllfleny lnvile4f to et. t.nd the church .Me• •114 tiM tft. Reedi"CJ loolfl • them<' at tJ1e 11 a. m.Sunday serv-a:,-:.'-jim~o~rt"~m~o~nc~)~·~b<'~ro~m~<'~'~a~'~a:~tla~b~l~~·~;;;;;;;:~~~:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ ice at ti-t' NPwport Harbor Lu· ~ thf'ran Church in Ne w p or t Hei~h ts. HE-will preach on "&,>. hold. the Kin" of 1{ings'' 'at the Lenten St'f\ict" at 7:30 p. Wednt'Sday. . • • • F1R T OOKMT'~Jo~· Dr. Milford L. Baker, mlnist~r of lh<' n('w Baptist Church. tha mt't'ts lO the Port T'heatre in Co- rona 4cl Karr will speak on "Slleon\ ~n" at the 11 a. m ., R rvlce unday . The ri~l Communion <'nict' will lx> o~rvro. Dunn~ tht' Sunday School hour. ~~l'lf'ln~ atlO am . a ~nd film wi~ ~ ho\\-n on lift' Ln NiJo.~ Atr1C':\ • I . Trapp Family ScOres Hit 8)' CIL'"TO· SA\\ IX Dr. Franz Wasner. as now ~ 11• r 1l1f' Harbdt A.r't'a Cammunitv t>leventh ooncen aeeson. Jt ta Nothiq II quite Uke Ca.Ufom.la ~ A.Qodatlon pr'f'Sellted ,,~I like a ref~hing breath of cool w~Uw1'. ancl tM Midwinter Re- SE'<.'Ond CCX~Cert o( the C\.UTf!'l)t wa-air to ht'ar this amazing group. ptta held at San ~ is annualy son Friday e\·ming at the Nt>w-Complt>teb unaffected. and with a subject~ to .arne~ trick of the port Harbor Union Hicb School. n1a.gnlrlcx-.nt impliC'ity. they ~r-1>\-MtMnnan. T1tis year mow feU Beforr a nMr capacity houst-. w rorn'! ~ir p~m or polyphontc beof~ the start ot the first raoe weU known and weU belo\'ed Aus· mustc and folk music of many cen-on Friday, and aldppers and crews trlan Trapp FamUy sang and turit>S "ith a charm and djgnl\y ICOC)ped ~ II~ ff'Om tMir played a nwmorable "ooncert that can arise only from a beau-cockpitl and N~GWbaHed each other UW~Jtnlng. G-Wlz, Campbell. Mercury. Imp, Halton, Loa An- geles. . • Thistle. N-Route, George Cof- fin. Newport Harbor. Int. 14. F1~\'t, Carol Ann Jones, N~t Harbor. ........... ts Claaa A. Venllle U , Larry Ma~ ~~u. Lone BNch. This fabulous ramib· ••• the tifulb mtt'gl'ated family spirit. in a strange bJend or "'inter and mother, two tonS anc1 four daugh-In spite of the Informality •nd sum~r sports. lifiiiiiiiiiiJiiiiliiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliJiJi t ers ---concluctM by the Rev the intimate f('(>Jing of the ~r-The exerciu walllned them up NOW 8WO"'ING- VAN JOHNSOX KATifRYN GR.AYSO~ . "GllOUNDS FOR MARRIAGE*' ---eM '"Mrs. O'Mcllley and MR. MALONE .. MllN'OAY -T\'ESDAY- BING CROSBY NANCY Ol.SOI' "MR. MUSIC" I fonnance. tht' trictJy musical part ~hat but was not sufficient of the program was wdl and care-prott"Ction aglllnst icy ";n4s out- fully propared and performed.· In side. A crt'W member on the PCC the diffieult polyphony of tbe Luk .ran hls numbed wHh cold church music and the madri~ls part way through the "inch be- t"llch line was e&l't'fully delineated; fort> he realized hls mistake. in eecb folk song the mood. from Three Rhodes "-e'e dismasted nostalgia to high good humor. was in Friday's pie: Joe Coberly's ~ly felt , (OVen though the tan-Windswept. Harold Pearcy's No. 6 gUage might be unfamiliar to the and Howard Chastain's Rowdy. hstener. Also Bill Wallace's Luders. 'The famil)' also plased the an-On Saturday and Sunday the dent lmtrumenu ---the recorder "'Mother relented. the swt amUed !early w~n flute). viola de intermittently on the small boat gamba tsix-strin~t>d basal and vir-races and a 15 mile breeze was 'l'inal cthe forerunner of the spinet pro\ided. With BARRY SUI..UVAN piano). -MN'a111~ ~tta Cllu ,a_. '!'he local boerd of the Commtm-Rhodes. HanahuU. George Fleitz. c-..._~ ~ M11!1DAY. IIAIL t ....... ~t.,llald lt Aoother Firat Run ......... '"THICEE GUYS NAMED Mllr' with JANE WYMAN , and VANJOHNSON AJ.o: '1JDcier the Gun" With RICHARD CONTE lty Concert .usociation Is to be 1Aa An-lea. ·. -v ... 8taJ All -'I t-" b · "" h •-Ar.lanl:r• .......... pl men ...u , on nn,..ng t e Luders. AngeJ. Bob Zlegler or i~~~~~~iiii~i~i~~ii~~~~~~~: Trapps to Nt>wport. &fld it is hoped South Coast Co., Ne"Wport, 1949 that this group may again be national champion. ~~t to this arca to make Oce-an racing. Escapade, Walt I mus1c. Elliott, commOdore of N('WJ)Ort Yacht Club. • EbllCD ~ads hav. beta Arbitruy Handicap. Charlt>ne. S. J a pi'O\'eft means of read)lnc ~ Wagner. CabrllJo Beach. for aU ..U of ~Use I PC. Se\'enth Hea,•en. Peggy tbemLPhoue }{u1)or-U14.. later. Los Angeles. PCC. Lark, Carl Long. Los An- I gllles. 10-Meter. Brantll. Dr. Don Bar- ~etP·~ tx>r. Los Angeles . • ....,...,.. K28. Tom Bov. Paul Ke tten- bw·g. S11 n Diego. · . (/!.. ... Ba~:,:· Olaser Il. Bill Ficker. f'.J Feathcr-Aiado. D. F. Anderson, Coming to the fashion show? We hope so, because the girls from the Children's Home Society. who are co-host4?S.Sing \\ith O'BRIEN'S, promise it'5 goin~ to be lots of run. And the clothes this sprin~ are simply beauteous • You're all in- vited. Cabrillo Beach. Dlap~ Qemt>rarra. No. 3. Gt>nc CurrY. Santa Monica. · Penguin. No. 1924. R o b·e r t Woodward, Balboa. Rainbow. :-;o. 73. Bob Mann. Alamitos Bay. . Win'ud Sabot. No. 32. T. K. Colberg. Redondo Beach. Naples Sabot. Toma,ha" k. Jerry ~ of thf' ... rprl~ tid~ Thompson. Alamitos Bay. aliiMt t1tr ....,.. Ea•t«-U.. ,.... ~ll .,_ts .... 1e t~w~ ..-..~or prlc:lea. Flatties. Gamboleer. Ira Roh~ .......Uy. yoa"ll waat W\~1 of land, Los Angeles. tW te. eostty ~ tr1111 Sni~. Duchess. Robert WoUe, II~ ~ '-"••e:..p a • 41 San Luis Obispo . ,'OIIH. Int. 110. Ugh. Kclin, San Diego. Sldmmer. Channer. Charley And what a '-ariety of s l)'le. Mt>rriiJ, Alamitos Bay. color and even occasion! Why, just I this week we received tht> most • • • beautiful shipment or dresses ---Dri.ar a License Exams including gorgro~ shea. tJ:l -slim I Again Gi.an in Or-ere s unback dresses wlth femlrune lace --,. jackets and boleros. an aU-nylon Driver's license examinations jacket dress In a cunnin~ all-o,·er l are being gi\•en in the office of the print with linen to~. f!Otton D<>partment of Motor Vehlcl~ at laces made so s1mply that the~· 405 S. Main S t., Orange. following ue bound to be slimming and the temporary change during the flattering, <'Yelet f'mbroidery com-! licen e plate renewal period. Tile blncd with plain material of the hours are 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Mon- -DON'T ~GET! 11 a . a . to 5:11 p. a ... 