HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-03-29 - Newport Harbor Ensign~~ liSt -••• .. ----.. ... 1 2 3 4 5 0 7 • 0 10 1 1 12 ,3 14 us 18 17 18 '" .,') 21 2.?. 23 ~4 26 ;t:"'\ ~7 28 29 30 31 -------· 1 lit; IHI.o.Tl'( 11\ Y. ST\'LE of tht~ l:d\"1:..-n Rolhilnt.t In , o·on.t dt•l ·------- HowtoSee-- ~riw RiKe ' 1'1r nt .. lr. '' t•ll \\lth It l'llrr,.nt ""'' lc•r un a r t 1'\hllllt h' t hr "I~ lud••rn... T h.-c>~hlbit 1 .. IO<'ntt>d In tlw r(>nl:tl .1r1•.t of llw hullcl- ln.r:. n hll'h atfl•1ln .. lhP 1Hir1ton OCC'Ujllrd b~ tht' t .n .. t~n l'nhli.,bln:: Co. 'I hf' llhutu nt tltf' lt'ft o.hm\8 .. onw nr ltw tmlotlncr!l .u~.l " uiJlh tn• ''' thf' "13 \lode>r n ... " t1Dd at lht• r lj:'ht '" u nlt:ht '!hot or t h <> l:n .. ta-n hulldior.:. take>n from ft('rtl .. 'l co:a .. t Rhcl. 1 ht> 1'\hlbit j., flJWO t! '"~ nncl will tM-.. ho\\'n thnmr.:b :o\und.'l~. pril k. F nr mur .. in:o:nt. """ nnd ••o:nnwnt.. nn tlw nrl at"l'lrt~ • .,,.,. lT1•• ,, .. ,.~· on Jlaf!t· 1"!. pt>o•t • h~ i'o .... .,~, Jnstructl()n.<~ rt>r.ardin~ channrl tN fl k 11nd 'i<·winJ:; lht~ t'Omtnf' CT." R<'~atta wrrE> ic:..,u<'d thl' ,, <'l'k h~ Ha~ Lanc:('nhl'irn, cvc.-u- t iH' st•crtt&Q ()f th<' i'\t. ''1101'1 llarhor c~h:unbt'r or C"ommf'r('('. sponsor of Ul~ April 1 1 f'\·ent Oil lanks Caled Hazard There Is to be no boat traffic in the north Udo channel that Saturday rrom noon to 4 p.m. The fi hi~ landinRB ~ill 1M> asked to ~Ia) th<' ret urn of t hc1r boats unt1l 4 p m . that day. Person \<"ho "ish to obutin a grAndstand ~at Ill thi" Jnaut>Ural Jnt I'COII~At e C'T<'W RcJ.tatta arl' nd' ic;cd to obtain a S2 s(X'Ctator tiCk('t at t h<> Balboa Bay Club and \lrW the ,..,.N" from th<'r<'. Thf.' ere" "ill b<> prac ticing Thur"5da~ ttftt'rnoon, April 12. all dl\~ F'ridrty and 'aturda) mormng. A nl"\' rt'COrd of 16~ racin~ sail Bo.'\t l'kipP<'rs arc r('Qu~trd to l)o) reduce th<'ir ()('('d if tht'y ap-boat!' In --cla:.!'<'S :urn<'d out for proach thf' prac ticinl: shcJiq 0 R:tlboa Yach~ Clubb Annu~J F..as- th<'rr will IX' 110 dnnl:t:'r of th<' t<'r Rl•~.:atta :->nturda.~ und sunda~. \•:tk<' swampin~ t.b<' ~hE'll'\. . A dt•ad calm '' 1 th th1ck foe Fivr of thl' 61-foot shells will :->atur·di.~ \\as folJO\\t'~l b~ " t:ocld ~ brout:ht ht:'l'<' h\ t 'C'LA for th<' 1 hn•k '' rntl all da;. '.unda;.. and RP~at ta. and t·~c· \\ill brin~: two. t hi' low,,,. l·nd uf th<:" ha;. and I hf' Stanford. tTCLA and t:"C junior O(<'P.n ,,rr ~lboa PH'I Wt'r<' \\dl \"af'it) t'rC\\lo '"II ra<'<' at 2 r m ~opri'n~IMi with "<'udrh n · lull, "nd At ~:30 I' m . thf.'lf' "ill I><' n \at-1 ful !Wttl.., sil\ rat'!" for tht' S tanford. t·c. .\ Sl'rH>U!' mi-.hnl' "II' th< lwarh- t 'CI.A and t'SC' C'rt'\\"!ot. n o. r~\:d p , '''nhl·r .. ·.., .\lhttn•"' Th" Cn1tfon11a crt,,. will be-n~ :n thr• r.alho11 Pit·r un "a turd:~:. qunrt<'l'<'d at thP :'\r,· port HRrhor 1 Tht• Alh1tro:o;!o rr, "' tl h~ R.-wpt \'a('ht Club t h<' host c-lub for th<', \\'\'1-:h ,I< •1:111\ llrtl'l1111 tn anrl Htn" <'\f'nt. Stanford \\Ill h<' :tt thr; tn!1:1111 '\til n.: •1 I .n t•w fhlhoa Bay Club t'~C at K • :1 h11•nk r ... ;~nd !-Ill f<'l •'d eon~id•'rnh1l l':llr~· \'tlla ~tarinn and t '('1 A m d:tmaLt' he fen• 11 ""'"' clr:u; ·•'II ,.,., JWI\ a l<' h0m<"' •I t' bt H'l' II\ I 'It·\\ l1.1! 't' ' \'i..,it•w' "'"' 11 ulon•: 11 t! I' Cre ~ Ra«:e ilm At CDM Meeting :"otovi(':o; of crrw racin~. pr('\'it"'- inc th<• Inaugural l ntt"rcoll<'l::11t<' Rl:'l'a tla to be hl'ld m ~<'\\ pnrt HadJOr' April 14. \\"ill b<> ho\\11 at t h<> mN't in_g of t hC' Corona Ml Mar Cl\ J<' Assoda llon t n n r l: h t cThursda\ 1 at the' Grammar 1 I "'tis fn•rn all"" nh• rn C:ilt1ttrlll't Y 1< ht Clul" "1 • 1 :-. tn Jlu .,, '" ( ohl Jllo Tif''lc·ll "' ro• d••lir.:h·ctl '"'h till' 'n1.1n d dtw:, fat'iltti•·~ ancl rlu m ''· hw..;r F,,..,, " >: k \\<1' .,, tl•• ol 1 '"lt ,, I• r It -drou-. l.l • in""' of put unc hto.tl,.. mto "" "'ltC'r : Iori Ct'lllll!:! II <'nl 0\11 'll tlw f'lld o~ • h " tit~ Till hi'!'• I 1\11 • hi' c·nd tl0 ll:t Ill'\\ !lit l l .• t'ko'<J Ill I I \' I\ r Cnntimh•d on l'a ~:c• 11 1 !'chool auditol'ium. I v::~~,..~• Jntrodtt<'lion tc\ thl' f t1m will br gl\ ... n h~ If ttY t.angrnh<'im. 1'\N'\1· ti\1' s<'Crl'tnry of thi' ChamtK'r of ('ommf'rf"t'. "''hi~h i<~ ... pont::orinc th<' C't'C\\ Rt:'gatta. The.> r i I m . w hi<'h "rll inchtd<' somt:' shot-. or Nt'\\port llnrbor. will br s hown by Don Grnnt of Huntini!IOn R<>nch. ~ t<'Chnical diN'Ctor a nd rrfert'(' for • thl' R('_gatta. form<'r captain or thr Wttshinc:ton <'rrw and IAtt'r conch Rl Yal<" Toni~ht's m<'Cting. which will bc,::in at 8 o'clock. will also in- clude dl cussion of thf' rt><'<'nl re- assessment of rt>al ('State, acrord- ang m Prt-8'idf"O L V..:_rn<' Wat~on. ~ DriVe NNr CNI Tht' ~ Cro fund drive. which be~n March 1. Is approachiflg t~ "over-th~top" mark. Campaign Chairman Carl Hanna reported at the monthly R.ed Cross Board met'tin.g at the Ebell Club ~Y noon that R2 per ~t of the quoia had been ~t. AlrMdY 112, 7SO ... beet c.'OIIected or llledled. leaving $2.8e0 of tM l15,to0 1ft to be obtained. Mrs. Davis He ds Wo en's Leagt e \1 r' I' I ,, ' n 1' I' n• Cm·n: \f I \t ,, I II' I I •. , .... ,,, .. ll ,, ! , • !' •, r cl \\' ol ~·,,, I c 111.!111 •' ( nl'l•l. 1 •·· I • i o~r.cl ll.ti~)O<~ J,hnci at lh<' l'h'l.'tum ml'• •- In!..' t 1 1 ht en up nn \lond 1\ ,.,, •• - 111.: HI R ·l\."i.lll ... n. sl'll: '"' "\1''' 1-}t•t'll'l In 1 'IH't \\t' ~j ·:- C;,r) I ' nna o,. Cm "''•' ckl \h~ I -. \ ., .. ·1'1'\'"idt Ill. \t ''!< Cl.ll'\"r.C •<•mtmul'd on P·1.:<' l2t ' Capt. Tosdal to Talk l.t ....... .. _, An Indet>endent Nn41 papn covering the entire city of Newport Beacq. S35,070 in Gas Taxes fo~ City :'~1" p . ' • • 'I.• t.t\ :til '.t:h>ll fm·n tl, ,. • !co •h "01' •nc ft• .. l.! \1':11 \\ h· .• --~-( t :'.1111 •tl:o'l .lo!Jr ..... liiOI• '<'J"trt!'d 10 I'll\ Col·r;,, \' nrlt 1\tllFI\. Tiro,,. !tu If, ''' •c t" ll"•~< •• " cnn:ph :m~: :~. Jnlf'l"'l\• n1f'·u: nr tlw llmtl lhtt • hl(K'ko. of Haihc\11 Hhd nnd ;,,,, w the -·rf'•: that \\ rll <'• :.nt c 1 '\, '' f": • Ht 1 snrl H:11l11 · \;)\,1 ,,.~· h·~ond l11~ H~IJ • • "' :.· r.r;; ,,,to l'.•o: • 1:'1 'rill • 't'Cl ation k ~tn<. Eds:1tr Htll. out,:CIJnL:-!•1 ,,. ·1 · >t •'"J, '\c "pol l H .. :h• Htl'h ~dl< •I T r \ ' P mtro:x' 1 :\lr' Rolhn Bn "n rh:urm.m , t lw !:-tllH' RN'r<'.1tlon COJ'lr.ll'' en n • '\ p m Tuc...,d.'l) at th.· en Hall "ht n '1 BT'C'\\ n w•ll 110 b " ,, pllbhc m••t 1111~ 'n l"l'<'"''R t "'ll \\'rth a 'a't f'Xpcrit'IW•' ::1 th•• f1C'ld of "'nmurut\ t•'i'r<'atJOn. !\1n I~n wtlt ~ik ~n "1uu.w PIAnnmJ: for Park.' and R<'t'rf'n- t ion · I h r nppt-:u ~C\ h 1 It ,,. 'I bl.' 'poru.nr€'d b~ t h. \\ 'IMt n '. Ch 1<' l t':lf=U o! (.'o~nR dt>l M"r and & 'bon l land Mro:. Lout· C8<'1l3r pr('Sid<'n'- t>lkt of th<' l':ewport Elel'n('nUlry Sehool PTA. wlll alt10 bt> pf'\>'S(llt . acrordin(! t (l M~ Paul 0 . Dav~. ~idc'nt or the u.a~ 11 N w -pon Harbor rt'St<k-nt• a urf'cd by ~~rs or tht-l~gUt" to at- tend this public 1'1'W't'tinj:. R~fi"\_"'Sh· men~ will ~ wn.'t'd. SCALE THE HEIGHTS , . , ..... , ... , '''-..-It Suitabtli1} as on<> of 1 h<' k<'Y 1 ht• ov,.,r-<;i?•' lwltlwr word! in ttw homE> decon\tnr's \0-t'haif"'\ cabulary Fumtshin~. bc<;idM F't1r 1 ht• rP<"eSS<'d ar<'lls on th<' ren<'<'•ln~ thf• int('r<'Sts nnd acti-fir"t'phH'f' wall a pair of walnut S<'- vtli<'S of t}l{--rw cup:tnt-.. o;hoUJd t'r<l 'lliM. have i>N'n \.\JS£'1~ Cho'('O. whf'rf'"'t flO" ..,ibl·· bf' suitf'd an ... i/.1' &>1m~ 11 ,,. <'Xact h<>tl."ht of lh<> tall :1nd hnP to th•• !i.lrurtural paltt•tn \\tndow• they bril\" a Sf'oSt' of pro- of th how;e. Jli~h pi<'<'f's \\hll'h pnrttnn :Uld ba lan<'l' to thP room ma~hl appe-ar ~·mplet<'b out or 1h:11 would be diHkult to achit've pii'Cf' in a low r11mblinc rN~m wsll oth,,n,isc. Gam<' tAbl<' and <'hill~ l'lftPn dd an air of dilrnity to one• arC' handy for . cninJ;: fireside with a hi~h ('('iltng and hC'lp k•••'P SnRt'ks and Sunda) t'\'('nin~ sup- lht' furnishing srol<' tn p~>rftot t b.-d-fiC'Ml Black on) x ll:lmp bases re- anC'(!. Ia t <' them f'IV('l; to original black Tht-re i a fC'elln~ or comfort mnrbl<' mantel. WhJte window nd ~traint in tht-tudy-livin~C shadC's \\f'r(' chosen to match win- room ketch('() abo\t'. The while dow draperies. oedJ ng emphasize the richness or EASY-.CHAlR comfort is EASY the walnut paneUing walls. Un to come by. We have a large this case wallpaper Rimulat~ o~ or comfortable easy ch&ln J)llnf'Tiing has been \lSE'd.) The to fit right Into )"'OUT room scheme. soft cocoa color of the sculptured .They range in price from ..... to brottdloom c.arpet is re~ted in I I•.N. 11'--g~·, .... , ffNf-'!fT AAUW Plans Tea And Style Show LUNamoN AT 'SA.().C With the annual bridge tourna- ment now in progress a lunchron- bridge is being held today (Thurs- day) at the Santa Ana Country Club ror women of the club and their g\l(.'lts. --------HOME PROK OLENDAL,. SW'Iday night, Mareh 18, Mr. and Mrs. 0mar J . Wtbon, 2133 Channel Rd., Balboa, drove to Gl<"ndale to bring their dauaht.er, Nan('y, home tor Euler Wftk, at ,,.cation time from Glenda.le Jun- ior Colle_s:t'. DIRECTORY SIL\'B& P'IADNO Silver Platers And SllYeiWD.Ithl Repal.rinc -Reflnlablnc Replatlna .· Gokl -SllW"'' • Copper -~ Near Community Onardl 1914 Harbor Blvd., ao.ta Ilea Beacxm 5113 MUIUC Margaret L. Scharle Teacher of Plano OrganJst -Accompant.t Evening Classes ror Adults 307 GOLDENROD AVE. Corona del Mar Day or Night Phone HArbor ll38 nJN!aAL DI&IDOTOil Baltz Mortuary Chapel by the See HARBOR42 Col'Oila del Mar, Callfomta Ample Off -8tlftt Partdng INSURANCE For Every Need ISLAND REALTY CO . Harvey D. Pease HARBOR 377-W Park a t Agate, Balboa l.&land "BE SURE -INSURE"' LAWRENCE K. GUNDRUM, Y. D. ii.NNOUNCES THE OPENING OF HIS OFFICE AT 17<4 1. SUPfRIOR AVENUE. COSTil. MESA Formerly Newporl Ave. . PRACTICE LIMilED TO DISEASES O F THE EAR. NOSE AND THROAT end ALLERGY OFFICE HOURS: WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY 8y....AppointrMnt Office PhOf'e BEeeon 6501 -- .. fttaaclay. Narda •• 1151 ...... 1 Ill • It's Spring "' \t T'he NeWport Harbor High billie-He~ ls ·~-__ , _ _._ 'HO"' LAaGE \'Olra VI ION!' baJI team, '-1ctorious ov~r Ocean-u~ re••wa.uourr ol the Dr J J ._._ ~ult>: F 1'-· obn . P~Vol, profeuor or Sluo:-on the home dJamond Mon-Monct.y, April 2. at Corona · CUbo ~me pnz v.ere ..... ~ church administration in tM Cali-day, is S(lof'kjn~t anotht'r triumph April 2. Mat~ Ot>i Bees be-f't'· APJ'li j lO Sc::oots of Pack 1~ tn Co- torn.la Baptist Theologica.J Semi-here this artemaon (Thursday) 5. Fullerton here· April g at P la rona del Alar aft!"r ~ rft"t'nl kitf' nary of Loa An~les, will speak against Corona. Ct'r'llla; April 16, at La~ Bacb fl)an~ COnt ht>Jd. on •he hllhidfo at the First Baptist ChUJ"Ch ot eo-In Monday's gamt", the Tars W ll$on; Afril 19• St. Anthony at th<-top ol dud A\t> rona del Mar, meeting In the Port went into the last haU or tht> fi-ht'""; Apri 24, Fullerton he~·' Hal.!~t lote, Stanley Howvd: l lbeetre at 11 a. m . S unday . "How nat inrung traiUng by a 1"\11), April 25, at 1\asUn; April 27 at J ~: lll1rl 1 8~. ~las liaJ.J, most l..arge b Your Vision" will be his Slngi('S ,.__t)y Lane, Abbott and Santa Ana; May J at Ana~lm · onjr,.ln&. illy CaJUs; prt>t~t. sermon topic. Buntick:-t>tus two stolen bll.ses. ac-May J, at Orange May 4 wllsori I ~t.P,-..n Blanchard: best made. Oil- 4 . Bible cluscs will be taught llt counted ror two runs and an 8 to here; May 8, HUntingtoo Beach \ld Drury: ~unruest, Deu PtoaSol"· 10. Reading of the church CO\'C-7 victory. here: May 11. at Fullerton· May he t '"o-stJck, Pt>te Stoddard. nant wilJ be part of the morning Last Wl\<'k In the Pomona tour-~5. Santa Ana here; May 18: Ana· I best thrH~ uck, Dor:Wd Swanson; won~blp service. Jerry Brewer. nament,. the Tars won O\'er Re-helm here; May 22. Orange her(>· best box lotr, J~ Uppiu Den dlvlnlty studt>nt a t tht> Seminary dondo ·Beach 9-8 in the opener. May 23, Tustin here May 25 at thpmp pri7P, Tom E~ns; sma.ll-~ Vases for your Sprmg bouque1 has jofnt'd the ~roup or workers. ' then lost to Santa Monica 2-J In Huntington Beach. ' ' £~t kJte. Kent Han ~; Ja~ec;t • • • the SE'COnd round H . h kate, BruC't' Doudu AFTER EAtilTEil SDl\'ICE St>\'t'n Jt>ttermen head('(! the re-ete 15 1 e rost<>r of players· lxn 2 C"u "OO thl> most Beck to the two regular services cord tu1nout of 63 baseball play-Catcht>rs: Bob Burdick. Jack and t f'Cf>a\C'd a {}t"clal awa~ after Easter. Rt>v. Paul E. Babbitt ers. Coach E]Jdn HaU reports. Wh('lchel. T ony Pri~. Larry baU bat PriU1! "('"' donated b\ of t~ Corona del Mar Commun-Catcher Bob Burdidc and Pitcher Chapm~to, Marion Dan •·r . Jam local m rchant!t.'and Pon Thf"atr· ity Church will preach on "The and Shortstop Dick Lane arc back kruggs. Don Jackson. l'3\(' fr('(> pa to all cu~ "ho Higher Levl'l" at both the 9:tS for thejr fourth season of varsity Pitchers: George LaBona . Con-rntt•r<'d tht rontf' 1 a.nd J 1 a. m serviC('s. ball. Otht'r lettenn n an-Pitcher rad Walton, J erry Flanagan. Ar· As an aJter Euter anthem, the and First Ba.Sf'man Geoorge La-thur Hayetl, Pt>te Morris Tt>m Chapel Choir will sinu "Com e Bona. F irst and Second Baseman Gibson. Leo Curtis, Bob ·R.e,it'<i. Otriatl J i · ,. 1 Armand Nettles. Third Baseman Dick Lawrence. BIJI Mashburn an . o n to m g A lelula." Lewis Abbott and Outflleders Glt'nn Griffith, Rolly Pulaski. Paui by GUJette, anlt the ChanC('l choir ,._ C Fruehan, Howard All"n. will sing "0 Morn or Beaut) .. by '-"-'ne rain and Uo)d Swingle. .. S IIK>Uus. The sc~ule U ts 23 gamt>s plus First base· Tommy Perkins At 7:30 p. m. Rt>v. Babbitt wlll lh<> Pomona tournament. Coach Don Lusk. Jerry E\-andc:. Ken).OO lt>eturl" Ln the .s&nl"tuary on "The HaU has dividt>d the team Into an Beatty. Bill Kelt.:>r John Murphy Book of Ren•htlion.. "A" a nd ''B" squad in ordt>r to Second base. Armand :\ettlt>il. • • • JP\t> mort> boys a ctual compeotl-Bob Wetzel, T t'dd) Martanez. Jack •'0Rf2GN Ml f4IOS OFFERL~G ~ion. The "B" tt>am "ill lx> Jim Davl ' Jim \Vh{'{'lt>r. Ron Surmon. E . f S ltt'd to freshm£>n and sophomoro Don Thompson. ~pansaon . o <'\'t>nth-Day Ad· ---Third ba,("· · Jim Snow t.,e...,is V<'nllst med1cal a nd roucational Abbo~t. Dick Lu.-;k, Don Cl~rk. Ro- work In South Afrirn will be made , •• ~~ • bt•rt Surmon. Paul ~(·hui11 Ca l\m possiblt' throu~h a t;peclal ror("i~'ll 1', ,1''1'--''I Ia. Burt. mission offt'ti nJ:t to whkh mem -l Short top: D irk Lane. Elo\ :-.:<'~1 ~tm" of C'u b Scout Pack J 1 "Ill ~ h ld at 7 3'1 p.ro Fnda). Apnl 6. at h Corona dE-l ~tar School auditorium Den mo- thers or the Pack mt>t v~tf'Td&\ aft .. moon !lt th«> hom,; rof ~fri Dunc-an P ~t('wa.rt, 1R3 :O:to<.~'"""'Jaft Rd Sh<•J , n.u . ~t::T 1'..\.RT\' DATE ·unda) School Guald r•f ttw 'Co- rona dPJ ~tar Communal\ Church ha. annoU(l('('d ~turda> · Apnl ll cu. thr daf lor 11 l.l'~t·1a• car~ PiLM) Pr~r-<ru from h• par 3> "all hr U'-tod tu t.u~ dt~•ar rob! f• rt, r rJidon ·-.p tJ..:u ·· fhotr t: d .... ,.~·· '~ •••a t. St.OO •• IA .OO lor tf•Uoct;Js t ,. ··~ t • ~ .... . .. ':) , ,. ---... 11.15 •• IS50 UBEN MAIJGBETA lrnpc:-<.s -~ord.1c G1 '~07 Cc..r e ..a Core -a ct~ 1.1•• .... ~ 3T_l O pen 10 •· ..., t~ S )0 ~· '"d..4 -g s-c. • .., • bt'rs of thf" Nt'WJlOrt Hei~:hts Ad· ft-..a &Iii. lela :\hlltiOl''· Bob l>it>hl Don Jacot). V(•nla~>t Chul'('h \\111 contribute Sa-I' U'l1 Ul Jl -.on. TilE ENSIGN turday, a<X'Ording to Po tor Ken-. ( !uHII.'Id · G<·n<" Ga·ain. J..Joyd .Xow offers compleu A ~l d..cpJa} •d kt1Jt ('QD- n<'f h R. P f"rr)'. Ttw ~ffet·inJ:t will A not hpr impr<' . h 1." \'lctl)r . ~;a.;' s." angle. Waynf" Grilf,.n, Fred Job Printme FadliUes .. •an•':· bF-fm ·flr publtc" :-t•t ,.. ~ IHk<'n In ltll !'dH•nhst chur·rhf>s sror€'d b,· tht" N(>w rt riarbm !'\."