HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-03-08 - Newport Harbor Ensign.. 1 i I e 7 I e te II ta II t• 11 te 17 ............. .. ., ...... OPTI)fl T PWD. H~ ~ "Pt•r~MMU~Rty of tht' 1\'~k" on PaCf' ! Malone H. 1 Holmes of Co- rona dt'll\tsr was electro pre ldent of tht> Nl'\\ port Harbor O ptimi t Club at th<' annual m<'t'tin~ot Mon-da~ noon at Norton's Ray hOI'(> Cafe 11<' AUCCCeds Bill Tobias or ('~rona del Mar. tht' fi rst p~tdent of this }<'Ar-old ctub. Oth<'r nf."w officers arc F. C. <Andy) Andmt'n and Harold H.-- t rick of Corona del Mar. \1et>·pr't'lli· dents; Tom N~ of N"''J)C)rt , Dr. 0 . G. SU<"A of..,_ lllaJMI. Dick Hilliard ancl A. IL ~ ~ Corona ~I Mar, ctirectOI'I; ~ La~11e of Balboa Island. WI'· tt~nt-at•rms. RHppolnt@d te· C!'etary·trMaurcr waa G. B. Rolf· man of Newport. Jim a.f and V@mt' Watton of Corona de1 Mar a~ holcJ~ft ~ of tM ltaard or dlJ'ecton. ~--- , Business--Civic Unity Sought Closer coopt>ra t ron amon~ the chic asSO<.'iations and bw ine grouC$ in the city is the-~otoal of the League of Civic A sociations or N'ew port Harbor , whl<'h met Ia I Thursday e\'enjn~ in Cit~· Hall. The Ci\'lc IA-agut' drafted Ini- tial plans for joint &ctton on com- mon problemr; of the comrnunii~·­ Thls phtn calk for lntcrt'ha~c of delegates with the-Chamb<-r of Commerce and also b<'comtn~ a nwmbeor of the Chamber of Col'l}· nw~. Thus tht-mt't'tings of t'ach group would be att<'ndcd by dt-lc· gatM of tM other group. and bettft' undfontanding of mutU31 ~ can be made poulble. Lalt 'nlurilaay'a mt"4"tlng of the Civtc u.eue. Pl"8i*4 O\'~r by Chairman E. A\'t"f'Y Crary, was a &Dedal meeting. caJk'4t to conat~r the IJI'OP(al of Lloyd Wood, a· nwmbH-of ttw City Parb aftd R«ftetion CommlttH , for lnc:ftu-;ng nwmbertt.Jp and ~tlng • .\n extra\·a,;:-am:a and two on - art pia~ s an~ t~ll rollt>d up tnto t'lOI" e,·ening o( entertainm nt na.J'Tl('() c lUt nt lb<> H.1t"' tu I:M• p ••. .,, ntt••l nt ~ p m ::-.srurda~ at ;\it "I"'' I Hat hnr l'nil"ln Htch Scho.\l I • , t:~er~On~:l~o/~;1 ~ ~;~~!;;;;;~} :trf:!;JJ!tJ!! [·~::!~~!i~:::~ il::;~~ ~:] Cbief 1ml t ot thtt r\ev.-port • u.·•n frum Te u and came to h~.f4 ~ ..... More rloua than most follcs aU realize that this moat maptn- Harbor area a Malad£' H. ITex) SouihN-n California. ~ttUng m ,M ill• I .,. realize i.s that "oil in\'uion" of the ~l spot on tM entire Sou~Mm Holmes of C'orona del Mar, the Sa.nta Ana WA~A ;W---.11.._ Newport ocean front. F\~ weeu eauromla roast Is lost forever. man "ho was primarily ~-1'e attended Santa Ana Hhth. ago great pools or oll on the wa· Sa\ing evt"n ust a little of it would ble for the orgamz.ational "c wk playl'd in~-clusot roo~t:-.1 -~~~· ~t"rtiN'Sfc·N-i.-P~~r.= ~,.; tt'r started hitting -~~.~ches,· ~1an a,~~llrs~ment of enormous that It'd to the charterin« o the wa presiun-~t thf> ru~ .. """""' Thursday mom~ tor \be N•,.pOrt ht>re, result of a '-VUI8ftll' o a .wa W!' or tn'" u ure. local branch of Optimist lnt~rna-French Club •and .. ..._.able to con-H:u"bor A~a. ou~ hoUI'I: v a.m. rrelghter with a Navy tanker aome • • • tJonal • , .... ~ in FN>nch pretty \\."eU w n. to s ~ m Non~ throafh J'r1day. 20 milf'l out at IN. And it's still. lla'~ )'CN ..,... tM ftlell!f'aW& 11~ '-"'&& el4.'CU'd to senf.' as~-and carl still !'Md It L He was One v=acai o• .n:w_1110 coming. repNtedly fouling the w. T. ,,.,~,... .. ...,, -• - dent of th~ Nev.-port Harbor ()p-~raduatcd In 1934. and attf'flded out oc Hubor Area . -··· ~ eo beaches. collecting on the sands .... ..._ a '" M' tlN't?Mr --Unu t Oub dunng it ~ )lt'er Santa AnA Junior College for' a ._.,.ala u the tide ~. ........._ He'• pt. a hshp .w" of eXJstt>net at U'le annual ~g )e&r. Then he ~t to work in One Yur --•· · ·· ·• euo For a community tbal -clrpends fAw1 ......_. ef ... ..._ .-....... tx>ld Monday noon at Norton's markets. at Sonta~e Dt'U& St~. out ur.::::;-,ta,re~lca·· •uo on Its beeChes as a 1eacllnc attrac-~ leeldllc MMk ... Wu • Ba>s.hon> Cafe. He and 1~ other and as cement worker for Santa i\lfD ........_ ft.A.IIT lion to btin~ thousancla of people .. ..._ ..... W. e,_. lie .... " n w ofOCt'rs \\'ill be formally in· Ana Contractot• VIc ,AndeMIOf'l. 0.: ..... ..., hcrt', this is a ~r1oua sit~~"· 4.y ._. ._. ,.. lat. a .._ er .. talled at an m taUatton p&rty at Ht stx·nt a lot of u~ at the with the sumr:Mr ~ea110n wnw•g ta.at .. ,... tiiMMIN 11M tile etller the end of th1 month. Be-ach In Balboa. lt.-an1ecS to tlkt> on. It Is affecting pier fishing py:• a.t "1tll IIlia ....... Ia· Thx llolmt>$ gf.'ts his ni~ this area, dJd eoru i<k'rablf' swim· make this their pet·manent home. too .... One hook and llne man C'hH-k 11...-or 1M! • «n 1111 ... t fr'Om the tate ot his birth. Te is I min~: and ·urf board rldJng-r<'-T<'X rnlses bo>.~rs a a hobby, commt'nted morosely 'I'ues_day af-that ·•tllat'a ..... t y• pt fer naU\.'t' of Bomarton. Texas. a calls that tht> nettch h"rt' was lck-al owns a couple reJ.tist<'roOO Boxl'rs. t<'moon at t,h Nt'wport Pier t.hat •tkklac ,.... ~~oee Ia • ...,. ,... h>Wll that <-a.rttly exists now. ~I Cor urfiOIC ~US(' the W&W says they are excellt'nt playmat<'S lh<'Y weren l catching. anythmg. .. ................ (Fad ....... ff'll cause tt wa almost dt>stroyed by 1 could be rlc:tden way tnto the har-for the children, and the ktds lo\'e ... Lets hope that In the next ••d I•Jal'f'd Ida 110M' rataaN ..- fil"t' 10 yeat'l a~. Tex was born bor entranOt>, untal thl' ,Jt>tU • · wt>r-e • m. Ht> used to play golf years two months the .action of th.e ocean \'f'nol)'.l July 23, 1916, and when he ,..as built H(' suit has his urf board. ago with his dad. has started pla)-will clean up thu oil situatton: . . . • • • four )'earl old tlw famil,y mo\'ed and pt'Obabb "ill be using it inte A~tain. and is happy "ht>n ht> Meanwhile, the Navy \'t'ry Ukely Only area of our citY without ~al:!&ln thi umm 1 brealu a hundred. will haH• damaf(E' Ults on its conununlty or civic association is OII'RK -~'( D"'YS ~~EPNTF'DR WA~ 'lboR CL.OT"IIES ANOOR'/~~. AN AU'I'OMAnc LAUNDBY AT YOUR DOOR HP was a Balbo:! rt'sident.. for l..asl )ear Tex accompanied a hands. Newport Heights, one of the most lt"o rt>:ars before enterint.t the ft>llow Aut~ Club staff. memtx>r. • • • substanllall)· and permanently st't-~•"Y durin~t World War n . ln I Jack Ser~nt. to a meeting of the All Uw \llo'ay ,.... 0.)1 •· tied section or our divtded city February, 1942. He S4'r'\~ u le&· Oplitnist Club of Laguna Beach. Ohio. ~ • ..,.Ufor aN • · Last fall consiMrable erfort was man on S'hon-dut\ at Long Beach Pret~ent at that meeting wa A. J. dM'c-k for 13-11 to Mlp .. ,. tiM' made by a number or Helghll resi- and u Alamitos: .In Se-ptember. I Primeaux, fi~ld representati\·e Cor Mapl ....... t blaff ''tfow la Co-(k>nts to organize an lmprovem<'nt 1943 he rtX"t.'hed ht medical dis· Optimist InterhaUonal, who asked ...... ..,. Mar. ,_. a.ttH aad Association. cha~ for an lnun• suffered when Tt!X if he woulQ take tbe job of or-I f'ltHtt eaMf' ,,_ .,....... A. There wet'<' some ml«hty dis- he was a ) ounptt.-r. 1 The next clay ganillng an Optimist Club for . the I ~-er •• waa ..-l e. Dr. couraged folks wh~ a couple hun· orders came throu&h that would I Harbor area. Soon a s uffletent ~ W. 8alltla. ... wttll W. dred postcards were sent out to ha\·e U&igJH.'d him to sea duty.} numbet• of men had s1~lfied thC'Ir 1 T. l~rtf'f'IIOII W t1141 ft&'llt ,...._, announce a pl"t'Umlnary orpnJza. He had married during the um-,lntentlon to become members, 10 UM' c:aeatr.U• •1 ... l6wt"r ae-Uon meeting, and only a half a mt.>r. on June 13, 1943. His bride thar in April. 1950. the local club eHe r.-4 aM aplsrat • ......_ dozen people appeared. the people I wa• the fornlt'r Dorris Gilmore, I was chartered at a charter party ~.,oDI~ 011 tfko llllldf ud ~· in\'oh·ed In the orl(anizatlon work. Santa Ana tuidenl and then held at ~ Santa Ana Coun\rY Ht're is S5 00 for the cause, the I Now It has rome to light that the I beauty operator at the Vieira Club. with the Santa Ana Optlm· l~tter 881~· "Kt'ep . up th~ good fault wa not nt>cessarUy lack of Beauty Salon 1 she Is now at Dee's ists as the sponsors. "ork ... LA: 1 me kno" how ~ou get lnte~st, but that those coUple hun- Beauty Salon 10 Corona del Marl. Bill Tobias or Corona del Mar aloe""·· . . dr(.'d postcards were mislaid In the I Tht>y 1ivcd ill anta Ana for four was elect <'<I as the Hrst president, 0'!'mentrnlt 011 11118 donat_1on.. 1 maiJ1n~; and never did reach Lhe lt~ars after their marria~. Their and T~x was on the board of dJrec-Dr. ~mith wrott• to the Enstgn: Heights re·idcnts 'That should Orst child wa·s bom then> -$On to!"l. In duty durin$: the past "Thill lndlcatl's that the local pa· •h·, 't t t 1 h bee h · h' r h pers ~o pl8{'1'S ond the lntl'rl'St in ~ c cncouragt>mcn o ry aga n. Crnig, who 111 no\\ 6 • th r<''s also ~Ntr. as n c atrmans 1P o t co th<' ,·lew 15 wldl""'Jircad.. . lR••ree so the rt>Siden\ .. there can ~ rep- a littlf.' girl 1 -mflnth-<'ld r.)nda 1 Bo) Wnrk Commilt('(>, which ha.s ,,11 h \OU th•t th-,.1»\\' h"e "'not re €'nted b) a Civic organJzat10n Lynt. · j as it primat·y rl'sponsibility the o • ~ ...., Fot· a "h1le Tex \Hlrkt"d for TN! pon r hip ol a n w Srout Troop lx'c.'n ·"a' rd. \\'l' mu!>t now get Ropt>r' lee How.l', a ~anta Ana un Balboa Island IJu') and do \\hatt•H•r· is ni'Ct'.sar~ DIRECTORY liquor store Tht>n In June of or hilt'\ t•r !Jrt>. t>l·\'l' it as i~ or lm· 1945 he jtllned tht> tall of the prow It rnto n park And if thl' :---S;;;.I;;.;L;;;.\.;..'Eil=;..;;.PlA.=;;;.;rn;..=.s.::.:o=-----. S&nta Ana offlet> ol tht' Auto Club L~~ prople who bout.eht tht.' lots from or Souttwrn Cahlornlo and has .:aa ..... ..:. -tlw bank are willing to go along bt'o?n with that firm mce. Ht> han-with the rest of tht' city. It can be dJes sal . t>n Ice and insurance t::dator or the Ensi~n I done by pureha.se by the caty and for ~('\.\-nnrt. Balboa. Balboa ls-As babl k h din p1ud for b) a bond or a 10-cent """ )OU pro >' now, t P -1 raist' an tax over a C:Ouple of land. Cot-ona <k-1 Mar and pert of nt.'l· at the American ~gion Hal •ears." . Laguna A mattl'r of prick>-I the F'nb 28 ,.