5, Ill. -..11 Spoaaored By ame color to fonn an ey<'-Catching , da~ 1hrough Frida) and 9 to 12 PO f fBEiriE ''ii--~----~-iiiiiii. drt'ss that will go many places., noon on Saturdays. The weekly il I ana crisp tit'-Silk In \'ibrPnt tin\' ('Xamining S<'rvice t'egularlv given I all-o,·('r print.. • in N~·wporl Beach and oth~r cities HARBOR lSH l rro~n~t~m~U~<'~s~un~ch~an~g~ed~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CORONA DEL liAR Gene's Place WEDDING CAKES BIRTHDAY CAKES FRENCH PASTRIES ,. ()out .......... Co,_ .. ·~ 1111 FINE ITALIAN DINNERS .u.o tab -Prime Rlb8 Cocktails .. Tbf' , .. ,l;t)• of rnat<>rhtls is rt•- ,....,~ l.n • n1d~ ran~.-of sf~ If'!! ror t', ... ,y n.rurt". for f', ... ,y nt()(ld. I Be8ldf't1 drt'8!t(>8., <'O& ts. sprt.nl[ !lklrl!l a.nd somt• adorablf' af'n· bl oOM'fl. ~·ou \\111 ~ th~ \'f'ry l~tel'lt In .mart a<'C'e880ri~ at O'BRflo~S'S sh If' 8bo"'. Wltltf' plaittlc-bacw hint' jwlt arrh·HL Llkt-80 many of thf' ltf'lns that aN> bf'l.nt' ff'at:urcd 111 thf' shO\\'. thf' mantefa.ctu~rs aad &- sl~t~~f'l's lun·t~ ~n \'f'~' CC)OIM't· atfn• ln M'DctiDI' us tht' FIR T flhlpmN it nf sprin~ 8t)1~ !19 tt.at ~·oo, too. may !M"f' thf'Rl nntt. Wt' ho!X' to ~<'I? YOU a I the fashion show ... SPRING SER- ENADE . . next door IH Rartan's at 2:30 p. m. 'Tu day. - ) _,_..!. ~ .. t4ll\ ('()Aft BOCt..KVAaD C',f)RON A DEL MAR llartNir .. Announcing the Opening of the Cort.del Beauty Salon Tltunclay. Narda 1 We~~ i'if.,.flk!., .. ~ to ,_ e Jlrt& ~ 1a --erty eare "-J •artMCIII)' ~ ............ ·0 , OF . Easrer Wear FROM INFANTS to SIZE 14 . This is to remind o~r pairons---past and present that we've changed our locallon from 81 9 Coast Blvd .. to our new heme at 525 Coast ~IYd. • • • We invite your inspection of our new place o~ busmess.e e e The same high q uality service & merchan- dise as always. Boys' and girls' sizes 1 to 14 plus an excellent and complete line of Infant Wear. 515 BJ SUE lln'CIDIAN Mama hu the mink now or ,_t Sinct" the Olr)'a&er Corp. brot«f\t I anothc.-r boaU ~namE'<~ La Por- oul ia nt"w li.M or marint' apedala ,ll'llnC'Il and shipped to t.a Pu. nus Jut spring, an epidemic or instAl· UtUe Eko tUJ'1M'd uP the ama.zin~ latio11111 has broken out at t ht' speed or 29 m ilt'S per hour and Boatswain's Locker, Pl"'\IOJl lh:u howt'd 70'" prop eWcimcy. t~ I a Htlte of the rot rod ad· AM tlwa ~ I• ~ a. a..o.r. die~ In e\cry power boatman lo l o, a M-f.ot Ekoo .wc-11, which age or growth or dignity ~~ ..ttlla IU hp c....,.....r can't with r. I c...... ~. bas ..___ Twenty local crul ers, all types, •traiM ~Her UWl fM!tOI')' are now equippe-d with th e hop-11PH4L AM .._ L,._.. f'uo. ped-up channt'rs and thear ownt'rs I •-ell'• ,..,, .. , a.,._. lii.U. a ...,_ have a real Good timt' opening f trailfl ~Mat. U..t ~ them up and l tting th~ out and • con,..,. t.o ll-st ttH' fNIIIl full s-peed ahead and how are your .....a..c a\\'a)' ll~r • ..,.....r ta- RPM.s! They obsen~ one anolh-stallathll. ' et"s perfonnance as well as their l Dr. Sahatol"t' Monaco reports I O\\TI and com pare noteworthy !hat a Crown S~al h greatl) knots without undue modesty l lmpro\ed the effiot>ncy or hls 26-. foot Hi!OOns Sportfisht'r. Soon to Wa)"'MM Harper .. laappy u a ~ shipped hert> rrom the factory f:. po6ee .-..e W.. Jl...loet liar~ 16 a bnnd new HiJ;rgins Sportfast\(>r Aftc>r le>eturin~ toda)· at tiM> vni- \t>t ''Y Club in Lo Angd• undPr lht• ..ponsorshlp or th Lo An- Jp Yat"hun~ club Alf Looml of :-:, ' York '' 1ll SJ)I•nd the l•\ rnm y ut the homl' or ~fr. and Mrs I PQrtrr B Sinclat . 2761 Chdf' Dr I u.,~ Shon• . Hl' ,,;11 abo bt> ~ .out'' of \fr and :\trs ~ichard ·!('\\Btl )Uti .\b.l~uiW AH• Jlalbua bland. Mr l.onrru,: it. a mt'mbt'-r of '\.athtinc' mannnt' taff Th<' .'tr>\\ftrh Cu ·t nwt Mr. Loomis lilt( r mut h co~pondt>nCP, 1 t ummt>r· at '\("\\'})01 1 Rhod 1 land and alsp at Bermuda, '' hi!rt' he t1lctn~ tn a !",J\ ~ ntn Saturda~ a n d ~ u n d ay )tr Lnomt ra<'•>d around r .. tahna I~l nd on tht• ~uwlalt ..,· boat ·The Fl~ ins: ~C'Ill<'hman ." ,.: IT·s SJMPLE ADDMON! Your ~~~lf'mat1t' u ,iap'· ..... ~ur rurrt'nt hlg,b S .. ell~ art' h9u.Dd to add up to.~­ lt fM .)ou. But to ~ ay ~ tiM-fa ..,_ .. ._ for the.-local di tributor BiU Pigg Ulews Ia U.. .,..._ TO l'f'leallllbt-Pow('t't'd "ith a 165 hp Royal Spe: ~ ta.e .-......_ · Sldp Oalirt••. I cial. he is expect4."d to take orr .. ,'a& arct.l~t. toelt ........ a I and ru with ~kiJ)p('r PilOt break- tleat ,..., ....,_.. 111• Ktha Ia In~: all speoed N'eords to the ftsh- ..., waller,~ &M ..... per-ing grounds and more world alba- lei ·ftt'le ... -* r~· I core records afte-r he reaChes them. l a thas ~y •'lllela ~ '1"111e Maal •-bH of po.t"f'r- \"()('ALl T ......... PacP llutcb- IB1MMI ' uf Bafhoa ( alilcn I') , t o- Cf'lhH \\10. IH-r ~~~ .. ~~ lfut.rbJu,oa, aad otlw'r mutJ- C'iaas a.M Mlt'rtalaf'rs rrum Or· aap Co-ty hf'lpe!'d to IC'i\ t-a party to 't"tf'~~~.DJ o f ~ Kor~aa •-ar aad t!W N~·~ •·orld wan oo • Ullda~·. F f'b. 18. a t tht' Loa.«" ~h \'t>h•raa,• H Mpltal. TIH> p!lrty w a .. ~N>d by tht-~bt Dl•trkt ot lbf' Am.-rku I.A-I(ioa, "1 tb !It m.-mbt'n of tb f' S to\\-port Harbor P011t !91 aad .\uxUlar~· nl.'lta~ •" host.. lllld h.,..t.