-hat. Lon Ardt~. JamPo; F"inn<.'~. i~~~~~~~~~iiiiiiiii:liiiiiii'iillliibi.-iiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-iilii an North Am;n~n • H i1:h t rark '••am at ~ first an -~:II Brordon, \'rc \\'a~f•n .. hunes nuul Or·an~t· Count ~ Elk'l ~·t>l:l\~ Radnl'}ard\. Jam !-fano;on • Rachaad <'1--A!ii~ES ON C'lrt Rf'lf Saturday at La(!una Thl" Ta.rs , f'r, .-USlln Smat h, ~orm L<'- NPW m ml>t•r-. or thi> Corona d<•l took ri\1>--C'Jas"' A ha):h !>Chnol di\IS· ~o<n~rt>, R<•~f'r Pfa<> ter .. Lon Wool- Mar Communtt) Church and oth·j aon titlt• wit h 5 1 point<;. far uh<'ad ~~ \\~~~~\ F ('lkf'r. Jt~ RCI!x>rt-. (•r-. '"ho .want to '"brush-up·· on ot La~.:una anrl Gardl'n Gr'fl\1', tuod (,)( OU~(> nob F.S.:CNI tht• mt'anam: of Chrao;tlan lir<' and ar 20 t"ach. 1-,ullf•r ton hnd 1 l See "-ha t it mf"a n~ to 1M' a ml."mlwr pornh Tu...,rln and Santa Ana 6 I-&.I.. ft.:. t ol 8 l"htlr('h nrt"' lllVJI<•d to an hour f"8Ch u IV rrevea cln~ .or Mud) "hi<'h Rt•\. Pa ul E. Thl." local lath< srorf'd a.; folio" ~bbatt . church pru.tor, '" insugur-F irst in 880-~nrd N'lay 1 ~t•rdrum. •:..:•t 1-'&~ ata~g ~n ix const'<'Utl\£' Monda~ Knox, Jonel>. S<'hmldt 1. 1 mlnut , .a& IDUUIUII so IM'~annan..-: April 9. A clus in 35. St.>COnds; IWCOnd in m<"dlt>y • L D Church m <.'mlwrshap for the junior (\VoodfloUSl", Berr~. :"l:erdrum.l ,="'C'\\l)OM's A:sk>mb1_yman Earll and senior hhth youth will a lso be Moril; also thlrd tn mt'dl~y I Knox. \\hl. tanl y ~as rE'Wntten. a bill.! r1;;-7t:;;;-;;:::;--;~~;";~;:"~f;;~===, h«-ld at 9 :30 a . m . Saturday. Thompson, &-K1rurn. HMdersonl ; , .. ('I) ht> on~Pn&U~· co-authored. • • • · third in 120-~ard Jo, hur dle hut-nd ha PrM.rnted at to the state TOPIC I~ 'R.EALJTV' tie f malll."y, Jone . Schmidt J; 8 sen:bly, Pf'O~lng a ~.000 ap. 'nle all .,pcn·ading. changeless I first in s hot put • Van Drt>mlln.j ~rod~rr~taon to aad ex~nm nrs ''in naturt> of~ I ~ho"n in the Sun-Swingle. McClellan 1 ag.:regate n &nJ:t th mo. t practac.al and (>(."0- day. Bibl<' L<' son on "Reality" in distance 146 f~t. 2 Lnchc ; first ~om! raJ m(>Qns . of PN'H•nHn~ ${"3·1 the Ncwpoa·t Harbor Christian In high jump (Smalley. Norman. a rn cuntammata~>n .. of und<'r· Science Chul'('h. Goldrn Text Is 1 Lan'tdale I, a~.tt:tN"J.:&I r hf'lght 16 ~r'Oond watl."r uppht'~.. . from J sm(', tl :lil : ··E,·erv good f<'N; first in ba'Oad jump rSmallt•). '":.hl'blll dl'a!s_pramanly \\llh the Jtift and C'\l"r) pc'a·ft'('l. ~ift is from Jom-s. Woodhuu ... ('t. tt lt&rrl'l:att• dat--· , "'~'"t cratacal &N"a~ an th<·l abov(>, and romt'th down from thr tan<'<' 56 fC'Pt. 10 andws. !lfnh an Oran~:P and Lol> Angl'll"i> F a ther of lis:ht~t. with \\hom j., rio Fulll'rtf'n \\Oil in \It"'' B t'Om-t"f•llrHII:" l\ln•n ('ntJc•tll arE>a an Oa·1 \ariabiE>nr .... ~. rwlth••r· ~ohnrln\\ of fl('lataon with 12 p01nrs: l .. ·u!atnn llll£:t•, ~ 111101.' 1-: m ~~~" \ICanit~ ••r turning." wa ... Sl'f'Ond \\lth 10; :'\1'\\flllll thard T.!IIJ< 11 llf•l''''''" :"t WJXI!t fllld • \\llh 22. ~1111111 Ann 10111 th \\lth H untan).!1un Bt•al·h A ~EA:-;(t~ 1. TOPif' lfl Tht• ball \\OUid prmtd~ lunrl<, tro1 :'\c•\\pnrt wnn in C'l,,t--C \\llh \\ilii1 ·111J••tllltl \\til ... \\:l l t.>r · I~ JIOJOII>: lA J:UnH lmd :.?1 ~nntn '1111'"dcn ~a ound o:~nd oth£r HOME ur Ot,.-, t: e e e \·ot~·llE .~ ~"&UK TO Qt'AUT\ ~ER\ICE A .YOnl ftl..D'tiOS£ Thr 'iN\Wnol lnJII(' ol ··spa·in~ and Youth" \\ill I'M• ~:h·rn Sundu' Rl I hi' Rn ft)l)r~ I "l:uul ('ornmuni 1\ llf't hoda'\t r'hua'<'h h' R,.,. liar'"' Whalt-. J>ttstnr ·nw' t•hurrh. n~ scotll<'d intn tho' nt•\\ h rt>modC'IINI bualchn._ 111 ll't A..:nr•• A,,. h.'Jd nn Cl\ ,., flcm !Ttl\\ rl 1111 l.·t~1••r ~un­ d <t) \rM 2'..? T u,tin 1 1 F11 ll< :1 nn I:! 111'''111~ "' ll~o:htam: '-'!h·\\ah r :•·~·~,.,~,,~,,~,n~·~~~~~~,,~a~l~<~ar~·t~a:' ________ _J~~~~~~~~!!~!!~~~~~~~~OO~~-!O~~!A~D~U~U~Al~~ Tars Defeat Laguna , Anaheim in Track • RAt•Tr~TI>O II\\ t; 1-'II:R\'I('t: Pas tor Dnn lA1mbt·t~n "ill pr<"aC'h on ··w oundt'<i tor l'!oo" a t thf" morninr.: "oa ~hill '-C'I'\lt't' ol 1 h<' F ar:..t Baptis t Church uf ~rwpor·t a t 11 a . m Sunda)·. EH•nan~ scr· 'ar't' ut 7 \\Ill lw C'lltitl!·d •·Jonah, a Fnr C'iJ:tn Ml!.t--ionnr~ ". \JadwC't-k Sf'f'\"l(.'M; at t hf' N t•wp.lrt C'huach will h(> ht'ld ar 7·1 ~ Wcdnco-.da\. . . . . T \\'0 ~t:tl\'lf't:)i\ 1'\l 'S DA \ For tht' nt•xt thrt'<' !'undays double worship s«-r viccs will 1M' prt'scnt<'d a t St. Andr•cws Prt'sby- tcrian Church, N<'"'-'P<>rl ll<'ights. as an ll ttC'ndatH'<' <'XpcrimC'nt. Thco Sl."n'iC('S "111 Ill." h<'ld a t 9 ·30 a . m. and 11 a. m. with th<' Sundav ~<·hoot d:tSS<'S a t 9 ·30 A nursl."r\· for sma ll <'htldrl'n w ill ~ hl"ld at 11 o'dock Raptism scrd<'t's for both <'hi I· dr<'n a nd adults \\ill !)(' hl."ld Sun- day. Th<' s rmon by Rcv. Thom- as Gibson will bt' "Th<' Pnrabl<' of the Sow<'r." with tht.' t<'XI from St. Mallh<'w 1J:3 "'Bchold the M w('r went forth to O\\." · R<'v. Gibson will hold the Ia t communlC'ant cia, cs on Sun'day evcming at 7 :30 and the scs ion "ill m<"<'t with pros(X'Cth'<' mem· b<'rs. • • • .8EIUION ON ''FOOLS" Thl." \ar:..tt~ tr'lr k IP,tm ul '\'o '' • 11011 Harbor llil.!h \\on tlw 11111n It• I rack m••••r n I l Jl&.:lln·t At•a•·h Tw•,. t!.t~ a fl!•moCin Tlw T<ta... .,,.,ll l"fl ~:; :i ti t~nanr.. Lacuna :!:.! 1 11 nntl Anaho•am 20 I ~ In tlw C'IO-":> n nwt I. ,\n aht'llll \\Oil \\llh 11 •I ;) J1t1lllh. l.iil.!UIII had 39 I 10 and ;-.,.,, (>llll 2"' 1 111 ~<·\\port won an CJ,,.,, C \\lth 1~1 • points. Anahram w ;t-. ~t'<'Ond ''al it :!5 1 ~ and La~una thard \\ith :!:.! Re v. Joseph Thompson To Represent Council Rl'v. Jose ph Thompson of Co tn M<'sa Co mmuni t ~ MN hodist Chur<'h was uuthorizl'd to rt•prl."- s<'nt thc Harhor Co u nci I o ( Churches at t h(' C'Qming mc<'tin~ m Sact·am<'nio. calll."d to di'l<'lill.t; pending I<'(: a. I a t a on rrom tht' I chut'l"h point of 'at'w. T hr Council of Churcht•~ at o I naml."d thc tru. tl't> for thl.' Pro- t('stanl W('Jfarl" CoundJ at thc ml't.'tin~ held Tul"sday noon. Rl'\ M. C. Cronac of CoMa Mt'S4 \\OS re-nam<'d as chairman. \\i th Cll'm Christje of CliH Hav('n and Re\ Charll"S Hand of Co Ia l\f<'S4 n. committeemen . Rev. Thomas Pcn- dell reported on the satl factory progress of the "~k-day reliJ,>iou.s C'ducation program during school hours. FELLO"'SBIP '1'0 XEET St. Paul's quotation. ··w e are Fools for Christ's sak·e." wiU be the bftsj" for unday's sermon at ChriBt Church by the &~ on Sun- dsy when R<."v. Thom as R . Pen~n will speak on "God's F ools." Wor- ship SC!rvlce wll l be held at 11 a . m . at the Ncwport Method I s t Church. Women's F eUowship of St. An- drews Presbyterian Church. New · port H.:>ights. will met't at 1:30 p. m. nt>xt WE'dnesdsy in tht> lounge of the church . Aft('r a business m~tlng, the women will work on handiwork and make plans for their summer f~tir. Hostesses wlll b<' Mrs. Solon OUT OF TOWN . Foster and Mrs. EdJftlr Hill. Mrs Mt~~. Norman Nelson. ~16 Potn-W: W. FOYofl~r will presc;>nt thl.' d<'-' scttla Ave .• Corona del Mar. re-votlOf'UI. I tW'ftH laat ~ from a ,_,-eek'a , \."latt to U. Angt"iea. She was a Enslen Ouatned ada ha\·~ b<'cn 1 R'Uf'St ol Mrs. Mauck! FlattM-r, who a pi"'Wft mea.rw of reac.hlnc buyen ..... preWoully vflllt.cl thf Ne18oM far all --cal IDifdwncltte UIM I tn COrona ._ Mar. than! PIIGM llartMJr lllt . DON'T BE A MOPPET We don I l~tommt"d OAKS fer moppu•g llcou "" s•ebbi"9 "'• dech . lt"s not +het '"') •on t •ley on end f t b.H•r then .,, ,leth yo11 heve ••er worn o! 1 not th•l the h.rd fini11, f1•nnefs .,c:f j.,.,pontc:f sherhl ins •011' .... , And Wt•r e11c:f k•tp th•ir c, .. ,. for ti":'e :mmorl•f. . •• 1 1111 th•• yov'll f••f so dern 90~ when yov •••• the"' thAI yoJ II ••"' to do bi99•r •nd b•Her thongs And not w•s+e yoyr time rnoppi"9 floo". The OAKS p•tented w•••+bend ..... ,.,, lh.,y re self '"PFo~'~9 •rod 1hiri controlling. • rel1x In $29.50 and $32.50 • With a youn« but ex~enced cut. '"11le Philadelphia Story." third production In the CWTent .euon of the Newport Harbor Community Players. starta re- heel"'al this week. ln the role or Tracy Lord. ori-RinallY played by Katherine Hep- burn. is PhyUis Knight, drama ma-P: from Occidental CoUege. Play- Ing o~Jte her aa C. Dexter Ha· ven is Orren Brooks, who recently atarTed in the Orange Coast· Col-I~ production of 'The Imagin- ary invalid." George Bacon and Royce Fox wlU appear-as Ma- caulay Conner and Uz Imbrie, mag•une writers. Others ln the cast are Edythe Bam8, Dennie Andrews, Parker JacQ()n, Mary Catherine Andrews (dau,hter o( Dennie), Sven Brock- man. Beverly Means, Mary Lou Jack.'lOn. Ft·ancis Horvath and Fred Briggs. VIMT ILADIO DOW ......... A week-end trip tb Hollywood ........ Cor Mrs. Karl Axtatt>r and son ·~ At a climax to the Community Concert Auocialion program, NI- kolai and Joanna Graudan wtU present a cello-plano concert of 101011 and dueta at the N~-port Harbor High School a t 8 p. m. Monday. AJtbough born in the same town In Russia, the talented couple were not acquainted until they met while concertizing tn other countries in Europe. Since t,My arrived In the United States tn 1938, they have pla)'ed under DI- mitri Metropoulos wittft the Min- neapolis Symphony and made re- cordings with this orche.tra. Arter the conoert a s~r will be held at the Balboa Bay Club to whlch the artists have ba-n In- vited. Conoert goeQL may make rc>servalions for the supper with Mrs. Lawrence Brown, BEacon 5600-W: Mrs. J. A. Beek. HArbor 62-W. or Mrs. J . LesUe Stefren· St"n, HArbor 2877-J. Lellos Karl of Corona del Mar was high-It' getting to be time for you lighted with a \'isit to a nwnber folks to be checking your houses Dear Ectitor, of well-known radlo hows in Hol-and garages for posalble fire It's that time of year agaln lywood. Some o( the programs, hazards, or your youngsters will when C&Uiornia's world famotll which the A.xtatera· \iJited were be fincting you out. wild l)owl'l'll are making ~ coun· "Welcome to Hollywood." ''Queen The reason is that Junior Fire tryslde throughou.t the state a joy for a Day" and "Double or Noth· Department training is beginning to behold. The thousands upon iog." Tbey visited the Brown this week in the local schools. thousands of aeres of these IO\'e\y Derby for luncheon. In Inglewood There will be three weeks of class-blooms have been reduced to a they stayed at the home of Mrs. I room instruction, followed by three m~re fraction of what they were, Axtater's sister, Mrs. Vivienne G. weeks of actual on-the-ground In· and thJs is getting less and Jess McFarland. spections by the Junior Firemen, each year. While agricultural de- l '' ho wiU submit reports or fir-e w lopment is responsible for much NEW IIAJlBOIUTE 1 hazards that tht'y dl CO\'Cr. of this, it Is also partly due to the Mr. and Mrs. Andy Grinstad are The J~niot· F h' Department thou~htless \'andalism or our peo·l area newcomers. Their new home program IS sponsored annually by ple. 1 706 Orthld Ave .. Corona del the Nc~v~rt H nrboa· Kiwanis Cl';!b· We call a ttention to c>etion Mar Supel"\'lSrn.{: the pro~ram ls Fu'<" 384·A of the California pennl1 · Marshal Phil Jlaydt>n. Ktwanls codt', which s tates thai it Is un- -----,... -,.._ C'l b ... · I f l t il t ~~--~ u mt'muer aw u to cu . mut a c. remo,·e l)r Q~,.~AM• d<'stroy natJv~ plants. shrubs or --~ tt'('{'. growin~ alon(t pubUc hi,h· ways or on prh·atcly owned land Qll without \\TittMl permi ion trom ,,.,.,ell the own~r. Violation is puni h-I able b)· a fine not to exet't'11 $200 -----~ or lmprisonment for slx month.s, By ANN or both. O'BRIEN'S is rea""! Rea-'~v for We ask your ~lp in again bring· ....., ~ ing the substance of this l.aw and the lh(.'(>r bloli.S('S and plummeting its penalty for violation before the neckline • and ready for U\e strap-I public with an appeal for strict 1 tops and backless dresseS. obser\'ancc. Ask the citizens of pring and summer dresses' call your community not to pick our lor a new approach to femininity wild flowers but to ~njoy them In in t he lin~crie department. S lips · th<'ir native hltbltat, where they with lavi h laces or demure em· art" lo\'e liest. broidery Cor under peek·a-boo I MRS. THERESA FERRERO. blouses. Ups that 1nd the tell-tale I Pt-e ident, California S pring :.ltp showi~ linc becnusl' they are While many problems Important nlossom and Wildflower the new shorter lcngtll. To com· to the 8\'Pt'a gc homt'makcr are A!:sociatlon, s an Francisco. pletc )'OUr nav) costume (particu-shunted off lwatl't'. for ins tance) • • • Jarly H it's shl'<'rl VPima has nt>w to wait for dl'<'isiotlb to be passed Corona del Mat· Business As!ln.: navy shj)s. on bllls relating to more !rnpor~· As the lucky winner of the P ............ t or balf·r.ll"'* are ant things such ~s cross·ftling, II Rusiness Quiz. I say "thank you" .., .... ,.... ...-Is Indeed comforung to know that 10 the Corona del Mar BusinHS ..a.o tmportaDt tb INIIllb~ ~ one or Orange County's a embly·, Association and the contributing tum". A •~w IU•)•Uun model men. S~m Collins. has come f~r-m~rchants for their generous bas-~!~-:. .. ~~:~= ward wtth. a _bill <AB-1018) which kt>t of useful merchandis some- ... -lis for _ .... •• .t5. Thfl'e sho,uld eltmmate the confusion thni~t for e\·ery member of the """" y -Which the subject of unlabeled family are aa.o ..... IUt'kt'naiek •am-candidate has created. · In ~Y search for the quiz an- Mrtl ta aytoa. And. _the assemblyman from Ful-swt>rs, 1 had a pleasant time via· lf you arc one of those people I !erton mtends to put up_ a fight, t I ling your attractive s tores, a.ll who ba\·e been searchin~ for a •f necessary, to get hi . btll to the sho\\ing top quality, well styled. slraple bra that reaUy ·works. floor and throu~h to fmal enact-up-to-date merchandise. i made you haven't tried the La Trlque men_L . . the acquaintance of proprietors "Breathe-eze". Here i a strap-HJ~ ~·1.1 . "'111 rt!Olove a ny doubt and personnel, whom I found Jess that truly giV('S you a figure of posstbtht) o~ campaJgn mix-ups alt>rt. friendly and courteous. lift and at the same time is com· a~. to t~e po~lttcal ~nnectlons or I trust the contest brings in- fortable to wear -- -a real treat mal pr:mar~ con.tcstants, at the crea&«i business to our local in the gravity defyiRg lingerie de· same ttme . cll'anng the a tmos-merchants. partment. It's made of sheer ny-phere constdt>rably in the .pro-I Respectfully yours, I l r c 'tl nylon marquisolte lon~~-a rgumt'nt among California JAMES T . MULROY ton e as ' W1 1 llQhttoans ovet' whether the prac-331 Poppy Ave - Sin~ the put two v.-eeka ha\·e consisted chiefly of parties, par- ties, and more part¥.'s. I wiU not e\·en attempt to tell you about them also, much of the goings- on should not be tn print: so. this l.'l a bye-week for this gal! I sin- cerely hope aU or you had a happy E8 ter! S('{' you next W('('k. PATD~NT HAS CALL£&8 Mrs. Mary Smith, 501 Femleaf An> .. Corona 1 P,{ar, has bee-n confined to her me for about slx wreks. first wit ttle nu. and then with a back a.l ment whlch re-sulted from . her attack or nu. While con\'&lesclng, &he wu vis- Ited by her daUJ:hter, Mrs. R. F. Maynard. and the Maynard boys. DukP and Grant. from South Pasa- dena. W ORKS WITH lOIIX F-'ORD F~rlc J . tChlpsl Cleary, 1602 Pacific Dr .• Corona del Mar. flew to Ft. Worth. Texas, \\i th J ohn Ford. the noted movie direc- tor. on a pubUcity trip last w~k. kiDDIE Jlat. I'AL I :&a.-l~kl lila..,...)' Laat o.y: LiNDA DARNELL CHARLES BOYER "13111 Letter" -Piu.,._ 1-'l"(UI WJTII "MOIJ.Y., t'S.