-5 a hup su.........,.e " .. · ''"' .,e ...... "'"" This Is thP lime for public spir-r~~ ~~ea c~~t~ ~h(1.hP ~~ Tile mf'mbers of Nt>wport Har-ltcd benefactors to offer substan- bor Po l 291 "'ish 10' t'Xtend to you tlal donations for thls cause be-Cot· surpaliSinJ;: his quota each thrir sincere thanks for your won-rore It is too lat"', or t"--will month for Tour conSf.'CUtive '-'e&I'S. dnr·ful ,........perau·o "' '"''"' " ' '""' n. surely rome tht> time when we will Early in 1947. with the help of Very truly you.rs. I h1s dad. he built the house at 615 BARNEY L. BELL: Silver Platers ADd sn~u. Repe.lrtng -~ . ~tlnl Gold-SUver • C»pper. aru. Near Community O ull'dl 1914 Harbor Blvd., Coeta Mae 8eaCOD 5113 • Margaret L. Soharle Jasmlnt> A,e .. ln Corona d I Mar. Commandt'r 11\lliii==;~~ and in 1\la) of that )OOr, the 11 !!!!!!!!!!!I Holm('s family moved here to Office Open Longer For Income Tax Help Capilla Sections Hold Meetings Teech« of Plano Organist-AeoornpanJat Ewlllng auae. Mansen Rouse. who is In charg<' of the Santa Ana Dhision Office t'Ctlon meetings for the smaller or thf.' COllector of Internal Re· woups wllhln Capilla Circle are venue. states that arrangements being held this W('(>k and next. have been made to keep his ofnce Members wiiJ meet for a sack open aU da,)l Saturday and until 1 h · h ch 9 p.m . Thursday, M.a,rch 15. When unc Wit ca group. fully prepared, returns may be Seclton 1 mt't at 10 a . m. ye·ter- {iled with the Santa Ana orcice day at the home of Mrs. John S. 710 N M · s 'l...a th ' Sanck>rs. 430 Poppy Ave .. Corona • AJ.n t .. or mat """ to e dt>l Mar. Mrs. Paul Babbitt, wife Collector. of Internal Re\'enue, Los An 1 12 of tht' church putor. presented ge es · Easter devotions. Mrs H. K. AJ. lan was oo-hostl'S . St-ction 2 will meet at 11 a. m. Tu<'Sday at the homt> of Mrs. Gt>orgt> U>wts. 304 Ma.rit;old Ave., Corona del Mar. Election of offi- C<'r will be held. S<'Ction 3 will m{'('t a l 11 a. m. Tue·day at the homt> or Mrs. Gren- \IIIC I.An dell, 224 Heliotrope A~e .• Corona del Mar, witt! Mrs. John Com(lron a ro-ho tess . The Far Ea. t will be studied by the woup. Mt>mbcrs are asked to I br(nj;( wool yarn fot· an afghan square. • tor Adult. 307 GOLDENROD AVE. ~Corona clel Mar Day or Night Phone HArbor 1138 Baltz M ortuary ~pel by the Sea HARBOR 42 , Corona ctel Mar, Callfomla Ample Off-Street Parldn.g INSURANCE For Every Need THREE STEPS TO BEAUTY • • • t.lae Jehen ,1art. Then aan1.....Hn of T11E CURl~ TIAN SCIENCE .oiONlTOR tell t.lae Editor how •• Iller nJ-1 ~. Mil1 wofl41-wi4e ........,.. witlt .. c~~ ~ , Mrs. Montr Beaman's home, 107 Via San Rcmo. Udo Isle, will be the location of the meeting of Sec· tion 4. Members will gather at 11 a. m. Wednesday and bring thim- bles and sclssors. ISLAND REALTY CO. No other small thin~ can make thE' big changE' m a livin~ room that a tab It' can Our fi~t tablc . crude trestle- type affairs. werc used only for runinjit. Gradually. as the ameni- ties of lift> became more and more 1mportant. smaller and smaUer tables were designed to st'rve them. The Unes and general de- Ign or most or our small tables- end tables. side tables, co~les. and ('\.'('0 corr~ tables pied those or tbe luger ones. Then one day a• bold and fortunate stroke of orlgtnallty brought us the step table. Th1s dclightful innovation with top surfaces on three levels is a multi-purpose piece. It serves as ll lamp table, book aml maga· zln<> repository. and adds immeas- urable charm and beauty to a room. Note how the t hree levels 1 of the step table In the above sketch add interest to the group- ing Top t~vel is pro)X'r height for readlng lamp; center level holds smoking accessories; lower le,•el i ronvenlent place for current maga.zlnes. Cloud-gray and yellow color composition or room is nattering foil for rich. gleaming mahogany table. Claret red chair for fore- ground ndds dnfl'\'l tic ecet>nl. No matter what type oC fumJ. ture you need . . . wq. can supply it for you. What's moTe ... we'll bf> h3ppy to help ~ou to select the right pieces for your home any- time. Let's get togctMr on your home furnishing problem. !Jbr.;-~ ... 1 IIBAOON ... ..eett ••: "TTie Monitor •J ,.. ,..., orefully ._ .._. ,.,., • 1M u. s. . . . .. .. ,...,~ -u. ,..,.. !jt~ • f~ u oo..,ete .,.fi /.U ... " •r~v> Mortit ... .,.,, a. • ~. ll«aaiiy • • ." You. ,..., will lad dae Moaiter iaf.,..Uye, with ~ wwW MWt ••• _. ••-...., • ,._ HOME -TOWN ...,._ . ..a u ....... ..,.. ... Spec:W lalnfttot~_I .. IL~-J IIONTIIS FOI ONtts. ,.. c:t.rtotln ............. 0.., ,...,..y 14-._._ IS. ·-~ V.I. A. , ........ --......... ., ......... ,... •• 7'h flllriaolloe lc.lc.o M .. oe_ ,. .. _. ·-~-~~. . LEARN ABOUT OELUOC During the week that Dr. and Mrs. Harold Jacobsen spent with the Ray Nielsen~ I Mrs. Jacobsen Is Mrs. Nielsen's cousin), 1720 Wa- terfront Or., Corona del Ma.r. they vl.stted every gift and ceramic shop In Orange County, so that they could take the latest ldeu back to Minneapolis, Minn .• their ho~, w~ this type of business Is comparatively new and uncle- veloped. Harvey D. Peue HARBOR m-w . Park • t Agate, Balboa Ia1and "BE 5:URE -JNSYRE" wttb Maurie Stanley lmuruee 0,....0. . HARBOR lT'N 225 llartne Aw .. Balboa lllud LAWRENCE K. GUNDRUM, M. D. ~NNOUNCES THE OPENJNG OF HIS IHI SUPERIOR .~VENUE. COST~ Formeriy Newport ~lie.' PRACTICE LIMITED TO OFFICE AT MESA DISEASES OF THE E.A.R. NOSE AND THROAT ond ~LLERGY OFFICE HOURS: WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY By A.ppointment Office Phone BEocon 6508 kesid•nce Phon• HArbor 10)6 .. ., ll1nUII: .....__ On W~y. F~ 28, more than 100 athletic pill from ~ .-rtidpett'd ln the annual _ Aq_ua: cade PftWf'ted by the ph)'lkaJ HucllUon department. The theme for tbe abow wu centered around tJw montha of the year with eaeh .... u. belnc ~tt'd with IIWIInmln8 awnta. The 1161.et sang throuKhout ,~ show providing a pia touch to the event. Ann Griaty did the narrating and the entire show wu under the dll"t'<:tlon of Miss Marjorie Adams, gym Instructor . All of the art Work wu done by Betty Har· mon. senJor at Harbor. Her out-standing piece was the giant eal· endar whfch was the mainstay for the ahow. Mia Ray Ersklne Jones, daugh-t~r ot Mr. and Mn. W. E. Jones. 1512~ E . Balba. Blvd., Balboe. and William~ Barnett, .on or Mrs. Ruth BaJ"Mtt, 446 ~mard St.. O.ta Mt'A., •-ere unltt'd ln marri~ Friday ~'ming in the eo.ta Mesa Community Church, with ~. J~ H. Tbompaon and 0\arles Hand reading the double-rinlr service. The brickt wo~ a~, of whit~ t.arret.a, wtth a ma.ndirin jacket and 0\.~ ol nylon Mt, and a fln~tlp veil. Her coraage was or white carnatiON, white sw~t pt-U and orange blouoms, H"ti with satin st~rs. "hich v.-u Ume gl"('('n. Her bou· QIH't was made of pink c-arnations. and she \\'Ora a b&ndeau of pullt carnations ln her hair. Marvin Gibson of Costa Mesa was lwsJ man, and USMrs " re Ted Sanderson of Orang< • and Bill Ruak or Balboa. M&k:olm Rl'f'd of O.ta Mesa sang "Becna&e". A •-edding ~tion •'-5 held ln the church receptlon hall. As· l'utJ.ng -.i th the cuttinJt of tbe cake we~ Mrs. Betty Grirnsha~ and Miss June La\'Old. Xrs. wn .. Ji&,~n V. Jones and ~ Winnie Rutherford ser\'ed punch. The bride's motlM-r wore a black crept-dress and a corsage of pink carnations. The groom's mother v.:ore ~ ttreen and black figured crepe am also a corsage of pink camaUons: The young couple a re pending their hont-ymoon at Big Bear. so When the Aquacad~ was O\'er. donned •lacks for t~lr going- ,Jnfmbers of the Girls' LC'ague Ca-• away costumes. 'nlE>y v.ill r"E'Side She wu Jdvrn away by her bro~r. Capt. Jack Jones. Her Matron or honor was her &lAter, Mrs. Dick McCune or Hlghland. whose gown wu made the same as tbe bride's, ex~pt for Its color. blnet sen·ed t he parents coffee Duplicate~· Club on 28th SL in !':ev.-port &>ach after I and cookies. 1llty were then in· Meet. • Balboa H th~lr 'f.eturn. vited to a preview or the art ex-m 01118 Tt\t>Y a re both gradUates of hlblt which opened March 1st. Out-of-towners won tbe Pri~e Newport Harbor High chool. BHJ 1 • • • 'a t the Monct.y Ar1emoon Dupll· at.tendetf Santa Aoa Cone ... ,.. ... d cat(' Brt~ club w hich IT)('t roe-Cal "" -· n.'·" ~ ... tullf'4 la to ~k Cf'nll~ at th(' home> or Mrs. Roy -At>ro. He is employed at the .._.u· dlv Jodley pi"'C'''aDD. s 414 E ~ F Lon Beam Dou2las Plant. "Dittt ..a Clt&t" latt"ly~ H t" eaa ~~~t z. . an ront. Bal-P•ll!~~j!i!!i!!i~!ii~lil•llllll 1M-.......... 0\4"t'thf' air ..a<"h WH-k, Local pla)<'rs lncludt'd M rs. Ro-~ 111111 s ll .... y thi"CHH«'h Frida~· O\'t"r lx>rt Ross. M rs. Sydnt'y Court. ~Irs. KVOE frOM 10 to 11 p. m. Oil E 0 St ,. A G "'--b For loeh, OutdOOf' I Indoor Furni-........___ d ___ _._ ... _ . ern, ... rs. . . uu.."& urg . • _._,. a • •n--!"" uo.: M rs. Robert Rrown of Balboa: ture • .lt•· Select. "•rlics. F•briu procra.m ('eiDH fi'(IID tbt" Hala l\1 ,..__ ,.._ II C Hat Ia A_....._, Th~ all tlte l rs. vn~Tgf!' '-'<~rro • orona lk-1 -.... aM 4oll.• that ~ I.D for :\tar ; Mrs. Mildred L) tie and ~Irs. I .. -., Helen 11la)er, Co ta ME'Sa; a.nd c 51 gc~.>ge 15 denter • ••• ea e~+•qe cJ ..,.,, worde.J,.. •••• e>ppor1 • •'v •o bwt~ tJ,ete le·~ v•eb e eH•• ~9 rled irqs e• e -c ·•• le~ "'9 p• ce. lak' f'\8a.lf .. ell• are a.tn·. ~Irs. Chari(' Boardman of Balboa 61 1 «Nit Hit h••Y· Newporl '"""''"' O\er tllf'l radio. Oa uls~la~n~d~----------~~!!!!!!!!!!!IEacOII!!!!!!!!!!!!U!7!7!!!!!!!!!!!!~~-~I~<4::t 15~,.~ -~ _...,.:_~~~-~.J·:_ ____ ~~~~~-_..: .. ..._,,, \\'f'411 .... y Uld Friday -. '-'-" ,.. ~t• a~ pla)"NI d.lreet from -----.;;._~-Coron• clel ~' ""' maiD studio 1e 8aat& AD&.- FN>d Harvey i~ !--.rank's guest ('very Friday night. Fred ta kes up requests from s tudents at Har · bor end a near riot is at band. The program may lx>come a bit murned at times. but don't get rattled Fred and F rank are just trying to hold oom-ersatjons with their mouths full or d o n u t s brought in by loyal listeners. Most any type of recoras • • • from bee-bop to ballads • -• may be requested with the exception of westerns, TeS('n·ed for Cousin R~ or the Bar-None Raneh ear· Uer in the day . Don't forget to get in u many requests as you wt•h. for that is thf> entire purpose of tht" pro~a.m. Just tell Fred Harv('y and then tune in to Disc 8 nd Chat. 1480 on your dia J. Wt''ll bt' 11 tc>ning! Won't you:' • • • Mr. a84 M rs. Mlkr &obM-r (r.IMo'a tiM-fortiM'r DfolorH Ria«) a~ proad to --~ .... lllrtJa nf a ICIII, ~,C'bola• ltotaer. Mike 1111 I!IOOit plq lato tile A.lr Corpa aad O.lon-111 Is ~ lltO«ftf\ to lin wtth ht"r folks oa Udo 1_.~ aRf'r IIWI "'....., Df-lorH' ... t .. r. 0.... ltlaa-. has r .,. e ,. a t I y plf41a'M Alplaa Dfolta P1 a t n~c. <'011«1'• tala tloa • Doana: ! ! • • • J oannt' Earl rcef'ntly married Doug Jam~ at the Corona del Mar Comm unity Church. Joanne is orlginall) a Pasadena girl but camt' to the Harbor area and at-~ tended ~4;'\\port Ha rbor H i g h chool l'tnN' th<' cmd of the first qunrt('r • S.lly ~tuard a nd blph K f'p- har1, both formt>r Harbor ~llHJ· .