~. Tht> O<'C'ILQHft "•" tht' Ullft~l \ f'tf'r:lll,' Da~·. ln uddiUon -"o pro ' I d I n :;-••n tt>rwlnmt'ftl Cor -•lll.mt 1,(1 10 m .. n .1 nd "nmo n. ln - f'lodlnt• bf•d (lo~tl•·nt... tlw 1 ... ::-lnntl;tlrt•' .... n •d t•ol..·· and IC't• t n·llm to th•· ~ruup. Ex..Sig'bal Corps Men I In Partnership Here our4t"ll a gf~> and happ)' ,._ tur.. . . rna.kt-~our 'iaca l{oaJ tJko .-qui \"lll G t 9{ -.e ' t"ar'~ lat m t" . ~I 8 tHlDK>o art" la!ii~ .... att.Mt for )Our l"~tra ~ ttoa. _.._.. .. ta.e ............ ., • ~ llpf!!rta..,., ... , ... aft lU .. ~ &.raJ ~ ··~ too, .,. ~tly ot.-wttla 1 ... t. I rHIIetl•. R nial( tiM-lutallatha ef taiJl Now her prop is 67"" efficient Chr~..,. MaJNUc 8pedal!l. ItO and she n!echE'$ a smooth. vibt:a-lilp Mdl. Ia a Bal"t'' .. at tile tJonlea cpeect or 17 Jr knots &1'\d .._......_.. l...odlff. ~­ cruises casuaUy at 14.6 knots. Be--a ~ .,. ~ cause a Matthe " • step is built-Acoordin~ to Johnny \Vebster in, she planes lo a comtortable and Sam Kauffm&n of the Locker horimntaJ posHion. As further thtw factors account Cor the pet>d distinguishing feetures. the Mar-or the pedals: duaJ ca.rburttion. Way's engine is fresh water coolf'd fiat heads and fast action cams. and sbt-is dry sucked. I 11 of which sounds like hnt rod The fUll treatment was also ac-():lrlanC\~ to us. corc:Jeq a 27-root Etco ronnerly • • • naf!!t'd Mama's Mink twonder if \\1-!AT F RI EXDS ,.\RE FOtt . i~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii' iiiiiii I lapuun Ro) J)('<~km rt•turn,'<i N'\.'t'lttly trom a fi hint; mp to tht' ......... wlar~ll l!ru! J.s\anch ,'\nd \\;t-., triCk· en w11 h a -.er10ih heart <~Ita d.. Ro) i' rN"o\ Pnnr mm m a Tor- ranet> hol>rltal. und h1s mam Crumd ... hl'rt• an• :thout to PN' cn·t him \\lth " t••h•vhon set "tth 16- int'h '-'rt •n and l't'rnote control to 611 C..at Hithw•r Newport a..c11 {'3'-<' lht' lon~ot h<"\Un; of t.'On,·alt>S-('('nt't' Prime tnst1 rn tors m thi · TJCt • of frll'ndship were Captain l>a' 1d Welch and Cap ain ·Peter Stcin. Lecal .Melllbers AHead PTA Meet ypEtfRlTER . At.S ______ .._.,.,. • Irftplar SMpea leacce 5011 COST A MESA MATTUSS CO. z .............. ~ ...• ...,. Nursery School State U censed aod AIIIJiowcl ....._lt.IY-.n 8-.e~ CUe ... ()-b WSIIft PIQ lt:EA80NABLE aA'I'ES Open 5 clays per week-8 to 5 Tr-ansportation Furnished 190 E. ... Stb St. voeTA IIDA ....., ae.e.. _, CAREnJL lAUNDRY & DRY CLEANING - P1·es•d~ nt-.:>l\'<'t :\1rs. Rn) Roush, \1 ' Harold no~,.~). :'llr:-. \\ 11Uam I ntl and :\Irs Ra\ Tr.tut" fn " • 1 , • a mon ~: t host• pre n 1 N-pre-- "\'n' m.: ='<'''l>OI't Harbor· t.:mon ll1t:h ~t.oot at the Fou•·th Dis- t r '' 1 PTA n'{'(>l in..; h('ld F. b 15 at Yorba l..tnda. Dt•ll•J.!Rte !rom the Dt>ar EdilQf, '\E>\\ po)rt Elt>mlo'ntary Schools PTA . I am amazt'd at the City Coun-""''~'<' 1\ln. P F. Batne . :!\irs. H~­cll calmly okaying new septiC 1 \'E'.' Somers, ?.1M. E. L . Munsey tanks ror the C'oron.a del :.\far and :'ltrs John ' hic.-lds bNch. Must "'e hav~ another op-Mrs. P D. 8<>\tl or Sacramt>nto eration Uke '1\lesday ewnln~ (tfit' first 'lct'-Prestd nt nr t he Cali- F:eb. 13 Council meeting) to con-Cornia Con~ss of Parents and \'mce the.-Council that we won't 'l'f' chcrs. poke on "R(>Sponsible .ltb aJong with C8Spools and septic C'itiz n BwJd St-cunty." tanks on or in the beach sand? It wa announCl"d that the Tar COL. ANDRE\V W. SMrTH Pit in Nt'wport would be kept open Corona del M al' dunn~; Easter \\'N>k \'Bcation. :.\irs. P . Here is a copy of a letter lioyYey. t'C~tary. read the min- I h:t\'e nt to Dr. Edward RU5Sell utc>s. The mem~rship chairman the city and counly health ofCicer: announCl"d that tht" Fourth Dts· "1 understand that the digging or tnct now has 24,452 PTA m('m· more tt' pools and or eptic tanks bt-rs. Plans for thl' con,·ention is contemplated at Corona dt'l Mar I to be held In San Dle~o wt>re dis-beach. It is my personal oplrfion cussed. that the.-~n View Protective I Associ a lion "i 11 oppost> wi 1 h what- <'''er W<'i~tht it can mustt'r the us~· of any more cesspoolS--oF .septic tanks on the ooach at Corona d el Mar. and \\ill urs:(' the city 10 coo-l !lcxot !O the st>wer system all tho e I 1n eXL~t encc at pr<' t>nt before the ba thinl: st'ason begins. ."DR. A W. S~OTH. Seer~tary" Surprise Party IIELP S~'EN CELEBRATE Ste\-cn Wittman ('('}t>brated his fourth birthday anni,·ersary lnst Sntul'da) \\ith a birthcb,· cake and i<.'<' <'ream at his home, i73.'5 Oc..>an Bhd .. Balboa, and the matin('(' at the.-Udo The.atre. Guests ht'lping 1 ~IC\ n ha,·e run \\t>re G1bby and Ton) HUtC'hmgs. "Porkv" M1lter Oa\ id HuyC'ke and Tony Da,;d nnd Ka thy Pctt'rs, all of &tboa. C'O:\"''ALE~<'L'"G Mrs. Dollne Schindler, daul(hter Mrs Frt'd Huffman. 516 Lark- Tho formt.>r Signal Cortb men "ho sel"\ 4."d tORet her overseas dur-In~ \\'orld Wor II are nov. m part-, nership in a .television el'\1ce company in Corona del Mar They art' Don Klrkpetnck. "ho has ~n opera lin~ a radio and television l"l'\ 1ce in Corona d I !\tar for ev-1 t ral ~ears, and George Crittenden. N"<'en t I) a rrh ed C rom Columbus Uhio. '' hl"rt> he was \\ith ~ RCA :-{nice Co and also had his own <~hop l)()n h "' mo\l-d a'-ro ... -.. tht-strN't ,,, ~110 C d and h:ts t ken l~oor;:l' .t" h• f · Tht·~ had SUPPORT YOUB BED CROSS! '"' '~~ '''ii!Pt h<'r tn '\ "" r.wnea 1 l ilt) II•• Phlllppu , . .., (n,•l'i:•' also ~~~~~-~!!!!!!!~~!!!~ ll!ld 0 0•'1"1' l u :\t d l I 1!1d J pan cond a t rm • hnd 11 •!ll:l\tcl' in In· !:.: t) <'\Hnhar "1'h 'lit alldtkin~ .laJian..-~ THE EXSIG.'