-Tl April l -S R l.'TJ I ROMA:-; RJCIJARD TODD 'UGHTNING Sl'ltiKD TWICE .. -~ TI)CIL~COLOR . "QUEBEC .. CORINNE CAL ET NOW 8HOWINO--- "STEEJ. HELMET .. and GINGER ROGERS DORIS DAY "STORM WARNING'' 2 p. m.. Sat.. Mar. 31 Illig CII'- Tncluding Donald Duck. Mickey Mouse. Pluto and l))any others. Free Candy for a ll kids at· tendmg ....... ........., .... oa lndia9 tw ... uct a WO~~Ma wroavecll • op. ti<;e of cross-riling ought to be re-Corona del MA~: bo~r~~~~·t ~ tru~M~hlW~. i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~iiiii;i;;;~~~~~~~~~~~ -~~ t11 Luctlif, of Holly-Collins proposes to designate, by W04HJ•a ''WIJtp of Youtlt'' bra. approprlat~ letter or abbreviation, ftla Ia ~ 1a a \VY pracll-the party to which each primary cal at)ile that caa we wora with candidatt> belongs. It should be or wttboot det&dlallle -~der made entirely clear on the ballot stna.-. Lucille makes a eleek after the candidate's name. And lwa wtth Pf'r1~t form mo.ldlag there would be a notr at the bot· Ia Wll"f', aDd another ma,..ai-tom of the ballot, clCplaining each eette aDd IA!Itex tm'le wiUioat abbreviation, SO that. there could tate wlre rrai!H!. n~ LadUe be no doubt on the part of any 8traplt"M wu the Blue Rlbboll voter concerning the party to wlllllf'r llt thl'l ~aeram~Dbl tate which a given candida te belongs. .._., for nt. fa8lllon ftalr, eo~~-Speaker Collins docs not regard 1 11tractlon~ workn\anshlp aDd ra-his bill as a compromise betWC('n llrte. • plans to repeal ci•oss-flllng and plans to make state gov~rnmcnt elections non-par tisan -both de- feated time after time In past legislative sessions. Collins' pur- pose, he sa) , i, simply to provide the voters \\ith a crystal clear identification of evct-y primary candidate by party. Then, if the Democrats nominate a Republican, or vice versa, nobody cnn clalm his Latl''>l in tlw panti field is a new fabn<' t>om btnatton of pure ailk and nylon Designed by Kickernick with the durability and washing quahtt<'~ of nylon, it has all the luxur) anc1 fine feeling q\alitJe of s tlk. A brief you'll relllly l0\1'' And don't forget you'll be wantint: som~ light wehtht ptn- Ue girdles. ·•Quotes," and perhaps &· ~ nylnn gartcrlx>lt for under your play clothes. Come lnto O'BRIEN'S tO' rill in your lingerie wardrobe for spring. -;;\ I ·~ ) I -~ __! ~ action resu1ted from political mls- understancting. Certaln)y, it appears this a worthwhile measure, eo many vot- N'S 1ake little time to check their candidates quaUflcaUons or affilia- tions, this would eliminate the pos- sibility of some lett-winger sUp- ping in office throu~h th~ prc~n\ systc.>m. Spesklng or clti~ apathy, we might mention a simi- lar bill. was introduced ln 1949 by anot~r Assemblyman or the op- posite party from Mr. Collins, but It died In commit tt'<'. I t Is lndeed IU5 COA"T ~AilO comforting to sec the Speaker of ()()ItO A DEL •All 1~ A~~~W>mbly attempt to settle thls cross-min~ controversy, once and tor all. . MRS. ROUJN BROWN. chairmcm of the CaHfomia State Recreation Commiaaion. addr-a public meeting on:-· ,.aN ... .• 8:00 p. m. Tuesday, April 3 Refreshments Will Be Served You are urged to be there! J FTS1'! Ft.TilNiftraZ IIADE IS OUR OWN 8DOP8 fUitNITUitE ltERNISHED H OUSE & 0.\,RDEN 611 Coalt Hwy. Newpert IE.•-un Lee ShitJley OUOIN.U.S Custom and Realty M..S. PluUo A~ Infant, Cloeet. KJtcbee. Bath liM 0eut ~ CD11 DON KIRKPATRICK T-V SEIVICE 00. llu,ota:n t th•· n'<'q•Uun lwld !ooaturu~· .. , .. ala~ n t th.-R:altw•;.~ 'u~ .< lub arf' nt>~l)"f'd' Xr. and Mr8. ltus..wll Tol:tnd <·IIIM·rt. \\be} ~.-.,... marrif'd at tho• n r .. t l 'r,. .. b~tnio n < burt-h In-"•nt.a \na. Tbc' h.r.~ l .. ttt .. fumwr ~hn rc.. •U)' Caraaluln. cbu«i't.-,. ut ~lr. and \ln.. II. 1(. ( .lM\:Ihlln or .... mla .\.llll. Th .. brl&-trrotMn 111 tlH-I!OOD of M,..._ .lohn \ OCf'J Of lll!lh.,a . P wtun•;l ht>ro· \\lth thl" ~uun:: •·nuvt .. aAr .. Mr. tLnd Mrt.. Jvh-!! \ "~"' r1nd .John \'otrt>l Jr. 1 '"'"' '' l, kP• 1 , \Vi1h a Fr·t'nch Pr o' 's ron a I Crlbc'rt'~o !'>tl'pbrothl'r Drck \'n· th<>n u•. th<> wt'<ddin~ nf Sharon '{('I o f But>na Park, ''as lx>~t man Lots o f Actit1it)' For the Campbells Ga' Car·nahnn co Russ II 'roland l''<h,•r·-. "''''' .lun Puu,•n::t>r and Th1n~.:' h"'' •·a ll~ lxt•n hap-Grlhcr t stm of !\1rs. John Vog-l'l .lun ll11ml~al·k<'r ft·a~t•mrt ~ hn,th· J·r n1n1 .. 1 lhl llan, t'ampblll of B.'llboa, t!X'k placr at ~ p. m r r ... 111 lh t• l'ni\t·t~tl~ 11f AIIIOill I , I '<1 :\'; F• rr.l• T\l A\1!. Co-Saturda~ At tht> Fii'St P rMbyw r-r~n :'llJU~htl'r. C'•wnn;:; dol \h t l'"r till \1 I \\ ht!o !\1r~ Camp- ia n Chur ch, 111 Santa Ana . '"'h ·"•" Oon Cho~r,r 1t,.•. "' :tll•IH: -.nn J•rrk fl"\'"'h· , Ht>\(·rl'nd MacFarland officiaun..: Rrr R•~.:~> of ~nr J An .• ""''"' · n,.,, cr t 1111 1,.,, t fl ·h u·ad\ w fh 1 !'harun Ga),lhf'da ut•hh'rot !\tr ''' '''I•·• 111 tlw llnr1• ra .wd ·I· '" K;.n ... ,1.., ('11.' !\to . ,,,r· J::<Jsll;, land !\It~ II. R Can ltlh tn. 6111 ... ~:u.' "'' h•lOk \H'' 1\ '\.•n•,:. <".tnJJ•t .. •ll. a ~·\••nth ..... HOME LOANS Low "REDUCING .. Interest Rates Low Monthly Payments Cht',.tnut, ~anta Ana. '"'H' a \\hrt•' lhl' chun·h \\a" d•'<'Oratcd \\!lh _-radt~, cnmt d""" \\llh h•• thJ <;aim pnn•'l."-' dn·~ \\llh a ""''I.'~ \\Il l•• c·all • hht., n,r'\t'd \\l'n ,,... And JU:O.t rn ,,., A IN' J:rt..,t r '-· lnl: tram 1 hr dt'\' ~ h d a doublt' It•! und I a \ t• n d <' 1 ;..tock Tht \\'~ k '\h l'an plw 1 .. pan""' !\tr * We offer you the fa oht:ies of the Largest Federal Savings Association Oftlee a.ppi) Pt-tl'r Pan collar. and a lc''' \\lll'ol ·' c;rndlt><' """' d{'('p \tOlt>t and Ia· • r.d ~:~-H 1 r-·ur pbo.ll fll (li- RA Ge l lt nE'. wllh a ll~o:ht dra Pt' rn front \t'ndt·r· Tom ~tc<:'hn--1~ ~' An· ll1m~'" Jo\\''· a r r 1' d for a --------------c-ndtn!! tn bow a t th<' back :::;ht• t.:t>l ' \ot'Ol h r an:: · i:l(.o(':t'~•·· mc•r.th'<. '~~~~ l r, Ill<' mr:\ntm1<' -------------w ol'\' a Chantilly la<'t' ('r(lwn a nd 'Thmu_h thr Yc•J'l~" ard The· rhc far.ub ha' h ...-d that ~ unt: .... ... I fOI' h<'r ·•somethml! old," car·n('d Lord' Pi a~ r." Th·· l("C'('pllon D1Ck b.a£ no~\ll a U 0\ r U\1 !\hd- a larenandl<en.'hil•T tllat belon~:l?d ''" hvld at tht' Balboa 'Ba~ Club dJe \H '· 11 1,. ud1n.: ChtntJ:•, b(>.. Nursery School Ito ~r ~rt>at aunt He1 bouqlK't ~11 Cam ahun \\ore a t:r.~~~(';!\ ,,. \\(ath•: L"mdt•ro and · wa "h1tt> tulips ccnt<'N'd "tth or-cr~JX" a mi lat't' d ress and a h lu:.h "1m t Ill•! on tl •" au·plant• Ch~hl S tale Uceruled ILftd A~ chrds, lille or the \&II<') wrth b ttl(' Jll n k nt.>t ha t \\Jih ()t'arl . and her 1 ~1r C'amp~Jf'll V'Or k., 101 T\\'A o ...._ 1 t. t y.,.. \IOIE'tS throughout. llo\\l'l. \\t'N> little nm:ega~ ro~ n1tur~lh .. on llu•k 1 .. "'~'lilt.: rh l!h.rrwt•• 0..... ... l\lald of honot· \\as Doroth~ BuJ-!\1rs \'o~C'l \\OI't' a na\") bill(' dt'\ ""' 1 ,.,"un11~ ·, "' th· trim. OIMtawaw..., lock of ~anta Ana.'"<' rim: a d<'f'P and \\hilt' hat and ~lmt>!> And "ore I ,;0 Je t satin. off. hould r dn'!>l> nnd u purpl<' ordHd . f f>\nT\ 1 nn ,l~c.EJt~ IU!:ASONABU U'l'll:& carr~in~ ~cllow . tuhps. IA'tl\ •.n~. u n th('rr hont ~lll<M' n <~I llm'l~ ri r<~l ... ·m .\1 '• \fanp1ld ~ 5 days ~r ~k-8 to 5' The brrdiO'smaaru . Rarba ra P11r.-P.rlm "PI'Illt.:;. rh,• bt·rd,• \.\nrt• 11 \, r 1,101111 dtl \ln , •:t·ndo·d tt Transportation ~bbed pas of santa Ana. Mr;.. R n Car· ~·11~ and \\hlh• huund~rnor h i'''('IJ'III'Il he'd ll'<'lqth ·" lht> 110 E. 15th St. nahan of ~anta .Ann. Jlobrn Mnt· ~htl'l-.,'<.1 :-Uri and biUl' ll('('o•-...m•tf" hnmt p" Ill (; \\.rllntli n.l ... "P"" in -Grange· County You'll lil• Oilf c.onf'al ~ in ~«'<'int yow ~L u•• FEIEIIL Slll- lliiL-11111111• liD tocks organ Marino and Roblx•rta and a flR\) b lu,• and "hrh· h,,, ,.1 !'-ant:. ,,,;. !'}1, rt ,., £ll "m fol- ootl'l'A A But?r'k!,• of IJakct•;..l rt'ld. ttll \\tilt' Tlw t'I'UPI\' "rll . II\ 1' ll<'a r tht' I'""'"<! !h{ ~t·ttUt! c•l rht• Ball. dC'i r'> LAGUNA JEACH .._.....,__., amPth)st sa tin d n'"''t':-and c-.tr· l'nr\l'l'll~ ol Anmn~l ram.pu"lm .. lt <>t''' '' •I \\lm·h 11<\\t·ud r<: f'hon• 4-1177 _ 222 Ou•n /lwe. CAREFUL LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANING for Delivery Service Call HArbor 552-J Lonq Distance Local I..ARGE OR M.Al .. l,# .lOBS GJVEN SAME CABE "\Vp llo\'t' W1tlt diMl \VerN• 'GEST FOR LYONS 1966 Harbor BM r wd \io!N tulips ''hrh Gr ltx•r·t. \\ho ~~a Junrm' eon· :-11~m~·~n~11;,.==========~~============~ ttnlll'~ his :-tudit?~ Ctllx>rt ts a ; ' l,hr Kop(~l Pr !\tr·!>. Grlllf'rt 1'1 • Balboa Girl Has Part J,,n..:~ to Ch1 Onw~~t. 'Eve~g~ol Ballet' In hl'r SCo'COnd pubhc ()Crform- an('(', ·~tt.>linda LAm hold. daullhtt>r o f M r. and Mrs. Mort'land l .<'r· I thold. who li\e at 1 3 E. Sa~ Front. Balboa. \.\Ill takt> part in "An E'enin~ of Ballt>t" to be h<'ld a t R:JO p. m Saturda~ at th~ La- guna BE'aeh Hilth School Mehnda, "ho has h<-l·n st ud~ 1m:: a t thl' l.at.,'Una BaliN School Cor fht> \i.'a rs. 1S a sub·lt>ad in tht' ballet. "LA'S !\hllron d'Arh'Qurn:· nnd \\til do two Mllo \3r1Atron-: Sh£' also '"11 danN' tn an ''""" numtx>r. a Strau..-s \\'alt7 Fred Hope Sent To Drafting School A111r or.t:' "''j'k at Ft''' 1lrd near M ul111'1'f') , Fn•d II "P~ · -.on of :!\fro; Thf'lma P dcl1wk IIO(lt'. Dahlia ~'~'· Cot•ona clt-1 \1ar. "as ~f'nt to Fort n 1\ ou \'1r~tnia tu f:O to d raft in)! sci!Pnl Ill' had Jl3~sPd <•n tran<'l' t''nmrnatinn~ to offrct>rs' cand1da ''' l>t'hO<'I. but hr \\as unabh• to attC'nc1 bt•t'<HI't' hro, kncc•s w<'f'(' injur..'CJ from pin) rn~ root ball I Ii-. "1ft> pl:tn~ to jorn him bt'<'aU"e ht> \\Ill be' a t th<' drafltnJ: schotll for ~"' mnnrh..- at <:t t:Ji!T HtX'ClMEl'O st·R~E f Althnu~::h !oohl' had plannt>d 111 ha'<' a t·~al ri.'st dunnr.: thE' Ea!>h l \.1C':Hron as ttl\> hoU."'C'I{Ut'SI Of Pa· • tncra \\'rr tman or Balboa !\Jr,. ~orman !\lrllr• or Glf'ndal\ t'nd••d up a nur-.,, "nc•n !\trs. \\'itt man tx>t·amt' \('1\ rll \\llh nu ~, ..... :\hiler··, dau"'htt·r !\laril~ n h"" · t'H'I' had a lot nl lun and !-larto-d n ~o;c'Clti 1 tn "hilt> ht'rt· THEENSI~N Now offers completP Job Printing FaciliUes " ~ELE r R ROBERTSON M D •so/ will be deducted from our regular price on any of' the .. tO above items -Why?? O ur clothing business has grown so large we must make room for our increased volume e e e \\'It'll Pt'R HA~t; Of" C"RIR -.\ Fl'f: qt· \LIT\ \\I}:T ·l'ROOF ~~~ERSI~R ISU ~IATftU·:~~ -' \1.\ t; t4.!t; Olll) ~0 DELI\'EKIE!il e e ~'I t:X C'tl \ ~(, r.. e e SO C'R.U GE8 .. 5 / 'Exdullin IIY R.-ad) for ~l).lnt'~ 3-t;o-dmom. randHYPl' homt>, chet>r) kitchen ttarba5!:P tlls· I. dtshma"'f.>r • · brt>ak- fast 8 1 a Forc<'d air hf.>at. cJPH•r Jl3llo With ,.a1x-stake rencm~t. niN'h landscapt'd. pnvalt> beach. Lo\\ t priced tlt'W 3-tx>droom home in this :;;~u he :$14,750 flil Jilll , .. 01. !01 Merine Ave., .. lboe. hlend HA 44-4 Of' 2 151. Ev•s: IE 64JO..J < or:os .\ OEI. \1.\ft \\'tth )1 1U1 0\\ll prrvatP lx'ach an front m ) uur homt>. com- plel••l) I rwt-d in. pn\'1111' C'f•mmunl'r. $21 500 "iU bnn~ ttl 1 this plw; 2 ~~"''\r <11d homl", 3 l><'d- l'l)(lm .. 1 hath . ln\'t"'. l'l.'l:li~­ t"ntlor "&!:h. machint>. Om- in~ rnt1r1 t indudt'd. Tile John Vogel Co. 1)01 Cout llvd. (Cor. Fernluf) COROfi!A DEL MAR HArbor 1741 • or • HArbor 1477 *STAR ~PANGLED *SPECIALS* • • • 0!\: LlOO l ~LE Nt'W 3-bdrm . 2-b·tth lw nw. 1'v1nu (trPplac:-c. pnt1o. unll h1'nt. hardwotld fiOfll' t•l c QlTT~TA:-...J ). $17 500 l NG \Ahr•• at . 1 . . .. • I 1'\ Hi\LROA IS- I.A~IJ 2-Bd ·m howe of charm f,·.ttur,.d nalumalh IK'parat(' ~w·st room or 3 bdnns. \\ith bath Patio \\ith barbecue. n.-.IUt full\ f u m~h1·d $24,500 • * • • • • \\'A:'\"T I)~T In 11.'\df' on ~ llntl inronw Jlt<~llCI'I\ in Cc1rnna d('l Mar. Rultor~M11Itiple Per~ e+ A9ete, B•lboa I HArbor 377-W * Cliff.. 'lia ven ~ llf>drooo'l<f. d1•n •.. tndi\·i- unht~ \\ rll to wall car·p. r. 1111 rdv. •wlt1 floor)'. f II'C'pla"". l<•nr·~·ri bn•·k )<II d. pullmnn ftJ,. ha'h 1hi.; honw '" ,-.•!1- rn h••l '' 1 ark• 1 • .. tlu.• 1-.-Z lt'lrll ,,jrh 11..!': frn~ncinl,!". • uf! rrif,. $13 500 onlv • * Newport Heights J\r&n <f 'lo'r•w S-RPd room Uomc 1•1'1 h."autrful N"mC'r lor Thi~ hom,. has r·\N·ythin~. lrkPablf' flo(lr plo n. 1 "• bath tilt·d a 11 around a nd tilf'd stall how- C'I"' t.palatC' dinln~ room, frrcpla<-e. st>IC'<'I£>d hardwood, t>xtra la~t-2-car garagC'; prot.-cfC'd palio. sr" nnanc- an~t. N' Hu now. Jt'o; worth m oN' than lhl' askinlit priCf' Jn'f .5«> thl!! now. It's worth morl' than the $14 750 asking-pric(' of 1 --n piNlSUr to show. R .. lton: PHD. SULLIVAN C. GALEN DENISON G. T. EVERSON 490 N•wport llvd. 8E.aco11 6243-W EVes : HA 3157-W l ucOft 1451-J Our Screened Liatings are sure to mclude what you want Smgle resl- dences -Small-income and home d uplexes e e e Large mcome uruts ior in-.restment t!... oo•·~---G.L ~ .. !--BEIMU)OK HOKE For thl.' Ebc.-11 CluL , l'hUrsda). . Corona <1£>1 Two and Three-Bedroom Homes Rentals from $55.00 up ............... --. ••N i:T&m entlt ~ "-.-~ J)rt'<'Sfons,'' ... (JeMt Bh~ knO\\ led~(' BAW8CW. ... by 8 N>Cen t 0 I c •. " \\'I T BEFORE OR &EST t ' ~ y 0 l ' II l Y o,p..it. tile ...... c-4e1 I Luncht'\Jn C. W. Rit . --nnd Mrs. \\' Roltert B. L,_ ... R ...... L L,.... ....._. 411 Coast BouleYard COBONA DEL MAli FCIIIIIhou.e Motel IIAilBOa 1•1 EE THE NEW SERVEL Cas Re-plans for· th•· frigerator. 8 N<'W modf.>l.a a t rur Apnl 11• Grant' Furniture. 164:> N('\vpor t ThP affai1 -1 ~~~~~~============~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;.;,~~~~~~ Bl~d.~o~~f~. and bauaJ ;. 'F R ALE 3-Bdnn., 2 baths; BABY SITTING W~"'ITED 1...ady H<'Us c St'll'Cl<'d by MullipJe Listing An Outstanding Buy OF THE WEEK .. C~r~~a dll lar NEW 2-BEDROOM 2-BATH HOME F im"•l t"'•n.,rr·ut·IJon Lftrl:t' t~Cean 'rt''' pat ro :! tx2·1 gar· a~e. 63-f 1 lot 1 lnl~ 135 f('('t to Oct>an Rhd Thrs t)'"J)e of prOPf'l'l~ ~~ J!t>l 1 rn.-: '<'8~ For priC't'. tt•ml' tnd appmnt- rlPnt call St·hu""'' II roor 2474 · Earl W . STANLEY Realtor 6 15 Coul l lvd ., Coron• d1l Mer the, •• Bay&ont Opportunity 1'\\·o-story. 6-lxi1 m . hnll t' with pia) I'Oum & C'paratl" bath OH r th,• drtublf' ,;:a1·. Lar~c· lot ;l(l It '' rdt• h~ 93 II dt'<'P Th••1 11 lll c many ltna Jton tu11, In '"'' Suuth & ' Frrmt luca !loll ~u­ f>l'l:b \ 1('\\ Fot• d•·l·uJ-.; nf .iL'I ~IIliOloKb­ tion:. and f.!!" if • < ,,Jl H •th Pnw<'r" J I I I .).1 ltnr 1\~ J. A. Be k Office Bu lhou lto~htnd Ft'r ry Ha.rbor G3 RaJIIO!i JJ~land 42-Foot BAY FRONT LOT $16,000 t J Oayu Tntd. Bt•.tulllul 'i<'". f\X('('ll<'lll lcl('.1' ron \\'(' brll!'\o• till• 111 lu• 0111• tll lh£' l>e~t \II hi•-: ot th.-It\\ n'- m;unm.: B !i) Fr ntll h•ts St'<' II: Halbo .. ln~E~IDl nt . CO., ~ LTO t "' ~;wpo'l-t k lYd. :.t~Oth 1it. "E WP O n T IL\ 1800 '47 ly. Spec. Deluxe Club C pe. with rudlu En~lnP m·.,rhuull'll hy our <hop kn d ~r;lamorou.!l Of'W J951 P I). '1Ua.lbo:t lllm· full h Ju"t bark from tmk,-0\f'D ." Our hont•'lt rc'f'tlmmf'ndtl tlon on lhi~J! $1,095 P.~. A F E W 19:"10 DODGF.. LEFT AT T in; OJ.D PRICE! Shaver Motors Yo11r DODGE-PLYMOUTH Dlr. 1936 Herbor l lvd. Coste M11e ~mpletely fun1. $14.000 HAr· ex~ri<'nN<l \\ith children. HA Clark. ;\frq bor 201:"i. 2«5-.M C'lat'('nC • SEE TJ lE l\"E\\' -SERVEL Cas Rl'·j FOR ~ALE 'pn ght plano. Good I Jun<' on '1·• fn t:' rator. Ne" modt>l at CCifld 100 616 JlPllotro(K'. COM - Grant' Furniturt>. 164!l N{•wport JO'OR SALE Oldsmobile. '4 Con-Ueed Bh d . C ta Mt>Sa \l'rtibll.'. 11\d.nunl\ltC drl\'4.', ra-l':1 Bt-autarul Bay a nd Ot.'t'an dio, h•,31f'r: ~ood <.'\md ~1250 YEARLY RE.",iTA L 2-~m . Wl· HA: ~R Capt u S T()sdal. fum. apt., ~ncJ. gar. ~l mo. HA tie•-Po"J}\ ('J):\1 VIEW LO T ChoiC£>St area, :-oewport Hei~hts ~lultipll' U ling Xo. 1739 Ask About This at Any ~-R. 713 l rls. CDM 1 .... • • ---=--_ Fon RE:'\1' ..?-bdrm unfum Car )l·&d) rt·ntal nwn.-r 1)171:: FOR SALE 3-Bdrm .. 3-bath : 3 firPp la C(>S Wonderful O«"ftn \it'\\', Ml L TIPLE USTINC RL TR. HArbor~;; ----I Located on Pt>n insula. !37.500. ------S EVERAL t; )D USl'd &>n.-t>l . ----'o:...-.