-.t., an-I{OIDl' to bfo Jolllf"d 1a "'NIM'k na &turda~·. M arch 1':, tlltft da)' aftf'r Ea8tf'ra \"aeatloa <'OMIIM'IlC'f"tt. ~lly w-a jualor tllllt )'f'ar alld was a formf'r ""'"'bf"r nf tfifl Ga~ylf" club. (M ill{!) 1'114" lw1at of laek ~to hOth tlf YOU!!! . . . . Last Saturday t he Ta ffy Club had anothl't' cake sale at the Jolly Roger on Balboa Island to belp boost the-ir treasury. Tht' girls workjng to help sell th<' cakes were Sally Henderson, Nor m a Marsh8Jl, ~lary Meisinger. Carol Thomas. Donna Price, Janice Al-len and Susie Pleger. PracticaJly <'very member of the club baked a cake for the benefit. Ldtos ... Dear Editor : 1 too. am amazed! After read· ing your column. "l..ett<'rs" or the Ma rch 1st i ue or tht' Ensign. I am flabbers:as tt'd to find that tht' City Council okeyc:'d the ('('SSpools and or st>.ptlc tanks to bt' dug a t Corona del Mar. I <'njoy bathing at Corona, but with the knowlt'dJ:e t hat the Cf'S • pools will bt' ncar by. I will tend to sta.y 11way from this ·excellent bathing bt'ach. Doesn't the City Council realize tha t Corona del Mar may beromt' another Playa del R<'Y? This too, was a fine bathing lx>ach. until it was quar- antinro because of similar condi- tions of tht' water. Here's wishing u~ to Mr. Smith and the O.V.P.A. In opposing this terrible hindranC(' to public bathing and health. FRED HAJlVEY Nf"NPPO't. Comes to the Harbor Area ~.& ftJ~I).~ ", MI~R(Jil I s Newest wiU Open at 5 p.m. Saturday . . • FoT the patTonage of all «1ho en jo y the pleasures of good food, tt-•ell seTved in an agreeable ent'ironntent . .r T HE SPIRIT o; HOSTESS HOUSE 1s !hOi c: smcere n,, St-40-GASBORO c· ' h · a} d 'ONE cl ... fl. men)' a•i•o ,. • OSp lt ity Cf' COt..!''eCUS attentive sern..:e lr' .::I:1 to mertt p .. b c IIPP' ... 0 1"' attractive and ~armcnio .... s scttlna "' i"ct~dl' the Suncl•y Buffet Br .. U•st. sen.ed rr('"" 10 ' I "00" at n r-..d pr • of $1.75 Deily f•ble cl'hote luncheon from I I to 2 end dinner frco.., 5 ~,~nt.l 8 p m. • • • D•ily • le c•rf• service from tho qrill. of c hoice steak chop>, ro.uh. pOultry, end teafoo<h . Speci•l end St•nd•rd ~tndwich menu. Sel•ds i11 profus:on • • • HOSTESS HOUSE pie,, celes end pOJtry speciallles ''ln·Be· !ween ' ,,. t h De,,· ... ~ ccof· lt!t' lee ll"d ott.er be.,..re9es. The HOSTt:SS EOUSE sta::-ot sk:l:ed CL'1ci w·idely expenerrt:ea chefs bakers and sennce at- tendC:mts has been carefully chosen fo r the abthty of its membe rs ir. the select1on. preparcrtion and servipe of fine ioods and pastnes , HQSTESS HOUSE ts under he personal supervision a nd direction of Mrs Dons J Whea1on w ho has a splendid backgrour.d extending fro m the Ra dio Ct1y M1dtown sect:on m New York City, ;p Hollywood and Los Af1geles • HOSTESS HOUSE Pies c.~ •• •nd '•••rv lpeci•l· ties to +•l• o11t .... d~. '" ..... !lll"p. ft •• r.~e~•f• ... • c• ma,.,. • • • ~· 1-10 5 itSS H('ll !S£ • ...~ ..,. e ""~ ~ ,.,.,.11 e>• ~o.-· c~~·:e of e .. de ,,.. ety c· ~~~"·~ a· •"t'• f "'\ ,.. ... , e"d O.li.,..ry of any of tt.e HOSTESS HOUSE S'E-CIALTIES .,. leN~ Of .... " HArbor 2365 M~ a" Early Visit to HOSTESS· HOUSE a ''MUST" 01t YouT C~r .til -Newlyweds lies atlgt 01 MOtJe to B. f. I Tht> Women of the Moose will Funt>rnl scr\'i~ for Mrs. Cbar· Apolma Av~ on Balboa Island have a pot-luck clinnt'r Saturday lotle Carolyn FrrgtLqon, 321 Poppy has ~n picked for the home of E-Vening starling at 7 o'clock a t Av<'., Corona ck>l Mar, "ere held the n(!w Mr. and 1\lrs. SCott Flana· the new Moose Home, 2300 OcMn '1\.lfosday afternoon In Baltz Mor-gan, who were married on Wash· Front, Newport. for thE' members tuary. Re\'. Paul Edward Babbitt, ington's B 1 r t h day and honey· of Lodge 1457, co-workers of pastor of the Community Churdl, mooned In the de l'J't foUowing the Olapter 1158 and their guests. A officiatl'd. <:eremony. program or t>ntertainment aao Mrs. Fe~n passed away 111e bride is the former Marjorie has ~ planned. queetly Tu<'sdaY momJng last week, Helen Dawe ol126 Ruby Ave., Bat-• 11M.' committee in charge ln- whill' slttin~t up ln bed reecUnc an boa lsland. Her fonner home wu eludes Chairman Myrtellc Tipping, arUcJe from her favorite Sunshine Glendale. The young couple were Clara Le-ach lda Anderson, -loy~ Magazine. She wu being cared married in the Grandview Presby-Edick and c'race Skeen. lot• by her granddaughter Joanne, terlan On1.rch In Glendale. Clara Leach served as chaf laln who had left the room for a few f e .. of Seal 1 b m I nUt ..... Her 110n-in-Jaw and 11le g1oom was onner..,. at the ~t Initiation he Y -= • Beach. Both or the newlyweds the Santa Ana Women of the daughter. Mr. and Mrs. John Ho-teach at Huntington Beach. the Moose. Mra. 0. w. Karme of Chi- gao. were ln the northwest at the ronner Miss Dawe has seventh ca""' ~-as guest at the Newport tl~. They returned ho)1le Sunday. grade. while her f.tT()Om is a coach WCYrM initiation. Mrs. Ferguson. nee Charlotte and history teacher at the hlgh Co-worker Lela Carrell is Jeav- Schuyler. was bom In N~ York school. lng the hospital for homt>. She ls State ~ )'ears ago Since the ~ or the attendants at tM Improving daily but will be con· death of her husband in J922. she formal wedding ~"'ls Kathleen fined to bed for se\'entl weeks had made her home with th<' Ho-Dawe. the bride's s tst('r. who re- gans. She was a retired music turned from Germany to partici· te.cher, and for many years wu pate in th<' ceremony She was a house-mother for many frater-teaching school to children of oc· nities of eastPrn collt>ges. he ":af copying forces in Stuttgart whlle • member or the Corona del Mar overseas. Church. ------Besides Mrs. Hat:an and Joanne. &he is survh•ed by a s8n, Clay Fer- guson. and his daughter Maida of New York. Star·· Group Has Meeting Mr. and Mrs. Samuel D. Craw- ford. 215 Mat:nolia St~ Costa Mesa. were hosto; on Monday l'\'ening, Feb. 26. to tl1e Past Matrons apd Patron or Harbor Star Chapter. Ord ~ of the Eastern Star. and tht'Jr tratll'rs. A 28-pound turkey was provid· ed by the hosts. "ith guests brin~t· inr: thE' rest or thl' dinnl'r. A s.h~t business meeting follQwed. and the balance of the evening was spent at canasta. P resent, besides the hosts were Messrs. and Mmes. Arthur Fitzmorris. Arthur Kern· per, Sam Klnsfather. Eddie r.loore. Bill Lacht'nmyer and Walter Peck, and Mme Sylvia Place, Maud Sib- lt>y, Ida Naylor, Etta Mat> Coff- man and Ann1e Wa lkC'r. The next mcct111g Is scheduled for March 26 at the home of Past Grand Ma· t.ron Maud Sibley. Balboa Island. Auxiliary Prepares For Poppy Day Birthday Parties For Baker Girls Mrs. John Baker. 433% Iris Ave .. Corona del Mar. has had her hands full, with t"-'0 little birth- day girls ha\ing parties 'and with out or town house-s:u<'Sts. . Saturday. Feb. 24, Susan Baker, i vC'nrs old; and her ~ests Wt're .enrrd icecream and tht'n attended .lh<' malinE'e at the Port ThC:'atre. Her RUCsts w{'re W<>ndy, Katey and Kim IX'st>nlx>rg. Carol Ann Sal.is· bury. Pamela Pew, Luana Herring-~ to)l. Carolyn Fi..;ht>r. C.nndy Daugh· ~ty. and h('r SlStt>rs. Judy and Kathy Baker. Kathy's birthday I u n c h ('o n guc:'s ts on Wednt?Sday were Kim Desenberg, Elllot Burton and Da· \id Anderson. Kathy was four years oJd on that day. HoUS('guesls of the Bakers "-'ere Mr. and Mrs. Tom R. Case. who new a plane out from Lock Haven, Pa., for their host. more. A surprise pot-luck and party were held at Ida Anderson's .home for Junior Re~tent Ft:a.nkie U Val- ley. The Newport Women or the Mooee presented a gold locket to her ~ .a gift. for her new baby daughter. ------ OONDUCTOitS MEET HEllE Orange County Choral Conduc- tors Guild helc1 ita February meet· ing wt week at the Corona del Mar Community Onfrdt. A tur- key dinner was prepar'M and servt"d to the group by the adult <'hoir or the church . BudloMeea Nursery School St.a ~ Ucensed and Appr'OWd From t to. y....,. 8 upenhM Care .... Ceaatnea.-e ... , &EASONABL& aA'IZS Open 5 daY' ~ week-8 to 5 Transportation FUmlshed 190 E. 1Sdl St. OOft'A IDBA w.•-1• 1951 ~·Ja. "e4"-'~~ , Stot1 1ovin9 Olft-of.poclet clothing ••· ~~ today! Start mol.:•ng tll'art dothet, tlipcowers, dtoper;••· etc on the eosr;to- OWfl DoMtllc . • .• Lifetime Gaarutee F ull Botary -~ ......... S.W. a..dt • F o...-anl Complete wta. Attac'liuMat. .... eaiiiMt I ts ••• ; Local members of the American Lcg,on Auxiliary wt>nt to Long Beach Veterans Hospital Monday morning to distribute materials to ~ veterans ~ho jlrt' makinl( poppies for sale on Memorial Day. Mrs. Harris Cot lie is chairman of the poppy commJttee of the New· port Auxiliary. · Those who "'ent to Long Beach (and were dresSt'd in ~owns and masks In order to c i r c u 1 a t e throughout the hospital! we~ chairman Mrs. Cecil Inns. Mrs: • 54-Inch IRONING BOARD PAD · Carl Han..a. Mrs. Fred Joyner and Mrs. R. R. Randel. A Legion Auxiliary District meeting was held Tuesday with Mrs Herbert Thompson, Mrs. Bob Bri~ and 1\fTS. Rahdel in attend-ant-e .• ------- Panhel M eeting Held in Santa Ana ~vera! momtx-rs or Panhellenic f rom the Harbor area were present a t lhe Orangt> County Chapter meeting h<'ld last week on Tuesday 'M lht> YWC'A in Santa Ana. lnttial plans for th<> scholar- ,;hip tea, held in late spring, were pr<>S<'ntt>d at thf' bw in<'.s m~ting following the ® rt. Mrs. John KC<'I<'r presided. Rrld_~te and can· asla table prize were won by Mrs. Robt-rt Callis. Mrs. J . Leon Wii- Jjazn.c; and Mrs. George Guthrie. Other Ha.rborites who attended were Mrs. Jeseph F erguson and Mrs. Olive Sleeper 0 1&(, FOR TilE GALLA~"TS " Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gallant, 2561 Qrcle Drive, Bay Shores. are the parents of a daughter, De:ni.e Paulette, born Tuesday, Feb. 27, in St. Joseph Ho.pital, wetghlnc 6 pounds, 14 ot.DlCeS at birth. De- nile's maternal g:randparenta are Mr. and ){n . John F. KJlrMI', 25411 Clrcle Drt\'e: S.y Shot-s, and the paternal grandperenta are Dr. an4 Mn. Alfred Gallant of Lol A.ngelea.'and Newport &e<:h. A ReCd Scrring! Regularly I 19.95 .••. DISSTON cua SIIEAIS Regularly 1.39 . and COVER SET. Reg. 2.00 Sale . . . e PLASTIC CUTLERY TRA~Reg. 79c 8 .. "13.. Choice of colon-Sale IO .. xl3" -RecJ. 1.00 e PLASTIC DAMP lAGS Regularly ~ize 18 .. x36 ........ . e SPAtTER SHIELDS Regularly 1.00 e CHEF'S SAWS Regularly 1.00 e PLASTIC CANNISTER SETS-4-Pc. Choice of Red. Green. YeUow-Req. 3.39 . . S-Tear SDVICE GUAIUUftEE Hefty Daty ... , .. .. ., , In honor of Girl Scout W Hk. t h Harbor 1 J'OOP6 " iII 2'i' t> a pm-JUaln tomorro\\ •Frida} 1 at the Girl Scout Hou..w Durin~ the a.J. Til•. 