\ =-:ow o!feTS compfete Job Printing Facilltlee IT HAS BEEN OUR POUCY :-o OFFER OUR CUSTOMERS AND THE PUBUC THE VERY LA TEST IN BANKING SER ·rc::s NOW \VE WILL HAVE INSTALLED IN OUR LOBBY A CHECK IMPRINTER THERE \VTLL BE NO DELAY fN HAVING YOUR -. NAME AND ADDRESS !MPRINTED ON YOUR PERSONAl CHECKS VI ATCH FOR THE ANNOr_TNCEMENT NEXT \VEEK for Delivery Service Call HArbor 552-J of Mr. and :\trs. Christian Schmd-, spur Aw. Corona dt>l :\tar 1~ a lt'r~ 41 :\ Et Modena. :-1 e" p or t patiPn_t in St. Jo eph Hospltai. con· ll<'l~hts, Ct'lebra led ht'r ninth 'nl<'sc•nc: from a Sl'ril'S of ht>art b1rt hda) annn·t>rsa !') on 5a 1 urday, A lta<'ks ufft'red l't'\.'f'tltl~. Hl'r hw. Feb. 10. To keep the party a se· b.lnd. a pat•('nt in his home, 1 im- Cf'('!, the.-sNting for the lun<"hron proqn~ fotlowin~ n stroke ht> had ~i~crt'ama~m~~snt~t>l ~~r~befureC~~~n~~~·===J~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~!~~ home ol Mr. and 1\trs Jame .:: -we .... Wiaa_ ..... AOE!ftS FOR LYONS 1& Harbor m.d. Black. 422 Tustm A\'C. After the o(X'ning or b1rthdny ~ft.s by the honorN' and tht> ~:Ht~ presented to I each J:U st. all \\'t'rt' 1 ransport<'d to the Lido Theatr<> for the matinee. Present Wfl'e Barbara Jean l..aet>. Janl't 1-Iobt>l, Unda pratt,~ ~hcryl and Jaclti~ Gaston, Sharon Chr·isly. Sharon Arthofer, Darlene McManigal, J.enalyn Black and Penny Schindler. GRANDPARE.VTS AGAIN Both Ben Cas~n a nd hh wife Vera, ~1 Marigold Ave., Corona dt'l Mar, are wand,parents again. A new grnn'llson, Johnny, was born to Ben's son -in-Jaw and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Don Bates of Pasa- den t. A nE.'W granddaughter, Lau- f'('Oe, was bom to Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Holmes or San &-rnar- d1no. Lauren<' has a brother, LAw- rence, and a sister, Laura. !'AIAT LAKE OITY \'1 I'I'OK8 Mr. and Mrs. A. K Lindsay, 1726 Ocean Blvd., Balboa. had as recent visitors Mrs. Undsay's sister and ht'r family, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Kni ht. of Salt Lake Clt,.Y. Sight· . e-clng trips, including a visit to the San ~ Zoo, WCI"t' enjoyed by the' Knlsmts• dall$:hters, ~-nne Ga.,}•, 5, and Barbara. 8. lead the Ensiga for News ol Newport IIUitor! Send in This Coupon and Join the List of Ensiqn Readers 120 I Co.st Blvd. Corona del Mar, Calif. Please count me m as one o f your subs:nbers I am e nclosing: Telephone: Harbor 11 14 [ [ ] $2 50 for c ne-year subscnptlor. l $1 00 for !our·mon h subscnp~:c::. NAMl:. fplease print). __ .. ___ ,. ____ .. _, ___ . CITY _ .. HOME~OANS Low:... '1tEDUCING .. ·lntentst Ratn Low Monthly Payments 1t We offer you the lacilities of the Largest Federal Savings Association in Orange County Y011'll lae ovr eor4i.l ~ in s.fVint pur ....._ FEIEIIL SIYI- IMII.IIIla•ll••• lAGUNA lEACH 'hone 4-1177 -222 Oce•n Aft. Church Group To Hold Fair J Starli~ht Club of Corona del Mar mt>t Ft-b 16 at the home or I Mrs. Ray NielsC'n, 1720 Waterfront Dri\'e . Most members had re- ceh·ed Yalenlines from their "se- crt>t pals" so many thank-yous were exchanged. The next meet- ing wlU be on Friday. March 16. at Be it: &-nl'dict's home, 518 Nar-cissus A n•. Oversight Corrected The oversight that left Bay hort"S and the Bay11hore Camp out or the rect'ntly adopted re\;sed zoning ordinance Is now being cor- rected. The City PlannlnJr Com- mission Thursday evening. Feb. 15, adoptt'd a resolution of intention lo amend the new zoning ordln- anet' to include these forgotten tracts. The ovcrsi~ht had not been noticed until after the new ordinance had been published as a ll:'gal notice. SOt'THERN VACATION Low r California has Jurt'd Mr. and .Mrs. Heber l"o\\•ler. 434 Ace- cia A\·e .. Corona del Mar. They arc on a two-week \'acaUon in Mexico south of Tijuana. Appear on TeleYision A few weeks ago Miss Carol Woldenberg presen'oo four of her girls on Nora and Frank Ht>rning- way's television program, m~llng bathing suits from a nationally kno"'71 manufacturer. Early ln April Carol ls to appear at the Balboa Bay Club with a imilar prt'sentation for the benefit ot the buyers from the ~ntir-e Orange County area. A CmLD FOB THE CHILD Mr. and Mrs. John Nt'g\.15, 1204 E. Balboa Bh-d.. Balboll. just miS8<'d being Wa&hington's Birth-day grandparents by l~ than an hour and a half, beeause at 1:27 a. m. on Feb. 23, a bab)• grandllon "as . born. The new J)arf1lts are Mr. and Mrs. Tom Childs or 614 Acacia Aw .. Corona del Mar. Papa Tom works a' the loe&l Standard station and attends Orange Coast College, The baby has bet>n named Thomas Holden. . Bruns & Marsac Plllllll c.-..... Water Beat.en -Br MOLLY KOIIOENIIOTB ~ buildlftc pPITftit total for the 1247 'lonung Canyon Rd.. Shore ~liMN~ blaa4 RHponaibiUUes ror daily rou· Mtlre dt)' aJreedy has pushed past C:Uff • !25.000. I land Coi'\Struc-j F W RJif'> 208 Abalon . 2-bed- tlnc &re 5ha~ by the monitors thfo t""O-<million-doUar mark. a.s the tiM Co., bwldt>rs. room, 2-tor). 1-urut d\\!!lllng at of uu-third grade at tht' Corona 1 book-; closed for Fcbruaf) with Bav 'SiaoN"<i s.1n1~ addrto s. $7 000. Frank Bts· del Mnr "l•hool. Ewry t\\O\\'l't'ks l ~9.505 forth<> month Frt'd Polle): 2512 Cr nww. "i· wll build r a nt"' l"l''UP of monitors are ap-ThiJ plus the rc."CCrd S1 .377.U91 rY"..om 1-tor') 1-umt dwelhnt: at J 'k Lwh. 11 modrlhns: a t 221 pomt-d b) tb~'tr t~dwr. ,M ' V •• m JanWI.n brtM~ht IM '"rand total ~541 C'rpo;t\i'"~'. 10.000 P 1ke & \hran• .:.!t"' Janu D Rn), I'OIIlC3 ~dtlt?dt r E\ l'Y child has for· the ftrst tWO mon\hl\ up to $2.-I .0\1 II .... bluld(>rS bUIIdt>r • an opporturut) to ne. 056.596. B> wa) or oompal"i~•m. C A. ~lcraddt•n, t..o.. Am:<'l« . Julm \'o~PI, 1111 \t. 111 .... • l 1- Th . a. bltnto: at pH ~nt are Itt \\a, not unul th end or A(Sr1l .l-tt•om. 1-stor~ •. 1-unll d'' lim~:: 1tl ooa. tt>t""'od~lhn"" ut lf Murtn <' tor· Gordon Kllm\'r and Micha<'l Ma)· last year that tbt> J:X?I'Illit ftgure ' :.!