~;.,;;,______ Pri<.'t.'d to moH'. a t C t'8nt's Fur-EVEBYTHJNG. nitu l'('. 1643 ~l·wport Bh d., Costa Mt-sa FOR YOUR TRAILER 1 FOR RF.:\'T Pt>nmsuJn Point. rur- ni hl'd llOu~·. ~ bdnns.. pa t1o WE I''I.U.. BrTA.."E ... Yl•at·'s h'8'>t'. 10() mo. HA 1941. PROPANE TANKS WUI'G :-;nJOOI. TEACHF..R will Compll'tl' instaiJa tion. repair and 1' baby sit dunn~ week ntJ:hls lll · cr·vice of a U T'l-ailer Equipment. IIAI'IJOr art'l.l. IIA 315_-\:....\'.:...· -::-- 1)(1"\'T WAIT for f iNt \\8rm dan., Hermall E. Semllel Ellis .... Porler II k(' \"OUr <;umm<'r '{'\\'UI~ and ORANGE COAST TRAILER . SUPPLY nltf'l·a'tions ~ 0 W to Ka tf'y I'loarw Dr) (1(':mC'r~. ror. Gold- rnrod • C'I~A-.;t Hh d . cn~t HA 19IO HARBOR BLVD. 11 111-.l. 11nd :.?17 ~far in~> A\'C' 'hon• BE..,on 6224.l Ralboa l!>lantl liAr hor ::!mt-W "fleet Master Sedan" .\1 trnc-. !-toof' mf'talli<' blut' nod filh f'r. JtJSdio. ht'1ltf'r , ro:; U::b U. <q)(\1 ll~t. P tC'. $995 1~ ~. \ FEW 1950 DODGE~ U :J,-.\T TlfE OLD PRJCE! Ft IR :-'A ( .. 111-Rm dupl• '· C'om- plf'lr•l~ I \It I' St•ll tl ·a h:JIL"'IIn llo..lll't• ul liiO"Idt·l hot llr · • • ': a .. dm\ 11 p3) 011 nt. ('.oil~ h ,J. ,mr• un I -Z tt•tnh. 11nll"''l Ht•alt' < 'o 7tl0 E. R , n .. )~ Llh d. lia lt~t~t liAr bor 133 '\UTJCL 111 moth<·~ t 1'1 ~~ ~our bab\ Sill r l>n Snturt.la~ al- '' I nOOIL'\ from 2 10 5 (I m :O.p. • l'l I hov fot all kjddrc~;. l'ntl Tlwatn>. Corona d.-1 :\iu \\.'Ol I D LIKL to hart• my npart- 1 n~(·nt \\lth :111nthu )Oun~ O\('t'· I '1''1!-> \;t I \1('!' lllR 11 <; \\II I' ,\14 1.: '\;a'"'"ll<;, ('1);\1 Sh Moto \\' ·\ ·, Tl.I.J l 'I"'' "·u '• ~' \fl-iftl n I pi~ Jt\HI l'v~t.-t Bl.d S!laf•k Your DODGE-PL YMOtJTH Dl1. ;-:I o •. t 'mvuu t.l~ 1__,\ l:..::a:.:.•---- 1936 Herbor Blvd. C osta Mese _I 7Yt 1l t';(i I T t ,-;I' I' I J • .) till c .. Hl'l hrnr at." Tlw n•" '-'<'J'\'1'1 <;a!- Rt•lrit.;c•rutnr ~ Brnutilul 1\1'\\ mndl'l~ at c-;runt'.., Fur ruturc J61i 1\t'\\fll'lr' Bhd Cn,ta MN>3 . IH.LP \\'A;\TI:O ='ult.'SIIld) • Ao;st ·!lllp:trl'l bu~<'r. Wrrtt• quali- lica tum-. ''"fll"r and l't'fs. to Uox n rn~i~ Al'iiCia , C'D:\1. u.):-."T Btwn Chana C'O\P & Fln.t r rouo:h a A \f'., knittinlol ba • rontarnln~ • on. Jo!IS' m unfm. r<>d M\t>ettt'l. HA 89-\V., bilruttiotn · nd 4.24 Heliotr ope.>. C'0\1:.____ cit'. pa~ an • LOST Black Labrador N'trlcver 1 will lx' rillt·d Monda~·. M~ Dr.. Nt>wpert -JiatD T H~·i~ht.s Has a bandagC'd foot. 101', !>lah>tl Re"·ard. HA 383-. 1 nppli<.'ation \lAKE YOl'R Dr) CIC'anin~-t dollar I bC'st <'hum·•· J::u farlht•r Muwr m<'nd ing don<' I I'XIInHnJtmn without rharc('. Ka t<'Y Doan£' nil<'l). ....,,, Dr) C1t>ant>rs. cor. GoldC'nrod & dwn App CC\ast Blvd . CD~1 . HA 0441-J. ""''"' .:a•l\•· :tnd 217 :'.Iarin~> Avl'.. flfllbo~ ••n<·<· ''' 11• 111 [!.land. I lA 2290-W. 1 In ~1'1 II • '''"" \VA.'\;T YOUR DIRTY WOKK p.,,.,, "1'' DONE" 111 • Ill ... II" I .f ,. ,.\I J, CO TO HAL ond JIJII' I" Coinpl~lt· hous~eanlng servi~. ,11111 ,.1111 t. , 1 \\"mdow •• noor waxmg l!ld pol-lilh' 1, 1 1 •• is!'>in~ wall wastung Call Hubor 1756-W FOR Rr.:'\1 Furn •m "''h bath. f'r·" •n• lnfl ll."i P"in,llli;t, t'll.:\1 '\I" ~ ,. 01. F••R RE;\"T "m:lll Ba) 1-ronl Guild , M eet a Apr . I rdo y.,l,. A' :ul A(lrrl 1 to l.~rm.. , .Junp 1 i ~~ rrn ~hdrtl) hll!h <'l' s1 ! '"'' 1 ,11 1 b\ 'r .\lso ::' ll'tnn 2-bath to •,~;.11 1~1111 J i.m~· n. 11 :"i II A :!;i;i2: Evr<~' • lm'll 11 •rt'• , HA 29tr-~t Ill•'''''"" n < 'ALLED TO ~Eih·IcF :\lust \lt, Paul I "'~II ln!t•r·naltonl'll 11 ~n 389 , hlll<'h I'~'' h H}Wrl' IIArbnr 3:-l-:\l 11~ "11!1 •1· '-E\'['RAI GM D "'''<I ~t'rvt•l' • •' w•• pr1 I 'rt~'d I•J IDO\ t'. u.t Grant':. Fur-, Th•· Juu• n1tur, Hw:"i :-.=t•\\ por·t Blvd.. 1'•11' rn !I • l 'o,.lt ,\tf'sa 11etlr\l•• YBT .Y RF:'\1',\L .?-bdnn unhrm. apt , tn!'l ,;:ar ~t\1 m .. nth 111\1'· h••r 2AA:?-R 713 Irrs. CD 1.. FORRE>'\T Fum 1-bdnn apt .. th••·•wt 11: clo t' in 601 Dnhlia. Dl\1. HA Tht' ..... 1• • 1317-W _ _ --t'hlrL'I' 11 Tk>autiful 3-l><'drrn., 2-bath homr. Balboa Peninsula. Unit hf'at, J::arba~e disposal plus mnny deluxe features. Fine \'I<'W from un deck and mas- IC'r OOdroom of ocean and FOR ~ALE-:'\<'W 120-b . s iiV<'JI· lll<'mh<•l '•I tri. Li£:htw<'ight accordion, 195. 1 ~nnl 1 \r Eas) terms BEacon !ll 3l-W. and :\l • ~;;.;;;;;.;;;;;.;;;;;.;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;._.-;.;;;;;.;;;;;.;;;~ FIJR.~.~--:t'or rent. Sre Lou· J11'flt:r 1111 • MESA RADIO AND 1 isc apt . first Dbls. & sin,;lc~. jrn~·. Priced for $21 500 q:.u ck fale. 1 REEift.EAF lftd lsseciat. 3 112 N1wport 81v~.. HArbor 2552 NEWPO RT BEACH On the Heights TELEVlSION o,·crJookintt Bar. 308 Camn· tion CDl\1. · Servin Thet SetiJfies ' TELEVISION • SALES • SERVICE INSTALLATION RADIO REPAIRS 109 lr~dw•r Co11e Mese. Celif. BEt~con S808.J LOIDS F. GATES Go't't. A,ppralller on C.l. LoUUI Uomt lAnn• to buy, buUd. rdananC<' or for nltcrouoru GENERAL 11'\SURANCE HArbor 1056 Fl'R:-.=ITL:RE lor :;ale. ~I o d <' r n dt>sk. charr & lamp, •mitllblc for olfi<'P or homt' IIA 1212. ·y()\~"(;oT T<J !'1:.£ IT~'ou <"'ctn't • Th" T•-.l hN•r at." Tht-nP\\ ~;rn•l c;a.., C"t>t ona df' '' R l•l n~rralor. J:Wauti'ful n•'" • ·w hom. mod<' I" a t Gnnr~ F'urui 1111'1' ' IH tt• :'>I! ll'i 15 1\:t'wporl Rh d ., Costa Mt·" 1 11 h 'tr~ 1" FOR SALE .13endix auto. huuoc . •·k. In II ironer. P<'lf cond. Sll:'i. Ph. IIA rh~·~ hll\• 256r.-\V. 404 C'oast Blvd .. Cnl\1. 'lar~:li•:J "' ---. --. -TNI. FOR. R J-;:\"T Lowl) IUtn. O()l., Hom-.;'' Bt·und m•w 3-b~'droom lots rof bUIII·tnS. ti)p and a firf.>· placC'. Ideal family home. , Thi~.is Jandst'apr•dl Approvrd ~ ,.,!.(lr PHA. .. ~.of $8.000 , . "'''F yll $12 999 IH(l Coa I Bh·d., urona dt'l Ma r PT"'· patio. l\lay hr rrnll'd a~ n 1 f'C'(ll din • smg-IC' apt., siN-ping 2, f~r. S.,O, ..,:ey-: h•·-. ~; _wtlh rxtra bdrm. IOI' $7,) m o 1, ~-;ron.t l t.hl.. pd C'a~l l'\(' & morn Cnoll 1,, I .. I Pll(4'... ' South Coast Realty Xenr l'n\lllnn 'lnin !'t. HArbor 20M for THREE -BEDROOM HOMES The Andresen Co., Realtors 602 Coast Blvd., C.D.M. 1-IArbor IMO LOANS for HOMES REGULAR 11!!'1 Cl0-20 yrs.l G I. 4~ t 2n )Cai"Sl FJIA 41>, ~~ c 20 years I Cilll!:t rue. T .o:tn'l 5-!i 1.2 ,.,_ 114 yrs.) No Commis~. ch. on l\1('tro loans W• buy and sell Trust DN.>ds. CALL BOB ~ATTLER kA ~1 tur. FI'N' Appraisal RC'p. POJRlt:R MORTGAGE CO. I MI'tro Life Ins. Funds. Kl 3 -5185 Club Coupe EoonomiC:ll sports ~I of n «ptloaal m.erlt. ''S.ter gTCMI,' hu rubbforlt,ed •d"r coatlag tllroQttout." 84-&t radio, b.tr, roc llpta. ete. I • \rbo_r AA-R·h.. _ _ 1 oui 1 ••• 1 RUG & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING • On IO<'a llnn • \\'nrk C.tmra ntl'('d :\fOOOY r-.:n:m on Ca ll JIJ\rbor 2\0t for &Hm:tlt> P A I '!73 Pttlnwt Ul l 2Jo Coa t &h·d. Cf'rona dl'l M"r KEYS -~tadc wh1lr you wait Tommy's Shop, Post Office Block. I Corona d£>1 Mar. H Fl iD.J j!o:;o • no ta n STAMPS FOil COLLECTORS U. S.-l ritilh Coloni•ls--Gtnerel For.ig11 Stemp S11~li11 The Postmark Shop (M--. Re~io & T•levlsior~) 109 "-..4wey. li-1101-J. Coste M--. ----- BICYCLE r RBPMiliNG $1.G95 P .. A FEW lt:Mt DODOES .LEJo"'T T Tilt: OLD PIUOE! Schwinn Bicycles Ray Stedman 1574 N$wport Blvd .. C~ta MMCL BEacon 5121-J / Shaver Moton Yovr DODGE-PLNOUTH Dlr. 1916 Herber llv~. Colt• Mew N.utic:el D•coretion1 -Us.d N•t • WE BUY SCitAP METALS • Near Ice House on Phone HA""r 2470, Newport le•clt • OPEN SUNDAYS • l Club Apr.5 • •• of soda~ Beck Writes of Easter Week llltle EMt<'r W<'<'k. crcm<S-"<1 but r'f'-• Balboa r .... d nt held ttDt A $100 contribution toward ac-- qulrmr the Corona ~~ Mar blurt, tin r h China Co\ <• and Pa cific EJeetric April mee &: 0 l e n~htooe>f·\\ll)' Wt>nt begging at the •·f Ne"ooport Beec.b next Cit> Council mct't.ing Monday chAse prt~ can be r ais<-d by popu- lar subscription. and t he rest by I bond I IX' or a ra1 or 10 oent Ca~ \\ill be cawkin' n xt .trs. c. G. Waldeck of f'\ t ninJ: \tar will prftt'nt a pro- on .. 1ll~-taxesood. t beU ... ,.... Wl'dn • day as thf.' Sht' Shop brlm.-s , ... ,e g reason o .. " . . that a hl~h percentagt-of the Jot o ut ttw>ir coUectJon or sprmst <>n- Ued "Wa.shincton lm-The oun came wa'h a letter ~ on atudy a nd fr'Om Edith Pictor Nelson, 516 or the area re[re!!h!.'d Poin~o,cnia A ve., Corona del Mar: O\\ners on the nor th ide of the I mbl at the Balboa Bay Club stl't"('t, pt'd.ally those who were Junchl'On. Trit'd to Ret a !X"<'k in th !l J'Tl{'ftl d istrict . that Into :\fa~le Bird' stockroom and fall!.'d, Will be wUUng to contribUte-pre\iew th<' show but round 1\0 liberally to a fund to help buy the much in beach and s treet wear l<?ts and turn lhem over to the tat•h!.'d away that w,. couldn't a.:rt ctt.~ !or the purpose of a park: in to ~. J t promises to be a riot t rip east. ''Enclos d h<'rewith my ,·oJun- ho~teSSt'S will be Mrs. tary sub crlptJon or $100 as an- Ill!' ·Mrs. E. A. Ro~l·rs 1 nount•<'d lhr'Ough the pres for· the 'J R Sims F inal I fUJ tlw rance of a bond 1 ue !or 'Et>(.u Spring ·Festiva l lht' acquisition . of the Corona del 'f ~will be announ<X'd Mal' bluff, Chana Co\'e and th~ • ~Ul be a bridge, te~ la nds of the Pacific EJect_ric. in with Mrs. Byron E. Nt.>wpor~ and though small, chlck- ·alrman, Mrs. D. W. en f~. so term d by M ay!'r Is- \\ e must first find ,out ''hat of rotor with lots of 'round the the bluff lot owners will do tO.. clock fashion ___ r!IJ)t'Cially for ward tlVin~ t ht> vtl'w. It is not hoat and urf fun F:mma Holt prucllcal. to start a contrtbulion will be t'flmm<>ntaltn" W. Cammack, Mrs. bell, tt shows m y confl~ence tn thl' · and Mrs. P aul proj~t and .. Its <.'arrymg throu~h lu11d until we know \\hal Thf' Pn-• • ..... tirl.' cost wall lx>. "Sincerely. Set tlNl down to rl'tros!)C'<'t. WC' think th<' Motht>rstm:Pr-; and th<' PTA did a bam!-up JOb rm thrir 'm<'llf'rdrammrr" pr,..:;en 1 :~ t ion a eraJ commJtl('t.' b~ our city. ~<'n Councilman Braden Finch re- "A. W. S~UTH. M. D. to'11 for price '1otatlons • neral and crimlna1 In- positions are ought ' vii sen·ice ex.amsna- r Office or Price Sta- olher F~ral at<en- 100 to S7.600 a ~<.'ar Kranz. regional dir-ec- that those who file ammediately w ill ha,·e for a ppointment. Th<' will be opt>n inde~i­ written te t will be i•-ants must have had or a uditing cxpcri- 1 <ICCOunting trainln~ oils m:~rkC'd that the Councll could not ...... ~ C" ----~ ac<'Ppt tht> mone). because no fund ~ ~._, .... ~ ha~o lx'\•n • <'l up for such 11 contri- bution C'ounctl r l' l u r n P d lh<' mont•} with thanks. . AppoinLment mad by tht? nE.'w Th€' Corona d 1 Mar bluff tssue Garl Scout Commi. Jonrr were an- al o came up thi W('(>k in a INter noun<X'd re«'ntl) at the.-Girl Scout from Dr A. \\'. ·mith of Corona Board mectln~t held at thl' ·cout I House. <k-1 Mar. su~:~c. ting a posJ abe so-~r . Tl'd Hambrook was an- \\ I'C'k and a half nru. T h<' ... hOI\ \HIS pmre~innal C'u<•ugh tn han" tm::ethr>r and amntPur <'noueh tn b.• a 1 iol. Too;..., rmr t"ood lrJI'nd~ and school f)('rs<>nn~>l <'a' or1n11: on thP tas::t> an th ·1r tc>rnfic co .. - tumc• .. broueht chu<.'kJ(•-. ancl c ur- fa" thrro t..;hout the pr""''nt 11 1on J lop• th•·\ n1ade som£' m"""' • • lutlon IO\\Rrd acqUJring the bluff nounced as serond depUt) m mnus-lot and thus prf'. en·ing th£' \'it>w. . d M M . R.abb' ~ Dr Smith wrote: 10~('r, a n • rs urra) ~~~~II J~ u·k from "an !"'ran ·~M '" "Th<' O\'erflow turnout of Feb-n<'\\ cq~pmc.>nt chalnnan •-tin m.l't h"r husoand l.om,>c.~·m'n .. n~ary 13th at. th~ meeting ~r the ~n~~~~n ~r:s. t~<'n~~~'"~tar~ I fl'f•m Kol"E'a is '\trs J"~m• ~ F ltt1 n· Ctly CounCtl tndicates a treme~-u:C' ha tx><>n named troo(J camp ... on. '512 F,•r:llea' .\\t• C'omn:~ dous lnt(•re. t by the . people In 1 ch&Jrman and "111 soon 118,.<' 8 dt•l '.far And now S~.tt . .John .. un pr~s '"''"~ th<.' ~an vr('w I re.-complete list or OV('might <.'am ping ha.., rorti•·•"' to mo\'e on to r~. ,." CCI\<'d many Jette!", and !be sitC'S for leaders'~. Poant :">< c · The s(>r~PIII"' dit1n't sigmod coupons con~mu!.'d corn.tng 1 AftC'r rt'fr'{'shm<.'nts or coff<'E' ~tnd 1, c • •n11•· " ... wife in hl'r .• rw i::ao;- in from !ar ond w1de Jon~ after douJ;:hnuts Commissioner Mn1. 1-:\'-'• 1 ll<IPI 1 or 1 '~'i' .. ., ino:• ·1n ,.., th~~ mect an~. . il'r<.'tt '\:unan prt'sld"d O\'er tht' dl· •• 1'111 '11' : ..~ ' ., "'~1 1 J Am ~'tlnl tnC'ed that all .m. cnac: f'('(.'ton.' mc<'lin~. Announc<'m('OI nwn ''h""' •· .dir·s • ,. "J ···an • lu thl' \'1~'" can be l'<'nlO\ld fol-~ was made of a llrst aid rour l' rot •hr• ... he wa:-'· .,II, ·tt• '"' ',! t'\ ,.,. pro~ uJPd thl' bluff ~ot uwners lcadPJ'l', which wall bl' ~i\'l'n 81 the-.11'1' '"hor't' • • • '' '' F • ~· an• wilhn~ 10 SC'IJ th<.'tr lot .. fit Girl ~t'nut ROlli-•' bPtwc'<'rl "''" and C·tlldt•l, ;o3 Go1ornr• t1 ' • • •·· lat1' t-ly pe wruJ. rwet\~ atten-durint> 1\al \V('('k and sictM>d WltJa hon from ob nt'ra t'lse\\·here, reiJPf \\hPn 11 \\'ll O\<'r and tbe t ryuu~ to tl~re out the ~ason for hoNk> ~partt-d "ith a roar ot thi annual phenom~non. cut-ou mulflt•r · HeN''' \Chat F'I'Nf B<-ek had to ·~obod~ kno"' v.l1) )outh CCDo WI) m h1 · Local An~le • tn the \ t'r~t'S Ea t r Wt"ek at Balbo&. l..o~t An~twl~ Examiner. On . kid put n this "ay 'The boJ'I Fn:d BPC'k :.ay in hto; Local rv,Mt-bl'caw:e the> rlrls do, a nd the Anotlf · rn ht• Lo Ana:t.l~>'l E~mi-t>hl ... do bf.ocau.;!• tht• bo)'·s do.' nt>r 'But Bal \\ f>Ck was peeoeful "Jo;asrr·r as ob<oPn<-d b'\ South-this ~C'ar Th<' hol"de wu there. land )ourh 4 ach ~··ar ·,,llh an 20.000 ,.tron~ and OJ1lt" of them amazin~; .:a tht'rlnl! ot ht.:;h <'hooJ tt t<.'nd£'<.1 sunri ~' n-fce at eo. ktd ... &I Balbtoa and :-.:rwpon Bea<.'h Jonll dl'l ~tar:' . --and lla) L<tn~vnhC'Im of th"' .;;0 all must not b£o lost. :'l:t•\\-port C'hamtx>r of Commrr('f' tells m••. b) phcml" that th<• 1SI51 t'dlt1on 11! &I \\'P<'k caml' off -.moot hi). Alwa.' ~ 'twa. ... not thus ''A trtl~ hl~tor) ..,hould mdud<.' rdt I I I' • Itt I ht• I Um\ 'Oidl O{ ltrP, lc.n, I • han~: · It n~ot·. ha\,. ~t:un a~ uul~ as 1 ~1..: ,\t Ill) 11• IJ) lht ~o tr ng _ .... .._ Hal \\'t·t k h 11d "hap.·d up i:ls d :rt.,hlci'II IL' a nr.w.l lnllwc ol ban- (1<•ll• d ""J'h \\1rh ~1•.1 .. , u. th<·m 1'tlll'·' 1 111 • Ill J !In pit~ .snd hu• rc~b t•l p tlbo' .... -:\lo\ pVrt. ·AWn r••urr f'!dllns d 1~£'d :o II<C<'•n mc>da r• 1\\0 hr t 't>d a. ... man~ t~>:?•l. amt '~" ,,r .. n ·" and pa.;.rn rt~fi-. ,,,...,l.l:d '" t•all I 'It as mu<.'h d<·''liiC'Ion t"' f'()""•bl<' Tht ob- ""'' .. lh•• .;on 1' 't·f·m!.'d to h<' to •Ill and d ... lro~ an~thin~ 'h 1 '·' ·1 ... n't sunk tt ro -r.c "' -r·~~ local um,· .• t,uhu~ USl:O ·n . It• for h('lp 1 rnr>1 1 hr poliN' of :'ant a Ana a1 d ~ I'. vun<!i1 '"''1\S 1nd n!'f'dt'd 11 < •1 .~ • •1n there . , .•• , 11111 an ,.1... 1 .111oth tor bat- '• ·~and for cito.' JJoan..; tht> po•ae<> Ohio Visitor ltere \!t H.lo! I :·_rp STORAGE ;: - -mmN!Jatelv twatl~tblc­ Francisro·. Oakhnd. San Dae~o. R•·no Fut·thl'r mform.l- ' btainC'd at thP local l''"' t.o th.f'n~ plus all _taX('<; pa1~. Apl'il :i ona cl •I \tar ""I" 11 .. , Fn ... t·" "'"" n Pf'l u•nt 1ntcN>.t Ill\ thl'tr A motion "<~" m:-tdt' 10 1.,,. thP ''' mN•t 1 ,. 1 · '1 h 1 t •r 11"11''~ • l'lu-. :\11~ ~·xpr-1'"' th<;Y C':\ltfClnlaa Foundataon Gilt 10 G•rl \~11' \lr• -' ·t ' \lr '•I LAtJflORV t.ORV CURnlnG ~n:. 216 MARDlt: AVE. BALBOA I SLAND PHO""E HARBOR 10 h.t\•' hlld 111 c•nnnrctton \\'llh thl'tr ._('t,ulc; 10 put Ul> 6 fi:\Jtllmn 1n 01._ '" •1,. •t .. rt fl\\ll~hhap . . di'J' to Janlltah• lh,. tl"l' ttl the• \J..,., Jll .... ·t ndfl th•·~<' c;ondihons I be-mam r<tOm lnr -.mali Toup~ \1"' ,,.,,., Ill! . ' Capilla Ja, \(' that one-third ot the pnr-Ruth Kmnt'\ \\Ill h•lld n 1 \f't'll'lt: a;::'O •, .