11 \PP\' ('O-£J) 1 .. tb~ tu- l<·rnoon thE> RrowniC"S "ill p<'rfOrtn turt' cl:lu(ht .. r-ln-I.IW or Mr. ;u~d "ith spc>ciaJ son~ on th s taS:l' and Mrc. \\altt'r N. l-optt¥r, SS Harhf•r dunng tht-1"\ mnk t~ older £irls J,.luad. l'ih .. ,, ~~ .. lo.u...ut Flu.:-"'IJ tak t> O\ 1 th<> psoeram .. hut. cbln(btt>r of ~lr. And \tr... Gar) Scout "e<?k ~I.-brat th<' \\'il~tft D. Flltt .. tad nf O..n,..,r, a.oin Wll ......... Eater Ccmlatll at occ Tht-fiTS\ tn.aA5<'d choir rt"ht'ar· w "ill ht"ld at 2· p m. SUnday fQf 1~ Harbor AffA p~ dut'tlon of ''Tht> Holy Ot}," at1 Ea teor Cantata to ntt'd at the Oran&;e Coast Coil~ audi- tonwn at 4 p m . ~ unda}. tarch 1 K DMth D Bocttc-l'wt, m\Ulic dl· re-ctdr at tht> t-oll f!'{. will conduct th combtnt'd c:-hou·.., ot tbt art'a and t OCC ehou· A uda.m htund.tn~ of tht' • Ontan izat.Jon in ('nluntdo, •nd '"" j, 3 Ot•ltu A~rica ln 19~2 b~ J uJ1t>ttc Cor-Drhtntt up and d \\n th<> tat•• c.aml1lll nt thf• t nhPr-.it~ or ( ,\LL 0 ' T HE C'•\\'E don Lo" Julit>tte Lo\\ t nnt>lk>d tugh\\a\ of Califomaa 11 nla\ ·~ c utondu ut Rnuldt•r. Tht• ~~~-~~~ph n nrl \hC'hll t FCt<.,tt·t ol all 0\CT the c::ountry to brans: ~he to tht> a\ ra~:e motonst that mO!'I tur.-Jt'fUUfn. \\ .tltt'r L 'JM .... r. I~ Am:rlc "f>4·llt foUl da~ la<-t rdf-a of soouun~. \\hich . he ongr <1f tht> r-oads ar(' 10 8 JX'rpt'tual Will I(I'Aduatt• "'''' f'f'bru."r~ ''~'<'t< \\lth th< lhmnrd C.a'r and naJh ~'t>d 1.n Enitla.nd. to all state of l't'pa.iL Ho" '<'• 11 "C.'Ill... rrom thf' '<'hool or BuoJnt"tt, a t thtll <'hlldr n lfll) PaC'Ifh· Dr parts of Am<>r,aca. Poor ht>a.lt h I 8 numbe-r of balls and m :8 Urt" are th .. Olamt> t'DJ,..,,....Jt~. .\ O..lta ' \ort•.na d I ~tar and <k-afn did not d('feat h~r. J)('ndm~ which tend to lndicate Tau P..lta, bf' It' aa alUfttiiO.. of •• and ~h<> sold trt?&Sured fatnJb hear- 1 t.M~ 1 still a nl"{'d for much mort' lbr1Mtr lfla('h. w .. u_..r wm kT!i-dU· 1.~0\ t; FROM R.\t.BOA looms to financt> tht> work F or t>Xlt-DSI\'t' work on our roadwa) ., .. \\1th a C'ommJ,..toe In tbf' 1 C.ptatn and ~t r-t~ JO<> Todd. " four > ars aht-upported the It ma~· rome a a s urprif.eo to S a,'al ftt"Mrn•. Tht> "l"ddlftc., '' ho had bc>t>n l1\lns: at 1512 Ocean 534 Cout mp_way. s_,ort work alone. By the end of 1919 learn tha t propost'd bond 1 u Will tilkt' pt-.cw-nnt ~·fflr. · B~~l\~d~·~Ba:lbo:a~·~h~a:'~e~m~O~\~I'~d:::1o=466;· J~~~~~~~=~~~~~ thf're we~ 34.081 members Ln. A!ft-\\Ould pro, i de onl' billion dollar I . . . . \\:('!Jtmlnst r .. Co ta M('<;a erica and 1950 .saw fifty miJbon for the oontln\M'd "·ork on tht> RadioactiYlty Not AtomiC 1 · IT)('m~. • . !f~' hlghwa~s and fr\'('WB) s. , Bomb' Great t Threat DurinR lhls wee~ specal radio ~nator Randolph, Collit>r IS tht' . 8 es ~ an~ te~lon program_ are hon-author of SCA 22 and S81530. ,. In moc;;t atom raids, blast and o!""g ~ Scout. lD~udin~ a telt>-which would pro' ide a one bUUon heat art> by far the gTeat('St dan ·l "'slon Girl Scout,.Barthday part)' dollar bond is'U , to be retl~ b~ gt>rs that people must race. Radlo-, on ~~utday ~nd a Jack. Benny means uf a t\\O <.'\'nt increase In acth·l ty alon would account for Dorothy Jo Dance Studio telnuuon ho~ on SUnda} · t'he ~asonn tax and oth<'r re' enu onb a maU percentage of aU hu'-I • • •, ~ . . adjustments. man dt>aths -and injurit>s. t-x~pt 1 Nev.'J)Ort Harbor Gtrl GOOuts ar:e StiU ano~r b1l1Jon dollar hi~h-rn und<'rground o! underwater u-Hi the Btricher Butldmg aga_ln making plans .to hold thear way bond issue 1 being pi"'J))SE'd plo<>ion.s. • urnmer Day Ca'mp ", t h the Scou!Jl b\' George CoUms. These bonds ---..---~ _ f~, LalfUI'\8 ~ch Dates for ttus would be iman<X'd throusth annual "Eil\·t:~ AT .~on ORD •c J F-C P 'o ~:> ~ •.: PKr.o--o·. o: )ears camp",~ lX' J~ ~8. 20, 22. appropriations f~m the ,::t>n ral Alyn :-.nelsen. 1720 Watt>rlron· • N.E Wll BE cc;:•. H' :•-.-r p , '.Go 25. Z1 and ~· tl was deculed at a fund. Dr., Corona del Mar. lt>h TUt"Sda~ J"l'a'nt ·meeJmg wtth lht' Laguna Foi!O\\ing I a partial hst or th F('b Z'i ror Ford Ord. \\'here ht> it- comm.ltlet!. Voluntt'(!rs in all ~ 'most iltl'liiicant r from tht> tax-now a member of the l"mtt'd ·,. ·.r •.:; u:sso•.s pa_rtr'Mnts 8f"e n~. a ccording pa)er's point of vh~" 1 proposals to States Army. to ~rs. C. W . Crowl, day camp be considered by th<> le$!'islarure cha1rman ~ "ho attended when it recomenes on tht> 12th of COlONA DEl ·MAl lht' ~lint wath Mrs. Crowl v.~re .March. ~lati\'t> (o th(> stat(> h1~h-Mra. Pat ~erlt!'eS. Mrs _Esther way nee& . 0\apman, Mrs. Ambor (,n.Jwf',ll Sefl810r Collier' SB 133 would and M rs. Sa~ StAfford. create 8 spedal hJghway usf"rs' tax • • A wadua t<>d 'f>h.ICJ(> mtiPaJ{~> 1 ax A rt><:<>rd iQ .Carl Scout rookit> for truck and h ll\~ \1 hicl<\ 1!1 lllnR J!CX'S ·to Rrowni('S of Troop proi)OS('d in hts ~8..349 33 UJtd<>r th(> lf'adership or Mrs. SB ~would author17p the: !'tatc W E f'ish<•r or r-;hort> liH ·Eight to ne~otia tf> loan~ from th£' rcdt•ral ras<> an all wt~n· ~old b~ thP ~t-rls ~O\t>rnm nt 10 bnnc all thP his:th· Cll tlw~ troop, fl\,, of whkh \\'t'l't' WCI,.\.S up 10 m"d rn r ~uirt'mt'nl.., lli!.po.'-f'd of to <'lL'InmPn. ol thf' to t'Oancl<1(• ""h ,1 ~'Omfllt•h• ~t·lf••­AJJ Amt'ri~an 1nr'kPI, Coron11 d I widt> plan · Mar. durin,;: On<' Safu•·d8~. In A l'Ount~ hldm a~ a1d pro~mm all th('y tumt'd an $'i5 :i In lhl' \\OIIId ~iH· R'i ', 1,..,r l'~·nt ,,fan <'X· ~cnut llnusf' JX'('tc.>d 1 l milhon dollar in ff'd<'ral Gue5ts Get Prizes At Birthday Party sE'<'Onda '"' road a llcx-a 11011. f 01 'Californra tn tht• impmw-m~ht ot l"'Unt~ road" AJl 221:; prm id.•' fm I h dt•\ <'l- opm nt of road. .. tdl' park" on por- tions of hu~h"a~ othPn\1.<' to b<> Each of the J.?UE.' t rC"C('h·cd abandont'd in road amproh'm~nt' r•-rl7(' at thP first r<'al barthday AB 327i1 would pro\ld lor a una- part~ of Eliza bt>th EIJ('n Chtppin~. form -~ '-lt'm of dtl"pla~ of I r<'t'l 5-~ear-old dau1thtt>r of Mr. and names and stf'N>I numb<•r, trf all :'\irs. Durl Chippin5t Th(' part~ Clite-s and rounttf'!; wa. ghen tn h<'r honor last Thurs-AB 3337 would r('Quin lummou dav at hPr homt' 116 29th 't.. paint of signs and on thP <'<'nt<'r N~rt lint' ot <''cry ht~h" a) in n fo~ 1 SharinJ.: in r h<' s:am('!> and run an.> a. were Bunny Arford. Ronnie Bol-!"ext taml' ~ou l'lll' forc.'t'd to ton, Arl<'n(' Gand.son and littlE' bounce alon~ on a portton of torn- Sandra Richardson, agl' 2. all of up and rug~c.>d <'<"lion ot road, rt-- :'l:rwport. Also pre cnt "a. Eliza-mC>mber tht> tt>mpo1ar) inronvt>n- lx>th Ellen's t'OU in, Dwight Chip· iencl to )OU will be r·epKi d many I ping jr., of Nc>wporl Height . I times ovt>r b~· thl' ruturt' Us<' of a A hi~h point In th<' aftt>rnoon uper highway. Many of the law- wa refreshment time, which in-makers in Sacramento art' making cludro fruH punch. ic~ c.'ream, cup 8 ~enulne attt'mpt to maintain all cake'S and angt>lfood birthday cakt>. th(' roadways of Cahfornia tn a can and favors. manner that· will conllnut> to be A•te e-..., e U.WIIty e me. e lewell) Wwlucea .. () .. , r .... eta.; Courteou~ Information DEPENDABLE U!KVICE the f'n,·v of mo t or t ht> ot h<'r stat(.' of the countr} and s till st11~ ";thin a balanc«l bueyet. H ~ou ha\'e 80\' ideas on a rf'\l.'nu rnts- 1 inll m('thod "here b) some funds I could be painlessl}' found for the use of our high~·a~ S) tem. drop 8 card or INter to your st& tl' f'na- tor or 8SS(>mblyman for 'our di~­ trict. •HOLLV\\.000 n.SITOR~ l\tr. and Mrs. Herbert Dun('8n I of Holl,rv.·ood plan to spend ,<'Vt>ral month in Balboa, lh ing at m ' E. Balboa Blvd. They are ro ins of l\tr. and ~Irs. Don YounJ:, 103-4 W. Balbo;\ Blvd .• l'\t'wport. FURNITURE AND ACCESSORIES SEE THE LARGEST DISPLAY IN CALIFORNIA RATTAN • REDWOOD • Al~l!MlNUM • WROt:GHT IRON r-;WI NG~ • t'?t1RRELI...AS • • RE-COVER~ • BARBEC 'ES Lcm ~t Pl'k'f'~ • . •""'"' Df'lh·.-r~· 611 Coast Hiqhway Our Anniversary of I G .c ~·c:: c:: c ,... ...,crcr '==-::e open house C:a · -do' ..... -· : , ' 'r !~ •. :-::: ·yea: · .. · .. ·e ·c ~r: t!"le ~·ne ~ , 1 • • ld . 1Cr ::1ercna:-.~s .:1 r:c •• ng :-·.~:::y ~:-.day e\'emng a::;.:: A Special Shou,ing of the Season's leading styles «'ill be presented on Saturday /ron1 2 p. m. to 4 p. m. w ... be mcdellea ([H.o.li:~' •JG 6 p·...,;: "'" GolF'S Vv 'L • &E. f:Rt SE'\:iff "". l;'C A ~ de5:g r.ers He:-.:y 'Rosen:el:i · ..1les o· Cahfcr:11C -ergee ·~-5 t .. \....... . 0 Rossen S:roock Coa~s S::e:-wooa c! Cahform--: -,-.:01ma Speers lurucrs M"lx Kopp s.~ James 1Lrhju£ ~twp· l2C9 Coast Blvd • Corc:1a CC'. • ' \i • HArbor El -l ..... I.ITI1.E ULlOA JSLAJm 1 ... ,.,. rnock-J. 2 bdrrn., all wood. ranch t} le house tare th·mg room ~ith firt"pl n~ & dining room. Compl t I) fum . tn- cludlru: auto. v..uhanc ma-~pn<"e on)) $1~950 Hadfield Ill llariDe . ..... lslullt IIA ... . LQAMS b HOMfS R.EGULAR 4 ~). tl()-20 }T&.) G. I . 4~ 120 yeara) FHA 4 ._ '.'¥ 120 )eal"S) true. Loans 5-5 12 "' l l4 yn.) No Com miD .. ch.. on Metro loans. We bu_ and eell Trust Deeds. CAU.. BOB , A1TLE& HA 2661. t r F l'e(' Appraisal RA.>p. POIRIER MORTGAGE CO. Metro Ufe Ins. Funds. KJ 3-5185 G.l. (l..._ Mf'M-S..e.l* BraDd DeW ~lclnlt . . Home Over 1,100 ._u.re fN't, ~ COI"nt>r lot. flat;atoneo. f~pl., hardwood. tile. tht>rmo. ranch type. Wt' beue,-eo thil is the ldt individual home that can be purcb&Rd for ~t;'i, down. We havt-sold P\<'I"Y G.l. home we ha,;e ad' erti.St'd. So act qui<* on this one. ~~~~ $11.250 / t .. lton: PHIL SUWVAN C. GALEN DENISON G . T. EVERSON 490 Newport IJ,cl, IE.c:on •243-W &..: HA l 157-W IE..c:ot~ 54M~ Nearing completion. New 3-beclroom, 2-bath home. Cor- ner location on Udo Nord. 0 ning-den. ber tYPt' kltch- en, comer fireplaOt', unit heat. A dt>luxe home through- out. Still time to choose your colora. •• lll!N~m~N~ ~!SU ~: BArtlor !tit-• 3 Bedrooma & Den, 2 Baths-Lots of REAL HOME Nicdy styled home on at- tract1ve comer Tht>re are three bedrooms and den with two baths. modt>m kitchen. plenty of tall', firt>- pla<X'. ~ood h<>at and oak noors. There ts a lovely AJpin s tyle-d living room with open beam cciling, un- painted mahogany wains- cote and ample ~al­ cove. The exterior finis Is of shakes and splatte brick decor. Rede-coration can make thia one of the most colorful Balboa bland homes. • J.l. Ideal loca tlon. bc•a ut iful vi('W o( now-caPf.K'"d moWlta.ins Fhe bdma 3 ~ bath . pi<'r and sLip for 00-foot boat. Un- . usual!) liberal financln~ .., ........ "' Ethel hlrley Gloden Fay · Ule BaiMa Bh .... S~-port HAI»> 2-Bdrm. hoUS(' with 1-bdrm. apt. o'er 2-ear ~ara.,.-, with third incom at lit Ue extra cost Good constr~ct.lon, ex- l"ellent <.'Ond.itton. Only 2 yrs. old Both housP and apt. tented $14- (,OS(> tn c l~LY .I TERM~ -HArbor 1251-W CORONADELM &• Block from OceAn on MArguerite. 