-~11 Cm•lt• l'•· Sl;i.oo(l ~ltu. t<'al l-'1>ta tt ufl lc••. )UI1 er, 1 dN~ or th • nag .salutr; r,>a<'ht•d that amount Thus rar Bra.:ht bUild 1 H 1 H uU,l·t. jlO H IJo\rOfl('t Nan('~' t'Cl.nt'r, collector or lunc-h tht )(>Ar th bulld.in,~t at'fl\'lty i Udo '""' ("usuna d,.l :\fur, ti·a'(,.)fl') 2~lUI tnon<')' for th caft•tl"riai Vi\•tan zib(>ad,.ol th(' I'('('Ord ~ •ar of l!MS. J A At.lam.s n2u Balboa Uhd l:unlt <!"<'lltn ' Ml l:ll :-,; U.t Brown, eckl"rofat'te ndan<'«' \\hen the end-of-F£>bruar~ total Xc\\JJ()tt ~-room. l·"ton. l-unll ~aunt '·~"111 'h'"" buald<'r cards; U.fr) S\\ artz, b:~ll monitor, "a· 1.~.761. · d" t>lltng at 11~ Vta t:ndinf Sl~ . '> Httl Wtll Sr_!'li t h n·mod<.'lun't ac who lak balls In and out to the Coa'Utla df'l ~lar as far ahl'a!i or 1• •J < h\ twa bu.aldt>r -•J \latin... lli!J J <Jrrr lJ Ra) • play~und; a.nd John P o rt<' r, all ot.h r S(>('tton of th city, "tlh KP1~n~ th :--nok,• 6-room. t -.. ton b•nld··r • light monitor , who c that Ughts 2110,(J(l0 tn (X'rmits durtn1t F<'bru-l ·UJIII d\\I'IUm.• at 211 \'tJ ~·1n · ~~>wport arc out whM clu'Mrcn are not ~n ar~. A.bo sho\\in~tt con i<k'rabJe ft¥>mo. ~ .?u ti(XJ Got dun FmdhH llo~JM> & Card ·n. 611 C' t thf' room fan important t.t.em til actt\lt) "re Lido I.sle li6000· hu.J'd 1 lft •h\\a) ... t~tn Cw.rum mud rat- Supt. Horace Ensign's ronsel'\a· Balboa. S169.000. a nd B~> 'h~rt-: l..:.t\HPnc·t• H. Lee add n""'"' 'at td.n lwmlurro;• .. W tion program, !nee t•ach room has S152 000 -,u \'a a 1 I do :-'oud ~~ 5h I RPgma ld 1 »ttr am. Wl dt'<:k • t 51.10-watt bulb 1 " • ·• • • • • ·"' • Jl l S€>a o.h•lll' IJr . -uo. lX • · • Folio\\ tng JX'l'mlls \\ e1 i.' il> ued 1\t>:at'un Ba ,. ''--I o~. 1 I n llllS\\er to th questton ··what d ri.J tl flnal "k f F b ,. Dt z w Lor-an :.~ Kl'tCh Rd , ~·~r •' IX"t'\ •' ,. rf'mod~·lbm: t a~ the objectives and !f181or ar a~ u lg \e "~ o e ru I') lapanment ll\<'r. <'XI ttno? l..'llrii~•~ _u=l=l =Cob==' =H=J=..;=h'='=a;;:~·::;;~;:OI.;;l====\ or mte~t rn )our thrrd J"•-a<k'! eo..---..-a Ka.r samt• addt<'ss ;ooo \\' p :\1Pa· r MU. Schleder ga,·e thi t>xplana· John B. Ctark. 112 Abalone. 83~-If'\ build 1 • • • • tion : boa Island. 6-room, 1· tor). 1-umt · s r1 HH~ftl' ''The best way I can phr~ it is dweU~n.; at ~ Morning Canyon I C>rus T=r sun po~h at 31'" to aa.y that in the third RT&de we Rd., Shore Cltff . 813.000 ~'Oer Irvin e. SiOO . • expect a child to s tead) do\1'11 buildt>r Bal ... a.oct find himself. Another way of R. J. Garnaus, tt>nnitP r£>patr at w. P. Boes. add I>M.room at 116 saying' it is that we expect him. to 523 Ha.z£>1 Dr . Sl85. 32nd St.. 1.000 Dean Kl'phart. become aware of his 0\\'11 ca.pabilt-JaJTK'S Janos, Los Angel . 5· builder. ties. room. 1-STor). 1-unit dwelling-at "It is essential that during this 563 Seaward Rd . Corona H1gh· third grade year all children learn lands. S9.500. K R. McDonald. to function independently and to builder. • be responsible for t~ir own ac-C. G. Rockey. add second story tiona. ~Y are also finding new at 412 A\oe&do. $4.000 Owner I ways to relate theflllK>Ives to their builder. ~~gro~';d grade is a period C. E. Meek.&, 5ll Marfl:ut'rite. 1 when skills a re ebnsolldated. pre-5-t'OOm, ).·~tory. 1-unit dwellln~ at lim.l.nary reading skills must be -:::f1~a.I'ClSSus, 59.000. 0 w n e r mastered before a child can pass Dean Kephart and Elmer Chris-I .loto grade four. We give all ddl· tenson, 510 31st t.. Newnnrt, 1 -dren a great deel of experiC'n~ in ...-expressing tht'mselves oraJiy. a.nd room. 2-stOfJ', &-unit apartment we'teach them to write down their buildins: at 1550 Miramar. 830.000. Ideas. Dean Kephart. bu.l.lder "To learn to write a romplt'te Ken ="iJ · Balboa Island, 9-sent.ence. startin~ \\1lh a capital room. 1· lory. 1-unit dwelling at TELEVISION! letter and ending with a period. is a major task. Writing a para· Zonna· ns Hear graph follows this. S~Uing and penmans.hlp are part of lan~ge ac~~~otj?,'tanguagework AL . ...;;..:...t Japan Ues in motiva on and ~ingful (J{1U centen of inttorest. Ri~ht now we • J arc doing a patriotic urut on Wuh-A Ia.~ numbel' of guests joined I ins:too. Uneoln and the flag. We pembers of the Nt"Yo'P()rt Harbor bave many picturH and stories Zonta Club at their meeting last about t~ eu-ly daxa in our ooun· Thuraday e\·ening at the Orange try. T'he en~ .:rouP spends a Coa.a.t Col.lt"ge 0\apel to hear M.l..ss good dee1 of time ddculslng IelNs Jay Sutht>rland's travelog on her' before each child writes down his stay in Japen. own story and makes his own in· M.iaa Sutherland. wno is the divtduaJ book. daughter or Zontlan Ruth Pad· "In arithmetic we hav~ aU addi:. dock Gibbs of Balboa l5land. pent tion and subtraction combinations. t~·o )·ears in Japan a program We learn to make change, to tell director for Army SpeciaLSe.o:ice .I time and to estimate prices. We She shov.'ed colored slides of nor- begin multiplication. All children mal evf'fJ"day life an Japan as well I understand doubles. and some Wl· as some of the intere ling build· dersta.nd triples. ings and indications of unusual "Wheres.s , the second grade CU.stoms. st udies our immediate community, ln ~r appraisal of the Japane~. tbe third grade branches out to in· he sa.ld that it was a mistakt-to clud€' Orangt' County. We begin compare them wath the peoplt' ot with a s tudy of the harbor and our civilization. Assistin~ her with proct'ed throu.::h da.ir>ing. the oil the pictures "as Dr. Albert Stock- indu try and the otrus industry. ton. Mrs. 'tockton is pro$:: ram We usually take a harbor and a I chairman for tht' Harbor Zonta ' dairy trip during the year. Club. "We learn wha t these experi· Washington's Btrthday m o t i f ences havt' meant to the children \XIlS carried out in the refresh· by _._,:hat t~ey Y.Titt>, dramatize, ments of cherry tart and roffN' san~ antl patnt abotrt it . Through. which followt'd th<' m<'<'tinc all these chlllln<'ls we assist chi!