\~'H 1,1 ----of th<' Girl· ~<'t'IIJI Ar1•' pi nnin ,\rl• ' ~l(l TOUJI , I t ht 'm Jl I !I'lL"' Oil t Church "'t'lr and the sun&~ of the Cornn~ d I .nal\· Church rom- ·•1itrrdRy 10 n joint \,in~ 1t tht' church. J :tbbttt, "il<.' of the , Opt'nl'd I h(' mN"I- •tion' and a tnlk on tm . ·uons of Cnp1lln took ncht'(lll. Group fom •rJ,.:I' :'1:.1~ lor a<~ t•hau·- "· John Lamar, <'0- q)IU't•d thl' mcul. Thl' r '•'<l !'rwin~ bouquet ' t t tw 1 a bl<'s und dld ~chool Gu1ld h1d prot:"r-am A I ormi'r llUt:'h l\1C('Iymnnt o! I r(''ot'lll<'d \'OCal 'oOl~ H'll -..:rwlon J!D''" n 'omt·n ot thl' B1bl•• ·cl Goons t 'e CDM lf'lno; will bP IPn,·inc: ~tonda' fm thl'iJ Gadsdon: Alabama, 'n \\Ill be 1\l'SOCiUtl'd ~m·-; unci<'. ~am Pol- • Jlomoth r btLI\tn~'ss • •I thPJr hom" tt 121 ••h for Ju.; 'Goon im~:;s, \\ill dtl -.om<' • :-.;:\llh\ lllr hut he , '"~ b<-hind hi~ pro-'"'r~tl rarr.•r T h «- indud,•s datHthtf'J • 1ndson Roh<'rr. Ill I N G ~~. -Co<~ta Mr 'I .mn I'Au7-M :E ltt:STOIUTIO~ ~PStorcd uc:inl! c.mc, c c. BRI:\G :'\0\\'. I \R\'EY'~ TI"TIE REP.-\llt An•., <:'o<~tA 1\lt'~ .J Unsung Commercials Jtt:-nrE-.;J~(, TIU~ \\'"E};~- t. ,.0 undt•t· 11t" mana~cment ts th•• 1-11m lluU!>t'. ~12 ~1arine A\·e., n.dbu. Jsl.md 0\\ ner clOd man-·•·'W is lo.Jit 1101 Ell'anorel Folk. \\ht) li\co; a t :lOO C'.Qid<'mod An• .. 1'ornn,, cl<'l '-far. Tlw Fam1 J lou"<' \1 til n:(t'l flOUitt·y prodUC'Is, a;; tw- Jott, r.•nturin;.: dut•kt'IT lJ:. thl' PI ·rt•. Th•• llluff• \\Ill Ill' 1\pt•n ,., "', t111' hut T1 .•d11 ·' . .. . . . \ \\11 0 1.1 : 1• \(ll: m tht• t·urr<'nt j, ,,., of tl e Edison <..:omp<tn~ '.; J.,ntph1o•l, Y.lr~·tri(•<ll l'lmt• . IS dc- ,nl!•d 111 ~tan Hv\\ard's Mmutc \Jon Snnt•k, an Conona drl :\1ttr flw p:unphlt•l pn•o;l'nt c; lour pho- l n• raph., uf the !'nnck p~ace t~a t ,.., up.·mtt·d in Ctm juncflon w1th lh•• t m~>n. ·nicr ~talaon and de- 'rnh,., 1 t a-. a rnod••rn roffN> shop "''''It' hJ:.;h"a' lra\'t'l<'l"'\ as well ,, .. l't'""'''l"' r·in Nll n 'nack \\hile tlwp· c"'tr 1' bc·tnt: l\£'n iN'd • • • \ "'''·'n \:">00 "·-'~D,ncn ,.,,. 11 1ncl n ,.p. c-t<tho;t with thE' ,mm ~:t.,fl<>rtl Arl' IC''iturt'.; that arl' hnnt:ll·l! tlu "f<llk' back for rC'!X'at "'j•, '' •h•• flu<,\1'!'." Hou"'' on Bal-ho:t f._hnd. :t('("'rdin~ to ~Irs. 1~''" \\h1'1tnn ownC'r and mon- ,, •• 'I Thl'<ot• tlano•lo; romr lrl\m lhl' ... urrnunrim~ f'llll'' as \\ t'll 1s from tilt'"""'"'"'' "hr ... a~,. 300 Ch ildren Joi n Egg Hun t "' !t han ~011 t'hlld•·c·n took I''"' 111 "'6 ''"flll .•llnual Ktl'll't ,, h111 t '''"'''1 Ill lhC' ~C'\\'· Jlt•rl II • 1.. • 'l'lllllh c~l•lh. .\ h•· t d n l "\t • 1 • ·~. dona t.•d h~ Coa"' :-:up \I 111, 'l. nr•llll'r \~1-Aml'ri­ ' olll "· IK• t .rlhl P.il'h'\ d's Lido ',f 1 I-.e I 't'l \I'll ,J, I hi' llh)' ('I nf the hunt . The• rhiJ,lJc 1l \\l'rt' lrE'atPd to ,, lrl't' "he 11 .11 lh<' Port Tht•atre m orc•n'l dt I :\far and rl'C<'h·cd pl'JI«'" cionr~ll'd by :-.;<'\\'f!Ort Har- IWlt' m c• 1 ,. h a n 1 " Optimis ts in • h;~n::t• ol nrr,ln~t·m< nt.. \\ C' r r Pr•'l'Jdt nt Tt'' Hotnws. F . C. 'Amh 1 Andr <'~<'n. Bryan Hoffman. 1: c · Cundifl. liM ld Ill'! rick. Les lo1ws •• IJm (;alla~::lwr. T<'d RUS"<'ll, \ r. Plwlp<~, Dill Tobias. Lyle T'op<• nnd llat·k llllhard. .\('rll 3 Dale.>~ tor :\[arinl'r romptn~ at Eml'rald Bay on l'ntnhna " II be Au.:. Ti to Sept 6 1\t'rordtn • to \trl>. Ra) ~1idd.aUI..h, t'OITC'..,pc:mdi.ll~ .;o>{"rt•lar). '' hn rr·(l(lrt C'd n n-l'llnlJI t'Ommittl"t• mL"<'tim Phns r,: 'Umm .. r day t·amp \\ •'I•' r~·venl• I hy ~Jr.. J.; ... tl'"r C'httpmnn bu,in"'' n .. tn:\t,'t•r. nnd \IN. \\·tn n,. f"r ""I. d1kt'lor Mtl\1('~ 1rc 1\lllli!bl.:-h r lt·,ttll'r' ll "" 'It I hr ~('IIIII Hull• •, •unwuul·l·d :\1 a._ H.(; Tnt~. rr.:tltl ln.., t·h:tlrman. Use of Cesspool Is Investigated ;\ rt'il lll''' ttl C'tty C"oun•·tl I •1 lnlw ma t inn t>ll fl!rtlwr tmp ,,; uwn I nf 811 "''rl•• Pr i11 C11r nn11 ~I· ' :\l.tr turn<'d int•• ''" im ... ri~:r.ta .n nf I hi' uo.;p uf il ,., 'l>(Xltll. Tht~ noqu<'sl 1. me· fn•m Po•' R Ifar J'I(•r of Loll' AnL't l1·.. n\\f nf plopt 'l' at F .. rnh '\( \n• ~ na. o.idl' n l I lo• \\I'\ lit• '(I c. lin \l<;nrl:\' "'"Ill Ill! 1 hat t ht• hou ... • .. n hal-pnlJ'II,'t t~ \\'1" unfm•-hl"d, (l.ll'th h ·1'"111•1' n1 iJlnp,, of hr.. ,.,Il l""'''' r·1•·:J~ h.•ci'l"'' o1 r••J'II'll" tl .r• 11·. pt "l'""rd II 11 l)(lr ..\rl' 1 ,\: 1 "•I ' m ll'h I ho> I I t'l I I'd I 1 lllt' -.a It• lit' no,kf'd \\ht•n rtltll'(' n! !I,... n ,, ,jdC' ill't'1 \\I\1Jid h.• fi iJ,'fi ll I ' markan • ""' tlw11 "'' t•r••J~t t~ N'ulcl "'"'"' totiH• >:t'\\o•r rHhrJ II :HI ll't I t'r ''f"l<tl Th~H broil ht a •1114'''1"11 'rnm ('t·uncalm:ln T•11·k Prr.k•' ""' th•'l' tho• ltou.;r '' ts \\lfhtn tho• m1111· mum di .. tttnl't' nl " ..._.,, ,•1·, rc•tJIIIr- in..; C1lllllt't ltnn, l'at-.. } llCIOt't ,. l~•t t \\.t'hh ~:\lrJ 11 \\1\'>, 1lUI 1 h•• 1~ n •1 n t'll :tppto•:r£1 t"fmn••tlm:tl' P ::tkP'• ''111'11'tln d. '1111 • h •• l:wtrl:11 • I ~~lk'' Into 111 .,, ln\1''11- t""<ltt• City to Study Fuelin Haz Thr Ctt~ COilnt'll \'Oh•d , lonri.1~ C'\ f"nanc to Ill\ •''lta~a tC' 1 h•• po-;.,i- bllth· of ft~<• hn1ard in fu1 lin~ hfn,·<: h' IIIIC'k nnd h·:ult•r from tho• ('(l'lrll\ rlock nc.>ar lhl' \rc-hco; ('ount"JI. a<.'t t'd on a r('(}U<'sl b' IO<·al m"rinC' tiN:'ks t hrlf nn ordi- nance:' (l(' drRft d to J)('rmlt fu<'l- in~ onl~ b} :~uthonlNI marin<' Sl'l'\ i<'<' st 1\ t ions "Wt' a~ mann f' statmno; Rl'C' 1 NJUippc.'d with facillli<'~ to hanctle St. Pa t. Party Held a ny brots rN;nrdJ<.'ss of si7t' and th<' '' 'H1itional jig at the St . Pa-comply ,,;th oil safet~ nnct firr t rick'<~ Pa~ party of thC' Bib 'n'l reg\.l]alions," lh<' Jetter s id. ''It T uckrd Dnncc C'lub at the Santa seems unfair to hAve trurko; nnd An·1 Countn Club. Stan Kt-llogg'& trniiC'r~ f r•nm out idt' thr rommun-orl'ht'<~lrn \VC\"~ fnl'merl~ featurf'd , it~ fll£'1 O\t>r th<' docko; ". . ul tlu• 'tlrroni:m and Oakmont Ctt~ Ma!"a~<'l' John SnaiCll' <;!tid APARTMENTS I C'ntllllt~ Club" 1 that the •-~uc \\'tl'~ rlii"=C'd after large Jlv. rtlClm 1\ numlx'r of prr-dnnc<' parti('S R. L. C'ttlhs, \.'f'n<'r tl P I ""!•'Um bdrm. ki lc~n-hirilln:ht<'d tht> fnrmal honorin'tt df.ttlet•, hnd fntn<'d n pt•rmtl to rate by day, Trr huul Mr and Mrs. C'.eorste fUt'l thC' Hru nt th<.' co•mt~ dN'k I Wtnh .. r antl Ir nnd M~. Rh<xJ 1\tr. <'allis e'<:plntnrd that 1t would MOTEL Fm 1~ llf ~nnta Ana were hosts haw hnn chfll<'lllt tn htl"l tht' COM H A 1063 •tnd ho ... tt<:'N''~· J18ula cl~\\ hcrt'. 1\1"' • 1 II' '~ ' • l'lf'l •1-. c m .. .. ' ru,,\ • \'£''1~ th1o; ,H~It "'""·\~ ~ 1-n '" rnt: :tbotn a lot of acdMntl'. :\tn; H W F IN'IOt r il:l 1>4olrJ- "11 d c· •••r • li•·l '.' r. -.uftf•r<'f'i •I IJ,r\kPn •.\ l"l'l •n a h.ad (811 (ln ,-,,..,t,.,· ~und"' "hil'h pur I !'r !n 'ht' ht ... J•I IO!II l•ll ;1 tby (lr .. n --- 11 •'nlll•" '11 ·•n •nron,rn,••nt 'tnu• t•><'. l'll"r't!J<:t' the• F:tlrnn"r' 1!."r Jtltnninc .,. mon o:rnm \ntl 11, lt··~-.·n \\1 .t • olio. T(l rmntl that \l r~ .\nvla • r.nn·hlr• i•ll' II• hnl•·nl"' A1 , •. C 1\F•n 1 rl•' \ltr h1, h••••n .;;•Jlt• t·ip·~ \\lth T\\'1 1 llJ•)k••n \\Ti''" · \.lad rn •I"•' \1 1 rl"cl \tl... fJ n ftnok•' -:-:-. (;.,JrJ, loruti ,, r • >11"1 rl··l ~t ,r . ' • •k,n • .t ""'l!•tl ''"' n n:::un ThC'\ t Hl 'II' n· .. n1·w lttn•• m P n..::1 • n.t. \\h. I' \J I Rtk •k•' lllh1t1('\\ ,, ... , ~Ill­ Ct•n Tlw R••• kt • .tr•· ll:Jrt nt ... nf \lr-{.,lilt'' .. ''.l'lt• ·Inn• I n( cn~t'c: 1-lfl-~.:.. ,,,. I \\hi) II\• .. .lt .!12 ~I·! ~~ '' '""'rl c·ty _ol ty. to Act 0!! ~~ '>! tes Tl ,. \\',•o:t ~"''i"H·t I"TI'r• •'- '"' a• \o:"'n• nli"r linn•• t 11 I,. I'll\ , •lH ln' ttn nJI th•l11'l • , .. "'·lhtl ,,,~.., r.' ., .. d . '·•no~· 1•11.: ''' t'•'" ('ounnltn t'l') .\- 1111 ""'. ll.u ' Blttt! "•'II Cn•· ,t ttl .11111 I • I • ll ' • Th•• p• .. nt • ,I\ ""''11 <111•' .unt•• ,11111 ririlllr:.: n'"'r'll '"" ' • t lw I I \ ': • ~ ' , • 'rd ,:-;I Ill \\'•·~1 '·"f'•lll '111t' I nl!H'II\'t'nll '"' \"~"1'1.1' 1111 ·1111 C nn •h•• I• i"''''' ts rummt .,.,. • 'l od tln'' n p•fllt rttl•·tl th 11 lh,. t•rdtll ll\<'•• (ho,- l'timllHft", ;1 ~ •1:'"'' '''~' •IIIII'" • ••',II\ c fl'o. .. : tlo"' dt) ••I th•• - • r• tr '~lid \1, I ll-ll ... \JIItt'd ,., lht• • 'n• , (, 1 h•· tn•m 1\'• :n• nt ,,, • 1\.ll •·hn"l:•' th 1' thl' nil r - ltnll "'1 I• ~· "1•i !· h\!1 t~·n lt--- • •n• •I 1(1 t h, .I • ·in .. • til ''' o" I on I~ ·h '" 10\Alttl h...-,., .. 1 h• 1 i • \ ••I '\" ('\' :'I()• t !11"~rh h.·- ltt'\, i ''" lf t' 11,, O\\ 111'1' n( tht. t ad.! 11 ,,, 'nl ( ~, " 1 r • " H •1 this It A't' ()• I lei!' land:-drdiJn~.: \\'rl'l made• ~mt • llu·n t hP t · :' ~uru "''' Court ha' ruh'd ·hat t hP l' ~ {rll\t•rnmrnt 1s owTTcr of th<' tJd('- lnnd-: .1t d • .,,.r,.f,,r,. tht• lt:'aS«' nnd 1t~ a ... -;J~.:nm,•n • to 11, Jt.'n .. n~ C'n. al't' nf no C'rfPCI 11r <:rl('i, finn St1111 F' nn\ F.U . OJ'\-.;t·n 10 :1 o Pl'l h1'l' p:11 1\ to hc,nnt l\11·. and Mrl'. t'l1.11'h•s J-"'inklH'Il• 1. \\h!l 'U"t' ll'll' in • ... Ot'll for Ul ( ' • •' n d ,. <1 traal.•t 1na1 rf ' ,,.. t 1 1 • l ~tl\h', "as 1..1, 1'1\ F'·ida:. t ' t nan,;:. \hi rch 1H. h' :\I ~ ~laho•l Coulh'l'. f\1~ :\an·i'""' \H•. ('f'rona rl•l \11'\r. t\mm1 t ,,. lh .. , , 'I 'r dlnn~r • nd ( 'lnt.l:<l I \\ '14' \h~ l\:M•' Rt'ld t.lt t nio i..:h \1M t • c; \ ·.,lo1t"Ck and tw r nwtlu I, ,:\11'< \\'f't tdl or Co- 1\11 1i•"'l :\far. Showers? JEA~'~ 12 17 Co.,t Blvd Corona clel ll.o4a- HArbor l 1<40-.J FOR YOUR SNAP-ON TOOLS Airc.r•f+-Avtomotive-l.,d.nlril!l Joh1 liln•l• ~;~ l':U ~lmmur O r., RAlboa Even the daisies FlCT10 '": The· Cam • : Jtln) • b' Ilnman \\' •tk F:'flm Hes,.. r. f tf"mlty'' ~.' J • nN-.ton,., * 'O'·rl(TIO,. l Ja..: f •. , !.. ,, ~~ 'Jltarr~" "'<:'••h•ncr.aph: f F. tht·l W~ters Fr um ll• r. h\ J :tc-k Lrut 't' Elt•nuty'' .t't' ~f ortimer , ·_·se Ou: Lendmg i t L..r:rr,. -·L"' . ! T he I la nders h<'tlboa Lsland are talking a bout the (>rin g "'" fa~ hi on h ott•ing he Shop, Balboa, he> .• ...... • !';(' iCS:1,0t: ~ -~: ~5ac~· J "I 3" p April 4 m 8 "6 E. Balboa Blvd. -Bolboa -HArbor 2000 .~ RAGAN'S Your Family Restaurant (Cioeed Tueeclaf) lUI o..t llh..._ .... o.-~~e~ Mort> than $100,000 In building pt>t·mit for Udo Isle dwt-IUngs durrn~ th~ past Wet'k h~lpcd boo t the March totaJ for th~ city past ~ SSSO,OOO mark. The 1951 buildins: total for th<' <'II~ thus Is still atw"d of lhe pac:e of the record year or 1948. ''hen ~ 2,605,913 in pPrmlts had l>N>n issuNJ by t h(• t'nd of March. T~tal for 19.11 thu~ far is just past $2.610,000. Thfl Lido Luildin,~: Actl\lty· was aet•otm t cd tm· pl'irnarlly by J1('rmi ts fot five Sl1,000 dw<'llim•s for Ray Dike and D. R. C'olgro' c or Pasa· dcna. Udo now lc•ads nil sections of th<' city in buildsn~;. \\lth 5175;. 000 In (X'rmits. Corona del Mar llncludlns:; Corona Hlt::hlando; and Short> Clifls I is n<'Xl with $145.· 000, foUow£'d by Ray ~hon• •. with almost , 100.000. Following permJis WCI (' I. uro dunn~; the.> past ''''t'k Ll<lo hit> \\' A. Marshall, 324 Poinsettia, C'orona dcl Mar. 4-room. 1-story, 1-tmit dwcllin~: at 111 Via Yells, $11.000 Ralph Ho~le, builder. \\'. M . Murdock, iOI Via Lido Pace CD Dr. C. W. Smith, 313 Hazel, 5· '""l~•rl 1 ents room. 1-~lory, 1-unit d~'t'lllng at Franc:! l\f<'Onnstld. ddill<'ln to • 222 Hazel, $10,000. Ownf'r buildeT d\\(•lJm,:: a t 6t105 8<-a.;hor<'. $2.000. ~tr and l\lrs ~rnnk ~chwrhnJt Dr. A. E . S tockton, 711 Poln· t-\\s>or t llt'lltht" nrt; mo~·m~o. to thtu :w~ ~<:11·<' I plus ettia. 5-room. 1-s tory. 1-unlt K<'liY i\Jika, addHions at ,.,. ~\\llltmm~ pool I at ~· :;o Th.ntn d'' c.>lllng at 286 Evf:'nin,:r Canyon \\'t•-:t minst<'r. ~50 Aq•. CI')SIG Mc·a . f11' famJiy !!d , Short' Cli{fs, $12,500. J amcs • B~tlbua l'llllnd htl\'E' sold t~t>ir hou-,~ tnd 8f!8rl· u . Ray, bujlder. F.lnl('r Maid n. rt>modcllins: a t mcnls at 31-C'nrn~ttton Av<', C'o- Gracx-&-nnctt, 507 Carnation, 12i Ruin 100 rona del l\lnr, to l\lr. a r d MrL W. 3-t'OOm, 1-story. 1-unit building at • · ~lboo H. Bro\\n of H QIIy\\Ot•tl. same addre ~· $5.400. AI Cle-C. II. Mcl<c•IJips, PhOC'nlx. At·iz.. Th" propcrt y was rC'portNUy mcnce, builder. addition to dwt-llln~: ?.t 1713 E . sold for $.10,000. ·.rhf' Rr '" n · plan Fritz K ar·ge. Whittil'r. :>-room, Bn~. $800. to ll~>e the hom<> for 11 w<'Ck-(•nd 1-story, 1-unit dwellin~ a t 452 G. T. 1\IC"Lau..:hlin, 1731 n <'l'an a n•l l'Ufl'lmPr placf' Thl'Y hav<' 1t l\lcndo78 Dr.. Cm•onn . I lighlandl!, Bh d . 1-t'OOm. 1· tor·y , 1 -unit il t !lon :md a daughtt-r• and both ~14.000. R31ph Merz. builder. liJN 0 <.'<'<111 llhd .. $9.000 ()""' r l'uunt.t (X'Ople a t'<' a\t••nt.IJnt:: col-btJIId r ,,~e a t Santa Bat h'lru Nl'\\ ton H Cox jr· .. Santa AM. Rn~· ~hor4'1' Thl' S chiN'Imlt s' '!On J larold, '" 6-rootn. 1-story, 1-unit dwelling at ,,, . .,, P. fl. "l"rlnman, -, \"'a,.. .. l' { 224 ~1 j C "' 1' ,. " """ ll Slll\1!'111 :lt tht' no\I'Ntl~ 0 ' ' orn ng anron Dr .. Corona rl'ly, garagt' at 21tl ~artno. , 750. ~outtwrn Calitntmn. II•• has nf· Hls:hlands, Sl0,400. Il'l~ Gt'<'t'nleaf jP., buildc r·. filitt t<'d \\lth tlw Ptu llt•l';; Chi Richard Mo" ('r, 6021il I"' a rcis-Fr1 d l.an do\\ n<' 220 Mar tnt-. fra t<'l'nlf ~. sus. R-room. 1-swry, 2-unH dwl'll· Balbo.'l !<;land, :\-room, 1· tor~. l- ing at ~1 PoirsNtia. S14.fi00. unit d\\'<'lling at 2503 VI ta. , 12.· Willi·am Paul Scott (h\ nt'r bUtJdt'r. I (lOt) Dt kl' & Lownt'S, hUtlders Dies at Island Home Benefit Tea for New Church Soud. 4-room. 1-story. 1-unlt Gene's Place dwelling at 148 \'Ia 'T'l'if'Stc. ~.500. \'ller buHdf:'l'. "You and your friends arl' in· \itt?d ... •· This in\'itation is be· In~: I'('C('i\'('d this week by ml'm- tx>r·s and fri<'nds of the Altar So· ciet~ of Ou r Lady of Mount Olr- nwl C'hurch of Newport and Saint John Vlanney Catholic Chapel of Balboa 1 land for the benefit tea to bfo gi''l'n at the Balboa Bay Cluh on Thursday. April 12 at 2 p. m. \lr R ·J Hl'ffal'r, MM. C. W . I hu·t. Mrs. P F. Fcman and ~1rs :'\ , P Rr<'lt nC'r :\1n. Jlolt Condon will ha,·f:' chat ~<' or thE' ticket and Mrs. J. \\'. Cammac:k and ~Irs. Colin F. 81'0wn will ha,·c charge of t he tables. ·a<.'COrdin~ to Mrs. Arthur Ta.vlor, who is in charJt<' of thf:' uffllir. Ma."'nic <'n"i('('<; \\'l'r.~ hfld Fl1· day, :\lan:h 16 at Ba!lz MorttJ&ry. Corona df:'l lfar, for W1lham Paul Srott. who d.it>d Tu<>:.d3.), :'of arch 6. at hi. home on Balboa Island. 208':: AJ!all' A\e. Tntrl'1"'1rnt WllS in ~Mirt> ''-' Abbe~ . W£DDtNG CAKES Ray Dikt> and R Coll'gro\'e, BlRTIIDAY CAKES Pasadena. 6-room. 1-story, 1-unlt FRENCH PASTRIES I dwellinstS at 104 Via Palermo. 112 ,. o..& Balllcvanl Via Xanthf:', 21i Mt.>ntonc.>, 108 Via HE' wa" a Kansas nath'l', had li,£'d in California 30 years. six years at thl' local address Sur- ,;,·ors are his widow M~·rtle; th.rt>e sons. Lt. Col. Paul ~cou, an Jol'e: L-1. COmmand r Jack Scott, Los Angell's. and Jf:'rry Scot t . Pasad na: a dau~hter, Mrs. Ru t.h :\1echam. Pasadena. and two .,-and- children. c.-... .... IIA u• I Pa l('rmo. 221 VIa Mt'ntone. ~ch ~~~=~==:::::~::::::::::::::::::::::::=:::.1 811,000. Dike & Lown<'s. builder!' S . ft Coleman. 1703 B a I b oa R lvd . 6-room, 1-stor). 1-unit dw<'llin~ at 2'l9 Vta Mentont.>, $13.· 000. R. Sta~ ton Dorrl!-, builder. ~, The Sip •• HArbor 87 STEADY SAVERS HAPPY FAMILY! EaC'Jt mfllmbf>r or this fam- Ily pt<'ks • curr"n-nt luxury to ~~th•f' .up for jul9t t~e\'f'OD claytt • • . and 4'\'t"rythJa.-th~y •''4' by dole( this lfOH lnto a family vln~ Pr~ at NEWPORT BALBOA FED- ERAL! ~mJn~~t ~ att\·1!' ap 80m(>oo thlllc for f'a<'h ot.IMor ha.8 ~~ thfm d O!!If'r ~tbf'r ... ..w•n thf'm rHI A, .. INGS! Vowr family t'.all do tJtf\ amt>. Come-In toda\· ~ c-et ta rtH . · Make Your Scmnqa Goal One Year·s Income BOSSI'S ~ lrALIAN DINNERS Al8o Staks -Prime RIIM Cocktails 1611 Cout BmL llarbor UBI v..n-...... C'uroiU\ df'l Mnr C. A. Carpcnter, 505 St?award Rd .. 