3 Bedrooms, 2 •ba ths. n e 111 I y decorated. plus apa~t and double garage ln rear. Buy this ror a horne and income or for a IIOlDl4 investment. Priced lO St'll The owner poured money into this quality home, exceUent construction, fine materials, mahogany panelling, raised hearth fireplace, t:tarbage dis- posal, 2 spacious bedrooms, lots of built-Ins, attractive wall pa tlo. and there is a fancy bacht>lor apart.ment with built-in bar and tile sink over the double ,::a_rage that makell a dandy rull)pUS room or n>n taJ uni l. A bo.a ftclf' $1 5 750 Vorl Value 1 * 1301 Co.1t ll"tt. (C~. Feml .. f) COlONA DEl t-ll~l HArtter 1741 .. •-HArtter 147'7 ''' ~ ~ ~ ... I REALTOR Corona del Mar . TempoiCII y Headquarten DOW at 311 Coast BIYCI. . . (Fonneny •uoc.i•tecl with EaJ"I W. St•"ley, lte•lt~ Cor0t1• 4•1 Mer offic:e. for two ye-•n; •!lei for the ped li• _..,_ witf' Sle~tley A. Sfftitll, a..lt •. ) FIREPLACE WOOD Dal' OraaKf', Wallltrt, Eaeal,.._ DEU\TEBED 2213 Newport BIYCI. .... ......,. 61~ ()M1a ·- a..t. ........ -0.1. ..... Home Loena to b\ly, buJld.. refine,... or for aJten\lona CI:NI:IlAL DtSUilAlfCK IU.rller ... Ill ()eM&-....; 0.... ....... Fire -A ... -u.lllllty -Jila. .. ,.. -hlle -Gla.--Mel- ... -·---·· c • ., ••. _____ .......... ae. Dn!lt7aE nr .-...:: Wl'l'll 302 W•i" St., le!Me. H~ 20M Uee F..niAp Want Adl 1fal'bar Ult NMV;..ort ae.dt, --.r ecM8 ... t-h 'k' ~ter; ........... ; lh1r r room .,.. hardweod noer.; J:u·~·kl~ & area; llkdy decoratiflt; e e • e a t =-~~ ..... $7,510 • • • =.: $1~-hnt. !-IWnL, I au ~~ .. ,..._, At. pr .. U\la~ room 9"1th beaiiL ~Ill•«· • • • .Sew-port. 88dl, ••r ~ IUid dvkl cetlt.er, •early .,., !.-bdnn., I aed ~ .. alA. pr., cor. lot, ~ , modem detllp .-t • • • Brand new 2-bdrm. home, hardwood floors, fireplace, many attractive features. fine ~ghborhood. close to shoia~Jiag- St.HO::: • •• 2-Bedroorn residence, plus single apart.nwnt OW!' 2- car garage, cooellocation. orfered at pranna gl! home $1 pnce .. • •• ••• CcrU Schuster, HA 2474 ••• lEALTOl eta c.ut m\'11. ()onaa .. liar llA.rtllor "'' SeleeW., IIULTIPLE U TI.NOI!I uae.t a.y of Week" G.I. lteMie Ia Ooro.a del liar IJ!,IM 3 Bdrm. botnt', hdwd. noon. automatic beat, 2-ear gar., 3 blocks from beach, close to s bopping-Paymenu only $61 includes taxes and Interest. WRY PAY KEN'I'! MaJUple Ust. No. 1•1 Ala •bCMit this •t •"Y t-IIULnPLE LISTIHS ltEALTOl niEENSIGN Now often CCiftllllete · Job Prtlltmc ....... 12.000 do111n • • -Nt>w· 2-bt'd- room l)Oftl(". ha r-d111 ood noon. lou o tiJe and pJ Jlt)-other features. EA&L~ .v..a ..... I - FOR sALE-2 blond end ubles with bla'ck top~ and one blond hunt table. 204 Coast Bl\'d .. C'.orona del Mar. i--~ • • • ==;R~i 1 A 1~ -~ib • w • H d 1 Jo'lfotln~ av.ards to atudfe .. : l'lnlt .-..:.• rtDXR It rnners onore 1 =:~~1"!,~~,= ·~1.11 Av.'&J"dd •ere ~ted Suncb) I fd t nted 1h av.vd of p..rt-tune f3:4to =(~~·.: alt~n ~t !'ewport HaJ bor Un-dlO\a hlp at the school to Man· easde; third prtz,. to SonJa lfld- ioo H ap Sc:hool to v.·anne tn the u I H~rnandc-" uC Gardfon Cro,.. man of Corona del Mar c:harcaal ·~~.h ~t>\\-porl Harbor Art Ex-fur ha till Uff' tn lndi~ tnk, '' -drawan~ or the h(>ad ol a Y0UQ1 Sounds like il will be a pny il 1\ibit. . .. r. color and SX..tPr pa.tnt Jtirl you dua't ~~t to set" "0 lht> Pit) · upt Sidne-y Da\,ckon J;ll' the :O.:w. thl ~ear Y.t'N' th · taY. rd.s ~ HJ,.h Sd100J PTA ipOfWONd of u " melodramatic prt'Rnt.aticll'l f1.n1 pn.ze purchase award or 5250 smrn b) tht> Hlgb SChool PTA. a t(>a 'unday 4.ft l'1'0oon, the final by the Harbor Mothen.ln~rs for to Rlcb&rds ~uben ~f l..os Angt>l .. 1 Edn.1 li•ll pr nted tht> rot· . -.hov,-mg of the art PxhibJt. benefit of PTAa Thursday and (OT bis oal p&Ultln~. Paper Lad~ Friday, Match 16 'and 17. The roo Jan C . <Aw of F f'l'!>nO could not bee.rsals a t'C' uul to bfl aaclta-sptlt-, be J)J'eM'nt to receJ\~ her pttr- tlng, and we unllf-ratand they are chaM" ~~"a.rd of ~50 for ~: watet 1 us.ang a blu.sh~meter in one ~· oolor, Conce-rnmg Boats . quence lo if l.h "ba hful 1! J" Phil Dike, who with Rex Brandt hffo M.artln Ingram is CO\"er't'd con<Sucts the Brandt-Dike ~umml'r Y.i th' more confusion 'than Cel -j SChool of Art m Corona dt'l \far tinl;' .Har\e)' \\ho, a a slinky "sJ--I ren" pulls him down on he-r lap Cor I Ea' s a big buss. • • • 1 stern tar Spring "' prun in the Har- l ~ Cout Blvd.. CD II RA 1063 bor area on Tuesday when The Ha In •t • t . .KEYS _ Ma~ while .)"'U •-all Chaldreo' Homt> Soci~ty .~r-ed S J la JOn Tomm.)~'l Shop Polt Office Bhl a st.,yle how Y.tth 0 Braen 1 S~- Corona ck>l liar. J ~~~P r~~~ty e~~~~th Pot-luc.k supper ~;u P~·· hi" NOTICE to mothers: Let us be but ~" a lot or oh-h·utC and met>timr or th" East 'm Star at th~> .)our ba.by s.ltter on Saturday af-t ah-h-in' as th color and mater-C)dd Fetfo\\ Hall tn Co ra ~1 .. !>4 ternoons from 2 to 5 p. m. Spe-iaJ eorribinatio~ Cot pring re-nt>~t Tue<>da~ t'\ enim: clal liho•• for all kiddiet. Port \"'ealed tbt>msel\e-s on the Home Initiation or cand.ldat and a 'Ibeat..r-e, Corona del ¥ar. Soo.ety's mf"m~rs. Get-1.rudt-Me-bart.hday -table ''l'J'e 1\i~h P'••nu Mahan. d.t.rector for International at the pre\lous meeting. IJiataates P A I N T I N G ' Toastmistress. did the commentat· Y.es-e Mrs Rex Albnght of Cliff I mx. Ha\en and Mrs \\'lllilll'T\ Hum-Earl She8iD A Red Croa Fashion Tea • ....., pbnH o( Balboa, who4 an at- held today, and three more fuh~, !Uiate from Arcadia. During the -OMta lleM I tOO hoY.-mp are lmmint>ot ln lbe t-eremooy Mrs. Ed Moo~ pJ"CSCnt--..,.. 1&11-K area: Uruque Sbop, Corona cSeJ ed Mrs. AJbright w1 th a ring a.s tor funDy lfar, Ll having an informal show at a tok<'n from her husband'• .Apbt, 30i roiL~ 11.1'..8nNIA!'IOM t.hetr ahop Saturday as a birthday grandmoth r, Mrs. Essie FINcher. 1 Olalr bott.oms restored usinc cane. oe.lebntion: Lome's of Balboa Ia-Mrs. Fletcher or }-funungton Beach ~~~~~:-;-~:--rush, reed, etc.-BRING NOW. land, a.nd now Balboa, has che-had J't>cei\ed the ring wh n be Peter PaD. near I IIA&VErll duled one for Wedn~y at the tx>c~m~· a member or OES in-.1915. cas Owner. HArbor JI"C&llll't"t;U &D"Am. Bay Clu~. an~. Brandt s in Corona Honored llt the birthda)' table Mat Saata AM Aw... C'oeta lleaa del Mar as ha\utg one a WN>k from were the Worthy Matron and Pa-l~ft-iiiji~;i;~i.l BI"Aeae ll.JI...I t~morrow tFTiday, March 161 as tron. Mr. a.nd Mrs. Henr~ Del.ster., t'OR SAL Bath tub and toUet· I part of t~e prlnl' festJ\al of fnsh-th n('w mstaates and Mrs. Mel l b in ......u~ ... Ch ' •on. · · · 10 tht' e\ l'ntng. Bt>n-v Mrs Howard Tri eU and o cS ut (."uvu oonu. eap. • • • • . . E" or uk. <'nds at 217 Sap. ...,.Y to ka.r that •• ,_~.. ~trs. Ra~ :\'Jf.>IS4:>n phirt', Balboa Island. IAC'flrlof 1 ""' aUOY.f'd t" ,...... L.worr honors \\Pr<' ~1\en to F'OR SALE PlctW'eSque cabana I ~ 1a tlillt' U\lal room I• hl!i J.unior Pa·t ~,~I run .• ~lJ . A A cotta~.:t•. popp~ br•:;ht, $6.250.1 "~ claaU. PoUo lJI a ft-rrl.r,-. K~mJX•r, }la . sam c t;:~wford and F <'\\· block w beach, 40-foot lot llllf tWIIc "'"" tt trlkM 110 Mtd-t\. 'hur F uzmoz:t . On th re-Phon~ La runa 4-5206 *-'Y ... "'H..., w twtpa.... fre hm nt <'OmJTIJlt(>(' ''"'re ~lrne . · l\'e hear tJNo .. )-.lotht'rapl•t.. .Stuart Dit>hJ. Wallaet-Ca.Jderht•ad ~ Todd check imprinter wu introdi.K't"d at the Newport Harbor Bank Monday afternoon. and •itb It tht! Todd zone manag~. M. G. Swarthout, demonstrated that lD about two minutes time he wu a bJe to imprint a custor'ner'a name and acl4r«:g In type an a aem.i.Qr. cular holder, putting these holdera lll place in the lJnprinteT, MJMing off th 25 checks, then biDding the checks into a checkbook. warly f&laltod WIM-e tbt..)• ••· and Thoma Srruth. ~ ~ of tM We ~~· thfoy laaCI ~ wortl .. at tiM-t.arrtor a...e. Ut& ._.....re BraMo~ .. .._ (I ' c ....... '-t It' a pretty............ . . Duian Cla.ssinett ada ha~ 'been a Pf'O\.'efl mean.s of reachin.c buyen for all .oru of rDel"Cb&ndiM--UM u.n! Phone Harbor lllt.. SPRI'NG!! OPEN HOUSE SPECIALS • • • ColoTed Bobby Socks S'n\ l !/1 lo I I -~ · ¥ovf o;l.o•e• o' b .... •,f..l spr "9 eot0<'1 • • • ··~""'•• 39~ "• ... T en.ni.s Shoes Ti,.. !low to 9t1 yovr M•son's ''gy"' 1hoe1. A. 9oocf '•"'CJ• of siu1. te9vler e>rice U.2S. srs Lonq SleeYe SlipoYer Sweaten Fe"'ov' loW>y l roob 100"/. wool. •• ,"'·· ,. 95. SJ95 ·~o. Ne•••t F•shio<~ '"' ~own' Gold Cloth'' it~ Ofieflt•l ~;"._"" dreuts ... d bolero, ""•"" 1951 c.t.r •• s..; ... s~~:~ ........ . Th4t first checkbook of imprint- ed checlu wu for City Manager John Sailol'l, (and appropriately enough too, because be bad ~ changed hla addresa the day be- (~ from Corona dtl Mar to Neow- port Heights l . Bank President James T. Van Dyke and Cuhler Harokl Hetrick •-ere on hand. to ~t polnten on operating the new machine. for answering the questions in the Business Quiz ~ imprinter equipment in- cludes Its own fonts or "type," la expendable; in other words, it la diJcarded rather than redi.strlbuted after on~ being used There ls also the type "pick~r upper," which trsnsfen the type to the hoh~r. ready for the imprinting. The f"'rltire job can be don<' on the spot by bank pen10nnel. A Corona del Mar woman re- ported to pollee Tuesday that a suspicious man soliciting magazine l!lubllcriptlons forct'd 1\i way into the.-h<>li.S(> and made improper ad· \"ance3. • • • OUt-of-ordiAary re- port was one recorded yesterday, nottnK that Amuld Lane or USC wa coUcctlni bird pccimens and wanted to shoot a rare bird near Norm's Landing: he had re-ceived permission of th<' Fish and Came Commission. E. 1... Blakesley told pollee that the fl"t'Sh plaster In the house un- der construction at 209 Via Ra· '·cnna, Udo IAI<', had ~n mar- red by obscene wrl ting, PQUibly the work of children. • • • Flyer Paul Mantz of 301 E. Bay Front, Balboa Island, reportl'd the theft ot two ure p!"'eW'r\lt'J'S from ht. yacht "Adore." It' was atrlctly a local affair when the car drtwn by Mrs. Jade Haddon, dauehter-in-law ot Pdce Chief ft. ft. Hoclgk.IMon, ladred Into the car or Mn. W. L. cu.et. wife of a member of the pollee 41epartment • • -and Motorcyde Patrolman Ca..-1 ,-u ~t to ln- V8tipte and f'@I)Ort. Charlft s.tnftnan, 3Z7 Ogle St., Colt& Mea. fftl about 18 feet Into a lhldp tank at ~ City ~~ plant, struck a en. bam and •Ud to tiM! bottom In tht> ...... He wu taken to St. Jowpb Hoepl· [~:;;.;;;...1 tal, aurt .. rtne a poalble apralnecl p or brok("ft ahoulder. • Corona del Mar held in connection with the donated by the local merchants: Lip mirror ·-·--····ltm' ~auty Sa.lon Caa of KaNa& pou.h 8dlloftatall's Palat St4>re llM•te.r . . -· ... utlterlaacl's 5-10-lSc -=to~ Sc-a.rf altd nowf'r re-tt~ \'llle Sadap --.k ...... Newport Harbor Bank tatt•err . .. ... __ Yert.,toe'a tatlon~rs N~ pbl-ap . ClliN.rfta'1 Shop P~ of ~ .......... Buth't BroL lar of PMt~at IMittff ... Ooaat aper Markt"t Plutlc ...,._ .......... . Brookitlp Wallet .. ... . . .. .... .. ~Y'• M.p PM ... pMCIJ eet ....... ~. ~t to~ • ..... .. . .. ............ • ,._ •• Harbor Dnlp Oloc* ...... _ ................... _ar.wa .......... «" Set ef ~ta~ ............. <Jaw ~Y Part a.oker ............. OaNftta~ lewf!l« F.lt.'<'trtc 8<'l!J8C)N St-t of l•clla bt-U" Hair on Brat't'lf't 0 . W. B.room.bNid ~·~todd.ard'" Patio S hop Har old's Barbe-r hop Fun F•alou Ctoramlc doJ: .Jeaa's Gilt bop PaddJto ~IIPJW'" ~Ubouettt-"' hop 3 Poamd or IIUI:'ftr C'uutoe's Food C'ea~r <'Mlftt'd bam GrNtfo.r .UJ ~rtcaa Mariu~t Footba.ll . Hldy's P et , ~ & ~-Goo4tla ('~ktall mln r 1Ur4'tl MaJ't{ftta ~ • Pl'fn~ ~ <'Ard.s ~~ ~ l!lltl8tp ! <'yc~ plaat. ma. Bros. ~arwl')" Gift O'Bita's Pf'dalti· hop .U...ct•• plaat bukt-t N~·• Surwry Ilk ecarr .. Cllhf-ltop ~p. llaad tottoe·ldt. Clor._ Bea uty Sal011 Get Your Question Shee( from Any Corona del Mar Merchant Aanrins WiD Be Aceepted Tluou9h Sat.. Mar. 10 crt Any of the Loea1 Stores \ -· • .. ....... I ~ ''nmEE GUYS NAMED MIKE'' JANE WYMAA~ VAN JOHNS r-,; BARRY ULLJVA." . _,...._ .. Under the Gun" RJCHARD COl\."T'E AUDREY TOTTER "-= Pluto Car1ooa ... Lat..-t Sf'"!!i Special Kiddie MATINEE Sat ...... ~·. Mart.'1f HI .. BLACK BEAUTY" ~IIICGior RICHARD WIOMARK ''HALLS OF MONTEZUMA'' :........__ LIZABETH SCOTT .. DARK CITY" •·-~-cnnt. , \1ft. !:15 FRED MacMURRAY lRJo~N£ DUNNE ''NEVER A DULL MOMENT"' -a--MAl A .POWERS "0~' Dll. RD.I:N a. ...,.,.,, and ht>r huaband. Hai'Oid B. Ro- bertson. ha\~ bHn ......_ • much t~ u ~f ~ will al· ~· at their beech ~. 333 E. Bay Front. Balboe h1and. wtdeh thev t>Wlt in 1938. Dr.~ is !iharing an office JM"\~ral days a week with Or. Lawrt"nee K . Gun· drum at 1741 S~nor Ave .• C.O.ta Mesa. Her special field Is endo- crtnoJogy and gyna·ecotogy. ~ has ~n in pri\'ate pracliet> in t...oa An~eles for over 20 ~"Hrs . She ha ~n with th~ Los An· gel<-Board of Education alnce 1928. She was on of the docton on the ad\'jsory committe(' to the women ath]{'tf' at the tenth Olym- piad held in Lo · Angcle in 19l2 . She is memtx-r of De11a Kappa Gamma Socict v. a national organi- zation of wom<'n honort'd in the fi!'ld of t'dueation. She was for· mt>rly on the staff or the CaJtfomia Lutheran ChiJdren'tJ and Ortho- pat'dic hospital . he! I ~mbl>r of the Statt'. Los Angt'li?S County and Amer;ican M.t<ilcal A ocia· tions. • • • \\-'EAIUSG the "Surfer" swim· suit or\ginatt'd a a Balboa Orkti· naJ bv Plper....,oha....,.•. Balboa, Pe- tt>r La"'f'ord i$ pJcturt'd water ski· mg m· March Photoplay magazint>.l The suit was also shown m a pic- 1 ture ll\ the Jlnuary M~ \\'Hr. Tht> I Johnsons are making shirts to rna tch the swlmsui t and soon hope I to start to make girls' suit$. too. ~~--~-~:r--------:------------:----;:;llll!l····· . . . . p F -.-..... I . AFTEil BEING associated ";th arents-a(..-uu.y . ·Jordan's ReaJ Estate in Balboa for ' 12 y~ars, uman .MacAdoo took Me~ng MarcL 28 0\'e-r th(' offlet> ".:h~n W. L. Jor· ~.... R dan retired beo<:ause of illness. Mrs. An lmportant Junior-Senior Par· MacAdoo has tak('n the Mfn(' or cnts and Faculty meetlnc wu an· the Balboa Realty Company and Smorgasbord. an mnf OYaUonf f~~ ~for 7·30 p.m. Wednetlday, ha a ociated with her Carl Perry. tht arN, wiU be a eat~ o · tu•: March 28, at last week's PTA who has befll in real estate in Los new Hostt>SS House restaurant. Board meeting. Prob&ema and ex- Angeles for 30 years. Tom Dugan "hlch opens for busmess at 5 P peNt> of graduation will be amcftg also remains \\ith tht> offi~. m. this &iturday at 307 M"rint> tM items discussed and adminis· * • • \'I BRE."S."S. '1\ho ro, t num· ber of yt>ars had opc-ri{ted V1's Beaut}' 'hop at llo;i Coast Blvd .. Corona del Mar, is 00\\' at a new toea tion. he has ciOSt'd h«.'r own shop and ha joln<'d the staff at Jim's Beauty Salon. operatf!'d by Jim Gallagher, in the Gallagher Building. 204 Coast Bh d. A\e .. &lboa l land. traU\'C officers a.s well as tNchers T!11s \\i ll alford runnt>r time will reprt>l!(>nt the high school . .ac-~tlH'st'-an opportunity to make cordJng to Mrs. Roland Wright. the1r own selections for appetizers lo.'TllM representatin•. for a complete meal from a \8· Also brought up at the board riel} or rushes from many lands. meeting. held at the high school. Tht>re will also be a Ia carte grill I was a report on the Orange County S('n·ice or steaks, chops. roasts. runner oh recn>aUon and ju\·enile poultry ana. eafood, as well as sal-problcms by r.trs. Elmer Patterson. ads. t~e-thcr \\ith pit's. cakc.>s and I and ruscussion of the art awards at past~ bak<'<i on the premise and the high SChOOl exhlbit for StU• availablP to take out. dents. Ticket sail'S wert> rt'ported Tht're will be no daJiy breakfast. for. "Oh the Pity or Jt." a t lM~t ror the present. but a SP<'· lelijL&. cial Sunda~· buffE't breakfast will \'I SITOR HERE DU be cn·ro 'rrom 10 to noon. The Visiting the Roy Rickards or 613 1 daily table d'hote luncheon will be-Lark pur Avt'., Corona del Mar. Easter sunnse ~wn i~ on the sened from 11 a. m. to ~ p. m. are tht'lr son. Marshall. and ram· blu.trs overlookinl! the bay in NI'W· a nd dinner from 5 to 8 p.m. Thl'l'(l ily.fi'Om~linas. Their·two-wl'Ck rx>rt HPhtht \\ill be held aJ;:aln is also 8 menu of M ndwich<>s and 'a<~ation plans w<'re led a. tray .. this year by th(' Npwport ttarbot I "IO·b<'tWN'n·· snacks. .hOW('\'('1', h~ the illnt>ss of flu LuthE'ran Church -Hostt'ss Houst> ~nice will also throughout th houst'hold. The IMMh-Prt.e- Cocktails Authorired representeti..,. for leodin9 th~etr•s o'ld altroctions The sen·ict> ha!'; \)('com<' a traru· 1n('I Udt> deli\'l?n on land or s<'a. to s nior H1rk u·d:-. h(l\ e just retur ned lion in thi arca since-11 wa both home residents and boat own-from a tnlll<'l trip to Dcs('rt Hot startt'd six y('ars a~o on thi sam(' Prl' SS~p~ri~n~~~-______ _._ ___ _l~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! location at 1027 Chff Drh·t> Roy ;\Irs. Doris J . Wheaton. ownt>r. - ~I Vie lido, New pori HA I l46 "On th• Menenine'' :;\1cCardle. li6 C.abrillo St .. Costa and gwding pirit or H o. t<• _ l\1 sa. has OOt>n named a chair· Hou <' has a background of rt>s· man. in char~e of d('('Ora tmn."'. a~d taurant and catering experien~.' pubbcfty. A. L. GattM'dam IS 10 (''Ctrnrung from the mid-to\\·n and char~e of arranJ:t>ment R.acllo Cit'' section in New York This yea.r it i beUe,·t'd t~at ad('-, City to HoJJ~ood and Lo An· quate seating ma} be.-pro\'ldt'd for ,~::elc.>s She and her husband. E. F. all '~ho ~ttend. The &>n!or Church Wheaton. former \\'Orld·tra,·elling Cho1r WJll pro,·ide speoal mustcal reporter publisher and columnist. !'<'lections which they are reht>ars-live at 136 S. Bay Front on Balboa tng every Wednesday at 8 p. m. Island. --I Gene Roth. who has S<'rved as soloist for many musical produc· THE ENSIGN tions in Orange County. \\i ll ap· Now often complet~ 1 pear. as soprano oloist at this 5eT\'lce. Job Printing FaclUtlft ,• 1.1 An Ideal Gift for Young Brides 1 and experienced home-makers HANDY -NEAT -TIME SAVING Swedish Stainless Steel KITCHEN SET mouP.ted on handsome wooden plaque Heevy urv.,, 1)1/," long ''Tometo" ~t~ife (serretedl I ~feed knife ( serretecl) I Meet fori I Utility sliur I '•ring •nife "Go\d ools" of highest qHiiiy steel • • · mecle to stey sherp end withste,cl ,; cl khweshing. • l WONDERFUL NEW PADDED lltl Bll SICR~#~r:a --~~~~~--· . ~ _,,.. ~i-~4e.t ,..,,_, ..... ""' .......... . "RER SEC liEf'" eir-f..,. ~~ te 1ive the natarel. fall blewa V-Ette IHI"Iin~ te 1~ .. allftr~H.wed" ll1ur~. The hltlf..,.da are cle"la'ly ~Jell in •• iJtM:r .,.cket, in low. u hi!U ef ba1t c•ps. n4 an rftllo .. bl~ for laan4fto ....... 5.00 1209 Coast Blvd. Corona ool Mar Harbor 1293-W .. • . -.._.... -- ---- The laland Construction Co. or Ne'NPOrt Beach haa ~ awat'drd the contract to build a ~f feed· ing unit at Oran~ Coast College on Its low bid or $21.218. The unit wall include a feeding bam, 15 corrals, watering troughs, a loac:liM chute and a squeeze chute. Maximum capacity will be 100 heed of cat~. By AN N I hate to say "I told you ao." but Wt"!'en't tMy the 11l01t ~u­ tiful aprin& fashions you'U..-ever hope to tee at the O'BRIEN'S fuhion ahow and Chlldrea'a Home Sodety tee on ~day! Weren't they the rno~~t "drooly'' dresses ud bits of Ungerle! Don't you wish you oWned a Carlyc'! ...... tile ......... . ....., tile ........ tile ...-- .-1. ---. ~ new commit t~men for CUb Pack 180 were introduce<l Ftlday .. evenlng at the monthly pack meet-~ "Thln~.s you n('ver knew about lng held at the Corona del Mar )Our a utomobile" v.1ll be the topic SchooL • . as Dalton fCapl Risle)', nationall)• Comrruttee chairman for the (.'n· k n 0 w n chemical engineer ad- suing year will be C. Le ter Jon · d.re 1K'S the Corona del Mar it en's The other ~ben are Dan Eb-Club t his evening (Thursday I a t berts. J . B. Stoddard. L. G. Up-Pilgrim HaU ot the Com munity pitt. James Van Dyke. 'David HaU, Church WaLUam Tobit t.. Harol<L Swanson Cap Risley, who U\'t'S at Toluca and Dant>ri.ske l. treasurer. CUb-Lake. Calif., Is or iginator of the mastN Harvey Pease Introduced produc t called Rislone. a break -in the members. The Pack meeting wal opened and tune-up oU. He is coming to by Den 6 ~ijng the flag sa-the meeting u guest of S<'O'etary ed 1 Richard Schweitur. a personal lute. Mr. Tobltt I commun ty friend. The meeting will start singing. Mrs. Van Dyke's Den 5 with the usual dinner, p~pared by gave a minstrel skit, and Den 3 the women of the church and won the honor award for the th ser.·ed at 6 :30 p. m. mon . The annual kite contest. to be held on March 18, was announced by Mr. Halt Mrs. Tobltt was named as chairman or &he Cub Scput Carnilr'-al which will be held later in the spring. to March 17th IDCluaiYe PERMANENTS 091d "'•'~ or ~ ~. •. 10.00 •.. O~Y ~ .. OSLV 1000 llalr<'ot • • • ham,poo a Wa'e lDdoftd !M Coa41t Bh-cl.. CONaa dfl Mar RArbor 1811 .... t)-.. aee a ,.... ceiWtha of • tiMlee tealcaf'r'a tr&aa., .-t.e a rew ~ \"?, ... Ou'· .,_ ............ die etaaer ---.... .a,tM daat O'B&IEN'S Ia Representatives from Boy Scout Troop 17, including Meredltb Har- wood. Scoutmaster. were present to welcome Ronnie Keeler into the Scout Troop. Ronnie recel\'ed his Webelos badge Friday night . I t is the highest 'award ln CUb Sc»uting . KJwanian Bob Reed. chairman for the Sea Scout paper drive. an-nounces the fOllov.rtng loca Uons or collectaon points for paper: Les· ter & Co., 515 E. Balboa Blvd.. Balboa; Blower's Market, 616 E. ~~~~~ij~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;~ Balboa Bh·d , Balboa; Tide Tele-r I '1slon. 3011 Newport Blvd .. ~ew--~ ......... 