----dren to expl'efis and clarify -their ideas ·•our daily !Jfe toc:t>ther is inl<'r- eslin~. Four time a year some of the mothers help us with spe.- claJ parti for the children. Last WC\.'k Mrs. Har,·cy Mayer and Mrs. Frank Brown providi.'d us with a special Valentin<> treat The chil· • dren join \\ith m<> in cxpresslng ou r thanks to thl'm .. Clare Boothe Luce To Speak Saturday Mrs. Clare Booth<> Lucc, author, journalist, editor. war correapon· dent, pla,ywri~ht and poUtical fl. ~re will speak at the Jane Tucker Forum at 8 :15 p. m. Saturday at the Santa. Ana High School audi· torium. Mrs. Luce's topic is. "The Quality of Greatness." Her thesis Is that our history is actuaDy' the biography of great men. 125 Sign Pledge . Twenty-fi\16 more commitment cards have been Te«lved at Christ Church by the See, making a total or 1.25 mem~ra of the congrega- tion who ha~ pledged thenwelves to total at.tlnence. The pledge reads: ''The Lord Jesus Christ. be· ing mY helper, 1 commit ~ to sobriety and a good example, by adopting for myself the principle and practice of total ••tlnence from akohoiJc beverages, u a wbe way ot life." E-tx-11 Club memb<>rs went all out Thursday, F<>b. lb, and had n lw1ehron anstead of the usunl monlhly d~rt brid~e party. Amel'iC'an nags, hatch ts and pa· triotic derorations were planne-d I by the commitle<', includin~ Mmt>S. John Lamar. Paul Jone . llorace 1 Park<>r. Robert Powell. Ray Niel· sen, Sam Meyer, F'red Putz.icr and Murray Rabbitt. Prizc winn£>r for bridge was Mrs. Jack Boylan with Mrs. C. D. Horneo taking <'anaslll honors. • • • EBELL GUDES ECTIOS Orchid ~nhouses of the B. 0 . Bracey Co .• 2363 S. E. Mesa Dr .. In Costa Mesa, were visited by members of the garden section of the Newport Beach EbeU Club last week on Wedn8day. Mrs. V. A. Arbuckle, -Mrs. JadC Boylan and Mrs. G. T. A.shenden were 00.· teases at the clubhou8e, where a sack Iundt ~ the trip. Any Philco on Easy Terms ~5 WEEKS fO PAY STOP IN TODAY ! AND ITS BALANCED BEAM!! ' THE FAMOUS NIILCO DEVELOPMENT -- -that ends picture blur · and smear. * PHILCO brinqs the focus over the full viewing area. YOU WON'T BE SATISFIED 'TU.L YOU'VE SEEN PHD. CO Pl:rc-r:.;;. 'TART .\T 199.9:\ This Beautiful Model O nly 409'5 p!w ta:-.. ~· ~ an-a.nty SEE THE NEW PHILCO DEMON.STRATED ! EXPERT 'f-V SERVICE (0Dottnued tnm ...., 1) ewur. HUT)' A&bton, dlainnan ot ~ kM!al Red Croa br&.nch. a18o t!pOb. ~ u the list of captains and tlwoir districU: Ml't. Charles Ullma.n. Balboa PftUMu1a to C St.: Mre. RobPr1 ~. G St. to Main St. in Bal- boa; Mrs. R~t Rou. Main St., Balboa. to 15lh St. in N"',ort. Edward Hffiy, 15th St. to lOth St .• Ne;.-poTt: Ml"L QuenliJt Watt.a. . 30th St. to 35th St.. N"-port; Mrs. Miller F. Willen. 36th St. to 50th St_ Wat Newport: Mrs LiJ. aan ~.50th St. to Santa ADa N~.WstN"~: Mrs.~ Dv8mul. t.riaftC~ acrou r7!" Oty Hall N"-port. Col. A. J. )(i.dde, Udo 'n'aller fVk. lJc)o PmiMW.; Mrs. w. A. lldlrtdlt. Newport Hftthta: Mrs. Wa~ lllurctoek. Udo lde: Jlrl. ~ Und.. a.y Jalancl: Mrs. H. E. w~ Cliff lta\-en: ~-eonn ....,.._, &.y st..w: Mrs. Phitmt-r EUKtJioek, Hatbor bland; 'MrS. ~ Vmator, 88L'On Bli)'. Mrs. Jo.ph 8«-k. Balbo& b- land: Mrs. lt.arlan Grtav.-olcl. Uttle lsl.and: Mrs. Kart Astater. 0>-- rona del Mar: Mrs. Paul Davia, Co\'e; krs. Ceo~ Mad>on· ald. Corona Hi2blllpdl: Mrs. R. S. Bla ketlet' and Mrs. Sic1n > Sand· ~,... Shore om.. . Mrs. C. K. Boudman <'If Balboa l.sland is <:'0-d:lalrman for the drh?, and Mnl Oaren~ Higbie or Bal- boa Island is exect~U\·e BeCretary. N~· h.lgh point ~on 1n Eastern Conference buRtbalJ Ia Bob Yardlt'y ol Balboa. forward on the Orange Coast Coll~ team. He ma~ a ~t rtily in tbe 1ut hall of Friday night's ttame qairwt Mt. San Antonio, acorinaJ a total of 33 points for e seuon to- taJ or 245, bHting the mark of 236 just set by Pete SmJth of S3nta Ana Junior Col~. At half time Yal"dley, who 1s a former Ne•wport Harbor ((tar. had scul"t'd only 12 points. Then he really put on the-s team to alnk 21 more poinu during the second half to tx-at out Smith by 9 points. Th(> Pir·at('S lost howe\t•r 54-53. ManUt>l Hernandez of Ga.~n Gro' e has been announced a the winner or the Brandt-Dike Scho1· andup awa.rd In the sixth annual Newport Harbor Art Exhlb1t. Tht' altc:-mate Pat Jones of Orange C~t CoUt-~e. and bonorabl mf'n- Uoo w~n\ to GeorJ::<' Jatnc of occ. Reel· '""ocit'\1 Da'\.1 Virginia W1Jbum of SanUI Ana f'" J .Y JunJor Coll<>ge a.rid SUAi Baker of At Eb U Cl b l-aguna H,i~tiJ Sch~}-" e U Rex ~ndi \\'111 presf>nt the 1 award at 3 p, m. unday at Harbor GUt'St from oth(>l' club!~ art> be· H.igh. Mrs. ~ar Hill. ~ident I ing honored at tJ\(> monthly Ebell of the Hi~h School PTA, ~ill prt>-Club mt"l'tlng today (ThUrsdaY}. at , nt the PTA award. which ill di-2 p. m. ~\ thl' Am(>rican Legaon ~ded be-tw~n Gw)'Nle GJoege or I Ha1t. nus will not t>l' a lunchron f\alboa. Sharon Ya.rnell or Balboa m etin~. but tt'a wiU tx• S£'1'\'t.'d bland and Sonja Huffman of Co· aft~r the proJ;tram. . rona del Mar . I The p1'0gram of mus1c: mo tly The show is open to the public liR'ht ol'('ratlc numbers. IS to be from 2 to 5 p. m. and from 7 t o I ~I\ CO by the Colle~iate Con~rt­ q p m beginning tOday and wiU Trio. Plans for the gala spr~n~ d w at 5 p. m. Sunday. 'nw-ffigh restlval "'ill be rt>vcaled at th~ School PTA ls aponiOJing a. t.t>a me<>tin_g. Mrs: Corutanct' Jayrt.~ tn the Social Hall unday aftf'r· 1M expected to announ~ the pro- noon. Principal Sidney Da' idson gram of the travel S('Clion for 7:30 will pt"t'~nt the st?-nlor av.'tlrd~ at p. m. 1\lesday at the club~. 