6-room, l· tory, 1-unit dwell· In~ 111 301 g<':m nrd Rd , 13.000. ;\'nE"r buildcor· ~1ay Vcorll"t'<''-. mo\r d\\l'llin~ 111 420 Cold!'nrod 111 lnmt 01 lot. SJ.OOO. Birthda)' Part)', Reunion Held A combination lx>lated birthday _dinner: for Bob Wh) tc. ·U6 Hazel Dr .. and reunion of members of Los ComJcos Playt>rs was held on Saturday ni~ht. M8rch 24th. at the home of PN'<Iita Horn. 14 Sea\'iPw A\·e.. Corona dcl Mar. Othf:'r memlx'r""<~ nf the Club Jlrt'· sent \\'Crc> Don and James S tt'f· fC'nsen. :'.1ar~tart>t Dwhl <'f Corona dC'l Mar and hC'r fianct>, Gcne Lay. El Toro Marlnco Bas<'. Sally and Barrie Bit>l<'r. Pa~df:'na: Phy llis LakE'. La Tlabra: J!'an Bartlne and Cappy Sladl'. from NE'wport Heights, and Alan Lewis, Balhoa l!>-land. Ahhou~h circumst~mce han~ separaiNI thcsf:' younJi( peo- plc, thE'y ha\'t' k<'pt up their frlE'nd- sh ips. and c njo} ed an C\'enlng or happy remini~net's and genf:'r81 sociability Rcsidf:'nts or Corona d<'l Mar will rt>mt>mber the many cle,·cr play. givt>n in th(' g&rtlf:<' and patio o(. thP St<'frPn.t"n home on MariJ:old A\·<'. :\ EBR.\SK.A \"I~UTOR~ HERE R<'CPn t l:\lf'l'tS or Mr. nnd Mrs. William H. Crcsw('ll, 422 HE'tiO· trope Ave., Corona del Mar. wt>rc )h~ Crcswt>ll's a unt and unclP. I :'\1 :-. and ;\Irs. C. A. \"an ="ortwick. 'mm Supcrior, Nt>bra!!ka, who I"' rr tour·in!:: through California :lfld Arizona. TO T (T:'IOX FOR \"ISJT :'ltis:> Carol Andl'l'son. 309 Poppy Au•. Corona d<'l 1\tar. SJ'I<'Ill Ens- lt•r \\N'k in Turson. Arizona, vis- itin g Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Knue· buhl. nt·<' .J:tl'kit:' Phtllip-. Thc Knur buhls hm ught C:tt'OI hack and I \\ill sp<"nd this wl'f"k \\tlh Mrs. K"lUf'buhl's pnrr nls, Mr and Mrs. Ra!ph F. PhiiiiJ>l'. 614 Jasmini.> A~n~ I :Mn\·E~ IIF.In ; FROM <'OLTOS ~tr!--Gt>l ti<" Jlousc has lt>ft hl'r furnw r homc at Colton.'Callf.. and I I" now o<'<'IIP~ ing )X'rman<'ntly thE' hom<' at 1606 Pacific Dr .. l<>ft to ht-r at the pa ing or MN!. Ado R I Pl'llijohn. Thu many years of . en·rcf:' ~\'en by Mrs. Howe to ~1rs. Pettijohn as her compan- ion have been rewarded. and Mrs. Jlousc i!l also now the owner or th<' automobile in which shf:' had dri\ <'n hcr charg<' so many milc . FURNITURE AND ACCESSORIES Th<' tc.>a is being gi\'c.>n to h<'IP lhl' building fund ol the nC'w Catholic Church building for Our Lady of Mount Carml'l Church. F.arly ~><'nice on Easter Sunday witiltted the new church building. A li14:>r:u~· and musical program hnc: bt.'t'n planned to start at 2 v m Piano sf:'l('Ctions h) :'\trs. 'f<'I P!-ll Rt'nn<'r, former J::uroJl('an <'tlnl'f'l I pianist. will OJl('n t hc pro- ;:u.m P.oscinc Fe<>lc' will read t hl' CUI"Il'nt BJ-oad\\·a~ 'romf:'d)· hit. ~~·ason m lhC' Sun" b\ \Volrott Gibbs • Rr ('ei\ tn~ \\'11 h 1 hf:' pre rdt'nt. \Irs Leonard PE'rruzzi. will 1x> \1~ T hrodor't' Robin_, Mrs. Do~·le Hatch. \Irs. John ·R: Danicll. M~ J W Thornton, l\Trs. 'K. Ooant?. Here's an Idea . . To End Parking Meter Troubles A &!boa rcsidt-n t. Mrs. Jose- phine' McCloskt>y. 2101 E. Ocean Bh·d . finds f'8rking met<'rs annoy- inc. and l'hf:' has a uggcstlon for a p(I.SSibll' I'E'med~. ' ~h<' pf'('St'nted this idca to City C'ouncil by letcer Monda.v e,·cnin~: "a ft'e of 50 cents or S1 each sea· son for a sticker, to 1x> put on the in, id<> of the "indshield. allowing parkim: at a mcter \\ithout drop- pinj,t p('nnies into thc meter evt>ry time we.> stop our cars for a few minutes." S hf:' wrotc that it W8S \t>ry an- noyinc to ha,·c to put a penny in 1 hc lot rn order to stop to buy a paper, go to thE' post orrice, pay n utility bill. or buy a stick of Jn!m. Her plan still would permit the city to ~et the parkinJ; me ter pennit's and nickels from out -of· lo\o\-nl'rs shf:' pointed out. City Council filed the lf:'IIE'r. A('<'<'PIAn{'(' or thE' Op('n ln\'ita· tions ·'''til bt> rc('('i\'l'd at HArbor 1017-.J and BEa~n 6115-J Guests Are Entertained At LeDer Lido Home Mrs Annir l.A'fler. 210 Via San Remo, Udo 1 If:'. opent>d hcr homf:' d•mnc East<'r \\ <'<'k to mC?mbers nf h••r ramib and thcir fricnd . Th<' first pnrt Clf the wet-k Mrs. C. Ru k l.<>flt-r. h('r dau~htE'r·in· 18w, r hnJ)('rnnC'd ht-r own daughter Louis<' and a group of thl"l!'(' fri<>nds from Ana Oakia t:irts chool in ArMdt8. Lllt<'r in thf:' wcek :'\frs. L<'Oer's grand.<;.an. Bob McPhc.>rson , nrri\'£'d from Akron, Ohin, for t h<' holld8J"!". bringlmt with him thr~ formf:'r school m11t es from Stanford Unh't'rsil\· Rob' ill r<'l urn to Akr'On th<' rir8t p3rt of April. Pl •. <\~~ TO MO\"t; Mrll Frnnk Pow('roc;, 600 Mar- ~.rucriiP A\'E'., Corona d<'l Mar, Is lookim: rorwnrd tn mo\'in£ north nt'Ound lhr first of ~1ay. Mr. Pow<'I'S hat. hct'n at Port Jlu<'ncme for som<' tlml' do tn&:: (X'rsonnf:'l work. H t> will continue to come hom<> W<'<'k -l'nds until Mrs. Pow- crs joins him. MR~. GEORGE \\11EAT SAMED Mrs. Cror,::e Wht>a1, 3909 Chan· nf:'l Placx>, Nt>wport, has been namt>d to the nomrnatm~ commit· t('(> or t h<' Oran~<' County ~peak­ <'rs Forum. Next m~tln~ of ·thc group "ill be held at t h<o hom<' of Mrs. L. 1 .... Williams of Orange on Aprtl 17. SO~ FOR TilE PHINXE\'S A son, Brant ~. was born on March 17 to Mr. and Mrs. Curtis l\1. Phinne', 1291'l Topaz. Balboa I land. In St J oseph Hospital. Thl' n(•\\ com r W<'i S.:hNI i pounds, 15 OUn('('S. MODERN ar~el nOI'ICAL FURNITURE • ORAI'ES • WALL- I'AI'ER.S • LAMI'S • FLOOit COVERINGS. HO E a OAJCDEN 611 Coast Hwy .. N.wpott, ll12n ,. ... , " COMftlETE TRAVEL SEitVICE ................. .., ......... , )461 Authori1ad repreter~tetive 'or leed ir19 theatrat end et1rectiont Vie Udo, Newport HA "On the Mtzullirt " 12 ... Fllt.ST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCI(NTIST 3)0) Vie Uclo, Newport lel'h A branch of The Mother Church, The Firr Church of Chr'tt, Scie>~tist, ir1 Be.· ton, Monechut~lts. Sunday School .. ·-· ·-9 lO e m. Sunday S.rv•c• -·---. __ _ I I :00 e m. Wednesday Ev.ninq meeting_ 8:00 p.m. Reedil'g Room locat-ed at II I Pelm St ~ Bal~. is open deily from I 2 nool\ to 5 p.m. e•cept Sul\deY" end holida'(l r'lelionally observed. The public is cordielly invited to et· tend the church servk es end use tt.e Reeding Room. REOPENING FRIDAY MUCH JOth Under New Management . . featuring CIUCKEN by the piece OPENING SPECIAU e TENDER FRYERS e CAPONEliD ROAS1ERS Ellie Folk A88t711a YOt • . lb. 68c lb • 1 212 MclriM BALBOA ISLAMD Rkhor 0114 Q ALn'Y PltOOVCI'S .... l'ti!JI\'IC"E ..... Joanne Clay Hogan Married : lriclge.Ccmasta Section MeetS OD Lido Ja1e ~"EW sos roa ••• s Mr. and Mrs. ~ W. ,.._ t>T, 236 Driftv."'Od P~. ._. Chits. are the pannta ol a -. Barton Paul. born Ma.rdl ll, Ill St. Jt~..e}Jh H o spI t a I, wepunc I ptJuncb 13 ounces The marriage o( Joanne Clay 1 fomla Club ana Blue Key H e at- Hogan, dau~hter o( Mr. and Mrs. l<'nded Unh·ers1ty of California at John S. Hogan, 321 Poppy Ave., Santa Barbara, Hastings Coll~t> Corona del Mar; and Lawrence L. or Law, and "iU complt'te hts Wathcy, son o r Mr. a nd M rs. T . tralnimt at Amer1can lnstitutt> for Earl WatMy, 1905 Robblns St., For iJ.'l\ Trad<' in January. 195~. Santa Barbara, took place on unle-ss <'laimro by the army bt-- Thursday evening, March 22nd. In I fore that datE' • prlng colors dt>coratt"d the Clubhous.P "hen tht-Lido We Wo- m n's Club, bndl!t> and canasta seocuon ht'ld thetr monthly lW'Ich- f'On and card party lut "~ k on Tu da) I lost "'f'rt> ~tr-­ Warr. n C .. h:' .Mrs. C I )tr.n..on. ~tr T R t:ad"alad r. arad '\1l"i Ensign CassinerJ d ~,_,.._ !I pt'O\'en mee.ns of readdll! ....,_. Cor all soru ol ~ U. J uli<'l 1<' ~JdJaktn then! P~ Harbor lllt.. St. Mary's Episoopa I Church, La-;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::; guna Beach Rev. A. Tennyson JAC'K no~s Phillips, pastor or the church. read the double-ring service. Joanne was. !{iven awa} by her father. She wore a pale blue chif- fon dress, a small white hat and a corsage of white butte rfly orchids and stephanotis on a white hea.rt- shaped background made of chif-~ fon velv('t tublnjit. Miss Virginia Bachmann of Co- rona del Mar was mald of honor. She wore a pale yellow dotted -;wiss dress. and a corsage of yel- low daffodils. Rodney F raser Ritchie of Han- ford. Calif .. wa tx-st man. H e. \\;t h Thoma Carter of Glendora, Robert Sloan from Redlands, ush- ers. WE're fratem i() brothers of the groom's. Lansin~ E. Janes from Los An~t>les. also assiSted a t the wedding. Floral decorations at the church were stock and peach blossoms. Floren ce Anderson of Corona del Mar played fa \'orite selections of the bride's. including ''Uebe-l straum" and "Meditation" Crom Thais. and tht' traditional wedding marches. She accompanied Ken t S uttle from San Oie~o. nephew o! Mr . Hogan. as he sang "At Dawn- inJt" and ''God Ga,·e Me You." 1 l\1 rs Ho~n was dres cd In an c.-lt"etric blue crepe df<'ss, and \\"Ore a corsa~" of white iris Mrs. \\'a thf'y wore cherry l'('d ere (X' and also a corsas;e ot whiiP irl'. The bride a nd croom ldt oon afte1· tht' et>rc;>monl'y for a honc)- moon trip to La Jolla. Tht>Y \\111 Gl Cl b hP at home a 2050 Camel Back ee U S Road. Phoei).L~. Arizona, unttl Lawr£'O<.'t? romplet{':o hi t<'rm at F d the American In~titute for FCir-To Be ete I £'11m Trad tn that city Owmg to a ~nt dea~h an the ;\h·mlx'rs or the \\'omen's Fel· fam1ly. J~ne \\eddim:: wa:. tow hlp of "t. Andn:"~ P r.:!o.b) ter· small and mformal, and tht're \\as mn 'hurch and the Comnu t we of O\) recepuon. • O<..'Cadental ('oU ce Alumru, spon· Joanne is a member or Kappa I sonna; th Gl~ Gtub <.;ffill"t!tl at Alpha Thet.a sorority. She atten~· tht! Hhth School tomorrow t Fri-ed Principia Coll<'ge and the 'm- da} • 1:'\E'nmg, w1U honor the com-H't it) of California at Santa Bar- bmt:d ~Icc clubs of the college bara. "'ith buff<'l supper preceding I..a,,·ren<:'t' is a member of surma the concert. Alpha Epsilon fratcrnaty, C-ali· l\1n.. Edgar HiU will chairman th\• .\o.UJlp..•r, ass1 ted by Mrs. Karl Axtatcr and Mrs. Neywood Rb- Jxtrdluu. ln charge of sening are Mr. and Mrs. Robert Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Brown. ~1r. and Mrs. Vln J orgensen and l\tr. t~nd Mrs. Ralph Deaver. Pro- Mn. Cheyaey Dies at Age of II CI.'Cds o( the concert will be used Pri.,.ate memorial SCI"\ices w!'rc lot the organ fund of St. Andrews held yesterday for ~trs. E'dna K. Prcsb) tc;>rlan Church. Cheyney, who died Saturday a t the JAck Ross. ba~ and Grace-age of 81 a t her homt', i l O Mar l- Lynne 1-ta rtin. soprano, \\ill be-gold Ave .. Corona d I Mar. In- soloist Grace-Lynne has sung terment will be at the Cheyney an the GuHd ppera production of Burial Ground. Cheyney. Pcnnsyl- 'Hans<'l and Gretel" a nd is an ac-1 ,·ania. complishcd o~anist and pianis t. She was a natl\'c or P<'nns~:t-appearm~ in th<' Behymer Ar tist I vania and had li\'ed In Ca~lrom1a I Series for 31 )·ears. Survi\·ors anclude Tomorrow night' concert is two daughters. Mrs. Donald Kirk· OJ><'n to th<' public. patrick of the ~1arigold A\'C. ad-~, dress, and Fanny B. Cheyney trf Buelle. :'\. J.: a nd Ol'l(' son. Wal- 'dron J Cheyn ey of Ot.>l :0.1ar. Calif Installation Party for Optimist Club April 6 Th\' iruaallalion party for the :'ll<>wport Harbor Optimist Club has l>N-n scheduled for Friday t>venin~. April 6. at the BaJboa Bay Club. th<' nt'w pl'('sident. Tex Holm<:>s nC CorCina d<'l ;\far. a n- nounC<'s AID!'< fN "8 KJD ROW .. FILM PRI~C'lPALS T O BERKELEY Mrs. Gra~ cc ~e,ier. 441 Carna- tion Ave .. principal of Corona del Mar Gramma r School: l\lr. Roy Andersen. 431 Oahha Ave.. Co- rona del Mar . pl'incipal of Horae<' Ensign chool. and Mis Bernie<' Vestal. 1111., W . Balboa Blvd. Newport Beach. principal of New· port Grammar School, drove to Berkeley. Calif.. on Saturday, Ma rch 17. F rom ~1arch 18 to 21 they attend<'d the ron\·en tion or the California E l<:>mt'ntary School Admini trators Associalaon. Victor Appel. 137 Topaz Ave., Balboa Island. is sound mixer for 1 he curren t B<'rnhard produc tion of "~kid Row." Stuart Heisler is dlr<.'Ctor : Stf"rling Haydt>n. leading man. VJn'Ca Lindfors. I e a d in g lads: and Thomas Mitchell and Ludwlf; Donath, hC'a\·ies. Some EA TER WEEK G{'E.~T !.<'CoN; art' played on the Lon~ Mrs. \'1da Webb of Victorville Beach Pik\' Shoolins: Clf scenes on s()E'nt se\·t'ral days dunn~: Easter 8 p1l'r was c;cheduled for aU Fri-week \\ith h<'r on-tn-lnw and d.a> ni~ht 1 daught<'r. Mr. and :O.trs. ~lt'X Mac- illi\Ta\· a nd their fam1ly, 1610 ta'&~T OF KOOMM TE First An• .. Corona dt•l Mar. » Lonita Vinet'nt. daus:hter of Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Vincent. 322 L S t .. Balboa. pen t East<'r week "ith her room mate of Carsdn Hall at the University of Oregon , Veelo- For the Harbor Area ltnnlediate Vdi•ur JoeNickertz \'l~lTOR~ FROM I"" A. Mr. and Mn!. Joe St~nson and their daughtt'r Su..c;:m and son Gary. from Los Angel<'"· spent Easter ·week "ith Mr. and Mn!. Walter Wood. 439 Carnation, Co· rona d<'l Mar . .e~A~S Vl~TT TO \'ALLEV MrS. Thomas Davit-s. 510~~ Acacia A\'e .. Corona dt-J Mar. Is planning a trip to San Ft-rnando after the Eastrr Vacation week Is O\'er, to visit her friend, Mrs. James Thayer. -. HERE F OR EA TER WEEK The C. Atian McDonald home.l 303 Onyx A\'e.. Balboa Island, wa occupied Easter wet'k by ir., J4t5 Newport I IYd., Ne~ and MT'!!. R. Van Bul'('n Livingston The NEW Alld YOU'LL Rave Moat It Too! , •• .. a.te llUMDIOMA1 , AUTOMAftC WAS ... ~··~~SAVIS IIOMYt ENJOY TODAY-Teke IS montlot' _::.pay L' • ., cO"f'•• ll't ..,d No more gue~t·in~t. lust wocitTh clothe& on the Wf'•gh-to-&,·e DIX)r. THIN YOU SAVE Set Water S.'"-.r to load 1iz.e ebown oa the lDdi-ca&or-"amoll'' "nt«ll-.,. .. , ·~~ Oily W ...... o..-Gftw You I)INJ'JCAt. ...,..._, fiD Nh ALL.,_ WO~ OUT Of WASHMY T he LaUJldromal wubel, rm.. &Dd damp-driea. The Clothe. Dryu driee your clothe. either h<>ne -drv for r~~~:!::~le .torqe, or ju. ... : n.:ht for ...,... _,.,,.._;ear;;;;•----YOu cAN-., SURE .. rF rT's ''e tingltouse---- SMALL DEPOSIT e e 15 Long Months to Pay • and ONLY • ,. PER WEEK EXPERT T-V SERVICE BEacon 6821 Acrou from Lido n. .. t,.. and tht'lr daughtt>rs. Pamela and ........ ~ .. o."•._H•A•r•~ ... s.•o .... .-.a•oi~c fron\ South Pasadena. .!--------------~--------------------------------------------~-----~--------------• Six ~"' m(>l11bers join«i Bo~ Scout Troop 1i' in the tf'ndE>rfoot ln\'t'St.Jlure M'r""ice at t~ Corona del Mar Commumty Church ton- da) e\<'nlntr: Tilt') art> Lan(."l" Gf'E't>nleaf. RotX'rt \"tllai!J'8na. Ni- cholu Partch c~ Hus::~. Tomm\ Baume and Ronnl<' K('('ler Tht> · C'E'femon~ "a.s twld tU tht> family ruld\t pot-tuck dinn r nl('('t- tnc; attended by 60 persons. "pedal awards \~t> £!1\ m to Darrell Coms and Bobb~ Cunnms:- ham for auendanCl' at a C~n Bar conft>rt>nce at Camp Ro-k1 -IJ in Dect-mbET Once aJ;ain BQbb) Callis "u ~,·<>nan a"'ard fm f'"<· cellt>nce in the \1S of tlint and lt~l for buHdin~~: a nrt>. The Pione1>r Pat rol wa &\\ard· ed a J)l"1lMJl t as \M honor Pft trol a po51tion 11 has hc.>ld for tht• pcu.t four months The Stat: Patrol }(>d group rn~ng. \\ilh M rF W al- Harbor Histh Senjor Paul L£~. ~ponsored by the Balboa Ba~ Lions Club won the Lions ~p<:ak­ off 1\tesda) e\f'ntne at tht Fnda~ AJtt>moon Clubhou P m Co ta lofe5;1 He \\ill romP"'~' 10 thf Orant:<' Count~ spPak-off Frtda) April fi. at thf' Ma~ntc T rmpl<' m Santa Ana Tu da,.. ,., t mnc h<' won o' <'T Bill Buc.kn<'r "J•'n" .,-d b~ th<> Co lll '~~"'li Lmn" Connif' Cop.>. Ga · dPn GroH. ~tanl<'~ C. r- hart 5€-al ~ach. and Carol Rrn- !m, Hun im::ton Bea<'h. Paul, a Hawaiian-born l'c r f'&n 0\<'5 "'itb tw; mother at 2.'H6 West- nunstt>r A,·~, CO'lta ~l<'sa . HI_ foster-rather. Manne> Strt 0\\ £'n Smilb. is on dut~ m Kor<'a .. la~ Calderhead a('COrupaJt) tnt: a t tht piano. Thi~ Patrol also t:a'""f' t an • 'tttibition of h:nallin~. Th<' Fl~ 1nt-F..a,::l<' Patml dt>morutrated ft~ aid and pi'(>S('ntN! a pac k dJ pia~. ThE' PJOn<'t'r Patrol dls- pla)t'd a model <'3mp and can• an t>xhibll ion of firf' butld!n~ nl Panth+ r Patrol dt'monstralf d thE' w or whin~ ~f"ninr J>auoJ L9 d r W)h~ Kr ll'r and TrtlOp ~rtoc Robt~ Calli c:Pn •"<~ r• f!"t'<ih.n\cnl!; ---a . . ,. / e-ta ...... IIUitary fUDl'i'al .. eic.'s •iU ~ Mid at 8 a . m. to-_.,ow (Friday) at Sawt~U a.prL --------,.