1a1.:.1 fiOrt ; Newport Harbor Ensign of-,...., I' u.l IIIII . rice. 1104 Coast Blvd., Corona dt-1 1 Mar; Cat and Dog Hospital. 1006 Coast Blvd., Corona del Mar. 1 ~· art ta.en are ~ ;:: ::';.,"!-.. 0:::. Old · you notlce how mut'h the · I The paper dri,·e has been sehe-duled for Saturday. April 7. It accessories added charm a.nd spar-Two new f'irst aid classes were will tx-a be11efit for the ~cwport I kle to the various t>nsembles? For 1 started in Newport Harbor by the Sea Srout S hip, which is pon- .i.nstance that love lY new gold jew -American Rt'd Cross this w~k 1 on•d b) t he Kiwanis Club. elry ... exquisitely plain, but so and another is scheduled to begin 1 _ • -- very good look in g wHh an air of at 9 a . m. Tuesday, according to substantiality and worth to it. Mr ·. Carl Zamloch. Se{Teta~ or Shower Honors Bra<X'lets made in p_lain and curved the local chapter. 1 . llOid bands in different sizE'S · • • Mrs. Rober t Keppen wifl bcl;in M B d y &Old beads and bauble>s s trung on a daytime standard fi rst old class rs. u Ottng chains for dura bility ··· ma tching a t the Tar Pit, 1704 W. Balboa . drop and button earrings. Bh•d., Newport. on 1\le-sday, pe-)~as C h a r ! e n e Chamberlam. cirically for those \\ho cannot at· 4~ ~ Margucnte A\'t'. Coron.a ~el No ..... yov ~Yt" wu llho tend evening meetings. Future :'.tar. \\8 h~ te son Thursda~ en•· \&~rea wtU. thOJk" NDOOth looldll« date will 00 arrang<.'d aceordmg 1 mn~. F eb. 22. a t a • tork hower. llaa ..... a. M\'Y ... IJirtlllt to the convenience of tht' cw~. hon<'nnt: ~irs Bud Youn~. nc.>e Ann colon. _,.. •1tLa loec .vap. Starting this week o~nday eros~ -. .._J' -are ~ .._.tiM and Wednesday from ~. m. C u t_ were Dsane Sedln~r. wttlt a ~ wlf-eo, ... ,.... Mttoa. to 9:30 p. m.. lS another standard Jan<'t Kin~ Pat Frahm. El~anor A -n eos~ M'<'leet for-class being taught by Miss Ulian Ferl:\lSQn. and )lmes: To m Gm~er.l llpOf'tilwMr atuf'f'. Danie ll at the Ke\Yport E lem t.'n· lA>o ~ and Maxme Chamber· Sc 1 d · lasn Prize for gamE'S wert> won Of coUMit': Velma cOuldn't show tary hoo • an at the !'&me u me b} E-tronor F rguson. Pat Frahm e'ft!f'~ in the-fashion parade. and plaoe Logan Hendrickson has I and Dons Ganger S he had to pick out what she s~ed an ad\~ class. Flrst l · . thought .,.. repl"eeft\tative of the a 1d classes are [ret' •nd Include 18 Th M 11_ M shop u weU as what was becom-hoUTS of class instruction. e arte.. OYe log to the attractive and gracious To New CDM Home models from the OUldren's Home Society. Come in and let her •how Benef;t Tea 70U the type of clothes you love .., in your slze range ---and take a peek at the Easter gift items ~e\\' neighbors at 315-A ~lar­ ~u<>ri lt' Avt> .. Corona del Mar. are Mr. and M r . John Mar teU. who from $1 up. ~--.. .,. : ' ) I___. ,_ ~ lUI OOAft ~&aD OOaONA DIL IIAa ...,.__ On Apr ·z 12 f'«:t'~tly sold their home at 516 I Orchsd A \'e. Mr. MartelJ, who is a practicing 1 A literary program plus some 1 attorney in Sa.nta , Ana. pla ns to addt>d a ttractions are prornist'd by open a. law orrace ill Co ta Mesa Ml'l'. J . Arthur Ta ylc>r, U do Isle>. H ss \VIle. a lc~~l sec;retary. will when the Catholic Women of Our be a SSOCJatt'd wtth hi.m and ·wiU Lady of Mount Carmel Church. I handil' an t:'Scrow r.ace. I Newport. and St. John Vlanney. 1 Balboa Island. give a benefit tea at BACK FROX TRIP E .. \ST the Balboa Bay Club on Thurs.. )fr. and Mrs. tani<'Y Duncan, 1 April 12. 213i Channt:'l Road. Balboa. have Comntittee for the feshw pring J~t rNumcd from ~ thrt'e-month party was namt'd y~sterday at the trap back ea t to ~e>w .Yor:k. and I Altar Society m~ting or the wo-also to Key West and Miam1. F lor- men at the home or Mrs. H. C. Gil· ada and ~ew Orleans. son. 114 Amethyst Aw .. Balboa Island. Assisting Mrs. Taylor with the arrangements will be Mrs. Ho lt Condon, Mrs. J . W. Cam- mack, Mrs. Gror 'te H all. !\irs. Colin Brown. Mrs. Josephine Feeley. Mrs. Leonard Perruzzi. Mrs. Frank Rocco and M rs. Elmer Posrlt.>r PETER, 0 ''8 IIA'-"1: SOS Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Peter-I son. 207 Pearl A\~ .. Balboa Island. I ha\'l' a litt1e son. Eric AJlen, bom Sundn}. February 25th. In S t. Jo- St'ph Hospital. "'eighlng 7 pounds I 12 oun('('S. Eric has t\\·o sisters. Pamt'la Sue and Cynthia J ane. lnstwt/J • agatnst alteration NOW! Enjoy the safety feattlres of INSURED, persotzally IMPRINTED theck5 Open a check~ accou nt with us and be a.ssumi of additional safety for your fu nds ! I n a matter of momen ts we will imprint your name and address oo your chccb aod make them unm.istakaolr 1·ourr. What's more, each check is printed on special safety paper and is iw.t111td aga.iDit fraudulent alteration. Imprinted, insured checb ~ toda,"s answer to crooks who migh t ot.herwUe ha'-e opportunitv to £alsi[y payee and amount lioea_ without immediate detection. Yet these new checks are economical ... ordinary checks are obsolete by comparison. Drop in and : o~n ,)'(ltlr chcokibg account now. Secure added afetv for your funds with imprinted, insured checl.s. Get youn t.ia). EllrO!T HAlt~OR ~AHK CALIFOI .. IA HERE·s THE NEWS! Wltell yoa •ve at NEWPOaT llALBOA FEDERAL aot Ollly Ia ~ lftOIM!Y •fe . . . la- .lead the Easip lor News ol Newport -llor! .arel. t.o .I ........ .....,. ., ..... loealllolne ....... . .. lrtJ prot'lt:Uie. teo. fOI' etiJ"o t"Mt .. _. •~ ...... ,... at s,r.! 8tar at 8&\lllp P'reiT .. IIen ....,. ... --,..... s..-.. - .... -...avaa.t ol -~---···'-~ ...... ty. FrieDclly ---£1ic:ieDt - - -Depeaclahle \"ISITOR FROM MISS01TIU Mrs. Cora Allen of Rolla. Mo., has been spending several weeki her 100-i.n-law ana 'daughter. Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Walker, 619 Heliotrope Ave., Corona del Mar . She expects to return to her home in April ------ V1'81T IN SAN'I'A PAULA Mr. and Mrs. Harold Blrd. 1700 Miramar Dr., Balboa~ ~t 1ut weebftcl at Santa Paula vilitinl Mra. Blrd'a slat~ and her hwband; the Ben Blanchal'da. DONAJ.DIIIONS IN BALBOA L. D. Donaleon and his familY have rncM!d down from Washing- tort and are now staytne at the Cua del Manana aparttnmts on Balboa Pe~Wwula. Mr. Donald· 11011 11 owner of BaJboa 5 A: 10. Send in This Coupon and Join the List of Ensign Readers I I 04 Co.st llvcl. c-. del ~.,, C.lif. Telephone· HArl:xM-111 4 Please count me mas one of yo ur subscnbers.- 1 am enclosing: ,. ( ] $2.50 for one-year subscnption. ( 1 $1.00 for fou r-month subscription. NAME (please p rint) .. ADDRESS .......... ··'-... . CITY-.. -.. -..::. ............. -.... -_ .... .. -State ... li .. LaDi Dlstcmce tocal ~ Oil SMA.IA. «11111111 OIVI:N 8AIIB CAD .... lleft ........... .&-.vr8 FOil LYONS 1118 Harbcw BmL See HOME~OANS Low .. REDUCING •• Interest Rat• Low MoDthly Paymenlil * We offer you the facilities of the Largest Federal Savings Association in Orange County Yot~'11 like -c~iel _..., ifl terYiflt '"' ....... ~ FEIRIL SIYI- LAGUNA lEACH PtiOH 4-1177 -222 Oc.e11 A.,.. . . . Den-.er Visitors CaD On Balboa Island Friend Recent visitors to the home of Mrs. Lona Griflin , 123 Agate Av'l! .. Balbolt Island, wt>re ~r nephew and hl family, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde C'.annon a nd dau~hter Lut'lla. from Ot>n.,t'r. C"olb. . . . . Mr Cannon. \\ho tlas been with t he.> 8<'11 Telcmhont' Co. for 30 years, \\as nn \'a~Uon. The tra\'· elers journryed on to Texas be· fore ret urnjng to their home. This was Mrs. Cannon's fi rst trip to Southem Califomla, and &he was t>S~ally impN'Mt"d by the many beautiful flowt>rt, having just C()JM from • city of mow and ·~· XO\"ING FaOM BAY 8ROilll8 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Singleton of Ontario have ~ht a home at Bay Shores and wiJJ soon move he~. •a..-tleiit&.- •rtm Ull • • A bnu mlluJ stud hu ~weft ~\t'd to tM l'\,..."PPJ'1 ....,..... LU~ran Onm:h by llr. and 11 .... Donald D w•kmx. 1920 Ouarcb St~ C.a.t.a Mesa. 'nlit Kilt is in ThP wrmon tMtlw Surida> at ftWmOrY of AliJ"l"d WMt-Jdn~ fa-Uw .S~-port Harbor L u t b t' r a n ther of Mr. Wf'df>kinl( A mmlM· ChUJ"Ch "ill .,.. "Jesus <:brUt - ial lnscnptJoo hu bHn ft\g:r&\-ed f Glorified." ~ tut takton from on the at.a.nd. and it hu beet John 13, 31-33. GU<'St .oloist for pjAced upon the altar. "'ilnto lt this Sunday's aena~ •ill bf. Ill wn·" to hold tht' altar W"l'\lce Kathenne Parmes. c:ontralto. •no book ~m ~o~n-= the IJlllntuals, · t>t-p Rht'f"' and "Swm,s; L..ovo. C'bariot." Miu Pan:net a stu- dent or Estt-U Brown .Malls of Balboa Uland. _ At 9:30 a. m. Pastor Roth wdl lead the Adult Babko Stud> Croup 1n a discus&ion of tht" lOth chapter of St. Matlhe\\. The theme for ttlt' Lenten medItatIon nut Wednesday at 7.30 p. m. "'ill be • '"Behold. The Crucifi(.'d Lord'. -.. -.,--,-0-~---.......... __ !'i_i'D_>A:----Y-EIUI--0-~--- \\;Ih Luke 23:46 u the lt!Xt JKus We-pt" is th rmon for • • • • • unda~ · "'hich is Pauion -Wlda~ an Lt·nl at St. Ancl:rev•s Presb)- tf'rotn C'"hurch m :'\f'V.l)Ort HPi~h s Rf'\, Tom Gtbson ~s ib> t t ill from St. Lukt' 19.41 ·And "h( n J)(> was rom£> nn:r, he beheld lhP ('JI) and \\e"pt 0\'f't If .. \ommunacant cia for rama- lif>s antt>re ted 1n uruun~ "''h the church m the Easter ~af \\ilJ bE-rin Sunda> e\t•run~ at s An· drt>Yo Th cla waU bP ht>ld from 7 f() 9 p m. rm thr~ ~un­ da~ 'PLACE OF \\'011 • • • Coottnwntt a subject uPOn which T.u.JU OS LEADEit r W ........ ~L,•.J........ he preached last Saturda)'. Pastor Pastor Don Lambt'-rson of tht> ~ ...,... pt.t:~ Kenn th B. Pl>JT) aj. the .:if'vftlth· Fu-st BaptiSt Church of ="ewport .-aaiAI.a J Day Ad,·entist Church of 1'\~-port 1 &ac::h \\-..II preach on "Religious eun.a ~... ..... H~ight \\ill talk on "Plaet" of Lt'aders Challens;e Jesus" at th~ u t PIMUe Aaa 1w I Works m Our Lives" at the ~b-a m na~ unda~. \\htch fol-tnf a-t. IDtdlla. 8 bath M"n'i~ on Saturda} lo" S unday School at 9 45 a .m. ~:.c-.. ...... Jftj Junior Dorcas Society of tht" "..\ WatM. in Jle&\en" lS the title .iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiii church met thJs " k a t fhe hom of ttw unday e\enin~ senice. of Mrs. LueaJie Parham . .U2 West· ~1idw k nices "'ill tx> held at minster A\e.. :-.=ewpc)rt Hel(hts. 7.15 p m Wednesda} Your Family Restaurant (CieefJ4I~) Gene's Place WEDDING CAJa:S BDl'niDAY CAKES FU:NCH PAS'I'R.IES • o..aa •••• '*-..... ~ .... CAREFUL LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANING •• New.