3 p m C. J. Ballard wiJJ !lhow pictures on "Top FURht to Mt>xico." And Mrs. Raymond K. Haney has sent the Lam ... GoesCaUing announcement or the Book &-ctlon (} l , meeting at 10 a. m . next Thurs-- A most unusual caller at the Dog and Cat HCMipiUI ln CoroNl *I Mar last week-fttd was a month-old lamb. promptly nick· named Lambie Pie. beQuse or his ~~ess to ma.ke frJends \\ith the ~ at the pound Newport poUce round the Jamb at tb br1dg~ at the entrance to Balboa Island. md Dr. and Mrs. Albert Stockton of tht-Dog and Cat Hospital took care of Lambie Pie until Mrs . .M.artln Bldart or the 11"\-iM Ra.nch came to claim him. day at the home of Mn. Marloe Othmer. 1760 E. ()cean Bl\'d., BaJboa. - PAPDl oanrz PIA...VNII:D April 7 haJ been aet U tbe date for the plper drive aponaored by the Newport Harbor Kiwan.i.8 Club for the bt-Mfit or the See Scouta. which the club ~rs. Bob Reed fHArbor 2821) and Dr. Verne Koepsel (HArbor 2511) are arranliting for pick-up and stora~e of papers until the collection date. All 10 ~ of tnatruetor U..ding perta "' ttw ·'Vabaftt:· tJw. aU.mooJ • ··Out &,.aM. The ~ ~ play. '5o Robert Wf'ftt%' bleb lchool dra· di'amahc: OfW'-act f'IIIIOdiP, artt 9ob matk c..._. ~pew to Ea;t'rt. Jo)C(' Sa.n& and ~ of the Hat;• to pr'ftt'l\ted Sat· W.-.clerfuJ In Whltl'," hU Carla OPENING S.AT\JRDAY ln a -•-,.._......._10 t the~ llm.'ltr lJ\ the INclinl r*. sup-MW location Ia the 'RlY SHOP of urdly ._.~t . ......-.;n 'a -ed b\' nuJ"'8 pia)~ by Nancy Balboa lsJan4. ope-ated by Mn. ~~to;t:· u!enwJni~ ~.Dona s.ctin&ff. L)lnM lble. May Archer. Fomwtiy at 208 Ma· ~ of March 2:) Shlr)eo)' Franklin. Mona Mc.'fag- rint-A,-.., the Toy Shop has lnO\oed rn.t.a or tbr u.ua1 th~ac:t ~rt and Carob-n llaniJion. to 31.5 ,., Marlne A...-e. Diu. tha year' a product1oo •ill 'J'be "out-of-the--hat" v a r 1 e t Y • • • lnducSe two ~ct pia~. phil a am ¥-'til indude a y.·h.irJ of prt'tt)' COR-DEL BEAUTY SALON ia U\~Y llf'ri8 or. group and lndM-Jtirla, ~ sin~(",.. and t'CIII'nll"-opt>nin~t today at 609 Cout Bh"Cl, dual lltita. di~ •1t.h mood rn\llk and 11Pt"" Corona det.,Mar, the former loea· dal lightlntt @fft'cta et'l.hudnc tlw tion of Ge)ion'a Co(tfurel. 1lle Ul\WOI\5. lnduded in the orllinal o•"Ml' and ope-ator. Mn. Mar· lltita lt an o&d-fuhiont'd trolley P"'' MacDol'u\ell who baa pur-scene ~ tum -of -tM • ceeturY ~ a borne on Goi&Drod J.ve_., c~~.Jnwla ftlPit'd in a d t' m u r f> dde .. rtl of tM name of the rnuacal flirUtlon. Cut iralra toWn to Conn tht> namt! of thla aew Jan McGiU, Karlene AaAet-.. &hop. Sbt' hu operated bNuty .A quick adiiiC ...., was be-Danna Z*. Bob Leinau. Don lhopa ror a ~r ot )flJ'II in lieYed to ha\-. ._...._. t.bt c~Nu-of JKbon, Roxy Aan'Oid and Bob =tt;:'r.a.ea~or:;:: IJ)d ..., ant' ~ ~~t~ ~ f..-•~ a tuneful fuh. • • • wbrtb'LW)'t'l' of .. s. Bay Front .. ~ portra~ by IIIOdtb A CHANCE at a ICI'ftD tett lt ~ the pcUoolng to police = ~~~!::.o!o Arrrtl! offt'ftod In the •<Cftw Autry 19&1 Sunday. . ''Va,Jabond Sbo8," wtth Stan Child of the Yeer Contest." 1n A g\Dllbot y,'OW'Id Jn the Jeft Auar, Janet n.omat, Ann Grist}·. wtUdl lht' Port ThMlre o! Corona hand ,. ... auffert'Cl by W. R. Loe-oOnna Pri<.'t' and Judy Tuck« in de-l Mar la perticlpetlng. O.lldren wen o~ Santa Ana in tbe.Back Bay the cast, is a hlkJng skit wtth a from 6 w~ks to 12 y~ars of agt-area unday. The \icum pau_ed mountain setting. · will be photographed In color at out u OCfict"l" Wa.rrt>n CaSSt"l •as 1 lt't'Ctor .W<-nU l!Htek~ aASJJted the theatre by a nPW tn~ c:a~ra treatln~ th woun<l and Dr. G(orald ln the danct> 1-outl~ bv Miu EDm betwt't?n )1 8 . m. and 5:30 p. m. Rausa Wl!.8 called. • • • Another ~l•'h of tbt> njr\s' ph)SiC8J educa· r.tarch 5:10. ThHe pictures "'ill shooting mvoh·ed a BB gun in tM " .. Da 1 F rd d be shown on the Port ~(~'E'en In the hands or an--11-~eer-old ="e-AllOrl ~ ~~= st~t ~ ronte5t to plck the most pttoto-bo Ban-v Von HCJ)1('rt a.nd nick genic. Pri~ are~ lx>!Jl~: orr~. MCFarland of U do hie "e~ shot and \ht> nauona pnze ts tnelforr~-l at while th<'Y ~t>re boating In the \\ood scr~n te-st. · chann(>l. 'l'he Newport boy's fa- A FIFTH R•EA•L ~TAT£. oHice ~~~ ~~~~~ ':j~ ~~~~ Plans are now undff wa)' (Or the 1 has be-en opc.-ned by the lob \'~ l'Yl' was put out. broke the BB gun third a nnual Easter Sunrtlf'. SH-v- C'o., at 208 Marine Ave,. Balboa in hatr 0 ,er has knee and said he it't' b" tht' a:whtcb will be held 1 land. rormer location or th<' Toy ~·ould. take the n ury steps to lit th(. Corona dt-1 ~far main ~h ~hop. lb chargt" or tht> of!iCX' are set> that it wouldn't hllPJlt'n again. on Ea ~('r Sunday M o r ,n I n g, Myrtle E. Da\'y or :"' <' w Port John T. . ~k>-r. owner of tlw> .M~ ~,: .. nt ts .......... ~......, lll'lghts. who us<'d to lK' with the Uo Balboa 1 •""' "' "' ~ •~ U do offi~· of th Vo,:t(>l Co. and Union Oil Sta n on s-jointly this )'ear by the ewport 1 lind. ~rted "the theCt of 80 Ha rbor Council or ChUI'Chec. t.he for 16 y~>a~ was in the rea estate cnsork plu-. \-alued at S75 to $100, N'~..-·port H••bor C hamb e r oC busin in Clc:-ndaJe: a.nd Johnny ~..-,.,.. da ocn .... 1 f r .. _ n-•a....-taken Sunday or Mon y , • • • '"'----roe a nd the Corona del Abe I. ornwr owner o t•"" vcuuu. PoUct> Officer Ear. J toneback I ~~ .• ~......... .. .~.....:ation. ~, ... ,_._ I land porling Goods StoTt' and obile 1 S nuu u .............. --~ .... ,-.;~, tt>nnis vr·o a t th<' Balboa Bay Cl\lb. ctw-ckf>d th<' M Sen «' ta-inauguratf>d the SPrviet> two }-eaTS AI 0 at thi n""' addresl Is AI Gib-tion a t_ CO!lst Klghway and Balboa ago. h bl. h-.. hJ 1 Bl\·d. an Ne-A-port at 3:40 a . m. In cJ\aroo or r::•na for the Sun-son. "ho -as esta JS ~"" s nsur-~('11\erday. found the lock and hu. p n·-.,~ ... ·i ....... ~ l• •·. Tom Gl..__, an('(' office at that location. " .L .L..