-ReWa 011 OD a ena. ,. HUla. tlw (amout tal*' )'8Cbt ol ll'.u .,rir t.nwn, 11ft. Uclo YIICht ~ IMt Wftk far • two-mollth CI"Uiw. She wOJ ~ .. her ~'DrS' and h1l cuesta a t MMWnlllo, l&tdco. are now atJailabk at~ Newport Harbor Ensign Office. The.e lorma are needed by retail merchcmts lor compliance wifh OPS regulatioa.a.. which require tllat the P11Cm9 chart be tiled with the OPS District Ollice by April 30. OR CAU AT THE OmCE OF THE NEWPORT HABBOR ENSIGN This is an Ensiqn semce to Harbor BusineMeS. There is no charge ~mpl or a ~rout pocke t lun~h rr=================================================~~~~~~~~~§§§§§§§§~§§~ Juniw A ' • tant "<'outtn3J'I<'T T••d Kopp announ<X-d plaru fc1r partidpaunn Ill the Oram::e Em· p1r Scout ('ircu• tn Sant.1 Ana in JunE' A ""' 1 t a n t S<-outmast••r Tho~ A &umt ,,a.., sntrodu('('d b) Scoutma~1cr ~~ A • \\'ooch 1 Har"ood. ~lO\Jt'$ pro\ldl'd b) R. L. Callis were> o;hown b~ Rc\ Paul E Babbill Mrs. Was Wins Plane Ride Prite :\Jrs Frank \\'a . 31R Orch1d AH•. CQromt dl.'l ~tar. hao; tx><-n I'.n11fll'd 1hat ~hi' is a "inMr m a n~1Jon-w1dt> contt""t .pon--ort'd IH th< b;•nUt\ r1rm for \\hit-h hf' ".( •·kc; and "Ill r('C('i\ • an an·plarn> 1 nr ''' 0. ·t m11 '' 11 h all <'"P<'rl.S(><' 1.:ud Wl>tn ""'" takf' tht' uip <oh• i hopun.: to "' r hrr hw h1nd. ' '"I fl't"t'll'l~ :it:('('JltCod a Jltl"IIJ(In a' Cap1a10 ~ 11h. thf' Am<'rarnn .\II lint and'"~"'' 10 tht> ca<:l . ~t. PatYil k",.. d'l\ \\a"' shr birth· d. ' of :.!-,·t·ar-r.ld · Juhf' Was a"d (" th follu\\Ul~.; :-;unda~ ~nc· N'- ~'<'"''d man~ fn<'ndo; and telath("; """' tc•rr .. >d h~ to bnnJ! tnrthd~t' ~n'<'linr to tht' httlt• ci•l. BHOK !'t1C'TIO~ I \"tr5tmia Cast It T<'' i<·" I'd th•• book .... mile Plea"'<'·· at th<> ~·I· mr of Elx'll Book ,"f'Ction 1 tx-ld un ~larch ~ at thr honl<' of M~ Mar·IOE' <)I hmer. 1 ifill Oct>a n Blvd . Balboa. ~1n;. Rolx>rt A Uen and Mr"' Robf'rt Ja:, red lo\"ert> co-host- <'lt (>S The> next mN.'ting of llx' gmup i'l ~cht'duled for 10 a. m. Thur day. Apnl 12. at th(' homf' of 1 ~fr" I..onnir \'in('('nt 322 L St.. Halhoa BA\' IIORt:!il \'I!'ITOR A \ISitor at th<' home of R<''-'· ·and ~~~,. Paul WhN.'l('r o f Bay I Short's IS ~1rs \Vh<-eler's father. JJe 1 ~t>ttinl! well acqualntt>d 1 '' 1th h1 ~rrand chlld r n. l.A~fP SIIADE CIA Eli~ Sprin,:: M.>m{'Ster enrollments are OJX'n now for wet>kJy classes in lamp shad making bein g offered 1 fmm 1 to 4 p m. each Tuesday at 1h Womt'n' Friday Afternoon I Club. 18th and Anaheim 'Road. Costa Mesa. and from 6 :30 to ~:30 p m. on T\.k>sday at the New- t po~~~~1the pubUc \\lthout charge!. a re part of the arH adult education program or the hl~h school. Instructor iJ Viola Boas. ------P ICK l ""P CAR The Sam Walkers. 224 Poinset- tia A\e .. Corona del Mar, ~t by plMe Monday njght ror South Bc·nd. Ind., where they are plck-tn~ up a new car. The trip home • will be the> long way 'round com-j btntnst b int>Ss and pleasure . They will motor to Florida and New I • • • • • • • • • present • • • The Latest Addition to its ' Commercial Printinq Facilities The outstcmdincJ pre• in the printing trades The EnaigD PubiWiiD9 Co. is now equipped to meet a ll of your printlng needs expertly, promptly, and with superior qua lity. LmEitHEAOS . . . ENVELOft£5 . . . IUSINESS CAit.DS ANNOUNCEMENTS . • . MENUS • • . STATEMENTS ~ "t • 'AMfiHLETS . • • Tt€UT'5 . . . flt.OGitAMS • . . IULLmNS For the iD .. PrifttiDg. CaD nr. 1114 IICM eoa.t lml.. CorODa del Mar I n11t 3n and tht-n atop by In Ari-, zona for a visit "'1th Mr. Walkt>r's mother, Mr8. M. T . Frush. ~=======================================~~ CCootinued from~ 1) Clark Kinat and rf!r~•t~ troph} I Le!\man Porqwto, thmt from Balboa dinchi to ~1ruwr fJsck DNH•r Dtclc fm· hru. ~tfYC ..,tars and lot roationaJ llO's with all)' ed~Pd out Kim.• .... Flr<'n' -Ph' Ills J• r'""· ~··r~ t>aSt and the N>l!&tta ran R .. ults Coli~ Alamst • n-,: · 'J Austin, smooth!) from tart to Hni h. ~ Cla oa. · Cumt>rst> Wul"d~nn. \ice com-CaHfum;a 32 a ~hamur rd Junca Utck Ward. roodol"\" or B YC. \\ O\"'t'rall raN-Uou la , l.A YC' c~rman. Pett r t'ickt>r "as Rltud•·~ Wtum. Jolm t llaJM'I'\all for clas racmst m thl' :'\liYC •ot'f'tlJ\, and Bob Bo)d was chair-pr· HI n for m sd cla l' rat'i.n~: from H\T Pamltn HY(' pit•r. \ 'iktm; Alit·~· o \\' s .. an· .. n• • tnt' fratUI"'t' was tht> 1'8CP bt•-BY(' ty, ,.,n t\\0 famous Caltfor nla 3~'-. Lud11, tlw Altama1 ownl"d b\ Donald :-.:JtYC l>~•ud~ and the ln>quent biUI• wa-lT'II•J nation"ll l l Gr£>f'O I >rf'atn. I" • '"'mwr. tht' F. capadf' o\\-nf"d p, ... 1 "i4"rTrll nvc ..... -t h' '-":aJter EU1ot l, ="' rwport liar-Pl c' PtnUJ~. J u~li :\Jt~t Ut.•t'. "'l';!t-ft 11 \'acht Club Q)mn odorr_ 1-tri"IJ!o &•ath • --~ Ilor@...boeu were. racvd U\ tlu• lull nt 111m.t 1111 GrPmlm. Butt (JI\\ t\f'l"!>' Min." .} mt's U.•u~b~ and I:d 'liT L.\ \'C L ~.u'!r)~ .... fflht•lt. ''it h tx•us:la<> ''In· "' u 1 Hn··•w DWk.l!Ut,ul.,~tiYi'­nm . 'nt~ .. • \,.-u1d A Ilia''."' t'l~ :.•• ~-.curda:~ nt.tht "<~\\ tiH• Club dt !l'lli ''•··d '"' htt k "' •Jfftr'tPnt hOUS<' parkt><f With (T('\\ '• ~ktprK'I' 'Ill! 1'" tnd 1!'\U"I:o maktm: mt·tn altt•r th ' da~ S 1'3Ctn" \\II h nJIIII''-1', llctn'~" and r-Pnt>ral fun Olol.' ol 1 he larJ,:M>t crowd c·\ ez· tn A "''nd .t ~1\a part,)·. l.Rhman dinghi1.'8, SntPf'" Rhodfl, and PC' \\t'rt' tht> lar"t>-1 cia~· T n Lu~htmn~ madt-up the bi~· ~('St turnout •'H'r for that cla F in:t plaCE' In the nipe contel'ol \\1lJ> OIP and lUCk for IWU da\' 1 bo•t\\e<-n Int rnatlonal Champion Ba\ (.'!Jto., F!1t 11 t•' \1\ C'\ n A u ,. 1 II f'• • 1•1< "· . ..;.r.ta .,t,nica '\ J I tonal I >rw-r». 1~m B I' i s k, PuuJ \ft•t rtll, Alamttu P~\ P·l l l..Pt:\\ a' Lr'(' Jlambrook. BYC PPn~wn Su11 ~ B Thomas. Alamn Ba) LJJ!htntnl! R hmpo Harold f;~e tont'. BYC Sm!lt' \'~.>lot II. D1ck Dea\er ,, BYC SaUy Stuard, Kephart Wed L o 11) pop, rry H • ... _ CARPETING GENERAL CONTRACTORS HAn>ot IM4 Alate • ~e..,_ UaWittJ • <Baa. • Js *» Wol'tmlee's Ceat ,._..., -. Courteo1.11 Infonnatlalt Dl'.:PENDAIJLB 8EaVICB Jn a simplf' homf:.' ceremony. LEA\"IXU M 'XD.,l' or ~~-• a 1o lloeiiiN ... tltl '""~ Sally S tua rd was married to Ralph oo th,. cut1Pr ~ n-. nw ........... at ""' ..,ft ._~ Mr. aad l't" . U>(' Kephart Saturday, March n . rraa~c: Burkl' Jr~ of Ballllloa blaad a.D4I ,. ....... ~ of th"" wtth Rl'\'. Thomas Pendell reading q....,..... """· (Fnaak Barkf> .r .. Is _,..._. ••f lladlo . t.Una l!lF\'D.l thf:.' ceremony. t tit,. rtl(llt art' tht> ,\hln Daaiela ol C'Mta MHI'. Mr. Daat.-1 J\aa JOt' Stuard. 4010 Ran•r All'.'. C W . Rf'ynold" r>( Glendale as- SISted The br·ide' mother ''Or(l a rose prtnt dri."S. and a white car-nation rorsal.(t'. Mrlo. Kt'phart was dres e-d 1n a >.TRY c:-abardtnf' su1t. a lilac .... n f'd 1111 maw oet ''"' Para~tua a mi .... m•dfo u... INiJUta:a rllft do"'ll ="l'"pon Beach. i;a\t' his daught~.>r w .Mf'dC'-0 a acaabPr or tlnwtl ..-ttll P f't4"f' ~tfla. Both £•.ala Dllutlt-1.. 8\\.'B) The bridt> was dres ed in aJid ••R. .1:• Bark,. an-mt'fttlilf-n of tJMo l ..ady Allcin-~J s nd hnpP to a ~ray gabardint> swt. \\;th na\')' make• C04Ml Hl~ Uft ~r trip. A ftftla _..,.r uC thf' part • n\ak· blu~.> a~ sor•e and a light b luf:.' In~: thf' trtp '" <'orUIUI 41rl Mar arU•t. s..,-..our PauJ (not t•lrtun't'l l hal. and carriro an old fashionl'd hat and C'at'rted a wh.Jtt' ramation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ('()I ~ l:f' f A ltt>r r turntfll' from a honey- moon at Zton Can~on. thl' couple \\111 li\f' at tht• Ron AtrP apart- m nt Balboa Bruns & Marsac PLIIIIII "ho rbD111 t o rrmaln Ia Mf'~k!o to do .,._.. pa1atlac. bouqu<'l or s:ard •nias a nd bou-lardta :.::.,_::,_ ___ ...==-'""""::---========='~ph=o:..t o_b_)_Bt'C __ k=n=Pr='=-Tht' ctroOm. son of ~1r. and Mrs I [)(-an Ke-phart, 153i Ocean Bh·d.. British Car Gt-oup Orvcmizing in County ~ ~~ ~H lBaLboa. had his brothel', Leste-r. .... ~ ~ a IM>st man. later left hi. ------------------------------classf'S aJ th4> t:ni\.'fl'Sit)' of Calt-Bnlish car f·nthw \asts are or-forma 11 IWT'kt>Je,· to allPnd thP ~ntzm~: rounr~ \\ldt>, accordme: to I t "E KIT<'liMAS Last \\int<'r th Fran.k BurkP jrs. and thl' Ah tn Dantt>ls held one t•f t~s,. .. hl<'k conH'rsalmn Rbout maktr> t c·rw r to )ft-xi<."'• to· t.{t•tl 1•1 bo..:t tht!' one Eterminatt>d nd in timf' ~rt· o pt'rlC("'t>ly !->t>r· tn-.1"~ rrt•t!O'<.thon on tht' p."\t l of 1 h• Burk•'" whi<"h "3" .tt'<'<'Plt·d •!Ill • ~ • ~tow.; I~ b~ 1 ht· l>'.mt('l~. .•nil lt.•l '-linda' tht'\ 111 :ult•d lur \ji•Xtf"Cl trlt.••l.h(•t· in· I h\' Burkl·-.· qu• t n PA>1·~ Yn•J prohatJI~ kmm. lht.• -13-root c"Utl•·r Qutt n Bet-. fo rm l' r I) m•JOn d off Coral A,·<'.. m the North Ray. r;qurpp<>d with a two- way radto. a Chr) Jt'r ACt.' au..xil· 1ao and a d<'Ckload or luel, her d stumtion i now Pu<'rlo \'aUana on th f" MAinland of 1\tt'xico. Th<' \'Qva~ should tx> pll'nS\\fablt> as boih th( Rurkl' and thl' Dan· tf'b JtrC' ramthar \\ 1\h :0.1cxican do'" and dc,nt·., from pre,·ious t•rutl:-t<'" A• ti<;l &1 mour Pau1 is malunr· thi• passait-,,;th them. but \\ht n 'h<' Qu('('n &'t' rt'turns tn a coupl<' ol months. ht> will still bo• tn MextC'tl patntan~: Plan" nrf> to r-t>maln ln tht' 1-.uHto \'nlhtrta harhqr, ll'iaC' on lht' hoot. Tbt> bay f11 bt'*ut1- ful ln <:'ompotoltiOft bttt df't"P aad aachorajfe dlfn<·ttlt. Thf' c-otwr "111 (trnbabl)' 1\nrhnr la 11()(\\t> CO\'t-sway from thf' tow• whc>.rt' fral{l'ut hardwood fllrt"8tAl bor- der th.-bank" and moUDtaln ,_,. WIIDIPEI AU Now 1951 Pattema Courtesy to '•in"n & O•eoreton. ......... tt>rla.ll.s ftl!\kf' ld~ tut' pool" for b3thhtc. As fnt pm}'<1" I don't know \\hal tht> hwr: ar Jl11nnin~. hue n J rlh'\t'<: ~tr-. Burkt>l '' finn about catchlnl" 1 narlin nd L·1Ja l.Janit'ls rnt4"ncl..., to I ind nnor h(•r lurr~ frirnd m:1~h<o an ~lc•t tit'> tim<' an.<>tPad of a t"'lat• mundt Sh" h.u, r~a• f'd thrt"l' roa 1 i mundt a' [l('t<t. but .. tnC'f' I hry don't prndtt<.'t' thetr younl:!' unlil Aw..:u'<t .. tw'll con id£'1 1 hr O<'f'l\)t • The Sam Etnmt.., nn• oflt•n d - • C'rt b<>d a fa bulou.., and I ht•tt C'U r· l'('nt ("Xpedttion ts ror urt• Thf'.' W<'re to saal their choon r Rt'n· dez\ous from Honolulu f'arl) chjs month lo tht> ~1arqucsas '" quest of p lant , bird!. l'<'pltll.'s and mollusks ror tht> Brhi h ~1uwum and t hP) ha\t' t>quippt>d tht> st•hoonPr as a floalln~t laborator y for lhe a ·i(.onment \\'tth thrm aN' lhc Clyan Hall , fonnt.>rly of Beacon Ba) who sold thrir Pot· tPry ~tart m Honolulu and ar- a·ane:l'd to ha' e their choon r Rt'· joiCP saill'd her<' b~ a pmfl'~·donal klppPr to lx' rrt'<' to makr tht-f'"t· J)('dition. t..At Yf'ftr th~> R.-tuln\OM had a nother f'ftl4"tlffh Job, lhlt~ flmP fM ~rtpp'8 ln!<Utuw. Ill th,.. ~(JM"O I IIIIUidS lltld Bft4'"''A rdt~ aptM>srtac ln lht' m o\1Dt pfcturt> "Blrd of Pll.raclltl4'.'' "'hm h t>r c-u.rrf'nt ~''JM'dltl()O tformlna.~ In .Jut,•, "hf' •·nt <'rul_, ttl th.-Mor '<hs ll bland • AlalJka. ~'D lhf' ln1tUid P u - twt&:P a.nd I'JI.d up In <'Apul<'o, wht>rl' thr Enu'nt•" and thf' 11311 1 may !ltay put ror tt\\ hilt>. . . . . To ob am braN>. C'hronw 01 bronz(.' fit lln~s. 11 •~ nnw rrqutrf'd at !W\'eral mann<' hardwar<'" to sign a .catem('nt ·.a~ tn~:: that thf'S(' I purcha cs aN' fm U.'f' C'n '\ I i~>htn~ tw,at a sort of t:••nllrmt'n's uJ:"rl'f'· mt~nt bul nt.>\t't ht>lr .... a form of curtrulm, nt 1( ~<IU run at:round, a salva~e JOb wtll cost you S2() a n hour. . . T he "httl' sea bass are bttin~. I~ Use Ensl~ Want Ads 1-t.rbor Ul4 • " t>ddt Ill.(. • 1 ht" pt t"s~>n 1 plan '' ilh a mret in£: Jo~ Ct' Pt.>t~I'St>n of 1nl(lt>wood callt d Cor Wl'dn<' da) Aprtl 1. at \\'a" maid of honor and \\11!' fh l)(><;kfindt"r Co in Co ta :O.tesa d1~ t>d m a b<>i~e s utt. whit<' hat Off1ccr" will IX' <'lt>Ctt'd at that and carried a corsaS!:e ·ol cardPn· I nwt•llnt tal> and hou,ardta I An m ~017tn'{ rommttlt't' met T l •' r'l"Ct'ption \\llS ht>ld '" thf' Ja,t \\tl'k at lht' homr' of \1r and huutt. di'COrat"d \\ith .,.·lute calla ~1r" R.1~ ~tar h F ox '" LaJ::Una hlif'' ~ardt>nias and stC\Ck 1\tr<> I Bf'aC'h Pn•!lt nt frnm tht' Harbor Settices '-day For lin. Cildues Fun 1'31 e1·,·icc" w l'n> conductro on Tu('sday at For t La\\-n ~Tee mol'ial Park for Mrs. Louisa E j Calda~. wile of C. Clirford Cal- dare . 315 Ruby An' .. Balboa I land . Mrs. Caldart>S passed away on Frt<ia} morning. March 23, in St \'in('('nt' Hospital in Los Art- ~t~lt"l aftt'r an illne or ~~·era} '' t't'ks. Sh<' and h<'r husband had O<'<'Upil'd th<' f\alboa Island home lor thP pa~-ot }<'&r. but ha\C bl't'n profll•rt~ O\\ ners in th(' Harbor ttr<'a for approximately 20 yea~. Tht'~ wl're both chartt>r membf>rs fll Harbot· Chapter 568. Order or ntta \\f'rP Jlr· tnd :-.tr" 1111\cr Hll\\1'11 ut B·llhcl,, l~>lnnd. \fr tnd \1r" ,\ C' Bouchf'f' nnd ~lr ·tnd '1'" Rob.•t t Carl• ton-:,\luurt• of :'\£'\\ put·t BPa<'h 'lnd ,\Tr. and \tro; Da' id Fu th uf Co!lta !\1t'sa. CALL HARBOR '2027 For Chok• Pocketbook -Plants $1.75 ea.-Special flowers by Morri 509 E. a.IM. ll•d. • a.tbo. c.a-..e-...-... 0 - of All Kinds ~:..AGSTONE PATIOS BLOCK V>'ALLS --·--• FREE ~ TDL-\TE8 • BEAcon 5t8o.J • HArbor 1112-J 2213 N•wport 11.-d. C...e ..... TO SERVE YOU*** DOCBLE OIIECKI:D thf' Ea$tl'm Star 1 BARBO Mr. CaldarC's· only Unl\m~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ rC'Iall\e. lM' id<' her husband. is an a unt. ~1rs. W inifred H~.>r'\h· b<>rs.t. Bc1·t'rly Hills. LeHer from Enqland Tells of RatiOI'l Woes In a letter written to Mrs S it'· \'<'n Carmine. li'43 Ocean Bh'd Balboa. h er sister. ~rrs. Lilly Gil-tx>y. tl'Us a bittl'r joke to.de crlbf' hO\\ terribh~ the mpat situation is 1n F.n~land Tht• m<':t t ration hns tx>C'n ('Ut fa·.,m " Ill four oun<'<'S p<'r (lf"rson ()l'r \\ 1.'~ k :O.t rs Gtl~y. \\Tilt'S. A man slul<' 10 uf hit' fri<'ndo;' ration book.~ 1\nd bought their share o( tnC':'ll lnt hml~f'lf On t hf' wa~ homt' h<' wrappeod It in -hi~ bus IJrkN And hi' wa.; \'<'f> luck\' lh I llll' <' 0 n.d U C t n r had not punchrd the ticket tx>cause tht> mPa 1 would ha\·<' fallen throm.:h the hol{•s." Trcmaportation Needed For Craft Center lieU Prod~t.,_R~lrllllf-U-Jir. T~-N1te Work.., APf". ''We JM'(iaU~ la ~Sen-t~'" 10!0 C'Mct BJ,·ct. RA 44.1-R.-Mtet BE tft&.M~ del Kar f1oor Oo,•erin.gs -Dralllbo&rda Asphalt Tile -Rubber 'nl~ F('lnnica -Linoleum Tile CARL TOllS' LL~OJ-~.r- 1 ~6 & 11tll ~t. C.ta ·-BEACO~ 6tl0o-W 22 Years in 0rangt' County Crippled children -m-the Har- bor area are includl'd in the n('('() cited by the Parents Group for Handicapped Children and Adults o( Oran~ ~unt y for transport&·~:~==~~~~~~==~~~~~~~~~~~~~~========~ Uon facilities to the County's Re· creation Cran Center at Garden Gro\'c. Voluntt'Cr drivt-rs are wan tt'd and shouJd contact the center at Garden Gt'O\'e 5431. The Part'nts Group has also been aC::tl\'t' in the c mps.i~ for Easter See I Orh·e ·.ron<'y from the drin' 1 i ~ to ht>l~ Oran ge Countr h..'lnd..icappl'd childr n. .... lCmwds see B~ltibit .... lelfll I A large cr'Owd of about 200 JX'T· The u h ibitlon, wblch ihcludes C. Of C. sons attend~'Cl the opening of the Corona dcl Ma.r, Laguna a nd Costa lContinued from Page 1) art exhlblt of the "13 moderns" Mesa displays or art, acems ck>-(ConUnued from pace 1) Higbie of Balboa laland. 1>ee00d Friday en'nlng at the Ensign liiK'd for U<.W beca~ or th<> t k t'-~ t tal 'thi lh vlce-pre!l.ident: Mra .. Norman Mil-Building. Heliotrope Ave. and comblna lion of the beautiful En· ~~~atc.