-. 8hd. The e\ nim; wa~ pent m & k a n r; ---- baby layettt> fur :-.=a,ap lndlaru • • • Th di I'd part o! th(o talk b> R ' Paul E Babbt 1 befort-C.· pula Ctrt'l . \\O~n· i:TOUP of the \on na del ~tar Co m m u n I t > Church last "f't>k on W t'dnt>sd.a' a t Pth .. 'Tim Hall Rt>\ Babbatt.:-s ubje(."t " "DI"l"ams and Hopes for th<' Church at Home-and Abroad " OOtft'A IIDA , -~.., INCH TUBE ISO SQU~ INC!i SCREEN Prices Start a This Beautiful Model With Full Length Doors - 1999 Only 17 lnrh Tutw-• • R.tlao~ lwam .... II DAR Hears r •• cups .• derni-ies~ &qltt._, ai'!U S.v•"•" bOne chine C-.tt.c•o-' '•'"" et ,..soneble Plcl.tic W"mdow ll11chiNJ ---ror S"J' \\lall~· Brl,;ht, solid colors •. pia?&. nmulated eyelf't" fol' easy-t~for wlndow trim· min . • hi' pile. _'1tt (~ft. plus ~cks and lnat:nlctions for baJtgin~) Per no ,..,.._ ..... RICHARDSON'S Cwtain, & Drape .Shop 1201 c .. n Blvd. ecw-. d•l Mat ol ~ DAR when IIJ's. ,.,_... B. ~. rep!ftt ol the ........ Bach ~. taJired at the roe. nlar ~ lut week -\V~y. '11w ...unc wu biPid at tlw OD- rona •• Mar hCIIne ol Mn. 'l"evt. Weatpte. lin.~ r'tzm wu .. Portsmouth, New HM-"'*e. by the S.-M y IIGOw." • dt- IICribed homet built ID AIDft'lciD antiquity and tu.torierl .....,.rb of that old New ~ area. At the b\w!DHS meetinl con- cSuctt'd by Regent lin. C. K. Boardman. It was \'Oted to eend money to tM Nelghborboocl Howe in Lol Ancelet and a ldhw ofl«- ing to the National Buildlft& F\IDcL Mrs. J . L. Beach wu elected to accompany Mrs. Boerdman to the DAA State Conven tion in San franci8co this month. Mrs. H . E. YarneU p\·e the report on the San Diego "Corwt-ntlon wh1ch wu attended by Mrs. HarTY Welch, Mrs. Carl Hanna. Mrs. Beach, M rs. Boardman end-Mrs. Yamt>ll. Mrs. C. F . Landen read the de\'Otionals at the opening or tht> meeting. Co-hostesses for the tea which closed th mc.>eting were Mrs. Welch and ¥ia Beuie Skinner. Special .:UKta included Mrs. I va Welsh. Mrs. John Kinkaid of La- guna, Mlu Louise and Mia.s Ger· tt:Ude Montgom«.>ry of Inglt>Y.'OOd and Mrs. Westgate's mother, Mrs. Virginia Tarber of Corona dt>l Mat. THE ENSIGN Now often complete Job Printlnc Fadlltlea Exchange Club History Is Told Mt'QlOries of -the old Exchange Club when it was fint organized in Newport Years ago will be ~ called with pictu.res and storie:s when the .Newport Harbor Ex- change Club holds its weekly din- ner meeting this evening CThurs- dllyl at the Hurley Bell I nn, Co- rona del Mar. Fire Chief Frank Crocker. one of the charter members. "ill pre- sent a picture of t"he old days, and thert> will be an exhibit of the old membership but tons. Mayor LA>s Isbell, also a charter member. has heel\ invited to attend. ,.. Sea DIIP !Ill',__. 1.1p-.eWftlnc. wtth ..,edal .._. 111!1'\1- ton ~ mee wtll ~ ._.. lilere k» at 8 p. m. A "Jam ...._ or- SUnday, •itlr Ow......_e Walter cbstl'a" will play from 8 p. m. to Elliott of the NewpDI t ...... ........t. Yedlt Cub def~ in tu. ... --ol the Uptoa ..-ce..t. ._ r-pet. tNrd Winter Sertee 1'-.eN Will -A larwe ..-.tor ~ Ml a--.1W S.turday IMteacl ol. 8\~Dd!Q'. peeled. ...... a -... ol ~-============:::::; N'RYC ~ Mve ,...._teerectll to take ,. ,, .... Clll their yadlts to wateh the nee. Spectatar boa t• wtll ave the club dock trom 11 a. m. to noon. A Calcutta auetioa abel ~ atam rally WOI be hPicl Saturday Ojlilm II IOUgld OD GaaTcmka-cl '!'be questJon ~ the above- ground oU a.ncl ps tanka.An Cen- traJ N~'POrt are a hUard bu ~ me-lftd to the n ate .Jire marshal for an opinion. City M8'n- ·~ John SaHors said this •-eek. Mr. SaUors "'' u.ked to in-''\'5tigate when City C<Mmdl Jut "-eek receh~ a petition rrom the Central Ne"yort Community AB- sodatJon askmg for removal of the tanka; Grunion Coming! 1"'lllle to leok for tlaow en-- tea apia. ~ tat.-I"'WW ... Ga.ate OJ ' ... oa ......... tlaat tale a• &Ill• ~ edtM.W lit .-~Le tlwlr ~ at Jt:• .. a ...... , .. , ( ....... y),llp.a. lat.-. -*Y· ud n :• p. ... S.W.y. n.ey"ll tie arCMIM apla MArdi U-!5-H-t?. Spring Is He re D RY C L E AN NO W !!! e B.LANKETS e SLIP COVERS e SPREADS e DRAPES ' e RUCS -Etc. Pick Up and Delivery Service 216 MARINE AVE. BALBOA ISLAND PHONE HARBOR 10 Take Adrontage of ~ese Open House Specials : ~;'~~~~. HA'"'" ,829 SEE WHAT YOUR DOLLARS~ ;;:::,::oo,Av WILL BUY SAVE HERE! .. 1 1 1 1 1 1 I t _J e t I I t t I I I t I I I I I I I I • I I I I I I I ~ Cave Prescripbon Pharmacy • 823 Coast Blvd.. HArbor 2Z72 Corona dPI 1\lar :·································t·····~ Hampton's Rexall Drugs 619 Coast Bh·d .. HArbor 2535 • Corona del Mar • HAND CREAM ~ • • SKIN L0110N • With clt'anslng cream • • • Harriet Hubba,rd Ayer's • • Reg 1 :?:J value Colonial Dames enriched v. ith • • L&noUn. Umited time onl:r. . . -.M.I t I I I I I I I I I t •lil I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t ' =--······································· -Richardson's Curtain & Drapery Shop -1203 Coast Bhd., -Corona d• I :\lar • SHOWER CURTAINS • Rei' 3~}-Plastic Assorted rolon; Two-day Open HOW>t' spec tal onl~. This pedal price good FrL-Sa t. • ~ ........................................ . -······································· : Wallace Calder head -Jeweler • 811 Coa$l B9We,ard., • Corona d,..l !\far • • DIAMOND RINGS 10% OIT ~ All d1amond rmgs in stock lO""o off Reg. prices. • This C)p<-n House speciaJ wiU expire March 15th. -1951 ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••••• ltllllltlllltll- .... 1111 11111111 1 1111tllltllllltlllllltlltl • -. • Crown Hardware Appliances • 821 Coast Blvd., HArbor 232 Corona d 1 !\tar HOUSE BROOMS Re~ 1 39-~ e\\ A srood. ht-a') duty broom. Open • • How spt'cial only--This priee good Fri. nnd Sat 1 Sc.>e nur bargain ad on Page 4. 1 . -:.tlot•••···-······························· .. ~··············· ... :. ................... , . O 'Bnen s Specialty Shop • 1415 Coast Blvd.. HArbor 2868 .: Corona del Mar • • NORTHMONT NYLONS -Regular 1.65 a pair, these feshJonablt>, flattering • i fltocklngs are a grand saving for ()pen House days. " ll (Also see our ad, Page 3.1 • • tilt" ........... , ..... ,. .... , .. ,,.". 11111'!11 "''. !IIlli" Moody Interiors : 215 Cout Blvd .• HArbor 2504 • Corona del Mar : t • • • t Re!fUJarty told at 22.50. these st~nJng new 1an"lPP I are a apedal purchue available for Corona del Mar Open Hau~e at thiJ Jow p~ . ..... ·-··· ...................... ,.l't .. .,., • Lu;"uria Cl~ansing Cream 1.25 -Lu..xuria Skin Lo- tion Fr«> \\ith purchas('. Limited time orily! 1 I t,.. I I I I I I I I I I I I'W I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I t I t I I• -•111111 !IIIII t ltUt t I t. •lil t I 'I t t I I t ~ rt~t t I ll I t t t •ll I I t t I t t _. • Fun Fashions • 1305 Coa t Bh·d., HArbor 2322 C.orona del Mar nus COUPON WORTH • One> dollar off on any of our WN'' pring cotton JX'&S· • • ant ~kirl \\ith this coupon. Skirt arc> priced from • • 1.9.'l to 7 95. Only 0 :"\E roupon to a customc.>r .• A • RJ:o:AI.,. OP~"\ HOt:SE SPECIAL . .. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I t I I I -: -······································· 0 W. Broomhead, Sewmg Machines 912 Coast Bh~ .. HArbor 2574-l\1 Corona del Mar • SCISSORS SHARPENED pen House spt>eial only-~o purcha.se of any ldnd • necessary. Brln~ me your scissors Fri. or Sat. only • I'U sharpt'n 'em free. See" other ad on Page 4. . I I I I I I I t ft I I I I I ll I t ll1t I It lf11'1 I 1 ft l fl 'll I It I I I I I l <t • I I It I I I I I I I I l l l ·l t t rt ,fl I I I I I I I I I "' I I I I I I I I I I !' -. • Brookings Variety Store : 603 Coast Blvd., HArbor s.:;o • Corona del Mar .. • BABY DOLL • R~Jt. 2 2.'> Ct>llopha.ne boxt'd-()pcn Ho~ special only • • Friday and Saturday are bargain days .at Brook- : ln,:ts • Sutherland's 5 -lQ-lSc Store .. 515 Coast Blvd .. HArbor 2940 • Corooa del Mar : ll1ES • • • : Regularly lOc each. Special for Open HOUAe, Friday • and Saturday only. • • • p,, I l ilt I fttftfltlftll'flftoltlfiiiii8Jftllftfi1Slftl f llf lftlltlltlltllt .. llt lf.lttii.J!IIIf l!f ·llll f !l>t ~!lllllilt tlllillltltl!ll·••ltlllllt ltlllll'lllt•ll•ll•• 'll!ltllli!llllllllt,ltl llltl!lltwt!ll ltiltlll•lt II 111!111 Ill • • • Greater All American Market ! 903 Cout 81\td .. HA~ 2920 ~ : Corona del Mar • • • Ye Startin g this Sunday ~e will ha\'e 2 pictures • instt."ad of ont'-"Cry Danger" plus "Blond J)yna· • mlte" Still at rt>gular price . -···~································\..1 1:8 111. •I t t I I 'W '9 t t t t I I t I t I I t t 'I t t t t 'I t t t t t t t t t t t t 1 ~ Butler Bros Meats 601 Coast BlVd. Corona del Mar, HA 356 1741 l"ewporf Blvd., Costa Mesa. BE 6555-W • LUER'S BACON lb. . • Reg. 59c J~ Sliced-A real honest-to-goodness two-•• day Open House special. Cood Fri. & Sat. only. : ................ ' .. ,, • ""'. ' ... " .... 111 ..... ' " ' • 11111111 • ~ .~ I I I t I I I I I I tl I I I I I 1'111 I I lift I I I I I I I t1 If I I t I I t t t t t .. • Brandt's Dept. Store • 611 Coa t Blvd .. HArbor 2441 • Corona dt-1 Mar • SILK SCARF lk$:. 1.00 hand rolled-18-inch .qUat'(>. Open Hous4> • • ~pecial Fri. & Sat. only Sa\'c-Save-San•-gave. . . ....................................... -: • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I • -. Cor-del Beauty Salon • 609 Coast Bh·d.. HArbor 3053 Corona de l Mar • HAIR SHAPING . ' . • • Regular 1.50. Open House SJX'clal for Friday. Sat-:. urday only. .. -~ l UI l tfl tll liltll lll !lll.llt.l ltllflllfl,tllftHti PIIII HI ll~ lffll t '!lltlrt III I I l l,l !ft ,rtlfl t t tt1 t I t. I I , I I (II" rt tetltllt•~l ~~~tltll .. ltlttt •tti HI I It I I I II fl'!l tl!il l l lltll'ltfl t I I tt t t '\11 t •1 fl• . . • • Greate r All American Market • 903 Coast Bl\'d., HArbor 2920 Corona del Mar • RUBBER nOOR MAT ~ • • Reg. 59c -()pen House SJ)('cial Only. This won-• • derful special good only on Friday and Saturday • Don't mlss this bargain. · . '... • • • • • • • • ........................... •·Ill let i •I I I I I (I I I I I I t I I I I I I t 1 t t t t t il t t 1 t 1 t t t t t 1 1 1 • Silhouette Shop • • 1209 Coast Bh'd., HArbor 1293-W • Corona del Mar ~ PANTIE GIRDLES s• . = ~. 7.95. Small -medium -large. White only. Thls i • Open House specisl good F ri. It Sat. only. Also n}'lon bras-Nl\lonally adver tised branda.-cla.e out. Reg. • J 3.50, now 2.50. ~A leo see our ad. Page 8.) : 'tltaill '!ll!f II Ill !f•!ft!fllll ftlll II l oll llrt 11•11 tIll Ill II !ttllll!lll.lllllll!llllltl 1111 ·t •ll·!tUIO .l!tillllll .. !ll!ll!l•!fl.llll!l I •llfJIIIl.llt lllllllli!lllltltll!llltl!llllllllltrlllllltli t 1tlllll 1111 t. • • "ill 0 . W. Broomhead, Sewing Machines i 91.2 Cout. Blvd..-HArbor .257f.M Corona .. liar J ..