-.. __. ... ..,._.,, ""' • • ._.., on th<' offk"' ..uVr '"'•lto:u. a "'1n· pa~tor or St. Andrews Presb)'le'r-do~ brokt-o and scurr marka on tan Church and chai.rma.n ot t.he the wall. bUt ro a.werent t>ntr)' .. SJ)t'dal ~ices Commill~ for~ Gla frsgmt'nt ~<-hied no ftn· CQuncll of Churches. Putors and g-erprint~. jolnt choln or H a r b o r a rea · Monday, Al)f'il 9, haa bHn set by City CoundJ u the date for a public hearintt on the proposal to pe\'t' the alleys,fn Corona del Mar. on the DQI'tt\ sidt' ot Cout Blvd., betwee-n DehUa and Poppy ave- nUN. Oty · Coundl wt the hM.ring date Monday evening a/tB ,pprov- ing Oty En_gineer Bert Webb's re- port on the project. Mr. Webb et~timated the total COlt at 151,- 155.' An a\'erag~ 30-foot lot, with· out sewer or wat« ~ charg8, would haw an ute~5· ment of $40 •to ~. he 11lld. ' A bit out of ordinary was the chtlf'(:het wUJ participate in the atll madt> by 'R.et~en·e OHicet"' Jlby ..en·tCK. KeeM and Frank Glaser to aN"·-' -------port Heigh'-home, when an eld· FOOD 8A.LE TODAY t>rly woman reported that abe was ~ SeDior 0o1ua Sodety or t.}l(l affald "someone wu tl')'ing to Se\'tnth-Da)• Ad\-.ntist C h u r eb. get her." When they knocked w N~-port Hrichta. la holdin« a food came to the door With a pick ln aale today tn front of 'Wak.h'a her band to k~ anyont" from en· ~ ator. in Coata Mesa. tering. · s.Jtery goodl ~on sale. £\-~ during tbat bard rain Monday evt'fting ~ wu 'a fire department caU. Blanehe A. Lang· made caJ.Jed the Balboa Fire De- partmt'nt at 8 :40 p. m. that h« hotlle at 261.2 Vt.ta Dr., Bay Shores, was fuJJ of amoke. Fire- men found a trash can under the sink &tarting to burn. 11()()81; DINND ft.laDAW' ~~~~ Loclce No. 14:§7 wW hold i'-nnt dlnnt'r meeting at the _., ,~ MOOR Hall. 2300 W. Ocean Front. Nt'Wpor't, Saturday eVHiing, Gov· emor Haven Holbrook announces. 1'1e Women of the Moose Mil sen·e the dinner. , SEE WHAT YOUR$-$ DOLLARS WILL ~UY ;_. t ..e I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I t t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I• Norman's Nursery • 1313 Coast Blvd., HArbor 590 • Corona del Mar : GIANT PANSIES . • • • Fit-ld ~ro"'n in bloom rt"ad,> to plant. • j • • • "'1 I I I t I • I l f{l I I ll I I I 1""1 11 t ftlt I I tt I I I' I I I 1111 I I I l 1fl l r t .. I .a 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t .oAO cl I I I I I I I I I I I .& • 0 . W. Broom head, Sewing Machines • 912 Coast Bh·d.. HArbor 257._]1( • Corona del Ma.r • THIS COUPON WOR'nl li i i • • i • • • . • 11 applied to the purchast> of any Sev.ing Madline : • {new or used) betwt't?n March lBt A: March lOth, • : 1951. URd machines from !2.50. One (1) coupon • • on!) to apply on each machlne. • ti.Jtl •• 1 t t• t U l 11111 t tl •ll I l ot t · I t !11 I (I lo I II I llltl ott lll •lllll otlttl t!tlfl 1111 f. .1. 't I I · I t 11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I • • • • Butler Bros Meats 601 Co&..st Bl-.,d., Corona <Jel Mar, HA M6 • 1741 N<>wport Blvd., Costa Met~a, BE 6555-W . nos COUPON WORTH . • . • • .. : on ~~ lb. pkg. of' Butlt>r Bros SU CED AMERICAN : • CHEESE. One coupon per custorner-Fri. & Sat. • : only Take advantage of thilsa~ogs. t.t t 1'1 ft 1 ' 1 1 t 1 t 1 I lt~'l I I ' I t I tl •I I tl !tt I l ifl l ttlltl tf1tl I fi H1 lltiHit~ Hidy's Pet Supplies & Sponing Goods 1217 Coat BJvd .• KArbor lm-J Corona del Mar • J •·····························4·····••l . . SEE THIS PAGE -for- ~ OPEN HOUSE· SPECIAIJ . -. • Off~ by Corcmca ckl Mo"' Merckoftls ll I tl fill lttNIIIIHI Nltotltllltl l lll tlf tW I Nit I IIII II llll tll tll ttl l lllif' t olt .I tll!t t I I I I f 'I t I I I I 4 11 1!'1 II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I .ao I• I I I I • . • West Auto Supply • 1832 Newport Blvd., BEacon 5841-J • Costa Mesa • • • • p: • . : For a.ll ca.rs_..lncreue gas milea)fe and, relie~ back· • ,. pl'Hiure. ~ mufflen are rust andblowout proof. : rlt .. t<l tt1 It ltr!Wtll otttfl llllttl ltltlltloi Hi o!l itl I l lillttl .. ttl It il•ltllt•lt 'lilt ot• I t ltlltHt . t Uf e I tl I t l •'t I It I I 1·11 I I I I I I I cl I 'I t I II I "' II I I • I I I I t 'lti l tletll ... . : West Auto Supply ~ 1832 Newpo~t Blvd., BEacon 584'1-J : Costa Mc:-8& • j . ~ r~. I . • • . • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t l• I I I I I It 1'1 I I l tl I I I It t'-• I I • . . • The Quarter Deck • 1M C••t • ......,_ .. )'• ~~~ 5t4A St>•-port BHdl • NYLON PARKAS • Adaptable for &ailing and cruu;t_ng. 100% nylon. • Just the thing for the mountain5. Men's and '1110-• : mt"n's. Real quality. Assorted colors. • , I I I lit I I I l'l•ttlf I 1 11 I I NI I I I I 1 .. I I-. I I I I I lllol1tll t• 1111 'I I I _I I I · I I I IJ ,,,.,I I I I I " 11 I 1~1 I Ill tl't I I ot ltlllttt•!t !IJI I ••' • • • Ellis Bros. Nursery • 1288 Cout Blvd., HArbor 1038 • Corona dt>l Mar i . • • : CAMELLIAS • . • • '1'\l\.-o to th~ fe.t -Ban> Root Roll8 90c up. 10" • • clleoount on s.oo worth. Beatrmbtc M.rch 5th c,da-2 : ~MM. 6.'K: each. We give G~ Stamps. • ~~ .. 411141~11~1411 .. 11 41114 11.11111111111 ~1 1 01 11· i Vincent's Balboa-Pelletier's • V~t'a lJdo -Hampton'• Drtlp : Corma del Mar -Balboa -Newport • a r CHROME SPOTI.liD-~ , · · : ll • !·-STAnoNDY· · · · · · · · · · ·:TJ : • '• Soiled -Box -a Reel Savin~. Qulllt,y station· t Reg. 16.95 -Seated l:Jeam. WJi e they last. Stocks • : ery ~ned from handling. • are limited -Buy now! : • . , ~otlllliNitlltlelllllllftnttllrltrllnllltiMnlilllllitllllllll"""*"lll•'l 11111111•11•-tlllll•ll ottllllf • II fl II,.,.,,. .. llttf • "'" tl oe •1 4 11 11 fl -11 II • 4 4 tl ~ •••ill ···-··· ... 111···-·· ............ ·-........ 4 ..... I 1,,., .. , I "'"'"'4 ....... . . 611111111111 .. llilltlt•lltltltt•ttt till,.,.,,. Nl'll•llilllllllltllllltllillllltll"l o18t,.ttiiii1111NIIJII ... II : FitzPQtrick's -Costa Mesa 1811 Newport Blvd., BEaoon S03S ~)IN&