>dtuc:i;t ~f ~0oo," at; ler of Balboa Island, recording ae-Coast Bh·d. Jn Corona del Mar. sign Building. designed b)• Arch!-Council then wiU be able to a ward CN'I ry: Mrg-., C. G. Waldeck of Re~::lnald Po11and . director o! teet John Lloyd Wrigh t and the contract to do the work . .., Cot'<•nn de-l :\far. correspondlnQ se--lh<' ~ Diego MUS(>.Ulll. made the loant'd for the xhibit by Or. and The South Coast Co. of New- <.'J't"tdr\ Mt•s Ch3rll Sdloffatall trip to attend tM-O(X'nlng. G~nt Mrs. 8 N. l)('senbcrg of Co-port had been expected to submit ot Co l ll..l d t>l Milt . trcaslu'C'r . and Ou~;s:rn · of tho s. <'ramen to Stat<' rona dt>l Mar, and lX'<.'aUSl" of the> , hid on thl' first stage of the pro- Mr-Ar thw CalC's ul Coront\ d<'l F uir, Rl\dlo <'onum:11n1or P<'IC"r hi~h caJlber ol thP work shown . jcct. g ttln~ the shlp in oondiUon Ma1 ~tutlittJr d,• l.hn'l 1:1nd Rus!>t>ll IM"de ll of Thl' paint in~" s how gl'cnt dJ. to be placed on land, <'Stlmated 'J"h• unan.nww f'kt'tlon w os ac· l...a~\Jl,' ,O•·<~dt alSCI "•·rc·. prcsc.>nt. \£>1.11 ~ T heN> u1·<' uon-ob.k'<:'th·M to rost about $12,000. City Coun-~l 11 ('' n thouc;h It wtn in var· 1 ''·' h r).tn l,f Jhl• Alt<Hkna Art hy !'\< ltl l Wnrthington ci(ln<' In d l r('C('ln•d l hl' rollo\\inl.! lettc.>r ian ··· wilh tht• by-l~t\\~. \\hil'h call Gi<Jh •' '11" 1'"k• d tll 1 tht> ht'WI L>um la<'(llll'r. th' mPdium of cho from tht' ship·builclJn li! firm. ~is!ned .,r " 60 Jl<"t l'f•nt att;-ndnnt•f' a 1 t.r 'nm' 11 11, '''1 1•0 !hi' J\ltu d nn 1."1'<'111 ~"<'nt<'mporury Ml'x lcnn p:~i nt-b\ J•rt•,.id nt \V11lt<'r G. J.'rsn~. aa •l"t·ltcm na ... •tetl'~. tlf the mort' ,,,Jh r' !\u llrctlvl,l lttts lx><'n ('t~ and •onalllic h'lWttinr.: ""'"r "\\'(' sln<'l'l"<'l.) l"<'\'Tf't lh~t '"' than 60 """ ••tt 1111 "•·nt .H 'tcm· J., 11' • ' 1• h Jl llw .' ·'-ul.lllo"" f•·c•J rolur.c h~ Lt't•nnrc.l Kaplnnn . R••x bl ~· m<'t•lll'l ~ lht·r~ \\c·n• 1fl ~Jr "'11 •·m•h that "'' "''111'' >-hould < ,. Hliutdt nnd hio; wife• Joun l l'\'ln,· :ll'l' 11!111 1 f' 11<1 t:ttkt'biaddvo.ntas:<> '1 11 , " • J 1 I j II · Ill • 1-~ 1 t)•"' ·r•\· , ' ~(lUI' II)\ ta l On 0 On CNlli n ~b ('to \01•· ur ubuul 40 ()('I' ('Nit ~· ,, • It I I oofllf' II • .-c.: I Ll ndt, hll\1' nddNI .\>lRIUI't' wit h k 61 I 'Yl\1 . 419 T his or the entlr·· mf'rnb<·r,.;hitl or l:!i. 1 ~'' ''''1" ol tlu :lr•''1 11r.d lll•cww l 'h<'h wnh•t· rolot·:.. ll•'X \\ith wn,tl "011 n tl_t · • ,sdb ·_, 1 fHW · d 11 1 lllll'lWd Jl l l'\1·nt a... I It VII I" nt'l"l'-1011! ) (';u l 11.1: Cull· An am~n ttu•nt tu th•· 11)-l.t\\~ • ' ~ , ... _ ... trO<'Idl n h111 _ '-<.'l'llf'' and Jo.tn rr1u t 11 ·ntlall(ll\o; t h~t ar Wht>1- controlhm: tht· ,.. t'<.'ltt n \\ll' :~l•u \\llh Jtlm•· 11 111•11c laud<;<.·art·~. tk d. ami wh.il'll muk<' 11 tmprac:· PI'\~ n\t'd. H •t J A Tlw ''", p:tmt im·o; hy P hil Uikl•l ll\·~1. at 1 hr-. tlnu., '" nrrJ\'<' 11 t n }.Jr r \. '.kCandlo •-..; ('hllil·, ospl a ccess l ;~1<,·. Jtwhl) Jlitii.•IU.t.•!'l and lc·nd l'X-1 IJOna l ith• propo~l. Nail o! thr \\hiiiH'r •c<:rcntro n tllor• 111 tn tl• •ho\\ M.t~l nncl ")Jnwn tt "' tll'"'trf' to ""'lire• ron nl -.j >n, rl·· (''"''" I I hi' \\"(lJ(( ans r .\lrlnn lllllolllm.llll h 1\'1' lltldo'Cl hC11h \i)IJ th" \\1 \\Ill lw pll'\;ld tn (I)• e f If,. l'f'lllOII~'I<Itl II I J I' "'':\ h ress Jl;tllliJO'"' :u d fUrtllllll'' \faho! Cl(lc~ril ll \\ifh ~llll Ill 110~ Ofht•t· cka 111v nl \Vluttlt'r ?lh,.. \It"-I :•" 1\\, I.•C'qUO•I Jl'•tntu,g. unci n \\ll\. 111ct lr u•t 1hHt \tllt will (('f•l .C'..111 Jlc.t-' :-:tiel t h.lt lit•" a·n~"nl • ~Pnn•• ''""'•••olt•t· :Ill '''I') clt~sr· Ill';' In t •II UJ)llll cnir knu\\kd t' ~Jtll ~~ JIW h II ntl\1.,11) fk.l(_. 1' 1•1' ll.f ••'I 11\\1111' Ill ('cJnHII ot.d (•:\Jio l ll'llf' Ill .tn\ \' 1\ th.ol not m:1 :C" rt••t·l~on 111 1 r 1. h 1!1. dn11• a'"'' nH•' JOh 11 'Ill IH· 111 tts•l•l.atll'l' 1 , ,,,u iu lt'tl. clw u ll•·•f 1'\:•" :ah• ,,, •I • I lt.ll\.11• 1 1 IJl'l l11 h n 1 thl· hl rm:im~ tfli, '""J' 1"1 tn n ,i1~:-- t.: 1'1 1 i1 thl'nl l•jl. otl ,lr-•l•ll 1 '' ,k,tl lfU o•ntlt'lii.~Jn:t ' 'l lll' \\'hlttl••r nnuJ• '' c "'Ill• 1 t••l '''" rh th ,\ hii'J•I•• h·BII, !)lllt•· 11 1 .... t h 1 , I 1 1 1 t \\1<, 110111 rstr-cM I at t 11' tn· o .• , ,..,. zn'" '"---tht•··· Jll \ ''. '·'. ··I•' '"'' , '•' ,. , .. " \\llh ·• L rt I t I . <:Ill ... mtl r• •'U J' Jt't'. p 1 ,11 I"'' rful I" '• 111 o111•t '! C'hnnnmt ~t 1 1• ~ tn IIC lit Ill!!. lame• \\1i~ •hr• H• H['ll"••ntc·d '•.\ '"'' c·ll\ ,.,. • I!"'" than :\ O(l(\ "Ill ltnl, .·••• '"' ' oil' I' lc; ..c•n I''IJW·r b) ~~tt~~hut n~lc ~~ untun t'Onlrnct t.l·· COWlCIJ. om• n·prE'!-.entnthc> Ju)ln "''" SUJMc'l."l ,\\,. IV·•' l'li.tt'c•nttd 1(,1'or"r• Hrcmn nro• in\!•nth·•• ond 0118}10~\s, \\hlch m~:.e thbl ltj1 bor t.ht• cowwil ilst>lf and nnf' ri'Pil-A \1'. t•ulne! ul. Th<·,•· are nbst rncttons ~ t ne t. or al) Wlprt: I Cia <' l<'nt M-ntuU\(' lrom bOth the cit) <'k-\, 'L'IItiation-. tuc• ,,,p und•·• "·'Y 1n qtlllf' nnnthC'r '''"V' t h!l.n David '" th<' brdtlm~. n K'n tan -..hnol d1 tri<'t nnrt tl <' fl. \~Pt'n ~talf' and l<'d<rol no.~n<'ic>'l \'au lm' ..,trum·l~ 4 .-IJ:n<'d work Rathl'r than aC't on t hP bido; sub- tJJ uon hJo;:h '-<·hoof dlstnc I on ftn:'Jil('ln;.: n Ill UJIC>•"t'Ci I•Jll·ntn~ Ol A qut .. lf•r 11011"' i~ Ramona Dou:.:· llllll.<'d lor t~fl t:<'<'Ond phnS(' or F10m her ti~ht n •ars ol c•xfl('ri-,~up.nur J\\(' lmm Cw;tr~ :\11·=-n l J,"~ Wllll't••olcor·..; uml )!II\ m·t-1 1-!<'H-tn~ t he> shtp-oHire N"ady, City cnN• and wutk on 'the• romml-.!>lnn dm'n to thl' C ua-.t H il:h\\1\)'. n••;u hc•"tn~ \Hind l><'lllptttr<' · C'allcd Council rc•ferrro th matter to'its Mr~ Mc-C ndlc "· po1n t<'d ou t that lhf' lwlboa lll\rt. jwwtwn Thi' ·T.,mhk·~ · SfX'Cia l ChnmiX'r s hlp-uffico com- it ~.,., •mport nt to put park ... and ha'> lnnL' ~n cliM'USl>t.>d a~ 11 nwan" Tlw l'"'''lry In t he> silO\\ j<.: by mrt.t«: fo1· furthl.'r ~tudy and ne-· Bidll'on the $1.250,000 lloag Me- morial Hospl~l are expected to ~ called late ln April 10 that construction can ~ M.rly tn Jun~. AdmJn1strator lt. C. Bacon announocs. Preliminary approval or plan& has al~ad.Y bet'n l't'ceivro trom the Stat~ Bu~au of Hospltala. A final !"('port on plans wUJ be reo- C(Ii\•l"d April 13 fi'Om Architect H . C'. Chambers. Th e new SURF CLOTH with f11"'1inin11 touehu rn•de HDAL PUSHER~ TOP~ERS SHORTS B~AS wi lot " 5 I •ir :tctif:·,1) i ,l. Coron• del M•r . 1. LL:;, s2' c~·• •""'· ~ HArbor 2Jl2.W rt."C'Il'atron to~c.-lher in city plan-or pro\ldtnJ:. anulh<'r Ollllf't to lh• ~;, •. ,_.,," :\faednnald. Hr-. mobilt> ~ollatlon. . -----nln~o: a nd al o that it 1 · far morC' bf·aC'ht'l' I rom Co, ta M •·!la l'll!TIIll''> nr·t> particular!.\ In-The fornwr ~8rd mmcsw<'<'JX>r, ~'Y'Y'Y'Y'YYYYYY., gtJSfactot·\ tn ha\e th<' reo ~a· Al!-n 10 thl• talk s tan· ~~ the trii•UIJH.: hut all I" mo t unusual purchas<'d by lh<' Chamtwr of .,. 0. W. BROOMIIEAD :.1111 •• .J • ; .. .:thlll• fTO\\ out of a .SI')('<'t:tl opein.e of anothPr <'3~1 ·\\f' 1 ruutf' and rmal"rnath·t> Commer<'<' almost two }<'llTS a.~:o ,.. y ,. I D l I E "" per k and J"('('I'C'ation fund \Oio>d lur In ('(to.,t;t ~lt·'-·i to ltnk llarbol Tho m:~in hulk of tht> culpturr rnr Sl no from th(' county, is to be • " ~ tha t purpm.t>, ruth<'r than tn w l Dl\d. \\llh P.tll~li<'l' Rd by \\ll~ I' b . r:,·or,·• ~I,..Jrlrurn. ll<l'(' is a lrx•nlf·d on tht' duutnC'I n<'ar the .,. Srk• to l .l D JW'r yet. us mont·~ IJ•om the ~l·net·al fund u.f Hith. ~~. pro\tdin~· nnothN' lll>l' "' ''mpltdt \ of fCit·m w it h 11 A!'<'hC's .O\'I'I'PQS.'\, next to U do ~ 91~ ru)A. T BL\'D. ~ Whitti<'r ha. also instl\ut<'d a S\ • < uast I h~hw11) link. dr•IJI"i 1 ,. lf'('hn.: fnr dl'tt-til "hich \\ harl. tf n rra nJ:em<'nts can be ,.. -'• .,. 1em wi\E'~b) r{'al t' tate subru-b ... tl(lnt:l~ rnovrn~ I t lPnd-t ~N"dt .uccc ~ful.ly conclu~. The CO!'T'I· ~ ·ro.Ro ..... ,.:>iA ~DE~L .MAJl ~.ollll '"'d rs will put a id«.> C'tther land M • So ht dlPllll) tl) thr how. plelt' proJ<'Cl of .e«.>ttm~ the shtp-_ ~ or monP) lor pubhc parks and r<'-oonag ag T tw art l'Xhihrt will tw OJX>n Offit'(' ready for tx:cupancy by tht> creallon in connection with c>nch daily throul'h S unday. Apl'i l ~ C'hn.l"!llx-r was c•stJm ated to M l .,. 0. W. BROO~•"" .ollll new de\elopment. C. F . R ehnborg of Corona d I I lour. nN' 1 to 5 p. m. S unday n total of around $23,000. . ,.. Pl.nLI'U.I .,. M rs !\1cCandless compUme>ntt'd Mar and But>na Park .ubmittl'li throuhh Thul'l'da) and 1 to 10 'P • ThN't> was a great spread m the • ._....._ 1 •• thf> t..ca~ue on St>Curin~ Mrs. Rol· a rcqut'!St b~ l€.'ttl'r to City Coun-m. F riday and k aturda~ N W.K. b1~ for the second phase or t he .,. * ..... II Rl 4 lln Brown a s chief peaker for cil _at Monday ~veninll' ml'eting proJ<'~t • • • bulkh<'adlng the> dock-,.. ~ t~ tity-widt> meeting on recN'a·' askm~ for moor·1ng ~pace at the ') •tory "--.....:~ mg sit<' and putting the ship up • Repairs -Sales _. tloD wblcb the League is sponsor-ha rbor turnin~: bru-tn for a 156-.J-. Jlwt: on hor€.'. Trautwein Bros. ol R t 1 "" lng at p. m. nt-Xt TU<'Sda;) nt t~ foot twin dlc> t>l mntor hip that ~<'\\'port bid $4..158; Croft & Ne-• en aS 4 council cham bers of the> Cit~ Hall his :"utrilitt' FoiJndotlon has pur· Plans Ch.s•ag·d ''.11€.' of N.ewfl()rt. 510,448; Smith· • * .. M rs. Brown is "tops" in the rl.'-chasC'd. laAI ~ Rtce IX>rnck Barg<'s. Inc .. of Long Adler & Domestic ~ creallonal fil.'ld. according to thl.' 1 T he ship. Ocrania. is lntendt'd B<>nch. 14,7R7.50. Cost of this • 4 SPNlkt'r. ·a nd 1s a mo t able chair-for r<:saJ<: ~r ror refi llinr; and leaS<' A lc>ll<'r of protf"St s talint: that ph;~Y~ had bt'cn estimated at 1 • * ~ man ot the S tatE' Re-creation Com -to l':ut nhtE' Product . Inc .. or a dwt"llinsf unrl<'r construction on "' •000 . .,. HArbo 2574 M ~ ll'U~ ion. • Rt'fl'('shm mts \\ill be ~uen!l. P ark as a '!'arinc.> lab. but th<' bluff at lil3 Pacific Dr. in No blw. WE.'rt> r('C('i.vf'd on the.> ,.. r -~ S<"rvc-d a t thf' Tut'sday ".w<'1in~. ac.· :-.:ut rllll«' Product~> rs not r~>ady to 1 Cor·ona dC'l Mar "a~ a thrl'l'·StOI'V third pha!'t' -• -lht> fm~l touches 1• • 91 Z <'OA!i<T BLVD. .o1111 rordm " to PIP"ident Mt navis. l('a!'f' it, so it wW haw to bf' houst• and th('relon• rn ,·iolation of fo r g<'l t!ng the> s hlp-ofhce nady ~ <'ORO.XA DEL llllAR "" a.nd transportation "Ill hl' ar-docked a-. 1!-for thr<'<' to 12 cit~ ordinanC~> was I"N't"ivt'd by after tl rs ashore. ._.A.A.A.A.A.A.A&&&~ ran~l.'d 11 11 i. ncf'dro 1 month~. hC' \HOlt' 1 Citv Cound l Monday P\·<>nin~ from A volt· of t hank was gin•n to "This '" a prorwr request ror t~<' .John 11 Poole. 17 1~ Pacific Or. til<' \\Omr>n of the l.Ra!::Ut' who N'a~on _th';lt_rl I' not lor the> profit Joinln~ Mr. Poole In t hP rt>quest work<'<! on 1 h<' Easlt'r ~(·t>k rood or a n '!"'d tndual but o r. the loun· I to Council WPI (' Ml'l'. Poole>. Mrs. s:J..lc• J:xcl.'pt for aft\\ houn. on d3llon t he Jett<•r· s~ud. "The A J . J>ea se, F..nrl R . Abb<-v and thfl hrst day. th sal~ \\aS l'On· \Httt 1 h"" <'Xplntnt'd in {X'J"SOn to F.. R. Tozi<'r. · finN! to til<' ·•Jittlf• Corona· ar<'a. ~ln.\ or t~bell that the Foundat ion Thl' l<'lter r('(JU<'sted tha t the I People Who Appreciate Delicious and Pleasant , Surroundings Discover ·Them at Food HOSTESS HOUSE B:llboa l"'land's NCWf'st Rf'!!lltUrAnt 307 Marine Ave. M'n.. Hi~bi<' t'<•port<>d that t.hf' is ~nll•t·c•stl'd prima~ily in _youth building pE-rm it ()(' can<'l'llt'd. Cit) you.nc flt'Oph· "Pr~ '"'·~ a pprl·cta· aCII\Jtt<'S so that tis proftts or ~fona..:c•r John Sailors rt•portcd t l\1' or th, hom• -rook•'<l 100<1 and S3\tnfi:~ arf' USC'd for such purpos<'. thnl thl' owner, ~tn.. Bruc<' Rund\'. t hat l ht' club dt-arcd \\'{'II over and 8\'oidablt• expc?'nS<' rl'duccs and builder th<' Mutual Ruildihi~ I $100 lo1 thl' \\f'C>k's work. The nmoun. ts of monc~ available to th(' Co .. had a ltered the pla ns to ron-~ m om•y will b<' used for rommun· Foundation for ~I)Uth activiti-es.. form \\ith the ell\ ordinan("('. it~ \\l'lfare in lh<' reel'1'ation ft<'ld Cit~ Council rdt<rr<'d the t'<'· Orh:inBI plan:, shov.·C'd 8 r um pU!> "nlora:-nMhord Rnd ~ondA)' Rufft>l Bl"t!'akfl\tlt . ----I quN.t to Cll) !\1a nac<'r John S~;til· ruom at the low<'St h•v<'l. thus d<'-1 arr .Ju .. t Two of tbt-Ma n y Attractions \\c· h<t\1 onr• of th<· most u p-to-"'' lo • h<>ck on po::.s1bll' moorrn~ signattn~ the d\\cllin~ as n t hl"('l'·j · nt Thl11 ('harmt.n.: ft.Htaurant ~tr• nnd l'ffkil'nl joh prin tin J:.> srtacl' in thf' turnim: b:uun nr els<'·l story housc. This room wns elim· TELEPHONE: HArbor 2 3 6 5 p~n~int~Har~r A ~a.~m \\hl'l'('ltllh<'~l~~ ~~n~a~t~NI~~In~t~h~e~r~M~i~~;~~p~l~u~n~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SEE WHAT YOUR$$ DOLLARS WILL BUY ......................................... --• Brookings Vanety Store • 603 Coast Bl\'d . H Arbor· s.;o Corona dt-1 Mar -!BABY PANTS • '"~' "I ell' "1111f pha'i.l r· rmd ,., t r1r lar~o:f•. ~mHII mNIIum • . -'fol I t t t I I t I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • 41 I I I I I I It t t t t It t I I I I I It I I I t I tt I I I I It I 1 '• Umque Shop • 1209 O>a-.1 Blvd . H Arh..1r 07~1-.' • Corona rlr I Mar :sKIRTS : R<'t•ular i 95 to 12.95 \ alue• • Snit• t•nds Ratutdfl~ nigh t Mot th·t-nd ~JX'Cial only.: -. i t I I I I • I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I t I I I I I I I I rt I I I _., a•·••••••••••••••••••••r••••••••••••••••••· !! : fltzpatrick's -Cos!_a Mesa ! 1816 Nrwport Bh·d .. BEacon 503'l - • Co ta Mt'Sft -!" . . ..._. l=mo~x ~~ • ~ LlO value -Spun Nylon hrlnk and WMr • ft!lllllut. ~eel brtcftt oolorl. CompA.te lit~ ran~.! 0 • I I I I I I IIIII ... I Ill ............ _ 1111•11-t •' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I t t t 1 • SEE TH1S PAGE -for- Tlte BEST BUYS IN TOWN . •t I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • I • ........................................... '- : Moody lnten ors • 21 5 Coast Rlvd .. lJAr~r 25M • Corona d I Mar - : RUG CLEANING 1/3 OFF~ :Any ru~t a n~ sizl.' your rug thor-oughly clean('(! • • a.nd On('·thil'd off if appoinlmt>nl for cleAning ~: :mad<' TilUrs .• Fri.. or sa t. of this woek. This is your· • chanCe' to sn\'t>. • ~ . i. I I I _I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I !1 I IIII I I I II I I I ... •••• 111111 11111111111111111111"1111111111• . • Hidy 's Pet Supplies & Sporting Goods : 1217 Coast BJvct. HArbor 1293-J " Corona del Mar • f THIS COUPON WORTH • " t i on any ~ ot 1.00 or more-Pet Food or aup-., ~ pliei.-Sportiq Goocll. etc. Thun .. Frl., Set. on))'. • I. I a• ........................... ,.,., .... a ............... ~ ,II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I It It I 1111111 t 1111 ~ --0 . W. Broomhead. Se w ing Machines 912 Coast Blvd., HArbor 2574-M • Corona del .Mar -SCISSORS SHARPENEJ) FREE -. -- • \VII h l\lo( 1-,roo;r• of :on~ of our fmc ) nrda~<'. We • lrii\ •· an < t·c lknt !tnt or yardn~t· to <'fli)O.~<' from- P t·ic•c•s ... 1:11'1 ut 39<' a ~;ud. •· I I I I I I I I t I I t I I I I I I I I t I I I t I t t t 1 t 1 t 1 1 11 tll• •' I I I I I I I I I I I I I __.., I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ • Norman's Nursery • 1313 Coast 8 1\'d., HA1 bor 590 Corona del 1\far • 20 GLADIOLA BULBS • HC'~· A d<'al ! Specral mix-two each or 10 va- : ri<'tles. 20 bulbs for 1.00 Now's the time to plant. • f I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,_.I !I tt I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 (I~ ~1 I "I f I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 • -. -Crown Hardware Appliances • 821 Coast BJvd., HArbor 232 "! Corona dt>J Mar -. • • BAMBOO RAKES z :_: Reg. 1.59, 18-lneh-.supported with steel bend wfn.- • Spectal Frklay and S.ttll'Uy anly. '·--···~ .. ·---···1-.......... -.... •